1990 Minutes
January Session - First Day
Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1990
i~"\ The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
, at 10,00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except,
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Martyn
Reeve MacIntyre
Reeve Emerson.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the minutes of the December 1989 Session of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
,- Carried.
./ \
1. Elgin West District Women's Institute nominating Mrs. Frances
McCallum of west ,Lorne to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board.
2. Bathurst Township with resolution with regard to inadequate sup-
port by the Province towards recycling efforts by municipalities.
3. Township of Dunwich with request that the County investigate
implementation of a County-Wide Property Identification System.
4. Deloitte Haskins + Sells with information on the various systems
consulting services available to municipal clients.
5. A.M.O. Newsbill with report on recent events surrounding the
application of the provincial Legislation under Bill 113 "An Act to
Amend the Retail Business HOlidays Act " .
I '
6. County of Perth with resolution with regard to Tax Farm Rebate
7. Township of Aldborough with request that the County investigate
the implementation of a County-Wide Property Identification System.
8. City of Peterboroughwith resolution with respect to the
Provincial Government restraining Unconditional Grant payments to
9. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with request for comments on
increasing number of members on Board from five to seven and enclosing
a six-month report.
1. St. Thomas Public 'Library giving notice under Sections C.1 i and
C.1 iii of the Memorandum of Agreement that it wishes to extend the
agreement beyond the termination date of December 30th, 1990.
1. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Assessment Advisory
Committee, requesting submissions on the Evaluation of Municipal Class
Environmental Assessments.
2. Ministry of Transportation with information on the 1989 Annual
- 2 -
3. Township of Aldborough with Notice of Alteration of Assessment by
the Drainage Court of Revision on the Slack Drain.
4. Ministry of Transportation with copy of third reading of Bill 21:9
"An Act to Amend the Highway:Traffic Act".
5. Ministry of Transportation with 1990 Ministerial Adjustment
Assessment for St. Thomas at $123,800,000.
6. Ministry of Transportation with a list of Upper Tier Ministerial
Adjusted Assessment for 1990 Allocation Cycle for the local municipal-
ities in Elgin.
7. Township of Aldborough with notice of the second sitting of the
Court of Revision for the Slack Drain to be held Thursday, December
21st, 1989 at 9,30 A.M.
8. Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with notice of
application under the Land Titles Act and suggesting'that the County
examine the draft reference plan carefully.
9. Ministry of Transportation with offer of property for sale in the
Township of Yarmouth, Highway #3, Part of Lot 2, Concession R.S.E.R.
10. From the Port Stanley Terminal Rail with notice of application to
the O.M.B. for permission to operate night excursions between Port
Stanley and Union.
, j
11. Gartner Lee Ltd. advising that :Browning'-Ferris Industries Ltd.
will hold a public open house on January 30th, 1990 re, the Ridge
Landfill in Harwich Township.
12. City of Cambridge with resolution with respect to extra long
truck and tractor-trailers on Ontario roads. .
1. Copy of Statement to the Legislature by -the Honourable Charles
Beer, Minister of Community and Social Services re, Comprehensive
Reform of Long Term Care.
Ministry of Municipal 'Affairs with brochure,
application form for Involvement in Municipal
the Municipal Internship Program (OMIP).
program guidelines
Administration (IMA)
- :
1. PAL offering coverage for low-cost single occasion Party Alcohol
Liability Insurance.
2. Agricultural Employment Services requesting an appointment to the
3. GasPurchase Direct Ltd. advising that they have transferred the
management of its business of natural gas consulting for gas consumers
to ECNG Inc. of Oakville effective December 8th, 1989.
4. Village of Dutton with request to have the County investigate the
implementation of a County-Wide Property Identification System.
1. Ontario Municipal Social Services Association with request for
1. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit advising that their 1989 budget
has been approved by the Province and the County's share is $305,364.
~ u i
- 3 - County Council, January Session, 1990
FILED - continued
2. Elgin Tourist Association advising that a resolution was passed
that financial statements be verified by the production of an
unaudited statement by a public accountant or a chartered accountant.
3. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on convention.
4. Diane Anderson, Secretary-Manager, The Aylmer Fair Board, with
appreciation for 1989 grant.
5. City of Sudbury with invitation to attend a Healthy Community
Conference, January 18th to 20th, 1990.
6. Family & Children's Services with Allocation of Children In Care
and financial statement to November 30th, 1989.
7. Mike Hayhoe with appreciation for scholarship and questioning the
requirements for it.
8. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on ROMA
and also on the Ontario Municipalities Trade Show in conjunction with
the AMO Conference next August.
I ..,
9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario reviewing significant
changes over the past year.
10. Ministry of the Environment advising that it is hosting the
second annual Time For Action speakers' forum in Toronto.
11. Alice Johnston with appreciation for flowers.
12. The Association of Conservation Authorities of Ontario with
information on the 1990 Flood Plain Management Conference - March 12th
to 14th, 1990.
13. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of a report Profile of
Women in the Ontario Municipal Labour Force.
14. Elgin Tourist Association enclosing a quarterly newsletter for
December 1989.
15. City of St. Thomas advising that the following have been
appointed as City representatives to the City/County Liaison Committee
for 1990:
, '
Mayor J. Golding
Alderman B.Topping
Alderman G.Campbell.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be
approved as follows: '
County Government and Reception Committee - ~1-9 inclusive
County Library Committee-~l
County Roads Committee - ~1-12 inclusive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - ~1
Personnel Committee - ~1
Property and Agricultural Committee - ~1-4 inclusive
Social Services Committee - ~1
Filed - ~1-15 inclusive
County Council- ~1-8 inclusive.
- Carried.
Dr. V. M. Mai, Director, Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit was present and
it was moved by Reeve Ford that she be now heard. Dr. Mai outlined
the new mandatdry'healthprogram services guidelines set down by the
Province 'over the next three years. Literature was given with respect
to ,the additional programs and, st'aff that would be required during the
three-year period.' It was announced that<' the official opening of the
new Health Unit Building would be on July 27th, 1990.
- 4 -
A delegation from the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture was
present and it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that they be now heard.
Don Watterworth addressed Council and provided literature 6nWaste
Management for Rural Communities. The Ontario Federation of:Agricul-
ture commissioned the preparation of this handbook and acknowledges
the valuable assistance of the School of Rural Planning and Develop-
ment from the University of Guelph.
The First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee was
presented by Reeve Ford and it was -
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be aqopted.
An amendment was -
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT Item #3 of the First Report of the County Government and
Reception Committee be deleted from the Report and returned to the
Committee for reconsideration.
The amendment was Defeated.
An amendment was -
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy ,Reeve Wilson
THAT Item #7 of the First Report of the County Government and
Reception Committee be amended by changing "Wednesday, March 28th,
1990" to "Tuesday, March 27th, 1990"and changing "Wednesday, October'
24th, 1990" to Tuesday, October 23rd, 1990".
The amendment was voted upon and Carried.
The original Report , ,as amended, was then voted upon and Carried.,
A delegation from Union Gas was present and it was moved by Reeve Ford
that they be now heard. Mr. Don Howard, P. Eng., Manager Central
Region, addressed Council. A video presentation on the work of Union
Gas was presented and a question and ,answer :period ensued. Union Gas
hosted both the Luncheon and the Social Hour for this Session.
, I
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude
the business at hand.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT we do now adjourn (12:01 P.M.) to meet again on ,January 17th,
1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 1:48 P.M.
A delegation from the London ,office of the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs in the persons of Curry Clifford and Dan Hammond werepr,esent
to review the ,statement made by the Minister on County Restructuring
(Towards an Ideal County). With the, help of a s1'ide presentation, he
reviewed the Minister"s st'atement. A ,question and answer period
1 A '''''rl
':l ,j ::1
- 5 - County Council, January Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman appointed Reeve Lavereau as Chairman.
The Department Heads were invited to remain.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT Elgin County undertake a study of the structure, representation
and functions of the County, small municipalities of Elgin and City of
St. Thomas and request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to assist.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
r--\ THAT we do now adjourn (3:32 P.M.) to meet again at 4:00 P.M. on
Wednesday, January 17th, 1990.
- Carried.
Council 'reconvened at. 3:55 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Martyn
Reeve MacIntyre.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the First Rep~rt of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Conmiittee be
- Carried.
('\, Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
~ LJt j~
- 6 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
..., Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT the First Report of the Social Services Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT membership be taken out in the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario at a cost of $2,828.41.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the following be the County
Tourist Association for 1990 and
rates for attending:
of Elgin appointees ,to the Elgin
be paid the usual per dlem and mileage
Reeve C. Allin
Deputy Reeve L. West
Reeve R. Lavereau.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT the Warden and the ,Clerk be authorized to choose
tions or individuals requesting a grant to attend the
be held Thursday, February 22nd, 1990 at 1:30 P.M.
any organiza-
Grant Session to
- Cll.:r:ried.
, i
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT all cheques of the Corporation drawn on its General a,ccoun,t be ,
signed on its behalf by G.C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer or R.M. Daniel,
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer.
THAT G.C. Leverton, Clerk-;Treasurer or, R.M. Daniel,DeputyClerk-
Treasurer of the Corporation be and are hereby authorized for and on
behalf of the Corporation to negotiate with, deposit ,with or. transfer
to the Bank of Montreal (but for credit of the said Corpo:cationa,cGount
only) all or any Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Cheques and
Orders for the payment of money and other negotiable paper, and ,for
the said purpose to endorse the same or any of them on behalf of the
said Corporation, either in writing or by rubber stamp.
THAT G.C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer or R.M. Daniel, Deputy Clerk-
Treasurer be and are hereby authorized for and .onbehalf of the said
Corporation from time to time to arrange, settle, balance and certify
all books and accounts between the said Corpo:cationandthe Bank; and
to receive all paid cheques and vouchers,unpaid and unaccepted bills ~
of exchange and other negotiable instruments.
- 7 - County Council, January Session, 1990
THAT G.C. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer or R.M. Daniel, 'Deputy Clerk-
Treasurer be and are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said
Corporation to obtain delivery from the said Bank of all or any
stocks, ,bonds ,and other fsecuritie's held 'by the' said Bank in safekeep-
ing or otherwise for the account of the Corporation and to give valid
and binding receipts therefore.
THAT this'resolution be communicated to the said Bank and remain in
force until written notice to the contrary shall have been given to
the Manager for the time being at the Branch of the Bank at which the
account of the said Corporation is kept and receipt of such notice
duly acknowledged in writing.
- Carried.
The University of Western Ontario had telephoned to ask about addres-
sing Council. Council agreed that they had considered the topic of
university delegations last year and it was decided that they would
have them come once the first year of the three-year term of each
Council. As they have attended in 1989, it was not proposed to have
them again until 1992.
The Clerk produced a list of unclaimed telephone calls for Council to
review. It was suggested that member ensure that slips be turned in
for any long distance calls made on County telephones.
I '
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to submit to the Ministry
of Transportation of Ontario a petition for subsidy for the County of
Elgin showing the Road Expenditure on the County of Elgin Road System
for the period January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989.
- Carried.
A.M.O. Hotel Preferred Rate Cards - Members of Council were asked if
they would like a Botel Card and the following indicated ,they: would:
Reeve Willsey
Reeve Ford
Reeve Allin
Deputy Reeve Wilson
Reeve Emerson.
r-~f The Second Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was
, presented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy
Reeve Carroll and Reeve Mezenberg.
1. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P.,' Elgin, advising that the Premier has
created a Task Force on Heritage Years and requesting submissions on
how Ontario's Heritage Years should be celebrated.
2. Minister Responsible for the provincial Anti-Drug.Strategywith
copy of the Grants Application Form and Submission Guidelines under
the Communities United Against Drugs Grants Program.
3. ECNG Inc. advising that they have taken over the administration
and management of our natural direct purchase from Gaspurchase Direct
4. The Township of South Crosby with resolution with respect to
donations to the OXFAM Canada for Aid to Ethiopia.
(~. 5. Village of Rodney with resolution requesting public meetings with
regard to Elgin village.
6. Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) advising that municipal
councillors have been deliberately misinformed about the Province of
Ontario's implementation of the French Language Services Act.
- 8 -
COUNCIL - continued
7. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with copy of report highlighting
the major activities of the hospital in the final six 'months of the
8. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., Leader, Ontario Progressive Conservative
Party, with copy of their response to the proposed Goods and Services
, '-----/
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 be
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve 'Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-1 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land
for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-1 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-1 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott
THAT By-Law No. 90-2 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to
Borrow the Sum of Seven Million Dollars for the Ye'ar1990" be read a
first time.
- Carried'.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No . 90-2 be read a second time .
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-2 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-3 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to
Borrow the Sum of Eight Million Dollars for the Year 1989" be read a
first time. ~
- Carried'.
- 9 - County Council, January Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-3 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT By-Law No. 90-3 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-4 "Being a By-Law to Accept an Agreement of Purchase
and Sale for a Portion of Lot 3, Concession 6, Township of Yarmouth"
be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
~\ THAT By-Law No. 90-4 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-4 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-5 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 17th
Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
, Moved by Reeve Neukamm
~ \ Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-5 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-5 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT we do now adjourn (4.39 P.M.) to meet again on February 21st,
1990 at 10.00 A.M.
- Carried.
, '
G. C. Leverton,
fY{-tJVU~~ r(l,~L-<.A ~ ,
M. L. Millman,
1..4 H:
January Session - First Day
Tuesday, the 30th day of January, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 1:00 P.M., in a Special session, at the call of the Warden.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Mezenberg
Reeve Martyn
Deputy Reeve Wilson
Reeve Emerson
Reeve Allin.
The purpose of the meeting was to deal with the tender for renovations
to the County Administration Building and related business. Tenders
were received by the Property and Agricultural Committee for renova-
tions in the amount of $515;814.00. Considerable discussion took
place with respect to the work being done for this money. The renova-
tions are to accommodate two new tenants -Sheridan, Dillon Insurance
Brokers Ltd. and Barker, Stanley & Partners, Chartered Accountants.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-6 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign a Contract with The Cobrell Company Limited" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-6 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-6 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-7 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk
to Sign a Lease with Donald F. Roughley and Associates Inc." be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-7 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott
(~ THAT By-Law No. 90-7 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
- 2 -
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-8 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk
to Sign a Lease with Barker, Stanley & Partners, Chartered Accountants"
be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-8 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonc](
THAT By~Law No. 90-8 be read a third time and finally passed.
- 'Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-9 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and Clerk
to Sign a Lease with Sheridan, Dillon Insurance Brokers Ltd.'~ be read
a first time.
, I
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-9 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Will.sey
THAT By-Law No. 90-9 be read a third time and finall.ypassed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Col.l.ins
THAT By-Law No. 90-10 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings 'of the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 30th
Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-10 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve: Hay
THAT By-Law No. 90-10 be read a third time and final.ly.passed~
- Carr ied .
- 3 -
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
1/1 ~'7
THAT we do now adjourn (1:32 P.M.) to meet again on February 21st,
1990 at 10:00 A.M.
_~~ Y:,.,...J
G. C. Leverton,
- Carried.
r/}/IA-lA<~ 4t~~
'. M. L. Millman,
February Sessian - First Day
Wednesday, the 21st day 'of February, 1990
I .
The Elgin Caunty Cauncilme't this .day at the Administratian Building,
at ,10:00 A.M., inaccardance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Chute '(arrived 10: 27 A.M.)
Reeve Rushmere.
Maved by Deputy Reeve West
Secanded by Reeve Emersan
THAT the minutes 'of the January 17th and 30th Sessians 'of the Elgin
Caunty Cauncil be adapted.
- Carried.
1. Ontaria Natural Gas Assaciatian with camments an the resalutian
fram the Tawnshipaf Cumberland with respect ta a frazen regulatar
2. Assac.iatian 'of Municipalities 'of Ontaria with capy 'of discussian
paper "New Dimensians: Discussian Paper 'of the AMO Canditianal Grants
Review" .
3. Assaci~tian 'of Municipalities 'of Ontario with material represent-
ing the third stage in the campaign against the develaping trend 'of
declining pravincial suppart far municipalities.
4. Caunty 'of Renfrew with resalutian pratesting the Ontaria Plawmen's
Assaciatian's actian innat allawing them ta praceed with a bid far
the I.P.M. far 1993 'or subsequent years.
5. Caunty 'of Northumberland with twa resalutians with respect ta the
911 emergency phaneservice.
6. Tawn 'of Miltan with resalutianendarsing the pasitian .of the
Canadian Bar Assacia;tian with respect ta the prapased Ontaria Matarist
pratectian Plan. .
7. City 'of Kanata with capy 'of the City 'of Peterbaraugh resalutian
suggesting that the, impact o.f pravincial revenue measured against the
rate 'of inflatian be identified as special levy aver and abave the
annual tax requirement.
8.' Village 'of Belmont with resolutian requesting the Caunty cansider
investigating the implementatian 'of a Caunty-Wide Identificatian
System far praperties.
9. Susan D. Gallaway, Secretary-Treasurer, Land Divisian Cammittee,
with three resalutians with respect ta canventians, and membership in
the O.A.C.A.
