February 12, 2002 Minutes
Tuesday, February 12, 2002
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:00 AM. in
accordance with adjournment, with all members in attendance except Councillors McPhail
(vacationing), Mcintyre (vacationing) and Stewart (arrived 12:20 a.m.)
Warden Wilson in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 22,2002 be adopted.
- Carried.
The Chief Administrative Officer introduced Helen Notte, Director of Homes and Seniors
Services, and the Director of Human Resources introduced Tanya Tilton, Human Resources
Co-ordinator, to Council. Warden Wilson welcomed the new employees to the team.
Mrs. Jenny Phillips and Mrs. Dianna Player, from the 2002 Provincial Criers' Competition
Committee, attended at 9:00 AM. to update Council on their upcoming Three-Cry Event.
Mrs. Phillips outlined the composition of the Competition Committee, the Joint 2002
Sesquicentennial Committee, and the 2003 Bicentennial Committee for the Talbot
Settlement. The Committee requested funding in the amount of $5000 from the County, to
help offset expenses for the Sesquicentennial and the Town Crier Reception and Ball. The
list of invited Dignitaries, venue for the Ball, and security issues were expanded upon.
Councillors suggested contacting OPP Staff Sergeant Ryan Cox and the St. Thomas City
Police, to invite them to Committee meetings for advice on security issues. Warden
Wilson thanked the delegation for attending and the ladies left at 9:27 AM.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin approve a grant in the amount of $5000 to the
2002 Provincial Criers Competition Committee to assist with expenses for the Town Crier
Reception, Ball, and Sesquicentennial events; and,
THAT the funds be acquired from the previously approved budget for the County's 150th
Anniversary celebrations.
- Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Application for Minor Exception - EIQin County Tree Commissioner
The County Tree Commissioner reported that the neighbours and the local conservation
authority were contacted and had no objections to the application by A&M Sod Supply Ltd.,
c/o James and Jean Glover, to clear 2.83 hectares of woodlands, Lot 14 and 15, Conc.
Range 1 North of Lake Road, Municipality of Central Elgin, for creation of a golf course.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Council directed staff to ensure that the trees were replanted in Elgin County and to
produce an annual report detailing the number of trees harvested and the location of
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the Application for Minor Exception to the Trees Act from A&M Sod Supply Ltd., c/o
Mr. & Mrs. James Glover, Lot 14 and 15, Conc. Range 1 North of Lake Road, Municipality
of Central Elgin, to clear approximately 2.83 hectares of woodland be approved; and,
THAT in order to maintain the integrity of the County's "No Net Loss Policy" the applicant
replant 1,500 large stock trees on the proposed golf course and donate 3,400 seedlings to
the KCCA for replanting in Elgin County.
- Carried.
The County Tree Commissioner left at 9:31 AM.
EIQin County Municipal Supervisors Association Newsletter - Technical Services
The Technical Services Officer requested consideration by Council for the County to pay
for the circulation of the bimonthly Association Newsletter.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the County pay the costs to circulate the Elgin County Municipal Supervisors'
Association Newsletters to an upset limit of $300.00 annually funded by the Engineering
Services Operational Budget.
- Carried.
Pedestrian Crosswalk - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
The Manager of Engineering Services reported that schools, as well as other groups, have
requested crosswalks and an established policy would help with decisions on this type of
request. Discussion on responsibility for liability issues ensued and would be dealt with by
the local municipalities.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Crevits
THAT the following guidelines become the County of Elgin's Pedestrian Crossover Policy:
1. The installation of pedestrian crossovers will be considered on County Roads upon the
request of the local municipal council in which the crossing is to be located.
2. If, in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual guidelines, the proposed crossover
meets justification criteria, the County will install said crossovers with 100% of the
capital and operational costs being borne by the municipality.
3. If the proposed crossover does not meet the justification criteria and the municipality
recommends its installation, the Municipality will fund 100% of the cost of capital and
- Carried.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Terrace LodQe Generator Replacement and BuildinQ to House Diesel Generator-
ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT ICORR Construction Incorporated be awarded the contract for the replacement of
the generator at Terrace Lodge and a freestanding building to house the generator, at the
tendered price of $241 ,035.69 (including GST); and,
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign
the contract with ICORR Construction Incorporated; and,
THAT this contract amount be included in the 2002 Capital Budget.
- Carried.
Roads Network Study - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
Councillor VanBrenk requested that this report be deferred until we have a full Council
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Crevits
THAT the report entitled "Roads Network Study" from the Manager of Engineering
Services be deferred to the Council meeting of March 12, 2002.
