September 13, 2005 Minutes COUNTY COUNCil Tuesday, September 13, 2005 The Elgin County Council met this day at the Administration Building, at 9:02 A.M. in accordance with adjournment, with all members present. Warden Mcintyre in the Chair. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the minutes for the meetings held on July 26,2005 and August 30,2005 be adopted. - Carried. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF- None. Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT we do now move into Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. REPORTS Woodlands Conservation Bv-Law - Tree Commissioner Warden Mcintyre and Council thanked the Tree By-law Review Committee for their hard work in bringing in a working document with input from affected stakeholders. Councillor Warwick noted control of the Emerald Ash Borer could be handled through provisions in the By-law. Amendments were made to the Proposed By-law No. 05-03 as follows: 1. Schedule "I" Basal Area Calculations Assessment - the sampling point spacing was amended from 40 metres to 60 metres. 2. Schedule "A" Shagbark Hickory is listed in Group A and again in Group D - reference to it was removed from Group D. 3. Schedule "l" Short Form Wording for Ticketable Offences - removed pending approval from the Regional Senior Justice of the Peace. 4. Definition of a "Woodlands" in Section 1 (tt) was revised to accommodate areas of less than one hectare in size. Moved by Councillor Warwick Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT the Woodlands Conservation By-law No. 05-03, as amended, be given third and final reading. - Carried. Roaers 911 Aareement - Ambulance and Emeraencv Manaaement Coordinator Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign an agreement for the Provision of 911 Emergency Calling Service in Ontario with Rogers County Council 2 September 13, 2005 Cable Communications commencing on the date of signing by all parties and expiring on April 1 , 2008; and, THAT the City of St. Thomas be apprised of County Council's decision; and, THAT the City of St. Thomas be requested to apprise the County of its decision regarding this matter as if affects the signing of the proposed agreement. - Carried. Ambulance Cross-Border Billinos - Ambulance and Emeroency Manaoement Coordinator Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized and directed to sign a release with Middlesex County for resolution and payment of 2004 Ambulance Cross Border billings; and, THAT resolution of cross border billing with Chatham-Kent be pursued; and, THAT resolution of cross border billings with other counties be explored, after successful resolution is achieved with Chatham-Kent. - Carried. Ambulance Queries Arisino at July 26th Council Meetino - Ambulance and Emeroency Manaoement Coordinator Discussion ensued regarding Provincial control requiring ambulances to respond to non- emergency calls, which may impact potential requirements of our residents for emergency service. Staff was directed to forward a letter to Dr. Mazza, who is leading a study on the matter for the Ministry of Health, outlining Council's concerns and requesting a response. Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT the Memorandum entitled "Ambulance Queries Arising at July 26th Council Meeting" from the Ambulance and Emergency Management Coordinator be received and filed. - Carried. 2005 JEPP Aoolication - Ambulance and Emeraency Manaaement Coordinator Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT the required electrical work and the purchase of an 11,000 Watt Portable Generator for shared use at the West Lorne Legion (backup Emergency Operations Centre) and the Rodney Ambulance Base be submitted as the proposed project for the 2006/2007 JEPP Program; and, THAT the cost of the generator and associated electrical work (County share approximately $4,170) be included in the 2006 Capital Budget. - Carried Ambulance Station in Aylmer - Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Baldwin explained the rationale behind discussions regarding a potential new fire/ambulance station County Council 3 September 13, 2005 Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the report "Ambulance Station in Aylmer" dated September 8,2005, from the Chief Administrative Officer, be received and filed. - Carried. Bill 206 An Act to Revise the Ontario Municioal Emoloyees Retirement System Act - Director of Human Resources Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT the report "Bill 206 An Act to Revise the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act" dated September 13, 2005, from the Director of Human Resources, be received and filed. - Carried. Funoal Growth/Mould Policy - Human Resources Co-Ordinator Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT a policy for Fungal Growth/Mould be adopted and included in the County's Human Resources Policy Manual. - Carried. Workolace Safety and Insurance Board - Human Resources Co-Ordinator and Purchasino Co-Ordinator Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the amendments to Human Resources Policy 8.70 "Contractors/Sub-Contractors" be approved. - Carried. County of Elain PatronNisitorNolunteer Accident Form and Procedure - Human Resources Co-Ordinator Wording will be inserted in the policy to include "care may be provided from qualified staff where appropriate". Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT a policy for County of Elgin PatronNisitorNolunteer Accident Form and Procedure be adopted and included in the County's Human Resources Policy Manual. - Carried. Council took a break at 10:03 A.M. and reconvened at 10:20 A.M. Semi-Annual Information Reoort - Contract Awards - Purchasino Co-Ordinator Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Rock THAT the report "Semi-Annual Contract Awards Information" dated September 7,2005, from the Purchasing Co-Ordinator, be received and filed. - Carried. County Council 4 September 13, 2005 10 Dioit Local Dialino - Purchasino Co-Ordinator Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT each Department is responsible for ensuring that their equipment is compliant for 10 Digit Local Dialing as of June 17, 2006; and, THAT the nominal fees (if any) for bringing devices up to date would be applied from each department's operational budget. - Carried. Budoet Comoarison to July 31. 2005 - Director of Financial Services Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the report "Budget Comparison - July 31,2005", dated August 22,2005, from the Director of Financial Services, be received and filed. - Carried. Performance Measures Year Ended December 31. 2004 - Director of Financial Services Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT the 2004 Municipal Performance Measures as outlined in the August 22,2005 report titled "Performance Measures - Year Ended December 31, 2004" be reported to the public on the County web site with the 2004 Audited Financial Statements. - Carried. Tax Relief for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities - Director of Financial Services Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT By-Law No. 98-28 authorizing tax relief for seniors and persons with disabilities be repealed; and, THAT a new By-Law providing for tax relief to low income seniors and low income persons with disabilities be prepared. - Carried. United Way Camoaion 2005-2006 - Jennifer Ford. United Way Committee Payroll Deduction forms would be placed on the Council desks for the next meeting should Councillors wish to contribute towards the Campaign. Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT the United Way Committee Members be afforded reasonable time away from their regular work schedules to attend United Way functions throughout the various facilities during the 2005-2006 Campaign; and, THAT, as in previous campaign years, the County approves a draw for one paid day off for payroll deduction amounts of $3.00 per pay for 26 pays and a draw for two paid days off for payroll deduction amounts of $5.00 per pay for 26 pays. - Carried. County Council 5 September 13, 2005 St. Thomas-Eloin Tourism Sionaoe - Manaoer of Road Infrastructure Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the following policy be utilized for all requests for tourism signage. 1. THAT local, non-profit, tourism destinations may have directional signage placed on County Roads. 2. THAT all requests for signage originate from the municipality in which the destination resides. 3. THAT the local municipality install requested signs at their cost. 4. THAT the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association seek approval for all requests from the County of Elgin. 5. THAT all requests are subject to design, construction and placement specifications as determined by the County. 6. THAT the County of Elgin reserves the right to disapprove or limit the number of signs to a desti nation. - Carried. Modification of Asset Disoosal Policy - Director of Information Technolooy Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT Section 4.4 of the County of Elgin Asset Disposal Policy be amended to include "electronic internet auction" as a method for disposing of surplus assets. - Carried. Resident Cable Service at Eloin Manor - Director of Senior Services. Eloin Manor Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the report "Resident Cable Service at Elgin Manor" dated September 1,2005, from the Director of Senior Services for Elgin Manor, be received and filed. - Carried. Grant - Anderson Deoartment Store Records - Manaoer of Archives and Director of Library Services Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Rock THAT the County's Human Resources Department proceed with a job description and posting for a project archivist according to the terms of a grant received by the Canadian Council of Archives; and, THAT the Warden issue a letter of appreciation for the generous support of the Elgin County Photographic Heritage Society towards this project. - Carried. Warden's Banauet - Councillors Acre and