July 23, 2002 Minutes
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:05 AM. in
accordance with adjournment, with all members in attendance except Councillor Habkirk
(convalescing at home).
Warden Wilson in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 9,2002 be adopted.
- Carried.
The County Archivist presented "From the Archives - Past Events in County Council
History" and read a letter from 1885 for Council's enjoyment as part of Elgin's
Sesquicentennial celebrations. Further excerpts would be presented throughout the
balance of the year.
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Tender Approvals DurinQ Council's Summer Break - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT staff advertise and select the lowest bidder for Intersection Reconstruction of Sunset
Road and John Wise Line; Museum Rehabilitation (SuperBuild); and South Vienna
Bridge Rehabilitation (OSTAR); and,
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign
the contracts; and further,
THAT staff report the tender results at the next County Council meeting.
- Carried.
Jamestown BridQe - deferred from July 9. 2002 - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
Much discussion ensued regarding the low usage of the bridge, the value to adjoining
property owners, and that the approaches require realignment which may also involve the
purchase of property. The Manager of Engineering Services further noted that the bridge
on Dexter Line, which is in close proximity to the Jamestown Bridge, will require rebuilding
in the future, due to erosion. Mr. Karn, a property owner on the south and west sides of
the Jamestown Bridge, was in attendance and indicated that acquiring property would not
be an issue. Council discussed the possibility of installation of a Bailey Bridge rather than
rehabilitating the present bridge.
County Council
July 23,2002
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the Manager of Engineering Services be directed to research and review the costs
and benefits of rehabilitating the Jamestown Bridge and improving the approaches versus
purchasing and installing a Bailey Bridge and report to Council at a later date.
- Carried.
Road Network Study - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
The Manager of Engineering Services noted that the intent of the report was to develop a
standard for the type of roads that should be included in the County Road System. He
further advised that all Lower-Tier Municipalities had commented on the report. Councillor
VanBrenk read a prepared text against transfer of roads to the lower-tier and in support of
transfer of roads to the County. Councillors asked what the savings would be to transfer
these roads to the County.
Council took a break at 9:47 and reconvened at 10:02 AM. while the Manager of
Engineering Services calculated costs and savings of transferring lower-tier roads to the
The Manager of Engineering Services reported that if the roads were transferred to the
County, it would result in $300,000 in additional County expenditures (operational and
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the following lower-tier roads be assumed by the County of Elgin and the 2003
County Budget be adjusted accordingly:
Street Name Location Length Municipality
Graham Road All 1.90 West Elgin
(West Lorne)
Belmont Road All 1.59 Central Elgin
John Street All 2.69 Aylmer
Putnam Road Lyons Line to 2.77 Malahide
Ron McNeil Line
Robinson Street Victoria Street south to 0.84 Bayham
Wellington Street (Port Burwell)
- Carried.
The Manager of Engineering Services questioned the effective date for transfer of the roads
and when capital costs would be expended on Putnam Road. Warden Wilson indicated that
capital improvements should get underway soon. The Consolidating By-Law to transfer
ownership of lower-tier roads would be presented to Council in September. The County
would, as part of the assumption agreement, pave the section of road in Malahide (2.77 km).
Social Committee Update
Mr. Stewart Burberry and Ms. Suzanne Edwards, members of the Social Committee,
attended at 10:12 AM. to present the report. The Committee is requesting Council
support and consideration for partial funding of the Council and Staff Christmas Party. As
well, tickets are for sale to a baseball game should Councillors wish to attend.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT County Council grant the Social Committee $5 per person (upset limit of $1 ,200) in
contribution towards the County Christmas Party and the funds be acquired from the Mill
Rate Stabilization Reserve.
- Carried.
County Council
July 23,2002
Mr. Burberry circulated certificates recognizing the Terrace Lodge 25th Anniversary
received from the Town of Aylmer and Steve Peters, M.P.P. He also reminded Council
that Elgin Manor's annual barbecue is July 25th and tickets are still available.