- Carried.
Lease Rates for StoraQe at Administration BuildinQ - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ
The Manager of Engineering Services reported that a non-tenant had requested storage
space in the building. Council discussed utilization of storage space in the Administration
Building and the ability to relocate storage areas if rental space is required for normal
office operations.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT space not currently leased and located in areas of the Administration Building
lacking the architectural, mechanical and electrical features for office space, be available
as storage; and,
THAT only tenants leasing within the County Administration Building be given the option of
negotiating a storage area based on availability; and,
THAT the lease rate for storage areas be increased to $8.00 per square foot per year;
THAT the above guidelines become the County of Elgin Policy for Leasing Storage Space
at the Administration Building.
- Carried.
Employment Standards Act (ESA) - Director of Human Resources
The Director of Human Resources reported that a number of changes will have to be made
to Human Resources Policies, due to the impact the new ESA will have on many of the
County's current policies.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT effective immediately Council repeal the Human Resources Perfect Attendance
Policy 10.130.
- Carried.
AMS Policy Revision - Director of Human Resources
The Director of Human Resources reported that in order to comply with the new
Employment Standards Act provisions, it is necessary to amend the AMS Policy. Council
discussed the need to hold information sessions with the bargaining units and the Director
of Human Resources confirmed that information meetings would be held with employees
to explain the changes.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT Elgin County Council accept, in principle, the amendments to the AMS Policy
outlined in the report "AMS Policy Revision" dated January 17, 2002; and,
THAT the Human Resources Department hold information meetings with all employees to
provide explanations of the changes to the current Policy.
- Carried.
Council took a break at 10:13 AM. and reconvened at 10:33 AM.
Mr. Paul Mistele, President, Elgin Federation of Agriculture, attended at 10:33 AM. to
present a request for funding in the amount of $1500 for items for the Elgin Agricultural
Heritage Room. Council discussed concerns regarding matching the colour of woodwork
to be done in the room and Mr. Mistele agreed to take the concerns back to the Heritage
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin grant $1500 to the Elgin
Federation of Agriculture Heritage Committee for 2002 to complete the Elgin Agricultural
Heritage Room.
- Carried.
Mr. Mistele distributed a copy of the 2002 budget for the Farm Animal Coalition of Elgin
Committee. The budget showed contributions of $6300 have been received towards
operating expenses and the Committee is requesting that the County confirm its
commitment to support animal agriculture in Elgin County as well as provide funding. Mr.
Mistele handed out information on agricultural initiatives in Perth County, which parallel
concerns in Elgin County. He will forward additional information on the topic, as well as a
report outlining the importance of agriculture to Elgin County. This information will be
forwarded to the Management Team for review and to prepare a report for Council.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the document received from the Farm Animal Coalition of Elgin Committee and
forthcoming additional information be referred to the Management Team to prepare a
report for Council's consideration.
- Carried.
The Warden thanked the delegation for attending and Mr. Mistele left at 10:46 AM.
County Council
February 12, 2002
IT Plans and BudQet for 2002 - ManaQer of Information TechnoloQY
The Manager of Information Technology reported that funding can be significantly
decreased for implementation of 2002 IT Plans than was estimated earlier in the 2001 LGS
report. "Thin Client" will not be included with the 2002 IT initiatives.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the initiatives identified in the report "Help Desk, Council Technology, and
Documentation Management (limited)" be implemented in 2002; and,
THAT additional projects identified in the report "Nurse's Notes, web sites for the County
and Archives, Disaster Recovery Planning and Library Connectivity" be implemented in
2002; and,
THAT the proposed IT budget be approved, in principle, for consideration with the 2002
County Composite Budget.
- Carried.
Temporary StoraQe for the Archives of Alma ColleQe - ManaQer of Library Services
The Manager of Library Services reported that the Archives Committee of the Alma
College International Alumnae has been temporarily storing materials at County since
2000. The Archives Committee has requested permission from the County to continue to
store the records for another year. The Manager of Library Services noted that a request
might be received to transfer these records permanently to the County Archives.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the Archives Committee of the Alma College International Alumnae Association be
granted a one-year extension of the temporary storage arrangement, commencing on
March 4, 2002, with the proviso that if the County requires the storage space on the third
floor that the Alma College International Alumnae Association would be given thirty days
notice to vacate the premises; and,
THAT all materials must be removed on or before the one-year term is up; and,
THAT the Alumnae would be solely responsible for transporting all material to and from the
building; and,
THAT the County of Elgin would not be liable for any damages to the collection; and,
THAT the Alumnae be supplied with one key to the storage area.
