1985 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgin County Council DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COUNTY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 9 Gladstone Avenue. St Thomas N5R 2L3 December 1984 November 1985 G.C. LEVERTON Clerk R.J. LAVEREAU Warden 2 R.W" Gillen" . Name Office George C. Leverton. ....".. County Clerk-Treasurer. RoseM. Daniel... -..... "'. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. .... _... Wendyl. Dodd... '-" .....".. Land DivisioriSec.-Treas. ...... RobertG; Moore......."....... ColintyEngineer. ... .... ...... Fred Groch. . " . . . . . . Assistant Engineer. . . . . . . _ . . . _ . Robert E. Bell... -". ....."..... Director, SOciaIServices......". Fred J. Boyes. . . . . . . . " . . .. Director, Homes for Senior Citizens Marilyn O. Barrett. -. . , . " . . . . . Assistant Administrator Terrace Lodge 644.0140 or 773"9205 Elgin Manor 631-0620 or 644-1760 Dr. C.A. Graham. .. . . " . . . . . " Elgin Manor, Medical Director. . . . 633-0030 Dr. D.LWri9ht................. Terrace Lodge, Medical Director. 773-3135 Elgin A. Wells. ..... .. ..... County W~rarian.. _. ........ 633-0616 RuthM. Prowse. . . . .. .... ... Deputy Ubrarian .. ............ 633-0815 Charles C. Stafford. . . . . . " . Tree CommisSioner & Weed Inspector........ .. . Curator,Elgin County Pioneer Museum........." Dr. M.R. Warren, M.O.H".. ". Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit." Deloitte, Haskins & Sells. .......,. CountY Auditor... ".......... Hennessey, Bowsher & Wflliams. "County Solicitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gunn & ASSOciates. ..... , , COllnty Solicitor. . . " . " C.R.McDermid.... .. ...... CountyJudge."....... ...... M.G. Button. .. . .. .."........; County Court Clerk.. . . . . . . " . " R;L.. Lake" . . . . . , . "'.,, .. Sheriff.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " J.N. Buchanan..... .. , "Clerkofthe Peace & CrownAttomey...... . . . . PrOYinCialJudge (Criminal Division)". ~ " . . , . . provincial Judge (FamiIYDivision). . . . . . . . . . . . Wayne Eturke. .. - . ....... ". County Registrar.. _...." Bruce Doan.."....... ..... ". Probation Officer...... .. ....... JOseph L. Jones............. ". Small Claims Court Clerk " '" David Murray. . . . . . . . . . , , . . AgriCultural Representative. T. Cunniffe. . " . . . Director of Education Elgin County Board of Education . Director of Education Elgin County (Roman Catholic) Separate School Board; . . County of Elgin Officials Phone No. 631-1460 631-1460 631-1460 631-6880 631-6880 631-1670 Debra Herkimer. ......" 773-2482 631-6637 631-9900 631-6260 633-3310 631-0700 631-4810 633-1720 631-3630 G.A. Phillips....".." 631-1606 J"F" Bennett. . . . . " 633-1230 633-2169 631-3016 631-3430 63H241 631-4700 633-2700 631-8300 3 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1985 WARDEN R.J. LAVEREAU Township of Aldborough Reeve Dan Perovich (Olga) RR3. WeslLome, NOL2PO....... ......................... ......768.1864 Deputy Reeve Shirley P. Vojin {Alex) RR3, WeslLome. NOL2PO.............. ............. ........... 768.1387 TOWnship of Dunwich Reeve Donald A. McWilliam (Ella) RR1,Dutlon, NOL lJQ............. ............. ................ 762.2640 Deputy Reeve Albert K. Ford -(Catherine) RR3, Dutlon, NOL lJO............ ........... ......c. ........... 762.3227 Township of Southwold Reeve KennethE. Monteith (Luella), RR 1, 51, Thomas, N5P3S5....................................... 631.7073 DeputyHeeve Ernest H; "Bud" Marr(Melba) RR 3, Shedden, NDL 2100. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. " . . 764.2116 Township of Yarmouth Reeve Richard Haddow (Jane) Bus. 631.0114 80<2, Union,NOL2LO................................ ..........631.8773 Deputy Reeve William A. Martyn (Deanne) RR4, St. Thomas, N5P3S8........................................ 833-1825 Township of Malahide Reeve William R. Caverly (Laura) RR 5, Aylmer, N5H 2R4.. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .' 773.2998 Deputy Reeve Emil Neukamm (Frieda) RR 1, Aylmer, N5H 2Rl .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .... .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. 773.8895 Township of Bayham Reeve Max H. SleW<\fl (Mona) RR1, Eden, NOJ lHO...... .. .......... ....................866.5838 Deputy Reeve Joseph A. Volkaert{Elda) RR 1, Straffordville, NOJ1YO.. ...... ................ .. .. ...... 866.3548 Township of South Dorchester Reeve Clarence R. Willsey (Edna) RR 1, Belmonl, NOL lBO.... .............. ........... Deputy Reeve R. James Sheils (Carol) RR 7, Aylmer, N5H 2R6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 644-1637 .. .. .. ..' 773-3893 Town of Aylmer Reeve Robert G. Brooks (Marion) 300 Talbol 51. W., Aylmer, N5H 1 K2 DepiJty Reeve Donald H. Pearson (Jean) 25 Lawrence Cres" , Aylmer, N5H 185 8us. 773-3262 773-2396 Bus. 773-5115 773-9638 4 Village of Vienna Reeve Kenneth C. Emerson (Pauline) P.O. Box 120, Vienna, NOJ 1ZQ Village of Springfield Reeve Jack W. Hodgson (Beulah) P.O. Box 84. Springfield. NOL 2JO Village of Dutton Reeve Robert "Bob" F. Purcell (Dianne) 158 Shaokleton St. E.. Dutton. NOL 1JO Village of Port Stanley Rs.eve Ray J. Lavereau (Peggy) P.O. Box 444. Port Stanley. NOL 2AO Deputy Reeve Joan L. Wakeling (William) Box 149. Port Stanley. NOL 2AO Village of Rodney Reeve Robert F. Coles (Phyllis) Box 103. Rodney. NOL 2CO Village of West lorne Reeve T. Harley Lashbrook (Nancy) P.O. Box 234. West Lome. NOL 2PO Village of Port Burwell Reeve JackN. Smyth (Irene), P.O. Box 22. Port Burwell. NOJ HO Village of Belmont Reeve John R. "Ian" Fleck (Norma) 235 Union St.. Belmont. NOL 1 BO Bus. 874.4492 874-4460 773-3068 Bus. 1.800-265'5963 762-3341 Bus. 782-3383 782-3500 Bus. 644-0960 782-3034 785"2290 785.0310 768.1253 874.4476 Bus. 673.5504 644.1504 5 Standing Committees 1985 AGRICULTURAL Chairman W.R. Caverly, stewart, Perovich, McWilliam, Monteith, Haddow, Willsey, Hodgson. and Warden Lavereau COUNTY GOVERNMENT ChairmanM.H. Stewart, Ford, Haddow. Emerson, Coles, Fleck, Lashbrook and Warden Lavereau COUNTY ROADS Chairman O.A. McWilliam, Stewart, Perovich, Willsey, Monteith and Warden. Lavereau Advisory-Brooks, Caverly, Haddow HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Chairman J.R. Fleck, Ford, Pearson, Sheils and Warden Lavereau Advisory-Nolkaert, Smyth PERSONNEL Chairman EH. Marc Vajin, McWilliam,' Pearsonand Warden Lavereau PROPERTY Chairman J.W. Hodgson, Emerson, Coles, Smyth andWardert Laverea"u RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Chairman D"H. Pearson, Purcell; Sheils, Volkaert, Neukamm, Martyn, Marr, Ford, Vojin and Warden Lavereau SOCIAL SERVICES Chairman D. Perovich, Wakeling, Smyth, Emerson and Warden Lavereau 6 ELGIN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES TO VARIOUS BOARDS & ASSOCIA nONS FOR THE YEAR 1985 ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT Purcell and Martyn ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Monteith and Fleck TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Volkaert FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Coles ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD Lashbrook, Wakeling, Sheils and Warden lavereau FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS & ELGIN (Children's Aid.Society) Wakelirig, Brooks and Purcell ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Caverly and Vpjin LIAISON (Elgin County Board of Education) lashbrook, Willsey, Marr and Warden Lavereau TALBOTTRAIL Hodgson and Neukamm THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Neukamm SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Brooks COUNTY-CITY LIAISON Marr, Martyn and Warden Lavereau LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Appointees: John V. McKinlay. Murray C. Benner, Noble G. Tufford, Lome R. Carroll and Alistair B.. Uttlejohn SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Albert W. Auckland 7 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Township of Aldborough Clerk~Treasurer-J~ Stephen McDonald, Rodney, NOL 2eD. . .' . . . .. . 785-0560 Township of Dunwich Clerk~Treasurer-K. Loveland, Dutton, NOL 1JO..................... 762-2204 Township of Southwold Clerk.Treasurer-R.A. Pow, Fingal, NOL1KO........................ 769-2010 Township of Yarmouth Clerk-Treasurer~Ken G; Sloan, 1229 talbot St, St. Thomas N5P 1 GB. 631-4860 Township of Malahide Clerk-Treasurer-RR. Millard, 87 John St. 5., Aylmer, N5H 2C3 . . . . .. 773-5344 Township of Bayham Clerk-Treasurer-J.A. Petrie, Straffordvme"NO~ 1YO.."..... _........866-5521 Township of South Dorchester Clerk~Treasurer....;.Marie Wilson, RR2. Springfield. NOL 2JO........... 773-2186 Town of Aylmer Clerk~C.L. Knapp, 4E>TalbotSl. W., Aylmer, N5H 1J7............... 773-3164 Treasurer-Joyce R. Ostrander Village of Belmont Clerk-Treasurer-Kae Barons, Belmont. NOL 180, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 644.1071 Village of Dutton Clerk-Treasurer~Helen Schram. Dutton, NOL 1JO... ... _......;.... 762~2736 Village of Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer-Kathie E. Macleod, Box 299, Port Burwen, NOJ lTO. 87 4~4343 Village of Port Stanle:v Clerk-treasurer-David J. LaCroix,- P.O. Box 70, portStanley, NOL ZAG 782.3383 Village of Rodney Clerk~Treasurer-Brenda Price, Rodney, NOL 2eo .............785-0456 Village of Springfield Clerk-Treasurer----:.Catherine Bearss, Box 29, Springfield, NOL 2JO. . . .. 773-8555 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer-Maryanne Wellesley, P.O. Box13,Vienna,NOJ 1Z0... .......... ....874-4258 Village of West lome Clerk-Treasurer-C.L Rushmere, Box 309, West Lorne. NOL2PO" .." 768-1234 9 9 December Session - First Day Wednesday, the 12th day of December, 1984 The Elgin County Council met this day in the Courtroom of the County Courthouse, Wellington Street, st. Thomas, at 2:00 P.M. as required by By~Law. ROLL CALL - The following Members, Jhaving previously filed Certificates, took their Seats at the Council~able: Dan Perovich Shirley P. Vojin Deputy Donald A. McWilliam Albert K. Ford Deputy Kenneth E. Monteith Ernest H. Marx Deputy Richard Haddow William A. Martyn Deputy William R. Caverly Emil Neukamm Deputy Max H.. Stewart Joseph A. Volkaert Deputy Clarence R. Willsey R. James Shells Deputy Robert G. Brooks Donald H.. Pearson Deputy .JackW. Hodgson Robert F. Purcell RayJ. Lavereau Joan L. Wakeling Deputy Robert F. Coles T. Harley Lashbrook Jack N. Smyth John R. Fleck Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Aldborough Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Malahide Malahide Bayham Bayham South Dorchester South Dorchester Aylmer Aylmer Spr ingf ieId Dutton Port Stanley Port Stanley Rodney West Lorne Port Burwell Belmont ABSENT - KennethC. Emerson Reeve Vienna Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Therefore Be It Resolved That the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin hereby agrees that the election of Warden for the year 1985 shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures numbered,three to eight as set out',in By-Law No. 81~38, Being a By-Law to Provide for the Guidance Upon the Procedure for the Election of Warden,except that in the event only one person runs for the, Office, the election procedures may be dispensed with in favour of a resolution appointing thepersori as Warden. - Carried. The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a can- didate for the Office of wax den would now be given an opportunity to speak. Reeve Lavereau and Deputy Reeve Vojinboth addressed Council indicating they were running for the Office: and requested support. Both Reeve Willsey and Deputy Reeve Wakeling addressed Council and indicated that they were previously going to run but will not allow their names to stand for the Office of Warden. The election of Warden was proceeded with and Reeve Lavereau received tw~nty votes, and Deputy Reeve Voj in , fifteen. Reeve Lavereau was declared Warden. The Warden Elect took the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance. After having been gowned by the Clerk, past WardenE. H. Marr put the Chain of Office around Reeve Lavereau's neck, and presented him with the Lord Elgin Watch and Gavel of Office. Warden Lavereau addressed Council, and ex- tended his appreciation for being elected Warden for 1985. 10 - 2 - Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the minutes of the November 1984 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed Reeve Fleck, Reeve Monteith, Deputy Reeve Pearson and Reeve .McWilliam as Members of the Committee to Strike the Standing Committees, for the year 1985. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Smyth That we do now adjourn [2:21 P.M.) to meet again on December 13th, 19a4 at 10;00 A.M. - Cai:ried. December Session - Second Day Thursday, the 13th day of December, 1984 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. of the Act. Ministry of Natural Resources with a copy of the minutes meeting held to discuss Tree Cutting By-Laws and The Trees COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Township of Aldboroughwith notice of meeting to be held on November 26th, 1984 at 3:00 P.M. to consider the application of Kenneth Mistele for a minor variance. 2. Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, offering their services for applying for funding under the Canada~Ontario Tourism Subsidiary Agreement. 3. Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 2849, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 4. Village of Port Stanley with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 2140, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 5. Town of Aylmer with notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws 71-84 and 72-84, under. Section 34 of The Planning Act~ 6. Township of Aldborough with notices of the holding of public meetings to be held January 3rd, 1985 at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00 P.M. to consider proposed Official Plan Amendments. 7- for the jointly Minister of Municipal Affairs with a copy of guide1in8S i1unicipal Affirmative Act i.on Program to be administered by the t1inistry and the Ontario Women's Directorate. 8. Ministry of Municipal AffaLrs and Housing with a resource ki t con to. in ing background mater ia1 for. Local Governmen t Week. 1 1 _ 3 - County Council, December Session, 1984 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of the following'memos: ~ (a) Memo 84-11- subsidy-Land for Municipal Road purposes. (b) Memo 84-12- Fair Wage Policy Application to Municipal Contracts. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of publication entitled "Personnel Operations for Smaller Ontario Municipalities: An Introduction". PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Government Services w~th approval of "Offer to Renew Lease", dated February 24, 1983, for five years, commen~ cing January 1st, 1983. (Courthouse) 2. . Ministry of Government Services accepting the application to purchase the Nurses' Residence at a price of $47,000.00. 3. Deputy County Court Clerk with a copy of the apublic Inspection Panel Report" dated November 26th, 1984. FILED 1. Town of Aylmer and Village of Port Stanley concurring with resolution endorsed by Elgin County Council, forwarded from the Ontario Good Roads Association re: inadequacy of road subsidy funds. 2. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing forwarding a copy of nOff~cial Plans and the Use of Site Plan ControlD. 3. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. acknowledging receipt of the resolution forwarded to the Honourable James W. Snow, re: road subsidy. 4. a copy of available R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. expressing appreciation for receiving the letter forwarded to various ministries re: property for lease. 5. Family and Children's Services with Allocation of Children in Care and Financial Statement to October 31st, 1984. 6. Ontario Hydro with copy of "Project Newsletter", dated November 1984 rei hydro transmission studies continue. 7. Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority advising that they have two vacancies in their senior citizen building in Rodney and soliciting help in filling same. 8. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Provincial Secretary for Social Development with a letter introducing,their expanded Ontario Youth Employment Counselling program. 9. Jim Baranowski with appreciation for scholarship award (Ridgetown College). 10. Association of Municipalities of Ontario, with a copy of a letter to the Minister of.Municipal Affairs and Housing, with comments on Bill Ill, Amendments to Certain Acts in relation to the Line Fences. 11. David Hooker with appreciation for scholarship award (Ridgetown college). 12. Reeve Roger W. Harrington, Town of Forest, with appre~ ciation for courtesies extended during the official opening of the Shedden Library. 12 - 4 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously, be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee - #1 County Government Committee - #1-8 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1 Personnel Committee - #1 Property Committee - #1-3 inclusive Filed - #1-12 inclusive County Council - #1-4 inclusive. - Carried. The Report of the Special Committee To Strike The Stand~ iug Committees for the. year 1985 was presented by Reeve Monteith and adopted on motion of Reeve Monteith and Reeve Fleck. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars from the Bank of Montreal, as may be required during 1985 and that a by-law be prepared. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Children' s Aid Society on the basis of the 1984 approved budget requiring a Countycontribution,:of $104,553.00, until the 1985 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of, Community and Social Services. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the ElginwSt. Thomas Health Unit on the basis of the 1984 budget requiring a County contribution of $188,206.00, until the 1985 budget is established and approved by' the Ministry of Health. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That Mr. Colin Morrison be appointed to the County Library Board for 1985, 1986 and 1987. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for the year 1985: Mrs. Ray Van Patter Mrs. Dave Durkin Mrs. Bruce G. McMillan Mr. Donald Carroll and the Elgin County representatives~ - Carried. 13 _ 5 - County Council, December 5e86ioo,1984 ~ Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Willsey That County Council appointees to the _Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board be paid the following rates, for attending meetings of the said Board .and Committee thereof, effective 3anuary 1st, 1985; (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same day - $65~OO. (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening ~ $40.00. (c) In addition to- the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings - 449 per mile or 279 per kilometre. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. St~ Thomas/Elgin Information Services with request for funding assistance. --' 2. Fanshawe College with request for' a nomination for appointments Jan~ary 1st, 1985, to the Business Program Cluster Advisory Committee for a period of three years. 3. ,Talbot Trail with request for $570 for 1985 and advising that a maximum of three appointments can be made to the Committee. 4. K.J.W. Reeves, Co-ordinator, Emergency Planning for Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, offering the services of his, staff to assist the county and area municipalities in the formulation of emergency plans, and requesting-to come to the Jan- uary 1985Session~ 5. Elgin County 1985 I.P.M. Finance Committee with request for $10,OOO~OO for the period until the 1985 final budget is set in March. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr seconded by Reeve Purcell That Council correspondence #1 be tabled to the 1985 Budget Session. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Brooks That Council Correspondence #2 be referred to the County Government Committee. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That Council Correspondence #3 be referred to the 1985 Budget Session. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils ~ That Mr. K. J. W. Reeves be invited to attend the January 1985 Session to address Council re: Emergency Planning. - Carried. ~ - 6 - Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the I.P.M. '85 be granted an interest-free loan of up to $10,000 commencing in January 1985, until the 1985 budget is presented and approved by Council. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That By-Law No. 84~36 DTo Appoint a County Roads CommitteeD be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 84-36 be read asecohd time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 84-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr led. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we do now adjourn (lO:29 A.M.) to meet again ort December 13th, 1984 at 2:00 P;M. - Carried. Council re-corivened at 2:52 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except Reeve Monteith and Reeve Emerson. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (MAILED) The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented. by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Coles. FTRS~ REPORT- HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (MAILED) The First Report of the Homes For Senior Citizens Committee was presented_ by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD The First Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Sheils and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sheils and Reeve Haddow. FIRST RF.PORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Sheils. SECOND RF.PORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee- was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Purcell. 15 _ 7 _ County Council, December Session, 1984 FTR~T REPORT - PER~nNNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Reeve Stewart. '-'" FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY. COMMITTEE The First Report of the Broperty Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Perovich. SECOND REPORT _ PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was preserite~ by Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Smyth The Second Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An Amendment was Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling ~ That the word ~buildingn in the last line be changed to "centre". The amendment was defeated. The o~iginal Report was then voted upon and carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Voj in Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By;"Law No. 84-37 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the sum of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Mcwilliam That By-Law No. 84-37 be read a second time. --./ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 84-37 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 84-38 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1984" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 84-38 be read a second time. - Carried. 16 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 84-38 be read a third time and finally passed. .,. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Perovich That we do now adjourn {3:21 P.M.} to meet again on January 16th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C.Leverton; Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. 17 WARDEN'S ADDRESS Past Warden Bud Marr, Members of County Council, Special Guests and Friends - I would first like to compliment Bud Marr of Southwald on the splendid job as our Warden for the past two years. I am very humble and proud to be elected to the Office of Warden for Elgin County. It isa150 nice to bring prestige to my Municipality, the Village of Port Stanley. In the last 65 years we have had one Warden; his name was Lloyd Grirr and he held Office 2S years ago. I thank the Members of County Council for their support and_I feel confident that with your help, along with the assis- tance of our fine Administration Staff, I will be able to carry on the high standards set by past councils. County Council has several major issues to address during 1985. Top priority will be given to maintaining our level of service at a cost we can afford. We have now purchased the Nurses' Residence and the Property Committee is now in the process of putting in a heating system. The largest and most important of our special projects will be the "Internationa1.Plowing Match". In 1985 the County of Elgin will be honoured to .act as Host for this event. Plan- ning and preparation has already commenced. Much hard work has been done by our Committee, chaired by Ken Monteith. I also understand we have over 200 Volunteers througnout the County! But, there is still lots'to do and I know that when it is over we will all be proud to be from Elgin County. You can be assured of my maximum effort in represent- ing County Council in 1985. I would now like to invite you to the Labour Temple for some festivities. This evening, the Lavereau's in Port Stanley at 261 East Street, would also like your company. Thank you. REPOR'!' nF SPF.r::TAf. COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES December Session, 1984 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the Report of the special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1985: AGRICULTURAL Caverly, Stewart, Perovich, McWilliam, Monteith, Haddow, Willsey, Hodgson and Warden Lavereau. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Stewart, Ford, Haddow, Emerson, Coles, Fleck, Lashbrook and Warden Lavereau.. COUNTY ROADS McWilliam, Stewart, Perovich, Willsey, Monteith and Warden Lavereau Advisory - Brooks, Caverly, Haddow. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Fleck, Ford, Pearson, Sheils and Warden Lavereau Advisory - volkaert. Smyth. PERSONNEL Marr, Vojin, McWilliam, Pearson and Warden Lavereau. PROPERTY Hodgson, Emerson, Coles, Smyth and Warden Lavereau. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Pearson, Purcell, Sheils, Volkaert, Neukamm, Martyn, Marr, Ford, Vojin and Warden Lavere.au. SOCIAL SERVICES Perovich, Wakeling, Smyth, Emerson and Warden Lavereau. HEALTH UNIT Purcell and Martyn. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Monteith and Fleck Monteith to represent Warden. TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Volkaert. FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Coles. LIBRARY BOARD Lashbrook, Wakeling, Sheils and Warden Lavereau CHILDREN I SAID Wakcling, Brooks and Purcell. 19 - 2 - MUSEUM Caverly and Vojin. LIAISON (Elgin County Board of Education) Lashbrook, Willsey, Marr and Warden Lavereau , TALBOT TRAIL Hodgson and Neukamm. THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Neukanun. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Brooks. COUNTY/CITY LIAISON Marr, Martyn and Warden Lavereati. WE RECOMMEND that each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ r .-7'4~i K. E. Monteith, Chairman. // 1fj ~/ -?~- ~_ .._"-c_..- -L-...-J w COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 84-36 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE." As required by Section 45 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421_of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enac~s: 1. stitute done on That the following five Members of this Council a Committee for the purpose of directing the work the County Road System - con- to be D. A. McWilliam - for term of one year M. H. Stewart - for term of two years D. PerOvich - for term of three years c. R. Willsey - for term of four years K. E~ Monteith - for term of five years. 2. That By-Law No. 83-8 be, and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 13th day of December, 1984. READ a second time this 13th day of December, 1984. READ a third time and finally passed this 13th day of December, 1984. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. J. Lavereau, Warden. ~</7'>--.. 21 crmNTY GOVERNMEN'I' COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Etgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: L That correspondence #1-8 be filed. 2. That Mrs. Marguerite A. Young be invited to the January Session 1985 and be presented with a set of County bookends, suitably engraved, for her thirty years on the Elgin County Pioneer MuseUm Board. 3. That the Chairman of the Land Division Committee be paid the usual per diem and mileage allowance for attendance at the Council Session when presenting his annua~ report. 4. That the following be re-appointed to the.Committee to deal with proposed wording for a franchise agreement with Union Gas: Deputy Reeve Neukamm Reeve Hodgson Mr. R, G. Moore, County Engineer. 5. That the following Correspondence, tabled at the November 15th, 1984 meeting, be filed: 4. City of Toronto with a resolution opposing the CNCP- and BC Rail application to the CRTC re: QDereg- ulation - Telecommunication Industryh. 5. Ontario Legislative Committee, Canadian Railway Labour Association re: public safety issue re: CN & CP Rail application to test. and operate cabooseless trains. 6-. That we recorilmend t'hat the land division function remain at the county level and all the correspondence. received from the local municipalities be filed. ALL of which is respectfully s~bmitted. ,-?J~V;~ Z- M H". - T; Ch' ... Stewart a~rman, . ~~ V . ~2 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Ault Dairies for supplying milk requirements for 1985 has been accepted. at the prices quoted, unless there is an increase to the producer from the Ontario Milk Marketing Board or some other Government Agency. 2. That the tender of General Bakeries for supplying bread at a price of 51.39 per 24 oz. loaf has been accepted for the year 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~^.~ 6 -R. Fleck, Chairman. ~~j,. c' 4f-? -(-,' -----_/ /'/</7 d___ VI/ - - J 23 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT December Session 1984 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as falrows: 1. That since the Elgin County Library Board's decision of November 13th was included in the report to County Council on November 21st and tabled; and since the Library Board is dissolved as of the meeting of December 11th, 1984 and financing is insecure for the year 1985, the Board of the Elgin County Library System has tabled the Aylmer window report for disposition by the new library board. 2. That the Board of the Elgin County Library System recognizes the fact that West Lorne, being the geographic centre of the west end is a logical location Ear the central reference library of the west end and that this library should be of a size comparable to Aylmer and Port Stanley, i.e. 5,000 square feet. 3. That a ietter frbm the St. Thomas Public Library Board has been received stating that it will cost $108.24 to implement the November 21st ruling of the Personnel committee in regard to keeping the building open on December 24th and 31st. 4. That the tender from Hurok Manufa'~":'lring to the amount of $11,850.50 be accepted for provi6..i..,g furniture and furnishings for the Belmont Library. 5. That the tender cost of carpeting and p~inting the part of the Belmont Library to be used by the Elgin County Public Library Board to the amount of $5,478.00 has been accepted. 6. That the tender from Phillips Dry Goods for drapes in Dutton, Port Stanley, and Shedden to the amount of $2,197.11 has been accepted. 7. That the Elgin County Library Board recommends to the Personnel Committee that the historic 50c per hour differential between Library part time staff and the full time staff Level 2 be reestablished in 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ /' ~,~_~~'4 R. 'J. Sheils. Chairman. ~, ,. . I -"! .r i' .',t. "' '4 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council~ The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1 be tabied and copies forwarded to Council. 2. That the firm of Gunn& Associates continue to represent the County re: Hydro studies arid any information received be for-. warded to them and, further, that in the event we wish their firm to attend meetings, they will be so advised. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W. R. Caverly. Chairman. -~ /<::d?1 ~- ,~) -<.~-'.--<...---<:~ 25 COUNTY GOVERNMEN~ COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 SECOND. REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County~ouncil. The County Government Committee repo~ts as follows: 1. That the account from Guno & Associates in the amount of $874.30 re: legal work in connection with parking prosecutions be approved for payment. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -;::7MI/ J;j~ ,/,-0 r ." M. H. stewart. Chairman. F /7 &-1 ^~~~______--J 16 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1 be filed. 2. That the non~union personnel who qualify for annual increments be paid with the first payroll in January 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (-- -)/ ;n (<...~ q .tn:--t_~l._ E. H. Marr, Chairman. /) f ~\C<.,i- 27 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 FIRST REPORT To the W~rden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1, 2 and 3. be filed. 2. That the Ministry of Government Services be invoiced for interest on the late payment of $76,223.84 for the Court House lease, received in November 1984, and a copy forwarded to Mr. R. K.McNeil, M.P.P. 3. That the tender of Patrick L. Roberts Ltd., in the amount of $63,685.00 has been accepted for the installation of the heating system in the Nurses' Residence. 4. That the Clerk~Treasurer be authorized to purchase two fire extinguishers to be placed in the Nurses' Residence for use by the security personnel while the building is 1inoccupi'ed. S. That Mr. Donald t. Houghton, O.L.S., has been engaged to carry out the necessary work in connection with the prepara~ tion of .a reference plan, required by the Ministry of Government Services, for the purpose of illustrating the boundaries of the transfer of the Nurses' Residence property to the County_ 6. That the St. Thdmas psychiatric Hospital be given the telephone numbers of the Clerk-Treasurer and Roads Department (County Garage) to call in case of an emergency at the Nurses' Residence. 7. the Court applied. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to have House parking lot graded and a load of crushed stone ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (/ /~~/~ J. ,.<,,(odgson. i crevrria:- /) ;.!.;:;. " /";..../ 8 pROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1984 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That the name of the former Nurses' Residence be the Elgin County Administration Building. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~''C J. w.. ,. <" Cha ;~' odgson, ..",..man. u~ l~J ,/ ;/C!, 'f <> /; //) /~ V"- ,- -'t.-.-'-~._~ 29 MTheFntC:ar'\S(iinB!nk _ BankofMontreal Municipal By~[awfor Current Expenditures Municipalityof ELGIN BY-LAW No. 84-37 WHEREAS the Council 01 the Carpol"8tiofldBllms it nllcessaryto borrow the sum of ___ THRF.F. MTT.T TON F'TVR _ HHrommn 'I'HOnSAND ----- XX 1100 dollars tomeel, until the taxes are eo.llected. the curr8nt expendituTas of the Corporationfortheyaar; liq Af\IDWHEREAS the total of amounts previously borrowed under Section ~of the Municipal Act that have notbetln repaidfs NIL dollars. AND WHEREAS the amount. of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set out in the estimates adoptedforthecurrenfveerandnotyatcolled:ed(or.ifthesamehsvanolyiltbeenadopted,theamountofthe estimated ravenues of the Corponrtion as setforth in the estimates edopte::! in the next preceding yllar) - - TEN MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX is THOUSA.ND ONF. HnNORF.n ANn FOTl'R'I'F.F.N ----- ....:_-- XX/lOO oollars; AND WHEREAS the emountto beborrowed underthisbylawandtheernounts oflxlrrowingsthllthave not been rllpaid does not intheaggregllte eXcaed70% of the uncoUectedbalance aftheestimiltad revenu esof the CorPoration asset out abova. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the said CounCIl as follows; l11 The Head and.the Treasure~~t~Jt~rJ;I<I~~~yauthOrired on behillf of the COllloration to borrow from time 10 time, by way of promissory note, from Bank of Montreal, II sum or sums not eJleeeding in Ihe aggregate --'THREE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND --XXIlOO dollars to meet, until thll taxes are collecled,thecurrent expandituresof the CorporatioqJgr the-year, in c1udingthe amountsreqUirectforthepurposesinentionadinsubsection11l0fthesaidSectionA{andtogiva,onbehalfof the CorpOration, to the Bank a promissory note or notes, sealed with the corporate seal and slgnedby them for the moneys so borrowed with intereSt al a rate 1'101 exceeding PRIME par centum par annum; which may be paid in advance or otherwise. IT'1 (2)AIl sums borroWed from the.said Bank, for any or all of the purpilsesmentioned in the said Section ~shatl,withinlerestthereon.,beachargeuponthewholeoftherevenuesoftheCofllOration for tha current yearandforallprecedingyears,asandwhensuchtevenuesarereceived. 13) The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed pursuanl totheauthorityofthis By-lav&, ~s",,'f;n asal1 olhersums borrowed in nw year and any previous years. fromthe said BankfOranyorallofthepurposesmenlionedinthesaidSaction~etherwithinterest thereon, all oftha moneys he:eatter collected or rereived on account or reafized in respecl of the taxllS levied for the currant year and preceding years and all of the moneys collected or raceived from any othar sou rce, which inay lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 13TH _dayof ~ER 19~ ~ ~-'< ~ / lfeadoflheCorpora~onl .-/~y!..."..,......, ~.. 30 COUNTY OF ELGIN SY-LAW NO. 84-38 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE DECEMBER SESSION. 1984." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceed~ngs of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the MuniCipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the December 1984 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin- are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the, Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 13th day of December, 1984. READ a second time this 13th day of December, 1984. READ a third time and finally passed this 13th day of December, 1984. ~__.........-,-<__,_<._c~'7"-r->--- d. /~ ~ ./'l ./ ./ ,+ ( /R. J. Lavereau, Warden. --/ -~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 0-/ 31 January Session - First Day Wednesday, the 16th day of January, 1985 ......J The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. I ROLL CALL - All MemberS present except: Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That the minutes of the December 1984 Session of the Elgin County council be adopted. - Carried. AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture requesting to pro- vide input into any County Committee which affects their members. COUNTY GOVF.RNMENT COMMITTEE '-.-/ 1. Township of South Dorchester with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 506, 507 and 508, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 2. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with informa- tion on the Building Action Program. 3. Township of Aldborough with notice of the passing of zoning By-Laws No. 84-39 and 84-41, under S~ction 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 4. Town of Aylmer with notice of a public meeting re: a pro- posed zoning by-law, to be held January 14th, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. 5. Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. 3023. under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 6. MinistrYbf Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of a publication entitled uMunicipal Tendering: Common Practices~. 7. Township of Southwald with notice of the passing of Zoning 8y.;.r,aw No. 84-29, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 8. Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing and Treasurer of Ontario with guidelines and application forms for Youth Works. 9. Municipal Dynamics offering their services in developing a program for the office of ~Affirmative AffairsCo-Ordinator-. 10. Judge D. R. McDermid, County Judge, advising that the Court Room would be available for the election of Warden on December 11th, 1985. 11. Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 2845, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 12. TownShip of North Dorchester with notice of he~ring set for December 20th, 1984 re: a consent to sever a lot 100' x 200', in Lot 2, Concession 6, S.R.T. 13. Township of Adjala with a resolution to amend the Dog Licensing and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act with respect to allowing the owner of property to shoot, without harassment or sub- ject to prosecution, dogs, not under proper control, found there. 2 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Township of Aldborough with notice that they intend to pass a by-law to close and stop up an unopened road allowance in Part of Lots 12 and 13, Plan 32. 2. Ministry of Transportation and_Communications requesting that a -hold- be considered on new installations of pedestrian crossovers, pending completion of a study. 3. Cockburn, Foster. Cudmore & Kitely with notice that the Township of Dunwich intends to pass a by-law to stop up part of a road known as By-Law Road 364 and the Concession Road between Concessions 9 and 10. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario with 1985 Guidelines for Municipal Bargaining and Establishment of Compensa- tion Packages. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Johnson Controls Ltd. with new service agreement for the Court House heating system. 2. Ministry of Energy with information on the continuance of the Municipal Energy Management Programs. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. The Canadian Red Cross Society, St. Thomas Branch, with new rates for Homemaker Services for 1985. 2. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with request for 1985 membership. 3. Tillsonburg and District Multi-Service Centre with request to provide homemaking services to a resident of Port Burwell. 4. Aylmer Pre-School Day Care Centre, Ostrander Nursery School and St. Thomas Day Nursery with request for new daily rates for 1985. 5. Fairview Day Nursery with request for new daily rates. ~ 1. Minister of Transportation and Communications acknowledging receipt of Elgin'S endorsation of the Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion's resolution re: inadequate funding. 2. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, community Planning Programs Division, Community Renewal Branch, advising that the responsibility for Property Standards or Maintenance and Occupancy Standard By-Laws, pursuant to Section 31 of The Planning Act, 1983, has been returned to their branch. 3. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with brief report on the Curator and attendance at meetings by Volunteers. 4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Field Services Branch, with Municipal Update on various topiqs. 5. County of Kent advising that their Warden's Banquet honour- ing Lawrence Ashton will be held November 9th, 1985 at the Wheels Inn, Chatham. 6. County of Middlesex advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held in Dorchester, November 23rd, 1985. 7. County of Lambton advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held in Arkona, November 15th, 1985. 33 _ 3 - County Council. January Session, 1985 FILED - continued 8. The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for The Mentally Retarded with appreciation for the 1984 grant. ~ 9. Minister of the Environment with facts about Ontario's revised assistance program to municipal water and sewage programs and a new rural water program. 10. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and Financial Statement for the month of November, 1984. 11. county of Huron advising that their Warden's Banquet will be held in Goderich on November 1st, 1985. 12. ~ownshipof Bayham with copy of a resolution supporting the position of the Ontario Good Roads Association re: inadequate funding for roads. 13. sition Co. and Railway Transport Committee with -DECISION- re: the acqui- of Conrail'S Canadian assets by Canadian. National Railway Canadian Pacific Limited in partnership. 14. Bank of Montreal with notice of a decrease in the Prime Interest Rate from 113/4% to 111/4%, e:f;fective December 21st, 1984. '-'" 15. Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of their most ~ecent pUblication entitled MThe Munic,ipal Tax Sales Act, 19846. 16. Minister of Natural Resources with a copy of procedures to apply to change the level of flood protec~ion within a watershed. 17. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with acknowledgement of receip~ of a copy of the letter and account for interest on the Court House lease. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Monteith That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously and those presented today, be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee - #1 County Government comrnittee - #1-13 inclusive County Roads Committee- #1-3 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1 property Committee - #1-2 inclusive Social Services Committee - #1-5 inclusive Filed - #1-17 inclusive County Council - #1-10 inclusive. --' - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS warden Lavereau and Reeve McWilliam, Chairman of the Roads Committee, presented a Certificate for 18 Years of Service, Watch and Cheque to Lewis D. Small, an his retirement January 31st, 1985. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Warden Lavereau, Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Vojin presented- sets of bookends_ to Mrs. Marguerite Young, who had been a Volunteer on the Museum Board for over 30 years, and to Mrs. Carmen Jefferies, for having completed 25 years.. Both Mrs.. Young and Mrs. Jefferies retired from the Board as of December 31st, 1984. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve H~ddow. 34 - 4 - FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Brooks adopted. That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be ~ - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Roads Committee was _presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on. motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Perovich. Mr. K.J .W. Reeves. Co-Ordinator., Emergency. Planning for Ontario, Ministry of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning. was present and it was moved by Reeve Fleck that he be new heard. Mr. Reeves outlined the history of the Emergency Planning Act, 1983 and stressed that the County does not takeover in an emergency, but provides support and co-ordination of resources. After his presentation questions were received from Members of C uncil. Warden Lavereau referred the question of emergency pIa ning to the County Government Committee for review and recommendat 00. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck-and Deputy Reeve Sheils. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve HOdgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carr ied. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board be. paid the following rates, for attending meetings of the said Board and Committee thereof, effective January 1st, 1985: (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening of the same-day - $68.00 (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening - $42.00 {c} In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the following rate for each mile necessarily travelled in attending such meetings - 44~ oer mile or 27~ per kilometre. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the Warden and C10rk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Co~nunications a petition for subsidy for the County of Elgin showing ~h0 Road Expenditure on the County of Elgin Road System for the peT;"iod .Janu<tT;"Y 1. 1984 to December 31. 1984. - Car-ricd. 35 - 5 - County Council. January Session, 1985 The Clerk requested guidance from Council as to which organizations they wish to have in for personal representation on their request for a grant. Council decided to have the fOllowing in: University of.We$tern.Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Agricultural Representative The Canadian-Hearing society,LondoD_and District Regional Office St.- Thomas/Elgin _Information Services International plowing-Match 185 Committee. '--' Moved by Reeve'Fleck Seconded by Reeve Haddow That February 21, 1985 at 1:00 P.M~ be set to hear grant applications only. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMuNICATIONS 1. Village of Springfield with resolution requesting that the land severance function be ,retained at the,County level~ 2. Copy of petition Irom operators andusersofprivately~ owned seasonal campgrounds in Ontario protesting further taxation on the campgrounds~ '~ 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for 1985 Membership. 4. City of St. Thomas advising of the fOllowing appointments to the City/County Liaison Committee for 1985'; Mayor D. J. Tarry Alderman a~ Topping Alderman G. Campbell. City of St. Thomas nomiriat~ng Mrs. Audrey Seymour as representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museurn Board for 5. the'lr 1985. 6. grant. Talbot Trail Committee with budget and request for 1985 7. London and District Regional Office, The Canadian Hearing Society, with a request for a grant to their -Building Fund-. '--' 8. Thames Valley District Health Council questioning the appointment of Deputy Reeve Neukamm to the Council as he has, sat previously. 9. Quad County Association for Mentally Retarded with request for a 1985 grant. . 10. Association of_Municipalities of Ontario with information on -Energy, from Waste Presentations- to be held February 5th. 1985 at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Moved by Deputy Reeve pearson Seconded by Reeve Smyth That memberShip be taken out in the Association of Munici~ palities of Ontario at a cost of $1,460.80. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Reeve Brooks ~ That Mrs. Audrey Seymour be the City of St. Thomas repre- sentative on the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1985. - Carried. 6 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the following correspondence be tabled to the grant session: #6 #7 #9 Talbot Trail committee London & District Regional Office, The Canadian Hearing Society Quad County Assoclationfor the Mentally Retarded. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 4, 8 and 10 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn (11:26 A.M.) to meet again on January 16th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 4;50 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson Reeve Lashbrook. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMJTTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Had80w. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the Second Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That Paragraph 2 of the Second Report of the Property Committee be amended by adding ~Engineering Office- to the year ~1985Q and deleting it from nl986Q. - Carried. The original Report, as amended, was then voted upon and it Carried. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Martyn. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Brooks. 37 - 7 ~ County Council, January Session, 1985 Reeve Fleck left at 4:59 P.M~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin '-" That By-Law No. 85-1 -A By-Law. to Authorize the EXpropri- ation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve. Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 85-1 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Ca.rried. '-' Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Deputy Reeve wakaling That By-Law No. 85~2 -Being a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved. by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by. Reeve Brooks That By~Law No.. 85-2 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Se~onded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 85~2 be read a third time and finally passed. - carried. .~ Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 85-3 -Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee- be read-a first time. - carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-3 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-3 be read a third time and finally passed. '--' - Carried. 38 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 85-4 QBeing a By-Law to Appoint a Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens CommitteeQ be read a first time. - Carr ied ~ Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-4 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-4 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 85-5 NEeing a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committe~n be read a first time-. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve- Perovich That BywLaw No. 85-5 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveVojin Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No. 85-5 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Coles That By~Law No.. 85-6 ~Being a By~Lawto Amend By-Law No. 82-7, to Provide for Membership on the. Homes for Senior CitizenS Committee- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That BywLaw No. 85-6 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-6 be r~ad a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 39 ~ 9 - County Council, January Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Harr Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 85-7 RBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the county of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between Tillsonburg Home nelp Inc. and the County of Elgin for ~ Homemakers Services. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No~ 85-7 be read a second time. ...,. Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-7 be re~d a third time and finally passed. - Carried. '-" Moved by peputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy:Reeve Harr That By-Law No. 85-8 RA By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the- January Session, 1985- be read a first tim~. - Carried. Moved by Re_eve _ smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law NO-. 85-8 be read a seec;-,.=. tiine'. - Carded. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve McWilliam That By-Law No~ 85-8 be read a third time and finally passed~ ~ Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we do now adjourn (5 :08 po. M.) to meet again on February 20th, 1985 at -10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. ~ o COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEEREP0RT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Township of Adjala (Correspondence #13) be endorsed. 2. That Correspondence #1-12 inclusive be filed. 3. That all notices of proposed zoningby~law- changes and public hearingss received from the local. municipalities. be no longer referred to the County Government Committee, but, be listed under the ftFiled" Communications. l.t is understood that any that affect County roads or property will be forwarded to the appropriate Committee. 4. That a by-law be prepared and presented to Council setting out the various amounts held as petty cash funds by - Engineer's Office, Clerk's Office, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge. 5. That memberships for the Clerk-Treasurer and Deputy Clerk-Treasurer in the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers be paid for 1985, in the amount of $l3G.OO each. 6. That we recommend that where a Member of Council is requested by the Warden to represent him at a meeting (other than a social function), that he/she be paid per diem and mileage. In the event they represent him at a social function they be paid mileage only. 7. That we recommend that the usual convention allow- ances be paid for the Warden and Clerk to attend the Ontario Plowmen's Association Convention in Toronto. 8. That we allow the I.P.M. Committee to provide items for sale in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office~ 9. That the Clerk-Treasurer purchase sufficient watches to cover all employee preseritations to be made in 1985. 10. That Mr. Charles Stafford be empowered to prosecute all non-paid traffic tickets himself, rather than using the services of the County Solicitor. It is understood that Mr. Gtinn will assist Mr. Stafford in the proper procedure. 1l. tion to filed. That the request from Fanshawe College for a nomina- the Business Program Cluster Advisory Committee be 12. That we recommend that one of the advisory members on the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be made a voting member and the appropriate by-law be amended to provide for it. 13. That we recommend that the Terrace Lodge Auxiliary be allowed to use the County Crest on a plaque to list the former Presidents, at their expense, as it is beins retained at Terrace Lodge. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. />>/V a.qi~ M. H. Stewart, Chairma. n,,:.-----:. :;.' // ~- y.~>" L.~/_ " ,f:r ",,\ ".-- __ . ---.I 41 COUNTY OF ELGIN. ROAD COMMI'ITEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1985 , TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNC;IL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLCMS: 1. That we bave purcbased a Mack IM 6855 Diesel Tandem DJillpTruck from Carrier Mack Truck Centre Incorporated of London for $63,869.00 being one of six bids received. There is no Provincial Sales Tax on this item. We eXpect delivery in late Mayor early June. This truck is similar to our present Mack Dump Trucks. 2. We have purchased from Frink Canada of Cambridge Ontario a Frink Heavy IAlty Dump Box, Frink Snow PloW-Harness, Closed Wing Tower. Controls, etc., and a Frink 470 .SK Hooker One_Way Snow Plow. This equipment is similar tQ....o.ther equipment owned by. the County. The total cost is $37~639.00. We understand that if the material is purchased through Carrier Mack Truck Centre Incorporated with the tandem truck no Provincial Sales Tax is applicable. The purchase of this truck and snow plow will allow us: to add one unit to our snow plowing fleet and will also allo.w us to reduce the rental of dump trucks throughout the rest of the year. SOIIle of our Snow plow equipment is in excess of 20 years old. WE RECCJoIMEND: 1. That a BY_r.aw be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign . . plans for widening County road allowances as necessary in 1984 _ 1985. 2. That the 1984 _ 1985 Road Committee act as the Committee for the following purposes: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal. (b) Mosquito Control PrograIlllle for the prevention of Encephalitis. (c) Lake Erie Erosion. 3. That the membership fees. for the Ontario Good Roads Association and for the Roads and Transportation. Association of Canada be paid. Continued. . . 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE F1..R~T _ _REf_OR~ :""_ JANUARY SES_SION 19~_5 PAGE 2. 4. That Mr. Albert Auckland the County's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention with the usual convention allowance paid by the County. 5. That Mr. Albert Auckland the County's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be authorized to attend the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association of Ontario. 6. That a resolution be passed authorizing: the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications a petition for subsidy for the County of Elgin shqwing road ,- .,. expenditures madcan the County of Elgin Road System for the period of January 1. 1984 to December 31. 1984. 7. That the Township of Dunwich be advised that the: CQunty of Elgin has no objections to the closure of a portfon of road opened under By_Law #364 in Lot 1. Concession IX. . Dunwich Township. 8. That the County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Convention. (b) The. County Engineers' Municipal Engineers'Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Ontario GOod Roads Convention. (c) Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. (d) MUnicipal Engineers' Annual Workshop. (e) The Suburban Roads Commission Association Annual Meeting. 9. The Assistant County Engineer has been authori~ed to attend the following conventions arid/or meetings: (a) The Ontario GOod Roads Convention. (b) The Municipal Engineers' Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Convention. (c) Municipal Engineers' Annual M<,('ting. (d) The Suburban Roads Commission Association Annual Meeting. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITIED 0~. , Ji..!.A. ~ CHAIRMAN ~ -r- /, l L 1: " 43 COUNTY OF' ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND HEllBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD CCHMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Engineer has been authorized 1:0 attend the Ontario Plo~n' s Association Convention on FebruarylBth in Toronto. 2. That the Employment and Development Branch of Bnploymentand Imwigration Canada has advised us that the Canada Works llpplication made by the County RO(ld Department last Fall hasrtot been approved. WE REca1MEN D 1. That the Township of Aldborough be advised that the County of Elgin has no objection to the closure of a portion of Alma Street in the Hamlet of New Glasgow in Lot. 6, Concession XIII, Township of Aldborough. 2. That the Warden ami, Clerk be aut.horized. to sign a deed!:o JcihnPaul Shahan of the Township of Southwold for a portion of Lots 4 and 5. Concession II (as i.lttached in Schedule tA' ). In 1969 theCouniy of Etgin obtained from the Elgin County Board of Education land widening at the Oneida School at the intersection of COUIJty Roads #18 and #20. with dccd~ the description being incorrect. Mr. Shahan will grant tj,~ County of Elgin- a proper description for the property obtained to widen Cuuilty Roads #18 and #20. ALL OF WHfCll IS RESPEGffULLY SlJBMITTED <,E ~ CHAIRMAN ;J:...< / ~ SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Southwald, in the County of Elgin and being composed of Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Concession 2, as more particularly described as follows:- BEGINNINGat a point herein referred to as Point of Beginning, in said Lot Five (5), formed by the interesection of the North East~ limit of the Oneida Road (Public Road laid out by By-Law Number '" Forty-nine (49) through said Lot Five (5) with the North West limit of the road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions and Premising that the Bearings of the South Easterly limit of said Lot 5 is North 45 degrees, 30 minutes. East and relating all bearings herein thereto; THENCE North 45 degrees, 30 minutes East along the South Easterly limits of Lots 5 and 4. a distance of Tw~ Hundred an~ Ninety-seven and Seventy-six one hundredths feet (297.76') to a point in a fence marking the North Easterly limit of the lands formerly used as a school grounds; THENCE North 42 degrees, 29 minutes, 20 seconds West a distance of Seventeen and One one-hundredths feet (17.01') to the intersection of a line that is parallel to the South Easterly limit of said Lot 4 and which line id distant Seventeen feet (17') measured North Westerly at right angles from the South Easterly limit of said Lot 4. which point is the point of commencement of the hereinafter described lands and premises; THENCE North Westerly parallel to the South Westerly limit of said Lot 4 a distance of Two Hundred and Fourteen feet (214') to a point; THENCE in a Westerly direction along the edge of a gully or ravine to a point on a line distant Two Hundred and Eighty and Fifty one-hundredths feet (280.50') Northerly from the Southerly limit of Lot 4. said line being drawn parallel with the South Westerly limit of Lot 4 from a point on said South Easterly limit. One Hundred and Eighty-one and Fifty one-hundredths feet (181.50') North Easterly from the point formed by the interesection of the North East limit of the. said OnciJa Road with the. North West 45 SCHEDULE "Aft CONTINUED limit of the road allowanceoetweeri the said 2nd and 3rd Concessi.ons (said interest ion being the "point of beginning"; THENCE South Westerly parallel w~th the North West limit of the said Road Allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions to a point distant TwentYMfive and Twenty-five one-hundredths feet (25.25') measure North Easterly at right angles from the North Easterly iimit of the North East limit of the said Oneida Road laid aut by By-Law Number 49 through LotS; THENCE South 44 degrees, 49 minutes, 20 seconds East parallel to the North Easterly limit of the road la~d out by By-Law Number 49 through said Lot 5, a distancedf Two Hundred and Sixty-three and Fifty one-hundredths feet (263.50') to a point; THENCE North 45 d~grees. 30 minutes East parallel to the South Easterly limits of Lots 5 and 4 n distance of Two Hundred and Seventy-three an~ Twenty~six one-hundredths feet (273.~?'). more or -less to the p,oint of commencement. 6 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend the following for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee of Management: (i) Mrs. Marilyn D. Barrett be Secretary (iil Mr. Fred J. Boyes be Deputy Secretary (iii) Mr. George C. Leverton be Treasurer (iv) Mrs. Rose M. Daniel be Deputy Treasurer, and by-laws be prepared for presentation to Council at the January Session. 2. That the Director be authorized to apply for accredi- tation for both Homes for Senior Citizens. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. <clccP ~ -----.:f.' R. Fleck, Chairman. /}" _c'"_ ~ ._...--~ 47 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Service Agreement with Johnson Controls Ltd. for the Court House heating system be renewed for the year 1985, at a cost of $609.30 per annum. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J.~' chali a~~gs-on, /'il .Y 2~ ~~-- ;'<AC I ""'..r;'-~^-_,--...i LIBRARY BOARD REPORT January Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That the election of Deputy Reeve Sheils as Chairman of the Elgin County Library Board for 1985 has- been ratified. 2. That Deputy Reeve Wakeling has been elected Vice-Chairman for the Elgin County Library Board for 1985; 3; That Mr. E. Arthur Wells has been appointed Secretary Treasurer for the Elgin County Library Board for 1985. 4. That the_discussion of appointment of regional representatives has been laid over to the February 1985 meeting in the hopes that more information will be available on the new Library Act. 5. That the Elgin County Library Board, recommends that County Council refuse the Town of Aylmer the new storm windows for the Library, as this Board feels that the windows are a capital cost item which should have been provided originally. 6. That the Port Burwell Branch Library will be provided with a telephone~ 7. That the Monday hours of the Springfield Library will be increased. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. " ~ ~,,/'\ "", ~es Sheils, Chairman. ..'/:.1 Ic.f-k:".. - ,. '.. <-_I ,- 49 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January 8ess-ion, 1985 FIRST REpORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, , The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That any requests from outside agricultural organi- zations to allow input into any matter affecting-policies relating to agricultural practices be directed to the Clerk, who will arrange for a delegation to appear before the Agricultural Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ..--7/" 7c;<,c~c< I ~< -,--~--/ o PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the ~arden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #2 be filed. ee ndment ow 2. That we proceed with renovations of the former Nurses' Residence into a County Administration Building on the basis of the followingscnedule: 1985 Library Administrative and Storage County Administration and Social Services Possible Tenant and whatever general upgrading is required. 1986 Archives Engineering Office possible Tenant. 3.. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay payment ce tificate 'No. 1 for the heating at the Administration Su lding, in the amount of $14,409.00, as approved by Spriet As ociates. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay future payment certificates for work in connection with the heating system at the Administration Building, once approved by Spriet Associates. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J /#, -- '::/ / p."._rf.q ~,:.....,..- . /-7 /.7 ,;-/-V/ /l. ,~ /~---...,..,--," --- -<,.. -' Item 2 was amended by adding "Engineering Office:" under 1985 and deleting it from 1986. 51 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, , The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That invitations to Golf Day, to be held at Pleasant Valley Golf Course on July 18th, 1985, he sent to the following: (1) County Councillors plus three guests (one of which can be their Spouse) (2) County Officials plus SpOUge (3) Ex-Wardens, St. Thomas Mayor and Industrial Commissioner and other guests - self only (4) Warden and Clerk - Perth - Huron - Oxford - Lambton Kent Warden, Clerk and Engineer ~. Middlesex as complimentary guests of the County. 2. That we 'recommend that the Warden's Banquet beheld on Saturday, October l2th, 1985 at St. Anne's Parish Centre. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M ..-:_~~ D.. H. Pearson, Chairman. '" -:/) ~a. ;''--...-<....._.~------J ~../ SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The. Social Services Committee reports as follow9: 1. That the request from_the Canadian Red Cross Home- makers Service for a~ increase in the rate per hour from $6.45 to $6.75, effective January 1st, 1985, be accepted, subject to the Ministry's approval for sUbsidy purposes. 2. That membership be taken out in the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association for the Director in the amount of $175.00. 3. That we recommend that an agreement between the Tillsonburg Home Help Inc. and the County of Elgin re;Homemaker Services be entered into and a By-Law authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign same be prepared and presented to Council. 4-. That we recommend that the following daiiy fates be approved for day care service ~ Aylmer Pre-School Day Care Ostrander Nursery School St. Thomas Day Nursery INFANTS & TODDLERS $17.00 17.00 17.00 PRE- SCHOOLERS $14.00 14.00 14.00 PRE- SCHOOLERS $14.00 Centre Fairview Day Nursery INFANTS $16.00 TODDLERS $15.00 and subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~' c/../ . ,~ :V-( //)-16/' / D. Perovich, Chairman. ~-' // ~<- ,~. -.... L -' 53 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 85-1 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS." WHEREAS under Section 193 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.O. 1980, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers andio perform- ance of its obligations under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corporation of the, County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, improving; protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule ~An as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule nAn, ,and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized, to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be deter- mined by arbitration, under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148, R.$.O. 1980. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. REAO a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. '/.?!~ ~.. / . <.-7......~.~"'----..J ,". Jd Lavereau, Warden. _~"""",,--,-,---"-,--~_,<';14-.--.;'- 4 SCHEDULE "Au By-Law No. 85-1 1. County Road #8 - Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich. 2. County Road #22 - Lots,7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth. 3. County Road #30 - Lot 8, Concession XI, Township of Yarmouth; 55 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-2 "BEINGA BY-LAW TO APPOINT A SECRETARY FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." for. the , WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appci~nt a Secretary Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Munic~pal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Marilyn D. Barrett be and is hereby appointed Secretary for the Elgin County HOmes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. kP?_ '''U.{/J. Lavereau, Warden. ,,-,..----.."-/ ~~"y.:.e-~-''''''' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY SECRETARY FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE. " WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Fred J. Boyes be and is hereby appointed Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing; READ a first time this 16th day of January, 198'5. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. I <"-........<---<:.-..........--------.....J _~,/--<-<...J-~:... /""&'-......, 57 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-4 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A TREASURER FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the, Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That George C. Leverton be and is hereby appointed Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. 3. That By-Law No. 2468 be and is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a ~hird time and finally passed this l~t? day of January, 1985. G. C_ Leverton, Clerk. J L/ J. Lave'react, Warden. ~~ r-7~' 8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-5 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A OEPUTY TREASURER FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Rose M. Daniel be and is hereby appointed Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. 3. That By-Law No. 2493 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. ..---::;t;;_;;<:.<-_ _< ,;;.C:-r;;..-/ /, '7 / .~-~>c - ~- '" i ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J.. Lavereau, Warden. 