1987 Minutes PROCEEDINGS ".~~ - .OF THE Elgin County Council -"', DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE ELGIN COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 450 Sunset Drive, SI. Thomas N5R 5V1 December 1986 November 1987 G.C. LEVERTON ROBERT "BOB" F. PURCELL Clerk Warden ~-'<>:"~'" ..,->.~ Office . County Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Land Division Sec.-Treas. County Engineer Assistant Engineer Director. Social Services Oir.. Homes for Sf. Citizens Assistant Administrator 644-0140 or 773-9205 631-0620 or 644-1760 Elgin Manor, Medical Director 633-0030 Terrace Lodge. Medical Director 773-3135 County Librarian 633-0e15 Deputy Librarian. 633..:0815 . Tree Commissioner & Weed.lnspector Curator ,Elgin County Pioneer Museum . Dr. Verna M. Mai, M. O. H.. Elgin-Sl. Thomas Health Unit. Deloitte. Haskins & Sells. . . County Auditor Hennessey, Bowsher & Assoc, County Solicitor. County of Elgin Officials Name George C, Leverton Rose M. Daniel Susan Galloway Robert G. Moore Fred Groch , . Robert E_ Bell Fred J" Boyes Marilyn Q. Barrett Terrace Lodge Elgin Manor Dr. C.A. Graham Dr. D.L. Wright Elgin A. Wells RuthM. Prowse Charles C, Stafford. Deborah Herkimer J.F. McGarry M.G. Button R.L. Lake Katie McGowan G_A. Phillips County Judge . Local Registrar Sheriff Crown Attorney Provincial Judge (Criminal Division) Provincial Judge (Family Division) County Registrar Probation Officer Small Claims Court Clerk. Agricultural Representative Director of Education Elgin Co~nty Board of Education Director of Education Elgin County (Roman Catholic) Separate School Board J.F. Bennett Wayne Burke Bruce Doan Joseph L. Jones David. Murray T. Cunniffe R.W. Gillen Phone No. 631-1 460 631-1460 .631-1460 631-5880 531-5880 631-1570 .773'2482 631-6537 .631-9900 631-8250 .633-3310 631-4810 633-1720 631-3530 631-1506 .633-1230 633-2169 631-3015 631-3430 631-1241 631-4700 633-2700 631-8300 2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1987 WARDEN ROBERT "BOB" J. PURCELL Township of Aldborough Reeve Dan Perovich (Olga) RR 3, West Lome. NOL 2PO .. ...... . .768-1864 Deputy Reeve Harry J. Mezenberg (Betty) RR 2. Rodney, NOL 2CO 786-0249 Township of Dunwich Reeve Albert K. Ford (Catherine) RR 3. Dutton, NOL 1JO. . " . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .762-3227 Deputy Reeve J. Donald Campbell (Shirley) RR " lona Station. NOL 1PO .... 762-5182 Township of Southwold Reeve Ernest H. "Bud" Marr (Melba) RR 3, Shedden, NOL 2EO. ..... .... .764-2116 Deputy Reeve Hugh F. Lyle (Donna) RR 1. 51. Thomas, N5P 355 .631-1784 Township of Yannouth Reeve. William A. . Martyn (Deanne) RR 4. 51. Thomas, N5P 358. ...,.. .. .. ..... . .. 633-1825 Deputy Reeve Marian L Millman (Ralph) RR " Union, NOL 2LO ... . 782-3875 Township of Malahide Reeve. Emil Neukamm (Frieda) RR1.Aylmer.N5H2R1........ ........... ...... .... .773-8895 Deputy Reeve Andy J. vanKasteren (Lotty) RR 4. Aylmer. N5H 2R3.. ..................... ..... ...... ...773-8625 Township of Bayham Reeve Max H. Stewart (Mona) RR 1. Eden. NOJ 1HO. Deputy Reeve Vane Chute (Carol) RR " Vienna, NOJ 1Z0 . . . 866-5838 .. .874-4513 Township at South Dorchester Reeve Clarence R. Willsey (Edna) RR '. Belmont, NOL 1BO ..... ........ .... ... 644-1637 Deputy Reeve A.J. "Sob" DeKraker (Ann) RR 2, Springfield, NOL 2J0 .. . . . . ... .644-0787 Town of Aylmer Reeve DonaJd H. Pearson (Jean) , . . . . . . . . . .. ..773--9636 25 Lawrence Cras.. Aylmer, N5H 185 .. . Bus. 773--5115 Deputy Reeve Kathleen M. Schaper (Henry) 448 Talbot 51. W.. Aylmer. N5H 1L1 . .773-2175 Vi1Iage of Vienna Reeve Kenneth C. Emerson. (Pauline) . . P,O. Box 120. Vienna. NOJ 120 Village of Springfield Reeve Jack W. Hodgson (Beulah) P.O. Box 84. Springfield. NOL 2JO ViUage of Dutton Reeve Robert "Bob"F. Purcell (Dianne) 158 Shackleton St E.. Dutton, NOL 1JO. Village of Port Stanley Reeve Ray J. Lavereau (Peggy) P.O. Box 444. Port Slanley, NOL 2A0 .. Deputy Reeve Joan L. Wakeling (William) Box 149, Port Stanley, NOL 2A0 . Village of Rodney Reeve Chartes I. Black (Jean) . P.O. Box 40, Rodney, NOL 2CO Vl1lage.of West Lome Reeve Joseph Fischer (Sylvia) 210 Elm 51.. West Lorne, NOL 2PO Village of Port Burwell Reeve Ron T.Bradfield (Bonnie). P.O. Box 93, Port Burwell, NOJ HO Village of Belmont Reeve J. Arthur McCan" (Audrey). . . . . . . . . . 202 Washburn 51.. Belmont. NOL 1 BO .874-4460 Bus. 874-4492 765-4368 762-3341 Bus. 1-800-265-5963 782-3500 Bus. 782-3383 . .782.3034 . Bus. 644-0960 . .785-0779 .768-2657 .... . .874-4135 ..... . Bus. 874-4313 ... ........ .644-0484 .. .. .. ... Bus. 686-2000 Ex\. 7444 3 4 Standing Committees 1987 AGRICULTURAL Chairman D. Perovich. Ford. Marr, Neukamm, Stewart, Willsey, Martyn and Warden Purcell COUNTY GOVERNMENT Chairman E. Neukamm. Campbell. Lyle, Chute. Mezenberg, Black. Fischer and Warden Purcell COUNTY LIBRARY Chairman D H. Pearson, Wakeling, van Kasteren, Willsey. Fischer and Warden Purcell COUNTY ROADS Chairman M" H Stewart, Ford, Neukamm, Perovich, Martyn and Warden Purcell Advisory...,...WiIIsey, Lyle and Pearson HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Chairman A. K Ford. OeKraker, McCann, Stewart. Mil/man and Warden Purcell Advisory-Hodgson PERSONNEL Chairman W" A Martyn. Emerson, Schaper, Bradfield and Warden Purcell PROPERTY Chairman K. C. Emerson, Hodgson, Campbell, Lavereau and Warden Purcell RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Chairman M. L. Millman, Wakeling, Mezenberg. Campbell, Lyle, van Kasteren; Chute, DeKraker, Schaper and Warden Purcell SOCIAL SERVICES Chairman R J. Lavereau, Pearson, Fischer, DeKraker and Warden Purcell ELGIN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES TO VARIOUS BOARDS & ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1987 ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT Marr and Bradfield ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Marr and Martyn TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Chute FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Mezenberg FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN (Children's Aid Society) Waketing, McCann and. Millman ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Schaper and van Kasteren LIAISON (Elgin County Board of Education) Perovich. Hodgson, Emerson and Warden Purcell THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Black SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Bradfield COUNTY-CITY LIAISON lavereau, Slack and Warden Purcell LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Appointees: Murray C. Benner, Lorne R. Carroll, Alistair B. Littlejohn, John V. McKinlay and Noble G. Tufford SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Albert W. Auckland 5 6 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Township of Aldborough Clerk-Treasurer- Joanne Groch ,Box 490, Rodney. NOL 2CO ...785-0560 Township of Dutlon Clerk-Treasurer-K. Loveland. Dutton, NOL 1JO .. 762-2204 Township of Southwold Clerk-Treasurer-R.A. Pow. Flngal, NOL 1KO. . . 769-2010 Township of YarmQulh Clerk-Treasurer-Ken G. Sloan, 1229 Talbot SI., SI. Thomas N5P lG8 ....631-4860 TQwrtship of Malahlde Clerk-Treasurer-R.R_ Millard, 87 John SI. S., Aylmer. N5H 2C3 ...773-5344 TQwnshlp of Bayham Cterk.Treasurer-J.A. Petrie, Straffordville, NOJ lYO. 866-5521 Township of South Dorchester Clerk-Treasurer-Marle WllsQn, AA 2, Springlield, NOL 2JO 765-4175 Town of Aylmer Clerk-C.L. Knapp. 46 Talbot SI. W.. Aylmer, N5H lJ7 Treasurer-Joyce R. Ostrander 773-3164 Village of BelmQnt Clerk-Treasurer-Kae Barons. Belmont, NOL 180 .. 644-1071 Village Qf Dutton Clerk-Treasurer-Helen Schram. DuttQn. NOL lJO. .. ..............762-2736 Village of Port Burwell Clerk-Treasurer-Elwood Varty. Box 299, Port Burwell, NOJ HO B74-4343 Village Qf Port Stanley Clerk-Treasurer-David J. LaCroix,P.O. Box 70. Port Slanley, NOL 2A0 782-33B3 Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer-Brenda Price. RQdney. NOL 2CO 785-0456 Village of SpringfIeld Clerk-Treasurer-Catherine Bearss, Box 29. Springfield. NOL 2JO .765-4222 Village of VIenna C'erk.Treas~ Jennie L.. Harbnan PO. Box 133, Vienna. NOJ 1Z0 .. . 874-4258 Village Qf West LQrne Clerk-Treasurer-Scotl Brown. Box 309, West Lome. NOt. 2PO .. 768-1234 December Session - First Day 7 Wednesday, the 10th day of December, 1986 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administra- tion Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas. at 2;00 P.M., as required by by-law~ ROLL CALL - The following Members, having previously filed Certifi- cates. took their seats at the Council Table; Dan Perovich Harry J. Mezenberg Albert K. Ford J. Donald Campbell Ernest H. Marr Hugh F.. Lyle William A.. Martyn Marian L. Millman Emil Neukamm Andy J.. van Kasteren Max H.. Stewart D. Vane Chute Clarence R.. Willsey A.. J. -Bob- DeKraker Donald H. Pearson KathJ.een.M.. Schaper Kenneth C.. Emerson Jack W.. Hodgson Robert F.. Purcell Ray J.. Lavereau Joan L.. Wakeling Charles I.. Black Joseph Fischer Ronald T. Bradfield ABSENT - J. Arthur McCann Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Aldbarough Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Malahide Malahide Bayham Bayham South Dorchester South Dorchester Aylmer Aylmer Vienna Springfield Dutton Port...'Stanley Port Stanley Rodney West Lorne port:Burwell Belmont. Therefore Be It Resolved That the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby agrees that the election of warden for the year 1987 shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures numbered three to eight as set out in By-Law No. 81- 38. Being a By-Law to Provide- for the Guidance Upon the Procedure for the Election of Warden. except that in the event only one person runs for the Office. the election procedures may be dispensed with in favour of a resolution appointing the person as Warden.. - Carried.. The Clerk announced that any Councillor who was a candi- date for the Office of Warden would now be given an opportunity to address Council~ Reeve R. F.. Purcell advised Council that he was allowing his name to stand for 1987 wardenship.. No one else addressed Council. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That Reeve R.. F. Purcell be Warden of Elgin County for the year 1987.. - Carried. The Warden-Elect took the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance. After having been gowned by the Clerk, Past Warden R.. J. Lavereau put the Chain of Office around Warden Purcell's neck, presented him with the Lord Elgin Watch and the Gavel of Office.. 8 - 2 - Warden Purcell addressed Council and extended his a~preciation for being elected 1987 Warden. Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the minutes of the November 1986 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. > - Carried. Warden Purcell appointed Reeve Neukarnm, Reeve Martyn, Reeve Stewart and Reeve Ford as Members of the Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1987. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That we do now adjourn (2:20 P.M..) to meet again on December 11th, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. December Session - Second Day Thursday, the 11th day of December, 1986 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administra- tion Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - A~l Members present. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Mayor Janet Golding. City of St. Thomas, with a draft copy of MA.M.O.'s Response to the Ontario Right to Farm Advisory Committee's ReportM. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Mr. Eo Ao Wells, County Librarian. advising that the microfilming of the Correctional Services of Canada are not of the quality required by the Library. 2. City of Toronto with resolution re: the observance of daylight saving time. 3. Ministry of Community and Social Services advising general liability insurance coverage, with no exclusions for Child Molesta- tion or Athletic Participation, is available through the Ontario Liability Insurers Association. 4. The University of Western Ontario requesting permission to establish a County of Elgin Scholarship from the municipal grant. 5. City of St. Catharines with resolution requesting a review of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.C. 1983. 6. Minister increase County of Simcoe with report requesting the Federal of Communications to cancel the proposed radio licence fee to municipalities. 7, - Radio tariff County of Essex with resolution opposing any change in the Act- which would take away a preferential radio-licence-fee for municipal governments. 8. A.M.D. with request to pass a resolution that pay equity should be under separate legislation for municipalities. ~ _ 3 _ County Counci~. December Session. 1986 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - continued 9. Elgin County Pioneer Museum suggesting Mr. Donald Carroll as the member at large and draft 12 of a by-law to provide for the operation of the Musuern. 10. Minister of the Environment declaring November 17 to 23, 1986 as the 2nd Annual Recycling Week in Ontario and suggesting it be proclaimed 2_: our municipality. 11. Peel Non-Profit Housing corporation with resolution opposing the resolution from the City of Brampton ra: Ministry of Housing's Subsidy Ratios for Non-Profit Housing. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with second request for payment of $760.50 ret 1984/85/86 Ontario Youth Corps Program. 2_ Planners, Treatment The Proctor & Redfern Group. consulting Engineers and with -Notice of proposed Sewage pumping Station and Facility Expansion- on behalf of the Village of Rodney. 3, copy of lines. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning with Safety Memorandum No. 21 re: Severe Weather Warning Guide- .- methods poses. Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the three legal by which sand knolls may be removed for agricultural pur- 5, Suburban proposed R. G. Moore, Secretary and Engineer to the St. Thomas Road Commission, with resolution recommending action on Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road Link. the PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. The St. Thomas Professional Fire Fighters Association with request to use a garage at the Court House to store their antique 1951 Bickle Seagrave fire truck. ~ 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of publication of -When and How to Use Consultants .... Effectively-. 2_ Report on Ministry of Municipal Affairs with a copy of the Final Municipality Liability Insurance in Ontario. 3. Mr. E. A. Wells. County Librarian, with copy of a letter to Ms. Carol Tolley, Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, with a breakdown of the Wintario ProgramHER-84-1221l6. 4. The Honourable John Wise, Minister of Agriculture, acknowledging receipt of a copy of the Canadian Pacific's applica- tion to abandon its trackage between Port Burwell and Ingersoll. 5. Family and Childrents Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to October 31st, 1986. 6. Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates with information on an O.M.B. hearing set for January 29th. 1987 re: proposed zoning amend- ment (Anthony and Mary DeLouw). 7_ From the following municipalities with planning notices: Township of Malahide - TWo notices of the passing of Zoning By- Laws No. 50-86 and copy of same. Township of Bayham - Notice of the passing of zoning By-Law No. Z-145-86 and copy of same. Township of Southwold - Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 86-19 and copy of same. 10 - 4 - FILED continued 8_ Mr, and Ontario Municipal Board with copy of a letter to Doug Guon granting an adjournment ra: appeal by Margaret the Mona M. Williams Estate to February 23rd. 1987. Glass 9. Ontario Municipal Board with three notices of appointment for hearings ra: Land Division Committee decisions: - 10. Ontario Municipal Board with approval of agreement with the St. Thomas Public Library ra: purchase of services. 11. Ontario Municipal. Board with approval of payments to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, over a five year period, of $2,000,000.00. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve McCann That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously and those presented today, be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee - #1 County Government Committee - #1-11 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-5 inclusive Property Committee - #1 Filed - #1-11 inclusive County Council - #1-3 inclusive.. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That Mrs. Hilde Morden be invited to address the January Session relative to the Rural Life Conference in February 1987. - Carried. The Report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1987 was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Stewart. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to Four Million Dollars from the Bank of Montraal9 as may be required during 1987 and that a by-law be prepared. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly pay- ments to the Children1s Aid Society on the basis of the 1986 approved budget requiring a County contribution of $115,643.00, until the 1987 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly pay- ments to the Elgin-St.. Thomas Health Unit on the basis of the 1986 budget requiring a County contribution of $224,667.00 until the 1987 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of Health.. Carried.. II _ 5 - County Council, December Session, 1986 Moved by Deputy Reeve De Kraker Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the following constitute the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for the year 1987; Mrs. Garnet t Cowell Mrs. Ray Van Patter and the Elgin County Mrs. Don Durkin Mr. Don Carroll representative,' - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Emerson That County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board be paid the following rates. for attending meet- ings of the said Board and Committee thereof. effective January 1st, 19871 (a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is over three (3) hours in duration - $78.00 (b) For attending a meeting when the said meeting is three (3) hours or less in duration - $50.00. (cl In addition to the above remuneration, each member shall be paid the following rate for each mile/kilometre neces- sarily travelled in attending such meetings - 44~ per mile 27~ per kilometre. - Carried. Reeve Pearson addressed Council and advised that the Town of Aylmer would be celebrating their lOOth Anniversary in 1987 and presented each person present with a 25~ wooden quar.ter. which could be used to purchase merchandise in Aylmer during the year. In addition, he indicated a levee would be held. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Town of Ingersoll with resolution supporting Elgin County's resolution OPPOSing the abandonment of their rail line between Tillsonburg and Port Burwell. 2. Canadian Transport Commission with: notice of-an applica- tion by Canadian Pacific Limited to abandon the line between Tillsonburg and Port Burwell and asking any comments to be in on or before Oecember 22nd, 1986. 3. Village of Vienna with a copy of a letter to the C.T.C. opposing the abandonment application of the C.P.R. for the line between Tillsonburg and Port Burwell. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That Council Correspondence #1 and 3 be filed. - Carried. Correspondence #2 from the Canadian Transport COlnmission was re~erred to the County Government Committee for consideration. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. _ Carried, Warden Purcell named Deputy Reeve Schaper as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. 12 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we recommend that Reeve Lavereau be removed from the Library Committee and replaced by Reeve Willsey, and Reeve Lavereau be placed on the Property Committee and Reeve Willsey be removed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we do now adjourn (11:17 A.M.) to meet again on December 11th, 1986 at 1:30 P.M. Carried. Councll reconvened at 2:08 P.M. Moved. by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 86-74 -To Appoint a County Roads Committee- be read a first time~ - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 86-74 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 86-74 be read a third t~e and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That we do now adjourn (2*10 P.M.) to meet again on December 1lth~ 1986 at 3z00 P.M. Carried. Council reconvened at 3;46 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present. Reeve Pearson extended an invitation to Council and Officials to attend the Library reception on Saturday, December 13th, 1986 at 3;00 P.M. when the person who borrowed the 50,OOOth book would be presented with a gift. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Stewart. FIRST REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Pearson. SECOND REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Neukamm. I~ _ 7 _ County Counci1. December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITT~E (previously provided) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Mezenberg. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve MilJ.man That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Library Committee be adopteid. - Carried. Reeve Bradfield asked that the minutes of the Library committee be amended to properly reflect the situation with regard to the Port Burwell Library. Warden Purcell advised that it would be addressed at the next meeting. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Perovich. FIRST REPORT -PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee Was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve Lavereau. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Millman and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Millman and Deputy Reeve Chute. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the request for a Tree By-Law exception by Stanko Zovko andSlavko Vrljic on Application #T2/86 be denied. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 86-75 -Authorizing Speed Limits. be read a first time. - Carried. 14 - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 86-75 be read a second time. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Bradf iaId Seconded by Deput~r Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 86-75 be read a third time and finally passed. -,Carried.. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No.. 86-76 -To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Four Mil1.ion Dollars. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 86-76 be read a second time. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve B.laek That By-Law No. 86-76 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 86-77 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement. with the Salvation Army (St. Thomas Citadel Corps) re~ the Court Housa Grounds" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 86-77 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 86-77 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 86-78 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1986" be read a first time. - Carried. - 9 - County Counci1, December Session, 1986 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 86-78 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 86-78 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That we do now adjourn (4112 P.M.) to meet again on January 21st, 1987 at 10100 A.M.. - Carried. - ~~-- 1---' ...-J G. C. Leverton. C1erk. R. F. Purcell. . Warden. 16 WARDEN'S ADDRESS Members of Council, Visiting Dignitaries and Ladies & Gentlemen: When I received the honour of being elected Warden a year ago, I never imagined in my wildest dreams returning for a second term. To begin on a lighter note, because th~~ has been a -fun year-, 91 want to thank you for fulfilling one of my major goals in life - -To become the answer to a trivia questionl- I'm sure you all remember the trick questions your old High School history teachers used to put on their exams - .Can you name the last Elgin Warden elected in the old County Court House in St~ Thomas and the first Elgin Warden elected in the present County Administration Building on Highway #4. south of the City?- On a more serious note, I'd like to comment on the past year and give you a view of the direction I see Elgin County moving to in 1987. Before I begin I would like to emphasize a point we have discussed before. I do not feel that the role of the individual Warden should be blown out of proportion because in reality it is not the Warden that is important, but rather the collective efforts of the Council, Department Heads, and County Staff. I am honoured to have the privilege to represent you again this year, but it has been the hard work and dedication of the Council Members and County personnel that resulted in such a successful past year. 1986 has been an exceptionally productive and success- ful year for the County of Elgin. To highlight some of the changes I'd like to take a moment to discuss where we were a year ago and where we are now. To begin. I suspect the area of personnel is the most important because the County function is only as successful as its employees' efforts and Council's relationship with those employees. When we began last year we had some serious staff and morale obstacles. We had no signed agreement for 1985 with our Roads Association members~ no current agreement with our nurses~ C.U.P.E. was seeking a first contract to represent part of our Library staff and had been negotiating for some six months at that stage. Our non-union staff and department heads had no review arrangements or salary considerations in place~ and we had just completed a very bitter arbitration fight with the Service Workers Union in our Homes for Senior Citizens and they were back seeking a new contract for 1986, quite prepared to take us to arbitration again. The County personnel picture wasn't at its highest point! To make a long story short we were very successful in resolving our differences and I believe we now have an excellent relationship established with all our union and non-union per- sonnel. We were able to obtain a signed three-year agreement with our Roads Association which runs to January 1988. We quickly arranged a new agreement with our nurses. C.U.P.E. settled for an initial two-year contract in our Libraries. Our non-union staff and department heads have been reorganized and properly placed into a grid system, relative to the full County operation, with salary increases approved and in place through to January 1988. Finally, we developed a new constructive relationship with the Service Workers Union which has resulted in a two-year mutually acceptable agreement with them. If - 2 - All of these settlements were reached on a very accep- table average cost increase of less than 5% per year, because it wasn't financial demands by the employees that resulted in their unhappiness. When we took the time to listen to our people, we found that their goals and desires for Elgin County were similar to ours. By listening to our employees and department heads, I believe we have a far more harmonious relationship with them and that has resulted in greatly increased communications and pro- duc~ivity. Now our County employees are working as hard as they can for our taxpayers. Now instead of coming to work frustrated by not being involved and able to work to the best of their ability, I strongly believe our people are happier and far more willing to describe Elgin County as a good employer. This type of relationship has resulted in far better service and products from the County to its taxpayers and means balanced budgets and value for the tax dollar. I only use personnel area as an example of the changes that have occurred in every aspect of the County operation. It has been a frantic year for Council members and the pace and pressure has been immense. I congratulate all members of Council on their hard work and perseverance. Last year I cautioned our new Council members to be patient and listen and get the facts before acting. Hindsight is always 20/20. That caution was totally unnecessary. The so-called "rookie" members have been exceptional and excelled as produc- tive members of each and every Committee they are on. They have shown real leadership ability in their own right. I indicated last December that 1986 would-ue a year to finish our major projects; control and perhaps freeze growth and put our financial house in order. We have done that. We will end the year well within budget and now have all our long term debts properly financed and in order. However, as a bonus, because of the dramatic increase in productivity by our department heads and staff, we are now able to deliver far better and greatly increased services to our taxpayers for the same dollar amount. The Canadian Auditor General, Mr. Ken Dye, has a favourite catch phrase he uses to describe what he feels govern- ments should do. He feels that the taxpayers should receive "value for money". What that means is that, for example; it is not the proposed 2e increase in a postage stamp that upsets the taxpayers, but rather the lingering belief that they do not receive full value for the 34e already being charged.------ I believe this Council has moved dramatically in the direction of delivering 8value for money" to the Elgin taxpayers and will continue in that direction in 1987. We have already arranged for substantial Provincial base increases in funding for our County in 1987. In areas such as the Roads Department, we have increased the roads system by several miles with additional Provincial funding. In our Homes for Seniors, we have arranged funding for some 12 additional extended- care beds plus the Home Support Program. These base funding increases coupled with our tight control of our own contributions and expenses will result in very large enhancements of our services and programs for our citizens of Elgin, but with relatively modest tax increases locally. 18 - 3 - In the area of costs we control, I'd just like to highlight a couple of lines from your monthly financial state- ments to show the results of your attention to detail this year. On the October 31, 1986 interim financial summary, line 4, re: .Costs of Council Members and Local Boards., you will note we currently have a surplus year to date of almost $37,000.00 and yet the taxpayers of Elgin have had an extremely productive Council and have been well represented at every necessary func- tion. You are now giving the taxpayers more for their money, .Value for Money.! On line 15, RBank Interest and Service Charges., you will see we had a budget for a net cost of $5,000.00 in funds borrowed, based on past experience, and year to date we have an accumulated surplus of almost $24,000.00. The jargon of business concerning "cash-flows., pro- ductivity, "maximization of funding", etc., has slipped into the operation of Elgin County this year with very positive results for our taxpayers. At this point I will stop boring you with facts and on that note, wish to apologize to the press. We have been treated extremely well by the members of the media, but frankly must apologize for not being "Mr. Excitement" and providing any good stories. This year the members of this Council have simply done their job. I congratulate the members of Council on being "Terrible Politicians" but, excellent "Elected Representativesn. Many non-political decisions have been made in 1986 by this Council. A recent example being our decision to apply all year end surplus funds against our capital debts. This means we will lower our debt load and save our taxpayers borrowing expenses. A sound business decision! However, politically it means we will not have the traditional surplus available at budget time next year to cush- ion or partially hide any required tax increases. When the budgets are set in 1987 they will reflect the true needs of our County system and I am certain no one will have-tO apologize for any required increases in taxes. This Council will be able to justify, account for, and most importantly, provide nVALUE FOR MONEyn to its citizens in 1987. You will not hear complaints about high taxes or any increases if you provide the necessary services, at proper costs and in a first class manner, to your ratepayers. We will continue to allow the politicians to capture the media attention and concentrate our efforts on doing a good job and being true "ELECTED REPRESENTATIVESn of the citizens of Elgin. Thank you very much for allowing me to represent you again as Warden in 1987. 19 REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is the Report of the Special Committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1987: AGRICULTURAL Perovich, Ford, Marr, Neukamm, Stewart. Willsey, Martyn and Warden Purcell. COUNTY GOVERNMENT Neukamm, Campbell. Lyle, Chute, Mezenberg, Black, Fischer and Warden .Purcell. COUNTY LIBRARY Pearson, Wakeling. van Kasteren~ Lavereau, Fischer and Warden Purcell. COUNTY ROADS Stewart, Ford, Neukamm, Perovich, Martyn and Warden Purcell Advisory - Willsey, Lyle and Pearson. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Ford, De Kraker , McCann, Stewart, Millman and Warden Purcell Advisory - Hodgson. PERSONNEL Martyn, Emerson, Schaper, Bradfield and Warden Purcell. PROPERTY Emerson. Hodgson, Campbell. Willsey and Warden Purcell. RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Millman, Wakeling. Mezenberg, Campbell, Lyle, van Kasteren, Chute. DeKraker, Schaper and Warden Purcell. SOCIAL SERVICES Lavereau, Pearson, Fischer, DeKraker and Warden Purcell. HEALTH UNIT Marr and Bradfield. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Marr and Martyn. TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Chute. FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Mezenberg. 20 - 2 - CHILDREN I SAID Wakeling, McCann and Millman. MUSEUM SChaper and van Kasteren. LIAISON (Elgin County Board of Education) Perovich, HOdgson, Emerson and Warden Purcell. THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Black. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Bradfield. COUNTY/CITY LIAISON Lavereau. Black and Warden Purcell. WE RECOMMEND THAT each Committee meet and appoint a Chairman as soon as possible. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ._tic! Lit Wm/rn Chairma~' -'/ ~ 21 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 86-74 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE." As required by Section 45 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following five Members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System - M. H. Stewart for term of one year A, K. Ford - for term of two years E. Neukamm - for term of three years D. Perovich - for term of four years W. A. Martyn - for term of five years. 2. That By-Law No. 85-59 be. and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 11th day of December. 1986. READ a second time this 11th day of December. 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1986. ~_Ao:.<'-(.ry::..c-_ G~ C. Leverton, Clerk. 22 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Thb Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request for a Tree By-Law exception by Stanko Zovko and Slavko Vrljic on Application #T2/86 be denied. 2. That the letter from the City of St. Thomas with a copy of the Association of the Municipalities of Ontario's ~Response to the Ontario Right to Farm Advisory Committee's Report- be filed for information. 3. Natural written instead That the Tree By-Law forwarded to the Minister of Resources for approval be repealed and a new one to allow for an exemption of .20 hectares (1/2 acre) of the two acres in The Trees Act. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, r L,} .' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 19B6 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELCIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOllOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. Whereas traffic between the Cities of London and St. Thomas desires to travel directly between the centres of both cities and the eastern industrial areas of both Cities, rather than use existing Kingls Highways #4 and #74. And Whereas as a result, traffic on the Wellington Road under the control of the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin has increased to the point the road has reached its capacity and widening, portions of it to 4 lanes and the channelization of all intersections is now required, And Whereas the improvement of a Highbury, Hubrey, Radio Road Link between London and St. Thomas would not only alleviate the need for some of the improvements of Wellington Road for a number of years but also connect the industrial areas of the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin including the Cities of London and St. Thomas, the London and St. Thomas Airports. and provide the residents of each municipality with a much better connection with Highway #401 while greatly improving safety for the road users. And Whereas at a meeting of representatives of the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the Wardens of Elgin and Middlesex recommended to the Road Committees of the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex and the Councils of the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex and the Cities of London and St. Thomas that representation be made to the Provincial Government to provide additional funding to the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex to allow them to construct the entire Highbury. Hubrey, Radio Road Link as soon as possible. We therefore recommend to County Council that representation be made to the Provincial Government to provide additional funding to the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex to allow the construction of 24 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - DECEMBER SESSION 1986 PAGE 2. the entire Highbury, Hubrey, Radio Road link as soon as pOSSible and that the project within the limits of the County of Elgin be under the auspices of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and that the Warden and Chairman of the County Road Committee. the Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and the County Engineer be authorized to meet with Provincial representatives as required on th i smatter. 2. That the resolution of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in which they requested that representation be made to the Provincial Government to prOvide additional funding to the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex to allow for the construction of the entire Hubrey-Radio Road Link as soon as possible be endorsed. We also agree with the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission that the project should be under the auspices of the St~ Thomas Suburban Road Commission as funds of the Commission will allow. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED ..~ / 25 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1986 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed which will in effect amend By-Law #24~7~ authorizing speed limits and designating a 60 kilometer per hour speed zone on a portion of County Road #16 which is described as follows: From the road allowance between Lots 38 and 39. Talbot Road East, Southwold TownShip to 221 metres east of the west limit of Lot 40. Talbot Road East being a total distance of 610 metres. The speed limit zone is opposite the Southwold School and Elgin Manor. This by-law replaces the by.lawpassed at the November Session which had an error in the schedule. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED 26 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMM!TTEF. RRPORT December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to repay an additional $30,000 on December 31st, 1986 against the Capital Loan and this will pay over the full $100,000 provided for in the 1986 budget. 2. That we recommend that the University of Western Ontario be granted approval to establish a County of Elgin Scholarship to be awarded to the top first year student(s) entering in the Fall from the County of Elgin, excluding the City of St. Thomas. It is understood that the funding will come from the grant provided annually from the County. 3. That the resolution from the City of St. Catharines (Correspondence #5) be endorsed. 4. That the resolutions (Correspondence #6 and 7) from the Counties of Simcoe and Essex opposing any change in the ftRadio Act~ which would take away a preferential radio-licence- fee tariff for municipal governments be endorsed. 5. That we recommend that the Province pass separate legislation for pay equity for municipalities as per the request by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and not combine them in Bill 105. 6, That Correspondence #1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11 be filed. 7. That the Clerk be authorized to lease a mailing machine attachment for the postage meter and an electronic scale for use in mailing, at a rental of $35.00 per month (increase $14.80 over the present costs of $22.20). 6. the tion That we recommend that an amount be transferred from 1986 Contingency to cover the additional Workers' Compensa- assessment being charged for the Library. 9. That we recommend that the distritiution of pens and plastic lapel pins be left to the discretion of the Warden, but it be to groups or individuals where the Warden or a Member of County Council will be participating or attending the function sponsored by the organization. 10. That the cost of the Computer Study ($5,000) be paid out of the Contingency Fund for 1986. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ____~ J~l~"VVL~ E. NeUkamm~ Chai~ma,n: _ ... __ .. / / J~' t/ 27 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1986 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1- Tuesday January That the Committee meet regularly on the first of each month at 9:30A.M. and the next meeting be 6th. 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. --~ ~ ~",-,4.ee.?~"'J-L- 28 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT December Session 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the tender of Ault Dairies for supplying milk requirements for 1987 be accepted, at the prices quoted unless there is an increase to the producer from the Ontario Milk Marketing Board or some other Government agency. 2. bread at a subject to THAT the tender of Corporate Foods Limited for supplying price of 64.7C per 24 oz. loaf be accepted for the year 1987, product being satisfactory and the company be so advisedo ALL of which is respectfully submitted. tOFt' ,L-::r--;:Z;::; A. K. Ford, ~ ~~ LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session 1986 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the payment for janitorial supplies to the branches with a B~Type lease in 1986 is increased Crom $50.00 to $100.00. 2. That Miss Prowse go to the Ideashop '81 conference with the normal expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. jV~ D. H. Pearson, Chairman. 30 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the request from St. Thomas Professional Fire Fighters Association to be allowed to store an antique fire truck in the garage behind the Court House be granted and a monthly rental of $20.00 be charged. 2. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to purchase two industrial-type heaters fOr use in various areas being renovated for new tenants, prior to the regular heat units being installed. 3. That a by-law be presented to Council to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign a ~ave harmless. agreement with the Salvation Army, for use of the Court House Grounds, in enacting a live Nativity Scene. 4. That we do not enter into a maintenance contract for the telephone service in the County Administration Building, but instead pay for any maintenance on an as needed basis. ALL of which is respectfUlly submitted. K.<~~~J Chairman ~ /7 /. ..51 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That a by-law be prepared and presented to Council authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a letter of under- standing between the County and the Canadian Union of Public Employeesre: employees under the Job Development Grant at the County Library. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,68nv It ;p 32 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1986 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elqin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows~ 1. That the 1987 Warden's Banquet be held at the Dutton/DunwichCommunityCentreon November 7th, 1987 and have the Caledonians provide the music. 2, Valley County That arrangements be made to book the Pleasant Golf Club for Thursday. July 9th, 1987, for the an~ual Golf Day. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -r"~, . . .") dj/ r 6_!-.("_,, ;' 1"1. ." M. L~ Millman, Chairman. " 33 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 86-75 "AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS." WHEREAS Subsection.2 of Section 109 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198 as amended), authorizes the Council of a municipality by by-law to prescribe a differ- ent rate of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction than is prescribed in Clause (a) of Subsection 1 of Section 109; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on certain highways in the County of Elgin be decreased. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. When any highway or portioo of highway set out in Schedule -A-, appended hereto, is marked in compliance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the Schedule. 2. The penalties provided in Subsection 13 of Section 109 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. That By-Law No. 86-67 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1986. ~_....c..<.~~"',_< y:-~/..../ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. ~ ,y. ;> -".... ~. '~:urce . t- Warden. 34 SCHEDULE ~ A" By-Law No. 86-75 County Road lUG in the Township of Southwald being Talbot Road East as shown on Registered Plans 0-1020 and 0-1021 from the East limit of the road allowance between Lots 38 and 39, North of Talbot Road, East, Southwald Township, to 221 metres east of the west limit of Lot 40, North of Talbot Road East, TownShip of Southwald, a distance of approximately 610 metres. M _ Bankof Montreal Municipal By-law for Current Expenditures MunicipalilVof --SL.G.I.H SY.LAWNo. M:2O WHEREAS the Council of the Corporatiofl deems it necessary to borrow the sum of ________ xx/lOO dollar!! __________________ ;:oonR MTLL TnN__________ to meet. until the Ulxes are collected. the current ellpenditures of lhe Corporation for the year; AND WHEREAS the total of amounts previously borrowed under Section 189 of the Municipal Act that have not been ~id is ..lUL dollars. AND WHEREAS the amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set OUI in the estimates 8dopted for the current vesr and not yet collected {Of, if the same h8Vll not yet been adopted. the amount of the Bltimaced reve1lues of the Co~ation as set forth ill the estimates adopted forthe n~t pr&Ceding year'.lili THIRTEEN MILLION TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE is ____THOUSAND EI(,;H'1' j.(UND~F.D AND SIXTY-EIGHT----xxIlOO dollars; AND WHEREAS the amount 10 be borrowed urn:ler this bylaw and the amounlsof borrowings thai have I'\Otbettn r~iddoes nen in Ihe aggregale exceed 70% of the uncollected balance oflhallSlimated revenues of Ihe C~alion as sel out above. SE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by Ihe said Council as follows: "" Ilecutv Treaaurer m The Heed and the Treasurer'bf Ihe Corporation are hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to borrow from time to time, by way of promissory nOle, from Sank of Montreal, a sum or sums not exceeding in lhe aggregate _______________ FOUR MILL.ION _______________xx/100 dollars 10 rNeI, until the taxes are collected. Ihe CUlTllnt expenditures of the COfl)OI1Ition for the year, inctudll\9 Ihe amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said Section 189, and 10 give. an behail of the Carpar8tion, to the Sank a promissal'V nOle or nales. _led with the corporate seal and signed by lhem for ttie monevsso borrowed with inl_1 au rate not exceeding ~ per cenlum per annum, whiCh may be paid in advance or oth8l'Wise (2J All sums borrowed from the said Sank, lor any or all of the purpo_.menlioned in the said Section 189, shell, with interest IhllfeDn, be a charge upon the whale of the favtfflUI!I of the CorpOJation for the current Vf*andforallprecedingyear="a5at1dWhel'lsucl'li'9venUes8l"erl8C8ived. (31 The Treasurer is hereby aUlhorized anddireCled 10 apo!y in oaymenl of all sums borrowed pursuant to theaulha!'itv of this Sy-Iaw, as well as all Olher sums borrowed in th;S year and any orevious years. from Ihesaid Bank for any or a!l of the purpo$8$ m&nlioned in the said Sec:tion 189.IDgetherwilhinl9resttherllOn.allofthe moneys hereafter collected or received on aCCOUr'l1 at realized ir'l respect of thelilxes levied for Ihe current year .md precedirlg years ar'ld all of the moneys Collected or received from any olher source" whiCh may lawfully be appliecl for sUCh purpose. ~~ ci";. Passedlhis 11th 36 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 86-77 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SALVATION ARMY (ST. THOMAS CITADEL CORPS) RE: THE COURT HOUSE GROUNDS," WHEREAS the Salvation Army wishes to use a portion of the Court House Grounds to.enact a Live Nativity Scenet and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has given its approval. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and ~lerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement for the use of a portion of the Court House Grounds on December 18th and 19th, 1986 for the purpose of enacting a Live Nativity Scene. READ a first time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1986. ~.:_,_.._".cY7'-..........._ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ / ;/' ./~ . ~C.ll' Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 86-78 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OECEMBER SESSION, l,vo. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980. the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each:,motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the December 1986 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a second time this 11th day of December, 1986. READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of December, 1986. ~...,,-c.-=--<;,...-,-<<jL~").___ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 38 January Session - First Day Wednesday, the 21st day of January, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administra- tion Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Reeve Perovich Reeve Fischer Reeve McCann. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wake ling Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the minutes of the December 1986 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Township of Jaffrayand Melick with resolution request.ing the Minister of Agriculture and Food to enhance his ministry's pro- grams and research related to the equine industry. 2. Minister increase County of Middlesex with resolution of Agricu~ture and Food to amend the the minimum fine from $50 to $500. requesting the Weed Control Act to COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Good _Roads Association with information on -Micro Computer Courses For Beginners. set for May 1987. 2. Reeve Char~es I. Black with a copy of his letter to Mike Breaugh M.P.P., with comments on Bil~ 16. 3~ Association of Municipalities of Ontario with survey for preference with respect to the time of year ~hen the Annual Meeting should be hald. 4. E1wood Varty, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Port Burwell, aSking the County to investigate the possibility of a computer system capable of allowing the local municipalities to use the system. 5. Township of Carling with resolution urging the Province and the Federal Government to declare all areas affected by high waters as disaster areas. 6. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 179, Municipal Statute Law Amendment Act, 1986, and request for comments. 7. National Citizens' Coalition with request for financial support to oppose Bill 154 re: pay equity. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with a draft copy on the ~policy on the disabled symbol program" and request for comments. 2. Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications with information on the submissions for supplementary requests for sub- sidy. j~ - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 3. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that the Ministerially Adjusted Assessment for 1987 for the City of St. Thomas is $90,200,000. 4. Bennett Jones, Barristers and Solicitors, with documenta- tion on behalf of Brenda Marketing Inc. and ConsoliGas Management Ltd.. respecting their Applications for Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity. 5. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with the approved 1987 allocation of road SUbsidy funds in the amount of $4,884,100. 6. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Memo No. 87-1 re; SUbsidy - Land for Municipal Road Purposes. 7. Ontario Energy Board with Notice of a Review by the Board of the Expansion of the Natural Gas System in Ontario. 8. From the fo~~owing with p~anning matters I (1) TownShip of A~dborough - notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 86-52 and copy of same to amend By-Law 79-10. (2) Township of Bayham - notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law Z146-86 and copy of same. (3) TownShip of Ml!I~ahide - notice of the passing of zoning By-Law 52-86 and copy oe:same. (4) Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of Official Plan Amendment for. Township of Bayham. (5) Township of Yarmouth - three notices of pUblic meetings reI Zoning By-Law Amendments. (6) TownShip of Dunwich - copy of By-Law 87-03P to amend By- Law 79-65, as amended. 9: The Ontario Drainage Tribunal with Notice of Hearing to be held January 28th, 1987 in the Springfield Municipal Office. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Para-MedHealth Services with request for an increase in the 1987 homemaking rate to $7.55. 2. The Canadian Red Cross Society, St. Thomas Branch, with request for an ineeaee in the 1987 Homemaker rate to $8.03. 3. Young Women's Christian Association with request for the renewa~ of the per diem contract for .Women's Place- to a maximum of forty-two days and a maximum of $25,000 per year. 4. Kent Kiddie Kol~ege Daycare Program with request for increase. 5. Ay1mer Preschool Education Centre, Ostrander nursery School and St. Thomas Day Nursery with request for an increase in the per day rate for day nursery care. mE 1. R. K. McNeil, M.P.~., with acknowledgement of copy of a letter to Premier Peterson reI Bill 105. 2. The Salvation Army with appreciation for the County's support with their Nativity Scene. 3. The Four Counties General Hospital with appreciation for $50,000 grant. 4. bution. The Canadian Hearing Society with appreciation for contri- TV - 3 - County Council. January Session, 1987 ~ - continued 5. Ministry of Agriculture and Food with News Release re~ -High Level of Support for Right-to-Farrn Legislation and Foodland Preservation-. 6c Ministry of Housing reI consents for rental residential properties under the Rental Housing Protection Act. 1986. 7. County of Kent advising that Reeve Rex Crawford was elected Warden and the annv~l banquet will be held November 21st. 1987. 8. County of Middlesex advising that Reeve William R. Skinner was elected Warden and the annual banquet will be held November'14th, 1987. 9. George E. Disbrowe. President. Hospital Board of Governors with appreciation for the support in the purchase of tulip bulbs. 10. elected 1987. County of Huron advising that Reeve Brian W. McBurney was Warden and the annual banquet will be held November 6th. 11. County of Lambton advising that the Warden f s Banquet for Robert Langstaff will be held November 7th, 1987. 12. Ministry of Municipal Affairs reI provision for property not sold or assumed for municipal purposes under the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984. 13. City of St. Thomas advising that the fOllowing were appointed to the City/County Liaison Committee - Mayor Janet Golding; Alderman Bill Topping; Alderman Gord Campbell. 14. From the following ret planning matters: City of St. Thomas - Notice of pUblic meeting reI proposed zoning by-law amendment. Townshio of Malahide Two notices of public meetings reI proposed zoning by-law and spot official plan amendment and a minor variance. Notice of the passing of zoning by-law 53-86 and copy of same. Two copies of decision of a minor variance. Township of AldborouQh Three notices of pUblic meetings reI proposed zoning by-law amend- ments. Township of Yarmouth Two notices of public meetings reI proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments. Villaqeof Rodnev - Notice of the passing of Zoning By~Law No. 86-37 and copy of same. Ontario Municipal Board - Three Notices of Appointment for Hearings reI Land Division Appeals. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously, and those presented today be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee - t1-2 inclusive County Government Committee - t1-7 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-9 inclusive Social Services Committee - #1-5 inclusive Filed - H-14 inclusive County Council - #1-12 inclusive. - Carried. ~ , - 4 - Mrs. Hilde G. Morden representing the Community Outreach Seminar was present and it was moved by Reeve Black that she be now heard. Mrs. Morden outlined the purpose of the seminar and, also, the various speakers who would be taking part. She had previously requested a grant of $1,000 to assist in paying the keynote speaker. Hoved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman Resolved That the request for financial assistance for the Community Outreach Seminar be referred to the special grants session of County Council to be held in February and that consideration be given to a grant in aid provided there is a demonstrated need and a statement of receipts and expenses is provided to Council after the Seminar has been held. - Carried 0 The following representatives of the Thames Valley Dis- trict Health Counci~ were present - Mr. Don Stevens; Ms. Jan Given. Ks. Mary Howard. It was moved by Reeve Martyn that they now be heard. Mr. Stevens reviewed the role of the Health Council and updated Council on the items that affected this area. Mr. Stevens presented retiring Deputy Reeve Kathleen Schaper with a set of book- ends on beha~f of the TVDHC. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamrn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hezenberg That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FtRS~ REPORT - COUN~Y LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUN'l'Y ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPOR~ - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Ford That the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. THIRD REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The Third Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Mart~. 42 - 5 - County Council, January Session, 198' FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil~ That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved.by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lavereau. ~ Council reviewed the organizations receiving grants during 1986 and those who had requested one in 1987 for the first time. They selected the following to appear before Council at the specia~ Grant Session; 1 Q Salvation Army 20 Elgin County Pioneer Museum 30 University of Western Ontario 40 Ministry of Agricu~ture and Food 50 Elgin Federation of Agriculture 60 E~gin Tourist Association 70 Canadian Hearing Society 80 Canadian Mental Health Association 9. The vic Fund. Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbe~~ That the Warden. be authorized to add any organizations or individua.ls requesting a grant to the ones being asked to attend the Grant: Session. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That February 19th. 1987 at 1;00 P.M. be set to hear grant applications only. - Carriedo Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications a petition for subsidy for the County of Elgin showing the Road Expenditure on the County of Elgin Road System for the period January 1. 1986 to December 31. 1986. - Carriedo ~~ - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Black That an Application be made to the Minister of Transpor- tation and Communications for a Supplementary Application in the amount ofSlO,OGO.OO for a Geotechnical Engineering Study on the Tates Bridge over the Thames River to ascertain the extent of move- ment on the North Pier on the Tates Bridge. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That an Application be made to the Minister of Transpor- tation and Communications for a Supplementary Application in the amount of $110,000.00 for Engineering, Land Purchase and Construc- tion on County Road '30 (Radio Road) in Concession XIII, Yarmouth TownShip. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. City of St. Thomas nominating Mrs. Doris McNaughton as their representative to the E~gin County Pioneer Museum for 1987. 2. Canadian National Institute for the Blind with request for 1987 grant. 3. Wal1acetoWD Agricultural Society with request-'for a $2.000 grant for 1987. 4. The Canadian Hearing Society with request for 1987 grant. S. Ay~r and East Elgin Agricultura~ Society with request for 1987 grant. 6. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and financial statement for the month of November 1986. ,. grant. Canadian Mental Health Association with request for a 1987 8.. Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a 1987 grant. 9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with invoice for membership in the amount of $1.663.92. 10. The Vic Fund with request for permission to address the February grant session. 11. Elgin County pioneer Museum suggesting a .Coffee Hour- to kickoff their 30th Anniversary Year Celebrations. 12. Quad County Association For The Mentally Retarded with request for a 1987 grant. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Black That Mrs. Doris McNaughton be the City of St. Thomas representative on the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1987. - Carried. 44 - 7 - County Council, January Session. 1987 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That the following Correspondence be tabled to the Grant Se8sion~ # 2 ~ Canadian National Institute For The Blind 3 - Wallacetown Agricultural Society 4 - The Canadian Hearing Society 5 - Ay1merand East Elgin Agricultural Society 7 - Canadian Mental Health Association a - Tillsonburg and District Association for the Mentally Retarded 10 - The Vie Fund 12 - Quad County Association For The Mentally Retarded. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That membership betaken out in the Association of Munici- palities of Ontario at a cost of $1,663.92. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we accept the invitation to attend a .Coffee Hour. at the Elgin County Pioneer Museum to kick off the 30th Anniversary Year Celebrations, proposed for April 15th, 1987. - Carriede Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That Council Communications numbered 6 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Oeputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That W$ go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell named Deputy Reeve Mezenberg as Chairmanc It was agreed that Mr. Ec Ae Wells, County Librarian, and Mre Fe Je Boyes, Director Homes for Senior Citizens, be allowed to remain in Committee Of The Wholee The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That we do now adjourn (11;50 A.M.) to meet again on January 21st, 1987 at 1;30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 2;35 P.M. ROLL CALL - All"mambers present except; Reeve Perovich Reeve McCann - B - FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve willsey. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Fischer. SECOND REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford and Reeve Emerson. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Lavereau and adopted on motion of Reeve Lavereau arid Reeve Pearson. It was decided to hold the Budget Session on March 18th, 1987, at 10:00 A.H. and the regular March Session of Council on March 26th, 1987, at 10,00 A.M. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-1 GDesignating through HighwaysG be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-1 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 87-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-2 GA By-Law to Authorize the Expropria- tion of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-2 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-2 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 46 - 9 - County Council, January Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 87-3 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 86-32, to Provide for Membership on the Agricultural Committee~ be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-3 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve HOdgson passed. That By-taw No. 87-3 be read a thud time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 87-4 -Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay Etc. for Registered Nurses in the Homes for Senior Citizens. be read a first time~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-4 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman passed. That By-Law No. 87-4 be read a third time and finally - Carried" Moved by Deputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-5 BBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter of Understanding Between the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hezenberg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-5 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hezenberg passed. That By-Law No. 87-5 be read a third time and finally - Carried. 47 - 10 - Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87-6 -Being a By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees by Cutting, Burning, Bulldozing, Application of Chemicals or Other Means. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-6 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 87-6 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-7 -A By-Law to Confirm proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1987. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-7 be read a second time9 - Carried. M~ved by _D~pu~y ~eeve_Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Black That By-Law No. 87-7 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That we do now adjourn (2:54 P.M.) to meet again on February 18th, 1987 at 10tOO A.M. - Carried. ~..,...,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~Purcerf, Warden. 48 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that we purchase 1,000 of the Lear pens with a blue barrel and black ink, complete with the County Crest and nCounty of Elginn printed on the barrel, at a price of S1.62 each plus sales tax. 2. That suggested projects for the Elgin Conservation Foundation be left with the Roads Committee for proposals. 3. That we recommend that the Warden and Clerk be author- ized to prepare a presentation for legal firms to explain Elgin County's procedure to be used in selecting firms to act as County Solicitors in future. This presentation will result in a recommendation of an approved list of solicitors being presented by this Committee to Council which will provide a broad range of expertise for County legal needs. 4. That we recommend that the County and Regional Section of Association of Municipalities of Ontario annual meeting be changed and be held early in the month of April, commencing in 1990; instead of October. 5. That Correspondence #6 be tabled to the F'ebruary meeting. 6. That Correspondence #1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 be filed. 7. That we recommend that the local Clerk-Treasurers or designate be invited to attend the April Morning Session of County Council and be guests of the County for lunch. 8. That we recommend that the composition of the Agricultural Committee be altered to provide for a represen- tative from each of the rural municipalities plus one from an urban municipality and the procedural by-law be amended accord- ingly. 9. That we recommend that the County Auditor, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, be requested to produce a financial statement for the months of April, May, June, September, October and November at a cost of Sl,aOO.OO. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. / .// / ,c<'<'?.{: / {; ffi E. N /(,...tN_.~<<?, "" Cha' eukamm, - -. ;J1';_~'/';: ~rman /~~ t '1~ LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That we advise the Town of Aylmer that we appreciate their consultation and attempts to accomodate our "Local History" needs in the proposed. renovations of the upper portion of the Town Hall. but that we do not believe the proposed useage is compatible to our needs and that we wish to withdraw our present request for inclusion in the re~ovation plans, We do, however, anticipate some future use by our library for the proposed new areas and would appreciate continuing discussions to arrange a "per use fee" for these areas to compliment the Town's planned multi purpose useage and our additional needs.__.,: That we advise the Town we will begin vacating the current upper area as soon as possible and plan to have vacated the area completely by Friday, February 27, 1987. 