10. Ministry 'of the Salicitar General advising of a 'one and 'one-half
day Emergency Planners Canference in Taranta, June 14th and 15th, 1990.
11. Tawnship 'of Cumberland with resalutian an safety features an gas
1. Village .of we.st Larne with ,resalution advising that they are
unableta praceed with praposedregional library due to financial
'obligations. ' .
- 2 -
1. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo 90-02 "Maximum
Subsidizable Rates for Municipally-Owned Equipment".
2. The Proctor & Redfern Group ,Con'sulting Engineers and Planners, '
with copy of Phase I and II Environmental Assessment Report for sewage <--.J
and water projects for West Lorne.
3. Township of Ma1ahide with copy of By-Law No. 16-90 reo S. Ryan
Drain Extension.
4. Township of Yarmouth with notice' that Mr. John Spriet will be
present on Thursday, February 15th, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. re:Berry Drain.
5. Township of Aldborough with resolution requesting the County to
institute a program of setting up depots for the disposal of hazardous
6. Ministry of Transportation with informatibn'~ackage' with respect
to amendments to the Highway Traffic Act (Bill 96) to provide dimen-
sional changes in trucks.
7. Township of Malahide advising that Council will consider the
report on S. Ryan Drain Extension on February 1st, 1990 at 8:30 P.M.
8. Ministry of Transportation with the following allocation of road
subsidy for 1990:
9. Ontario Good Roads Assbciationwith copy of submission to the
1989 Ministry of Transportation's Outlooks Session. '
10. Township of Yarmouth with copy of Drainage Report on the Flexen
11. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No. 90":(1lA.pprOved
Traffic Paints.
12. Township of Aldborough with appeals to 'the Onta]:"io Drainage
Tribunal on the Slack Drain.' ,
1. Minister for Senior Citizens' Affairs inviting nominations for
Senior Achievement Awards for persons beyond age sixty-five who have
made significant contributions to their communities.
1. YWCA of St. Thomas Elgin with reques,t for renewal of the per diem
contract for Women's Place.
2. Mi~istry of Community and Social Services with memo conce]:"ning
the Municipal Hostel Rates for 1990. '
3. Ontario Municipal Social Services Associationwit'h information on
the Sp,ring Administrator's Seminar to be ,held April 5th and 6th.
4. Elgin County Funeral Directors with amended price for services.
5. First Baptist Weekday Nursery with request for increase in the
day nursery rates. '
1. Ministry of Natural Resources with Resources Report confirming
that sport fishing on Lake Erie is attracting many anglers to the
2. Copy of speech made by Reeve Charles' Corbettbf the County of
Middlesex to the Middlese:lt Federation of Agriculture 'reo Water'
Supplies Study.
(. 1451.
- 3 - County Council, February Session, 1990
FItED~ continued
3. County of Middlesex with copy of "Middlesex County Regional Water
Supply Needs Study" completed by Cumming, Cockburn Limited.
4. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans acknowledging the support of the
development of new harbour facilities at Port Burwell by Elgin County.
5. The Proctor & Redfern Group, Consulting Engineers and Planners,
with notice to be posted reI Expansion and Upgrade of West Lorne Water
Supply System.
6. Association of Municipalities with information on GASAMO Program.
7. Mr. George Martyn with appreciation for Elgin County Scholarship
(University of Guelph).
8. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the
AMOFAX Program of acquiring Toshiba fax machines.
9. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Allocation
of Children In Care and financial statement to December 31st, 1989.
10. Ministry of Housing with 1988/89 Annual-Report.
11. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with 1988/89 Annual Report.
12. Union Gas Ltd. with appreciation for being allowed to address
Council at the January Session.
13. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority advising that recognition
had been given to Mr. Alden Gent and Keith Laidlaw for their contribu-
tions to conservation.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Col~s
i '
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and
those presented today, be approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1-11 inclusive
County Library Committee - #1
County Roads Committee - #1-12 inclusive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - #1
Social Services Committee - #1-5 inclusive
Filed - #1-13 inclusive
County Council - #1-16 inclusive.
- Carried.
The fOllowing presentations were made by the Warden and Chairman of
the respective committees:
Homes Committee - Reeve W. C. MacIntyre
Elgin Manor
20 years - C. Kathleen Mahon- Lapel pin, dinner voucher, and engraved
desk set.
20 years - Irene Magee - Lapel pin, dinner voucher, and engraved desk
15 years - K. Wayne Gray - Set of glasses.
10 years - Barbara G. Vaughan
Library Committee - Deputy Reeve A. J. van Kasteren
10 years - Carol A. Smetheram.
l \,
A delegation was present from the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce and
it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that they be now heard. Mr. Bob McCaig,
President; Mr. Brent Shaw, Treasurer; Mr. Chad Murray; First Vice-
President; Mr. Vern Furber, Past President; and Mr. Bob Hammersley,
General Manager, were present. Mr; McCaig addressed Council and
referred to the Task Force Study with respect to a survey for execu-
tive accommodations. He indicated that in the past executives from
- 4 -
industries have been forced to live in London as suitable accommoda~
tions were not available. Mr. Furber, in his address to Council,
encouraged the two townships and the city t,o put their differences
behind them and resolve the problems.
Mr. Pierce Walsh from Ontario Hydro was ,present and it was moved by
Reeve Martyn that he be now heard.' ,He . gave a slide presentationJ
entitled "Balance of Power" which outlined the future requirements for
Ontario Hydro. He answered questionafrom,the,varioua members ,of
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be adopted.
Warden Millman declared a conflict of interest with respect to Item #4
of the Report.
Moved by Reeve Martyn
Seconded by Reeve Emerson,
THAT Item #5 be deleted from the Report.
- Carried.
The original Report, as amended, was voted upon and 'Carrfed'.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted:
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the Firat Report of the County Roads Committee be ad,opted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
-' Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT the Third Report of the County Roada Committee be adopted.
-' Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
- 5 - County Council, February Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue onto conclude
the business at hand.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT we do now adjourn (12:12 P.M.) to meet again on February 21st,
1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council.reconvened at 4.08 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Elliott
Reeve Rushmere.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT the First Report of the Personnel Committee .beadopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
The Second Report of the County Library Committee was presented by
Deputy Reeve van Kasteren and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve
van Kasteren and Reeve 'CoTlins.
- Carried.
The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by
Reeve Collin.sand adopted on motion of Reeye Collins .and Reeve Coles.
- Carried.
The Treasurer forwarded copies of Reports on Council Remuneration and
Outside Boards to the Members of Council previously.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on. Remuneration and Expenses for the
Members of Elgin County Council to December 31st, 1989 be accepted and
printed in the proceedings.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to December
31st, 1989 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission
and Members of the Land Division Committee, be accepted and printed in
the proceedings.
- Carried.
- 6 -
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of
Ontario for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount of
$280,000.00 for Engineering, Land Purchase, Construction, etc., on
Road #30 (Radio Road), Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth.
- Carried.
Moved by Ree~e Kahnt
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of
Ontario for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount of
$15,000.00 for costs incurred for an Environmental Study Report,
Engineering and Municipal Board Hearing for an application to close
Taits Bridge, Lot 7, Concession 'A', in the Broken Front, Township of
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of
Ontario for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount of
$10,000.00 for Engineering and other Preparatory Work for the Con-
struction of Lings Bridge on the Townline Road between the Townships
of Southwold and Westminster, opposite Lot 49, Talbot Road East of
North Branch, Township of Southwold.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of
Ontario for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount of
$500,000.00 for Engineering, Land Purchase, Construction, etc., on
County Road #43, being the Townline Road b~tween Malahide and Bayham,
from Concessions II-III, Township of Bayham, to Concessions IV-V,
Township of Malahide.
- Carried.
1. The Elgin Regiment (RCAC) with request for a grant of $1,500
towards their 125th Anniversary.
2. Ridgetown College'6f Agricultural Technology with request for a
$400 scholarship grant for 1990.
3. High Street Recreation Complex with request for a $10,000 grant
for '1990. .
4. Quad County Association For The Mentally Retarded with request for
a $2,000 grant for 1990.
5. Southwestern Ontario Travel Association with request for member-
ship in the amount of $2,250 for 1990.
6. Elgin School of Choral Music with request for a grant for 1990.
7. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with a request
for a $100,000 capital grant towards their new building.
8. St. Thomas and District Horticultural Society with request for
grant for 1990.
9. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a
member of County Council to sit on the Advisory Board.
- 7 - County Council, February Session, 1990
10. Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin with a request for a $5,000 grant
for 1990.
11. Elgin Tourist Association with request for an $11,000 grant for
12. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with request for a $5,000
grant for 1990.
13. St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service with request for a
grant of $750 for 1990.
14. Ontario BIA Association with request for membership.
15. Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators with request to
join the recently-formed Association.
16. Elgin Soil and Crop Improvement Association with a request for a
$1,000 grant for 1990;
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the following requests for grants be tabled to the February 22nd
meeting reo grants -
Correspondence #
The El.gin Regimen t (RCAC)
Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology
High Street Recreation Complex
Quad County Association For the Mentally Retarded
Southwestern Ontario Travel Association
Elgin School of Choral Music
Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin
St. Thomas and District Horticultural Society
Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin
Elgin Tourist Association
Elgin County Federation of Agriculture
St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service
Elgin Soil and Crop Improvement Association.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
I \
THAT Council Communications numbered 9, 14 and 15 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-11 "Being a By-Law to Establish Rules and Procedures
reo Convention Attendance and the Holding of Hospitality Suites" be
read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-11 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-11 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Warden Millman declared a conflict of interest on By-Law No. 90-12 and
appointed Reeve Emerson to Chair the meeting for this By-Law. Warden
Millman left the Council Chambers.
- 8 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-12 "Being a By-Law to Compensate the Warden for
Attending Pay Equity Committee Meetings" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-12 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-12 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Warden Millman resumed the Chair and carried on with the By-Laws.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-13 "Being, a By,-LaW'to Amend By-Law No. 84-10, Being 'J
a By-Law to Provide fore Fringe Benefits" be read a first time.
'- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Deputy ReeveSandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-13 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-13 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-14 "Being a By-Law
Clerk to Sign a Development Agreement
read a first time.
to Authorize the Warden and the
with 756901 Ontario Limited" be
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-14 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-14 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT we do now adjourn (4:48 P.M.) to meet again on February 22nd,
1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- 9 - County Council, February Session, 1990
February Session - Second Day
Thursday, the 22nd day of February, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building
at 1.30 P.M. in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in.the Chair.
ROLL CALL ~ All Members Present except.
Deputy Reeve Eay
Deputy Reeve Elliott
Reeve Rushmere
Reeve Collins.
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Reeve Avram
TEAT all delegations be now heard.
- Ca:r:ried.
Mr. Don Watterworth along with nine additional members of the
Federation were in attendance. Mr. Watterworth read..the brief supplied
previously to Council indicating that other counties gave considerably
more than Elgin. Their request for 1990 was for $5,000.
Mr. Ian Ross, Executive Director, and Mr. Wayne Kentner, President,
were in attendance. Mr. Ross reviewed the activities of the Gallery
for the past year. The request for a grant was for $5,000.
Mr. Ian M. Mercer spoke to Council and explained that the request for
a grant was to finance the East Elgin Children's Chorus. No specific
amount was requested.
Mrs. Nancy Balsdon was in attendance to. answer any questions that
Council might have on the brief forwarded previously. She briefly
explained that the ComPlex had been under the YMCA and now was under a
separate board. Their request for a grant was for $10,000.
Mr. Dave Murray, Agricultural Representative, and Mr. Ken McCallum of
the Elgin 4-H Club Leaders' Association, were in attendance.
Mr. Murray explained that this was the last year that the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food would be involved in requesting the grant and it
would Mr. McCallum in 'the future. Mr. McCallum reviewed the 4-H work
and a breakdown of the request fora grant of $4,000 had been pre-
sented previously.
Mrs. Joan Wakeling, President; Mr. Steve Bailey, Executive Director;
and Mr. Ron Lidster, Business Administrator, were present to speak to
a grant towards the construction of a new building nortJ:i of Karen
Street on the County property. He explained that the estimated cost
of the building was $1~6 Million with 60% being provided by the
Province, amounting to $640,000. The Children's Aid have assets and
cash worth approximately $250,000 and were requesting that a grant of
$100,000 from both the City and the County leaving approximately
$190,000 for them to. raise on their own. It was agreed that the money
could be paid in January 1991 if desired.
- 10 -
Council had a short recess and reconvened at 3:42 P.M.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT we file the following requests for grants:
# 4 Salvation Army
9 Art Gallery St. Thomas-Elgin
11 St. Thomas-Elgin Debt Counselling Service
13 High Street Recreation Complex
15 St. Thomas and District Horticultural Society
16 Elgin School of Choral Music
17 Quad County Association For The Mentally Retarded
19 Elgin Soil and Crop Improvement Association.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT the following grants be provided for in the 1990 budget:
Scholarships - RidgetownCollege of Agricultural Technology
- University of Guelph
- University of Waterloo
- University of Western Ontario
- Wilfrid LaUrier University
University of Western Ontario'
The Local Agricultural Office 'for
- Farm Organizations, Junior Farmers 'and
Institute Groups and Fall Banquet for
4-H Clubs
Agricultural Representatives Act
The Agricultural and Horticultural Societies in the County
of Elgin
Elgin County Federation of Agriculture
Elgin Tourist Association
St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital
Elgin Regiment
Southwestern Ontario Travel Association
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Martyn
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
$ 400
400 ~
THAT a grant of $50,000 ,be pCi.id to the FCi.mily & Children's Services of
St . ThomCi.s & Elgin on December 15th, 1990 and $50, 000 onJanuary15th,~)
1991 as a capital grant towards their new building.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT By-Law No. 90-15 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal
Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin at the February 21st
and .22nd Sessiqns, 1990" be ,read a first time. .
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No.. 90-15. be .read a .second time.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by.Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-15 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
\ '
- 11 - County Council, February Session, 1990
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT we do now adjourn (4:17 P.M.) to meet again on March 14th, 1990
at 10:00 A.M.
.".<" .~" .." "'/ ."
G. C. Leverton,
- Carried.
n~.c.a:"'. d(,flt7.-.-na~
M. t. Millman,
March Session - First Day
Wednesday, the 14th day of March, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Martyn (arrived 10:44 A.M.)
Reeve Emerson
Reeve MacIntyre
Reeve Coles
Reeve Allin.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the minutes of the February 21st and 22nd, 1990 Sessions of the
Elgin County Council be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural. Committee be
- Carried.
/ '
I '
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Deputy
Reeve Elliott.
The Ministry of RevenJle, has offered to come during the month of May
and explain the procedJlre involved in a County Re-Assessment. Council
agreed to have them in to the May 16th Session at 1:30 P.M.. It is
proposed tha~ the 'presentat,ion will last at least two hours.
Budget material was mailed to all Members of Council.
The original budget indicated a County
increase of 16.54% over the 1989 Levy.
budget took place at this time.
Levy of $5,319,268 which was an
A review of the 1990 proposed
Mrs. Mary Durkin, Chairman, and Miss Deborah Herkimer, Curator., of the
Elgin County pioneer Museum were present to speak to their budget.
Mrs. Durkin explained the, various items in the, budget and answered
questions from the Members ~'f Council.' "
Mrs. Donna Brock, Business Administrator of the Elgin-St. Thomas
Health Unit, was present and spoke to the request for the 1990 budget
and, in addition, explained the B1 Approvals. that were not requested
in 1989 but which would be coming in 1990. She suggested that between
the surplus for 1989 and the unapproved items in 1990 budget could be
sufficient to cover the $16,846.
- 2 -
County Council took a short break and then continued on with the line-
by-line review of the balance of the budget.
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT we do now adjourn (11.59 A.M.) to meet again on Wednesday, March
14th, 1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 1.50 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except.
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Emerson
Reeve MacIntyre
Deputy Reeve Elliott
Reeve Coles
Reeve Allin.
The budget process continued.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the budgets for the various departments which exceed the cost of
living (5.6%) be returned for reconsideration and that County Council
meet on another day to consider the amended budget.
Reeve Neukamm requested a Recorded Vote.
YEAS - Mezenberg (2), Lyle (2), Neukamm (2), Chute (2), Willsey, Avram
(2), Lavereau (2), Rushmere. TOTAL. YEAS- 14.
- Ford, West, Carroll (2), Martyn (2), Millman (2), Van Kasteren
(2), Sandham, Wilson, Vandierendonck (2), Kahnt,Collins.
Motion was Lost.
Moved by'Deputy ReeveSandham
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT the 1990 Proposed Budget be altered as follows:
Land Division Committee
Land Sale Revenue
County Roads
Personnel - Salaries & Benefits
Personnel - Supplies & Services
County Library
Reserve Fo+ Capital Expenditures
Social Services
Social Services
Increase Revenue
Increase Revenue
Increase Expenditures
Decrease Expenditures
Decrease Expenditures
Decrease Expenditures
Decrease Expenditures
Decrease Expenditure's
Decrease Revenue
$ 10,500
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Martyn .
