October 24, 2000 Agenda REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF October 24th, 2000 Councillor Reoorts Paae # 2 D. Rock - Warden's Banquet (ATTACHED) 1) Elgin-Sl. Thomas Health Unit - Report to Elgin County Council January-September 2000 (ATTACHED) Paae 5 H. Geurts, Elgin County Weed Inspector - Summary of Weed Orders - Year 2000 (ATTACHED) 6 C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services - AudibleNisual Warning Indicators Policy (ATTACHED) 9 C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services - Road 4 Engineering Services Request for Proposal (ATTACHED) 11 L. Veger, Director of Financial Services - Capital Budget - 2001 (ATTACHED) 16 L. Veger, Director of Financial Services -1999 Long-Term Care Facility Service Agreements (ATTACHED) 17 H. Underhill, Director of Human Resources - Employee Benefit Consulting Services for the County-Wide Umbrella Program (ATTACHED) 21 H. Underhill, Director or Human Resources - Physical Demands Analyses (PDA's) (ATTACHED) 24 H. Underhill, Director of Human Resources - United Way Campaign 2000 (ATTACHED) 25 S. Heffren, Deputy Clerk - Display Cabinet for Council Chambers (ATTACHED) 26 S. Heffren, Deputy Clerk - Review of Convention Policy and Mileage Rates (ATTACHED) 33 K. Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator - London Central Ambulance Communication Centre Pilot Project (Dispatch) (ATTACHED) 37 K. Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator - Judson Street Store - Operator Purchasing Approval (ATTACHED) 2) C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services - Water and Sanitary Services for Administration Building (ATTACHED) 3) M. Fleck- Memorandum re: Signage for New Building Site, Elgin Manor (ATTACHED) REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Warden Duncan McPhail Councillor Dave Rock Councillor Max Stewart DATE: September 26, 2000 SUBJECT: WARDEN'S BANQUET Introduction: Council policy is that appropriate recognition for the Elgin County Warden be arranged and a sub-committee plan the programme. Discussion: The Warden requested the banquet be held at St. Anne's this year. We requested quotations for meals and received prices on other aspects of the banquet. The attached spreadsheet lists the lowest prices received. Recommendation: THAT the annual Warden's Banquet be held at St. Anne's Community Centre on November 18, 2000, with the social hour from 5:00 - 6: 15 p.m. and the banquet at 6:30 p.m.; and THAT all other costs and items be approved as detailed on the attached spreadsheet; and, THAT the charge for each purchased ticket be set at $15.00, to cover the cost of the meal, taxes and gratuities; and further THAT County Councillors and Officials dress in standard Council attire. ALL of which is respectfully submitted. Warden Duncan McPhail Councillor Dave Rock Councillor Max Stewart 2 2000 WARDEN'S RECOGNITION ._~ - I , I f!JVlTEES (includes sDouse) Warden Council Warden's Immediate Family Warden's Guests Past Wardens County Officials 8. Deputies Retirees from current year Homes' Medical Directors County Auditor County Solicitor M.O.H. Mayor & Administrator of SI. Thomas I M.P. & M.P.P. Frank Cowan Co. - Bryce Sibbick I Bill Walters Piper - Jim Carmichael Board of Education - County Liaison Counties Wardens & Clerks I I INVlTEES (single tickets) Land Division Committee (Chairman 8. one Member are Past-Wardens) SUB-TOTAL PAID TICKETS Councillors' Guests County Staff Past Councillors (last term) O.P.P. Conservation Authorities TOTAL NUMBER POSSIBLE I I I Hall Rental I Bar 2 16 16 10 58 24 12 6 2 2 ~I 4 2 2 1 4 Cynthia Nurse; Dave Stewart 32 3 202 32 20 34 2 8 298 - - - SI. Anne's Community Centre Nov. 18/00 SI. Anne's Meals Wayside Dining Lounge - $14.15 per person roast beef, chicken, salads, dessert, etc. - served - estimate does not include paid tickets I Flowers I Programmes & Tickets I Waite's Printing I I I N) I I I I -1 I I j ESTIMATED COST $636.65 $0.00 $2,858.301 $210.00 $235.00 I Gifts for Visiting Wardens & spouses Piper Entertainment Guest Book I I Warden:S Gift I PROGRAMME I Chairman I Grace I Toast to the Queen and Canada DINNER INTRODUCTIONS I Head Table I County Council I Past Wardens I Visiting Wardens and Clerks GREETINGS FROM IM.P. M.P.P. St. Thomas IPRESENTATlON IPast-Warden Rien & Helen VanBrenk to Iwarden Duncan & Liz McPhail I ENTERTAINMENT IKevin Alderton I (ADJOURNMENT I I Tickets Jim Carmichael Kevin Alderton Dave Rock Andy van Kasteren Perry Clutterbuck Max Stewart Ken Bond John Wilson Bob Habkirk Gar Knutson Steve Peters Mayor Joanne Brooks Box on table at door for tickets I County plate & spoon - in inventory, no additional cost Watch and engraved silver tray (practice has been that the Warden and spouse chose their own gift 8. anything over $500.00 is paid by the Warden) TOTAI.I -I I I I $75.00 I $200.00 I $20.00 $500.00 I J I ~7~951 1------ . I I I I j j ~ ELGIN 51. 1\10)\.1.5 ltl' 20100 VRI 11:52 V.I.! 519 633 0468 ~ ., 1Q1oll11C'O.: (MB} 6\l\.99oo F~: (5\B) 633,0466 , e\~in st.thO\1'\3S health UO\t , 99 ",,,,,,,,d S~..l SI.1\'IO"'.~' OOwlO IlSP \'/6 SLGIl-I-S1. 1\"\011\1\$ I-\SP-L 11-\ Ul-I\1 RSI'OR110 SLGIl-I COUl-I1'I COUl-IC1L JP-l-IUN<'1 _ SSI'1SII\BSR 2000 ~ BLGll< 5't. 'tllOJ,ti\5 ED '20100 fRl 11:52 fhX 519 e33 o~68 rh S1.,"-51 """,,,, Haalth \In' oa' had a '"~ "ennu' ,e" '" da,e. pub'" h;i\h "'".~u"' " P"" '" ,,,,p'''''"' "'" '" Ihe "'"' " E'.'" Cou"" ",,,,,,,,, and tt\is yeaf was nO e:<ception. \ ,^" oi 2000 1M H..1th \In' hired a ne~ ""m"""."'" C,~I,,'a. 51. J,nn 'n n , .' ,dO \<in wale' "" on ",,,, p"plOS ",,,d' ""''' Ihe ~una : ~~: ~~~~d~ ~ w~..:t.n on""" and ." ",II ~"''' """",<\e' "",ed ;'.~: 51PH and .".cted ""M".'. 1ha Health p",ee'''" dapa"",a'" ~'" ~"" :,." wllh ,,,,,,,un""'''"' and ..""al health. p:,",,,m'. '~Ma:;".J:':~;'; ';'..~~:::,:~nd~:' ,~"'~~:' I~:;a "~U%w\':~~~~: 10 be ""Iu.bla ""'u"'''~, I",,,mall'" an' ,..m1'" .nd ~\\honl que"''''' "de"",nd Be'oW, ~e oa" ,,\<en th" ,p~,""n"'::: "~~;"'~'g ~~ 1~'::;::~~~ a""'" del"",ed ,,1M pa" "ne m"'o". .. . , ~,ond oi '" """"emen" th', ,..' and 100" _'" \0 conbnu,,'" 10 ",0 e a diflerence in tliiS communItY. ~ rhe "Ie " ",a"" " "ea'" " \0 p"TI~e :,';;ie~~': ~:.,":~:a ~e:;'~ p,pu\3\"". In p~;l :~::::'~ ;:,' ,:;;,;.... the 'e""h ."d quallW. ",'e b, p,~"""'n,~:;:",:,, and death ..""iated ~Ith ",,,oni' "..-, "'u",, and ~u~;;~~" abu" a"d b, ""moun. ",e "ealth" ",,"d"'"' youlh ."d 1a""I"'. I 0'"' Ihe pasl9 monlha, h"on p"mo"" atall ",pO"ded \0 a,;"uI 5~OO Ie""'no"" ",! d"<>'" ,,,,ue'" 10' ad'''' and ,""""",on "m .'" ",aid"". rha'''" ""e,age" 6\1 p" """"" I E'.i" ,on'" a.ed " 10 24 a" 31 hlg" "" oi ,,",,'oP'". ,~o "no.' In th~' '~eijme. 1he, """ the ",.he" ",Ie" ,"""""" beeau". "",3" """ 'IK.' '" "eK ,h3de, ",Id au" and u" ,un ,-", F~'~" ,..,,0, we "",,.1. with ,th" H'''on \lo'" 00 , .aoIa' pO..' "",.,~" . 1h. '~" ,alaI ",....... we'" Ie",et ed at ,aU'" th-" "noo'" "",pO""'" " . 'I. d bl'C libraries MOUse padS, t_s\ilfts, fnsbees, radIO statIOns an pu \ . peaI""" ond ,,,,,Ie" ~... ",ad '" d"'''' "" m"',a." I 1~e'" ,,,"' c,,,,muniW F'od """"" p"""ed abonl 600 ",,,,Ie" "aU"',,, the H"'th \lo' b, .",!d'". .-'" """. demon"'''''''''''' 000''''. ".,,,, ,nd "",,,,,,,,W ond ",,001. p_"talto" ~"'''~"':.{ "," on' ,ood ",eW. R-tly, Ii '".''' "",meo ~"~ ,,'''': wo';'"" H"on .mb"',adO" "no, 00 3 ",,,,,e" b"" ~,\IP,,~de." """ with p",."laij'" ,nd "apt"" 00 ~,men" """, ,,'u.. ",e breast cancer screening and !'lean t\ealtli. 10/20/00 FRI 11:53 FAX 519 633 0468 ELGIN ST. THOMAS HU I4J 004 ./ Elgin parents of children aged 0 to 6 now have access to age-appropriate information about their child's health, through a new program called "Let's Grow". These mailed out packages include information on parenting, speech and language, health, safety and resources in the community. To date, about 400 Elgin families have signed up for "Let's Grow". ./ To reduce the number of visits at the StThomas-Elgin General Hospital's emergency department, we worked with hospital staff on a summer advertising campaign called "Think First, Be Safe!". ./ With the help of local police and other community partners, we checked 158 infant and child car seats. Most of the car seats were improperly installed. Only about one-third had the seat tethered properly. Given these results, a tether strap campaign was launched to educate parents about the importance of using a tether strap system and to make it easier to get one installed at participating dealerships. ./ All Elgin parents of newborns receive a phone call within 48 hours after discharge from the hospital. They are offered a home visit to discuss concerns, receive breastfeeding support and/or have the infant checked. Now almost half of the parents contacted choose to have a home visit as compared to about one-quarter in 1999, resulting in about a 30% increase in family home visits in 2000. Health Protection ./ On July 25th, the Minister of Health and Long Term Care announced the expansion of the publicly funded influenza immunization program to ensure that all people in Ontario are eligible for a vaccination shot every year. In St.Thomas and Elgin County, approximately 60,000 additional residents are now eligible to receive the vaccine. Vaccine administered in September and October has been targeted to those individuals at high risk of complications from influenza disease. Clinics for the general public will start in November. ./ In response to an outbreak of West Nile Virus Encephalitis in New York City area in the summer of 1999 a number of surveillance initiatives were implemented in Ontario this summer. These initiatives included mosquito, sentinel chicken, dead bird, and active sentinel hospital based human encephalitis surveillance. No evidence of WNV was detected in Elgin County although an infected dead bird was found in Windsor and near the border of Niagara Falls. It is anticipated that West Nile Virus will be present in the mosquito and bird population in Ontario next spring and summer. Further contingency planning for this event will be addressed over the winter months. 120100 FRI 11:53 FAX 519 633 O~6a ELG IN 51. 1<1.0\{A5 <1.lJ ~ ,n_tigallon of the ",,,,,,,,,'naled wale' ""e'" at the St.1h""''' ps,'hlalO' ",os,.a' heS been OOgo,ng """ June 14, 20Q{). . .", WaW Nl'I,sortes aIIeol ,eslden", "",,, ""en", studen" and '.'''' 0' ",e St1h""''' p,,,,,'a"" ",os,,,,,, Ea'" Lee""ng cen"e, Child and fa""~ c,"nsel,ng Sa~-' St'_as OpP, end "'e EI9'" ",on~ "" ",'n",mtIon Bu,,"ng. Re"rtol\O'" '" wa'" u,e h"e .... ",od""d as "",ed""",n to It" wa'" """,,,, has ",g,assed, but waW still ",nnol be used ior drinKing or cooKing. ~ When d"""b,ng the health 01 a _n'" " ~ann\ng \0' hea"" "og""" and .."'''''' a""" '" a do""g,:"h,e "ofile 01 \he _""n" " essentla'. ,he E~;n counlY ",,,,ng""IO p",,~ wa' ,~_d ,n I"" 'u_,. 1h1' ,,,f,'e add""'es ,aria- Includ,ng the .age ~"""u". 01 the oo,o'a\lOn, ,,,,,,,I9,,,tion ,a"""s, fa"'''Y _oIu" '"""""'I' ",anta' "alUS, hOu,'ng, ado"""on, """,0'/-' and ,noo"'" ~ 1he ,oblld' Inte"" 'n'- qua'''' he' ""en a' an a"ti",e hl9h. """"nd \of ",,,,ng of ,,,,a'" waW ,",,1"" 'n""''' '50" ",e' ,"e '""""''' _ths. E"",^,,,e edu",tion has been 0"""''''' well 0,,"0" on a """ '" 000 "",Is and \hIough \hIee ",,,,'nalS tha' w'" "osldod aCfOSS 'he coun~ 'n ",lIabO"tion wI'" \he onta"" G,?"nd Wa'" _."",.bOn Edu",'lOn he' _sed on des'gn. "", and "",_an'" 0' ""a'" well', ",n"",'nallon, ",at'" quall~ ""eng, and d15lnfeol'on 01 ",nla",'nated wells. ~ 1he rot'" 0' 'n''''ous a"as'" a,e on the 'n',ease and ",0 a,e ,ee1.ng """ "gan""" "",lant'" antlblo\lCS. p"",",lon 0' ,n'ect'OO " ~"a\. 1n. ",anda"'\'{ ,,.nda"" ,,~ul" ,,,,.ct\Ons and """,,onng ot h""~" long ''''''' ca" .,,";n'" no"'" lor the aged, ,n,1d ca" ",nlres ,nd personal care sef'/ice settingS. ~ It 's 'no",n that fIJ% ot \he tee" poPulatlo" " "",,,,~ aoI"" b' g,ade ". ,ee" need '" """ the _ abOOt \he ,,.venllon 01 un,'anned "",nan.'" and _all' ..n,m\\led dlsea"a, ,"oIudln9 ",IV. Tn",gn s.""al H""" PIOIl""'" nurse' ,,,,,\de dln,eal """cas {Of a"..,ment, ",unse,"ng, ",ling and IIea-"'; ~ed\ca(""'; and a",,,,e, e,ment 'nlo""allon \0 the ,ub"" ..alth proi",,,ona's and teen" REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL From: Hugh Geurts - Elgin County Weed Inspector Date: October 5, 2000 subject: SUMMARY OF WEED ORDERS. YEAR 2000 Illtroduction: Weed orders for the year 2000 are complete. Below is a breakdown of weed orders issued over the county for the year 2000. Discussion: The Office of the Weed Inspector received approximately 70 complaints regarding weeds this year. Of those 70 complaints, 40 of the complaints were regarded as noXious weed issues and dealt with by the weed inspector. The remailling 30 other complaints were considered to be of a property standards nature and refeued back to the appropriate municipality. BeloW is a breakdown by Municipality of orders issued: Bayham. 4 orders Malahide- 4 orders Aylmer _ Refer to Dan Dale. Town of Aylmer Central Elgin - 19 orders Southwold - 4 orders Dutton/Dunwich - 6 orders West Elgin - 3 orders Occurrence of noxious weeds (some orders will have more than one weed listed) Wild Carrot Thistles Ragweed Sow Thistle poison Ivy Milkweed Goats Beard 20 orders 15 orders 12 orders 8 orders 8 orders 5 orders 1 order ConelusiOll: For information only. Recommendstion: For information only. ,#~J, G-~ o . U Hugh Geurts Elgin County Tree Commissioner . --I /n 'C"17~'1 / . - f\VP'~ For Submission M.G. McDonald. Chief Administrative Officer 5 . REflOR1 10 COUN1'f COUNC\\" fRONI'. PE1ER OU1C\-\p.,\<. ENG\NEER\NG SERVICES op.,I\:.: SEP1\:.MBER 25,2000 SUBJECT' AUDIBLE I\/lSUAL INARl'ING INDIcATORS pCUC' ~ '" .6'" sesS'IO" 01 counl'l Council tne 'o,,,,,,ng _luI\On w" pa"ed' p.,t the oecem...er \ " . dr, 10'" poI'" d."gned b, ",e 8><I'n.",,,,,g "THAT Ihe n"" Md'blel V,,,,., lNam"'" ,nd';" NO","'b~' ". \999, be ,,,,ple,,,e,,,",, W Se",'OBS oepa_nl, de..,1ed ,n ",e ,ef'" h'" peen 1",1ed """ ",,0" '"" ,,,,u\lS 10 2000 on a \rial b"'''' and on"" tne """o,,,,an'" ' Council, and, . ,,' pollC'/ adopled al toda1' meeting, be 1\-\p.,1 the County's p.,~di~lel Visual W/;,n:;'" 0~,,:~;:""on,~' one 0' tne ,,,,I ,,,,, ,de': implemented at the falf\/leW p.,venue pa a .' . _nl ,ep'.oed tne n""W ,,,,..lied ""lied In Ean"" "'. ,es< ",e Eng,neenng. Se"""''' Depa , ,,,,,,,,, A,.n"" noM 01 tne ,nta<'""lon 0' p'aOO aUd'bleN"ua' ""n,ng ,nd""::' ''I' ~ on a spana Lrne wllh tne """" _oed "",led ,n s,_. ~ . . . '''' 80 """h ,0adS In,'udeS a 'otal 0' , The n"" aud\b,~""ua' "",n"" ,nd""Io'" ",s'lem . g 'l~d'lc....tors and twO have on\~ visual . < h udlble and ,- wa"''' " . . . ~ "",nlng ..",ons. ,WO "a,e a . ,ed a"und ",e slOP ahead wal'"ng s"n. '." warning indictors. Placement has peed; e;"''::':ssu",ed d'''' rea ",on ""'. W p-' spac"g """ s,- u"',,'" "'e posted spee "" an distances. . . . de '" 01 ,,,,,,,,, wllh a Iole13n'" 01 '1- 3n>'" Th. '{be audIble wa""ng .-ns are "",led 10 a Pd d ,.11 trY '"" dMS< wllh ",'n,maI "ad no'" ",1I1ed "",,~u,atI"'U; wo.re de,,,,,ed '0 be hea' an outside the vehicle. . . a LIne h'" "o,en 10 be efIedi". 'n reducing bre The ned ,o_n al ,a,"""" Road and S:::\ble Ins'de Ihe ,eo\cle. The _nd ,n"allabon 01 noise outsIde .the vehIcle vet Rfem"d~~ snn""",,"' Road al ",e 'nle<Seclion 0' Counl'l this s,/stem WI\\ pe on Count'! oa ," Road #52, Ron McNeil Line. . . peen des~ned '0' ",ads wh",e tne peeled 'M' " p.,dditiona\\'/' the wafni~g ~ndlc~tor s'/~h~;:'lh s",te'" out .X"ud'" ",e aud'ble ,eel1o"" 50 """.. Th,,,,,,e'" ~ ~enl",\lo' e' b ...2 Page 2. FROM: PETER DUTCHAK ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE: SEPTEMBER 25,2000 SUBJECT: AUDIBLE! VISUAL WARNING INDICTOR POLICY Discussion (Continued) The first location for this visual warning system will be at the north and south approaches at the intersection of Elm Line and Centennial Road in the Municipality of Central Elgin. This location has been notorious over the years for vehicles running through the stop sign during foggy conditions and all other warning efforts have proven to be ineffective. Presently this intersection has 120 cm stop ahead and 120-cm stop signs with a flashing beacon mounted on the stop sign. Only visual warning indicators will be installed on Centennial Road and no additional sound will be generated in this semi-urban area. Now that this new audible! visual warning indictor system has been tested to the satisfaction of the Engineering Services Department and should be used in all future installations. Existing audible warning indictor systems using the rolled-in-place method are still effective, although noisier than the new system. Although the old system was replaced with the new quieter system on Fairview Avenue this location was a test case to determine the performance and as well as comparing the new system directly with the old system that was present at this same location. This old system replacement should not be considered a precedent to retro fit all existing audible warning indicators systems with the new milled in place system, however, if a system is not working effectively the new system can be installed. To mill and paint the new system is approximately $1,500.00. To remove an existing system and install the new system costs approximately $4,500.00. Therefore, only existing systems that are not performing well should be replaced with the new audible! visual warning indictor system. There are 55 audible warning indictors existing on Elgin County Roads. Conclusion The newly designed audible! visual warning indictors system has been installed and working effectively at the intersection of Fairview Road and Sparta Line. Other installations are at the intersection of Elm Line and Centennial Road for the visual warning indictors and at the intersection of Springwater Road and Ron McNeil Line for the audible! visual warning indictors have been scheduled. It costs approximately $1,500.00 to install the new system and an additional $3,000.00 to remove the old type, therefore, existing systems should not be replaced if they are still audible. ... 3 f Page 3. FROM: PETER DUTCHAK ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE: SEPTEMBER 25,2000 SUBJECT: AUDIBLE I VISUAL WARING INDICTOR POLICY Recommendation THAT the new Audible I Visual Warning Indictors system designed by the Engineering Services Department be used in all future installations, and, THAT the new Audible I Visual Warning Indictors System only be installed when resurfacing operations are being completed at that location or upon Council's request. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION ~_:'\ ~ l-o,Q CLAYTOI\I WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES ) MARKMe,jjol''lALD CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER .~ REPOR1' 1'0 COUN1'V COUNC\L fROM: CLAY1'ON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SER\}ICES DAlE'. OCIOBER '\2,2000 SUBJEC" ROAO 4 ENGINEERING SER~ICES REQUEST fOR PROPOSALS ~ . . sef\iices Department 5_,/ear capital plan. Ea"" ,ea<. count; couoctl apP'''"' the E"i"~:" tt>e Cooo" ,oad ,'I""'" wtth" tt>e 00'" '" ,"e plao ""lioea P'o~'" tnat """ be ",,"P e. e """Ie o\he" ""o"e e",eo,"e p..-""",nee;09 ,ea'" some p,ojeclS 'eo"'''' ",oled e""oeeo09 . bOOod"" E'",.ood sueet. ","", \0 the aod d",~o. sonset Road l<<>'" \he S'-'~o,"'~,::, ':. """ ""o';e "",eo,Ne p..-eo9,nee'09 aod limits o~ port stanle,/ \S on tne 5_,/ear cap' a P design. DiSCUssion =---- sonset o<we " ao arteoal _\-Urt"", wad. . hea ao Ai'D' ol12.oo0. wtth a postad -" ",,\I ol 0"","" _ S,-,"o"", \0 Joho W',. uoo aod 80- '0'" Jono ""'" LiOe to port S",o,e,. "'" ,oad hea a coo"ele baae _"alo.... ,,,,,,,,-"""" ol eaph". """"" ...o~ 10 depth lro'" 150 """ to 220 "",. "'" ort9,,,,,1 co_e ,oad wea co""",,,,,d awuod 1925 ao rebuilt in '\955-56. we a'" piaOO'''' I<> dN"'" th" pwie" 101<> ,"0 p"""" ~ Phasa" C,,, ol S,-'Th- bouoda", to Road' 51. ~ Phasa" Road #51 10 \he port 5130'''1 bo..e<. Each ph",e w" be dWlded 1010 "'" de,I90 ea"'o"'" . 1 ",.Ioa9a ,,,,,,,0.-0'" ,"" "''' ,o"ude ",pa'" aod '" ,ap'a_eot ol \he hVd"'u'. . 1o!""t_...1ha oat,h ba~o', ato"" _" and road ","",'09' a.. ooW 50 \0 75 ,ea" o,d aod a<e at 0' pa" \he" loleOded ,ite ",,,,,. So<Oa 01 the ,"we'" w" be ..p'- b, ","0'09 while othe" """ oaed \0 be ,aplaoad b, open ,ut """"00. Ra'I~"':', ,"we'" ~' opeo ,ut """ ",quI" a ,ea< 10' the u""""" I<> """"lete" ,adle. AlaO '0' u e "",0'" e ,uro wtth poVad ,"ou'de" In uroan a"as aod at the h\ll. on ei\he' "'" 01 Un~n. 2 Road auria" ,"'p",.""''''.... 1h" w" Include cold 'n pia'" ",,,,,li09 "",h ao ",pha' . _,ia, 'Th" _0 ",,"on wI" be ",,,,'eled a ",IO''''u'' 01 000 ,ea< aile' a" ote:. '<310age ,,,,,,o,e""'ols a'" """"leled 00 the ea9""'01s '0'" E,..-d ""eet to 0 stan1e,/ . ~ ~ ..'page 2 Page L. fRO'" CtA '{fON "'~ 1l1'.RS, ,^"",~GER ENGINEERING SERVICES DAlE'. OC106ER ~2, 2000 SOBJEcT' RO~D 4 ENG'NEERlNG SERVICES REQOES' FOR PROPOS'lS ~ continued ' ' , " a'" \0 ",ndu" all fte\d'NO'" and p,e_,neen'" ,,,. ,agu_antS'" a p<o,e" of "'. :;Sen 'neeri'" d""9n, '(he end p,odu" w,"be a lull n_"'" \0 be able \0 p""'u'" a d. ,;., and <Of"'" 01'''''''' _on" "p''''' p,an, "" of eng'nee"'" pie'" ,nolud'''' ,,""ZO""'~ ~ p,a:' a fU" "" of lend'" doeU",e"" and ~ and d",'n",e p,a"', 'n add- \0,": :" ~rc ';"'\in9 ,,,"uld a"o b. a ",qu,,,,,,,,,n' of "'. bud9'" ",'enate ,nail "" _pie e, PU,' ,ec<\on co an' conco"" ",uld "" ",oo,~eri 'n "'" p,,;e" ,0 "' '0 noli" ",. ",,Ide"" a'o'" "'. ",nd"on 'u~'" of ",e en<'" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u,e \0 p,an, " "",u'Ied' part of ",e p",po'" ,..~': ~oIended ,,,,p,,,,e""'nts, 1h" p,o;eel, exol""'''' "",\tj \IS ",nd"on ....n" ",e, Ide ",an: f '" 2001 ,e- and" p,ope' outlets a'" not road surtace impr~\I~ments.' IS ~lllabn:, ""'u~ :nd ,nail "" ",,\\I\Oned to< and buIR a\lallable tllen municipal draIns WI '" ~ ' , u'led fo' ",e D",'nage ,,,,p,ove"'OOts ",,,,on Due \0 "'. ,,"'. oen"""nts and ,o,u",e of WO" 'f '" be b'led ",'OUgb a R......' "" P<oP""'" of 'bts p,oiecl . """ge,tad ",at ~ ",,,,UII'~9 ~ a'" app<ox,,,,ate\'! 5% of 'he p,oieel "'" to< p,o-' ''11'''''' ""ts to' .",,_n'" ",n'" a; E""neering Se~"'" ,bould omnage tbe ".,\gn and 5% of ,,,. p";e,, ODSt to' ~,pec 'o~ eel 'n bo",e due \0 \IS h\gb dO''''' "",. Road SU""CO ,,,,p,o,,,,,,ents "'-, o~ "';: :ou~ no' be r.""~ "",,,"n' \0 ""a ",n,ulI.oI compared to tile \lolume of wor\\. requIre. . "'" \ 0% fee \0 "",n..e "''' ,ect\O" of "'" ".,,,,n ~ ' ed' """ R"""" to< p",po"" "" _u"n' _, 'he Eng,nee"'" se~"'" D."_oI P"f R d '" at an ",,,,,,ated "'" 0' b""'eon "'~''''' to' D",'''''ge ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, on coun' co $75,000 and $\00,000 '0' d,,\gn and ,,,,,,,,,,,on, and, nt~' "'" 'und' be a'\o"'''''' ''''"' ,,,, 2001 E""-"'" Se~''''' Budget CTFUL-L- Y SU61V11TTED 1\ ~ k ~. CLA'{10N D. \NAIlERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES SU61V11SSION -0 MARK~'" .LD CHIEf ADMINIS1RA1NE OffICER \0. . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger DATE: SUBJECT: september 20, 2000 Capital Budaet - 2001 Introduction/DiscUssion: The County has traditionally included capital projects as separate line items or as a part of operations for the budget presentation. There is some pressure from the Province to move to a separate budget process for capital proiects. SoftWare and a handbook have been made available through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing that outlines the process. The 2001 budget would be a fitting time to introduce our first capital budget. There are a number of issues that Council should address outlined in this report as proposed policies. These policies give staff the parameters for preparing annual Capital budgets. As always, policies are living documents that should be reviewed and updated as our needs change. council may determine, at any time, to override a policy either in the short term or as a permanent change. PolicY: THAT, for budgeting purposes, the minimum dollar amount for a project to be included in the capital Budget be $10,000. council will receive regular progress reports through the life of a project. for ease of administration smaller dollar itemS, Le. less than $10,000, would continue to be included in operating budgets. There is some flexibility here to include or exclude proiects from the Capital Budget as determined by Council. THAT annual contributions to Capital increase year over year by an amount equal to the percentage increase in assessment. This policy provides council and senior staff with the starting point for planning the Capital Budget. It alsO provides staff with a basis to extrapolate the dollars available for future projects. council may wish to contribute to three separate capital reserves: . Specific projects . Emergency projects - contingency . Unallocated Capital _ setting aside budget dollars for future projects Un allocated Capital and contingency could also be one reserve. THAT, in order to minimize financing costs, council strives for a pay_as-you-go policY for capital projects. There are mixed viewS on which type of financing is superior, long-term debt financing or pay-as-YOU-go financing. Some benefits of a pay-as-you-go policY are: .~ ~ 05110100 capital . Th' n,,'""" "",,,,,,"""" ~ "",,,,, .,,""'''' ," "oW " ",n"ng d",,'m" ," being made. . . . . P8'I"" "" """ 00'''' o,"Iro'" ._"". , "",,,,, ,,,,,,, " .,,,nd''''' . G""'" ",,,,,,,,, "dO'" ,,,,'hi"" " ,,,,,,Nod 10' '''' ",,"'" . increased financial strength. . future generations innerit paid-up facilities. som' "",. """,d _ 'OOg-"" d.bI ,,,",,'" ,W, . F'" "."" _'" , _" ",. ._"", ". p"y",,"'" ," .,""d ",,, , '00'" term. . 'OOg,,,,m '"''"''' "nool"" '" '0',"'" 00 ". o,,,"lng "",,,,- . , ,''''''' roo" ,roi"''' \0 be "",,,,"p.d .0'0'''''''''''''' ' . OOri"g period' of ,_",,,, in"'"'" , 0'" ",dO'" "'" ",' "'~ 0' '''' ,ro,"'" coo",iI "" roo"" """". ,,,,,,,in' "" po'M "roog" ",go'" in,"""" \0 ", ,moo'" .'" ,,'do ",,,, Y'" i" '" """"",,,d C"iI" R."""" ,,'ii' "",,,,, " d"",m,,,,d bY council, haS been reached. 1.....1 lot"",t ..",od ""ooghOut 'hO Y'" "" "." b"'''''' .. ",omatl""Y transferred to the unallocated capital Reserve. In'''''' ,a"",d "roo'\toO' ". Y"" " gon.-' '''' '''' -' "rt. bY ". """"" ",\ding _",'n ",aN" ._,'''''" ",,,,,,rr,,,g ",," """nog' ,0'00"",' '''' """,\\"g 'o,Ig" bY ""no'i'" 'oct,,'\O'" "o"d b, ,,,,,,,og "." b"""" ""'" no ",i'" ,,,,j""''' ,,,,,.,,,,,d " coo"" ""t "" not b'" i"""".d In the capital Budget, , 'i,"", i"clod,d in ". C",,,, ,od'" ""_",, , .,,,,.mon' 0' i~'~OO \0 ,ro"',.d ",th , "",i" pro\1"m, """ bod'" ,..i'" Coo",1I in ....bI>o,,"'g P"oo'" "" ."nd~Og "",II. """rolling i'" ultimal' ,mps" on "', ,,~p"'''' -- ' 'yO \0 ,on ,on' ,i"'"''''' "0<"00, COO",II, " i. """oliO'" "0 ",o.d" roW P"'l"" ,"''' ",clod'" '" '" ca,<Ia' ,odg'" Fond' ",old '" ",","' wlth'o "" "O'i\oO"'" c,,<Ia' R"",N' ""," no C",.., .",joct 0,,",,"0' b' OXPS"'''' , 00,11 coOn,II "" "'''' '010- ",d ,,,..on" fundlog ",. ,,,0 aI,,,,,,,d to ,to""" O",,,mlnlng "'" 00" 0' , ,,,"' ,rol'ct "'0 '" yO" d"",II, Counci' "'" .. ."""" cl .,,- 0"''"'" " ",,'0 .. P""'''''' """",II09 0"'" doi"" \0 , ,ro!.ct "'"' d"'" '" change t\16 parameters of anotner pro\ect. 1\'11'" ...to. "po",ng on "",.., __ In ,""'.... .. .,,,,i,,d '0 CoO"''' on , quarterly basiS. "" ",",0' ,roj"'" _"' "" ""","" on '" ~,,' ,,,,,,", ",''" ," ,<Oi- b' "".... by coo",II ,<lO' to "oS''''' off, "". ,,,,, "",,,,, ."""Id, '''' Ih' ""'" ,.<1, '" ._""'''' ",,",,"o<'! " .,ortf>\" on' "do' ,_"""'" _ill ",,,,, "",n ,dd''''''''' ,""uW'" , 05/10/00 "'!'In.\ta\ \'2. THAT any annual surplus in the operating fund be transferred to the Unallocated Capital Reserve. For the last few years, staff has recommended the transfer of surpluses to specific reserves. Automatically transferring the surplus smoothes the next year's budget process while setting aside dollars for future projects. THAT the Capital Budget be approved as early in the budgeting cycle as possible. The Capital Budget can be separated from the operating budget cycle and approved in advance of the operating budget if it is prepared within financial guidelines that are acceptable and have received prior approval of Council. Having this budget approved very early gives the County the advantage of being ready to tender projects early in the construction season, thereby achieving optimal tender prices. Conclusion: The 2001 capital budgeting process will be new to Council and staff. However, Council will benefit from an abbreviated operating budget that excludes capital projects and an in-depth capital budget that looks five to ten years into the future. Recommendation: THAT Council approve the recommended capital budget policies as set out in this report; and, THAT staff be directed to prepare a separate capital budget for the 2001 budget year. Respectfully submitted. Approved for submission. .44'/\ - .J:i<. I...J J Mark G. M~ Chief Administrative Officer r/~MAfbV Linda B. Veger t7 Director of Financial Services 05/10/00 capital 13 -:::t-- -- lU!1i - Op.,.E: suaJEC": REPOR" ,.0 COUN\'{ COUNC\\'" "a.'o ,,,,,, 0'_' ol Hom'" aod seo'oI' sa"'''''' john oavid \-Iuether, oeputv I'reasurer october 24, 2000 .... \..O09,t.nn Ca'" fae\l \\y .""'.. """,.",e'" fROM: ~. . , b tWO signing ollicers authonz.ed to ;ne "'o,,b'} 01 Hea,n re<lU'!", "9"""""' '00 -t,nn care sa""" """,e\Ceo' ~od "" """"...,\00 on ooP'''' of"" .999dL,\.)te "'\nistn, o~ \-Iealth ollice b'} . d . s are to be rece\\le ,,' , I ,,,. . . ] 'II p",,,,,,e. S<loa OOP" '" "'o~'" a-.,;ng ,19"",ure and dal'" ~ Oo\Obe' " . 2000. upon ~~':x",:" _, """",lOon". '" oIl9\oa' 00" w,1I be co~pletded :'d~redp~:': .~,;o 'ne "",,00\'\ .",,'005 oep"""'eot be relurne a" " ~ .. ,,' d d C.....\e. 'dlO'O''''''''''' 0f\\Ce' be a-""'" In "90"" 1999 I'hat the "ar en an II' ". Lo",,-t- Ca<' ,,,,'iiI'! s,,,.. ""reelO6O". ReS?ecUu~\'j S~b~itted ~~ Maril'/n O. fl cK . Director ot I-Iomes~ senio~ser'l\(;.es ... -~-_.- ~.~,.- ;;;.?--- .-:1.::> . john oavid \-Iuether oeputv I'reasurer ubl1\issiOfl ,Cf>..O 16 \l.];J'OR1' 1'0 colll'!'f\' COlJ1'\ClL FROM: pATE: SUBJECT: ",_,.. ~..'b'"'' n- ""on- D"''''''''' october 1'1, ZOO\) E1n-ployee 'Benefit consulting services -progrllm -- - {or tne county-Wide \lmbrellll ,,,,,,OD"CfIO~"'O<GRO- . .' { the llbove services WllS llut1llted {or '" .",...." ., "" . "",,,,I ." .....,;~' ~~:),,:: C...... b"""'"" lb'" ~'" .lb" severlll rellSons. yirst beclluse 1t ;VllS .ll' d';':"" ""h lb' ....' ., _"t. "" ,'" ~,'" . We were e1.-per1enC1ng'J f oO~"''''' ...". . . . n" lb' "'" "...""" '" ,,,4' ". \.'..h the service unhurried lln II ... , . . <"~' th' ."..1 { uowing recommendlltiOn. ~ v " . ",...t 19" "V? C...,d. .~.,,,,,od th' .:"" ..." """'. CA_"".t." th' C,",, Dolt'" ..,1" ",d ",..."", L."'.... ... ...... o{Elgin, effectiVe se-ptember 1, 199'1. ~ ' II th' ..... ., th' C...." .t th' ."".t D'''''' .. ..,1" ...' "" · ." th.. ",.,,,bI'" 1.15 '/. '0< th' .,,1 ""'" ,"". th'"'" ",cll. G ..... "" '''' ." ;' . """",ttod '" """",,,,, .,' .nd th' ....to,," '" . '" ,.~".d th""" · ",.gln ~" d" & ..rou-p our su,e '" '} 'the "industrs-stllndllr ,or II ':' , . ..,"0< "".",. ' '"", .""""". , , . 0 &or the e1.tension 0' . luded II -proV1S ' ""'" '0< th' CoO'" h'" "" . ,oO' ri'" '" ,...~ '" L"""'" .' .... th":th,, "" C..." ~.d'''''' .'" ".,....... ~~, ",,:"od ......""'" the three yellrS -peJ1.tO ....1:; mutullllY llgreed u-pou bY bOth ~lltr~ltdisslltisf1ed in llny WllY with . ..""" ...~,,,, "n. . . ht '" "'" .....'" ' . ... ,obi'" '" C''''''' """,,"" ." :' ",,,,,,,,, .t lb"""'" .,........ -performllnce, the fee chllrged, or llny 0 CONCL~ d.t' ~ . .' "" '" ",,,,.,, """ th' ,,, · ",,, D'''''' 1""" ",d "'"'".. b~" ,...",,,,, th"'.7~::'bod'" '" ,.1"/,, ,'l<< ._od tl' d OhOVe llnd to mll1ntll1U the1r curre llS oU 1ne ~" corres-pondence). C '1 . h lshes of County ounC1 , . 'ded b'" 'Buffett 1llylor llnd sublect to t e W d the serv1ce -proV1J ::..;:.,"" "".....",,,,,,,... b b'''' .,,,,,,,,,,,, \7 2 ~ 1'JL'T ",,_, ...".,,,,, 1, ,00Il, ... ,,_ .f "".", T"Io< & ",",,"~ LinUtod, b. "",,'od f.' .. .dd itln"" tin'" ,..., _ ..' "",t lb' T "... .f E.....'