2. That the. Librarian be instructed to inform the Municipality of Aylmer that the County of Elgin will vacate the upstairs area of the Old Town Hall Library and will discontinue paying utilities and janitorial service for that area, as per Memorandum of Agreement Article #3, on the date which they vacate, such date to be on or before Friday, February 27, 1987. 3. That a By-law be prepared appointing Deputy.Reeve Wakeling as our 1987 representative to Library Service Region Thames with normal remuneration and expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. liS. ,;/ ~~'~ lJ/c~~~.i~.::.:"on. ~f/ ./Y' / /. h. 'JI.-vf../ 50 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND . -~BERS OF THE COUNTY Of ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That we have purchased from london Machinery Company Limited of London an 8 Cubic Yard Hydraulic Drive Sander at a cost of $9,050. plus Pr~vincial Sales Tax. This sander will be used when .approval is received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for the County's Road Assumption By-law and will provide service for the additional assumed road mileage. 2. We expect to receive, before the end of January, a snowplow and associated equipment that we have purchased from Frink Canada Limited at a cost of $40,756. The equipment is mounted on a Mack Model D686 S Truck purchased from Carrier Mack Truck Centre of London at a quoted price of $75,156 (Provincial Sales Tax extra if applicable); being the lowest of six (6) quotations received. The addition of this truck will allow the County to prOvide snowplow service on those roads being assumed by the County. The number of hired trucks will required during the Summer months will also be reduced. 3. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new 2 Ton Truck with Dual Wheels for use with the County's Wiltsie Trailer, The present one ton truck is too light for continued use with the trailer, 4. The Engineer has been authorized to further investigate a Computer System for Road Department purposes (espeCially bookkeeping). Funds will be allocated in the 1987 Road Department's budget for this purpose. 5. The Engineer has been authorized to call quotations for a used. low hour, 4 Cubic Yard loader with the County's 125 Michigan loader as a tfade-in. The present machine is a 1977 model, purChased used in 1978. ~I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JANUARY SESSIO~ 1987 PAGE 3. 6. The Engineer has been authorized to make an application to the Railway Transport Committee of the Candian Transport Commission fOf the installation of flashing light railroad protection on the following roads: (a) County Road #45 (Smoke Road) at the Canadian National crossing. (bl County Road #48 at the Canadian National crossing (old London and Port Stanley Line). ~I County Road #48 at the Canadian Pacific crossing, Belmont to the St. Thomas Subdivision. 7. The Engineer has been authorized to make an application under Section 38 (Job Creation Programme) of the Unemployment Insurance Act for a grant of approximately $28.000 which will employee nine (9) workers from the 2nd of March to 13th of May who wi I I be engaged in tree cutting and brushing on the roads which the Co~~ty has assumed. 8. That the County Engineer has been authorized to attendcthe following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Convention (February). (b) The Municipal Engineer1s Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) The Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. (d) The Municipal Engineers I Annual Workshop. (e) The Suburban Road Commissionersl Annual Meeting. 9. The Assistant County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Convention (February). (b) The Municipal Engineer~' Meeting held in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) The Municipal Engineers Annual Workshop. (d) The Suburban Road Commissioners' Annual Meeting. WE RECOMMEND: I. That the membership fees for the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 51A COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JANUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 3. 2. That the 1987 Road Committee act as a Committee for the following purposes: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal. (b) Mosquito Control for the Prevention of Encephalitis. (c) Lake Erie Erosion. 3. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign plans for widening County Road Allowances as necessary in 1987. Such authorization by~laws must be passed yearly and ~he by-law schedule will include any roads on which widening might be required in 1987. 4. That the Warden, Reeve Neukamm and the Engineer be appointed to the Western Ontario Municipalities Committee on Gas Franchise Agreements. 5. That d resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Minister of Transportation and Communications a petition by the County of EI~in for subsidy for road expenditures made on the County of Elgin road system for the period of January 1. 1986 to December 31. 1986. 6. That application be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary by-law in the amount of $10,000 expenditure for the soil investigation at the Tates Bridge over the Thames River. The purpose of the investigation is to ascertain if the movement of the north pier is serious enough to force the closure of the bridge, Subsidy is paid llt AOt (Ie; the Ilrid<Je is d Townlinc Bridge, 7. That the County of Elgin's representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Mr. Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention in Toronto with the usual Convention expenses and any meeting of the Suburban Road Commission of Ontario executive and the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Road Commission of Ontario with expenses paid. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~, .,../f~/J'/ 52 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI~ YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That we have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that we will be provided with a subsidy allocation of $4,884.100 (including Urban Rebates) to subsidize total expenditures of $6,143,100. This compares to a subsidy of $4.161,700 and an expenditure of $5,357,300 in 1986. In 1986 t~e expenditures included $186,000 in supplementary road construction and funds for pipe arch culvert investtgations. The additional subsidy this year includes a maintenance and overhead allocation to maintain the additional roads assumed by the County and a $180,000 increase for asphalt resurfacing. Road and bri'dge construction funds remain at $950,000. A road and bridge construction allocation for ro~ds recently assumed by the- County will not become available until 1988. WE RECOMMEND: I. That a by-law be passed which will in ~ffect correct By-Law #86~68 (a by.law to deSignate through highways) the by-law should read that By~Law #85-31 be repealed instead of #86-31 being repealed. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~:~7:~6 ~~;~() 53 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. We have purchased a Ford F-600 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis from Talbot Mercury Sales Limited at $18,413.90 (including Provincial Sales Tax). This was the lowest of six (6) tenders received. This truck will be used to haul our Wiltsie Trailer as our present One Ton Trucks have proven to be too light to haul the trailer sati sfactori ly. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount pf $110,000 ($100,000 Subsidy) for Engineering, Land Purchase and Construction on County ~oad #30 (Radio Road) in Concession XIII, Yarmouth TownShip. Requests for Supplementary Allocations must be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as soon as possible. This allocation if approved will allow the County to start work in Concession XIII, Yarmouth TownShip to complete Radio Road within the County of Elgin; the road has already been constructed in Concession XII and southerly to the City of St. Thomas. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED ~ '5" 'Z:'d:, ~ 54 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the fOllowing policies and procedures be approved - Search and Rescue of Missing Resident Employee Health Services - Infection Control. 2. That the Director/Administrator be authorized to register the Supervisory Staff for the a.A.H.A. Spring Conference and that the Supervisory Staff shall have the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , t.Cb..;;j- .;z;:- A. K. Ford -<-If Cha1..rman /' ~/ /~ r /F~ 55 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT TO the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Commit> ,':e reports as follows: 1. That the report on benefits for County employees prepared by Mosey & .Mosey Insurance Agency Ltd., has been accepted. The overall decrease of premiums is 0.6%. 2. That we recommend that the hourly grid system for the Registered Nurses be increased by 5%. effective January 1st, 1987, and that a by~law be prepared for Council. 3. That the Clerk-treasurer's Office be authorized to have the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce payroll department produce a U.I.C. History Record with each payroll, at a cost of $7,00, and produce a Record of Employment Certificate for each separated employee. at a cost of 859 each. These costs to be charged back quarterly to each department. based on the number of cheques issued and number of separations occurring. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. "../" -/- :::2. <. i'1( ,,_ <.~ ~~. , 56 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follow~~ l. amount of batteries That the quotation of Elgin Electric Ltd. $776.00, less cash discount of $38.00, to in the fire alarm panel be accepted. in the replace 2. That Change Order #24 in the amount of 0$1,265 has been authorized to be paid (Kitchen Electrical Work). 3. That the request from Mr. E. A. Wells, County Librarian, to use additional space in the County Administration BUilding for temporary storage (until June 1987) for material from the Aylmer Old Town Hall Library has been granted and that they have been allowed to use Room #18. 4. That we recommend that a plaque be purchased from Ansell's at a cost of $282.00 to recognize the contribution of the local municipalities in the renovation of the new County Administration Building. This will have a map of the County with the various municipal names shown and a plate with the appropriate wording. 5. That the request from Mr. Don Graham to allow the 1st lona Scouts to tour the County Administration Building has been granted and the Clerk has been authorized to arrange it during normal working hours. 6. That we recommend that the proposal, as if affects the Property Committee, prepared by the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. be accepted for the year 1987 for insurance purposes. 7. That we recommend that Mr. Albert Vanderploeg be advised that the County is not interested in disposing of any property at the County Administration Building location at the present time. 8. That the Clerk has been authorized to have the Reserved and Visitor's Parking Areas properly signed. 9. Ltd. fire That the quotation of B & P Fire Equipment Company be accepted for supplying and installing the followin.g extinguishers in the County Administration Building: 5 - 5 lb. BC Type @ $31.90 13 - 5 lb. ABC Type @ $31.90 plus provincial sales tax. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~' . " . /' ~~V K. C. Emer,:~n..'..-~ Chairm/&,p~ 57 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the Township of Jaffray and Melick (Correspondence #1) be filed. 2. That the letter from the County of Middlesex (Cor- respondence #2) be endorsed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. "' m /:3:?7'11,!(,t W. A. Marty. ::~ 58 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the invitation to the local Clerk-Treasurers or designate to attend the April Session of Council be amended to read the second (Regular) meeting in March 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c;;,J ~ E. Neukamm Z- -.e_--;s.-/.-?-e--L ~h~~ / 59 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS CO:~~ITTEE REPORT January Session 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Slgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend that the thirty per cent (30%) Municipal Subsidy of the cost of purchasing a bus for the Elgin Manor be authorized. This subsidy for, the bus shall be included in the Operating Expenditures of the 1987 budget. ALL of which is respe~tfully submitted. 1/.1. r ::;r;;::.. - { A. K, Ford ChaHrnan' ~ ;:ff~( 60 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request fram Para-Med Health Services for an increase in the hourly rate, from $6.89 to $7.55, effective January 1st, 1987, for homemaking services be accepted. sub- ject to the Ministry of community and Social Services approval for subsidy purposes. 2. That the request from the Canadian Red Cross Homemaker Service for an increase in the hourly rate, from $7.65 to S8.03, effective January 1st, 1987, be accepted, sub- ject to the Ministry of Community and Social Services approval for subsidy purposes. 3. That the request from the Kent Kiddie Kollege Daycare Program for an increase in daycare rate be approved as follows, subject to the approval of the Ministry of community and Social Services for subsidy purposes - effective January 1st, 1987 - Infants - remain at $18.50 per day Toddlers - increase from $16.50 to $17.00 per day Preschoolers - increase from $15.50 to $16.00 per day and the half day rate will be half the daily rate plus $1.00. 4. That we recommend that the following daily rates be approved for Day Care Service effective January 1st, 1987 - INFANTS PRE- & TODDLERS SCHOQLERS Ostrander Nursery School $19 $16 St. Thomas Day Nursery 19 16 and be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. // / .-',-- R. J L Cha .' . averea!J.,." :rman_ /~/( ../0: // r[~?(; 61 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-1 "DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 37 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the High~ay Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) provides that: "Through Highway" means a highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister arby By-Law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-ai-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The followittg bighways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION 2 From the east side of County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #8. 3 From a point on County Road *3, 390 metres south of the south side of the road allowance between Concessions XIII and XIV, Aldborough Township to the County bou~dary, which is the centre of the Thames River. 4 (a) On the Aldborough-orford Townlinefrom the north side of the road between Concessions IV and V, Orford Township to opposite the south side of the road between Concessions VIr and VIII, Aldborough Township. (b) The road between Concessions VII and VIII, Aldborough Township from the east side of the Orford- Aldborough Townline to the west side of County Road #3. 5 From the north side of County Road #2 to the County of Middlesex Boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 6 From the east side of County Road *7 to the west side of County Road #3. 7 From the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Orford Township, to the County boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 8 (a) From the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River to the north side of County Road *8 (Lake Road) in Lot 10, Concession X, DunwichTownship. (b) Lake Road from the west side of County Road #8 in Lot 10, Concession X, Dunwich Township, to the east side of Pearce Provincial Park in Lot 12, Concession X, Dunwich Township. 9 (a) From the east side of County Road #3 to the west side of County Road #5. (b) From the east side of County Road #5 to the west side of County Road #8. 62 - 2 - ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION 9 {c) From the east side of County Road ~8 to the west side of County Road ~14. 11 From the east side of King's Highway No.4 to the west side of County Road *26. 13 From the east side oe County Road #8 to the west side of County Road #14. 14 From the north side of County Road #16 to the County boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 15 From the south side of County Road #2 to the north-west side of County Road #8. 16 From the south-east side of County Road #8 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 17 From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of the road between Concessions I and II, Delaware Township. 18 (a) From the east side of County Road #14 to the west side of County Road #19. (b) From the east side of County Road #19 to the south side of the Townline Road Between the TownShips of Southwold and Delaware. 19 From the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road #17. 20 (a) From the north side of the road between the TownShips of Southwold and Delaware to the north side of County Road #18. (b) From the south side of County Road #18 to the north side of County Road #16. (c) From the south side of County Road #16 to a point 564 metres south of King's Highway No. 4in the Village of Port Stanley. 21 From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side of King's Highway No.4. 22 (a) From the boundary of tl".e City of St. Thomas in Concession VII, Yarmouth Township,. to the north side of County Road #27. (b) From the south side of County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #24. 23 (a) From the east side of King's Highway No.4 in Lot 2, Concession II, Yarmouth Township, to the north side of Joseph Street in the Village of Port Stanley. (b) On Joseph Street from the east side of King's Highway No.4 to the east side of East Street all in the Village of Port Stanley. 24 From the east side of County Road #23 to the west side of King's Highway No. 73 at Port Bruce. 25 From the north side of King's Highway Noo 3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster. 26 From the east side of County Road #25 to the north bound- ary of the City of St. Thomas. 63 - 3 - ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION 27 From the north side of County Road #20 to the east side of County Road #36 in Co~cession III, Yarmouth Township. 28 (a) From the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road ~56. (b) From the south side of County Road #56 to the north side of County Road #45. 29 (a) From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #;31. (b) From the east side of Bostwick Road to the west side of County Road #25. 30 (a) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Yarmouth Township. (b) From the east side of the road between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township to the south side of the Townline between the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminster (County Road~34). 31 From the south side of County Road ~29 to the south side of County Road #:52. 32 (a) From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of the road between Lots 15 and; 16, Concession VIII, Malahide Township. -, (b) From the south side of the road between C9ncession VIII and the North Gore Concession to the south side of County Road #52. 34 (a) From the west side of the road between Lots 10' and 11, Concession XIII, Westminster Township, to the north-west side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Yarmouth Township (County Road #30). (b) From the west side of King's Highway No. 74 to the County boundary, being a pOint 146 metres west of the centre line of Kettle Creek. 35 From the south side of County Road ~52 to the north side of County Road #45. 36 (a) From the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road #:45. (b) From the south side of County Road #45 to the north side of County Road #27. (c) From the south side of County Road ~27 to the north side of County Road #24. 37 (a) From the east side of King's Highway No. 74 to the west side of County Road #47. (b) From the east side of County Road #47 to the east side of the road between the Townships of North and South Dorchester and Township of South-West Oxford (formerly Dereham). 38 From the south-east side of King's Highway No. 3 to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Norfolk (formerly Houghton). 39 From the south side of County Road #42 to a point 485 metres south of the south limit of Pitt Street. 64 - 4 - ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION 40 From the south side of County Road #52 to the north side of County Road #42. 41 (a) On Fulton Street in the village of Vienna from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. {b) On Main Street from the north side of King's Highway No. 19 to the north side of Fulton Street. 42 (al From the east side of King's Highway No. 73 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19 (being Robinson Street) in the Village of Port Burwell. (b) From the east side of King's Highway No. 19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east side of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Norfolk (for- merly Houghton). 43 (a) From the south side of County Road #38 to the north side of County Road #45. (b) From the south side of County Road ~45 to the north side of County Road #42. 44 From the east side of County Road #46 to the west side of King's Highway No. 19. 45 {al From the south side of King's Highway No.3 to the north side of County Road ~16. (bl From the south side of County Road ~16 to the west side of County Road #22. (c) From the east side of County Road #22 to the west side of County Road #40. (d) From the east side of County Road #40 to the east side of County Road #55. I 46 From the north side of County Road #38 to the north side of the road between the Township of Bayham and South-West Oxford (formerly Dereham). 47 From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #37. 48 (a) From the north side of Southwold Westminster Town- line Road to the south side of the road allowance between Concessions A and a. Township of Southwold. (b) From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. (c) From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of County Road #54. 49 From the south side of County Road #48 to the north side of county Road #52. 50 From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of King's Highway No. 19. 51 From the east side of the road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold to the west side of King's Highway NO.4. 52 (a) From the north side of King's Highway No.3 in Southwold TownShip to the west side of County Road #25. vo - 5 - ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRTP~TON 52 (b) From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. (e) From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of the road between Lots 3 and 4 Concession XII, South Dorchester. (d) From the east side of the road between Lots 3 and 4, Concession XII, South Dorchester. to the west side of the Townline Road between Malahide, South Dorchester and South-West Oxford, 53 (a) Elm Street in the Town of Aylmer, from the north side of King's Highway No.3 to the south side of Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer. (b) Beech Street in the Town of Aylmer from the west side of Elm Street to the west side of King's Highway No. 73. 54 From the north side of County Road 1F48 to the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, South-West Oxford Township (formerly Dereham). 55 From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 56 From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the east side of County Road #36. 2. The designation in Section 1 of this By-Law of a high- way or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 4. By-Laws No. 85-31 and 86-68 and any amending by-laws are hereby repealed. 5. This By-Law shall not become effective until By-Law No. 86-60 and By-Law No. 86-61 are approved by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1987. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 66 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-2 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS." WHEREAS under Section 193 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.O. 1980, the Council of every Corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purpose of the Corporation: and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in perform- ance of its obligations under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corporation of the County o( Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening, imprOVing, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule -An as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule "A~, and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized, to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as may be agreed upon as compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148, R.S.O. 1980. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 198? ~ ~ --;4-.,- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /~ "' _ Pur ell. Warden. 1- County Road #2 2. County Road lF4 3. County Road #8 4. County Road #22 5, County Road #43 6. County Road #43 7. County Road #45 67 SCHEDULE Q A" By-Law No. 87-2 Lots 1 to 9, Concession A and Concession V, North of A; Lots A to D and 1 to 5 (inclusive), Conc~ssions VII and VIII. Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich. Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth. Lot 1, Concessions III and IV, Township of Bayharn. Lot 35, Concessions III and IV, Township of Malahide. Lots 11 to 20 (inclusive), Concessions IV and V, Township of Malahide. 68 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 86-32. TO PROVIDE FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By-Law No 86-32 provides for the regulation of the proceedings in Caune 1 and Committees thereof, including the composition and respons bilities of the various Committees; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to alter the composi- tion of the membership on the Agricultural Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 86-32, Section X, entitled ~AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE-, be amended by deleting paragraph 1, and substituting the following - >>1. The Agricultural Committee shall be composed of a representative from each of the rural municipali- ties plus one from an urban municipality." 2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1987. ~.;'" -~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~ Warden. 69 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-4 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH RATES OF PAY ETC. FOR REGISTERED NURSES IN THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to establish hourly rates of pay for Registered Nurses employed in the Homes for Senior Citizens as well as clothing allowance. NOW THEREFORE the following rates be established: 1. START $14.20 hr. 1ST YR. $14.75 hr. 2ND YR. $15.44 hr. 3RD YR. $16.12 hr. 4TH YR. $16.80 hr. TO compute years of service for part time staff in order to advance to the next step in the grid, 1,880 hours worked equals one year. 2. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE An annual clothing allowance of $85.00 will be paid, in equal quarterly payments of $21.25. 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, .1987. 4. That By-Laws No. 85-36 and 83-41 be and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1987. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. , 70 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-5 "BEING A 8Y-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING 8ETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS the Elgin County Library has received finan- cial assistance from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, along with other libraries, for the purpose of building a machine readable database, and WHEREAS the name of this project is the aOntario Library Cooperative Automation Project"; and WHEREAS under the project persons will be employed by way of the Job Development Grant as arranged through the Ontario Library Consortium. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That the Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a Letter of Understanding (attached as Appendix "A") between the County and the Canadian Union of Public Employees with respect to persons employed by way of the Job Development Grant arranged for the Elgin County Library. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of January, 1987. READ a third time andfinally passed this 21st day. of January, 1987, ~... ~~ G. C. Leverton; Clerk. 71 APPENDIX "An Letter of Understanding between Corporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees This letter details the agreement reached between the above named parties which will apply to the persons employed by way of the Job Development Grant, arranged for Elgin County Library (and others) through the. Ontario Library Consortium. The following terms and conditions will apply to all persons selected to implement the program referred to above: (a) they will be required to pay to the union an amount equal to the local union dues; (b) all statutory benefits provided in the Employment Standards Act must be made available to them by their employer; (e) during the period of their employment under the grant they will not accumulate any seniority, and further, in the event of termination they would not have the right to commence grievance procedure; (d) in the event of a layoff of union members in the library, then."this program would cease; (el it is understood that the persons employed under this program would not displace any present employee; (f) the selected employees would not be used to deliberately circumvent overtime work which normally would be assigned to present staff members; (g) if a vacancy occurs at the completion of the program, it will be posted as required, with preference being given to present employees who are willing and capable of taking training on the computer operation; (h) the persons selected to perform the work and to be trained under this grant program will not be considered to be employees of the Library, at least during the training period, and while they are. occupied in the work of the data base input. Signed at St. Thomas, this 1986. F~U~ A:., ~ ' ~ ,""" ~ ...J-A;.c"o./ ~.. //'...-- ;', .~1/ :::;;~/d.jG:.. 11 ""'--\L.......i<Q ~m_.A... day of IJ? (' .'-"4.... ,[.f..L/) f '---' FO'the~~f Elgin ~. Warden Clerk 72 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-6 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT AND REGULATE THE DESTRUCTIDN OF TREES BY CUTTING, BURNING, BULLDOZING. APPLICATION OF CHEMICALS OR OTHER MEANS." WHEREAS it has become expedient for the general wel- fare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by serving and improving the woodlands of the County; and WHEREAS under Section 4 of The Trees Act, the Council of a County is empowered to pass by-laws (a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, bulldozing, application of chemicals, or other means; and (b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section; THEREFORE the MuniCipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. (a) Except as hereinafter provided, no person by him- self or through any other person, shall destroy or cause or permit to be destroyed by cutting, burning, bulldozing, application of chemicals, or other means, any living tree of the species listed below that shall not have attained to the measurement specified below; 145 em in circumference Maple Oak Walnut Ash Tulip (Whitewood) Basswood Pine Cherry 112 em in circumference Hemlock Pine Birch Hickory Poplar Sycamore Chestnut Hackberry Cucumber Kentucky Coffee Black Gum Beech Elm 64 em in circumference Birch Larch Cedar Locust Poplar - Hard, Red, Silver, Black - White (Butternut), Black - White - Black - Red Yellow Shagbark, Bitternut, Pignut, Mockernut - Cottonwood Tree Tree - American - 'tl"hi te - Eastern (Tamarack), European White Black, Honey - Balsam, Trembling Aspen, Large-Toothed. I,) - 2 - (b) Measurements referred to in subsection (al above shall be outside the bark and taken at a point at the base-of the tree 46 em above the highest point of the ground. (e) Notice of Intent for Loggers and Fue!wood Cutters - Every person or logger acting on behalf of the land- owner who is planning to cut trees for purchase or sale, shall notify the County Clerk's Office at least five (5) working days prior to any cutting under this by-law taking place, Such ONotice of Intent to CutO shall be sent by first class mail to the Clerk's Office, on Form 1 attached as Schedule OAK to this by-law. In the event of a mail disruption, such Notice of Intent may be given verbally by telephone and a copy of the notice delivered to the County Clerk or Tree Commissioner as soon thereafter as possible. (d) In cutting or removing any tree, no person shall so conduct his operations as to unnecessarily injure or damage any young trees adjacent thereto. 2. This by-law shall not interfere with or apply to exceptions shown in Section 5 of The Trees Act, with the exception of sub- section (e) which shall read - (e) apply to trees growing in a woodlot that is .20 hectares or less in area. 3. Every person who, (a) by himself or through any other person, contra- venes any provision of this by-law; (b) obstructs, hinders or interferes with an officer appointed under this by-law or any person acting,:_ under his instructions, in the discharge of his duties: or (e) out The fails or neglects, without just cause, to an order made against him under subsection Trees Act carry 6 (2l of and who does not come within any of the exceptions set forth in The Trees Act, is guilty of an offence under The Trees Act and subject to the penalities set forth therein. 4. That officers to enforce the provisions of this by-law may be appointed by by-law of the Council and an officer so appointed shall, (a) not be a Member of the Council for the County of Elgin: (b) hold office at the pleasure of the said Council; and (cl be paid an hourly rate and also a rate per mile travelled, both to be determined from time to time by County Council, for his duties in enforcing the provi- sions of this by-law. 5. That By-Laws No. 79-38, 80-12, 81-36 and 86-59 be and the same are hereby repealed. 6. That where "The Trees Act" is referred to in this by-law, it means The Trees Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 510, including any amendments thereto or any successor legislation. 74 - 3 - 7. That this By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Minister of Natural Resources. READ a first time this 21st day of January, 1987 READ a second time this 21st day _~ January, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of January, 1987. ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. - ~ /~ .&/ -., Puree 1, Warden. 75 c 0 U N T Y o F ELGIN SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 87-6 ~ THE COUNTY OF ELGIN NOTICE OF INTENT PURSUANT TO TREE BY-LAW NO. 87-6 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO BE COMPLETED AT LEAST FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO ANY CUTTING Property Owner: Location - Lot: - Concession: - Township: Size of Woodlot: species of Trees: Expected Starting Date: , 19 Contractor: (If different from Owner above) Person in Charge of Cutting: (Foreman) I Agree that operations will be in accordance with the provi- sians of Tree By-Law No. 87-6, of the County of Elgin and that I am familiar with the contents and requirements of this By-Law and acknowledge having received a copy thereof. Further, I agree to contact the Tree Commissioner (Telephone- Area 519 773-2482) or the Clerk's Office (Telephone - Area 519 631-14601 prior to cutting. DATED at this _____ day of 19 Signature oi-Owner or Contractor MAILING ADDRESS1 CLERK, COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NSR SV1 76 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-7 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION, 1987." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the MuniCipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the MuniCipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Recorts of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the January 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all. such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 30 The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of Januar~ 1987. READ a second time this 21st day of Januar~ 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of Januar~ 1987. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 4i~e- A / <- 'C..-- Y .'. F. Purcell I'farden. ~~~~ 77 February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of February, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administra- tion Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair, ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Perovich Reeve Stewart Reeve Bradfield. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the minutes of the January 1987 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Susan D. Galloway, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Division Committee, with resolutions re: convention and membership. 2. Elgin County Plowmen' $ Association with request for p~r- mission to use the mascot -Elgie-. 3. Ontario Municipal Management Development Board with request for membership. 4. City of Kingston with resolution requesting the govern- ments to raise the Maximum Unit Price re: non-profit housing. 5. The university of Western Ontario with information on their Second Course for Local Elected Officials, scheduled for.May 20-23, 1987. 6, will be be held Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that April 13-17 this year's Local Government Week and suggesting activities to get to know the constituents better. 7. The Toronto Star requesting information on procedures and material used in attracting new business and industry. 8. Sanders, Cline, Barristers and Solicitors, requesting consent to use the words -Elgin County- in the incorporation of -Elgin County Industrial Needs Council-. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. City of Toronto with resolution regarding changes to the Canadian Copyright Act. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Environment Canada with information about current high water levels being experienced on the Great Lakes and listing mater- ial available on the subject. 2. Minister of Transportation and Communications with infor- mation on procedure to apply for funds under the Ontario Municipal Improvement Fund (O.M.I.F.) in 1987 for municipal road and bridge improvements. 3. taken perty Wood Lynn Farms Limited requesting advice on action re: request from Canada Trust re: partial discharge for acquired by the County for road widening. to be pro- 78 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS - continued .. of; Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copies (1) Memo No. 87-2 - Maximum Subsidizable Rates for Municipally- OWned Equipment. (2) Memo No. 87-4 - Right of Access by Road Authority to Rail- way Right-OE-Way. 5. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with notice that application for O.M.I.F. funding must be made by March 1st, 1987. 6. Mr. Glenn Foster, R. R. #1. Belmont. re: County culvert discharging water on his property. 7. Ontario Good Roads Association with copy of resolutions to be debated at the Annual General Meeting starting February 25th. 1987. 8. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with copy of Order-In-Council No. O.C. 203/87, approving By-Laws No. 86-60 and 86-61, to amend the County Road System. 9. Ontario Good Roads Association with information re: Grader Operator Upgrading Programme, to be held May 25th-28th, 1987 at Sheridan College~ 10. bination 4th-6th, Ontario Good Roads Association with information re; com- Loader/Backhoe Operator Upgrading Programme, to be held May 1987 at Sheridan College. 11. Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. with reply re: a proposed agreement with the County. 12. From the following with planning matters: Township of Aldborouqh Notice of the paSSing of Zoning By-Law 86-53 and copy of same. Township of Yarmouth Three notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws 2975. 2983, 2984 and copies of same. Township of Malahide Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 14-87 and copy of sarne. County of Kent Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 36-86 and copy of same. Ministry of Municipal Affa~rs Proposed plan of subdivision (Township of Yarmouth) and request for comments. 13. R. G. Moore, Secretary and Engineer to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission with proposed 1987 budget. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1- shelving tions. Correctional Services Canada advising that they can supply and office furniture built to federal government specifica- 2. Regional Assessment Office with Assessment Notices for various County properties. 3. Alfred O'Rourke with request for consideration of a por- tion of the building to be used by the employees of St. Thomas PSYChiatric Hospital for providing child care. _ 3 - County Council, February Session, 1987 RE~F.PTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 1. Gladys Axtell, Axtell Catering, with request for an in- crease in the charge for noon luncheon. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with news- letter and information on convention to be held June 7th-10th, 1987. 2. Aylmer Preschool Daycare Centre Ltd. with request for an increase in the per diem for daycare. 3. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with infor- mation on a seminar to be held March 26th and 27th, 1987. FILED 1. C.N.I.B. acknowledging receipt of 1986 grant in the amount of $1.500. 2. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with allocation of Children In Care and financial statement to December 31st, 1986. 3. Jim McGuigan, M.P,P., acknowledging correspondence re: Bill 105 (Pay Equity) and pointirig out Bill 154 has been introduced by the Attorney General. 4. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with revisions to their -Flood Warning Plan-. 5. Ministry of Labour with notice of a Regulation filed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, effective December 6th, 1986. 6. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of publication entitled -The Municipal Audit-. 7. Spriet Associates advising that they will not have a hos- pitality suite at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. 8. Ministry of Education with copies of By-Laws from the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board ra: performing the duties of a secondary school board. 9. Canadian Transport Commission acknowledging the County's letter ret opposition to CP's application to abandon the line from Port Burwell to Tillsonburg. 10. Ministry of Housing with News Release and copy.of Report on Roomers, Boarders and Lodgers. 11. Minister of the Environment with -Notice of Completion of Review. and soliciting comments from the public an Ontario Hydro's Low Level PCB Oil Treatment Process. 12. Bank of Montreal with notice of a decrease of ~% to 9~% of the prime interest rate, effective January 22nd, 1987. 13. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with information an the Farm Debt Review Act (Federal). 14. County of Middlesex with resolution ce: amending the Weed Control Act. 15. From the following with planning matters: City of St. Thomas Notice of Public Hearing from Site Plan Control Committee re: 43-51 Metcalfe Street. Villaqe of Port Stanley Two Notices of Public hearings re: minor variances. 80 - 4 - Township of A~dborouqh Notice of Public meeting ra: minor variance. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Request for comments on Official Plan amendment for Township of Aldborough. Notice of approval for portions of Official Plans for Township of Bayham and Villa~. of Dutton. Township of Malahide Notice of Public Meeting ra: proposed Zoning By-Law and Spot Official Plan Amendment. Villaqe of Rodnev Notice of Public Meeting ra; minor variance. Town of Avlmer Notice of Public Meeting ret proposed zoning by-laws. Two notices of public meetings re; minor variances. Townshio of Yarmouth Notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws 2979 and 2981 and copies of same. Ontario Municipal Board Copy of letter acknowledging the withdrawal of Land Division Committee decision appeal. Villaqeof Port Stanley Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 2276 and copy of same. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve De Kraker That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously, be approved as follows: County Government Committee - #1-8 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-13 inclusive Property Committee - #1-3 inclusive Reception and Entertainment Committee - #1 Social Services Committee ~ #1-3 inclusive Filed - In-IS inclusive County Council - #1-13 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following Branch Library employees received Kempenfelt Bay Course Certificates from Warden Purcell and Chairman Pearson of the Library Committee; Dorothy Streets, Aylmer Library Jan NiChOlson. Port Stanley Libraryo DELEGATIONS St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital - It was moved by Reeve Emerson that the following be now heard - Ken Monteith; Dr. John McLaughlin~ Bob Heath; Jack Ferriman. The various members of the delegation reviewed the status of the current -Give Us Room To Care Campaign- and indicated that the financial requirements were 91% received. Warden Purcell advised the members that a recommendation of the County Government Committee was going to Council today and was to invite the Hospital in to the December Session to receive a cheque for $800,000 for the years 1986 and 1987. _ 5 - County Council, February Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE {mailed} Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. Deputy Reeve Millman declared a conflict-of-interest on Item ~50f the Report and did not engage ina discussion or vote on the Report. The motion was then put to Council and was adopted. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Ford That the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. THIRD REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the Third Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE {mailed} Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve McCann That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citiiens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That the First Report of the Property Committee he adopted. - Carried. 82 - 6 - TREASURER' S REPORTS The Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Council and Outside Boards were presented today. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakel!ng Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expens~s for the Members of the Elgin County Council to December 31st, 1986 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to December 31st. 1986 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. Elgin County Library Board and Members of the Land Division Committee, be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the Wintario Program Grant Statement of Disclosure for the Elgin County Library Organizational and Development Study. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Village of Port Burwell with request for a grant for 1987 to provide a new library. 2. Ontario Parks Association with request for membership. 3. Minister of Housing with information on the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH) and asking for assistance in promoting it. 4. Old St. Thomas Church Restoration Trust with request for a grant for 1987. s. The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin with request for a grant for 1987. 6. Elgin Tourist Association with proposed budget for 1987 Showing a County contribution of $10,000. ,. 1987. The Elgin Military Museum with request for a grant for 8. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a grant for 1987. 9. 1987. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request for a grant for 10. Ridgetown College of AgriCUltural Technology requesting a $400 grant for 1987. 11. The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded with request for a grant for 1987. 12. Elgin Federation of AgriCUlture with request for a grant for 1987. 13. Kettle Creek Kids with a request for a grant for 1987. _ 7 - County Council, February Session, 198~ Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the following requests for grants be tabled to the February 19th meeting re; grants - Correspondence I ~ 12 13 village of Port Burwell Old St. Thomas Church Restoration Trust The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin Elgin Tourist Association The Elgin Military Museum St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service Elgin County pioneer Museum Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for the Mentally Retarded Elgin Federation of Agriculture Kettle Creek Kids. 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Carried. Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That Council correspondence #2 and 3 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McCann Seconded by Reeve Martyn That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried~,^ Mr. F. J. Boyes, Director and Mrs. Marilyn D. Barrett, Assistant Administrator of the Homes, and Mr. Chuck Raven of, Deloitte Haskins & Sells were allowed to stay in Committee Of The Whole. Warden Purcell appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Black That we do now adjourn (11:57 A.M.) to meet again on February 18th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 1:41 P.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carr ied . Warden Purcell again appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman. The Committee rOse without reporting. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fischer That we do now adjourn (3:04 P.M.) to meet again on Wednesday, February 18th, 1987 at 3:30 P.M. - Carried. 84 - 8 - Council re-convened at 4;23 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Stewart Reeve Hodgson. SECOND REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford and Reeve Lavereau. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve Perovich. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Lavereau and adopted on motion of Reeve Lavereau and Reeve Pearson. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditures in the amount of $6,143,400 on County of Elgin and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road Systems as recommended in the Second Report (February) of the County of Elgin Roads Committee and detailed in Resolutions #4 and #5 be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for approval. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That we accept the 50c per meal increase requested by Gladys Axtell for supplying the noon luncheon effective, January 1, 1987 ($6~50 each). - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law Noo 87-8 ~8eing a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Land Division Committee- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-8 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Lavereau passed. That By-Law No. 87-8 be read a third time and finally - Carried. <>0 _ 9 - County Council. February Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That By-Law No. 87-9 -Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay Etc. for Registered Nurses in the Homes for Senior Citizeris. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87-9 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Oeputy Reeve DeKraker That By-Law No. 87-9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By~Law No. 87-10 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-23, Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve McCann That By-Law No. 87-10 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-10 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Deputy Reeve Millman declared a conflict-af-interest on By-Law No. 87-11 and did not vote or take part in the discussion. Moved by Reeve .Pearsan Seconded by Reeve Black That By-Law No. 87-11 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement with the Elgin County Plowmen's Association for Use of the Mascot 'Elgie'- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 87-11 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By~Law No. 87-11 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 86 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-12 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign Agreements Between the County of Elgin and the Medical Directors of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Harr That By-Law No. 87-12 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 87-12 be read a third tUme and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-13 -Being a BY~Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services re: the Purchase of Service Home Support and Services for the Elderly. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-13 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Neukamm passed. That By-Law No. 87-13 be read a third tfme and finally - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Willsey That we do now adjourn (4:42 P.M.) to meet again on February 19th. 1987 at 1:00 P.M. - Carried. February Session - Second Day Thursday, the 19th day of February, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administra~ tion Building. at 1:00 P.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLLCALL - All Members present except: Reeve Stewart Reeve Hodgson Reeve McCann. _ 11 - County Council, February Session, 198~ The following delegations were present to speak to their requests for a grant and giving reports; MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD Mr. Carl Fletcher, Farm Management Specialist, gave the annual report on behalf of Mr. Dave Murray, the Agricultural Representative. This report was distributed previously to all Members of Council. In addition to the report, a grant of $5,560 was requested as an agri- cultural grant for 4-H Groups. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM BOARD Mrs. Fran Hubert, Treasurer - Their request for 1987 was for a $10,000 operating grant and a $2,500 capital grant. SALVATION ARMY Major Don RLtson. Public Relations Director - No specific amount was requested except continued support for 1987. MENTAL HEALTH/ELGIN -CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Mr. Ken Doggett, Finance Chairman: Mrs. Betty Ciuciura, Executive Director -No specific amount was requested for 1987. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Mr. John Sharpe, Director of Development; Ms. Ingram Harmes, a first-year art student - No specific amount was requested except for continued support for the students from Elgin. ." THE VIC FUND Mr. Danny Young, Vice-Chairman of Fund: Mr. John Robinson, Division Chairman - Their request was for ~50,OOO capital grant spread over a five-year period at ~10.000 per year. THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY Two representatives appeared for this organization and no names were given - No specific amount was requested for 1987. ELGIN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Mro Graham Ward. President - Their request for 1987 was for $1,300. ELGIN TOURIST ASSOCIATION Mr. Gary Baker, Chairman - Their request for 1987 was for $10,000. THE ELGIN MILITARY MUSEUM Mr. Stirling Ince, Curator; Mr. Noble Tufford, Director - Their request for 1987 was for $500. ART GALLERY ST. THOMAS-ELGIN Mr. Ken Monteith: Mr. Wayne Kentner, Mr. Ian Ross, Curator - Their request for 1987 was for $1,000. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve NeukfuTm That the request for a grant from The Vie Fund be tabled to the 1988 Grant Session and they be invited in at that time to speak to their project. - Carried. 88 - 12 - Hoved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute - Carried. That as the hour is now 6 o'clock P.M., we continue on to conclude the business at hand. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Black budget: That the following grants be provided for in the 1987 Canadian National Institute For The Blind S Salvation Army Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Operating University of Western Ontario Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology University of Western Ontario University of Guelph Wilfrid Laurler university - University of Waterloo Quad County Association For-Mentally Retarded Tillaonburg & Oistrict Association For The Mentally Retarded St. Thomas-Elgin Association For The Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office for Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act Elgin Federation of Agriculture Elgin Tourist Association St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grant to these Societies - Carried. Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reave Mezenberg That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman. The Committee rosavithout reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Perovich 1,500 1,000 10,000 2,000 400 800 800 400 400 1,000 1,000 2,000 5,560 500 1,000 10,000 750 400,000 That By-Law No. 87-14 ~A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1987~ be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-14 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Black passed '" That By-Law No. 87-14 be read a third time and finally - Carried. _ 13 - County Council, February Session, 198. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjourn {7:24 P.Hol to meet again on March 18th, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. - ~ --"'-- R. F. Purcell, Warden. Go C. Leverton, Clerk. o COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we require a formal written request from the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board, to consider repealing the present by-laws which establish the County Museum and replace them with one to provide for the operation of same. 2. That the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the Ontario Association of Consent Granting Authorities Secretary-Treasurer Seminar on Friday, March 6th, 1987 in Toronto with the usual expenses paid plus registration fee of $30.00. 3. That membership in the Ontario Association of Consent Granting Authorities be taken out for the Secretary-Treasurer and any member of the Committee attending the convention at $50.00 each. 4. That the Secretary-Treasurer and all members of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the annual convention to be held in Hamilton, June 7th through June 10th, 1987, with the usual convention allowances paid. S. That we recommend that the Elgin County Plowmen's Association be granted permiSSion to use. the mascot nElgien and that the permitted uses be outlined in an agreement, to be drawn by the County Solicitor, with the legal costs to be paid by the Plowmen's Association and a by-law authorizing the Warden and Clerk to Sign same be presented to Council. 6. That a copy of the letter from The Toronto Star has been forwarded to the Elgin County Tourist Association and all local municipalities for their actions and the Clerk has advised The Toronto Star by letter of the procedure being followed. 7. That the request from Sanders & Cline, Barristers and SOlicitors, to use the word -ElginCountyn in the incorporation of -Elgin County Industrial Needs Council" be granted and the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign a consent. 8. That Correspondence #3, 4, 6 and #6 from the January meeting be filed. 9. That the letter from Computer Financial Services offering their services in connection with the selection, training etc., be tabled and they.be advised that if and when this service is needed they will be given an opportunity to tender. 10. That the account from Deloitte Haskins & Sells for producing the 1986 monthly financial statement in the amount of $900 (Balance $5,000 -$4,100) has been authorized for payment. 11. That we recommend that the per diem for members of the Land Division Committee be increased to the following, effective January 1st, 1987 and that a by-law listing same be presented to Council: (l) Attending a meeting over three (3) hours in duration - $78.00 (2) Attending a meeting three (3) hours or less in duration - $50.00. 91 - 2 - 12. That the Clerk be authorized to purchase 2,500 plas- tic lapel pins from1ittlepins at Rodney. 13. That the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital be invited in to the Session to be held December 10th, 1987 to receive the payment of the $800,000 owing by the County for the years 1986 and 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. &!:/ b~~~/WL- ,~~ 92 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Library Committe wishes to reaffirm its commitment to a freeze on library expansion until it is in 8. position to make long term recommendations to County Council based upon the current comprehensive Crossman study. 2. That the upper level of the Aylmer Old Town Hall Library building has been vacated by the County Library and the Town Administrator, Mr. C. Knappolficially informed of this tact. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ '. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 93 FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 The following is a 5unmary of Expenditures on Elgin County and Sto Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1986. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' practice. Payroll Burden such as HOlidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION (A) Bridges: (1) Replacement of 3 expansion joints on the Wardsville Bridge, County Road *3, Aldborough Township (50~ has been charged to Middlesex). (2) Engineering for culvert replacement County Road #7. Orford-Aldborough Townline Road (50% share of work done by County of Kent). (3) Replacement of 3 culverts, County Road '25 and County Road #29 on the Underhill Drain. Yarmouth and Southwo!d Townships. (B) Roads: (I) County Road #2 from Aldborough Townline easterly in Ounwich Township; engtneering, fencing, etc. (2) County Road #22 (Faitview Avenue) from St. Thomas City limits to County Road #27 (Yarmouth Township). (Project cost 1983 to date is $985,838. (3) County Road 1t26 (St. George Street) from St. Thomas to County Road #25, Yarmouth Township; surveys and engineering. $ 16.050_53 4,042.70 371,157.68 TOTAL $391.250.91 $ 10,024.71 27,352_36 7.393.06 Continued . . . 94 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 {Bl Roads: (4) County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) from Highway 13 to County Road #45. Yarmouth Township, surveys and engineering throughout. drainage. pavement, etc., at Highway 1#3. Total Net Cost after land owners contributions of $10,000. (5) County Road 1#42 in Port Burwell. storm drainage outlet. (Project cost 1983 to date $416,773.) (6) County Road *45 from Hi ghway #73 to County Road N40. grading, granular base. paving. etc., Malahide Township. (7) Land purChase including surveys. (8) Surveys and engineering work on roads for future construction including County Road #4, Aldborough Township and County Road *8, Dunwich Township and County Road #8, Village of Dutton. TOTAL (C) Asphalt Resurfacing (Including Shouldering, Etc.); (I) County Road #13 from County Road #14 westerly, Dunwich Township. (2) County Road #14 from County Road #13 to County Road jg (except at Highway #401), Dunwtch and SouthwoJd TownshipsQ (3) County Road #36 from Sparta to County Road #24 and County Road 1f24 approximately 1.5 kilometers easterly of County Road #36, Yarmouth Township. (4) County Road #40 from County Road #45 at Mount Salem to County Road #42, Malahide Township. PAGE 2. 18,416.72 4,376.38 552.262.98 48.532.82 27.020.20 ~379.23 $ 494,612.08 322.988.82 281,036.28 308,592.86 TOTAL $1.407.230.04 (0) Geotechinical investigation of pipe arch culvert failures and repairs to selected culverts. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications provided a supplementary allocation of $45,000 (total expenditure). $ 43,460.92 95 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 19B7 PAGE 3. (El Miscellaneous: (1) Credit machinery ownerShip costs, etc., 37,470.99 CR. charged to accounts receivable and miscellaneous machine credits.and Townline Accounts. (2) New and used machinery and major repairs 245,817.70 to presently owned equipment. (3) Drainage assessments charged against County roads. (4) Development of Sparta Gravel Pit. Yarmouth Township. 15B,042.20 Il2 ,203, 2B TOTAL $522.053.11 TOTAL COUNTY EXPENDITURES A TO E $3,015.913.29 (F) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Construction: (1) Miscellaneous surveys and engineering. (2) Land purchase. (3) Drainage assessments charged against St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads. $ 774.0B 1,351.22 501.29 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS $2.626.59 SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION $3.0IB.539.BB 96 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT. FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 4. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS .~: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Account Numbers. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL A - Culverts and Bridges .1 Bridges 33,714.89 11,075.33 44,790.22 . 2 Cut verts 22,338.43 ll,380,45 33.718,88 S - Roadside Maintenance . 1 Grass Cutting 65.789.71 8,327.08 74,116.79 - 2 Tree Cutting 76,959.56 4,417.11 81,376.67 - 4 Drainage 89,480.73 16,816.09 106,296.82 - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, 16.359.61 1,600.53 17,960.14 Shouldering, Etc. . 6 Tree Planting 2,871.73 2,871.73 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 4,941.66 494.04 5,435.70 C -Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) -1 Repa i!,s to Pavement 100,543.02 25.556.73 126,099.75 .2 Sweeping 21.266.26 1,157.92 22,424.18 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance {including 59.478.29 8,292.29 67,770.58 gravelling, ditching, etc.} - 4 Surface Treatment 40,470.28 45,531.69 86,001.97 o ~ Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 33.849.87 5,166.32 39,016.19 - 3 Dust Control (SeIlt Brine) 39,517.70 12,109021 51,626.91 - , Oust Control (Prime) 6,926.21 3,924.39 10,850.60 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 163,102023 7,033.47 170,135.70 E ~ Winter Control .1 Snow Plowing 198,633.09 24,303.43 222,936.52 - 2 Sanding and Salting 414,732.97 58,390.68 473,123.65 .3 Sno'li' Fence 19,315.32 2,267.61 21,582.93 - , Wi nter Standby 20,685.59 844.27 21,529.86 . Total Winter Control 739,172.96 * 1985 Winter Control 1984 Winter Control $533,197 $458,201 Continued. . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 97 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS PAGE 5. F . Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rai 1 . 4 Railroad Protection . 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal TOTALS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 37,039.62 85,176.00 1,807.18 35,529.63 33,763.13 3t ,717.19 $1.656;UU9.90 5,39!.l5 2,017.97 51.11 4,379.65 3.085.50 42,430.77 87,193.97 1,858.29 39,909.28 36,848.63 31,717.19 $1,919,623.92 $263.614.02 OVERHEAD - COUNTY 1. Superintendence, includ ng County Engineer,:Assistant Eng neer, Superintendents and Veh cles. 2. Clerical 3. Office 4. Garage - Stock and Timekeepers. Maintenance. Heat, Etc. 5. Tools 5. Radio 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 8. Training Courses 9. Miscellaneous Insurance 10. Retirement Benefits (Sick Time Paid to Retired Bmployees) 11. Deferred Time TOTALS ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 131,654.55 8~403.48 140,058.03 64,750.60 4,133.02 68,883.62 35,818.93 2,286.31 38,105.24 109,915.80 7,015.90 116,931.70 19,288~89 1,231.21 20,520.10 5,149.53 328.69 5,478.22 ll,061.11 669.94 11,731-05 5,927.48 378.35 6,305.83 2,069.88 132.12 2,202.00 8,852.61 8,852.61 193.24 193.24 $394,682.62 $24.579,02 $419,261.64 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Road and County Roads (urban rebates, equipment purchases.. drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1986 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 6~. 98 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 MISCELLANEOUS PAGE 6. Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25~ of their Road levy $59,577.58 (Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications) ~ayroll Burden costs including labour Totaled $467.652.25 in 1986 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and COlmlunications standard practice fo the various operations. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Road Liability Insurance 2. Miscellaneous (Including Memberships, Road Committee Inspections. Hospitality Suites, Contributions, Etc.) 3. Invoices from the County Clerk's Office for Preparation of Employee Payroll 4. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time to Employees Sti II in Employment of the County of Elgin 5. Payment to St. Thomas Suburban Road COlll1lissioner (Fees and Expenses) 6. Office Building Improvements 7. Urban Rebates Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and COll1l1Unications a. Annual Meeting of Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario (Hosted by St. Thomas Suburban Road COllIIlIission) TOTALS Total Rebates to Town of Aylmer and Villages were $62.138.96. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS 9.682.32 128.00 3,165.85 155.00 3,978.60 18,015.21 175.00 730.77 2,561.38 883.96 $38.134.13 li....34 I. 96 TOTAL 9,810.32 3,320.85 3,978.60 \8,01<;.21 175.00 730.77 2,561.38 883.96 $39...476.09 99 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 7. (A) Construction (a) Maintenance (el Overhead (O) Urban Rebates (E) Items not fer SubSidy ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS lQ!