THAT we adopt the following budget for, the lawful purposes of the
County during 1990, requiring a Net' Levy I:>f$5, 151 :3'18 made up as
Less Receipts
Net Levy
$ 5,151,318
and that this sum be raised on all rateable property in the several
- 3 - County Council, March Session, 1990
municipalities of the County of Elgin, during the year 1990 for County pur-
poses, and that this amount be levied on the several municipalities in the
County of Elgin, on the basis of the apportionment, as determined under
Section 365 of The Municipal Act and that a by-law adopting this budget and
apportionment be prepared -
~ 16
( \
. 17
Surplus from Prior Year
Supplementary Taxes
Ontario Unconditional Grants
C01.1ncilMembers and Local .Boards
Clerk-Treasurer's - Salaries & Benefits
Clerk-Treasurer's - Supplies & Services
Personnel - Salaries & Benefits
Personnel - Supplies & Services
Pay Equity Adjustments
Administration Building - Sunset Drive
Pioneer Museum
County Roads
Family and Children's Services
21 Elgin Manor - Operating
22 Terrace Lodge - Operating
23 Terrace Lodge - Debenture Charges
24 Bank Interest Charges and Income
25 Capital Loan Repayment - Principal
26 Capital Loan Repayment - Interest
27 Taxes Written Off
28 Agricultural
Health Unit
County Library
Land Division
Social Service's
, 34
Mosquito Control
Reserve for Capital Expenditures
Reserve for Computer Equipment
Land Sale Revenue
Requisitions (NET LEVY)
Budget Totals
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Martyn
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
267,244 $
$ e
THAT the question of the Land Division application fees be referred to the
County Government and Reception Committee for review and possible revision.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Van Kasteren
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
( ~HATBy-Law No. 90-16 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 14th Session,
1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
.l'! ij l1:
- 4 -
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-16 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Collins
" i
THAT By-Law No. 90-16 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT we do now adjourn (5:35 P.M.) to meet again on March'27th,1990
at 10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
~ Leverton,
G C.
. Clerk.
y~ A ,{ A~v v;1"-j!~--1-r1A--V
. M. L. M:cllman,
14 .~ 'co
.' "I
.' -thw
March Session - First Day
Tuesday, the 27th day of March, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administvation Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Kahnt
Reeve Rushmere.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West.
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT the minutes of the March 14th Session, 1990 of the Elgin County
- Carried.
1. City of North York with resolution ve: the establishment of a
National Crime Prevention Committee to provide leadership and Provin-
cial support for a broad range of local crime prevention projects.
2. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of the French Language
Services Act, 1986, and other reference material.
3. City of Toronto with two resolutions with respect to the new
Federal and Provincial non-profit housing supply initiatives.
4. Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario with a summary of
appeals dated February 1990.
5. Office ~f the Solicitor General with Tornado Tips.
6... . Association for the Preservation of English Language Rights with
explanation as to the reasons behind their petition that prompted the
resolution by the Council of the City of Sault Ste. Marj,e.
7. Minist;er of Municipal Affairs .and President of the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario with information on the French Language
Services Act . .
8. City of Sault Ste. Marie with explanation of the two resolutions
passed reo English as the Official Language.
.9. Regional Municipality of Peel with copy of the report of the
Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance entitled "Federal/provincial/
Municipal Relations".
10. City of. Toronto with resolution reaffirming its intention to
recognize and promote the two Official Languages.
1. Warden County of Middlesex with copy of Middlesex County Water
Supply Needs Study.
2. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on Grader Operator
Upgrading Program.
3. Township. of Malahide with copy of correspondence reI S. Ryan Drain
Extension Construction.
4.. Better Roads Coalition with copy of correspondence to Peter Adams,
.M. P. P. , .with respect to shortfall in funding in road transfers to
- 2 -
COUNTY ROADS - cantinued
5. Unian Gas with capy af prapased St. ThamasNarth Line Reinfarce-
ment Enviranmental Assessment Repart.
6. Tawnship af Yarmauth advising that a Caurt afRevisian an the
Flexen Drain will be held an Manday, April 2nd, 1990 at 7:.30 P.M.
7. Elgin Caunty Federatian af Agriculture requesting that Elgin
Caunty Cauncil make an effart to. establish same manner af callecting
ho.useho.ld wastes with the help o.f the Ministryo.f the Environment 0,
8. Mr. R. G. Mo.o.re, Secretary and Engineer to. the St. Thamas Suburban
Raad Co.mmissian, with budget far 1990.
1. Alzheimer Saciety o.f Elgin-St. Thamas co.nveying their suppo.rt far
the Elgin ,Village cancept.
1. The Ontario. Municipal Management Institute with request far mem-
1. J.D.J. Taddler-preschao.l Reso.urce Centre with request fpr an
increase in the per diem.
2. Aylmer Pre-Schaal Day Care Centre with request far an increase in
the per diem.
3. Para-Med Health Services with request far appro.val af the regio.nal
ho.memaker rate far 199Qset by .theMinistry ,afCammunityand .Sacial
1. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., Leader, Ontario. pro.gressive Co.nservative
Party, with letter re: Bill 119 "The Ontario. Lo.tteryCo.rparatio.n Amend-
ment Act". " '
2. EnviranmentalAssessment Bo.ard with natice af publlchearing with
respect to. Ontario. Hydra's pro.po.sed pro.gram far meeting future electri-
city requirements in Ontario..
3. Ministry o.f Municipal Affairs with co.py of Regulation to implement
annexatian far the Village o.f Port Stanley and To.wnship o.fYarmo.uth.
. i
4. Ministry af Tra~spartatio.n ackno.wledging receipt of request far
supplementary funding arid advising no. guarantee o.fappro.val 'o.fany
supplementary funds can be given at this time.' .
5. Marietta Ro.berts, M.P. P., with Queen's Park Repo.rtdated February
15th and February 22nd, 1990. .
6. Ministry o.f Co.mmunity and So.cial Services with reso.urce materials
o.utlining the results af the Ontario. Child Health Study (OCHS).
7. Family & Children' s Services o.f St. . Tho.mas & Elgin with Allo.cat io.n
o.f Children In Care to. January 31st, 1990.
8. Chris Hiemstra with appreciatio.n far Elgin County ScholarShip
9. Special Assistant far the Office o.f the Prime Minister o.f Canada
acknawledging receipt o.f the co.rrespandence fro.m the County o.f Elgin.
10. Minister o.f Ho.using with COpy af info.rmatio.n bulletin "Land Use
Planning far Ho.using Pal icy Statement". .
11. Organizatio.n o.f Small Urban Municipalities anno.uncing,that the
37th Annual Co.nference will be held in the To.wn af ~lricardirlefro.mMay
2nd to. 4th, 1990.
1 .~ ("i
_ 3 - County Council, March Session, 1990
FILED - continued
12. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., supporting Elgin's request for a study
on the structure, representation and functions of the County and
enclosing a copy to the Honourable John Sweeney, Minister of Municipal
13. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Annual Report 1988.
14. Bank 'of Montreal advising that the prime interest rate has
increased from 13~ to 14\% effective February 16th, 1990.
15. Wilfrid Laurier University acknowledging correspondencere:
16. University of Waterloo advising that the Elgin County recipients
were Mr. Jeffrey Hamilton, West Lorne; and Mr. Robert Gierling, Aylmer.
17. Minister for Senior Citizens Affairs with information on Senior
Citizens' Month "JubilAGEtion - A Celebration of Age".
18. Ministry of Natural Resources with the topic "The Possibility of
Flooding this Spring".
r \
19. Ontario Municipal Board with an open letter from Mr. H.E. Stewa.rt,
Chairman, on his retirement.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previOUSly be
approved as 'follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1-10 inclusive
County Roans Committee ~ #1-8 iriclusive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - #1
Personnel Committee - #1
Social Services Committee - #1-3 inclusive
Filed - #1-19 inclusive
County Council ~ #1-6 indlusive.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT the First Report of the County Government a.nd Reception Committee
be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by ,Reeve Collins
THAT the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve 'Lavereau
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carr ied.
1 ~ ,., 0
.UI\ '0 (j
- 4 -
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT the First Report of the Personnel.Committeebeadopted.
- Carried.
The Second Report of the ,Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy ReeveSandham and Reeve
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
The Second Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was pre-
sented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve
Carroll and Reeve Mezenberg.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Lyle .
THAT the Statement ofProPQsed Work and Expenditures in the amount of
$7,156,000 for the County of Elgin Road System and the St. Thomas
Suburban Road Commission Road System as xe,commended ',in the. First Report
of Road Committee March 27 Session 1990 and as detailed ,in Recommenda-
tion No. 2 be approved and forwarded to the Minister of Transportation
of Ontario for his approval.
- Carried.
1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with invitationand.infor-
mation on the Large Urban Section Annual Meeting to be held April 25th
to 17th in Windsor.
2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with bulletin "The Goods
and Services Tax: .LatestDevelopments" dated March 1990 and Report No.
90-1 entitled "A New Decade - A New Partnership".
, ,
3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with Municipal Action Plan
Document II, The 1990 Ontario Budget.
- 5 - County Council, March Session, 1990
COUNTY COUNCIL - continued
4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that three
regional campaign meetings will be held with respect to the Municipal
Action Plan on the 1990 Ontario Budget.
5. Ontario/Quebec Rapid Train Task Force advising that public meetings
will be held in five locations across Ontario.
6. Mayor of the Town of Kincardine extending personal invitations to
attend the Ontario Small Urban Municipalities Conference May 2nd, 3rd
and 4th, 1990.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT Council Communications numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Deputy Reeve Wilson as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT we do now adjourn {11:23 A.M.l to meet again on March 27th, 1990
at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 1:53 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Kahnt
Deputy Reeve Elliott
Reeve Rushmere.
The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by
Reeve Collins and adopted on motion of Reeve Collins and Reeve Coles.
Deputy Reeve West reported on the information that she obtained from
Toni Adey of the Kent/Chatham Tourist Bureau concerning contributions
made by the County of, Kent and City of Chatham in the amount of $50,000
each. She suggested that Council invite Ms. Adey to attend a future
Council meeting to explain the operation of the Tourist Bureau in Kent.
It was suggested that she be invited to the June Session.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
THAT By-Law No. 90-17 "Being a By-Law to Authorize a Grant of $5,000.00
Towards Cost of a Low Level Water Crossing and Accesses at the Phillmore
Bridge" be read a first time.
- Carried.
I '
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-17 be read a second time.
- Carried.
- 6 -
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-17 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90~18 "Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic" be
read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-18 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-18 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-19 "Being a By-Law to Establish tl)~ Percentage Share
of Each Municipality Within the County of Elgin and Amount Required for
County Purpqses for the Year 1990" be read a, first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-19 be read a,second,time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT By-Law No. 90-19 be read a third time and finally passed.
, I
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Martyn
Seconded by Reeve ,Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-20 "Being ,a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Cle~k of the County ,of Elgin to Sign an Agreement Between the Corpo-
ration of the County of Elgin and the Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-20 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT By-Law No. 90-20 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
- 7 - County Council, March Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-21 "Being a BY"7Law to Authorize Grants to be Made to
Various Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, Etc., During 1990"
be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT By-Law No. 90-21 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-21 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-22 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign a Contract with The Prudential Insurance Company of
America" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-22 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-22 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
THAT By-Law No. 90-23 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-10, Being
a By-Law to Provide for Fringe Benefits" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-23 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-23 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-24 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the
March 27th Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
- 8 -
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-24 be read a second time:
- Carried;
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-24 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT we do now adjourn (2:19 P.M.) to meet again on April 18th, 1990 at
10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
1'1~ fl~~
M. . Millman,
April Session - First Day
Wednesday, tne 18th day of April, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL' - AIL Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Wilson
Reeve Emerson
Deputy Reeve Elliott
Reeve Chute (arrived 10:12 A.M.)
Reeve Martyn (arrived 10:12 A.M.).
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the minutes of the March 27th Session of the, Elgin County Council
be adopted.
~ Carried.
1. City of Toronto with resolution respecting the establishment of a
Municipal Court.
2. Township of Rochester with resolution requesting the Minister of
Health to take the necessary action to assure that the Health Care
System in Ontario provide the health services for which it was
3. Murray Elston, M.P.P., Chairman of the Board of Cabinet, with
information on the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
privacy Act.
4. The Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with copy of a resolution with
respect to adding two additional representatives to the Board.
( ,
5. Minister of Natural Resources advising that National Forest Week
runs from May 6th to 12th, and asking Council to consider issuing an
Official Proclamation.
6. County of Wellington with resolution with respect to the use of
t ire-derived fuel from scri'lP tires as i'l supplementary fuel for ,the
St. Mary's Cement Company.
1. Rodney Industrial Commission with request to have Furnival Road
resurfi'lced through the Village.
2. Township of Dunwich advising that they have appointed Wybe Cnossen
to prepare i'l plan for the improvement of Douglas Drain and i'ln on-site
meeting will be held Wednesday, April 18th, at 1:00 P.M.
3. Mr. T. VanMilligen, Chairman, Avon Community Centre Board,
requesting the installation of four-way stop signs in the Hamlet of
4. Town of Aylmer with copy of a letter to the Ministry of Transpor-
tation of Ontario requesting that a study be undertaken to relieve the
congestion at the intersection of Highway #3 and #7J in Aylmer.
5. Township of Malahide with resolution accepting the engineering
report of Spriet Associates dated November 30th, 1989.
- 2 -
COUNTY ROADS - continued
6. Ontario Hydro offering for sale property at the intersection of
County Road 19 and Highway #3.
7. Village of Dutton with request to consider overnight parking on
County Road 8 within the Village of Dutton.
1. Ministry of Community and Social Services with copy of "The Corpo-
rate Plan" and requesting questions or comments.
1. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P. Elgin, acknowledging receipt of the
statement to the Minister of Transportation of Ontario from the
Municipal Engineers Advisory Committee with regard to "Maximizing
Return on Investment"
2. Grand River Conservation Authority with announcement reI Annual
Conservation Services Workshop to be held September 5, 6 and 7, 1990.
3. From the following persons with letters requesting early resolution
to the boundary adjustment question between the City of St. Thomas and
(1 )
(2 )
( 3)
(5 )
( 6)
(7 )
(9 )
(10 )
( 11)
( 12)
Rhonda Roberts
St. Thomas Canvas & Awning Inc.
Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada
Eastway Ford Sales Ltd.
Brass-Craft Canada Ltd.
Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.
Carriage Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac Ltd.
Lahsdowne Machine & Fabricating Ltd.
Realty World - Luft & Beaudry Inc.
Central Elgin Collegiate Institute
Knowles, Lansink & Associates.
AM 1570.
4. Ministry of Transportation with information concerning Ontario's
convenient new portable Parking Permit for Disabled Persons and Copy
of Bil~ 2~9. .
5. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Financial
Statement and Allocation. of Children In Care to February 28th, 1990.
6. AMO Newsbill reI "Big Changes are Coming In Ontario's Long Term
Health Care for Seniors and Physically Disabled Adults".
, i
7. The Premier of Ontario aCknowledgin~ receipt of the endorsement'of
"Maximizing Return on Investment", by the Municipal Engineer's Associ-
ation to M.T.O.
8. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority advising of a hike to
celebrate National Forest Week on May 6th at 1:30 P.M. along the
Springwater trails.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be
approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1-6 inclusive
County Roads Committee - #1-7 inclusive
Social Services Committee - #1
Filed - #1-8 ihclusive
County Counci~ - #1-4 inclusive.
- Carried.
( \
I .Ii'" '"
:!.~ {~
- 3 - County Council, April Session, 1990
A delegation from the Thames Valley District Health Council in the
persons of Mr. Ken Whiteford, Chairman, and Mr. John Roberts,
Executive Director, were present. It was moved by Reeve Collins that
they be now heard. The Chairman reviewed the Council's activities to
date and enlarged on the enhanced programs. Mr. Roberts explained the
appointment of the Health Services Commission which is to examine long
term and elderly care.
Mrs. Frederika Pronk, Managing Director of the Rehoboth Girls' Home of
Refuge and Support, was present and it was moved by Reeve Willsey that
she be now heard. Mrs. Prank gave an update on the' east end of the
County with respect to accommodations for s,ingle, young, expectarit
girls. She reviewed the purpose of the Home and requested support of
The First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee was
presented by Reeve Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford! and Reeve
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve
Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Mezenberg.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
The Clerk reported on the following unfinished business:
1. Court House Mortgage - The total mortgage was paid off on April
12th, 1990.
2. Railway Museum Option - The solicitor for the Museum indicated
that they were not going to exercise the picking up of the Option and
would be advising us in writing.
Members of Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge were on hand to be recognized
for the three-year accreditation received by both Homes. Reeve
MacIntyre, Chairman of the Homes Committee, and Warden Millman pre-
sented the framed certificates to members of the staff.