.."" b< " f,Il""" 1. That the present fee sc\ledu\e be maintained ,. tb.t C.uncil ,,,,,,,,, lb' ,,,,,, In """,.." lb' ",.",d a ""."''''' In "'" n" nab .'",""..'" lb' fo< .......... 0< "'" ,tb" "...",~ ,f lb' .",,,,, .,,,"od. F'\\JSERS\EAStB\JLM\REPOR'f~61RFP"".'\"' :nator .-' '8 Eo,.,. ,.,,'(\.01\ S. Jl,SSOC1A"-e.S \. ,.t>. " MIlnber, esS CWlIcils Of Cal1adll Benefits! PCJt'5ic!t E;f work,itl wctlnlSS COll,uitailts Octoba \ \, 2.0()0 Mr. BariC)' Ul\ae!hi\\ rluroao ReSOurce D"l'art({\eJ,\t COC\f\tj' ofE\g\o 4S0 S\\lISet DrlVe St.lhO\ua5, ON l'1SR 5'\1', 'OeM rlar\ey: "" ....... C,,",Iti., S""~, _ C,~" ,,,,,,. ,.,IW" t"I" "''' _~ """,. "" "', ",i<'. _" '" ",",I""' ~Nl= ",,,,,, " 'h~"'Y" .' ~",.,t ,. """ '" .'~'" ~ full ",,", ~ .",,, "" '" ",",," ~"" .",." ,,,,,, C",,," to renegotiate a contract e;dc\lSi.ou. In "',"""', ,,, "'" ",,'''''''''''' '" .",Id ", '" _IYP~"" '" .-l~ ,'''''' ".,,'"' ,,, ,,, ""', ",,,,"j'" ,",'" ,.; ,"''' ",,,,g, '" "" ""..' ",",,"~- ,"", 'II' "",' ".ly "i'1" ~, ,,,,,,,,. N""""~' ,~, "" ,.. l""" ,"",ok ,,"",' " " "",.,,,,,, ."" ,,,,,,,,, ,<","" ,"",.,," """ "" ".- ""' ,"",,=~' "", .' t' casibilit)' of proactive 'o/IOI'o,site 'o'Id\f\esS iuiti.at\:I/e$ ,,,,.''Y " 0 "" <II"'~ """, _II< ",,,,"," " "'"",. ' ,,,,,,,''Y " C'""',,, _ "" """"... " """ ,"',. (" """,,'" ,m, for({\\\\<).ri.~s) In ,ddi<'~" "" _, ., .ilI ""'.~ ." --" ,,~,,"'" ilio' "" eo~'Y ~'I,:~I", ", mo" """..III'" f_;,1 ~, ,l"'~."" "ro" ,~,',b\o n"" "" -~ ""..,I"': 0', '^"'= I. "" _ ,.","" b'"'' ,ol ""wi w, ,,,,,,,"' f,",",,~ ,,~'",''' 0' ,'" "':;'~' ,,,,,,,,, """~ ,,,,I -""''' ., "" ~"""" ,"'~." ,.....' ~""' ,,,,,,,,,,,"".,' , .."'.., ..~ ,""," ,,~,ry' W ""'" ~,oI., -"'.... """" O~, .' ,,,, 'f'"' .. """ ,,'" "","", ~,,-, ~, ",fI\" '" .' "~ ,f """",: ,,~I" wi om ~II ""I,',^", W ,,,,"'" '" "II'" ,,,,0''''' -'" ,,,,^,, '" om eo,ol' " ..II, '": " ' ,'0'" ,,"'" I. "" ","'a,. ,,,,", 011'.' " '" ,,= , .ool'" ,"'~""" "" ",m""' that b~-ncf\t5 all of Ollt public sector clients. . . . \<1 WOfl\<.Slif. WE\.\.Nf.SS CONS\J\.1ING 605 eROC~ 5il'll'.H told WrlfrsY, oN \.IN BR2 pI-\OtolE.: 905_666.1341 ro\.1. fflEE: \_aoo.4e~-7567 fl>-~'. 905_66B-149C \\EI>-C OFfICE I>-110 f.l<Il'I-OYEe eEl-IE-FIrs CON5\Jl-tl14G 142 (lYf\ON S1HC.E.t N" W\-\11\lY, ON t,1N 4M9 PrlONE: 905.600- \ ~oo __., <,t:lE.E: I.BOO.263.Z670 ".MP-IL: ouI19\\@bU1Ie\\\nyIO(COm WSSS\',E: w>'w.bullctMyle,.com \ e:> ('J '" B " .~ <> 0 '" .:f. ~ '0 ~ ;:;- I-' <i ~ '" ~ 0 p. 0 to ~ i 0. 'J> '.g ~ " '- <! 0 <' 0 0 0 .~ ~ g ~ '0 ~ <:1 ";;, <J) <' ~%~ ci' 0 "" <> <= "j> ~ & ~o 5 "'0 '" :t "'0 ~~. "c< ~ ~ ? -. '" -;.. ~'5 --' '2, 1. 80 ~.---' v .,:l - ~ '6:. y ..0 0 ~ ;;; <> '" ..n .-.- iJ ;:r:..<;l, ., " ~l. ~'5 0 . ~ bO <> o Otfl 0 0. v <.> ~ ? .".. ';2.0c.. FROM: Re ort to coun counci\ Joan McBurnie, Hea\th and Safety coordinator SUBJECT: October 11, 2000 ph,/sica\ Demands Ana\,/ses {PDA's) DATE: \NTRODUCT\ONIBACKGROUNO "",'''''' o,,",a"'" Ana"'"' (PO"") ,u,","a,~e all '" Ihe """"'" "'" u",,",enta '" a iOb. 1he' a,e d""",pINe documents, ",ed 'nte",al" b, ,upe~tsO'" and bu",an -""'" "d e"",,,,al" b, tbe Wo<\<,la'" SafeIV a"" I"U"n'" Boant, medloal cl'n'" and "''''''' ,"",'ctan'. When an 'nju,ed 01 "' e""IO"1OO ts ""u,n,ng In woo<' 1\ lenll-' \be a"",_nt '" \be wo",e" ""abll\\~' baaed on iob "",u",,",enta.1M taa" ",eaau"", will include' . ou"bon and .eque"" '" a"",llien, "","'''' and a,pI~d fo''''' . WorKstation parameters (heights, reaches) and layout . Loads and forces o{ materials handled . Digital photo recording . InterviewS with worKers and supervisors . 1001 use O\SCUSS\ON 1be fo'loWing agen'~' ,"b",lIted ,,,,,,,,a" ,,,,,,,,,bng the ""t of ",nducting a Pb""'" oe-'" 'na"'" on eacl< of tbe ,osnion, at Elg'n "tanOl. 1b" data w1\' 'ben be "",d aa a ba'" In develOP tbe PO"" In' 1 eITS'" Lodge and Bob~' ",lIa at an addniona' ""t. On" Ihe Canadian Ben' In",\ute ",_ed the ""t 101 adap"og tbe 1"""",alion In the othe' ,,"0 """- Baaed on twO e,gOl>O"''' ",n,"'''''ts 'n attendan"', the ",tal ",,,,,,alad ",st at Elgin "anOl 101 all ,"een ",IIi on' " $>,660.00 ('nclud'" .aVcl, on.,IIe time and ,,",0. ,,,,l1tng). and Rehabilitation centre The PO"" developed lit Elgin ....nOl oan tben be adaplad '" Terra'" Lodge and Boble' ","a at an additional cost o{ $~ ,520.00. T ota' est"nated ""t. ~ ($>,660.00 + $1,520.00). 2. 1a \or'd Er onomics 1b" OIgan""""n ",efe'" '" haVe one of the" ,e,,,,..ntaIN", wo<\< wilh an """,,,,",e '" ou'" to conduct the POA's. Total e,,,,,ated ",st' ~ pI'" GST a"" an undeterm'ned addlllonal ""t'" ada,t the PONs to the remaining twO hOmes. 2 .... " -1 C-\ \ysical Demands p"nalysis age 2 lctober ~ ~, 2000 3. Nanc Haston & Associates \nc. ",. 0'9an'zat~n . wl"'n. to p""ide a ,,'" of $750.00 p'" pOA (pIU' ",,~a.e and ",) Total ,.,.,,,,ated _ ~ p'''' ",,~age and '" CONCLU5\ON It wou'd be a deftn"e ad"nta.e '" "",,e a Ph"''''' O"",and' Ana~'" ,:"ndueled of ",,, p","Ion w\IIi,n eaon of the '0,," '""" "ne facit""" ",ese """,_nt, w,\I "',," \he doelo" who ""do,", neW e",ployee physleal, '" we\l a' othe< health ",,,, p"''''''''''''' when. we a"'. deve'oP'''" ."",uaf ","'''' 10 wo'" plO."''''' 'olloWl,," _pa"""a' 01 non o,'oOpa",nal ,n,un'" 0' ,\In'''- RECOMMEND/>. 1\ON5 ",at the coonlY o. Elgin eont"''' ""'" the Canadian Bael< In"""'" \0 de'~OP Ph"",,1 oe"",nd' ,na,yse' o' a" po,moo' """,In Elgin ",ano'. Te".'" Lod.e and Bob,e' V,'ie. ",e CBi h'" an e"e'lent ",potation and he' ,ub",,,,,d Ihe ~",t e,,,,,neNe plOPoea' ",at the ""t {OI this proia" be tal<e<' ""'" the sonedole TWO ",,eNe \Und Joan McBurnie I-Iealth and safety coordinator ~. MarK McDonald Chief {.\dministrati\le Oilicer ~2 ESTIMATED COSTS TO HAVE PHYSICAL DEMANDS ANALYSES CONDUCTED AT ELGIN MANOR, TERRACE LODGE AND BOBIER VILLA Service Providers Elgin Manor To adapt Elgin Manor data to Total Terrace Lodge & Bobier Villa Estimated Cost Canadian Back Institute $3,680.00 $1,520.00 $5,200.00 Taylor'd Ergonomics $13,740.00 Undetermined $13,740.00 N plus l.N unknown Nancy Haston & $11, 250.00 Undetermined $11, 250.00 Associates plus unknown REPORT TO CO~TY COUNCIL. F1WM: DATE: I..n"' M. "",tb"" Cb.......... ,,, "" ,"00 Un"'" W., c.m....... OctobCl" 17,2000 UNITED WAY CAMl' AIGN 2000 - - SUBJECT: ru'."'" '" Co.." ...wI W., C_...... oom- .f _di.. ...... fu"'" " - C"." .m.""" u\th....,." ".b. M.ff _'.' Co"" .n.... .".fu'''' ...~ """ ."",.... '" d"" .......' " Frid'" fu"""~" d......m '" "" ...wI W" <bN'" '"'''''''.d....... "'" ,_, <b. Co"" _"'" . ,b....'. fNm <b. CUy .' St. T""- ..d · c.m...... - ,,,,,.. " ......... C"'" t..... ....... d.,. Th. ,M,"" ~.."...... ",38..23 ..d ._ld.... .,..,m ,5,3".00 '" . ..". ",,,,n.'" .. ......d..' ""." % t."'- ,. d.....m .- <b. .,.,;"" year. !!'lTRODtlCTlON/BACKGROtlND !!lSCtlSSlO~ Thb ,m' . "I.\X' oA Y' b ""., .m.... ... N,v...b" " u\th · ..mb<' .f ucli~'m, ,'mitM '" 1999 Campaign. ~ONCLtlSlO~ A big ,""..... f" (b. .". ...'_ i. ....'m ..... ,-, n" d.. '" cun'" CUU..it .......... tb< following: . Th.' .n ....1.,... n"" ro..ri- ".00 ,",' _b" ".00 ... '"', b'" ....' ..mm ..- in · draW for a day offwitb pay in 2000. . Tbu' ... .m....'... "". oo.blb'" ".00 ... -" " ",.00 ... .., " ....-' b""" "". ...... entered in a draW for two days offwitb pay in 2000. ~ECOMMENDATlO~ Th" C."" C"..it ",N'~ <b. d'''' ... """.n" .., ... lb. ,.., loot. Th.1 <b. d_ ..b. .,",," N_m"'" ", ,000, ..... .b.. <b. ......m '" ....,,"" .b.' d.,. 'J:;6uise M. Eastbury, pensioii/Benefits Coorditl'or Chairperson for the 2000 tlnited Vola" CampaIgn IleTY _FS_1ISYSIUSERSIEASTBULMIREPORTSI64UW A YOO.doc Q~ REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL, DATE: Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk August 18, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: Display Cabinet for Council Chambers !3ackClround: Staff was directed to price a cabinet for the Council Chambers to display the Warden's photograph, County Crest, and Central Elgin's Coat of Arms and Granting Text. Discussion~ Taking into consideration County Council's stipulations, prices were sought for a two-door wooden cabinet that would display the Warden's photo and County Crest when closed and would open up to display Central Elgin's Coat of Arms and Granting Text, when their Council is meeting. The Warden's photo would require re-framing and the County Crest could be reproduced, or a copy used, and framed or affixed to a wooden plaque. Estimates have been obtained as follows: 1. Cabinet (including installation) 2. Reproducing County Crest 3. Framing for Warden's photo 4. Framing for Crest OR 5. Wooden Plaque for Crest 6. Lighting (if necessary) $477 $170-200 $275 $275 $50-100 $200 Total Cost (plus taxes) $1,440. - $1 ,640. R,ecommendation:, THAT staff obtain prices for a wooden two-door cabinet and framing that would display the Warden's photo and County Crest when closed and open up to display Central Elgin's Coat of Arms and Granting Text, when their Council is meeting; and THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the purchase and installation from the lowest- priced sources. 0(1,:1));"",,-/ () oli' s. J. Heffren -h/,n Deputy Clerk -s .j) , t\fJI--"~ for Subrmssion M. G, McDonald Chief Administrative Officer . zs REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL DATE: SUBJECT: !W'k9..un<l; . .. of sUffouncflng countieS to determine theIr ~:,:.:~::::;:~~~;~oIi,,",' and m\\e",a,,\e$ sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk AUgust 16, 2000 RavleW of con.en"on poli" ,nd 01'''.' R"as FROM: DiscussiOo:. ~ . . "'" ..ne'" con"enlioo pol\CY do'" not ,.."",,, I' tne ","",,10'00 01 """" """"~I "" lne" lima ,,,", <<om """ m"",,*pel\\Y and ",""eetelY _pen,,1e m""''''' 0' COU be 'oul 0' "","er. counot"o<' a<e ...lBnU'l p.... . ~b' and. ,n ",n" .,.,as. me"""''' m'Y . ,.,e\ meal' and ........'. and ,,,,,,tra"OO $225.00 pe' daY. ....'" "",,",' _m~~:;p Pol'~ 'n pI~'" \hB' ,;,loW' '0' a p" dIem 01 is paid separatelY. ihe countlY has dO a,,';ble ",pan'us """'" OOUld bU e",,,,d'" '0 $"0.00. pie' $50.00 '0< m" ,. an . conventiOns. , _\\01 ,,"hi'." bY Council and ,.... "" no' AI"'. tne ...... ,ole pe'd of $.30"'" '0' ",e: ~d b ,"0'" ."","yed ,. $.:>411<"'. ItI' changed since ~ 989. ihe avedr.agettr;;:e';.~J,,,, ;!,;.,mo"la "..eclaI\On. tne a,a"go interes\\ng to note that, aCCor Ing o. e. p,o,'n"",,,,'" ""., '0 ope,,1e a ,,,,,,da " $.4611<"'. ~ .. "" 'n o,d" \0 alloW "",.,.o\\ tund' '0< e"'*' , counci""" ... pa'" a po< die'" pIe' _ 'e ",,,,,,,e'" a""",,'e _Id need \0 be councill'" to ..",d "'" """and"''' ': t~ ':,mpeol on council coo_n' cOUld be raised to $2,000 ~er councIIIO~I' ",ihe \'~;;:'~ """,d..ablY ,.." '"'" ""', ,;"",,""Ie $4,000, but histOricallY councl "as a ,,' ... amount. ~onc/~iO~ . ole " w'" a' _,,, ,,,,,",,, be pald \0 In o,da< \0 ,aIM """,p?"",.e cou"""o;" a ::'1' ;;:'pI,oe. '''' "Ie pald "" e'" 01 pe,,,,,,'1 ",,,,,,,,,,,,'" tne'" "" .",e ,pe"'''~ ;,om, .._"" 'n tuUI unoes. ,epa'''' and 'n''''''oe vehicles should be Increased to he pOd t 2'000 tne """,eel'" ",eel'''' de.a '0' ..-e '0 premiums. Since budgets are passe or ' these itemS would be January ~, 200~. '2.b -2- Recommendation: THAT, effective January 1,2001, the following segments of Council's Convention Attendance and Courtesy Room Policy be implemented as follows and the necessary by-law be amended: 3. The Warden and Members of County Council shall be paid the following rates for attending conventions: c) The per diem rate of $110.00 per day shall be paid and limited to the actual number of days that the convention has sessions listed which the delegate attends. d) Accommodation, at the approved hotel rate, shall be reimbursed from receipts and limited to the actual number of days that the convention has sessions listed which the delegate attends. e) A meal allowance of $50.00 per day will be paid if not included in the registration and limited to the actual number of days that the convention has sessions listed which the delegate attends. f) Parking shall be reimbursed from receipts and limited to the actual number of days that the convention has sessions listed which the delegate attends. g) The above provisions shall be subject to the payment of a maximum of $2,000.00 plus registration fee, per Councillor, per calendar year; and further THAT, effective January 1,2001, the rate paid for use of personal vehicles for County business by Council and staff be $.35 per km. and the necessary by-law be amended. S. J. Heffren Deputy Clerk -f./n <""':'1' Ut I ~d for Submission M. G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer 27 ~OUNCIL CONVENTION SURVEY County Per Diem Registration 'Maximum Travel Meals Accommodation Parking Hospitality Pre-Approved Per Year Suite Convention List Councillor Elgin $225 - limited to Paid separately $1,500 $.30 per km Included in Included in Per Diem Included in Yes No - max. of 2 per year, days sessions not included in Per Diem Air or rail - lowest cost plus Per Diem Per Diem maximum of must be in Ontario and are listed or 'Maximum $20 for travel to station $5,000 relevant to County business Warden may attend any number within Budget Chatham-Kent No Paid separately No $.31 per km Reimbursed Reimbursed Reimbursed No Yes - ROMAlOGRA & Air or rail reimbursed must remain within budget restrictions AMO - both Mayor and Councillors Essex $150 - limited to One for councillor and $1,200 $.30 per km $50 per day Reimbursed from Paid Yes-1 per Yes - may attend one days sessions spouse. Paid separately - Air - lowest cost only if not receipts year outside Ontario during are listed not included in Per Diem included in three-year term or "Maximum registration Warden may attend any number within Budget Haldimand-Norfolk $40 - limited to days Paid separately No - expenditures $.405 up to 50 km and Included in Reimbursed for Paid Council Yes- sessions are listed remain within budget $.264 over 50 km Per Diem lowest cost - single approval Regional Chair may attend Air or rail - lowest cost room rate or each time any number within Budget N govemment rate 00 Hastings $250 - limited to days Included in 'Maximum $2,000 $.38 per km - up to a Included in Included in Per Diem Included in Yes - ROMA Yes - max. of 2 per year, sessions are listed maximum of 400 km Per Diem Per Diem Councillors are appointed to specific conventions Warden & Spouse may attend any number Huron Included in Included in 'Maximum $1,500 Included in 'Maximum Included in Included in Included in Yes - share Yes- *Maximum *Maximum 'Maximum *Maximum with Perth Warden may attend any number within Budget Lambton $100 -limited to days included in 'Maximum but $1,500 $.31 per km included in included in included in Yes No sessions are listed one convention is exempt Air or rail - lowest cost *Maximum *Maximum -Maximum Warden & Spouse may attend any number County Per Diem Registration *Maximum Travel Meals Accommodation Parking Hospitality Pre-Approved Per Year Suite Convention List Councillor Middlesex $78.72/half day within Paid separately for 2 $1,500 Within 300 km - $.30/km Max. $75 3 nights per convention Paid Yes - try to Yes 300 km conventions - not included $3,000 if a member of Outside 300 km - economy per day at approved hotel rate share with Warden & Spouse may $78.72/half day outside in 'Maximum or Per Diem the board of directors of airfare or equivalent London attend any number - one 300 km + the day prior a municipal association Outside Ontario - two thirds may be outside Ontario to and day following economy airfare or equivalent Oxford $45 - limited to days Paid separately No $.36 per km Included in Reimbursed upon Paid Yes No - max. of 2 per year sessions are listed plus Air or rail - lowest quoted cost Per Diem submission of receipts Warden may attend any 1 day travel if necessary plus Kms for travel to station number within Budget because of distance Perth $120 -limited to Paid separately No $.30 per km Included in Included in Paid Yes - share Yes - max. of 2 per year days sessions Per Diem Per Diem with Huron Warden may attend any are listed number within Budget NOTE: Receipts are required for Accommodation, Hospitality Suite and Expenses, Meals, ParkingfTaxi, Registration, by most Municipalities N -.0 Corporation of the County of Essex HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Donald E. Shaban Manager, Human Resources MEMORANDUM Helga Wintal, BA L.L.B. Human Resources Assistant TO: B.J. Gregg R. Maisonville M. Brennan E,R. George S.A. Kelch T.R. Pepper K.S. Samuelson FROM: D.E. Shaban DATE: June 8, 2000 SUBJECT: Survey Results - Mileage Rates Following is the results of our municipal survey regarding mileage rates: Local Municinalities Amherstburg Essex Kingsville .35/km since 1995 .30/km .35/km Unionized employees .30/km non-union employees .30/km .30/km .34/km .41/km .41/km Lakeshore Leamington Tecumseh Windsor WECHU Other Municinalities Bruce .34/km based on pump price of .729/litre-.01/km for each .IO/litre change at the pump. .36/km for the first 12,000 kIn .33/km beyond 12,000 kIn .31/km .30/km .32/km .33/km .35/km effective June I '00 with review September 2000 .377/km adjusted to CAA formula January/yearly .35/km .35/km Cambridge Chatham-Kent Elgin Grey Guelph Kitchener Niagara Peterborough-City Peterborough 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6 - Tel (519) 776-6441 . Fax (519) 776-4455 30 Page 2... Renfrew County of Essex .37/km for the first 5,000km .31/km beyond 5,000km .30/km since 1989/90 Canadian Automobile Association In the CAA 2000 Edition of Driving Costs they utilize a formula that recognizes vehicle expenses into two categories: Operating Costs: These are the variable costs... they may change depending on where you live, how you drive, how much you drive and what you spend on service and repairs. Ownership Costs: These are fu:ed costs like insurance, licence fees, registration fees, finance costs and depreciation. Fixed costs may differ from vehicle to vehicle and place to place, but they change little with the amount and type of driving. In the ranking of the provinces and territories by average cost to operate a vehicle, Newfoundland is the most expensive and Manitoba is the least expensive while Ontario is ranked as the third most expensive. Following is a breakdown of the cost per km by type of vehicle and province: Sub-Comoact Lowest cost province High cost province Comnact Lowest cost province High cost province Mid-Size Lowest cost province High cost province Minivan Lowest cost province High cost province .38.2 km .44.6 km .40.5 km .45.5 km .48.3 km .54.0 km .42.6 km .48.8 km 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario N8M 1Y6 . Tel (519) 776-6441 - Fax (519) 776-4455 31 Page 3... Full-Size Lowest cost province High cost province .58.9 kIn .66.4 kIn At this writing self-serve gas was in the .762 to .769 cents per litre with forecasts going as high as .85 cents per litre by the end of2000, early 2001. Recommendation: That the Management Team'at its next regularly scheduled meeting review the above data with a view to making a recommendation to Council of an appropriate mileage reimbursement rate and further recommend that such consideration should occur annually during budget deliberations using the CM formula. D. E. Shaban Manager, Human Resources 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, Ontario HaM 1Y6 - Tel (519) 776-6441 - Fax (519) 776-4455 . 32 G ~i'7i-~ I ~- i ,:~.u__~ :!!!' i: '-'_. If!' \_t""- ~'\^~j'... )~4~" .- _ ,. .<<:.<:0 ,-.:.". ", W.,o' Land Ambulance T""..."..,..:,"'--- ... .-:........',. ,", ... .........,.:. :.......... . .~:..:....: ,," ..:::. To: Elgin County Council From: Karen Dunn, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator September 26th, 2000 Date: Re: London Central Ambulance Communication Centre Pilot Project (Dispatch) INTRODUCTION: The ambulance service has been downloaded to Elgin County minus a means to control and/or monitor it. In the interest of maintaining an accessible ambulance system and ensuring its seamlessness across jurisdictional boundaries, the Ministry retained the system financing and operational responsibility for the dispatch function. This decision, by the Ministry, further exacerbates the complex patterns of accountability and responsibility between the Ministry of Health, the County, and medical authorities. The dispatch communications centre is the 'brain' of land ambulance. Since the dispatch function controls all decisions on operations, it is a major determinant of costs and performances. Information systems necessary for performance monitoring are also directly tied to this function. Having responsibility for ambulance services without having control over the dispatch function is much like owning a store but having no control over the employees, their workload, or how they treat the customers. In other words, we are currently responsible for ambulance but have no direct control on how the service is deployed. Due to confidentiality concerns, to date the Counties have not been able to obtain up-to- date information pertinent to the ambulance service which is vital to effectively operate and monitor our services. Similarly, requests for local policies and responsiveness to the changing needs of our municipalities could be improved if municipalities controlled dispatch. Members of the South-western Ontario Land Ambulance Technical Advisory Committee who are under the jurisdiction of the current London Central Ambulance Communications Centre (CACC) have recently been meeting to discuss the current dispatch operation. 33 2 Report to County council Land Ambulance i ec\\nica\ AdViSO committee Th. ..,en OOUnll'" ,"""",d 'n "", ",o;e" ,n>' Elg,n, ",,,Ie,ex, Huron, G<ey, B"'''', Perth, and OJdord. ",,,,>be'" Of th" ",o;eot "e ",mm",a<! to , high """,,,, ,e,,,,",,,Iy pooed \and """",,,,,,, ""","', end bell"'" ""I In ",de' 10 en- -"n1ablll" fo' "",defined ,,,nd"'" of ",,, and ,e,pon" .""" ",e """",, and ""po",'blmy \Of ambul""" d"patch mu" "' trans~erred to the Municipalities. Un""' the "",,,,, "In'''''' '"" ,y"em muni"pal inPU' \0 ""p'"'' ,"U'" ,,11m'''''' and ,,,.M ",p""""" to. EI9,,,,SL Th-' ,ehl''''' lake d",,,,\On .am ",e d"P''''" ",ntre and ambUI""'" "e de~OY" to""" ,eNe the ",""W Of Heal"'" obi"""'" and .nanci,1 in""e'" \0 '"""'" "",pital ""e".ng ",eta w,'" no ","'i"",,,'on \0 the .no""" 'mpact '" needs o~ the funding municipality. '" """, memb'" of \hi, groUP "e t<y\n<l to i"",,_nt t"" ","oW'n\! th""'y"" ~"" project. Q./SCUSSION~ purpose of the project: Fu- to' _mend"'''' of ",e ,,cenl "Land f>,mbul""" SeN'''' R.,;ew' ",mpletad by ,he IBI C_llIng G'OOP, membe" of 'hi' Il'OOP am ,e""e,lIn\! "'""'" _"",I of "", pilot ",ole" to ""'u" that au< ambul""" -"'" "e equ'pped w"h , ",,palOh _be""" will be ,_nta",e \0 au< n- ond ''''' nee'" Of au< ,e~'''''' The mand,t'" o~ this proiect are as ~o\lows: . The d'",",'" _'''' wi" be \nIe...,ed and I"""IV a_n1'ble to be.... mee' "'" noed' Of the """"patin\! mun,"p,,,,,e, ,nd _""ng ",mmunnle', . 1he ,e~ '''' wi" be inl"","a<! w,'" "'" I',ge< p,o,'n"" ""al'" .- ,y,tam . speeI" community n- and p"""""" """,,,d', "'e ""'bUI""" ,",", and ",,,.. regulations will be met, . Em"""'" and effect"e""" wi" be ,'o,a<! \Of, but e_ge,,," -''''' wi" be ",.ilable across boundaries, . _ "'" ,'gni,,,,,t ",anges ,""uding "",pd" """"""on\!, ",e ",tam will "' ,,"IU,'a<! =din",y to meet ",e need' of """" ",enll'''' . The b'" "",p,,,I, will be ,"""',.. 'n _0,_01' to d"pa'''' pro-" ,nd algorithmS, . tmpro'.-" to d'",",'" pollde' and tool' wil' "' .",,10''' 'n _,"on w\Ih the Ministry o~ Health, . Be" effort, will be employed \0 meet the I.."tata<! ",po"'" time "and"d In "I communities served by the dispatch centre, . AmbU""'" ",ou,,'" will be deploya<! to help any _mun'" ,n an ",-",,,,,ng emergency, . Additional ""nWp,II'e, wI'h'n\! to loin ,he ~1oI proiect will be a=modaled, . ""niclpal'''''' w"hing to Ie",e the pilot ",~ecl wi" be ,ocommo""Ied bY con'nuln9 to d"pat'" the' ,mbulan,'" 'n _nt",ce wi'" the "",buI""" '"'" ,nd 10",1 po'cle" 34 Report to County Council !-and Ambulance Technical Advisorv Committee 3 Pilot Project Objectives: The objectives of this project are to: · Provide a medically sound priority dispatching system to the citizens dwelling within the current London Central Ambulance Communication Centre geographical service area, · Provide call taking and notification times and clinical care to critically ill and injured patients that improves morbidity and mortality rates, · Provide accurate and timely reporting to the Municipalities served by the dispatch centre and to the Province, · Provide data to the service providers which will help them improve the ambulance service, · Establish appropriate resource needs for an acceptable standard of care for the citizens of the Municipalities, · Accommodate the needs of the municipalities being served by the dispatch centre. Governance: The Municipalities propose a jointly governed project with a Board of Directors composed of elected representatives from each municipality and a Technical Advisory Committee composed of one staff representative from each municipality and one representative of the base hospitals served by the dispatch centre. The Board of Directors will select one municipality to be the lead municipality to provide administrative support within the framework of policies adopted by the Committee. All municipalities currently being served by the London Ambulance Communications Centre will continue to be served by the communications centre. All of the municipalities served by the centre will be entitled to have representation on the Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Committee. Those municipalities that do not wish to have the responsibility of running the centre will continue to have their ambulances dispatched by the centre in accordance with the Ambulance Act and local policies with no reduction from the existing service. Subject to agreement with the Ministry of Health and the Board of Directors, municipalities not currently dispatched by the centre may be allowed to join the Board at their request. Monitoring: The Municipalities will provide the Province with a detailed calendar year end report on all aspects of the operations of the CACC including: · Performance standards versus actual standards achieved, · All time intervals of the call for help (call receipt, dispatch, arrival at scene, etc.) · Communication Centre staff productive/non-productive time compared to the current baseline, . Responses to all complaints, · Measurements of training and skill retention of dispatchers and call takers based on a quality assurance/improvement program. Funding: A workplan identifying the schedule, components, human resource issues and estimated budget will be negotiated with the province following approval in principle of the project. Since the Province is currently paying 100% of the costs of dispatch it is expected that this will continue. The worst case scenario would be an approximate cost of $2.00 per capita per year for the total cost of dispatch, if all Municipalities participate. 35 4 RepO(t. to county Council. . Land Jl-.fl\bUlance Technical Jl-.d\lISO comfl\it\ee , " e"""",,d ",", \hS p,O""'" w'" ,,,,,,,,, and "., "" \hS _nIlY ",opo,ed com~'a' Aidad O1'P"'''' ","w'o" and ",e n" p,o,incla' """to ,y"en>, curren' ,,,,,,,,,,<6, ",mp"""" he_e, pno""" and at, oIhe' in'enl<>rI "''' be ,",~~""ed I<> \hS ,ead ""n'cipa\'~ and \\ " a'''' aXl""'"'' ,nat """",me "",,.up "'", """ be ",,,,ed '" \hS province. , " .,xpected Iha\ ",y ""Is 'n"",ed wi" ba ,a"'''pad ",,,,,,go "i""ncia, "",na" by ",a proposed project. ~~~~. ' ;;:;m.n'cipat~ ,un &,p""'" ,y_ "" ba mo<e """""able an" ,a""",'Ne, higher quality of service, and contain costs. have a .EcoMMENDA 1TO!1l ' ",' Te^, Coo""' counci' aW""e """n coun~' part.c~"on .n ",e C~ _tan"" comm""'...."'" centr" p,lo\ p,o;act I di,pat"')' "'0"""'" ",a' \hS ...m''''' of ""a1'" cont""'os I<> pay ,00% 0\ "'" cast' 0' \his p""'o' All of which is respectfullY submitted. ~~~~~. r.o_ordinator - ed for Submission M. G. McDonald ~________@f ~tratL~Qm~L- / )0 Land ~mbu\ance Re: Elg\n counW counc\\ _n nunn. E_.nC'/ ......... co.o<<l\n''''' september 26th. 1.000 Judson s"," S'O" - op....." p."h"ln9 """"",.1 To: From: Date: !!!1J!l1DUCTlOt!; . "",.", ." "'.,,"". \0 "'. ,",,"I.n<" ",,- J'J"bUI- ,.."",,"" "h,d' p""" 1., s.... s,"" In ,o,onto. """" \he ""m '" 0""" ",,,,,,," \he "".. ,W <uO · ,,," """"'" ,nat 0'" .mbU'- ""^"'" "'".,,,,, use. . '(he '"~''''' has .greed \0 "",.nu' \he ...''''''''' '" "", _"" ,or ",. n'" ,,,. V.."" p,,,,,,,,,,, \he U,,,, u'"'' \IS -"" . '" "'" .mbU'- ,"",,"" a" ,,,p'''''''''' '" U"""' \he ",nenI. """,,,,,, o~";""""''' """ 10 \he ",o"IP!' ,.,od""" ""u,ppt"', and ",,,""''''''' El9'o- . . . \ deal with the Count)' {or purchasIng 00 J""""" " 200', "" J~"''''' s~ S,'~~" ~, "" """" hoW ,,,,all or "",en", and bi\\'lng purposes. ihlS means a needed, will re~uire Count)' approval. DISCU~ . ~ d OOUld plO" d."''''....' \0 ..""" 11>" "'..... '" "",_'''' " ,-r~ an"", or ,...." a" "", .",,",' "",.""09 0"""'''"'' "",bUlan" ;"",,\e' a~ ",::': au"""" ",. """,,," - "podallV "" · "'" "" be pUt ,'" '\>OId un'" "" 000 h"""'" E" .0 .,\0''''''' ",,,,,, """", "" _.nd " ",,"d' V . For .","""" 00 ~ w\ll "'" ",,".I'n<" SO",,, ",,,,,,,, \0 on"'o counlV ""'''' ". dOsod ,or a w..t<, W · """,,,aI \l) """,,," \he part' . . . . ,,.,.1 . ,..""", w" """",, ""","'09 E19'o #Ie< dI""'~"" ""'" "",,"'" "",..1', : .,,,,, ~ "" ....."'" ",0 ...nd. at JudS"'" cooo" coondl \l) au.""'''' . 'P"''' ~"'" \he ' ."".d """"'" " "" ",,,,.d, \he """,out p,..~.",,,<zed. c"""" ......". d aI,~at. pu'"''~''' '''''''-'' "'" be Jud''''' streal St'" ",II ""'" "" C'''''''' on made. 37 2 Report to countj CounCIl . \..ano p.,mbulance ,. e<;nnical p.,&/iSO commIttee . "",,,, '"" p'" Jud",n ,,,,,nd"""" ..." 'h' ope'''''''' 01"" c",,",1' _"" - co<> .,nll 0 ",te ""'" · ",rod""'" y,arlY ''''''''I'd. 11W 0\""- ""I ... \heY ",n Seff\~1 ~ dP$8 000 ior \he St. lhOmas-E\gin .",oun' 01 $5,000 ,or "" RodO"i """,ul.",, "'^", n ' Genera\ f'.mbu\ance sef\/\ce. . . . C' on' "",,,,,,IV ""." '"" \he -- '" lhe Judson street store WI\\ be bl\\Ing,~ep ~I':::e~t cheques to the appropr\ate provider. the bill can be deducted irom the monu I V 8, RECOIVIIVIE~ ~." h ,,",",' \0 \he couot'I' ,,,,,,",,' '" "" '""' countY cour.cll appro'" -'" bY' '''\\,'''' $5'000 \Of \he Rodney """".- Judson Street store in an $a.,mooouo~ 0'.: s':"i'~o""e-EIJn G""raI ""bul- ."",,,. sef\/ice and not more than 0, or . f'.\\ oi which is respectiU\\V submitted. \ve Officer Chie' ~~ - REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: PETERDUTCHAK ENGINEERING SERVICES DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2000 SUBJECT' WATER AND SANITARY SERVICES FOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING . - Introduction " \he SeP-' 26" ,,,,,100 of ccuotv Coo",ll, ""ff w.. directed to retalo the ..NI"" of commi"9 C_om Limited io ""P'"'' 10 proposed wale, aod ",oil"Y ..NI"" to lhe Couotv Administration Building. DisCl.Issionl Conclusio1! Coootv aod Ce",,"1 Elgin Staff me' with '"p....ota"'.. from cummi"9 Cocl<bum Limited 00 Octobe' ,', 2000 io which Ihey we.. i""cocted to pro~de ..funa"'" det",mloe pote""'" ope,atiOOa' """"''''' aod ",Ney """tiog de,e\opm,,""' to deteonloe if a b,oade' lole"'" 10' municipal water and san',tary services were present in the area. Si"", thet meeting a leite, ha' be"" ,""'Ned from cummlog Cocl<bum Llmlled "",,"dl"9 to \he,e ,eq"'" arnl " alteched 10< you< ,ele"o"'. '0 ,amma'" ",timeted OU"" 10< Ihe ,eNi'" are as follows: 1. New Sanitary Servicing to Administration Building 2. New water Servicing to Administration Building 3. Relining existing water main to St. Thomas City Limits 4. Class Environmental Assessment $ 245,000 $ 150,000 $ 165,000 $ 25,000 - $ 35,000 The 1e\Ie' a''''' oullio'" o'he' pote""a' io""",ted part... fo' the" proPO'"" ,eNi'" although their interest is subject to costs. Recommendation For council's Consideration. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION CLAYTON D.WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES .._ 7 MAR~D - CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ,.,,,,,,,.ilOCL:il" !,tlJJI~~m~,llliilljil Cumming Cockburn Limited Consulting Engineers and Planners October 16, 2000 2373 The Corporation of the County of Elgin Engineering Department 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, ON N5R 5V1 ATTENTION: Clayton Watters, P.Eng. County Engineer 'C~ ~~rn"\D J(=-//:0.,-:.~ RE: ELGIN COUNTY BUILDING Servicinl!' This foHows from our meeting of October 3, 2000 with yourselfand rcpresentatives of Central-Elgin regarding the installation of new water and sanitary services to service the County Building. At thc meeting, Cumming Cockburn Limited was requested to: 1. Provide updated cost estimates for works identified in our September 1996 report consisting of the installation of a new watermain on Sunset Drive and a new sanitary sewage pumping station and forcemain to service the County Building; 2. Contact the City of81. Thomas to determine if there are any significant operating constraints that would be imposed on a pumping station to service the area (ie. The need to store sewage and pump during off peak hours); 3. Undertake a preliminary survey of existing developments in the area to determine ifthere is a broader interest in having municipal water and sanitary services in the area. With respect to these items, we report as follows: 1. Sanitary Servicing: The report completed by Cumming Cockburn Limited in 1996 discussed various sanitary servicing options for County Building and the proposed Elgin Manor. One option consisted of the construction of a pumping station and forcemain to be owned and operated by the County which would service only these two facilities. At that time, sewage flows from the two developments were estimated to be in the order of approximately 56 cU.m. per day with the majority of flows originating from the proposed 350 Oxford Street West, Suite 203, London, Ontario N6H 11'3 Telephone: (519) 472-7328 Fax: (519) 472-9354 Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto;. Waterloo, London RECEIVED OCT 1 8 2000 County of Elgin October 16,2000 Page 2 Elgin Manor. The costs for a pumping station and forcemain to service the two facilities was estimated to be $245,000 which included stand-by power, engineering and contingencies. If a pumping station were to be constructed to service just the County Building, the sewage flows would be significantly reduced from 56 cU.m.per day to approximately 11 cU.m. day and the need for standy-by power could likely be eliminated. As such, the cost for a smaller pumping station without stand-by power to service just the County Building is estimated to be approximately $ 140,000 including engineering and contingencies. Water Servicing: The 1996 report considered the extension of a new 250mm diameter watennain from the existing main on Sunset Drive approximately 450m south to the County Building. From discussions with Central-Elgin it is understood that they would likely want to oversize the main to 300mm dia to allow for some future growth and development in the area. The 1996 report estimated the cost of extending a main approximately 450m at $ 87,000. For budgeting purposes it is recommended that this amount be increase to $150,000 (including engineering and contingencies) to allow for oversizing and increases in construction costs since 1996. It should be noted that the City ofSt. Thomas has indicated that given the age and condition of the existing 250 dia on Sunset Drive, the entire length of main should be relined. As such, Central-Elgin would be responsible for the cost associated with relining the section of main south ofthe City limit. This cost has been estimated at $ 165,000 (llOOm@$ 150/m). 2. From Discussions with Mr. John Dewancker, of the City ofSt. Thomas, it is understood that the City would not require any new facility to pump during off peak hours - as is the current practise. Notwithstanding, available treatment capacity, current allocations, and treatment costs are all issues that will need to be reviewed if new services are extended to the area. 3. Our office attempted to contact a number of parties in the area to determine their interest in obtaining water and sanitary servicing from a municipal system - specifically: Family and Children Services of SI. Thomas; Thames Valley District School Board; and The proposed St. Joseph's Health Centre Forensic Unit. The Family and Children Services Facility, located just north of the County Building, is currently serviced by wells and a septic tank and tile bed. Ron Lidster, Business Administrator for Family and Children Services, advised that although their current systems are pretty reliable they do have problems with the mechanical systems from time to time and would welcome the opportunity to be connected to municipal services - subject to costs. County of Elgin October 16, 2000 Page 3 They were made aware of the County's interest in this area and they subsequently expressed an interest to be kept informed should the matter progress. Stephen Ries, of St. Joseph's Health Centre was contacted to obtain initial comments regarding municipal services for the proposed forensic unit to be located on the psychiatric hospital lands. Mr. Ries advised that they are investigating servicing options for the proposed facility and certainly would be interested in municipal servicing as one of the options _ once again subject to costs. Mr. Ries requested to be kept informed of develop- ments regarding this issue. Efforts were made to contact a representative of the Thames Valley District School Board, however at the time ofthe preparation this report, contact had not been made. Should the County or the Municipality of Central Elgin wish to proceed with an area servicing scheme, the first step would bc to initiatc and complete a Class Environmental Assessment. Such a study would: Identify the need for servicing; Dcvelop alternatives based on comments received from parties having an interest in the project including existing developments in the area, local residents, major property owners and agencies including the City of St. Thomas; and Select a preferred servicing alternative based on an evaluation of each alternative relative to the social, natural and economic environmental impact. It is anticipated that a Class EA would take between 6 to 9 months to complete at a cost of approximately $ 25,000 to $ 35,000. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to the County of Elgin. Should you require any additional information regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Yours truly, ~E~O~Dtl~ 'to: '\lIaraen 1/lOl'haI1...a 1f,\g\n countY Counell ...,nYI' y\oel<. 1)Ueeto' 01 11o",eO ...a sonlo'O october '20, '2000 1)ate: ~:.:t':':':~y'::~: ~:;,::i~ ~::::;,~2:::,"' '\lie.... p~D\l to ",,~ell the ":Building SIte Sign" on the n'" olte...a ",oulA app,.elate your attena...ee. f 11 . g e'-'TS tnec1ia to be in '\lie 1>0"" eontaotea the 0 o"";t ~ho"''' 'ti"'eo Journal attenc1ance for 3:30 p.tn. . 1\:yltner 'E1tpress 1)utton J\c1'Vance \Vest 'Elgin Chronicle 'thank you. CORRESPONDENCE - October 24th. 2000, Items for Consideration 1. Mayor Karen Bond, Town of Charlton, with a resolution petitioning the Province of Ontario to provide 100% funding to Northern Ontario Municipalities for the cost of testing all water treatment plants under the new guidelines implemented by the Province of Ontario, (ATTACHED) 2. Steve Peters, M.P,P., Elgin-Middlesex-London, with copies of correspondence from the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, concerning agricultural drainage maintenance and the protection of fish habitat. (ATTACHED) 3. Donald Leitch, Acting Administrator/Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin, requesting the services of the County's Director of Human Resources for Collective Agreement Negotiations. (ATTACHED) 4. Larry J. McCabe, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Goderich, with a resolution concerning the designation of road salts as "toxic" under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. (ATTACHED) 5, William Roberts, CAO/Clerk, Town of Hanover, requesting a resolution of support for a stamp to be issued honouring volunteer fire-fighters. (ATTACHED) 6. George Wikki, Acting Commissioner of Council Services and City Clerk, City of Windsor, with a resolution concerning the environmental impact the City of Toronto's proposal will have on the Windsor area, if garbage is shipped by truck traffic to a waste disposal site in Michigan, (ATTACHED) 39 -) 1 519 033 7001 '{Juneau ~ . "f.I; ~1~) 544-~~ f~: ~;OS) s,A4.s \ eB f' .0. eo'/. 'SO c~ton. onta(\O l'oJWO III 7..000 '2.0:7..9:44 Via YaJ( :ase ClrcU\ate to'. _.... r' ,.' r"rf>', _l <#. ,'~' ~ .,. - ' O~~~110l'l Of1\"l'a ~1l~t\ \l{ ~~~\\\lt\ Off\O~ Of c\..E~\<. ,..llt) -ms...sU1'\e~ c{lON rR01>ol ,OVJN Or CrlP-R\.,ON I'IJOI'SE OISl'fCN'O PRE\I\O~o~:; a'l". CO""ClLO' ,,,,,,,S CRO"""" \,\0.00-01 _ "cO"OfO ." CO""C,\J.O,S'<I,,-<:I tACi'I''' _.~ O"RIl..It,O .J- Kalen I'>ond----------------- ",;;;10' _ '!-ARC" .0,,0 W' CO""",,"ON Of ""' ,,"'" 0< Rf.SO\..lJ\\O~ ~\lMBt.R 00_0101' CfR"flflE.D 10 BE. f>.. 1'RUE COi~ g~'( Of SE.I\t.MBt.R '2.000. C\-\f>..RLi'Ol'l. ?P5ScO 1\-1\S '2. l' VITI of C'nar\tOn Cino'i MC.CartlW _ CWK_lreaSl.lrer - 0 _ ~O . d b"'c1l' are not neccss~ti\Y enclOTsed by N'lCTO. t _". ~\. """s and eo"(t"lments ey-press.e ._........\\t'\eefi'len <)jo.1J. \:,....... Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A4 ~ Olilaric Constituency Office: 542 Talbot Street SI. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 C4 Tel: (416) 325-7250 Fax: (416)325-7262 Email: steve_peters-mpp @ontla.ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.P. ELGIN - MIDDLESEX - LONDON Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638 E-mail: steve_peters-mpp-co @ontla.ola.org SEP 19 2000 September 15, 2000 ""j'Jt'l"P1f ill::: r:i IJ;~'I \Jt.. a.~\i, ",..~ ~'" ~,I\,?"H\j SEHV'CFS County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5V1 Please find enclosed a copy of two letters from the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in response to my letters regarding agricultural drain maintenance and the protection of fish habitat. Yours Sincerely ~~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London SJP:eh:encl. , 4 1 Minister 01 Fisheries and oceans Minis\re des pecheS et des Oceans Ottawa, canada K j i>. 01'.6 t'\!u'1 2 ~ 2000 Mr. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin_MiddleseJ{-London 542 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P le4 ';\f)~,\j J ~ttENEO l.,' Dear Steve: _" '"u '" ,ou' ,,_ of MP' 25, 2000, ".,ruing 'wi""""'- maintenance and the protection of fish habitat. Tho [od..,! Foh"''' A" p"bib"' ." b_'u' ~","'nn, di-"un " ,_olinn of ".c, """Ud. nul'" _,',," by <h' ,"ni<" offi''''''' ~~ 0'- Th' goal ofFi'"'''''' ",d 000"" """d>" (OFO) poli" jn' "" Mnnag"""'" nf M Hn""" in '" "hi'" ''No N~ L"'~ in ib' ,"",uoliv' ",,,i" 0 ff"h I"bi"'. Tho ....li''''nn of tho "",i'" ,,,,,,,,ion p<' "', i". of ibn p"h"i" M "'" ib' poli" f" 'M Mona,'-' of F"h H"""" " """"ip" ",." fu>t "n"in finb ""'i'" i' '" "",,,,, <h~ ,_ ",i"'li" will nO< ,,,ute in <h' ''''' nf finb ",bi"'. I' i' not '" p''''o' ,,,m _ " '" ",,"," tl" P gbt '" ",.n ,wi"I""" I""". In monl ".", ",wolin I odV"" clfon" un ftnb ""'"" ,",u\ling ,,,m ,,,in ",nin""""'" '''' b' ""dg"'" ib"ugh ""'''' modin""un, good ""I"'clion p"""" ",,- considerations. ....---....-......-............-- To ""li"" tbi. OFO ,$ ,i"'''' ,gt<<U''''' wi<h mnUY I". """,,,,,,,on M""P" offi"'. Th"" ngt<<U''''''' "low tho Con"",don M<h<lnly offi"" " _pl<1< , p"linti""" ,,"'oW nf"",ion", "" f"'<<"' 10 DfO nW' """ w'~, ~, I,,"Iy to tOjUi" ,F.h"'" Ad ",,,,,,,,,,,on bY <h' Mini"". Tho eon_~lon M""pd" "",vi'" ,,'0 ",<h , munlhlY ,"",rt d<<"""uting ",i~"" """, ond'" <h" _mI. Th"" _m" do no' d,l,g'" on, nulboPIy '" "" en_ution Authorities to authoriZe the losS of fish habitat. ~nnn"" I. ~ "" ""'oW of m,inlmnu" no\iVi"" on muni,ip" ond ,wi''''- d- "", ,,,,,"'n fcl> ,,hie",, DFO ,,0110 in <h' pIO"'''' of boPlut'''uti'''' A C,"" Anthn"",lion p,",'" fn> Agri,""n>o"'no"~'" /J>'oim '" ,h' Soolhun< "".0' R,ginn, wlUw will ",pudite pl"",in. nud p"",ie"ng ,,,,.i,,","" fut the drainage superintendent. Tho e~" h_"",ion p"'''' p,,,id" , rt""onI ,ct nfmiei","", mndn''' fut "",in""""" wo'" i. <h"" typ" · f ""im. Pinb"'''' ond "",," conoo, will wn" "",I, with ib' """"", "",utinl"d"" ", mnoi"P"iti on, both dimctl, "" """"'" ib' enn_"'on hntbopli'" '" ",ut< <h,1 tho miU,,"" ",,,,,,",,, """",nOO witbi. <h' elM' hnthnp,"".m ., _li"l ", u"rut ,,, Nulin< mnin""""" wo"', Th' e- Mib<ln"don will nilnw m"" "",inloUon" wn" \0 PI""" with mi~mol revieW time. .../2 Canada 42 -2- . . "de" "' ,'" Cou'" ,fB'g'" 'e'" ",,,,,,, W"b ""rtI " "" ",,' u,"'" "" d _"".1' """",,,,,. ",," ,', V"",,,"w' uf J ",00< ",un """, , . . sdiction under the Constitution Act . ".un'" "" ",,_ c_ 0 ",un 1:' '0 ,,"'~ "" ",coful ,,,..,,un. (1867), and section 35 ofthfef ~ he~.~:t oc~urring in agricultural drains. ",,,,,,,,,, " ",,""un" , " " . . t' onS for the harmful alteration, G1Sru?tlon . ",,,'ci'~ ununo'" ,,,,,, ,,'" ,,"":::.~\~~ ' (fl.""" "" "",,,,, " D f 0 . " ""","''' ,fO" "In'''. QuI, '" . "u"" un" "a"" "",""""",,. 'fb" ,lUd'" ,,"'" " <b' """'" ,,_;f ",a~.", ,f """",," 3\(2) ,f <b' ,",,,,,. conclusion is as a result of tbe S?ec1 1C'1lorA1 t' anG nrinci?\es of aGministratlVe \a'1l. :b t. rt'" A (2) of the Interpretatlon c, ~ Ad." ",' ".. ~ . . . . . "", uf """"" 0'" _'d,. ,,_I'"~ . Co"",,"uU" ^"","""'" "" 00' un , po' C ",""'" ^"",,,,"" W' U 00' "un, t f f1S" babitat in agf1cultura\ Malns. on res?ec 0'" . "" ",,,,,,, _,' ""'~ "'" P"'~' . \ in areas t'nat constitute fts'n hab1tat. A ,,_"'" "'" DfO "" _"", '~Z"',"" ""', ,b'" -, w"" """ f h G . nS 0.0 not conta1n ,lS" ,.' . '>n\' ,","''''.'' , ,," f "" "'oW """,un" "" Fi""'" Ad ?roceeG as ?ro?osed '1I1tbout u er re . ""'""',"" ,,,,,,,, "" """ '" """ f'" f" '"'" ",_",,,.."" C\a" A " uUuI"",,"," h'" f""'" ,,,,JI" _,- 'n""''''"''''" "uno" ~~,;~~" Ii",'" ,bwini" <b' """,'" ClasS AuthOrlZat10n "procesS haS save a??rovals. 'Thank yoU for your interest in tbis matter. yours sincere\Y, ~~ , 'The B.onourab\e B.erb Dbali'1lal, I' .C., }A.I'. c.C'. d R't De"'i\G Clerk, M-unici?ahty of West E\gin .",." "" ,. .. \' fU'","", . "" C "'" "",,,;, C,d<. ,.....ct'" ". "b' "",;d,"''' of C"'u~ E\ V' 1(. G. S\o,", ,,,,,,,,,,",,,""C''''' co","",,,' 0 he) Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Ministre des Peches et des Oceans ottawa, Canada K1A OE6 .out; AOUT 2 2 2000 Mr. Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin- Middlesex-London 542 Talbot Street St. 1110111as, ()ntario N5P lC4 ~(gU I \ffCltNEO 1 1------~-----\ Dear Steve: Thank you for your letter of May 18,2000, regarding agricultural drain lllaintenance and the protection of fish habitat. The federal Fisheries Act prohibits the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat, unless authorized by the Minister of Fisheries and ()ceans. Th' gu~ ofFi.b"'~ "'" 0,,,,,,, C,,,",,,'. (OPO) P,licy fo' 'M M",g,mffl' of Fm' Habitat is to achieve "No Net Loss" in the productive capacity of fish habitat. The application ofthe habitat protection provisions ofthe Fisheries Act and the Policy for the Management ofFish Habitat to lllunicipal drains that contain fish habitat is to ensure that these lllaintenance activities will not result in the loss of f1Sh habitat. It is not to prevent farm drainage or to restrict the right to drain agricultural lands. In 1ll0St cases, potential adverse effects on f1Sh habitat resulting from drain lllaintenance can be lllitigated through design modification, good construction practices and tillling considerations. To facilitate this, DF() has signed agreelllents with lllany local Conservation Authority off1ces. These agreelllents allow the Conservation Authority offices to cOlllplete a prelilllinary review of projects, and forWard to DF() only those which are likely to require a Fisheries Act authorization by the Minister. The Conservation Aufuori"~ p","id' DPO wit!> , ~",,""Y "",ort doou~",'ing d"i.o~ ~"', ond" t!>i. agreelllent. These agreelllents do not delegate any authority to the Conservation Authorities to authorize the loss of fish habitat. Furthermore, to streaIUline the review of lllaintenance activities on lllunicipal and agricultural drains that contain fish habitat, DF() is also in the process of impl""''''''''' A C'O" A."w'''''"o ho'''' f" """""''''',' Mw,idpa' D",io> io tho ,,,",'om Oow"o R,gi'o, wm,b will ~padi" phMin, ffld ,wnini", "",,,rem"''' fo< the drainage superintendent. .../2 Canada 44 - 2- The Class Authorization process provides a standard set of mitigation measures for maintenance work in these types of drains. Fisheries and Oceans Canada will work closely with the drainage superintendents and municipalities, both directly and through the Conservation Authorities, to ensure that the mitigation measures contained within the Class Authorizations are practical and useful for routine maintenance works. The Class Authorization will allow most maintenance work to proceed with minimal review time. With regard to the legal opinion provided by the County of Elgin, it is my view that DFO does have jurisdiction, under the Constitution Act (1867), and section 35 of the Fisheries Act, to regulate the harmful alteration, disruption or destruct.ion offish habitat occuning in agriculturai drains. Furthennore, municipal councils C,hill()t issue authorizations for the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat. Only the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or DFO officials acting in the normal course oftheir duties may exercise that authority. This conclusion is as a result of the specific wording of subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act, subsection 24(2) of the Interpretation Act, and principles of administrative law. In addition, Conservation Authorities are not in a position of authority over municipal councils in respect of fish habitat in agricultural drains. Conservation Authorities will not have, and indeed cannot have, this power. Please note that DFO has authority only in areas that constitute fish habitat. A large percentage of the drains may not constitute fish habitat, and where this is the case, further review would not be required relative to the Fisheries Act. For your information, the Class Authorization Process has been in place for three years in Huron-Perth counties. The drainage superintendents have found that the Class Authorization Process has saved them considerable time in obtaining the necessary approvals. Thank you for your interest in this matter. Yours sincerely. 7M The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, P.C., M.P. 45 'flie Corporation of tlie <Municipality of ceotrar 'Ergin 450 Sunset Drive, 15\ Floor, SI. Thomas, onta(lo N5R 5V1 Ph.5190631.4860 Fax519'631.4036 september 28,2000 HAND DELIVERED Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. ThOmas, OntariO N5R 5V1 Dear Me McDonald: c""""', at " """"" 0' Sep'"'''''' 25, 2000, p'''.' , ,,"0'0'\00 ","0,,""" ... CO""", 0' ''''" \0 p",." th. """"" of'" C",,",,', OiI-' 0' Hom,n R.-'"" Hart., U"",""" \0 .,,1" __, ,taff with th, opoomin' _ of · "'" ooI,odiw -"""" ba\W"en th. Mon''''''''W of Cen'''' Elgin .od ,mpli""'" 'n th' P"Y'''''' """'" "",.rtmen' .."""",ted by CUPE. It I' "'"""" ",tldpated .... th." ",goti-' ..,,-""'''''' sometime in october 2000. Re: collective Agreement Negotiation Central Elgin CUPE Represented Employees Mi. Und.""".""ted with ~,_, th. ~""n' 001'''''''' ,,_,;n 1998 en'''' MonfcipalfW wooJ' pa .w- If'" COO"" w.. ",,,,,.bI. \0 p,""","" Mi. un"<hUl" expertise again. If you require any additional information respecting this request, kindly advise. C: Mayor Dave Rock DepUty Mayor Ken Bond Lloyd j. Perrin, Director of Physical Services 46 '21/1010 t3:j,1 iOWN Of GOPE-RiO--\ " 1 51'3 633 7661 LARRY J. MCCABE, 8,A" A,M,C.T. Cl.f~K'AOMJNISTAATO~ ,1 WEST 5TI'IE8' GOOEflIC,""O>>1'I<I'IIO 1l11<2~' p\,\OIlE (5'9) S2A-S3AA fl<l<. \5'9) 52..1~ yN;'N,~'\W>'1l,~fdI,on,t8 Corporation of the 10\NN Of GODERIC\-1 Se-pterober Z \, 2.000 10'. 'The f{ead of council. l\I>: Eo."iI'OI11Jlent Canada Designation of Salt """,,", I, . ""''''',,,. ,...., " "" r"" or "",,",h "'''' ,...... .. ..",,_ r>n'd>. ,_"hn. ,"" .",", ""," h'. ..".",,,, """,,' """ "" r;on>d'" ._-' ,,,'W"''''' N<. If "". -' .\ """" "''' ......"'\ ~, ... '0"",", ___ .. "",'ci"'\'~' ". r".n or Oo,,",h .~ "" _w "" "",_ .uh ..."" ., ""''''''ro... ",," _ "",,-" cl,:,," __ _. "".._ ",... roO" ",,,,,,,"'" -" "'" ....", "",..._ y '" "'" """" "'" ,"'\ . ""'"" of 0""",, ,1. ,,,,,, "" h<" "...... """""''' ",m"""'" 00 """" of"" rown of","",,'" wn ~oUI' ....""" ",,,,''''0 of ",I. ,~~",,'" .. """"" ro",W' ... ...... h, ",,,rym& ... ,"'~" "."",~ or "",,,, ... ."""",ro~" .. ."cl' .. ,'" ,,<>,... ", .... """'" ,,,,, COllcems. RespectfullY submitted. 1JM.'.es 47 0'3/21/00 13: 11 TOWN Of GODER1CH ~ 1 51'3 633 7661 WHEREAS, Environment Canaoa has recol11mended that "road salts" be designated "toxic" under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. TOWN or GODElUCH COUNCIL RESOLUT10N CONCERNiNG SALT DESIGNATION ON THE PRIORlTY SUBSTANCE LIST 2 (PSD) TOXIC AND WHEREAS, there is only 60 days allowed for public input (October 11,2000). AND WHEREAS, tlle cvidence prompting the cnvironmental assessment of road salt five years a~o described a scries of environmental incidents caused by mismanagement of road salt and the intervening literature review by Environment Canada has added to that collection of studies without chan~ing its characler as a series of local incidents. AND WHEREAS, environmental consullants solicited by Environment Canada to peer review its draft assessment adVised E.nvironment ClIl1ada to conduct further studies rather than proceed with a "toxic" recommendation because of lhe inadequacy of lhe draft assessment report 10 meet the stMlIlory standard lor a "'lox ic" declaration, advice rejected by the agency. AND WHEREAS, the Town of Goderich is against the uesignation of salt as a toxic substance for the following reasons: 1. The human heallh implications of a "toxic" designation are unknown and likely to be significant and substantial (lllunicipallegal liability will increase, human safety would be jeopardized), 2. Due process has not been rollowed. Provincial and municipal users of road salts and the sail industry have been ~ivcn a short 60-day "public consultation period" \0 review over a thous:\nd pages of technical doctlments gathered by the agency over live years - and all of those documents have not even heen made available to the public for review or comment. 3. The science is weak and il1conclusive. This matter should have full consultation, partnership, and leadershIp from Ihc provinces. 4. The public will be confused and concerned. The public viewS loxic substances as "poison" und harmful to human health. It is h1appropriate that a substance such as road sailS (a natural elemcnt and an approved food) be classified in the samc category ;\5 the most dangerouS chemicals, The federal governmenl ha~ <In obligatiun to ensure that Canadians arc nol inappr<mriately and unl1ecessllrily alarmed over essential winler road maintenance taken by other levels of government. NOW THERFORE DE IT RESOL VEn TI-IA ,\'; 1. The Minister of Heallh and the Minister of Environment are requested, under their discretionary authority, under section 7& of Canadian Environmcntall'rQtcetion Act, to suspend the PSL2 assessment ofroad salts until further research is conduCled and more inclusive consul lations can be conducted. 2. Tile Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME) should develop Canada Wide Standards as an alternative to a CEl'A toxic designation. ,(7'7) . ~1Y YlY... .u: MAYOR - Delbcf(J. Shewfe" ..i!. A (' /J . r:-.JJJ.r. rJ,L CL" 912\1/0022:4.0:1.'3 tS1; flSSIlClflll1l1\. Ilf'?-) SEP-2B-GG i\-\\J GS:SB?\"\ fI\"\O 1. S 1.'3 b33 ?bb 1 ...",,'-- FfI'h ~O, 4\6 Ill\ B\Il\ P. VI 'THE CORl'ORA.TION Of \ ~". ^ 1>" ~\JNICW}..L ofFICE :;Cplcmb~r 21\1'. 2l)()O , "'U"'lCl\' ~\ \'\'WS ll'ol '\'fI'f.l'\tOV1r-lC'F. OF ON'f1\R10 '\0: J\\'\'\Y' I' ' 1'" ' R" 5t""mJlW'-!!"'~ . . I.d b H"~,,,10"" Co"",",, '" mm'''' 0" Tho fl)llowl)1\i\" a cop'] 0\ 1\ teSll'I,I.\\\On ~(.Ot?e OJO\'; ('~\.\\\C\\'s consluey<\tiO\\ ane. support, :;cpICI\\\)ct \ \I' " 200(). 'Vie WO\I (aI'(lt~el" J ' . \ hIe service to 11\unicip"lities \1\tOtlI1Mut Cunau(\.; "H" ",.^" Vol""'''' H,.Ii ,hi'" "",^,," " "' " ."m I",. "" OT<>~' of "' V 0'0"" ANI' "HO'''''" ii" 1,"" of \IAA"" "Pl"'" '" "" . nre\i~)I\ors; II" f \"e I{.OOJul \'h\la\dlc Socie\'j 01 CO\\ac\a will be helel In J\Nl) WH\Ut\id\S \nO IS convenllO\\ 0 11 J' 1 \,,"lWOI '\\12003; , C' . CI " w'S\1e,; \0 havc a s\llnW \,succ\ '0'1 ,CU\\(lua l'ost J\N\) "\I\n:ft\'~^S \\1.;: Sa\l'bCcn "hl\\1I' I\<J I, . ,om""'''' V ol''''~" 1'1"".'''''' . [l 1 'H""'. "d"~' ,"'",'~' f m" "" "t ff RVSO,,v'\I1HA 1 'M C"~,,,,, ~ '~ 0: ,~" ""',,'" V ",,,,,,, ""r,,'"'' ,,,,,,,,, s ''''''' CN' 10 '" "" "?I'" """ OJ ". ,. r,... O,,,,iO Th' ",,,,,. bI' ^",,"~ ,N. V"'."" ,,;0101"01 ~ '?",:',:'."" ,lI ~'~:';' ~,: ::;;;. "" A';'''''''''' of """'''1'''''''' "",""'''. ","",,,. '~I""""" 10< C """,:,""': ~.:., 'M C.""" fI" Ch'" ",,00''''" "" "I o,,""~. '''': ,....", or C~~::: ,,~:~;';'i::~;"'" fo< """ ~,I"rt 0\\\3t\0 1.1t\: t. I"cls 1\ssoC\\I\\On (lnl \ . ....' . f '0"" ~"",,, <""''''' '"'' ,M ,,"""" ,10m, Ch .b, J\\tlldWU \01' )IOUI' "1\0\1\\a\IO\\ \5 a Cl)p)' 0 . ~l I . l' . ' \,()\~c that '<10\1 \m\1 sUIl?ot'\ nw3 . "V"""", f.~'" "O' '" '0' " . . f""''''' "" "'''''' " .."''', ' ,I. w .,1< iI_.bI' ""0,,," G" \1000, "",,"" circula\\: yOltr C\\t\o\'SC\1\ent 01 \\", tc:O(.\ltIO". O\t wa O,,\0.riO, \<,\1\ OA-6. ~11l\ \0 )'O\\! 10c",1 ''c \ t' t' C'^I'^C\o "0';\ Ho\\'C 01 on1\11\\\ ,5, " ' r';:$l'l1\\:;llC (\ "." ~ r .' ' 1-,>\\'. YI)\ll', \r\I\'j. j}Ji- P:- '0}) \I \\\\\\\ \~D'oCl'\~ C!\Olc\crk 'o})\U\1" Fncl. '" . ,,""''''' ,,'NO,"" oNl ,RIO "",,05 ".. .'" '''' "" ''"'','' ",,,~ , ' ' ." ~-~ ______ ._.-----::;,. . ." the .r\~i..'\nl\ ..g.'i2l' on, > -~......-_.....;-;.-._"""'. _.". "n,e' tl\< vi."'.' voslt,o...1 ,,,./>- , ^"'<..,,~\''''~~ ,._o.----~~-- 49 1 519 633 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co rage VU.,J 89/28/88 22:41:88 EST: ASSOCIATIOn OF?-> SEP-2B-00 THU 05:57 PM AMO '$,{' ,VA', "4<';,~'>l;tl ",i'i'R';'~i".l~'I"1tJ~~ \. ,/;1 } ~ '.~'k':,\, ~ ~,; '~'~"\~:~~:f~'::' "_ ~ ;1, 1 ..,.' '--',. ~ ;,if ','" ""~' ~ ~' '\'. - ,_.. ,~. {~~.,;. ;, ~ ". -" ".."~~,, ",: ' .. '''; , {/i'~,. !:;;f/;/l'j'I },,#,,~". ',,~.'-:J'.yp1 ;.,'!)!-Xt. Mr. Ken Roseborough, Chief, Fire Department Town of Hanover: FAX NO. 4\6 97\ 6\9\ P. 02 Saugeen Stamp Clu1 M....iling "ddress:- PO B- 11 Clifford, Ontario, NOG IMO MeeU,P,\ts _ 1st 'l'u<>sday .....eh month" Ilanover Librl\1'Y 20 July 2000 We are writing to advise that th(\ Saugeen Stamp Club has been given the honour of hosting the 75th convention of the Royal 'Philatelic Society of Canada in 2003, We plan to hold this event at the Hanover Arena complex, 30 May - \June 2003 and e)(peet about 1500 visitors during that week-end, Since Hanover is the smallest town to ever be given this honour, (this year it was in Winnipeg and next year it will be in Montreal), we have chosen a theme of "Small Towrl Canada". It is usual that Canada coordinates the release of a new postage stamp so that the stamp launoh can be held at the convention. We have therefore decided to request that a stamp be issued to honour Volunt~er Firefighters, with the stamP launch being in Hanover - 30 May 2003, Canada has never issued a stamp to honour firefighters and since "Volunteer FirefightI!TS" are vital to the life and safety of Canadians living in the many small towns across this country we feel that they should be honoured in this way. !As our theme is, "Small Town Canada", and firefighters in the big cities arc usually full time paid employees, we feel that "Volunlee~ Firefighteri' is an appropriate topic for a stamp re1ea..<.ed here in Hanover, We are weiting to you at this time in order to give you advance notification of this upcoming event and also to ask your Il-'lsistance in our efforts to have Canada Post issue a stamp honouring "Volunteer Firefighters". Letters of support should be sent to all [edem.! politicians, especiallY; ; The Honoumble Alfonso Gagliano, Minister responsible for Canada Post corporation. Letters to the Minister and Members of Parliament may be sent postage free if they are addrossccl clo House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, KIA OA6. It win be appreciated if, through your contacts with other fh-e chiefs, you are able to enlist tIlelr support for a "V()lunteer FIl'efighter Stamp". As both philatelists and residents of sman towns we sincerely appreciate the work of the volunteers woo do so much for us with vcrj little recognition, we therefore want to thank an the volunteer firefighters in our communities whether or not we are successful in convincing canada Posl to issue this slamI' that, to us, is long overdue. ])car Sir: ,ank you! im) Measures, secreta!)' 50 TIlE CITY OF WINDSOR GEORGE A. WILIOn, 1'. ENG. ACflNG COMMISSIONER Of COONCn. SBI<'I1CfS AND errY CLERK <" -<.~<. (t'~ OH)lNoso<\, DE1'A~l'l'f 01' COuNCIL SERVICES A.ND Cl'fY CLJUU'. IN RBPL'I, PLEASE RBl'l1R EG~ 'fO OUR fILE. NO. ---- --- october 2,2000 oCt 1 () '2llOO Duncan J. McPhail, Warden 'The County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. 'Thomas, ontario N5R 5\Tl Dear Mr. McPhail: Win&n' Ci" councd " i" -"<,g hold.n ",,,,,,,,,,,25,2000 ,dop'"' in' ",",Md _I"""" ",,,,2\100 wiin """'" <0 "" di>>"'~\ of"" Ci" on "",in," ,"""g<. S1""ift"Uy, Co""" " on"",,,cd ,00'" "" no,- ","",,"''''''' on''"''''- thi' "","",. ""ut d g"'''''' '" ". ~"" if T oro"" COi" Co""" "",,", In ""oo' , 1''''" on 0'" <otal -" "''''''~, <0 "', R,pubh' landf1ll site just outside of Detroit, Michigan. R"'''' ",,0"' ha" ,,,,", "'" if "', Repubb' ,,,,,,,,1\ ,i1< """on i' ,haw" """ ,,,,y b, ",roe 250,""",""" "",,, '" "'y ,,,w'"'' on High"'Y ,0\ to "', ^""""",,,, Bndg' '" 'II md"" on to"" In j)ettole N "d\'" co ,~y, "" ",,,,,,,,,,\ "",k """', on '" n"nOOY onng"'"' ro,d"" ,,1\\ "", in _" d<<<<i,n,tin' "m """, ",d inf".""""" of am"''' "1''' rot' ",d .cdi" air \luality in this area, ",,,,.,,_ g."'" by "II .,ing """"", bull< on""in. onl" 1'""". , "'?" ""bl, "",ro"""""''' fri"d\y ",,"00 '" ,b' CM of T "ron" """ ,b n",d' '" I"'" ro ,n """'. "', "",,"" "",,"om"'" in<1'''''''' "'.""'" by "" ""clci" .,tion ",rougb ,ff_ "",mom"" rI- direo' "'" _Iutinn to "" ",o""pnIi'Y in y.m "unty m region "bid> d"""Y obu" B-ighway 40 l. Y u"' ",ppurt of Counci\" ",o'u"on ",d in""'"" on m "" Cit, ofT "",nW in -" of ""oil option is appreciated. Gecfi-ge wilkki, p, Eng '" "" C,,,roi ",ion" "f coun'" ,,,,^,,,, mid Ci" CIe" Attachment MQljmW S1 \ \ 350 City R.1I Squate West. City R.ll . Windso" outatiU N9"'- 681 ~."',.,~_'"..,_'~.~ ."U "," ,,,..,,, · ,,,'.,,, · ," ",,, ",..." M83-Z000 Moved by councillor Marra, seconded by counci1\or Francis, WHEllEAS ." Cil)' of 'mo"" pu1>li' wo"" ond r_ oommi"'~, 00 ,-, July 2\, 2000 vo,'" to __ to ,,,",,,, City Co""'. "'" ... \., nrillioo "'""" of ,,,,,OOpol """" g'_ by ... ~~oo b< di'''''''' of io .., """"" """ io lG,kl~d ""', an""'o "" """ 500,000 10_ of iodU"",voommmi,",,,'itoli"'" _" ",""",y d"''''''' of ~ ,om",,', K<cl< V.n<y ",,<Ifill "" b< d.PU,oo of" "" Republic Landfill site just outside of Detroit Michigan; and WHEREAS ..' Cil)' of "",nto i' .""i,;ng ~go''''"Offi 00 "'" w~t< di,po'" pl~ for Toronto City Council approval in the first week of October 2000; and WIlEREAS ..' d<<i,ioo of '''0'''' Cil)' Co"",i1 oould ul-Iy =", i' ..,;ng , ",iro"'''''' of 60 ",,"'tio"" w",,, _f" """" -po- IIC1l w~" """" high"" 40 " thro"gh tb< Wiml"" ,E"" -'dm "'" through tb< ,il)' of Wi"",m to ..' Cil)' of Detroit; and WHEREAS tb< following ~,.ti" off"" will ~",lt - .., -, -"" """" and the shipping of the waste through our community; (i) """'" ,,,,,ioo of om ""'" "'" - d_' in ~ """,,y critical situation; and (ii) further environmental consequences to our air quality; and 1'iotice of MotiO!! WHEllEAS ,,,,,I, "'I opt\"'" "''' whioh """d b< "'''' by 'oton'" to ovoid m · least mitigate these negative consequences; "lEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 11IA'''' Cil)' of Wiml" "p~" i~ """" ",,,,,,, obo" ... ""'" "oflk """""" wi" tb< ",,,,,,,,, of 'm_" W"'" to Michigan, and; Th' Cil)' of W"",,,,' ~""" ... .. eil)' ofTmOOto """"'''' "" "" of"" ","0,", ""b '" ... "'w C.F. Roil S""",, '" 0"", to ",in""" m oI..i''"'' tlm """",- associated with the trUcking option, and; 1bal tlm M.ym "'" Cil)' eo,"",' ",lid' ,"""" fot tb< ",i11""P""" from 0"" -"" and councils along the 401 corridor, and; Th>' ..' Cily of W"",,,,' ""...