1989 Minutes .l COUNTY OF ELGIN OFFICIALS Name Office Phone No. George C. Leverton..........................."County Clerk-Treasurer ..............."."."......................"".631.1460 Rose M. Daniel....................................Deputy Olerk-Treasurer........................................"".631-146D Susan Galloway..................................Land Division Sec.-Treas.....,.................................".631-1460 Robert G~ Moore.................................County Engineer......................................................631-5880 Fred Groch............................."..............Asslstant County Engineer........................,.............631-5880 Robert E, Bell......................................Director, Social Services...........................................631-1570 Elgin A. Wells..................."..................COunty Librarian........................"............."..............:."".633-0815 Harley J. Underhill........................"......Personnel Administrator......................".."............."",,631.3001 Charles C. Stafford.............................Xree Commissioner & Weed Inspector.........;.......",,773-2462 Fred J. Boyes......................................Dir., Homes for Senior Citizens Marilyn D. Barrett................;...............Assistant Administrator Terrance lodge........................~....................................;........................644-()140 or 773-9205 Elgin Manor........................................;.....;................................;...~.......631-0620 or 644-1760 Dr C.A.Graham...~.............................Elgjn Manor, Medical Director...............................",,633-D030 Dr. D.L. WrighL....................".............Terrancelodge; Medical Director......"............".......773.3135 Deborah Herkimer..............................Curator, Elgin County Pioneer Museum..................631-6537 Dr" Vema.M" Mai, M.O.H....................Elgin-St.. Thomas Health Unit...................................631-9900 Oeloitte Haskins.+ Sells....................County Auditor...........................~.............................63108250 Hennessey, Bowsher & Assoc...........County Solicitor.....................................................,,,,.63303310 J.. F. McGarry ......................................District Court.Judge............................;.................".,,631-4810 M.G. Button.........................................local-Registrar & Small Claims Court Clerk........"..633.1720 R.L. Lake........ .....................................Sheriff.... .............. ...................... ....... .............. .... .....631-3530 Katie McGowan................................."Crown .Attorney..............;.....................,...................;.631.1506 GA. Phillips......;............;....................Provincial Judge {Criminal Division)........................633-123D J.F.-Bennett....~..........."....;..................Provincial.Judge .(Family Division)..;~.......................633-2169 Wayne. Burke............;.........................County Registrar........;............................................;;631~3015 Probation Office................................................,.631-3430 Small Claims COurt..........................................""",,631-1241 David Murray......................................Agricultural Representative.......................................631-4700 T;. Cunniffe............~.............................Director Of..Education Elgin County Board of Education.......................631-2700 J.K. Couchman........................."........Director of Education Elgin County (Roman Catholic) Separate School Board............."..".................. ",631-8300 2 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1989 WARDEN ALBERT K. FORD Township of AldbOrough Reeve Harry J. Mezenberg (Betty) R. R. #2. Rodney. NOl2CO............................................................................785.Q249 Deputy Reeve Curtis J. Hay (Christine) R. R. #2. West Lorne. NOl 2PO........................................................................768-1714 Township of Dunwich Reeve Albert K. Ford (Catherine) R. R. #3. Dutton. NOl 1JO............................................................................... 782-3227 Deputy Reeve leta D. West (James) R. R. #3. Dutton. NOl 1JO...............................................................................762-3527 Township of 50uthwold Reeve Hugh F. lyle (Donna) R. R. #1. 51. Thomas. N5P 355............,..........................................................631-1784 Deputy Reeve David C. Carroll (Mariene) R. R. #3.5hedden . NOl 2EO.............................................................,............754-2545 Township of Yarmouth Reeve William A. Mattyn (Deanne) R. R. #4. 51. Thomas. N5P 358..:...................................................................633-1825 Deputy Reeve Marian L Millman (Ralph) R. R #1. Union. NOl 2l0.............:..................................................................782-3875 Township of Malahide Reeve Emil Neukamm (Frieda) R. R. #1. Aylmer. N5H 2R1...........................................................................n3-8895 Deputy Reeve Andy J. van Kasteren (lotty) R. R. #2. Aylmer. N5H 2R2...................................................,.......................773-8625 Township of Bayham Reeve D. Vane Chute (Carol) R. R. #1. Vienna. NOJ 1Z0.............................................,............................ ..874-4513 Deputy Reeve Ronson 5andham (5andra)................................................866-3097 Box 33. Eden. NOJ 1HO.........':...............................................................Bus.842-8404 ,j Township of South Dorchester Reeve Clarence R. Willsey (Edna) R.. R.. #1, Belmont, NOL 180......................"..."....................................., ,..."..".....644-1637 Deputy Reeve John R.. Wilson (00reen)"....".".....".................................."..".."..269-3364 R.. R.. #1, Springfield, NOL 2JO..................................._..............................Bus.269-S995 Town of Aylmer Reeve DouglaS J. Avram (Lynda)............................."......................................765-1193 31 Pine Street West, Aylmer, N5H 1NS........................._............."...........Bus,,765.152D Deputy Reeve Roger Vandierendonck (Loreen)...........................................nS-2352 48 York Street, Aylmer. NSH 2G9...................................................."......Bus.8424221 Village of Belmont Reeve Sherry Collins (John) P.O" Box 184, 245 Union Street, Belmont, NOL 180......................................644.1018 Village of Dutton Reeve M. Albin "AI" Kahnt (Pauline) Box 148. Dutton, NOL 1JO.....................................................................""."......762-2223 Village of Port Burwell Reeve Cindy Allin (Terry) '_' p" O. Box 168, Port Burwell, NOJ 1TO.;...m......'.......................".........,..<~:.."...874-4434 Village of Port Stanley Reeve Ray J. Lavereau (Peggy).................................................................;.782.3500 P. 0" Box 444, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO...................................m.................Bus.782~3383 Deputy ,Reeve Patrick G, Elliot (Marjanne)..............................................+.....~;782-4228 260 Frances Street, Port Stanley, NOL 2AO......................................"..-..Bus;?82.3025 Village 01 Rodney Reeve Robert F~ Coles (Phyllis) p, 0, Box 103, Rodney, NOL 2CO..............,......................................."....".".".",,785.2290 Village of Springfield Reeve William C. Macintyre (Sharon)..;.....................................:......".......".. n3-2263 50 East Street, Springfield, NOL 2JO."........".....".."....;......,.....".,.............8us,,765-2481 Village of Vienna Reeve Kenneth C. Emerson (Pauline)................................"............."....,,,.,,.874-446o P. O. Box 120, Vienna, NOJ 1Z0.".."....."........"........,....................."."...."".Bus.842A8797 Village of West Lome Reeve Charles L. Rushmere (Lucille) p" O. Box 653. 196 Maple Street, West Lome; NOL 2PO....... ..... . 768.1447 4 STANDING COMMITTEES 1989 AGRICULTURAL Chairman H.J. Mezenberg. Carroll, Chute, Lavereau. Martyn, Neukamm, Wilson and Warden Ford COUNTY GOVERNMENT Chairman A.J. van Kasteren. Elliott. Hay, Kahnt. Lyle. Rushmere. West. and Warden Ford COUNTY UBRARY Chairman M,L Millinan. Allin. Kahnt. van Kasteren and Warden Ford COUNTY ROADS Chairman WA Martyn. Avram, Chute. Coles. Lavereau. Lyle. Mezenberg, Neukamm. Willsey. and Warden. Ford HOMES FOR SENIOR CmZENS Chairman D.V. Chute. Emerson. Macintyre. Rushmere. Vandierendonck and Warden Ford Advisory - West. PERSONNEL Chairman E. Neukamm. Collins. Millman. Sandham and Warden Ford PROPERTY Chairman K.C. Emerson. Carroll. Mezenberg, Wilson And Warden Ford RECEPTION AND ENTEFlTAINMENT Chairman H.F. Lyle. Coles, Elliot. Hay. Macintyre. Sandham. Vandierendonck, van Kasteren. West and Warden Ford SOCIAL SERVICES Chairman C.R. Willsey. Allin. Collins. Emerson and Warden Ford ELGIN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVES TO VARIOUS BOARDS & ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1989 ELGIN - ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT Carrol and Wilson FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Hay ST. THOMAS - ELGIN GENERAl.HOSPITAl. Lavereau and Martyn THAMES VAllEY DISTICT MEMORIAl. HOSPITAl. Collins TILl.SONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAl. HOSPITAL $andham FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN (Chlldren'sAid Society) Coles, Macintyre and vandie.rendonck ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Allin and Willsey UASON (Elgin County Boerd of Education) Avram, Elliott, Rushmere, and Warden Ford COUNTY/CITYUASON Kahnt, .Millman.and Warden Ford SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Avram LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE Appointees: John V. McKinlay, Lome R. Carroll,Alistair'B" Uttlejohn, NobleG" Tufford and Max H. Stewart SUBARBAN ROAD COMMISSION Albert W. Auckland -' 6 MUNICIPLE CLERKS AND TREASURERS Township of A1borough Clerk-Treasurer. Joanne Groch. Box 490, Rodney, NOL2CO.............................785-0560 Township of Ounwich Clerk-Treasurer - Ken Loveland, 156 Main Street, Dutton, NOL 1JO....................762-2204. Township of Southwcld Clerk-Treasurer. R. Alex Pow. Fingal. NOL1KO.............................................."....769-2010 Township of Yarmouth Clerk-Ken G. Sloan. 1229 TalbOt Street, Stthomas. N5P 1GB............ ...............631-4860 Treasurer - Sharon E. Larmour Township of Malahlde Clerk. Randy R. Millard, 87 John Street. South, Aylmer, N5H 2C3...~..... ...........773-5344 . Treasurer - Susan E. Wilson T"ownshlp of Bayham Clerk-Treasurer. Jack A. Petrie, Straffordville, NOJ WO................................... .. .866-5521 Township of South Dorchester Clerk-Treasurer - Marie Wilson, R. R. #2, Springfield. NOL 2JO.........."...............7654175 Town of Aylmer Administrator - Charles L Knapp, 46 Talbot Street; West, Aylmer, N5H 1J7..;...m-3164 Clerk - Phyllis A. Ketchabaw Treasurer - Joyce R. Ostrander Village of Belmont Clerk.Treasurer. Kae Barons, 189Main Street,Selmont, NOL1S0........"...."..."...644-1071 Village of Outton Clerk-Treasurer - Kim Watson, 199 Main Street, Dutton, NOL 1JO...........".........".762-2736 VUlage of Port Burwell Clerk.Treasurer. James Timlin, Sox 299, Port Burwell, NOJ 1TO........................874-4343 Village of Port Stanley Clerk-Treasurer - Donald N. Leitch. P. O. Box 70. Port Stanley, NOL 2AQ...........782-3383 Village of Rodney Clerk-Treasurer - Brenda Price. 117 Fumival, Rodney. NOL 2CO......... ................785-0456 Village of Springfield Clerk.Treasurer - Catherine Bearss. p" o. Box 29, Springfield. NOL 2J0.:........",,765-4222 Village of Vienna Clerk-Treasurer - Lynda Millard, p" O. Box 133, Vienna. NOJ 1Z0..."...."............. ..874-4225 Village of West Lome Clerk-Treasurer - Sharon Mooser. p" 0 Box 309. West Lome, NOL2PO.............768.1234 i December Session - First Day Tuesday, the 13th day of December, 1988 The Elgin County Council met today at the Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 2:00 P.M., as reqtiiredby by-law. ROLL CALL - The following Members, having previously'filed Certificates took their seats at the Council Table; Harry J. Hezenberg Curtis J. Hay Al.bert K. Ford LetaD. West Hugh F.Lyle David C. Carroll william A. Martyn Marian L. Mil~n Emil Neukamm Andy J. van Kasteren D. Vane Chute Ronson Sandham Clarence R. W~sey Douglas J. Avram Kenneth C.Emerson William C. MacI.ntyre M. Al.bin Kahnt Ray J. Laverun Patrick J. Elliott Robert F. Coles Cindy AUin Sherry Col.lins Absent; Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve: Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Aldborough Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwtild Southwold Yarmout.h Yarmout.h Malahide Malahide Bayham Bayham South Dorchest.er Aylmer Vienna Springfield Dutton Port Stanley Port St.an~ey Rodney' Port Burwell Belmont-. John ._R. Wilson Deputy Reeve Roger Vandierendonck Deputy Reeve (Both filed their Certificates previously) South Dorchester Aylmer Charles L.Rusbmere ...ve West Lome. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Neukamm Therefore Be. It Resolved That t.he Municipal Council of the Corporation oftbeCounty of Elgin hereby agrees that the election of Warilen for the year 1989 shall be conducted in accordance with.the procedures numbered three to eight as set out in By-Law No. 88-64, Being a By-Law to Provide for the Guidance Upon the Procedure for the Election of Warden, except that in the event only one person runs for -Ehe Office, the election procedures may be dispensed within favour ofa resolu- tion appointing the person as Warden. - Carried. The Clerk announced that any Member of Council who was a candidate for the Office of Warden would now be given an opportunity to address Council. Reeve Albert K. Ford addressed Council and advised that he was allowing his name to stand for the 1989 WardensMp and solicited support. No other persons availed themselves of this opportunity to address Council. Moved by Reeve riArtYfi Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That Reeve A. K. Ford be Warden of Elgin County for the year 1989. -Carried. 8 - 2 - The Warden-Elect took the Declaration of Office and Oath of ~legiance. After being gowned by the Clerk. Past Warden W.A. Martyn, before performing his duties with the current Warden, called Mrs. Catherine Ford. to the front of the Council Chambers and presented her with.a bouquet of .r05850. Ex-Warden Martyn then put the.Chain of Office around Warden.Ford's neck, presented him with_the Lord Elgin Watch, and Gavel of Office. Warden Ford addresaedCouncil expressing appreciation- foraeing elected. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That the minutes of the November 1988 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. Warden Ford appointed Reeve NeukmtlD. Reeve Martyn, Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lyle as Members of the Commi.ttee to Strike the Standing Commit- tees for 1989. The Clerk announced that a reception wc~d be he~d in the basement lounge immediately fol~owing the adjournment. Warden Ford extended an invitation to a reception he was holding in the Wallacetown Community Centre that evening. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve A~lin That we do now adjourn (2:15 P.M.) to meet again on December 15th, 1988 at 10100 A.M.. - Carried. December Session - Second Day Thursday, the 15th day of December, 1988 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building. at 10:00 A..M.. ,in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL ..; A1~ Members present except: Deputy Reeve Wilson Reeve MacIntyre. Reeve Rushmere fi~ed his Certificate prior to today's meeting. COMHI'r'1'EE cOMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. County of Peterborough with resolution re: profits that re~ate to -Lotto 6-49-. 2. Township of Kingston with resolution reI -Exclusionary Zoning-. 3. Mike Farnan, M.P.P., Cambridge, with copy of his Private Member's Bill, tha Gun ?~plica Sa!~ P~ohibition Act 1988 (Bill 145) and requesting support. 4. Shoreline Management Advisory Council with copy of the Council's annual report. 5. Ministers of Citizenship & Culture and Communications accepting no~nations for the 1989 Volunteer Awards Program until January 30, 1989. 9 _ 3 _ County Council, December Session, 1988 COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. County of Lambton with resolution concerning proposed regu~ations to the Aggregate Resources Act, 1988. 2. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No~ 88~22 - Ministry Directives on Land Transactions for Huni.cipalRoad subsidy. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Fairview Day NUrsery with copy of DeW fee ,schedule. 2. The St. Thomas-Elgin Association for community Living with request for a purchase agreement for the Morrison Day' Nursery. ~ 1. Andrew S. Brandt, MoP.P., Leader. Conservative party,eXtending congratulations as Council begins its new term. 2. Minister of HunicipalAffairs with information on sendnars to be held for municipal councillors. 3. Ministry of Energy announcing a $3-Hillion Program for Munieipal Energy Effieiency. 4. Ministries of Housing and Municipal Affairs with a eopy of the draft Implementation Guidelines for the draft Housing Policy State- ment. . S. Martyn Gloin with appreeiation for scholarship~ 6. Pamela M. Crouse with ilppr~ciation for scholarship. 7. Janice VanKampen with appreciation for scholarship. 8. University of Western Ontario",ad,vising that the following were the Elgin County Scholarship winners! JeffreyC.Millmatl, 119 CoUlter Avenue, ST. 'l'HOMAS D:arrylW.Empey,R. R. n.AYLMER Kelly A. Welch,R.R. n, DUTTON. 9. Family & Children' s Services of 5t. 'l'homas and Elgin with Alloca;" tion of Children In 'Care to October 31st, 1988. 10. P.J. Laack, City Clerk, advising that the following were appointed to the City/County Liaison Committee for 1989: Mayor J. Golding Alderman B. Topping Alderman G. Campbell. 11. County of Middlesex advising that Reeve Charles P. Corbett was elected Warden and their banquet will be held in Lucan, November 17, 1989. 12. County of Kent advising that Reeve Paul Reno was elected Warden and their banquet will be held in Chathi!UII, November 18th, 1989. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seeonded by Reeve Willsey Ttu\t the disposition of the Communications mailed previously and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government Committee - '1-5 inclusive County ROadsCommdttee - 11-2 inclusive Social ServicesCommittee~ 11-2 inclusive Filed - 11-12 inc.lusive County Counci1-~t1-6 ine1usive. - Carried. 10 - , - PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS It was moved by Reeve Lavereau that Mrs. Betty Patterson be now heard. MrS. Patterson spoke on beha~f of concerned citizens of Elgin County and urged Council to support a petition to re-institute the Lords' Prayer in the Elgin County School System. Warden Ford referred the item to the County Government Committee. It was moved by Reeve Martyn that Mr. Charlie Black be now heard. Mr. Black addressed Council on theresu1ts of the joint meeting between A.M.O. and O.K.A. with respect to a suggestion that hospitals be allowed. to levy aD local. municipalities for capital. expenditures. In addition,. Mr. Black reviewed items that were currently being dealt with by the Thames Val.~eyDistrict Health Council and gave a brief summary of their activities.. The Report of the specia~ Commdttee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1989 was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Chute. The matter of the report of the Conservation Authorities was tabled to today from the November Session. The matter was referred to the County Government Committee for some recommendation. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mi~1man That the Warden and- Treasurer be authorized to borrow up - to Five Mi~~ion Do~~ars from the Bank of Montrea~. as may be required during 1989 and that a by-law be prepared.. _ Carried.. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly - payments to the Chi~dren's Aid society on the basis of the 1988 approved budget requiring a County contribution of $~33~778.00 until the 1989 budget is established and approved by the Ministry of community and Social Services.. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve V5Q KIt.teren Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the Elgin-St.. Thomas Hea~th Unit on the basis of the 1987 budget requiring a county contribution of $240.832.00 unti~ such times as the 1988 and 1989 budgets are established and approved by the Ministry of Health.. _ carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the Treasurer be authorized to _ continue monthl.y payments to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board on the basis of the 1988 budget. requiring a County contribution of $21.507.00 until such time as the 1989 budget is establ.ished and approved by County Council... _ Carried~ Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Martyn That County Counci~ appointees to ~he El.gin-St. Thomas Health Uni~ Board be paid the fol.lowing rates. for a~tend,ingmee~,ings of the said Board and Committee thereof. effect,ive January 1st, 1989: 11 - 5 - County Counc~l, December Session, 1988 (a) For attend~ng a meeting, when the said meeting is over three (3) hours ~n duration - $85.00. (b) For attend~ng a meeting, when the said meeting is three (3) hQurs or less in duration - $55.00. {c) In addition to the above remune:t'ation, each member shal.l be paid the following rate for each mile/kilometre necessar~ly travelled in attending such meetings - 44C per mile 27Cper kilometre. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Coles That the following persons. in addition to the County Engineer. be appointed to the -Gas Franchise Committee- and be paid the usual Committee per diem and mileage allowance for attendance: Warden Ford Reeve Neukamm. - Carried. The Clerk outlined the previous method of handl~ng grants by a special. meeting and asked Council if they wanted to apply the same procedures this year. It was agreed to use the same' method. COUNCIL.COMMt1Nl:CATIONS 1. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with request for the names of an individual or group who has done an outstanding job of conservation and should be_ ncmibatedfor-an award. 2. Rehoboth Girl.s' Home. of ,Refuge and ,Support _ with information con- cerning the home;and request for a,grant. 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising. of nineteen vacancies on the Board of Directors and request.iDg nominations to fill some. 4. Copy of -Flood Plain Planning Policy Statement, Implementation Guidelines., October 1988. from the Ministries of Natural Resources and Municipal Affairs. 5. Family & Ch~dren'sServices of St. Thomas and Elgin advising that their 1988 budget has been approved by the Minister of Community and Social Services in the amount of $1.254.246~00 requiring Elgin County to contribute $133,778.00. 6. Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates with revised request to use the word ~E1gin. in the incorporation of the -Elgin County Railway Museum Inc.-. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Martyn That Correspondence '2 (Rehoboth Girls' Home of Refuge and Support) be tabled to the 1989 Grant Session. - Carr~ed. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the County accept their share of-the Family & Children's Services 1988 budget in the amount of $133,778.00. - Carried. 12 - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Collins That the request for the use of the word '"Elgin'" in the incorporation of the '"Elgin County Railway Museum Inc. Q be granted. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That Council Correspondence il, 3 and 4 be filed. _ Carried.. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 88-68 '"To Appoint a County Roads committee- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 88-68 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 88-68 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Curied. Hoved by Reeve Neukatlllll Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That we do now adjourn (11~04 A.M.) to meet again on December 15th, 1988 at 1:30 P.M. _ Carried. Council re-convened at 5,26 P.M. ROLL CALL _ All Members present except~ Deputy Reeve Wilson Reeve MacIntyre. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve van Kasteren and Deputy Reeve West. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre- sented by Reeve Chute and adopted on motion of Reeve Chute and Reeve Emer5ofi. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personne~Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve.Neukamra and Deputy Reeve Hay. 13 _ 7 _ County Counei~, December Session, 1988 FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Lavereau. F:LRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception. and Entertainment Committee was .presented by Reeve Ly~e and adopted on motion of Reeve Ly~e and Reeve Martyn. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Socia~ Services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey and adopted on motion of Reeve Willsey and Reeve Mezenberg. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No.. 88-69 '"To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Five Million Dollars'" be read e. first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By;"Law No. 88-69 be read e. second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve EtrI8rson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 88-69 be reed a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy 'Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve. Lavereau That By-Law No. 88-70 "Being e. By;"Law to Appoint e. Land. Division Committee'" be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott Seconded by Reeve. Lavereau That By-Law No. 88-70 be read a s~cond time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That By-Law No. 88-70 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Collins 7~l;: Ey-Loii.w No. SS-il -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Lease Renewal Agreament with the Ministry of Govern- ment Services for the Court House- be read a first t1rbe. - Carried. 14 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Deputy.. Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. SS-71be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mi~1man That By-Law No. 88-71 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That By-Law No. 88-72 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session, 1988- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 88-72 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Avram That By-Law No. 88-72 be read a third time aDd finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That we do now adjourn (S,41 P.M.) ~o meet again on January 18th, 1989 at 10,00 A.M. - Carried. -~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. .K. Ford, Warden. l~ WARDEN'S ADDRESS Members of Counc~l, Lad~es and Gentlemen: Let me thank you for the oppo~un~ty to represent you as Warden of this great County: of Elgin. It is a great honour and priv~lege for myself, myf~ily and the municipality I represent to have the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I have served under four fine Wardens since I have been a Member of County Counci~, and I feel very humble when I realize that I must try to attain their high standards. I extend a special thanks to Past Warden Bill Martyriforthe ded~cat~onhehas given to the Office of Warden. We shall, no doubt, be facing a very busy and challenging twelve months, and we will all have the opportunities _to put forth our productive ideas to cont~nue to provide the same excellent leader- ship shown by previous Councils. It is with regret that we say good-bye to old friends who will not be serving on Council this term. May I wish them well and hope they will always be available with their support to the County. We have fourteen new Members JO:l.n:l.ng County Council this term,and I have had the opportunity to meet with each one, as well as the Members .remaining for another term, and I am sure that we have a strong Council to face the challenges ahead. In the past year~ the County has had tWO consultant studies com~ pleted, and the reports presented to Council. One, the_Elgin County Study of Senior Citizens' Services, and the other the Elgin County Library Study. Therefore, Council will have to consider implement~ngsomeof the results oftbese consultant reports. The County Roads Committee have two construction projects started that they hope to have completed by the end of tbeyear. Thenew Middlemiss Bridge,and the County Road 30 diversion, as well as all other construction and maintenance work across the County. All the other. committees will be very busy ,as well as the Members appointed to the various boards andasGoc~at~ons. I ask the Members of Council, Department Heads and County Staff to work together to make 1989 another successful year for the County of Elgin. Thank you. DEe! 3 lill. 15 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STRIKE THE STANDING COMMITTEES December Session, 1988 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E~qin County Council, The following is the Report of the Special committee to Strike the Standing Committees for the year 1989: AGRICULTURAL Mezenberg, Carroll, Chute, Lavereau, Martyn, Neukamm.; wilson and Warden Ford COUNTY GOVERNMENT van Kasteren, Elliott, Hay, Kahrit, Lyle, Rushmere, west and Warden. Ford COUNTY LIBRARY Millman, Allin, Kahnt. van Kasteren and Warden Ford COUNTY ROADS Martyn, Avram. Chute, Coles, Lavereau, Lyle, Mezenberg, Neukamm. Willsey and Warden Ford HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Chute, Emerson, MacIntyre, Rushmere. Vandierendonck and Warden Ford Advisory ~ west PERSONNEL Neukamm. Collins. HiJ.lJnan. Sandham and Warden . Ford PROPER'l'Y Emerson, Carroll, Mezenberg, wilson and Warden Ford RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT Lyle, Coles, Ell~ott, Hay, MacIntyre, Sandham, Vand~erendonck, van Kasteren, West and Warden Ford SOCIAL SERVICES Willsey, Allin, Collins, Emerson and Warden-Ford ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT Carroll and Wilson FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Hay ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Lavereau and Martyn THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Collins TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sandham 17 - 2 - CHILDREN' 5 AID Co~es, MacIntyre and Vandierendonck ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Allin and Willsey LIAISON (Elgin County Board of Education) Avram. Elliott, Rushmere and Warden Ford COUNTY/CITY LIAISON Kahnt, Mil~and Warden Ford SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION Avrom WE RECOMMEND THAT each Committee meet and appoint: a Chairman as soon as possible. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .t~~ C . Emerson . K. . Chairman. ?Uf.,..;r ~ DEe 14 res 18 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 88-68 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE." As required by Section 4S of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following Members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System - W. A. Martyn O. J. Avram O. V. Chute R. F. Coles R. J. Lavereau H. F. Lyle H. J. Mezenberg E. NeukanUn C. R. Willsey. 2. That By-Law No. 87-54 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1988~ READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1988. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. cUL:;t--::;?;;:;; A. K. Ford, Warden. '0 .~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1988 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows; 1. That the following persons be appointed to the Land Division Committee andaby~law so appointing them and setting forth their remuneration be presented to Council: Lorne R. Carroll AJ.istair S..Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Noble G. Tufford MaX H. Stew~. 2. That the Clerk. be authorized to purchase 10,000 gold lapel pins from Cameo Advertising Specialties @ $1.01 each. 3. County Inc. @ That the Clerk be authorized. to purchase 100 coloured Medallions from Emblematic Jewellery Products of Canada $3.96 each. 4. That the resolution from the County of Peterborough re: profits relating to -Lotto 6-49- be e.ndorsed. 5; That Correspondence #2 from the Township of Kingston be tabled to the. January 19890meeting of this Committee. 6. That -we support the private members bill (U45-jby Mike Farnan,M.P.P. 0- Cambridge, entitled the Gun Replica Sale Prohibition Act, 1988. 7. 8. which 17th, That correspondence. t4and 5 -be filed. That the cost of the meal for the Tobacco Committee was held at the County Administration Building on November 1988 be . paid. 9. That the Committee continue to hold its regular meetings on the first wednesday of each month at 9:30A.M. and the next meeting be January 4th, 1989. 10. That we recommend that County Council express their opposition to the Kerrio Report on suggestions for altering the composition, funding etc., with respect to the Conservation Authorities. 11. That we recommend that the Lord's Prayer be re- instituted .in ~he school system in Elgin County and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier, Minister of Education, Attorney-General, Marietta Roberts and the Elgin County Board of Education. 12. That for 1989 the Treasurer report the number of meetings attended for over three hours and under three hours by individual Members of Council. 13. 8th, 1989 1989. We recommend that the budget meetifig be held on March and the regular Council Session be held on March 29th, ALL of which is respectfully submitted. {ULJ .;4.::{ n1=r. 14 1988 20 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMiTTEE REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1988 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to proceed wit.h the "Wandering Registry" for the Alzheimers residents. ,. bread (100% THAT the- tender of Lewis Bakeries L.td. for supplying requirements at a price of .65~ (white sliced) and .65i whole wheat sliced) per 6759 loaf be accepted for ~he year 1989. 3. THAT the tender of Ault Foods for supplying milk require- ments for 1989 be accepted at the prices quoted unless there is an increase to the producer from the Ontario Milk-Marketing Board Qr some other government agency. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~.t!~ D. V. Chute., Chai.rn\an. tli.I..r ~ DEe 14 Glia Ll PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1988 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, FIRST REPORT The Personnel Committee reports as follows: l. ing that year. 2. 10.00 Mosey That a letter be forwarded to Mr. E. A. Wells confirm- annual increments are to be paid on January 1st of each That a meeting be held on January 12th; 1989 at A~M. to review health benefits and premiums with our broker & Mosey Insurance. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .b~~~ E.. Neukaillln. Chairman. tf.LL.,.;f ~ DEe 14 !lea 72 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1988 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That a by-law be presented to authorize the Warden and Clerk to sign a lease for the Court House for the year 1988. 2. That the Clerk be authorized to purchase 50 cream colaured plastic stacking chairs @ S18.50 each for use in the Lunch Room and Council Chambers from the Table and Chair Co. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. "<<k~/1~ K.. . Emerson, Cha3.rman. CUI.,..;t<~ DEe 14 Gl8 23 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1988 YIRSTREPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The!eCeptionand Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the 1989 Warden's Banquet beheld at St. Anne's Parish Centre on Friday, November 10th, 1989. 2. That the annual Golf Day be heldon'l'h~sday,July 13th, 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,9(lF Chairman. ~~ DEe 14 llIle 24 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT December Session, 1988 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That. correspondence #1 (Fairview Day Nursery) be tabled to January 1989. 2. That we recommend. that the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for Day Nursery Care with Morrison Day Nursery. 3 . . That the Director's Claim for Travel and Expenses in the amount of S18.90 be approved for payment. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~"-"- ?I:..ik.; - (J aa-.r ~ OEt I 4 1008 25 Nt. _ BankofMontreal Municipal By-law for Current Expenditures Munlci;loelitvof ELGIN BY.LAW No. 88-69 WHEREAS the Council cllhe Cotporation dlItIms it nec.ssaTy to bornIw tile sum of ___~______________FlVE MILLION_______~_~________xx'100 ~.~ lCmet!l.unlilthelPeSa,ecollecled,.1heeurrentexpendiWr8$oltheCarponnianformeyear: AND WHEREAS the total of.mounts previously bomlwed und8r section 189 of me Mun~I.Actthat l'I!Iyenotbeoenrepllidis.........l:Ul&. dollars. AND WHEREAS the .movnt of the _.mated i'8V8I'IUlIS 01 the Cofpomion as tel out in the. estimates .doptedforlheeuttenIYHr.ndnOlyel:coIlec:llldlor.itthe"men-notyfttbftn~ thearnountollhe \l$limatedreverlllDoftheCorpomion_..t1ol1hinthe.nm.tlIS~forU.nextl'fllCMlin;YIIlIr) ~ SIXTEEN MILLION,EIGHTHUNDREDAND SIXTY THOUSAN~ is EIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGH'T'Y_!';TX___________________vv '1 nn dollars; AND WHEREAS.tne amount 10 be bomIwed under.'Itlis by iawll'ld 1M .-..riw of tllImIwin;s ll1at "'" nolbHnretlllicldollSnotinthe~-.ceed70%ofl:heunc:olltcled.lII~ofthe-meted-U8Sof lheCcrpOrationasNtoutaboveC BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Aid Council as fellows: ell TheHeed.mtheT~~~~MhofizedonbehaltoftheCotpcntiDntll borrow from tirneto time. trVwrr of prOIl'Ii:uory note, frorrlBllnk of Manual.. tumor...._ not DCMding in the aggregate---.:..---------- FIVE MILLION--------------xx/lOO oou.rs to meet. UMll the__colIocted, the~apenditurwofthe~forthev-r, itlcluding the ImountsrequiredforthepurpclMSmIlI'l1ioneclin~.tllofth8uids.cDon189,Pd1D;M,onbehBlfof .'lheCorporation;tothes.nk.~noIeor-.sulMlwithv.~....-.aignedbv.therrlfor themonv,osSOllonovwedwnnintenstatl_lOOt~ ~percemvmperilMUll'l,.wtlichmBVbB PBidin~I)t~. 12lAlIsums~fn)mthe_ s.nk. torWtyor.uoftlleOUrpoMllMntiontd in the Aid 5ection 11l9. shlIll,with interest'lheRon, bBlehBrgellpOt\thewtloleofthe_of.the Cor$Ioralionforthe.current vurlndlorlllpreceding'l'8lrs,l$..-clwhensuch__~. .l31 TheTrusurerisherebyMlthorizedlnddlreetedto~inpe;ymentof.tlsumsbolTowedptmUlnt tOthellUthorifvotthisBy4w,.._U.IIlIOlhetsurns~inthisYlllrBnd-".pr8Yiou$.,..s.fromthB$lid BlInk for Iny or III of the pu~ nBnionIIl:i in the Aid SIcVon US, togllthefwim interestlll8nlon,.J1 ctthe moneyS herufter.colIec:ted.or ntceMId on -=olInt lll'.1'UlincI in IISPIlCI of tfMt _1eOriBd fortlle CUmlnt yNI" Indpr0CeCliilgyears~."otthelT'lDMYScoIlectedlll'fec:8ivedfrom..,Otlwr_,whichltlllYlMYlvllybe 10000iedlorsuchDUJCOSe. f>l$sedtltls l5J;h ""I n.o.......m........ 19..B.B.....- /7/J.P. ~-;e:: / m._oI...~1 Warden -:"" -- ...~ 26 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. as-70 "BEING A BY-LAvl TO APPOINT A LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE." WHEREAS Section 55 of The Planning Act provides for the constitution and appointment of a Land Division Committee. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as followsl 1. That a Land Division Committee is hereby constituted and the following persons are hereby appointed to membership on the said Committee - Lorne R. Carroll Alistair B. Littlejohn John V. McKinlay Noble G. Tufford Max H. Stewart. 2. That the Members of the Land Division Committee be paid the following remuneration for attending meetings of the said Committee - Effective January 1, 1988 (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when the said meeting is over three (3) hours in duration - $81.00 (b) In attending a meeting of the Committee when the said. meeting is. three ('3) hours or less in duration _ $52.00 (c) In addition to the above remuneration, each member shall be paid the same rata for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such meetings, as established for the use ofparsonal vehicles for County business. Effective Januarv 1, 1989 (a) In attending a meeting of the Committee when the said meeting is over three (3) hours in duration - S85.00 (b) In attending a meeting of the Committee when the said meeting is three (3) hours or less in duration - S55.00 (c) In addition to the above- remuneration, each member shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such meetings, as established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. 3. Each Member shall be paid, in addition to the above remuneration, $20.00 for each application which he investigates. This is to cover his mileage and/or attendance at local Council meetings to discuss the applications. 4.. For attending a convention, when authorized by County Council - (a) Within a radius of 200 miles (322 KID) of St; Thomas, One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars (S175.00) per day, registration fee and mileage from St. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business~ "-I - 2 - (b) Outside a radius of 200 miles (322 Km) of St. Thomas, One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) per day, registration fee and single airfare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and return. Where the site cannot be reached by air service, mileage to and from the convention be paid. 5. That By-Laws No. 85-46,85-61 and 87-56 be, and the same are hereby repealed. 6. That this By-Law become effective upon paSSing. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1988. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. tUt-f ~ A. K. Ford. Warden. 28 COUNTY OF ELGIN ByeLaw No. BB-71 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOR THE COURT HOUSE." WHEREAS the Ministry of Government Services, for the Province of Ontario, wishes to renew the lease for the Court House, for a further period of one year: and WHEREAS the terms and conditions negotiated have been accepted by both the Province and the County. NOW THEREFORE the Warden and Clerk are hereby author- ized to sign the said -Lease Renewal Agreement- for the Court House accommodations for the period January 1st, 1988 to December 31st, 1988. READ a first time this 15th day of December. 1988. READ a second time this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1988. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. af/....~.J. A. K. Ford, Warden. I.~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 88-72 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEOINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OECEMBER SESSION. 19B8. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection lof Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of-the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council OZ the, Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the December 1988 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as'if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden- and properoffieials of the Corporation of the County of Elginare-hereby-authorized and directed to do all things necessary to ,give-effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in thatbehalI and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a second t~e this 15th day of December, 1988. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1988. ~~ G~ C. Leverton, Clerk. 4{'1. T'~J A. K. Ford, Warden. 30 January Session - First Day Wednesday. the 18th day of January. 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That the minutes of the December 1988 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMHITTEE COMMUNJ:CATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. The Management Board of Cabinet with copy of report on the local government consultations re; tbB Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. COUNTY ROADS COMMI'l'TEE 1. Ministry of Transportation with copies of MemO No. 88-24re: HTR B-21 Subsidy - Land for Municipal., Road Purposes~ ~,B-49 subsidy Policy - Municipal Road Illumination. 2~ Ministry of the Environment nth notice of submission by the Ontario Waste Management Corporation-_of an environmenta~ assessment for its Hazardous Waste Treatment. System. located in the Regioria~ Municipality of Niagara and.~so. approv~ for siting. constructing and operating waste col~ection and transfer service and facilities across the-province. at same future date. 3~ Ministry of Transportation with copy of the Ministerially Adjusted Assessment to be used in calculating 1989 ~~ocation of provincial funds. 4. Ministry of Transportation rith notice of 1989 initial allocation for subsidy purposes of-SS.479.100. PROPERTY COHM:I'l"fEE 1. Ministry of Government Services advising that the Offer to Lease, dated June- 6th, 1988. for the period commencing September la, 1987 to December 31, 1988. at a rate of $2.783~33 per month. has been approved and was accepted for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food at 9 Gladstone Avenue. 2. Ministry of Government Services advising that the Offer to Lease, dated June 6th, 1988, for the period commencing September la, 1987 to December 31, 1988, at a rate of Sl.498~58 per month, haS been approved and was accepted for the Ministry of Agricu1ture and Food at 79 Stanley Street. SOCIAL SERVICES COHM:ITTEE ~. Tillson~U4g and District Multi~S~Jice Centre~ithhour~y rate f~r Homemaker Service of S8.40 per hour, effect~ve January 1st, 1989. 2. From the Aylmer PreSchool. Day Care Centre and Happy Day Chil.dren's Learning Centre w~th request for an increase of Sl.00 per day for day care. 31 - 2 - ~ 1. The Premier of Ontario acknowledging Elgin's resoiution with respect to the Lord's Prayer in the school system. 2. Ministry of the Attorney General with information on charges to be laid under the Provincial Offences Act, Part 2,88 of September 1st, 1989. 3. Ministries of Nat.ur&lResourcesand Municipal Affitirs with copy of policy statement on Fload Plain Planning. 4. Local Registrar. County of Elgin. with copy of Public Inspection Panel Report, dated December 7,1988. S. Ministry of the Attorney General, Office of the Public Trustee, outlining the responsibi11ty of their office with respect toarrangirig for or paying for funerals of unclaimed bodies. 6. Bank of Montreal advising of an increase in the prime interest rate of ~% to 12~%. effective December 9, 1988. 7. Ministry of Housing with copy of O.Reg. 734/88, an amendment to the Ontario Plumbing Code. 8. From the following Counties: (1) County of Lambton, new Warden Larry O'Neill (Maureen) - Banquet November 10, 1989, Wyoming. (2) county.of Oxford, bew Warden Ernie Hardeman (Rita). (3) County of Essex, new Warden Carl- Gibb (Sharon) - Banquet November 17,1989. (4) County of Huron, new Warden David W. JohDston (Gail)'- Banquet Friday, November 3, 1989. (5) County of. Perth, n&w.Warden IVBn .Norris (Betty-Lou) - Banquet . Saturday, ..November.4. 1989. 9. Prerriier of Ontario witbreplY to our letter concerning 8il1119, An Act to Amend the Ontario Lottery Corporation Act . 10. Association of Municipa1itiSs of Ontario, Rural Section, with agenda for 1989 Annual Conference. 11. Organization of Small Orban Municipalities adVising tbat the Annual Conference will be held in Barrie Hay 3..6. 1989, and includ;Lng a copy of AHO's response to HISA: Controlling Industrial Discharges to Sewers. 12. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care in St. Thomas and Elgin County and financial statement for the month of November 1988. 13. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that Elgin will be receiv- ing $431,472 in unconditional funding for 1989. 14. Minister of Natural Resources acknowledging receipt of the county's letter with respect to the review of the Conservation Author- ities Program. 15. Pay EqUity Commission with brochure on the upcoming Pay Equity Conference .Countdownto Implementation-. 16. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copies of Priva~e Bills Process and statements by the 'l'reasurer of Ontario and the Minister of Municipal Affairs re: unconditional transfer payments and municipal roads assistance being frozen. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously and those presented today be approved as follows; _ 3 _ County Council, January Session, 198~ County Government Committee - #1 County Roads Committee - ~1-4 inclusive Property Committee - #1-2 inclusive Social Services Committee - Wl-2 inclusive Filed - 11-16 inclusive County Council - 11-18 inclusive. _ carried. A delegation from the University of Western Ontario was present and it was moved by Reeve Chute that they be now heard. Miss Angela Armitt, formerDeari of Faculty of Part Time and Cont.inuing Education, and Mr. Jeffrey Millman, Elgin County Scholarship winner, were present. Miss Armitt expressed appreciation on behalf of the University for the financial contribution and scholarships given by the County. She indicated that a campaign was to start in April for Capital Contribu- tions. Mr. Millman commented on the adjustment necessary from attend- ing high school and switching to university. Miss Armitt advised that Councils' Day at U.W.O. would be held on May 31st, 1989. FIRST REPORT - COUN'l"Y GOVERNMENT COHMI'l'TEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve. Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That. Item No. 1 of the County GoVernment Committee Report be amended to establish-- designated smoking_ueaswithin the...._County_ Adm.in_istJ:"i!lt:i.':Jn Building. The areas to be designated to be determined by the Property Committee. A recorded vote on the amendment was requested - YEAS _ Mezenberg (2), Ford, West,. Lyle (2), carroll (2), Martyn (2), Milln'lan (2), NeukaJml (2), van Kasteren (2), Chute (2), Sandham, Willsey, wilson, Avranl(2), VandierendoncJc (2), Emerson, MacIntyre, Kahnt, Lavereau (2), Elliott, Coles, Allin, collins~ TOTAL YEAS- 34. !!!!! _ Hay, Rusbmere. TOTAL NAYS - 2. The amendment Carried. The .Report, as amended. Was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPOR'r - COUN'l'Y LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Mi.lln'lan Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Report of the COWlty Library Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRS'r REPORT - COUN'fi ROADS COMMI'l"l'EE (mailed) Moved by Reeve. Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the County Roads. Committee be adopted. Carried. SECOND REPORT - COtrN'l'Y ROADS COMMITTEE This Report was tabled by Reeve Martyn to the Afternoon Session. 33 - 4 - FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the Homes-for Senior citizens Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved. by Reeve Emerson seconded by Deputy 'Reeve Carroll That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to choose any organiza- tions or ind~viduals requesting a grant to attend the Grant Session. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Avram Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That an invitation be extended to Marietta Roberts,H.P.P.. to attend the February 15th, 1989 Session of County Council to explain the Provinc~ Government"spoliey on transfers to tbelocal municipali- ties. _ carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Catfish Creek conserVation AutboritywitbNews Release extending the deadline for conservation aWBrd nominations to,Januar,y31. 1989a 2. Elgin Tourist Association with request for the names of three nominees to represent the County for the Elgin Tourist Association. 3. Environment Canada advising that June 4-10 will be celebrated as Environment Week and requesting partieipationa 4. Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society with appreciation for 1988 grant and requesting continued support for 1989. 5. Arthur C~ Eggleton, Chairman. ontario Regional Committee; Federation of Canadian Municipalities, explaining the advantages of membership. 6. Marietta Roberts, MoPaP.. enclosing information with respect to the provision of 30.000 non-profit homes in Ontarioo 7 . Minister of Municipal. Affairs nth eopy of Munieipal Statute Law Amendment Act, which has been given First Reading and requesting com- ments, 8. Elgin Family Violence Centre requesting the appointment of two representatives from County COUficil to tr~ soard of. pisectors. 9. Association of MUnicipalities of Ontario with request for a nomination for a vacancy on the Executive Committee for the Rural Section .of AoM~Oo 10. Marietta Roberts. M.P.P.. with a copy of a green paper, tabled by Treasurer of Ontario. Robert Nixon,describing approacheS of assisting municipalities and. school boards with financing of growth-related needs and requesting comments by March 1, 1989. _ 5 - County Counci~, January Session, 198 ~ - continued 11. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request for member- ship fee of S2,341.98 for 1989. 12. The Salvation Army, Public Relations Department, with request for a 1989 grant. 13. Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario with program for seminar entit~ed -Municipal Risk Management- and registration form. 14. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with information on Training Incen- tive Grants for municipa~ities. 15. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology advising that they propose to bring another investment tour to Southwestern Ontario in mid September. 16. Demographic Reports of Canada offering their specialized demo- graphic reports for communities like Elgin. 17. The Elgin Regiment Veteran's Association with request for a grant of :;;500 towards a Reunion Function. 18. Township of Aldboroughrequesting the County to prepare a prelim- inary study on a County-wide reassessment. MOved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Chute That the following Correspondence be tabled to the Grant Session: I 4 Aylmer and East .E1gin Agricultural Society 12 The Salvation. Army 17 The Elgin Regiment Veteran's Association. - Carried. Moved by Reeve.Neukaam Seconded by Reeve Martyn That the following be the County of Elg.:i.n appointees to .the Elgin Tourist Association for 1989 and be paid the usual per. diem and mile- age rates for attending: Reeve Allin Deputy Reeve West Deputy Reeve van Kasteren. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That Correspondence. 110 be tabled to the February 15th, 1989- Session. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Hezenberg Seconded by Reeve Coles That membership be taken out in the Associat:ion of Municipalities of Ontario at a cost of $2.341.98. - carried. Moved by Reeve Hazenberg Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That the Assessment Department be. requested to conduct a pre~imina.ry study on a county-wide reassessment and report to Council. - carried. 35 - 6 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve A~~in That Council Communications numbered 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, and 16 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Al.lin That. we go into a Committee Of The Whole. _ Carried. Warden Ford appointed Reeve Laveree.u esCba:i.rman.. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve NeuJaunm Seconded by Reeve Collins That we do now adjourn (11;56 A.M..) to meet again on J'anuary18th. 1989 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convenedat 4;53 P.M. ROLLCALL _ lil Menlbers present except: Deputy Reeve Elli.ott .. SECOND REPORT -COUNTY ROADS COMMI'r'l'EE Moved by Reeve Martyn seconded by Reeve Coles That the Second Report of the County Roads committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT _ COUNTY LIBRARY CQMHI'1"fEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Allin That the Second Report of the County Library Comrni:ttae be tabled to a future meeting. -Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Comrnitteewas presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukammand Reeve Martyn~ SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Mezenberg. FIRST REPORT _RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT..COMMI'l'TEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and. adopted on.motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Rushmere. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey and adopted on motion of Reeve Willsey and Deputy Reeve Carroll. 36 - 7 - County Council, January Session, 198 Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That we. recommend that the Roads Committee consider conducting a Road Tour for the Members of Council. -Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the County Solicitor, Mr. M. J. Hennessey, be instructed to carry on negotiations for the sale of the Court House. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That February 16th, 1989 at 1130 P.M. be set to hear grant applica- tions only. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-1 '"A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads. be read a first t:ime.. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Al~in Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law Noo 89-1 be read a second tim$. - Carried. Moved by Reeve NeUlcamlll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No~ 89-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carriedo Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That By-Law Noo 89-2 -Being a By-Law to Appoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 89-2 be read a second time. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil~ That By-Law No~ 89-2 be read a th1rd time and finally passed. - Carried. 37 - 8- Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-3 '"Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between Med+Care Health Services Li.m:j.ted and the County of lUgin for Homemakers Services. be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89-3.be read a second time. .;.. Carried. Moved by Reeve collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandharn That By-Law No. 89-3 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-4 '"Being-a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a .Lease with the Ministry of Government Services for 79 Stanl.eyStreet. St. Thomas. be read a first time. -Carr:i.ad. Moved by Reeve Avram Seconded by ReeveCo~es That . By-Law No ~ 89-4 .be read. a second time. . _ Carrioade Hoved by Reeve Coles Seconded by ReeveWi~lsey That By-Law No~ 89~4 be read a third time and finally passed~ _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-5 -Being. a By-Law. to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Lease with the Ministry of Government Services for 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. ThomaS. be read a first ti.me~ _ Carried~ Hoved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No~ 89-5 be read a second time. _ Carried.. Moved by Reeve Lavereati ~conded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No~ 89-5 be read a third time and finally passed~ _ Carried~ _ 9 _ County Council, January Session, 198~ Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That By-Law No. 89-6 .A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the January Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendodck That By-Law No. 89...6 be read a second time. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-6 be read a third time and finally passed. Curied.. Moved by Deputy Reeveliay Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That we do now adjoarn (5:13 P..M.) to meet again on February 15th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. .--~.-- ~. ~~ ~.. G.. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford-, Warden.. 39 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: * See 1. That we recommend that effective .July 1st, 1989 the amendment Elgin County Administration Building be declared smoke-free. below. 2. That the resolution from the Township of Kingston re: Exclusionary Zoning matter be filed. 3. That we recommend that County Council set the following dates to meet for the balance of 1989: December 14th, 1989 (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Tuesday - 2:00 P.M.) (Thursday) . February 15th, 1989 April 19th, 1989 May 17th, 1989 June 21st, 1989 September 27th, 1989 (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (Wednesday) (WednesdBY) (Wednesday) October 25th, 1989 November 15th. 1989 December 12th, 1989 4. That for 1989 we recommend the following list be eligible conventions forattendancel Rural (ROMA) Section of A.M.a. Royal York Hotel,Toronto February 5,6, 7 and 8 Ontario Good Roads Association Royal York Hotel,Toronto February 19, 20, 21 '8nd22 Ontario Municipal Social Services Association Windsor June 4, 5, Gand 7 Canadian Library Association Edmonton, Alberta June 22, 23, 24 and 25 Association of Municipalities of Ontario Royal York Hotel, Toronto August 19, 20, 21,22 and 23 Ontario Association of Non Profit Homes for Seniors Harbour Castle, Toronto September 17, 18, 19 and 20 Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Palliser and Convention Centre, Calgary, Alberta September 17, 18, 19. 20 and 21 (A.C.R.O.) County and Regional Section of A9M.O. Sudbury October 15, 16, 17 and 18 Ontario Museum Association North Bay 3rd weekend in October Ontario Library Association Hamilton November 9, 10 and 11 and that the option of having a hospitality suite at any of them be left to the discretion of the Warden. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. . Item #1 was amended by deleting -be declared smoke- free- and replaced with "have designated smoking areas, to be determined by the Property Committee.- ~ .. <';;7~ / _?v- "",/.t:-A""----.:- A. J. van Kasteren, Chairman. alL..r ",,-.-'" LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members'of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Library Committee recommends that County Council accept the offer of the North Yarmouth Historical Society to the effect that they will sell' prints for the County, and collect a S2~OO royalty fee to be remitted to the County Library and that these funds: be applied to maintenance of the Scott Sefton collection. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1'77... n_' P21,j';?-~... Marian Millman, Chairman. c;l.UJ,z ~<< JAIl 18 1189 41 (DUNTYOF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That 11 by-law be passed appointing Mr. Albert AucKland as the County of Elgin representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road C01lllllission for a three (3) year periodconmencing February 1, 1989. The Public Transport'ation and Highway Jmprove~ntAct PartYIII. Section 65. Subsection 6 provides that the term of every member of a Suburban Road Commission expires on the 31st of January of the year following a municipal election held after their appointment. A successor shall be appointed by Council after the Council elected in that election assumes office. Mr. Auckland has been the representaive of the Countycif .Elgin for a number of years and is President of the SUburban Road Comissi"on of Ontario at the present time. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED -:f71 ~~ ~ ,. CHAI N . tzavr-..t:::-L JAN 18 1189 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as fo'llows: 1. That the Director/Administrator be authorized to re.gister the following for the Ministry workshop February 23rd and 24th 1989: F.J. Boyes, M. Barrett, J. Hateley, Chairman Chute and Warden Ford. 2. That the following Policies and Procedures be approved: Terrace Lodge Recreation Manual - Auction, Adopt-A-Grandmother. Charity Fundraiser 3. That the Director/Administrator be authorized to register Supervisory staff and Committee members for the Ontario Association of Non Profit Homes and Services for Seniors Conference on April 4th and 5th 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ":i;;. u:- C~ D. Vane Chute. Chairman. ~~ JAN Ie 1189 43 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT Januarysess~on. 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E~gin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the firm of smylie & Crow bas been authorized to proceed with the drawings and specifications for the aircondi- tioning and beating for the lounge,lunchroom and hallways in the basement. 2. tions for basement That smylie & Crow additional heating area. has prepared plans andspecifica- for the Cassette Room in the Library 3-. ThS.t we recommend -that the elevetorsinthe Administra- 'tJ..on Building be made inoperable by shutting off the power during non-office hours. 4.. Tbat the Clerk has been authori:z:edto purchase a used fridge for use in the kitchen off Committee Room #1 and it be stocked with co1d drinks for purcbase. ALL of which is respectfu11y submitted. h!;L;U'~.d ~ K. C. Emerson, . . , Chairman. cm..r~ JAN 18 1lB9 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~lMITTEE SECOND. REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF elGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAO COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. McLean-Taylor Construction Ltd. of St. Marys continues work on the . Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14 over the Thames River. Todate they have comp leted concrete work on the North abutment to the top of the bridge seat. They have also completed pile driving for both the North and South piers and concrete footings and are in the process of pouring concrete at the South pier. Construction including pile driving on the South abutment will not be started until Spring. No unusual problems have been encountered to date. 2. We have negotiated a $45,000.00 settlement with Frank Cowan Company for damage t'o the County's main hangar storage building at White's Station. The building whiCh is a portion of an airforce hangar was moved to the site i~ the late 1940's and suffered wind damage during the sUlllller of 1988. The settlement inGludes approximately $6,000.00 which the County incurredmaldng temporary repairs, installation of temporary hydro facilities (for block heater plug.ins for trucks for the winter) and a report by Parker Consultants \IIhich was required by the Insurance Company to detail the damage. As the Parker report indicated that an additional $64,000.OO"cif work. not associated with the wind damage would be reqUired to rehabilitate the building (total cost of rehabili- tation estimated at $91,000.00), your 1988 Road Comittee decided to evacuate the building and make plans to build a new storage building in 1989. All equipment and materials have been removed from the old garage and arrangements have been made to remove the radio equipment. It is hoped to complete this removal within the next two(2) weeks. The Engineer has been instructed to remove the old bui lding as soon as possible. 3. The Warden, Chairman, and the Engineer met with the Warden and Chairman of the Middlesex County Road COllll1ittee and the Middlesex County Engineer to discuss continuing work on the Radio.Highbury Road link. In 1988 your COllll1ittee expended $400,000.00 on the Elgin County portion of this link. A like expenditure in 1989 would complete the 45 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY ~ESSION 1989 PAGE 2 war\<. in Elgin County other than a topcoat of asphalt and minor trim war\<.. The CoIm'1ittee was assured by Middlesex that they are proceeding with wor\<. as rapidly as possible and expect to complete the portion between the County boundary and the Belmont-GlanworthRoad this year and to start the placement of fill over the swamp South of the Wilton Grove Road. Continuance of work in both Counties is subject to supplementary By-Law approval by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. 4. We have been informed by Middlesex County that the Environmental Report by M. M. Dillon Engineering regarding Tate's Bridge should be available to the COlmlittee for study within two(2) months. 5. We nave appointed a COl1IlIittee consisting of the Warden, thEtChairman, Reeve Lyle, Reeve Mezenberg and the Engineer to meet with CSX Transportation to ascertain if the CSX right-of-way through Yarmouth, Southwold. Dunwich and Aldborough can be obtained by the local Municipalities individually or by the County. The Engineer is. presently trying to arrange a lIlE!etingwith .CSX Represeiltati ves. 6. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that the spending objective for 1988 wlllbe 56,878.900.00 and the subsidy allocation will be $5,479,100. The subsidy allocation is an increase of 2.48<:; from 1988. The construction objective for the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Corrmission is $2,975.000 {road and bridge construction and asphalt resurfacing) which is only 95.6~ of the 1988 objective. Construction allocations to the Counties and Regional Municipalities were based on 2.74~ of their approved needs for road and bridge construction for 1989 compared to 3.~'k in 1988 (a reduction of 17<:;). Asphalt resurfacing allocations remain constant at 12~. The County's total road and bridge needs in 1988..ere approximately $56,000,000.00 which was a 4.6~ increase from the previouS year. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 WE RECOMMEND: 7. Preliminary Budget work will be started by your COlMlittee shortly. PAGE 3 .1. That a Resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin for subsidy on road expenditures made on the County of Elgin road system from January 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988. 2. That the MemberShip fees for the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada. be paid. 3. That a By-law be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign plans expropriating land for widening of County Road allowances as required for 1989 an the fallowing raads: (a) County Road 1# 2 (b) Caunty Road 1# 4 {el Ceunty Road #B {dl Caunty Road 1#14 {al Caunty Road 1#16 {fJ County Road 1#20 {gl Ceunty Road 1#22 {hi County Road 1#27 (i) Caunty Road 1#27 (j) County Road 1#30 {kl Ceunty Road #43 loOt 20, Cencession VIn and IX Township of Aldbaratigh Lets A to 0 and 1te 5 (inclusive). Cencessians VII and VIII, Township Of Aldborough Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of OUnwich LoOt 'C', Cencession III, Tewnship ef Ounwich LoOt 33, North and South of Talbet Read, East Branch Township of SouthwoId Lets 15 and 16, North Talbot Road. North Branch, Tewnship of SouthwoJd Lots 7 and 8, Cencessien IV, Tewnship ef Yannouth lots 15 and 16, Range 1 and 2, North of Unien Road, TownShip of Southwold Lot 1, 2nd Range. East of River Road, Tewnship of Southwold Lets 7 toO 9, Concessian XIII, Tawnship af. Yanncuth Lot 1, Cencessiens III and IV, TownShip af Bayham COUNTY OF ELGlN ROAD COMt-IITTEE SECOND REPORT JANIIARY SESSION 1989 ( 1 ) County Road #43 (m) County Road #45 (n) County Road #46 47 PAGE 4 lot 35, Concession III and IV, Township of Malahide Lots 33 and 34, South of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold Lot 114, North Talbot Road, Township of Bayham ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED /6fe./J lr{~:(" CHA I RMAI a'et-;(-~ JAN 18 1'83 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session 1989 SECOND REPORT To the IVardenand Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: L That the Library Committee recommends that County Council accept the COncept of an Archives as. presented in Archives Studv: County of ElR"in prepared by Crossman Associates. 2. .That the Library Committee recommends the County, as a matter of policy. develop a County Archives, beginning with a modified option #1 in the Archives Studv:. Countv of E~in and proceed with the development in stages as the County budget allows. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,.,.I".,A...,,"":" 12.,1 PI. d. , Marian Millman, Chairman. aL4.:iC .-4' . The Report was -Tabled from the January 1989 Session toa future meeting~. JAN 18 1389 49 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT January 5es510n,1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That Mr. Tom Crossman be engaged for 1989 ata r~tainer of $20,000.00, billed quarterly, and be accounted foroD a quar- terlybasis as to time spent, work done etc. and when the $20,000 has been spent a decision to continue will be considered at that time. 2. That Mr. Crossman, Warden Ford, Cha1rmaD Neukemm and the Clerk meet and complete a job description for a Personnel Director/Officer for a position to be created for the County of Elgin for presentation to the Personnel Committee for agreement. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~~ E. .Neukamm, Chaiman. C2R4?~ JAN 16 l36!l 50 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1989 SECOND.REPORT To the Warden and Members of. the Elgin County Council, The'pr~perty Committee reports as follows: l. for the cost of That the service agreement with Johnson Court.House heating system be renewed for $665.38 per annum. Controls Ltd. 1989 only, at a ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ff~ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. ~H JAIl 18 009 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1989 To the warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, FIRST REPORT The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows_: l. Warden~s contract 2. Thursday, 1;00 P.M. That In~A-Sense be engaged to play the music for the Banquet at a cost of $500.00 and the Chairman sign the for the date. That the annual Golf Oaybe held at pleasant Valley on .July 13th, 1989, with a closed tee from 1,0;00 A.M. to ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~j~{J~ Chairman. t2tt4'-t:::i. . JAN 18 "llll9 "" _1 ./ SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT January Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the ELgin County CounciL, The SociaL Services Committee reports as follows; 1. That we recommend that subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes, an hourly rat.e of $8.39 be accepted for the purchase of Homemaker Services from TiLLsonburg Kome Help Inc. effective January 1st, 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. (,,~ rI~f ~ /I JAN 18 Il89 53 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No.. 89-1 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF LAND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IMPROVING COUNTY ROADS. " WHEREAS under Section 193 .of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302, R.S~O. 1980, the Council of every corporation may pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land requir~d for the purpose of the corporation; and WHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act and other statutes, the Corporation of the County of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widening. improving, protecting from erosion, altering or diverting the County Roads shown on Schedule -Aa as attached. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin; 1. That the Warden and the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be, and ere, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule -A-, and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin and to register the same in the County of Elgin Registry Office. 2. That the Treasurer be,and is hereby authorized, to pay to the owners of the, lands hereby expropriated,suchamountsas may be agreed upon as compensation as may bedeterminedbyarbi- tration under provisions of the Expropriations Act, being Chapter 148, R.S~O. 1980. READ a first time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a second time this lath day of January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1989. .........< <u~- ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /f'jJjl,:;{ :t::.( A. K. Ford, Warden. 54 1- County Road #2 2. County Road #4 3. County Road #8 4. County Road #14 s. County Road #16 6. County Road #20 7. County Road #22 8. County Road lF27 9. County Road #27 10. County Road #30 1l. County Road 1M3 12. County Road #43 13. County Road #45 14. County Road #46 SCHEDULE . A. By-Law No. 89-:-1 Lot 20, Concessions VIII and IX, Townshi:p of Aldborough Lots A to 0 and Lots 1 to 5 (inclusive), Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Aldborough Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich Lot C, Concession III, Township of Ounwich Lot 33, North and South of TaJ.bot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold Lots 15 and 16, North Talbot Road, North Branch, Township of Southwo1d Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth Lots 15 and 16, Range 1 and 2. North of Union Road, Township of Southwold Lot 1, 2nd Range East of River Road, Township of Southwold Lots 7 to 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth Lot 1, Concessions III and IV, Township of . Bayham Lot 35, Concessions III and IV, Township of Malahide Lots 33' and 34 , South of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwcld Lot 114, North Talbot Road, Township of Ba.yham. 55 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Low No. B9-2 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION." WHEREAS Section 65 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act provides for the appointment of members of a Suburban Roads Commission: and WHEREAS one, of the three persons on the Commission, is to be appointed by County Council. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That ~bert W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission for the period February 1st, 1989 to January 31st, 1992. 2. That By-Law No. 86-3 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a second time this lSthday of January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January,1989. ~~ G. C...Leverton, Clerk. CeLt.-.:r .;:t;;,; A. K. Ford., Ward.en~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9_3 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MED.CARE HEALTH SERVICES LIMITED AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR HOMEMAKERS SERVICES." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for the County of Elgin to enter into an agreement with Med+Care Health Services Limited to have them provide Homemakers Services to residents of the County of Elgin when such service is deemed necessary by the County of Elgin Social Services Director. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authori%ed to sign an agreement between Med+Care Health Services. Limited and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services. READ a first time thislBth day of January, 1989. READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1989. ~>4-/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. a~.-I- .;r::; A.. K. Ford Warden. ' 57 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-4 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A LEASE WITH THE MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOR 79 STANLEY STREET. ST.THOMAS. " WHEREAS the. Ministry of Government Services, . for the Province of Ontario, wishesta lease 79 Stanley Street, St. Thomas, to be used .for storage purposes for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food~and WHEREAS the tems and conditions ne.gotuted have been accepted by both the Province and the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipa~ Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a leasefor>premises known as 79 Stanley Street, St. Thomas, for the period September 10th, 1987 to December 31st. 1988. READ a first time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a second time this 18th day of .January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed th~s18th day of January, 1989. ......&./ --~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. tf/'/_:7 .C,; A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-5 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A LEASE WITH THE MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOR 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE. ST. THOMAS." WHEREAS the Ministry of Government Services, for the Province of Ontario, wishes to lease 9 Gladstone -Avenue, St. Thomas,to be used for offices for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; and WHEREAS the terms and conditions negotiated bave been accepted by both the Province and the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows~ 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are bereby authorized to sign aleese for premises known as 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas, Ear the period September 10th, 1987 to December 31st, 1988~ READ a first t~ this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1989. ...-.<. /.. ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. tV!., .vC / A. K. Ford, Warden. 