Reeve Martyn reported on the agreement reached with the City of
St. Thomas with respect to boundary adjustments. He reviewed a map
outlining the various areas involved.
Invitations were received for the official opening of the new wing at
the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital on June 1st and, also, "Farewell
to the Memorial Open House" on April 26th.
An invitation was received with respect to the dinner meeting on
County Restructuring from the Southwestern Ontario Provincial Planning
Institute to be held in Chatham.
Correspondence was received from Charlie Tatham, M.P.P., Oxford,
advising that he would be in the Middlesex County Court House on April
24th with respect to the Ontario/Quebec Rapid Train Task Force.
. 1'4'(6
- 4 -
Moved. by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT the members of. the St; Thomas Suburban Roads Commission be invited
to the May Session luncheon.
- Carried.
1. PeterboroughCounty Road Superintendent's Association with invita-
tion to attend the Trade' Show on June 7th and 8th, 1990,.
2. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital requesting the names of two
persons to be preSented at the Annual Meeting to fill the positions of
two Governors.
3. Organization of Small Urban Municipalities Section of AMOwith
invitation to attend the. 37th Annual Conference from May 2nd to. 4th"
1990 in the Town of Kincardine.
4. Association of Municipaltties of Ontario, Lar~e Urban Sector with
invitation to attend 9th Annual Meeting in Windsor, April 25-27, 1990.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the following persons' names be submitted to the St. Thomas-Elgin \~
General Hospital for membership on the Hospital Board as representa-
tives of County Council:
Reeve R. J. Lavereau
Reeve W. A. Martyn.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
THAT Council Correspondence numbered 1, 3 and 4 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT we do now adjourn (11:08 A.M.) to meet again on April 18th, 1990
at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 1:47 P.M..
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Wilson
Reeve Emerson
Deputy Reeve Elliott.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve Chute as Chairman.
Mr. Gary McAlister and Mr. John Maddox of the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs, London Regional Office, were present. The Department Heads
The Committee rose without reporting.
I I,
I .
- 5 - County Council, April Session, 1990
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Reeve
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-25 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Petty Cash Fund
for the Various County Departments" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT By-Law No. 90-25 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-25 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-26 "Being a By-Law for the Regulat\ion of Traffic"
be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-26 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-26 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Martyn
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-27 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the
April 18th Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-27 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-27 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
'1.' ~ I"J 0
. ':j, i (j
- 6 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sand ham
THAT we do now adjourn (4:00 P.M. )to meet again on May 16th-, '1990. at
10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
4A/l.(~/Vv/i:'F,jL~A -
M. L..Millman,
_. Warden.
-I.il '.'Hl..
May Session - First Day
Wednesday,the 16th day of May, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL- All Members present except:
Reeve Martyn (arrived 10:28 A.M.)
Reeve Emerson
Reeve Lavereau
Reeve Rushmere.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the minutes of the April 18th, 1990 Session of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
. '
1. City of Chatham with resolution with respect to the use of
ref.illable soft drink beverage containers.
2. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with Newsrelease on -
(1) The Establishing Principles for Openness of Council, Local Board,
Commi tte.e and Special Meetings.
(2) Providing Minimum Standards for the Disposal of Municipal Assets,
Especially Land.
(3) . A Discussion Paper on. Municipal Conflict of Interest Legislation.
3. The Attorney General advising that it is appropriate to re-examine
the plan for Future. Capital Investments for the next two or three
years and requesting input-with respect to the needs of the community.
4. City of St. Thomas w:ithcopy of resolution concurring in the
increasing of the number onth,e .~oard pf the Elgin-St. Thomas Health
Unit from fiv~ to seven a~d approyingone from the County and one from
the City.
5. City of Brampton with resolution that they only accept door-to-
door mail delivery and reject all other forms of mail pickup.
6. County of Grey with copy of a letter to The Honourable J. Sweeney,
Minister of Municipal A:fff1-ir~, re~esting .the Ministry to continue its
support of the apportionment process by prov:iding the reference data
for the process.
7. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that a. study team to assist
Elgin in the review of the County Structure will be provided within
the next month.
8. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., with information on the important issue
of the provision of French language services in Ont.ario.
- .
9. C:ity of Woodstock with copy ofa brief from the DUTI Committ~e
(Driving Under The Influence) respecting recommendations for the gov~
ernment to implement a complete policy on the subject of impaired
driving which the Council endorsed.
10. . Chairman of Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation
advising that they will begin public hearings next .Autumn and invite
submissions about the kind of passenger transportation system you
desire in the future.
- 2 -
1. Ministry of the Environment advising that they had received two
requests that the Taits Bridge closure project be bumped-up from the
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process to an Individual
Environmental Assessment.
2. Township of Yarmouth with copy of drainage report with respect to
the McCutcheon Drain.
3. Mr. L. Davidson, Waste Management Co-Ordinator, with report .on
the Chatham/Kent 1989 Househald Hazardous Waste Programs.
4. County of Middlesex with capy of a letter to the Minister of the
Environment with respect to a Water Supply Study for the County of
5. Ministry of Transportation advising that an allocation of $20,000
in subsidy has been allocated for the Taits and Lings Bridges.
6. Associatian of County Road Superintendents advising that the.
following have achieved a designation "Certified Roads Supervisor":
John Brawn
Ralph Gordon
Norman Glover
Clare Dean.
7. Township .of Yarmouth advising that a Court of Revision will be
held on June 4th with respect to the McCutcheon Drain By-Law.
8. Union Gas advising that they had previously forwarded an environ-
mental assessment report (NPS10 St. Thomas Northline Reinforcement)
to Elgin County for review and no response has been received and they
are assuming the County has no interest or concerns.
9. Ministry of Transportation with copy of a letter to Mr. Charles
L. Knapp, C.A.O., Town .of Aylmer, with respect to their study of
traffic congestion at the intersection of Highway 113 and #73.
10. Ministry of Transportation advising of a Supplementary Subsidy
Allocation in the amount of $210,000 for the construction of Radio
Road (County Road 1130).
1. Caunty of Kent with a resolution with respect to retaining a
three-year assetsrevie.w period preceding date of application to
determine eligibility for Income ,Maintenance Programs including
subsidy eligibility for cost of care in Home for the Aged.
, i
1. County of Oxford with resolution with respect to arbitration
awards and the Employer Health Tax on retroactive wages.
1. Ministry of Community and Social Services advising of an addi-
tional 1% increase in funding for social services agency over the 4.5%
announced previously.
L Minister of the Solicitor General, Emergency Planning Ontario,
advising of an Emergency Planner's Conference to be held September
27th and 28th in Mississauga.
- 3 - County Council, May Session, 1990
FILED - continued
2. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca-
tion of Children In Care and financial statement to March 31st, 1990.
3. Association of Municipalities of Dntariowith copy of" Municipal
Action Plan dated April 1990.
4. Elgin County Railway Museum Inc. advising that they will not be
exercising their option to purchase the County lands abutting the
County Administration Building.
5. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with an update on their
strategy leading up to the provincial Budget.
6. From the following with letters with respect to remedy problems
with regard to boundary adjustments:
Mr. Allen S. Jenskey
Mrs. BonnieL',' Lake.
7. Marietta Roberts,M.P.P.!" with Queen' sPark Report dated March
8. Environment Canada with monthly water level bulletin "Great Lakes
and Montreal Harbour".
9. Bank of Montreal advising of an increase in the prime interest
rate of 1/2% to 14 3/4% effective April 23rd, 1990.
10. Elgin Tourist Association Newsletter.
11. Thames Valley District Health Council with appreciation for
reception received for delegation to the April 18th Session of Elgin
County Council.
12. Minister of the Environment with details about the Environmental
Partners Fund.
13. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with a copy of a statement made by The
Honourable John Sweeney with respect to the creation of a water and
sewage utility.
14. University of Western Ontario with invitation to attehd County
Councils' Day on May 30th, 1990.
15. David Murray, Agricultural Representative, with financial state-
ment for County grant April 1st, 1989 - March 31st, 1990.
16. Village of Belmont with resolution accepting their share of the
1990 County Budget.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be
approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1-10 inclusive
County Roads Committee- #1-10 inclusive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - #1
Personnel Committee - #1
Social Services Committee - #1-3 inclusive
Filed - #1-16 inclusive
County ,Council - #1-5 inclusive.
- Carried.
Mrs. Alma Houghton was present and it was moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
that she be now heard. ,A brief concerning basic bible teachings in
the school was forwarded to Council previously. She read her brief
and presented a copy of "America - To Pray or Not to Pray" to Council.
Warden Millman thanked her for her presentation and indicated that it
would be dealt with later by Council.
- 4 -
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be adopted. 0
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
The First Report of theCouhty 'Roads Committee was .presentedby Reeve
Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Wilson.
The Second Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve
Neukamm andadopted'on motion of ,Reeve Neukamm and 'Reeve Mezenberg. \J
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Deputy Reeve: 'Hay:
THAT the First Report of the Personnel Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
An invitation was received from the University of Western Ontario to ~
attend County Councils' Day on May 30th, 1990. A total of eight
persons indicated that they would be attending. The Clerk is to
advise the University.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
THAT the Auditor's Report for the year ended December 3lst,1989 be
accepted by the Elgin County Council.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
WHEREAS under the provision of the Public Libraries Act, Chapter 57,'
Section 30(1), the Minister shall make a grant to every Board out of
legislative appropriation ror library purpose on the prescribed condi-
tions; and
WHEREAS in 1981 said grant was 25% of the total operating grant of the 'J
County Library ($95,000.00/372684); and
WHEREAS in 1990 the Provincial Grant is 12% of the total budget
($166,000.00/1368595; and
- 5 - County Council, May Session, 1990
WHEREAS the increase in one section of the County of Elgin Library
budget caused by the Employer's Health Tax which is a provincial
initiative increased by 106.9%: and
WHEREAS additional Provincial initiatives such as WHMIS training,
Health and Safety, and Pay Equity programs will cause further signifi-
cant expenses to the County of Elgin Library budget in the immediate
NOW THEREFORE. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin does hereby request the Provincial Government through the
Provincial Treasurer Honourable Robert F. Nixon to provide increased
and adequate funding to the Libraries in the Province of Ontario: and
THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the following:
Premier of Ontario
Minister of Culture and Communications
Marietta Roberts, M.P.P.
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
Ontario Library Association.
- Carried.
I .
1. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with Newsrelease Communique with respect
to the Provincial Committee to deal with the Zebra Mussel Infestation
and also copy of information with respect to a meeting to be held at
the Middlesex County Building concerning Ontario/Quebec Rapid Train
Task Force.
2. Minister of the Environment, Canada, with copy of a publication
entitled "Framework for Discussion on the Environment, The Green Plan
- A National Challenge".
3. Minister of Tourism and Recreation with guidelines on the Communi-
ties United Against Drugs Grant Program.
4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Boundaries Branch, with a
copy of a sketch with respect to the City of St. Thomas annexation
within the Township of Yarmouth.
5. Thames Valley District Health Council with copy of Terms of
Reference and membership on the Comprehensive Health Systems Planning
Commission, London and Southwest Region.
, .
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Ford
I THAT Council Correspondence.. numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Lyle
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve Mezenberg as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT we do now adjourn (11:57 A.M.) to meet again on May 16th, 1990 at
1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 1:39 P.M.
- 6 -
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Emerson
Reeve Lavereau
Reeve. Rushmere.
A delegation from the Ministry of. Revenue, headed' by Mr. W. J. Lettner ,0
Assistant Deputy Minister, Property Assessment Program, was present as
pre-arranged. The purpose of the meeting was to explain the procedure
and possible ramifications of a County-Wide Reassessment. T.he presen-
tation, by means of an overhead projector, was made and gave examples
of the inequities presently existing in the property assessments for
Elgin County. Mr. Lettneranswered various questions from Members of
Council and it was left that the County would have to request a Tax
Impact Study by resolution to the Minister,
The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Commit.tee. was pre-
sented by Reeve MacIntyre.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
An amendment was ~
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT Item #3 of the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens
Committee be deleted.
The amendment was Defeated.
The original Report was then put Clnd was Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the Minister of Revenue be requested to conduct a County-Wide Tax
Impact Study for the County of Elgin.
. ~ Carried. ,
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-28 "Being a By-Law to Formally'Adopt' County Council
Policies" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT By-Law No. 90-28 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-28 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
, '
1. ':1:0 <...
- 7 - County Council, May Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Elliott
THAT By-Law No. 90-29 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May
16th Session, 1990" be read a first time.
'- Carr ied .
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT By-Law No. 90-29 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-29 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT we do now adjourn (3:29 P.M.) to meet again on June 20th, 1990 at
10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
-~<-<-<.~ ~~
G. C. Leverton,
;4A~ )~~
M. L Millman,
June Session - First Day
. Wednesday, the 20th day of June, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members preaent except:
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Martyn (arrived 10:50 A.M.)
Reeve Lavereau
Deputy Reeve Elliott.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT the minutes of the May 16th Session 1990 of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
, '
1. ECNG Inc. with request for a letter to authorize and instruct
them to accept the new'pricing arrangement for our gas supply con-
1. National Transportation Agency of Canada with information with
respect to the application. by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. for
connection to theCN~s and CP's trackage at St. Thomas, Ontario.
2. Ron C. Baldwin, District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources,
with copy of a letter to the Township of Malahide with respect to
Wayside Pit Permit W811517, Part Lot 7, Concession 3, Malahide.
Township of Yarmouth advising that Mr. John Spriet will be pre-
at the railroad track and Wellington Road at 10:00 A.M., June
1990, with respect to the proposed Wardle Drain.
Minister of the Environment with copy of a letter to
Mr. Duncan Crawford with respect to the request for a
environmental assessment.
Mr. Gordon
bump-up of
5. Town of Richmond Hill with resolution requesting the Province to
make available to municipalities 1% of the total taxes derived from
the sale of fuel for motor vehicles in Ontario.
6. Ministry of the Environment with copy of a letter to the County
of Middlesex with respect to the requests of Mr. John Dobie and Gordon
and Duncan Crawford requesting that the Taits Bridge closure be
bumped~upto an individual environmental assessment.
7. National Transportation Agency of Canada with information with
respect to the Canadian Pacific Ltd. v.National Transportation Agency
Court FileNo. A-604-88.
8. Ken Monteith, M.P., with copy of a letter received from Ms. Kelly
Van Quaelthem with respect to a blue-box recycling program.
9. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of a letter to The Honourable
William Wrye, Minister of Transportation, with request for supple-
mentary funds.
10. Ministry of Transportation with instructions on the timely sub-
mission of annual returns.
I, ~q"l
- 2 -
COUNTY ROADS - continued
11. Minister of the Environment with copy of a letter to Mr. John
Dobie with respect to the consideration of a bump-up of the project to
an individual environmental assessment.
12. Ministry of Transportation with information on surplus property
for sale in the Township of Southwold, Highway #3, Part of Lot 18,
Concession NNBTR.
1. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with notification of a Fourth Annual
Meeting of Who's Who in Elgin County slated. for Octbber.3rd, 1990.
1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with request to send in
views on the Provincial-Municipal Social Services Review.
1. M.G. (Gord) Button, Court Services Manager, advising that he has
been appointed as of May and is responsible for the overall management
for the provision of administrative and supportive services for all
courts within this County.
2. Deputy Solicitor General with copy'of the Act'tb,Amend The Police
Act, first reading. ' "
3. Andrew S. Brandt, with' their parties Policy Options Paper "Urban
Housing" .
4. Ministry of Citizenship with copy of a Report of the Proceedings
of the First Ontario Conference on Municipal Race Relations.
5. City of St. Thomas with copy of a letter to Dr~ R. Schabas con-
firming that the City wishes to have equal represehtation on the
6. Minister of Revenue explaining the function ahd make-up of the
new Property Assessment Corporation effective January 1st, 1991.
7. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca-
tion of Children In Care and financial statement to April 30th, 1990.
8. Jim Pollock, M.P.P., Hastings-Peterborough, with a brochure to
alert the public about the zebra mussel.
. '----')
9. Notice of Hearings from the Standing Committee on Administration
of Justice.
10. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., acknowledging the receipt ofa resolu-
tion with respect to the burning of scrap tires.
11. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital with copy of report for the
first six months of 1990.
12. Minister of the Environment acknowledging receipt of the resolu-
tion with regard to the burning of scrap tires.
13. County of Kent with report and brief to Jack Riddell, M.P.P.,
Huron, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Natural Resources on
the management of Ontario Commercial Fisheries.
14. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the copy of
the letter to The Honourable David Peterson with respect to increased
funding to libraries.
15. Ministry of the Environment with information on the MISA Monitor- ;~
ing Regulation for Ontario Electric Power Generators.
16. Municipal Finance Officers' Association of Ontario with informa~
tion on a seminar with respect to GST.
- 3 - County Council, June Session, 1990
FILED - continued
17. Ontario Home Builders' Association advising that they propose to
challenge the Development Charges Act if and when by-laws are put into
18. Minister of Municipal Affairs thanking us for the letter advising
that the County is prepared to proceed'with the restructuring study.
19. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of a letter she forwarded to
the Minister of Transportation with respect to funding for culvert
20. Wilfrid Laurier University advising that the Elgin County
Scholarship winners were:
Michael VANDYK, 214 Hill Street, Port Stanley
Paul SHAW, R. R. #l,'Sparta.
21. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy ofa new
published instruction booklet on how to write a resolution for submis-
sion to A.M.O.
22. Community Health and Support Serv,ices Division with copy of a
publication entitled: "Strategies for Change: Comprehensive Reform of
Ontario's Long Term Care Services".
, .
23. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of a copy of our
letter with respect,tb a County-Wide Tax Impact Study.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT the dispo'sition of the Communications mailed preViously be
approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1
County Roads Committee - #1-12 inclusive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - #1
Social Services Committee - #1
Filed - #1-23 inclusive
County Council - #1-3 inclusive.
- Carried.
The fOllowing presentations were made by the Warden and Chairman of
the respective Committees:
Roads Committee - Reeve E. Neukamm
Roy LaForge - Retired on March 28, 1990 - Gifts and Cheque
20 Years - Ralph Gordon - Lapel Pin, Dinner Voucher & Engraved Desk Set
15 Years - John L. Brown - Set of Glasses
15 Years - Robert C. McCready - Set of Glasses
10 Years - W. Clare Dean'
Social Services Committee - Reeve S. Collins
15 Years - Susan M. Clemas - Set of Glasses
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - Reeve W. C. MacIntyre
~.~ 15 Years - Helen M. Small - Set of Glasses - Mrs. Small will retire on
June 30, 1990 and also received a Watch and a Cheque
15 Years - Glenna J. Dean - Set of Glasses
15 Years - Ella L.M. Kyle - Set of Glasses
10 Years - Vera Vachon
10 Years - Sandra E. Orchard
10 Years (Part Time) - Christine Fagan
- 4 -
10 Years - Joan A. McBurnie
County Library Committee ~ Deputy Reeve A. J. van Kasteren
15 Years - Marilyn .J. Van Daele -Set of Glasses
20 Years (Part Time) - Alberta M. Jones - Lapel Pin and Pen/Pencil Set
(not present).
Roads Committee - Reeve E. Neukamm
Norman Glover
John L. Brown
Ralph Gordon
W. Clare Dean.
Mr. R. A. McCaig of Recycle London Inc. was pres,ent 'and it was moved
by Reeve Neukamm ,that ,he be now heard. Mr. McCaig explained his
program for recycling fine papers and reviewed the fact that his firm
supplied containers and when they were full the entire container was
remov~dand anadditi<:maLone. replaced. Co?-nc~l M~mbers a~k~d' various . i
quest~ons of Mr. McCa~g and he 'extended an '~nv~tat:~on to v~s~t the ~
site either sometime while on a road tour or other arrangements could
be made. Warden Millman referred the matter to the County Government
and Reception Committee.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT the First Report of the County Government and .Reception Committee
be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Collins
THAT the First Report of the County Library Commit.tee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee. be adopted.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the Second Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
- 5 - County Council, June Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Deputy. Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
An amendmei'ltwas -
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT Item #2 of the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens
Committee be amended by deleting "June 29th" and substituting "July
The amendment Carried.
The original Report, as amended. was voted upon and Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
The Treasurer's Reports on Receipts and Expenditures, Payments to
Members of Council, and also Outside Boards, were mailed previously to
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT the Treasurer's Report be accepted and printed in the proceedings.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
: I
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the
Members of the Elgin County Council to May 31st, 1990 be accepted and
printed in the proceedings.
". Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to May
31st, 1990 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission
and members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in
the proceedings.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT Application T1/90 by Mike and Sharron polowick of R. R. #2,
Muirkirk, owners of property known as Lot "A", Concession 5., Township
of Aldborough, to clear 1.62 hectares (.4 acres) of trees for the pur-
pose of installing main outlets to drain 10.12 hectares (25 acres) of
workable land be granted and that this clearing be done before June
20, 1991.
- Carried.
- 6 -
1. Mac Ward, President, Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Associa-
tion, advising that they endorse' a Property' L D. Program, but feel that
it should be done by outside resources and would offer representatives
in an advisory capacity.
2. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., advising that the provisions of Bill 68
the proposed automobile insurance legislation is very complex and
suggesting the acquisition of information on it.
3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the
1990 Annual AMO Conference, August 19th to 22nd, and requesting two
voting delegates.
Correspondence #1 from the Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service
Association with respect to a property identification program was
referred to the County Government and Reception Commit'tee.'
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the following be voting delegates to the Association of Municipal-
ities of Ontario Annual Conference August 18th-22nd, 1990 in Toronto:
Warden M.L. Millman
Reeve D.J. Avram.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT Council Communications numbered 2 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve MacIntyre as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT we do now adjourn (11:39 A.M.) to meet again on June 20th, 1990
at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 2 :23 P .M';
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Mezenberg (left at 3:10 P.M.)
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Lavereau
Deputy Reeve Elliott.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT we go into Commit,tee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve MacIntyre as Chairman.
1 '
~ ,~"
I !~ \.1 <I
..."ilt..P .
- 7 - County Council, June Session, 1990
The Committee rose without reporting.
The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by
Reeve Collins and adopted on motion of Reeve Collins and Reeve Coles.
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Reeve
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT a Management Group be formed made up of all department heads and
the Warden to meet monthly to discuss inter~departmental issues, items
referred from Councilor committees, and any other items Management
Group members wish to raise, and meetings be chaired by each depart-
ment head on a rotating basis, with terms of reference to be completed
by the end of the current Council year.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT an Executive committee be formed and be comprised of all chairmen
of standing committees and the Warden to discuss and make recommenda-
tions on issues with County-wide implications and items referred from
the Management Group and to meet monthly or as need arises,' with terms
of reference to be completed by the end of the current Council year.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT letters be sent to each local municipality in Elgin, requesting
their opinion as to the possibility of establishing a Municipal Asso-
ciation, with the following objectives.
(1) To promote better fellowship and understanding among the munici-
pal elected and appointed officials
(2) To consider matters of general interest to municipalities and
their elected and appointed officials
(3) To promote the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal govern-
ment through the sharing of information and education and that replies
be requested to be back by Friday, August 31st, 1990.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy ReeveVandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-30 "To Regulate the Proceedings in the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and Committees
Thereof" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-30 be read a second time.
- Carried.
1~"4' ~.'i' · ~
, l..1 I~
tJ ':'it
- 8 -
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT By-Law No. 90-30 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-31 "Being a By-Law, to Provide for the Appointment
and Duties of the Officers of the Municipal Corporation of the County
of Elgin" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve, Allin
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By~Law No, 90-31 be read a second time..
-, Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute'
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-31 be read a third time and finally passed.
~ ci
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-32 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of
Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sand ham ,
THAT By-Law No. 90-32 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve. Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-32 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-33 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Execute an Agreement Between Corporation of the County of
Elgin and the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas Respecting Main-
tenance and Repair of Boundary Roads" be read a first time.
-, Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-33 be read a second time~
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT By-Law No. 90-33 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
In.''' ..
. AiJ~.~
- 9 - County Council, June Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT By-Law No. 90-34 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Pay Schedule for
Employees Covered by the Job Evaluation Scale, Other than Certain
Roads Department Employees" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve Martyn
THAT By-Law No. 90-34 be read a second time.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-34' be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
, '
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-35 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Salaries of
Various Positions of the County of Elgin" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-35 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-35 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Car:r'ied.
! !
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT By-Law No. 90-36 "Being a By-Law to Establish Hourly Rates of Pay
for Part Time Employees" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-36 be read a second time.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-36 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
( \
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT By-Law No. 90-37 "Being a By-Law to Establish Hourly Rates for
Branch Library Part Time Employees" be read a first time.
- Carried.
- 10 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-37 be read .a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
, )
THAT By-Law No. 90-37 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-38 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-9, as
Amended, a By-Law to Provide for Fringe Benefits to All Employees Who
Are Considered in the Management Category" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-38 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sand ham
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-38 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-39 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-10, Being
a By-Law to Provide for Fringe Benefits to. All Employees. of the County
of Elgin Who Are Not Covered by a Collective Agreement or Included in
the Management Category~ be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT By-Law No. 90-39 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-39 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-40 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 84-9, Being
a By-Law to Provide for Fringe Benefits to All Employees of the County
of Elgin Who Are Considered in the Management Category" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
.. )
" I
- 11 - County Council, June Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-40 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-40 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Collins
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-41 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici-
pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 20th
Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-41 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-41 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT we do now adjourn (4:05 P.M.) to meet again on September 19th,
1990 at 10.00 A.M.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
. 1
Y)iA /L-'A~'- f}iY!~n1LI>" /
M. L. Millman,
Warde n.
I .
, .
July Session - First Day
Friday, the 27th day of July, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:11 A.M., in a Special Session.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Hay
Reeve Martyn
Reeve Collins.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT the minutes of the June 20th, 1990 Session of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
Warden Millman named Deputy Reeve Carroll as Chairman..
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented py Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Reeve
The. First Report of. the Prope~ty and Agricultural Committee was pre-
sented by Deputy Reeve Carroll.
- 2 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Ca~r011
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
An amendment was ~
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT Item #2 of the First Report ofthei Pr.operty and Agricul.tural
Committee be amended by deleting everything after the word "watermain"
in the second line and rep1acing with "and sewer serving the County
The amendment was voted upon and Carried.
The amended Report was then voted upon and Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeye Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT an amended by-law "For the Regulation of Traffic" be presented
with changes as suggested by the County Solicitor.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Ford.
THAT a letter be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs making the
fo110wing comments with respect to proposed legislation on Municipal
Conf1ict of Interest:
1. At the present time there are prob1ems in obtaining sufficient
people to run for office and the proposed legislation will further
discourage quality people from running and will mere1y compound the
2. The requirement to declare assets of the family other than the
candidate appears to. be infringing on an area of individuals who are
not running for the office. There does not seem to be any rationale
why these people shou1d be brought into the process.
3. Information obtained through the declaration of assets, etc.,
would no doubt be items which some individuals may request. This
would appear to be a conflict with the Freedom of Information Legisla-
tion whereby individuals must give permission before this information
is given out.
4. The proposed legis1ation tends to encourage personal persecution
against individuals.' .
5. It appears that if a definition for pecuniary interest was made in
the present legislation it would clear up areas that are presently
gray and individua1s. would,. be. more <lble to asc.ertain if they did h<lye
a conflict or not.
6. The present legislation appears to be adequate, as was indicated
only thirty court decisions have been made since 1972 and, as a result,
does not appear to be a real serious problem.
7. The present six-year provision [according to Section 9(3)] appe<lrs
to be too long and should be reduced somewhat.
, ,
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ly1e
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-42 "A By-Law to Authorize East Elgin Cable T.V.
Limited at Aylmer, Ont<irio, (Hereinafte~ Called the 'Comp<lny', and
Which Term Shall Include Its SuCcessors and Assigns) to Install, Con-
struct, Operate and Maintain Works Required for the Transmission and
Distribution of Television, Radio and Related CommunicatioIls Signals
and Services Within a Portion of the Municipality of the County of .
Elgin (Hereinafter Called the 'Municipality')" be read a first time.
- Carried.
- 3 -
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No" 90-42 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-42 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Elliott
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT By-Law No. 90-43 "A By-Law to Authorize the Expropriation of Land
for the Purpose of Widening and Improving County Roads" be read ;a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-43 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-43 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve' Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-44 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 87-1, Desig-
nating Through Highways" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-44 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-44 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-45 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a
Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin
and the Elgin County Road Employees' Association" be read 'a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-45 be read a second time.
- Carried.
- 4 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-45 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-46 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign an Agreement Between the County of Elgin and the
Ministry of Community and Social Services Re: the Purchase of Service
Home Support and Services for the Elderly" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-46 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-46 be read a third time and finally passed.
, I
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-47 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Remuneration of
the Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-47 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-47 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-48 "Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic"
be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve' Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-48 ,be read a second t'ime.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-48 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
I .
- 5 -
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
150 :l
THAT By-Law No. 90-49 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 27th
Session, 1990" be read a first time.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
- Carried.
THAT By-Law No. 90-49 be read a second time.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
- Carried.
THAT By-Law No. 90-49 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Coles
- Carried.
THAT we do now adjourn (11.32 A.M.) to meet again on September 19th,
1990 at 10.00 A.M.
G. C. Leverton,
- Carried.
/11 /r~1-t'':-.
. M. L. MJ..llman,
September Session- First Day
'Wednesday, the 19th day of September, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
The following new Members filed Certificates and took their Seats at
the Council Table:
Deputy Reeve Sylvia M. Hofhuis - replacing Deputy Reeve P. G. Elliott
of the Village of Port Stanley
Reeve David A. Geier - replacing Reeve S. Collins of the Village of
Warden Millman extended a welcome to the new Members.
ROLLCALL - All Members present except:
! '
Reeve Martyn
Reeve Chute
Reeve Emerson
Reeve MacIntyre
Reeve Coles.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT the minutes of the July 27th, 1990 Session of the Elgin County
'Council be adopted.
- Carried.
1. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 152, ,An Act to
Amend the Municipal Act (first reading), and request for comments.
2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with bulletin ent itled
"GST: News and Views" dated June 1990.
I '
3. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy of guidelines to the
Development Charges Act, 1989, and its accompanying regulation.
4. Municipal Finance Officers I Association of Ontario with copy of a
Federal Sales Tax and Goods and Services Tax study prepared by them
and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.
5. The Regional Municipality of Waterloo with resolution requesting
the Minister of Revehueand the Minister of Municipal lI.ffairsto defer
consideration 'of Bill 156, lI.n'Act to 'Establish the Property Assessment
Corporation, until there has been an examination of the issue with
municipalities and school boards of Ontario.
6. Ross Snetsinger requesting that the County write the Rapid Train
Task Force to advise that Elgin is interested in participating in
being connected effectively to the new Rapid T'rainDevelopment by
means of feeder systems similar to the one described.
7. City of Chatham with resolution requesting the Government of
Ontario to implement a refundable deposit program for all soft drink
cont'ainers and other non-ref illables.
8. City of Burlington with resolution opposing the establishment of a
Property Assessment Corporation.
- 2 -
9. Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters requesting that Elgin
send a letter to the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Federal
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to take action against the zebra
mussels immediately.
10. The YWCA St. Thomas Elgin requesting that a representative be
sent to attend their Access to Permanent Housing Committee meetings.
11. Minister of Municipal .Affairs with copy of Bill 230. An Act to
Amend the Municipal Elect ions Act, and certain other Acts 'related to
municipal elections.
12. Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto with resolution requesting
the Federal Government to reinstate the full funding and number of
unit allocations under the Federal/Provincial Non-Profit Housing
Program and that this funding be indexed and, also, urge the Federal
Government to increase and maintain funding for the Federal Co-
Operative Housing Program.
13. Elgin County Federation of Agriculture with resolution with,
respect to urban dwellers moving into agricultural areas.
14. Minister of Municipal Affairs with copy of Bill 229,AnAct to.
Amend Certain Acts Related to Municipalities.
1. Metropolitan Toronto Works Department inviting municipalities and
landowners throughout Ontario to nominate potential landfill sites for
consideration under Metro's Solid Waste Environmental Assessment Plan.
2. Ministry of the Environment with Notice of Completion of Environ-
mental Assessment Review for Ontario Hydro's Demand/Supply Plan.
3. Regional Municipality of Halton with resolution adopting the
National Packaging Protocol (NAPPl Six Packaging Policies and Mile-
stone Targets.
4. Township of Bayham with notice of intention to stop up, close and
sell parts of highways listed below:
1. given road known as Creek Road being Part of Lot 7, in Conces-
sion 3, and being Part 1 on Plan 11R3982.
2. part of the original road allowance between Lots 15 and 16 in
Concession 2, and being Parts 2..and 3 on Plan 11R3983.
5. Township of Yarmouth advis ing of a meeting re: the Berry Drain to
be held Thursday, July 5th, at 7:00 P.M.
6. County of Bruce with three resolutions with regard to the Aggre-
gate Resources Act.
7. Ontario Hydro with copy of the' Environmental Assessment and
Summary and copy of a letter from the Ministry of 'the' ,Environment re:
Electrical Transmission Facilities tOSarniaand Windsor areas.
8. County of Dufferin with resolution on the Deconditionalization of
Road Grants.
9 . Ministry of Municipal Affairs with copy o'fan outline sheet
indicating information re'quired to be submitted. with e.ach application
for the Minister's approval, Original Shore Road Closing By-Laws.
10. Ontario Good Roads Association advising that .in 1994. the Associa-
tion will be one hundred years old and requesting any ideas to add or
delete from the attached brochure.
11. Minister of Transportation with copy.of a letter to Marietta
Roberts, M.P.P.. reo request for Supplementary Funds - County Road #43.
