June 25, 2002 Minutes
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:03 AM. in
accordance with adjournment, with all members in attendance except Councillor Crevits.
Warden Wilson in the Chair.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 11,2002 be adopted.
- Carried.
Warden Wilson presented certificates and awards to the following employees in
recognition of long service to the County and thanked them for their dedication:
Human Resources
Louise M. Eastbury
Margaret Harder
Nora Parish
Sandra J. Tapsell
Karen Johnson
Tammy Payne
Katherine Sheeller
Tina Teichroeb
Patricia Vandevenne
Susan Shackelton
Library Services
Emily M. Finch
Deanna L. Hindley
Susan Morrell
Gail P. Driscoll
28.5 years (full-time)
25 years (full-time)
25 years (full-time)
25 years (full-time)
15 years (full-time)
10 years (full-time)
10 years (full-time)
10 years (full-time)
10 years (full-time)
10 years (part-time)
15 years (full-time)
15 years (full-time)
15 years (full-time)
15 years (part-time)
Elgin Manor
Bobier Home
Elgin Manor
Terrace Lodge
Bobier Home
Terrace Lodge
Terrace Lodge
Elgin Manor
Terrace Lodge
Mr. Dave McAdams, President, and Ms. Marg Emery, Tourism Co-ordinator, St. Thomas-
Elgin Tourist Association, attended at 9: 15 AM. to present the 2002 Marketing Plan and to
provide an update on Tourism activities. The "Cycle Tour of Elgin Wineries" and the
"Perch Search" has proven quite popular. The Association has received notification that a
grant of $8,000 has been approved, which should lessen dependence on funding from the
County and other supporters. The "Mobile Student" promotion is ready to cycle in Port
Stanley and Mr. McAdams requested that comments on this initiative be forwarded to the
Tourist Association. The fundraising sale of the "Incredible Elgin" print, complete with
commemorative "Jumbo" coins, is underway and Mr. McAdams presented one of the
framed prints to the County. Warden Wilson thanked the delegation for attending and for
their efforts on behalf of the County. The delegation left at 9:33 AM.
County Council
June 25, 2002
Mr. Chester Hinatsu, Director St. Thomas-Elgin Ontario Works, attended at 9:33 AM. to
present the quarterly report for Ontario Works activities. Mr. Hinatsu reported that a
number of technology improvements have taken place and that statistics may be skewed
and are being addressed. City Council's approval of the 1 % increase in the Ontario Works
budget will affect the County's share for 2002. A "Policies and Procedures Manual" is
being developed to assist in the provision of consistent practices throughout the County.
Mr. Hinatsu reported on the ChildCare program and the establishment of an Early Years
Resource Centre to provide programs and support for children at risk aged 0-6.
Councillors expressed concern with starting a program such as this which receives
Provincial funding that may be pulled in the future, leaving it a municipal responsibility that
cannot be afforded. Council requested Mr. Hinatsu to include the number of children at
risk, and to fine-tune the charts showing number comparisons for the next quarter report.
Warden Wilson thanked the delegation for attending and Mr. Hinatsu left at 10: 12 AM.
Council took a break at 10: 12 and reconvened at 10:26 AM.
Ms. Janet Baker, Public Sector Liaison Committee, St. Thomas & District Chamber of
Commerce, attended at 10: 15 A M. to present information and request Council's support
for the "Safe Communities Program". This Program works in partnership with the public
and private sectors to provide education aimed at improving the health and safety of
workers and people throughout the community.
Moved by Councillor McPhail
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports, in principle, the initiatives of the
"Safe Communities Program" thereby promoting a culture of safety and injury prevention
throughout communities.
- Carried.
Warden Wilson thanked the delegation for attending and Ms. Baker left at 10:39 AM.