-.ion ,_' C.p. .", io 0",,' to """lop furth<t "gmnOl~ "" refi_otl fm ili" propo"" indudi"ll - m""" of _pm~tioo """ ~ ""g, _port "00' "" _ L","" """ if tb< ,",publi, Londfill Sit< \, chosen, to consult with all affected communities along the 401 corridor. That Mayor Mike Hurst request a meeting and/or a positive response from Mayor Me! Lastman in order to have this proposal considered prior to Toronto City Council making its final decision; and further; that all local Members of Parliament and Members of the Legislative Assembly BE REQlJESTED to support this resolution 52 ~ORREc:.PONQEN~~ - ogober 24th. 200.Q, 1. AMO Member communication ALERT: (ATTACHED) 1) Province Plans special purpose Body 2) AMOIRO"'A R"pond to Co",u\lallon on Nulrient Manag,m.nt 3) OEB 0""" oe.'ion on Mini"'" Oi",,"'e and Mi""t<y of Fina"" Grandfathers Transfer Tal< Exemption 4) Province Introduces Social Housing Legislation 5) Oed';on on "API"""" C",to" to< cand AmbUlanOO S.",iOO' R.I,...d 2. AG C",e Updale Fa"ooo' Information N'''''''''''' (ATTACHED) 3. Ken Sloan, MunicipalilY of C"""'" EIg;n, with lhank yOU to< R,wemen! Gift,. (ATTACHED) 4. M""an L Rob"'", Chal''''"''' Canadian T"""poo""on ,..enC'{, with i",,,,,,,alion <oc ""n"ipal"" laoed wilh \he """"'ion'" "'''''''''- of dome,II, -'" by ai< carriers. (ATTACHED) 5. Honou",ble lyl' Vanctie!, ""'''a< of A9,iOUIt"'" .nd ,..Mood, with a ""pon.. \0 counci" ,,,,,port to< Ih' T""" of lal",h'''' _mm,ndaUon ""a,ding wm incOmes and subsidies. (ATTACHED) .. ROM^,OGRA combin,d con"'-' Offi." Hou,ing Fonn, accommodation into<mallon, OGRA S,,,,i" Awa,d' Inf",""IIon and oolt f'" "",IUUon in",mallon (ATTACHED) 7. B.Ile' Road' Coalition, Now' ReI"'" ,eo p,o,inoo "tua" to partl,ipale in ,ymoo,ium on fuM' of onta""" ,,,,d' and bhdge'. \A TT ACHED) .. F_n of Canadian Municipa'IIa' FCM . Now' Rele." ,eo ') M"ting of Federet, p,o,incial and 1enitohal Hou,lng Mini,le" "FCM P"..nta plan fa< ",I,ing cona"'" Homal""'''' and Alfoodabl' Hou,ing Ch,i' and Calt' to< Immediate ACtion". (ATTACHED) 2) wo<ld Hebilal Day 2000 '~CM p,ope'" Solution to End Alforoabl' Hou.ng and Homelessness Crisis. (ATTACHED) ECM Members' AdvisorY.;, 3) Catl f'" R"olution' foo con,,,,a<alion bY \he FCM NatiOnal Boant of Oi"""" December 2000. (ATTACHED) 9. Hono"",b\e 1 ony Clement Mini,'a< of Municipal Aeai" and Houaing, ,eo \he onte"" leaming Opportun"" CoI""'''' (OlOC) Web Site i"'o<malion. (ATTACHED) to. Sle" P.I''', M P .P., Elgln.Middl_-LOndOn, with ocoi" of ,",,,,,ond"'" I" t) th, Mini,ta< of Fine"" ,eo caund" "",~tion """"ning inle"" ",,,,g" fo< laI' payment of Education LevY; 2) n,gotia"on, with ,", _,an;" in "gant lolhe 'ighl of way on ",II line' 3) lhe Mini,'a< of ""ioult",e, Food and R"",I Affai" '" counct" "",Iution """"ning lhe ,,,,,,;", of th, Onl",iO ""h """ ,<odu"" thO<o",h ,..,-; and, 53 . . "proposed standards for 4) councl" ,e,",,"""" '0 """",^ 01 \he ~.''"'' papa< f>,gricultural operations in the ontariO AC~ . . e ' ()\\\'" w\\h' ,e.oI"""" co"""'''''' '\ '\. Emil \<.olb, Regional c~air andC t~~eo\)x;:~g~:tory Ch~nges and the impact on the Ministry of the Envlfonmen ,WI Municipalities. {A. -rr A.C\-\EO) ..., Rise co~~"o'^ue '" 00",,\0 Go","meo' ,mrod"""' Leg,,\3lloo 12 oo,anO>'''''' e'" ".,,,, . ' ., :rlAC~eO) . "" ",uo'''''''''''' to ",",'0'''''' 5""....-011 ,A .' .. rt ol 'lor\<""'" coPY ol """"pond'''''' ,.. a,r' F',cn. Reg\OnaI C",<. R~""'" "'~::.:~ _~'OII "",.1' ,,",,"OIl "'0,,""'" to the Ministry of MunICIpal p.\,a\rs an V..-rrp.C\-\ED) . . ,_,opal "".,'" .od >IOU''''''' 'o.od"""" · ,. >lo~ ,,,,,y Clemen'. ",'0'''''' 0 .. ,.ment progra"" to'- local . "'" 10'-- "",untopal p"to- ..ea'u . sef'/iCEl delivery. {A. -rr A.C\-\EO) t!<e'" Cle/.< cau"," ol PeletbO'OUIlh. _"''''' "',,- w,lh ",g"'" to"' 15. ~~.r"" J~de P~I"" ",>II" ro'u'- "",,,,,,ge. (A 1"l AC>leO) 16. ",,02rPJ conIereo<>' p,,,",,,,,""" (.,.".ble ,rom Ihe ",,""0,"""'00 sen^"" Office) 2 S4 l21/BB 22: 1'3 :151 V.S~; I\SSOC \1\110\'1. OY'?-) -" f\\'\0 1 151'3 b'3'3 ?bb1 L""""- ? \J:9UJ ff\'K \-\0. 4\0 Bl\ \3\B\ j, ~ C Association of \ ':,'\' : M\Jnlclp~i\\eS .. 'l;'f . . o~ontal'lO 393 Unl>leJ$\\oi """n.e. sui" \701 -roronlO, ON III~G' Ell rol: (4~a) 97\-9l\5!l' \lll<: (4'11) 97'1.&\9\ emoll: omo@omo.mun,,,,,,,,,com Alert.- To the immediate attention of the Clerk and council PO'" ,,...... 'h.t _,,, .f th" ,~ ."".","" ,. ,. .".."" .f 0....' september 2~, 2000 - Alert - 001034 '''"'' ThO p,""," ",,,,. \0 "",. . .."" H".i", So"'''' Co'''''''''''' " "rt cl ~, ",,"I~'" ., ",cl.1 nous'\ng. 13ackgroulld', ^' "" M'" ",,,,,,,,,,, '" "",,,,, Mi.'.' C"",,,, ,,,re' . ".., .""" .011< '" "" ",,,,,,, cl ,ocia' """, "" .""re' "", ",~'''i'' """. '" ,"1m""" " ~, F.II. H' ,,,."" ." ,m,""" ,- to< ,,,.,"11". S"''' 1, ""'''' ", '''' " """~ " 2001, .'" ""'",, \", ",bI" h""'" """",,\0 ." ~.' 10" "",... "'00"".." .". ,,,m "" ".000 """ cl ,.bli' h""'" ,tod<. " St", 2, '" P"'''''''' ,re,"" \0 ,,,,,",' '" '" m'''''''''' cl "" pi<>9""" to< 1 ",000 ..""ref,' ",' """ h""'" h_h.ld, - " m""''''. F ,"" ,"" ,0\0\ ". "'00"""." "".. ",,00'" .""" M' ",mi'''''' "", ",'" ",,", "'""'" ,rocl<. PROVINCE pLANS SPEC\jl,L pURPOSE BOD~ ""."'" " S".' 2. " ~, d'"'''' cl,M soci" H""'" S'N"" co<,,,,,'100 OOdol." eo,,"""'" ,., "'~ "",,,1oiY "",,,.,,, ,f CMSM' , ",.",'" DS- '" w., "" "",...,,, ,,-" """ , CEO ", "", 1M porpose of the corporation i5 to locUS primarilY orr. . ""","i,i'" 'M ,,,,", ",,","''' "",,,,,, '0< "~,,,,,, "",,,, ~","'''i . """", ,,,., . ,,",,,,m i' i, ,I'"~ W 'M '00'0' ~ ""._ ,.,,,,, bY ",",\\I, ,,,,,..,, " 01"" \0 ensure sound investment management', . "',,",'''' ~." ,_" ,. i' "", \0 """"".iI< ",""" ,,,.'" 'P'"'''' """ "" " -' "",.: "" . _"''''''' ", ""i'''''''''' b"" '"'''',,',' ",,,m"" W ,,,, ,,\0 ,"" ",,,,,,,od"'" ,,,,, "" .'" h'" "" ,..,,"" ~,' 'M ,,,,,,,,, """,, ..' ",", "," · ,,,.,' ,"''''''' bod' "id ,- i" 9""''''''''''' ,""''"'' ", ,,,,.0'. ,",po' '"'' wi\h ",." ,","" 00." i' .., 01" - high ..-,"bll," ", .. .. ,,,hI ,,,,,oN' ,,.",' ,1\0' """ h'" " ",,,,,,\, """" ", ""'''' '0< "cl" "'0""" "" _'OIl ., . .."" ",,,,,, "",.",,, ","" \0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,\\0 p"~,,,,,, ",,,,,,,,,, .0< ",",' ",,,,!cl'" ","",,"b"" fO<~' "Ni'" '"" ",,,,,. ",,", \0 ,,"',"' ~., m.".""""""" oIh'" bod'" .-, ,,"""" '" "'" .ct1'<"",. TI<" ,re ,,\\0' m"" to ."',"'" ~, ,,,,,,d .."""" ",,,,,, ,,,,,., · ,,,, ,pod. '""'" bOd\'. ",0 "'" ",,,,,,,"""" lh'" ", ""''' ,,,,,,10' to ,\\0 ,,,,."'" M' lh' M'"'\" di"""' ""' "''' ,'" ""'''' '" "mi" MIoi'" CIOm'" cl "" "'",,"'., """,,,""',, '" , ,,""',"" ,,"., M""'" '''0'"'' """ '" "'''''',,'' 10.'" "" ,,,~,,,,,"'ide "","' ,""," """'. ,.11 ",,,,ill" N,di"', · ",m,l"" '"' dill""", ,_" "" 'hO ""i" bo"' ",""''''''' 'hO _"'" ."" "'''',."" ,.. """"h of "" """., "'""'" ,oodi"" , .,,,,,,,,, , oo""" 0' ,,,ito' ",,,,,,,, . "",cl" ",,",,,,m \0 ,10"" ".i'" """" ,,,,,,,," ris\<', lu\1 consultations, and local \\el\ibi\\tY. ,cll'" 10'\ cMS","ossAB "" ",,",",'''' ",oo;cl""'" w,,, "" M""'''' o. MOO!cl'" Aff"~ ."" """,,"' .", "."'" M"'''''' CIo""'\ to """"," hi' ,,,,, ,. ","" ,\\0 ""d" '"~O" bOd'. "" "00' Housing Services Corporation. "" "".m''''''' , ",.",.. ~."'" AMO' ,"""lptI"" "", MUNICOM """""" _."","I",m",m '" mOl' ,"101m'"" ","'" p" v~"', 0"- " po'''' ~" "",._of p,,"''''' " (,10' """" ",. 'W or 0\\,\0 Zll""er, se\'\ior ",olloy Jl,dvisor at eX!. 342. iransmission prohlems: 4\0_971.9856 - 55 89/21/88 22:18:19 EST; ASSOCIATIOn OF?-) SEP-21-00 THU 05:32 PM AMO 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co FAX NQ 416 971 6191 Page 882 p, 01/03 Member Communication / ~~ Association of \ r>', \ ,'Municipalities '. 'for" 'ofOntaril) Alert 393 Unlvel1lity Avenue, Suile 1701 Toronto, ON M~iG 1E6 reI: (416) 971-9858 'Imc: (416) 971-6191 sma": Dmo@amo.munlcom.com To the immediate attention of the Clerk and Council Please ensure that copies of this are distributed to all Members of Council September 21, 2000 Alert. 00/033 AMO/ROMA RESPOND TO CONSULTATION ON NUTRIENT MANAGEME:NT Issue: Associations' Response to OMAFRA's Proposed Standards for Agricultural Operations in Ontario, and the Report of the Provincial Task Force on Intensive Agricultural Operations in Ontario, Background; On July 10,2000, the Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, the Honourable Ernie Harde'man, announced that he would be bringing forward Legislation mandating "...strict environmental safeguards for agricultural practices." He also announced that his Ministry would be consulting with key stakeholders regarding the proposed legislation, which is likely this Fall. Summary of the Response: We ara pleased that the government is moving quickly to introduce legislation. The Associations continue to recommend action on five key areas - the regulatory environment, enforcement, leading vOluntary initiatives, research, and educationlcommunication. Some of these issues have been addressed in the province's work, but more needs to be done. . Regulatory En vironment- The government is promising a regulatory environment with clarity and clear lines of authority, however the Associations are concerned about the possibility of a limited municipal role and a much larger provincial role. This may not complement the public perspective of accessibility or needs, The regulatory environment needs to be somewhat flexible, so local circumstances and changing agricultural trends can be addressed. The idea of setting different requirements for different types and sizes of operations is supported. However, Classifying operations with less than 150 animal units as small is problematic and should be significantly reduced. While the proposal is taking into account the location of farms and environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs), we reiterated the need to look at developing "buffer zones" and "areas of excellence". Finally, there is a serious Concern about the government's proposed 10 year Implementation schedule. .../2 56 9/2.118822:19:84 tS1; I\SSOC\1\1l0li OY'H SEP-21-00 \~U OS~33 P~ ~tlO ~O sommu0jcatiOn - A~t 1 519 &33 7&&1 ~"l>l'''~'' P. 02/03 . 'nf,,,,",,,.n" Th' """"" " ",__dl" \h,' 'we' "" """id,oli'" ,.,. \h. ",' i' ,,'n'''''''''!. MlOfRO"" ". ~"',' \hot ",,'iei,.,"" .iII b' 9W," ct." ,nw," " .n\~ "tn ,,'w''''''' op"""" "" th. ,bili~ tn i"u' "d." tn ",,,,, oo",pli'"'' '" ,,,,u,,ted ""ro'" will ,,,,,ui" ",,,,,,,,.n" aod ,be ",,,,,,,,,, tn m'" \\ .-, TO "me .od' ""',, th. Mi"'''' " ."iro,"""'" (MO') ,",,,,,,,,,,, ob''o'''''' ."" th. .""on"'''''' pro'ed~n Ad ,od ,be W,,,, R"'""" ,. " "",.,y i""""'" moo' ,OG"" MlOfROM' ,'''' ,ee' th" th. ",,,,,ci" "",,,nm.", m." '"'" " ""''' p"""., . ",.,""Y I" ro?"" offe,d'" " \1m" that create health and safety risKS. . .ol.n"", Com""",. 'MOIRO"" ,.,e1 th" all ,,,n"" ne"" 10 .. .'00'''''''' 10 ,,,,,,,, goOd ",,",<<Is'1P ,,,olio'"~ ","",lIy d th.y ". no' ,",~" 10 mlni""m pro",nwl ,,,,d""" Th' 0'''''' Min.'~ '" ",,\IOU''"'''' f'od, "" """, ,",i" (OMAfRA) ""W oo"",e< ,.,,~plng on' ,"pp",'ln9 .", pco.'" guW~ine' ,",1M" ,m,II" ,p'''''''' d \beY ". ".""ted. . R"..",h. "",torinS ,nd e.ni.....n . Nl''''''"'' " , h1g' 'no' ,,'"'''' th" i' ",,,,,,,,'y """i'S' 1M ,,,,mm.m ""'" to fu" th' ,,,.,,'" of ,,," ",.nol09i", on' mno"'" ,nno""'" in 0'",' joe""""" 1be" " , ,e'" '" ,,,eI'P , pro"''' to ,pproue ,,," ,."',"'"" on' ,,,,"",,ng'" R""'''" "" ,,,,,, " be "" on \he ES,", In 0'''''"' ". Pro"o,," ,booW p,rt,,, wit' ,od"''''' nt"" ,,",_en" on' bOd'"'' "',""'" Ib" W'" . Ed"'"on "d Comm"o"'"" . R...."'" " not ='0' · It " nol ",mmoo'eaI'" 1be Pm""" " p"roolnS . oom"'oo"""" ",,'el" Ib" w,"W ,,,,,mpony lhO ...o""~ ",,,,,,,, , ". _'egy "'''' "oo,oiz,th. dlff,,'M "p" ,f "''''' on' f"m "",,\Ion "", be hl9h1Y'"P''''''' including training courses sponsored by the Ministry, AMO/ROM'" p,esoond to consul\atlon on Nutrient Management _C-- FW, HO. 416 91\ 6\91 Action: ""Ih ,MO on' ROM' W'" oo,Ii"" 10 be i"""d in It" 9".m"",0" "","It","o .ff''''' B,th ,",""""" will be ""ociP,\ln9 in' ,utr"" ",.""men' _"boP ,pon"'''' bY O""fAA, MOE on""' Mi,i"" '" M",i"P" Aflai.. on' """,ng.'" ","p' ,\\.. 'eIl",.tion. ,p"., ,..n'''''' ,od ",,,,,,,,, ",,',,100' "" oo"'P""'" ,od th. mo" ,pprop'i'" .nto,,,m'''' ",,""', ," \h' tn,,," that wil\ 'oe the foCUS of the diSCussions. f" ,ddillOO" into""""" pte,,, oonla" Jeff fI,M', MIa S,"'" P,,"y M""" " (416) 9" .9856, ".""";ti,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,"",,,,m",,,"" C,pi" o,th' .olt",,""o "e """bte 00 _.,m'.OO." "d www.rnunicorn.Corn. lransmiSsion problemS call: l4'\6) 911-9856 57 1B/B2/BB 22:19:25 EST; ASSOCIATIOn OF?-> OCT-02-00 nON 05:35 pn Ana Member Communication 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co FAX NO. 416 971 6191 /'..I~( Page BB2 P. 01/01 . M';ni~ipajilies of Ontario AI~rt 393 Unlv8l'11lty I\vemla, Suite 17111 Toronto. ON MSG 11;6 rol; (416) 971.9655 . fox: (416) 971~191 emlJlt; omo@amo.munlcom.cclm To the immediate attention of the Clerk and Council Please ensure that copies of this are distributed to all Members of Council October 2. 2000 . Alert. 001035 GEB Delivers Decision on Minister's Directive AND Ministry of Finance Grandfathers Transfer Tax Exemption Issue: The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has delivered its much anticipated decision on the Minister's directive to protect consumers from price hikes. ALSO the Ministry of Finance has given municipal electricity utilities (MEUs) some breathing room on the sales transfer tax exemption deadline. Background: The OEB issued its decision on the Minister of Energy's June 7111 directive to give primacy to the protection of consumers when considering electricity rate increases, last Friday. This followed the OEB's "Generic Hearings" at the end of August, in Which a number of municipalities participated. The decision only serves to interpret the Minister's directive and does not speak to BflI1 00. The OEB decision supports AMO's position that MEUs should be permitted to reach a Market-Based Rate of Return (MBRR), Ihrough phased-in increases. In this respect, the decision upholds the principles of the Rates Handbook, including the commercialization goals. The maximum MBRR remains 9.88%. However, the OEB has imposed a mandatory 3-year phase-in of MBRI=={, in equal dollar increments, and prohibits the recovery of any deferred return for the 1" generalion Performance Based Regulation (PBR) regime. This is a more rigid interpretation of the phase-in, and it represents a loss in revenue in the first two years of the phase-in, to Which MEUs were previously enlitled. The Board's decision will reqUire changes to the Rates Handbook, but there has been no indication of when this will happen, In the meantime, rate applications must be filed or reflled by November 301h, 2000 (for the larger utilities that were required to file under the May 1st deadline). Also all Friday, the Minister of Finance amended the transfer tax regulation under the Electricity Act. The amendment allows all MEU sales/merger agreements that are signed, sealed and submitted to the OEB before November 7'11 deadline, to benefit from the 33% transfer tax exemption, provided that they meet certain criteria. Prior to the amendment, the agreements had to be approved by the OEB by November 7'h before they wouid be entitled to the tax exemption. Both AMO and the Municipal Electric Association (MEA) had lobbied for this extension. Action: While the OEB decision does not address Bill 100 directly, it confirms that consumer protection can be achieved within the framework of the Rates Handbook, thus suggesting that Bill 100 is unnecessary. However, the final decision regarding Bill100 rests with the Minister of Energy. To date, there has been no indication of whether he is persuaded by the OEB decision. AMO will continue to push for the removal of Bill 100. More information on the transfer tax amendment can be found at WWW.est.oov.on.ca . Information on the OEB decision can be found at www.oeb.Qovcpn.cq" __ 5B For more Information contact Nicola Crawhall, Senior Policy Advisor at (416) 971-9856: ex\. 329. --- ~._, ,_. "'- .._~-~,......---~~ 18/13/88 22:13:23 ES!: ASSOCIATIOn Of~-> 1 519 &33 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co co.:;,..... ......~ OCT-13-00 FR! 05:04 Ptl AtlO FA)( HO, 416 971 619! / ,~(' P. 01102 A$sociauon ol Municipalities of Ol1tar'io , Alert . JO- 393 Un""""lty Avenue, sutt.,701 ,oronlo. ON M5Ci lEG ,or. (4\6} 911-9658' fox: (4\8) 971.6191 emall: amo@.1\mo.munlcOm.com To the immediate attention of the Clerk and Council Please ensure that copies of this are distributed to all Members of council october 13, 2000 Alert. 001031 '''''' DOWO'"'''' " ='" M".9 .'m'o"f"\~O p"""" with i",,,,,,,diOO "th. Sac'"~ Housing Reform Act. Province \ntraduces Social Housing Legislation Facts: Too, c,.me'\, Mi,i>!'''! M"i'~" AI"'" .M H,,,iog '''",''''''' Bill"" Y"~""y, Thi' AO, among otl1er matters, sets out: ') . ,..",,",," ,,, the adm'oOt""OO aod ,,,dia,' " M"'" pro,""" by 'd",~a"ad "iNl'" manager"; i1) g,,,m, Ih. pro""OO" "a,.g"",,-'~i'OO"" ",i,"a'" aod ,ped" "ad, ""io, 'M" these programs; i1') .",ha"'" \he ,,"," ,,' ""'" ri,,,", ,,,,,0"" "d ,hliga"'"' <eI.ted \0 """""''' ""'''' programs, 'Including labour relation matters; ,,) ""at" .bi'iI Y '" ""9"'" " ",me "pod' 0\ pro,,,m ,,'''','' w'" ,,",, '",'" "Ni",' '""' as Ontario Works and child care; y) ",""",,"d ''"'" ,,, "01,, ,,,,io, ","," ",' "Ni" ""'''''' wooid be ",p'","" '0< how applicants are assessed and selected as well as administrat'lon of financial testing; and vi) tl1e Social Housing Services Corporat'ion (SHSC), a province-wide body that would handle group insurance, pooi\ng of replacement reserves, ongoing benchmarking and best practices, and bulk purchasing. MembeTsl1ip is m<'indatory <'ind the structure is detailed in the legislation. The Minister has <'ilso advised that: . there will be one time-funding of $58 million to deal with future capital funding related to the federal projects being transferred and any annual surplus will be distributed proportionallY among the service man<'igers; . $5.6 million is available in one-time trans'ltion funding for eligible service managers and that this funding will offset some start-up costs sucl1 as administrative office set-up, costs of computer equipment, or costs of hiring consultants; . one time funding is available asslst with costs of a property management system for publiC housing; . there will be funding <'issistance to help defray the costs related to registering the title to public housing; a portion of the federal social hOusing funds ($525 million) wHl be retained by ttle province to meet its obHgations, including its responsibility for dedlcated housing and potentially Rural and Nat'iVe housing program. 59 .../2 18/13/88 22:14:89 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-> 1 519 b33 7bb1 CLERH-Elgin Co Page 883 OCT-13-00 FRI 05:04 PM AMO Member Communication - AI~rt: FAX NO. 416 971 6191 P. 02/02 Province Introduces Social Housinq Leqislation - Paqe 2/?, If the legislature approves the Bill this fall, public housing will be transferred to the municipal order on January 1, 2001 and the non-profit housing portfolio will be transferred within approximately 18 months of proclamation of enabling legislation. Municipalities have already experienced other service and infrastructure transfers and realize that issues become apparent as the transfer is completed. AMO will continue to remind the province of the lessons learned (e,g. transfer of roads, ambulance, etc.) and will call on the Minister to keep the door open for additional funding. Specifically, concerns exist with the condition of the housing stock being transferred, the sufficiency ofthe transition funding, the adequacy ofthe capital reserves, and the future financial risk associated with an income redistribution program on the property tax base. The Bill is over 100 pages and provides for a large number of regulations which are not available. Th Bill itself will not be available until early next week (www.ontla.on.ca). AMO's Social Housing Task Force will review the Social Housing Reform Act, and prepare a submission that sets out municipal interests and concerns. AMO's expectation is that these can be discussed with the government in advance of any public hearing process for which no information is yet available. Action: President Mulvale, in reacting to the introduction of the legislation again reiterated municipal concern with the appropriateness of income redistribution programs on the property tax base. "AMO will work diligently to ensure that the risks to property tax payers are contained and that both the federal and provincial governments do not abrogate their responsibilities for social programs. Both must use their significant economic surpluses to help solve the housing crisis and the devolution of the administration of the existing stock should not confuse their responsibility". This information is aV:Jjf<ible through AMO's subscription based MUNlCOM network at www.municom.com. For more information contact (416) 971-9856: PatVaninl. Director of Policy and Government Relations at ex!. 316 or Dino Zuppa, Senior Policy Advisor at ext. 342. For transmission problem, contact: 416-971-9856 60 1B/B5/BB 1B:46:47 EST: ASSOCIATiOn OF?-> 1 519 633 7661 Mark McDonald Page BB3 OCT-05-00 THU 11:15 AM AMO FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 02/02 / f-----/ r Association of . .. 'I" I Municipalities 'i' of Ontario Alert 393 UnivorGlty Avenue, SuttB 1701 To"'"IO. ON MSG 1E6 Tol: (416) 971-99S9' lox: (416) 971-6191 &mal1: BmD@1111l0.mu!.llcom.com To the immediate attention of the Clerk and Council Please ensure that copies of this are distributed to all Members of Councif October 4, 2000 - Alert - 001036 Decision on "Approved Costs" for Land Ambulance Services Released Issue: Approved Cost Funding Template defines approved costs for the purpose of 50/50 sharing of land ambulance costs Background: Minister Witmer's commitment to expedite a decision on the definition of approved costs resulted in torlay's release of the framework for approved costs. Three weeks ago, Brad Clark, MOHL TC Parliamentary Assistant, and Roger Anderson, municipal Co-Chair oflhe Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee (LAISC) along with a working group completed a template proposal. All the municipal representatives to the Steering Committee supported the proposal and it was immediately forwarded to the Minister. The template recognizes that municipal costs to fund the same level of service are different than when the province delivered the service (e.g., insurance, leases, sales tax). It also reflects the increase in certain costs, such as tile price of gas and vehicles. The template accommodates the different types of municipal delivery systems, whether in-house or contracted. The government approved the template as submitted with two exceptions. The issues of arbitrated wage settlements and borrowing costs were removed; the former was done because of the government's policy of funding partners no more than 2% a year on labour wage increases. However, the template continues tile proposed provision that gives Ihe Minister the ability to consider special circumstances provided the municipality makes a business case. AMO will be monitoring arbitration settlements and the impact on the ambulance service system. Costs that are outside of municipal control and are settled by others could significantly affect the ability of municipalities to invest in system improvements. A copy of the template as approved and the Minister's letter advising of the decision is available from AMO's website. Action: Work wili proceed on other transition issues Including the implementation process related to the funding template, the review of standards and how they will be funded, inter-facility transfers, dispatch and station leases, among other matters. Brad Clark, speaking at the AMO Counties and Regions Conference, reiterated his commitment to work with LAISC and expedite these other issues. The t0mplate will allow municipalities to prepare budgets for 2001 with certainty and, in addition to monitoring arbitration settlements. AMO will work with the Ministry to ensure an effective implementation process for the approved cost template. This information Is available t"roug!) AMO's subscription based MUNICOM network at www.municom.com. For more information contact (416)971-9856: Pat Venini, Director of Policy and Government Relations at ex!. 316 or Jeff Fisher at ex!. 319 . 61 Ministry of Health , and Long-Term Care Mlnlstete de la Sante et des Solns de longue duree Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre {ti Onl:Ol'lO 10th Floor, Hepburn, Block 80 Grosvenor Slre.t Toronto ON M7A 2C4 Tel (416) 327-4300 Fax (416) 326-1571 10" ~tage, edifice Hepburn 80. rue Grosvenor Toronto ON M7A 2C4 Till (416) 327-4300 Telet (4'6) 326-'571 OCT 4, 2000 Dear Head of Council/Chair: On August 11, 2000, I wrote to the President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) to request that the Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee (LAISC) be promptly reconvened to finalize a ,framework for approved costs. Under the leadership~of Mr':- Roger Anderson, municipal Co-Chair of LAISC and Mr. Brad Clark, my Parliamentary Assistant, the Steering Committee worked expeditiously over the succeeding three weeks, producing a funding template for the Government's consideration. I am very grateful for AMO'p support and the effort and cooperation of the municipal members of LAISC in developing a funding template. This municipal/provincial partnership continues to ensure a smooth transfer of land ambulance service. Today, I am pleased to advise you that the Government has reviewed and approved a funding template. The approved template, attached to this letter, defines those land ambulance costs the province will cost share on a 50/50 basis. We will continue to consult with the Steering Committee as we implement. the funding template that has been designed to assist Upper Tier Municipalities and Designated Delivery Agent~ (UTM/DDA) in developing their plans for the provision of land ambulance services. The Ministry will consistently review municipal plans against the template to confirm provincial funding 'for each UTM/DDA. Ministry staff will soon be providing you with information on the implementation of the funding template and offering assistance in the development of your budget plans. Should you have any immediate questions about the template or the way in which it will be used, please call the Ministry's Emergency Health Services Manager for ,your region. . .2/ 62 fr ~~ , 00 \D )?-\ 1530.4Sse S0/c0'd T99~~~96TST6 01 88S~ 9c~ SW31S;.S H1ltJ3H <1.::1 cv: D 00, S0 DO -2- On the strength of our successful joint effort in laying the basis for approved land ambulance costs, I look forward to the results of our further collaboration at LAISC in completing the transfer and reviewing standards for this vital service. I wish to express our continued commitment to working with municipalities to achieve a seamless transition and ensuring quality ambulance service in Ontario. Sincerely, ~cb Encl: c: A. Mulvale, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario R. Anderson, Co-Chair, Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee 63 S0/>:0'd 199~~~961S16 01 88S~ 9G~ SW31SAS H1l~3H ~~ Gv:~1 00, S0 1JO Land Ambulance Approved Cost Funding Template This template defines approved costs for the purpose of 50150 sharing of land ambulance costs. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care will consider special circumstances provided that the municipality makes a business case. Land ambulance costs, as with other Local Services Realignment Initiatives will be subject to Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) year-end reconciliation of LSR costs. Item Vehicle Purchases (Ambulances, Emergency Response Units and Administrative vehicles) Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles (Ambulances, Emergency Response Units and Administrative vehicles) Patient Care Equipment and Supply Purchases, Repair and Maintenance S0/170'd Rationale Purchase of replacement vehicles that meet the legislated standards. Administrative vehicles would be of a similar type. Basis _ the same number of vehicles in the fleet at the time of assumption, or approved number of vehicles if different. ,." ..-Two approaches are possible: 1. Establish a life cycle/vehicle replacement cycle (recommendation 4.5 years). This would lead to regular funding support for vehicle purchases based on expected vehicle replacements. May be considered as part of a UTM reserve fund. 2. Funding in the year of purchase. This would be detailed in the budget process. Under both scenarios, if the vehicle purchased exceeds the standards, funding would be based on the cost of the standard vehicle. Basis _ operate, maintain and repair the same number of vehicles . in the fleet at the time of assumption or approved number of vehicles if different. Includes: vehicle operating costs (i.e. fuel, oil, tires, licences), preventative maintenance, repair of vehicles. Purchase replacement equipment and supplies that meet the requirements set out in the standards. Basis _ same amount of equipment at time of assumption, or approved amount if different. Where equipment or supplies are purchased that exceed the standards, funding would be based on the cost of the standard equipment or supply. Includes eligible base hospital costs. Page 1 of 2 64 199~ZZ961S16 01 88S~ 9CZ SW31SAS H1l~3H ~~ cl7:Z1 00. S0 1JO S0'30lOd ,IOJ.OJ. %'11- Rationale Itettl '"'''' ,a<""""'" """" (- "'" ",."",) p arattledic etaflin9 p eo.' _ """ ",. "" n""m ,I ,,,,,,,,,,,, "'" I. pia<" " ... 01 """",;on, '" ....... .... nO''''' ,..-, . (b to rbitfated and negotiated f''''''''' ,1- ''''f~ ~ ~ ",oM. """ 01 ';!/o "" ,- settlettlents) wIll be lrol (i.e. \%). " "co""'. " -" ,,..,...,, """"" pararoed\C 1rainln9 provide 1\'1 sel'llce d' t If roeet reo,uireroents ot ttle attendants and pararoe IC s a le9\s\atiO\'l OT standards. AdministratiVe costs ,,",,"0. 01 "I 0\1\" ",m\(i,""'" """", a<P''''''''''' """, adllisof'f cororoittees. etc. d \ 0% at 'pudget. Adroinistratlve costs not to ellcee . )0/, I vera\'lCe costs ttlat accrued uP to sellerance "..." ThO ,to"''''" ,.~ ,OIl C' 0 ~ """ ...,,,,,,""'''''''' ",,- _m"" ", 1<''''' I"'t ~.,_.." "",,,, ,,,,I,,\>t<>, "",. would be based on cor eO Ne '" ",,,,'00' ,,,,,.,, - "......." """, '" \. here a . r ~o''"'" "", "",,, '" 'ha' "'::; ';" "" 000' of I'" -""" 2, _", lIT"'O"' " "',,:;,,_ .-co"'" 000'" "" sel'lices, and that 1\'IIIOIOe I prollince wi\\ snare that cost. 1ay-es W\un'lcipal \'let ta:Y:. costs (e.g. GST, pS1). . \ II" on nabi\iW and building Insurance """.,,,_ ""'" ,...": <On':' ~., "" ,.,.,. '" ,I""'" insurance prem\uros. 06 UC d I surance soard ('NSI6) ratesf NeW WS\6INE.t.K worKplace satet'i a~ n R fng (NEE.R) assessments. E.:y:'pefiroental E:)(penence a I , I "".." .-,,, .~, I\robulance stations "'.,""'. ""no ^""''''''' ~ _, ""'" of ",-, ""..., number W diftefent (rec09n1Zlng ta:y:'es. maintenance, repair, etc.) Inter-FacilitY 'nansters N>P''''' ","".' "'.,"'" ",,- """"", "".- "" tacilitles. etc. d and eC\uiproent to support tne ease Hospital costs B'" n,"""" ,""" "i'\ ...... c'" ..' s,"", ""' arobulance s,/stem. (Re er 0 ,,,,,,,,) , '" "" .,,,1""'"'''' of """"" '''' ...",," first Response iearos iralnlng, e<\U\Pro~ . teams villi be maintained. page 2 o{2 65 S\.