- Carried.
Archives Status Report - County Archivist
The County Archivist reported that the project is now commencing and a tender ad has
been placed for construction of the Archives facilities. The Archivist advised Council that
the County was successful with its grant application and there will be an announcement
made shortly. Slides of the Archives' floor plan were shown to Council.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the report entitled "Archives Status Report" presented by the County Archivist, dated
January 24, 2002, be received and filed.
- Carried.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Southern Ontario Library Service Trustee Council - ManaQer of Library Services
The Manager of Library Services reported that the current representative has done well
over the past year and has expressed an interest in remaining the representative to the
SOLS Trustee Council.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT Mr. Richard Harding be appointed as the County of Elgin's representative to the
Southern Ontario Library Service Trustee Council for the term January 1, 2002 to
December 31,2002; and,
THAT the mileage costs associated with the appointment, and membership fees in the
amount of $250.00, be reimbursed through the Library budget; and,
THAT Mr. Harding provide a written report to the Manager of Library Services on the
activities of the Trustee Council shortly after each meeting.
- Carried.
POA Revenues - Share to Municipalities - Director of Financial Services
The Director of Financial Services explained that the revenue was broken down according
to number of tickets issued in each municipality and the best way to recoup start-up costs
would be to apply the surplus of $99,500 towards the renovation costs and to charge the
City of St. Thomas for their share. Some tickets could not be allocated and Council
discussed the need to identify all tickets according to the municipality they are issued in
and to bring this matter to the attention of the PSB and police officers.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the same ratios as determined from Provincial Offences tickets that identify the
issuing municipality be utilized to determine each municipality's share of 2002 net fines
revenues; and,
THAT the constituent municipalities share of start-up costs be provided from the 2000
P.O.A reconciliation funds received from the Province; and,
THAT the City of St. Thomas share of 2001 fines revenues be reduced by its share of the
start-up costs; and,
THAT the revenues be dispersed once the audit is complete.
- Carried.
Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Council; Treasurer's
Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Outside Boards; Director of Finance
2001 Report on Council Convention Expenses - Director of Financial Services
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Council; Treasurer's
Statement of Remuneration and Expenses for Outside Boards; and Director of Finance
2001 Report on Council Convention Expenses presented by the Director of Financial
Services be received and filed.
- Carried.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Items for Consideration
1. Ross Snetsinger, Chair, Rail Ways to the Future Committee, requesting support for a
proposal concerning a time extension for comments for the discontinuance of 83
miles of CN and CP track between St. Thomas and Attercliffe.
2. Dutton and Dunwich Chamber of Commerce, with an invoice for the 2002 Chamber
Membership Fee for Elgin County.
3. Jack Riddell, Ontario Institute of Agrologists, with program information and
registration forms for the "Regulating Agriculture: How Much Can Farmers Cope With
seminar, February 21,2002.
4. Douglas G. Graham, Executive Director, West Elgin Community Health Centre,
requesting the second disbursement of the grant from the County be issued as soon
as possible.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #1 :
Council noted that this issue is very important and that MPP Ernie Hardeman is holding a
meeting on Friday in Tillsonburg to discuss the situation concerning the rail line.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT Correspondence Item #1 be deferred to the next County Council meeting.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #2:
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin renew its membership with the Dutton and
Dunwich Chamber of Commerce for 2002.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT Correspondence Item #3 be received and filed.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #4:
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin advance the grant funds for 2002 immediately
to the West Elgin Community Health Centre.
- Carried.
Correspondence for Information
1. Government of Canada NEWS RELEASE, announcing the results of the new
business study "Competitive Alternatives: Comparing Business Costs in North
America, Europe, and Japan".
County Council
February 12, 2002
2. Ontario and Federal Government Programs Guide (2002), with Order Form for the
"Grants and loans information for all business located in Ontario" publication.
3. Tracey Bell, Ruth Carmichael, and Rhonda Emery, Client Services Advisor,
Government Information Centre London, introducing the Information Centre and
outlining the services provided.
4. Ann Mulvale, AMO President, with conference registration forms and accommodation
reservation information for the 2002 AMO Annual Conference August 18-21, 2002.
5. ROMAlOGRA Combined Conference Workshop Line-up for February 2002.
6. James Wilgar, Pentagon Capital Partners Inc., with information concerning AIM
PowerGen Corporation, a Canadian-based wind-power generation company located
in the Haldimand-Norfolk-Brant and Elgin-Middlesex area.