59 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 85-6 "BEING A 8Y-LAli TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 82-7. TO PROVIDE FOR MEM8ERSHIP ON THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By-Law No. 82-7 provides for the regulation of the proceedings in Council and Committees thereof, including the composition of the various Committees; and WHEREAS it is deemed- advisable to alter the number of voting members on the Homes for senfor Citizens Committee~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 82-7, Section XIV, entitled "HOMES FOR SENIOR- CITIZENS COMMITTEE", be amended by deleting para- graph 1, and substituting the following - "1. The Homes- for Senior Citizens Committee shall be composed of six (6) members (including the Warden ex-officiol, all of whom shall be entitled to vote on all matters, and one {l} advisory member, who shall have no voting privileges." 2, That this By-Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 16th day of Jariuary,198S,. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 19.85. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /C-; /" R:.!.~ , 1. ,/(..--~", ..' _' ~._.. _.c----"-._<:. .......' .. J. Lavereau Ward-en. . , --"-~ ~~.<;<;,..,~ o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-7 "BEING A BY_LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN TILLSoNBURGHoME HELP INC. AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR HOMEMAKERS SERVICES." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for the County of Elgin to enter into an agreement with Tillsonburg Home Help Inc. to have them provide Homemakers Services to residents of the County of Elgin when such service is deemed necessary by the County of Elgin Social Services Director. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between Tillsonburg Home Help Inc. and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985, READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. .---~~.-....~,-< ;/c- >"...; f: .1/ , ": /......1 ....c...__._.. ~. _ ~ it'. J. Lavereau, Warden. ~.._....._- ......._.~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 61 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No, 85-8 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION. 1985. I~ WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario~ 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREfORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That act~on of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipa~ Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin at its.meet- ings held during the January 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof~ 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. _~_/~_<--.<-<"_< 0,-/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. :/-1/ L~,_< _ ~,~. J. Lavereau, . Warden. -/ February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of February, 1985 ~ The Elgin County Council met this -day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Reeve Lashbrook~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the minutes of the January 1985 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Natural Resources with an information kit to be distributed at the open houses in Northwestern Ontar2ore: infes- tation of trees by insects. 2. Ministry Province Ontario Federation of AgricUlture expressing concerns over of Natural Resources proposals to protect wetlands in the under provisions of The Planning Act. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Wendy L. Dodd, Secretary-Treasurer._ Land Division Commit- tee with resolutions re: conventions and seminars. 2. tion to out the Town of Bradford with request for support of their posi- establish a lot levy that can be applied uniformly through- municipality. . 3. Chairman of Banquet Committee, I.P.M. '85, with request to use the County flag asa Head Table backdrop at the awards banquet on Friday, september 20th, 1985 at the Ontario Police College. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Township of Southwold with a petition asking for improved warning at the intersection of county Roads 16 and 45 and the Smoke Road. 2. TownShip of Norfolk with Notice of Drainage Works re: Garnham Municipal Drain. 3. Township of Dunwich requesting permission to construct an access to County Road #8 from proposed new firehall. 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the ministerially adjusted assessment for the City of St. Thomas is $82,400,000. 5. Ontario Good Roads Association advising of a combination Loader/Backhoe Operating Upgrading Program - April 29th to May 1st, 1985. 6. Ministry of the Environment with information re: M~T.C. provincial highways program class environmental assessment E A File No. 2-83~OOOl-OOO. 63 - 2 - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Municipa1 Affairs with announcement that the Province will again provide financial- assistance to municipalities willing to hire students. 2. Northern Life offering their services to review our employee benefit plans. .-/ PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Government Services with approval of survey for former Nurses' Residence. 2. R. K. McNeil with a copy of a letter received from the Minister of Municipal Affairs re: interest requested on late pay- ment on lease. 3. Mr. E~ M. Nunn, Leasing Supervisor,requesting Council to reconsider requesting the interest on the lease payment. FILED 1. Township of Aldborough with notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws #85~6, as-Sand 85~11, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 2. Village of Belmont with notice of public meeting concern- ing a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment. 3. Ministry of the Environment advising that the findings of a survey and evaluation of protective coatings systems for st~el water storage tanks is now finalized and available for perusal at all Ministry Regional and District Offices. 4. _ Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement for the month of December 1984. 5. Bank of Montreal with notice of decrease in prime interest rate of ~% to 11%, effective January 11th, 1985~ 6. January pontrol Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 1st, 1986 will be the proclamation date for section of The PlannirigAct, 1983. advising that the site plan 7. that Mr. Engineer Ministry of Transportation arid Communicatioris advising w.w. (Bill) Osborn has now assumed the duties of Municipal in London District. 8. Village of Port Stanley with notice of public hearing for a minor variance, set for January 28th, 1985 at 3:00 P.M. ,. regarding 8:00 P..M. Town of Aylmer with, notice of a pUblic meeting to be held a proposed Zoning By-Law set for February 19th, 1985 at 10. Ministry of Natural Resources with a fact sheet on Ontario commercial fiShing industry and species quotas. 11. County of Perth advising that the banquet to honour Warden Oliver T. McIntosh will be held November 22nd, 1985. 12. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a compli- mentary copy of the new plumbing co~e. 13. Mrs. Carmen Jefferies with appreciation for bookends and invitation to lunch. 14. County of Oxford with notice and copy of an application for Zone Change in South-West 'Oxford TownShip. _ 3 - County Council, February Sesssion, 1985 FILED - continued 15. Lower Thames Conservation Authority with a notice of Flood Contingency Meeting, set -for February 6th, 1985. 16. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with announcement that the Municipal Energy Audit Program will be continued until March 31st, 1986. 17. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on the new plumbing code. 18. Miss Connie Paddon with appreciation for Elgin County scholarship. 19. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, with a copy of a letter sent to all municipalities requesting assistance with the supplying an~ erecting of the snow fence for the I.P.M. '85. 20. Ontario Municipal Board with notice of hearing in the mat- ter of an appeal by Michael Roberts from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Yarmouth, set for April 2nd, 1985 at 1D:O.0 A.M. 21. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on the Ontario BlA Association 4th Annual Conference, March 25, 26 and 27, 1985, The Westin Hotel, Toronto. 22. Township of North Dorchester with notice of public meeting concerning a proposed Official Plan Amendment, set for March 18th, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. 23. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing expressing his appreciation for the assistance and co-operation over the-past three and one-half years. 24. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of their bulletin entitled ~Keeping the Public Informed-. 25. Minister of Citizenship and Culture with a copy of Bill 93, An Act Respecting Public Libraries. 26. Ministry of the Environment advising that the second print- ing of the MOE Guidelines for the Design of Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment Plants is available for reference in the Regional or District Offices or for purchase at $15.00. --' Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre~ viously, be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee-~l-2 inclusive County Government Committee - ~1~3 inclusive County Roads Committee ~ ~1-6 inclusive Personnel Committee - ~l-2 inclusive Property Committee - #1-3 inclusive Filed - U-26 inclus-ive County Council- #1-13 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS 10 Year Certificate - Warden Lavereau and Reeve Fleck, Chairman of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee, presented a Certificate to K. Wayne Gray, Building Supervisor of the Homes. A delegation composed of Mr. Jim Shewchuk and Mr. John Sinclair of Ontario Hydro, were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert that they be now heard. The two gentlemen presented an update to Council on the status of the Southwestern Ontario Route Stage Study - Bruce to London. After the presenta- tion, Members af Council asked various questions. ~ 65 - 4 - Reeve Purcell presented the first copy of a promotional brochure on the village of Dutton to Warden Lavereau for his infor~ mation. . FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by ReeveStewar_t Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. ' - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE -(mailed) Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. . - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Second Report of the County Roads Committee he adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE _ (mailed) Moved - by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Re~ve Volkaert That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - (mailed) The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented.by Deputy Reeve Marx and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Sheils. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve HOdgson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. Reeve Purcell asked that the Chairman of the Library Board confirm that the proposed new library for Wast Lorne was not intended to replace the libraries in the Villages of Dutton and Rodney. Deputy Reeve Sheils confirmed that this was not the inten- tion to replace either of the two with a larger one in West Lorne. 1985 I.P.M. COUNTY EXHIBITS COMMITTEE REPORT Deputy Reeve Ford verbally brought the Council up to date on the status of the brochure which is to be pUblished on Elgin County in connection with the County Exhibits Committee. Each municipality is requested to produce a write up ~n their municipality between 350 and 400 words in length. and supply a coloured 35mm picture. Reeve Perovich asked that any muniCipality who wished to exhibit should indicate so to the Chairman. Glen Walters. It was felt that a letter should be sent to all the municipalities outlining the requirements for the write up and also for the exhibit. 6 The Treasurer's Statements on Remuneration and Expenses for council and Outside Boards were mailed previously to Council. - 5 - County Council, February Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Emerson -" That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council, to December 31st, 1984, be accepted and printed in the proceedings. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Brooks - Carried. That the Treasurer's Statement art Remuneration and Expenses to December 31st, 1984 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Elgin County Library Board and Members of the Land Division Committee, be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Perovich Se It Hereby Resolved That the Corporation of the County of Elgin accept the agreement of the General Accident Assurance Company to insure the liability assumed by this Resolution as follows: The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby 1. Assumes the liability for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of property of others, imposed by law upon - (a) Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, ,Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County for liability which arises out of the use or oper~ ation by such person of any licensed motor vehicle, or the owner of any licensed motor vehicle, for liability which arises out of the use or operation of such licensed motor vehicle by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County~ (b) ~ 2. Declares that such assumption of liability be SUbject to the following limitations, exclusions andcohditions - (a) This assumption of liability applies only to the.use or operation of a licensed motor vehicle in Canada or the united States of America by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers on behalf of the County including travel to and from work and attendance at meetings. This assumption of liability applies only in excess of existing insurance carried by the owner of the licensed motor vehicle-which was being used or operated by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members,Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers at the ,time of the accident and does not apply unless the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by such person at the time of the accident is insured for not less than the minimUm Third Party Liability Limit required by The Insurance Act for the Province of Ontario. This assumption of liability is subject to the agree- ments, conditions, terms and limit of liability insured in the Non-OWned Automobile POlicy issued by the General Accident Assurance Company and shall terminate whenever such Non-OWned Automobile Policy is terminated. -' (b) (e) - Carr ied. 67 - , - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society with apprecia- tion for 1984 grant and requesting continued support in 1985~ 2. -Disaster 8th. Toronto Area Archivists Group with information on a Contingenoy Planning symposium- set for Marc~ 61 7 and '-'" 3. Canada Farm Labour Pool with request for the appointment cfa representative to represent the Elgin County Local Agricultural Manpower Board. 4. The Elgin Military Museum with an update on status and also request for financial support. 5. Elgin County Federation of AgricUlture with request for a grant for 1985. . ,. passed beha-lf Central Elgin Planning Office with a copy of a resolution re; expenses of Director attendingOritario Hydro_meetings on of the County. 8. 7.. . R. G. Moore, with a copy of a resolution. adopting and forwarding statement of expenditures for 1984 to County and City. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for a 1985 grant. 9. St~ Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Servi~e with request for a 1985grant~ 1D. grant~. Thel Art Gallery St. Thomas-Eigin with request -for a 1985 11. The St. Thomas~Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a 1985 grant. 12. . _Village of-West Lorne with a copy of .:: 1et'ter to the Elgin County Library with respect to a proposed new library. 13. Tillsonhurg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with a. request for a 1985 grant. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the following requests for grants be tabled to the February 21st, 1985 meeting reI grants - Correspondence t 1 4 5 8 9 1D 11 13 Name Aylmer & East Elgin AgricUltural Society The Elgin Military Museum Elgin County Federation of Agriculture Elgin County Pioneer Museum St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service The Art Gallery St. Thomas~Elgin The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded Tillsonburg & District Association for the Mentally Retarded. ,~ Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Purcell - Carried. That Reeve D. Perovich be named as County Council's appointee to the Elgin County Local AgriCUltural Manpower Board and that it is understood that a per diem and travel allowance is paid by the Bdard. - Carried. - 7 - County Council, February Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That the proposal to share equally the cost of the time of the Director of the Central Elgin Planning Office that he spends attending the Ontario Hydro Meetings, to study Transmission Corridors and the location of a Transformer Station, or Switching Station in _the London Area, be accepted, and an amount be placed in the 1985 budget to cover same. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the copy of the letter from the village of West Lorne, addressed to Mr. Elgin A. Wells, County Librarian, concern- irig a proposed new library, be tabled, to await thee balance of the information required under Section 3 of the Library BranchCon~ struction policy, and also the submission by the Library Board on this proposal. - Carr ied. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That Council Communications numbe~ed 2 and 7 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman. Council re~convened at 11:59 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we do now adjourn (12:00 Noon) to meet again on February 20th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 3:25 P.M~ ROLL CALL ~ All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Reeve Lashbrook. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Haddow. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Purcell. The fOllowing dates were agreed upon: Wednesday, March 20th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Budget Session Department Heads are to be brought in at fifteen minute intervals to discuss their respective budgets. Thursday, March 28th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Regular March Session of County Council. 45 SCHEDULE "A" CONTINUED limi t of the Toad allowance between the said 2nd and 3rd Concessions (said interestion being the "point of beginning"; THENCE South Westerly parallel w~th the North West limit Of the said Road Allowance between th~ 2nd and 3rd Concessions to a point distant Twenty~five and Twenty-five one-hundredths feet (25.25') measure North Easterly at right angles from the North Easterly limit of the North East limit of the said Oneida Road laid out by By-Law Number 49 through Lot 5; THENCE South 44 degrees, 49 minutes, 20 seconds East parallel to the North Easterly limit of the road la~d out by By-~aw Number 49 through said Lot 5, a distanceof Two Hundred and Sixty-three and Fifty one-hundredths feet (263.50') to a point; THENCE North 45 d~grees, 30 minutes East parallel to the South Easterly limits of Lots 5 and 4 a distance of Two Hundred and Seventy-three and Twenty~six ohe-hundredt~s feet (273.2~'). more OT less to the point of commencement. HOMR~ FOR ~ENTOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend the following for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee of -Management: [i) Mrs. Marilyn D. Barrett be Secretary (ii) Mr. FredJ. Boyes be Deputy Secretary (iii) Mr. George C. Leverton be Treasurer (iv) Mrs. Rose M~ Daniel be Deputy Treasurer, and by-laws be prepared for presentation to Council at the January Session. 2. That the Director be authorized to apply for- accredi- tation for both Homes for Senior Citizens. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ '? FJ2ccfi "'--- 'J': R. Fleck, Cha,irman~ _._-' " -/;~ .,<---~~" /. .' ,~ /, 47 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Se~vice Agreement with Johnson Controls Ltd. for the Court House heating system be renewed for the year 1985, at a cost of $609.30 per annum. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J.~/ Cha 7.. odgson f--5 an;. ..- f'b-' q~ 5(~:-/<,~c .....;.-<;:~........_......./ LIBRARY BOARD REPORT January Session 1985 TO the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows, 1. That the election of Deputy Reeve Sheils as Chairman of the Elgin County Library Board for 1985 has been ratified. 2. That Deputy Reeve wakeling has been elected vice~Chairman for the Elgin County Library Board for 1985. 3. That Mr. E.. Arthur Wells has been appointed Secretary Treasurer for the Elgin County Library Board for 1985. 4. That the discussion of appointment of regional representatives has been laid over to the February 1985 meeting in the hopes that more information will be available on the new Library Act. 5. That the Elgin County Library Board recommends that County Council refuse the Town of Aylmer the new storm windows for the Library, as this Board feels that the windows are a capital cost item which should have been provided originally. 6. That the Port Burwell Branch Library will be provided with a telephone~ 7. That the Monday hours of the Springfield Library will be increased. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. <'. ~ ..b-.-..-.../) . . .. ,ames.. Sheils, Chairman. .-, /7 (~_. ~/./: Ie;: '.,,",-""" ,.... ...- <- <--I <- 49 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, , The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1.. That any requests from outside agricultural organi- zations to allow input into any matter affecting policies relating to agricultural practices be directed to the Clerk, who will arrange for a delegation to appear before the AgricUltural Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 7'_,:"7/ / (, /- . . ') ---................,....--.::~'- _-< _____c.. ---...-....-/ o PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: L That Correspondence #2 be filed. 2. That we proceed with renovations.of the former Nurses' Residence into a County Adminis.tration Building on the basis of the fOllowing schedule: 1985 Library Administrative and Storage County Administration and Social Services Possible Tenant and whatever general upgrading is required. 1986 Archives Engineering Office possible Tenant. 3. . That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay payment certificate No.1 for the heating at the Administration Building, in the amount of $14,409.00, as approved by Spriet Associates. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay future payment certificates for work in connection with the heating system at the Administration Building, once approved by Spriet Associates. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. //-J ~.7 .,y.-..- ~../ /l.. ,""': /--.......'---""" '-- ...... ,...--- * Item 2 was amended by adding "Engineering Office" under 1985 and deleting it from 1986. 51 RECEPTTON ~ND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, , The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That invitations to Golf Day, to be held at Pleasant valley Golf Course on July 18th, 1985, be sent to the following: (1) County Councillors plus three guests (one of which can be their Spouse.) (2) County Officials plus Spouse (3) Ex-Wardens, St. Thomas Mayor and Industrial Commissioner and other guests - self only (4) Warden and Clerk - Perth - Huron - Oxford - Lambton - Kent Warden, Clerk and Engineer ~Middlesex as complimentary guests of the County. 2. That we 'recommend that the Warden's Banquet be held on Saturday, October 12th, 1985. at St. Anne's Parish Centre~ ALL of which is respectfully submitted. M ..:,e.c.- '~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. '" ..,/} ,~4, ';:0.......... --<;. ... <...-.c...-.J ...",' 2 SOCIAL SERV~CES .COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as followS: 1. That the request from the Canadian Red Cross Home- makers Service for an' increase in the rate per hour from $6.45 to $6.75, effective January 1st, 1985, be accepted, SUbject to the Ministry's approval for subsidy purposes. 2. That membership be taken out in the Ontario Mu~icipal Social Services Association for the Director in the amount of $175.00. 3. That we recommend that an agreement between the Tillsonburg Home Help Inc. and the County of Elginre: Homemaker Services be entered into and a By-Law authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign same be prepared and presented to Council~ 4. That we recommend that the following daily rates be approved for day care service - Aylmer Pre-School Day Care Ostrander Nursery School St. Thomas Day Nursery INFANTS . TODDLERS $17.00 17.00 17.00 PRE- SCHOOLERS $14.00 14.00 14.00 PRE- SCHOOLERS $14.00 Centre Fairview Day Nursery INFANTS $16.00 TODDLERS $15.00 and subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~'l // . ;/J :t:/( ~?l1{f-/ / D. Perovich, Chairman. .~,/ --( ~~c .' L j' 53 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-1 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS." WHEREAS under Section 193 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.O. 1980, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise oflts powers and, in perform- ance of its obligations under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening; improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule "A" as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule nAn, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corpora- tionof the County of ~lginand to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized, to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amo~nts as may be ag7eedupon as compensation as may be deter- mined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148, R.S.O. 1980. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. // / 1;1<-< ~,~ ~~. (j Lavereau, Warden. ~/~,<.< ~. 4 SCHEDULE dA" By-Law No. 85-1 1. County Road #8 - Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich. . 2. County Road #22 - Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarm6uth~ 3. County .Road #30 - Lot 8, Concession XI, Township of Yarmouth. 55 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-2 "BEING A BY_LAW TO APPOINT A SECRETARY FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." , WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for SenlorCltizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the ~unicipal Council of the Corpora- tionof the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Marilyn D. Barrett be and is hereby appointed Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By~Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second t.ime this 16t-h day of January. 1985. REAO a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <~ " ~ L...R. J.o Lavereau,_ Warden. "--.--/ ~~-<<-~~.~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-3 "BEING A BycLAWTO APPOINT A DEPUTY SECRETARY FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Fred J. Boyes be and is hereby appointed Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. I e"'- .,,-.<---c.-.....---"".--c---J ~/--<:...-.:......-""-....-./7;>......, 57 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-4 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A TREASURER FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS_it is deemed advisable to appoint a Treasurer fOr the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the_ Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That George C. Leverton be and is hereby appointed Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. 3. That By-Law No. 2468 be and is her~by repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a Second time this 16th day of january, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this l~t~ day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~<--<-~----/ / ) ,",- L....-' . J. Lave'reau, Warden. ~~.)4~~' 3 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-5 "8E1NG A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A DEPUTY TREASURER FOR THE ELGIN COUNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citiz.ens Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Rose M. Daniel be and is hereby appointed Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. 3. That By-Law No. 2493 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 19.85. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. .~_A.-<--~. ~, < ._;;<:-7'::> '0./ Li- 7 / ~.. ./ '1...-.. - .: - '" ~ i ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. IL J. Lavereau, Warden. 59 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-6 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LA\I NO. 82-7. TO PROVIDE FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By-Law No. 82-7 provides for the regulation of the proceedings in Council and committees thereof, including the composition of the various Committees; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to alter the number of voting members on the Homes for Senfor Citizens Committee~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No.. 82-7, Section XIV, entitled "HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE", be amended by deleting para- graph 1, and substituting the following - "1. The Homes. for Senior Citizens Committee shall be composed of six (6) members (including the Warden ex-officio), all of whom shall be entitled to vote on all matters, and one (1) advisory member, who shall have no voting privileges." 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /01 /' 1: 1:-<;-< < < c c-- J .. - . . Lavereau Warden. ..' ...~~ .---&---~-< ~~ o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-7 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN TILLSONBURG HOME HELP INC. AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR HOMEMAKERS SERVICES." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for the County of Elgin to enter into ao_agreementwith Tillsonburg Home- Help Inc. to have them provide Homemakers Services to.residents of the County of Elgin when such service is deemed necessary by the County of Elgin Social Services Director. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora~ tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between Tillsonburg Home Help Inc. and the County of Rlgin for Homemakers Services. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. .-&-.rr.-._,-".<_ ~C'"._..... /~ IF 11".....-) <",:,...__,<. 'R< J. Lavereau, Warden. ,~-._,-,,- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 61 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-8 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION. 1985. "I WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the-County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County"of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its"meet- ings held during the January 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and,proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County o~ Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of January, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of January, 1985. ~-.........~-<.-"<-..".--<"y:;.,,-", G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 1 /' r/./._M - y :~. J. Lavereau, . Warden. ./ February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of February, 1985 ~ The. Elgin County Council met this-day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the minutes of the January 1985 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Natural Resources with an information kit to be distributed at the open houses in Northwestern Ontario re: infes- tation of trees by insects. 2. Ministry Province Ontario Federation of Agriculture expressing concerns over of Natural Resources proposals to protect wetlands in the under provisions of The Planning Act. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Wendy L. Dodd, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division commit- tee with resolutions re: conventions and seminars. 2. tion to out the Town of Bradford with request for support of their posi- establish a lot levy that can be applied uniformly through- municipality. . 3. Chairman of Banquet Committee, I.P.M. '85, with request to use the County flag asa Head Table backdrop at the awards banquet on Friday, september 20th, 1985 at the Ontario Police College. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE L warning Road. Township of Southwold with a petition asking for improved at the intersection of County Roads 16 and 45 and the Smoke 2. Township of Norfolk with Notice of Drainage Works re: Garnham Municipal Drain. 3. Township of Dunwich requesting permission to construct an access to County Road #8 from proposed new firehall. 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the ministerially adjusted assessment for the City of St. Thomas is $82,400,000. 5. Ontario Good Roads Association advising of a combination Loader/Backhoe Operating Upgrading Program - April 29th to May 1st, 1985. 6. Ministry of the Environment with information re: M~T.C. provincial highways program class environmental assessment E A File No. 2-83~0001-OOO. 63 - 2 - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs with announcement that the Province will again provide financial-assistance to municipalities willing to hire students. 2. Northern Life offering their services to review our employee benefit plans. .-/ PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Government Services with approval of survey for former Nurses' Residence. 2. R. K. McNeil with a copy of a letter received from the Minister of Municipal Affairs re; interest requested on late pay- ment on lease. 3. _ Mr. E. M. Nunn, Leasing Supervisor, requesting Council to reconsider requesting the interest on the lease payment. FILED 1. Township of Aldborough with notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws #85~6. as-Sand 85-11, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 2. Village of Be1mont with potice of pUblic meeting concern- ing a proposed- ZonirigBy-Law Amendment. 3. Ministry of the Environment advising that the findings of a survey and evaluation of protective coatings systems for-steel water storage tanks is now finalized and available for perusal at all Ministry Regional and District Offices. 4. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement for the month of Oecember 1984. 5. Bank of Montreal with notice of decrease in prime interest rate of ~% to 11%, effective January 11th, 1985. 6. January !==ontro1 Min~stry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 1st, 1986 will be the proclamation date for section of The Planning Act, 1983. advising that the site plan 7. that Mr. Engineer Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising W.W. (Bill) Osborn has now assumed the duties of Municipal in London District. 8. Village of Port Stanley with notice of pUblic hearing for a minor variance, set for January 28th, 1985 at 3:00 P.M. 9. regarding 8:00 P.M. Town of Aylmer with notice of a pUblic meeting to be held a proposed Zoning By-taw set for February 19th, 1985 at 10. Ministry of Natural Resources with a fact sheet on Ontario commercial fiShing industry and species quotas. 11. County of Perth advising that the banquet to honour Warden Oliver T. McIntosh will be held November 22nd, 1985. 12. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a compli- mentary copy of the new plumbing co~e. 13. Mrs. Carmen Jefferies with appreciation for bookends and invitation to lunch. 14. County of Oxford with notice and copy of an application for Zone Change in South-West-Oxford TownShip. - 3 - County Council, February Sesssion, 1985 FILED - continued 15. Lower Thames Conservation Authority with a notice of Flood Contingency Meeting, set for February 6th, 1985. 16. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with announcement that the Municipal Energy Audit Program will be continued until March 31st, 1986. 17. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on the new plumbing code. 18. Miss Connie Paddon with appreciation for Elgin County scholarship. 19. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, with a copy of a letter sent to all municipalities requesting assistance with the supplying and erecting of the snow fence for the I.P.M. '85. 20. Ontario Municipal Board with notice of hearing. in the mat- ter of an appeal by Michael Roberts from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Yarmouth, set for April 2nd, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. 21. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with information on the Ontario BIA Association 4th Annual Conference, March 25, 26 and 27, 1985, The Westin Hotel, Toronto. 22. Township of North Dorchester with notice of public meeting concerning a proposed Official Plan Amendment, set for March 18th, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. 23. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing expressing his appreciation for the assistance and co-operation over the. past three and one-half years. 24. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of their bulletin entitled -Keeping the Public Informed-. 25. Minister of Citizenship and Culture with a copy of Bill 93, An Act Respecting Public Libraries. 26. Ministry of the Environment advising that the second print- ing of the MOE Guidelines for the Design of Water Treatment and -Sewage Treatment Plants is available for reference in the Regional or District Offices or for purchase at $15.00. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously, be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee ~#1-2 inclusive County Government Committee - #1~3 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-6 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1-2 inclusive Property Committee - #1-3 inclusive Filed - #1-26 inclusive County Council- #1-13 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS 10 Year Certificate - Warden Lavereau and Reeve Fleck, Chairman of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee, presented a Certificate to K. Wayne Gray, Building Supervisor of the Homes. A delegation composed of Mr. Jim Shewchuk and Mr. John Sinclair of Ontario Hydro, were present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert that they be now heard. The two gentlemen presented an update to Council on the status of the Southwestern Ontario Route Stage Study - Bruce to.London. After the presenta- tion, Members of Council asked various questions. -' 65 - . - Reeve Purcell presented the first copy of a promotional brochure on the Village of Dutton to Warden Lavereau for his infor- mation. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewar.t Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. I - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE -(maile~) Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. . - Carried. SECOND REPORT ~ COUNTY ROADS CO~lITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fl~ck Seconded by Deputy Re~ve Volkaert That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - (mailed) The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented:by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Sheils. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve HOdgson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. Reeve Purcell asked that the Chairman of the Library Board confirm that the proposed new library for West Lorne was not intended to replace the libraries in the Villages of Dutton and Rodney. Deputy Reeve Sheils confirmed that this was not the inten- tionto replace either of the two with a larger one in West Lorne. 1985 I.P.M. COUNTY EXHIBITS COMMITTEE REPORT Deputy Reeve Ford verbally brought the Council up to date on the status of the brochure which is to be pUbliShed on Elgin County in connection with the County Exhibits Committee. Each municipality is requested to produce a write up ~n their municipality between 350 and 400 words in length, and supply a coloured 35mm picture. Reeve Perovich asked that any municipality who wished to exhibit should indicate so to the Chairman, Glen Walters. It was felt that a letter should be sent to all- the municipalities outlining the requirements for the write up and also for the exhibit. 6 - 5 - County Council, February Session, 1985 The Treasurer's Statements on Remuneration and Expenses for Council and Outside Boards were mailed previously to Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Emerson --./ That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council. to December 31st, 1984, be accepted and printed in the proceedings~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Brooks That the Treasurer's Statement on Remunerat~on and Expenses to December 31st, 1984 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Elgin County Library Board and Members of the Land Division Committee, be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Perovich Be It Hereby Resolved That the corporation of the County of Elgin accept the agreement of the General Accident Assurance Company to insure the liability assumed by this Resolution as follows; The Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby 1. Assumes the liability for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of property of others, imposed by law upon ~ (a) Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County for liability which arises out of the use or oper~ ation by such person of any licensed motor vehicle, or (b) the owner of any licensed motor vehicle, for liability which arises out of the use or operation ,of such licensed motor vehicle by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County. 2. Declares that such assumption of liability be SUbject to the following limitations, exclusions and conditions - ~ (a) This assumption of liability applies only to the use or operation of a_licensed motor vehicle in Canada or the United States of America by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers. Employees or Volunteer Workers on behalf of the County including travel to and from work and attendance at meetings. (b) This assumption of liability applies only in excess of existing insurance carried by the owner of the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers. Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers at the time of the accident and does not apply unless the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by such person at the time of the accident is insured for not less than the minimUm Third Party Liability Limit required by The Insurance Act for the Province of Ontario. This assumption of liability is subject to the agree- ments, conditions, terms and limit of liability insured in the Non-OWned Automobile POlicy issued by the General Accident Assurance Company and shall terminate whenever such Non-Owned Automobile Policy is terminated. (e) -/ - Carried. 67 - 6 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society with apprecia- tion for 1984 grant and requesting continued support in 1985. 2. -Disaster 8th. Toronto Area Archivists Group with information on a Contingency Planning Symposium- set for March 6, 7 and --./ 3. Canada . Farm Labour Pool with request for the appointment of a representative to represent the Elgin County Local Agricultural Manpower Board. 4. The Elgin Military Museum with an update on status and also request for financial support. 5. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with request for a grant for 1985. 6. Central Elgin Planning Office with a copy of a resolution passed rat expenses of Director attending Ontario Hydro, meetings on behalf of the County. . 7. . R. G. Moore, with a copy of a resolution. adopting- and forwarding statement of expenditures for 1984 to County and City. B. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for a 1985 grant. 9. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a 1985 grant. 10. grant~ The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin with request for a 1985 11. The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Menta11yReta.rded with request for a 1985 grant. 12. village of West Lorne with a copy of ~ letter to the Elgin County Library with respect to a proposed new library. 13. Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with a request for a 1985 grant.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve caverly That the following requests for grants be tabled to the February 21st, 1985 meeting re: grants- 13 ~ Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society The Elgin Military Museum Elgin County Federation of AgriCUlture Elgin County Pioneer Museum St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service The Art Gallery St. Thomas~Elgiri The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded Tillsonburg & District Association for the Mentally Retarded. ,- Correspondence # 1 4 5 B 9 10 11 - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Purce~l That Reeve D. Perovich be named as County Council's appointee to the Elgin County Local Agricultural Manpower Board and that it is understood that a per diem and travel allowance is paid by the Board. - Carried. - 7 - County Council, February Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That the proposal to share equally the cost of the time of the Director of the Central Elgin Planning Office that he spends attending the Ontario Hydro Meetings, to study Transmission Corridors and the location of a Transformer Station, or Switching Station in the London Area, be accepted, and an amount be placed in the 1985 budget to cover same. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the copy of the letter from the Village of West Lorne, addressed to Mr. Elgin A. Wells, County Librarian, concern- ing a proposed new library, be tabled, to await the balance of the information required under Section 3 of the Library Branch Con- struction Policy, and also the submission by the Library Board on this proposal. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That Council Communications numbe~ed 2 and 7 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Laver~au appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman. Council re-convened at 11;59 A.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we do now adjourn (12:00 Noon) to meet again on February 20th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 3;25 P.M~ ROLL CALL ~ All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Reeve Lashbrook. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Haddow. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Purcell. The following dates were agreed upon: Wednesday, March 20th, 1985 at 10;00 A.M. - Budget session Department Heads are to be brought in at fifteen minute intervals to discuss their respective budgets. Thursday, March 28th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Regular March Session of County Council. 69 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 85-9 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign aQ Agreement Between the_Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Young Women's Christian AssociationW be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By~Law No. 85-9 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy.Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Caverly That-By-Law No. 85-9 be read a th~rd time and finally passed. - C<;lIried. Moved by Reeve _ Haddow Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 85-10 WBeing a_By~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey Land in the Township of Southwald to John Paul Shahan- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-taw No. 85-10 be read a second time. - Carried; Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-10 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-11 .Beinga By-Law to Establish a Petty Cash Fund for the Various Departments. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve VQlkaert That By-Law No. 85-11 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheil~ That By-Law No. 85-11 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. (:> - 9 - County Council, February Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 85-12 -Being a By-Law to_Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale. Other than Certain Roads Department Employees. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 85~12 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fleck That By-Law No. 85-12 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law NO. 85-13 -Being a By-Law to Establish.the Salaries of Various positions of the County of ElginW be read a first time. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-13 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Brooks That By-Law No. 85-13 be read a third time and finally passed. ..,. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Deputy ReeveWakeling That By-Law No. 85-14 .Being.a By~Law .to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By~Law No. 85-14 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly T~at By-Law No. 85-14 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vblkaert That By~Law No. 85-15 -Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay for Part Time Employees. be read a first time. - Carried. 71 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By"'"Law No. 85-15 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveVojin Seconded by Deputy Reev~ Sheils '--" passed. , That By,..Law No_. 85-15 be read a third time and finally Carried. Moved by Reeve-Monteith Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No~ 85-16 -Being-a By-'-Law to Establish the Remuneration of the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector- be read a xirst time. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Pleck That By-Law No. 85-16 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by ReevaMonteith That By-law No. 85-16 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich, Seconded by ReevaPurcell That By-Law No. 85-17 -Being a By-Law to Establish a Remunerat~on Schedule and Other Working Conditions for Employees of the ~oads Department- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Purcell SecQnded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 85-17 be read a second time. - Carried. MOved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No~ 85-17 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That we-do now adjourn (3:43 P.M.) to meet again on February 21stl 1985 at 1:00 P.M~ - Carried. - 11 - County Council, February Session. 1985 February Session - Second Day Thursday, the 21st day of February, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. St. Thomas, at 1:00 P.M.. inaccordance.with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL ~ All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Reeve Fleck (arrived 1:19 P.M~) Deputy Reeve Volkaert (arrived 1:37 P.M.). Mr. Dave Murray, Agricultural Representative for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, was present and it was moved by Reeve Monteith that he now be heard. Mr. Murray presented his Annual Report to Council in written and verbal form. Agricultural Grant for 4-H Groups - Mr~ Murray requested a grant of $6,300 for 1985. The following delegations were present to speak to their request for a grant: ST. THOMAS/ELGIN INFORMATION SERVICES Mrs. Betty Hodge, Co-Ordinator,and Mrs. Anne Doupe. Their request for 1985 was $2,000. THE UNIVERSITY O?WESTERN ONTARIO Dr. Albert W. Taylor, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education. Miss Eleanore Donnelly, Member of Community Relations Committee of the Board of Governors, and Mr. Arthur Christensen. Student. recip- ient Elgin County Scholarship winner (arrived after delegation left). No specific amount was requested for 1985~ THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY (LONDON & DISTRICT REGIONAL OFFICE) Mr. Graham DeVeber.RegionalDirector. and Mrs. Peggy Speiran, Vice- President of the Regional Board. Their request for 1985 was $500. ELGIN COUNTY I.P.M. 1985 Mr. Bill Main, Chairman of Finance. Elgin Wells, Treasurer. and David Murray, Secretary. Their request was for an advance of $100,000 for 1985. COUNTY EXHIBITS COMMITTEE - I.P.M. '85 Mr. Glen Walters. Chairman. Their request for 1985 was for $52.000 for the County Exhibit and Display. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Reeve Haddow That Members be allowed to have coffee at their desk during Grant Session. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That an amount of $70,000 be provided for the I.P.M. '85 Committee in the 1985 Budget and be advanced.as requested and that the balance of the $75,000 provided in the 1984 Budget also be advanced. - Carr ied. - 12 ...; 73 Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Haddow Than an amount of $52,000 be provided in the 1985 Budget for the County Exhibit expenses for the 1985 I.P.M. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That the following requests for grants be provided for in the 1985 budget: 1 Canadian National Institute For The Blind 2 Salvation Army 3 Elgin County Pioneer Museum 4 Scholarships - Ridgetowu COllege of Agricultural Technology - university of Western Ontario University of Guelph - wilfrid Laurier University - University of Waterloo 5 University of Western Ontario , 6 Quad County Association For Mentally Retarded 7 The Local Agricultural Office for Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and ,Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs 8 Agricultural Representatives Act 8A The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin ~ Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies 9 Elgin Federation of Agriculture 10 Talbot Trail Committee 11 Tillsoriburg & District Association For The Mentally Retarded 12 Southwestern Ontario-Travel Association 13 Bobier Convalescent Home 14 The Art Gallery St. Thomas~Elgin 15 St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service 16 St. Thomas-Elgin Association For The Mentally Retarded 20 Four Counties General Hospital 21 The Canadian Hearing Society 22 St. Thomas/Elgin Information Services 24 St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital 25 The Elgin Military Museum - Carried. $ 1,500 1,000 18,000 400 800 800 400 400 2,000 2,000 6.300 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 25~000 750 750 2,000 50,000 500 500 100,000 500 Reeve Lashbrook explained the status of the West Lorne Library and stated they will need $75,000 and it could be spread over a two~year period. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-18 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1985- be read. a first time; - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-18 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 85-18 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 4 _ 13 - County Council, February Session 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Smyth That we do now adjourn (4:39 P.M.) to meet again on March 20th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Lever.ton, Clerk. R. J. tavereau, Warden. 75 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee re~orts as follows: 1. That the Secretary-Treasurer and all Members of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the annual convention, to be held in Cambridge, June 2nd to June 5th, 1985, with the usual convention allowances paid~ 2. That membership be taken out in the Ontario Association of Consent Granting Authorities for the secretary-Treasurer and any Members of the Committee attending the convention at $40.00 each. 3~ That the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Com- mittee be authorized to attend the O.A.C.A. Secretary-Treasurer's Seminar on Friday, March 8thl 1985 in Toronto, 'w:ith usual expenses paid. 4. That Correspondence *2 be filed. 5. That we recommend that the request from the Chairman, Banquet Committee, I.P~M. '85, to be allowed to use a County flag for backdrop decorations at the awards banquet be approved. 6. That authority be given to purchase one Model 110' Certex Electronic Cheque Writer/Signer and Dating Equipment at.a cost of $2,995.00, plus an additional signature plate at $210.00, both subj~ct to provincial sales tax, fromM.A.C.Distributors Ltd. 7. That the quotation of Emblematic J~~ellery Products of canada Inc. for supplying 100 coloured metal County Crests be accepted, at a price of $2~74 each plus taxes. 8. That the quotation of The Aylmer Express in the amount of $4.25 per printed page be accepted, for printing the annual County proceedings and supplying 100 bound copies of same. 9. That quotations for banking services be requested from the following - Bank of Montreal The Royal Bank of Canada Bank of Nova Scotia Toronto-'Dominion Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; 10. That the question of Emergency Planning at the County level be filed. 11. That the account from the Engineer's Office in the amount of $1,065.76 for mosquito control has been authorized for payment. 12. That the account from Deloitte Haskins & Sells for audit work as follows, be authorized for payment - County - Administration - Roads Social Services COED PROGRAM $ 400 INFLATION RESTRAINT $ 920 270 --.!lQ $1,300 $400 and that the cost of the COED Program be charged back to the Roads Department. - 2 - 13. That we recommend that the September Session of Council be held on Thursday, September 12th, 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~~,:6 M"o H. Stewart, Chairman. ~j} 1)' ~-<--J COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE- FIRST REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL , YOlJR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS N3 FOLLOWS: 77 FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Roads in 1984. The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and COtIllllunications' practit:e~ I?a~oll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., separate item. has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a CONSTRUCTION (A) Roads and Bridges: (1) Silver Creek Culvert Replacement, County Road #42, Malahide Township. (Total Expenditure 1983 and 1984 $662~283.89.) (2) COunty Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from St. Thomas City Limits to County Road #27, Yarmouth Township~ (3) COunty Road #32 (Police College Road) from Highway #13 to County Road #52, Mal"ahide Township. (4) COunty Road #42 and County Road #50 in the Village of Port Burwell, construction. (5) Replacement of Geary Drain Culvert, Road #9, Aldborough Township (pipe purchased 1983). (6) County Road #45 from Highway #73 to Road #40. Malahide Township (surveys, engineering, etc.). (7) Land purchase including land surveying, legal costs, etc., on County Roads #3, #B~ #22, #45, etc. (8) Surveys and engineering work on roads for future construction. TOCAL (E) Asphalt Resurfacing: (1) County Road IfJ from Port Glasgow to Rodney in Aldborough Township. 263,795.56 543,108~29 111,327.89 330,880.49 2,080.58 4,684.30 15,097.56 21,581..91 $1,292,556.58 $ 77,466.71 Continued . . . . . g COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 (B) Asphalt Resurfacing: (Continued) (2) Courity Road lIS from Highway #J (Wallacetown) to Dutton in Dunwich To'~ship. (3) County Road #36 nort.h of County Road #45 in Yarmouth Township. (4) County Road #45 from Jaffa to Highway #73 in Malahide Township. TarAL (C) Miscellaneous: (1) Credit on machinery ownership costs, etc., charged to accounts receivable, townline accounts and miscellaneous machine credits. (2) New and used machinery and major repairs to presently oWned equipment. (3) Paving sand and salt pile area, driveways at County Garage White Station and addition to County Garage for tractor to power emergency generator. (4) Drainage assessments against County roads. (5) Sale of Rodney Garage (net after disbursements). [Ministry of Transportation and Gommunications regards this portion as a receipt.] PAGE 2. $ 29,734.68 2l5,130~84 253,189.15 $ 575.521.38 $ 36,192.47 CR. 293,364.14 34,399~70 26.870.02 2,063.16 CR. TOTAL $ 316,378.23 TOTAL COUNTY COSTS ('A','B'. 'C.) $2,184.456.19 (D) Construction St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission: (1) Miscellaneous surveys and engLneering. (2) Land purchase. (3) Drainage assessments against St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads. TOTAL COST BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION $ 754.93 10.205.59 3,631.59 14.592.11 $2,199,048.30 79 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COOHI'l"l'EE FIRST_ REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ~: Letters and nUlllbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Collllllunications' Account NuIIIber s. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS. ~ A - CUlverts and Bridges 1 Bridges 90,858.23 6,360..12 97,218.35 2 CUlvert s: 36,818.10 507.85 37,325.95 B - Roadside Maintenance 1 Grass CUtting 34,835.08 7,053.00 41,888.08 - 2 Tree Cutting 64,229.18 15,268.74 79,497.92 _ 4 Drainage 167,900.25 22,834.31 190,734.56 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, 26,921.03 12,471.9Q 39.392~93 Shouldering, etc. - 6 Tree Planting- 4,088.25 4,088.25 _ 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 2,317.91 31.68 2,349.59 11 Weed Spraying 9,788.06 2,928.20 12,716.26 C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) _ 1 Repairs to Pavement 44,754.59 4,210.89 48,965.48 - 2 Sweeping 25,643.19 1,630.24 27,273.43 _ 3 Shoulder Maintenance (including 76,385.98 10,312.95 86,698.93 gravelling, ditching, etc.) _ 4 Surface Treatment 115,204.38 27,058.09 142,262.47 D - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) Drainage, Gravel, etc., Road #26 23,975.88 23,975.88 (Bostwick Road) 2 Grading Gravel Roads 25,215.50 4,637.49 29,852.99 _ 3 Dust Control (CalCium Chloride and 33,226.68 6,802.56 40,029.. 24 sal t brine) 4 Dust Control (prime) 87.70 2,547.37 2,635.07 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 69,354.59 772.84 70,127.43 E - Wintei:' Control 1 Snow PlOwing 106,848~96 20,477.13 127,326.09 2 Sanding and Salting 255,772,55 40,622.31 296,394.86 3 Snow Fence 17,698.78 2,054.98 19,753..76 4 Winter Standby 12,826.74 1,899.71 14,726.45 * Total Winter Control ($458,201.16) * 1983 Winter Control - $210,955 1982 Winter Control - $497,778 1981 Winter Control - $366,369 Continued. . . ) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CdMMlTTEE FIRST REPORT _ FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 MAINTENANCE _ COUNTY ROADS COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS PAGE 4. ~ 1 Pavement Marking (Center Line) _ 2 Signs 3 Guide Rail _ 4 Railroad Protection 6 Edge Marking 7 Stump Removal 38,004.10 8,054.29 46,058.39 40,080.29 5,264.66 45,344.95 17,112.16 716.61 17,828.77 40,953.72 7,368.18 48,321.90 27,895.22 10,071.50 31,966.72 9,879.11 18,681~91 28,561.02 - - $l,.:n4.. 70l2~ $264,615.39 $1,659,315.72 TOTALS OVERHEAD- COUNTY 1. Superintendence, including County Engineers, Superintendents, and Vehicles. 106,307.49 2. Cleric,a! 59,391.12 3. Office 21,589.37 4. Garages (White Station arid Rodney) Stock and Timekeepers, Maintenance, Heat, etc. 91,367.29 5. Tools 10':241.85 3,936.34 13,979.96 2,641.17 2,140.90 6. Radio 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 8. Training Courses 9. Miscellaneous Insurance o. Retirement Benefits (sick time paid to retired employees) 26,783.53 1. Deferred Time 2,626.64 GrALS $341,005~66 8,868;56 4.954.62 1,801.06 7,456.14 854.41 328.38 1':805.27 220.34 178.60 $26,.467.38 115;176.05 64,345.74 23,390.43 98,823.43 11,096.26 4,264.72 15,785.23 2,861.51 2,319.50 26,783~53 2,626.64 $367,473.04 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage asis of the cost of construction and maintenance on .the St~ Thomas Suburban Road Commission toads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Th~s Suburban Roads ,nd County Roads (urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for lverhe....d Charge to the' St. ThOmas Suuurb<ll1 Rn<ld Conun\<;c.jnl1 W'l~; 7.77.. ;ubsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1984 the COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ FEBRlJARY SESSION 1985 81 PAGE 5. tHSCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25;. of t.heir Road Levy $51,019.04 Distributed Labour Costs and Payroll Burden totaled $441,611.30 in 1984 , and was distributed in accordance with Minist.ry of Transportation and Coumunications standard practice to the various operat.ions. ITEMS Nar SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPOR'fATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Road Liability Insurance 2. Miscellaneous (including memberships. etc. ) 3. Invoices from t.he County Clerks Office for preparation of employee" payroll 4. Sale of Rodney Garage (net after disbursement.s). Portion not regarded by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as a receipt. 5. Sale of North_West. Part. .of Lot 137, North of Tal bot Road, Houghton Township (net. after disbursements) 6. Payment for accumulated sick time to employees still in employmerit of the County of Elgiri TarALS ST. TH<l1AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TorAL l,043~OO 150.00 1,193.00 4,572.27 130.41 4,702.68 4,242.63 4,242.63 4,814.06 CR. 4,814.0fi CR. 55-,355.40 ,CR. 55,355.40 CR. 28;038.55 28,038~55' - - $22_,_27}..Ol CR. $280.41 B!..t992.60 CR. ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS ~ (A) Construction 2,184,456.19 14,592.i1 2,199,048.30 (B) Maintenance 1,394,700.33 264,615.39 1,659,315.72 (C) Overhead 341,005.66 26,467.38 367,473.04 (D) Urban Rebates 51,019.04 51,019.04 (E) Items Not For Subsidy 22,273.01 CR. 280.41 21,992.60 CR. SUBTOTALS $3,948,908.21 $305,955.29 $4,254,863.50 ADO: 1984 Stock Balance 48.829.63 CR. 48,829.63 CR. $3.900,078.58 $305,955.29 $4, 206~ 033.87 DEDUCT: 1983 Stock Balance 66,251.38 CR. 66,251.38 CR. TorAlS $J.8}3,827.20 $305,955.29 &139,782.49 (Total for Ministry of Transportation "nd Cllromunic<ltions Subsidy $4,161,775.09) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 PAGE 6. CALCULATION OF .MIOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Calculation of Ministry of Transportation and Communications payable on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road System Expenditures. 1. Average Subsidy Rate on Operations Expenditures 74.7789% of $305,674.88 $228,580.31 2. Subsidy on Items Not For Subsidy NIL TarAL SUBSIDY FROM MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMi1UNICATIONS $228,580.31 Total St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditures LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy $305,955.29 228,580.31 BALANCE $ 77,374.98 Share of City of St. Thomas 50% of Balance $38,687.49 ADD: Deficit from 1983 943.50 SUBTOTAL $39,630.99 DEDUCT: 1/2 Mill Contribution for 1984 from City of st. Thomas 40,100.00 SURPLUS TO 1985 $ 469.01 CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURE (ACTUAL ROAD LEVY) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocations Were: (a) General Subsidy Allocation $3,100.000.00 Total County Road and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditures $4,139,782.49 LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy 3,100,000.00 LESS: Cost to City of St. Thomas of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 38,687.49 NET ESTIMATED COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN (SUBJECT 1.0 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND CCJ!.lMUNICATIONS AUDIT) $1.001.095..00 The 1984 Road Levy Provided $1,031,O()(} Tetal Vouch<:>r Payments in 1984 were $4,600,436.61 and in 1983 were $5,343,165.36, and in 1982 were $4,919,410 83 COUNTY OF ELGm ROAD COOMITrEE FIRST REPORT _ FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 PAGE 7. The difference between the total voucher payments and total road expenditures included: (a) Work done on Townline Roads and Bridges and invoiced to County of Middlesex , and County of Oxford. (b) Surface treatment ~rk for various muniCipalities including City of' St. ThOmas and County of Kent ($99,429.24). (c) Hot mix paving and other work, etc., for various local municipalities ($26,599..64). (d) Curb and gutter, paving, etc., on Aldborough_Dunwich Townline OVerpass at Highway #401 (Charged to Ministry of Transportation and Communications). The County of Elgin Road Depart.ment in 1984 participated in 4 Employment Progranmes in additiont~ the work listed above. (a) qovermnent of Canada '84 Summer . Incentive progranunc (Surveying Assistance) at a value of $2~441.00. (b) Canada/Ontario Dnployment Development Programme (C.O.E.O.) completion of 1983 project. for the Road Department and the Mu>>",...m ($3;512.11). (c) Canada Works Programme (Federal) in .the Spring and early Summer (to relieve local unemployment) $26.000..00. (d) Ontario Youtb Corp Project (Provincial) work completed in 1984 but Final Applications not made until 1985 (1984. total $10,141.55). The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquit'o Control Programme for the prevention of encephalitis. the cost of $1.065.76 was charged to the General GOverlunent Account. ALL OF WIlICH IS RESPEGTFULLY SLfEMITIED ~~ =,~.L~ CHAIRMAN ~~c ,_~J 4 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~lITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 TO TilE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY' OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the following Resolution be passed: Be it hereby resolved that the Corporation of the County of Elgin accept the agreement of the General Accident Assurance COmpany to insure the liability assumed by this Resolution as follows: The Corporation of the COunty of Elgin hereby: 1. Assumes the liability for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of property of others, imposed by law upon: (a) Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County for liability which ariSeS out of the use or operation by such person of any licensed motor vehicle, or (b) The owner of any licensed. motor vehicle, for liability which arises out of the use or operation of such licensed motor vehicle by Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or Volunteer Workers of the County. 2. Declares that such assumption of liability be subject to the following limitations, exclusions and conditions: (a) This assumption of liablity applies only to the use or operation of a licensed motor vehicle in Canada or the United States of America by Members of Council, Trustees; Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Employees or volunteer Workers on behalf of the County, including travel to and from work and attendance at meetings. (b) This assumption of liability applies only in excess of existing insurance carried by the owner of the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by Continued. . . 85 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITIEE SECOND REPORT. - FEBRUARY SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. 2. (b) Continued.. . Members of Council, Trustees, Board Members, Statutory Officers, Officers, Dnployces or Volunteer Workers at the time of the accident and does not apply unless the licensed motor vehicle which was being used or operated by such person at the time of the accident is insured for not less than the minimum Third Party Liabilit.y Limit required by the Insurance Act for the Province of Ontario.. (c) This assumption of liability is subject to the agreements. conditions. terms and limit of liability insured in the Non-Owned Automobile Policy issued by the ~neral Accident Assurance COmpany and shall terminate whenever such Non,..Owned Automobile Policy is termInated. County Council has been asked to pass this resolution by the Frank Cowan Company Limited so that there would be binding insurance by the General Accident Assurance Company as represented by the Frank Cowan Company Limited for the CorporatiOn of the County of Elgin for liability insurance. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEGI'FULLY SUBMITTED Fp~~ #~C1IAIPl1AN /3V~ 6 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. Tha-t the new voting. member for the Elgin County Homes Committee be Deputy ReeveJ~ A. Vo1kaert. 2. That the Director/Administrator and Assistant Administrator be authorized to attend the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged Spring Conference on March 26th and 27th 1985 with the usual expenses paid. 3. social formed In accordance with the Ministry of Community and Services quide1ines, a new admission policy has been and will be reviewed February 21, 1985. 4. That the "Consent to Inspect Assets" form continue to be utilized in documentation for admissions in the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens. All of which is respectfully submitted. n Q 61ne,j .- . Fleck, Chairman. . ...-:/' ~ :.;j, /"----..."'': -,.." c "<'_._<- J C-/ 87 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports asfdllows: 1. That we recommend that the following Roads employees be allowed to carryover vacation from 1984 to 1985 - John Brown 1 Day Call In Winter Control Glenn Cross 1 Day Call In Winter Control Norman Glover ~ Day Call In Winter Control Gary Gordon 1 Day Call In Winter Control Ralph Gordon 1 Day Call In Winter Control Harry Herrington 1 Day Call In Winter Control John Hoffman l:i Day Call In Winter Control Edwin Kelley 1 Day Call In Winter Control Stanley Lunn l:i Day Call In Winter Control Orrie Ostrander 4l:l: Days Sick - Hospital - Surgery William Sloetjes 2 Days Sick -Hospital - Surgery Danny Welch 1 Day Call In Winter Control R.' G. Moore 1,; Day Personnel Matters. 2. engaged shown - That the firm of Personnel Management Associates be to perform the following services for 1985 at the figures (1) Develop a new salary evaluation plan $15,000 (2) Provide regular employee consultation and with the Personnel Committee as needed $3,000 (3) Develop a personnel policy manual $3,000 Plus additional expenses (mileage etc.) $1,000 (upset). 3. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 4. That we accept the following increase in monthly rates from Ontario Blue Cross for the coverag~ listed below effective April 1st, 1985 - Dental PRESENT Single $ 5.64 Family 15.82 Single 9.08 Family 19.65 PROPOSED $ 6.53 18.33 11. 86 25.67 Extended Health Care and that coverage will be increased under the Extended Health Care Benefit to include - (i) dependent children to age 25 if attending an educational institution on a full-time basis (ii) to provide Out-Of-Province and Out-Oi-Canada coverage based on reasonable and customary charges for the area in which services are received both at no cost to the County. 5. That we recommend that all salaried employees be given a 5% increase effective January 1st, 1985 and thattheby~laws be prepared for Council in February 1985. 6. That all hourly-rated, daily or mOnthly paid employees, other than Roads and union, be given a 5% increase effective January 1st, 1985 and by-laws be prepared for Council. - 2 - 7. That the Chairman has been. authorized to offer the hourly-rated Roads Employees a 5% increase in hourly rates, effec- tive January 1st, 1985 and if accepted the recommendation be made to the February 20th Council and that the negotiation on the con- tract will take place sometime in April. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,'" \ ~_A' c)<. 7Y!",~,,- E. H. Marr, Chairman. ~l' .~. / . --; U .v< ~..~t.....-----<:" j 89 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February $e55ioo,1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property committeereportsaslfollows~ 1. That, the Clerk has replied to the letter from Mr. E. M~ ~unn; indicating-that the County feels that the claim for interesteD the late lease payment is justified and is not prepared to withdraw the claim. 2. That the estimate foracquistion and renovations to the new County Administration Building isapproximateJy $1,200,000.00 broken down as follows - $ 47,000 94,599 809,068 80,907 35,000 33,426 100,000 $1,200,000 and: we recommend that the project be financed as follows - Purchase Price New-Heating System Renovations - Estimate - Less Archives Engineering Fees 10% of $8Q9,068 Furnishings Miscellaneous (survey, legal work) Interestre: borrowing $1,070,818 261,750 Reserve for Hospital Capital Grant Current Revenue.- 1985 budget Borrow from Bank - Repay in 5 equal annual payments $ 200,000 200,,000 800,000 $1,200,000 3. That the, account, from Cleaver Brooks of Canada Ltd. in the amount of $29,846.47 has been paid for the supply of two boilers for the new Administration Building. 4; That the blanket insurance amount on the tGtal property has been increased from $17,834,678 to $18,558~300 and we recom- mend that the following changes be made- indemnity to - TOTAL LOSS OF TIME PARTIAL LOSS Increase Warden's life coverage for 24 hours per day Increase Tree Commissioner's weekly indemnity,to- TOTAL LOSS OF TIME PARTIAL LOSS Increase Council's weekly $400 week 200 week $250 week 125 week. 5. That all insurance policies for Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge, County Roads, County Library, County Administration, Council and Pioneer Museum be amalgamated under one policy and the premiums prorated back to each department. 6. That upon the signing of a contract for renovations for the new Administration Building, The Frank Cowan Company Ltd. be authorized to issue a Building Risk Policy. 7. That the County Library Administration Office be located on the first -floor of the new Administration Building and Spriet Associates (London) Ltd. be so advised. 8. That the account from Donald I. Houghton in the amount of $1,100.00 for work_in connection with the survey of the new Administration Building has been approved for payment. ~o - 2 - 9. That the following accounts from Spriet Associates (London) Ltd. for engineering services in connection with the new Administration Building have been approved for payment - Re: Heating System Initial and subsequent reports on alterations $ 6,547.10 9,057.03 $15,604.n 10. That we following amounts Registry Office Maintenance Court House Maintenance recommend that Council consider in their 1985 Budget - EXPENDITURES $ 15,500 70,000 including the $ RECEIPTS 14,000 $ 45,000 LEVY 1,500 25,000 Administration Buildings Present - Operating New - Operating - Capital Recovery Df Rentals 28,500 21,000 1,200,OaO o o 1,000,00,0 77 ,820 28,500 21,000 200,000 (77,820) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,L/ ~~_/ 1< ./ 91 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON RF.MIlNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the- calendar year ending December 31st, 11984-: Paid To Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards By-Law No. 79-1 '* By.,..Law No. 83-44 By-Law No. 83-45 Conventions By~Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 83-50 Total (2) $ 2,909.-70 $ 5,646.14 (1) 650.24 3',902.24 (3) 2,311.87 4,827~97 -- 1.664.45 (1) 679.48 2,603.83 (1) 679.48 3,959.66 (2) 1,672.39 3,445.29 (2) 1,329.72 4,720.43 -- 2,485.08 (1) 650.24 3,230.63 (5) 6,081.79 18,859.93 -- 2,145.-80 (1) 439.48 3,583.00 -- 3";208.51 (2) 1,089.72 3,758.94 (1) 679.48 2,493.92 (3) 2,286.87 5;592.66 1,869.00 2,724.15 (2) 1,636.63 4,574.70 2,936.10 2,857.23 2,146.24 2,395;86 (3) 1,854.20 3,717.18 Brooks, R. G. Caverly, W. R. Coles, R. .F. Emerson, K. C. Fleck. J,. R. Ford, A. K. Haddow, R. Hodgson, J.. w. Lashbrocik, T. H. Lavereau, R. J. Marr, E. H. Martyn, W. A. Monteith, K. E. McWilliam, D. A. Neukanun,E. Pearson, D. H, Percivich, D. Purcell. R~ F. Sheils, R. J. smyth, J. N. Stewart, M. H. Vojin., S. P. v61kaert, J. A. Wakeling, J. L. Willsey, C. R. $ 2,736.44 3.252.00 2,516.10 1,664.45 1,924.35 3,280.18 1,772.90 3,390.71 2,485.08 2,580.39 * 12,7"78.14 2,145.80 3,143.52 3,208.51 2,669.22 1,"814.44 3,305.79 1,869.00 2,724015 2,938.07 2.936.10 2,857.23 2,.146.24 2,395.86 1,862.98 TOTAL $24,9.51.29 $99,348.94 $74.397.65 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended ALL of which is respectfully submitted~ ~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. ~~ TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1984, as authorized by the following By~Laws; Name By-Law No. 79'-1 Auckland, A. W. By-Law No. 79~1 By-Law No. 82-50 Lyons, H. I. Miskelly, A. T. Morrison, C. By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 83-27 By'-Law No. 83.,..52 By-Law No. 84-6 Benner, M. C. Carroll, L. R. Littlejohn, A. a. McKinlay, J. V. Tufford, N. G. Appointed To St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Elgin county Library Board Land Division Committee TOTAL Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions $ 225.00 550.77 367,71 705.78 1,_624.26 914.08 1,063.71 602.96 1,178.30 1,075.10 4,834.15 $6.683.41 ALL of which is respectfully submitted, $ 439.48 741.92 841. 92 1,583.84 $2 023.32 Tota-l $ 664.48 550.77 367.71 705.78 1,624.26 914.08 1,063.71 1,344.88 2,020;22 1,075.10 6;417'.99 $8.706._73 G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. ~~ 93 Ar.RT~ULTURAL COMMTTTEE REPORT February Session, 1985 FIRSTREPQRT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee repofts as follows: L That correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 2. That an amount cf$5,OOO.OO be provided in the 1985 budget to- cover expenses in connection withp~oposed routes etc. for the ontario Hydro through Elgin County. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~{~~ '.R. cavtr v. -. .. Chairman ~. /L I~: < I"~ I I ( ~ .-( ,I SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee repo~ts as follows~ 1. That we recommend that County Council consider including an amount of $993,500.00 in their 1985 Budget for the operations of the Social Services Department, requiring the County to provide $258,850.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~[) .~ ' -----) J~ ;~ .',:"Ylc:. {, . D. Perovich, Chairman. /(:. / / '",-'.'~- ,-" - ,-.~~. v 95 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. B5~9 "BEING A BY-LAII TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. " WHEREAS the St. Thomas Young Women's Christian Association operate a facility, known as ~Women's Placen, te accommodate Women and their Offspring, who require the necessities of life, including shelter in the routines of daily living; due to the breakdown of the Family Home and relationship therein; and WHEREAS the County has agreed to reimburse the Y.W.C.A. for persons, originating from residency within the County of Elgin, for the year 1985, for an amount not to exceed $12,000.00; and WHEREAS the terms under which this purchase of service are to be outlined in agreement form and are to be subject to. the approval of the: Ministry of Community and Social Services for-subsidy pUrposes. NOW THEREFORE, upon recommendation of its Social Services ~ommittee. the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement to purchase the services of ~Women's PlaceD, operated by the St. Thomas Young Women's Christian Association. READ a first time this 20th day of February 19S5. READ a second time this 20th day of February 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 2Dth day of February 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. -~ /' k-~7/' /~:,--/-../<: ( 0- - Lavereau, , R. Jwarden. -~..,/....;...,-._-<-~--< -Y..."',.-.I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-10 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEEO TO CONVEY LAND IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLO TO JOHN PAUL SHAHAN." WHEREAS in 1969 the County of Elgin did acquire land for the purpose of road widening at the Oneida School, at the intersection of County Roads #18 and #20, from the Elgin County Board of Education; and WHEREAS the description on the deed received was incorrect; and WHEREAS to correct it requires the County of Elgin to furnish a deed to Mr. John Paul Shahan and Mr. Shahan to furnish the County with a deed like~ise, NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation oithe County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the parcel more particularly described on Schedule -Aa attac~ed hereto. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. --- :L-;. \ ~....--//~ ~. ,.-i L .____::-. /'~' .Y.-, ../ R. J. Lavereau, Warden. 1\ 'I I. '[ II II I i I 'I Ii ,I " " I, Ii II 97 BY-LAW NO. 85-10 SCHEDULB "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Southwold, in, the County of Elgin and being co~posed of Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot S. Concession 2, as more particularly described as follows:- BEGTNNING at a point he.rein referred to as Point of Beginning-. in said Lot Five (5). formed by the intersection of the North East limit of the Oneida Road (Public Road laid out by By-Law Number Forty~nine (49) through said Lot Five (5l with the North West limit of. the road allowance between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions and Premising that the Bearings of the South E~sterly limit of said Lot 5 is North 45 degrees J 30minute_s ,East and relating all bearings herein thereto; THENCE North 4S degrees, 30 minutes East along the South Easterly limits of Lots 5 and 4, a distance of Two Hundred and Ninety-seven and Seventy-six one hundredths feet (297.76') to a point in a fence marking the NorthEasterly limit of the lands formerly used as a school grounds; THENCE North 42 'degrees, 29 minutes, 20 seconds West a distance of Seventeen and One one-hundredths feet (17.01') to the intersection of a line that is parallel to the South Easterly limit of said Lot 4 and which line. is distant Seventeen fcet (17') measured North Westerly at right angles from the South Easterly limit of said Lot 4, which point is the point of commencement of the hereinafter described lands and premises; THENCE North Westerly parallel to the South Westerly limit of said Lot 4 a distance of Two Hundred and Fourteen feet (214') to a point; THENCE in a Westerly direction along the edge of a gully or ravine to a point on a line distant Two Hundred and Eighty and Fifty one-hundredths feet (280.50') Northerly from the Southerly limit of Lot 4, said line being drawn parallel with the South westerly limit of Lot 4 from a point on said South Easterly limit, One Hundred and Eighty-one and Fifty one~hundredths feet (181.50') North Easterly from the point formed by the intersection of the North East limit of the said Oneida Road with the North West 8 SCHEDULE "A" CONTINUED limit of the Toad allowance between the said 2nd and 3rd Concessions (said intersection being the "point of beginning"; THENCE South Westerly parallel with the North West limit of the said Road Allowance between the 2nd and Srd Concessions t~ a point distant Twenty~five and Twenty-five one-hundredths feet (25.25') measure North Easterly at right angles from the North Easterly limitef the North East limit of the said Oneida Road laid out by By-Law Number 49 through Lot 5; THENCE South 44 degrees, 49 minutes, 20 seconds East parallel to the North Easterly limit of the road laid Ollt by By-Law Number 49 through said Lot 5, a distance of Two Hundred and Sixty-three and Fifty one-hundredths feet (263.50') to a point; THENCE North ~s degrees, 30 minutes ~ast parallel to the South Easterly limits qf Lots 5 and 4 a distance of Two Hundred and Seventy-three and Twenty-six one-hundredths feet (273.26'), more or less to the point of commencement. 99 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. BS-l1 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PETTY CASH FUND FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS." WHEREAS Section 81(4) of The Municipal Act authorizes the Council to establish a petty' cash fund in an amountsuffi- cient to pay small accounts etc_; and WHEREAS such funds are already in existence and the use therefore established by present practice~ NOW THEREFORE the following petty cash funds are hereby formally established as listed below; County Clerk~Treasurer's Office County Engineer-' s Office Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge $ 5Q.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 READ a first time th.is 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time t~is 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau. Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law NO. 85-12 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMPLDYEES COVERED BY THE JDB EVALUATION SCALE. OTHER THAN CERTAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES. " WHEREAS By-Law No. 84-20 presently establishe.s pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and WHEREAS a review of the rates indicates that adjustments are deemed necessary. NOW THEREFORE the following sched~le be and is hereby adopted: 1. CLERK-TREASURER'SOFFICE Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Custodian Payroll Supervisor Assistant Custodian Payroll Clerk ) Clerk-Typist ) 2. ROADS DEPARTMENT Engineer Assistant Engineer General superintendent Assistant General Superintendent Technician Office Co-Ordinator Bookkeeper Clerk-Typist 3. ELGIN MANOR AND TERRACE LODGE Director Assistant Administrator Building Supervisor Director of Nursing Assistant Director of Nursing Dietary Supervisor Resident Co-Ordinator Bookkeeper Clerk Clerk-Typist 4_ SOCIAL SERVICES Director Field Worker Clerk BIWEEKLY RATES $1,444.12~1,502.11-1,562.68-1,625.68 $884.75~921.66-960.03~1,000.04 $742.22-773.77~805.35-8~6.93 $643.41-669.70-697.53-726"60 $670.03-697.92-726.88~757.25 $531.70-552.63-574.31-597.01 $1,749.46-1,820.26-1, 894. 00~1 ,-970. a1 Plus use qf County vehicle $1,310.93-1,363. 51_1, 418~ 2 7-1,475.25 $1,193.00-1,240.66-1,290.29~1,341.94 $1,082.75-1,125.80-1,170.59-1,217.28 Plus use of County vehicle $1,082.75-1,125.80~1.,170.59-1;217.28 $801.35-834.83-8~9.60-905.82 $643.41-669.70-697.53-726.60 S531.70-552.63-574.31-597.0~ $1,444.12-1,502.11-1,562.68-1,625.68 $1,082.75-1,125.80-1,170.59-1;217.28 $884.75-921.66-960.03-1,000..94 $728.22-758.58-790.21~823.16 $643.41-669.70-697.53-726.60 $586.34-609.44-633.52-658.72 $531. 70-552.63--574.31-597.01 $1.193.00-1,240.66~l,290.29-1,341.94 $728.22-758.58-790.21-823.16 $586.34-609.44-633.52-658.72 101 - 2 ~ 5.~ Librarian Deputy Librarian Library SuperVisor Semi-Professional Bookkeeper Library Assistant Clerk,...Typist BIWEEKLY RATES $1,310.93-1,363.51-1,418.27-1,475.25 $1,082.75_1,125.80_1,170.59_1,217.28 $884~75,...921.66-960.03-1,OOO.04 $801.35-834.83,-869.60,...905.82 $p43.41,...669.70-69].53~726;60 $53L 70-552.63-574.31-597;01 6. That By-Law No. a4~20 be, and the same is hereby repealed. That this By-Law become effective January lst,1985. 7. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February 20th, 1985,. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. z(f;...v ( . / >,t .. ;(;'-7<-<-<<-_/'~ jy! J. Lavereau, Warden. 02 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-13 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE SALARIES OF VARIOUS POSITIONS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS persons,holdingcertain positions within the structure of the County Administration, have been appointed by by-law; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish the remuneration to be paid to the persons holding these positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts. as follows: L POSITION Clerk-Treasurer Treasurer, Homes for Senior Citizens That the salary or remuneration be established as foll~ - BIWEEKLY RATE $1,471.83 153.85 1,000.04 1,970.81 Plus USe of a County vehicle 1,475.25 1,625.68 1,125.80 1,341. 94 Deputy Clerk-Treasurer County Engineer & Road Superintendent Assistant County Engineer Director, Homes for Senior Citizens Assistant Administrator, Homes for Senior Citizens Director, Social Services 2. That BYMLaw No. 84-21 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1985. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. ~,_"""''''-___"J-<,--'' ';L",..___ ./' /' /.'--' . .." /SO' C"/_;7~ ". r.... ~j G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. 103 COUNTY OF ELGIN By"Law No. 85-14 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE RATE OF PAY FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES IN THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. ,. , WHEREAS certain positions are not covered by a collective agreement or other-by-Iaw; and WHEREAS it is nece~sary to establish rates of pay for these positions. NOW THEREFORE the following rates be, and are-hereby adopted: 1. Reqistered Nurses - Effective- October 1st, 1982 - $11.95 per hour Effective October 1st, 1983 - 12.55 per hour Plus a Day Shift Premium of 21~ per hour Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00 (paid quarterly). 2'. Terrace Lodge _ Hourly R~tes - Effec:tive January 1st, 1985 ~ 1 YR. ~ 3 YR. Relief Cook Supervisor $9.31 $9.43 $9.53 $9.66 plus Annual Clothing Allowance of $60.00 (paid quarterly) Recreation Director and Craft Supervisor $9.26 $9.37 $9~48 $9.60 3. That this By-Law be~ome effective upon passing. 4. That By-Law No. 84-25 be, and the same is hereby repeale~. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a se~ond time this 20th day of February, 1985 READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk.. / ~/r ~~ '"- ' <-i'_T'~__."".c ~ J4---./ 04 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-15 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH RATES OF PAY FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES. " WHEREAS.certain positions only require persons to work less than full time; and WHEREAS it is necessary in some instances to engage a person for a short period of time. adopted: NOW THEREFORE the following rates be, and are hereby L ELGIN MANOR Barber Beautician $141.95 per month 51.10 per day_ 2-; TERRACE LODGE Beautician $51.10 per day. 3. CLERICAL Experienced Inexperienced $7.56 per hour 6.29 per hour. COUNTY LIBRARY Starting Rate 2nd Year: 3rd Year 4th Year $7.52 per hour 7.86- per hour 8;. 21 per hour 8.58 per hour. 4. LAND DIVISION Secretary-Treasurer $8.57 per hour. 5. CLERK-TYPIST Starting Rate 2nd 'ie-ar 3rd Year 4th Year $7.52 per hour 7.86 per hour 8.21 per hour 8.58 per hour. 6. That By-Laws No. 84~19 and 84-28 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 7. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1985. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. ~ A<'-'<'Y/ >~ /:- :~ j:' ~>~_._, -.r ,R. J. Lavereau Warden. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 105 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-16 "BEING ~ 8Y-L~W TO EST~BLlSH THE REMUNER~T10N OF THE TREE COMMISSIONER ~NO WEED INSPECTOR." WHEREAS By-Law No. 81-55 and By-Law NQ. 81~54 appoints Mr. Charles C. Stafford as the Tree Commissioner and Weeq Inspector for the County of Elgin; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish the remuneration to be paid for these positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora~ tico of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the remuneration to be paid for the positions of Tree commissioner and Weed Inspector be $9.56 per hour. 2. That while using his personal vehicle on County bus- iness, he be paid the rate established for other County employees. 3. That By-Law No. 84~16 be, and the same is hereby r-epealed. 4. That this By~Law become effective January 1st, 1985. READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A?>7~ :.........- /' . . --.' '~.C.- ~_.....r_c:_.-. R.'/J. Lavereau, Warden. ~ .\ _.~. y,o-J 06 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-17 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A REMUNERATION SCHEDULE AND DTHER WORKING CDNDITIONS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE ROADS DEPARTMENT. " WHEREAS it is considered advisable to estab~ish,hou~ly rates as well as other working conditions as they pertain to the ~mployees of the Roads Department. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the CorpOration of the County of Elgin enacts that the following schedule be, and is hereby adopted for the Roads Department: 1. REGULAR HOURLY RATED EMPLOYEES Class. 5 - Construction Foreman or Shop Foreman 1. (a) Person designated a Shop foreman being a Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour. (Persons presently in this category as of April 1, 1982'~hall continue to be paid at the Class 5 rate.) OR {b} Construction Foreman in charge of specialized work such as grading and granular base or bridge construction and in charge of hired trucks, or gradingequi~ment and County equipment and one or more County Work Crews. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "0" required, Class "A" pr-eferred. Rate - $11.20 per hour. Class 4 - Foreman, Lead Hands and Mechanic 1. RegUlarly {a} Mechanic licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Labour (for hirings after April 1st, 1982). (b) In charge of a work crew of at least five (5) men with County and/or hired equipment on a specific project. (c) Supervising other County (or hired) trucks and equipment. OR (d) Performing work which is a recognized skill or trade. 2. ~ be assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman, or Night Duty in Winter; 3. Experience Rate 16. cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years. 4. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications licence Class "0" required, Class "A" preferred. Rate - $10.69 to $11.01 per hour. Class 3 - Machine Operator, Stockkeepers, Part Time Foremen and Grademen 1. (a) Stockkeepers. - Licence Requirement - Class "A" or "0" preferred. Valid Ministry of Transportation and Commmun- ications operator's licence required. (b) Regular Operators on tandem dump truck, distributor, float, grader, shovel, loader, backhoe, dozer etc., a majority of the time. The .remainder of time - skilled or special work such as machine repair, sign construction, etc.. Usually assigned as Snow Plow Operator, Sander Operator, Wingman or Night Duty in Winter. Some super- visorywork is usually required. Ministry of Transporta~ tion and Communications Class "A" licence .required for some positions: Class. "AU licence preferred for all other positions: Class "0" required for any position. 107 - 2 - (c) Part Time Foreman performing work of a higher classifi- cation than Class 2 or acting as a Foreman and/or-Lead Hand of a work crew for. a portianaf the year, and includ- ing experienced Grademen; able to be assigned as Wingman. Sander Operator or Night Duty in the Winter. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class RDR licence required. 3. Experience Rate 16 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years. Rate _ $10.14. to $10.46 per hour. Class 2 - Laho.urer Premium 1. Shall ,be able to operate. light truck, tractor, roller, etc. on a part time basis. Maybe employed as .8 Weighman. Checker or Mower Operator (summer). Able to be assigned as a Wingman, Sander Operator {part time} or Night Duty in Winter. 2. Experience Rate 16 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to a maximum of two years. 3. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Commun.tcations Class ~D" licence required. Rate - $9.43 to $9.75 per hour. Class 1 - Labourer 1. Must be capable of performing physical labour under super- vision. som~ light truck or tractor driving may be required on occasion. 2. Motor Vehicle Licence Requirement Ministry of Transportation and Communications Class nG" licence will be required for employees engaged after January 1st, 1978. Rate - $9.56 per hour. 1. An employee hired to fill a particular vacancy in Classifica- tions 2, 3, 4 or 5 shall have a probationary starting rate of 50 cents per hour less than the rate of the category with no experience assigned for their probationary period of 90 days. 2. The requirements for Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cations drivers licences will not result in the downgrading of anyone pr~sently in a category, but will be a requirement for anyone entering a new category. NOTE: 2. SEASONAL OR CASUAL EMPLOYEES NOTE: Those employees who are not engaged to fill a particular ---- vacancy - maximum service without layoff is six months. Class A _ Employees of high school age (16 to 18 years of age with varied experience). Rate - $5.02 to $5.36 per hour. Experience Rate 17 cents per hour depending on age and exper- ience. Class B _ Casual Labour, inexperienced (Studentsl9-20 years of age etc.) Rate - $6.12 per hour. Class C -' Experienced Labour, inexperienced Mower Operators. University age students with prior experience. Rate - $6.88 per hour. Class D _ Experienced Operators or Tradesmen. Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications Class "On. licence usually required, Ministry of the Environment Mosquito Operators when engaged in Abatement Programme. Rate - $7.50 per hour. 08 - 3 - 3. TECHNICAL PERSONNEL Instrument Man - Education - Grade 12 or equivalent. Work includes drafting, surveying and when experienced to be able to work with a minimum of supervision. - Increments shall be governed by ability, experience, the passing of Ministry of Transportation and Communications sponsored courses on surveying and inspection. - Position comparable to Ministry of Transportation and Communications Technician III Surveys. Minimum - $10.47 per hour Maximum - $11.01 per hour. Increments of 27 cents per hour for completion of each year's work to maximum of two years. 4. ANNUAL INCREMENT An employee is eligible for an annual increment (to a maximum of two years) on January 1st of any year provided he has beeriin that particular category since September 1st or prior of the previous year. 5. PREMIUM NIGHT DUTY Those perSons appointed to tenance Shift) are eligible for a rate of pay for such time as they Premium - 15 cents per hour 8:00 P.M. 25 cents per hour for a shift beginning from 8:30 P.M. to Midnight. Regular Night Duty premium. over their are on Night Duty. fora shift beginning (Winter Main- regular hourly before 6. FRIDAY PAY In the event of a Statutory Holiday, Sick Benefit, Annual Holiday, Compassionate Leave, etc., falling on Friday, the employee shall be paid at his regular rate of pay for eight hours and the time shall count as one full day. 7. STANDBY TIME - for designated employees (1) If the designated time for standby is from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 .P.M. - four hours at their regular rate. (2) If standby is required on a calendar Statutory Holiday, standby will be paid at l~ times the regular rate. 8. CALL-IN PAY (1) In the event of a call-in, minimum pay will be four hours (regular rate) . (2) If an employee, on vacation, is called in to work during regular hours, he will be guaranteed a full day's pay for work performed. It is understood that an employee will not be required to work any additional hours, merely to put in sufficient hours to equal a regular working day. 9. SAFETY FOOTWEAR ALLOWANCE - Regular Employees only A. cash payment of $2.50 per week (to a maximum of $125.00) will be paid on the first payroll in January each year, for work performed in the preceding year, as a safety footwear allowance. Where an employee is laid off, with his return to work not expected prior to the next year, his payment-for safety footwear allowance will be made upon separation, instead of being held until January. Any balance presently held in accounts, to the credit of employees, may be used to purchase future footwear until the account is depleted. If a retirement occurs, any amount still held in their account will be paid to the employee. 109 - 4 - 10. That By-Law No. 84-17 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 11. That this By-Law shall become effective January 1st, 1985. , READ a first time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of February, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of February, 1985. ~_..,,<. '- .:. Y-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~'j/L,.c '-_/"/ L.' 1\/. J. Lavereau, Warden. L o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-18 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION. 1985. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of.a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council, and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By~Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the 'cbuntyof Elgin at its meetings held during the February 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of February 1985~ READ a second time this 21st day of February 1985. READ A third time and finally passed this 21st day of February 1985. "::::::'/-----<---<--,-<, -y:'.~........ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. // '-// '\..-< ....~ < < ~-"., / R. Lavereau, Warden. 111 March Session - First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of March, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M.. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Brooks Reeve Emerson Reeve Coles Deputy Reeve Volkaert (arrived 11:01 A.M.). COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. .. Elgin county Pioneer-Museum with revised estimates for the installation of the heating and airconditioning and revised request for ,a grant. 2. Family & Children's Services of St.. Thomas and Elgin with 1985 Budget and request from county. 3. BUdget. Elgin County Library with copy of 1985 proposed Library 4. Budget. The Elgin~st. Thomas Health Unit with a copy-of 1985 5. R. G. Moore with r~sol~tion from the Roads Committee reqUesting that a sum of $1.000.00 be budgeted for Mosquito Control. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Monteith That Council correspondence #1. 2, 3. 4 and 5 be tabled to be dealt with during the budget deliberations. ~ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE. - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be tabled to the budget discussions. Carried. FIRST REPORT ~ ROADS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the Roads Committee be tabled to the budget discussions. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve purcell That the First Report of the Library Board be tabled to the budget discussions. _ Carried. 2 - 2 - Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the March 20th Special Budget Session be an Open Session. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Lavereau named Reeve Hodgson as Chairman. Council re-convened. Mr. A. M. Spriet of Spriet.and Associates London Ltd. was present and it was moved by Reeve Stewart that Mr. Sprietbe now heard. Mr. Spriet displayed plans of the renovations to the new Administration Building and explained them to Council. He indicated that it would be another two to three weeks before, final plans were ready for the calling of tenders. The various Department Heads appeared at the invitation of Council, at staggered intervals, to explain their budget and answer any questions there may be. 1. Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, re: Roads Budget 2. Mr. F. J. Boyes, Director, Homes for Senior Citizens~ re: Homes B~dget. 3. Mr. R. E. Bell, Director, Social Services, re: Social services Budget. He indicated that a revision was required to the Revenue to decrease it by $1,500 and increase the Net Levy by $1,500 as he had considered sick pay payouts subsidizable in error. 4. Mr. E. A. Wells, County Librarian, re: Library Board Budget. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the bus~ness at hand. - Carr. led . Moved by Deputy ReeveWakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That we do now adjourn (12;15 P.M.) to meet again on March 20th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - carr led. Council re-convened at 2;00 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Reeve Brooks Reeve Emerson Reeve Coles. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Reeve McWilliam That we go into a Committee Of The Whole to hear Nora Sanders re: a recent court decision. - Carried. Council re-convened into Open Council. '----/ ..J ~ 113 _ 3 - County Council, March 20th Session 198~ Mr. E. A. Wells, County Librarian, again was in attend- ance to answer questions concerning the Library Board Budget. Council continued and reviewed the budget in its entirety, as~ing questions and considering the-various amounts suggested. --./ Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Reeve caverly That as the hour is now 6 o'clock, we continue on to con- clude the business at hand. - Carr ied ~ Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Willsey ~ 24 That the 1985 Proposed EXPLANATION Budget be altered as follows: INCREASE/DECREASE ~ $1,500 1,500 19 Agriculture Decrease Receipts Increase Levy Increase Expenditures and Levy 2,000 Social Services - Carried. Deputy Reeve Pearson requested a recorded vote - '-/ YEAS _ Perovich (2), Vojin, McWilliam, Ford, Monteith (2), Mar~ (2), ---- Haddow (2), Martyn (2), caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), Willsey, Sheils, Pearson (2), Hodgson, Purcell, Lavereau (2), Wakelirig, "Lashbrook, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL YEAS -: 31- NAYS - Volkaert. TOTAL NAYS - 1. The resolution passed. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake ling That Council approve an additional $2,500 for the Elgin County pioneer Museum for the installation of the heating and. air- conditioning system, if the tenders dictate that it is required, and that it be taken from the contingency fund. - Carried. -' Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That if the Village of West Lorne receives approval for an O.N.I.P. grant towards the construction of a library, Elgin County Council will give a grant in 1985 of 25% of the total cost up to a maximum of $75,000~00. upon approval of the plans by County Council, and that the funds be paid from the Reserve for Hospital capital Grant. - Carried. Reeve Lashbrook requested a recorded vote - YEAS _ Perovich (2), McWilliam, Ford, Monteith (2), Marr (2), ---- Haddow (2), Martyn (2), Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), Volkaert, Willsey, Sheils, Hodgson, Purcell, Lavereau (2), wakeling, Lashbrook, smyth, Fleck. TOTAL YEAS - 29. NAYS _ Vojin, Pearson (2). TOTAL NAYS - 3. The resolution Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the $15,000 shown as Capital for the west Lorne library furniture be deleted from the Library budget and be placed in a Reserve for Library Capital Expenditures. -' _ Carried. 14 Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the 1985 Proposed New Administration Building - capital - 4 - ITEM 30 Budget be altered as Increase Receipts Decrease Levy follows: $100,000 100,000 Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr - Carried. That we adopt the attached budget, for the lawful purposes of the County during 1985. requiring a Net Levy of $3.035.134 made up as follows: EXPENDITURES $12,721,795 LESS RECEIPTS 9,434,783 GROSS LEVY $ 3,287,012 LESS APPLIED SURPLUS 251.878 NET LEVY $ 3,035,134 and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1985 for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of the appor~ tionrnent, as determined under Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared - COUNTY OF ELGIN - 1985 BUDGET 1 Supplementary Taxes 2 Recovery of Rentals 3 General Support Grant 4 Resource Equalization Grant 5 Council Members and Local Boards 6 Administration Salaries 7 Administration Supplies and Services 8 Administration Buildings Maintenance 9 Court House Maintenance 10' Grants 11 Miscellaneous Expense 12 County Roads - Regular - Supplementary 13 Children's Aid Society 14 Elgin Manor - Operating 15 Terrace Lodge - Operating - Debenture 16 Bank Interest and service Charges 17 Reserve for Working Funds 18 Taxes Written Off 19 Agriculture 20' Registry Office 21 Health Unit 22 County Library - Operating - Capital 23 Land Division 24 Social Services 25 Mosquito Control 26 Reserve for - Capital Expenditures 27 Contingencies 28 Court House Alterations 29 Reserve for Hospital Capital Grant 30' New Administration Building - Operating - Capital 31 Reserve for Library Capital Expenditures TOTALS FROM SURPLUS NET LEVY 1985 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 130,000 128,0'00 40,Oqo 28,500- 70,000 112,000 1,000 4,520,000 200,000 116,349 2,476,643 1,210,600 112,200 25,000 15,00'0 168,000 15,500 209,183 677,320 59,0'0'0 27,00'0' 993,50'0 1,000' 50,000 1985 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 10,000' $ 77 ,820 160',398 237,-945 10,500 45,000' 3,40'3,00'0 182,'0'00 2,298,569 1,122,401 25,000' 14, aDO 15,000 733,150 100,000 21,0'0'0 1,200,000 1,100,000 15,000 $12,721,795 $9,434,783 $12 721.795 $~783 - Carried. r 1985 TAX LEVY (10,000) (77,820) (160,398) (237,945) 130,00'0' 117,500' 40',000 28,500 25,0'00 112-,00'0' 1,00'0 1,117,000 18,000 ,,-- 116,349 178-,074 88,199 112,200 15,0.00 168,000 1,50'0 209,183 677,320' 59,000 12,00'0' 260,350 1,000 50,000 r 100,000 21,000 100,000 15.0'00 $3,287,012 251,878 $3.035.134 115 _ 5 - County Council, March 20th Session 1985 .J NAYS - Reeve Haddow requested a recorded vote - Perovich (2)i Monteith (2), -Marr (Z), Haddow (2), Caverly (2), Neukamni {2L Stewart (2), Volkaert, Willsey, Pearson (2L Hodgson, Purcell, Lavereau (2), Wakeling, Lashbrook. TOTAL YEAS - 24. Vojin. McWilliam, Ford, Martyn (2), Sheils, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL NAYS - 8. The resolution Carried. YEAS - Moved by Re.eve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the firm of Gurin & Associates be instructed to enter an appeal on the dismissal of the recentt~e:e prosecutions. - Carried. MOved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Purcell That this council have Howard Gibson attend our next Council Session, March 28, to discuss our concerns about the: pro~ pose~-hydro route. - Carried. ~ FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CI~IZENS COMMITTEE Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Roads Committee be adopted~ ..., Carried. SECON~ REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Roads Committee waS presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve --.../ Stewart. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That Item amended by deleting recommends that the top floor should be #1 of the First Report of the Library Board be -and 5,000 square feet of Archives space- -and additional cost of putting the Archives on the casted out.and examined-. '-' NAYS Reeve Hodgson asked for a recorded vote - Pearson (2), Hodgson, Lavereau (2), smyth, Fleck. TOTAL YEAS - 7. _ Perovich (2l, Vojin, McWilliam, Ford, Monteith (2), Marr (2), Haddow (2), Martyn (2), Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), Volkaert, Willsey, Sheils, Purcell, Wake ling, Lashbrook. TOTAL NAYS - 25. The amendment was defeated. YEAS 6 - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Haddow deleted. That Item #6 of the First Report of the Library Board be - Carried. The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign an agree- ment with Employment and Immigration Canada to allow the County to enter an agreement under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act for a Canada Works Programme. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That an application be made to the Ministaref Transpor~ tatioo and Communications for a Supplementary By-Law in the amount of $182,000 to assist in offsetting some of the difference between the construction objective to which the County of Elgin was entitled to under the construction formulae and what the Ministry of Tran~- portation and Communications will subsidize under the normal pro- gramme. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 85-19 ~A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 20th Session. 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved.by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve L~shbrook That By~Law No. 85-19 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 85-19 be read a third time and finally passed; - Carried. Moved~by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert That we do now adjourn (8:07 P.M.) to .meet again on March 28th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. '---./ '---' '-" '--' 117 HOMES FOR SENIOR-CITIZENS_COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1985 FIRST REPORT ~ To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the insurance report presented by Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan Company be accepted~ 2. That we recommend that Elgin County Council consider including the following amounts in their 1985 budget for the operation c.f the two Homes' for Senior Citizens, exclusive of debentures: Elgin Manor Expenditures Receipts $2,476,6,43.00 $2,:298,569.50 Tax Levy $178,073.50 Terrace Lodge $1,210,600.00 $3,687,243.00 $1,122,650.80 $3,421,220.30 S 87,949.20 $266,022.70 ~ 3. Terrace per day That the per diem to be charged for Elgin Manor and Lodge residential care be increased by $2.00 to $34..50 effective MarchI, 1985; ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .~~~~ . , Chairman I~. ;C /. -:i/~ ;c.\ ~<____>:-,<..- _<--."---_..~.~.f 8 COlJNTYOF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 20TH SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the sum of $1,000 be budgeted in 1985 for Mosquito Control for the prevention of encephalitis. 2. That the rebate to urban municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in past years. 3. That the honorarium for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissioners b.. $175.00 for the period of January I, 1985 to January 31, 1986. For many years the honorarium has been $150.00 per year. Provincial legislation has r~ccntly been amended to provide that the Suburban C01lllllissioners' terms eXpire at the end of January of the year following a municipal election rather than at the end of a calendar year. Thq$ the honorarium will coincide with the term of the Conmissioners. 4. That the attached budget in the amount of $4,5.2a.aaa as amended. dated March 1. 1985 be approv~d. 5. That the normal road levy be set <it $1,Ll7,OOa as detailed in the amended budget of March I, 1985. 6. That an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for approval of a Supplementary By-Law for the spending of $200,000 which witl require an additional County Road Levy of approximately $18,000 ($182,000 required from the ~liniStry of Transportation and Co~nuniCations). This supplementary. by_L,iw. if <lpprovcd, will assist in part to offset some of the difference between the construction objective of $2,295,000 to which the County of Elgin was entitled to. under the Ministry of Transp'.ll.tativn ;!fld Communications construction formulae "nd the $1.949,000 oloj.,ctivl! which the Ministry of Tnmsportation clod COllUui.micatiOIl'; '..JilL sul1sidizc under the normal pro"ramme. Continued. . . 119 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ MARCH 20TH SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. 6. Continued.. . The money will be used in part for ,asphalt resurfacing on high priority roads (Note: Page lIB on the attached Budget). other high priority work includes repairs to the, Port Burwell and Players >>ridge decks. Since the budget Was written we have learned that two (2) steel pipe arch culverts on Wellington Road (County Road #25) will requite replacement~ These culverts installed in 1962 have developed serious cracking across the haunch bolts and h~ve been shored up as a safety measure. As well the cleaning of the Underhill Drain last fall has lowered the grade of the ditch below the bottom of the culverts. No estimate of cost has yet been determined. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEGrFULLY SUBMITTED SL LL d)'. _ Jl:f'/ CHAIRMAN " r: -'-- .-< :,.-.<- ..: ---" ",------..-- ! 20 COUNTY .OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1985 ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET ~ EXPENDITURES (COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION) CONSTRUCTION: (a) Roads and Bridges (b) Asphalt Resurfacing FIXED COSTS: (a) Maintenance (b) Overhead (c) New Machinery Cd) Drainage Assessments (e) Transferred to Road and Bridge Construction IIrban Rebates Ite~s Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and COTmlUnications TarAL ~ County Levy From the City of St. Thomas Toward St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Ministry of Tr..lIlsportatioll and Collllllunications Subsidy TarAL AMEN OED MARCH 1, 1985 $ 991,000 958,000 1,835,000 391,000 344,000 44,000 147,000 CR. 54,000 50,000 - $4~ 000 $1,117,000 41,000 3,362,000 $4,520,000 [1984 Ministry of Tr;lll$pot:t;,tjull and C0uullunic<ltions Subsidy W<lS $3.100.000 and the Tut..l E"l'l.:nditurl.:i,; Other Tl,...n Items Not For Subisdy Were $~>lulJ775. 1 121 (PAGE 2.) COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1985 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SPENDING OBJEctIVE AMl!IlOED MARCH 1, i985 FIXED. COSTS: Maintenance and Overhead Allocation $2,076,000 New Machinery (From 1984 Needs Study_ Update) 344,000 Drainage Assessments 1/2 of 1981, 1982, 1983 Average 47,000 TOTAL $2.467.000 CONSTRUCTION: j.6% Road and Bridge Needs From 1984 update (.036 X $27,517,000) $ 991,000 lIt of_Resurfacing Needs - 1984 Update (.1-1 X $H,856,OOQ) 1,304,000 TOTAL $2.295;000 The COnstruction Override is 1984 Construction Spending Objective'Plus 10% ($1,772,000 + 10%) $1,949.000 Los,S Through Override $346,000 Percentage of Construction Objective Subsidi~ed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1.949.000 2,295,000 or 85% If the Override had. Been Allowed the County of Elgin Share of the Additional Programme Would. be. ApproJdml!tely $31,500 Total Maintenance and COnstruction Spending Objectives Using the Override $4,416,000 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Average Subsidy Rat.e on Operations .75-.52% (In 1984 the Subsidy Rate Was Approximately 74.78%) __~..~.'-J~' ELGIN (PAGE 3.) (",\LCliLAT!(l{\ Ill>" (;I-U\NI' tlNlil':!{ 1l1'pr':R-TIER PROGRAM '.00_ ~~=,,,,"...==",==-' _. -=C.=.=,..-'=.7---- .-. ~- ------..-______ AMENDED MARCH 1, 1985 STJ. PI Al),)I'I""d F:xp..:nditur,~ on j{u..:.d~ <lnd -- - Brid,:,,,; to whi<,;h Gr<.l.1l1 Applies (Item I) :'.J1'i-'::P 2 Coun~y l.;(fort of I. 2'i Mill:; on-Total --- COUlll)' Asscs:;mcnl (It,'m F) 1.25 x lklll F' 1. 25 X $_~..lOOO,OOO 1000 1000 $441f>nnn $ 788~750 Plul; ," l' lId.>,';' COII11.jIJlitl;u\ ;,t O. 5 Mills () " ~ !klll G O. 'i x $ 82.400.000 $ 41.200 Tooo- 1000 - fot;d L.." al I':fi,'r~ at L ,~5 Mills $~ S J'J'"P ~ Il'Mu 1'.IlHI 'it 1.1.5 r-.ltils "qud.ls the .--. ...- 101;,1 1.0. ,.I El1oJ.t in Shp l plus an equiv.ll<<nt <<n ount of gr;JnL l x St<.p 2. - l. x $.~950 _ $ 1 659900 ':.U::J.:.:!. Uillni.:~ Ho..d EflorL aL 1.':S Mills '" Step; minus Slep ~ (Unle:;:; Step 3 1$ grt"alcr tn;J.n SlCp 1) $ 2~756.000 ,0.;, t.:? .itA) -..--. - Wher..: I.here is an Urinwl HOad Effort .It l. /.5 MilLs Griwt applying to it is Step -Ix 0, ';0909 ~ .$ .~!JizQ~9 _ x 0, 90Y09 $2.505.000 Plu:> Gr;.\nt equivaknt lo Tt)tal LOl.:ai I~f(ort (Stc'pl) fotal {. dcul.~ted Amount of Grant $ 830,000 $3.335~OOO - or - ilO'9~ of Ai1proved EXp~m;iture (Item 1) 0" H x $ $ Whir.:n~v,;" i:. the l':s~.lr 5 (A) $ 3,335.000 OR Percentage Subsidized 75.52'%. STEP 2J...!U -:---. Wh(' r,~ lh,' f.:: I f, no UUIIl\'l Road Effort at I. 2'i Mill,.; Grant il;; 'iO% of Approved Expl'nditurt' 11t~m 1) :..; 0, 5 x Step 1 :: o. 'j x $.....______ 5 (B) $ STEP 0 Grant applying lo UrlJan Rcb.,ltc Paid --.- 50'VD of ltt~m i-I " 0.5 x :j. 54,U00 $27.000 P1U:l Cr"'lIl..J.pplying tu Approy~d Expl,nditurc (Step S(Al or Step 5(B) $. Mwu,; l{e.:eipt.. from Propt'rty Pispoaal~'~ _'Yu of 1L<'1Il N :.. 0, _ x $ = $ fotal (.;I'..rol $ 3~OOO :) ,1:1' 7 Tul;d (;1',1111 Paya.ble un{lcr Upper Tier -- -- ?r....gr..Il' I~; I'h~ Allocation {ltein Al or Slep l,. wlu,'h.cycr i:J the Ics$er $, 3.362.000 Applies "nly tu purch,u:ic::I made prior to January I, 1973. 1 "er_cenl;~~(. to be """d ill th...t .lpplicable to year in which ropcrty was lh',....h...:Jed. DATE COUNTY OF ELCIN ROAD DEPARTMNET COUNTY LEVY Ministry of Transportation and Communications Speriding Objective PLUS: Urban Rebates SUB TOTAL LESS: Ministry of Transportation and COmmunications Subsidy SUB TarAL LESS: Contribution of the City of St. Th(ltllasto Suburban Roads ADD: Items Not For Subsidy TOYAL COUNTY LEVY 1984 Levy $1,031,000 1984 Expenditure (Approximately) $1,001,095 123 (PAGE 4.) AMENDED MARCHI, 1985 $4,416,000 54,000 $4,470,000 3,362,000 $1,108,000 41,000 $1,067,000 50,000 $1,117,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1985 BUDGET COUNTY NOT FOI{ SUBSIDY 1. Administrative Ch<.lrges from Clerk's Office for Payroll Preparation. 2. Convention Hospitality Suites, Etc. 3~ Liability Insurance. 4. Memberships, Retirement Allowances, Etc. 5. Sick Leave plan Payouts. 6. OIi'erexpendituretoEarn Maximum Subsidy. 7. Urban Rebates on Non Subsidized Expenditures. 8. International Plowing M<.ltch Expenditures (Erection of Snow Fence, Etc.) 9. Auditor Fee Regarding 1983 _ 1984 C.O.E~D. Project (PAGE 5.) AMENDED MARCH 1, 1985 $ 5,000 2,100 1,500 1,500 23,000 4,000 2,.500 10,000 400 $50,000 CO~~Y Of ELGIN R~~ DEPARTMENT (P,l.GE 6.) PROPOS ED COUNT'{ ROAD LEVY 1985 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ASSESSMENT AND (THIS. PAGE INFORMATION ONLY) COUNTY"ROAD LEVY URBAN ASSESSMENT RURAL ASSES~MENr TOTAL ASSESSMENT ~ (IN MILLIONS) -fIN MILLIONS) (IN MILLIONS) BRUCE 255.04 459.96 715 GREY 176.86 533.14- no OWEN SOUND 73.2 hUROS 254.26 555.74 810 PERTH 105.29 398.71 s,04 .. STRATFORD 116.8 WELLI:4'GION 209.50 478.5 688 GUELPH 290.2 ELGIN 121:t 510 :t 631 .. Sf. THCMAS 82.4 VICTORIA 238:t 356 :t 594 CQUN'IY LEVY [INCLUDES NON SUBSIDIZED] (IN tHOUSA.~DS) AMENDED MARCH 8, ~985 FUNDS AVAtL<\BLE TO SUBlJRBAN RO,AD COMMISSION FROM. SEPARATED CITY (IN THOUSANDS) 1,640 1,405 36,6 2,162 800 58.4 1,900 :t 145.1 1,1l7 18 (Supplementa:(y By..Law) TO'l'AL 1.135 (M,T.C. Subsidy $3,J62,O~O) 41.2 1.203 (Va:(ious Sou:(ces) (M.T.C. Subsidy $3,390.0?O) ~ I\l 01 26 COUNTY O~. ELGIN ROAD DRP./lI.!'rMENT CONSTRUCTION Road and Bridge Construction Allocation 1. Transfer to Maintenance Because of Under Allocation in Maintenace. 2. Surveying and Engineering on Future Road and Bridge Construction Projects~ 3. Engineering and PreI iminary Work, Road #45 from Road #40 to Highway #73, Millahide Township_ 4. Engineering, Replacement efPort Burwell and Player's Bridge Floors: (Road #45), Yarmouth Township. 5. County Land Purchase. 6. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Land Purchase. 7. Increase in Stock Balance. (Pleasant Valley and Sparta Pits) Etc.) 8. Completion of Work Road #42~ Silver Creek. 9. Completion of Work Road #32, Malahide TownShip. 10. Completion of Work Road #42 and Road #50 in Port Burwell. 11. Replacement of Culvert Road #29, Southwold Township. 12. Work on Road #22 (Fairview Avcnue)i Yarmouth Township. 13. Replacement of Port Burwell and/or Player's Bridge FloorsCRoad #45).. Yarmouth Township. (Funds Must Come From Road #22 Allocation.) TarAL (PAGE 7.) AMENDED MARCH 1, 1985 $991,000 $147,000 25:.000 25,000 8,000 60;000 15,000 50,000 37,000 35,000 80,000 30,000 479,000 $991',000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RESURFACING ALLOCATION (A) COOPLETIoN OF WORK UNDERWAY 1. Road #36 north of Road #45 - Yarmouth minor ditching, seeding and shoulder graveL 2. Road #45 from Jaffa to Highway #73 - Ma1ahide minor ditching, seeding and shoulder gravel. 3. Road #3 from Road #2 to Highway #3 - Aldborough minor ditching, seeding, shoulder work and single surface' treatment on shoulders~ (B) ~ (NOT LIS'l'ED ON- BASiS OF PRIORITY) ('!'he following Roads and Cost Estimates Should be Examined Fully in the Spring after the Frost is OUt of the Ground~ It is Unlikely that we can Afford More Than Half the Distance Listed. ) 1. Road #39 (Chatham Street), Port Burwell - 1.0 Km'~ 2. Road #42, east limit of Port BUrwell, easterly in BayhamTownship - 1.6 Km~ 3. Road #52 _ Road #30 to Highway #74 (Yarmouth Township) - 5.6 Km. 4. Road #30 _ Sparta to Road #24 (Yarmouth Township)- 3.0 KIll. 5. Road #40 _ Mount Salem to: Road #42 (Matahide Township) _ 4.1Kni.~ 127 (PAGE 8. J AMENDED MARCH 1, 1985 $958,000 15,000 5,000 25,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUNMARY OF FIXED COSTS County and St.. Thomas Suburban Road Maintenance County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Overhead New M<lchinery Drainage Assessments, _ County Roads Drainage ASsessments _ St. Thomas Suburban Roads Ministry of Transportation and Communications Fixed Cost Allocation From Page #2 SHORT FALL IN ALLOCATION (To be Transferred Fram Road Construction) (PAGE 9.) MARCH 1, 1985 $1,835,000 391,000 344,000 30,000 14,000 $2,614.000 2,467,000 $ 147.!.OOO COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEP ARTMENT 1985 MAINTENANCE BlJDGE"t (PAGE tU.) COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBlJRBAN ROADS Al1ENDED MARCH 1. 1985 (Maintenance Comparisons for 1982, 1983 and 1984 include County and Subur~an Roads Exp~ndi~ures. All totals include Payroll Burden.) OPERATION 1982 1983 1984 A _ aridges and CUlvert.s 1 Bridges 63.208 140.766 97.219 2 Culverts 63,297 71.289 37.326 B _ Roadside Maintenance 1 GraSS CUtting 19,71,8 17.894 41,888 _ 2 Tree CUttins and ~ushin8 70.305 111.471 79,498 _ 4 Drainage 13.2.430 163.074 190.735 _ 5 Roadside Maintenance 30,161 37,907 39,393 _ 6 Tree Planting 2,605 10,067 4,088 _ 7 DJ:ainage Assessro:ents 1,707 3,296 2,350 (l1aintenance) _ 11 Weed Spraying 12,627 15,769 12,716 C _ Pav,ed Road Maintenance _ 1 Repairs to Pavement 60.133 68,514 43,966 2 Sweeping 31,843 22,251 27,213 .. ~ .' 1985 ESTIMATED CDUNlY ST.THOHAS SUBlJRBAN ROADS 00,000 120,000 47,000 37,000 60,000 54,000 160,000 142,000 32,000 26.000 4,'000 4.Q(jO 3,000 3,000 2,0~ 000 16.000 70,000 66.000 30,000 26,000 10,000 10,000 000 L,OOO 6.000 4.000 4,000 4,000 ~ I\l CO c:u (PAGE 11.) 0 CO:1h"lY or ELGIN ROAD DEPARrHEh""I 1985 HAlt.'TD"ANCE BUDGET CO:'fJ\'TY AND 51. THCt.'.AS SUB~TREA.." ROADS PA.GE 2. 57. THm'.AS 1983 1984 1985 ESllt'.ATEO SUB'JRllAN OPI:RJJION 1982 CO'Jh'TY ROADS C _ Paved Road !-:aintEflance (Continued) _ 3 Shoulder Y.si~tenance 102,169 245.522 B6,697 '76,000 62,000 14,000 _ 4 Surface TreaL~ent 144,027 119,0447 142,263 175.000 157,000 IS,DOCl D _ Gn.....el Ro..d ~"inter,~n(:E: 1 Ditchint. Dr"iri"t~ &nd Gravel_Road #26 23,976 25,000 25.0)[1 2 Gr"EJdinE Gra\'EI Races 25.043 26,229 29,853 33.000 27,000 6.000 _ 3 DJ st Control 36,905 liS, 713 40.029 48,000 40,000 8,000 _ 4 PrimE 4,166 3.945 2,635 11,000 B,OOO 3,000 _ 5 ~Bvel Resurfacins 85,109 35,745 70,128 80,000 78,000 2,000 E _ "'inter Control Totsl 1197.778 210,955 458,201 600,000 515,000 85,000 _ 1 SnO~" Plo~"ins 12~,S6S 29,819 127,326 _ 2 Ss.ndinf and S~It.ins 325,500 144,,97~ 296,395 _ 3 SnoW Fence 25.801 16,131 19,754 _ 4 Standvy and Night crev 21,912 20; 031 11..726 F- Safety J)E:\"ices _ 1 pgVe~fnt Markinf .lil.Blt. 1.:4,197 46,058 50.000 40.000 10.0(10 _ 2 Signs Bnd Signa.15 ".511 116.366 45.345 62.000 44,000 18.0OD CO~"}''TY OF ELGIJ\ ROAD DtpARlliENT 19S5 I'J.H."'!ENA1:CE BUDGET CO\..'1;n' A."'O S1'.. THCMAs SIJBURBA!, ROADS (J',\C2. l ~. ) PAGE 3. ST. TIlOHAS SlJlllJRBAN 1984 1985 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS - 17.829 15.000 14,000 1,000 4e.322 43,000 34.000 9,000 37,967 41.000 30.000 11,000 28,561 20,000 14,000 6,000 - $1 J 659_,_~~ ~. 835. 000 $l,557,OO~ $278,000 OPERATIOI\ 1982 1983 F ~ Safet.y Devices (Continued) 3 Guide Rail ~ 4 Railroad Protec.tion 6 Edge Y.arklng 7 StU1ll? Removal TOTALS ""inter Control 1979 Winter Control 1980 Winter Control 1981 $359,431 $260,443 $366,369 1984 H.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation 1984 tlaintenance Expenditure 1984 Overhead $1,659.316 367.473 $2,026.189 5.510 33,766 30.409 ~I,578, 241 11,995 38,548 36.~92 H,529,352 $1,999,000 1985 Maintenance Budge t 1985 Overhead Budget $1,835,000 391,000 $2,226,000 ... (,) ... 1')liS llUDGl::'f COUnTY l)[t El.t..;lN l{l)All llRPAltTHENt (Pi\~~ 13.) . ~ (COUNTYANll ST. TlluNAS SUliUlWAN ROADS) oPERATION 1982 Superintendence 117.771 Clerical 01.473 Garage and White Station Property . 101.d82 (1982, 1983 and 1984 Inchl<W RoduL:Y CoJ.riJl)ll) Office 17.03.9 5,996 tools iadio 4.046 Needs Study Update and Traffic Count:> 7.727 Training Courses 7,921 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,6114 B.etirement kllefits (Sick Tillhl) Defe~nd Time .orALS P:!o,5ul ~ 1985 Ddstrlbutlonl (1) (2) $358.000 ~ ~)47,OOO 3&CR. J\MENDED MARCH I, 1985. 1983 19li4 1 'Jli5 E~"TlMATE - 131.051 115,176 135,000 64,513 641346 68..000 1061302 98.823 110.000 15.189 231390 31.000 13.697 1l.a90 15.000. 3.880 41265 4,500 9,472 H,7liS 8,000 11143 211:161 41000 2,453 2,320 21500 16,131 261784 13, 000 670CR. 21627 - - - $]b1.,221 $]67,413 $391.000 Cot.lnty of Elgi.u St. Thamil.s $uvurvoJ.lI Road ~mmission $33,000 (8.3%~) WithOut Retirement Benefits ~ p401089 1985 $378IOUO 133 (PAGE 1"4.) 5T. TIlOOAS SUBURBAN'ROAD COMMISSION OVERHEAD (Nar INcLuDED. In OVERHEAD CALCULATIONS IN NEW MACHINERY) ST. THOMAS SUBuRBAN ROAD COMMlSSlOOROADS: ConstJ;:uctlon _ Land Pu'rchase $ 15,000 Drainage Assessments 14,000 278,000 Maintenance $307,000 COlJNTY ROADS: All COnstruction Items Other Than #1 (Maintenance Shortfall lImount $147.i000 and #6 St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Land Purchase $15,000) $ 829,000 County Road Maintenance 958,000 1,557,000 All Asphalt Resurfacing County, Road Drainage AssessmentS 30,000 $3.314,000 Suburban Percentage 307.000 _ 3,681,000 or 8.3% 34 .- COUU'l'Y -IW ELCIN ROAIl lJEI'ARTMENT (PAGE 15.) '. I'JIJ53U1xa:1' PAYli.lJl.!.. UUJ(PEN (APPLICABLE TO COUtfi''i AND ::'~l'. TIlQl.1AS SUbURBAN ROADS) JiMENDEO MARCH I. 1985 III>! 1:182 1983 1.9/;14 1985 l::~iTlMATE RoU4a.YS With Pay: (0) Annual lO6,t1tlli Ul,J63 120,202 HO,OOO (b) Statutory 52,314 51,.310 53,1:115 57,DUO (e) Cowpilssionace Leave 1,961- 1,498 329 (d) Jury 74 Sick Ilenetits 36,022 40,103 52,904 48,000 Incl~ment Weather and Standby 3,190 3,252 2,651 3,000 )iedical 2,509 2,459 Safety Equipment 10,038 9,108 8,474 9,500 Warblen's CODlpensaUon Insurance 18,01)8 28,503 27,132 34,000 Canada Pen$ion 1~,179 18,456 19,469 20,;000 a.M.E.R,S. 07,200 70,101 69,163 71 , 000 U.l.C. 23,290 39,017 39,37l:i 42,000 O.H.I.p. and E.H.C. 33,429 37,280 39,606 42.000 L.T.D. 13,416 11,639 12,106 13.500 Life Insurance 719 564 555 Payroll Burden Charged t.o. the Canadg Emplo~nt.Pro~r~ and N.E.E.D.S. Prograume 397Cl{. 16,299Ca. 41247 CR. N'L - - - - IatALS flll!j.4,)4 ~")S6 $441,611 $4.50,000 ~ - - I'AYIWLI. hUlW"N 11lS"I'llfIllI'J'!ON .!.2,!g .!2!!! ~ Total Labour ~1.290,572 $11402,557 $l,J74~215 LeS& Labour 1n Payroll Burden 2031945 209.031i 229,996 Less Labour Provincial Incentive Progr<ll.lIlllC 321078 701087 433 Le~s Canada Summer 183 and 184 2,3b) 11938 Leaa Labollr Canada E1uployment PrOSrdllllll<.: 31338 92,912 Less Canada Vork~ (1984) 24,845 Less Ontario YOl.lth Corp Prolir"'IIUt: (1'J1l4) 9.219 N,=t Ldbour I,O~U,611 l,021i,lS7 1,IU7,;184 Payroll llurdt:n )/j4,454 408,350 44l,oH Payroll Burden as a ~ of Net La~our )t>.5'J]4t 39.111:1% 39./jb44t 135 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARnlENT 19U'5BUDGI:."1' _ PAYROLL BURDEN (APPl.ICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. TlIOMAS Sl1llUHllJ\N ROAOS) (P~GE 16~) PAGE 2. 1985 _ Labour Estimated $1,410,000 Less Labour in Govertllllcnt ProgrillllDcs NIL Less Labour in Payroll Burderi 218,000 $l.l92~OOO Net Labour Payroll Burden as a t of Net Labour 450.000 : 37.75% 1,192,000 (Payroll Blirden distributed to Coulity Overhead, Maintenance arid Construction Accounts) .. ST. 1'HONAS SUBRUHAN ROAD CotnfiSSION 1985 BUDGET SUMMARY (PAGE 17.) AMENDED MARCH 1, 1985 Budget Subsidi:ted by the Ministry of Tran-sportation and Communications 1. Const.ruction (From Page #7) St. Thomas Suburban Road COlIlllission Land Purchase 2. Fixed Costs: (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Comnrission Drainage Assessments (From Page #9) $ 15,000 14.000 (b) Malntenanceof the SuJ.,urbari System (FrolD Page #12) 278,000 33,000 (e) OVerhead (From Page #13) Share of City of St. Thomas_ Estimated Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy (75.52%) is $.256,,.68. City of St. ThomUs Share of t.he St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget is 50% of the Difference Between the Budget and Ministry of Transportation Subsidy Add: 50% of Items Not For Subsidy ($400 .; Total) Deduct: 1985 1/2 Mill Contribution of the City of St. Thomas Deduct: Surplus From 1984 DEFICIT TO 1986 $340~OOO $41~616.00 200~ 00 41; 200. 00 $ 616.00 469~0l - $ 146~99 137 COUNT'{ OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MARCH 20TH SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF TUE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITtEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: t. That a resolution be passed authorizing the Warden und Clerk to Sign an agreement with Employment and Immigration Canada to allow tbeCounty to enter an agreement under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act for a Canada Works PrograriDne. It is hoped that this programme will provide the County of Elgin Road Department with eight (8) workers for a period of eight (8) weeks to start shortly after Easter. this'programme is somewhat different than other Canada Works ProgrB..lIJJies inasmuch as we understand that the payments will be made through the Unemployment Insurance Corimission rather than through County funds to be reimbursed later. ALL OF WIlICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED <:7 - !v".....1. , . {.I 1: )Ui. CHAIRMAN /~ 7 7. . ,/:. /,-" <-.----" . , . ./ ~ 38 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT March Session 1985 FIRST REPORT To the W~rden and Members of ~lgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: That the Library Board uriderstands they will have 5,000 square feet of packing space, 5,000 square feet of ~d~inistr~tive space and 5.000 square feet of Archives space 1-;1 the new Administrative building, and reconunends that the ;ldditional cost of putting the Archives on the top floor should 00 casted out and examined. 2. That Mr. Art Miskelly be the County representative on the Lake Erie Regional Library Board and also the Thames Library Service Region representative when the new Library Act is procl.:Iimed and that his expenses be paid as they have in the past by County Council. 3. Thut tho Librtiry ~o~rd recommends that the County Council ,Juthorizc the Clerk to sign a 'Statement of Nature of I-luncip~l Funding' so that the Board can obtain a W'intario Grant for the completion of the Sim's book. ~. ThZlt the 1985 budget has been adopted and recommended to County Council_ '). Th.:J.t the bl.~nch st"f( have been given a 5% salary L;H:r~'.lSC rctrO~lct.ivc to .J<lnuary 1st, 1985. See amendment below. 6. That the ~o<lrd certifies that the Municipality of ~C~t Lorne has complied with ull procedures necessary under County Procedural By-La.ws rcg.)rding a new branch library and th,l.t ,1 pl<ln by Vlntures. Architect presented to the Library Bo,]rd meeting is s,l.tis[.Jctciry. ALL of which is r~spcctfully submitted. A,'" -. ~J i. . ymes Sheils, Ch<lirman. * Item;6 was amended by deleting it from the Report. 139 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-19 "A 8Y-LA,1 TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 20TH SESSION. 1985. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to-be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section l03af The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980; the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed-and adopted by by-law. NOW ~HEREFOREthe Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of theCorpora~ tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin at its meet- iogs held during the March 20th 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of March, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of March, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of March, 1985. _--~.....-(-'L-.~_""'<- ~~l_ / L ., G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,,~ 'f J. Lavereau, Warden. March 28th Session - First Day Thursday, the 28th day of- March, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Vo1kaert Reeve Purcell. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Smyth That the minutes of the February 1985 Session of the Elgin County Council be ~dopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE l. lines. Bank of Montreal offering options to existing credit 2. Federation of Canadian Municipalities with a request for nominations to a -Friends of Heritage- program. 3. McCarthy & McCarthy, barristers and solicitors, request- ing clarification of a portion of the Last Will and Testament of Archibald Ferguson McLachlin, inVOlving the County of Elgin. 4. Minister of Citizenship and_Culture advising of the first Ontario Public Library Week - September 23 to September 29, 1985. 5. City of Vanier with resolution respecting the adherence to Sections 16 to 20 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by the Province of Ontario. 6. Township of Malahide with a copy of their Peacetime Emergency Plan and requesting the County's co~operation in regard to the plan. 7. Secretariat for Social Development with literature and iriformationre: the declaration by the United Nations of 1985 as International Youth Year {IYY). 8. Elgin County Mutual Fire Aid Association with a request to meet with County Government Committee re: improved communications and emergency planning. 9. Charlie Tatham, Warden, Oxford County, with resolution re: protectirig the interests of the natural gas consumers supplied by Union Gas Company. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on the 1985 ~C. S. Anderson- Road School. 2. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on the 1985 -T. J. Mahony. Road School. 3. Minister of Transportation and Communications requesting a resolution either supporting the present structure of the county road committees or the proposed change. .. Revision- 2:00 P.M. Township of Norfolk with a -Notice of sitting of Court re: Garnham Municipal Drain set for March 4th, 1985 at 141 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS - continued 5. that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising 1985 allocated road subsidy is as follows: $2,460,000 for fixed costs 1,949.000 for construction 53,000 for urban rebate. '-../ 6. R. G. Moore, Secretary. and Engineer to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with a copy ofa 1985 draft budget in the amount of $340.400.. . 7. Ministry of Natural Resources with a-copy of-Resources Report- - Investigation of Gravel Deposits in Sparta Moraine, Yarmouth Township. Elgin County. 8. Ontario Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association with an op~n letter to municipalities re: the newM.T.c. Ontario Provincial Standards. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Municipal Personnel Association. with information on a symposium on employment equity, set for March 28th and 29th, at the Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto. PROPERTY COMMITTEE '-./ 1. the new vat ion, Township of Yarmouth. requesting that all Administration Building are kept free from incase of a fire call. access points.at snow during reno"'; 2. Ministry of Government Services advising that the County's claim for interest on the Court House lease is being pro- cessed for payment, after verification. 3. ments re: rendered. Hennessey, Bowsher & Williams with deed and related docu- new Administration Building. and account for services 4.. . Elgin Law Association with request to be able to review or obtain copies of reports by Spriet Associates and Carlos Ventin on the Court House Block. 5. Ministry of Government Services, Legal Branch. with lease renewal agreements for the Court House. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE '-../ 1. . County of Lennox a~d Addington with resolution regarding -Welfare Assistance-. 2. O.M.S.S.A. with information re: convention in Kingston June 9th to 12th, 1985. 3. Para-Med Health services with request for an increase in the homemaking services hourly rate for 1985. ~ 1. Ministry of the Solicitor General. Emergency Planning, enclosing a Schedule of CoUrses. (April 1, 1985-March 31, 1986) for the Training and Education Program~ at Arnprior. 2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that the county of Grey will be hosting the County ~nd Regional Section near CollingWood~ October 6th to 9th, 1985. 3. Ontario Municipal Board with appointments for hearings for appeals, from a decision of the Land Divis.ion Cornrriittee set for the Court House on ~ April 3rd. 1985 - 10:00 A.M. April 3rd, 1985 - 2:00 P.M. Leslie & June McGregor Thomas & Petronella Bouthoorn April 2nd~ 1985 - 2z00 P.M. Donald K. & Helen E. Campbell. ~ - 3 - County Council, March 28th Session 1985 FILED - continued 4. Family & Children's Services of St. Tho~~s and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement for the month of January 1985. 5. Village of Belmont with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 85-7, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 6. Ontario MuniCipal Board advising that the appeal of Michael Roberts from a decision of the Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment has been withdrawn. 7. Ontario Hydro with a copy of Newsletter #2 re: South- western Ontario Route Stage Study. 8. Bank of Montreal advising of changes in the prime inter- est rate as follows; - increased by ~% to 11~%,effective February 22~1985 - increased by ~% to 113/4%, effective March 8, 1985. 9. The Canadian Hearing society extending appreciation for the hearing granted on February 21, 1985. 10. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing advising of a seminar - .The Foundation of Property Standards, Building and Zoning Controls. - March 28th, 1985, Woodstock. 11. Secretary of the Provincial Cabinet acknowledging Council1s support of' the Ontario Good Roads AssQciation resolution for more funding for municipal roads in Ontario. 12. Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with a notice of public hearing for a minor variance, set for March 12th, 1985 at 4:0~ P.M. 13. The University of Western Ontario expressing apprecia- tion for reception of delegation on February 21st. 14. Township of Yarmouth with notices of public meetings concerning proposed zoning by~law amendments set for April 15th, 1985 at 7:30 and 8:30 P.M. Ottawa Centre for Applied Management.advising of public ofxered during the 1985 season by its Local Government 15. workshops Program. 16. Village of Dutton with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 85-5, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 17. London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board with a copy of .Communique on Political Affairs. No. II, dated March 1985. 18. Village of Rodney with notice of the passing of By-Law No. 85-6, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 19&3. 19. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a copy of a letter to the Township of Malahidewith comments on their- .Peacetime Emergency Plan-. 20. E. A. Wells, County Librarian, with a copy of a letter to the Library and Information Branch, Ministry of Citizenship and Culture advising of the appointment of Mr. Arthur Miskelly to the Thames Ontario Library Service Board. 21. village of Port Stanley with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 2166, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 22. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with various copies of Reports and Labour Relations News. 143 - 4 - 23. Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 7-85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 24. The Talbot Trail Committee with a copy of the Fifth Annual Report for 1984. 25. Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of Zoning By- Law No. 8-85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. '-./ 26. Mrs~ Wendy L. Dodd, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee, with a copy. of a letter to all Clerk-Treasurers re: copies of -Notices of Consent Decisions., 27. Ontario Hydro with a copy of Newsletter *2 re: South~ western Ontario Transmission Studies. 28. F. J. Boyes, with appreciation for the cards, visits and beautiful fruit basket received while he was a patient at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. 29. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture with information on Youth Employment Programs for the Spring/Summer 1985. Moved by Depu~y Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Smyth That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously and those presented today be approved as follows: ~. County Government Committee - #1-9 inclusive Filed - '1-29 County Roads Committee.