59 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-6 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEOINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JANUARY SESSION. 1989." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter 302 of the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its counci~land WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The.Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of.Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By~Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the January 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were_expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2 . The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal council of the corporatio~of the County of Elgin referred to in the pr,eceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary ,in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of tbe County of Elgin. READ a first time this 18th day of January; 1989. READ a second time this 18th day of January,1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 18th day of January, 1989. _~~--.- >4-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <<et,:t ;;;:, A. K. Ford, Warden~ February Session - First Day Wednesday, the 15th day of February. 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building. at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve tlliott. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Coles That the minutes of the January 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. United TOVDShips of Head, Clara and Maria with resolution request- ing that decisive action be taken against the Province of Quebec to ensure that freedom of speech and bilingualism will survive in Canada. 2. Township of Ernestown with resolution petitioning the Federal Government to consider a grant. or subsidy to cover interest rates over 101 on debentures issued by municipalities for water and sewage treat- ment projects9 3. SecretarY~Treasurer of the Land Division Committee, with three resolutions ret convention, membership and seminar attendance. 4. Town of Paris with resolution suggesting that cable companies be required to pay a gross receipts tax based on an appropriate formula to the municipalities in which they are located. S. Frank Clarke, Local History Librarian, with suggestion that the County consider microfiLming the balance of by-laws and Council Minutes not presently done. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. Minister of Culture and Communications advising that the Southern OLS (Plan of Service) will be available for discussion in the library community in February. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Ministry of Transportation advising that supplementary allocations for proposed work will be reviewed considering the priority and urgency of the particular project and must be in the hands of the District Engineer by March 1st, 1989.' 2. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No. 89-04 - 1988 Annual Returns (Guidelines). 3. Ministry of Transportation Offering property for sale in the Town- ship of Southwold on Klghway 14, Part of Lot F, Concession W.N.B.T.R. 4. Minister of Transportation with copy of correspondence to and from the City of London with respect to the widening of Highway 401 from London to Woodstock. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Town of Iroquois Falls with resolution ret retrofit of Municipal Administration Building to accommodate handicapped. 61 - 2 - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Young Women's Christian Association requesting a renewal of the per diem contract between the County and y.w.C.A. operating as.women's Place- . 2. Ostrander Nursery School and St. Thomas Day Nursery and the Creche with request for a rate increase of $1.00 per day for day care services. 3. Forest Ave. Day Nursery with request for an increase in day nursery rates. 4. Para~Med Health Services indicating they do not wish to put 8 dollaramountona requested homemaker rate increase for 19B9until the Ministry has dealt with the Interim Ministerial ReportoD Visiting Homemaker Services. 5. Ontario Municipal Social services Association with request for meinberships. ~ 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs announcing that Local Government Week will be held from April 10 to 15th this year and enclosing a kit. 2. Ministry of Natural Resources advising of a third annual Flood Contingency Planning and Emergency Response Seminar to be held February 22nd and 23rd in Mississauga. 3. Township of Malahide with 1989 Flood Emergency Plan. 4. Minister of HOusingvith copy of Bill 211 (First Reading) re1 Rental Housing ProteetionAct 19~9. 5. Ministry of the Solicitor General adviSing that Hr. Les Tro-sdale is assuming the position of Fire Services Advisor for Elgin, Huron -and HiddlesexCounties commencing February _2nd, 1989. 6.= Ministry of Community and Social services advising ~hat the increase in base rate ,for 1989 viII be 4% for social services. 7. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allo- cation of Children In Care and financial statement to Qecember31st, 1988. 8. The Attorney General advising that changes in the existing organi- zational structure of the court system are required and that courts will continue to sit in those municipalities where they now sit. 9. Ministry of 'Tourism and Recreation with NeWsreiease concerning the second Ontario Travel Association Program Review. 10. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of brief to the Province of Ontario regarding 1989/90 transfer payment announcement. 11. University of Western Ontario with appreciation for reception extended to delegation attending the January Session and indicating Councils' Day will be held on May 31st, 1989. 12. Alvin c,Lin~say. Chairman,The Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board, extending congratulations to Council .on the ove~heL~ingvotetonot ban smoking in the County Administration Building. 13. Minister of Natura1Resources acknowledging receipt of the response to the review of the Conservation Authorities Report. 14. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Foundation advising that a donor plaque will be placed in the atrium of the hospital addition. _ 3 - County Council, February Session, 19E ~ - continued 15. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information with respect to two programs entitled The Involvement in Municipal Administration Program and the Ontario Municipal Internship Program to which the Ministry will contribute financially~ 16. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with revised pages for their ~Flood Warning Plan for the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority.. 17. Mrs. Janet Duxbury, Burnaby. B.C., being critical of the Council's decision to allow smoking in the County Administration Building, and the effect smoking has on the health of people. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and those presented today, be approved as followst County Government Committee - #1-5 inclusive County Library committee - II County Roads Committee.- tl-4 inclusive Property Committee - '1 Social Services Committee - #1-5 inclusive Filed - #1-17 inclusive County Council - '1-13 inclusive. -Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following presentations were made by the Warden and Chairman of the respective departmentst LIBRARY - Deputy Reeve M~L~ Millman, Cbalrm&n HOMES COMMITTEE- Reeve O. V. Chute. Chairman COUNTY GOVERNMENT' COMMI'l"l'EB - Deputy Reeve A.J. van Kasteren.Cha:Lrman. Twenty Years - Dora H. McArthur - Library Certificate. Lapel Pin and Pen/Pencil Set Fifteen Years _ Marilyn O. Barrett, Assistant, Administrator, Homes - Flossie M. Harris - Elgin Manor - Louise M. Ray - Clerk's Certificate and Set of Glasses Ten Years - Martha B. Andrews - Library - Audrey I. Thomson - Library - Mary Lou McM~llan - Library _ Sharon A. Sanders - Terrace Lodge _ Linda J. Pincbak - Terrace Lodge - Margaret M. Flick - Terrace Lodge Certificate . . Indicates not in attendance. A delegation from ~he Kiwanis Club of St. Thomas Golden Kwas in attendance and it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that they be now heard. Mr. Russell Foster and Mr. Tom Pullen were in attendance and Mr. Foster reviewed the brief on recycling that had been forwarded previously. After the presentation Warden Ford referred the matter to the County Roads Committee. A delegation from Sunshine Manor, Dutton, was in attendance and it was mOved by Reeve Chute that they be now heard. Mrs. June Lidster, owner, and Mr. Mike O'Dea. solicitor. were present and Mr. O'Dea reviewed the circumstances surrounding the brief that was forwarded to. members of Council. previously. Warden Ford referred the matter to the Social Services Committee. 63 - 4 - h delegation from the Elgin County RailrQ~d Museum Inc. was present and it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that they be now heard. In attend- ance were Mr. M. J. Hennessey. solicitor, Mr. Sill Turvey. Chairman, Mr. Cliff Chaplow and Mr. Doug Tarry members of the Committee. Mr. Hennessey reviewed the request that had been made to the Property Committee for a parcel of land to the north of the Administration Building as a site tolocste Engine 5700 and railway memorabilia. Copies of sketches and. a plan -.were put - on display for members _ of Council. After questions were posed to the members Warden Ford referred- the-matter- to-.the . Property Committee. FIRST REPORT _ COUNTY GOVERNMENTCOHHITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the county Government Committee beadopted~ _ carried. FIRST REPORT _ COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Hillman Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Report of the County Library Conmittee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. _ Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Hoved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That the Second Report of the County Roads COlllllittee be adopted. _ Carried. THIRD REPORT _ COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the Third Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Hoved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve M~l~n That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. ..; Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Allin That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. _ Carried. - 5 _ County Council, February Session, 198 FIRS'f REPORT - PROPERTY COMMIT'fF.:E (mailed) Moved by Reeve Me%enberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll THAT the First Report of the Property Comrnitteebe adopted. - Carried. The Treasurer's Statements on payments to County Counci1 and outside boards were mailed previously to members of Council. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members.of the Elgin County Council to December 31st, 1988 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to December 31st, 1988 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and Hembers of the Land Division Committee. be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. An invitation had been extended to Marietta Roberts. M.P.P., to attend this Session of Council and a letter was received which was read by the Clerk indicating that because the House was sti11 sitting she was unable to attend~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wi1son That an application be made to the Ministry of TTaDsportation of Ontario for a Supplementary Spending Al1ocation in the amount of $400,000 for engineering. land purchase. construction. etc., on Road 130 (Radio Road), Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. - Carried.. Moved by Reeve Kabnt Seconded by Reeve Avram That an Application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a Supp1ementary Spending ~location in the amount of $250,000 for the construction of the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14 in Lot .C., Concession III. Township of Dunvich. - Carried~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That an Application be made to .the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a Supp1ementary Spending A110cationof $14,000 for costs incurred in the closure of the Tates Bridge in Lot 7, Concession 'A', Broken Front, Township of Dunwich. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyl.e Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to submit to. the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario a petition for subsidy forths County of Elgin showing the Road Expenditure on the County of El.gin Road System for the period January 1, 1988 to December 31. 1988. - Carried. 65 - 6 - Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve~avereau That we support the concept of a proposed investment tour of Southwestern Ontario by persons from the United Kingdom and that Mr. C. A. Knapp, C.A.O. of Aylmer, be appointed as the County co- ordinatorand that an amount of $8,000 be provided in the 1989 budget. ~ Carried. COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with request for grant. 2. Ridgetown College of Agr~cultural ~echnology with request for two $200 scholarships. 3. Elgin Tourist Association with request for 1989 grant. 4. Quad County Association for the Mentaliy Retarded with request for grant. 5. St. ThomaS-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for grant. 6. Kiwanis Club of London Inc. with request for financial support for their Music Festival. 7. The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin with request for 1989 grant. Southwestern Ontario Travel Association with request for grant. a. 9. that 28th Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin advising tbey will be unable to complete its 1989 budget by tbaFebruary deadline. 10. Federation of Canadian Municipa1itieswith request for membership. 11. Elgin Historical Society with invitation to attend a meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 15th, 1989 at the Art Gallery with Mr. Hugh stms, speaker. 12. Mr. R.A. Barrett, City Adminlstrator, requesting the names of Council's 1989 representatives to the 9.1.1. Centralized Emergency Reporting System Technical Advisory Committee. 13. High Street Recreation Complex with request for 1989 grant. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Coles That the following requests for grants be tabled to the February 16th meeting re:grants - Correspondence t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a " !!!!!!!. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture Ridgetown College of Agricultural TeChnology Elgin Tourist Association Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded St~Thomas~Elgin Debt Counselling Service Kiwanis Club of London Inc. The Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin Southwestern Ontario Travel Association High Street. Recreation Complex. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve. Martyn That the three members of the county/City Liaison Committee be re- appointed to the Select Committee set up to study the 9~1.1. Implementation of an Emergency Telephone System. - Carried~ ;66 _ 7 _ County Council, February Session. 198' Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve ~llin That Council Communications numbered 9, 10 and 11 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve ~vram Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That we do now adjourn (11:59 A.M.) to meet again on February 15th, 1989 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 1:37 P.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Allin That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford appointed Deputy Reeve MilLman as Chairman. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That we do now adjourn (2:56 P.M.) to meet again at 3:30 P.M. on February 15th. 1989. - Carried. Council reconvened at 5:41 P.M. ROLLCALL- All Members presentexceptJ Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve Elliott. SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Mezenberg. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 'rhe First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the Social Services Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Allin That Item 4 of the First Report of the Social Services Committee be amended to read $21 per day for Toddlers- instead of $19. The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The amended Report was then voted upon and Carried. SECOND REPORT ~ PROPERTY COMMITTEE 'rhe Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Mezenberg and adopted on motion of Reeve Mezenberg and Deputy Reeve Carroll. 67 - 8 - Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That two {ll by-laws be presented to County Council with respect to older records: (1) To establish schedules of retention periods (2) To authorize the destruction of certain documents, papers, ete.. presently being stored in the Court House basement. Both are subject to the written approval of the County Auditors. An amendrnentwl!s - Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kssteren That an amendment be made to the resolution re, records destruction, Item 2, byedding the following after the word-basement-and that before any records are destroyed by the County Administration, quali- fied personnel from the County Library be asked to advise as to their historical significance. Thati! the records are deemed to be histor- ically significant, they be copied or stored as appropriate by the Library Committee. The amendment waB voted upon and Carried. The original resolution, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That By~Law No. 89-7 ~Being a By-key to Establish Schedules of Retention Periods for Documents, Records and Other Papers of the Municipality. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Avram Seconded by 'Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 89~7 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-7 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil~an That By-Law NOD 89-8 "Being a By-Law Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Documents. Records and PapersD be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law NO~ 89-8 be read A &e~UUU ..~-- _, Carried. Moved by Reeve_MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hillman That By-Law No. 89-8 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. _ 9 - County CouneLl, February Session, 198 Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-9 "Being a Ay-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Letter of Confi~mation with Peat Marwick Consulting Group ref 'Master Functional and Master Site Planning'''- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 89-9 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van lasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Va.ndierendonck That By-Law No. 89-9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we do now adjourn (5t57 P.M.) to meet again on February 16th, 1989 at 1:30 P,M. February Session - Second Day Thursday, the 16th day of February. 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 1130 P.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Wilson Reeve - -Emerson Reeve Lavereau Deputy Reeve Elliott Reeve Collins. The fol1owinqdelegations were present to speak to their request for a grant and outlining briefs or glvingreportSt It was Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Chute That all the delegations be now heard. - Carried. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRAVEL ASSOCIATION MS. Sandra Chabot, Manager, was in attendance and presented a slide presentation to the Members of Council. She requested that the grant that is being channelled through the Elgin Tourist AssociatioR-be paid direct as there were some problems with the present method of being handled. The amount of grant for membership is $2,250 with a like amount from the City of St. Thomas for a total $4,500. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD Mr. Dave Murray, Agricultural Representative, and Valerie Clark were in attendance. Mr. Murray reviewed the request for the Agricultural Grant and MS. Clark reviewed the work of the 4-KClubs. Their request was for a grant of $5,985. 69 - 10 - ELGIN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE A large delegation was in attendance and Hr. Don Watterworth, President, spoke to Council. Their request for 1989 was for $5,000. ART GALLERY ST. THOMAS-ELGIN Mr. Ian Ross, Executive Director, and Mr. Wayne Kentner_. President, were present. Mr. Ross reviewed the operation of the-Gallery and Mr. Kentner indicated that financial support was being requested from Council in the amount of $2,000. ELGIN TOURIST ASSOCIATION Mr. Gar Knutson, outgoing President, and Mrs. Helen Schram, current President, were in attendance. Mr. Knutson reviewed the role of the E.T.A. and the trade shows that they hoped to attend in 1989. He indicated that the administration was being handled through the St. Thomas Chamber of commerce. for which they were paying twenty hours per week. A discussion waS held on theS.W.O.T.A.grant and it was suggested that Council might take the approach of paying the grant directly to S.W.O.T.A. and deducting it from the grant to E.T.A. Their request for a grant was $lO,OOOwhich was to include the S.W.O.T.A. portion. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Mrs. Mary Durkin, Chairman, and Miss Deborah Herkimer, Curator~ were in attendance. Mrs. Durkin spoke to the request for an increase in the budget. Their request for 1989 was for $33,850. ELGIN REGIMENT VETERANS ASSOCIATION Mr. Laurence Marshall and Mr. George Gilbert were in attendance. Me. Harshall advised Council that this would be their forty-second reunion and weremeetinginSt . Thomas this year. Their request for a grant for 1989 was $500. REHOBOTH GIRLS' HOME, OF ,REFUGE AND-SUPPORT Mr. Ted McDonald, Vice'""Chalrman. and Mr. ,JacobZekveldwere, in attendance. Mr. McDonald explained the purpose and operation of the RehobothGirls' Home and requested financial support. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Allin That we file the following requests for grantst * 4 Salvation Army 9 The Art Gallery St.Thomas~EIgin 11 St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service 15 Kiwanis Club of London Inc. .16 Rehoboth Girls' Home of Refuge and Support 17 Quad County Association for the Mentally Retarded 18 High Street Recreation Complex. - Carried, Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre Tha~ the following gr~fits ~~ providad for in the 1989 budget! Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Operating Scholarships - Ridgetown College of Agricultural TeChnology _ University of Western Ontario _University of Guelph _ Wilfrid Laurier University -University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario The Local Agricultural Office For _ Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4-H Clubs $ 33,850 400 aoo aoo 400 400 2,000 5,985 _ 11 - County Council, February Session, 198 ~ - continued Agricultural Representatives Act The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in. the County of Elgin - Equal to the Province of Ontario Grants to these Societies Elgin Federation of Agriculture Elgin Tourist Association St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Elgin Regiment Veterans Association Southwestern Ontario Travel Association $ 500 2,500 7,750 400,000 500 2,250 - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That By~Law No. 89-10 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By~Law No. 89-10 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By~Law-No. 89-10 be read_a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Re.eve Carroll That we do now adjourn (4143 P.M.) to meet again on March 8th. 1989 at 10100 A.M. - Carried. ~"...c...c.....__(. >4--../ G. C. .Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. H COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT February 5e55ioo,1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports .as follows: 1. That we recommend that Ms. Margaret Ann Wilkins of the University of Western Ontario be invited to give her presentation on the Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to Council at the April or May Session. 2. That the Secretary-Treasurer and all the members of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the annual conven- tion June 4th through June 7th, in Peterborough, with the usual convention allowanoes paid. 3. That membership in Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and Consent Authorities be taken out for the Secretary- Treasurer and any member attending the annual convention at $50.00 each. 4. That the Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee be authorized to attend the O.A.C.A. Seminar on Friday, March 31st, 1989 in Toronto with usual expenses paid, plus regis- tration fee of $40.00. 5. That permission be given to the Library Department to have By~Laws8ndCouncil Minutes microfilmed through their budget, providing the work is done on the premises and material. is returned to the Clerk's vault overnight. 6. 7. tabled. That Correspondence tl, 2 and 4 be filed. That correspondence ilfrom the January Session 1989 be ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~./'?fI:-,~ A: J. van Kaste~_..._._.---' Cbairman. tUtd ~ FEe 15 1<>9 72 LIBRARY COMiHITTEE REPORT February SeSllion 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. 'That the Library Committee branch tour be held on Aprilr8th, 1989 starting at 8:30 A.M. at Headquarters. 2. Thet the Library Committee be authorized to investigate the grants available for the establishment of an Archives. 3. That the Library Committee recommend to County Council that the Property Committee. investigate the cost of providing temperature control of the fourth fiool' - Administration Building - for proper storage of Archive material presently in the building. 4. That live branch employees be permitted to. attend "How to Communicate Effectively With Your Library Users" at a ccist of twenty dollars ($20.DO) per staff member. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,"'J:. ,.~. rJ ~.!{.., d.:' Marian Millman, Chairman. ~~ FEB 1 5 Ei9 73 COUNTY. OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY.SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY. OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (b) Municipal Engineers' Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (e) The Roads and Transportation Association of canada Convention. (d l The Municipal Engineers' Annual Workshop. (e) The Suburban Road COlllllissions' Annual Meeting. 2. The Assistant County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conventiori. (b) The MuniCipal Engineers' Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (c) The MunicIpal Engineers' Annual Workshop. (d) The Suburban Road Comnissions'Annual Meeting. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the honorarium for the County's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Collll1ission, Mr. Albert Auckland be $175.00 per annum for the period of February 1, 1989 to January 31, 1990. 2. That the County's representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Conmission, Mr. Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention, the Suburban Road Commission of Ontario, Executive Meetings and the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Road C01!B1lissions of Ontario with the usual convention expenses, mileage am! other e;'l;pe!'!ses 115 occ1!:sio!'!ed for meetings (If the SlJbl)rban Road Commission Association be paid. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED d-//?;I~ ir .~~ FEB 1 5 ~89 74 COUlITY OF ELGIN. ROAD COMMlnEE SECONOREPOIlT FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 TO THEilARDENAtlDMEHBERSOFTHECOllHTYQFELGiNCOUHCIL YOUIl l1.OADCOI<<ITTEE l1.EPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Mc:Lf'an Taytol'" Constructtcn Lllllited have suspended work.at tile Middll!lllissBl'idgl!onRoadl14untt\Sprtn9. 2. ReIIlCIvaloftheoldhangarG4ragebulldlngatWlllteStationhas been cQIIlpleted by County forces IIlthout IncIdent. 3. InsurancepoliclesincJlICllngEnvlJ'OlIlIlflltalllislr.andforthose buildings. vel11cles, etc.. under control of the Iload Department have been renewed with Frank Cowan COIIIpeJly L1ll1ited atapproxi...t~IY thes_pn!llIiWlas In 1988. WERECOfoIIeND: I. TIlat the COunty of Elgin road Inspection be held on A(lrll 21st in East Elgin and AI:Irtl 28th-lnllestE\gin,meetlngattlleCounty MIIItnistratton 9ulldlng at 9:00 a.llI;. 011 both days. 2. lhat the 1989 Road COlBlttee act as thl co-tttH for the foll0llln9 PUl'llOsesln1989: {a} Solid and Liquid lIaste DlsllOsal. (b) Mosquito control for tlle pr'ftentlcn of l!llCl!phaUtls. leI LateErteErosion. 3. That tlle EnqIl1Hrbe authorized to lIlIke an appllcatlon to tne Federal Gove.-tforfundsforstudlllltPllrt.JelpaUonlnthe Federal Iiol'e~'s s..-r Student l'rogr_ lnd tllat tile Warden and Clerk be alltllarlzed to sign fll1'lllS and agreellelltS as l'l!QlJired. 4. That an application be rMde to the Ministry of Transoortatlon of Ontario for a supplellllllhry spending allor::aUan In the aIIllIlntof S4OD,OOO($3DO,ODOSubsllly-beingarateaf7Si}forcenstructlan anRaad 130 (RadIo Raadl. COlIeusJon XlII. TownshIp of Yanllllutll. 5. That an appllcatlen be Clllde to the Ministry of TransllOrtltionof Ontariofor.asupplernentaryspendingallocaUonintheamountaf $14.000 (SII.200 Subsidy-being a rate of 8Oi} for-.ork required fer an EnvirolllllllUI Study and legal costs for the proposed closure of tile Tates Brtdge. Lot 7. Concession 'A'. BrokenFl"Ont. Townsntp of OunwlclI. I:..J COUI{TYOFELG.INRQADC(MolTTTEE SECD'lO REPORT ~ FEBRlJARY SESSION J959 PAGE 2. 6. That an applIcation be made to the Ministry cfTransporuttcn of OrItaricforasupplelllelltaryspendtngallocaUonlnthellllDllntof S2S0.000 (SZOO,OOOSubstdy-belnga rate of 801;) forconstructich oftheMlddlemissBrldgeonColZlltyRoad'14,lnLot'C'.conce.ssion III,TownshtpofQunwlcn. TMMlnistryofTrlnspOrtattonofOntarioallocatec:lacOllstruct.lch allocattoncf51.120,OOOforU89totheColllltyofElgln.ltls expectec:l that ttle construetlon of the Middlemiss Bridge 111111 Uke 1IlIthtn$50.00llofthetoUllalloc:ation. Thus any other constl"Uctton projects including carryoveruork fl'llllll988l1lUI have to bI! financed clltcftheasphaltresurfactngll1oeetiOll.lftheMlnlstryprovldes asuppl_ntaryspendlnglllocatlonttllll1lallow_otller c;onstructicnllOrk to proCeed. 7. ThatrebatestourlN:nMl.lhlclpallUesbe25Scftheirl'Oad1evyls in past years. 8. Tllat tile blldget for ItelIlSIlot Subsldlm by the Ministry of Transportation cfDntlrIctotal$38.300{detlllec:llsfOllO'llsl: (.J AcItiIinlstrltive.ChlrgesforClerk's $5,700 Office fcr PlYroU preparation. ('J COntributions 4nd ReU.,...nt.s. "" (,J Imspltal1'CyExpensesllteetingslllltll 1,250 otherltJnlclpIUties,etc.) ('J MelIlbershtps. 'SO (.J EnvlronNlltal andOtller Insurlnce 8.200 IfDtSubsldlzec:l. (fJ 5lckLeavePlanPayouts. 12,500 (,J l/rtIln Rebates on Ikm-Subsldizec:l '.... Expendl'Cures. (hJ Suburban Road Itl!llls Hot SUbsidlnd 5" ($2,146-Total5OS1. (1l PhllllllDre Bridge LOIfWlterCrossing 5,000 Grant. (j) llYerexpendltuJ'1! to Earn Maxl_ 10,000 Subsidy. (" ContribuUons to ColZllty System a,700eR. {Road 118 ~ st. TllOlllls Sanitary CoI!e.c::tionServlces). - TOTAL 138300 E9S gl 1!3~ r:::t rrn.J 4/'~~ '97 1BU.1N8nS !11OID3dS311 SIIOIHII:lO 1W "69tiI..lDJOn"ool$U1ilS il<l (lOJ1UO) OllnbsOlll} sn"tu<I~JO lo.t4lm .I0} ubpne IIn 1Rll.l. '01 OOZI8Sl5 00081:51$ Oll6i:5$ OOt066st SW.10! Pi!%IPIsqnS DOC'SE 001:"81: 10N SQIil'U l/On:mnSlIDj OOO'O~ OOO'OS OOO'OOZ alipl,.l8 SSjlllillPPIW UOn)TlJ1$Uo:! OOO'OOJ 000'001 GOO'OOt OtlPR~ ooo',t DOS.' OOZ'tl .IiPJ"8S~'J. SIA,~rqo 006'SIS'9S OO6'9'E'I$ Dll6"m GOl'lilt'Sf lilllpu&dS.ltTnflall ~~SO'lOllH\l81:1R811S :lOUlIno) O.LNOU.RIlIIUIrIOJ SYWOlU.'.lS :lOut::! lOlsens OllJ\llNO:lO IWll.V!llO<lSIMll :I0.\lUSIIUW miiifiS '000'19t'1$ }O .("., S8ti! ilLl1l1lO.lJ uz~s .l:l81V1lIXcuddt }o.lnaJ:Il/! lit $1 SllU. ~1ar;JllIO. ptQ..l 6!l61 ilq:l; JD iI.IIllS 1I!li13 JD J:.unoJ IIn olD) ilP1AOJ.d 11!1Il/)!lIMOOO'sts'!$U.i1Sil<l6S61JOJ""'lptllll.(wnO) ILn11l1l. "6 -(39'1d 6861 NOl553S MI'IllllU.-11lOd311 ONOJ3S 33111WWOJQVOlllll!l13;lOllNnoJ 77 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD. REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a S1JIlfllary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road COI1IlIission Roads in 1988. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario practice. Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, Etc~. has been distributed to various prcjects and does not appear as a separate item. (See Note Page 8) CONSTRUCTION (A)~: (1) Road #45. Southwold TOwnship.~ Repair of Kettle Creek Culvert. $196.574.23 (Total Cost 1987 and .1988.)(784;618~94) (Top Coat of Asphalt~ains to be Completed.) {2l Road 4116. DunwichTownship - Repair of Talbot Creek Culvert. (Top Coat of Asphalt Remains to be Completed.) 274,275.01 (3) Road #14. Dunwich and Southwold ToWnships. Engineering and Soil Tests - Middlemiss Bridge. (County of Elgin Share.) 87.860.47 (4) Tates Bridge Environmental Study. Etc.. Ounwich Tcnmsnip. (County of Elgin Snare.) 6.157.51 (S) Road #42. Bayharn Township - Engineering. Monitoring and Soils Tests - van Onler- 8.175.10 Culvert. TOTAL (A) $ 573,042.32 (B) CONSTRUCTION ROADS: (1) Road #2. Ounwich Township. Grading $376.173.40 Granular Base. Hot Mix Paving. (1987 and 1988 Expenditures)(744.948.76) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION. 1989 (2) Road 1t22 (Fairview Avenue), Yarmouth Township - Grading. Granular Base. Paving, Etc. (See Also St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Construction.) Total County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1988 Expenditures. (276,381.34) (3) Land Purchase and Ll!9al Surveying Road H2, ROad #4. ROad #22. Road 1143. Etc. (4) Road #23 (Joseph Street Hill), Port Stanley - Engineering and Soi 1 Test. (5) Surveys, Engineering or Other Projects. New Work. Etc. (6) Road #30 (Radio Road), Yanrouth TownShip Env i ronmenta 1 Study, Land Apprai sat and Purchase, Grading, Granular aase~ Glanworth Drain Culvert. TOTAL (B) (Cl ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING. ETC. (1) Road 1#2. Aldborough. Township from West Lome to Aldborough-Dunwich Townl ine. Completion of 1987 Work. (2) Road 1#8, Dunwich Township. Entrance to Pearce Park. Completion of 1987 Work. '"' Road #13, Dun~ich Township From Dutton to ,~, Road #14. Completion of 1987 Work (4) Road #18. Southwold Township - From Road 1f20 Westerly. Completion of 1987 Work PAGE 2 $218,391.28 57.836.95 6.530.18 23,959.20 400,015.31 $1.082,906.32 $ 8,491.29 4,166.47 6,647. \6 603.16 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION. 1989 (s) Road #20. Southwold Township -Union Road between Boxall Road and Lot 1/15, North and South of Union Road. (6) Road #24. Malahide and Yarmouth Townships Port Bruce westerly - Base Coat Only. (Top Coat Required 1989.) (7) Road 1/42, Malahide and Bayham Townships - From Road #40 to Port Burwell. Completion of 1987 Work.. (8) Road .#46, Bayham Township. Highway 113 to Corinth. (9) Road 1152. Malahideand South Dorchester Townships East of Limits of Village of Springfield. (10) Road 1152. Malallide and-South Dorchester Townships - westofhmits of Village of Springfield to High-.ay'73. (11) Road i52. Malahide, South Dorchester, 'and Yarmouth TownShips - Between Highway 1#73 and Highway #74. 701AL (e) {OJ MISCELLANEOUS: (1) Credit Machinery Ownership Costs, Etc. Charged to Accounts Receivable and Miscellaneous Machine Accounts and Townline Accounts. (2) New and. Used !!'.achinery and "'.ajor Repairs to Presently Owned EQui pment. (3) Replacement of Gasoline TanKS, Pump, E.tc., at CoOnty White's Station Garage. (Required by Ministry of Environment.) 79 PAGE 3 $ 385.748.15 132,529.03 27.601.95 173.507.40 138.085.81 247,147.75 572.539.29 $ 1.697,067.46 19.445.63 Cr 21,322.91 Cr 629.264.09 20,127.67 .~ .......................4/ I 30 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 (4) Drainage Assessments Charged Against County Roads. (5) Payroll Burden Costs. Not Distributed {Approximately 5.6~ of Total of Payroll Costs.} TOTAL (0) TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION (El 51. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION: (1) Land Purchase Including Road #26 (St. George Street.) {2l Miscellaneous Surveys. (3) Road #16 - Replacement of Fowler Drain Culvert at East Limit of Fingal (Pipe Arch Culvert Replaced with Pre Cast Concrete Box Culvert.) (4) Road 1#29 -Extension of Lindsay Culvert with Pre Cast Concrete Box. (5) Road #30 - Completion from 1987 of Patterson Bridge over Kettle Creek. (6) Road 1#22 (Fairview Avenue) - Construction (St. Thomas Subul"ban Road Portion of Construction. ) TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CQt>'MISSION PAGE 4 $ 24.214.03 34,894.40 Cr 597.942.85 S 3950 958.95 $ S.346~77 494.42 102;158.06 48.673.75 5.757.54 57,990.06 $ 220.420.60 $4.171.379.55 81 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 5 AMENDED FEBRUARY 14, 1989 MA.INTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *90TE: Letters and Numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation Account - Numhers; 51. . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS ~ A - Culverts. and Bridges - 1 Bridges 61.512.94 4,553.98 66.066.02 - 2 Culverts 2B.770~70 1.954.35 30.725.05 B . Roadside Maintenance _ 1 Grass Cutting 80.177.16 16.002~48 96.179.64 - 2 Tree Cuttinq 106,130.37 4,528.65 110.659.02 - 4 DrainaQe 112.394.33 2.547.23 114,941.56 _ 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shoulderinq. Etc. 10,179.97 3.330.48 13.510.45 -6 TreePlantinq 6.752.86 458.11 7.210.97 _ 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 3,433.09 99.1.1 3.532.20 -11 Weed Sorayinq 768;50 55.60 824.10 C - Hard Top Mainteriance (Paved-Roads) _ t Repairs to. Pavement (General Patchi no. etc.) 44,739.73 12,264.63 57.004.36 - 2 SweepinQ 33.078.07 2.309.99 35.388.06 -3 Shoulder Maintenance (Gravel1in ) 83 730.41 8,593.21 92,323.62' _ 4 Surface Treatment 122,925.71 --- 122.925J1 _ 5 Shoulder Maintenance, General Gradino,Etc. 20;298.47 3,239.63 23,538.10 _ 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Asphalt PatchinQ 50,793.28 22.743.94 73.537.22 o ;. Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) _ 2 Gradinq Gravel Roads 43.714.83 4.212.22 47.927.05 _ 3. Oust Control 75.475.42 9.436.40 84.911.82 ;.. 4 Oust Control (Prime) --- 6.299.66 6.299.66 _ 5 Gravel Resurfacing 101.718.69 9.907.38 111.626.07 E . Winter Control . 1 Snow Plowing 110.763.32 8.442.30 119.205.62 _ 2 Sandinq and Salting 265.071.04 50.237.78 315.308.82 - 3 Snow Fence 9.028.32 1.228.74 10.257.06 _ 4 Winter Standby 33.586.88 4.580.03 38.166.91 * Total Winter Control 418,449.56 64.488.85 482.938.41 1985 Winter Control - $533.197 1986 Winter Control -$739,: 173 1987 Winter Control - $483.406 No Snow Fence Erected Fall of 1988 ......................6/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION. 1989 PAGE 6 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Markin" (Centre Line) 34,875.48 9,640.89 44.516.37 .2 Signs 143.944.13 14,620.00 158.564.13 . 3 Guide Rail 9.950.71 --- 9.950.71 - 4 Railroad Protection 38,434.80 4.700.24 43.135.04 - 6 Edge Marking 29,979.80 10.781.90 40.761.70 - 7 Stump Removal 26.829.05 992.16 27,821.21 TOTALS 1 fiAq n!iA nn ::>17 7"1 n9 1 qo" R1q.l!i ST. moMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS IJ!!& MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS A - Culverts and Bridges . 1 Culvert Replacement Road '48 23.809.49 23.809.49 at Lot 1#3. Yannouth Township - 2 Culvert Replacement Road,48 42.403.16 42,403.16 at Lot #9. Yannouth Township - 3 Culvert Repairs Road 1#7 31,284.33 31.284.33 Aldborough-Orford. Townline ORFORD Lather Hill (County of Elgin Share) - 4 Superspan Culvert Monitoring 35.971.01 35.971.01 B - Drainage - 1 Curb and Gutter Repairs 11.656.98 11.656.98 Road 1#3. Village of Rodney . 2 Curb and Gutter Repairs 15.707.00 15.707.00 Road 1#2. Village of West Lome - 3 Curb and Gutter Replacement 86.654.12 86.654.12 Paving.- Etc.. Road 1#8 vi llage of Dutton C . Hard Surface Maintenance 1 Repairs to Road H2O. Shedden 163.738.81 163.738.81 (Southwold TownShip) Curb and gutter. Base and Paving - 2 Repairs to Road ;1;57. Southdale 42.598.23 42.598.23 Mulch Old SUrface Treatment Granular Base. OoubleSurface Treatment . ... ... ............ ~... 7 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 7 MAJOR MA.INTENANCE PROJECTS S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COIINTY ROADS ROADS .~ o - Gravel Road Maintenance 1 Road #35 Raise Grade at Canadian National Railway Canada Southern's Crossing at Kingsmill 33.535.29 33.535.29 TOTALS 444.76.0.19 487.358.42. TOTAL OF MAINTENANCE 2 133 R18 25 260 359.32 2 :\q4 177 57 ~ 51. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS ~ ,. Superintendence, Including County 136.217.44 11~845.00 148.D62A4 Engineer, _Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Vehicles. 2. Clerical. 80.558.93 7.005.13 87.564.06 3. Office and Computor. 34.076.97 2.963.46 37,040.43 4. Garage- - Stock -and. Timekeepers. 108.915.31 9.470~91 118.386.22 Maintenance, Heat.Etc. 5. Tools. 29.016.32 2.523.16 31.539.48 6. Radio. 5;621.03 488.79 6.109.82 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 10.441.13 1.832.84 12.273.97 Counts. 8. Training Courses. 7.530.50 654.83 8.185.33 ,. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2.193.28 190.72 2.384.00 10. Reti rement Benefi ts (SiCk Time 18.807.35 --- 18.807.35 Paid to Retired Employees). ". Deferred Time. 7.757.66 --- 7.757.66 TOTALS -M1....'35.92 36.974._~ ~110.76 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road ConmissionRoads on a percentage basis of the cost ofconstructioii and maint€nance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Collrnission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban rebates, equipment purchases. drainage assessments. items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determinir.g the overhead percentage). In 1988 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road COlI11lission was 8'};. ......................8/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, .1989 PAGE 8 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25~ of their Road (Sulxlized-by the Ministry of Transportation at 5D~) Payroll Burden costs. including Labour totaled $589,246.79 in 1988 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practice to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. However. as this was done by computer as the year progressed at an estimated amount (38~) on Labour Not Charged against Payroll Burden costs, a credit of approximately 5~ or $34,894.40 was calculated. This is totalled with Construction Cost totals. $84,145.00 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ST. THOMAS SU8UR8AN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL t. Invoices for County Clerk Office $ 5.523.72 $ 5.523.72 Re. Preparation of Payroll 2. Meetings with other MuriiCipalities 1,186.07 1,186.07 Etc. 3. Contributions and Retirements 762.82 762.82 4. Memberships 321.00 321.00 5. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time 11,707.65 11;707.65 to Employees still in Employment of the County of El9in 6. Urban Rebates on the Portion of 2.612.83 2,612.83 Road Levy that is not Subsidized 7. Contribution from St. Thomas 8.168.79 CR. 8,168.79 CR. Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. toward Road 1118 8. Insurance not Subsidized by 8,145.00 $ 1,033.00 9,178.00 Ministry of Transportation (Environmental and Liability Policies) 9. St. Thomas Suburban Road Conmission 1,113.63 1,113.63 Fees and Expenses, Memberships, Etc. - TOTALS $22.090 .30 .$ 2 146.63 ~236.93 ........................9/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION. 1989 ~ 85 PAGE 9 S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ll:OADS ROADS ~ (A) Construction $3.950.958.95 $ 220,420.60 $4; 171.379.55 (B) Maintenance 2.133.B18.25 260.359.32 2.394.177.57 (C) Overhead 441.135.92 36.974.84 478;110.76 (0) Urban Rebates 84.145.00 84.145.00 (E) Items Not For SUbsidy 22.090.30 2.146.63 24.236.93 SUBTOTALS $6,632.148.42 $ 519.901.39 $ ADD: 1988 Stock Balance 98.987.86 --- 98.987.86 SUBTOTALS $6.731.136.28 $ 519.90L39 $ ~: 1987 Stock Balance 99.493.16 --- 99.493.16 TOTAL $6 6:11 64:1 12 $ 51q 901.39 $L...1.2.1.i44.51 ('* Total for Ministry of Transportation SUbsidy 7.127.307.58 CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES The Ministry of Transportation Provided Subsidies in 1988 as Follows: 1. 50'; on Urban Rebates of $84.145.00 a1l\Ounting to $42.072.50. 2; Subsidy of $5.304.627.50 oriGeneral Expenditures of $6.636.989.78 3. 80'; Subsidy on Expenditures Pertaining to Tates 8ridge Environmental Studies. Etc. 4. 75~ Subsidy to a Maximum of $300.000.00 for Road l#30 (Radio Road) Construction. Urban Rebates Regular Expenditures Road 130 (Radio Road) Construction Tates Bridge Study MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ~ $ 42.072.50 5.304.627.50 300.000.00 4.926.00 $5.651 ~626.00 TOTALS COUNTY. ANO ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL PORTION EXPENDITURE $ 42.072.50 $ 84.145.00 1.332.362.28 6.636.989.78 100.015.29 400,015.29 1.231.51 6.157.51 $1.475.681.58 $7.127.307.58 Average Rate of SUbsidy on Regular Expenditures of 6.636.989.46 is 79.925~. No Subsidy on $24.236.93 - Items Not for SUbsidy.} .....................101 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION. '1989 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF Sf. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST 4 1lfOMAS SUBURBAN. ROAD COfIt1ISSIQN ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Colllllission (See PageS) Expenditures. Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 79.925~. Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure is TOTAL EXPENDITURES LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY BALANCE PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF S1. THOMAS (50i) DEDUCT: CREDIT FROM 1987 OPERATION SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRI8UTIONFROM ST. THOMAS - FOR 1988 DEFICIT TOTAL TO 1989 Total Expenditures County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads LESS: Credits (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 9) (bl Cost to City of St. Thomas of St.Thomas Suburban Road Conmission System (See Above) PAGE 10 519.901.39 $ 517.754.76 $ 413.815;49 $ 519.901;39 $ 413.815.49 $ 106,085.90 $ 53.042.95 $ 1.719.59 CR. $ 51.323.36 $ 48.200.00 3.123.36 $7,151,544.51 5.651.626.00 53.042.95 $1 446 875.56 In 1988 the County of Elgin Levied a Road Rate of $1.461.000.00. In 1988 Payment Vouchers totaled $7.933.877.90 compared to $7.707.228.52 in 1987. The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures was $782,333.39 and included: (a) Maintenance work on Townline Roads and Bridges. (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk.) (bl Engineering Charges to County of Middlesex re. Middlemiss Bridge on Road 114. (cl Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas ($186.455.99). Cd) Asphalt paving contract for Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth. (e) Preliminary payment for costs incurred to Oecember1988 with regard to County Hangar Building at White's Station ($6,209.76). (f) Wcirkofi various Muiiicipal Graiiis. for municipalities and others. __~__,_,_ ~_,.. ._.. ...__l. ~~_"'A_~'" "'0..,,"-101;) ~V1'" QII... toV'" fI<=' ,,,,,,,"'" .................11, 87 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 11 The County of Elgin in 1988 participated in a Government of Canada SUrrmer Incentive .Progralllllecalled Challenge '88 {SUrveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2.912.00. The Road Department was requested to have'personnel available for a Mosquito Control Progrillfll'le for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $15.00 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ,~://7ft'7f eHA RMAN at~ FEB 10 SS9 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT February Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Counc.il, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend to Elgin County Council that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreements with the Medical Directors in accordance with 8ylaw<Number 87-12. 2. THAT the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the letter of confirmation with Peat Marwick engaging the firm to develop a master functional and master site planning engagement and that the necessary documents be prepared. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ::i) , iL e::24-- D. Yo -CHU r I:. Chairman tz.et.-.;r ~ fEB151l89 89 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members. of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the attached Job Evaluation Program be adopted in principal for use in the Pay Equity Program in conjunction with the employee unions and associations for the County of Elgin~ 2. That we recommend that the following Employment Policies be adopted: 12.60 Termination for Cause Employees will be considered to be terminated for cause when serious breaches of duty or neglect occur. Just cause is dismissal immediately without notice or pay in lieu of notice when an action by an employee is so serious that termination is the only reasonable course of action. In the event of such terminations it is recommended that professional consultation be obtained in order to validate justification for just cause discharge. 12.70 Involuntary Termination Termina~ion in such cases means terminations for reasons which are lesserthan~hose in just cause situations. In such.casestermination maybe well~justified by the ,County where the Personnel committee or the employee's supervisor loses confidence ,in the employee'S ability to continue to perform adequately. In such cases a,decision must be made with respect to an appropriate amount of pay in lieu of notice to be offered to the disch&rgedemployee. In such cases the amoUnt of pay in lieu of notice will be offered to the employee in either a lump surnor by means of continuation of salary in the normal manner for the notice period. In either alternative usual statutory deductions must be made from the employee's cheque. 12.80 Voluntary Resignation When an employee indicates the intent to resign he/she should be asked to prepare the notice of resignation in writing. It is understood that Management staff will be required to pro- vide four (4) weeks notice iri writing, where two (2) weeks notice in writing will be required for all others. Employees who resign from the County will be interviewed either by the Department Head, or his designate, or another party in which the employee would be invited to offer reasons for leaving, suggestions for improvements in policies, working conditions or other matters. including general impressions of the employment with the County. The results of such inter- views shall be forwarded to the Personnel committee as is appropriate. 3. That we rec:ommend that the Personnel Committee be authorized to advertise for, interview and hire a Personnel Administrator for the County of Elgin at a maximum salary of $40,000. - 2 - 4. That the following are the members of the Job Evaluation Committee for the purposes of Pay Equity: Warden Ford Chairman Neukamm Deputy Reeve MilLman Tom Crossman or Catherine Hines Department Head of employees involved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. huJ I~}/l/~h.?-n.. E. Neukamm, Chairman. Cut.T :;;::;. FEe 15 1359 91 COUNTY OF ELGIN JOB DESCRIPTION - PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR Duties and Res'Ponsibi..lities Under the general direction of the Personnel Committee, is responsible for developing, recommending and administrating the general policies and procedures of the County of Elgin. Directs the payroll and benefits administration function and administers the collective agreement, ensures. that tberequirements of the occupational Health and ,Safety Act are adhered to, manages the recruitment of new employees for all departments including advertising, search, selection, interviewing, and preparing final interviews of candidates in consultation with the appropriate Department Head. Sped.fic Tasks 1. Develops, relations, pOlicies for recommends and payroll -and the County. administers occupational personnel, health and labour safety 2. Ensures that up to date standard practices and procedures in relation to the functions of the Personnel Department are developed and maintained. 3. Advises on and departments and throughout the the employer. interprets the personnel policies to ensures they are carried out unifo~y County in accordance with the intention of 4. Ensures that the Job EvaJ.uation Program, including tbe classification of jobs, is administered and makes recommendations to the Personnel committee with respect to annual salary incremental changes. 5. Provides consuJ;tative services on matters relating to interpretation of the by~laws pertaining to personnel matters, the policy manual, collective agreements, pay schedules and benefit plans as well as the selection and recruitment function. 6. Is responsible for directing the recruitment process for the County and ensures conformity with the budget and where recruitment would exceed the previously authorized labour budget, ensures the necessary approvals have been obtained. 7. .oirects ensures County's the maintenance of Employee Benefit Programs and proper coverages, establishes a liaison with the Agent of Record for a benefit plan administration. 8. Advises employees on personal counselling appropriate, to their salary, benefits, pension as well as services to employees. and, where families. 9. Maintains standardized job descriptions for all positions within the County organization. 10. Directs the payroll functions for the County and makes recommendations with respect to changes or improvements. 11. Ensures that the employee records are properly maintained and that they are kept confidential. - 2 - 12. Ensures that the proper safety procedures are followed and ensures that all County departments conform with the requirement~ of safety legislation. 13. Ensures that the approved performance appraisal system is administered and that the appraisals-are carried out in a proper manner. 14. Maintains records with respect attendance, sick leave, leaves of and other absences from work. to vacation scheduling, absence, bereavement leave 15. Ensures that the standard of employee morale is at a high level and advises the Personnel Committee of modifications to policies or practices which may enhance the morale within the County. Also advises with respect to problem areas. 16. Ensures that the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreements are properly maintained and that the Collective Agreements are administered in accordance with the intent of the parties. 17. Undertakes preparation for col~ective bargaining of the commencement of bargaining so that negotiators are fully prepared with information for the negotiation process. in advance the County appropriate 18. Responsible for processing of Workers' Compensation claims. Deals with the Board as necessary in the proper administration of Workers' Compensation and represents the interest of the employer on behalf of the County. 19. Participates in negotiations, conciliation, arbitration and the handling of grievances. 20. Prepares and submits reports to the Personnel Committee on any matters required by that Committee. mediation, 21. Attends al~ Personne~ Committee meetings and other Committees as required and provides information necessary for the Committee to complete its work. 22. Performs other duties as required, and duties may be amended or altered in order to adequately perform this function. Contacts Must maintain harmonious relations with the Union members as well as with the Department Heads and of all departments within the County~ 2. Ensures that the Personnel Committee are fully informed of significant events which may occur and responds to the Personnel Committee as required. Coromi ttee employees 1. 3. Maintains satisfactory relationships with outside agencies such as the Benefit Consultants and any other organizations as required. 93 - 3 - Qua~i.fi.cations 1. Must have three to five years experience in personnel administration or a related discipline. 2. Must have appropriate training and experience in the field. 3. Must understand the requirements of the occupational Health and Safety Act, Workers' compensation, The Employment Standards Act, The Human Rigbts Code and other legislation which bears upon the employee/employer relationship. 4. Preference will be given to a person -with a diploma. or University Degree in Personnel, Industrial Relations or a related discipline. 2/89 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT FebruarySes~ion, 1989 FIRST REPORT To tbeWarden and Members of tbe Elg~nCounty Council, The. Property Committee reports as followsl 1. That the resolution from tbe Town of Iroquois Falls (Correspondence ~ll he filed. 2. That the Library bas heen advised that the doors cannot be wedged open or hooked back, because the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. has indicated that this practice endangers the safety of others in an emergency. 3. That a letter has been forwarded to the localmunici- palities to ascertain if they would be interested in attending a seminar an Risk Management to be convened through the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. <~ ~;-.L-.7- !c. c. Ems on, Chairman: tut.f -P- FEB 1 5 EBB 95 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to eacbMember of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1988: ~ Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards + Conventions By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 87-42 By-Law No. 87-47 * By-Law No. 87-48 By-Law No. 88-46 ~ Allin, C.L. Avram, D. J. Black, C.l. Bradfield, R. T. Campbell. J.D. Chute, D. v. Carroll, D.C. Coles,a.F. Collins, S. DeKraker, A. J. Elliott, P.G. Emerson, K. C. Fischer. J. Ford, A. K. Hay,C.J. Hodgson, J. W. Kabnt, M.A. Lavereau.. R. J. Lyle,.H. F. MacIntyre.- WoC. Marr. E. H. Martyn, W. A. Mezenberg, H. J. Millman,M~L. McCann,J. A. Neukamm, E. Pearson, O. H. Perovich, D. Purcell, R. F. Rushrnere, C.L. Sandham; R.C. Schaper, K. M. Stewart, M.H. Vandierendonck, R. van Kasteren, A. J. Wakeling ,.1. L. West, 1..0. Willsey, C. R. $ 187.01 156.77 4,792.63 2,039.55 2,928.81 4,840..06 160.01 196.73 169.73 2,465.08 144.89 2,755.71 4,118.66 5,070.09 19L81 3.463983 176.21 3,064.17 3,248.59 -70.91 2,755-.72 .. 18,555.48 3,657.56 5,064.26 1,476.81 5,596.59 2,847.93 4,437.19 3,387.01 110.16 178.37 1,913.03 4,873.41 92.88 3,757.48 3,429.52 174.05 3,528.57 $ $ 187.01 156.77 (1) 772.36 5,564.99 2,039.55 (l) 1,530.00 4,458-.81 (I) 639.48 5,479.54 160.01 196.73 169.73 2,465~08 144.89 2,755.71 5,762.62 6,600.09 197.81 4,244..83 176.21 4,419.17 4,872.55 70.91 2,755.72 24,206.82 5,201.52 5,064.26 1,476.81 6,685.07 2,847.93 5,987.67 4,271.49 110.16 178.37 1,913.03 4,873.41 92.88 (1) 1,570.00 5,327~48 3,429.52 174.05 (1) 1,355.00 4,883.57 (2) 1,643.96 (1) 1.530.00 (1) 781~00 (1) 1,355.00 (2) 1,623.96 (4) 5,651.34 (2) 1,543.96 (2) 1,088.48 (2) 1,550,,48 (l) 88L48 TOTAL $106,083.27 (23) $23,519.50 $129,602.77 ( ) indicates number of conventions attended + Convention amounts include all payments made to December 31st, 1988 Warden's Convention ~ount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. /U~~ FEB 15 ~BS TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES February Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending December 31st, 1988 as authorized by the follow- ing By-Laws; Remuneration ~ Appointed To and Mileaqe Conventions ~ Bv-Law No. 87-42 Auckland, A. W. St. Thomas SUDurban Roads Commission S lli.:2Q. s lli..:.i! S 1,036.98 By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-61 Bv-Law No. 87-56 Benner, M. C. Land Division 3,372.04 3,372.04 Carroll, L. R. Committee 2,172.04 2,172.04 Littlejohn, A. B. 2,011.20 2,011.20 McKinlay, J. V. 2,676.80 2,676.80 Tufford, N. G. 2,101.10 2,101.10 12 ,333.18 12.333.18 TOTAL $12 595 68 S 774 48 $13 370 16 ALL of which is- respectfully submitted. ~.. -L _ ~ ~ .>'--./ G. C. Leverton, County Trea~. t'uW FEB 1 5 Gal 97 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the following vacation time for the Roads Depart- ment be carried over from 1988 to 19B9l EMPLOYEE ~ ~ Kenneth Abbott 9 hours winter Control Call In Donald Britton 6 hours Winter Control Call In Clare Dean 9 hours Winter Control Call In Leslie Giles .5 hours Norman Glover 29 hours Winter Control Super in- tendentwhen holidays scheduled Ralph Gordon 1 hour Ronald Hall 9 hours Winter Control Call In Edwin Kelley 9 hours winter Control Call In Leonard Kelly 2 hours Stanley Lunn 9 hours Winter Control Call In Ted McCready 9 hours Winter Control Call In Fred Marshall 1305 hours Requested to work-Road #30 when holidays scheduled Larry Medlyn 1 hour Allan Moon 1. 7S hours James Powers 2 hoUrs Derk Sloetjes 1.5 hours william Sloetjes 9 hours Winter Control Call In Kenneth Telfer 10 hours Winter Control Call In Craig TurVey 12 hours winter Control Call In William Vannatter .. hoUrs on.wor~ers' compensation James Watters 3. hours Requested to work, con- flictwithholidays of other employees Robert Moore 14.4..5 hours Requested by warden and Chairman to work { Techni.,;. cian retirement> . Road :1130 construction, etc.). TOTAL 365 75 hoUrs ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ff...Y-tf:L~ -- ~, E. Neukamm. Chai%maW ~ FEe 15 1189 98 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows; 1. That we recommend that daily rates for Day Care Services for Ostrander Nursery School and St. Thomas Day Nursery be increased as follows, effective January 1st, 1989, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes: Baby or Toddler Preschoolers $21. 00 per day S18.00 per day. 2. That we recommend that daily rates for Day Care Services forAy~er Preschool Day Care Centre and Happy Day Children's Learning Centre be increased as follows, effective January 1st, 1989, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes; Infants and Toddlers Preschoolers $21.00 per day $18.00 per day. 3. That we recommend that daily rates for Day Care Services for Fairview Day Nursery be increased as follows, effec- tive January 1st, 1989-, subject to. the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes; Infants Toddlers Preschoolers - from - from - from $19.00 to $20.00 per day $18.00 to $19~00 per day $17.00 to $18.00 per day. 4. That we. recommend that daily rates for Day Care Services for Forest Ave. Day Nursery be increased as follows, effective January 1st, i989, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes: Toddlers Preschoolers $19.00 per day $18.00 per day. 5. That Correspondence il be tabled until a rate for Women's Place has been set by the Province. 6. delaying Service, That Correspondence 14 (Para-Med Health Services), a request for an increase in the rate for Homemaker be filed as they will be forwarding a request later. 7. That we take out membership in the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association at a cost of $600.00 and that the members be listed as follows; Municipal Elected - Warden Ford - Reeve Willsey Voting - R. E. Bell - Susan Clemas. 8. That the request from Sunshine Manor to enter into an agreement for the maintenance and operation of a -domiciliary hostelS be tabled for further study. 99 - 2 - 9. That we recommend that County Council consider including an amount of $917,500.00 in their 1989 budget for the operations of the Social Services Department requiring the County to provide $246,100.00. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '~. c. R. w"'se~ c~.;:.;.{ * Item #4 was amended by deleting ~S19.00. after Toddlers in line 5 and replacing it with -$21.00.. FEB 1 B 009 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT February Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the request for property on the north side of the Administration Building by the Elgin Railway Museum Inc. be tabled to March 29th, 1989. 2. That Skyline Elevator Inc. be authorized to supply and install eight elevator landing door retainers at a quoted price of $1,320.00 (8 @ $165) in accordance with a directive from the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Elevating Devices Branch. 3. That the Clerk be authorized to purchase a replacement vacuum for the Registry office. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -L ~ :7;14/-'/~ R~ "J. Maze. erg, . ./ Acting Chairman. (i..tt...:r ;C..L FEB15!189 101 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-La. No. B9-7 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLlSHSCHEOULES OF RETENTION PERIODS FOR DOCUMENTS RECORDS AND OTHER PAPERS OF THE MUNICIPALITY." WHEREAS Section 116 of The Municipal Act provides that the Council of a municipality may pass a by~law approved by the auditors of the municipality establishing schedules. of retention periods during which tbe receipts, vouchers, instruments, rolls or other documents, records and papers must be kept by themunic- ipality. NOW THEREFORE the MunicipelCouncil of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The retent ion periods for the records of tbe County of Elgin. as outlined in Schedule -A- attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. are hereby adopted and established as the retention periods for each such record. 2. The Schedule attached hereto as Schedule -A- is hereby approved and adopted. 3. documents period as The Clerk has the authority to destroy all of the provided they have been retained until the retention outlined in Schedule -A- of this by-law has expired. 4. The Clerk shall make II. record of those documents destroyed. 5.. This by-law shall not take effect until the auditors of the corporation have approved this by~law by endorsing their name at the erid thereof 0 READ a first time this 15th day of February. 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1989. ~ ~- ._- ;4-..../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <</./d'.~ ' A. K. Fora, Warden. ~~~~ .............".... HASKINS & SEU,.S SCHEDULE . A. By-Law No. 89-7 MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE CLERK' 5 Numbers indicate Years P indicates Permanent Record Retain By-Laws(origina~l p Council Minute Book p Leases p p Assessment Roll Resolutions p O.M.B. Records p Property Files p Council Motions p Committee Minutes - Rough Notes 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Contracts (if not part of by~lawl General Correspondence Licences (after expi%ed) Inter-Office Memos Paid Parking Tickets Insurance Records (after expiration) Insurance Claims Deeds (if not part of by-law) Voters List Committee Minutes Petitions Agendas Council Minutes - Rough Notes Applications to Province re: Projects 6 Registered Letters 6 Documents suppo~ing Original Minutes . Briefs and Reports to Council 6 6 Clerk's Certificates Receptions and Special Events Files 6 Court Decisions . 103 - 2 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE FINANCIAL Recor.d Retain Audited Financial Statements General Ledger General Journal Debenture Register Cash Payment Journal Cheque Register Bank Statements Welfare Payments Welfare Case Records Paid (Cancelled) Cheques Bank Debit and Credit Memos Deposit Slips Final Budgets - Operating Final Budgets - Capital Paid Debenture and Coupons {upon matUrity) Accounts Payable Vouchers Paid Invoices Budget Estimates Working Papers General Correspondence Receipt Books Cheque Stubs Cash Books Deposit (Pass) Book Daily Cash Summaries Welfare Ledger Cards Subsidy and Tax Application Forms Inactive Welfare Files Petty Cash Vouchers Bank ReconciLiation~ p p p p p P 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ,. 6 10 2 2 - 3 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE ENGINEERING AND WORKS Record Retain Railway Grade Drainage Records ErosiolJ; Records Engineering Drawings General Accounts and Time Sheets Etc. Gravel Tickets Etc. p p p P 6 - 7 4 105 - 4 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE ~ Record Retain Legal Opinions p Legislation - Private Acts p court Cases p Statements of C~aim5 20 20 20 Agreements (Registered or otherwise) Notices of Claims Expropriation Files (as per Expropriation Act) p Purchase of Land Files p Sale of Land Files p Exchange of Land Files p Road Closing Files Road Dedication Files p p Road Widening Files p General Correspondence 6 or As Required Notices of Applications to The .Ontario Municipal Board (a.M.B.) Land Appraisal Files 6 or As Required 3 - 5 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE PERSONNEL Record Retain Payroll Journal p p O.M.E.R.S. Pension Cards Employees Personnel History File p Union Agreements p Job Applications - Of Those Hired p compensation Case Records p Oaths of Office p Individual Earnings Records p Department Organization Reports p 1'-4 Summaries P 10 7 Terminated Employees Records Band Deduction Records Vacation Records 7 Sick Leave 7 Garnisheesre: Employees 7 7 Time Cards Employees Income Tax Deductions 7 Workers' Compensation Claims 7 Job Descriptions 7 Overtime Sheets 7 Car Allowance Sheets 7 T-4 Slips 7 Time Distribution Sheets 7 Unemployment Insurance Records 7 Biweekl.y Payroll Summary 7 Daily Time Sheets 7 7 Weekly Time Sheets Grievance Files 7 O.H.I.P., O.H~S.C.. Blue Cross, Life Insurance, Long Term Disability and Other Benefit Records 7 General correspondence 6 2 Job Applications - Of Those Not Hired 107 - . - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE PERSONNEL-Continued Record Retain Rough Payroll Sheets Statistical Analysis Reports Attendance Sheets Employee Changes Files TO-l Forms 2 2 2 1 Upon Replacement _ 7 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS~RETENTION SCHEDULE PLANNING Retain Record Land Division Committee - Minutes Land Division Committee - Decisions General Correspondence Land Division Committee - Applications p P 6 2 109 - . - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE PURCHASING Record Retain Tender Fi.les Machine Files Until Disposal - 9 - MUNICIPAL RECORDS-RETENTION SCHEDULE ~ Record Retain Accident Statistics (not involving damages) 1 III COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-L8W No. B9-B "BEING A BY-LAW AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS. RECORDS AND PAPERS." WHEREAStheCouncil,ptirsuant to Section 116 of The Municipal Act, is authorized to destroy certain documents, records and papers with the approval of the HunicipalAuditors; and wHEREAS Deloitte Haskins & Sells,County Auditors, have certified in writing that ,in tbeiropinionit is no longer neces- sary to retain the documents, records and 'papers hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS certain documents, records and papers of the County of Elgin are of no further use, and now occupy space which is required for other purposes. NOW THEREFORE tbe Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following documents, records and papers of the County of Elgin, all of which relate to transactions completed on or before the dates shown shall be destroyed: Hospital 1ndigent patient notices arid correspondence 1972 and prior Children's Aid Society notices of Children In Care i974 and prior Statistical Returris to DBS 1973 and prior. 2. This by-law. shall not take effect until the auditors of the Corporation have approved this by-law by endorsing their names at the end thereof. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1969. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1989. .-::r- - . - )40,.../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. {(N.. 'f-N A. K. Ford", Warden. /..~J /Z,,"- _ , / CE~OIi""'r::' HASK::-m & SELLS COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-9 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN ANO THE CLERK TO SIGN A LETTER OF CONFIRMATION WITH PEAT MARWICK CONSULTING GROUP RE: 'MASTER FUNCTIONAL ANO MASTER SITE PLANNING' ." WHEREAS the Corporation of the Cauntyof Elgin wishes to proceed with recommendations made with respect to the study of Elgin County Senior Citizens' Services to the June 1988 Session of Elgin County Council; and WHEREAS the firm of Peat Harwick Consulting Group has been selected to carry out the -Master Functional and Master Site Planning- activities. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a letter of confirmation with the Peat MarwickConsulting Group engaging the firm to develop a Master Functional and Master Site Planning engagement in accordance with a letter dated February 8th, 1989. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1989. .~cr: -< ~ -. >4- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c:?LL,{ ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 113 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-L8w No. B9-10 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE FEBRUARY SESSION. 19B9." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of .8 municipa~ .corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980. the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed ~nd adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council,of the corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the February:1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expreBBlyembodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials :of the ,Corporation of the County of_Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to ,do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereofe 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of theCorporat~on of the County of Elgin. REA~ a first time this 16th day of February, 1989. READ a second time this 16th day of February, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of February, 1989. ~ }4..../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /7/1'. " ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. March Session - First Day Wednesday, the 8th day of March, 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at .the Administration Building, atlO~OO A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve Elliott Reeve Coles. An invitation from the Elgin County Railway Museum Inc. was received to attend a showing of the 5700 Steam Engine on either Saturday, March 11th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. or Saturday, March 18th. 1989 at 10;00 A.M. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Willsey That we accept the invitation from the Elgin County Railway Museum Inc. to view the 5700 Steam Engine on Saturday, March 18th, 1989 at 10;00 A.M.. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE- (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMI'l'TBE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPER:fY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Me%enberg Seconded by Reeve Chute That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. _ Carried. The review of the 1989 Proposed Budget took place at this time. Or. Mai, M.O,R., and Donna Brock, Business Administrator, of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit were in attendance upon invitation by Council. Mrs~ Brock reviewed the proposed budget for 1989 and in her letter indicated that the Board had not dealt with it yet and would be on March 9th. The budget requisition was for an increase of 24.7% or $66,529 over the 1988 budget. Considerable discussion took place on the request and the representatives left at the end of the presenta- tion. 115 - 2 - Additional review took place on the balance of the budget. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That we do now adjourn (12:000000) to meet again on Wednesday, March 8th, 1989 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 1:52 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Hembers present except: Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve Elliott Reeve Coles. Mr. Steve Bailey, Executive Director, and Mr. Ron Lidster, Business Administrator, of the Children's Aid Society were in attendance at the request of Council. The purpose was to speak to their budget requi$i- tien which was an increase of 16.9% over the 1988 request. Upon conclusion of their presentation and questioning by Council, they left the meeting. Council continued to review the various budgets in detail. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the 1989 !!!U 26 Proposed Budget be altered as follows; EXPLANATION INCREASE/DECREASE L.ibrary Increase ~ $6,000 A recorded vote was taken YEAS.- Hezenberg .(21, ..8ay, Ford, West, Lyle (2), carroll (2), Willsey, Wi~son, Vandierendonck (21, Kahnt, Rushmere, Collins.. Total 16. NAYS- Martyn (2), Mi.,llman(2),Neukanm(2), van Kasteren (2), Chute (2), Sandham,Avram. (2) ,Haclntyre,Lavereau(2) ,Allin. Total 17. _ MOTION WAS LOST.. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the ~ 30 1989 Proposed Budget be altered as follows; EXPLANATION INCREASE/DECREASE Reserve for Capital Expenditures Increase ~ S100,OOO A recorded vote was taken - YEAS _ Hay, Martyn (2), Millman (2), Chute (21, Sandham. Wilson, Vandierendonck (21, MacIntyre, Allin, Collins. Total 14. NAYS _ Mezenberg (2), Ford, West, Lyle (2), Carroll (2), Neukamm (2), van Kasteren (2), Willsey, Avram (2), Kahnt, Lavereau (2), Rushmere. Total 19. ~ MOTION ~AS LOST. Moved by Reeve 'Martyn Seconded by Reeve Collins That the corporation of the County of Elgin respectfully request the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Health to relocate the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit either in - 1. the existing Nurses' Residence at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital or 2. the Elgin County Administration Building - and that they do not consider the planned move int.oa new building. This relocation should occur imme- diately to facilitate the operation of the Health Unit and copies be sent to City of St. Thomas, Health Unit, and Marietta Roberts, M.P.P. _ 3 _ County Council, March Se~sion, 1989 ~ recorded ~ote was requested - YEAS - Me~enberg {21, Hay, Ford, West, Lyle (2), Carroll (2), Martyn (21, Millman (2), Neukamm (21, van Kasteren (2), Chute (2), Sandham, Willsey, wilson, Avram {2),Vandierendonck (21, MacIntyre, Kahnt~ Lavereau (21. Rushmere, Allin, Collins. Total 33. ~ - Q. - MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Reev~ Chute Seconded by Reeve Me~enberg That we adopt the following budget for the lawful purposes of the County during 1989. requiring a Net Levy of $4,564.174 mede up as follows: Expenditures $19,162.565 Less Receipts 14.598.391 Net Levy $ 4.564.174 and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several munici- palities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1989 for County purposes, and that this amount be levied on the several. municipalities in the County of Elgin, on the basis of the apportionment, as determined under Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-Iav adoptlngthis budget and apportionment be prepared - COUNTY OF ELGIN - 1989 BUDGET 1989 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1989 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1989 "X LEVY 1 Surplus from Prior Year S - S 405.792 $ (405,792J 3 Supplementary Taxes 25.000 (25.000) 4 Rentals - 66.406 (66.406l 5 Ontario Unconditional Grants - 431.472 (431,472) 6 Council Members and Local Boards 160,000 - 160,000 7 Administrat~on Salaries and Benefits 238.000 14,500 223~500 8 Administration Supplies and Services 100,000 - 100,000 9 Administration Building - 9 Gladstone 11.500 - 11,500 10 Court House 25.000 - 25.000 11 Registry Office 3.000 - 3,000 12 New Administration Building - Operations 125,000 - 125,000 13 Grants 449,150 - 449,150 14 Miscellaneous 1,000 - 1.000 15 County Roads 9.460,000 .7 ,922.000 1,538.000 16 Children's Aid society 1.76,062 - . 176,062 17 Elgin Hanor - Operating 3.562,670 3.187,063 375,607 18 Terrace Lodge - Operating 1,844.178 1,650,758 193,420 19 Terrace Lodge - Debenture Charges 85,800 - 85.800 20 Bank Interest Charges and Income 30,000 25,000 5,000 21 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal 120,000 - 120,000 22 Capital Loan Repayment - Interest 100,000 - 100,000 23 Taxes Written Off 15,000 - 15,000 24 Agricultura~ 58,500 - 58,500 25 Health Unit 335.902 - 335,902 26 County Library 1,245.203 169,000 1.076,203 27 Land Division 32,000 30,000 2.000 28 Social Services 917 ,500 671,400 246,100 29 Mosquito Control 30 Reserve for Capital Expenditures 31 Reserve for Computer Equipment 33 Public Address System 34 TOT~LS 35 Requisitions (NET LEVY) 100 25.000 25,000 17.000 $19.162,565 $19,162,565 100 25.000 25,000 17,000 $4.564,174 {4,564,174; S . $14 ~ 598,391 4.564,174 $19.162.565 117 - 4 - A recorded vote was requested - YEAS _ Mezenberg (2), Hay, Ford, West, Lyle (2), Carroll (2), Neukamm ~ van Kasteren (2), Chute (2), Sandham, Willsey, Avram {21. Vandierendonck (2), MacIntyre, Kahnt,Lavereau (2), Rushmere, Allin. Total 27. NAYS _ Martyn {2}, Hillman (2), wilson, Collins. Total 6. - MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That the members of the Liaison Committee and the Chairman of the Library Committee meet with the two Boards of Education, separately, and attempt to resolve the problem of the film service that is being discontinued by the County Library System. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve willsey That .By~Law No. 89-11 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 8th Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No.89~11 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That By-Law No. 89-l1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjourn (4:51 P.M.) to meet again on March 29th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. ....!".-/~.......,<..,..-..I,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT March 8th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E~gin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That an- amount of S17,OOO.OO be placed in the 1989 budget to cover the purchase ofa public address system in the Council Chambers and that the County Government Committee be authorized to proceed with obtaining same. 2. That an amount of S25.000.00 be placed in the 1989 budget under Reserve for Computer Equipment to provide for the purchase of some equipment in 1989. 3. That we recommend that the per diem to stock the County Suite at conventions be increased to $200.00 and that the appro- priateby-lawbe amended, effective January 1st, 1989, due to increased costs in supplies. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ / .1& . - //f~",7iA A. J. vah Kaste~ Chd;::r ;C"A LH3RARY COMMITTEE REPORT March Session 1989 FIRST REI'OltT To the Warden and Members oC Elgin County Council, Tile LibrnryCommittee reports as follows: 1. That the Committee accepts the budget as mailed out and recommends to. County Council that they consider including the following amounts in their 1989 budget: RECEIPTS County Grant Provincial Grant Fines&. :Fees Miscellaneous Total $1,076,203. 160,000. 3,000. 6.000. $1.245.203. EXPENSES Operating $1.245.203. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. s1 r~M_~' I 1 /1 ./J2I~ <'7'--v , Marian Millman, Chairman. ?UtM- ~ IIAll 8 Il89 119 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH SESSION FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend that Elgin County Council consider including the following amounts in their 1989 budget for the operation of the two Homes for Sen-iorCitizens exclusive of debentures: Elgin Manor Terrace Lodge Expenditures $3.562.669.51 I ,844,177 . 65 $5.4011,84/.11:1 Receipts $ 1.650.757.96 $4.83/,1j~0.43 Tax Levy $375.607.04 193,419.69 $bl:l~.026.U 2. Terrace per day THAT the per diem to be charged for Elgin Manor and Lodge residential care be increased by $2.50 to $43.50 effective March 1, 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. i>. !L.~ D. v:. Chute .. . .. Cha i rman . C~-N. llAR 8 Il89 121 PROPERT~ COMMITTEE REPORT March 8th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports-as follows: 1. That we recommend that Council consider including the following amounts in their 1989 budget: Reserve for Capital Expenditures EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS !!E: $ 3,000 $ --- S 3,000 25,000 --- 25,000 6,000 J 11,500 5,500 --- ) 125.000 --- 125,000 66,406 (66.406) 25.000 - 25~OOO $189,500 $66,406 $123,094 BUILDING Registry Office Court House ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS 9 Gladstone Avenue 79 Stanley Street 450 Sunset Drive Recovery of Rentals 2. That we recommend that the cost of renovations to the second floor in . the __ amount of $83.515. S9 be recovered from the following sources rather than through a capital loan from the Bank of Hontreal~ From Reserve for Capital Expenditures From 1988 operating Budget $50,000;00 33.515.59 $83,515.59. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. .~l5'M~ Acting Chairman. au...r :t::.L COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89~11 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 8TH SESSION. T9B9." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council~ and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of E1gin in respect of eacn recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of E1gin at its meetings held during the March 8th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedingswereexpres8~y embodied intnis By~Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the-Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 8th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 8th day of March, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 8th day of March. 1989. ~&~-..~)4.... G. C. Leverton. Clerk. ae~~( A. K. Ford. Warden. 123 March Session - First Day Wednesday, the 29th day of March, 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except; Deputy Reeve Hay. Moved by Deputy. Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the minutes of the February 15th & 16th and March 8th Sessions, 1969 of the Elgin County Council be adopted. _ Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Information Graphics offering their services for microfilming public records. 2,;. Municipality of Metro Toronto with resolution withiespect to comments made by Mr. McKenzie Porter in the Torontosun,:-:-"h.lch offend and degrade all Canadians. 3. Association ofMunicipa~ities of Ontario with preliminary response to the Draft Housing Policy Statement. COUNTY LIBRARY cOHMI:TTEE 1~ village of Rodney expressing Council's concern. about the decision to discontinue film service in Aylmer,Dutton and West Lorne. 2. Quad County Association fortbe Mentally Retarded requesting that the film service be continued and suggesting some sort of rental fee system could be arranged. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates, Barristers and Solicitors, with consent and waiver re; property owned by tbeHarbour Club in..the Village of Port Stanley with respect to an application to place their lands under the Land Title System of Registration in tbe Province. 2. City of London with resolution with respect to the need to widen Highway 401 between London and Woodstock. 3. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo '89-05 with ~espect to Equipment Subsidizable Rates for Municipally-Owned Equipment effec- tive January 1st, 1989. 4. Siting Task Force Low LeVel Radioactivity and Waste Management with invitation to attend a Regional Information Session. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Pay Pay Ontario Nurses' Equity purposes Equity Study. Association with a copy of Terms of Reference fo~ and Terms of Reference for a Joint Job Evaluation! PROPERTY coMMITTEE 1. C~ossman Associates with respect to the status of the two employ- ees at the Court House once the sale is completed. 2. R. A. Barrett, City Administrator, advising of meeting re; Court House Designation and suggested reply to invitation drafted by Mr. MurraY Hennessey, County Solicitor. - 2 - PROPERTY COMMITTEE - continued 1. Skyline Elevator Ine. advising that monthly service charges offective June 1st, 1989 for elevator maintenance will increase from $280 to $300. SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. From the Elgin County Funeral Homes with proposed fees for vari- ous services. 1. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with information on seminar to be held April 6th and 7th in Toronto. . 3. Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto with resolution setting forth their response to -TRANSITIONS; The Report of Social Assistance Review Committee-. 4. J.O.J. Toddler Preschool Resource Centre with request for an increase in the per diem cost for day nursery. FILED 1. Rank of Montreal with notice advising that the prime interest rate has been increased by 1/2% to 12 3/4t as of February 17th, 1989. 2. Marietta Roberts, H.P.P., with information re; program through the Ministry of Natural Resources with regard to Junior Ranger P~ogram. 3. Ministry of Treasury and Economics with two documents relating to the future population of Ontario. 4. Ministry of Transportation acknowledging receipt of ourapp1ica~ tion for supplementary funding. 5. The organization of Small Urban Municipalities with information with respect to the 36th' annual conference to be held in Barrie, May 3~d to 5th, 1989. 6. University of Waterloo advising that the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships werel WesleyPELL R. R. tl FINGAL Diane VAN DEN BIGGBLAAR R. R. n RODNBY. 7. Minister of Municipal Affairs with information with respect to the illegal payments of bounties for a variety of wildlife species. 8. Family and Children's services of St. Thomas and Elgin with ~llo- cation of Children In Care to January 31st, 1989. 9. Minister of Revenue acknowledging receipt of Elgin's resolution with regard to a study on County-Wide Re-Assessment. 10. The University of Western Ontario with appreciation far the notice with respect to the 1989.grant. 11. City of St. Thomas with copy to the City of London advising that no action was taken on the resolution to widen Highway 401~ 12. The University of Western Ontario advising ~hat they ar$ offeri~g aSwmmer Intensive Japanese Program in July. 13. Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Allo- cation of Children In Care and financial statement to February 28th, 1989. 14. Ministry of Natural Resources with announcement of changes in customer services for the Aylmer and Kilworth offices. 125 _ 3 _ County Council, March 29th Session, 1989 Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government committee ~ 11-3 inclusive County Library Committee- ,1-2 inclusive County Roads committee -'1-4 inclusive Personnel Committ.,e - II Property Committee - '1-3 inclusive Social Services Committee ~tl-4 inclusive Filed -#1-14 inclusive County Council - tl~8 inclusive. _Carried. FIRST RBPORT _ COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by..Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL- COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve 5andham. SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Collins. FlRST REPORT _ PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed l Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Neukamrn That the First Report of the Property Property be adopted. - Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS The Elgin County Railway Museum Ine. submitted two proposals to pro- vide a building etc. for Steam Engine 5700. One divided the property ina north-south direction on the west side of the property north of the Administration Building, fronting on Karen Street. Thisrepre- sented 1.9 acres. The other proposal ran at the north side of the property, east and West fronting on Highway #4, with an access across the other property to Karen Street. It consisted of 1.5 acres. After some discussion the matter was referred to the Committee Of The Whole for further discussion. ;26 - 4 - Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Neukamm ~hat County of Elgin Council ~equest a full investigation into the escape of a Lieutenant ~~vernor's Warrant patient, and a report on the secu1:'ity systen1 or the lack thereof. Moved by Reeve Eme-cson Seconded by Reeve Chute That the resolution r9' investigation of the escape of a Lieutenant Gove1:'noc's Warrant patient be tabled. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That we request Bell Canada to proceed with an engineering study and r.osts for a 9.1.1. Emergency System, to include the City of St. Thomas and the entire County. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Collins That the Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditures in the amount of $6.878,900 for the County of Elgin and the St.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road System as recommended in the Fi~st Report of the Roads Committee. March 29th'Session. 1989,and as detailed in Recommendation No. 4, be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation of Ontario for his approval. - Carried. COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry:of Municipal Affairs with Draft Policy Statement on Wetlands under The Planning Act. 2. Association of Hunicipalities of Ontario with information on seminar with respecttotbe Municipal Elections Act .campaign Expenses Reports- Doing it Yourself-. 3. GasPurchase Direct Ltd. with update on the status of direct pur~ chase. 4. Verna M. Mai. M.D.. M.O.H.. Blgin-st. Thomas Health Unit, with reply to Council's resolution regarding accommodations. S. The Good Time Music Hall with invitation to attend the show and dinner at the Memorial Centre in St. Thomas on either Wednesday, April 5th or April 12th. 6. Agricultural Employment Services with request for appointee to their Board. 7. Ontario Hydro with information respecting the electrical transmis- sion facilities to the Sarnia and Windsor areas. 8. Tobacco Area Industrial Strategy Committee extending an invitation to fund the hosting of a United Kingdom Investment Tour Welcome Dinner. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Avram Th~t O~. Mal be advised that Elgin County Council is not convinced that a move by the Health Unit into a new building is the most economical alte~native and oppose it and copies be sent to - Marietta Roberts. M.P.P., Minister of Health, Premier of Ontarior City of St. Thomas. ~ Carried. Moved by Reeve Mar~yn Seconded by Reeve Co~lins That Reeve Neukamm be appointed to the L.A.E.B. for 1989 as the County appointee. - Carried. 127 _ 5 _ County Council, March 29th Session, 1989 Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 1 and 7 be filed. ..,. Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Hezenberg That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford named Reeve Chute as Chairman . The Committee rose without reporting. Heved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve West Thet as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the busineBs at hand. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That we do now adjourn (12=03 P~M.) to meet again on March 29th, 1989 at 1:30 P.M. _ Carried. CouDcl1reconvened at 1140 P~M. Hovedby Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren i:;That we go -into a Committee . Of The Whol.e. - Carried. Warden Ford again named Reeve Chute as Chairman. ~he Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That we do now. adjourn (2r45 P.M.) to meet again at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 29, 1989. - Carried. Council reconvened at 5107 P.M. ROLL CALL - A1l members pres!'tnt except 1 Deputy Reeve Hay Deputy Reeve Elliott. REPORT .~ PROPERTY C~_~ITTEE The Seoond Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerscin. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That the Second Report of the Property Committee be adopted. Reeve Emerson requested a recorded vote on Item #5. A vote was taken on Items 11-4 and they Carried. - 6 - Moved by Reeve Neukmrun Seconded by Reeve Coles That ttem *5 of the Second Report of the Property Committee be amended by deleting the word -they. in the third last line and substituting -The BIgin County Railway Museum Inc.-. The amendment Carried. The recorded vote was as follows; YEAS _ Mezenberg (2). Ford, West, Lyle (2l, Carroll (2), Martyn {2l. Millman (ll, Neukamm (2l.van Kasteren (2), Chute {2l. Sandham. WillMey, wilson, Vandierendonck (2), MacIntyre, Kahnt, ~llin. Collins. Total Yeas - 27. NAYS - Avram (2). Emerson. Lavereau (2). Coles. Rushmere. ---- Total Nays - 7. Motion Carried. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 'rhe First Report of the Social services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey and adopted on motion of Reeve Willsey and Reeve Collins. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Collins That we ~equest a representative from the Minister of Health's Office to attend the April 19th, 1989 Session of Elgin County Council to explain why the St. Tb0m8s-Elgin General Hospital Nurses' Residence cannot be renovated for use by the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 89-12 -Being a By-Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc., During 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-12 be read a second time. - carr"ied. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve MilLman That By-Law No. 89-12 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Allin That Ay-Law No. 89-13 ~A By-La.. to Authurize: the: COl:poration of tha Village of Port Stanley (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term shall Include Its Successors and Assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required fora Sanitary Sewerage System in the- County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality')- be read a first time. - Carried. 129 _ 7 _ County Council, March 29th Session, 1989 Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By~Law No. 89-13 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-13 be reed a third time and finally passed~ _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-14 -A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Dutton {Hereinafter Called 'Tbe Grantee' and Which Term shall Include Its. successors and Assigns) to Construct. Use and Oper- ate Works Required for a Sanitary sewerage System in the County .of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality'). be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-14 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve .Chute That By_Law.No. 89-14 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Laversau Seconded by_Deputy Reeve Sandham That By_Law No~ 89~l5 -Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden, Council Members arid County Officials for Attending Conventions- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-15 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 89-15 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Rssva Willsey Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-16 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of community and Social Services Re: The Purchase ,of Service Home Support and Services for the Elderly. be read a first time. _ Carried. - 8 - Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-16 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-16 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenherg Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-17 -Being a By-taw to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for County PurposeS for the Year 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hillman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-17 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil1man That By~Law No~ 89-17 be read a third time and finally passed~ - Carried ~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Mil.lman Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law ~o. 89-l8-A By_Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 29th Session, 1989- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law ~o. 89-18 be read a second time. - Carried. Movsd by Deputy Reeve Wilson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mill.man That By-Law ~o. 89-18 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve MacrntyT~ That we do now adjourn (5,30 P.M.) to meet again on April 19th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. ~(...<..o'-(.'/'4-,,-.,/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~-Ford, Warden. LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County of Elgin accept . the donation of the historical equipment with which the former Scott Studio created the historical photographic negatives ana plates currently in the possession of the County of Elgin. 2. That the revenue from the proposed book sale be expended on video tapes. 3. That the Library Committee requests that Rooms 35, 34 and.29 be air conditioned and curtains or blinds. be provided. Also adequate electrical outlets and overhead lighting be provided. in these rooms and Room 29 be utilized for the Scott Sefton collection rather than Room 34. 4. That the. Library Cotrunittee recommends that Deputy . Reeve Millman be the County appointment to the OL5-S0uth Board for 1989/90, and that notification of this fact be sent to Mr. Stan Skrzeszewskl-as soon as possible. 5. That. the correspondence. from. the Ministry of Culture. and Communicationssdvising that the Southern OLS(PIsn of Service) will be available for discussion in the Library Community in February be filed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. n1AA~A~ /') 1. I~_~__. \ Marian Millman, Chairmen. (Ut...r~ 131 32 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FlRSTREPORT MARCH 29 SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Engineer has been authorized to proceed with draft plans for a storage garage at White's Station to replace the storage building which was removed earl ier in the year. (Old Airforce hangar.) 2. That we have approved a request from the Ministry of Government Services for an entrance on County Road 1#45 providing that Government Services pay all costs and meet certain standards including channelization and intersection lighting~ The entrance will provide an entrance to Pavilion 6 which will house the M.inistry of Agriculture and Food. 3. The Engineer. Assistant Engineer; Staff Engineer; General Superintendent and AssistaritSuperintendent have been authorized to attend the Risk Management Seminar sponsored by the Frank Cowan Company Limited at the County. Administration Building. on ApriL 25th.. 4. The Engineer has been authorized to attend a seminar sponsored .by the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada on April 12th and 13th at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton entitled the "Political Response to the Infrastructure Needs". WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By~law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of Dutton for the installation and maintenance of a sanitary sewage system on County roads in the Village of Dutton. 2. That a By-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of Port Stanley for the iristallation and maintenance of a sanitary sewage system on County roads in the Village of Port Stanley. Both By~laws will be similar to those in place with the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold. 133 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 2.; SESSION PAGE 2 3. That the Budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Comission in the amount of$508.000~OO be approved. [The expenditure is detailed in the attached expenditure proposals.] The Conmission has had to revert the following roads to the County of Elgin as their budget.does.not provide funds for maintenance. (Transfer effective April 13, 1989 after tne winter maintenance season concludes.) (a) Road '22 . Fairview Avenue from Road fl45 to Road 1#27. (b) Road '45 . From Hignway 14 to Road '36. (c) Road 1128 . Centennial Avenue froin Road 1156 (Elm Street) to Road 1145. (dJ Road #57 . Southdale Ro~d from Highway '4 to Road fiZZ. 4. That the attached statement of worK and expenditures in the amount of $6.878.900 for the County of Elgin and Ule St. Thomas Suburban Road Conm!.ssion be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for thetrapproval. County Cauricil at their February Session adopted a total budget of S7 .581,200 including. supplementary ~pending requests to the Ministry of Transpartation of.Ontarto of S664,OOO. The attached expenditure>proposals allocate the remaining wDrk not covered by the supplementary By-laws. 5. That a By-law be passed setting speed limits on County roads as authorized by the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. This By-law will consolidate various County By-laws dating from 1977 and will: (a) make minor changes in several zones because of the building of new res i dences . (b) reduce the speed on Road '20 from Warren Street to Highway 1114 to 40 kJn. per hour as requested by the Village of Port Stanley. (c) set speed zones on portions of Roads (#27. (#28. and 156 in the Township of Yannouth which were assumed as County roads in the past several years. This By-law will be circulated to Council Members when completed and be presented for adoption at the April Session. 6. That certified cheques received by the County Road Department as bond cheques to ensure the completion of agreements with the Road COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 29 SESSION PAGE 3 Department _be transferred to the County Treasurer for deposit in the County's general account. 7. That Elgin County Council endorse the City of London's reQuest that the Province of Ontario widen Hlghway, '401 to six(6) lanes between London and Woodstock over the next five year period and the Minister of Transportation of Ontario and the Council of the City of London be advised of this endorsement. 8. That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign the appl ication forms for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario's "Colllllercial Vehicle Operation Registration Certificate" on behalf of all County departments. It appears that all departments (Roads. Library, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge) have vehicles that are reQuired to be registered. The regulations of the Highway Traffic Act requires that the, Corporate Officers of the Corporation make appl ication for ,the certificate. 9. That the Kiwanis Club of St. ThomaS Golden"K" be advised that although we are in favour of recycling. the County of Elgin does not at the present time nave jurisdiction over the disposal of Municipal solid waste. 10. That the County of Elgin support the request of Port Stanley Tenninal Rail Inc. to maintain the rail connection 1n St. Thomas between the Port Stanley Tenninal Rail Inc. and the Canadian National Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway and that a letter of support be forwarded to Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. with copies to the Council of the City of St. Thomas, the Canadian National Railway, the Canadian Pacific Railway, the National Transport Agency, Kenneth Monteith M.P., "'lC.,ietta Roberts M.P.P., and the Mallaqer of the Mi.nistry of Transportation of Ontario Rai 1 office Ian Chadwick. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. ~~~ / C I (2Rt....r H COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPENDITURE 1989 MTNTc;TRY OFTRANSPORTAlIoN OF ONTARIO ALLOCATIONS: Construction Fixed Costs $2,975,000 3,903,900 $6.878.900 TOTAl CONSTRUCTION Allocation for Construction Allocation for Resurfacing TOTAL (A) WORK UNDERWAY FROM 1988: 1. Construction Middlemiss Bridge. 2. Construction Middlemiss Bridge Approaches. 3" Payment for flashing light signals, Road #45 (Smoke Road) at Canadian National Rail Crossing. 4. Road #23 . Joseph Street Hill, Port Stanley Surveys, Engineering and Golder Associates 5. Road #16 ~COmpletion of work at Port Talbot Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trinming, and seed i ng . 6. Road #45 - Completion of work. at Kettle Creek Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trinming, seeding, etc. 7. Road #22 . Complete to . 300 feet north of Road #27 intersection; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trillllling,drainage, seeding, etc. B. Road #2 . Complete from Aldborough Townl ine to Coyne Road; top coat of asphalt, gravel. trillllling, drainage, seeding, etc. 9. land. County St. Thomas Suburban Road CarI1Iission 10. Surveys. County _ St. Thomas Suburban Road COIlIIlission TOTAL (B) CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORWARDED: i. Road #2 - Granular hase, grading, dr-ainage, base coat of asphalt, Coyne Drain to complete to Ecker Drain. 2. Road #22 . Intersection of Road #27 including utility movement, channelization, paving. etc. 135 MARCH 29, 1989 $1;120,000 1.855,000 $2.975 000 $1.056.000 120,000 8,500 7,000 10,000 11;000 45,000 160,000 80,000 2,000 20,000 $1.519.500 $340,500 120,000 Continued.............. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPENDITURE PAGE 2 ~ MARCH 29, 1989 (8) 3. Road #26 - (St. GeorgeStreet)[St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission); utility movement, drainage in conjunction with municipal drains; curb and gutter for traffic control at intersecting roads and at curves. Curb and gutter for erosion control (relocation of hill portion to the east.) Application of signal relocation at Canadian National Rail Crossing. TOTAL TOTAL PARTS 'A' AND 'B' RESURFACING (A) COMPLETION OF WORK FOR 1988: 1. Road "20 . Between Boxall Road and Fingal Street (Top of Stacey Hill) Southwold; shoulder, trimming. seeding and drainage. 2. Road "24 ~ Port Bruce westerly, Yarmouth and Malahide Townships; top coat of asphalt, gravel, drainage, etc. (Includes $29,000 of 1988 work not paid until 1989.) 3. Road 1t46 - High'>lay 1#3 to Corinth; shoulder trimmin9 and seeding. 4. Road 1#52 .. East of Springfield; shoulder, trimming and seeding. 5. Road 1#52 . West of Springfield to Highway 173; shouldering, trirrming and seeding. 6. Road 152 - Highway 1#73 to Highway 174; shouldering, trimming and seeding. TOTAl (B) NEW WORK: To be reconmended after. Spring Breakup. TOTAL RESURFACING ~ Construction Resurfacing TOTAL FEBRUARY COUNCIL MAOE THE FOLLOWING SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATIONS (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO APPROVAL PENOING) (a) Tates Bridge (b) Road #30 (c) Middlemiss Bridge TOTAL Total Construction If All Applications Approved $ 140,000 $ 600.500 $2.120000 $ 30,000 240,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 $ 340.000 $ 515.000 $ 855.000 $2,120,000 855,000 $2.975000 14,000 400,000 250,000 $ 664.000 $3;639000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPEND ITURES FIXED COST MINISTRY nF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FIXED COST ALLOCATION FOR: 1. Machinery and Housing 2. Maintenance, Overhead, Urban Rebates, Stock Balance .Increases/Oecreases. Drainage Assessments . TOTAL EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: Urban Rebates Overhead (See Attached) Maintenance (See ..Attached) Drainage Assessments Machinery and Housing ~: 1. Payroll burden has been distributed to various Construction, Maintenance, OVerlleadandAccounts Receivable in accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. standard. practices. 2. Increase in Stock Balance (i.e., Gravel in stock at Sparta and Pleasant Valley Pits) is shown in Maintenance. 3. Accurate Urban Rebate estimates are unavailable until County assessments are approved (MarCh 29th). Rebates were $84;145 in 1989. 4. Drainage Assessments are estimated as follows: (a) Yarmouth Township {Southdale Road, Penhale Drain Road #45. etc.). (b) Other Townships (Aldborough Township mostly). (c) St. George Street (4 drains). TOTAL ORAINAGE.ASSESSMENTS. ARE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: St. Thomas Suburban Road Coomission (St. George Street) County: (a) Yarmouth Township (Southdale Road. Penhale Drain. Etc.). (b) Others 137 REVISED. DRAFT MARCH 29, 1989 $ 749,000 3,154.900 $3903.900 $ 93.900 516,000 2.305.000 240.000 749;000 $3903900 $ 35.000 32,000 173.000 $: 240 000 $ 173.000 67'-000 (Total) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS OPERATION 1989 ESTIMATED ~ A _ Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges 75,000 71,000 - 2 Culverts 50,000 48,000 B - Roadside Maintenance 1 Grass Cutting 90,000 79,000 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 130,000 128.000 4 Drainage 125,000 120,000 5 Roadside Maintenance 15,000 11,500 6 Tree Planting 9,000 9~000 .7 Drainage Assessments 3,500 3,500 (Maintenance) 11 Weed Spraying 1,500 1,500 C - Paved Road Maintenance Repairs to Pavement (1988) Miscellaneous Repairs 70,000 60,000 Only 2 Sweeping 44,000 40,000 3 (t988l Application of Shoulder 90,000 78,000 Gravel 4 Surface Treatment 140,000 140;000- 5 (1988) Shoulder Maintenance 32,000 28,000 Including Grading 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patching 70,000 70,000 o - Gravel Road Maintenance 2 Grading Gravel Roads 52,000 49,000 3 Oust Control 90,000 84,000 4 Prime 12,000 9,000 5 Gravel Resurfacing 67,500 67,500 E - Winter Control Total 525,000 467,000 1 Snow Plowing 125,000 117,000 - 2 Sanding and Salting 360,000 315,000 - 4 Standby and Night Crew 40,000 35,000 F . Safety Devices 1 Pavement Marking 47,000 40,000 2 Signs and Signals 166,000 156,000 3 Guide Rail 8,000 6,000 4 Railroad Protection 72,500 65,000 6 Edge Marking 43,000 35,000 7 Stump Removal 27,000 26,000 TOTALS $2,055,000 $1,892,000 MARCH 29, 1989 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 4,000 2,000 11,000 2.000 5,000 3.500 . 10,000 4,000 12,000 4,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 58,000 8,000 45,000 5,000 7,000 lU,UUU 2,000 7,500 8,000 1,000 $163,000 Continued.......... . 139 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPENDITURE OVERHEAD (r.nllNTvAND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION MARCH 29, 1989 19S9ESTIMATE Superintendence'*' *(Includes Engineer Assistant Eng1 neer. Superintendents and Two Vehicles) Clerical Garage and White Station Property Office $151,000 Needs Study update and Traffic Counts 113,000 125,000 33.000 7.000 25,000 7;000 28,000 24,500 2,500 Computer Tools Radio Training Courses Miscellaneous Insurance TOTAL $516 000 1989 Estimated Distribution St. Thomas Suburban Road Comission ~ $30,000 County of Elgin ~ $486.000 It is estimated at 6'; of total exPenditure wi 11 be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2- MARCH 29, 1989 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PAGE 1 $2,055.000 $1,892,000 $163.000 SPECIAL PROJECTS (ALL COUNTY): complete Road #8 Dutton Curb 8,000 8,000 (Invoices from 1989) complete Road #20, Urban Shedden 5,000 5,000 (Invoice from 1989 - $2,300 Plus Minor Cleanup) Road 1/;14, Iona Bridge Over Talbot Creek 35.000 35,000 {MajOr Repairs) Road #57, Asphalt Pave and Gravel as 50,000 50,000 Required (1 Km. west of Road #22) (Southdale) Increase in Stock Balance (Gravel Piled 60,000 60,000 at Pleasant valley and Sparta Pits) Reserve for Increased Winter Control 92.000 92,000 Costs Excessive Spring Breakup, Repairs to. Pavements, Other Projects such as Roadf#27 (Highway *4 west], Southdale [West End], Orwell, Road 1t18 Lawrence StationUrhan, Curb and Gutter Repairs as funds pennit. $ 250,000 $ 250,000 TOTALS ~3.P5 000 $2142.000 $163 000 S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 19B9 EXPENDITURE 1. Maintenance .(See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road COllRTlission Budget for breakdown). 2. Drainage Assessments {Road #26 [St. George Street]). 3. Construction: (a) Land Purchase (b) Road-tl26 (St. George Street). 4. Overhead (See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Comission estimates for breakdown) . TOTAL 141 MARCH 29, 1989 $163,000 173;000 2,000 140.000 30.000 $508.000 CALCULATlON OF AMOUNT PAYABLE 8Y THE ClTY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE 51. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD. SYSTEM Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy is estimated at BO':; or County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas share eQually in remainder City of St. Thomas snare Ministry of Transportation of Ontario EQualiZe<! one/naIf Mill levy provides LESS: LESS: Deficit from 1988 City of. St. Thomas share of Items Not. Subsidized by the Ministry of iTansportation of Ontario (50' of $500.00). AVAILABLE Estimated Cost to City of St. Thomas for above OEFIClT TO 1990 $406,400.00 101.600.00 50.800.00 52.900.00 3.123.36 250.00 $ 49,526.64 50.800.00 $ 1 273.36 HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the amendments to the Home Support Services Contracfwith the Ministry of Community and Social Services and that the by-laws and necessary documents be prepared. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ::D. <<- C?tZ2 b. V. Chute, Chairman. tZa.;:f ~ 143 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th'Session, 1989 :FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr. Harley Underhill has been hired as Personnel Administrator at an annual salary of,,$38.000 with an, additional Sl,OOQ,to be ,paid upon the completion of the probationary period. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ /Z<....4'~ E. Neukamm Chairman. . r:;Zt4X -;;::" PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and- Members of the Elgin County Counci~, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Mr~ Har1eyUnderhi~l has been granted two weeks off, without pay, for vacation during 1989. 2, That Mr. Harley Underhi~l has been requested to docu- ment his overtime for 1989 in order to have him qualify for additional vacation to be taken during 1990. 3, That the Clerk has been authorized to purchase a desk and a high-back chair for the Personnel Administrator. 4. That we recommend that the Personnel Committee be authorized to inc~ude the Chairmen of the various Committees in contract negotiations when their employees are involved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ E. Neukamm, Cha:i.rman. aa.:r~ 145 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. 'I'hatthe following areas be designated as smoking areas and the balance of the Administration Building be smoke-free effective July 1st, 1989: ( 1) Room #-29 - Basement (Opposite kitchen) (2) Lounge (Room #22) - Basement (3) Committee Rooms #1, 2 and 3 on First Floor (4) Rooms #116 and 121 - Social Services (5) Room #202-(Second Floor - Engineer's Office). 2. That a Risk Management Seminar. be hosted by the County on either April 24th or 25th in the afternoon in the County Administration Building and it be conducted by the Frank Cowan Company Ltd. 3. That a reply has been made to Mr. T. Crossman to the effect that his letter re: the ernployeesat the Court House will be taken under advisement. 4. That in reply to Mr.R. A. Barrett's invitation .to attend a meeting re;thedesignation .of the Court House Block under the Ontario Heritage Act, we authorize Mr..H. J. Hennessey to forward his reply indicating that the County would not ,want t.o do anything that would causecthe nature of the asset to change prior .to the completion of-the sale to Hr. Tom Crossman and, therefore,willnot be attending. 5. That the quotation of D.A.Ross.PaintingandDecorating Ltd. in the amount of Sl,238.80 has been accepted-for painting various areas in the County Administration Building. It is understood that this price does not include plaster repair in the southeast entrance and that it will have to be repaired apart from this price. 6. That the Library Committee has been advised that Rooms #154, 155 and 159 are required to accommodate the Personnel Department and would request that. they vacate tbem and that Rooms #34 and 35 in the Basement be provided on a temporary basis. It is requested that the move take place by March 15th, 1989. 7. That the Clerk be authorized to have Rooms #29, 34, 35, 154, 155 and 159 painted and carpets laid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ ~~ x. C. Emerson. Chairman. ~ . <<L?,;f ;4<<( PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: l~ That the tender of J~'s Lawn Care tenance for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 be following rates: for grounds main- accepted at the Spring and Fall Cleanup - lump sum Grass Cutting - per cutting Main Area Ditch Area Shrub and Garden Maintenance - per t~e $230.00 80.00 24.00 27.00 2. for the 1989. That we recommend that an increase of 5% be requested leases at the Court House Block~ effective January 1st, 3. request plaints That the Clerk contact Skyline that they check the equipment in by the C.U.P~E. representative. Elevator Inc. and relation to the com- 4. That the Clerk be authorized to have the necessary electrical receptacles and lighting installed in Room ~3S for use by the Library staff. 5. That we recommend tbatwe offer 1.9 acres on the west side of the property north of the County Administration Building for sale to the Elgin Railway Museum Inc. at a price of $47,500.00, with the stip~ation that if the project fails it be reverted to the County at-no cost, complete with the building. and that the County will not contribute financially now or in the future to the project. It is understood that they_will be responsible for all legal and other costs_ in the transfer of the property. It is further understood that this property cannot be resold. ALL of which is. respectfully submitted~ ~apA&J K~ C. Emerson, Cha:irman. ,..Ut.,.;t. ~ . Item #5 was amended by changing mthey. in the third last line to .the Elgin County Railway Museum Inc~.. 147 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT March 29th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That we increase the indigent funeral services as per schedule as follows: Stillborn (No embalming, visitation or coach will be provided) Children to age 1 year or maximum casket length 2'6~ Children 1-10 years or maximum casket length of 4'6- $ 250~OO 650.00 700.00 Adult where casket is over 4'6- with total serVices 1,530.00 Extra services will be provided when required by the cemetery Concrete Vault if required 50.00 350.00- Clergy Honorarium 2.. That the. Director be authorized to attend the Spring Administrator's Seminar to. be held on Thursday , April 6 and Friday, April 7, 1989 in Toronto, with the u6u~axpenses paid~ 3. That the resolution of HetropolitanToronto setting forth their response to GTRANSITIONS~ ~he Report of Social Assistance Review Committee- be filed. 4. Tbat the. request from. J.D.J. Toddler Preschool Resource Centre for an increase in the per diem for preschool .care .from $16.00 to $17.00, effective January 1st, 1989 be approved,:, sub';' ject to the approval of tbe Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. r" 01.' ClItAb-..,. ;'/I/.:1. ~- C. R. Willsey, Chairman. .......,... ../" ~~ 8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-12 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE GRANTS TO BE MADE TO VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS CORPORATIONS. INSTITUTIONS. ETC.. DURING 1989." WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it advisable to make grants to certain organiza- tions, corporations, institutions, etc.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: Agricultural Representatives Act 1. That the following grants be and are hereby authorized for the year 1989: Elgin County Pioneer Museum - Operating Elgin Federation of Agriculture Elgin Regiment Veterans Association Elgin Tourist Association St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Scholarships _ RidgetownCollege of Agric~tural Technology _ University of Guelph _ University of Waterloo _ universifyofWestern Ontario _ Wilfrid Laurier University southwestern Ontario Travel Association The Agricultural 'and Horticultural Societies in the County of Elgin _ Equa~ to the. Province of Ontar:io Grants to these Societ:ies The Local Agricultural Office For _ Farm organizations, Junior Farmers and Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for 4H Clubs University of Western Ontario S 500 33,850 2,500 500 7,750 400,000 400 800 400 800 400 2,250 5,985 2,000 READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second t~ this 29th day of March, 1989. RRAD a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1989. -----c - -.\4..-J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /I tL,{-a:: f. A. K. ord, Warden. 149 COUNTY OF ELGIN By.Law No. 89-13 "A 8Y.LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' AND WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUDE ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT USE. AND OPERATE WORKS REOUIREoFOR A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE MUNICIPALITY'). " WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Munici- pality for the purpose of constructing. using and operating lines and works for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the Municipality: aod WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, tbe Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by t.he Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin and IT IS HEREBY ENACTEO 'as follows i 1. Full right. power. permission and consent are hereby granted. conferred and assured unto the cOrpOration of the Village of Port Stanley. its.',successors, and assigns to' enter ,upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maiI1:tain, inspect, alter, repa~, renew, remove" replace, reconstruct, use and operate in,througb,upon, ,under, along and across-' the same or any:of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances.andattachments, including attachments for cathodic protection,sewerage pumping-stations and other works, .necessary or incidental thereto and to a Sanitary Sewerage System on a highway. 2. , Such right or franchise shall be,subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an_agreement 'to be enteredintobetwe_en the 'Munici~ pality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which:"greement shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on' behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the' corporate seal thereto. 4. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect ~ediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first t~e this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a third t~e and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1989. ~ji'#".>4--:.-/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. fl..f.L,;- .z~ A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-14 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' AND WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUDE ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT. USE AND OPERATE WORKS REQUIRED FOR A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE MUNICIPALITY.)." WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the corporation of the-County of Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Munici- pality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating lines and works for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the Municipality: and WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of ~lgin and IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows: 1. Full right, power, permission. and consent are hereby granted. conferred and assured unto tbe corporation of the Village of Dutton, its successors and assigns to enter upon,use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay~ maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under,. along and across the same or any of them a pipeline or pipe lines with any and all. connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, sewerage pumping stations and other works, necessary or incidental thereto and to a Sanitary Sewerage System on a highway. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an agreement to be. entered into between the Munici- pality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and eo affix the corporate seal thereto. 4. This By-Law shall come inta farce and take effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 29th day of March. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. c[a...;r ~. A. K. Ford, Warden. 151 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-15 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUNTY OFFICIALS FOR ATTENDING CONVENTIONS." The Municipa~ Council of the corporation of tbe County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. and Elgin attending That the Warden, County Officials conventions- Members ~f the Elgin County Council be paid the following rates for (a) For a convention within a radius of 200 miles {322.Km} of St. Thomas, the per diem rate. regis- tration fee and mileage from S~. Thomas to the convention site and return, paid at the same rate established for the use of personal vehicles for County business. (b) For a convention outside a radius of 200 miles (322 Km) of St. Thomas, the per diem rate, regis- tration fee and single airfare rate from the London airport to the site of the convention and retUrn. Where the site cannot. be reached by . air . service; mileage to and from the conventionbepaid.~he Clerk will obtain the flight fare, thirty days prior to a convention outside the 200 mile {322 Kmy-radius of St. Thomas. and this will be the amount paid to all those attending, irregardlessof their method of travel. (c) In addition to the per diem t.he Warden may receive up to $200.00 per day for additional expenses upon presentation of receipts. (d) The Warden or designate is authorized to obta1n a County Room at conventions wbenhe deems it desir- ab~e and tnat he be reimbursed for this cost, upon presentation of receipts. Whichever Committee is associated with the convention is responsible for and must. provide the refreshments et.c. in the hos- pitality suite. The Warden is entit.led to the per diem rate, whether he uses this room or obtains another one. (e) That in order to obtain .payment for attending con- ventions the Member or Official must present the hotel bill and registration receipt or reasonable facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. (f) The per diem. rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that t.he convention has sessions listed. (g) Where a Councillor drives to a convention (within a radius of 200 miles [322 KID] of St. Thomas) and does not stay overnight, hefshesnall re~eive Cc~~tta~ pay and be reimbursed for the registration fee. Mileage is to be reimbursed for one trip only, regardlessifhe/she attends more than one day and this will be considered as one of the allowable conventions. (h) The per diem rate to be paid shall be S175.00 per day. - 2 - 2. (a) The Warden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County Council are limited to any two conventions of their choice each year. (e) Attendance at any out of Province conventions be lLmited to the Warden, Chairman of the Committee and the Department Head or designate under whose juris- diction the function falls. (d) In the event a Councillor wishes to attend aD. out of Province convention, he/she be allowed to do so, but it will count as two conventions and he/she may not attend any others for the County. (e) All Officials attending conventions must have prior approval of the Committee, through which they report, and Council be so advised. 3. That By-Law No. 88-46 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 4. That this By-Law shall becorna effective January 1st, 1989. READ a first t~e this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second t~e this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a third t~e and finally passed this 29th 'day of March, 1989. ~.... ._-~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. r1" /?/.. :r~~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 153 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-16 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES RE: THE PURCHASE OF SERVICE HOME SUPPORT AND SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY." WHEREAS the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens presently provides Home Support Services for the elderly: and WHEREAS the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, has agreed to provide funds to assist in the provision of the Home Support Services for the elderly, which has been formulized by written agreement dated the 10th day of March 1987; and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to amend some of the provisions of the said agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal. Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden .and the Clerk arebereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens an agreement (attached..asAppendu -A-) between the. County. of E~gin and the Ministry of community and Social Services to pr;ovide_ flame Support Services for the elderly; . READ a f1rst time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a third t~eand finally passed this 29th day of March, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. fiNd- ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. (Sf) t)nl:lfIQ Ministry of Community and Social Services Minislere des Services sociaux et communautaires 438-5111 495 Richmond Street 6th Floor London, Ontario N6A SA9 Februry 15, 1989 He. Fred J. Boyes Administrator Elgin Hanot' a.R.n St. Thomas, ontario NSP 3SS .[ -:]l.e'f.0 '---. Dear He. BOyes: tam . pleased to inform you that the aendmenu under the Bome Support services progr3.lD has been reviewed, and you viII find the revised sehedule(s) enclosed, in triplicate. As before, please follo'll these instructions for completion ; 00 not date the Allendllent(s) Dates vi11 be entered vben the agreement is signed on behalf of the Ministry. rvo sianatures are reQUired The a&Ilendments llIUSt. be signed by tvo signing officers of your orianlzation. Witness.. or .Corporate- Seal If your organization has- a Corporate Seal, it IllUSt be. affixed over.the signatures. and it is not necessary to have the signatures wi tnessed. If you do not have a COrporate Seal. then each signature IIWIt be vitnessed by sOlleoneother than the persons signing the amend..nt(s). The witness DUst sign on the line directly to the left of the signins officer'ssipature. Return all copies All copie should be returnlBd to Us at the ahove address. One copy w111 bill returnlBd to you vhen it has been signed and dated on behalf of the Ministry. If you have any questions nprding the above. please do not hesi tate to .call me. Yj2i7t~ dl,.tgnl~. ~ograa Supervisor ndon Area Office' Seniors JH:mb Encl. 155 AHBNDtfERT TO SCHEDULES 'A'. 'B' AND 'C' The agreement dated the .10th day ofttarch. 1987 between. Ontario and The COrporation of the County of Elgin (Elgin COuntyBOIIIesfor Seniors) ("the Service Provider") vith-respectto the provision of home support . services. is alllended by revok.ing Schedules 'A'. 'B' and 'e' . and substi tuting .the attac:bed Schedules 'A', 'B' and 'C'. All other ter'JIs of tbe agree_nt arebereby confined. This pend_nt has bHn executed under seal this day of , 19 , by on behalf of Ontario and. on behalf of the Service Provider IIy its proper signing officers. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE. OF : On behalt of the Minister of eo-unity andSodal Services CORPORATION OP ''TBB COtlR1'T OF BLGIlI By' rll1.J J....J By:.~-...-.....c->"''''''''''' (Affix Corporate Seal) SCBiIDULE 'A' Pro~ram Descriptian Prograa N~: Elgin County Homes for Seniors PART I. 1I0"E SUPPORT SERVICE Prog~ Objectives: To. pravide varied and adaptable services. to. the elderly. papulation of Elgin County living in their own . hOllies. To pravide lIIental and. physical support that will reinforce an independent lifestyle. To. offer these pragraas as a support service thus encauraging individuals to. make their own decisions coneerning their level of invalvetent. Brief Oeseription: Day Care Praltru: Bathing assistanee vill be pravided at the hOllle facility for individuals unable to bathe independently. Hot wax treat.lllentIJ will be given to. individuals requesting. are. Footcare will be pravided to. individuals requesting care. A nourishing, attractive and well presented llI.al will be served to. eaeh participant. A user fee. at least equal. to. the cost of the !le8.l is to. be c:harl(ed. TransportatiGn will be pravided to and fro.. tbe haft. facility for both 3IIbulatary and nGn-ubulatory partic:lpants Gn a weetlyor bi~veek.1y basis. Meals-on_Vhee1s: Neen Keals-enVheels will be previded Manday thraugh Friday to. individuals within a 20 minute driving radius of the he.e facility. Diet cGunselling will be previded to. individuals by appointment. Resoite Care: TempGrary accomodation may be obtained for recuperating or vacationing individuals. 'linter residence III&Y be available. 157 Other ProR"rallls: Telephone assurance calls !lIay be arranged from the Bome facili ty to individuals 11 viog in tbeir. ovn homes. vi thin a local. calling area. Sodal and activation counselling will tie provided at the BOllle facility arid is available to individuals in their hOMe setting; A group aquatic exereise program will be offered tvice weekly. Assistance will be .provided to seniors in the cOllpletion of government forllls. A registered denturist will counsel individuals on proper denture eare. Dentures can be repaired to obtain a proper fit uptln appointllent. PART n. ALZBEIKBR#S PROGRAKS (a) COllllllunitV Support Groups Provide resources and facilitation for the current support group, and develop nev group(s) throughout the County of Elgin. (b) Day Pronal! The Day Program. provides planned and supervised activities in a supportive environlllellt to Al2:heilBer victills in the County of Elgin, including the City of St. Thoas. Bathing assistane.e is provided, also footc.are, hot vax treatments, as vell as an ae.tivation and recreation program. A noonual is provided. Transportation is .. provided. A user fee is Charged. Eligibility Ci'iteriaof Uaers: Alli:'esidents 60 years of age and older living within Elgin Coun ty . Individuals under the age 60 requir_nt interested 1n serv1ees are. to write a letter of intent to the C0lCl1ttee of Management for approval. Esti_ted N1mber of Persons to be Served; BOIIle support for the Elderly 309 persons (Terrace Lodge, 223 Elgin Hanor. 86) Alzhei~r Day Prograc " Support Group 25 - 3 - EstillBted Units of Sen'iee to be Delivered; Meals_on_Vheels - 10,200 meals Baths 2,340 Rot.. vax - 624 Transportation 2,860 In-house meals - 2,860 Diet Counselling - 416 Vater Exerdse - 1,560 Telephone Assur. - 565 c:alls Alzheimer Day Program - 800 Support Group - 100 (hu.) SiitpiY JulS.2nN iitllp-Ulla ;lOlllulP;lO-OO UOHH.2:liitlf allH-1.21la t lWAn'PV allllH-uea 1 HV1f901LI lmHImIZ'Il' II J.lIVa (lIiitiitll/ S;lROq 7) ueppala oIllP-l;l'8d (lIHIl/S.2noq ,.> sapTV ualpH'l! a.H-l;1~d Z (lIaall/s.:moq '1) slwpuauv !UlURN alll'j:l-l.21ld 9 ellaall ;lad li.2noq 80;la4l;lO alllH-l;lvd ;lolllUlP;lD-OO sa:llAJ:"OIS uoddns aIlH-nR,i: a:>IA1I3S.DIOddllS 3HOB I J.liV.I lfUIH1I1S .a. nfimm:>s 65;1 SCHEDULE ' C' Budltet PERIOD FROH APRIL 1, 1988 TO HARCH 31, 1989 AGENCY; ELGIN coUNTY BOME SUPPORT SERVICE Approval is given to transfer dollars between individual budget line itelllS. PART t. OPERATING EXPENDITURES 1. Salaries 2.. Benefits 3. Travel 4. Training 5. Alloeated Admin. Costs 6. Sub_Total 7. Rent 8. Office Expenses 9. Audit and Legal Costs 10. Insurance 11. Advertising 12. Allocated Costs 13. Equipment (operation &. maintenance) 14. Progralll Supplies 15. Food Costs 16. Other - Volunteer Costs 17. Other - TOTAL EXPENDrrtJRES MINISTRY SUBSIDY (70%. of Total Expendi tures) $100,024.00 14,003.00 2,250.00 1,250.00 6,840.00 $124,367.00 750.00 250.00 725.00 100.00 660.00 625.00 7,000.00 $134, 477.00 S 94,134.00 The maxilllUll subsidy payable is $94,134.00 for the period April 1, 1988 to March 31, 1989. Method of Pa}'llleot: PaYlllent to be made quarterly by claims fon due June 3D, Septuber 30, December 31 and Karch 31. Advances : An advance payment equal to one quarter ....ill be made at the beginning of the year and recovered in the last quarter. 161 - 2 - PART II. ALZHEIMER PROGRAM For the period January 1, 1989 to Hare:h3l, 1989 Equipment $2,350.00 Progralll Supplies 350.00 Total EXpenses $2,700.00 MINISTRY SUBSIDY (100% Total Expenditures) $2.700.00 The maxilllumsubs1dy payable is $2.700.00 for tbe period January 1 to march 31. 1989. Method of Payaent: An advance .paYllent vill be made and reconciled at the end of the quarter by cOIlpletion of a clailll fon, due Hareb 31st. 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 69-17 '.BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE PERCENTAGE SHARE OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1969." WHEREAS under Section 365{6) of The Municipal Act, the Council of a County shall, in each year. ODor before the 1st day of April. by by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shall contribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year: and WHEREAS in accordance with the above Section the following percentages have been established; Ml1NICIPALITY Aylmer Belmont Dutton Port Burwe11 Port Stanley Rodney Springfield Vienna West Lorne Aldborough Bayham South Dorchester Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth DISCOUNTEO EQUALIZED ASSESSMENT 5105,176,754 18,158.527 15,267.299 7.736.381 44,543,221 17.193.680 6.261.153 3,966.845 21,792,350 58,706,374 56,450.242 33,460,935 49,781,297 138,476.887 216;137,599 154,379.758 $948,089,302 PERCENTAGE 11.094 1.979 1.610 .816 4.698 1.814 .660 .418 2.299 6.192 5.954 3.529 5.251 14.606 22.797 ~ 100.000lt AND WHEREAS an estimate haa been made showing the sum of ~ Four Million, Five Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy-Four Do1lars ($4.564.174.00) is required to be raised in the several municipalities. for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1989, on the basis of the above percentages. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: L That the amounts, as set forth on the attached Schedule -A- be levied on all rateable property. by the several municipal- ities in the County of Elgin, for the year 1989. READ a first time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a third ~~e and finally paased this 29th day of March, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. r.F tli!..:+.:C;; A. K. Ford. Warden. SCIlEDULE -A- By-Law No. 89-11 LESS OUE OUE UUE . 1989 NET 501 i MARCil 31sT JUNE 30/89 SEPT. 30/89 DEC. 15/89 MUNICIPALI~rY SItARE BUDGET LEVY COLUMN 3 PAYMENT COLUMN 4-5 251 COL. 3 251 COL. J 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 AYLMER 11.094 $ 506,349.46 $ 253.174.73 $ 113,755.46 $ 139,419.26 $ 126,587.37 $ 126,581.37 BELMONT 1. 979 90,325.00 45,162.50 16;839.54 28,322.96 22 ;581.25 22,581.25 DUTTON 1.610 73,483.20 36,141. 60 16,592.69 20,148.91 16,370.80 18,370.80 PORT BURWELL .816 31,243.66 18,621.83 9,154.96 9,466.86 9;310.92 9,310.92 PORT STANLEY 4.698 214,424.90 107,212.44 45,281.09 61,931,35 53;606.23 53,606.23 RODNEY 1.814 82,194.12 41,391.06 18,868.02 22,529.04 20,698.53 20,698.53 SPRiNGFIELD .660 30;123.55 15,061.78 6,664.98 8,396.19 7.530;89 1,530.89 VIENNA .418 19,078.25 9,539.13 4,368.19 5;170.94 4,169.56 4,769.56 WEST LORNE 2.299 104,930.36 52,465;18 23,407.93 29,057.25 26,232.59 26,232.59 ALDBOROUGH 6.192 282,613.65 141,306.83 13,615.31 67,691.52 10,653.41 70,653.41 BAYHAM 5.954 271,750.92 135,875.46 69,880.35 65,995.11 67,937.73 67,937. 73 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.529 161,069.10 80,534.84 39,388.86 41,145.98 40;267.43 40,267.43 DUNWICII 5.251 239,664.78 119,832,38 64,964,80 54,867.58 59,916.20 59,916.20 MALAHIDE 14.606 666,643.25 333.321.63 163,114.97 170,206.68 166,660;80 166,660.80 SOUTHWOLD 22.797 1,040,494.75 520,247.38 240,057.41 280,189.96 260;123,69 260,123.69 YARMOUTH 16.283 743,184.45 371,592;23 167 ;311.44 204,280.81 185,196.10 185.796.10 TOTALS 100.000 $4,564,174 .00 $2,282,087.00 $1,073,266.00 $1,208,821.00 $1,141,043.50 $1,141,043;50 >-' 0"> w COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-18 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MARCH 29TH SESSION. 19B9." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers afa municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipa~ Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Counci~ are to be exercised by By-Law, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Hunic~al Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting. be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the HunicipalCouncil of the. corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin in respect OI each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion arid resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at..its meetings held during the March 29th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and conf~ed as lf all such proceedings were expressly embodied inthisBy~Law. 2. The' Warden and proper officials of the corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary. to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the SeaJ. of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first t~e this 29th day of March, 1989. READ a second time this 29th'day of Mar~h, 1989. READ a third t~e and finally passed this 29th day of March, 1989. ~J .,,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /7 >'1" ~_.-r-' J IAY/,..:r"~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 165 April Session - First Day Wednesday,the 19th day of April. 1989 The Elgin County Council met this deyat the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M~. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL- All members present except: Deputy Reeve van Rasteren ~e~ ~r~ Reeve Lavereau Deputy Reeve Elliott. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll THAT the minutes of the March 29th, 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council ~ adopted. _ Carried. Warden Ford introduced Mr. Harley Underhill, the new Personnel Admin- istrator, to the members of Council. COMHI'l"l'EE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Hennessey, Bovsher& As;Bociates8Uggesting that the County opt into the .useof Part 2 Procedures of The Provincial Offences Act for the prosecution ofParkingand~raffic By~La_offences. 2. City of Burlington-with resolution to allow elected officials to opt into the O.H.E.R.S. System on an individual basia. 3. City of Etobicokewith~resolution requesting the undertaking of a maJor review of the Young Offenders' Act 'and particularly to review the leniency of sentencing, confidentiality and the release of ,young offenders into the community. 4. The Elgin County Roman Catholic ,Separate School Board with request for copies of the agendas for public Council meetings . 5. Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, District 35 - Elgin, with request to make the use of the County's fax machine avail- able to tenants for a fee. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Better, Roads Coalition with copy of their publication entitled .Update . 89.. 2. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising of amendments to The High- way Traffic Act and Ontari~ Municipal Act that will create a portable parking permit for disabled persons was introduced on February 27th for first reading and enclosing a copy of the amendments. 3. Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 201 An Act to Amend The Municipal Act which died on the Order and was to provide Counties Solid Waste Management Authority on G permissive b~gi~. The legis~ationis to be reintroduced as soon as possible. 4. Ontario Waste Hanagement Corporation advising that the Environ- mental Assessment-for a proposal for an Integrated waste Treatment Facility to be built and operated in the Township of West Lincoln, Region of Niagara. is now available for review. 5. Ontario Good Roads Association with update on the action taken by the Association regarding provincial funding for ~oads.. - 2 - COUNTY ROADS - continued 6. Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. requesting support for their application for connection to eN's and CP's trackage at St. Thomas. 7. Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates with copies of correspondence from Gunn & Associates concerning the status of Cowan Park with respect to expropriation. 8. Township of Malahide advising that 2.72 acres in Concession a, Lot 35, is to be sold for $13,500 and that the County of Elgin would receive SOtaE the net sale proceeds which exceeds $500. ,. heen tion Ministry of Transportation advising that a subsidy of $11,200 has approved for preparation of an environmental study and applica- to O.M.B. for closing of Tate's Bridge. 10. Ontario Hydro advising of the proposed sale of property at 25 Lynhurst Park Drive, Lot 15. Plan 274, Township of Southwald. tt~ Ministry of Transportation wlthcopy of a letter to the Clerk of ~ylmer with suggested signing for truck route. PROPERTY COMMITTEE 1. Chubb Security Systems advising of an increase in the annual alarm service agreement from $571.08 to $598.49 per annum, plus tax. 2. Blg!n County Pioneer Museum with request for storage space in the County Administration Building. 1. E.. A. Wells~ County Librarian, advising of a book sale on May 12th and 13th and requesting use of the elevator on Saturday. 4. Mr. W. E. Turvey, Chairman. Elgin Railway Museum Inc.~ request.ing that the County enter into an Option to Purchase Agreement granting them a one-year option to acquire the 1.9 acres at $47.500 upon the terms as contained in Council's resolution. FILED 1. O~ganization of Small Urban Municipalities with info~tion on program for conference to be held May 3rd to 5th and, also. special meeting to be held March 30th. 1989 regarding municipal funding. 2. Wilfrid Laurier University advising that final marks will not be available until May for the Elgin County Scholarship. 3. Wesley Pell. R. R. '1, Fingal, expressing appreciation for schol- arship (University of Waterloo). 4. Mini$try of Natural Resources advising that large yellow and black waterbombers will be training in the St. Thomas area from April 5th to 6th. s. Solicitor General with package concerning amendments to the Retail Business Holidays Act. 6. Diane Van Den Biggelaar with appreciation for Elgin County Schol- arship. 7. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with appreciation for increase in 1989 grant. 8. BanK of Montreal with notice of loan interest rate change effec- tive March 23rd. 1989 increased by 3/4' to 13 1/2'. 9. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with Newsr.eleasewith com- ment$ on pUblic meeting held March 1st at the Scarborough Town Centre on the report entitled -A Review of the Conservation Authorities Program-. 10. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with copy of annual report. 167 _ 3 - County Council, April 19 Session, 198 FILED - continued 11. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on Bill 113, An Act to Amend the Retail Business Holidays' Act, and proposed municipal model by-law. 12. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of pUblication-A Guide to the Line Fences Act-o 13. Ministry of Housing reques.ting co-operation of municipal. cOlmell and staff in implementing the provisions cfBill 211 .h~chwill make vacant buildings subject to the rental Housing Protection Act, 1986, as of January 31st, 1989. 14. Minister of Municipal Affairs with highlights of legislation passed during the First Session of the 34th Parliament of Ontario. 15. National Access Awareness Committee, Federation of Canadian Muni- cipalities, and Department of the Secretary of State with Five-Star Community Award Program application guide~ Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Coles That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be approved as follows 1 County Government Committee - Jl~5 inclusive County Roads Committee - tl-11inclusive Property Committee -11-4 inclusive Filed - '1-15 inclusive County Council ~ 11-5 "",- inclusiv~. - Carried. Ms. HargaretAnnWilkinson was in attendance at_the request of Council to give a _presentation on the Ontario Freedom of Information<and Protection of Privacy Act. It was moved by Deputy Reeve Millman,that she be now beard~ Ms. Wilkinson reviewed the provisions of ,the Act coming into force in 1991 for municipalities. At the conclusion of her presentation, Council members asked various ~uestions of her. Mr. Tom Dalby, 'Manager. Canada Post Corporation. Media,and Community Affairs, Huron Division, London, .aspresent and it was moved by Reeve Martyn that he be no. heard. Hr. Dalby reviewed the plans for the Post Office service, particularly for rural areas. He also indicated that they are operating between 90~95tefficient for deliveries. After his presentation he 'answered questions from the various members of Council. D~. Lorena Vicente, Area Medical Officer, Public Health Board, and Dr. V. Ma~, Director, Elgin~St. Thomas Health Unit, were present and it was moved by Reeve Hartyn that. they be now heard. or. Vicente reviewed the situation of the Nurses' Residence at the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital and ,the fact that the Ministry will not subsi- dize renovations to it. In addition, Dr. Vicente advised that the Residence was not the first choice of the Board. A considerable number of questions were posed by members of Council to Dr. Vicente. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude the business at hand~ -C!L~i@!:L Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That we do now adjourn (l2;29 P.M.) to meet again on April 19th, 1989 at 1130 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 2:00 P.M. - 4 - F1RS'f REPORT _ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMI'f'fEE: (mailed) Moved by Deputy Ree~e West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Cart:'ied. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve ~llin That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Haved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. _CarriedD FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hezenberg That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEB 'rhe First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve Chute. A joint meeting with the City of St~ Thomas was originally scheduled for April 21th, however, the City was unable to attend and offered a date of May 25th as an alternate~ A dinner meeting is planned for May 25th, 1989 at 6=00 P.M~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg 1'hat the members of the St ~ Thomas Suburban Roads Commission be invited to the May Session luncheon. _ Carried. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Town of Paris with reso~ution requesting that a municipality ~upplying fire protection to a tax-exempt property be permitted to levy a special rate or charges for the cost of such protection based on assessment value~ 4. Mike B~eaugh. M.P,P. Oshawa, Critic Municipal Affairs, N.D.P.. with comments on the province'S budgeting for no increase in municipal road funding and suggesting that the full impact will all start to unfold with this year's provincial budget. 3. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital requesting the names of two persons to be presented at the annual meeting for election to the Board of Governors. 4. Four Counties General Hospital with request for a capital grant of $66,000 and a copy of annual report. 169 ~ 5 - County Council, April 19 Session, 198 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 5. City of St. Tnomas with resolution concurring with the decision of the Health Unit to relocate in new office facilities and encouraging the Minister of Health expedite the matter. Moved by Reeve. MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That the following persons' names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital for membership on the Hospital Board as representa- tives of County Council: Reeve R. J. Lavereau Reeve W. A~ Martyn. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That a reply be forwarded to the Four Counties General Hospital, in response to their. request for a $66.000 grant. quoting Council's policy with respect to capital grant~ to hospitals and advising that the request has been tabled. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Allin That Council Correspondence numbered 1, 2 andS be filed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Lyle That we do now adjourn {2,27 P.M.) and meet again on April 19th, ~989 at3~30 P~M. - Carried. Councilreconvenedat4s06 P.M. ROLL CALL - All members present excepts Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Reeve Avram Reeve Lavereau Deputy Reeve Elliott. SECOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Wilson. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICE~ COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey and adopted on motion of Reeve Willsey and Reeve Allin. Moved by Reeve Mertyn Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That We request a meeting with the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit and County ~ouncil. Further Tbat we request oUrM.P.P. Marietta Roberts to set up a meeting with Minister of Health Elinor Caplan, the Premier David Peterson and representatives of Elgin County Council. Both these meetings be set up to discuss the relocation of the Health Unit and the funding criteria for this relocation. - Carried. .70 - 6 - Moved by Reeve MacIntyce Seconded by Deputy Reeve West ~hatCounty Council rep~esentatives on the County/City Liaison Commit- tee investigate the feasibility of extending bus~ecvice to include Board oE Education, County Building and psychiatric Hospital. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89-19 .~uthorizing Speed Limits. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That By-Law No. 89-19 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 89-19 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-20 -Being a By-Law to Appoint Auditors for the County of E~gin- be read a f1-'t'st time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Wil~sey That By-Law No. 89~20 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That By-Law No. 89-20 be read a third time and finally passed~ - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-21 -Being a By-Law to Autho't'tze the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services Rel the Provision of Home Support and Alzheimer's Programs. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reev~ Wi~15ay That By-:-LawNo. 89-22 -Being a By-Law to Amend the Terms of an Agree- ment of Purchase and Sale for the Sale of the Court House Block- be read a first time. - Carried. 171 _ 7 - County Council, April 19 Session, 198~ Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 89~22 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 89-22 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-23 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April 19th Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-23 be read a second time. - Carried. Hoved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Martyn That :By-Law No. 89-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That we do now adjourn (4,19 P~M.) to meet again aD 'Hay 11th, 1989 at 10:00 -A.M. -Carried. G. C. Lev,erton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. '72 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT April 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1, 2 and 3 from the March 29th Session, 1989 be filed. 2. That we recommend that the County Solicitor, Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates, take whatever action is necessary to alter our procedure for prosecuting parking and traffic offences from Part 3 of The Provincial Offences Act, to provide for action under Part 2 of The Provincial Offences Act, and in the event it requires a change in our by-laws. it be presented to Council. 3. That the resolution from the City of Etobicoke (Corre- spondence #3) re: the Young Offenders' Act be endorsed. 4. That the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board be advised that the present policy of the County does not provide for mai~ing out of agendas for Council meetings, but they could be made available the day of Council. s. Teachers' available That the request from the QntarioSecondary School Federation, District 35 - Elgin, to make the FAX machine to the tenants for a fee be denied. 6. That Correspondence #2 (City of Burlington) be filed. 7. That we recommend that in future Wardens' Claims for Travel and Expenses be submitted on a monthly basis. 8. That a by-law be passed appointing the firm of Oeloitte Haskins & Sells. as the County Auditors for years ending; December 31st, 1989 December 31st, 1990 December 31st, 1991 with the fees for audit and accounting services for the various departments as follows as maximum amounts all.owable; Annual fees for audit and accounting services shall. not exceed the amounts as set out below - AUDIT ACCOUNTING ~ County - Administration $ 6,100 - Roads 1,800 $4,500 $13,200 - Social Services 800 Library 1,900 400 2,300 Museum 600 360 960 Elgin Manor 3,040 900 3,940 Terrace Lodge 2,700 ---.ill. 3,500 TOTAL $16 940 $6 960 $23 900 9. That in order to bring the representation on the Municipal Liaison Committee (Elgin County Board of Education) in line with the format previously established. (Warden plus two from urban and two from rural municipalities) it is necessary to delete an urban member and appoint two rural ones. We recommend that Deputy Reeve Elliott be deleted and the following rural members appointed; Reeve H. F. Lyle and Reeve D. v. Chute. 173 - 2 - 10. That we recommend that where members of Council attend out-af-county seminars and are paid per diem, only the persons driving be paid mileage allowances. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1~,9Lf L. D. West Acting Cha1rma CUL....r~ 74 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT April 19th Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members oC Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That a maximum oC ten employees be allowed to attend the Children's Services Workshop on May 11th, 1989 and have the usual expenses paid. 2. That pre-t'egistration for two employees at a cost of $100.00 each is authorized for the annuSl Kempenfelt Bay course. That Mrs. Floody be authorized to attend the Board. of Grievance hearing on Friday, April14th. 1989 with no loss 3. Arbitration at pay. 4. That (a float> $200.00 be pro,vided to make change for the County Library book sale. S. That Mrs. Jean Bireham be allowed to attend the London and District Archivists Group Workshop on Monday, April 24th, 1989 and have the usual expenses paid. 6~That the Library Committee forward- the agreement between the Ontario Library Consortium and the Elgin County Library Committee requiring a payment of. $11.180 for the years 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 to the Clerk with a recommendation that it be signed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. fl(Ad':' 4.tl?.~ Marian Millman Chairman. . aaf~1. 175 HOMES FO~ SEN!O~ CITIZ~NS COM~I~TEE REPORT April 19, 1989 Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to pay the accounts for Committee members who attended the O.A.N.B.S.S. Spring Conference, as submitted. 2. THAT .the "Admissions to Homes" Folicybe approved. A4L of which is respectfully submitted. -:b.w. ~ D. V.Chute, c:w~ 76 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Cotincil. The Property Committee reports as follOws: 1. That the letter from the Elgin Railway Museum Inc. requesting an Option to Purchase Agreement granting a one (1) year option to acquire the 1.9 acres be tabled and we recommend to Council that we advise them that the offer will be available for a one-year period to purchase the said 1.9 acres at $47,500.00, including the other considerations. 2. That Correspondence #1 (Chubb Security systems) re: an increase in the service agreement from $571.08 to $598.49, plus tax, be filed. 3. That the request fram the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for storage space in the County Administration Building be recom- mended to Council and the partitioned area in the south portion of the basement be offered to them at a rental of $300.00 per year and that the material be stored in an orderly manner. 4. That the request from the County Library to use the elevators on Saturday. May 13th, 1989 in conjunction with their used book sale be approved and the caretaker instruct the Library staff in the correct method to turn on and off. 5. That we recommend that the Property Committee beempow- ered to negotiate with various real estate firms and engage one for the leasing of vacant space in the County Administration Building -,450 Sunset Drive. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. &'.R."A..J:Z~ K. C. Emerson, Chairman. __ (2tk;r r;" ,,). 177 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL 19TH SESSION, 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Mclean.;.Taylor Construction limited have -reconrnenced work at the Middlemiss Bridge and are driving pile at the south abutment. 2. We have received our pavement marker truck from Carrier Mack and have mounted our pavement marker on it" 3. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has approved our supplementary application in the amount of $14,000 for expenditures on the Tates Bridge project. We have received a draft letter from H. M. Dillonltmited sunmarizing their Environmental Study Report and we will-discuss the draft letter at our next Road Conmittee meeting (May 2nd). 4. CSX Transportation has been advised by .theNational Transportation Agency of Canada that they must resubmit in a different form their application for abandonment of their line between Oldcastle and West Lome. It is not knoa'n when or if the CSX TransportatIon wi II submit a new application for abandonment. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED 41.1) ?}\~ ~YN CHAI~ ~ 78 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT April 19th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT TO the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That tenders fartha heating and airconditioning for the basement be called by Smylie & Crow Associates Inc.. 2. That the Library be advised of the estimate to clillla- tize the fourth floor. 3. That the estimate of $32,000 from Skyline Elevator Inc. for upgrading the north elevator to provide automatic levelling be accepted. 4. That: we insert an advertisement in the. St. Thomas Times-Journal, Ay1mer Express, Dutton Advance and Rodney Mercury inviting real estate firms to submit proposalS for the leasing of vacant space in the County Administration Building to close May 10, 1989 at 12:00 Noon. 5. That a by-law be passed out~ining the amendments in the conditions of Sa~e of the Court House Block and authorizing the Warden and the C~erk to sign the necessary documents. ALL of which is respectfu~ly submitted. ~q~~Mnr/ Cha~an~rson. cw....r ~ 179 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT April 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgi~ County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as folloWs: 1. That Mr. R. E. Belland Mrs. SusanClemas be authorized to attend the O~M.S.S.A. Annual Convention in Windsor, June4-7th, 1989, with the usual convention allowances paid. 2. That we recommend tbatthe County subsidize Women I s Place for a period of twenty-eight (28) days for each abused woman and their children to a l~t of $14,000 for 1989 and the per diem be increased from $28.00 to $29.40, effective January 1st, 1989, subject to the approval of the .MinistryofCommunity and Social Services for subsidy purposes, and that a by-law be prepared to authorize the Warden a.nd the Clerk to sign an agreement. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. f'tJ,,~.~YL'll~,/ C. R.Wi-llsey. Chairman. {ZfId ~ o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-19 "AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS." WHEREAS Subsection 2 of Section 109 of the Highway Traffic Act {R.S.O. 19BO. Chapter 198 as amended}, authorizes the Council of a municipality by by-law to prescribe a different rate of speed for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction than is prescribed in Clause (al of Subsec- tion 1 of Section 109; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on certain highways in the County of Elgin be different from the rate set out in Subsection 1. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the county of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. When any highway or portion of highway set out in Schedules -A-, -B- and .C., appended hereto, is marked in compli- ance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act the max- tmUm rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the Schedules. 2~ The penalties provided in Subsection 13 of Section 109 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by~law. 3~ That By~Laws No. 2476. 2477, 2522, 88-32. 88-33 and any other by-laws inconsistent with this by-law be hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of April. 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of April. 1989~ READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April. 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. cULrCL A. K. Ford, warden. 181 SCHEDULE MA" By-Law No. 89-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 60 KILOMETRES PER HOUR 1. County Road #2. being the road a~lowance between Concessions VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough. from the easterly limit of County Road #3. being the road allowance between Lots 6 and 7, north-e~sterly to the east limit of Lot 7, Concession VIII, Town- ship of Aldborough, being a distance of 596 metres. 2. County Road #2, being the road allowance between Concessions VIII and IX,Township of ~dborough.from 78 metres west of the west limit of Lot 17, Concession VIII, Township of Aldborough, north-easterly to the westerly limit of the Village of West Lorne, being a distance of 555 metres. 3. County Road #2. being the road allowance between Concessions VIII and IX, Townsh~pof ~dborough, and the road used in lieu thereof from the easterly~imit of the Village of West Lorne north-easterly to the east limit of Lot 20, Concession VIII~ Township of Aldborough, being a distance of approximately 652 metres. 4. County Road #3, being the road allowance through Lots 14 and 15 in Broken Front Concession of the Western Division of the Township of Aldborough, from the south limit of the road~allowance between the Broken Front and Concession I {Western Division) north-westerly-to the boundary of the County of Elgin, being the middle of the River Thames, being a distance of approximately 326 metres. 5. County Road #3. being the road allOwance between Lots 6 and 7 in Concession VII and the Gore Concession in the Township of Aldborough, from the northerly limit of the Village of Rodney north-westerly to 96 metres north of the north limit of the road allowance between the Gore Concession and Concession VII~ being 8 distance of approximately 793 .metres. 6. . County Road #3, being the road allOwance between Lots 6and7 in Concession IX, Township of Aldborough, southef the Village of Rodney from the northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions VIII and IX,south-easterlyfor a distance of 471 metres. 7. County Read #3, being the road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in Concession XIV, in the Hamlet of Port Glasgow, Township of Aldbcrough, from the south limit of the road allowance between Concessions XIII and XIV southerly, being a distance of 488 metres. 8. County Road *8, being the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession V North of 'A' in the TownShip of Dunwich, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concession 'A' and Concession V, North of 'A' north-westerly, being a distance of 365 .metres. 9. County Road #8, being the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession VII, in the Hamlet of Wa11acetown, Township of Dunwich from the north-westerly_limit of King's Highway #3 north- westerly, being a distance of 370 metres. 10. County Road #8, being the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII in the Hamlet of Wallacetown, TownShip of Dunwich, from the south-easterly limit of the King'S Highway #3 south~easterly, beirig a distance of 638 metres. 82 - 2 - SCHEDULE ~Aft - continued 11. County Road *13, being the road allowance known as Shackleton Street in the Village of Dutton, from the east limit of the Village of Dutton westerly to 48 metres east of the Lot Line between Lots 13 and 14 in Concession 'A' (Township of Dunwich) now the Village of Dutton, as shown on Registered Plan 0-603, being a total distance of 572 metres. 12. County Road #14, being the road allowance between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold in the Hamlet of lana, from the south limitef the North Branch of the Talbot Road, King's Highway ~3in the Township of Southwold, southerly a distance of 810 metres. 13. ,county Road #14, being the road allowance between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold in the H~et of Iona Station, from the south limit of the road allowance between Concession v, South of 'A' and Concession VI, Township of Dunwich, southerly a distance of 144 metres and northerly from the south limit of the road allowance between Concession V, South of 'A' and Concession VI, Township of Dunwich, a distance of 488 metres, for a total distance of 632 metres. 14. County Road #15, being the road allowance through Lot 11, Concession 'A', Township of Dunwich, from the south-easterly limit of County Road #2, being the road allowance between Concessions 'A' and V, North of 'A', Township of Dunwich,south-easterly a distance of 378 metres t.o the north~westerly limit of the Village of Dutton. 15. County Road #16, in the Township ofSouthwold~ being the Talbot Road, from the east_limit of the road allowance between Lots 38 and 39, North Talbot Road, to 221 metres east of the west limit of Lot 40, North of Talbot Road, a total distartce of 610 metres. 160 County Road #16 being the Talbot Road in the Village of Fingal, Township of Southwald, beginning 328 metres east- of the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, South of Talbot Road and ending 867 metres west of the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19 for a total distance of 1,195 metres. 17. County Road #18, in the H~et of Lawrence Station, Township of Southwald being the road allowance between Concessions II and III beginning 232 metres east of the east limit of the road allow- ance between Lots 12 and 13 and ending 601 metres east of the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13 for a distance of 369 metres. 18. County Road #20, being Carlow Road or Mil~ Street in the Township of Southwold, beginning at the northerly limit of Warren Street (County Road #21) northerly and westerly to the Lot Line between Lots 15 and 16, Range I, North of Union Road, a distance of approximately 2,334 metres. 19. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, South of Talbot Road in the Village of Fingal, Township Southwold, from the south limit of Talbot Road southerly for a distance of 363 metres. of 20. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19,. North of Talbot Road in the Village of FingaL, Towo.ship Southwald, from the north limit of Talbot Road Northerly, for a distance of 444 metres. 21. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, South of the North Branch of the Talbot Road in the Village of Shedden, Township of Southwald, from the south limit of King'S Kighway #3 (Talbot Road North Branch) southerly for a distance of 335 metres. 183 - 3 - SCHEDULE MAw _ continued 22. County Road #20, being the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, in the Village of Shedden; Township of Southwold, from the north limit of the North Branch of Talbot Road; northerly for a distance of 745 metres. 23. County Road #22. being the road allowance between Lots 7 and 8 in Concession III, Township of Yarmouth, from the south limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV {County Road #27), southerly a distance of 771 metres. 24. County Road #24. being the road allowance known as the Lake Road through.Lots 3 and 4, ConcessionI,in the Hamlet of Port Bruce, Township of Malahidefrom the west limit of the King's Highway #3 westerly to 100 metres eastef the west limit of Lot 3, Concession I; fora distance of 762 metres. 25. County Road #27, being the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, in the Hamlet of Union, Township of Yarmouth, from the easterly limit of King's Highway #4, easterly a distance of 727 metres. 26. County Road #27, being the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, in the Hamlet of Sparta, Township of Yarmouth, from the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession III, westerly for e distance of 1,316 metres. 27. County Road #27,being the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, in the Hamlet of Union, Township of Yarmouth':"'from the west limit of King's Highway #4, westerly to the east limit of the road allowance between the Township of South wold and Yarmouth, a distance of 1,512 metres and then, southerly framthenorth limit of, the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth, on the road allowance between theTownshipsof;Southwold and Yarmouth, a distance of 196 metres and then westerly on the given road,' as ,travelled through Lot l,Range :U, East of River Road, Township of Soutbwold"fora distance of 122 metres, to the west limit ,of the road. allowance between RangeII,East of River Road and Range II, Nortb of Union Road, Townsbipof Southwold, for a total distance of 1,830 metres. 28. County Road '28, being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VIII or Lots 55 and 56, ,South of Talbot Road, Township of Yarmouth, from the south limit of Talbot Road,King's Highway #3, southerly to the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions VII and VIII (South Talbot Road), County Road #56, for a distance of 1,638 metres. 29. County Road #28, being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VII, TownShip of Yarmouth, from the south limit of the road allowance between Concessions VII and VIII (South Talbot Road), County Road #56, southerly for a distance of 790 metres. 30. County Road #36. being the road allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession IV, in the Hamlet of Sparta, Township of Yarmouth, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, County Road #27, northerly for a distance of 317 metres. 31. County Road #36, bein9. the road allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession III, in the Hamlet of Sparta, Township of Yarmouth, from the south limit of the road allowance between Concession III and IV, County Road #27, southerly for a distance of 391 metres. 32. County Road #37, being the road allowance between the Townships 9f North and South Dorchester, -in the Hamlet of Avon from the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 3 and 4, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester, easterly for a distance of 318 metres. 4 - , - SCHEDULE ~Aft _ continued 33. County Road #37, being the road a~lowance between the Townships of North and South Dorchester, in the Hamlet of Avon from the west limit of the road allowance between Lots 3 and 4, Concession VII, Township of South Dorchester, westerly for a distance of 184 metres. 34. County Road *38, being the Talbot Road, in the Hamlet of Richmond, Township of Bayham. from the south limit of Mill Street, south-east fora distance of 128 metres, to 405 metres, north-west of the south limit of Mill Street, for a total distance of 533 metres. 35. County Road #38. being the Talbot Road, in the H~et of Straffordville, Township of Bayham, from the west limit of Centennial Avenue, westerly for a distance of 518 metres. 36. County Road ~38, being the Talbot Road, east of the Hamlet of Straffordville, Township of Bayham, commencing 390 metres east of the east limit of King's Highway #19, easterly to the west limit of the road allowance between Lots 126 and 127, Concession VI, for a distance of 396 metres. 37. County Road ~40, being the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession VIII, Township of Malahide, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions VIII and Conces~ sion Gore, northerly a distance of 137 metres and easterly, from the west limit of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21"on the road allowance between Concession VIII and Concession Gore, Township of Malahide, for a distance of 128 metres, then southerly on the road allowance as divertedtbrough Lot 21, Gore Concession, Township of Malahide, for a distance of 230 metres, for a total distance of 595 metres. 38. County Road #40, being the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21,South of Talbot Road in the Township 'of Malahide, from the south limit of the Talbot Road (Highway #3) southerly for a dis- tance of 626 metres. 39. County Road #40, being the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concessions III and IV, in_theB~et of Mount Salem, Township of Malahide, from 509 metres north of the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, southerly to 685 metres south of the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, for a distance of 1,194 metres. 40. County Road #43, being the road allowance known as Mill Street, in the Hamlet of Richmond, Township of Bayham, southerly from the south limit of Talbot Road (County Road #38), for a distance of 444 metres. 41. County Road #43, being the road allowance between the Town- ships of Bayham and Malahide, in the Hamlet of Calton, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV (County Road #45), Township of Malahide, northerly for a distance of 579 metres. 42. County Road #44, being the road allowance between Concessions VIII and IX, in the Hamlet of Eden, Township of Bayham, from the West limit of King's Highway ln9, westerly to the west limit of Lot 22, Concession VIII, Township of Bayham, for a- distance of 380 metres. 43. County Road #45, being the road allowance between Concessions v and VI, Township of Yarmouth, from the west limit of King'S Highway #4, westerly to 69 metres west of the west limit of Lot 3, Concession VI, Township of Yarmouth, for a distance of 563 metres. 44. County Road #45, being the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, in the Hamlet of Mount Salem, Township of Malahide, from the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21, easterly for a distance of 750 metres. 185 - 5 - SCHEDULE ftA" _ continued 45. County Road #45. being the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, Township of Malahideand the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, in the Hamlet of Calton, Township of Sayham, beginning a distance of 199 metres westerly from the east limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Malahide and Bayham and ending a distance of 104 metres easterly from the east limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Malahide and Bayham fora total distance of 303 metres~ 46. County Road #46,being the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, in the Hamlet .of Corinth, Township of Bayham, from the north limit of the road allowance between Concessions IX and X, northerly for a distance of 62 metres and southerly for a distance of 433 metres from the north ~~t ,of the roadal1owance between Concessions IX and X,for a total distance of5lS metres. 47. County Road #47, being the road allowance between Lots 2 and 4, Concession VII, ,in the H5mlet of Avon, Township of South Dorchester, from the north limit of the road allowance between the Townships of North and South Dorchester (E~gin County Road 137),. souther1yfor a distance of 205 metres. 48. County Road #4S, being the road a~lowance between Concessions XI and XII, Township of Yarmouth,from the east limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwo~d (County Road #25), easterly to the east ~~it of Lot 1, Concession ,XII, for,a distance of 591 metres. 49. County Road #48, being the road a~~owance between Concessions X and XI, in the H~et of Lyons, Township of South Dorchester, from the east limit of King'S Highway 173, easterly for_:-~ distance of 317 metres. 50~ County Rosd #50, being the road allowance between Concessions VII and VIII (South of Ta~bot Road), Township of Yarmouth, from the east limits of the City of St. Thomas, which is a distance of 1,001 metres wester~y from the east limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VII,easterly a distance of 515 metres east of the east ~imit of the road a~~owance between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VII, for a tota1 distance of 1;516 metres. s SCHEDULE "6" By~Law No. 89-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 50 KILOMETRES PER HOUR 1. County Road ia. being the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13. Concession 'A', Township of Dunwich. from the northerly limit of the Village of Dutton to the northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions 'A' and V. North of 'A' ,_ for a distance of 488 metres. 2. County Road #26, known as St. George Street, through Regis- tered Plan No. 28 and Lot .1, Concession I, Township of Yarmouth, from the east limit of the road allowance between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold, easterly and southerly to the north limit of the City of St. Thomas, which is the centre line of the Kettle Creek, a distance of 1,377 metres. 3. County Road #38, being the Talbot Road, in the Hamlet of Straffordvil~e, Township of Bayham, from the west limit of King's Highway ~19, North Talbot Road, to the west limit of Centennial Avenue, a distance of'428 metres. 4. County Road t38, being the Talbot Road, in the Hamlet of Straffordville, Township of Bayham, from the east limit of King's Highway ~19, easterly for a distance of 390 metres. 187 SCHEDULE .C" By-Law No. 89-19 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 40 KILOMETRESPER HOUR 1. County ROlld #20, being the road allowance known as Carlow Road or Mill Street in the Village of Port Stanley,from the 'north 11mit of County Road #21, known as Warren Street, southerly a distance of 570 metres. 8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-20 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT AUDITORS FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." The Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the firm of Deloitte Haskins & Sells or its successors baand are hereby appointed auditors for the County of Elgin, to hold office for the years ending: December 31st, 1989 December 31st, 1990 December 31st, 1991. ,. examine relating tien. That it shall be the duty of the said auditors to and audit all accounts affecting the corporation, or to any matter under its control or within its jurisdic- 3. rendered Schedule That the annual account submitted for the serVices shall be in accordance with the amounts, as set forth on 8A- attached, as maximum amounts allowable. 4. That By-Law No. 86-44 be, and the sarne is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 19th day of April. 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1989~ READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April. 1989. ~../c ,~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. O.f'tld ::;;C..; A. K. Ford, Warden. 189 SCHEDULE -A- By-Law No. 89-20 Annual fees for audit and accounting services shall not exceed the amounts as setout below - ~ ACCOUNTING ~ County - Administration $ 6,100 - Roads 1,800 $4,500 $13,200 - Social Services 800 Library 1;900 400 2,300 Museum 600 360 960 Elgin Manor 3,040 900 3,940 Terrace Lodge 2.2QQ ~ 3,500 TOTAL S~ SLlW! S~ o COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-22 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TERMS OF AN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE FOR THE SALE OF THE COURT HOUSE BLOCK." WHEREAS By-Law No. 87-28 did authorize the sale of the Jail and Court House Block to one Thomas Crossman on the terms and conditions contained in the Offer to purcnase and the Counter-Offer, both referred to in the said By""Law No. 87-28: and WHEREAS the title to the said lands have been called into question and the subject matter has been referred to the Courts for a final determination, and WHEREAS the said Court action has resulted in consider- able delay in the completion of the sale: and WHEREAS the purchaser has requested. under the fore- going circumstances, that an Agreement of Purchase and Sale be amended to provide for the following: (al That the purchaser be given a credit on the purchase price of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars, as a contribution towards meeting the legal cost incurred by Helen-McMillan, a party to the Court Action hereinbefore referred to: (b) That the County of Elgin accept as a part of the con- sideration to be paid by the purchaser. a First Mortgage. to secure the sum of Nine Hundred Thousand ($900.000.00lDollars. together with interest thereon at the rate of Eleven percent (11tlper annum, payable quarterly, which Mortgage shall be for a term of'l'Welve (12) months, which Mortgage shall be guaranteed by the said Thomas Crossman: {c 1 That the conveyance of the subject lands be made to The Court House Block Inc.. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the County of Elgin approves of the amendments as provided in paragraph {al. (b) and (0) recited herein. 2. That the Warden and the Clerk, and upon direction of the Property Committee of Council be, and they are hereby author- ized to execute under the Seal of the Corporation. the documents and such other documents required to give effect to By-Law No. 87-28 and to this By~Law and the Sale referred to therein and herein and such other documents as Counsel for the Corporation may advise. READ a first time this 19th day of April, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of April. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. r;t7J.cA:I-~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 191 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-23 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL 19TH SESSION 1989." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers cfa municipal corporation ere to be exercised by its ~ouncil,and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; end WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the county-of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by ~he Municipal Councilcf~he corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 19th, 1989Se55ioo is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings Were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials oftbe Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3-~ The ,Warden and the Clerk are authoriziedand directed to execute all documents necessary in thatbe~f and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of April. 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of April, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 1989. -- ~ .. -----..-- "'. "'Cl;;k~"''''''''' M&.T ~ A.t<. Ford. Warden. ~~ 92 April Session - Fir~t Day Friday, the 28th day of April. 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administr.ation Building. at a~3SA.M.. in a special Session called by the Warden. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except~ Deputy Reeve Hay Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Deputy Reeve Wilson Reeve Avram Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Reeve Emerson Deputy Reeve Elliott Reevl!I Rushrnere Reeve Allin. FtRS'r REpOR'f - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE "rhs Flrst Report of the County Roads Committee W'as presenten by Reeve Martyn and adopted 00 mat ion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve Coles. FIRST REPORT.- HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The First Report of the Homes for senior Citizens-Committee was pre- sentedby Reeve Chute and adopted on motion of Reeve Chute and Reeve Collins. Moved by ReeveW~llsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That ay-Law No. 89-21 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89-21 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve West that By-Law No. 89-24 -Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman that By~Law No. 89-24 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 89-24 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 1~5 - 2 - Moved by Reev~ MacT.ntyr.e Seconded by Reeve Neuka~n That Ey-Law No. 89-25 ~^ By-Law to Confirm P~oceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the Co~poration of the County of Elgin at the April 28th Session, 1989" be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That By~Law No. 89-25 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 89-25 be read a third time and finally passed. - Car:ded. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Lyle That we do now adjourn (8:49 A.M.) ~o meet again on Hay 11th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. - Carried. . -:;:;:t:::"-<....c....c............., -,4--,....,; G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. <I (QUIlTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FlRST REPORT APRIL 28. 1989 SESSION TO THE WAROEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOllOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a By-law be passed limiting the weight on the Gillets Bridge over Catfish Creek.; lot 27, Concessions III and IV. Township of Yarmouth to 5 (five) tonnes. We have found that the concrete bridge floor is Showing serious deterioration and will have to be replaced assaon as possible. In the meantime tempC?rary repairs have been made and the weight on the bridge has been limited to 5 (five) tonnes. The bridge is a 2 spim steel truss (65metresl constructed in 1930. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ,{}'71 '~ w. AJ MAR' CHA I RMAN 1 /r-/.>I 7.-.cT 195 rJO~lES FOR SF.NIOP. CITI7.nlS C(1""~I1'TF.E REPORT ~~rjl 21l, lq~9 ~f'r,5iCln ~IR~T REPORT To th~ Warden and ~e~ber~ of thf'Elqi~ County Council, The Hc~f'S for Senior Citi7.ens Committee reports as follows: 1. . THAT the WOlrden.. and Clerlt be author ized tos 190 "the ~mmendments to the Home Support Services Contract re: Alzheimer5 with thE" "1inistry of Community and Social Services and that theBylcl\~ and necessary doctimentsbe crepared. ALl. of which is resoectfully subm.itted. :D. 1La:2Y D. V. Chute, Chairman t Ut"T'9'<'~' 6 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-21 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES RE: THE PROVISION OF HOME SUPPORT AND ALZHEIMER'S PROGRAMS. " WHEREAS the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citi%ens presently provides Home Support Services for the elderly; and WHEREAS .the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, has agreed to provide funds to assist in the provision of the Home support Services for the elderly~ which has been formulized by written agreement dated the lOth day of March 1987; and WHEREAS amendments have been made to the said agreement as authorized under By-Law No. 89-16: and WHEREAS it is now deemed appropriate to further amend some of the provisions of the said agreement. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal. Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follOWS; 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Elgin County Homes for Senior Citizens an agreement (attached as Appendix -A-) between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and Social Services to provide Home Support Services for the elderly and Alzheimer's Programs. READ a first time this 19th day of April. 1989. READ a second time this 28th day of April. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1989. ~~---, ~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. att:.;;Ikd. A. K. Ford, Warden. 197 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-24 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." WHEREAS SUbsection 2 of Section 104 (bl of the -Highway Traffic Act {R.S.O. 1980, C.198 85 amended 1981} provides that: -The Municipal Corporation or. other authority having jurisdiction over abridge may by by-law approved by the Ministry limit the gross weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over such bridge. and the requirements of Subsection I with respect to the post- ing up of notice apply thereto.-: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the C~unty of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. No vehicle or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, sha~l be oper~ted over any bridge designated in. Schedule No. 1 forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of the weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge.. 2. Any person violating ,any of the provisions of this By- Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and until a notice of the weight permitted. legibly 'printed. has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedule. READ a first time this 28th day of April, 1989. READ a second time this 28th day of April. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April. 1989. .~~~.-v G. C. Leverton. Clerk. A' L, ~- c.'{j ,.7'. Y;...~/__.o ". "'. Fv...... Warden. 8 umber Bridge No. {MTO} SCHEDULE NO. 1 By-Law No. 89-24 Name of Bridge COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Location Weight Limit in Tonnes Year of Construc- tion Type of Floor Finish 1. 5;".139 Concrete Gillets Lot 27, Concessions III-IV, Township of Yarmouth 5 1930 199 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-25 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE APRIL 28TH SESSION. 1989. " WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers Of-.B municipal corporation are to'be exercised hy it~ council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the.Corporatjon of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Couneilof the corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the April 28th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings ,were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of ,the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the 'preceding section hereof. 3~ The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents ,necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 28th day of April, 1989. READ a second time this 2ath day of April, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of April, 1989. ~"::",,,,'-C..._.......<r-..........., G, C. LeVerton, Clerk. Idl.,..f ?-...." A. K. Ford, Warden. May Session - Fir~t Day Wednesday, the 17th day of May, 1989 The Elgin County Council met. this day at the hdministration Buildi.ng, at 10;00 A.M. in accordance with adjourn~ent. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present except; Deputy Reeve Ray Reeve Emerson. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That the minutes of the April 19th and 28th, 1989 Sessions of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEBCOMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. The Genealogical Society of Utah advising that they are not interested in microfilming the County by-laws, reports and minutes. 2. Mr~ C. L. Knapp, C.A.O., Industrial Development Officer;. Town of Aylmer, advising that the request fora contribution towards a dinner for the. -Investment Tour- by the Tobacco Area Industrial Strategy Study Committee is over and above the Investment Tour package. 3. Minister of Municipal Affairs w!th>copy of the Report of the Consultation Committee on County Government. 4. County of. Lanark with resolution with respect to the use of the English language through all of Canada~ S. The Township of South Crosby with resolution requesting the Province to increase the unconditional grants for 1989 by 5%. 6. A.M.O. Fact Sheet with information re; Lot Levies and Front-End Financing. . COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Siting Task Force on Low-level Radioactive Waste Management with an update on Phase Two of the Siting Process - the regional informa- tion sessions. 2. Ministry of Skil~s Development with information on Environmental Youth Corps Program~ 3. Ministry of Transportation with directive indicating terms and conditions under which a c~ntribution wi~l be made from the Railway Grade Crossing Fund in respect of the york authorized by the Order above referred to. 4. Minister of Transportation with reply to the endorsation of London'g reso~ution concerning improvements to Highw5Y 401 from Londofi (Highway 402) to Woodstock (Highway 403). s. Ministry of Transportation with Information on Rai~way Invoices for Maintenance Work at Grade crossings. 6. Robert F. and Dianne E. Purcell with copy of comments to Ontario Hydro with respect to a proposed new transmission line through Dutton using the CSX Corridor. 7. Township of Malahide with information on the McDonald Municipal Drain and McDonald Municipal Drain Diversion. 201 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 8. National Transpo'rtation Agency of Canada returning the applica- tion to abandon sections of CSX Subdivision No. 1 between Oldcastle and West Lorne for resubmission to the Agency. 9. Ontario Hydro with advice that they propose to sell property located on Part of Lot 13, Concession N.T.R.E., Township of Southwald. 10. City of London with copy of a letter to the Minister of Transpor- tation of Ontario with respect to the endorsation of their resolution to widen Highway 401 to six lanes between London and Woodstock. PERSONNEL.COHMITTEE 1. Drug Awareness Elgin with invitation to participate in a one-day seminar entitled -Helping a Troubled Employee-. 2. Ontario Ministry of Labour with information with respect to a set of amendments to the Ontario occupational Health and Safety Act known as Bill 208. ~ 1. Dora McArthur with appreciation for pen and pencil set received upon her retirement. '-. Ontario Hydro with material concerning the bulk transmission lines west of Lond.on. 3. David Murray, Agricultural Representative, with financial state- mentwith respect to the Agricultural Representatives I Act -Grant. 4. Family 'Children's Services of St. Thomas" Elgin with'Allocation of Children lnCero to March 31st, 1989~ 5. Ontario Hydro advising that they propose to sell proper_tyin Part of Lot 13,Concession 11, Township of Yarmouth. 6. _ 'Ministry_of - Transportation acknowledging Elgin 1 s" endorsation of the "resolution by the City of London ret improvements to Highway 401. 7. Ministry of Labour with copy of Hazard Alert dealing with the hazards associated with working in elevated aerial buckets. 8. Ministry of Transportation advising of an advance payment of subsidy in the amount of Sl.643.700. 9. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of the Speech from the Throne made by the Lieutenant Governor on April 25th. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Kahnt Tnat the disposition of the Conmunications mailed previously. and those presented today, be approved as follows. County Government Committee 11-6 inclusive County Roads Committee 11-10 in~lusive Personnel Committee 11-2 inclusive Filed '1-9 inclusive County Council 11-5 inclusive. - Carried. The following delegation from theM1nistry of Health was present as pre-arranged and it was moved by Reeve Lavereau that. they be now heard: Mr. Howard Danson. Director of Psychiatric Hospitals Branch: Mr. Howard Trot: Mr. Robert. cunningham. Administrator:.. and Mr. Bill Lewis, Executive Director, St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital. Mr. Danson reviewed the conditions under which patients are admitted under Lieutenant Governor's Warrants and the various recommendations of the ENCON Report concerning security. After his presentation many questions were fielded from the Members of Council. 02 _ 3 _ County CounciI, May Session, 1989 Deputy Reeve R. Vandierendonck declared a conflict-oE-interest on It~m #1 of the First Report of the Homes for Senio~ Citizens Committee. FIRST REPORT _ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil1man That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mBil~dl Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Chute That the First Report of the County Library committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ KOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mai~ed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Lavere.it.u That the Fi~st Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT _ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed I Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That the Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT _ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mai~ed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve MilLman That the First Report of the Personnel committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Raave Rue~~re That the First Report of the Property committee be adopted. i\n amendment was - Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Collins That Items 2 and 3 of the First Report of the Property committee be deleted. _ Carried. 203 - 4 - The amended Report was then voted upon and Carried. The Clerk reviewed the procedure for accounting for long distance call~and produced a list of calls unaccounted for. An invitation was received from the Ombudsman with respect to.8 relocation of the London Area Office. The Open House is to be held May 30th from 1:00- 3;00 P~M. COUNTY COUNCIL 1. St. Thomas and District Horticultural Society with request for an Elgin County Grant. '-. Association .ofHunicipalities of Ontario with information on their Annual ConferenceAugust20th~23rd andrequestiog the names of the Official Voting Delegates. 3. Deloitte Haskins + Sells with financial statements for the year ended December 31st, 1988. 4. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit inviting County Council to their next meeting on June l5th.1989 at 8100 P.M. to present Objections. 5. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit re1 mandatory rabies vaccination and presenting options available to encourage vaccination of pets. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Coles That the request for a grant from the St. Thomas and District Horti- cultural Society. be filed and they be advised that requests:: for grants must be in by January 31st each year to be considered for insertion in the current year's budget. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the following be voting delegates <to the AssocLatlonof Munici- palities of Ontario Convention August 19th to 23rd. :1989 incTorontot WardenA. It. Ford Reeve D. J. Avram. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy. Reeve Carroll That the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 31st, 1988 be accepted by the Elgin County Council. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That we accept the offer of the Health Unit to attend their June 15th, 1989 meeting to discuss their new accommodations. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That Council Correspondence numbered 5 be filed. - Carried. J4 _ 5 _ County Council, May Session, 1989 Mov~d by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve kll!n That we do now adjourn (11:54 A.M.) to meet again on May 17th. 1989 at 2;00 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 4;20 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Reeve Lyle Reeve Emerson Reeve Lavereau. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That we go into Committee-Qf-The-Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford appointed Reeve Mezenberg 3S Chairman. The Committee arose without reporting. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 'rhe Second Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and Reeve Collins. THIRD REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE The Third Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve Martyn and adopted on motion of Reeve Martyn and ReeveMezenberg~ SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The. Second Report of the PerBonne~ con'iftittee was presented by Reeve Neukammand adopted onmation of Reeve Neukammand Deputy Reeve Millman. SgCOND REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEB The Second Report of the Property committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Carroll and Deputy Reeve wilson. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTE~AINMENT COMMITTEE The First Report of the Reception and Entertainment committee was presented by Deputy Reeve West and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve west and Reeve Coles. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Chute That the Tobacco Area/Industrial Study Committee be advised that Elgin County does not wish to appoint representatives to this Committee as they feel it has fulfilled its mandate and also does not wish to participate in the Investment Tour Welcoming Dinner. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Allin That 50t of the $7,750.0Q 1989 grant to the Elgin Tourist Association be paid immediately and the balance paid December 15th, 1989. - Carried. 205 - . - Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Collin~ That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportationaf Ontar.io for a Supplementary Spending Allocation of SIOO,OOOfor the r~placement of the Gillets Bridge Floor at Lot 27. Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By~Law No. 89~26 ~A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Villsgeof Port Burwell ,(Hereinafter Called 'TbeGrantee' and Which Term Shall Include Its Successors and Assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the County of Elgin {Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality'}- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hillman That By-Law No. 89-26 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve W~ll8ey That By-Law No. 89-26 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carri<ad. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Collins That 8y~Law No. 89-27 aAuthorizing Speed Limits. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy ReeveSandham Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-27 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 89-27 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott Seconded by Reeve Kabnt That By-Law No. 89-28 -Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate to be Paid for Personal Vehicles used for County Business. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That. By-Law No. 89-28 be read a second time. - Carried. 6 _ 7 _ County Council, May Session, 1989 Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg '{'hat By-Law No. 89-28 be read a third time and finally passGd. _ Carri.ed. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-29 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign Offers to Renew Leases for the various Buildings Located on the Court House Block- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No~ 89-29 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-29 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Avram That By-Law No. 89-30 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici- pal Council of the corpora~ion of ~he Coun~y of Elgin a~ the May 17th Session, 1989- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Depu~y ReeveVandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Macln~yra That By-Law No. 89-30 be read a second time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Ellio~t Seconded by Reeve Kabnt That By-Law No. 89-30 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That we do now adjourn (5127 P.M.) to meet again on June 21st, 1989 at 10,00 A.M. - Carried. ~~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. 207 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee repo~s as follows: 1. That a letter has been forwarded to the City of St. Thomas requesting a written reply of their intentions in participating in membership on the Steering Committee, in accord- ance with the recommendation #28 in the Report of the Consultation Committee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. We request the reply be forwarded by June 1st, 1989. 2. That the resolution from the County of Lanark (Corres- pondence #4) be endorsed. 3. That the resolution from the Township of South Crosby (Cdrrespondence#S) be endorsed. 4. That we .strongly support the A.H.O.'s position opposing Lot Levies and tront~End Financing, as proposed by the Goverriment Green Paper~Financing Growth-Related Capital Needs.. 5. That correspondence 11 be filed. 6. That the quotation of Print Three be accepted ,for print ing the 1989 Elgin County'proceedings at the following price: $3.50 per ,page, plus $200.00 for binding to supply one hundred (100 l copies of the Sl!l.lfl8. 7 . That the quotation of Jl!I.IfI8S Cowlard Photography be accepted for taking the County Council co1oured photograph at $12.00 each. 8. That we recommend that County Council members appointed to outside Boards and Organizations report verbally twice a year as scheduled by the County Government Committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 5b?L. /Y&~ A. J. van/Kasteren. Chairman. ~'I at'.-r 7<>->( soe--i!;'s "';i;'V Mi~nOi:Jl oyrJ1JlO Jo S"iI!1!P'dppmJ'i Jo uo!mpottV IItJln:l~lii:l11.lllJp :llll Ull UIJ!lr.lltlSUIlJ :)!Iqnd Aue 01 JOlJO pm: :lJme!!i!S:ll o!lt:UIO :llJl ALJ "':;l!Ai'J 51! 01 Jnpo 'IU:llO:lJUm1UU1: !il! Ulldll $:l!I!lt:op!unw lit: JOj I:):lll:l O! :ltl Ill..... buod M:ll lIl[ "':III :llll. llU!r"C:lJ ISJ!] jO ;lW!1 :lq1 IC l:1;1J};I O! ;1'1 J1!..... 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(llllil ]CnIVI'Ii DNDNVNl:1 ma-l.NOH.:I ONV S31^3'"1 J.Ol .L33HS .L:)V.iI oWV 209 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT May 17, 1989 Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Library Committee recommends that. the information from N. W. Sterling, M.P.P. for Carlton on the proposed amendments to the Trespass to Property Act be forwarded to the County Property . Committee. and further that the County Library recommends to County Council that a letter be sent directly to the Premier with copies to Marietta Roberts opposing Bill 149 (Trespass to Property Amendments Act). 2. That the Library Committee recommends to the Corporation of the Village of Belmont that the following steps be taken. to improve the parking situation. 1. Library Parking Only signs be placed in the parking lot. 2. Curbs be placed along the sidewalk to. the Taylor property to prevent parking on the sidewalk. 3. That the Library. Committee- recommends that a fioat of $300.0a'-be provided to Mrs. Bircham . for purchasing books at the Ontario Genealogic:al Society. annual meeting in. Kitchener on June 2, 3, and 4, 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , fi 'Of "AL.A~ "'1,J'tl- -- Marian Millman, Chairman. ,;;u.t..::t ~ 10 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY 17. 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUtiTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPO/U$ AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders have been called for hot mix paving for various budgeted County construction and resurfacing prOjects. The tender also included resurfacing on portions of County Road 1#18 from Highway 1#4 to the St. Thomas Sanitary Colledion $en ices landfill site. 2. The Engineer has been authorized to replace the! floor on the Gillets Bridge as soon as pOSSible so that the County can utilize the gravel that they have piled at the Sparta Pit. Gravel crushing has been postponed at the pit until Fall. The gravel resurfacing budget has been doubled on County roads to $140,000. To accolllllOdate these changes work on the St. George Street hill between the Canadian National tracks and the St. George Street Bridge has been postponed until 1990. Also postponed is the payment of a drainage assessment on Southdale Road (Road 1157) as it appears that the Township of Yarmouth's Drainage Engineer wi 11 not have a report for some time. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of Port Burwell for the installation and maintenance of a sewer system on County roads in the Village. This by.taw will be similar to by-laws passed in March for the Vi llages of Dutton and Port Stanley. 2. That a by-law be passed limiting the speed to 60 kilomtres per hour on County Road 1#45 east and west of the County Road 1#35 intersection at Jaffa. Total length of the zone 1.1 kilometres. 3. That County of Elgin engage Mr. Andrew Wright to act on the County of Elgin'S behalf in the suit of the TownShip of Bayham against Natural Resources Gas limited in the Township's attempt to recover their drainage assessment costs for the Straffordville municipal drain. Continued. . . 211 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY 17, 1989 SESSION PAGE 2. 3. Continued... If the Township of Bayham loses the case all drainage assessments against gas pipeline utilities will be in jeopardy. 4. That the following resolution be endorsed by County Council: THAT WHEREAS the Road' Committee of the County of Elgin has been made aware of a draft Ministry of Transportation of Ontario pol icy on surface type standards which, when incorporated into the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Needs Study Methods Manual, will result in a reduction in funding for the Province's muniCipal road system. WHEREAS the "bench mark- costing, which is a key component in determining needs. is in part based on surface type. WHEREAS any reduction in permitted surface Quality will thus result in reduced funding. AND W1iEREAS upper tier funding of construction based on the . "needs" methodOlogy hillS been reduced 241 in the last 4 years (3.6Sof defined needs in 1984, 3.46' in 19B6. 3.421 1n 1987. 3031 in 19BB. to 2.741 in 1989). WHEREAS any arbitrary reduction while detennining the defined needs will be multiplied as the trend continues. That the County of Elgin hereby recorrmends to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that the surface type standards policy be dropped or at least amended to specifically pennit local conditions and economies to govern the surface type permitted when establishing "needs" and not just for project speCific subsidy at tile time of constructi on . We al so reconmend: That the Minister of Transportation of Ontario. our M.P.P.. Marietta Roberts and the Ontario €ood Roads Association be advised of the adoption of this resolution. We have been advised that the Ministry of Transporation of Ontario has a draft policy to reduce surface standards on County roads. We feel that if this is adopted that the "needs" in rural municipalities could be seriously curtailed and thus result in a more severe shortage of funding in rural Counties and TownShips than presently exists. Continued. . . 2 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY 17. 1989 SESSION PAGE 3. 4. Continued. . . The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario draft is recOlrmending among other chages: (a) Crushed gravel 2!!.!1. for roads 200 to 400 vehicles per day, 'Pit run gravel 2!!.!l." on roads that have under 200 vehicleS- per day and surface t~atment for any road between 400 and -1.000 vehicles per day. The County of Elgin's experience with surface treatment on roads with 500 to 1,000 vehicles per day has been very poor. (Last winter on Road 1#57 (Southdale Road).] ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED /:.' . 3/1 )VLJ~ . W. AI MAR N CHA I RMAN a.a..:r- ;Cd 213 P.OMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS CO~MITTEE REPORT May 17, 1989 Session FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports. as follows: 1. THAT the Committee of $75,000.00 for thesal~ of 2.50 Morningstar Villa Incorporated. oroposed a price of $23,000.00. recommend the acceptance of th~ S23,000.00. Management has proposed a price of acres of the Terrace. Lodge site to The Morningstar Villa group counter The Committee of Management does not proposal of Morningstar Villa for ALL of whiCh is respectfully submitted. :po U-- C[ii::) D. V. Chute Chairman . a.u...r ;e: 4 j.{O'_':ES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT May 17. 1989 SESSION SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to register D. J. Smale for the Home Support Conference June 7 & 8, 1989 in Toronto with the usual expenses paid. 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to register staff and Auxiliary for the Region 1 Annual Meetinq on Thursday, May 25, 1989 in Sarniaand that the registrations be prepaid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J:d. LL~ D. V. Chute Chairman . tu!.d -;:e;. 215 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports8s follows: 1. That we recommend that the allowance for persons using their personal vehicles for County use be increased to 30$ perKm effective June 1st, 1989, and that a by-law be presented to County Council. 2. hire a in the That the Personnel Administrator has Clerk-Typist (Grade 2) as the provision 19.89 budget . been authorized to for the salary is 3. That Mosey & Mosey Insurance Agency Ltd~ has been authorized to-transfer the coverage for Long Term Disability and Life from Great-West Life toThePrudenti~. effective July 1st, 1989 as per the details in the letter dated April 24th, 1989. 4. That the benefits for Wm. Vanatter be paid by the County for the month of April 1989 and the policy manual be amended to provide for this when the employee has worked at least ten days during the sixth month. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /~,b..4'-- E. Neukamm, Chairman. . . ~k 6 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Counci~, The Property Committee reports as fallows: 1. That we invite the following real estate firms to submit proposals for the leasing of vacant space in the County Administration Building: Canada Trust Luft & Beaudry Elgin ReaJ.ty. .. 'ad- I~W 2. That the request from T. A. Crossman to continue the two employees at the Court House on the County payroll and bene- fits and invoice the Court House Block Inc. for" the costs is not acceptable to the County. ee nd- t 'ow 3. That Mr. M. J. Hennessey has been requested to reply to the letter from Mr. David Little re: the employment of the two former Court House employees. 4. That we designate the following areas for smOking purposes on the second floor of the Administration Building: Rooms t226 and 228 - Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (District 35) and the balance of the floor be non-smoking except the area already designated in the Roads Department~ 5. That the hours of the caretaker (Rick Lalonde) for the County Administration Building have been changed to 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. effective May 23rd, 1989. 6. That a by-law be presented to County Council author- izing the Warden and the Clerk to sign Offers to Renew Leases for the following buildings for the period January 1st to April 20th; 1989: Court House 9 Gladstone Avenue 79 Stanley Street Registry Office at a 5% increase over the 1988 rates. 7. That the request from the County Library Committee for two additional rooms in the basement for a smoking room and lunchroom has been not granted. It has been suggested that they move the current lunchroom to Room 35 in the basement and move Carol Smith to the present lunchroom. This will mean no addi- tional space, but a reallocation of present areas. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. * Items 2 and 3 were amended by deleting them. from the Report. 12 /;/ /' ~, ...-vA "'C.7 (.'c'l-'-'~ o. C. Carroll, Acting Chairman. CfA.,d;<C...c ,,,..;C(;L --r-'--{:;i:... ,- 217 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MAY 17. 1989SESSJON TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited of London, Ontario at $499,569.45 for hot mix asphalt paving Contract 'A' being the lowst of tw (2) tenders received. Of this tender approximately $40,000 of the wrk will be invoiced to the Township of Yarmouth. Asphalt cement will be supplied by the County and wi 11 cost approximately $13.00 per tonne. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a supplementary allocation in the amount of $100.000 ($80,000 Subsidy) for replacement of the floor on the Gillets Bridge. lot 27. Concessions III and IV, Township Of Yarmouth. The County's share of the expenditure is available as the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario rejected the County's request for a supplementary allocation for the Middlemiss Bridge. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~ ,~ CHAIRMAN u;u..z- ~ 8 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT THIRD REPORT MAY 17. 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have been advised by the Ministry Transportation of Ontario that: (a) They have approved the County of Elgin's request for a spending allocation of $400.000($300.000 Subsidy) for construction on Road 130 (Radio Road) in Concession XIII. Township of Yarmouth. (This was the amount requested.) (b) That they did not approve the County of Elgin's request for a spending allocation of $250,000 for construction>ofthe Middlemiss Bridge. ALL OF. WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~/},,, ; e W. A. /<::RTYI CHAIRMAN: av.-:r:;;:::{ PERSONNEL COMMI~~EE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the fo11owing persons form a Committee to discuss a possible arrangement for termination with the two former Court House Block employees or their solicitor: Warden Chairman of Personnel Committee Chairman of Property Committee Personnel Administrator Clerk. 2. That the following be the Job Evaluation Committee for the purposes of Pay Equity: DaputyReeve. M. L. Hillman H. J ~ Underhi1l Department Head of Employees involved. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~LL~'e E. Neukamm, caazr~ 219 20 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E~gin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Veel Mechanical in the amount of $36,555.00 be accepted for the heating, ventilation and aircon- ditioning of the basement areas of the County Administration Building and an upper limit of $39,000.00 be set to upgrade the size of the heat pumps and ductwork necessary to accommodate the rooms off the hallway. 2. That the account of Hennessey; Bowsher & Associates in the amount of S8,231.98 be passed and authorized for payment for wo~k in connection with the Court House sale. ALL of which is respectfully submitte~. j)rt~ D. C. Carroll, Acting Chairman. r:.2U...% ~ 221 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT May 17th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports asfollciws; 1. ~hat we recommend that a fee of $12.00 be charged for each person attending the Golf Day for the cost of the dinner. plus green fees to be paid at the time - S8.00 for nine holes and $13.00 for eighteen holes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. L. Dr{tr.CJlj;' Acting Chairman. zta;{;;t;::;L 22 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-26 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE GRANTEE' AND WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUDE ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS) TO CONSTRUCT USE AND OPERATE WORKS REDUIRED FOR A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLED 'THE MUNICIPALITY')." WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Corporation of the County pf Elgin to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Munici- pality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating lines and ~orks for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the Municip~ity: and , WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set :forth, the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corpo- !ration of the County of Elgin and IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows: 1. Full right, power, permission and coasentare hereby granted, conferred and assured unto the corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, :its successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of lor under the jurisdiction of the.Municipa~ity to survey, construct, lay, 'maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use land.. operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, ,appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, ;sewerage pumping stations and other works, necessary or incidental thereto 'and toa Sanit~ Sewerage System on a highway. : 2. Such right or franchise shaJ.l be subject to all the terms and 'conditions set out in an agreement to be entered into between the Munici- pality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall ibe in the form hereunto attached. 3. The Warden and the Clerk-of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. '4. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect Lmmediately I after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk, . ...,- ,.(ft.-.f '4..../ A. K. Ford, Warden. 223 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-27 "AUTHORI2ING SPEED LIMITS." WHEREAS Subsection 2o~Sectiori 109 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 198 as amended). authorizes the Council of a municipality by by-law to prescribe a different rate of .speed -for motor vehicles on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiction than is prescribed in Clause (a) of Subsec- tion 1 of Section 109; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on certain highways in the County of Elgin be different from the rate set out in Subsection 1. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. When any highway or portion of highway set out in Schedule . A., appended hereto. is marked in compliance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act the maximum rate of speed thereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the Schedule. 2. The penalties provided in Subsection 13 of SeC:tion 109 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a second time this 17th day of HAY, 1989. READ a third~ime and finally passed this 17th day of MaY, 1989. _~ /... - )4-..../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. lii?l.d~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 24 SCHEDULE NAN By-Law No. 89-27 MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 60 KILOMETRES PER HOUR 1. County Road #45 in the Township of Malahide from the west limit of the road allowance between the Township of Malahide and the Township of Yarmouth to the west limit of Lot 2, Concession V. Township of Malahide a distance of 429. metres. 2. County Road #45 in the ToWnship of Yarmouth from the west limit of the road allowance between the Township of Yarmouth and the Township of Malahide to the east limit of Lot 27, Concession v, Township of Yarmouth a distance of 562 metres. 225 COUNTY OF ELGIN ByeLaw NO. 89-2B "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A RATE TO BE PAID FOR PERSONAL VEHICLES USED FOR COUNTY BUSINESS." WHEREAS certain persons are required, as a condition of employment, and others are called upon, from time to time, to use their personal vehicle for County business; and WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate that they be reim~ bursed while driving for this purpose. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Counc~ of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That members of Council. employees, members of the Land Division Committee, appointees to other boards and anyotber persons, who use their personal vehicle for County business, shall be reimbursed at the following rate- 30e per kilometre. 2. That By-Law No. 82..;.50 be imd the smne is hereby repeaJ.ed. 3. That this by-law become effective June 1st. 1989. READ a first time this 17th day of May. 1989. READ a second time this 17th day of Hay, 1989. READ a third time and finaJ.1y passed this 17th day of May. 1989_ ~)4-....; G. C. Leverton. Clerk. t7I'L,...~ A.K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-29 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN OFFERS TO RENEW LEASES FOR THE VARIOUS BUILDINGS LOCATED ON THE COURT HOUSE BLOCK." WHEREAS the Ministry of Government Services, for the ~rovince of Ontario, entered irito leases for the following locations: Court House - Wellington Street Registry Office - Metcalfe Street 9 Gladstone Avenue 79 Stanley Street, and WHEREAS the leases expired December 31st, 1988, and renewals for the period January 1st to April 20th, 1989, are required at agreed rentals. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That tbe Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign Offers to Renew Leases Eartha above-named locations for the period January 1st to April 20th, 1989. READ a first.time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a second time tbis 17th-day of'MaY; 1989~ READ a third t~ and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1989. ~-'~ .<~. G. C. . Leverton, Clerk. arlf,.:t ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 227 COUNTY OF ELG I N By-Law No. 89-30 "A BY-LA\'I TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE MAY 17TH SESSION. 19B9." WHEREA5by Section 9' of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. .1980. 'the-powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient thattbe proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin.at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE tbeMunicipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the .corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of theComrnittees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council~of the corporation of the CoUnty of Elgin at its meetings held during .the May 17th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all stich proceedings Were expressly embodied in this By.Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the corpore.tion of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to 'do all things necessary to give . effect to theaet'ionof the Municipal council of the corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding sectionhereoL . 3; The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all docUments necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May,1989. _ u ~r-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. CW.,,r ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 28 June S~~5ion - First nay Wedne~day. the 21st day of June, 1989 The Elgin County Council met thi~ d"y at t.he Administration 81lildtng. at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. ~he Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll THAT the minute~ of the May 17th Session 1989 of the Elgin County Council he adopted. - Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Deputy Minister of Education with review of the 1988 procedures for trustee representation 8ill 125 and questionnaire concerning the problems encountered. 2. Mr. John V. HcKinlay, Chairman, Elgin County Land Division Committee advising of a change in procedure with respect to condi- tional consents on official plan amendments. 3. Elgin County Board of Education with suggestions thatrep~esenta~ tives of the County meet with the Elgin County Board of Education, the Elgin. County Roman Catholic. Separate School Board, St~ Thom8s-p.lgin General Hospital and City of St. Thomas<to pursue the possibility of developing a group pur~hasingarrangement. 4. Elgin County pioneer Museum with .copies of their comments on Bill 119, an Act to Amend the Ontario Lottery corporation Act~ 5. County of Essex with resolution with respect to the funding cuts reI local planning. 6. United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry with resolution rer Children's Aid Society costs. COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE 1. Township of Malahide with comments with respect to the problem of speeding in the Hamlet of Orwell. '-. City of Guelph ~ith resolution requesting a program to develop telephone directories which can be readily recycled. 3. National Transportation ~gency of Canada acknowledging the County's intervention with respect to applications by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail for connection to CN's and CP's trackage at St. Thomas. 4. Ministry of Transportation advising that the Minister has author- izp.d a supplementary subsidy allocation in the amount of $300,000 with re~pect to County Road 30. 5. Township of Malahide with copy of a letter from Mrs. C. Taggart with respect to speed l~its through Orwell. 6. Township of Yarmouth with copy of V1neden Drive Drain Extensions report. 7. Township of Yarmouth with copy of Harvey Drain report. 8. National Transportation ~gency of Canada with information with re~pect to the application by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail tnc. for connection to CN and CP's trackages at St. Thomas. 229 - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 9. Ministry of Municipal ~ffair~. Municip~~ hud~t Rureau, with-copy of cornpletedaudit on grants paid to the County oy the MiniBt~y of Transportation. 10. Township of Ya't'mOuth with copy of St. George St't'eet brain report. 11. Township of Malahide with copy of a letter to spriet Associates reo S.Ryan Drain Extension ~ Petition. 12. eN Real Estate advising that the Canadian National RailwRY Company has sold certain of its propertyi" Port Stanley of which an agr.eement for an eight~inch water main crossing Warren Street forms a part of it. 13. City of London advising that a meeting has been set for June '-2nd with the Minister of Transportation to discuss the widening of Highway 401 to six lanes between London and Woodstock. PERSONNELCOHMITTEE 1. C~ossman Associates advising that the 1989 retainer of $20,000 has been expended as at May 16th. 2. Hinistryof Municipal Affairs with information on the Hunicipal F.mployment Equity Program and the financial assistance available to develop and imploment a workplace Employment Equity Program. SOCIAL SERVICES COMHI'l'TEE 1. The Regional Municipality of Hamdlton-Kentworth with a resolution with respect to Bill 162 ancAct to Amend the-Workers' compensation Act. ~. Ministry of Community and Social-services with copy of Regulation of Social Workers and other Social service Practitioners, aCoRsulta- tion Paper and request for responsaso ~ 1. Association of Municipalities of Onta~io with comments on the 1989/90 Provincial Budget entitled -The Property Tax Grab-. 2. Minister. for Senior Citizens Affairs advising that the month of June has been proclaimed Senior Citizens month in Ontario and request- ing participation. 3. Office of the Small Business Advocate with list of community consultations on training and small business. 4. Public Inspection Panel Report dated May 23rd, 1989 as it affects Terrace Lodge. 5. Minister of Health acknowledging Councll's resolution with respect to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 6. Ministry of Natural Resources with resources report on the Port Burwell Provincial Park. 7. Ministry of Tourism and Recreation with Newsrelease on the con- solidation of the five separate recreation programS. 8. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca- tion of Children In Care .and financial statement for April 1989. 9. Association of Hunicipalities of Ontario with the following reportst 89-2 _ AHO response to financing growth-related capital needs 89-5 _ Salvaging the Partnership - the 1989 AHO submission to Provincial Cabinet. 30 _ 3 - County Council, ,June St'!ssion. 1989 ~ - coritinued to. Feder.ation of C~nanian Municip~titie~ p.xprp.~sing dis~ppointment at P.lgin not taking membership in the Federation. 11. Ministry of Transportation acknowledging Elgin's letter. with respect to the funding for. the Municipal Roads System. 1'-. Ministry of Natural Resources with Resources Report concerning building a dam and other water projects. 13. ^ssociation of Muntcipalities of Ontario requesting copies of any r~sponses with cegard to ther.eportentitled .County Government in Ontario _ The Report of the Consultation Committee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs., 14. School Patrollers with letter. of appreciation for the Elgin County pins. 15. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with notice of annual meeting of the members to be held on the 14th of June, 1989 at 2:00 P.M. 16. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with Queen's Park Repo~t entitled .Ontario Builds a Bette~ Future for Our Chi1dren-. 17. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of Queen's Pa~k Report dated May 1989 re1 Reform Agenda Receives Boost from Throne Speech and Budget Announcements. 18. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with Queen's Park Report dated June 8th with various topics. 19. Warden Larry O'Neill, County of Lambton, with copy oftheir~raft ~esponee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the Report of the Consultation Committee on County Government in Ontario. 20. Municipal Finance Officers' Association of Ontario advising of a one-day seminar to be held on Lot Levies and Front End Financing. Mov9dby Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and those presented today, be approved as follows: County Government Committee '1-6 inclusive County Roads Committee 11-13 inclusive Personnel Committee '1-2 inclusive Social Services Committee '1-2 inclusive Filed 11-20 inclusive County Council '1-5 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following presentations were made by the Warden and Chairmen of t~e respective Committees: Roads Committee - Reeve W. A. Hartyn County Government Committee - Deputy Reeve A. J. van Kasteren Homes Committee - Reeve D. V. Chute ~5 Year~ - Gary C. Gordon - Roads - Certificate, Engraved Watch _ Mrs. Gordon received a Pen & Pencil Set at the noon luncheon 20 Years - Rose M. Daniel - Clerk's - Elisa Direnzo - Elgin Manor Certificate, Lapel Pin,Dinner Voucher, Engraved Desk Set 15 Years _ D. Wayne Fishleigh - Elgin Hanor - Certificate, Set of Glasses _ Margaret M. Vandenabeele - Elgin Manor (Part Time) - Certificate & County Stein 10 Years - K. Ann Bennie - Roads _ Suzanne J. Nemett - Library (Part Time) - . Thea R. Oyg09 - Elgin Manor Certificate . indicates non-attendance 231 - 4 - h lett~r. was 't"eceiv~d fr.nm The n'JnQurable .lohn F.:akin~. Mi.ni.!"lter. of Municipal "ffaiT!; expr.esl'ling appr.eciation f<')t' hi!'> waT1Tl receptt.