7. Pat Vanini, Director of Policy and Government Relations, Association of Municipalities
of Ontario, concerning Council's resolutions regarding exempting municipalities from
paying filing and enforcement fees to Small Claims Courts and Superior Courts of
8. Debbie Laman and Heather Whyte, St. Joseph's Health Care, with information on the
role of the Emergency Care Program Transfer Steering Committee and the
Emergency Program Transfer.
9. Jack Layton, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, with a list of the FCM
Board Members for Ontario.
10. Ted Garrard, Vice-President, Friends of the Games, 2001 Canada Summer Games
Alliance Partners, thanking the County for their financial gift and support of the event.
11. Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, acknowledging
Council's resolutions concerning: 1) the medical practitioner shortage in Ontario; 2)
medical school tuition fees.
12. RA Fowler, Secretary, Ontario Property and Environmental Rights Alliance, with
information concerning the Alliance and a newsletter update.
13. Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, acknowledging
Council's resolution concerning the Provinces' role in the proposed federal affordable
housing program.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Crevits
THAT Correspondence Items #1-13 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Statements/InQuiries by Members
Councillor Faulds enquired if any problems were encountered with the transfer of the 9-1-1
answering service to the OPP. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the
procedure was a seamless process and no problems were noted.
The Deputy Clerk announced that the County had two rooms still available at the
OGRAlROMA Combined Conference for anyone who may be interested. The constituent
municipalities will be advised of the availability of the rooms.
The report from the Manager of Engineering Services on the Lakeshore Line was deferred
to the afternoon when Councillor Stewart would be in attendance.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Notice of Motion - None.
Matters of UrQency - None.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT we do now proceed In-Camera to discuss property and personnel issues.
- Carried.
Councillor Stewart arrived at 12:20 P.M.
Council recessed at 12:40 P.M. and reconvened at 1 :20 P.M.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT we do now rise without reporting.
- Carried.
Lakeshore Line (County Road 42) - Road Closure - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ
The Manager of Engineering Services reported that efforts to stabilize the erosion from
Lake Erie at County Road 42 have failed. Public safety has become a concern,
necessitating the closure of a portion of County Road #42. The landowners affected by
the closure will be notified, by hand delivery, that a portion of the roadway will be closed.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT a portion of Lakeshore Line (County Road #42) 634 metres from the west limit of
Elgin County Road #55 for 715 metres to the east property limit of Godby Road, in the
Municipality of Bayham, be closed; and,
THAT this information be circulated to all emergency services, M.P.P., M.P.s, and other
agencies that have an interest in this matter.
- Carried Unanimously.
Members of the Town of Aylmer Council and Staff attended at 1 :27 P.M. and the Chief
Administrative Officer presented, by PowerPoint, an overview of County operations,
challenges and opportunities. Questions were asked of County Council and staff.
Members of the Town Council thanked Council for the opportunity of attending the meeting
and Warden Wilson thanked them for their attendance. The Warden also urged Aylmer
Council, that should they have subsequent questions, to please contact County staff for
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now proceed In-Camera to discuss a property matter.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Staff was directed to carry out the recommendation contained in the confidential report
regarding the Medical Director at Elgin Manor.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the Acting Director of Homes and Seniors Services be authorized to maintain the
current cost/meal at $4.45 in support of maintaining a reasonable and affordable cost/meal
to the clients of the Meals on Wheels Program within our community.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Crevits
THAT staff be directed to extend the current contract with the County Prosecutor for one
year, effective February 27, 2002, at the current rate of $100 per hour.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the Media Release dated February 1ih, 2002 regarding announced program
cutbacks at the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital be approved for circulation.
- Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Stewart
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the correspondence concerning provision of land erosion efforts, dated February 7,
2002, be received and filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Crevits
THAT we adopt the recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT By-Law 02-02 "Being a By-Law to Authorize the Temporary Closure of a Portion of
County Road #42 (Lakeshore Line) in the Municipality of Bayham" be read a first and
second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT By-law No. 02-02 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
County Council
February 12, 2002
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT By-Law No. 02-03 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of
the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the February 12, 2002 Meeting" be read a first
and second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT By-Law No. 02-03 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now adjourn at 2:37 P.M. to meet again on March 1ih, 2002 at 9:00 AM.
- Carried.
Mark G. McDonald,
Chief Administrative Officer.
John R. Wilson,