November 24, 1998 Agenda COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE. NOVEMBER 24TH. 1998, Items for Information. (Consent Aoenda) 1. Ms. Sherri Helmka, Executive Director, Employers' Advocacy Council, advising Council that Bill 92 "Emergency Volunteers Protection Act" is anticipated to be passed before Christmas. 2. The Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister of Finance, acknowledging Council's resolution requesting the Province to dedicate a portion of the fuel tax to help support municipal road systems. (ATTACHED) 3. Mayor Stephen J. Peters, City of St. Thomas, with copy of a letter to the St. Thomas- Elgin Tourist Association advising of the City's financial support of the "Area Profile Sign" on Highway 401. (ATTACHED) 4. Premier Michael D. Harris, acknowledging receipt of Council's resolution on the Online Property Tax Analysis System. 5. The Honourable Jim Wilson, Minister of Energy, Science and Technology, and Mr. Michael Power, President, A.M.a., advising Municipal Councils that "The Energy Competition Act, 1998" has passed in the Legislature and the impact that the Act will have on municipalities. (ATTACHED) 6. The Honourable Robert Runciman, Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services, advising that the Ministry is not involved with 9-1-1 Services and that the County's letter was forwarded to the CRTC. (ATTACHED) 7. Ms. Phyllis Ketchabaw, Clerk, Town of Aylmer, with a resolution asking the Minister of Finance to amend the capping legislation to take effect in 1999. (ATTACHED) 8. Municipal of Bayham, and Township of Malahide, with letters of appreciation for the Occupational Health and Safety training provided by Ms. Joan McBurnie of the County Human Resources Department. (ATTACHED) 9. Mr. Bob Bishop, Yarmouth Sand & Gravel Ltd., regarding the results of the Sparta Pit Surplus Property. (ATTACHED) 10. The Honourable Paul Martin, Minister of Finance, concerning Council's resolution pertaining to the deduction of the cost of tools for income tax purposes. (ATTACHED) 11. The Honourable David J. Johnson, Minister of Education and Training, concerning Council's resolution regarding the closure of rural community schools. (ATTACHED) 12. Mr. Michael Power, AMO President, with copy of a letter to the Ministers of Health and Municipal Affairs and Housing, concerning the transfer of land ambulance service to municipal governments. (ATTACHED) 5R . . ~ F nce concerning council'S resolution " ,he """"u",,," E"'" E"'" "'0'"'' 0 '~ ,'"" \",-r"CHED) . _""OIl-"''''''' .nd "".,,'0" "",he ", . WI' . t f tne E.n\Jironment witn regard to 14. ,he H""ou""," 1<"",,,,0 S,,"'Og, '~':~:""."" 'uPI""',,;,.... \",-r"CHED) counCIl'S resolutIon concernIng regu a I .' El'" 'p,",''''' Dacid" 10,,'0"" Land ~5. At.AO t.Aember com\'llun~~atlod~ON-, . ::;;",. """".'" 10 "" Pri"aI' secto!' Ambulance AS Planned an n aTlo (All AC\-lE.O) . . F" "",_'OIl"'" 79' F""'''' "" ,.. "" \\Oo-p" Em'. ,,"", "'o""~ 01. ~~ya~ A~sent oecember ~8tn, ~998. propertY laJl.payers Act wnlcn recewe (AlIAC\-lE.O) . . """, "50",,,..,"'0 R OIl,oo, "'0''''' 01 17 . '^' ",,,,,110' R'''''''''' ROIl'oo,' 9 IIn' ooW 0'''' I,,,phe'" .,,,"0<'1' ,,"o,,\p" "".,,, and HOu"OIl, ",In · "''' 0 \",-r"c"ED) . d C t support serviceS, tnanKlng ,. ... ","'.'" Snurl,n, E",,"II'" 0'''-' QU' ""n , . C,;""""o, "" 9,,,,,t 01 $2,000.00. \",-r "CHED) "., 01 Co_n'~ and Sod" .""'".", w'''' , 9. "" """"",.P" J.naI E"'", ,n"'" , "" Dn"'''o ""'''' ",Og'''''' 'n'o "" p"va" in~or\'llation concernIng tne eJl.panslon 0 sector. (AlIAC\-lE.O) . . . o,,,,,_enl, "un\dp.II~ 01 2J). "c Dona'. 1<. L,\len, co",".""''''' 0' ,~oo:g,,,,,""Olng "" "5'''''' p;< p"perl>' central Elgin, witn a copy o~ correspon en (Al1AC\-lEO) . lA' \3OP Cn""'"'' R'9'OO3' cna" 0' OW"a- 2\. ....,'" Jim ".',,00, C"" 01 0'-. an. ;ECH" 10 pe n,1d In ottaW' "" F,bn"'" " carleton, regarding a con~erence LaW .0.12, '999. (",-r"CHEO) . . "", 0"-" aanoWl...,ng Coun'" , po.""" 22. ,n' Hono",aO" J,m "ana^" ""n .. . 'Og Inal 01,,92 ,,,,"'''' Ro,aI "",nt "" "'''''all' "" "o,unl." ",."gn"" an a"''' on oecember ~8tn, '\998. (A\\AC\-IEO) 2' ~~i~ \,;,;~:,\~~o~::,;;{':;\~~ci~'C;;;:';"'" aI ROya' yoll< - -2- fJ~ 'BOlAr. Employers' DU.. Advocacy Council "The Employer's Voice on Workers'C01npensation and Workplace He(llth and Safety Issues" oecember 4, 1998 Mr. perry Clutterbuck Warden The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr., . St. Thomas, ON~ N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. CIl.ltterbuck: Further to our letlerdated November 16, 1998, I am pleased to inform you that Mir\i~ter of Labour Jim Flaherty introduced the "Emergency Volunteers Protection Act" December 3, 1998. . We anticipate that Bill 92 will pass beforeChristl'llas as it has all party . consensus. We would like to take this opportunity to "Thank you" for supporting the Employers' AdvocacyCouncil's position. Together w~ made a difference! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to. contact me. Yours sincerely, . EMPLOYERS' ADVOCACY COUNCIL. ~~ Sherri Helmka Executive DirectOr. Provincial Office: 625 Wabanaki Dr., Unit 4c, Kitchener, ON N2C 2G3 phone: (519) 748-5771 . Fax: (519) 748-1827 . \ Toll Free: 1_BBB'663~4929 . http://www.oeac.corD j Backgrounder Dee. 3, 1998 98-43 J'au Xlljury ClOlllP8JUllltioD fo~ .l:o'riJIc.'. Volunt.e~ J'i~. au<< AIIlIulance .ork.~. The Emerqency Volunteers Protection Act recognizes the courage and dedication of ontarians who risk their live. to provide volunteer fire and ambulance services. After 61 hours of llll.party debate, Bill 99, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, took effect Jan. 1st, 1998. Since that tim~, volunteer firefighters and ambulance crews have raised concerns about their coverage under the Act. The legiSlation, if passed: · would introduce rairness into compensation by acknowl.dgin~ that volunteers face the saDe risks as paid firefighters and ambulance brigade workers; · would allow municipalities to select higher levels of workplace insurance coverage for volunteers hurt while serving their community comparable to the coverage enjoyed by paid ftre and ambulance workers. In 1II0st cases now volunteers who are injured receive benefits based on their aotual earnings at their reqular job; * would reduce red tape for .unioipali~ies by not' requiring municipalities to collect earning information on each of their volunteers and reporting it to the Workplaoe Safety and InSUrance Board; * would also ensure the continuation of employment benefits (such as drug and dental plans) from the actual employer for injured members of volunteer fire and ambulance briqades; * would require that requIar employers meet their benefit obliqations, co.operate in return.to-work planninq ~d re.employ persons injured wbil. performinq volunteer duties as part of a firefighter or ~ulanc. brigade. Municipalities would cover relevant costs, and there would be no cost to the injured volunteer's employer. - 30 - (Ce document est aussi disponible en franQais.) Visit the Ministry ot Labour World Wide Web site at bttp;/Iwww.gov.on.ca/LAB/main.htm ** TOTAL PAGE.004 ** Ministry of. Finance Office of the Minister Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Cres Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325-0400 Fax (416) 325-0374 Ministere des Finances Bureau du ministre Edifice Frost sud 7 Queen's Park Cres Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325-0400 Telec (416) 325-0374 December 1, 1998 ,~~" 'j?,If)qr~ifi(;"'lID~ ~ql"\'U7\ "_'11 \'Ii 1i'1' ' \' [!. ~ '.i-'~''3 ~,.::.t VJ~. ~ \/"t'f.;,,;;ti ~ ~ )v' . .""~ DEe I &. \CC~ Mrs. S.J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 CUUnTY !:tG!N Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for forwarding Council's endorsement of the Township of Walkerton's resolution suggesting the Province dedicate a portion of the existing fuel tax to supporting the municipal road system. Earmarking, or the linkage of tax revenues with specific expenditures, can limit the ability of the government to meet its priorities. It can also lead to the misallocation of revenue in the event that earmarked taxes provide more or less funding than actual program needs. Earmarking taxes does not directly relate funding to the amount of money needed to efficiently run a given program. ! believe the current practice of funding road maintenance from general revenue is entirely appropriate. General revenue pays for maintaining public assets, such as roads, that benefit all Ontarians, and not simply the users of particular roads. Road-related expenditures extend beyond the actual building and maintenance of roads. For instance, funding for police and the court system is needed to enforce the rules of the road. . . .2 @ 60 Mrs. S.J. Heffren Page 2 As you are aware, the government has announced changes to municipal and provincial responsibilities through local services realignment (LSR). with tax room provided municipalities as a result of the Province reducing residential education property taxes, and with modest administrative efficiencies, I believe that LSR will result in better, more efficient and less costly government at both the provincial and municipal level. I appreciate having Council's views brought to my personal attention. Yours sincerely, ~~~- Ernie Eves, Q.C. Minister of Finance 61 CorpOration of the City of St. Thomas PO. Box 520 - City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-1680 Ex!. 131 Fax: (519) 633-9019 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR December 9, 1998 Mr. Carl-Wilhelm BienefeJd St. Thomas-ElgIn Tourist AssoCIation p. O. Box 22042 St. Thomas, Ontario NSR, 6Al Dear Mr. Bienefeld: Yours sincerely, If yOo "'0""", "",",,"", 'hI, ''Ii'" """ '0 '''' h"It", " ",""ct 01,. n" CJ'y ''''''''''' Ib" Ib, 0", w;1J h., '0 'OJ., "" '''flI, of,", C'" ,,,' C'""'Y. "J, Ib, '''''' oflb, CIty Ib" Ib, ..., "., 'S, Tho_ _ BIg;, Co",,,,, Th, City ofS, Thom" J, '''"''oj <0 ''''''i.'Y'''pp'm Ib, St. Thorn" El." T OOri" ''''.'''00 ~ tho ''''Octioo pf"A,,, P"flI, Slgo," 00 Highw,Y4Ol ~-ta)..." Pk.. Stephen J. Peters Mayor 62 l\'\e premier 0' ontario Legislalive Buildi09 Queen's P8JK 10ron\0, ontarIO \0117" ,,,1 Le premier mi\\iStre de l'ontatiO \-\ot8\ du gou>Jernemen\ Queen's par\< 1OfoolO (OOla(\O) 1/17" ,,,, ~ ontano "" ,..,.""w......_~,.__4-~~-.---. \Yf~~!\1~~ DEe 11. W'lll _fi If tls.\i ~ll~ tJt>' .._..-"",~ December 4, 1998 }Ars. Sandra J. \leffren Del'nty Clerk County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. 'thOmas, ontario N5R 5\11 Dear Mrs. \leffren: . "'" ~"" "'""" "'" Co""~, "",,_ on "" 0._ V,",,'"~ '" 1 """ .- "d , < b' "'" "'" to "" ""","" ,","""". Analysis system. 'thank yon LOr nng to f Cou~ci.l's concerns and activities. 'thanks , t' :ue to keel' me aVlare 0" 1 "",,,,,,,, """"" om '". I """, -' hol"" ~ for writiJJ.g, and my best VllSheS to yOU or as Sincerely, Michael D.\larriS, MPP 21 10/'38 Z'3: 4Z : '3Z tS1; fISSile 1 fin 11\\ {ll"?-) DEe-\O-9B i~U 03:~9?~ ~~O I ~ C ASSocla\\onOI " \':'" \ ) tJlun\c\p~\\t\CS \ )~l ~ _ 01 ontaTlO " ,." ~9~ \JI\\"ctsity ""el\\le, suIte 110\ 1:otOl\\O, On""'\O MSG 1.'E-6 'To\: At6 91\-9%56 l.'~y.: 4\691\-6\91. pece\'1'lber 9, 1998 1. '.31.'3 &'3'3 ?&&1 ~LE""'--- ?, 0\ F~'h \'1.0, 4\691\6\9\ IIIlnloU"i 01 e.",of9V, sc:\.nco and 1'oehnolOg':/ lII\nlo\~I. do \'E'RQfg\fh do:lo sc\on'Ce" cst diG \a ,..c\\t'.O\09'~ ~ offiee 0' \ne 8ur0&U du ,,^in\stsf \'l'l'\f\\S\I'6 I'o"",t Il\OO~ Eom.' rlo"<\ 900 60'/ Slroo\ 900, ,uelloj lO1on\O ON 1/.7/\ ~E' 1010nlO ON 1A1/\ 26\ 1\ (416\S27-67IS To~.\lone \016\327-6715 ;;.. \415\ O~7-01$4 ,010....0'" (4\6) ~27-67S'l '!>IE .,,0 AOO ME""""S 0' ",."e"" eouoct' d 'c'J tM ontariO Legislature, ine Act "" E",~' eamp'''''''' Act, 19" "'" - P'~ _ tho 0,,",'0 EM'" S'~' tho ,"",d"'" ",mp,,",'O' ,,. ,""""";, "':' ",:" ,.~, 2000 "'" t" ",,","""'. !"''''', independent re~u\ator. I~ ~;.epa"\""' ,," \0 m'" ",th \0 '"'''' " ""pon""'" "", municipalitieS Will nave Slgr\\llCan Cr ,0\ ' tespons\bi\'llies. . " ,,, ,EO',", sol''''' aod ,oo'ooI<>9\', '"' tho .' , ",,,II _ ,,~ ",:",,,'0'''' '" ,0 t m~''''''';'''' "U;". plOP'''' "'0""" "",ill ,,,,,,.,\00" "",..."., \If 0) ,~"~~:"''''' n"""" "" "".-"" 0' Ih' 'h"'" ~.~o:,;~~;'~'~' :J,~~~:;:' :;,~"",,~ "d" m'~~ ,.."",,"" . . "Ih' _""" ~ m"".'" ",,,,,"., '" A" ""a"'"'''''' 01 ,,~ "_,, . '''~, " .' ~ >11""" "" "'~ IV" '1"'" m""",IIt\" grants comr:'erc\a.1 ~owers to mU\~IC~;~~~~il?b~{~le'ctrlcity u~llities ~W\SUs) under tne onta.rio will be requIred to Incorporate ,lie '" BusinesS corporations Act (oaCA). .' l' yoU will have s\gnl1\cant disoretion to {>..$ snare\1Old~r$ ?\ tMd'" ."t~~::",~:::':;\b""""""'-"\""-"'''' '" d""'" ",,,,,,,"0," _", , ., I '" m. ",oM,1O "",h' "" .""",,'" \0 ,,, _p., thIOU'" .Sh."""d" ..~m'~ ',aw ~, .~,,""''' ",,.,, 00 a ,OI.'o!'plO" dividends. AltematlVely, \fou oall olloose 0 basis. . . t'b \ 0,,'1"",\\00 .111 " it """"" ,aw 1M 0"" _"M" . 0" ,,,,,,mOl'''' ,,".': "" """,,,.m ,,"""'" \0 -p'" " '" b"'Io'" ,,,"b'l\\'I \0 "," outv;~ ~."':.h:""",, ,,,,b1I\" '" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, m"""""''' ,.. ",""'''' m'''''''-' ,\ ,n.'~", _ cl ",\I ",,'b""'" """ """.'" will nave t'TIe a'cllltY :0 ma~\\'1'I.\z.et' "ves or 'cY putsuing a.D aggreSSiVe retail or marKetIng te\ecommun\catiOns and11bre optiCS Inll""l , preseDce. 10: .../2 \} :, 1Z110/'3B 23:43:14 Est; l\SSOClf1'IlOll OY'!-) 1 51'3 &33 7&Ell \;l..J:.l\ln"""- FAll NO, 4\091\0\9\ p, 0'2. DEC-\0-98 iHU 03:30 p~ A~O ,,,ma-' "'U "'~"' ""","' \0 ",,,, a ,_ 00 ,p"""'" ,,,,,,,' ,n' "" on oth" 00"" ""p'o'" '" ",,,,,,,,,, \0 p,,""d' "''' OO,"~" '"""""" " ","' .". s,m' ~ "'" m" ",,\1 \0 ,m"gam'" "'th 01'" dl,,,,,,uI'" ~ lhO p,ov'"'' "", ,,,,,,."100 p'oVid" ,ppon""" ",'mm'&'" .m'"'''''''''''''' " we" '" ,,'....,,' "..",,'00 "m' '" oIhO'" -2" Wh'" """"",,,,, portloo ~ th. E'"'' c,mPO"'OO Act"" """ "",,'m'" m,,'opal"''' .,,, ,aV' a I,," ,.., "..,,"100 po"'" '''' th' oomm''''''''"'OO 0' d""""'o". M'oy 01 '" GoV",m,ot "'u",,,"', "9u"'O~ d""'OO' ", m""" '"'" th,1 ," ""u"d \0 Impi''''''' th, ""'." 001 '" ",,'Iab". MOO'oip" ""'''''' d"""O' "ould 18'" "'". " ,,,,,uol ",0 ood lhO M"'.'~' "",.,d by th' """oP. 8""" ,,,oo~\100, ... _'9 "...." " impi''''''' ,n ,du",,\100 ",og''''''' "",,'''''0''' J"'''~' we .\\1 '" "",",0"", ,,"u, 20 ,,"""0'" p"'"'''' ",d.. "'" '" ""0' ,,,,W"d '''' ",u"'.P" d,,"'OO-m""" ", lhO" ,,,ft \0 pnwld' _" \0 "" ",,,,,"d """",,0\'" ",,,,,d \0 ma'" ",,,n,,d b",'"'' ,no"" " th. """~ 0' ,,""'," """",u,n,. G"oo th, _",\1'0 lnat ",II b. ,,,,u'red "-'" mun,lp" ,,,,,,,o'd.,, ",d """ d"trib""'" ''" m., "" .", \0 brio, ,he GOO"" M"''''' 01 your electric utility to these wor\<shopS. ,\lese sessions will provide you with: , 00 0%"''' 0' th' "'" "'" ,p"'" imP"'''''''''' '''' "" moo"'P. ""'" , 00 ood",tao&", oi yO" ",po",ib""" ood 001"'''''''' .. a ,,,,,,,old" u""" th' OBe"'; , ao u""",oodlo9 " 'to o"u" oi lhO P "_",,, ","'.\O~ ,,,,,,,,,",rt< .'" \t, ",,,,,"'00 with local distribution operatiOns; and, , a '"ad map' \0 ,"'"" ,," ," ,.," 0' ,ou, ,*,,;'''' tho ,,,,. """ aod -' ,,,,,,ao' are required to pos'\\ion you most elfect\ve\y lor the marketplace, 0,","\0 _'0' _"" we .,,, """"de ,oU."" d,ta'. """"n, "01>tlon' ood """ '" th", ""I""'. '0 ,,,,,,ao, ,,1\1' ",u\at """ ,,,,,,,,, we "''' ",,",' Inat "'u ""iv' "',,' at" ", 01\1" ma""'" ",at "''' "",. ,'" in ood, rnlOOdlo, th' Eo"" C,,",P'''oO Mi. W' "lIaV' 1\1'" ",,'00' "'" ""p "'U ma" "''''. """" d".''''''' truly. \J1- jim Wilson Minister M\C~r president, AMO cc: pauline Stor\<s, Chair. ME'" Bob Lake. president, ME.A {)A Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services Office of the Minlster 25 Grosvenor St 11th Fioor Toronto ON M7 A 1Y6 Telephone: (416) 326-5075 Facsimile: (416) 326-5085 DEe 0 3 1998 Ministere du Solliciteur general et des Services correctionnels Bureau du ministre f," )iJ;~i('r[f?~,S: q,irJ(/i~1' ~~: ~ N .,' \V1l..., \.~ :ll I ~ 1~ 1\. ~y'" ~ U ){\,p~ " DEe I} 1998 1:(lIJ(IllY l1f ELGIN &1011\'3 OFFICE ~ Ontario I 25 rue Grosvenor 11' elage Toronto ON M7 A 1Y6 niephone: (416) 326-5075 Telecopieur: (416) 326-5085 Mrs. S. J. Heffren Deputy Clerk, County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter of June 1, 199&, in which you requested that the ministry require cellular telephone companies to provide a Class 5 Office to allow for immediate connection with the primary answering service responsible for handling cellular telephone 9-1-1 emergency calls. You may not know that my ministry does not provide advice or guidance on 9-1-1 services. The Federal "Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission" regulates these and related industry services. The ministry is directly and indirectly involved with many of the emergency services providers described in your letter. As such, I am in support of any changes to the wireless technology platform that would improve the quality and reliability of emergency service response to the public. In support of the concerns you have identified, I will forward a request for action to the CRTC, requesting that the CRTC and the wireless vendor community resolve this technology shortfall in a timely manner. " ~ . \ ~ \ ~ r Robert W. Runciman, MP Leeds-Grenville Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services cc Mr. p.J. Leack, Clerk, City of St. Thomas Honourable Lawrence MacAuley, Solicitor General of Canada Mr. Peter North, M.P.P. Mr. Gar Knutson, M.P. Mr. Gerry Thompson, Bell Mobility Ms John Robinson, Cantel Mr. Gregory Cala, Clearnet Ms Karen Dunn, County Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator 65 D\:.\., l.J -- n:S1.9-76S-1.M6 iN Or R'IUi\E.R TOWN of AYLMER 46 -ralbot Street. West. A.ylmer. ontario N5J:\ 1)7 Office: (519) 713-3164 Fall: (519) 765-1446 ~. AI'.AV> (\\~~~ 'I" ~~\,' 'j Al!1II1"i.tn>tlo,,' w""dell oraueo . Admlni,tr.1OT. Phyllis KtlcluIbDW' Clerk oecember 8, 1998. Honourable Ernie Eves, Minister 01 Finance, 7th Floor, Frost Building south, 7 Queen's P8r~ Crescent, TORONTO, ontario- M1A 1Y7 Honourable Sir: ",_ T_ ""..cil PC"" .h' '011.."9 ,eco""" ., it. ..."''''' 23, 1998, Regular session: ._...., to. .-leCO ... le......... ,..101."00 (.11' 10) .... lle". .......' ... ..,... ..,.... ... ,........ '.' .1' _'01. ,..._'01 ... _It,_........,,''' ....."",.. ... ....... atJ follows: ,.., _ ,.., ..... + ". + ...lel,.' ...... ,....... ".. . "" ..... . '" + .....,.'" ...... 1....... ,... _ "" ..... + ,.. . ...,.,.., ...... ,....... ... _...., .... .,....11 ... ..... co...... ....- tho .... ,.... .".... to .... ,.,..... doCl"'" ,. .h. .... ,....... .' 'fo'lfl\ of ~ylll\.r taltpayers; ... _...., ..... ... .... ....".,"'" '00" .. ...10. ...tt 1C .......... 0"'''. .. .... COO.cl' ,.. ...,. c...,.....,..' ... ......., c...,...... ... ,.,. ,........,....< .hU ,..101'''.'' ... c.... .....,.... wit' ..."".." _"'c."'" ... ,..,.......,... ... ....,.. .h. "" h......., ......., ......<0..' .. it ....,...' ".' ... COO.cll .,... .... ., .,1'" ........ .,. ""'.," ., .,..... to ..... ... ....... ,..,.",'00 .. _. .tt.ot le ,,,, .. .11" ..tt'c"'" ".. ,.. ...... .,...1" and iIl\p18Il1e"tatiOn; and ...... ... .-,_ ....,.. ,..."" to ..... ..."tlc," _'c...... ... ,..1_"'''.' '..'. .....,.... .ith Bill ", ... lb" ,be .,..'n" '0""" '0 ,..,or' .b. .pt' "Og,';h"o~d c" year 1998, and That a copY of'thiS xeso1ution be fQX~. rdcd to Elgin ~_P.P petex _.".80 and All"'O,. On ' Honourable Ernie Eves - 2 - December 8, 1998 Please accept this resolution as the Town of Aylmer's official position on this matter. We look forward to your favourable response. Yours truly, ~J0J~ Cl rk yllis Ketchabaw c.c. Elgin M.P.P. Peter North Association of Municipalities of Ontario Association of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers ~Council, County of Elgin Town of Richmond Hill 67 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NO] lYO telephone (519) 866-5521 . fax (519) 866-3884 November 30, 1998 1R1~~~D\Y1~[Q) DEe 09 1998 COUNTY OF ELGIN PERSONNEL OFFICE County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Attention: Harley Underhill, Personnel Dear Mr. Underhill: I would like to take this time to express our appreciation for the Occupational Health and Safety/WHMIS training provided by .loan McBurnie to the employees of the Municipality of Bayham on November 20, 1998. The information that .loan provided was very beneficial to all of the employees. We enjoyed .loan's style of presentation and her humour made learning very enjoyable. This presentation is part of our continuing elTorts to be health and safety conscious in the workplace. Yours truly, c:I tk~ . Ed Roloson Occupational Health & Safety Officer wordlletters\984 I 7 68 /1{v. :~B~~i~~; '6~\'~~(~~'I~~~,,,,,,:,,",v"':~~7P'"'''''''' 81 JOHN STREET SOUTH AYLMER, ONTARIO N5H 2C3 TELEPHONE: (519) 773-5344 FAX: (519) 773-5334 December 14, 1998 County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, S1. Thomas, Ontario N5R WI [R1~~~uw~\Q) DEe 1 6 1998 COUNTY OF ELGIN PERSONNEL OFFICE Attention: Mr. Harley Underhill Dear Sir: RU:: Health and Safety Orientation. We wish to thank you for allowing Joan McBurnie to attend our office on December II, 1998, to review Health and Safety training with our staff members. Our staff found it very convenient to have the presentation at the Township Omce as it saved travel time for the participants. We appreciated the two information sessions provided, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Our staff ef1ioyed Mrs. McBurnie's presentation as she was very well informed. We thank you for sending Mrs. McBurnie for this staff training. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE tJl ~~ R. MILLARD, CAO.lCLERK RM:dw C:'.l\I\'Fik~\dialla ~ 1iI('~'.Ralld\'\"nlllllv c del.' 1".wfld 1.1''1'1' ", r.l!J \ 1-1'11 (' ~ fl '1'1 r'rW 69 SW;Ml E WII SON lnr^~,r!lFn YARMOUTH SAND & GRA VEL LTD. R.R. #3 St. Thomas, Ont. office (519) 631-2663 pit (519) 775-2521 fax (519) 631-2509 November 27,1998 TO: COUNTY OF ELGIN AlTN: SANDRA HEFFREN, MARK MC DONALD, CLAYTON WAlTERS THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE ON THE RESULTS OF THE SURPLUS SPARTA PIT PROPERTY, WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW THAT WE ARE PLEASED WITH YOUR DECISSIONS. AND ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH C,C,C.A. AS OUR NEW NEIGHBOURS. THANK YOU AGAIN! YOURS TRULY .~ 70 Minister of Finance Ministre des Finances Ottawa, Canada K1AOG5 ~\t~~~ I DEe 3 \998 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Tholnas, Ontario N5R 5Vl l C\JUN'IY aF EI..GI~ tl~\1l\'S OffiCE ) NOV Z 7 1998 Dear Mrs. Heffren: T"'mk ,on "', _"'Z oW"""'" 28, 1998, "," "" _If of !he eo_ of Elgin, ""d documents enclosed, pertaining to the deduction of the cost of tools for income tax purposes (Bill C-366). As you know, employees are generally not allowed deductions for employment expenses. However, they may deduct such expenses iftwo conditions are met. The first is that the __ i, _"'" m ",,"''''' ""'"" it""" """~ th, """" of _",,,,,""1 Thl' i' reasonable because it limits the deduction to expenses that the parties have agreed are necessary for the job and, often, the employer will adjust remuneration rather than "",,,'''' . dl",m _b",,,,,m,,,,' to th, onplo>,', Th' ",ond oomllu"" i, tim' "'" ""'" are used up directly in perfonning the job and are then unfit for further use. In this ",gmd, tho 00" of "om m,b" 0\\ """ ....\\00 10, p"w~ ~w' moo by _loy= to wood operations, dynamite used by miners, bandages used by salaried doctors, are deductible. It is important to note that a broadening of the tax recognition provided for work-related ,,""'= _"'" b, =pl_' w""td "", o_"'ly""d~ thO" ,,"""" doductibl' In fact, expenses for tools, because they represent capital expenditures would have to be d",,,,""" n '" , .um"" of "'" ""he< thnn '" "",,ooub1o. M o""v~, " would '" difficult to provide tax recognition for expenditures on itemS such as tools, which can be used for both employment and personal purposes. Pennitting all employees to deduct all employment-related expenses would make the administration of the tax system significantly more complex. For example, it would be v'" thffi",lt fm R"''''''' CW'" to _, tim' "",""~ ""' ,,,,,,",,01, wo""'"'''''' Providing for the deductibility of expenses for specifiC groupS of employees, for instance mechanics, or types of expenses, such as tools, would likely lead to demands for similar Canada 7' 1 """ foOt lb" lb" '" ,,", ,obi'" to ",,.,u""" w"'" tal\. treatment from emP oyees related eJ'.penses. i '0' In"""''''' toO of lb' """ of you< eovnt'1 ,,\"'^ ~o ".."to,oo 1'ha~ ~ou a~tha nre,"",~d to lb' ~b\\iW of toO". PI- ",,,,>I "" "'" "",,,,,. mece>an\cs WI B~ -2- Si.ncerely, 'The Honourable Paul Martin, P .C., "l-itP. 11. Minister Ministre ~~~ -I- Ministry of Education and Training Ministere de l'Education et de la Formation Mowat Block Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1 L2 Talephone (416) 325-2600 Facsimile (416) 325-2608 Edifice Mowat Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1 L2 Telephone (416) 325-2600 Telecopleur (416) 325-2608 Ontario November 30, 1998 Mrs. S.J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl ~~~Qm~(t(ID DEe 3 1998 COUNTY Of EUl!\\! ClEf'J('S OffiCE Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter about rural schools. Please rest assured that I understand and appreciate your concerns. The decision to close a school is one that has always been the responsibility of the school board. This was true under the former Liberal and NDP governments and remains unchanged today. Moreover, boards across Ontario under all these governments have decided every year for various reasons to close some schools. This government knows that community schools are an important and vital part of any neighbourhood. Therefore, in response to concerns raised, such as yours, the Premier and I have recently announced changes to the student-focused funding formula to ensure that the formula is sensitive to community needs and gives both urban and rural boards considerable flexibility in their decision making with respect to operating schools. These changes will permanently inject approximately $211 million more into the system for school operations and school renewal. A permanent top-up in operations funding for schools at less than full capacity will enable boards to keep these schools open. Adjustments have also been made to ensure that the model funds schools with unique design features that do not conform to current benchmarks for size, such as larger hallways. . . ./2 73 - 2 - In addition to the permanent investments outlined above, $87 million will be provided to ensure that no school board will receive less operating money in 1999/2000 than it did in 1998/99. Further, the December 31 deadline for school boards to finalize accommodation decisions has been adjusted to provide boards with an opportunity every year to consult with their communities and make sound decisions. I am confident that, with the above adjustments, boards will have the resources and flexibility they need to keep schools open now and in the future and make sound decisions to meet the needs of their students and the community. Thank you again for writing and sharing your concerns with me. I appreciate your comments. 74 ----_.Ju ~~.L~;~~ EST; ASSOCIATIon OF?-> DEC-03~98 THU 04:42 PH AHO 1 519 633 7661 Perry Clutter buck Page Illl'! FAX NO, 4169716191 p, 03/05 /\~r\ \ (~';'! j \. 1rl.i "......./ Association of Municipalities of Ontario OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT December 3, 1998 The Honourable Elizabeth Witmer Minister of Health 10'h Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 2C4 and The Honourable AI Leach Minister of Munloipal Affairs and Housing 17,n Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Dear Ministers: This Is further to our meeting concerning the transfer of the land ambulance service to municipal governments, a service associated with pre-hOspital treatment. At that time, you asl<ed us to look at Possible alternative service realignments in exchange for land ambulance that, in your words, would come reasonably close to 'revenue neutrality' and that would enjoy the support of AMO's members. We took you seriously and hired a consultant to develop approaches for your consideration. A summary of these approaches is attached. Based on our analysis, it is clear that the only logical solution that is in the interest of our common taxpayer, is for the Province to reform the land ambulance service as a provincial service, financed by the Province. Land ambulance should be part of the government's endeavors to develop a health system that provides a consistent level of care province-wide. As you know, some of the LSR initiatives, such as land ambulance, simply resulted from the fiscal imperative to achieve 'revenue neutrality' when offsetting the removal of some of the residential education property tax burden_ At the outset, we disagreed that the original Package was 'revenue neutral.' Since then, it has become eVen more apparent that the real costs of SOme of the transferred programs are greater than the LSR figures and the Provincial Offences revenue is less. This will result in greater pressure on the Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) and greater instability for the property tax payer, with or without land ambulance. ,..12 --....'''..-'''.---.. 393 University Ave" Suile 1701 Toronto, ON M5G lE6 tel: (416) 971-9856 . (ax: (416) 971-6191 . emaiJ: amo@amo.rnunicom.com .----... _. -.---. ----... ,..--. -- 75 12/B3/9B 23:13:12 ES!: ASSOCIA!IOH OF?-) DEC-03-98 iHU 04:43 PM ~MO 1 519 633 7661 Perry Clutterbuck P age BI:l~ Fill{ NO, 4\697\6\9\ p, 04/05 The Honourable Elizabeth Wilmer and December 3,1998 The Honollrable AI Leach Pajl;e 2 of 2 ~ - . By removing land ambulance from the property tax base and leaving the CRF intact, municIpalities will be better able to manage the extra costs of other transferred services. This approach ,gives the government the ability to recognize the added costs to municipalit'les for matters that were not included, such as outstanding arbitration awards, program administration for child care and added costs of implementing the mandatory public health guidelines. MinisterS, yoU r government has done a lot to Improve the province's fiscal situation, Hospitals and schools have recently benefitted from this. It is time to let this improved economic picture wor\( for municipal propertY tax payers. Should the government decide that it is not prepared to reconsider its position on land ambulance, then it must not micro-manage munioipalities in the design and delivery of Ihe land ambulance service, Rather, the Province must give municipalities all the tools and flexibility needed to develop an efficient, effective system. This must include land ambulance dispatch. the arbitrary separation of this function from the land ambulance emergency service will impede our ability to provide quality care and be accountable for Ihe service. If the land ambulance is to be a municipal responsibility, we must have the abiUty to 'Integrate emergency services. This integration must maKe sense and reflect local circumstances and needs. Municipalities must be able 10 manage the inherent riSKS associated with land ambulance and have the ability to find efficiencies in their service deiivery models that can achieve cost efficiencies while providing quality care. AMO and its members anxiously await a response to our posilion. Yours truly, ~ Michael power AMO president Attachment cc: Premier Michael Harris ihe Honourable Chris Hodgson, Chair, Management Board bce: Regional Chairs County Wardens Mayors, separated Cities/CSMs Regional CaUcus County CauCUS Northern Caucus Toronto Caucus 76 ,- :/03/997.3\13::'1. 1'.S1: flSSUC\fI'tlU\\' UV'!-} \)CC-()3-ge '\II\} 04',43?t\ ~t\() 1 :'1'3 b33 ?bbl 'u."' r~Y. j\(). 