<ln anrl hospitality ext~nn"H' to himdm:i.ng his r.ecent visit to Elgin County with r..el'lpect to the Restrllcti,ring Report. ^ delegat{"n from Peat, Harwick was present and it was moved by Reeve Neuka~n that they be now heard. The delegatiQnpresented a Final r~8stf!r. Plan and C<)nceptof a newUome forA.ged and Service!; for Senior Citi7.ens in Elgin CQunty by way of a slide presentation. Member.s of Council asked various questions of the delegation. Mr.. Vern Huston, Vice-President of theS.S. Aquaramalnc.. .was present and it was moved by Reeve Martyn that he be now heard. Hr~ Huston reviewed the circumstanceg surrounding the acquisition and temporary berth of theS.S. Aquarama. He also reviewed the negotiations that were taking place with the Federal Government with regard to docking in Port Stanley. He requested that Council pass a iesolution of sup- port for the project and forward it to the appropriate bodies. Reeve Collins presented a copy of the Emergency Health Services in the southwest area of the Thames Valley District Health CouncIl. It contained information with respect to a 9.1.1. System as it presently exists within the City of London and the Town of Aylmer. It suggested that a county-wide system is now desirable for the rest of the Thames Valley. Moved-by Deputy Reeve Carroll seconded by Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjourn (ll~34 A.H.) to meet again on June 21st, 1989 at 1~30 P.M. - Carried. Council re-convened at 1138 P.M. Hovedby Deputy Rseve van Rastersn Seconded by Reeve Hartyn That ~e go into Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford named Deputy Reeve Carroll as Chairman. Mr. Brian Foster attended at Committee Of The Whole. The Committee rose without reporting. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Avrem That we do now adjourn (2;34 P.M.) to meet again at 3100 P.M. on Wednesday, June 21st, 1989. - Carried. Council re-convened at 4140 P.M. ROLL CALL - All members present except; Deputy Reeve Elliott. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) The First Report of the County Government Committee was presented by Deputy ReeVe. van Kasteren. Moved by Deputy Reeve van Rasteren Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. ~n amendment was - 32 _ 5 _ County Council, ~une Se~gion. 1989 Moved by Reeve Eme~~Qn Se~onderl by Reeve Neukamm That. tteln ID of the First RepoT:t of the COlinty Gove'C'nment Committee be amended by deleting everything after the word .CountyCouncil-. Amendment Defeated. The original motion was then voted upon and Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVBRNMENT COMMITfEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kastecen Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the Second Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Hillman Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mai1ed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. fIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Second Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Millman. ~he Treasurer's Reports Oft Recaiptg and zxpenditurag. pai~ents to Members of Council and also Outside Boards were mailed previOUSly to Council. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Members of the Elgin County Council to Hay 5th, 1989 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. 233 - 6 - MoveQ by Reeve ~lltn Seconded by Reeve Ru~hme~e That the Tr.easu'!;er's S.taternent on Remllner.atioo and Expenses to May 5th, 1989 for appointees- to the St. Thomas SuburbllnRoad!;Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the p'!;oceedings. - Cl!I.rried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceed- ings. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE The First Report of the Property Committ~e was presented by Reeve Eme'!;son and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Deputy Reeve Wilson. FIRST REPORT - SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by R~eve Willsey and adopted on motion of Reeve Willsey and Reeve Collins. hn. invitation was received from The Municipal World to attend thei. Open House on July 14th, 1989~ Registration and convention information for R.T.A.C., to be beld in Calgary, was made_available to tbeClerk~ COUNCILCOMKUNICATIONS 1. NationalFarrners'Unionwith resolution with respect to the freez- ing of industrial milk prIces paid to dairy farmers. -2. The Canadian Hearing Foundation with request for a donation. 3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request fot'an additional one-time special contribution towards the development and implementation of a Public Communications ?rogram. 4. Village of Port Stanley requesting County Counci~'s endorsation of their resolution with respect to the S~S. Aquarama, Inc. 5. Association_of Municipalities of OntarIo. with request for nomina- tions to the Board of Directors and copy of 189-3 A.M.O. Response to nraft Housing Policy Statement. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Willsey That the request for a one-time voluntary contribution of $203.85 to A.M.O. towards the development and ~plementation of a public communi- cations program be approved. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 4 and 5 be filed. - Carried. :4 _ 7 _ County Council, June Session, 1989 Moved by Reeve Rushmece Seconded by DepQty Reeve West That the following be the voting delegates to the 1989 County and R4gional Section of A.M.O. Annual Meeting and Conference in Sudbury. October 15th-18th, 1989: Warrlen Ford Reeve Neukamm Deputy Reeve Millman Deputy Clerk-Treasurer R. M. Daniel. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That Mike Popovich be nominated as the County's appointment to the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That invitations be forwarded to the Wardens and Clerks of the sur- rounding Counties to allow their spouses or companions to attend the Golf Day to be held by the County of Elgin on July 13th, 1989. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That Mr. Brian Foster of the firm of Cockburn. F08ter~Cudmore & Kitely be d~rected to forward letters to the CourtHouse Block Inc. and Harrison & Elwood, pointing out that the employment'of Messrs. Freeman and Carmichael rests entirely with the Court House Block Inc. and the County would be willing to assist. where possible, in ensuring that the current employer meets its legal obligations as set out in the sale of the Court House Block. Carried . Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we support theS.S. Aquarama to locate in Port Stanley and Elgin County. AS the costs of the consortium are ongoing, that the Federal Go~rnment would finalize their negotiations. Further that this type of a development would help encourage tourism in Elgin County and area. That oopies of tnis resolution be forwarded to the Prime Minister, Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Tourism and Trade for Canada and Ontario, our M.P. Ken Monteith. and our MoP.P. Marietta Roberts. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-31 -A By-Law to Authorize. 01 Rural Television Cablesystems Inc. at 950 51900n Road. Burlington, Ontario, L7L 5S2, (Hereinafter Called the 'Company', and Which Term Shall Inolude Its Successors and Assigns) to Install, Construct, Operate and Maintain Wo~k$ Required for th& Transmission ~nd Di~tribution of Talevision, Radio and Related Communications Signals and Services Withfn a Portion of the Municipality of the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called the. 'Munioipality')- be read a first time. - Carriedo Moved by~ Reeve Neukanvn Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. B9-31 be read a second t~e. - Carried. 235 - 8 - Moved by Reevp- MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sand ham That Ry~Law No. 89-31 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 89-32-8eing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Franchise Agreement with Natural Resource Gas Limited- be read a first time. -.carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89-32 be read a second time. -Carr ted. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89-32 be read a third time and finally passed. '- Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonok That By-Law No. 89-33 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Letter of Understanding with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Loca1841)-be reads first time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay th~t Ry-LawNo.89~33 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reave Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-34 ~A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 21st, Session. 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by ~eeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 89~34 be read a second time. -Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson Seconded by-Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-34 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 36 _ 9 _ County Conncit, June Session, 1989 ~'oved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Collins That we do now adjourn {SISS P.M.) to meet again on September 27th, 1989 at 10:00 ^.M~ ..; Carri.ed. ~~ G~ C. Leverton. Clerk. 1\. K. Ford, Warden. 237 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows; 1. That the County Government Committee, h8vingreviewed the Report of the Consultation Committee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs on County Government in Ontario, wishes to recommend the following points for forwarding to the Minister as the County of Elgin's position on the various areas: 1. Basically, Elgin County agrees that the review of our present system. including functions etc.. is long overdue and the end result will be beneficial regardless of the final outcome. 2. WASTEMANAGEHENT - The function of waste management at the County level is an area that should be reviewed thor- oughly and .may notreault in some local municipalities, who have their own landfill sites, having this service provided at a cheaper cost than presently enjoyed, but this depends on the capacity of these locations. 3. REPRESENTATION -The principle of representation by population appears to be-an equitable method to have local municipalities sitOh County Council (although the magic number of a population of 4,000 is questioned as being the size to be selected). 4. FUNCTIONS - All services suggested for transferring to the County are not necessarily_considered appropriate, however, large feeder lines for .water and sewage may bean advantage to be maintained at the County. level. It would be necessary to carefully examine each service to determine if sufficient benefits. would be realized to have 'it trans- ferred. 5. SEPARATED MUNICIPALITIES - The County is of the opinion that the City of St. Thomas should be a partner in the restructuring study, but they are strongly opposed to this participation and wish to remain apart. Benefits available with the separated municipalities as part of the County System can be many. Boundary adjustments presently being discussed with the two surrounding townships would .be more readily reconciled where all property would be under a common assessment base instead of being deleted from the County portion and added to the separated municipality. A restructured County, including a separated municipa~ity, would provide a forum for the municipa1ities to enter into decision making on shared services without the present adversarial system currently in existence. 2. That we recommend that the following be appointed as members of the County Restructuring Steering Committee; Werden Ford Reeve Neukamm Deputy Reeve Millman Reeve Lavereau Reeve Rushmere Reeve Allin. - 2 - 3. That we recommend that the following be appointed as members of the County Restructuring Liaison Committee: Warden Ford Reeve Lyl.e Deputy Reeve Wilson Reeve Martyn. ALL of which is respectfully sub~tted. ~i~7Z_ A. J. van"- s eren, -- Chai.rmm1. ;tU....t" ~ 239 COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session; 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Gevernment Commdttee reports as follows; 1. That the following Outside Boards report to Council through their appointees: Family & Children's5ervices St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital september Session. 2. That we support the position taken by the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board requesting the Province to withdraw or amend Bill 119, (An Act to Amend the Ontario Lottery corporation Act). 3. That we support the resolution from the County c.f Essex {correspondence *5) - funding cuts re: local planning. 4. That we support the resolution from the United Counties of Stormont,Dundas and Glengarry (Correspondence #6) re: Children's Aid Society costs. 5. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 6. That the County of Elgin 1988 Financial Highlights. prepared by theCounty.Auditor, has been published in the Elgin County Market because it has county-wide distribution. 7. That attendance at theCotinty/City Liaison meeting of May 25th and the meeting with the Minister of Municipal. Affairs on Junel, 1989 be considered for per diem pay, plus mileage, similar to Co~ttee meetings and they both be considered as under three hours each. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~Z; -:? :A' . y~. van Kastere. . ~ c:c-u..1Jt ~ LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Elgin County Library charge $1.00 admission per person to programs provided by Outreach Ontario, or apply to a local service club for an equivalent donation, if deemed more appropriate by the Branch Co-ordinator. 2. That Susan Lamont, Mary-Lou McMillan and Doris VanDen Eeckhout be reimbursed the $100.00 each for the tuition they paid for their Excel coUrses which were successfully completed. 3. and that meeting. That the. Chairman be empowered to sign Paylists during the summer such Paylistsbe presented to the Committee ~t the September, 1989 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 4A-Ld- d{ 6r?_~. Marian. Millman, Chairman. aa....R 241 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST . REPORT JUNE 21. 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE. REPORTS AS FOllOWS: 1. At the request of walmsley Bros. Limited we have extended the completion date to July 30th for various items. of their Contract for hot mix asphalt paving with the County of Elgin. Walmsley Bros. limited have been requested to pave Wellington Road for the County of Hiddlesex prior to the closure of Highway 1126. They have also been reQuested by the County of Oxford to complete work on their 1988 Contract which was postponed to pave County Road 124 for the County of Elgin in November and December in 1988.. We expect that Walmsley Bros. Limitecl will start work for the County of Elginsh6rtly. 2. McLean-Taylor Limited have begun the erection of steel girders ,at the Middlemiss Bridge. Work to date is on schedule and within the tendered amount. 3. As yet we have not received the final Environmental Study Report on the laits Bridge from the Consultants, M. H. Dillon Limited; it is expected within the IllOnth. 4. We have not yet reeeiveda reply from the Minister of Transportation of Ontario (as of June 13th) for our request for supplementary funding for the repairs of the Gillets Bridge floor. Materials are being ordered and it is hoped that we can start work within the month. 5. The Engineer and Assistant Engineer have been authorized to attend the "'Bridge Rehabilitation, Inspection and Maintenance Conference and Trade ShowH on September loth to September 12th at the Ramada Hotel,O'Hare Chicago. 6. At the request of the County of Elgin Road Department Employees' Association we have amended.tbe normal hours of work from 7:30 a..m. to 5:00p.m., Henday to Thursday and 7:30.a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday. The hours of work per week remains unchanged at 44 hours Continued '2 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE 21. 1989 SESSION Pi\GE2. per week and the lunch period remains unchanged at 1/2 hOUT. From time to time some employees are asked to stagger their lunch period or come in at different hours (depending upon the need). All other terms of the Contract shall remain in force as presently written. WE RECOMNO: I. That whereas the County of Middlesex has requested the County of Elgin to finance the CoulJty of Middlesex's portion of the construction of. the Middlemiss Bridge from approximately July 10, 1989 to January 1990 we recommend that the County of Elgin agree to do so under the following conditions: (al The interest charges on the amounts invoiced to the County of Middlesex and not paid for until 1990 will be charged to the County's Road OepartmentNot For SUbsidy Account for 1989. (b) When the interest charges are paid to the County of Elgin in 1990 that this be credited to the County of Elgin Road Department "Not for Subsidy" Aceount~ (c) The Engineer is to advise the Treasurer of the County of Elgin of the amount invoiced and the Treasurer is to calculate the interest due to the County of Elgin. (d) The rate to be paid to the County of Elgin is that which Is paid to the 8ank of Montreal at that time. (e) The County of Elgin Road Department will reimburse the t:ounty's General Account on a monthly basis for the interest charges for the proceeding month. That the interest charges be calculated to coincide with the issuance of the County of Elgin Road Department paylist. (f) That interest be charged in the amOunt paid by the County of Elgin for interest paid by the County of Elgin on the monthly outstanding interest charges. {g} That the County of Middlesex be advised monthly of the interest payable to the County of Elgin. 243 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE 2L 1989 SESSION PAGE 3. 2. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a franchise agreement with Natural Resources Gas for the County of Elgin road system. This frarichise agreement will follow the model franchise agreement as proposed by the Ontario Municipal Association and approved by the Ontario Energy. Board. This agreement replaces an agreement passed in 1940 with Central Pipelines wich is out of date and does not address Jlresent day issues. 3. That we recOlllllend to County Council that a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with 01 Rural Television Cable Systems Incorporated to allow them to use the County road system in the Village of Port Burwell. 01 Rural TelevisoD Cable Systems Incorporated has a franchise agreement with the Village of Port Burwell to service the Village with a cable television system. This agreement will be similar to other agreements with the television companies operating around the City of St. Thomas and in West Elgin. 4. That wereeOlllllE!nd to County Council that the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the County of Elgin has no Objection to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail running excursion trains after dark between the south limi t of County Road #51 and the south limit of County Road #21 (Warren Street, Port Stanley) provided that flashing light crossing protection is installed by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail at their eXJ)ense as detailed in their proposal to the County of Elgin Road CoIlInittee dated June 7, 1989. It is understood that the Port Stanley Terminal Rail will meet with the safety requirements requested by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario in their letter dated August 17, 1988 to the Ontario Municipal Board and that the Port Stanley Terminal Rail will also follow any other safety requirements of the Ontario .Municipal Board. The County of Elgin will withdraw their requirement for daytime Continued COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE 21. 1989 SESSION PAGE 4. stopping of trains at the County Road 821 crossing when the fl.3shing lights are in operation. This reco1llllendation is a result of a meeting with representatives of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail; Mr~ Ian Chadwick, Oirector of the Rail Office for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. Warden Ford. Chairman Martyn and the Engineer at which time matters of mutual concern were discussed bebeen the Port Stanley Terminal Rail and the County of Elgin. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED ~i!JI/i1- ~ W. . MA N CHAIRMAN ~p.. "'-=-J HOMES pnR ~ENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1- contract Town' and THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to the Meals on Wheels service for West Lorne with the Country Restaurant. 2. THAT we recommend to Elgin County Council to accept the motion from the Bobier Convalescent Bome Board as follows: "June 14, 1989 Moved by Glen Walters Seconded by Lynn McIntyre WHEREAS; the Bobier Convalescent Home Board bas determinedtbat in order to meet the compliance requirements of the Ministry of Health under the Nursing Home Act; it is necessary to redevelop its facilities in their entirety and, WHEREAS; it has determined that said redevelopment exceeds the financial capabilities of the Board and the local communities of Dutton and Dunwich and whereas, it is seen as desireable to closely coordinate services to seniors with the programs and facilities available to othet":Coun.tyresidents through County of Elgin programs, it is therefore resolved that: The Bobier Convalescent Home Board agrees to work with the County of Elgin withtbe objective of developing a solution to the needs ,of all of the County's residents in accordance with a plan designed to integrate the facilities and management of bothpartiesona mutually beneficial basis, to be negotiated and agreed to by each. Carried - Chairman Don Campbell." 3. THAT we recommend to Elgin County Council that the Homes Committee be authorized to proceed with Peat Marwick Consulting Group to develop the master plan for the redeveloped Elgin Manor and the Bobier Convalescent Home Board for the west end facility. It is also recommended that we approve of the concept as presented and that the Committee proceed to negotiate with the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, the Ontario Ministry of Health and other relavant Ministries. ALL of Which is respectfully submitted. ~. //_~ O.V. Chute, Chairman ~ tU.t..,..r r-..../.. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend the County self-insure for chiroprac- tic coverage for the Roads Department Association employees for the accounts paid during the term of the 1988-89 agreement. 2. That we recommend that the position of Secretary- Treasurer of the Land Oivision Committee be made full time due to the increased number of applications being processed and that Mrs. Susan Galloway be offered the rate of $776 biweekly ($20.l76 annually) Level 3, Step 2 and the appropriate by-law be amended accordingly. 3. That Crossman Associates be advised that they continue on with the O.N.A~ negotiations in spite of the retainer being used up and Mr. Harley Underhill negotiate theC.U.P.E. agreement alone with the Library Staff and use Mr. Tpomas Crossman if and when required. 4. That the Personnel Administrator has been authorized to lease an Epson Equity 11+ with'a 286 Processor, 40MG.Hard Drive @ $300 per month for twelve months with training@ $150 per day for one to four people and a buyout option of $1.250 at the end of twelvemonths. 5. That the request from the St. Thomas Civic and Railway Employees' Credit Union Limited for payroll deductions be filed. 6. That a Letter of understanding, between the County of Elgin and C~U.P.E. representing the Library employees, concerning persons employed by the way of Canada Manpower Grant as arranged through the Ontario Library Consortium be signed and a by-law authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign same be presented to Counci.l. ALL of which is respectful.lY submitted. ALf LJ,,-,~_ E. Neukamm, Chairman. aa..r;r;::..c 247 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 SECOND.REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin county Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That the attached -Employment Policies. be adopted for County employees; 5~30 5.40 7.10 7.30 7.40 9.90 lO~130 _ Cost-Sharing on Sick Leaves - OMER5 Buy-Back Provisions - vacation Year and Scheduling _ Vacation with Pay Entitlement _ Temporary and Contract Staff Vacation Credits Expenses - Bereavement. Leave - Employee Recognition. 2. services campaign That the request from the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way for payroll deductions and staff to conduct an in-house be filed. 3. That the Branch Supervisors for the Library be credited with one year's service for each year worked. prior .toJanuary 1st, 1989 and for every 1,500 hours worked thereafter they be credited with one year's service for vacation purposes. ALL of which is respectfu~ly submitted. -;t;~ LA~ E. Neukamm, Ch'''tzet_ 'i-.~ County of Elgin Personnel Pollcy Manual ..1'.. .a.'.. :.~.~ ~-:~~! Section: 5 COde - tU Page 1 of 1 Subject: Cost-SharIng 01 Sick Leaves Pollcy ~JntJer: 5~30 Date Aporoved: o:t~1. 1987 Date Last Revision: l.me 21, 1989 (a) The cost-sharing arrangements noted above for OHIP, Extended Health, Semi-Private Coverage, Dental Plan, ~ife Insurance and Long Term Disability will be continued for a period of up to five (5) months where an employee is off the payroll for Workers' Compensation, layoff, long term disability, pregnancy or adoption leave. (b) In the event the employee returns to work during the sixth (6th) month and works .at least ten (10) days during the month, the benefits shall continue to be cost-shared. (cl The above provisions in no way affect the entitlement to Long Term Disability payments from the insurance carrier. 249 County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual "/l,,,, ~.1t ~,,-";1~f section: 5 Subject: (fo[RS Buy-Back Provisions Policy flUrrtJer: 5.40 Date Approved: (tt. 1, 1987 Date last Revision: .lJne 21, 1989 Code - A Page 1 of Employees returning to work after an absence without pay will be required to purchase OMERS broken service or elimination period in one lump sum, if they choose to buy back the time lost. These arrangements must be completed through the Personnel Office within a period of sixty (60) days or by the date of the return of the ~nnual report. whichever comes first. 50 County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual ,J;,. .:m;1' "'11_. ~;.:-..;.~ Section: 7 Subject: Vacation Year and Schedullng Policy ~iIDtJer: 7.10 Date Aooroved: Ctt. 1. 1987 Date Last Revision: l.Jne 21. 1989 COde - NJlPT Page 1 of 2 Vacation Year For the purpose of computing vacation entitlement, the vacation year shall begin on January 1st and end on the followio9 December 31st. Vacation Scheduling (al Employees must take their vacation within twelve (12) months of the end of the vacation year during which it is earned and no carryover of credits to the following year will be allowed unless recommended by the Personnel Committee and approved by County Council. (b) No cash payment in lieu of vacation time off will be made and all credits not used up by th~ end of the twelve (I2) month period, will be lost, subject to conditions in the Employment Standards Act, except where approval for carry- over has been granted under tal above. (e) All vacation leave must be approved by the Department Head before it is taken. County of Elgln Personnel Policy Manual Code - tl.IIPTIFT Page 2 of 2 251 Section: 7 Subject: Vacation Year and SctJeduUng Policy lturtler: 7.10 Date Approved: .l.B1e21. 1989 Date Last Revision: (d) When an employee is transferred from one department to another on a permanent basis, the vacation pay entitlement ment. accrued at that time will be charged to the original depart- 2 County of ElgIn Personnel Policy Manual >.;_~Jr,...~, '!'l)Jt "...It... \-~-:-1;.~ Section: 7 Code - IUIPTIFT Page 1 of 2 Subject: Vacation with Pay EntiU""'"t, other Full-TiTre and Part Tll1E Staff Polley ~otJer: 7.30 Date Approv,,": o:t. 1, 1987 Date last Revision: l.me21. 1989 5very full-time employee shall be granted an annual vacation with pay according to his/her credited service as follows: (a) Where at December 31st, in any year, an employee has com- plated less than one (I) year of continuous service, he/she shall receive two (21 weeks vacation in the following vaca- ticn year. Vacation pay shall be calculated at four percent (4%:). of total. wages during the twelve ( 12) months immedi- ately preceding December 31st. (b) Where at December 31st. in any year. an employee has com- pleted one (1) year of continuous service, he/she shall receive two (2) weeks vacation in the following vacation year. vacation pay shall be calculated at four percent (4%) of total wages, during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding December 31st or two (2) weeks regular pay, which- ever is the greater. (c) Where at December 31st, an employee has completed four (4) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive three (3) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. 253 County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual J"., :~t. ._iII_. "'~i:;:~ Section: 7 Subject: Vacation with Pay Entltl""'"t, otl1erFull-TiRE am:! Part TlJre Staff Polley f.ImIJer: 7.30 Date Approved: ():t, 1, 1987 Date Last Revision: ..lme 21. 1989 Code - IUIPT 1FT Page 20f 2 ld) Whereat December 31st, an employee has completed eight (8) years of continuous service, he/she shall receive four (4) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. tel Where at December 31st, an employee has completed fourteen (14) years of continuousservioe, he/she shall receive five (51 weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (f} Where at December 31st, an employee has completed twenty-one (21) years of continuous service he/she Shall receive six (6) weeks vacation, in the following vacation year. (g) All Part-Time Staff will have their vacation entitlement calculated as specified in this Article with the following exceptions~ {i} One (I) year of continuous service equalling fifteen hundred (15001 hours: (ii) Pay equivalent to two percent (2%) of their previous year's gross earnings for each week of vacation entitlement. County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual Code - L Page 1 of 1 /,11_"- '!'l)jt ~~~li -~,..~- Section: 7 Subject: Tenporary and COntract Staff Vacatlon Credits Exoenses Policy l\lIrrtler: 7.40 Date Approved: Il:t. 1, 1987 Date Last Revision: .lrle 21, 1989 (al Temporary staff will receive vacation pay as specified by the Employment Standards Act. their contract. (b) Contract staff will receive vacation pay as specified in 255 County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual .1'.. ~1t :~~~t! . :.~ Section: 9 Subject: BereavEfiEflt Leave Policy f\l.mtJer: 9.90 Date Approved: ctt. 1. 1987 Date last Revision: l.J1e 21. 1989 Code - NU PaQe 1 of 2 (a) In the case of the death of a member of an employee's imme- diate family, a leave of absence of up to three (3) working days will be granted for the purpose of arranging or attend- iog the funeral. The three (3) days shall, however, include normal days off and shall conclude on the day of the funeral. (b} These work days will be paid at the employees regular rate. {c} "Immediate Family. is defined as: spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother~in-law, sister~in-law. mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, aunt and uncle. County of Elgin Personnel Policy Manual J,_ ;-~.t~ ..._iII.'; ....~;~"':-l;~ section: 10 Subject: ~loyee Recognition Polley rtJrrtJer: 10.130 Date Approved: ll::t. 1, 1987 Date last Revision: .lJne 21, 1989 Code - PT Page 2 of 2 PART 'rIME Employees will be given awards as set out below on the completion of the following years of service: 10 years a photo and short, descriptive announcement in the St. Thomas daily, and Elgin weekly newspaper. a framed copy of the photo and a framed certifi- cate of appreciation from the County. 15 years same as ten (10) years, plus a County stein. 20 years same as ten (IO) years plus a lapel pin, plus a pen and pencil set. 25 years same as ten {lOr years plus an engraved desk set. All expenses associated with these awards will be chargeable to the Department. special presentations for employees may be arranged by Department Heads and Standing Committees at their discretion. These presenta- tions will be made at the Council Session held each year in February, June and November. Employees who transfer from part time to full time will be credited with one (ll year's service for every 1,600 hours worked, for the purposes of recognizing long service. 257 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June 21st Session, 19~9 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to ,submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council,during the calendar year ending May 5th. 1989: Remuneration and Mileaqe Council, Committee and Outside Boards + Conventions By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 87-42 By-Law No. 87-47 Paid To . By-Law No. 87-48 By-Law No. 88-46 ~ Allin, C.L. . 2.008.33 . S 2,008.33 Avram, D.J. 1,209.72 1,209.72 Carroll, D.C. 1,119.04 (1) 609.48 1,728.52 Chute, D.V. 2,873.11 (1) 774.48 3,647.59 Coles, R.F. 1,913.78 1,913..78 Co11ins, S. 1,623.69 1,623.69 Elliott, P.G. 304.73 304.73 Emerson, K.C. 1,117.82 1,117.82 Ford, A.K. . 9,939.85 (2) 3,071.46 13,011.31 Hay, C.J. 1,464.43 1,464.43 Kahnt, M.A. 2,501.62 2,501.62 Lavereau,R.J. 1,458.21 1,458.21 Lyle, H.F. 1,647~21 (1) 784.48 2,431.69 Maclntyre,WGC. l,953D83 1.953.83 Martyn, w.A~ 2,292~74 2,292.74 Mezenberg. HGJ. 2,180.04 (1) 784.48 2.964.52 Mi~lrnan, M.L. 3,264.18 3,264.18 Neukamm, E. 3,317.66 3,317~66 Rushmere, ...C~L. 2,258.47 2,258.47 Sandham, R~C. 1,880.86 (1) 774.48 2,655.34 Ve.ndierendonck, R. 1,925.22 1,925.22 van Kasteren, A.J. 2,134.71 2,134.71 West. L.O. 2.665.10 2,665.10 WHlsey, C.R. 1,883.13 1.883.13 Wilson, J.R. 792.58 792.58 TOTAL S 55,730.06 (7) S 6,798.86 S 62,528.92 ) indicates number of conventions attended + Convention amounts include a~ payments made to May 31st, 1989 Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. {LLk.:r ~ i8 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES June 21st Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the. E~gin countyCounci~. I beg to submit the fallowing itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending May 5th, 1989 as authorized by the following By- Laws: ~ Appointed To Remuneration and Mileaqe Conventions Total Bv-Law No. 87-42 Auckland, A. W. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission s . $ 184.48 S 784.48 By-Law No. 82-50 By-Law No. 85-61 Bv-Law No. 87-56 TOTAL 20.00 20.00 1,075.52 1.075.52 1,064.24 1,064.24 1,340.56 1,340.56 1.594.48 1,594.48 793.52 793~52 5.888.32, 5,888.32 S <; 888 32 S 184.48 $ 6,672.80 Benner, M. C. Carroll, L. R. Littlejohn, A. B. McKinlay, J. V. Stewart. M. H. Tufford; N. G. Land Division Committee ALL of which is respectfully submdtted. ~~ G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. ~~ COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, 259 I beg to submit the following statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the period January 1st to May 31st~ 1989. (This statement reflects accrual adjustments, made by our auditor for items paid or received in 1989 which pertained to the year 1988): REVENUE Employee Deductions County Rates Interest Received County Roads Library -Revenue Court House - Revenue from Sale Land Division Committee - Revenue Recovery of Rentals - Court House Block - 450 Sunset Drive Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Ontario Unconditional Grant Elgin Manor Homes for the Aged - Budget Write Off of Taxes EXPENDITURE Short Term Investments Workers' Compensation - (Pre-Levy) Council Members Sound.System Administration Administration Buildings - 9 Gladstone Avenue New Administration Building - Capital Renovations New Administration Building - 450 Sunset Drive Court House Maintenance Court House Sale Costs Grants Personnel Department County Roads Children's Aid Society Terrace Lodge Home For The Aged - Budget Debenture Debt ~ Interest Interest On Loans and capital Borrowing Agricultural Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Suspense Account Elgin County Pioneer Museum St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Payroll Suspense GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1989 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1989 $ 123,843.18 1,074,204.29 12,214.45 2,012,049.56 139,277.35 136,244.30 25,625.00 68,218.76 6,583.45 17 ,428.36 219,379.20 211,506.00 23,082.75 6.607;35 S 4 076264 00 $ 693,098.00 29,205.96 85,483.06 16,037.00 110,.893.18 9,667.14 827,998.11 43,177 .44 22,203.78 8,231.98 4;275.00 12,441.16 2,269,250.60 55,742.00 99,912.46 9,900.00 90,788.39 15,386.22 4,278.01 107,942.00 646,571.43 13,452.91 68,272.56 296,030.36 59.50 14,110.00 784.48 9,705.72 S 5 564 898.4.5 $ 285,263.19 cr. 12.606.802.46 $12;321,539.27 12,158,738.98 $ 162 800 29 ,0 - 2 - ELGIN.MANOR Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1989 :Receipts iExpendi tures 'Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st. 1989 s BALANCES NOT AVAILABLE TERRACE LODGE Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1989 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand May 31st, 1989 s FROM HOMES : ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ---= /<'..- ~ G. C. Leverton, County Clerk and Treasurer. ~~ 261 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the E~9in County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the quotation of Woodman Janitorial Service in the amount of $425.00 per week be accepted to act Bsa vacation replacement for the Caretaker at the Administration Building for the weeks of July 24th - July 28th, 1989 and August 21st - August 25th, 1989. ALL of which is respectfu~y submitted. fYLd~ K. C. Emerson Cha~. . . r;:ut...;r~ SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT June 21st Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County, Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution of the Regional. Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth regarding Bill 162 regarding the Workers' compensation Act be endorsed. 2. and other filed. That Correspondence #2 re: Regulation of Social Workers Social service Practitioners: A Consultation Paper be 3. That the letter from the Minister of Comrnuni.ty and Social SerVices re; smoking regulations in Ontario be filed. 4. That the concerns of the Sunshine Manor be presented to the Minister of Health for consideration, presentation by Chairman and Members of the Social Servi.cesCommittee, and that the Chairman contact our Member of Parliament, Marietta Roberts, to set up the meeting. S. That we recommend the purchase of Homemaking Services through Med+Care Partnership be approved and that a by-law be presented_authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign the appro- priate agreement, . subject to being approved.for subsidy purposes. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. C'~ ?t.' c. R. W1l1Sey~ Chai.rl'llan. c:ttt-*' ;z;::{ 263 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-31 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE 01 RURAL TELEVISION CABLE SYSTEMS INC. AT 950 SYSCON ROAO. 8URLINGTON. ONTARIO. L7L 5SZ. (HEREINAFTER CALLEO THE "COMPANY" AND WHICH TERM SHALL INCLUOE ITS SUCCESSORS ANO ASSIGNS) TO INSTALL. CONSTRUCT. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN WORKS REQUIREO FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF TELEVISION. RADIO ANO RELATEO COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS ANO SERVICES WITHIN A PORTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (HEREINAFTER CALLEO THE "MUNICIPALITY")." WHEREAS the Company has requested the Corporation of the County of Elgin to grant it a license or right entitling the Company to install, construct, operate and maintain within the Village of Port Burwell works required for the transmission and distribution of television, radio and related communications sig- nals and services transmitted through a network of coaxial cable lines owned by the Company; and WHEREAS subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter setforth,the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to grant the said license. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED. by the Municipal Council of . the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as follows: 1. . The consent, permission and authority. of the Corporation of the County of _ Elgin be and the same are hereby granted,con- ferred and assUred unto the Company, _its successors .and assigns for a term of twenty years to enter upon, re~enter, useando~cupy all highways now or hereafter within the geographic boundaries of the Village of, Port Burwell and over which the Corporation of the County of Elgin has jurisdiction or will hereafter be entitled (hereinafter called the-Licensed LandS.) within the County of Elgin to install, construct, operate, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace and reconstruct such works (herein- after called .Works.) as may be required by the Company for the purpose of transmitting and distributing television, radio and related communications signals and services throughout the County of Elgin. Such works may be located on, under or over the Licensed Lands in the manner as may be designated in accordance with the terms of the Agreement annexed hereto. For the purpose of this By-Law and the said Agreement such Works shall include all cables, connections, conduits, pedestals, towers, poles, appara- tus, appliances and attachments necessary or incidental to such purpose. 2. Such right or license shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set out in an agreement to be entered into between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Company in pursu- ance of this By-Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto a'tt=.ched. 3. The Warden and Clerk. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be and _they are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on. behalf of_ the corporation of -the County of Elgin the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. - 2 - 4. Th~s By-Law shall come into force and take effect ~ediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the parties thereto. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a second t~e this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of June, 1989. -<f: ./. . . -- ;4-.J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. rUY .;Cd A. K. Ford, warden. 265 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of .1989. BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter called the -Municipality. of the FIRST PART - and - 01 RURAL TELEVISIONCABLESYSTEMS INC. hereinafter called the-Company. of the SECOND PART WHEREAS the Company desires to install, construct. operate and maintain certain works within the geographic boundaries of ~he Village of Port Burwell for the purpose of transmitting, distri- buting and selling television, radio and related communications signals and services transmitted through a network of coaxial cable lines owned by the Company: and NHEREASthe Company has requested the Municipality to grsnt to the Company, its successors end assigns, permission and authority to install, construct, operate and:maintein such works on, under or over highw8YS under the jurisdiction of the Municip81ity in the Vil18geof Port Burwell on the terms. and conditions herein8fter set forth; and WHEREAS by By-Law passed by the Council of the Municipality, the Warden and Clerk of the Municipality have been authorized and directed to execute, seal and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Municipality. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WI'l'NESSETH that in consideration of the sum of 'l'NO DOLLARS ($2.00) now paid by the Company to the Municipality, the receipt" and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the performance of the coven- ants and obligations of the Company as hereinafter set forth, the Parties hereto" agree as follows; 1. The consent. permission and..authority .of the Municipality are hereby granted. conferred and assured unto the Company. itssucces- sors and assigns to enter upon, re-enter. use and occupy all highways now or hereafter, within the Village of Port Burwell, over - 2 - which jurisdiction they have or to which the Municipality will hereafter be entitled (hereinafter called the -Licensed Lands.) within the geographic boundaries of the Village of ?ort Burwell to install, construct, operate, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace and reconstruct such works (hereinafter called .Works.) as may be required by the Company for the purpose of transmitting and distributing television, radio and related communications signals and services throughout the geographic boundaries of the Municipality. Such Works may be located on, under or over the Licensed Lands in the manner as may be designated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement such Works sha~l include all cables, connections, conduits, pedestals, towers, poles, apparatus, appliances and attachments necessary or incidenta~ to such purpose. 2. All Works shal~ be installed in accordance with good engineer- ing and construction practices. The location of all Works shall be subject to the direction and ap~roval of the Municipality'S Engineer (which term means from time to time such employee of the Municipality as the Municipality shall have designated as such for the purposes of this Agreement, or failing such designation, the senior employee of the Municipality for the time being charged with the administration of public works and highways in the Municipality). Whenever it may be reasonable and practicable such Works shall be installed along the sides of highways and shall interfere as little as pOSSible with the use and enjoyment of the Licensed Lands and other works and improvements located thereon. 3. Except in the event of emergency no excavation, opening or work which shall disturb or interfere with the surface of any highway shall be made or done unless a permit therefore has been obtained from the Municipality'S Engineer and all such work shall be done under his supervision and to his satisfaction. 4. The Company, before beginning any new Works or extensions to such Works under this Agreement, save and except lateral connec- tions to the dwellings of-subscribers to the company's services, shall file with the Municipality'S Engineer a plan drawn to scale showing the Licensed Lands on which it proposes to construct Works, 267 - 3 - together with written specifications of such Works. The Company shall provide the Municipality's Engineer with a revised plan of such Works should there be any alteration in the plan originally filed with the Municipality's Engineer. 5. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construction of any work belonging to the Municipality on the Licensed Lands and in the course of such alteration it shall become necessary to have the Company make changes in the company~s Works in order to facilitate such alteration, then upon receipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Hunicipal Engineer. the Company shall at its own expense change its Works in the manner required. 6. The Company shall carry out the work of constructing, repair- ing, rep~acing or removing any such Works with all reasonabie di~igence so that the Licensed Lands shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary period of tim~. After completion of such work the Company shall restore the Licensed Lands to the level, grade, condition and state of covering and repair as existed prior to the commencement of -such work free of obstruction to the satisfaction of theHunicipa~ity's Engineer, save and except the location on the Licensed Lands. of structures being part of such Works. In the event that the Company fails at any time to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph 6, the Municipality may forthwith have such restoration work done at the expense of the Company and the Company shall on demand pay any reasonable account therefore certified by the Municipality's Engineer. 7. The Company shall at al~ times whol~y indemnify the Municipality from and agains~ all loss, damage, injury and expense to which the Municipality may be put by reason of any damage or injury to persons or property resulting from the construction, repair, mai~tenance, removal or operation by the Company of any of its Works located on the Licensed Lands unless such ~oss, damage, injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporation other than the Company, its servants, contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees. - , - 8. The Municipality will not build, nor permit any other person, firm or corporation to build any structure or structures encasing any of the company's Works. 9. The license hereby granted by the Municipality shall be for a term of TWENTY {201 Years from the date hereof. This Agreement shall not be construed to require the Company to construct any works on any part of the Licensed Lands. 10. Notwithstanding that the Company's Works shall become affixed to the Licensed Lands, the Company shall at all times retain title to such Works. Upon the expiration of the term of this license or any renewal thereof, the Company shall have the right. but noth;ng herein shall require it, to remove its Works from the Licensed Lands, provided that forthwith upon such expiration the Company shall deactivate such Works. If the Company should leave its Works on the Licensed Lands as aforesaid and the Municipality should at any time after a lapse of ONE (I) year from the expiry of the term of this license or any renewal thereof require the removal of any or all of such Works, the Munic~pality may remove and dispose of so much of the said Works as the Municipality may require and neither Party to this Agreement shall have recourse against the other for any loss, cost or expense occasioned thereby. 11. Whenever the word Rhighway. is used in this Agreement it shall mean common and public highways and shall include any bridge form- ing part of a highway on or over and across which a highway is located and any public square or road allowance and shall include not only the travelled portion of such highway, but also ditches, driveways, sidewalks, sodded areas and all areas forming part of the road allowance. 12. Any notice to be given under any of the provisions of this Agreement may be effectually given to the Municipality by deliver- iug tne S~~ to the Municipal Cl~~k or by sending the same to him by registered mail postage prepaid: to the Company by delivery or by registered mail postage prepaid to~ 950 5yscon Road, Burlington, Ontario L7L 552 or such addresses the Company may from time to time designate. Any such notice, if delivered, sha~l be deemed to be received on the 269 - 5 - date of delivery; if mailed, on the day that is the day of actual receipt or TWO (2) business days after the date of mailing, which- ever is the earlier. 13. This Agreement shall extend to, benefit and bind the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and this Agreement .signedby its proper officers authorized in that behalf and the Municipality has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and this Agreement signed by the Warden and the Clerk. '!'HE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Warden Clerk 01 RURAL TELEVISION CABLESYSTEHS INC. COUNTY OF ELGIN BYeLaw No. 89-32 "8EING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED." WHEREAS Natural Resource Gas L~ted desires to distri- bute and sell gas within the County of Elgin, and WHEREAS the Gas Company has requested the Corporation af the County of Elgin, to grant to it a franchise or right to use road allowances. now or at any t~e during the term hereof under the jurisdiction of the County for the purpose of laying, constructing, maintaining, replacing,removing, operating and repairing a gas system for the supply, distribution and transmis- sion of gas in and through the County: and WHEREAS the terms and conditions as stipulated in a franchise agreement are acceptable to the County. NOW THEREFORE. the Municipal council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as fol~ows~ 1. That the Warden and the C~erk are hereby authorized to execute a franchise agreement between the corporation of the County of E~gin and Natura~ResoUrce Gas Limited for the purpose of ~aying, constructing. maintaining_ replacing. removing. oper- ating and repairing a gas system for the supply, distriputionand transmission of gas in and through the County. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a second time this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a third time and fina~~y passed this 21st day of June, 1989. ...-::r- ~ . ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. (frlL.r~ A.. . Ford, Warden. 271 h G R E E MEN T made in duplicate this BETWEEN day of A.D. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN hereinafter called -the Corporation- OF THE FIRST PART -and- NA'l'URAL RESOURCEGAS.LIMI'l'ED hereinafter called the -Gas company. OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Gas Company desires to distribute and sell gas in the Municipality upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS by by-law passed by the Municipal Council of the corporation (the -By-Law"), the Warden and the Clerk have been authorized and directed to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Corporation. THEREFORE the corporation and the Gas Company agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS 1. In this Agreement: (a) -gas. means natural gas, manufactured gas, synthetic natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or propane-air gas, or a mixture of any of them, but does not include a ~ique~ied petroleum gas that is distributed by,meanS other than a pipeline, (b) -gas system- means such mains, plants, pipes, conduits, services, valves, regulators, curb boxes, stations, drips or such other equipment as the Gas Company may require or deem desirable for the supply, transmission and distribution of gas in or through the Municipality, (cl -highway. means all common and public highways and shall include any bridge, viaduct or structure forming part of a highway, and any public square, road allowance or walkway and shall include not only the travelled portion of such highway, but also ditches, driveways, sidewalks, and sodded areas fcrmin9 pert of the road allowance now or at any time during the term hereof under the jurisdiction of the Corporation: (d) -Municipality- means the territorial limits of the Corporation on the date when this Agreement takes effect, and any territory which may thereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the corporation, 272 - 2 - (e) -Engineer/Road Superintendent~ means the most senior individual employed by the Corporation with ~esponsibilities for highways within the Municipality or the person designated by such senior employee or such other person as may from time to time be designated by the Municipal Council of the corporation. II~ RIGHTS GRANTED 1. To use road allowances The consent of the Corporation is hereby given and granted to the Gas Company to enter upon all highways now or at any time hereafter under the jurisdiction of the corporation and to lay, construct, maintain, replace, remove, operate and repair a gas system for the supply, distribution and transmission of gas in and through the Municipality. 2. Duration of Agreement and Renewal Procedures The rights hereby given and granted shall be for a term of twenty (20) years from the date of final passing of the By-Law. At any time within two (2) years prior to the expiration of this Agreement, either Party may give notice to the other that it desires to enter into negotiations for a renewed franchise upon such terms and conditions as. may be agreed upon. Until such renewal has been settled, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall continue, notwithstanding the expiration of this Agreement. Nothing herein stated shall preclude either party from applying to the Ontario Energy Board for a renewal of the Agreement pursuant to Section 10 of the Municipal Franchises Act. III. COND:t'rIONS 1. Approval of Construction Before beginning construction of or any extension or change to the gas system (except service laterals which do not interfere with municipal works in the highway), the Gas Company shall file with the Engineer/Road Superintendent a plan, satisfactory to the Engineer! Road Superintendent, drawn to scale and of sufficient detail considering the complexity of the specific location. showing the highways in which it proposes to lay its gas system and the particu- lar parts thereof it proposes to occupy. Geodetic information will not be required except in complex urban intersections in order to 273 - 3 - facilitate known projects, being projects which are reasonably anticipated by the Engineer/Road superintendent. The Engineer/Road Superintendent may require sections of the gas system to be laid at a greater depth than required by CAN/CSh-Z184~M86 to facilitate known projects. The location of the work-as shown on the said plan must be approved by the Engineer/Road Superintendent before the commencement of the work and the timing, terms and conditions relat- ing to the installation of such works shall be to his satisfaction. Notwithstendingthe provisions of the above-noted paragraph, in the event it is proposed to affix a part of the gas system to a bridge, viaduct or structure. the Engineer/Road superintendent m~y, if the Engineer/Road superintendent approves of such 1ocation, require special conditions or a separate agreement. No excavation, opening or work which shall disturb or interfere with the surface of the travelled portion of any highway shall be made or done unless a permit therefore has first been obtained from the Engineer/Road superintendent and all works shall be done to his satisfaction. The Engineer/Road superintendent's:approval, where required through- out this section, shall not be withheld unreasonably. 2. As Built Dra~ings The Gas Company shall not deviate from the approved location for any part of the gas system unless the prior approval of the Engineer/ Road superintendent to do so is received. After completion of the construction, where plans were initially filed, an -as built- plan of equal quality to the pre-construction plan or certification that the pre_construction plan is -as built- will be filed with the Engineer/Road Superintendent. 3. Emergencies In the event of any emergency involving the gas system, the Gas Company will proceed with the work and in any instance where prior approval of the Engineer/Road Superintendent is normally required, shall use its best efforts to ~diately notify ~he Engineer/Road superintendent of the location and nature of the emergency and the work being done and, if it deems appropriate, notify the police force having jurisdiction. - 4 - 4. Restoration The Gas Company shall well and sufficiently restore, to the reason- able satisfaction of the Engineer/Road Superintendent, all high~ays. municipal works or improvements which it may excavate or interfere with in the course of laying. constructing, repairing or removing its gas system, and shall make good any settling or subsidence thereafter caused by such excavation or interference. If the Gas Company fails at any time to do any work required by this Paragraph within a reasonable period of time, the corporation may do or cause such work to be done and the Gas Company shall, on demand, pay any reasonable account therefore as certified by the Engineer/Road Superintendent. 5. Indemnification The Gas Company shall, at all times~ indemnify and save harmless the Corporation from and against al~ claims, including costs related thereto, for a~~ damages or injuries including death to any person or persons and for damage to any property. arising out of the Gas Company operating, constructing, and maintaining its gas system in the Municipality, or uti~izing its gas system for the carriage of gas owned by others. Provided that the Gas Company shall not be required to indemnify or save harmless the corporation from and against claims, including costs related thereto, which it may incur by reason of damages or injuries including death to any person or persons and for damage to any property, resulting from the negli- gence or wrongfu~ act of the Corporation, its servants, agents or employees. 6. Alternative Easement The Corporation agrees, in the event of the proposed sale or closing of any highway or any part of a highway where there is a gas line in existence, to give the Gas Company reasonable notice of such pro- posed sale or closing and to provide. if it is feasible, the Gas Company with easements over that part of the highway proposed to be sold or closed sufficient to allow the Gas Company to preserve any part of the gas system in its then existing location. In the event that such easements cannot be provided. the Corporation will share, as provided in Clause III-7 of this Agreement, in the cost of relocatirig or altering the gas system to facilitate continuity of gas service. L./":> - 5 - 7. Pipeline Relocation If in the course of constructing, reconstructing, changing. altering or improving any highway or any municipal works, the corporation deems that it is necessary to take up, remove or change the location of any part of the gas system, the Gas Company shall. upon notice to do so, removeand/6r relocate within a reasonable period of time such part of the gas system to a location approved by the Engineer! Road Superintendent. Where any part of the gas system relocated in accordance with this Section is located on a bridge, viaduct or structure, the Gas Company shall alter or relocate, at its sole expense, such part of the gas system. Where any part of the gas system relocated in accordance with this Section is located other than on a bridge~ viaduct or structure~ the cost of relocation shall be shared between the Corporation and the Gas Company on the basis of the total relocation co~ls~ excluding the value of any upgrading. of the gas sy~tem; and ~deducting any contribution paid to the Gas COmpany by others in respect to such relocation; and for these pUrposes. the total relocation costs shall be the aggregate of the followingl fa) the amount paid to Gas Compeny employees up to ~nd including field supervisors for the hours worked on the project plus the current cost of fringe benefits for these employees, (b) the amount paid for rental equipment while in use on the project and an amount. charged at the unit rate. for Gas Company equipment while in use on the project. Ie) the amount paid by the Gas Company to contractors for work related to the project. (d) the cost to the Gas Company for materials used in connection with the project. anQ (e) a reasonable amount for project engineering and project administrative costs which shall be 22.5% of the aggregate of the amounts determined in items {al. ibi. (e) {dl above. The total relocation costs as calculated above shall be paid 35% by the corporation and 65% by the Gas Company. - 6 - 8. Notice to Drainage Superintendent In a case where the ga~ system may affect a municipal drain, the Gas Company shall file with the Drainage Superintendent. for the purpose of the DrainaqeAct, or other person responsible for the drain, a copy of the plan required to be filed with the Engineer/Road Superintendent. 9. Other Conditions Notwithstanding the cost sharing arrangements described in Paragraph 111-7, if any part of the gas system altered or relocated in accord- ance with Paragraph 111-7 was constructed or installed prior to January 1st, 1981, the Gas Company shall alter or relocate, at its sole expense, such part of the gas system at the point specified. to a location satisfactory to the Engineer/Road Superintendent. Municipal cost sharing for relocations requested by the corporation involving any part of the gas system installed on or after January 1st, 1981 shall be phased-in as follows for projects completed; (il Between May 21st, 1989 and May 20th~ 1990, the corporation shall bear 20% of the total relocation costs. (iil Between May 21st, 1990 and May 20th, 1991~ the corporation shall bear 2S% of the total relocation costs. {iiil Between May 21st, 1991 and May 20th, 1992~ the Corporat~on shall bear 30% of the total relocation costs. (iv) On and after May 21st, 1992, Paragraph 111-7 herein applies. IV. PROCEDURAL AND OTHER MA'l"l'ERS 1. Municipal By-Laws of General Application This agreement and the respective rights and obligations hereunto of the parties hereto are hereby declared to be subject to the provisions of all regulating statutes and all municipal by-laws of general application and to all orders and regulations made thereunder from time to time remaining in effect save and except by- laws which impose permit fees and by-laws which have the effect of ----~~-- ~~.- ~-------~ eu,..".........u':f ......... ....';1..."''''''''....... 2. Giving Notice Notices may be given by delivery or by mail, and if mailed, by prepaid registered post, to the Gas Company at its head office or to the Clerk of the corporation at its municipal offices, as the case may be. 277 _ 7 - 3. Disposition of Gas System During the term of this Agreement, if the Gas Company abandons a part of its gas system affixed to a bridge, viaduct or structure, the Gas Company sha~l. at its sole expense. remove that part of its gas system affixed to the bridge, viaduct or structure. If at any time the Gas Company abandons any other part of its gas system, it shall deactivate that part of its gas system in the Municipality. Thereafter, the Gas Company shall have the right, but nothing herein contained shall require it, to remove its gas system. If the Gas Company fails to remove its gas system and the corporation requires the removal of all or any of the gas system for the purpose of altering or improving a highway or in order to facilitate the construction of utility or other works in any highway, the corporation may remove and dispose of so much of the deactivated gas system as the Corporation may require for such purposes and neither party shall have recourse against the other for any loss, cost. expense or damage occasioned thereby. 4. Agreement Binding Parties This Agreement shall extend to, benefit and bind the parties thereto, their successors and assigns. respectively. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have duly executed these presents with effect from the date first above written. THE CORPORATiON OF THE COUNTY OF ELGiN Warden Clerk NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMiTED PresJ.dent COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-33 "8EING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A LETTER OF UNOERSTANOING WITH THE CANADIAN UNION OF PU8LIC EMPLOYEES (LOCAL 841>. " WHEREAS the County Library is employing persons, by way of the Canada Manpower Grant, arranged through the Ontario Library Consortium, and WHEREAS terms and conditions which will apply to these persons to implement the program have been agreed to with the Union. NOW THEREFORE the MunicipalCauncil of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a Letter of Understanding between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian union of Public Employees (Local 841) re: persons employed by way of the Canada Manpower Grant, arranged through the Ontario Library Consortium. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a second t~ this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a third time. and finally passed this 21st day of June, 1989. ~ -" L-<..<;4--./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. da..r ;C" A. K. Ford, Warden. APPENlJIX "A" I.etter of Understanding between corporation of tile County of Elgin ond Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841) This letter. details the . agreement reached. between the. above. named parties which- will apply to the persons employed by the WilY of the Canada Manpower Grant,. arranged for Elgin County Library (and others) through thc OiltarioLibrary Consortium. The following terms and conditions wilt apply to aU persons selected to implement the program referred to above: (a) nil statutory benefits provided in the Employment Standards Act must be made ualIable to them by their employer; (b) during the period of their employment under the grant they will not accumulate seniority; (c) in the event of a layoff of union members in the library, then this program would cease; (d) it is understood that the persons employed under this program would not displace any present employees; (e) theseleeted employees would not be used to deliberately circumvent overtime work which normally would. be ..assigned. to present . stoff members; nor slmll they perform anyworknormelly. perforD:J:ed by the members of the bargaining unit; (() it .is . understood. thetno employffis) wlll be required to .trallllport people or equipment unless it has been spproved through mutual agreement of both parties. (g) if a vacancy occurs-at the completion of the program, It wlllbe posted.as. required, .wlth.preference being given- to present ernployees who are willing and capable of taking training on the operations; (11) the persons selected to perform the work and to be trained. under this grant prugram will not be considered to be employees of the Library; the persons will be 8upervised by . the Coordinator in the main office and when working In. the branches will be supervised by the Branch Supervisors. (i) during find before completion of lhe project the persons involved in the program will be required to train the present union employees in all procedures; the people to be trained will be. chosen by mutuel agreement of both parties. Signed at St. ToomBS, this,,(~ ~ day of :\~ 1989. For the Union For the Corporation of the County of Elgin ,f" /5 ~QI( if. Ji!ttl ft- :?)~/lLh_ /7~/. 7'-~ J __~-"r..' ~~ 279 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-34 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JUNE 21ST SESSION. 1989." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980,. the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municip~ Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resoLution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the June 21st, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper. officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized. and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 21st day of June, 1989. READ a second time this 21st day of Juna, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of June, 1989. ....---~~ G. C. Leverton Clerk. ' Ov.L:;t-..-r-i A. K. Ford, Warden. 281 July Session - First Day Wednesday, the 19th day of July, 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building. ~t It40-P.M., in a special Session. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - hll Members present. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the minutes of the June 21st. 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Hartyn Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. _ Carried. FIRST REPORT ~ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE The First Report of the County Library Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve Millman and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Millman and Reeve Allin. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve NeukammandReeve Collins. A joint meeting between County Council and City Council was discussed for the fall. County Council forwarded dates to the City of October 12th or 13th. These dates were unacceptable and the City suggested October 30th or 24th. County Council agreed to meeting with the City on Tuesday, OCtober 24th, 1989 at the Talbot Study at 7100 P.M. The City is to host the meal. - 2 - Mov"!'d by Reevo;! Rushrnere Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That ~ounty Council forward a letter to M.O.E. regarding the concern of the present Water Restrictions in West Elgin, affecting the Villages of West Lorne, Dutton and Rodney, Townships of Dunwicih and Aldborough and -their ability to provide the necessary services to their ratepayers. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman Whereas the study of the role of County Government undertaken by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs involved two different groups who toured the province entertaining briefs and presentations by local municipal- ities, boards, groups and even individuals: and Whereas this work encompassed a periOd of several years and resulted in the production of two reportsl 1. Report of the Advisory Committee on County Government .Patterns for the Future. - November 1987 2. Report of the Consultation Committee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs ~ released April 20th. 19897 and Whereas the last report requested comments on the recommendations by all municipalities by July 14th, 19897 and Whereas the suggested changes can have drastic effects on all levels of municipal government and requires considerably more time to digest and make rational comments, more in keeping with the time spent by the last Consultation Committee in drawing them up. Now Therefore it. is recommended to the Minister of Municipal ^ffairs that the deadline of July 14th. 1989 be extended to a later date to allow- for a more reasonable period of time to respond to this very important document. - Carried. Reeve D.V. Chute and Deputy Reeve M.L. Millman both addressed Council and advised that they were going to be candidates for the Office of Warden for the year 1990. Reeve D. J. Avram expressed concern for the time lost by Members of Council who were not on the Committees meeting that day. In addition, he felt that County Government should also look at refining the system for the running of Council with a view to making the time spent more efficient. Warden Ford referred both these matters to the County Government Committee for consideration. Moved by Deputy Reeve ~i~~n Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-35 .Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between Med+Care Partnership and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services. be read a first time. - Cal:':ded. Hoved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Martyn That By-Law No. 89-35 be read a second time. - Carried. LtJ3 _ 3 _ County Council, July Session, 1969 Moved by Reeve Me7.enberg Se<;onded by Deputy Reeve nay That By-Law No. 89-35 be read a thi-rd time and finally passed. .,. Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 89-36 -Being a By-Law to Facilitate Repair of Highways and Bridges Under the Jurisdiction of the corporation of the County of Elgin- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-36 be read a second time. - Ci!lrried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy. Reeve,Sandham Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-37-8ei09 a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Deed Joiritly :with the Township of Malahide to Mr. Leroy Eicher for a Portion of Lot 35, Concession VIII, Township of Malahide- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Avram That By-Law No. 89~37 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 89-37 be read a third time and finally passed. _ Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 89-38 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Consent and Waiver of Notice Under the Land Titles Act- be read a first time. _ Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 89-38 be read a second time. - Carried, 84 - , - Movp.d by Deputy Reeve van Kaste~en Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 89-38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-39 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 87-1, Desig- nating Through Highways. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That By-Law No. 89-39 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By-Law No. 89.]9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By~Law No. 89-40 -A By-Law to Amend the By-Law Adopting a Plan of County Road. Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway Improve- ment Act- be- read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-40 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandlerendonck Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No~ 89-40 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-41 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-23. a By- Law for the Regulation of Traffic- be read a first time. ~ carried. Mcved by Reev~ ~avereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-41 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That Ry-Law No. 89-41 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. L:l:S:> _ 5 _ County Council, July Session, 1989 Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-42 WBeing a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign Two Letters of Understanding with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841l-be read a first time. - Carried. M~ved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. B9~42 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandharn That By-Law No. 89-42 be read a third time and finally passed. - Cl!lrried. Hovedby Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-43 -A By_Law .to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 19th Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 89-43 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve. MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Avram That By-Law No. 89~43 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Willsey That we do now adjourn (2143 P.M.) to meet again on september 27th, 1989 at 10100 A.M. - Carried. _~,-,,_(.......-:-.>4--........./ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. ~-Ford, warden. COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT July 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. members force. That we recommend that County Council and Land Division be paid biweekly instead of monthly as presently in 2. That the request of Rose M. Daniel to be allowed to attend the A.C.R.D. Convention in Sudbury with expenses paid be approved (October 15-18, 1989). 3. That we recommend that the. County. Solicitor be instructed to proceed with the implementation of parking by-law enforcement under Part 2 of the Provincial Offences Act. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~ ,- CZ::z: A. .J. van.,K~eren..-- Chairman. c1.L.td :;:;:"t COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE JULY 19. 1989 SESSION FlRSTREPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOURROAO CO,,"ImE REPORTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Construction continues on the Middlemiss Bridge over the Thames River. The contractor McLean Taylor limited has completed the erection of steel and is presently placing deck form work and deck reinforcing steel. They hope to have the deck poured by the end of August. They are also placing rip rap on the north blink of the river. 2. Walmsley Bros. Limited have completed asphalt paving on County Road 657 (SouthdaleRoad), the top coat on County Road 122 (Fairview) near County Road 127, and the top coat of asphalt on County Road 124 from the top of the Port Bruce hill westerly as well as work for the Township ofYannouth and paving at the St. Thomas psychiatric Hospital for the Ministry of Government Services. Before the end of July they expect to complete top coat. paving on County Road 12 between the Coyne Road and County Road 15 and complete their resurfacing contract on county Road 118 ~estof County Road 14 as well as the top coat work at the Port Talbot Culverts on County Road 116 and the Shaw Culverts on County Road 145. 3. Tenders were called for the erection of two (2) pre-engineered steel garage buildings at Whites Station to replace the old hangar building which was removed earlier in the year. The lowest tender received was in excess of $233,000 and had been modified from the County.s specifications. The Committee rejected all tenders and have accepted a Quotation from Steel Way Building Systems, R. R. IS, Aylmer for the material for two (2) buildings in the amount $145;590.4B (inclUding Provincial Sales lax). Materials in the amount of approximately $17,500 from other sources are also required. One building will be 801 Wide X 126' long with a 14. X 14' door in each end. This building will house pickup trucks, tractors, etc. The other building will be 70' Wide X 150' long with 125' of the south side open and will house dump trucks and winter control vehicles. Continued , 37A COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE JULY 19, 1989 SESSION FIRST REPORT PAGE 2. Steel Way Building Systems will not only supply the material but the necessary plans to meet the Ministry of labour's requirements. In the original tender call the County was to supply all site work, concrete and electrical work. Your Committee has decided to erect these buildings using County forces in late Fall and early Winter. 