& 3,015,913.29 2,626.59 3,018,539.88 1.656,009.90 263,614.02 1,919,623.92 394,682.62 24,579.02 419,261.64 59,577.58 59,577.58 38,134.13 1,341.96 39.476.09 TOTAL $5,164,317_52 $292,161.59 $5,456,479.11 77 ,037 .22 $5,533,516.33 126,671.06 $5,406.845.27 SU8TOTALS ADO: 1986 Stock Balance SUBTOTALS DEDUCT: 1985 Stock Balance (*Total for Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy $5;367,369.18.) CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURE 1. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Provided Subsidies as FollowS:: (a) On the Geotechn~cal Investigation of Pipe Arch Culverts (Construction Item 0) 90.909' on Expenditure of $43,460.92. (b) Supplementary Allocation used toward replacement of culverts on County Road #25 (Construction Item A~) 90.909% (c) Subsidy on Urban Rebates (SOt). (d) Regular Subsidy Allocation. (Less $29,788.79 Used for Urban Rebates.) 100 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 8. COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL EXPENDITURE ~SUBSIOY PORTION EXPEND lTURE Geotechnical Investigation 39.509.89 3.951.03 4.3.460.92 Culvert Construction Supplementary Allocation 91,800.00 9,200.00 tOI,QOO.OD Urban Rebates 29,788.79 29,788.79 59,577 .58 Regular Expenditures 3,999.111.21 5.163,330.68 Items Not SUbsidized -- 39,476.09 39,476.09 TOTALS 54,160,209.89 $1.246,635.38 $5,406.845.27 Rate of Subsidy on Regular Expenditures = 77.4521. CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Calculation of Ministry of Transpor.tation and Communications Payable on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road System Expenditures: I. Average Subsidy Rate an Operations Expenditures of $290,819.63 was 77.452~ or $225,245.62. 2. Subsidy an Items Not For Subsidy ($1,341.96) NIL. TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION EXPENDITURES $292,161.59 225,245.62 566,915.97 $33.457.99 .!J?1: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy BALANCE Shareof City of St. Thomas SOt of BalanCE! ~: Deficit From 1985 Operations SUBTOTAL 9 107.27 42,565.26 43.200.00 634.74 ~: l/2 Mill Contribution for 1986 from City of St. Tl10mas CREO IT TO 1986 County1s Cost of 1986 Operations Total Cost Including [terns Not Subsidized Less Credits: (a) M. I.C. Subsidy. $5,406,845.27 4,160,209.89 (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban 33,457.99 Road Commission Road System. NET ESTIMATEO COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN (SUBJECT TO M.I.C. AUDIT) $1,213.177.39 The 1986 Road Levy was $1.213.000. 101 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT. FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 9. In 1986 Payment Vouchers Totaled $6,076.364.70 compared to $5,140,613 in 1985. The difference between the total Voucher Payments and Total Road Expenditures Ine 1 uded: (a) Work on TownIine Roads and Bridges (including Wardsville Bridge). (The County of Middlesex and the County of Oxford.) (b) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including City of St. Thomas and County of Kent ($163,492.52). (c) Asphalt pavin~ contract for Township of Southwald and Village of Dutton ($118.268.39). (d) Work on Smith-Sailey and Orchard-Carroll Municipal Drains, materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. The County of Elgin in 1986 participated in a Government of Canada Summer Incentive Programme (Surveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2.880. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control PrograJlllle for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $316.34 was charged to the General Government Account. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SU8MITTED ~,;;..// -~4 102 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the sum of $500.00 be budgeted in 1987 for mosquito control. 2. That the rebate to Urban Municipalities be 25i of their Road levy as in past years. 3. That the honorarium for the members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be $175.00 for the period of February I, 1987 to January 31, 1988. 4. That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in the amount of $441.600 (as attached) be approved. 5. That the attached bUdget in the total amount of $6.315.000 be approved and that a resolution be passed adopting a statement of proposed work of the normal portion of the budget in the total amount of $6,143,400 and the statement be forwarded to the Minister ~f Transportation and Communications for his approval. 6. That the County Road levy for 1987 be $1.278,000 as contained in the Road Committee Budget dated February 1987. ALL OF WHICH IS,RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED S/I' 7, /" ;;~:~7- /~f ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 19B7 BUOGET CONSTRUCTION: Road '30 a Patterson Culvert Repair. Road i29 - Cleanup McBain Culvert. Road '29 - Soils Test and Engineer, Lindsay CuI vert. Road '26 - Engineering. Etc., on St. George Street in conjunction with sanitary sewer installation. FIXED COSTS: Drainage Assessments MAINTENANCE (AS ATTACHED) OVERHEAD $50,000 2,000 4,000 B,OOO TOTAL TOTAL ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY 103 FEBRUARY 1987 $ 64,000 30,000 311,OOO 35,000 $440,000 1,60D $441.600 104 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMA~ SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SY~TEM Operations Budget $440,000 Estimated Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy 79.6S or $350,240. Share of City of St. Thomas 50S of Balance After Subsidy $44,880.00 Share of City of St. Thomas 50S. of Items Not Subsidized 800. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS $45,680.DO 634.74 .bill: Surplus For 1986 BALANC E $45,045.26 45,100.00 ~: 1/2 Mill Contribution For 1987 ESTIMATED SURPLUS TO 1987 ! 54.74 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM 1987 GUOGEr MAINTENANCE OPERATION AMOUNT A - Bridges and Culverts :' I Bridges - 2 Culverts 15,000 8 - Roadside Maintenance - I Grass Cutting . 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage 18,000 10,000 24,000 2,00D 1,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) C . Paved Road Maintenance ."1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment 30,000 3,000 18.000 21,000 D . Gravel Road Maintenance . 2 Grading Gravel Roads . 3 Oust Control 5,000 8,000 15,000 16.000 - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Total - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting 90,000 - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices . I Pavement Marking 10,000 8.0DO - 2 Signs and Signals I'nn1';n,,<><I 105 106 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM 19B7 BUDGET. MAINTENANCE OPERATION AMOUNT F 6 Safety Devices . 3 Guide Rai 1 . 4 Railroad Protection 1,000 4,000 - 6 Edge Marking 12.000 !311.000 107 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET FEBRUARY 1987 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY SYSTEM TOTAL CONSTRUCTION: Roads an~ Bridges $ 886,900 164 . DOO I 950,900 Asphalt Resurfacing 1,665,000 1,665,000 Supplementary: (a) Tates Bridge 10,000 10.000 (b) Road '3D 1l0,OOO 1l0.000 (Radio Road) - $2.671 900 164.00D ~900 FIX~: Maintenance 11,986.000 1311,OOO 12.297.000 Overhead 419,000 35,000 454,000 Drainage Assessments 61,000 30.000 91,000 New MaChinery 623,000 623,000 - $3.089.000 1376.000 ~ODO ~: Construction $2.671.900 I 64,000 12,735.900 Fixed Costs 3.089,000 376.000 3,465,000 Rebates to Town of Aylmer 62.500 62.500 and Vi l1ages Items Not Subsidized by 50,000 1.600 51,600 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications - 15,873.400 144I.60D $6,315,000 . Total Budget 16.315,000 108 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET PAGE 2. CALCULATION OF COUNTY LEVY Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy on Operations Including Urban Rebates Subsidy on Tates Bridge Soils Test Subsidy on Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction $4,8B4.100 8,000 100,000 $4.992.100 (Rate of Subsidy on Normal Operations Other Than Urban Rebates is Approximately 79.751.) Total Budget $6,3iS,ooo 4,992,IDO LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy LESS: Share of City of St. Thomas Toward St. Thomas ----- Suburban Roads (Estimated) 44,900 RECOMMEND COUNTY ROAD LEVY $1.278.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION (ALL ESTIMATES INCLUDE DISTRIBUTED PAYROLL BURDEN) (A) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION SYSTEM: 1. Road #26 4 (St. George Street) Eng~neering. 2. Road #29 - McBain Culvert, Trim, Seed. Etc. 3. Road #29 4 Lindsay Culvert Soils Test, Etc. 4. Road #30 - Repair to Patterson's Culvert. IV~ PAGE 3. $ 8,DOO 2,000 4,000 50,000 (BI COUNTY OF ELGIN: TOTAL $64.000 1. Surveys and engineering including future work {Road #43, #4, #8 (Dutton], and Route Around Aylmer. Miscellaneous, Etc.). 2. Eng i neeri ng: (a) Road #14 (bl ~oad *7 Middlemiss Bridge. Kent County Line Culvert Replacement Surveys, Engineering and Land Purchase. 3. land Purchase: (a) Complete Legal Surveys and Payments Road #45 and Road #2. (b) Road #22 4 Complete. (e) Road 1143 - Fall. (d) Miscellaneous land Committee Severances, Etc. 4. Completion of Work From 1986: (a) Road #45 w Malahide from Road #40 to Highway #73 including Top Coat of Aspahlt (Portion), Gravel Shouldering, Drainage', Trim, Top Soil and Seed. 5. New War\{: (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Intersection of Concessions IV and V, Yarmouth Township southerly to M. Brown Property including Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of Asphalt and Intersection Treatment. (b) Replacement of Curb and Gutter and Catchbasins as required on Road #2 (West Lorne), westerly to Highway 1t76. (c) Road 1t2 - From East End of Curve at Aldborough- OunwichTownline Easterly as Funds will Permit Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of Asphalt, Etc. $ 35,000 10,000 8,000 45,000 8,000 35,000 12,000 175,000 305,000 12,000 241,900 TOTAL $886.900 110 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO DEPARTMENT 1987 BUOGET PAGE 4. ASPHALT RESURFACING (ALL COUNTY ROAOS) (TOTAL EXPENDITURE $1.665.000) * Programme will be designated upon inspection of roads in the Spring by the County Road Committee. 1. Complete work as follows. Started in 1986; Including Shouldering. Ttinming. DitChing, Seeding, Etc.: (a) Road 140 ~ Mount Salem to Road #42, Malahide Township. (b) Road #24 and Road #36 ~ Sparta Southerly to Road #24 and Road #36 Easterly approximately 1.5 kilometers. Yarmouth Township. {c} Road #14 - From Road #13 to Road 1/9. Dunwich and Southwold Townships. (d) Road 1113 - From Road 1#14 Westerly.Ounwich Township. 2. Complete work on Road #13 starting at curb and gutter in Dutton Easterly to 1986 work. 3. Roads Under Consideration; Subject to Spring Inspection and Price of Asphalt Cement: (a) Road #8, 0.8 kilometer. Entrance into Pearce Park (surface treatment),Dunwich Township~ (b) Road *18. 0.9 kilometers from Road #20 Westerly (surface treatmentl.Southwold TownShip. (c) Road ~44 from Highway #3 to Road #46. 1.2 kilometers. Bayham Township. (dl Road #42 from North limit of Port Burwell, Easterly toward Road #40 except 0.4 kilometers at Stalter Gully and including Intersection of County Road 1#43 (Road Mix MulCh). Proceed as funds will allow. (e) If Road #42 is completed start Road #2 working Westerly from Dunwich-Aldborough Townline including curve in Dupwich Township (Road Mix Mulch). 111 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUOGET PAGE 5. 1987 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (ALL TOTALS INCLUDE PAYROLL BURDEN) OPERATION 1987 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAOS A . Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges ~ 2 Culverts 140,000 125,000 15,000 8 - Roadside Maintenance . 1 Grass Cutting 87,000 69,000 18,000 - 2 Tree Cutting and 8rushing 110,000 100,000 10,000 - 4 Orainage 170,000 146,000 24,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 55,000 53.000 2.000 - 6 Tree Planting 4,000 4,000 - 7 Drainage Assessments 6,000 5,000 1,000 (Maintenance) C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 165,DOO 135,000 30,000 - 2 Sweeping 28,000 25,000 3,OOD - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 100,000 82,000 18,000 - 4 Surface Treatment 175,000 154,000 21,000 o - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 50.000 45.000 5,OOD - 3 Oust Control 77 ,000 69.000 8.000 - 4 Prime 24,000 9,000 15,000 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 130.DOO 114,000 16,000 E - Winter Control Total 685,000 595,000 90,000 ~ 1 5now Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Includes F-6) 90,000 68,000 22,000 - 2 Signs and $.ignals 100,000 92.000 8,000 - 3 Guide Rai I 15.~00 14,000 1,000 - 4 Railroad Protection 56,000 52,OOD 4,000 - 6 Edge Marking (*See F-I) - 7 Stump Removal 30,000 30,000 TOTALS $2.297.000 $1.986.000 531!.00D 112 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT I9B7 BUDGET PAGE 6. 19B7 OVERHEAD BUDGET (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION 1987 ESTIMATE Superintendence Clerical Retirement Benefits (Sick Time) $147,ODD BI,OOO 135,000 30,000 16,OOD 4,000 11,500 10,000 2,000 17,500 Garage and White Station Property Office Tools Radio Needs StUdy Update and Traffic Counts Training Courses Miscellaneous Insurance TOTAL $454.000 (*NOTE: 27 Pay Periods in 1987 Vs. 26 in 1986.) 1987 Distribution: (I) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $35,000 (2) County of Elgin $419.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD OEPARTMENT 1987 8UOGET 1987 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Administrative Charges from Clerk's Office for Payroll Preparation. 2. Convention Hospitality Suites. 3. Contributions and Retirements. Etc. 4. Liability Insurance. 5. Memberships. Etc. 6. Sick Leave Plan Payouts. 7. Road Committee Inspections (Buses. Etc.) 8. Urban-Rebates on Non Subsidized Expenditures. 9. Over Expenditure to Earn Maximum Subsidy TOTAL 113 PAGE 7. $ 4,000 1,200 700 9,400 4DO 21,000 SOD 2.700 10.000 $50.000 114 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS; FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 1. The lieut~ant Governor in Council has approved County By-Laws No. 86.60 and No. 86.61 (passed by County Council in November of 1986). These by-laws amend the County road system with the present length being 541.8 kilometers. The by-laws assuming the townline portions with the Counties of Middlesex. Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk are in abeyance until similar by-laws are passed by these municipalities. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Sheridan Equipment Limited for a Michigan 125C. 4 Cubic Yard Loader with the County's 1977 _ 1258 Michigan Loader as trade~ln at a total cost of $111.128.06 (including Provincial Sales Tax). We have also purChased an extended warranty on the Cummins LID Motor for a 2 year period beyond the standard 12 month warranty period at an additional cost of $2,465.00 {plus Provincial Sales Tax}. 3. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new grader and snow wing with the County1s 1974 0600 Champion (Grader #17) as a trade.1n. 4. The Catfish Creek at the Glencolin Bridge has been cleaned out and the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority has agreed to pay 85t of the costs. Some trimming work will remain until Spring. WE RECOMMENO: 1. That a by.law be passed which will in effect amend By-Law No. 84.23 being a by-law for the regulation of traffic by: (I) Deleting from Paragraph 2 of Schedule 'A' Sections 5, T, U, V. Wand X. (II) And replacing them with the following: (5) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the east limit of County Road #20 on the north side of Road #16. (T) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the west limit of County Road #20 on the north.side of Road #16. r:nntim,~rl 115 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRO REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION I9B7 PAGE 2. (II) (U) County Road iH6 within 13 metres of the east limit of County Road #20 on the south side of Road #16. (V) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the west limit of County Road #20 on the south side of Road #16. (W) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the north limit of County Road #16 on the east side of Road #20. (X) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the north limit of County Road 116 on the west side of Road #20. (II I) Adding the following: (eee) County Road H2O within 13 metres of the south limit of County Road #16 on the east side of County Road #20. (ODD) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the south limit of County Road #16 on the west side of County Road #20. (EEE) County Road *~within 170 metres of the north limit of County Road '2 on the east side of County Road #3. (FFF) County Road '3 within 183 metres of the north limit of County Road '2 on the west side of County Road #3. 2. That a by~law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk: to sign an agreement with Employment and Immigration' Canada under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act to allow the County to hire nine (9) unemployed workers for 90 man weeks' work from mid-March to mid-May. Employment and Immigration Canada will pay the wage costs for these workers and the County will supply transportation, equipment. Workers' Compensation, etc. The workers will be employed for maintenance work on roads that the County has just assumed, such as cutting dangerous trees, repairing drains, culverts, etc. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED A/I'-}j..o..-~' ;#Z=>lG,LAIX:N ~ _/'~ 7/' ,;;/"~/f'~ 116 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin Count" Council, The Hemesfor Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the insurance report presented by Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan company be accepted. 2. THAT the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the Home Support Services Contract with the Ministry Qf Community and Social Services and that a Bylaw be prepared for the February Council Session. 3. THAT we authorize the Warden and Clerk to endorse the Medical Director's Contracts and that a Bylaw be prepared for February Council Session. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. CU'/,,-r- ~.A A. K. FORD, Chairman d -? I II PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the members of the Child Care Committee of the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital be invited to attend the next meeting of the Property Committee to discuss their proposal re: use of the second floor north wing. 2. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 3. That the request from the Library Committee to have additional lights in the paperback room installed and one of the toilets in the Library washroom (Ladies') repaired has been authorized. 4. That we recommend that Council consider including the following amounts in their 1987 budget: Registry Office EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS LEVY S 10,000 S 9,000 S 1,000 60,000 45,000 15,000 25,000 Q 25,000 100,000 Q 100,000 90.;:000 (90,OOO) 115,000 Q 115,000 120.000 Q 120,000 120,000 Q 120,000 S550,000 $144.000 $406,000 Court House ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS 9 Gladstone Avenue 79 Stanley Street 450 Sunset Drive RECOVERY OF RENTALS Reserve for Capital Expenditures Capital Loan Repayment - Principal - Interest ALL of which is respectfully submittedo ~r ~_ ~--"?--:7-c:.'::"l-,J...I7I<-- "1<. C. Emerson, Chairman~ 0~ j:t1 ~~. 118 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg po submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration. mi18a9~ and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council. durina the calendar year ending December 31st, 1987: ~ Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-25 By-Law N09 85-53 . By-Law No. 85-54 Conventions By-Law No. 86-2.0 Total (1) 659.48 S 2,829.76 2,831.00 120.18 (1) 659.48 3,342.43 (2) 1.236.70 3,978.64 101.28 1,552.85 (1) 452.22 3,369.92 (1) 589.48 ].410.58 390.75 (2) 1,326.70 5,967.89 (2) 1,276.16 5,224.66 68.19 (1) 657.22 2,235.56 1,998.47 2,273.80 4,028.92 [l} 579.48 ],019.58 (l) 667~22 3,529.31 260.04 1, 875 ~ 41 (2) 1,208.42 4,449.54 2,961. 71 (2) 1,073.42 5,155.35 (3) 3,261.26 20,984.80 1,498.19 113.70 56.58 4,510.30 (2) 1,278.42 4,051. 61 157.32 3,564.50 (2) 1,208.42 3,628.44 (24) $16,134.08 $103,641.26 Black, C. I. Bradfield, R. T. Brooks, R~ G. Campbell, J. D. Chute. D. V. Colss, R. F. DeKraker. A. J. Emerson, K. C. Fischer. J. Fleck, J. R. Ford, A. K. Hodgson, J~ W. Lashbrook, T. H. Lavereau, R. J. Lyle, H. F. Marr. S. H. Mart:yn, W. A. Mezenberg. H. J. MilJ.man, M. L. Mont.eith. K. E. McCann, J. A. Neukamm, E. Pearson. D. H. Perovich, D. Purcell, R. F. Schaper. K. M. ShaUs, R. J. Smyth, J. N. Stewart, M. H. van Kasteren. A. J. Volkaert. J. A. Wakeling, J. .[.0 Willsey, C. R. $ 2,170.26 2,831.00 120.18 2,682.95 2,741.94 101.28 1,552.85 2,917.70 2,821.10 390.75 4,641.19 ] ,948.50 68.19 1,578.34 1,998.47 2,273.80 4,028.92 2,440.10 2,962.09 260.04 1,875.41 3,241.12 2,961. 71 4,081. 93 11 11,123.54 1,498.19 113.70 56.58 4,510.30 2,773.19 157.32 3,564.50 2,420.02 TOTAL $87,507.18 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ....-= ~ ><-v G. C. Leverton~r count~7~:-'~ ~r"~~ 119 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to out~ide boards, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1986 as authorized by the follow- ing By-Laws: Name Appointed To By-Law No. 85-25 Auckland. A. W. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-25 Lyons. H. I. Miskelly, A. T. Morrison, C. Elgin County Library Board By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 84-6 Bv-Law No. 85-61 Benner, M. C. Land Division Carroll, L. R. Committee Littlejohn. A. B. McKinlay, .J. v. Tufford. N. G. TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions Total S 87.50 S 464 .48 S ~ 52;53 52.53 120.53 120.53 61.98 61.98 235.04 235.04 2,004.80 2,112.04 1,524.92 3,285.63 1,925.61 10,853.00 $11,175.54 622.03 2,004.80 2,734.07 1,524.92 3,285.63 1,925.61 11,475.03 $12,262.05 622.03 Sl,086.51 120 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1987 Second Report To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend that El~in County Council consider including the fOllowing amounts in their 1987 budget for the operation of the two Homes for senior citizens, exclusive of debentures; Expendi tures Receipts Tax Levy Elgin Manor 52,965,631.00 52,715,023.00 $250,608.00 Terr ace Lodge $1.566.835.00 $1,418.471.00 $148.364.00 TOTAL $4,532,466.00 $4,133,494.00 $398,972.00 2. THAT the per diem to be charged for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge residential care be increased by $2.00 to $37.50 per day effective March I, 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. tVi. r~ A. K. FORD, Chairman 7 -~ 121 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the Homes for Senior Citizens Carmittee to allow Kay Moriartey to take her vacation after May 31st, 1987, the date of her retirement, be not granted. 2. employees granted: Kenneth Abbott James Chaplow That the following request for Roads Department to carryover vacation credits from ~9a6 to 1987 be 2 days 20 days Clare Dean 1 day James Haskell \ day Edwin Kelley 4\ days Ted McCready 1 day Fred.Marshall 1 day Jack Mat hews 1 day Allan Moon 1 day Dell Morris 4 days James Watters \ day Ronald Zellas 2 day TOTAL 37 days Sick when Holidays scheduled Short Staffed in Garage due to sickness, reSignation of Assistant and delay in appointment of new Assistant (2 postings) Winter Control CallOut Winter Control CallOut Sick when scheduled Winter Control CallOut Winter Control Call~Out Winter Control CallOut Winter Control CallOut Sick when scheduled Sick when scheduled Winter Control CallOut. 3. That the fallowing accounts from Thomas A. International Limited be authorized for payment: 1986 Quarterly installment .plus expenses Payment on Personnel Policies 1987 First quarter installment Crossman :;;"3,923.95 2,336.00 3,750.00 :;;10,009.95 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -C-__,_;.. "--";"/1 A '(.(aHyn'.!' // ~ ~hai;ma~ / 2f/ w 122 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr.R. E. Bell. Director. and Mrs. Brenda Walsh, Field Worker, be authorized to attend the O.M.5.S.A. Convention in Ottawa, June 7th to 10th, 1987, with the usual convention allowance paid. 2. That Mr. R. E. Bell, Director, be authorized to attend a management development seminar to be held by O.M.5.S.A. in Toronto on March 26th and 27th, 1987 with expenses paid. 3. That we recommend that the following daily rates be approved for Day Care Services effective January 1st, 1987 for Aylmer Preschool Daycare Centre Ltd.: Infants and Toddlers Preschoolers $19.00 per day 16.00 per day and be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. 4. That we recommend that County Council consider including an amount of $1.062.500~00 in their 1987 Budget for the operations of the Social Services Department requiring the County to provide $267,250.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. / / '~. R. J. Laver~au Chairman .~ ~/. "'//f/", /; /." .,000.cc:e/ /:///,7<; ~ / ,;/' 123 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-8 "BEING A 8Y-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS By-Law No. 85-61 appoints members to the Elgin County Land Division Committee in addition to establish- i~g the remuneration paid; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to alter the rate of remuneration. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Paragraph 2 of By-Law No. 85-61 be deleted and the following substituted: (2) That the members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee - (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee, when the said meeting is over three L3J hours induration - S78~OO. (b) In attending a meeting of the Committee, when the said meeting is three (3) hours or less in duration - S50.00. (e) In addition to the above remuneration each member shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such meetings, as established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. 2. repealed. That By-Law No. 84-6 be and the same is hereby 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1987. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. ~.-.....cc.~<"""'< Y~r->..../ G. C. Leverton; Clerk. //;,v{, /// 4bl';4c'/t/ , F.- Pureetl. Warden. 24 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 87-9 "BEING A BY-lAW TO ESTABLISH RATES OF PAY ETC. FOR REGISTERED NURSES IN THE HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish hourly rates of pay for Registered Nurses employed in the Homes for Senior Citizens as well as clothing allowance. NOW THEREFORE the following rates be established: 1. ~ 1ST YR. 2ND YR. 3RD 'fR. 4TH YR. $14.20 hr. $14.75 hr. $15.44 hr. $16.12 hr. $16.80 hr. To compute years of service for part time staff in order to advance to the next step in the grid, 1,880 hours worked equals one year. 2. CLOTHING ALLOWANCE An annual clothing allowance of $85.00 will be paid, in equal quarterly payments of $21.25. 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1987. 4. That By-Laws No. 85~36. 86-41 and 87-4 be and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. ~--..<.............--<-<->",-~q.."......./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 125 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-10 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 84-23. BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC." WHEREAS By-Law No. 84-23, as amended, presently sets out the regulations for traffic in the County of Elgin: and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to amend the regulations from time to time. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Paragraph 2 of Schedule .~. of By-Law No. 84-23 be amended _ ( i) By deleting Sections (5), (t), (ul, {vl,(wl and (xl and replac- ing with the following - (s) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the East limit of County Road #20 on the North side of Road #16. (t) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the West limit of County Road #20 on the North side of Road #16. (u) County Road 1H6 within 13 metres of the"::East limit of County Road #20 on the South side of Road #16. (v) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the West limit of County Road #20 on the south side of Road #16. (w) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the North limit of County Road #16 on the East side of Road #20. (x) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the North limit of County Road #16 on the West side of Road #20. (ii) By adding the following thereto _ (cee) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the South limit of County Road #16 on the East side of County Road ~20. (ddd) County Road #20 within 13 metres of the South limit of County Road #16 on the West side of County Road #20. (eee) County Road #3 within 170 metres of the North limit of County Road #2 on the East side of County Road #3. (fff) County Road #3 within 183 metres of the North limit of County Road #2 on the West side of County Road #3. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. ~_/'--'-'-.'-~_' )L-~....". G. C. Leverton, Clerk. F. Purcell, Warden. 126 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-11 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ELGIN COUNTY PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION FOR USE OF THE MASCOT "ELGIE"." WHEREAS the Elgin County Plowmen's Association has requested permission to use the mascot "Elgie" for the promo- tion of the said association and also for fund raising func- tions: and WHEREAS authority has been given by County Council upon recommendation of its County Government Committee; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to formally document the permiSSible uses for the said "Elgie" by written agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the Elgin County Plowmen's Association for use of the mascot "Elgie" in the promotion of their associ- ation and also for fund raising functions. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. ~~-y...,..,..,. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /~~;,. ,~:e/ 127 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-12 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MEDICAL DIRECTORS OF ELGIN MANOR AND TERRACE LODGE." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to enter into agree- ments with the Medical Directors of both Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, which will detail the conditions under which medical services will be provided to the residents of the Homes; and WHEREAS the term of these agreements will require that new ones be negotiated and signed from time to time. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign, from time to time, the necessary agreements for the provision of medical services far the residents of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, when recommended by the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee and approved by County Council. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987'. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. ~-"<-......... >'-r-. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 128 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT _ BETWEEN: (Name of Municipality) CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter referred. to as "the Corporation") - and _ (Name of Physician) Dr.D.L. Wright (here1nafter referred to as "the Medical Director") WHEREAS the Corporation operates a home for the aged known as -tt.R.RACE LODGE at Avlmer. Ontario (here1nafter ~eferred to as "the home"') and the Medical Director 1s a legally QUalified medical practitioner who has agreed to prcwide medical services to the residents of the home in accordance With the requirements of applicaCle legislation; THEREFORE the parties agree as follows: 1. The Medical Director will be responsibl e for the medical care provided to residents of the Home. 2.1 The Medical Director will adhere to the requirement~ of the Homes for the Aqed and Rest Homes Act and the regulations made thereunder as exemplified in Appendix "A" to this agreement and the policies 8staQlished from time to time by the Ministry of Community and Soc1al Services. 2.2 The Medical Director ~ill keep up to d~te qeriatrics and gerontolo9Y. with current knowl edgs and pra.ctice in 3,,1 ,The Med.ical Direc:::tor will participate in the deve~_opment of heal th care pol ielae aimed at the provision of optimal care to all residents of the Home and will ensure that such pO,licies are implomente:d. and adhered to. 3.2 ,- The Medical Director will develop policies respecting the role and fUnction~ of attending physicians and will as.!:empt to, ensure compliance. 4. , The Medical Director ~ill advise the Director/Admini~trator which may affect the health Oh well- of conditions existing in the Home being of resident~o 5.1 The Medical Director will visit the Home regularly at least once each week and will provide or arrange for adequate medical coverage for the residen~s of the Home at all times. When he is un~ble to attend th~ Home personally. he will advise the Director/Administratgr or designate. 129 - Z - 5.Z will will hh In the even t be absent for a period appoint a temporarY or atead. the Medical Director advises that he in excess of three months, the Corporation acting medical director to $8rVe in 6.1 The Medical Director in co-operation with the Medical Officer of Health will advise the Director/Administrator of the Home of steps to ce taken in the event of an outbreak of communicable disease. 6.2 As part of his duties and responsibilities pur~ant to this paragr~ph the Corporation gives to the Medical Director the authority to require any employee who he reasonably believes to have a commQnlcable disease to submit to an independent medical examination and to prohibit such employee from attending the HOme until suCh medical examination has been held and a report satisfactory to the Medical Director received by ,the Medical Director. 7. The Medical Director will not undertake research projects involving residents of the Home without the-;",'resident'3 CQn.$ent and the approval of the Committee of Management of the Corporat~on andl:tho Ministry of Comllll,1nity and Social Services. a, to the medical and Rest Homes legislation. The Medical Director will complete all formal pert~ining care of residental as ~equired oy the HOllles for the Aqed Act, the Health Insurance Act or other appli.cable 9.1 istrator of provisions The corporation will ensure ihat the Director!Admin- the HOllle reviewa with the Medical Directo~ the legislative in Appendi~ "AN to this agreement at least once a year, . ; 9.2 Notwithaltanding section 9.1, where a~endments bave neen made to"the Act and Regulations contained in Appendix "AW which ~bstantially affect the responsibilities of the Medical Director, the Corporation will ensure that a review of Appendix ~A~ is c~r~ied aut fo~th~ith ana that Appendix ~A" is modified to reflect tho new provisions. 10. The Medical D~rector will bill the Ontario Health Insurance Pi an directl y for professional services rendered to individual residents of the Home and will not charge the resident oyer and. above the rates payable under the Plan. 130 - 3 - ll~ For services provided, the Corporation will pay the Medical Director an administrative fee in an amount not lesa than the am~nt established from time to time by regulation by the Ministry of Com/llU.ni ty and Social Services. 12. The Medical Dire-tor of the Home will submit a written annual report to the Committee of Management responsi~e for the operation of the Home in December of each year. The Committee of Management then will forward a copy of this annual report to the Ministry of COmmunity and Social Services for their perusal. 13.. This agreement will be in force frolrl the ~day of Februarv ,19.!!.., up to and including the 2!!!!-day of Februarv 19~,provided that it may be terminated at any time by either party upon giving ninety (90) days written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been executed under seal by the Corporation and the Medical Director. SIGNBD, SBAl.B~D DBLIVBRBD : on tbe ;3 c:1ay of ) l'ld......"?, ,l9-1.::/... l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) ) ) ) I of) I ) ) ) I In tbe presence of: " C'jL~ flu fJJ~ Wi tness .. CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (~<~.). BY'?" '~'h _un By,_. ~~ (Affix Corporat~ Se91) CLERK J ;:i ( Medical f1~ OR. D. I., WRIGHT tfI"'AUOTSf..E. .-- -- ,~ , MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT _ BETWEEN: (Name of Municipality) CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (hereinafter referred to as "the Corporation~) .. and .. (Name of Physician) DR. C. A. GRAHAM (hereinafter referred to as "the Medical Director~) WHeREAS the Corporation operates a home for the aged known as ~~N MANOR at St. Thomas, Ontario (hereinafter ~eferred to as "the homeU) and the Medical Director is a legally qualified medical practitioner whohaa agreed to prOVide medical services to the residents of the home in accordance ~1th the requ1rementsof applicable legislation; THEREFORE the parties agree as follows: 1. The Medical Director will be responsible for the medical care provided to residents of the Home. 2.1 The Medical Director will adhere to tne,requirement3 of the Homes for the Aqed and Rest Homes Act and the ~e9Ulationa made thereu~~_~!,_ as _~_~e_~pl_if_i_e_d_ in_,Appendix _M_AM _ to-this- agreement--andth-e policies estabaiahed from time to time by the Ministry of Com~nity and Social servicea. 2.2 The Medical Director will keep up to date with current geriatrics and gerontolo9Y~ knowledge and practice in 3.1 .The Medical Director will participate in the devek,opment of health care POlicies aimed at the provision of optimal ~are to all residents of the Home and will ensure that such policies are implemente~ and adhered to. 3.2 ~: The Medical Director will develop policies respecting- the role and fLlnctions of attending physicians and will a..t~empt to ensure compliance. 4. , The Medical Director ~ill advise the Director/Administrator of conditions existing in the Home which may affect the health Or well- being of residents. 5.1 The Medical Director will visit the Home regularly ~t le~at once each week and will prOvide or arrange for adequate medical coverage for the residents of the Home at all times. When he 1a un~Q1e to attend th~ Home personally. he will advise the Director/Adminiatrator~ or designate. 132 - 2 - 5.2 will be a):)sent will appoint a b1a steadc In the event for a period tempora1='Y or the Medical Director advises that he in excess of three months, the Co~poration acting medical director to serve in 6.1 The Medical Director in co-operation with the Medical Officer of Health will advise the Director/Administrator of th~ Home of steps to De taken in the event of an outbreak of communicable disease. 6.2 As part of his duties and responsibilities purauant to this paragraph the Corporatio~ gives to the Medical Director the aQtbor1ty to require any employee who he reasonably believes to have a com~fticable disease to submit to an independent medical examination and to prohibit such employee from attending the Home until auch medical examination has been held and a report satisfa~~ory to the Medical Director received by the Medical Director. 7. The Med.ical Director will not undertake reliearcQ projects involvinq reaidents of the Home without the reaidant'a CQnS8nt and the approval of the Committee of Management of the Corporat~on andl:.tbe Min1atry of COllllllUnity and Social Services. 8;. The Medical Director will camp! ete all forlllS pertid.ni'lfiJ to the medical care of residents as r.equired by the Homes fQr the Aqed and Rest Homes Act, the Health Insurance Act or other applicable leqialat1on~ 9.1 1atratol' gf provisions The Corporation will ensure that the D1~.ctQ~/Ad.in- the Ho.. reviews with the Medical Director the legtalat1ve in Appendi~ "A~ to this agreement at le~at onCe ~ yeaf~ 9.2 Notwithstanding section 9.1, where a~enamenta bave been made to the Act and Regulations contained in Appendix "A" which substantially affect the responsibilities of the Medical Director, the Corporation will e.nsure that a review of Appendix .rAN is carried OI.lt forth.;.(ith and that Appendix NAil is modified to reflect the Qew pJ:'ov1a1ona ~ lO~ Th. Medical Dir~ctor will bill the Ontario Health , Ins..i"auc6 in au directl'i for professional services remiered. to individual residents of the Home and will not char98 the resident over and. above the rates payable under the Plan. 133 - 3 - 11. For services provided, the Corporation will pay the Medical Director an administrative fee in an amount not less than th. amount established from time to time by regulation by the Ministry of Co~nity and Social Services. 12. The Medical Director of the hG~e will submit a writtan annual report to the Committee of Management responsible for the operation of the Home in December of each year. The Committee of Management then will forward a copy of this annual report to tho Ministry of COmmunity and Social Services for their perus&L. 13. This agree.ent will be in force from the 3~ay of -q. #A.. .)' ,19U. up to and l.nclud1ng the ~day of '?J_ l' 19~,prov1ded that it may be terminated at any time by eitber party upon 9iving ninety (90) days written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been execu~eQ under seal by the Corporation and the Medical Director. SIGNE>>, SEALED AND DELIVERED on tho L.!2. day of r:j,fl..... ,19rL.. . I In the presen~eof: " , n /i);} ~ t:Y~ ~ Witness ~~ 2 so / ~r tC~ ~r;..-.- ) ) I ) ) ) I I ) ) I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) ) I ) ) . ') 'J CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (COrporation's Name) By: ~ /4i .... WARDEN , BY:~~ (Affix CQrporat~ Se~) CLERK ::,' ~/l~ (Medical Director' ~ Name) r ~..... 134 1. A'Pcointment ..12(4) Act APPENDIX -A- MUNICIPAL HOMES The council of a municipality that .atabliahes and maintains a home or the councils of the municipalities that establiahes and maintain a joint heme or the Board of Kanagement of a home Ihall, with th.approval of the Hinister, appoint a legally qualified medical pracititioner as the physician for the home or joint hom.who 1. responsible for the medical, paramedical and n~rBinq ear. and ..rvice. provided to the r..identA thereof. &.25(2) Reg. 2. S0008 of Duties Generallv ..25(4) aeg. s.26 Reg'. All medical and paramedical ..rvice.. programs, procedures and medications provid.~ or used in the home are subject to the approval of the medical director. The medical direetor ah.1lD ta) .nsur. that the sanitary conditions inth. home are iDspected at l.ast once a month, (b) ~.port on such inspections tb the board or committee or management of the home. or the council of the ban48 &$ the ~Am. mmy b., Co) t&k@ any .~.pe tha~ h_ con5iders ft.c.8a.~y to ea. gr. that Any of hts recommendation. tor the eorrectian of any unsanitary eOfidLt1on~ 1& carried out, and (4) report any contaiioua or communicable di..... outbre.ks to the local medical ofticer of he.ith in accordance w1~h .ubsection 94,,(1) of the Public Health Act. - The medical director .hall attend and prescribe medication or medical care tor'any resident of the home who has no attending physician of hi. own or who reauests that the .ervice. of the medical director be made available. 1.J:J - 2 - s.20{l) Reg. 3. Admission of Residents &.20(2) Reg. ..9(1) aeg. 5.25(5) aeg. haa amended) 5.25(5.) Reg. ..25(6) Reg. ..25(7) Reg. 5.25(7&) Reg. The physician of a home ahall ~omplete a certificate in Form 4 for each applicant for admis.ion to the Home. Where a municipality has more than one home or haa established a medical admiasions committee, the Director may authorize a physician deaiqnated by the committee to sign Porm 4. Where, in the opinion of the physician of a home and the adminiatrator, the mental ~nd physical condition of an applicant i. auch that the applicant cannot D8 properly cared for in the home the applicant .hall not b. admitted to the home. An appliant, (a) before admission to . home, ahall b. given a chest X-ray examination the result. ot which shall be negative for tUberculoais, and CD) before or within one week after admi.aion to a home, shall be given a akin teat for tuberculosis the results of which shall be recorded in a report. kept by.- the home. The Chest'X-ray examination and the tubercu~ln.~~at requir,d by clauses (5)(a) ~nd (bJ may be omitted if there is~ocumertted evidence that aimilar teatahave been performed within six months before the day of admis.ionto the home. Where a re.ident develops symptoms that in the opinicnofthe .e~.nding phya1~ian are auggestive of pulmonary infection, the attending physician. ahall conduct or order su~h clinical examinations and laboratory tests as heconsidera necessary in order to make a diagnosis and to determine it there is the presence of active tuberculoais. At least onCe a year, each resident shall be given _ complete medical examination by the attending phyaician or the medical director. The annual medical examination shall include investigationa foi tuberculosis. it active disease is suspected. 6 .~2S(8) B..9'o .fj. Plan. ot Care s.11(1) Reg. ..11121 allg. 1.11(3) Reg. - 3 - Within .even daYI of the realdent's admi..ion thereto, the medical director or the attending physician .hall make . detailed written report in Form S or 1n any ather similar form approved by the Mini.ter, of the results. including.ny recommendations pertaining thereto. of the medical examination of the resident made at the time ot admi.sion and thereafter .hall mat. a written report of .uch lub..quent medical examination in the ..id form for the purpo.e. of recording p~y.ical, mental and other examination. made by the medical director or the attending physician and the report ahall b. kept with the other rscords of the r..ident. Th. phy.ician of . home, the administrator and the nurle in charqe shall develop a comprehensive and onqo1nq plan of car. for each relident trom the date of admission to the time of dilcharge that Ihall, (&1 periodically .stablish goals ta b. achieved for the resident; Cb) pr..cribe an integrated program ot activiti.. designed tor individuals, and therapies to ~chiev. Buch ,oal., and (0) a.sigD iesponsibility tor each element of eare or service pr..cribed in the plan to thG .ppropri.t~ ataif member~f prot..e1onal-..rvice. Subjsc~ to .Qe~ion 21 of the plan of eare for .ach r..ident ahall be reviewed .ad @valuatsd by th.e~&tt of tho home at l..st one. a y..g. Where, in the opinion of the physician of . home and the administrator, the mental, physical and social conditions of a resident so warra~t, the resident may be tran.terred to a different level ot Care or accommodation in the home in accordance with Claus. 5(1), and the tran.ter shall b@ record.d~ 5.27(1) aag. 5.27(2) Rei_ 137 - , - For ~he purposes of the comprehensive plan of ~are under 'e~~ion 11, where any re.iden~ is ~ran.ferred to a .e~~ion of the home approved by the Director, (al the member. of the ataff working in the approved section of the home ahall reas.... the ~ondition of that r..id.nt on~e a month or mOre often .. they ~on.ider nec....ry,.nd (b) the phy.ician of the home .hall r....... the ~ondition of that r..ident .t le.st onc. every three mon~h., to determine any improvem.nt or deterioration therein With a view toPos.ible change. in the care plan or further relocation in the beat inter..t. of the r..ident. For the purpo... of .ubsection (1), the Director may determine the level of aarete be provided in the approved .ection of the home. ..30fl) acg. s. Extended Care Services Any perscn, ..30(2) aeg. s.30(3) aeg. 'a) who ha. be.n admitted to a hfm.or :joint home, and (0) who i. eligible for extended care z.:vic.. und.r~h. Health In.urance Act OAth. 9ro~ ot medicel nec...ity, may receive extended_ear. service..vailable in ~. home or- joint home where the hOli_ - Qr jOint home h.s b.en approved by the Db'cctor in' aCcordance with the regulations to provide 'uch servicea. The provisiOns of the Health Insurance Act apply with n.cessary modifications ~_ to"a determination Qnder subsections (1) ) of eligibility for extended care service. on t~. ground. of medical neee..ity and to appeala th.refrom. Notwithstandin9 subsection (1) and (2), an applicant for extended care services who haa been found eligible therefore under this or any other Act does not thereby become a. of right entitled to &uch services in. home or jOint home. 8 - 5 - s.19 Act 6. Discharee of Residents 7. Medications . ..13(1) aeg. ..1HZI Reg. ..13(3) Reg_ Where, in the opinion of the administrator .n~ physician of a home or joint home. & resident of the home cea... to ~. eligible to b. maintained and cared tor therein or where it i. in the best interest of such resident. the resident may be discharged from the home in accordance with the regulations. In this ..ction, (al mpr..~r1pt!on drug- m..na, (1) ~ controlled drug ..ntioned in Schedule G of the Food and Drug. Act (C~n.d.). (il) . narcotic as defined in the Narcotics Control Act (CAnada), and (lil) . drug referred to in aubclau.. l(~)(i), and (b) .pharmacist- m..n. a perlon who,!. licen..d a. . pharmacist under 'art VI of the H.alth D~.cipl1n.. Ac~. Th. adm1niatr&tor of a home ahall provide a separate locked cupboard for all drugs, pharmaceu~1cal. ~nd medicatien.and shall keep all druq. referred to in sYbclau.o. (1)(&)(1) and (11) in a separate lecked container with1n~he locked cupho.rd~ and stora~e facilities tor ell dru9sQ other than d~U9. requiring refrigGrat10ftQ ehall b. locets~ in an ar.. ~hat 1. conveniently .cs..~1ble to ell nursing ataff. The key. to the cupboard referred to in .ubsection (2) ahall be kept in the custody of the reqistered nurae in charge who 1. on duty in the heme and who .hall b. respon.ible for, loJ the removal trom the cup~oard or from the lecked container, .. the ca.. may be, of all pre.cription drugs. and the administration ef all ores- cription drug. un4er the - specific direction of . le9&11y qualified medical practitioner or phar.maci.t and under the general supervision of the physician to the home appointed under lubsection ~2(4l of the Act. (b) .013(4) Reg. ..13(8) Reg. ..13(6) Reg. ..13(7) Reg. ..13(81 Reg. ..13<91 Rev_ 139 - 6 - No person shall remove a prescription drug from the receptacle in wbi~h it i. brought into the home except by or under the supervi.ion of . legally qualified medical practitioner or a pharmaci~to Subje~t to sub.e~tion (9), unu.ed portion~ of a re.ident'. prescription druss remaining on the premise. of the home after his discharge or d.ath shall be de.troyed by a registered nurse employed b~ the home and, (a) the phy.ician for the home: (b) . legally qualified medieal practitioner d..ignated by the phy.ician referred to in clau.e Ca), or tc) a phaDl&cist. A notation of the destruction of any prescription drug prescribed for a resident giving the quantity, description and prescription number .hall be madeQn the residentl. chart and .igned by . :egi.te,nd nur.e employed by,th. home. A drug Ihall be taken by or administered to a re.ident only on the individual prescription or written direction of . legally qualified medical practitioner or a member of the Royal CQlleqe of Dental Surgeon. of Ontario. ~ : "'.1'. A prescription drug shall beiadminiatered toa re.ident only by a legally qualified practitioner, a member of the Ro~.l Coll.Ve of DantalSurieon. of OntArio, . r.91s~er.4 nurse or, where the Director .pprov.8~ . rs,1Bterea nur.ing a..1stant. Where a re.ident i. diaGharged or . transferred, ..pr..c:1pt1on drug that h.. be.n prov1dedtor the re.ident may be sent with the discharged or transferred resident atter an en~ry i. made on the r.sident'~~record.,.ign.d by a regi.~.red. nU~.e and the legally qualified .ediGal pract1tioner attending the re.ident stating, (01 the date of the pre.cription; lbl the prescription number, (el the name of the pharmacy that prepared the prescriptioni (d) the resident'. name; and 10) the vords -sent with resident". o 8. Rest.raint. a.U'I} Reg. ,.12(2) aeg. - 7 - Except upon the order of the phyaician to . home, to beconfi:med in writing, who h.. designated a device z agent approved by the Minister .. appropriate for the intended ua., . device or agent for r..training a perlon ,hall not be applied to . r..ident. ~. .aminiatrater, the physician of . homer and the nur.. in charge Ihall develop and maintain vritten poliCies on the UI. .of restr.1ft!ng devic.. and .gents and IUch policies Ihall be subject to the .ppr~v.l of the Hinister. ..25(3) Reg. 9. Re~ortinQ Requirements lO~ Records ..5 RoV. '.24(%) Reg. At l..at once a ye.r, or at such other more frequent intervals .. the Boara or Committ.. of Management of . home or the Council of . aand requires, the m6dical director shall submit to the Board or Committe. or the Council of a Band, a. the ca.e may be, and to the Directo., & report summarizing the gene.al h.alth conditions of the re.ident., the medicalt nursing, activationel and other therapeutic services provided to them and shall include i~ the report any recommendations that he consider. nec...ary to ensure proper conditions of health and an a4equateistete of well-being tor all re.ident~ A home .h~ll x5ep . writ~8n record or aeri.. of record. of 5ach r..!dent that ahall be maintained in confidence ana ..~h record shall be retained by the home for at leaat twenty year. alter the last entry in the record with respect to the re~~,IlI.nt or, ...,hen the ...:sit~ "t die., for .t leaat five years af~~~ ~h. d..th of the re.ident. The record ahall inClUde, taJ a detailed report of the aocia1 and medical history of a re.ident bet ore admi..ion and all physical and mental examina- tion. and all illne.a.. ang accident. after admis.ion. Every home and ita books and records shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the Cirecto~ or by a provincial supervisor. 141 - 8 - 11. Death of a Resident s.S(t) Reg. An administrator. in accordance with section 27 ot the Coroners Act, shall give notice otthe death ofa resident to a coroner other than a coroner who. is the physician for the home in which the deceased resident Yas residing at the time of hi. death. (Notwithstanding that the duty is imposed on the Administrator, a. a matter of practice it is the Hedical Director who actually contacts the coroner). '2 APPENDIX -B- OPTIONAL PROVISIONS Outlined below are i..ues for consideration and sample provisions which the corporAtion and th.~.dical director may wish to include 1n the .9r.em.nt~ The.e proviSions allow. home'a specific need. to be met. ~h.y are sU99..tions only and do not purport to b. exhau.tive of area. which the agreement can cover. If uaed. they may have to be modified to accurately reflect the intentior- o! the parti.. and prevent future miaunderatanding5. 1. Satellite Home 00. The .ed1ca1 director will ...um. re.ponsibility for the prOvision of medical care and medical .ervice. to reaidents of (name and address of .atellite home), & ..tallite home operated by the corporation. 2. Communi tv SUCDort Proarams 00.1 Th& med1eal director will prOVide advice to the corporation onpro;rams and activities provide~ by the (d.scribe proiram) op.rat~d by the corporations. . 00.2 The medical director will review application. for admission to the (describe proiram) operated by the corporat!on. 00.3 The me4ical director will participate in develop!"; educational programs on medical sbbject. for pr..entation at the (de~cribe prOiram). 3. Particinationon Committees inth. home 00. 1'1\. .e41"1 of "'11.1 &U.@lad direc~or will b. & m~r , e~!tt..(I) and .~~ scheduled meeting8. 4. Staff 'fraininCi' 00. the medical director will advise on the development of in-house training progra.ms for _nursine; st.,.' ~.d. when requested, will provide :i..~urUetion. So !Melove. Health 00. The medical director will be responsi- ble tor pre-employ=ent medical examina- tions and annual medical examinations for .m~loY8.. of the home. - 2 - 6. '1'ransfers 00. The medical directorv!ll participate in the ...esament gf resident. being considered for transfera to another institutions and will provide his recommendations to the Adminiatrator of 'the home. 7. Druo Reallocation and Destruction 00. The medical director will participate in the reallocation and de.truction of drug_ in the home. . 8. Prof..sional Imorcvement Medical directora are expected to be current with respect to the lat.st developments in geriatrics and gerontology. Membership in the Ontario A..oetation of Medical Directors of Hom.. for the Aged i. recommended a. an aid to doing 10. If both parti.. agr.., a specific prOVision may b. included in the agr..ment. 00. The medical director will become a member and maintain membership in the Ontario Association of Medical Oirectors !orHom..tor the Aged. Attendance at m.~cal meetings dealin9 with geriatrics issues ~y alao be considered beneticial. 00. The corpora~ion will reimburse the medical director tor actual expenses tor registration. transportation and accommodation incurred tor attendange at one medical meeting held in Ontario and approved by the corpor.~10nc --....-...... 4 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-13 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES RE: THE PURCHASE OF SERVICE HOME SUPPORT AND SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY." WHEREAS the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens presently provides Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, has agreed to provide funds to assist in the provision of the Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to formulize the said funding by written agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens an agreement (attached as Appendix dAtt) between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide Home Support Services for the elderly. READ a first time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of February, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 1987. __---:;1;::>/~.r_<_< ~v G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 145 Purebaae or service HeM' SUPPOI:'t A Services for the Elderly TIllS AORBEJmNt ad. ia dupl1eate B B T . S & N: BBR JIAJBStY T8B QOBBH in rlpt or Oa:tarlo. .. repre.ea.ted b)' the Mintster ot Ca..unlty and Social Sel"Vlca. (hereinafter reterred to as "ontario") OP T88 FIRST PART -and- CORPOR1I.TION OF THE CCUNl'Y OF ELGIN (El.GIH comrrr HCMES FOR SENIOR CITIZEMS) (hereinafter reterred to a. "the Service Provider") 01' THE SECOND PART AlII) tnmIU8 Oa~lo 1_ auttaor1hd punaaat to the+PI"OVt.loaa ot s.t:Uoa a ot DIe X1Dl~ ot co..ma1ty uc:I SOCial Service. Act. R.B.O. Utao. c.273. .. -..elM. to eater 11lto QraeMIl;ta reapecttnc, the providoD ot aocJaJ .."tce. ad' ~ty "1"V1~.. laolw:Uac it_. tacll1u.. and S-f'aOIUIeJ NI.Uq tIlere~: Am JIJIIItIAI the s.r.lce Provider wttbtbe ...t.tuee of ODtlll"lo bU acrM4' 'to prowJde Heme Support Services for the Elderly ...---.. - P.unU qI'M .. toUOIN: 1. ,PROCIUII AID ftAPPIINI 11ae Senlce ProY.tder acnee to pnnolda ..nte.. in accol'duce wlt1a tile ProIr-. u.eortPU.ettacbed .. 80beclale ~A.. to tbia acre-nt ..... 1. - ~~ wttla ~ poliot.. ... ,nqa1~ftU of tJ. MiDi.try ot CoaaIi1~ .... Social aenltcn (baNJaattar- referred to .. "tba JUllt.try") UNI to proonde atatt .. 0atI1Ded 1a ScMdal. "8". 2. COIIIUL~A"IOI' Tba 8el'\l'i~ Provider qreea t.bat th atatt bJred purauant to tbb ~t .111. upoa requ.at. be.v.l1~J. tar coaauJtat1oQw1tb a .AGR ZD-ee/oc/I0 146 2 - representative or representatIves of Ontario (hereinafter referred to as ~Nlnl.try statt-). 3. JfIJUSTRY INSPECTION The Service Provider w111 pe~lt Ministry statt to enter at reasonable tl~. any pre_is.a used by the Service Provider In connection with the provIsion of services pursuant to this agree~nt In order to: (a) obserVe and evalua~e the services: and (b) inspect all record.rel.tln~ to the Service. provided pursuant to this aereeaent. ". RaPORTS The Service Providei' 11'111 aaJnta1a proper proll'u records and prep.re -.d aubait annually or.taay ti.. upon request a coaprehenalve report reapectlnc the service. belnc provided pursuant to this acree.ent. The report. wl11 be in a fora acceptable to Ministry atatt. S. PlHAHClAL RECORDS 5.1 The Services Provider 11'111 aslntaln proper tinancial records and book. of accouat reapectittg services provided pursuant to this -creeaent and w111 dlow Minbtry .taff to inspect and audit s.ld. book. and record. at all re.aODable tt... both duriac tbe tera of this lIar.e..nt and aubaequGnt to it. ezplraUoa or teralnaUol'l. 5.2 lb. Servlce Provlder w111. upon request. suba1t tOOnt.rio an audlted financial stateaeat_ith r.sp.ct to tbe s.rvlc.s provlded pur.uant to this a~t. $. CODtDIIITlALITY lb. Servlc. ProVlder. Its d1rectors. officers. eaploY.... acents and YOluat..rs .ill hold coattdeat181 aad .ill notdi.clo.e or 1".1.... to any peraOD 01' aceacy at U7 t.1.. dur.1D1' or toUow.1nc the t.ra ot tbb acr.~nt. uc.pt Mler. reqar.d bYla.. MY intor_UOD ordocUlMtnt th.t tencla to .1dentity UJ' IDdh.1ch&al111 ~.1pt of ..rv.1ce. .iUout tbe wri ttea. COIi..nt.. ot. tb... Iddl.tdual . or tbe indiv1dual' s parent or cu.rd1u pr10r to tile reI.... or d1scI081ll"e of sueb 1ntOrmllUCD cr docQlHtnt. 7. .......... Tho hrv1ce Provl_ au-Ii to obe.1D ia"it1~ all cone.nb Of' oatbti wbtell 1Yl? bo aecslMllr7 to tbe Pt'Ov18!on of 41Grviees pursuant to thic ~t~ a. COIfSIDBRATIOJI a.l Ootar10 _ill pay to tbe Service Provider tor expenditures iacurr.d pursuant to tb1, .".-.ent an aaouat not to exceed .ith ..aunt sUpulated tatlle approved blIdpt IIUacbed a. Schedule .C" tOf' the period llpec'ulec1 111 aud budpt. Aay MDt.. so paid _1U bet appUed ia accorduce _1U the approved 1Ia4pt. OatarJo re..ne. tb. rJCht to det....a_ tbe ..uats. tiMII ud MIlD.1' ot sucb PQlN'ntll. 147 - 3 - 8.2 The parUea asree that the approved bud2et will be lleEOUated on or before the lat day of Aprll ia each year whils tbb aue_etlt is In toree. I.a the event the budcet 1_ Dot re-ne~t1ated by tb. tirat day ot April. ~Qt. wIll continue t2 be ..de in accordaacewltb the approved bu4let tor tbe 1..e41ate17 precedlnr fiscal year UDtil sucb tl~ .a the budeet 1. re-aeeotlated. 8.3 With the prIor written approval ot Nini.try atatt. the Service Provider ..y trant.r tWtds bet-.n .1nd1vtdual budpt line ltna, provided that. t.be total. appr0q4 ~t. ...UIlt 1a Dot exceeded. .. TBRII This -ueeHnt_Jll be in toree. tro. 1st day ot January 1$ 87 :. UIl.tll 1 t is superseded or replaced by a subsequent aere-ent or 1IIItll it 1_ teraJ.nated by either party by &,1vlnc 8ixty (eo) daY8 witt_ DOUce. In tile event ot Ulralnat1oD. the Service Provider w111 retaacl torttawtt!t. to OIltlrlo aD)' IIOnle. aciqQced by ODtarlo ad aot upecdect 1ft acco~ .ith tb. approved budpt. 10. INDIXlfIPICATION The Service Provider w111. botb durln& and tollowlna the ten at thl. 8.CZ'....llt. ladeuitJ' aDd .ave banile.. Ontarlo tro.all costs. 10..... daMp.. judp..at.. elat... delMllda. .ulta. aet10as or other ~.... ia UJ' MADer' bued apoa. occuloll8d bJ' or .ttrlbutable to aayt!Wac .doDe or.o&1tt:ed JlO he doDe b7 t,M.8ervlce Provlder. lts dlreotora,. ottl~n. UP1bre>n. apau or voJuatHr. la COIlDeCUOO _1th ..mon PI'O'f'ldM. ~_ to be proYldl'd or requ1Nd tobe-Provided by tbe Se"ioe ~lder paraUat.to.thi. ~t. 11. IUIJUICI !he.8V'rloe Pron4er will obt:a1Jl aDd..illt:a1a ill tall forw aDd et'tect 4V:lae tblltamot w. ~t ooepr.heaai" pDerd HabUit)' JUGraIlCe. acceptable to qat:ar10 111. u uoat ot DOt Ie.. than. saoo.OOO.OO "r' occnarr.DOe 111 re.peatj ot t:be ""ieu prodded parSWUlt;-to this ~~. 1'lte iuaru.oe poltC7 .IIeU. (a) 1DoIUde.. &a.EUou1iUarH.-a. r Xaj..t, tbe-Queea 10 ript of 0atv10 .. .. hcl b7. ttie lIla.t.r of eo.u..t~ ud Social ""1_- 111 ot ud dvtac tZae provt.ioa ot .enten by tbo s.m_ ~ldc ,.......t to w. ~t: (b) OOGtaJ.. crouf1a1tU1tJ' 01.... eadoraeee1rt: aad (e) OOIltaU. 0.1..... Jaollidialr l1ab111'tJ' ari8iac 0111: ot eoatract or _to The Service ProY.tder .1l~ ula1t to ODtario, upoo request, proof of Inauraace. ' 12. __AllSICDDIIIIr n. "rv1ee rroJs. wJ.11 DOt: ...ip tbJ. ~t, or UJ part tbenot. .tt_t tbe Pl'Jor wJttea approw.l ot OGtario. dlob approval..,. be 1If1d11l1U -." ODt:.uio. A..J~ eol. d1aonttoc 01' &1... .abj"t to ,ucla ..-to... ...._t~......,._t. _ _. 148. _ 4- 13 . SCHEDULES All the teras And condItions ot Schedules -A~. -B-. and ~C- are incorporated Into thl. a~ree~t except where they are inconsistent with this a~ree.eDt. This agreeaent.and tbe attached Schedules eabody the entire agre~Dt and supersede any other under.t.ndln~ or agreeaent. collateral. oral or otherwise. existing between the partIes at the date of exeeution. 14. DISPOSI'1'IOH The Service Provider WIll not sell. cbanre the use or otherwise dispose or any Ite., rurnl.hl~ or equip.ent In respect of which 80nies have specifically been provided by OntarIo without the prior written consent ot Ontario, which consent ..y beaUbject to such ter.."and conditions tor repav-ent In whole or In part .s Ontario aay de.. advisable, IN WInmss JfBBRBOI' thb qreeaent haa been by and an behalf of the Serviee ProYid~~ by its proper ~xecuted unde~ s~al an behslf of Ontario Slening officers. SIGNBD. S!W.ED AND DELIVERED ) ) on the day of ) ) ,. ) ) In the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I I ) ) ) ) I ) ) ) OD bebalf of the Nlnls~ry of eo..unlty and Social ServIces CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (ELGIN COUNTY IfO\1E FOR. SENIOR CITIZENS) (Service P~vider's na.~) By, /~~w..~, 8y: ---=:Z::;__.....c ~ <. ~ . ~r-,. "- (Attix corporate seal) CLERK . Witn... required .ner.; the service ProvIder 1. 6eol. proprietor or a partnel'ahlp. Program Name: Program Object1ves: Brief Description: 149 SCHEDULE 'A' ?roaram Descriotion Elgin County Homes for Seniors. Home Support Service 1'0 provide varied and adaptable services to the elderly population of Elgin County living in their own homes. 1'0 provide mental and physical support that will reinforce an independent lifes'tyle. 1'0 offer these programs as a support: service thus encouraging individuals to make their own dec:1Sions concerning their level of involvement. Dav . Care proaram: Bathing assistance w.iii be provided at the home facility for individuals unable to bathe independently. Hot wax treatments will. be given to individuals requesting care. Footcare will be provided 'to individuals requesting care. A nourishing, attractive and well presented meal will be served to each participant. A user fee at least equal to the cost of the meal is to be charged. Transportation will be provid.ed to and from the home facility for both ambulatory and non-ambulatory partidpants on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Meals-on-Wheels: Noon Meals-on Wheels will be provideci Monday through Friday toindivldualswithin a 20 minute driving radius ofth.e h.ome facility. Diet counselling will be provided to individuals by appointment. ~ td 150 Resoi'te Care: :'emporary accornodation may De obtained for recuperating or vacationing individuals. Winter residence may be available. Other Proarams: Telephone assurance calls may be arranged from the Home facility to individuals living in their own homes. w1'th1n a local calling area. Social and activation counselling will be provided at the Home facility and is available to individuals in their home sett.ing. A group aquatic exercise program will be offered twice weekly. Assis'tance will be orovided to seniors in the completion of gove;nmentforms. A registered denturis't will counsel individuals on proper denture care. Dentures can be repaired to obtain a proper fit upon appointnent. El1g1bllJ:ty CriterJa of Users: All residents 60 years of age and older livmg within Elgin Coun'ty. Ind1viduals under the age 60 requiremen't interested in services are to write a letter of intent to the Comm.1:tt:ee of Management tor approval. Eat:1aated. Nwaber ot Persons to be served: 309 persons (Terrace Lodge. 223 Elgin Manor. 86) Estimated OnJ.1:s of se~ to be Dellvetred: Meals-on-wheels - 10.200 meals Ba_ Hot wax '!'ran8'PQrtation In-house DU!alS Diet Counselling - Water Exercise - ':'elephone Assur.- 2.340 .,. 2,860 2.860 u. 1.560 565 calls !1 SCHEDULE 'B' Staffinq 1 Full-time SUpport Services Co-ordinator 1 Part-time Driver (18 hours per week) 6 Part-time Nursing Attendants (4 hours/week) 2 Part-time Kit:chen Maids (4 hours/week) 1 Part-time Dietitian (4 hours /week) 151 !T 152 SQiElJJLE 'C' - ELGIN OO.lHY HCrES FOR senORS. HOE SJPPQRT SERVICE PERIOD FRCMJIoNJAR'f 1,1987 TOMARO-l31. 1987 ~al is gi~ 'to tra"\Sf8l'" dollal"'$ I::letwea"I individual budget Hne it:err&. OPERATING EXPelDIlURES ,. Salaries 2 _ Benefits 3. Travel 4. Training 5. Alloca1:ed Adrrrln. Co5't:s 6. Sub Total 7. -. 8. Off'fca Expenses 9. .tudit Uld Legal Co:st:s 10. Il"ISUrance 11. .Ad\feM:1sing 12. Allocated Cc:I5'es 13. ~1pT1in1: (ogerat:1cn & ma1ntens"lC8) 14 _ Prog"'~ Supplies 15 _ Food Costs 16. at""'" (\/Qlll'lteer recogn1ticn) 17. Ot..... 18. Total 5qJendi'tU/"'eS $15.968.20 874.10 1.000.00 500.00 2.000.00 20,342.30 125.00 62.50 162.50 125.00 1.150.00 125.00 50.00 22.742.30 OPERATING REVetJES 19. (a) Cl1...t Ca1tr1Wt1cn for sorv1~ ............ 2.693.40 19. (b) fltn1c1p&1 Nc:n-Capit.!:ll Ccrltr1but10"1S 4,403.52 19. (c) Other Ncn-Capita 1 Ccntr1but:10"1S 2.000.00 20.Tot:al~ 9.096.92 21. NK ~_1nQ ~1'tU~ $13.545.38 22. 6~ at Tatal ~1'tU~ $13.545.38 23. M1n1say Subll1dy (1__ at 11:_ 21 or 22) $13,64.5.38 24. Null*-" at ~ """,,_.- 25. ~.af Un1t::s en: Sarv1~ Case pa:o Unit: ".. IftClKiIlUN subll1dy I)Syabl. is $13,645.38. 8ffect:i_ January 1. 1981 1:0 March 31. 1987 MBtt-a:l of ~t: ~t to be made ~rterly by claims fOl"'llll OJ& JIIIoS 3D, September 30. 