- #1~8 inclusive inclusive Personnel Committee -#1 County Council _ Property Committee - #1-5 inclusive #1-5 inclusive. Social Services Committee - #1-3 inclusive Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATION Fifteen and one-half year Certificate - Warden Lavereauand Reeve Fleck~- Chairrrianof the Homes for Senior Citizens, Committee; pre- senteda Certificate, a Watch and a Cheque ,to Ruth E. Malott, a Nursing Attendant, who retired on March 19th, 1985. Mr. Howard s. Gibson.PlanningDir_ector~ Central Elgin Planning Office, was present at the request of Council. It was moved by Reeve Haddow that Mr. Gibson be now-heard. Mr. Gibson is the County's representative to the Ontario Hydro Study as if affects Elgin County. With the use of an overhead prOjector, he summarized the past three years events and urged Council to make comments now so that their feelings on preferred routes may be- lodged with Ontario Hydro, before -they make up their final reports. Various Members of Council posed questions and offered observations on the presentation by Mr. Gibson. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried~ FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Stewart. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Homes for senior Citizens Committee be adopted. '- - Carr ied. ~4 - 5 - County Councilr March 28th Session 1985 FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Marr and Deputy Reeve Pearson. FIRST REPORT ~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the p~operty Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Emerson. FIRST REPORT ~ LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Coles That Item #1 of the First Report of the Library Board be amended to insert the word -Library. after West torne in the third line. - Carried. The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board be allowed to draw the Capital portion of their 1985 grant for the installation of a new heating system and airconditioning, as they require it, instead of December 15th, 1985. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Haddow That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to pay the grant of $500.00 to the Talbot Trail now, instead of at the normal grant payment time, as the amount is needed for their Operating Budget. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditures on the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road Systems- as recommended in the First Report of the Coun~y of Elgin Roads Committee at the March 20th, 1985 Session of County Council and as detailed in Recommendation No.4 and $4,520,000 in total be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for approval. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the following be voting delegates to A.M.O.: Deputy Reeve Pearson Reeve Coles oeputyReeve Wakeling.. - carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, with request for a grant of $400 to-pro- vide two $200 scholarships. 145 - 6 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 2. Village of Dutton with reqUest to have the parking by-law enforcement officer visit the area in front of the Dutton~Dunwich Public School ret a parking problem. 3~ Elgin County pioneer Museum with a copy of their audited ~ 1984 financial statement. 4. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of the statement made to the Executive of the -Association ofMuhic~ palitiesof Ontario ret the 1985 Unconditional Grants Program. s. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the convention August 25-28th, 1985 and request for the names of the voting: delegates. Move,d by Reeve Emer-son Seconded by Reeve Willsey That Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Reeve-Coles That we do now adjourn (11t38 A.M.)- to meet again on March 28th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. '---' - Carried. Council :ie-convened a~ 2:55 P.M. ROLLCALL - All Members present except: Deputy ReeveVolkaert Reeve PurcelL. F~RST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the AgricultUral COmmittee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Cav~rly and Reeve Haddow. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Smyth. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERViCES COMMITTEE The First Report_of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Neukamm That this Council is concerned about Ontario Hydro using good agricultural land for the purpose of a hydro right-of-way. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the resolution concerning Ontario Hydro be amended by adding the fallowing to the existing wording -and that eXisting right-of-ways be utilized for the purpose of hydro transmission lines-, The amendment Carried. The original motion, as amended, was then votedupbn and Carried. '- - 7 - County Council, March 28th Session 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 85-20 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Lease Renewal Agreement with the Ministry of Government Services for the Court House- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve Brooks That By~Law No. 85-20 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 85-20 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 85-21 -Being a By~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a. Deed to Convey Land in the Village of Dutton Jointly to the Corporations of the Village of Dutton and the Township of Dunwich- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-21 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 85-21 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 85-22 -Being a By-Law to Establish the percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 85-22 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-22 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 147 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-23 -Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc., dUring 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. ~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That By-Law No. 85-23 be read a second time. .... Carried~ Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-LaW-NO. 85~23 be read a third time: and finally passed. .... Carried. Moved by Reeve willsey Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. BS~24 -A By~Law to Confirm Prooeedings Municipal ,Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin March 28th Session, 1985- be read a first time. of the at the ~ .... Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveMarr Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law NO. 85-24 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 85-24 be: read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Brooks . That we do now adjourn (3;55 P.M.} to meet again ori April 17, 1985 at 10;00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. ~ 48 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the quotation of Elgin Photo Enterprise be accepted, at a price of $9.00 each, for a co loured picture of County Council, to be taken at the June 1985 Session, and also a black and white copy be mounted in the Council Chamber frames. 2. That the tender of the Bank of Montreal be accepted for providing banking service for a five-year period and the other banks who tendered be so advised. 3. That we recommend that a County Plate be given as a gift to the Queen of the Furrow. 4. That as Councils' Day at the University of Western Ontario is beingbeld on Wednesday, June 19th, 1985, we rec- ommend that the June Session be held on June 26th, 1985. 5. That Correspondence #6 be filed and that the Township of Malahide be requested to forward copies to all municipali- ties. 6. That we invite the Elgin County Mutual Fire Aid Association (Correspondence #8) in to the May meeting of Courity Council. 7. That Correspondence #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 be filed. 8. That we recommend that the Library Board establish a ten-year capital expenditure program in relation to the need to provide new or renovated library buildings, and also review the present rental program in place for the older libraries, and further, that this report be. made available for the June Session and that no new commitments for libraries be made until the report is received. 9. That the quotation of Muir Cap & Regalia Ltd. at a pr~~c of $13.25 each for supplying fifty crests be accepted. 10. That we recommend that the County offer no objections to the Clerk in furnishing secre arial assistance to the County Exhibits Committee for the 1985 .P.M., which will include some time of clerical help in his off ce, as well as costs of sup- plying postage, photocopies etc. 11. That the use of written resolutions, signed by the various Members, for the keeping of all the Committee minutes be instituted to assist in recording the Committee's actions and/or recommendations. ALL 0. wh~ch ~s respectfully submitted. -,?,,,./ :;77.:::, ,-/- ~ - /' ~ M. H. Stewart, Chai.rmzn. :,.-' , /. ~I r: ., /<---~--- --V j- ( 149 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 28TH SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE C01JNrr OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We accepted the quotation of C. R~ Chittick Construction Limited of Ilderton. Ontario at 68~ per ton for crushing gravel at the County's pleasant Valley Pit. They have crushed approximately 16.000 tons to date and will return early in Hay to crush another 50,000 to 60,000 tons. 2. The Engineer has been authoriZed to make an application to the Township of Yarmouth for rezoning of the County' 5 property on the South Half of Lots 26 and 27, COncession IV, Yarmouth Township to be licensed as a gravel pit under the Provincial Pits and Quarries Act. The Township is presently. advertising for a Public Meeting which win be held on Monday, April. 29th. 3. The firm of R. C. Dunn and Associates of London 1s presently providing engineering services for the repair and/or replacement of the Port Burwell and Player' 5 Bridge floors (Count.y Road #45. Yarmout.h Township). Both bridges were built. in the late 1860's and the concrete floors have deteriorated badly. Recol;llIllE!ndat.ions froin t.he Minist.ry of Transportat.ion and Communications indicate that the Port Burwell Bridge floor will have to be replaced this year and the Player's Bridge floor will have to be done next year at the latest. The firm of R. C. Dunn and Associates have been the Count.y's consultant.s on the Thames River Bridges and are specialists in remedial work on concrete floor replacements. Continued. . . 50 COUNTY' OF ELGIN ROAD COl-MlTTEE FIRST REPORT - MARCH 28TH SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by_law be passed authori~ing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed to the Village of I).1tton and the Township of D.mwich to Parts No. 2 and No. 4~ Reference plan llR_968. Parts of Lots 29 and 3D, Lot 16~ Registered Plan 149 in the Village of Dutton. These parts area one (1) foot reserve that the County had retained 50 that an ent.rance to County Road #8 could not be gained from Lots 29 and 30. The Township and the Village have now purchased the property from private owners and are building a Fire Hall on the property and have requested permission for an entrance to County Road #8. The sale of these two (2) parts will allow the municipalities an entrance onto County Road #8'~ 2. That the St. Thomas Suburban Road Conmission Budget in thi:! amount of $340~OOO be approved; this budget was contained in the County Road atdget which 'Was approved by County Council at the budget session on March 20th. 3. That a resolution be passed adOPting the attached statement of work that 'Was contained in the budget approved by County Council on March 20th and the statement be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for his approval. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY S\I!lMITl'ED (~-....~ld__ ,.1. \ .J/4 CHAIRMAN ~) /' / _.#~- ~-- ~, "",,-.-f__~-" //-"") - ,/- 151 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the annual report of the Nursing Department sub~ mitted by the Director of Nursing be acknowledged by letter congratulating the Nursing Department in their efforts. 2. That the Town. of Aylmer has requested input from this Committee with reference to the proposed placement of the Town's Service Club Signboard totheeaster~ boundary of Terrace Lodge. This Committee has no objection provided the visibility of the Terrace Lodge sign is not impeded. 3~ That the Director/Administrator and Dr. C. A. Graham, Medical Director, have been authorized to attend the conference, "A New Age: Challenge andOpportunitiesn, June 17 to 19th, 1985 with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submLtted. ~K1~~ ,___ . R..Fleck," . Chairman. 1{?6:~ 52 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden aQd Members of the Elgin County council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence ~1 be filed. ALL of which is. respectfully submitted. ~ ~ 7?-~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. 1;/.//. _____--..1 .(",-~~ 1/ [/ 153 PUO?F.RTY COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports ~ foilows: 1. That correspondence ~1 and 2 be filed. 2. That the Change Order No.1, approved by Spriet Associates, for reimbursement fora portion of the building permit fee relating to the boilers supplied by the County, in the amount of $52.63, has been approved for payment. 3. That as the ownership of the new Administration Building has now been registered in the name of the County, the account for the legal work involved, in the amount of $826.40. has been authorized for payment. 4. That we concur with the suggesti?n_from the Employment and Immigration Canada that the application for Canada Works Funding for the Nurses' Residence in the amount of $11.921.00 be withdrawn and the Clerk be authorized to sign same. 5. That an offer to lease the basement in the South~West corner of the new Administration Building to Mr. Jim Coombs of the local Motor Vehicle License Agency, has been made at $1,000.00 per month, subject to an annual adjustment in the hydro, heating and air conditioning costs, for a five-year peri"Od~-subject--to -Counci-l' s --approval. 6. That autho'rity be given to purchase a' Burnside Dualvac Upright vacuum cleaner from provincial Sanitation, at aeost.of $585.00 plus sales tax, for use in the Registry Office. 7. That the Property Committee be authorized to negoti- ate with the Province of Ontario for the sale of all the buildings on the Court House Block. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;/ /;/ / r~---. , ~ J. vHodgson, Chairman. pp ~--~------- 0~- ~ 54 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: ?CC ~mcnd- nent 1c1m,'. L stating of West further Library That a letter has been sent to the Dutton Council that the Library Board is committed to the development Lorne in 1985 until it is finished and therefore no capital commitments will be made by the Elgin County Board at this time. 2. increased 1:00 P.M. That the Port Stanley Library hours have been 2~ hours per week, allowing the-branch to open at instead of 1:30 P.M. every afternoon. 3. That the Port Burwell branch hours have been rearranged so that the Port Burwell Library is closed Friday evenings and open the same number of hours Friday afternoon. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;;) ~ 4,g, am~ Ch.ti rman; / * Item # 1 was amended by inserting "Library" after West Lorne in the third line. .~-;;'v / ;<.:. )(:;-..--/"--~--"-"-~--- / 155 AGRIcm.'I'ilRAL COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT TO the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. C. C. Stafford, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, be authorized to attend the following with expenses paid - Ontario Veqetation Manaqement Association Charter Meeting and Trade Show April 2nd, 1985 - London Summer Field Day and Trade Show Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources St. Williams Tree Nursery August 22nd, 1985 Ministry of Agriculture and Food Plant Industrv Branch Guelph April 24th and 25th, 1985. 2. That me~bership be taken out for Mr. C. C. stafford in the following organizations - Ontario vegetation Management Association $50.00 Elgin Soil and Crop Association 5.00 3. That we recommend that Council pass a resolution in regards to the proposal by Ontario Hydro. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. a // ' ,~ ( f?vL.jtr w. R. Caverly, Chairman. -~.- J _ -" ,_...-..0:..- ~- ,< 56 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk be authorized to advise the Ministry of Governmerit Services that the County wishes to dispose of the Court House Block and buildings. 2. That we allow the Elgin Law Association to borrow a copy of Carlos Ventin's report on proposed changes to the Court House ccmplex, and suggest that the Library Board allow them to borrow a_copy of the spriet Report, on the Court House, re: the possibility of using the third floor of the Court House as an Archives. 3. That a by--law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign the lease renewal agreement, with the Ministry of Government Services, for the Court Hous,e for a five year period, commencing January 1st, 1983. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,c ..--<- J --~ 157 SOCT ~r. SRRVICES COMMITTEE REPORT March 28th Session; 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden an4 Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee re90rts as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Lennox and Addington to. request the Province of Ontario to establish guidelines for the administration and cost~sharing of Welfare Assistance through a partnership panel of elected officials and Ministry personnel be, endorsed. 2. That the Director and one staff member be authorized to attend the: C.M.S-.S.A. Convention in Kingston, with the usual convention allowances paid. 3. That the request from Para-Med Health Services for an increase in the rate per hour from $6'.45 to $6.75, effective January 1st, 1985, for homemaking services be accepted, subject to the Ministry's approval for SUbsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~;;f;' " "c /~'C-"''?'2?( / D. Perovich, Chairman. -," /< , ,.~~-<<.....--~/ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-20 'BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOR THE COURT HOUSE." WHEREAS the Ministry of Government Services, for the Province of Ontario, wish to renew the lease for the Court House, for a further period of five years, with an option for an additional five years; and WHEREAS the terms and conditions negotiated have been accepted by both the Province and the County. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the said "Lease Renewal Agreement" for the Court House accommodations. READ a first time this 28th day of Mar~h, 1985. READ a second time this 28th day of March, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of March, 1985. .---:::r:-<----""'----~......-<..,~......---- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /' -P~:'<1.z;--"--~ If! J.Lavereau, Warden. ~ 159 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-21 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN ANO CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO CONVEY LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON JOINTLY TO THE CORPORATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON AND THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH." WHEREAS, the.Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to convey land jointly to the Corporations of the Village of Dutton and the Township of Dunwich. in the Village of Dutton, in order that they may have access to Currie Street from a new proposed fire hall. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the follow- ing parcel - ALL AND SLNGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being composeq of part of Lots 29 and 30, Block #16, Registered Plan #149 in the '. Village of Dutton in the County of Elgin in the Province of Ontario designated as Parts #2 and #4 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office, for the_Registry Division of theCotinty of Elgin as Plan#11R-98S. READ a first time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a second time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of March 1985. ~.~--<:,'_~...,~v G~ C. Leverton, Clerk. h .;. " -'/p /~<:....-:-.c-......._-<_. - '-..-. R~ J. Lavereau, Warden. --J 160 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-22 "BEING A BY-LBW TO EsTABLISH THE PERCENTAGE SHARE OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 19851' WHEREAS under Section 365(6) of The Municipal Act, the Council of a County shall, in each year, ODor before the 1st day of April, by By-Law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shall contribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year; and WHEREAS in accordance with the above Section the following percentages have been established: ~lUNICIPALITY Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vierina West Lorne Aldborough Bayham South Dorchester Dunwich Halahide Southwold Yarmouth CONSTRAINED DISCOUNTED EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT $ 78,611,421 9,786,215 12,245,709 6,114,835 29,727,995 12,045,407 4,695,296 3,473,560 16,443,926 69,898,806 63,550,075 33,067,143 60,819,073 138,843,964 213,680; 160 127,717,629 $880,721,214 PERCENTAGE 8.926 1.111 1.390 .694 3.375 1.368' .533 .394 1.867 7.937 7.216 3 ;755 6.906 15.765 24.262 14.501 100.000% AND WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing the sum of Three. Million, Thirty Five Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty~Four Dollars ($3,035,134.00) is required to be raised in the several municipalities, for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1985, on the basis of the above percentages. NOW THERE.FORE the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts: THAT the amounts, as set forth on Schedule -A" attached, be levied on all rateable property, by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin; for the year 1985. READ a fjrst time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a second time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a third ti.mearid finally passed this 28th day of March 1985. ';:'<: ..<.--~ <---( /;'-.- -..----- (;. C. Leverton. Clerk. ~ ~ I ~. 1-'" R. /J. Lavereau, / Warden. SCHEDULE "A" By~Law No. 85~22 LESS DUE DUE DUE % 198s, NET S,O% + or - MARCH 31st JUNE 30/85 SEPT. 30/85 DEC. 1S,/85 MUNICIPALITY SHARE BUDGET LEVY COLUMN 3 PAYMENT COLUMN 4-5 25% COL. 3 25% COL. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AYLMER 8.926 $ 270,916.06 $ 135,458.02 $ 62,147.57 $ 73,310.45 $ 67,729.02 $ 61,729.02 BELMONT 1.111 33,720.34 16,860.17 7,316.28 9,543.88 8,430.09 13,430.09 DUTTON 1.390 42,188;36 21,094.18 9,077 .35 12,016.85 10,547.08 10,547.08 PORT B.URWELL .694 21,Q63.83 10,531.92 4,671.27 5',860.64 5;265.96 5.265.9'6 PORT STANLEY 3'.375 102,435.77 51,217.88 22,900.77 28,317.12 25,608.94 25,608.94 RODNEY 1. 368 41,520.63 20,760.32 9,315.34 11,444.97 10,380.16 10,3j10.16 SPRINGFIELD .533 16,177.26 8,088.63 3;692.14 4,396.48 4,044.32 4,044.32 VIENNA .394 11,958.43 5,979.22 2,726.61 3,252.62 2,989.60 2,989.60 WEST LORNE 1.867 56,665.95 28,332.98 12,742.29 15,590.68 14,166.49 14,166.49 ALDBOROUGH 7.937 240,898.59 120,449.30 55,463.65 64,985,.64 60,224.65 60,224.65 BAYHAM 7.216 219,015.28 109,507.64 49,847.25 59,660.39 54,753.82 54,753.82 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.755 113,969.28 56,984.64 24,736.64 32,248.0.0 28,492.32 28,492.32 DUNWICH 6..906 209,606.35 104,803.18 47,902.58 56,900.61 52,401. 58 52,401.58 MALAHIDE 15.765 478,488.88 239,244.44 111,675.24 127,569.20 119,622.22 119,622.22 SQUTHWOLD 24.262 736,384.21 368,192.10 155,559.31 212,632.80 184,096.05 184,096.05 YARMOUTH 14.501 440,124.78 220,062.38 100,177.26 1],9,885.12 110,031.20 110,031.20 TOTALS 100,000 $3,035,134.00 $1,517,567.00 $679,951.55 $837,615.45 $758,783.50 $758,783.'50 ..... Ol ..... COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-23 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRANTS TO BE MADE TO VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. CORPORATIONS. INSTITUTIONS. ETC.. DURING 1985. " WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the' Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following grants be and are, hereby authorized for the year 1985: Canadian National Institute For The Blind Salvation Army Elgin County Pioneer Museum Scholarships - RidgetownCollege of Agricultural TeChnology University of Western Ontario - university of Guelph - Wilfrid Laurier University - University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Quad County Association For Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office For Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4.,H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin-Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Talbot Trail Committee Tillsonburg & District Association For The Mentally Retarded Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Bobier Convalescent Home The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service The St. Thomas-Elgin Association For The Mentally Retarded The Canadian Hearing Society St. Thomas/Elgin Information Services The Elgin Military Museum Four Counties General Hospital READ a first time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a second time this 28th day of March 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of March 198~. __-:S~o_ /" .L~. ~ 1<. J/ I _ _,C<__ , J( Lavereau, Warden. ,""r. G C. Leverton, Clerk. $ 1,500 1,000 18,000 400 800 800 400 400 2,000 2,000 6,3.00 500 500 500 2,000 2,000 25,000 750 750 2,000 500 500 500 50,000 c-- -<'.- 163 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-24 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 28TH SESSION. 1985." WH.EREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302. of the Revised Statutes of _ Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; and WHEREAS by Subsectionl of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,_ 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By~Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this rneetingbe confirmed and adopted by By~Law. NOW THEREFORE the Muriicipal Council of the Corpd- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as. follows; 1. That action of the Municipal Council of .the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin; in respect of eachrecommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by'the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the March 28th, 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and4irected to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Mun'icipaiCouncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The-Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day of March., 1985. READ a second time this 28th day of March, 1985. READ a- third time and finally passed this 28th day of March, 1985. ~-.::-A-_<.,-,,_<_< y:.-)-.~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / ;; 7<' ;!"-:_~--'-:_-- .... <. - -. --'~""--'-- . . R. J. Lavereau. Warden. .-----..- ' 64 April Session - First Day Wednesday, the 17th day of April, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at lO;OOA~M.. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - AII Members present except: Deputy Reeve Martyn Reeve Wiilsey (arrived 10:13 A.M.). Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That the minutes of the March 20th and March 28th, 1985 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Minister of. Municipal Affairs and Housing with guidelines to clarify the existing program, offering financial assistance under the Municipal ServiCeS in French Program. to municipalities whose councils feel it necessary or desirable to provide services in both EngliSh and French to their residents. 2. Warden Charlie Tathain, Oxford County, with an addition;:!l request for commitment and concern for fair play to the natural gas customers re: takeover of Union Enterprises Ltd. by UnicorpCanada Corporation. 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with a copy of an Association Report entitled .proposals for Amendments to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act- regarding the appo.intment of County Roads Committees. 4. Town of Fort Erie with resolution requesting an amendment to the appropriate provisions of the Public Utilities Act, so as to provide that utility arrearsbecdme a lien upon lands and buildings and collectable in like manner as property taxes. 5. Secretary of State with information on 1985 Canada Day funding in conjunction with the International Year of Youth. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Village of Dutton with request for assistance in resolv- ing a parking problem. PROPE~TY COMMITTEE 1; Spriet Associates with report on the location of the Archives within the new Administration Building and the possibility of additional cost. FILED 1. TownShip of North Dorchester with a notice of a public meeting to be held concerning a proposed zoning by-law, set for May 6th, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. 2. The University of Western Ontario with appreciation of notice of the approval of a $2,000 grant for 1985. 3. St. Thomas~Elgin Debt Counselling Service with appreciation for 1985 grant. 165 - 2 - FILED continued 4. university of Waterloo advising that the 1985 scholarship winners- were: Marion J. Axford -R. R. *3. RODNEY Jane C. Van Den Biggelaar - 335 Furnival Road, RODNEY~ 5. Bank of Montreal with,notice of a decrease in the prime interest rate of ~% to 11~%. effective ~arch 29th, 1985. 6. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture ~ith information on the -Experience 85- grant program. '--./ 7i Ontario Municipal Board with a copy of a letter to Thomas and Petronella Bouthoorn aCknowledging the withdrawal of their appeal from a Land Division Committee decision and cancelling the hearing. 8. Town of Aylmer with notice of a pUbiicmeeting to beheld concerning a proposed official plan amendment, set for April 29th, 1985. at 5:00 P.M. 9. Sawnie Williams with appreciation of grant given to the Aylmer Centennial Garden Club. lO~ Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information from the Warden of Grey County re.:Fall Conference of A.M.O. and information on conference to be held in co~operation with the International Joint Commission of the Great Lakes - June 24-27, 1985 in Kingston. 11. Township of Yarmouth with notice of public meeting con- cerning a proposed zoningby~law amendment to beh~ld Aprii 2~th, 1985. 12. Family & Children1s Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care to February 28th, 1985. 13. Town of Aylmer, with ,notice ,of ,'the passing ,of Zoning By- Law 11-85, passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. 14. TOWnship of Aldboroughwith notices of pUblic meetings set to consider proposedZoriing By-Laws, on April 30th, 1985. 15. Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with notice of application fora minor variance by Mr. William G. Jibson,set for April 25th, 1985. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously, and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government Committee - *1~5 inclusive Filed - #1-15 County Roads Committee ~ il inclusive Property Committee - #1 County Council -#1-4 inclusive. ~ - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Stewart. - 3 - County Council, April Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Homes fo~ ~epior Citizens Committee be adopted~ - Carried. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - {mailed} Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That as the number of voting delegates to A~M~O. is limited to two, they be _ Deputy Reeve Pearson Deputy Reeve Wakeling. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commis- sion be invited to the May Session luncheon. - Carried. COUNCIL. COMMUNICATIONS 1. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with notice of annual meeting set for June 1985 and requesting that the County provide the names of two persons to be elected by the membership to fill the positions designated to be held by two persons apprQved by the County of Elgin. 2. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority with a copy of a letter to Ontario Hydrore; proposed Transmission Facilities affect- ing the Kettle Creek Conservation AuthorityWatershed~ 3. Chatham-Kent Flood Disaster Committee with a request for a donation. 4. R. D. McLaren, District Weed Inspector, with notice and program re: a meeting to be held Wednesday and Thursday, April 24th and 25th, 1985 in'Guelph. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the following persons' names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, for membership on the Hospital Board, as representatives of County Council: Reeve K. E. Monteith Reeve J. R. Fleck. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That a donation of $500 be given to the Chatham-Kent Flood Disaster Committee. - MOTION LOST. 167 - 4 - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That Council Communications numbered 2. 3 and 4 be filed. - Carri~d. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. ~ - Carried. Warden Lavereau named Reeve Fleck as Chairman of the Committee-Of-The-Whole. The Committee rose without reporting~ Council re-convened at 11;12 A.M. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That we do now adjourn (11:13 A.M.) to meet again on April 17th, 1985 at 2;00 P~M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 2:45 P.M. ROLLCALL - All Members present except: Reeve Perovich Deputy Reeve Martyn. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion ?f Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Coles. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was Presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Sheils. Moved. by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Smyth ThatBy~Law No. 85~25 -Being a By-Law to Establish Remuneration to be Paid Members of Elgin County Council and Others Appointed to Various Local Boards Etc.- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-25 be read a second time. - carried. Moved by Reeve. Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-25 be" read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 85~26 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session, 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. - 5 - County Council, April Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 85-26 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That By-Law No. 85-26 be read a third time a~d finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That we do now adjourn (2:55 P.M.) to meet again on May 15th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. J., Lavereq.u, Warden. 169 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session. 1985 FIRST REPORT To the, Warden and-Members of the Elgin County Council: The Couhty Government Committee reports as follows: 1. ~hat Correspondence #l~ 2, 4 and 5 be filed. 2. That- the present policy with respect to the Committee Of The Whole (Itern#31l has ,been photocopied and forwarded to the Members of Council for their information and they be advised that it will be adhered to in the future. 3. _ _ That the. County Librarian, Mr.E. A. Wells,has been requested to furnish a full report on the cost and arrangements in. place re: the , purchase of services from the St. Thomas Public Library for the May 9th, ~9~5-meeting. and comments on how to curtail the costs once the move to. the new Administration Building is completed. 4. . That the Clerk be authorized to purchase<one Canon VP2000 Word Processing System, with dual disc drive, ata quoted price of $3,295.00, plus provincial sales tax, and Nashua Diskettes at $38.0Qfor a package of ten. 5. That the Clerk and Deputy~Clerk be: authorized to attend t4e- one-day Spring meeting of the Co~nty Clerks and Treasurers, to beheld in Lindsay, on Monday, May 6th, 1985, with- expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfullY submitted. /;?Z'_dZ '7-;7(- M. H. tewart, Chairman. /) /1 /~/ ,,(;;- !/ ~ <:_ <: <"__c.':~'" _...l o COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Road Committee is scheduled to inspect roads in East Elgin on April 25th and roads in West Elgin on April 26th. 2. We expect approval shortly of our application to Emplo~nt and Immigration Canada under the "Challenge '85" Summer Employment Experience Development (S.E.E.D.) ProgralrJn€ for a survey techniciim. Potential value of the programme is $9~694. 3. We have received approval for a Canada Works Programme which is- underway to employ eight (8) laid_off employees from 1983 and 1984 for the period from April 9th to Jurie 7th. These workers will be paid directly through the Unemployment Insurance Conrnissio.n and the County will be given an allowance for machine rentals and materials required. The potential value of the project is $28,900. 4. The Province of Ontario has approved a County's 1984 application to the Ontario Youth Corps Programme for eight (8) youths for a period of t.wenty six (26) weeks beginning April 9th. The potential value of this programme is $43.264. 5. County Road ~3. t.he Bayham_Malahide Townline. has been gravel resurfaced between Calton and Richmond. 6. Quotations have been called for crushed gravel from the Komoka area for Count.y Road #9 in Dunwich Township from Count.y Road #5 t.o County Road #14, approximat.ely 10,000 tons of gravel is required. The quotations are due April 25th. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEcrFULLY SUBMITTED ">7 :) /, ~ /f r: - ,_y:~ Cl-iAIRMAN .// <~..-,~~/ p:,<-/ J J 171 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTF.E REPORT April: Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To tbe Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Dietary SUpervisor and three dietary staff be authorized to attend the Hostex Show April 21, 1985 with-expenses paid. 2. Members of this Committee will meet with- the Ministry of Community and Social Services Program Supervisors on May 7, 1985 to discuss the fiscal' budget submissions for 1985-8,6. 3." The Committee _approved 34 policies and procedures of the Recreation Department (Terrace Lodge). ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ ~_R ,'. R .Fl ed Chairman iog~ ! <:..~,~ LIBRARY BOARD REPORT April Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin county Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That thi~teen members of the County Library-staff are going to a-Regional Workshop on children's programs on April 24th, 1985 and their registration is paid. 2. a price Library Mr. Wells is to write to Mr. Sharzer to request to do an additional personnel study for the County Board. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~:~, C airman. 4JS ~" /J "-,'e"i---'-:'1'-k?-~ {! - ---.- / 173 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as. follows: 1. Ltd. be shown: Court House - (interior) Sheriff's and Clerical Offices, Court Clerk and Registrar~ Small Claims, Ladies' Staff Wash- room, Men~sWashroom. Jury Room That the tender of H. G. Medlyo_Painting.& Decorating accepted for painting the following'areas at the prices Court House - exterior (including dome} Registry Office - interior Municipal Office Building - exterior $ 2,264.00 9,950.00 2,125.00 1,095.00 $15,434.00 2. That the ~ender of Tuck Aluminum Ltd~ be accepted for replacing the eavetrough on the- north-east corner of the Court House for $596.25 and the facia board and trough over the jury room, between the 'Court House and the jail for $320.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , , , ~ .,.'~ J. W~' Hodgson, ~1rman. /// c... -'-'>':' ,/:--..: < C.,I~_<' f , I' " -, / --,,-; '<- ,. . ..(- ~- -" RECEP~TON ANn ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the quotation of Rendezvous Steakhouse & Tavern be accepted for supplying the meals for the Warden's Banquet on Saturday, October 12th, 1985, at a price of $9.00 each. 2. That the letters request.ing Golf Day prizes be sent out to the names on the lists submitted and, in addition, the Members of the Reception and Entertainment Committee solicit prizes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ . \ , .." ( --. .~L~-"'- D. H. Pearson, Chairman. == Lr J;\ , -' ' /, / .,.(._.-:"".-' ~ ~.._._A _ ~- 175 COUNTY .OF ELGIN By-Law No, 85-25 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND OTHERS APPOINTED TO VARIOUS LOCAL BOARDS ETC.." WHEREAS the Municipal Act has been amended to prohibit certain local boards from paying Members of Council and others appointed by County. Council to the said boards or other bodies: and WHEREAS County Council wishes to set a remuneration to compensate such Members of County Council and others who are appointed to serve on said boards and other bodies. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the various hospitals. shall be paid committee pay plus mileage from home, to the meeting place, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made quarterly. 2. ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD Members of County Council appointed to serve on this Board and the three outside appointees of the Council shall ,be paid committee- pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the Library, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 3. FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN (CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY) Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 4. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM BOARD Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Payment shall be made monthly. 5. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION The Member of County Council appointed to this Board shall be paid committee pay, plusm;leage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. Pay- ment shall be made semi-annually. 6. THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Appointees to this Counc~l shall be for a one-year periOd and shall be paid committ~e pay for attending meetings of the said Council. It is understood mileage is paid by the Health Council. Payment shall be made semi~annually. - 2 - 7. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION Elgin County Council appointee to this Commission shall be paid at the rate of $175.00 per year (paid semi-annually) for his services performed on this Commission. He shall also receive convention rates set for County Council for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. The year for purposes of remuneration shall end January 31st each year. 8. Payment for persons attending local boards or other bodies shall be made on the basis of written information sent to the County Clerk from the various groups. 9. Any local board or Committee to which County Council makes appointments must receive'Council's approval prIor to anyone being appointed to a further board, in order to receive pay- ment for his/her attendance on the second board. 10. All non-members of Council, appointed to outside boards or Committees, must obtainCouricil's approval prior to attend- ance at convention in order to receive convention allowance reimbursement. 11. This By-Law shall become effective on January 1st, 1985. 12. That By-Law No. 79~1 be, and the same is hereby repealed~ READ a first time this 17th day of April, 1985. READ a second time this 17th day of April; 1985 READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of April, 1985. __.~.,.n:..<.-~.,-<<y;,....."o./ /' //-, / //, , px: <';..1 \<-'''''''''---' ..;....~. <.... C:R./ J. Lavereau, Warden; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 'J 177 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 85-26 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL DF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL SESSION. 1985.11 WHEREAS by Section 9 of The MUnicipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the: Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powersofa municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by SubseCtion 1 of Section 103. of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by""law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that, the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meetingbeconfirmed'and adop~edby by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora~ tion of the County df Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Co~ittees and each motion and resolution passed and other actio~ taken by t~eMunicipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the April 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By~taw. 2. The Warderi and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do al~ things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf arid to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of April, 1985. READ a second. time this 17th day of April, 1985. READ a third time and finally pas,sed this 17th day of Apri,l, 1985. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /' /rJ' / t{...... -::.. ,/' "- /J. La' Warden. - ,- ,,-/ ~--/~. >'-,~ ? May Session - First Day Wednesday, the 15th day of May, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building~ at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL- All Members present except: Reeve Fleck (arrived 10: 12 A.M.)'. Moved by Reeve Purceli Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the minutes of the April 1985 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, with resolution to request an amendment to The Drainage Act re: grants for municipally-owned land under forestry. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, with a copy of aresolu- tioD from the Roads Committee regarding a parking complaintori Shackletori Street, Dutton. 2. Lynda Prong, Chairperson. for the Queen of the Furrow Committee, with request for gifts for the thirty-five contestants. 3. City of Hamilton with a resolution with respect to remun- eration paid municipal councillors elected to the Provincial Legislature or the Federal House of Commons. 4. County of Northumberland with a resolution respecting compensation for damages caused by an emergency. 5. Minister for Youth with details and applications for the 1985-86 Ontario Youth Corps Program. 6. County of Oxford requesting comments on Amendment No. 26 to the Oxford Official Plan. 7. Town ,of Fort Erie with a resolution re: increasing the $50 per bed, payable for publiC hospitals. 8. Regional Director General, Ontario Region, Environment Canada, requesting the county's involvement in the Environment Week '85 campaign. 9. Intech (1984) Associates with offer of services to micro- film our municipal records. 10. will be ing the Environment Canada indicating that .Environment Week. celebrated across Canada from June 2-8, 1985 and ericourag~ County to participate. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Village of Rodney with request to have the railway cross- ings repaired. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with a copy of Memo No. 85-03, entitled .Structural Plate Pipe Arches., 179 - 2 - PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. R. K~ McNeil, M.P.P., with acknowledgement of the copy of the letter re; disposition. of the Court House complex. 2. Minister of Government Services aCknowledging receipt of the letter re; the Court House and advising that he will be reply- ing in detait soon. 3. forms for Program. Ministry of Energy with new guidelines and applicat~on the Municipal OilCoriversion and Energy Conservation 4. Minister of Government Services confirming the Province's interest in:~ontinuing its accommodation in the Court House and Land Registry Office and the possibility of utilizing the remaining buildings in the Court complex. 5. The Waterloo Manufacturing Co. Ltd. with information with respect to the operation and maintenance of the Cleaver Brooks boilers. installed in the new Administration Building. 6. . Ronald L. Lake, Sheriff, County of Elgin, with a copy of a letter sent to Mr. Nestor Yurchuk, Deputy Director Courts Admin~ istration, re: access to Courts for disabled persons. ~ 1. . Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with a copy of their 1984 Annual Report. 2. Bank of Montreal with advice of the following changes in the prime interest rate; Effective April 12 - decreased by ~% to 11% Effective April 19 - decreased by ~% to 10 3/4%. 3.. Wilfrid Laurier University aCknOwledging and expressing appreciation for advice on the two scholarships for 1985. 4. Village of Rodney with notice of the passing of Zoning By~LawNo. 85~8, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 5. Ruth E. Malott with thank you for retirement gift. 6. The Four Counties General Hospital with acknowledgement of 1985 grant of $50,000. 7. Township of Dunwich with notice of meeting to consider a minor variance application set for May 6th, 1985. 8. ..Townshipof Yarmouth with notice ofa public meetingrez a proposed zoning by-law amendment set for May 21st, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. 9. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and financial statement to March 31st, 1985. 10. The Canadian Hearing Society with appreciation for the $500.00 grant to their building fund. 11. Frank Cowan Company Limited with a copy of a letter to Mr. R. G. Moore, quoting rates for higher liability amounts. 12. Deputy Minister of Community and Social Services re: 1985-86 funding ~evels. . 13. Mr. Tom Ontario Charlie Tatham, Warden of Oxford County, advising that Cline, will organize a brief for presentation to the Energy Board re: Union Gas takeover by Unicorp. _ 3 ~ County Council, May Session, 1985 FILED - continued 14. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copies of the following reports: 85-1 _ Response to Draft Regulation 309: Standards for Municipal Land Fill Sites. 85~2 _ A.M.O. Response to .One-Stop Service: A Joint Provincial-Municipal Report On Projects To Test A Proposed New Method Of Delivering Income Mainten- ance Benefits Together With New Supports For Those Seeking,Employment. 85-3 _ Municipal Inrrastructure in Ontario: Funding Inadequacies. 8,5-4 _ Report of the A.M.O. Joint Committee on Sewer and Water Services~ 15. M. Joyce Axford with appreciation for $200 Elgin County Scholarship received at Waterloo University. 16. Township of Bayham with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. Z129~85, under Section 34 of The P~anning Act, 1983. 17. The Four Counties General Hospital Fund Raising Committee with a progress update on the total goal. 18. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with copy of a letter received ~rom the Minister of Government Servicesre: the Court House availabil- ity for purchase. 19. Township of Dunwich advising that, the application for a Minor Variance by Bell Telephone has been withdrawn. 20. Minister of Transportation and Communications advising that an advance payment of $1,006,,800 in road subsidy-has been authorized. 21. A.M.O. Bulletin entitled .Resolutions ... A Complicated Procedure??- . 22. Township of Yarmouth with notices of public meetings con- cerning proposed zoning by-law amendments set for June 17th, 1985, commencing at 7:30 P.M. 23. Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with notices of public hearings set for May 17th, 1985 athOO P.M. to hear minor variance applications. 24. Township of Aldborough with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 85-33, passed under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 19B3. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously, be approved as follows~ Agricultural Committee - n1 County Government Committee - #1-10 inclusive County Roads Committee - nl-2 inclusive Property Committee - #1-6 inclusive Filed - #1-24 inclusive County Council - #1-2 inclusive. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart seconded by Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. 181 - 4 - FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Caverly. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE ~ (mailed) Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Smyth. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Secorid Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Brooks That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1984 be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. The Terry Fox Canadian Youth Centre, with request to sponsor students for a seven-day seminar iri Ottawa. 2. program tion. Parks Canada with invitation to participate in a national recognizing significant ~ontributions to Heritage Preserva- Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Purcell That Council Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. - Carried. _ 5 - County Council, May Sess~on. 1985 Mr-. A. M. Spriet, of Spriet Associates, was. present and it was moved by Reeve Haddow that-he now be heard. Mr. Spriet pre- sented the plans for the renovation of the new Administration Building and answered questions from Council. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That tenders be called for the. renovations to the Admin- istration Building and that the Property Committee be authorized to receive and open them and if the amount is within the estimate of $1,320,000.00, accept it, upon approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for borrowing purposes. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Reeve McWilliam That we do now adjourn (10;4S A.M.) to meet again on May 15th, 1985 at 2;00 P.M. - Carried. Council re~convened at 2:05 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present. FIRST REPORT ~AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented-by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Sheils. FIRST REPORT _ RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. Reeve Caverly gave a brief summary of the upgrading of the heating system in the Museum and indicated that an additional expenditure was required for the electrical sys~em. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No~ 85~27 ~A By-Law to Adopt a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establish a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the PUblic Transportation and Highway Improvement Act- be read a first time~ .;. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-27 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-27 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 85-28 -Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of VehicleS Passing Over Bridges. be read a first time. _ Carried. 183 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No. 85~28 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 85-28 be read a third ti~e and finally passed~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law Noo- a5~29 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Borrowing of Monies from the Bank of Montreal to Renovate: the New CoUnty Administration Building- be read a first-time. Carried. Moved'by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-29 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReevePearsoo Seconded by,Reeve Hodgson passed. That By-Law No. 85-29 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Re~ve Hodgson That By~Law No. 85-30 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the M~nicipal Council of the Corporation_of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1985- be read a first time~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 85~30 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakelirig Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-30 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That we do now adj.ourn (2 ~ 20 P ~M.) to meet again on June 26th, 1985 at 10;00 A.M. - Carried. G.--C. Leverton, Clerk. -R.- -J-:-~Lavereau, Warden. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Counc~l, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture be advised that the County of Elgin wishes to have the County Library System administered by a Committee of Council rather than a separate Library Board and request that they advise what action is required by the County to effect the Change as of January 1, 1986 and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Ron McNeil and Jim McGuigan, M.P.P.s. 2. That we recommend that a recognition dinner be organ- ized by the Reception and Entertainment Committee to honour Reeve Emerson and Reeve Caverly for their long service on County Council and that the tickets be offered for sale to all Members who served with them, plus all Ex-Wardens, the current Members of the Vienna and Malahide Councils, Department Heads and Deputies, H. L. Johnson, former Clerk-Treasurer, and all their Spouses. 3. given Clerk That each of the thirty-five Queens of the Furrow be a County Plate and suitable gift. left to the Warden and to select. 4. That the resolution from the City of Hamilton (Corres- pondence #3) re: payment to persons elected to Provincial or Federal Governments be endorsed. 5. That correspondence #1 be tabled and this be discussed with Reeve Purcell. 6. That Correspondence #4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 be filed. 7. That we recommend that a policy of advertising in local newspapers for persons interested in serving on outside boards or Committees be inserted in October of each year for consideration by Count.y Council. 8. That the request from Mr. J,ohn Frisch of Aylmer for copies of bills for Reeve Brooks and Deputy Reeve Marr's expenses for attending conventions during 1984 has been granted provided he is willing to pay the usual charge of 50~ per page, and he picks them up. 9. That the annual financial statement, required to be published, be inserted in the Elgin County Market as it has county-wide circulation. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '. a. ~ :-/)ti'( /;',..... t . 1>1. H. Stewart, Chairman. ./- ~'.~'<./ /'- ./ V 185 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'l"I'EE FIRST REPORT May Session 1985 TO the warden and Members of Elgin County Council Your Road Committee REipo.rtsas Follows: 1. We have accepted- the quotation of Alex Newbi99ing Limitea of R.R. j I, Delaware for'IO,OOO ton of crushed gravel @ $4~ao per ton, delivered on COunty:RQad 9 in DunwichToWnsbip between RoadS and Roa.d,14, being the lOwest of 5 qUotations received. Work is-presently underway. 2. No, information has been received from the Ministxy of _ TranSpOrtation and Communications on the County's application for asupplemental:y spending bylaw. 3. We have accepted the tenders of Walmsleysros.. Limited_ of Londpn for Hot Mix_ Asphalt Paving as foHows: Contract 'A' - $191,367.45"for work on Roads 42 and 50 in Port Burwell, Road,42 easto! POrt BUrwell_ for llllile. Road 39 (Chatham street) in Port Burwell, for the Village of Vienna, patching on Road 42 and for' resurfacing onRbad 40 north of Road 42 forI mile (if funds are available).; Walmsley's.bid was the lowest of three. Contract's' - $334,583.75;,Fo:r asphalt resurfacing on Road- 32 from Police College gate to Road, 52.Roa~ 52 frolll Highway 74 to Road 30, patching on (al Road' 33 (Kains Hill). (bl. ROad 40 at Glencolin. (c) several areas on Road 52 and for the Townships of South Dorchester and Southwold. WalmSley's bid was the lowest of ;two. Contract 'c' - $42,525.00 for asphalt paving on Road 22 (Fail:view Ave..) Yarmouth Township~ Walmsley's bid was the lowesto! 3. Contract '0' - $64.475~OO for asphalt patching on: Road 3 from Highway 401 to Wardsville in A1d!xirough ToWnship and for the Villages. of Rodney and Dutton. Walmsley's bid was the lowest of 3. ,4. The Ministry of 'lranspo~tion and communications has approved renovations of 'Port Burwell Bridge. Work includes sCarifying ,and remova1of old concrete from the deck and the placing of an additional 4 inches of concrete and reinforcing steel on top of the present deck. and the replacement of expansion joints. Work will proceed 'as sOon as expansion joints are received. The County will remove the, old concrete., A minilD.um of four bidders will be asked to bid on the placement of reinforcing steel, , joints and new concrete. The bridge will be subject to single' lane traffic. while under, cons,truction. Removal ,of concrete ,will start around mid June. The cost estimate remains at $300,000. 5. After investigation it has been found that the footings of the concrete culvert on the Underhill Drain on, Road 29 are still below stream bottom thus this 9ulvertwill not have to be reptacedthis year. Repairsto the Brown Dra~n culvert on Road 8 at DUtton are necessary as the bottom of the footings are above the' stream. bed' as the stream bed has, erode:d~ Funds originally allocated for Road 29 work will be. used. for ROad.S work. 6. The Township of yarmOuth has held a.public meeting to discuss the rezoning as a qra:vel pit. the County's property on Lots 26 and 27, Concession IV, Ya:nnouth. No serious objections were received from tha public. Advertisement to obtain the Ministry of Natural Resources' licence will be made shortly. Negotiations are continuing. with the Township of Yarmouth regarding: a development agreement. Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 19 85 To the Warden and Members of Elgin COWlty Council WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a Bylaw be passed, amending CciWlty Bylaw 82-4, which will decrease the allowable maximum - weight of vehicles using- _- Tate' s Bridge over the Thames River in Dunwich to 5 Tormes from the present _ 15 Tonnes . The floor of Tate' s Bridge - bas deteriorated in the past 6 months. 2. That a Bylaw be passed adopting a plan of COWlty Road Improvement and - Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin which will in effect amend Bylaw 2166 (passed in,1971) ,andsubsequent amending Bylaws. The new Establishment Bylaw will show the limits of the County Road System as it is presently, in metric. The ROad Department has been preparing this Bylaw for several years. 3. That a Bylaw be passed which will in effect amend Bylaw 2487 designating through highways in the County of Elgin. The Bylaw will coincide with the new Establishment Road Byiaw as - severaL road number designations have been made since the la$t Bylaw was pa$sed. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. G--'- \Et ~l,.....~.I.A .d-. ~_ .... _ - LIA/. ~ , CHAI~~ tffR~- -' 187 HOMES. FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT May session, 1985 FI RST. REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. The Elgin County Council Steak Barbecue will be held June 21, 1985 at Terrace Lodge. 2. The Director-jAdministrator h.as been authori.zed to allow his name to stand as Regional Representative to the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged. 3. The Director of Nursing has been authorized to attend the Homes for the Aged Orientation Program June 5, 6, and 7, 1985 wi tb the usu.alexpenses paid. 4. to attend 1985 with The SUpervisory Staff of the Homes have been authorized the Homes for _ the Aged Convention September 8, 9, 10th the usual expenses, paid. 5. The residential care per diem shall be increased by $1.00 per day to $35.50 effective June 1, 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitt~d. A ,}jJL T"':;::: .' K. Ford <.. Acting ch ~ 1ft 4~~~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Sess~on, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed~ 2. That the letter from Spriet Associates with respect to the location of the Archives_be filed foririforIDation and a copy forwarded to the Library Board for their information. 3. That due to our moving to anew building, we-cancel the rental agreement w~th the Art Gallery at the end of the next quarter. 4. Thatapplicat~onbe made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to borrow approximately $1,200,000 from the Bank of Montreal to be repaid over a period not exc~edingten years and that a by-law be _prepared for Council's May Session. 5. That a request has been sent to the Township of Yarmouth for a iettercorifirming that the zoning on the area for the new Adm~nistration BUilding (former Nurses' Residence) conforms to the purpose for which the building will be used by the County. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. JJ(,/ d ~ \ Ch' Hodg.~n f .~ rman.' , L /' 7->'f l ~ L...- .I, V ~'---"'-~--- ----1 189 PROPERTY CDMMITTEE RRPORT May Session-. 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee rel?o::r::ts as follows; 1. ized: to the - new charged That, the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital.beauthor_ plant oats and grass in the four acre parcel north of Administration Building and the cost of the seed be to the county at an estimated cost of $10Q.OO. 2. That the Clerk_advertise' in the Times~Journal_for tenders to purchase the hay on the eleven acre parcel south of the-new Administratio~ Building and be authorized to award it to the hi9~est tender. 3. That Correspondence #3, 4, 5 and 6 be filed~ AL~of which is respectfully siJ.bmitte~. . 5/ /fl. /A1'f~ Jf.: " ~{f <<4?- , ~.-.I LIBRARY BOARD REPORT May Session 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: l. has for That Miss Mariiyn Courtenay of the firm Gunn been engaged to represent the Elgin County- Library purposes of labour relations. & Associates Board 2. That Mr. Wells has been authorized to make the report requested by the County Government Committee available to the County Council through the County Government Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 6}' .(/' 1'57 ,,''0- <.-~~~ -/ 191 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT May Session 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. . That a preliminary report on the ten year capital projection, has: been comple~ed by the Librarian and forwarded to the County Government Committee by the Library Board. 2~ 1985. That the Belmont Library opening will be June 22, 3. That Miss Ruth Prowse has been authorized to attend the OLA-eSG Works~op featuring Anita silvey with her expenses paid. . ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,~/.~/'~/~ Cha7s:SheilS . J.rrnan. .' &4. I ..J AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E1gin County Counci1. The Agricultura1 Committee reports as follows: 1. Stormont, endorsed. That the resolution from the United Counties of Dundas and Glengarry (Correspondence #1) be ALL of which is respectfully submttted. d'#u,& V" V W. R. Caverly. Chairman. ~)~ ! / / -...t,: \ c~-" </ / 193 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMT~TF.F. RRPORT May Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that steaks be served at the Golf Day and that $10.00 be charged for each person attending, plus green fees to be paid at the: time. 2. That Reeve Emerson and Reeve Caverly be allowed to invite twenty guests each to the recognition dinner, in addition to the suggested list from the County Government Committee, at the same' cost as other,guests. 3. That Reception and Entertainment Chairman Pearson be authorized to. book a hall and arrange catering-etc.. at an appropriate hall, on one .ofthe dates of .June .25, 26, 27. .1985 fOr the-recognition dinner as discussed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '&k~- ------ D. H. Pearson. Chairman. AJ /' ..1._, _~j 4 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-27 "A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISH A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGH\;AY IMPROVEMENT ACT. " WHEREAS the By-Law adopting a plan of county road improvement and establishing a county road system in the. County of Elgin has been amended from time to time by adding roads or portions of roads to and removing roads or portions of- roads from the county road system;'- and WHEREAS certain roads formerly included in_ the county road system have been assumed by the Province of Ontario, and certain roads or portions of roads so assumed have been reverted to the municipality previously liable for their maintenance and repair or transferred to the municipal- ity within which the same are situated as the case maybe; and WHEREAS the description of certain roads included in the county road system and the recorded mileage thereof as established by by-laws h~retofore passed have been affected by alterations to or diversions of the said roads or by altera- tions to the boundaries of certain local municipalities: and WHEREAS certain roads or portions or roads heretofore added to or removed from the county road system have not been described sufficiently in the relevant by-laws to permit them to be identified with certainty or to make clear the true intent of the Council in respect thereof: and WHEREAS it is deemed in the .public interest that the locations of all roads or portions of roads included in the county road system described in a manner sufficient to permit ready identification: and WHEREAS in order to attain greater efficiency in the administration of the county road system it is deemed expedient to adopt a plan of county road improvement and establish a county road system in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 85-27 as follows: 1. The roads shown as county roads on the several plans numbered - 2-1, 2-2, 3~1, 3-2, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1# 7-1, 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 9-2, 11-1, 13-1, 14-1, ,IS-I, 16-1, 16-2, 17-1, 18-1 19-1 20-1 20-2 21-1 22~1 23-1 24-1 24-2 25-1: 25-2: 26-1: 27-1: 28-1: 29~1: 30-1: 31-1: 32~1: 33~1, 34-1, 35-1, 36-1, 37-1, 38-1, 38-2, 39-1, 40-1, 41-1 42-1 42-2 43~1 44-1 45-1 45-2 45~3 46-1 47-1: 48-1: 49-'1: 5:0-1: 51-1: 52-1: 52-2: 53-1: 54~1: 55-1,56-1, comprising the Schedule to this By-Law are designated the county road system of the County of Elgin. 2. The roads shown as county roads on the several plans numbered as in Paragraph 1 comprising the Schedule to this By-Law shall be known by the numbers shown-on the said plans and such numbers shall be used for all purposes of administr- tion and accounting. 195 - 2 - 3. The cost of constructirrg and maintaining the county road system shall be met from: (al Monies raised by the levying of a general annual rate upon all ~unicipalities in the county not separated therefrom for municipal purposes and, (0) Provincial grants~in~aid and, (e) The proceeds of debentures issued for purposes of road construction and, (d) Any special contributions made by a .person or persons, pUblic or private orcoiporate bOdies, the Federal or Provincial Governments, their agencies or boards, or from any other source. 4. By-Law No. 2166, being the original By-Law adopting a plan of county roadimprovemerit and establishing, a county road system in the County of Elgin as amended'by subsequent amending by-laws and consolidated by subsequent consolidating by-laws, and all other by-laws adding or purporting. to add roads or port.ions of roads to the county road system are hereby repealed. 5. .extent of CounciL This. by-law shall come in force upon. and to' the the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in READ a first t~me this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a second time this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May, 1985. ~<.-/--<-.~.r_C' ';/....7..../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk" ~. ./ /7 . 1(r ~...<_....c_..._.J . Rt J. Lavereau, "-- " Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-28 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES..' WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section l04{b) of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 19.80, C.198as amended) provides that~ QThe Municipal Corporation or other authbrityhaving jurisdiction over abridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle and/or any class thereof passing over such bridge, and the requirements of Subsections 1 and 2 of Section l04(b) with respect to the posting of notice apply thereto.n; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora~ tiOD of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over_any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law_with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. By-Law of the Any person violating shall be subject to the Highway Traffic Act. any of the provisions of this penalty provided in Section 106 3. _ This By~Law shall not become_effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4. By~Law No. 84-2 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. R~AD a first time this 15th day of May, 198~. READ a second time this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May, 1985. ___.-;:... _~_< _<-. <~J rr' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / L f-. ,# j/ r.~"" _" /'J. Lavereau, Warden,; I 197 SCHEDULE- NO. 1 By-Law No. 85-28 BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX "uroer Bridge Road """" of Location Waight Year of Type of Adjoining No. No. Bridge Limit in Construc- Floor Mmicipality (1""') Tonnes tion Finish 1. 5-42 Tate's Lot 7, 5 1914 Concrete County of Broken Bituninous Middlesex Front 'A', Township of Dunwich 2. 5-5 Ling's Lot 49, 15 1907 Concrete County of EaSt Side Middlesex Talbot Road North Bridge, Towriship -. of Sout"""'" 3. 