4\DlmD\9\ r. v"',- roacheS to p,.~9rO)(if{late '(P' .....'n.taI "",,,"'.'\', ~~:;.':~o!...... ","p.""" ,. -uo -"'" ,.. ' ,......' . _",",\1.0 ",,,,,,, ac'!\es t\'la\ could 'oe used singularl'1 or \(\ i\'lere are a nUfl''oer 01 apPro p,.\\emate p-pproac\'le5" !t\/sel'Jices inclUde: , ~_ ~ p'''''' . ., $" ml<,on '" .",al " . ."""" ,~..,,, . tI""" ~.:'~::. :.~:~,,':, _m,odatlO. .., ,.. . d ,._m."'" ' . .. ",,,," ' .' ,od "'" m"lo. ,...~"" ,,' !jO",m~ ""..W'$:"""'" """" .. ,~'o" ~ ,,,..., n"'''''-~' . ~~,~~~"",,,,,,,~,;,:::,t;~~,.,and""~-P"" ",,,,,,,."G;::::~::~' . ",,,,^,, '" .' nloa ." " "'" .. p.~.g " 0 _ ~ ,t\O "'," .,al m'.''''''' ....,."',"'.0 "," '"' . """""" ",""",,,, ~ "'..j.,. IS" ",,,,,.,on I' .g., p<09'?"' m",d'''" p,"'" ".."" . "" .'" ..,,'~ ~ "'~: """""", ,",p""'''''''' P,,~:... ""'..,,"" ,,,",,,,, an' ""id oa" .0' " ;: ~ ,,,,,,"0 ...'"., ""'.'" ..," ~~~~~~~:s~~~~~ ~~(\ain pl09lal'llS) 'd n\ia\ E.dUca\iOl'lla)(. Rate: ,. 'd\"'''''''' \0 "'" ' _a"~ $'0 m""'"' · """d . ""', "" ,a\' ~ 0.01 ,,,... ," 'm'" "" ,.... ,,",P"'''''' ",,, . since proVInce . \aJl. late 01 0.49 would a\lplOlll . ,,,~'Ol"'.~ "",' ,,"".... ".' ,,,,aI ",.",,~" ,_ "'" ne4Q"" ,m'''' 0\ ,,.. m''''" ann ~ ..".. "" _"'" "" tt\O, "10'''''''''''' ,,'a'''~ la>' . sll'llp\es\ a\lploa~ :/. na,'er and lf1\pac\S on IndIVIdual !t\~n 'nates \\'Ie ori91nalintentlon '" '" p"","" ' .'. '" ",,,01 to_,0m>' a ,^..., t\\e lecen\ adius\l'IIen\S In , 0 46 . to lalse '60'/0 \\'IroUg\'l a tall late 0 . . 11 ..-" -' Ministry of Finance Office of the Minister Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Gres Toronto ON M7 A 1 Y7 Tel (416) 325-0400 Fax (416) 325-0374 Ministere des Finances Bureau du ministre Edifice Frost sud 7 Queen's Park Gres Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325-0400 Telec (416) 325-0374 November 24, 1998 , ;1f~(f~i]m~~~ DEe 3 1q01\ Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy County Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5V1 COUNTY ijf E!.I1IM CIE]!K'S Gmtf. Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter about the commercial and industrial property classes and their tax burdens. Under the new assessment system, all property has been reassessed to reflect 1996 values and classified according to its use as residential, multi-residential, commercial, industrial, farm or managed forest. Municipalities have also been given the power to set individual tax ratios for these property classes to tax the different classes of property at levels which are appropriate to their community's needs. Ontario Regulation 282/98 provides the guidelines for determining the appropriate property class for each property. In general, property used for commercial purposes is placed in the commercial property class. However, the commercial property class is different from the other property classes, since it acts as the default. class for properties whose uses are not specified in any other property class. . . .2 @ 78 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Page 2 The Property Assessment Division values all properties in Ontario using methods which are based on standard and widely accepted appraisal principles. It does consider the income of certain types of property in establishing values. While sales of similar property is the best measure of value, other methods are acceptable for determining value, such as the income method for properties sold on the basis of their ability to generate income. For other properties, the cost approach or market data approach is a more appropriate method of valuation. Regardless of the valuation approach used, the end result must be an accurate and defensible value estimate. As you know, property owners who feel they are incorrectly assessed or classified can request a reconsideration of their property from the assessment office or appeal their assessment and classification to the Assessment Review Board (ARB), which is an independent tribunal administered by the Ministry of the Attorney General. With regard to the commercial class tax rate, although it may exceed its current share of the assessment base in your County, the transition ratios provide a weighting of the assessment which reflects the level of municipal taxation on commercial properties prior to the reassessment. As well, the education requisitions were based on existing tax burdens, with those burdens above the provincial average being lowered over the next eight years to the average. Municipalities were provided with a number of options to ensure tax changes are implemented in a fair and manageable way. Municipalities can implement measures such as phase-ins, graduated tax rates, capping and tax rebates for commercial and industrial properties because of the much higher levels of taxation and more dramatic tax shifts experienced by these property types. . . .3 79 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Page 3 On November 5, 1998, I introduced legislation to protect commercial and industrial properties from large, and in some cases unsustainable, property tax increases. Bill 79, the fairness for PrODertv TaXDavers Act. 1998, if passed, will help ensure that small business continues to play a vital role in the Province's economy. Under the proposals of Bill 79, municipalities will be required to limit tax increases related to property tax reform on business properties to no more than 10 per cent in 1998, and a further 5 per cent in each of 1999 and 2000. The limit would apply to both the municipal and education portions of the property tax. To achieve these limits on tax increases, municipalities would be able to use the range of mitigation tools available under the Ontario Fair Assessment System. (OFAS) , including phase-ins, graduated tax rates, optional property classes, and rebates. In addition, the legislation would provide municipalities with a new capping option that matches the mandated limits of 10 per cent in 1998 and a further 5 per cent in 1999 and 2000. I appreciate your bringing Council's concerns to my personal attention. Yours sincerely, -. ~ < -=~ Q.C. Finance ') ~~--- c.c. The Honourable Al Leach Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Mr. Paul Smith Assessment Commissioner, London 80 Ministry oftho Environmen~ Ministere do l'Environnement ~ i'lIl:lllIIII" Ontario Minister , Ministre 135 St,.ClairAvenue Wes' Suite 100 Toronto ON M4V1 P5 135, avenue St. Clair ouest Bureau 100 Torqnto ONM4V fp5 63021 ~~@~UW~]. DEe 1 8 1998 CU'UIIITY (If EU.lIIl1 , &l.ERK'S OfftC~ - December 10, 1998 Mrs. S.J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive st. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mrs. Heffren: I am writing in response to' your October 28, 19,98 letter regarding the ministry's draft regulation for dust suppressant use in Ontario. The draft regulation, Which" was posted to the Environmental Bill of Rights ,registry for public comment on June 2, is part of the Ministry of the Environment's Regulatory Reform Initiative. The regulatory reforms we are proposing consolidate the provisions of eight existing waste regulations into one comprehensive and clear waste regulation. A clearer regulatory framework will lead to better compliance and better environmental protection. Our intent through the proposed standardi:zed approval regulation was to ensure a level,playing field that will regulate all dust suppressants equally. The ministry's Waste Management Policy Branch staff have had several meetings with a variety of stakeholders on these proposals. Stakeholders in attendance included dust suppressant manufacturers and distributors, as well as municipal officials and representatives of other municipal associations. It is clear from our discus,sions that there are concerns with our proposals, and we are in the process of reviewing submissions trom these stakeholders which suggest some other ways of dealing with dust suppression activities. We recogni:ze the importance ot our regulatory activities in developing dust suppression standards.' Your comments on this issue, as well as those of other stakeholders; are important to our, deliberation, No decisions will be made until we have, had / the opportunity to thoroughly consider all of the information we ( have received. .. .2 81 (i) o761G(1o!97l 100% Recycled Qlllorine Free.. Made in Canada Mrs. S.J. Heffren Page 2. Thank you for bringing the County's concerns to my attention. y;;;~, .. NormanW. Sterling Minister 82 II MeJt1bers of COIJr1cil 'es of thiS are distributed to a PI"se e.s.re that coP' 0""""" ", ,.., p.\ect . 981044 ,.. bu\ance p.s P\anoec:\ . nec\deS to 1'fa\,\s~ef Land m PfO'l\nce v o j>,(II\:)ula11ce baC\<'. \ ""O's reClUesl \\\a\ l\'Ie ?roVi11ce \.3\\e La11 Response 0 ,."" /21/'38 1.3'S1 ~ 1S tS'! ~ flSSue \\\'tlU\\ U'F'!-) tcc-Z\-~I) \\Olt M ~ SI)?\\ fI\\O -~, e r-t.- - for 1l'l\11lecliate ~ctiOl\ 1 \,,1.11.1..... S19 13'3'3 ?bb 4\\l~1\\l\~\ r 1 "flY. 'tIO, f ~^'I "- . - SUi\O:~~ 1 r ".t- enu.' \oII$u .~p.,. 011 g\ 'Nef&hJ~on\O, 1'\...6"1 'f\'\ ';\9';\ un '1'0 . (4\6) ?corn.eo .1a):. roun g666 "".",0. 91\' ",.,", , '4~6) ~.i\;. ,&1'.\ QlI' y, VI "'$Soc\at\~~ ot Mufl\cipa\\\\es nlonl3r1o " ~ ,. ~ .. -""" "",,,,,,, ,,,, . 0 _' <" ".. ,,,,", ,,,~ "~""':;'~~~~ ~ ,,,,,", ",,,,,,, ,,06 ....' ,nd ",,,,,.' ;" o! """,,", >..,~ ",' """"", ..,_" ,nd ". "'.'" · .. 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J"'"~'!::::"",:'" , carleen \'leW\aflO at 416 '3 "",...""", ,..,""'''' ~ ~ -----.--- ISSue: 12219B 23:2B:00 tS't: f\SSOC\f\'tlOl\ IW'?-) 1 519 &33 ?&&1 k""..... F~~ ~O. A\091 \0\9\ ?, 1],:/ u'- -.~~EO nf:.C l~Y~!":' "'. ..' ...... ....----- 1-1.. .> .-~...-..._-~....-:::..-- \)F.c-'~2-9B 'TilE 09: A5 fI\,\ ~\'\O Mlnls1rv 01 Mun'Iclpa\ Atla\rs and l-IoUsln9 01tteo o~ \'r\c tJ.it'\S\ef 777 eSj Slreel ToNNO ON N\5(; ZE5 \~1(j) 585.7000 loAin\s\e.re des Allaires ",unle1\1".s ., dU \..llge",en\ BUleau dU f\i\l"I\slre 771 Ne \lay iolOO\O ON !;I5G 2105 \4\ 6) 585.7000 December 16, 199& }Ar. }Aic\;aO\ power I'tcsident . p.,ssociatiOn of}A\'niciFa\iti~S of OntntlO 393 th1i'lefsity f',.'ienue, sUIte 1700 'TotOnto, OntatiO, }/l5G lE6 Dca! }A.t.l'OWeI'. _"", "" ,,0< ",I<< ,'0- 3, "" ","""" ,''''' ...""",,,' ;orh"" eed. to revieW "joW: !\.ssociation' s sUggestio,'S fo! an ^' ,0' '0""" '0 ,~ t_, '" ."-:':,,~ ...","",,,;orh"'- 'II' ""vi''''' mo" """ ,''' a\ten,atiVC sCIvice Ieahgn\Ucnt n; e:x.~l\aT\g 11 t C01\SU\t with your l'\,\o\Ubetshi.P and pIesent "s ,0 ..,. ""u"'" 'oY '1"'" _",,"'0 to> o. "~ 0 >,0' 0 o. "",ba wo,,,b" ._tl"'. ..' ".'" "",,uti, ",,,,,", " 0 p< po . .' f r the efforts of "joU! ASSQci(ltion in !c'Iiew\"g "'"', wo would Ilk' to "'",,. 0'" "''''o;~.''''' ,,,., ~"'" '" d"""~ ,f opi",on on \h" u\teIl\aU'lCS to the }/lay, 1991 ~g,reel""'C I~ ,tI'" ,,~'" """....ont - -' "" ""wl matter, A}/lO w(JS not able to u~'\IO 01' an a r\1 support a\Uong "jour me\UbeIshlP. f \ d b 1 ce services to municipa\i.ticS Vlil\ be . ..' "'-" ",.cludod ""t "', _,~ , "'. '" ';."" to "" ~I"j" &"""",,,, """, '" ",mi""" ,~,t"""""" ".""",. 1h' """""on'." ",m "to ,''''' ,,;_ "",of"'. .., '"0''' thnl "'~, " _t" 0"""'''''' ,~,~ .."I'" ""," on", on' ,'m'" """, u",,"", '" ,ou "'''' ..'" ^,"o ""tI ,Ia\' "",""on" ,ort ~ ","""').,,"',':0 f""" &"",.,,,,,, '" ~"","", " "'""" ,,o\h'" ~'" ,f _, "~",, ,,,I,,,m,,,t. .'" 0 . .' 'u ,- ,,, mo"'" of ...",,_ ,,,,,toh _"" """.. '1'" on" '" 0' . ..' ,'''' '0""'" to "",ld" cl'''''' ""ib ,on on '" ",,'".0' ib' """." ,f ",,,,,,,,, ;orh"" '^"",'" """,lib ~<<""" '" in loud> ",ib 'OU on" " ~~. ~ Sil1~CIC~". -! A~ ~ ~ El"'''' "",", _ ::(\1J 1 . . ff . }.Il\lliStcr'Qf rteat }/linistcr of}AunlC\pa\ A' (llIS '--..-. and HQusing '" noo. "WI>'" D. H""o, .","," of 00",10 1\\\ }/lUllic1pa\iti.Cs Ambul~\Co opeIators "Base HospitalS ,~, -.I'" 'J '/ ;,,,\1,,.1" (,:1. ~j '\ \ \j.;.l ,\ ",',r \ l.'IC'" ' UZZ/9'O Z3:Z?:Z? 'Est; flSSOClf1tlll\\ O}''l-) "DEC-22-9B 'tilE OB: 44 f\t\ f\1'l0 1 S19 &33 ?&&1 {;\.r.;l\1\ ,..~- P. 0\/02 Ff\~ ~O, 4\6B1\6\9\ - ^$soei3\iOfl ot"lv,\\\"iCil.,I:I\\\ICi'i o('o~\tl.ril) 39J \)\"I'lCT~\ty ;-:lIe., $l1iw. l,?Qt ToN\\\CJ. O~\1.Mi() MSG \EG Ph; (4\6) ~'1\.~~,6 f"" (4\6) 971.6\9\ ... , . . U1\1tcs OI\U\'C\O':; f11\\I\ic\'P\.\h\lc~ Fi\X Cover Sheet DA,l'E: Decembel' ].2,1998 'rO' All ",,,.W' ..d """ .r C...dl l"RONl: ~l'e\\da llal'V'ey N1J>A"ER OF PAGES ",CLUllING CO'\lER sllEE~' , .,,\lS 18 'rilE LE~~ER '\'!lA ~ Sllo1lLD JlA "" "EEN A 11' AC"ED ~O ~Il' Al,ER~ nA~En nEC.""ER 22, 1998 - PRO'\l'NCE nECIDES ~O 'n<ANS1ll'R LAND AMll1lLANCE AS pLAl"NEll, 1 A.PO}...OGi1J~ FOR TItl1l1RROR. 11 Y'. do .ot ",,,.. t''''''oot ....." of p'%'" p,.." ,all 'Brenda Itarvey at 416 9'11-9856 E}(tll, 326. r 1'11\ ,.- I %\ N'\UO'''W-' o~ ontariO It,\J-W\J\:,\\I\J \J'o~'lj I'Ii f\liO 393 Ul''N..,..i\'I )I."Ol'UO, $ui\B 110\ ,.o,Ol'to, ON !>ASG 1E.6 "01: (4~6) 97\09566 0 \a~' (4~6) 111\oS\GI .",,,11: .",o@omo.ff\un,com.com ~,e rt,.. "'e tl.at copieS of this are distributed to an lI1embers of council Please erlSu, " oecember '\1, '\998 FO' tm""d,al> Mtlon' p.\e" - .",,, onto(\O Vlo'\<.S E<ponded to the p,Note Secto' ISSO'" "'01'''' o! eomm.,,~ ,nd S""~, sari,";'" J"'''' E"'~' loda' ,,",''''''' "" .",,,,,,, o! 0'''"' '" """ "",p,,,,,,,,,, ,"""'" "", "'. p,,,,,, ," ",. f'I\CiS: . . I . ",,,,"OI,,,,,,,,""",P,,,,,,,,,I_"'OfO,,,""""'''''''''' "clod,on- . l\"1e I'rOVII'10e W\I eJl.panu . t ",,-job "",'''' p""""",,,; " "" p""'~ "';" """ """ mO" 00\\0'" '''' ".""'9.... "'''''''' , ",,"''' E"''' ,," ",,,,, ,""nd.'" " ,N:: ",;',' ", p",. "",w m'o\o'p,'iU" " ."wI' · ,,"" 0' """", ", ".""", '0 """ ~'O ""J ,,{,m '0 n'" pao~'" o","no "'0>'<" incentives direc\.l'1 to emplOyers 0 a.ssl. clude' . oetailS 01 t\"le p{IV.ate se~or eJl.?ans~on In em'? loyer'S pa'1roll 10r up to 6 1'II0ntns~ , ",,\l'" ,oci"""" "" pO p""". on ao . . , JO"''''''''' ,,,,,,,,,, ,;," pO p~~"l; , ..\la<" "'" ,,",d' ",,,,,,,, ,,'0'" "d "paN"'on , ",,,,,,,, '" ",,10"" '" h'" pe<>P' on I ,nod costs bY ontariO '.JI!or\<.$ \unding ~or t\"le .el'llplOyrnten p o...~ti~n and 'J'}ori<.place 5aleW and InSurance . t 'Jon as cnlld care, ransp "~ , "".,,",' w,.. oth" "" " . d' 0,,,'0 """". . .O'.. ('NS IS) ",,,.,,,' "'" ,'''' be p~'. ~ ~'';'II 001 be ,.,,;.,d '0 "". lob' -" "'".,." , 10 pro,'" ",,,," ,,",p'O'/'''' "",!a" ". p"o , w"" ",,,,,, trj ,,,,,,,,,, .0; ",off". 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Q vr~'~:~~'t(~~ Please Deliver To: County of Elgin Ministry of Finance Office of the Minister Frost BUilding South 7 Queen's Park Cree Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325.0400 Fex (416) 325-0374 Ministere des Finances Bureau du ministre Edifice Frost sud 7 Queen's Park Cres Toronto ON M7 A 1Y7 rei (416) 325.0400 Telec (416) 325-0374 ltj ~ Ontario December 21, 1998 To Heads of Council: Sill 79, the Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act which protects small businesses from large property tax increases, received Royal Assent on December 18, 1998. The Act was introduced on November 5, 1998 in response to concerns expressed by Ontario businesses that property tax increases were unmanageable and jeopardizing their viability. The Act limits reform-related property tax increases to 10 per cent in 1998, and a further 5 per cent in each of 1999 and 2000. To achieve the 10-5-5 limits, municipalities may use the tools already available to them, including optional property classes, graduated tax rates, rebates, phase-ins and a 2.5 per cent cap, or a new 10-5-5 cap. Key regulations on budgetary increases, distribution of the education tax cut and information on tax notices will be made available to enable municipalities to plan and implement the requirements of Bill 79. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of municipal associations that have taken the time and effort to provide me and Ministry staff with advice to improve the legislation and to facilitate the implementation of this plan. In response to the advice of the expert panel of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, I am pleased to advise you that the time line for municipal decision making is being extended to January 31, 1999. This new deadline applies to: the 10-5-5 and the 2.5 per cent caps; phase-ins; graduated tax rates; optional property classes; tax ratios for optional classes being selected; and municipal rebates, As well, staff of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing are working with municipal representatives, billing suppliers and others to facilitate 85 the -)F') il' iR\\i' y) 'J,P'\1-1Wi\,' - cf\' (J'~~_\ 'ld\ liabilities. The OFTA ?~Og~~ is reconciliacion c<.'99' ~n' n'" 10-;-; c" and co pro,",e' ".in9 ~ac~d cc ,,,,,lud rO "w_bY_prcp,rcy h..i" ,""'i' recanc",ac,oc reporc on.' p .p d"igned co dcuecailo,th updaced ..r,ion cf oFT' " ..,~~., r,ui,ed ver,ion of OF<' co h' hilling ,cfcvar,. .' "';;~~ . 'In cne o.antioe, cbe ",i,cin9. available fo~ yOu~ use sh ~ y '1 ~le to facilitate ana1YS?s t' ueS to be ava? a~ ",r,ion of oF<' con,n . . l'C"'''' -"b co ,on,idar. <h' of cn' u"iou' cool' ~,c,pa ~' ...ing availanl' ,0fcV,r' eo Mini'c" of.f~nan~e,v," ~~~"b cc applY ebe 10-;-; ,... support mun?c?pa1?c?es t a ? ~. . str'l of ~uniciPal l\ffairS and. <ha Mini'CW of Financ' ,cd ehe ,n' f 'l'cac, cne d,,,,,oan,nc of ",u,in9 are coOrdi""ti<M1 ,ffcrc'I': cn:': c:.nc"'c, the 19" pn'W the f~Ozen assessment l?st?ng. .' l'~" d.'o not retain the . . 1 . f. yOu~ mun?c?pa ?"~ ~ in fil' " au"lan e,'. h' ear and r'9icn.' ..,e''''oOc coPY ic va' provided e"l,~r c ".:. alicie' co hring thi' fil' office. b'u' .,reed co ..','C moO' "' up to date. . coOC coaC .11 c,.paY'r, oOder,cand che IC oill .. ui~'lY ,mpor iabilicy and vhac che,e cha0ge' .ill c,.nge' co th"r 199' c.. 1 In cni' reg,rd I incend co meoO for th"" in 1999 ""d 2000. ,.pl_dcn of ""ir 199' C'" ..,er' chaC c,.paY'" r""u'h~ "c c" nocice I pali'''' cn""''' " an act'Cnmenc co '~e;'::th infC_cion ",aC giU" th'" cn.c c"""Y're owc h' pr~V> . n a vaY chaC " c""i'CoOc an e~lanatiOn of the ~99o ta~es ? across the p~ovince. AS ~ have indicated earlier. the munici?a~itieS ~ith the costS of respect of 1998 ta~' 1 100< 'orw.rd co VCr<ing vich yo, end .i,b A".",enc corPoraticn co briog Oocar"" a properCY a"",.enc and ",.tion ,y,t'" p~ovince ~i11 assist re_bi11ing business ta~payers in the ontariO prope~tY fair and equitable 'lOurs sincerelY, ~- ~---~ - ~-~- Ernie EVes. Q.c. ~inister of Finance cc: T01rJn cle:d<.s ~" Ministry ot Municipal Attalrs and Housing Mlnlstere des Attalres l1Iunlcipales et du \.Ogel1lent @ Qntar\O \10using ?perat\Ofl5 Division southwestern Regiona\ Office 1100-380 \)o/.\I\n9tOn St London ON N6A 565 Division des actiVites relatives aU 10gement RegloO du sud-ouest 380 lUe \)o/ei\ingtOn bureaU 1100 London ON N6A 565 \519\ 679-7110 1_800-265-4733 fax/le,ecopieur \519\ 675.7674 ~~ DI:C 2. i t'l'lB December 16, 199& Mark MacDonald Administrator-Clerk "Elgin County 450 sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 ..!>\11"'-~ ",,; rllS"'" aiXV,,;'f,ir'lo;' l~ ,.,.(",,'I~~!J ttf.lq:z ~tr~r;;E ,~--~' Dear M.r. MacDonald: 'n Ola" tn "",,'<W' n'" _'" tn 'OU, w, ha" """','" a n'W I<'OP""'" ",d voi<< ""d _,rin' ,y""'" NnW, yOU will oo ""', tn n;rectI, "",,,", th' 'naivld""" In whom 'OU w"h In ,,,,,,, '0 ""a ;f ,ooy '" """vad""'" ynu w\ll b' giv'" tM ""po",,",'Y ofl",vinl1 a n"",g' 0' ",king In ,n",,,,n' ,\" w"" will '" ""', tn ""i,t 'OU. "'OU ,~, "" gen"'" inf- n"",b" ""d th' tin" ,," b"", ju,t ,"'VO a m""'" ""a yoo' "Il will b' ,,_'" ,mort'Y. pi'''' nol< that 00< "" n"",b<<, OU! ,ooal gen"" inf"",,,,~onn,m"'" ""d OU! ".OO._'<<"n""''''' haV' no' -,'" ""d _in 1M ,- as before. f haVO aha"""' a """ of 00< "'" 0"'<< I<"pho'" dk"""" fo< 'OU, info<mation ""a u". SincerelY ~ .4 Micheline Riopelle rf Regional Manager Southwestern Region Attachment \S',te\Sos.wpdJ '67 SOUTHWESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY - December/Sa NAME TELEPHONE # General Information Terry Pearce Micheline Riopelle Pat Shanahan Karen Tuffin Glenda Ward Karen Ward (519) 679-7110 (800) 265-4733 (519) 675-7674 (519) 675-7707 (519) 679-7294 (519) 679-7286 (519) 679-7136 (519) 679-7137 (519) 679-7273 (519) 679-7288 (519) 679-7274 (519) 679-7110 (519) 679-7277 (519) 679-7289 (519) 679-7279 (519) 679-7297 (519) 679-7292 (519) 679-7149 (519) 679-7278 (519) 679-7287 (519) 679-7298 (519) 679-7291 (519) 679-7276' (519) 679-7257 (519) 679-7281 (519) 679-7256 (519) 679-7275 (519) 679-7293 Fax Lines Glen Armstrong Gaik Avery Suzan Barl Julie Coleman Dave Cowan Ruth Doran Pearl Dougall Ann Downie Bob Drage Debi Haney Dorothea Kehrer Gerry Lichty Keith Lucas Judi Matz Susan McCormick Janet Melnyk Alba Michelucci Jim Molineux [SVvcnvl.c".WPD] RR December 1%, 199% le\ephone ,\q_\\q~_4B\2 . Fa' 0\~:.l'11:j::70" \~::~.,:;:;.-:-.;~::;,~,: ,-,:1," \ l(', ~ . W. I ~.,,: > " ~ \\' i) '\'i~' ~'. \\ ' \" ,/\\\,'",\;::;",\;;""'"'' ",1 ~..\l~!\ \ l \, )'ti~ \\1n\\ '^' , l "@~ , ,~ ~ nfC ~,~ \996 " t(j\)l~\'ll .J.f f.lX,\\I\ "1 ,'.,!Wl\ \lntr~ ..~"""'~~ ,-' ~ ~ad CoUU\}' SUpport SeI'll~ warden Rien VanBrenk County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear warden vanBrenk and council Members: on """,r of ""'" Counl'l s.""" 5"""",, "" .""'" of 0"""'" "'" "",,", .''"'' "oopt "'" sincere appreciation for the grant of $2,000.00. ""'" __ "'" _"'" .._" __ ""..wort' "'" "" ",- _to ""'" ,""'- """ ,,",do" "'" """"""'" "'" on< """'''''' """, tho "'"',,,,, of """"""'" "'" s""" ...- """,_ '" ""'" ",0'" " "'^", tho' ."' ,,,,,,.. '" _ "" """"""" ",.. '" o.~""". _",," VI' "'.... """" '" """" 0"" ",_ "'" """" ""'''"' In -- 0'" -"" Thank you for your support. Please find enclosed a receipt for your records. Sincerely, /J.. JJ~~~~'~' WiUiamJhurish Bxecurve Director wstnl Encl: P!l~\~\SlR/l1\0~ OfFICES '95 'IIe\\inqlon SI. 'IIords,i\\e, On\olio ~Ol1NO (5\q) \i9~-43\2 rocs()IJRCE CEN1ER 20, ~ic\oi~ Slre,l 'IIords~lIe, Onlario N()l1WJ (5\q) \i9~-447B COIl~W\\'l E\Il'LO'I~ENl OI'l\OOS 191 Qoeen Slre,l 'IIords,ille, Onlorio NOl1WJ (5\q) \\9~-492q m.S\OENlI~\ SER'JICES 1\\5 \Join Sir"\' #, Gencoe, onlorio N()l lllO (5Iq) 187-2~0\i (5\S) 237-,qr:/J (10') ~.~. Ministry 01 Communlly and Social Services Office of the Minister Hepburn Block Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A lE9 (416) 325-5225 Mtnisti.tre des Services sociaux et communautaires Bureau du Min\stre Edifice Hepburn Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1 E9 (416) 325.5225 ~~~ -Qij- ,.., Ontario ~_.-~_."..~-- ~iv; V i i{;'i1, ',J' ~~ DEe ;"'i998 CUllin'! Ilf ElalN CLERK'S \lfHCE December 17, 1 998 Mr. W..Perry Clutterbuck Warden The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. ST. THOMAS, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Clutterbuck: I am writing to inform you of our plans to expand the Ontario Works program into the private sector. The interest displayed by municipalities in this initiative has been encouraging, and I want to share our plans to move forward. We have heard from a number of municipalities that expanding Ontario Works into the private sector is an important next step for the program. That feedback is based on direct, first-hand experience in dealing with declining welfare caseloads and local labour markets. In response to feedback from both municipalities and Ontario Works participants, we are enhancing the program to include incentives and a range of supports for the private sector to hire and train people returning to the workforce. ...12 ooM(111115) 90 . . taH nave consulted witll municipalitieS, over tile past few montllS, m1nlstr'1 s . t' nS I be\',eve we nave developed d 'ndustl"/ assOCla 10" . " ",.11 " ,,",p,o,""o , d , d,Ii"'''' ..,01', .mp'o,'" ,od .n In'li""" ,h" ,,,:,pond' to ,no n'; 'do"'nO oaed add"'oo" n'tp liodln. .od tllOse people remainIng on tile case oa Keeping lobS. . . ..' .' in tile neW ,/ear witll a ~ew ", ",," p, pn,,'09 ,n ,n" '0""';;" p.;r;'~~o"""d plOPO'" 9,'d,1i0""O, municipalitieS tllat are most rea 'I' eL' ro"'lnce-Wide implementation. I . tll I nning process ,or p, v" . 0''" ,.., to Pa9,n . p . d P ,,'oOod'" '0 plO,,'d. ,00 w"n mon\ am enclosing a neWs release an aC g details about tllis initiati\Je. to date in Implementing a tota\l,/ new W. "n .11 p, p,oOd 0' oU! """'; ",.11'" ,",,'o.d' ,,,,,liO," to dlOP, .nd "'., 0' d.Ii""IO' ""II.'" ",on,h' d ",,'n9 00 ""II'" ,10<' '995. , mol' ,noo,;1 ,000 p,oP" noV' ,"opP" ",,,,, to9,th" to ,,,,p,,m.n' ,n'"~ loOK ~orward to even more success as we 'mport.nt ,nn.n"m,n" to ,no 00,""0 "W", p,ogn\m. - 2 - Sincerel'/ . E.nclosures Janet E.cKer t.Ainister ~\ News Release Communique ~ Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Ministere des Services sotiaux et communautaires Communications and Marketing Branch (416) 325-5151 PUblie egaJement en fran9ais December 17. 1998 Govern.mp'n! Expands Workfare into the Private Sector Minister of Community and Social Services Janet Ecker announced today that Ontario Works is being expanded into the private sector to create more opportunities for people on welfare to get into the workforce. "Ontario's economy is booming and we are helping people on welfare take advantage of the more than 461,000 new jobs created in this province since September 1995," said Minister Ecker. "People on welfare have asked us to create more opportunities for them to become job-ready and it makes sense to look to the private sector because that's where new jobs are being created." Under the current Ontario Works program, a person is matched with available jobs when he or she is job-ready. However, some people on welfare may need additional help. Under this new initiative, an eligible person on welfare will receive up to six months of specific on-the-job training for that particular job. This will act as a stepping stone for the person, to ensure that he or she develops the skills required to keep that job. The individual will be hired directly onto the employer's payroll. Employers participating in the program will receive financial incentives to offset the costs of training and additional supervision of the participant. Program rules will ensure that this initiative does not displace people already in paid jobs. "Ontario Works success stories are increasing. Many people have already used the experience and contacts gained in community placements to move into paying jobs," said Minister Ecker. "We recognize that there are others on welfare who may need more help. Adding this initiative to Ontario Works will encourage employers to hire people on welfare and will give those individuals valuable on-the-job experience." .../2 92 -2- Ontario Works is the government's mandatory workfare program designed to help people on welfare find the shortest route to a paying job. The program provides a number of services, including help with job searches, referrals to education and training programs, unpaid community placements in the non-profit sector and employment referrals for those who are most job-ready. Already, more than 468,000 people have participated in one or more of the program's activities. "We want employers to consider all Ontarians when they are hiring. Expanding Ontario Works in this way will create more opportunities for people on welfare," added Minister Ecker. "It also paves the way for employers to hire some very capable people. The program is designed to make sure it is a win-win situation for employers, people on welfare and taxpayers." This initiative to expand paid placements into the private sector will be phased in across the province. The first step will be to work with specific municipalities and employer groups using flexible guidelines developed in consultation with several business sectors and industry associations. The first placements will begin in early 1999 as each municipality is ready to go. Experiences at early sites will help other municipalities as they prepare for province-wide implementation. "We know we need to do more to help people on welfare find and keep employment," said Minister Ecker. "Our welfare reforms and Ontario's improving economy are producing results. Already 357,000 people have stopped relying on welfare since this government was elected. Paid placements in the private sector are just one more way we are helping people on welfare gain the skills and experience they need to become job"feady." - 30- Contacts: Rebecca Dial Special Assistant (Media Relations) Minister's Office Queen's Park (416) 325-5215 Mary Lou Daniels Media and Editorial Services Communications and Marketing Branch Toronto, Ontario (416) 325-5156 Visit our World Wide Web site at htto://www.aov.on.ca/CSS for more information on the Ministry of Community and Social Services. 93 Backgrounder Document d'information ~ Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Ministers des Services sociaux at communautaires Ontario Works: Private Sector Placements Ontario Works Overview Ontario Works is the government's mandatory workfare program. It is a completely new way of delivering social assistance and employment services to able-bodied people in financial need. The program has three objectives: · Ensuring that people on social assistance take responsibility for finding work and becoming self-sufficient. · Providing an effective transition to employment. · Making social assistance fair for the people who need help and for the taxpayers who pay the cost. Ontario Works provides financial assistance to people in need, and links to employment: · Employment supports include referral to basic education, skills training and job search. · Employment placement helps job-ready participants find and maintain employment, and assists those interested in self-employment to develop business enterprises. .. Community participation provides participants with opportunities to: · Acquire upgraded and new work skills; · Gain current work-related experience and build their resumes; and · Develop networks, build confidence and make contacts for future employment. Introduction of Private Sector Placements The employment placement component of Ontario Works will be expanded into the private sector to create more opportunities for people on welfare to find jobs. The new initiative will encourage private sector participation by making employers eligible for incentives to hire people on welfare directly onto their payroll. Key Program Elements Hiring Assistance, Screening and Matching · Comprehensive screening and matching services will provide employers with candidates that have potential to become permanent employees. For example, job interviews can be conducted on behalf of employers. . ...2 94 - 2 - on_the-JOb Training. on the payroll . ,,,,pie """ be nl"" p, ... ,,",p'"'' .od pia"'" on tno pa'l"'''' .od a" considered regular employees. lra'lning will be pro\Jided specifIc to tne iob. 0""',;0 "0,"" w'" p,o,,'d' "",0,," .od ,mp\O'" 'noeon"" "" up '0 ,,, months. . . protecting worKers .t I rs to taKe jobS away ~ro\il current . O"",no "0,"" poliole' wi" no' p~' ,::;~~: .....e 0< p, ""09 vaoen'''' thet ,mp\O'''' p, ",,'aong ""m "'"' pee. ' ha\Je resulted ~rom lay-offs. . ( , ",,,",'" """, ,m~O'/'"' to 'o'u" tn.t . t.Aunicipal deli\JeT'J. agents will n~t~O la:r \lacancies not resulting ~rom lay-offs or placements are either neW pOSI Ions downsiz.ing. Human ReSOurces FolloW-UP services . ,no Oolano "0,"" o!l'" 0' ao",",' aganO'l de,,,,eo'" "" ",,,,,,,,, w'" add"" a'" nu,""o ,.,,0'''' p,oP'''"'' ",a' m>9'" ao'" Financial Assistance for emplOyers t lacement services is iust o\Jer $46 million. ,he oU"~oI pad"" \O! ,,",p'o'~, ~ ,,,,,,p,, ,,, a""" 01'''''''''''' ,n"n""" Under tnlS InltlatIVt~s' etomop~':., add",ooa' """ 01 ..,nl'" 0< p",,,ldlng ~or up to SIJl. mon .\1 \I additional supervision. ,t" amo,n' p",,\dad w", pe "",oI",ed .ad """ va" d_d,ng "" "" ""rn '" training reo,uired ~or a partIcular lob. . . INS/B, Child care. Transportation . """",noe w"" _",ge "" parttcipan" ,od"'" W""'P"" Sa!'