Mr. Burberry and Ms. Edwards left at 10: 17 AM.
The Manager of Engineering Services introduced Taryn Shelley, Engineer in Training, and
indicated as part of her training process she would be presenting reports to Council from
time to time.
Administration BuildinQ Storm Sewer Replacement - Construction Technician
The Engineer In Training noted that basement flooding had caused minor damage to the
building and the problem needs to be rectified so Archives material is not damaged.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT Birnam Excavating Ltd. provide storm sewer replacement for the Administration
Building at the quoted price of $150,089.44 (including taxes); and,
THAT the funds for this project be allocated from the 2001 unallocated capital reserves;
and further,
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign an agreement
with Birnam Excavating for the County of Elgin Storm Sewer Replacement Contract No.
- Carried.
Furnival Road Culvert Replacements - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT Birnam Excavating Limited be awarded Contract No. 6200-02-03, Furnival Road
Culvert Replacements for their tendered price of $105,367.94 including taxes; and,
THAT the funds for this project be allocated from the 2002 capital program; and further,
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign an agreement
with Birnam Excavating for Furnival Road Culvert Replacement Contract No. 6200-02-03.
- Carried.
Third Line Reconstruction - Technical Services Officer
Councillor Mcintyre noted that the tender for the Third Line Reconstruction closed on
Friday, July 19th and the report could not be forwarded previously to Council.
The Technical Services Officer reviewed the report and indicated the tender was more
than anticipated and savings realized in lower prices for hot mix should cover the
additional expenditure.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT Robinson Farm Drainage Limited be awarded the Third Line Reconstruction Project
for their tendered price of $283,461.73 (inclusive of taxes).
- Carried.
County Council
July 23,2002
County Representative on EIQin-St. Thomas Archives Association - Archivist
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT Mr. Perry Clutterbuck be appointed to serve as County Council's representative to
the Elgin-St. Thomas Archives Association for the term June 2002 to June 2003.
- Carried.
Resident Co-Payment Accommodation CharQes - Director of Homes and Seniors
The Director noted the Government had announced on July 1, 2002 a 15% increase to
accommodation co-payment charges for long-term care residents. The basic
accommodation long-stay residents may apply to the Ministry for a rate reduction. The
Director pointed out that the increased revenue from the residents will flow through to the
Province and not to the Homes.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT County Council urge the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to reconsider the
Ministry's position on the double-digit increase of accommodation co-payment charges for
Ontario residents of long-term care facilities; and,
THAT the Resident Councils of the three Homes for the Aged be advised of Council's
- Carried.
ReQuest for Swim Lesson Space at Terrace LodQe - Director of Homes and Seniors
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services noted that a "save harmless" clause would be
inserted in the agreement and the County Insurer had indicated the amount of aggregate
insurance coverage ($2,000,000) should be adequate.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be authorized to enter into a formal
agreement with YWCA of St. Thomas-Elgin to use the pool at Terrace Lodge, for the nine
(9) week fall swimming program beginning September 23, 2002 and ending November 23,
2002, for which Terrace Lodge will be reimbursed $16.00 per hour.
- Carried.
Fire Booster Pump at County Administration BuildinQ - ManaQer of EnQineerinQ
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT Simplex Grinnell be selected to supply and install a Fire Booster Pump at the
County Administration Building at the quoted price of $43,580 plus taxes; and also,
THAT the monies be allocated from the Waterline Reserve.
- Carried.
EG1- ParkinQ By-Law Update - EmerQency Measures Co-Ordinator
The Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator indicated that the Ministry has examined the
short-form wording and the by-law is with the County Solicitor for review. Warden Wilson
County Council
July 23,2002
requested that all no parking signs be distributed to the municipalities as soon as possible
in preparation for completion of the by-law.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT the report entitled "EG1 - Parking By-Law Update" presented by the Emergency
Measures Co-Ordinator be received and filed.
- Carried.