Ms. Jenny Phillips and Ms. Diana Player attended at 10:30 AM. to highlight the schedule
of activities for the Provincial Town Criers' Competition, to provide an update on the
Sesquicentennial Ball, and of the Heritage Dinner sponsored by the Elgin Historical
Society. Over 30 registrants have signed up for the Criers' Competition. The
announcement for the Heritage Dinner will be placed in the papers shortly and tickets to
the black-tie/period-costume event are available in the County Library. The delegation left
at 10:55 AM.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Faulds
THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
Lawn Maintenance Services at Terrace LodQe. EIQin Manor and Bobier Villa -
ManaQer of EnQineerinQ Services
Councillors noted that the acreage in hay grass at Bobier Villa has not been cut and the
Manager will investigate. A comprehensive report will be prepared for next year to include
all costs for maintenance of gardens and grounds compared to providing the service in-
house and, as directed previously, lawn equipment will be stored until a decision is made.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT Jim's Lawn Care be selected for lawn maintenance services at Terrace Lodge for
the 2002 season at their tendered price of $12,195.00 (taxes extra); and,
County Council
June 25, 2002
THAT Peter Wilkins Lawn Care be selected for lawn maintenance services at Elgin Manor
for the 2002 season at their tendered price of $5,170.00 (taxes extra); and,
THAT Jim's Lawn Care be selected for lawn maintenance services at Bobier Villa for the
2002 season at their tendered price of $3,687.50 (taxes extra).
- Carried.
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services introduced Jennifer Ford from Financial
2002-2003 FundinQ ReQuest for Community Support Services - Director of Homes
and Seniors Services
The Director noted that the figures reported are as accurate as can be made this year,
however some may be skewed and staff are devising reporting methods to accurately
reflect costing for next year's report.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the 2002/2003 Community Support Services Budget be approved; and,
THAT the Warden, the Director of Financial Services, and the Director of Homes and
Seniors Services be authorized to sign the budget and forward it to the Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT we do now proceed In-Camera to discuss personnel issues.
- Carried.
Staff were excused except the Chief Administrative Officer at 11: 12 AM.
Council recessed at 12:40 AM. to assemble at the front of the Building for the Annual
Council photo and then for lunch.
Council reconvened at 1:47 P.M. with all members present except Councillors Crevits and
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT we do now rise without reporting.
- Carried.
Mr. Carl Bienefeld attended at 1:47 P.M. at the invitation of Council. Warden Wilson
presented a signed copy of the Tremaine Atlas in appreciation of his substantial efforts as
a member of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association. Mr. Bienefeld thanked Council for
their support of Tourism initiatives throughout his term on the Association and left
Chambers at 1 :50 P.M.
Resident SmokinQ at the New EIQin Manor - Director of Homes and Seniors Services
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services reported that the Resident Council requested
that Council consider a designated smoking room for the new Elgin Manor. The Building
Committee had previously discussed the issue and decided the new Home should be a
non-smoking environment. Discussion ensued regarding resident rights vs. health effects;
room usage should there be no smokers; and since both the other Homes have smoking
rooms, the need for a standard policy.
County Council
June 25, 2002
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT the new Elgin Manor Home for Seniors provide an environment so that residents
may choose to smoke in a designated smoking room in their new home; and,
THAT the Building Committee and the Director of Homes and Seniors Services be
authorized to ensure that a designated smoking room is constructed for the new Elgin
Manor, at an approximate cost of $30,000; and,
THAT County Council provide, to Resident Council, the written policy decision about the
status of resident smoking in their new Elgin Manor home, acknowledging, with
appreciation, the consideration given to the issue by members of the Resident Council.
- Carried.
Four Counties Transportation Services - Director of Homes and Seniors Services
The Director of Homes and Seniors Services reported that residents, particularly those
who are wheel chair bound, use the services to get to appointments and that fees are not
authorized to be paid by the County. Councillor McPhail is Chair of Four Counties
Transportation Services and provided background on the operations and the decision to
bill for services in order to defray their deficit. Councillors spoke to the benefits provided
by this service, similarities with the former STEPS program, and cost implications if all
three Homes made use of a transportation service.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin award a one-time grant of $1 ,500 to the Four
Counties Transportation Services for 2002, providing the Board continue to provide the
service for the balance of the year; and,
THAT staff investigate the potential cost implications for the three County Homes to make
use of a transportation service and report prior to 2003 budget considerations.
- Carried.
