1997 Minutes 2060 January Session-First Day Tuesday, January 28th, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 a.m. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Moment of Silence Warden Mezenberg called for a moment of silence in memory of the passing of Deputy Reeve Claude Johnson, a member of Kent County Council. Roll Call: All members present except Councillors Swain and VanBrenk. Adoption of Minutes THAT the minutes of the December 10th and 12th, 1996 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. {'...~, - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. PRESENTATIONS Chairman Wilson and Warden Mezenberg presented Mr. Keith Player with a certificate recognizing Mr. Players' retirement from the County after 33 years of service. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT- COMMUNITY SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT- COMMUNITY SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Van Kasteren THAT the Second Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT-PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. 2061 County Council -2- January 28,1997 FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Buchanan THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (read aloud) Ii Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt THAT the Second Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - JOINT BOARD FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the First Report of the Joint Board for Waste Management be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTYICITY RE-ENGINEERING (read aloud) 0, Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the First Report of the County/City Re-Engineering Committee be adopted. Councillor Mcintyre requested a "Recorded Vote" on the recommendation. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz . " R. VanBrenk (ABSENT) " W.P. Clutterbuck J.A. Mcintyre (2) (2) (': M.L. Millman B.R. Walters (2) (2) /' AJ. van Kasteren W,R. Caverly DV. Chute J.A. Volkaert (2) (2) (2) 2062 County Council -3- January 28, 1997 J.R Wilson (-, P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R Greer G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis (2) (2) P.S. Tolmie D.G. Marr (2) D.L. Buchanan T.J. Swain (ABSENT) TA Nesbitt J.G. P. Tromp YEAS: 10 NAYS: 25 ABSENT: 2 TOTAL: 37 As a result of the recorded vote, the recommendation was declared DEFEATED. (' Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the Fiscal Impact Analysis report from C.N. Watson and Associates dated December 1996 and the Second Interim Report from Mr. R Chowen dated December 1996 be referred back to the CountylCity Re-Engineering Committee with a view to holding public meetings on the four restructuring alternatives without recommending a preferred option. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1, STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - Warden Mezenberg informed Council that the Western Warden's Association had recently appointed him to a committee to address the negative impacts of the Mega Week announcements. Meetings with Minister Leach and members of the Provincial/Municipal Implementation Team will be arranged to express the Wardens' collective concerns. Warden Mezenberg further discussed a drafllmpact Analysis prepared by the County of Wellington which demonstrates the negative financial ramifications of the transferred responsibilities. (' Councillor Wilson asked that the County's Impact Analysis of the Mega Week announcements be prepared by February 21, 1997. The County Administrator/ Clerk indicated that that deadline could be met assuming local Treasurers would co-operate in a timely fashion. 2, NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3. MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. CORRESPONDENCE The following items of correspondence were received: 1. Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROAM.) with notice of Conference, February 9th-12th, 1997, Royal York, Toronto. ("\ 2. Ontario Good Roads Association with notice of Annual Conference, February 23rd to 26th, 1997, Royal York, Toronto. 20 ,.~ 0,. County Council - 4- January 28, 1997 3. Thank you card to Elgin County Council from Anne Slagel for her retirement gift. (-,\ '. . 4. Staff of the Personnel Office, thanking Council for paid time off between Christmas and New Year's. 5. Mr. Gar Knutson, M.P., Elgin-Norfolk, acknowledging receipt of Council's correspondence to the Hon. Sergio Marchi, Minister of the Environment, in support of the Lake Erie Management Plan and expressing his support of Council's position on this matter. 6. Federation of Canadian Municipalities Re: Announcement of the 1997 Conference June 6-9,1997 in Ottawa-Carleton. (Reservation Forms available in Administrator/Clerk's Office) 7. Warden Don Hocking, County of Perth Re: presentation at the R.O.M.A. Convention on Feb. 10lh at 1: 15 concerning impact study of hospital closures on rural communities. n 8. Deputy Reeve Tammy J. Swain, advising Council of her resignation from the Council of West Lorne effective January 16, 1997. Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT correspondence items #1-6 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT correspondence item #7 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman n Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the letter of resignation from Councillor Tammy Swain dated January 24th, 1997 be accepted with regrets. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-1 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the January 28th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor McPhail (, Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-1 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. (~\ , (! ('! ("' County Council Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Greer 2064 - 5- January 28, 1997 THAT we do now adjourn (10:35 a.m.) to meet again on February 27th, 1997 at 9:30 AM. ~'Dooald' County Administrator/Clerk. - Carried. Harry J. Mezenberg, Warden. 2065 Special Session - First Day Friday, February 7th, 1997 (\ The Elgin County Council met in Special Session at the Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas at 1 :00 P.M. OPENING REMARKS Warden Mezenberg welcomed everyone to this special Council Session on restructuring. He expressed his hope that Elgin County Council and its constituent municipalities will be able to reach an agreement and restructure government and administration instead of having a provincially-appointed commissioner determine our governance. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillor Macintyre (arrived at 1 :15 P.M.) CORRESPONDENCE /\ (, ,I Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the resolution from the City of St. Thomas stating its position on restructuring dated February 3, 1997 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the news release announcing the appointment of Dr. Peter Meyboom as Commissioner of the Kent-Chatham Restructuring Commission be received and filed. - Carried. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION Warden Mezenberg invited members to express their thoughts on municipal restructuring in the County of Elgin. The majority of members present chose to speak to the matter. RESOLUTION Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk "WHEREAS, the Council of the County of Elgin has reviewed the Re-Engineering Study - Interim and Financial Reports prepared by Richard J. Chowen, ConsultanUAuthor, which attempts to strengthen local units and limit functions carried out on a global basis; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the County of Elgin propose to the residents for their comment, Option #3A, as amended, as the preferred option to restructuring the County of Elgin; AND FURTHER that the Council of the City of St. Thomas be given the option of joining the County structure or remain as a separated city; AND FURTHER that if the Council of the City of St. Thomas feels it most beneficial to remain independent, that the administration of specific services may still be negotiated between the City and the County for potential cost savings and efficiencies; 2066 County Council - Special Session -2- February 7,1997 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the attached County Restructuring Alternative known as Option 3A be approved in principle as a basis for discussion with the following C~ amendments and clarifications: 1) That the responsibility for Land Use Planning become an upper-tier function and the County Land Division Committee be maintained - this matter will be studied further by the Implementation Committee, with a view to developing a County Official Plan which recognizes the subtle but important land uses throughout the lower-tier; and offers services to those local municipalities that wish to utilize it; 2) That responsibility for legal matters remain vested with all municipalities according to the current practice; 3) That the operation and maintenance of County Roads be delegated to lower-tier municipalities with the County setting the standards and bearing the cost of said roads through the County levy; 4) That Public Utility Commissions be the responsibility of lower-tier municipalities. The most efficient form of service delivery to be determined at the conclusion of the on- going PUC study currently in progress; (' 5) That responsibility for Conservation Authorities remain with the lower-tier. County involvement could be initiated at the request of the Conservation Authorities themselves; 6) Engineering services will become an upper-tier function. The matter of the County becoming involved in Engineering services should be studied by the Implementation Committee, for any variations; 7) Libraries shall remain a County responsibility; 8) Recreation shall remain a lower-tier function. The County's presence in tourism, strategic planning and promotion should be referred to the Implementation Committee; and, ('i l' That C.N. Watson and Associates be requested to determine the financial impact of said amendments to Option 3A for consideration by County Council on February 14th, 1997; and, That Mr. R. Chowen be retained to prepare a draft municipal restructuring proposal, for consideration by County Council on February 14th, based on Alternative 3A, as amended, with said proposal addressing matters such as: A) Representation B) Local Boards C) Municipal Services D) Financial Issues E) Municipal By-laws F) Interim Council G) Transitional Issues and Costs; and That the County Administrator/Clerk be authorized and directed to schedule three public meetings, one in East, Central and West Elgin to be held the week of February 17th, 1997; and, That the following members of Elgin County Council be appointed to a new committee to be known as "The Interim Committee on Restructuring", with the primary purpose of attending the Public Meetings and obtaining input from the public: Warden Mezenberg ; and, 2067 County Council - Special Session - 3 - February 7, 1997 That Mr. R. Chowen be retained to facilitate the public meetings and to present Alternative 3A in conjunction with the Interim Committee on Restructuring; and, i~\ \ . That all local municipalities be requested to vote on the restructuring proposal and notify the County, by resolution, if Option 3A is an acceptable restructuring solution prior to February 26th, 1997. Amendment #1 Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Buchanan THAT paragraph number 16 of the Resolution be deleted and the following substituted therefore: "That every municipality be given the opportunity to hold public meetings with Mr. Chowen present." - Carried. (' Mr. Chowen agreed to arrange the meetings with each local Council. Council agreed that the date mentioned in the final paragraph of the resolution shall be changed to March 6th from February 26th to allow more time for discussion. (OPTION 4Al Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Marr WHEREAS St. Thomas City Council has determined that they will not join the County, Elgin County is faced with a new situation; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Elgin County Council take options to the public for their input on a new structure of West Elgin (Aldborough, West Lorne, Dutton and Dunwich), Central Elgin (Southwold, Port Stanley, Belmont and Yarmouth) and East Elgin (South Dorchester, Springfield, Aylmer, Malahide, Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell); and, (\ THAT Mr. R. Chowen and C.N. Watson be directed to cost out this option and prepare a report; and further, THAT under this option, the County of Elgin would continue with responsibilities as they now exist (1997) plus policing. - Carried. It was agreed that the contents of this resolution, where appropriate, would be incorporated into the main resolution (as amended) from Councillors Chute and VanBrenk. Continuing with the main motion the following amendments were introduced: Amendment #2 (\ I \ , Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren That paragraphs four and five which refer to the City of St. Thomas be deleted. - Carried. County Council - Special Session Amendment #3 (~ Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp 2068 - 4 - February 7, 1997 That paragraph six regarding the delegation of County roads to lower-tier municipalities be deleted with County road responsibilities remaining according to current practice. Amendment #4 Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tolmie - Defeated. That paragraph eleven regarding engineering services be deleted. {', Clarification - Carried. Councillor Chute indicated that Option 3A did not envision any change in Port Stanley's current boundaries, although changes were inadvertently indicated on the map presented with the Option. There being no further amendments to the main motion, Councillor Tolmie requested a recorded vote on the item. These were recorded as follows: YEAS (\, H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. Van Brenk W.P. Clutterbuck J.A. Mcintyre M.L. Millman B.R. Walters A.J. van Kasteren W.R. Caverly DV. Chute J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R. Greer G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre (i \ P.S. Tolmie D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G. P. Tromp YEAS: 35 NAYS: 1 NAYS (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) H.P. MacGinnis (2) ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the following consolidated motions, as amended, were declared CARRIED. 2069 County Council - Special Session - 6- February 7, 1997 7) Recreation shall remain a lower-tier function. The County's presence in tourism, strategic planning and promotion should be referred to the Implementation Committee; and, ...-., ( ) That C.N. Watson and Associates be requested to determine the financial impact of said amendments to Option 3A (and provide a costing for Option 4A) for consideration by County Council on February 14th, 1997; and, That Mr. R. Chowen be retained to prepare a draft municipal restructuring proposal for consideration by County Council on February 14th, based on Alternative 3A, as amended, and Option 4A, with said proposal addressing matters such as: ('Ii A) Representation B) Local Boards C) Municipal Services D) Financial issues E) Municipal By-laws F) Interim Council G)Transitionallssues and costs; and, That every municipality be given the opportunity to hold public meetings with Mr. Chowen present; and, That all local municipalities be requested to vote on the restructuring proposals and notify the County, by resolution, if Option 3A and/or 4A is/are an acceptable restructuring solution(s) prior to March 6th, 1997. - Carried. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT we do now adjourn (3:30 p.m.) to meet again on February 14th, 1997 a 9:30 A.M. (! - Carried. citf ) . Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator Clerk. J: M'ezenberg, Warden. r 2070 County Council - Special Session -5- February 7,1997 Main Motions As Amended (Consolidation Resolution) n Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin has reviewed the Re-Engineering Study - Interim and Financial Reports prepared by Richard J. Chowen, Consultant/Author, which attempts to strengthen local units and limit functions carried out on a global basis; and, ("Option 4A") Whereas St. Thomas City Council has determined that they will not join the County, Elgin County is faced with a new situation; Therefore be it resolved that Elgin County Council take options to the public for their input on a new structure of West Elgin (Aid borough, West Lome, Dutton and Dunwich), Central Elgin (Southwold, Port Stanley, Belmont and Yarmouth) and East Elgin ( South Dorchester, Springfield, Aylmer, Malahide, Bayham, Vienna and l') Port Burwell); and, That Mr. R. Chowen and C,N, Watson be directed to cost out this option and prepare a report; and further, That under this option, the County of Elgin would continue with responsibilities as they now exist (1997) plus Policing; Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the County of Elgin propose to the residents for their comment, Option 3A, as amended, and Option 4A, as the preferred options to restructuring the County of Elgin; and, Therefore be it further resolved that the attached County Restructuring Alternative known as Option 3A (in conjunction with Option 4A above) be approved in principle as a basis for discussion with the following amendments and clarifications: (\ , 1 That the responsibility for Land Use Planning become an upper-tier function and the County Land Division Committee be maintained - this matter will be studied further by the Implementation Committee, with a view to developing a County Official Plan which recognizes the subtle but important land uses throughout the lower-tier, and offers services to those local municipalities that wish to use it; 2) That the responsibility for legal matters remain vested with all municipalities according to the current practice; 3) That the operation and maintenance of County roads be delegated to lower-tier municipalities with the County setting the standards and bearing the cost of said roads through the County levy; 4) That Public Utility Commissions be the responsibility of lower-tier municipalities. The most efficient form of service delivery to be determined at the conclusion of the on- going PUC study now in progress; (\ 5) That responsibility for Conservation Authorities remain with the lower-tier. County involvement could be initiated at the request of the Conservation Authorities themselves; 6) Libraries shall remain a County responsibility; 2071 February Session - Second Day Friday, February 14th, 1997 (\, The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL: All members present except Councillors Cunniffe and Marr. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT- HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk n Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. STAFF REPORTS The County Treasurer introduced reports on Convention Expenditures, and Remuneration and Expenses for Members of Council and Outside Boards. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the Treasurer's Reports on Convention Expenses, and Remuneration and Other Expenses for Members of Council and the County Land Division Committee for 1996 be adopted. n - Carried. FISCAL ANALYSIS OF "MEGA WEEK" ANNOUNCEMENTS The County Treasurer introduced a report outlining the impact of the Mega Week announcements on local municipalities and the County of Elgin. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the Fiscal Impact Analysis of the "Mega Week" announcements be adopted as presented and the Warden be authorized to forward the Analysis to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. - Carried. ('\ THIRD INTERIM REPORT ON RESTRUCTURING Warden Mezenberg introduced Mr. R. Chowen who proceeded to present his Third Interim Report on Re-Engineering, as well as Draft Municipal Restructuring Proposals for 2072 County Council - 2 - February 14, 1997 Options 3A, as amended, and 4A.. The Fiscal Analysis for both Options were provided in a separate report to Mr. Chowen by C.N. Watson and Associates Limited, as authorized by Council resolution on February 7th. r\ Council took a break at 11 :00 AM. and reconvened at 11 :25 AM. Councillor Nesbitt was excused at 11 :25 AM. Mr. Chowen finished presenting the Draft Restructuring Proposals and answered questions from Council. Mr. John Currie, Municipal Advisor, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, was also present to answer questions. Council recessed for lunch and reconvened at 1:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SESSION ROLL CALL - All members present except Councillors Cunniffe, Marr, Nesbitt and Tromp. Ci RESTRUCTURING VOTE Members were advised that municipalities whose boundaries remained unchanged as a result of amalgamations, are unable to vote on the restructuring proposal except at County Council. In Option 3A, as amended, Southwold and Aylmer would not be eligible to vote unless a minor change in boundaries was made. DRAFT RESTRUCTURING PROPOSALS Council discussed the decision points raised in the draft restructuring proposals. Councillors Macintyre and Greer left the meeting at 2:37 P.M. AMENDMENT TO OPTION 4A Moved by Councillor VanSrenk (' Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT the service responsibility for road matters as outlined in Option 3A, as amended, be assigned to Alternative 4A as an amendment. - Carried. PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the Third Interim Report on Re-Engineering and Options 3A, as arnended, and 4A, as amended, be referred to local municipalities for discussion during their upcoming public meetings. - Carried. [' WASTE MANAGEMENT The County Administrator/Clerk reported that the County of Elgin is required to provide a submission on Green Lane's Final Environmental Assessment Report by February 28th, 207:J County Council - 3 - February 14,1997 however, there is no Council meeting scheduled near that date. He suggested that Council delegate the matter to the Joint Board for Waste Management (Elgin/St. Thomas) to avoid having to schedule a Council meeting for that purpose. ;~, \ Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the Joint Board For Waste Management (Elgin/St. Thomas) be authorized and directed to respond to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy's request for submissions on Green Lane's Environmental Assessment Final Report on behalf of County Council. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Volkaert (' THAT By-Law No. 97-2 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February 7th and 14th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor McPhail THAT By-Law No. 97-2 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Volkaert ('; Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck That we do now adjourn (3:00 P.M.) to meet again on March 6th, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. - Carried. onald, County Administrator/Clerk. /,~'-'" ( ) 2074 March Session - First Day Thursday, March 6th, 1997 t-\ \ . The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 AM. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Roll Call: All Members Present. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT the minutes of the January 28th, February 7th and 14th, 1997 Sessions of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. n DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. CLOSED SESSION Mr. W.K.A. McKay was present. Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to discuss a propertyllegal matter. - Carried. (j Moved by Councillor Buchanan Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT we adopt the letter, as submitted, from Mr. W.K.A. McKay to the Ministry of Environment and Energy respecting the final Environmental Assessment Report from Green Lane Environmental Group Ltd. - Carried. Mr. McKay was excused from the meeting. DELEGATION \j Mr. Allan Moon addressed Council on the transfer of service from the County Road Department to the local road departments, and questioned whether the misconception of two vehicles sand- ing/ploughing the same road influenced the decision. Mr. Moon reminded members of Council that the County uses combined sander/plough units. Warden Mezenberg stated that question had not been raised during discussions. Mr. Moon left the Council Chambers at 10:10 AM. 2075 County Council - 2 - March 6, 1997 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES .}. (~') FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES (mailed) I' , (j (-\ Moved by Councillor Glutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT Item #3 of the First Report of the Community Services Committee be deleted and referred back to the Committee for further investigation. - Defeated. The main motion was voted on and declared CARRIED. FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Macintyre THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. RE-ENGINEERING Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Tolmie WHEREAS the reports of Richard J. Chowen and C.N. Watson & Associates Ltd. on Elgin/S!. Thomas Re-Engineering showed the greatest financial savings to ratepayers would be under Option 7 or single-tier government; and Whereas the City of St. Thomas, who has veto power, has notified the County and Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing that they wish to remain separated; Therefore Be It Resolved that Elgin County Council adopt a single-tier form of government effective January 1, 1998, for all municipalities within the Corporation of the County of Elgin under the conditions of Schedule 'A' attached. 2076 County Council - 3- March 6, 1997 Councillor Clutterbuck requested a Recorded Vote bh the motion. These were recorded as follows: )'-- l. \ YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. Van Brenk WP. Clutterbuck (2) J.A. Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) WR. Caverly (2) D.V. Chute (2) J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) n C.R. Greer G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis (2) P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 9 NAYS: 27 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared DEFEATED. Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Macintyre WHEREAS the majority of local municipal councils who are eligible to vote on Municipal Restructuring Proposal 3A, as amended, have clearly indicated by certified resolution their (', acceptance of and preference for option 3A, as amended; and, WHEREAS this majority of local municipalities represents the majority of electors in the County of Elgin, thereby satisfying the double majority requirement of Bill 26 and related regulations; and, WHEREAS this preference for Alternative 3A, as amended, was arrived at following a series of public meetings across and throughout the County of Elgin with subsequent votes being taken at the lower-tier in a democratic fashion; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following resolution of County Council be adopted in order to respect the wishes of the majority who have duly voted and who by virtue of their collective vote have satisfied the requirements of Bill 26 as they relate to approving restructuring proposals: "WHEREAS Section 25.2(2) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality or local board in a locality to make restructuring proposals to restructure municipalities; ('; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports the attached restructuring proposal known as 3A, as amended, in it's entirety with the following additional amendments: 1) That the County Implementation Committee consist of the reeve from each of the former municipalities (15 members); 2077 County Council -4- March 6, 1997 (-\ \ 2) That in the event that a former municipality fails to appoint a representative(s) to a local Implementation Committee as required, Elgin County Council may appoint a representative(s) to that Committee to represent that former municipality; and, That Mr. R. Chowen be retained to meet with the combined councils of the proposed new municipalities during the week of March 10th to obtain agreement on the decision points which must be included in the final municipal restructuring proposal; and, That in order to facilitate this process in a timely manner, a general meeting be held to which all local councils would be invited so that all local councils have an opportunity to ratify (individually) the collective decision points as contained in the final document. This general meeting will be held at the County Administration Building on Thursday, March 13th, 1997 at 7:00 p.m.; and further, That, once agreement has been reached, the final document be considered by County Council (on March 13th) with a view to authorizing the Warden to submit the final restructuring plan to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as soon as possible thereafter. (', '. AMENDMENTS - That Option 3A, as amended, be further amended as follows: Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the Boundary Adjustment affecting the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold dated February 24, 1997 as described below, being a transfer of land from the Township of Dunwich to the Township of Southwold be approved: "A transfer of a portion of the south half of Lot C in Concession 8 east of County Road No. 14." - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT the Boundary Adjustments affecting the Township Malahide and the Town of Aylmer dated February 21, 1997 as described below, being a transfer of land from the Township to the Town be approved: (' \ Malahide Township Propertv Roll Assessed Values "060-152 assessed owner R. & C. Hiemstra, Part S. pt. RP 404 Lot 11, Conc. 6 060-154 assessed owner B. & G. Wright, S. Part Lot RP 1 034 11, Conc. 6 060-157 assessed owner A Brant, PI. S. pt. Lot 11, RP 189 Conc. 6 060-160 assessed owner M.D. & C. Stradeski, PI. S. RP 132 Pt. Lot 11, Conc. 6" - Carried. C-\ Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the Boundary Adjustment affecting the Township of Southwold and the Village of Port Stanley dated March 5, 1997 as described below, being a transfer of land from the Township of Southwold to the Village of Port Stanley be approved: "A transfer affecting Lots 17 to 25, Plan 20 west of King's Highway 4 and P.S.T.R." - Carried. 2078 County Council - 5- March 6, 1997 (,\ , . Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT the Boundary Adjustment affecting the Township of Yarmouth and Village of Port Stanley dated March 5, 1997 as described below, being a transfer of land from the Township of Yarmouth to the Village of Port Stanley be approved: "West Part of Lot 1, Concession 2, north of Hill St. and, Part of South Part of Lots 2 & 3 Concession 1." - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Greer THAT Public/Social Housing currently funded by the Province which is to become a local responsibility, become a responsibility of the upper-tier, the County of Elgin, and not individual municipalities. - Carried. (, Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the Village of Port Stanley be recognized as a separate municipality in a two-tier system to be known as a Town. Councillor Marr requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. Van Brenk WP. Clutterbuck (2) J.A. Mcintyre (2) l'i M.L. Millman B.R. Walters (2) (2) AJ. van Kasteren W.R. Caverly D.V. Chute J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger (2) (2) (2) T.J. Cunniffe (2) C.R. Greer (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp li YEAS: 14 NAYS: 22 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared DEFEATED. 2079 County Council -6- March 6, 1997 Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Walters c THAT the Village of Belmont request support from the County of Elgin to permit the amalgamation of the Village of Belmont with the Township of North Dorchester in the County of Middlesex. Councillor Tromp requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. Van Brenk WP. Clutterbuck (2) J.A. Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) (\ AJ. van Kasteren W. R. Caverly D.V. Chute J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger (2) (2) (2) T.J. Cunniffe (2) C.R. Greer (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 14 NAYS: 22 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 (-': As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared DEFEATED. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT restructuring proposal known as 3A, as amended, be amended that Roads and Bridges- County to be further studied by the County Implementation Committee with a view to developing the most efficient and cost effective method to manage and maintain the County road system. Councillor Millman requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. VanBrenk WP. Clutlerbuck (2) ("\ J.A. Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) WR. Caverly (2) D.v. Chute (2) 2080 County Council - 7 - March 6, 1997 JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson /, I, ' P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R. Greer G. Goutouski (2) (2) W.C. MacIntyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 14 NAYS: 22 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared DEFEATED. (' Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT the date for the General Meeting to ratify the Collective Decision Points be changed from March 13th at 7:00 P.M. to March 18th at 7:00 P.M. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT all Decision Points be agreed to prior to a recorded vote being taken on Option 3A, as further amended. Councillor Millman requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) l P. Hentz R. VanBrenk W.P. Clutterbuck (2) JA Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) w.R. Caverly (2) D.V. Chute (2) JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) C.R. Greer (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) r-\ D.G. Marr \ ' D.L. Buchanan TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 14 NAYS: 22 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 2081 County Council - 8- March 6, 1997 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared DEFEATED. C': Councillor Chute requested a recorded vote on the main motion, as amended. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. VanBrenk WP. Clutterbuck J.A. Mcintyre (2) (2) (2) (2) M.L. Millman B.R. Walters (2) (2) (' AJ. van Kasteren W R. Caverly D.V. Chute J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R. Greer G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) P.S. Tolmie D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp (2) YEAS: 26 NAYS: 10 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the main motion, as amended, was declared CARRIED. Council took a short break and reconvened at 12:22 P.M. (, Councillor Tolmie welcomed the Village of Port Stanley's new partnerships, expressed a desire to work with their new partners, and encouraged the rest of Council to work together on the final restructuring proposal. Councillor Buchanan expressed her displeasure with the decision to proceed without the Village of West Lorne Council's consent. Countv Decision Points Mr. Dick Chowen addressed Council and reviewed the 'Decision Points' that County Council would have to deal with, before the final Re-Engineering Report could be forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs. These Decision Points are - Name of the Head of County Council; Term of Election/Appointment for the Head of County Council; and whether or not to allow an Alternate to sit at County Council in the event of the absence of a Member. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Volkaert (~\ THAT the title of "Warden" be retained as the Head of County Council. Councillor Millman requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: 2082 County Council - 9- March 6, 1997 YEAS NAYS c-, H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. Van Brenk W.P. Clutterbuck JA Mcintyre (2) (2) (2) (2) M.L. Millman B.R. Walters (2) (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) w.R. Caverly (2) D.v. Chute (2) JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R. Greer (2) (2) (' '. G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp (2) YEAS: 22 NAYS: 14 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the election/appointment for the position of Warden be for a three-year term. Councillor Millman requested a recorded vote on the motion. These were recorded as follows: (--...