Faulds Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT the annual Warden's Banquet be held at St. Anne's Centre on Saturday, November 5, 2005, with the social hour from 5:30-6: 15 p.m. and the Banquet beginning at 6:30 p.m.; and, County Council 6 September 13, 2005 THAT all other costs and items be approved as detailed; and, THAT the charge for each purchased ticket be set at $20.00, to cover the cost of the meal, taxes and gratuities; and further, THAT County Councillors and Officials dress in standard Council attire. - Carried. Corresoondence for Consideration 1. Janet Beckett, City Clerk, City of Port Colborne, with a resolution petitioning the Provincial Government to support a change to regulatory framework for charitable gaming in Ontario and Canada to permit licensing of municipal museums and public libraries. 2. Michele Kennedy, Town Clerk, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, with a resolution that the Provincial Government review proposed budget cuts to Ontario Library Services. 3. ElginConnects with an invitation to a V.I.P. Reception on Friday, September 23,2005, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the East Elgin Community Complex, Aylmer. The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #1 : Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports the resolution from the City of Port Colborne petitioning the Provincial Government to support a change to the regulatory framework for charitable gaming in Ontario and Canada to permit the licensing of municipal museums and public libraries. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #2: Moved by Councillor Warwick Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT the Corporation of the County of Elgin supports the resolution of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville requesting that the Provincial Government review the proposed budget cuts to the Ontario Library Services. - Carried. The following recommendation was adopted respecting Correspondence Item #3: Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT Correspondence Item #3 be received and filed. - Carried. Items for Information (Consent Aaendal 1. Martin Zablocki, Federal Co-Chair, Management Committee, Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund with response to the Municipality of Tweed's resolution concerning costs incurred prior to the approval of a project under COMRIF. 2. Ken Verrell, Chairperson, Seniors Picnic in the Park, thanking the County for its contribution to the 2005 Seniors Picnic in the Park. 3. The Expert Panel on Water and Wastewater Strategy with their Report Of The Water Strategy Expert Panel. County Council 7 September 13, 2005 4. Ontario News Release Communique, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing: 1) "Ontario Supports Tourism Revitalization in Stratford"; 2) 2006 Rent Increase Guideline Released. 5. Lorne and Phyllis Freed, with correspondence expressing their concerns regarding the prospect of a Ferry service to Port Stanley. 6. Hon. Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announcing "Canada Citizenship Week - October 17-23" and encouraging community participation. 7. AIM PowerGen Corporation, with the August 2005 Erie Shores Wind Farm Newsletter. 8. Hon. Lincoln M. Alexander, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Foundation, with guidelines and nomination forms for the 2005 Heritage Community Recognition Program. 9. Hon. George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, with an update on the health reform plan involving the expansion of community-based health care in Ontario and the funding increase for Long Term Care Homes Programs. 10. Lynda Millard, Clerk, Municipality of Bayham, with a resolution in response to the County correspondence of July 28, 2005 concerning County sign placement policy. 11. Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program, Re: COIP Project Completion Deadline Extended - SCTP Projects. 12. Association of Municipalities of Ontario, with registration form and accommodation information for the 2005 Counties, Regions and Single Tier Municipalities, and District Social Services Administration Boards Conference, October 16-19 at the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Centre, Niagara Falls. 13. Raven & Shaw, Chartered Accountants, with the County of Elgin's Trust Fund, Financial Statements Year Ended December 31,2004, Consolidated Financial Report Year Ended December 31, 2005 and Auditors' Report to the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers. 14. Brian Klunder, Policy Advisor, acknowledging County Council's resolution concerning the development of a national oral health strategy. 15. Hon. Joe Fontana, Federal Minister of Labour and Housing, Hon. John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Roger Anderson, President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, David Miller, Mayor of Toronto, NEWS RELEASE: "402 Million for Affordable Housing Allocated to Communities in Ontario". 