0ec:8Ii::ler' 31 and M!trch 31_ Actvanoes: An ad\nlnce ~t eQUlIl to cne ~ win b& ft'Io!Jd5 at: tn. beg1l'Y'l1ng at thID yeer and . ~ ...J in tna last: QUOM:er". !J i\mcndment to Schedule "C" TIle agreement dated the day of ,[9 between Ontario and ELGIN COUNTY tfCtI1ES FOR SENIORS, fDtE SUPPORT SERVICE ("the Service Provider) with respect to the provision of a home support for the e1.derly program, is amended by revoking Schedule "C" and substituting the atUlched Schedulc "C". ;\11 payment..o; made after April I, !987 and computed in accordance with the approved budget for the fiscal year April !, 1987 to Hardl 31, 1988 shall be deducted from the amount payable to th(~ Servi.ce rr,jvi.der a:'i SIX~ci.fi,-,d in thf~ "PPI'ovcd b"d~t att,lched ,1:'< Schedule "C" hel'cto. ,\ll other t.cnns of th,~ <lgrccmcnt arc hereby ctlnfinncd. This amendment has been executed Wldcr 19 by Ontario and on bch.:..lf of the Service signing officers. seal th is d!lY of on behalf of Provider by it.,,; Pl'''fX'T' Signed. sea lcd and Dc I i ~'el'cd on the day of If) ill the pl'e....'mce or On beh;ll f 0 f the Hinist.cl' of C~>rmI\mit.y <llId Socia l S.~l'vic,-,s CORPORATION OF TIlE COUNT'{ OF ELGIN @GIN r.OlJNTY HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS (Service Provider's name) By, #jJ2~~' /" - I WARDEN By :~(~'-<'.....- /"T"~_ CLERK (Affi.x Coqxlr.!lte J';Cal) 153 154 s::HEWLE 'C' - ELGIN ca..NTY HCJoES FOR SENICR5. H:JrE SUPPORT SERVICE PERIOO FRCM APRIL 1. 1987 TO ~ 31, 1988 OPERATING EXPeoIDliURES A.pj:roya 1 is given to trl:lr'lS'fer do llal"'S ~ incl1vfc::lullll b.dget line 11:em!i. ,. Sal.ar'1es 2. Benefits 3. r,._1 4.. Training 5. Allc:x:ated ,&On;n. Costs 6. Sub Tot:al 7. Rent 8. Office ~ 9. Audit <<'d l.ega 1 CaS'ts 10. Insurance 11. Ad'veM;:1s1ng 12. AllOC2lted Costs 13. EQl.1'113fW'lt (operat:1C1"l & rns1nt'ENlnCe) 14. Pr-ogram Suppl1es 15. Food Costs 15. Other (...olt.nt'eer ~1t1cn) 11. Other' lB. TO'I':&l ~1tu,... OPERATING REVENJES 19. (a) Cl1&"t'l: Ccntr1but:1C1"l tot" .......~........... 19. (b) "'-n1C1pel Nc:n-Cap1tal Ccntr1but:1cns 19. (c:) Other Ncrl-Capit'al Ca1tr1but:1cns 20. Toul ~ 21. *'C: 0I:lrat:1ng ~1tures 22. 7cti at Total Expenditures 23. M1n1'rtry Subsidy (1-- at It_ 21 or 22) 24. NlaI:ler> of l.l:ssrs """" .... .-.. 25. Nil.&MblIf> af Units of SowYico O:::llre' pr lh1t $63.873.00 3,500.00 3.000.00 2,000.00 8.000.00 $80.373.00 500.. 00 250.00 650.00 500.00 7,000.00 500.00 200:00 $89.973.00 $15,111.40 $10,380.50 1,500.00 $26.991.90 $62.981.10 $62.981.10 $62.981.10 TI-s1llr>>(11lUi1 tlUCe1dy PB7Vblei) 1. $62.981.10, cf-fect1ve Acr'il 1. 1981 eo Mlllrch 31. 1988. Methcd of ~t: ~t to be lMde quoIIIrew-ly by c 181ms fonn due J..... 30. Sept:Mbr 30. o.c-t::er- 31 and JiIlI!ar"och 31. ~: In ~ ~t ~1 to a'1e quarter w111 be fIIIIde at tN b.g1rn11"lQ of 'tt-a year and . _ .....J in 'the last QU&M:er. !J 155 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-14 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION. 1987. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the MuniCipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the February 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: READ a first time this 19th day of February 1987. READ a second .time this 19th day of February 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 1987. .~<:::/o.:..<"'.'" '7.". G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /' / 156 March Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of March, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chai.r. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Martyn Reeve Black Reeve McCann. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake ling That the minutes of the February 1987 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. Warden purcell addressed Council on the proposed format for the 1987 budget review. The following representatives from Oeloitte Haskins & Sells, the County auditors, were present for the Budget Session - Mr. Chuck Raven and Mr. Don Lemon. Mr. Raven outlined the spread sheet that was forwarded to all Members of Council with the budget amounts for 1987, the actuals for 1986 and the proposed budget for 1987. The Budget Review Session consisted of reviewing line by line items and having the various Chairmen answer any questions from Council. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That we adopt the following budget for the lawful purposes of the County during 1987, requiring a Net Levy of $4,148.918~OO made up as follows: EXPENDITURES LESS RECEIPTS NET LEVY $15,137.537 10,988,619 $ 4,148,918 and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1987 for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of the appor- tionment, as determined under Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared: 157 - 2 - COUNTY OF ELGIN - 1987 BUDGET 1987 1987 1987 ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TAX EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS LEVY 1 Surplus prior year carried forward $ - $ 219.863 $ (219,863) 3 Supplementary Taxes - 15.000 (15,000) 4 Recovery of Rentals - 90,000 (90,000) 5 General Support Grant - 227,912 (227,912) 6 Revenue Guarantee - 195,100 (195 ,100) 8 Council Members and Local Boards 150,oao - 150,000 9 Administration Salaries 153.000 13.000 140,000 10 Admdnistratiori Supplies and Services 80, 000 - 80,000 11 Administration Buildings Maintenance 25.000 - 25,000 12 CourtHouse Maintenance 60,000 45.000 15.000 13 Registry Office 10.000 9,000 1,000 14 New Administration Building - operating 100,000 - 100,000 15 Grants 32.050 - 32,050 16 Miscellaneous 1,000 - 1,000 17 County. Roads 6.315.000 5.037,000 1,278,000 18 Children's Aid Society 129,054 - 129.054 19 Elgin Manor - Operating 2,965,631 2,715,023 250,608 20 Terrace Lodge - Operating 1,566,835 1,418,471 148,364 21 Terrace Lodge - Debenture Charges 99,000 - 99,000 22 Bank Interest and Service Charges 30,000 25,000 5,000 23 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal 335,000 - 335,000 24 Capital Loan Repayment - Interest 124,863 - 124,863 25 Taxes Written Off 15,000 - 15,000 26 Agriculture 55,000 - 55,000 27 Health Unit 248,674 - 248,674 28 county Library 959,430 158,000 801,430 29 Land Division 30.000 25,000 5,000 30 Social Services 1,062,500 795,250 267,250 31 Mosquito Control 500 - 500 32 Contingencies 75,000 - 75,000 33 Reserve for Capital Expenditures 115,000 - 115,000 34 Reserve for Hospital Capital Grant 400,000 - 400 , 000 TOTALS $15,137,537 $10,988,619 $4,148,918 2 Requisitions (NET LEVY) 4,148,918 (4.148,~_18.) $15,137,537 $15,137,537 $ . - Carriedo Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Pearson That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell named Deputy Reeve Millman as Chairman. The Committee rose without reportingo MOved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. MOved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That we do now adjourn (12:03 P.Mol to meet again on Wednesday, March 18th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. 58 _ 3 - County Council, March 18 Session, 1987 Council re-convened at 1:58 P.M.. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Perovich Reeve Martyn Reeve Black Reeve McCann. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenbarg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. Carried. Warden Purcell named Deputy Reeve Mil1man as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting and returned into Regular Session at 2:59 P.M.. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-Law No. 87-15 ~A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 18th Session, 1987. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 87-15 be read a second timeo Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law Noo 87-15 be read a third time and finally passed 0 - Carried 0 Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Lavsreau That we do now adjourn (3106 P.Ho) to meet again on March 26th. 1987 at 10:00 A.M.o - Carried. ~_ .L.o.~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. ~PUr-cell. Warden. 159 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-15 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 18th SESSION. 19B7. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by.Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the March 18th, 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute. all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of March, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1987. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 160 March 26th Session - First Day Thursday, the 26th day of March, 1987 .... The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10;00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the C~J.ir. Warden Purcell addresaed Council on the 1987 proposed bud- get. He indicated that it was proposed to review the adopted budget oDe more time, so that if Council had any thoughts of altering it, it could be done today. The review was going to take place at 2:30 this afternoon. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Stewart Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Pearson Reeve Black Reeve Bradfield Reeve McCann', Warden Purcell welcomed the twelve Clerks. or representa- tives, from the various municipalities who were in attendance at the invitation of County Council. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE l. of postal tion.. County of Frontenac with resolution opposing the reduction services to rural communities by the Canada Post Corpora- 2. County of Haliburton with resolution requesting the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney to make Acid Rain a priority issue with his meeting with President Ronald Reagan. 3. Right to Life (St. Thomas) with request to have April 5-11, 1987 proclaimed BRespect for Life WeekB. 4. The Regional Municipality of Peel with resolution request- ing Canada Post to adopt standards for maintenance and design, as well as placement etc., with their BSupermailbox programB. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1.. Village of Port Burwell with response to the letter from the Library Committee re: condition of library building. . COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of the Environment with information on the BPro_ gram for Rehabilitation of Sewage Collection and Water Distribution SystemsB. 2. not ice pass a Road. McKay, on behalf by-law to McKay & Collins. Barristers and Solicitors. with of the Township of Yarmouth of their intention to close a portion of the New Sarum to Mapleton Given 3. Ontario Good Roads Association with the following; (0) Information and application form re: herbicide licensing course (b) Information and application form re: 1987 C. S. Anderson Road School (e) Information and application form re: 1987 To J. Mahony Road SchooL 4. Ontario Drainage Tribunal with copy of decision re: appeals of Frank and Evelyn Pineo with respect to County Road No. 40 Drain in the Village of Springfield. - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 5. From the fo~lowing with planning matters: Township of Southwold {l} Notice of public meeting re; proposed zoning by-law amend- ment.. (2) Notice of public hearing by Committee of A.djustment ra: minor v?'~iance. Township of Yarmouth Two notices re: public meetings concerning Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments. Township of Malahide Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 20-87 and copy of same. Sanders and Cline Copy of application for rezoning made on behalf of Helen Harvey (Township of Yarmouth). HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE 1. Town of Aylmer with Ii proposed compromise to By-Law No. 50-86, in the area of Talbot Street West, and request for input. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of a report on municipal remuneration and distribution of female employ.ees, enti~ tled -Gender Trends in Municipal Employment-. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Albert W. Auckland, Secretary-Treasurer, Ex-wafdens' Association with request to use the lunchroom in the basement, to hold their annual meeting and luncheon, prior to election of Warden. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Ontario Mun~cipal Social Services Association with request for memberShip for 1987. 2. Funeral Directors of Elgin County with proposed rate schedule to be charged for indigent funerals~ ~ 1. Bank of Montreal advising that the Prime Interest Rate has decreased by 1/2% to 8 3/4% effective March 13th, 1987. 2. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 58 re: Daylight Saving Time. 3. Ministry of Energy with copy of remarks made by the Minister at the Municipal Electric Association Annual Conference, March 2nd~ 1987 at the Royal York Hotel. 4. Copy of Decision by The Joint Board on the proposed trans- mission plan of Ontario Hydro for Southwestern Ontario. 5. treatment secondary Ministry of Municipal Affairs of over-levy or under-levy as school purposes. withreco~~endaticn for the at December 31, 1986 for 6. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with apprecia- tion for notice re: 1987 grant. 7. Ontario Hydro with copy of the Decision by the Joint Board under the Consolidated Hearings Act 1981 re: Southwestern Ontario Transmission Study. 8. The University of Western Ontario expressing appreciation for the reception received during their recent delegation to Council. 162 - 3 - County Council. March 26 Session, 1987 FILED - continued 9. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Municipal Elections. 10. Family & Children I s Services of St. Thomas and E1gin with copy of Policy Statement reg Security Checks. lL Ontario Ministry of Labour advising that a Committee is working on the development of material for the making of a regula- tion for respirators for use by fire fighters. 12. Secretary of the Cabinet acknowledging Elgin County's supporting of A.M.O.'s position on Bill 105. 13. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with copy of their 1986 Annual Report. 14. . London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board with a copy of .Communique on Political Affairs. Number 13. February 1987. 15. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care to January 31st, 1987. 16. The University of Western Ontario acknowledging notifica;" tion of the 1987 grant of $2,000. 17. From the following with planning matterSg Villaqe of Port Stanley Notice of Public Hearing ret a minor variance. TownshiJ) of Aldborouqh Notices of the passing of By-Laws No. 87-6 and 87-7, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983 and copies of same. Township of Bavham Notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. Z148-87 and Z149-87 and copies of same. TownshiJ) of Malahide Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan and copy of By-Law No. 17 -87 . Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No.lS-a7 and copy of same. Notice of public meeting ret proposed Zoning By-Law and Spot Official Plan Amendment. Town of Av1.mer Notices of " public hearing for two minor variances. Notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 21-87, 22-87 and 23-87 and copies of same. Ministrv of Transportation and Communications Copies of comments reg Zoning By-Law Amendment by the Township of Yarmouth reg part of Lots 64 and 65, Plan 256, Highway No.4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Copy of Bill 208 entitled the Planning Amendment Act, 1987. Notice of Planning Conference - November 5th, 1987 - London. Notice of approval for TownShip of Bayham Official Plan Amend- ment 006. Ontario Municipal Board Copy of a letter to solicitor res cancellation of appeal res Land Division Decision. Notices for the Appointment for Hearings reg five appeals on Land Division Decisions. Notice for Appointment for Hearing ret Committee of Adjustment Decision Copy of Decision ret appeals against Township of Southwold Zoning By-Law No. 86-14. - 4 - ~ - continued Townshic of Southwo~d Notice of cancellation of public meeting scheduled for March 30th, 1987 re: Zoning By-Law Amendment. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Approval of Official Plan Amendment 023 for the Township of Aldborough. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government Committee - '1-4 inclusive County Library Committee - 'I County Roads Committee - 11-5 inclusive Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - 11 Social Services Committee - '1-2 inclusive Filed - #1-17 inclusive County Council - '1-9 inclusive. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the First Report of the County Government committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the First Report of the Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - LIBRARY COMMI'rTEE (mailed 1 Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Second Report of the Library Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil1man That the Second Report of the Library Committee be amended by deleting Item #1. The amendment was voted upon and carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and carried. FIRST REPO~r - ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That the First Report of the Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. 164 - 5 - County Council. March 26 Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve MilLman That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve SChaper adopted. That the First Report of the 7ersonnel Committee be - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Perovich adopted. That the First Report of the Property Committee be An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reave Campbell Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That Item #8 be deleted from the Report. The amendment was voted upon and carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and carried. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Lavereau and adopted on motion of Reeve Lavereau and Reeve Pischer~ COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1~ Canada Farm Labour Pool with request for a representative to the Loca~ Agricultural Employment Board (LoA~E~Bo). 2. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with 1987 Budget requiring a contribution of $129,054 by the County. 3. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with 1987 Budget requir- ing a County contribution of $248,674. 4. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with copy of financial state- ments for the year ended December 31st, 1986. 5. Tobacco Area/Industrial strategy Study with request for a grant of $625.00 for 1987. 6. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information on -Local Government Week- - April 13th-17th. 7. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with invitation to attend a Dessert and Coffee Hour at the Museum on Wednesday, April 15th at 1:00 P.M., to start the 30th Anniversary year of operations. 8~ Elgin Tourist Association requesting the apPOintment of three persons to the Board of Directors. 165 - 6 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 9. Donald L. Carroll. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum, requesting that the 15th day of April 1987 be declared -Elgin County Pioneer Museum Day. in recogni- tion of their 30th Anniversary. Moved by Reeve Martyn Second.;:.':: by Reeve Neukamm That Reeve Perovich be named to the Canada Farm Labour Pool with expenses paid by this organization. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Ford That Correspondence '2 and 3 be received and filed as they will be dealt with in the 1987 budget. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That the request for a grant of $625.00 from the Tobacco Area/Industrial Strategy Study Committee be referred to the ,two representatives on the Committee for a recommendation to the April Session, 1987. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That we accept the invitation of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum to attend a Dessert and Coffee Hour on Wednesday, April 15th, 1987 at 1:00 P.M. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That the request from the Elgin Tourist Association for the appointment of three persons to the Board of Directors be tabled to the April 15th. 1987 Council Session. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the resolution be amended to delete everything after the word -be- and replaced with -referred to the County Government Committee-. The motion, as amended, was voted upon and carried. The original motion, as amended, was votedupcin and carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Ford Whereas the Elgin County Pioneer Museum was established thirty years ago 1 and Whereas is is appropriate to officially recognize this thirtieth anniversary. Now Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby declares Wednesday, the 15th day of April, 1987 as -Elgin County Pioneer Museum Day. in recognition of their thirty years of operation. .;.. Carried. 166 - 7 - County Council. March 26 Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That Council Correspondence numbered 4 and 6 be filed. - Carried. Council recessed for a coffee break and re-convened at 11~33 A.M.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Willsey That we do now adjourn (11:35 A.M.) to meet again on March 26th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 1:37 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Perovich Reeve Stewart Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Pearson Reeve Black Reeve Bradfield Reeve McCann Deputy Reeve Chute (left meeting at 1:50 P.HQ). The 1987 budget, adopted at the March 18th. 1987 Session, was again reviewed in detail. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mazenberg Seconded by Reeve Ford That the resolution passed March 18th, 1987 adopting the 1987 Budget be rescinded. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fischer ~at the 1987 Proposed Budget be altered as follows: !:mL! EXPLANATION INCREASE/DECREASE ~ 23 Capital Loan Repayment - PrinCipal Decrease $ 40,000 2. Capital Loan Repayment - Interest Decrease 4,863 32 Contingency Decrease 75,000 33 Reserve for Capital Expenditures Decrease 100.000 $219,863 - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Marr That we adopt the attached budget, for the lawful purposes of the County during 1987, requiring a Net Levy of $3,929,055 made up as follows: Expenditures $14,917,674 Less Receipts 10.988,619 Net Levy $ 3,929,055 and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several municipa1ities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1987 for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of thaappor-, tionment, as determined under Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and apportionment be prepared - COUNTY OF ELGIN - 1 Surplus prior year carried forward 3 Supplementary Taxes 4 Recovery of Rentals 5 General support Grant 6 Revenue Guarantee 8 Council Members and Local Boards 9 Administration Salaries 10 Administration Supplies and Services 11 Administration Buildings Maintenance 12 Court House Maintenance 13 Registry Office 14 New Administration Building - Operating 15 Grants 16 Miscellaneous 17 County Roads 18 Children t s Aid Society 19 Elgin Manor - Operating 20 Terrace Lodge - Operating 21 Terrace Lodge - Debenture Charges 22 Bank Interest and Service Charges 23 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal 24 Capital Loan Repayment - Interest 25 Taxes Written Off 26 AgricUlture 27 Health Unit 28 County Library 29 Land Division 30 Social Services 31 33 34 Mosquito Control Reserve for Capital Expenditures Reserve for Hospital Capital Grant TOTALS (NET LEVY) 2 Requisitions Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Ford - 8 - 1987 BUDGET 1987 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 8 150,000 153,000 80,000 25,000 60,000 10.000 100.000 32,050 1,000 6,315,000 129,054 2,965,631 1,566,835 99,000 30,000 295,000 120,000 15,000 55,000 248,674 959.,430 30;000 1.062.500 SOD 15,000 400,000 $14,917,674 $14,917,674 - Carried. to be Etc. , That By-Law No. 87-16 -Being a By-Law to made to Various Organizations, Corporations, During 1987- be read a first time. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Emerson - Carried. 1987 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 219,863 15,000 90,000 227,912 195,100 13,000 45,000 9,000 5,037;000 2,715,023 1,418.471 25,000 158,000 25,000 795,250 810,988,619 3,929,055 $14,917,674 167 1987 TAX !&Y! $ (219,863) (15,000) (90,000) (227,912) (195,100) 150,000 140,000 80,000 25,000 15.000 1,000 100,000 32,050 1,000 1,278,000 129,054 250,608 148,364 99,000 5,000 295,000 120,000 15,000 55,000 248,674 801,430 5,000 267,250 500 15,000 400.000 $3,929,055 13.929,0551 8 . Authorize Grants Institutions, That By-Law No. 87-16 be read a second time. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fischer - Carried. That By-Law No.87-16 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 168 - 9 - County Counc~l. March 26 Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 87-17 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Covenant Re: Use of Part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A. Township of Dunwich, County of Elgin~ be read a first time. _c~_<'-'. ";"'C")"_. Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-17 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil1man That By-Law No. 87-17 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 87-18 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Maintenance Contract for the Elevators Located in the County Administration Building- be read a first timee - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-18 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Marr passede That By-L,au No. 87~18 be read a. third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-19 -Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for "the Year 1987-be read a first timee - Carriade Moved by Deputy Reeve Hillman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-19 be read a second time. Carried e Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87-19 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 169 - 10 - Moved by Reeve HOdgson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-20 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 26th Session, 1987- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-20 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-20 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That we do now adjourn (3:12 P.M.) to meet again on April 15th, 1987 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. ----~,~ ~~~. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. F. Purcell, Warden. 170 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that a hospitality suite be provided for 1987 at the fOllowing conventions: (1) Ontario Good Roads Association (February 22-25) (2) A.M.O. (August 23-26) (3) Association of Homes for the Aged (September 12-14) (4) A.C.R.a. (month of October). 2. That for 1988 we recommend that the following list be eligible conventions for attendance and that the matter of selecting the ones at which to hold a hospitality suite be tabled to the January 1988 meeting of the County Government Committee: 1. Rural (R.O.M.A.) Section of Association of Municipalities of Ontario 2. Ontario Good Roads Association 3. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association 4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario 5. Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged 6. Roads and Transportation Association of Canada 7. (A.C.R.O.) County and Regional Section of Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 3. That Correspondence #1, 2, 3 and 4 be filed. 4. That we continue the policy of giving each Member of Council a new pen each Session. 5. That we recommend that in the future all budgets from the various Committees be presented to Council in a separate report which can be dealt with on an individual basis, by either accepting or tabling it to the regular budget session. 6. Bruce Heads That the Clerk be authorized to purchase six dozen Tartan Ties for use by Members of Council. Department and Deputies. 7. That the Clerk be authorized to offer to host the Clerk-Treasurer's meeting for the Counties in Ontario either in the FaIlor Spring of next year. 8. That we recommend that the September Session of County Council be held on Wednesday, September 23rd, 1987, due to the R.T.A.C. and Association of Homes for the Aged Conventions being held in the third week of September. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. //- /' .; cc-.,",~- /~?.;.f-;?4/"::=- ~ha~~~ 171 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. Levy Figure approval. That the Elgin County Library Operating and Lease Budget 0($801,430 be recommended .to the Budget Session 1987 (or ,. Council: That the following resolution is recommended to County That the conditions for committing any expenditure of the increased lease budget in the Elgin County Library Budget adopted by County Council be as (ollows: 1. That the past practices of municipal grants>cease and only future library costs. be dealt with in the normal County Department budget process. 2. That a Type-A lease that currently exists shall continue to be recognized until a physical change in the premises underlease dictates review by the County and signing municipality. 3. That a new Elgin County Library "Standard Municipal Lease" be prepared for recommendation to County Council for pl'esentation to the Municipality of Dutton, effective on the date of occupancy, 4. That this new lease will be presented to each municipality with a current "B" Type Lease for acceptance and implementation, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. A~~' //-/-- . an Kasteren~ ~.~ '" 172 11 See amendment below LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Chief Librarian has been authorized to temporarily suspend operations in the Port Burwell Library pending an acceptable alternative being provided by the Village for continued safe operation. 2. That the Library Committee recommends that the County support the submission of the Toronto Public Library Board regarding the copyright law. 3. That the County Library with the permission of the estate of Inez Granger wishes to donate the Rowe organ in the upstairs of the Aylmer Old Town Hall Library to the Aylmer Museum with the terms of the bequest. continuing to apply to the Museum. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~d / ~ , Ac J. van Kasteren, ~ing Chairman. . Item #1 was amended by deleting it from the Report. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMSERSOF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Oue to light winter control requirements we are presently gravel resurfacing the following roads (as of March 6th): (.) Road Ins . Between Lawrence Station and Road *14. (b) Road #20 North of Road #18. (c) Road *18 . Between Road #20 and Road #19. Southwold TownShip. (d) Road #56 (Elm Street) . Between Road #28 and Road *36. (e) Road -#48 . In Yarmouth TownShip. If) Road #35 Between Orwe 11 and Road #52. 2. We have accepted the tender of Champion Road Machinery Sales Limited of Brampton for a Used Model 740 Champion Grader with 960 'operating hours. complete with GMC Motor and Model 9138 Power Range Transmission and new Snow Wing with a 12 Foot Moldboard. The County's mounting attachments and snow plow from Grader #17 will be kept. The total price plus trade. in of the County's Grader #17 (including sales tax) was $81.320.00 being a savings of over $30.000.00 for a comparable new machine (without snowplow). 3. We have accepted the Quotation of Sheridan Equipment Limited of London for a 1985 Somag Vibratory Roller Model 2130 with approximately 2,600 operating hours, powered by a Deutz Diesel Engine at their quoted price of $50.000.00 (plus sales tax). Similar new equipment was priced from $82.000.00 to $87,000.00 (plus sales tax). The roller will be used to compact granular base and shoulder gravel on various County roads. A number of municipalities have expressed an interest in renting the equipment when it is not being used by the County. 4. The quotation of Ibis Products Limited for White and Yellow Traffic Pavement Marking Paint at $1.60 per litre (plus sales tax) in 45 gallon returnable drums, has been accepted. The price is 2~ a litre less than the 1986 price. 174 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT. MARCH SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed empowering the Warden and Clerk to accept a parcel of land to be used for the widening of County Road #8 at the south-west quadrant of Highway #401 and being a portion of Lot 12, Concession V, North of 'A'. Township of Dunwich as shown on Part #1. Plan 11R-2971. The land was acquired by the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications for interchange purposes and wi 11 be transferred to the County of Elgin at no charge. However the Ministry of Transportation and Communications insists that a by-law be passed by the County accepting it for road widening purposes. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~ I/o HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1987 E'IRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes. for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. per diem March 1, THAT the Byrne Rest Home be increased by $1.50 to 1987. (Sattelite Home of Elgin Manor) $23.50 per day, effective 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to accept the Canteen of Canada proposal for the services of a Dietitian for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge, subject to review by the Board in six months time. 3. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to hire Ms. Judith Hateley as the Director of Nursing for Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge effective March 16. 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, _~~d.. 176 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That Correspondence #1 be referred to Mr. Tom Crossman to review with the employment pOlicies. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. w.A~'f Chairman. 177 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That the firm of Smylie & Crow be engaged to under- take an energy study re: grant for replacing windows at a cost of $1,000 and this is subject to a 75% grant. 2. That the request from the Elgin County Ex-Wardens' Association to be allowed to hold their annual meeting and luncheon, prior to the election of the Warden, in the basement lunch r~o~ be granted. 3. That the request from the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers to hold a seminar on writing reports in the Council Chambers on April 8th or 22nd, 1987 be granted and there be no charge. 4. to use granted That the request from the Women Teachers' Association the County Council Chambers for wage negotiations be and there be a charge of $25.00. 5. wooden (Elgin That the Clerk be authorized to advertise the surplus doors for sale and accept offers on an individual basis County Market). 6. rehung. That the doors for areas with metal frames are to be 7. That the Clerk be authorized to have lights installed in the Social Services' east balcony to allow access to the filing cabinets during the winter months and it be charged to the Reserve for Capital Expenditure account. * See amendment at end of Report 8. That a matching chair be purchased for the Warden's Office and the present one be moved to the Committee Room #1 for use by the Chairmen and the cost be charged to the Reserve for Capital Expenditureso 9. That the quotation of Chubb Alarms in the amount of $835000 be accepted for providing a monitoring system for the County Administration Building's fire alarm system made up as follows: Installation Annual fee $300 535 10. That a by-law be presented to Council to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign the contract for the elevator maintenance providing for monthly charges and outlining ser- vices provided by Skyline Elevator Inc. 11. That the change in the monthly elevator service charge from $250 to $265 effective June 1st, 1987, be noted and filed for information. 12. That the final two change orders have been authorized for payment to H.I.R.A. Limited as follows and charged to Reserve for Capital Expenditures: CHANGE ORDER NO. 30 Additional ceramic tile repairs and terrazzo $1,764.40 CHANGE ORDER NO. 31 Additional drywall due to poor condition of plaster walls 2,510.31 178 - 2 - 13. That the Clerk be authorized to - (1) Purchase three mats for entrance areas (2) Have the Roads Department sweep the parking lot (3) Shampoo rugs in hallways (4) Purchase literature holders for Clerk's Office. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~L ./ ~ K~ C~ me Chairman. . Item #8 was amended by deleting it from the Report. 179 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT March Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT TO the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we pay the annual C.M.5.S.A. membership fee of $525.00 for 1987 and further that Reeve Lavereau and Warden Purcell be designated as Municipal Members. 2. That we increase the indigent funeral services as per schedule as follows: The price schedule includes the following services: Local removal from place of death, securing the Medical certificate of Death (local). Preparation of the body to include embalming, dressing and casketing. Use of the Funeral home and visitation one night and day of the funeral, casket, coach and clergy car, casket-Hinge Plate grey cloth covering. Stillborn (Exception to above: no embalming, visitation or coach will be provided) $ 200.00 Children to age 1 year or maximum casket length of 2'6- 575.00 Children 1-10 years or maximum casket length of 4'6" 650.00 1150.00 40.00 Adult where casket is over 4'6N Clergy Honorarium Concrete liner, artificial grass, and lowering device 260.00 Oversized caskets, when necessary, will be provided for the difference in cost of the oversize casket and ~he cas- ket which would have normally been used. Cemetery charges are not included in the above. The municipality responsible for the indigent will be respons- ible for the payment of all cemetery charges. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. / /. ~...c ). . &.- Jy Lavereau, Chairman. -- , 3r 80 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-16 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRANTS TO BE MADE TO VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. CORPORATIONS. INSTITUTIONS. ETC.. DURING 1987. " WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organizations, corporations, institutions, etc.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1987: Canadian National Institute For The Blind Salvation Army Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Operating Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology - University of Western Ontario - University of Guelph - Wilfrid Laurier University - University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Quad County Association For Mentally Retarded The Local Agricultural Office For - Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4H Clubs Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Tillsonburg& District Association For The Mentally Retarded Elgin Tourist Association St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service The St. Thomas-Elgin Association For The Mentally Retarded St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital READ a first time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1987. S 1,500 1,000 10,000 400 800 800 400 40D 2,000 1,000 5,560 500 1,000 1,000 10,000 750 2,000 400,000 ---:::k.-?"" . ~. >"-...J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 181 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 87-17 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A COVENANT RE: USE OF PART OF LOT 12. CONCESSION 5. NORTH OF A. TOWNSHIP OF OUNWICH. COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has agreed to transfer to the County of Elgin a parcel of land, being Part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of ~A.. Township of Dunwich. designated as Part 1, on Plan 11R2971, and WHEREAS the parcel is to be used for the widening of County Road #8 at the south-west quadrant of Highway #401; and WHEREAS the Ministry requires that a covenant to the effect that the parcel is accepted and shall be used for MuniCipal Road purposes only be signed. NOW THEREFORE the MuniCipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereoy authorized to signa covenant, attached to a Transfer/Deed of Land for the above-mentioned parcel, accepting it for Municipal Road purposes only. READ a first time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1987. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 82 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-18 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TD SIGN A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR THE ELEVATORS LOCATED IN THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING." WHEREAS it is a requirement of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations to have month~y inspections on all elevating .devices; and WHEREAS the County. by means of tenders, selected Sky~ine Elevator Inc. to maintain the elevator equipment located in the Administration Building at 450 Sunset Drive. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a contract with Skyline Elevator Inc. far the main- tenance of the elevator equipment located in the County Administration BUilding. READ a first time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1987. ~- ,.c........ Gs C. Leverton, Clerks COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-Law No. 87-19 183 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE PERCENTAGE SHARE OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REOUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1987." WHEREAS under Section 365(6) of The Municipal Act, the Council of a County shall, in each year, on or before the 1st day of April, by by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shall contribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year: and WHEREAS in accordance with the above Section the following percentages have been established: MUNICIPALITY Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwell Port Stanley ROdney Springfield Vienna West. Lorne Aldborough Bayham. South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Southwald Yarmouth CONSTRAINED DISCOUNTED EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT $ 85,051,114 11,889.995 13,518.522 6.899.349 33,568.661 14.805,583 4,946.869 3,440.919 18,264,013 64,230.489 58,591,935 33,384,795 57,112,252 134,511,043 201,770,941 133.565,446 $875,551,926 PERCENTAGE 9.714 1.358 1.544 .788 3.834 1.691 .565 .393 .2.086 7.336 6.692 3.813 6;523 15.363 23.045 ~ 100.000% AND WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing the sum of _ Three Million, Nine Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand, and Fifty-Five Dollars ($3,929,055.00) is requirea to be raised in the several municipalities. for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1987, on the oasis of the above percentages. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts; 1. That the amounts, as set forth on the attached Schedule ~A. be levied on all rateable property, by the several municipalities in the County of Elgin, for the year 1987. READ a first time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 26th day of March, 1987, READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1987. ...-::r;; ~ ~ . )4-,.....,. G. C. Leverton. Clerk. 00 ..,. SCHEDULE M A M By-Law No. 87-19 LESS DUE DUE DUE . 1987 NET 50% f MARCH 31ST JUNE 30/87 SEPT. 30/87 DEC. 15/67 MUNICIPALITY SHARE BUDGET LEVY COLUMN ] PAYMENT COLUMN 4-5 25% COL. 3 25% COL. 3 - 2 3 4 5 . 7 B AYLMER 9.714 $ 381,668.40 $ 190,834.20 $ 16,964.88 $ 107,890.34 .$ 95,417.10 .$ 95,417.10 BELMONT 1.358 53,356.57 26,678.28 10.229.22 15,082.88 13.339.14 13 339.14 DUTTON 1.544- 60,664.61 30,332.30 12,398.04- 17,146.72 15,166.15 15,166.15 PORT BURWELL .788 30,960.95 15,480.48 6,438.10 8,752.07 7,140.24 7,740.24 PORT STANLEY 3.834 150.639.91 75,319.98 30,474 .22 42,583.03 37.659.99 37,659.99 RODNEY 1.691 66,440.32 33,220.16 11,996.72 18,781.40 16,610.08 16,610.08 SPRINGFIELD .565 22,199.16 11,099.58 4,670.60 6,275.28 5,549.79 5,549.79 VIENNA .393 15,441.19 7,720.60 3,167.82 4,364.93 3,860.30 3,860.30 WEST LORNE 2.086 81,960.09 40,980.04- 16,624.64 23,168.54 20,490.02 20,490.02 ALDBOROUGH 7.336 288,235.47, 144,117.74 66,942.55 81,478.64 72,058.87 72,058.87 BAY HAM 6.692 262,932.36 131,466.18 59,309.05 74,325.94 65,733.09 65,733.09 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.813 149,814.87 74,907.44 32,728.42 42,349.79 37,453.72 37,453.72 DUNWICH 6.523 256,292,26 128,146.13 58,463.72 72,448.90 64,073 .06 64,073.06 MALAHIDE 15.363 603,620.72 301,810.36 133,603.32 110,632.00 150,905.18 150,905.18 SOUTHWOLD 23.045 905,450.72 452,725.36 202,765.90 255,953.56 226,362.68 226,362.68 YARMOUTH 15.255 599,377.34 299,688.67 125,081.80 169,432.48 149,844.34 149,844.34 TOTALS 100.000 $3,929,055.00 $1,964,527.50 $853,859.00 $1,110,668.50 $982,263.75 $982,263.75 185 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-20 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 26th SESSION. 1987. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law~ and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and ather action taken by the Municipal Council of .the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the March 26th, 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expreSSly embodied in this By~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a second time this 26th day of March, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of March, 1987. .--:::r:;",< ~.~ >4-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 86 April Session - First Day Wednesday. the 15th day of April, 1987 ~ The Elgin county Council met this day at the Administration Building, atl0~OO A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve McCann. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That the minutes of the March 18th and March 26th. 1987 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Plant Industry Branch, with notice of Area Weed Inspectors' meeting to be held April 22nd and 23rd, 1987. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Year of project Ministry of Housing with information Shelter for the Homeless Ontario Essay and request to promote it. on the International and Poster Design 2. Environment Canada with information and request to take part in -Environment Week. June 1-7. 3. use the badges. 4. R. K. McNeil, M..P.Pq with a copy of a letter received from M.. F. Doan re: a County Archives.. Marilyn Barrett, Assistant Administrator, with request to County Crest on the Home Support Services identification 5.. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request to amend original by-laws which established the Pioneer Museum.. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1.. Mr. Jack Smyth requesting assistance with respect to prop- erty purchased from the county in June 1984.. 2. that soil Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising subsidy in the amount of $7,200 has been authorized for the investigation on the Tate's Bridge. 3.. Township of Malahide with notice of intent to pass by-laws to close two roads as follows: (l) Between Lot 26 and 27, Concession 1 (2) Part Lot 32, Concession 1. 4. From the following with planning notices: Minist:y of Municipal Affairs Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Township of Malahide and request for comments. Township of Malahide (1) By-Law No. 31-87 to amend Zoning By-Law No. 1925 (2) By-Law No. 30-87 to amend Official Plan. 187 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued Township of Yarmouth Five notices of Public Meetings to be held re: proposed Zoning By- Law amendments. Township of Aldborouqh .~ Two Notices of Public Meetings to be held re; proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendments. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. St~ Thomas Civic Employees! Credit Union Ltd. with request for consideration of allowing payroll deductions at source. 2. Ontario BlueCro8s with copy of Viewpoint outlining changes in Ontario Drug Legislation. 3. Ontario Ministry of Labour with draft amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE l. visit will 31, 1988. Victorian Order of Nurses with notice that their fee per remain at $28.60 for the period April 1, 1987 to March 2. Ministry of Community and Social Services with request to co-operate in making integration of handicapped children. more readily available. 3. Ministry of Community and Social Services with"notice that Hostel Rates for 1987 have been approved to a maXimum of:S26.25 per diem, effective January 1st, 1987. lli!E 1. Organization of Small Urban Municipalities with informa- tion on their 34th Annual Meeting April 29.30 and May 1;: 1987 in Collingwood. 2. approved area. Ontario Hydro with maps showing the locations of the transmission routes and transformer station site in our 3. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement for the month of February 1987. 4. Ministry of Housing with copies of Amendments to the Regulations under the Rental Housing Protection Act, 1986. 5. From the following with planning information: Township of Aldborouqh Three notices of Public Meetings re: proposed zoning by-law amend- ments. Township of Malahide Two notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws 22-87 and 33-87. Township of Bavham Two Notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws Z147-87 and Z150-87. City of St. Thomas Notice of Public Hearing by Site Plan Control Committee for April 7, 1987 at 10:30 A.M.. Villaqe of Port Stanley Two Notices of the Passing of By-Laws 2294 and 2295 (Zoning). Notice of Public Hearing re: minor variance. 88 - 3 - County Council, April Session, 1987 ~ FILED - continued Town of Avlmer Notice of Public Meeting re: By-Law 50-86 - March 23, 1987. Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 25-87. Township of Yarmouth Notice of Public Meeting re: proposed zoning amendment. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Notice of partially approved Official Plan for West Lorne. Notice of partially approved Official Plan for Malahide. Copy of letter to Spriet Associates reI Subdivision - Lot 3, Conces- sion 5, Yarmouth. Ontario Municipal Board Decision re: appeal from City of St. Thomas Committee of Adjustment re: minor variance for Colin May. Adjourning appeals by Ministry of Agriculture and Food to June 2, 1987.. Amending Decision re~ Zoning By-Law 86-14 by the TownShip of Southwold~ Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously be approved as follows: Agricultural Committee - #1 County Government Committee - #1-5 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-4 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1-3 inclusive Social services Committee - #1-3 inclusive Filed - U-5 inclusive County Council - #1-2 inclusive. - Carried. Mr. Glen Miller of the London Central Ambulance Communi- cation Centre was present and it was moved by Reeve Ford that he be now heard. Mr. Miller outlined the procedure to be used in commenc- ing Central Ambulance Dispatch for St. Thomas on May 12th, 1987. The development of the plans for the database was also explained and Mr. Miller answered questions frommambers of Council~ FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMI'l"rEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukmnm Seconded by Reeve Slack That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Lavereeu That Item #5 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be deleted. The amendment was Defeated. The original Report was voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Willsey adopted. That the First Report of the County Library Committee be - Carried. 189 - 4 - FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Ford That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Perovich. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT -'PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Property Committee~be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Perovich That we request the Ministry of Transportation and Commun- ications to change the Programme of Expenditure attached to the County's Supplementary Allocation of Funds dated January 21, 1987 in the amount of $llO,OOOto the replacement of the Patterson's Bridge on County Road #30 (Radio Road), Concession XI, TownShip of Yarmouth, from engin~ering, land purchase and construction on County Road #30, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmoutho - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That a resolution be passed requesting that the Province of Ontario increase funding for the construction of roads and bridges in the Province of Ontario and that this resolution be forwarded to The Honourable Robert Nixon, Provincial Treasurer, and The Honourable David Peterson, Premier of Ontario, and a copy to Mr. Ronald Ko MCNeil, M.P.Po, and Mr. James McGuigan, M.P.P., and the Ontario Good Roads Association. - Carried. 190 - 5 - County Council, April Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we amend the resolution re: requesting additional funding for the construction of roads and bridges to add after .Ontario. -in accordance with the brief by the Ontario Good Roads Association-Q - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That an application be made to the Minister of Transporta- tion and Communications for a Supplementary Expenditure in the amount of $396.000 for the replacement of the collapsed Super Span Culvert. Patterson's Bridge with a new bridge on County Road #30 (Radio Road). Concession XI. TownShip of Yarmouth. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That the members of the St ~ Thomas Suburban Roads Commis- sion be invited to the May Session luncheon. - Carried~ COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Village of Port Burwell with request for a review of By- Law No~ 87-19 as they feel it is not just and equitable. 2. names of 1987, to St~ Thomas~Elgin General Hospital with request for the two persons, to be presented to the annual meeting in June be elected to the Board of Governors. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Marr That Elgin County Council has reviewed By-Law No. 87-19, which establishes the percentage share of each municipality within the County of Elgin and amount required for County purposes for the year 1987, as requested by the V~llage of Port Burwell, and finds that in the opinion of the majority the percentage share is just and equitable and should not be amended~ - .Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the fallowing persons' names be submitted to the St~ Thomas-Elgin General Hospital for membership on the Hospital Board as representatives of County Council: Reeve E ~ H. Marr Reeve W. A. Martyn~ - Carried-~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Marr That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried~ Warden Purcell named Reeve Black as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. 191 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That we do now adjourn (11;40 A.M.) to meet again on April 15th, 1987 at 2;00 P.M.. Carried. ~ Council reconvened at 3;32 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve McCann. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell again named Reeve Black as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. FIRST REPORT - AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Agricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Neukamm. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented'by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Campbell. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Millman and adopted on motion of- Deputy Reeve Millman and Deputy Reeve Chute. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented. by Reeve Lavereau and adopted on motion of Reeve Lavereau and Reeve Stewart. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Marr That Application TI/S7 by Don Ousterhout, owner of pre- mises known as Lot 9. Concession 2. Township of Malahide, to clear trees for the purpose of building a house and garage be granted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That a grant of $1.250 be given to the Tobacco Decline Study Committee for 1987 and it be charged against Reserve for Capital Expenditures. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-21 -Being a By-Law to Amend the Schedule ~A. of By-Law No. 87-19 Which Sets Forth the Installment Payments of the 1987 County Levy. be read a first time. - Carried. 192 - 7 - County Council, April Session. 1987 Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-21 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-21 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That By-Law No. 87-22 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the' County of Elgin at the Apr~l.Session, ~987. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 87-22 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law NO. 87-22 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Campbell That we do now adjourn (4;29 P.M.) to meet again on May 20th, 1987 at 10;00 A.M.. - Carried. ~_""c~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R.n F.-Puree-Il, Warden. 193 cnnN'i'Y C..oVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Apri~ Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The County Gove:-_~.ment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the law firm of Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates be recommended to be the County solicitor and that a by-law be presented to County Council so appointing them and that the County Government Committee be authorized to negotiate the terms and fees with them. 2. That we recommend that the firm of Cockburn, Foster, Cudmore & Kitely be appointed as external legal counsel for the County of Elgin. to be used on a specialized as need basis at the discretionaf the various County Committees. 3. That the request from the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee to allow the County Crest to be used on the Home Support Services identification badges be approved. 4. That Correspondence #1, 2 and 4 be filed. 5. Whereas Council's support of the Elgin Tourist Association has been based on a clear understanding that the Association will become independent of County financing by 1988, it is nevertheless necessary to appoint interim representation on the Board of Directors to ensure that this goal is met and the Committee recommends that the appointed representatives carry this message to the Association. 6. That the following members of Council be appointed to the Elgin Tourist Association Board of Directors for 1987, representing - West Elgin - Reeve J. Fischer Central Elgin -Deputy Reeve M. Millman East Elgin - Deputy Reeve A. van Kasteren. 7. That the appointees to the Elgin Tourist Association Board of Directors be paid Committee pay and mileage for attend- ing meetings. 8. That we recommend that 1,000 pens be purchased from Amsterdam Products Ltd. at 79~ each with the understanding that an additional 1,000 will be provided free of charge. 9. That a by-law be prepared and presented to Council to amend the schedule of repayment for the 1987 County levy forming part of By-Law No. 87-19 which established the percentage share of each municipality and amount required for County purposes for the year 1987. 10. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to reduce the Capital Loan on the new Administration Building from the Bank of Montreal by ~175,000 when funds are available on receipt of the subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~-".~-4~ ~~ 194 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT April Session 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the Aylmer Centennial Committee, Tour of Homes Sub-Committee, to use the foyer of the Aylmer Public Library for registration on June 28th, 1987 be granted. 2. That the request from the StraffordvUle Group Committee of the Boy Scouts ot Canada to have a meeting the first Wednesday of every month from 7:30 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. in the Straffordville Library be granted. 3. That one branch member from each library be allowed to attend the Children's Service. Workshop uTurning:on- Teens" on Wednesday, May 6th, 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ",... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR RO~~ COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: (d) Road 1#18 1. The following roads have been gravel resurfaced to date in 1987: From Road #14 Southwold-Ounwich Townline to (b) Road #18 (cl Road #1'9. (d) Road #20 (e) Road 148 Lawerence Station. Between Road #20 and McBrides. North of Road #18 to th~ Middlesex County Line. Yarmouth Township from Wellington Road easterly to the surface treatment at the Belmont Golf and Country Club. (Elm Street) From Centennial Avenue to Road #36. Approximately .8 kilometers from Soutn~ale Road northerly. Some work had been done on Road 1#48 in South Dorchester Township (f) Road #56 (g) Road #28 Road #52. and on Road #35. the Townline between Yarmouth and Malahide south of 2. C. R. Chittick Construction of Ilderton is crushing gravel at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit and will also crush a pile at the County's Sparta Pit before the 1st of May. 3. The County Road Committee will inspect County roads in East and West Elgin on April 22nd and April 23rd. 4. The Region of Haldimand-Norfolk has passed a road assumption by-law for the Norfolk-Bayham Townline between County Road #45 and County Road #38. They expect Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval for their by-law within the month and at the same time we expect the Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval of the County of Elgin by-law passed last Fall for the same road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED d!r. . &:;t::. L - - 'H.rn'/ . -~ ]. _.f" 196 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT APRIL SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. On April 2nd the centre span of the three span super span culvert at Pattersonls. on County Road '3D in Concession XI, Yarmouth Township suddenly collapsed. The culverts were erected in 1971. Although our workmen at the time were engaged in removing a portion of the concrete headwall we have ascertained that the work they were doing and our presence was prObably a mere coincidence. The Culvert collapsed so quickly that the workmen were left hanging on their safety belts from the County's 3 cable guide rail. Fortunately no one was injured. The workmen were able to climb out of the cavity and stop oncoming traffic (fortunately no one fell in). The cavity was the full width of the road and approximately 40 feet wide. Discussions with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and others indicated that this is the first horizontal ellipse super span that has been in use for any length of time that has failed in Ontario. We now believe that the design was flawed inasmuch as it appears that the gauge of the material was too light. without reinforcement and there ~as insufficient cover over the culvert to allow live loads from traffic to be adequately distributed over a big enough area of the top of the culvert. It appears that the top of the centre arch failed and as a result the culvert failed at mid-span and collapsed inwards. The skewed slope bevelled ends also contributed to the failure. Several sources in the United States were contacted and little additional information is so far available from them. The Municipal Structural Branch of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has recommended that the two existing culverts be scrapped due to the high cost and the difficulty of squaring the ends off and reinforcing them and recommend replacement with a bridge. 197 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - APRIL SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. Your Road Committee has accepted the Ministry's advice and has appointed Mr. Norm Warner of the firm of C. C; Parker Consultants LimitL~ to provide for engineering services on a time basis with the County providing as much engineering assistance as possible. Mr. Warner is now in the process of preliminary design work. It is not known how long the road will be closed. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications have suggested for preliminary estimation purposes that the sum of $750.000 for the replacement of the bridge should be used (this is based on 5,000 square feet of deck area at $150.00 per square foot). It is expected that the $50,000 previously budgeted for repairs will be required to remove the old structure. WE RECOMMEND: 1. We recommend that County Council pass a resolution requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to transfer the supplementary allocation in the amount of $110,000 from engineering, land purchase and construction in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township to the construction of Patterson's Bridge. 2. We recommend that County Council pass a resolution requesting a supPlementary allocation from the Ministy of Transportation and Communicationsln the amount of $396,000 for construction at the Patterson1s Bridge on County Road '30. Concession XI, Yarmouth Township. It will be necessary to transfer approximately $244,000 from other road and bridge projects to provide funds to complete the project. 3. We recommend that a resolution be passed requesting that the Ontario Provincial Government increase the available funds for construction and maintenance on municipal roads in Ontario and that this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Robert F. Nixon, Provincia! Treasurer, the Honourable David Peterson, Ontario Provincial Premier, Mr. Ron McNeil. M.P.P. and Mr. James McGuigan, M.~.P. The Ontario Good Roads Association has requested the passing of this resolution. .They belIeve that the present shortfall in muniCipal funding by the Province of Ontario cannot be tolerated for any 198 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - APRIL SESSION 1987 PAGE 3. further period of time as both the Ontario Good Roads Association and numerious Provincial Needs Studies have shown that Ontario roads and streets are decaying at an increased rate and without additional funding this decay will only accelerate. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~?~/:..~,---~ ~ I ~ ~ HOMES fOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT April Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the request from the Elgin County Roads Committee to use one of the new buses for the Road Tour on April 22nd and 23rd, 1987 be approved. 2. THAT the following policies and procedures be approved: Education: Standardized In Service Record Education Committee Manual Review Departmental Manual Review ALL of which is respectfully submitted, (),g;".d' ~ {// 200 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend to the Library Committee that they proceed with the expanded Library Study by Tom Crossman, within their budget restrictions and in accordance with Ministry of Culture and Recreation guidelines. 2. That we recommend that Mr. Tom Crossman be authorized to contact the C.U.P.E. Union representing the Library employ- ees and advise them that the County wishes to negotiate with them in an attempt to have a new contract in place before the old one expires. 3. Credit filed. That the request from the St. Thomas Civic Employees' Union Ltd. to allow payroll deductions at source be 4. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be received and filed for information. 5. paid been That a for the use made and no review of the mileage rates presently being of personal vehicles for County business has change is recommended. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. LUI PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Co~nty Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That we recommend that the Child Care Task Force, from the St. Thomas psychiatric Hospital, be advised that this Committee does not consider a day care centre to be compatible with the plans of the County to lease vacant space to office type operations. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. //dw~~ d Emerson, ~~ 202 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT Apri~ Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Agricultural Committee recommends to Elgin County Council that a resolution be passed That Application TI/87 by Don Ousterhout, owner of premises known as Lot 9, Concession 2, Township of Malahide, to clear trees for the purpose of building a house and garage be granted. 2. the Area April 22 That Mr. Charles C. Stafford be authorized to attend Weed Inspector's Conference in Guelph on wednesday, and Thursday, April 23, with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. - - ) ;( f-: ' g. per~ic--::7t7}(,;i hauman.' // A'Jt"(r/ ~Vv PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That the tender of Jim's Lawn Care Service be accepted for the 1987 grounds maintenance for the County Administration Building at the following prices: Spring and Fall Cleanup Grass Cutting - main area - ditch area Shrub and Garden Maintenance (every second week) $225.00 60.00 15.00 17.30 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K. @~U.M.il7-~ Ch . on, ~2t( 204 RECEPTlnN ANn F.NTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That tee off time on Golf Day be from 10:00 A.M. to 2;00 P.M. with the meal served at 6;00 P.M.: That the meal consist of Roast Beef and Chicken served family style (mashed potatoes). 2. each plus That we recommend that a fee of $10.00 be charged for person attending the Golf Day for the cost of the dinner, green fees to be paid at the time. 3. 1987 and 1987. That invitations for Golf Day be mailed on June 3rd, that replies with money be requested by June 24th, 4. That letters requesting Golf Day prizes be sent out to companies that the County has dealt with recently and that in addition, members of the Reception and Entertainment Committee solicit prizes. 5. That a Lewis Bus be chartered for Student Day. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. nI~ tv2 N M '1'; _A #~ SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT April Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the per diem to be paid to Women's Place be increased from S23.30 to $26.25 effective January 1st, 1987 subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. 