December 8, 1998 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y, DECEMBER 8TH, 1998 EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M. 1st Call to Order - The Administrator/Clerk Shall Preside [Section 52 (2)] The Municipal Act 2nd Election of Warden (1 ) Candidates for Warden to Stand (2) Prospective Candidates to Speak (in alphabetical order) (3) Proceed with Election (Ballot - Resolution) 3rd Signing of Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance 4th Gowning 5th Presentation - to be presented by Immediate Past Warden Perry J. Clutterbuck Chain of Office Lord Elgin Watch Gavel of Office 6th Warden's Address 7th Resolution to Destroy the Ballots 8th Committee Appointments - report from County Administrator/Clerk (ATTACHED) 9th Other Business 10th Recess WARDEN'S RECEPTION BASEMENT - COUNTY ADMINISTRA nON BUILDING 7:30 P.M. Fellow Councillors, Staff, Ladies and Gentlemen First of all, to my fellow Councillors, thank you for electing me as Warden for 1999. It is an honour and a privilege. I would like to congratulate Past Warden Perry Clutterbuck on his year as Warden and I hope, with Council's support, to continue building on the many achievements of 1998. As we all know, this was a year of transition and change in a restructured County system. Through Perry's leadership we addressed the challenges and had a whole lot of fun at the same time. Also, my thanks to Councillor Habkirk, for his open and honest approach to this election. Bob, your willingness to serve this County has not gone unnoticed. I have enjoyed the company of my fellow Councillors immensely in 1998. We worked well together, never losing respect for each other and were able to find humour in difficult situations. I am proud of our working relationship and ntend to encourage it throughout the year ahead 2 County staff deserve specia mention as wel Staff should be congratulated for the way they adapted to the restructured system and for their ability to change course and direction at the whim of legislative change from the Province. Their professionalism is much appreciated. As for 1999, I would like to nurture and build on our relationship with the Mayor and Council of the City of St. Thomas. Together we should be encouraging the Province to approve our Consolidation Agreement in its entirety. That agreement recognizes a new way of doing business, has potential for cost savings without impacting services, and allows both Councils to operate as independent bodies. I believe our particular agreement is a first in Ontario between a separated City and an Upper-Tier government. We should be proud of our collective accomplishments. As an aside to that agreement, the County and the City have agreed to examine the options related to Valleyview and Elgin Manor. lam encouraged by this joint effort and trust the outcome wi be based on 3 what s best for the Seniors keeping n mmd the limitations on our financial resources. In 1999, I believe County Council should be pursuing a face-to-face meeting with the appropriate Cabinet Ministers to address the serious underfunding of our road infrastructure. It has been well documented that the downloading of Provincial highways to municipalities has not been followed by adequate funding to maintain those roads to proper standards. The Province may throw money at some services, but if people cannot get to those services because roads are in disrepair, what kind of a system do we have and how useful are those services? I have mentioned restructuring elsewhere in my remarks, but it is important to emphasize that restructuring in Elgin was done in a manageable way and was a locally determined solution. With a Provincial election in the making, believe we should be prepared to stand by our ocal decisions and nsist that the present system be maintained 4 Finally for 1999 we should be prepared to adjust to reasonable legislative change, provided that change can be implemented in a practical way. We must show the Province that we are responsible, but that hastily imposed legislation such as the capping laws, is impractical without proper lead time to implement it. In closing, again, thank you for the honour. I will fulfill the responsibilities as Warden to the best of my ability and look forward to the year ahead. Thank you. Wai'kK Rìel'\. \/4n ß('e,,(z. REPORTTOCOUNTYCOUNC~ Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk FROM: 1998 December 3, DATE: COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FOR 1999 SUBJECT: Introduction: It is customary to make committee and outside appointments in December of each year. What follows is a review of the committee appointments that were made in 1998 and a suggested roster of appointments/vacancies for 1999. It is important to emphasize that past Councils have attempted to balance the workload of Councillors by assigning an equal number of appointments (if possible) to each member. ointments: 1998 A Councillor van Kasteren Rock and Councillors McPhai Wilson appointee) Thomas Health Unit (3 appointees) (1 Museum Elgin County Pioneer Elgin-St. Walters (later replaced by Van Brenk) Councillor Councillor appointee) (1 Thomas-Elgin General Hospita St. VanBrenk Councillor appointee) (1 Association Thomas/Elgin Tourist St. Habkirk Councillor Stewart (later replaced by Mr. Ron Bradfield) Councillor appointee) appointee) (1 (1 Thames Valley District Health Counci Memorial Hospital Tillsonburg District Committee of the Whole Counci Danlal Dale and Marian Sandra Aarts Millman (3 appointees) Waste ManagemenULiaison Family and Children's Services - 2 the goal of balancing for 1999 appointments, keeping In mind ointments The following is a suggested format the workload of Council: 1999 A appointee) (3 appointees) (1 Museum Thomas Health Unit Elgin County Pioneer Elgin-St. appointee) (1 Thomas-Elgin General Hospital St. appointee) (1 Association Thomas-Elgin Tourist St. appointee) (1 Thames Valley District Health Counci appointee) NEW Dispute Resolution Committee (Warden and 2 appointees) SUGGESTED: Social/Entertainment Committee (2 appointees) Note: These members would be responsible for the Warden's Recognition, Golf Day, etc. (1 sonburg District Memorial Hospital Ti Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital (1 appointee) Note: Mr. Bradfield is interested in re-appointment. Family and Children's Services (3 appointees) Note: The 1998 members are interested in re-appointment. The legislation requiring these appointments may be changed in 1999 to eliminate the requirement for municipal appointment. In 1998, the Councillors appointed to the Thames Valley District Health Council and the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit were permitted to accept per diems for these appointments, in addition to their monthly stipend. Do you wish to continue with this practice in 1999? All of which is respectfully submitted County Administrator/Clerk.