Purchase of Defibrillators for EIQin County Ambulance Fleet - EmerQency Measures
The Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator noted that Rodney Ambulance Service had
requested that one of the used units be retained for training purposes.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT, upon the recommendation of the Elgin County Land Ambulance Technical Advisory
Committee, authorization is given to purchase seven (7) Laerdal Heartstart 4000 units at a
cost of $88,613.04 to be funded from the equipment grants received from the Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care; and,
THAT the Rodney Ambulance Service Operator be permitted to retain one of the old units
to assist with training; and;
THAT the City of St. Thomas be so informed.
- Carried.
BudQet Comparison to May 31. 2002 - Director of Financial Services
The Director of Financial Services noted most departments are in line with percentages of
expenditures to date.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the report entitled "Budget Comparison to May 31,2002" presented by the Director
of Financial Services be received and filed.
- Carried.
2001 Surplus - Director of Financial Services
The Director of Financial Services expanded on individual surplus amounts. The Ontario
Works' surplus had surfaced at year-end and will be reimbursed to the County.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT staff be directed to develop a list of projects to utilize the 2001 surplus of
approximately $1.45 M and report to Council.
- Carried.
Board of Health Surplus - Director of Financial Services
Questions arose regarding need for a reserve should the Board of Health go over budget.
The Director explained there is no reserve presently, but the Board of Health is considering
retaining some of any surplus and can demand funds from its funding partners if required.
County Council
July 23,2002
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT the surplus of $62,626 returned to the County by the Elgin-St. Thomas Board of
Health be applied to pay-down the existing debt resulting from the purchase of the Health
Unit building.
- Carried.
Item for Consideration
1. Mr. W. E. Turvey requesting approval to purchase one County Flag for displaying on
his fire truck that will take part in parades and displays.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT one County Flag be donated to Mr. W. E. Turvey for display on his fire truck at Fire
Musters, parades and other displays; and,
THAT a copy of the Flag Usage Policy be provided to him.
- Carried.
Items for Information
1. Honourable Gar Knutson, Secretary of State Central and Eastern Europe and the
Middle East, acknowledging Council's resolution concerning support by the Ministry
of Health for the Children's Hospitals in Ontario.
2. Keith West, Director, Waste Management Policy Branch, Ministry of the Environment,
concerning Council's resolution regarding legislation to require producers to reduce
packaging on goods at source and retailers to take back packaging materials.
3. AMO: Member Communication ALERT: 1) "Bill 30 and the 1 0-in-1 0 Guideline:
Important Updates on Two Key Fire Services Issues; 2) Nutrient Management Act
Passes, Provincial Water Strategy to Implement Walkerton Report Still Unclear;
AMO Member Communication For Your Information: 1) Proposed Amendments to
AMO By-Law No.1.
4. Steve Peters, M.P.P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, supporting Council's resolutions to:
1) Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, to re-evaluate
the discontinuation of the pediatric cardio-vascular surgery program at the Children's
Hospital of Eastern Ontario; 2) Honourable Elizabeth Witmer, Minister of Education,
to abandon the practice of closing schools in rural communities as a means of cost
savings; 3) Honourable Helen Johns, Minister of Agriculture, to reduce the interest
rate assessed on loans administered under the Tile Drainage Act; 4) Honourable
Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, to address the anticipated
labour shortage in the professional hospital workforce.
5. Honourable Helen Johns, Minister of Agriculture and Food, acknowledging Council's
support for the resolution of the City of Kawartha Lakes concerning safety-net
programming for Ontario's agriculture sector.
6. Allan Gotlieb, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Foundation, announcing the Heritage
Community Recognition Program 2002.
7. Brian Nixon, Director, Water Policy Branch, Ministry of the Environment,
acknowledging Council's concern regarding administrative penalties for infractions at
water treatment plants.
County Council
July 23,2002
8. Honourable Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario acknowledging Council's resolutions:
1) concerning tax capping; 2) concerning the minimum wage in Ontario.
9. Honourable Jerry J. Ouellette, Minister of Natural Resources, acknowledging
Council's support of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's request for the
development of a water policy for Ontario.
10. Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, concerning
Council's resolution regarding the level of provincial funding to St. Thomas-Elgin
General Hospital (STEGH) and changes to the outpatient services at the hospital.
11. Doug Barnes, Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrated Environmental Planning Division,
and Carl Griffith, Assistant Deputy Minister Operations Division, Ministry of
Environment, regarding "Amendments to Drinking Water Protection Regulation (0.
Reg. 459)."
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT Correspondence Items #1-11 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Council took a break at 11: 1 0 AM. and reconvened at 11: 19 AM.
Statements/InQuiries by Members
Warden Wilson noted that he had met with visitors from the City of Elgin, District of Moray,
Scotland, who had attended the World Youth Day - Days in the Diocese event on July 22,
2002. These visitors accompanied him to the County Building where photos were taken.
The visitors presented various articles to the County and the Warden circulated them to
Council to view. Warden Wilson presented a County Atlas, plates, spoons, candles, and
pens to the visitors to take back with them to Scotland.
Councillor Rock reported that World Youth Days-Days in the Diocese was very successful
and, on behalf of Central Elgin, thanked Council Members and member municipalities for
their support. Special mention was made of the assistance provided by the County's
Emergency Planner, Ms. Karen Dunn. Warden Wilson commended Councillor Rock and
volunteers involved for their substantial efforts.
Councillor VanBrenk indicated that the three western municipalities were invited to listen to
the Minister of Agriculture and Food speak about economic development. Councillor
Mcintyre requested that Council consider the topic of County-wide economic development.
Warden Wilson requested that Councillors discuss the topic with their Municipal Councils
and the County Chief Administrative Officer to discuss options.
Notice of Motion - None.
Matters of UrQency - None.
Ms. Anne Moore, Mr. Clifford Baron and Mr. Murray Hennessey attended at 11 :36 AM.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now proceed In-Camera to discuss property and personnel issues.
- Carried.
Warden Wilson invited the delegation to lunch.
Council recessed at 11 :55 AM. for lunch and reconvened In-Camera at 1 :59 P.M.
County Council
July 23,2002
Staff, except for the Director of Human Resources, Human Resources Officer, and the
Chief Administrative Officer was excused at 3:35 P.M.
Moved by Councillor McPhail
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the posting of a part-time driver position for the Library Services Department be
approved; and,
THAT wages and benefits be paid out of funds allocated in the 2002 Library Operating
Budget; and,
THAT staff be directed to obtain quotes for a leased vehicle for the Library Services
Department and a report be presented to Council in September for consideration.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be authorized to initiate a request for
proposal to obtain the services of a consultant with experience in long-term planning to
lead the public consultation, research and business case development for the current Elgin
Manor building; and,
THAT consultant fees not to exceed $50,000 plus GST to be allocated from the Mill Rate
Stabilization Reserve; and,
THAT a preliminary report about the possible uses of the current Elgin Manor building be
provided to County Council by the consultant and the Director of Homes and Seniors
Services by November 1, 2002.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT planning for the future of Terrace Lodge not proceed until the government releases
plans for long-term care "C" facility redevelopment initiatives; and,
THAT the Campaign Cabinet be so advised.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Faulds
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the confidential report entitled "Staffing at the Homes" dated July 18, 2002, be
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT to resolve the issues surrounding the calculation of vacation entitlement, the
Director of Homes and Seniors Services and the Director of Human Resources make
arrangements, through the Bargaining Agent with the affected Nurses, to pay them out or
have the time scheduled at a mutually agreeable time; and,
THAT the monies that are paid out come from the 2002 approved budget.
- Carried.
County Council
July 23,2002
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT the confidential staff direction regarding employee non-performance and lateness be
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Crevits
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do adopt the recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT By-Law No. 02-19 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin at the July 23rd, 2002 Meeting" be read a first and
second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT By-Law No. 02-19 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT we do now adjourn at 4:02 P.M. to meet again on September 10,2002.
- Carried.
Mark G. McDonald,
Chief Administrative Officer.
John R. Wilson,