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January 13, 1998 Agenda
ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR JANUARY 13TH. 1998 I EVENING SESSION 7:00 P.M. 1st calli to Order - The Administrator/Clerk Shall Preside [Section 52 (2)] The Municipal Act 2nd Election of Warden (1 ) Candidates for Warden to Stand (2) Prospective Candidates to Speak (in alphabetical order) (3) Proceed with Election (Ballot - Resolution) 3rd Signing of Declaration of Office and Oath of Allegiance 4th Gowning 5th Presentation - to be presented by Immediate Past Warden Harry J Mezenberg Chain of Office Lord Elgin Watch Gavel of Office 6th Warden's Address 7th Resolution to Destroy the Ballots 8th Adoption of Minutes - December 9th, 1997 9th Committee Appointments - report from County Administrator/Clerk (A TT ACHED) 10th Other Business 11th Recess WARDEN'S RECEPTION BASEMENT - COUNTY ADMINISTRA TlON BUILDING 7:30 P.M. WARDEN'S ADDRESS Fellow Councillors, Staff, Ladies and Gentlemen: is It Warden for 1999. for electing me as thank you First of all, to my fellow Councillors, an honour and a privilege. I would like to congratulate Past Warden Perry Clutterbuck on his year as Warden and I hope, with Council's support, to continue building on the many achievements of 1998. As we all know, this was a year of transition and change in a restructured County system. Through Perry's leadership we addressed the challenges and had a whole lot of fun at the same time. this election to or Habkirk, for his open and honest approach to serve this County has not gone unnoticed. Also, my thanks to Co unci Bob, your willingness I have enjoyed the company of my fellow Councillors immensely in 1998. We worked well together, never losing respect for each other and were able to find humour in difficult situations. I am proud of our working relationship and intend to encourage it throughout the year ahead. County staff deserve special mention as wel Staff should be congratulated for the way they adapted to the restructured system and for their ability to change course and direction at the whim of legislative change from the Province. Their professionalism is much appreciated. As for 1999, I would like to nurture and build on our relationship with the Mayor and Council of the City of St. Thomas. Together we should be encouraging the Province to approve our Consolidation Agreement in its entirety. That agreement recognizes a new way of doing business, has potential for cost savings without impacting services, and allows both Councils to operate as independent bodies. I believe our particular agreement is a first in Ontario between a separated City and an Upper-Tier government. We should be proud of our collective accomplishments. As an aside to that agreement, the County and the City have agreed to examine the options related to Valleyview and Elgin Manor. I am encouraged by this joint effort and trust the outcome will be based on what is best for the Seniors, keeping in mind the limitations on our financial resources n 1999, I believe County Council should be pursuing a face-to-face meeting with the appropriate Cabinet Ministers to address the serious underfunding of our road infrastructure. It has been well documented that the downloading of Provincial highways to municipalities has not been followed by adequate funding to maintain those roads to proper standards. The Province may throw money at some services, but if people cannot a system do we have kind of what 2 get to those services because roads are In disrepair, and how useful are those services? I have mentioned restructuring elsewhere in my remarks, but it is important to emphasize that restructuring in Elgin was done in a manageable way and was a locally determined solution. With a Provincial election in the making, I believe we should be prepared to stand by our local decisions and insist that the present system be maintained. Finally, for 1999, we should be prepared to adjust to reasonable legislative change, provided that change can be implemented in a practical way. We must show the Province that we are responsible, but that hastily imposed legislation such as the capping laws, is impractical without proper lead time to implement it. to Warden ities as responsib In closing, again, thank you for the honour. I wi fulfill the the best of my ability and look forward to the year ahead Thank you, Warden Rien Van Brenk. Council Report to Coun Mark G. McDonald County Administrator/Clerk From 1998 January 5th Date encies The attached report was originally presented to Council on December 9th. Council, at that meeting, agreed that the Committee of the Whole Council shall be appointed to the Joint Board For Waste Management and County/City Liaison, and referred the matter of all other appointments to the new Council. ointments to Outside Boards and A Council A Subject: For your information, a copy of the appointments made in 1997 is also attached. To expedite matters as quickly as possible, it would be advisable to determine first which Boards/Agencies require Council's representation and second, how many appointees you wish to make to those entities. You will note that some appointments can be made from the public-at-Iarge and may not necessarily involve a member of Council. which is respectfully submitted All of Council Reøort to