~ and Insurance Board will be a\Ja\lable. . ~,:~",~,t;::',~~~:: :~,.::~~,:~~::':'o~,~~~:::' ;:,tn" clothing. \\ :'l Backgrounder Document d'information &?) Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Ministere des Services sociaux et communautaires Ontario Works Success Stories Ontario Works has allowed many people to bridge the gap between welfare and paid employment. The best way to illustrate the success of the program is to tell some of the stories of real Ontario Works participants. To protect the privacy of these individuals, only general details of their experiences can be provided. · In Southern Ontario, a business failure and medical set-back resulted in an individual turning to welfare. While on Ontario Works, the participant was matched to a position requiring excellent communications skills, knowledge of computers, e- mail, Internet and web page design. Once in this position, the participant wrote proposals to agencies for funding to create a paid position. Successful in this effort, the Ontario Works participant was hired full-time three months after joining the agency. The agency subsequently created a new Community Participation placement within the organization -- an assistant to the original participant. · An Ontario Works participant in southern Ontario was matched with a community placement in a local church. As Property Manager, the participant completed maintenance and cleaning activities in the church under the supervision of a member of the board. The board member was very impressed by this participant's dedication and work ethic and was willing to act as a reference for him. Using this reference the participant was able to secure full-time employment in the private sector in a distribution centre. · A father of eight on welfare in Northern Ontario started out as a labourer doing general tasks around the Minor Ball Park. He networked with others at the park and solicited suppliers for donations to assist with his various projects, demonstrating a great deal of initiative, commitment and dedication. At his urging, his placement was extended so that he could take on the role of crew foreman. During this time he also voluntarily coached a team. Through contacts he made at the ball park, the participant learned of and applied for a job in his community. He was successful and is now employed full-time in the mining industry. · A self-initiated placement in a school in Eastern Ontario has led to full-time employment for an Ontario Works participant. Helping the teacher in a classroom setting, the participant not only gained experience but, more importantly, established valuable contacts. She learned of a position as a Teacher's Aide with another school within their community. With the experience gained through her placement and references in hand, she applied for full-time work and eventually accepted full-time paid employment with the school board. .../2 96 -2- · In southern Ontario, a man was offered an opportunity to participate in a community placement with co-op housing doing maintenance work. The manager of the co-op was very impressed with his skills. After three months, the Board of Directors at the co-op made an attempt to find money in its budget to hire a person for their maintenance staff. The co-op manager recommended the Ontario Works participant. The participant is now employed full-time at the co-op and receiving a full benefits package. · After many years working in a seasonal position in the food seNices field, an Ontario Works participant wished to pursue a new career direction that would allow her to be employed year round. She determined she would like to work in the field of fitness and recreation. Since no placement existed that met the participant's career goals, she took the initiative and set up her own placement with a non-profit fitness organization, where she became involved in many of the training activities available to full-time staff and gained knowledge of potential employment opportunities. After a short time with the placement, the participant left to accept paid employment in her career area. The agency has since agreed to sponsor additional community placements. · A young mother of one pre-school child voluntarily participated in the Ontario Works program in southern Ontario. She had completed post secondary training in the accounting/bookkeeping field. To gain on-the-job experience, she applied for and accepted a clerical placement at a community agency. The agency was impressed with her skills. Within a month of accepting her placement, the participant independently obtained a full-time position in bookkeeping, her area of interest. · An Ontario Works participant who initially had a number of barriers to employment, including low self-esteem and limited work experience, identified an area of interest and was placed as a cook's assistant at a local facility. The placement provided her the opportunity to build her confidence and skills as well as develop employment networks which helped her secure a position at a local donut shop. 97 q'lie Corporation of tlie ~"nidpa(ity of , ~~~ cen.tra[ 'f,[gtn. ~" .."S, I;\)~\"I I1f t.\.I.\\l>\ ,_...J;~~r,f. December ~8, '\998 \lIA FACSIMILE 8< REGULAR POS1 Kim smale General Manager Catfish cree\<. conservation Authority RR5 AYlmer, ontario N5H ZR4 oear Mr. smale: Re: County of Elgin "sparta pi\:' property 1 ""'...,. \0 """""' "" __ "",-- ,.-". 1\" "" --,"'" '""' ... _" o! El91n" ,...,..... \0 ",0,,", " .",.... p~ plOP""' 10 ... cam'" C""" CoO'"""'on """""'~. "" """'" P< _'" ,p"" ... 50 "'" y-"" """ """'" ."""... eo""""",,,n A-" _0'" _" 1\" ou< _~- ",at'" yann""'" """ _'" .- no! ,bUI on _ "at! at- and" "'~"'" no! "".......10 pe' """_ \0\\""""" 10 "" ,_,rop 01 y-"", """"" "'-,.., B'i'" ,996, .. amended. "" '^"""''''''''' 0' cantta\ ElO"' would ,..." ",at ... 5"'" P< P-"' pe "":r:: ~ ..' "''''... y,_"""" "'. "",..., """'" p\1fIann""'" ""a ""partY.ou a' 5"'" "'" and """""" \0 1"" de!I- 01 .101"""" ... ,.omO ",_. YOU~fIY' r ~'j ,Id N. Leitch, CO_ordinator o~ Planning 8< DevelOpment. C'. Mayor Bill Walters Councillor Dan Dale patricK J.C. Keenan, PlannIng Director, CEPO . _ G. ,^OJO""'" Co'''''' A"""""""''^'''''' Co""~ 01 E"'" ,so s,,,,, 0"'" ", ""', S1,"om''', 0.,,,10 "'A 5V' Ph.5'19'63'1'4B60 faX 5'19.63'1.4036 9~ ~'" December 2'3, 1995 1Y1r. 1Y1ark G .1Y1cDonald CountY A.dministrator Clerk count'! ofBlg,in 1\50 sunset Drive St. 1homas, ON NSR S\ll ~"F;]\'-:7" q~'",,'il" .' ,~.~~~~.~ ". \t\\1) " ~ . . ' JAN 1) \'j~'1 tl.\mft'lllf a,UlN ~ Dear 1Y1r.1Y1cDonald : ~ . . _, le"e\ "ou are keenly a"Ware of the . h t' flaW at the mumclPtu' , J '" '" 'U&''''"'' In"'''''' m' 0.'" ," 0 I nt V'" 0","' " " "",,,,," """"" ," "" -' .. .", ",,6"""" _- '" to;;' :'%n ":':i" ,on ","w ,po"'''' ,,",""" "of""''' """, n'" ",,6"""'" ,,., ""''''". "''' : \2 \999 """ """"U l^","" llo"t. 'the _hi,b wl" "" """ In ~;'" "'\'~"""'~ ':; ",;, p";""oe"'" ,""'''"' ludn"" ."'"'' ",n'a''''"' "Caw -mCll' ,'" . nU\\ ' clod """"'0" ,"""'" '" """'" ,nd ,,,,,,,,,,"'" _"""" ."a-' "",':""""'''''' ~'" ~g w ,ow nnd ,",0 "''"'''..-. "'" """'W..", boW po' '" ,," """"toID' " "" p"'"" ,f' " ",..on''''' ",udolf"",.,,,'n, ,n&>' . hi , ,," ,'-"'''' ""', wi" ,,,"w "w,'" \0 "'" "" C " wllt "" ,."",,,", "" ,,,,~'oe ,f '" "" '" J!". of "" "","",,'" """ '" "",bo "" "":' oll"'"" ""\\"",,,'0" """""'" """," ,,,,, '" .,,,,,,"""">\"'''_ C""""""""" 'count)> of carleton taW j\Ssoctati?n J\Ssoclationdll Barteall du Comte de Carleton \\<B!t~,,",\~\n. \..... to""n.""Vs.""..' ~ flRtCBNATERHousE@JPERSI ~ ,....., Industry Industrie \~ \ Ill).... canada """"". 9~ 2 survey. This survey looks at "best practices" across the country. The discussions surrounding these "best practices" will help shape the future of legal practice for years to come. The conference will also feature a number of impressive speakers including Jonathan Zittrain, the Executive Director of Harvard's Law School Berkman Centre for Internet & Society. Jonathan will address how technology will impact upon the practice of law in the future. Peter Bensinger of Chicago, Illinois, will show attendees how to make technology in the practice of law profitable on the basis of his experience as a partner in the law flIIn of Bartlit, Beck, Hermann, palechar & Scott. We are pleased to be hosting this conference in the Ottawa-Carleton Region. The conference is timed so that participants will not only enjoy a valuable learning experience but will also be able to participate in our world famous Winterlude festivities. We encourage all of you to participate in this valuable conference. Should you require additional infOlmation, consult the conference website at WWW.lawtechplus.ca. If you would like to receive a hard copy infornlation brochure, please contact Michelle Assaff at the County of Carleton Law Association by telephone at (613) 233-7386; by facsimile at (613) 238-3788; or bye-mail atmicheUe.assaff@ccla.ottawa.on.ca. We look forward to seeing you in Ottawa in February. K/0 Jim Watson Mayor City of Ottawa Bob Chiarelli, B.B.A., LL.B. Regional Chair of Ottawa-Carleton lOll Minister Ministre Hon. Jim Flaherty L'hon. Jim Flaherty ~ Ontario Ministry of Labour 400 University Avenue 14th Floor Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Tel: (416)326-7600 Fax: (416) 326-1449 Ministere du Travail 400, avenue University 14e etage Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1T7 Tel: (416) 326-7600 Telee: (416) 326-1449 ~~@Gm\X7~fU' ,,' l!!J JAN 4 19>!il ~ COONTY Of ElGIN Ct.~Rl\'S (Iffret DEe 2 3 1998 Mrs. S.J. Heffren Deputy Clerk The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for writing to me recently regarding coverage and other issues for volunteer firefighters. I am pleased to confirm that Bill 92, the Emeraencv Volunteers Protection Act, was passed by the Legislature last week and received Royal Assent on December 18, 1998. Dialogue on issues like this is useful and the comments I received were carefully considered. Our government is committed towards building a stronger Ontario for all and your efforts made a difference. Sincerely, (~}~ . l " J~m Flaherty ~ Minister of Labour X98-03993 101 News Release Communique ~ Ontario Ministry of Labour Ministere du Travail Dec. 21,1998 98-48 BILL PROTECTING VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS AND AMBULANCE WORKERS NOW LAW TORONTO - Legislative proposals to ensure a fair injury compensation system for volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers have been signed into law. Most of the provisions of Bill 92, The Emergenr.y Volunteers Protection Act, are retroactive to Jan. 1, 1998. "Smaller communities rely on the courage and commitment of volunteers to drop everything and come to the aid of their neighbours," said Labour Minister Jim Flaherty. "Bill 92 ensures that these selfless volunteers and their families will not suffer hardship should they be injured in the course of their volunteer duties." Bill 92 does that by: . allowing municipalities to select the amount of coverage to which their volunteers are entitled; . ensuring volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers can continue to collect employment benefits from their regular full time or part-lime employer; and · requiring that full or part-time employers offer re-employment to workers injured as a result of their volunteer fire and ambulance duties, and participate in return- to-work programs. In addition, Bill 92 reduces red tape for municipalities by not requiring them to collect earnings information on each of their volunteers and report it to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. The minister thanked Ted Arnott (MPP Wellington) for recently introducing a private member's bill on the same subject, and applauded the all-party support which ensured Bill 92's speedy passage. -30- Contacts: Belinda Sutton Communications and Marketing Branch Ministry of Labour (416) 326-7405 Nancy Daigneault Communications Advisor To the Minister of Labour (416) 326-7703 (Ce document est aussi disponible en frangais) Visit the Ministry of Labour World Wide Web site at http://www.gov.on.ca/LAB/main.htm 102 rJ',(\~~OF ~ 8~1 ,."",,,,, .fJ~ f!}.GEl1 ~ ~ st Meeting called to order ,od J>,d<>PIIOn 01"'""'" . m"""" """ "" (ld- '0, ,""8 ,", 0-'''' o! ,acun'aI'/ In""''' and "" ",""..I ....... "",eo! 4'" p",.,"'09 petl-, ,_,at- and O"..a\\on, PRESEN1' A I\ONS AND DELEGA1'\ONS .,00 .....~ . E""'''''' ReoO<l"'."" - "" .._d ~'>Il"'" ,.... """ V-", EI\l'O p"",,,,,.phlC ""''"'''' Soci'" \soot,-Seti"n ~ _ eo",oI,onl '"'" a""""" ,,",,,,, '0' C""OC>\ \" ,-r"C"EDl SIn ,,_ to lAOV' ,nIP .C-.... D! "" "",01' c""ndl' 6tn Reports o~ council and staff R",O!t' o! eounci\\O!' . councl' R"'''''''''''''''' Reports o~ staff 7'" """"t C"",,",,"'" - S",,,m"" 30, \998 "'" counci' eo'~ - "" "",,"ad i) ItemS ~or considerat'lon III ,_ "" ,n<o<<O"\\"" \con"'" "",",,"l 9th In'C .",," \\''''' . "" ",po'''' agaoda ~ otn t.Aotion to Rise and Report "'" ,^"""n \0 N>>P' ROCOnunendallo"' "om "" comm,..e D! The "",o~ '12tn QTJ:!.EB-BUSINES~ ~ ) statel'llents/ln.o,uiries '0'1 t.Aembers 2) Notice o~ t.Aot\on 3) t.Aatters o~ Urgenc'1 ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR r<JESDA Y NO"""."" 24TH ,99..t"OO AJI, ~ 2 '3 4 5 6 7 ~ '3tn consideration o~ By-LaWS \ '14tn AOJOURNt.AE.Nl WI\.'RDEN'S 'RECOGN\1\ON \.UNCI'IEON W\\.\. BE I'IE\.D 1\.112:00 NOON LIBRARY Mary Lou A. McMillan Christine M. Mayhew PERSONNEL Louise M. Eastbury ENGINEERING SERVICES Clayton D. Watters SOCIAL SERVICES Robert E. Bell TREASURY Anne R. Murray HOMES Frederick J. Boyes Marilyn D. Fleck Sharon A. Sanders Grace M. Ford Yvonne C. Gavey Sylvia Underhill Marianne Merks Heather L. Provoost Margaret M. Flick Linda J. Pinchak Nancy J. Cole Debra E. Prikken Kim M. Welch EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION NOVEMBER 24TH. 1998 COUNCIL MEETING 20 years (part-time) 15 years (part-time) 25 years (full-time) 1 0 years (full-time) 25 years (full-time) 10 years (full-time) 25 1/2 years (full-time) Director of Homes-Retirement Certificate 25 years (full-time) Acting Director of Homes 20 years (full-time) Terrace Lodge 15 years (full-time) Bobier Villa 15 years (full-time) Terrace Lodge 15 years (full-time) Terrace Lodge 10 years (full-time) Bobier Villa 10 years (full-time) Terrace Lodge 20 years (part-time) Terrace Lodge 20 years (part-time) Terrace Lodge 10 years (part-time) Elgin Manor 10 years (part-time) Elgin Manor 10 years (part-time) Bobier Villa El.GIN PHOTOGRAPHIC HERIT AGE SOCIETY CIO Elgin county Ubraf'/ 450 sunset Drive S\. T\1Omas, ontario N5R 5V~ 2 November ~ 998 Mrs. cathY BishOP Manager 0\ Ubraf'/ sef\lices Elgin County Ubraf'/ Dear CathY'. ,-" ~..." ,,,.... --" "'.."" ",". ""'. ...",.-'" ... ... ,"'" . ".,'" ,..""' "" "",.W" · "'" "'" .-~, '" ""~~ .. .. scot\-selton collection 0\ photOgraphIC negatwes. '" "'" ~ - .~, -"'" -'~" --. -". ""-- """ '" """", ,_ '" pc",. ThO '''''' ."",ro'"' m" ~"'....."", -"". _""""""" "'" """ _~" - ....... ThO _' ",,,, ,.. """"'" "" _ ~,.. _. _ .~.,,,,, _.-....~-" .,,,,,,,,,,. Th"- ,- "..""..." """, ""' -'" ",. ..."" ~,,-, -,,,",, ~ "'" "'~, ....' ~. "'"" '" '" ","'. '".... - - ". ~ """ ~ "' -.- ~ ,,~"'''' -"' "" -. .".", """, ~""" ,-, _~ ,....,,, ",",.oO"'" gm""" ",...""'''' ""gOO -"~, -' "'"' " ,,"'..'" ",,_ .. ... ""gOO _W~ ... _ · ., ".,.... """''''''' '" addition there are several hundred in process thai are not counted. 0'" .._ "'" " ....... "'... ...W~ ......""" ...''''' """"" · - -""'" _"". _. Th' -",. -",,, - ~ _.,-" ,"' "'" ".. ..", eO.-"'-' "'"""'... -", --' -_. -" ". use\ul and \hen replace it later in the proper place In the bO)(. ""'" ..M' _" _"'" __._eO ..."'......""" ""'... """,-' .....--... -'-"'"-~' -,,- """ .~, '" -"'. ,.-' "'" ",,-'"".,..,,, ,..,..". ....- "" sell copies 0\ negaliveS \0 thOSe Interested. ". -' '''''' _ ,,"' "'..."., ,"",,' ",,_. ... ,,"' .,,',.~ '" -- -.-...... "",,"""'-"'-~. ,..... . "''''., S',ncerely, I~ t/~ Ken verrell president 1.-1 ~~ M. f. Doan Treasurer a\t 2 ECG'. ,,,otQG",,,,HtC HER" ~GE SOC,E!'I clo Elgin coun\.'J Library 450 sunset orive St. ,nomas, ontario N5R 5V~ october ~ 998 oear " " """ >0 "",." """ ~. "", -"" .. """'... " ,"",,' ., "'" ""':;' , , de """" 0""'....' ,'" sm"'''' "",," ,,,,,, '" ,,,,,,,- ",.~' · ~,:;" ~..."", .. Sport.s,"'" CO.""",' ., _ " .,d.- "",.0'" ,,. 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Dave Mennill, Chairman, Land Division Committee - Land Division Committee Annual Report (ATTACHED) STAFF REPORTS 1. H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Elgin County Tree By-Law Investigation and Enforcement Protocols (ATTACHED) 2. H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Application for Minor Exception - Albert and Jean Gredig, Lots 18,19 Cone. X. Central Elgin (ATTACHED) 3. H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Select Harvest of the Elgin County Woodlot (Lot 1,2 Cone. IV. Central Elgin) (ATTACHED) 4. H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Comment Regarding Region of Niagara's Request for Support for Changes to the Trees Act/Municipal Act (ATTACHED) 5. C.D. Watters, Manager, Engineering Services - Official Road Map of Ontario (ATTACHED) 6. L. Veger, Treasurer, 1999 Budget (ATTACHED) 7. L. Veger, Treasurer, Year 2000 (Y2K) (ATTACHED) 8. S.J. Heffren, Deputy Clerk - Cannons on Court House Grounds (ATTACHED) 9. S.J. Heffren, Deputy Clerk - Municipal Insurance (ATTACHED) 10. K. Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator - Emergency Measures Committee Update (ATTACHED) 11. K. Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator - Elgin/St. Thomas 9-1-1 Implementation (ATTACHED) 12. H.J. Underhill, Personnel Administrator - Occupational Health and Safety Training - Lower Tier Municipalities (ATTACHED) 13. M. Fleck, Acting Director, Homes for Seniors - Nurse Call System for Terrace Lodge (ATTACHED) 14. M. Fleck, Acting Director, Homes for Seniors - Telephone System for Terrace Lodge (ATTACHED) 15. M. Fleck, Acting Director, Homes for Seniors - Surplus Buses of the Homes (ATTACHED) 4 ,0 \he "Old"" and ....m- 01 ",e Et9'O """"" councl', "" Land DiV'~"" eo""""" ,aport, .' ""\OW'' LANO ON\S\ON COtJItJI\iiEE REPORl NO\Jem'oer 24tn session, ~9ge flRSl REPORl LAND SEVERANCES """EMaER " \997 ,0 OC10BER'" 199. G.C. N.G. E.L. N.L. S,D. REI. EASE. DEf. OR RO.W, lAS. LEASE G C . GRA"tED CO"OITlO""- . . _ NOl GRAN1ED N.G. _ EXIS11NG LOl E.L. _ NEW LOl N.L. _ SURPLUS DWELLING ~~1 - RE1IREt.AEN1 LOl EASE - EASEt.AEN1 ROW. - RIG\-Il-0f-WA'< EA.SE - LEASE ~EF. DR ,,,a. .oEfERREO DR ,,,a LED o.IU,.SER Of \-IEARINGS - fULL DA'<S - 84 \" W' \-IALf DA'<S- ALL ot wnicn is respect~ull':l submitted. ~ REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCil From: Hugh Geurts - Elgin County Tree Commissioner Date: September 25, 1998 Subject: Elgin County Tree Bylaw Investigation and Enforcement Protocols Introduction: This document is submitted for council's consideration in an attempt to streamline the process in dealing with infractions of the Elgin County Tree By-Laws No. 87-6 and, 93-30. Discussion: Recent infractions of the Elgin County Tree By-Law have demonstrated that the absence of policy and procedure for dealing with these matters has resulted in delays and ambiguity as to consistent application of the By-Law. An established policy, in effect, should alleviate such issues and bring them to a more prompt and determinate resolution. Conclusion: Protocol and Consistent application of the By-Law will provide Council and the Tree Commissioner with a more streamlined process in which to deal with infractions. Reccommended Options: That the attached policy entitled Elgin County Tree By-Law investigation and Enforcement Protocols be approved. /Lr, { ('~e_V'<-k , U I-'ttJgh Geurts ncommissioner ;;/y(, ) AP;:;, uv"C'"For Submission M.G. McDonald. County Administrator/Clerk enforpro.doc 6 Elgin County Tree Bylaw Investiaation and Enforcement Protor.ol~ Under Section 4 of the Trees Act, RSO 1980, the Council of a County is empowered to pass bylaws: a) restricting and regulating the destruction of trees by cutting, burning, bulldozing, application of chemicals, or other means, and b) providing for the appointment of officers to enforce the provisions of any bylaw passed under this section. Elgin County Bylaw 87-6, as amended by bylaw 93-30, was passed on the following rationale: "whereas it has become expedient for the general welfare of the County of Elgin to maintain and improve the forest, soil, game and fish resources of the County by serving and improving the woodlands of the County". When landowners, or loggers contracted thereto, wish to cut trees within the jurisdiction of Elgin County, a Notice of Intent must be filed with the County Tree Commissioner at least five working days prior to any cutting. This Notice is completed by either the landowner, or the logger on behalf of the landowner. On a regular basis, the Elgin County Tree Commissioner inspects tree cutting sites to monitor the possible cutting of undersized trees, or the lack of regard for "Good Forest Management Practice". For the purpose of this Investigation and Enforcement Protocol, and its application, "Good Forest Management Practice" is defined as : "Having regard for the future regenerative capabilities and ecological function of the woodlot." The general policy for administration of the Tree Bylaw is "No Net Loss" - or replacement of equal area, numbers, or species mix for areas cleared under the minor exception process. From time to time the Tree Commissioner will encounter violations to the Tree Bylaw, where due process has not been followed. These violations have two categories: - 1 - enforpro.doc 7 1 . Minor Exception A Minor Exception is considered as: clearing scrub along edges, where not enough time has been spent on confirming species mix of associated hardwood saplings OR complete removal of trees listed in the bylaw OR drain cleanouts through woodlots undertaken in conjunction with the municipal Drain Superintendent (assuming that the clearing setback remains reasonable, as per the Commissioner's judgment) OR any other similar exception, that in the opinion of the Commissioner should be considered as a Minor Exception. 2. Improper Logging Practice Improper Logging Practice is considered as: loggers overly careless with skidders, causing damage to other trees and understory; OR cutting of undersized trees; OR failure to complete and submit an accurate Notice of Intent; OR any other similar infraction, that in the opinion of the Commissioner should be considered Improper Logging Practice. The following protocols for reporting, investigating, remediating or enforcing the Tree Bylaw then apply: 1 . INVESTIGATION Upon the Tree Commissioners receipt of a public complaint, the Tree Commissioner will undertake a general investigation. Should the investigation reveal that an infraction has not occurred, the inspection will form part of written daily diary. 2. CONFIRMATION OF VIOLATION For confirmed violations that in the opinion of the Elgin County Tree Commissioner are considered minor, the Tree Commissioner and landowner will retroactively complete the appropriate application. The Commissioner will also provide the landowner with information on the Tree Bylaw, and document the proceeding in the daily diary. If the Tree Commissioner is satisfied with the terms of the Application the Commissioner is authorized by Council to proceed with approval of the Application and ensure that conditions are fulfilled. Council would be subsequently advised of the matter, in summary form. - 2 - enforpro.doc 8 Should the Tree Commissioner and the Landowner not agree to terms in the completion of the Application, the Commissioner proceeds to the next protocol step. 3. NOTICE OF VIOLATION Upon the Tree Commissioner's receipt of a violation report, that in the opinion of the Tree Commissioner clearly falls within the category of significant Improper Logging Practice, the Commissioner will advise the landowner of an information package to follow shortly. The Commissioner will then immediately inform the Elgin County Clerks Office and as a courtesy, the appropriate Council member. This report will contain general information, such as: location; landowner name; a general overview of the violation as understood by the Commissioner; and accordingly the next steps authorized through this protocol. The Commissioner will document all matters within the daily diary. A Notice of Violation (Appendix 1) will accompany the Letter of Warning (Appendix 2). by receipt registered mail OR hand delivery, to the logger or landowner. This package will be copied and forwarded, by regular mail, to the landowner and the municipal representative to County Council. The Tree Commissioner shall have due regard to the works undertaken vis-a-vis "Good Forest Management Practice". The Notice of Violation invites the violator to identify measures that they propose to remedy the situation, and requires that no further work be undertaken until a Notice of Intent is properly submitted and is viewed by the Commissioner and the Council of Elgin as in conformity to the Bylaw. Should the landowner/logger/buyer not offer mitigation that, in the opinion of Tree Commissioner, does not sufficiently address the Intent of the By-law, the Tree Commissioner will move forward to the next protocol step. - 3 - enforpro.doc 9 4. Provisional Fine In the event that the violator does not offer appropriate measures to rectify the situation the County will offer the option of a fine structure before the final protocol step of Formal Charges. The fine offered will be based upon historical settlement of such issues within the County. Al $500.00 fine payable to the County of Elgin for manpower directed toward the investigated AND B) Two options I) A contribution of $500.00 payable to a local resource management agency to carry out reforestation (or) il) to complete reforestation on landowner lands within the County to the satisfaction of the Tree Commissioner. Should the landowner/logger reject this settlement, Council will then proceed to contact the County Solicitor and proceed to consider the laying of charges. It is important that the Tree Commissioner be responsible for having all documentation ready for review by the Solicitor. PROCESSING CHARGES 4. The Processing of Charges may be necessary in extreme cases where the landowner continues to carry out successive infractions or fails to successfully address protocol steps 3 or 4. No prosecution shall commence without Council's consent. Situations where charges will be considered are: A) Notice of Intents: After three Notices of Violation are issued to a logger or a landowner, to which no Notice of Intent was sUbsequently submitted by the logger 1 landowner in accordance to the Bylaw OR B) Clear Cutting: clearcut or bulldozing of part or all of a forest which is 1/2 acre in size or more OR CI Undersized Cutting: significant cutting of undersized trees OR D) any other infraction or cumulative infractions that in the opinion of the Commissioner and the Council should be considered as grounds to proceed toward Court Action. - 4- enforpro.doc 1n ~} . " ,pO ",o",,,,p.t ..p,,,.ntati'" " no' F" ,olo<"m'''' p,,,,,.d''''' !>",po'd' 'f H"""" ,pO t.Odo",,,,,/lo"" .n,,,,,...,d to t,,\\""~ .0' ",m'~~:~;;to" ",m; to' ,omp"tlOn 0< ,pO m" 0' tn~,o",n "oI>t,~n, "":,'000""""" w"" "" avl'''' ,n ,pO optolon 0' No"" 0' toto'" ,"at " ",. ",.d ,. '1 '" o'd ",.."d" "" ,"0,""'09 0' Council. Should tnlS occur, councl 0 charges. ... ture 0' in\Jestig."on .od ,.10<,""".' p,.,,,d'.9" ,p"m, 0'" '0 ,,,' n" .' m"" ,,,,on" to ,v'" ",.I.ti.n ,b" P' ,on"d".d 00" ""n . . t an time alter suHicient intorrnation 1n' plO"..ln9 0' ,h"9'~ "n "'9'~ ~ ~.d In "" .P"oc' 0' "ti""to" b" P"o oompllad ,....d'.. ,pO "" · "~:. ,-.r l,tIOn ",,,.,,0" bY 'n' I.ndo",n" I '''''9'' to · ..0"'" 0" . . . "" ,,,poo,IP" !o! an.oa'" oondo'"'''' FO'''''' , "" 1'" comm,~'on . .' lti" aOd "" 9.n.." poP" oomp"n.o"'" ,!fort' a' ,o,,,m'''' moo'''P'' about the count'/ "Tree 8'llaW. . , 'n' 1"" comm""on" ,ball ,.., ",. In all matters re\ated to tnlS pro~ocdo , t 'ssues and respond according to the Elgin count'/ Adrninistrator apPrise 0 I d",ctio.o' the eo''''' Sta!f and ,n" plOtoOOI. . S . 1\ _ ~,,"r\(()fo.dOC II' ' - KETlLE CREEK CONSERV AllaN AU1HOR\1'l .j".......\..c C~f(; RR8, . ~.. 'f' . St. ThOmas, ontario N5P 3T3 _.<'> ~ f;Q _ 631-1210 o ~~. I: ~ is: .,<<,,,, .S; .-FIr. ~. .4 TlO" ~\\ . V N': Q6~ ?Iv~ /f0t(1 IV~ ~ O~ NOT\CE Of V\OLA. T\ON Issued To Municipality .TelephOne Address 'II A.RNING "",,'TlON OF ON""'O REGULI'T'ON ...,,, ,,"0 ,.ENOMENTE THENETO- F1,L CONST,"CTlON ,NO ^' TE",TION TO W' TER W'" lREGOC,T\ON ....E UNOER THE CON'"'''' TlON ,,,,,,ORlTIES ,'" OC'.O. T ,"", ,. ", ,. " ,NO ,.EN""ENTE THER"'O} Notice is I-web'! Given That You "" "" __ O'Y 01_--'- '" "" "om ,,_'0 "" Unlawlu\I'! Did cause, SuIter Or AlloW - In \Jlolatlon 0\ section______________O\ Ontario Regulation 166/80. DetailS: "" m~1 """""" "" ,d,"~ "" ^""''''''' '" """" _ " ",,""" "" _",0"..-" ,.,odY~. oW""o. "" .UST NOT ""'''''''' MY """'" ~""'" ,>W """'" ""'" "om" -'" Tne l'uthOr1ty Mpes to aVOid tne necesSiW 01 taking legal action. e.nlorcement.O\\icer Date WHITE-VlOLA TOR, CANNl'l_K.C.C,A. 12 KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY fl.Jt 8, SI. II-IOMAS, ONIAfl.IO N5P 313 IELEPl-\ONE (,5i9) 63i-i270 fp.,Y.. 63i-5026 Day, Month, year Logging CompanY )( Street Town "province "postal code Attn: Logging Company )( Pl"" '" ,n,",'" "",t "'" C"""" 0 [f,.n "" ",acid"'" """ ""gg\nt! ~,n, 1<, dm """"''''''' 10,gIntl ",",I." ~ """ C<m'. 'WI' . ''''''^'. """"," .,thO" ,,,,,,, ",,,,,,, ,,'on 0' , NO"'" of In''''' f,ilO<< to _,' """"" f to''''' " , ,",Ia,,"n 0 l ." ,,,,, Ad (\\SO 19901 ttnd "" fl.n CoonW ,>" ",.lAW ,,-6, ".,. 1 "" th" fa<\hO! dott"''' ",,,N"" "', flgin counW ",.law ,,,,",I bO "mp'''''' 'n ,,nd ..""'nt!. 'fhO ,_ ",n "".m'" "'th "" CounW fo< future ref""'" ,h,util It be required. Sincerely, B. ugh GeurtS Elgin. Tree CoJ.1)11J.issioner (Letter to be sent by registered mail or courier) 1'~ RE"PORT TO COUNTY coDNCIL Frotu' Hugh GourtS - Elgin County ~r" cmnnU"'on'" Date: November 10, 1998 Sub)ect: In,,,d''''''''' An "",,,,,,,on lo< MinOl ",,,,,",,, """ - ,,,,,,,,, " '" 0fIl'" of '" '''' Co","",""''' '" oJ""" 0.60 _ wood'o' """d - LoU 18,19. cono. X C""'~ _ 1:\" ",,1i""'" """ b"'" """"'.'" " fuo 1""'''''''''' j>Jb<. ood ''''' Gredig. 01'-"" 'th<> wood\" \d",tifi'" I, \"""", """ '" "".~ of e.- """" 52 "'" " 'tl>< ,,,,,,, "",x,''','',, 0.60 "", in ,i% ""," _'""'" p,,_t, of Mho Soft ,i \ EM JJi"'"" """wood "'" ,.",,, _. Tho wood\" " b'''''"'' " 0 ,m~' oJ::;;, f.;", .,,;,"~, oJ""" uk ,,~"". 'th<> ,,",,0- wioW' '" _ur '" wo"dto' '" M"'ur fuo .rod"'" '0 ""","' ",d h''-'" "', ","'"'''''''' f_ ftold "". ",Wig h" _ ""do 'w"" .f "', COOl'"'' '" un too' yoli'" ",d '" ,,-t '" ..""" '" ",,'ur\on' _." .f- on Id' ,"",ort, ." fu' 'p"",0f\999 'th<> e,",," ",on' co"""",." MWn" """ ""t ,,,,.tifi'" "" ES" O! w'ldli" ,""""'" _'im'" wi'" fu' d-" ,,_or," ",,,,,,,,,, ",,"" S"hO" 9(2) of lhr A.ct have also not put forWard any objections. C,,,,,,,,on' _ fu' ,,,",,'" i' of , -,t """d\oI'."'" whi,h b" "d"""" "",.,1"" """,on ",d ,"',.. of ",ild". It " lhr ",,,,on of fu' - c='"'''' fu" "", ,,,,,i'" wi" _ """mum ImP'" ." ,,, fo",t -""" ,ffu' CO"',, _",,,,ond'.'" 1:\'" CO""" co_It "'''',''' "'" ""Ii""'" " ,,,,onted- ~~ Hugh Geurts 'tree Cornrni.ssioner APplication for Minor Exception . AI1Jer\ ""d Joan Gredig. ]A" I g, 19. cono. x. eontr'\ Elgut (; ~ved For submi.ssion M.G. Mcdonald, County A.dministrator/Clerk it!; ~,\X'~ I , ( ( !Mil &:5 j - 06 ($ .::::J ~W<c.:;h.~d. (A.M.\ MARK G. McDONALD CQUNfYAQMINlsfn~6\l\ (Mm.) SANORA J,HEFFREN IlIPUTY CIlUNTY C~tnK 450 SUt>!SET DRlVE ST. THOMAS, ONTP-RIO N5R5V1 PHONE (519) 631.1460 FAX \S\9\ 633-1661 THE TREES ACT APPLICATION FOR MINOR EXCEPTION II We wish to apply for a minor exception from the provisions of the County of Elgin By-Law No. which restricts and regulates that destruction of trees. In order to be allowed to remove trees as outlined in thisapplicallon. /I 1. NAME(S)OFOWNER(S): ~1(J:l1tv ~.