4. Traffic is now using the diverted County Road U30 through Concession XlII. Township of Yarmoutn. It is hoped to place a base coat of pavement on this road by mi d-August. If sufficient funds are available a top coat of asphalt will be placed later on in the year. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by. law passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed on behalf of the County of Elgin jointly with the Township of Malahide to sell a portion of lot 35, Concession VIII, Township of Halahide to Mr. Leroy Eicher. This property was formerly owned by the County of Elgin and sold to the Township of Malahide some years ago. As part of the agreement the. Township of Malahide agreed to pay 501 of any increase in cost over the purchase price and disposal expenditures to' the County of Elgin. 2. That a by.law be passed amending the by. law adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement establishing the County road system under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. This by-h\lll will designate the constructed road through Lot 8, Concession XItI. Township of Yarmouth as County Road 030. At the same time it is necessary to change the numbers and the descriptions of the present County Road 030 between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII and between Concession XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth as well a portion of the Townline Road between Westminster and Yarmouth TownShips (Road 134). Continued. . . '<00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE JULY 19, 1989 SESSION FIRST REPORT PAGE 3. This will allow proper designation for a through highway by-law and will allow the portions of Road 130 no longer being used as the main road to be reverted to the Township of Yarmouth at it later date. 3. That a by";iaw be passed reverting the portion of County Road 120 (Carlow Road) south of Bridge Street (Highway 14) in the Village of Port Stanley to the Village of Port Stanley. The Village has agreed to assume Carlow Road as a Village street. 4. That it by-law be passed to amend By-Law No. 87.;.01 (Through Highway By-Law) to designate County Road 130 as constT'Ucted in Lot 8. Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth as a through road and designate the Division Line portion of Road #9 in Aldboroughas it through road. 5. That it by-law be passed amending By~LawNo. 84-23 regulating parking and adding a section to Part 'e' as follows: No vehicle with a registered gross weight in excess of 4,000 kilograms shall remain parked or standing upon any part of highway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin for a period exceeding three (3) continuous hours or remain parked or standing 'upon any part of a highway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 6. That a by-law be passed to facilitate the repair of high",ays and bridges under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin. This by-law prohibits the placement of signs, garbage and other refuse on the County road allowance. We have been advised that until we have such a by-law in place we can take no legal action against people who place signs and other materials on the road allowance. We have had several cases where people have refused to remove derelict motor vehicles, signs, etc. on the County roads and we have been powerless to have them removed. When this by-law is passed the County will be able to take appropriate action. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE JULY 19, 1989 SESSION FIRST REPORT PAGE 4. 7. That a by-law be passed empowering the Warden and Clerk to sign a consent and waiver of notice with regard to the boundaries of County Road 020 {Carlow Road} in the Village of Port Stanley shown on a plan drawn by I. C. McLaren Limited, Ontario land Surveyors, dated November 16, 1988 which shows the boundaries of Carlow Road in part of lot 11 and lot 12, east ofCar1ow Road, Registered Plan 11l7, Village of Port Stanley. ~t!'j The Signing of this consent to occur only after an agreement satisfactory to the County of Elgin Road COmittee has been received from 756901 Ontario Limited and a certified cheque in the amount required by the County of Elgin Road Comittee be deposited with the Treasurer. An agreement is presently being negotiated with 756901 Ontario limited with regard to restoration work which will be required on County Road #20 and the channelization required for entrance to the Harbour Club condominium site. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMImD _$;II'O.~ w. AJ MAR N CHAIRMAN ~4 HnM~~ pn~ ~F.NIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT Jul.,:!,' 1Sth Session, 1989 fIRST REPORT To the ~arden and Members of the Elgie County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator and Clerk be authorized to pay the accounts for th~ 25th Anniversary B~rbecue (July 15/89) prior to the next meeting u~o~ receipt of invoice. 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized tc forward a copy of the Peat Harwick Report 1989 to the following: ~arietta Rocerts. M.P.P. Elgin Janet Golding, Mayor, City of St. Thomas and Council of the City of St. Thomas. ALL of which is rescectfully submitted. :bl. k- 62l? D. v. Chute, Chairman ~ ;z;::.t PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT July 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend ~hat Canada Trust be engaged to act for the County in leasing the available space in the Coun~y Administra~ion Building. 2. That the Clerk be authorized ~o purchase the following furniture for the basement smoking room: 24 beige stacking chairs @ $18.90 ea. 2 - 60. round tables @ $142.00 ea. 3. That we recommend that the firm of wallis Plumbing be engaged to replace the domestic hot water pipes in the basement on a time and material basis. 4. That the Clerk has been authorized to have Don Crocker Construction install shelving and a coat rack in the Personnel Offices. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /(J:.L~J K. C. Emerson Chairman. . tUb~;::;'i 291 2 LIBRAR'{ COMMITTEE REPORT July 19th, 1989 Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the proposed Lease for .the Corporation of the Municipality of Southwo1d conceming the Shedden Library be forwarded to the Municipality for the comments of their solicitor, and referred to County Council for their consideration. 2. That the Library begin preparing the essays of Garrett Oakes for publication withtha cost spread over 1989 and 1990. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. /: i.~_~.~.... /7 }..Pt~-v Marian Millman, Chairman. c::z;u.....-~ PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT July 19th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Personnel Committee reports as follows; 1. That as Mrs. Susan Galloway has worked part~time as Secretary-Treasurer of the Land Division Committee since August 6th, 1985, we recommend that she not be subject to the usual probationary period and the health and welfare benefits become effective immediately on the date she commences full time employ- ment. 2. That Policy 10.130 Part Time Employee Recognition be amended to read 1,500 hours instead of 1,600 hours to credit for one year's service. 3. That the following employment policy be added as 7.70: Part time employees who transfer to full time service, without a break in employment, shall be credited, for vaca- tion entitlement purposes only, with one year's service for every 1,500 hours worked. The conversion will take into account the number of hours in the current year which the employee will work until December 31st to determine vacation entitlement for the following year. 4. That for the purpose of an employee transferring from part time to ftill time -employment credit for sick leave entitle- ment be determined by 1;500 hours equalling one year ,and the number of full time days and part days be calculated accordingly. 5. That a by-law .be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign a Letter of Understanding between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees {Local 841) with respect to waiving time limits for Grievance #3-89. 6. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign a Letter of Understanding between the corporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841) to amend the pay schedules. 7. That Employment Policy 9.90 entitled -Bereavement Leave- be adopted as per the attached. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~~L.k~ E. Neu amm, Chairman. :1..,;.i;,t"'~( L':J.j County of Elp-in ,,~..lt,,"'. .'. '.;., - \",.~l"_~" Section: 9 I?Ae:eo lof 1 Subjer.t: BereavernP.n~. I.eave Personnel Policy Manual Code - NU/PT/FT Policy Number: 9.90 Date Approved: Oct. 1. 1987 Date Last Revision: July 19, 1969 (al In the case of the death of a member of an employee's immediate family. a leave of abeence of up to three (3) days will be granted for the purpose of arranging or att~ndin~ the funeral. The three (3) days shall. however, include normal days off and ~hall conclude on the day of the funeral. (bl These days will he paid at the employees re~ular rat~ for the hours scheduled~ (e) '"Immediate Family" is defined as: spouse, child. mother. father. brother, sister, grandchild. son- in-law. daughter-in-law, brother-in-law. sister-in-law. inother- in-law, father~in-law.grandparent. aunt and uncle. (d) A statutory holiday which falls durin~ a bereavement leave will not extend the leave. (el Bereavement leave which falls during a vacation period will be counted ae part of the vacation. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-35 "8EING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY DF ELGTN TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN MED.CARE PARTNERSHIP AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR HOMEMAKERS SERVICES." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for the County of Elgin to 'enter into an8greement with Hed+Care Partnership to have them provide Homemakers Services to residents of the county of Elgin when such service is deemed necessary by the County of Elgin Social Services Director. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporat ion of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgiribe and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement between Med+Ce.re Partnership and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~ .~:r-- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /?.I'I.ci ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 295 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-36 "BEING A BY-LAW TO FACILITATE REPAIR OF HIGH\IAYS AND BRIDGES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS Section 315 of The Municipal Act, R.5.0. 1980, c. 320 and amendments thereto empowers Councils of all Municipal- ities to pass by-laws prohibit~ng or regulating certain activities on highways or bridges. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follOws; 1. In this By-Law, the word -Highway. means a common and pUblic highway and includes a street and bridge forming part of a highway or lands on, over or across which a highway passes and means all that part of any road allowance~ including both the travelled portion and the untravelled portion. vested in the corporation of the County of Elgin. 2. No person shall obstruct, encumber, injure or foul any highway or bridge vested in the corporation of the County of Elgin, provided however, that a person may maintain a mailbox for rural postal delivery on the un travelled portion of the road allowance adjacent to. his own property so long as the supporting structure for such mailbox is composed entirely of wood of-a size not greater than six (6) inChes in diameter,and.so long as such mailbox, and the supporting structure, does not obstruct or interfere with pUblic travel on the travelled portion of the road allowance. 3. No person shall throw, place or deposit dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any animal on any highway or bridge vested in the corporation of the County of 51gin. 4. No person shall obstruct any ditch or culvert upon a highway. 5. No person shall build or maintain a fence on any highway or place or deposit firewood or any other thing on any highway or bridge or to obstruct or interfere with public travel on any highway or bridge. 6. No person shall place any sign on any highway other than those authorized by the Council of the County of 51gin. 7. The Corporation of the County of 51gin may require doorsteps,_ porches or other erections or things projecting into or over any highway to be removed by the owner or occupant of the land in connection with which they exist by giving to the said owner or occupant of the land reasonable notice to remove such obstruction or encumbrance. 8. If, after the reasonable period of time given to the owner or occupant of the land by the corporation of the County of Elgin in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this By-Law has expired and the owner or occupant of the land has not removed th~ obstruction or encumbrance, the Corporation of the County of Elgin may proceed to remove the obstruction or encumbrance and may recover its costs incurred in- removing the obstruction or encumbrance by bringing Civil Action against the owner or occu- pant of the land. L'jj - 2 - 9. Every person who contravenes any provision of this By- Law shall upon conviction be liable to payment of a fine of not more than Sl,OOO~OO.exclusiveof costs, for each such offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O.1980, Chapter 400, as amended from time to time. This provision shall not in anyway modify, affect or.derogate from any other remedy available to the Corporation of the County of Elgin with respect to such contra- vention. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. .-&""'c..~~< ~ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. oV'L'" :;;;:; A. K. Ford. Warden. 8 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY~Law No. 89-37 "BEING A BY-LA!; TO AUTHORIZE THE \;AROEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A DEED JOINTLY WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDETO t~R. LEROY EICHER FOR A PORTION OF LOT 35. CONCESSION VIII TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE." WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did sell the following property to the Township af Malahide, with the proviso that if sold at any future time the County would realize 50% of any amount in excess of $500.00-- In the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin. and Province of Ontario, being composed of the Southwest Part of Lot 35, in the 8th Concession described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest angle of said Lot 35: THENCE North Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330') along the West limit of said Lot; THENCE East parallel with the South limit of said Lot. Three Hundred and Ninety-six Feet (396'); THENCE South parallel with the West limit of said Lot,. Three Hundred and Thirty Feet (330') to the Southerly limit of the Lot; THENCE West along the said Southerly limit, Three Hundred and Ninety~six Feet (396') to the place of beginning. Being a re-description of the lands lastly described in Instrument 217643: and WHEREAS the Township of Malahide has decided to sell this property to one LEROY EICHER: and WHEREAS in order to relinquish its interest in the property it is necessary to become a party to signing the deed. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows~ 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a deed for the above described property, jointly with the Township of.Malahide to one LEROY EICHER. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. .---&.-~ ~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ./T// /- 7:':./ A. K. Ford, warden. 299 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. B9-38 "8EING A 8Y-LA,J TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN ANO THE CLERK TO SIGN A CONSENT AND WAIVER OF NOTICE UNDER THE LAND TITLES ACT." WHEREAS the firm of w7569010ntatio Limited~ has requested the corporation of the County of Elgin-to sign a Mconsentandwaiver of Notice-, under the Land Titles Act, with respect to property adjacent to .the boundaries of County Road #20 (Carlow Road) as shown on a Plan by I.C. McLaren Limited, ontario Land Surveyor, 3 Centre Street, Strathroy,Ontario dated November 16. 1988 (copy attached) which plan shows the boundaries of Carlow Road (County Road #20) and boundaries of Part of Lot 11 and Lot 12, East of Carlow Road, Registered Plan #117. Village of Port Stanley. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a "Consent and Waiver of Notice" under the Land Titles Act with respect to the property owned by 756901 Ontario Limited. adjacent- t.o County Road #20 as described above. subject to receipt by the County Clerk of a resolution of the County of Elgin Road Committee that a satisfactory agreement has been received from 756901 Ontario Limited and registered on Part of Lot 11 and Lot 12. Registered P~an#117. Village of port Stanley, in the Provincial Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin and the--CountyTreasurer has received a certified cheque made payable to the County of Elgin frorn7S69010ntario Limited in the amount required by t.he County of Elgin Road Committee. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. (7~L.-I :::;/ A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-39 "BEING A 8Y-LAW TO AMENO BY-LAW NO. 87-1. DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGH~iAYS." ways: and WHEREAS By-Law No. 87-1, as amended, designates through high- NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend certain roads. 1. That By-Law No. 87-1 be amended by - (a) Deleting Road ~9 (al. (b) and (oJ and replaCing with the follow- ing - (a) From the east side of County Road j9 to the west side of the road allowance known as the Division Line between Lot 15, Concessions V and VI. Western Division, Township of Aldborough. and Lot 17, Concession III, Eastern Division, Township of Aldborough. (b) On the road allowance knoWn as the Division Line from the south side of the road allowance between Concessions v and VI, Western Division, Township of Aldborough, and the north side of the road allowance between Concessions II and III, Eastern. Division, Township of Aldborough. (c) From the east side of the Road known as the Division Line between Lot 15, Concession v, Township of Aldborough, Western Division and Lot .17, Concessions. II and III, Eastern Division, Township of~ Aldborough, to the west side of-County Road #5. (d) From the east side of County Road #5 to the west side of County Road #8. (e) From the east side of County Road #8 to the west side of County Road #14. (b) Deleting Road #30 (a) and (b) and replacing with the following - Road #30 (a) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the Townline Road between the Townships of Yarmouth and Westminster. Road fl!9 {c} Deleting Road #34 (a) and replacing with the following - Road #34 (a) From the east side of the Road between Lots 10 and 11, Concession XIII, Westminster Township, to County Road #302. (d) Adding the following - County Road #301 - From the north side of County Road #30 to the south side of County Road #302. (e) Adding the following - County Road #302 _ From County Road #34 to the east side of the road allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~ >4-.-../ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. Ut/ ;--.G A. K. r"ord, Warden. 301 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-~aw No. 89-40 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE BY-LA\J ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE PU8LIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT." The Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law No. 89-40 as follows: 1. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by: la) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 20-1 known as County Road No. .20. (b) Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 30-1 known as County Road No. 30. (el Removing therefrom the Road on Plan Number 34-1 known AS County Road No. 34. . 2. The Schedule to Establishing By-Law No. 85-27 is amended by; (a) Adding thereto the following roads - (i) On Plan Number 20-1-R-89 to be known as County Road No. 20. (ii) On~lan Number 30~1-R-89 to be known as County Road No. 30. (Hi) On Plan NUmber 30~2-R-B9 to be known as County Road No. 30. (iv) On Plan Number 34-1-R-89 to be known as County Road No. 34.. Iv) on Plan Number 301~1-R-89 to be known as County Road No. 30L (vi) On Plan Number 302-1-R-89 to be known as County Road No. 302. 3. This By-Law shall come in force upon the date and to the extent of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor In Council. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~. _ ><'----J G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /?/Y.r .~ A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-41 "BEING A BY-LA\'I TO AMEND 8Y_LAW NO. B4-23. A BY-LAW FOR THE REG,ULATlON OF TRAFFIC." WHEREAS By-Law No. 84-23 regulates traffic within the geographic limits of the County of Elgin~ and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend the By-taw. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Part .C. of By-Law No. 84-23, entitled -Regulated Parking- be amended by adding the following: 25A .PARKING OF VEHICLES WITH REGISTERED GROSS WEIGHT IN EXCESS OF 4,000 KILOGRAMS." No vehicle with a registered gross weight .in excess of 4,000 kilograms shall remain parked or standing upon any part of any highway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin for a period exceeding three (3) continuous hours or remained parked or s.tandingupon any part of ariyhighway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin between the hours af 3;00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989~ ~.-'.~<~ G. C.Leverton, Clerk. #t?[,ZV ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 303 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-42 "8EING A 8Y-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN TWO LETTERS OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (LOCAL 841)". WHEREAS the County has agreed to amend the salary schedule which forms part of the present Collective Agreement, attached as Appendix.B~1and WHEREAS the County has also agreed to waive the time limits for Grievance #3-89, attached as Appendix -A-. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the-Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign two Letters of Understanding between the corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees {Local 841} attached as Appendices -A- and -B-. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~~ P--/ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /7//....7' ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 14 APPENDIX "An Letter of Understanding between Corporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841) The parties agree to waive the time limits for grievance re: 3-89. until such time as the issue has been satisfactorily dealt with in negotiations. Failing satisfactory settlement it is the Union shall have the right to proceed with as the Union deems necessary. understood this grievance Signed at St. Thomas, this/q~day of ~ P, 1989. For the Union For the Corporation of the County of Elgin _~_.~~ ,a~ ljw/(l)J~ -1 I7/L~ waraen ~~ )". . -Clerk APPENDIX -SM Letter of Understanding between Corporation of the County of Elgin and Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841) The parties agree that the following pay schedules shall apply to. the indicated position c!asSificationsuntilthe effective date of the contract superceding the contract ending the 30th of June, 1989 as well as subject to the agreed letter from Dave Foley dated June 9, 1989. jU:O Collection Development: Bi-weekly 746.00 775.00 806.00 838.00 812.00 906.00 Hourly 11.48 11.92 12.40 12.89 13.42 13.94 Clerk typists (History, Reference, Technical Services): Bi-weekly 684.00 711.00 739.00 769.00 800.00 832.00 Hourly 10.52 10.94 11.37 11.83 12.31 12.80 Clerk Typists (Collection Exchange): Bi-weekly 656.60 682.46 709.23 737.28 Hourly 10.10 10.50 10.91 11.34 . - ,Q..... II /" Signed at St. Thomas, thl~ .-u....-;. day of r;--1989. Fo; the Union For the Corporation of the County of Elgin (;'A'/()~ fvU~ 4- - ~ );?k-- /~ ,,: /7//..,.... ~ Warden ~ Y-r----- Clerk COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-43 "A 8Y-LA\1 TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE JULY 19TH SESSION. 1989." WHEREAS by Section .9 of The Municipal Act, being chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection lof Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the July 19th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-Law. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgirireferred-to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The. Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 19th day of July, 1989. READ a second time this 19th day of July~ 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1989. ~;4-,...... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. me: c y' ,c;:.t A. K. Ford, Warden. :'UI september Session - First Day Wednesday. the 27th day of September, 1989 The Elgin County Council met this deyat the Administration Building, at lOJOOA.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All members present except ; Reeve Martyn Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Reeve Kahnt . Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Lyle THAT the minutes of the July 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. _ Carried. COMHITTEECOMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Freedom of Information and Privacy Branch with notie~ of meeting for municipalities and local boards to be held september 22, 1989 at the Lamplighter Inn~ London. 2. TOWDShipof FrOnt of YODge with resolution re; Deposits On All Types Of Beverage Cans. 3. George R.Mccague; MoP~P, Slmeoe West. with copy of a resolution with .respect to Bill 106 _ An Act to amend the Municipal Elections Act and the Municipal Act. 4. City of~orontowith report and recommendations with regard to Bill 119 _ An Act to amend the ontario Lottery Corporation Act. S. Minister of Municipal Affairs with a 'draft copy of the regula- tions which will accompany the Development Charges Act. Bill 120. 6. The Pilgrims of saint Michael with request to pass a resolution with respect to the financing of public works through the Bank of Canada. 7. The Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth with request to endorse resolution with respect to the tragic events taking place in China. 8. City of Burlington with copy of a resolution to the Association of Municipalities of ontario regarding Provincial Grant Reductions to Municipalities. 9. The Regional Municipality of Halton with resolution res Provin- cial Grant Reductions to' Municipalities. 10. Recycling Council of ontario advIsing that the Ontario Ministry of the EnvironmenthasdeclaredN~vember 20 to 26 the fifth annual Recycling week in Ontario 4fiu fgrwa~di..g draft prcc1=~ticn. COUNTY.ROADS .CCMHITTEE 1. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Office of the Chief Coroner. with copy ofa recommendation from Dr. J. Hofhuis with regard to the fatality of Hark Bowen on County Road '23. 2. Minister of the Environment with copy of Phase 1 recommendations of the Environmental Assessment Program Improvement Project (EAPIP). - 2 - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE - continued 3. Better Roads Coalition with copy of publication and news release from their May 3rd. 1989 press conference. 4. County of Simcoe requesting copies of any reports, motions or resolutions endorsed by Slgincounty with respect to Bill 201. 5. village of Vienna requestingth4t the County give consideration to conveying property located on the north side of Main street to the Village for future use as parkland. 6. City of London with information and copy of brief with respect to the widening of Highway 401 between London and Woodstock. 7. Ontario Hydro advising that they intend to acquire easement rights from John Ralph Eastham and Lois Marguerite Eastham with respect to Part of Lot 4, Concession 1. Township of Halabide. 8. Ontario Hydro with copy of a sketch outlining Part of Lot 12~ Concession 11. Township of South Dorchester, which they propose to sell. 9. Township of Yarmouth advising of a meeting on the Harvey Drain on July 12th, 1989. 10. Township of Yarmouth advising of a meeting on the St. George Street Drain West on August 8th, 1989. 11. Township of Yarmouth advising of a meeting on the Harvey Drain on August 22nd. 1989. 12. Township of Yarmouth with notice of Court of Revision meeting on September 5th, 1989 tel the St. George'Street Drain West. 13. Township of Yarmouth with notice ofCour~of Revision hearing to be held September 11th. 1989 on the Harvey Drain. 14. Ministry of Transportation advising that an interim petition for subsidy for 1989 may: be made anytime between August 31st and November 24th. 15. Hinistryof Transportation with copy of Memo No. 89-08 rei Sand Domes - Dome Storage Building, Inc. 16. Ministry of Transportation aCknowledging comments on the draft policy on surface type. 17. Ministry of Transportation advising of a Supplementary Subsidy Allocation of $80,000 for construction for the Gillett's Bridge. 1B, Ministry of Transportation encouraging' municipalities to submit monthly reports from March to December on road expenditures. 19. Ministry of Transportation withCMV news. 20. Hennessey, Bowsher, Associates with comments with respect to the execution of Consent and Waiver of Notice on the Land Titles Act for property owned by the- Harbour C~ub Condominium in Pori Stanley, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Pay Eq~1ty CQmmig~iQn ~ith info~~tion and regard to the Homes for Senior Citizens. ~..__~4____~__ _,n__ "l................................ w...~u 2. The Regional Municipa~ity of Hamilton-Wentworth with resolution opposing the cutback of funding for the Canadian Centre for Occupa- tional -Health and safety. .:lU~ _ 3 - County Council, September Session, 1989 SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Deputy Minister of community and Social services elaborating on the government's goal announced by the Minister of Community and Social Services with respect to providing $88.8 Hilliontowards wage improve- ments to the lowest paid front-line workers in community agencies. 2. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with information on seminar to be held October 26th and 27th at the Wheel's Inn, Chatham. 3. St. Thomes-Elgin Association for Community Living with new fee schedules commencing September 5th, 1989 for Morrison Day Nursery. 4. Canadian Red Cross Society requesting an increase in the Home- maker rate to SB.74 effective January 1st, 1989. 5. County of Hastings with resolution concerning proposed changes under the Unemployment Insurance Act. 6. Ministry of Community end Social Services advising of en increase in the Homemaker rate to $8.74 effective January 1st, 1989. 7. The Ostrander Nursery School advising that effective September 1st, 1989 the Nursery School will be closed and on OCtober 1st. 1989, The Creche. FILED 1. City of St. ~homas advising of the composition of the Liaison Committee with respect to reorganization of the County structure. 2. The Elgin Regiment Veterans' Association withapp:reciation for grant. 3. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copies of financial state- ments-for the years ended December 31st, 1987 and 1988 and_auditor's ~reports and, in addition, a cheque in the amount of $9;356.73 as a refund to the County for 1988. 4. Long Point Region Conservation Authority with c6mmentssubmitted to the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Natural Resources on the draft Provincial Wetlands PoliCY. 5. Ministry of Natural Resources with information on conference~ Examining the Various Aspects of Flood Plain Management, to be held March 12th to 14th, 1990. 6. Premier of Ontario acknowledging Elgin'S concerns regarding loca- tion of the offices of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 7. Minister of Health with reply to the resolution by Elgin County concerning the Health Unit's location. 8. Premier of ontario acknowledging correspondence regarding the location of the 5.5. Aquarama in Port Stanley. 9. Ministry of Transportation requesting support in efforts to promote responsible cycling for both child and adult CYClists. 10. Elgin Tourist Association with President's Bi-Annual Report. 11. Ministry of Housing with copy of Bill 11 - An Act to Revise the Rental Housing Protection Act. 12. Office of the Prime Minister acknowledging correspondence with regard to the S.S.Aquarama. 13. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with News Flashes from Queen's Park dated July 12th, 1989 entitled Bingo Hall Moratorium. 14. Township of Malahide forwarding the County's proceeds from the sale of property in Concession VIII, Lot 35. - 4 - fILED - continued 15. GasPurchase Direct Ltd. advising that as of June 10th, 1989 the County of Elgin beqan receiving'direct purchase natural gas for its facilities. 16. Bank of Montreal advising changes in their organizational struc- ture for St. Thomas. 17. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P. Elgin, with Queen's Park reports dated June 15th and August 17th, 1989. 18. tion May, Family & Children's of Children In Care June and July. services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca- and financial statements for the mOnths of 19. Card of appreciation from the family of the late Fred S. Shively. 20. Chairman, Environmental Assessment Board, with copy of 1989 Annual Report. 21. Ministry of the Environment with news releases dated August 14th and August 28th with respect to MISA regu~ations. 22. Minister of Tourism and Recreation advising that he has asked the London office to contact the County and outline the Ministry's past and potential future involvement in the S.S. Aquarama project. 23~ Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 201 - An Act to amend the Municipa~ Act. 24. Ministry of Treasury- and Economics with copy of population pro- jections for regional municipalities, counties and dIstricts of Ontario to 2011. 25. Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario with report on The Municipal. Election Process in Ontariol The Need for Change. 26. Ministry of Transportation advising of a second advance subsidy in the amount of $1,643,700 to be deposited on July 6th, 1989. 27. TownShip of Hope drawing our attention to the possibility of irregularity which may invalidete or- cel~into question the present regulations of the conservation authorities. 28. Thames Valley District Health Counci~ with May/June 1989 News- letter. 29. Wilfrid Laurier university advising that Michael Stover, R. R. >>7, Aylmer and Steven R. Huver, 194 Elm Street, West Lome are the recipients of the E~ginCounty ScholarShips. 30. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of Background Paper on. Foster Care prep~redby. the Ont~rioAssociation of Children's Aid Societies describing the initiative of the Minister of Community and Social Services with the allocation of $6.7 Mil~ion. 31. Ministry of Municipal Affairs explaining the reorganization of the Fie~dServicesand Community Planning Advisory Branches into one Field Management Branch. 32. Minister of Municipal Affairs with list of bills which will be of particular intereet to ~~nicip~litiaa ~hich ~ra enacted or int~oduced by the government during the Legislative Session. 33. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of sketch illustrating the proposed annexation. by the Village of Port Stanley of a portion of the Township of Yarmouth. 34. Ministry of Municipal Affairs enclosing copy of the new publica- tion Multiculturalism and Race Relations in Your community. .:Ill _ 5 _ County Council, September Session, 1989 Moved by Deputy Reeve Mil1man Seconded by Reeve Collins THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be approved as follows: County Government Committee -'1-10 inclusive County Roads Committee - '1-20 inclusive Personriel committee - '1-2 inclusive Social Services Committee -#1-7 inclusive. Filed _ 11-34 inclusive County Council - #1-24 inclusive. - Carried. Mr. John Lyle was present and it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that he be now heard. Mr. Lyle expressed concern on the proposed closure of Elgin Manor and could not understand that in twenty-five years it had become inadequate for Seniors. In addition, he felt that the proposed expenditure of millions of dollars was an extravagant expenditure of money. He requested Couneil to look very carefully at their decision. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMI'l"l'EE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Allin That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. An amendmen twas - Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Chute That Item 'Softhe First Report of the County Government Committee be amended by deleting the words -Property Committee-after -named- in the fourth line and replacing with-Property and Agricultural Committee-o The amendment Carried. An amendmen twas - Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Chute That Item 11 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be tabled for further study by the County Government Committee. The amendment Carried. An amendment was- Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Coles That Item '5 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be amended by deleting reference to the number of members in lines four and six from -eight- and replacing it with -nine-. The amendment Carried. The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll ~hatthe First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. - 6 - fIRS'T RE:PORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMIT'fEE {mailed} Moved by Reeve Neuk:amm Seconded by Reeve Coles That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That the Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. THIRD REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. COMMITTEE 'fhe Third Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre- sented:by Reeve Chute and adopted on motion of Reeve Chute and Reeve Neukamm. FIRST REPORT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted~ - Carr1ed~ FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Hezenberg That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by ReeveNetikamm That Item 19 of the First Report of the Property committee be amended by deleting Item 19 and referring it to Committee Of The Whole. The amendment Carried~ The Report, as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT - RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Reeve Avram That the First Report of the Reception and Entertainment Committee be adopted~ - Carried. 313 _ 7 _ County Council. September Session, 1989 It was decided to have representatives from the Outside Boards give a report to Council at the September Session. The Executive Directors of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital and the Family & Children's Services forwarded written-reports for the six-month period and it was not necessary for the appointees to make any comments on it. COUNTY COUNCIL 1. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of the final draft .of the Exceptional circumstance Review of Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin. 2. Family & Children's Service of St. Thomas & Elgin with copy of a letter to the Hinistry of Community and Social Services with respect to the final report of the E.C.R~ team's study on their 1988 deficit and staff workloads. 3. Andrew S. Brandt. M.PoP.. Leader of the ontario Progressive Conservative Party with a copy of a letter concerning the short period provided for response to the government~s report on County Government in ontario. . 4. Minister of Municipal Affairs acknowledging the reply to the Report on the Consultation committee on County Government. 5. Preserving English Amongst Canadians Everywhere with request for financial support. 6. Kettle Creek Conservation Authority with information concerning the activities of the Authority and o~tlining its authority. 7. Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers with ,their response to the Report of the Consultation committee .County Government In Ontario.. 8. Family' Children's Services ofSt~"Thomas , Elgin with a copy of a report of the Agency's activities for the first six months of 1989. 9. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with a report highlighting the major activities of the Hospital for the first six months;of this year. 10. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with report for the period January 1st to June 30th, 1989. 11. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with nomination and consent form for the County and Regional Executive committee of AHO. 12. Essex County Flood Relief Committee with request for contribu- tion. 13. Steve Butland, M.P. Sault Ste. Marie. and lain Angus, M.P. Thunder Bay - Atikokan, with resolution with regard to the VIA Rail passenger service. 14. R. H. Draker , Associates Limited offering their services with respect to a review of County Government Restructuring. 15. Union Gas with copy of Notice of Application for a new rate effective April 1st. 1990. 16. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with agenda and registration for a Southwestern ontario Planniug Confarance. November 2nd, 1989. 17. Marietta Roberts. H.P.P.. with nomination form for an ontario Government community Action Award. 18. Robert and Jean Lyle requesting information on the future of Elgin Manor. 19. Hinistry of Natural Resources with information on a Flood Plain Management Conference to be held in March 1990 in Toronto. 20. St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request for advertisement. - 8 - COUNTY COUNCIL - continued 21. County of Grey with resolution requesting changes to The Trees Act. 22. From the following municipalities with comments with respect to the Report on County Restructuringt 1. Township o~ Southwold 2. Township of Dunwich J. Village of Dutton 4. Village of Springfield. 23. London Air Services Task Force requesting any information, sug- gestions or concerns ref the London Airport. 24. Lois and Lorne Carroll expressing concerns about replacing Elgin Manor with a new facility. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Neukamm Whereas the services of VIA Rail Canada Inc. are extremely important to many Canadians for their travel needs, and Where~s recent cuts to the operating budget of VIA Rai~ Inc. forced the Crown Corporation to submit an unacceptab~e five-yesr plan based on these budget cuts: and Whereas this unacceptable plan should not be implemented through an Order~In~Council but should be subject to full public scrutiny: Therefore Selt Resolved That thi~ Counci~send a letter to the lIonou~able Benoit Bouchard. Minister of Transport. demanding that the five-year plan of VIA Rail Inc.- be SUbject to coast-to-coast public hearings before any decisions are taken. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by. Reeve Chute That we subscribe to a full page. ad in the St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival Program at a cost of $40~OO and repeat last year's ad. - Carried. Moved by Reeve. Coles Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That Council. Communications numbe~d 1. 2, 3, ., 5. 6, " 8, 9, la, II, 1.~ 15, 16, 1,. 19. 21. 22 and 23 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That we go into Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford appointed Deputy Reeve Sandham as Chairman. The CQmmitte@ro~@ ~ithgtlt ~eporting~ Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue- on to conclude the business at hand. - Carried. 315 _ 9 -County Council, September Session, 1989 Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Avram That we do now 'adjourn (12:06 P.M.) to meet again on September 27th, 1989 at 1;30 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 1:32 P.M. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That we go into a Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden appointed oeputyReeve Sandham as Chairman. The committee rose without reporting. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That we.do now adjourn (2tlO P.M.' to meet again at 2t30 P.M. on Wednesday, september 27th, 1989. - Carried. Council reconvened at 3;20 P~M. ROLL CALL _ All Members present except I Rl!eve Martyn Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Reeve Kahnt. SECOND REPORT -RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The Second Report. of the Reception and EntertaInment Committee was presented by Reeve Lyle and adopted on motion of Reeve Lyle and Reeve Lavereau. FIRST REPORT - $OCIALSERVICES COMMITTEE The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by Reeve Willsey and- adopted on motion of Reeve willsey and Reeve Avram. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by -Reeve Neukamm That we recommend that the County offer to sell Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin one and one-half acres of land north of Karen Street for the purpose of constructing anew administration building. A recorded vote was requested by Reeve Lavereau. YEAS _ Mezenberg (2)., Hay, Ford, West, Carroll (2), Millman (2), Neukamm (2), Chute (2), Sandham, Willsey, Wilson, Avram {2}, Emerson, Vandierendonck (2), MacIntyre, Coles, Allin, Collins. TOTAL 25. ~- ...,- ,...., "':I"''' '''"J' !..avereau (2), El1i"tt, Rushmere. TOTAL 6. Motion. Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Deputy Reeve West Whereas the City of St. Thomas allowed the E.T.A. to meet in the City Hall free of charge, Be It Resolved that Elgin County provide similar rent-free facilities as of October I, 1989. - Carried. - 10 - t10ved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Sp.conded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-44 ~Being a By-Law to ~nend By-Law No. 84-23, a By- Law for tbe Regulation of Traffic. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-44 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Tbat By-Law No. 89-44 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 89-45 -Being a By~Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-9~ a By- Law to Provide Fringe Benefits to all Employees of the County of Elgin Who are Considered in the Management Category. be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 89-45 be read a second time. ..; Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law- No. 89-45 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Lyle That By-Law No. 89-46 .Being a By-taw to Amend By-Law No. 84-10, a By- Law tq Provide Fringe Benefits to all Employees of the County of Elgin Who a~e Not Covered by a Collective Agreement or Included in the Management Category- be read a first time. - Carried~ Moved by Reeve Avram Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By-Law No. 89-46 be read a second time. ..; Carried.. Moved l)y Re~ve Ru~hrnl;!!re Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-46 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 317 _ 11- County Council, September Session, 1989 Mov~d by Reev~ Neukamm Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre Thi'l.t By-La.... No. 89-47 -Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 88-41, Which Establishes Hourly Rates Eor Students. be read a first time. -Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That By~Law No. 89-47 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mill~n That By-Law No. 89-47 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Mezenberg Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-48 G8eing a By-Law to Authorize the warden and the Clerk to Sign a Sub-Lease with the Township of Southwold- be read a first time. - Carried. Hoved by .Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law.No. 89-48 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-48 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Allin Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That By-Law No. 89-49 -Being a By-Law to Appoint a Member of County Council to the Thames Valley District Health Council- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That By-Law No. 89-49 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck S€ccnded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law-No. 89-49 be read a third time end finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-50 ,-To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Seven Million Dollars- be read a first time. - Carried. 18 - 12 - Moved by Reeve Emerson Se~onded by Deputy Reeve West That By-Law No. 89-50 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-50 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Allin That By-Law No. 89-51 -Being a By-taw to Amend By-Law No. 1838, to ~uthorize the Personnel ^dmini~trator to Execute Documents with Respect to Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay That By-taw No. 89-51 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Coles Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That Ry-Law No. 89~51 be read a third time- and finally passed. - Carrled~ Mov~d by Deputy Reevq Carroll S~conded by Deputy Reeve Elliott That By-Law No. 89-52 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Muni~ipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 27th Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Reeve. Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-52 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By-Law No. 89-52 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Sscond~d by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we do now adjourn (3~45 P.M._) to meet again on October 25th, 1989 at 10:00 A.M.. - Carried. ,fG,:-::...'-....<-~, ;...:._-.....,. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford. Warden. .", see amend- ~nt below ... see amend- ments below 319 COUNTY r.nVRRNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend the attached policies be adopted by County Council. 2. filed. That Correspondence #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and lObe 3. That we recommend the appointment of Reeve Sherry Collins to the Thames Valley District Health Council be altered and be for the period December IS, 1989 to December 12, .1991 and that a by-law making the appointment be presented to County Council. 4.. That we recommend that. the County Roads Committee be authorized to direct the By-Law Enforcement Officer to enforce traffic and other by-laws as infractions become apparent to the County Administration. 5. That we recommend that the following changes be made in the Committee System: Agricultural Committee and Property Committee be combined and be composed of eight members and be named Property Committeer and that the Reception .andEntertainment Committee and County Government Committee be combined and be composed of eight members and be named County Government and . Reception Committee; and that the Procedural By-Law be amended accordingly. 6. That we recommend that all Committees attempt to meet apart from courity Council Day wherever possible. 7. That we recommend that authority be given to the Warden and the Treasurer to borrow up to an additional Two Million Dollars to meet current expenditures and a by-law reflecting this be pre- sented to County Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1 ;I _ /i.t,.~L ~ L. D. West, ._~~-- .......-"--- .....~...u!:l ....ue......."...... -Ut ..f 7,. "I . Item #1 was amended by deleting it from the Report. ... Item #5 was amended by inserting the words -and Agricultural- after the word -Property- in the fourth line. Item #5 was amended by deleting the word -eight- in the fourth and sixth lines and replacing with Knine-. 20 LIBRARY COl\l!\lITl'EE REPORT September 27tllSession 1989 FIRST ItEI'OltT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the. Narden and Clerk be authorized to sign 8 Lease between the Township of Southwold and the County of Elgin for the Shedden Library. 2. That the Publications Distribution Policy . be adopted by the County Library Committee and recommended to County Council for acceptance. 3. That the .LibrarystaCf be authorized to have an out watts line installed for the headquarters phones. A LL of which is respectfully sut:!l]l.itted. nLI....:.~ "l JjJ .. MarIan Millman, Chairman. a~td '1,...{, 686t '6Jaqw3ldas X:1I'10d NOLLnSIll.IStGSNOLLV:>I'lSnd J.1l V1l811 A~t.fnO:> mO'l3 17.10 -1- HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS At irregular intervals, the Library Department of the County oC Elgin publishes historical pllpCrs, maps, or other publications willen are intended for the purposes of increasing the amount oC Historical material available to be loaned out through the branch libt'aries; and,sold to other organizations. and the general pUblic. While such publications are not intended for Cree distribution, some complimentary copies are distributed on the following basis: Free Copies a. Free distribution will be restricted to County Council, County Department Heads and their Deputies . Each l\1unicipality will get one copy marked to indicate that the document has been donated to the l\1unicipality, and one similarily marked copy will go to the St. Thomas Council with an additional copy to the Mayor. b. County school libraries, including denominational schools, will receive one copy of each publication Cree and one copy of each publication will be sent to the Elgin County Board of Education office and the Elgin County Separate School Board office. c. One copy of each publication will be provided to the local M.P. and M.P.P._ d. The. Elgin County Historical Society's libraries will receive a free copy as will the Elgin County branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society_ e. in the interest of Library co-operation, the St. Thomas Public Library is entitled to re<:eivetwo free copies of all library publications. The Regional Collection at the University of Westem Ontario, which houses some Elgin County archival coUections, and which has been of assistance to the Elgin County Library in building its local history collections, will be entitled. to receive one free copy of all library pUblications. Any additional copies must be purchased. f. AU copies provided under the free copy policy will be stamped or plated with a book plate that indicates that the publication is compliments of the County of Elgin_ Other institutions and Individuals s. AU. institutions,. private groups and individuals except thoSe specified in the "Free Copies" section above must purchase Historical publications. b. If the Library publications are mailed to the purchaser. the purChaser must pay a handling charge. c. The handling charge will be adjusted as necessary to reflect the increase in cost of postage and envelopes. d. The handling charge is reduced by the Library using a reduced postage rate (boolcrate) based on it's status as publisher, as long as this status is valid. -2- c. Each author is allowed !ive(5) complimentnry copies of his or her book in return for. allowing the Libr3ry to publish his or her work. In some instances an author may receive one complimentatycopy of other authors' works if such \vorks will be useful to them. For example, census indexers may receive one copy or aU new census indexes. and other genealogical materinl. If- nn author wishes to receive more than five(5) complimentary copies of his or her own work, the number will be subject to a written agreement between the author and the Library. f. The Library maintains an uP"'to-date brochure/order form to promote its pUblications. Branch Libraries Branch Libraries receive at least one catalogued copy of all librol'Y publications, and one catalogued copy of all publications is kept at the library head office. Hntional Librarv. Two depository copies or aU publications, with appropriate forms, are sent to the National Librery as required bylaw. ~ Any organization or business which sells Elgin County Library publications receives a $2.00 pereopy discount when the selling price is over $10.0D,and $1.00 per copy when the selling price is $10.00 or less. This is to acknowledge the assistance of the organization in selling our pUblications. 323 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER 27. 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Mclean-Taylor Construction, the Contractor for the Middlemiss Bridge has completed the deck. and much of the barrier walls. We expect the bridge to be open for traffic by early November. 2. The floor of the Gillets Bridge over the Catfish Creek' east of Sparta has been completed and the bridge reopenEMf. All expansion joints were replaced as well as the reinforcement of a number of structural steel members on the bridge. The project cost wi 1 I be approximately 151 over the $100,000 supplementary allocation approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The .overrun is eligible for regular subsidy (bridge maintenancel. 3. The base coat of paving on Road 130 (Radio-Hubrey Road linkl has been cOlll1Jieted and the road opened to traffic:. Nearly all the $400,000 supplementary Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocation has been expended. The top coat of paving, final trillllting and seeding. etc., will have to be delayed until 1990. 4. Asphalt resurfacing has been completed on portions of: tal Road 118 from Highway 14 westerly {Southwold Townshipl. (b) Portions of Road 114 between Road 116 and Highway 13 (Southwold and Dumdch Townships). (cl The top coat on portions of Road 124 to complete work. started in 1988 (Yarmouth and Malahide Townships). Trinming and seeding continues on all roads as well as Road 152 (Malahide and South Dorchester Townships) betlleen Highvay 174 and the Village of Springfield which was paved in 1988. =: T..;.....;.... ~..... ....1.......... ",....I. .......+1........ .... 0..".4 ,,, ;_ n.._~~_.. T_~_~..'_ w. .. ...._...~ v..~ v~....".." wv.... ................... V" "......'" ..... U' u'-'"..."'" 'V"";''''I'' Granular base work and paving including the top coat of paving has been completed. 6. Curb and gutter work for traffic control will be- started shortly at the intersection of Road 122 (Fairview Avenue) and Road 627 (Sparta Road), Yarmouth Township as well as the entire intersection repaved. 325 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER 27. 1989 SESSION PAGE 2. 7. We expect Steel way BUilding Systems of R. R. 15. Aylmer to start delivering materials shortly for the two Garage Buildings which are to be erected at Whites Station to replace the wooden hangar building removed this Spring. Concrete work (footings and walls) will be started shOrtly. Erection of the buildings will be done by County forces. WE RECOI'tlENO: I. That a by-law be passed prohibiting parking on Road 152 in the Village of Springfield as follows: (a) Within 5 metres of the west limit of County Road 149 and within 5 metres of the east limit of County Road 149 on the north side of County Road 152. (b) Within 5 metres of the ttest limit Of Wellington Street and within 5-metres of the east limit of Wellington Street on the south side of County Road 152. 2. That we advise the Village of Vienna that we have no Objection to the conveying of the property in their letter dated July 25. 1989 provided that all legal expenses (InclUding surveying) are paid for by the Vi llage of Vienna and in the conveyance the Vi llege of Vienna agrees that fi fty percent (50s) of the net proceeds be refunded to the County of Elgin if the property is sold in the future. That the County of Elgin have a right.of';'way through the property as reQuired for maintenance of the bridge over the Otter Creek which is under the control of the County of Elgin. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUllY SUBMITTED /, / / J /ar;'/ ~k:.;y.1';'2-z.&- (..-/ E. NEUKAMM, ACTING CHAIRMAN {U&.o{ J:"~( HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and ~lembers of the e1qin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the request from Mrs. Rose Daniel to attend the 1989 Homes Convention September 17th to 20th be approved. 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to pay Convention expenses for the Auxiliary Presidents annually. 3. THAT we recommend to Elgin County Council that an appraisal be completed on the elgin Manor property as it may be ner.essary to deal with prospective purchasers. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. -'-" k__ c-'A?'-<7. D. V. Chute, Chairman .-.-- (11.t.d 7~..( 327 HO~ES ~nR ~F.NTOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Eloin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT we recommend to Elgin County Council an increase in the Canteen of Canada contract as follows: Dietitian rate (8%) Management fee rate (6%) effective October 1, 1989 2. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to arranoe the APpreciation Luncheon for Auxiliary and Volunteers during the month of November 1989. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~. //.. ckl$? D. V. Chute, Chairman ruL.-r -;r.....{ HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT September 27, 1989 Session THIRD REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Coun~il, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reoorts as follows: 1. THAT we recGmmend to Elgin County Council the Homes Committee be authorized to proceed with the development of Elgin Village and continue negotiating with the Bobier Convalescent Home Board. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1:::>. IL(~";',7. D. Vane Chute, Chairman. {J.Lt._i ~.( :;Z':l PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and members of the Elgin County Couneil, The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That Correspondence #1 and 2 be filed. 2. That the appropriate by-laws be amended to provide for changes in the following benefits: Life Insurance for Management - maximum of S150.000 L.T.D. -55% of earnings to maximum of S3,500 per month. 3. That By-Law No. 1838 -Being a By-Law to Authorize Participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System- be amended to provide for the execution of all documents under this plan to be signed by the Personnel Administrator replacing the Treasurer. 4. That the request of Ted McCready of the Roads Depart- ment staff to carryover one week's vacation from 1989 to 1990 be approved provided it is paid at the 1989 hourly rate. 5. That By-Law No. 88-41 be amended to provi~e for t'he following wages for students effective October 1st, 1989: Under 18 years Over 18 years $4.15 per hour $5.00 per hour. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. , /. . ,ltC, ~V-~t' ;(<'-l,?,r-Yf':l E. Neukamm, Chairman. ae.M ;h ~( PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the lunchroom has been made available to the Elgin Tourist Association for Saturday, September 23rd and Tuesday. September 26th at the rental rate of S50 per day and Helen Schram has been made responsible for the keys. 2. That the Property Committee met with Family and Children's Services on September 11th, at 1130 P.M., to discuss their request for a Co~nty site. ). That the plaques on the Court House Block with dedica- tion to former Councillors and Clerks be brought to the Administration Building grounds and that trees be planted in recognition. 4. That the Clerk has been authorized to get quotes with regard to safety supplies required by the caretaker. 5. That Mr. Harley Underhill be made Health and Safety Co- ordinator for the Administration Building and report back to the Property Committee and that all departments and tenants be notified. 6. That the quotation of A.L.W. PavlngCo. Ltd. in the amount of $1,400 to pave over existing sidewalk to the east of the parking lot has been accepted and the area be raised to the parking lot level by means of gravel. 7. That authority has been given to the Health and Safety Co-Ordinator and the Clerk to have as many of the deficiencies noted in the August 15th, 1989 inspection. report rectified as the budget will permit and also'one eye wash station be obtained for use in the third floor chemical room. 8. That Don Crocker Construction be approached to caulk the balance of the windows in the County Administration Building. 9. That we recommend that the County offer to sell Family and Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin one and one-half acres of land north of Karen Street for the purpose of construct- ing a new administration building. 10. That the quotation of R.Doan Roofing Ltd. in the amount of $27,733 has been accepted to remove and replace the roof on the main section of the County Administration Building and that as it was not included in the 1989 estimates it is recommended that it be charged against the Reserve for Capital Expenditures account. .-.'-<-'- -- ........""" ...'" ______..&..11.. _....._....._... ......~..................z ................'-~.... " '<, to<, (._ t~ , . _ //, C <.'11.<.t'.-..~'\.-v.)~. It. . Emerson, Chairman. at,.( '?',,( . Item #9 was amended by deleting it from the Report and referring it to COlTD'llittee Of The Whole. 331 RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the liquor tickets for the Warden's Banquet be sold at S2~OO each. 2. That all Members of County Council and Officials wear their uniform dress to the Warden's Banquet. 3. That we recommend that at the Warden's Banquet Members of County Council and their spouses be introduced individually and be allowed to sit with their guests. 4. That each visiting Warden be given a plate as a gift and his spouse a spoon and, in addition. each Warden and Clerk be given four complimentary refreshment tickets each, for the Warden's Banquet. 5. tickets tickets That each County Councillor be allowed to purchase four each to the Warden's Banquet and an additional twenty be made available to be purchased if required. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~;j~f;;;:ll ~/Gj Chairman. tZiLrl. ..( RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Reception and Entertainment Committee reports as follows: 1. That the tender of Axtell Catering in the amount of SII.80 per person be- accepted for providing the dinner for the Warden's Banquet to be held on Friday, November 10th. 1989 at St. Anne's Parish Centre. 2. That Councillors purchasing tickets to the Warden's Banquet be charged $12.00 each. 3. That each Member of Council bring a boy or girl student to the October 25th, 1989 Session of Elgin County Council and that an appropriate itinerary be drawn up and that they be of high school age. 4. That a piper be obtained to lead in the head table guests at the Warden's Banquet and be paid for by the County. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. '~)~/1/~/ H. F. Lyle Chairman. tZit.:t 7<=1 333 SOCIAL .SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT September 27th Session, 1989 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Social Services Committee reports as follows: 1. That authority be given for up to three (3) persons to attend the O.M.5.S.A. Zone One, Annual Fall Training Seminar, in Chatham, October 26th and 27th, 1989, with the usual expenses paid~ 2. That the request from the St. Thomas-Elgin Association for Community Living with regard to the Horrison Day Nursery be tabled to a later date. 3. That we recommend that, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy purposes, an hourly rate of $8.74 be accepted for the purchase of Homemaker Services, effective J8nuary 1st, 1989. 4. Th8t the resolution from the County of Hastings with regard to proposed changes under the Unemployment Insurance Act. be endorsed. 5. That the Director be authorized to attend the O.M.S.S.A. Fall Seminar November 19th-21st, 1989 in Toronto with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ) /.. t Id-U..u.' 1 ~.Iftlg;t. c. R. Willsey, -- Ch8irman. {Zt[d 70 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 89-44 "8EING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 84-23. A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC." WHERE~S By-~aw No. 84-23 regulates traffic within the geographic limits of the County of Elgin: and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend the By-~aw. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Section 2. {ttl of Schedule -A- of By-Law No. 84-23 entitled -No Parking Zones. be removed and replaced with the following: 2. (ttl (i} County Road ft52within 5 metres of the east limit af County Road #49 on the north side of County Road #52. (ii) County Road #52 within 5 metres of the west limit of County Road 149 on the north side of County Road '52. (iii) County Road #52 within 5. metres of the west limit of Wellington Street in the Village of Springfield an the south side of County Road #52. (iv) County Road #52 within 5 metres of the east side QfWellington Street in. the Village of Springfield on the south side of County Road #52. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ~~""-J G. C. L.everton, Clerk. /[/{,..:(.-;C ~ A. K. Ford, Warden. 335 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-45 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND 8Y-LAW NO. 84-9. 8EING A 8Y-LAW TO PROVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHO ARE CONSIDERED IN THE MANAGEMENT CATEGORY." WHEREAS By-Law No. 84-9 sets out various fringe benefits provided for employees in the management category; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to alter some of the provisions of the benefits. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. by That Section 6. entitled -HEALTH AND WELFARE- be amended (a) Deleting the amount ofS3,OOO in line 4 of Subsection 6.05 entitled -Long Term Disability (LTD)- and replacing it with $3,500. (b) Deleting Subsection 6~07 entitled -Life Insurance- and replacing with the following: 6.07 Life Insurance The employer agrees to pay fifty (50%) percent of the premium of Term Life Insurance, in the amount of two (2) timestbe employees' annual salary to the next $1,000 to a maximum of $150,000. All new employees will be required to participate as a condition of employment. READ a first time this 21th day o.f September, 1989. READ a s~cond time this 27th day of September. 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ~~{Y..n.......- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. (Ili~.-i ;/'..il A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-46 "8EING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. B4_1o. BEING A 8Y-LAW TO PROVIDE FRINGE BENEFITS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHO ARE NOT COVERED 8Y A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT OR INCLUDED IN THE MANAGEMeNT CATEGORY." WHEREAS By-Law No. 84-10 sets out various fringe benefits provided for employees not in the management category or covered by a co~lective agreement; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to alter some of the provisions of the benefits. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows~ 1. That Subsection 6.05 entitled -Long Term DisabilIty {LTO}- under the Section 6. -HEALTH AND WELFARE- be amended by deleting $3,000. in line 4 and replacing with $3,500. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of ~eptember, 1989. ~~<,~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. !Let,,:? Z" A. K. Ford, Warden. 337 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-47 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. B8-41. WHICH ESTABLISHES HOURLY RATES FOR STUDENTS." WHEREAS By-law No. 88-41, establishes hourly rates for Branch Library part time employees, includingstudent.s: and WHEREAS prov{ncial legislation is altering the rates for Students, effective October 1st, 1989. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Law No. 88-41, be amended by deleting all hourly rates under the heading -STUDENTS. and substituting the following: STUDENTS - effective October 1st, 1989 Over 18 years Under 18 years $5.00 per hour $4.15 per hour. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ~~......(...<.~",- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. UiZ.7 'l.-,j A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 89-48 "8EING A 8Y -LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WAROEN ANO THE CLERK TO SIGN A SUB-LEASE WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLO. " WHEREAS the terms under which facilities for County Library purpos~s are being provided by the Township of South wold have been reviewed and agreed to by County Council; and WHEREAS the said Township has indicated that they wish to provide facilities on the basis of the said terms and condi- tions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows; 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the .Sub-Lease- with the Township of Southwold to provide facilities for Library purposes. READ a first t~e this Z7th day of September. 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time' and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ~....-..-...~,.,.-;..,....../ G. C. Leverton. Clerk. f'ilt,.-I ~.~.r A. K. Ford, Warden. 339 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-49 "BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A MEMBER OF COUNTY COUNCIL TO THE THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL." WHEREAS County Council normally makes appointments to committees and outside boards for a period of twelve months: and WHEREAS appointment by the Province of Ontario to the Thames Valley District Health'Council is byway of an Order in Council and fora period exceeding County Council's twelve months. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That Reeve Sherry Collins be Elgin County Council's representative to the Thames Valley District Health Council for the period December 15th, 19B9to December 12th, 1991, in addition to her current term of appointment. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second ttme this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September. 1989. --&_________ )0+,..__ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. {t~fnl f.1 A. K. Ford, Warden. fill _ Bank of Montreal Municipal By-law for Cu""nt EJllpenditu,es Municioalitvor ELGIN 8Y.LAWNO. 89-50 WHEREAS the Council of theCOIlXI"mion cfettmt: it ~ to Ilorr'QW lhe sum of ______________~__.SEVEN MILLION ----------------- 00/100 dollanl tOmeM.untilU'IlI_.r"Cllllecled.thecurnlM~oIthllCorpor.io"rortheY_: AND WHEREAS the total of amounlS pr..musty bolTowed undIII' Seetian 189 of 1tleM1lni<;ipalAct th~1 h$ve not bMn'''lNlid is dolI.!r. AND WHEReAS the .moun! of lhlo esti~ ._of the Corporlltion n setoul ,nt""estim_ lIdop!edforIMCUrrentve..lIndnofv<<coIlectedlor.iftheMme......notVefbeenadoclttd.thellmotlntolthe estilnllledl9Vel'lUesoflheCOf1)OrlIIion.$lllfonhintheestimllleSldopredfMlhlIne>ltcreceding...-l- SEVEN MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE is THOUSAND. TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FOUR ------ 20/100 cIollus: ANOWl-lEREAS lite .mount tobeborrolOllldundM'Ihit:b1I_.ndtheamovntsofbcrrowinQsth<< hlMt notbelln_tddclnnotl""..aggr~~1Mofm.uncollKMdbel_oIlheestimatlld'_u_oI the COfCIQI'alion" set OVI abow. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTEO bVo~~p~~.r~er III TheHeadand.meTreaufflffoflheCOrl:Mnlionare....lJbyllUlhoriZedonbfl/llllfofthlJCotpOnlt;Onto bor'owf'OIfttimo!: to time. byw..,of~n0t8.lrom eri of Monttnl. a sum or SUmlnatllllc:eediAgin rhO! aggr/lgllle SEVEN MILLION -:--..;.-------:-- 00 / 100. dollarS to_.untilthetu__calleeted.theCUlNllt.~ofthe~forthl~.inctudirogttw amountsreQ\linldlorthepu~"""tioNdirlsut.l!cliollllloftheSlidSectlon 189. andtogive. on beh8l1 of rhl!COfIlOI'ltian,IOthes..kI~_ornot8l.S8IIedwitltthe~""8ftd.q.d.bf'thelnfor thl!moneySSOborrowedwithirl......-.norbCllldlng Prime pw~IMl'_,wfIIch.....,be paidirladv_orQtherlwiM. (21 AM SUIM borrowed Irom the Slid SInk. lor "'" or .. of the puroo-lMRtioMd in the Slid Sectlon 189, .halI. wilh in_ \l'lefean, .1ch8rgiluporIl'-wholeofthe..--oftheCorponIlionlorlheCUrTefll y...ar>dloraM~ve-s,"Indwt.-.such'--~' (31 Thl!T"lftSU_islMrebV...thorindanddirectldtollllPvirl~ofIllSUlMborTowI!dpUfSUllflt to rhl!3\llhoriTVOllhis Sy.,-. 3lIW0111l1SalIodMr_ bomlwed in m;s_IIAd"", prey;ous~. '.om theSl!id 8,nk.for anv or atI 01 thef'U'l'OfIl8IlMItIionoldin the Slid SectiorI 189,logetherwithin_tthlnon. all of lhe ""'""" "-fl. coI1M:ted or received Ot'l xcovnt or l'llliind in ""IllICI 01 the InOlS rl'lVilld lor !he currerot y..... and precedin9 y~;md lrII01 !hemOfllJ't'lleolll!l;ledorl'llCl!iWd from_othersoun:&, which '""'" l-mlly bo appIiedforsuc:llQUrtlOS'f. Passedthi!l_ 27th dayof Sen'tAmber '9~ ae:tf-.;f-':;Z;: V ,__ot....c-......, ~-~~- ~. 341 COUNTY OF ELGIN BY~Law No. 89-51 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. TB38. TO AUTHORIZE THE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS WITH RESPECT TO ONT ARID MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1838 authorized the participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System by the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin: and WHEREAS the Treasurer was designated as the person authorized to deduct and remit employer and employee contribu- tions and also to execute all documents necessary to carry out the intent of the By-Law; and WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to designate the position of Personnel Administrator instead of the Treasurer as the authorized signing authority to execute all documents neces- sary with respect to O.H.E.R.S. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin,enacts as fo1~ows: 1. That Paragraph 3 of By-Law No. 1838 be deleted and the following substituted therefore: {3} The Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized to deduct and to remit the employer and employee contributions as required. (4) The Personnel Administrator of the Corporation is hereby designated as signing authority to execute all the necessary documents for the purpose of the Ontario Hunicipal Employees Retirement System. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third ttme and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ~."""-' G. C. .Leverton. Clerk. 4.tt,..-I 7~~( A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 89-52 "A 8Y-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE SEPTEMBER 27TH SESSION. 1989." WHERE^S by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the' Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its council: and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act, being ChapterJ02 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law: and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of' each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings held during the September 27th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings, were expressly embodied in this By-~aw. 2. The Warden and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof~ 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1989. ._~_...c.<......<-c..., 7'~- G. C. f.everton. Clerk. .' ../ f -'/ c.G!.1......! 7'-'.( A. K. Ford, Warden. .j<i.j October Session - First Day Wednesday. the 25th day of October, 1989 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration BUilding. at 10:00 A.M.. in accordance with adjournment. Warden Ford welcomed all the student guests of the County Councillors and advised them that an interesting itinerary had been planned. Each Member introduced his/her guest. ROLL CALL - All Members present except: Deputy Reeve Hay Reeve Martyn. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Collins That the minutes of the September 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. , COMMITTEE CDfI4DNlCATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Siting Task Force. . Low-level Radioactive Waste HaRagement, with final notice date for participating in the process. 2. Ministry of Municipa1 Affairs advising that the funding fo~ the PRIDE (Program for Renewal, Improvement, Development and 'Economic Revita1ization) will end October 16th, 1989 for those interested in applying. 3, Federation o~ Canadian Municipalities wtthrequestfor membership. 4. The Management Board of Cabinet with copy-ofB!ll 49, the Huriicipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,first reading and II copy of .Preparing for the Legislation: A Guide for Municipalities arid Local Boards.. 5. Stevenson, Kellogg, Ernst' Whinney offering their experience and knowledge with respect to county restructuringstudiea. COUNT!' ROADS COfol4I'l"l'EE 1. The Village of Port Burwell with resolution requesting the erec- tion of No Parking Signs on Chatham Street. 2. Township of !'armouth with copy of Hill Street Drainage report. 3. Township of Malahide with estimated costs to clean out the open portion of the Vanwychen Drain. 4. Aldborough-ounwich Engineering Board with notice of on-site meet- ing re: the Douglas Drain. 