- 3 - County Council, September Session, 1990
COUNTY ROADS - continued
12. Ministry of the Environment with Newsrelease and copy of a bro-
chure entitled "Towards a Sustainable Waste Management System -,
Discussion Paper'~,.
13. Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of a letter sent to the
Engineering Department with respect to,the meeting held July 4th
clarifying the position of the Ministry with respect to,ongoing road
and bridge works.
14. National Transportation Agency of Canada with copies of answers
provided with respect to an enquiry into the application by the Port
Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. for connection to C.P. and C.N. trackage at
St. Thomas.
15. M.M. Dillon Ltd. advising that they have been retained by the
Ministry of the Environment to undertake a Water Supply Study for the
City of London and asking if the County wishes to participate in this
16. Township of Aldborough with Notice of Decision from the Ontario
Drainage Tribunal with respect to the Slack Drain.
I '
17. Ministry of Transportation advising that they had retained
McCormick Rankin,Consulting Engineers, to review their Provincial
Highways Program - Class Environment Assessment Document and asking
that a questionnaire be completed and returned.
18. Township of Yarmouth with copy of drainage report ref ,Berry
19. Regional Municipality of Halton with resolution requesting the
review of the status of Gypsum Wallboard Waste Disposal in Ontario.
20. Minister of the Environment with copy of a letter to Doug
Reycraft, M.P.P. Middlesex, with reply to ,a letter concerning the
proposal by the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex to close Tait's Bridge.
21. Ontario Good Roads Association with information on "Make Road
Funding an Election Issue in Your Municipality".
22. Township of Dunwich advising that a meeting had been scheduled
for 9:30 A.M. September 10th, with respect to Douglas Drain Improve-
23. Ontario Municipal ,Board requestingcorrunents,with respect to the
application by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. to permit passenger
excursions after sunset.
24. Environmental Assessment Board with proposed changes to the
Hearing Process.
25. Ian D. Wilson Associates Ltd. with report concerning the com-
plaints of Well Interference, Howe-Stafford Drain, Township of
26. Ministry of Natural Resources with results of annual pit inspec-
tion for Lots 24 and,25, Concession V, Township of Yarmouth.
27. National Transportation Agency of Canada with copies of addi-
tional correspondence received from parties ,to the application by the
Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. and requesting comments respecting the
interim report.
1. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of Newsrelease and Bill 237
"An Act to Provide for the Regulation of Gaming Services".
2. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P. ,with information sheet detailing the
call for nominations for Community Action Awards.
- 4 -
3. County of Oxford with copy of "Strategies for Change" Report of
the Long-Term Care Services Reform from A.M.O. and request for the
County's views.
4. Town of Aylmer with request to meet with the Homes Committee to
discuss amending the present agreement with respect to the annual
sewage charge for Terrace Lodge.
1. The Canadian Red Cross society with request for an increase in.
the Homemaking Service charges to $11.90 per hour.
2. County of Grey with resolution opposing the concept of "0 Sum
Gain" in the P.M.S.S.R. report.
3; Ministry of Community and Social'Services approving the 1990
Homemaker Rate at $11.90 per hour for St. Thomas-Elgin.
1. Bank of Montreal advising of the following changes in the Prime
Interest Rate effective Aug:ust 13th, 1990 - decreased. by~%to 1410% -
effective August 30th, 1990 - decreased by 10% to.14%.
2. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of the Ministry of the
Environment's Discussion Paper entitled "Towards a Sustainable Waste
Management System'~.
3. Ontario/Quebec Rapid Train Task Force with minutes of the meeting
held in London on April 24th, 1990. . .
4. Ministry of Energy advising that the Municipal Building's Energy
Efficiency Program (MBEEP) has been put on hold until a request for an
extension has been dealt with.
5. Premier of Ontario acknowledging the County's letter with regard
to increased Public Library Funding.
6. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the County's
endorsement of the position by the Ontario Good Roaas Associationre:
Conditional Road Grants.
7. Ministry of Housing with details on the procedure and approvals
of grant funds under the Building Administrafion Fund.
8. Ministry of Transportation advising of a second advance payment
of subsidy in the amount of $1,705,100 payable the week of July 2nd,
1990. .
. I
9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with the following
1. The Waste Management Crisis; A Shared Responsibility.
2. 90-4 Reforming the Partnership.
3. 90-2 Bill 107: The Police Services Act.
4. AMO Financial Survey Descriptive Report - Impact of Provincial and
Federal Policies on 1989 and 1990 Municipal Budgets.
10. Marietta Roberts, M.P.Poo acknowledging receipt of the recommen-
dation with regard to the apportionment process.
11. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., acknowledging receipt of the letter
with regard to the composit~on of :the County Restructuring Steering
12. Mike Harris, M.P.P., Leader of the Ontario Progressive ConServa::-"
tive Party with copy of Official Report of Debates (Hansard) with
respect to Unconditional Grants to Municipalities.
- 5 - County Council, September
. u v ty
Session, 1990
FILED - continued
13. Mariett.a Roberts, M.P.P., with a copy ,of Volume 2 of Statistical
Profile, which provides detailed information on Disabled Persons in
14. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with a bulletin on Zebra Mussels ~ What
You Should Know. .
15. Ministry of Natural Resources with information on the establish-
ing of a co-ordinated provincial program to develop government policy
and to be responsible for controlled research monitoring and assess-
ment of the impact .zebra mussels .are having in Ontario.
16. Newsrelease from Mike Harris, M.P.P., advising that a Confiden-
tial Report Confirms Peterson Government Erred on Farm Tax Rebate
17. Jeffrey S. Hamilton with appreciation for County Scholarship.
18. Family & Children Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Allocation
of Children In Care and financial statements for the months of May,
June and July.
19. Association of Municipalities of Ontario acknowledging receipt of
Council's resolution with respect to increased and adequate funding
for libraries.
20A. Helen M. Small with appreciation for retirement gift.
20B. Faith and Allan Clarke with appreciation for presentation to
Mrs. Evelyn Clarke on the occasion of her 105th birthday.
21. Marietta Roberts, M.,P.P., acknowledging receipt of the endorse~
ment of the resolution with respect to the Employer Health Tax passed
by the County of Oxford.
22. Township of Malahide endorsing the resolutions from the County of
Bruce with respect to the Aggregate Resources Act.
23. .Township of Malahide requesting t.he County of Elgin to act on
behalf of MalahideTownship in regard to the ongoing County of
Middlesex Water Study.
24. Elgin Federation of A,griculture with June 1990 Newsletter.
i .
25. Ministry of .Municipal Affairs with appreciation .for .comments
received with regard to the Discussion Paper on Municipal Conflict of
26. Marietta Roberts, M.P.P., with copy of Newsrelease naming the
members of the Consultation Committee to study Ontario's Municipal
Conflict of Interest Rules.
27. Marietta Robert.s, M..P.P., acknowledging receipt ,of letter to the
Honourable David Peterson endorsing .the County of Bruce resolution
with respect to the Aggregate'Resources Act.
28. Ministry of Housing with Newsrelease with respect to 'granny
fla.ts' .
29. Marietta Roberts, M.P,P., with copy of the Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food strategic plan entitled "Common Ground".
30. Ontario Municipal Board reminding of the deadline to consider
ward .boundarychao,gesfor,the next election. ,
31. Premier of Ontario acknowledging correspondence with regard to
the level of Provincial funding to municipalities in Ontario.
32. Ministry of the Attorney General with information on the forms
for Municipal Parking Offences now under The Provincial Offences Act -
Part II.
Il.;) V
.~ 6 -
FILED - continued
33. Ontario Municipal Board with copy of Board Order extending the
operation of the Port Staniey Terminal Rail Inc. excursion train'
northward from Union to St. Thomas.
34. City of St. Thomas advising that the City took no action regard-
ing the letter sent to the Solicitor General requesting the Ministry
investigate the feasibility of providing Province-wide 9.1.1. emergency
service via the telephone companies.
35. Township of Malahide with copy of letter to M.M. Dillon Ltd.
advising they do not wish to participate in the Water Supply Study for
the City of London.
36. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that they will not appoint
any additional staff to the Restructuring Study if the City's'and
County's committee representatives did not intend to participate fully
in all aspects of the Committee's work. .
37. Minister'of Municipal Affairs with copy of a letter to Mayor
Janet Golding advising that the Ministry would not assign staff to
work full time on the Study if the City's and County's committee
representatives did not intend to participate fully in all aspects of
the Committee's work.
38. City of St. Thomas with copy of their letter to the Honourable
Remo Mancini expressing concerns that the request to carry out a
reassessment under Section 63(3) of the Assessment Act is unable to be
acted upon and advising that they are willing to be included in the
County-Wide Assessment Impact Study provided the City be included as a
separate municipality. .
39. National Transportation Agency of Canada with copies of answers
requested with respect to the application by Port Stanley Terminal
Rail Inc. for connection to C.P. and C.N. trackage at St. 'Thomas.
,40. Premier of Ontario aCknowledging receipto:Etheresdlution adopted
by Council regarding the Aggregate Resources Act.
41. Family & Children's 'Services. of St. Thomas & Elgin with copy of
an Exceptional Circumstance Review Submi'ssionmade to the 'Ministry of
Community and Social Services.
42. Ministry of Natural Resources advising that ,they iriteridto ini-
tiate a Southwestern Ontario Rabies Control Program and extending an
invitation td an.informatidn meet-ing on Sep'tember 7th in London.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and
those presented today, be approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Coffilllittee - #1-1'4 inclusive
County Roads Committee - #1::':'27 iincTu'sive
Homes for Senior Citizens Committee - #1-4 inclusive
Social Services Committee - #1-3 inclusive
Filed - #1-42 inclusive
County Council - #1-10 inclusive.
- Carried.
Ms. Toni Adey of the Kent/Chat-ham Tourist Bureau was 'in attendance at
the request of Council. She outlined the operation of the Bureau and,
also, the financial support ,to it. Members of Council asked various
questions. Warden Millman thanked Ms. Adey for attending and presented
her with a small token of appreciation.
I "
I '
- 7 - County Council, September Session, 1990
Mr. Chuck Knapp, Administrator and Economic Development Officer for
the Town of Aylmer, was present and it was moved by Reeve Neukamm that
he be now heard. The purpose of his addressing Council was to give a
report on any spinoff from the Investment Tour of last year. He
indicated that there was no direct involvement from the tour, but
there were still some files that were open. He felt that indirectly
there were some benefits derived from the visit, in that the Ministry
of Tourism has directed people to him with enquiries. He indicated
that Elgin was the only municipality which had any follow-up after the
Investment Tour. Warden Millman thanked Mr. Knapp for. his attending
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van' Kasteren .
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the First Report of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT the Second Report of the County Library Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carried.
The Second Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve
Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Ford.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West.
SecOnded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT the First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy 'Reeve West
Seconded 'by ,Reeve Lyle'
THAT the Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
- 8 -
The First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was pre-
sented by Deputy Reeve 'Carroll and adopted on motion of 'Deputy Reeve
Carroll and Reeve Avram. '
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT Deputy 'Reeve Sylvia M. Hofhuis replaC'e Deputy Reeve Elliott on
all the Standing Committees.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
THA~ .Reeve David A. Geier,~epl~ce R~eve Gollins on all Standi~g
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT Reeve D.A. Geier be appointed to the Thames Valley'District
Health Council as the County representative.
- Carried.
Reeve Lyle addressedCoundil and advised that he was officially
announcing that he was a candidate for Warden in December and
requested Council's support.
Warden Millman also indicated that 'she was: officially running again in
December and addressed Council on the reasons for asec6hd term. :
1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with invitation to attend the South-
western Ontario Regional Conference to be held in Kitchener on November
2nd sponsored by the Cambridge, London and 'Guelph Field Management
Regional Offices of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information with
respect to the County and Regional Section Annual Meeting to be held
in Peterborough October 14th-17th, and requesting the names of seven
voting delegates.
3. Village of West Lorne with information on the West Lorne Labour '~
Day festivities.
4. Minister of Municipal Affairs advising that Curry Clifford has
been appointed to assist in the review of the municipal 'government in
Elgin County.
5. City of St. Thomas advising that they will defer making the
appointments to the County Restructuring Steering Committee until
after a meeting with Mr. Gary McAlister of the Ministry of 'Municipal
Affairs has taken place.
6. City of St. Thomas advising that the City does not wish to take
any action at this time with respect to a County-Wide Tax Impact
7. Minister of Municipal Affairs acknowledging receipt6f a request
for a County-Wide Tax Impact Study and advising that the staff of the
Property Assessment Program are currently reviewing its capacity for
the next two years and will be in contact with the County in the
8. Gore & Storrie Ltd. advising that they have been retained by the
Sarnia/Lambton Chamber of Commerce to study the feasibility of locat-
ing an Energy From Waste (EFW) Facility in the Sarnia/Lambton area and
inviting any municipalities interested in participating to forward
information listed.
\ ;'
\ '.
- 9 - County Council, September Session, 1990
9. City of Toronto expressing appreciation for our co-operation in
the telephone survey with regard to a Section 63 marketvalue'reas-
sessment and expressing concern for the impending results'for its
10. County of Middlesex with invitation for two representatives from
the County to attend a .project Spills Response" on Wednesaay;
November 28, 1990 at the Coldstream Community Centre.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the following be the voting delegates to the 1990 County and
Regional Section of A.M.O. Annual Meeting and Conference in
Peterborough, October 14-17th; 1990:
Warden Millman
Reeve Rushmere
Reeve Coles
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
Reeve Ford
Reeve Avralll
Reeve Neukarm\
R.M. Daniel.
~ Carried.
THAT Deputy Reeve Carroll and Warden Millman be authorized to attend
the "Project Spills Response" workshop to be sponsored by the County
of.Middlesex on November 28, 1990.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT Council Communications numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 be filed.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT we go into Committee 'Of The Whole~
\ r
- Carr ied .
- Ca.rried.
Warden Millman named Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT as the hour is now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on to conclude
'the business at hand.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT we do now adjo~rn. (12: 24 P.M. ) .to meet .agail) on Septeml:>~r 19th,
1990 at 1:30 P.M. . . .
Council reconvened at 2:28 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Lyle
Reeve Martyn
Reeve Chute
Reeve Emerson
Reeve MacIntyre
Reeve Coles.
- Carried.
'H~ i ~
.Il ;) Jl. 'l
- 10 -
A delegation from the City of St. Thomas, headed by Mayor Golding; was
present at their request. Mayor Golding read a brief on the County
Restructuring Study to Members of Council. Copies were.distributed to
all Members after the meeting. The purpose of the brief rwas . to agree
to continue with the County of Elgin Restructuring Study provided .
certain criteria were met. Warden Millman thanked them for attending .
and advised them that it would be discussed at the next meeting. .~
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Deputy
Reeve Carroll.
The First Report of the Social Services Committee waspregented by
Reeve Kahnt and adopted on motion of Reeve Kahnt and Reeve Allin.
A short discussion took place with respect .to the Restructuring Brief
and it was suggested that a copy be sent to.Mr. Curry Clifford of the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs for his information. In addition, it
was felt that a meeting should be requested of the current standing
County/City Liaison Committee as soon as possible.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT a letter be sent to the Prime Minister, Post Maste.r General, and
Ken Monteith, M.P., protesting the inefficient manner in which the
mail is being routed for the St. Thomas and Elgin County area through
the City of London, resulting in undue delays in delivery. A case in
point is envelopes mailed at the St. Thomas Post Office, by the County
of Elgin on September 13th, and not received until September 19th in
Port Stanley, a distance of 13 Km.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT the Minister of Revenue be advised that the County of; Elgin feels
that any delay in conducting the Tax Impact Study i$grossly unfair to
the Municipalities who are paying a larger share of education and
county levies than required, and 'a$ the; reque$thadbeen made for a
County-Wide Reassessment in January 1989 but somehow got lost in the
paperwork, we feel that the study should be proceeded with immediately
for our area.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT a by-law be presented to Council for the acquisition of a
computer system from Harris Computer SY$tems.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By~Law No. 90-50 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign a NonJObstruction Agreement with 756901 Ontario Limited"
be read a first time. .
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-50 be read a second time.
- Carried.
( .
- 11- County Council, September Session, 199
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-50 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT By-Law No. 90-51 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 90-37, Which
Establishes Hourly Rates for Students" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-51 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-51 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-52 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Acquisition of
a Computer System" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Geier
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT By-Law No. 90-52 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-52 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT By-Law No. 90-53 "Being a By-Law to Conf irm Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the
September 19th Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT By-Law No. 90-53 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-53 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
- 12 -
Deputy Reeve Carroll expressed appreciation to the Warden and County
Staff on behalf of the Township of Southwold for all the work done
with respect to the tornado damage.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
THAT we do now adjourn (3:14 P.M.) to meet againdnOctober 23rd, 1990
at 10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
· i.1A~ ,((;;d;'~a-N
. M.'L. Millman,
. i
. ,
, ,
October Session - First Day
Tuesday, the 23rd day of October, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Reeve Martyn
Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Reeve Kahnt.
Warden Millman welcomed the student guests of the
a brief overview of the functions of the County.