~ LHe~t9 V f P7<~~ ~::/~ 2. MAILING ADDRESS: Postal Code ft2lP 2>T..A Phone No, LOCATION OF LAND: Municipality (Town, Village, Township) Lot No. IcP -I (9 Lot No. Registered Plan No. 3. Reason for wishing to Remove trees. , ~ hnd~ /Jzt!(Y&; 0/ ~ / /2 f ,,2, /L,' /), )//1.tfr'/Pt! /lJfr/~ t!( A:ZL. ,;u; f'd / /tWJ/ ~ &e;. ~e. f' (I 4. Describe species of trees and size of trees to be rerrlOveo. , t'L I ;PellA! IJ/Oo-/-J ( fT..s h .5; iJ.IT If a..k (e I ' ,:;t~r'hI ,(~~ &r:,,,, /It-6->~ , \ Wd 1f(!J.IA~. 5. Area to be cleared (in metric) Length _ tft::. Width .~tt:J Meters Meters Area l~go . (in square meters or hectares) 1 ~) . 6.' I-Ias t\'le- . ~_ """' W ""'''''''' """"",,.,,,,,,,,, ~ re",o,',," Yes ( ) No (i/) ,..,.. ..' . c ,;:,~ ~ ;;..;..~ ""... ~ ",,~hI"" ".;'"~''' ".""",,, '''' · "", -'" "'" """. .... . . " "p' .. . .' . --~ --- ~ -- "'''''' ",,,,,,, ",._ "'" ,,,",, '""""" " " oW- " .0'" -,'" .""'" "" .", d"" ....,. """ t"'" '" .- \0 - "'" ,,,.,,,,,,," " """', ~ P'" ,- 9.2" "".... (,,,,,- ,,- b"'" ,""." ,,,,,," -" "... l"P"" , 1. ot\'ler injormation deemed pertinent to t\'lis application. -J-A-- ~~ - ~ H ~ 8. E"" """,,,,'00 ",,,,,, _"","", '" , .",,,,, "" ",,,,. - 20 ".,m'b~ '" :'\5 centimetres, showing: (" ,,'",-. o! "", ,,,,. t'" ,,,,,;ed" "'" ,,,..,,,,,", -', ,,,,,,,,,,, '''' "'" P"'I"""" to b" """" "'" ,'" "'" " b"" - ,," rem"" (b' b"""'" 00 "" oW,,"" _'" ,rn1 ,"" 00 "" ",,",'9 pro," (0' ,,'" o! .,,",'" ,"'" '''.9' ,~_ """"""", ~-, -",,,",,, , "to.' " '" 00." "",,","" _" '" _. U'" P"''-. "" "".. ""' rem"" "'" ,,,.,,,\10' . g",",,' """, '" "","", '" """", " - - "'""", to ""'" inolcate during this visit w\'lat is proposed to be removed. ( 9. 10. ( ""'. ,,,,,, ,,""""" . ,,,,,", '" 0""" _'''' oW,,", __ ''''''''''''.001''' -'" , -' -'" .' """""'.. "'" """", . , """"""'", ... ,,,.-- ""',' '" ",,,, . . __ __ ("'" t"" ".,110' """ '" """"'" ,,,, i It'''' ... ,,,," " """ ~ oate qr o ~, ' ' i!' '\' \ ' " ' '\Vl' , \~...~j J ' II' \ t, --"\:J t I) '1tt; \ l.x I "'p'if.y(lrl ,\ ' I! i \ ! 0' - 1 ",7 //1'J.' ' I i~\ \ \ II \ \ \ ~t ~j \_ _ \ ~ II \ \ \ I \ \ ~ LI ~~ ~ \ I~ g \~ ~ , I \ t~ p\U1 \ \ 0 . I! \ I \ \ \ ~f9\ I \ \ I \ i! \ I \ I \ \i ! ! I i \ I I \ i \ \ \ i i I I \ I! \ , i \ I' I! \! \ I \ I I ! I I i i I ~\ "....<$'" ......., ~ \ '"' 0 ~ 1 ! I . I ,\ -L. ~> '" I l y/ ~ Q: , r < \ r- ~ ~ .:y ["""", ...04 - 1 I _ w _ ~ - -~'\._- I I I )' I, I... C;) '- ~ \ \ , 6 1 \ \4 \,1 \~ \~ \-u II' ,'..,.- ..J.-- \ ' I I \ \ ! I \ \ i ~i \ I"~,: ) _:-~! ~ >:- ;, \ \ 1 .::: i ..............,.--- "-~--../ ------\ I \ I \ --..-,-1.\-. \ \ \ \ \ i ,I" ! I \ '"--\ Ii, I . \ \ I.J.I ~ '- ~ ..' ,ti} . . .,~_.,_ c."--" - ,. ... I \ I I I L -...--.-----.--------.------ --.-- RJ)',"POR'T 'TO COUN'TY COUNCIL From: Ilugh Geurts - Elgin County 'Tree Commissioner Date: october 10,1998 s."i~" '""'" n.rt~' .f ". ."In c,.'~ W,."" (LO",l c,~ lV. c~"" .",.) In""d""'" "'" 1= "","",","'' '" Elg;' C,,",, -., "" ,,", · ""It" ,1~""" ."",,,,,' ''''P''' ". con""' Vi".n" -" ,,_ "" ",..~ ,,~'" 100 ,bi'" ,f." In"",,'" I. ~ ~,_ m~'~' _gi~ ,-"d by ." 'f= "'-~,- "" W determine appropriate harvest volumes for forest health. ..._'" bb. ON' ON" ,f "" ;Ii""" ,{N",~I ",,,,,,,,, ,I."d "" c_ -"'" " """"" Cfl, 199'. bb. G"" f." ",,,, ..,,1 ~d t", "" ,..",,~ ,><P"'" by "'. "'" """""",." wOO """",,,, ~d ""I ",,,,,, ~,~1h>' w,.ld 00 ."",,,, .. ."",\t,"" "",.,P"'" "'-'" bb. ON" [oj' ""I' _ ~1'" """."" ~.ld oo~"'''' onl roili" "'~ "" P""""" roW "I""~ mo""'. bb. OM', "",,",,' ,fbi. ",,,,~~ " ~"f" """'" " ~",,,,, ""I . ,_""'" .m,,^,,- ""hi" ""ld -" m" "t~1 "",,, "'" ... ,"",,,",,, ~IIci"'" 'fbl.,,;1\ """d' .. "'..' f",,1 "g~""'''' "",I". p,1d .'" .p"''''' .._ "ciS ''''"'',, "" _~. bb ""'" m""""" ""I "'. C_ "om I" s.~"" ,f' PI""'" "oN" 'p""'" "'" ,_", ",,,,, ", p'~'""ort -"" f. ,..""",,, """."","". "w", f." ,"'" '" _ In~"'" '" "'. ,..",,,,, ,f ~'" · p'''' would " easily offset be greater harvest income. """",,,,,, '" I" 1= ",,,,,,,.."'" " ",",,"'" "" d_"'" ... "'". ." · ,,,",, "","'i< " "'. _Ih'" ",ld _"" ". proi"C D'" [,,'" ,-"1 C,,,",,,,," m 13<''''''. " "'. ,,\y """"",, _.,,,,, f,~ ,,;," "'. ,",_ """ro" ro -'''' roo" ".,,,'. "",V'l' ,,_ ",,,,,,,,,, "" ~,,"'., "" p,,,,,,'lno ~d . -""",, '''Y ,,0 "",,". a marking ofthe bush for approximately $800.00. C,,,,,,,,,, "" 'M ",,",,' ,f "" 'f= "''''"'''''''' "'" , "ro' .,1'" """'" ,f ",g" .'" "".ld ,,,",,' In "",.' ""tfu ... "g~''''''' ";",,, fu' """'" """" my "",,", roW selection strategy. ...._,d.."" "'" ,00 "',,~ ,f W" ",",' D"'- ,,,,,trY S"~'" ro """"" · ,,,,, "",II'" "",In, ,f "" con"" w ,",,'" . ~ ..oct ,ri" '" · ,00.00 . , t-/-s. , - ugh Geurts Tree Commissioner ~ -- APproved For submission M.G. McDonal~county Administrator/Clerk 19) e\ne eta ,tlon SilviCu.ltu.ral System: Shelterwoodl Single tree selection pWs, Le4' Ofh(Pr, tls,Cb, p...w) 2 Basal Area =' 34 m iha (p...OS =' 28 n?fha, DOS =' 6 n?iha) Stand Description: Stand Information: A.. C"" _ 50 10 60 "'" 0" _'" """to "",,, ""'" p'on~tion Ileight - averages 60' Jl1lOn _ Ttoil \nO ,",ons" "",_ ",,"' oftM p,_\ion. It '" 2 ,pnns f'" """'" "'" jo'n in .. woodlot on' oo<rti"'" onlo -"" ClOd" Th"'"' ,omll ",<in< "'" \3 ",,,) co"",t\njj of _",-~' """,.;0' propertY remains uuutilized. Long T ".. GnOb' Tho I"''"' nf "OS in tht' _d " weU ,00'" j\to """,,,,"'" no"""" \000_"""" "" ",,,roto om....""..'. Sol,,"on"' ,"bl' op\i on du' to \\to ,\to p"",ti,"" _ ""'" ..-n, "'" """" ,,,\lob" in '" "to ""to" Th_to tht' "" wilt P"'''''' """,,,,bl' 1",,1, of ,noli" toW'o", Th'". will p'n"'" wildlif' ",bi'" ,,,,,,,'o,,,J op,-'" (\nO'udin%",,,,,,&n\\ t'" ",it _) "'" "",tribO" 10" _'0' """'" 0'" ~"'. 0,,", ". ""'" t_ "to ,ton' wilt b' ..""So!, with ",,,, ",,_N' """"" 'Y"" to ,'owt, ",,_ tn' """inS coni'" p_oon "'" 'l'P"'''''' ",,,I """",."", tolerant hardWood forest condition. Size and oualitv ClasS StructUI"'" Size poles small Medium Large ClasS Sawlog Sawlog Sawlog 'Total (cm) \0 - 24 26 - 38 40 - 48 50+ iOualltV p...OS DOS p...OS UOS p...OS DOS p...OS DOS p...OS UOS Bp...(~ihil 3 3 25 0 3 \ 32 4 'Total Bp... 6 25 4 38 (m2iha) 'Target Bp... l!3 113 \/3 0 \/3 I (m2/ha) reduction reduction reduction reduction 19 -.---- Silvicultura1 Prescription: This stand is over stocked predominately in the small sawlog class. Acceptable growing stock (AGS) makes up approximately 84% of all growing stock, so there will be no problem obtaining forest products in the present or future. Discussion with local OMNR forestry staff suggest a basal area reduction of 1/3 for a stand of this age and species composition. The plantation shall be marked in yellow paint for tree removal and be sure to clearly mark at dbh and on the stump area. During the marking of this prescription there is to be row removal of I in 5 or 1 in 6 with selected harvest in remaining rowS. Individuals marking the woodlot shall have regard for terminating or adjusting row removal should excessive crop trees be targeted. The emphasis during marking will be towards small sawlogs, with the~target to be larch trees along with subcanopy conifer trees. No hardwood species are to be targeted for removal for this cycle. The trees to be removed are to include those with a greater than 10% lean, poor form (co-dominant leader, crooks) and diseased. The area is to be harvested during the winter months and access will be limited to prescribed trails. The marker is to determine these trails with the prescription in mind. Crowded areas are to be alleviated to allow for hardwood regeneration. Marking should concentrate on removal of the UGS and the poorest quality AGS stems. UGS trees may be retained where necessary to maintain stocking or to satisfy wildlife needs. AGS removal will be necessary in areas overstocked in AGS stems. IRM and Wildlife Values: Within the plantation, regard shall be given to provide for best choices for a cavity trees and mast trees. If possible 6 sawlog size cavity trees per hectare should be retained, and a minimum of seven or eight good quality mast producers (beech, oak or black cherry) per hectare should be retained if available. Treat all stick nests according to provincial guidelines. 21) REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL From: Hugh Geurts - Elgin County Tree Commissioner Date: November 12, 1998 Subject: Comment regarding Region of Niagara's request for support for changes to the Trees Act/Municipal Act. IntroductioU: The Region of Niagara has produced a letter to the County of Elgin req_" ,""ort to l,g""ti" ,h""" """d''''' ",,,. Th' C'crKlAdroioi""",", of Elgin County has requested that the Elgin County Tree Commissioner provide comment on the attached letter. The following comments are submitted for Council's review. Dl"".'om Thore "" tWO pi_ of "~,,,tion iu p"" fO! th, pro,,,hOO of "". ""ldo the jurisdiction of Crown Land; The Trees Act and The Municipal Act. The Trees Act has been established as a minimum standard for the protection of forest resources which may be enacted only by a County or a local municipality outside the jurisdiction of a County. Section 313 of the Municipal act states that,"The Council of every local municipality exceeding a population of 10,000 may pass by laws for preserving and prohibiting the injury or destroying of trees". T'" T"ou Ad In '" P'"oot fonu 'iml'" mwndp,lity " to i. pow,", of """",",oot """ ",,",hOO Thl. 'nclu'" on ,"","" of ,top wo" 0_' up'" limit .,,, of $5,000, , 1"" of definition regarding good forest management practice and a statute of limitations of six m""""" Soohoo 313 of th, M""''',," A,t h" uo ""h ,_ """ \ou'" ",,,\o,,",,,t uf tree protection by-laws up to the Local Municipality. The Region of Niagara is requesting other Counties' support in soliciting the province in amendments to the Trees Act. Specifically, the Region supports the Red Tape Reduction "\\1 wbkll woold """,\ th' T=' /wl on' =,te u~ l,W' fO! ." p,,,,,,hoo (which address many of the Trees Act weaknesses) through a revised Forestry Act. Furthermore, th, R'W"" _ooC' oupport furth, 'n""'oo of "Stop W O!k orocr" on' "pcrurit To Cu" clauses (Currently not addressed in the Red Tape Reduction Bill) to further protect Forest Resources prior to any harvest or clearing. In summary - a proactive rather that a reactive approach to forest protection. pg 1 of 2 niagara.doc 2'i Conclusion: The County Tree Commissioner supports any legislative movement which updates/removes the current restrictions for enforcement and regulation currently established within The Trees Act. In that regard, a move away from the confines of the Trees Act and more to the Municipal Act would be beneficial. It has been this County's experience that the primary weakness of the Act is the perceived trivial nature of the Act amongst loggers and the judicial system. This is primarily because of the small fines set within the Act. A more significant fine structure (such as the proposed $20,000 maximum) will give the Act more respect within the Court system and act as a greater deterrent to unscrupulous individuals. The establishment of Stop Work Order procedure in the Act would be beneficial in limiting a Justice of The Peace's interpretation of the Act in defining subsequent violation (see addendum below). However It is felt that a greater fine structure would be a more effective tool in acting as a deterrent to prevent violations from occurring. Recommendation: That the County of Elgin support Niagara's request for support for such legislation with the inclusion of greater fines and a move toward more local regulation. A mechanism for a stop work order is already in place for the Trees Act. Once an individual has been notified that the Tree Commissioner is completing all investigation of a violation, the individual would be notified to stop all filr/her works. Any further clearing or clean up of brush or stumps could be considered an impediment of an investigation or another clearing violation. In either situation, a subsequent charge could be laid. The weakness of the current system however is that a Justice of the Peace is free to interpret what constitutes subsequent violation under the Act and may deal with all charges as one, thereby reducing the deterrent of compounded violations. / (~V~ UHugh Geurts Tree Commissioner ~~ - Approved For Submission M.G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk ILaL u pg 2 of 2 niagara. doc 4'1i , (,I Regional NIAGARA .jH:..:;l:J..,......'... ...,./' /i.t,,;:?>;':: "';. )", (' {. " {.. . . . ":i.'. '.' . .,~ L,,,...._ ..""_. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Regional Municipality of Niagara 2201 St. David's Road, P.O. Box 1042 Thorold, Ontario L2V 4T7 Telephone: (905) 984-3630 Fax: (905) 641-5208 E-Mail: plan@regional.niagara.on.ca Mr. Mark G. McDonald Administrator/Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 October 30,1998 ~~@mw~~ File: A.34.43 NOV 5 1998 COUNTY OF ELGIN ClERl<'S OFfiCE Dear Mr. McDonald: Re: Authority to Issue Stop Work Orders Under Reaional and County Tree Bv.Laws As you know, the Trees Act provides regional municipalities and counties with the legal authority to regulate tree cutting in woodlots. The Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara has asked the provincial government to provide these municipalities with the legal authority to issue stop work orders where trees are being cut in contravention of their by-laws. Regional Niagara would request that your municipality advise the Minister of Natural Resources of your support for such legislation. Upper tier municipalities have put tree by-laws in place in order to conserve forest resources and promote good woodlot management. Under the existing legislation, however, these municipalities are unable to take legal action until after tree cutting has occurred. Without access to stop work orders they are unable to take action until after the damage has been done to a woodlot, damage that it will take decades for the woodlot to recover from. Local municipalities with tree by-laws already have the authority to issue stop work orders under the Municipal Act. The enclosed report, which was approved by Regional Council, simply recommends that upper tier municipaiities be provided with similar powers. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact Don Campbell in this Department. Enclosure (DPD 103-98) C: Tree By-law Enforcement Officer R. Hollick, Regional Clerk DC\Trees\Stop Work Orders Ltr - Mun 2')} d I DPD "\O~98 IWguSt ~2, "\998 File'. A.34.4'3 SUBJECi: Chair and Mempers 01 the. p\ann\n9 se~\ces Co{l\l1\\rtee swP """ 0"'''' undo'''' ,.... "" and """,_' ., ..,..." .."""",..., """" tJnde' il\9 Regional iree conservatiOn 6'1,\.a1lll REPORi iO: RECOMMENOft,i\ON R. I council' """ ",,' comm"e& ,..".,,..od w ...- . , . """ "'\s ""'" pe ....."'" '''' "",,- . -""'" gov-"'" """" "" -"", ,.... 2- """ Ra<JIOO'" cou<"" ,,,,,",, thai "'" (f . and .".,- W,,"'" ~ t. ,- ........."'" a", ",oVId. ,"""""" ""'!""""" . slOP """" """'" .. di....... "". """,. . 3. """",, ""'" ~ """'.... w - """"'"' ~paI- "'" """"" ,,,,,,,,,,,," tneir support iOf t\'\IS reo.uest. . ' . a -1ft E..-manl ()!!Ioe< ,""" "" 4. lnat W. ste\Je 'fari be appointed :0 sa""''';' in ~ "'" ""...- ,J, ... C'" RegiOT'a\ Niagara lree conseNatlon 'J oi weIland. PURPOSE . ., comm- a .".- .... ",sed .. to '" "" J'" a, """...-,J, PI- ~~""""",J,'" -"" '"" "'....... """"'" slOP """" _ "'!" pe .... .." ," ""So deais wim me appointment oi a staff . .. .es......d- ,0 tnlS Guesuon. ,.., ins jj.sse{\' ,epo,' '. .~:~, "'\ d as a au-LaW E.n~orcemeT't Officer. member irom tne CIW 0' 'I.e, aT" Bft,C~GROUNO S\O- Wor\<,Q!9!!! ~ Iona' N"9"'" "",,,,,,;tV w "gu,,",,"" W. p,.",,,,,a' ".." "" Is ".. ,.,,,,,,, ., Reg . 'pO'''''' 10 O....,iG ,he' "" ,,,,, "" ,utt\!'g. """, _ -go"'" PV ,",oV _'" nas s\gT'it\cant s'nOltcomln9S 'nOwe\ler, . aot 1>'/"'''' "'9,,,,,,09 ,,.. ",,",'" .nd W ,he "" ,nat>l" RegiGO' .od COUm'" ,:,: pean ,,""'.... "d"" not ""a""'. a \sV ,he'"'' .."'" ""ea 1>'/."''''. d ""'" W 0",'0 pe""''' pe\Ol. """", "",n",.a"" ..;'" "" au,,",';" to. ~qu." ",n. 0 a .to. ,",,,,, .,d" ""'''' """,ng \s u..". " d"" no' '''''''' . "",,,,,,pa;'" ,. ,.... 2" a ..I DPD ~03-98 August 12, 1998 page 2 'Od"""" ",at i' 10 ,oou"",ntl"" o' "" pv-law. Th",." "",o~\p,lItV " 001 plOvldad w'''' "g,' pow," to p"v'''' d.mag' to ,woodlo'. It "n oo'v ""e action after t\1e damage \1as been done. I! . m'n~,p.lltV IOV' ,nan," ..- pv.laW viola""'" 000'" "''' w'" ,on" " .n I",PO<,"o' ",.."en', d""""g'Og o'he' "",mlol ." "W'" ",tlv'tV. .,.laW ,n'o,"""o' 0<<1'." maV p, .P" to d"'O"'''' halm"l ",dog ""O,gn - '0,,",'" wi'" laoOO"""''' end logO''''' "n'" ov-IOW .nlo"e""'" o!llo'" ... .plO to lO"act ."' ,,,,,Ino 0,"",10'" ""lo!< Ioggl'" " fa' .dvaocad theY make '0''11'" .od laodO,,""," .""'" o. ",.laW v'ola""'" .nd ,ho po,,'Pla ",,,,,,,000"'" Neve"",'''' wltho,t thO ,,,,"""tV '0 \eOuo atOP WO'" onl'" ,ho m,,,,,,,palitV "'" on'V .nd,"""" to d\eOO""O' na,mlul .e. ,,,,,log .od pm",o," good weat... p"ctI", It ,,0 n01 """'''' . ,.odow"" ,n,", deat"Vi09 · woodlo'. ",""""",n" o. ,peo'~ "on''''''''' whOn \t "'''''' to """actlOg .",. I!' p,-law ",,10"'-' 0","" TIn'" ",at. iando,,"",' n" ~""d TIll""'''' · will "'" d,~naO' p'ob- 0< ",od,ng ,no pmblam "n "" ",,,,,,,ed. The fill "n "" ,,_ed. I! mat"" uee' '" d".oVed, ""_,,, the" " no ,",,,,,dlO" "",,100. Even I! 0." .,,, .re p\en'" '" "pia" <hoS' "''' ""'" p"n 10" It w\II ,"ke d,,",," fo< ""m to ..,on ma"<\tV The Red Taoe Reduction Bill rnm 11!ll 10 1992 "" p"v,nol., gov"n""'" p"po.... '" 'nuod'''' "'w ,..,,'''100 to ,,~"" ,n' ax,,,'ng '''''' "ct. The O.W ,..",,,,,,n wo,ld """" .dd,,,,,,d "', ,nort",.rnn9' 0' '''' ax"tlng Act .nd plOvlded m,o",p,lIti" w,'" "', ._"tV '" ie"" ,top wo'" o<d"'. T\"" w" ",oog opp""ooo hOW",," .nd "', p,ovlnoe """" p",,,,,,,,,,. S,p,..uon<IV, In tn, mid 199\)0, "" Lag",at"" eo",..d · p"va.. ""m""'" bill g"'log 10,,1 moo",pall"" w\tn ,pop,laoon of ,0,000 0' ",'''. '''' aut""'\ty '" ,.g"at. ... ,utting ,nd" "" ...,n"lpa' "'" end "" "0,,"000 ,,,,,,ved '0'" .,,"0'. """"",W, ,he "'w "gl",tloo go'" the ,,,,,,, "",n"'pe'''''' _n of wno< w" '" "at 1>'0"".... ,",og" '0 '''' T'''' Act 'n '992, I""...'ng ,he ,-"'" to ,"uo ,,,,p w"'" ",d'''' ThO Red Tap. Reduction "III, nOw '0 "pond ".,,,"', would ",,,,,,I ",e ,"," "ct end plOvld' '.010"'" munlclpellti" wltn "" ""hO"'" '0 ,eg'"'' ... ,utti'" ,od" "" ""eattV "ct. ,he plOpo,,", ,,g,,,,,100 InvO"''' ,omo "",ng" to "" "g,' rre""'- govomlog." """og ..g,laOO'" p,' d_ 001 p"vld. W otoP wO<' 0","'" jbt_Law Enforcement Qfficerli "",0 ,he ,,,,,,,,, T". !lv-laW""" ""lng daVelopad It w.. """Iooad """ Implem",adon would Po . io'nt eflort InvolV'Og """, the ",gIon ,nd the -' m,o,,,p.II"". ThO !lV.LaW w" daV,'oPad, 10 part, In ,,,poo" to "n"'''' at "" municipal \eve\. 25 DPD ~03--98 August ~2, 1998 Page 3 F"'" -""" 0' ",gl""" ""ff """ ,PPO'"tod .. 8y-laW En"""""ot Offi"" '" Ap,1I '997, 0'" fiom P1""n'"9 .nd th',. .om P'P'~ W"", Uoto",nataW PuP," Wo'" "'" "0" lodioatod that '" ".ff ... uoaP'" to a".t w,th aotolO.m,"" L,t\<!' "",a rent to th' 10'" "",o~\pa''''' ..ldn9 them to Id.m'" ""ff "",,",'" to ..,.t with an'o",,"""" N''''''a-on-'''~'''''' Po" Co\p"",, .nd ",orold g.""ro'''' off"'" """ .."""n". S"ff fiom th"'" _~\p'- """. 00.0 .ppo'- P, "'91onal eo""'" .. \lV.LaW ""to,,,,,,,,,t Off"'''' "', C,,", 01 ".I~od n" pow p"' '0,,"'" M'. 5",'" V,,, '" ,,,,,. .. th' .n"""""'" off"" "" W~I""'. ...' V." " the CitV'S Bv-LaW Enforcement Officer. CONCLUSION "" "''''''' Pro,,''''''' ,,""'_ _ not ",,,ida ....onaI """"cip~- w'" \he """ """"'" 10 "",. ,lOP -" """" """" "as .,,- ""'''''' " laW'" p- 'n """"""",,,, of ",aI! "'...... ",,,,,. ,,,,,,",, -- 01 \he ""ling """'...... ,""""" "" "",lori' aPili\y 10 ....-' """""" _ """"'" -,ty. ,""'","'. of oriJioa\ ,""""""'" 10 _ ",,__lion and "",__lion 01 """al -', !o! ""'" ma\U!' -, have been cut they can not readily be replaced. ","""", It" Rad ,ape R,duoIion Oill _ "" ""'" made 10 \he "",""ion undO! """" ....003' """""""_ """'"'" _ ""'... """ _'cipall\i"""" - "" """ """""ty to ,,,,,, "'" wort< """" """" "" """"pal Ad R""""aI m'nicipal"\pa ,,,,,,,", "" """,\dad wi'" It" ,_ p"'''''' aIon!l """ \he ""'" "'-- 10 \he """"'" legislation included in the Red Tape Reduction Bill. PREPARED BY'. 0~G~ Don campbell Planner RESPECTFULLY SUBMITfED BY: ~/t M.\-I. Boggs Chief Adl'llinistrati\Je Officer Corwin T. Cambray -- Assistant Director, Policy Planning 26 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE: NOVEMBER 3,1998 SUBJECT: OFFICIAL ROAD MAP OF ONTARIO Introduction The Ministry of Transportation is in the process of preparing the next version of the Official Road Map of Ontario. This version will reflect the current highway system and the changes to the Ontario road network as a result of the highway transfers. Discussion Currently all Ministry highways are shown in red with their crown insignia. County roads are shown in black with a flower pot surrounding the number. The MTO is asking each individual road authority to determine which of their "two-lane hard surface roads" (including the new transferred roads) should be classified as MAJOR or MINOR. This classification will be reflected on the Official Road Map of Ontario and is intended to assist the public as they travel through their part of the province. Travellers unfamiliar to Elgin County will most likely stay on routes that are designated as Major Roads and tend to not use roads assigned the Minor Road classification. This labeling could promote traffic to businesses and tourism areas; however; it may also increase truck volumes into areas of poor channelization and further deteriorate existing infrastructure. It is the recommendation of the Engineering Services Department to keep Major Road designations to a minimum and similar to maps of the past for three major reasons. Firstly, the travelling public is familiar with the former Provincial Highway network. Even if visitors only enter Elgin County once every year they remember which Highway they took and they travelled that route because it was shown as a major route on their map many years ago. Secondly, these recently transferred roads have been or are scheduled to be rehabilitated to a condition and level of service better than ever before. The riding surface has been widened, safety devices are being upgraded, sign age is being replaced and bridges will be rehabilitated. FinallY, lower tier road networks have been designed over many years in conjunction with the provincial Highway network. Even the busiest Elgin County roads were originally designed as collectors, not arterial roads. The additions to this philosophy are County Roads #25 and #30. The E.lgin County Road Average Annual Daily Traffic Count is 1450 for the year of 1997. County Roads #25 and #30 have volumes that are over 7 times the Elgin County Road average. 2'") \ ~E.POR1' 1'0 CoUtli'f COUtlC\\" FR"'" CLA'(lO" "",-rERS, """"GEl' ENGINEERING SERVICES DAlE'. NOVEt.ABER 3, ~99B SU",E"" OFFlCI"- ROp,!) "'" Of 0'" ARID DiSCUSSioncontinUed . . 010,,,,,,,"0 a" ",mmut\'" to '" nom "" c" o' ,_ twO ""." a" sa'O'''' pOP"."" w>lh m"", ",od o! 51. 1bO""" """ ,oad' will "" London .od """ O,owlOO ,nO''"' ''''" "" 00 " ... .", ",,,-1,na EI<l'O Coun~ Road' '0 ... \UIU'" , ., d '" "a\" Road' on"" 0""'"' Rond Wlap 0' ,,,,,",,"" ... EI<l'n eou~oR~~d:: ~ ':~~~'7' ,74.od '7' 0"'''0 ,nould '" Road' .,,~, ' ' ' . ~ 4.od '76 p' """,!\ad '" K'oO" H'O""'" ,wo \80' "'" C"""" R- "', #4, .\9, "",'7 d ",0'" ",,,,,,,d '" sacooda<'l HI<ln"" ,wo ,,,,ad ,_""red \"'\0'1 aod Roa'" :;;~oad' w,lI "",am'" adh" _dO'" H'S""a, Lane pa\Jed (t.Aaior).. All otner Elgl~ C"', \-lighway lwo Lane LoOse Surlace. Iwo Lane pa\Jed (t.A1nor) or secon a, J /l'l'lld. fl1e: c_offutal"d.Oc RESPE(TFULL Y SUBMITTED ~ f ,,:~ CLA\"10N . WA11ERS, MANAGER ENG\NEE.R\NG SERVICES APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION t.AARK t.ACDONALD caUl'll\" ADt.AINIS1RA lOR/CLERK ')0 fJO REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Linda Veger DATE: November 3, 1998 SUBJECT: 1999 Budget Introduction I Discussion: Budget time is fast approaching and it is time to start planning for 1999. Some of the items for consideration are: 1. What is an acceptable increase for 1999? In order to assist staff in preparing their 1999 estimates, Council may wish to provide guidance on an acceptable increase. 2. Budgets presented to Council will be in a standard summary format. The summary form will be letter size, portrait, Arial12. See attached sample. 3. The fOllowing are the categories to include in the summary. Salaries Benefits Operations Staff Development Travel Other - should be very few other items Grants Other Revenues 4. Time Table December 31, 1998 January January 19, 1999 February 23, 1999 March 9, 1999 March 23, 1999 March 30,1999 Preliminary bUdget to Treasury Linda & Mark to review Composite budget to Management Preliminary budget to Council Council review of budget Budget approved by Council Budget meeting if required 11/10/1996 budtim.doc 1999 Budget 29 5. Dates January 15 March 15 March 31 Council to determine whether or not to delegate setting of tax ratios to lower tier Council to set tax ratios Council to approve budget, tax rates The Province may "throw us a curve" again in 1999. However, departmental budgets should be prepared according to the above time table. We'll make adjustments as needed. Recommendation: Presented for your review and comment. ~~J--d~ Linda B. Veger Treasurer {/ .J /f\ ""?'71..f ) Marl< l.::i. McDOnald Administrator/Clerk 11/10/1998 budtim.doc 1999 Budget 30 SAMPLE DEPARTMENT 1999 PROPOSED BUDGET ACCOUNT 1998 1998 1999 % BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED CHANGE Salary & Wages Benefits Operations Staff Development Travel Other Grants Other Revenues Total 0 0 0 31 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda Veger DATE: November 2,1998 SUBJECT: Year 2000 (Y2K) Introduction: At County Council, September 8, 1998 staff were directed to prepare a Request for Proposals for the Year 2000 and include the Lower-Tier Municipalities in the proposal. Representatives from the Lower-Tier attended the first meeting of the Y2K Committee. Shortly after that meeting the Lower-Tier members had a meeting among themselves and determined that their best course of action would be to act independently of the County, using the County expertise as required. The Lower-tier members suggested to their Mayors that this would be the most effective direction to take. Discussion: County staff made the recommendation to Council for an RFP based on a larger group that included the municipalities. Staff will be completing the work required to ensure we are Year 2000 compliant. We have already done a great deal of research into the process to follow including the many systems that may be affected. An RFP that includes only the County may prove time consuming with few respondents. The majority of the work will be carried out by County staff. The main responsibility of the successful RFP respondent will be to gi\Je staff direction, chair meetings and ensure time lines are met. This responsibility could also be fulfilled by a staff person. Recommendation: lHA T the County utilize staff resources to prepare for the Year 2000 and that any previous recommendation be rescinded. -J0 Mar~onald Administrator/Clerk ~~~ Linda B. Veger Treasurer 32 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda Veger DATE: November 23, 1998 SUBJECT: Bill 79, Fairness for Property Tax Payers Act, 1998 Introduction: The Province has introduced legislation to limit property tax reform related tax increases for all commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties and tenants: 1998 - 1997 taxes + 10% + Municipal Budget Increase 1999 - 1997 taxes + 15% + Municipal Budget Increase 2000 - 1997 taxes + 20% + Municipal Budget Increase Discussion: The formula for calculating the increases will be dealt with by regulation that will not be released until December 10, 1998. From December 10 to December 31 is a very short time frame for the County and Municipalities to discuss the options and determine the best course of action for the tax payers. At this time we do not have analytical tools available to review the 10-5-5 capping. The OPTA program through the internet is not set up for this option. Tax programs have internal controls that do not allow an additional tax billing for the year. The Province, through this legislation, has usurped the Municipal authority to make local tax policy decisions. Recommendation: WHEREAS the County has grave concerns regarding time frame allowed to make informed decisions in the best interest of the taxpayers within the our boundaries; and, WHEREAS there are few analytical tools to assist staff in presenting options to Councils for their consideration; and, WHEREAS considering the late introduction of this legislation, the costs associated with analytical, communication and implementation are outside the 1998 budgetary process. 11/23/1998 bill79.doc -2- NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT the County of Elgin request the Minister of Finance to amend the capping legislation to take effect in 1999 to allow sufficient time for proper planning and implementation; and, THAT the Province provide funding to cover analytical, communication and implementation costs associated with Bill 79; and, THAT the Province continue to support the OPTA program beyond 1998. ~~ Linda B. Veger Treasurer {/ -J/D- Mark G. McDonald Administrator/Clerk 11/23/1998 bill79.doc BEPORT TO COUNT'l COUNClb From: Sandra \-Ieffren, DepUty CIerI'. Date: october 20, '\998 CAtU-lONS ON COURT HOUSE GROUNOS - Subiect: ~ Int(Clduction: - - In \h6 ,... ",00" \h6 eountY "goad' pond wll" the oap""""nt of ,,""""'" oe!<>n'" to d"P'O'/ ""d _",'n """ "","",,' on \h6 cou<\ HoO" """"",. ,he" """,cIS ,_,n "" P"'I'"'" of "" Qe"""",.nt 0' "at,,,,,a' oat,"'" on '0"" 10 ",. coun~, ""d .,,,,ough "" eoun\V no \Ongo' oWn' ",a court HoO'" "'" ",nnon, ." "'" """"" "" ,he 1I"",nd'. "a n'''' ,,,,,,,,,ad' ,.." ""'" \Ita CI~ 01 SL ,_ (..."""1""""""'" "" coon~ 10 ..... to ",.." 10 ",a CI~ CO!p,,,,,,,on .r>! 'n""" · m.Y haV' ,n """ """""". "" C'~ "'"" '0 "",p """ ""ilaclS ,n "" C"' ",opal and.",1I "'.- ""P"""P"'~ '''' 'n,m '" ...11 '" noI'" ,he o,p""""n' 0' "atlonal Datan'" 01 "''' ua"""" Qjscussiolf. 'n ,993, tne C"' "que"ed "''' ..rne """,la!, and '" .... ."h' """'" "" cou<\ Ho"'"' ",,,,,,""'" "",ad w'''' him '0 ant'" InIO . "'......a' ...-1. ....n' ,..... - - and ,Q!!h pe_ ,...,,",, \h6 CoOn~ ""d "'" C,~, '0 "" ...mpt to ,..on _.man\. ",ar \h6 ,nd 01 '995, all" ,."" to "",cl"la ,he matt" ,,,,lIad '0 no ,,,p,,",a ""'" .... .aM '" h" ,...,", attamP" _ ""ad .nd"" ,,,ua d<opp'd. snou'd tna C,,,,,,~ dac'd' " no ,001I" wi""" 10 d"P'''' "" _""" "'" "",,'d he"a to pe ."t""",, 10 "" D,partment of "aliona' _n'" at ,na coon'" _"" aI "" """.",tad "'" 01 $20,000.00. conclusion: - - ThO C,,, "'" 'od'''"''' ,"., II "",,'d pa will'''' to a,,,rne 'a'''''''''P'''~ fo' ",a -~' .od "",,'d "eap ",.m "",,,d w\\h,n "" C,~ 1""1"'" '" \h6 Coun~ no \009" n'" "'" ,n"'''' " the cou<\ Ho"'" O",od' , II WOUld ,a,,", "a""""" '0' \h6 CoO"" '0 ,a'''''''''''' .' responsIbility to tne City in this regard. BGCommendation--, ,H'" ... COll""'"'''' 01 "'" Coun~ 01 E10,n n",py ,a,..,a' to 'n' c"' 01 51. ThO"'''' "'" rtgnt, Ii"', '" Intel"'" cla,m ....,," . ma, n"" 'n ,aga'" to "'" 32 p!. G"'" ,,,,,,,ad aI "'" cou<\ Ho"," "" ",'\in"''''' S",et, SL """"a, and 33 - 2 - THAT the City of St. Thomas agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County of Elgin from all claims, demands, costs, including legal costs, arising from or in any way connected with such cannons; and further THAT the City of St. Thomas acknowledge in writing their acceptance of these terms and notify Disposals, Sales, Artifacts and Loans, National Defence Headquarters of the details of this transfer of responsibility. v!