5-45 14 Middlemiss Lot C, 18 1935 Concrete County of Concession III, Middlesex Township of Dunwich COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-29 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROIHNG OF MONIES FROM THE BANK OF MONTREAL TO RENOVATE THE NEW COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of. Elgin has purchased the .former Nurses' Residence at the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital to use as a County Administration Building; and WHEREAS it is necessary to carry out renovations in order to accommodate County Council and the Administration persorinel; and WHEREAS an estimate of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, exclusive of interest. has, been made to carry out the necessary alterations and renovations: and WHEREAS the Corporation. of the County of Elgin pro- poses to borrow the said monies from the Bank of Montreal~ 408 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, .whenand as required by way of promissory note or promissory notes, at a rate of interest to be determined at the time of borrowing: and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin intends to repay the amount borrowed on an annual basis, with interest, over a period of time, not exceeding ten years~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized to. obtain from the Bank of Montreal, amounts as required and. not exceeding One Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars in total, by way of promissory note or notes, at a rate of interest to be determined at the time of borrowing to mee.t the cost of renovating the new Administration Building~ 2. That this by~law not become effective until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a first time this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a second time, this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May~ 1985~ --:::;;,..-1:. <. ;oL...-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. / / / O."\..", "". <" 'J. Lavereau, Warden. JR. / 199 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-30 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY SESSION 19B5." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its counci11 and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council "are to be exercised by By~Law1 and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFoRE the Municipal Council of the Corpora.,. tion of the County dfElgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen~ dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County bfElgin at_ its meetings held during the May 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law~ 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin-are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action:Qfthe Mun~cipal Council of the Corporation of. the County ofE1gin referred to. in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and direc- ted to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a second time this 15th day of May, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of May, 1985. ..---::.t::: ^-<..u-<_-< >S--...... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,~ /J 17-/;':-;.".' < _,- I R. J. Lavereau, - ~ Warden. June Session - First Day Wednesday. the 26th day of June, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building. at 10;00 A.M.. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present exceptf Reeve Perovich Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the minutes of the May 1985Ses5ion of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVEP~NTCOMMITTEE 1. Municipal presented Warden Charlie Tatham, Oxford County, on behalf of the Gas Intervention Committee. with a copy of a brief to be to the Ontario Energy Board. and requesting support. 2. The Regional Municipality of Peel requesting support of their position that the cost of 911 Emergency Telephone Transmis~ sian lines be incorporated in the approved tariff paid by telephone subscribers to Bell Canada. 3. City of Ottawa requesting participation and support for the program,INPAX. sponsored by the PaX Humana Group. 4. County of Essex with resolution expressing their con- cerns about the high water levels in the abutting lakes and rivers. 5. County of Grey with resolution regarding increased liability costs for municipalities. the future availability of insurance protection for municipalities and the amount and type of awards being made in the courts. 6. Minister of Citizenship and Culture aCkriowledgingreceipt of our letter re; changing to a Committee System for the Library and outlining procedure. 7. Town of Valley East with resolution requesting a change in the method in which education taxes are asseSsed and collected. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Brewers Warehousing Company Limited with a' copy of an -Executive Summary- of a Report entitled -Alcohol-Specific Controls I Implications for Road Safety-. 2. Mrs. Ann Eeleywith a copy of a leter to Mr. John Wise, M.P., regarding the intersection of Highway 19 a~d County Road 45 in Bayham Township. 3. that been Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising the supplementary request in the amount of $182.000 has not approved. 4. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 85-04 ref Consulting Engineers. 5. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority with request for -No Parking- signs on County Road 31, at Dalewood Conservation Area. 201 - 2 - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Wendy L. Dodd with resignation as Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Public Robert M. Gordon Button, Local Registrar, with a copy Inspection Panel's Report to The Honourable Judge McDermid, delivered on May 27th, 1985. of the Dougald 2. McCarthy & McCarthy, Barristers and Solicitors, with a copy of an agreement with respect to the estate of the late Archibald Ferguson McLachlin and the property known as 1 Wellington Street, St. Thomas. L Law No. 1983. FILED Town of Aylmer with notice of the passing of Zoning By~ 31~85 passed pursuant to Section 34 of The Planning Act, 2. Township of Yarmouth with notices of the passing of Zoning By~Laws No. 2871 and 2873, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983~ 3. with cial Family & Children's Services of St~ Allocation of Children In Care for April Statements for the same two months~ Thomas and Elgiri and May and Finan- 4~ Township of Yarmouth with three notices of pUblic meet- ings to be held on June 17th and July 15th, 1985, with respect to proposed zoningamendments~ 5~ Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing set for May 30th re; a minor variance. 6. Minister of Citizenship and Culture advising that the initial payment. of the Province's pUblic library grant will be 80% of the total.grant~ 7. Zoning 1983~ Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of By-Law No~ 11-85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 8. . County of Oxford with pUblic notice of a meeting to be held June 18th, 1985 re; a proposed zoning by~law amendment. 9. 22nd, 1985 10 1/2%. Bank of Montreal with notice. advising that effective May the prime interest rate will decrease from 10 3/4% to 10~ R~ K.~McNeil, M~P~P~, acknowledging receipt of the copy ofa letter sent to the former Minister of Citizenship and Culture reI altering the Library Administration System. 11. for July the Land Ontario Municipal Board with ,appointment for hearing set 9th, 1985 at 10;00 A~M~ re; appeal against. a decision of Division Committee~ 12~ Gunn & Associates advising that the appeal re; the Tree By-Law prosecution is set for June 24th. 1985~ 13. tion June Association of Municipalities of Ontario with informa- on the annual meeting of the Large Urban Section, set for 19th-21st. 1985~ 14~ St~ Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with notice of annual meeting OI members, set for June 12th, 1985 at 2,00 P~M., in the auditorium of the School of Nursing. 2 - 3 - County Council, June Session, 1985 FILED - continued 15. Wilfrid Laurier University advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships aret Ross N. SIMPSON - R. R. #1, Wa11acetown Connie A. THOONEN - R. R. #4, Ay1mer. 16. Village of Port Stanley with notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. 2177. under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 17. Remarks to the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce by The Honourable Larry Grossman. May 28th. 1985. lB. Township of Yarmouth advising the public meeting sched- uled for June 17th, 1985 ret zoning by-law amendment has been cancelled. 19. Village of Belmont Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing set for June 25th, 1985 ret a minor variance. 20. Town of Aylmer with notice of pUblic meeting set for July 8th, 1985 reI a proposed zoning by-law amendment. 21. Towrtshipof Aldborough with notice of the passing of Zonirig By~Law No. 85-34 under Section 34 of The P~anning Act. 1983. 22. with 1985 Ministry of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning, the Training and Education Program ~or the period April I, to March 31, 1986, held at Arnprior. 23. Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. 10-85, under Section 34 of The Pla~ning Act, 1983. 24. Township of Southwold with notice of the passing of Zoning By~Law No. 85-9. under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 25. Village of Belmont with notice of public-meeting reI a proposed zoning by-law amendment, set for July 23rd, 1985. 26. Township of Bayham with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. Z131-85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 27. Minister of Transportation and Communications advising of a second advance payment of $1,006,800 will be paid July 3rd, 4th or 5th, 1985. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve McWilliam That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously be approved as follows: County Government Committee - #1-7 inclusive County Roads Committee -#1-5 inclusive Personnel Committee -#1 Property Committee - #1~2 inclusive Filed - #1-27 inclus-ive County Council - #1-6 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following employees received a 10 Year Certificate of Service: The following employees_of Elgin Manor were presented Certificates by the Chairman, Reeve Fleck, and Warden Lavereau: Glenna J. Dean, Ella L. Kyle and Josephine L. McFadyen. Deputy Reeve Neukarnm, on behalf of the Chairman, and Warden Lavereau presented Susan M. Clemas, from the Social -Services Department, with her Certificate. 203 - 4 - Reeve McWilliam. Chairman, and Warden Lavereau presented the following Roads employees with their Certificates: Robert C. MCCready and John L. Brown. A delegation _ from Ontario Hydro was present and it was moved by Reeve_ Haddow that they be now heard. Mr. Jim Shewchuk and Mr~ John Sinclair both addressed Council on alternate plans that had been considered for - the Southwestern Ontario Transniission Study. A reconunendation will be forthcoming early in J.uly~ Council asked question~ of both men during the presentation. Mr. Glen Walters, Chairman of the I.P.M. County Exhibits Comltdttee, was present and it was moved by Reeve Fleck that he. be now heard. Mr. Walters gave an update on the status of the County Exhibits Committee. In addition, Deputy Reeve Ford,Vice...,Chairman, r~viewed the funding and advertising in the County Brochure. FIRST REPORT- COU'NTYGQVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - C~ried. FIRST REPORT ..., COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved,by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reev& Stewart That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT..., HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Deputy ReeveMarr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRS'!' REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve S~h That Item 13 be amended by adding the words .or his alternativeW after the word .Committee. in the first line. The amendment Carried. The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. p4 - 5 - County Counci1, June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Purcell That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Deputy Reeve Harr reported on the arbitration awards for the two Homes and the effect that it will have on finances. In addition, he read a letter which was forwarded on behalf of the Personnel Committee to various Ministries, arid the twoM.P.P.'s for Elgin, and in addition, Judge Ord who chaired the Arbitration Board, pro- testing the amount of the award. Warden Lavereau also read his comments condemning the effect the arbitration award will have on the County. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the expenses paid on behalf of Warden Lavereau, Reeve Fleck and Deputy Reeve Pearson for the conference attended through the O.A.H.A. not be counted as one of-the three allowable conventions and the. matter of future conference and seminars attended be referred to the County Government Committee for review. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council to May 24th, 1985 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That we do. now adjourn (11:50 A.M.) to meet again on June 26th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 3:10 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Perovich Reeve Monteith Reeve Hodgson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to May 24th, 1985 for appointees to the Elgin County Library Board, Members of the Land Division Committee and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. 205 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vo~kaert That Mr. R. G. Moore. County Engineer of the County of Elgin, is authorized on behalf of the Corporation of the County of Elgin to receive on behalf of the said municipality, a -notice of judicial review regarding the Ontario_ Energy Board's declsionrelat- ing to the Application by UnIon Gas Limited for leave to construct a natural gas pipeline in the Village.of Thedford, Town of Forest and Townships of Bosanquet ahd Warwick in the County of Lambton and the Town of Parkhill and Townships of-Adelaide, Metcalf, East Williams and West Williams, in the County of Middlesex and in the matter of the Municipal Franchise Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 309-0 - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. County of Perth requesting support for. Reeve Calvin Innes, of the Township of Downie, for election to the Board of Directors of A.M.O. 2. Bruce Smith, Music Director, Arthur Voaden Secondary School. with request for financial assistance for"the Concert and Wednesday Night Jazz Band. to travel to Switzerland to perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival. 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on nominations to the Board of Directors. 4. Town of Geraldton requesting support for Mayor Michael Power of the Town, for election to the A.M.O. Board of Directors. 5. Elgin West DistrictWomen's Institute with nomination to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1986. 6. Association of Municipalities of Ontario intrOducing the A.M.O. Hotel -Preferred RatesPlan-. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Harr That the nomination from the Elgin West District Women's Institute to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board be tabled to the December Session, 1985. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly filed. That Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 be - Carried. A letter was received today from Mr. Merv Riddall, the Solicitor for the I.P.M. Committee. He requested authorization, retroactively. for the Committee to be allowed to sign various agreements on behalf of the County. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That a letter be forwarded by the Warden and Clerk to the Local I.P.M. on behalf of County Council authorizing them to sign the various agreements on behalf of the County, after a legal opinion has been received from the County SOlicitor, and it be retroactive to the date of By-Law No. 82-28. - Carried. _ 7 - County Council, June Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Marr. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the Second Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That Item #3 of the Second Report of the Personnel Committee be deleted. The amendment was Lost. The original Report, as presented, was then voted upon and Carried. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Wakeling. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee. was presented by Deputy Reeve Wake ling and adopted on motion of Deputy ReeveWakeling and Reeve Haddow. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Whereas the Flood Plain Review Committee appointed on August 18, 1983 made certain recommendations based on numerous briefs presented by individuals and municipalities. Therefore, the Council of the County of Elgin requests the Minister of Natural Resources to rescind the rulings of the Honourable Allan Pope, as mailed out to each municipality in December 1984, and immediately implement the recommendations of the Review Committee, so far as they relate to' the flood plains. The local municipality, subject to permissive legislation, be given the primary responsibility for flood plain management. The local municipality to be eligible for grants similar to that presently available to'conservation author- ities. Copies of this resolution to be circulated to all Counties and Regions for endorsement, and R. K. McNeil and James McGuigan. - MOTION LOST. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-31 .Designating Highways. be read a first time. .;. Carried.. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 8~-31 be read a second time. - Carried. 207 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-31 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Secoodedby Reeve Lashbraok That By';'Law No. 85-32 -Being a By-Law to Determine the County of Elgin Municipality or Municipalities to be Represented by Each Member to be Elected in the School Division of the County of Elgin by the Public School Electors of the County of Elgin- be read a first t-ime. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No. 85-32 be read a second time. Carried. Moved: - by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils passed. That By-L.aw No. 85-32 be read athir_d time and finally - Carried. Moved _ by Deputy Reave Voj in Seconded by Deputy -Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 85-33 -Being a By~Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Bet:ween the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers" Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.P.L., C.I.O~, C.L.C., with Respect to the Corporation's Full Time Employees at the Elgin Manor- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-33 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That By-Law No. 85-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No~ 85~34 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, LOC81220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., with Respect to the Corporation's Part-Time Employees at the Elgin Manor- be read a first time~ - Carried. - 9 - County Council, June Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 85-34 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-34 be read a third time and finally passed .; - Carried. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by R~eve Willsey That By-Law No. 85~35 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers 1 Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L,C., with Respect to the Corporation's Full and Part Time Employees at Terrace Lodge- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85~35 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-35 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 85-36 -Being a By-Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 85-36 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 85-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 85-37 -Being a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee- be read a first time. - Carried. 209 - 10 .,.. Moved. by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That. By-Law No. 85-37 be read a secorid time. Carried.. Moved. by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson pas$ed .. That By-Law No. 85-37 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert seconded by Reeve Smyth That By~LawNo. 85-38 -Being a By.,..Law to Establish a Rate of Pay for the: Part-Time Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Cormnittee- be read a first time~ - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By~LawNo. 85..;.38 be read a second time. - Carried. Movt;l:d by Deputy' ReevePearEion Seconded by Reeve Smyth passed,; That By-Law No. 85-38 be rE)ad a third time and finally - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Reeve McWilliam That By~LawNp... 85~39 -Beitiga By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-23 Being a By~Law for the Regulation of Traffic-be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve . Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve McWilliam passed. That By-Law No. 85-39 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That By-Law No. 85-40 -Being a By-taw to Amend By~Laws No. 84~9 and 84-10, By-Laws .to Provide for Fringe Benefits to All Employees Who Are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement- be read a first time. - Carr ied. o - 11 - County Council, June Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-40 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 85-40 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Purcell of the at the That By-Law No~ 85-41 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin June Session, 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 85-41 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No. 85-41 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Reeve Purcell That we sign all the arbitration awards re; Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge under protest. Reeve Purcell requested a recorded vote. YEAS - Vojin, McWilliam, Ford, Marr (2), Haddow e2l, Martyn (2), ---- Caverly (2), Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), Volkaert, Willsey, Sheils, Brooks (2), Pearson (2), Emerson, Purcell, Lavereau (2), Wakeling, Coles, Lashbrook, Smyth, Fleck. TOTAL VOTES - 31. NAYS - Nil. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded Deputy Reeve Marr That we do now adjourn (4;09 P.M.) to meet again on September 12th, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. R. -J. Lavereau, Warden. G. C~ Leverton, Clerk. 211 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. County by the That we recommend that the Board of Education be elected Public School Electors: trustees to the Elgin from the following areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rodney, West Lorne and Aldborough Dunwich and Dutton Southwald and Port Stanley Yarmouth Aylmer Malahide Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell South Dorchester, Springfield and - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 1 Belmont - 1 member member members members member member member member and that a By-Law be presented to Council setting forth these areas and representation. 2. That the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Peel (Correspondence #2) re: the cost of 911 Emergency Telephone Transmission lines be endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the County of Essex (Cor- respondence#4j re: the high water levels in the abutting lakes and rivers be endorsed and notice be sent as requested in their letter. 4. That the resolution from the County of Grey (Cor~ respondence #5) regarding increased liability costs for municipalities be endorsed. 5. That we proceed with the. preparation ofa Private Bill for the administering of the operation of the County Library System to be under a Committee of Council rather than a separate Library Board effective January 1st, 1986. 6. That Correspondence #1, 3 and 7 be filed. 7. That the composition of the County Roads Committee be left to the discretion of each County Council, with the Warden being Ex-Officio, and all be voting members and that A.M.O. be so advised of this recommendation. 8. That the Frank Cowan Company has been requested to insure the vehicles supplied by Chrysler Canada Ltd., in accordance with their requirements and aircraft endorsement be added to our present coverage for the 1985 I.P.M. and this additional cost be charged to the I.P.M. Committee. 9. That we recommend that the Warden maintain his own house trailer, rented by the Chairman of the County Exhibits Committee, for County hospitality, and the I.P.M. Committee be so advised. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ??1 ":( i!ft,~dJ M. H. tewar .. ;;~~ 12 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FlRST REPORT JUNE. SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS M3 FOLLOWS: 1. We have been notified by the Ministry of Transportation and COmmunications that the County1s application fora Supplementary Spending By_Law has been rejected. 2.. We have accepted the tender .of McKay-Cocker Construction Limited .of London at $47~900 fer the replacement .of the Port Burwell Bridge deck. This was the lowest .of three (3) bids received. In addition the County is supplying the expansion joint and the reinforcing steel and doing the necessary scarifying and removin.z .of" .old concrete from the deck. ~t is expected that McKay:"Cocker CoJistruction Limited will be: able t.o start placement .of the reinforcing steel and the expansion joirit early in July. 3. We have accepted the quotation of McAsphalt Industries Limited for Cationic Emulsion at their price of $0.97 per gallon. F.O.B. their plant in Pore Stanley. plus haulage and Provincial Sales Tax. Ie is expected that surface treatment vork will begin early in July. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by_law be passed amending By-Law #B~23. being a by_law for the regulation of traffic by adding: (a) Count.y Road #31 from Couney Road #29 to County Road #52. (b) County Road #27 on che north side, westerly 4 metres from the west side of County Road #36 in the Hamlet of Sparta~ Continued . . . . 213 , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITtEE FIRST REPORT _ JUNE SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. 1. Continued... The Kettle Creek Conservation CoIIlmission has requested that tbe parking be prohibited .on County Road #31 to assist them in the co.ntrolling of Park traffic and unauthorized entries~ The control of parking in Sparta is made at the request of the Town'ship of Yarmouth as they are concerned about the number of vehicles parking at the corne):' and the lack of vision. ALL OF WICH IS RESPEctFULLY SUm!ITTEO '/?l ~- .d 11 "'L .)4(/1. ;EL---i 4 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: l. have cost THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to the Elgin County House of Industry plaque restored at a of $525.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~R. ~~ J. R. Fleck Chairman G4-~ 215 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That we do not recommend any change in the present rate of 27~ per kmor 44c per mile paid to persons using the~rpersonal vehicle for County business. 2. . That .the hourly rates and benefits directed. in the Arbitration Award for Terrace Lodge .and Elgin Manor has been authorized to-be paid and instituted as soon as possible for 1985 and the increased hourly rates for 1984 be includea in a return. to the Inflation Restraint Board under Section 9 of Bill Ill, _ and forwarded to the-Union for information and to the Chairman of the Arbitration Board for submission to the I.~.B. and not instituted until fifteen days' after being acknowledged by theI.R.B. 3. That all employees in the Blue Cross Extended Health Care Group be given coverage for Vision Care' of $100 per twenty-four months and $300 Hearing Aid once per life- time, effectiveJu~e 27th, 1985~ 4. That all employees in the Blue Cross Dental #9 group and Terrace Lodge be covered by the current O.D.A. Fee Schedule at 80% County contribution, effective June 27th, 1985. 5. That effective October 1st, 1984 the-Registered Nurses at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge be paid, $14.Q5 per hour and that a by-law be prepared for Council at the June Session, 1985. 6. That the Clothing Allowance for the Registered Nurses and: the Relief Cook Supervisor at Terrace Lodge be increased from $60.00 to $85..00 effective January 1st, 1985. 7. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to interview applicants for the part-time position of Secretary- Treasurer of the Land Division, hire a replacement and report to, the Personnel Committee at their next meeting. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. evvS-c"Y~ E. H. Marr, 7i~~ 6 '" PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of H.I.R.A. Limited in the amount of $1,277.400.00 for the renovations to the new Administration Building be amended by deleting $40,000.00 for tinted insulat- ing glass in place of mirrored glass and with a reduction in the contingency allowance of $40,000.00, to' bring the. tender figure to $1,197,400.00, and this amount has been accepted, subject to the O.M.B. approval for borrowing and checking by the firm of Spriet Associates and the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. 2. That the Warden and Chairman of- the Property Committee, or Reeve Emerson, has been authorizedtdnegotiate with the potential tenants for the new Administration Building and .report back to the Committee. 3. That the Chairman of the Property Committee be authorized to attend the meetings held betweeri the General Contractor and the sub-trades and that he be paid Committee pay for doing so. In addition, the Clerk~Treasurer be allowed to attend for information purposes. ,. May 27th, That the Public Inspection Panel's Report dated 1985 re: Court House be filed for information. 5. That the account from Spriet Associates in the amount of S74,055~OO for 75% of 10% of the contract price for engineering fees has been authorized for payment. 6. That the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires has been advised that effective July 1st, 1985 their services as_secur~ ity for the new Administration Building will no longer be required and a letter of appreciation has been forwarded for their work. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~{d.{.nf/ K.. ; Emerson, Acting Chairman. ~r ~p- UIi * Item #3 .....as amended by adding "or his alternative" after "Committee" in the first line. 217 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT June Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Boa~d reports as follows: 1. That, a proposed Type B Lease has been received from the solicitor and has been forwarded to the municipalities, County Government Committee, as well as the Library Board for study over the summer. 2. That the ten year capital projection report requested by County Government Committee is finished and has been forwarded to the County Government Committee. 3. That a committee to do business for the- Library Board for the summer consisting of the Library Board Chairman, the Warden and Mr. Wells has been struck. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. a::~ Chairman. ff;4~ 18 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the fOllowing statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the period January 1st to May 31st, 1985. {This statement reflects accrual adjustments, made by our auditor for items paid or received in 1985 which pertained to the year 1984): REVENUE Workers' Compensation (Pre~Levy) Employee Deductions County Rates Interest Received County Roads Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee - Revenue CourtHouse RecQveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization Grant Supplementary Taxes EXPENDITURE DUe from 1985 International Plowing Match Committee Short Term Investment Council Members Administration Administration Buildings New Administration Building Court House Maintenance Grants County Roads Children's Aid Society Elgin Manor Home For The Aged ~ Budget Terrace LOdge Home For The Aged - Budget Debenture Debt -Interest Interest On LOans AgricUltural Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum Hospital Board and District Health Council St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Write-Off of Taxes Mosquito COntrol Suspense Account Parking Lot GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1985 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1985 $ 51,83L49 121,800.13 679,951.55 5,939.06 967,535.63 160.00 6,515.00 23,091.89 32,425.00 17,905.83 308,803.47 80,199.00 118,973.00 218.56 $2.415 349.61 $ 38,000.00 499,685.76 36,612.09 51,62L04 11,604.55 119,434.14 33,486.55 900.00 1,398,122.54 44.620.08 53,038.03- 44,043.75 23,100.00 7,147.05 10,537.75 4,538.19 78,418..00 313,136.89 6,645.88 61,066.16 438,525.44 126.12 1,137.96 444.48 181.90 1,065.76 200.00 260.00 $3.337 700.11 $ 422,073.58 6,802,409.69 $7,224,483.27 7,054,537.08 S 169.946.19 219 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1985 Receipts $ ~ 1,263,218.52 1,2-63,218.52 1,267 ;301.55 $ 4 083-.03 010 Expenditures Balance- in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1985 TERRACE LOD.GE Balance in Bank and On Han~ January 1st, 1985 Receipts $ ~ 509;588.46 509,588.46 512,753.33 $ 3.164.87 010 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1985 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~-,4.-./ G. C. Leverton; County Cle~k and Treasurer. '-- '-". TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1985 To the Warden and Memhers of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending May 24th, 1985: Paid To Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards * By-Law No. 83~44 By-Law No. 83-45 By-Law No. 85-25 Conventions By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 83.,.50 ~ Brooks, R. G. Caverly, W. R. Coles, R. F. Emerson, K. C. Fleck; J. R. Ford, A. K. Haddow, R. Hodgson, J. W. Lashbrook, T. H. Lavereau; R. J. Marr, E. H. Martyn, W. A. Monteith, K~ E. McWilliam, D. A. Neukamm, E. Pearson, D. H. Perovich, D. Purcell, R. F. Sheils, R. J. Smyth, J. N. Stewart, M. H. Vojin, S. P. Vo1kaert, J. A. Wakeling, J. .L. Willsey, C. R. $ 1; 780.56 1,511.48 1,99,0.81 932.00 1,816.05 1,855..59 1.537.38 1,721.49 1,357.42 * 6,498.72 1,110.73 602.04 1,894.81 1,695.31 1,135.62 1,446.88 1,649.80 1,237.20 1,572.4.0 1,932.16 2,102.10 1,657.28 1,663.73 1,627.07 1,458.14 (1) $ 574.48 (1) 325.38 (3) 1,247.20 (2) 773.38 (1) 564.48 (1) 564.48 (1) 564.48 (1) 574.48 $5,188.36 TOTAL $43,786.77 $ 2,355.04 1,511.48 1,990.81 932.00 2,141.43 1,855.59 1,537.38 1,721.49 1,357.42 7,745.92 1,11.0.73 602.04 1,894.81 1,695.31 1,135.62 2,220.26 2,214".28 1,237.20 1,572.40 1,932.1~ 2~666.58 1,657.28 2,228.21 1,627.07 2,032.62 $48;975.13 ) indicates number of conventions attended ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. 221 TREASURER'S STATEMENT'ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards~ during the calendar year ending May 24th, 1985 as authorized by the following By~Laws: Remuneration Nanie Appointed To and Mileaqe Conventions Total Bv-LawNo. 85..2.5 Auckland. A. W. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $444.48 $ 444.48 By-Law No-. 82-50 Bv-Law No. 85-:,25 Lyons, H. I. Elgin County $ 315.18 315.18 Miskelly, A. T. Library-Board 278.12 278..12 Morrison, C. 371.88 371.88 965~18 965.18 By-taw No~ 82-50 By-Law No. 83-27 By-Law No. 83-52 Bv-Law No ~ 84-6 Beriner, M. C. Land Division 729.84 729.84 Carroll, L. R. Committee 693.14 693.14 Littlejohn, A. R. 315.84 315.84 McKinlay, J. V. 888.64 888.64 Tufford, N. G. 788;57 788.57 3,416.03 3,416.03 TOTAL S4,381.2.J. S~ $4,825.69 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. ~22 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resignation of Mrs. Wendy L. Dodd as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee be accepted with regret. 2. That by-laws be presented to Council to appoint Linda G. Wattenburg as Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee, effective June 24th, 1985 at a rate of $8.00 per hour. 3. That by-laws be presented to Council to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign the working agreements for the employ~ ees of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge in accordance with the conditions agreed upon and those contained in the:AXbitration Award. ALL of which is respectfUlly submitted. f~J;Y /-Z~ E~ H. Marr, Chairman. i14~J 223 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That copies of the proposed agreement re: the estate of Archibald Ferguson McLachlin be tabled and copies of it be forwarded to the Members of the Committee. 2. That we recommend that approval be given for the Property Committee td use $68,000.00 from the Reserve for Capital Expenditures,ifnecessaxy, to equip the new Administration Building with furnishings et.c. not covered by the contract. ALL. of which is respectfully submitted. d -L.J-~<-- K~ C. Emerson. Acting Chair~n. ;tfi; ~~~~-A.~ U SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows; 1. That the employment of Mrs. Wendy L. Dodd as a Clerk at Level 3, Step 1, at a salary of ~586.34 biweekly, effective June 6th, 1985 be confirmed. ALL of which, is respectfully submitted. " '1. . ICrt... \.,. J. L Wakeling, Actli 9 Chairman. \..\.c>.~ //'~ ~'. / '251 "L< .--"----"''''-- 225 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-31 "OESIGNATlNG THROUGH HIGHWAYS" WHEREAS clause 37 of Subsection lof Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (RSQ 1980, Chapter 198) provides that: aThrough HighwayR means a highway or part of a highway desig- nated as such by the Minister or by ay-Law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked by a stop signor yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The-following highways or parts of highways under the juris- diction of-the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD _ NUMRER - AND DESCRIPTION 2 From the east side of County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #8. 3 From a point on County Road #3, 390 metres south of the south side of the road allowance between Concessions XIII and XIV, Aldborough Township to the County boundary, which is the centre of the Thames River. 4 (a) On the Aldborough-Orford Townline from the north side of the road-between Concessions IV and V, Orford Township tooppo- site the south side of the road between Concessions VII and VIII, Aldborough Township. (b) The road between Concessions VII_ and VIII,_ Aldborough Township from the east side of the Orford-Aldborough Town1ine to the west side of County Road #3. 5 From the south side of the road between Concessions II and III, Dunwich Township (County Road #9) to the County boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 6 From the east side of County Road #7, to the west side of County Road #3. 7 From the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Orford Township~ to the County boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 8 (a) From the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River to the north side of County Road #8 (Lake Road) in Lot 10, Concession~; Dunwich Township. (b) Lake Road from the west side of County Road #8 in Lot 10, Concession X, Dunwich Township to the east side of Pearce provincial Park in Lot 12, Concession X, Dunwich Township. 9 (a) From the ~ast side of County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #5. (b) From the east side of County Road #5 to the west side of County Road #8. (e) From. the east side of County Road #8 to the west side of County Road #14. 11 From the east side of King's Highway No.4 to the west side of County Road #26. 26 - 2 - 13 From the east side of County Road #8 to the west side of County Road #14. 14 From the north side of County Road #16 to the County boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 15 From the south side of County Road #2 to the north-west side of County Road.#8. 16 From the south-east side of County Road #8 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 17 From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of the road between Concessions I and "II, Delaware Township. 18 From the west side of County Road #20 to the west side of County Road #19. 19 From the north side of King's Highway No. 3to the north side of County Road #17. 20 (a) From the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold and Delaware to the north side of county Road #18. (b) From the south side of County Road #18 to the north side of County Road #16. (c) From the south side of County Road #16 to a point 564'metres south of King's Highway No.4 in the Village of Port Stanley. 21 From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side of King's Highway No.4. 22 (a) From the boundary of the City of St. Thomas in Concession VII, Yarmouth Township, to the north side of County Road #27. (b) From the south side of County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #24. 23 (a) From the east side of King's Highway No.4 in Lot 2 Concession II, Yarmouth Township, to the north side of Joseph Street in the Village of Port Stanley. (b) On Joseph Street from the east side of King's Highway No.4 to the east side of East Street all in the Village of Port Stanley. 24 From the.east side of county Road #23 to the west side of King's Highway No. 73 at Port Bruce. 25 From the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster. 26 (a) From the east side of County Road #25 to the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas. (b) From the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the west side of County Road #25 (0) From the north side of County Road #11 to the north-west side of County Road #52. 27 From the east side of King's Highway No.4 to the east side of County Road #36 in Concession III, Yarmouth TownShip. 28 (a) From the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road #56. (b) From the south side of County Road #56 to the north side of County Road #45. 227 - 3 - 29 (a) From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #31. (b) From the east side of County Road #26 to the west sldeof County Road #25. 30 (a) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Yarmouth ToWnship. (b) From the east side of the road between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township, to-the south side of the Town~ine between the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminster (County Road #34). 31 From the south side of County Roaa#29 to the south side of County Road #52. 32 (a) From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of the road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII, Malahide Township. (b) From the south side of the road betweetiConcessian VIII and the North Gere Concessien te the south s~de .of Caunty Read #52. 33 Frem the west beundary .of the City .of St. Themas to the seuth side .of the Chesapeake and Ohie Railway right~ef-wayan the Townline read between the Tewnships .of Yarmauth andSouthweld. 34 (a) Frem the west side .of the road between Lets 10 and 11, Cencessien XIII. WestminsterTawn~hip,te the north-west side .of the read between Cancessiens XIII and XIV, Yarmeuth Tewnship (Ceunty Raad #30). (bl From the west side .of King's Highway Na. 74 to the Ceunty be~ndary~ being a paint 146 metres west .of the centre line .of Kettle Creek. 35 Fremthesouth,side .of King's Highway NO.3 te the north side .of CeUntyRead#45. 36 (a) Frem the sauth side .of King's Highway Na. 3 ta the narth side .of County Read #45. (b) Fram the sauth side .of Ceunty Read #45 to the nerth side .of Caunty Road #27. (e) Fremthe sauth side .of Ceunty Read #27 te the nOrth side .of Ceunty Read #24. 37 (a) From the' east side .of King's Highway Ne. 74 ta the west side .of Caunty Read #47. (b) Frem the ~astsid~ ofCaunty Read #47 ta the east side .of the road ,between the Tawns~ips .of North and South Dorchester and Tawnship .of Seuth-West Oxferd (fermerly Dereham). 38 From the south-east side .of King's Highway Ne. 3 te the east limit .of the road between the Tawnships .of Bayham and Narfolk (farmerly Haughtan). 39 Fram the sauth s~de afCeunty Raad #42 ta a peint 485 metres seuth .of the sauth limit .of Pitt Street. ~o From the seuth side .of Caunty"ROad #52 ta the narth side .of Ceunty Road #42. 41 (a) On Fultan Street in the Village .of Vienna fram th~west side .of Unian Street te the west side .of Main Street. (b) On Main Street fremthe narth side of King's Highway Ne. 19 to the Narth side .of Fulton Street. 28 - 4 - 42 {al From the east side of Kirig's Highway No. 73 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19 (being Robinson Street) in the Village of Port BurWell. (b) From the east side of King's Highway No. 19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east side of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Norfolk (formerly Houghton). 43 (a) From the south side of County Road #38 to the north side of County Road #45. (b) From the south side of County Road #45 to the north side of County Road #42. 44 From the east side of County Road #46 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19. 45 (a) From the south side of County Road #16 to the west side of County Road #22~ (b) From the east side of County Road #22 to the west side of County Road #40. {el From the east side of County Road #40 to the east side of County Road #55. 46 From the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of the road between the Township of Bayham and South-West Oxford (formerly Dereham). 47 From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #37. 48 From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of County Road #54. 49 From the south side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #52. 50 From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of King's Highway No. 19. 51 From the east side of the road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold to the west side of King's Highway No.4. 52 (a) From the north side of King's Highway No.3 in Southwold Township to the west side of County Road #25. (b) From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. (c) From the east side of County Road #30 to the east side of County Road #40. 53 (a) Elm Street in the Town of Aylmer_from the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the south side of Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer. (b) Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer from the west side of Elm Street to the west side of King's Highway No. 73. 54 From the north side of County Road #48 to the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, South-West Oxford Township (formerly Dereham). 55 From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 56 From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the east side of the road between Lots 55 and 56, south side of Talbot Road, Yarmouth Township. 229 - 5 -' 2. The designation in Section 1 of this By-Law of a highway or part of a highway asa through highway. shall not include any intersec- tion thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 4. By-Law No. 2487 and any Amending By-Laws are hereby repealed. 5. This By-Law shall not become effective until By-Law No. 85-27 is approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. READ a first time this 26th. day of June, 1~85. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 19~5. G. C.. Leverton. Clerk. tiPJ{;~~ Warden. ~<~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-32 "BEING A BY-LAW TO DETERMINE THE COUNTY OF ELGIN MUNICIPALITY OR MUNICIPALITIES TO BE REPRESENTED BY EACH MEMBER TO BE ELECTED IN THE SCHOOL DIVISION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as follows: 1. That the municipalities of Rodney, West Lorne and Aldborough be combined and allotted one (1Y member on the Elgin County Board of Education. 2. combined Board. of That the municipalities of and allotted one (1) member Education. Dunwich and Dutton be on the Elgin County 3. That. the municipalities of Southwald and Port Stanley be combined and allotted two (2) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. 4. That the municipality of Yarmouth be allotted two (2) members on the Elgin County Board of Education. 5. That the municipality of Ay1mer be allotted one(!) memberoD the Elgin County Board of Education: 6. . That the municipality of Malahide be allotted one (1) member on the Elgin County Board of Education. 7. That the municipalities of Bayham,Vienna and Port Burwell be combined and allotted one (1) member on the Elgin County Board of Education. 8. That the municipalities of South Dorchester, Springfield and Belmont be combined and ,allotted one (1) member on the Elgin County Board of Education. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. ~EAD a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~'-<--<.-~c:...~....-.../ G. C. Leverton. C1erk~ ~ ./ 231 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5- 33 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON ANO OISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION. LOCAL 220. S.E.I.U.. A.F.L.. C.I.O.. C.L.C.. WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S FULL TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR. " WHEREAS the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, by-certificate dated December 20th, 1972, is the certified bargaining-agent" for the employees of Elgin Manor, save and except Supervisors, persons above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, persons regUlarly employed for not more than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken_place over a_period of time, ,between the County and the Union, towards establish- ing orderly collective bargaining -relations and providing an orderly procedure forthe>disposition of ,grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the. Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both par~ ties.on some of the said , prpcedures , conditions_and termaof employment to be included ioan agreement to cover the period January 1st, 1984 to December 31st, 1985 while other Articles have been settled by binding Arbitration as set out in the Arbitration Award dated April 30th, 1985. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement between the County of Elgin and the Ltindonand District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,- A.F.L.., C.LO.. C.L.C., setting forth collective bargaining relations. disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all full time employees of Elgin Mahar, represented by the said Union. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~_.,~ G. C.Leverton, Clerk. ~~.~~, Warden. s I COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-34 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION. LOCAL 220. S.E.I.U.. A.F.L.. c.I.O.. C.L.C.. WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S PART_TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR." WHEREAS the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, by certfficate dated September 30th, 1974, is the certified bargaining agent for the employees of Elgin Manor, who are regularly employed for not more than twenty- four hours per week. save and except Supervisors, personS above the rank of Supervisor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff, and students employed during the school vacation periOd; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a p~riod of time, between the County and the Union, towards establish~ ing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment .for all part-time employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement, and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both par- ties on some of the said procedures,conditions and terms of employment to be included in an agreement to cover the period January 1st, l~84 to December 31st, 1985 while other Articles have been settled by binding Arbitration as set out in the Arbitration Award dated April 30th, 1985. NOW THEREFORE it is hereby enacted that the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.LL., C.I.O., C.L.C._, setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all part-time employees of Elgin Manor, represented by the said Union. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. --:::k_/<---<----'______L ~C'........., G. C. Leverton, Clerk. #t : .-- : R. . , ~;e;u Warden. -~ 233 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No.. 85-35 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OFA COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION. LOCAL 220. S.E.I.U.. A.F.L.. c.1.0., C.L.C.. WlTHRESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S FULL AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AT TERRACE LODGE." WHEREAS the London and Distr~ct Service Workers' Union, Lbca1220,by certificate dated March 2.4, 1982, is. the certified- bargaining agent for all employees of Terrace Lodge, saveandexqeptSupervisors,persons above the rank of Super- visor, Registered Nurses, Office Staff and Students employed during the school vacation period~ and WBEREASnegotiatlons have taken place over a periOd of time, between the County and the Union, towardsestablish~ log orderly collective bargaining-relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both par- ties on some of the said procedures,conditions and terms of employment to be included in an agreement to'cover thee'period 3anuary 1st, 1984 to December 31st, 1985 while other Articles have been settled by binding Arbitration as set out in the Arbitration Award dated April 30th, 1985. NOW-THEREFORE it is hereby ehactedthat the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby empowered to sign the Collective Agreement between the County o~Elgin and the London and District Service Workers'Union, Loca1220, S.E.I.U.,A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C.; setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions-and terms of employment for all full and part-time employees of Terrace Lodge~ represented by the said Union. READ a first time this 26th day at 3une, 1985. READ a second ~ime this 26th day of 3une, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of 3une, 1985. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~.~ - 3. La reau, Warden. --J >34 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B5-36 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE RATE OF PAY FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES IN THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." WHER~AS certain positions are not covered by a collective agreement or other by-law; an~ WHEREAS it is necessary to establish rates o~ pay for these positions. adopted; NOW THEREFORE the following rates be, and are hereby 1. Reqistered Nurses - Effective October 1st, 1984 - $14~OS per hour Plus a Day Shift Premium of 21~ per hour Effective January 1st, 1985 - Annual Clothing Allowance of $85.00 (paid quarterly). 2. Terrace Lodqe - Hourly Rates - Effective- January 1st, 1985 ~ .!...!!h 3 YR. 2 YR. Relief Cook Supervisor $9.31 $9.43 $9.53 $9.66 Effective January 1st, 1985 - Annual Clothing Allowance of $85.00 (paid quarterly) Recreation Director and Craft Supervisor $9.26 $9.37 $9.48 $9.60 3. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. 4. That By_Law No. 85-14 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 26th day of June~ 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~~M--./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. xf2~u~ - - Warden. / 235 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 85-37 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LANO OIVISION COMMITTEE," WHEREAS it is n~cessary that a Secretary-Treasurer be appointed,for the ElginCoun~y Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE the MuniCipal. Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mrs. ~inda G..Wattenburg be, and is hereby appointed. Secretary~Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. 2. That this By-Law shall become effective retroactive to June 24th, 1985. 3. That By-Law No. 84-27 be, and the same is hereby repeale(j, . READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time- this 26th-day of: June. 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26ttiday of June, 1985. ~ .~ G~ C. Leverton, Clerk. 4iil~~J , '" 'R J. Lavereau-, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-38 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A RATE OF PAY FOR THE PART-TIME SECRETARY- TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS a Secretary-Treasurer has been appointed for the Land Division Committee on a part-time basis; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish a rate of pay for the position. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the rate of pay for Mrs. Linda G. Wattenburg be $8.00 per hour. 2. That this By-Law become effective June 24th, 1985. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~y<,?~' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /7 ~) ~/ ....,.~~ "OR . Laver Warden.. I 237 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-39 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 84-23 BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC." WHEREASBy-Law_No~ 84-23.presently sets out the reg~ations for traffic in the County of Elgin. and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to amend the regulations from time to time~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Couneilo! the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Paragra,ph 1 of Schedule nA" of By-:Law No. 84-23 be amended by adding the following thereto: (j) [i] County Road #31 is the road allowance and the road allowance as widened-between Lots 4 and 5, from the north limit of the City of St. Thomas to the south limitef County Road 152, in the Township of Yarmouth. 2~ That Paragraph 2 of Schedule -An of By~Law No. 84-23 be amended by add~ng the following thereto: (yy) County Road #31 from County Road #29 to County Road #52. (zz) County Road #27 from the west limit of County Road #36 Westerly 4 metres on the north side of County Road .#27. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985" READ a second time this 26th'day of June, 1985. READ a third time, and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~-" . . ~-/ G. C. Leverton; Clerk. ., /! . L:;~'. ' ':'~( c...... "'--/ J. Lavereau, Warden. ~8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-40 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAWS NO. 84-9 AND B4-1O. BY-LAWS TO PROVIDE FOR FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES WHO ARE NOT COVERED BY A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT." WHEREAS By-Laws No. 84-9 and 84-1Q provide for the various fringe .benefits for all employees not covered by a collective agreement; and WHEREAS it is. deemed advisable to alter some of the provisions of the benefits. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) That the Health and Welfare Section, Paragraph 6, of By-Laws No.. 84~9 and 84-10 be amended by deleting Sections 6:03 and 6:06 and replacing with the following - 6:03 Extended Health Care (E.H;C.) The Employer agrees to pay one hundred (100%) per- cent of the billing rate of the Ontario Blue Cross Extended Health Care coverage. (.$10".00 - $20.00 deductiblel,Vislon Care rider of $100 maximum every twenty-four months and a Hearing Aid rider of $300 maximum per lifetime. 6: 06 Dental The Em~loyer agrees to pay eighty. {80il percent of the premium of a dental plan (Blue Cross #9 or equivalent) based on the currentyear'sO.D.A. fee guide. All new employees will be required to par- ticipate as a condition of employment, unless proof that the person has a similar coverage through a spouse's employment is provided. In this case the person would not be considered an eligibleappli- cant. This dental coverage does nbtapply to persons employed in the Roads Department (Office and Outside). (2) This By-Law shall become effective June 27th, 1985. READ a first time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June, 1985. ~t.--<-c..-,-:-<-"y;.">-.../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. f?l~e~ Warden. au, 239 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-41 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS DF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL DE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE SESSION 1985." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Mun~cipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the, Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers o~ a municipal corporation aretQ be exercised by its couDcil, and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are tabe exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS. it is deeme.dexpedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this- meeting be confirmed and adopted by By~Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. _ _ That. action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin.in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each mot~on and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the-County of El~in at its meetings held during the .June 1985.. Session is hereby_ adopted and confirm~d as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and direc- ted to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 26th day of .June, 1985. READ a second time this 26th day of June, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of June-, 1985. ~~y,",,-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .--~ J. Lavereau, Warden. July Session - First Day Monday, the 22nd day of July, 1985 The Elgin County Councilrnet this day at the County Municipal Building. at 9;30 A.M., ina Special Session called by the Warden. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Reeve Stewart Deputy Reeve Volkaert Deputy Reeve Pearson Reeve Hodgson Deputy Reeve Wakeling. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve B~ooks That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was p~esente~ by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Coles. Moved. by Reeve Haddow- Seconded by Reeve Fleck That a by-law be prepared to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign various agreements for use of the County Official Marks in connection with the 1985 International Plowing Match. - Carried. Reeve Emerson and Reeve Caverly both expressed appreciation to Council for their recognition dinner,with respect to their long service. Reeve Emerson also suggested that consideration be given to recognizing Mr. John Thomson, who was Warden fifty years ago. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. City of Gloucester with request for financial support to the Canadian Red Cross for Citizens in Southern Ontario, who suffered personal loss and property damage, in the tornado of May 31st, 1985. 2. Central Ontario Disaster Relief Committee with request for donation towards persons suffering losses in-the May 31st, 1985 tornado. 3. Essex County Flood Disaster Relief Committee with request for donation. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Emerson That a grant of $1,000.00 be given to the Central Ontario Disaster Relief Committee re1 damage caused by a tornado on May 31st, 1985. - Carried. 241 - 2 - Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vojin That Council Correspondence numbered 1 and 3 be filed. An amen<lm8rit waS - --/ Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve EmeJ::son That Item #3 be deleted. The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The original Resolution.. as amended.. was voted upon and Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded. by-Deputy Reeve Marr That the per diem normally paid for this .oDe-haH day SessiOD. ofCouneil be paid equally between the Kent and Essex Flood Disaster Relief Committees instead of to each. Member. A recorded vote was requested by Reeve Haddow. _ Perovich (:2), Vojin. Monteith e2L Marr (2), Haddow (2). Martyn (2), willsey. Brooks (2), Emerson. Lavereau (2).. Lashbrook. Fleck. TOTAL YEAS - 19. NAYS _ McWilliam, Ford,.Caverly (2), Neukamm (2),. Sheils, Purcell, ---- Coles, Smyth~ 'TOTAL NAYS -10. YEAS '-./ - MOTION CARRIED~ Warden Lavereau directed that the one~half day per diem of $42.00 be deducted from his salary also. Mavedby Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by-Reeve McWilliam That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed Deputy Reeve Sheils as Chairman. The Committee rose without re~orting. Moved by Reeye. Willsey Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By~Law No. 85-42 -A By-Law to Authorize Mr. RichardL. Galloway, the owner of a Portion of Lot 9, Concession V of the-Township of Yarmouth (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include His Heirs, Successors, and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called "TheMunicipatUy') - be read a first time. ~ - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve PUrcell That By~Law No. 85~42be read a second time. - Carried. '- 42 - 3 - County Council, July Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 85-42 be read a_ third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Martyn Seconded by ReevePleck That By-Law No. 85-43 -Being a By-Law to.Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign Various Agreements for Use of the County Official Harks in Connection with the 1985 International Plowing Match- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy :Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By~Law No. 85-43 be-read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve. Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve VOjin That By-Law No. 85-43 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by :Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-LawNe. 85-44 -A By-Law to Conf~ Proceedings of the Municipa~Council of the Corporation of the "County of Elgin at the July Session. 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-44 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWi~liam Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-44 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That we do now adjourn (11:18 A.M.) to meet again on September 12th. 1985 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. ~Leverton, Clerk. ~.Lavereau, Warden. 243 COUN'l'Y OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'ITEE FIRST. REPORT JULY SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE -COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMI'X'l'EE REPORTS AS FOLI.,(1HS Ii WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by_law be pa.ssed to allow the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreeilleritwith Richard L. Galloway the owner of s- portion of LOt 9, Concession V. Yarmouth Township to run a water line along 'County ROad #45 from the- Elgin Area Water Se:Mrtcesto his property. The agreement to be in the standard form of a water 1 ine agreement between the County' and private individuals. Au. OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUllMlTTED 7t..:...,<{ (l ') . c CHAIRMAN 37 4-~ <~"'/. ..- ~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT July Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That we advise the firm of McCarthy & McCarthy, Barristers, Solicitors, for the estate of Archibald Ferguson McLachlin, that the County does not have any interest in the former residence at 1 Wellington Street, St. Thomas, as a County Museum. 2. That we have approved the following extras for the new Administration Building: + 10% $1.150 1,169 $2,.319 232 $2,552 Additional conduit for telephone Vent -for 3rd floor (plumbing) 3. on the ment. That Progress Payment #1 in the amount of $57,752 new Administration Building has been approved for pay~ 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to pay progress payments to the contractor for-work in connection with the new Administration Building upon approval by Spriet Associates; 5. That all changes for the new Administration Building must be channelled through the Property 'Committee. 6. vided 8,000 That we recommend that an additional $65,000 be pra- for the new Administration Building to replace some bricks and install metal cladding for each penthouse. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. d~aALQJz/ K. C. Emerson, Acting Chairman. ~L~ ;~ 245 COUNTY DF ELGIN BY-LAW NO; 85-42 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE MR. RICHARD L. GALLDWAY. THE OWNER OF A PORTION OF LOT 9. CONCESSION V OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMDUTH (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' ANO WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUOE HTSHEIRS. SUCCESSORS. AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT. USE. AND OPERATE WORKS REQUIRED FOR THE TRANS- MISSION OF WATER IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE MUNICIPALITY')." WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant him a ~ranchiseor right of pa~sing through the Municipality forths, purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed fortbesaid line or lines-in the Municipality other than to~ persons whose land abuts on a highway known as Co~nty Road No. 45 aloog or across which the same is carried or .conveyedf and WHEREAS, subject to the terms. and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has. Cl.greed to. 9.rantthe said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Coun~il of the Corporation of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows; 1. Full right, power, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto Mr. Richard L. Galloway, his heirs, succes- sors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highway,knownas County Road No~ 45, of or under the juriSdiction of the Municjpalityto survey, construct, lay, maintain,inspect, alter, repair,renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections,. apparatus, appliances and, attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water which is not interided to be distributed from the said line. or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right o~,franchiseshall be subject to all the terms and conditions setout in an Agreement to be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agree- ment shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authori~ed and empowered to enter into and to execute oribehalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. after an executed This By-Law shall come into force and take effect immediately Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 22rid day o~ July, 1985. READ a second time this 22nd day of July, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of July, 1985. ...--?~ .~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .~--------- J . 'J:.avereau, Warden. !46 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-43 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN VARIOUS AGREEMENTS FOR USE OF THE COUNTY OFFICIAL MARKS IN CONNECTION WITH THE 19B5 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH." WHEREAS the County of E~gin has by Agreement obtained the necessary rights, tit~es and interests to Logos, adopted for use .to advertise and promote the 1985 International Plowing Match: and WHEREAS individuals, groups or organizatioDsetc. may.wish to use the said Logos or Official Marks on merchan- dise to be sold in connection with the said Match~ NOW THEREFORE.the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk be-authorized. to sign various agreements for the use of the said Logos or Official Marks upon recommendation of. the 1985 International Plowing Match Committee and review by County Council. 2. That any pecuniary benefits d~rived from the use of the said Logos or Official Marks be directed to the 1985 I.P.M. Committee until the conclusion of the said Plowing Match in September 1985. 3. That the agreements form part of this By~Law and be attached as appendices. READ a first time this 22nd day of July, 198~. READ a second time this 22nd day qf July, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of July, 1985. ~"..~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .d4:.. .~- Warden. ./ 247 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-44 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JULY SESSION 19B5." WHEREAS by Sect~on 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers 'of a municipal" corporation are to be exercised by its council, and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law~ and WHEREAS if is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. _ That action of the Municipal Council of the Corp6~ ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the-Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the~County of Eigin at its meetings held during the July 1985 Session. is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin- are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Cl~rk are authorized and direc~ ted to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 22nd day of July, 1985. READ a second t~e this 22nd day of July, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of July, 1985. .~x:-... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. September Session - First Day Thur~day, September 12th, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Vojin Reeve Stewart Reeve ..Emer'son. Mr. John D. Thomson, former Warden and Clerk-Treasurer for the County, passed away on September 7th, 1985 and a moment of silence was observed in his honour. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fleck That the minutes of the June and July 1985 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carrie-d. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. County of Hastings with resolution regarding the damage done by the gypsy moth caterpillar. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing~ Ontario Housing Corporation, with requ9stto nominate a new member to the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority, to replace Mr. Allen Fulmer. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 85-05, re: railway level crossin9s, inadequate planking or paving., 2. Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. with request for approval to reduce their PL & PD insurance coverage from $5,000,000 to $2,000,000. 3. .. Village of Dutton with notice of meeting to be held_on July 23rd, 1985- re: the construction of the South Dutton drain. 4. The University of Western Ontario with request to. extend lease on property in Yarmouth Township for a five year period. 5. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing with draft plan of subdivision in the Village of Belmont and request for comments. 6. ways that Ministry of the Environment re:M.T.C. provincial high- program class environmental assessment review and advising submissions must be in by August 30th, 1985. 7. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copies of the following: Memo 85~05A - Railway Level Crossings 85-08 Selection ofa Consultant by Municipalities. 