EIQin County Administration BuildinQ Storm Sewer Replacement - ManaQer of
EnQineerinQ Services
The Manager of Engineering Services reported some areas of the Administration Building
storm sewer are partially blocked and other areas are fully blocked causing flooding in the
basement. In order to safeguard the Archives this situation needs to be addressed.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT Engineering Services be directed to solicit tenders for the replacement of the Elgin
County Administration Building's storm sewer system; and also,
THAT a contract be awarded to the lowest bidder and report to County Council at the
earliest convenience; and,
THAT the monies for the project be allocated from the unallocated capital reserves; and,
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be directed and authorized to sign
the contract.
- Carried.
Thames Valley Acute Stroke Protocol Memorandum - EmerQency Measures Co-
The Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator explained that the protocol allows for faster
treatment of stroke victims, which may lessen the effects of a stroke.
County Council
June 25, 2002
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the Local
Agreement - Destination Policy (Memorandum of Understanding) to initiate the Thames
Valley Acute Stroke Protocol; and,
THAT the City of St. Thomas be so informed.
- Carried.
Items for Consideration
1. Carolyn Downs, Manager Council Support/City Clerk, City of Kingston, requesting
support for their resolution concerning property assessment and taxation and tax
capping scheme.
2. Bob Rantz, C.AO., Town of Petawawa, requesting support for their resolution
concerning anticipated shortage of health care practitioners.
3. Jon Skafel, President, Alzheimer Society of Elgin-St. Thomas, requesting Council's
funding support and membership in the organization for 2002.
4. Andrea Rivest, Town Clerk, Town of Lakeshore, requesting support for their resolution
concerning reduction of interest rates assessed on loans administered under the Tile
Drainage Act.
5. M. Favell, Area Operations Engineer, Ministry of Transportation, advising that the
Ministry is declining to pay the invoices submitted by the constituent municipalities
with regard to Highway 401 Emergency Detours.
6. Norman K. Kyle, C.AO., Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, with correspondence
concerning "Public Fire Safety Guideline 04-08-12 December 2001 and March 2000"
and requesting Council's support for their request to amend said Guideline.
7. Louise Gartshore, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, requesting support for their
resolution to have the Government of Ontario increase the minimum wage to $8.00
per hour and indexed to the Consumer Price Index yearly.
8. The Honourable Norman W. Sterling, Minister of Transportation, responding to
Council's correspondence concerning the condition of roads in Elgin County and
funding for municipalities from the Province for maintenance of municipal roads.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #1 :
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Rock
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin supports the resolution of the City of Kingston urging
the Ontario Government to make changes to the tax-capping scheme of Bill 140 "Taxation
Capping Provisions for Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Residential Property Taxes".
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #2:
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded Councillor Rock
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin supports the resolution of the Town of Petawawa
petitioning the Ministers of Health and of Colleges and Universities to put in place plans to
address the anticipated labour shortage in the professional hospital workforce.
- Carried.
County Council
June 25, 2002
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #3:
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the County of Elgin take out a $50.00 President's Membership with the Alzheimer
Society of Elgin-St. Thomas for 2002.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #4:
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin supports the resolution of the Town of Lakeshore
requesting the Province of Ontario to reduce the interest rate assessed on loans
administered under the Tile Drainage Act to a more equitable rate.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Items #5 and #8.
Moved by Councillor McPhail
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT Correspondence Items #5 and #8 be deferred until staff investigates the legal and
insurance aspects of the matter and until the County has the opportunity to meet with the
Minister of Transport.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #6.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin supports the Township of Smith-Ennismore-
Lakefield's request to the Minister of Public Safety and Security to remove the requirement
of a minimum of 10 fire-fighters on the scene within 10 minutes, from the Public Fire
Safety Guideline 04-08-12 December 2001; and,
THAT the Ministry of Public Safety and Security consult with local government in the
issuance of amendments to the Fire Prevention Act and Guidelines.
- Carried.
The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #7:
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT the Council of the County of Elgin supports the resolution of the City of Woodstock
requesting the Ontario Government to increase the minimum wage to $8.00 per hour; and,
THAT the Government of Ontario index the minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index
on a yearly basis.
- Carried.
Correspondence for Information
1. Thank you card from the Murray Benner Family.
County Council
June 25, 2002
2. Hon. Gar Knutson, Secretary of State Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle
East, acknowledging Council's support of the resolutions from the City of Kawartha
Lakes concerning the financial state of our farming communities and the Town of
Oakville concerning a review of the mandate of the Ontario Municipal Board.