\3J.SiS 1-\J.'1031-\ Old ~\7:~1 00, S0 J.')O __~, Cl7:~ New Book Seeks to Inform Public Debate on Genetically Modified Foods According to Alan McHughen, Senior Research Scientist at the University of Saskatchewan, Chair of the International Biosafety Advisory Committee of the Genetics Society of Canada, and author of the recently published Pandora's Picnic Basket: The Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods, the public debate surrounding genetically modified foods is lacking a scientifically sound foundation. Too often, Dr. McHughen argues, the debate suffers from II an apparently deliberate campaign of emotional pleadings based on scientific misinformation, misinterpretation, and simple misunderstan~ing. IT Pandora's Picnic Basket - is the author's attempt to rationalize" the debate, by providing factual information in reader-friendly terms, so that consumers can make inforPled decisions 'about whether the technology should be supported or feared. Using clear and direct language, Dr. McHugheii provides a basic primer on the concepts of molecular g~netics, and the manner in which these concepts have beenapplied in transferring' genes from one organism to another. He compares genetic engineering with other, more traditional plant breeding methods, and uncovers the real stories behind many of the urban myths surrounding. the new technology. The book also examines the safe- guards in place to protect consumers and UP~~~~I~\ 1!.-~lJ""'-~- 1 11 ~ {n" ...~. '. ~t?iJ;:3.u.... Lc':~~;. -:-."-'--" Th~ Potential and Hazards of Genetically Modified Foods the environment,- and compares the often divergent regulatory regimes of different countries in regard to' genetically engineered plants. Issues of. concern regarding the- technology are examined, along with the implications of adopting a labellihg regime for all food products developed through its , use. Are such labels practical? Will they add to the much vaunted concept of consumer choice? Will the costs of mandatory labelling result in less choice for , many consumers? Dr. McHughen's approach is balanced and rational, with attention paid to both the benefits and the potential risks the technology offers. Case histories illustrate the development and regulation of GMOs, arguments are well-supported, and a lengthy resource list is included for readers who, want more information. A valuable contribution to the ongoing' dialogue regarding genetically modified food, and essential reading for those concerned about the technology and eqnally skeptical both of proponent's promises and opponent's predictions of doom, Pandora's Picnic Bas!a;t is available in most major Canadian bookstores. About AGCare AGCare (Agricultural Groups Concerned About Resources and the Environment) is. funded by all major Ontario farm organizarions involved in crop producrion. Over 45,000 Ontario horticultural and field crop producers are represented on agri- cultural pesricide use, crop biotechnology develop- ments. and other environmental issues through 16- II?-ember groups: Christian Farmers' Federation of Ontario Ft:derated Women's Instirut~ of Omano -Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. _ Omario Bean Producers' Marketing Board Ontario Beekeepets' AssOciation Omario CanoIa Growers' Association Ontario Com Producers' Association Onrano Federation of Agnculrure OnMo Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association Ontario Processing Vege~ble Growers Ontario Seed Growers' Association Onrano Soil ~d_Crop I,mprovernem Association Ontario Soybean Growers Ontari-o Wheat Producers' Marketing Board -Seed Com Growers of Onmio 4 ~ .{[j{:%'Th "~~'~ .."il ,., ~,._"'. ,-;.:~i.~-c_ ".' ,,,,,~~~~f~r;',\ [:l.~~:r ':'-;>:-~~:r-~ , ':C''-'''''''''-''''''''':''~ UJjy:1 ~..,"' 3' ". W:-fj;X~~\~};f ," -- t--,.",. ,.' - ~ .'-, ";J:r-~~. ~.i~.;r:~,.; - 0:.__", ,{/.-~_., Care " ~ AGCare Update Publisher: Agricultur~ Groups- Concerned Al??ut Resources' and the Environmenr Editor: Brenda C~sidy AGOue Head Office 90 Woodlawn Road W Guelph, Ontario. N1H 1B2 Phone, 519-837-1326 Eri,519'837-3209 website: www.agcaTe.?rg e-mail: agcare@agcare.org Printe~ on paper contaming recycled fibre OMAFRA's "Healthy Futures for late this summer will provide Ontario's Ontario Agriculture" initiative. C farmers with a safe and convenient way This program augments other a ~e " to dispose of obsolete farm pesticides. initiatives undertaken by the Ontario . I The program, the result of a partnership farm community to enhance between AGCare, the Ontario Ministry environmental safety in regards to of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, agricultural pesticide use. Since 1983, and the Crop Protection Institute, is farmers in Ontario have reduced their being furided with the assistance of use of agricultural pesticides by 40.7% (as measured by active ingredient), thanks to the availability of newer and safer products, the implementa- ti~n of mandatory training and certification programs for all agricultural pesticide users. and the adoption of a variety of management practices to control crop-destroying pests. Analysis by university researchers has shown that this decrease in usage is accompanied by an equivalent, if not greater reduction in -environmental risk. The collection program. offered at no cost to growers, will be operated at 32 collection sites in southern Ontario from ,Y;ce~CIiC1;r'SR~marks .' :Biotec:hComlnunicatioI1S.'/nitiatives: '.Jt'srim~.io.,Sho-waswella.s Tell . "with all tl16<debate Surfolindmgthe use of bioteclllologylaying out ,the op~ons and re~riirements .involved in (toellhaiic.e food ~rops, there-isdne pOiIlt,on whichpollSiers, .p,oducIng vegelables that )Ileet the quaiity standards we've '.pr9Ponents and anti'technology adv9~.iitesagree: mosipe,op]e~ome to expect, bYProvidingfull:disclosureof information don"tl1aveaClear imdei,standingof t1ie recbiiology,ari.d'. and allowing , clear choices, the project will yie)d valuable [vVould:like more infornlatioll abouttl1e processlfud how it in(olJIlatIon, about real-life consimi:et preferences. ~ l affects them .. '.' A,ndtl1ernew proje~tjust underWay this fall is desigtled to j i.', ',c'o'.' "nJ~unQr..'C"llth':OenJ.',asW1'.',.~.thYear,' o'ur: A.....Gm.ce.mar..bee..,'re.l'grreOsne...pn.'st.a,'llan.~,..eds'..ohtha.Ve~r'...w..',a,ognr. k,..-e,' do''--Oind. ..','. heippeople uriderstand some 'Of the basic science inv91"ed in j i ' biotec!i:.WorkIng wiih:project partners at the, University of) f' :industryjJartners1oc.o,Ilnllunicatethe'roletheiOl;ooology'can . Guelph and Ontario Agri.Food TechIlologies, I've beenl .pJay"iil.' sustainable. !Igrii:ufitinif' protluctio.n:' reduc"ir involved in the deve)opment and delivery of hands-on biotech I !lgncllltUriill'''Stici~~illse'and .#pmved.f;oQ(j q!!aIityan~ training. that includes DNA extraction, a monarch butterfly 1 iSafely.-,.We've talked.aboUl.iliemeasuresfarmersctilfe to.'.stndy and an lllteracllve. CD-ROM program. Live 1 ! red.uc<o poleIltia!riskS; arid -Iheii>k (;iiIJ-adit:s;-egufato~playdeninnsti'atiorisieaturingmiCropropagiitio]}pfplants and'1 _ "" i~,'~ , I .s;;&'J'T USE IP,--........,..t,"';.._-O--- ,CLEAR IT OUT/ 1- '\ ,/ ."-- , , , -, ~q ! Eiii~,:~'.~~ ~~;>":_~; fi"'- ~=c..;;;d I. i i , , i ~..;;..., r.~ti .- ~1~] ~l;' r011.!r'~~l r!:~'q':;~ c.-j~&" Vlj;["q \) ,.J l'i". tItMKi~;:~i~m~~2 Vol 10 No 4 ISSN 1 183-296X November I tlrrough November 3, 2000 Products collected will then be disposed of at facilities approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Northern Ontario sites will be covered in a similar program slated for 2001. Further details. including a list of collection sites, will be advertised in Ontario farm media sources and will also be available at farm shows and throngh agricultural dealers. ~ . :j -(j Antibodies Developed from Biotech Plants May Prevent Foodborne Illness Model Farm Project Update 1 In the last issue of the AGCare Update; University of Guelph research assistant Katija Blaine outlined a C011Z- parqtive researclz trial undenvay on an Ontario' farm that will provide a direct comparison of genetically engineered crops and conventional varieties. Since that time, harvest season has arrived, and initial analysis of results regarding required crop inputs and cOllsumerpref- erences has begun. The first sweet com and table potatoes of the season, incluaing genetically engineered varieties, were available for consumers at Birkbank Farms August 30. The crops are part of an experiment comparing different pest management technologies coupled with consumer buying preference in a complete fann- to-fork approach. To deliver the high-quality, affordable sweet corn and table potatoes that Canadian consumers demand, producers use a mix of technologies, techniques and experience. All of the sweet com available on the , initial day of sales was sprayed with a herbicide on July 2 and received one application of fertilizer. The convention- ' al sweet corn was sprayed either three times with the insecticide carbofuran or four times with Bt as a foliar spray (Bt is short for Bacillus thuringiensis, a nat- ural, soil-borne bacterium that produces a protein that is toxic to specific families of insect pests). The last treatment was on Aug. 23. All conventional varieties required a fungicide, which was applied on Aug. 15. The sweet com genetically engineered to contain Bt required no . insecticides ~d n6 fungicides. The potatoes required two applica- tions of fungicide, largely due to the wet spring and summer. Conventional potatoeS were either sprayed twice with the . insecticide Admire, twice with Actara, a new biopesticide currently undergoing field trials to test its effectiveness, or three times with Bt as a foliar spray. The genetically engineered Bt pota~oes required no insecticides. All of the products used have been approved for safety by Canadian regulators and were used according to recommended The Ontario government and private se~tor p<lftners are investing more than $3.5 million to research and develop uew methods of quickly detecting contaminants in food and water. With funding assistance from Ontario's TlHealthy Futures for Agriculture" program, project partners will develop tobacco and potato plants . capable of producing antibodies that call detect the' presence of foodborne pathogens such as Listeria and E.coli 0I57:H7 as well as waterborne parasites such as Cryptosporidium parvum and organic contaminants ,such as PCBs and dioxins. The antibodies ."harvestedll' from these customized plants will then be incorporated into the packaging mate- rials for detecting foodborne contaminants. Research will be carried out at the University of Guelph over the next three years to: . produce antibodies in plants (also known as llplantibodies") . evaluate field-grown, identity preserved transgenic tobacco and potatoes for plantibody yield. . achieve small and large scale purification of antibodies from the trans- genic plants . incorporate plantibodies into the packaging materials used in the food industry demonstrate the usefulness of these' packaging systems III detecting foodbome contaminants. Although antibodies have been' used to detect contaminants for years, the costs involved with such applica- tions have prohibited widespread usage. A source of quality plantibodies such as that envisioned in the project will reduce costs significantly, opening up new uses for technology, new markets for agriculture and new opportunities for added safety in our food supply. , .~ ,~. f , li I c icontinuedfroriIpage'l . l The .Saskatchewan Agricultural. ' I, Biotechnology Inforniation, Centre i' (SABlC) program is offered to co~sumer, I: commuillty- and fami groups 'as well as to : schools: ,Iowa State Uniyersity offers . ~ adv~ced traIDing for teache~s who wish i t~' includebiotechnology in their science ~ . curnc;ulum and provides training for ': industry groups as well:' . Our .initial ,program, deve)oped through the' collaborative efforts of a teain .' representing.' farn::'-ers, government,' "consimiers and the:Umversilyof Guelph will be delivered atfour venues' Canada's Outdoor 'Farni Show (September 12-14), the International Plowing Match .(September 19-23); the' Norfolk COllllty Fair (October 3-9)' and' the Royal , Agricultural Willter Fair (November 2c 11). Jom us as we lluravel the mystique',', behind ,the science! ' For farmers, biotechnology offers an important tool for managfug some of the challenges inherent in f"od' production,: por. consumers, it can offer' higher food . . quality anil,irici~ased food safety. . For the' ,environment? . Less pesticides,Iess tillage, ~'and . "m:ore effici~nt ..').lSe'--:'oL". a. \. limited amcultnral lai1dbase. . And' wei;" . ~. . . ~~- ~-~ - -- ~ '. . j " , I i " " ViceChai?s Remarks :. '. .... . . .f '. '. '. Biotech' Communications Initiatives I The University of Guelph tent was a popular spot at the Outdoor Fam, Show, where consumers lined up to sample genetically engineered and conventional sweet com. guidelines to ensure safety. their purchasing d~cisiC?ns. Very few of Jeff Wilson, 'the Hillsburgh-area them have noted any differences in the farmer (and AGCare Executive flavoUr of the corn produced through Committee member) hosting the trials, various techriologies. Taste tests have . said that the one clear message from his also been conducted at the Outdoor customers over the past .f~w years is to . Farm Show and the International reduce pesticide use. "We started with Plowing Match; and plans include integrated pest management (IPM) similar demonstrations at the Norfolk systems appropriate, for our farm County Fair and the Royal Agricultural and location several years ago. but Winter Fair.. eventually reached the point where Katija Blaine, research assist~nt on further pesticide reductions. led to a the project. encourages consumers to prodnct that consumers simply did not visit Birkbank Farms through the find acceptable,," said Wilson. t1Based balance of the harvest season. tlWe are 'on initial observations, the Bt corn and trying to give consumers as much potatoes are proving' to be an information as we can on the benefits important additional tool to help meet and risks of growing genetically consumer demand for reduced pesti- engineered crops, as well as other cide use. n The corn crop management tools, so they can and potatoes harvested make an informed choice,!! said. through the trial will be segregated and labeled so that direct consumer Blaine. "The model farin market will testing for purchasing preference can give us a realistic setting in which we be conducted. Initial results indicate can assess consuIl).ersl preference. II that the genetically engineered sweet' More ipJormation, including corn is more popular with consumers; numerous background documents as outselhng conventional varieties by a well as weekly updates on the crops' margin of 3:2. development and consumer buying Customers' at the ~alJIl market have patterns, can be foui:Ld at the opportumty to sample the different http://www:p)ant.uoguelph.ca/safe varieties of sweet corn before making foodlbt-sweet-cornlbt-index.htm 3 .' new . technolo~ ~nd conventional.~; methods, arid to make their decisions 'i based on cl~ar information. "1 1 , .~ only beginning. The potentfal, of "cnstomized" plants is virtually limitless. . . But consumers will ultimately decide ,the fate ,of this 'technology. So let's provide them with. the oppdrtunity' (0 - experi~nce ' some" of ~he science and researc~" to con:'pare the r~cati~p.s of h7~x5~ Mary Lou QaiT . AGCare Vice-Chair . ! ;-}' , . .- :...;,' \-- ',"; If.'\,''' ,.;;;; , , ~~' ". . \' ; ~~~~~.~ ,::',,\'::1' '.." .~-tJ;.,'" t:~_/: .~:i, . . -"--'."., >.~:~ . . . .. .... . .1~Y~ :_.Ia:italtt' . "-.'k!q:y~ ~~Oll;' .:~ar~' . :j4??Ca~e. . Vtc;~-C:~a!~.o.' 7!1i:tove~~ .!he '"sc..~e11:ce'. '.'?~kin.d . the . te~~.n.oJo~ on....a.: Tecej~t :f!oJl#lzfJ :'CO!~~se.. :.4ss.istj~g il~.tlle p/oce.ss IS ..Mif:-e :Ze!l~1; .' . :: i1!?tl!chnb{?-$YX!~f!eafh .-EJiu'c~~on <;oqrdi~citor at !dwa'!iqte:U.riiYf!TSltY: '.:' , -.-. --~ ..'-_.._~ 2 Office des transports du Canada Canadian Transportation Agency Bureau du President Office of the Chairman }",c:':7 fi~;1\\li~~'~~ ~:>'~'QI*i ',"_"",, ,,"," ,,"A-Cl'c,W.t 2000 ,"'~:M'" ,<I .~./ l'I~Ugu's SEP 20 2000 To Whom it may concern: R R d. D" fD' S . b A' C . CO! f1,Gi~; e: e uctlOn or Iscontmuance 0 omestlc elVlces V Ir arn~rs5~1"1~-T'? "",T'\ '~p !'l1"~!' ~,WI:.:...~b:"u ~ ~:"~, ~ ~)~jrVn,d:::(} On July 5, 2000, the Canada Transportation Act (the Act) was amended to address restructuring within the Canadian air transportation industry. One of the amendments specifically addresses the notice requirements for air carriers proposing to reduce or discontinue air services within Canada (See Appendix A for sections 64 and 65 of the amended legislation). An air carrier is now required to give affected communities notice that it proposes to reduce or discontinue air services to a point within Canada in three situations: 1. When a carrier proposes to discontinue service that would result in only one or no carriers serving a point; 2. When a carrier proposes to reduce the frequency of a service to less than one flight per week which results in only one or no carriers providing service to that point at least once per week; 3. When a carrier proposes to discontinue a year-round, non-stop, scheduled air service between two points in Canada that would result in a major seating capacity reduction (50% or more) on that route. If one of these situations arises, then the carrier must give the community or communities affected 120 days notice before the date it proposes to discontinue or reduce a service. Carriers who have served a point for less than one year are required to give 30 days notice. A carrier may apply to the " Agency to have the notice period reduced. The carrier must publish its notice in the largest circulated newspaper serving the community affected by the change in air services, The air carrier is also required to serve a copy of the notice on the federal Minister of Transport, the minister of transport in the province or territory to be affected, and on the Canadian Transportation Agency. .,,/2 Ottawa (Ontario) KIA ON9 www.cta-otc.gc.ca 7 1 Ottawa Ontario KIA ON9 www.cta-otc.gc.ca Canada 2 In addition, the carrier must provide elected officials of the community or communities affected an opportunity to discuss with the carrier the impact of its proposal to discontinue or reduce service. If you believe that a carrier has not given proper notice as set out above, you may submit a complaint to the Canadian Transportation Agency. If the Agency finds that proper notice was not given, it may order the carrier to reinstate the service for .up. to,60..days if it is practicable to do so. The Agency may also fine a carrier that has failed to provide proper notice. It should be noted that this process cannot prevent a carrier who has given proper notice from discontinuing its service. If you think all air carrier should give, or should have given, notice of a change in the frequency of its service in any circumstance other than specified above) and you have complained to the airline but are not satisfied with its response, you may then complain to the Agency's Air Travel Complaints Commissioner. If you require more information, or wish to make a complaint you may visit our Web site at WWW.cta.l!c.ca. Or you may call or write us at the following: Air Travel Complaints Commissioner Canadian Transportation Agency. Ottawa, Ontario KIA ON9 Tel: 1-888-222-2592 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time) TTY: 1-800-669-5575 Fax: (819) 953-5562 Yours truly, ~ I~(M~ Marian 1. Robson Chairman 72 lIP"''''' A; tak" ..... ... ....... 1"-""" Ad. .. ........ bY S.C.. 2000. c.,. ... (1) WbC'c, fi~ _'" on ",_' -'"" -'" '" on.,.tnce the ...._.f ..eb' -'" ,. . p''"' to "" .,.. ,'" !light '" -" .... ". -" of tbe prop"'" ",-'-" '" .- ""'" ~ill bc only ""'..- '" "" __......... "'" "",!light '" -" to ,"" polet. the fi~ """ ~"" not"" ,f th. ptoPO'" " ,-rtb'" f""" ... - on ..'" P""''' " ... prescribed. (1.1) 1f'''- pn>p"'" on __ it> ,...._cd.......'" ..""",,,,,n ..- - ,wo pomt, In c-"'" .....-" """"" ,,,",, In.....,-;..~ to ,be -" """'" the _'" "to uk' effect. of" "'" so% of the -"" _"'- _\tv of" fi_ ,,.,- y",.to""d non""P "",del'" ,n ""'"" __ - twO pn\nU. the fi~ ,boll ~"" """" of,h' ,,<>P"'" In the,,_.... """'... _to the ,-n""- (U) A"- ""'" "_,, pn"''''''' ""'...... """".- -''''' (1) '" (1.1), """,,, .. ,,,."""'" "" ~..", offici'l' of the "",,",pol """"" __ of the -- ,ftbe ,... '" pn\nU. "tbe "" "'" be, to _....- w\lh tbe fi~ tbe "",oct oftbe P"'P"""-- or reduction. (1) A fi~ """ not ;roptemo" . pn>P"~ ,- to In ......on (I) '" (1.1) .... tbe ....., of 120 "'" '" ,0 .." If \he -'"' ,..".. to In .... ......... ... .... In ,,,,,,,.. "" "" .... ... ,oU, oft" tbe uoti". ""'" '" .... \he ....., of.., """'" pod"" tbOl the .....' """ .. """",,,on by the licensee, specify by order. (3) 10 ""","erie' _ to opcci~ . ..,"" perled ..'" ........ (2), the - """ .- regard to (.) the ...._ .f '""""'''''...... ,f pub\i' """,- ""',..,. .. ",Ie ,hc ""eity ,fth. pomt ,of- tole "",,,,,,"' (1) '" _ ,be'- ,-'" tole........ (1.1). (b) _ _ bY """,,n ..- to the pomt'" -- the p""" "," '''''' to be provided; (e) w\lclbe< the fi~'" _lied wltb ""'- (l.2);'" (d) the particular circumstances ofthe licenSee. (4) 10.... ""'on .. non'''''' ,,_,ed,n -,,,' _..,n -'" .",,""- twO pelut, w\lhOU' .., ""p' Ie _..- wltb.,.,.,...., .m"'" "'... """".... 65. WbC", on """"""" Ie"""" on the _ by .., "'.... th. -.... ""'. ..-'" ",led to _ly wltb ..... .. ... \hO' It . """"".. In the ____ "" th. fi""'" to _I' wltb .. ""'''' und'" ,hi, "",on tbe _ ...,. by ,",,,,, """' the fi~ to teI- the"- ,- to ,. that section (.) "" ..... pod.d, not """""'" "'" d.,.. oft" the dot. oftbe ...... by tho _. " tbe Agency deems appropriate; and (END) (b) at such a frequency as the AgencY may specify. 73 \I1I\nistet 0\ Mricul\Ule and I: Mti-rood lV\inis\le de I'Mlicul\Ure e\ de I'Mloalimen\aile REt4"'?J,~~""!~~E'D'" , ~r ""l,~^ I,J ' !I. .,.}H f .' ,( ..~< iI4It-4',' t/S c;~ \i~ ' ' Ottawa. canada \<.1'" OC5 SEI' 28 2(\(\() Quote: 52\\\\05 CQUr~r'{ 1:1\: tt.G\~ ;\ 1'J%;l'\\\\j"~\"~l r\'\'\\l\~ ",r;I):\I\Cr'$ ."!Wh~ ~~;,~) . d', ",,, ,,,' ,.,,1<."' '. ..... St.~ ~ s '2.Mll" Mrs. Sandra J.lleffren Deputy County Clerk . 'The Corporation of the County of Blgin 450 sunset Drive St. 'ThoUlas, ontario N5R 5'Jl Dear Mrs .lleffren'. .' ' d" '" port ,,,,,, C",,,,,iI of"" C",,,,,,,,, 'Thank yoU for your letter In 'Which ~ou cfon:h:ve~ "'1 oi the 'To'Wn ofLakeshore regarding farUl " <h' eou"" ,f 1l\';' fo< , "",\uti"" t' "''''''. _"" "d ",b.'di" 1 "gre' "" ,o..y " ,,,,,ndin, . . . d ."t'" ...."e y'" <h.t , ,"""""' "" I .h~' you' ",,_ '~"''''''' ,,,,,,""" :,;,,:::' '" ,,, -, y""" "d k"'''' f",t.""'" ""t ,,,,,rt"" of C"",, . 'l'I' """''''. "". 1" ", th~ "" ba''''''''''''''' " ,- '" '''''' "" ",0'" "'l".w " fi -~ l""''''''' '"" help farUl faro.i.li.es through difficult tunes, . uili u-"''''' '''' <h" _n, <h' '''',''' "" In'''''''' fro" ,_ h""""'''' '" ",b1 not '" :t t """0';' ,,,,,, '" h.' ,"",,,. ,w ",;" ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,_on,, h-" '" _,,:. 'h n' :"" ,;,,,,, '" ""un"'" ""'\"" htought incOUle variability. 1l0'Wever, Ulany pro ucerl~ _ ~vet f ~ar"ets 'Which raised Iluestions about ., h ",,'" .."" ,~ "" ",,, 0" , , on by variOUS factors U\at go e, 1n s '0 th'S sih,otion 1 have been 'Working . .., '" ."'d" not "",.. " . - ' 'I' l"''''' \, ",,, " "" "",_ ",' ., , '" "ecl ,bo n"'" ,ff"" ,,,,,,,,, .,th th' 1>"'" n"" ",d ",tlh ,,,,,,,,,, '" l"~';; :~;,:' "". ",,, ",d 1<)99 ",'''' ..' '""".., 'h"""'~ ""_"",,,,- p' ;. ",..t"''' (AID>') ",,,,,, AID" j, """\_ "" ,fIi" "",,,,,\<,,~ 1"""''. '.'" ~ ,,,,,,, b"O". ill'"~ ",,,,,,,, '" .of,,,n,,,, ,.""d'" '" "", ,",\1,td"~' ",h', "''''''. """,,,,, severe short-terUl farto. il1cOUle losses, . .' ~ '" "'" 'ot'" \ <)99 ,,11>" ,,,,,,,,, """ , W' "" ,,",,' _ '" """""" ' J""; h ",,,,,,",,Wi ",,,,,,,,. f '" ",...,\, tf <h' nroducer can choose the UlethOd that best ISU1. s eac" "\0"" IS at zero because a producer 'WaS not , . .', \t", ",d tI" """, tn..' ., ' \ ,"~"" ,"''''''''' ." qu<' , , .,' '"" """,,,"'t\ Y oY~ th",," "'<"'" ..,to"" , "'" to l'" ","" m th' ",",,"" "':;' ,nnd"[d,,,~, ,,,, ,'JD" ,. ,,,"" opening and dOSing InventOries can a OU ...12 74 canaoa Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Page 3 Following many months of discussion, my provincial and territorial counterparts and I have recently finalized a three-year framework agreement that will provide up to $5.5 billion in safety net funding to Canadian producers. The deal will see an investment of up to $3.3 billion in federal funding over the next three years, with up to an additional $2.2 billion provided by the provinces. These funds will constitute the basis of Canada's farm income safety net package. This package includes fall cash advances, the NISA program, crop insurance, province-specific companion programs, and a new, ongoing disaster protection component, the Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP). In response to farming groups, the disaster assistance program will now be a fixed part of the safety net package. The CFIP will be directed toward all producers who have experienced dramatic reductions in fanning income, I am enclosing information on the details of the new framework. Provincial allocation ofthe federal portion of the funding for the basic safety net program will be based on the size of the agriculture industry within each of the provinces, with the exception of Newfoundland and Labrador, which will receive a set allocation. This will ensure fair distribution of the funds. As a result of increased federal funding, most provinces will receive increased allocations, and no province will receive less than its 1998-99 funding level. The program will be cost-shared under the traditional 60:40 federal-provincial arrangement. The new framework is a balanced agreement that will respond well to the overall needs of the agricultural sector as well as to province-specific concerns, I am confident that the framework will offer more stability to the sector. Federal, provincial and territorial Ministers remain committed to providing long-tenn income security for Canada's producers, and I believe that this agreement accomplishes this goal. With this new package, we are taking a large step toward ensuring that Canada's agricultural sector continues to be competitive and strong. Again, thank you for writing, Yours sincerely, -- Enclosure 76 \" FEDERAL-PR~V~C~L- TERRITORIAL coMMUNIQUE - , coMMUNIQUE FEDERAL_PROVINCiAL-TERRITORIAL \ J FEDERAL-PROVlNCIAL SAFETY NET AGREEMENT WILL STRENGTIlEN CANADA'S AGRICULTURE SECTOR FltEDERICfON, N.R., July 5,2000 _ Fol",,", pWVh,"'! ~d "",,,,ri" """"""" mUll''''' ",d., ''''''iud' "",~,= _",~k _mY on _ i"""mo ,""" now, worth up '" $5.5 billion'" "', country's farmers. Tho now _",~k, whioh will nffm more "",ili" to tho "",,,,!tm, -', w'" .",ol '" the "'t da, 0' tho ""rn,,,",' """"'" mnoting ~d [ullnw' m~Y mon"'" nf int_ di",,,,,i'" om"" th, roo",," g,,~n<nont, tho P'"inO" m>d _ _""'''''',,,' 'Iini"'" b'" ",hi"ol , ""~'" ogremn@t that _",d. '" t,", ",,,"1 ""," of th, .~tn' '" wdl '" P'",>iUco'""ci'O """"" Mi"''''~ """"Uned thn faot "'" woogb wmmi"""nt ~, P"""'''''''''' ~ ~odl"t ",,,,amd "" - set for federal-provincial cooperation in agriculture. The agreement sets a foundation for a package of programs to address a variety of farm income p"Ul,m' ",wlting _ .noh thing< '" 'not~ting prio,", P'~ w",thm m>d fnwi", .,midi", Tho mhi"'''''' "id \hi> loog-",m "",,",Y '"""" the ""iou,",,,l indu"", "'" ooWnne nw\<ing "",j~ contributions to the quality of rural life in Canada. The deal will see an investment of up to $3.3 billion in federal funding over three years. p,,""'n~ would P"';" up '" $2,2 billi"', TU' joint! Y """",'''' p"'''''"' will be 00"''''''''' oodm tho .,di'i "",I 60-40 ,,,",,I'p',,inni", ""on,""""" uugoWl ,,, n'" ~d mW""" po\@fud t"" challenge. The framework signed today provides the basis for federal and provincial core safety net progn"" oo,"pd,in, '''' """ ""no"', Net 1noo,"' """,!limri,n ",onot (NlSA), Cmp In,mono< m>d p",,_.,p<nifiO ,,,,,,,,,,, ~d ,~"" f"" hoW, "" ,,,,,,ing in- ""'- pro,"'inn component, which farm groupS had asked to be included. l'ro,;ocW ",,,,,,,,,, of f,d",," ,""""'" f~ 00" "'" Y Det P'~ will be """ on "" "" of th, ind"'''' in o~h pro""'o< "'''''' Newf,ondl~d """ L""'do' whinh _i'" , "" ,1Inn,rioo A., """h ofiD_ol f"''''' _g, 00 pro"no< will ",." l,~ """ i~ )999 (oodin, I"'\. Di""'" fnoill" will be illrectnd ",_d '" ,,,do'"'' "'" ",,' ",ori",,'" ",,",hn """""00' in -"" nO matter where they live. ....12 77 R OGR "" A omb\ned onierences - - february 20-28, 200'\ RO'ja\ '(or\l. ,",ote\, \oronto \:j -"",-.' , , , / Cbeck List DCI S ?\\\)\) C,"\\':" ity,), ' \0 "a<' the dateS on ,"""alenda< 10' 2001. \0 "a,e 'jOu' a"",,,,,,,cd,,,,,,n a""ngo-Is "OW ueln!! lhe end- """". h ~ eo"'" to ",a'" the'" ""n to ",a'" leet ",,"ule reee<""hone. \0 Wal'" "" p<09"'''' """_ and annou",","enls on the QGRA web ellB...... .09",.0<9 and the /\MO web site WWW.amo.on.ca \0 Reg","' \0' the Combined Co"""en,,", .,men 'jOu ,eceWe de""led p<O<l"'''' 'n\~ and registration 10rms in mid_November. \0 WI 900-795.2655 Il'jOu wl,h ",",onell"""",",'oO' fo,delegate p<O<l"'''' ,nio-' a"'- \0' Sheila """a"''''~~ fo' a""""""",a.on Inlonn-' "" io' ce\h'! \-IOU""n ~.Q!\l fo' lon9 ee""'" _,d In""",,,,,,,n, ",- '" l1",one "cea~Ie!^~o' ) fo' ,",o"""""n on ,"""u..,,,, eel< I., o..na su"'- ~",.Q!\l) fo' In\""""""n on comPanIon" P<09"''''' eel< '" Ra""a G<'" ~~E'Jll f'" InfO,,,,,,,,,,n on the ,,,,,,e ShO"'. ",- io' Theone "",auleY"'- 0\1",.0' on behall of \he eoa'" of 0"- 01 0""''''' Good ooede ~ and the ""eoutlV" Co"'- oIl'''''"'' we ""'" """"'" \0 eeeln!! yoU ,n feb",aO/. ~\- "04'.\~~ Bert \/orstenbosch Chair, ROM/\ c..toi'~ S\-i.""'L.~ George stMins president,OGAA 1<0 ontario GOod Roads p..ssociation Rura\ ontario Municipa\ ~ssociation · c/o 630 otto Road, un"lIZ, M\55,..-a, oN u;,.U; Tot (906) ",0-2655 fe'" \g06) 790-2660 E"'"'" ,_""",.0" 2001 RO~OGRA COMBINED CONfERENCES fEBRU/l.R'l 25 to 28, 20M $C\-\EOU\..E Of \-\OlE\.. \V.,lE$ CROWNE flLp.1./I. 225 front street \Nest 4~6_597-~400 ~ _800-227 _6963 Single 6edroOm Double 6edroOm _$H9 _$H9 RO'l/l.L 'lORK \-\OiEL ~ 00 front street \Nest 4~6_368-25~~ ~_800_44'\-'\4~4 Single 6edroOm Double \3edroOm Single pacifIc premi~r Double pacific premIer _ $~39 small suite _ $~55 Medium suite _ $209 Large suite _ $225 _ $499 _ $599 _ $759 & up S\:\ERAiON CENiRE t Single 6edroOm ~ 23 Queen street \NeS Double \3edroom 4 '\ 6-36~ - ~ 000 '\ _800-325-3535 _$'\35 _ $~35 SiRA i\-\CON/I. \-\OiEL Single \3edroOm 60 yor\<. street Double \3edroOm 4 ~ 6_363-332 ~ ~ _800-268-8304 _$'\05 _ $~05 ER.'''O''S MU'" aE "",OE USI"G 1\lE PRIOR ,0 fEaRU,"", 7, 200'f';..';.";....., 0,1E PLE,SE co""ct 1\lE ~'ci~ti ;.~~g~~ ~g~~CEL'-'''O''S ,,,0 C~,"GES, \"oteo ,II ,at<" a<e ,ubieet '" pS1 and GS1, d ,pp"cable] In10rmation o\Jer . . . 79 2001 ROMA/OGRA COMBINED CONFERENCES February 25th to 28th Royal York Hotel, Toronto OFFICIAL HOUSING FORM Name of Person Requesting Room: Surname Given Name Name of Municipality/Company/Organization Street Address or P.O. Box Number City/Town, etc. Postal Code ( ) Telephone (include Area Code) ( Fax Name of Contact Person ( ) Telephone Arrival Date Departure Date Room Type: Single (1 person, 1 bed) Doubie (2 people, 1 bed) Twin (2 people, 2 beds) Suite (size) 1 or 2 bedrooms Hotel Choice. Please number 3 choices Royal York Hotel Crowne Plaza Sheraton Hotel Strathcona Hotel Smoking Sharing RoomWlth Non-Smoking I am enclosing a deposit cheque in the amount of $ Payabie to ROMAlOGRA Housing Bureau ($150 per room minimum) OR I am enciosing credit card information Visa Master Card American Express # Expiry Date Signature ** I would like my housing bureau acknowledgement sent to me by fax 80 mail ** 2001 ROMA/OGRA COMBINED CONFERENCES CONFERENCE HOTELS ~ N QUEEN ST. u.i ~ ~ w i:: z: ::l CITY HALL. ti Sheraton ti i:l Centre ::c o a:I >- Iii w l.:l Z ~ Iii Ul ~ < .., Iii w o V ::;: ... Ul KING ST. FRONT ST. . Crowne Plaza Hotel Station St. r GAR.OltV~J:1. ~XPR.