2. That the request from the Victorian Order of Nurses to increase their per visit fee from the present S25.00 to $28.60 be not approved and we recommend a rate of $26.25 sub- ject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. 3. That Correspondence #2 from the Ministry of Community and Social Services be received and filed for information. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~/? . .~~~ Che- ~everee_u_ < .~~ / ;t;"~f7 ~, 206 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-21 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE SCHEDULE "A" DF BY-LAW NO. 87-19 WHICH SETS FORTH THE INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS OF THE 1987 COUNTY LEVY." WHEREAS By-Law No. 87-19 establishes the percentage share of each municipality and amount required for County pur- poses for 1987; and WHEREAS Schedule .A- sets forth the amounts and dates for each of the four installments; and WHEREAS an error has occurred in the individual amounts due June 30th, 1987 (Column 6). NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. deleted setting on June That Schedule ftA. {Column 6} of By-Law No. 87-19 be and the amended Schedule -An (Column 6) be inserted forth the amounts owing by the various municipalities 30thi 1987. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1987. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April. 1987. ~ ";M<-,.v-'" G. C. Leverton, Clerk. AMENDED SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 87-19 LESS DUE DUE DUE % 1987 NET 50% :!: MARCH 31ST JUNE 30}87 SEPT. 30}87 DEC. 15/87 MUNICIPALITY SHARE BUDGET LEVY COLUMN 3 PAYMENT COLUMN 4-5 25% COL. 3 25% COL. 3 1 2 3 , 5 6 7 8 AYLMER 9.714 S 381,668.40 S 190,834.20 $ 78,964.88 S 111,869.32 $ 95,417.10 $ 95,417.10 BELMONT 1. 358 53,356.57 26,678.28 10,229.22 16,449.07 13,339.14 13,339.14 DUTTON 1.544 60,664.61 30,332.30 12,398.04 17,934.27 15.166'.15 15,166.15 PORT BURWELL .788 30,960.95 15,480.48 6,438.10 9,042.37 7,740.24 7,740.24 PORT STANLEY 3.834 150,639.97 75,319.98 30,474.22 44,845.77 37,659.99 37,659.99 RODNEY 1.691 66.440.32 33,220.16 11,996.72 21,223.44 16,610.08 16,610.08 SPRINGFIELD .565 22,199.16 11,099.58 4,670.60 6,428.98 5,549.79 5,549.79 VIENNA .393 15,441.19 7,720.60 3,167.82 4,552.77 3,860.30 3,860.30 WEST LORNE 2.086 81,960.09 40,980.04 16,624. 64 24,355.41 20,490.02 20,490.02 ALDBOROUGH 7.336 288,235.47 144,117.74 66,942.55 77,175.18 72,058.87 72,058.87 BAY HAM 6.692 262,932..36 131,466.18 59,309.05 72 ,157.13 65,733.09 65,733.09 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.813 149,814.87 74,907.44 32,728.42 42,179.01 37,453.72 37,453.72 DUNWICH 6.523 256,292.26 128,146.13 58.463.72 69,682.42 64,073.06 64,073.06 MALAIIIDE 15.363 603,620.72 301.810.36 133.603.32 168,207.04 150,905.18 150,905.18 SOUTH WOLD 23.045 905,450.72 452,725.36 202,765.90 249,959.46 226,362.68 226,362.68 YARMOUTH 15.255 599,377.34 299,688.67 125,081.80 174,606.86 149,844.34 149,844.34 '" TOTALS 100.000 $3,929.055.00 $1,964,527.50 $853,859.00 $1,110,668.50 $982,263. 75 $982,263.75 0 " 208 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-22 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL SESSION. 19B7. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised byBy-Law~ and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the. Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the April 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the corporation of the County of .Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things. necess.ary to give effect to the action of .the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referr~d to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of April, 1987. READ a second time this 15th day of April, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of April, 1987. ~~-<:.4<.--<~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /;:I%g' ~ Purce 1 Warden. ZOy May Session - First Day Wednesday, the 20th day of May, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Deputy Reeve ~hute. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Hodgaon That the minutes of the April 1987 Sessiori of the Elgin County Council be adoptedG - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. County of Grey with resolution supporting the aims and objectives of the Ontario Beef Producers for change Inc. 2. County of Grey supporting a petition to the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of AgricUlture and Food"" and the Minister of the Environment in support of the continued responsible use of 2,4-0 products. - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs advising that an Advisory Committee on County Government has been established by the Minister and inviting written submissions on their views on the structural, functional and financial issues pertaining to the ?ounty system. 2. United Counties of Prescott and Russell "with a resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs to ~nd Section 365(6) of The Municipal Act, to allow county governments until May 1st, to determine their annual apportionment upon their constituent munici- palities. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. City of London with brief on opposing the curtailing of certain user fee charges currently made by many publiC library boards in Ontario, after 1990. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Minister of the Environment with explanatory notes on the Municipal Class Environmental Assessments for Road and Sewage and Water Projects. 2. Siskind, Cromarty, barristers and solicitors with draft agreement re: Vista Wood Estates Limited, the Village of Belmont and the County of Elgin for the installation of storm sewer services on County property. 3. Ontario Good Roads Association requesting the passing of a resolution to support increased funding for roads by the Province. 4. Ontario Advisory Council on the Physically Handicapped with a copy of -The Freedom to Move is Life Itself-, a report on transportation in Ontario, prepared by this Council and the Advisory Council on Senior Citizens. 210 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS - continued 5. From the following with planning notices: Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housinq Plan of Subdivision in the Township of Yarmouth with request for comments. Township of Yarmouth Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 2986 and copy of same. Township of Bavham Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law Z151-87 and copy of same. Township of Aldborouqh Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 87-26 and copy of same. ~ 1. Bank of Montreal with notice of Loan Interest Rate Change for Prime Interest from 8 3/4% to 9 1/4% effective April 24th, 1987. 2. Treasurer of Ontario with acknowledgement of letter con- cerning funding of Ontario roads. 3. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledging copy of the letter to the Provincial Treasurer re: increased funding for the construction of roads and bridges in Ontario. 4. A.M.O. Newsbill of April 1987 on Municipal Elections and Labour Relations News. 5. Ministry of the Environment with Notice of Acceptance of the Environmental Assessment re; the Ontario Hydro Low Level PCB Oil Treatment. 6. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with notice of a symposium -Economic Development- to be held June 12th, 1987 in Brockville. 7. Minister of Tourism and Recreation advising that May 11th, 1987 is the start of National Tourism Week. 8. mation on Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Reiations with infor- the propane installation on Mobile Food Service Vehicles. 9. The Ontario Municipal Improvement Corporation advising that Alvin M. Taylor has retired as Secretary_Treasurer effective April 15th, 1987 and has been replaced by Paul M. Fieldus. 10. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that he had estab- lished an Advisory Committee to conduct a comprehensive review of representation and responsibility for functions within the present county government system. 11. Ministry of Housing. Ontario Housing Corporation. with invitation tQ participate in the Province's Low-Rise Rehabilitation Program. 12. Ontario Municipal Board with reminder re: Ward boundary applications for upcoming 1988 Municipal Elections. 13. Minister of Transportation and Communications advising of an advance payment of subsidy in the amount of $1,465,200 to be paid on or around May 6th, 1987. 14. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to March 31st, 1987. ~I _ 3 - County Counci~. May Session, 1987 ~ continued 15. From the following with planning information; Ministry of Transnortation and Communications advising of a new records retention schedule copy of letter to Yarmouth Township reI proposed zoning amendment (Part Lot 12, Concession 9, Highway No.3). 'of!' Ministry of Municioal Affairs and Housinq _ two requests for comments on official plan amendments for Township of Malahide and the City of St. Thomas. ontario Municipal Board - decision for an appeal against a decision of the Committee of Adjustment for the City of St~ Thomas for a variance. Vil.laqe of Port Stanley - two notices of pUblic hearings reI minor variances. Town of Avl.mer - notice of public meeting reI proposed zoning by-law. Villaqe of Dutton - notice of pUblic hearing rer minor variance. Township of Aldborouqh three notices of the passing of Zoning By-LaWs No:. 87-22, 87-24 and 87-27 and copies of same. Township of Malahide - two notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 26-87 and 32-87 and copies of same. -- - two notices of public meetings rer proposed Zoning By-Law and Spot Official Plan Amendments. Township of Dunwich two notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 87-14 and 87-15 and copies of same. V111aCfe of Port Stanley _ notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 2262 and copy of same. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously, and those presented today, be. approved as followsr Agricultural Committee - #1-2 inclusive Filed - #1-15 County Government Committee - #1-2 inclusive inclusive County Library Committee - #1 County Council .- County Roads Committee - #1-5 inclusive i1-13 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS Warden Purcell and Reeve Ford_ Chairman of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee, presented-a Certificate, Watch and cheque to Miss Kay Moriartey, bookkeeper, who is retiring on May 31st, 1987 after some twenty years and seven months of employment. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the First Report of the County Government committee be adopted. - Carried. 212 - 4 - FIRST REPORT - COU~TY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - ~arried~ FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Ca.rried~ FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford and Deputy Reeve Millman. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted~ - Carried. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Hodgson. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Canadian Transport Commission with Notice of Pub1.ic Hear- ing set for Wednesday, June 3rd.1987 at lO~OO A.M. in London res appJ.ieation of Canadian Pacific Limited. to abandop the operation of the Port Burwell. Subdivision betwean Ti11.sonburg and Port Burwell. 2. The University of Western Ontario vith information res CaUDell's Day to be held June 3rd, 1987. 3. Town of Aylmer expressing dissatisfaction with increase in County Rates with the suggestion increases could be spread over several years instead of a lump sum. 4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with eonvention information sheet. 5. County of Brant with second request for a $625.00 grant for the Tobacco Study. 6. The Elgin-St. Thomas Hea1th Unit advising that they have advised the Hospital Board to proceed with renovations of the former Fanshawe School. of Nursing building to accommodate the Health Unit operations. 7. The El.gin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a request that municipalities within Elgin consider an overall plan for the dis- posal of septic tank wastes and ho1ding tank wastes. 8. Rural Dignity of Canada with request for financial assis- tance towards saving rural mail services. - 5 - County Counci~. May Session. 1987 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 9. John Wise. M.P., Minister of Agriculture. with a copy of a latter of acknowledgement from the Secretary of the Railway Trans- port Committee of his letter objecting to the C. P. Rail's proposed abandonment of the Port Burwell Subdivision. 10. Village of West Lorne expressing concern over the exces- sive increase in the tax levy to the village ratepayers. 11. Middlesex County Road Superintendents' Association with invitation to attend -Trade Show '87- - Ilderton, June 24th, 1987 10,00 A.M. to 9;00 P.M.. 12. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Agricultural Representatives Branch, with Financial Statement for the County Grant for the periOd April 1, 1986 to March 31. 1987. 13. Deloitte Haskins & Sells with audited financial report for the calendar year ending December 31st. 1986. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the County be represantedat the Canadian Transport Commission hearing reI the application of the Canadian Pacific Limited to abandon the Port Burwell Subdivision between Tillsonburg and Port Burwell to be held on June 3rd. 1987 in London to oppose the abandonment. - Carried .'. It was agreed that Warden Purcell would represent the County. Moved by Reeve -Perovich Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the fOllowing be voting delegates to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Convention August 23rd to August 26th. 1987 in Toronto; Warden Purcell Reeve Black. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukalmt Seconded by Reeve Emorson That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1986 be accepted by the Elgin county Council. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Marr That Council correspondence #2, 3, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12 be filed. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ca~pbell That we go into a. Committee Of The Whole and that Mr. Murray Hennessey be allowed to attend. - Carried. Warden Purcell named Reeve Martyn as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. 214 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That as the hour is now 12 olclock noon. we continue on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That we do now adjourn (12:06 P.M.) to meet again on May 20th. 1987 at 1130 P.M.. - Carried ~ Council re-convened at 1130 P.M.. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Pearson That we go into a Committee Of The Whole and that Mr. Murray Hennessey be allowed to attend. - Carried. Warden Purcell again named Reeve Martyn as Chai~an. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That we do now adjourn (2143 P.M.) to meet again on Wednesday, May 20th, 1987 at 3130 P.M.. - Carried. Council re-convened at 3135 P.M.. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Deputy Reeve Chute Reeve Black Re@ve McCann Q FIRS'!' REPORT - AGRICUL'!'URAL COMMIT'rEE The First Report of the A.gricultural Committee was presented by Reeve Perovich and adopted on motion of Reeve Perovich and Reeve Martyn. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by ResveNeukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukammand Deputy Reeve Mezenberg. THIRD REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Third Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Neukamrn That the Third Report of the Property Committee be adopted. Reeve Emerson requested a recorded vote. ~ _ 7 - County Council, May Session, 1987 _ Perovich (2), Mezenberg, Ford, Campbell, Marr (2), Lyle (2), Martyn (2). Millman (2). Neukamm (2), Stewart (2), willsey. DaKraker, Pearson (2), Schaper (2), Emerson, Hodgson. Purcell. Lavereau. Wakeling, Fischer, Bradfield. TOTAL YEAS - 30. TOTAL NAYS - 9. , Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-23 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Commercial Security System Agreement for the County Administration Building- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 87-23 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-24 -Being a By-Law to Provide for the Operation of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-24 be read a second time. - Carried~ Movadby Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-24 be read a third time and finally psssed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-25 -A By-Law toAmendtha By-Law Adopt- ing a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road system in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-25 be read a second time. - Carried. 216 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Rodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-25 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded,by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-26 -A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopt- ing a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act- be read a first t1me. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 87-26 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-26 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried;. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-27 -A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopt- ing a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Publici Transportation and Highway Improvement Acit~ be read a first time. - Carried. MovoQ by Reave Pearson Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That By-L4w NOQ 87-27 be read a second timao - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law Noo 87-27 be read a third time and finally pas8&d.. - Carried"- Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By~Law No.. 87-28 -Being a By-Law to Accept an Agree- ment of Purchase and Sale for the Court House Block- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87-28 be read a second time. - Carried. 217 - 9 - County Council. May Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-28 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Ml;;-..red by Deputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-29 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session. 1987. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 87-29 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That By-LawNd. 87-29 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn (3t55 P.M.) to meet again on June 17th, 1987 at 10:00 AoMo. - Carried. .~~ Go C. Leverton, C1erko R. F. Purcell Warden. 218 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1987 F'IRST REPORT To the warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that a new by-law be presented to the County Council which will provide for the operation of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum and will replace the present by- laws. 2. That we advise the Advisory Committee on County Government that the County of Elgin would like to participate in a meeting proposed to be held in this area of the Province. and further that it should be pointed out that the time frame of June 30th, 1987 does not leave sufficient time to draw up all the recommendations desired. 3. That the resolution (Correspondence ~2) fram the United Counties of Prescott and Russell requesting the Minister of Municipal Affairs to amend Section 365(6} of The Municipal Act, to allow county governments until May 1st to determine their annual apportionment upon their constituent municipali- ties be filed. 4. That we recommend that each Councillor be responsible for reporting mileage and.attendance for meetings of outside Committees or Boards to the Clerk-Treasurer's Office on the forms provided for this purpose. S. That the Clerk be authorized to have the County Council minutes for the years 1974 to 1982 bound by The Bookshelf Bindery Limited of Ridgetown. 6. The Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to pay Sl,l3l.25 to Gunn & Associates to reimburse Mr. McCaig for his legal expenses re: prOducing the Roads Committee's minutes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~.~. ( , - ~. ~ ~ <".!-c, " E-. Neukamm, Chairman. .-,,:>(.. /J~ LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the tender from Crossman Associates for the Elgin County. Library Organizational Development Study to the amount of $24,900.00 plus travel costs be accepted. 2. That the brief from the London Public Library Board of November 14th, 1986 be filed. 3. That the Secretary write to the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee requesting the use of the Homes bus for the C_ommittee Tour of the branch libraries on Monday, June 15th, 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~#~ 220 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAO COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: That we have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited for hot mix asphalt paving work in East Elgin in the amount of $299,361.00. This was the lowest of two tenders received. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited fOf hot mix asphalt paving for work in West Elgin in the total amount of $152.176.65. This was the lowest of three tenders received. The total of Walmsley Bros. Limited bids for both contracts was just below the County's estimate. 3. Removal of the old culverts on County Road #30 at Patterson1s is continuing. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new bridge as soon as possible with separate tenders being called for the supply of reinforcing material and precast members to be delivered to the successful tenderer as required. 4. The Canadian Transport Commission have advised us that they do not believe that signats are warranted at the Canadian Pacific crossing on County Road #48 in Yarmouth Township at the present time. They feel the sight lines are adequate and the traffic volume is too low to warrant the cost. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed reverting County Road #29 from Road #25 westerly to the Bostwick Road. total distance of ;5 kilometers. to the Township of Southwold as the County has now completed cleanup work at the McBain Culvert. 2. That a by-law be passed assuming as a County road under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin only, the townline road from Highway #4 westerly to County Road #18 at the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services landfill site. Continued .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST RFPORT _ MAY SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. The road is presently hot mixed and is 5.3 kilometers long. All yearly funds presently being paid by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the maintenance of this road would be paid to the County of Elgin. The present payment is approximately $17.000 per annum. The County of Middlesex have indicated that this townline connection between County Road t18 and County Road #48 in Elgin County does not serve a useful purpose in their County road system. The TownShips of Delaware and Westminster have no objection ;0 the County of Elgin assuming the road and using the yearly funds from the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services limited for road maintenance purposes. The money can be used by the County to reduce the County rate as Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy is payable on the same basis as any other County road. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED 222 HOMES fOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT May Session 1987 fIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee feports as follows: 1. THAT the request to use the bus for the Elgin County Library Tour on June 15, 1987 be approved. 2. THAT the DirectorjAdministrator be authorized to pre-register the supervisory staff ata cost of $20.00 per delegate for Region 1 OAHA Conference. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, "U.t..J ;e:L PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1987 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That we recommend that a by-law be presented to County Council authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign an agreement with Chubb Alarms for monitoring the fire alarm system in the County Administration Building. 2. That the following persons' names be given to t'he firm of Chubb Alarms with authority to advise them to disregard the alarm in the event of repairs or other reasons for shutting down the system: 1. Rick Lalonde 2. George Leverton 3. Rose Daniel. 3. That we recommend that a policy be adopted to retain $10.00 of the deposit made to reserve the lunch room or other facilities where they are cancelled at least seven days pr~or to the date and this become effective June 1st, 1987. 4. That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a boat-shaped table for use in Committee Room #2 from Superior Office Supplies at a price of $747 less 25%. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 224 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That permission be given to the Library to have door stops installed on the two sets of double doors in the basement area plus the two doors for the north-east stairwell, provided that they are only used when books are being brought in and out, with the stipulation that they must be closed in the evening DUE TO FIRE CODE AND INSURANCE REGULATIONS. 2. That the resolution with regard to the retention of the deposit for use of the lunch room or other facilities be clarified so that it reads in the event the cancellation is made less than seven days prior to the date, the entire deposit will be retained. 3. That a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Health pointing out that accommodations for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit is available in the County.AdministratioQ Building at a far cheaper rate per square foot than is presently being proposed for. the former Nurses' Residence at the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. K.P~~ Cha'. Emerson ~rman . . ~~~ AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE. REPORT May Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Agricultural Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence ~l from the County of Grey with resolutionre: Ontario Beef Producers for Change Inc. be filed. 2. That Correspondence #2 re: County of Grey resolution 2,4-0 herbicides be endorsed. ALL af which is respectfully submitted. ~c2j ,f'J'"/. ;0 ich. ...... 226 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: l. accepted the June That the quotation of James Collard Photography for taking the annual council picture in colour, Session, at a price cfSlO.DO each. be at 2. That the quotation of Print Three, London, be accepted for printing and supplying one hundred bound copies of the 1986-87 annual Council proceedings at the following amounts: $3.00 each per printed page plus $150.00 for binding. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;;;<cc:Y )..~<--n" ,{/" ..c: E. Neukamm, Chairman. ~~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May Session, 1987 THIRD REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the County accept the attached Agreement of Purchase and Sale from Thomas Crossman, for the Elgin County Court House Block, in the amount of $1,040,000.00, subject to the following amendment: Paragraph 6 is to be deleted and the fOllowing substituted therefore ~6. Purchaser shall be allowed the 30 days next following the date of acceptance of this offer to examine the title to the property at his own expense, to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders affecting the property, that its present use may be lawfully continued, and that the principal building may be insured against risk of fire." 2. That the necessary by-law be passed to authorize the Warden and the Clerk to take whatever action is necessary to give effect to this Agreement of Purchase and Sale and the completion of the sale therein. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ K. C. Emerson, p ZZ8 APPENDIX -Po.- AGREEMENt Of PURCHASE AND SALE ~THB-~~~:::~:t=~~~:=::"-::::::::::::::::::=:=..:~::::::...._.....~::::. ....:.::::-:::::::::::. ..::..:::== ~... __...___......................_.._._.___.M..........M.........._......................._..........__..............................l!l4foUOwill! PJ.OI'UTY: r:r-aBI_" _..a.o.J.l.th... ... of .....w.~.~.J..1..ng:~.9.n...s..t;.+..~~:I; ~ muaicip&!Iy II ...t;.rn:L.~).q;irL .- iW_t;;9J~!l~:t.,..!t:ggJ.1J_~~y_..Qt..~J.9.'._M.g...~g.q1:.:;__HQg.~.~..r....x&x.3IJ!-.4...!!p.p.y,~.~.rr~!l~....t:l.\l,j,_J._4.ip.g ............., 'ty............................_-_. _ I~m..............._. ..........d:il UI!3~,.>> beJ"nQ'...All...Q.f...th.e....lands....:bl::luDa.e.d...by....iiel.ling.to.n ..S t.r.e.e.t....on....the...Nor.tl:1.,....Met.cal f St%:e.e:t....cn...the....Eas.t...#....Gl.ad.SJ;.cmB...Ay.enue....Q.Q....t.b......S.Q.J.1tb....an!;l....S.tan.1.e.Y-...s.t,;:e.e:t....9n. ths....Wea.t.............. ........... ................................................................. ........... ...... ...&llbG PURCHASE PRICE 0 QN:e:.....KIL.WIQN.,...EQRTY...T.H.QUSAN.D~~.':':'.::~~.-:':'.=~:::.~.-::::::::.~.~.:::::::::... CaaI4Wt 00UIn(SCaQ. ~.L.QJg..,.q 00 , 00 caeMfoUowiq_: . . 1. ............ wWa lbiI 011. .......F..1Y.2...~.QQ$.~.Q.::=:::.:'~-::::::::.==:::::'.::::.=:::::::. DoUan<S :::::::.:,.:?.,..O:.Q.9...a 0 ::'1O'beC..mw-~~':="'AOl.~~byllialalNll""&'~OIf<<Mr~o(ltIiaAII'Ull\tll' 1. ~___.pay a fur'ther deposit of. TWENTY THOUSAND COLLARS ($20,000.00 upon removal of the financing condition contained herein. 2 (a) This Offer may be terminated by 'the PUrchaser if he is unable to obtair Mortgage financing satisfactory to h1m, on or before August 14, J.~.87, In the event satisfactory Mortgage financing cannot be obtained by thi~ date, 'this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser without interest or deduction. This conditic may be waived by the Purchaser at his option. 2ib) On closing, the Vendor shall assign all existing leases to the Purchas~ 2(c) On closing, the Purchaser agree~ to provide his written undertaking to: (i) Retain and employ the two County Maintenance employees for a period of not less than three (3) years from the closing date prOVided that the present services supplie~by'these two employees is continued in a competent manner. , Iii) Respect the historic significance of the Court House building anc in all renovations, to maintain the exterior architectural natur( of the building. 2(d) The Vendor covenants and agrees to assist the Purchaser in negotiating lease renewals with the present tenants. ,. ~'IlIlI.VCDdor...tbI&alIuMdqnzau-_~ ~tboputdaUllpric8UAptW.UIWlI.~: .........................................................NIL.... .................................. ................. ............ ............................... .............. ................. aU _ eM foIIoliriq cbIUcIIaN Il:dlIdId 111 tM~. prb:.." .t1.ll....maLnten.an~e. ,e,q:U1pmen.t.. 4. ~......dlICt!1bOff..LIIall be~ lrr b.IlIIU$O 11:5' ,.Ift. aq tb8 ......ls~.. .yol...!1.lJne.............., ........ l' _-8:1....., lIfLa wb6clI. u-. if -. ~ tlll.t Of (II' abaIJ bClall1l &ad Yoid &Del W ~ sha.II be mutMd to PIIrd1.... wi(ho~ .........- s. ~':.~~~~:::-Ui~.~~.~~~7~ P..ur.chu.e.x:...a.qJ:ees....t.a....a.s.s.um.e....pt:.es.ent....t.enant,S.. 6. ~1Ilc!I bIJ..uo-i tile ......3.0............ daYlllUf,foUoo:riq~ti.~~va.l of.-S.9~~f~tMtll&e,Qtbllpropo" II 1lIa_eapeur. 10 INWJ' IWaMlttUl.mu.&nI...,~8-...on.~Af1I1C&1A&l- prDJlllny,tlW 'Ie pMeM- ( .it..a:Z,..UpoocompiClioll.y""ar .........................-.............. :Il&Jbl1awf~ ~ _ tba1 tbe prUtdpIl ~may bcllMwod &pIna rialr;olfln. 1. 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IIIIIUISIICI pm 1111 PltJ 1111 01.10 ...- iII_ '"!PU1l1lftO JUI 01110 '11111 011l1lll1>>l1l11>!'1~ ,... 11111 1I/1'l1\U1Il1ft1.101 ,..o[1'1Wl11\I1 1I!IlI"J1"UIdOICI 11/101"""" 'lII'II1"!II*IlIOPJO 'flI0M I<I:I.IOJ pa,!IIb1, ,*,1111111 ;Mllllll"lllI-~ _!III J....IIJ ~I PUIIII'" pllfllUlo~ "' IP"IIIUIIII!p!401C1 P"'111I1 III'. vIII 1Il/IIIUI1II40~ 101IIO!~"'"'pa.llti!b.I.uIIOJIClI:.npulP!l"Y'O"III'IlIIaI~--...-'J""'JpuI pooIIIJ~I\I.Ollll!I~IIIlII~AOJcI '6 230 APPENDIX "A" COUNTER OFFER , Anachcd to :!.lId tarming part or aUllt to Purc.b;uc 1.1l::twr:cn ...~.~~._...._....."..__."........."_ and me:...coBB:JBATION..OF...'mE..o::xJm'Y...oF..:EUiItI properly known ~:...caJRT..H:USE...BI.CCK.__.....___. .....--...---.................._.................._........................;__....__................._ Dated. .._.~...!.~.._.......__~ 19.,,~L The Vendor acccpu the ll.tlaclu:d oller lUId 1lI1 its terms :ind condi.tions IUbject to the !allowing: amend- ments u<<ptionl and/or additions. PARAGRAPH 6. IS '10 BE r:m.E'l'ED AND "mE ~ SUBST'I'IUI'ED 'IHE~REI 6~ PUII:HASER SHA.I.L SB Al.I.CJGD 30 DAYS ~ ,FOtJ.GmG THE twl'E OF 1CCEPTNCE OF 'lHIS OFPER '1'01 E>>HINS THE TITLE 'IO TIm PJDPERl'X' AT HIS am EXPENSE, 'IO SJl4'ISF'.{ HIMSELF 'tHAT '!HERB ARB to aJ'l'S'1'HmItG 'lC)RK OR:ERS ~ THE PlDPERl'r. 'l'HA'l' I'l'S PfIESENr lJSE. MAX BE LAWPUI.t.Y CCNl'Il<<JED AND 'mAT, "niB PRIN:IPAL BUII.DnG MAY BE DG1RED AG7URi'l' RIS1< OF. FIRE:. This Cou.ntu Offu shall be irrcvouble by the Vendor until the ..,~~.... day ot .......~._..........._ 19 .~.?... UIU' which time, if not accepted by the Pureh:ucr and :a copy delivered 10 the Vendor or his Agent, this Counter ocru shall be nlill and..void.:uuI;.Il deposit mOlUrash:l.1I be returned. 10 thll PurdIO'l$ci' ....ithout interellt. ~ Tl,"~~~&~~~~ ~~~Jl-~ ~"'V\o~~~K\am::e -~ ~-ACl~~~:iG:~~'X<<f'[ ~fl'Q DATED AT ..........~~...~....................._...._.. thU ...........?~....._...._....... day 0( _.._.~X.......___.... 19...~.?.. Signed~ Sc;.led and Delivcred ill the presence oC ~ } In Witness ....hcreof I havc hctcunto &~~Mngic.rk a;umy OF ELGIN --~~~_..~...._._.;:.;:i;,;_.._._.--".~lliiael:iG -_......~;.~.......~._~-;;;;;._----cmx.-t>> TM abtMl arru of the Vcndor to my OUct' da~d ..._........?Q~:L~!..Qf.".~X.I...l:P.~L._" is hereby acc:epted. Sipillcl. SeAled arid DCllivlllred in the preso'lCC! or DATED AT ...---......................_.._.........._........_. ihia ........."..........................._ dl.Y of ___"'_'_"__ 19.......". In Wit~lllS~ whereof I have hereuntCll set my band and wJ ..........._.._.............._...~~;;.........._...._.._...".....--.;:]): -..-.......-.............--;;=....._............ .......c....~ VENDOR SICMNG nus FORM SHOULD NOT SIGN THE ORIGINAL OFFER. -..............-..-............................................-.............-... ~- __"'SOl ~ } COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-23 "BEING A BY -LAW TO AUTHDRI2E THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A COMMERCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to monitor the fire alarm system in the Elgin County Administration Building on a twenty~four-hour-a-day basis; and WHEREAS for a substantial amount of time each day there is no one present in the building; and WHEREAS ~t is possible to purchase this monitoring service through Chubb Alarms, London, on a twenty-four-hour basis. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a Commercial Security System Agreement with Chubb Alarms for the purpose of monitoring the fire ala~T system in the Elgin County Administration Building on a tweri~y-four-hour- a-day basis. ~<~'" READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1987. ~y1~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~~ Warden. 32 ~ CHUBB O?I.JRCHASE PAGE ----...-l... OF ---1- COMMERClAL SECURITY SYSTEM AGREEMENT Ga"^" SALESCROER Chubb Alarms adMsIOnolAIICOII-ChuI>bc.....aUmltod 2CS 1 ~f 137 'T'wi lle<v $Y$T,NQ 129 ".EHGI....._O"'.....CH CUSTOMER NO SALESMAl< J< r-INV01CETO I ! ~ounty of Elgin SERVlcaAT 3L1l 450 S.ur-set Drive Sa.me St. Thomas, 0.. ~ar io i NSR SVl I c~sfo"'.C(ltOtAC;T G. Leverton _,519, 631-1460 AGREEMENT MACE = ll.6..2 (OATEl BETWEEN: CHUBB Al.ARMS. A DIVISION OF RACAl..-cHU69 CANADA UMITED AND: ~ountv ofElain CCUSTOMER") WITNESSETH THAT IN CONSIDERATION,OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS HEREIN CONTAINED THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOI.LOWS: Q". ~NO. A .'. . 0ESC1IU'TlCN I LOCATION " ;; ASGJ - Commercial Multiplex 153-0270 1 100-0270 Intercept 2000F Control For Foreign Equipment .~..- ~~ Connection to Monitor Subscriber-Owned Fire Alarm Panel 1 100-1706 1st Emergency . . - ---- - -.- .. . - --- _.._-~_..._-_. .- ------------. .. -_..._._~- - ---- .. ____.__u _.,- ------ - ---.. . - CHUBB AGREES TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING AS mDICATED BY A CHECl{ 'S"j........'IOHiu 'NlT'AL MARK !N ACCOAO;>.NCE WITH THE ....PPUCASLE TERMS ANO CONDJTlONS gAY "'" .. ,...rAu.A'<ON OIJ"'IOHT''''''~ ""'..u.... ON THE REValSE SIDE HEFlEO~ g~INSTALL PRICE 210.00 335.00 _SUPPLY a _ SUPPLY AND INSTALL TELEPl'10NE 90.00 208.8G O_MODIFY 0- LOCAL. TERMINATION THIROPARTY ff - CHUBB REMOTE TERMINATION - EMERGENCY SERVICE _ CHUBB REMOTE TERMINATION - MONITORING SERVICE TOTAL 300.00 535.JO a _ CHUBB REr..lOTE TERr..lINATION - CENTRAL SERVICE o - OTHER 1'1E""OTE TERMINATION - SPEClFY TOTAL-INITIAL (~m,.J S10fi fifi PAYABLE E.='..o"'""""'o,"'..... h..OOft. ,"'. Ag""""'_""'. 1","""d.U<<t DEPOSIT , $111 ,......, :~;":h:"~' ::: A~t,..y'~.~'~';;::::'...CO;:';.~""";;.':'~h;:It..io.::' , ,.,,,.. ..O.n.e.... ,_'.""...'h..""_....'.;..Uod..'""o"""m....""m..' BALANCE O~~~.J , 1000..'- >""".0''''_'''' O.~.E! ,... '''''',1>'0'''''' ,...."".......V.hA. ,."'"n...,.,.~....,..,..,....""o,,.*,.,"..,..mot.,'.......o,"".r.........'.'m ! 0 8'::0~' 0, ~m"~ "'... 01_ 00' '''' to"" JO ...,s. 0'''' M'':' ,. ."""Il'" ,h", .ltoel I: 0 ::::: ,B.ALA..CEOFTER..S_SEEOVERl u......uTY c"''''..............__-.....g....._..___''''"''''''-o.-_,,_..._____'''''''...~~_''''''''''''''m''''"'__ ,..._~..__...-...._..._............- . ""-,- " ,,-,~ 'n'.._'o""'...~....Chu/;>O_....COooo<>..""'..__...................,..............._""'_"""""_...__.~""'oo..._..IJ/>_......,..._.__''''......'^Q.... .....""'''''"..OI'...'''........"....,.a..oo_'''''oo_,,__Iot_<......___.._..........___''''''''.-._~'''-'''"''"'''OI-''''..,..,...O..,., ;;:~~::...='c:...'""=."~~~"":'~:::..~~.=="""'~.::...~=-':"=::'.;:=~.:::.:::-~c:;:=;'= ~,..~~...~=~=:.;;::;,::...-=:==-=__..,y"""".;;~......_"'"O-"".,o<o<N;....,.i.ooJ..j.....'~~~w.;.;.__..."''"'.n<4' \a~L~NCE OF TERMS} _ The C;JS .OMER ~'e~1" pay in addll,o" 1<.> ",~lam.lOoo ~nJ ""'v,~" <.:Jodl!;!,,-" ",,(,,<,1 lll,,!,!n "oy Io""" <.>ri~~a.isesS.fjenti.ja~ teet- ,. .~, ;;1.d';J"~ "npased.lf1 r~I<CtOlthe.Sotcll"tySy8tem by ~'\y "'U"'cJ""I'IY~9"'-eo'Ilment.'poljc&'dapa't'"eftf. ~nmenl!lge.iicyoet'pu~'IC. ~lI...y '_!' -. - , CHUBa sn..1I 1.".,,, II'~ IogM 10 incr"a~" tI,c ."".1;1;- "1',,".1" p,,;..,J~<J 1;..,,,,,, "Ill", I",." ~Itcl Ihe exp"alion "lone yea' t'am me v".n."nc"menl <JI II." I.",,, "I \I;J~ Ag'ccmcnt by C)J""'\: lI'~ CU$TOMER ""II;;" "f ,.,[" "'~""~C Ilull~..,,~ lI1~n 6(J d~ys p"m lall)eeftel;l,.e daleol uc""'(:'eare '-'--'- - ... CHUBS ~"~i; "..;, "'" ''''1Ull'''' 10 undeHa~" """,. "WOh'''>9 "'~lo;;"I,,,n. pena,Jl... ;"~I""'I''''', dnd I<lSlIngGl the S""uflly SySle'n on to.. : GMC;l'~ P'''-"'''~c' "'''.,,' ,,,,,r; IJdN..e" 8,00 a_".. ~"u ;'dJ()" n."'" d;;.,~ ".,,,;,,,,),,,<; S~!L -J~r~ S"".:",. "n" 'i<'Jhday~ Any ""cepIH;ns to tnese ",,,..4> ~", ,.,:.-~ ;"~".~,,. ~'Jf""d "'p.;>n bf CH'~tJG ...". I! C:"'STC:.;[r, ...11, !;." I:"""f "'" "'~ '''-'' ~~(lo:",,,al e~t:'.Ll)i",:r~ I~r ""'fA o"n:- "",, , i~,,,,,, <11.'''''') wen """, ;.-~",-,;j~ ~ Ci;~U; -.""" ~~ ,,~~,~ ::--' ';"''''~ ,f,. ."_~.,"_... _. '''' .....~ H." ~~~_""; ~,.,~". ," ~,., .,,'~",.~ :,unol a"y_~~t"ee 10 t" >>',:,..C:i).~ : ~;:, ':.~~ ,~'~.~:':',~': ~~t,'-;;~~~,'::7~;,,~,~;;~"~:~::~. _,~,s ~~~ .~: ~;~.t,,~~:';~ ':;,';'" ':::,'~,::,~:'~ :'.~:'~'~:.~,f2~ '~~'~'~:~I~~~~~:'~: ':'~~:~.:~ '.~'S '~~"'''c<l ~""",;"., ...~ ,~. "'.Iy Sysl.,,,, ..o.;llc"''''''''' ~: \I" ,.~",,,'n,-,'" ~~,~~l~:~',~;:,>, ';-; ;:;,:" ..,., C~flUB8 rc",-,"~~ II." ..,'" ~''" ,,~"" 'ale sup~'~"<l",,; :' ~ . ::,;,,;,, " ".~ '-'" --'"-'''.''''' Ti ., CU':; I'",',.IE... .,,;.. . ..;., J,,'c,~"l <:OU\'''';I. CHUU~ ac..,,,s n"c'l:'~S'" i -k........, ;."""'_~_ ,,,,,,,, ~__im:.J.l~ C'-I~i vMc,," a,,, l..~.:t in llle o,u,,:r "r~",I,"" ,r I~,~ Se<:...rily System . W',,,'u ~l;)-,q", ~ r;~'''J'.,~ "" It<,ia_D':t Ci:.llJea.GHUod d:);,<l-l"Q:;lIa!hlO!l'ly.''''' ;"s~v' .,~.,;;,_,-,", ,,",t'lJ! \!>i~n!""""'_y(;U<;. '-A,;Lj-I..~ .-. ;r,,, I,,~~<-' '!:,.;r.. '._' .,'"~ I., ~~,',UU6's "'~""";~"'''''l. '\'" ~"":' f....' ~"";,\l";" ;~~b;v ~"'-~ " " ,'''' ~~,.." Olh;;, ~.i~ur.ly p'~~ ."_'" ",~ ~.,'''" pY me C'-i;, 1 G;.l,;, r,,,~ ',;l,,~'a: Pf""""" U;:'<i~ n...1 "llc"'l In.. Y~Il..,..hIY oj "," ~.' ~, ':""":;;"~" ,,,-tdI'IIS. ~g~~~me::' "The CUST OMf.A I';\:"~~y ~"L..,or'~e~ _O'!.',.l~e ond ,t~ O:;:l.ay "'''l'10n~edell'ploy"e!; anc a1~"" '"""teT ~":f;:'~~II~' rllqu.il!<H1Y";"'v<oO !:;Jr "paws ,,' ;nsf~]l;"a. ",,~'_,'I:n<i. 'epalring a,;d ,.,,";o_in(; lif 1,",,~edJ th'" S;.i:unl,' Sy~t(-", n,~ l"U~"'Tn":ER"'agrees to mainiam, ,irct.:>,',.", ,~'.<\5&. lne ooors. Windows. sl-,,"'~le' syslem.lfany. and alhe' p'olected partlons.al the premlScS '" a condITion Of proper repair am1l0 make gooa ~..; <J~fe<:IS wl1lClll11ay or"."", Illll lendering oNhe seAice plovided for here",nder, ThE: CUSTOMER ay'"",s 10 and aCeepl3.aU,damag& 10 IIl~ ;" ..:;tl'S. wllich Hl"Y b~ ~<lU"~'" by lhll mSlilJlation. rellailiulJ alld lemonl ounll SllCLlUl1' SI';:;I;,;",. GHVe8 agrees;l" IISIJlw;QOaOlc cal~ ,n I,'g. '''''dilo''<j d"'c! "",'m"\l tlN Oic't;UJlty SySlcnl ,',: "'~ ". ,,"-':~~~'J~.S; J:"f"';";r,,I;,ti;,i,;;.,~,,,,~J,~,,..r.. ;,.,11.... I"";' ,-,,~(; :.,.,; CN:tJ",,,~" "1" ".1."0 JI1lh~ S""""lv:c' ~I .;,0' Tra, '~,":l!I,<MLU...!ll.!: :~"<I'/<;IIE =ilI ClittW:3j.ol Jjq:l1r,,~r.il1 ~1[~~y.Lvl Zlr.'PItiltt">IJ1'W2{~1t.", ",~",J".J.l""i :g\.l"!P!t.l\!!~!''!'''''' ,~U"'-ll""::''''''''ly S.P""" : ~. ~,~i,;~'2t": fft:,~~~'" ..:::':~~~l;t:'~!~~~:~'."I.~~'~%S~t~~:;r~';~I~~~~ ,',~~~;~~~~,":!J~tr.~~ ~~~::~',,'~~~~:,~~~~~:~~,:;~~ ~ ~;' '~~:' " ,-" "- ,-,,,, ~,..,'~ """",,,, v' J,tny;'c.,1 ,""0.""". "I U,c lo""i<J"'~,~' ~.,..~,,<I Oy III" """'uJ ~;;I ", ,....J,,~"ne" of Ille CUST(.".~i::'R ." ,'J~~ ~:,:.:',:'':'.: ~~~,,:;',~ ::;~~f,,,~",~~;~;~~~;:~; I,:'.':,~~~,,~' ,,"y ,..",~, ~"'-"""':1tt'''<.II..''t.",!')!'OI_O!CttUbb.' ,d'; ,-,,,,,,,.<1 I")" 1')<;I',r<.p!$ TZ'>" !. ,: Oi', ". .... I ,: ,lilj 0; ,'''''' ,l;;l".,~" ~"..":~,.,,.ll.., !t." CCJST ,J:.1EA', I>f~"",~" '" '''~I>O''~~ '"" ,~".~,,~,,~'" ~._.",. "'~",,: ,,,'...:t,; '_'1.1.', '>' I~",,';; '0 P"';;"':~ ~i,.>~ ",,\l.,', ,,,,-,,,,, ~ ",r"I~LI,.-~ ~v,m <~l'.-UtlU '''.'y'_ ,,~,.- ,J".l;." ',<J;';C "", ,_,-" ,.""'Y"~ ,-,. ,,,.;.,,p ul CHU:JJJ ~ _I:.';""" ". I~'''' ..:"c; """ "r,~IJ.I''''." _J':n~ '-I'.'" ~ 'J,,~'" :J ';, i" -.I".I,-,.J :" C"Ul1lJ ,:, ,~.,-"" ,;...~, '.....It,,..~ d", ,..-;.:~L", u..~'~I~v' ~'~'H~ 110" v...",J,L, 'n..,: u"l '. ,L~':;.~' J~.."" ,"'~tJl:"d by ~I;,," ""e> wi"",, ,>:"y ~., ""_,,, ,Co ~""", : "C' ,,',; "..'l" ''';''''-"c 'v I>''''''U~ CbUob N"" d "~l ,;Il''''~v''' """v d'" '''''''v'''''u ..", l."r,,,.. vi'''" <":u::' IOMER t.... \I"" ,,,,',,."~ 'v d'" ,: ,Lo,,,, .", , ,. p;"hJ" Cllul:1ll ",m ."d; "I",,, fe"su"~'''~ ,,,I,,,,n,,,,,,,, " C.'Ul..lb ""'y '~q"us' ". 1'.", _'.., ,. ..' ~~v..,l,.,,"l ";;~";JII".: "-~ . .;""..ll,,'" ",,'J ,,,~I<lU,,o U" "IL ~~"'ynl :;~",' __" !!'c' S.;,.._.<1~'c' "I PrCI~C:'''''. ~<('''~'-'.-.; -.1'" ".<; "';u;;.,'" ,., "'I,'"'' ,,,.., "MIS "ne a~c~s>",,~, vi Ill" S"~U,,'\i SY'lc,n ""'~II"d by GHU813 ,h~II'~"'~ln 1J''''urd P'''P'''', <'JI CHUblJ ""." "I .'.""It", 1t\";~';o...,.,LII..", 'JlmLsAg,~e,,'enl CHUSS may f",,,,oJ',, me.anle j,un; m" P''''',,,,,, C!1U88 '''''' JIW;OptlOf>;"ave"II'" ~"l" .,.",()I '''_~''''''f S,~I"". ,,. 1I.", t->,,,m's~' "It", m~ 1~'mln"llon "I IIl,~ Ag,e"m..nt . It ii." CU$10M!:f< Sl,~ii jdll to nla~" d"Y I'''y",,,m hc,,,,,,ne~' J.. and """"n lll~ ,,,m,, b<!~om"s o~" "na ~d~aOle.." 5nall D",~c!l d", <,), In~ ...ni~ alld Or.i,.."",~,,, ",.1I:" CUSTOMER's PiI" cunt~lned 1lr;le'" 0' JIm" CU$TOMER snOul,J D",","'''' r.<I"H",plor ,""~,,ana"s.~mll"'l1\ fOI '. L ~ ,.el" vI c,,,'--'d,,'~ or ,n,,,, CUSTOMER SIlCluld .aCille It;e 1J'~m'S<!s. tI1e~ '" "den C"S~ illl "fIlo"ms P<lY~<'J." n,e'cLtll<J.... um.llh" "x~..a{I(J~ ut ,,,' ""I': 'c'''' vf 11'" Agl",,'''e''t ~llalllm'''eal~t''ly Oec"",.. <lu~ and paYd":" ",,<.) CHUeS n,,,y. ;,> ,'s cpl"''' d"c! "",I~Out Pff!lud'~~ IU "u~n (Jlh", "",,':. " '''''1 III"u lid.". ""le( II,,, plemls". anU "..no_", In.. S",cU'IlY Sy~I"'" ~,,<l su~n ;"illo,,-~ ~11~II ..", .;. d"y w""Y dlleCl to" CU~TOMI,J-l" . ,~:,;)" 1<.> Pd~ <I~ "";",,,, ~"l aul ' $1,,,,,1<1 tI,,,CU~ 1 OMEH CJ."Cd Illl~Ag",,,m""l ."'0' Iv 1ll"".........IJ"., "I ,,;~ ""H~I ,,,,,,, I"" CUOiTUMEf< "'h'" ~Jy I....Cc'uBB,l~~"~".,"',.J.. ._"lS,,":"''.! ~'J'.~ v: m" s"",,,;,- o.;I'~19"'~ ''''''''''''''9 on 11\.. ..o.g'"."""",- ,uCI, ~"'''u''ll''''''y t:L" ~~l""d:" '~II"~ ~d!tl~'Ollnc ~a"'d;l"' ..",.::n ."", ,;;",,,~ as d ;e,v,1 ,-,I dny ,,,,;;n le"nlnallon . It Ill" .,f,-,,,,, ,,,Sdf~ 1<> lo~,J"m01l5IledO' alle'e<l'lasu'" dl1'''I~nllhdllll''S,,~uUly Oi~SI"'" "".llbll"l no r",m~'f ~~a', tneCU~T,--~~.t~...: .".... ""I " IlId" Gv ",d" ll"U; 1<> lnc.~,,'n"'encun'elll "' ~lJcn dem...loll"n '" ~1t",~L,v". "..t,ly CHum3""j tI,c I"""w",,~-,, ", lilb ';9,~"m",,, "n" 4_'" ;,.,1 ',,;n ~(; <J;;\.~ ~n", ><Jcn ,"-',,,,,,. gl'cn In su~n e.em me GUsrOMEA ~n~III'''/ 10 cHuaa"-~dnc"Ii,,!t"f; 1"~"'l,,"'l<.oll'" \1,,,,",,,...1,.., mol ~v~! "UB6 01 ,,,,,,,,""g (I,,, p'''!l'''JI~ "'lll~S"cu"ly SYSl~1ll o"'n~" toy 'CHUBB Iw", It... P'~"""''' ,,: Ill) ,."".",,11 "t IIl~"t1"ig~s Ilayolo'" .~'" '"\I''''' .-.:.....,' ollh" m,,1I ~","~"11,,"" III ml>;Agr~'1l"'''Iolwll,~1l havtl 11011><",,, pal<l b.'r lrIcCUSrOMER Ul' tv II'~ 1""" ul S",~!lt~11Il"'i111011 11 S,,~1l "uti.;" I>; ..'~" lJy In" cu:;TOMER. CHUBB may .emav.. flam Ill.. l>,clIll"""al ~ny tl"''' dll"l Such na"~e.'~ 9",'"n 1II~ I.'<Jrtlons..t ltlt!S<lcunly Sy~!~'" "...n<<<l r,Ue8 ' CfjUa8...., IILe'CUSTOMER m~y cancef lnlsAy'"","-c'" """11.....1 P"..~;'I.:'O' l1ot'~t! 10 m"oJtn,,; I'~'I'I '"~ tn"",emtnalln"lfpl"''''',,,~ t:a,,, ,., (!e~ll"~'-',J "l I".. ," .'''y "mO., Iyp" at CfllilStwPIl" IIl~1 d'~ ""placl,~allu ~r)"hn,,,~ se",c" All e"d'ge~ ""',,,~n~. "hUII te,m",al'" <IS of m" "I, ,I .u"n I\VII~" The CUOiTUM!:f-l """Ii O~ r<lSl'onSIO'C 10' all damage ,<> m~ o;eeu"iy Oiystr;m "u''''g me c"nI"\tu',~",,1 inlsA<J,...em.."t u,,'" ,,"', ':dUSe ~,.", dlloJ '''al: ;>..oy t<. (;Hual:l 'lie ",,"I~ ,,1 '''~'''''''<; ~11,- W';l\ <lan'"y'" u' ul f..PI<t;;,,\g _"" ..~", ,1"., S"cumy System __n.... . .J)- c;." J"d II" .."<1"f,I,,,,<,1 ana a'.i'~.'<1 "'dl CHU8lj shaH nOlO<! liable fo, ~'" lOSS 0' uamage ;nC"I<e<l by Ih..CUtoTOMeF! aflsmg.oulJ)llht! 1a,lw"OI ;,~.. J"",,,",,,,,.t~, ",II,,;) "..~"~1 1,-, ,,,.p.,,.,, t<.> dll "1,,,HI'''..v,I,,'' 1"':1 eyCHuBB rhis "pee,,,1 P")"~'"'' ClOtIsnot. "neet tne!l"ne.ahIVvI-fM ""~,, l"oJ>I'~'''''s ", ,,"S ""',....,,...... ' ~:.~ _ Wh""" U.y,l"" "'"""nolJ:il.....tc-( ':i.~~k~Jh,," ," tnr; Scn"ll....,e 01 P'C:".;;tI""_ ,I ., "'''<lc'"''w''~ ~'''J "V''''''u ",,,'Ine'~ ,Sn" pfaCl:caJ '''<;i:l\.;.,i ':"'1 ..".",l\g.lhlllransnIlSSlon ""I'~"";I, of lhe! cOfl1m",nieat"l_ It is Illll 'esP<.ln~'b"lly..1 toe CUSTOMGl '" .:on,ullCl,on "'J!J\-CHUBB:.- Ala'm '_'0'11,,,1 Cenlre.to make fY'r,,"tt -.__,:-;~:_..,: L,:; ':..c. '''''''' TIl(' ~"""lr~r"~..'~: "'''''''''~ ..,,-,I, "..,,_.... :i.,- ;.' ,,'."'t v; (,;HUBE> CHUBB IS nOI 'e5~O";,OI" 10' ''''es as d '~:;ult 01 lillSf! ~;;..mj Tn,s Agreement m..y "," "" ~..slgneo by 111;' CUS TOMER ...."Iloul'n~ pn<J' ~,,,,",,,,t '" writ': '.. .;' '~HUBa Cf!lJ6B may _as~rg~ :I_I! ,or any 01 :1, \O':;~ "" OOllg'"",,,~ n,,"tUnO",. _ ' .- : . . .. ;'t Arc, ,,~'HC~ '"<1W,''''' '-'! c_~.I,,,,,~;,,!e!:! n~re,-,ndCI snail oe S,--,!tlCI""'I-1 ~""" ,) "u""---: =--, i--'r~,.~,J i<,,,"!"f,,~ ~,-",(to C!-iUS8~! 1h<'''''IlJ,,,~,,,,,,, ~"I.,c _.,", ," I" ",,,.2'F,, ,UM!::.'! .,1 "''';;r~r.,,~..G a"<l..".-,.""!,~,, ~u,.,,~Ju,d 'l\"IIl>"(;,,,.~,,,,~..d, ,J"" :,~.~:~ "....", "ccn9""n..r.o:l'cee..ed<>n 1""1'''''' "sdayalte"l"~~" IH'":,,,j '-. !".~ A\I'll~":c":'~ ,.ul ",.1<l,"g on CHUb;' u'".. .". ....,,<.1 anu alJP'oJyed uy CH:';(J(L I,t~r,_,;", :" th~ ",'~m s~ell app,ov<!1 is (Ie, ~,..i!" IIl~ , ."Djf'l~ 01 CHUBlj ~"atl i;~.t" ,,-,,,,,II' '" m~ CV::' Tl)t,,'~R Illb "''''''",11l.,j Jny, 1''''''' to:; CriUoG v"',,,, In" S;\ln"ljj o( tni~''A911X1""n,l. U Tn,. ""-J,,,,,,,,,,III c,-,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,~ m",,,'I""CO""',~' Tc"Iw""n CI'UBBandlneCUSTOMER "nd "'0 "'J'b.menl lJ"de'~tan<1'ng. repf~ld"U"V' ..au...-\Iy. ':111',,,, ~.;;,,,~,,..,, .n.;.;.,,"_ "It."r Illan ~~ ~,jnla,"..<1 ""'''''' ~nall in 3ny way eh'mg~. V3'Y ~IIN_ ,,,~d ", O''''oo;ly llle le''''$ n~",o! T"e ,,;,.v t OMEfl "'Jf""~ ",~I "'f', "'d..~f ...1 dny ",,1,,<.011 v' "ulav"~ loy Cfiu8B Il'''''un<l-o' ~l,~I; "c'" ..""tul,, a ",,~..e, 01 any $ubsequenl d"I""", or ~d..,.,IS 0' 1;" ~Q"slruc" ~s a fq,r"~~fll"uon tMJ CHuBB Ilas w".""~ any SulJ>clfU,,"1 aetault ", ,Jd~"jj$ ~>; Th,s ~,,,~,,,,,,,I ~n...1I Od .."VUlt,,,a Dy ",><l.cQ."~tr",,d III a~cv,da"Ct! wHn m<! Idws "t Lt." I-""'''Jl~<! ul OnlillJo. Can<lda. 30 The pal1'es agree I "I " 'S I I e"p'e5 ,sh InallhlsAg,eemanl and ail ralated documents 000 drawn "'P '" Ihe EngliSM language. Lesparoas<:on c'eSl' ont6elljml$S-ltqU&1:econllalelIOUsdoc",menl$s'yrapponanlsoJanlrIdJgilsentanguaanglalse. CUSTOMER Warden CHuas ALAAMS. A OivlSion at Racal-ChuDll Canaoa Lim,ted 0, i;. 'I'~Wj.~leY J.F. :1r-s-selstine coun' er By: Sales. Rapresanlalive DATE; 234 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-24 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE OPERATION OF THE ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM." WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin passed By-Laws numbered 1687 and 81-6 providing for the establishment, operation and management of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum in the years 1956 and 1981 respectively; and WHEREAS, because of changing circumstances, it is now deemed desirable to update the provisions of the said by-laws and to define the operations. organization and management of the museum in a more comprehensive manner. NOW THEREFORE the Municipai Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. NAME - The name of the Museum shall continue to be eThe Elgih County Pioneer Museumu. 2. PROPERTY - The lands, buildings, furniture, equipment. goods, chattels, artifacts and objects of any nature whatsoever whether acquired by or donated to the museum and including objects and artifacts given to the museum to be held in trust prior to the enacting of this by-law shall be the property-of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. The museum shall have the right at its option to claim a lien upon any article or artifact loaned to the museum for display or upon any article or artifact held in trust by the museum where the museum has incurred substantial costs in the restoration or repair of such object or artifact. 3. OBJECTIVES - The principal objectives of the museum shall be to collect, preserve and display for the benefit of the public items and artifacts which relate to the history and development of the County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas and without limit- ing the generality of the foregoing to provide educational and information services relating to the life and times of pioneer days in Elgin and St. Thomas and to encourage publiC interest in the history of the area. 4. ORGANIZATION- (a) The museum operation and management shall be under the con- trol and management of a committee which shall be known as the ~Elgin County Pioneer Museum Executive CommitteeQ. (b) The said Committee shall comprise seven members to be appointed annually by the Council of the Cou~ty of Elgin at its December Session and to be appointed in the fOllowing manner: Two Members of the Elgin County Council One appointee from nominees provided from each of the following organizations - The East Elgin District of the Women's Institute The West Elgin District of the Women's Institute The Municipal Chapter of the I.O.D.E. One appointee to be nominated by the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas One appointee to be named by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin who shall be a person other than a Member of the County Councilor a member of any of the preceding groups providing nominees. - 2 - 4. (c) It is expected that nominees proposed for appointment to the Executive Committee will be persons who have a genuine inter- est in the museum and will contribute to the advancement of its aims and objectives. 5. OFFICERS _ The Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from its members at its first meeting in each year. The Executive Committee shall also appoint a Secretary and Treasurer at its first meeting in each year and these officers need not be members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Director to oversee the day to day operation of the museum and the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the museum project upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed advisable by the Committee. The Museum Director shall have a proper job description and terms of employment and shall report to the Chairman of the Executive committee and be present at all meetings of the Committee. 6. TERM OF OFFICE - The members of the Executive Committee shall continue in office until their successors shall have been appointed. The members of the Executive Committee, with the exception of the Members of County Council, shall be appointed for a term of three years and provisions shall be made in the initial appointments for members to serve for terms of one,. two and three years so that the expiration of members' terms of office shall expire on a successive or 'staggered' basis with succeeding terms to be for a period of three years.'" The two Members of County Council shall be appointed annually for a period of one year only. A member of the Executive Committee shall not serve longer than six successive years, but after an absence of one year may be eligible for re-appoint~~nt. In the event that a member is absent from three successive meetings of the Executive Committee without being excused by resolution of the Committee, such member shall be deemed to have resigned from the position and the Committee shall forthwith notify such member by certified service mail and proceed to request the appointing body to fill the vacant position on the Committee. 7. DUTIES OF OFFICERS - The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Executive Committee.. He shall arrange for meetings of the Committee and preside at all meetings and be an ex-officio member of all other committees. He shall countersign all cheques and generally supervise the activities. of the Executive Committee. He shall provide and render a report annually of the Museum activities and the general condition of the buildings, grounds and facilities. The report shall be submitted to the November Session of 'the Elgin County Council and the annual meeting of the Museum membership. The Chairman should attend meetings of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum General Advisory Committee, report and interpret pOlicies and decisions of the Executive Committee for the benefits of the General Advisory Committee and generally act as a liaison officer in fostering effective communications between the two Committees. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in his illness or absence and shall have when so ac~ing all the author- ity and responsibility of the Chairman. The Secretary shall maintain a record of the proceedings of meetings of the Committee, provide notice of meetings and report attendance of members to the Elgin County Clerk-Treasurer and be generally responsible for general correspondence of the Committee. 236 - 3 - 7. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipts and expenditures of the Executive Committee and shall receive and deposit all funds received from the operation of the museum in a bank account as designated by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer will be responsible for the payment of all accounts as authorized by the Committee and may maintain for purposes of con- venience a petty cash account. The Treasurer will provide in suitable form brief monthly statements to the Executive Committee and ~_ovide accounts for audit by the Elgin County auditors when so required. The Museum Director shall be responsible for the general operation of the museum and for the care and custody of all the property of the museum as well as the development of plans and programs, displays and publicity relating to the museum operation. The Director will be present at meetings of the Executive Committee and report to the Chairman as necessary. A precise description of the authority and responsibilities of the Director will be provided in a detailed job descriptiono 8. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - (a) To arrange for proper care, maintenance and repair of museum site, buildings and contents and to ensure that adequate insurance protection is maintained upon all the property. (b) To arrange schedules of admission fees, membership fees and hours of operation of the museum. (c) To establish and maintain a Museum Endowment Fund for the receipt and investment of endowment monies and to regulate the expenditure of the income from such funds. (d) To cause to be taken such steps as may be necessary from time to time to provide such monies as may be required to operate and maintain the museum and its effects. (e) To arrange for and appoint 8.Museum Curator-Director and to authorize such other part time help as the Director may deem necessary or expedient. (f) To provide such reports of its activities and finances as may be requested from time to time for the information of the County and City Councils in such form and detail as the Councils may require. (g) To hold an annual meeting in January o~ each year and such monthly meetings of the Executive Committee as may be necessary to conduct the business of the museum. Special meetings may be called. by the Chairman at his discretion and must be called upon the written petition of four members of the Committee. A major- ity of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Committee. (h') In each year at the organizational meeting of the Executive Committee or as soon thereafter as may be conveniently done the Executive Committee shall apPOint a representative committee of citizens interested in the operation of the museum composed of not less than fifteen nor more than fifty members to be known as the Elgin County Pioneer Museum General Advisory Committee to assist the Executive Co~~ittee and shall entrust to that Advisory Committee responsibility for advising the Executive Committee on matters concerning the fulfillment of the general objectives of the museum. 9. THE ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM GENERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The functions of the General Advisory Committee shall be to: (a) advise the Executive Committee concerning the general objec- tives of the museum; - 4 - (b) advise the Executive committee on the planning, promotion and publicity of the museum; (c) actively pursue the goals of the museum through the planning of fund raising activities and do such other things as may be deemed propitious for the promotion of the museum: (d) furnish such reports and information on its activities to the Executive Cott~'ittee as the Executive Committee may from time to time request. (e) the General Advisory Committee shall not have any power to spend or authorize the spending of funds nor incur any liability on behalf of the museum. 10. To ensure that the General Advisory Committee is truly representative of organizations and individuals interested in the museum the Executive Committee shall consider composition of the Committee with due regard to the following criteria; (a) nominees from organizations interested in the welfare and organization of the museum; (b) individuals with special interest in the museum, but not allied with any organization; (c) population and geographical considerations; (d) persons appointed to the General Advisory Committee may not serve far more than six consecutive annual terms, but may be eligible for re-appointment after an absence of one year; 11. Meetings of the General Advisory Committee shall be held. as deemed necessary by the membership and shall be conducted by the Chairman. 12. In the event a vote is to be taken on any matter before the Committee, only those persons appointed by the Executive Committee to be members of the Committee shall be entitled to vote in respect to the question before the Committee. 13. Wherever the pronouns "he", "him~ and "his~ are used in this by-law the pronouns "she", "her" and "hers" may be substituted in their place should the circumstances deem it necessary to render the interpretation of the by-law logical and. sensible. 140 Wherever the title "Museum Director" appears it shall be deemed to read "Museum Curator-Director" where the position held is such. 15. That By-Laws No. 1687 and 81-6 be and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987: READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May. 1987. ~."~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,~? War n. 238 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-25 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COU~TY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT.' The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 87-25 as follows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by - (a) Adding thereto the following Road on Plan Number 18-3 to be known as Road Number 18. 2. That By-Law No. 86-62 be and is hereby repealed. 3. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1987. ~ --:. ...~- .>4'--.. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /~ Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-26 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. " The Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of E~gin enacts as By-Law No. 87-26 as fo~lows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by ,... (a) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 29-1 known as County Road No. 29. 2. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 20th day of May. 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May. 1987. ~ <~,-,,-,-.~v G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 240 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-27 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LAW ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Municipa~Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 87-27 as follows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law ~o. 85-27 is amended by - (a) Adding thereto the following Road on Plan Number 29-2 to be known as Road Number 29. 2. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1987. ~- ......,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-28 "BEING A BY -LAW TO ACCEPT AN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE FOR THE COURT HOUSE BLOCK." WHEREAS the Council has determined and by this by-law does confirm that its property commonly referred to as the Court House Block, situate South of Wellington Street, East of Stanley Street, North of Gladstone Avenue and West of Metcalfe Street is no longer required for the purposes of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS Council has received an Offer to Purchase in the form entitled -Agreement of Purchase and Sale- from THOMAS CROSSMAN wherein the sum of $1.040,000.00 is being offered for the said lands and buildings referred to herein. upon terms and conditions contained in the said offer and Counter Offer a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked Appendix -A-. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That the County of Elgin accept the Offer to Purchase submitted by Thomas Crossman for the sum of Sl.040,OOO~OO upon the terms and conditions as contained in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Counter Offer annexed hereto and marked Appendix -A-, 2. the said the seal That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to execute Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Counter Offer under of the Corporation. 3. That the Warden and the Clerk, and upon direction of the Property Committee of Council be and they are hereby author- ized to execute such other document and/or documents required to give effect to this by-law and the sale referred to herein and such other documents as counsel for the Corporation may advise. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1987. ~. '><-->v G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 242 APPENDIX -A- AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE P1JI.CHASEI., 'h__ ~~9~ :~RO$5M1\N VENDa" ........~.~.~L~9~~~ ..9.t)~~~. ,affcn10 bo.tyfl'Olll .~KIX ~X.....m.........._............,............... ......................_. . tbefollovtins 'ROPERTY: tn.daI_.. .....~.9.~:thm Ad801...__w.~.~_*,~.ngt;.9JL.S_t.+.~~t; __ aIUlIic:ipllily &l,I ..;he ,Elgin iW_..G9\1:n.!,Y....g~.gj,._:;I:1;ry....Q;.{~.~!1!:....~.q...G.Q.tg~....RQg.~.~.l...,JIKX..~ng."'.~p.p..t;;:~.?n_ilA:t;____buildings IIII1It~Xft lllil~... ",::lH ~_1Il~.. _~f~:lrs b.d.ng....a.l.l...o.f....the....land.s..;bQ.una.e.d....b:Y....Wel.1.i..ng.t.o,n ..St.:t.e,e.t....o.n....the___N.O.r.th l__nl1etcalf e Str.eet...on...the.Eas.t........Gl.a.c1.s:t.mle...Ay.enu.e....Qn .t.be...S.9.ut.n., .i=lna....S.tan.ley....S.t:r:ee_t ,on the. Wes.t II tlIe PURCHASE PRICE of ONE...MIL.LION.~..,FQ.R.'1'Y _THOUSANO':'.-'::'....-...-..~.~.':'"_...::":':":"7::-.:':':~.... CaaadiIllOoUln(SCm.,l ,Q40., 000.00) .. tIlIt foUowina_: . I. ~mIllaila 1rit!l tbiI offer. .....f..IVF.:._'l'R.QQ~~~~::.:-:~::;:;::-.::::=.':':'.:':'":-..~.::::::, DoIIan($-':"".......~, 000.00) Qlb/dMcu 1*'" to Vcador'~u a deIIo* SO be b&lcI try Ilimizl tnISt pmdiqcomp!cUonorodler lenIIiDation of Ihis AUccmenl udto_~UIwanl&U.PlI~Priceoa=mplctioft. :'~"'lOpay a further deposit of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,OOO.00) upon removal of the financing condition con~a1ned herein. 2(a) This Offer may be terminated by the Purchaser if he is unable to obtain Mortgage financing satisfactory to him, on or before August 14, t~87. In the event satisfactory Mortgage financing cannot be obtained by this date, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser without interest or deduction. This condition may be waived by the Purchaser at his option. 2(bl On closing, the Vendor shall assign all existing leases to the Purchaser 2(c) On closing, the Purchaser agrees to provide his written undertaking to: (i) Retain and employ the two County Maintenance employees for a period of not less than three (3) years from the closing date provided that the present services supplied by'these two employees is continued in a competent manner. (ii) Respect the historic significance of the Court House building and, in all renovations, to maintain the exterior architectural nature of the building. 2(d) The Vendor covenants and agrees to assist the Purchaser in negotiating lease renewals with the present tenants. 3. ~ atld Velldor qRlI thai all cxiatiDs f"U:!lln:ll ~ iDc.l1lolllN m tile ~ P'il* uC:Cp( theM Ijged bcrnndcr: NIL.. &lid l!W dJs tono.iq c:bauda ~ iDduded in. U. pllrcbui pcb: al.l mai.nt-enance. e,qw.plnfilnt. ... Ptudlua'......tJW UlisOfflll'1b&II be ~byhln:lumi! 11:" p.lIL oa tile. ... 1st. ,mYol....June.. ... . 19 8,7..__.. a.fm ....bicb..ume. illlOC. ""pled, thb Offer shall be IlIIlI and YOid UId die dcpoaI shaU be mumed 10 Pardl.., ....ithOijl im.-.cor-dcdul:tioa. s, lllia~lmau bccompleudOt:ltbe... ....3.0.th.... daJol~,......___Nc.vembeJ:_ . ~of UltptOpl:fty sbaUbe pft814 ~ucI_ochcnIIiMpmwidedl.ttoUow.: P..u;:c.has.er: ag.r.ees. tC.as.SJJIIl.e,,:;Ir.esen.t.,.t:.en.ants.. 6. Purchutt sllaII be alIowall.lM 3.0 dan nul foUowiq tIMi~~ova~l 2!..;,e~!f~1lfl tile atlli! 10 the property u bi&o_ ~ to atisfy hiawU'llIai.tbenianluoutlWldlaa worlr.OfdaaaUeaiqtbJp,opmf. tbat i\5preM:1l.l uK ( .198.7. UpllQcomp!et;0tl.v&e;iIl1 ~y be lalll'fllUy<<l!IUnucd. a.Ol!. thai tha priDcipcl buil4iDa _, beituund.;am. riatoff"D'& 7. 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COUNTER OFFER Attached to and forming part of OUef to PurehOl.$C between . .~..~~~~.L... wd TJ:IS..C'OBE'QFATION..OEh~.J:OUNrY...aF..ELGIli property known as: ...COURl'...HCl.ISE...BLO:K......___...__.......___.. Dated- ...__.~.J_4:_._.......'....._.h_..,.. 19..,~.?.. The Vendor .:u:eepts me atbchedoffer a.nd :ill its terms and conditions subject to the Iol!o\ving amend. ments exceptions and/or additions. PARAGRAPH 6 IS TO BE DEIEI'ED AND THE FOLLCWING SUBS'l'ITU'I'ED 'THEREFORE: 6. PUR:HASER SHALL BE ALLOWED 30 DAYS NEXT ~ THE DATE OF. ACCEPI'AN:E OF THIS OFFER 'IO; EXAMINE 'lEE TITLE '10 THE POOPERl"l AT HIS CWN EXPENSE, 'IO SATISFY HIMSELF THAT THERE ARE ro cursTANDnGM)RK ORDERS AFFECTING THE ProPERlY. 'lHAT ITS PRESENl' USE MAY BE LMrnJLLY COOI'INUED AM> THAT. THE PRIN:IPAL EUlLDIrG MAY BE INSURED AGlUN5T RISK OF FIRE. This Counter OIler $ball be irrevocable by the Vendor until the "..;u;;rr.... day of ..... .~._ . ...._... 19 .~? aLter which time, if not accepted by the Purchaser and a copy delivered to the Vendor _ or his Agent, this Counter Offer shall be nua and ,void aodall deposit monies shall be retutoed to the PUI'chaser wichout interest. ~ ~ DATED AT ..~.~...~ Signed, Sealecl. and Delivered in the presence of uu. -~~. 19.87 ....... day of "..un MAY ( ) In Witness whereof I have hereunto ""_~"'Yh=d d CORPOJ OF ELGIN ....J:... -.::~mmm.....;:::.;-.~.:.:::~~: DATED AT .......... ..this The above Offer of the Vendor to my Offer dated ...............?~..!?N;..QL~X.I.h!~HE........... is hereby accepted. ........:__... day of ..................___...._........ 19.. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of w,'a... ( ) In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand .;1nd sc.u pl<Od>....~ ~".~ .-",:1 ",~ -.;1c p;;.:d."~:~.' VENDOR SIGNING THIS FORM SHOULD NOT SIGN THE ORIGINAL OFFER. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-29 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEOINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY SESSION. 1987. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its counci1r and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of ._the Corpora- tion of the Co~nty of Elgin in respect of each rec?mmendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the May 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred ~o in the preceding section hereof. 3. .The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 20th day of May, 1987~ READ a second time this 20th day of May, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1987. -~,...'-.<. < '-<:- , Y~--"'-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A112, Warden. 246 June Session - First Day Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 AoM., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present (Reeve Bradfield arrived 10:07 A.M.). Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the minutes of the May Session 1987 of the 'Elgin County Council be adopted9 - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that the survey re: future annual meetings indicates a preference to continue the October Conference. 2. Township of Cumberland with resolution requiring a Regula- tion to be passed governing the installation of an exterior gas shut off valve for each block of townhouse units 0 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Village of Port BUrwell with questionnaire re~ construction of storm drain on Chatham Street. 2. Township of Delaware with request to have the County assume the townline road from Highway #4 to the Southwold storeo 30 CAA Ontario with results of a study respecting the finan- cial resources of the Province to meet the needs for additional money to upgrade the condition of the provincial road systemo 40 County of Renfrew with resolution on the matter of Waste ManagemGut changes required under the Environmenta.l Protection Acto 5. From. the fo11owi,ng with planning information: TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH (1) Four notices re: public meetings re: zoning by-law amendments. (2) Five notices of the passing of Zoning By-Laws No. 2999, 3000, 3001, 3004 and 3005 and copies of sarne. TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH (1) Two notices of public meetings re~ proposed zoning by-law arnend- mentso TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD (1) Notice of public hearing on application for minor variance. 6. Minister of Transportation and Communications with approval of a further subsidy allocation of $416,500 for the reconstruction of Patterson Bridgeo PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. County of Larnbton with resolution re: U.I.Co premium reduc- tion sharing with employees. - 2 - PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. AMCO Communications advising that they will no longer be in the telephone inter-connect business effective May 28th, 1987 and that they have sold to Musitron-Danning. 2. Musitron-Danning advising that they have taken over from AMCO for service and warranty work. 3. '!'L3North Yarmouth and District Historical Association with request to designate the Court House Block as a Heritage District under Sec. 28 of the Ontario Heritage Act. 4. Mr. John Luft. Luft & Beaudry. Inc. i with request to have Mr. S. Farhi's offer accepted in the event the Crossman offer did not meet the conditions contained therein. 5. Elgin Historical Society with request that Council request by resolution that the City of St. Thomas designate Court House Block as a Heritage District under the Ontario Heritage Act. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. County of Lambton with resolution re: Winter Clothing Allowance for children of persons on General Welfare Assistance. ~ 1. Ministry of community and Social Services with approval of 1987 subsidy entitlement of $1,319,000 for Elgin Manor. 2. plan. Township of Malahide with copy of peace time emergency 3. Deloitte Haskins & Sells with copy of News Release -Tax Reform 'S7-. 4. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with -Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Members. on June lath, 1987 at 2 o{clock. 5. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with final summary of 1986 Municipal Resolutions. 6. Wilfrid Laurier University advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholarsh.ips were,: Jennifer JOHNSTON R. R. #1. Eden Kelly Lynn DANS R. R. #l.Ay~er. 7. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of -Summary of Legislation Affecting Municipalities.. 8. Bank of Montreal advising of an increase in the prime interest rate from 9~% to 9~%. effective May 22. 1987. 9. Ontario Good Roads Association with a copy of a letter to the Province re: money for roads. 10. Family & Children's Services of st. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children in Care and financial statement for the month of April 1987. 11. Jim McGuigan. M.P.P., acknowledging letter re: increased funding for roads and copy of his letter to the T~easurer. 12. M.. Gordon Button, Local Registrar. with copy of public inspection panel report. May 1987. 13. area. Bell Canada with fact sheet on operations in the St. Thomas 14. Ministry of Housing with copies of Administrative Guide to the Rental Housing Protection Act, 1986 and its Regulations. 248 - 3 - County Council, June Session, 1987 15. Ministry of Housing with copy af amending Regulation under the Rental Housing Protection Act. 1986. 16. From the fOllowing with planning information: TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER (1) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law No. 545. TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH (1) Notice of Committee of Adjustment meeting rat minor variance and copy of decision. (2) Three notices of public meetings rat proposed Official Plan and Zoning amendments. TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE (1) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 39-87 and 44-87. TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH (1) Notice of meeting of Committee of Adjustment ref minor variance. MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS (1) Copy of Township of Aldborough's Official Plan with request for comments. (2) Townsh~p of Malah~de's Off~c~al Plan #02 and #03 Amendments and not~ces of approval. TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH (1) Two notices of pUblic meetings reI proposed zoning by-law amend- ment and official plan amendment. (2) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 3002. VILLAGE OF VIENNA (1) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 819. VILLAGE .OF BELMONT (1) Notice of Public Hearing for a minor variance. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD (1) Decision ret appeal against the Committee of Adjustment of the City of St. Thomas. VILLAGE OF DUTTON (I) Notice of Public Hearing on Minor Varianceo TOWN OF AYLMER (1) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law 40-87. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAH (1) Notice of the passing of Zoning By-Law Z152-87. 110 Premier of Ontario acknowledg~ng support rQ~ Ontario Good Roads Association for more funding for municipal roads. 18. University of Waterloo advising that the following were the winners of the Elgin County SCholarShips: Janyce J. Ferguson R. Ro #1, Springfield Nancy G. Friesen 41 Moore Avenue, Aylmer. 19. Minister of Municipal Affairs with brochure ~Small Business Incuba.tors" . 20. Ontario Hydro advising of the holding of information cen- tres on the new transformer station (Longwood Ts) in Caradoc Townsh~p and 500 KV transmission line from the Bruce Nuclear Power Development to the station. - 4 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously, and those presented today, be approved as follows: county Government Committee - #1..,.2 inclusive County Roads Committee - "#1-6 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1 Property Committee - #1-5 inclusive Social Services Committee - #1 Filed - U-20 inclusive County Council - #1-9 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following employees received Certificates of Merit for service rendered: Carol O.Connor of the Library Staff received a Fifteen Year Certificate from Warden Purcell and Chairman Pearson. Rose Laemers of the Terrace Lodge Staff received a Ten Year Certificate from Warden Purcell and Chairman Ford. Ken Carmichael of the Court House Staff received a Ten Year. Certificate from Warden Purcell andCha~an Emerson. The following Roads employees received Certificates from Warden Purcell and Chairman Stewart: Wayne H. O'Connor Norman R. Glover James M. McLaws James F. Haskell Joseph C. Livingstone - Twenty Years - Twenty Years - Ten Years - Ten Years Ten Years. The following employees were absent: From Elgin Manor - Mary J. Burgess - Fifteen Years - Sandra J. Tapsell - Ten Years From Roads Department - Kenneth E. Abbott - Ten Years. TOWN OF AYLMER CENTENNIAL Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Schaper both attended county Council in period costume to celebrate the Centenn~ of the Town of Aylmer. Reeve Pearson read. and presented a Summons to Warden Purcell for him to attend the Town of Aylmer during the Centennial. Each Member of Council was presented with a Sammons and a CentennLal Pin. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT' COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the County Government Conunittee be adopted. ~ Carried;.. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the proposed Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease for Branch Libraries be amended as follows: Page 2, paragraph 2 - change $7.00 to $6.00. Page 6, Paragraph 3 - insert the word -ten- after ~repaid in- in the first line. 50 - 5 - County Council, June Session, 1987 A recorded vote was requested by Reeve Neukamm - ~ Mil~an (2), Neukamm e2l, van Kasteren {2}, Willsey. DeKraker. TOTAL YEAS - 8 g Perovich (2), Mezenberg, Ford. Campbell. Harr (2), Lyle (2), Martyn (2), Stewart (2), Chute, Pearson (2), Schaper (2l, Emerson, Hodgson. Purcell, Lavereau, Wakeling. Black, Fischer. Bradf ieId. McCann. TOTAL NAYS - 27. NAYS Amendment was LOST. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the proposed Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease for Branch Libraries be amended as follows: Page 6, Paragraph 3 - insert the word IIten"' after "repaid in'" in the first line. - Carried. The original Report. as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. The Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures was mailed previously to Members of Council. Moved by Reeve McCann Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceedings~ :.. Carried. The Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for Members of the Elgin County Council to May 22nd, 1987 was mailed to the Members of Council previously. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council to May 22nd, 1987 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. Carried. The Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses ~o May 220d, 1987 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee was mailed previOUSly. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to May 22nd, 1987 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. - 6 - The Auditor's Statement to Apri~ 30th was forwarded to all Members of Council for their information. Warden Purcell advised Council that he had received a request from the media for a copy of a letter which appeared in the Roads .Committee minutes. As there was no policy on this type of request, he suggested that the matter be referred to the County Government Committee to recommend a policy, possibly with the solic- itor's advice. Council concurred with this suggestion. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Ford That we do now adjourn (11;46 A.M.) to meet again on June 17th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M.. - Carried. Council. re-convened at 2;05 P.M.. FIRST REPORT -PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereeu That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. Mr. Tom Crossman was present and explained the settlement for the Library employees. In addition, copies of the Personnel policy Manuals were forwarded by courier to all Members of Council. He made notes of errors that had been discovered during the Council's review. The Report was voted upon and - Carried. COUNCIL.COMMUNICATIONS L East Elgin District Women I s Institute nominating Miss Edith Goldthorpe as their representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. 2. Miss Kay Moriartey with appreciation for the watch and cheque received on the occasion of her retirement. 3. Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Rail Office, with copy of their comments on the proposed abandonment of. the CP I S application for the Port Burwell. Subdivision from Ti1.lsonburg to Port Burwell.. 4. Minister of Citizenship and Culture with information on new initiative named .Preserving Ontario's Architecture.. s. The St.. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital advising that the Board of Governors endorsed the recommendation of the Medical Staff re; support for a 911 emergency telephone system in the hospital. service area. 6. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with draft copy of Local. Government El.ections Act. 7. El.gin West District Women's Institute nominating MrS. Garnett Cowell. as their representative to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. 8. A.M.O. with information on County and Regional Section Conference to be held in London, October 18-21, 1987. 9. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with information on the proposal by the Village of Belmont to annex a portion of Yarmouth Township. 252 - 7 - County Council, June Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Perovich That Correspondence #1 and 7 be tabled to the December 1987 Session when appointments to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum execu- tive Board are made. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the following be the voting delegates to the 1987 County and Regional Annual Meeting and Conference in London, October 18th to October 21st, 1987: Warden Purcell Reeve Willsey Reeve Martyn Deputy Reeve Mi1.1.man Reeve Hodgson Deputy Reeve Chute Reeve Neukamm. - Carried. A l.etter was received from Mrs. Mary Durkin, Secretary of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum advising that their funds were quite low and requested permission to be allowed to draw on the 1987 County grant if needs arose. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve McCann That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to advance any funds required by the Elgin County Pioneer Museum, as the need may arise, up to the total amount of the 1987 grant. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle filed. That Council Communications numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 be - Carried. Invitations were received for the fallowing: An open House in honour of the retirement of -Dr. M. R. Warren, Medical. Off.icer of Health of the Elgin-St. Thomas Hea1.th Unit for Wednesday, June 24th - 4:00-6~30 P.M.. Rededication of Memorial Plaque from the Lynhurst School honouring the veterans from 1939-1945 for Sunday, June 28th, at 2:30 P.M. at the Elgin Military Museum. Moved by Reeve Bradf ield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That we do now adjourn (2 ~42 P ..M.) to meet again on Wednesday, June 17th, 1987 at 3:00 P.M. . - Carried. Council re-convened at 4;04 P.M.. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Lavereau Reeve Black.. - 8 - Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That a letter be sent to the Honourable John Wise, request- ing him to investigate the status of the Perry Nuclear Generating Station located on the Ohio shore of Lake Erie, and offer an opinion as to what danger, if any, it may pose to the downstream and downwind communities of Elgin County as we in Elgin County have a deep concern and request this information at your earliest convenience and copies to Hald~~and-Norfolk and County of Kent including news item and maps &t~h~. - Carried 0 SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Mezenberg. FIRST REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve M~yn. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Campbell. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Fischer and adopted on motion of Reeve Fischer and Reeve Pearson. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-30 -Designating Through Highways- be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakaling That By-Law No. 87-30 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved. by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded. by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 87-30 be read a third time and fin:ally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-31 .Designating Through Highways. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McCann Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-31 be read a second time. Carried. 254 - 9 - County Council, June Session, 1987 Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling passed~ That By-Law Moo 87-31 be read a third time and finally - Carried 0 Moved by Reeve Marr Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 87-32 ~Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and County Officials for Attending Conventions. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-32 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Marr passed. That By-Law No. 87-32 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 87-33 -To Appoint County Solicitors. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-33 be read a second t1m$c .~ Carried., Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-34 "Being a By-Law to Formally Adopt Personnel Policies. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil~ That By-Law No. 87~34 be read a second time. - Carried. 255 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-34 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-35 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees with Respect to the Corporation' s County Library Employees. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve DeKraker Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-35 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-35 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 87-36 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Hunicipa1 Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session, 1987- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by.oeputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 87-36 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 87-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve campbell That we do now adjourn (4:20 P.M.) to meet again on September 23rd, 1987 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. ~..<-~<_~, )4.-h G. C. Leverton I Clerk. R. F. Pur-cell, Warden. 256 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the_:-.:Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that five be ordered from Grand & Toy at Municipa~ Directories. hundred clear plastic 48C each for use with the covers County 2. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 3. That the computer system. proposed by Mr. R.G. Moore, County Engineer, be referred to Deloitte Haskins & Sells for the concurrence of the County Auditors, as to its suitability for County purposes. 4. That the per diem fo~ conventions be increased from $125 to $150 effective July 1, 1987 and to $175 effective January 1, 1988 and that a by-law be presented to implement these changes. 5. That we recommend that a KONICAjROYAL 5503 ZMR Dupli- cator, with Reversing Automatic Feeder, 40 Bin Sorter, Large Capacity Tray, Automatic Duplexing Unit and Electric Stapler. be purchased from Day tun Inc. at a tendered price of S19,090.00 plus Provincial Sales Tax, for use by all County Departments, with the Clerk-Treasurer's Office being responsible for sche- duling use of it and also the servicing of the machine. 6. That the firm of Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates .be appointed as Solicitors for the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin. effective July 1st, 1987 with an annual retaining fee of $200.00, and the regular fees for services performed and that a by-law be presented to the June Session, 1987 for this appointment. 7. That Reeve Stewart be reimbursed $148.46 for the cost of providing meals for the members of the Tobacco Decline Strategy Committee during their meeting in Straffordville. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /.e::P ~_~~ E. Neukamrn, Chairman. ~~, LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session 1987 To the Warden and Members oC Elgin County Council. The Library. Committee reports as follows: 1. That Custom Developed Computer Systems be invited to study the ElginCounty Library System and make recommendations regarding this system at no expense to the County. ,. Library. That Mr. Oldham is authorized to paint the foyer in the Dutton 3. That the Standard Elgin County Library Municipal. Lease be adopted by County Council for presentation to the member municipalities immediately. 4. That upon signing a new Standard Elgin;:County Library Municipal Lease by a member municipality that a by-law be prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to enter into the new agreement replacing any existing leases. 5. That a by-law be prepared cancelling the existing Elgin County Library Construction and Renovation policy. 6. That Miss Prowse be allowed to attend the conference "Somewhere Meant for Melt from July 22 to 25th, 1987iwith the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. W- 258 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT June Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Elgin County Commitment to Excellence: (a discussion paper) be presented to Elgin County Council at the June session to be tabled for review and recommendation at the September session. 2. THAT the following policies and procedures be approved: Elgin Manor - Fire safety Program Toxic Chemicals: Hi Chlor Color Ray C Penitrol 84 Softex P 01 tra K Liquid Correction Fluid Terrace Lodge - Fire Safety Program Toxic Chemical: Liquid Correction Fluid ALL of which is respectfully submitted, (J#J..~_ A. K. Ford, Cha.irman COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 259 I beg to submit the following statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the period January 1st to May 31st, 1987. (This statement reflects accrual adjustments, made by our auditor for items paid or received in 1987 which pertained to the year 1986): REVENUE Employee Deductions Workers' Compensation - (Pre-Levy) County Rates Interest Received County Roads Library - Revenue Land Division Committee - Revenue Court House Recoveries Recovery of Rentals Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization Grant EXPENDITURE Council Members Administration Administration Buildings - 9 Gladstone Avenue New Administration Building - Capital Renovations New Administration Building - 450 Sunset Drive Court House Maintenance Grants County Roads Children's Aid Society Elgin Manor Home For The Aged - Budget Terrace Lodge Home For The Aged - Budget Debenture Debt - Interest Interest On Loans and Capital Borrowing Write-Off of Taxes Agricultural Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1987 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1987 $ 187,052.81 84,550.02 854,096.91 7,346.29 1,489,932.60 3,453.44 15,980.00 19,103.54 44,549.98 28,628.56 355,637.44 100,900.00 106,460.00 $3 297 691.59 $ 50,783.53 92,374.14 8,459.55 1,220,401.32 37,428.62 23,485.34 400.00 1,925,700.42 48,184.60 48,739.93 98,286.15 16,500.00 54,942.61 1,121.50 12,901.11 4,429.09 93,611.25 363,055.70 9,256.49 74,812.35 433,109.44 612.36 $4 618 595 50 $ 110,204.36 cr. 9,811,123.46 S9,700,919.10 9,188,153.26 S 512 765.84 4JjJ 260 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Ba1ance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1987 Receipts $ a 1,418,285.40 1,418,285.40 1,468,150.23 $ 49 864 83 010 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st. 1987 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January.1st, 1987 Receipts $ a 745,994.52 745,994.52 817,995.98 $ 72 001 46 OlD Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st. 1987 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. --=--- .. ;.<.......... G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. ~ TREASURER'S S~~~F.MF.N~ ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of E~gin County Council, during the calendar year ending May 22ndt 1987: Remuneration and Mileage Council, Committee and Outside Boards Conventions By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-25 By-Law No. 86-69 By-Law No. 86-20 Paid To .. By-Law No. 86-70 Total Black, C~ I. $ 1,369.24 S 1,369.24 Bradfield, R. T. 1,515.50 ( 1) 609.48 2,124.98 Campbell, J. D. 1,663.57 1,663.57 Chute, D. V. 1,720.30 (1) 599.48 2,319.78 DeKraker, A. J. 988.12 988.12 Emerson, K. C. 1,561. 96 1,561.96 Fischer, J. 1,722.52 ( 1) 609.48 2,332.00 Ford, A. K. 2,532.14 2,532.14 Hodgson, J. W. 1,680.26 1,680.26 Lavereau, R. J. 1,111.04 1,111.04 Lyle, H. F. 1,470.06 1,470.06 Marr, E. H. 1,251.08 1,251. 08 Martyn, W. A. 1,984.37 1,984.37 Mezenberg, H. J. 1,811.40 ( 1) 599.48 2,410.88 Millman, M. L. 1,766.42 1,766.42 McCann, J. A. 799.02 799.02 Neukamm, E. 1,921. 00 1,921.00 Pearson, D. H. 1,532.60 1,532.60 Perovich, D. 2,354.00 2,354.00 Purcell, R. F. . 9,512.39 ( 1) 1,763.39 11,275.78 Schaper, K. M. 1,536.81 1,536.81 Stewart, M. H. 2,284.71 2,284.71 van Kasteren, A. J. 1,485.06 1,485.06 Wakeling, J. L. 2,466.45 2,466.45 Willsey, C. R. 1,959.00 ( 1) 609.48 2,568.48 TOTAL $49,999.02 ( 6) $4,790.79 $54,789.81 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasur. 262 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons apPointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending May 22nd. 1987 as authorized by the following BY~Laws: ~ Appointed To Bv-Law No. 85-25 Auckland, A. Wi St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. as-61 Bv-Law No. 87-8 Benner, M. C. Land Division Carroll, L. R. Committee Littlejohn, A. B. McKinlay, J. v. Tufford, N. G. TOTAL ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions $ 87.50 $~ 1,201.96 1,370.52 613.40 1,475.56 988.52 5,649.96 $5,737.46 $609.48 --=-- ~~, Total $ 696.98 1,201.96 1,370.52 613.40 1,475.56 988.52 5,649.96 $6,346.94 ZbJ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. We have forwarded copies of the correspondence to and from the Workers' Compensation Board ra: the appeal for the Library Employees' Premium rate to both Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. and Mr. Jim McGuigan. M.P.P. for their information and assistance. 2. pondence filed. That the resolution from the County of Lambton (Corres- #1) re:U.I.C. Premium reduction Sharing by employees be 3. That the account from Thomas A. Crossman International Limited for expenses, disbursements and mileage for the period January 1st to April 30th, 1987, in the amount ofSt,1Sl.51, has been authorized for payment. 4. That we recommend that the revised Personnel POlicy Manual be formally adopted by by-law. 5. That we recommend that the memorandum of understanding between the County and C.U.P.E. representing the full time Library Main Branch employees be accepted and a by-law be pre- sented authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign an agreement to implement all the changes for a.two-year period. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ha1;::Z:. yo, 7;;; ./~C'/? if. 64 Memorandum of Settlement between The Corporation of the County ofE1&1n (Library) and Canadian Union of Public Employ... Local 841 ft1a IUaOrawlUIII repruenu fuJ.l and fiDal .ettlement of all it.. suJ;llU.ttri for aaloUad-ana. Each puty to thb qr."llt qre_ to recOJDeDd to ita p:rlQcipala the full acceptance of all the tera. beretn. ~1cle 5: Grievance Procedure S.03 Amend five (5) vork1ng day. to read fifteen (lS) working daya. Article 11: Leave of Abaence 11.0S KIldieal C&re and Family 111n...: "An employ.e will be grantecl a leave of abaence w1th pay to . IUX:UDUID of (5) vork1nc day. . year for the purpose of attending to the lllne.. of 1mmed1ate faa11y. AD. employ.. will be granted up toe1ghc (8) period. of two (2) hours in a year for the purpose of dental caze or preventive Dedica1 cara. P.,..nt for the above may be ebarg_d ...iDee accrued ovarttme. vacation. or ..y be -.de up at . later date. If tbe t1JDe is to be sade up later, it aWat be .cheduled within the next. 30 day. with tbe approval of the departaent head." ArUde 13: OVert.1llle 13.01 May t.1me worked between 321t and 35 hovrs in aa.yw.ek. may be taun off at onll: and one-half t.:1mils the hovrs vodted at a later date vithiZl dx. IIOntha, at a t:1Jlle mutually agreed upon,. or it may be. banked At. on8 and OIUPbalf times the bours.vorlted, and wtUch may acCUllU1.ate up to a mu:Uaum of 3211 boun. That time 1II&y be. taken as one additlonal veek of vacation. Any tine 0\IQr 35 hours per week. will be paid for at t:in8 iDl on&-half. 13.02 (Delete) Article 15: Vacation vitb Pay 15.02 (f) .AAuInd tta. vacatiOD provuioD to prOVide dx VIle" of vacation Aftar 21 y_1's of service. Article 16: HosDital and Medical Benefits 16.01 Via10n Care: Amend to provide $150.00 once every 24 month.. Dental: Amend to provide 100% of prea1um to be paid by the eaployer. and the O.D.A. fee scbedule vill be eatablisbed two year. behind current C.D.A. fEe schedule. 16.02 Life Insurance: Amend $15,000.00 to read $30,000.00 LO~ Article 17: Paid Holidavs Mend to provide the one-half day before ChristlD&s and the one-half day bafora New Years. Article 18: Bereavement Leave ~ to provide 3 day. bereavement leave for grandparent8: 1n-law . and adcl aunt, uncle, niece, and nep.hew for 1 clay bereaveaeGt. leave. oUtlele 19: Sick Leave 19.05 (Ddete) Article 20:(New) Storm Davs Aa. .-ploy.. ahall Qot los. any regular valU 1f aeac hOlle, or if there 1& aar....nt thet it 1& ~o..1bl. or una.f. to report forvork'.. & ruule of . aftOW atorm. ice atorm, tornado, flOOd. or other uaforaeen act of nature. M _ploye& who 18 prevented frClll. reportins to work a. atatelll above ,ball DOcify the _player.. aoon.. po.sible. 'aUJ,D& to report ..y re.ult in =- 10.. of wag.. for that t1ma off. 'al1bl to aoc1fy the .-player bacau.& of . diaru.pt1ou of telephone .ervice shall-not &uCOllIAcically cau.se the loss of wages for that time off~ HOTE: ALL R.EKAINIHG ARTICLES TO BE RE-NUKBERED Ar~icle 20: Lavoffa (present) 20.06 Md: (a) A layoff shall be defined. as a red.uction in -tha work force. (b) Botb parties recognize that job ..curity shall 1uc:rease '~1n proportion to length of aervic.. Therefor., 1n the event of . layoff. "'employaes ahall be laid off in the rav.ne order of the1r barga1n1na-un1t-vide .ett1ority. An .-play.. about to b. laid off may bUllp &D7 .-ploye. vith. the l...t sco1oriey ill their aection, providing the .ploy.. axeretains the right 1. quaUfied to perforlll the work of that _ploy... 'the' .-ployae being buzaped ..y then displace the _ployu with the le..e .qj,ority 1.0 tbelibrary. provid.d he 1& qualified to perforlll the work. (c) Unless legislatiOD is more tavorable to the .ployaea.'th. eaployer &hall Dotify _ploy... who are to b. laid off taD (10) vorlr.1us. 4.y. pdor to ehe effective dac. of layoff. If the .ployce baa Dot had the oppox-tun1ty to vox-k the 4ay... provided in c.bu articl.. h. .ball be paid for the daya for vbich work vas not ..d. availabl.. (4) Erlpley.ea. .hall be recallccl ia. tne orela" of the1r ..niodty prodel" th.y are qualified to perton! the vorit. . (e) Ifev .ploy... shall not be hir.d Wlt:U tho.. la1d off have b.g aivG .. apport\IDity of recall. (f) t_porary .ploy... sbllll noc be hired until cho.. laid off h.ve baen given anopporcuniCy of racall. Article 29: Duration AaeDd to read twO (2) yeara. ~e~qJ' ~~ano~ aq~ ~O~ aofUO aq~ 20" l86t . ~o~.p SJq~ 'Ol~.~uO "8vmO~ .~S ~. pattIJs %< 9861 "1 ~tnr %t 8861 'I ~.nMr ., "96t Ot .(tftr :SftOllO} uw p~.oq aq~ BBO.1~tf SaSBi).1~UJ aplAo.Jd o~ pU.1ilIY sa21tfl'l. "Y.. alnpaq:lS 992 LO! APPENDIX "A" Letter of Understanding between Corporation of ehe COQnty of tlgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees This letter details the agreement reached between the above named parties vhicb will apply to the persona employed by way .of the Job Development Grant, arraaae4 for Elgin COQnty Library (aad others) through the Ontario Library CoDlorti~. Tba following te1'lU and conditions will apply to all persona selected to tapl._nt the progr... referred to above: (a) they will be required to pay to the union an amount equal to the local union dues; (b) all statutory benefits provided in the Employment Standards Act must be cade available to them by their employer; (c) during the period of their employment under the grant they viII not accUmulate any seniority, and further, in the event of termination they would not have the right to commence grievance procedure; (d) in the event of a layoff of union members in the library, then this program would cease; (e) it is understood that the persons employed under this program would not displace any present employee; (f) the selected employees would Qot be used to deliberately circumvent overtime work which normally would be aasigned to .present staff members; (I) if a vacancy occur. at the"completion of the progrSll. it 101111 be posted .. required. with preference being given to pr..ent employees who are willing and capable of taking train1n& on the computeroperat1on; (b) the persons selected to perfo~ the work and to be trained under this Ii'at prog'!:'_ will not be cOD8i4ered to. be employe.. of the Library. at leUt during the training perioci. and. while they are occupied in the work of the data base input. Signed at St. Thomas, this ______ day of 1987 For the Union For the Corporation of the County of Elgin 268 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the account from Gunn & Associates in the amount of $1,539.75io connection with work re: County of Elgin V$ McCaig be authorized for payment. 2. by Mr. R. which has Auditors, That we recommend that the computer system proposed G. Moore, County Engineer, for use in his department, been approved as quite appropriate by the County Celoitte Haskins & Sells, be authorized for purchase. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1..J? U~/ E. Neukamm, Chairman. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMENO: 1. That a by-law be passed designating the following County roads as through highways: (a) Road .55 being the Bayham-NorfolkTownline Road from t~e sout~ side of Road #38 to the north side of Road #45. (b) Road IH8 being the Townline Road between Southwold. Westminster and Delaware Townships from the west side of the road allowance between Concessions II and III. Southwold Township to King's Highway '4. Through highway by-laws are required on these roads as the County of Elgin has passed by-laws assuming them as County roads. We expect approvaL of the assumption by-law for Road 1#55 shortly. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 270 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed for information. 2. That in response to the letters from the North Yarmouth and District Historical Association and the Elgin ~istorical Society, requesting that Elgin County Council request the City of St. Thomas. to designate the Court House Block as a Heritage District. they both be advised that on the advice of the County Solicitor it is considered highly improper, at the present time; to participate in anything that would change the tenure of our contract ural arrangement with Mr. Thomas Crossman with respect to thasale of the said Court House Block. 3. That Mr. John Luft of Luft & Beaudry Inc. be advised that no action is being taken on his request to have Mr. Farhi's offer made as an accepted secondary offer on the Court House Block, in the event the condition of financing in the accepted offer of Mr. Crossman cannot be met. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. SOCThL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT June Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution (Correspondence #1) from the County of Lambton be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~tl ~LL }'I sch , ('AnUng airmon.. / . lj 271 272 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-30 "DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS" WHEREAS Clause 37 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) provides that: -Through Highway. means a highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister or by by-law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-af-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION (a) Road ~18 from the west side of the road allowance between Concessions 11 and 111, Southwold Township, to King's Highway #4. 2. The designation of Section 1 of this By-Law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this ay-Law. 4. That this By-Law shall not come into effect until the approval of the Lieutenant Governor In Council of 'County of Elgin By-Law No. 87-25. 5. By-Law No. 86-68 is amended accordingly. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. ~K G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 2fj COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-31 "DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS" WHEREAS Clause 37 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) provides that: ~Through Highway. means a highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister or by by-law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of~way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION (a) Road #55 from the south side of Road #38 to the north side of Road #45. 2. The designation of Section 1 of this by-law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signalS are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this by-law. 4. By-Law No. 86-68 is amended accordingly., READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. ~../,~<..-(~- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 274 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-32 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAlO TO THE WARDEN. COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUNTY OFFICIALS FOR ATTENDING CONVENTIONS. " The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. and Elgin attending That the Warden, County Officials conventions - Members of the Elgin County Council be paid the following rates for (a) For a convention within a radius of 200 miles (322 Km) of St. Thomas. the per diem rate, regis- tration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. (h) For a convention outside a radius of 200 miles (322 Km) of St. Thomas, the per diem rate, regis- tration fee and single airfare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from the convention be paid. The Clerk will obtain the flight fare, thirty days prior to a convention outside the 200 mile (322 Km) radius of St. Thomas, and this will be the amount paid to all those attending, irre- gardless of their method of travel. (c) In addition to the per diem the Warden may receive up to $150.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. (d) The Warden or designate is authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions when he deems it desir- able and that he be reimbursed for this cost, upon presentation of receipts. Whichever Committee is associated with the convention is repsonsible for and must provide the refreshments etc. in the hos- pitality suite. The Warden is entitled to the per diem rate, whether he uses this room or obtains another one. (e) That in order to obtain payment for attending con- ventions the Member or Official must present the hotel bill and registration receipt or reasonable facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. (f) The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has ses- sions listed. 19j "nere a Councillor drives to a convention (within a radius of 200 miles [322 Km} of St. Thomas} and does not stay overnight, he/she shall receive Committee pay and be reimbursed for the registra- tion fee. Mileage is to be reimbursed for one trip only, regardless if he/she attends more than one day and this will be considered as one of the allowable conventions. (h) The per diem rate to be paid shall be as follows: Effective July 1st, 1987 - $150.00 per day Effective January 1st, 1988 - $175.00 per day. 275 - 2 - 2. {a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County Council are limited to any two conventions of their choice each year. (c) Attendance at the Roads and Transportation Asso- ciation of Canada (R.T.A.C.) Convention be limited to the Warden, Chairman of the Roads Committee and the County Engineer or designate. (d) In the event a Councillor wishes to attend the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada (R.T.A.C.) Convention, he/she be allowed to do so, but it will count as two conventions and he/she may not attend any others for the County. (e) A~l Officials attending conventions must have prior approval of the Committee, through which they report, and Council be so advised. 3. That By-Law No. 86-20 be, and the same is hereby repeal.ed. 4. That this By-Law shall become effective upon passing. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day 'of June, 1987. .~~~~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. 276 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-33 "TO APPOINT COUNTY SOLICITORS" The Municipal C-~ncil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the firm Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates, of the City of St. Thomas, be and are hereby appointed Solicitors for the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin, with a retain- ing fee of Two Hundred Dollars per year, and the regular fees for services performed. 2. This Appointment to take effect July 1st, 1987. 3. That By-Laws No. 82-58 and 84-14 be, and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day af June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. ..-&-~'-~ .>4-... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~ Warden. 2/1 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law NQ. 87-34 "BEING A BY-LAW TO FORMALLY ADOPT PERSONNEL POLICIES." WHEREAS personnel policies c'~':~cerning the employment conditions and various other aspects dealing with county employ- ees covered by collective agreements and those who are not, have been both written and/or understood by usage over a period of time ~ and WHEREAS County Council has engaged Crossman Associates to review present policies. suggest others for inclusion in a written .personnel POlicy Manual- and as well propose a new format for them to allow for future revisions; and WHEREAS the Personnel Committee has spent considerable time receiving, reviewing and amending various personnel poli- cies for inclusion in the said Manual. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the "Personnel Policy Manualft marked Appendix "A" be formally adopted and apply to County employees as noted on each policy. 2. That this by-law become effective upon~assing. 3. That By-Law No. 85:-56 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 278 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-35 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ANO THE CANAOIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS The Canadian Union of Public Employees, by certificate dated July 18th, 1985, is the certified bargaining agent for all employees of the County Library system, save and except Assistant Chief Librarian, persons above the rank of Assistant Chief Librarian, Bookkeeper/Confidential Secretary to the Chief Librarian. persons regularly employed for not more than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a periOd of time, between the County and the Union towards amending the collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly proce- dure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement; and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedures, conditions and terms of employment to be included in an agreement to cover the period July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1989. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign the Memorandum af Settlement and the Collective Agreement between the County of Elgin and The Canadian Union of Public Employees setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for the Library employees. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. ~/~)4-~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L 1_' COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-36 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. AT THE JUNE SESSION 1987." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council, and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of.c,the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County ,of Elgin>"at its meet- ings held during the June 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action"of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the ,Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a second time this 17th day of June, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of June, 1987. .....--:::k.~~, .>"____ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 80 July Session - First Day Tuesday, the 14th day of July, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:00 A.M., in a special Session. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - A11 Members present except: Reeve Emerson Reeve Hodgson Reeve McCann. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted on motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Perovichc Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a Supplementary Expenditure in the amount of $12,000 for Field Surveys and Engineering for the con- struction of Road 30 (being a portion of the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Link) in Concession .XIII, Yarmouth Townshipo - Carried 0 Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a Supplementary Expenditure in the amount of $700,000 for repair to the triple horizontal ellipse culverts over Kettle Creek on County Road 45 in Lot 7, Range II East of River Road, Southwold Township. - Carriedo PORT BURWELL FUN DAY ~ Warden Purcell advised Council that an invi- tation to participate in a tug-af-war wa~ being extended by the Village of Port Burwe11 for August 1st. He requested as many members of Council as possible to be present on that day for the event. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the October Session be held on October 28th, 1987 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. SALE OF DOORS - An inquiry was received as to -whether the County woul.d entertain a lump sum bid for the purchase of the remaining some 200 doors. Council directed that tenders be obtained for them and submitted to Property Committee. AUDITOR'S STATEMENT - A Financial Statement to May 31st, 1987 was provided for all Members of Council for their information. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by ReeveMarr That By-Law No. 87-37 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July Session, 1987- be read a first time. - Carried. 281 - 2 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-37 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake ling That By-Law No. 87-37 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That we do now adjourn (9:23 A.M.) to meet again on September 23rd. 1987 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk.. ~. F. Purcell, Warden. , 282 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JULY SESSION 1987 TO THE WAROEN ANO MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAO COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have instructed the Engineer to proceed with repairs an the triple ellipse culverts on County Road 145 in Lot 7. Range II. East of the River Road. Township of Southwold. Several plates have cracked and we have ascertained. after hiring Golders Associates Limited to make soil tests. that these deformations are caused by the buckling of the plates rather than by movements in the soil. Armco-Westeel Incorporated (now known as Armtec) are presently engaged in providing an engineering service to reinforce these culverts. To do this it will be necessary that all fill be removed and concrete ribs be placed over all culverts. The fill will be replaced with all granular material. The estimated cost of this worK is in excess of over $700.000. It is estimated that it would cost well over 2 million dollars to replace theSe culverts with a bridge. WE RECOMMEND 1. Than an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary expenditure in the amount of $700.000 for repairs to the Kettle Creek Culvert on County Road #45. Lot 7. Range 11. East of the River Road. Township of South~oid. 2. That an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary expenditure in the amount of $12.000 for field surveys and engineering for the construction of Road #30 in Concession XIII. Township of Yarmouth. This road is a portion of the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road Link. The Warden has been informed by the Minister of Transportation and Communications that work would be subsid~zed on this project at a rate of 75%. The Minister has also asked that construction be staged over a three year period and the funds would be supplementary 283 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JULY SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. The surveys will allow the County to give the Ministry of Transportation and Communications a more accurate cost estimate of this work. 3. That by-laws be passed designating the following County roads as through highways: (a) Road 155 being the Bayham-NOrfolk Townline Road from the south side of Road 138 to the north side of Road 145. (bl Road 118being the Townline Road between Southwold. Westminster and Delaware Townships from the west side of the road allowance between Concessions II and III. Southwold Township to King's Highway 1#4. Road #55 is now a County road and a County By~Law to assume Road 118 is awaiting Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval. Previous by-laws passed in June 1987 amended the wrong by-law. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEO 284 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-37 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JULY SESSION 1987." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by SUbsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980. the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law~ and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained'in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the July 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of th6 Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 14th day of July, 1987. READ a second time this 14th day of July, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this ~4th day of July, 1987. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 285 September session - First Day wednesday, the 23rd day of September, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL ~ All Members present except: Reeve Marr Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Bradfield Reeve McCann. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil1man That the minutes of the June and July 1987 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. City of Barrie with resolution requesting the Province to assume a greater responsibility for sharing in the costs of con- struction and equipping new hospitals. 2. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning, with questionnaire on Emergency Preparedness. 3. changes in Accord. . Township of South Crosby with resolution opposing the the Canadian Constitution as suggested by" the -Meech Lake 4. Township of Norfolk with resolution re: equitable and full compensation from the Governments for farming and related business enterprises in the tobacco industry. 5. County of Simcoe with resolution re: funding of studies of the full range of alternative management and disposal options in waste disposal. 6. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information on Bill 8, the French Language Services Act. 7. Tpwnship of Tilbury West with resolution concerning - free. voting by the members of both the Federal and provincial Governments. 8. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with notice re: attendance by Reeve R. Bradfield. 9. County of Lanark with resolution aSking that the Province initiate legiSlation to ensure that a1l municipalities include a referendum on the issue of-bilingualism as it pertains to Bill 8. 10. Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada with comments on contents of Bill 8. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE L Ministry of Transportation and Communications Offering property for sale - Yarmouth Township, Highway No.3 (New), Part of Lot 3, Concession 9. 2. Ministry of Transportation and Communications confirming details concerning supplementary funding in the amount of $416,500 re: Patterson Bridge reconstruction. 286 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 3. Minister of Transportation and Communications agreeing to share the cost of the HUbrey-Radio Road link between London and St. Thomas on the basis of a 75% SUbsidy. 40 Township of Malahide with copy of By-Law No. 28-87 regard- ing closing of two roads in Concession 1. s. Jim McGuigan, M.P.P.. with copy of a letter from the Honourable Bob Nixon concerning the brief of the Ontario Good Roads Association. 6. County of Middlesex with copy of a letter sent to the Minister of Transportation and Communications accepting the funding for the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road Project. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Totten & Associates Offering their services in connection with Bill 154. Pay Equity Legislation. 2. The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group asking the County of Elgin to participate in their extensive municipal salary survey. 3. Personnel Management Associates Inc. offering their ser- vices re: the Pay Equity Act. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that he has not agreed to a judicial inquiry into the sale of the Elgin County Court House Bldck and suggests a review of the policy dealing with acqui- sition and disposal of fixed assets. 2. Family & Children1s Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with request for information on space available for lease in the County Administration Building. ~ 1. Bank of Montreal with notice of loan interest rate changes as foll.ows; effective July 31st. 1987 effective September 11th. 1987 - increase increase ~% to 10% .1:% to 10.lt%. 2. FamL1y & Children's Services of St. Tho~as and Elgin with Allocation of Chil.dren In Care and financial statements for the months of May. June and July 1987. 3. Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising that effective July 20th, 1987, Mr. R. E. (BOb) Stock will replace Frank Clarke as Senior Municipal Supervisor. 4. Appreciation for scholarships from; Nancy FRIESEN Janyce FERGUSON. 5. Employment and Immigration Canada with copy of St. Thomas Canada Employment Centre Readiness Plan for Peacetime Emergencies. 6. Ella McWilliam and Families with appreciation for flowers. 7. Ministry of Housing with functions and responsibilities of the new Residential Rental Standards Board. 8. Ministry of Housing advising of a seminar/workshop, exam- ining the Municipal Building Inspection Service. 9. M. B. Moore, Regional Assessment Commissioner with copy of annual reports for the 1986 assessment year. 10. Recycling Week Committee - 1987 with information on Ontario's Third Annual Recycling Week - November 16-22, 1987. - 3 - County Council~ September Session~ 198~ mE continued 11. Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations with advice on regulations covering Amusement Devices. 12. Minister of Housing with information on Housing Aid for Disabled Persons. 13. John Wise. M.P. acknowledging receipt of our letter re: Perry Nuclear Generating.Station~ 14. Minister of Housing advising that the new Residential Rental Standards Board is about to begin across Ontario (June 30. 1987) and information on composition. 15. Minister. of Transportation and Communications advising of second advance subsidy payment of $1.465~200 July 8th, 1987. 16. Ministry of Citizenship and Culture reminding that written submissions to the Ontario Heritage POlicy Review would be received until July 31st. 1987. 17. neers and Act and a Spriet Associates advising that their Architects as a result of the passing new Engineers Act. f~ is both Engi- of a new Architects 18. Ministry of Housing with information on three new initia- tives to serve the housing needs of disabled persons. 19. County of Wellington nominating Reeve Archie MacRobbie as the nominee to A.M.O. Board of Directors and reques~ing support. 20. to A.M.O. County of Perth nominating Reeve Calvin Innes as a nominee Board of Directors and requesting support. 21. Ministry of the Environment with Notice 01: Approval Ontario Hydro's Low Level PCB Oil Treatment Process...:"" EA File No. OH-AA-02. 22. Minister of Municipal Affairs with a copy of the revised guidelines for the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program. 23. edgement Ohio. Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk with acknowl- of our letter re: the Perry Nuclear Generating Station in 24. Union Gas Limited with copy of annual report~ 25. Mi.nistry of Treasury and Economics with a copy of the June Demographic Bulletin containing 1985-based population projections for Ontario _ . 26. Ministry of Transportation and Communications with proce- dure to submit certified copies of by-laws in lieu of original signatures and original seals. 27. has been 1987. E1gin-St. Thomas Health Unit advising that Dr. Verna Mai appointed as Medical Officer of Health. effective July 1st, 28. Town of Wasaga Beach requesting support for the A.M.O. Board of Directors by Manuel B. Antunes, Deputy Reeve. 29. county of Kent with copy of a resolution endorsing Elgin' s re: Perry Nuciear Generating Station. 30. County of Middlesex requesting support for the re-election of Reeve Karl Nevin to the A.M.O. Board of Directors. 31. Minister of Citizenship and Culture with an invitation to attend a one-day .Partners in Literacy. Symposium, August 28, 1987. 288 - 4 - FILED - continued 32. Norfolk Field Naturalists with copy of public meeting for the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk re: a new by-law regulating the cutting of trees. 33. Ministry of Housing with information on the Residential Rental Standards Board and questionnaire. 34. Ministry of Housing with copy of the Regulation under the Rental Housing Protection Act. 1986. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously be approved as follows: County GovernmentCammittee - #1-10 inclusive County Roads Committee - #1-6 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1-3 inclusive Property Committee - #1-2 inclusive Filed - #1-34 inclusive County Council - #1-9 inclusive. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adoptede - Carriede FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the First Report of the Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Martyn That the Second Report of the Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Pearson adopted. That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. - 5 - County Council, September Session, 198 SECOND REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted~ - Carried. THIRD REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the Third Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. An amendment was - .Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Pearson That Item 1 of the Third Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be amended by adding .subject to the final approval of the Personnel Committee. at the end of the paragraph~ Carried. The original Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried~ FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1 ~ Village of Dutton advising that the Council has reviewed and approved the Library Municipal Lease and authority to sign the necessary agreements has been given. 2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with .Nomination and Consent Forms. for representatives for the Executive Committee for the County and Regional Section~ 3. John Wise, M~P~, with copy of a reply from the Right Honourable Joe Clark, Secretaz-~ of State for External Affairs, rs. the Perry Nuclear Generating Station. 4~ Boxall Women's Institute-with request to have a rabies clinic, yearly, at a nominal fee, to enable pets to beinnoculated~ 5. County Government Committee with copy of brief presented August 5th, 1987 to the Advisory Committee on coUnty Government, held in London. 6. Minister of Agriculture and Food requesting assistance and support for World Food Day, October 16th, 1987. 290 - 6 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 7. Ontario Hydro with list of locations and dates of informa- tion centres to be held re: the Nanticoke GS to Longwood T5. 8. Kindernest Westphalian Children's Villages of Canada Inc. advising that they wish to establish a Village in Elgin County and request interest and help. 9. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin advising ~~lat the Ministry of community and Social Services has requested a decrease in their proposed 1987 budget and the Board of Directors have agreed to accept a budget of $1.188,732 (Elgin's share $128,355). Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Emerson That a copy of the reply from the Honourable John Wise, H.P., re: the Perry Nuclear Generating Station be forwarded to the Regiona1 Mun1cipa1ity of Haldimand-Norfolk and the County of Kent for their information. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That we endorse the submission made to the Advisory Committee on County Government, created by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, ata meeting held in London on August 5th, 1987 by the Elgin County County Government Committee. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That we accept the amended 1987 proposed budget of the Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin in the amount of $1,188,732 requiring the County of Elgin to provide $128,355 (decrease of $699). - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That Council Communications numbered 1, 2. 4, 6, 1 and a be filed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell named Reeve Martyn as Chairman. The Committee ~ose without repQrting~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That we do now adjourn (11:56 A.M.) to meet again on September 23rd, 1987 at 1:30 P.M.. - Carried 0 Council re-convened at 1:45 P.M.. L JO - 7 - County Council, September Session, 198' Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Pearson That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell again named Reeve Martyn as Chairman.. The Committee ros~ without reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That we do now adjourn (2:25 P.M.) to meet again on September 23rd, 1987 at 3:00 P.M.. - Carried. council re-convened at 4: 17 P.M... ROLL CALL -All Members present except: Reeve Marr Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Bradfield Reeve McCann.. FOURTH REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The Fourth Repartof the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was presented by Reeve Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford and Deputy Reeve Millman. SECOND REPORT ~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve .Emerson and Deputy Reeve Campbell. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Lavereau and adopted on motion of Reeve Lavereau and Reeve Pearson. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Millman. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Neukamm Th~+ T+~m , oT the First ~eport of the Recention and Entertainm~~t-C~~ittee-be amended by~deleting everything after -that- in the third line and inserting -each Member of Council be allowed to purchase two tickets in addition to their own until October 10th, 1987, after which time it will be on a first-come, first-served basis.. - Carried. The original Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. 292 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87-38 "Designating Through Highways. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 87-38 be read a second timeQ Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 87~38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No.. 87-39 "Designating Through Highways. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve tavereau Seconded "by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No.. 87-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-39 be read a third time and finally passed.. - Carried" Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Black That By-Law NOe 87~40 "Being a By~Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Black That By-Law No. 87-40 be read a second time. Carried. ~o~ed~~r ~=e~~_~:a:~__~__ ;::>c",OU<.l.C<.l. uy .rI.....v.. ., .I.~<";U""" That By-Law No. 87-40 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carriede - 9 - County Council, September Session, 198- Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-41 -Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-41 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Wil~sey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wake1ing That By-Law No. 87-41 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 87-42 -Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid Members of E~gin County Council and Others Appointed to Various Local Boards Etc.- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 87-42 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewar1: Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-42 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried 0 Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-43 -Being a By-Law to Establish Hourly Rates for Students Employed at the Main and Branch Libraries. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-43 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 87-43 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 294 - 10 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No~ 87-44 qBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Munici- pal Lease with the Village of Dutton- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-44 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That By-Law No. 87-44 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Campbell Seconded by Reeve Perovich That By-Law No. 87-45 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Session, 1987- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 87-45 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 87-45 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried-. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Black That we do now "adjourn (4 :42 P .H.) to meet again on October 28th, 1987 at 10:00 A.H.. - Carried. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. F. PUrcell, Warden. C:10 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Reeve Black has been authorized to present the concerns of the ~Elginn County Government Committee to the Advisory Committee on" County Governrnent in London on August 5, 1987 and That this brief be presented to the September 1987 Session of County Council for their consideration. 2. That we recommend that the resolution from the Town- ship of Norfolk (Correspondence #4) be endorsed in principle. 3. That Correspondence #2, 3 and 5 be filed. 4. That the request from the Elgin County Pioneer Museum to be allowed to keep a key to their safety deposit bank box in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office has been approved. 5. That the request from Sharon Raffel for leave of absence, without pay, for a half-day on August 7th, 1987, to be used in conjunction with her holidays has been approved. 6. That we recommend that instead of the usual gifts for the Warden and his wife a Peter Robson print of the Court House with a suitably engraved plate be purchased. 7. Members etc. be Council That By-Law No. 85-25 establishing payment for of County Council appointed to various local' boards repealed and an up-tO-date one presented to County in September 1987. 8. That Correspondence #6, 7, 9 and 10 be filed. 9. That with the volume of correspondence being received by the Clerk dealing with planning matters, it is recommended that since the majority are filed with no action necessary, files beset up for each local municipality and maintained apart from Council Communications. Copies will be forwarded to the Engineer when the matter affects the County Road System. 10. That the request from Ro M. Daniel to attend the A.C.R.O. Convention in London be approved and the usual conven- tion allowances be paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .--~ ~~,,~ ~ha~~.~~ri."'~. ~ / '/-. ' hl^/'" /' 296 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and M~mbers of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That material presently occupying the Great Lakes History Section in the Port Stanley Library will be moved to the Main Branch office and the Great Lakes History area expanded. 2. That the letter from David S. Buxton to the Library Committee and his letter to the editor of the Port Stanley RE: PORT, be referred to the Crossman study of library functions in Elgin County. 