Count Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk From: 1997 Appointments To Outside Boards December 2 Council Date: Subject: Backaround The County Implementation Committee recommended the following outside appointments to Boards and Agencies in recognition of the reduced size of County Council and the likely increase in Council workload due to downloading. - 1 member - 2 members - 2 members - 1 member - 1 member Pioneer Museum Health Unit County/City Liaison St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Thames Valley District Health Counci appointments have been discontinued. All other past and Children's Services In the attached letter, Family and Children's Services is requesting the appointment of Directors to its Agency even though the County no longer has any funding responsibility for the service. There appears to be a glitch in the transfer, since the legislation has not been amended to eliminate municipal appointments. Therefore, in order to comply with the existing regulations County Council is required to appoint three Directors to the Board, that is, three Councillors or three citizens or a mixture of Councillors and citizens. How do you wish to proceed? Famil (TVDHC) The attached letter from the TVDHC was deferred from the November Session As indicated in the letter, the Health Council is requesting the names of two individuals to be submitted for Order-In-Council approval. The appointment does not have to be a member of County Council. What is your preference? District Health Council Thames Valle Thomas Health Unit The County Implementation Committee recommended the appointment of two members of Council to the Health Board. Since the County and the City will be responsible for funding the Heath Unit at 100%, Council may wish to increase its membership to three members to match the voting power of City Council which has three appointees. Do you wish to increase our membership to three County Councillors? in/St. El, 2 from us that appointments It is our choice. ital The Hospital's CEO has contacted the County to remind County Council can be either citizens or members of Council. Thomas-Elqin General Hos St. ointments? In previous years, the Warden and hislher Striking Committee recommended outside appointments to Council. Council then adopted or amended the report of the Striking Committee. How will the appointments be made in 1998? By the Warden, by the Warden and a Striking Committee, or by County Council? There are logistical considerations to examine. Council's Inaugural Meeting is scheduled for January 13th. The next regular Council meeting is January 27th. Unless the appointments are made by Council at the Inaugural Meeting, outside appointments won't be approved until January 27th. Will this time delay cause any problems? Who Makes The A Recommendation In an effort to balance the workload of members of Counci (ideally one [1] outside appointment for each member), the following number of appointments may meet Council's obligations * See amend- ments below 1 member 3 members 1 member 1 member 2 members Pioneer Museum Health Unit Thames Valley District Health Co unci St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital County/City Liaison 8 appointments 3 citizen appointments solicited by public advertisement and approved by Council. Family & Children's Services /ß considera ~ The Recommendation was amended by the following respectfully submitted for your is of which AI THAT the appointment of representatives to Outside Boards/Agencies be reviewed and determined at the County Council Session to be held on January 13, 1998. . THAT Councillors McPhail, VanBrenk and Wilson be appointed as County Council representatives on the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board for the interim period of January 1 to January 13, 1998. Waste ManagemenU Board for on the Joint THAT the whole of Elgin County Council sit Liaison Committee. P.01 s Services ~AMILY & CHILDREN'S SERU Family & Children' OF ST. THOMAS AND ElGIN INC, AS THE Cf-'!"OREN'S AfD SOCIETY o¡:; 11-!E CITv OF ST. THOa..1AS AND THe COUNTY OF ELGIN (519) 631-0596 . Fax Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario NSR 3C7 . Tel. (519) 631.1492 STEVEN J. BAILEY, Executive Director 410 SUn$9t 1997 Mr. Mark McDonald County Administrator/Clerk 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R5Vl November 19, 33-26.61 S~O'ke, irectoJ'!Lof E Dear Mark: Further to our recent telephone discussions on the appointment of directors to our agency's Board of Directors, I can confirm that the Province has no immediate plans to eliminate the regulation requiring municipalities to appoint representatives to the Board of their local Children's Aid Society. As you know, in accordance with the Who Does What provisions, municipal co-funding of child welfare services will still cease on January 1, 1998. Our agency is still discussing a number of options in- ensuring that we have the fìÌllest slate of directors actively involved in governing child welfare services in Elgin. To that end, we would appreciate some indication of the County's willingness to continue appointing three directors to our Board. I would propose three options for you to consider: three councillors; one councillor and two citizens; three citizens. 1. 2. 