~SSWA}, 81 2001 ROMA/OGRA COMBINED CONFERENCES ACCOMMODATION INSTRUCTIONS AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Reservations must be received before February 7, 2001. After this date, all conference room blocks will be released, and any requests for room reservations must be negotiated with hotels directly. 2. No telephone reservations will be accepted. Reservations will be processed only if received on the official Housing Bureau form, or a photocopy thereof. One form must be completed for each room requested. 3. Acknowledgements will be mailed or faxed by the Housing Bureau as indicated on the official housing form. Please allow at least 10 days for receipt of this acknowledgement. 4. A deposit of $150 per room, Davable to ROMA/OGRA Housinc Bureau., must accompany each written request. Payments acceptable include cheque, bank draft and money order. In lieu of deposit, credit card information is acceptable. Please note that a credit card number will act only as a room guarantee - there will be no charge to the card unless the delegate cancels within 72 hours of arrival. 5. Hotel reservations are made on a first come first served basis. Please mail or fax form early. 6. Send only one form if sharing with a colleague. Multiples cause duplication and possible double charging. 7. For your own records, please keep a photocopy of your original housing form. 8. Prior to February 7,2001, all changes must be made in written form only. Phone calls will not be accepted. After this date, modifications can be made with the hotel directly. 9. If cancelling prior to February 7,2001, you must notify the Housing Bureau by mail or fax at (416) 203-8477. Phone the hotel directly if you are cancelling after February 7,2001 to avoid billing. You must cancel 72 hours before expected date of arrival. 10. If requesting reservations after February 7, 2001, you should contact the hotel(s) directly. You may wish to use the services of Accommodation Toronto at 1-800- 363-1990 or 416-203-2500, which has information on current room availability in Metro Toronto. Convention rates cannot be guaranteed after February 7th. Rates over .., ~ 00.. c ( 2001 ROMAlOGRA COMBINEO CONfERENCES FEBRUA.RY 25 to 28. 2001 SCHEPU\..E Of HO-rE\.. RA -rES CROWNE PLAZA. 225 front street West 4'\6_597-'\400 '\ _800-227 _6963 Single Bedroom Double BedroOm _ $'\79 . $'\79 ROY A.L YORK HOiEL '\00 front street West 4 '\6_368-25'\ '\ '\ _800-44'\ - '\ 4'\4 Single Bedroom Double Bedroom Single pacifIc premier Double pacifIc premier _ $'\39 small suite _ $'\55 Medium suite _ $209 Large suite _ $225 _ $499 _ $599 _$759&UP SHERA.iON CEN,.RE '\23 Queen Street West Single Bedroom 4'\6_36'\-'\000 Double Bedroom '\ _800-325-3535 _$'\35 _$'\35 S,.RA.,.HCONA. HOiEL 60 yorK Street Single Bedroom 4,\6_363-332,\ Double Bedroom '\ _800-268-8304 _$'\05 _$'\05 pRIOR '0 FEBRU""" 1.2001, "CC ""seR\l A110NS ..US, BE .."OE USING 'HE OffICI"'- HOUSING fOR", ",'fER TH" T 0" 'E. PCE""E CO",,,,,, 'OlE HO'CCS DIRE"'C> fOR c"NCEU.,,'IONS "NO CH""GES. (Nole, All ""OS ,re ,ub;ect \0 p," "d GST, · ,p~\"b\e 1 Intormation over. . . ~ 8:) 20M RONll'JOGRi' CONlSl!"Ell& COllfEREIICES Febfuary 25 - 26 RO'ia\ '(Of\{ \-\ote\. iOfooto program outline (SUb\ect to Change) ~ 3',00 p.m. Keynote spea\<.~r . 5'.00 p.m. WelcOme openIng Reception Monda FebfUa 26th g'.OO a.m. Keynote spea\<.er ,\0'00 a.m. MinisterS' open Forum '. Four concurrent wor\<.s\'lopS . ,.'0 p.",. Report o. "'" RO,^' """"naUng Coo''''- ,.00 p."', Report"''''' oGAA ~o",'n- ~ ROM~ and OGRP-- Resolutions oebate iuesda r:ebf\!a 27th 8:00 a.m. continental 6rea\<.~ast g'OO a.m. Keynote speaKer '\ 0:30 a.m. Four concurrent wor\<.sMPS '\2:00 noon OGRP-- ~wardS LUnc\'leon , C "",mittee and OGRP-- 60ard o~ Oirectors E.lections ~or ROM~ E.)(.ecutNe 0." (,it required) Keynote speaKer four concurrent Wor\<.snops ..nQu" _ Ente""'n,,,e" '" be .nnoun,"" z'.OOp,m. Z'.30p.m. 7'.00 p.m. wednesda' continental 6rea\dast _""n . '" 0 (RUstY) RUsse", O.C. 0' "'" I'W .on <;:::J, "g.:";:$,":~OUgh~n, ""nn"" In Ort\ll. Remar~s by ROM~ cnair-E.\ect RemarKS by OGRP-- president-E.lect "'IOU"''''''''' 0' ",. COmbIned conle'en'" 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. '\0'.00 a.m. ,\,\,.00 a.m. luesday, Februal"./ 2.7tn 8'.00 a.m. to '\0'.00 a.m. MunIcipal Engineers MSociation f>,nnual Genera\ Meeting Msociation o~ ontariO Road Supervisors Mnua\ General Meeting othef E"eots: Monda'!, Februal"./ 2.6'rt1 g'.OO a.m. to 5:00p.m. ~A 1 R OGRA M A Combined onferences February 25-28, 2001 Royal York Hotel, Toronto September 29, 2000 CALL FOR RESOLUTIONS Municipalities wishing to submit resolutions to be debated at the 2000 ROMA/OGRA Combined Conferences are requested to do so prior to January 1, 2001. In drafting resolutions, please keep the following points in mind: . resolutions should deal with issues that are province-wide, and should not address local or parochial issues and problems. . resolutions should state clearly a desired action and should accurately identify the jurisdiction to which the resolution is directed (e.g. ministry department, OGRA, ROMA, etc.) . where possible, a resolution should be accompanied by supplementary background information - this is useful to the Resolutions Committee in making its recommendation on the resolution. Please submit resolutions either to ROMA, or OGRA, or both, iust as vou have in Drevious Years. Notice of the resolutions to be debated at the Combined Conferences will be sent to all members of ROMA and OGRA in January 2001. Resolutions will be debated at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, February 26, 2001 in the Canadian Room of the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. * * * 85 Rural Ontario Municipal Association. Ontario Good Roads Association ",,' I, d...l,,",," "".11" ,IL',,, 11_."",'.'" II L' I ''''',' ',," ,",'", c/o 530 Otto Road, Unit #2, Mississauga, ON L5T 2L5 Tel: (905) 795-2555 Fax: (905) 795-2660 Email: info@ogra.org ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ~~RblrlwatortiJ 530 OTTO ROAD, UNIT 2 MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L5T 2L5 TELEPHONE 905 795 . 2555 FAX 905 795 . 2660 September 29, 2000 To the OGRA Membership: As in the past, the Ontario Good Roads Association will recognize employees who have given long years of service in the cause of good roads by presenting to them Long Service Awards. It would be appreciated if you would complete and return the enclosed questionnaire advising us of any employee who is eligible under the conditions noted below to receive an award. The following are the eligibility requirements: 1. That recipients of long service awards will have served a minimum of 30 years in the road industry employed in the municipal and/or private sectors. 2. That recipients of long service awards will have retired from their employment or will be retiring within one year of the Annual Conference at which the award will be given. 3. That the immediately previous or current employer be a member in good standing of the Ontario Good Roads Association. The deadline for receipt of nominations is Januarv 29. 2001. Presentation of the awards will be made at a luncheon on Tuesday, February 27,2001 during the OGRA Annual Conference, and all eligible recipients will be notified directly by OGRA. Yours truly, ~~ R~Cl1\CI4tl<- Sheila Richardson Executive Director 86 ON1{:>.RIO GOOD RO{:>.DS {:>.SSOCI{:>.110N 200"\ LONG SER'I/\CE A.WA.RO QUES110NNAIRE "" no,"Inatlon 10' an OGAA long S,- ,"""" e,,,"'oat. '" Name to appear oil Plaque'. e all in~orroatiOIl. Oate o~ Retirement position Immediately prior to Retirement \3Usiness MdresS', NluniCipalitjlcompany: \3uS.1elephone: postal Code: ----- \-\ome Address o~ Nominee'. -- po,tal cod". _____ Re>. T~epno"" Total tang'" 0' ",,,,,,, In road 'ndu,W ______ y,arn Pelso..1 B.,..,ou.d' p\e... fill out""'" ",,,<so ,\dO. Nominated bY', name title AddresS'. NlU nicipal ity /company', postal Code: OE'OLlNE FOR RECEIPT OF NOMIN'TlON" J""u.r! 29. 211111 1elephOne'. Return completed questionnaire to: ontar'IO Good Roads ,b-..SSOciatioll Unit 2,530 otto Road NlississaUga, ontario L51 2L5 rg7 ...over page t. OGRP- LONG SER\j\CE p-\NP-RO Et>^PLO'ft>^EN' sut>^t>^A-R'f PLEA-SE COt>^PLE1E ,HE FOLLOW\NG NO'"e of NO""""" _____ ' , I ,eM" ,,, ",ad ,,,dU,,,",' . . tofl\'\ation CO'ienng to a p,_ _plete." 101""""" ,,, ~ ~ ~ p",o,,"I 630,,,round ,,,10<,,,,'0'" PI'''' Co""I.te ;0" part (p,ea" nlgnll"n' a'" ,1""_"\ oo",,,,p,,,n"""'" ooIN"" ."dlD< ,,,teres"') \:col\\i20cr\-\..S"...2 . 88 1 519 1';33 7001 (;Lb~IP"- 09/19/00 'l'l~H,:00 tS1: flSSOC1fl1lOt\ Of?-) Ff\/\ ~O, 4\6 ~11 6\~\ p, (niDI +416t4"I.l 1-61, ?ull~' ,-It, SE?-\~-OO IliE OS~SZ?~ f\~O ~ep-\Q-UQ u,;Mam ;lnm"O"i~~\Q i~UC~\"G k~~OC\~i\OIl ,,_ _ __ \1. ,000 _ p""" ....... _. ... ""'" _'" "" ",""," """"" "'. _"" .".l""'" " "" ....... ,f ontario's road system, fONing its cancellation. -W. __ ".',,, ""~.. \. _om. ..... "" .-''' '" -." "" """" on- ~ "'''' ""'" ""'" ~ "",... """"""" .M .".""<"'" .."" " "'. --' '" f".... -"""""" '" .. --' ..,.. ..._"' """, ro "'_ ,"'" '" .. ,,>l, on< ,""- - "" ... ",,,;,,,",,"" .. ,,,"",, _ ..., .., "" """"""'" ",""s """"'" by ... ,,- ,. .. .~"'" """" "'" """ ,,, """'... .,- '" "'" "'" bridges in Ontario in peti\." '"" __ .""" _ ' ",,, '" On,,"' -- .... ",,- ..., On"'" """'" ^""""''''' ... """'" -. C"'"" ..- ... eM. ",md<<! ,n"" .,ro,"""'" ." "'....- "",,,,,,g.,,",,,,,"'" ,,,,,, "" ,,- ... ... """,,'poli"" "" .. ,- '" """"""'" '" """," tIans-portation system. "'" .. ,.. _" ",,,,... .. l""'"" "" """"''''''''' ".-.""'" .. thoUSllD-cls of:kllontettes of roads to municipalities. "" """"""' ...- "''''' ..., .."" _'" .-. ..,.... "",1< "" .. "l"" ,,- of ",,- '" """" -'''''' .... "'" """""" " .. "'""".""". ~ _ ... ",_ " .. _ "".." fro ""'" -""" ..""'... ""'" ""'" ,,",,'" """" "'" --- "" ".c ""'''" ""'" ,,, """"",,- "'" .. """"" '" ... .... ....."'" "...... ., ... _ _ "'" in "" _, __ "'" """'..'" ,f __.."'" oft ""'" ... .-""""" ..... .. -poliIl" .....' accepted. on"" "" .... .- ."...... '" "" "",",". .. ""'''''' '" - ... ="" ..,JI ..... 0' >if- """",,," ""'" '" ,..-.. ... - ""'" · conclude 110 one lrolll 'the 'Province would partici-pate," "" P"'~"" "''' _ " '" .... .f ... .... ,,- ""'" ... -- " '" -' oft """'" ..... ... .. ..- ,,- m' - "" ,- '" funded entirely n-olllntunic111al proper\)' ~ ." "" _" 1""'''' "'" "",g-- ,,,,,,... -- ... -" '" · ,..,. .... """'... . ",od -' ..- .. """,,,'" '" -""" "'" -' ",," "." ",_ "'" """'" f'" '" """"'... ...,. ~........ "'" guarantees eldsted. 556 0;,,'1\ ROO' \1.\l>l>ic<>\iO.ON l-.\eWll'1B '1'.\, 141e)v.9-1~;~ Fa" (416)24$.(;\$2 conlac.t: rlaro\d Gilpert, cnalfl11sn \:letter Roads coall\ion ,ei, ~4t6) :<49-1338 Ft1)('.l4\6) 245-6152 NEWS RELEASE 1'\'0"",.0 ,_ to particlp"te In symposiUlD on future 0'[ ontario's roads and bridges _ 30- 89 "".......' ,......- .-............ ...- .__....~.. ...- -,.,,~.......< ................-..- ,..",. 'UI>~!!I.c<<,..i"ct."'Qt",'~ Federation of Canadian Municipalities Federation canadienne des municipalites 24. rue Clarence Street Ottawa, ontario KiN 5l'3 'f.,tj'fel.' (613) 241-5221 l1as/'fetec.' (613) 241-7440 ..wwSClIl.ca 'For Immediate Distribution - - NEWS RELEASE FCM pRESENTS PLAN FOR SOLVING CAJ'M>^'S HOMELESSNESS AJlll ,\FFOItllABLE HOUSING CRISIS AND CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE AC'IlON F!lEDE=N, "",_" 19, ,... - 0,"",,' 0"" ,ol""tion of"""" "",,,,,,..lit.. (fCMl ,re ,_ <lo' ",.-in!! """"''' in C".<\it "'" "",,"'01. by "",,",' in ,red"'''''' '" tOO ."..' by ...." "" .."",~., '" _ "ron th< =oUY '" old"'" th< "i," in homelessness and affordable housing, 00 th< "" <\it, th< ""","", .'" ""''''''" mini"''' "''''' lit' ",- .otioo b, th< fu<1itol ",,,_nt '" ",.._ ,,"\ th< """ ,,, ""re _b. """,'og, ",'0_ with ,," by FCM over the past eighteen months, "" l'CM "",""0"'" """"" by _, "'~- """,0> On""",, -' """",,,,,.n ",,,",,, Mort"'" "" 11,"""" CO'l"'m""o "" _ _t, ,,'" .",",w.k fioU"'" _," &,,0", ,eM" "",;red ,.0 lo' .._ C"",,," ",....-' "" ""t<1itb10 housing crisis. ,eM ,'" V"" """"... ,,,,,,,,,>0 _'" th< Mol""" ... · "'" tWO Y"" ,go ... C_ ...." d<<"'"' "'_ '" '" · """",1 dO",,, "",..,""""',,'''- '"..- "'" ,-m 0"" .. ... ,." "" · .... ..\tot · 0""" ,a'''' C,,,",,, ,,'" ""tith." ... '.""0 ."" "",""""t '0 th< citY oft "ontO. ""'" ",_niti<' "'" _.-" w,'in' " wotk """ ,l< ""'" 0",," of ",_nt in , """ no"""" .mmt""o "''';'' "".-. ""', ""," l< "'" "" _""," ",""0 """d. "(0,-" -' '" "" "",,, housed, and are demanding government action\" ,CM dOn"'" ..,." ."" 1""" """"" of" C'"" of""" ."""""', """"nitino "" fo- Now.""""'" "_,,flloo"'" ",ld'l< -"" '1,m "'" ... -in, mini"'" '" B'rtintl '" ""'" .""" "'" . .,."" -,. ",.-in!! ".., '0 C""",. " ,"'''''''' 'Il'" of life," 90 ".12 -2- In _"" to'" "" """""' "'~, """" ",--"'" "W\<,,,. '^""'''' ..y"' ".. "'~ "'" _ will '" "'- "" """,,,,,,,,,"'''''' ",,,,,,,,- "" ""'" "'PI"" ",,,,,,, ". _"" _,,.u ",- in """'" ",w -y prod""" ". _, "" tI< ",Iu_ "'" "" -,.t W' """ to ",,,,,,,no ".., ''''' "tion "" ",t prolong tbe agony ofbotneless Canadians." ,eM .-"'" ". """", ~ ,,'! ~"" -"'~ "'" ""''''',', ,,, , "tin", ",$"", """", Th" molud" "~,,, "',," to """ " ","'b~"" 10,000 "",,,,,,,'ou",, "" ,,"' "'. "" """ ,,,,,,, ,nit "",,,,,,,,,,,,,nit<>"" """ ".",,,,,, feM ""'''''' ~..... tl< """""" to ",romit to """,. -"""'''' Ii" ",dy ,,,,,_tID" to -~ tl< ,.,."" situation in affordable bousing. "" F ",."", "omadi'" M"". ""., (FCMJ " '" ""'''',' "",re "-"'P" ""'m...." ,- I 901, "ill"'''' " ,.,_ .' ....." 'i' in ,Il _~"'" by ,-'" ",,,,g, 'ff"" "" _'" _'d"''''''m....' Fa.< ...,,,,ht, ",ol''"' C-,," ""'., dNa, -" "" ~"" ",_"., ",d.' 19 .'J" ,_d. "" .mwi. _,ap" m"""''''' f" on"" i._,Ii.. ... ..' .cM" ,....",. ." , N'''.'' ]loa'... ,"""", """..., w,b .it< ,t ~ ,.d "......, fC"". ..."...' B_' ........t...li... "Building A Better Quality of Life" (on Rome J'age). _ 30- Jack Layton 1,t Vice president, FCM Councillor, City ofToronto (416)721-6151 (416) 392-4199 suzanne Meunier Media Relations Officer Federation of Canadian Municipalities (6\3) 241-5221, e1ct.. 231 Media mterview~ - . 9\ Federauon of Canadian 'M-nnid~a~u~ , Federauon tanlld\enne des mnnltlplllittS C\a1'ence Street ottl\WI\,ontl\rio 1<11" 5\'3 ?;'"J:'", (6U) "'~'" -""" (61$) ",.,.... -- for~ Nlt'WS RltLlti\SE . 0' of "" ~ ""'" ",tio., W "Id }\>hilal D"i. "" 01"< ^ "".. 0""'" " WOO ~ 00 ,''' "'," "",,,",,," ",,,,,,,- In "",\c''''' ",,""" Federation of Canad1an MuruclpalitleS (FCND ~ n_nrofit housing organizations to lnCrease . ~. f nment the pnvate sector, anu no r W'" '" ,""" 0 '" "" '. , I '" I'" bO"""".... ,,,",. m eo'"'" the availability of affordable hous1ng anu 0 e . - ""'" "" ",,_' ",,,,,,,,,,,,",, ... -"" '<l'~ "" ,..,-, "" "" ,f"""'''''' C d' _-."' "" 1"''''' """,,- ,eM m ",_, ",,"l"" """,,,,, "';;'; '" I ::~......, Bnt'., Col.... """"",,,- president and Cha1r ofthe Regional ."''''" \wth. bO"m, "'.. wlio'" ",I of- ",,"in' ",,,,,,,,,,,,",,bY "fuclt to'" """ ~,,,, ',,' and wmch is be)'ond their capac1ty to resolve. , . " Im",1 bO",,,,, .",,,,,,,, ,eM" ",tio"" """in\! '" _"" '" C..d' , ""':;" .. ," :,..."'''"'' N.tio",1 -"'" $\""''''' , .,,-,,, 0#" ,..in (l'll'O W"1""" h 1 I ($l b'''''' "",.. ro' lO ,-, ...... " """,,""' "",'-'''P'''' ..- """,,, " \ ~ ""'': ,.-,",-,,," """ - """'... """""" ""'" ,~...~ ~ ,;;: "" pri"" "" ",~",,\\t ."In" '" ""'''' initiatives; and ta1tlregu\ator)' au)Ustroen: s or affordable housing. . d home\essness crisis b)' haW over the ne1!.t "flU< "'. " '" ,"," "" """"". "".., '; . d I CI.,,,,,<I",O' "" C_il"" " Il< ",""," """ I"" ""'~ FCM 'n,1 V"" "" "',; In ",,,,",I In fu""'" -""""'" fu' C'" ,<1"'ol" '."'" "",0,1, _""II' ~~I "",,,,,,, "" ",,0' ,ft"''' C."",..." ""I, "",_'''''', W' -' In '" ". " " rlID< ,f"'''' tbci< '" "". _" ,'''' """,,,\!on! '" ,"' "" ""'. . n ~ FC\\I.l'IlOl'OSJ'$ SOLU1'lON 1'0 END ,\FFOlUl,\llLE ll.OllSll'lG ,l,NllllOMELESSNESS OJ,lSlS 92 - 2- The FCMNHPOT was created by the Big City Mayors' Caucus in November 1998, It comprises municipal leaders and housing experts from across Canada. FCM is the national voice qfmunicipal governments since 1901, dedicated to improving the quality of life in all communities by promoting strong, ~ffective and accountable municipal government. FCM membership includes Canada's largest cities, small and urban communities, and the 18 major provincial and territorial municipal associations. - 30- For a copy of the FCM's proposal for a National Housing Strategy, visit our web site at www.fcm.ca Information: Suzanne Meunier FCM Media Relations Officer (613) 241-5221, ext. 231 93 .ok,,".." .,dO,,'"'' MEMBERS' ADVISORY C:1I,]~i.lIn . . cana~~nn~ des Municipalities mllnlclpllhtl:s October 4, 2000 PLEASE BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF COUNCIL CALL FOR RESOLUTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE FCM NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. December 2000. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) invites members to submit resolutions on subjects of national municipal interest for debate at the December 6-9, 2000 meeting of the FCM National Board of Directors. FCM will take a stand only on issues that are clearly of national municipal interest and which fall within the jurisdiction of the federal government. Indirect municipal issues and local/regional issues will not be supported by major research and lobbying activity, unless otherwise directed by the Annual Conference or by FCM's National Board of Directors. Resolutions should meet the enclosed guidelines and must be received by FCM no later than midnight on November 6, 2000. Resolutions received after the deadline will be processed for the March 2001 meeting of the National Board of Directors. An electronic copy of your resolutions would be appreciated: darsenault@fcm.ca. Tel: (613) 241-5221 ext. 240; fax: (613) 241-7440 or mail to Denis Arsenault, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 24 Clarence Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1 N 5P3. FCM looks forward to hearing from its members. Joseph P. Dion Director Policy and Public Affairs 94 4. G""'~ "'.,.,,"',."". ",-"""'" to "'" ..' ~e-stc reM for con'idf<...,cn'" tbe Annool eenf..-""ee, beld . ..~,..' 'no1M""b",bnngU'C1f~- W'- d"-ch 11. i. by W.y of,esc\U\)Qn' u_ "~,,,Cl, .__, n^ dofD......."" beld inSevte<nbet, DeC""betan ,,- . esoh .... or...,neeting;lof\llC1'1'\l",-~ar c-" ._' " . .' . _.._W' . .... ~~, ~-" ,.,"'.....~. .~... _.~ R..o:~:~~a~j~:e~e:~atiOl'l oj Ca~adian lo/.u~ioipalif'... ,.--'~ ,-....----.. Annool e nrorenee '" ... the 1'1""""" ~ 0 ".~U~ ......,.. ,-"",:..-.........-._~~- Go"="'t of ean,,",!bsll be ",uUU" ". . "._. ,-'" ..._"... ". ......'~... M' It is tnerelore illlPortant \\lat r..oIut'o~s be careu , tnat \\le proper lIIessage \S cOl'I,eyed. .... ~., _..,cino1iW'gsin'\ ""c\h.... ""..~.."......__. ~-- . . ., ,...'" ,,,. ,,- ...."....." ,..., lo/.elIIO"S suolllitti~g resolutlOl'lS regardl~edg e~lII oI~ attelllpts to re....ord tne Cfillli~al code. .........."._.~....... ." . ~ . 01 or.......... Ill!l'i d~.o. from the ....'co'" ,_.__....,.-_...~_.- ~. sigroiftC3l\Ce of. {'e1l.o\lJ.tioJ1s' 5. 1. 2. 3. 6. 8. . l' f """"\...,,,'0 reM; ".....~~."._.~~,.~.--....--.- . . . d ri oj ~atiO"," lIIu~icipai I~terest a~d wnicn lall wltn'~ tne . ..." .... _, "'. _M - ~ ~,' ..-' ..~....,,~. ,. -.... .- ...-' _..., ,......' . .... --. ....- ... :.. ".... .oo,.., ,......... ""'-::;"",:.:.,.~- . . ,.. ."., ""' . iol>byi~g acti,ity, u~\..s otnerW'se dlfeded bY Olredors. \ ""d bfief\~'O< "" ther"''''' for 'heresc)Uticn. !f'he SjlcO"':' ') ~...... _........).....,~~ .- _".m-""'" -'''' ,..,. helie'"'' tha' 'h"...,on.o1e ollOno' be ~l"ned '" a ~ ...p~crt\ng do",,,,",,,...'cn. 0< "" h. \n\.... elearly ""d bfief\~, .....ing a Sjlecifie ~t<l~c'o1 fo' , ~","'~~''''<< ~'''f.~,k ~ "" .~--) "..""... -::: ~~,.~....-""'.,-' ..."'" - ",,- -' ..~..." "",nod r."""-' tho ,..cl."on ",... el....l~!tIC e' '" ,..cl"'I'" aff.o. [[1llnicipo1 ge'="'\Sl)' . . ,..eMien 'IlI\l"" a ,o""l"'icO i. nli .olf.e,q>l"""'orv and .""en .. _...-....-...~ ..-~".,_.~._~..... ~",e inf""""ien i. nc\ ,...i'Oo, FeM ..aff ""'~ ,etulll e inf""""i'" or clsdf,eation .) '""'''_.~-_...-~..- . . oin uldelines "'III be returned to tne sponsOllnll I'LEI<SE ilOIlO: ResolutionS t\\at dO not ~~WI"'lth~e f:~:'d r~:e\pt of adequate \~fOllfla\ion i~ iustiMat'lon a~d If'<ln\cil'a\itVIfl\\l~lcil'a\ assOciation. for ,evISlon fe"''' ,ng sUI'I'Ol\ oftne intent of \lie resolut'on. CO\'lSTl1;1JCTI0\'lOF'\\ESOLlJTlO\'lS 1. 1'1ationo1 nC1Jl.i"'po1 i'.... \ cotegory A: lPcslIregicOo1 nC1Jl.icipo1 ill..... -~.. -......--- .-\ ~...C _.~' "",-"" .~-_.... "'. ..-.- ~. ~~ \ k' ~:::... "'" - ""'.~....- ~.,....... """, - eategory Jl,. with reM celi.,,- ~ --~ SlJPl'LE~T p&..y.1\'lF01UAA-TlO\'l . ' . ,en on all ,..scM'O" in ae"",dance with t"e ,,,,,,,e stated "!he 1'.='\'<< eonnniltce i. ,CS\lo..ible for ,ecer<",g ~ ,o\<.",g ad. g\.l1d~1i.nes. . e \I1ee wili "e ,,,,,ioWed b~ 'b" ecnnn.itt.o for ,he l""l'e.. of --~..", ",,, ~-' "" ""..- ';'-_....~,..... -"-"'''~-' .._......-_'-'..."'t" .,;....., _....--~~_..- ecnfet""cc, in aee"""'ce with reM" ge,delinO" "!ho s,an ng - ------- '" -""... ,_.... '" ......- '" "" "" ., DIJ.$C101\S }lJlr;rJ.NG IS ~ 1l<..,Iuti"". ~ve<l."...tlt< ~<ad\in< ",ill ,,< p<<><~ foT the M,ardt ZOO! "",<:lin. of tltel'oliooot B0ar4 of J)I,..c\<!rs. o:rJl,GOwz,A'f!Ol' 01'llESOLU'fl0l'S Ministry of lo/.unicipa\ Affairs and tlousing Omce at the M'nister Ministere des Atlaires municipales et du Logement Bureau dU ministre ~ ontariO 'C'" 777 Bay Street Toronto ON M5G 2<:5 Tei (4~6) 585-7000 777 rue Bay Toronto ON M5G 2.<:5 Tel \4W) 585-7000 Qel I) ~'OfJ September 29, 2000 Heads of council ..... . I""~; n (?l\i\\ "(':' \~ \., "i 1i,J~ .,;.,,~~ _' " a(.~:::~ \} j,.,'-" c,<...~\cr;[~ ~l.\-\\J~\."j~'v ":".,, -. Dear Heads of council: 00 ",,,,U ,f tho ,,,,,,,", 0' ",uoiciJ?'" A"'"' ", uo",IO', I "" pl-' to "nouo" "" I"oob of"" OOw OowID ",mln' apportUO'"" em'''"''' (OLoCl W,b ,ile, Th' oLOC Wob ~Ie I' , frnO on.llOO "",",,, "" muoi'\p'\''''' that ",,,, wldo "ri'~ 0' "co'" .,;nIn' .00 lo""""tioo ""to"'- wo"'- ", coo"""'" o",red '" "" p,O'I""'" govcrtUO'" muoiciJ?"1 ~tto'" ", olb" ".'oln, p'O"do'" Th" Int'''''''''' W ,b.b',"" "',,'" w\I 1 ""'" It ,,,.,,, "" ,ou "" ,,,,,, ",,,, "" .,;nIn' coo,"",,,, to fin' ",;nln, Ib" mce" ,om muoi""" -'" 1\ ,,~, p"w'do' ,uick "d tio"" .= to _"" ". _'" "'" _00' ..,lIob'" OLOC " " ,,,.,.to.,,,,, ="""""" w" to """ch. <01"" ", ultl",."" "gffit" I"' ."oIn. oW""ol"", 'tho oLOC W,b-~" I' Ib' ,""" of' p....",biP b'\Wceo "" Miol,"' of ",uoldp" A!ftt\t' "od Uou&o' ", , co"",tI"" of 12 "'uo""'" ,,,,,ciati'''' whIch ... pc" "" \'to,""c""."'uoid"" ",mln, ",,,,,,,1<- Th"" "" .", - that' '"'' o""bot of ",uold"" "."""tto'" "od "" ~ b'" wo,kod tog'''''' to ptov",' oo-lin' education and training services to our municipal clients. 'loV'le ,ou on' ,on< ",{f to vi>\' "" OLOC ~.. (""",..""..."'1, wbich I' ,I'" """bl' """"gh .'" to\n"try" W,b "Ie (WWW...."..-.ov.on.OI1.on.to "" It ". ,."' ptl"" ",_ of \nlonn,tton .n ",uolc\p,loo-tlOO on' IOI",in. oP..,,,,,,tI" In ""taU', '''0' do no' "'" _" to th' Inle"" p""" con"'" 'OU, "",;cip" _ciallOO no Ib' ",'ol,try .f "'uold"" Afl"" "" \Jou,;\n' lot , """Ie' cop" Tb< OLOC Wob ~Ie "","",,"'''' Ib' "'in''''' .f ",uoidpcl AI"'" ,n'"oooiog" _"""""t to ,,,,,,,,ton "" u"""'" "od it; lto"",,,nco In b"ping rouolcipo\'"" ",com' 00"", ,ffidon' on' ,{f,- in tM "tivcl'j of ",uoid"" ,,<vI"'" 1100< '0_' to our continued collaboration. Chief Administrative Officers Clerks 96 c: 'Page 2 Mrs. sandra J. lleffren ra1l1 wilt a\1ow the AIDA Administration to better Another enhancement to the 19?9 A~~hPrOg d rs haNe e-x:panded their operations in either " f_ 0'''''''"' " "" ,,,, ",' ' ",,""" """ "'" , h M ' , ,",tio' will w"" ",,,"',",'," ,olo' on,",," w ,,,"",",''" 0< cl"'" "." " ,""'" f h," "'""" i' "', 0.'" ,,,,, 1'N' vA" p",,;n, account for the increased product1'\1~ fSlze 0 t p. n that is more reflective of the size of the producers with e-x:pandlng farJ:l\.S are erence margl claim-year operation. d a S ring Credit Advance progra1l1 that 10. JanUar'J 2000, the fed~ral governfmenlt annofunce oduc~rs As a safeguard to minimize e-x:posure '''',''''' op" $20,000 "on__ '''' 0"', 0< p' ' to risk, producers are reC\.uired to have crop Insurance. , ",,00' ",,,,'di'" '(h, ",b.idi" p'" ,id'" bY "" US'" "', 1 want to respond to 'lour commen s. d d' ~ are 1..; Nher than those provided by canada. . fu' rains and ollsee s pro Uee," lU1O>" Eu"""" "0''' \0 ,,,, h , '" \0 0"'" _"i"', \iJre "",,,"i "'" Tl'" i" _'"" ,,\0'" '" e,,"\ 0:" "" "",ort of "",,,,'M" =odiu" H'w"'''' "oW 1..,,1"', w,",h.' b"""" ,oVoV' b' " n"" .."..-'" ,_. of "0" w' -' w ~k oo~.,"'w"""" '''f''' :: ~o'~:w'''''' "', ,",uU" , -, ...' i' 'w.. ""ol<i" mo" woW"',,' ,u~" ,b' "". ,... "b,", oootino' \0 h, 'oU"'"' b, """,,,,, de endent on subsidies. It IS Important to no ea. ,;, ",,"i",'W"'" fo< ",", high" ,,,.. .f ,," """", . d ort in waYs that help farmerS deal with the "' e-'" ,ho ob i"tiV' ,,,,,, b'" WOW'" ,"'" ,boU W ..,"" fo< "', fo- """ "', io""" ,rob'OU' "''' ,,,,,,un'" wM' "'" "1\0' b "",u~ "",,,n<"' ,,,", """.U,,,"" f"''''' "" ,w,;nci" ",V'''''o@~ '" "''''': "",,, ~w, hod "''' ,,,r otI """ .' i_'" '" ,ion'" " ion"""'" "', 'o"-"'':J,''''.''''" :' :':::@:;ug d>ci< "",doOi"" ..' ",,","io, bolp ,_,. _, ,>,,,,m" , , ,00 -" w; 00 ~ <1'l1sN ,w,,,,m " , "" ",.m, iodi'''''' ,,,.io", Tn' "'" ",oom' """"",,on ;:";,,, in ""ti "ooo,~ m """"" """m farmerS are free to decide hoW best to use t e un S diffleutties. C ada must comply with its intetr,ational trade. . In ,,,,.,,i" 0'" ",otI "" pro,,-'''''' , :" .t <V,;! ,_ by nu' "wi"" ,....'" Wb U, \b" agreements and make ever'j effort t~ aVo1 coun e f r C no do Given our reliance on foreign . .' f articular Importance 0 a ~ ~. . is true for alt countUes, It IS 0 P . . t' I that "'e design our safet'] net programS In 'a\t 1.. . the US It IS essen: la V' .' bl 00",""''"'' "P"" , ",'" " " Vili \ \bi"",,_"'ioni. ",,,,00", "~,, ,'" "", ..ot "'," ,Oin' """" '0'- ""'''~ h '~"' m """"","li" doli" .... off'" "" the Government, failure to do SO In the past as f ^"" Ie lost man~ millions of dollars over four hog sector or e-x:o."'P ,J ",,,",,,, b@'"to '" "" -'"" , , b' h U S 1h' ""ol"'" "'" ",,'- "''''" , ,,,,,,,, ,ol'" ..,onsh' _"",., ",-,on ,~' 1';' 000"'" _, -"",,,;' ,,,,ion ,oWl'" ,ro,o,"'" ,f"'"' ",,", ~od"''' ~o, ~'Ne"e..thetess in W ortd 'Trade Organization _ Id t h the same neuat1'le lmllaC,. ., H ' . because It WOUl no ave '" lb' d' es so that farJ:l\.ers ffOm an countues "",li'uO"" C-', vA" oonlio,", '" ,,,,,, fo< uw& '0 " , can en10Y higher market returns. .../3 ,s Want to know..... ' -y."~~::"'%. r t... I ! 1ft I I M"', ''''C' ! t: i IJ!! il3 ! I ~l wI . ..... oIo.:t . ..... t: ::s ~ o Where will the AMO confet'ence be in 2001? C\S U 41& ~ o 41& U o . t o ~ ~ ~ Who offers courses on roads, engineering or human resources? How you can find a good Ilrogram for new supervisors? What new information sessions the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is hosting and where? on events. www.oloc.on.ca ~~'" ,." .,_~~..~..~_Ym!?~~;'.h_" ,~--,,,='''''W~~-,c.:.cc~~=';;;~~.y~;>:.l?~ @ Ontario OLOC tntffticipal sector I l I f%~-~-'#&'_~~~~%ZJ OLOC is: Search for workshops and events related to: "'..:P:~' . an excellent resource to research, collect and obtain registration details ,~====::J ~ ~ '-",,-,-,---',"-'" .n.'.,_,''''..,.., . "" .. u:'.., ,.,~ ,,' ... .rufal aff~itS . social housing . social services . taxation . transportation The Ontario Learning Opportunities Calendar (OLOC) Web site is an on-line edueation and training resouree for munieipalities. This fi'ee public aceess site lists a variety of events, training or information sessions, workshops and conferences offered by provincial ministries, municipal associations and other municipal training providers. :":'X:'", OLOC was founded by a consortium of 11 municipal associations in partnership with the Ministry of Mnnicipal Affairs and I'Iousing to provide mmneipal staff and officials with a comprehensive calendar of municipal education and training events. OLOC's founding members: : i',", . Association fran9aise des municipalites de . I'Ontario . Association of MunicipaI Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario . Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario . Association of Municipalities of Ontario . Ministry of MU'licipal Affairs and Housing . Municipal EngL1eers Association . Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario . Ontario Good Roads Association . Ontario Mlmici Jal Administrators Association . Ontario Munici Jal I.Iuman Resources Association . Ontario Municipal Management Institute . Ontario Munichal Social Services Association \It ~ ,. .' ~," . TC ^ ,:':<0i;::~~:h"r:J:,~'{7!:;::;:~-',T;::"~'" . traiilingpr9Vid~t, ~lihpost eVents ot training sessions onOLOC, contact elaine@ogra.org at the Ontario Good Roads Association. New topics are continuously added to the site " I I ~mv'm<:Rr::.:t~~~~~1'%~~ ~i!.%.-~~~-e~,;;.;::;..,,,_-,:~_^^.~~ (J I .~.;:..,"'>.if""",,;...v.~~~-e a\gin st.thomas haa\th un,t iele\lno~e: (619) 63\-9900 fa~: (6\9)633-046B 99 'EdWard suee! St. iholllas, O~\aI'iO NSP \VB october 5,2000 Mr. Duncan McPhail wardell County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5\11 QCi 10 'lI)\lQ Dear Mr. Mcphail, 1b< ~""- oH'''''''''''' 12- \S, 2000 "" _ """""" D"'" A~'''''''' w""- by .. _i. UN" "It h' (,aD' ") ,~" aaellc" or grOUP involved ill substance abuse awareness IS A_'n""'" _ ", ~,~, 0 ' ' " ' b ""po"'" by OD A'l, ",,,",, (hi. w""-, ""' ,,"ougho.1 "" ""', on ",,,",w" ",,,,",, " en ""'" abuse prevention. 1'" E'gU<'St- 'flw"'" "~,, U "", '" ",1___liOU wi,b """"" u,b~ og@"'" "" ""'. ..~,el, planning events to celebrate this week. S.,,,,,,,,, ,_ "monliOU "",'Ii" will '" ""''''' ,I'" in I ""," ""Ii' """"I, ,~k~' CoI"',;aw tntti"'" "" SO,,''''''', 1!i"" Sohnot 1b<'- p"rt, p""",,"' , b",d""" to """'" .. ",b'" .bOO' ,bmU"'" ,,'._"" """"""b", ~U '" ,,,,,,,,.,a "'....-' ,ub'''' A"," is attached for yoU! records. _.,boul ", ",...,o'N"""''''' ", El gi. S4'~ T,am fi" "",'t< "" ,,,"",,, w""",,'" ""\ 'oO" on full< ,,,,,,,tin. "" "', "".f ",,,,, """~, tin "",",~, on N' ,e","" IS, '''''' ,_I" ~U1 '" ,.&';1""'" '" "',"''''''''' ,- ""' ",01<,.,<00 -"' ,.,,"'. W. '" ""._ """ ,oU .,","'" ,,,,gn'"'' ~'" .fN"'''''''' 12 '" \S,2000 " ""'" AwarenesS Week for tlw County of Elgin. r1"" do "" b""" '" "'" wi" "" """~u" ""' "" wiI' """I ,0U< "",,, ' Sin, cerely, ~ MAA'-~~7J&i4 _ .,...Je7/lil . filt'. BScN, BA J<riJ!~un_WellS ~ScN Trac1 t; 1,..itt R.N, Nesv KathY 99 THE ELGIN SAFETY TEAM FOR AOUL TS PRESENTS THEIR 2ND ANNUAL o(\'t f::: G ...~ ~~ .<po~~)~.:-./jJ~ I ~lJ!f ~. j ~ \ ~~ - ~ the ~~ INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM EVERYONE WELCOME !! WORKSHOP SCHEULE November 1 StraffordvilJe Community Centre 9:30 til Noon Call Laurel at 765-2999 November 2 Belmont Presbyterian Chnrch 3:30 tiI 5:00 p.m, Call Christine at 637-8784 November 6 St. Thomas Seniors Centre 9:00 tiI 2:00 p.m, Call J an (Lunch fflr a Toollie) at 631-9900 ext 231 November 8 . Aylmer Legion 9:30 tiI 2:00 p.m, Call Laurel at (Lullch for a Toonie) 765-2999 November 15 Springfield Lions Hall 9:30 tiJ Noon Call Laurel at 765-2999 November 20 West Elgin Support Sel'vices Bldg. 9:00 til1:00 p.m, Call 768-1715 (Lunch for a donation) Ext.210 REGISTER EARLY AS SPACE IS LIMITED BRING YOUR MEDICATIONS FOR A MEDICATION CLEAN-UP. GUEST SPEAKERS . DISPLAYS. SKITS. FIT BREAKS. GIFT BAGS -stay active -check your home for h,azards .keepa medication recClrd Elgin Sofelv Thllin..for Arlnlt.' 631-9900 ex. 254 Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A4 ~ij """'_f""'" Ontario Constituency Office: 542 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 C4 Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638 [O.mail: steve_peters-mpp-co @ontla.ola.org Tel: (416)325-7250 Fax: (416) 325-7262 Email: steve_peters-mpp @ontla.ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.P. [oLGIN - MIDDLESEX - LONDON ;;c,;J """ OCT 1 0 2000 October 2, 2000 Hon. Ernie Eves Minister of Finance 7'h Floor, Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto, Ontario M7 A I Y7 Dear Minister, Please find enclosed a copy of a resolution recently passed by the County of Elgin. This resolution calls for the Ministry of Finance to reconsider charging interest for late payment of the Education Levy. I look forward to your response to both the County of Elgin and my office. Sincerely, Stf*- Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin- Middlesex-London cc. County of Elgin Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A4 ~ """'..,- Ontario Constituency Office: 542 Talbot Street SI. Thomas, Ontano N5P 1 C4 Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638 E-mail: steve_peters-mpp-co @ontla.ola.org Tel: (416) 325-7250 Fax: (416)325-7262 Email: steve_peters-mpp @ontla.ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.P. ELGIN - MIDDLESEX - LONDON OCT 1 0 2000 ~:;'; .C~:iN ('"',',1.< October 2, 2000 Hon. Ernie Eves Minister of Finance 7'h Floor, Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto, Ontario M7 A I Y7 Dear Minister, Please find enclosed a copy of a resolution recently passed by the County ofE!gin. This resolution advises the Ministry of Finance to negotiate with rail companies on the issue of right of way on rail lines and other related matters. I look forward to your response to both the County of Elgin and my office. Sincerely, ~ ?*=- Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin- Middlesex-London cc. County of Elgin Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A4 ~ ~ Ontario Constituency Office: 542 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1C4 Tel: (416) 325-7250 Fax: (416) 325-7262 Email: steve _peters-mpp @ontla.ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.p. ELGIN - MIDDLESEX -LONDON Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638 E-mail: steveJleters-mpp_co @ontla.ola.org \-.:":'::"'i OCT .I. 0 2000 r:c' "':,',"" October 3, 2000 Hon. Ernie Hardeman Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs II th Floor, 77 Grenville Street Toronto, Ontario M5S IB3 Dear Minister, Please find enclosed a copy of a resolution recently passed by the County of Elgin. This resolution calls for both Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture to intervene and ensure the survival of the Ontario cash crop producers through Agricorp. I look forward to your response to both the County of Elgin and my office. Sincerely, ~~~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex-London cc. County of Elgin Room 331 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1M !Ii """"l_1""'" Ontario Constituency Office: 542 Talbol Street SI. Tnomas, Ontario N5P 1C4 i'I' " Tel: (519) 631-0666 Fax: (519) 631-9478 Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638 E-maii: steve_peters-mpp-co @ontla.ola.org Tel: (416) 325-7250 Fax: (416) 325-7262 Email: steve_peters-mpp @ontla.ola.org STEVE PETERS, M.P.P. ELGIN - MIDDLESEX - LONDON di':":;"C;!,-,',:'j' OCT 1 0 2000 ""I'i:''''!, . IV~."", , ...",.' October 3, 2000 Hon. Ernie Hardeman Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 11 th Floor, 77 Grenville Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 1B3 Dear Minister, Please find enclosed a copy of the position paper "Proposed Standards for Agricultural Operations in Ontario Act" and a copy of a resolution passed by the County of Elgin in support of this document. I feel it is important at this time to review all materials related to this impending legislation so we may be able to have a complete understanding of all the issues related to this matter. Sincerely, S~~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex -London cc. County of Elgin Mark Wales, Elgin Federation of Agriculture r 1 519 &33 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 882 18/11/88 22:37:82 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-> OCT-ll-00 WED 05:27 PM ~MO J,U/.l.L/UU I'lUJJ ..LV...L~ 1'j')A, . , F~X NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 Office of the Chair september 25, 2000 Ontario Municipalities Municipal Clerks . Resolution No. 2000-931 " SUllject: Mlnlstiy oft\1e Emliroriment.(MOE)' Rp.gulatory Changes ~"mpact to Peel 'The following resolution wa~ approved by RegIonal Council at its meeting held on september 14, 2000: ' Whereas the Region of' P~el has consiStently conducted more, testing than required .by thebntarlo Drinking Water Objectives; .' . , And whereas this' additiondl testing has been carried .out.'at the . Region'S cdst; .". " . And whereas no positive results for health related paramete.~ have been experienced in t~p. Peel system; , '!' , . " " And whereas the cost tal carry out the additional lesting for' . pesticides adds an .addition';.! yearly financial burden of $409,\)00 to the Region of Peel; . And whereas, .the cost to carry out the additional Inspections and reporllngadds an fldditfohil\ yearlY finimcial bur.den 01$105,000 to the Region of Peel; . And whereas,.' the cost io carry out the preparation EngIneering Report every tHree years is $250,000; . . . of .an ,. Therefore. be it resoll/ed that tho Minist~ of the Environment, ,,' ," provide a listing of lal\ labor~tories' 'certifi~d to carry out pe.sticide tes.ts and. pay all costs associated with pesticide .' testing; . pay all' costs associated with ad:dltional Inspections and reporting requlreme~ts; .' . pay.' all costs :associated with .the preparation 'of the Engineering Reporl. And fUrlher, that this resblution be forwarded ,to all Ontario Municip<ilities- a) ',' b) c) . T\\e Regional Municipality aT Peel 1OP..'CentreDI.,~rarnplon,ON L6T4S9 '....'.. . Web Sile: www.mglon.~.el.on.ca 'Tel: (905) 791-7800 Fax 1905). 791-2567'. 1 01 . 16/11/66 22:37:46 EST: ASSOCIATion OF?-> 1 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co OOT-11-00 WED 05:27 PM AMO .2. This information Is provii::l~d for your reference. Sincerely, ~:~lId. Emil Kolb Regional Chair an!=! Chief Executive Officer FAX N~ 416 971 6191 AM:lms cc: J. Savage, Director, Operations and Maintenance . ' <"~I ',,', Also senfto: ,,' The Honourable D'an Newman . Mlhlster of the Erivironmimt 13'5 SI, Clair Avenue West 12"' Floor '..": Queen's Piilrk Toronto, Ontario M4V 1J:i5 ,'" ., . , 1 , I 1 'O:P.~I Cent(e Dr., BramplOn,.ON .LeT 48S..Tel: tSar) 791-7600 wwW.region.peal.on.ca . . ..... I .",' I 'fhla huuerlall$ provided under contnn:t ~ a paid service by the odgi,Dating orp:aDi:r.atlon, and dotl not ne~cs.sariJy rd'ett the '\I1t.ws or positiDns of Ihe Assotlat!()R or Municip:.liUu of OnturIo tAMO), ilS ~ub!>iuiu.r)' eOmflal\ie.'i. oincers, d.irednl"S or l:1~CI1rs. 1 102 .-.------ Page 663 p, 02 ," ", ", " .., " '. . ", . ','. " '" In Case of Transmission Difficulties, Please Call 416-863-2101 Please Deliver To: County of Elgin News Release Communique CT) Ontario lV/inistry of lVIinl!lero do, MuniclpRl Affairs Affaire, munlcipalo, I1nd HOJ1si"g' et c:111 Logement For Immediate release October 12, 2000 Qnt::Jrio GovArnmml\..irltrodlJc~s leaislation for municioalities to administer sonl.S!.! housina TORONTO - Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Tony Clement introduced legisl<\tion today to keep the government's commitment to transfer social housing administration to municipalities. "When we name to power in 1995, we said we would end the social housing boondoggle," Clement said. "We have streamlined programs, improved administration and brought in efficiencies, s<\ving municipalities and taxpayers $100 million since 1998. "There are three key benefits to the proposed transfer: the Social Housing Reform Act would put a vital service in the hands of those best positioned to respond to local needs. It would allow local governments to integrate the administration of social housing with Ontario Works, child care and other social services to serve clients more effectively and efficiently. And it would put responsibility for bricks and mortar where it belongs - with municipalities." This legislation would give municipalities the "say for pay" they have been asking for. Municipalities began paying for social housing In January 1998. In exchange, the province took 50 per cent of education costs off the residential property tax bill. If this legislation is passed, corporations controlled by Ontario municipalities would own and operate all 84,000 units of public housing starting January 1, 2001. "That's an asset with a gross value of three billion dollars," Clement said. The responsibility for administering 156.000 non-profit and co-op housing units would follow over a period of 18 months. The legislation would ensure that there are no declines in the number of households assisted or in the number of units for people with disabilities. ...2 103 -2- The province would continue to set and monitor standards, make sure that levels of service are maintained and transfer federal funds for social housing to the local level. Clement also promised minimal disruption to tenants, both during the transfer and after. "Tenants in social housing will not lose their homes," he said. With this legislation, the province is following through on its commitment to transfer social housing as part of its process of realigning local services, The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has consulted extensively with local governments and housing providers to ensure a smooth transfer. - 30- For media Inquiries, please contact: Brian Patterson Minister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6477 Janet Mason Policy Division Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6320 Amanda McWhirter Minister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6932 For more information, please see the attached backgrounders and visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Web site at http://www.mah.gov.on.ca Existe aussi en francais. 104 eaCk9rO\l"der OOC\l",e"t d'imo..",atlO" @ ontar\O october >\2, 2()OO co"""".""" ,CC." ,0 SOC,,,," ",,"51"" .om' fa'" a.... ",",0\ ".,....,..... - to ,..,a' ""..''''' ' , a d u'p\\C t1ous\n9 In tt1e\r communlt\eS ","""",,, ,"' ...a' ""..,", l,,?",",.t\\\ r:..; ~1.uo, ",,,,,,,,,,,,," .""" .~\-' across the ?ro\lince) can a??\'! IOf sOCIa 0 \ ThO'" .,."", ,oN ..,.... 1<9'." "", ,,"''''', ""'" '" ,_\\00'''''''"' .- \0 a ,",-, ."'....."" ""'..,...."'''....... .,..."" .", .,.,.'" ",uol ,....... ""OO .oN"" \0 aW""'" ' ' "''''',''''''' In""""" abO'" "",....-,,0>01>"""' and "",,'I< """"" .pII'" a, In "" _",u"~', , . , ",,\01 ""..I"' """~... ,a.'."""" " ." a common a??\\ca\lon ,orm ,or a .,_, ", , , 'b1'WIO< ""'. "..", """ a""oo"'" ,,,,,a"''' ~ ~':."~;:~ :;~;;."""\ on'" ",,,,,,.' , "","' "'" '" ""'" " ...1011,",~ "w"'" ",,,,,,.,,,n<" " ... ;::~$~~:'J~" "",- "'''' .?pI""'" ...'" ,,,, In """,_""""'" ,coal "..I"" .."",,,," ","""" ... _""",,,. """, $':/$\em$, . fin'''''. """" I. """,",W .on' '" """", "..-' . ,...."".. " ....... ,0100 on' ,......"',,\\1.. '''' ..,..,.,n.... ",,,. .i. ona"" ~9gu\ar eo.ord\nated access ."" """'" "',..,.. ""uId .. .......~~ ,"' .... ",II""" ". ..."ood and . .."""'. .. "'" " ..""',....... " ,,,,n'" """" , t co-Ordlna\ed access sef'liCes wlt'n \\,\e S.W". ""nago" ",,,,,, _ ~ "",,, ~ ."..',. "'" ,0\' " ,OU"'" "....... '" ontariO \NorV-s and chl\~ c~re flrografllS, or 0 otner communit':! Organ\z"a\\Ons. . . . 'p. c, . . . s",^"" ""na,'" _id .. ..."'''' \0 ."..""na" a_'" .oci. ",""'" '" ~I \os . "",.", """"," ~ .,,;, .-"'''''' ,- -., ".,,~.,,) ",..,,,,.,,~, "" ",,>I'" '''' (or ''''HI'''''''''''''''''''''' ,,"", AII....-g......"..""''''' ,,"" ""uId be """ ,,,,m "'" ~."'''' II~ ",.,'red bY"" ,,~'" """".,,' _",,..me<! -" ,'J'I"'" , ",I""'" ""u~ " ,,-, '" . ",m- """", '" .-,'" IP m'" ,,,,",'" '" .".,'" ,.."r"" ","",,'" _,,,,, " .....', ThO'" -~ be _"""rto"" (or ",?Ii""" IIIIhO are victImS of fam\\'! violence, S,,,,,,, ""_" """Id ""'. "",,"11'I" "","", "'.. - ,r\O<"''' "" ",",," ".,,'d'" ''','' "",,,, ,_ """. m''''''''"'' """" m" ond ,,,,,,,,.0' 01 ",""- Rights code adnered to, 2 special neoc\s co..ofc\inated aCcess , Sl""~' ","", """" ,," be ,.."rd'" ."""" ."" "",,,, ""0:"" or, · '" d"~""'" bY th' m"i"'" ."""" "" or '"'" I"" ..""''' (0' "'" -"" _,1h' ,,""" m""" or d""- ,"" "_"",,,d ,.."rd' ",'" ,. .11 ",cl" .....' ."",,'" " "" ,_.,."',...., ~clu,II'" _1nQ .dml""""'" bY'" """'" """"" " ,,,d agency. . S,...,.I ","", .,,,,,",, "''' ."'. m."'- ,"0,\1, ."'"" '" "",.1 ....d' "'''' '''~~,' bY "",- ".,,"""" -30, Brian patterson Mln\sterls Office Minlstf'J of Munic\pal Mairs and \-lousing (4'\&) 585,6477 Amanda McWhirter Minister's office MinistrY of Municipal AffaIrs and \-lousing (416) 5B5-6932 Patti Redmond Non-Profit and MarKet \-lousing MinistrY of MuniCIpal Affairs a\1d \-lousing (416) 585-6'375 fOf furtner information, please contact: \06 Backgrounder Document d'information ~ Ontario October 12, 2000 SOCIAL HOUSING SERVICES CORPORATION . If the Social Housing Reform Act is passeel, service managers and housing providers would control a province-wiele body called the Social Housing Services Corporation (SHSC). The SHSC would provide opportunities for cost savings and limit risk by taking advantage of economies of scale. The SHSC members would be representatives of service managers, provincial non-profit housing corporations, local housing corporations that are to be set up under the proposeellegislation, and provincial non-profit co-operative housing corporations, Federal non-profit and co-operative housing corporation participation would be voluntary. The SHSC would handle group insurance, pooling of replacement reserves, ongoing benchmarking and best practices, and bulk purchasing. A board of directors would manage the affairs of the SHSC. . . . The board would consist of 15 members, including: · two members appointed by the minister, one of whom may be a representative of a local housing corporation . one person, selected by the council of the City of Toronto . one person, selected by the councils of the regional municipalities of Durham. Halton, Peel and York . one person, selected by the council of the City of Toronto and the councils of the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel and York · one person, selected by the District Social Services Administration Boards . four persons, selected by the councils of the service managers . three persons, selected by provincial non-profit housing providers . two persons, selected by provincial co-op housing providers, . The first Chair of the board would be appointed by the minister. Subsequently, the board would select one of its members as chair. 107 2 . " SHSC "'0";09 groU' "OS boon fOrmed'" _un VII\h ." ...""hold"s on _lis and IssUO', cnaired by an official oi \h6 ,,"niSW oi MU","""" Affa'lS and Hous;"'. \he g","' Includ"" ""rosen",.on '0'" _lor> ",.nage... \h' 00""0 Non-P"'" HcUsI09 ",",cel...n (ONPI-\A). \he Co-o,e"'live HoUSI'" federation-- On"'''' (CHf). 'ndWldual ,cUs'", ",,_ntal''"s and Local Housing Au\ho[\tie' (\-\-IAs ). . i\1e province wIll 'fund the S\-ISC 10r the fIrst three years, -30- for further information. please contact Brian patterson Minister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and \-lousing (416) 585-6417 Amanda McWhirter Minister's Office Ministry 01' Municipal Affairs and \-\o\.lsing (416) 585-6932 Patti Redmond Non-profIt and MarKet \-lousing Ministry of Municipal Affairs and \-lousing(416) 585-6315 108 sackgrounde,. Document d'lntorrnatlon - " . - @ ontar\O october 12, 2000 TRANSFER OF PUS\..,\C HOUS\NG . 84,000 ",,,, of ,,,,,. _100 "" _ by\he On"'" H","OO C,"""a'on (OOC) "" ""'''''''' by C,~, ",,"'00 ^""""'" (cHA')' oHC " on _,yof \he """m""'''' 0' On'''''' on' " '0''''''''' by a -'" of ,_" app'lnted byO",,' · """""", OHe gives policy direction, manages the budget and funds LHAs. E"'" cHA " on ag""" of \he G,,,,,,,,onl of 00""" on' " ,,,,,,,,,,, bya bO'" of directors appointed 'py Ordef in council. All ,,,,,, _In, "''' '''' ,"""d\'''' "" lon'''''' wi\h ,'W " m""""" 10"'-' -, """'" 'O'!"'" go"",,, \0 In",m' (R G'), ". """r, ,,,,reM" In"'''''' on' - "" assessed and the rent calculated at 30 per cent of hOusehold Income, . \he ,,.,,,,,,,,,, on'''''''' ,,.,,,,,,,,, "" ,all, on Jon"'~ 1. 2001, \h' ,O'..omonl will transfer the entire pUbliC housing businesS to the municIpal level. Tonon'" "'"''',' l<m"" ,,' '""'''' WOO" <lO' be ...""" by'" ",,,,,,,, Geared.to-lncome rents would contInue to be set at 30 per cent of income. The pr_'" ,..",_ ,.,wct"'''' ,,,,,,,,,,,,." \h' ,o~" ,,,,,In, ...."", ". "ON ",ooW'" woo" "\OW "",'" m'"'''' ".... """",, '" """ \he ,-", mon",me<rt b"''"'" "" 1M ,,,,",,'" wi" m'''''''''' ,,"""'" ,,'<m''''''' If ". ,,,,po,",' ,.."""", " ..""', coo" ",,",,00 Au","," WOO" b. ..",,"', TI1' ""..,.., "by ma"'" WOO" be ",,,,,,,,,,,,,, coo" \-IOU"'" eo...",,,,,, (CHC') ".. cHCo wo-, ma""'" .""",", '" m"" ... """, wa'I" CH"" d' ,,'" The cHC, woo" be .""..d 0"''' "e . "",,'" ""porn'''''' A" "'""~ m"""" WOO" be "m'" " \h. .". """""",ar '" "a \,0'" H""'OO C,,,,,,,,,on, 5\0'''' WOO" ... _'" '" """ ""'" m""" "roo'" \he """",uon, ..', '""',OO m""" could transfer some shares to munIcipalities within its service area. LHCs would own tne public housing ?ropertles. Tho ",MOO m""'" woo. fund \he IJ-lC bymoo"", ..'"""" - on '" ,,,",,,I 'puclget. CUff""~ LHA b,,,,d mem''''' woo" b-' 10'''' ",.. mem"'" of'" cHC, .""'.. ,",no,'" oou" ..."OO " .....'" ",," mem"~ '" \h. CHCo 00 " "",oio' ""'" CHA ,;atf woo" b' ",,,,,,,,,, '" \h' C""", H""IOO C'.......' wI\h """'"' ,.."" "" . some facts about publiC housIng In Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . \09 2 conditions of employment. . After the transfer. service managers could change the structures and organization of the LHCs, including consolidating their administration within a new or existing municipal department. . OHC would continue to operate but in a greatlyreeluced capacity. It would deal with residLlel provincial functions such as making paynents on debentures. What are servIce managers? Service managers were elesign<iteel as delivery agents for social services by the government in 1997 as part of local services realignment. The government's aim is to consolidate municipal service man<igement for social and community health services anelto streamline anel improve service. There are 47 service managers to manege social assistance (Ontario Works), child care and social housing. Theyinclude 36 mLlnicipalities that have been designated as service managers In southern Ontario, In northern Ontario, 10 District Social Services Aelministration Boards and the Regional Municipality of SUdbury have been designateel as service managers. -30. For further information, please contact: Brian Patterson Minister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6477 David Peters OHC Support Services Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6400 Amanela McWhirter Minister's Office Ministry of MLlnicipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585.6932 - 11 0 sao\UlrC)\lI'\der "'00,,"'81\' d~",a\iO~ @ ontaf\O october 12. zaaa IIlhY.\18 ~,,,,,.... IS .._'09 \0"'- soc'a' noUS'IllI to ",UOIG'"'''''' , ' \ d ' n"..tad at \ll0 \QCll,Ie""" ,oca' $OO'a' nousio9 " a s.- ",at . '4 ';; s.",. aod .... \<l1'" \ll0 oeedS 01 governments are closest to tne peop 6 ., tne'lr communitieS, , " \I.'~ ","u'd p"""". ",. opl"""'n\\'J '(.."".oil19 ",,,ia' n<>us,,," \0 \ll0 ",un~~~~'rI """ 01"" .....' ,aNI"" ",on .. \0 iO,,","" _. .spa"" 01 "'~':~" tu'" wou'" po'. \ll0 w.> "" petie< ontario 'Nor\<.s and chIld care. "II , \. . ..",\CO. \0' iodWId""" aod -, oasIS \0''''''''0'1''''' v a oe ot t\'le soolal nousing \)USil'l6SS, '(". p,oposed ,?\,lslenOn ....",,,,,,... r. am ; ""ile \ll0 p"",no<> ed""n- currentl'Y, mUl'lIC\pa\lti~S p~'Y ior sOlcd'~ro~:na ~ew structure to alloW sel'Vlce tlie prOgram. \\"IIS 1?9Islat\0~ wou ,r managel'S to adminIster sOCla\ \'IOUSll'lg. SOC\A.\.. ~OUS\tI\G PE"O\..\li\Otl\ . . . aac~gfound on ttle transfer . _Ie' _'''" h" ".on fUnded aod adminiale"" ., bOth \ll0 led",1 aod ?rovincial governl1\ents. '(he t..""" w" ,,,,,,od' .. ,000 publ," ."",no un.s. aod \ 56.000 oon-P"'''' aod co.o?erative housing \.I11its, ced tliat provincial responsibilitieS ior \n J~nua\'l) :997 , \\"I\ed'!?'r';:':::;~~I"""'\\leS .. pa" 01 \QCll' -- soCial hOUSIng wou "e e reali9l'l1'l'lent. d t on costs t\"lat were raised tnrough '(h. p",,'n'" as..mad nalf 01 \l16 a ~ \ " ,t"" ",0'" aod sui\l"",nl "..nu" residential property ~a)(.es, givin~",~\.~~~C\f~~~~il'l9 social liou5\1,g, to ta\<.e on neW seNlce rasponsl'" I I . , "" ,to 01 .....In""',"" ~.... Januarl \, ~uri'CI?a~'tles \i~ve been.?a,/ln9to "'d:\nister tne social Musing po~o\io. ~99B. ,lie prOVInce con_lnues <A '" '{\)S 1e<I""'~""."o''''' ."".at nousln9 ..._nl . . . . \ \ \ . . . '? '(h' I"""ous slgoed a social hOusing agreem"" w\\l\ \l1' I""ral ",,,,,",,,,,,' 00 l'lO""m"" 17. 1999, '(he ,i9o"19 01'''' 3\l",emen\ allOWed"" ~,,,", \0 roo"'" with "'" "'""""" ",,,,,", of ,o,,,al nou"M admln....\\O~ \0 th. ;"uolCiP" """, and \0 l'''l'ara \0 i"""dUUS loe ~rJ ,eg",,,,,,n fo' de\/olution. '(he ."" agree.""" al\OWS "'" I',,,,,ous and munlclpal- \0 "ml'lilY $O,.al ""u~M I',ograms. ",."nll'" ..min\slla"'" "raMemeo" aod sa'" .,,"" J'I'Iore effectiVel'}. "". ."".",,0' .\$0 lrensfe"'" so"" I"''''''' adm in "",red social hO"7IM , "",iects \0 I""".o,al admin""""" ,nasa l,deral I'"""dera would ,eIa,n ""'" a9reeJ'l'lents under municipal adJ'l'linistration, Th' "",vi''''' will ,eee"" money ffOO' th. fed"'" 90".101"''''' \0 meel the , MaMI., obl;ga1lo'" for hou,i09 'hO' the ledera' ,,,,,,101101,,,,1 h" """..hared '" "'" past" """ " lor _log \hal "Iunded un,,,,,,,,IW, . ,\"\",\n9 ot the transief . " th.IeQ\S""". 'PI''''''' log ",,",on \his fall. ""pllG nousiog will '" ,raJsle"~\ ~ \he mun'" al "vel 00 J.nUSr! " 2001'nd thenoo....... nou"n9 1"'""'" w, , · ",osfe"J \0 th. municipal ,,,,,,,1 """"0 al'l'_alel< 18 moOths of "",clem"oO 01 enabling legislation. "",., SOCia' hOUslnD ",",old '00' "'" -... lraosl" . Soc\el h<JUSi.. ""0""" will n" '" "'.....' (hei' ,,"ou" 's sa""'" . Muoloil"'""'S will ",anage. op,rat' and admlois,,"' th'" """ soda' nou- pott1ollos. '(he pro"''''' will """nue \0 1"" a "" ,eI' in sa\\lo9 and "",oi\Ortog "",vi_ wide standards. . . provincial standards would ensure'. ,,'2. I ",.1 ",e" \. _~I'''''' with tne la"'" ol tne 1",...V,,,,'In..' ,ociel Musing agreement~ "",I mU.;ci""'~'" wi' "..".UB '" ?"",lde ...\S\8""C '" ",e ..m~ .umb'" 01 .."'."..""....."'''''. hoU'.noldS .. ",os. ,..,.""r<<lth~ ..",ta."" .1 the time o~ administrative devO\U\\on~ """ .,... are "",."'...... ru"" on ei\\l'bi'tI .od be."'" I.,",~' Geared- "'"."""" re." WOUld CO."nue '" b. ,eI.1 30 pO< "".t 0' ,ncome. thel mun'ci'.'.... reoor' o. . regul.' be'i' \0 ,""ure \!lei ,,,,,,.cia' ..' ~edera\ standards are being met; and ",eI tne .u'"'''' IIU"~ ol ""'" mod'''''' loT ,,,,,,,"'Y ,;,abled .-, "" 'pe main\ai{'\ed. ThO ",Ie' '"'" ,.""",,'b""'" of .on"""'" and ""oe<""'. nou".O "",,,ere would remain essential\Y the same, '(ha ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,?,,,'" 10 repla<'''. rail" ol "nere~t operatl.gagr.,men" tor .0.""'" "", 00.0, ,,,,,,,ere ",th o.a ",b,a, co.""'''' a"""" "b,11\'! ~ramewor\<. that would be set Iii \egislation. "nd.r toe ... "",di"" mo'eI. .0..,rofII ..' oo_o,.re"ve nou."" ,,,,,,,,ere woUld be g1,a. a""" ,,,,,,, ol "..I<\y """ w\1~h tneY woul' ba ~u"a~ to ",.re'" p""ldere woUld Oro. more au",.om'. lUnd''''' ,,,,,,,etab'"'' a. streaml'\ned accountability, ,,01'" ,od re._">II"'''' .od .omeme." 01 lederel ''''~''''' would rem.'. tha same. 3 I I I I . . . . W\,\at are sel"l\C6 managers'? S."'''''' men..... were ,,,,,,,n,Ied .. ,.1\>1"<'/ ...." loT "cia' """.,.. bY \h6 '\ '\ ") 4 go'Ie,n"",n'iI' ,,,", .. pan ol 10"1 ee"'lcC' ,eal"nme"'- ,'''' go""mmeo'e aim ,',e \0 con","d'" municipal ee""" m",age"",n' jo< ,"",al andcommun"" heal'" ,e"""" and \0 _mlil'e and l"plO'Ie se{<I\Cl" ,'''''' "e 47 ~ernce manag'" \0 ",anage social ..s\$lance t-"" Wo"") , "'lid caf" and,omal hOUSI~' 1he'1 moud" 36 municipal"'''' "'" hrom _ des"""'"" a' ",,,,,,,, managel' In eo"""'" Onla"'" In no!\he'" On""'" '0 DIs\lIc\ SCc\BI SO",I"" ""mln",""lOn aoa,de and,"" "eglOnal "unl~""r"" of sudbur! ha"" b,,,,n "",Ignated as sa""'" manago'" -30- for further 'tnfortnGlt'ton, please contact: arian patterson Minister'S Office ' Ministf'J 01 Municipal Affairs and \-lousIng (4,\6) 585-6477 Atnapda Mc\J\1liirter Minister'S Office Ministr:l 01 Munici-pal I\tfa'trs and \-lousing (4 W) 585-6922 scott \-Iarcourt 1-\01.ls'tnQ pancy ara~ch Mlnlstf'J 01 Munic\-pal Affairs and l-\ousln9 (4~6) 585-7529 , ,A Backgrounder Document d'lntormation @ Ontario October 12, 2000 FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR SOCIAL HOUSING Some facts about fl.lndlng . The province signed a social housing agreement with the federal government on November 17, 1999. The social housing agreement transferred the administration and management responsibilities for federal housing programs to the province, . As part of the agreement with the federal government, the province is receiving an annual transfer of federal funding. This funding amounts to $525 million in the first year. This total amount decreases In small annual increments, as agreements expire, . A portion of the federal funds will be retaineq by the province to meet its obligations, including its responsibility for dedicated supportive housing and potentially, depending on the outcome of consultation, the Rural and Native Housing program. . The province proposes to flow the funds provided by the federal' government to the service managers to fund the federal social housing and cost-shared programs that are being transferred to them. . The province also proposes to flow one-time funding of $58 million to deal with future capital funding pressures related to the federal projects being transferred. . Any annual surplus will be distributeq Proportionally among the service mangers. The service managers must use all surplus federal funding for housing purposes, including the new rent supplement program, Transitional funding . Service managers may be eligible to access a total of $5.6 million in one-time transition funding from the province, Funding will be given to service managers to offset some start-up costs I such as aqministrative office set-up, costs of computer equipment, or costs of hiring consultants, . The province is also providing service managers with one.time funqing specifically to assist with costs of a property management system for public hOLlsing. 115 2 . s"- ""nage'" may .e eligib'" \<> _1"" l",,"lng 1<> help del<SY """ ",lated to registering tne title to public \1ousing buildingS. . 1'h8 d..l."'on 01 ,,,,nsmon lundl""lor eaoh .."'''' ""nagOf "''' be d"",Mined throug\1 consultation with municipal representatIVeS, .30- Brian Patterson Minister's o~\ce Ministry 01 Municipal Affairs and \-lousing (4 ~6) 585-6477 Amanda McWhirter M\nister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (4~6) 585-6932 Patti Redmond Non-proti\ and Marl<et Housing Ministry of Municipal Affairs and HOUS\!\g (4~6) 585.6375 for turther information. please contact , \ 6 'BILL FISCR 13.COlvl., LL13. Regional Chair &. c.E.a. li . The Regional Mun'cipalitY of York 17250 Yange Street, BoX 147 Newrnarketr ontario L3Y 6Z1 Tel: (905) 895-1231, (905) 731-0201 Fax: (905) &95-1238 f"- ..., . ~~; ~~,~~~ V'\_, ,~:~ ; II """"""'c., oel 2 2000 september 25, 2000 COUNT'! (\~ ELGIN ... ".. ,,<'nU\"r'" L,: 0~:,"",if'~ii':;;; The Honourable Tony p. Clement Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 17'h Floor 777 Bay Street Toronto, ontario M5G 2E5 Qear Minister Clement: Re: Social \-lousing services corporation ",",,0'" w' "'" _"" ..,,, .1 It"~ WO'" b.'" do" by y,,"' MIo'''' '" ,'" .1 '00 ""...""" '" "'"., _'og d"'oIU"OO Iociud'''' "",oi09 to "",b"'" . S.d" ",,",'og S,N"'" CO",,"""'" 00 b,haII '" 'M "",,,,, ., y", , w,,"~ ._ 'l"u 'M' ., '" "",,,,,, "1'P"'''' to i" ,,,,,..,,"" "", """" II'" ".." .re ""''' ",,,, ,ulI"'" .,poIlUOIl'" to ,<<wid' "" "",- ",NiOO' ""'''' th' ,<<Ni"'" """ ,till ",,,,, ",",,"'" ""od"d' "", accountability requirements. /<; w, u""""aod th' "''''''''' tho ,,,,po"" ",,,,,,,,\do ""y b' ,,\abl""'" by "g"""OO to ,,,,"d' . ,,,,,,10'" wi'" ",,,,,,,,, to ",IN" · ,,,,it<>d ...." .1 serJices to tne Social Housing system. IN' lullM' uo",,_d ,M' ,"" 0,", bOdy. \0 b' ""bI,,Md ". ""po"""'" "" . ,,,,,.,, ",b~ wit" '" ","0 ""fl "'" eo"" '" 0'- (""",,,,,,",,," ,~cl'" official' ",d _" """,b,re) ",d th., "''''' '" 'M ",,,,,,,,, '" " ",,,,'\dO wIl' b. """""",d 10 "g""'\Oo, 1\" "" ,,'W ,M' th" " b.th ,""",,,,,.,, ",d _b'-' "'" wi' ulti"""" ,,ad to high" ",,,, " "" system, ratner t\'lan pfoviding t\'le etlicienc\es desired. ...12 \,7 September 25, 2000 Page 2 We understand that the services to be co-ordinated include: Maintaining the existing group insurance program for Non-profit housing. Ensuring that a program is in place to pool housing provider replacement reserves, ensuring sound investment management. Ensuring that a process is in place to benchmark housing provider operating costs on an ongoing basis. Co-ordinating and maintaining bulk-purchasing agreements for such items as fuel and other commodities. We agree that these components of the social housing business require appropriate management, however it would be our view that there are other more suitable processes for meeting your requirements. For many years municipalities have been engaged in many of the activities that this proposed corporation would provide and have excellent track records in doing so. The last thing that any of us wants is to duplicate services and systems resulting in additional costs to our common taxpayer. The Region of York (as well as many other CMSM's) is engaged in a variety of partnerships within the municipal and other sectors, which are very similar in nature to the services related to social housing. Examples include: · The York Region Buyers Co-operative (17 public agencies, cross sectoral- Board of Education/CCAC/York University) . Police Co-operative Purchasing Group ( includes RCMP) . Emergency Services Buying Group (EMS, GTA Co-operative ventures) . Provincial Standing Agreements ( Emergency Vehicles, Medical supplies) . Ontario Public Buyers Association (30 Co-operative groups provincially) .../3 118 septembe{ 2.5, 2.000 page 3 , \'1< an'! ot\'1e{ municipalitieS oller a >s ",II, .,a' ..' ",g~' of ,0<\<, ','" , 0' ",,,\\Og oU' 0<<0 ,,"uI""'''' """."""d no""" "oa" po" '" """all'" ou' "" ~,dll ,,'og a_ '" aod '" ",,",'" ..' ""d' '" a'" ,,~':o,,' ";..,, ,- to """,,,,I" oetU,oa, '0 _"""'~ ",,",,,,U'" <0'" <0 "g " ,,,,,,....,01 ","'0'0, ("""'''' ,"' "",,,,, "" "aI< darlI""'" ~ol ":;'~'" I' a ",_ '0 "",,,, "" ,,,,,d'" ",<0'1"'''''''' $100 "",00),,,, ",..."" ..",,,,_'01 of ...' exPertise to assist non-p{o\lt \lOUsIng P{ investment {eo.Ui{ements, Munici 801 p..ct {estrlcts mUOICWlalities wi~nin >s "'" '" ",II a.'" ..' ~"'" ;"uW ,I<""g.., """,,,g' ..a' ... ",,,,," ,,,,,,,,,,00' ""o""~''', ~'" ,";, '" "" ",' """"",, ,,, " ,uo" a .a, ""II" bO add"'''''' ",'" '" "''' . ", 0 ,"'u'" ,'w"'" "a""'" "", _"",b" ,,,,..,, b_,d ail' b'~ '0 ,,,,nod to ..' """, 0\ "" \lexibili\'f would ensur~ an'! even be e{ a sociai \lOusing po{\10110, alsO nave stall w'no a{e expert in tM a,{eas ",glo" "" ,0<\<, aod m"" offi'''', ,,,,,",,,, a" '" ,Ia" to .", ."" of ,,,, ,,"'''''''''' and bO,,",,,,,,,,,,,, ,Id' ",,","'" "" a "",_,SO"'" 0"" "",,,,,al\lI" and ,,_, ,.",,~" ~;~" .."" ,00""'''' to b".' "" ,<0''"'' _Id b' a oaW" po anl\"",d MU"""" 5'''"''' oo,,,,,,,I'9 '" ,,,,,,,,, "", ,,",,' ~ <:,,,,,,,, ..' ",,,,,,,, of ,,~th" """W" Manage{S toda'!, one n~s to senous'! 