5. Township of Aldborough with notice of drainage works and meeting with respect to the proposed Slack Orain~ 6. Village of Grand Bend with resolution requesting the establishment at II used tire depot by the Province of Ontario, from tu~ Hpaeial ta~ on tires. 7. Ministry of Transpo~t8tion with Memo No. 89-12 ~dvisin9of the relocation of the Municipal Roads Branch to the City of T~ing. 8. Ministry of Transportation with Memo No. 89-13 - General Environ- mental Requirements for Structural Steel Coating Requirements. 14 - 2 - ~ 1. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario with bulletin entitled AHO: ^ ~ew 8eginning a Report on the 1989 AHO Annual Confer- ence and also Reports No. 89-7 Review of Bill 20 - An Act to P~ovide for the Payment of Development Charges: 89-8 Response to County Government in Ontario: Report of the Consultation Committee to the Minister of Municipal Affairs: 89-9 Response to the Draft Wetlands Policy Statement. '-. Ministry of Housing with copy of the Ekos Research Associates report on non-profit housing. 1. Ministry of the Environment with list of upcoming examination dates and locations for the Voluntary Water & Wastewater Utility Operators Certification. 4. Ontario Hydro with copy of newsletter recently mailed to p~operty owners in the vicinity ~f alternate ~outes fo~ the new electrical transmission facilities to the Sarnia and Windsor areas. 5. Ministry of the Environment advising of the MISA Monitoring Regu- lation becoming law for Ontario mines. 6. Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of the approved Port Burwell Provincial Pa~k Management Plan. 7. Ontario Hydro with copy of the fourth Longwood TS to Nanticoke GS Transmission Project. 8. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and financial statement to August 31st, 1989. Moved by Deputy Reeve West Seconded by Reeve Rushmere THAT the disposition. of the Communications mailed previously and those presented tOday; be approved as followst County Government Committee- '1-5 inclusive County Roads Committee - '1-8 inclusive Filed - '1-8 inclusive County Council - '1-8 inclusive. - Carried. A delegation was present from the Blgin Family Violence Centre and it was moved by Reeve Lavereau that Karen McCaw be now heard~ Ms. McCaw r9viewed the history of the Family Violence Centre and also the pro- grams and services offered to the residents of Elgin County. She indicated that they would be requesting Elgin County Council to name an appointee to the Board in the future. A delegation from the Four counties General Hospital was present and it was moved by Reeve Coles that they be now heard~ Mr. Brian Tibbet, AdminiBtrator~ and Mr. Ray Hooker of the RospitalFoundation were in attendance. Mr. Tibbet reviewed the services of the Hospital and the fact that Ministry's approval for additional beds was being sought. The origlna1 x-~ay equipment, which costs $16.000, was in-need of replacing and will COBt $425,000. Patient usage from Elgin County amounts to approximately 26%~ They requested support in the present and future projects-of the Hospital. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEB {mailed} Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman '1'tlA.'f tne First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. - Carried. Reeve ~yle indicated that residents from his area were concerned with the fact that E1.gin Manor was going to be abandoned and a new facility built. 345 - 3 - County Council, October Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT - HOH85 FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE The Second Report of the nomes for SeniorCitlzens Committee ..,as presented by Reeve Chute and adopted on motion of Reeve Chute arid Reeve Lyle. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hillman That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. Reeve Collins requested that the appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council be made for the term of Council in the future and not just for the presentCounc:il. This was referred to the County Government Committee by the Warden. Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Chute That Item fa of the First Report of the County Government Committee be referred back to tbe County Government Committee for clarification. - Carried. The report. as amended, was then voted upon and Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Hillman Seconded by Reeve Allin That the First Report of the County Library COmmittee be adopted~ An amendment was - Moved by . Deputy"- Reeve Hillman Seconded by Reeve Collins That Item'2of .the First Report of the. County Library Committee be amended to add the words-berequested to. .after the words~.Property Committee- in the first line. The amendment was voted upon and Carried. The amended report was then voted upon and Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Rasteren That the Second Report of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Avram That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - carried. FIRST REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Avram That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. An amendment was - - 4 - Moved by Rgev~ Chut~ Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That ttem #6 of the First Report of the Personne~ Committee be amended by adding the words -in conjunction with the appropriate department head- after .Personnel Administrator- lothe first line. '['he alnendment was Defeated. '['he original report was then voted upon and Carried. Moved by Reev~ Kahnt Seconded by Reeve' Willsey That we do now adjourn (111S9 A.M.) to meet again on October 25th. 1989 at 1:30 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 1:43 P.M. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That the Bank of Montreal be advised that all expenditures made on MasterCards in the names of - 1\ tbert K. Ford George C. Leverton Exp. Exp. which have been issued for County of Elgin purposes only wi~l be guaranteed by and paid for by the corporation of the County of Elgin. ~ Carried. R"!I8v8 Mezanberg advised the members of the Agricultural Committee that the 4-8 Banquet was to be held ~t the Union Church on November 24th at 8=00 P.M.. Warden Ford 'C'equested ~hllt invitations be sont to each member of the Agricultural Committee instead at a verbal invitation. Reev"!l Avrara read a letter. from Mayor Pearson of the Town of Aylmsr requesting the extension of County Road '53 and to give it some prior- ity for moving traffic east of Aylmer. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Emerson That the letter from the Town of Aylmer be referred to the Roads Committee. -.Carried. Reev"!l Allin advised Council that she intended to bring fo'C'ward a resolution to the afternoon Session with respect to a marina project in pnrt Burwell. COUNCIL coMMUNICATIONS 1. City of Orillia with resolution declaring it~ strong opposition to Bill 8 because of its enforced bilingualism. 2. Ministry of the Solicitor, General Emergency Planning Ontario with a eop~ of Update on the Joint Emergency P'C'sparedness Program (JEPP) Guidelines. 3. Township of South Dorchester with copy of a letter sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs with regard to the Consultation Commit- tee's Report on County Government. 4. Family & Children's Service~ of St. Thomas & Elgin advising that the 1988 oudget has been approved at $146.984. 5. Fam~ly & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin advising that the 1989 budget has been approved at $168.884. 347 - 5 - County Council, October Session. 1989 COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS - continued 6. Rehoboth Girls Home of Refuge and Support with invitation to attend the Open House to beheld on Saturday, October 28th, 1989, from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 7. Solid Waste lnterim Steering Committee with information on their work to date on the long~term $olidwaste system for the greater Toronto area. 8. Hr. Thomas L. Wells. Agent General for Ontario, with appreciation for warm reception given to the 'S9lnvestorGroup from the U.K. on their recent visit to Ontario. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That the resolution from the City.of Orillia (Correspondence '1) be endorsed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Hezenberg Seconded by Reeve Coles That the following budgets of the Family' Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin be approved. 1988 Budget of $1,378,060 with Elgin's share being $146,984 1989 Budget of $1,524,.377 with Elgin's share being $168,884. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Kahnt Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That Council Communicat ions numbered 2, 6, 7 and 8be fIled. -Carried. M~ved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That we go into Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Warden Ford named Reeve Allin as Chairman. The Committee rOBe without reporting. Moved by Reeve Chute seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That we do now adjourn (3~03 P.M.) to meet again on Wednesday. October 25th, 1989 at 3~30 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 4:05 P.M. ROLL CALL - All Members present ~xcept: Deputy Reeve H~y Reeve Martyn. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That the First Report of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. - 6 - SECOND REPOR'I' - PROPER'r'! r::OMMIT'rF.:8 The Second Report of the Property Committee was presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve Rushmere. Moved by Reeve ~llin Seconded by Reeve Emerson Whereas there is a proposal to establish an Outer Harbour Project for Port Burwell. Therefore be it resolved that we support this Outer Harbour Project to be located in Port Burwell and Elgin County as this type of develop~ ment would help enco'lcage tourism and assist the economic climate in Elgin County and area. That copies of this resolution be forwarded to thafollowing - Prtme Minister: Premier of Ontario: Ministry of Tourism and Trade for Canada and Ontario; Department of Ocean and Fisheries, Small Craft Harbour, our M.P. Ken Monteith, and our M.P.P. Marietta Roberts. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reev~ Carroll Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-53 -Being a By-Law to Rescind By-Laws No. 86-63, 86-64 and 86-66- be read a first time. - Carried. Mov~d by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Emerson That By-Law No. 89-53 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-53 be read a thi~ time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve MacIntyre Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 89-54 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Quit Claim Deed with Respect to Part of Lot 7, Conces- sion v, Township of Southwold- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Avram That By-Law No. 89-54 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre That By-Law No. 89-54 be read a thi~ t~e and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve ,",vram That By-Law No. 89-55 -Being a By-Law to Provide that the Annual County Rate. be paid in Four. Instalments by Each Local Municipality in the County of- ragin- be read a first time. - Carried. 349 _ 7 _ County Council. October Session. 1989 Moven by Reeve ^vram Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-55 be read a second tUne. ~ Carried. Moved by Deputy :ReeveVandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Avrl!llln That By-Law No. 89-550e read a third tLme and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 89-56 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Lease with Respect to a Vehicle for Use in the County Library System- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That By-Law No. 89-56 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hil1man Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By-La. No. 89-56 be read a third t~ and finally passed. - Carried. Hoved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-57 .A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal enuneil of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October 25th Ses~ion. 1989- be read a first t~. - Carried. Hoved by Deputy Reeve Wilson Seconded by Reeve Willsey That By-Law No. 89-57 be read a second time. - Carried. Hoved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wi~son That By-Law No. 89-57 be read a third t~ and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That "'8 do..n~"'" .adjom:n (4.15 P.M.) to meet again on November 15th, 1989 at lO~OO A..K. - Carried. ----;,-.,....<--.........,~........ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. A. K. Ford, Warden. flOMES fOR SENIOR CI'rIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Session, 19A9 fIRST RF;PORT TO the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. THAT the Director/Administrator be authorized to call for tenders for an architect for the Elgin Village through advertising, upon receipt of confirmation of the capital funds from the Ministry of Community and Social Services. ALL of which is respectfully <Jubmitted. -1.' !. .p" \--:::> /,r.-.- ( _ tffi:::2J D. V. Chute, Chairman. (([t,.(:;;;;'t .0:>1 HOMES FOR ~F.NIOP CITIZENS COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Sessi.,n. 19f19 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elqin County Council, The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend Marilyn Barrett, Assistant Administrator be author-ized to- attend the National Advisorv Council of Seniors' Conference in Ottawa on October 26;1989 to present the Elgin-Home Support program, with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectful~Y submitted. _ // _~,~/C7 -.0 {..-;--.,.. c:~ D. V. Chute, Chairman {ltC:.r,:t :;;,:~..l COUNTY GOVP.~NMENT COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as followsl 1. That Correspondence J1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 be filed. 2. That we recommend that a grant of $1,000.00 be given to the Essex County Flood Relief Committee. 3. That the policy with respect to the colour of the ~ibrary vehicles be amended to delete any mention that it must be chrome yellow in colour. 4. That we recommend that the number of complimentary tickets for the Warden's use for the Warden's Banquet be changed from thirty to fifty. 5. That we recommend that the County by-laws and minutes be allowed to be taken to London for microfilming by the Library Committee and the previous recommendation be amended. 6. That we recommend that a picture of the County Administration Building, properly framed with a plaque. be pur- chased for. Chuck Knapp and a County pen set for Jane Battin for their contribution with regard to tbe. U.K. Investment Tour; 7. obtained limit of That we recommend that a MasterCard credit card be for use by the Warden and Clerk-Treasurer and. that a $5,000.00 be placed on it. 8. That we recommend that the appointments to the Restructuring Steering and Liaison Committees be for the term of this Council for continuity purposes. 9. That the County Government Committee has considered the suggestion of appointments for a longer period than one year and does not feel there is sufficient merit to change from the pre- sent method. 10. That membership be taken in the Southwestern Ontario Warden's Association in the amount of S100.00. 11. That By-Law No. 80-35 be amended to provide that when the due date for the County Levy falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday. it becomes due at noon bour on the last banking day prior to that date. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. I t.,;- I ;' :I'&?-::,i~ A_ J. van K6steJ:en~ Chairman. l Ur_ ( '1.,,( . Item ~8 was amended by deleting it from the Report and referring it back to the County Government Committee. 3::J3 LIBRARY COMMITTEE REPORT October 4th Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Mayor of Aylmer be included in lheCree distribution of Historical Publications as detailed in Elgin County Library Publications Distribution Policy dated September 9, 1989. * See amend- ment below 2. That the Property Committee hire Spriet Associates at 8 maximum cost of $3,DOO.OO to prepare detailed andspec!fic . cost projections on the construction process of the fourth floor for Archives. That these plans be broken down..into phases end cost these phases separately so that we have yearly costs to proceed with the. project. That the Property Committee and Engineer work in consultation with the Librarian arid the Public Service Co-:-Ordinator on these plans. 3. That the Tender -from Co-TracFordfora 1990 FordF350 truck to the amount of $27,482.76 less $95.00 plus tax for paint and less $440.00 plus tax for tires be accepted and the Dealer be so .notified. 4. That the Clerk and Warden be authorized to sign a Lease with the Bank of Montreal on. behalf of the Elgin .County Library to cover the cost. of leasing a 1990 F3S0 Ford truck for a. five(S) year period with a20 percentbuy-out at the end of .this period, and the $7,000.00 budgeted . for 1989 be npplied to the Lease immediately. 5. That Mrs. Eileen Floody, Mrs. Cathy Bishop and Miss Elizabeth Lamont attend D.L.A. 6. That Eileen Floody go to the Mini Contact on Friday, October 27th, 1989 with the usual expenses paid. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Ii I;~'U_A___ . J I,.J I ~ _." ~J , Marian Millman, Chairman. attj XJ * I~em ~2 was amended by adding -be requested to~ after the words .Property Committee-. LIBRARY COl\ll\llTTEE REPORT October 10th Session 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County Library Committee respectfully recommends to the County Government Committee that the Procedural By-Law 86-32 which provides for the regulation of the proceedings in Council and Committees thereof, including the composition and responsibility of various Committees, Section XVIII, entitled "LIBRARY COMMITTEE" be altered to permit the disbursement of .monies upon the certification of the County l..ibrarian and the Chairman or, in his/her absence, the \'larden, in order to expedite the payment of accounts prior to ratification by the Committee at a subsequent meeting. 2. That the County Government Committee alter Schedule lof the County Council Policies; the procedure. entitled "Library Branch Construction Policy", according to the attached addendum; 3. That the County. Government Committee include the Librarian's duties and responsibilities in the County Procedural By""Law. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. J,IA_t.lA., Marian Millman, Chairman. . ae/"d- ::A-,,( " Ld'",.,. \ 355 LIBRARY BRANCH CONSTRUCTION POLICY The following shall constitute the policy of the Elgin. County Library Committee an/or the Corporation of the. County of Elgin to be followed. in considering any participation it will have with any Municipality_ represented on County Council in the establishment of Library facilities anywhere in the County. A. ACTION INITIATED BY MUlllClPALITY 1.0 The Municipality shall first determine Crom the Committee, if in the opinion oC the Committee, there is sneed for.-Library facilities and/or new facIlities in the Municipality. 2.0 If the answer to 1.0 is in the affirmative, the Committee should state the square feet area required to provide the Library service desired and so notify the Municipality, and stuillat this time provide the Municipality with a draft Lease as hereinafter contemplated. 3.0 Should the MunicIpality wish to pursue the matter it shall notify the Committee, and within a reasonable period of time ft-shall submit to the County Councll and to the Committee .8 proposal wmch shBl1 set out the following: 3.01 The address and description of the proposed site and building to be constructed and/or renovated. 3.02 The interior gross area of the bulldingor proposed building. 3.03 The size of the area designated or to be designated for Library use which area shall not be less than that indicated by Clause 2.0; 3.04 The estimated total cost of construction or renovation required to complete the entire facility and in particular the estimate shall include the following; 3.04..1 Construction Timetables. 3.04.2 Cost of construction or renovation including mechanicals. 3.04.3 Cost of interior fittings for Library fittings. 3.04.4 Architect's fees. 3.04.5 Jnterimfinancing cost. 3.04.6 Source of funding for project. 3.1 The Committee upon receiving notification from the Municipality pursuant to Clause 3.0 shall prepare for submission to County Council, its estimation of the cost to it, if the Municipality proposal is proceeded with. -, -1.0 The Council upon receiving the proposal from the Municipality and the estimation of cost and recommendation from the Committee shall consider the proposal. If acceptable, and Council determines that it wishes to participate in the establishment of the Library facilities recommended, the County Clerk shall notify the Municipality and the Committee of the amount of the Capital Grant (as specified in the lease) which the Council is prepared to make. towards the. proposed. building and.. the mode and time the grant will be made; which grant when made, if accepted by the Municipality, shall be an interest Cree loan to be repaid as per standard El2'in County Librarv Munidesl Lease. 1'0 expedite matters a Letter of Intent detailing the arrangement may be signed by the County and the Municipality. 4.1 Upon the Clerk or the County being advised in writing by the Municipality that the amount of the grant proposed in Clause 4.0 is satisfactory to the Municipality, the Clerk shall be authorized to pay such grant upon receipt olan executed standard Elgin County Library Municipal Lease. 5.0 5.0.1 The Municipality shall cause plaris and specifications or the Library premises to be prepared, which plans must be approved by the Committee. S.0.2 The Municipality shall be the owner of the lAnd and building. 5.0.3 The Municipality shall, at Its cost, cause the building to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications referred to in C;lause S.O.l. 5.1 80th Parties to the Lease shall be responSible for their own legal cost in the negotiation and/or drafting of any Lease Agreement B. ACTION INITIATED BY THE COMMrrrEE 1.0 In any plans wherein no Municipality is involved the Committee will proceed in the normal manner. C. NEW LIBRARIES The square (ootage ot Branch Libraries shall be 2500 square (eet except in the case of resource Libraries which shall be 5000 square feet. In all cases of new construction the Libraries shall be on one leveL. 357 COUNTY OF ElG IN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER 25 . 19B9 SESSION TO THE WAROENANO'MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Mclean-Taylor Construction limited, the contractor for the Hiddlemiss Bridge is continuing ~ork and expects to have the bridge open to traffic in early November. 2. Construction work continues at the intersection of County Road #22 (Fairvie~ Avenue) and ,County Road 127. Granular base h8sbeen placed and curb and gutter ~ork is underway. The intersection ~ill be paved as soon 8S the curb and gutter ~ork has been completed. 3. Worl:. has been completed on County Road #14 other than p8VIng of the south approach to the Middleiniss Bridge. The paving will be cOlltpleted within the next month. 4. Construction of two buildhlQs is undeT'Vay to replace the wooden hangar buildIng at the White Station,' property that was removed last Spring. Some of the steel has been delivered by Steel way Building Systems of Aylmer and it is hoped to start ereCtion shortly. WE RECOfltlEND: 1. That the resolution of the Village of Grand Bend be endorsed which requests that the Province of Ontario establish used tire depots for the logical disposal of used tires. The depots to be paid for from the proceeds of the existing Provincial Tire Taxes. 2. That a by-law be passed rescinding By.Laws No. 86.63, No. 86-64 and No. 86.66 which \fere by-laws to assume portions of boundary road allowances in conjunction with adjacent municipalities. The by-laws assumed portions of the Townline Roads between: (a) Elgin and Middlesex. (b) -Bayham and Southwest Oxford from the Bayhllm-Tillsonburg Townline westerly to the Halahide Townline. (c) Highway 119 south":'easterly between the Townships of Bayham and Norfoll:.to County Road 138. Continued. . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER 25. 19B9 SESSION PAGE 2. These by~laws were not supported by the County of Middlesex, County of Oxford or the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk nor approved by the MInistry of Transportation of Ontario. We have been requested by the Ministry of TransportatIon to rescind the by-laws to update our consolidating road by-Ia". 3. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Quit Claim Deed to Ontario Hydro releasing the County's interest fn a portion of lot 7, Concession V, Township of Southwold shown on Reference Plan IliR.967 and shown as Part lIon Plan D-1309 and Part lIon PlanD-13IO. The property was acqUired by the County of Elgin as a "cut-off corner" during the construction of County Road 120 north of Shedden a number of years ago and SUbsequently divided into smaller parcels and sold as building lots. As part of the sale the County kept the right. to refuse to allow these- lots to be severed a second time. Ontario l:Iydro "ishes to purchase a $JIlI:ll portion of two of the lots for a portion of their tranSlllission right-of.way through Southwold Township. The Quit Claim Deed would release the County's interest fn the lands. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUlLY SUBMITTED "~/ )<..d',,_, < "..,..-1 CHA I RMAH (Ldd--;r.::i 359 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Session, 1989 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the resolution recommending that Hr. Ted McCready be allowed to carryover one week's vacation to 1990 and be paid at the 1989 hourly rate be amended 50 that he be paid at his current rate of pay at the time he actua11y takes the time off. 2. That as Mr. Harley J. Underhill's probationary period of 120 days worked was up on September 25th, 1989, we recommend that his employment be permanent and that his remuneration be increased by $1,000.00 per annum, .effectiveSeptember 26th, 1989. 3. That Hr. Harley Underhill be appointed as Secretary of the Personnel Committee to replace the Clerk effective the next meeting. 4. That where documents are to be signed to facilitate contract negotiations they be signed by the Personnel Administrator and an elected 'person and only documents which must be ratified by County Council be signed by the Warden and Clerk as official signing authorities. 5. That the attached policy'3.20 be adopted. 6. That the Personnel Administrator negotiate the new col- lective agreements with the London and District Service Workers' Union. Local 220 and the Roads Association. 7. That we recommend to CountyCounci1 that all Department Head positions etc. be incorporated into the Procedural .By-Law and that the County Government Committee be requested to prepare the wording in consultation with the appropriate committee. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. < c-.." /.,/,"; E. Neukamm, Chairman. aU,.t J,:..{ tIll/Ff lP'r Sf;'~ti"n: 3 ('''''nt" nf ~:Igi!l f'''r-~nl1flp.1 Pol icy H:mu;j 1 SubJ~ct.: PORtinp-. Advl"r.t.iRinp' And Report i Il~ Policy NuntbE"r: 3_20 (:nc!@ Date Approved: Oct;. 1. ImrT P~p.f' nf 1. lJate L~et RevielQIl: (I'll V"'-cancies for "l.11 full-time. anli rermanent part-tim~ pC'lfl; t;Orll'l. not covered by a collective tl-'!:t'f'l!!'ment. inc:ludinst l'ep1\rtm..nt. 11",."\rl and AflststClllt/l'eputy. .shal1 be advertised in al.1 t'ep;}rtment.,s internally .at least five (5) working days prior tl) hpin,e: advertised out.Flide. If the postins does not ~en~r;}tp a euffici~nt. numh",r of suitRb1e -'1pplicants. commence recrui tinlt. (bl Posit.ions othp.r thl:1n those noted above may be posted at the Llf:o.part.ment Head~t'I discretion. 361 PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Session, 1989 FI RST - REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the recommendation offering 1.5 acres for sale to the Farnily&Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin be amended to' include a purchase price of _$34,000 per acre and will lapse on November 15th, 1989. 2. That a Model G C SMOKEETER has been purchased for use in the smoking area in the basement at a cost of $1,095.00, plus P.S.T., plus installation charge of $50.00. It is understood that in the event it isunsatlsfactory within the first thirty days we can have it removed and only pay the installation charge. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,/', t-. l; j,.:J.... _. -~_/ I ...-L.-..e.... rc.<....\..cS...,. --.. K. C.Emerson, ' Chairman. {It!<.t ;.,( PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT October 25th Session, 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin Countycouncii, The Property Committee reports as follows: L That John's Arrow be engaged to plow snow at the County Administration Building parking lot and frontlaneway for the 1989-90 season at the following rates: S30.00 per hour for snowplowing S80.00 per hour for removal. 2. That we accept the quotation of Woodman Janitorial Service for cleaning occupied office space and hallway on the second floor in the amount of S125.00 per week for two cleanings per week. This is to assist the present caretaker in maintaining the County Administration Building. 3. That we recommend that tenders be requested to prepare detailed and specific cost projections on the construction pro- cess for the fourth floor of the County Administration Building for an Archives and that it be advertised in the Times~Journal and London Free Press, with a closing date of November 14th, 1989 at 4:30 P.M. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. . _l ,./ L'.I..'Zll...V'~pV K. C. Emerson Chairman. ' ,it(J /,~{ JVJ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-53 "BEING A BY-LAW TO RESCIND BY-LAWS NO. B6-63. B6-64 AND 86-66. " WHEREAS By-Laws No. 86-63 . 86-64 and 86-66 adopt a plan of County Road Improvement and Establish a County Road System: and WHEREAS the said roads involved were portions of boundary road allowances and were in conjunction with adjacent municipalities: and WHEREAS the Counties of Middlesex. Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk did not support the by-laws nor the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approve of them, but requested that they be rescinded. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That By-Laws No. 86-63. 86-64 and 86-66 be and the same are hereby repealed. READ a first time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a second time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October, 1989. __:;S:;_4...........-..., ,'r-~...., G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /f/ILi ~/<' -wi A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 89-54 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A DUIT CLAIM DEED WITH RESPECT TO PART OF LOT 7 CONCESSION V. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLO." WHEREAS when the County of Elgin sold a portion of Lot 7, Concession v, Township of Southwald, shown on Reference Plan llR-967 and shown as Part lIon Plan 0-1309 and Part lIon Plan 0-1310, they retained the right to refuse to allow these lots .to be severed a second time: and WHEREAS Ontario Hydro wishes to purchase a small por- tion of twO lots for a portion of their transmission right-af-way through Southwald Township: and WHEREAS the County has no objection to releasing their interest in the said lands. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a Quit Claim deed to Ontario Hydro which releases the coven- ants described on the attached SChedule forming part of the said deed. READ a first time this 25th day of October, 1ge9~ READ a second time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October. 1989. ~~y~-,../ G. C. L.everton, Clerk. ;;UZJ~ A. K. Ford. Warden. 30:0 ~.. ~ :;"""'<< ~o.....'" Transfer/Deed of Land F......,-UftcI~UonI'lelonnAcl.t.. A III Reglltry. [] 13IPlop4rty ktRnllftft(l) LandTI""D 1f21 PIQlllo1 BIDCIl Prcpeny ..... ,- :::.... 0 .-- 14IC_..... Nil nen."S Nil (5)Dncr1pIIon 'm,;,.. = 0 ~ 0 FIRSTLY: Part of Lot 7. ConeessiOD 5. Township of ~d.County ofElg1n,deslgnst:ed sa Part 1 on Plan of Expropriation NUlllber D-1310 SECONDLY: Part of Lot 7. Concession. 5. or GO!'t: in the Township of Southvold, County of Elgin, designated as Part 1 00 Plan of EltpropriaUon NUCIIber 0-1309 , o III1 N_ '-. "..,.. -- :::.... 0 (I)TIIIJ .~ c...- I'IR~ ....- PIaniSIc*" ......~o =- 0 0Ilw1]l (7)~'J""""'" ,-- QUIT CLAIM o I'IT"''"'''1I' T'"'_terorlllNby--"'U.-..clIOI..Ifinsl.n.-"'~lhaIb~It..,-,~,....dcl__ Ni.~;) 1'1:l;: Gq~P.o.R,A.T.IP~ 9f. 'P!-E;,t;o.U.~, !'f ~~~p~ s~lj"""" p~';..af!4,j":;{~. Narden .~~)4.........-,-; .Cierk........ ,-....... DaM,otSI;nMufe , . . ! 1989110 i::rS J......4,....!... i ; I j~.f.1.!;I/~.I~F ". L.. .". "I, -- j I, I ! i : I I OabolSior>lo\Vftl , . . I " ....+1 I ',' il (t'SflOllH('lolT~., 1~C-.lto-""lI8IlIIClkJn NII","s' -, cuij Tri...."'ro.!') Add-. la<Servlc,. 450 Sunset Drive. St. thOMS, Ontraio NSR SVl 11l)T_iilft(.) DltsclBirlh , . . (12)T..nstereeisf...,_. tar Sc!rvle,. 100 University Avenue, Toronto,Ontario MSG 1X6 J , i 'j i ! ~~~~I? l!~~R:O. It3)n....IIOfCl'lSl Thel.....ltrror_ilieslftaltolhlrbetcl""'I..""t..or..~lfIdbelllrl.IhltIflftlf..~nol~~1on"9c11h" P1annmgAct.lll83. DI1atofS\9nI1Ufe . Oa\IIclSigna_ f T ! III I 0, f Y ! III ! 0 Si9l111"'e.......................................... SlgnMuN..........................-........... SOlJdIOt""T~')Ihlr4I\'ql11line!lIlleeffee!oI'lectlon"901lh1rPl8nnlnoAd.llil13lDihll...-.ltnlr_I'-rnmolnQui...oIlh1r........" ::t. .to~lhltlhlst...nsf.,..0an1lDt_ihIl_lan_t.sItdonlhllllforrnltionauppl...,brlhlr___.101hl'*'ot'''Y..-clge z en(lCelief.IhIsUl...,.donncllcon'-1hI1_"'".I.......0nlIr10IDlll:!lariflgaOl!~ DI\IIofSlgoMnn. 2 N8ITIe.n(l ! T ! III I 0 & ~~=oI s~..........................L.....!. L 1_ y i (l"ISOIIdIO'IorT.....,.Ift(.)I_irwnligl'edlhlrtillelothisilnd_IOIIbu'lIlngIln(l""-......."'_I...Atiltled__til"'~ < ~ii~ ~el.noaltln...",ItCIn....lOUI'".utIc_~9121.lleIIQlofIllePlltinino;!Ac:~1..,_lhallOlliebestOI...,.==.__'tIm ~ Us =:6=~OO::I=;:e1ectlon"9of_PIlnnln9AelI883.11d~0IIh..,lfldlotlOrlhlr__eror{SI IlfttanOnllfll1 'I~ll 'll:: ~2" "'ame_ ~iU ~=oI . ...~- , . . .S9*uN. 11S1 A....srnenl Rciiriiu_. olPntpeny (IS)M___IIfP<-'J Vacant Land. :ety.:r.4unj""" ~ SuI:> .. F..._t... I5I,FIegistIatIonF.. Land T........ t.. JlENmm. !OWn & ASmlAlIS 8mts1m& $alicillll'S 1015 Cenh St. S~ 11l1lmas. 0Il~ r.O.8clz548 I151'M ox: 13H314 - 1U:: fI33.3310 ,... H...""".o.d G~bn,. Um~<d r.... I.FllZ' 111.~) .....~, Ins i 166 J~{r,,"-- a.!-o ~..._,o Schedule s F_s_L....n~_Act.I... '''' 1 ~P-"I~.'.ndI"'C_~.,.. , i ;.RF.AS \iced dnted Novemh...r 1..c. 1976 alld regtl'ltered December 21st. 1976 m. II'I~truml!nt rh..r l-9~2JJ between the r:n'rl'orat:lnn-of the County of Elgin, :IS Gnlntcot". :tnd lIorfolk ~i" rropertie!!- Inc. "5 Grantee. tont.::Jf.ns ;'I. eovellllnt .15 foUo_~--"The Gr1l.ntee.herl"in &..nrmtll :md "'ltreell on belmtf of itself. ttll I'lueeessor!l and a!'lsigns tnll!: they shll11 not. ?dtvi<lc Ot" c:aUl'Ie a sevet't1m:e of >'11'11 r:n:t: of Plitt: 1 horein dellc:ribed and futther covenant d rlRrel! that this restriction ,hnll be a-covenanl: thae rons witlt the land"; "-od I , , IJ WIF.RF.AS Deed dated the 19th dll1 of Sc{'temher. 1978 and n~glstl'!rl!d the 8th d:ty of ~t..mher. 19R9 :IS Instrument Number' 23J195 between tlte Coqlorrctioft of the r:C1unty of l::tgin i l:t:rl1tn'C'. and Etf'C'{ede Atche"on :'C!J Grnntee. contrcins :'C covennnt rei'! fol tow,:- "And thl! , ~d \-'C':lntee covemmts with the satd Grantor that she ",ill not c:onvey :lny portion of the lands~ ~ Otlt herein which is less than the wltole of the lands set out herein"; , ~) WllF.REM;The corpoution of the County of Elgin hereby r.eleaaes. the above describt!d "emlTlt frOIll the lands feferred to herein. , < " . . , " ~.~ ~:'~~_'. lJ_... "",""IS :;bl COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-55 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE THAT THE ANNUAL COUNTY RATE BE PAID IN FOUR INSTALMENTS BY EACH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY_IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS Section 365, Subsection 13 of The Municipal Act provides: RThe council of a county may, by .agreement with a majority of the municipalities representing at least two-thirds of the equalized assessment in the county, provide by by-law that the amount required to be provided by each municipality according to the by-law passed under subsection 6 or 9 shall be paid to the county in the following instalments - 1. 25 percent of the amount required for county purposes in the prior year, ODor before the 31st day of March. 2. 50 percent of the amount required for county purposes in the current year, less the amount of the instalment paid under paragraph 1, on or before the 30th day of June. 3. 25 percent of such current amount on or before the 30th day of September. 4. 25 percent of such current amount on or before the 15th day of December.-: and WHEREAS. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has deemed it advisable to have the annual County Rate paid in four instalmentsr and WHEREAS a majority of the Local Municipalities in the County of Elgin.representingmore than two-thirds of the equalized assessment in the County have previously agreed to having their portion of the annual County Rate made payable in four instalments. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the amount of County Rate to be provided by each Local Municipality in the County of Elgin shall be paid as follows: March 31st June 30th September 30th December 15th 25% of prior year's levy 50% of current levy less March instalment 25% of current levy 25% of current levy. 2. When, in any year, the due date above falls on a Saturday. Sunday or statutory holiday, it shall become due at Noon Hour on the last banking day prior to that date. 3. That in the case of non-payment of any instalment or any portion thereof on the due dates, the municipality so in default shall pay to the County interest thereon from the day of default or the date that payment is made. The rate of interest shall be the minimum lending rate or rates charged by the majority of chartered banks, during the period of default. January, 1990. by-law Shall ueeume effectiVe on the 1st day of - 2 - 5. T~at By-Law No. 80-35 be and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 25th ~ay of October. 1989. READ a second time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October, 1989. __:f~<.)"'io..,.-" G. C. Leverton. Clerk. /'// ~ /cC,.., ..L?-; . ..( .....d A. K. Ford Warden. ' 369 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-56 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A LEASE WITH RESPECT TO A VEHICLE FOR USE IN THE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM." WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to obtain a new vehicle for use in the County Library System; and WHEREAS it has been decided to lease a vehicle rather than an outright purchase with the provision to. purchase etthe end of five years at a twenty (20t) percent buyout. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Thi!lt subject to Ontario Municipal Board approvel, the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary lease documents with the Bank -of Montreal for a 1990 Ford F-350 truck, for use by the County Library. READ a first time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a second t'ime this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October, 1989. .__....-..r; _ "'--.............. ~ ~-~.J G. C. Leverton, 'Clerk. ((c.t:, J ?..:, A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-57 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEOINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT THE OCTOBER 25TH SESSION. 1989." WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 302 of the RevlsedStatutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised-by its council; and WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 103 of The Municipal Act. being Chapter ]02 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-Law; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin in respect of each recommendation contained in the Reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at its meetings. held during the OctOber 25th, 1989 Session is hereby adopted and.'confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By~Law. 2.. The Warden- and proper officials of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of 'Elgin referred to in the preceding section hereof. 3. The Warden and the Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a second time this 25th day of October, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 25th day of October, 1989. _~--:;; A............e.. ...:..-........... G. C. Leverton, Clerk. /LILoI :;(. _(_ A. K. ford, Warden. 371 November Session - First Day Wednesday, the 15th day of November, 1989 The Elgin County .Councilmet this day at the Administration Building, at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL - All Members present. except: Reeve MacIntyre Reeve Allin. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the minutes of the October 1989 Session of the Elgin County Council be adopted. ;.. Carried. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 1. Township of Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional with resolutions and copy of a by-law re:English as official language. 2. East Elgin District Women's Institute advising thatHrs. Margaret Stewart has been named as their appointee to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board. COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTEE 1. Village. of West..Lorne.wlth.rasolution accepting in principle the proposal from the County with regard to new facilities to be located in West Lorne. COUNTY ROADSCOJoftI'l'TEE 1. Township of Aldborough vithnoticeof meeting to be. he1dThursday, November 2Jrd. 1989 at 9145 A.M. rei the Slack Drain. 2. Township of Malahide with notice of meeting to be held November 15th, 1989 at 10100 A.M. re; the S. Ryan Drain Extension. 3. Township of ~1dborough with notice of meeting to be held November 14th, 1989re: the Miller Drain. 4. Office of Consolidated Hearings with notice of public hearing re; Hazardous Waste Management Treatment and Disposal System in the Town- ship of West Lincoln tQ be held ThurAday. November 23rd, 1989. 5. Essex-Windsor Waste Manag~ment Committee with minutes of meeting held in Toronto on October 13th. 6. TownShip of Yarmouth with a copy of the drainage report on the McCutcheon Drain. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Bank of Montreal Investment Management Ltmited introducing Pension Line - a multiple investment manager product. PROPERTy ...COHMITTEE 1. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin acknowledging our letter of October 25th reI offer to sell property north of Karen Street and advising their Board has passed a resolution authorizing the submission of an Offer to Purchase. - 2 - FILED 1. Ministry of the Solicit0'C' Gener~l. Emergency Planning Ontario, with notice of dearlline Eor L'HO-91 JEPP Applications is December 31st. 1989. 2. Ministry of Rp-venue, Retail Sales Tax Branch, with information 'Ce: Sales Tax Refunds for people with physical disabilities. 3. The Minister of Transport, The Honourable Benoit Bouchard, aCknowLedging Elgin's letter rel VIA Rail and enclosing a press pack- age which elaborates on the decision. 4. AHO with application entitled -The GhSAMO Pipeline~ with savings realized by various municipalities. 5. Ken Monteith, M.P., acknowledging Elgin's letter re; VIA Rail. 6. Univer~ity of Guelph advising that the following were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships - Michael HAYHOE, R. R. 11, Union George MARTYN, R. R. 11, Sparta Ramona SNYDERS, R. R. 11, Belmont Chcistopher HIEMSTRA. R. R. 14, Aylmer. 7. Family & Chi1dcen's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Allocation of Children In Care and financial statement to September 30, 1989. 8. Notice of Hearings rei Bill 49, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989 and Bill 52. Municipal Freedom of Information Statute Law Amendment Act, 1989. 9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that the 1990 Annl1al Conference of the County and Regional Section will. be held October 14th-17th in the City of Peterborough. 10. university of Western Ontario advising that the following were the winners of the Elgin County Scholarships - Glen D. HOO~ER, R. R. fl. Belmont Kelly A. WELCH~ R. R. fl. Dutton. 11. Ridgetown Cotlege of Agricultural Technology advising that the winner of the Elgin County Scholarship was - Lorenzo LUCHINI, R. R. 12, Port Burwell. Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be approved as follows: County Government Committee - #1-2 inclusive County Library Committee - '1 County Roads Committee - #1-6 inclusive Personnel Committee - #1 Property Committee - #1 Filed - #1-11 inclusive County Council - #1-5 inclusive. - Carried. EMPLOYEE PRESENTATIONS The following presentatiQns were made by the Warden and Chairman Qf the respective committees: Homes Committee - Reeve D. V~ Chute ELGIN MANOR 20 Years - Joyce E. Walker - Lapel Pin, Dinner Voucher and Engraved Des k Set 20 Years - Anne I. Milmine - Lapel Pin, Dinner Voucher and Engraved Desk Set 10 Years - Cathy R. Currie 10 Years - Gloria M. Helmer 373 - 3 - County Council, November Session, 1989 TERRACE LODGE 10 Years - Afra ~. Deen . 10 Years (Part Time) - Doris K. Baughman * Roads Committee - Reeve E. Neukamm T. J. Mahonev Road School Jack Mathews C. S. Anderson Road School WilliamSloetjes - Equipment Maintenance Course Clare Dean ~ Bridge and Culvert Management Course John Brown - Soils and P~vements Course NormanGlov~r -Ef.fectiveManagement Course Keith Player - Practical~tric and Everyday Mathematics Ralph GOrdon - Urban Construction Course Joseph Livingstone- Urban Construction Course LIBRARY 10 Years (Part Time) - Anne V. H. Flagel + 10 Years (Part Time) - Joan L. Hurray - + indicates non-attendance. Mr. John McKinlay, Chairman, Land Division Committee was in attendance and it was moved byR~ev~ Martyn that he be now heard. A copy of the annual statistical report was mailed to all Members of Council prior and Mr. McKin1ay mado some comments on it. Little or no discussion took place on the report. Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman S~conded by Reeve Lavereau That the Report of the Land Division Committee regardingcseverances dealt with for the period November 1. 1988 to October 31; 1989 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. A delegation arranged by Robert Lyle was present and it was moved by Reeve Coles that theybenowheard~ Mr. John ,Lyle addressed Council with respect to thereiplacement -of Elgin Hanor. He cited statistics with respect to the average age of Homes for the Aged in Ontario and advised that was ,the number in the delegation {approximately 50). There was considerable opposition to the spending of approximatoly $12,000,000 to replace Elgin Manor with a new 'building calledoThe Elgin Village~. In addition to Mr. Lyle. Steve Walters. Charlie Black and Colin Ferguson spoke all in opposition to the new structure. A brief adjournment was called to allow the delegation to retire. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE (maLled) Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren Seconded by Reeve Lyle That the First Report of the County Government Committee be adopted. ~n amendment was - Moved by Reeve Emerson Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That Item #5 of the First Report of the County Government Committee be amended bv addina -and aa8n~iAs. in the third line efter .outsid~ boards.. - - -- - - The amendment Carried. The original Report. as amended, was voted upon and Carried. 374 - 4 - FtRS'r R€POR'r - COUNTY LIBRARY COMMITTee (maile-d) Moved by Deputy Reeve Millman Seconded by Reeve Cnllins That the First Repoct of the County Library Committee be adopted. - Carr ied. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE (mai~ed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Martyn That the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted. - Carr Led. FIRST REPORT - HOMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That the First Report of the lIomes for Senior Citizens Committee be adopted. An amendment was - Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay Seconded by Reeve Lyle That Item U of the First Report: of the HOmes for Senior Citizens committee be deleted. A recorded vote was requested - YEAS - Mezenberg (2),Hay, Lyle (2), Carroll (2), Willsey, Lavereau - (2), E~liott, Coles, Rushmere. TOTAL 13. f'fAYS Ford, West, Hartyn (2), Hillman (2), Neukamm(2l, van Kasteren (Z),Chute (2), Sandham. Wilson. Avrsm (2), Vandierendonck (2), Emerson, Kahnt, Colline. TOTAL 21. The amendment was OEFEAT!D. The original Report was then voted upon by recorded vote - YEAS - Ford, West, Martyn (2), Millman (2), Neukamm (2),. van Kasteren (2), Chute (2), Sandham. Wilson, Avram (2), Vandierendonck (2), Emerson, Kahnt, Colline. TOTAL 21. NAYS - Mezenberg (2), Hay, Lyle (2), Carroll (2), Willsey, Lavereau (2), Elliott, Coles, Rushmere. TOTAL 13. The Report Carried. FIRST REPORT - PROPERTY COMMITTee (mailed) Moved by Reeve Emerson. Seconded by Reeve Collins That the First Repoct of the Property Committee be adopted. - Carried. Mr. Charlie Stafford, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, was present to present his annual reports. Copies of the Tree Commissioner's Report and Weed Inspector's Report were mailed previously. There were no questions by Council. 375 - 5 - County Council, November Session, 1989 Moved by Deputy Reeve Carr.oll Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That the Tree Co~nissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Willsey Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That the Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the pro- ceedings. ":' Carried. The Treasurer's Financial Report-was mailed previously to Members of Council. The Treasurer briefly comnen tad on - the some of the items in the statement. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That the Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the period January 1st to October 31st, 1989 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Treasurer forwarded copies of a report on the Council remWleration and Outside Boarde to the Members of Coancilpreviously. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve. Avram That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the Membereof the Elgin County, Council to October 25th, 1989 be accepted and printed in the proceedings. -Carried.. Moved: by Reeve Coles Seconded by Reeve Kahnt That the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October 25th, 1989 ~or appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in the proceedings. - Carried. The Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Citizens was distributed to Council today. Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Martyn That the Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Citizens be accepted and printed in the ~roceedings. - Carried. Hr. Michael Smither of The Municipal World contacted Warden Ford previously and advised that he was making a trip to Scotland for a wedding and requested items that could be presented to the Hunicipal- ityofElgin. where he was travelling. Hr.5mitheradvlsedCouncil that the municipality no longer exists because of restructuring and presented Warden Ford with a plaque from the Municipality of Horay. Hoved by Deputy .Reeve. West Seconded by Reeve Neukamm That we do now adjourn (11;55 ~.M.) to meet again on November 15th, 1989 at 1;30 P.M. - Carried. - 6 - Council reconvened at 1:43 P.M. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Mike Farnan, M.P.P. Cambridge, Ontario New Damocrat5, advising that his Private Memb~r's Bill, The Gun Replica Sale Prohibition ~ct (Bill 145), will be discussed at a public hearing Novelnber 20th and 2ht. 1989. 2. AndrewS. Brandt. Leader, Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, with letter concerning 9ill 119, a bill intrnduced to alter the flow of provincial lottery revenues from recreational and cultural activi- ties to Ontario's hospitals. 3. Associat'lon of Municipalities of Ontario with the following - (1) Proposal for an Enhanced Role for Distrlct Health Councils. (2) 1990 Transfer Payments to Municipalities. Will History be Repeated7 (3) Tbe Environment Show to be held December 4tb and Stb. 4. The Salvation ~rmy w~th copy of their latest Annual Report and request for a grant for 1990. 5. Ontario Hydro with a map showing the preferred route for new high- voltage transmission lines to the Sarnia and Windsor areas. Moved by Reeve Martyn Seconded by Reeve Laveraau That Elgin County Council recolnmends. that the proceeds from the pro- vincial lotteries remain as they were o.riginally specified for and not diverted as per aill 119 and that Andrew S. Brandt be so advised. ~ Carried. Moved by. ReeVl'l Coles Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg That Correspondence '4 (Salvation Army) be referred to the 1990 Grant Session. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That Correspondence '1, 3(2) and (3). and 5 be filed. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Reeve Rusl1mere That we go into Committee Of The Whole. - Carried. Reeve Martyn left at 2;21 P.M. Karden Ford named Deputy Reeve Wilson as Chairman of Committee Of The Whole. The Committee rose without reporting. Hoved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Reeve Emerson That we do now adjourn (2;58 P.H.) to meet again on November 15th, 1989 at 3;30 P.H. - Carried. 377 - 7 - County Council, November Session, 1989 Council reconvened at 4:16 P.M." ROLL CALL - All Members present except~ Reeve Martyn Reeve MacIntyre Deputy Reeve Elliott Reeve All in. FIRSTRE:PORT- PERSONNEL ,COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Millman That the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. -Carried. SECOND REPORT - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Reeve Collins That the Second Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Second RepartoE the County Government Committee was presented by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve van Kasteren and Deputy Reeve Hay_ SECONDREPORT.-PROPERTY COMMITTEE '1'heSecondReport. of the Property Committee was ,presented by Reeve Emerson and adopted on motion of Reeve Emerson and Reeve,Hezenberg. Moved. by Reeve Avram seconded by Reeve Kahnt That By-Law No. 89~5B.Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuner- ation to be Paid to tne Warden of the County of Elgin- be ~eadafirst time. .;. Carried. Moved by Reeve Neukamm Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll That By-Law No. 89-58 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lyle Seconded by Deputy Reeve Mil~an That By-Law No. 89-5B be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved-by Reeve Mezenbe~g Seconded by Reeve Em~rs~n That By-Law_Na. 89-59 -Being a By-Law to Set. the Remune~ation to be Paid to Members of the Elgin CountyCouncilfo~Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof- be-read a first time. - Carried. - . - !"loved by Deputy ReQv~ !lay Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson That By-Law No. 89-59 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-59 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by ReeveWillsay Seconded by Reeve Coles That By-Law No. 89-60 WBeing a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 86-32, a By- Law to Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal Council of the Corpo- ration of the County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof- be read a first time. - Carried. Hoved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-60 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-60 be read a third time and finally passed. - Car:ried~ Moved. by Deputy Reeve van lta.steren Seconded by Reeve Willsey ,That By-Law No. 89-61 -Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employees vithRespect to theCorpo- ration's County Library Employees- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Lavereau Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham That By-Law No. 89-61 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Rushmere Seconded by Reeve Lavereau That By-Law No. 99-61be read a third time and finally p~9sed. - Carried. Moved by Reev~ Coles Seconded by Reeve Chute That By-Law No. 99-62 -Being a By-Law to AUthorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Request for Approval-Capital Assistance- be read a first time~ - Carried. 379 - 9 - County Council, November Sp-ssion, 1989 Moved by Reeve Chute Seconded by Deputy Reeve West That By-Law No. 89-62 be r~ad a second time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve .&.vr~m Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck That By-Law No. 89-62 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham Seconded by Reeve Rushmere That By~Law No. 89-63 -A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November 15th Session, 1989- be read a first time. - Carried. Moved by Reeve Collins Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren That By-Law No. 89-~3 be read a second time. - Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck Seconded by Reeve Collins That By-Law No. 89-63 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Reev~ Emerson Seconded by oeputyReeve Sand ham That we do now adjourn (Si02 P.M.) sine die. . Carried. __;~.~....____t ,l,.!.rJ-../ G. C.Leverton, Cl.erk. Ae K.- Ford, Warden. ,~t 't-!~;!'.. 450 S"',"", D.;"~ 51. Tho,"u,.Onurio N5R5V.l PhoneI5.1916Jl,460 COUNTY OF ELGIN lAND DIVISION COMMITTEE !V)r::(!FI r\'!\TIf:! r'~'~~ ,.,.lli (lr-; !I".'.\ October 23. 1989 ft';' .r y '.r r.: _I~!~.I CLfr:', ir.~.'~\J:lEr~ ornCE Elgin County Council 450 Sunset DriVE!'. St. Thanas. ontario, NSR SVl 'IO: The Wai:den an::l. Mal1bers of Elqin County Counci.l Attached is a r!'port of the nUllber of severances dealt with by tb;! Land Division Cannittee for the pe>riod NoverrCer I, 1988 until OCtober 31, 1989. Trusting this is satisfactory. I remain. SinCE'rely. J /1 Ci . \ _ --II.. {.'. 1"110 k"~<;1 John v. McKinlay 'f Ch.ilimon Land Division Cannittee JVK/sg Attadv!d 3tH November Session, 1989 COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE REPORT F"IRST REPORT To the Warden andHemb~rs of the Elgin County Council, LAND SEVERANCES The County of Elgin Land Division Committee reports as follows: NOVEMBER I, 1988 TO OCTOBER 31, 1989 G.C. E.L. N.L. S.D. EASE. N.G. RET. ALDBOROUGH 35 1 1 18 YARMOUTH 10 3 13 5 PORT STANLEY 7 - 2 4 MALAHIDE 37 3 7 2. BAYHAM 42 2 3 34 SOUTHWOLD 12 2 5 5 VIENNA 1 1 SOUTH DORCHESTER 14 1 1 . BELMONT 2 - 1 1 DUNWICH 33 1 3 28 AYLMER 14 - 8 6 RODNEY 4 - 2 2 PORT.BURWELL . 1 . WEST LORNE 3 - - 3 SPRINGFIELD 11 - - 11 DUTTON 11 - - 11 TOTAL (269) 254 15 46 175 G.C. - GRANTED CONDITIONAL N.G. - NOT-GRANTED E.L. - EXISTING LOT N.L. - NEW LOT S.D. - SURPLUS DWELLING RET. - RETIREMENT LOT EASE.- EASEMENT NUMBER OF HEARINGS -FULL DAYS - 19 ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 11 5 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 17 . 7 COUNTY GOVERNHENT comlIT'l'EE REPORT November 15th Session, 1989 F' I RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That we recommend that the entire responsibility for the hospitality suites at conventions be left with the following Committees: Roads Committee Ontario Good Roads ^ssociation _ Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Homes Committee _ Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes for Seniors Library Committee _ Canadian Library Association _ Ontario Library Association Elgin County Pioneer Museum _ Ontario Museum Association County Government and Reception Committee _ Rural (ROMA) Section of A.M.O. Association of Municipalities of Ontario _ (ACRO) County and Regional Section of A.M.O. Social Services Committee _ Ontario Municipal Social Services Association. It is the responsibility of each committee to reserve the suite, purchase and transport the necessary supplies. man the room and pay for the entire costs where it is deemed necessary to have one. 2. That the resolution from the Township of Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional (Correspondence #l) re: English as official language be filed. 3. That Mrs. Margaret Stewart be appointed to the Elgin County pioneer Museum Board as the East Elgin District Women's Institute appointee for the period January 1st, 1990 to December 31st. 1990. 4. That the recommendation of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee to have their accounts payable processed through the Clerk-Treasurer's Office be approved and the Treasurer workout the necessary procedure with the Homes' administration and with the assistance of the County Auditor. This change is to be effec- tive January 1st, 1990. . See 5. That we r.ecommend that a policy be established to pro- amendm~ vide when meetings are held between Committees of Council and at end of representatives of outside boards and/or Committees which have Report County Council appointees on them, an invitation to attend these meetings be made to these appointees if they so desire. 6. That we recommend that the warden's remuneration be increased to $22,000.00 per annum effective January 1st, 1990 and that the necessary by-laW be amended accordingly. . 383 - 2 - 7. That we recommend that the per diem for Council Members be increased as follows: Over 3 hours in duration Under 3 hours induration S89 per diem S58 per diem and the necessary by-law be ~mendedaccordingly. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. C;(,. L:;Ji A. J. van Chairman. 'Z.t i. /. /,./ If-".-' -' A~'11l-'lJ.. Kastere.~ . Item is was amended by adding the words .or agencies. ,after the word -boards- in the third line. LII3RARY COMMITTEE REPORT november 15th Session 1989 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, The Library Committee reports as follows: 1. That the County Library Committee hereby notifies the Council of the County of Elgin that the Corporation of the Municipality of the Village of West Lorne has begun Phase 3 of the Procedure under Librarv Branch Construction ~ regarding the construction of a new 5,000 square foot Library facility in West Lorne. 2. That the Library Committee recommends that the i\'lunicipality of West Lorne be informed that they must have completed items 3.0 to 3.04.5 in Librarv Branch Construction Policy by February I, 1990. Section 3.04.6 must be compreted as soon as the municipality has received notification on Provincial Funding in the spring of 1990. 3.,-- _ _ _1'h_at_th~__9_9\.!ntY__l.l~~_1l_ry QQm!!!Jtt~e ~~~~f.!!lly__~!<.S~ t~ C~lJnty P~perty Committee to repair the hinge on the access door on the railing surrouncfing- the ramp which leads to the north elevator in the new County Administration building to' make the hinge safe; 4. That the County Library Committee respectfully - requests that the Property Committeeretension. the. spring in the overhead door oC the' garage at the County Administration building. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ,/, I' "~ ~I...,__ " I.LL ,- .,__ Marian Millman, Chairman. '(....t ' <:.,( i .r. t.-r T_". COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER IS. 1989 SESSION lOTHE WARDEN AND MEM8ERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Middlemiss Bridge has been opened to traffic (November 7th) lInd paving will continue as weather conditions permit. 2. Curb and gutter work has been completed at the intersection of County Road 122 {Fairview Avenue) and County Road 127 (Union-Sparta Road), timing of paving depends on weather conditions. 3. (a) Gravel resurfacing has been canpleted on County Road 143 between the Cook's and Phillmore Bridges and from County Road 142 northerly approximately 2 ktlometres. (b) Gravel resurfacing is continuing -on County Road 118 in SOuth\1lOld Township between Lawrence Station and County Road 114. (c) As time permits gravel resurfacing will be done ,on County. Road 156 (Elm Street) In Yarmouth TownShip 'between County Road. 136 and County Road 128 (Centennial Avenue). 4. We have purchased for, 1990 delivery, a, Ford Yanfrom Motion Lincoln Mercury of London wt,ththe County's 1983 Dodge Van asa tr"de~in at a cost of $17,165.69 (including Provincial Sales Tax and Tire' Tax). We have also purchased from E. l. Fordham Motors Limited of Rodney a Chevrolet Pickup Truck with the County's 1984 Dodge Pickup as a trade4nat a cost of $14.551.00 (inCluding Provincial Sales Tax and Tire Tax). Although a considerable number of tender forms were forwarded to local dealers, only three (3) tenders for each vehicle were received. 5. The Engineer has been authorized to attend the National Association of County Engineers' meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado in March 1990 with the usual expenses paid. Tha Engineer is the representative of the riunicipal Engineers Of Ontario in the midst of a three (3) year term. The Engineer is also a member of the Conmittee reviSing the "Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Mannual" and is acting as a liaison between the Municipal Engineers Association of Ontario and the Conti nued .:Sl:I~ COUNT'!' OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER 15. 19B9 SESSION PAGE 2. National Association of County Engineers to obtain training videos. etc., from United States sources. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the County of Elgin has no Objection to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail operating during evening hours over the crossing on County Road 021 (Warren Street) in the Village of Port Stanley. That the Clerk be instructed to advise the Port Stanley Terminal Rail and the Ontario Municipal Board accordingly. The Port Stanley Terminal Rail has completed the installation of flashing light signals on Warren Street (County Road 121) and have obtained a Professional Engineer specializing in railway matters certi fying that the signals meet National Transportation Agency speci fications. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFUlLY SUBMITTED _~:.-// j,,,;,L,, "v E. NEUICArt1. CHAIRMAN (({l,,"t" ;r.;.~( 387 nOlIES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS COHNITTEE REPORT Nov€'lI1~e[" 15th Session, 1989 FIRST REPORT To tbe liarden aud Nembers of the Elgin County Council, The !lomes for Senior Citizens Committee reports as follows: 1. Reques t Project THAT the t1ardenand Clerk be authorized to sign the ft;r,\pproval - Capital Assistance for the Elgin Village and that necessary documents and Bylaw be prepared. 2. THAT we recommend a rental fee of $500.00 per month be charged (-for the Southwold School kindergarten class) to the Elgin County Board of Education far the use of the auditorium at Elgin Manor. 3. THAT we recommend to the Personnel Committee that Mrs. Irene Magee be allowed to continue her employment at Elgin Manor in her capacity as Laundry Aide, subject to an annual medical examination. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ::po u- W-V VarieChute. Chairman _ {iU..Y .;.-,. ,< PROPER'ry COMI-lITT8E REPORT November 15th Session, 1989 FI RST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the contract with Honeywell Limited to maintain the mechanical and electrical systems in the County Administra- tion Building for the period December 1, 1989 to November 30, 1990 at the price of $7,980.00 per annum (same as 1988) has been renewed. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~d"'~~ Chai.rman~son. (7((;,-(- ~ T"',e TREE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT November 15th Session, 1989 To the Warden ana Members of the Elgin County Council, Twenty-one logging eompanieswereoperatingwithin Elgin County this past winter. Eaehtownship haa its share of woodlots being thinned. ! was kept busy cheekingoperations as many'small-wood- lotsreguiredonlytwo days of cutting. Some woodlots fell victim while others were strengthened as old mature timber was taken, permitting increasea sunlight to sttmulategrowth of young trees. Although 109ging almost reached a standstill in mid-summer,Notice of Intents have been increasing steadily since September. Much of this work is focused on gullies. It is hard work, but there is a great deal of quality timber located on our hillsides. Once again, I encourage all potential sellers to contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and take advantage of their free service of tree marking. This gives the woodlot Owner a bargain- ing tool as footage and approximate value are identified. I have a list of forty-six log buyers that have worked in Elgin - many are Elgin County residents themselves. Tree top damage was prevalent again this year. Our lowered water table combined with acid rain to negatively affectnev growth; Many species with shallow root spread were forced to develop more roots.insearch of moisture. Farm wells, ereeks and ponds dis- played the problem of the lowered water table. The Sweet Chestnut trees,whichI,am finding a few mor-of.only a handful of-fully aeveloped'nut~can.be found. Other nut trees have fared much better. Hardwoods have not recuperated from last year's drought as can be seen. I would like to thank George Leverton, County Council.- Counl::y Roads Depart:ment ,township road crews, Ministry of Natural Resources and their staffs, all have been .of'great assistencemany tfmes; -thank you all~~ ALL of which is respectfully submitted. 1i?~:,L L /~f' ./ c. C. Stafford, . Elgin County Tree Commissioner. {~~ J -t..:-( . /:-,.( WEED INSPECTOR'S REPORT November 15th Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. Again our Elgin County farmers are hard at work completing their tasks as another season draws to a close. I have noticed less rubble deposited on roads by farm machinery and improved combine cleanings before moving from one field to the. next. We can.all benefit from this procedure in preventing the spread of weeds. As spring started out warm, many crops were planted early. Showers were well-timed to stimulate growth, unfortunately. the showers turned to heavy rain drowning out many plantings and preventing seeding for those farmers not out earlier. Elgin was certainly more fortunate than many other counties further west where ,wet conditions prevented planting of corn and beans altogether. Weeds have thrived this year, becoming a problem in some crops. The heavy rain only served to spread the infestation, in some fields it was difficult to determine which was going to win out. the soyabeans or the weeds. There have been no problems gett.ing lots. and farmland cut this year. Residents have beenmost..compliant. The,.new Ontario Weed Act. passed in parliament this year, has been beneficial in reducing the hassle which sometimes accompanies an order to cut. The new. fine of S500.00 for failure to cut is certainly more forceful than tne old SSO.OO fine. Road crews started cutting on time this year. but after two weeks weed growth had returned to its former strength. I received numerous calls regarding the cutting of road allowances, however. the growing conditions this year prevented appreciation of tne work completed by mower operators. The disc mowers have proved tobea great help in speeding up cutting as garbage does not plug up these machines as it does with the knife mowers. The task of mowing all day in the not gun is trying enough without having the time-consuming chore of clearing garbage from the blades. Refuse continues to be a problem in some areas. All townships sprayed again this year with the exception of one which opted for mowing only. The County. as well, chose to cut fence to fence rather than spray. A delay was noted in August as holidays decreased crew numbers. I attended two weed seminars in Guelph this year. In April inspectors were familiarized with the new Weed Act and at the Weed Identification Seminar in July. three new weeds were added to the list of noxious weeds - Colts' Foot (of which we have plentyl, PrOBO Millet and Poison Hemlock. In closing, I would like to thank the County Clerk and his very co-operative staff who always help when called upon. the township clerks and secretaries. village clerks and secretaries. and road crews with their knowledge of the local areas. All have been most helpful in my duties as Weed Inspector. Thank you. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. c. C. IUgin (:1,'/': t d#--i StaffQrd, County Weed Inspector. (,.; / I '7~,1 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT November 15th Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members .of the Elgin County Council, ,j'j'.l I beg to submit the fo~lowing statement the period January 1st to October 31st, accrual adjustments, made by our auditor 1989 which pertained to the year 198B): f. Revenue. and Expenditure for 989. {This statement reflects for items. paid or received in ~ Employee Deduct-icins Workers' Compensation (Pre-Levy) County Rates Interest Received County Roads Library - Revenue Court House - Revenue from Sale Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Land Division Committee ~ Revenue Recovery of Rentals - Court House Block - 450 Sunset Drive Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits Ontario Unconditional Grant Write Off of Taxes EXPENDITURE Council Members Sound System Administration Administration Buildings - 9 Gladstone Avenue New Administration Building - 450 Sunset Drive Court House Maintenance CourtHouse Sale.Costs Grants Personnel Department County Roads Children's Aid . Society Elgin Manor Home For_The Aged-Budget Terrace Lodge Home For The Aged - Budget Debenture Debt - Interest Interest On Loans and Capital Borrowing Agricultural Registry Office Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit - Budget County Library Land Division Committee Welfare Administration Welfare Benefits E1ginCounty Pioneer Museum St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission GENERAL BANK ACCOUNT Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st, 1989 Receipts Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand October 31st, 1989 S 122,731.04 32,OOB.04 3,424,809.34 63,515.18 4,366,293.58 176,391.40 160,994.30 9,356.73 41,525.00 71,345.18 13,496.90 52,278.89 385,415.52 431.47.2..00 3.615'.36 S q 3~5 248 46 S 152,063.62 16,037.00 185,406;60 9,833.08 90,847,57 20,953.37 8,231.98 4,675.00 57 , 559~ 91 6,896,715.43 153.942.00 446,451.03 320,362.04 9.900.00 144,434.09 32.841.93 4,119.58 215,877.00 1,158,295.75 32,613.62 145,609.77 493,188.09 28,210.00 1.323.89 S,,!O 629 492 35 S 285,263.19 cr. 24,758.021.45 S24,472,758.26 24,530.327,12 S 57 56B 86 cr. - 2 ELGIN H^NOR Experiditures Balance in Bank and On Hand September 30th, L989 $ 179,871.94 cr. 1.904,780.26 1,724,908.32 1.804,583.17 S 79 674 85 cr. Balance in Bank and On fland January 1st, 1989 Receipts TERRA.CE LODGE Expenditures Balance in Bank and On Hand September 30th. 1989 S 223,553.56 cr. 3,879,989.99 3.656,436.43 3,735.441.62 $_ 79 OO~ 19 cr. Balance in Bank and On Hand January 1st. 1989 Receipts ALL of which is respectfully submitted. --=-..<:-~ ~ G.C. Leverton. County Clerk and Treasurer. t({t",? :;;--.( ~~-' November 15th Session, 1989 TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. I beg to submit the following itemized statement of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to each Member of Elgin County Council. during the.calendar year ending October 25th,19B91 Remuneration and Mileaae Council, Committee and Outs ide Boards Paid TO NO. Under ~ By-Law By-Lew itBy-Lew By-Law 89-'28 81-42 B8-52 88-53 No. Over 3 hr No. No. No. No. Allin, C.L. 22 22 $ 4,085.86 Avre.m, D.J. . 21 2,702.33 Carroll, D.C. IS 15 2,633.05 Chute. D.V. " 37 5.372.45 Coles, R.F. 21 20 4,203.01 Collins. S. 20 2S 3,753.43 Elliott,P.G. . , 1,100.11 Emerson, K. C. 18 13 2,841.52 Ford, A.K. 58 83 .. 19,819.78 Hay. C.J. 18 11 2.750..04 Kahnt. .M.A. " ,. 4,355.44 Lavereau, R.J. " 23 3.083056 Lyle. R.Y. 17 2. 2.951.96 MacIntyre,w.e. 3. 2. 4.-202.38 Martyn ,w .A. 17 2S 3~251.43 Mezenberg, .H.J. I. 2S 3,815.07 Millman, M.L. 27 53 6~:566 ~ 52 Neukalllltl, E. 21 54 6,827.50 Rushmere, C.L. 24 21 4.602.64 Sandham,..R;C. 28 17 3,629.59 Vandierendonck, R. 33 19 4,n3.35 van Kasteren, A.J. 27 2S 4,30B033 West, L.D. 31 27 5,206.84 Willsey, C.R. 16 23 3;373.98 Wilson, J.R. 7 12 TOTAL 528 '46 $111.377.61 + Conventions By-Law No. 89-15 ~ S S 4.085.8' 0) 892.20 3,594.5': (ll 609.48 3,242.5J ,,) 1,601.68 6,974.1) (ll 1.464.30 5.667.3 ' (I) 917.20 4.670;6) 1,100.1l 2.841.5Z (5) 8.349.16 28.168.9.' 2.750.0" (ll 1,504.30 5.859.7. (ll 1,464.30 4.547,8' ,,) 1,676.68 4.628.6": (ll 4-77.20 4,619.5t 3.257Aj' (ll 784.48 4.659.5~ (ll 682.00 7.248.5; (1) 1.052.00 7,879.5f (ll 1;077.20 5,679.8.: (ll 774.48 4 ,404 .O~ (1) 1,102;20 5.2l5.5~ (ll 1.504.30 5,812.6:.". (2) 1.719.40 6,926.2': 3,373.9! 1,761.4': (25) $27,652.56 s139,030.r ) indicates number of conventions attended Convention amounts include all payments made to November 1st, 1989 Warden's Convention amount includes Hospitality Suite Expenses ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~"""____o.....<.,... ~....., G. C. Leverton, County Treasurer. ( ~, ( TREASURER'S STATEMENT ON REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES November 15th Session, 1989 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, I beg to submit the following it'!mi:z:edstatelllent of the remuneration, mileage and expenses, paid to persons appointed to outside boards, during the calendar year ending October 25th, 1989 as authori:z:ed by the follow- ing 8y-[,aws: ~ Bv-[,aw NO. 87-42 Auckland. A. W. By-[,aw No. 89-28 Bv-Law No. 88-70 Appointed To St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Benner. .M. C. Land Division Carroll, L. R. Committee [,ittlejohn. A. 6. McKinlay, J. V. Stewart. M. H. Tufford,N. G. TOTAL Remuneration and MileaQ'e Conventions ALL of .which .1s respectfully submitted. ~--<"""'-"'''''''-' G. C. Leverton. County Treasur~r. L /, I.,.'" 'I. "{ ~ 395 DIRECTOR/ADMINIStRATOR'S ANNUAL REPORT TO THE WARDEN and MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: Elgin Manor has 148 beds of vhich 95 are extended care arid 53 are residential care. Terrace Lodge has 100 beds, residential care. We have received verbal instructions from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, that rather than move residents from Terrace Lodge to Elgin Hanor if they require more nursing care, we can now transfer extended care to terrace Lodge for the period of time required to allov this person extended care privileges. We have not yet received instructions from the Ministry of Community and Social Services that more extended care beds viII be allocated to Terrace Lodge as the study of the Peat Harwick Consultant Company does show that Elgin County, at the present time, does have sufficient extended care beds. Due to the many Home Support Programs that are being offered through Elgin County Home~ for Senior Citizens Services in the form of programs to allow senior citizens to become independent and stay independent as long as possible and to continue living in their own environment, the occupancy tate of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge has dropped since 1988 and 1989 has Been a tremendous change in tbe occupancy at Elgin Manor. As of the 31st of October 1989ve veKeopeKating at 94.2X occupancy. At Terrace LOdge'we vereoperating at 82.41. We have been able to hold our per diem rate lover than most Homes for the Aged' in Region I, vhichis_covering HOlies for the Aged ,from London, St. Thomas. Chatham, Leamingeon and Windsor. and the 1989 rate was $43.50 and the Byrne Rest HOlle rate .as the same as 1988~ $23.50. The Satellite Home in Fingalhas been operating this year with 3 residents, although with the occupancy rate of Elgin Hanor and Terrace Lodge, we are not using the facility at the Byrne Rest Home, hovever, it does offer a small altern8t1ves8tellite from a larger institution and when residents request they would rather be in 8 smaller faeility. The residents at the. Satellite Home at Fingal are encouraged to come to Elgin Hanor on our day programming and for recreation and crafts. 