3. The appointment of citizens is a legal option in that the Clùld and Family Services Act does not stipulate that appointees be municipal councillors. Should you be interested in appointing non-counciIlors, we would be pleased to send you a list of countty residents who have expressed an interest in serving on Family and Children's Services Board. Please call me if you have to how we might proceed :crom here. I would appreciate Council's advice as any further questions. Steve Bailey Executive Director TOTAL P.01 ~ E'LGIN·ST. THOMAS UNITED WAY SERVICES Perry Clutterbuck A MEMBER OF THE c.c. Thames Valley District Health Counci Conseil régional de santé de Thames Valley Chair: ¡:velyn HMris-Williams ~~CSŒQí{]Œ~ Executive Director: Paul Huras OCT 3 11997 October 24, 1997 CDU1fri OF ELSlN Mr. Mark McDonald GL&lK'S QFFitE County Administrator/Clerk 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas O¿SR 5Vl it . ~. '#J Council Members Dear ~onald: , S. Davenport Municipal representatives' contributions to health care planning for the Thames E. Down Valley district are a highly valued component of Thames Valley District Health Council's membership. The nominees of Elgin County have provided insightful w. Dunn contributions to a great variety of health. planning issues considered by Council. J. Fisher S. Hill As you may know, all district health council members are appointed by Order-in Council by the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. The Ministry of Health has a B. Halliday strict procedure to follow to obtain such an appointment. Council is required to E. Harris-Williams forward two (2) names for consideration of each appointment. In light of the T. Jeffery imminent elections, I am requestirrg your Council to submit, to the Thames Valley District Health Council, two (2) nominees for Council membership at your I. Jenkins earliest opportunity so as to maintain continuity of Elgin County's representation M. Lundrigan on the Thames Valley District Health Council. The nominees may be from Wm. McCormick members of your Council or the community. A brief biographical outline for each C. McWilliam nominee is required to accompany each nomination. D. Reiche Thank you for your past support. I look forward to continuing our partnership in R. Sivyer planning for the health of the Thames Valley district. A.Stewart ~. R. Vardy S. Whittall N. Wickerson~Harmer Paul Huras Executive Director nom \ 1997\ctynomrq.ltr The Gordon J. Mogenson Bui1ding, Suite 105, 100 Collip Circle, U.W.Q. Re=:¡eJrch Park, london. Ontario N6G 4xa Telephone: (519) 838-5015 Fax: (519) 838-3016 FAMILY & CHILDREN'S SERU Family & Children's Services OF ST. THOMAS AND ELGIN INO. AS THE CHIL.DREN'S Aß:) $OCIEn' OF THE: CtTY OF ST. THOMAS AND TI-IE COUNTY or: ELGIN P.01 (519) 631·0596 . Fax 410 Sun..1 Driv.. St. Thorn.., Onl8rio N5R 3C7 . Tel. (519) 631-1492 STeVEN J. BAILEY, Executive Director 1997 Mr. Mark McDonald County Administrator/Clerk 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl 19, December VIA FAX; 6.3.3-1661 ointments to the poard of DirectOJ'S_oO.êlQDiJy_a,nd_Children~$_S.ervices Mllnici Re: Dear Mark: As a follow-up to our discussions on the appointment of municipal appointees to the Board of Directors of Family and Children's Services, I wish to submit to Council the names of the following residents who would be willing to serve as county appointees: Sandra Aarts: Ms. Aarts ofRR#2 Port Stanley has been on the Board ofFamily and Children's Services since 1991. Her tenure as a director elected by the membe.rnhip of the Children's Aid Society will be up in March 1998. She is willing to serve for a one year term effective January 1998. Marian Millman: Marian needs no introduction to Council. She has served on our Board in the past and is a director of the Elgin Children's Foundation, our agency's charitable foundation. She is willing to serve for a one year term effective January 1998. is a newly elected councillor for the municipality of Scouting. He is willing to serve for a one year tenn Danial Dale: Mr. Dale ofRR#5 St. Thomas Central Elgin. He is active in youth work and effective January 1998. TOTAL P.01 (8 ínfonnation. A MeMBER OF THE ELGIN-ST. THOMAS UNITED WAY SERVICES if you require any additional Please contact me 1997 OUTSIDE BOARDS COUNTY/ CITY RE-ENGINEERINO Goutouski, Tolmie, Unger. VanBrenk, Walters and Warden Mezenberg ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Caverly and MacGinnis ELGIN-ST, TI10MAS HEALTH UNIT Hentz, MacIntyre and McPhail ELGIN TOURIST ASSOCIATION Marr, Nesbitt and van Kasteren FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES Buchanan, Chute and Clutterbuck WASTE MANAGEMENT/ LWSON McIntyre, Millman, Tromp, Volkaert and Warden Mezenberg 1997 OUTSIDE BOARDS LAND DIVISION - APPOINTEES: Albert K. Ford, Tere Lebedz, Dave MennilI Max H. Stewart, Murray Silcox FOUR COUNTIES GENERAL HOSPITAL Swain ST. THOMAS-ELGIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Cunniffe THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Wilson TILLSONBURG DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Greer 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 1998 14 January [F(q Dr. G. Pollett Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit 99 Edward Street ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5P 1 Y8 its POllett: Please be advised that the following were appointed by