\ YEAS NAYS \ H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. Van Brenk w.P. Clutterbuck (2) JA Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) W.R. Caverly (2) D.v. Chute (2) JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) (i C.R. Greer (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan 2083 County Council - 10- March 6, 1997 TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp (~ YEAS: 6 NAYS: 30 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was DEFEATED. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT lower-tier municipalities be permitted to send alternate(s) to County Council in the absence of their regular member. An amendment was, Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT an alternate be permitted only in the case of an absence of more than three months. (i Councillor Millman requested a recorded vote on the amending motion. These were recorded . as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz (2) (2) R. VanBrenk WP. Clutterbuck (2) JA Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) A.J. van Kasteren (2) WR. Caverly (2) D.V. Chute (2) JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson r-) P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe C.R. Greer (2) (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 24 NAYS: 12 ABSENT: 0 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the main motion, as amended, was declared CARRIED. Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Wilson r-i THAT the Report from the County Administrator/Clerk regarding the results of the Local Resolutions on Re-Engineering be received and filed. - Carried. 2084 County Council - 11 - March 6, 1997 RE-ENGINEERING DOCUMENTATION 1. Donald N.. Leitch, Village Administrator, Village of Port Stanley, proposing an amendment to Alternative 3A (as amended) to recognize the Village of Port Stanley as a town municipality in the County of Elgin. 2. Allan Hovi, Clerk Treasurer, Village of Belmont, requesting the County of Elgin and County of Middlesex to support a restructuring proposal which would see the Village of Belmont amalgamated to the Township of North Dorchester in the County of Middlesex. 3. Bill Wilkinson, Past President and Treasurer, Port Stanley Tax Payers Association, requesting the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing intercede if the consultant's report containing all 7 alternatives are not presented for public discussion. 4. Ken Loveland, Clerk-Treasurer Administrator, Township of Dunwich, advising of a boundary adjustment between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold. 5, RA Pow, Clerk, Township of Southwold, advising of a boundary adjustment between the Townships of Dunwich and Southwold. n \ 6. R Millard, C.A.O.lClerk, Township of Malahide, advising of boundary adjustments between the Township and Town of Aylmer. 7. N. Roy Main, City Administrator, City of St. Thomas, advising of the City's continued resolve to retain single tier status and continue discussions with the County on restructuring based on this position. 8. Restructuring Proposal from Village of Belmont. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the Re-Engineering Documentation items #1-8 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS (') 1, STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - Councillor Chute emphasized the importance of communities such as Belmont and Port Burwell and respectfully requested that those municipalities remain an integral part of Elgin County. 2. NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3. MATTERS OF URGENCY - The City of St. Thomas has concurred with the structure of a 9-1-1 Steering Committee, as outlined in the First Report of the Community Services Committee, and has appointed a representative. It is imperative that County Council appoint its member to said committee. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT Councillor Clutterbuck be appointed as the County's representative to the Elgin-St. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee. - Carried. () Councillor MacGinnis left at 1 :15 P.M. CORRESPONDENCE 1. RG. Morgan, Chair, Ontario Family Fishing Weekend Steering Committee, announcing that Friday, July 4 through Sunday, July 6,1997 is a fishing license-free weekend and requesting County support in publicizing the event. 2085 County Council - 12 - March 6, 1997 2. Robert A Hewines, CAO, Clerk/Deputy-Treasurer, Township of Keppel, requesting support for their motion to have the teaching profession be designated as an "essential service", and congratulating the Education Minister John Snobelen for the proposed changes to the education system. 3. WA Everett, M.O.H., Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, advising the County and ratepayers of the revised Board of Health user fees for providing services pertaining to statutory requirements for septic systems. 4. Michael D. Harris, Premier of Ontario, acknowledging Council's resolution regarding the "Who Does What" initiative. 5. Kimble Sutherland, Lobby Co-Ordinator, Homefront Ontario, with news release outlining hidden costs resulting from provincial transfers of non-profit and co-op housing. 6. AMO - Municipal Alert - "Transition Teams For Who Does What Reforms Announced". 7. Doug Raven, Executive Director, AMO Re: Important Changes to AMO's Resolution Process. (~ 8. Mayor McKnight, Town of Tillsonburg, and Reeve Nesbitt, Village of Port Burwell, advising of their respective municipality's formal application for amalgamation. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT Council Correspondence Item #1 be received and filed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT Council Correspondence Item #2 be received and filed. - Carried. (') Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT Council Correspondence Items #3-7 be received and filed. - Carried. In dealing with Correspondence Item #8 from the Town of Tillsonburg and the Village of Port Burwell, it was - Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the Council of the County of Elgin express its appreciation for the Villages of Belmont and Port Burwell and request that they remain an integral part of the County of Elgin. - Carried. BY-LAWS c') Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-3 "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 1838, as Amended, to Authorize Participation by the County of Elgin (The Employer) in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)" be read a first and second time. - Carried. 2086 County Council - 13 - March 6, 1997 (\ Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By-Law No. 97-3 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-4 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Ontario Nurses' Association, with Respect to all Nurses at the Bobier Convalescent Home" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Wilson (I THAT By-Law No. 97-4 be read a third time and finally passed. , ' - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT By-Law No. 97-5 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Ontario Nurses' Association, with respect to All Nurses at Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT By-Law No. 97-5 be read a third time and finally passed. c' - Carried. Councillor Buchanan left the Chambers at 1: 19 P.M. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-6 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 6th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT By-Law No. 97-6 be read a third time and finally passed. ('! - Carried. ('i n ) . (i ('~'\ \, ' County Council -14 - Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Marr 2087 March 6, 1997 THAT we do now adjourn (1 :21 P.M.) to meet again on March 18th, 1997 at 3:00 P.M. ( Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. - Carried. 2088 March Session - Second Day Tuesday, March 18th, 1997 I~~~ \.) The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 3:00 P.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Roll Call: All members present except Councillors Greer and Marr. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie (i Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. 1997 COUNTY BUDGET Referring to a memorandum, Warden Mezenberg provided comments on the proposed composite budget which represents a 2.67% increase. The County Treasurer reviewed the entire budget on a line-by-line basis and answered questions from Council. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Chute (' THAT the proposed 1997 Composite County Budget be approved, representing a 2.67% increase over the 1996 estimates. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT budget line item number 29, Employee Incentive Program, be deleted and the composite budget be reduced accordingly ($5,000.00). - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT budget line item number 26, Strategic Planning, be deleted and the composite budget be reduced accordingly ($30,000.00). - Carried. !-~, l. \ Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Buchanan THAT budget line item number 30, Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve, be deleted and the composite budget be reduced accordingly ($150,000.00). - Defeated. County Council - 2- ('\ Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe 2089 March 18, 1997 THAT budget line item number 24, Capital Reserve-Homes Projects, be reduced by $195,000.00. - Defeated. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT budget line item number 18, County Library, be reduced by $60,000.00. - Defeated. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tolmie (\ THAT budget line item number 30, Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve, be reduced by $75,000.00 and that no further amendments to the budget be permitted. Councillor Cunniffe requested a "recorded vote" on the matter. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. Van Brenk l"J W.P. Clutterbuck J.A. Mcintyre M.L. Millman B.R. Walters A.J. van Kasteren W.R. Caverly DV. Chute JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie D,L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 1 NAYS: 32 ABSENT: 3 TOTAL: 36 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) As a result of the recorded vote, the amending motion was declared DEFEATED. .,-., I ' Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT budget line item number 30, Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve, be reduced by $80,000.00. - Defeated. 2090 County Council -3- March 18, 1997 (! Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT budget line item number 30, Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve, be reduced by $85,000.00. Councillor Tolmie requested a "recorded vote" on the matter. These were recorded as follows: YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. VanBrenk W.P. Clutterbuck (2) J.A. Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) Ci A.J. van Kasteren (2) W.R. Caverly (2) DV. Chute (2) J.A. Volkaerl J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P .S. Tolmie (2) D.L. Buchanan T.A. Nesbitt J,G.P. Tromp YEAS: 12 NAYS: 21 ABSENT: 3 TOTAL: 36 c) As a result of the recorded vote, the amending motion was declared DEFEATED. Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor MacGinnis THAT budget line item number 30, Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve, be reduced by $50,000.00. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Buchanan THAT budget line item 8, Council Members, be reduced by $20,000.00. - Defeated. (', The main motion, as amended, was then voted on. Councillor Cunniffe requested a "recorded vote" on the matter. These were recorded as follows: (1 (\ , ' I- \ ) l' 2091 County Council -4- March 18, 1997 YEAS NAYS H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. VanBrenk W.P. Clutterbuck (2) (2) M.L. Millman (2) JA Mcintyre (2) (2) B.R. Walters (2) (2) (2) (2) A.J. van Kasteren W.R. Caverly D.v. Chute JA Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger (2) T.J. Cunniffe G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis P.S. Tolmie (2) D.L. Buchanan TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 26 NAYS: 7 ABSENT: 3 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion, as amended, was declared CARRIED. The Treasurer confirmed that as a result of the various amendments, the County Composite Budget represents a 1.66% increase. Council took a short break. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1) A letter and attachments from the Township of Yarmouth to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting the appointment of a Commissioner to find the best long-term solution for cost savings for the Municipalities in Elgin County. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT correspondence item number one be received and filed. - Carried. BUDGET BY-LAW Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-7 "Being a By-Law to Provide for the Adoption of the 1997 Budget of the Corporation of the County of Elgin and to Apportion the County Levy for the Year 1997 Amongst the County Constituent Municipalities" be read a first and second time. - Carried. 2092 County Council -5- March 18, 1997 (' Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT By-Law No. 97-7 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. RECESS Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT we do now recess until 7:00 P.M. - Carried. Council reconvened at 7:00 P.M. with the Warden in the Chair. (~ Roll Call - all members present except Councillor Greer. , MUNICIPAL RESTRUCTURING PROPOSAL Mr. R. Chowen presented the final Municipal Restructuring Proposal dated March 18th, 1997, by explaining the changes and decision points agreed to by local municipalities. OPEN DISCUSSION Warden Mezenberg opened the floor for questions from members of Councilor any member of the audience. Mr. Chowen responded to the questions. A minor editorial clarification was suggested on page 19 of the document, whereby the word "elected" was inserted after "(2)" on line two of paragraph (e). The word was added to clarify that the intent is to have only elected representatives as voting members of the Implementation Committees. (' Restructurina Proposal Resolution Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck WHEREAS, section 25.2(2) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality or local body in a locality, to make a restructuring proposal to restructure municipalities; AND if there are any matters included in the attached proposal that the Minister does not have the authority to implement, the Minister is authorized to implement the remainder of this proposal. It is the expectation of the municipalities involved in this restructuring that after the restructuring exercise that the municipalities and local boards will implement on their own any matters that the Minister cannot include in a restructuring order; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Elgin supports the attached restructuring proposal dated March 18th, 1997 in its entirety. \' Councillor Chute requested a "recorded vote" on the matter. These were recorded as follows: 209:l County Council -6- March 18, 1997 YEAS NAYS (' H.J. Mezenberg (2) D.J. McPhail (2) P. Hentz R. Van Brenk W.P. Clutterbuck (2) JA Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) B.R. Walters (2) AJ. van Kasteren (2) W.R. Caverly (2) D.V. Chute (2) J.A. Volkaert J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis (~i P .S. Tolmie (2) D.G. Marr D.L. Buchanan T.A Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp YEAS: 24 NAYS: 10 ABSENT: 2 TOTAL: 36 As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. BY-LAW Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-8 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 18th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. (> - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt THAT By-law No. 97-8 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT we do now adjourn (7:43 P.M.) to meet again on March 25th, 1997 at 9:30 AM. (-"\, - Carried. ~ Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. ~ ~~ "7 ~arry J. Mezenberg, Warden. r-, ( . r" r-', ( . (-\ 2094 March Session - First Day Tuesday, March 25th, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 a.m. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. Roll Call: All Members present except Councillors Greer, Marr and Tolmie. Adoption of Minutes THAT the minutes of the March 6th, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. PRESENTATIONS 1) Councillor Walters introduced Mr. Robert Hardy Shore by describing his background and many contributions to the Canadian cattle industry and to the world market. Warden Mezenberg presented Mr. Shore with a framed certificate in recognition of his dedication and leadership. 2) Warden Mezenberg and Councillor Chute, Vice-Chairman, Corporate Services Committee, congratulated the following employees on achieving perfect attendance in 1996. Each employee was given a certificate of appreciation and a gift certificate. Clerk's Department Sandra Heffren Rick Lalonde Homes For Seniors - Bobier Deb Rogers - Elgin Manor Margaret Ashton Grace Beal Archie Clarkson Marilyn Fleck Doug Pearce - Terrace Lodge - Stu Burberry Personnel Department Dorothy Schaap Joan McBurnie Roads Department Ann Bennie Robert McCready Social Services Rob Bell 2095 County Council -2- March 25, 1997 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES r~~ (.i FIRST REPORT _ HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) (', Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Buchanan THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the Second Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. l' - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS 1. Councillor Buchanan thanked members of Council and Staff for their support during her tenure as Reeve of the Village of West Lome and indicated that this will be her last County Council meeting. Warden Mezenberg thanked Councillor Buchanan for her comments. (\ 2096 County Council -3- March 25, 1997 2. Councillor Clutterbuck circulated course information related to the requirements of serving alcohol in public places. (~\ 3. Councillor Chute expressed concern over a recent newspaper article which quotes the Premier of Ontario as saying that the Progressive Conservative Party should field more candidates in local elections this Fall. Councillor Chute took offence with the thought of introducing party politics at the municipal level of governance. The article, according to Councillor Chute, implies that local politicians may not do their jobs properly because they are not affiliated with a registered party. 