8. Ontario Municipal Board with a copy of a letter from the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. and requesting comments. 249 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS - continued 9. Ontario Mun~cipal Board with. a copy of a letter to the Port Staniey Terminal Rail Inc. advising that the County has been requested-for their comments. ' 10. Cockburn. Foster, Cudmore & Kitely. with notice on behalf of the Township of Dunwich:. with respect to' the proposed closing of the old portion of County Road 113. 11. Ontario Energy Board with Notice-of Public Hearings:re: natural gas franchise agreements and certificates of public con- venienceand-necessity. 12. OrttarioEnergy Board with Notice of Public Hearingre: application by union Gas Limited_to construct a natural pipeline in Lambton county and Middlesex County. 13. Cockburn, Foster, Cudmore & Kifely with notice of a road closing, on behalf of the Village ofDuttonanQ,Townshi~ of Dunwich, in Lot 14, Concession A and Lot 14, Concession 5, South of A. 14. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 8S-10, Subsidies or Grants available under Municipal Roads Programs . 15~ . Planning Department, County of Lambton,with resOlution requesting that. references, in_ the .Report of the Commission on the Regulatory Control of Mobile PCB Incineration Facilities.>to regionalmu~icipalities be changed to.counties and regional gov- ernments. . " 16. Ontario, accident YarmoUth Ministry of the Solicitor General, Chief C6roner for with copy of a recommendation by Dr. Floyd"re: fatal a~ intersection of County Road 22 and County Road 45, TownShip. SOCIAL SERVICES 1. YoungWomen1s Christian Association with request to_pur- chase counselling services. offered by the staff of Women 's Place. for their clients. FILED 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing and Minister. of Energy with announcement that the Municipal Energy Audit Program will be continued until March3l. 19864 2. Plan. Township of Dunwich with copy of Peacetime Ernergency 3. Township of North Dorchester with Notice of Public Heeting Concerning-A Proposed Official Plan Amendment set for August 6, 1985 at 8:00 P4M~ 4. Aylmer Committee of Adjustment setting July. 11..1985 for a hearing for a variation from Zoning By-Law No. 21-69. as amended. 5. cerning a amendment TownShip of Yarmouth with notice proposed official plan amendment set for August 19th, 1985. of public meeting con- and zoning by-law 6. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., with a copy of the information from the Minister of Citizenship and Cul~ure re: altering the library administration. 7. of zoning 1983. Township of South~WestOxford with notice of the passing By-Law No. 28-85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 8. Family of the late Archie -Coulter with appreciation for flowers forwarded. - 3 - County Council, September Session 1985 FILED ~ continued 9. Minister of Natural Resources with a background document on the Guidelines for Wetlands Management. 10. Minister of Health with information on the newly estab- lished Boarding Home Contract Program, under the Community Health Services Program. 11. . Township of Malahide with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 17/85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 12. Village of Rodney Committee of Adjustment advising that a minor variance hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 1985. 13. set for ment. Township of Aldborough with notice of a public meeting August 8, 1985, to consider a proposed zoning by~law amend- 14. County of Oxford requesting support for Warden Charlie Tatham's bid for the election to the A.M~O. Board of Directors. 15. Township of Yarmouth with notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 2879 and 2880, under Section 3~ of The Planning Act, 1983. 16. _ Township of Bayham with notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. Z130~85, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 17. Minister Block.. Jim McGuigan,M.P~P., with copy of a letter to the of Government Services re; disposition of Court House 18. Township of Southwold with notices of the passing of zoning By-Laws No. 85-11 and 85~15, under Section 34 of The Planning A~t, 1983. 19. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture with an announcement concerning the Community Facilities Improvement Program. 20. The Four Counties General Hospital, Fund Raising Committee, with update on progress to June 30th, 1985. 21. Alderman Al Walker, City of Stratford, with request for support in his bid to serve on the A.M.O.-Board of Directors. 22. Ontario Municipal Board with appointment for hearing for Harry J. Van Dykand Ria Van Dyk's appeal against a Land Division decision, set for September 16th, 1985 in the Council Chambers, Village of Rodney. 23. Wilfrid Laurier University advising that, the Elgin County Scholarship winner is changed to Patricia Van Beers, R. R. #6, AYLMER,because of non~attendance. 24. Township of Yarmouth with notice of a pUblic meeting of a proposed zoning by-law amendment,set for August 19th, 1985. 25. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to June 30th, 1985. 26. notice 1985. village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with of public hearing for a minor variance, set for July 29th, 27. Copy of a Statement, dated July 11th, 1985, made by the Honourable Robert F. Nixon to the Legislature. 28. Notes for an address by the Honourable Walter McLean, Secretary of State, Canada Day, Parliament Hill, July 1st,1985. - . - FILED - continued 29. Laura and' Bill Caverly with two cards of appreciation for the recognition evening. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information on the Property Assistance Program with guidelines for munici- 30. Shoreline palites. 31. Ministry of the Environment with Notice of Acceptance for the Conservation Authorities Class Environmental Assessment for Water Management Structures* 32. Municipal. 1986~ Minister of Municipal Affairs reminding that the Affirmative Action Program is available until March 31st, 33. Township of Dunwich with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 85~87P. under Section 34 of The Plannirig Act, 1983. 34. Township of Yarmouth-Committee of Adjustment. with notice of a meeting, set for August 15th, 1985, reI a minor variance. 35. Ontario Human Rights Commission with a copy of the Annual Report 1984/85. 36. Village of Rodney with a copy of a letter to the Elgin County Library Board ref sample lease. 37. Ministry of the Enviroriment ~e= Part IX of The Environmental Protection Act proposed Spills Regulation. 38. . Township of Bayham.with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. Zl32-85, under Section 34 of TheP1anningAct, 1983. 39. Zoning 1983. Township ofA1dboroughwith notice of the passing of By-Law No. 85~41, under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 40. TownShip of Yarmouth with notices cifthe passing of Zoning By~Laws No~ 2883, 2886 and 2882, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 41. Village of Be.lmont Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing set for August 27/85 to hear an application for a minor variance. 42. Ontario Municipal Board with appointment for hearing to hear an appeal by Douglas Carlyle Jones from a Land Division deci- sion', set for September .26, 1985~ 43. Ministry of the Environment with a copy of a memo with the answers t.o various inquiries made re: Part of IX of the Environmental Protection Act Proposed Spills Regulation. 44. Ross Simpson with appreciation for scholarship (Wilfrid Laurier University). '5. zoning 1983. Township of Southwoldwith notice of the passing of By-Law No. 85-14,. under Section 34 of The Planning Act. 46. Ontario.Hydro with a copy of a Newsletter #3 ref Southwestern Ont~io Transmission Study. 47. Township of Malahide with: notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 18/85, Under Section 14 of The Planning Act, 1983. 48. Township' of A1dborough Committee of Adjustment with notice of publiC hearing set for September 5, 1985 to hear an application for a minor variance. 251 - S - County Council, September Session1985 FILED - continued 49. Recycling Council of Ontario with informa~ion on its Sixth Annual Recycling Conference October 4 and 5, 1985, in Burlington. 50. Central Ontario Disaster Relief Committe with apprecia~ tion for grant. 51. Bank of Montreal with notice of change in prime interest rate from 10~% to 10%%, effective August 23, 1985. 52. village of Port Stanley with notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. 2193, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 53. Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment with notice of public hearing re: applicatioriby David and Sandra Marr re: a minor variance, set for September 9th, 1985. 54. Helen Thomson with appreciation for flowers for her hus- band John, while he was in the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. 55. County and Regional Section of A.M.O. -with a Nomination and Consent Form for persons looking to serve: on the Executive Committee. 56. allocation 1985. Family & Children~sServices of St! Thomas,and Elgin with of Children In Care and Financial Statement-to July 31, 57. Township of Yarmouth with notices of pUblic meetings concerning a proposed official plan amendment and:zon~ng by~law amendments, set for September 23rd, 1985. Moved by Oeputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reevewakeling That the disposition of the Communications mailed pre- viously be approved as' follows: Agricultural Committee - II County Government Committee - #1 County Roads Committee -#1-16 inclusive & 40B Social Services Committee - #1 Filed - iU~57 inclusive County' Council _ - #1-9 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS Mr. Harry A. Herrington, of the Roads Department, was retiring after completing 19 1/3 years. He was presented-with a Certificate, Watch and Cheque by Reeve McWilliam, Chairman of the Roads Committee, and Warden Lavereau. C. 5. Anderson Road School Decals were presented by Reeve McWilliam and Warden Lavereau to - Keith Player- Bridge Inspection Course John L. Brown - Effective Management Course. Reeve K. E. Monteith gave an update on the status of the International Plowing Match to be held on September 17-21 and left at 10:10 A.M. to attend another meeting. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried~ 253 - 6 - FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Caverly. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Brooks. THIRD REPORT - COUNTY ROADS' COMMITTEE The Third Report.of the Coont~ Roads Committee was, presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve WillSeY. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE _ (mailed) Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL CO~ITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Deputy.Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by_ Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT ~ LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgln with advice that their-1985 bUdget has been approved at $8,106 lower than the original submission to Council. 2. Office of Consolidated Hearings with notice of Hearing reI Ontario Hydro's proposed_major expansion of Ontario's .bu1k electrical transmission system set for October 16 and November 12~ 1985 in Guelph. 3. Sudbury Region Disaster Relief Fund Committee with request for a financial donation. - 7 - County Council, September session 1985 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on seminar on Economic Development: The Municipal Perspective, set for September 12-13, 1985 in Etobicoke. 5. of a 1985 Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association with notice forum on Agricultural Land Drainage. November 28th and 29th, at the Skyline Hotel, Toronto. 6. Robert M. Morrow, Mayor, City of Hamilton, with invita- tion on behalf of the Federation of_Canadian Municipalities re; the Infrastructure Program - September 13, 1985. 7. Minister of Agriculture and Food with request to support World Food Day and proposed wording for a proclamation~ 8. St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request for adver- tisement in theirprogram~ 9. Win and Bruce Doan with request for a representative to attend a meeting for the preservation and maintenance of Malahide Farm, homestead of Colonel Thomas Talbot. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That we support World Food Day and proclaim it in Elgin County ~ October 16, 1985. - Carried~ Moved by ReeveCaverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we subscribe to a full page advertisement in the St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival at a cost of $25.00 and repeat last year1s-ad. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve-Haddow Seconded by Reeve Perovich That we appoint Reeve McWilliam to the Committee to pursue the preservation and maintainenceof Malahide Farm, home- stead of Colonel Thomas Talbot and he be paid Committee pay and mileage. - Carried. Moved by Reeve willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Harr That Council Communications numbered I, 3, 4, 5 and 6 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Brooks That we go into a Committee-Of-The-Whole and that the Department Heads and Lion Sharzer be allowed to remain in attend- ance. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed _Deputy Reeve Marr as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting~ 255 - B - Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That we do now adjourn (12:00 P.M.) tameet again on September 12th, 1985 at 2:00 P~M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 4:55 P.M. ROLL CALL- - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Vojin Reeve Stewart Reeve Emerson.. Deputy _ Reeve pearsorirequested that the Warden send a letter or card congratulating Mr.R. K. McNeil and his wife on their recent marriage. It was agreed that this be done. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was. presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on-motion of Reeve Caverly and Reeve Haddow. SECOND REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Th~ Second, Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Fleck and adopted. on motion of Reeve Fleck and Deputy Reeve Pearson. SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Harr and adopted on motion, of Deputy Reeve Harr and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Proper~y Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted ori motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Coles. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Pearson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Sheils. FIRST REi"ORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Deputy ReeVe Neukamm. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Willsey That this Council is concerned about Ontario Hydro using good agricultural land for any new transmission lines between Nanticoke and London Area and recommend that existingrights~of-way be utilized for these HydrO Transmission Lines and further that Council requests that Ontario Hydro reconsider the alternate route which follows an existing-lIS KV-line through South Dorchester. Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. and that this resolution be forwarded by Registered Mail to the Consolidated Hearing Board. - Carried. - 9 - County Council, September Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That the following be the voting delegates to the annual meeting of the County and Regional Section ofA.M.O. to be held in collingwood, October 6th to 9th, 1985: Warden Lavereau Deputy Reeve Neukamm Reeve Smyth Deputy Clerk~Treasurer Reeve Haddow Reeve Perovich Reeve Hodgson R. Daniel. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Haddow That By-Law No. 85-45 RBeing a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 85-45 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 85-45 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 85-46 -Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate of Pay for the Part-Time Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee- be read a first time. -. Cat:ried. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 85-46 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 85-46 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 85-47 -A By-Law to Authorize Mr. Edwin Thomas Banghart and Mr. William Douglas McVety and Mr. George Alfred Tapsell, the Owners of Part of Lot 3, Range 1, South of Edgeware Road, Township of Yarmouth (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include Their Heirs, Successors, and Assigns) to Construct, Use, and Operate works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin {Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality'}- be read a first time. - Carried. 257 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 85-47 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 85_47 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr ied. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-48 -Being a By~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an- Agreement Between the County of Elgin and 'the OWners of PrOperty in Lot 10, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth- be read a first time. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Brooks That By-Law No. 85-48 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-48 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-49 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedirigsof Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at September Session, 1985- be read a first time. the the - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By~Law No. 85-49 be read a second time. Carried. Moved, by Reeve_Caverly Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-49 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carr_ied. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we do now adjourn (5;15 P.M.) to meet again on October 16th, 1985 at 9;45 A.M. - Carr ied. G. C.Leverton-, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports .as follows: 1. That we turndown application by the Librarian and Deputy Librarian for extra insurance coverage and that they be covered under the same insurance coverage as the County and they be so advised. . 2. That where a Member of County Council attends a conference or seminar on behalf of any department of the County, that such conference or seminar not be considered as a convention for expense and accommodation purposes. 3. That the calendar of events be available for pick up at the Clerk's Office by members of the media. 4. Lease tabled That the item rel.ten year capital plan and B Type for Branches for the Elgin County Library has been till a report is received from the Library Board. 5. That sufficient monies be included in the Contingency Fund each year to cover emergency grant requests received after the budget has been set. 6.. Mr. J. D. Thomson, a patient at the" St. Thomas~ Elgin General Hospital, has been sent a plant. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,~~~/~,,</ R. Haddow, Act ing Chairman. K~~ ./ 259 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CoMMI'ITEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMI'rtEE REPORTS AS FOLLOIJS: 1;. Work on tbePort Burwell Bridge deck other than mnor crack sealing and curing work has been completed and the bridge reopened to trafflc~ It was found that the bridge deck was in an extreme state of deterioration and further postponement of the work could have resulted 10repait work being required on the ~ain giiders as well. We have extended the contract of McKay~Cocker Structures Limited (Contractors for the Port Burwell Bridge) for similar deck repairs on -the Player! s Bridge on County Road #45 in Yarmouth Township as follows: Siee, office Bonds, Etc. $ 60.0.00 Concrete, Supplied and Placed. 110 Metres @ $180~OO per metre 19,800.00 Lump Sum _ Cure, Seal, Etc.. 3,500.00 TC1l'AL 121,900.00 This concrete price is $20..00 per metre less than the work on the Port Burwell Bridge. The County of Elgin will supply and place reinforcing steel, the expansion joint and remove deteriorated concrete. The bridge is presently closed and work is underway. The deterioration of the deck is not nearly as extensive as that of the Port Burwell ~idge. The- bridge will be reopened by mid-October.. 2. We have accepted the. tender of Nottingham's TrUck Service Limited of Hagersville, Ontario at $25,109.36 for an International ZIon Double Cab Truck and Flat Rack with the COunty's 1977 Double Cab Truck as a trade_in. No lereal tenders were received. It is hoped to receive d~itvery before Christmas. Continued. . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _. SEPTEMBER SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. 3. The Enginee~ has been autho~ized to investigate va~ious Job Development P~ogramnes of Employment and I!lI1ligration Canada and if any appear suitable for County road purposes to make an application for the grants. 4. Walmsley Bros. Limited have completed their paving contracts with the County of Elgin other than paving for the Village of Dutton which is a po~tion of' Contract' D' and for base paving on County Road #22 at County Road #45~ 5. Construction wOrk on County Road #22 at County Road #45 is expected to start Shortly (September 10th)~ 6. The Engineer has been authorized to proceed with plans, engineering and land purchase for 1986 construction work on County Road #45 in Malahide Township between Highway 1f13 and County Road #40. OJtside surveying has been completed. It is expected that engineering work, registry office searches and design will be done in the next few months and land purchase will start by late Fall. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That we: renew the lease of the University of Western Ontario to September 30,1989 for the portion of Lots 23 and 24, South of the Old Lake Road a's shown on plan D769, Concession I, Yarmouth Township, total area of approximately In acres. The University of Western ontario leased this land about 15 years ago for use of their geography classes to study soii erosion. 2. That a by_law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with George L. Tapsell. William Douglas McVety and Edwin Thomas Banghart to allow them to tap into the Ontario Ministry of the Environment water line on County Road #29 and place a water line along the road allowance opposite Lot 3, Range I. South of Edgeware Road. Yarmouth Township. This 8greem~nt will be similar to other agreements allowing p~ivate water lines on County roads. Continued. . . 261 COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAD COMMI'ITEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESS.ION 1985 PAGE 3. 3. That we make a submission to the hearing called by the Ontario Energy BOard to enquire into the forms of Natural Gas franchises. The submission to be made either on behalf of the,Cciunty alone or in conjunction with other cities or counties and that the Engineer be authorized to make representation as required on behalf of the COunty) with any presentation being reviewed by the County of Elgin Road CO\tIlIl.ittee p:doI' to presentation to the Board unless it is part of a group' submission. It is expected that the County will be able to join with the CountlEls of ESsex, Kent, Lambtonj Middlesex and the Cities of St. ThOmas, London, Sarnh, Chatham and Windsor to make this pres-entation. These municipalities have met On a number of occasions to discuss the cost of movement of nal:ural gas liiles for municipal works construction and have made several presenl:al:ions 1:0 the Enersy Board in thepasl: 2 years. ALL OF WHICH ISRESPEcrFUU.y SUIlMITTED "")C.,.tl pf, \.,1/. it CHAIRMAN .- yt7~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMI'ITEE SECOND REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN' AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF_ ELGIN COUNCIL YOIJR ROAD COMMI'l"I'EE REPORTS )$- FOLLGlS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by~law be passed authoridng the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement between the County of Elgin and Wi11i~ Wiebenga, John Volekaert and Mario Chirico owners of a portion of Lot 10, Concession VIII, Yarmouth ToWnship,: setting forth the requirements of the County of Elgin with regard to entrances from County ROad #28 Qntotheir property and an agreement dividing costs between the oWners and the County for improvements including curb and gutter, paving an4 drainage adjacent to the property. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEC'r:rutLY SUBMI'l"I'EO Cjy)~.{/ d.. \., VAIL CHAI""," 1f 4~-/ 263 COtIN'n OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE 'I'BIRD REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 19 a 5 'I'O THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUli ROAD COMMI'I"I'EEREPORTS AS FOLLOWS; WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the COliIityof Elgin "Road Cominittee be empowered .00 make objection to thEi Ontario Municipal Board regarding the passing by the TownShip of Yannouth of By-Laws 42891 and #2893 being By-LaWs applying to the rezoPing of a portion of Lot 11, Con- cession VIJ:I,Yartraouth Township and that if the objection is made to the Ontario Mwlieipal Board the Road Committee be empI?W~red to .remove this objection if in the opinion of the Road Committee the owners of the property enter into a satis- factory deve,lopment agreement with the County of Elgin and the actions of aoad COlDmi.ttee be reported to Council at the next meeting of Council. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY .SUBMITI'ED. '7frA''';'' d) .Y'.J/.. CHAInIAN ~L~--J HOMF.~ FOR ~F.NIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT L. To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend a new agreement with the Town of Aylmer for sewage rates at Terrace Lodge be prepared and signed by the Warden and Clerk for a five year period. 2. THAT the Committee of Management recognize by letter to Mrs. Marjorie Howard commending her for her excellent work being done at Elgin Manor as she has received honorable mention in the Jack Drew Award in Nursing from the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged. 3. THAT the signing authorities for the Elgin-County Homes Accounts and trust accounts be Fred J~ Boyes, Director/ Administrator OR Marilyn D. Barrett, Assistant Admihistrator AND G. C. Leverton, Clerk Treasurer OR -R,;. M._ Daniel,. oeputy Clerk Treasurer and the Bylaw be prepared to ammend the present Bylaw. 4. THAT we recommend 0 the next Committee. of Management that consideration be g yen to holding the regular monthly meetings in, the la eafternoon rather than evening time of 7:30 pm. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~R ~J, Chairman. tJ1~---I L 265 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REpORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. _ That all departments ~erequested to furnish Correspondence and lor information which requires any Committee's action sufficiently far enough in advance to allow tDne to properly review it before a decision is made. 2. _. _ That the resignation of Mrs. LindaWattenburg as Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee has been accepted.. 3. That Mrs. Susan Galloway has been hired as Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee, effective August 6th, 1985 at a rate of $8.00 per hour"and a by~law will be prepared for the September 1985 Session. 4. That interest on the retroactive wages for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge has been paid. 5. That incremen~s for.part-time clerical employees, hire~ on a continuing basis, be implemented on their anniver~ sary date and not January, 1st of each .year, if hired prior to September 1st which is the present policy for full time 'staff. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~y ;<-~ E. H. Marr. Chairman. 4i~ 6 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee repdrts as follows: 1. The Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board has been authorized to proceed with a-grant application to assist in the installation of a new furnace for the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. 2. A letter has been forwarded to the Minister of Government Services to remind him that the County is still interested in negotiating with the Province for the sale of the Court House Block in st. Thomas. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .......,.,......,..-/ r;h <Z ,---.1 267 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT September Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows~ 1. That Mr. Wells and Deputy Reeye Sheils will attend the September 9th~ 1985 meeting of thePor~ Burwell Council to discuss changes in the B Type Lease. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ". =' '-= ~~L, James--,Sheils" Chairman~' 111 ~--! AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County of Elgin support the resolution from the County of Hastings to control the gypsy moth. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;:}~/ ~'kl. /.-.~~" I. /"7g ~/ /:57 ~~- I 269 BOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September session, 1985 Second Repor t To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to tender for the construction of the diningroom addition at Elgin Manor. 2. THAT the Director/Administrator ,be authorized to contact Mr. Lion Sharzer to represent Elgin Manor/Terrace Lodge at the Labour Relations Hearing September 26th 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~rR~EC~ Chairman i~~ p p~R~nNNRL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session,1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Member~ of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the employers suggested by Mr. LionSharzer to be surveyed for the salary review are acceptable plus: Timken - St. Thomas Imperial Tobacco - Aylmer Erie Flooring - West Lorne and delete the Dearness Home - London. 2. That the monthly retirement allowance paid to the late Mr. John D. Thomson, former County Clerk-Treasurer, be paid to his estate for the month of September and discontinued thereafter. 3. That we recommend that the negotiations with the Union for the Library Staff be transferred to the Personnel Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~4~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. .,.;? /';) 7J"/ ""C"~N<--~- / 271 PROPERTY COMMITTEE RF.pnRT September Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the account from Spriet Associates in t?eamount of $4,758.55 for general supervision and administration re; the new Administration BUilding be authOrized for payment. 2, That the proposal to lease approximately 400 sq. ft. at $7.75 per sq. ft. for a five year period to Western Ontario Breeders Inc. be accepted and a lease be drawn up and a by-law prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to.sign same. The area to be leased is in the south-west portion of the basement and renovations are to be carried out by the County. 3. That a by-law be presented to the October Session of County Counc~l for authority to borrow an additional $200,000 for renovations at the new Administration Building, if necessary. 4. That the Chairman and Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to interview and hire a maintenance man for the new Administration Building at a rate of $742.22 biweekly ($19,297.72 annually). S. That the tender of. Gulf Canada Ltd. be accepted for supplying fuel oil for the MuniCipal Building, Registry Office, and Engineer's Office for the 1985~S6heating-season at a.price of 30.89~ per litre, subject to adjustment in the per tank price at the time of delivery. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J.;/~ ~ Ch H~~gSOn, .. -: ' !J7 ?, . d J RErRP~TON AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: l. \'larden's ones, and number at That the total number of tickets. to be used for the Banquet be limited to 400, including the complimentary that any Member of Council be allowed to purchase any $9.00 each up to October 3rd, 1985. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ .. ~,,~ D. H. .Pearson, Chairman. 4! /7 / J'?l~~~~ - 273 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services- Committee reports as follows: 1. That the COUnty of Elgin not participate in the pvr~ chase of counselling' and support services, offered for Women's Place, at a cost of $3,000 per'bed. 2. That four members of the Social Services staff be authorized to attend the following meetings with the usual expenses Paid: London - September 25, 1985- O.M~~.S~A.-Zone 12 ~ 1 day Chatham -October 24-25, 1985 - O.M.S.S.A. - Zonel ~- 2 days. 3. That the Director be authorized to ,attend the mid- winterO~M.S.S.A. Seminar in Toront~November24 & 25, 1985 with the usual expenses paid. 4. That one person be authorized to attend the Health Unit's food budget seminar on October 17, 1985 in St. Thomas with expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /el~/; D. Perovich, Chairman~ /f!:K~ CDUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-45 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISIDN COMMITTEE." WHEREAS it is necessary that a Secretary-Treasurer be appointed for the Elgin County Larid Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tionaf the Courity of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Mrs. Susan D. Galloway be, and is hereby appointed, Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin county Land Division Committee. 2. That this By-Law shall become effective' retroactive to August 6th, 1985. 3. That By-Law No. 85-37 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a third time, and .finally passed this 12th day of September" 1985. ~~_c.__-v<--<-~' -r..-,_ G. C. Leve-rton, Clerk. "7~ .../ -, -_.-~ '. /..:..-"..<-......._--"" L vereau.. / J Warden. , 275 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-46 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A RATE DF PAY FOR THE PART-TIME SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE ELGIN COUNTY LAND OIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS a Secretary~Treasurer- has been appointed for the Land Division Committee ona part-time basis; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish a rate of pay for the position. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the rate of pay for Mrs. Susan D. Galloway be $8.00 per hour. 2. That thi~ By-Law become effective August 6th, 1985. 3. That By-Law No. 85-38 be. and the same_ is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 12th day of Septembe~. 1985. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1985 ~/...~........--..:.~~ 'Y----r7.,......,.i G. C~ Leverton, Clerk. 1ffP~-~ . R J. LavOr Warden. /' '76 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85~47 "A BY-LAW TD AUTHORIZE MR. EDWIN THDMAS BANGHART AND MR. WILLIAM DOUGLAS McVETY AND MR. GEORGE ALFRED TAPSELL. THE OWNERS OF PART OF LOT 3. RANGE 1. SOUTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD. TOWNSHIP DF YARMOUTH. (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' AND WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUDE THEIR HEIRS. SUCCESSORS. AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT. USE. AND OPERATE WORKS REOUIRED FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF WATER IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREIN- AFTER CALLED 'THE MUNICIPALITY' l. " WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant them a franchis~ or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission through the Municipality of water not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway known as County Road No. 29 along or across which the same is carried or conveyed; and WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions ~ereinafterset forth; the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said. franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as'follows: 1. FUliright, power, permission and consent are hereby granted. conferred and assured unto Mr. Edwin Thomas Banghart and Mr~William Douglas McVety and Mr. George Alfred Ta~sell, their heirs, successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highway, known as County Road No. 29, of or under the jurisdic~ion of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay. maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through,upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipeline or pipe lines with any and all connect.ions, apparatus, appliances and. a~tachments,.includ- ing attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water which is not intended to be distributed from the said line or lines in the said Municipality other than to persons whose land abuts on a highway along or across which the same is carried or conveyed. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agree- ment shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. after by all This By-Law shall come into force and an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed the parties thereto. take effect immediately shall have been executed READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1985 READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1985. --=:::;_/_~__" _.., < ).L/-7,-, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~?/L"<_ <-<_ /) ,;/ R. ,J. Lavereau, J Warden. / 277 A G R E E MEN T made in duplicate this 12th day of September A.. D., 1985. BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter called Bthe MunicipalityD OF THE FIRST PART - and - EDWIN THOMAS BANGHART - and - WILLIAM DOUGLAS McVETY - and - GEORGE ALFRED TAPSELL hereinafter called Uthe GranteeB OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS theG~antee has requested the Municipality to grant to it and its successors and assigns, a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the distribution of water within the Municipality; and WHEREAS the Municipality has by By-Law passed on the 12th day of September A. D., 1985, granted the said franchise from. and after the execution of this Agreement and has authorized and empowered the Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in consideration of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligation herein- after contained on the part of the Grantee WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The MUTI2cipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, full right; power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the juriSdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and ope~ate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protec- tion, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of distributing water within the Municipality~ 78 - 2 ..,. 2. All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works installed by the Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. Except in case of emergency - (a) no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by the Grantee without written notice to such officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Municipality for the purpose of general supervision over its highways (hereinafter referrred to as -The said officer of the Municipality., which ter~ shall include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence from duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in advance of commencing suc~ work unless other- wise agreed to by the said officer of the Municipality, and (b) before laying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the Municipality as to such proposed location. Not later than three months after the close of each of its fiscal years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of the Municipality, maps or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its previous fiscal year. 3. The said line or lines shall be placed un~erground so far as is practical and if required by the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above-mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said'highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other works or improvements thereon or therein. 279 - 3- 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construct1on of any highway or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall become necessary to have the Grantee make changes in its line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice in Writing from the Warden or other officer of the Municipality above-mentioned specify- ing the change desired.. the Grantee shall at its own expense change its line or lines or works at the point specified. 5. The Grantee shall construct, repair and replace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up o~dbstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the construction, repairing and replacing of any such line or lines or works or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of any of the same from place to place in a highway, the highway shall, with all reaSonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened~ and to the satisfaction of the .said Warden or other officer of the Municipality above~mentioned. 6. The Grantee shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the con~ structiort, repair. maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes, lines or works in the Municipality unless such loss. damage. injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporation other than the Grantee, its servants, contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees. 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in force for a period of twenty years from the date hereof. 8. In this Agreement and in the By-Law above referred to, (a) the word ahighwayn shal~ mean a common or public highway and include a road, bridge and any other structure inci- dental thereto, now or at any time during the term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. (b) the word aMunicipalitya shall mean the County of Elgin as presently constituted or as it may from time to time be constituted during the term of this Asreement. - 4 - 9. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Warden Clerk 281 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-4B "BEING A BY-LAW TD AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN LOT 10. CONCESSION VIII. TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. " WHEREAS the County_of Elgin wishes to set out cer- tain responsibilities by agreement with respect to entrances onto County Road #28 and the assumption 9Y theowriers ofa portion of Lot la, Concession VIII, Towhshipof Yarmouth, of certain costs of widening the said road and the sale of property to the County to widen same; and WHEREAS both the County and owners have agreed to certain terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporaw tioo of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign- an agreement between William Wiebenga, John Volekaert and Mario Chirico .and the County of Elgin setting fQrth the terms and conditions agreed to for the said property. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1985. .~--~ ~,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~.~~<----< c'. J. Lavereau, Warden. AGREEMENT BETWEEN; WILLIAM WlEBENGA. JOHN VOLEKAERT AND MARIOClIIRICO. the eimers of part of a portion of Lot 10. Concession VIll. Yarmouth Township. (a descript.ion of which is annexed as Schedule IA'). hereinaft.er known as t.he OWNJi;RS PARTIES OF TIlE FIRST PART ~ and_ THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNl'Y OF ELGIN hereinaft.er known. as t.he. COUNTY PARTIES OF TllESECONO PART (A) (i) The Owners agree to sell to the County land to widen County Road ~8 along t.he east. side of their propert.y for the full length and sevent.een feet (17') in widt.h. (ii) The County agrees t.o pay for this land at the rate of Two Thousand Donars ($2,000) per acre and pay a fence allowance in lieu of fence erect.ed along the new frontage at the rat.eof Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per rod measured along the new propert.y line. (iii) The County of ~lginagrees to pay for surveying and preparat.ion of a deed to t.he County of Elgin and it.s re8is~atton in the County of Elgin Reglst.ry Office. (B) (i) the OWners of the property agree t.hat they will be limited to one (1) entrance from County Road 128, the south limit of the entrance to be twenty~t.hree feet (23' ) from the south property line with the entrance to be twenty':"eight feet (281) between curbs at the property lirie. (it) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for t.he installat.ion of Minist.ry of TranSportation and CommUnicat.ions barrier type curb and gut.ter sout.herly from the end of t.he present. curb ret.urn placed by t.he Ministry of transportation and Collinunicat.ions ilt the int.ersection of Highway #3 and County Road #28~ This curb to have~~uit~ble rudius for the entrance and to be carried to the new property line. The location of the curb and gutt.er to accommodat.e a pavement widt.h of twenty~four feet (241) from the centerline of the preSent" paven;ent. 283 - 2 _ (iii) The OWners agree to relwburse the County for the cost of three inches (3") of asphalt paving between the curb and gutter and the edge of the present paving (sawed to provide neat edges free from breakage)~ (iV) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the cost 'If paving tbe entrance to the end of the curb return. (v) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the cost ~f placing twenty-four inches (24") of compacted granular material being six. inches (6") of crushed, gravel and eighteen inches (l8n) of pit run gravel under the p8veJllent and the subexcavation of existing or any other unsuitable base material. (vi) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the cost Qf 9' in width placing a granular shoulder^to the west of the curb and gutter along the road to a depth of ten inches (let') of granular being six inches (611) of pit run gravel and (our inches (4'1) of crushed gravel. (Vii) The Owners agree co pay the Councy for che reshaping o~ property to the north of the entrance so that water fr~m the property will be directed toward the culvert at thg intersection of County Road #28 and Highway #3. The Owners agree that they will reseed or resod ~e reshapAd ~~ area so that erosion does not occur~ (viii) The Owners agree that they will reshape the JttYF~ays and their property so that a minimum of water reaches COunty Road #28. (iX) The oimers agree that they will reimburse the County f~r the cost of relocating an Ontario Hydro pole so that it will be in a direct line. between the corner pole at County Road #28 and Highway If3 and the pole near the south limit of their property. (x) The costs of work shall- include all engineering. surveying "i. and inspection work necessary for the completion of the work. _3 _ (xi) Prior to commencing any work, the County shall provide notice to the Owners who shall have 14 days to arrange for the work to be done privately at their own cost and accordin-g to County specifications. If within the 14 days the Owners notify the County that they will complete the work themselves at their cost,. the County will not proceed with the work so long as it is finalized within a time frame agreeable to the parties. (xii) It is agreed that the work described in this section will be completed in 1985 by the County or the O\.lners. It is however agreed that in the case of an undue delay caused by failure of the owners to obtain final Rezoning Approvals from the Township of Yarmouth or the Ontario Municipal Board the work maybe postponed to 1986. (]SUi) Any invoice rendered by the County of Elgin for work done by the County or by its Agents shall be paid for by the OWners ....ithin 30 days. (C) The County agrees that the cost of work to be undertaken by virtue of this and to be paid by the Owners shall not exceed the sum of SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,000) in total. (0) The Owners agree and enclose herewith an irrevocable letter of credit from a Canadian Chartered Bank made payable to the County in the amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5.000)~ (I::) (i) The County will at their expense provide a catch basin in the curb and gutter near the end of the present curb return at Highway #3 and County Road #28 and will outlet this basin using steel pipe to the inlet of the culvert crossing County Road #28 at Highway #3. (11) The County will at their expense provide a catch basin if required at or near the present catch basin near the south property line on the Winters Hunicipal Drain and will p~y for any modifications or relocation of the present catch basin required. (F) This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 285 - 4 _ r- (0) The parties may vary this Agreement at any time and from time to time by agreement in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said WILLIAM WIEBENGA, JOHN VOLEKAE:RT AND MARIO CHIRICO have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of September~ 1985. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED iri the presence of: ) ) ) WILLIAM WIEBENGA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) JOHN VOLEKAERT MARIO CHIRICO IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has hereunto affixed their Corporate Seal by the hand of the proper signing officer duly authorized in that behalf this day of September, 1985. ) THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ) ELGIN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) WARDEN CLERK I COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-49 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE SEPTEMBER SESSION 1985." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection! of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the. proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of theCorpo~ ration of the County of Elgin in respect of eachrecommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of th~:Countyof Elgin at its meetings held during the September 1985 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and direc- ted to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a second time this 12th day of September, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 12th day of September, 1985. ~......<...:.-,~~17")- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. .~l~. Warden. /" 287 October Session - First Day Wednesday, the 16th day of October, 1985 --./ The E~gin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 9:45 A.M.. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Warden Lavereau extended a welcome to all the highschool students who attended today as guests. of County Council. ROLL. CALL. - All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Deputy Reeve Marr Reeve Enierson (arrived 9t52. A.M.) Reeve Lashbrook. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy-Reeve Ford That the minutes of the September 1985 Session of the Elgin County COllncilbe adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMuNICATIONS AGRtCULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. United Counties of Prescott. & Russell with a resolution concerning the: recentrep"ort made b~ Environment Canada entitled -The' Eastern Ontario SUbsidiary Agreement Drainage Program: Impacts on the Land Resource - . COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Village of Dutton with a copy of their Emergency Plan. 2. County of wellington with a reSOlution with respect to amending the legislation relating to Emergency Plans. 3. Legislative Council with a draft copy of the bill re: con- verting the library system. 4~ Regional Municipality of Peel with.resolution re: pension plan for elected officials at the local municipal level. 5. Minister of Agriculture and Food with invitation to a con- ference - -Agri-Food: A Look Ahea~- to be held at the Ramada Renaissance-Hotel, Toronto, October 3Gth,198S, for the Warden or designate. 6. Township of onondaga with resolution with respect to pro- viding municipal records in both French and English. 7. Ministry of Community and SocIal Services with a list of locations for the Emergency Social Services Stockpile materials. 8~ Bruce County Federation of Agriculture with resolution on farm foreclosures. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Municipal Board with request for comments and Council's resolution re:liabilityinsurance for Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 2. Minister of Labour with -Notice of Proposed Regulation Silica - Construction Projects and Aggregate Production-. 3. Township of Yarmouth with notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 2893, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. 4. Township of Yarmouth with notice of public meeting con- cerning a proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re: north-east corner of the intersection of Highway No. 3 and Centennial Avenue. 5. village of Port Burwell with a copy of a resolution re: illegal connection of storm water. 6. Village of Port Burwell with a resolution requesting remedial workie: drainage work performed by the County. 7. Township of Bayham advising that road allowances will be closed under Section 443 of The Municipal Act. 8. Minister of Transportation and Communications with list of programmes to be offered in- January, February and March 1986. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE L Peat, Marwick &_ Partners offering their services to uride:t;- take salary surveys. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Government Services advising that the Province is interested in continuing to occupy the buildings on the Court House Block and will review the possibility of utilizing part or all of the space to be vacated. 2. County 1985. Ministry of Correctional Services with request to use the Jail for a hostage simulation on Thursday, October 24th, ~ 1. Bank of Montreal advising that effective October 7th. 1985, the prime interest rate will decrease by ~% to 10%. 2. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Heritage Branch, with copy of -Advisory Notes on Heritage Conservation and Municipal planning-. 3. Jim McGuigan. M.P.P., with copies of correspondence from the Minister of Government Services re: the Court HouseB~ock. 4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with a draft plan of subdi- vision, approved for the Village of Belmont and forwarding a copy of the conditions of approval. 5. The family of the late Ron Green with appreciation for floral arrangement. 6. Ontario Municipal Board with copy of decision rei appeal by Douglas Carlyle Jones from a decision of the Land Division Committee. 7. R.K. McNeil, M.P.P., with appreciation for copy of Council's views re; rights-of-way for Ontario Hydro. 8. County of Wellington with resolution re: Andrew Wright representing five Counties amd four Cities as a participant status at the pUblic hearings re: natural gas franchise agree- ments. ~ 289 - 3 - County Council, October Session, 1985 FILED - continued 9. . Ministry of the Environment with notice of acceptance re: ~nistry of Natural Resources- Class Environmental Assessment For Fishery Reclamation. 10. Ministry of Skills Development with advice that they are conducting audits of projects under-the Ontario Youth Corps program. ..../ 11. The family of the late John Thomson with appreciation for flowers. 12. Village of Port Burwell with copy of a By-Law to regu~ late the use of public and-private sewage disposal etc.~ 13. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Finaricial Statement to August 31st, 1985. 14. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of proposed official plan for the Town of Aylmer . 15. etc. - From the following municipalities with planning notices (i) TOwn of Aylmer -two notices of public meetings re: zoning changes. Village of Port Stanley Committee of Adjustment - minor variances.. Village of-Port Stanley - zoning By-Law 2198 Township of Yarmouth- two notices of publici meetingsre: official plan and zoning changes By";Law No. 2892. ToWnship of Ma!ahide - three notices of public meetings ---.;/ (ii) (iii) ("iv) (v) - By-Law No. 25/85 (vi) Township of Westminster- By-Law No. 2000-12. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That the disposition of the Communications mailed be approved as follows: pre- viously ..../ Agricultural Committee --#1 County Government Committee - #1-8 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-8 inclusive PersonnelComffiittee - il Property Committee - i1-2 inclusive Filed - #1-15 inclusive County Council ~#l. Carried. A mock debate was carried out with respect to supplying the student gUests with one year's free ice cream and ending up that they would be supplied wit~one double";dip cone. EachCouncillor introduced the guest- that he/she had brought with them. Mr. Michael Lawley of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, was present and it was moved by Reeve Brooks that he be now heard. The purpose of his addressing Council was to provide conditional support for -the creation and fundirig of a central mar- keting agency and 'to promote tourism in Elgin County. He requested conditional or approval in principle to the setting up of such an agency. After much discussion-~nd questions, Warden Lavereau referred the matter to the County Government Committee. FIRST REPORT ..; COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE ~ The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart. - 4 - Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Haddow That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That Item 3 be voted upon separately. - MOTION DEFEATED. The original motion to adopt the Report was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The' First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Caverly. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Fleck and adopted on motion of Reeve Fleck and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Smyth and adopted on motion of Reeve'Smyth and Deputy Reeve Volkaert. . FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD The First Report of the Library Board was presented by Deputy Reeve Sheils. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. An amendment was ~ Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Monteith That the Report be tabled to the Afternoon Session. The amendment Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Alma College with a request for a grant. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That Council Communications numbered 1 be tabled to the new Council. - Carried. Reeve Monteith, President of the Ex-Wardens' Association, presented a picture to Warden Lavereau for display in the new building. ~ 291 - 5 - County Council, October Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That we go into a Committee-Of~The~Whole. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve. Haddow That Mr. Boyes and Mr. Wells be allowed to sit in on the di$cussion~ - Carried. Warden- Lavereau appo~nted Reeve Emerson as Chairman of Committee-Of-The-Whole. The Committee rose without reporting~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That-as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. Moved by Reeve - Smyth Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do DoW adjourn (12:06 P~M.) to meet again on October 16th~ 1985 at 2:00 P.M. - Carried. Council re~convened at 3:20 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve McWilliam Deputy Reeve Marr Reeve Lashbrook Deputy Reev~ Martyn (excused by the Warden) Reeve Purcell (excused by the Warden) Deputy Reeve VOjin (excused by the Warden). Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Smyth That we go into a Committee-Of~The-Whole. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed neeve Emerson as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Caverly and adopted on motion of Reeve Caverly and Deputy Reeve Sheils. . SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMIT~EE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve HOdgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Haddow. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Monteith That the First Report of the Library Board be adopted. - Carried. :92 :- 6 - Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Haddow That a donation of $200.00 be given to the Port Stanley Lions Club for the use of their bus and supplying a driver for the County Council guests. - Carried. Moved.by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Reeve Willsey That Application TI/85 by Willi H. A. Durer, owner of premises known as Lot 14, Concession 7. Township of Aldborough, to clear 3 hectares of trees be granted and that the clearing be done by October 16, 1986. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Reeve Fleck That we recommend to. the Personnel Committee that they hire a full time Personnel Director for the County-of- Elgin. - Carried. Reeve Monteith, as Chairman of the International Plowing Match, thanked County Council for their assistance'during the five years prior to the Match apd during the week of the Match. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Monteith That By-Law No. 85-50 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Borrowing of Additional Monies from the Bank of Montreal to Renovate the New County Administration Building- be read a first time. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 85-50 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-50 be read a thLrd time and finally passed. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Caverly That By-Law No. 85-51 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and Cen-Tal Investments Limited, Owners of Property in- Lot II, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By~Law No. 85-51 be read a second time. - Carried. '--' '--' '--" 293 - 7 - County CouDcil, October Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Caverly Seconded by Reeve PerOvich passed. That By-Law No. 85~51 be read a third tim~ and finally - Carried. Moved. by Reeve Smyth Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By~Law No. 85-52 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the OctOber Session, 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkae'rt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 85-52 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Deputy Reeve Naukamm That By-Law No. 85"52 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve wakeling Seconded by Reeve Eme~son That we do now adjourn (4:21P.M.) to meet:again on November 20. 1985 at 101'00 A.M. and that the new1Y elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves be invited. - Carried. ~ G. C. Leverton, ClerJ:c. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. 94 i '-' ~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that Mr. A. Bruce McCallum be nominated for a position on the Elgin-St. Thomas Housing Authority, providing he is willing to allow his name to-be submitted. 2. That each local municipality be advised that prior to including any County Personnel in an Emergency Plan, inforR matico on the role and personnel to be involved. be forwarded to County Council for authority. 3. That the. resolution from the TownShip of Onondaga (Correspondence #6) be endorsed. 4. That the following correspondence #2. 3, 4, 5, 7 and a be filed. 5. That the Clerk be authorized to reorder 2,500 plas- tic County lapel pins. 6. That the Clerk be authorized to reorder 2,000 pens and delete any reference to the Plowing Match. 7. That we recommend. that the Warden and Clerk of Essex County be included in our complimentary invitations for the Warden's Banquet and our annual Golf-Day. 8. That four complimentary bar tickets were given to the visiting Warde~s and Clerks at the Warden's Banquet. 9. . That effective upon the County Library becoming a Committee of Council,allcheques be issued through the County Clerk-Treasurer's Off~ce and the bank account for the Library be closed out. 10. That we recommend that the November Session of Council be held one week later on November 27th, 1985, in order that, if at all possible, it be in the new Administration Building. 11. That the reception after the Warden's election be held in the, Labour Centre and the noon luncheon on December 12th; 1985 be there also.. 12. That the pictures taken for the County Exhibit at the I. P.M. be given to the individuals who were- in them and the ones of the buildings be retained for possible future use. 13. That the appointees to the Land Division Committee, County appointee to the Suburban Roads and the Elgin County Pioneer Museum be ~d to see if they wish to allow their names to st_and for reappointment. 14. That the Clerk prepare a by-law for the next meeting of this Committee for the destruction of records not required to be moved to the new building and that the university of Western Ontario be allowed to take any records they may wish to retain. 15. That we continue to have the County Council proceed- ings published each year. 295 '--' - 2 - 16. That the Clerk and _Deputy Clerk be authorized to attend the fall meeting of the Co~ntyand Regional Clerks and Treasurers, to be held in Guelph. on October 21st, 1985, with the usual expenses paid. 17. County him to to the That where a conflict of interest occurs or the lawyer is not available for the matter designated for handle. authority is given for 'the matter to be referred alternate one. 18. That we reconunend _ that, the per diem for Council be increased as follows. effective January 1st. 1986: Per one-half day - from $42 to $45 Per full> day - from $6_8 to $75. 19. That the remuneration for the Warden be increased from $12,000 to $15,000 per annum, effective January Ist._ 1986. 20. Tnat we recommend that the cutoff for material to be prepared through the Clerk's Office be provided no later than the Wednesday prior to Council. ALL of which is reapectfu~ly submitted. 0"',;~p:;,,,;* M~ H. Stew, Chairman. ~ :4----. J '-" ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMIttEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUN1'Y OFELCIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMI'ITEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Construction has been completed on County Roa:d #22 at the County Road ~5 in~ersection, except for a base coat of asphalt whiCh is expected 1:0 start shortly. A top coat of asphalt will be placed over the County Road #45 intersection and southerly for approximately 3/4 mile. This will cover the base coat of asphalt which was placed last Fall. Most of the triumingand seeding on COunt:y Road #22 has been completed. 2. The deck of the Playerl s Bridge on County Road #45 in Yarmo,uth Township has been completed With the bridge reopened for traffic. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by_law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement between the County of Elgin and Cen.Tal Investments Limited owners of a portion of Lot 11, Concession VIII, Yarmouth Township setting forth the requirements of the County of Elgin with regard to entrances from County Road #28 onto their property and an agreement dividing costs between the owners and the County of Elgin for improvements including curb and gutter., pavement and drainage adjacent to their property. As Cen.Tal Investments Limited has signed the agreement there will be no need for an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board over the Township of Yarmouth1s rezoning of the property. 2. That the Ontario Municipal Board be forwarded a copy of the County Solicitor1s oP1?ion of October 8, 1985 as the County1s position regarding the determination by the Ontario Municipal Continued. . . . . 297 v ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT _ OCTOBER SESSION 1985 PAGE 2. 2. Continued..... Board of the .proper amount of liability insurance that should be carried by the Fort Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. (A COpy of the. County SoIicitorl.s opinion to the County Engineer is attached.) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMI'ITED .;?Z-<<L- dL., ~, , ti12:-IRWili -..-/ ~ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to attend the Lawrence Crawford Tribute November 2, 1985 with the usual expenses paid. 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to arrange for a luncheon to honour the Auxiliary members to be held at Terrace Lodge on Friday. November 1, 1985 at 1 p.m. 3. THAT the tender of David K. Hill Ltd. in the amount of $130,970.00 for. the diningroom addition be accepted subject to Council approval, and that the tender documents be prepared for signatures by the Warden and Clerk for October -16, 1985-. 4. THAT the monthly fees for the Medical Director be increased from $4.14 to $4.26 per bed per month effective April 1, 19B5. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. d. . ECkffidl Chairman ~k2 / 299 - PROPERTY COMMITTEE_ REPORT October Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Propertx Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following Change Orders have been approved to date for the new Admirtistration Building: U #2 !3 #. #s #6 #7 #8 #9 Credit Western Ontario Breeders Inc. Press Tables $ 862.50 2,014.10 No Approval 1,265.00 2,074.60 1,150.00 No Price No Pr ice 55,478.00 2. That the renovations for the area to be occupied by the Western Ontario Breeders Inc. has been proceeded with at an estimate of $5,000(#7 Change Order). 3. . That 9ha~ge~Order #10 in the amount of $7,767.00 has been approved for electrical work. 4. That we approve the additional brick work required for the east balcony on the north wing at an estimated price of $6,923.00. 5. That the account from Gary Robinson for work in con- nection with the sewers in the amount of $3,670.00 has been approved for payment. &. That the Clerk forward the revised appraised values of the Court House Block to the Minister of Government Services with the following options_: (1) Outright purchase (2) Downpayment and balance spread over ten. years (3) Lease all available space on the Court House Block until prepared to purchase. 7. That the Ministry of Correctional Services has been allowed to. use the Jail for ahostage-takingsimu1atiqn on Thursday, October 24th, 1985 from 1530 to 2200 hours. 8. That each Department Head be responsible to make their own arrangements for moving to the new Building and competitive prices be obtained if outside firms used. ALL of which is ~espectfu1ly submitted. -~~ J. N. Smyth, A;j;{ean. ~ "-' '-' AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows; 1. That the resolution from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell be filed. 2. That Application TI/8S by willi H. A. Durer, owner of premises known as Lot 14, Concession 7, Township of Aldborough, to clear three hectares of trees be granted and that the clear- ing be done by October 16, 1986. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~. w. R. av rly.?~~f Chairman. fu~ / 301 v '--' PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Change Order #12 in the amount of $1,540.00 for a reception counter for Social Services-be apprqved and it be charged to the 19.85 Social Services Budget~ 2. That we approve of the additional expense of $1,842.00 to relocate the Land Division Office in the new Administration Building. 3. ~hat the account from SprietAss~ciates irithe amount of $11,030.80 for general supervision and administration to September 30th, 1985 be approved for'payment. 4. That we confirm the employment of Richard Lalonde as caretaker in the new Administrati6nBuildingf effect~ve November 4th, 1985, at a rate of $670.03 biweekly ($17,420.78 annually) . 5. That a letter berorwarded to the Ministry of Government Services to attempt to obtain an agreement to allow water and sewagetreatmentto~be carried on as it presently is, rather than install $eparate utilities and if a meeting is necessary, the Warden and Clerk-be authorized to attend. 6,. That the Library be advised that if they wish to move in prior to the heat pumps being installed, they provide the Committee with their intentions. 7. Whereas it is deemed to be more practical and more economical; therefore be it resolved that the remaining par- titionsas may be deemed expedient beremoved:from the new Administration Building, so as to alleviate noise, dust and confusion if partition removal was carried out during occupancy by the County of Elgin and that the cost of the work is esti~ mated at $35,000.00. 8. That the quotation of Amco Communications Inc. to supply telephone equipmentfor~the new Administration Building at a cost 'of $25,555. 74 plus $50~00 per line installation charges be accepted. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~/~. J. ~ gson, Chao an; 5i/ ~/ 02 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT October Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That the tender from Burak Manufacturing Ltd. to the amount of $44,740.00 has been accepted to supply shelving for the new administrative building. 2. That the tender from R. C. Dawson Co. to supply modular privacy units for the staff work area to the amount of $9,931.02 has been accepted. 3. That the. tender from .R. C. Dawson Co. for a filing storage system to the amount of $3;152.80 has been accepted. 4. That Ms. ,Prowse arid Mr. Wells have been authorized to go to O.L.A. and have- the standard expenses paid. 5. That two branch workshops for the branch staff, one at each. end of the County, have been authorized for the fall season. ALL of which is resp~ctfully submitted. 41~ 303 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-50 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF ADDITIONAL MONIES FROM THE BANK OF MONTREAL TO RENOVATE .THE NEW COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILOING." WHEREAS by By-Law No. 85~29,approved by the Ontario Municipal Board under Order No. E 850607, dated June 4th, 1985, authority was given to borrow $1,200,000.00 towards the said cost of renovations; and WHEREAS additional costs have been incurred to date and more rnaybecome necessary because of un forse en conditions, and items neglected to be considered in the original estimates7 and WHEREAS it will become necessary to borrow a further amount to complete the work. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are-hereby authorized to obtain from the Bank of Montreal, amounts as-required and not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Do~larsin total, byway of promisso~y note or notes, at a rate of interest to be determined at the time of borrowing to meet the cost of renovating the new Administration Building. 2. That this by-law not become effective until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a first time this 16th day of October, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of October. 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1985. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~Q,.~-< - - - ;.1. Lave au, arden. <' COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-51 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TD SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND CEN-TAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED. OWNERS DF PROPERTY IN LOll1. CONCESSION VIII. TOlmSHIP DF YARMDUTH." WHEREAS the County of Elgin wishes to setout certain responsibilities by agreement with respect to entrances onto County Road #28 and the assumption by the owners of a portion of Lot II, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth, of certain costs of widening the said road and the sale of property to the County to widen same; and WHEREAS both the County and owners have agreed to certain terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the CQuntyofElgin be. and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement betweenCen-Tal Investments Limited and the County of Elgin setting forth the terms and conditions agreed to for the saidproperty~ READ a first time this 16th day of October, 1985. READ a second time this 16th day of October 16th, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1985. .~/--<~,..<-<.....""*....--- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. @~~-- - ./ '. . R0 J.. L ereau, Warden. 305 AG'R.EEMENT BETWEEN: CEN_TAL lNVESTMENTS LIMITED, the Own~rs of part of Lot 11, Concession VIII,Yarmo1i:th (a description of which 1s annexed as Schedule I At). hereinafter known as the OWNERS PARTIES OF THE FIRST PART -and_ THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter known as the COUNTY PARTIES OF THE SECOND. PART (A) (1) The Owners agree to sell to the County of Elgin sufficient land along the west side of their property to widen County Road #28 toa width of f1f~y feet (501) on the. east side of the centre line of County Road #28 opposite the portion of their' property that they have applied to .the County of Elgin Land Division Colllllilttee under Application E 17/85 to sell to Cardinal Motel Limited. (ii) The County'agrees to pay for this land at the rate of TWo Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per acre and pay a fence allowance in lieu of fence erected along the new frontage at the rate of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per rod measured along the new property line. (iii) The Owners will at their cost supply a deed to the County of Elgin for the property referred to in (A) (1) and the County of Elgin will register the deed in the County of Elgin Registry Office. (B) (i) The Owners of the property agree that they will be limited to one (1) entrance from County Road #28, the north limit of the entrance to be two hundred and fifty five feet (255') from the north property line with the entrance to be twenty_four feet (241) between curbs at the property line [twenty_six feet (261) face to face of curb]. (11) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the installation of Ministry of Transportation and Communications barrier type curb arid gutter on County Road #28 as follows: Continued. . . . 06 _ 2_ (B) (ii) Continued Location: Alon&: the east side of the new pavement twenty-four feet (241) from the present ce'[ltre line with a suitable turning radius at the intersection of County Road #28 and Highway #3 to join with the present Ministry of Transportation and Communications curb and gutter east of County Road #28. Curb to extend from: twenty feet (20') south of the south limit of the entrance nOt'therly to Highway #3 and shall have suitable radius at the entranc!l and extended to the new property line. The location of the curb and gutter- to accommodate a pavement width of twenty-four feet ~ (24') from. the centerline of the present pavement~ (iii) The Owners agree to reimburse the COunty for the cost of three inches (3") of asphalt paving between the curb and gutter and the edge of the present paving (sawed to prOvide neat edges free from breakage as required). (iv) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the cost of paving the entrance to the end of the curb return. (v) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for the cost of placing twenty-four inches (24") of cOtllpacted granular material being six inches (611) of crushed gravel and eighteen inches (l811) of pit run gravel under the pavement and the subexcavation of existing or any other unsuitable base material. (vi) The Owners agree to reimburse the County for .the cost of placing a granular shoulder eight feet (8') in width to the west of the curb and gutter along the road to a depth of ten inches (lOll) of granular being six inches (611) of pit run gravel and four inches (4") of crushed g~avel. (vii) The Owners ag~~: to pay the County for the cost of and the installation of the culvert at the entrance and for the reshaping of property to the north of the entrance so that water from the property will be directed toward Continued. 307 _ 3 _ (:5) (vii) Continued. the highway ditch on Highway 113. The Owners agree that they will reseed or resod the reshaped area so that erosion does not occur. (viii) The Owners agree to pay the cost of the IIIOvenient of any utilities that they require to be moved so that the entrance can be used by traffic in a safe and convenient method. The new location of any utility to be subject t.o the approval of the County. (Ix) The Owners agree to pay to. the County the cost of any movement of ~he Ministry of Transportation and COllllllunications traffic signals, connecting cable, electrical gear, traffic sensors, ,etc., required to acccmmodate the widened p2vemE!nt and curb and gutter. (x) The costs of work shall include all engineering, surveying and inspection work nece'ssary for the completion of the work. (xi) Prior to cor/llllencing any work. the County will provide notice to .the OWners that they propoSe to begin work. (xii) It is proposed that the work described In this section wiLL be completed prior to JuLy 1986 by the County. It ishowever agreed that in the case of an undue delay caused by failure of the Owners to ob;ain final Rezoning Approvals from the ToWnship of Yarmouth or the Ontario Municipal Board that the work may be postponed until a mutually agreeable date. (xiii) Any invoice r.endered by the County of :r.lgin for work done by the County or by its Agents shall be paid for by the Owners within thirty (30) days. (C) The County agrees that the cost of the work to be undertaken by virtUe of this Agreement and to be paid by the Owners shall not exceed the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) in total except~ng costs of uioving a utility or cost of moving. relocating. adding to etc., of the Ministry of Transpot'tatitin and Conmlunications tt'sffic signal system at the intersection of County Road #28 and Highway #3. 308 _ 4 _ (D) The Owners agree and enclose herewith an irrevocable letter of credit from a Canadian Chartered Bank made payable to the County in the amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($51000.00). (E) The County will at their expense provide a catch basin in the curb and gutter near the end of the present curb (if necessary) return at Highway tIJ and County Road #28 and will outlet this basin using steel pipe into the Highway #3 ditch nE!;ar che present property line. (F) This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective executors. administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties he~eto. (G) The parties may vary this Agreement at any time and from time t.o time by agreement: in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS HHEREOF the officers of the said CEN-TAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , 1985. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: CEN.TAL INVES'nlENl'S LIMITED :f>RES-!t5ENf SECRETARY IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has hereunto affixed their Corporate Seal by the. hand of the proper signing officer duly authorized in that behalf this day of , 1985. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WARDEN CLERK 309 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. B5-52 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEOINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION. 1985. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powersofa municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Munic'ipal Act, being Chapter 302 of, the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By..,.Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Carper_a';'; tien of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of theCorpo,;,; ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recornmen: dation contained in the,Rep6~ts of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetirigs, held during the October 1985Se5sion is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authoriz~d and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof~ 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 16th day of October, 1985. REaD a second time this 16th day of October, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, 1985. ~/-~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. @~ - R J: La ~--=-<--~ Warden~eau, o November Session - First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of November, 1985 The Elgin County Council met this day at the County Municipal Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present. In addition, all twelve of the newly-elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves were in attendance to observe the proceedings. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the minutes of the October 1985 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Town of Durham with a resolution to require school boards and teachers to have unresolved agreements referred to binding arbitration. 2. Andy Brandt, M.P.P., Sarnia, with information on the .Spills Bill., an amendment to the Environmental Protection Act. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE l. Zoning P.M. Ontario Municipal Board with appointment for hearing re: By-Law Z129-85 (Bayham) set for December 9th, 1985 at 1:00 2. Township 'of Puslinch with resolut-ion t,o enact a new Aggregates Act, to allow for a municipal levy on an annual tonnage of material extracted. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Wheels Fitness & Racquet Club, Kent Kiddie Kollege, with information re; day nursery charges. 2. County of Essex with resolution to change the General Welfare Assistance Act to allow recipients of w~lfare payments to work for municipalities and/or Senior Citizens in order to collect welfare payments. FILED 1. Elgin County Pioneer Museum.with advice that the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture will be forwarding a grant of $14,418 toward furnace, airconditioning and basement floor project. 2. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., Elgin, acknowledging a copy of our letter to the Minister of Government Services re; water and sewage services to the new County Administration-Building. 3. Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: New Councillor's Seminars to be held. 4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on Rural Section_ (ROMA) Annual Meeting February 2-5, 1986. 5. Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing with information on Community Planning Grants - 1936-87. 311 - 2- FILED - continued 6. Ridgetown College of Agricu1tural Technology advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships are Maria Deleemans, AyJ.mer and Carol Veraart, R. R. liS, AyJ.mer. 7. The Elgin-St. .Thomas Health Unit with copy of auditor's report for year ended December 31st, 1984,-indicatinga surplus of $11,872. --../ 8. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information re; sill 38, the Municipal Elections Amendment Act and copy of same. 9. The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded with appreciation for being able-to exhibit at the I.P.M. 10. Thames Valley District Health council with an update and newsletter on the local, regional and provincial happenings in Emergency Health Services Planning. 11. Ontario Hydro revised' copy o~ project newsletter for the Bruce to Essa portion of System Plan 5. 12. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and El~in with Allocation of Children In Care and financial statement to September 30th, 1985. 13. tions cause Ontario Good Roads Association with request for resolu~ and proposal of names in recognition of long service in the of good roads. 14. tion far tion. Queen of the Furrow Committee, I.P.M. '85, with apprecia- the County's contribution towards the 1985 Queen'scompeti- 15. The Four Counties General Hospital - Fund Raising Committee with information update on the progress to September 30th, 1985. 16. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with invitation to submit applications for funding under both ONIP and CAIP for the 1986-87 fiscal year allocations. 17. " R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., Elgin, with acknowledgement of copy of a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. 18. Jim McGuigan. M.P.P., Kent-Elgin, acknowledging a copy of our notice to the Office of the Consolidated Hearings. 19. Ontario Municipal Board with aopointment for hearing set for November 26th, 1985, -10;00 A.M. re: South7West Oxford Township By-Law No. 28-85 re; Zoning. 20. Act ion 1.985. Ministry of Municipal Affairs advising that the Municipal '85 Program will only fund work completed by December 31, 2l. etc. ; From the following municipalities with planning notices (i) Township of Malahide - three notices of the passing of Zoning By~Laws. (ii) Town of Aylmer - two notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws. (iii) Township .of Yarmouth - four notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws. (iv) Village of Belmont - notice of public meeting re: proposed zoning by-law amendments. 22. Ministry of Revenue with copy of Report on Property Assessment and Practice in Ontario. 312 - 3 - County Council, November Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That .the disposition of theCornmunications mailed pre~ viously, be approved as follows: -' County Government Committee ~. #1-2 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-2 inclusive Social Services Committee - #1-2 inclusive Filed.... #1-22 incluSive County Council ~1-7 inclus.ive. - Carried. Warden Lavereau extended a welcome to the. newly-elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves who were attending today at the invitation of countyCouricil. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following employees received Certificates for Long Term Service from the Chairman of the particular Committee and the Warden: Elqin Manor - Alana J. Mihalik ~ Ten Year Certificate Clerk's Office - Jeremiah E. Freeman - Ten Year Certificate Roads Department - Edwin A. Kelly - Ten Year Certificate -/ - Glenn R. Cross - TWenty-Five Year-Certificate plus Watch~ Mr. Alistair B. Littlejohn~ Chairman of thee Elgin County Land Division Committee, was in attendance to present his annual report to Council. It was. moved by Reeve Furcellthat Mr. Littlejohn be now heard. Mr. Littlejohn addressed :Council and, as the report had been mailed previously to County Council~ was willing to answer any questions that Council may wish to ask. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the Report of the Land Division Committee regarding severances dealt with for the period November 1~ 1984 to October 31~ 1985 be accepted and printed in tQe proceedings. - Carried. -../ Mr. LorneCarrol1, vice-Chairman of the I.P.M. '85 Committee, and Mr. Dave Murray, Secretary~ were in attendance. It was moved by Reeve Monteith that they be now heard. Mr. Carroll addressed Council and indicated that it appeared that the Plowing Match would either make a profit or break eVen. He presented Warden Lavereau with-a cheque to repay $25,000 of the amount that was advanced by the County towards the Plowing Match. Once ~ll the bills are paid, an additional payment will be made. Mr. Charlie Stafford, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, was present and it was moved by Reeve Haddow that he be now heard. The Tree Commissioner~s Report was mailed out previously to all Members of County Council and Mr. Stafford made some comments on it. Questions were asked by various Members of Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Smyth That the Tree Commissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. -../ The Weed Inspector's Report waspreyiously mailed to all Members of Council and Mr. Stafford highlighted some of the items in it. 313 - 4 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. -Carried. '-J Warden Lavereau extended an invitation to lunch to various members of the delegations. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GbVERNMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Government COmmittee was presented by Reeve Stewart. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted;. An amendment was ~ Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamffi That Item #5 in the First Report of the County Government ~ committ_ee be amended by deleting -early in 1986- and replacing with -the. first meeting of the Committee-. The amendment Carried. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Brooks That Itemj12 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be amended by adding the following at,the end of the para- graph-and that the Roads Department maintain the present signs.. The amendment Carried. The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and it Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads. Committee was presented by Reeve McWilliam and adopted on motion of Reeve McWilliam and Reeve Perovich. ~ FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CI~IZENS COMMITTEE - (mailed) ~oved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Haddow adopted. That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be - Carried. - 5 - County Council, November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - (mailed) Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY BOARD - (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That the First Report of the Library Board be_ adopted. - Carried. The Treasurer's Reports on Receipts and Expenditures for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1985, was mailed along with copies of the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for Members of the Elgin County Council and appointees to Outside Boards, for the period ending October 25th, 1985,priorto Council. Moved by Reeve Brooks Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1985 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of Elgin County Council to October 25th, 1985 be accepted and printed in-the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October 25th, 1985 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, Elgin County Library Board and.Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Director of Homes for Senior Citizens Report was mailed to Council previously. Moved by Reeve Haddow Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That the Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Reeve Caverly gave a verbal report on the condition of the basement at the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Kent-Elgin Natural Areas Survey with request for financial support in 1986. 315 - 6 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 2. Land Division Committee witb annual report re: number of severances dealt with during the period November 1st, 1984 to October 31st, 1985. 3. Ontario Petroleum Association with information expressing deep concerns re: .Spills Bill-. \..J 4. 1986. I.O.D.E. with nominee to Elgin County Pioneer Museum for 5. East Elgin District Women's Institute with nominee for pioneer Museum for -1986_. 6. ~he Salvation Army requesting financial SUPPort for 1986. 7. Ontario Human Rights Commission re; declaration of International Human- Rights Day - DeCember 10th, 1985. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Caverly That Correspondence #1 and 6be tabled to the 1986 Budget Session. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Martyn That the nominee$ to the Elgin County Pioneer MuseUm 1986 by the I.O.D.E. and East Elgin District Women's Institute respondence #4 and 5) be tabled to the Decembe~ Session, 1985~ - Carried. '-" for (Cor- Movedcby Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Purcell That Council Communications numbered 3 and 7 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McWilliam Seconded by Reeve Caverly That thenewly~elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves plus the Department Heads be permitted to sit in on the Committee~Of-The- Whole~ '-" - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveVolkaert Seoonded by Reeve Smyth That we go into a Committee-Of~The~Whole. - Carr ied. Warden Lavereau appointed Reeve- Fleck as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That as the hour is now 12 0'c10ck noon, we continue on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. '-../ 6 - 7 - County Council, November Session, 1985 Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That we do now adjourn (12:05 P.M.) to meet again on November 20th, 1985 at 2:00 P.M. -J - Carried. Council re-convened at 2;00 P.M. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve. Lashbrook That we go into a Committee-Of~The~Whole. - Carried. Warden Lavereau appointed Reeve Fleck as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. ROLL CALL ~ All Members present except: Reeve Emerson. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert -J That we do now adjourn (3;33 P.M.) - Carried. council re~convened at 4:32 P.M. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion 'of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Haddow. A discussiori on the colour scheme for the new Administration Building-took place. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Neukamm That Committee Room Committee. we recommend that the colours in the corridor and be changed to beiges as selected by the Property -......I - Carried,. FIRST REPORT, - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was, presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Deputy Reeve Sheils. Moved by Reeve Monteith Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That we recommend the Dutton Branch proposal to the new County Council for serious consideration at the December 1985 Session. - Carried. Reeve Haddow presented County Council with a print by Peter Robson for hanging in the new County Administration Building. -/ 317 - 8 - Moved by Reeve. Willsey Seconded Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 85-5~ -Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to ~e Paid- to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof- be read a first time. '--./ - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Volkaert Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By-Law No. 85-53 be read a secohd time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Neukamm Seconded by-Deputy Reeve Ford passed. That By-Law No. 85-53 be read a third time and finally - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-LawNa. as-54 -Beioga By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to he Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Volkaert That By-Law No. 85-54 be read a second time. - Car:ded. Moved by Deputy ReeveVolkaert Seconded by Deputy Reeve Pearson passed. That By~Law No. 85~54be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Marr That Sy-Law No. 85~55 -Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges. be read a firsttime~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Purcell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-55 be read a second tLffie. - Carried. Moved..by Reeve HOdgson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 85-55 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 8 - 9 - County Council, November Session, 1985 Moved by Deputy Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 85-56 -8e1nga By-Law to Formally Adopt Personnel Policies for All Full-Time Staff not Covered by a Collective Agreement- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Brooks That By-Law No. 85-56 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fleck Seconded by Reeve Smyth That By-Law No. 85-56 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lashbrook Seconded by'DeputyReeve Vojin That By~LawNo. a5~57 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk of the Couny of Elgin to Sign an Agreement ,With The Town of Aylmer Re: Sewage and Water Services for Terrace Lodge- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Purcell That By~Law No. 85~57 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Reeve Lashbrook That By-Law No. 85-57 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ford That By_Law No. 85-58 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1985- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve PeroviCh Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sheils That By-Law No. 85-58 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sheils Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 85-58 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 319 - 10 - The following Members of the 1985 County Council were presented with pen. sets and their name plates, as they will not be returning to Council in December: Deputy Reeve S. P. Vojin, Township of Aldborough Reeve R. F. Coles, Village of-Rodney Reeve T. H. Lashbrook, Village of West Lorne Reeve D. A~ McWilliam, Township of Dunwich Reeve K. E. Monteith, Township of Southwald Reeve' R. Haddow ,Township of Yarmouth Reeve J. R.Fleck, Village of Belmont Deputy Reeve R. J. Sheils, Township of South Dorchester Deputy Reeve J. A. V61kaert, Township of Bayham Reeve J. N. Smyth, Village of Port Burwell Reeve W. R. Caverly, -Township of Malahide Reeve R~ G. Brooks, Town Of Aylmer. Each of the retiring Members_took the opportunity to express their farewells to the other Members of Council. Warden Lavereauextended his appreciation for the past year and reviewed some of the accom- plishments made during his term of office. He also expressed a welcome to the new Members of County Council, who will be sitting in December. '--' Moved by Deputy Reeve Vojin Secorided by Reeve Lashbrook That we do now adjourn {5:12P.M.} sine die. '--' - Carried. ~ ~~ ,c~ G. C. .Leverton, Clerk. R. J. Lavereau, Warden. '--' o COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Elgin County Council 9 Gladstone Avenue ST. THOMAS, Ontario. N5R 2L3 ) ) 9GlADSTONEAve. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R2LJ PHONE 1519l 631.1460 ~~~OV~~I 1:J'} 41985 COUNTY OF ElGIN '.CLERK-TREASURER'SOFFlCE IQ~_I~~_~~E~~~_~~~_~~~~~~~_!l&~_f~~~Y-E~unSi~ October 29,1985 Attached is a report of the number of severances dealt with by the Land Division Committee for the period November I, r984 until October 31,1985. remain. T~usting this is sati$factory, ABL/sdg ACtch. Yours truly, lii{j~~;,,- [je{tdjd- ;> -...--- Alistair B. Littlejohn Chairman Land Division Committee ; \LetlH# .k. o FiieJ ){ Referred to , ~K.,.,J.c,(~ I . . . " . . - ..' \ COpy To \ c.... .J-' <..-. I'.'" '"t.... : 11..... S..?>. ......" .-.-_._'.- ) 321 , , ) LAND SEVERANCES NOVEMBER 1, 1984 to OCTOBER 31, 1985 GR. G.C. M.G. E.L. N.L. S.D. RET. ALDBORQUGH - 7 1 3 4 - - YARMOUTH - 23 9 7 16 - - PORT 51' ANLEY - 5 - 1 4 - - MALAHIDE - 31 2 5 23 2 1 BAYHAM - 8 - 3 5 - - SOUTHWOLD 2 19 3 11 7 3 - VIENNA - - - - - - - SOUTH DORCHESTER - 7 1 2 2 2 1 6ELMONT 1 2 - 2 1 - - DUNWICH - 7 - 2 5 - - AYLMER - 8 - 7 1 - - RODNEY - 2 - - 2 - - PORT BURWELL - - - - - - - WEST LORNE 1 1 - 1 1 - - SPRINGFIELD - 1 - 1 - - - TOTAL (141) 4 121 16 45 71 7 2 I GR. '" GRANTED G.G. '" GRANTED CONDITIONAL N.G. '" NOT GRANTED E.L. '" EXISTING LOT N.L; '" NEW LOT S.D. '" SURPLUS DWELLING RET. '" RETIREMENT LOT tf OF HEARINGS Full Days 10 i Days 2 TREE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT November Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, It gives me great pleasure to report to County Council after a very busy season. Logging appears to be on the-increase this fall. Many woodlots have been sold to Logging Companies and operations should be in full swing shortly afterfreeze~up. The increase in sales of private woodlots may be indicative of the financial pinch felt by many farmers. Frequently, farmers contemplating the sale of a stand-of trees, place me in an un- comfortable position by asking my opinion on the most reputable logging firm. I can only offer my knowledge on the condition of the woodlot after the companies have completed their opera- tions. It is also suggested owners contact farmers who have dealt with the various logging firms in the past. Loggers are aware of my surveillance and appear to be more conservative_ in their actions. The production of firewood in Elgin County is a busi~ ness requiring much scrutiny. I am finding trees cut along roadsides ~ "Woodnappers"I Township road crews and Oritario Hydro may have need to cut trees along our roadsides. Anyone seeing individuals with unmarked vehicles cuttin~ down trees in these areas should note the licence plate arid notify their Township_ Office immediately. The Ministry of Natural Resources provides a free service for marking woodlots for logging and/or firewood cutting operation. Trees of poor form and of low value (damaged, dis~ eased, etc.) are marked for firewood. The Ministry will, on request, table the cords and estimate the number of board feet of each variety. I would recommend woodlot owners ask to have theirwoocllots evaluated. Many mature forests remain in Elgin but have numerous old trees decaying and spreading disease. The cutting of these trees for firewood will inhibit the spread of further disease. These old trees also shade large areas preventing the sun's stimulation of new growth. Applications for minor exception to our Tree By-Law are almost nil this year. Farmers can now see where our tree cover, once taken for granted, retards soil erosion. Some reforestation has been done by the Ministry of Natural Resources in Elgin with about 336 acres planted, about 176,250 trees. The Fingal bird area also added 6,800 trees and shrubs this year. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority has planted or supplied 15,000 trees to the citizens of Elgin for reforestment and shelter belts. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority has seen fit to plant and supply 34,000 trees, mainly evergreens, to be used as forest replacements and shelter belts. I am told about half were kept in Elgin County; combined this would rep- resent about 400 acres, not counting private plantings. Each Township and the County should examine open areas and consider reforestation to get woods established again. The small property owners are still at a disadvantage as they can- not get trees under the Ministry programs. County commissions should consider developing a program which would make trees available to smaller acreage land-owners for planting. The boy scouts, girl guides and ball teams have shown interest_in the past in tree plant-a-thons. As we all know, areas planted to evergreens will, in time, seed themselves to hardwoods. 323 - 2 - I would like to thank all members of Council who have been most helpful, George Leverton and his office staff~- past and. present, County Roads office and staff, Township Clerks and their staffs~. Town-ship road crews, Ministry of Natural Re- sources office staff and forestry personnel. Without your assistance, advice, and eo-operation, my work would be impos- sible. Thank you. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~t 'k'l .,.f'.~. Charles C. Stafford, Elgin County Tree Commissioner. 4 WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The roadsides of Elgin County were in impressive con- dition this year, in time for the International Plowing-Match. Credit is due fo the County Engineer. Robert Moore, and his Roads. Department. Equally impressive were the increased number of roadsides carefully manicured by individual property owners. On driving through our countryside, one gains the impression that Elgin is a proud and prosperous County. indeed the QCounty With A Future". The townships have operated successful spray programs again this year. Many tendered custom applicators, who start at daybreak and work 'til dark, completing an entire township in two to four days. Only one man from the township need goa100g to indicate roads to be sprayed. I am aware of but one complaint and it was resolved amicably. The County Roads Department purchased asmall.sprayer last Winter and have been spraying cattails in ditches this year. We hope this will eliminate the costly and time consuming chore of using backhoes to dig our ditches to maintain drainage. Yarmouth Township alone has a9ain cut all roads twiCe, fence to fence. Their new mowers have decreased operation time as there is no plugging and breakdown time.. as does exist with the old type mowers. Southwold Towriship have also employed the. same type mower with favourable reports by the operators. Per- haps the County should consider a trial operation with this machine. The Railways in Elgin County~ in general, have operated a relaxed program of weed control this year. When requested to cut certain areas, ~ne railway complied immediately, others....? Spray programs were limited due to property owner complaints. A Cultivation Act exists whereby property owners adjoining rail- ways are given the right to farm up to the gravel portion of the railway bed. The agreement states the railway is not responsible for fencing should the farmer change farming operations or sell. Many farms in our area could gain an appreciable amount of land to cultivate, at no extra costs, and keep the. weed problem down as well. Interested farmers should contact their particular railway for further information. Wild Carrot has been an increasing problem on roadsides this year. Aldborough Township has applied a fall spraying aimed at this persistent weed. We will watch very closely to assess the success of this operation. Velvet Leaf is spreading at. a rapid pace throughout the County fostered by combines and other maChinery. Cocklebur has been a problem in soya beans but not so in corn. This may indicate a need for crop rotation to con- trolthe spread. Johnson Grass, found in Dunwich Township, was found to winter over in root stock~ Test spraying in patches with Roundup seems to eliminate the seeding problem but, it is questionable whether the tuber will be killed. Wild Cucumber has been climbing into corn and soya bean crops this year. We have two varieties here in Elgin, Bur Cucumber. and Star Cucumber. The latter, found in Aldborough and Bayham, is a good seeder having three times the seed as Bur Cuc- umber and a faster growth rate. It will spread from the fence into corn ten rows deep and can pull corn stalks to the ground if thick and hardy enough. Weed alert reports have been sent to the University of Guelph. Combine operators should take extra time to clean their machines before moving to a new area. 325 - 2 - Farm equipment, . dropping packed mud onto roadways, also assists the spread of weed seeds. Police are now in- vestigating the hazards of the mud problem left by this ma- chinery and charges may be laid in the future. Ontario Vegetation. Management Association held a field day at St. Williams reforestation farm. We had the opportunity to inspect many experimental weed control plots there and also field plots in the County. _ New spraying ~quip~ mentand mowers were on display. The operationof'theblower- type sprayers was demonstrated. Hand sprayers and wick weeders for hand and tractor operation were also on view. A Quebec firm displayed an impressive $190,000.00 sprayer which can op- erate on road or rail. r attended several other informative meetings on weed control throughout the year. Weed control equipment andchem- icals are on display arid demonstrations of their operation con- dticted~ These meetings are of great value to us and I would r~commendthe Chairman of our Agricultural Committee attend, if possible. In some Counties, the Chairman and the Warden have been in attendance. A meeting with the. Railway and Ministry of Transportation has been scheduled for this November.. I would appreciate one or more of our Agricultural Committee to accom~ pany me to this meeting. Inciosing, I extend my appreciation to the people of Elgin for their co-operation and, assis'tance in. my duties as Weed Inspector for the County. Also, let me thank George Leverton and his staff, the County Roads Department and the Township Clerks, staffs, and road crews,. who, on, many occasions, have stopped their work to supply needed information. ALL of which is respectfully submitted~ {!4M'.~~'/ C~rlesC; Sta ford, Elgin County Weed Inspector. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That as the County is experiencing difficulty in finding a replacement to be appointed 'to the Elgin-St. Thomas Housing Authority, the Ministry be requested to seek one from either Council of the Villages of West Lorne and/or Rodney. 2. That t,he following be appointed to the Land Division Committee for the years 1986, 1987- and 1988 ahd a by~lawbe prepared ~or the December 1985 ,Session; John V. McKinlay Murray C. Benner Lorne R. Carroll Noble G. Tufford Alistair Littlejohn. 3. , That the following persons appear beIore the commit- tee dealing with the Private Member's Bill to revert the Library Board to a Committee of Council, on Thursday, November 21st, 1985, to expla,in the reasons for the 'request: Warden Lavereau Clerk G. C. Leverton-. 4. That we recommend that the membership on the new Library Committee be five plus the Warden ex-officio, for a total of six. 5. Agency to the That the question of creating a Central_Marketing and Funding to Promote Tourism in Elgin County be tabled new Committee early in 1986~ 6. That the resolution from the Town of Durham (Corres- pondence #1) re: binding arbitration for unresolved agreements between school boards and teachers be endorsed. 7. That Correspondence #2 from Andy Brandt~ M.P.P., re; the Spills Bill be filed. 8. That the Clerk-Treasurer's Office has been authorized to obtain the information necessary to enter the employees ,of the Library Staff into the County payroll system in anticipa- tion of the dissolution of the Library Board. 9. That we recommend that the entire COUhtyLiqrary operation be moved to the riewAdministration Building from the City Library Building no later than December 31st, 1985. 10. That we recommend that the Library Board notify the City Library Board of their intention to vacate the building as of December 31st, 1985 and that the present lease be renego- tiated. 11. That the Correspondence from Nora M. Sanders of the firm of Gunn & Associates, County Solicitor, re: tree by~law prosecutions be tabled for consideration by the new Committee. * See amendment at.end of report. 327 - 2 - 12. That we recommend that Elgin County withdraw from participation in the Talbot TrailCbmmittee, effective January 1st, 1986, and that the participating municipalities be so notified. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W jj-- -0f7' ,Jz' . Ch .. Stewart" "'- ~ a.l.rman. - "-. <:Y!2 1)7 --<:A<_.< c.~j * Item #5 was amended by deleting Wearly in 1986n and replacing with "the first meeting of theCommitteen~ . Item #12 was amended by adding at the end of the paragraph "and that the Roads Department maintain the present signsn. 328 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1985 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN .COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLUMS; 1. Walmsley Bros. Limit.ed have completed their asphalt paving' Co!ltracts for the County of Elgin completing County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) in Yarmouth Township and paving for the Village of D.1tton. 2. A report on "Pipe At'ch CUlverts" will be forwarded to all local municipalities who presentLy have pipe arch culverts. Road Committee has agreed to continue the inspection for the time being afehose culverts that show signs of distress. It is expected that Miriistry of Transportation and Con1nunications' policies will be forthcOming for repair and/or replacement of culverts this Winter after receiving input from various municipalities. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the resolution of the Township of Ptislinch rean amendment to the Aggregates Act be filed. 2. That a by~law be passed restricting the weight of vehicles passing over County bridges as follows: PhUlmore Bridge (County Road #43) _ 15 Tonnes; Robbins Bridge 4 Tonnes; Fulton. Bridge _ 15 Tonnes; Meeks Bridge ~ 8 To.nnes; Jamestown- Brilige _ 15 Tonnes; Vienna Bridge _ 20 Tonnes. These weight restrictions are the same as in the previous by';'law for which Ministry of Transportation and Communications' approval runs out early in 1986. Repairs are presently being made to the Phillmore and Vienna Bridges. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEcrFULLY SUBMI'l'TED CJv II- - //i 4_ \ - Y...tL.. , CHAIRMAN /{f/ 4 <HO__ / 329 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTF.F. ~F.PORT November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for SeniorCitiaens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Sewage and Water Services Agreeme~t for Terrace Lodge with the Town of Aylmer be forwarded to Mr. G. C. Leverton, C1erk~ Treasurer f6~ signing. 2. THAT the foll_owing changes to the diningroom project be authOrized: 1. The field bed to replace the specified sewage line being added to the present system. 2. An interlocking brick patio to. replace the specified concrete slab patio. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ R. ~ooL . R. Fl, Chairman c~ ~--./ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; l. be filed. That Correspondence #1 from Peat, Marwick & Partners 2. vices of with the That the Personnel Committee has obtained the ser- Miss Marilyn Courtenay to assist in the negotiations Library Employees Union. 3. carry 1985 approved; That we recommend that the following requests to vacation time over to 1986 by Library Staff be Cathy Bishop - January 2 and 3 Ruth Prowse - January 2, 3 and June Morton - January 2, 3; 6, (2 days) 6 (3 days) 7, 8 and.9 (6 days) and that consideration for carry-overs in the future will not be granted for this purpose. 4. That we recommend that the classificatiori of Recreation Director for Terrace Lodge be paid the same rate as Elgin Manor, namelY.$10.41 per hour, effective the date Rose Laemers: was placed in the Union. 5. That the Director of the Homes for Senior Citizens be authorized to advise the prospective. candidate for the position of Dietary SuperVisor that she will be paid $26,.001.04 annually ($1,000.04biweekly), and that when the new salary schedule is adopted. the salary will be reViewed at the end of the 120 working day probationary period for possible adjustment. 6. sented Policy That:we recommend that a by-law be prepared and pre- to County Council to adopt the proposed ~Personnel Manual~ prepared by Personnel Managemerit Associates. 7. That the question of hiring a Personnel Director be tabled until January 1986, after the report is received from Personnel Management Associates. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. [~A:' fl~ E. H. Marr, Chairman. ~/.. / ;{~.J / ...i/ --"-,(..... 331 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Campbell Bros. Movers Ltd. in the amount of $1,410.0,0 has been accepte:dfor moving the Clerk's Office, Council Chambers' furniture and Social Services to the new Administration Building. 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized toea!! tenders forsnowplowing the parking lot at the new Admini~tration Building. 3. That t1'10 pagers have been leased for the, use by th~ caretaking staff at the CourtHouse and new Administration Building at a cost of $20.00 each per month. 4. That the quotation of a.l.R.A. in the amount of $275.00 to supply_ a 3/4." plywood mail, pige'on~holebox.with ten slots installed in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office has been accepted. 5. That the quotation from H.I.R.A. in the amount of $218.00 has been accepted for constructing a partition in the caretaker's storage area. 6. That the quotation 6fH.l.R.A. in the amount of :;;10,434.00 to breakout approximately 135 holes in the floors to accommodate the heating system in the new Administration Building has been accepted~ That theClerk~Treasurer has been authorized to pur- following items for use in the new Administration 7. chase the Building; (1) Caretaker's basic tools for repairs (2) Cleaning and paper supplies (3) Metal shelving for the vault, Caretaker's storage room and Clerk's basement storage area (4) Cleaning equipment (brooms, mops, vacuums etc.). 8. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to set hours of work for the two caretakers at the Court House and new Administration Building according to need. 9'. That in, issuing keys to employees for the new Administration Building, the Clerk require each person to per- sonally-sigo_and be responsible for the safekeeping and returning of it, upon termination of employment. 10. That author,ity has been given to have the contractor install 6 - 2 x 4 lights in the riorth C_ommittee Room in place of the original, 2 - 1 x 4 lights. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,,$~ ~ /ff;/ L ~~~~-/. 332 LIBRARY BOARD REPORT November Session 1985 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Board reports as follows: 1. That the Library. Board has studied the resolution from the Municipality of Dutton and passed the following resolution: Moved by Deputy Reeve wakeling, seconded by Mr. Miskelly, that the Board recognizes that the Dutton proposal is an excellent opportunity for a Dutton branch of the Elgin County Library System. However the Board of the Elgin County Library System has no money at this point in time and further, the proposal appears to. contradict the proposed ten year p~an which was submitted in June 1985 for Council's consideraion, and which proposes West Lornias the next library. Carried. 2. That in the ensuing discuss~6n Mr.. Wells stated that the additional cost to the Library would be the $50,000 for furniture plus $5,000 for movin~ the same as the capital Budget for other branch libraries. 3. That the Libraries of Vienna and Port Burwell will be used for polling stations for purposes of- the November 12th election. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. B::::. Chairman. ~ .1!;?-- ~ J COUNTY TREASURER' S REPORT November Session, 1985 333 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following statement_ of Revenue and Expenditure for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1985. (This statement reflects accrual adjustments~ made by our auditor for items paid- or received in 1985 which pertained to the year 1984); . ~ Workers' Compensation (Pre~Levy) Employee Deductions County Rates Interest Received County Roads Miscellaneous Revenue Land, Division Committee - Revenue CourtHouse Recoveries Recovery of ,Rentals Welfare Administration Welfare Benef i ts General Support Grant Resou~ce Equalization Grant Supplementary Taxes Temporary Borrowing EXPENDITURE Due from 1985 International Plowing Match Committee Council Members Administration Administration Buildings New Administration Building Court House Maintenance Grants County _ Roads Children's'Aid Society Elgin Manor Home, For - The Aged - Budget Terrace Lodge Home For The Age~ - Budget Debenture Debt -Interest Interest On Loans Agricultural Registry Office Elgin~St. Thomas Health Un~t - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Elgin County Pioneer Museum Hospital Board and District Health Council St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Write-Off of Taxes Mosquito Control Southwestern Ontario Travel Association Parking Lot GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1985 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1985 $ 34,554.33 110,676.74 2,276,350.50 30,772.21 2,388,809.99 2,567.31 16,384-.00 37,951.,49 64,850.00 4i,349.53 510,864.54 176,691.00 229,619.00 218:.56 195,000.00 $ 6.118.659.20 $ 89,500..00 91,161.20 111,927.32 18,692.88 847,525.88 49,28a.20 3,540;00 4,~13.423.31 98~123.16 121,819.i4 65,15ti.47 23,100.00 8,543.64 34,120.77 4,130.51 156,838.00 476,043.04 13.58a~35 122,222.78 638,lil,03 704.07 3,052.28 531.98 341.06 1,065.76 208.62 260.00 $ 7,193,019.45 $ 422,073.58 $15,695,169.35 15,634,942.49 $ 60,226.86 4 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1985 Receipts $ ~ 2.547,.205.32 2,547,205.32 2,551,776.54 $ 4,571".220/0 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1985 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1985 Receipts $ ~ 1,171,388.10 1,171;388.10 1.174,448.28 $ 3,06_Q_~18 0/0 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1985 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. 335 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND. EXPENSES November Session, 1985 To the Warden- and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemlzed statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year-ending October 25th, 1985; ~ Remuneration and Mileaqe Council,_ Conuni ttee and Outside Boards * By-Law ~o~ 83~44 By-Law No. 83-45 By-Law No. 85-25 Conventions By~Law No. 82-50. By_Law No. 83-50 Total (1) $ 574.48 $ 3,20.7.34 (1) 1,40.0..92 3.855.18 (2) 2,1-99.70. 5,444.21 2,0.20..47 2',798,.60. (1) 798.78 3,485.16 (2) 2,0.36.32 4,295.52 (3) 2,765.26 5,545.80. 2,0.75.32 (5) 6,438.56 18,240.0.7 (1) 635~40 2,40.5.55 935.40. 3,471.62 (2) 2,199.70. 5,190..99 1.463.16 (3) 2,764.18 4,804.18 (3) 2,475.80 4.681.12 1,782.,00 2.695.84 (1) 1,400.92 4,230.98 (1) 564.48 3,315~28 2,469.37 (1) 564.48 3,260.78 (2) 2,199.70 4,552.56 (3) 2,008.66 4,036.20 $31,027.34 $100,262.70 Brooks, R. G. Caverly, W..R. Coles', R. F. Emerson, K. C. Fleck, J. R. Ford. A. K. Haddow, R. Hodgson",'} ~ W. Lashbrook, T. H. Lavereau, R.J. Marr. E~' H. Martyn, W'. A. Monteith, K. E. McWilliam,. D.A. Neukamrn, E. Pearson, D, H. Perovich, D. Purcell, R. F. Sheils, R. J. Smyth. J. N. Stewart. M. H. VOjin. S. P. Volkaert, J. A. Wake ling , J. L. Willsey. c. R. $ 2,632.86 2,454.26 3,244.51 2.020.47 2.,798.60 2.686~38 2.259.20 2.780.54 2.075.3,2 *11,801.51 1,770.15 935.40 3,471. 62 2,991.29 1,463.16 2,040.00 2,205.32 1, 782~00 2,695.84 2.830.06 2.750.80 2.469.37 2.696.30 2,352.86 2,027.54 TOTAL $69.235.36 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES November Session, 1985 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remqneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending October 25th, 1985 as authorized by the follow- ing By-Laws; Name By-Law No. 85-25 Auckland, A. W. By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-25 Lyons, H. I. Miskelly, A. T. Morrison, C. By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 83-27 By-Law No. 83-52 Bv-Law No. 84-6 Benner, M. C. Carroll,L. R. Littlejohn, A. B. McKinlay, J.V. Tufford~ .N. G. Appointed To St. Thomas Suburban Roads Coinroission Elgin.. County Library Board Land Division Committee TOTAL Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions $ 87.50 $ 444.48 $ 525.3-0 859.71 707.78 2,092.79 1,362.56 1,352.28 901.52 2,197.63 1,371.63 7,185.61 601. 60 601.60 Total 531.98 525.30- 859.71 707.78 2,-09.2.79 1,362.56 1,352.28 1,503.12 2,197.62 1,371.63 7.787.21 $1~04S.08 $10,411~98 $9,365.90 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. 337 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR'S ANNUAL REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OP ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: The financial report covering Elgin County Homes for senior citizens (Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge and Byrne Rest Home) is attached Showing the actual budget up to October 31st 1985. During this year Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge have been operating with several empty beds, however, there has been more interest in seniors who are making application to our Homes to reside in smaller settings and we were able to u_tilize five beds a't the Byrne Rest Home-. The per diem rate at Elgin Manor and Terrace_ Lodge is $35.50 and the Byrne Rest Borne per- diem rate is $22.00 per day. Therefore, there is more interest in residents making application toga to the Satellite Home~ The Satellite Home is an important part of the ~lgin County Homes for senior citiz~ns as. it does allow the seniors an al ternative from a larger institutional setting. Again, this year we have residents who have their applications placed with our Resident Co~Ordinator for application to the Home, however, there is no shortage of beds in both of our Homes and we are able to offer immediate occupancy to our residential care setting. The Committee of Management has been very concerned with the shortage of extended care beds and we have beert in touch with the Mfnistry of Community and Social Services advisirig them of our concern that we have 10 residents in our Home who are waiting for extended care beds and we have recently received word that the concerri has been placed on the urgency list . with the Ministry of Community and Social Services. OUring the ~ ast few years I have dis~ils-sed throughout the County of Elgin our Home Silpport Program and I am pleased to advise this County Council that we ~re delighted with the support we are receiving from seniors who are participating in this program and I am confident that the purchase of the bus, which should be delivered to us around December 1st, that the auxiliaries have so kindly donated with the assistance of the community; will be an extratransp~rtation service to our seniors wi thin our Homes and the County of El gin. Due to the increase of our Home Silpport Programs and the fact that many of our seniors are requiri~g more nursing care. and as already stated, we have requested an increase_from 68 extended care beds to 88 extended care beds, it was necessary for the Committee of Management to consider the building of a new diningroom to allow us to -2- have senior citizens eating in the diningroom rather than hallways. as they are at present, and I am pleased to confirm the new diningroom is well underway and is expected to be ready for occupancy by Pebruary 1986. The Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge auxiliaries have worked extre~ely hard during the ldst y~dr and have recently assisted in the donation of $60,000. for the bus which will be saari delivered, and again our auxiliaries were commended at the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged in rece~ving the Marguerita Smith Award for another year. Mr. Millington, our Director of Nursing, has recently hired the services of a Podiatrist for our Homes and I feel this will certainly be a benefit to the senior citizens who reside in our Homes and those in our Home Support Programs, as ffiJny of th~ seniors are not receiving the correct foot care and it was decided Dr. Larson would be hired to carry out foot care in Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, at no cost to the County as this is covered by OHIP. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the Warden. the Committee of Management of Elgin County Homes for Senior citizens and members of Elgin County CoUncil for allowing us to arrange the many varied programs for senior citizens and I certainly hope we can continue to offer as many programs and services to our senior citizens to assist them in living in the community rather than an institutionalized setting. OUr concern now is ~he fact that in the year 2001 we will have a tremendous increase in senior citizens and it is necessary to start planning for the problems that will certainly occur in Elgin County. All of which is respectfully submitted. P. J. BOYES', Director/Administrator PJB/bv Nov.ll/85 339 HOME-SUPP,ORT PROGRAMS Mea1s-0n~Wheels: At Terrace Lodge we have volunteer services deliver Meals-on-wheels to the community and at present there are 59 meals per week being delivered, a total of 2,617 meals since January 1st 19a5. At Elgin Manor, being a rural area it is more difficult to get volunteers~ however. we are delivering 3 rural meals 3 times a week and have SUpplied 171 meals since January 1st 1985. Wheels-To-Meals: The Senior citizens are brought in to the Home for the Aged for a noon meal Monday to Friday and many of these seniors have their own transportation, however, they do enjoy the social contact gained through congregate dining and it does assist the senior citizens to receive a balanced diet. Elgin Manor has 27 per week - a total of 715 year to date. Dav Care: This program is a very important program to senior citizens who are residing with their families. It means that the senior citizen can attend the Home activities on a daily basis enjoying a hot meal and the craft and recreation programs. Day Care residents may reqUire transportation but most of them have their own transportation through members of the family. At the present time we have one resident at Terrace Lodge and four residen~s at Elgin Manor enjoying this program. Vacation Care: This program assists senior citizens who are residing with their families may be admitted to the Home for a sho~t term admission which enables the family to take a vacation knowing their family resident is being cared for and at the present time we have one resident at Terrace Lodge and eight residents at Elgin Manor enjoying this particular program. Recuperation Care: Senior citizens, who have been hospit~ized may require more prQfessional nursing care wqich the Home for Senior Citizens can provide. A short term admission should be arranged prior to hospitalization. This program is being widely used at both Homes. Terrace Lodge at the pr~sent time has 4 senior citizens in this program and Elgin Manor bas 2 in this program. poot Care: We have recently hired the services of a Podiatrist, Dr. Larson, who is now carrying out foot clinics at bo~h Homes~ Terrace Lodge has 73 seniors enjoying this service a month and Elgin Manor has 12 seniors enjoying this monthly service. Beauty Parlour: Owing to tbe fact that we have so many people at Elgin Manor enjoying the Home Support frograms we normally have about 5 ladies wbo use the beauty parlour on their day at Elgin Manor. -2- Telephone Call for Assistance: the senior citizens in the community We have supplied telephone stickers to and we are avail abl e on a 24 hour basis should the senior require some sort of assistance to continue living in the community. Telephone Assurance: Seniors residing aione in the community are contacted daily by the Home ensuring the seniox is in good health. This program provides a friendly visit to a senior who might not otherwise be contacted. Counselling and Referral: Seniors may contact the Home with regard to programs or services for the elderly. The Home endeavours to supply the senior with accurate details and/or referral to the proper agency. Assistance is offered to seniors in completing pension applications, tax grants or income taxes. Menu Planning: Nu tri tion for the el derl y is a cOI.1cern for the Home. Seniors who would like assistance in maintaining a proper diet should contact the Home and our dietitian ~ill provide necessary information and guidance. Winter Residence: We are pleased that. senior citizens in Elgin county are participating in this program and at the present time 3 senior citizens are enjoying the winter residence at Terrace Lodge. These residents are able to enjoy the accommodation for a short term and the, cost is determined on the abil i ty to pay basis. Exercise Program: Fitness is a concern for senior citizens and we are pleased ,that we are operating an excellent swim program at Terrace Lodge -and at the present time we have 25 senior citizens twice a week enjoying Ihis program. Also Ih0 s0rvi~es arc offered to the YWCA for programs for tots and teens and also to the Mentally Retarded Association in springfield who use this facility. Blood Pressure Clinics.; This is offered at Terrace Lodge through the Registered Nurses Association of Elgin County and has certainly found to be an excellent program and we have 20 seniors per month enjoying this.once a month. These progr~ms are offered to assist our senior citizens who reside in their home and the seniors certainly seem to benefit from these programs and it enables our seniors to get to know a Home for the Aged prior to making the application to move into the Home. DAY CARE 1 MEALS ON WHEELS 59/week 2617 since Jan41/85 TERRACE LODGE VACATION CARE 1 RECUPERATION CARE 2 WINTER RESIDENCE 3 ASSISTED BATHING WHEE,LS TO MEALS FOOTCARE HAIR CARE MONTHLY NEEDLE BLOOD PRESSURE SWIM PROGRAM VACANT BEDS WATTING L1sT IN HOSPITAL_ 4 outreach 73 - cl inic per month 20 per month - clinic 25. - 2 x weekly 7 26 female, 17 male 1 WAITING LIST FOR EXTENDED CARE 341 ELGIN MANOR 3 rural meals 3 x weekly 171 since Ja n.l/85 4 B 2 394 outreach 715 12 5 1 11 58 female, 36 male 2 6 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OP ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPORT ON ELGIN MANOR FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1985. 1. Number of residents as of December 31, 1984 ..............134 2. Number of residents admitted during the year.............. 49 3. Number of residents discharged during the year............. ~O 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the year.............. 11 5. Number of residents now in the Home....................... 137 6. Total. days r.e.sidence................. ..;......... ...... ..... 40616 7. Average number of residents during the year............... 133 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being neld). 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy..... ...... ............. .... $855,864.79 Ol d Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance............. $845,008.34 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased residents. $ 20,985.14 SUndries................................................. $ Government of Canada Sales Tax refund.................. $ 5,111.95 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of Operating......... .... ...... ...................... $1.9TO,646.27 Average Expenses per day of each person................$ 47.04 Average Expenses per week of each person...............$ 329.20 Aver.age Expenses per year of each person............... $ 17,169.60 Actual Cost to C~:)Unty after deducting receipts......... $ 130~823.50 Actual Cost to County per day per resident.............$ 3.22 10. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of capital Expenditures........................... Province of OntarioSUbsi~y...........................~ Actual Cost to the County............................... 11. There were 183 persons in residence dUring 1985. 62 male and l21 female:-Df the 137 persons in residence on the first day ~ovember 19d5, ~ are male and ~ are female. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January lst, 1985 to October 31st, 1985. 12. All of which is respectfully submitted. 343 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT TO THE WARDEN andMEMBERS.OP ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPORT ON BYRNE REST HOME FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31st, 1985. 1. Number of residents as of. December 31, 1984...............3 2. Number of residents admitted during the year.............. 2 3. Number of residents disCharged during the year............ _ 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the year............... _ 5. Number of residents now in the Home....................... 5 6. Total days residence......................................l034 7. Average n~mber of residents during the year............... 3 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being heldl. a. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario SUbsidy.............................$!,631.78 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance..............$16,S44.89 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased residents.. SUndries.. ..... ..... ........ '.','" ... ......... ..... eo .... _... Government of Canada Sales.Tax Refund.................... 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of Ope.rating............. .... e................ .$18,87.6.00 Average Expenses per day of each person............S 18.26 Average Expenses per weekofeachperson...........$ 127.82 Average Expenses per year of each p€rson...........S 6,664.90 Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts.....S 699.33 Actual Cost to County per day per resident...........$ .6~ 10. There were 5 persons in residence during 1985; 3 male and 2 female:--0f the 5 . persons ~n resl.dence on the first day of November 1985, 3~e male and 2- are femal.e. 11. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January 1st, 1985 to October 31st, 1985. . All of which is respectfully submitted. DIRECTOR/anMTNTSTRATOR REPORT TD ~HE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE POLLOWING IS MY REPORT ON TERRACE LODGE FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1985. 1. Number of residents as of December 3l. 1984............._...96 2. Number of residents admitted during theyear...............l9 3. Number of residents discharged duting the year.......~....s1 4. Number of deaths in the Borne during the year~............~o- 5. Numbe:Lof residents now in the Home........................93 6. Total days residence..... ...........~....... .............. ..24300 7. Average. number of residents during the year.............. .91 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario 5ubsidy..........................~14,348.08 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance...........~56.155.14 Arrears of Maintena~ce & Estates of deceased residentS> 16,071.64 Sundries............................................... $60.00 Government of Canada sales Tax refund.................. $2:,382.00 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost of opera.ting...........................,..... .$9-7.8,-479.07 Average Expenses per day of each person.......;.....~ 40.27 Average Expenses per week of each person..........$ 28l.89 Average Expenses per year of eachperson...........s 14.698.55 Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts....OS 91,904.21 Actual Cost to County per day per resident. ........ ... $3.79: 10. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cost of.. Capital. Exp.enditures............................ Province. of Ontario: Subsidy.........................:..... Actual Cost to the county............................... 11. There were 115persons in residence during 1985. 20 male and 95 female~f the 93 persons in residence on tii'efirst day of November 1985, -2....0 ate ffialeand .1l- are female. l2. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January 1st, 1985 to october 3lst 1985. All of which is respectfully submitted. RESIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES Residents Dry Cleaning Beau.ty Parlour Supplies Barbering Clothing-Residentia1 Care N -Extended Care Footwear-Residential Care .. -Extended care Recreation-Entertainment Robby Crafts Adjuvant EqUip~Repairs,Mtnce. Equipment. Replacements Miscellaneous Sa1.aries Employee Benefits- (omers,Ohip,etc) Day Ca~e Programs Contract Services ELGIN MANOR BUDGET , 84 Actual -7.00cr -6,520..87cr -874.00cr 117.47 197.10 5,415.74 -280.82cr 93.44 60,962.86 8,119.69 -751.S0cr , 85 Proposed -7,OOO.OOcr -900.00cr 100.00 125.00 4,000.00 -200.00cr 100.00 50.00 73,.820.00 8,450.00 -750.00er 345 ll) . 85 Actual Oct.31/85 4.50 ":7,544.50cr -791.00cr 256.44 -154.37cr 2,856.45 1,379~45 39.74 64,563.12 9,125.57 -1,648.00 SUB TOTAL $68,0,87.40 $66',472.11 DIETARY SERVICES Raw Food Costs . $181,673.83 Repl acements, Dishes, cu tl ery 3,570.36 MisC:(foil,p~p1ates,detergent) 13,391.77 Equip. Repairs & Mtee. 6,398..61 Equipment Replacements 9,197.76 Other Misc(d.cloths,t.towels) 645.93 Salaries 236,507.71 Employee Benefits- (Omers,Ohip,etc) 26,137.33 Sal e of Meal. Tickets and Visitors Meals -4,257.39cr SUB TOTAL $473,265.91 $77,795.00 $191,000.00 3,500.00 13,000.00 4,000.00 6,500.00 400.00 264,753.00 28,900.00 -5,OOO.00cr $507,053.00 $141,550.93 2,390.31 11,418.27 2,623.20 -5,445.75cr 664.64 251,623.95 26,181.66 -3,342.20cr $42.7,665.01 RESIDENTS MEDICAL NURSING SERVICES Home Physician Approved Drugs Medical Nursing SUpplies Equip.Repairs & Mtce. Equipment Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot Care Ambul ance Other Misc{Res.Med.Charts) Sal aries Employee Benefits_ (Omers,Ohip,etc) SUB TOTAL HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES Tissue, Kleenex, Soap Mops, Pails, etc. Wax, Cleaners, etc. Pest Control (Contract) Equip. Repairs & Mtce. Equipment Replacements Other Miscell aneou s Sal aries Employee Benefits- (Omers,Ohip:,etc) SUB TOTAL -2- . 84 Actual. '85 PrOpOsed . 85 Actual Oct.::l1/85 $ 5,659.02 7,589.43 789~35 1,005.67 148.00 _l27.90cr . 23.00 1,483.40 748,469.65_ 73,705.06 $838..744.68 $ 3,999.01 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,990.44 1,769.42 1,500.00 899.18 7,134.97 6,500.00 3,456.56 408.00 432.00 32-0.00 285.99 200.00 l27~47 1,752.29 2,100.00 - 140,964.43 156,080.00 131,217.IH 17,518.85 18,000.00 14,804.58 $173. 832~ 96 $188,812.00 $152,816.04 LAUNDRY SERVICES Replacements,Bedding,Linens $ 7,414.66 $ 7,784.00 3,338.16 Replacements, Uniforms - - - Miscellaneous - - 305.57 Soap,' Bleach, etc. 8,627.37 9,059.00 6,289.10 Thread, Thermo Pa~ch 346.55 200.00 2.09 Contract - - - Equip. Repairs, Mtce. 1,007.68 2,000.00 344.32 Equipment Replacements 170.21 1,000.00 20.83 Sa! aries 36,102.75 47,192.00 34,955.17 Employee Benefits- (omers,Ohip,et_c) 4,907.92 5,300.00 4,758.88 SUB TOTAL $58,577.14 $72,535.00 $50,014.12 Funeral .and Burial $ 1,828.00 7,342.72 9,808.87 1,401.13 6,373.55 1,054.00 29.15 7,379.00 200.00 10,300.00 2,000.00 4,361.00 1,500.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 1,003.00 879,596.00 85,000.00 641.71 773,937.46 78,577.73 $879,166.32 $991,939.00 -3- . 84 Actu al BUILDING & PROPERTY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE . 85 Proposed 347 '85 Actual Oct.3l/as Electricity $30,306.94 $33,000.00 $ 26,537.78 Water 5,084.36 5~700.00 4,377.22 Fuel 51,721.99 60,000.00 36,522.03 Garbage Collection 2,835.00 2,941.00 2,173.49 Taxes - - - Ins.Boiler PI ant Equip. 4,463.00 3,487.00 3,409.00 Rent 33.17 100.00 - Building Light Bulbs 1,362.84 1,430.00 1,17J..8_3 Repairs.Mtce.Bldg.Equipment 26,358.39 27,675.00 25,138.68 Equipment Replacements 7,955.95 8,500.00 67.12 Other Misc(Fire Alarm,Contract) 2,691.74 3,730.00 2,342.30 Salaries 73,584.37 78,758.00 77,565.S~ Employee Benefits- (Omers.Ohi~~etcl 10,899.46 12,299.00 11,495.17 Home Vehicle 5,387.07 8,988.00 10,371.93 Water Line Repairs - 500.00 712.42 SUB TOTAL $222,684.28 $247,108.00 $201,884.55 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE Contract Services Adver-tising Audi t Legal Postage Printing, Stationary Tel ephorie Travelling, convention Insurance PLjPD Workmens Compensation Borne Vehicle Other Misc(Flowers,staff Meds) Equip. Repairs, Mtce. Equipment Replacements Preight& Express Staff Development Membership Dues InserviceEducation Salaries' Employee Benefits'- {Omers ,Ohip, etc} Sick Day Payou t Bank Interest & Charges 3,754-.74 446~73 1,500.00 7,332.56 2,277.05 4,929.12 7,336.77 11,968.31 3,610.06 16,224.49 SUBN TOTAL Total Expenditures Resident Days Gross Per diem 2,9~4.28 746.36 1,171.65 523.05 1,144.95 100.39 97,204.70 14,241.48 714.22 $178,150.91 $2,052,149.63 4,000.00 300.00 2,000.00 5,000-.00 2,500.00 4,600.00 8,000.00 13,000.00 1,878.00 20.070.00 3,000.00 900.00 600.00 630.00 2,OOO~00 900.00 5,000.00 116,147.00 16,500.00 4,000.00 900.00 $211,925.00 $2,297,167~-OO 53,582 42.87 $ 4,692.73 1,137.17 3,150.00 3,365.43 1,790.11 4,606.48 6',379~74 8,059.98 2,321'-53 19,632.56 2,470.63 663.94 952.78 229.99 380.&4 1,241.67 97,214.75 14,821. 72 179.95 $173,292.00 Total Expenditures Expenditure Recoveries SUB TOTAL Operating Deficit County' Share 30% CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Bus Renovations-diningroom Range Oven & Grill Range Oven & Plate Engineering Fees County Share 50% Non-Shareabl e Expenditures County Share In All REVENUE Revenue from Residents - Extended Care Revenue from Provincial Subsidy - Extended Care Revenue from Residents -Residential Care Estates of Deceased Residents and Arrears of Maintenance TOTAL REVENUE - . - '84 Actual '85 pro~osed $2,052.149.63 6,871.47 $2,297,167.00 5,000.00 '85 Actual Oct. 31/ 85 S1,914.331.80 5,111.95 $2,045.278.16 300,570.31 90.171.09 $2,292,167.00 344,069~OO 103,220.70 13,000..00 125,000.00 3,400~OO 3,350.00 $1,909,219.85 431,323.61 129,397.08 2.193.97 92,365.06 416,486.44 679,290.66 602,445.25 46',485.50 S144,750.00 72,375.00 1,000.00 176.595.70 48l.011~OO 720,852.00 726,235.00 20,000.00 1,426.42 $130,823.50 361,ll3.19 611,902.76 483,895.15 Sl,744.707.85 $1,948,098.00 $1.477,896.24 20,985.14 SATELLITE80ME CARE Home Physician Drugs &"Medication D~ntist E~e Care Poot Care. Lab Test Xray Specialist Amb.11 ance Rebate~Non Pensioners Cl othing Pootwear Dry Cleaning Residents' Maintenance Misccllaneous TOTAL ~ Pensions & Other Income Deficit County Share 30% Resident Days Per Diem 349 -5- '85 Actual -84 Actual '85 Proposed Oct.31j85 $23,886.00 $33,726.00 18,876.00 $23,886.00 $33,726.00 $18,876.00 $21,233.65 $28,800.00 16,5.44.89 $ 2,652.35 $ 4,926.00 $2,331.11 $795.70 $1,477.80 $699.33 1460 $23.10 TERRACE LODGE BUDGET RESIDENTS SOCIAL SERVICES Resident Dry Cleaning Beauty Parlour SUpplies Barbering Clothing and Footwear Recreation and Entertainment Hobby. Crafts Adjuvant Comfort Money Equip. Repairs, Htce. Equipment Replacements Miscellaneous Salaries Employee Benefits- Omers,Ohip,etc) Day Care Program Contract Service(swim) '84 Actual _5,055.98cr 656.00 -3 ~ 26cr 2,559.33 -964.28cr '85 Proposed -6,OOO.00cr 700.00 3,200.00 -900.00cr (1) '85 Actual Oct.31/85 _3,746.01cr 467.00 -ll..04cr': 1,908.33 -39.6.30cr 27,729~69 31,275.00 24,668.37 2,501.44 2,930.00 2,:253.14 _1,510.50cr -2,400.:00cr _1,238.30 1,990.00 - - $27 ,902.44 $28,805..00 $23,905.19 SUB TOTAL DIETARY SERVICES Raw Food Costs $130,676.98 Replacements,Dishes, CUtlery 2,825.25 Misc(foil,p.plates,detergent) 7,767.02 Equip.Repair, Mtce. 2,398.61 Equipment Replacements 32.09 Other Misc(t.towels,d.cloths) 140.17 Salaries 154,282.64 Employee Benefits- (Omers,Ohip,etc) Sale of Meat Tickets 14,090.59 -10,:640.75cr $138, OOO.