Elgin County Council. as representatives on the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Board for 1998: Dr. Dear Councillor Duncan J. McPhai 14304 Blacks Road, RR #1 WARDSVILLE, Ontario, NOL 2NO Telephone-Residence 785-2298 Councillor Dave M. Rock 68 Lois Avenue ST. THOMAS, Ontario, N5R 5A4 Telephone-Residence 633-1563 -Pager 631-0210 Councillor John R Wilson 50850 Wilson Line, RR #1 SPRINGFIELD, Ontario NOL 2JO Telephone-Residence 269-3364 -Business 269-3053 Board's next meeting time and location of your Please notify these individuals of the date Yours Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. MGM/db cc - Mr. P.J. Leack, City Clerk - Councillor D.M. Rock - Councillor J.R Wilson - Councillor D.J. McPhai 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 GSC MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK January 14, 1998 Mrs. Eleanor McMillan Secretary Elgin County Pioneer Museum 32 Talbot Street ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5P 1A3 1998, appointed the following 13th Mrs. McMillan: Elgin County Council, at its Session held January member to the Pioneer Museum Board: Dear :(- Councillor Andy J. van Kasteren 48075 Jamestown Line, RR #2 AYLMER, Ontario, N5H 2R2 Telephone Committee's time and location of your Residence 773-8625 Please notify Councillor van Kasteren of the date, next meeting. Yours L Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. County of Elgin MGM/db Councillor AJ. van Kasteren P.J. Leack, City Clerk LB. Veger, Treasurer, cc 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLEAK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK WCt~lJft¿>WJ 1998 Family & Children's Services of St. Thomas & Elgin 410 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5V1 14, January Executive Director Baile S.J Mr. Attention: Sir: This is to advise that Elgin County Council, at its January 13th, 1998 Session, appointed the following to represent the County on your local Board for 1998: Dear Mrs. Marian Millman RR #1 UNION, Ontario NOL 2LO Ms. Sandra Aarts RR# 2 PORT STANLEY, Ontario N5L 1 J2 Mr. Danial Dale RR # 5 ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5P 3S9 r~ì ~ :lQb t© l,«J> time and location of your next meeting. Please notify these individuals of the date, Yours Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. MGM/db cc Sandra Aarts Marian Millman Danial Dale 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 1998 14, January ~~v.,....., · ~.. "1' ::; 9J':'1l::~) Mr. Terry Kondrat President and CEO. St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospita P.O. Box 2007 ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5P 3W2 Dear Mr. Kondrat: The Elgin County Council, at its January 13th, 1998 Session, appointed the following member to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Board for 1998 Councillor Bill Walters 45062 Southdale Line, RR #2 ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5P 3S6 Telephone-Residence 631-8110 -Business 631-9242 I time and location of your Board's next Walters of the date, Please notify Councillor meeting. Yours MarK cDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. Walters B MGM/db Councillor cc - 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631·1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CL.ERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CL.ERK [¥f(o'/~)bJI]l 1998 14, January Mr. Herb Brown, President St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5V1 Brown: This is to advise that the following member of Elgin County Council was appointed to the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association for 1998: Councillor Rien VanBrenk 31760 Erin Line, RR #1 FIN GAL, Ontario NOL 1 KO Telephone Þ 5L ____I cy -:!) ':'~d) Mr. Dear Residence 762-2768 time and location of your next meeting Van Brenk of the date, Please notify Councillor Yours Mark . cuonald, County Administrator/Clerk. R VanBrenk MGM/db Councillor cc - 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 1998 14, January [}?(Q Thames Valley District Health Counci 105,100 Collip Circle LONDON, Ontario N6G 4X8 Attention: Mr. Paul Huras Executive Director the following 1998, appointed 13th, Dear Sir: Elgin County Council, at its Session held January member to the Health Council for 1998: Councillor Bob Habkirk 212 Sydenham St. E. AYLMER, Ontario N5H 1 L9 Telephone Council's next time and location of your Residence 773-3034 Habkirk of the date, Please notify Councillor meeting trul Yours Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. MGM/db Councillor Bob Habkirk cc 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633·7661 MARK G. McDONALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 1998 14, January ~dW-J$)QJ Memorial Hospital Tillsonburg Distr. P.O. Box 3100 TILLSONBURG, Ontario N4G 4J2 Ict FCCHSE, President Mr.JS. Spencer Attention 13th, 1998 Session, appointed 1998: Sir: This is to advise that Elgin County Council, at its January the following representative to your Board of Directors for Dear Councillor Max H. Stewart 54656 Maple Grove Line, R.R. #1 EDEN, Ontario NOJ 1 HO Telephone I Board's next time and location of your Residence 866-5838 Please notify Councillor Stewart of the date Ii - , meeting. Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. Max H. Stewart MGM/db Councillor cc