4. Warden Mezenberg indicated that he had been contacted by the Minister of Health's office and that the file on the Elgin Village project is being reviewed. 5. NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 6. MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. () CORRESPONDENCE 1. Peter J. Leack, City Clerk, City of St. Thomas, advising that the City is seeking municipal representation on the Community Care Access Centre Board. 2. Dennis Kelly, City Clerk, City of North York, with excerpts from a report produced by the City Administrator on the impact of recent Provincial "Mega Week" announcements on Ontario's municipalities. 3. S.C. Stephen, Assessment Commissioner for the Counties of Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford, thanking Council for their support during his tenure and implementation of County-Wide Reassessment, and introducing his successor Paul Smith as the Assessment Commissioner for this region. 4. J.L. Oliver, General Manager, Long Point Region Conservation Authority, with a copy of their 1997 Budget, summary of the approved 1997 general levy for the Authority, and the Authority's 1996 aud it statements. l" 5. E.S. 'Ted' Blowes, Conference Chairperson/Co-Ordinator, Organization of Small Urban Municipalities of Ontario 44th Conference, April 30 to May 3/97, with a copy of the Registration Form and Companion Program. 6. Richard Puccini, IRF World Transportation Exposition Chair and Director of Southwestern Region, announcing the Xlllth World Meeting of the International Road Federation (IRF) June 16-20, 1997. 7. Hugh J. Thomas, City Manager, City of Chatham, with motion requesting that the amalgamation of the Chatham/Kent and St. Thomas/Elgin Health Units be put on hold, until the restructuring initiatives can be assessed. 8. Lawrence G. Hotson, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Biddulph, requesting Elgin County Council's endorsement of their resolution regarding the "Mega Week" announcement of the transfer of farm tax rebate to the municipal level. 1\ , 2097 County Council - 4 - March 25, 1997 9. Mayor John Faas, Town of Ridgetown, with a resolution requesting that the Provincial government study the impact of the announcements of the funding and delivery of services to the people of the Province, made to date, before further announcements are brought forward. ('-0, (, " 10. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing "News Release" announcing the municipal representatives named to the "Who Does What" transition teams. 11. Edgar J. Adams, Deputy Clerk, County of Lennox and Addington, with a resolution of support for the County of Renfrew's position on the initiation of a consultation process before legislation resulting from "Mega Week" is passed. 12. John Wiebe, Program Supervisor, London Area Office, Ministry of Community and Social Services, with contract for approval for funding of 1996 Service Contract. 13. Wayne A. Everett, BA, M.D., M.Sc., MOH, Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, (', requesting Council's reaffirmed support of the Health Unit merger. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT correspondence items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 be received and filed. - Carried. Item number one was addressed in an earlier committee report. Moved by Councillor Macintyre Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the County of Elgin advise the Ministry of Health and the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario of its support for the merger of the Kent/Chatham and Elgin/St. Thomas Boards of Health, and that the Boards of Health be advised of the ('" County's continued interest in providing cost effective Health Unit responsibilities; , and further, THAT the County support the position of both Boards of Health that the funding of public agencies be based on a 50-50 cost sharing rather than the proposed 1 00% municipal funding set forth in the MEGA Week announcements. - Carried Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the resolution from the Township of Biddulph requesting that the Provincial government give assurances that non-farm and non-managed forestry properties not receive property tax increases as a result of the transfer of the Ontario Farm Rebate Program to municipalities be supported and endorsed. (', - Carried 2098 County Council -5- March 25, 1997 Moved by Councillor Walters r\ Seconded by Councillor Tromp \ ' THAT correspondence item number 9 be received and filed. - Carried Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Volkaert That correspondence item number 10 be received and filed. - Carried Correspondence Number 12 - Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Unger (~ ( THAT the Warden and Administrator/Clerk be authorized and directed to sign an agreement with the Ministry of Community and Social Services for subsidy assistance of approved transitional costs for the Ontario Works Program and that the necessary by-law be prepared. - Carried C.orrespondence item number 13 was addressed in the resolution affecting correspondence item number 7 above. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Goutouski ,~ i . THAT By-Law No. 97-8A "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 85-27, as Amended, Adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-8A be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Caverly That By-Law No. 97-9 "To Amend By-Law No. 87-1, as Amended, Designating Through Highways" be read a first and second time. r\ , . - Carried. 2099 county Council - 6 - March 25, 1997 Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Caverly c' THAT By-Law No. 97-9 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-10 "To Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/ Clerk to Sign an Agreement for the Provision of General Welfare Assistance Administration" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Volkaert (' THAT By-Law No. 97-10 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law 97-11 "To Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign an Agreement for an Ontario Works Transitional Grant" be read a first and second time. - Carried Moved by Councillor Volkaerl Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck (', THAT the By-Law 97-11 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT By-Law No. 97-12 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the March 25th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaerl Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren That By-Law No. 97-12 be read a third time and finally passed. ('j - Carried. ("\ ('i n n County Council -7- ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Walters 2100 March 25, 1997 THAT we do now adjourn (10:18 A.M.) to meet again on April 22, 1997, at 9:30 A.M. ~ . ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. - Carried. Harry J. Mezenberg, Warden. 21.01 April Session- First Day Tuesday, April 22, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 A.M, in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All Members present except Councillor Marr. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Warden Mezenberg welcomed Mr. Kent Murray, Provincial Appointee to the Village of West Lorne, and Mr. John Vandermeersch, Deputy-Reeve, Town of Aylmer, to Elgin County Council. (> ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor Caverly That the minutes of the March 6th, 18th and 25th, 1997 Sessions of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Murray declared a pecuniary interest in the following items and refrained from discussing and voting on the matters: Items #1, 2 and 5 of the First Report of Corporate Services Committee; ('\ Correspondence from the Village of Belmont regarding amalgamating with the Township of North Dorchester; and, Council Correspondence items # 9, 10, 13, 14, 16 and 17. Councillor Murray is an employee of the Provincial Government of Ontario. Councillor Clutterbuck declared a pecuniary interest in Council Correspondence item #5 regarding the appointment of Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck to the County Museum and refrained from discussing and voting on the matter. The Clutterbucks are related through marriage. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor Goutouski (--\. \ THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. (' n \ (-\, (~ , 2102 County Council - 2- April 22, 1997 FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the Second Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor McPhail That the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Chute That recommendation #1 of the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee regarding the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Program be amended by adding the following as Paragraph Five: "Further, that, as in the previous Infrastructure Program, municipalities be permitted to determine the types of projects required, based on local needs and priorities." - Carried. The main motion was then voted on, as amended, and declared Carried. REPORTS OF COUNCILLORS AND OFFICIALS Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Unger That the report of the Thames Valley District Health Council be accepted as presented. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Goutouski That the report of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital be accepted as presented. - Carried. 21 o:~ County Council - 3- April 22, 1997 Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre That the report from the County Administrator/Clerk regarding Council vacancies be received and filed and the following appointments be ratified: Councillor Murray - appointed to the Community Services Committee Councillor Vandermeersch - appointed to the Community Services Committee and to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1.) Statements/Inquiries by Members - None. 2,) Notice of Motion (" Councillor Tromp requested that the Notice of Motion printed in the agenda regarding the Village of Belmont amalgamating with the Township of North Dorchester be deferred until the May Session. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Hentz That the request for a motion to reconsider the amalgamation of the Village of Belmont with the Township of North Dorchester be deferred to the May Session of Elgin County Council. - Carried. 3.) Matters of Urgency - None. Council took a short recess to review additional Council correspondence and reconvened at 10:15 a.m. CORRESPONDENCE , The following items of correspondence were received: 1. Don Cann, President of Crime Stoppers of St. Thomas Inc. and Janet Traichevich, Chair of "Bailor Jail", with a request to have Warden Mezenberg participate in this year's fundraising event. 2. Organization of Small Urban Municipalities 44th Annual Conference will be held in Stratford from April 30th to May 2,1997. (Program Outline and 1997 Nomination to Executive Committee forms are available in Clerk's Office.) 3. John Mills, Regional Director General, Environrnent Canada, acknowledging receipt of the resolution from Elgin County Council, in support of the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) and advising of Environment Canada's continued support of the planning initiative. 4. Nancy Harvey, Heart & Stroke Foundation, with an invitation for members of Council to participate in the "Big Ride for Stroke" fund raising event. 2104 County Council - 4- April 22, 1997 5. Eleanor B. McMillan, Secretary to Advisory Committee, Elgin County Pioneer Museum, with the nomination of Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck as Mernber At Large to the Executive Committee. c' 6. Deborah Herkimer, Curator, Elgin County Pioneer Museum, with an invitation to Council and Staff to a Dessert Luncheon at the Museum following the April Council meeting. 7. Dave Hunt, Mayor, City of Stratford, with an invitation to Municipal Officials to "The Annual Municipal Night" to be held on Thursday, June 12th, 1997 for the showing of "Camelot". Tickets are $39.00 per person which includes the "After Theatre Reception". Tickets will not be available after May 2nd. 1997. (Please advise the Clerk's Office as soon as possible, if you are interested in purchasing tickets for this event.) 8. Councillor Ross Greer, Deputy-Reeve, Town of Aylmer, advising of his resignation from his position as Deputy Reeve, effective April 2nd, 1997. 9. D. Vane Chute, Reeve, Township of Bayham, advising County Council of the Township Council's resolution endorsing an application to the Ministry of Health asking that the Township of Bayham be designated as underserviced for General/Family Practitioners, (, 10. Dalton J.P. McGuinty, M.P.P., Leader of the Official Opposition, reporting on the findings of the Liberal Caucus' Community Impact Review Committee, who's purpose was to deterrnine the impact of "rnega-dumping" on municipalities. 11. Child and Family Counselling Centre of Elgin, announcing the opening of their new office and outlining an overview of the agency services provided. 12. Letter of appreciation and thanks from employees who received perfect attendance recognition gift certificates. 13. A.M.O. Member Communication "For Your Information"- 1) Update on Who Does What and Transition Team Activities. 2) Latest on the Canada Infrastructure Works Program (: 14. R. Graham Kemble, Manager, Administration & Information Services, Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit with correspondence pertaining to the indemnification of the Board of Health for the CCAC portion of the lease of office space. , 15. Joe Steffler, Chairman, Huron County Road Superintendents Association 1997 Trade Show Committee, with advanced registration for the 1997 Trade Show, June 4th and 5th, 1997, in the Town of Seaforth at the Arena and Fairgrounds. (Registration forms available in the Clerk's Office) 16, Gillian Linton, Acting Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary, County of Kent, with Kent County Council's recommendation supporting the Kent-Chatham and Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit's position of reaffirming their continued commitment to the process of the merger of the two health units. 17. Cam Jackson, Minister Without Portfolio Responsible for Seniors, advising of his appointment to oversee the reforms to improve services in long-term care and reduce the costs of Community Care Access Centres. 18. Shelley VandenBrandt, R.P.N.'s of the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital, regarding concerns within the Continuing Care Centre. 2105 County Council - 5- April 22, 1997 Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Goutouski That Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck be appointed to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Executive Committee, as a Member At Large. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk That we accept with regret the resignation of Councillor Ross Greer as a member of Elgin County Council. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Chute Seconded by Councillor MacGinnis (\ That the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the resolution from the Township of Bayham requesting that the Township be designated as underserviced for .general/family practitioners. - Carried Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Unger That the Warden and the AdministratorlClerk rneet with the Mayor and City Administrator to determin~ the short and long-term implications of the April 14th, 1997 letter of agreement from the Ministry of Health regarding the leased space at the Elgin/S!. Thomas Health Unit building before any documents are signed and report back to County Council at the first opportunity. - Carried. ..~"\ ( ) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre That the following items of Council Correspondence be received and filed: Items # 1, 2, 3,4,6,7,10,11,12,13,15,16,17 and 18. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-13 "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 90-48, As Amended, Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic" be read a first and second tirne. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Volkaert 2106 County Council -6- April 22, 1997 Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Volkaert _"r THAT By-Law No. 97-13 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT By-Law No. 97-14 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Administrator/Clerk to Sign Standard Agreements With Volunteers for an Adopt-A- Highway Program Along County Road Rights-of-Way Within the County of Elgin" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe c"\ i THAT By-Law No. 97-14 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT By-Law No. 97-15 "Being A By-Law to Authorize the Temporary Closure of a Portion of County Road #8 in the Village of Dutton, a Portion of County Road #42 in the Village of Port Burwell and a Portion of County Road #3 in the Township of Aldborough " be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Tolmie ('\ THAT By-Law No. 97-15 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-16 "Being a By-Law to Establish a Reserve Fund for Highway Transfers for the Roads Department" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT By-Law No. 97-16 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ('\ n c: ,/_." ( \ 2107 County Council - 7- April 22, 1997 Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-17 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the April 22nd Session, 1997 be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT By-Law No. 97-17 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor Chute THAT we do now adjourn (10:40 A.M.) to meet again on May 27th, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. - Carried. ~~ -( - Mark G. McDonald County Administrator/Clerk. 