(L- -ell Db _ < (j ~ S. J. Heffren Deputy Clerk c:i51r\ LLJ -- Approved for Submission M. G. McDonald County Administrator/Clerk 34 rewr J. Leac\{, A.M.C.T. City Clerk Office of the Clerk P. O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-1680 Bxt.IOO Fax: (519) 633-9019 ~~\l~1!.\t) /l.UG 20 199& tllUm'l Of l:.lGlM Cltffi{'S llffll:E Corporation of tbe City of St, Thomas August 18th, 1998 Mr. Mark McDonald County Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Be: Cannons - Court House Dear Mr. McDonald: ,._ u> ..I,,_u ''''w~...... b_ yu" ,ffi~ wd """u,1 on M"'lry U>!JU'''''''' " lutt& from yoo on "",W of """''' coondl """ I'" """''' " In -' '" ,cl"'" '" "" a, en'l"""oo m, ,ttu'''' wID,h "b" In ",,"'^' \0 fun 32 ",. Gun> I""tud ., <h' """'" Coort House on Wellington Street, St. Thomas. Ci" en,,,,,il "'" .w=' <hn' <hu CI" will ""." oil """""bib" f", "" "'0 -""" '" ""II ,", <h' CI" will I"" ,'" .f ootiJ1i"" D"P'''''''' S'" "",fout< md """,, N"o"," 0<- Headquarters of the change. In ,p""""" wilh N~'''''''' Oaf,",' H"""'-' <h",.quIre from" . 1m'" "",","" <hu en""" win ,."'.. ,II ill""" nf "" _,", '" "" C'" wd ...' "" Ci" wilt ,""",,, wI ",,,",wih,, fO! WU ,,,,,,,,",. 18 tm~ No"""," D,f'"" H"'_ win ill_ lk. ,,,bi tb" "" _,", '" on 1000 \0 "" CIIy of SI. Th_ wd will """'" ill n_~bip ofNn'o"," Defence Headquarters. If you require anything further, please advise. 3," ,. ,.~ 10/20/98 11:05 FAX 1 519 631 1468 GUNN AND ASSOC I4J 001 DRAFT JUly 7, 1994 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplioate this day of , 1994 BET WEE N: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ \ V- \... /' "" rll . \ ", I..:-- , ~.<J \ \ .....\,.,11 \ '( tr ~ ty.\ LA\ ~\ ~~ v-V\ \ ~if' M ~6 ~ ,. \ ~frJ \M Hereinafter called "the County Corporation" OF THE FIRST' PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS Hereinafter called "the City Corporation" OF THE SECOND PART - and - THE COURT HOUSE BLOCK INC. Hereinafter called "Farhi" OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS Farhi owns the lands and building in the City of St. bounded by Wellington Street, Metoalfe Street. Gladstone Ave. and Street, which lands are hereinafter called "the Lands"; Thomas Stanley AND WHEREAS there are two cannons located on the Lands which were loaned to the County Corporation in or about 1899 for decoration purposes; AND WHEREAS subject to County Corporation has interest which it has in the terms and conditions of this agreement, agreed to release to the City Corporation such cannons; the any AND WHEREAS 50 long as Farhi owns the Lands, the City Corporation and Farhi have agreed that the cannons should remain as presently displayed on the Lands; AND WHEREAS the City Corporation and Farhi agree that the City Corporation should be given possession of the cannons if Farhi sells the Lands or any part thereof or if Farhi no longer wishes to display such cannons on the Lands. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that mutual covenants contained herein, the parties as follows: in consideration of the hereto covenant and agree 1. The County Corporation hereby releases to the City Corporation any right, title, interest of claim which it may have in the cannons and the City Corporation agrees to indemnify and save G'IJ1'1N 1\ND 1\5501,; !0/98 h ro"" th' countY co'OO,.t,on f'o~ ." c,.im" a,mona', co,t., . .' ,nY ." "nn"t., inc,uain9 "9" ",M' "i,,"9 "o~ 0' .n with such cannons. 11:0; F1\X 1 .19 631 146& ta) subject to to display . . "ideO CO sall th' Lan" " an' pa,t ",ni .9"" th.t .f .t , .i,h" to ai'P"Y tho , ' a . des it nO longe:r tn"'" " .f .t ,0. . t th' cm co,,,,,,,tiOn . ive \'lx:itten not1.Ce 0 cannons, )..t shall 9 t servantS and workmen . nits agen s, .n' tM cit' C"",,,t.o , , ".n" .ith ""hic'" on' . ht to enter on suc.. .ill n'" tM ,.9 . . .uoh canOOn> .n' th' , f the purpose of remo'V'1.ng eQU1.pment oX: cement baseS of each of them. th' t"" of thi' a9,.,..nt, ,.,h' '9"" tb' c."on. in th,i' p,.,.nt ,oc.tion. to continUe 2tb) (c) ,f notiC' i' 9,,,,,n ,n .nY ,.., ..'0" ,p,i' .tion .b.ll n''''' unti' "" "th of .ucb cannons ana theiX: baseS. 1st. the city cox:por- yea:r to remo'V'e such (d) 1f oot'" " 9i..n in an' ,,,, ".t."n ,p'" "t an' S'PC"~"t . t daYS from the rece1.P 1,t th' citY co,,,,,,atiOn ,ha" ha.' .." , , . h' "",., of tn' notic' to "..., ,.ch cannon. an t ,.' ' " notic' i' 9ivan .ft" .",..,.' "t 00,00' at 'on ,ba" .... unti' .,y ,Oth to ,..,," "cb c.nnon, ana tn,i' """. in anY year. the of the following city )TeaX: 3. FOllowing itS removal cox:porad.on agrees to cannons we:r:e located l13.,"n ot curb caused bY of tM cannono and tnoi' ",0'" tno dC' ,ill, "',,,, and ,o<l tno "aa' .ne" cb' ond to ~a" 900d anY ..""'9' don' to anY tn' ,."",'" 0' th' "nnon' an" tn,,, (e) baSes. .' 1 f tn' "nnono ana tno" "..,,, tM ci" '0 1l"",n9 ." ,."",va 0 .' c " co,po,.tion ,bal' p,,,,,cl' d'O"a, tn' ""'" .0 tn' c" 't .~ le~a11Y entitled to posseSSion of the same. long as 1. 1.~ " , t'"t tM Ci" co,po"tiOO' '" '9,n" , ",.anM ",h. a9"" ." . " tn. long as the cannonS are dl.Splaye on n" ."."",n """, " . :an'", ant" tb",on ,,0. t,.a to ti" '0' th' ,urpo" 0' """n- tainin9 oueh cannon' an" tn,i' ""a" 0" to ot.herwiS not to dispose of tne cannons ~ .a.a ,.c,PC in acco,,,&nc' .itn thi' '9,'a~ant' Fa.rhi agrees deal with tne pattieS agtee that e~ecution of tne sa~e thiS bY tne II. 5. 1 . Tne the f' f and be bin' t S"'al1 enl1:ce to the bene 1.t 0 ag:r:eemen " agteement shall ta~e effect last of the signing parties. 6. ThiS e . 10/20/98 11:06 FAX 1 519 631 1468 GUNN AND ASSOC I4J 003 upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this agreement. ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) COUNTY OF ELGIN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE ) CITy OF ST. THOMAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE COURT HOUSE BLOCK INC. ) ) ) Shmuel Farhi ) ) REPORT TO COUNTY. COUNCIL Date: Subiect: IntroductioJ!. ~ . _, pro an to,-" ",,,,,,,,", """,ad '" ,,,,;vad a """""'" 'n "" mail ..-"" , "O~ Raed s,ennoO,e 'o""po,,"ad ",'00,," "" C,,,,,, """,_ "",up, and a 18"'" rom a neW player in mUniCIpal Insurance. sandra \-Ieffren, Deputy CIerI'. NO\Jember 6, ~ 998 ~NCe. From: 0,...,510'" . _ . , to,"'""" to munloipailti" aod d,d not _,.pro and ,,0>1 "" ",'a'''''' ._ p""',d'" 0 a ,997. "e """"allV t_' to! 00' ",,",,,,,, '0 "'" ","n'cipa\ RF P ","", "" ~' i,.,. """on """,,' .. we,ld rend" ",",,,,,n""''''' ,n"'- ""'~, ~~oI::" "'" '999 p,,,,,tum,,,;1I ,,,,e" d..,.a" ~;~.:;~\: :.',,0:,':::'-"'" C~ ,,,,,,,,nee """"""'1 conclUsion; ~"" councit "",n to """. "" RfP "'" '" wail un\ll ,ate ,999' Recomrnendatioo.; ~ AS directed bY council. S. J. \-Ieffren DeputV CIerI<- b\Jed ~or Submission t.A. G. t.ACDonald County Administrator/CIerI'. ~~ CALL OUR PROFESSIONALS", CL:!5VEin~~*CE GROUP CLOVER INSURANCE GROUP is committed to p/"Oviding long-tenn business partnershiP, In a changingfinancial envi- @ L.u /"Onment it is essential that your insurance 0 ::::. program is comprehensive and cost effective. . .... Let us demonstrate hOIl! MUNI,PRO@ can ..... improve your coverage requirements and ~ ~ bottom line, ~ 0- r:=: For more infm'maUon contact: L.u Richard Battagello Of' Walter Simone at ..... \. ....... CLOVER INSURANCE GROUP ~ Tel: 905-851-7774 Fax: 905-851-7838 Toll Free: 1-888-551-7774 ~ 3yez) 5J:z/es ,4..;J2. 6J.zd. ~ S~;+e I .-- ;?>!oo):,,o,K'rb,rfi2 /~. .L'I'.L.. 4t;, '1 7' L.u .....,.__: CLOVER IN~I&C~-'C3~OUP ~ :::J L.u Premium Financing by ...:t :> ..... . . ~ . presents M U N I ,"p R O@ .,",',..' f-~... "'.,~- ~....' "...' ........."',. oot6€.C .".' THE NEW ALTERNATivE Undenl'lilfell by: Zurich Canada Reliance Insurance Company T oday's municipalfunding environment places more demands then ever 011 the buyers of insurance: . Pressures to reduce the costs of insurance... . Funding of unpaid losses... . Lack of competition in the insurance industry... These and other developments have forced many IIll1nicipalities to re-evaluate their appl'Oacb to insurance. MUNl,PRO@ THE NEW AlTERNATivE in MUNicipal Insurance PROgrams, specifically designed and competitively priced. ~ A program for all Ontario municipalities. CLOVER INSURANCE GROUP as managers of MUNI,PRO @ now offers a complete range of effective municipal illsurance products and risk mallagement solutions. TURN TO US FOR KNOWLEDGEABLE SOLUTIONS... y ou call count 011 us for: COMMERCIAL INSURANCE: . Property . Municipal Liability . Boiler & Machinery . Data Processing . Crime . Automobile . Garage Automobile . Environmental RESPONSIVENESS Our insurance knowledge allows us to respond quickly and effectively. EXPERIENCE We combine practical business and flMnr;o. knowledge with insurance experience. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: CREATIVITY We combine flexibility and creativity to provid, innovative insurance solutions for difficult municipal problems. . Two year rate guarantees Guaranteed reduction in benefit cost Flexible underwriting and funding of health and dental Non-traditional proven approach, systems and solutions Ability to match contractual provisions Benefit education-management and control TEAM APPROACH We emphasize co-ordination and communicati, while working with underwriters, claims adjuster and loss prevention engineers as part of the municipal insurance and risk management tear . . . . . GROUP HOME AND AUTO: . Competitive rates . Convenient payment plans . Waiver of depreciation . Package home and auto discounts . Claims forgiveness RESULTS Municipalities can count onus for effective a1l' professional insurance and risk management services. 10/30/98 16:59 NO. 666 [;J01 FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED Insurance Managers For Public Entities /I COWAN STREET EAST PRINCETON-QNTARIO NOJ lVO October 30, 1998 BY FAX (5191 633-7661 Mr. Mark McDonald, Administrator/Clerk, Corporalion of the County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. N5R 5Vl Reo' Insurance Renewal Dear Mark: Further to our recent conversation, we are pleased to advise that the County should be looking at a reduction in premium in the neighbourhood of 20 %. As soon as we have some definite costs we will be in further contact. Yours sincerely, FRANK COW AN COMPANY UMITED ~/~ &r- Bryce Sibbick BS/jmb Telephone (519) 458-4331 iI'<'1 ':11., Facsimile (519) 458-4366 \i0,r?17""p<)\'n/l1:\~' \\' \ve\f~l1u\J ~\l \~,N-? . \1."# ,,I' (lei ~cl \'191) C\1!Jlii'1 \1f EI.a\1 9:.~ Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. Insurance Brokers Risk consultants AoN octobet 26, 1998 Mt. Matk. McDonald Adro.in.lsttatot The countY of ~lgin 450 sunset Dtive ST. TllOMAS, ontatio Deat Mt. McDonald: "". "" AL 'fl!Jt""""'" ~O 'lOuR ]l1US~U<G . M:tJ"lCll'AL 1"5""",,,C" 1'1'0<>""'" . rt etSbip -with the St. "Paul yite & Ma:ri.n.e )\On "",a Stenb<>""" \pc. "'r n a ",on'Y "vtng alto''''''''' to ,.", ,,,,,,,nt lnsutance Coro.pany, have ues1gn.e a insutance attangero.ent. 'thl' "xl""''' r,cilit:l w;Jl ""vi" ,'''''' gova'~'"t' "' ont"'" vnth the """ h . n-nd co-.,ti""t. .ri<'a "''''''''''''' -",an'" "",,,ag' coro.-pte ens1'le o..>>....t' -J t' available ill. Cana<1a todaY, . ,,,", ,,,, ",,,,,~'p" ,""",,,",,, p""'"' no" ",uld-'" """",,,,,t ':.".: ..,;,;" that ""ula b' ,no"",a to otho< ",uniciJ>'" p""''''''' . to: th t discUSS out setvices at a tiro.e 1 "oula. .W'''''w the ~~O;'\"":::. ;0:'b<>;'\11. '" t'" "'w""', ,,,,ula you convenlent to Y~u. 1-W1 e con -w.th tes:pect to this or anY othet insurance have anY q,uestlons or concetns 1. ",.t\8" ao not ""ltaW to ",ntaot "" at \519) .".M'\\ N5R 5V1 tslencl. ~ ,.";~ ''"'' . ,a'" ,,," . '" ""_' >""" . ~""~ o.w. "'" ". ~. <,,9> ,,,. aM> ' 0< 0\" .;;~." """ PH'" ' ",""",. "" A m,mher of A-o" Ri,k SerFires Comp.nieJ, Inc. A i'\ '1" To: Elgin County council Karen Dunn, Emergency Measures Co_ordinator From: Date: September 23. 1998 Emergency Measures Committee Update Re: Introduction .,"" ,,,,, ,aportlog, ,he Em"g- ......"'" comml- n'" p"n act""" ,,,,..""'" om'" 01 a_go"" plann'''' "' "'0}' ,,\at, \0 "" mun\c\p,'\lI" ol Elgin Co"",, Discussion To date acti\Jities of the E.t.AC include'. WorkshOP: 10 J,no ol "''' ".. ,no commitl" held . .,,,,'''non \0 p"ng pUPI" oW...,no" '0 alO"'" olficlB", munldpal _'0'"'' and olha' _,g,nO)' .genci"' 01 oU! ",,,,,,,,,n\l,. ThB """" ol "" w""",,on w"' """"." In ",varing fiood,ng, Rad C",,' ,"~"'" hem """0 op'''"''' __, ,,,,a' ,_o"P\l"''' 0' "'" m,nicipa'"" .nd ""an" 01 '''' "onn '98. County Emergency Plan: Th' count, 01 Elglo E",,"'- plan " """"I,tad and In ",all 'onn. "'to< _",~ng ",. ~an ,n Novem"" ",a p'an will pe ,,,,,,,.!dad '0 countY eounoll "" """",val. t.Aunicipal Template: 'ha C","",it\e. " p""an\l, we""'" on , mun'ciP'" "",,,g."" pl.n "m~a!' "",'" w,lI p' ",",I"BoI w\lh the g,,.I' and o\>jacl"'''' ol "'" County p"o ,he IO"",IO,e wi\l pe completed and ready for council appro\Jal by the end of this year. Emergency Plan Exercise: In .,~""pe, \hB E""'9''''' Plao """",,e co"",itlBe w"' a""pli""'" 10 ",,18 a ","""0 to lOa! thB mall county PI'o. On No"emp" '8, ,998, "'B p,an will pe -",,,,,. RecO!!,mell~ation . Recei\Je and file this report. ~-- - Emergency Measures co_ordinator n --M1 J Approved fOr submiSSIon - A. () 'il) To: Elgin County Council From: Karen Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator Date: October 5, 1998 Re: Elgin/St. Thomas 9-1-1 Implementation Cutover: On, August 27, 1998 the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas cutover to a new emergency telephone service -- 9-1-1. This day marks the culmination of four years of coordinated effort involving elected officials, police, fire, and ambulance personnel, Bell, Amtelecom, and staff. The purpose of this report is not only to update you on the recent activities which led to the implementation of 9-1-1, but to thank everyone involved for your time and effort in making this emergency service a reality. What We Did: The creative minds of the 9-1-1 Promotion Committee successfully launched many new ways to promote the service. A few of these activities included: Cutover at the Fire Muster: Thanks to Councillor Rock, we were able to hold the cutover ceremonies in conjunction with the Fire Muster opening ceremonies. The ceremony went well, and those who were there will agree that Warden Clutterbuck and Mayor Peters did an excellent job. Library Promotion: With help from Cathy Bishop, Carole Smith, and Carolyn Kneeshaw a library promotion geared towards educating children was launched in the Elgin County and St. Thomas libraries. From this successful promotion 24 winners and their parents were invited to attend a pizza party at the St. Thomas Fire Hall. Pizza Hut supplied the pizza, and a cake was supplied by Zehrs. After the party the winners were asked to participate in a small part of the 9-1-1 video. Roger's Video Promotion: Volunteer camera men, editors, movie gurus from Roger's Cable, and local actors donated their time and equipment to produce a 9-1-1 video. The video will be aired on Roger's Cable and will be used by police and fire in their school training sessions. It can also be found at all branches of Elgin County and St. Thomas libraries. 49 ElginlSl Thomas 9-1-1 Report to County Council Stickers and Bookmarks: Phone stickers and bookmarks were produced and distributed throughout the municipalities. If you require any more, please let me know. Advertising: During the week of August 27, advertisements were placed in each of the 9 newspapers seT\Jing Elgin/St. Thomas. As an advertising bonus, the Times Journal created an eight page insert for their September 1 edition and September 5 Extra. Radio and TV stations also had full coverage on August 28,1998. Community Support: Many businesses and seT\Jices throughout Elgin/St. Thomas generously displayed 9-1-1 promotional material through mobile sign and window advertising. Our Future Responsibilities to 9-1-1:. Through County and City Councils, the 9-1-~ Steering Committee will be responsible for monitoring and ensuring that problems and complaints are solved in a timely manner. They will also be responsible for notifying the appropriate council when decisions need to be made. The attached 9-~-1 Emergency Telephone System Policy Manual outlines the responsibilities of each agency. Recommendation , THAT the 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone system Policy Manual be adopted for implementation throughout Elgin County. VJ/ut1D - Em'!lrgen~sures Co-ordinator ~ Approved for Submission ~ 50 ~ ;l 0 .- - 01 rn 0 - al m a.. "E E E E 0- 0 <l) 2 <Zl .c ~ rn . ~ ""-' U) U) Q) ~ 0 c: 0 ~ .c- a.m .- 'i..,~...; 0 Q) ::J Ln - _c: c: Q) m .- ~:E C) - ~ w 0 ~ c: 0 Q) ~ C) L.. c: Q) ::J E 0 0 w ~ I ~ I CJ) COUNTY OF ELGIN/CITY OF ST. THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL FORWARD This manual contains information required by participants dealing with the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas 9-1-1 Public Emergency Reporting System (PERS). The manual is reviewed, updated and published by the ElginlSt. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee. The ElginlSt. Thomas 9-1-1 PERS. provides the public with access to a Central Emergency Reporting Bureau (CERE) with the capability of quickly transferring and conferencing calls to the al'l'Wl'riate REMOTE AGENCY. This 9-1-1 PERS provides an emergency call service to the residents of the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas. 9-1-1 PERS makes it possible to display the 9-1-1 caller's name, address and telephone number to a CALL TAKER at the CERE. This information is automatically transferred with the call to a dispatcher at a REMOTE AGENCY using SELECTIVE ROUTING DATABASE TECHNOLOGY. The System is funded by the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas and is operated and maintained by Bell Canada. The CERE is operated by Bell Canada, and herein referred to as Bell Neutral Answer Service (BNAS). Call takers at the BNAS will answer 9-1-1 calls and direct them to the appropriate REMOTE AGENCY -- Police, Fire or Ambulance Dispatch Centres. 5') (~ ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS. ACD Queuing- The automatic call distribution to the most available call taker. ALl _ Automatic Location Indicator ANI- Automatic Name Indicator BNAS - Bell Neutral Answering Service CAB - Central Answering Bureau Call Control _ Allows the 9-1-1 operator to maintain control of a call for as long as the emergency situation warrants. Call Taker _ The person who is engaged in taking the request for service CERB _ Central Emergency Reporting Bureau PERS _ Public Emergency Reporting System Primary Agency _ Those operators who first come in contact with a 9-1-1 caller. Remote Agency _ Those providers who deliver the emergency services required by the caller. Selective Routing Database Technology - the 9-1-1 database that uses the telephone number and address ofthe caller, along with the service emergency zones to route a 9-1-1 call to the correct police, Fire or Ambulance dispatcher for the caller's location. TDD _ Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TTY _ Telecommunication TeleType 9-1-1 _ a three digit telephone number, allowing quick access to emergency services 9-1-1 Steering Committee _ appointed representatives of those agencies directly using the BNAS/CERB. September 1998 2 53 ELGIN/ST. THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL 1. MANAGEMENT OF THE SYSTEM; The 9-1-1 System shall be administered and managed by County and City Councils through the ElginlSt. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee. 2. POLICY MANUA~ 2.1 Purnose To describe the Terms of Reference covering the organization, maintenance, distribution and authorization of the ElginlSt. Thomas 9-1-1 PERS. 2.2 General a) The Manual contains the information required by personnel dealing with 9-1-1 calls to assist them in fulfilling the requirements of the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the System. b) The Manual is reviewed, updated and published by the ElginlSt Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee from information supplied by members of vmious User Agencies. c) The Section dealing with Bell Operating features and instructions is supplied by Bell Canada. d) All procedures issued for this Manual must be approved by the County and City Councils upon recommendation of the ElginlSt. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee. e) You are urged to contribute ideas and suggestions for improvement to the manual by forwarding documentation to the 9-1-1 Steering Committee. f) The Manual will be distributed, along with updates, to the agencies listed in Appendix A. g) If absent from the list described in Appendix A, a written acknowledgment will be required for receipt of the manual and also receipt of periodic updates. September 1998 3 5 ! ~'.: ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGEONCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL 3. ELGlNm. TIloM.\,S ..,-1 S"l1\ERING CO~ - -,,- ~." ,.-.-- 3.1 !urpose The eomonitl<< ,,<loW' ond owln"" "" ""o"tion .f "" BlgIDlBI. TI>-" 9.1.1 vllRS ond DNAS. ^' a ",01\ .f """ ,,<loW'. ti" eomon- ,'" -"'" changes in procedures to the affected agencies. The "",,""'""tio> of tho E\ginlSl tho- 9.1- I s=in& cononitl<< ,.e " follows: a) T. _t.n a "gu"" ""', ond h.ld """" ""ti."' " -""" ond ",'\<'o reconnuendatio11s to County and City Councils. b) T. ond- '" ""lontion .f"" """,lol< E\ginlSl TIm- 9-1.1 vllRS _ "" ''''' threo (3), ,;x (6). ",d "'0"'" (12) "'.'"'" of """""on, ",d thereafter 011 an annual basis. ,) T. """", all conuoi"" ",_, ",d ovaluation "po'" t. "" eo""cil' of Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas. 6) To ,,,,<In<t '" ,onual ""'oW of th', ",anual ond to npda" ond oti"""" "" manual to all of its members, as relluired. 0) To ,,,,oW ond ""all on opereti"'" """"'" .f"" WAS ",d REMOTE AGENCIES" """ "I'" to tho BlglniSt tho"'" 9.1.iVERS. n T. ""'ow ond apP"'''' all ,,,,,,,,,,, fot n'" of tho BIglnISt. tho- 9.1.11.go and literature. g) T. ""'ow ond _to all _""",1 "",pl';n" _"n tho DNAS ",d REMO'fE AGENCIES with tho intont to on,""'" a ",inlin". h) T. ,,<loW aU unt"ol"'" """,lain" _,,,,d from tho publi' with tho ;,onnt to seek resolution. i) The Cbati of "" BIginISl TI>-" 9-1.1 S=in& C-- will "..... to _a ond poW, inqul'" ",,_;ng "" poli'" ond tho ""tom. 3.2 1!esponsibiliti~ 4 55 september 1998 E\..GINIST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGEt"" ,ELEptlONE sySTEM pOUCY ""NUAL >>ELL NElJTML ANSWERUilG SERVlC~ - --- ~uruos~ To ~ . 24 ....."" day, 365 daY' "" Y"" 9-1-1 """",n<Y te'''''- ,all "",,,,.,ring ... """"" .....'" ""." EIginISt. Thmnat 9,1,' PEltS. 4. 4.1 4.2 Resnons\bUit\~ - The responsibilities of the BNAS are as follows: .) To >"",de -'"" "'~ "",',b """"" thontilizalion of" ALI", "ANY', "Sf.Ll'.CUVll R011T1NG DATABASE" and ".,..f". "cALL C01<fROL", and "TDD" features. b) To "",,,,,, all 9,1-1 "'" '" . mann" "'" m"" th' quality .-""" " '" "'" 'n ~" with th' North """",an ~anda'd of two (2) """ ,) To "",,,,lain _, of ".,b 9,1,1 "" onUl .",b ,,1\ ,an '" _fon'" '" th' appropriate Remote AgencY. d) To op- on' 2' bon<' "" day, 365 daY' p" yo>< b"~ ... '" .taff th' BNAS at , ,<v', awropri"'" '" ,",""''''' "",d!, ",,1\ bn" m , mann" suitable for emergency situations. ,) ..",de. during'" """,non ofth' BNAS "p..,vid'" '0< '" lhe .M''' "",,on (d), ,,_ 'n both tho F''"'" and F.ngI,th _'" and -'" fo< lhe hearing and voice impaired. f) 11" ,~"'" ,ff""" '" provid~ ",b~v'" ,.-nab'" >""''''' ... '" ""pon" '" , .,.,wI'" 9,1,1 ,all, th' _"'. of , thud partY fut th' l""P"" of pro""""" ' nroln'''''...... _"""on """"". g) To 'OIl and _",,,,,, ,11 9",1 ",Is and ....n ..,hlo" and ,,,,,",,,,,,' '0< · period of six (6) years. b) A"..nrt""" '" th' E1g,oISt """".. 9,1,1 s...,ring eo-i"'~ BN,," nmn'''''' and _'" on '" """__ '" """,oed, ""th .....""'" "...d to A.c.D. QUEUING. 5 5G september 1998 ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL i) To """" "'" re<Q<d ,.y to"'onorion of tho 9-1-1 ",- to "'0 Bon "9- \-1 Help Desk". j) To oJocmn"'" ,_limon",,_I""t> "d ...,.,,,,,,,,, 'M ,,,,,,,,ding to \he Elgin/St. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering committee. k) To """" 1lmt BNAS CALL TAKERS (DISPA"rCl1ERS) "'>oive "d -"" _ _,on", "", to "'0 ~ REMO'TE AGENCY In accordance with the training and operating requirements of the CERE as established by the Elgin/St. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering committee. - 6 september 1998 57 E,\..GIN/S1.1HOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY ,ELEPl'O"E S"".... pOUCY IM"U^, - - --- ~nswerin~O~ ..'-, UI'LL NJ01J11'AL ","""",lUNG SI'R\'lCI' ANSWER ",iTIl: "9-1-1 DO YOU NEED POLICE _ FIRE - AMBULANCE,?" DETERl\'lINE AGENCY REQUIRED AND ONLY coNfllUl' O\.LLER U)CA.TION IF NO ALVANI DISPLAY DO NOT QUESTION FUltTIlElt CONFI:RENCE IMMEDIATELY AND CONFIRM CONNECTION CLEAR LINE - DISCONNECT POLICE >;ccEJ"f AND ...OC""S CALL AS .Ell ....RO\IED ...o<%D1JIO' FI@ AcEE.... AND ...O<%SS CALL AS'I''' A....O\'fJl...OCJ1,1l1J1ll' AMBULANCE >;ccEJ"f AND .ROC,,"S CALL AS ,1''' ......O\IED ...o<%D1J1\I' - Answerinl!. procedur~ - NO'l1': If lS -r1II'RESl'ONSUllLrrY or -r1II' ""MoTI' AGtoNCY TO toNSU"': ALL Nl'OCI'SSA1\Y ,\.DD1110NAL AGv.NCU'S 1l1'Q1J1RtoD ""to NO"fll'lFJ" DO NoT ASSm.n: ",AT -r1II' ",-, UNAS CALL TAlO'J!. lIAS CALLED ANYONE. 7 511 septelYlber 1998 ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENcY TELEPHONE S""EM POLICY ""NU'L TIlE R.EMO'fE ^G\1NCY DISP ^ TCll .:;;;.;..---~ !uroos~ To <Ii"''"'" ,,", ",,,,iv<6 ftom "'" ""AS to "'" """" ,m"""'" -'''' ."",d". 5. 5.1 5.2 Definition - 1b< Romot< MP"Y ~ 11" Po'''' <" 0< ^"'""'- 0".'''' C<nl" to "'''',. "'" caller will be connected. 5.3 Resnonsibilities -- - a) To answer 9-1-1 calls pr011lptly. b) To"" <)-1-1 ,,", prioritY 0'" ~, oth" oaU'. ,) To """'"' ",m "" oaU ." """ """,\y <Ii'ootod to yo," ",_. d) if "', oaU i, in""",,"Y <Ii"""" ",d "', ENAS c.l1 T"'" ~ no 'oUll" on "" lin<. to ",1uy "', oaU to "', _eo' ""not< M,""Y " .nicl<'Y " po","o. ,) To dol""",,,o if 0"'" Nl""'''' ,uould b' invol""d ",d ""^" ",om of "'" e11lergellCY. f) To"" "', Ring E"'- "'''''''''''' ",ho<' """,,,,,,. g) To re(\uest a Trace, where necessary. h) To ""^" E,U 9-1-1 RoP'" _"",,,\y. ",,,,,,,,",, ,.",.- """,down 0< trouble with the 9-1-1 syste11l. ~ To _" "'" ",p1nYiU1! ""'" eoonnuni,,,,,,n/BNAS in ,,,",,,on.< who'" necessary and warranted. i) To di<<<' ",._ ,rom "" m,di' to "" d"itIU""'.-"o<Y m_ ",\\bin each Re11l0te AgencY. k) To do_' -.,_1>'-"';"" v<6 ""'11"""''' '0< 'o_diUll to tho ConUlY of Elgin E11lergency coordinator. 8 '59 september 1998 ELGIN/ST. THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TREPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL 5. !HE REMOTE AGENCY DISPATCH 5.3 ResDonsibilities (cont'd) 1) To ensure that any automatic dialing/message recording equipment not be connected to the 9-1-1 System. m) To maintain statistics and prepare reports for analysis and review by the 9-1-1 Steering Committee. 6. GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES - GENERAL, A. Goals To operate and administer an Emergency Telephone Answering System, accessed by an easily remembered telephone number (9-1-1), so that calls can be quickly directed to Agencies with primary responsibility, according to information supplied by the caller. B. Obiectives 1. To maintain adequate coverage of 9-1-1 lines at all times, in order to handle Emergency calls. 2. To direct calls to the 31'1'wl'.:ate Agency without delay. 3. To ensure breakdowns of equipment are reported inunediately, so that service to the public is restored as soon as possible. 4. To maintain proper accountability for all expenditures. 5. To maintain records and statistics for analysis, in order to identify possible changes and updates. C. Policies 1. A 9-1-1 telephone number for emergency calls only, will be provided in order to contact Police, Fire, and Ambulance services, within the geographic limits of E1ginlSt. Thomas based on information supplied by the caller. 2. The Emergency number will be answered by the Bell Neutral Answer Service. September 1998 9 60 ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL -- 6. Q.OALS. OBJECTl~S AND POpClES - Qf,NERAI~ - 6C ~olici~ (cont' d) 3. The Co_ "" City COOOOil. ";\1 0_ tho op""""o of tho 9-1-1 Symeo>. through the Elgin/St. Thomas 9-1-1 Steering Committee. 4. Tho"" of _ dWo""",,", in "",jooOUon w;th tho 9-1-1 nomM' will not bo allowed. ,. ""'... """ " tho B,\1 N""'" Ao>w" Con'" "" bo \m""" \D by th, Supervisory Staff of all 9-1-1 Agencies. 6. ElginlSC"""'" Ero"_ ^"""i" .b<dl ",ply th, {o\1owlo' P'''''"'"''' \D ,oquire ,onW of tho _ of' 9-1- \ "'~ from th' B,n N""'" A"w" ~ in ""'" to _ood to , _p\>Un'- '" 10'" "".._nlS "",_in. tho """""" of , 9-1-1 call by BNAS Personnel: ,) """"'" tho N",ual AoSW" Con"' ..",.." ",_800-667-'708. M"''' tho Con'" ,.,..." of th, ,,,,,,'. _', tho A.,ncy -, "" th' date "" approximate time of the call in question. b) If no_"'" 11_ \D tho "nln """"on in ..-'" of ",'Wnl1 , - """'" of tho ,,\1. A",",' th,llNAS ee- ......" if . p<climi- ,,"'ow of tho tape is necessary. ,) Fo<W.ro . wri- ",,=1 {O, tho _ to tho BNAB C",,,, fo< log" .-"'. Fax the "'tal;' of th' """,Ion the Em"!l""y A."'CY'. 1""-" 10 tho Nonttal Ao>w" Con'" " FAX 1_81)0-263-412' Fax th' ,<qU,rt tb' -, day as the initial request by telephone. ') On" the ,,\1 i, i",late' aod tapod, tho Boll N",ttaI Ao>w" Con"' "",nag" will "". tho ,,,_ to the """'" in "",uon by Priority port 0< -''' service as available. ,) The original"""" tap' rou" (aod writ) bo "taiood by th, N""'" - C_ fo< 108,1 _. Shoul. tho roa.re< tap' bo ""nired fo< Court 0< LogaI "...us, . Sub'- fo< the origin>! ro"'" tap' will bo required. - - 10 september 1998 61 ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EME:RGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL 6. GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES - GENERAL 6C policies (cont' d) 7. Master tapes ofBNAS and CERE 9-1-1 Calls will be held for a minimum of six (6) years unless required for evidence or legal purposes. 8. ~omulaint Taldng A 9-1-1 Bureau call taker shall not act as a complaint-taker for any User Agency. 9. Non_Emer'!encv Calls Incoming non-emergency calls on 9-1-1 shall be terminated. The caller will be instructed to call the 7 -digit service number for the appropriate user agency when this can be done safely, i.e., when the caller is rational and has called 9-1-1 in error. When safety or circumstances present any doubt, the call shall be processed through 9-1-1. 10. BNAS Call Taker~ BNAS Call Takers shall receive and transfer incoming emergency calls to the appropriate Remote Agency in accordance with the training and operating requirements of the 9-1-1 BNAS. 11. Monitorinl!: In addition to any other obligations set out in this agreement, the BNAS Centre shall be responsible for monitoring and reporting on the technical performance of the 9-1-1, with particular regard paid to minimizing call blockage. Specific telephone calls will remain the responsibility of each of the Remote Agencies. 12. "Hold" for Bell Trace/Address Verification procedures will be used for calls where the operator can not determine location of the caller. 13. Any malfunction in the 9-1-1 System must be recorded and reported to the Bell Repair Service (refer to the Trouble Report Section of the Operations Training Manual). 14. Inquiries from the media with regards to Bell portion of the 9-1-1 System in general will be handled by the Bell 9-1-1 Manager. 11 september 1998 6'4' ~,;~~~~.i~~6NE S(S"'''' pO\.IC' "",N"'" GO^"" o1UfP1vtS AND l'OLiC1l\S - cu<E""'" }>o\ici~ (cont'd) _ . . ^"d;""g a "_.. "".. "",," ",U '" "","'0' by 11" ;ndl"""'" -"'" 15. 