3. AMO Member Communication - ALERT: 1) Volunteer Firefighter Protection Bill
Passes Second Reading - Membership Voices Needed To See It Through the
Legislative Process; 2) New Electricity Safety Inspection Regulations Impact
Municipal Costs; 3) AMO 2002 Conference - Update.
4. James Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities,
Member Advisory, "FCM Confident of Federal Commitments".
5. The Honourable David Young, Attorney General, Minister Responsible for Native
Affairs, acknowledging Council's support for resolution of the Town of Minto's
concerning youth vandalism and violent behaviour.
6. The Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing,
acknowledging Council's support for the resolution of the Town of Oakville
recommending the Province review the role of the Ontario Municipal Board.
7. The Honourable Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario, acknowledging Council's resolution
concerning the impact on local municipalities and their residents caused by Highway
401 detours.
8. Steve Peters, M. P. P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, with copy of correspondence: 1) to
the Minister of Transportation regarding Elgin County Council's concerns regarding
the impact closures of stretches of Highway 401 have on residents and roads in Elgin
County; 2) to the Minister of Consumer and Business Services and the Minister of
Justice and Attorney General of Canada, to permit municipal governments and
boards/committees to accept lottery proceeds to be used for charitable purposes.
9. AMCTO Express - June 18, 2002, with information on the Ontario Government
Budget for the fiscal year 2002-2003.
10. The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, responding
to Council's support of the Middlesex County Council's resolution regarding funding
for an arbitrated salary increase for land ambulance workers.
11 . Thank you from Marg Berry for the gifts and best wishes from the County on the
occasion of her retirement from the St. Thomas Times-Journal.
Moved by Councillor Habkirk
Seconded by Councillor Stewart
THAT Correspondence Items #1-11 be received and filed.
- Carried.
Statements/InQuiries by Members
Councillor Rock discussed the need to look at continuing to modernize and enhance the
County Building in order to address the needs of the County administration, tenants and to
provide additional rental areas.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT staff investigate and report on a plan to modernize and enhance the County
Building, especially the Administrative Services Office, for 2003 budget considerations.
- Carried.
County Council
June 25, 2002
Notice of Motion - None.
Matters of UrQency - None.
Moved by Councillor Mcintyre
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT we do proceed In-Camera to discuss personnel issues.
- Carried.
Mr. Charles Humphries of Stringer, Brisbin, Humphries, was in attendance and left at 3:48 P.M.
Staff except for the Director of Homes, Director of Human Resources, Deputy Clerk, and
Chief Administrative Officer were excused at 3:32 P.M.
The Deputy Clerk and Director of Human Resources were excused at 3:55 P.M.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT we do now rise and report.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT a new permanent position be created within the Elgin County Archives, reporting to
the County Archivist and ultimately to the Manager of Library Services; and,
THAT the Human Resources Officer proceed with a job description, job posting and
evaluation according to the County's salary grid; and,
THAT recruitment for this position begin as soon as possible.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the report entitled "Registered Dietitian Services at the Homes" from the Director of
Homes and Seniors Services dated June 3, 2002, be received and filed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Stewart
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the Mediation Settlement agreed to on June 18, 2002 with the Ontario Nurses
Association be approved.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT the Confidential report entitled "Human Resources Issues" from the Chief
Administrative Officer dated June 15, 2002 be approved as amended.
- Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor McPhail
Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre
THAT we do adopt the recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole Council.
- Carried.
County Council
June 25, 2002
Moved by Councillor Stewart
Seconded by Councillor McPhail
THAT By-Law No. 02-17 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 25, 2002 Meeting" be read a first and
second time.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor Rock
Seconded by Councillor VanBrenk
THAT By-Law No. 02-17 be read a third time and finally passed.
- Carried.
Moved by Councillor VanBrenk
Seconded by Councillor Habkirk
THAT we do now adjourn at 3:55 P.M. to meet again on July 9,2002 at 9:00 AM.
- Carried.
Mark G. McDonald,
Chief Administrative Officer.
John R. Wilson,