Council introduced his/her guest.
Councillors and gave
Each Member of
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT the minutes of the September 1990 Session of the Elgin county
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
1. City of North York with reSolution with respect to the Goods and
Services Tax.
2. Village of Springfield with copy of a letter to Ken Monteith,
M.P., with respect to.the dissatisfaction with the postal service.
3. City of St. Thomas with reply that the items referred to in our
request for a Liaison meeting were topics to be discussed under
res.tructuring and asking if this is the reply to the City's presenta-
tion of September 19th.
4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs with information with respect to the
Program for Renewal, Improvement, Development and Economic Revitaliza-
tion (PRIDE).
5. Ross G. Snetsinger with request to support his three-tier rail
revival proposal.
6. Town of Aylmer requesting a meeting with the County Restructuring
Committee to discuss their Terms of Reference.
7. Ministry of the Solicitor General with Update on 1991/92 JEPP
1. R. J. Burnside & Associates (Stratford) offering their services to
update site plans for licensed pits under the Aggregate Resources Act.
2. Township of Dunwich with notice of consideration of Engineer's
Report under The Drainage Act reo the Douglas Drain.
3. Ministry of Transportat ion with copy of Memo No. 90-10 re: Revision
to MOE's List of Dust Suppressants.
4. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of "Municipal
Solid Waste Management: Whose Problem Is It?" i,
5. Township of Malahide with copy of petition and resolution with
respect to having the Engineer prepare the necessary plan and report
on the Orwell Drain.
- 2 -
COUNTY ROADS - continued'
6. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No. 90-12 advising
of the appointment of Nancy DeBruyn as District Engineer in the
Ministry's London District.
7. University of Western Ontario with request to renew the lease for '0
a five year period of property owned by the County in the Township of
1. Med+Care Partnership advising that Med+Care Health Services has
merged with Personicare Corp. to form Med+Care Partnership and as a
result a new agreement will be required.
1. Bank of Montreal with notice that the prime interest rate has
been decreased by \% to 13.75% effective September 14th, 1990.
2. Environmental Assessment Board with copy of 1990 Annual Report.
3. Union Gas with copy of Notice of Application to the Ontario
Energy Board for an order fixing new rates effective April 1st, 1991.
4. Ministry of Natural Resources with copy of the Aylmer District
Fisheries Management Plan 1987-2000.
5. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca-
tion of Children In Care and fina.ncial sta.tement for August 1990.
6. Township of Southwoldwith\copy of reply to the Ontario Municipa.l
Board offering no objections to passenger excursions for the Port
Stanley Terminal Rail Inc.
7. Ontario Good Roads Associa.tion with copy of agenda for the 1991
8. Ken Monteith, M.P.. acknowledging Council's resolution protesting
postal delivery services.
9. Office of the Prime Minister acknowledging receipt of the resolu-
tion regarding postal. service.
10. LuraGroup Environmental Management Strategists forwarding a copy
of the Ministry of Government Services Background Paper on "Developing
a Parent Class Environment Assessment for Ministry of Government \)
Services' Activities". "---/
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously be
approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - #1-7 inclusive
County Roads Committee - #1-7 inclusive
Social Services Committee - #1
Filed - #1-10 inclusive
County Council - #1-3 inclusive.
- Carried.
The First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee was
presented by Reeve Ford.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception
Committee be adopted.
i '
- 3 - County Council, October Session, 1990
An amendment was -
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT Item #5 of the First-Report of the County Government and Reception
Committee be amended by deleting reference to Correspondence #1 and 2.
The amendment Carried.
The original report, as amended, was voted upon and Carried.
The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee waS pre-
sented by Reeve MacIntyre and adopted on motion of Reeve MacIntyre and
Reeve Chute.
The First Report of the County Library Committee was presented by
Deputy Reeve West and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve West and Reeve
The First Report of the County Roads Committee was presented by Reeve
Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Reeve Lavereau.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we support the' resolution of North York with
regards to the proposed G.S.T. and that we forward a copy of our
resolution of support and a copy of the North York resolution to M.P.
Ken Monteith, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Finance Minister Michael
Wilson and the council of North York.
1. The Salvation Army with request for a grant for 1991.'
2. Southwold Tornado Relief Committee with request for assistance.
3. St. Thomas Rotary Music Festival with request for advertisement.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Willsey'
THAT the request for a grant for 1991 from The Salvation Army (Corre-
spondence #1) be tabled to the 1991 Grant Session.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT Correspondence #2 (Southwo1d Tornado Relief Committee) be filed
as donations have been given by the local municipalities.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT we subscribe toa full page ad in the St. Thomas Rotary Music
Festival Program at a cost of $40.00 and repeat last year's advertise-
- Carried.
- 4 -
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- 'Carried.
Warden Millman appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Allin,
THAT as the houris now 12 o'clock noon, we continue on.to conclude
the business at hand.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT we do now adjourn (12.30 P.M.) to meet again on October 23rd,
1990 at 1.30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council .reconvened.at 1.42 P.M.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT we go into Committee .Of The Whole.'
- Carried.
Warden Millman again appointed Reeve Emerson as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except.
Reeve Martyn
Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Reeve Kahnt
Deputy Reeve Sandham (arrived 2.25 P.M.).
The First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was pre,..
sented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve
Carroll and Reeve Mezenberg.
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Reeve
Neukamm and adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and Deputy Reeve Hay.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we send a letter to M.P. Ken Monteith asking him
to clarify his position on the recent changes in the postal services
with regards to the removal of services in the smaller and rural
communities and that M.P. Ken Monteith be given the opportunity to
give his reply in person to Council.
- Carried.
- 5 - County Council, October Session, 1990
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
I ..
WHEREAS the City of St. Thomas and the Township of Yarmouth have
signed an interim boundary adjustment agreement giving land to the
City; and
WHEREAS the agreement contains a provision to re-open annexation talks
in the event the annexed lands shall have been committed for the new
development as evidenced by the issuance of building permits for the
construction of ne.w buildings or structures upon lots or blocks of
land comprising greater than 70% of the annexed lands, or in the event
that the County of Elgin Restructuring Study has not been completed,
as evidenced by its' approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs,
within twenty-four months of the annexation day, whichever is the
earlier; and
WHEREAS a Study of Elgin County would consider (final) boundaries for
the City of St. Thomas and the status of the City as a separated City;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to
reassign staff to assist with a Study of Elgin County in order that it
may be completed in a timely fashion.
- Carried.
A discussion took place with respect to services for the new Family &
Children's Services building and, also, the County Administration
Building. It was felt that a joint meeting between the following
should be held and hosted by the County:
Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin
Elgin County Board of Education
Township of Yarmouth
City of St. Thomas
Ministry of Government Services
Ministry of the Environment.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-54 "Being a By-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 89-49, a
By-Law to Appoint a Member of County Council to the Thames Valley
District Health Council" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-54 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-54 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-55 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign a Lease Between The University of Western Ontario on
Approximately Ten Acres of Land in the Township of Yarmouth" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
- 6 -
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-55 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve: Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-55 be read a third -time and finally passed.
~ Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-56 "Being a By-Law to Amend Various By-Laws Provid-
ing for Enforcement and Penalty Under the provisions of Municipal Act
or Summary Convict ions Act" be read a firs t time.
- Carried.'
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-56 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-56 be read a third tiffie.and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-57 "A By-Law to Amend the By-Laws Adopting a Plan
of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in
the County of Elgin Under the Public Transportation and Highway
Improvement Act" be read a first time.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Geier
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT By-Law No. 90-57 be read a second tiffie.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-57 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90-58 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Munici-
pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October
23rd Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
1 r:::? ')
.J (.j,'
- 7 - County Council, October Session, 1990
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-58 be read a second time.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Wilson
Seconded by Reeve Geier
- Carried.
THAT By-Law No. 90-58 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hay
- Carried.
THAT we do now adjourn (2:58 P.M.) to meet again on November 21st,
1990 at 10:00 A.M.
G. C. Leverton,
- Carried.
;0/./JAJ A~/ aJJ.A'/~~
M. L Millman,
, .;;'.';Q
November Session - First Day
Wednesday, the 21st day of November, 1990
r-'., The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Certificates were filed previously with the Clerk indicating that
Marian L. Millman had been appointed Reeve of Yarmouth Township and
Larry J. Shaw had bee.n appoin,ted Deputy Reeve of Yarmouth Township.,
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Wilson
Reeve Emerson.
A moment of silence was held in memory of the late Reeve WilliamA.
Martyn who passed away recently.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT the minutes of the October 1990 Session of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
1. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit requesting a resolution to be passed
agreeing to increase the municipal representatives by one from the
City and one from the County.
2. City of Orillia with resolution requesting the provincial arid
Federal governments to increase funding for shelter and mental health
clinics for victims of assault. " ,,>
3. Ministry of Health acknowledging receipt of a letter reo change
in the composition of the board and confirming that both the County
and City would have to agree by resolution on the increase.
4. The Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth with resolution
reo Goods and Services Tax.
5. Village of Millbrook with resolution with respect to thecollec-
tion of taxes on behalf of school boards.
6. Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto with copy of Report No. 28
of the Management Committee with numerous recommendations.
7. Township of Malahide with copy of a letter to Mayor Golding
advising that it is not deemed beneficial to have a meeting at this
time reo County Restructuring.
1. John Bull, P. Eng., Chairman, MEA/MOE Class EA Monitoring Commit-
tee, with copy of draft revised Class Environmental Assessments and
request for comments by December 21st.
2. Ministry of the Environment with documents to assist in under-
standing and handling the various aspects of municipal activities
subject to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Township of Malahide with information on the Howe-Stafford Drain.
4. Township of Southwold with copy of a request to Transport Canada
for automatic protection on the C.N.R. crossing - Gore Road.
1"5m <1t e::
. . tJU
- 2 -
5. Evergreen Waste Management Inc. with information on the
"Envirotyr" scrap tire compacting equipment.
6. Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto with request for comments on )
the long list of sites available for landfill sites. '-/
7. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No. 90-13 "Rejected
Elastomeric Laminated Bearings".
8. Ministry of Transportation with copy of Memo No;.' 90-14 "Railway
Charges for Level Crossings and Maintenance ~ Pole Line Maintenance
9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with copy of "Water and
Wastewater Charges for Ontario: The User Pay Principle".
10. National Transportation Agency of Canada with notice of applica-
tionby CSX Transportation, Inc. and 'Lake Erie Detroit River Railway
Company for authority to abandon a portion of the Canadian Subdivision
No. 1 from Harrow to Arner.
11. Township of Dunwich with copy of Court of Revision- Douglas
Municipal Drain Assessment Changes.
1. Crossman Associates with request for final installment on Pay
Equity Contract.
1. Med+Care Partnership advising that the. Home fiupport Worker rate
for 1991 will ,be $14.20 Per hour.
2. County of Kent with resolution re: General Welfare Assistance
3. Canadian Red Cross Society requesting a rate of $14.03 per hour
for Homemaking Services.
"~I' ,. I
1. University of Guelph advising that the fOllowing are the Elgin
County Scholarship recipients:
Carolyn Cummings, R. R. #3, Shedden .
Richard Graham, R. R. #4, St. Thomas ~)
Stephanie Jenkins, R. R. #1, Belmont
Cassandra Johnston, 165 Fairview, Port Stanley.
2. Town of Aylmer advising that they have for sale copies of their
Municipal Code at a cost of $225.00 each.
3. Mike J. Dunbar, Manager, Commercial Accounts, Bank of Montreal,
expressing sympathy and condolences on the loss of Bill Martyn.
4. Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology advising that the
Awards Night will be held on Wednesday, November 28th, 1990, and that
the Elgin County Scholarship winners were:
Theresa Verhoeven, R. R. #1, Wardsville
Mary Smith, Rodney.
5. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas and Elgin with Alloca-
tion of Children In Care and financial statement .to September 30th,
6. Minister of Community and Social Services changing the response )
date on the Provincial Municipal Social Services Review Report to ~~
January 1st,. 1991.
7. Department of the Secretary of State of Canada with information
on the 1991 Citation for Citizenship Program.
1 :J." ,
- 3 - County Council, November Session, 1990
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
( ,
THAT the disposition of the Communications mailed previously, and
those presented today, be approved as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee ~ #1-8 inclusive
County Roads Committee - #1-11 inclusive
Personnel.Committee -#1
Social Services Committee - #1-3 inclusive
Filed - #1-7 inclusive
County Council- #1-3,inclusive.
- Ca:t;"ried.
The following presentations were made by the Warden and Chairman of
the respective Committees:
Reeve W.C. MacIntyre ~
20 Years
("'\ 20 Years
, '
15 Years
10 Years
10 Years
- Violet G. Barnhardt - Lapel Pin, Dinner Voucher,& Engraved
Desk Set '
- Dorothy I Smith - Lapel Pin, Dinner Voucher & Engraved Desk
- Alana J.Mihalik - Set of Glasses
(Part Time) - JUdyL. Clarkson
- Archie R. Clarkson (not in attendance)
10 Yecu::s - Brenda M. Collins
Reeve E. Neukamm -
15 Years - Edwin A. Kelley - Set of Glasses
Keith Player - Municipal Soils Technology
Jack Mathews - Bridge & Culvert Management
Kenneth Telfer - Practical Metric and Everyday Mathematics
Clare Dean - Human Relations
Ralph Gordon - Effective Management
Joseph Livingstone - Effective Management
Grader Operator Upgraditig
Samuel Foreman (not in attendance)
David Hagerty
Michael Hare
Stanley Lunn
Derk Sloetjes
William Sloetjes (not in attendance)
Ronald Zellas
Loader/Backhoe Upgrading
Ronald Hall
Randy Meeuse
Murray Wilson
Mrs. Maureen Griffiths,' Senior Planning Officer, Ministry of the
Solicitor General, Municipal Emergency Preparedness, Emergency
Planning, Ontario, was in'attendance and it was moved by Reeve Chute
- 4 -
and seconded by Reeve Coles that she be now heard. Mrs. Griffiths
gave an overview on the Emergency Planning Act and indicated that
presently the legislation allows regions and the County of Oxford to
develop an emergency plan, but not other counties. An amendment to
the Act is presently being considered. If it is amended the local; as
well as the county, can develop plans consistent with one another. It
was suggested that the County develop a plan in a co-ordinating role. ,~
Funding is available through.a JEPP'grant to develop ,a plan in the
amount of 45%. Deadlines for grant applications is D~cember 31st,
1990. Questions were asked 'with respect, to the ,Southwold'TClrnado
Relief Fund and it was disclosed that no administration costs were
available through the Ministry, but could be applied through the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Copies of county plans presently in
existence were left with the Clerk. The matter was referred to the
County Government and Reception Cormnittee for considera~ion.
Mr. Alistair Littlejohn,Chairman of the Land Division Committee, was
present and it was moved by Reeve Mezenberg and seconded by ReeVe
Allin that he be now heard. A copy of the annual report covering the
period November 1st, 1989 to October 31st, 1990 was forwarded to
Council previously by mail. Mr. Littlejohn thanked Council for their
work in connection with Land Division and as there were no questions,
he left the meeting.
Moved by Reeve Geier
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT the Report of the Land Division Committee regarding severances
dealt with for the period November 1,1989 to Oct,ober 31, 1990 be
accepted and printed ,in the prooeedings.
- Carried.
Mr. Charlie Stafford, Tree Commissioner and Weed Inspector, was pre-
sent. Copies of both the Tree Commissioner's Report and the Weed
Inspector's Report were mailed previously to Council. Mr. Stafford
answered questions which were put to him. The item of fines was
referred to the Property and Agricultural Committee.
Moved by Reeve Avram
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the Tree Commissioner's Report be adopted and printed in the
- .Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve ,Allin
THAT the Weed Inspector's Report be adopted and printed in the Pro-
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT the First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee
be adopted.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT the First Rep~rt of the Cppnty Library Committee, be adopted.
- Carr ied .
J tl:J ~t}
- 5 - County Council, November Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
( .
THAT the First Report of the County Roads Committee be adopted.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT the First Report of the 'Homes for Senior Citizens Committee be
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT the First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee be
- Carried.
The Second Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was
presented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy
Reeve Carroll and Reeve Coles.
The following Treasurer's Reports were mailed previously to Members of
The Financial Report on Receipts and Expenditures, the Councillor's
Remuneration, and the Remuneration paid to Outside Boards.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Coles
" ,
THAT the Treasurer's Report on Receipts and Expenditures for the
period January 1st to October 31st, 1990 be accepted and printed in
the proceedings.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses for the
Members of the Elgin County Council to October 31st, 1990 be accepted
and printed in the proceedings.
- Carried..
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT the Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses to October
31st, 1990 for appointees to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission
and Members of the Land Division Committee be accepted and printed in
the proceedings.
, '
- Carried.
The Director of Homes for the Aged Financial Statement was mailed to
all Members of Council previously.
1.' r.:;,ff
- 6 -
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT the Director's Report on the Homes for Senior Cit.izens be accepted
and printed in the proceedings.
- Carr ied .