1nllu\fles reg""'.... r~'" Agency, .\' ntact is 1l1ade 16 ..... 9-1-\ c.n """" ,,'" "",n'''' a ",.,-" "" un. v,"" '" . between the Caner and the Remote Agency, db th El-;.,.ISt ThOmas .c .\., 9 1110g.... ",un''''' - '" ...,<>" , 0 ".- . 17. AnY use OL u,e - - . 9-1-1 Steering Co1J)ll1lttee. . . "tho connty on' C'ty C-", 1&. All ~ ...'""" """'....on ~ tho p'""",, ' 19. ~01l1u\ain~d\l~ . ,,"I '" mv""ga<<<1 by tho ""I""P''''' All ",,,,,,,,,,,,, _1_ tho 9-1-1 S,- C "."..,0. "", C"'"""- ""'" " ",_ on' <<1"''''' to tho 9-1i S"''':'.,;;'' _""oy """"" m tho """"'" c01l1pnsed of one representatlV'e u om ell. and Ben canada. a) """"", Sn''''''' ...-''''''' .' 0 . f' . th ",",,,,ti.. of thoU _"",I by '" b) Sh""," on -.oy .01'" ':",' " ,h';{ '" ""..,00 to tho eountY/C'ty C_il. Steering Co1J)ll1lttee, the proULe1l1 S a . . writing, within sixty ,) An """" to tho p<<>h"'" or ,_I"'" ""'" '" ..- to .. . ' . . . tho ",blom '" ,,,,,,p,,;uI "" ,""",. r\) ..... c_/C'ty ~" ",~1 ~ ?;'" J... 0' tho county/City Co"","" 60 dayS render a deCiSion t1\ wntulg. shall be ft1\al. 6. 6C 12 september 1998 6:\ ~':Ji~~~~~6,.E ",sTEM pO\.\Cf "",.""' A.VVV.~DlX. A. """IN co1JN'f"icrt" o. S~. TIlO",AS 9-1-1 STV.V.l\1~G COM.M.rrrv,v. 9-1-1 SYS'fv,M.llIv.RAllCllY COUNTY/CITY COUNCILS 9-1-1 S'fv,v,l\1~G coN{Nll'f'fEv' :Elgin I St. '{Mm" 9.1.1 Steering Cnmmlttee ~arden Verry outterbUck C...".....C.u.'" c.u.d' .-..-..-.......-....-.......... ..,d""''' ,....' >>"..... C'''' or St. 11>0"''' C.u.," ..._........-........-...........:.s;." "',,,... J.b' "",,- ,,'" "",,....jOY.v ,...............................D Pu'" 0''''''''' ~"\",,,,,b S' .,........ v.... _"''''''' ....................... ' Cb"">>"-' .' .....................................- . >.,_" V.b<< ......_....-.......... O"'....j L'''' n, P' .........-......-.... St. .,............. D<I"-" .._.......--.... . ..-.....-.... Cbi'" J.b. >>,,~. S .b~uld.... De"-' ._..-......-........... -..-" N.' Co"" ~::..,,' A",bu"'" C."',,,,,,,''''''' C..'" -............:::::.:::...-... ....,. ",.,. e '" or St. .,.......' Ad""'''''' to' _......-......-....-..- "'.'" ",,,,,,..'d C' ,,,,JU M""u\.."to'iC'''' .-..-..--.-........-.....-... Do......., .u'''' · .' ..-....-.....-....-.... 9 11'- ~"", ,....." .....---...-.......--. D....... ."" . . ..........."..---.-.... 9.1.1 .- ~"", ......... ......-.::.::::::::::---....-........-.-......,.. ,..,"j A"'''-''' ................-....-.: ........-....... "",,, "".. f~.\. ~""er"enc" coordInator ......................... County 0 ",gIn"'''' ",J 13 september 1998 G~ ELGIN/ST.THOMAS 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM POLICY MANUAL APPENDIX B Countv of EIl!in/Citv of St. Thomas 9-1-1 Emerl!encv Teleohone Service REMOTE (DISPATCH) AGENCIES POLICE DEPARTMENTS London O.P.P. Communications Centre St. Thomas Police Station Aylmer Police Station FIRE DEPARTMENTS St. Thomas Fire Department London Fire Department AMBULANCE SERVICE Central Ambulance Communication Centre (London) September 1998 14 6 ;j Report to countv counci\ ~ ~ \""'OOU~'C'G'OIl'O . ." W~, ""'~ <0< ",,""- \0 "", -.... 0' "" In ~998 county council IOrmalrLed t'rle OppOI .unl, se[\/iCe~ of t'rle County Health and safety Coordinator. Joan Nlc6urnie Health and safety CoOrdinator November 9, ~ 998 occupational Hea\\l1 and safety lraining Lower lier Nlunicipa\lti~ - ~ ~ . . offered haS been as folloWs: 10 date. participation in traInIng courses . . 98 _ southWOld - 7 emplOyees ~ _ Apf\l, ~9 central Elgin- 2 emplOyees NeW Em 10 ee Health and safe Ori~ Aunus~: Mlmer -~ emplOyee ~ 6ayham- ~ emplOyee ~ West EIgin- 5 emplOyees ..- "", S>'" L'" '" _""''''' 5_- .- sUO"'''''''''''' NI for Health and safe - october 28 ~998 6ayham - ~ employee central Elgin - ~ employee VIlest Elgin - 6 emplOyees on site lrainin for Nlun\C alities'. Aylmer _ June 23, ~998 6ayham- fridaY, November 20, ~998 West Elgin _ oecemoer - ~ lull day CONC\.~ ...n" l.t."\O"'..-""....""'''''''''''~''''-- ~continUe to InvIte ...unlclpa I I RECONlNlE~ ~d fIle thiS report. ..W<~ FJ u~ an Nlc6urnie. Health and safety coordinator J\\lproved ror Submission .nMI< Nlcoonald, Administrator/CierI<. \)t, REPORT to ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Homes Report #1 for November 24, 1998 FROM: Marilyn Fleck, Acting Director of Homes DATE: November 11, 1998 SUBJECT: Nurse Call system for Terrace Lodge Introduction:. Terrace Lodge has in all resident rooms, tub rooms and washrooms the original call bell system. In 1977 when Terrace Lodge was built. the call bell system installed met the needs of the clientele, however, as we know now, the resident needs are far greater. The system at Bobier Villa has proven to be more effective and provides the resident and staff communication. piscusslon:. It is recognized that the current call bell system does not provide a mechanism for the staff to acknowledge the resident call other than physically attending the room. There are many steps of nursing time that could be saved if the nurse could speak directly to the resident to determine the problem. The system that we have reviewed does have the capability to provide a report indicating the time(s) of day the resident initiated the call bell; and we believe this to be a positive effect with respect to the documentation of care provided. As the care of the residents increases at Terrace Lodge, it is recognized that a more sophisticated system of calling for the nursing staff is needed as we examine the feasibility of decentralizing the nursing station. The system known as Maxivox, Minicom Nurse Call System is the system installed at Bobier Villa, and has been well received. 67 ...... ".0,1>1 ,.. ...._ ... "" . ",,,,,,,oed ,....<ct. ,,_ C.a "..." "",e..ce lodge 1,," "" bodge' d"'" !"""ide '0< ,oe .",c,,",e 01 'he n""" call "",em, Quolal\On' h""e.,.,en _",ed "0" 'n",e ",.or,e", Supplier Quotation N\edio N\uliicorf\ COrf\rf\unicoiions InC. $ 58,000. , plusG.S.1. 34 lNellingion Rood S., London Ringrf\Osier COrf\rf\uniCoiions $ 65,'\64. 2 piUS iOXes 494 scenic Driye, \-IOrf\il\on (>..\1 Sys\erf\S COrf\rf\unica\iOnS InC. $ 6'0,875. 3 plus taxes 7'095 wanrf\ere Dr., Unit 3, N\ississoUgo ~commendation;. 1,,"' 'he qUOla,\On '<0" !;IedlO !;Io,"cOm 10< ,oe ",ppW and in"ollol\On 0' \\;. !;Ioil''''- !;Ilnl Com """" coli 'V,lem '" .,ccOp'ed '0< l","ce lodge, APproved for Submission: Respecifu\ly submitted: N\arK"'" ",cDonold County Adrf\iniSiroiorICler\<. N\orilyn D. flec\<. ",cling Direclor b~ REPORl to ElGIN COUNl'f COUNCil Homes Report *2 tOf Novembef 24. '996 IRO": """,!yn lIec', Acling m-ec\O< of Hom'" o AlE: November 11. 199B s.>l.e" telephOne sy~em to< tenace lod9- introduction: lOe 'elePhooe ",'em 0' ,,,,,,,,e wige P'ovi"'" \6 00\\0", oed he' reoched \he fUll po'eolial, lns "._ wa' ortg'oa'ly leo;ad aod ,""",ooeolly pareho",d some 10 - 12 years ago. WscusslOl\l \\ \\ \>eGom'Og more "mco" 10 ,eco' lhe ,",ephooe" 0' we hove _0 ;ac""og 00<" \\om 'p"'" on"', ",me I,om \he old ",'em 0' lhe Admio,,"o'oo ,","log, lechoolOO'l he' ,mP'oved d<omol]cOlI, ""ce 'h\\ ",I em wo' p",cna;ed, aod we"'" 01 Ihe polol 01 reoo.Og mo<e .otio", w,,\\\o ,,,,,ace ,odge, lhe "0\\ hOVe d\",o~ed \he vo,," moll oolioo aod we "",o'd ". '0 prepare Ihe Home '0 ",",ve ,_"'" '0 Ihol d'ec\lOo, We believe \h- hove beeo demoo'\\Oled "",log' 10 homoo ,e,oQ<Ce lime 0' well '" opp,oo<'o,e 0'" 0\ o"",og .0" lIme oller business \"lours. QooIO\\O", have beeo _Ned \\om twO f""" 10< 'he fA""d\oO Nonto' O,glla' lelephone ",Iem wllh a ,.paro'e ooole \0< ,oIee ~Oll: ' ' ' 1he ooo'e ""'" _0 fAo']cOm . \0< 'he pooa"'o>o O,gl\ol 'yOem wh>oh , co""d_d 10 be high ooolilY aod comparoble 10 ,ns fAe,'d,ao "",.0<, lne """,,nlY P'ov''''''' b, R,fA,', \\ \0< 0 \Wo ,eO' po<'od aod poO ",,",,01Y , ,,,,,lee woo'd be p"',lded '<N R,fA"', at $52.00 po< """', lhe werraol; P'owded b' Amle,ecom " 10< ooe Veo<, ond \he poO wa,,"ol; ,eN>oe "",o'd be P'owded '<N Amlelecom'<N coo\\OC' 10PPro>" $70, pe' moo'h \0< Ihe ",'eml, 69 HO"" ..pod" tor "0"- VI. ,,,. . confln.ed ,u.!fe.' le1epnon' ,,......,0< ..."'" lodge Supplier Quotation R.N\.B. communications $ '2,,676. + taxes \ $ 3,964. + taxes \VN\) St.1nOmas, ani. $ \0,3'2,3. + taxes 2 Amtelecom $3,697. + taxes \VN\) }>..ylmer,ont. N\edia N\uli'lcOm $ \ 2,000. + taxes 3 $ 3,500. + tal<es \VN\) London, ant. W"hI' 'h' o,h'" occo..,"""o'\O' .,,,,,\op. 01 ,he __\\0'0\ bod.eI .0' len=" codo., ,_ 0", ,o\\\OIe" fond' '0 ..0'" 'bo p"",bO" 01 Ib" bme, RecommendatiOn..;. - . . R..... Co......I1IUn'lcations for supplY and installation of the -"""_''''''' ,".,P' '" ,,'\ t' ..."""" w>""', 0",", ,.""""" 5,...m ,,,,,"'''0 ",oa m" "".-' ' APproved for submission: RespectfUllY submitted: Nlar\l. 0. I'IIcDonald CounW Ml1Ilnistrator/ClerK MarIlyn D. flecK Acting Director 10 REPORT to ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Homes Report #3 for November 24, 1998 FROM: Marilyn Fleck, Acting Director of Homes DATE: November 11, 1998 SUBJECT: Surplus buses of the Homes Introduction: Earlier this year, the Homes buses were advertised as surplus equipment; and Council reviewed the options presented at that time. Council direction to staff were to contact service clubs in the area to determine if there was interest in securing the two small buses for service club work. Discussion/Conclusion:. Service clubs were contacted by letter to determine if there was an interest in securing the bus(es) and the organizations were requested to respond to the Homes staff no later than November 13, 1998. As of this date, there were no responses received from service clubs. Previously, there was a bid from an individual for the three buses of $1400. As a result of the letters issued to service clubs, bids were submitted from two individuals, one for $200. per bus; and one further bid of $250. for the two buses. Corey Auto Wreckers submitted a bid in June 1998 of $850. for each bus. Recommendation:. That the Acting Director be authorized to sell the two surplus buses to Corey Auto Wreckers for $850. each upon receipt of cheque. Marilyn D. Fleck, Acting Director msubmiSSion: Marker-McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk Respectfully submitted: 11 COUNTY OF ELGIN WARDEN BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 30,000 22,500 22,500 0 75.00% Benefits 1,500 1,125 783 342 52.18% E.M.A. Dinner 500 375 390 (15) 78.00% Warden's Recognition 500 375 0 375 0.00% Election Reception 500 375 343 32 68.66% Western Wardens Assoc. 500 375 525 Remembrance Wreath 100 75 0 75 0.00% Warden's Expenses 700 525 487 38 69.54% Travel & Mileage 2,500 1,875 832 1,043 33.27% Professional Development 8,000 6,000 1,210 4,790 15.13% Stationery 200 150 78 72 38.85% Total 45,000 33,750 27,147 6,753 60.33% 11/17/1998 WARDENXLS 72 COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salaries & Wages 56,000 42,000 42,008 (8) 75.01% Benefits 1,500 1,125 987 138 65.82% Municipal Assoc. Fees 2,660 1,995 2,657 (662) 99.88% Other Membership Fees 500 375 0 375 0.00% Noon Luncheons 1,500 1,125 231 894 15.40% TiesICrests/Pins/Gifts 1,100 825 286 539 25.98% Pocket Directories 300 225 98 127 32.56% Printing Proceedings 3,000 2,250 0 2,250 0.00% Elgin Mun. Assoc. 50 38 25 13 50.00% Fax & Cellular Telephones 6,000 4,500 5,540 (1,040) 92.33% Travel & Mileage 1,000 750 34 716 3.42% Professional Development 18,400 13,800 10,754 3,046 58.45% Stationery & Supplies 800 600 144 456 18.02% Coffee & Pop 2,000 1,500 2,360 (860) 118.02% Miscellaneous 300 225 109 116 36.39% Advertising 250 188 113 75 45.06% Meals - Other 750 563 269 294 35.86% Council Photographs 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total 96,110 72,083 65,615 6,468 68.27% 11/17/1998 COUNCILXLS 7~ , COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () BUDGET Salaries & Wages 156,200 117,150 114,600 2,550 73.37% Benefits 37,560 28,170 21,814 6,356 58.08% Membership Fees 700 525 604 (79) 86.30% Travel & Mileage 2,000 1,500 1,996 (496) 99.82% Professional Development 3,500 2,625 3,409 (784) 97.40% Office Supplies 1,650 1,238 957 281 58.00% Subscriptions 500 375 655 (280) 130.92% Repairs & Maintenance 2,500 1,875 12 1,863 0.48% Special Projects 1,000 750 251 499 25.08% Total 205,610 154,208 144,298 9,909 70.18% 11/17/1998 ADMINCLK.XLS 74 COUNTY OF ELGIN TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 204,697 153,523 148,881 4,641 72.73% Benefits 53,221 39,916 32,303 7,612 60.70% Membership Fees 1,375 1,031 1,558 (526) 113.29% Travel & Mileage 2,250 1,688 2,535 (847) 112.65% Professionai Development 4,000 3,000 1,507 1,493 37.67% Office Supplies 5,950 4,463 3,901 562 65.56% Repairs & Maintenance 1,000 750 93 657 9.27% Total 272,493 204,370 190,777 13,593 70.01% - 11/17/1998 TREASURYXLS 75 '\ COUNTY OF ELGIN PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 252,224 189,168 174.477 14,691 69.18% Benefits 61,239 45,929 34,796 11,134 56.82% Travel & Mileage 2,500 1,875 1,792 83 71.68% Professional Development 5,000 3,750 3,040 710 60.81% Operations 7,260 5,445 4,303 1,142 59.27% Total 328,223 246,167 218,409 27,759 66.54% "1 11/17/1998 PERSONNEXLS 76 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BUDGET COMPARISON Sep 30, 1998] ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 88,500 66,375 46,832 19,543 52.92% Benefits 13,500 10,125 9,169 956 67.92% Travel & Mileage 500 375 137 238 27.40% Other 1,000 750 580 170 57.98% Repairs & Maintenance 166,000 124,500 122,137 2,363 73.58% Rental Income (243,200) (182,400) (184,451) 2,051 75.84% Total 26,300 19,725 (5,596) 25,321 -21.28% 11117/1998 ADMINBDG.xLS 7" \ COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATE EXPENDITURES BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET TELEPHONE 32,000 24,000 21,082 2,918 65.88% TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 2,290 1,718 2,208 (491) 96.42% INSURANCE 206,350 154,763 205,496 (50,734) 99.59% POSTAGE 10,000 7,500 9,065 (1,565) 90.65% AUDIT & ACCOUNTING 11,663 8,747 - 8,747 0.00% FAX 2,650 1,988 1,648 340 62.19% G.S.T RECOVERIES (1,000) (750) (896) 146 89.65% CORPORATE PHOTOCOPIES 4,800 3,600 2,097 1,503 43.70% PAYROLL CHARGES 15,000 11,250 10,100 1,150 67.34% RETIRED EMPLOYEES BENEFITS 25,000 18,750 17,174 1,576 68.70% EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4,000 3,000 1,130 1,870 28.25% STAFF TRAINING 2,500 1,875 2,004 (129) 80.18% LEGAL & PROFESSIONAL 50,000 37,500 28,445 9,055 56.89% ADVERTISING 1,300 975 - 975 0.00% TOTAL 366,553 274,915 299,554 (24,640) 81.72% 11/17/1998 CORPORATXLS 7Q o COUNTY OF ELGIN ENGINEERING SERVICES BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 159,000 119,250 119,430 (180) 75.11% Benefits 37,500 28,125 20,713 7,412 55.23% Travel & Mileage 13,500 10,125 9,518 607 70.50% Professional Development 3,000 2,250 2,452 (202) 81.72% Office 6,000 4,500 17,144 (12,644) 285.73% Maintenance 1,904,000 1,428,000 1,419,278 8,722 74.54% Construction 3,424,305 2,568,229 2,459,355 108,873 71.82% Other Revenue (2,500) (1,875) (137,542) 135,667 5501.67% Total 5,544,805 4,158,604 3,910,348 248,256 70.52% - 11/03/1998 BDGTCMPXLS 79 COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY HOMES BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 Total Homes ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET Salaries 5,915,766 4,436,824 4,054,078 382,746 68.53% Benefits 1,721,524 1,291,143 1,092,480 198,663 63.46% Operations 1,558,575 1,168,931 1,105,767 63,165 70.95% Staff Development 17,462 13,097 6,479 6,618 37.10% Travel 11,100 8,325 6,675 1,650 60.14% Community Support - - 33,455 (33,455) Provincial Subsidy (4,367,770) (3,275,827) (3,355,145) 79,317 76.82% Other Revenues (3,282,548) (2,461,911) (2,393,108) (68,803) 72.90% TOTAL 1,574,109 1,180,582 550,682 629,900 34.98% Elgin Manor ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET Salaries 2,377,764 1,783,323 1,590,924 192,399 66.91 % Benefits 697,847 523,385 441,282 82,104 63.23% Operations 568,205 426,154 452,497 (26,344) 79.64% Staff Development 7,262 5,447 2,722 2,725 37.48% Travel 6,500 4,875 3,399 1,476 52.29% Community Support - 10,320 (10,320) Provincial Subsidy (1,660,099) (1,245,074) (1,231,889) (13,186) 74.21% Other Revenues (1,126,986) (845,240) (821,332) (23,907) 72.88% Total 870,493 652,870 447,923 204,947 51.46% 11/17/1998 HOMESXLS 80 Elgin County Homes - Continued 30-Sep-98 Terrace Lodge ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salaries 1,946,632 1,459,974 1,359,124 100,850 69.82% Benefits 593,587 445,190 377,609 67,582 63.61% Operations 609,835 457,376 367,809 89,567 60.31% Staff Development 7,000 5,250 2,216 3,034 31.65% Travel 2,300 1,725 2,069 (344) 89.96% Community Support - - 15,383 (15,383) Provincial Subsidy (1,573,466) (1,180,099) (1,248,816) 68,717 79.37% Other Revenues (1,407,058) (1,055,294) (1,011,120) (44,173) 71.86% Total 178,831 134,123 (135,727) 269,850 -75.90% - Bobier Villa ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salaries 1,591,369 1,193,527 1,104,030 89,497 69.38% Benefits 430,090 322,567 273,590 48,978 63.61 % Operations 380,535 285,402 285,460 (59) 75.02% Staff Development 3,200 2,400 1,541 859 48.15% Travel 2,300 1,725 1,207 518 52.49% Community Support - 7,753 (7,753) Provincial Subsidy (1,134,205) (850,654) (874,440) 23,786 77.10% Other Revenues (748,504) (561,378) (560,655) (723) 74.90% Total 524,785 393,589 238,486 155,103 45.44% 11/17/1998 HOMESXLS 81 r 'I" COUNTY OF ELGIN AGRICULTURE BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET Contract Enforcement 24,500 18,375 19,715 (1,340) 80.47% Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 750 208 542 20.78% TOTAL 25,500 19,125 19,923 (798) 78.13% 11/17/1998 AGRICUL TXLS 8':1 I" ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM BUDGET COMPARISON 1998 30-Sep-98 1998 YTD YTD Yarianc~ % of Budoet Budoet Budoet, Actual Favf(Unfav\ To date REVENUES Province of Ontario 4,000.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 (1,800.00) 30.00% SEEP/SCPP Grant 2,500.00 1,875.00 2,877.00 1,002.00 115.08% Foundations 1,000.00 750.00 0.00 (750.00) 0.00% City of SI. Thomas 2,500.00 1,875.00 2,500.00 625.00 100.00% TOTAL GRANTS 10,000.00 7,500.00 6,577.00 (923.00) 65.77% Projects 2,500.00 1,875.00 1,888.37 13.37 75.53% Rental Income 50.00 37.50 189.00 151.50 378.00% TOTAL PROJECTS 2,550.00 1.912.50 2,077.37 164.87 81.47% Membership Income 250.00 187.50 494.88 307.38 197.95% Admissions 2,500.00 1,875.00 1,880.64 5.64 75.23% Donations 250.00 187.50 721.09 533.59 288.44% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 3.000.00 2,250.00 3,096.61 846.61 103.22% TOTAL REVENUE 15,550.00 11,662.50 11,750.98 88.48 75.57% - EXPENDITURES Salaries 40,000.00 30,000.00 28.161.50 1,838.50 70.40% Benefits & Allowances 7,200.00 5,400.00 4,738.51 661.49 65.81% Casual Wages & Benefits 2,500.00 1,875.00 3,461.36 (1,586.36) 138.45% TOTAL SALARIES & BENEFITS 49,700.00 37,275.00 36,361.37 913.63 73.16% Curator/Conservation/Exhibits 2,500.00 1,875.00 1,303.34 571.66 52.13% Advertising 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,882.03 (382.03) 94.10% Events 1,200.00 900.00 196.26 703.74 16.36% Utilities 6,000.00 4,500.00 4,057.50 442.50 67.63% Miscellaneous 300.00 225.00 356.40 (131.40) 118.80% Conventions 800.00 600.00 616.20 (16.20) 77.03% Membership Dues 500.00 375.00 386.89 (11.89) 77.38% Staff Travel 500.00 375.00 375.05 (0.05) 75.01% TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 13,800.00 10.350.00 9,173.67 1,176.33 66.48% Office Supplies 2,500.00 1,875.00 1,760.53 114.47 70.42% Maintenance 3,500.00 2,625.00 2,775.33 (150.33) 79.30% TOTAL OFFICE EXPENSES 6.000.00 4,500.00 4,535.86 (35.86) 75.60% TOTAL EXPENSES 69,500.00 52,125.00 50,070.90 2,054.10 72.04% COUNTY CONTRIBUTION 53,950.00 40,462.50 38,319.92 2,142.58 71.03% 10115/98 BCOM98MUXLS 83 COUNTY OF ELGIN ELGIN COUNTY LIBRARY BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Salary & Wages 845,243 633,932 670,444 (36,512) 79.32% Benefits 183,645 137,734 126,437 11,296 68.85% Collection 215,850 161,888 179,871 (17,984) 83.33% Overhead 50,800 38,100 38,756 (656) 76.29% Leases 185,978 139,484 152,013 (12,529) 81.74% Library Services 28,350 21,263 21,514 (251) 75.89% Automation 67,000 50,250 60,817 (10,567) 90.77% Grants (102,352) (76,764) (146,462) 69,698 143.10% Other Revenues (62,420) (46,815) (59,120) 12,305 94.71% Total 1,412,094 1,059,071 1,044,272 14,799 73.95% 11/17/1998 L1BRARYXLS 84 ,'i,!1 COUNTY OF ELGIN LAND DIVISION BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL V.T.D. V.T.D VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL () unfav. BUDGET Sec. Treas. - Salaries 40,010 30,008 29,114 893 72.77% Committee - Salaries 10,000 7,500 5,292 2,208 52.92% Other Membership Fee 150 113 150 (38) 100.00% Travel & Mileage 1,400 1,050 802 248 57.30% Professional Development 3,000 2,250 438 1,812 14.61% Miscellaneous 500 375 268 107 53.63% Subscriptions 440 330 (18) 348 -4.10% Office Suppiies 1,500 1,125 208 917 13.89% Fees (57,000) (42,750) (41,900) (850) 73.51% TOTAL 0 0 (5,645) 5,645 11/17/1998 LANDXLS 8r: ,; COUNTY OF ELGIN EMERGENCY MEASURES BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT 1998 Y.T.D Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET - Salaries & Benefits 35,500 26,625 23,420 3,205 65.97% Promotion 2,000 1,500 5,369 (3,869) 268.45% Bell Neutral Answer Service 14,840 11,130 - 11,130 0.00% Professional Development 750 563 348 215 46.34% Travel 1,000 750 507 243 50.75% Operations 1,000 750 299 451 0.00% Revenue (14,840) (11,130) - (11,130) 0.00% TOTAL 40,250 30,188 29,944 244 74.39% 0.75 86 COUNTY OF ELGIN SOCIAL SERVICES BUDGET COMPARISON 30-Sep-98 ACCOUNT TOTAL Y.T.D. Y.T.D. VARIANCE %OF DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL o unfav. BUDGET BENEFITS General Welfare Assist. 3,600,000 2,700,000 2,011,746 688,254 55.88% Special Assistance 55,000 41,250 42,587 (1,337) 77.43% Homemakers 20,000 15,000 7,390 7,610 36.95% Day Nurseries 55,000 41,250 48,669 (7,419) 88.49% Total Benefits 3,730,000 2,797,500 2,110,392 687,108 56.58% ADMINISTRATION Wages & Benefits 435,000 326,250 283,791 42,459 65.24% Travel & Mileage 26,000 19,500 14,264 5,236 54.86% Professional Development 4,000 3,000 1,480 1,520 37.01% Telephone 6,000 4,500 3,573 927 59.55% Postage 4,000 3,000 1,875 1,125 46.87% Rent 35,000 26,250 30,236 (3,986) 86.39% Office Operations 5,000 3,750 4,564 (814) 91.28% Total Administration 515,000 386,250 339,784 46,466 65.98% ONTARIO WORKS Salaries & Benefits 0 25,166 (25,166) 0.00% Office Expenditures 0 920 (920) 0.00% Other Expenditures 46,380 34,785 4,449 30,336 9.59% Provincial Funding 0 (60,700) 60,700 0.00% Total Ontario Works 46,380 34,785 (30,166) 64,951 -65.04% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,291,380 3,218,535 2,420,011 798,524 56.39% REVENUE Admin Subsidy (257,500) (193,125) (157,396) (35,729) 61.12% Benefits Subsidy (2,944,000) (2,208,000) (1,653,333) (554,667) 56.16% Day Nursery Subsidy (44,000) (33,000) (39,601) 6,601 90.00% Homemakers Subsidy (16,000) (12,000) (6,049) (5,951) 37.80% Total Revenue (3,261,500) (2,446,125) (1,856,379) (589,746) 56.92% SUBTOTAL 1,029,880 772,410 563,631 208,779 54.73% Family Benefits Download 2,004,800 1,503,600 1,120,952 382,648 55.91% Child Care Download 66,000 49,500 43,840 5,660 66.42% TOTAL 3,100,680 2,325,510 1,728,424 597,086 55.74% - 8? fOUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE. NOVEMBER 24Tli, 199!! [!ems far Cans;d~ratian. Town 01 Walk-n, .." a ""oIu""" to p&lmOn the p"",lnne to "'... the -,'ne "" in a fair and equitable manner. (ATTACHED) claud. cantin, P,..'dent F"""alion 0' canadian Municipalm.., with a __ip APplication Form and a complimentary COpy of "Forum". (ATTACHED) (COpy of magazine in ClerK's Department) ChO".' HinolsU, Oi.-, 01 Ontario Wo<kS, CiIY 01 St, "''''''.', <aquae"ng count'! councit to &W"". a ""'.... oonao'ld&li"" d&l. "."'lIne 'a< 0_\0 Wo<kS, Child care and __, Hou"ng "om Janua<Y " 1999 to April " 1999, (ATT ACHEDI Ronald T, __"" "",_t Deputy Mini"'" Mini"'" 01 H.alth, with thO olannlng """""""" \h8\ oum- thO reguloti"'" '" an agency, "a<"d a< a<ganlz&I'on to become a Board of Health. ATTACHE~_A/ _~.....J' .0-. J~ ~.J..- ' ~(\ 410'-' ~-(J fi- Q;)1!31q . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5". 88 18/28/98 23:25:4& EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-> OCT-2B-9B WED 04:59 PM ~MO .- 1 519 &33 7&&1 CLERK-Elyin Co Paye 882 F~X NO, 4169716191 p, 01 The Corporation of the Town of Walkerton MUNICIPAL offiCE 11lO SCOTT 51'. BOlt t8, NllG zVO To All antllrio MUJlicipalities From: Tcnm ofwalke;rtlm BE: Ga!lolin~ Ta...l!olS &: ".....intell.lU1ee ofHi.lthwavs Tha Tawn of Wa]ke.ttoIl. Council paued. ~esolutioJ1 #98-33-334 on Septeniber 280., 199& to petition the Province of Ontario to abare the l:8901ine tax in a fair and. equitable manner with Onwno M"";";Pa1i.til'l8. We ask for yoU]: support on thiB illll\16;md that a copy ofyOUl' resolution. be forward.ed to our ot1ices as well as yom: local MPP and. the Mbrister ofFinmce. Mr. Ernie Evlll'l. - - Date: September 28th, 1998 Resolution #98-33-3M W 1:1'" .......AS there bas been a realigmnent of ~onsiln1ity for the ma:i;ntp,uonte and up_Jteep of bigh"i'/U,s from the province to UJlPer and lower tim: mmriciPalitie$ . AND wtlJ!l.l\E,!\S the PJ:uvincial r.-' ,,-JI1ent receives a gasoline taX on each litte of gasoline sold. in Ontario AND ~ t16REAS thi.a gasoline Wt is designated.:far the maintenance and up- keepof~waY5 AND WHEREAS SQJl1e of the lrighways transfetred from the pro'\linCe to municipalities are in vary poor conditions AND WHEREAS the OJ1e time only funding ~ to D1UDicipali~ to maintain and up.keep these nsVlly acquired. sectinu.a afbighVl'aY is very inad2q,o.ate NOW.L~F01Uf. BE IT RESOLVED 1:1111t the MUDicipal Council of the Cotpomtion. of the Town of Wal]reItoJl hereby petitions the 1'nJvinCe of 0J1t8;ti0 to share the gusoline taxi>>. a fair and el1.1litable m,...",AT with the U1unicipalifi~ of the PJ:t1vince of On.tarin, and t1mt this xe.soluUnn be forwarded to AMO, OSUM and. aU D1unicipali~ within the };'rovince of entarlo fox their suptlorl. c~. iE.Lt519) 881.2223 FAX (519) 881-2991 eMIL: \cwmunoICbml;s,com This material is provio.7:dunder conTract os a palo advertisement by the originating organization, and does not necessarily reflect the viewS or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsiclior:' companies. officers. directors or agents, 89 Maire supplcJllt_Claude, CanthI Q'ilebcc'(Qucbcc) Prc.'iidciJt Pi'esidellt .1:l.BI a ~. Federation:of Ganadian Municipalities "FederatiQn canadiennedes. municipalites ~----...- J1[~tf;U~a~~@ , OCT 28 1998 .fall I CllUNTY (iF EI.GlN . CI.~RK'S omr.\' Octaber 23,1998 Mr. Mark G; McDanald Caunty Administratar C.lerk Caunty of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thamas ON N5R5V1 FCM: A Real Baraainat 9.61t Per CaOita Dear'Mr:McDanald' Deputy Mayor Sam~yna,rd Marystowll, NcwfolllldlandaridLabrad6r F!r~tVicc-Presidcrit Premier Yicc-prcsid?l1t Cotindllor Joanne Monaghiln Kitimat, British,Coltunbia ' Sccl.llld Vice~Pi"esidcnt DCl1xicme vii.:(,-~l~esidcntc CounCillor Jack Llyton Toronto,Q,itario ,Third'Vicc-Prdidclit Trqisic'mc vicc-pr~sidcllt . Deputy M:\yor]ae Eadie Willnipcg,Matittoba P:\st-Pn.~~ident 'Prcsiclcntsortant James W. Knight ExeCllt1veDircctor Directeur_geiicral * Since 1937 the Federation .of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has been warking an b.ehalf .of municipal gavernments ta enhance the quality. .of life in cammunities acraSs Canada. Our efforts with the fed.eral' governl11ent have injec:tedbillions of dollars into municipal budgets. Sinqe 199Qthis hastotalledover $13.8 billibn .or an average .of $462.13 per.capitafar each find every municipality in the cauntry. Far example, the 57% MuniciPill GST Rebate .fllane 'has been generating an average .of $16.67 per citizen each year far every 'municipality since 1990. Other successes like the Canada. Infrastructure Warks pragram and payments in lieU .of taxesalsa have added significant $avings ta many muniCipal budgets (see attachment). FCM . Municipal Membership isa rea: bargain cansidering it casts only 9c6t per capitatacantribute taFCM'slabbyinQ efforts... FCM,is yollr voice in Ottawa in a period when your voice is more important than eveL The palitical landscape is changing but FCM is here ta.ensurernunicipalgavernments remairlthe chief beneficiary of change. We are the first .order .of gavernment and the 215t Century will . bear this out. J.oin yaurcolleagues acrassCanada in supporting FCM bybecaming a member today. Attached is an applicatian farm far f=CM Municipal Membership and acomplin18ntary capy of Fotum,Canada's natianal municipal attairsmagazine. Help us to continue helping you. . ;fjY..o..iJ..rs .. SincE01r4.IY..../. (jI4Urft. ~. Claude Cantin President 24; rue Clarence Street, Ott3.\"3,Ontado, 'KIN5P3 'fc1cl;hOric;TClcphonc: (613) 241~5221_. Fax/fclCcopicur: (613) 241-7440" International OffkelIJureau inter-nation;!: TelephoneJTeh~ph6ne:' (613)'241-8484'; Fax/felecopieur: (613) 241~7117, www;fCm.ca ' .- 90 'oo A.verage Revenues Generated ~or t\uniclpa\ GO'lernments by fC~ Sinc.e \ 990 ttbroUgl1 tile GS" Rebate, 1'1\.."5, CIWI') o .... 1,000 1,000 .... 5,000 5,000 .... 10,000 10,000 ... 15,000 15,000 ... 50,000 50,000 ... 100,000 100,000 ... 150,000 150.000 .... 500,000 500,000 ... '1.,000,000 o .... $33,340 $33,340 .... $83,350 $83,350 .... $166,100 $166,100 .... $416,150 $416,150 ... $833,500 $833,500 .... $1,661,000 $1,661,000 .... $4,161,500 $4,161,500 .... $8,335,000 $8,335,000 ... $33,340,000 o .... $33,800 $33,800 .... $84,500 $\\4,500 ... $ I 69 ,000 $169,000 .... $4'1.'1.,500 $41'1.,500 .... $845,000 $845,000 .... $1.690,000 $1,690,000 .... $4,'1.'1.5,000 $4;2.'1.5,000 .... $8,450,000 $8,450,000 .... $33,800,000 o .... $64,000 $64,000 .... $160,000 $160,000 .... $310,000 $3'1.0,000 .... $800,000 $800,000 .... $1,600,000 $ 1,600,000 .... $3,'1.00,000 $3,'1.00,000 .... $8,000,000 $8,000,000 .... $16,000,000 $16,000,000 .... $64,000,000 popula.tion popula.tion o .... 1,000 '1.,000 .... 5,000 5,000 ... 10,000 10,000 ... '1.5,000 '1.5,000 ... 50,000 50,000 .... 100,000 100,000 .... lSO,OOO '1.50,000 ... 500,000 500,000 ... '1,000,000 o ... $9'1.4,'1.60 $9'1.4,'1.60 ... $1,310,650 $'1.,310,650 .... $4,6'1.1,300 $4,6'1.1,300 ... $11,553,'1.50 $II,553,lSO .... $'1.3,106,500 $13,106,500 .... $46;2.13,000 $46,113,000 ... $115,531,500 $115,53'1.,500 ... $'2.31,065,000 $'131.065,000 ... $914;2.60,000 canada Infra$tl'llcture V/or(<$ Progral1l FigureS for paYl1lbentsh.lng :;:t: ;;.:="""."" In ..... ~, ...... l1IaY e I lor'; C. HINATSU Director \t"-r,, '~ e ..