2108 May Session - First Day n Tuesday, May 27, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors Volkaert, Wilson, Nesbitt and Walters. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBER Warden Mezenberg welcomed Mr. John Nezezon, Deputy Reeve of the Township of Bayham, to Elgin County Council. l' , The Warden informed Council that Councillor Volkaert's sister had passed away recently and extended Council's sympathy to the family. The Warden also congratulated Councillor Volkaert, in absentia, on his recent appointment as Reeve of the Township of Bayham. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Macintyre THAT the minutes of the April 22nd, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Murray declared a conflict of interest with the following items and refrained from discussing and voting on the matters: (' Correspondence items No.1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and the First Report of the County Implementation Committee. Councillor Murray is an employee of the Provincial Government of Ontario. PRESENTATION Warden Mezenberg congratulated and thanked Mrs. Marlene M. Weber, an employee of Terrace Lodge for the past thirteen years and 8 months, upon the occasion of her retirement from the County of Elgin. Mrs, Weber was unable to attend this presentation. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk C'! Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. (\ () (': f\ \ ) 2109 County Council -2- May 27, 1997 Councillor Mcintyre enquired as to the status of the name for the Bobier Home. Councillor VanBrenk informed Council that the name of the new facility will be "Bobier Villa", which was arrived at through consultation with the Fundraising Committee. SECOND REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the Second Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried FIRST REPORT - COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the County Implementation Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted, - Carried. SECOND REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT the Second Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. (i (': l' c' 2110 County Council - 3 - May 27, 1997 REPORTS OF COUNCILLORS ST, THOMAS ELGIN TOURIST ASSOCIATION Councillor Marr introduced a report on the activities of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT the Report on the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association be received and filed. - Carried. ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Councillor Cunniffe introduced a report on the activities of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT the Report on the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital be received and filed. - Carried. BOBIER HOME PROJECT The County Treasurer introduced a report on the financial status of the Bobier Home Building Project. Councillor Van Brenk reported on the activities of the fundraising to date, noting they may reach their fund raising goal very soon. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the Report presented by the County Treasurer on the Bobier Home Building Project be received and filed. - Carried. Councillor Cunniffe noted that the report should be amended editorially to reflect a $10,000 reduction in the remaining funds available. The Treasurer will adjust the report accordingly. TREASURER'S REPORT The County Treasurer presented a report on Budget Comparisons to March 31 st, 1997. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the Report on Budget Comparisons to March 31st, 1997 be received and filed. - Carried. 2111 County Council -4- May 27, 1997 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS .-"-.. ( " The County Administrator presented a report which outlined the vacancies on the various . Committee, Councillor John Nezezon, Deputy Reeve of Bayham Township, expressed interest in an appointment to the Family and Children's Services and the following recommendation was presented: Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT Councillor Nezezon be appointed to the Homes and Social Services Committee and the Board of Directors of Family and Children's Services. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - None. ('I 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. Premier Michael D. Harris, acknowledging Council's endorsement of the resolution from the Township of Biddulph regarding the transfer of Ontario Farm Tax Rebate. 2. Elgin County Pioneer Museum with a list of coming events: June 14th - 10:30-2:00 p.m. - ''Traditionally Yours" Victorian craft workshop & luncheon tea. $25.00 per person Pre-registration required June 25th - 1 :30-4:30 p.m. - "Strawberry Social" $3.00 per person. 3. AI Leach, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Re: the request by the Village of Port Burwell to amalgamate with the Town of Tillsonburg. ('r 4. Premier Michael D. Harris, thanking Warden Mezenberg and Council for the tax impact analysis and for sharing Council's views on the government's proposed reforms. 5. S. Hayduk, Chair of the Organizing Committee 1997 AMO County and Regional Section Conference, with room booking information for the regional conference to be held October 5th to 8th, 1997 (Conference Registration Package to arrive in June 1997). 6. Kent-Chatham Health UnitlElgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a resolution supporting the merger of the two Health Boards. 7. Michael Plant, P. Eng., Ontario Ministry of Transportation, regarding a letter of understanding concerning M.T.O.'s use of Elgin Roads 16 and 45 as a local road detour due to Highway #4 Kettle Creek Bridge replacements. 8. Erika MacKenzie, Appointments Adviser, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting the reappointment of Mr. Albert Ford to serve on the Elgin & 81. Thomas Authority to December 31st, 1998. i', , ' 2112 County Council - 5- May 27, 1997 9. Larry Clay, Operations Manager, Regional Operations Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with information on the scope, timing and funding of the extension of the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. n 10. AI Leach, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with a copy of the signed "Order" for restructuring. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT Correspondence items #1-5 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendations were adopted with respect to Correspondence items #6, 7 and 8: Council Macintyre informed Council of the current status of the Elgin/St. Thomas and Kent/Chatham Health Unit merger, that being they wished to proceed with the merger. n Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin reiterate its support for and approval of the merger of the Elgin/St. Thomas and Kent/Chatham Boards of Health and that the Minister of Health be asked to enact the Order In Council necessary to create the Central Lake Erie Board of Health by the end of June, 1997. - Carried. Council discussed the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario's correspondence concerning the closure of a section on Highway #4 for bridge replacements and intersection improvements. It was Council's position to agree to support the closure, with the condition that proper directional signage to the Village of Port Stanley must be in place, to ensure traffic flow to the Village is not hindered. r Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin concur with the plans of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, contained in their letter of May 7th, 1997, regarding the Kettle Creek bridge replacements and minor intersection improvements, with the condition that proper and obvious signage be erected acknowledging the route to the Village of Port Stanley. - Carried. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT Albert Ford be reappointed to the Elgin & St. Thomas Housing Authority for the period ending December 31, 1998. - Carried. (' Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT Correspondence item NO.9 be filed. - Carried. 211 :~ County Council -6- May 27,1997 Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Tromp c) THAT Correspondence item No. 10 be filed. - Carried. Council took a short recess at 10:25 A.M. and reconvened at 10:35 A.M. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider personnel matters. - Carried. (', Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor Millman as Chairman of Committee Of The Whole. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the contract with the Technical Services/Collection Exchange Co-Ordinator in the County Library be extended to March 31, 1998. - Carried. (\ Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT for a six month trial period commencing on May 28th, 1997, the responsibility for the maintenance and cleaning requirements of the County Administration Building, including the 1997 Budget, be transferred to the Building Services Supervisor of Elgin County Homes; and, That the Building Services Supervisor be authorized to hire up to four part-time housekeeping staff on a contract basis, in place of Woodman Janitorial Service who have given notice of termination of their current cleaning contract; and, That it is understood that these measures will be funded according to the approved 1997 Budget without an increase or over-expenditure; and, That the staffing requirements of the maintenance and cleaning needs of the Administration Building be reviewed prior to the end of this six month trial period. l' - Carried. 2114 County Council - 7 - May 27, 1997 BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-18 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the May 27th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT By-Law No. 97-18 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. INTERNET DEMONSTRATION ("\ Mr. Todd Ramsey of Mobile Training and Internet Services addressed Council, using overhead slides, to explain the history, purpose and benefits of the "Internet". Councillors then accessed the "NET' using training vans located outside the building, following adjournment. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Macintyre Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT we do now adjourn (11 :33 A.M.) to meet again on June 24th, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. - Carried. n MQ . ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. arry J. Mezenberg, Warden. ~ 2115 June Session - First Day Tuesday, June 24th, 1997 1\ \ ' The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors van Kasteren, Murray and Walters. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT the minutes of the May 27th, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. (1 " - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. PRESENTATION The following employees were recognized for their years of service to the County by Warden Mezenberg and the appropriate Committee Chairman: ROAD DEPARTMENT - (Chairman Wilson) James F. Haskell Joseph Livingstone James M. McLaws 20 years full-time 20 years full-time 20 years full-time n Murray R. Wilson 10 years full-time SOCIAL SERVICES - (Chairman Van Brenk) Nancy A. Hazelwood 15 years full-time HOMES FOR SENIORS - (Chairman VanBrenk) Margaret Harder - 20 years full-time Elgin Manor Rose Laemers - 20 years full-time Terrace Lodge Nora Parish - 20 years full-time Bobier Home Sandra J. Tapsell - 20 years full-time Elgin Manor Donna M. Lecourtois - 15 years full-time Terrace Lodge (j Elisabeth Dewsnap - 10 years full-time Elgin Manor Karen E. Johnson - 10 years full-time Terrace Lodge Tina Hentz - 10 years part-time Bobier Home Audrey M. Russell - 10 years part-time Elgin Manor 2116 I County Council -2- June 24, 1997 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - (Chairman Clutterbuck) 1\ \ .. Deanna L. Hindley Susan R. Morrell 10 years full-time 10 years full-time Gail P. Driscoll Emily M. Finch 10 years part-time 10 years part-time REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT _ COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. n FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. SECOND REPORT. PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the Second Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. ('I FIRST REPORT. HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor VanSrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor VanSrenk THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. n - Carried. 2117 County Council -3- June 24, 1997 REPORTS OF COUNCILLORS AND OFFICIALS c': FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES Councillor Clutterbuck introduced a report on activities of Family and Children's Services. Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the Report on the Family and Children's Services be received and filed. - Carried. TILLSON BURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt THAT the request for citizen nominations to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital l\ Board be deferred to the next meeting. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - None. 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. Premier Michael D. Harris, acknowledging Council's support of the County of Lennox and Addington's resolution concerning social programs and the Regional Municipality of Durham's resolution regarding funding for social assistance. r 2. AI Leach, Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, acknowledging Council's support for the resolutions of the Town of Belle River and the Town of Essex, requesting delay of 1997 municipal elections until the restructuring process has been completed. 3. Premier Michael D. Harris, acknowledging Council's resolution concerning the importance of the Canada Infrastructure Works Program. 4. Peter J. Leack, City Clerk, City of St. Thomas re: resolution supporting the merger of the Elgin/St. Thomas-Kent/Chatham Boards of Health, to create the Central Lake Erie Board of Health by the end of June 1997. 5. Bryan D. Hall, General Manager, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority thanking Council for renewal of the Tree Commissioner/Weed Inspector agreement. n 6. Raven and Company, with the Elgin County Consolidated Financial Report as at December 31, 1996 and 1996 Financial Information Return prepared by the County Treasurer. (Available for viewing in the Clerk's Office) 7. Wm. Bouma, Clerk-Administrator, County of Hastings, with a resolution stating opposition to the approval of garnbling facilities and requesting support. 2118 County Council - 4 - June 24, 1997 8. Jane Knapp, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of South Dorchester, advising their Council endorsed the Township of North Dorchester's resolution requesting that Catfish Creek and Kettle Creek Conservation Authorities proceed with merger talks without delay. (1 9. Doug Socking, Chair, Thames River Coordinating Committee for the Canadian Heritage Rivers System, requesting Council's support for the nomination of the Thames River as a Canadian Heritage River. 10. Daniel Gatien, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Town of Rockland, requesting Council's support for delaying the proposed provincial transfer of services. 11. 1997 Annual A.M.a. Conference - August 24th to 27th - by resolution, Elgin County may appoint two voting delegates to the conference. (NOTE: Registration forms are available upon request) 12. Mr. AI Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, acknowledging receipt of Council's comments on the New Municipal Act. 13. Upper-Tier Conference Information, Region of Sudbury, registration form, outline of (', Conference Agenda and preview of Companions' Program. 14. A.M.a. and M.MAH. Re: Education and Training Partnerships for Who Does What Announcements. 15. Mr. AI Palladini, Minister, Ministry of Transportation, advising of the transfer of highways to the County and the one time payment of $1,517,500.00 to follow the transfers. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT Correspondence items #1-10 and 12-15 be received and filed. - Carried. Correspondence item #11 requesting the Council for the County of Elgin to appoint two l' voting delegates to the A.M.a. Conference to be held from July 24th-27th was- Moved by Councillor VanSrenk Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT Warden Harry Mezenberg and County AdministratorlClerk Mark McDonald, be appointed as the County of Elgin's voting representatives to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Annual Conference. - Carried. Council took a short recess at 10:05 A.M. and reconvened at 10:20 A.M. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck () THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider personnel matters. - Carried. 2119 County Council - 5 - June 24, 1997 Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor Clutterbuck as Chairman of Committee Of The Whole. (i Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor Volkeart THAT non-union staff be granted paid time off for the period between Christmas and New Year's 1997 and every year thereafter; and, That non-union staff be granted a 2% economic adjustment in salaries effective January 1 st, 1998, for reasons detailed in the attached report form the Management Committee dated May 1, 1997; and further, r That the attached amendments to specified benefits be approved for implementation on January 1, 1998. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT staff be directed to implement whatever options are necessary to accomplish this closure (between Christmas and New Year's) with the understanding that the time off for unionized staff will be accommodated wherever possible but will not result in increased financial compensation. Councillor MacGinnis requested a "recorded vote" on the matter. These were recorded as follows: n YEAS H.J. Mezenberg D.J. McPhail P. Hentz R. VanBrenk W.P. Clutterbuck NAYS (2) (2) (2) JA Mcintyre (2) M.L. Millman (2) w.R. Caverly (2) J.A. Volkaert (2) J. Nezezon J.R. Wilson P.J. Unger T.J. Cunniffe (2) J.S. Vandermeersch (2) G. Goutouski W.C. Macintyre H.P. MacGinnis l\ P.S. Tolmie D.G. Marr TA Nesbitt J.G.P. Tromp (2) YEAS: 28 NAYS: 3 ABSENT: 6 TOTAL: 37 Ci n (') 2120 County Council - 6 - As a result of the recorded vote, the motion was declared CARRIED. June 24, 1997 Moved by Councillor Nesbitt Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT, given the difficulty in anticipating future budgets and to allow flexibility, the contract with the Library Assistant Position at Bayham Library be extended to March 31, 1998. - Carried. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the following increases to the Bobier staff complement be approved: 1 Full-time Dietary Aide 1 Full-time Housekeeping Aide 1 Full-time Health Care Aide (Nursing Attendant) 6} Part-time Housekeeping Aide } Part-time Dietary Aide 1 Part-time Activation/Adjuvant 1 Part-time R.P.N. 3 Part-time H.C.A. - Carried. GOLF DAY REMINDER Councillor Volkaert reminded Councillors that if they were planning to attend the Annual Elgin County Golf Day, to contact Teresa Babinski, as that the final date to register is Friday, June 27th. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT By-Law No. 97-19 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease With R. Paul Murray" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-19 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Goutouski C""\ , ' , THAT By-Law No. 97-20 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease with Elgin Women Teachers' Association" be read a first and second time. - Carried. 2121 County Council - 7 - Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch June 24, 1997 (', THAT By-Law No. 97-20 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT By-Law No. 97-21 "Being a By-Law to Restrict the Weight of Vehicles Passing Over Bridges" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-21 be read a third time and finally passed. (' - Carried. Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-22 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 24th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor McPhail Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT By-Law No. 97-22 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. (\ Warden Mezenberg asked members of Council to keep July 22nd open as the next meeting date for Council. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT we do now adjourn (11 :33 A.M.) to meet again at the Call of the Chair. - Carried. ./, ! . <#0 ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. HarryJ. Mezenberg, Warden. 2122 July .Session - First Day Tuesday, July 22r1d, 1997 rl"'~\ \ The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors Caverly, Unger and Nesbitt. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT the minutes of the June 24th, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. n - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Murray declared a conflict of interest with any matters dealing with the Province of Ontario. Councillor Murray is an employee of the Provincial Government of Ontario. DELEGATION Mr, Steve Janes and Mr. William McKay were in attendance to present a report on the Waste Management Plan. CLOSED SESSION C\, Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider a legal matter. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor Tolmie as Chairman of Committee Of The Whole. Councillor Caverly arrived at 10:20 A.M. Council took a short break at 11 :30 A.M. and reconvened at 11 :50 A.M. Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch i"""\ I , \ THAT we do now rise without reporting. - Carried. 212:l County Council REPORTS OF COMMITTEES -2- July 22, 1997 FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES COMMITTEE (mailed) rc~-" ',! Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT recommendation #6 of the First Report of the Physical Services Committee regarding the agreement with Canadian TODS Limited be amended to cover a ten (10) year term. - Carried. The main motion was then voted on, as amended, and declared CARRIED. (! OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - Councillor VanBrenk reported that the residents in the old Bobier Home are being moved today to the new Bobier Villa. Very little is left to do to complete the Villa, due to the co-operation of all staff and the contractor. Financially, the Villa is on track and the Official Opening will take place on September. The Bobier Villa is a project that the County can be very proud of. Councillor Volkaert explained that the cancellation of Golf Day was unfortunate but the rescheduling will be discussed at a Social Entertainment Committee meeting following Council today. An announcement of the rescheduled date for Golf Day will be made as soon as possible. (' 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. CanadalOntario Infrastructure Works Application dated May 1997 re: Village of West Lome Water Main Replacement. 2. Brian W. Knott, Solicitor/Clerk for the Corporation of the City of Chatham, seeking Council's endorsement and support re: resolution reflecting their displeasure and opposition to the Ontario Court of Appeal decision that female toplessness in public is not an indecent act. 3. Garry A. Spence, President SIRDO Canada Inc., inviting council to attend EV Show at Northside Arena on August 7, 1997 from 10:00 A.M, to 4:00 P.M. 4. Terry J. Kondrat, President and C.E.O. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, forwarding a copy of the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital's "1996/1997 Report to the Community". 5. Delton Becker, Warden, Corporation of the County of Grey, with a letter re: Cost sharing of Social Assistance by separated cities in a county system. l" 6. Association of Municipalities of Ontario: Requesting Nominations for the 1997-98 AMO Board of Directors. 2124 County Council - 3 - July 22, 1997 7. Deputy Reeve David Marr, Chair, Port Stanley Harbour Divestiture Committee, requesting financial assistance to carry out infrastructure/economic review to confirm the condition of the port infrastructure and the economic feasibility of the continued operation of the Port Stanley facility as a commercial harbour. 7.-<",\ \, ' 8. (a) Lynn Buchner, Administrator-Treasurer, Township of Bayham, with a resolution naming Shirley Biro for Citizen Representation on the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board. (b) Ross Greer, submitting his name as a candidate for Citizen Representation on the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board. 9. Dina Palozzi, Deputy Minister, Revenue and Financial Institutions, Ministry of Finance, advising on the status of the Province-wide reassessment. 10. Health Services Update from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: AMO's submission on public health and the Province's recent funding announcements for long-term care facilities) 11. Hugh Thomas, P. Eng., City Manager, Corporation of the City of Chatham, with his report on recommendations adopted by their council for the Amalgamation of Kent-Chatham and Elgin-St. Thomas Health Units and corresponding letter sent to the Honourable Jim Wilson, Minister of Health, on merger. .~ ( , 12. Gar Knutson, M.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, thanking AdministratorlClerk for correspondence sent to his office regarding the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Program. 13. Mark Lade, Manager, 9-1-1 Service, Bell Canada, acknowledging that the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin have chosen Bell Neutral Answer as its 9-1-1 Call Answer Service and detailing reasons why Bell cannot comply with the resolution adopted by Council that "Bell Canada be requested to apply --- for the option of imposing the per capita costs of Bell Neutral Answer Service (BNAS) on each individual phone bill throughout Ontario---" 14. Peter Van Den Hogen for Canadian TODS Limited, submitting final copy of Tourism Signing Agreement. "\ \. . 15. Jim Wilson, Minister of Health, regarding Council's letter to the Ministry of Health, with the request to proceed as quickly as possible with the proposed merger of the KenUChatham and Elgin/St. Thomas Boards of Health. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item #1 concerning the change in the spending of infrastructure funds in the Village of West Lome. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT due to the Village of West Lome's plan to install a water main on Main Street (County Road #2) West of Graham Road, that the County use the funding approved by the CanadalOntario Infrastructure Works Program to carry out curb and gutter work and paving work on County Road #2 East of Graham Road; and that any resolutions that are contrary to this be rescinded. (', - Carried. 2125 County Council Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Macintyre - 4- July 22, 1997 THAT Correspondence items #2-4,6, and 9-15 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item NO.5: Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin, in response to the attached letter from the County of Grey, express its objection to the cost-sharing of Social Assistance between a County and a separated City based on assessment values and the Minister of Community and Social Services be so advised. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item NO.7: (' Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin provide financial support for the Port Stanley Harbour Divestiture Committee's proposed InfrastructurelEconomic Feasibility Review, in the amount of $7,833.00 for phase one, to confirm the condition of the Port Stanley facility for continued operation as a commercial harbour. - Carried. Councillor Wilson left the Chambers at 12:41 P.M. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item NO.8: Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Tromp (' THAT the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin submit the names of Shirley Biro and Ross Greer as candidates for Citizen Representation on the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital Board of Directors. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-23 "A By-Law to Amend By-Law No. 90-48, as Amended, Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic" be read a first and second time. - Carried. l': Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck . Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT By-Law No. 97-23 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 2126 County Council CLOSED SESSION - 5- July 22, 1997 Moved by Councillor Goutouski irO"~ Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider a legal matter. - Carried. Mr. William McKay and Mr. Steve Janes entered the Council Chambers Warden Mezenberg again appointed Councillor Tolmie as Chairman of Committee Of The Whole. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT we do now rise and report. /\ I ' - Carried, Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT the First Report of the Joint Board for Waste. Management Committee, as amended, be adopted. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT By-Law No. 97-24 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 22nd Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. (, , ' - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By-Law No. 97-24 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT we do now adjourn (1:07 P.M.) to meet again at the Call of the Chair. e) - Carried, ~ Mar . cDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. ~~~ Harry J. Mezenberg, . Warden. Co l ri 2127 September Session - First Day Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Suilding at 9:30 A.M. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors MacGinnis, Tolmie and Murray. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor VanSrenk THAT the minutes of the July 22nd, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor VanSrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. 2128 County Council -2- September 23, 1997 FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson i'''\ Seconded by Councillor Hentz \, ,I l (' (, THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - None. 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY- Councillor Millman reported that a section of Highway NO.4 being transferred to the County by the Province falls within the City of St. Thomas Limits and should therefore be maintained by the City. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT the Warden write to the Minister of Transportation and Communications requesting that the portion of Highway NO.4 within the Corporate limits of the City of St. Thomas be reverted to the City and that a copy of the letter be sent to Peter North, M.P.P.,and the City of St. Thomas. - Carried. Councillor Wilson reported that a section of County Road No. 42 near Port Burwell is experiencing serious problems with erosion. The usual rate of erosion is approximately 5 ft. per year, however this year over 100 ft. has been lost and is within 100 ft. of the roadway. The County Engineer advised that straw bales and filtering cloth could be used as a temporary measure to slow down the erosion, until agreement can be reached on what permanent action should be taken. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Nezezon THAT the Engineer be authorized in consultation with the Long Point Conservation Authority to carry out remedial action in two areas of lake erosion on County Road #42 west of the Haldimand-Norfolk Townline including the sloping off of the bank, installation of filter cloth and straw bales at a cost not to exceed $50,000.00. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT further discussion take place with the Township of Bayham, private property owners and other agencies involved, to determine a method of apportioning costs for the remedial action required. - Lost. The main motion was then voted on and declared CARRIED. Council took a short break at 10:10 A.M. and reconvened at 10:25 A.M. 2129 County Council - 3- September 23, 1997 CLOSED SESSION Mr. W.K.A. McKay and Mr. Mark Shields, were present for the CLOSED SESSION. fA-., \ I Moved by Councillor VanSrenk Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt THAT we do now go into Committee of the Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider personnel and legal matters. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor Goutouski as Chairman of Committee of the Whole. Mr. McKay and Mr. Shields were excused at 11 :00 A.M. The County Treasurer, Manager Library Services, County Engineer, and Director of Homes for Seniors were excused at 11 :40 A.M., with the Director, Social Services, Personnel Administrator and Deputy Clerk remaining. n Moved by Councillor Unger Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. COUNTY LEGAL REPRESENTATION RE: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Goutouski l RESOLVED (1) THAT subject to (2), that William K.A. McKay be retained as solicitor and counsel to co-ordinate and make submissions and representations on behalf of the County Corporation in support of the Environmental Assessment of Green Lane Environmental Group Ltd. and St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited (Green Lane) as prepared by Conestoga Rovers & Associates and dated November 1996 and the documentation supporting the Environmental Assessment leading to the approvals and authorizations being sought by Green Lane. (2) That the retainer described in (1) shall be effective so long as there is a similar retainer of William K.A. McKay by the City Corporation. (3) That subject to the City Corporation also agreeing, (a) That the County Corporation agrees that the amount payable to the County Corporation and the City Corporation net after subsidies and audit in respect of the legal and consulting costs of the County Corporation and City Corporation for the period between February 28, 1994 and May 1, 1997, such amount being payable pursuant to paragraph 8 of the agreement between the Southwold Corporation and Green Lane is, $127,500.00. ,.,-.""" \ .. (b) That the Warden and Administrator/Clerk are authorized to approve of the amount payable to the County Corporation and the City Corporation by Green Lane net after subsidies and audit in respect of the same costs for the period January 1, 1994 to February 28, 1994, such amount being payable to paragraph 25 of the proposed agreement between the City Corporation and Green Lane. - Carried. Z.i.JU County Council - 4- September 23, 1997 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY r'- ( j Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the offer to purchase the vacant surplus property located at 117 St. George Street, Part #1 on Plan 11 R-6573, Township of Yarmouth, in the amount of $8,000.00 from Mr. and Mrs. North be accepted. - Carried. O.N.A. CONTRACT AGREEMENT Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT the Warden and the appropriate signing officers be authorized and directed to sign the agreement with the Ontario Nurses' Association for the term expiring on December 31st, 1999, subject to ratification by O.NA (' - Carried. SALE OF 57 BED NURSING HOME LICENCE Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the proposal from 1242318 Ontario Incorporated, dated September 10th, 1997, to purchase the 57 Bed Nursing Home Licence be approved in the amount of $1 Million; and That the Warden and the Administrator/Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the necessary documents as directed by the County Solicitor. - Carried. r-\, COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. Ronald G. Van Horne, Solicitor/Clerk, County of Lambton, with a resolution calling for a public inquiry into the shooting at Ipperwash on September 6th, 1995. 2. Bill Macintyre, Chairman, Elgin-St. Thomas Board of Health, advising that the Board wishes to pursue other organizational options and partners due to the impasse concerning the amalgamation with the Kent-Chatham Board of Health. 3. Geoff Quirt, Executive Director, Ontario Ministry of Health, regarding funding for Elgin Village Project. 4. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Southwestern Regional Office announcing Regional Conference "New Dimensions" Friday, December 5th, 1997, 5. Ministry of Environment and Energy, 'News Release' announcing $200 million fund to ensure Ontario communities receive safe drinking water. ~-\ I , \ 6. Honourable Janet Ecker, Minister of Community and Social Services, announcing the government's intentions to reduce the number of municipalities managing Ontario Works and child care programs. 