3. That the Committee recommends that the 3rd floor, north wing, of the County Administration Building be reserved for future archives and that the space be used for all Library storage until required for archives and finances are available. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ DonH.~. o~.~ ~ -- LIBRARY r.OMMITTEE REPORT September Session 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Library Committee recommends that the lease for the Dutton Public Library building be adopted and that a by-law be prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign the lease with the Municipality of Dutton and that the unbudgeted balance owing be credited to the capital loan. 2. That the official opening of the Dutton Library will be Saturday, October 24th, 1987 at 2:00 P.M. 3. That the letter from Totten and Associates on "Pay Equity Legislation" be referred to the Personnel Committee. 4. That the quotation from Computerland for a'_20 megabyte hard disk, mult-function board, power supply and dBase III Plus to the amount of $1,854.00 be accepted. 5. That the Municipalities of West Lorneand Port Burwell be requested to submit detailed proposals on their new library buildings, including all cost factors, to the Elgin County Library Committee for consideration during their 1988 budget preparations~ 6. That no County funding for any library proposal is available until a detailed package from the - Municipality is approved by the County Library Committee; funding is provided in the 1988 County budget and the recommendation of the Committee is accepted by County Council. 7. That the Municipalities of West Lorne and Port Burwell be reminded by letter, that Elgin County Council is already committed to the Municipality of West Lorneas the next site for library expansion and that _ if both are prepared to proceed in 1988 and County funding for only one proposal is available, West Lorne will be given priority; ALL of which is respectfully submitted. QL___ ~V;':o,. 298 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY O~ cLGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Repair work is well underway at the Kettle Creek Culverts on County Road #45. On September 2nd the Ministry of Transportation and Communications approved a plan submitted by C. C. Parker Associates. the County's structural consultants. for the repair of the culverts. The plan was devised by C. C. Parker Associates in conjunction with Golder Associates (London), Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber and Baidar Bakht of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Engineer. The plan consists of a reinforced concrete shell from the centerline of the culvert over top of the culvert. At the top the concrete shell will be approximately 8 inches thick. Some concrete is to be poured (September 18th) and it is hoped to complete this phase of the work by mid-November. The culve~ will be backfilled with crushed gravel and 11 feet of sand fill placed on top of the crushed gravel. The remaining fill will be the pit run granular that was removed from around the culverts. It is still hoped to have the County Road #45 opened by Christmas. The estimated cost is $700.000~ Although Council ~ad submitted a supplementary request to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in July for extra funds, we have not yet received any indication as to how much or if any of the request might be approved (September 15th). other proposed work has had to be cut back to provide funds for the County Road #45 work. 2. Construction of the Patterson's Bridge on County Road #30 continues with both piers and abutments having been poured. It was hoped (September 15th) to erect some of the beams within the next week. It is expected that the bridge should be opened for traffic in late October. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT ~ SEPTEMBER SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. 3. We have accepted the quotation of Alex Newbigging Aggregates limited at $5.85 per ton for the supply and spreading of approximately 5.500 tons of Granular lA' on County Road #2 construction in Ounwich Township east of the Aldborough Townline and on County Road #5 north of County Road #2. The work has been completed. 4. We have accepted the. quotation of Walmsley Bros~ limited. as an addition to their Contract 'B1. for base asphalt paving on the new construction on County Road #2 at a price of $22.34 per ton with the County supplying the asphalt cement. This work has also been completed. 5. Walmsley Bros. limited have completed their contract for placing asphalt base on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). Cleanup work remains. 6. Your Road Committee has authorized the Engineer to proceed with "< asphalt resurfacing on County Road #42 starting at Port Burwell and proceeding toward County Road #43. Work will be continued as far as funds are available. 7. We have arranged a meeting for September 29th with the County of Middlesex Road Committee. Items to be discussed will include: (a) Future of the Tates Bridge (DunwichTownship) on the Thames Ri ver. (b) Engineering work for the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14 tn Ounwich and Southwold Townships. 80th bridges are joint bridges with the County of Middlesex. 8. The Warden has been advised by Mr. Ed Fulton. Minister of Transportation and Communications that the Ministry will subsidize the construction of the Radio-Highbury-Hubrey Road link at a rate of 75%. The Committee will discuss the timing of the work in Elgin and Middlesex with the County of Middlesex Road Committee. It appears at this time that the County of Middlesex wishes that Elgin proceed as soon as pOSSible as they will riot be ready for a major expenditure until 1989 or 1990. The Minister has asked that the total subsidized amount of work in both Counties be limited to $1,000,000 per year. 300 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1987 PAGE 3. 9. We have purchased a 8 cubic yard tandem sander body from London Machinery limited. This sander will replace a County sander which has worn out. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement between the County of Elgin and the County of Kent for maintenance of joint County roads and the Bothwell Bridge between the two municipalities. An agreement between the two Counties has never existed. The agreement will spell out each munic~palities responsibilities merely formalizing the verbal agreement which has been in effect for many years. 2. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with Chatham Cable TV. a division of Trillium Communications to allow them to install cable tv wires on County roads in the Villages of Rodney. West Lorne and Dutton and the TownShips of Aldborough and Dunwich. This agreement will be similar to an agreement with Allview Cable for County roads in the St. Thomas area and for various municipalities to allow them to install water pipe lines~ The County will be II saved harmless of any liability" and Chatham Cable TV will be responsible for the movement of any wires at their own costs in event of future construction and maintenance work by t~e County. 3. That a by-law be passed restricting the weight of vehicles passing over bridges on County roads as follows; (a) Phillmore Bridge - 15 Tonnes. (b) Robbins Bridge - 4 Tonnes. (c) Fulton Bridge - 15 Tonnes. (dj Meeks Bridge - 18 Tonnes. Ie) Jamestown Bridge - 15 Tonnes. (f) Vienna Bridge - 20 Tonnes. The present by-taw was approved for a two year period ending December 19. 1987. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMEBER SESSION 1987 PAGE 4. 4. That a by-law be passed restricting the weight of vehicles passing over bridges and boundary bridges under the joint jurisdiction of the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin as follows: (a) lings Bridge. 15 Tonnes. (b) Middlemiss Bridge - 18 Tomies. The period of approv~l for this by-law ended on September 11. 1987. The restrictions are the same as in the previous by-law other than the Tates Bridge which has been closed to traffic. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED ~ 4J2*I-?i~R ~... ) ~ ... p . 302 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the DirectorjAdministrator be authorized to register the supervisory staff for the Ontario Association of Homes for the Aged Convention on Septembe~ 13, 14, 15, 1987. 2. THAT we recommend to the Personnel Committee that a salary scale be developed for the position of Home Support Services Co-Ordinator. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. rUi,;;/-'~ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session 1987 SECOND REPORT To the warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the letter from Mr. Jim Hignett, Program Supervisor Ministry of Community and Social Services with Dr. Sladek's report on Elgin Manor be received. Dr. Graham is to be commended formally by letter and the report distributed to Elgin Manor staff. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, ~~ A. K. Ford, Chairman , 304 * See amend- ment at end.of Report HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session 1987 THIRD REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County council, The Homes for Sel ~r Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator contact Mr. Tom Crossman to develop with the Personnel Committee a salary schedule for the position of Home Support Services Co-Ordinator. The Director/Administrator is authorized to advertise in the County for the position of Home Support Services Co-Ordinator after the schedule is developed~ ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ Ford, ~ . Item il was amended by adding to the end ~subject to the final approval of the Personnel Committee~. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports ~s_follows: 1. That the account of Thomas Crossman International Limited for$2;986.ll has been authorized to be paid. 2. That we implement a two year old O.D.A. fee schedule for the dental plan. 3. That the letter of resignation from Deputy Librarian Ruth Prowse be referred to Mr. Tom Crossman to discuss her continuing role with the Library following her retirement due to her immense past contribution to the County and important role within the County Library System. 4". That the Roads Department office and management per- sonnel be enrolled in the County dental plan per their request and that the County Personnel Manual Section 5:20 be corrected accordingly. 5. That a by-law be prepared to bring minimum wages paid to any County employee into line with the new Provincial minimum wage of $4.55 per hour. That the minimum wage for employees under the age of eighteen years be increased to $3.70 per hour. 6. That Mr. Tom Crossman be retained for the year 1988 as per the hLetter of understandingh at a total fee of $17,000. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 306 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That upon the conditions re: the sale of the Court House Block being met, Mr. M. J. Hennessey has been authorized to notify the Ministry of Government Services that ownership of the property will change hands on November 30th, 1987. 2. That in response to the advertisement requesting proposals for accommodations for the Ministry of AgricuLture and Food, the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to forward a letter. on behalf of the Property Committee, indicating that the County would be prepared to renovate the County Administra- tion Building (second floor) to reasonable office standards, at $7.00 per square foot, based on a five-year lease with an option to negotiate an additional five-year term with any additional requirements to be negotiated including annual inflation guard provision. 3. That the Ministry-of Government Services has been forwarded an offer to lease the Offices occupied by the Crown Attorney in the Court House, on the same basis as the other areas are being rented and the present lease be extended to include this area. 4. That the Clerk-Treasurer has been authorized to pro- vide Mr. Tom Crossman with a copy of the report prepared by Carlos Ventin, June 15, 1984. 5. That the Clerk-Treasurer be authorized to write the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for specific written recommenda- tions re: the sale of publiC assets and that we request copies of any proposed by-laws covering the sale of surplus assets for future consideration in responSe to the Minister's letter of August 15, 1987. 6. That the Library Committee be advised that their motion contained in the letter of July 7, 1987 has been tabled pending proper consideration of priorities until the building is fully occupied, and their suggestion is taken under advise- ment. 7. That we aCknowledge the letter from Family and Children1s Services and since we do not have an area on the second floor now available, we do have the third floor vacant which would cover their needs. If this is acceptable we could begin negotiations as to cost and items raised in their letter of August 28, 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,/ ' .__,/dc? ~,,~- ~h~b~~ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FOURTH REPORT To the Warden and Me~bers of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Homes Committee and staff be authorized to prepare a "Study Proposal" and conduct. .preliminary investiga- tions with regard to a possible expansion of the County Homes system, including the. upgrading of Elgin Manor in co-operation with the appropriate Provincial Ministries, and the cost of such studies and investigation should be included in the 1988 Budget. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ Albert K. Ford Cha~irman~. .://~. 4" ...../ / - .'. / #~/. / ~/ 308 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from Steve Traichevich to obtain the old press table be granted. 2. That the request to rent the Council Chambers and two adjoining Committee Rooms on October 2nd, 1987 for the purpose of collective bargaining discussions by the Elgin Women Teachers' Association and the Board of Education be granted and a charge of $100.00 be made. (Committee Rooms @ $25 ea., Council Chambers @ $50.) ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ Ie Cha" Emerson~ .~t SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That two field workers be authorized to attend the O.M.5.S.A. training seminar to be held in Chatham, October 22nd and 23rd, 1987 with expenses paid. 2. That the Director be authorized to attend the fall training seminar to be held in Toronto, November 22nd to 24th, 1987, with the usual expenses paid. 3. That the Director' s claim for travel expense be approved for payment in the amount of $16.20. 4. That two field workers be authorized to attend the two-day seminar to be held in London in October 1987 with expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. :@~ c;;-r. Laverea ,. -0::. aoli.rman. ... . ;/--;J f~,y / / 310 ,. See amend- ment of end of Report RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Tl._ Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: l. Coun ty at the That Pioneer October the County pay for the admission to Museum of the Student Guests of the 1987 Session. the Elgin Councillors 2. That the total number of tickets to be used for the Warden's Banquet be limited to 375, including the complimentary ones, and that any Member of Council be allowed to purchase any number at S10.00 each up to October 23. 1987. 3. That each visiting Warden be given a plate as a gift and the visiting Clerk and Warden be given four complimentary refreshment tickets- each for the Warden's Banquet. 4. That the donation of $500.00 from the Bank of Montreal be used towards the cost of a free bar prior to the meal. 5. That acknowledgement be made on the program for the contributions made by the Bank of Montreal and the County Auditors, Deloitte Haskins arid Sells and that the list of Ex- Wardens be limited to those presently living. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -,IAA' 1 M ' ~_. .>')' ,tV . 1;. Ml.J.lm -~.~.,. ;;?tP~ * Item #2 was amended by deleting everything after "that" in the third line and inserting -each Member of Council be allowed to purchase two tickets in addition to their own, until October 10, 1987, after which time it will be on a first come, first served basis". COUNTY OF ELGIN 8y-Law No. 87-38 "DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 37 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) provides t:'~t: -Through Highway. means a highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister or by by~law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked by a stop ~ign or yield right-af-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry~ NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION (a) Road #18 from the west side of the road allowance between Concessions 11 and Ill, Southwold TownShip, to King's Highway #4. 2. The designation of Section 1 of this By-Law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 4. That this By-Law shall not come into effect until the approval of the Lieutenant Governor In Council of County of Elgin By-Law No. 87-25. 5. By-Law No. 87-1 is amended accordingly. 6. That By-Law No. 87-30 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 12 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-39 "DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS." WHEREAS Clause 37 of Subsection 1 of Section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198) provides that: ~Through Highway. means a highway or part of a high- way designated as such by the Minister or by by-law of a municipality and every such highway shall be marked bya stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Ministry. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 10 The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION (a) Road #55 from the south side of Road #38 to the north side of Road #45. 2. The designation of Section 1 of this By-Law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway, or where traffic control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided by the Highway Traffic Act and its regulations shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 4. By-Law No. 87 -1 is amended accordingly. 5. That By-Law No. 87-31 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 23rd day of September. 1987. READ a second time this 23rd day of September. 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987. ~ ;<:-.-..-J . ,.. r _..__....__ ..... vo .....v""............ Clerk. ~I~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-40 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section 104 (b) of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, C.198 as amended 1981) provides that: -The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction ove~ a bridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge. and the requirements of Subsection 1 of Section 104 (b) with respect to the posting of notice apply thereto.~; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof. whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge desi~ated"in Schedule No. I, forming part of this By-Law with a weight;" in;axcess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for..such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By- Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act. ' 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has. been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. 4~ By-Law No. 85-28 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed 9 READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987 --7 ~r""--,, G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <' 14 saiEOOLE 00. 1 By-Law No. 87-40 EaJNDARY ERII:GES WITH THE COUNI"f OF MIDDLESEX NlInber Bridga >b. (MICl Road >b. Naae of Bridge Location Weight L.inti.t in ToMeS Year of Construc- tion Type of Floor Finish .Adjoining Municipality l. 5-5 Ling's Lot 49, 15 1907 Corno:rete County of East Side Mirldlesex TaJhot Road North Bridga, Township of ~ld 2. 5-45 14 Middlem:i.ss Lot c, 18 1935 Concrete County of Concession lil, Mirldlesex ToImship of J:>mwich 315 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-41 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section 104 (b) of the Higaway Traffic Act (R9S.O. 1980, C.198 as amended 1981) provides that: ~The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge, and the requirements of Subsection 1 with respect to the posting up of notice apply thereto.-; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedules No.1 and No.2, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. By-Law of the Any person violating shall be subject to the Highway Traffic Act. any of the provisions of this penalty provided in Section 106 3. This By~Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. 4. By-Law No. 85-55 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987 ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 16 Number Bridge No. (MTC) Road Name of No. Bridge SCHEDULE NO. 1 By-Law No. 87-41 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS Location Weight Limit in Tonnes Year of Construc- tion Type of Floor Finish L 5-146 Wood 43 Phillmore Lot 3, Concession VI. Township of Bayham 15 1909 j II SCHEDULE NO. 2 By-:Law No. 87-41 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Number Bridge Name of Location Weight Year of Type of No. Bridge Limit in Construc- Floor (MTC) Tonnes tioD Finish 1. 5-59 Robbins Lot 5, River Road, 4 1898 Wood Township of Southwald 2. 5-60 Fulton Lots 3 and 4, 15 1912 Concrete Mill Road. Township of Southwold 3. 5-133 Meeks Lot 16, 18 1900 Concrete North Union Road, Township of Southwald 4. 5-138 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. II, 15 1908 Wood Township of Yarmouth 5. 5-158 Vienna Lot 14, Con. III, 20 Unknown . Concrete Bayham - now in the Recon- Village of Vienna structed in 1933 318 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-42 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ANO OTHERS APPOINTED TO VARIOUS LOCAL BOARDS ETC.." WHEREAS County Council wishes to set a remuneration to compensate Members of County Council and others who are appointed to serve o~ local boards and other bodies. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the various hospitals, shall be paid committee pay plus mileage from home to the meeting place, based on the number of meetings attendedo 2. FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN (CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY) Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee paYi plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. 3. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM BOARD Members of Elgin County Council appointed to serve on this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended. 4. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION The Member of County Council appointed to this Board shall be paid committee pay, plus mileage allowance from home to the meeting, based on the number of meetings attended9 5. THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Appointees to this Council shall be for a one-year period and shall be paid committee pay for attending meetings of the said Council. It is understood mileage is paid by the Health Council. 6. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION Elgin County Council appointee to this Commission shall be paid at the rate of $175900 per year (paid semi-annually) for his services performed on this Commission. He shall also receive convention rates set for County Council for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association Conven- tion. The year for purposes of remuneration shall end January 31st each year. 7. Payment for persons attending local boards or other bodies shall be made on the basis of written information provided to the County Clerk by the Membe~ of Council serving on the particular organization. 8. Any local board or Committee to which County Council makes appointments must receive Council's approval prior to any- one being appointed to a further board, in order to receive payment for his/her attendance on the second board. 319 - 2 - 9. All non-members of Council, appointed to outside boards or other bodies, must obtain Council's approval prior to attendance at convention in order to receive convention allowance reimbursement through the County. 10. This By-Law shall become effective upon passing. 11. That By-Law No. 85-25 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987 READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987 ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ,;."/ 320 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-43 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH HOURLY RATES FOR STUDENTS EMPLOYED AT THE MAIN AND BRANCH LIBRARIES." WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to establish hourly rates of pay for students employed by the Library. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the countyo~ Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following rates be established for students employed at the Main and Branch Libraries - Students - over 18 years - under 18 years $4.55 per hour 3.70 per hour. 2. That Paragraph 1 of By-Law No. 86-50 be amended by deleting the rates under the heading nStudentsn and substitut- ing the rates in Item 1. 3. That By-Law No. 86-71 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 4. That this By-Law become effective October 1st, 1987. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk ~? .7 ""Y;. ""'" . . Pureel , Warden. ' 321 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-44 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A STANDARD ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY MUNICIPAL LEASE WITH THE VILLAGE OF "UTTON." WHEREAS the Village of Dutton has acquired and reno- vated a new building for County Library purposes; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that a lease setting forth the terms and conditions, under which the said Village will provide the building to the County, be prepared, and WHEREAS the terms and conditions have been agreed to by the Village and the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the "Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease" with the Village of Dutton to provide a building for library purposes. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a second time this 23rd day of September, 1987~ READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987. ~--~~";4-,......' G. C. Leverton, Clerk ~~~y 7'"/urcell r/Warden. 'c 322 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-45 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE SEPTEMBER SESSION. 1987. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipa~ corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law! and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the September 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that b~half and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 23rd day of September, 1987. READ a second time this 23rd day of September. 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of September, 1987. ~~>4<-J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. F. Purcell Warden. 323 October Session - First Day Wednesday, the 28th day of October. 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10;00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair.. guest" ary for Each Councillor brought a Warden Purcell welcomed the the day. student to this Session as a guests and reviewed the itiner- ROLL CALL All Members present except: Reeve Lavereau.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mil1man Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the minutes of the September 1987 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Forest City Skating Club with request for'-::sponsorship and advertising as well as gifts for 150 souvenir boodle'bags. 2. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with request to have their annual grant paid on a quarterly baeis. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. London Public Libraries with request to support their brief with respect to curtailing certain user fee charges under Ontario Regulation 100/85. - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. City of Cambridgs with request for. support of their oppo- sition to the proposal, by the Federal Government, that trucks and truck trailers travelling on Ontario roads, be permitted to increase their maximum lengths and weight. 2. proposed October, Township of Aldborough advising that the report on Mills Drain will be considered on Thursday, the 8th 1987 at 7:30 P.M. the day of 3. that a amount County Ministry of Transportation and Communications advising supplementary subsidy allocation has been authorized in the of $320,000 for construction for the Kettle Creek Culvert on Road 45. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. County winter City Administrator, City of Windsor, suggesting that the convene a seminarQn Municipal Health and Safety this fall or for the local municipalities. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. County of Essex with resolution requesting legiSlation to place greater onus on the applicant for G.W.A., to provide all information required to determine eligibility, under the Spouse in the House rule. 324 - 2 - FILED L Bank of Montreal with advice of notice of loan interest rate change as follows: effective September 21. 1987 - decrease ~% to 10% effective October 9, 1987 - increase 1,;% to 101,;%. 2. County of Oxford with advance notice that their Warden's Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 26. 1988. 3. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of the recently announced Corporate Plan of the Ministry. 4. News Release Communique, Ministry of Tourism and Recrea- tion, dated October 1st, re: Six Ontario Volunteers presented with annual Corps D'Elite Awards by Lieutenant-Governor. 5. Norfolk Field Naturalists with a copy of their letter to the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk on the proposed by- law ~Destruction of Trees in Woodlots.. 6. Fam1ly & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to August 31st, 1987. 7. University of Guelph advising that the following are the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships: ANITA DIELEMAN R. R. n. WALLACETOW'N JONATHAN SEBOK STRAFFORDVILLE MICHAEL GOBLE R. Re #1, BELMONT KURT STRIEB R. Re #1, AYLMER. 8. Municipal longer be Ministry of Energy advising that applications under the Oil Conversion and Energy Conservation Program will no accepted after October 2, 1987. 9. Fam1ly & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and Financial Statement to September 30th, 19870 Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously be approved as follows: County Government Committee - #1-2 inclusive County Library Committee -.#1 County Roads Committee - '1-3 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1 Social Services Committee - #1 Filed - U-9 inclusive County Council - #1-5 inclusive. - Carried. Mr. Gordon H. Gibson, Chairman, Tobacco Area Industrial Strategy Study Committee. was present and it was moved by Reeve Perovich that he be now heard. Mr. Gibson addressed Council thank- ing them for allowing Reeve Perovich and Reeve Stewart to sit on the Committee. He reviewed the background on the Study and how it was carried out since its inception in 1986. He also reviewed the recommendations and answered questions from the Members of Council. The brief was referred to Council, under Unfinished Business, for the afternoon session. Reeve Martyn announced his intention to allow his name to stand as a candidate for the pOSition of Warden and sought support from the Members of Council. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Neukammm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Fischer. ,,~o 3 - County Council, October Session, 1987 Council took a brief break at this point to allow the students to retire and commence their itinerary for the day. FIRST REPORT- COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. An amendment was ..;. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Perovich That Item '5 (a) be amended in the second last sentence by adding the words -as possible- after .work-. The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The original Report, as amended. was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve DeKraker That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Pem.Air Limited with request to support their application for an expansion program linking Chatham, St. Thomas. five days a week, with Toronto International. 2. Maurice H. Beaudry, Economic Development Manager, City of st. Thomas, requesting a letter of support for the application of Pem'Air Limited to operate a daily commuter air service from Chatham to St. Thomas, to the Toronto International Airport. 326 - 4 - COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 3. St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request for adver- tisement in their 1988 program. 4. St. Thomas Municipal Chapter I.O.D.E. nominating Mary Durkin as their representative on the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. 5. Ontario Hydro with copy of a plan outlining a slight change in the tower design in the vicinity of Lynhurst Park. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we support the application from Pem'Air Limited and appropriate letters be sent~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Black That we subscribe to a full page advertisement in the St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival at a cost of $25.00 and repeat last year's end. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the nominee to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board for 1988 by the St. Thomas Municipal Chapter I.O~D.E. (Correspon- dence #4) be tabled to the December Session, 1987. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Fischer That Correspondence #5 be filed. '- Carried. Moved by Reave Stewart Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That we go into a Committee Of The Whole~ - Carried. Warden Pucell named Reeve Martyn as Chairman and it was agreed that Mr. F. J. Boyes, Director, Homes for Senior Citizens. would be allowed to sit in. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Stewart That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. Moved by Reeve McCann Seconded by Reeve Black That we do now adjourn (12:15 P.M.) to meet again on October 28th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M.. - Carried. - 5 - County Council, October Session. 1987 Council re-convened at 1:41 P.M~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Ford That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried~ Warden Purcell again named Reeve Martyn as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fischer That we do now adjourn (2:47 P.M.) to-meet again at 3:30 P.M., October 28th. 1987~ - Carried. Council re-convened at 4:13 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Reeve Emerson Reeve Lavereau Reeve Black Reeve McCann. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm. Deputy Reeve Mil~n declared a Conflict of Interest on Item #2 and refrained from discussion and voting upon it. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the Second Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve DeKraker and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve DeKraker and Reeve Stewart. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Ford. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Perovich That we endorse the seven Recommendations made by the Tobacco Area Industrial Strategy Study Committee. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That By-Law No. 87-46 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1987- be read a first time. -: Carried. 328 - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 87-46 be read a second tL~ee - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Martyn passed. That By-Law No. 87-46 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn (4:22 P.M.) to meet again on November 18th. 1987 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. .-::r~~..~ Go Co Leverton. Clerk. R. F. Purcell. Wardan 0 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request from the Forest City Skating Club (Correspondence #1) re: sponsorship advertising and gifts for souvenir boodle bags be filed. 2. That the request from the Elgin County Pioneer Museum to receive their annual County grant on a quarterly basis be concurred with and the grant be paid in equal installments on: March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 15th each year. 3. from 1987 That the request for a leave of absence, Sharon Roffel, for the period October 20th to has been granted. without pay, October 30th, 4. That the request from Susan D. Galloway, Secretary- Treasurer, Elgin County Land Division Committee, to alter her hours of work from the present 1:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. {daily} to 9:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. be concurred with and it become effective November 2nd, 1987 and that all the local municipal clerks and the Secretary of the Law Society be advised by letter. 5. That the resolution from the City of Barrie and County of Oxford's resolution re:construction and equipping of hospi- tals through Provincial grants be tabled to the November 1987 meeting for more research on the topic. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~/ E ~~Jj."~'l"'77:"0'7'l- ~ Eo Neukarnm, Cha:~~/ /~.~ - l .... ;/ / ,/ 330 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council. The Library Committee reports as follows~ 1. That the Belmont Scouts be allowed to rent the Belmont Library on a three month trial basis - October thru December, 1987. 2. That the Director of the OLS-Thames. Stan Skrzeszewski, is invited to attend the November Committee meeting to discuss regional systems and answer concerns of the Committee. 3. That the account Cor Custom Developed Computer Systems in the amount of $600.00 be paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~L /< ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAO COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation and COllmunications that they will provide a subsidy allocation of $320.000 which will support an expenditure of $400,000 for the repair of the Kettle Creek Culverts on County Road #45. In July an application was made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for subsidy to support supplementary expenditures in the amount of $700.000. The subsidy allocation of $320,000 is the Minister's reponse to that request. Work continues at the culverts with approximately half of the concrete work being completed. Backfilling of the completed portions continues and excavation of the rest of the culvert will start shortly. Work is being continued on an overtime basis with as much equipment and man power as can be utilized. 2. The Ministry's allocation for the Kettle Creek Culverts will allow some of the work which had been postponed to be undertaken. Work will include paving on County Road #42 (Malahide and Bayham Townships) from County Road '40 to the west limits of Port Burwell and County Road #2 (Aldborough Township) from the Canadian National railway tracks easterly to County Road 1#5. We will also b~ able to spend our full allocation on the purchase of new machiner"y. 3. Work at the Patterson's Bridge on County Road 630 will be completed within two weeks and the bridge-reopened. 4. Approximately 1,600 feet of curb and gutter replacement .ork on County Road 1#2 in West lorne has been completed. 5. A meeting was held with the County of Middlesex Road Committee on September 29th and items discussed included: . See amendment at end of Report (a) The.timing of construction on the Hubrey-Highbury-Radio Road extension. It was agreed that Elgin County would attempt to do as much of their work in Concession~XIII, Yarmouth-Township in 1988 and 1989. Continued . . . 32 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - OCTOBER SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. The Minister of Transportation and Communications has indicated that he would provide a 75% subsidy for all work on the extension. (b) Th~ replacement of the Tates Bridge was discussed,as the Engineers estimated that it would cost approximately 3.5 million dollars to replace the bridge. The Committee felt that the matter should be discussed further and arranged a meeting in November between representatives of the two County Road Committees the Townships of Dunwich and Ekfrid. (c) The County of Middlesex agreed that engineering for the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #l4 over the Thames River should proceed as soon as possible. It is hoped to start some of the soils tests this Fall. 6. An agreement is being negotiated with the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk for the maintenance of the County road between the County of Elgin and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk (from County Road #38 to County Road #42). Elgin County has agreed to perform winter maintenance on the road. pending ratification of a formal maintenance agreement. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEO //;Jp/u/ ~~_ p<-, / - HAIRMAN 11 Item 5{a) was amended by inserting "as possible" after the word ~work" in the second last line. HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to attend the Alzheimer's seminar in Chatham on November 6 and 7, 1987 with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i-U~,f -,r~ Al bert K Cha i rman' Ford, ,?~3#, 334 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Employee Policy 5.30 (b) be altered to provide that the County will continue benefits and pay the appropriate premiums for present health and welfare benefits for a period of up to five months where an employee is off the payroll for Workers' Compensation. layoff. long term disability. pregnancy or adoption leave for non-union employes who presently have the coverage. 2. That for the purpose of the Personnel Policy Manual the dates to be inserted as Date Approved and Date Last Revision be October 1st, 1987. 3. That Policy 6.10 (a) be altered to provide for ooe- half day before New year's be granted for all full time non- union employees. 4. That Section 9, Policy 9.50 of the Personnel Policy Manual be added to as follows: That Department Heads shall have the authority to grant such leaves. when prior approval is not practical, but shall report their decision to the appropriate Standing Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. 5. That subject to the approval and acceptance of the Elgin County Road Employee's Association, they be allowed the one-half day before Christmas 1987 and one-half day before New Year's off and that this be incorporated into their new agree- ment for 1988 when negotiated. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Aft ~;'a A. ~~"" Zr. Hman.. 7./ /d/'-;A//:/" v/p 'CA/(. i/ 335 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Conlinittee reports as follows: 1. That the quotation of John's Arrow Service to plow snow at $30.00 per hour and $80.00 per hour for removal has been accepted for 1987-88 for the County Administration Building. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ;/ C",. .~r€: - .. c;'a~' E:merson~ /I NJ..d-t,U ~ 336 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That the quotation of Gestetner Inc. be accepted for supplying one only Model 2320Z Plain Paper Copier and Cabinet at a cost of $2,979.00, plus provincial sales tax, for the Clerk-Treasurer's Office and that service at 1.5~ per copy be obtained for toner, developer. service, parts, drum and labour. 2. That the used Canon NP200 copier be offered for sale to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association at $200.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~o E~ Neuk ~ Chairma~' ~~?/>~? 4"~ .).)/ SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution from the County of Essex (Correspondence #1) be endorsed and copies sent to appropriate authorities. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. t';,,6,&/ ' A. J. D K /~LL Act. e raKer 10g Cha' . J.r_~? 'llR~ 338 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October Session, 1987 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows; 1. That an offer to lease the area, occupied by the Crown Attorney in the Court House, be made at a rate of $9,023.64 per year, payable monthly, subject to the same terms and conditions applicable to the balance of the building. 2. That the request from Reeve W. A. Martyn to rent the basement lunchroom and lounge on the night of December 9th, 1987, to hold a reception be approved, and that he take full responsibility for seeing that the building is securely locked and all lights turned off. 3. That the request from the Salvation Army to use a portion of the Court House grounds to enact a "live" Nativity Scene on December 17 or 18, 1987 be approved. However, as the County may not be the owner after November 30th, it is suggested that they also contact the potential owner for their permission. 4. That the correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs re: pOlicies for tendering public property be referred to the County Government Committee for review and action. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /{/ /: ~ . ,--------- dgson , ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-46 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER SESSION. 1987." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to baexercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed arid adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each,motion. and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the October 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that b~half and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day of October, 1987. READ a second time this 28th day of October, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of October, 1987. ~,.......~~'-' G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ;/?if;~ 340 November Session - First Day Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 1987 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 AeM., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Emerson Reeve McCann. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Pearson That the minutes of the October 1987 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. City of Toronto with resolution re: prosecutions and investigations re: .Conversion of Rental Housing to Hotel Use Under the Rental Protection Act, 1986-. 2. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of a letter to the Chairman of the Land Division Committee re: conditional consents. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. village of Rodney with resolution requesting the County to proceed with the new lease,retroactive to the date of the passing of the County Libraries By-Law. 2. Village of Port Burwell with resolution requesting that the new revised schedule be commenced for their library. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 14 TownShip of Malahide with copy of a letter to the Port Bruce Ratepayers Association rat requests to th$ Ministry of Trans- portation and Communicationso 2. County of Middlesex advising of a public meeting to be held November 20th. 1987 at the Westminster Township offices re: the Hubrey Road reconstruction. 3. Township of Yarmouth with a copy of a letter, forwarded to residents being served in the Lynhurst Area with new sewers, advis- ing that they have until AUgust 1st, 1988 to connect or the munici- pality will do so. 4. 179. County of Frontenac with resolutions opposing Ontario Bill PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Elgin-St. Thomas United Way Services with request to allow canvassing throughout the County of Elgin departments. 2. Bank of Montreal with information on their RRSP Payroll Savings Program. 3. City of Toronto with request to support a resolution requesting a change in Labour Legislation to exempt municipalities from Provincial Construction Agreements. J'fl - 2 - FILED 1. Bank of Montreal with notice that the prime interest rate has been decreased by 1% to 9~% effective October 23rd, 1987. 2. Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk advising that the information received re: the Perry Nuclear Generating Station be received as information. 3. Ridgetown College of Agricul~ural Technology advising th4t the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships were: Bonnie PENNINGS Rita DeWILD R. R. #3, Shedden R. R. #2, Rodney. 4. Ontario Hydro advising that environmental studies to locate new transmission facilities west and southwest of London are being initiated. 5. Reeve Lavereau with appreciation for kindness dUring his hospitalization. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the disposition of the Communications mailed previ- ously, and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government Committee - #1-2 inclusive County Library Committee - #1-2 inclusive County Roads Committee ~ #1-4 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1-3 inclusive Filed - #1-5 inclusive County Council - #1-5 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following employees received Certificates of Merit for service rendered: Retirement - Ruth Prowse received a Certificate for thirty-eight years of service, a cheque and a framed picture of the Court House from Warden Purcell and Chairman Pearson. In addition, a certifi- cate from John Wise, M.P., was also presented on his behalf. The following Road employees received Certificates from Warden Purcell and Reeve Stewart: Lloyd Webster - 20 years, plus Lapel pin David C. Hagerty - 20 years, plus Lapel Pin Derk Sloetjes - 15 years. Miss Jackie Van Meppelen Schepp ink of the Library Staff received a ten year Certificate from Warden Purcell and Chairman Pearson. The following employees from Terrace Lodge received a ten year Certificate from Warden Pureelland Chairman Ford; Nellie vandyk C. Virginia Weber Hazel M. Appleton. The following employees were absent and the Certificates were pre- sented to their Department Heads: John G. Hoffman - Roads Department - 20 years, plus Lapel Pin Mary J. E. Jenken - Terrace Lodge - 10 years. A brief recess took place in order for pictures to be taken. Mr. Noble Tufford, Chairman of the Land Division Committee, was present and it was moved by Reeve Martyn that he be now heard. Copies of their annual report were mailed out to Members of Council previously. Chairman Tufford reviewed the number of severances and also commented on the Ministry's letter with respect to .Consents in Principle- requiring zoning or Official Plan amendments. 42 _ 3 - County Council, November Session, 1987 Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the Report of the Land Division Committee regarding severances dealt with for the period November 1, 1986 to October 31, 1987 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Mr. Donald Carroll, Chairman of the Elgin County pioneer Museum, was present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren that he be now heard. Mr. Carroll presented his report on the act~vities of the Museum over the past year. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Schaper That the report of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The ~irst Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Hodgson and adopted on motion of Reeve Hodgson and Reeve Campbell. FIRST REPORT - ROADS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Stewart and adopted Oft motion of Reeve Stewart and Reeve Perovicho Mr. Charles Stafford, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, was present to present his annual report to Council. Copies of both Reports were prepared and distributed previously to Council and Mr. Stafford made some brief comments on each. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Stewart That the Tree Commissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That the Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures was mailed previously to Councilo Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That the Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the periOd January 1st to October 31st, 1987 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October 9th, 1987 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee was mailed previously to Council. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October 9th, 1987 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. .}'+.} - 4 - The Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council to October 9th, 1987 was mailed to Members of Council previously. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgi~ County Council to October 9th, 1987 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Citizens was mailed previously to Members of Council. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. The Salvation Army with copy of annual report and request for a 1988 grant. 2. Bank of Montreal advising that for 1988 current expendi- tures credit an amount of $5,000,000 has been approved'~" 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information for Rural Section (ROMA) Conference, set for February 7th _ February 10th, 1988. -, - 4. Mr. the Elgin County Crossman look into Museum. Pioneer Museum with request to have the restructuring of additional personnel at 5. Minister of Education with copy of the Report'of the Joint Committee on Trustee Distribution. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Black That Correspondence #1 from The Salvation Army requesting a grant be tabled to the 1988 Grant Session. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Perovich That the Museum Board be advised that they have the authority to hire Mr. Crossman to undertake their proposed personnel study within their financial means. - Carried. Correspondence #5 from the Minister of Education was referred to the County Government Committee by the Warden. Moved by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Fischer That Council Communications numbered 2 and 3 be filed. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. 344 - 5 - C~unty Council, November Session, 1987 Warden Purcell-named Reeve Black as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Reeve Ford That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to cor~lude the business at hand. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Bradfield That we do now adjourn (12:10 P.M.) to meet again on November 18th, 1987 at 1:30 P.M.. - Carried. Council re-convened at 2:32 P.M.. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve DeKraker Reeve Emerson Reeve McCann. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Purcell again named Reeve Black as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. FIRST REPORT - LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Pearson Seconded by Reeve Fischer That the First Report of the Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMBS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Campbell That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was - J't~ - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Wakeling Seconded by Reeve Black That Item 2 of the First Report of the Personnel Committee be amended by deleting Correspondence #1 (November Session) and referring it back to the Personnel Committee. The amendment was DEFEATED. The original Report was voted upon and Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That if necessary the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to extend the closing date for the sale of the Court House, upon such terms and conditions as determined by the Property Committee, acting on advice of legal counsel. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-47 -Being a By-Law to Set the Remunera- tion to be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-47 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Perovich Seconded by Reeve Black passed. That By-Law No. 87-47 be read a third time and fi~al1y - Carried. Moved by Reeve Bradfield Seconded by Reeve Stewart That By-Law No. 87-48 -Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 87-48 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Reeve Stewart Seconded by Reeve Bradfield passed. That By-Law No. 87-48 be read a third time and finally - Carried. Moved by Reeve Ford Seconded by Reeve Fischer That By-Law No. 87-49 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Munici- pal Lease with the Village of Vienna- be read a first time. - Carried. 346 _ 7 _ County council. November session. 19( Moved by Reeve Fischer Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 87-49 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Black Seconded by Reeve Ford That By-Law No. 87-49 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Pearson That By-Law No. 87-50 8Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Munici- pal Lease with the village of Port Burwell- be read a first time~ _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Schaper Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That By-Law No. 87-50 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-50 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No~ 87-51 DBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to sign the Necessary Documents to Undertake a Feasibility Study for Homes for the Aged Possible ExpansionD be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 87-51 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakel~ng That By-Law No. 87-51 be read a third time and finally passed. _ carried. Moved by Reeve Hodgson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 87-52 .Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign the Necessary Documents to Secure the Conditional Agreement to purchase property in Dunwich TownShip. be read a first time~ _ Carried. - B - Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-52 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 87-52 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 87-53 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session. 1987- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wakeling That By-Law No. 87-53 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Marr That By-Law No. 87-53 be read a third tim&and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Hodgson That we do now adjourn (3:49 P.M.) sine die. - Carried. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. R. F. Purcell, Warden. 348 .. COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 450 S"ns,,! Orive St. Thomas-Ontario N5R5Vl Phone (5191 631,,1460 October 30, 1987 Elgin County Council 450 Sunset Orive, ST. THOMAS. Ontario. NSR SVl TO: The Warden and Members of ElR!" County Council Attached is a report of the number of severances dealt with by the Land Oivision Committee for the period ~ovember 1, 1986 until October 31, 1987. Trusting this is satisfactory, I remain. S~J I~L<---......rl 'Cl..f'-~1 -- Noble G. TUfeor .. Chairman \ Land Division ommittee NGT/sdg Attached COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE November Session. 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 349 U\ND SEVEllAfCES NOVEM3ER I, 1986 to cx;roSER 31, 1987 The County of Elgin Land Division Committee reports as follows: G.C. N.G. E.L. N.L. ~ 18 3 - 11 y"""""" as 4 6 18 PORT STANlE{ . - 1 4 MALl'HIOE 4' 4 3 42 8AYHAM 23 1 2 19 SCUfH'rl)LD 19 2 14 . VIENNA . - . S . OORCIIESTER 9 3 . 8ELMJNf 4 - 3 i """"CH 7 2 . AYU<ER 12 - 2 10 ROlMY 4 4 PORT BURWELL 1 - 1 WEST COO'" 7 1 6 SPRlrJ3FIEI.D . - 5 llUITON 7 - 7 lOTAL (210) 196 14 :J7 .148 G.C. - GRANTID CONDInCNAL N.G. - rur GRANTED E.L. - EXISTINJ LOT N.L. - NEW LOT S . D. - SURPLUS twELLIOO RET. - RETIREM:NI' LOT 1/ OF' IIFARIN3S FULL DAYS 17 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. S.D. RE:f. . 2 1 7 4 $&'Y ~T 7~c-t:,t(. 350 ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM REPORT 18 NOVEMBER 1987 As you know9 this yeaf' your County Huseuw. celebrated ft's thirtieth annivl!!rsary. It was in 19579 that thehbtorfc hOllll!. that forms the IIIlfn part of the p"sent museum. was tumed over to the COtmty" by the Women's Institutes and the lODE. fully paid for and furnished with local articles of all type$p representing the pioneer days ofElgfn County. Severat eYents were held to mark the anniversary. the most'M!Cent being the display at Elgin Man. the 5th. 6th and 7th of November. According to the ladies whoworlted there. at least 3000 people looked at the displays and most of them also partook of the free anni versa..,. cail:e~ This annhersary yeal' also saw the printing of a "HeritagE Coole 8ook" . the Provincial GoYe~t. through the Mfnfstryof Citizenship and Culture. plid for half the cost of the boot. because H: fncludes bits of local history. When Ifli! recehed the money we ~i'fJ told that it .IS ttIe first tilllt an historical grant had been paid far A coat book. This yea.. we had pins and spoons IlIlde to sell. with the musetll eJ'est on them. We also started selling life merberships. lItlich cost $100.00. this adds llICIney to OUf' endoRlent fund. ff'Oli ..hich we i!rt allowed to spend the interest. Lne IIIiY bunding today. the lftUSeuI needs constant upkeep and repair. our constant lack of funds prevents us f~ doingllllny oftfttt things that need to be dooe. The bas8lerlt floor was painted but not the snllbby .al1~. We- P"1anned:tD plint the music 1"0011 with $600.00 we eXl'lI!Cted f1"Olll the W. F. ThOlllls FOWlldltfon. hut due to death. no money came this year. Our mainpl"Oblell'i arel now is the Agricultural-blinding 0" ham.. as1t-is'itftawn. where the agricultural. rallway artifacts and other bulky items are kept. that are too large for the house. This year we installed i! fire and burglar alarm in this building to protect the contents. HoweYer to lIll!@t lI'ItISetll standards. set by the go\!'emment. this building needs .to be insulated and han the SallIE type .of climate control1ed heating IS the marin building. If WI! cliln get County help with upgnding this annex. we should be abl@ to get I large proportion of the cost fMMi government grants. as_we did fop" the h@atingS)'5tellll.tn.the muSlelJli pf'Oll1tr. Hundreds of school chl1d~ tour the museum every yelll"' IInd in coldweatheF this building cannot be shown. which is too bad. becaUSE many of the things in here are more interesting to eh11dl"ei'i. than the clothes. furniture and dishes which are 11'1 the ll'lIin building. Bec:BUSl!! we have sa IIiIny school tours. Wfi.uked th" sdtool boards for' assistance. the public board gl\'l!! liS agf'lUIt of $1.000~OOc WG hl\le JOhlH the Elgi6 TOtir1st As!;@Ciat1on. hopfn, that wUl brin9' qre .,'fstton ud ii'lCOllli!c We bi.!dgeted 1'or costs of over $40.000.00 this ye&t'. of. wtt1di IliGfe tl'Ulii $23.000.00 al"E i1age$. WE are goil'll) to have /J tight squee:l::e finafteillly and would like to thank the Caunty foi" deciding to ply your grant of $10.000'00~Q fouf' fnst,', 11.a, ..,',... ther than ~ttfl'lq until th\!! end of the yellf'. ( , / f -1/--:, y',oft./l""'x'/C ([,,~t!1 Chairman of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Executiv@ Conatttee. ..., .. ./ ' ~/;~<<" ( , / (( 351 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Tne Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we accept the quotation of Honeywell Ltd. in the amount of $6,131.00 to maintain and service the electrical and mechanical equipment in the County Administration Building for the period December 1st, 1987 to November 30th, 1988. 2. That the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has been allowed to erect a sign on posts in front of 9 Gladstone Avenue. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. . /:/ J. W "6 .'t/ Act' '. T. dgson J.og Chairm' f . ....~n.7 f!J#l~' '4 ~ 352 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Patterson's Bridge on County Road #30 has been opened to traffic with only minor cleanup work remaining. 2. Paving has been completed on County Road 1#42 from the west limit of Port Burwell to County Road #40 in Malahide Township. Sand and gravel shouldering for the winler is nearly completed. 3. Paving has been completed on County Road #2 from the Canadian National Railway crossing at West larne east to County Road #5. Shouldering work is presently underway. 4. Work continues at County Road #45 Kettle Creek Culverts. The central portion of the culverts has been dug out and reinforcing steel and concrete are bein~ placed as weather conditions permit. Completion of thi s project wi 11 depend upon weather condi tions. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUU.Y SUBMITTED 1ht -:r~4 L -,~~ CHA ~. 14' ~~7 ~ /. C-e . / Y 353 TREE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT November Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, It gives me pleasure in reporting ~hat land clearing operations have been at a standstill in Elgin County again this year - with no applications forwarded. The amendments to our tree by-law. as suggested by my office and approved by the Ministry. were accepted and incorporated into Elgin county's By-Law in March of this year. I have been encouraged by the interest demonstrated by our residents. The section of the by-law referring to notification of intent to cut appears to be working satisfac- torily: however, compliance by localfirweood cutters still requires con- siderable effort to enforce. One of the most common questions regarding this by-law rests on the reference to metric measurement. Themajority of our woodlot owners have been educated under and farmed under the imperia~ system. Due to the unusua~~y low amount of precipitation this past Winter and Spring, logging operations were in fu~l swing with a large number of farm woodlots thinned. Several companies were engaged through- out the County with the largest operation carried out in Southwold Township. .where each farm along a lengthy stretch of County Road 20 was cut. In the hat dry weather logging operations were halted as the company mills boasted a ~arge inventory. As well. they became aware of end splitting on lags stocked in this dry air. During the peak logging season large quantities of logs were yarded along ditches awaiting transportation to the mills. This procedure was quite widespread thrOUghout the County. It may be necessary for the townships to carefully examine those areas for damage and assess reparation of road sides to the offending company. The Ministry of Natural Resources has been very active this year marking woodlots for saleable stack. In some cases their service has been called upon and maintained to a three-year extent prior to cutting. The Ministry has fulfilled the requests of the residents of Elgin in planting many thousands of trees. Unfortunately,due to the hat, dry Spring and Summer, the mortality rate was very high. In some areas as much as eighty-five percent of the seedlings did not survive. Top damage has become quite noticeable in many woodlots in Elgin~ One wonders if acid rain could be the culprit in this situation. A great deal more research of this problem and its legislation is necessary to protect one of our most valuable resources. It is with the co-operation of the citizens of Elgin that our beautiful forests are protected. Reports of cutting, especially firewood cutting, has aided the enforcement of proper forest management. The youth of our County is assured of the pleasures only forests can provide. The County and Township Clerks and their Staffs have been, as always, most helpful. Thier friendly assistance has enabled me to handle even the most difficult tasks with relative pleasure. Township road crews play an important role in informing my office and save many an extra trip. The Ministry of Natural Resources Staff always make me feel welcome and have been most helpful. To all of the above I extend a sincere thank you for your positive co-operation. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,-j ,.-' " (~ I,,. 1,., /' /t:;;;",; Charles C. Stafford, ~ Elgin count: T:~om~~ner, lj7;d~( '~ "/ 354 weED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, Our farmers were once again placed at the mercy of the wee~her. The promising early Spring warmth encouraged cultivation with many crops planted two to three weeks earlier than is usual. The dry conditions which followed suppressed germination. and later, halted growtho In early August the rainfall initiated a new problem. The chemical weed control had evaporated by this time and weeds were the first to react to the life rain offered. There were many weedy fields throughout the County. Crop yields were negatively affected by the presence of healthy weed stock. Farmers and custom operators must be cautioned under Section IS of the Weed Act, Chapter 530. No. 18, whereby all farm machinery must be cleared of weed seeds prior to travel on roads. Non-compliance will lead to charges under the Ontario Weed Act, R.S.Oo 493, Section 17. Local weed inspectors have the power to stop and inspect farm machinery for negligence. Please take the few minutes necessary to clean machinery of weed seeds. Again, many fields in Elgin were not cropped this year. Farm Credit. in possession of some of these farms, has been negligent in weed control and difficult to deal with when need has arisen to issue orders. The Township~ as well as the County completed effective road- side mowings. Bayham's new disc mower and tractor have operated impres- sively throughout their Township. Spray application was administered by all townships. The County chose not to spray, but opted for fence to fence cutting again this year. There is a movement underfoot to have Velvet Leaf listed as a noxious weed in our County. One township council, in particular, was petitioned this Fall. I would hope with every farmers co-operation Velvet Leaf can be controlled before it is necessary to enforce its control under the list of noxious weeds of Ontario. A new chemical is being tested now and is awaiting approval by the Ministry of Agriculture. It consists of a combination of three chemicals already being marketed separately. This combination of chemicals has had effective results in test plots of corn. Cockle Burr. remains a chronic problem in soya beans in most areas, however, most crops seem to be harvesting satisfactorily to date. The University of Guelph offered two meetings on weed control and weed identification this year, in April and August. I find these meetings most iriformative, particularly so with the introduction of new and experimental chemical weed control and test plots available to view. Dr. Alex, a weed specialist, chairs the meetings and arranged, as guest speaker. a weed specialist from Australia. It became quite clear that weed control was a widespread problem shared by all. These meetings are open to Weed Inspectors, County AgriCUltural Chairmen and County Wardens. In summation, I would extend a thank you to the people of Elgin County for their co-operation. My duties as your Weed Inspector have been made lighter with your assistance. My appreciation is also extended to County and Township Clerks and Staffs for their valuable aid. For the relay of information and the miles of driving saved in the expedition of a problem, road crews must be commended. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (oj / Charles . ,,-:. ' ;( ri7//. / <1g. C. Staff ~ - ,., :Ln County word,. _ eed ;#tor ~~f 0 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 355 I beg to submit the following statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1987. (This statement reflects accrual adjustments, made by our auditor for items paid or received in 1987 which pertained to the .year 1986): REVENUE Employee Deductions Workers' Compensation - (Pre-Levy) County Rates Interest Received County Roads Library - Revenue Court House - Revenue from Sale Miscellaneous Revenue Land Division Committee - Revenue Court House and Registry Office Recoveries Recovery of Rentals - Court House Block - 450 Sunset Drive Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits General Support Grant Resource Equalization Grant EXPENDITURE Council Members Administration Administration 8uildings - 9 Gladstone Avenue New Administration Building - 450 Sunset Drive Court House Maintenance Grants County Roads Children's Aid Society Elgin Manor Home For The Aged - Budget Terrace Lodge Home For The Aged - Budget Debenture Debt - Interest Interest On LoanS and Capital Borrowing Write-Off of Taxes Agricultural Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Suspense Account St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT B~1ance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1987 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1987 $ 197,571.37 28,316.68 2,947,183.16 45,152.27 3,455,376.46 164,003.70 25,118.53 1.00 28,220.00 36,393.30 64,850.00 9,796.90 56,657.98 501,461.87 226,771.00 196,241. 00 7 983 115.22 -$ 99,173.63 203,231. 79 15,076.92 67,954.93 38,994.66 4,600.00 5,596,451.87 96,369.20 85,147.03 165,224.74 16,500.00 95,108.91 1,121.50 28,754.42 7,670.62 187,222 . 50 734,895.76 20,173.52 148,478.26 615,441. 89 17 ,247 .41 699.86 S 8,245.539.42 $ 110,204.36 cr. 18,868,393.42 $18,758,189.06 18,440,774.16 $ 317.414.90 356 - 2 - ELGIN MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1987 Receipts S e 2,808,795.42 2,808,795.42 2,902,643.74 S 93 848.32 0/0 Expenditures Balance in Bank arid On Hand October 31st, 1987 TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1987 Receipts S e 1,495,072.62 1,495,072.62 1,569,538.41 S 74465.790/0 Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1987 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. G.c.~)4 County ~~erton, ~' erk an,q ~:i~r Jof TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES November Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending October 9th, 1987 as authorized by the following By-Laws: Name Appointed To Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions Total By-Law No. 85-25 By-Law No. 87-42 Auckland, A. W. 5 t. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 175.00 S 609.48 S 784.48 By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-61 Bv-Law No. 87-8 Benner, M. C. Carroll, L. R. Littlejohn, A. B. McKinlay, J. V. Tufford, N. G. Land Division Committee 2,034.44 2,003.47 1,169.80 2,387.16 1,668.22 9,263.09 547.22 422.22 969.44 2,034.44 2,003.47 1,169.80 2.934.38 2,090.44 10,232.53 TOTAL $9 438.09 $1 578.92 $11 017.01 ALL of which is respectfully submitted~ G ~ '. C. Lev ~ ~ ., . Y- Count erton ~ r;"i:J7^ /J /f#;A( / 58 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES November Session, 1987 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the fOllowing itemized statement of the remuneration, ~"leage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending October 9th, 1987: Paid To Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards + Conventions By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-25 By-Law No. 86-69 * By-Law No. 86-70 By-Law No. 87-42 By-Law No. 86-20 By-Law No. 87-32 Total (1) 764.48 .s 3,494.72 (1) 609.48 2,738.88 (1) 764.48 3,231.75 (1) 599.48 3,193.68 1,468.10 2,434.16 (1) 609.48 3,099.36 (1) 789.48 4,313.88 (1) 564.48 3,214..70 (1) 1,240.90 2,855.52 2,019.80 1,787.68 2.898041 (1) 599.48 3,167.98 (1) 414.66 3,648.95 1,166.12 (1) 336.66 3,050.34 2,173.52 (1) 1,240.90 4,833.70 (4 ) 7,076.21 22,904.34 2,354.46 3,402.81 ( 1) 414.66 2,819~48 3,918.23 (2) 1,240.14 4,073.14 (19 ) $17,264.97 $94,263.71 Black, C. I. Bradfield, R. T. Campbell, J. D. Chute, D. V. De Kraker , A. J. Emerson, K. C. Fischer, J. Ford, A. K. Hodgson, J. W. Lavereau, R. J. Lyle, H. F. Marr, E. H. Martyn, W. A. Mezenberg, H. J. Millman, M. L. McCann, J. A. Neukamm. E. Pearson, D. H. Perovich. D. Purcell, R. F. Schaper, K. M. Stewart, M. H. van Kasteren, A. J. Wakeling, J. L. Willsey, C. R. $ 2,730.24 2,129.40 2,467.27 2,594.20 1,468.10 2,434.16 2,489.88 3,524.40 2,650.22 1,614.62 2,019.80 1,787.68 2,898.41 2,568.50 3,234.29 1,166.12 2,713.68 2,173.52 3,592 .80 * 15,828.13 2,354.46 3,402.81 2,404.82 3,918.23 2,833.00 TOTAL $76,998.74 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended + Convention amounts include all payments made to November 4, 1987 Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .-.~ G. C. Leve ~'--~/ Count rton, y Tr.~Jsu~ ":lIf?~~' 359 DIRECrOR!ADMINISTRATOR1S ANNUAL REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: The financial report covering Elgin County Homes for senior citizen~ (Elgin Manor, Terrace lodge and Byrne Rest Home, our Satellite Home) is attached showing the actual budget up to october 31st 1987. The Committee of Management of Elgin Manor and Terrace lodge had requested a further 25 extended care beds from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, however, we are not yet in receipt of these beds. As of the 31st of October we were operating at 96% occupancy at Elgin Manor and 97.5% at Terrace Lodge. The per diem fate for Elgin Manor and Terrace lodge for 1987 was $37.50 per day, and the Byrne Rest Home per diem rate was $23.50 per day. With regard to the Satellite Home in Flngal, we have not been encouraging residents to enter the Satellite Home as we eave been concentrating on full occupancy at Elgin Mano~ and Terrace Lodge. As of October 31st we did have 4 residents staying in the Byrne Rest Home. As I have stated before, the Satellite Home should continue to be part of the Elgin County Homes for senior citizens as it does allow the seniors an alternative from a larger institutional setting and I am sure one day very soon we will be utilizing the space allocated to us at the Byrne Rest Home aaain. The Home Support Program being operated in Elgin County has certainly increased and we have' approximately 40 seniors on Tuesday at Elgin Manor and about 17 seniors at Terrace lodge on Thursday, and we have now started another day at Elgin Manor which has appooximately 6 or 7 seniors. With the purchase of the two buses for our Homes; one being donated by the Knights of Columbus in Aylmer at a cost of $25,000. has certainly increased the programs to now arrange for our residents to enjoy many more bus trips. 360 -2- There has been much discussion by Elgin County with regard to expanding the Homes for Senior Citizens and [ would certainly encourage the County of Elgin to give serious consideration to the updating of Elgin Manor and the building of a new Home in the West. We must remember that the senior citizens of today has accepted the t~pe of facility we have at Terrace Lodge and Elgin Manor, however, the person we will be serving for the next 20 years will increase in number, but will also require a much higher standard of living accommodation as the senior citizen of tomorrow is the 32 year oid of today. We have already noticed that the seniors entering our Homes are asking for much more privacy and much more dignity than they were in the last 10 years. We must also consider the Alzheimer resident whO will be entering our Home. As you know the Alzheimer So~iety in Elgin County has now been formed and I have been appointed President of the St. Thomas-Elgin Chapter and I certainly feel that Alzheimer residents will be admitted into our Homes and we will have to consider the type of faCility required for the Alzheimer patlent. Alzheimer has become a medical prOblem over the last few years and we are having residents in our Homes, and also the younger population, being diagnosed as Alzheimer patients. This disease can start in the younger aged person and it has been known to effect persons in the age group 30. but particularly in the 40's and 50's age group. I realize when we talk about expansion, we are talking about a long term expansion of approximately 5-10 years, however, I have seen an increase in th~ number df residents requesting admission to Elgin Manor and Terrace lodge over the last six months and with our Home Support Program keeping the ambulatory senior in the community, it certainly will be a need for more extended care beds in both of our Homes. And if a Home is to be built in the West, then consideration should be given to extended care beds and residential beds. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking the County and the Committee of Management for the expertise offered in the care of the aged over the last year and look forward to some further inovative ideas throughout Elgin County during the course of the next few years. 361 -3- We have now made one step further with the accredi~tion of b~ Hom~s. We have in October of this year had the accreditation team in Elgin Manor and Terrace lodge and reports given to us from the accreditator were very positive and r am waiting now for result as to whether we receive a one year or a two year or a three year accreditation. the accreditation process, which took us over 5 years to be ready, allowed us to build up a great enthusiastic team in our staff and I was very delighted with the attitude of our staff in all areas in preparing for accreditation. I would state that the senior citizens in our Homes are now living longer than ever before and it is obv IOus that we are now looking at three different types of our aging population: the 65-75 year senior citizen is not making applciation to bur Homes; the 85-95 year senior is making application to our Homes in our residential setting:;; but 95-100 year seniors are making application to extended care, therefore~-over the last. 15 years we have seen a somewhat different senior citizen being cared for in our Homes, however, it does mean that the persons who are residing in our Homes are again living longer and are requiring more nursing assistance because of the mental and physically frail condition they are in. Respectfully submltted F. J. BOYES, Director/Administrator 362 DIRECTO,.,AOMINISTRATOR'S REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPORT ON ELGIN MANOR FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 19B7. 1. Number of residents as of Oecember 31, 1986.................136 2. Number of residents admItted during the year ............... 48 3. Number of residents discharged during the year ............. 97 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the yeaf ............... 5 5. Number of residents now in the Home ........................141 6. Total days residence .....0.0......................... 43,270 7. Average number of residents during the year 0....0...... 138 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). 9. 8. RECEIPTS PrOVInce of Ontario Subsidy ...........................$1,028.976.90 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance............. $1,050,236.44 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased residents. $ 36.391.72 Sundries .............................................. nil Government of Canada Sales Tax refund ................. $ 8.339.17 DEDUCTIONS Cost at Operating.................................. Average Expenses per day of each person............ Average Expenses per week of each person........... Average Expenses per year of each person........... Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts..... Actual Cost to County per day per resident......... $2.294, 120.8B $53.01 $371.07 $19,348.65 $170.176.65 $3.93 10. CAPITAL EXPENOITURE5 Cost ot capItal Expenditures....................... Province of Ontario Subsidy........................ Actual Cost to the County 0.00..................... n 1 n 1 n 1 11. There were 184 persons in 125 female:--Of the 141 OT'November 1987, ~ are residence during 1987. 59 male and persons in residence on-rhe first day male and ~ are female. 12. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January 1st, 1987 to October 31st, 1987. All of which is respectfully submitted. 363 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLOWING IS MY REPORT ON TERRACE lODGE FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31, 19B7. 1. Number of Residents as of December 31, 1986...............99 2. Number of residents admitted during the year..............15 3. Number of residents discharged during the year............51 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the year.............. 0 5. Number of residents now In the Home.......................91 6. Total days residence.............................. 28,583 7. Average number of residents during the year...~..........95 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). 8. RECEIPTS Province of Ontario Subsidy..........................$249.016.06 Old Age Pension and Resident's Maintenance.............$845,543.32 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased - residents.. $18,898.93 Sundr i es.. .. .. .. ... .. . .... . . ... . .. .. ...... .. . .... .-.'~-... nil Government of Canada Sales Tax refund...........~<... $2,909.38 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost at Uperating...... ... _.. .... .... ...... .........$1,223,088.86 Average Experises per day of each person.........~.... $42.79 Average Expenses per week of each person............ $299.53 Average Expenses per year of each person.............. $15,618.35 Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts...... $106,721.17 Actual Cost to County per day per resident.......'... $3.73 10. CAP [TAL EXPENDITURES ~ost at CapItal ~xpenditures....................... Province of Ontario Subsidy............~........... Actua 1 Cost to the County........................... ni 1 nil ni I 11. There were 114 persons In residence during 1987. 25 male and 89 female.--oT the 91 persons in residence on theTlrst day of November 1987, ~ are-male and 21.. are female. 12. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January 1st, 1987 to October 31st 1987. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 364 DIRECTOR/ADMINISTRATOR REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLlOWIN~ IS MY REPORT ON BYRNE REST HOME FOR TEN MONTHS ENDING OCTOBER 31st, 1987. ,. Number of residents as of December 31, 1986...............4 2. Number of residents admitted during the year.............. 1 3. Number of residents discharged during the year............ 1 4. Number of deaths in the Home during the year.............. 0 5. Number of residents now in the Home....................... 4 6. Total days residence......................................933 7. Average number of residents during the year................ 4 (This figure does not reflect the number of residents in hospital for whom beds are being held). 8. RECE I PTS PrOVInce of Ontario Subsidy...................... .... $1,303.63 Old Age Pension and Resident's ~aintenance...........$19,765.17 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased f.esidents.. nil Sun-dries......................................... .... nil Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund................ nil 9. DEDUCTIONS Cost at Operating............................... Average Expenses per day of each person......... Average Expenses per week of each person........ Average Expenses per year of each person........ Actual Cost to County after deducting receipts.. Actual Cost to County per day per resident...... $21,627.50 $23,18 $162.26 $8,460.70 $558.70 $.59 10. There were 5 persons in residence during 1987. 3 male and 2 female.--rif the 4 persons in residence on therirst day of NOVember 1987, ~ are- male and ~ are female. 11. The figures in #1 through #10 above are for the period January 1st, 1987 to October 31st 1987. All of which is respectfully submitted. 365 HOME SUPPORT PROGRAMS Meals-On-Wheels: . At Terrace lodge we have volunteer services deliver meals-on-wheels to the community and at present there are 135 meals per weeK being delivered. a total of 5940 meals since January 1st, 1987. 20 rural meals are delivered weekly totaling 880 since the beginning of the year. All rural meals are delivered by Home staff. At Elgin Manor, being a rural area, it is difficult to get volunteers however, we are delivering approximately 12 per week, 505 yearly. Da~ Care: This program is a very important program to senior citizens who are residing in their own homes or with their families. It means that the senior citizen can attend the Home activities on a daily basis enjoying a hot meal, bathing assistance, hot wax treatments, diet counselling, craft and recreation programs. Transportation is provided. The flat rate for this day care service is $6.00 per day. Since January 1987 Terrace- lodge has provided 607 Day Cafe days, 409 whirlpool baths, and 29 hot wax treatments. Elgin Manor has provided 1359 Day Care days, 32 weekly, 732 baths, 18 weekly, 46 wax treatments. 82 dietary and 25 for hair care. Vacation Cafe: This program assists senior citizens who are residing with their families and may be admitted to the Home for_.,a short term admission which enables the family to take a vacation k<<owing their family member is being cared for and at the present time Terrace lodge has admitted 2 vacation care residents and Elgin Manor has admitted 11. Recuperation Care: Senior citizens who have been hospitalized may require more professionaL nursing care which the Home for Senior Citizens can provide. A short term admission should be arranged prior to hospitalization. Terrace lodge at the present time has 1 senior citizen in this program and Elgin Manor has not had any admissions to this program this year. Footcare: Dr. larson has been making visits to the Homes every four to SlX weeks. Terrace lodge averages 20 participants per visitation, and Elgin Manor averages 40 participants per vis,itation. Beauty Parlour: Owing to the fact that we have so many people at Elgin Manor enjoying the Home Support Program we normally have approximately 3 ladies who use the beauty parlour on their day care visitation to Elgin Manor. 25 h~ir appointments have been given at Elgin manor. Terrace lodge has perhaps one apPOintment per month. Telephone Call for Assistance: We have supplied telephone stickers to the senior clttZens in the community and we are available on a 24 hour basis should the senior require some sort of assistance to continue living in the community. Telephone Assurance: Seniors residing alone in the community are Gontacted dally by the Home ensuring the senior is in good health. This program provides a friendly visit to a senior who might not otherwise be contacted. 366 Counsellinq and Referral: Seniors may contact the Horne with regard to programs or serVices tor the elderly. The Home endeavours to supply the senior with accurate details and/or referral to the proper agency. Assistance is offered to seniors in completing pension applications, tax grants or income taxes. Menu P!anninQ: Nutrition for the elderly is a concern for the Home. ~enlors who would like assistance in maintaining a proper diet should contact the Home and our dietitian will provide necessary information and guidance. A number of day care participants keep weekly appointments with the dietitian to assist with weight control. 82 sessions have been provided by our Home Dietitian. Winter Residence: We are pleased that senior citizens in Elgin County are participatIng in this program and at the present time 2 senior citizens are enjoying the winter residence at Terrace and 1 at Elgin Manor. These residents are able to enjoy the accommodation for a short term and the cost is determined on the ability to pay basis. Exercise Program: Fitness is a concern for senior citizens and we are pleased that we are operating an excellent swim program at Terrace LOdge and at the present time we have 31 senior citizens twice a week enjoying this program. Also the services are offered to the YWCA for programs for tots and teens and also to the Mentally Retarded Association in Springfield who use this facility. Blood Pressure Clinics: This is offered at Terrace Lodge through the RegIstered Nurses Association of Elgin County aod has certainly found to be an excellent program and we have 10 seniors per month enjoying this once a month. The Elgin County Health Unit offers a Health Clinic every first, second and third Tuesday of each month. Blood pressure, footcare and general health concerns can be discussed with a Registered Nurse. 42 participants monthly attend the Health Clinic in the Drop-In Centre at Terrace lodge. These programs are offered to assist our senior citizens who reside in their home and the seniors certainly seem to benefit from these programs and it enables our seniors to get to know a Home for the Aged prior to makin9 the application to move io to the Home. 198? HOME SUPPORT PROGRAM SUMMARY Jan.1/8? - Oct.31/8? TERRACE lODGE ELGIN MANOR *Meals~On-Wheels: eekly) 135 in town! 5940 yearly w 20 rural I 880 yearly *Oay Care: 15 week 607 yearly .Vacation Care: nil *Recuperation Care: *Assisted Bathinq; 409 yearly, 10 weekly *Hair Care: maybe l/month *Health Clinic:(O.I.C.-Health Untt) 430 yearly, 42 monthly *Blood Pressure: 7 month *Swim ProQram: 746 yearly, 20x2 weekly *Wax Treatments: 29 *Meals-On-Wheels: 12 week/50S yearly *Oay Care: 32 week 1359 yearly *Vacat ion Care: 11 *Recuperation Care: nil .Assisted 8athinq; 732 yearly, 18 weekly *Wax Treatments: 46 *Oietary: 82 *Hair Care; 25 367 Vacant Beds: 8 Vacant Beds: Waiting list: 25 female. Waiting list: 42 female 18 male. 28 male 3 married 4 married couples couples In Hospital: 3 In Hospital: 4 8 Toeal Expenditures Home Support Exp. Total Expendlture~ TOTAL REVENUES Operating Home Support Provincial Subsidy Home Support: County-Operating Home Support Residential Per Diem Extended Per Diem CrO~::l P..r Diem ELGIN COUNTY HOMES - 1987 - SE~T~MBER BUDGET 1987 S""pt. Proposed Proposed ~ 'iARIANCE $4,358,960.00 P.269,220.00 $3,139,015.81 $130.204.19F 121. 778. 93 91.334.20 82.405.14 8,929.06F $(, .480, 731::1. 9"\ $3. 'Ifill, "')ll. 20 $3,221,420.95 ~139.133.25F $2.324.239.00 $1.743.179.25 $1.707,270.64 $(35.908.61)1 48.958.85 36.719.14 25.806.68 (lO.912.46)l $2.373.197.85 $1,815.474.64 $1.733,077.32 $(46,821.07)t $1.653,380.00 $1,240,035.00 $1,181,618.20 60.731.21 45.548. t.l 39 .618 .92 $1,714,111.21 $1.285,583.41 $ 386,883.00 $ 290,162.25 $ 250,127.17 12.088.87 9,066.65 16.979.54 $ 398.971.87 $ 299,228.90 $ 267,106.71 37.18 37,18 73.37 68.37 48.87 48.01 *Note: Provincial Subsidy Allocaccd is $1,641,000.00 Expendi tures Residential Extended Care Total Expenditures Expenditure Recov. Total ~xpenditures REVENUES Residential Care Extended Care Estates-Deceased Total Revenues Deficit Prov.Subsidy Deficit after Subsi County Share Resident Days Cost to County Gross per diem ReSidential per die Extended Care per d ELGIN MANOR - SEPTEMBER BUDGET Sept.Budget '87 ProPosed Proposat $ 719,391.00 $539.543.25 2.142.612.00 1.606.959.00 $2.862.003.00 $2.146.502.25 5.000.00 3,750.00 $2.857.003.00 2.142.752.25 $ 666.679.00 $ 500.009.25 603.856.00 452.892.00 30.000.00 22.500.00 $1.300.535.00 $ 975.401.25 $1.167.351.0 $ 1.297,000 $972.750.00 y $194.601.00 $194.601.00 40.143 4.85 53.38 ,m Actua I $472.497.40 1.578.247.29 $2.050.744.69 8,339.71 $2.042.404.98 369 Variance $67.045.85 28.711.71 $95.757.56 4.589.71 $100,347.27 Fav Fav Fav Fav Fav $ 458,507.14 ($41,502.11) UnF 456.306.19 3,414.19 Fav 32.844.32 10,344.32 Fav $ 947,657.651($27.743.60) UnF i i $1.094,747.53; $72,603.67 Fav , $945.719.71! $149.027.82 I I $149,027.82 I I I 39.669 I I I 3.76 I I I 51.49 28.49 68.37 o ~~_... .......-.. -----. - .)1;.... ll:.nUl;.l~ ':10J ElM Annua 1 Illldget to 1 Actual I Variance Ru~id~llt ~~~~ Budget September 1001 Salaries $94.041.00 $70.530.75 $68.542.89 $1.987'.86 fay 1002 Benefits 13,565.00 10.173.75 8.820.21 1.353.54 fa, 1004 Clothing: Res.Care 100.00 75.00 75.83 (0.63) Unf 100'1 Cl_~tlling: l::xt .Cacu 100.00 75.00 t 32 .87 (57.671 Unf 1005 Ree. &. Ent.ertainment 4.500.00 3.375.00 2,156.89 1.218.1 t fa. 1006 Hobby Crafts (400.001 (300.001 111. 60 (411.60) Unf 10068 Hobby Crafts-Adjuvant 100.00 75.00 62.90 12.10 fa, 100B Equip.Repairs, Mtce. 500.00 375.00 220.26 154.74 fa, 1009 Equip.-Replacements 1011 Other-BeaUty Shop &1ppl.ie$(tl,OOO.OO) (8.250.00) (8.831.67 581.67 fa, 1011 Other - Barber (1.000.001 (750.00) (648.00 (102.00) Uof 1011 Other-Tissue, KLeenex 50.00 37.50 37.50 fa, Total $100.556.00 $75.417.00 $70.643.98 $4.773.02 fay ElM Dietary Services 2001 Salaries 2002 Benefits 2003 Purchased Services 200" Raw Pocd Costs 2005 Replacement Dishes 2006 Misc. SUpplies 2007 Equip.Repairs, Htce. 200a Equip.Replacements 2009 Miscell 3neous 503 Staff Meal Tickets Total 159.090.00 3,000.00 16.636.50 3,375.00 I 6.750.00 I 975.00 I (4.125.00 I , I $614.415.001 $460.811.25 i$430. 335 .601$30.475.65 $321.261.001 $240.945.75 45.552.001 34,164.00 $221.179.46 22.938.00 554.59 161,386.57 2.873047 16.033095 3,677 .94 3.886.08 715.52 (2.910.00 212-,120.00 4,000.00 22.182.00 4.500.00 9.000.00 1,300.00 (5.500.00 $19.766.27 11.226.00 (554059) (2.296.571 126.53 602.55 (302.94) 2.863.92 259.48 (1.215.00 ) Fav fa, Unf Unf fav fay unt faY fav unf Fav 371 -2- t::/M Annual Budget to I Actual I Variance Medical Nursing Budget September 3001 Sal aries $1,012,070.00 $759.052.50 $780,996.46 $21,943.96) Unf 3002 Benefits 140,000.00 105,000.00 83.081.80 21.918.20 fa> 3003 Home Physician 8.640.00 6,480.00 6.168.60 311.40 fa> 3004 Nu.r sing Su ppl ies 11,880.00 8,910.00 12,191.34 (3,281.341 Unf 3005 ~quip.Repairs.Mtce. 2.184.00 1,638.00 1,558.02 79.98 fa. 3006 Equip.Replacements 7.809.00 5,856.75 651.80 5,204.95 fa. 3007 Other-Dentist 2.000.00 1,500.00 564.00 936.00 fa. 3007 " -E:ye Care 200.00 150.00 59.50 90.50 fa> 3007 " -~~oot Care 500.00 375.00 375.00 fa. 3007 Other MiscQ 3,000.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 fa. Approved Drugs 200.00 150.00 150.00 fa. lota 1 -$1.188,483.00 1891.362.25 $885,271.52 1$6.090.73 I elM I Housekeepinq I 5001 Sal aries $ 180,208.00 1135,156.00 Ip18,l76,7) 1$/6,97-9.,"", fa, 50Q2 Benefi ts 25,229.00 18,921.75 114'254.85 4,666.90 fa, 5004 Pest Control 444.00 333.00 785.02 (452.021 Unf 5004 Wax Cleaners 6.755.00 5,066.25 J 4,319.40 746.85 F~v, 5004 Mops & Pails 2,060.00 1,545.00 I 1,172.17." 372.83 faY 5005 Equip.Repa~rs, Mtce. 500.00 375.00 i 369.61 fa, I 5.391 5006 equip.Replacements 5,000.00 3.750.00 1 3,750.00 faY 1011 Tissue, Kl eenex 3,328.00 2,496.00 I 2,987.51 (491.511 Unf Total $223,524.00 1167,643.00 l$141..701.02 J :}2~,..9-4-1..9~ fa, 2 ElM Annual B....dgel to Laundry Services Budqet September Actual Variance 6001 Salaries $68.294.00 $51,220.50 $ 51,]].0.37 $ (89.ll.l).tlFav 6002 Benefits 9.561.00 7.170.75 4.976.71 2.194.04 Fav 6004 lleplacements,Bed/Linen 6.500.00 4,875.00 4.060016 814.84 Fav 6006 S~ap, Bleach 6,585.00 4.767.67 1.817.33 Fa, 6Q06 Thread, Thermopatch 500.00 375.00 91.09 263.91 Fa, 6007 equip.Repairs,Mtce. 2.800.00 2,100.00 716.09 1.383.91 F~v 600B Equip Replacements 2,000.00 1,500.00 242.61 1.257.39 Fav Total ~ $98.435.00 $73,826.25 $ 66,164.70. $. 7 ,.66L5-5~ Fa, ElM Building & Maintenance 8001 Sal aries $81.315.00 $60.986.25 $ J4,241.6Z!,$(13,255.31) UnF I B002 Senefi tS 12.095.00 9,071.25 " ''''; (3.075.40) Unf 8003 Purchased Services 4.112.00 3,084.00 2,747.06 336.94 Fav (Pice Alarm) 8004 fuel 52,000.00 39.000.00 34,526.4 4.473.54 Fa, B005 ElectriCity 4U~U8 36,;00.00 27,17S.3~ 4.m:\\ Fav 8005 Water , 41. 50 6,41 .1 . Fav BOOG Garbage Collection 3.409.00 2.556.75 2.556.7 BOO a Insurance-Boiler 4,120.00 3,090.00 4,250.0 (1.160.00) UnF 8009 Rent 100.00 75.00 - 75.00 Fa, a.010 l.ight Bulbs 1.780.00 1.335.00 1.095.3 239.67 Fav . BOlO Repa.i.rs 40,700.00 30.525.00 30.268.5 256,S.0:.\ Fa, 8012 Equip.Replacements 41,055.00 30.791.25 13,692.0 17 ;099.20 Fa, 9011A Home Vehicle 63.567.00 47.675.25 59.273.21 (11.598.02) UnF 8010 Water Service f...ine 1,000.00 750.00 - f . 750.00 Fa." Total $355,575.00 $266.681.25 $268., J.86-.1,1 Hl-~'704. 96) Un " . 373 ElM f'uneral &. Burial 7001 Expenses Annual lludqet Budget to SeEtember Actual Var'iance 11,000.00 I $750.00 $750.00 faY ElM General &. Administrative 9001 Sal aries $144,546.0 $108.409.50 1 88,777 .64 $19.631.86 faY 9002 Benefi ts 21.682.0 16,261.50 15,091.14 1.170.36 faY 9001A Sick Day payou t 4,000.0 3.000.00 3.000.00 fay 9003 Contract Service 12,200.0 9,150.00 5,183.0.0 3,967.00 fay 9004 Advertising 800.0 600.00 I 1,768.31 (1.168.31 ) Unf 9005 Audi t 3.550.0 2,662.50 2.662.50 fay 9006 Insurance 5,910.0 4,432.50 I 3.154.50 1.278.00 fay 9006 Workers' Crnp;nsatioo. i (8,524.54) 31,753.0 23,814.75 I 32.339.29 Unf 9007 Legal 6.000.0 4,500.00 7.006.67 (2.506.67) Unf 900B Postage 3,400.0 2.550.00 I 2,214.80 335.20 fay 9009 Printing &. St8tionarv6.500.0 4,875.00 I 4,576.28 298.72 fay 9010 Telephone 10.000.0 7.500.00 7.152.05 347.95 fay 90U Travelling & Convent..._!.3,750.0 10.312.50 I 12.609.66 (2.297.16) Unf 9012 Equip.Repairs & Mtce. 900.0 675.00 I 719.94 ( 44.94) Unf 9013 Equip. Repl acements 2.000.0 1.500.00 i 421.53 1.078.47 fay 9014 Other: Misc. 4.800.0 3.600.00 I 2,182.19 1.417.81' j Fa,!, 90H " L~reight 500.0 375.00 36.85 338.15 fay 9014 Staff DeveloproentS. 995.0 4,496~25 3,278.92 1,217.33 fay 9014 Membership Dues 1,729.00 1,296.75 1,728.84 ( 432.09) UnF Total 1280.015.0 $210,011.25 $188.241. 61 $21,769.64 fay 4 SATELLITE HOM~ CAne Annua l Budget to Actual Variance Budget September - Ilesidents' M~intenance $51,728.00 $38.796.00 $19.442.50 $19.353.50 Fav J~evenu eo 47.435.00 35.576.25 17.575.74 (18.000.51 ) UnF Deficit 4.293.00 3.219.75 1.866.76 1.352.99 Fav County Share 30% t .287 .00 965.25 560.03 Resident Days 2190 1643 840 Per Diem 23.62 23.62 23.15 375 L~r.CIN MANOlt 110Ml-; SIJPPOWI' -'>f:HVTC'!.:.'; llu1l9~l to Soclul Services Sell lemhe,' .~ Vuriilflce Salaries $3,504.42 $2,283.68 $1.220.74 Fav Benefits 191.77 119.54 72.23 Fav $3,696.19 $2.403.22 $1,292.97 Fav Dietary Services Salaries $4,819.95 15,458.07 1(638,12) UoF Be-nefi tS 243.02 223.02 20.00 Fav Raw Pood COSts 7,522.50 5,088.00 2,434.50 Fav Mise. Su ppl ies 62.51 62.44 ,07 Fav 112,647.98 110,831. 53 11,816.45 Fav Medical Nursing Services Sal ar le$ I 6,824.52 $ 7,144.16 $2,136.09 Fav Bene:tics 373.72 406.59 (32.87 I UoF Supplies 62.50 62.43 .07 Fav $7,198.24 $7,613.18 12,103.29 Fav Housekeeping Tissue, Kl eenex I 62.50 I 62.43 $ ,07 Fav I 62.00 I 62.43 I. .07 Fav Building & Propert:y S<.tlarles 16,253.92 15,896.64 1357.28 Fay Benefits 342.38 300.02 42.35 Fay Home Vehiel e 2,625.00 2,625.00 - 19.221. 30 $8,821.66 1399.63 Fay 6 P.I.GIN MANOll - 111",';,11.: .':III'I'OWI' ~;l.:I/V 1'''1.::: Budget to Ceneral & Admini~t['ativl.!' September Actuals Variance Salaries $6.889.19 $ 8,526.68 ($1.637.49) UnF Benefits 234.62 300.03 (65.41) UnF Advertising 187.50 49.28 138.12 Fay Audit 93.75 93.75 Fay Printing & Stationery ta7.50 187.50 Fay Travel & Conventions 937.50 290.40 647.10 fay Insurance 243.75 241.26 2.49 fay St~ff Development 937.50 937.50 fay Other Misc. 75.00 75.00 fay - $9,786.31 $9.407.75 ~$378.56 ) UnF 'rO'\'AL E:XPENOITun~.s $42,612.52 $39,139.77 $3,472.75 Fav !n:VENue 110M!:: SU[lPOI~'I' !l!:nv lCI::S Ra.... rood Cas ts $7 .522.50 $5.088.00 1$2.434.50) Unf Client Contributions 4.62B.96 2.894.90 ( 1,734.06) UnF Other-Non Capital Contr. .1,171.ae 3,000.00 1.828.12 fay $13.323.34 $10.9B2.90 ($2.340.44) UnF Net Operating E:xpense For SU bsidy $29.289.18 $28.156.87 Ministry SubSidy 20.502.43 19.709.Bl Ct;lunty Share 8.786.75 8,447.06 377 TERRACE LODGE 87 PrOl)OSCd aud~et SEPTEMBER BUDGET REPORT 1987 S"I>t. Budget Sept. Actuals Variance Total Expenditures $1,504.457.00 $1.128,342.75 Expenditure Recoveries 2.500.00 1.875.00 Total Expenditures $1,501,957.00 $1.126,467.75 $1,099,990.21 3.379.38 $1,096,610.83 $ 28,352.54 1.504.38 29,856.92 fav F'av Fav Revenue from Residents Residential $1,008.704.00 $ 756,528.00 $ 740,714.06 $ (15,813.94} Unt Estates from Oeceased 15.000.00 11.250.00 18.898.93 7.648.93 fa\.' $1.023.704.00 $ 767,778.00.$ 759,612.99 $ (8,165.01) Unr [)efici t 478,251.00 358,689.75 336,997.84 21, (,q 1. 91 Fa\ Provincial Subsidy Allocation 322,800.00 242,100.00 235,898.49 County Share 155,4'53.00 116.589 _ 74 101 ,OQ9. 35 Non Shareable 250.00 125.00 72.39 Resident nay' 34,675.00 26.006.00 25.712.00 Cos t to County Per Diem 4.48 4.48 3.93 Gross Per Diem 43.32 43.32 42.84 TE1{ltAI.:!'; I.UUI.:E IlU UGET l'Ji. Resident AUllual Budget Social Services Budget to SePt. Actua1s 10al Salaries $35,800.00 $26,850.00 $26,384.34 ~ 1002 Benefits 5,103.00 3, B27.2S ],159.48 1004 Clothing & Footwear 100.00 75.00 126.16 1005 Rec. & Entertainment 3,200.00 2,400.00 1,073.93 1006 Hobby Crafts (900.00) (675.00) (15.35) 1009 Equip. Replacements 125.00 93.75 56.35 10) I n"""t'j ~1",1' SUI'P1i..,,. (l, ,/100. (0) (<;,1011.00) (1,.:'0',.')5) 1011 Barber 500.00 J75.00 237.50 TOTAL ~ 37,128.00 $27,846.00 $26,816.46 Tit Dietary Services 2001 Salaries 2002 Benefits 2003 Purchased Service 247,138.00 185,351.50 35,176.00 26,382.00 Nil Nil 2004 Raw Food Costs 155.223.00 116,417.25 2005 Replacement Dishes 3,OOO.UU 2,250.00 2006 Mise, Supplies 12,9L7.uO 9,687.75 2007 Equip. Repairs. Mcce. 3,000.00 2,250.00 2008 Equip. Replacements 2,500.00 1,875.00 2009 ather - Misc. 900.00 675.00 503 Sale of Meal Ticketa (12.000.00) (9.000.00) TOTAL $447,854.00 335,890.50 165, )07. L,4 16,017.57 1,316.30 116,008.02 1,578.09 9,826.90 1,472. 60 205.28 11.11 (2.535.00) 309.208.31 Variance 465.66 Fav 667.77 Fav (51.16)Unf 1,326.07 Fav (659.65)Unf 37.40 Fav (894.05)Uul 137.50 Fav $1,029.54 Fav 20,046.06 Fav 10,364.43 fav (1.3t6.30)Uni 409.23 Fav 671.91 Fav (139.15)Unf 777.40 Fav 1,669.72 Fav 66.3.89 Fav (6.465.00lUnf 26.682.19 Fav t/i. Auuu;rl llud~ct Laundry Service 6003 Purchased Services $19.26~.OO 6004 Rep1~c~ment, Bed":Linen 6006 Soap, Bleach, 6007 R~pairs>Mtce. 1,456.00 1,000.00 300.00 etc. Equill. 6008 8quip. Replacements 550.00 TOTAL $22,575.00 379 - ] - ]1\,,11:';'1 to Sellt. ~;i::ual!:l Variance $14,451. 75 $18.903.65 $ (4,451.90)Unf 1,092.00 Nil 1,092.00 Fav 750.00 Nil 750.00 Fav 225.00 Nt 1 225.UO Fav 412.50 576.73 Cl64.23)Unf $16,931.2S $19,480.38 ($2,549.13) Unf Tic Building & Proper tv 8001 Salaries 50,547.00 37,910.25 41,477.30 O,567.05)Unf 8002 Benefits 7,787.00 5,840.25 5,432.60 407.65 Fav 8005 Electricity 68,709.00 51.531.75 60,472.30 (8,940.55)Unf 8005 Water 6,350.00 4,762.50 5,895.97 O,133.47)Unf 8004 Fuel 1100.00 300.00 Nil 300.00 Fav 8006 Garbage Collection 2,862.00 2,146.50 2,146.50 Nil 8008 Insurance, Boiler 5,066.00 3,799.50 3,574.00 225.50 Fav 8009 Rent lOO.OO 75.00 38.52 36.48 Fav 8010 Uther: Light Bulbs 1,220.00 915.00 793.14 121.86 Fav 8010 Illd!!, t::quip. -Repair" J 7, ')00 .Oll 13, l25 .00 I I, J~O. 02 (265.02 )Uuf ~UIlA Iturnu Vul,L~1u l. . ~~:! I. 11I1 I, ,l,l> I. ~'.> ~,2f]. II :!, ]94 .U1:lF;J.v 3010 Bldg. Fire Alarms 5,842.00 4.381.50 2.750.95 1.630.55 Fav 8012 Equip. Replacements 9.800.00 7.350.00 5 .913.72 1.436.28 Fav TOTAL $]82,406.00 $136,804.50 $144,158.19 ($ 7,353.69)Unf o "ilL Atll1ua] IluJg" t ~' ... Auministraeive 9000 Workers' Compensation 16.424.00 9001 Salaries 90,500.00 90QIA Sick Day ~ayout 3.000.00 9002 Benefits 11,270.00 9003 ~ontract Services 5,500.00 9004 Advertising 100.00 9005 Audit 3,050.00 9006 Insurance Pt/PD 2,600.00 9007 Legal 3.000.00 9008 Poscage 700.00 9009 Printing & ScacloneryJ.500.00 9010 Telephone 8,600.00 9011 Travel & Conventions 6.750.00 9012 Equip. Repairs 500.00 9013 Equip. Replacements 500.00 9014 Freight & ~xpress 150.00 9014 Staff Development 4,345.00 9014 Membership Dues 1,191.UO 9014 Miscellaneous 3~400.UO TOTAL $165,080.00 -', - 1111<1 !~l. t to 5"1)c. 12,318.00 67,875.00 2,250.00 8,452.50 4 ,125 .00 75.00 2.287.50 1.950.00 2,250.00 525.00 2,625.00 6,450.00 5,062.50 375.00 375.00 112.50 3.258.75 893.25 2.2,550.00 $123,810.00 Actual~ 16,075.76 67,311. 4 5 Nil 10,894.62 852.95 16.80 Nil 2,053.13 Nil 513.74 3,680.90 5,355.64 6,296.64 242.88 Nil 42.36 2,242.71 1,lYl.OO 3.683.08 $120,453.66 Variance (3,757.76)Unf 563.55 Fa.v 2,250.00 Fav (2,442.12)Unf 3,272.05 Fav 58.20 Fav 2,287. SO F'av (10J.13)Unt 2.250.00 Fav 11.26 Fav (1,055.90)Unf 1,094.36 Fav O.234.14)Unf 132.12 Fav 375.00 Fav 70.14 Fav 1,016.04 Fav (291.15)Unf O.133.08)Unf $3,356.34 Fav SOl.[;!l S"r\ll,',.s Salaries Benefits Dietary Service Salaries Employee Benefits R.aw Food Cos ts Mi.!>c. Supplies M~dic~l Nursing Service.!> Salaries Bo:.nefits Nursing Supplies Housekeeping Services Tissue, Kleenex Building & Property Salaries Bt2!nefits UClrne Vehicle l~.ll""'d.. 1.UIH,". lllJMI, SUI'I'UW!" ~E[{V_.I~:I::~_ I TOTAL TOT At TOTAL TOTAL Propo:>ed to ~;e~_ Act"al:> $1,100.16 .i..Q..& $1, [(,0.2') 4,819.95 243.02 1h,J)2.6U 62.51 $21,458.16 6.824.52 373.72 ~ $7,260.74 62.50 6.253.92 342.38 2,625.00 $9,221.30 $2,283.68 143.59 $2,427.27 4,319.86 169.39 It, ')')5.60 H& $16,5.'.7.29 6,48"~08 251.68 6L.'.3 $6,798.19 62..'.3 5,896 .64 300.02 2...(,25.00 $ e. ~21. 66 381 VurL.lncl.: !$l,183.52)Unf (83.46)Unf ($1,266.98)Unf 500.09 Fav 73.63 Fav 4, JJ7 .Utl Fav .07 Fav $4,910.87 Fav 3.'.0.44 Fav 122.04 Fav ..:..QZ Fav $462.55 Fav .07 Fav 357.28 ~'av 42.36 Fav Nil $399.64 Fav 2 TI':I{!{ACI.: LODCI': IIOMI': SUI'I'OI{'I' SI':ltV I Cl-:S - ., L:c!\<!rul .s. l'tol'"",-"l Administrative to Sellt. Actuals Var.l._nce Salaries $6,889.19 $6,914.84 C, 25.65) Unf Benefits 234.61 252.04 (17 .43) Unf Adv~rtisitlg lIn. ~o IL&] 178.83 Fall Audi.t 93.75 NiL 93.75 Fav Print'ing & Stationery 187. 50 152.68 34.82 Fav Travel I> Conventions 937. 50 909.05 28.45 Fav Insurance 243.75 241.25 2.50 Fav Scaff Development 937.50 UO.OO 807.50 ~'uv Ocher Misc. 75.00 Nil 75.00 Fav TlDiAL $9,786.10 $8,608.53 $1,177.77 Fav TOTAL EXPENDITURES $48,9/\9.29 $43,265.37 $5,683.92 Fav REVENUE HOME SUPPORT SERVICES Raw Food COStS Revenue $16,332.68 $11,995.60 ($4.337.08) Unf Client Contributions 5,891.25 2,328.18 (3.563.07) Unf Ocher-Non Capital COntr. 1.171.88 500.00 (671. 881 Unf Total Revenue $23,395.81 $14.823.78 ($8.572.03) Unf No< Operating Expense !o'or Subsidy $25,553.48 $28,441.59 ($2,888.11) Unf Ministry Subsidy $17,887.44 $19,909.11 County Share $7,666.04 $8,532.48 383 LIRRARY CO!'llMITTEE REPORT November Session 1987 To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the. Committee recommends that the proposed main branch reorganization presented by Mr. Thomas Crossman be adopted. 2. That Custom Developed Computer Systems monitor and advise the Committee regarding possible involvement in the Ontario Library Consol'tium's five year plan at an upset cost of $1,500; 3. That the Dutton financial arrangements as set out in the letter of October 8th, 1987 are recommended to County Council for their adoption. (attached) 4. That Mr. Elgin Wells be authorized to attend the CARML workshop on November 26th, 1987 with usual expenses paid. 5. That the letter detailing the proposed new branch lease dated November 2nd, 1987 be sent out to all relevant municipalities. (attached) 6. That the Committee recommends that a. by-law authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign a lease with Vienna Council on the Vienna Library be prepared and presented. 7. That the. Committee recommends that a by-law authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign a lease with. Port Burwell Council on the Port Burwell Library be prepared and presented. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~' , ;/ r.,(ju~~..<~ ~~ 384 ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY ELGIN A_ weus Chi&IUt,f...i..n Mrs. Helen Schram, Clerk Village of Dutton 199 Main Street Dutton, Ontario NOL IJO Dear Mrs. Schram: 450 SUNSET DRIVE 5T THOMAS. ONTARIO N5R5Vl PI-IQNE (519) 633.0815 October 8, 1987 This letter is a statement of a financial arrangement concerning the lease between the County of Elgin and the Corporation of the Village of Dutton and must be considered part of and attached to the lease. EA W:jvrns Encl. c.c. Warden Purcell Reeve Pearson G. C. Leverton Yours trUly; jtf-dl~e1 ttd:tf/ E. Arthur Wells County Librarian 385 ,.3t '. .....f1...,..... 'i~~~'1r ~~..;;r... ~~~'"" ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY ELGIN A WELLS Ch.efubra"." 450SUNSETORlVE ST THOMAS. ONTARIO N5RSVl PHONE lS191 S33.0S1S This is a letter of agreement between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Corporation of' the Village of Dutton regarding the lease made in triplicate this day of . 1987 for library purposes. The Corporation of the County, of Elgin and the Corporation of the Village of Dutton hereby agree that the first lease payment for the year 1987 shall consist of the total amount of $5,015.00 and the Municipality of Dutton shall be given a credit for the balance of the lease owing for 1987 which is $9,220.83. This outstanding balance shall be applied to the $30,000.00 repayable to the County of Elgin and reduce this amount to $20,779.17. For purposes of this agreement there shall be no repayment of the outstanding amount, $9,220.83, for 1987 and commencing January 1st, 1988 the outstanding balance shall be repaid in ten equal annual installments of $2,077 .92. Corporation of the MunicipalitY-of Dutton Reeve Clerk Corporation of the County of Elgin Warden Clerk 386 I'his pat'agraph only for non A-type lease libraries. ~_.<I}..f,tl""" ,; ':f : '~i.o~i' ;;'-;:'-"-'"- ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY ELGIN A WELLS C~'ef Lobra""" 4SQSUNSETORlVE SL THOMAS. ONTARIO N5R5Vl f'HONEl519!633.0815 ;:---. October 30, 1987 Dear Please regard this letter as official notification of the fact that the County of Elgin is proposing a new leasing policy on library buildings. This lease is proposed to replace the existing lease, however, you have the option of adopting this lease or maintaining the existing lease. The direction which is taken is entirely up to your council, but, we in the library are hopeful that you will give serious consideration to the proposed new lease. Enclosed are three copies of this lease with the appropriate amounts filled in. We will need all three original copies, so if you wish additional copies, please feel free to photocopy this document. Attached to the lease is a photocopy of a sketch of the inside dimensions [of the building to which the lease applies. This is the square footage upon which [we propose to base the lease payments. If you have any questions about this, [1 am sure the committee chairman or other library representatives would be [willing, at a convenient time, to come down and check the measurements with [you. Please attach a site survey plan to the copy of the lesse or a legal description, so that the County can register the lease after' it has been signed by you and your clerk. In addition to the three original copies, signed by the clerk and the reeve, plus the site survey plan or legal description, we will need a copy of the by-law which you will have to pass, authorizing you and your reeve to sign this lease with the County. .....~2 387 J\Junicipality -2- October 30, 1987 Upon receipt of all the necessary documentation, material will be forwarded from this office to the County Clerk1s office with a recommendation going to County Council, that the Clerk and Warden be authorized to sign these leases. After the leases are signed and registered, you will receive your payment. Until this time we will continue to pay as scheduled under the existing lease. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact me at the above address or telephone number and please feel free to forward any comments which you may have on the lease. Representatives from the Library Committee will be pleased to come to your Council and explain the leasing agreement and the Committee's thoughts behind this agreement. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours truly, E. Arthur Wells County Librarian EA W:jvms c.c. Library Committee G. C. Leverton To be sent to the following: Southwold Township - no they will receive a different letter Aylmer Bayham Belmont Dutton - no already completed Port 8urwell Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna - no already completed West Lome 388 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE November Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Homes Committ.e be authorized to enter into the necessary agreements to begin the uFeasibility 5tudyU for the possible expansion of the Elgin County Homes for the Aged within current funding available in the 1987 budget, and that By-laws be prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign the necessary documents. 2. THAT a By-law be prepared authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign necessary documents to secure tiThe Conditional Agreement" re: the Schultz property per the attached letter of November 10, 1987 from our solicitors Cockburn & Foster and required funding corne from existing 1987 Homes budgets. All of which is rwspectfully submitted. dPt...::r L, Albert K F hai;~2 . // ~'l? C-c>Y 389 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1987 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we endorse the proposal presented by Mr. Tom Crossman on the re-organization of the County Library System and recommend that the long term report forthcoming on the future role of libraries include the cost and all other ramifications of establishing an Archives within this function. 2. That the Clerk has been authorized to purchase 500 plastic covers for use with the County Directories. 3. That .as the Elgin County Plowmen's Association is not interested in the purchase of the used NP200 Canon photocopier, it be offered for sale by tender. 4. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 5. That the question of whether the Land Division Cnmmittee function remain at the County level be tabled to a future meeting. 6. That we recommend that the Ontario Museum Association Convention held in Toronto, October 23rd and 24th, 1987, be added to the list to be approved for 1987 and 1988 and that Deputy Reeve van Kasteren be paid the usual convention allow- ances for attending. 7. Clerks a cost That membership in the arid Treasurers of Ontario of $170.00. Association of Municipal be taken out for the Clerk at 8. That we recommend that the per diem for Committee pay be increased as follows, effective January 1st, 1988, and a by- law be presented to Council: Over 3 hours 3 hours or less $81.00 per diem $52.00 per diem. 9. That the Warden's salary be increased to $17,800.00 per annum, effective January 1st, 1988 and a by-law be presented to Council. 10. That for the purpose of paying per diem and mileage for Committee meetings, it is recommended that all Committee meetings be considered independently for payment when they meet on the same day. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 'C',;~L~ "'-.-. E. Neukamm, Chairman_ ~~ ..'i''-F/"/ -~ "C /' 390 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November Session, 1987 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as rollows: 1. That Employee Policy 7.20 (f) be amended to read "t'lhere at December 31st. an employee has completed nineteen (19) years of continuous service he/she shall receive six (6) weeks vacation in the fOllowing vacation year". 2. That the Correspondence #1 (October Session), 1, 2 and 3 (November Session) be filed. 3. That we appeal further the decision of the Workers' Compensation Classification Rate #940 for the Library employees. 4. That this Committee endorse the proposal affecting personnel with respect to the re-organization of the County Library System, including new positions being created and salary grids for them. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. g,'J-tc. ~ W ~,"- '~~/ 391 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-47 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SET THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF THE ELGI~ COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMI TTEES THEREOF." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following remuneration be paid to each Member of the Elgin County Council, with the exception of the Warden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof - (al For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is over three {3) hours in duration - $81.00. (b I For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is three (3) hours or less in duration - $52.00. (el In addition to the above remuneration, each Member shall be paid the same rate for each mile(kilometre necessarily travelled in attend- ing such meetings as established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. (d) Where a Member of Council is requested by the Warden to represent him at a meeting (other than a social function), that he/she be paid per diem and mileage. In the event they represent him at a social function, they be paid mileage only. 2. repealed. That By-Law No. 86-69 be, and the same is hereby 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1988. READ a first time this 18th day of November. 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987. ~7""-_' G. C. Leverton. Clerk. -~~ ___/ ./. F. Purcel /' Warden. 392 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-48 "8EING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. " WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the annual remuneration for the Warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of the Council, meetings of the various Committees and Local Boards, and performing all other duties applicable to his office, shall be Seventeen Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars ($17,800.00) per annum, payable in twelve equal installments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in Clause (1), the Warden shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in atteriding County func- tions, in addition to Council and Committee meetings, as estab- lished for the use of personal vehicles for County business. A monthly account for mileage travelled for other than Council and/or Committees shall be submitted to the Clerk, on a form to be provided. 3. lined in Attendance at conventions shall be reimbursed as out- the by-law establishing rates for such attendance. 4. card upon behalf of That the Warden be provided with a telephone credit which to charge long distance telephone calls made on the County of Elgin. 5. repealed. That By-Law No. 86-70 be, and the same is hereby 6. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1988. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987. / ~~<-.....-<--<:.--(. y:~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 393 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-49 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A STANDARD ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY MUNICIPAL LEASE WITH THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA." WHEREAS the terms under which facilities for County Library purposes are being provided by the Village of Vienna have been reviewed and altered by County Council; and WHEREAS the said Village has indicated that they wish to provide facilities on the basis of the new terms and condi- tions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows~ 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the "Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease" with the Village of Vienna to provide facilities for Library purposes. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987. -&-<:..<.-'-''-<'-<.. ~.v G. Co Leverton, Clerk. 394 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-50 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A STANDARD ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY MUNICIPAL LEASE WITH THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL" WHEREAS the terms under which facilities for County -Library purposes are being provided by the Village of Port Burwell have been reviewed and altered by County Council; and WHEREAS the said Village has indicated that they wish to provide facilities on the basis of the new terms and condi- tions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the "Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease" with the village of Port Burwell to provide facilities for Library purposes. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1981. ~/~ y!-"",. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~/~. Z.' . F. Puree 1, Warden. 395 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B7-51 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO UNDERTAKE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR HOMES FOR THE AGED POSSIBLE EXPANSION. " WHEREAS possible expansion of the Elgin County Homes for the Aged is considered necessary; and WHEREAS the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee has recommended that a Feasibility .Study be carried out within current funding available in the Homes 1987 Budget 1 and WHEREAS County Council has agreed that the necessary study be undertaken. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents to undertake the Feasibility Study, upon recommendation of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987. ~ ~--./ G. .C. Leverton, Cle'rk. -----:> 396 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-52 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO SECURE THE CONDITIONAL AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY IN DUNWICH TDWNSHIP." WHEREAS the firm of Cockburn, Foster. Cudmore & Kitely, In Trust, have entered into an agreement to enable the County of Elgin to acquire a twenty-five acre parcel of land, located on the north side of Main Street, being part of Lot 12, Concession nAn, TownShip of Dunwich, at a purchase price of $125,000: and WHEREAS the Agreement of Purchase and Sale contains conditions which must be met on or before the 2nd day of August, 1988, for the County to exercise its option to acquire the property. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents necessary to secure ftThe Condi- tional Agreement" to purchase a twenty-five .acre parcel of property located on the north side of Main Street, being Part of Lot 12, Concession "A", TownShip of Dunwich, at a purchase price of $125,000 for the possible expansion of the Homes for the Aged. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987" ~c.../,-,--<.-'-<--.'_ ~-r.)-.; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 397 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-53 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE NOVEMBER SESSION. 1987." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the,Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meet- ings held during the November 1987 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1987. _~A-.:.__--<-: >4~--....; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. 8 INDEX MISCELLANEOUS 1987 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers........................ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Committee Communications...8, 38, 77, 160, 186, 209, 246, 285, 323. 340 Council Communications....ll, 43, 82,.164. 190, 212. 251, 289, 325, 343 Delegations............................: .41, 80, 87, 188, 324, 341, 342 Employee Presentations.......... ..................... .80, 211, 249, 341 Warden's Address.................................................... .16 REPORTS OF OFFICIALS AND OTHERS Director's - Homes For Senior Citizens..............................359 Elgin County Pioneer Museum.... ...................................0.350 Treasurer.sH....OOH............118, 119, 259. 261, 262, 355, 357. 358 Tree Commissioner's................................................. 353 Weed Inspector's................................................... .354 Land Division.......... ............................................ .348 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Agricultural.. ......................................... .22, 57, 202, 225 County Government....................26. 27, 48. 58. 90, 170,.193,218, 226, 256, 268, 295. 329, 336, 389 County Library..........................29. 49, 92, 171, 172. 194, 219, 257. 296, 297, 330. 383 County Roads................o....23. 25. 50, 51, 53. 93, 102. 114, 173, 195, 196, 220, 269, 282. 298, 331. 352 Homes For Senior Citizens...o......28. 54, 59. 116, 120, 175, 199, 222. 258, 302. 303. 304, 307, 333. 388 PersonneL......H..........u31. 55; 121, 176. 200. 263. 305, 334, 390 Property..........................30. 56, 117. 177, 201, 203, 223, 224. 227, 270, 306. 308. 335, 338, 351 Reception and Entertainment............................... .32, 204, 310 Social Services........................60, 122, 179. 205, 271, 309, 337 Special Committee To Strike The Standing Committees..................19 399 RESOLUTIONS - Setting Forth the Method of Electing the Warden... _................. ..7 Electing Reeve R. F. Purcell as Warden for 1987.......................7 Inviting ~~S. Hilde Morden to the February Session...................lO Authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to Borrow.......................l0 Authorizing the Treasurer to Continue Monthly Payments to the Children' 5 Aid SOciety...............;..". _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Authorizing the Treasurer to Continue Monthly Payments to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. ... _................. ........ ............ .10 Appointing Board Members to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum......... .11 Setting Rates of Pay for Appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit................ .............. ........... .11 Recommending Changes to Library and Property Committees..............12 Requests re: Tree By-Law Exceptions............................13. 191 Requesting Financial Assistance for the Community Outreach Seminar.......... ............. ........ ... ........... .41 Authorizing the Warden to Add Organizations to the Grant Session.....42 Setting Date for Grant Session.......................................42 Requesting M.T.C. Subsidies.......................42. 43. 189, 190, 280 Taking Out Membership in A.M.O.......................................44 Accepting Invitation at the Elgin County Pioneer Museum.........44. 165 Authorizing the Warden and Clerk to Sign the Wintario -Grant Statement............................................. 82 Forwarding Statements of Road Work to the M.T.C......................84 Accepting Increase in Luncheon. Cost...................................84 Tabling Request from the Vie Fund..................................... 87 Providing for the 1987 Grants.........................................88 Adopting the 1987 Budget................................. ..... .156, 166 Naming Reeve Perovich to the Canada Farm Labour Pool................165 Referring Request for a Grant (Tobacco Committee)...................165 Tabling Request for Appointments to the Elgin Tourist Association...l65 Declaration of BEl gin County Pioneer Museum DaY"....................165 Rescinding Resolution Adopting the 1987 Budget......................166 Altering the 1987 Proposed Budget.................................. .166 Requesting Increased Funding for Roads and Bridges from the Province of Ontario............................................ .189 InViting Suburban Roads Members to May Luncheon.....................190 Review of Percentage Share is Just and Equitable and Should Not be Amended.............................................. .190 u submitting Names for Membership on Hospital Board...................190 Giving a Grant to the Tobacco Decline Study.........................191 Suggesting County be Represented at C.T.C. Hearing to Oppose .CP Abandonment. ,........ .._................0................. .213 Appointing Voting Delegates to A.M.O. ................ .............. .213 Accepting the Auditor's Report...... .._............................ .213 Naming Voting Members at the A.C.R.O. Conference....................252 Authorizing the Advancement of Funds to the Pioneer Museurn..........252 Requesting John Wise to Investigate the Status of the Perry Nuclear Generating Station..................... _.. ~.......... .253 Endorsing Submission re: County Government.........................290 Accepting the Family & Children's Services Amended Budget.o..o......290 Supporting the Application from Pem.Air.o...o......................0326 Endorsing Tobacco Area Industrial Strategy Study Committee Recommendations....... ......... 0....0..............00.... .327 Advising the Museum to Hire Mr. T. Crossman re; Personnel Study.....343 Extending Date of Sale of the Court House...........................345 86-78 87-1 87-2 87-3 87-4 87-5 87-6 87-7 87-8 87-9 87-10 401 BY-LAWS - 86-74 To Appoint a County Roads Committee.............................. 21 86-75 Authorizing Speed Limits. ...................................... ~. 33 86-76 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Four Million Dollars. ..~...................................... 35 86-77 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign an Agreement with the Salvation Army (St. Thomas Citadel Corps) Re: The Court House Grounds..................................... 36 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1986....................................... ............. 37 Designating Through Highways..................................... 61 A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads................... 66 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 86-32, to Provide for Membership on the AgricUltural Committee......................... 68 Being a By-Law to Establish Rates of Pay Etc. for Registered Nurses in the Homes for Senior Citizens.......................... 69 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Letter of Understanding Between the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees.....................,......... 70 Being a By-Law to Restrict and Regulate the Destruction of Trees by Cutting, Burning, BUlldozing, Application of Chemicals or Other Means. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County ot Eigin at the January Session, 1987..... ..................................... ......... 0 0 76 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Land Division Committee~.......................... 123 Being a By-Law to Establish Rates or Pay Etc. for Registered Nurses in the Homes for Senior Citizens.......................... 124 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-23, Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic. ................................... 125 2 87-11 87-12 87-13 87-14 87-15 8-7-16 87-17 87-18 87-19 87-20 87-21 87-22 87-23 87-24 87-25 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement witb the Elgin County Plowmen's Association for Use of the Mascot .Elgie........................ 126 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign Agreements Between the County of Elgin and the Medical Directors of Elgin Manor and Terrace LodgeG..................... 127 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elyin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services rat the Purchase of Service Home Support and Services for the Elderly............ 144 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1987............. ...... ... ..................... ........ 155 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 18th Session, 1987.................................................... 159 Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1987.. .......................................................... 180 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Covenant Re: Use of Part of Lot 12, Concession 5, North of A, Township of Dunwich, County of Elgin................ 181 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Maintenance Contract for the Elevators Located in the County Administration Building.............................. 182 Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1987........................... 183 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of El~in at -the March 26th Session. 1987.........0......... ... .......... ... ................ 185 Being a By-Law to Amend the Schedule GAG of By-Law No. 87-19 Which Sets Forth the Instalment payments of the 1987 County Levy. ....................0.................0.................... 206 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April Session; 1987. .....o............................................~........ 208 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Commercial Security System Agreement for the County Administration Building;,. ... 0 ... ..... ..... ."........... .0........ 231 Being a By-Law to Provide for the Operation of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. ~ 0...............0......................0. 234 A By-Law to Amend the By~Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. .0..........0.................0........0........ 238 87-30 87-31 87-32 87-33 87-34 87-35 87-36 87-37 87-38 87-39 87-40 87-41 87-42 87-43 87-26 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. ..................................... ............. 239 87-27 A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act................................................... 240 87-28 Being a By-Law to Accept an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the Court 1I0use Block........................................ 241 87-29 ^ By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May Session, 1987. ................... .... ..... ....... ................. ............ 245 Designating Through Highways........... .........00... ..... 00...... 272 Designating Through Highways................... 0.... ......... ...... 273 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members and CountY.Officials for Attending Conventions..................................... ........ .. 274 To Appoint County Solicil:ors......................~,............... 276 Being a By-Law to Formally Adopt Personnel Policies. ............. 277 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of_Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees with Respect to the Corporation's County Library Employees...~.................... 278 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings o~ the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June Session. 1987........ ....0 0.........0....0.........00.0...0......... ......0.. 279 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Couneil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July $essiong 1987......................................0......... 0............ .. 284 Desigoat iog Through Highways...................................... 311 Designating Through Highways. ..................................... 312 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges.......o........ 0........................... ........... 313 Being a By-Law to Restrict: the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges............. 0.... .~. ~"" .............................. 315 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid Members of Elgin County Council and Others Appointed to Various Local Boards Etc.. ........................................ 318 Being a By-Law to Establish Hourly Rates for students Employed at the !-tain and Branch Libraries. ...... .............. .. _. 320 87-44 87-45 87-46 87-47 87-48 87-49 In-50 87-51 87-52 87-53 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease with the Village of Dutton. ............................................321 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September Se,ssion, 1987................................................... 322 A By-Law ~o Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the C ~poration of the County of Elgin at the October Session, 1987...... .......... .................................... 339 Being a By-Law to Set the Remuneration to be Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof..... 391 Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin....................... 392 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease with the. Village of Vienna...................... .......... ..' ...... ...... 393 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease with the Village of Port BurwelL.................................... 394 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign the Necessary DocUments to Undertake a Feasibility Study for Homes for the Aged Possible Expansion................. 395 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign the Necessary Documents to Secure the Conditional Agreement to Purchase Property in Dunwich Township............... 396 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of ~he Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November Session, 1987.....0........ ... ................ .................. 397