~ CITY OF ST. THOMAS ONTARIO WORKS MAKING WELFARE WORK P.O. Box 520 - City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-9350 Fax: (519) 631-1824 K DEMARE Ontario Worl<s Snpervisor "~ ; ,@:,~i~:~UW~~ i tIDV9 jgjt\ November 6, 1998 Clllm'Ilf {If Wllii! l1fRJ('S i!lffl&E ML Mark G, Macdonald Administrator/Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mark: As you are aware, Roy Main, City Administrator, formed a Social Services Task Force to review issues regarding consolidation and our implementation plan. The task force, including Rob Bell, met weekly for the past month and has been beneficial in collecting information which will form part of the implementation plan. It was agreed at the October 29 meeting that, given the issues yet to be resolved i.e. Human Resources issues and accommodation, we could not realistically meet the consolidation deadline of January 1, 1999 as indicated in the Consolidation Plan for the County of Elgin and the City of St Thomas, dated March 24, 1998. We have targeted the date of April 1, 1999 as realistic, assuming the Human Resources issues are resolved and the Ministry approves the implementation Plan. I am requesting your assistance in obtaining County Council's approval to revise the consolidation date for Ontario Works, Child Care and Social Housing to April 1, 1999. The consolidation implementation plan is currently being prepared by our Consultants, E. Dean and Associates and anticipate receiving a draft plan on November 6, 1998. The final plan will be presented to the Community and Social Services Committee on November 16, 1998. If approved by Committee, we wish to present the plan to County Council on November 24, 1998 for their review and comments, prior to submission to the Ministry. If this is appropriate, I am requesting this matter be placed on County Council's agenda. Should you have any questions regarding these requests, please contact me. CHins cc: ML Roy Main, City Administrator 92 Ministry of Health Assistant Deputy Minister Institutional Health and Communit}' Services 9th Floor, Hepburn Block Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A lR3 Telephone (416) 327-2414 Facsimile (416) 314-5914 Minlstere de la Sante Sous-ministre adjoint Sohu; en etablissement et services communautaires . e Edifice Hepburn, 9 'etage Queen's Park Toronto (ON) M7 A 1R3 Telephone (416) 327-2414 Telecopieur (416) 314-5914 @ Ontario 1_,. ~lli@lgW~1ID NOV I (j1 lS9& COUNTY OF ElGiN CLERJ('S OFflCl; CHAIRPERSON~, BOARDS OF HEALTH HEADS OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Dear Sir/Madam: The Health Protection and Promotion Act was amended in December 1997, to allow an agency, board or organization prescribed by regulation to become a Board of Health. The intent of this amendment was to allow municipalities increased flexibility. in the governance of public health service delivery, while ensuring that public health services are provided in an efficient and effective manner and in compliance with the requirements of the Health Protection and Promotion Act. Moving forward on implementing this amendment has involved the development of a revised framework for board of health governance. The attached document, developed by the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) , outlines the principles and requirements that must be met before the government will consider an application from an agency, board or organization to become a board of health. I am pleased to acknowledge the support and assistance of the AMO representatives who assisted in the development and refinement of the new board of health governance principles. If you have questions about the process or the requirements of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, please contact staff of the Public Health Branch. Yours sincerely, teWcI~ Ronald T. Saps ford Assistant Deputy Minister cc: ALPHA AMO Medical Officers of Health Attachment 7198-93 (95/06). 93 7530-4601 J'laff.l.g F,,,,,,,,'k _ Go""'''''' of p.blle H,.,Jth IutroductiOJI , CHl'f' A) templates the provision of public bealtl) -rh' "'"U" pro""''' "d ",om,"" Ad "", lb d fhealth .Eachboardofbealtb , 1\ 0" '- """"'" "''' """ ' ~rogramS ~d ~ervlc~l:Co :ea1;::::' "" _'" ",-' - lb'""'''''''')' C-"" thd' lS responsw,e ,or pUlJ 1 11 r.... . ~, " h,,1th mU" whl'" ".,th", "". ,. of """"~, d f . titY of municipallY appointed ",,,,, h""" of"",1th '" ",,~o""'W ",,'t,-':~, ;,:;::, " th' 1lPP ^ """"" thci' m-' Th< 9 ",,,,,,,," <<<,"'" -QP'f~"': """" """"m"''' " th' 1lPP ^ ."" .11"" .-u" _">" ",,,,,Q" " th' _d 0 " ' , ,..""" of""'th, "{hi' ",,,", '" .._, h""" ro """",,'''''' ..-"'" ,,~: ~:A""'ni"""'" .,,", (DSS"") "'" '" ""'" "'" .. ~ ';:'i :;"" ~~ "" 1lPP ^ " .- "",;n"'" ,1IOw"" ,,,,, \ could beCOme a boaT 0 ea t 1 a reb~ d f h lth The Ministry of Health is responsible for DSS ,n to ""."", '''' o~ 0 " ' . II _1, ",un" ro ~ d f' 1th ",d th' """". of ll"hb w, m~" reviewing applications to become boar s ~ .ea ' """''''''''''''''' " C.bI." ,,,_ "" ,,,."'w, , h h t ve an agency board or organization "'''''''' w\ll"""id" ,on "",.",~, """, w ~ ,~;::'" "" ",,;n. fro onW ""'"" to ~::.::;;;,~:' :..::~ ~ :,::"" :",__ ,,,. b'" to h' mol, '" """"d in this docurnent, Priuciples . f'reservatiOn of pubh~ ~ealth capa~i\i~iels is esd""t" ~~~';.tt. ~C~:.::::.~:~;, ,"",,''I to m'" m""",m l"""""" "'" .. , .. , Programs and Services Guidelines (MHf'SG). , '11 '" ~'ow'" .. ,ong " "" ""u''''''''''''''''' Fl","'ili1' '" ."""",,' --::,"''' W; ,".,d ",d "'''' th' ",,,,,,lid..,,,,,f mmU""] Health Protection and. Promotion tct, ar~hu a~cou~tabiht)' or efficiencY or effectiveness of services will lead to lrnprovernen s \n e public health service delivery. An _ ,. th, "",., """'" of"""" un'" '" th' ",,'OU' mO']'" '" -""''' with th' m"" ",,,,,,,, "'" ,ff"""' dcli"'Y .f pubb' h",th . f bY health governance and should be ",,,,,'cipm ",_,,,,on i' '" """,", .ort. .u " ",!\<O"" '" ,'" "",_ "'" .",,,,.,'" of _d' of "",1th, . . . f'age 1 of 3 9 f.. L' 1 _ L "^ fiealth Branch Plallllillg Framework - Govemallce of Public Health Criteria . Applications from municipalities will only be considered if they are an approved delivery agent for Ontario Works, child care and social housing. Agencies, other than municipalities (e.g., DSSABs), that are appointed as consolidated municipal service delivery agents, may also apply to become a board of health. . The application to become a board of health must have the support of the majority of obligated municipalities representing a majority of the electors within the health unit. If an application to become a board of health would result in the break-up of an existing health unit, all remaining areas of the existing health unit must make arrangements to become part of another health unit. A double majority of obligated municipalities and electors in the health unit( s) that are accepting the remaining areas must consent to the new boundaries. . The proposed governance and management structure must be compatible with all of the requirements of the HPP A. . There should be consultation with affected parties. Illformatioll Requiremellts The applying municipality or agency must provide the following information so that the Ministry will have sufficient information on which to base their decision. . A copy of the municipal or agency resolution requesting that a regulation change be made to allow them to become a board of health under the HPP A. Included in this resolution should be an indication of the geographic area of the health unit. . Evidence (e.g., councilor board resolutions, official letters ) that the proposal has the support of the majority of obligated municipalities in the existing health unit representing a majority of the electors. Jft.he proposal does not include the whole area of the existing health unit, then evidence of support must also be provided from the majority of obligated municipalities representing a majority of the electors in the health unit(s) accepting the remaining areas of the existing health unit. . A list of groups consulted regarding this proposal and, where possible, documentation as to the level of support received from these groups. Examples of groups that should be consulted include: member municipalities, the existing board of health, local physicians, other local boards and agencies such as school boards, the public. Public Health Branch 95 Page :l of 3 Plan/ling Framework - Governance of Public Health . A plan and timetable to create the new board of health showing, but not limited to, the following items: . - changes in staffing levels. - description of how public health will fit into the municipal or agency structure. Specific mention is required of how the new Structure complies with the statutory reporting requirements concerning staff and the Medical Officer of Health. - anticipated savings for public health expenditures after full compliance with the HPP A and the MHPSG, including where these savings will come from and why these savings are not obtainable .\Inder other govemance structures. - how technology arrangements will meet Ministry reporting requirements for systems such as RDIS. ill; r',' . If the sharing of staff between public health programs and other programs is anticipated,. a copy of the policy or by-law regarding the timely recall of public health staff for the managementlimplementation of public health priority situations (e.g., infectious disease outbreaks or mass immunization campaigns). . A plan and timetable to address any deficiencies in the provision of mandatory programs and services as identified in the MHPSG. Millistry of Health's Review Process . The Public Health Branch will review applications and seek additional information and clarification as necessary. . The Public Health Branch will forward the application, along with its comments, to the Ministry's Management Committee and the Minister of Health for approval. The Public Health Branch will notity the applicant( s) of the result of their request. . If approval is given, Ministry of Health staffwill prepare the proposed regulation changes for consideration by Cabinet. This process may take 3-6 months. . Ministry of Health staff will monitor the transition process to ensure that the requirements of the HPP A are being fulfilled. The existing board of health will remain the board of health until the applying municipality or agency is fonnally appointed as the board of health by regulation. . The Ministry of Health will notify the applicant of the result of the Cabinet decision. November 4, 1998 Public Health Branch 911 -, ,?: Page 3 of 3 11/19/98 ~3:34:SB ES!: ASSOCIATiOn OF?-> 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page l:ll:ll NOV-19-9B iHU 04:37 PM ~MO F~~ NO. 4\697\6\9\ p, 01 The Town of Richmond Hill P.O, Box 300 225 E4',\.\ Be:1'1et' Creek. ROl1d Richmond Hm, Ontario CillIad.lAC4Ys (90S) 71\.8800 Website Address: www.toWl\.richmcnd-bill.on.ca Moved by: Regional and Local Councillor Barrow Seconded by: Councillor Bishop WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill believes that all taxpayers of Ontario should enjoy the benefits of fair taxation, and fair distribution of taxation; AND WHEREAS the Provincial government having deemed the previous assessment system as outdated, dysfunctional and unfair, introduced Current Value Assessment for 199& taxation; AND WHEREAS in introducing the Current Value Assessment system, the Provincial government empowered municipalities with tax policy decisions on implementation; AND WHEREAS aU local tax policy decisions for 1998 taxation have been made and tax billings have been issued; AND WHEREAS the Provincial government, without consultation with municipalities, has noW introduced Bill 79 which mandates unfair tax practices, and substantially curtails the tax policy power previously giveIl to municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Province expects 1998 tax policy to be reshaped and tax billings be reissued, clawing back decreases to eushiOIl tax increases; AND WHEREAS Bill 79 will result in some taxpayers subsidizing taxpayers in other municipalities; AND WHEREAS Bill 79 perpetuates the commercial competitive disadvantages which existed in tae previous assessment system whereby over taXed enterprises subsidized under taxed competitors; AND WHEREAS the government of Ontario has not notified affected taxpayers of the im.pacts of Bill 79, despite having promised fair taxation for all of Ontario; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill objects to the passing of Bill 79, and that actions be undertaken to alert local taxpayers and businesses of the adverse and unfair impacts of Bill 79 and to encourage them to voice their opinions of Bill 79 directly to the province; AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for consideration, and be forwarded to local Business Improvement Areas, aU Chombers of Commerce in the Greater ToroIlto Area, all M.P.Ps. representing York Region municipalities, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Municipal Fin<lnce Officers Assoebtion of Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister 0 fFinance, and the Premier of Ontario for information. Carried Unanimously NovemO\l;t L6. t91)8; This moteriol is provided under controct os a paid advertisement by the orlgln<lting organization, and does not necess<lrily reflect the views or positions of the Association of Municipalities of / Ontorio CAMO). its subSidiary companies, officers, directors or aqents. @@ COUNCl" caRllESpONDE""" - NaVE"BER ,41H ,." .. ItemS for Information - consent A enda " 1he HOOOu- EI,"",,"," WI-' ",n''''''' of H..lth, reg...d'ng the 'u~:;" 01 "",,,,,,,,, lIabll"'''' be""'" """'o,.~ g",en up \0 D""n""" ,1, 19"" \'" ,CH ) 2 1he Honou<able Ch...I'" Ha"""" "''''',,., Gene,al and "'nl,,,e' "e,~'bI~ la' N"":, , ""a''''' ",th an announ"'-\ of the d.n",n",..lIon "te, '0' the ",o,"""aI v""- ' tPQA) transfers. tATTACtlED) , ThO HOOO"abl. cam J""',on, "'''','''"' of Lon9.1""" C.... w,th ,,spon"bj\'" '''' . , sen'''"'' ,eg""'''''' """""al of lund'ng 10< ,he countY" adUIl daY _''''' '''' ,",,'''''' tATTACtlED) , 0' 1 E QU"'''''' pro'I'nclal Coo<dlnaI", fish and Wlldlij. -,""" _'10 fad.....: , , of ',~gie", and H~nte'" reg"""ng the d""a",abng all.ct, 'h. ... I_rev hwa on ,ea La,e' .,,,,,,,,,, and the _" of the _of P"'9""" \,,, ,CHEO) 5 oa,'d Ha"'ey "eg,onal o.ecto< \'l, """,II'! o. Health, announcing the "",- '" "., , !O' ,,'n"'" of Health dUO \0 the O,ganl"'\\Ol< f"O"'" ,,"own as' fu\"",Sh""e, tATTACtlED) 6, W",den Ha<<Y "'...., CoUntY of a'""" with a Ie'" \0 p,.m'" Han" ,ega,d,ng the countY 0' a"""' oonoe"" w,th the _,.... of land ambUlenoe -'''''' \,,, ,CHEOI 7 ",,0 ","""," C-,...."'" .1) SlandS'''' to' sulpbU' 'n Ga",lIne, (1''' 'CHEOl , 2) WSla ""neI'l' """",ad I'" "un,~pal VOlun\ea' ",e!\\Ihl"" and "",bul""'" a"gade' (I'",CHEO) ') f,nol """,mmendellon' of p"",n"aI" IIP",,,nt"" Social tlousing committee tATTACtlED) 4) Bill 79 Introduced: fairness 10r property iaxpayers ACt tAiiACtlED) . 1he H""""""'" I,abel"",sell, ,,'n''''''' of C",.."h'P, C~llu'" and """"""''':'' "': th , ,nt",matiOn reg"""ng the ",epon,'b""1e' 01 the Gren\ ".."...1 ",m' \0 be:e uP,' e p,o""'" \0 maKe ,e_n"""""' on g'an\S \0 \0081 ""'".., !O' .,,-..'" f"Ol""" tATTACtlED) 9 ",nl,", of "non'" . on\"'O NeWS Rete"'" communIOUO'" IFBina~ce lVIini~te~ATTACtlED) , Inund-' """,,.tlO. to Help sm' I u.......' ' , . 0- aa""'roundS' . "Fa'","" to< properlY TaXpayers Act, 1998". tATTACtlED) 10 on"'"O soil ""d C,op I""",emanl ,sso<ilOlIon, with ,ntonnat'o. "",ani,ng a " Nul<'en! , """"gemen! p_,ng ConIe..-" "om "''''''' 24-26,1999, (I'",CHEOl 11 1he """""",,,Ie .,n'e "-,,,,, ,.;0'.... of Fln,,",e, ad""ng tha'the, nexl ;o,\all"""" ol 'he , county' 1996 C_UO" Re'o-' fund and spec'aI1''''''''''''' "",,,,,",,, a\1ooabon ",II be proo"""" 'he _, of No,embe' 16, (1''' ,CHEO) 91 Ministry of Health Ministere dela Sante ~ ~ OIll.IIl" Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre 10th Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto ON M7 A 2C4 Tel '(416) 327-4300 Fax (416) 326-1571 10. etege. edifice Hepburn .80. rue Grosvenor Toronto ON M7 A 2C4 Tel (416) 327-4300 Telec (416) 326-1571. ~)r~ct(limwo:~ ~v.1~ ~ w 1.1 }' 'f) NOV 3 199a COO!I!TY (IF El.ml1 Ci.I2fll('1lm:~ "'''''''''.",.,~ SEP 2.91998 Ms. Marilyn D. Fleck Acting Business Administrator Elgin st. Thomas Health Unit 99 Edward street st. Thomas ON N5P 1Y8 Dear Ms. Fleck: Thank you for your letter regarding unfunded liabilities and the 1997 settlement for your board of health and the recovery of funds. As you aware, until .1anuarY1,199.8, the Ministry of Health cost-shared in. the funding for.boards of health; through an annual grant, based on an appropriate budget submission and approval processes. Assistance with sick leave payouts and vacations was.historically provided through one-time.funding at the time of payout; in more recent years, it has been pro.vided through unspent base budgets. Boards of health make their own decisions regarding sick leave payout and other personnel policies. The Ministry has assisted in funding payouts based on our funding policy. We regret that we are unable to accommodate requests to provide funding for unfunded liabilities beyond approvals already given up to December 31,1997. . I would like to eXplain the difference between the surplus calculated by the Ministry and the number submitted by your board. The difference of $1,698 consists of the following: CINOT $ 250 Family Planning 34 1997 interim settlement adjustment paid in March 1998 B-1 Condoms and School Education under spending B-1 Resource Material underspending . AIDS 1,414 .. .2 98 1671-01 (96107) - 2 - Ms Marilyn Fleck As you are aware, we are unable to allow surpluses to be carried over to future years. At settlement time all surpluses are required to be returned to the Ministry. Should your require further information, please contact Louise Tremblay, Fiscal Strategies Branch at (416) 327-8662. I regret that I am unable to meet with you at this time, however, I trust this clarifies your 1997 settlements and the Ministry's position on unfunded liabilities. sincerely, cc: Sharon Crosby, Chairman, Board of Health Mark McDonald, Elgin County Administrator/Clerk Roy Main, St. Thomas City Administrator . 99 Ministry of the Attorney General Ministere du Procureur general @ Ontario . ~~(!Eaw~~ NOV 1 0 1998 PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT TRANSFER PROJECT PROJET DE TRANSFERT DE LA LIP 720 Bay Street 3rd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K1 Tel (416) 326-3291 Fax (416) 326-2592 720 rue Bay 3e etage Toronto ON M5G 2K1 Telex (416) 326-3291 Fax (416) 326-2592 COUNTV Of Elllli\l ClERK'S OFF~ J Ref. No. M98-08604 OCT 3 0 1998 Dear Heads of Council: I appreciate the interest and response generated by my invitation of July 24, 1998, for submissions to take on the Provincial Offences Act (POA) transfer. When we started work on this initiative, we said the POA transfer would be a municipally designed process. In both informal and formal consultations over the past two years, municipalities have given us thoughtful recommendations and suggestions. As a direct result of these consultations, the POA transfer will begin with demonstration sites. This letter is to inform you that the Ministry of the Attorney General will work with seven demonstration sites, representing about 50 municipalities. These sites are: . Regional Municipality of York, representing the Newmarket court service area . Corporation of the City of Brampton, representing the Brampton court service area . Town of Caledon, representing the Orangeville/Dufferin court service area . Corporation of the City of Mississauga, representing the Mississauga court service area . Municipality of Muskoka, representing the Bracebridge court service area . Corporation of the City of Barrie, representing the Barrie and Orillia court service areas . Corporation of the City of North Bay, representing the North Bay/Nipissing court service area The government's goal is to continue to work collaboratively throughout the phased transfer over the next two years. Ministry staff will work with the demonstration sites to reach an agreement on issues specific to their site. The first of the demonstration sites could be fully operational within 4 months. The municipal partners in the first transfer sites have agreed to 100 mentO' othe' municipa,itie" ",i' .il' help to en,ure efficient t,an,fec' of ju,tice ,eevice' th'OUghout the p,ovence, A' , indicated in mY p,eviOU' ,ettec, mouicipa,itie, .i" ceceive the net POA cevenue' petcoactiVe to J,"ua" ,1, ,'9', .hen the t,,",fer agceement i' finalired .ith each munecepal pactnec' 1 '00< foeWacd to working .ith yoU in the tean,fe' of, ju,tice cegpon'ibilitie" Mini,ttY staff .il' he plea,ed to a"eSt yOU ef you ,equice moee info,matiOn ahOut the tcan,fe' pcoc"" YOurs very t.rulY, ~ \~ cc: cAos/Clerks Charles 1:larnick At.t.Orney General and Minist.er Responsible for Native Affairs 10} Minister 01 \.ong-ierlTl Care with resj)onsiblllW for seniors Minlstre des Solns de longue duree delegue auY; Affalres deS personnes ligees !tl ontat\O 3" ROOl, Mowal Blocl< 900 Bav Slteel Toron1o, ON M7 {>. j R3 Telep\\One' \416) 326-9326 Fax'. \416) 326-9338 Ed\lICO MOWal, 3' eWge 900, rue Bav ToronlO, ON M7{>. jf\3 TeleP\\one' \416) 326-9326 TeleCOP.,eul' \4\0) 320-9338 .~@1Il~~ {lei 29 199& october 16. 1998 Me Marl< McDonald County CIerI\. Administrator County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. i\lOmas ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. McDonald'. II" . p,...Uf. \0 ad"'" yOU ",a' 1"",,\og ".. be.o ""plO,ad \0 eoa':o~ v:.;.;:,~~~a\'oo \0 p"",'" """aocad end e""aoded adUII da, "'f'"'''' fa< ","'0" '0 g' pa""""''''P wi'" "'. valleY""" _e \Of ,be ",.d ,051 1\>OO'a' i\w N\"\nistry of Health will provi~e up to ni~Uel~I-~~~:::~~'\':' ~~~t,~;::: ~';(,::'e to< dO'Ia" ($95 256) fa< .,.", _,"'" 00 a , , " ' , d \be ,_9 ,,ca' ,,,,,, end \be ,"""'0 a"'ou~ ol fUod'~9 a:::::'::: ;:::;u~,:"" ol ~:,;:.'\~~~~~.t~: ~~~~: ~o t:::;'~:'~ "",,, clo,e" w'''' ,00< &a' '0 this process. p,.a'" _ey oW be" w,,,,,,, \0 ,0Uf _d aod ,0Uf "all a' yOU uoderta" \0 pi''''''. theSe important serviceS. cal'l'lJacl\.Son Minister "" Fred "",.., 0'1<""" -Ad"'\o""""'" El9'o c""'~ """,., stephen peterS, Mayor, st. ihomas . Gall ure O\feclO' LO"" 1 eI'" cere sou""'." Reg'on . pau' "u;a" ~""e O,!ectOf, 1ha""" Valle, O,,\r,et "ea"" Couool peter North, MPP, Elgin \02 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS & HUNTERS P.O. BOX 2800, PETER BOROUGH, ONTARIO K9J 8L5 (705) 748-6324 Fax (705) 748-9577 OFAHFILE: 420G October 16, 1998 ~~croaw~~ OCT 26 1998 Dear Members of Council: CGI.!l'\!T'I OF elGIN CLf!li('S Office Please find enclosed a copy of the brochure, "Sea Lamprey: The Battle Continues" produced for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.AR.). This full-colour brochure is designed to educate the public on the devastating effects that sea lamprey pose to our fisheries. Over 40 million people depend on the Great Lakes for food, water and recreation; the fishery alone generates up to four billion dollars annually. Sea lamprey are a parasitic non native species that have no commercial value and attach themselves to fish and suck out their body fluids. This caused a collapse in lake trout populations in the 1960's. To restore the fisheries, lamprey control measures were implemented. Details of the success of the sea lamprey control program are demonstrated in the brochure. Through the ongoing control efforts by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, in cooperation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the U,S. Fish and Wildlife Service, lamprey populations have been reduced by 90%. This success can only continue if the Federal government of Canada provides the level of funding required. Although sea lamprey can never be eliminated from the Great Lakes, through continued cooperation and support, we can manage lamprey populations to lessen the impact to our fishery. Increased public awareness of the sea lamprey issue is necessary to ensure that funding for control programs is maintained; you can also assist this effort by providing this brochure to help educate the public on the sea lamprey issue. Additional free copies of this brochure can be obtained by calling the O.F.AR./M.N.R. Invading Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711. Yours in Conservation, \ ~ Dr. T.E. Quinney Provinical Coordinator Fish and Wildlife Services TEQ/cs Encl. cc: Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Fisheries and Oceans Canada O.F.A.R. Board of Directors o CONseRVATION PLEDGE 103 I give my pleclge, as a Canadian, to.save anel faithfully defend from waste, the natural re&olJrces of my COl.lntry -Its soils and minerals, its aJr, walers. romst!. aM wHrlr"", Ministr1 01 \'Iealth Minis\ere de \a sante G\ onta~ {!b ~~~~,~ RE:. , " of ~",,,, (\Da "ga"'''''''''' p,,,,,,,, - .. pa" 0' '"" a;o'u",," '0 \Da """ """,," unod ",",'" wlI' ba 0' ,n"''''' " f",,,,e.'-)' ",..,,, ",-' h",a "'" ' ' , ' """"' 011"'-01 of '"" L ,C 0",,,10'" ~,' ,""" Ge" ",e has b"''' app,,,,,,,,d ",""g 8< ~",'\D .,,- "'--' OW",on conI,,,,,e un''' \Da 11. eg'on" o"ecIo'" of \Da """ ",e appo'"'"''' ,,""" bel"e y"" -end, ' . "" ' 'el wo"""" ",,\D Cam 'a""on, """,,'el Geofl Qu'" h" _me "".."" 0,","" '''', I; pam'" -"" ,,,,,,,el OlleclOl of oi Lon".\,erro care, wit\'l responslblllW c10r seOn'I~?'IS'I~n is now executIVe coordinator ior ,. d . t\'le Long-\,erro are . PloglOm .'all"" "" oanu\'! """,,,el of ~aa'\D L \'C and reports to sandra Lang, " t\'le P-ONl responsible ior t\'le L \,C """, Geoff' """",,,",,,,,_ Ron .a?~"d :';:.:. until a""" Raglo"a' O,,,clo"" OWl"on Ga".,,;1I ",po"'o Ron, ou"~,:,,, ,,';' H\gll"" "'..""'" '0 ",,,a" , bOg'"'' ''"'" "",' " "",nO 11. ""~ ~"" .;"'''''''''' du'" '" """"" """ p a<lh, p<<>9f"" "'al"ge' '" add\\'on '0 ,," 10. ' , . 'n1 d s t\'le Signl1\cant .. \Die "'allge p<O"''' ",o,;e" , .,,;\\ ",we '0 \lea? 'OU' 0",," a ro;,_..+A{\es anl'ff'Qac\'l. .""'" C""", 0""""" "",,'''''''- - Lon'" ann cate f CororouniW service Menc\es \I\\a"m Olll"",za",," of '"" ."","",," Reglona' Ofl\'" l.IIEl.IIO~NOUl.ll CIlUNf! I1f flGl~ !e\\tl:i~~ october 2.3, ~9ge \,0', Nid \-\arve';/ Reg,ona' 0'- (N ' . """"'" Reglo" . . _ Qistrict \-\ealt\'l Counc~ls, 0 cc'. executiVe Olfect~S "itals sout\'lWest Region P-droinistrators - nOs" ' Divl>l." des ""In> de \o,,~e d....e LOnd.Qtl Ot1\~e 510.20\.23\ pund3S (St) lJlodoo 01Hl6l\ Ull 'l'el (5 \9) 615.1650 0.. (5\9) 615-1655 ._. .00.663.3175 'W\nd.90T otftce 510. 3()1)- 2\5"'" Eugenie ()It) W. WinOs'" Ol< l<5J< 21.1 'l'el (519) 250.0155 10",,(5\9)913.1360 '1'01.1. JilU'-F. \_500.661-5953 ResldeJlllld s.t"iees \"Fl. 295 rue Wou:e (8'.) lJlndon Ol< l<611 ZC4 'l'el (5\9) 434-\105 V..x(5\9) 615.7639 '1'01.1. JilU'-F. \.500.Z65.o302 " Lo"g_Tern> core DlvI>\O" sontl> west Reg\!>" iGtl SENT B'i:\'IALKERTON oN ;10-28-98 :ll:07?M COUNT'i OF BRUCE'" J. ""'-- COUNTY OF BRCCE Clerk- 'IreilSurer llettyatlne llray, eM..o. r. o. >>..10, 30 porI< Street, WalkerlOn. ootor;n NOG 2'10 (519) 881-1291 Fu: (519) 881-1619 october 27, 1998 The l:lonol1rable 1\1ike l:larris l'remier of Ontario 1.egislative Building, Room 281, Queen's park Toronto, Ontario M7 A. tA.l Dear Mr. Premier: "'" """no. 0' tlri. ",no '" ,,,,,"my no' n"" to yOU bot w' b,ll"" th>' it i. '" im,,,",,, ,""ogh I."" fO' '" to dta~ it to,.o' ",nolio' ,noon.... """"",Iill" .".,,- tho ,"ll_' 0' """ .""'" with Ii"" obi"""" "" _"""' """ in -y "''', w' -,. tho ,,,,,, of go"""""" whO "" "'" "",v~ tho .""". \inwoVO', ''''' ""bo'""'" I. no",no 0' tho" "",I"", W' ioin oth~ _",,,,,,,, in ".-... o~ -- ,"" ,"" ""bo\"''' I. · -'" ~hi" th, "'.- h" ""v~"''-vnIY "" .\!io"",lIy "" m"" '"""'" " , ..""",,",," op~.U"". _, ",,,,,,ipotliU" "''''' no ",,"''''''' 0' ...""" In ,"" ""..- -'''' ond b"""" 0'''' lb' _ition win b. ",,,,,ny di"'oult. E_ win no ,oubt '" mod' "" ,,,i."'" will be """" withOU' tho bon"" n f "" "porino" 0' "" "i,n.", nf 1\ ",th Em"._"",th S,",,'" F''''"''' "'.""" in ".,.., _rt - tho emmtY of-'" "th. ",_ "".... '0' "'" ..bo''- in on"'" . """"" "" fio"" in ~orth Am""'''' no' sbould be lei\. alone" . Re: Tr5!lsfer ofL5!ld AmbutancJ< Lond ..ho'.... .""''''' "" bom ,,_"" ond~ "" 1.0"" So<Vi'" R_"" to "", tho C,wM ofF"'" $2~39,OOO "" w. ,,,,,,,,'u th" .boold "" ",vin" .g<O'to retnin ,no """tibllity, ' ",""",,," "",,",,"'" v""ld '" .".-y. W. off~ .. y"" "".-" , ",g.""" "'" "" ""in".1 0",",'" ",,~~.. "" ."'.- _",Imlily b' ""inod bY"" p,,,""" W. ".Ii.... thi' ,"'.- " '"" w"'" ,. ",",,' no' "'" ,.li'~'" by ",,,,,,,..li"'" Oth" wgg"""" innl"" ,di""""" to tho eommunity """",,,,,no' Fond, "'dilion.t _f~ of highways or other adjustments in the social we\farefteld. 107 SENT BY:WALKERTON ON :10-28-98 ;11:08PM COUNTY OF BRUCE~ 1 519 6JJ 7661;# 2! 2 We would ask that you seriously consider Our recommendation which echos many other mlUlicipalities within the Province of Ontario. Yours llUly, lie; d~ Warden Hany Thede County of Bruce c.c. Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing Minister of Health Mrs. Barbara Fisher, MPP Bruce Mr. Bill Murdock, WP Grey ~ll Counties & Regions 108 lB/29/9B 23:34:3B EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 1 519 &33 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co Page BB2 00T-29-98 THU 04:56 PM AMO FAX NO, 4169716191 p, 01/01 I fm1() Association of , .. Munlclp~lities . . \ . ~1.._, of Ontario For Your 6nformation 3,93 Ut\llJlIl'8lty Avenue, SuIte 1701 foronto, ON N15G 156 Tol: (416) al1.M56' fax: (415) 971-6191 8f11all: amo@amo.munfcQrYI.com For Immediate Attention October 29, 1998 FYI - 9BI029 ATTENTION: HEADS OF COUNCIL, CAO'S and MUNICIPAL MANAGERS STANDARDS FOR SULPHUR IN GASOL1NE ISSUE: Federal government reduces levels of sulphur in gasoline FACTS: Last Friday, Christine Stewart, Minister of Environment announoed that the level of sulphur in gasoline will be reduced. The plan will require the petroleum industl)' to achieve the following standards: ~ Average level of 150 parts per million (ppm) by 2002 ~ Average level of 30 ppm by 2005 AMO's membership, at its allnual general meeting in August called on the federal government to meet an annual average of 30 ppm by 2002, While the time frame is longer that than proposed by the membership, the Government has taken a significant step. The longer time frame is to reduce the impact on industry. 5T ATUS: AMO President, Michael power has congratulated the Minister and has called on both the federal and provincial governments to work with AMO to ensure that communities remain strong and viable as the industry moves toward the Ilew standards, For more information contact: Pat Vanini, Director of Policy and 'Government Relations at (416)971-9856 ext. 316 or emaH: pvan'lni@amo.municom.com Transmission problems contact: Carleen Newland, (416) 971-9B56 ext. 300 109 '1H'91l1.3:4.Il'AIl tS1; t'lSSm:H-\'tlO\\ 0'1''1-> ~Oq-D4-~~ ~Eb OZ~S~?~ ~~O 1 519 b33 7bbl u_- 'rf\'!. ~O, 4\o~1\o\~\ l. v.'. / \~r jl.Ssoc\ation ot t-AUl'Iic\l'aliIl9S ot ontalio ::\q3 u"".","Y ,,"Oouo. su\\O 1701 ,.oronlO.01ol 1<15G ~"'6 ,..\, \416) 911.9&56' Ii'" \4~6) 911~191 , om.lt, o"",@o",o,,,,uOlCO""""'" for 'Your (}nfOrrnat\on PI""se Bring to Ihe Attenffon of: ~e.ds of council & MunlciP" Admlnistr.tors No"el'l\ber 4. '\998 '0' ,,,,,,,,d"'" ,,,.n\\on ,VI - ..,",' INSIB Beoellts t>.ec(lf,ed ior lJ\uOiciP~1 voluoteer firefighterS and J\robu\ance Bngades w "ace s"eW .ndln,""'" \lO'''' ("15'91 Legislation was introdUeedd~a' '0 <"i'i,':::\e~:": "",ble"'s ""e",e' b'I BIll 99 bene\its ~or volunteers an ,0 corfee \SSue; facts: , e ben"'" .or ",,'un,ee. '" e"'"'''''' on' ,o,un,ee, .lI' ,9, .",,, w" ,,,,ed '" \991, ,.,u,e' '" " to. line ofdu~, ,,,,,,eg'SlabOO "" ,,,,en '0 alnbU,,",e b","" ,..~, ",., b",O"", ,"",e " "" OI'in"""" Io<,O,u",ee,."" ' , ",,,,,e ",,,,,,be!' .11' "" "en \nI(Oll""e' \0 .",,,, tOe wo..".", Sal"" end "'u""",,~ '" 0"''' '0 ",,,,,, ",e be"" "ob,e"'" ",,,'ed tH .,11 99, ' , v g ''''It" ,"e OK"e 01 Ine 0'"''''' F'" "'Ol,,.lI ", tOe ",'n's"" o' "" 50,,01<>' p..,MO has been WOf,,\n "I \ ,\ \ General and LabOur on tnis issue. _s . , ~. to' ,\\,,\\On ",ate' b' ." 99, en' "", " ",^O .'" ,e"" '" e .n> '0 e~.~'e ,"'" , ",", ",?"e '0' "he ",oci>tion w\l' b' ," "",,' "" tOe pro'"'' 'M ",'" ",I ",",:""""e' ~n: \OO"~'""~ ,,,,,,,,\\OM''''''' ,",0" tOe .\1' ",eel tOe oppo.,tio' "rti" " ",'K ",,, ,",po. '" 'W"'"" needs. 'f t' nnd the p""'" M,~be<" Bill ,,,II ," ",,,,bI' "",,,," AMO" ",UNICOM ,e'NO~ This In onWI Ion. ... at~ for more iniofmatioO contact: 1ral'lsmissiol'l problemS: p,' "eoiro, Oin:dO' ,I':'!'" eo' ",""",,,,,,, ."",,,,, ,\ ,. '61J) 97'-9&5~ '" ", 0< em'''' .,,,m>@_,moo,oo,,,,"'" :y ca~\een Newland at 4'6_91~-ge56 e~t ::,00 rt 11\l W~", 1::..';; y \\ '11./99 1'\0~1'\9:19 tS1: I\SSOCll\1l0ll. Oy'H ~O~-\O-9B iDE 04~Oo?~ ~~O 1 S19 \3'3'3 7\3\31 \.oU~'" r~~ ~O. 4\091\0\9\ \"'. v~ l \(~ (' Association 01 MunicipalitieS o~ ontario :;92 U"\vo",\Iy l'''O"Uo. su\\O \70\ 1'oron\O, ON 'NI,5G 'lE.G ,.el: (4\6) 97\-9B50' fo" (4\61 ?7\.GIG1 (J1'\''i8'\\~ t\("(\Q@.