~OO 3,000.00 8,155:.00 3,000.00 250.00 150.00 171,965.00 15,900.00 -ll,OOO.OOcr $l03,22~.80 1,370.55 6,547..22 1,838.82 44.89 _24.92er 152,884.54 13,799.48 - 7 , 551. OOer SUB TOTAL $272,138.38 $301,572.60 $329,420.00 RESIDENTS MEDICAL NURSING SERVICES Borne Physician Approved Drugs Med.Nursing SUpplies Equip. Repairs & Mtce. Equipment Replacements Dentist Eye Care Foot Care AmbJ..l ance Oth~r MiscCRes.Charts) Sararies Empl oyee. Benefi t,s- (bDiers,ohip,etcl SUB TOTAl HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE Tissue, IO.eenex, Soap Mops, pails, etc. Wax CLeaners Pest Control Eqtiipment,Repairs. Mtce. Equipment' Repl acements other Misc. sar aries Empl~yee Benefits~ (Omers,Ohip,etc) SUB. TOTAL LAUNDRY SERVICE Replacements, Bedding,Linen Replacement Uniforms Miscellaneous Soap, Bleach, etc. Thread,Thermo Patch Contract(Laundry service) Equip.Repairs, Mtce. Equipment Repl acements Salaries Employee Benefits- (Omers,Ohip,etc) SUB' TOTAL 351 -2- '85 Actual '84 Actual . 85 Proposed Oct. 31/85 $ 4,908.00 $ 4,9-32.00 $ 3,798.00 - 200.00 - 7,349.63 7,800.00 1,887.85 241.69 500.00 131.36 1,005.70 551~00 1,000.00 5.00 100.00 200.00 - 941.62 727.00 422.00 314,053.38 350,120.00 300,921.86 32,578.79- 38,197.00 31",141.38 $361,078.81 $404,337~00 $338,307.45 2,340.91 2,457.00 $ 1,314.14 742.75 500.00 137.50 5,U1.98 5,000.00 4,196.94 22.86 408.00 286.00 442.00 475.00 1,891.39 7,000.00 - - 103,536.92 116,883.00 101,550.59 10,575.25 11,200.00 11,048.0b: $124,714.0f $143,923.00 $118,533.25 1,000.00 448.44 - - - - - - 469.03 500.00. 301~47 - 25~00 - 17,260.67 17,518.00 13,639.50 5.62 300.00 187.10 600.00 - - - - $17,922.42 $19,943.00 $14,389.41 BUILDING & PROPERTY OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Electricity Water,Water Service Line Fuel Garbage Collection Taxes Ins. Boiler Plant Equip. Rent Bldg. Light Bulbs Equip.aldg.Repairs,Mtce. Equipment Replacements Home Vehicle Other Misc.tElevator Contract) Sal aries Employee Benefits- (omers,Ohip,etc) SUBTOTAL GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE Contract Services $ Advertising Audit Legal Postage Printing, Stationary Tel ephone Travelling, Convention Insurance PL/PD Workmens compensation Other Misc(Plowers,Staff Meds) Equip.Repairs, Mtce. Equipment Replacements Preight & Express Staff Development Membership Dues Sal aries Employees Benefits- (Omers,Ohip.,etc) sick Day Payout Bank Interest SUB TOTAl Total Expenditures gross per diem Resident Days (97.5%) _3_ , 85 Actual . 84 Actual '85 proEosed Oct.31/85 $ 60.873.18 $ 66,200.00 $52,000.l:l0 5,664.92 6,000.00 5,30L42 - 400.00 - 2,H6.92 2,230.00 1,645.99 - - - 3,296.00 2,829..00 2,740.00 - 100.00 - 1,104.88 1,160.00 2,528.09 15,097.41 16,800.00 13,190.72 271.60 3,000.00 - 3,786.00 5,10.0.00 6,568.50 4,139.98 5,277,00 3,4Q2.22 37,.156.71 40,968.00 36,065.36 4,567.28 5,100.00 4,085.95 $138,104.88 $155,164.00 $127,529.05 2,471.61 1,500.00 ll, 651. 54 552.90 1,905.69 6,446.34 3,099.41 2,677.00 7,937.65 556.82 307.09 245.03 215.'27 459.23 891.77 55,556.87 6,515.22 859.92 $ 2,595.00 $ 2.064.68 50.00 117.86 1,950.00 2,400.00 5,OOO~00 - 600.00 445.83 2,500.00 1,020.11 6,600.00 5,039.87 4,300.00 3,923.81 1,805.00 2,093.02 9,:755.00 9,206".84 2,100.00 1,207~05 500.00 186.18 1,000.00 - 150.00 60.20 1,500.00 724.56 700.00 120.00 76.753.00 50,220.38 7,100.00 7,083.25 3,000.00 - 800.00 163.95 $128,758.00 $86,077.59 $1,210,350.00 $980,880.32 34.01 35,588 $103,859.36 $1,075,154.57 Total Expenditures Expenditure Recoveries SUBTOTAL Operating. Deficit County Share 30% Capital Expenditures Resurface Driveway & Parking Lot Total Capital Expenditures county Share 50% Non Shareable Expenditures County Share In All Revenue from Residents Residential Care Estates of Deceased Residents & Arrears of Maintenance TOTAL REVENUE 353 -4- '85 Actual '84.Actual '85. Proposed Oct.3I/85 $1,075,154.57 $1,210,350.00 $980,880.32 1,866.50 2.500.00 2,:442.00 $1,073,288.07 $1,207,850.00 $978,438.32 235,485.63 293,164.0:0 306,211.54 70,645.69 87,949.00 91,863.46 90.37 250.00 40.75 $ 70,736..06 $.88,199.00 $91,904.21 827,903.58 899,686.00 $656,155.14 9,898.86 15.000.00 16. 71.64 $837,802.44 $914,686.00 $612, 26.78 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1985 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property committee reports as follows: l. That the estimate of $l,lOO to put in a drop ceiling in the lunch room be accepted at the new Administration Building.. 2. That the following purchase of used furniture be authorized for payment; Plus Tax $ 400.00 65.00 35.00 35.00 '300.00 240.00 40.00 1,115.00 78.05 $l,l93.0s Used fridge and stove Z. davenports and 1 chair Table and 4 chairs 1 coffee and 2 end tables 1 fridge 1.freezer Delivery ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ 1f;;{',,, - <-_..,~ / 355 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1985 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the Wardet;l and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with Kent Kiddie KOllege, Chatham. 2. That the resolution from the Co_unty of Essex (Corres- pondence #2) be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .4]~/,~ D. Perovich, Chairman. /'4/ ?/ . . -:'ll1' . "5. "" < . ,......J J COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-53 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SET THE DAILY REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES THEREOF." The Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; l. That the following remuneration be paid-to each Member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof - (a) For attending a meeting, when the. said meeting is held in both the forenoon and afternoon or evening on the same day - $75.00 (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is held in either the forenoon, afternoon or evening ~ $45.00 (c) In addition to the above remuneration, each Member shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such meetings as established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. (d) Where a Member of Council is requested by the Warden to represent him at a meeting (other than a social function), that he/she be paid per diem and mileage. In the event they rep- resent him at asocial function, they be paid mileage only. 2. That by-LaW No. 83-45 be, and the same is hereby repealed. . 3. That this by-law become effective January 1st, 1986. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 198'5. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1985. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. e;L:~-~~J , /' R"/ J. Lavereau, ~/; Warden. 357 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 85-54 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL REMUNERATION TO BE PAlO TO THE WARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. " WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the Warden of the -County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That the annual remuneration for the Warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of thecouncil,mee~ings of .the vario~s Committees and Local Boards, and performing all other duties applicable to his office, shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($l5,OOO.OOl per annum, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (I). the Warden shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending County func- tions, in addition to Council and Committee meetings, asestab- lished for the use of personal vehicles for County business. A monthly. account for mileage travelled for other-than Council and/or Committees shall be submitted to the Clerk,. on a form to be provided~ . 3. Attendance at conventions shall be reimbursed as out~ lined in the by-law establishing rates for such attendance. 4. card upon behalf of That the Warden be provided with a telephone credit which to charge long distance telephone calls made on the County of Elgin. That By-Law No. 83-44 be, and the same is hereby 5. repealed. 6. That this by-law become effective January lst, 1986. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1985~ READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of November; 1985. ~~ >>-.-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk, , /' ;L:) /.-;.<<-, ~ - < <- ~_/ , / ~. J. Lavereau, L-- Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-55 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection l3 of Section 104 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, C.l98 as amended) provides that: "The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by_ by-law-approved by the Mirtistry limit the gross weight of any vehicle and/or any class thereof passing over such bridge, and the requirements of Subsect"ion l2 with respect to the posting-of notice apply thereto.~; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over.certainbridges in the .county of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the. Corpora- tion of the. County of Elgin enacts as follows; l. . . No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty-or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedules No.1 and No.2, forming part of this By~Law with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such "bridge. 2. By-Law of the Any person violating shall be subject to the Highway Traffic Act. any of the provisions of this penalty provided in Section l06 3.. This By-Law shall not become effective_until approved by the Ministry of Transportatiooand Communications and until a notice_of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedu~es. 4. By-Law No. 83-46 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1985 READ a second time thi~ 20th day of November, 1985 READ a third time: and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1985 ~-/~<>"~ G. C. Leverton; Clerk. /, -.....~.. < < R. J. Lavereau; Warden. / Number Bridge No. (MTC) SCHEDULE NO. 1 By-Law No.. 85-55 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS Road No. Name of Bridge Location Weight Liinit in Tonnes Year of Construc- tion 359 Type of Floor Finish 1. 5-l46 Wood 43 Phillmore Lot 3., Con. VI. Township of Bayham 15 1909 Bridge No-. (MTC) SCHEDULE NO. 2 By-Law No. 85-55 Name of Bridge COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Location Weight Limit in Tonnes Year of Construc- tion Type of Floor Finish 5-'-59 Wooden 1. 2. 5-60 3. Robbins Fulton Lot 5, River Road, Township of Sorithwol.d Lots 3 and 4, Mill Road, ToWnship of Southwold 5-133 Meeks Lot l6, North Union Road, Township of Southwold 4. 5-l38 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II, Township of Yarmouth 5. 5-l58 Vienna Lot l4, Con. III, Bayham - now in the Village of Vienna 20 4 1898 15 19l2 18 1900 15 1908 Unknowri, Recon- struc.ted in 1933 Concrete Concrete Bituminous and Wood Concrete 361 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No'. 85-56 "BEING A BY-lAW TO FORMALLY ADOPT PERSONNEL POLICIES FOR All FUll- TIME STAFF NOT COVERED BY A COllECTIVE AGREEMENT." WHEREAS pOlicies concerning the employment, con- ditions and various other aspects dealing withfull~time employees, not covered by- collective agreements, have been both written and/or understood by usage over a period of time; and WHEREAS County Cotincilengaged.an outside firm to review present policies and suggest others for inclusion in a written hPersonnel Policy Manualu, for employees who do not have these presently documented in a written collective agree- ment-; and WHEREAS the-Personnel Committee has received, reviewed and' amended various personnel polic{eSfor inclusion in a said manual. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the attached hPersoDnel poiicYManual~ marked Schedule bAh be formally adopted and apply to all full-time staff not covered by collective agreements. 2. That thisby~law be effective January lst, 1986~ READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a thirg time and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1985. ~~y;.-,-V G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 1:~::; ? ".~~....""......", .. (jj. Laver. .- - ~"'-"" warden.eau, ~-j 2 Schedule QA" COUNTY OF ELGIN PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL 1. APPLICATION (a) Policies in this manual apply to all full-time staff not covered by a collective agreement. (b) Part-time, temporary and contract staff shall be covered by these policies only if ~pec~fically mentioned. 2. EMPLOYEE STATUS ~ DEFINITIONS (a) Full-time staff are thoSe employees who regularly work the standard weekly hours for the Department as specified in Section l3, for 52 weeks each year on a continuing basis. (b) Permanent part-time Staff are those employees who regularly work less than the standard weekly hours specified for the Department on a continuing basis. (c) Temporary staff are those employees who are hired for a period of time which mayor may not be defined and whose condi~ tions of employment are not set out in a written contract. (e) Department Heads are the; Clerk~Treasurert County Engineer: Director, Homes for Senior Citizens: Director of Social Services: County Librarian. (f) Management staff are the: Assistant Engineer: General superintendent: Assistant General Superintende~t: Engineering Technician: Roads Office,co-ordinator: Deputy Clerk-Treasurer: Assistant Homes Administrator: Director of Nursing; Building Supervisor (Homes); Assistant Director of Nursing: Dietary Supervisor: Deputy Librarian. 3. EMPLOYMENT 3.01 Hiring Procedure {al Authorization for the creation of all new positions shall be given by the appropriate Standing Committee before any recruiting activities begin. (b) The Personnel Committee shall advertise for, interview and select staff to fill the positions of Department Head and ASSistant/Deputy to the Department Head. (c) The Department Head shall have the authority to hire all staff below the level of Assistant/Deputy and shall personally carry out necessary recruiting/selection procedures, unless dele- gated to an appropriate individual within the Department. (d) Vacancies for all full-time and permanent part-timeposi~ tions not covered by a collective agreement, including Department Head and Assistant/Deputy, shall be posted in all Departments. If, in the opinion of the individual recruiting, the posting does not generate a sufficient number of suitable applicants, he/she may commence advert.ising. (el Positions other than those noted above may be posted at the Department Head'~ discretion. (fl All full-time and permanent part-time hirings shall be reported to the appropriate Standing Committee. 3.02 Employment of Relatives (a) No member of an employee's immediate family, as defined in Section 19 (c) as well as his/her niece or nephew shall be hired to fill any position within the employee'S department. 363 - 2 - 3. EMPLOYMENT - continued 3.03 Pre-employment Medicals All applicants for full-time and permanent part-time positions shall have a pre-employment medical at the County's expense prior to commencing work. Such medicals shall be performed by a physi- cian designated by the County. Employees of Elgin_ Manor and Terrace Lodge will have annual medicals, performed-by their oWn physician, as set outr in the regulations under the Homes for the Aged Act. 3.04 Relocation Expenses Moving and other relocation expenses in connection with assuming a position with the County-will not be paid unless specifically authorized by the Personnel Committee. 3.05 probationary Period - New Employees (a) The first 120 day~ worked, including paid holidays, for a full-tim~management employee shall be a probationary period. Prior to the end of this period, each such employee shall be given a performance review. If satisfactory, the Department Head will confirm the individual's employment by letter. (b) If not satisfactory, the employee must be terminated before the end of the periOd or the Department Head may authorize one extension of a further 60 days'worked. A review must again be given as above and the employee confirmed or terminated. (c) The probationary period for non-management employees shall be 60 days worked and the above procedures'sha11 apply; (d) Reports on the progress of new Department Heads and ASSistants/Deputies shall be provided to the Personnel Committee by the Standing Committee by the 40th and 80th day of the proba- tionary period. The performarice review specified at the end of the period shall be carried out by the Standing Committee and reported ~o the Personnel Committee. (e) The_ Department Head may terminat~ an employee during hisj her probationary period and there will be no appeal against such action. 3.06 Probationary Period - Internal Transfers Employees transferred to other Departments will have the first 60 days worked treated as_ a probationary periOd and be subject_to a performance review before the end of the periOd as described above. Department Heads are under no obligation to offer rein~ statement in the previous Department to employees who do not succeed in their new position. 3.07 Conflict of Interest Because of possible interference with their own jobs, employees must not perform work for a supplier of goods or services to the County, unless prior approval is given by the Department Head. Violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action. 4. DISCIPLINE (a) The Department Head and the employee's~ediate superyisor are responsible for enforcing fair and consistent discipline within the Department. Disciplinary measures can include repri- mands, formal warnings, suspensions without pay and terminations. The Department Head must be consulted before any action is taken, except for reprimands. (b) Subject to the duties of Head of Council as specified in The Municipal Act, disciplinary procedures for Department Heads shall be initiated by Council as a whole. - 3 - 5. WARNING PROCEDURE In all cases where there is a possibility that aD employee may have to be terminated-, a warning procedure should be followed. Suggested steps in such a procedure are; 5.01 Informal Warning The supervisor should tell the employee of the Dature of the pro- blemand offer help in its solution. A date should be set for a review of progress. A written summary, as described in Step B, is not necessary except where serious problems are encountered. 5.02 Formal Warning This should take place on the date set in StepA. The supervisor should stress the seriousness of the situation and note future consequences if there fs no improvement. A new review date should be set and help offered once more. Unless it would impede problem-solving, another staff member should he present as a witness. Immediately after the interview, the supervisor must write_a summary of the proceedings noting the date, steps to be taken by both sides and the consequences discussed. Copies must go to the employee's central personnel fil~i the employee and the Department Head. 5.03 Final Warning A second person designated by the employer must be present during this interview which should be conducted by the Department Head. It must be stressed that this is the final warning with termina- tion the next step. Help should again be offered, but' an end date for the procedure must be set. If appropriate, the employee may be suspended without pay at this point to reinforce the seriousness of the situation. The suspen- sion must be fora specific period and' should commence immediately after the interview. The Personnel Committee should be consulted before a suspension is given to' obtain authorization for the action and to determine reasonable notice if termination becomes necessary. A summary of all proceedings should be written and distributed as before. 5.04 Termination Interview A witness must be present at this time. Only the facts of the case should be dealt with and, if appropriate, the employee should be asked to leave.the premises and turn in keys and other security items. A summary of the proceedings should be placed in the personnel file. The employee's final cheque, with all deductions made, should be forwarded to him/her at the earliest opportunity. IN. SOME CASES. MORE OR FEWER STEPS MAY BE NEEDED. DEPENDING ON THE CIRCUMSTANCES. 6. TERMINATIONS 6.0l Authority (a) Department Heads shall recommend to the appropriate Standing Committee the termination of full-time and permanent part-time staff who have completed their probationary period. (b) Department Heads have the authority to terminate temporary and contract staff and employees who have not completed their probationary periOd. 365 - 4 - 6. TERMINATIONS - continued 6.01 Authority - continued (c) Terminations of Department Heads shall be authorized by Council with regard to rights to hearings under statute. 6.02 Termination Date The termination date for all employees shall be the last day worked except for cases of resignation and retirement (see Sections 6 D, and 7). All benefits shall cease on the date of termination. 6.03 Types of Terminations and Notice Periods (a-) End of contract period ~he end of the period stated in thecoritract shall be theter- minationdate-for contractual employees,unless that ,period is extended in writing with another end date. No notice or pay in lieu of notice shall be given to contractual employees unless specifically stated in the contract. (b) Layoff i. Layoff under the Employment Standards Act are interrup~ tions of employment for l3 weeks or less. ii. Notice is not required in layoff, but Department Heads should, if possible, give at least seven calendar days notice in such cases. iii. Layoff shall be on the basis of Service with the County and ability to do the jOb. The employee with the shortest ser~ vice shall be laid off first unless this leaves the Department with no one who is available to perform the required duties. In such a case, the shorter service employee with the required skills may be retained. iv. Recall shall be on the basis of service, with preference being given to the employee with the longest service who is capa- ble of doing the work available. v. Service for the purposes of this section shall be based on time actually worked for the County and shall not include periOds on layoff. vi. If an employee does not return to work within seven caien- dar days of being notified by registered mail to his/her last known address that_work is available, he/she shall be deemed to be no longer in the employ of the County unless granted a leave of absence by the Department Head. If re-employed, he/s~eshall be treated as a new employee. vii. No credits for sick payor vacation pay shall be. accumu- lated during periods of laYOff. viii. Vacation credits accumulated during the vacation year Prior to the date of layoff must be used up immediately fOllowing the commencement of the laYOff. ix. No Paid Holidays (see Section l6) will be given during periOdS of layoff, nor will sick pay from theCoun~y (see Section 19 c) be available for illness/disability occurring after the layoff commences. (c) Extended Disability The first 24 months during which an employee receives Long Term Disability payments under the County's plan is considered a leave of absence without pay. At the end of this period, the employee will be terminated as he/she is unable to perform his/her duties. The date of termination will be the end of the 24 month period. 136 - 5 - 6. TERMINATIONS - continued 6.03 Types of Terminations and Notice Periods - continued (c) Extended Disability - continued Such a termination will in no way affect the entitlement to LTD payments themselves~ The Department Head will inform the employee of these conditions in writing before disability payments from the insurance company commence. Should the employee recover and be accepted for work after ter- mination under this section, he/shewill_ be granted credit for employment up to the date of disability for any service-related benefits such as vacation and layoff protection. (d) Involuntary for ~causen Terminations for cause are those resulting from very serious actions or neglect by the employee or from total inability to do the job. Examples are criminal acts against the County, misrep- resentations of qualifications and serious violation of County rules. Consultation with legal counsel is advised in such cases (see also Section 26, Rules of Conduct). No notice or .PBV in Lieu shall be qiven in terminations for ~ fe} Involuntary, Mno caused No.cause terminations exist where cause (section d) cannot be proven~ No-tice or pay in lieu of notice must be given-. The Personnel Committee must be notified beforehand where no cause terminations are contemplated so that an adequate notice can be determined~ Pay in lieu of notice will be given in a lump sum equal to the number of weeks notice times the employeelS regular weekly salary. All statutory deductions will be made from the final cheque. 6.04 Resignations All staff should give notice ofre$ignation in writing. Senior staff should give four weeks notice, others, two weeks. 6.05 Exit Interviews Employees who are resigning from the County should be interviewed by the Department Head, his designate or a neutral party as to their actual reasons for leaving, suggestions for improvements in policies, working conditions., etc. and general impressions of employment with the County. Any recommendations arising from these interviews should, if appropriate, be discussed by manage- ment and brought to the Personnel Committee. 7. RETIREMENT (a) The normal retirement date for full-time and permanent part- time staff is the end of the month following their 65th birthday. (b) Retirement for disability reasons prior to age 65 will be allowed if substantiated by a doctor's certificate. (c) Employees may voluntarily retire early with three months notice to their Department Head. The early retirement provisions of the OMERS plan will apply. (d) All employee benefits cease on retirement. 367 - 6 - 7. RETIREMENT - continued (e) Retiring employees will receive a payment equal to 50% of the number of days of sick leave credits remairiing in the sick pay plan frozen on June 30, 1983, times their rate at the time of retirement, to a maximum of ~30 days. (f) Employment on temporary s1:atu_s with the County beyond retirement age may be authorized from year to year by Council. While so appointed, employees will accrue no additional sick leave credits and will receive vacation pay as set out in Section 17E. (9) Retiring employees with more than five years service will receive a retirement allowance, calculated. at $20~OO per year of service to affiaxirnum of $200._00. Such employees with mQre than 15, and less than 25 years service will also receive a watch {see Section 25, Employee Recognition). All retiringemployee~ will receive an invitation to the Warden's Banquet held during the year of their retirement. 8. SALARY ADMINISTRATION 8.01 Salary Schedule Salaries for full~time employees shall beset and administered according to a salary scale established annually by Council on recommendation from the Personnel Committee. 8.02 Acting Appointments Employees temporarily appointed by Council to a position ina grade higher than that of their present job for more than 20 working days will receive an increase ,of 5% of their regular salary for the duration of the' appointment toa maxfmurnof 60 days worked. Employees assuming an. acting position for more the" 60 days will recelve, on the 6lst day, an increase to aste~ in the higher range-giving an increase of at least 10%, and this rate will con~ tinue for the duration of the appointment. At the end of the acting appointment, employees will resume their previous position at. the rate existing at the time of the appointment plus any general adjustments. 9 . OVERTIME AND CALLBACK 9.01 Department Heads (a) The first 32.5 hours per year worked beyond the standard hours set out for the Department in Section 13 will becompen- sated for by one week's vacation in addition: to the entitlement set out in Section 17 B. (b) The vacation noted in (a) shall be granted pnly if the full 32.5 hours have been worked and-the time off shall be taken in the l2 month period fOllowing the year in which the hours were worked. Such vacation shall not betaken consecutively with other vacation leave unless approved by-the Personnel Committee. 9.02 General Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, Roads These employees are covered by specific Departmental policy. 9.03 Registered Nurses Registered Nurses will receive pay at one and one-half times their regular rate for all hours worked beyond 8 in the day. 9.04 Other Staff Staff, other than those noted above, will receive compensation for overtime hours worked on the basis of time off on an hour- for-hour basis. - 7 - 9. OVERTIME AND CALLBACK - continued 9.05 Paid Holidays - see Section l6 E, Public Holidays 9.06 Non-scheduled Work Day Non-management employees, other than Registered Nurses, required to work a non-scheduled work day. which is not a holiday will receive compensating time off on anhour-for-hour basis, with the exception of Call-In Pay (below). 9.07 Call~In Pay Non-management employees called in to work after they have, left the premises at the end of their regular shiztwill_ receive a minimum of four hours pay at their regular rate. Call~in pay will not be in addition to overtime pay authorized_ under other sections of this manual. 9.08 Documentation and Authorization To qualify under this section, all overtime hours worked must be properly documented and authorized. lO. PAY PROVISIONS lO.Ol Pay Periods (a) The pay period for all County employees is a two week period beginning on a Thursday and ending on the second Wednesday following. (b) All staff are paid on the second Fr~dayfollowing the end of the pay period except if a statutory holiday; falls on the Friday, in which case it shall be paid on the working day imme- diately prior to the said- holiday. lO.02 Method of Payment Payment is by cheque or bank deposit, at the employee's option. Deductions for Canada Savirigs Bonds only may be authorized-. lO.03 Time Sheets All Roads Departmerit and part-time employees shall submit time sheets for all hours worked. 10.04 Retroactive Pay Any employees as of the retroactive date who have ceased to be employed shall have a period of 30 days only from the date of mailing of notices in which to claim from the County any adjust- ments to their remuneration payable. Any new employees hired since that date shall be entitled to pro-:orata adjustments to their remuneration from the date of their employment. The County shall contact, in writing, by mailing notices to their last known addresses, any employees who have since left its employ. These shall be mailed, by registered rnail, within l5 days of the date Council passes the appropriate by-law(s). ll. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ll.Ol Benefit Premium Payments (a) County benefits County --L- 100 100 100 50 80 100 provided Employee ! o o o 50 20 o by County OHIP Semi-Private Coverage Extended Health Care Life Insurance Dental Plan * Long Term Disability (reimbursement) Short-Term Sick Pay * except Roads Department staff 369 - 8 - J1. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 11.0l Benefit Premium Payments - continued (b) Statutory Benefits County -L 50 50 58.3 100 50 50 4'1.7 o Employee . Canada. Pension Plan OMERS Basic Unemployment InsUrance Worker's Compensation ll.02 Benefit Booklet Full details of all benefits are described in a benefit booklet available to staff from the Clerk-Treasurer's office. ll.03 Cost-Sharing on Sick Leaves (a) The cost-sharing arrangements noted above for OHIP, Extended Health, Semi~Private_Coverage, Dental Plan, Life Insurance and Long Term Disability will be conti~uedfor employ- ees receiving pay tbroughthe County's current Short-Term sick pay plan or the previous sick pay plan. (b) Employees who have exhausted their sick leave credits and are not receiving pay directly from the County will not baable to partiCipate in: benefit 'plans through the County. They may, however, participate in suchbenafits directly through the . appropriate insurer by paying the 'total amount of the premiums to such COmpany where this is possible. (c) The above provisions in no way affect the entitlement to Long Term Disability payments from the insurance carrier. ll.04 OMERS Buy-Back Provisions Employees returning to work after being laid off without pay will be required to purchase OMERS broken service in one lump sum, if they choose to buy back the time lost. ' ll.05 Workers' Compensation Payments {al An employee in receipt of a Workers' Compensation Board award shall be paid, at his/her option, the difference between the amount of the award and hiS/her regular salary at the time of the injury, provided that the amount of such difference shall be deducted from unused sick leave credits available under the plan frozen on June 30, 1983. (b) All sick leave payments made under 12.0l shall cease when such credits are exhausted. l2. PE-RQUISITES l2.01 County Vehicles (a) The County Engineer and the Assistant Superintendent*, Roads Department will be supplied with a vehicle for use in the course of their duties and for full personal use within the Province of Ontario. The County will pay all maintenance and insurance charges for such vehicles and all fuel costs except those for personal use. * until retirement of present incumbent, C. Gordon. (b) The General Superintendent will be supplied with a vehicle for use in the course of his duties, which he may drive to and from his residence, but which will not be available for other personal uses. 12.02 Memberships Membership fees for appropriate professional and technical organizations for Department Heads, Deputies/Assistants and other specified staff will be submitted to the appropriate Committee for approval. . - 9 - l3. HOURS OF WORK 13.01 Weekly Hours The work week for County employees shall be 5 days comprising the following hours; Department Heads and management group~ except Roads: 32.5 hours County Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Engineering Technician, Roads; 40 hours General Superintendent. Assistant Superintendent, Roads; 46.5 hours R.N.'s (both Homes), Recreation Director, First Cook, Terrace Lodge; 40 hours, including paid lunch hour Custodian: 40 hours Clerical staff in all Departments, including Library: 32.5 hours Social Services field staff; 32;5 hours; {al variations in the above hours may be instituted by the Department Head who will be responsible for the scheduling of daily and weekly hours for all staff. 14. LATENESS (a) It is the obligation ofall employees to come to work on time. Repeated lateness will result in disciplinary action being taken including docking of pay. Continued and severe cases of lateness will result in termination~ (b) Employees who will be more than 10 minutes late must report this fact to their superVisor before their regular starting time. lS. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS lS.Ol Full-Time Staff (a) Subject to (b) below, full-time staff will be granted the following holidays with pay at their regular rate; New Years Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day (July l) Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Pay Remembrance Day * Christmas Day Boxing Day. one-half day before Christmas or, if such cannot be taken because of workloadconsiderations~ another half day in lieu as designated by the Department Head. * Employees at Terrace Lodge and Elgin Manor will receive the second Monday in February in place of Remembrance Day. {b) To qualify for holiday pay, employees must not; i. be absent on the scheduled workday immediately preceding or following the holiday or the day granted in lieu, unless excused by the Department Head. ii. be absent on the holiday after being scheduled to work. l5.02 Part Time and Contract Staff (a) Part-time staff will receive holidays as specified by the Employment Standards Act. They must meet the conditions set out in that Act to be paid for the holiday. 371 - lO - 15. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS - continued 15.02 Part T~e and Contract Staff - continued (b) Contract staff will receive holidays as specified in their contract. l5.03 Hol~days on Non-Scheduled Working Days (a) is a will Where a paid holiday falls on a Saturday or non-scheduled working day, the next working be taken off in lieu. Sunday and this day following (b) than at a Where a holiday falls on a non-scheduled working Saturday or Sunday, another day off in lieu will mutually agreeable time within 30 calendar days. day other be granted 15.04 Within Vacation Period Where a paid holiday falls within an employee's vacation period, an extra day shall be granted at a mutually convenient time. 15.05 Work on a Holiday With the exception of staff exempted in the Employment Standards Act*, _all hours worked on a public holiday will be paid at one and one-half times the employee's regular,rate and another day will be given off in lieu at a mutually convenient date. If a day in lieu cannot be given, the employee will receive one day's pay at his/her regular rate in addition to the pay for the day worked. * Professional Engineer, students in work experience programs plus employees who qualify under any of the fOllowing: (a) is employed for less than three months; (b) does not earn wages on twelve days of the four work weeks preceding the holiday; . (c) does not work his/her scheduled regular day of work pre- ceding and following the holiday, (d) having agreed to work on a public holiday, does not report for and perform the work without reasonable cause, (e) is employed under an arrangement where heishe may elect to work or not when requested so to do. 16. VACATIONS 16.U1 Vacation Year For the purpose of computing vacation entitlement, the vacation year_shall begin on January lstand end on the fOllowing December 31st. l6.02 Vacation With Pay Entitlement, Department Heads and Management Group Every full~time employee shall be. granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service. as follows: (al Where at December 3lst, in any year, an employee has com- pleted less than one year-of continuous service, he/she shall receive 2 weeks vacation in the fOllowing vacation year. Vaca- tion pay shall be calculated at 4% of total wages during the l2 months immediately preceding December 31st. {bl W~ere at December 3lst, in any year, an employee has completed one year continuous service, he/she shall receive 2 weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be-calculated at 4% of total wages, during the l2 months immediately preceding December 3lst or 2 weeks regular pay, whichever is the greater. (c) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed 2 years of continuous service, he/she shall receive 3 weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. - 11 - l6. VACATIONS - continued l6.02 Vacation With Pay Entitlement, Department Heads and Management Group -continued (d) Where at December 3lst, an employee has completed 6 years of continuous service, he/she shall receive 4 weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (e) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed 12 years of continuous service, he/she shall receiveS weeks.vacation, in the following vacation year. l6.03 Vacation With Pay Entitlement, Other Full-Time Staff Every ful~-time employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service-as follows: (a) Where at December 3lst, in any year, an employee has completed less than one year of continuous service, he/she shall receive 2 weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at 4% of total wages during the 12 months immediately preceding December 31st. (b) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has completed one year continuous service, he/she shall receive 2 weeks vacation in the following vacation year. Vacation pay shali be calculated at 4% of total wages, during the 12 months immediately preceding December 31st or 2 weeks regular pay, whichever is the greater. (c) Where at December 3lst, an employee has completed 4 years of continuous service, he/she shall receive 3 weeks vacation in the following vacation year. (d) Where at December 3lst, an employee has completed 8 years of continuous service, he/she shall receive 4 weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (e) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed 14 years of continuous service,hejshe shall receive Sweeks vacation, in the fOllowing vacation year. l6.04 Vacation Scheduling {al Employees must take their vacation within l2 months of the end of the vacation year during which it is earned and no carry- over of credits to the following. year will be allowed unless approved by the Personnel Committee. (b) No cash payment in lieu of vacation time off will be made and all credits not used up by the end of the 12 month periOd. or carried over by decision of the Personnel Committee, will be lost, subject to conditions in the Employment Standards Act. (c) All vacation leave must be approved by the Department Head before it is taken. 16.05 Part~Time, Temporary and Contract Staff Vacation Credits {a} Permanent part-time staff: Less than.8,320 hours worked by December 3lst of any year 4% of prior year's earnings More than 8,320 hours worked by December 31st of any year 6% of prior year's earnings (b) Temporary staff will receive vacation pay as specified by the Employment Standards Act. (c) Contract staff will receive vacation pay as specified in their contract. 373 - 12 - l6-. VACATIONS - continued 16.06 Termination of Employment (a) On termination of employment, full-time employees will receive vacation pay equal to their regular entitlement (see Sections B or C, above) times the number of calendar days worked to the date of termination divided by 365, or 4% of total earn~ ings, whichever is greater. (b) Other employees will receive a percentage of total earnings to the date of termination equal to their percentage entitlement for yearly vacation pay, as noted in Schedule E above-. l6.07 Effect of Leaves of Absence on Vacation Credits Leaves of absence without pay of less than one month will not affect calculation of vacation credits under -this section unless the entitlement is a percentage of salary. Where there is a leave of more than a month duiing a calendar year, the number of weeks vacation allowed will be based on the proportion of actual service during the year to 12 months~ l6.08 Vacation Credits on Retirement Employees who are retiring must use up all outstanding credits plus those accrued to date before retirement. sum payments for unUsed credits will be made. vacation No lump 16:.09 Vacation Pay Advances In order to receive vacation pay in advance,an employee must make a request, .in writing, to hisfher Supervisor in time for it to be included with the>last pay priorto:the employee'S vaca- tion. This will mean that the normal paychequefdirect deposit win be increased by the amount of the advance. . SUCH ADVANCE SHALL COVER ONLY THE PAYDAY(S) FALLING WITHIN THE EMPLOYEE'S VACATION PERIOD. l6.10 Definitions (a) Continuous service includes all regular service from the last date of hire, and periods during which the employee is receiving short-term sick pay from the County or has been granted a leave of absence, but excludes absences while on Long Term Disability. (b) Gross earnings include regular, overtime and County sick pay, but excludes payments received from an insurance company under an employee benefit plan, benefit plan premium payments on behalf of employees and other items excluded tinder the Employment Standards Act. 17. EMPLOYEE. FACILITIES Specific parking places may be designated for employees by the Property Committee. IS. ABSENCES lS.Ol Reporting (a) Except as noted in (b) below, employees who must be absent from work for sickness and other unavoidable reasons must report the fact to their Department Head during the first 30 minutes of the first day of their absence. The reason for, and the expected length of the absence must be noted. Unreported or unauthorized absences are subject to disciplinary action including termina- tion. (b) R.N.'s and the Cook Supervisor at Terrace Lodge must report absences before the start of their shift. - 13 - l8. ABSENCES - continued 18.02 Attendance Records Department Heads are responsible for maintaining attendance records for their staff. 18.03 nActs of Godn Employees who are unable to come to work because of a legitimate nAct of God- or other natural calamity will receive their regu- lar pay for the period absent for up to two days per calendar year. The Department Head will determine whether the event con- stitutes a legitimate reason for absence. Employees absent for non_legitimate reasons after being informed of the Department Head's decision will be docked pay for the time absent. l8.04 Excessive Absenteeism Excessive absenteeism is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 18.05 Absences for Appointments, etc. All time granted for short-term absences such as appointments, illness. of children, etc., must be charged against accrued overtime, vacation or other credits. If such credits are not available, the time must betaken without pay. 19. AUTHORIZED LEAVES OF ABSENCE 19.0l Paid Sick Leave The County provides all full-time employees with more than three months service with a short-term sick pay plan designed to cover absences because of illness or disability until the start of Long Term Disabililty payments from the insurance carrier. In most cases, there will be no gap between short-term and L.T.D. coverage. Full details of the plan are given in the appropriate -Fringe Benefit By-Laws.. 19.02 Jury Duty and Court Appearances (a) An employee serving asa Juror or who has been subpoenaed as a Crown Witness shall receive the. difference between his/her Jury or Witness pay and his/her regular pay for the lost time while serving in one of those capacities. A subpoena or lega~ notice for such duty will be provided to the Employer in such an instance of Jury or Witness Duty. The employee shall provide the Employer proof of hours engaged on Jury Duty or:as a Witness and proof of payment therefore. ' (b) Employees who must appear in court or consult with lawyers on County-related business while on vacation will not have such time counted against vacation credits. 19.03 Bereavement Leave {a} In the case of the death of a member of an employee's ~ediate family, a leave of absence of no more than three cal- endar days ending on the day of the funeral will be granted for the purpose of arranging or attending the funeral. (b) Scheduled work days which fall within the period granted under (a) will be paid at the employees regular rate. (cl nlmmediate Familyn is defined as; wife, husband, child, mother, father, brother, sister, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law. 375 - 14 - 19. AUTHORIZED LEAVES OF ABSENCE - continued 19.03 Bereavement Leave - continued (d) Leave of absence of one day_with pay calculated as in Section (b) above will be granted for the purpose of attending the funeral of a; brother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in~law, grandparent, where the funeral falls on a scheduled work day. (e) A. statutory holiday which falls during a bereavement leave will not extend the leave. (f1 Bereavement leave which falls during a vacation period will be counted as part of the vacation. 19.04 Maternity Leave Maternity leave without pay will be granted in accordance with the current provisions of the Employment Standards Act. Employ~ ees must notify their immediate superviso~ at least two weeks before they intend to begin their leave and submit a medical certificate estimating time of delivery. 19.05 Educational Leaves With Pay (a) Atten'dance at .coorses and seminars during. working hours of up to one day in duration may be- approved by the Department Head on his/her own authority. (b) Attendance at courses and seminars during working hours of more than.one day in duration must be approved by the Department Head and the appropriate Standing Committee before registration. 19.06 Other Leaves, With or Without Pay Leaves of absence not mentioned in-this section or not covered by other County pOlicies may be charged against vacation, over- time or County sick payor granted withputpay, at the discre- tion o~ the Department Head. . 19.07 Return to Work Employees returning to work after an extended leave, including those covered under the Long Term Disability plan, must give at least one month's notice of their expected date of return to their Department Head. 19.0S Approval procedure Application for all leaves authorized under this section must be submitted to the Department Head who will forward it to the appropriate Standing Committee for approval. 20. EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 20.01 Tuition Refund Full time employees will be reimbursed for 100% of the cost of tuition fees and books for educational courses taken if all the following conditions are met: (a) The course is directly related to their present job or future career with the County. (b) The course is given by a recognized educational institution including a correspondence school. (c) The course is approved before it is taken by the Department Head and the Standing committee. - 15 - 20. EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT - continued 20.0l Tuition Refund - continued (d) The course is completed successfully and documentation of this fact is submitted to the Department Head with a receipt for the tuition fee. 20.02 Training Budget All costs for tuition refund, educational leaves and associated activities will be charged" against a budget within each Department. 21. MEETINGS Department Heads may authorize the attendance of staff at meet- ings outside of regular working hours and of having mileage and expenses reimbursed. 22. EXPENSES Department Heads and Assistants shall be reimbursed for out.of- pocket expenses (parking, meals, etc.) incurred while carrying out their duties for the County. 23. EMPLOYEE NEGOTIATIONS (a) At the option of the Personnel Cornmittee,Department Heads will sit in as observers in collective bargaining negotiations affepting their employees. {bJ Department Heads will be given a copy of any brief pre- sented on behalf of employees inhfsjher department after such brief has been presented to the Personnel Committee. 24. APPEAL PROCEDURE (a) Employees who feel that they are not being treated fairly or in accordance with County policy may raise the matter with their immediate supervisor. (b) If the problem cannot be resolved, they may approach their Department Head who will attempt to find a solution. (cl Problems still unsolved may be referred to the Standing Committee. (dl This appeal procedure does not apply to persons who are terminated Qfor causeM. 25. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Employees will be given awards as set out below on the comple~ tion of the following years of service: lO years - a photo and short, descriptive announcemerit in the St. Thomas daily, and Elgin weekly newspapers - a framed copy of the photo and article and a framed certificate of appreciation from the County. 15 years ~ same as lO years. same as lO years plus a lapel pin plus an annual invitation to the Warden's Banquet to continue until the employee's retirement. 25 years - same as 10 years plus an engraved quartz watch. 20 years All expenses associated with these awards will be chargeable to the Department. 377 - 16 - 26. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE The County pays a quarterly $21.25 allowance for uniforms to R.N.'sand the Cook Supervisor at Terrace Lodge. 27. SAFETY AND HEALTH 27.01 County Policy It is County pOlicy to provide safe working conditions and facilities for its employees. Employees, in their turn, should always try to work in a safe and sensible manner, correcting situations which may cause accidents and reporting those which cannot be corrected to their supervisor. The employee's safety record will be considered in awarding salary increases. 27.02 Accidents Whenever an accident occurs, employees should get immediatemed- ica1 attention, if necessary. Such occurrences must be reported to their supervisor immediately. 27.03 Accident Investigations and Programs (a) The Department Head or his/her designate will investigate all accidents as soon as possible after they occur. He/She will complete a WeB Form 7 and submit it to the Board. (b) Department Heads will organize safety and related programs in order to prevent accidents within their Departments and will establish and work with Health and'Sa.fety Committees required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. 27.04 Safety Equipment The County provides all required safety equipment, except safety footwear which must be supplied by employeesthemsdves. Employees must use safety equipment wheneV:El;r. necessary. Not using this equipment is~ounds'fordiscip~inary action and repeated offences will result in termination. 27.05 Housekeeping Employees must keep their workplaces in a neat and tidy condi~ tion to avoid situations which could cause- accidents. 27.06 Alcohol/Drug Addiction The Courity.considers alcohol/drug addict_ion to. be an HInes which can be treated with the co-operation of everyone con,.. cerned. Accordingly, the policy in regard to employees whose behaviour and work performance indicate alcohol/drug addiction is: - Initial discussions of performance will follow the Warning Procedure set out in Section 5, with the Department Head indi- cating the County's policy in regard to addiction. - If alcohol/drug addictiori is acknowledged. the Department Head will work with the employee.' s doctor and pther concerned par- ties to arrange treatment. Payment for such treatment will be made through the County's benefit plans, if possible. If not, the County will pay reasonable costs associated with residen- tial treatment for. up to 30 days at a public institution. This pOlicy applies only to employees who have completed their probationary periOd. - Periods absent for treatment under this section will be charged against the County's short-term sick pay plan. - l7 - 27. SAFETY AND HEALTH - continued 27.06 Alcohol/Drug Addiction - continued _ On return to work after treatment, the employee will be placed in his/her previous position and given full support in the performance of his/her duties. If, however, the alcoholic behaviour resumes, he/she will be terminated for cause. The employee will be told this on return to work. The purpose of this pOlicy is to provide a realistic rehabili- tation program for the addicted employee. Such a program must include assumption by the employee of responsibility for his/ her own actions. 28. COMMUNICATIONS 28.0l Bulletin Boards Bulletin boards will be set up in convenient locations in County buildings. All notices to b~ placed on these boardS must have management approval before posting. 28.02 Suggestions The County welcomes suggestions from employees as to ~provement in operations, new or revised policies and similar items. 29. RULES OF CONDUCT The County believes that most employees will act fairly and reasonably at all times. Accordingly, it is for the protection of that majority_that the rules of conduct setout below are published. Breaches of these guidelines or other act-s against Coun~y or employee interests will result in disciplinary action, including suspension and termination. Theiollowing practices are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termina- tion: . (a) Reporting to_work or working in an intoxicated state or using prohibited drugs during working hours. {b} Removal from the premises of county-owned items or items owned by other employees without-specific permission. (c) Physical or verbal abuse of, or threats towards other employees. (d) Flagrant disregard of County safety rules. (e) Being convicted of a criminal offence related to the employee'S work or being unable to work for an extended period because of any criminal conviction. (f) Willful and malicious damage to County property. (g) Serious violations of the Ontario Human Rights Code. 30. PERSONAL USE OF EQUIPMENT (a) The use of county-owned equipment and tools for personal purposes is discouraged and is prohibited without express per- mission of the Department Head. If approved, such use will be permitted only on the premises. (b) Loans of equipment and tools to other organizations will be allowed only in the most unusual circumstances and where the Department Head has given prior approval. Vehicles purohased by the County may not be loaned out under any circumstances. (c) Personal long distance calls made on County equipment must be charged to the employee's personal telephone number. 379 - 18 - 31. PERSONNEL RECORDS The Clerk-Treasurer will maintain central personnel records. Changes in employee data affecting these records must be repor- ted to that office as soon as they occur. 32. MILEAGE Employees who do not have a county~supplied vehicle will be paid a mileage rate for use of their own car on County business which will beset annually by Council. 33. DRESS CODE The County expects a standard of dress and grooming from employ- ees that is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances. 85-11-20 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 85-57 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN AND CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF AYLMER RE: SEWAGE AND WATER SERVICES FOR TERRACE LODGE." WHEREAS the Town of Aylmercosntructed sanitary sewer and water service lines to serve Terrace Lodge Home for the Aged, located adjacent to the Town in the Township of Malahide; and WHEREAS the capital.- cost of construction ($19,500.00) is to be repaid over a period of twenty (20) years at the rate of $l,OOO.OOperyear, plus interest, commencing the lst day of June, 1978, with the balance being due thelst day of June 1997: and WHEREAS a cost for the treatment of the sewage has been calculated at Forty Cents (40~) per One Thousand (l,OOO) imperial gallons of water consumed, for a period of five years commencing the 1st day of June; 1986. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk of the Corpora- tionof the. County of Elgin are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the Town of Aylmer setting forth the repayment of capital cost of construction and the<cost of treatment of sewage for the Terrace Lodge Home for the Age~. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1985~ READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of Nov~mber, 1985. ~~)4>--, G, C~ Leverton, Clerk. / ~ 'J--/ . -- /-- --..c~_ '~, a~ J. Lavereau, Warden. .--<..~.~' 381 COUNTY Of ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85~58 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVEMBER SESSION. 1985." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the.RevisedStatutes of Ontario~1980, the powers of. a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section l03af The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 or the Rev!sedStatutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by Sy-Law, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation .of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpo~ ration of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommen- dation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the November 1985 Session, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. ~. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a second time this 20th day of November, 1985. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of November, 1985. .~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 4../} j/ / . .. .A.~_... .<......c...~ ( ~. La areau, ~ Wi!l.rden. INDEX MISCELLANEOUS Council Communications. ...................... 13,35,67,111,144,166, 181,205,240,253,290,314 Committee Communications.. ._......." ...... ..10,31, 62,140,164.178, 200,248,287,310 Delegations. , .. . . .. . .. . .. . 34, 64, 72, 112, 143, 182, 203, 289, 312 1985 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees. Mlinicipal ClerkS and Treasurers. ................ ............2,3,4,5,6,7 Employee Presentations. . . . . . . . . . ,. . . ; . " . . 33, 64, 143;202, 252, 312 Presentation to Departing Councillors. . . . . " .. ... ..319 Warden'S Address. _ . . . . ........ 17 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS Director's. Homes for Senior Citizens . 337 Treasurer's................ . .91,92,218,220,221,333,335,336 TreeCommissioner's."............. . ...322 Weed Inspector's. . . . . . . . " .. .324 Land Division. . . . .... 320 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultural.............. . 24,49,93,155,192,268,300 County Government. ......21,25,40,75,148,169,184, 211,258,294,326 County Roads.. .... ....41,43,77,84,118,137,149,170, 185,212,243,259,262,263,296,328 Homes for Senior Citizens" .. 22,46,86,117,151,171,187, 214,264,269,298,329 Library Board. _ _ ...23,48,138,154,172,190,191, 217,267,302,332 Personnel ..." 26,87,152,215,222,265,270,330 Property. ............. 27,28,47,50,89,153,156,173,188,189, 216,223,244,266,271,299,301,331,354 Aeceptionand Entertainment." 51,174,193,272 Social Services. 52,94,157,224,273,355 Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees. " . . . . . ......18 383 RESOLUTIONS- Setting Forth the Method of Electing the Warden. ...9 Authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to Bortow . . 12 Authorizing the Treasurer to Continue Monthly Payments to the Children's Aid Society.. . __... .."... ..............."."..... ........"" .12 Authorizing the Treasursrto Continue Monthly Payments to the Elgin-St. ThomasHealthUriit..... ................ .. .coo.,..... ...... ...12 Appointing Mr. Colin Morrisonto the Library Board. .. ...................... 12 AppointmentS to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum.. " . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 12, 35; 315 Remuneration paid to Appointees to the Health Unit.. " . . ; " . . . . . . . . . " . _ ". 13, 34 Granting interest-free loan to I.P.M. '85........ ....14, 73 Authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submita ps_tition for Road SuPSidylo M.T.C...................... ......... .......... ..... ....... 34 Assuming liability re: General ACcident AssuranCe.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 66 Naming County Council's appointee to the Elgin County Local Agricultural Manpower Board. . . .. ...... ...67 Proposal to share cost of the Director of the Central Elgin Planning Board ..."".............. ..68 To table letter from West Lornere: Library....... .....".......... ..". ......68 Providing Monies for 1985I.P.M. Committee...... .................."..".72 Providing Grant for County Exhibit Re: 1985J.P;M....."." ....73 Providing Grants for 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...73 That the Budget Session be open. . . " . . . . " . 112 Granting Additional Monies to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum.. "..... ... , , 113 Grant to the Village of West Lome for New Library. .....". ."....... . ."...113 Transferring Libraryfunds. .. ..113 Altering proposed budget. . . " .......... .113, 114 Adopting the Budget. . . . " 114 To appeal the dismissal of a tree prosecution. . . . . . 115 To have Howard Gibson attend Council to discuss Hydro Route. . " 115 Authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an Agreement re: Canada Works Programme.. ~............. ...... 116 Allowing the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board to Draw on their Capital Grant. ... ..,,,...................................,.... .144 To authorize payment to the Talbot Trail. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Adopting and forwarding report to M.T.C. for approval. .. . .. ...."...."..... 144 Voting delegates to A.M"O....".. .. _144,166,256 Re: Ontario Hydro............" .. 145,255 Inviting Suburban Road Commission to May Luncheon. . . . . . . . . . _____ 166 Submission of names as members of the St. Thomas General Hospital Board. ..... """ ,,,..... ..... _ 156 Donation to the Chatham Kent Flood Disaster Fund. " _ _ 166 Accepting the Auditor's Report. .... _ _ _ 181 Calling tenders for the New Administration Building Renovations. .._ _182 Re: Expenses forO.A.H.A:, 204 To Authorize R. G. Moore to receive Judicial Review Re: Union Gas... ..."...."... , "... ....... 205 Authorizing I. P. M. Local to sign various agreements. . . . .- _ _ __ _ 205 Signing all Arbitration Awards for Homes under protest, . . ____ 210 Authorizing the signing of agreements Re: Official Marks Re: LP..M.. '85_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ . __... _....240 To forward per diem for Flood Disaster Relief to Kent Essex; . _ ___ 241 Appointment re: Preservation of Malahide Farm, ____ 254 Donation be given to the. Port Stanley Lions Club. _ _ 292 Application for Minor Exception to the Trees Act" 292 Recommending the hiring of a Personnel Director ,...... . . . . . . .. 292 Inviting the newly elected councillors . . . . , 293 Allowing new councillors and department heads to sit in On the Committee of the Whole. '..... ........... ....315 Changing the colours in the New Administration Building. . . . . . . . . .. .. ..... 31 6 Recommending the proposal of the Dutton Library Branch to: the December Session 1985. ...... ...........",..".....316 380 BY-LAWS- 84-36 Tq Appoint a County Roads Committee. 20 84-37 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum Of Three Million, Five Hundred'Thousand Dollars. 29 84-38 A By.Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1984. 30 85-1 A By~Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads~ 53 85-2 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee; 55 85-3 Being a By-Law to Appointa Deputy Secretary for the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee; 56 85_4 BeingaBy-law to Appoint aTreasurer foOha Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 57 85-5 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Treasurer for the Elgin County Homes fot Senior Citizens Committee; 58 85-6 BeingaBy-LawtoAmendBy~laW No. 82.7, to Provide for Membership on the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. 59 85-7 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between Tillsonburg Home Help Inc; and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services. 60 85-8 A By'Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session,1985. 81 85,9 Being a By~law to Autl;1orize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Young Women's Christian Association. 95 85-10 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey land in the Township of Southwold to John Paul Shahan. 96 85-11 Being a By.Law to Establish a Petty Cash Fund for the Various Departments. 99 85-12 Being a By. Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other Than Certain Roads Department Employees. 100 85-13 Being a By-Law to Establish the Salaries of Various Positions of the County of Elgin. 102 85-14 Being a By.Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens. 103 85-15 Being a By~Law to Establish Rates of Pay fotPart Time Employees. 104 85-16 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration of the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector 105 85-17 Being a By-Law to Establish a Remuneration Schedule and Other Working Conditions for Employeesofthe Roads Department. 106 85-18 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1985. 110 85-19 A By~Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 20th Session, 1985. 139 85-20 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Lease Renewal Agreement with the Ministry ofGovemment Services forthe COUrtHouse. 158 85-21 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Convey land in the Village of Dutton Jointly to the Corporations of the Village of Dutton and the Township of Dunwich. 159 85-22 Being aBy-law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1985. 160 85-23 Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Institutions, Etc., During 1985. 162 85-24 A By.Law to. Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 28th Session, 1985. 163 85-25 "Being a By.Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid Members of Elgin County Council and Others Appointed to Various Local Boards etc. 175 85-26 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin atthe April Session, 1985. 177 85-27 A By.Law to Adopt a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establish a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act.. 194 387 85-28 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing over Bridges. 196 85-29 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Borrowing of Monies from the Bank of Montreal to Renovate the New County Administration Building. 198 85-30 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings oHhe Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1985. 199 85-31 Designating Through Highways. 225 85-32 Being a By-Law to Determine the County of Elgin Municipality or Municipalities to be Represented.by Each Memberto be Elected in the School Division oHhe County of Elgin by the Public School Electorsofthe County of Elgin. 230 85-33 Being a By:"Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between The Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U., A.F.L., C.LO., C.L.C., with Respectto the Corporation's Full Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 231 85-34 Being a By-law to Authorize, the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union,.LocaI220, S.E.I.U., A_F.L., c.I.O.,e.Le., with Respect to the Corporation's Part.Time Employees at the Elgin Manor. 232 85-35 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Executionaf a CollecUve Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E. I.U. , A.F.L.. C.I.O., C.L.C., with Respectto the Corporation's Full and Part.Time Employees at Terrace Lodge. 233 85-36 Being a 8y.Law to Establish the Rate of Pay for Certain_ Employees in the Homes for Senior Citizens. 234 85-37 Being a By-Law to Appointa Secretary-Treasurer af the Elgiri County Land Division Committee. 235 85-38 Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate of Pay for the Part. Time Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. 236 85-39 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-23 Being a By.Law for the Regulation of Traffic. 237 85-40 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Laws No. 84-9 and 84-1 0, By-Laws to Provide for Fringe Benefits to All Employees Who Are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement. 238 85-41 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1985. 239 8 85-42 A By-Law to Authorize Mr. Richard L Galloway, the Owner of a Portion of Lot 9, Concession V of the Township of Yarmouth (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include His Heirs, Successors, and Assigns:) to Construct, Use, and Operate Works Required for the Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereiriafter Called 'The Municipality'. 245 85-43 Being a By.Law to Authorize the Warden andCterk toSign Various Agreements for Use of the County Official Marks jii Connection with the 1985 International Plowing Match. 246 85-44 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation oHhe County of Elgin at the July Session, 1985. 247 85-45 Being a By.Law to Appoint a Secretary-Treasurer of the County Land.Division Committee. 274 85-46 Being a By.Law to Establish a Rate of Pay for the Part-Time Secretary-Treasurer of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. 275 85-47 A By.Law to Authorize Mr.. Edwin Thomas Banghart and Mr. William Douglas McVety andMr.George Alfred Tapsell, the Owners of Part of Lot 3, Range 1, South.of EdgewareRoad. Township of Yarmouth, {Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include Their Heirs, Successors and Assigns} to.construct. Use, and Operate Works Required forthe Transmission of Water in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality'). 276 \ 85-48 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Owners of Property in Lot 1 0, Concession VIII, Township of Yarrriouth. 281 85.49 ABy.Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal,Council of the Corporaticm _of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1985. 286 85-50 Being a By~Law to Authorize the Borrowing of Additional Monies from the Bank of Montreal to 'Renovate the New County Administration Building. 303 85-51 Being a By~Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and Cen-Tallnvestments Umited, Owners of Property in Lot 11, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth 304 85-52 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal:Councilof the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1985. 309 85-53 Being a By-Law to Set the Daily Remuneration to" be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof. 356 389 85-54 Being a Sy_-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration. to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. 357 85-55 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Brtdges. 358 85-56 Being a By~Law to Formally Adopt Personnel Policies for All Full~Time Staff Not Covered by aCollective Agreement. 361 85-57 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk of the County of ElgintoSignan Agreement with the Town of Aylmer Re: Sewage and Water Services for Terrace Lodge. 380 85~58 A By-Law to Confirm P"roceedings of the Municipal Council ofthe Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1985. 381