16. Julian Fantino, Commissioner of Emergency Management, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, with information concerning provincial coordinated efforts to assist with Hurricane Katrina Relief Operations. Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT Correspondence Items No. 1-16 be received and filed. - Carried. OTHER BUSINESS Statements/lnauiries by Members - Councillor Baldwin announced he was putting his name forward for the Office of Warden for 2006 and requested that Councillors consider him for the Office. Councillor Wilson announced he had tickets for the fund raiser being held at the East Elgin Community Complex this Friday, September 16th, starting at 7:00 p.m. The movie "Slapshot" will be shown and the Hanson Brothers would be attending. County Council 8 September 13, 2005 Councillor Hofhuis announced a public meeting on the issue of a Ferry in Port Stanley would be held at the Port Stanley Arena on Monday, September 19th. She also announced she was participating in the "Walking for ALS" event should someone wish to sponsor her. Councillor Warwick announced the Rodney Fair is being held this weekend and encouraged Councillors to attend. Warden Mcintyre announced that the Volunteer Award Ceremony was held at the East Elgin Community Complex last Tuesday and commended East Elgin on their efforts to have it take place in Elgin County this year. Notice of Motion - None. Matters of Uraencv - None. Council took a break at 11 :19 A.M. and reconvened at 11 :27 A.M. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT we do now proceed In-Camera to discuss personnel matters. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT we do now rise and report. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Baldwin THAT Option #3 in the Confidential report dated August 29,2005 from the Director of Senior Services, Terrace Lodge, regarding the restructuring of hairdressing services be approved. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT the Confidential report dated September 13, 2005 regarding the reorganization of the Human Resources Department be approved realizing an estimated savings to the County of approximately $40,000.00. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT we do adopt the recommendations of the Committee Of The Whole Council. - Carried. BY-LAWS Moved by Councillor Baldwin Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT By-Law No. 05-29 "Being a By-Law to Appoint a Land Division Committee and to Repeal By-Laws No. 03-44 and 05-08" be read a first and second time. - Carried. County Council 9 September 13, 2005 Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT By-Law No. 05-29 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT By-Law No. 05-30 "A By-Law to Authorize the Removal of Part of County Road 42, Known as Lake Shore Line, as Described on Schedule "A", from the County of Elgin Highway System and Further to Authorize the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer to Execute a Transfer/Deed of Land of Such Highway in Favour of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as a Lower-Tier Highway" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT By-Law No. 05-30 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT By-Law No. 05-31 "A By-Law to Authorize the Addition of Part of the Road Allowance Between Concessions 1 and 2, Municipality of Bayham, Known as Glen Erie Line, as Set Out as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11 R-8364, to the County of Elgin Highway System" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Faulds THAT By-Law No. 05-31 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Rock Seconded by Councillor Hofhuis THAT By-Law No. 05-32 "Being a By-Law to Accept the Delegation of the Power to Pass a By-Law Respecting the Destruction or Injury of Trees from the Municipality of Bayham; Municipality of Central Elgin; Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich; Municipality of West Elgin; Town of Aylmer; Township of Malahide; and Township of Southwold" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT By-Law No. 05-32 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. County Council 10 September 13, 2005 Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT By-Law No. 05-03 "Being a By-Law to Prohibit or Regulate the Harvest, Destruction, or Injuring of Trees in the County of Elgin (Woodlands Conservation By-Law" be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Vowel Seconded by Councillor Acre THAT By-Law No. 05-33 "A By-Law to Confirm Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin at the September 13th, 2005 Meeting" be read a first and second time. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT By-Law No. 05-33 be read a third time and finally passed. - Carried. Moved by Councillor Acre Seconded by Councillor Rock THAT we do now adjourn at 12:02 P.M. to meet again on September 27th, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. - Carried. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. James Mcintyre, Warden.