Reeve Hugh Lyle addressed Council and indicated that he has decided to
withdraw his 'name from the election of ' Warden of Elgin County.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hay
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT Deputy ReeveL.J. Shaw replace Reeve.W.A. Martyn ou'allStanding
- Carr ied .
1. Elgin County Industrial Needs Council with request for " financial
support for 1991.
2. Federation of Canadian Municipalities with request for membership.
3. Town of Aylmer with request to keep tax increases to a minimum.
4. Reseau Pro-Canada Network requesting support to defeat the GST.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve. Ford
THAT Correspondence #1 (Elgin County Industrial Needs Council) be
referred to the 1991 Grant Session.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Neukamm
THAT Correspondence #2, 3 and 4 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT we do now adjourn (11:50 A.M.) to meet again on November 21st,
1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 2:05 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Wilson.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve Coles as Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Reeve Avram left the meeting at 3:30 P.M.
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Deputy
Reeve Shaw.
- 7 - County Council, November Session, 1990
The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by
Reeve Coles and adopted on motion of Reeve Coles and Reeve Lavereau.
~'\ Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT we recommend that the Personnel Committee .beauthorized to adver-
tise, interview and hire a Health and Safety Officer for the County.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw
THAT By-Law No. 90-59 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk.to Sign an Agreement Between Med+Care Partnership and the County
of Elgin for Homemaker Services"be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
. .
THAT By-Law No. 90-59 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-59 be read a third time and finally 'passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-60 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a
Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin
and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,
A.F.L., .C.I.O., .C.L.C. ,with .Respectto the Corporation's Full Time
Employees at the Elgin Manor"be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-60 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-60 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-61 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a
Collective Agreemen.t Between the,Corporation.of the County of Elgin
and London and. District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,
A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., with Respect. to the Corporation's Part-Time
Employees at the Elgin Manor" be read a first time.
- Carried.
- 8 -
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90~61 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-61 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carr ied .
Moved by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sand ham
THAT By-Law No. 90-62 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution.ofa
Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin
and London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S.E.I.U.,
A.F.L., C.I.O., C.L.C., with Respect to the Corporation's Full and
Part-Time Employees at Terrace Lodge" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-62 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-62 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-63 "Being a: By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the
Clerk to Sign a Lease' with Western Ontario Breeders Inc." be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-63 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
THAT By-Law No. 90-63 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No .90-64 "Be<inga By-Law .to Aut.horizethe Warden and. the
Clerk to Sign a Building Operation and Mk'lintenance Agreement for the
County Administration Building" be read a first time.
- Carried.
.. I
. J i.h}
- 9 -
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-64 be read a second time.
! .
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
THAT By-Law No. 90-64 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Lavereau
THAT By-Law No. 90-65 "Being a By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 90-17, which
Authorizes a Grant of $5,000.00 Re: Phillmore Bridge Low Level Water
Crossing" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
I .
THAT By-Law No. 90-65 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-65 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-66 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November 21st
Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-66 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-66 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT we do now adjourn (4:14 P.M.) sine die.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
(l/7 - /GUt"", dl~;;;,;:~,
~ M.L.
December Session - First Day
Tuesday, the 11th day of December, 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, at 2:00 P.M. as required by by-law.
ROLL CALL - The following Members, having previously filed certifi-
cates,took their seats at the Council Table:
Harry J. Mezenberg
Curtis J. Hay
Albert K. Ford
Leta D. West
Hugh F. Lyle
David C. Carroll
Marian L. Millman
Larry J. Shaw
Emil Neukamm
Andy J. van Kasteren
D. Vane Chute
Ronson C. Sandham
Clarence R. Willsey
John R. Wilson
Douglas J. Avram
Roger Vandierendonck
Kenneth C. Emerson
William C. MacIntyre
M. Albin Kahnt
Ray J. Lavereau
Sylvia M. Hofhuis
Robert F. Coles
Charles L. Rushmere
Cindy Allin
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Reeve
South Dorchester
South Dorchester
Port Stanley
Port Stanley
West Lorne
Port Burwell.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin hereby agrees that t.he election of ,Warden for
the year 1991 shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures
numbered three to eight as set out in By-Law No. 88-64, Being a By-Law
to Provide for the Guidance Upon the Procedure for the Election of
Warden, except that in the event only one person runs for the Office,
the election procedures may be dispensed with in favour of a resolu-
tion appointing the person as Warden.
- Carried.
The Clerk announced that any Member of Council who was a candidate for
the Office of Warden would now be given an opportunity t.o address
Council. Reeve Marian Millman indicated that she was a candidate for
Warden and requested Council.' s support. No other Members; of Council
indicated the.ir intention to. run for the Office and,; therefore, the
election procedure was dispensed with in favour of the following
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by ReeVe Lavereau
THAT Reeve M. L. Millman be Warden of Elgin County for the year 1991.
,.. Carried.
Warden Millman took the Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance.
The Warden left the room and she was gowned by Past-Warden Albert Ford
and re-entered the Council. Chambers and was officially presented with
the Chain of Office, the Lord Elgin Watch, and the Gavel of Office.
Warden Millman addressed Council thanking them for their. support.
- 2 -
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT the minutes of the November 1990 Session of the Elgin County
Council be adopted.
- Carried.
Warden Millman appointed Reeve Allin, Deputy ReeveCarroll,Reeve
Neukamm, and Deputy Reeve West as Members of the Special Committee to
Strike the Standing Committees for 1991.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT we do now adjourn (2:16 P.M.) to meet again on December 13th,
1990 at 10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
December Session - Second Day
Thursday, the 13th day of December 1990
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building,
at 10:00 A.M., in accordance with adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
ROLL CALL - All Members present except:
Deputy Reeve Shaw (arrived 10:16 A.M.)
Reeve Emerson (arrived 10:19 A.M.).
1. Off ice of the Chair, The Management Board of Cabinet, with a copy
of the "Regulation and Guidelines for Municipal'it,ies and Local
2. Town of Vaughan with resolution with respect to housing policy of
the Ontario Government introduced in 1990.
3. Town of Vaughan with resolution with respect to the Ohtario
Government implementing its goal of increasing its share of education
4. Town of Vaughan with resolution with respect to a full review by
the government of the role of the Ontario Municipal' Board.
5. Township of North Himsworth with resolution with respect to a
proposed solut'ion to reduce the amount of garbage requl:('ing d'isposal.
1. City of Cambridge with resolution petitioning the provincial
Government to pass legislation to allow higher user rates.
1. Ontario Hydro Offering for sale property known as Part of Gore Lot
44 or Lot B, Concession North of Talbot Road, Township of Southwold,
County of Elgin.
2. Ministry of Transportation with information on the preliminary
design study for Highway' 1t73from Aylmer north limits northerly to
Elgin/Middlesex boundary.
3. Township of Malahide advising that a meeting will be held on
Tuesday. December 11th, at 9:30 A.M., at the Township Office re:
Orwell Drain.
- 3 - County Council, December Session, 1990
1. The University of Western Ontario advising that the following
were the recipients of the Elgin County Scholarships:
Wade W. THOMPSON, 86 Crescent Avenue, St. Thomas
Glen D. HOOKER, R. R. #1, Belmont
Barry Y. EMARA, R. R. #1, Springfield.
Patricia A. SILCOX, R. R. #7, St. Thomas.
2. Bank of Montreal with notice of loan prime interest change:
Effective November 8th, 1990 decreased by ~% to 13~%
Effective November 23rd, 1990 decreased by ~% to 13~%.
3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario advising that at the
1991 Conference representatives will be elected or re-electedto serve
on the Rural Section (ROMAl Executive Committee for 1991-92.
4. Minister of Municipal Affairs acknowledging receipt of the letter
with respect to the Southwestern Ontario Wardens' Association and
confirming that no County boundaries will be adjusted without local
parties being in agreement.
5. Township of Malahide with Flood Emergency Plan.
6. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on the
Rural Section (ROMAl Annual Meeting.
7. Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin with Alloca-
tion of Children In Care and financial statement for October 1990.
8.. Association of Municipalities of Ontario with information on
Seminar "The Countdown Is On: Applying the Development Charges Act".
9. County of Peterborough with copy of a letter to the Minister of
Municipal Affairs reo County Government Studies.
10. National Transportation Agency of Canada with copy of Order and
Report with respect to the application by Port Stanley Terminal Rail
Inc. for connection to Canadian National Railway Company trackage and
Canadian Pacific Limited trackage at St. Thomas, in the Province of
11. Hennessey, Bowsher & Associates with copy of Order from the Chief
Justice, Sydney B. Linden, with respect to the County's Traffic By-
12. Mr. Walt Chmiel, Regional Director, Courts Administration,
Ministry of the Attorney General, assuring Council that the Minister
has no intention or plans to relocate the courts serving Elgin County
and St. Thomas from the St. Thomas area.
13. Mr. D. C. Rowland, Corporate Manager, Customer Service, Canada
Post Corporation, acknowledging correspondence reo slow mail delivery
and setting forth standards.
14. Theresa Verhoeven with appreciation for Elgin County Scholarship
( Ridgetown l .
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
THAT the disposition of the Communications presented today be approved
as follows:
County Government and Reception Committee - 1-5 inclusive
County Library Committee - #1
County Roads Committee - #1-3 inclusive
Filed - #1-14 inclusive
County Council - #1-7 inclusive.
- Carried.
" 5?Q
1. du
- 4 -
The Report of the Special Committee.. to Strike the Standing Committees
for the year 1991 was presented by Reeve Allin and adopted on motion
of Reeve Allin and Reeve Neukamm.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT the Warden and the Treasurer be authorized to borrow up to Seven
Million Dollars from the Bank of Montreal, as may be required"during
1991, and that a by-law be prepared.
- Carried.
i i
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Deputy Reeve van Kasteren
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the
Children's Aid Society on the' basis of the 1989 approved budget,
requiring a County contribution of $168,884.00, until the 1990 budget
is approved by. the Ministry of Community andrSocial Services, at which
time the payments will be adjusted to reflect that amount, and will
continue until the 1991 budget is established and approved by the
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Kahnt
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the
Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit on the basis of the 1989 approved budget,
requiring a County contribution of $305,364.00, until the 1990 budget
is approved by the Ministry of Health, at which time the payments will
be adjusted to reflect that amount, and will continue until the 1991
budget is established and approved by the Ministry.
- Carr ied.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT the Treasurer be authorized to continue monthly payments to the
Elgin County Pioneer Museum of the basis of the 1990 grant of
$42,670.00 until the 1991 grant is established and approved by County
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lavereau
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT County Council appointees to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit
Board be paid the following rates, for attending meetings of the said
Board and Committee thereof,. effective January 1st,1991:
(a) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is over three (3)
hours in duration - $95.00
(b) For attending a meeting, when the said meeting is three (3) hours
or less in duration - $62.00
(c) In addition to the above remuneration, each member shall be paid
30~ for each kilometre necessarily travelled in attending such
- Carried.
1. Mr. Doug Barnes, Executive Coordinator, Field Management Branch,
Ministry of Municipal Affairs, with respect to the delayinrthe Elgin
County Restructuring Study.
, )
- 5 - County Council, December Session, 1990
COUNTY COUNCIL - continued
2. City of St. Thomas nominating Mrs. Doris McNaughton to the Elgin
County Pioneer MU$eum Board as a'City representative.
3. Southwestern On.tarioTravel Association with request for support
in 1991. !
4. Mr. Gary McAlister, Manager ~ondon Regional Office, Ministry of
Municipal Affairs, with respect ~o costs charged to the Township of
Southwold for engineering appraisals following the August 28th, 1990
' I
tornado. ,
5. Injured Workers in Need of Southwestern Ontario with request for a
6. The Secretary of State of Canada advising that his department is
again supporting the Five-Star Cqmmunity Awards Program.
7. Municipal Chapter I.O.D.E. ndminating Jessie Charlton as their
representative to the Elgin County Pionee,r Museum Board.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll '
THAT a letter be sent to the Citi with a copy of the correspondence
from Mr. Doug Barnes with respec~ to the County restructuring study
and request a meeting be held immediately with the County/City Liaison
C . I
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Avram
THAT in addition to the two membelrs of County Council" the following
be appointed to the Board of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum for the
period January 1st, 1991 to December 31st, 1993:
Mrs. Doris McNaughton (City of St!. Thomas nominee)
Mrs. Jessie Charlton (Municipal c~aPter I.O.D.E. nominee).
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Coles
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
~', THAT the following correspondence I be tabled to the 1991 Grant Session:
#3 - Southwestern Ontario Travel Association
#5 - Injured Workers in Need of S~uthwestern Ontario.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT Council Communications numbered 4 and 7 be filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Lyle
THAT By-Law No. 90,..67. "To Appoint I a County' Roads Committee" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-67 be read a s~cond time.
- Carried.
..c. 6 -
Moved by Reeve MacIntyre
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-67 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve H~y
THAT we go into Committee Of The Whole.
- Carried.
Warden Millman named Reeve Neukammas Chairman.
The Committee rose without reporting.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Vandierendoilck
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Wilson
THAT we do now adjourn (11:35 A.M.) to meet again on December 13th,
1990 at 1:30 P.M.
- Carried.
Council reconvened at 4:47 P.M.
ROLL CALL - All Members present.
The First Report of the County Government and Reception Committee was
presented by Deputy Reeve Carroll and adopted on motion of Deputy
Reeve Carroll and Reeve Rushmere.
The First Report of the Executive Committee was presented by Reeve
Ford and adopted on motion of Reeve Ford and Deputy Reeve Carroll.
The First Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre-
sented by Reeve chute and adopted on motion of ReeVe Chute and Deputy "
Reeve West. ".0
The Second Report of the Homes for Senior Citizens Committee was pre-
sented by Reeve Chute and adopted on motion of Reeve Chute and Reeve
The First Report of the County Library Committee was presented by
Deputy Reeve West and'adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve West and Reeve
The Second Report of the County Library Committee was presented by
Deputy Reeve West and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve West and Reeve
The First Report of the Personnel Committee was presented by Deputy
Reeve Sandham and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Sandham and Reeve
- 7 - County Council, December Session, 1990
The First Report of the Property and Agricultural Committee was pre-
sented by Reeve Neukammand adopted on motion of Reeve Neukamm and
Reeve Rushmere.
The First Report of the Social Services Committee was presented by
Deputy Reeve Wilson and adopted on motion of Deputy Reeve Wilson and
Reeve Geier.
Moved by Deputy Reeve West
Seconded by DeputYcReeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-68 "Being a By-Law to Designate a:Head of the
Municipal Corporation for the Purposes of the Municipal; Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Rushmere
Seconded by Reeve MacIntyre
THAT By-Law No. 90-68 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Sandham
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By-Law No. 90-68 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Kahnt
Seconded by Reeve Chute
THAT By-Law No. 90-69 "Being a By-Law to Establish the Annlia1 Remuner-
ation to be Paid to the Warden of the County of Elgin" be read a first
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Deputy Reeve West
r-" THAT By-Law No. 90-69 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Geier
THAT By-Law No. 90-69 be read a third time and finally passed.
'- C'arried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Carroll
Seconded by Reeve Rushmere
THAT By-Law No. 90-70 "Being a By-Law to Set the Remuneration to be
Paid to Members of the Elgin County Council for Attendance at Meetings
of the Elgin County Council and Committees Thereof" be read a first
- Carried.
r" Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Sandham
THAT By-Law No. 90-70 be read a second time.
- Carried.
-'- 8 .:..
Moved by Reeve Chute
Seconded by Reeve Ford
THAT By_Law No. 90_70 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Ford
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Vandierendonck
THAT By-Law No. 90-71 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division
Committee" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Allin
Seconded by. Reeve Rushmere'
THAT By-Law No. 90-71 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Lyle
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
THAT By-Law No. 90-71 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Willsey
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-72 "Being a By-Law to Prescribe a Tariff of Fees
for the Processing of Land Division Committee Applications" be read a
first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Hofhuis
Seconded by Reeve Willsey
THAT By-Law No. 90-72 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Carroll
THAT By-Law No. 90-72 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Geier
Seconded by Reeve Coles
THAT By-Law No. 90-73 "To Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to
Borrow the Sum of Seven Million Dollars" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Mezenberg
Seconded by Reeve Allin
THAT By-Law No. 90-73 be read a 'second ,time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Ford
\ '
THAT By-Law No. 90-73 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
- 9 - County Council, December Session, 1990
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw
.I "
THAT By-Law No. 90-74 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the
Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the
December 11th and 13th Session, 1990" be read a first time.
- Carried.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Shaw
Seconded by Reeve Emerson
THAT By-Law No. 90-74 be read a second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Emerson
Seconded by Deputy Reeve Shaw
THAT By-Law No. 90-74 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Reeve Neukamm
Seconded by Reeve Mezenberg
(~ THAT we do now adjourn (5:07 P.M.) to meet again on January 16th, 1991
' at 10:00 A.M.
- Carried.
G. C. Leverton,
~AAAV;'" qff.e,~
M. L. Millman,