7. Honourable AI Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, re: final report of the Advisory Council on Social Housing Reform. (", \ ) 2131 County Council -5- September 23, 1997 8. Peter Gregg, Special Assistant, Office of the Minister of Transportation, acknowledging County Council's support of the Township of West Nissouri's resolution pertaining to railway crossing maintenance charges. 9. Lynn S. Buchner, AdministratorlTreasurer, Township of Bayham, commending County Road Department staff and contractors involved in the reconstruction of Plank Road. 10. Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: 1) County Section of AMO 1997 Annual Meeting Accreditation of Voting Delegates. (Elgin County may nominate up to seven voting delegates to Upper-Tier Conference). 2) Nomination Forms to serve on the Executive Committee of the County Section of AMO for the year 1997-98 are available in the Clerk's Office. 11. Honourable Michael D. Harris, Premier of Ontario re: acknowledging the resolution concerning Council's view on the changing provincial-municipal relationship. 12, Community Heart Health Project, requesting a resolution of support. I' 13. Mason Bailey, Reeve, Village of Blyth re: Education Tax Campaign. " n {~""1 I ' , 14. Marianne E. Barrie with an offer to lease space in the County Administration Building. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item #10: Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk THAT the following be appointed as voting delegates to the County and Regional Sections of A.M.O. Conference: Warden Harry J. Mezenberg Councillor Cunniffe Councillor Tolmie Councillor van Kasteren Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item #12: Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin endorse the efforts of the Heart Health Program to promote healthy lifestyles throughout the Elgin Community. - Carried. MARIANNE E. BARRIE LEASE The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence item No. 14: Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the offer from Marianne E. Barrie, to lease space on the second floor of the County Administration Building for a period of one (1) year, be accepted. - Carried. (, \. .! ('\ , /"", I, ' .2132 County Council - 6- September 23, 1997 Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Millman THAT Correspondence items #1-9,11 and 13 be received and filed. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT By-Law No. 97-25 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease with Elgin Middlesex Sanitation" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-25 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT By-Law No. 97-26 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease with the Municipality of Yarmouth/Port Stanleyl Belmont" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT By-Law No. 97-26 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt THAT By-Law No. 97-27 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease with Marianne E. Barrie" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk \~. THAT By-Law No. 97-27 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. (" \ (', ('\ " ' \'i 2133 County Council Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp - 7- September 23, 1997 THAT By-Law No. 97-28 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of a Collective Agreement Between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Ontario Nurses' Association, with Respect to All Nurses at Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge and Bobier Villa" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT By-Law No. 97-28 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT By-Law No. 97-29 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 23rd Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-29 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Members of Council were reminded of the Implementation Meeting scheduled to follow Council today. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT we do now adjourn (12:24 P.M,) to meet again on October 28th, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. - Carried. <J{r) - Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. Harry J. Mezenberg, Warden. r, , , (! 2134 October Session - First Day Tuesday, October 28th, 1997 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 AM. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors Marr and Murray. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Hentz Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the minutes of the September 23rd, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. DELEGATIONS Mr. Greg Barber representing the Elgin-St. Thomas United Way, addressed Council on the goals of the 1998 Campaign "People Helping People ". He explained that if you wish to contribute to a specific agency, you can indicate so on the back of the pledge card and the United Way will see that it is forwarded to that agency/group. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES C'i FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES (mailed) (~ Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor McPhail THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor MacGinnis THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. 213;) County Council -2- October 28, 1997 FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson (\ Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. REPORTS OF COUNCILLORS AND OFFICIALS (! WARDEN'S REPORT Warden Mezenberg introduced the report of a meeting held between several members of the Eastern and Western Wardens' Association and their CAO.'s, and Minister Leach, at the Upper-Tier Conference in Sudbury on October 6th, 1997. The brief concerned the transfer of services that will have a negative impact on communities throughout Rural Ontario. Minister Leach assured the participants at this meeting that these transfers will not raise taxes, and that each municipality will be dealt with separately and given the opportunity to provide input on matters affecting their area. Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk THAT the Warden's Report on the Eastern and Western Wardens' Association's meeting with Minister Leach at the Upper-Tier Conference on October 6th, 1997 be received and filed. (\ \ - Carried. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer conducted a line by line review of the Budget Comparison Report. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the Report on Budget Comparisons to August 31st, 1997 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS ,r"\ I 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - Councillor Bill Walters informed Council of the hazards of campaigning door-to-door. Unknowingly, he had stumbled into the middle of the apprehension of a stolen car suspect. 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. 2136 County Council -3- October 28, 1997 COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. Randy Millard, C.A.O.lClerk, Township of Malahide with a resolution for the nomination of Matt Schafer to fill a position on the Elgin County Land Division Committee. (i 2. Kathie Darrouch-Dehenne, Executive Officer, Ministry of Transportation, on behalf of the Honourable AI Palladini: 1) acknowledging receipt of Council's correspondence concerning the condition of roadsides. 2) acknowledging receipt of Council's letter concerning reverting responsibility for the portion of Highway #4 within the City of St. Thomas limits back to the City. 3. Correspondence received with regard to Council's resolution pertaining to its concerns with the maintenance of roadside areas and the impact on tourism and industry. 1) The Honourable William J. Saunderson, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism. 2) Catherine Bearss, Clerk Treasurer, Village of Springfield, with a resolution of support. l' 4. Gary McLeod, Project Manager, HIRA Ltd., expressing thanks for the support and co-operation received from County Council and Staff during the construction of Bobier Villa. 5. Tony Morris, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, with background information on the new "Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1997". 6. Ontario Good Roads Association 1998 Annual Conference with: 1) Workshops, Conference Accommodation Information and Official Housing Form and Companions' Program Highlights 2) "Long Service Awards" eligibility requirements and questionnaire 3) "Call for Resolutions" - any municipality wishing to submit resolutions for debate at the 1998 Annual Conference are requested to do so prior to January 1, 1998 (" , ' 7. Inky Mark, M.P., Deputy Critic, Official Opposition, National Unity, with resolutions for consideration pertaining to the issue of "Framework for Discussion of Canadian Unity" and the possibility of holding public forums at the municipal level. 8. The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, acknowledging Council's endorsement of the City of North York's motion concerning Gross Receipts Tax. 9. Ronald R. Shaw, City Clerk-Administrator, City of Stratford, with a resolution urging the government to keep their repeated promise of revenue neutrality with respect to downloading of services and asking for Council's support. 10. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, "News Release" re: "Leach Accepts Social Housing Recommendations". 11. The Honourable AI Leach, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with response to the report from the Advisory Council on Social Housing Reform. (' , 2137 County Council - 4- October 28, 1997 12. M. Dale Murray, Chairperson, Community Heart Health Committee-Elgin, Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit, thanking Council for their support of the Heart Health Initiative - Elgin. l: 13. Gar Knutson, MP, Elgin-Middlesex-London, regarding Council's position pertaining to the maintenance charges for railway crossings and thanking Council for keeping him informed of correspondence dealing with this matter. 14. Peter J. Leack, City Clerk, City of St. Thomas, with a resolution and report concerning the transfer of Highway #4 within the City limits. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the resolution from the City of Stratford urging the Government of Ontario to keep its repeated promise of revenue neutrality to the smaller municipalities. - Carried. (\ Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT Correspondence items #1-8 and 10-14 be received and filed. - Carried. Senior staff were excused with the exception of the Personnel Administrator, Deputy Clerk and the County Administrator/Clerk. Council took a short break at 10:10 A.M. and reconvened at 10:25 A.M. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Hentz r"""...... \. '! THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider personnel matters. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor van Kasteren as Chairman as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole. OPEN SESSION Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT we do now rise without reporting. - Carried. l'! Warden Mezenberg resumed the Chair. 2138 County Council - 5 - October 28, 1997 BY-LAWS () Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT By-Law No. 97-30 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-30 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck Ii THAT By-Law No. 97-31 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Land Management Agreement with the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Nezezon Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT By-Law No. 97-31 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Tromp ('> THAT By-Law No. 97-32 "To Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Program Renewal Agreement for the Provision of the Child Care Services" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-32 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT By-Law No. 97-33 "To Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk (\, to Sign a Program Agreement for the Provision of Ontario Works Services" be read a first and second time. - Carried. /"-"\ ( , (\ (\ ('\ " 2139 County Council Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch - 6 - October 28, 1997 THAT By-Law No. 97-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-34 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the October 28th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-34 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg reminded members of the Implementation Committee Meeting today, and that a light lunch will be provided after adjournment of County Council. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT we do now adjourn (11 :50 A.M.) to meet again on November 25th, 1997 at 9:30 A.M. - Carried. rK G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. rry J.-Mezenberg, Warden. 2110 November Session - First Day Tuesday, November 25th, 1997 (1 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 9:30 AM. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors MacGinnis, Marr, Nesbitt and Unger. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT the minutes of the October 28th, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be n adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Murray declared a conflict of interest with any matters dealing with the Province of Ontario. Councillor Murray is an employee of the Province. PRESENTATIONS Warden Mezenberg and the respective Committee Chairmen presented the following County Employees with long service awards: HOMES FOR SENIORS - (Chairman R. Van Brenk) Nancy Stinson - 25 years full-time Elgin Manor (') Gloria Hiddink - 20 years full-time Elgin Manor Mary Jenken - 20 years full-time Terrace Lodge C.virginia Weber - 20 years full-time Terrace Lodge Phyllis A. Maertens - 20 years part-time Terrace Lodge Margaret Ashton - 15 years full-time Elgin Manor Barbara Gammon - 15 years full-time Elgin Manor Carolyn Howey - 15 years full-time Elgin Manor Anna Young - 15 years full-time Bobier Villa Marion Archer - 10 years full-time Elgin Manor Janice Campbell - 10 years full-time Elgin Manor Mary Holstead - 10 years full-time Terrace Lodge LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - (Chairman P. Clutterbuck) ("\ Marilyn VanDaele 20 years full-time 214J County Council 2 November 25, 1997 PERSONNEL - (Chairman P. Tolmie) Joan McBurnie n Dorothy Schaap 20 years full-time 10 years full-time CLERK'S - (Chairman P. Tolmie) Sandra Heffren 20 years full-time Council took a short break at 9:45 AM. to permit time for photos to be taken of the recipients of the long service awards and reconvened at 9:52 AM. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - LAND DIVISION (mailed) Mr. Murray Silcox introduced a report on the activities of the Land Division Committee for the period November 1, 1996 to October 31, 1997. (' Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT the First Report of the Land Division Committee be accepted as presented. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. ~, I, SECOND REPORT - COMMUNITY SERVICES (read aloud) Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT the Second Report of the Community Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - HOMES AND SOCIAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT the First Report of the Homes and Social Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. (" Councillor van Kasteren noted that item #6 on the Homes and Social Services Report should be changed from the Ontario Milk Marketing Board to Dairy Farmers of Ontario. The Report will be amended to reflect the change. 2142 County Council 3 November 25, 1997 FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson ~, Seconded by Councillor Volkaert ( : THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - CORPORATE SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the First Report of the Corporate Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. FIRST REPORT - COUNTY IMPLEMENTATION (mailed) (''1 Moved by Councillor Clutterbuck Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT the First Report of the County Implementation Committee be adopted. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS - None. 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - None. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE ('~ . 1. M. Klein, Vice President, Corporate Services, Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, advising Council of current and future plans for the operation of their ambulance service. 2. Paul Huras, Executive Director, Thames Valley District Health Council, requesting the names of two persons to be considered for appointment to the Thames Valley District Health Council. 3. Daniel Gatien, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk, Town of Rockland, with a resolution requesting the Provincial Government to delay the transfer of Police Services. 4. Donald N. Leitch, Transition Board Secretary, Transition Board for the Municipality of Yarmouth/Port Stanley/Belmont (Central Elgin), with a resolution respecting the O.M.E.R.S. Pension Plan Surplus. !~1 5. Andy Houser, Director, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Natural Resources, with information concerning the Ministry's role in fish habitat management. 6. Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, with a kit containing information about public programs and services. 2143 County Council 4 November 25, 1997 7. The Honourable Michael D. Harris, Premier of Ontario, acknowledging receipt of Council's correspondence supporting the County of Essex's resolution regarding the new tourism signage system in Ontario. C> 8. Phyllis Ketchabaw, Clerk, Town of Aylmer, with a resolution endorsing Elgin County Council's position on increased roadside cutting. 9. Kathie Darroch-Dehenne, Executive Officer, Ministry of Transportation, acknowledging copy of Council's resolution concerning Property Tax Liability of Abandoned Rail Lines. 