@,rtio,mUr\lCtn'n.cotl'l fOf yoUf Ontonnat\on Please ensure that copies of this are disfributed to all ",e",be,s of Council NO\le\llper '\0. '\998 . f'{\ .98!03'\ for \\lI\lIediate p..ttention fInal Rec<>m",eo~."ons of p,o,'nc"\\~ Mpoln\e~ socl" \lousl09 Comm\1Iee "E' "",," tJ\I,I<>'~ .' L~."h ha' ~,...."h,c Co~'n"" ,.,.,.. th" ...,,'1<> ISS' ~,,,,,,,,,,,,d'\1"'" 1<>' ~I<>""'" thO """' hO,,,,, .,..c"" f(.\CiS; , ' ,h" I"..d "dc"'''' ,,,,,,,,,,,,od"""" lOC , 10' c,"'''',...., ~.tI""',d'" ",,,".'\~r:';~::::'\c,,'''' ,,,,log ""Id'"~'" ",,,,,,,,,,''' ' Co(\'\(\'\\\tee dealt With the \n:eres\5 01:0" 5 a d throUgn tne recent pu:Olic consulta\lon. as 0)(\lrcssed '0'1 t"e co(\'\(\'\\\tee (\'\e(\'\ etS, an , """,,,\1'" ,od \0 "" "",,,,,mc, h" ..~ "" , 10' ","I.~ ",,,,Id ~" ha ,;" " ,,,,",g Ih,::.:';, >ll"'''' G"'."'" """ h" ,"",,,,0< ~,. h~ ~",rt W "'" ,c"'" "" "~,,, c""~ ~,'~~ ,,," ,''';,,,,,,,,'''''' ",,,-' ^ "',,,,,.."''''" wanted to see,co\\n~ens,u':eP~~o~...~ ~~;~~ ;nd to g\\le (\'\unic\pa\it\eS sa'} lor paY, ",,,,,," \0" "". c", "." ' ' , ' ' d,I'" "" """ ,",,,,,,,, ,,,.., ",,,,,,,,,"""" . \0'''' ,,,I,,,, ,11'" "port "d""" ~'IAi'O i ~u,\" c,-"" ,,,,, "",,,,,,,,,",,"""' ,I """,I oj I\nancial testing. son1e changes to tne OCla \Ocl"" . d 0 ra(\'\ the consol\dated t-J\llnic\pal seN\Ce _ ...,,, '1"'" '" ,pc""" ""dO' ~', ",,",,' "', ,;"..~, "',. ,"" ",.""" u",d " '^,,,...,, (C "S"')' \0 ,,",ul""'" ..", ,,,.d"'" :'~ """""I"'" '" "" m"d'"'''''''''''''' calculate the operating. loan. \Nd"'~ """ .: :'~':..N' ''''oO''' ~'" d'" proPO'" ."" ,,,,, '" a(\'\Ollnt (\'\ust occur WhIch colli Incr~ase or e ,,.,,,,,, CO' , "",,,, ~~"""''") \ . d ..",\0 ~, "'" '" ~. """".., " d"''''''"'' .,\ '" _ t"at 50 per cent 01 an'} annllal surplUS genera e I """ " "p" ~, "',""'" "" "d, d _""",,,,, "",,'''' ",,,) '" ~, ,,.,,,,,, _ ",,,,g,'''' ",.. ,,-"'" (""""""" " , ~. "."",,,,,,,," "''''''' ,Ie """ to' "',' "" ,~ \0 '" ~loO""d """, ' """,,, .tu'" ,~'cl id '" ",,"""c, " · """""' hI"d " ~c p'"'''' , ,''' ",oo,,,,,.,d "'''''''''' '" ~ .,U pro'J\nce and Ct-J\SMs. 'ou\ p,M lot b'J tM pro\l\nce. ror (\'\ore \nlor(\'\a~lon Co\ "aCt: l1/06/9B 00 ~02 ~59 tS't; flSSOGH\'tlOI\ Of'?-) 151'3 6337661 \,.."".. --- P. OlIO? F~~ NO. 4169116191 / ,......./,.. Association o~ \'''"1 " Municip~\itie5 "t' " o10n\;1no 39') un'I'I....itY 1\,.0110. suM 17M 1'0<00",.011 lJ\5G lEe 1'.t (416) 971-9656 .lalt: (416)971-6191 ..,...It. ..,..o@amo,munloom,."m NO~-OS-9B Ill\} OS: SO P1'l ~t\O PI.as. .nsure that copies of thiS ar. distributed to all ......b.rs of council A,ert.- ~ November 5, 1'398" ~Iert. 91\1031 for Immediate ~ction fli\l 19 Introduced: FairnesS for property Ta.payers Act ",,"'" of Fin'''' "",. ."" tod., In'odo"",, , elll 'M' w'" ",qo,' mod"""itl" \0 11m' ,oX "",,,,,,,, ,II oomm""'" .nd Ind""'" ,,,,,,rtl'" IsS\,l(j~: TM facts: eitl 7", Th' ",I""" for p"". rtY 7 oX' ",rn Act w'" ,,,,re 'ro< ,,~"'" ",.Ied '0 "",,""0' " oom"'''ciS' ond lod"""\ ?""""" \0 '0 ,., "0'" ,,", ond · ,,,,,,,, , '" oe<" " "'" 0' "" ond 2000, W. """~" 01 Fin"'''' .1", .""0,,",, "',' M lo"od' \0 ""odo" ,m",d""O" " 5""d"9 CO",mlll" "'., ,",II .""nd 'M "'''''09 ,,,,"""'''' '0 ",o",-,,,,,,e,,'.1 ,,,,,,,,,e' " well W' e'", " '" ""do",d, . eO ,so", ond ",ot.I'" m "', ,eoho loa1 aod oo"""""d ,,0'1,100' ",,10" amend "" Mod"jp" Acl ",d "'0 A",,,,,,,,I Ad, " ,,,",,00'" .",,,ded ., elll ,e, "', S""II su""''' "d Ch.rili" prol"Ii" Ad, K" ",mpo"'o" 01 "'. 8\llloclod' , W, ".5.5 Cap , . p'o'I'~'" W . 0"" "pp"'9 op"oo .h'''' liml~ """moo",el."d IS< """~'" \0 " "~"o, in "" "re' ,,,,, "" d , '" oe<' 110 ..'" or ",e ne'" ." ",an<, The '" ",0" b' ,,,,,,,,oed w''''''' "" ",,,,m,,,Ia' ",d 'od,,'ri" .""" "on'd,all'" will hS" \0 liml"'" d'''''''' '" ord" \0 fuod ",e COP " '0"""'" and no ",,,en'" "an' ",., be ",~",'ed .. · ",.Ii 01 1M" ",.~g'" B",ne"'" lhOt hS" .""',, beeo notllled ,I \aX d"'''''' will be ",o".d 10 pa, ...,h"" al\10unts in order to luna tne cost 01 providing t\1e cap. , .",,,,,0,,.0-11,0 , ' " The IIm\\ 00 \aX in""'" woo" nol .PP" \0 10'.' 00 ?",,,,,..I or ted"" ,rOP'"'' I" w""h pa)'l\1eJits-in-lieu are paid to municWali\ies. ,.- other ElC.emptions , The IIml"'" no' .pp" \0 ,,,,,rtl.' '" "" a, ofT oronlo whl'" "" al"'" edo,"d · 2,5 P'" ,,0' ""''' on 'ro< "''''"", no' 10 I_~od "".,lIn9 d",loP"'oo', __ Reoates to Charities . "",dalad,eba ,," ,a,.b" \0 ,"""" will be IIm"ed '0 00 ,",ouo' "",,,,,d bY a ,or",,,,ml09 "'0,,"00, p,e<""'" ,119"''' ",at." ,,,I,,,d \01' "b"e 0' 40'/. or ",or. 01 ,," ,,,on, \0 "n,oI "" ,IIm",aboo 01 1M B"lne" 0000'''''' To> (BOT), ,''' Increases Beyond '\ 0% . To> ",,,,,,,, .,,,, "" ,,,,,,01a9' 11m" con 001, 000"' where · ,,,,,rti' """",en' " ,h on9ed doe \0 new ",,,,,,","001,,,,,,.'100' ,""'9' In ",an" ,,, "", or " a ,,,u Ii or " increase in the municipal taX rate. .../2 11?, 11/0&/98 00:03:45 ESt; ~SSOCl~tIOn OF~-) 1 51'3 &33 7&&1 ~Lr.III\-"''''.- FfI)I NO. 4\691\6\9\ P. 02/02 HO~-05-9B IHU 05:5\ p~ fI~O Member communication' Alert: --- - ,.. Extended Deadlines to Re_e>tamiI10 TaX Mitigation Tools , "OOk'P'''''''' w'" .. ab" \0 ,"0""''''.'' ," 0' Bill"" miti""" '00" 'O' ,.9B ", "''"'' ,'''', "w~' """ ,.. "p opll"'" rh' """",, \0 ",_m'''' "'e "'" of",e orig'''' 2,5 p" """ ",,10' oP""'" p""".", pm,,,m,, ,,,,,,tOO ",,, 10' ",,,,,,,,,da' "d ',d""" "",an "",te pros'"'''' O' ,"' ," 0' "',''''',' ",m",e,;a' "an'" (,hO""" "'" tran, omos b". """ ele.) are e>ttended to oecember 3~, 1998. 8\\1 79 Introduced: I' alID~ss lor properlY Taxg~\lers Act - m ,.. Re.ISSU'109 1'aX eills for 1998 """", '" bU", ,,'e""" ",an' adl""" a"'oOOIs, "'''' be ",",,'" by mootcipatffian " 1998, O' mOO""a"'''' ma, ma" adl,~m"ls '" ,,,, ,.98 "'''' "" "'e ,.99 "W'''' '" bill. rh' Mlo"'" h" """,,,oo,,,d "" d,"' \0 m"da" ... '0"" "dI'" "'"", 0' ", ,0'''' \0 be ,"" {or rebilling or adiustments of municipal laltes. , p",.rb",".b .",."'0'" fo' G'OSS L.....' renan"" .n<! BIA ....,.. . B'"'''' pm."'" own'" '" 'and~"" .," be """"d \0 p"~",'o,,h any "ml\ "" '" ,,,,,,,an \0 ,,",,Is ho"'" .'", "...', s,mll"", B"'"'' ,,,,p,w""'"' Mea (B,A) ,,,'" ",,,ta'''' b' "",,,oo,a"'d "d ,,,p,,,,",,nod an"" "",m"'''' pmp'rty ow,,,, and ",,"Is 10 ,,\I,,' a "" d ",,,,on ,!1M ,.""" 1998 "" ob,,,.,on 0' b"In'" p"",,,Ii" ..- No Interest or penalties on unpaid 1998 ,axes over 10% B""'" ,m"rt, owno" who h'" no' paid 1998 '" am,,"'1s w,lI no'" ""m,d 'n""" 0; p"""" '''' "y a",'"'' """d ", m "d a"d 1 0 po' "n' ,,,,,,,,, dno '0 ,,'"'''''''' ,,"''''', Il " 0"'''' wM"''' m""'''''''''' will oa" \0 p., ,,""'~ ,m,,"nls on ",.mald .mo,," """, as a result ot Ihis leg\slat\Of\. j\MO j\ction: ,,,0 will "",""ct", ",,,,,",""" ,tl"" 'M p"~,,. to "",,,,,In' '" """"" a''''1s of ",. "",'all'''' "_,,, of ","0" E>P,rt p,"" '" ,"'.,'" 5''"''''"' ",a "","" "to, ' ",,,tin, '" "",day, "",am'" 9' W,,, ,taU >om tn, m"'~"" of Finon'" and M""'P" ,ff,'" and H'''''''' 10 review details of the 13i\\. ","0 wll' b' "',",' 10 "'"''''' ",., '" ","oem' 0' ,",,'dp.II'" """" ""'" ,d"""" 'n a ,,",~" ",,,,n, wll' ",e Go,,,,,man' "" "", proP'''' ",,, ",d""ad In "', ,"'".,"" 5P'''''''''' ",,, m,,'d,.'"'' a'" p,,,,idad w,'" "" ,"",o<i~ to "."", 1998 "" bill' \0 aff,"ad _.y'''' 0< \0 ,~ adi'" '''''' on "a ",,,,'m 1999 bill'n, ",,,, and ",., m,,,,,'paW" '" a."dad pro'''''''' 'il'" lI,bill'l '" ",.Im' ,,,,,, '''' m '" Ii"~, O' ta' """""es p"""''''' ,,,"ad, ,,,0 will ",n"no " p",,, '" G",,,,m"" 'ot "'mml\m"" " ,,,d th' 'ull ""Is 0' ..."",,, ta, bil" '0; \998 "" """ op an, '0< "', ",0'''' 0; ct'" ""Is ",,,,,,d '''' to< bi"'" 'Y' "m "d"~ n '" ",,,,,la''''' oO '0< poliO'}, ,,,0 wll' ,'''' ",nil""' \0 moO''''' 1M ,Ile'" of ",,'nci" Ia< poliO'} ,,,,,10" oO m""'P~ ",h floW' ", <<""",, , ", will ",II'" ,Ia Iobb, """Is \0 ",\i compensatiof\ for municipal shortfalls caused by provincial delayS. ,t \hI> Ii"" II" ",,'" what p-" iii' B\\I will ,~IoW, ,MO, ,"",,,,,,, wil\i """,b" InPU' "d "a' of "', E""'" p,,,, oO To"""" SO'oll""', .lII ,"''''' "', 109",,'Ion "d p"'os '" G"",,,m'"' '''' ", necessary amendments. 11<1' .~"","", ", ~, """mmoo'" New' "",,% ,od B""'''''''''' ,N .w.,b" ",,,,,Ii -" MUNICOM network at www.municom.com. POi _""10,,,."0' ,",bO. C,"'" ""d," , Po"" ",.w<, Po",,!" "",mm'" .","00' ., (416' 971,"" ext ~41 or en>ail; Cbrendon@amo.municom.com Carleen Newiand at 416_911-9B56 e,,1. 300 11~\ 1ransmisSion probtems: Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation Minister Ministere des Affaires civiques, de la Culture et des Loisirs . . ..... ~ ~ ~ Ministre 1)~ri,^,~nw}~OO;l;i 6' etage t~~~~lJ V ~~ ~ ~::~~:~~r:;:t2R9 } . . ~ ~ Tel. : (416) 325-6200 Telec. : (416) 325-6195 NOV f) ",,8 6th Floor 77 Bloor Street West Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Clll.li\1TV Ilf ElGIN ClERK'S OfflC~ - October 30, 1998 Dear Colleague: On October 15, 1998 I wrote to you to announce the province's funding framework for the distribution ofa guaranteed minimum of$100 million to charities and not-for-profit groups throughout Ontario. I also indicated.in my letter that I would seek recommpndations from you for membership on the Grant Review Teams. Sixteen Grant Review Teams will be established to review and make recommendations on grants to local charities for community projects.. Grant.Review TeamsowilLworkdirectly with the. new Ontario Trillium Foundation. Each Grant Review Team will include 18-25 members appointed through Order-In-Council. Members will be volunteers and will not be paid for their services. However, reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. Recognizing that some of the grant review areas are quite expansive, the Grant Review Teams may form subcommittees at the regional municipality, county or district level to ensure that there is significant local input. Attached is an information sheet on the responsibilities of the GrantReviewTeams, the selection criteria for members and an application form. Since the Grant Review Teams must be established as soon as possible, I am requesting that they be returned to my office by Friday, November 20, 1998. Please feel free to copy the forms, share them with those whom you recommend and ensure that you sign in the space provided. If you require any further information regarding the Grant Review Teams, please contact Donna Hinds in my Ministry at (416) 326-6264 or fax at (416) 314-7180. I look forward to receiving your applications. Sincerely, ~LL4s~ Isabel Bassett Minister Enclosures '''''07 114 @ Qntar\o Tho GO~"""'" ,f _io ".. _m.... m """"", $100 m,ni'" """,II, '" ,- m "''''''",. ""'.o~' fm,""" _""_ "'" _fl'" "".m,,'"" ",... G""rio Trini- F'''''"'''''' '" ..."" .H'" "''''''''' of e"""'''''' e_ "" _ .Ill "",'do ".... ,,,,"""V m" """"" GRANT REVIEW TEA.MS INFORMATION SHEET T. ""... "", """ """ _",_.. .. ,_.ill .vvo"" 16 "''''..- T_ m'''''' .'ID ID' T.n""" F-' '" _. .ill '" """".".. """ .. v""- m ~~ow V"'i'" _,I. "'" """ ""''''' ",,,,,,,,",,,,,"" """ '" """"" _ "" v"""" '" ""''' ."",ow T_ _ill ~fl'" "" geographiC areas established for district health councils. _...... "'" _ ..... ""ow _.. ",,, _"'" - ",.. ""'." ""... T_' _ill '" ,,~"'" ''''' .....",,_" ""~...... _,,,,,,I",, _~ m .....""'., m """" "'" "'''' ,. ....- "", input. Tho $I 00 mill"'" .. ...... will '" ,.-' "",,,,II,,, -'" "'" """"".",,.. _,,,u,,,' """,og to the following guidelines: .. ".., """" (""') _Ill '" """'"' "" '" "",,, ..,. "" ...... ~o'" by "'. 16 ""''' .",,'ow T _, """ "" '" "" f'''''~i\ob'' "" ......... - "'" ,,", "" ""i"'" F ""',' .-""",,,,,,,,, .ill "'..... by """ ",,'ow T- "," Tril""" ""'" "'-""" '" """0"" 21'" will '" ,_ '" _"""'" _"",...,......'" """",,,, ro Vii" V"i"" "'" "". "0"""'" '""',,"'_ ~...... -"" will '" -"""" ..",nil""" ."", of Directors. F.....,.ill '" "'..... fro ..."" ..,.... -- ""'...- .. .... "''''""...,,'''''''''''''''' and project funding envelopes. . . l\iEMBERSlIIP ON TIlE GRANT REVIEW 'l'EA1\1S Tho 0"""" .f _ ."..."", "'. """..- T_ _ill '" -"""" by "" ."""" '" ~.",.1 ","".,..""... ",,"'''' m """.. ...... "" G"'" ""... T- ."", """ G"'" .""'ow T- .., ".~ 1\\ members while others may have as many as 25 members. Tho ,,,..-' will ."..." ",,,,_ m "" """..- T_ by """"",,_,'0,00",'" ",. uV""" "'. __ will '" "',"'"'...... "" m _ >""'''''' "'" "'VV"O"'W' .ilI ho VO.lb" FUNctION OF TIlE GRANT REVIEW TEA1\1S G"'" ",,'ow T"'" will '" ",_ _ m "" ""'" "'D""'''' of"" ""..n' Trini,m F"'''-' The primary function of the Grant Review Teams will include: . ..._ ,'''''~ _"" __--'0''''' ""'''''-; . ........, '"'" ",_ """'0 "" .- """"'" .., Trill""", mo'''''''''''' "". "'" ''-'" checking; 1 11~j ~ ontaf\O d. Monts _ ", ."'''' ,1\"""" W "" -' "'~'" r- - ,,,OJ''' ~ .....- '" . reCOmmeu lug ".."" "" rnlll"" _ .fD"-' h' ' " W""""" ",..- .f\"" -. - "" . .,-' ,"'-,,,.......' "" """' .~,,,~ ,,,,,,,,~, ' ' ",,,,,,, "" ", _, ",""0' . ","""m. _' "" """""", ,,,,,,~ 0 " t' s to ~iuimize dunlication and overlap; and r ..th th I \ fundlllg organitZ IOU ,u r \ . ..'"',. _""~" '" . . "", ' 'm r 'Ill,m ", ","0",", "''''' "'. "" - . P""'''''''' m ,,,,,",, ",,,,,,,,,,,, .~"".~ -, n community . .....o..~o. ow<' ~.,..,......."" . 1: eam members wHI include: The maior responsibilitieS of Grant ReVieW . b-C n;lT\\ittee meetings and other activities; . ...""" "" ,...,...." ~~,: ,rt,::,ol 'ifnlll"'" · P"''''''''''' ,.-"" ~~"...,-......-; . """"". moO""''''''" "".," ' , fl"""""''''' "" . f.,,,,,'" "" p""""'" "".-' """", "" ..,,;n.. "'" "'" .. "",-'" -"" . ,,,,,.. '...._ '" Tn""" ",,,,.. "".- "'" applicable. Qv^""C>T1<J,o; , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,'f.._-r-- -"",-",,,, ,,,mm".'" "'. _"" "" ~'" ,,, ~ ~"""",,,,- -" '" p"'''' ~,,__ "" _ii' ". '" poi' ",,- -",. """' , f U wing criteria' "Members will be selected baSed o~ thl e ~ 0 a.\ nriorities ~d needs for their area:, . \U1owledge of the co!ll11\unlty region r . abHity to remain objective; .' v'rorunent : ~;:,'.J: ~,'~ ~"'" "'''as d/sessrnent ar;-~roeVrgi~:;~:tro:ts; . . . b ards an or con;lT\\unh; "'..... ' . revious eJ'penence wlm govertllng 0 .' .' . . . , '" "".".... in"""". ...p""..-. "" -,"I, . curT . dId f the charitable or not_for-proflt sector, . eJ'\lenence an \U1ow e ge 0 . . geogra\lhic re\lresentation', and . submission of a com\llete a\l\llicatiOn form. caAIR "'" "" "". ",,""' - ,- m' Tho _ .\\' '" """","" '" ,'" P""""'" ."""'" '" M",,,,,.f C,,-OlI" _ro "" ~::;... ""....""""" -"'" · . ap\loint a Chair {rorn among the reroaln1l1g . . ",...' "", _ .,,,"'.. _,...."" r_ _ .ff<'" "'" '" ,_ '" "" - - -' m' -""" , ,. ......._ _d Voi' _" '" C""""""" FOT turU1eT inforrnatiO~' \lleaSe4c;6)1\ ~;;:;::r b, {as. at (416) '314- '718(). culture and Recreation, at ( 2 116 MEMBERSHIP FOR GRANT REVIEW TEAMS .' ,",. .f~RA.NT REVIEW CORRESPONDING #OF POPULATION . ".;'.',".:TEAM GEOGRAPffiC AREA MEMBERS I Northwestern District of Kenora 6 63,335 District of Rainy River 6 23,163 District of Thunder Bay Q 157.619 18 244.117 2 Algoma, Cochrane. District of Algoma 6 125,355 i Manitoulin & Sudbury District of Cochrane 6 93,240 District of Manitoulin 6 11,413 i District of Sudbury Q 189.506 , 24 419.514 I 3 Muskoka, Nipissing, District of Muskoka 6 50,463 . Parry Sound & District of Parry Sound 6 39.906 : Timiskaming District of Nip is sing 6 84,8321 District of Timiskaming Q ;\7.807 , 24 213.008 i 4 Champlain Reg. Mun. of Ottawa-Carleton 6 721.136 United Counties of Prescott & Russell 6 74,013 : United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry 6 111,301 i County of Renfrew Q 96.224 ! 24 1.002.674 . 5 Quinte, Kingston,Rideau County ofProntenac 5 136,265 County of Lennox, Addington & Prince Edward 5 64,249 County of Hastings 5 118,744 County of Lanark 5 59,845 United Counties of Leeds & Grenville 2- 96.284 25 475.387 6 Grand River County of Brant 9 11 4,564 Reg. Mun. of Haldimand - Norfolk .2 102.575 18 217.139 7 Waterloo, Wellington, Reg. Mun. of Waterloo 6 405,435 Dufferin County of Wellington 6 171,395 County ofDufferin Q 45.657 18 622,487 8 Hamilton - Wentworth Reg. Mun. of Hamilton - 18 467,799 Wentworth 9 Niagara Reg. Mun. of Niagara 18 403.504 117 I GRANT ro:VIEW. ., CORRESPONDING #OF POPULATION '", 'TEAM GEOGRAPIDC AREA MEMBERS 10 Grey, Bruce, Huron, County of Grey 6 87,632 Perth County of Bruce 6 65,680 County of Huron 6 60,220 County of Perth Q 72.106 24 285.638 11 Essex, Kent & Lambton County of Essex 6 350,329 County of Kent 6 109,650 County of Lambton Q 128.975 18 588.954 12 Thames Valley County of Middlesex 6 389,616 County of Elgin 6 79,159 County of Oxford Q 97.142 18 565,917 13 Halton - Peel Reg. Mun. of Halton 10 339,875 Reg. Mun. of Peel 10 852.526 20 1,192,401 14 Simcoe-York County of Simcoe 10 329,865 Reg. Mun. of York 10 731.708 20 1.061,573 15 Durham, Haliburton, Reg. Mun. of Durham 5. 458,616 Kawartha & Pine Ridge County of Haliburton 5 15,321 County of Victoria 5 67,926 County of Peter borough 5 123,448 County of Northumberland .2. 81.792 25 747,103 16 Toronto City of Toronto 24 2,246,158 TOTAL "." , ", .'336 10.753,373 2 118 "@ Ontario Mlnlatly of Cltlzenahlp. Culture and RecreItIon Mlnl~re det Analre. clvlquel, de" Culture et dta Lolli.. Application for membership Grant Review Team Demande d'adhesion Equipe d'etude des subventions '10. Applicant Information (Complete all sections) Renselgnements sur "auteur(e) de la demande (Remp/issez toutes les seclions) Last Name First Nom Pmnom Initials Initiates Address Adresse CilylTown Ville Postal Code Code postel E..JT1ail address Adresse de courrier e/ectronique ON Telephone - Home T'I'phone - domicile () ( Mailing address (ff different from above) Adresse d'envol (sl elle difffJre de celie indiqulle ci-dessus) Telephone - WorK T"'phone - bureau ) Fax T'''copieur ( ) Cellular Cel/uiaire ( ) CitylTown Ville I Postal Code Code postal Application Information Renselgnements Tell us why you are Interested in becoming a member of the Grant Review Team, Indiquez pouII/uoi yous youlez devonir membre de I'Equipa d"tude des subvonUons. Tell us about your Involvement wnh charitable andlor not-lor-profit organizations, ~crivez YOtre participation aux trevaux d'oeuvres de bianfaisance ou d'organismes sans but lucretif ou des deux, 6D-092 (10/96) 1i9 " . \ .' \1' o\hel eomrouo\\'l ee\Wi\\es. rt' . . ....""'...-"'..... .....~_.-_..,~- touteS leS inltiawes communeute''''S' _' mem\:l8tOl \lI8 Grint ReVIeW 1eam. 'E d'6tude deS subventionS. _.....-,p._.~~.:""'...:.:,,:.._.......-~' ...~ preclSa. IIOS inter6ts pert,cUners, votre aX""n -,..._..-.-......::;.-~--) _..---...""--::-::;:;::-'--_.~- ,-,...........--... - \ "'" S\goa\l)Ia 0\ MpliCSnt Signatu'" de I'eutau<(e) de Ie demend8 Slgoa\u!e t- demo-de dOment remplie a l'adressO suiVanle: Envoyez va 'v"'. Di",ctiOn deS ",~ns ~~ueuess de I. cuttu'" .t deS LoisirS r,linist6/8 deS An""'s w" . 71 (till llIoor ouest. 1e 6tll98 T~ronto oN fl(TA 2R9 T61.: (416) 326-6264 T6i6C: (416) 314-1180 ". I UI \a IIresenta IQlIl\uie sont I.es I6nseilloamenlllll'lrsonnals ''''u~o s des AffaifeS civiQues at f6C\le\\liS eO ""rtu de.~,;o' sur ~~::,,~~r: at se('l\lOnt 8 \a sll\edlOO cuIlurellas. \..R.O. .\ ..~. ch~II' ~ d;.s su~en\lons. dOS ",,,,,,\)16S de \Equil>" d. etUll ms ""u\\Ie% communl<\Uel evec POIl' de !>iUs ~\,leS '.:'n~~~ OiteCliOll des re\B\iOOs o\'I\(\Ues. runitll des ,ni\iBIiv8S ue "".., "'" . 110\. (4\6) 326-6264. Recommended 'o~ (OtgeoiZalion 01 iiidwldual) Reco"""aodll(e) lIa! (OI\lao\Sme oU pa(\\Cll\\el) RetU{lI cOllIlI\eted all\l\\cat\ol\ to: C\\iZenshlP O8l1eloPfll"nt Blanch __"""" I>A\niSll'l 01 Ci\iZSoshlp, cu\\U16 and Re<>---. 71BIOO! StreelWesl, 7'" flOOr 10ronlo ON t<l7" 2R9 1el: (4\6) 326-6264 f",,;(4\6) 3\4-7\a<l . . \Iecled undel \he eulhOl\\'I 01 the personal Inlonna~on on \hIS \ol!l\ Is co RS 0 \990 c.t<I.\6, s.4 and "'inistIY of Cili1enship .nd Cuftu'" 1'soI . cling epP\\;;'ms lo! mem\:l8rsh\P ~\\ \:l8 used solelY to! Ihe pulP"se 0 e on \'0" Gral'l Rellle,,! 1e""'; c\ \lI8 \lo\Untaristn In\\laW'" unit, for \U1\h8"nIOnna~on con a ., 1 I (4\6) 326-6264. CitiZ8ns\'Iip O8l1e\OI""enl Blan"'.. e. - ~ 120 eQ009Z (\OIa6) ~.a. Z In Case of Transmission Difficulties, Please Call 416-S63-2101 Please Deliver To: county of Elgin News Release Communique @ Ontario Mlnlalry of Flnanea QU9sn't; Perk ToronlO ON M7A 1Y7 Mlnlal~r. de. Flnanea. Qu..n'. park Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 6, 1998 FINANCE MINISTER INTRODUCES LEGISLATION TO HELP SMALL BUSINESSES Toronto _ Finance Minister Ernie Eves today introduced legislation that would shield business properties from extreme property tax incn~ases. "The Government recognizes the vital role of small business in the Province's economy," the Minister said. "This new legislat'lon demonstrates our support of Ontario's small business community by ensuring that no commercial or Industrial property owner would face an increase due to reform of more than 10 per cent in 1998 and a further 5, per cent in each of 1999 and 2000." The Minister also announced his intention to Introduce amendments at Standing Committee to ensure that multi-residential property owners are protected under the same formula as commercial and Industrial properties. Under the legislation introduced today" municipal councils would be given extra time to revisit their original decisions about the use of tools to manage the speed and distribution of property tax change impacts on local taxpayers, Municipalities would be abla to review the use of tools such as optional property classes, a 2,5 per cent cap, phase-ins, rebates and graduated tax rates, They would also have access to a new tool: a cap that would limit reform-related increases to 10 per cent this year and a further 5 per cent in eacli1 of the next two years. Whatever options are chosen, they would have to comply with the 1 () - 5 - 5 limit, "Small business creates about 80 per cent of all neW private sector jobs in Ontario. Small businesses and multi-residential property owners Bre valued contributors to the Province's economic well-being and we are not prepared to let their existence be threatened," added the Minister. "The measures in the Fairness for Properly Taxpayers Act, 1998 are a testament to the Government's commitment to sustain an environment where small businesses can grow and create jobll." - 30- ~ Contact: Rob Mitchell MInister's Office (418) 325-9566 12j Christian Bode Communicatililns Branch (416\ 325-0333 Mlni&\1'f of flnanclI Queen's Per\( Toronlo ON M1'" 1Y7 Ministere dlls Flnanc" Queen's Pllr\( loronlo ON M1'" 1Y1 @ OnltanO November 5,1998 - - Backgroun~er - - - . faIrnesS for property Taxpayers Mt, 1998 The Fa!..... for property Taxpe,'"'' Aof, 19'" """ lotrodu",", "" ,."", ReQ<l1n9 10 "'" Leg~laturo "" N"e",w 5. 1998, "p."ed."Is M. would I",pl.",eol 'h. "'..,,"" .ooouoced by Ihe "I""'.' 01 Flo.oce 00 Octob.r 23, \999 '" protec' bu.lo",,,e, 10 Ontario from large property tax increases. uoder 'h" p",po"",, legl.Iat'oo. ",uolc~."\e& wouW be required '" ""''' p",pe"' \SX 'oc""'" ""uttlO' Worn p",perty ,aX relo,", "" com",ercial,od lodu"'" I prcpO"'e' '0 "" moro thaO 10 per oen\ 101998. . iu""'" 5 p.r ceo' 10 ,.... aed a "'"her' per ceo' 10 2000 (.... 1 ().5.5 "",'''), '110 p'-o 01 thO 10-&-5 "",,, would a'o _od '" ",0."" occupying commercial or industrIal property. As aooouo",", on N""",b.r 5, ,"8, ..e "In",.r 01 Floance loIeod' '0 'ottcduce ao ..neod""'oI allhe S'a edlog Co",,,,,ttee '" e"",od the p",'eo\lOO 01 thO 1 ().5-5 '''''",0 ",uttl- residential properties as well. The 10.5.5 Ii"" would .Pply '" ..e ",uo\olpalOOd edu_o po"'oo' 01 the p",perty \aX "" oo",,,,,,rcial, 'od"'''''''' .ed ",.\\\_,..,de n\\al prope""" .cro" ,he p",,'n"'. .ubi"" 10 a'" exoeptions: . the lim\\,,,)I1ld 001- p_"''''O \he City o1TO"'olo "hloh h" alrea\lY adO.... a 2,S p.r ",0' ceP 00 \aX Incr..... "" oom"",rcial, ledusttlal. .nd mUIICr..Weol'" property for ~99B, ~999 and 2000; . the limit would not applY to farmland awaiting development~ . ,." 11m" wouW oot apply '" p",pe""' which'" .ubleet '" pa~oo" 10 II.U of "'... (",r ",,"",pie, p",perllos owoed b, the lederel or p",'odo""emm."')' '0 order \0 .oh""'" ... 10-&-5 lim'. munlclp''''OS wouW be able \0 use 'h. ra",e 01 'o~, """".bl. uode' ... Oolar'O F.lr ,.."e"m.'" Sy.\am. \oclud'09 g..duate<! \aX ra\a', op...., property cla-, robate'. pM"-'''' aod ,he 2,5 p.r ceo' cap, ,.. FWmOSS for ,,",perl>' T axp'"'' Act. i "a, If pa"ed, wouW a\SO .,,,,,ide ",uoiclp.II\Ie' wIlha neW caP op'\oo lha' ",a'choS thO 10.5-5 IIm~ For ,.ga, muolc\palfilaS would b. ,,,eo uob1 December 3~, "\998 to choOS6 optional tools. The 10-5-5 1I",1t would apply '0 ,ax 10"..... ra'ated \0 propertY "'. ",,0"'" """,etp."'OS would be able '0 \oc..... ,.... """. the 10-5-5 r"'" " · ,",ult 01 muo,etpalbUdgela,., declalOO', A p,operty could ."0 ""per'enee p",perty "'.,"""""'. .b'" thO 1 ().5-5 IIm\\ If phY,\cal ch'o," ara made \0 ,he prcpOrty (e,g, oeW construct\oo or roflO'/8\l.o). "\hefO I' a c_'o ..e (e", !rom comme,"'" '" 'oduslrl.~. or If 'hero" · ch.09.lo ",,"0," (e.g. vacant property becomes occupied). 12'2, Under the proposed legislation. municipalities would be required to ensure that no taxes are shifted from the commercial. industrial, and multi-residential property classes respectively, onto residential properties, Municipalities would therefore have to limit tax decreases on properties in these classes in order to fund the limit on increases. The implementation of the 10-5.5 limit would necessitate the adjustment of 1998 tax liabilities of commercial, industrial, and multi-residential property owners. The Fairness for property Taxpayers Act, 1998, if passed. would permit municipalities to either maKe adjustments on 1999 interim tax bills, or to issue supplementary tax notices or refunds. Commercial, industrial, and multi-residential property owners who have not paid reform- related property tax increases over 10 per cent in 1998, would not have to pay interest and penalties on those amounts. The Fairness for property Taxpayers Act, 1996, if passed, would also extend the following deadlines: . The deadline for landlords with eligible gross leases to notify tenants of the obligation to pay property taxes or business improvement area charges for the 1998 taxation year would be extended to December 15, 1998; . The deadline for filing assessment appeals with respect to an assessment or an amended ass&$smai'lt made for the 1998 taxation year would be extended to December 31.1998. For further information, taxpayers are invited to call toil-free 1-800-263-7965. -2- 123 10 all '1,0" wOO "Iue a ,,,ong agncu\\U"" ,oolot o,",a\lng wilh full ,e,pect to tne natural en\liron\1lent. , ' ',tonce 10 n.I, aend out """"nca 1n' "annlng q>mm-' "(,"'~~I~';;:'&J,oi:ia~~' '999 In Niaga'" fall', optalrio-, notice of a con,ereldnce 0 . \e "oU to<inn Ih' o,po""ni\; 10 includ' tne ,010,""ng Canada, we woU ap,,,,~a, , " I t de ma90<In.' new,lette", no\lce 'n upcom'ng event ac<!"'" 0" JOuma 't :;' wee'" anead.'A Qae\<ag. w'lh websites, etc. \nedage"~a ~"n~i~~~;::' li,,,,,,,"''''' 10 JOU' office a' SOOn ., lull conl",,,,,ce.n ,,,,,,,,",0.. ,n' Is \<om "o,n "de' 01 ",e it beco\1les a....ailable. vve nope t~ a\trac g~p\~i~~On issues regardIng \\....estoc\<. border to snare researcn, e~penence an \1Ianure. SUggested Notice', ~ ~-----"--.--:::; ~ Nutrient Managel11ent Planning conlerence compet~ve AgriCulture in Harmony w~h the community =~- -- _.,---- Nutrient Managel11ent P\~nnlng conlerence Sheraton fa\\Sv\ew Hote\, Niagara failS, ontario, canada March 2.4-26, '\999 \.!trient \1Ianage\1lent this w'\nter, we II JOU cac attend ,onlY o~,e con~~~:J~,~nce ,lannl,," com""..e i' In;"'''" utge JOU to conSldet tn,,:~e, y K Stote toan.'" ,.,..",n, ..""..nce and ..,.", \10m ontano an "" 01, ;Ironmentol economic and ,00al o,tniOn on ,,;tical 'asuea ",""und',," \he ~ and uac 0\ ;g,'cu',."" nu",ents . ceocell', ,el.ted to Ihe ,rodcclIoC, ;t~'~~elS .nd offid.I', en;wonmen131 .gec'" namelj ,"",toe\< mall"re, "'''n'c''' p' n IS ..,m Ol".n'"""oc ,..",nnel, agdCul,.,., .",.""eo"ts, ::,,:;,.:,C attend'ng, con","ctlng to 'no represen\.at'l'oJes a~d \andoW.~ters ~~~ep\'esentatNeS ~rot1\ far\1l organ\zations. conference planning cot1\t1\h ee a . '1.' go;Ommont ,gonclO', ag"'bU~noas, and UCI;O'" 10" . e.'\ d cr n lt1\nro'iemen\ t>.ssociatlOn Io! de13\" contact: ontallO oOI.n 0,' ,\ ) M9.a26.42,\4\ 1.'.phO"e, ,.....26S.9151 (ontallO 00 Y , II f'" .,.-826.4224, E-Ma\l' ~ \ conle"nce d."'" will '" ~,,,,d on Ihe OSCIA weP'\\o: k---- ~:;:;:.:.:~" ,;;;"""",;;;o'l;';'~ "''' "",,,I" " ,...'clod _ ~"",,:,t '" ,'" ,; : of ,,,, ",,,\0,., o. "",'opo'" ". o. o.nd doeS not necesso.ri\Y reflect t\\e vIeWs or ~OSI '011 ",,,,,10 l'.O) , 1\. """"" ~. """, ,H""" ,,,,,,,,, 0," ""'., ,," "" \ ZIl II", ,".SO.riM ., 1.61.BIL6B1.'v 'on )\\1:1 t-i,lO \lOl;j.\Jl:lOSS\J :1,S'1 l.S:'}S:t.Z 'Oo/S'0/' ~nll' Ft.') o~S ~ Nutrient Management Planning Conference Competitive AgricultUre in Harmony with the Community To all those who value a strong agrIcultural sector operating with full respect to the natural environment The planning committee is requesting your assistance to help send out advance notice of a conference to be held in late March, 1999 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. We would appreciate you taking the opportunity to include the following notice in upcoming event sections of: journals, trade magazines, newsletters, websites, etc. The agenda w\\\ be polished in the weeks ahead. A package With full conference and regij;tration details will be forwarded to your office as soon as it becomes available. We hope to attract participants from ooth sides of the border to share research, experience and opinion on issues regarding livestock manure. Suggested Notice: \ \ Nutrient Management Planning conference Sheraton Fa\lsview Hotel, Niagara Fans, Ontario, Canada \ March 24-26, 1999 If you can attend only one conference on nutrient management this wInter, we lurge you to consider this one. The conference planning committee is inviting experts from Ontario and New York State to share research, experience and opinion on critical issues surrounding the environmental, economic and social concerns related to the production, storage and use of agricultural nutrients - namely livestock manure. Mun'lcipa\ planners and officials. environmental agency personnel, agr'icultura\ extenslonists, researchers, farm organization representatives and landowners would benefit \n attending. Contributing to the \ :conference planning committee are representatives from farm organizations, !:gove"",n' .g,ncl", .gn-bu,\n"" ood "nN,,,iti", 'I " \For details contact: Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association '. Telephone: 1_800-265-9751 (Ontario only), 519_826-4214 \ I fax: 519-826-4224, E.-Mail: oscia@netcom.ca I l www,on..,o,oll",OP,O," --' ,-' \ ,~ \ I This material Is provided under contract as a paid advertisement by the originating orgoni2otion, .. do<' ,0' ,~....ily "fI'~ <h, ."" " ,~",o'" of tho A<~,'~im of "00'"'''''''' of 12 Ontorio (AMO). its subsidial"\' comeanies. officers. directors or a~:. -- '0 " ,"""6'" 'Oil Wi' GIN ","In 'HI '6-10-'011 ........---.-.--. __ ...fi'''_IIIl11'1:1 t99L EE'J GtS t (-Lao "Ol~~130SSij :LSa LS:'JS:EZ 8G/SB/tt '" "" " "",",,"'" ""","''', ".". ,." .,.-."-,,.- Please oeliver 10: county of Elgin !Ai1\is\IY 01 fi1\31\Oe Olf,c. 0\ \1'" !AIr<IS\eI ~ro'\ BOlloln9 soo\\1 7 Queen s pal~ cres 10ren\0 ON M7A \'(7 1.1 \4~6) '32.6.0400 fa~ (A~6) .25-0.74 f\fl\t'\,'!&te1e des finances aUleau dU ";Ini.tte ii.di~oe f ,os\ SUO 7 Qu.e"'s pal~ oes 10r01\\0 ON !A7!>. ~'{7 ,el \4~6) .2.5.0400 ,elee \4~6) .25.0.74 November ~O. ~9ge oeaf Head oi CounCIl'. ,,,, "" ""II"'''' of ,,,"' m"^~"""" "" I am pleased to Iniorm -you tad e dn S . \ 'Transition Assistance al\Ocation wil\ be communiW Reinvestment fun an pecla P'"'",'d dO''''' '" .", of NO"""'" ", ,,,a, 1h" """,," ,."""C "", ""dO ., .Ioct""" '-""', """", "" ",,.,to' ". per'lod october throUgn oecember. . j \1a1"]1999 tne Ministry oi finance '" ".,,,,,,od " ".,I"" """,,"",,",. 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