396 c " -2- During this year we have continued to expand Qur Home Support Programs and the statistics covering the Rumberof seniors using this are attached; ve do continue to look at innovative ideas to increase our prograws to seniors. One that has particularly been of interest to many senior citizens in the province of Ontario and we have rec~ived a tremendous amount of publicity from is our Winter Care program where seniors can move in to Elgin Manor or Terrace Lodge for a period of 4to 5 months during the winter season and then return to their own dwelling and continue living independently. January 1989 the Committee of Management of Elgin County Homes became the funding agency through the Ministry of Community and Social Services for Elgin/St.Thomas Alzheimer Society and this has brought a further extension of our program for Alzheimer senior citizens and we now operate a day care program for seniors at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge. We are also very fortunate to have the Special Care wing at Elgin Manor which was able to be easily converted to an Alzheimer wing and we now are able to assist families with support programs to continu~ keepfng Alzheimer persons independent in their ovn home. In January 1989 we also started to operate the Registered wanderer Program. this program enables all residents in Homes for Senior Citizens in the community to be part of this progra. which gives them a distinctive blue and gold pin identifying a person thathaa Alzheimer disease. The wearer haa wandered away from home or caregiving institution and may be confused and disoriented. by calling: the 1-800 number ontbe Registered Wanderer Pin we are able to get tbe Alzbeimer person as quickly as possible back to either the caregiver or the care giving institution. With the uae of the 1-800 number the information is then directed immediately to the O~P.P. or police in the area to assist them with information data to enable this person to be returned to the family. this is a 24 hour 7 day a week emergeney service developed _to assist people with Alzheimer disease. 397 -3- In June 1989 the Peat Harwick Consulting firm presented the Master Functional Plan of the proposed Elgin Village to County Council and much discussion has been held regarding the -proposed new building, however, County Council has now committed their funding to. the Elgin Village and the Ministry of Community and Social Services has been advised of this and we are now waiting for further instructions from the Ministry of Community and Social Services with regsrd to 50% funding by the Ministry. Heals-on-Wheels: Thia year we were finally able to .ake arrangements for a full Heals-on-Wheels program to be supplied to any senior citizen in Elgin County through either the meal being supplied by an institution or a Home for the Aged in the area and now we are pleased that we have restaurants who are on contract with us and we can arrange lor meals to be delivered to sny part of the County by the use of volunteer drivers. the installation of 1-800-265~4588 has been used widely by the senior citizens of our County and we are pleased this number has made Elgin County.Homes a one-stop shopping centre and senior citizens who require any assiatance at all may c.ll this number,~nd if we cannot help them'we arrange for their number to be trsnsferredfto another agency who can '.aaiat them. Seniorc:ltizens are living longer than ever before':aad it 1s necesa.ryfor uato_eontinue,..aiating a~niors to live .aindependently as possible in their own homes and toeneourage aeniora-to-enroll in our Home Support Prograllls,vJ:tich offerl!lthematrelllendou8' advantage. We have been ,advertising through the local media and Otr'~;V. during this year andthia hescertainly helpedua to expand our-- services. I vould like to take this opportunity of thanking the Warden Reeve Albert Ford, ChairmsnReeve Vane Chute, and all members of my Committee for helping Elgin Caunty Homes to be able to continue with the innovative programs that make Elgin County a County with a future; and for the senior population to be assured they vill have care and services when they ~eed it. FJB/bv Nov,lO/89 Respectfully submitted, F. J. BOYES, Director/Administrator ., OIREcrOR/AOUlIllSfnMoR'S REPORt TO TilE WARUEN and /.fElmEltS OF ElGHI coUtHY COUIlCll TIlErOllOlllNG 15- MY REPORT ON ElGIN HAHOR ~OR TEN MONtllS EIIUItIG OCIODElr 31. 1989. 1. Number or residents as of December 31.1988............142 7.. Numbl!r of resldEmls admlHed during theyeat" ..,....~~. 41 3. Nllmber of residents discharged during the Y~3r ........80 II. Number of deaths In the 110m!! during the ,Qar ..........11 5. Number of re'Sldents 1I0W In the lIome ...................lJ6 6. Total days residence ..................................42763 7. Average number of residents during the year ...........da (11115 r1gure does nol reflect the number of re~ident$ In hospital for whom bed! are being held). 8. RECEIPTS 'ProvinG!! of Ontario Subsidy ........................$1.365.965.08 Oid Age Pension and Resident's ~alntena"ce..........Sl.092.471.20 Arrears or Maintenance & Estates of deceased residents.$23.977.82 SUllIJries .... ......... ........,... ~... ............... ..... $4.535.64 Government of Canada Sales Tax refund .............~...$lO.263.18 9. DEDUCTIONS t:05r-;;-ruj;'erallng...................... ........ ...$2.651.241.24 Average Expenses per day of each person......:..... $62.00 Average.. Expenses per we.ek oJ each person........... $434.00 Aver"ge Expenses per year of each person........;... $18.848.00 Actual CO'!jt Lo County arter deducUng receipts;.... $192.804.96 Actual Cost to County per day per resident......... $4.51 10. CAPITAL EXPENUI TURES CQIT"'1jltijimrtijjendltures. ..... .......... ........ nil Province or Ontario Subsidy........................ nil Actual Cost ~o the County ...............:.u...... nil Then wen ~ persons In residence durtng 1989. 68 ilia Ie *nd _1.15 female. or the J.~6 persons Inrestdence ontfie rtrst day orHovellber 1989...fjJ.. are: male and ~ are fellale." nu~ TlgurI!s In 'I lIiroU9h '10 above are for the period January 1s1j Ig~ to october 31st. 1909. II. It. Allor which is respectfully subllltlted. J"J"J OIRECTOR/ADMINISIRIITOR1S REPORT TO TIlE YIIRDEN and HEr-mERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TilE fOllowING IS MY REPORT oN TERRACE LODGE FOR TEfl H01-4TII5 ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1989. 1. 2. 3. ,. 5. 6. 7. Number of Residents as of December 31, 1988..........191 Number of residents admitted during theyear.........'57 Number or residents discharged durJng theyur........66 NUmber or deaths in the lIome durlng.tbe year.......... 3 Nllmber or residents now in tbe 1I0Ille...................76 Tolal days residence........................~.....25.155 Average number of residents during the year.......... 91 (This filJuredoes nolrefleet-the nUlllber of residents hospital for whom beds are belng held). B. RECEIPTS JI'~ of Onlarlo Subsldy.........................$383.215.14 Old ^ge Pension and Resident's Malntenanee..........$805.919.81 Arrears of Maintenance & EstUes of deceased resitSltS.. $4.389.67 Sun.drle.s............ ....... ....... .......... ... ... ....... $6.019,.19 Government of tan ad a Sales Tax reFund................ $6.134.14 9. DEDUCTIONS ~ost ot uperating.................................$1.357.759.68 Averllge Expellsesper day of each person. ..... "0"'" .. "$53.98 Average E~penses per week Of each person............ $377.86 Average Expenses per year oreaeh person............S16~409.92 Aelual tost to County after deducttngrecelpts.....S168~624~73 Aclualtosl to county per dlyperresident.....H..~ .. $6.70 10. CAPITAL EXPEHDITURES l,;ost 01 l,;aplta-r-ripendllures..........u........... nil- rrovlnee of Ontario Subsidy......................... nil Actual r;nst totheCounty..~.~.......................nll 11. there werell7 perSons In residence during 1989. ---.3ZlIIaleand 85 remale.~ the. 77 persons In resldenee onthe"Tfrst day of ROVember 1989. ~ are-male and ~ are female. 12. the figures III " through flO above are for the period January 1st. 1989 to October 31st 1989~ ^LL of wldeh Is respectfully submitted. OIRECTOR/^OMIHISTRATORREPORT TO TIlE IMROEN and MEt1SERS Of ElGIN COUNTY COUNCIL TIlE FOllOWING IS MY REPORT ON BYRNE REST IIOHE fOR TER HONTlIS ENOING OCTOBER 31$t. 1989. I. Numher of residents as of December 31, 1988..............A 2. Number of residents admitted dur-lng the year..~..........'O 3. Number of residents discharged during theyea..............1 L Number of deaths in the 1Iome during the year..~..........'O 5. Number of residents now In the lIome.......................3 6. Total days residence......................................I..078 7. Average number of "esidents during the yea.................] (This figure does n"nt reflect the number of residents In hosplt.al for whom beds are being held). 8. RECE Irrs J'rOVlIIce of Ontario Subsldy.........................$3.022.67 Old Age Pension and Resident's Malntenance.........SZ1.014.90 Arrears of Maintenance & Estates of deceased residents.. nil Sundrip.s.............. ................. ........ .., ...... nl I Government of Canada Sales Tax Refund................ nil 9. DEDUCTIONS ffit at uperi~............................. Average Expenses per day of each ~erson......... Aver~ge Expenses per week of eachpe..son~....... Average E~penses per year of each person.~...... Actual Cost to County after dedueting receipts.. Actual Cost to County pe..day per resident...... S25.333.00 $23;50 S164.50 S7.144.00 Sl,295.43 $1.20 10. There we..e 3 persons In residence during 1989. 1 lIIale and 2 f.flale.-a, the 3 persons in residence on thi"'Tlrst day of ROi'e..ber 1989. -L. TS rllale and L au 'elllale. . 11. The figures In 11 through 110 above an for the J)e..lod January 1st. 1989 to October 31st 1989. All of which Is respectrully sublllltted. 401 HOHESUPPORT PROGRAMS MEALs-aN-WHEELS: At Terrace Lodge ve presently have 97 volunteers delivering meals to needy residents of East Elgin County. In the community of Aylmer, there are 121 meals perweelc. being delivered, with a total of 6,014 meals over the past year. There have also been an average of ~7 rural meals delivered. totally 2,357 for tbe previous 12 months. At Elgin Hanor. there are 54 individuals and members of 5 different groups volunteering to deliver meals in the vest half of the County. They deliver approximately 38 meals each week,and 1,912 meals annually. There is still a certain amount of staff time from both Homes utilized in meal delivery, however, 1t'18 expected that tbisw!!! diminish as our volunteer base expands. DAY CARE: This program is very important to aeniorc1tizensvhoreside either in their own homes or viththeir ramilies. It enables the senior to take advantage of various aetivities in the Home ana daily basis for a flat fee of $8.50 per day. Services offered inelude bathing assistance. hot vax treatments. diet counselling, a hot ceal, foot care. hair care, aocial activities, as well as transportation to and from theBome. Terrace Lodge has averaged a weekly attendance of 33 people in the Day Care program, with 1.381 visits annually, 23 baths veeklyand 1,064 annually. and 2 vax treatmentaper week and 81 annually. At Elgin Manor, there is a weekly average of 49 participants and 2.286 visits.nnually, 32 baths weekly and 1.199 annually. 15 wax treatments weekly and 592 annually, and 1 nutritional counselling appointmen~ veekly and 49 annually. aDd 2 hair appointments weekly with 56 annually. VACATION CAR!: Thisprogra. aaaista senior citizens wbo are residing with their families-and -maybe-admitted to the Home for 8 ahort term admiaaion. Thia'enablea,th~f"1Iyto take a vacationknoving"their familymemberi.being cared for. , Duringtbe peat year, -terrace Lodge has admitted 3vacationcare:reaidenta and Elgin Manor baa admitted -9. RECUPERATION CARE: Seniorcitizena- vhohavebeen hospitalized may require more professionalnuraingcare which either of the Homes can provide. A shortte~admia8ion,should be&rranged prior to hospitalization. Terrace Lodge has ,had 7 senior citizens_admitted to this program and Elgin Kanor baahed 4 admissions to,thia program this year. FOOTCARE:Dr. Larsenhaa been,making visits to the Homeaevery'tvo to four veeka.TerraceLodgeaverages 27 participants per visit.tion, totalling 287 annually. Elgin Manor averages 12 participants per visitation and 158 annually. BEAUTY PARLOUR: , OWing to the fact that we bave 80 many people at Elgin Kanor enjoying the Home Support Program,we normally have approximately 2 ladies who use the beauty parlour on their day care visitation. 56 hair appointments have been given at Elgin Manor this year. terrace Lodge.bas perhaps one appointment per month. -,- tELEPHONE CALL FOR ASSIStANCE: We have supplied telephone stickers to the senior citizens in the community and we are available on a 24 hour basis should the senior require some sort of assistance to continue living in the community. tELEPHONE ASSURANCE: Seniors residing alone in .the community are contacted daily by the Home ensuring the senior is in good health. this program provides a friendly visit toa senior vho might not otherwise be contacted. COUNSELLING and REFERRAL~ Seniors mayconeact the Home with regard to programs or services for the elderly. the Home endeavours to supply the senior with accurate details and/or referral to the proper agency. Assistance is offered to seniors in completing pension applications; tax grants or income taxes. MENU PLANNING: Nutrition for the elderly is a concern for the Home. Seniors who would like assistance in maintaining a proper diet should contact the Home and our dietitian will provide necessary information and guidance. A number of day care participants keep weekly appointments with the dietitian to assist with weight control. 49 sessions have been prOVided by our Home Dietitian. . WINTER RESIDENCE: We are pleased that senior citizens in Elgin County are participating in this program. Over the past 12 months, 3 seniors have enjoyed the winter in residence at terrace Lodge and 1 at Elgin Manor have returned to their home in the spring. the cost is determined on the ability to pay basis. EXERCISE PROGRAM: Fitness isa concern for senior citizens and ve are pleased to be operating an excellent swim program at terrace Lodge. At the present time we have 41 senior citizens twice a week enjoying this program. Al~o the services are offered to the YWCA for programs for tots and teens and also to the Hentally Retarded Association in Springfield who use this facility~ BLOOD PRESSURE CLINICS: Thisia offered at_terrace Lodge through the Registered Nurses Association of Elgin County and has certainly found to be an excellent program. We have 10 seniors per month taking advantage of this once a month. BUS tRIPS: The West Elgin Happy Gang or Blgin Manor Day Program participants have travelled on numeroua bua trips throughout the past year. All 6 bua trips were booked solid; the highlight for many being an overnight trip to Stratford. The East Elgin Home support group has travelled on 3 bus trips throughout the paat yesr, with participation averaging 8 per trip. the Elgin County Health Unit offers a Health Clinic every first, second and third tuesdayof each month. Blood pressure, footeare and general health coneerns can be discussed with a Registered Nurse. 42 participants monthly attend the Health Clinic in the Drop-In Centre at terrace Lodge, with 50 in attendance per month. These programs are offered to assist our senior citizens who reside in their home and the'seniors certainly seem to benefit from them. This also anables our seniora to get toknov a Home for the Aged prior to making the application to move in to the Rome. ELGIN ~I^NOR BUOGE'T - Seotember 19R9 r-:lli"J'!'lIdHures r.:llr"!"lld.iture R~ri~s 'as! Budqe t 53,328,174.88 Sept. BudQet $2.496,131.16 ~ 52,301,555.62 (la,OOO.oo) (7.S00~OO) S1:1T8;T"7;r:88 52;488,631.16 nO.668.07) 52,290;867.55 Variance 5194;575.54 r 3.168.07 r 5197, 743.(>1 r Revellue friiiii"'li'P.idents 51,375,209.2-5 51,031,406.94 $ 997,216~50 $04,190.44) U F'rcrn Esl:lll:~ 30.000.00 22.500.00 17; 797.15 (4.702.85) U 51,405,209.25 51,053,906.94 51,Ol~.1I.L3.65 5(38,893.291 0 I.lef.leil: $1,912,965.63 51,434,724.22 $1,275,873.90 5158,850.32 r f'r"vinelfl1 ~t1t~idy 51,650.49R.54 51,237,873.91 51.10D,RIl.24 ("'lUIII:)' suhsldY 5262,466.94 $ 196, SSO. 31 5175,062.66 Rel';ident Days 38~53I rer Diem 62.13 59.46 33.'16 33.76 77.74 72.53 c,,~t to Coun tv r,....ratil19 F:xr~Hures $262 ~ 466.94 5196,850.31 $115,062.66 Ilnne SupJ:lOrt 16,982.14 S12,736~61 $S,157~99 mllor CapH:nl 5,000.00 53,750.00 -0- ::;;'Il~llite lIome 1,157.96 $86B.47 $1;4515.24 !Jon Shareable 567.500~OO S91.113.84 5375.607.0<1 5281,705.29 5275,790.73 104 ,- ElGll1 ~1^ltUR BUDGET - 1989- !lliS1DE:I.JlS SOCIllL SERVICES '09 Budl;!~ Sept.. Budqet Actual Variance 10111 Salaries $L23.l35.48 $92,351.51 S82,843.QO 59,507.71 F 1002 Belief Its 19,086.00 14,314.50 12,543.42 1,171.08 F IUU" CloUllng 200.00 150.00 39'i.53 1245.53) U IUOS Reerealloll ~ EnLertalnment 5,000.00 ],750.00 2,001.19 1,748.81 F lOnG Crafts (aDo.ool (600.001 67.88 {667.881 U 10111 Equip. Repairs & "~ce 500.00 375.00 -0- 375.00 F lona EQull'- Replacement.s 200.00 150.00 -0- 150.00 . 1009 Beauty Shop suppt Ie! U6.000.001 {l2.0co.aOl (lJ,259.011 1.25!LOl . lUlU Bnber 11.000.00 , ( 750.00l (691-001 (59.001 Total ,SUO, 321.48 $97.141.11 S83.901.91 513,839.20 . I'er diem 2.44 2.18 E/n ~~~.l.arv Services 'S9BudClet Sect.Budaet ~ Variance 20Ul Salaries $327,607.52 $245,705."4 $227,714.90 S17,930.74 2U020eherlLs 48,978.25 36,733.69 38,626.16 n,892..47) U 2110J Purchased Services 17,700.00 13,275.00 17,246.08 13.971.08) U ?1I001 Raw food Costs 241,760,00 181,320.00 167,064.60 14,255.40 . 2111)5 ReplacelllenL Ulslles -1,HO.OO 3,307.50 3,105.94 201.56 . ,"0.(, r-1lsc .SuPI.lle, 23,500.00 17,625.00 15,134.71 2,490,29 . 211Ul F.'lull.. ltel1alrs & Inc~. 4,725.00 3,543.75 2,743.46 800.29 . ZUUII E1lulpment ltelJlacellu!IILs 10,200.no 7,650.00 766,77 6,883.23 . ,n09 fH sc. other 1,365.00 1,023.75 3,045.95 {2,022.10l U 50.1 Sale of n~al llckets {S.SOG.OOI (4.125.00) (3.621. 7Sl {503.251 U lolal S674,745.11 5506,059.33 $471,886.72 $34,172.61 . Jler die'" 12.63 12.25 .,. E/fl 1"f'~U..s~.:..silll.l Supvlles )(1111 Sa 11I,"les 30112 Dene rll s )Oll) lIome Physic-Ian 30114 l~tlrslllgSuPlll ies 3006 Misc. Olller 30U7 Etlulll~RelHlll"s & Mlce. 3008 Equ Ill. Repl aceWlen ts Total '89 BudQet SEPT. - cSudqet 5920,713.08 142,710.53 6,705.00 13;290.00 750.00 2,212.50 4,257.15 $1,090,638.26 S1.227.617.44 190,260.71 8,9otO.00 17,1'.0.00 1,000.00 2,950.00 5.676.20 S1.4'54,184.35 p~r die.. 27.23 ." ~ Variance $866,041.54 136,659.05 6,455.21 13,075.25 (33.211 $54,671.54 F 6.051.48 f' 249.79 F 214.75 F' 783.21 F 1,169.18 1:043.32 F 5,054.35 (797.201 U S1,028.421.37 562,216.89 F 26.69 E/14 . 89 Budqet Sect .Budaet ~ Variance ~tuusekeellll1Q Services' SUOI Salaries S118.626073 $148.970.05 51<47,797.69 $1,172.36 F 5002 Beller I ts 30.787014 23,090.36 23,588.01 (497.651 U 5003 Pest Control 1.'763;<00 1,322.25 l,0209u 301.81 F S004 Cleaning Supplies 7,'586.55 5,689.91 4,668.64 1,021.07 F SUUS ReplaceRlents';'Hops.Palls 2::905:2:tI 2.178.96 826,79 1.352.17 F 5110& Hlsc .Supplles, Tissue 4,438.80 3~329010 2.484,:08 845.02 F 5007 EqUI!I. Rep~lrs& Mtce. 500.00 375.00 3A6~51 {ll.Sll II 5008 EQuiIJ. Replacements 8;54.5.58 '"6.409.19 -0- 6.409.19 F Total S25S,153.0R $191,364.82 S180,772.36 $10,592.46 F per die'" .4.77 4.69 -3- F./~1 ~l~~~:Y Services fiUOI Salaries r.UU2 !Jellefl ts 60115 I~elllaceme"ts: Bed llllen GOll6 "'Isc. Sllllplles 6001 EllUl". nepalrs & Htee. 6008 Equi". Replacements Total p",r die", 'S9.Budqet ,5E17!'. Dudqet ~ Variance S- 87,215.01 $65,411.30 $45.316.90 57.0, f)94-.40 ~ l3.518.J3 10,138.75 6,407.77 3,730.9R P 7.0:n.88 5.270.91 2,705.12 2,565.79 F' 9,832.89 6,624.67 1,777,37 /l,152.701 l 3,500.00 2,525.00 l,181L42 1,436.58 f 4 ,176.40 3.132.30 _.~ 2.141.54 f $124,270.57 $93,202.93 S64,Ja6.24 $28,816.69 f 2.32 1.67 ElH '89 Budql!t Actual variance- ~~J..i.!.!!9. &f-1a inlenance SEPT. BudQet - BUill Sa larles S134 .7S7~21 5101,067.91 S90,900.80 $10,167.11 f' 8002 Belleflts 20,887.37 15.665.53 11,254.04 4,411.49 f' 9003 Pu~chased Sen Ices 8.418.93 6.314.20 4,529.57 1,584.63 F 800~ Eleclrlclty 48,723~80 36.542.85 37,189.62 (1.246.71lU B8Ug^w1ri!1-t ina 52,000.00 39.000.00 26 ~ 280 .10 12,719.90 F IO,GaL27 7,500.95 5,974.80 1.526.15 F B006 r.1Isc.-Other(lncludes ruel ,Rent ,LIghts) L,556.90 1,161.68 1,270.37 {l02.69}U BOOl ttTulp.RelJalrs & Ince. 19,239.67 36,929.00 25,650.25 11,278.75 F aoolJ EllUlI'. Replacements 12,.501J.OO 9,375.00 4,402.59 4,972.41 F !JIIUq Insurolncp.-Ooll er 4;120.00 3.090.00 3,808.00 ( 718.00IU '311111 Ilome Vehicle 15.000.00 - 11.250.00 11.610.51 (360.5llU Total $357,204.15 S261,903.12 5223,570.65 544,332.47 F pp.r di@.. 6.68 5.80 407 .,. E/I-l '89 BudQet Gen~..!:.al & Admlllistl'atlon SEPr. BudQe t Actual Variance 91Hll Slll<lrles $J75,9';5.00 $131,96.6.25 5112,377.50 S19,588.75 f' 90U2 Benerlls 27,273.03 20,454.77 17,233.14 3,221.61 F 9003 rurchaseu Services 14.332.00 10,749.00 12,-356.46 11,607.46lU 900~ Salaries. SlckOllYS 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,051.97 (S1. 97) U 9U05 Workers' Camp: 43;lS5.45 32,389.09 41,942.21 19,5S3.12JU 90U6 Hlsc. Olher_llls. 13,400.00 10,050.00 14,537,36 14 .4~7.36)V 90Ul Equirl. RePllfrs& Htee 900.00 67S.00 399.60 275.40 F 9UUIl EouIIJ. Replacements 1,000.00 750.00 -0- 750.00 F 9lJU9 Mver"llslng 1,200.00 900.00 2.908.82 (2. OaR. 87l u 9010 Audit 3,550.00 2,662.50 1.850.00 812.50 F 9011 legal 6,000.00 4,500.00 8,519.74 {4.019.74)U 9012 Poslage 3,400.00 2,550.00 2~521. 72 28.28 F' ~013 rrlntlng & Stationary 9,noO.00 6;750.00 5,942.77 807.23 F' 9UlIJ Ie I el,hone 12,600.00 9;450.00 9,233.06 216.94 F' 9015 travel & Conventions 12,000.00 9.000.00 12;187.68 {3,187.6B)U 9016 Staff Development 4.500.00 3,375.00 3.554.34 (179.34)U Total 5332,295.49 $249,221.61 $248,616.37 $605;24 F' ,'Dl!r dielll 6.22 6.45 108 S"TEI"LLTE nonE CARE 'A9 Budqet nl!!t idellt9 I nall11:enallce Sill. SR7. SO nevenlJe 39.027.62 .'E!'f.icit S 3,859.88 r:ounl:y Share 30% $1.151.96 n('9idelll: l>ays 1925 r'f'r "le'" 23.50 -5- ~-t..~t 532.165.63 29.270.72 $2.894.91 $868.41 !,!,,~l_ 523.147.50 18.293.36 54,85.4.14 51,456.24 '85 23.51) v~..i"'n~~ 59,018.13 F nO.977.36lU $(1,959.23)U 409 El..GlIJ nMIOR IlmlE sur-ronT SERVICES '. r.:Jl ;u-h~$ '89 Dud,2!t SEE'T. .-Budoe t ~ Variance $26,701.32 620,025.99 $5,609.24 514,416.75 F' 4-,138.70 3.104.03 842.52 2.261.51 F' $lO,MO.O/. 523,130.02 $6,451.76 $16,678.26 F' .5~ervlces 1I",",,;fits .I~ ;~_!:.!!. y _ - -Ser vices ,,~1 ;ul~s $:l1,61R.nR l,noo.9::! 10,000.00 ~ $23,544.80 1I...""ll!:.s 1!:'IW F'~od Costs ~lir.c. Suppl ies $ 8, ?H.lS 1,350.69 7,500.00 !hli S17.6S8~60 58,487.18 1,275..33 7,646.00 !h!! 517,502.26 s 226~9B F 75.36F (146.00)U .:..Q=. $156.34 F !I.!.dlcal llursim:j Services r.;,1 ;niel!'! $15,437.76 $11.578.32 $11,447.28 $131,04 r IIE"lIl:"flt:s 2.~92.85 1.794.64 1.918.39 (123.75) U ~lJl'plles --1.~ 187.50 187.50 -0- 518.-"80.61 $13,560.4' $13.553.17 57.29 r !1.'?E.sekeeJ!!.!!.9. 'n :;f;ue .r.:l eei1ex 5100.01l ~~.LL~ & rropertv !;"l :lTl,,~ I\.~,,'" i t~ S6.~20.An t.fIl0.72 2..,JIOO.OQ $17..!iJl.57. 11"",,, Vehir;t@ .S75400 $4.890.60 758.04 3.750.00 $9,398.64 S75.00 ';'0;" $6.059~O'" 897.16 3.000.00 S9.956.20 $(1,168.441[1 1139.121u ~f' $1557.5610 ELGIII 1-1A!IU~!lUr-1E SUI'rUR! SERYJCES,-2 G~lIC__!.!!....!._,^umilllslralive ::(Jl.,ri~~ rt"'ll...fjt~ Au.lil I'rilll.ltl~ & Stationary fr~v~1 & COllvel.tlotlS <;1..1(( f1p'v",I('l'ment ntlll>r ~11 sc . Inl1l1rrutee ^dVlH- t l.!ll ing F(IIlilllllent IUllI.l EX~EIIU1IUnES Il~vQll_!!,~-_1J~I!!.!..J.!!P~ llil\-I rood Costs Reyellue otllC'r--NolII Capital C!'"tribut1ona r:fi~lIt Contributions II'!!, Upl!I'.:tllllg Expenses rIll' Subsidy IIlnistry Subsidy r:(}1I11Ly Sltare Total '89 euds.et 517,.303.UO 2.681.96 125.00 300.UO 1,250.00 1';0.00 IlJO.UO 325.00 50.nO ~O $23,684.96 SlU8,781.91 Slo,nUo.OII 3,500.00 III lion no S23,500.lJO $:98,791.91 $69,154.33 $16,127.58 SEP'l'.Bud,2.et $12,977~25 2,011.47 93.75 225.00 937.50 562~SO 15.00 243.75 31.,0 _ _ !O!!,~O_ 517,163.72 581,586.44 57,500.00 2,625.00 1.500.00 517,625.00 $74,086..44 $51.,860,,'1 $12;100..93 ~ 512,276.50 1,848.48 93.7S 225.00 931.50 562.50 75.00 243.75 202.76 - - --~-- $16,465.24 564,003.63 57,646.00 -0- 8;749.30 516,395.30 556,357.63 539,450.34 58,157.99 Variance 5 700.75 F 162.99 F -0- _0_ _0_ -0- -0- _0_ (165.26) u -20~.20 F $1,'-98.48 F TEnn^CE LODGE - to SeDtem~r 1989 '89 Budaet sett. Budqet ~ 411 Variance E"T"""dtturrs I':,,~ndit"re Ilecover ies S1,719,1611.12 $1,289,370.09 $1,230,216.81 S 59,153.20 F {iI,OOO.OOl ---..!.1,.QOO.OOI (5.581.211 2.58l.21 F S1, 715,160.12 $1,286,370.09 51,224,635.60 561, 734.49 F' Ilevenues FrornRelli(lents F'rornEstates S 840,834.02 11,250;00 5 852,084.02 S 726,218.25 2.803.07 S729,021.32 $1,.121,112.02 15, ~~~ .O~ :rr:TI6, ..0 IIp.ficit S579,04fl.lO $434,286.07 5495,614.28 I'rov.S\lbsldy $405,333.67 $30.,000.25 $346,930.00 r:"lIIlty Rub~ idy S173,714..43 S130,285.82 $148,68L28 Rt'!":idellt Days 22,779 PfOr biellll 119.46 53.76 r:-""t to (;01lnty $173 ;'714.43 S130~2S5~82 SUS,684.28 lIome 5UDport 12,205.26 $9,153.95 55,904.01 r.nnHal P.xp<!!tr.:Utut'es 1,500.00 $5.625.00 -0- $193,419.69 $145,064.17 $154.5BB~29 SCl14,615.17)F (8;446.931 U S (123. ,067.. 70 I U lERR^CE LOUGE BUUGEI - 1/1. ap~i'.IE'nLs 'B9 8udqet: S_ept.8UaQe-l: ~ Variance Syc.i.!1_Serv..!s.ll 1001 Salaries 543,051.32 532,292.99 521,623.61 $4.669.38 , 1002 Beller Its 6,613.89 5,005.42 4,334.20 671.22 , 10M CloLhlng 100.00 15.00 {4.a2l 19.a2 , 1005 Rt:!crpatlon & Entertatnment 2.000.00 1,500.00 1,149.06 350.94 , 1006 Crans 1500.001 (315.001 (234.aO) (140.20) u 10118 Equipment Replacements 125.00 93.75 -0- 93.75 , 1009 Beauty Shop Suepl1es (lO,OOO~OO) (7,500.00) (5,863.10) {l,636.901 U 10lU Barber 200.00 150.00 333.50 (l83.S0) U Total SH.656.2l 531,242.16 527,337~6S $3,904.51 , per d1elll 1.20 1.20 III !!l~ Liln Serv Ices 'a9 Budqel: SI$t.Budqet ~ Variance 2001 Salaries 5256,617.03 $192,462.775167,479.71 524,983.06 , 20U;Z Benerlts . n.775.64 29..831.73 28,594.67 1.237.06 , 2003 Purchased Services 11,800.00 8.850.00 12,200.57 (3,350.671 U 20U4 Raw Food Costs 165;114.31 123.835.73 114.804.97 9,030.76 , 20115 Rel,lacemellt t.itshes 3.0"0.00 2,2Bo.ao 1,174.04 1,105.96 , ;ZOU6 r.H sc. Supp lies 11,;032.00 8,274.00 7,302.61 971.39 F 2uIl! EIIU II). Repa I rs & I"nce. 3.150.00 2,362.50 2,732.41 (369.91l U 20110 EQullL ReplaceMellls 10.900.00 8,175.00 7,696.58 478.42 F 2"09 111 see II all@ous4other 9-15.00 708.75 287.64 421.11 F 5113 Sale or Meal Tickets (5.500.00) (4.125.001 13.678.67J (446.33) U $496.873.98 :S372,~5S.48 $338,594.63 S34.060.85 F 1-1.32 14.86 413 -2- per di~1II '69. BudQet sept. Budde t ~ Var lance S~91.315.30 S368,486.48 5348,581.33 519,905.15 . 77,76R.59 58,326.44 52,034.33 6,292.11 . 6;000,.00 4,500.00 4,329.00 171.00 . 9,000;00 6,750.00 5,309.70 1,440.30 . 500.00 375.00 643~27 (268.27) U 300.00 225.00 280.54 (55.541 U 1.07S.,!O 806.25 Hl.OO 615.25 . $585.958.895439.469,,17 S411.369~17 $29;100.00 . 16.89 18~O6 1/' l~edJE.~.LJLursillQ Services 3l1Ql Salaries 311U2 Belleri ls 3lHJ3 116m!! rhyslclan 300" Hed .lIurs IlIg SUP111les 3U06 Hlscelli!llleous-OLher 31107 EfIUIIl. Replllrs & Mlce. 3UU6 Ellulpmenl Rel,lacemenLS Total III !.!.o_u....sekeepIIlQ Services ~~ ,Sept.~t ~ Var1l!'nce SUO I Salaries S146.188.46 S109,641.35 $113,935.03 Sl4,293.6B) U 5002 8enerllS 22,659.23 16.994.42 16~846.39 148.03 . 5UU3 PeslConlrol 1.'O2~OO 1,051.50 1,031.62 19.89 . 5110.1 qeanlllg Supplies 4,547.75 3,410~81 4,919~'10 (1.508.891 U S005 Rft)leeements~ MoDs,Palls. 1,200.00 900.00 562.86 33''1.14 . SIl06 Misc. Supplies 3,061.00 2 ;29S~75 1,635.44 660.31 . SilO' F: (Iulp. Repal rs' & "lee. 500.00 375.00 -0- 375.00 . 50013 EQuip. Rep!8celllellls 6,030.00 4.522.50 1,467.12 3.055.38 . TC'ltal S185,58a.44 S139,191.33 S140,398.16 S(1,206.83) U per diem 5.35 6.16 14 -3- 1/1. ~_~_u.r~~~Y Se'"V ices '89.Budqel; sept. Rn<'lnp.t ~ ~.!E! filllll Sala,'les SI0.380.19 S 7; 785.14 S 4,308.99 S 3,476.15 , 60U2 lJenerits 1,608.92 1,206.69 855.43 351.26 , GOU] rurchased Service 26.262.41 19,696.81 21.468.81 (1,712.00) U 6005 Refllacernellts.lJed llnell 2,230.00 1,672.50 1,224.01 448.49 , 6006 Misc. Supplies 2.621.85 1,966.39 1.609.56 356.83 , 6001 EIIUiIJ. Repairs & Htce. ]50.00 262.50 _0_ 262.50 , 6000 EllUIII. Ref'lacemellts 650.00 487.50 -0- 487.50 , Total .$4<1.103.37 S33.077.53 $29,466.80 $3,610.73 , pel." dielll 1.27 1.29 III ~.t!.i.I.!!inQ & f.1alnlenallce . 89 Dudqe t ~.Budc:Jet ~ ~e 80111 Salaries $64,747.71. $48,560.78 $41,597.80 $6.962~98 , 0002 Sellert ls 10,035.90 7,526.93 6,571.63 955.30 F R003 Purcllased Servl ces 10,844.10 8.133.08 .8,200.97 (67.89) U AUU4 Eleclrlclly 84,834.88 63,626.16 67,02S.33 1'3,400.171 U AU05 Waler 6.266.85 4,700.14 5,S69.71 (869.57) U A006 l4isc.- Olller 600.00 450.00 983.11 (533.lll u 6007 EQulp.RepalrS & Htce. 19.528.10 13.986.08 11.047.39 2,848.69 F B006 Equip. Replacements 11,413.24 8,559.93 5S3.76 8.006.17 F 6009 Insurance-Bolter" 3..360.00 2,520.00 3,282.00 (762.00) U flOl0 lIome Vehicle 6 ;784 .00 5..088.00 6.193.38 (1,105.38) U Total S2l7.414.78 5163,061.10 S1S1.026.08 512,035.02 F per diellt 6.27 6.63 415 -.- Tit ~l1erill & Admlnlslrallve '89 Budget: SEPT. l3\.1dqet: Adual !!!i~ . 9UOI Salatles S 62,621.001$46,965.75 $57,645.30 $(10,679.55) U 9002 Bene r I ts 7.271.73 5,458.30 10,118.66 (4,660.36) U 9U03 rurchased Services 9,400.00 7,050.00 6,181.67 86B.33 F 9U04 Salarles.SICk Days 2,500.00 1,875.00 1,036.75 838.25 F 9005 Workers I Comp~ Insurailce 21;71>6;72 16~32S.04 19,376.04 t3,051.00) U 9006 fllsc._Olher(lncludes 6,486.75 rreiQhl. Insurance. 8,649.00 8,14S~60 (l,6se.a5) U Membership Fees) 9007 EQuip. Repairs & Mtce 500.00 375.00 41~S8 333.42 F 900a Equipment Replace.enls 500.00 315.00 ..;.O~ 375.00 F 90U9 Advertising 500.00 375.00 28S.20 91.80 F 90 10 Aud It 3,050.00 2.287.50 (494.251 2,781.75 F 90 II Leg! I 3.000.00 2,250.00 7.364.40 (5,1l4.40l 0 9012 T'os:lage 800.00 600.00 543.93 56.07 F 9013 Printing & St.lltlonery 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,9~3.69 56.31 F 901t! Telephone 9,000.00 6,750.00 8,052.31 11,302.311 U 9015 fravel & tonvenlions 10,000.00 7,500.00 9,202.48 11,702.48) U 9016 Slllrr DevelopMent. 4.000.00 3.000.00 1.582~96 1.417.04 F Total S147,564.45 $110,673.34 Sl32,D24.32 $(21~350.9S) U perdi@iIl 4,19 5.80 TERRftCE LooaE 1I0ME SUPPORT SERV1cES - 1 , Sucial Services SaLaE.'ias Benefits . 89. BudQet SEPT~Badget ~ Varia.nce S S,625~a8 $4,219.41 54,477.33 . "ST2S7~92.i U 872.01 654.01 669.00 (14.99) U $ 6,497.1;19 $4,873.42 S5,146.33 SI272.91J U Dietary Service Sal;JE.'ies 511,007.36 $8,255.52 57,524.92 5730.60 F EmpLoyee Denefits 1,706.14 1,279.61 1,136.02 143.59 . Raw Food Cost.s 25.000.00 18.750.00 19,337.00 ( 587~OO) U Misc. SUpplies 125.00 93.75 93.75 -0- $37,838.50 52ft,378.88 $28,091.69 5287.19 F Medical NursinQ Services Salarle.s S10,291.84 $7,718.88 $ 7,631.52 S87.36 F Benefits 1,595.23 1,196.42 1,145.58 50.84 F Nursing SUppl les 250.00 187.50 187.50 ~ $12,137.07 $9,102.80 $8,964.60 $138.20 F llousekeeolnQServices TisSue" Kleenex $100.00 $75.00 $75.00 _0_ BuildinQ & ProDert.v Salaries $1,956.24 S1,467.18 $2,688.40 $Cl,221.22J U 8enl!fits 303.21 227.41 391.03 (l63. .62) U lIollle Vehicle 5.000.00 3.750.00 3.375.00 375.00 F $7,259.45 $5,444.59 $6,454.43 sa,OOS.B4) U 1'ERRlICE LODGE IItJME SUrpORT SERVIC':.S - 2 General & Administrative Sillaries Benefi ts l\dvertising 1\udit rrilltin; & Stationery Travel & Conventions InslJ r iilnce Staff Develo~ent Other Misc. Equipment Total TOTlIL EXPENDITURES REVENUE nO~IESUprORT SERVICES' Raw f"oodCosts CIle111: Contributions Other~Non capital Contr. Total Revenu~ '89.Dud.2,et SEP'r.BUdoet $15,665.00 2,428.52 300.00 125~00 250.00 1.500.00 325.00 750.00 100.00 .!2!?:.!2 522.243.52 586.076.43 525.000.00 11,000.00 3.500.00 539.500.00 Sl1,748.75 l,82L39 225.00 93.75 187.50 1.125.00 243.75 562.50 75.00 ~ S16.682.64 $64.557.33 S18.750~00 8.250.00 2,625~00 $29,625.00 ~ S12,003.50 1,806.16 225.00 93.75 197.50 1.125.00 243.75 562.50 75.00 -0- $16,322.16 565,054.21 519.337.00 7.81L15 -0- $27.148.15 Net Operating Expense forSlJbsidy 561.076.43 545.807.33 $45.717.21 Ministry subsidy $42,753:50 $32,065.13 $32,002.05 County Share $ 3,822.93 $2,867.20 $5,904.01 Variance $(254.75) 15.23 _0_ .0_ _0_ _0_ -0- -0- _0_ ~ S360.4P 417 u . . PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT November 15th Session. 1989 FIRst REPORT To the Warden and Members of Elgin County Council. The Personnel Committee reports as follows: 1. That the hours of work for the County Engineer. A~sistant Engineer, and Engineering Technician be changed to 37.5 hours per week effeCtive January lst~ 1990 and County Policy 2.10 be amended to reflect this change. 2. That,,", request the County Government Co'llllllittee consider the wording proposed in the attached to include the Personnel Administrator in the Procedural By-l<<w. 3. rendered servicee payment. That the aceount with Hugh A. Christie for services in dealing with the Roads Association chiropractic in the amount of $1.081.84 be approved and authorized for 4. That we notify Crossman & Associates in the year of 1990 they be paid for their services to complete the Ontario Nurses' Association contract and any other serviceS needed at the present rate of pay. 5. That we recommend to the Property Committee that they reeerve the nor'th . wee't wing on the second. floor for future expansion of the Personnel Department. 6. That the Personnel Administrator be authorized to purchase the amended SKEW Job Evaluation Plan for the purposes of Pay Bquity-forthe London. and Dls'tric't ServlceWorkers' Union. 7. Th.~ the a~'tach.d policies be adopted as amended: 1.10 1.20 2.10 2.70 3.10 3.30 4.70 5.10 5.30 8.20 12.100 12.120 Application Definitions Hours of Work Personnel Recorda Hiring Procedure Employmen't of Relatives RetrOac~1vePay Benefi~ Booklet Cos't Sharinlon Sick Leaves Part-Time and Contrac't Staff Paymen'ts on Retirement Employment Aftsr Re'tirement ALL of which is reepec'tfullY eubmitted_ /.f;.:,'/<'1, /(;, - E. NeukaJnm. ChairmlUl. (/(1." _I I,' I. "('!7'Z. 419 fRtJCKWRM....B'(:::'!AW pl\UStmNKL .JWtUIUS'tRA"l'OR L It Shl1H be thf! dut.v of the P'!"re-onnel Administ:"ator tl) recomlll<"'nd. imj:.l"PI"'ntano:! malotl'lln .all".human ..reo!lourC"'~ ~n" ]1'I.bour.r~11\tion l'rnC't.ic"'~. :In co-"pere.tion,withalJ..df'JpartmE"lIt. hf'Jads '!Inci C'onntvc<:>rrimltte@'s. under t.he direction oiUIl. P~r!lonnel Committee. Act 85 8eer~tarY preparinF i!'IRendas. records. 8~ all Personnel Committee meetin~s. minutes; !"el!lt>lutions and attend""nc~ , ~o /'I'\lllt:\" <:'IT ~t/'!in. ~I \.~_.... :;;l!,,_,tl.r)ll: f.'ersf')rmel Poli'~y H;lnual Sub.jo:!~t: ApplicntioTl P.,li&y ~tumb(!r: 1.10 (~'<:Ide - A (lat.e Ap~roved: Oct. 1, Iml't Date La.9t Revision: Nov~ 15. 19U9 !'~E!~ 1 of 1 The policif!os in this nvmualoilJ:'p!ytovariQus:grOuflsof E"mr-loy'!es_ Each policy statem!!'nt carries oil d.,slfP1at1~n code. indicate: The followimt e'::ldes A All empl~yeI!'8. NO N.,n-union employees. Fr 111111 tllll@ employees. PT Part time employel!'s. L Limited ~o sreeific ~roups referred to in the body of the poliey statelll@nt. 4Ll 1~"'1lI1t_y of El Ei n }.'er:Jonnel Polic-y l1-:lnu'll f1# S~ction: Sub.;eet-: JJefinitinn:1 Policv tlumb'!J": 1.2U Date Approved: Oct. 1. 1118" Date Last Revision: Nov. 15, 1989 - Crn!p - A Fa!!'? 1 of 2 (."II Full-time staff Ilr~ those employees who regularly work th~ st.andardweekJ.vhours for t.he Depart~nt as sreeified in Policy No. 2.10 for 1:;1fty..,two C52lweets i!'aehyear on a eontinuinlZ basis. (bl Permanent. part-t',1ne et.a.ff are thoee employees who reaularly work leee than the.!ltandard weekly hourssrecified for the llef'artment on a continuin, basis, C c I Temporary ~tl!lff are those empl"yeeswho are hired for a period of time which mayor may not be defined and whoeeConditlone of employment are not setout in a written contract. Cd) Uepartll)l!nt Heade at? the: ClerJ:-T~.eurer: County EnlJineer: Di!'eetor. nO~9 for Senior Citizens: Director of Social Servie~~: County Llbrarlan: Pereonnel Administrator. F'S!n';,mnel }'o 1 i<~v t1~nll..l S~t'!;if,n: 2. '\'U!1I,V o:"f Elairl ('"de . NtJ/" f"'~1! 1 of 1 Sub.il!ct: ""ura of Work Pl.1licy Number: 2.10 Date A!;-pt'oved: Oct:. I, I!JO'l Date Last Revision: Nov. 15. HmO Weekly UOllY"S The worlt week ror County ~llIploy@es shall bit five. (51 days r::cmprisinp the followin~ hours: Departm~nt: H@arl3 and man3~@ment group, except Roads: 32.5 hours. County Engineer. A3~i~tant En/illne'er~ Engineering Technician. ROi1ds: 37.f.! hours effective J;:muar:.r 1. 1990. Gener,,-l Supertntpndent. AS:05i3t1.1nt Superintendent. Roads: 4~.5 hrlur~. R.N. 'liI(both HOm'!sl. Food Service S:upen.i~(lrs: 40 hours;. ineludirul p....id lunch hour Custodian: 4JJ hours Clerical st.aff in all O"p.artment. ineltlo;:iinlJ LibrarY: 32.5 hours. Social Serviees field s~ff .and Residen't Coordinaeor: 3:::.5 hr.mrs. Vari.ationiS in the ohovl!! hourft IlI&Y bft instituted by the Oftp:Rrtment H.~ri who will be respnnBible for ehG seh~dulin~ of ~Aily and weekly hour~ fo~ .dl 15t..ff. l:""unty ('If Jo:ll:in ~.~..' ~ Per:;onne 1 Po [ i IZV ~l~mu.~\ 1 - CodE' - A Po!l~e 1 of 1 423 ~ction: 2 Sub.;ect: Personnel Rp.cord~ Policy Number: 2.70 Date Approved: Oct. 1. 1967 Dl'lte La.e:t RevisIon: Nov. 15. !SJ8B l'he Personnel Administrator willlll&1ntain central per80nnel rect'rds. that office ae aoon a~ they oeeur. Chant!eainelnployee data affeetin,theel!' records lllUet be ~ported to ~al;[ft 1 of 1 Section: :J Sub,ject: Ilirin~ Procednre PoUC}' NUlllbel': 3.10 Date App.roved: Oct.. t. WU"{ lJateLast Re.vision: Nov. 15. 19B!J I;Olll1t.V of 1!:1c;!in p"'rSOllnel Policy U,J.nu,J.l l;ode - ^ (al Authori=ation for t.he creation of all riew positions shall bl! recommended by the appropriate Standin~ Committee and approv~d by Council b~fore any recruitin~ activitles begin. (bl The Personnel Administrator and Personnel Committee with Cougcil approval shall adv~rtisl! for, tntp.rview and select staff to fill the pr1:3itions of Dep"'l"tm-.nt H~i!d and H:mal;:erial position3 in consultation with th~ appropria~r. Standing Committee. (el 'the Personnel Administrator in co~1unction with t.he Department Head ISha!,l have thB authority to hire all other staff with pr<:lpl!tr Committee approval. .:lttd 8hl111 per8t'1na11y carry out necessary recruiting/selection procedures. unless deleBated to an appropriate ind1vidulll within th. Depart:=rnt. qL::> ''':"untyof Elain * Spction: 3 Porsonnel Policy 11armal Subject: Emplnyment of Relativcn Policy Number: 3.30 Code - ^ ~ate Approved: Oct. 1. 1987 Parte 1 of 1 UateI"ast Revieion: Nov. 15, 19B!} Mf!'mbersof an l!Dlployee'e immedia:te family may not be empl.oyed in the sam~ depar.tment of the County'except with the' prier approvel "f the Personnel CommlttefJ. Tn obtain approval. the Department Head inUstmake a re~uest. in writin.. to the Personnel Committee. IlIlIIlediate family m~mbers are those -relativl!1'5 defined 1n Sflction S. Policy No. 9.90 CcL ' Code - NU/Ff/PT PaQ& 1 of 1 Sel::t.ion: <1 Sl.lb.ject: net.ronctive Pay Policy Number: 4.70 D~te Approved: Oct. I. 1981 Date La3t Rev13ion: Nov. 15. 1!JB9 (""'lIltv of RllZin Pp.rsonnel Po L ic:v Hnmm.l Rfttroact.ive Pay AnY' employees covltred by this manual as of' the retroactive date who have ceased to be employed shall have a period of thirty (30) da.!oI's only from the date of mailing ot notices in which to claim from the County any ad,i'ustments to their ~t.lY. Any new eMployees hired since that date shall be entitled to pro-rata adjustm~nts to their remuneration from the date of their employment. ~ach County department shall contact. in writin<<. by mailing notices to t-heir last known addres:ses. any employees who ha.vO! since left ita employ. These shall be lMiled. by re,ister",d mail. within fifteen (15) days of thl't date Council pa:!!Ises the appropriate by-law( s). t,;nunr.y nf Elji"in Per:o:e>nn"'l Pol ir:... Nnrl1J>:Il Godl'! - A Peel;> 1 of . .,"', &lct.ion: 5 Subject: Denerit. iluoklcl; Policy Number: 5~10 llate Ap;.roved: Ot:t.. l. J9B" tlate Last Revision: Nov~ 15. 198!! Full details of all bpnefit~ are ~vailable to staff. from the Peroonnel I>epart.ment. t~Cll1nt.\" of F.latn Per30nnel PoLi~\" Manu~l Code - NU P~llze 1 of 1 Snctirm: 5 Sub.iect: CU3t-'~ih~ri 11r:t 011 Sick Lcnvc:J Policy Numb~r: 5.30 Date ApprQved: Oct. L. 1981 Date Last Revi3ion: Nov. 15. IUB!} la) The cC'lst-sharin_ arr~n.l[l:O!!Iments noted above for OHrp. E.~tp.nded Health. Semi-Private C~verage. U~ntal Plan. Life Insuranc~ and specific absence: Lons: Term Disabilit.y wil L be continued as follows for each (11 Worker~' Com~ns~tion 121 Lon_ Term Disability (31 Pr~~nancy or Adoption LeavO!!l 12 IIIOnths 2-1 months Len_th of timp. to be consistent with E.S.A. Chapter 137. Sections 35- 39. (bJ 'fhe above pMvisions in no "'/1"- affect the entitlement to LonlZ Term. DisabilitY' ~.osym.,nts from thfl insurance carrier; 429 1..'':'lInt_t. of E1Ri.n ., Se~t;ion: (j P~r:::onnel P"liet. Hallu!!l Suh.iect.: }11lT"t-'j'1tnc and . Contract Sl;Qff Policy Number: 6~20 Code - NU/P'l' Pat!'!' 1 of 1 Date Approved: Oct. J. 19B7 UateLast Revi81l:1n: Nov" 15. 1989 Sub,ieet to. 6~-10 .lb) (a) Part-tUlle etaff will reeeivet.he following. holidays with pa:o.' at their re~lar ra~e - New Year"s lIay Good Friday Easter Honday Victoria [).ay Labour Day Thankl!!l~ivinB Day Remembrimce bay Chrietlnal!l Day Canada Day {July Il CiVic: Holiday Boxin&! Day {b'j Hethod ofPe.)1IIllmt The f'e~larrat.e of WARes of an i!lnployee whoee hours Clf worr. diff~r from day to day~ Or who ie paid on . basie othl!'rt.han tlme~l!lh811 be the avera,lle of thl!' employeee daily f!larnln;:s f!xclusive of overtime for the daY'S workl!'d in the thirteen (13Jweekperi",d immeni~tely preceding a public: holiday, Code - NUlL ?A~~ 1 of 1 Se<.:t.ion: 12 Sub.il!'ct: l'aymenl.n on Hr.l.irr.I1I~!I1 PCllic~ Number": 12.100 Date Approved: June 1'f. 1HU"1 DatI! Last Revision: Nov. 15. l!)fIB l."nunty of I!:ialn PC"rsonnel Pollc~1 11RII\l:\t (Ill Retirina non-union ~mploY'''''s will recl!ive ~ Fayment. e~ual to 150X) fifty p"!reent of the number of days of ~ick leav~ credits remainin~ in the sick pay plan frozen on June 30. 19~3. times their rate at the ti~ of retirement. to a maximum of {1301 one hundred and thirty days. {b} Retir.in.lZ full-time I!mplo:"l!es with more than five (5\ years service will reeO!'ive a retirement allowance. calculated at $20.01) per year' of ,service to a maximum of $200"(11). Such ,""ployees with mOr'e than (15) fifteen. and le99 th;;!.n (25) twenty-fivt!' ye.r'lJ 3ervice will also receive a watch. All retiring ..mploye~e with five (5) ~r morl! year9 will be invit~d to. CQ\lnty Council in thl!moneh they retire and will r'!:c~i';e an invitation to the WlSrden's Banquet held durina th~ ye~t' of their r"t;it'e_n~. fel Retirinll "JItrt~tillll!' @ftIploy",es with more. than BVI! (51 ~."'1t'9 ~ervice will receive a. rl!'ti~e1llltnt allowance. calculatel:i 'l.t !;10.0IJ per y...ar at servLce to a tlIaXimulll of $100.')0. All retirinll elllpl~yees with five (5) or mot'''' ye~rs will be invited to County Council in the month they retire and will rec..iv~ ~n invitation to tn. WArdltn's Banquet held dnr1.nQ the ylt1U' ot: toh.\r retir"!lIIItnt. eount:y of EIRill PersC'nnel Polic-y ~lanllal CodE" -. IDJIPT Pa~e 1 of 1 4::n Section: 12 SubjE"ct: Rmploy~nt A!t;er. Uet;.lremcmt Policy Number: 12ul20 Date Approved: Oct. 1. 198"/ Dat.e Laet Revieion:.Nov. 15.1!IB9 be authorized from year to year by Council. Ernr]oyment on .teln;:>oraryztlil.tus.wlth the County beyondretirem@nt a/i!e llI~Y While so appointed. ~mployees will accrue n~ adaitional .ic~ leave credits. rlw:;< 'NtH<:L l"'"'I"U.l1 T'l'EE [a,:rl.'!C[' Nov..mbfl>r 15t.h 3e!3si(,n. 19A~ :;;!l:(:"ND REPIJRT or,.., the. Wnrrlen ~nd t1""mbp.r3 of EIlJin Gbuuty" r:'ounci l. The Personnel (~ommittl'le reFOrt.~ 83 follow3: t. Th>'!;t we re...c-mmend till"'"!:. the t1~orandum of Settlempnt b.,.twe~n the Gor1?Or.;l.tiOI1 of the County c>f El'!:in and the CI,nadian l.1nion of Pub tic F.mploVE"O'Iis (Local 8411 and the. Librarv Department. be accepted and a by-Law be presented authori~in. the Warden and the Gl~rk 1:0 si~n an a.lllreemenl: t.o implement all the chanlles for the- two yl!"~r period. ~ ALL ~f which i3 re3pectfullv submitted. .~,f' Iwj,~..vo"'- E. tteukamm. Chairsnan. CiL/..;t-~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT November 15th Session. 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council. The County Government Committee reports as follows: 1. That Council approve the over-expenditure of S4.065.71 for costs involved in the '89 Investment Tour. 2. That the City of < St. Thomi!lsbe epproeched to share in the over-expenditure with respect -to the '89 Investment Tour. 3. That we recommend that the per diem for Members of the Land Division Committee be increased as follows I Over 3 hours in duration Under 3 hours in duration S89.00 per diem SS8.00 per diem effective January I. 1990 and the necessary by.law be amended accordingly. 4. That Mrs. Frances McCallum be appointed to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board as the Elgin West District Women's Institute appointee for the period January 1st. 1990 to December 31st. 1992. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. ~'!&/ _/',/ ' ~Jl' 'Z7.~ A. ,J. van' Kasteren.--=--_.J Chairll\lul. {fI (. 1 /. .( <-.1':>':> 4 PROPERTY COM!-II'rTEE REPORT November 15th Session. 1989 SECOND REPORT To the Warden and MemberS of the Elgin County Council. The Property Committee reports as follows: 1. That the Offer to purchase by the Family & Children's Services of St.. Thomas & Elgin .for property north of Karen street be turned over to the County Solicitor for review and revision. 2. That the tender of Spriet Associates Consulting Engineers in the amount of $],000 be accepted for preparing detailed and specific cost projections on the construction pro- cess for the fourth floor of the County Administration Building for an Archives. J. That all departments be advised that items of mainten- ance be referred to the ClerK for correction for the County Administration Building. 4. That the Offer to Lease Room ~246 on the second floor, north centre, at SLO per square foot by D.C. Jaclcson Realty Corp. for a twenty-five montb term. effective December 1st. 1989, with options to renew for two additional terms of four (4) years each. at a rental to be mutually agreed upon be accepted and the Warden and theClerlc be authorized to sign th~,necessary lease upon the required by~law being passed by Council. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. AJ @ 1F ~C1.ta,.'1.J...<.1.f."'.- K. C. Emerson. Cha.trman. (irf....( ;;..( 435 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-58 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO THE WARDEN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the annual remuneration to be paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal_Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows I 1. Thl!lt - the annual remuneration for the -warden of the County of Elgin for attending meetings of the Couneil. meetings of the various eommittees and Local Boards. and performing all other duties applicable to the Office. shall be Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars ($22,000.00) per annum, payable in twelve equal instalments. 2. In addition to the annual remuneration established in clause Ill. the Warden shall be paid the same rate for eoehmile! kilometre necessarily travelled in attending Countyftinctions. in addition to Council and committee meetings,asestablished for the use of personal vehicles for County business. A monthly ,account for mileage travelled for other than Council and/orcommittees shall be submitted to the Clerk, on a form to be provided. 3. Attendance at conventions shell be retmbursedas out~ lined in the by-law establishing rates for8ucb attendance. .. card upon behalf of That tbe'Wardenbe provided with atelephonecredlt whicb to charge long distance telephone calls made on the County ,of Elgin and a Bank of Montreal Master Card. That By-Law No. 88_52 be, and the wame,.iShereby s. repealed. 6. That this By-Law become effective January 1st. 1990. READ a first time this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a second ttme this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November, 1989. _~""""-c.,c-'-<' )-'...,..... G. C ~ Leverton. Clerk. t..i. 1.....- :/.....1 A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-59 "BEING A BY-LAW TO SeT THE REMUNERATION TO BE PAID TO MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FOR ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES THEREOF." The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elqin enacts as follows: 1. That the following remuneration be paid to each Member of the Elgin County Council. wieh the exception of the Warden. for attend~ng meetings of the Council and committees thereof 'a' For attending a meeting. when the said meeting is over three (3) hours in duration - $89.00. '0' For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is three (3) hours or less in duration- $58.00. 'el In addition to the above remuneration, each Member shall be paid the same rate for each mile/kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such meetings as established fOr the use of personal vehicles for Courity business. 'd' Where a Member of Council isreques~ed.bY the Warden to represent the Warden at a meeting (other than a social function I ._ that he/she be paid per diem and mileage. In the-event they represent the Warden at a social function, -they bepaidmileag8 only. ta' For~the purpose of paying per diem and mileage for committee meetings; all committee meetings shall be considered independently for-payment when they meet on the same. day. 2. repealed. That By-Law No. 88-53 be. and the same is hereby 3. That this By-Law become effective January 1st, 1990. READ a first time this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November. 1989. ~. t.everton. Clerk. /-:U. ,f S;;::,{ A. K. Ford. Warden. _ '~--k_ ..<.~.._~.. ' ,....~..-.~~'" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-60 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. B6-32 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE PROCEFOINGS IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES THEREOF." WHEREAS By-Law No.<86~32. as amended, presently regulates the proceedings in the Municipal Council of the County of Elgin and committees thereof; and WHEREAS is has been deemed advisable to amend the said by- law. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows I 1. That By-law No. 86-32 be amended by - (A) Deleting Section X entitled -Agricultural Committee- IS) Deleting Section XI entitled .Property Co~ttee. and replacing with the following - x PROPERTY AND AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE 1. The Property and Agricultural Con.nittee shall be cOmpo8ed'of nine 19 J members. . 2. in of It shall be their duty to consider and report on all affaire connection with the repairing, purchasing, leasing or selling County property, exclusiVe o~ p~opertybought for road purposes. J. TO regulate ancl.have superVision of. all. matters eonneeted.wi1:h all~groundsandbuildin9sbelongingto the County. except the Homes for Senior. Citizens and the property and buildings used by the Roads Department. The Committee to be authorized to approve-and pass all accounts in connection with above and issue orders on--the County Treasurer for payment .ofs8me. 4. To oversee work carried on by the Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner. 5, To act on all matters referred by the Warden or Council. Ie) Deleting Section XII .County Government Co~ttee- and Section XVII -Reception and Entertainment Committee- and replacing with the following - XI COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND RECEPTION COMMITTEE 1. The County Government and Reception Committee shall be com- posed of nine (9) members. 2. It shall be their duty to consider and make recommendations to the County Council of all proposed changes affecting the present functions of County Council. 3. To make recommendations with regard to remuneration, convention and mileage rates of County Councillors, Committee Members and the Warden. 4. To study and make recommendations with respect to all proposed restructuring of local government within the County. 5. To study and maKe recommendations with respect to industrial, recreational, tourism and planning matters. - 2 - 6. To be responsible for ~nd to make all the necessary arrange- ments for the annual Warden's Banquet. 7. To be responsible for arranging for meals etc. for each meet- ing of County Council. 8. To arrange. when required. any function involving entertain- ment. etc.. for the County. (01 Renumber Sections as follows - XII XIII XIV >N >NI >NII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXII! Social Services committee Homes for Senior Citizens committee County Roads committee Personnel Committee County Library Committee Appointment and Duties of Officers of the corporation Treasurer and/or Deputy Treasurer County Clerk and/or. Deputy clerk County Engineer/Road superintendent The County SOlicitors Labour Relations Officer Money Appropriations, Accounts, Expenditures, Contracts and Improvements General Clauses. XXIV (El Amend Mew Section XIII ~Homes for Senior Citizens Committee~ by deleting paragraph 1 and replacing with the following . (1) The Homes for Senior Citizens Committee shall be composed of a Chairman. Warden. and five {51 members for a total of seven (7} all of whom shall be entitled to vote on all matters. (rl Amend Section XIV ~County Roads Committee~ by deleting paragraphs 2 and 3 and replacing with the following - (21 It shall be the duty of the County Roads Committee to co- operate with and direct the County Road Superintendent in the construction and maintenance of County roads and bridges. The disbursement of all monies pertaining to the County Road System shall be made by the County Treasurer. only on the certificate of the County Road Superintendent or his Assistant in the absence of the-County Road Superintendent. as certified under the hand of the Chairman thereof or in his absence the Acting Chairman or Warden. This will be the authority for the County Treasurer to pay the said accounts listed. prior to being ratified by the Committee at a subsequent meeting. (G) Amend Section XVI .County Library Committee~ by deleting paragraph 3 and replacing with the following - {31 The disbursement of all monies pertaining to the County Library System shall be made by the County Treasurer only on the certificate of the County Librarian or other person authorized by the Library Committee, in the absence of the County Librarian, and certified under the hand of the Chairman thereof, or in his absence the Acting Chairman or Warden. This will be the authority for the County Treasurer to pey the said accounts listed. prior to being ratified by the Committee at a subsequent meetinq. 2. That By-Laws No. 81-3 and 88-60 be. and the same are hereby repealed. READ ~ fir~t tL~~ tbi$ 15th day of November, 1989. READ a second time th~S 15th day of Movember, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November. 1989. _---o~_,...(o!___,.-,.v-....... G. C. Leverton. Clerk. I;;.'~.:, ,..t. . " , A.. K. Ford, Warden. 439 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 89-61 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S COUNTY LIBRARY EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 841. is the certified bargaining Dgent for all employees of the County Library System, save and except Branch Library Supervisors end persons above the rank of Branch Library Supervisor. Bookkeeper/Confidential Secretary. the Chief Librarian, persons regularly employed for not more than ten (IO) hours per week, and students employed during the aehool vacation period: and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place overs period of time, between the County and the Union towards amending the col- lective bargaining relations and providing en orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement: and WHEREAS .agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedures, conditions and terms of employment to'be included.in an agreement-to cover .tbeperiod July 1, 1989 to June JO,U91~ NOW THEREFORE the Hunieipal Counc 11 of the Corporation of the 'County of-Elgin enacts as fClllows~ 1. That the Warden and the Clerk of the County of El.ginbe and arehere~y authorized to sign the MemOrandum of Settlement and the~ollective Agreement _between the County-of Elgin and the CanadianfUnion of PUblic-Employees Betting:forthcollective bargaining relations~ disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms ofemploymantfor .the Library employees. READ a first time this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of November, 1989. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November, 1989. ..--~......c:"..:<.~""- ....vo;........ - ---- G. C. Leverton, Clerk. i,:"{,y' --;:;',-1 A. K. Ford, Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 89-62 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL-CAPITAL ASSISTANCE." WHEREAS the corporation of the County of Elgin has been investigating tne.possibility of replacing Elgin Manor with a new facility named 8The Elgin Village~: and WHEREAS estimates have been prepared for the cost of constructing and equipping the new facility. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows I 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign ~A Request for Approval~Capital Assistance-, to the Ministry of Community and Social Services. in the amount of 55,983.655.50 towards the cost of erecting and furnishing -The Elgin Village", READ a first time this 15th day of November. 1989. READ a second time this 15th day of November. 1989. READ a tnird time and finally passed this 15th day of November. 1989. p_&.....c:..;,......4-C ~ 7~.../ G. C. t.everton. Clerk. 1/1100 or -/"~I A. K. Ford. Warden. 441 INDEX MISCEUANEOUS 1989 Officials, County Council, Standing Committees, Municipal Clerks and Treasures............................................................1, 2,3.4,5.6 Committee Communications..................B, 3Q. 60, 123. 165, 200. 228. 307, 343. 371 Council Communications.......................11,33, 65. 126, 168, 203, 233, 313. 346. 376 Delegations........................i........................................10,32,62,63.68.69,114,115, 167,201, 231, 311; 344~ 373. 375 Employee Presentatio.ns............................................... ............ ..............62~. 230, 372 Warden's Address...................................................................................................15 REPORTS OF OFFICIAI.S AND OTHERS Director's - Homes For Senior Citizens................................................................395 Treasurer's.......................................;..................................95, 96, 97,-257, 258, 259 Tree Commissioner's.......... .................................... ............ ..................................389 Weed Inspector's" .................................... ..............................................." ............ .390 Land Division................ ................................................ ....................;... "........".... ....380 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES County Govemment............................................19, 39. 71.118. 172,207.237.239, 2B6,~9,352,382,433 County Ubrary......................................................40.48, 72. 119, 131. 174. 209.240. 292.320.353.354.384 County Roads....................................................41. 44, 73,74, n,132. 1n,194, 210. 217.218.24'.287.324.357.385 Homes For Senior Citizens...........................20. 42, BB, 120, 142, 175, 195, 213, 214. 245.290.326,327.328.350.351.387 Personnel..........;...................................................21.49. B9, 143, .144. 215,219, 246, 247.293,329.359,418.432 Property....................................................22. 43. SO. 94. 100, 121, 145, 146, 176, 178, 216. 220. 261. 291. 330. 3EM, 362,388. 434 Reception and Entertainment......................................................23. 51,221,331.-332 Social Services..........................."......................... ...;.....24.52,98,147.179,262,333 Special Committee To Strike The Standing Cori'lmittees;.............;............."............16 442 RESOLUTIONS - To Provide for the Guidance Upon Procedure for the Election of Warden................."..........." 7 Electing Reeve A. K Ford as Warden for 1989.......................................................................m7 Authorizing the Warden and Treasurerta Borrow.....~.......:................~....................................10 Authorizing the Treasurer to Continue Monthly Payments to the Children'sAid Society.......10 Authorizing the Treasurerto.Continue Monthly PaymentS to the elgin . StThomas Health Unit............;...............................................................................;.................................................10 Authorizing the Treasurer to Continue Monthly Payments to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum- Board;...... .".......~... ....~;...... ............ ..........;.. ....;....... ............ ...........; ............. ....".". "0' ......10 Setting Remuneration for Appointees to the Elgin. S1. Thomas Health Unit Board....... .....:...10 Naming Appointees to the "Gas Franchise Committee"...........................................................ll Accepting County Share of Family & Children's Services 1988 Budget............................... ....11 Granting.UseofWord "Elgin" in "Elgin County Railway' Museum lnc."...................."................12 Authorizing the Warden and Clerk to Choose from those Requesting a Grant to Attend the Session..... .....;...... ........................ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ "........33 Appointing Members of Council to the Elgin Tourist Association;.......................".........~........34 Requesting County-Wide Reassessment...................,................."......."............... .,....,......"".....34 Recommending a Road To.ur............................."................,.........:. ..................................". ......36 Instructing Solicitor to Carry Out Negotiation" Re: Sale _of Court House.......................;..~.... ...36 Setting Date for Grant Application Hearing..... ......."............................ ............".....".............."..36 ACcepting the Treasurer's Reports..........................................64, 232;233. 375. 391, 393. 394 Applying to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for Supplementary Spending Allocation.. ..............~............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .......~.... ............. ............ ...........64. 205 Petitioning the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for Subsidy.............................".".....,......64 Supporting Proposed Investment Tour by Persons from the United Kingdom...................".:65 Reappointing select Committee to Study 9.1.1. Emergency Telephone System......;..~..........65 Authorizing to Present By-law Re: Retention and Destruction of Records.............."""...........67 Filing Grant Requests.;'.. ............ ............ ........,... ............ ............ ............ ............ ".........".. ....."...69 Providing for Grants.............................. ..............................................................___.................".69 Accepting Invitation to View 5700 Steam Engin9......................."....."................,...................,114 Requesting the Province of Ontario to Relocate the Elgin - S1. Thomas Health Unit............115 Adopting the ,1969 Budget.......................................... ".................................". "....."."...".........." 116 443 Setting Up Meeting to Resolve Film Service Discontinued by Ubrary System......................11? Requesting Full Investigation of Escape of Ueutenant-Govemor's Warrant Patient.....,...~...126 Requesting Bell Canada to ProCeed He: 9.1.1.................................;...................................,.,126 Forwarding Statement of Proposed Work and Expenditure to Ministry ofTransportation of Ontario for Approval........,.....................................................;....,.;~..............................._.........126 Advising Dr. Mal Council is Not Convinced the Health Unit's Move Into a New Building is Most Economical....................................................................................."...............................126 Appointing Reeve Neukamm to LAE.B. for 1989........................;........................;.....".."..."...126 Requesting Explanation from the Ministry of Health Why Renovations Cannot be Made to the Nurses' Residence for Health Unit HOusing........................"..,.;......................",128 Inviting St Thomas Suburban Roads Members to May Luncheon.....................,........."...."."l68 Submitting Councillors Names to the S1. Thomas. Elgin General Hospital Board.............".169 Requesting Meetings to Discuss Funding and Relocation of the Health Unit .........,..........",169 Request to Investigate Feasibility of Extending. City Bus Service...................".................."",,:170 Filing and Advising St. Thomas and District Horticultural Society of Grant Request Procedures................................................................................................................."........",..203 Naming Voting Delegates to A.M.C. Convention.............. .....,................". ........""". .......;203, 234 Accepting the' Auditor's Report..... ...............................;............................. ................."..........203 Accepting Offer to Attend Health Unit Meeting........................................"...".......".............;...203 Advising Tobacco Area/Industrial Study Committee Elgin Does Not Wish to Appoint Representatives Nor PartiCipate' In Investment Tour Welcoming Dinner..............................204 To Pay 50"..6 of Elgin Tourist Association Gran1...................................,....... ....".....," ."............204 Appointing Mike Popovich to the Elgin and St Thomas Housing Authority.........................234 Extending Invitations to Spouses of Wardens and Clerks for GoH Day..............."...... ...........234 Directing Brian Foster to ForWard Letter to Court. House Block Inc. and Harrison, Elwood Pointing Out Responsibilities of Current Employer..............................;................................234 Supporting the $.S. Aquarama to locate in Port Stanley.....................................................234 Authorizing Letter to M.O.E. Re: Waler Restrictions in West Elgin........................................282 Recommendin'g Extended Deadline Re: Study of County Govemment's ROle...........,........282 Requesting Minister of Transportation to Hold Public Hearing Re: VIA Raillnc....................314 Offer to Sell Land to Family & Chlldren's-$elVices...............;.................................................315 Offering Rent Free Facilities to the Elgin Tourist Association..............................;..................315 444 Advising the Bank of Montreal of Payment Guarantee for MasterCard Expenditures;....;....346 Referring Town of Aylmer Letter to the RoadsCommittee.....................................................346 Approving Family & Children's Services Budgets............................................................." .347 Supporting the Outer Harbour Project for Port Burwell;...............".."................................. ....348 Accepting Land Division Report ...............;;..............................................................;..............373 Adopting the Tree Commissioner's Aeport.;..............................................................u.........375 Adopting the. Weed Inspector's.. Report.......,....................... ........;........................................".375 Accepting the Director's Report on Homes for Senior Citizens........................,.............."....375 445 BY.LAWS - 88-68 To Appoint a County Roads Committee................................................................18 88-69 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum of Five Million OoUars............;;.....................................................................................................25 86-70 Being a By.Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee.......................................26 88-71 Being a By-law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Lease Renewal Agreement with the Ministry of Government Services for the Court House.........28 88-72 A By-Law to Confimi Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December Session. 1988............................................29 89-' A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads........;...................................._........................................53 89-2 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Member to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission..................................._................."..............;..~............................"......55 89-3 Being a By.Lawto Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between Med + Care Health Services Umited and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services.................................;......"........................"........56 89-4 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Lease with the Ministry of Government Services 10r79 Stanley Street, St. Thomas........".".;........57 89-5 Being a By.t.aw to Alii:horize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Lease with the Ministry of Government Services for 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas.......".....~58 89-6 ABy-l.aw to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin arthe January Session; 1989................................................59 89-7 Being a By-Law to Establish Schedules of Retention Periods for Documents. Records and Other Papers of the Municipality................................."...................101 89-8 Being a By.Law Authorizing the.DestructiCin of Certain Documents, Records and Papers...... ...........; ...~........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ......... .... ...,......". .111 89-9 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Letter of Confirmation with Peat Marwick Consulting GroupRe: 'Master Functional and Master Site Planning'................................................................ ............ ............ ...;112 89-10 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal CounciJofThe Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February Session, 1989.........................~.......;...........113 89-11 A By.Lawto Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County: of Elgin at the March 8th Session, 1989.....................................:.....122 89~12 Being a By.l,aw to Authorize Grants to be Made to Various Organizations, Corporations. Institutions, Etc., During 1989................._.....................................148 89-13 A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Port Stanley (Hereinafter Called- 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include its Successors and Assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required for a Sariitary Sewerage System in the County of-Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality')............................149 ~~u 89-14 A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Dutton (Hereinafter Called 'The Grantee' and Which Term Shall Include its Successors and Assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required. for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality.)...."........................m150 89-15 Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden. Council Members and County OfficiaJs faT Attending .Conventions......".................. "."......151 89"16 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and SociaJ Services Re: .the Purchase of Service Home Support and. Services for the Elderly..... ..,..153 89-17 Being a By-Law to Establish the Percentage Share of Each Municipality Within the County of elginand Amount Required for County Purposes for the Year 1989.........................".........................."........".........."........ .."....m.. "......,:..........162 89-18 A By-Law to Confirm ProCeedings of the Municipality Council of the Corpqratipn of the County of Elgin at the March 29th Session, 1989..""".....""........""".......""..164 89-19 Authorizing Speed Limits.~................ "....................... ,...................................."" .."."..180 89-20 Being a By-Law to Appoint Auditors for the County of Elgin....... ..~......... ...........188 89-22 Being a By-Law to Amend the Terms of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the Sale of the. Court House Block ..........................................................."..,........190 89-23 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April 19th Session.. 1989.....;........................ .. ...""... ..191 89-21 Being a By-Law to Authorize theWarden and the Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the Ministry of Community and SOCial Services Re: the Provision of Home Support and Alzheimer's Programs................"".......196 89-24 Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over'Bridges...."" .",,197 89-25 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the,County of Elgin at the April 26th Session. 1989..............................":..,,.........199 89-26 A By-Law to Authorize the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell (Hereinafter Called.The Grantee' and Which Term Shalllncfude Its SucceSsors and Assigns) to Construct, Use and Operate Works Required for a Sanitary Sewerage System in the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called 'The Municipality.).............................222 89-27 Authorizing Speed Umits..............................................................................""......223. 89-28 Being a By-Law to Establish a Rate to be Paid for Personal Vehicles for County Business.... ............ ............ ............ ............ ......"..... "........... ...........". .........".. ..... ...".225 89-29 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk.to Sign Offers to Renew Leases for the Various Buildings Located on the Court House Block.......""...."".226 89-30 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the County of Elgin at the May 17th Session, 1989.:..........................."".............".........."....................227 89-31 A By-Law to Authorize 01 Aura! Television Cablesystems lnc.. at 950 Syscon Road, Burlington; Ontario, L7L 5S2, (Hereinafter Called the "Company", and Which Term Shall include Its Successors and Assigns) to Install, Construct, Operate and Maintain Works. Required for the Transmission and Distribution of Television, Radio and Related Communications Signals and Services Within a Portion of the Municipality of the County of Elgin (Hereinafter Called the "Municipality")............................."......................................". ............ ........ ...........263 447 89-32 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Franchise Agreement with Natural Resource Gas Limited...........................;..........:..... . ..270 89-33 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Letter of Understanding with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (LQcal841).......278 89-34 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 21st, Session, 1989...................."....;..............280 89-35 A By~Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk of the County of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between .Med + Care Partnership and the County of Elgin for Homemakers Services"... ."...................."".."..._."... .....................".. ................."...."...295 S9c3S A By-Law to Facilitate Repair of Highways and Bridges Under the Jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County ofElgin..............,.........................................,,;.296 89.37 A By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Deed jointly with the Township of Malahide to Mr. Leroy Eicher for a Portion of Lot 35, Concession VIIl, TownShip of Malahide............................ ..................................298 89-38 A By.Law to AuthOrize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Consent and Waiver of Notice Under the Land Titles Act........................;...............................299 89-39 A By-Law to Amend By-Law to Amend No. 87-1, Designating Throu'gh Highways........................................ ............ ..............................,.............300 89-40 A By-Law to Amend the By.Law Adopting_a Plan of County .Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of.Elgin Under,._the Public Transportation and Highway,lmprovementAct..................... ......'........."..301 89-41 Being a By:"l8wto Amend By-Law No; 84-23. a By-Law for the Regulation 'of Traffic..........................................................,...............................;..302 89-42 A By.Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign Two letters ,of Understanding with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (Local 841)...""..303 89-43 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 19th Session, 1989.........................................;306 89-44 Being a By-Law to Aniend By-Law No. 84,23, a By.Law For the Regulation of Traffic...............................................""......................................................"........334 89-45 Being a By.Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-9. Being a By.l.awtoProvide Fringe Benefits to All Employees Of the County Who are Considered in the Management Category.".. ......"....".....".'-"",. .......".... ....""""....-........... ".........."....., "..335 89-46 Being a By-Law to Amend By-law No. 84-10, Being a By-law to Provide Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County of Elgin Who are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement or Included in the Management Category"".. .""....",,,.336 8947 Being a By-Law to Amend By-law No" 88-41, Which Establishes Hourly Rates for Students....................""...m.......""..."......".".. ...."...."....... n."""...... ...337 89-48 Being a By-law toAuthorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Sub-lease with the Township of Southwold............... .........".."........... ......;""...".................""..338 89-49 Being a By-law to Appoint a Member of County Council to the Thames Valley District Health. CounciL..............".........."............. ..........;.............."..m.... ;;339 448 89.50 To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow the Sum at Seven Million Dollars.........................;............... ......................... ............................. n....' ,,340 89.51 Beirig a By-Law to Amend By.Law No. 1838, to Authorize the Personnel Administrator to Execute Documents with Respect to Ontario Municipal Employees'. .Retirement System.....,........................ .;...........................................341 a9-52 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 27th Session. 1989........ .."......... .........342 89-53 Being a By-Law to Rescind By-Laws No. 86-63, 8&64 and 86-66.~..... ..............363 a9-54 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Quit Claim Deed with Respect to Partef Lot 7, Concession V. Township of SOuthwold...............364 89-55 Being a By-Law to Provide that the Annual County Rate be Paid in Four Installments- by Each Local Municipality in the County of Elgin....... ............ .....367 89-56 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Lease with Respect to a Vehicle for Use in the County Library SyStem...................m.369 89-57 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October 25th Session, 1989................~............m ..370 89-58 Being a By-Law to Establish the Annual Remuneration to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin,..................................:.............~"..........m..............435 89-59 Being a By-Law to Set the Remuneration to be paid to Members of the E:lgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof.~...,....m.... ............................................."........."...................".436 89-60 Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 86-32. a By-Law to Regulate the Proceedings. in the'Municipal Council of the Corporation .of the .County of Elgin and the Officers and Committees Thereof..................._...."..__.........._........437 89.61 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Canadian Union of Public Employeeswith Respect to the Corporation's County Ubrary employees~.....,,439 89-62 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Clerk to Sign a Request for Approval-Capital Assistance.. "........... ............. ............ ............ ............ ........-~.." ......,,440 89-63 A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November 15th Session, 1989....;... ............ ...."""....441