10. Ross A McLeod, President, Intelligarde, The Law Enforcement Company, with information on services provided by this firm. 11. The Honourable Janet Ecker, Ministry of Community and Social Services, with an update on the implementation of Ontario Works. 12. Frank Klees, M.P.P., announcing his appointment as Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Community and Social Services, to support the implementation of the Ontario Works program. n 13. Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation - Ontario 'NEWS RELEASE COMMUNIQUE' Re: "GOVERNMENT MAINTAINS LIBRARY FUNDING. Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT Correspondence Item NO.2 from the Thames Valley District Health Council be deferred to the December 9th, 1997 Council meeting. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #4: Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Volkaert ('"\ , ! THAT Elgin County Council support the resolution from the Municipality of Yarmouth/Port Stanley/Belmont (Central Elgin) concerning their request for temporary changes to the OMERS Pension Plan surplus. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Hentz THAT Correspondence Item NO.5 regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources' role in fish habitat management be referred to the Physical Services Committee for further discussion. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Macintyre n THAT Correspondence Items #1,3, and 6-13 be received and filed. - Carried. Council took a short break at 10:10 AM. and reconvened at 10:30 AM. 2t<t~ County Council 5 November 25, 1997 MATTERS OF URGENCY '\ ( J The municipalities of West Elgin, Dutton/Dunwich, and Southwold, will be meeting with M.P.P. Bruce Smith, and submitting a request to the Province to defer the transfer of Highway #3 to these municipalities until the three year contracts with IMOS are complete, thereby not doubling the costs to the ratepayers and requesting Council's support. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin support the request of the municipalities of West Elgin, Dutton/Dunwich and Southwold urging the Province of Ontario to defer the transfer of Highway #3 until it's current 3 year contract with IMOS has expired. - Carried. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch (', Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider legal/personnel matters. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor Clutterbuck as Chairman as Chairman of the Committee Of The Whole. The Director of Homes for Seniors, the Director of Social Services, Manager, Library Services, and County Engineer, were excused at 10:40 AM. The County Treasurer was excused at 12:05 P.M. The Deputy Clerk and Personnel Administrator, were excused at 12:15 P.M. ('i OPEN SESSION Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg resumed the Chair. The Deputy Clerk returned to the Council Chambers at 12:18 P.M. Moved by Councillor Tromp Seconded by Councillor Van Brenk n THAT the Memorandum of Agreement with SEI.U. (Elgin County Homes) dated November 21, 1997 be approved, subject to ratification; and The Warden and appropriate signing officers be authorized to execute the agreement. - Carried. c-) (\ \ 2t~45 County Council Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Goutouski 6 November 25, 1997 THAT the Report on "Warden and Councillor Remuneration for 1998 and Beyond" be approved for implementation. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Macintyre Seconded by Councillor Volkaert THAT effective January 1st, 1998 the Manager of Engineering Services be responsible for the maintenance and housekeeping requirements of the County Administration Building including the negotiation and maintenance of leases; and, That Mr. Richard Lalonde be confirmed effective November 28th, 1997 as Maintenance/Custodian according to a revised job description and salary evaluation; and, That Mrs. Anne Bennie be confirmed effective January 1 st, 1998 as Clerk/Typist (Full- time) for the Engineering Services function according to a revised job description and salary evaluation; and further, That effective November 29th, 1997, the County hire up to two full-time equivalent (FTE's) housekeeping personnel to clean the Administration Building on a six month contract basis; and further, That staff be directed to prepare a 'Request For Proposals' for the supply of janitorial services for the Administration Building and report back to Council prior to the end of the contract period. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the report on "Merit Pay for Exceptional Performance" dated November 14th, (\ 1997, be approved, as amended. ('^, - Carried. BY -LAWS Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT By-Law No. 97-35 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk to Sign a Lease With Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT By-Law No. 97-35 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. 2146 County Council Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor Caverly 7 November 25, 1997 ('-\ THAT By-Law No. 97-36 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the County \ Administrator/Clerk to Sign an Agreement with Turningpoint Associates to Provide Certain Computer Services to the Corporation of the County of Elgin" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Cunniffe Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT By-Law No. 97-36 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Walters f\ I, ' , THAT By-Law No. 97-37 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the November 25th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT By-Law No. 97-37 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. The Warden announced that a short meeting of the Social and Entertainment Committee will be held right after Council. Warden Mezenberg also reminded Council that the meeting to be held on December 9th ('\, at 11 :30 AM. will include a Recognition Luncheon to show our appreciation for those Councillors who will not be returning in 1998. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT we do now adjourn (12:24 P.M.) to meet again on December 9th, 1997 at 11 :30 AM. - Carried. (', arKG. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. 4~~ Warden 2147 December Session - First Day Tuesday, December 9th, 1997 ('-'\ \ The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building at 11 :30 AM. in accordance with adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. The Warden welcomed everyone to the final Council Session for 1997. He spoke of the significance of this Session, as it marks the end of an era in the County's history and the beginning of another. ROLL CALL All members present except Councillors MacGinnis and Nesbitt. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (' Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Marr THAT the minutes of the November 25th, 1997 Session of Elgin County Council be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF Councillor Murray declared a conflict of interest with any matters dealing with the Province of Ontario. Councillor Murray is an employee of the Province. DELEGATIONS Mr. Bryan Hall, General Manager, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, presented an overview of the recent OMB ruling in favour of KCCA to receive a levy re-apportionment (>'1 from the City of London from $40,000 to $140,000 phased in over a period of five years. , Due to the annexation of Westminster 15% of London is now in the KCCA watershed. Mr. Hall reported on Chatham/Kent's proposed dissolution of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, and members of Council proposed a transfer of the responsibilities for services in the west end of Elgin to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor McPhail THAT in view of the proposed dissolution of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, the Council of the County of Elgin encourage the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (KCCA) to develop a proposal for consideration by the Municipality of Chatham/Kent to transfer environmental programs and conservation facilities to KCCA for the benefit of the affected municipalities, namely West Elgin, Dutton/Dunwich and Southwold, subject to their concurrence and approval. ('I - Carried. 2148 County Council 2 December 9, 1997 Mr. Hugh Geurts, Tree Commissioner, presented Item #5 of Council Correspondence, an 'Application for Minor Exception' from Mr. John Lyle, R.R. #4, lona Station, to clear 1.5 acres of bush in the Township of Southwold, in order to access landlocked farmland. C-'J Moved by Councillor Walters Seconded by Councillor Unger THAT the application for Minor Exception from John D. Lyle to clear 1.5 acres of bush from Lot 14, Concession 1, Township of Southwold, be approved. - Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES FIRST REPORT - PHYSICAL SERVICES (mailed) Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Tolmie (' , THAT the First Report of the Physical Services Committee be adopted. - Carried. WARDEN'S YEAR IN REVIEW Warden Mezenberg presented his report on "1997-Year In Review". In his report, the Warden highlighted the accomplishments of the various County Departments over the past year. He also expressed his appreciation for the dedication and hard work of Council and Staff during the restructuring process. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Hentz The Warden's Report "1997-Year In Review" be received and filed. - Carried. (.-., COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BOARDS \ The Administrator/Clerk reviewed his report on the County Implementation Committee's recommendation for outside appointments to Boards and Agencies for 1998. Moved by Councillor Millman Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT the County Administrator's Report on Appointments to Outside Boards be adopted. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Cunniffe THAT the appointment of representatives to Outside Boards/Agencies be reviewed and determined at the County Council Session to be held on January 13, 1998. (\ \ - Carried. Councillor Hentz nominated Councillor VanBrenk and Councillor Macintyre nominated Councillor Wilson along with Councillor McPhail as interim representatives on the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit Board. 2149 County Council Moved by Councillor Macintyre Seconded by Councillor Millman 3 December 9, 1997 C1 THAT Councillors McPhail, VanBrenk and Wilson be appointed as County Council representatives on the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board for the interim period of January 1 to January 13, 1998. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT the whole of Elgin County Council sit on the Joint Board for Waste Management! Liaison Committee. - Carried. The original report, as amended, was adopted. - Carried. (", OTHER BUSINESS 1) STATEMENTSIINQUIRIES BY MEMBERS- Councillor Clutterbuck announced that he will be running for the Office of Warden for 1998 and requested support. Councillor Walters invited Council and staff to the Inaugural Meeting of the Council for the Municipality of Central Elgin, to be held on January 5th, 1998, in the Council Chambers at the County Administration Building. 2) NOTICE OF MOTION - None. 3) MATTERS OF URGENCY - The Treasurer reported on the concern regarding the preliminary assessment information for delegation of transition tax ratios to lower- tier municipalities and the need to better understand the impact of Bill 160 on property taxes. r, I , Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Walters THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin petition the Minister of Finance for Ontario to extend the time limit (January 15) for delegating the establishment of transition (tax) ratios to lower-tiers to enable municipalities to properly review regulations (not yet released), to analyze more than just preliminary assessment information, to receive more instruction on determining and understanding ratios, to determine what effect the ratios have on the taxes of both tiers of municipal government, and to understand the true impact of Bill 160 on property taxes. - Carried. () COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 1. Mrs. Catherine Smith, Vice Chair, Elgin County Pioneer Museum Executive, with nomination of Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck as one of the Museum's members at large. 2150 County Council 4 December 9, 1997 2. Mr. Graham P. Brand, Director, Ministry of Health, asking if the County wishes to assume the responsibility for the delivery of land ambulance service as well as the funding by January 1, 1998, during the protection period. (i 3. Mr. Bill Macintyre, Chair, Board of Health for the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, indicating the need to establish funding and cash flow for the Health Unit once the transfer of responsibility from the Province to the Municipality becomes effective January 1, 1998. 4. Ms. Penelope Jenkinson, Deputy Clerk, City of Brockville, with a resolution requesting the Province to increase the percentage of proceeds paid to charities, and fees paid to municipalities from the proposed Charity Gaming Clubs and VL T's. 5. Mr. Hugh Geurts, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, with an 'Application for Minor Exception' on behalf of Mr. John Lyle, in the Township of Southwold. 6. Elgin Community Development Corporation (CDC) "Newsbeat" publication offering financial and technical assistance for small business development. C', 7. The Honourable AI Leach, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with a signed Order amending the names of three municipalities in the Restructured County of Elgin. 8. The Ontario Municipal Management Institute, offering a seminar - "Orientation to Change: An Essential Introduction" for returning councillors, new councillors and staff. 9. Mr. David Harvey, Program Manager, Ministry of Health, with the 1997/98 legal agreement for Long-Term Care. 1 O. Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Member Communication "For Your Information": 1) Update on Queen's Park Activity 2) Property Assessment Corporation Legislation Introduced. 11. Ms. Bettyanne Bray, Clerk, Director of Finance, County of Bruce, concerning the (~\ Provincial/Municipal Fiscal Neutrality promised by the province. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #1 : Moved by Councillor Goutouski Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk THAT Mrs. Mary Clutterbuck be confirmed as a Member-At-Large appointee to the Elgin County Pioneer Executive Committee for the term ending on December 31, 2000. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #1 : Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Tromp n THAT the Ministry of Health be informed that the County of Elgin is not prepared, at this time, to assume full responsibility for service delivery of land ambulance services. - Carried. n (' c' 2151 County Council 5 December 9, 1997 The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #3: Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor McPhail THAT the County of Elgin agrees with the funding and cash flow proposal from the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit dated November 21, 1997, with the understanding that the County reserves the right to adjust its financial transfer to the Board of Health, as well as its share of the costs with the City of St. Thomas, following a review of the County's 1998 budget and negotiations with the City on funding arrangements for all areas to be jointly financed by the municipalities. - Carried. See page 1 for the recommendation concerning Correspondence Item #5. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #9: Moved by Councillor VanBrenk Seconded by Councillor Clutterbuck THAT the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk be authorized to sign a legal agreement with the Ministry of Health entitled "1997/98 Long-Term Care Base Approval. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted with respect to Correspondence Item #11 : Moved by Councillor Van Brenk Seconded by Councillor Tromp THAT we support the resolution from the County of Bruce petitioning the Province of Ontario to include the Ontario Municipal Support Grant cancellation and downloaded Provincial highway costs in the calculation of fiscal neutrality. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor Goutouski THAT Correspondence Items #4,6, 7, 8 and 10 received and filed. - Carried. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT we do now go into Committee Of The Whole and proceed "In-Camera" to consider a labour relations matter. - Carried. (': Warden Mezenberg appointed Councillor McPhail as Chairman of the Committee Of The Whole. (\ (' (' (\ 2152 County Council 6 December 9, 1997 OPEN SESSION Moved by Councillor Vandermeersch Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Warden Mezenberg resumed the Chair. Moved by Councillor Volkaert Seconded by Councillor van Kasteren THAT once all parties have agreed to the confidential report presented by the Personnel Administrator on December 9th, 1997, staff be directed to implement the terms of the agreement and the appropriate By-Laws be prepared. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT By-Law No. 97-38 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Warden and the Treasurer to Borrow up to the Sum of Fifteen Million Dollars" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Move by Councillor Caverly Seconded by Councillor Tolmie THAT By-Law No. 97-38 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor van Kasteren Seconded by Councillor Vandermeersch THAT By-Law No. 97-39 "Being a By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the December 9th Session, 1997" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Tolmie Seconded by Councillor Caverly THAT By-Law No. 97-39 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. The Warden expressed his appreciation for the privilege and honour to have served as Warden of Elgin County for the past two years. (\ n , (1 r'! County Council 7 ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Marr Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT we do now adjourn (12:37 P.M.) Sine Die. arKG. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. - Carried. 21S:t December 9, 1997 Warden