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June 8, 2004 Minutes COUNTY COUNCIL Tuesday, June 8, 2004 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:00 A.M. in accordance with adjournment, with all members present. Warden Rock in the Chair. Council stood in a Moment of Silence to honour those who fought for our freedom during the D-Day Invasion on the beaches of Normandy. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the minutes for the meeting held on May 25,2004 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF- None. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Dexter Line Lake Bank Erosion - Director of EnQineerinQ Services The Director noted that erosion slopes are within 40 to 120 metres from the road surface on Dexter Line west of Port Bruce and planning needs to be undertaken to address the situation. Councillors discussed many issues, some of which were: the critical situation at the top of the hill and pros and cons of short-term mitigation measures for erosion control; difficulties in relocating the roadway and disruption to the community; apportioning funds to a budget line over the next few years to cover the expenditures; and the possibility of assistance from the Provincial and Federal governments. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT staff contact the previously utilized firms involved in lakeshore erosion prevention to provide an estimate of the cost for a study to mitigate lakeshore erosion along Dexter Line (1/4 mile section) and report back to Council on the study design and costing. - Carried. Homes' Family Barbecues - ManaQer of ProQram & Therapy Services The Manager indicated that the focus of the annual barbecues has moved from benefiting the Residents to a community event, as only 20% of Residents are able to attend. County costs incurred are substantial and ticket sales do not cover costs. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the Homes' Managers be directed to scale down the size and change the focus of the annual Homes' Barbecues, as outlined in the report entitled "Homes' Family BBQs", dated May 19, 2004 from the Manager of Program & Therapy Services, to encourage more direct Resident and Family participation in the events. - Carried. County Council 2 June 8, 2004 The Manager of Program & Therapy Services advised Council that a request has been received to utilize the Elgin Manor Chapel on July 10, 2004 for a small wedding of up to thirty attendees. Council concurred with the request. London Hospital Linen - ManaQer of Homes' Services - EIQin Manor The Manager noted that the usage figures used for budgeting from 2003 were low and the amount required for 2004 may be up to double than what was anticipated. Measures have been undertaken to reduce the amount of linen required to save funds. Council directed that Homes' staff review all 2004 Homes' approved budgets to try to find funds to cover the shortfall for London Hospital Linen service overruns and report. Staff was also directed to investigate alternative suppliers for the linen requirements. Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the report entitled "London Hospital Linen" dated May 18, 2004 from the Manager of Home Services, Elgin Manor, be received and filed. - Carried. Land ACQuisition for Severance Purposes - Director EnQineerinQ Services The Director reported that a request had been received to assume into the County Road System a small strip of land from a property to effect a change to a merger of title with a pre-existing parcel of land. If a small section of land was conveyed from the frontage of the pre-existing parcel to the County, the dimensions of the pre-existing parcel would be changed and the merger is effected. Council consensus was to not allow this small assumption of land into the County Road system as it circumvents municipal planning. The Director of Engineering Services was directed to inform the applicant or its legal counsel to approach the lower-tier municipality to determine whether this type of strip land acquisition would be allowed and report back to Council. Any future request of this nature should be directed to County Council following consideration by the affected lower-tier municipality(ies). Council took a break at 10:10 A.M. and reconvened at 10:20 A.M. DELEGATIONS Ms. Jan Hunter, Chairperson; Ms. Joyce Bennett, Past Chair; Ms. Linda Stevenson, Elgin Trustee; Mr. Terry Roberts; and Mr. Don Blair, Superintendent, Thames Valley District School Board, attended at 10:20 a.m. to provide an update on Rural School Issues in Elgin County. Discussions included: small schools and declining enrollment and the resultant projected loss of $40M in funding by 2010; the flawed funding formula that does not account for urban versus rural school needs and programs; potential school closures; the cost to educate rural versus urban students; the possibility of a partnership between the Board and the County to press the government through our local MPP's to address the funding formula for rural schools; encouraging migrant or faith-based population to enroll in public schools; and projected population growth and community changes in rural areas, among other issues. Trustee Stevenson offered to take the comments from Council forward for the Board to consider. Ms. Hunter thanked Council for providing an opportunity to address issues of mutual concern and the delegation left at 11: 17 A.M. CORRESPONDENCE FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Honourable Harinder S. Takhar, Minister of Transportation, responding to the County report concerning provincial issues affecting Elgin County. 2. Ms. Cynthia St. John, Chief Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit with a Position Paper on the Structure and Governance of Public Health. 3. Ms. Pauline Lindsay, President, Elgin County District Women's Institute, re: Operational Manager of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum. County Council 3 June 8, 2004 The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #1 : Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT Correspondence Item #1 be received and filed. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #2: Councillors Mcintyre and Baldwin presented a motion regarding restructuring the governance and deliverance of public health in Ontario, indicating concerns that the Elgin- St. Thomas Health Unit may be included with the London Board and a London-based Medical Officer of Health would not be close to issues in Elgin County. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Baldwin WHEREAS the current government is considering restructuring the governance and deliverance of public health in Ontario; and, WHEREAS there is no known research that shows fewer health units have increased capacity to deliver effective public health programs and services; and, WHEREAS the potential exists that the needs of those that live, work, and play in St. Thomas and Elgin County will not be met if a larger more urban-centered health unit is created for this region; and, WHEREAS amalgamations of public health units may decrease the ability for the effective delivery of the distinctive and valued programs and services required in Elgin County; and, WHEREAS the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit has developed a position paper on the structure and governance of public health which provides an effective and progressive alternative to amalgamation. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin does not support amalgamations of health units to any specific number as a way to increase the capacity of public health and does support the innovative approaches as outlined in the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit Position Paper on the Structure and Governance of Public Health; and further, THAT the constituent municipalities in the County of Elgin be requested to provide written support for this resolution. - Carried Unanimously. The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #3: Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT Correspondence Item #3 be received and filed. - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1. Jeff Okrucky, Manager, Operations, London/Sarnia, Union Gas, with an update on recently approved new distribution rates effective May 1, 2004. 2. MPAC May 2004 Issue Newsletter. 3. Brad Duncan, Chair, Board of Directors, 2004 Can-Am Police-Fire Games, announcing the games to be held July 11-18, 2004. County Council 4 June 8, 2004 4. AMO ALERT Member Communication: 1) Employers' Raise Concerns about Ontario Health Premium; 2) Beginning of a New Health Partnership with Municipalities Based on Co-operation. 5. Thank you card from: Lisa Crane and Family Stan McCann and Family. 6. Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Environment, responding to Council's concerns regarding the Nutrient Management Act and transfer of compliance responsibilities from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food to Ministry of the Environment. 7. Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister Responsible for Seniors, with information on the 60th Anniversary Commemorations of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy and encouraging communities to plan events to mark this historical anniversary. 8. Melissa Watkins, Farmland Preservation Research Project and the Ontario Farmland Trust, with information on the June 28-29 Farmland Preservation Conference: "Protecting Farmland for Farmers" and the launching of the Ontario Farmland Trust. 9. Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Request for Nominations for the 2004-2005 AMO Board of Directors and supporting information. 10. Upper Thames River and Lower Thames River Conservation Authorities with information and list of Thames River Recovery Strategy for Species at Risk Meetings. Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT Correspondence Items #1-10 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements/InQuiries by Members The Director of Engineering Services was asked to extend Council's sincere appreciation to the organizing and administrative staff that helped to put on the AORS Trade Show. Councillor Wilson echoed the comments and expanded on the large attendance at the event and indicated it was one of the most successful shows that AORS had undertaken. Notice of Motion - None. Matters of UrQency - None. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT we do proceed In-Camera to discuss property and personnel issues. - Carried. Council recessed at 12:05 P.M. and reconvened at 1 :00 P.M. Ms. Angela Johnston and Mr. Mike Thompson, Nutritional Management Services, attended at 1 :00 P.M. and left Chambers at 2:03 P.M. Council took a break at 2:03 P.M. and reconvened at 2:15 P.M. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. County Council 5 June 8, 2004 Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a Lease Agreement with Oxford Communications Limited for the tower at the County of Elgin public works facility on Fruit Ridge Line for a five (5) year term; and, THAT the lease begin on January 1, 2004 at the rate of $1,150 per year. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a Lease Agreement with Brad Bedford for Room #246 in the County Administration Building for a two (2) year term beginning July 1, 2004 at the rate of $13.00 per square foot. - Carried. The Chief Administrative Officer noted a public meeting to discuss construction of an ambulance base was held recently on-site at the Shawside development location. The Deputy Clerk updated Council on Provincial Offences licence suspension issues. The Director of Human Resources advised that a labour issue at Bobier Villa, reported at the last meeting of Council, has been resolved. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT the recommendation from Nutritional Management Services regarding an alternative staffing pattern in the dietary department at Terrace Lodge be authorized for implementation; and, THAT Nutritional Management Services be engaged to conduct a survey of the dietary needs at Elgin Manor and at Bobier Villa and report back to Council. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT staff be directed to amend the Sports, Culture and Tourism Partnership (SCTP) application originally intended for the renovations to the Duncombe Home to now apply to renovations to the fourth floor of the County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, for the location of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum, provided the amended application is approved for funding; and, THAT staff be authorized to expend funds necessary to complete the amended application in a timely manner; and, THAT the Confidential staff report on the Elgin County Pioneer Museum dated May 26, 2004 be received and filed; and further, THAT the report entitled "Location Study Elgin County Pioneer Museum" from Goldsmith Borgal & Company and Canadian Cultural Resource Consultants be received and filed. - Carried. Confidential correspondence received from Mr. Peter Beaudry, SCTP Consultant, Ministry of Tourism and Recreation regarding the Elgin County Pioneer Museum project was received and filed. County Council 6 June 8, 2004 Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT we do adopt the recommendations of the Committee of The Whole Council. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Warwick Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT By-Law No. 04-18 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the June 8th, 2004 Meeting" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT By-Law No. 04-18 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Warwick Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT we do now adjourn at 3:37 P.M. to meet again on June 22,2004 at 9:00 A.M. - Carried. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. David Rock, Warden.