0. to duplicate t'nat expertISe, side lo{ lurtM{ reconsideration at tne ",o"t<", th" 00''"'" "",d' '0 bO ", ~ "'''''' '0 ",,,,,, a ,ffiOOth ,-' '" ,of"'" ",,\' "" ",,,ort ,.,U <o"'u "d '0 "",' """ ,0U, bot .' "U. """" ""u.,g """",,",,' and .' a" " "th' ,b''"'' 0' "",,,,paIIII" '0 ,_, I' . """'~U' dlalo\l'" ''''': ''%~, "'N'~ ,g''''' '" II"~ ...' "" deliver ellicient servIces 10 ?artoe{S I? non-prolit 'nousing p{OViders, o osed Social \-lousing services "'," a" 0"" .",on'''''' '0,...'" h ai'''' to< "'. ,art"""'" '0 '" C_a'on "", buIld on ""'<og ~a"";,:;,,,,og ,,'ou- ",d .","""" bull' " '0" ",. bU""''' .."" m , 09'''' tho b'O'" ",oil' ~ ,,'M'" ^' th' ","' ,,,, ""# .It"",,"''' mUo~I::~o""''' ,nd \0 th' ",,,,,, ~ ,'" in wnicn muniCIpalItIeS a{e engaged b un' able tnrou"n Local ServIces , ",' '" w nave become aceo ..l ". . new servIces lor wIIICII e. d '0 resnect tM role 01 SocIa' \-lOUsIng , t \f'I e recOgnlz.e t'ne nee l \" ~;~::~~; .' do """ ai' 01 oU' ""","u,", """,,, ".4 \\9 September 25, 2000 Page 4 We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 8~ ,;j~ Bill Fisch Regional Chair C: Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSM's) District Social Service Administration Boards (DSSAB's) Regional Council, Regional Municipality of York Mr. Alan Wells, CAO. Regional Municipality of York 1 20 tAinlSU'/ 01 lo/.uniC1llal Allall'S and \\OUSin9 ()If~ 01 \\'le t-Ainistef 777 eay Street 10roo'o ON lo/.5G ZE5 1el'. (4\6) 58&-7000 "'W'II..rnab..go" .ou.ell lAinlS\ere c!es Mlalte5 I1\Ilnicipales et C!U t.ogeme"\ euteau du ((\in\st1e 771 rue eav 10rooto ON w.sG zE5 1el'. (4\6) 585-7000 ",'11'11 .roan.go" .Oll.ell ~ ~.-.r anta-no "/ OC1 12 200~ 1/IOJ v& To: 1\eads of Council: "", of "'''''''''''' "",un ond """"". ~ , un "',""" \0 iul~"",'~ ",,, "" """" ecl<""" """ ,,- ",,,,,,, "'" "';n~n "uod"""'" ne'" un~~" ""'""'" \0 Tbi."" ",","" ~ ""od "" """><>",, ",,_n' _""""",,, \0 -",,,,, , l'erformance }Aeasurement 'Program. " \i'''' ba'" l"'ucip'tod \0 ,..io$ ..""""""" '0< _, "",0"" ' nn""'" ~''''-d~ 'the "W' i""'''fWd, """""" ond """," _,_ ond """""",_ ,,,.. '" ft''' find "'," " de\Wed"ghe,....." "",,,to" "'" _" tb>' "" he'" ;~ ~,' "'" ",,,d ,"u,,, ba'" -"" fto'" "",,,,,, ",,,, ,fJlci,nd', "",,' d' U ,00 b uouuibutod the" - ",d ",,,,id,""" """ ell""" "'" , ",ould \l1<< " """" "''''' '" 0 energ)' in tnis regard, , the ",,,,,' to ""'" fo",,,d , ",0""" "''' _, ",_""",e> b'" _ ""'" ",dized ond _"'" """",," to builds on these efforts and sets ~ult a st~~~ lities 1 am 1>leased to announce this neW, ..do"""," -=en> fo' ~ ",,,,,,,,,,' ' cutting-edge program in resl'onse. " " ",ill begin to ",\Ie'" d'" tb>' "" be n"" to Starting with 2000 data, lllunlC\.pahtleS . . c'''d;ngwaste managelllent, roads and , """ ",,, "<,,," "ea', ,,",w _ ~ ' d "",,,,,, ",",0""'- ~ " , 1 then ,_" "'" - to ,he "''''''." OUOU'"' a'''''' water se~ices. }A~nlcwahtteS ~l\h will be a'lailable on the Internet. financiallnfOt1llatlOn return, wu1C , , , "'o",,on" ",uI" to ",el< ",,,,,,'" iu 200" "uni"".u"" wd' be ,equ",d to '1" " II ",_""i'i" "'" """'''''' ' .."""" of 'th' ""',"" will ",,,,"de ,he "'" ;?'" '_ ","",") "i "" will ,,,,,",' f"""" results. erne a:taCne~ facdt ~~e: O~\:e~e llleasures, in the 'ler'i near future. re<\uuements, lncludmg eLlnltlOn ,," '" """ ""It, bO'" iU'''''''lY, ,e" ~ "'" "",,,un will all"" ",,,,,,"'yaUl>':' to "'~J. "'" _"" · foonn 10' hi,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,eat, ond in ",,,;0. to, 0"'" ",'''''''';''''''~'d ,,_pin!< ,be' ""","""" in ~",t\O ,_' ond '0< ...."'. . woal'" 0 ""If ,,. ",0" ,fle""" "" " deli'" a ,uod" a ,ocal ",,_' '" found a "'0'" ><>"" set\'ice, /2 121 -2- 1l.eads of r.oundl An e.""on' "'....g"..n' ..d ,""",,",,, ;on\, perlo- ",..,--' ~ gniUlU" " "'0,",""''' in \he public ",dO" Wbile;' i' uo;ed _Iy 00 , volon""', '" ..-..pecifiC """ in _ iurisdictions. _e m "orth An"""" dOC" "",-" ~ __,,,,""",,,,,",,, ""' 000 e.;,t. Wh" "'~ ... pro,,"'" 'P""" WI rt beO,fi" "'''' \he .ortidpe\iCn o' "IIOCOI ""v_n" ~ ,..,"' """"'" ~ ",,0- on the qnul'ty "'" '"" 01- in the" "'~ 1 ape"' tha' J~'"'''' """",,, the world will use Ontario as a model. to ,_rt ",nnlcipel~ thro,gh \he .",,,,, 01 un.,.".on\iC,\h" ."',,""" "ini"-'Y .,Jf will hold ",",onull, _d _ w",kshOl'" 'f oU '"'" "'" ~ ,_ve ~ ' _",ebe",;.,e "'-""\1OOk "'" 0''''' ",,,,,,rt ""Ie"'" '0 """ ,oU '" ,,,,._nung ... program. At \h' ",cen' p,}A0 "'0_"" m 0""" 1 ""," ",ou' , """ ..d ,tto,,",' .,,,,,,",,,,- ",..,;cipe\ ",Ioli""'''''' _ oU' \h" _bm", lnC',,,,", ,,,".,,,ib"'" wi\h bette' """,,, , "'" C\'" _",billty, 1 "'" _ ",nnlcipellende" "'" \Jut' un.'''''''''''''' """,vn'''' ,.pro,c\>e' WI Ie'" 1<1 betwl ,""",'" _ "'" ",'0_ on \he """". 01 the'" effortS - '" ,,,clIen' wa" 1<1 ",,,,",, _d _,,,,mty, 1 bell"'!' \hi' initianVO "",,,en>?'" _ "'''"''',,''''' "'" _ on> ",utun! gnnl' o. bette'''''''''' ..d loW"- -' .'" taxpayers. 1 we"""" """ _, ,",0 \hiS .-" "'" look ."""..d 1<1 yo," ","""",;on 1<1 _"UUl "'" buildUUl 00 thiS ."",,,,,, """ tUne, Wi\h ongoUUl mput "'''' I"""gove""",,,u" ond """.., ",."""no"', \he uriU"'" '"'" """'" .- the -"' ..d "",elOJ' """ un<' for different service areas for subsequent years. I"'" ",,,,meed tha,thiS ",,,,,,,,,, will be on UUl>""'"" ",ntt'bution ~ be\h ",twI:,\ualio/ "'" ron'" ,",,~ffoctive ,,,,,,I _, ,ud 'bol it will ,dv_ the "'".... "'" _",n among ta1\.payets, whOm we all serve. Attachment: Fact sheet 122 ,. ,w. ., ,,~";";OO "";~,,,.., "w,. ,~) .w"'-'''' Please Deliver io: ihe county of Elgin NeVJs Re\ease communiqUe @) ontar\O Miniot('/ 01 Mu~icip.\ MI.... end \\ou.l~9 tJ\ln\.t~t. de. /,<11.1'.' ",un'cIP.'e. O't du ~Og.",.n\ for immediate release ootoller 3, 2000 D!>,oavers \0 receive municipal re~ AU-,.,n' _ "_ " 0..1' wlll ,. .. ,,,,,,, N'''' ,...."~ '" .- 00 ."",, ,""" ,,,d ",,_ """wO\ "" I""'".,........ ,."., "" mOO'''''' -'''''' -"". ^"'''' and \"lousing Minister 1; oM Clement announced today. '0'.'" "",'d'''~ """ "". .""., "",..' "" ,,' · '" ",- .....' ... "'.....' ._, '""".. "od to<'- _""''''" "" "'_..., "/'1<. ."''' to< ,- municipal seT'lices and clear govef1\ment accountab\liW." ",,"''1'~",,_:' ",...- ~_.. - """"lO' .",,,,, CO'"",.M RegionS 00(\1erenoe. "_"" "'" ,000 "'., ," "","",,,''' wi" ...._ .." """",,- " ,..l\I9lI'''''' ".- _, ",,,,,,, w'W' ". ." ,..., "MOO" 1\'" WI' "" ,.,m"M" ... '" .. ,...... ..... ._ _" 00 ,... ",,,,~ ", ",,,,,,1'" "''' '" ,.,,,,'" "... "MOO' ,_"" ... ",.01 I" ,"" ,,,",, lrom ." moo'.""''' ,," ,"m"'" _..,."... " ,,. '" ~m.'" ,""".... "" ",,,,moo"'" ",. '"","'"'' ". '" ,,,,, 'M . ",<100 I' ,"" 0"'" \m"'-" ., ....", II." mol""" .,lO ""'" ",...""''''' municipalitieS can oontinuouslY improve tMlr performances, ..""....... ",0" 0""'" "'. ""'" m'" _,C m'~ ,tre"'" .." ~ dO""' .""..,' "" m""" ...1"" .....""'" "" ...",;'M 00 """""".. ,. · .,-'" m""". ",",,,, .",~ 01 ,_ "" _,,,.. "",,, o,~,,,,,...- '" province. .""", "" ,"" _ "'" . I"" ,Il "",I ""',,__ ..rnl """"., "d "',.,... will ... .",,, '" om"" """""''' 00 .' .""" ",d ",,,. "",... · ".1< """""_: " _, " _0;"",,"""'" """", >0""'" '" "". ",,",' "" · _I,' TI" ml""" ml ~.... """",,,I"" .,,,,,,,,, ..." "" ""Om m''''''....' - " """._ to '" ." ,..., "" '''"' ..,.".,-""" "" ,001, . :;0- 123 For media inquiries, please contact: Amanda McWhirter Minister's Office Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6932 larry Clay Director, Municipal Support Services Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-7264 For more information, please visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Web site at http://www.mah.gov.on.ca Existe aussi en fran9ais. 124 Fact Sheet Document d'information @ Ontario - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministere des Affaires municipales et du Logement October 3, 2000 The M'- of Momdpal Affa'm ,,'" """""" " ,,,,,I,,,,'On", , """,d''''''' ,ro,m"" '0 wh'ch ,II 0"""0 ",""";p"",, will "'''''"'' "'", pe""om",'" '" 0'" 00" ",",,00 ,"'" ,od ",ort 00 their performances to taxpayers. The goals of this program are better tocal services and clear accountability to taxpayers. Background Municipal Performance Measurement Program Performance measurement is a management tool for continuously improving performance. This practice is fundamental to better services and clear government accountability: key priorities for the Ontario government. Measuring performance is becoming common in the Ontario government. systems of ped",,""'''' "'''''"''_ h'''' b'''' _fed wi""o "', ",,""0', "",I'" ,od ""000'00 ,,",om, As weI', ,he MIo''''Y of Moo'd'" Altai" ",d """""" " ,,,,,M'O' "",tab"'''''' 0',"","'" ,m,,"'" "'" ,y",,", "',' ""ta'o """' ,,,om,,,""'" """"I" loclod' , ,,,,,,,,,, ,",,,,,,I ,",0"",,,"0 "to'" aod poblio<ecl" "0000''''' b"'''' ,taoda"" fa< 'o",dal ",mrtlo' Th' ",'ol'toy h" "'" ,"pO,,",d ",,,,,,,, ,,""''''''''''-'''''''"'''"''"' 'o"an"", 0", of "'''''' " the Moo'"'" SeN"" P_'""ooo M"'O'" projact, It ""o,hllogath" 55 ","o,,,palin,, ~ """''''' "'"'" to d,'""O' bro"" ,ffid"",, aod ,__'" ",,,,,oma '0 12 ,,",,00 a_, wh'ch the municipalities chose themselves. Aoo"''' " "', CAD ...._,,""" Stody, lo",fed by "', "",f ""ro,",,'rotNa 0"""" of 11 reg'o",' ",oo,,,pa"'''' ",d "'... ~"" db" - T""'oto, Loodoo aod Thood" Bay, Th" ",,"' ro,"""ols ,boot 80 ,.. ",0' of Oota<lo ,,,Wools, "",d'aols '0 th" ,-"" ""',, d"'_ ,roo'" "'''''"'''' to, wio'''' road ",a'o'"'''"''' 100'"'''" "''', wa1a<, wa,to -" ","d wa,ta d"'"'" aod laod am'oloo"" ~ "'_"" ". """" ",,,,,,", In the "'00'''''''''' II'" part'icipated in the study. The Municipal Performance Measurement Program builds on these related initiatives. Objectives The ministry's goals are to'. . promote better local services, cont'inuoUs improvement in service delivery and clear government accountability; . improve taxpayer awareness of municipal service delivery; and . compare costs and level of performances of municipal services both internally, year to year, and externally among municipalities. 125 P.01/01 OCT-13-2000 09:12 County of Peterborough 470 w..t,)" Suee" Petcrborougn, OntN"io K9H .3M3 Pat Kemp, A.M.C.T., C.M.O., C.M.C., Clerk email: pkemp@county.peterborough.on.ca PHONE (705) 743-0380 or (800) 710-9586, ext. 301 FAX (705) 743-2405 October 12, 2000 Association of Munioipalities of Ontario 393 Univcrsity Ave., Suite 1701 Toronto, Ontario M5G IE6 Att: Pat Vanini, Director of Policy and Government Relations Dear Ms. Vanini: RE: INSURANCE COVERAGE The County of Peterborough went through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to obtain bids on insurance coverage. We l1ad hired an Insurance Expert to review the RFP and the former insurance provider was not selected and that has posed the following problero. It is our understanding that when you select a new insurance carrier that you must retain the previous carrier for what is termcd "A claims made policy tail" for liability problems that may arise out of the former policy. The problem is now the County of Peterborough is paying a premium to our new carrier as well as a premium to our previous carrier for this "tail". If the County calls for a RFI' in the future and the current carrier is not selected then we would be paying for a "tail" for multiple carriers. County Couneil has requested that I write you to see if you can provide any assistance to municipalities regarding the problem of paying for insurance coverage from past carriers when changing carriers, due to potential liability claims under the old policy. It would seem that it would not be economically feasible for municipalities to change carriers if they always had to retain previous carriers for liability purposes, I hope. you will be able to provide us with a solution to this problem. If you have any questions, please contact Bryce McLean, Director of Finance/Aoting CAO (ex!. 316) or myself (ex!. 301). Yours truly, /",/2 ./. i6eA?f.? T C.M.O, C.M.C. QvV m\~ A.M.C. ., (Mrs.) Pat Ke p, Clerk p.c. Local Municipalities Counties 126 TOTAL P.01 ,r---.. , \S ...~ ...sset - It' s*' s" :I rC'%' c ~ :!J '" . ~ b · ,,''It: ci ~,,~ If 0'/4'1} .~~ "lout - C'es\ ",,,~ OCT 16 2000 (i'" " ~ ,,' 1 ' .f.,.,,;';.- AMO 2000 OTTAWA r:;"" . September 25, 2000 To Heads of Council As promised at the AMO Conference held in Ottawa at the Westin Congress Centre, I am pleased to enclose a copy of the 2000 Conference Proceedings. (". This is a service we hope to continue at future conferences and trust that you will share the output of the workshops with members of council and staff. I trust your municipality benefitted from the conference and we look forward to seeing you at the next AMO Annual Conference to be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on August 19th to 22nd, 2001. Yours truly, ~i:~4{~ Executive Director (' 393 University Ave., Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 tel: (416) 971-9856 . toll free: 1-877426-6527 . fax: (416) 971-6191 . email: amo@amo.muicom.com ( Conference Proceedings Annual Conference August 13 - 16, 2000 Westin Congress Centre Ottawa, Ontario (- Knowledge is an Asset - It's a Capital Idea ('-, 'Oil asset -It's ~\f:;) lie i<:$ f\. c ;;;. :!2. ~ ,- . '" \~ J :;..'><9oS'l .\~~ /;~ ~tout _ C'esl. ull'O AMO 2000 OTTAWA 393 University Ave" Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1 E6 tel: (416) 971-9856 . toll free: 1-877-426-6527 . fax: (416) 971-6191 . email: amo@amo.muicom.com R.ma'''' by "lcb..1 Po"'" pre,;d"" of A"O and ..ayor of tho To,," of G....",.n Code 4 Alert. The Land Ambulance Transfer The Labour Relations Horizon for MunicipalitieS pbyS",,1 .....t ..an...m.nt. Toot' ." _bing tho Taxpayor" oolla' The Municipal Role in the Early Years ElectricitY Restructuring //Ionday, AUgUst 14,2000.10:30 a.rn, to 12:00 Noon I'/Ionday. AUgust 14,2000.3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Resolutions TO' Gre.n Gre'" Gre" on th. Oth" S;d. of tho Fcnee or ..aybC Hot. Tuesday. August 15,2000 .10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon r Social Housing' The Bottom Line Election 2000 Are TO'" ...... ways to ..an." p.bllC DI'Pute' Brownfields Redevelopment Reinventing the Rural Landscape Tuesday, AUgust 15,2000.1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ...n.glng w.,re ""elY' Wb.t fl ....ns for vo' Governments Going onLine peter J. Marshall Awards B.ildlng .n" Bo""..'ng frOm Othor" C.pttal /de,,1 NeW Rules for water ptannlng ..fl> V",on . can "m.rl Gro...." WO'" In ontario? wednesday, AUgust 16" 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.rn, Broc"",n (W.Ik.rlon) "".t can Oth'" L..,n? R.m.... bY Ann ...N.I', p""l",nt or A"O..nd ".yor ot tho T"'" of 00"",11' Remarks by: /"". ( Michael Power President Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Mayor of the Town of Geraldton Ottawa Congress Centre AMO Conference, Ottawa August 14,2000 (Check against delivery) Good morning. It's a great pleasure to be here in Ottawa with all of you - for AMO's largest conference ever. This is the 101s1 year of our Association and over 1700 delegates have gathered here in Ottawa. My thanks to Bob Chiarelli, Chair of the Region of Ottawa-Carleton and to Councillors Peter Hume and Molly McGoldrick-Larsen and their dedicated team. You have done a tremendous job. We all thank you. /-----\ The conference theme "Knowledge is an Asset - What a Capital Idea" is most fitting. Knowledge is the capital upon which we all draw in decision making. This conference will provide all elected and appointed officials with an increased knowledge base to help facilitate decision making in the year ahead. I encourage you to visit the many exhibitors and meet with the sponsors of this year's convention. The exhibitors bring to us a wide range of products and ideas that can be of use in our municipalities. I would like to acknowledge the presence here today of our first private sector sponsor. Frank Pazner has attended over 40 consecutive AMO conferences and is a major supporter of the municipal order of government. Thank you Frank. This has been another busy year for your Association. I refer you to the Annual Report in your conference binder. I want to thank the many volunteers who dedicated their time and expertise to our many Task Forces and agreed to sit on many committees. This commitment to AMO has strengthened the organization. I encourage others to likewise consider volunteering. Please take a moment to complete the volunteer form that is in your conference kit. You can make a difference. ,,.---,,, , , I would be remiss if I did not thank our sister associations who took our outstretched hand and helped us forge better alliances. This has meant we truly speak to government with one voice - one position gets put forward. This means that the provincial order of government cannot say to the municipal order of government - "You do not know what you want so we will decide for you." 2 AMO is strong. You get value for your membership dollar. Your Secretary- Treasurer, Jim Pine, CAO of the City of Quinte West, along with your Executive D,,,do', pe' M00e and She"d K""' ha'" mede 'h" e key ta"" ',./ We keep g"w'ng, And I .m .,.,,,maly p,,"d o"ho !eotl'''' e.hOUgh ,he numWof municipalities is declining across Ontario -- the membership of this Association continues to rise. I believe this growth is due to AMO's constant efforts to inform and educate our members during these times of change. It's due to the stellar people within the organization who work hard to formulate PO"O)' _ end make "''' ou' muniopa' pes,"on i, knoWO to 'ho fede,,1 and pro,ln'lal orders of government. A"" If' dua to the oommitment of ou' mambe" - who re,pond to al' 0"''' and a'" true participants as we move forward. 'n fad, .s I 'ook "n'" thi' room, the ",,", of AMO', sU"'" I' ,~", We werl< together. Wa he'" gained '" "",ngth by be,ng united, By ,pea~ng wIIh 0,," ""',"" By tying togelh" the di",,,,en," of ou' many munidpam~' end ",ming -" to be heard. i J And, certainly, our voice has been heard a great deal. Today, we are part of a very modern organization. One that truly -- and vocally - represents all sectors of the province. The realignment of responsibilities, in particular, has been complex. But within it - we can celebrate success. T"""th", we h.... ""winood the Go",mmen' of ontario '0 'eke baCk 50 pe_' 0' the cost of public health and ambulance service. Thi' Is imporiant No' only beoou," 'ho p,,'inoo nOW sh"" 'ho "'" of "b,..rilY increasing standards _ but also because Ontario has recognized the overarching provincial interest in these areas. My frland', land embulanoo and public hoe!!h are part of Ihe hoalth system of Dmerlo, They ,""Id be funded 'DO pe"",n' ""m the gene,,1 "","ues - no' on the backs of the property taxpayers. We will continue to fight for that. In the meantime, the transfer decision still stands. And while municipal go",mments ere ready and able '0 da""" ambulen,e ,,<vioo on behet! of the provincial Order of Government, we are planning in the dark. "'~" We need to h'" e .on und,,"ending between 'ho two ocda" of go",mmen' on all ,~. , i. 3 the ","d,"' ,,,,,"ge<""Is, Th" """,_'" """d' to, b' '" p'''''' ,"""""y w w' a'" '0 me" tI<' ,me.-go"'" med'''''' """ "'oo' of O"b,"a", a'" tI<" ob19- ",,,f come first. , a'" p~""d to ,ha" """ yoU tl<a' tI<' M'"',.... of ""an ,"d /.Dog-Tor'" ca'" h" ,,,," AMO , ",,,,,,,,1m'" '0 "''''''' tI<"" ,,,ue' "'" ..<Ok'" , "",~" 'hat ,h' "",~" ",."f o/""po",,",II"" "", 10 """', a ",,,,,""10" by tI<' pro',"" 'h" tI<' ",,,'dP" ordB' of '0""''''''' "", da''''' tI<"" se""'" ",0'" effectivelY and more efficientlY than theY can. Thar, , tiP of tI<' hot to yoU' "pert'se, For look at at' tl<a' yo.'''' ""p,,'Ib" to', As m."<'P" 0"""'" BOd staff, yo. dat'''''' ,,," "'''''''' /rO'" ..10-" From "nb"""" to zam"""" AOd yoU do II ""I. But '" "II fa"" ,hall"'''' 0"' fundamental challenge is financial security. /.D" y"f, 'h' pro~"da' and fada'" go"a"'''''ots "w ...me"doU' i"''''''''' '" revenue. Th' M'"'stef of FIo""" 10 O"la"" h" ,dmm'" 'hat he h" """""'''' a""""oU'" ""'" tI<' """m'"' ,ooo","y "d h" ,,,,at,, 'han ",,'dpa'''' "'''''""'' Y", m"idP'''''' saW 'heif ",,,,,,,,, i"''''''''' bY" a"..,a of ,," 2,3 p"""'- wh,Ie ",W ""po"sl"W" ,"".,..d a spend'" ",,,,,,sa of 1,1 p'"'''''' This gap needs to be addressed. It's equallY apparent in terms of infrastructure. The O"la"" JobS "d ,,,,,,,,",,'" B'''''' a"",alaS 'ho' ,0"'" "" 'I'a'" · "," "'" $21 billi" '0 ,,"'.." tl<a mun idpa' ,ot""''''''''''' d,f"'" "" ,,"'" wat", me'" BOd bridges _ that's $2 billion a year. Of tl<a' "",,, tl<an $' billlo" " f" .,red ro' "''''' and ware', a'"'' Agai" ,he diffa..""" ..,w'''" 'f" tI<.., 0""" of '0""'''''''''' ,bllilY ,~ pay m.s! .. ~","" BOd ,dd..ssed, p",,"~rlY 10 ,~hl of the "'''',''' """''' 0",,00 to ensure safe and clean water. AMO" 'a"" Ioilla'" i' ,he M"ioP" A"" P'" "" Wale', Fof''''''''' tl<a ,..g" a"""1s '" W,lkart", AMO """.Ioped a" 'mport'" ~an 'ha' fOC.se' 0" pro""'"' water for ontarians. r--' It contains three elements; 0"" Wa "'''' to e""" 'hat '" ho" ",dllY ,,,,,II,b~ so.me' of ",,,", "d 'ho' we have good water quality. TWO, W' "eed '0 b.lld, ma'""Io ond ..P,ace an i_""ct." ,yste"" tl<at da'''''' 4 this quality water. And three. We need to define and clarify the appropriate responsibilities for governments .., for others in the system .., and for consumers. , I ',,~' Municipalities play an important role in rehabilitating our water system. and in restoring the public's confidence in the safety of Ontario's water supply. We a" ",,,,e thao w;J"og to ",_d, And gNeO the tool' aod ",,,,"""", we ,,0 gat the job done. With our water systems _ and so much of ontario's municipal infrastructure .- we are ready to do our part. Wa ha'" pro,idad pos!''''' ""id ,""'''' to the pro"oci" aod fade'" 0,",," ot government to meet the needs of the property taxpayers of Ontario. , '''' plea",d th,t tha Go...",meot of Mario hea'" aod ",..oed to the ",,,iOP" orrW of go...",,,,aot. Tha ..g"'alion' aod f"odiog that we.. eooo"",d thi' week a.. , good ioWa' _, b", ",0" oead, to 'a dooe, We a'" wllliog to " wJth Oo..rio starting tomorroW to ensure that every Ontarian can be guaranteed a safe and secure supply of drinking water. This is what our citizens expect - rightly so. We h"a ,;go""'" p",,"ad a fri-1'8.... iolm,,","'"" pcog"'" to ",eet the o"d' of hard infrastructure in Ontario's municipalities. ''-.~/ M '1""' p..",aot, t ha'" "ked th,t the pheoo",e..' me""'" 10 -"" eod provincial revenues be used to increase the investment in infrastructure. And I invited the Premier of Ontario and the Prime Minister of Canada to join us today and announce that the program is in place .., the cheques have been deposited .., and the work is underway. Mr. Premier, I have not received your telephone call. Mr. Prime Minister, I have not heard your voice on the line. Wa '" roady, We"'" welliog, Lef' hape that tha F'''' Mioi'"'' Coofe"'o'" oe'" month will result in those phone calls. Another area that we must move forward on is the Municipal Act. We will continue to insist on a new governance model for Ontario and its ",,,ldpatWe,, The ,eI,lio",hip ..tweeo the ","oicipa' eod pro"ocia' o"'e" of government must be properlY defined and codified in legislation. _/ ~" ( '. 5 , "I/O will p",,,;de ,"uo"'P,IWe, wffh ,.W"I It is not enoUgh for the provmce to sahy, d ed clauses to strip away and limit that person powe~: And th?' ta,e 0" uo' authoritY until it is meanmglesS. . ''W will provide municipalitieS with the " . no' eno""h in< 'he p",vonee to ,~y,: ,a~d delwer ",-' to their ,;1I".n'-, And authOrity to exerclsde thdelrr ,esePsont~' r~~~er that authority ineffective. then take one hun re c aUs , ",UOi"pel A" that "yo - " II do'" And, ,""t oertal~lY, we ",Ii n~ve' a,%: ;::to""" onntained in thi' A'" the in claUse 201 _ Not"':'lthstan ,tnga gn u lations on any matter as he sees fit: Minister may at any tIme enac re .' I d of government must be able to Both the provi~cial and t~b~l.t~eUSnw'c!~~u~rth:~nterference of the other. undertake their responsl II I d h . responsible for what. And that would ""Iy ,I~W "",,n' to undOrstan W 0" To borroW a phrase from Mel L?,stman, "ShOW me the monneeeey. w draft Municipal Act based ",r, Mlnl"e' _ Tony _ ennou,nee he" - tomor"'W - a ne on the principles we have dIscussed. I h ,he "",on tha' ",eI,1 p"",,,,"' ,"ould nol A"'O '""" onnllnue to "",nglY put 0; t p y ~ '(he ,"uni,;p,1 order ol be funded on, the batCktS ?fktheM~~~iep a~ti:~P;rfve' revenue from the property government IS mos a rlS . taxpayers and user fees. t d nd is placed on social services In an e_oOl' downwm wl"n the g""ta' n,":;;',.. <toe' not exP,nd, Eve.,..,ne ol resulting in incre~sed costh~ - tthhe ::::: to eve" elected ,",m"" 01 the US needS to contInUe pus mg a legislature and to the bureaucracy. . nallenges The provincial government EI.,clriCilY ",.ucturi"" h" b",",h! " own c I,e ,"" ' "sent In ,"unieip,1 did not understa,d th~t ,he ",II end ~: "'r,~uni",Jwe' ,"oved to ,he noW 'e~"lY govem""nt to deal """ the new "" Ji de"tand these neW "I", Vie don t I.' ontario said, "You were not ~uppose t~ un I s again>> We have been very clear m what you a" dolf" '" we ",II ""nge e" e " "ying to Mlni"er VI;;",n that this we' not aPp",po"'" . d d 'mpacts _ the fire sale is not far And noW there a" enolhe, ",rie, 01 ~m'~~I;"~ want' solution - call"" you away. so Minister, if yoU want ourta .~~Cyb~ We were readY then and AMO is asked me twO months ago to mee WI . readY now. recentlY "ked me wh,t I heve le,,",d during mY three '1"'" You knoW, someone as AMO president. I would like to share my response with you. /-- 6 Leading AMO has driven home - most emphatically - the great diversity of this province. ) ',.../ It has made me very aware that all orders of government must allow for regional differences in policies ... procedures .., and legislation. For one size does not fit all. Yet, within this, many of the issues are the same. The matters of roads and bridges for instance, faced in Stormont-Dundas and Glengarry are the same as in Toronto. Matters of law and order faced in Brighton are the same as in Windsor. The difference is in the size and .the magnitude. Our municipal issues are not unique. All we need to do is structure our decision- making and our solutions in a way that allows for some variation. We have done this in the past. We will do this even more so in the future. Which leads me to one more point about our future. While AMO will continue to work closely with the provincial government -- we also believe it's important to reach out to the opposition parties. In the coming months, we plan to talk with them .., educate them ." and help them '..J) develop their own platforms with respect to the municipal order of government. By helping all political parties in Ontario develop municipal platforms that respect and reflect the needs of the municipal order of government, we can help ease the tensions and get the work done. We believe this is important. We need to make sure all provincial parties understand the issues that are relevant to the members of AMO. When you first elected me as President of your Association, I made certain pledges to you. I promised that we would restructure AMO to meet the needs of the membership. That promise has been kept. I promised that communications with the membership would be enhanced and made a priority. That promise has been kept. I promised that AMO would provide you -- the members -- with the tools to facilitate '. ) your decision-making process at your council tables. -- That promise has been kept. 7 ~.'-... I promised that you and I, together, would make AMO a more effective voice for the municipal order of government in Ontario. We have kept that promise. And, finally, I asked that you promise me that municipalities would speak with one voice through AMO to the provincial government. That promise, too, has been kept -- and I thank you. I did not promise a New Municipal Act. But how wonderful if that happens tomorrow. Together, these changes have made AMO even more of a force to be reckoned with. They have ensured that we are more proactive on behalf of our membership. They have allowed us to put forward strong positions that are truly representative of municipalities across this province. And they make sure we can speak -- very clearly -- to the provincial and the federal orders of government. i'.. This is vital -- particularly now. For these are, indeed, times of change. In conclusion, I would like to say that it has been my great honour and privilege to serve as your President for the past three years. I look forward to continuing to work hard on AMO's behalf as Past-President. And I will continue to say to all who ask -- that the great strength of AMO lies in our unity. I know that together we can continue to meet all challenges and move forward collectively -- for the good of all the people we serve. I hope you enjoy your conference. Thank you. ~. ( cu (.) ~ - =' 1 -0 5 cu s;. r- 1 ... ..... CU '4..... <to! CU(/) -o~ o ..... Or- ~ ..... 00 )- .....~ O...CU ....(I).....z: ......- tU'" .2.S0 ~ ~~ e. (J) CU ... "c:~<5 a> g r- 4. ..... ..... ~o.. c:='c:O o CO 0 ~(I).-l~ .- 0 -0 -; o -0 c:'';:; ~~tU(J) c:':t.s::.c: ~ ~~ tU -..... """- ... tU ,v . c:CCU..... 4.~:r.O . . 0- . . tI) 0 ..... s;. ~ ~ tU ..... CU 0 0- ~ (/) \ ~- ~. ,,-) 0) / OJ ANTHONY 01 MONTE GENERAL MANAGER, EMS REGION OF YORK CODE 4 ALERT LAND AMBULANCE TRANSFER ./ )JOA JO Al~ ec.~)~un 1\1 euo~3a~ . ( (, /' i ',-- '" . -~. Land Ambulance Service 1m llementation Issues ( l l '\ ) -) ') Goa O'~ t le Jresen'~a'~ion To increase awareness of the: 1) Complexity of EMS organizations 2) Need for control of all components of EMS system to assure quality 3) Need for clear and streamlined funding processes '(arK Reg\on EMS . 60,000 ca\\s per'lear . 16 )( 24 hour \) en\c\es . 1 ALS \fehic\e ( '-. ~.. k>ua61alU3 -uON %[Z · "E" 0/061: - "v" %SS - k>ua61alU3 0/0 LL · SW3 UO\ )a~ )\JO ^ ( ,,- . c 1- " .. ,,' -- - ( " ( ( (aseL d uOI~e~uawaldwI) SluaWL S~ dwo::>::>V / S) se_ Aa) ( ( ( '---- - un-ian ~esources . Recruitment Key Management Personnel - Blue print expert panel - Nation search( s) . Staff Recruitment process - Compliance with Ambulance Act - Drivers License & criminal record searches - Communicable disease - Physical Testing, Psychological Profiles - Interview candidates (300) i \ ~. ('- ( '....- ) ~ ~ . ~ Recruitment of Key Management and EMS Personnel GENERAL MANAGER (FTE 1) Administralive Ass;slant (FTE 1) Public Inlormalionl Educalion Ollicer (FTE 1) - 250 Paramedics -16 Support [ DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Suppod 01 Program SelVices Opera lions Development (FTE l/ IFTE 1) (FTE 1) Financial Clerkl Adminislrafive Direclor Clerkl Research Administrator Steno Assislanl SpeeialOperalions Sleno Clark (FTE 1) .. (FTE I) (FTE 11 -- (FTE II IFTE 1) -- (HE 1) I Scheduling I Accounling Clerk a.A.& Training Clerk 111 (FTE I) Research Coordinator (FTE 21 Coordinator (FIE 1) j {FIE II Properly Specilicalions Field I Manager Manager SupelVisolS Paramedic Paramedic (FTE II (FTE I) (FTE 8) a.A. Training Ollieers Ollieers I (FIE 2) (FIE 2) Support Equipmenl IParamediCS I Stall Deliverv (FTE 250) (FTE I) Stall [FlE 1) - 5 Senior Managers -12 Supervisory - uman ~esource -as_<s . Establish collective agreement - Determine labour organization - Essential service agreement . Develop ALS selection and training process - OPALS process - Base Hospital participation ( '-.... L \. ,Ii\;h" (_.. -" ) -, \ .I .-', \ ) Corporate --as <s . . Establish supply chains - new business for region . Fleet management processes . Establish condition and status of station and infrastructure inventory (Ventin Group Architects) - three year capital development plan - funding sources Cor )ora'~e -as <5 (cont.) . Develop communication, visual identity, marketing strategies . Establish operating policies and procedures . Ministry of Health Certification Audit - provisional and final l ( .'-.-- \ '. ) Desie nine - - :vS Systems " " ) . EMS systems are described by a complex set of outcome and performance parameters: . Cost, quality, efficiency and effectiveness measures . High density vs~ low density deployment . Emergency response, community planning and public health initiatives Ana':omy of an Am JU ance ~esJonse ~ Drive Time Vertical ~.... ...__._.. ._. _.... _no ,_. .,.. _,...... _. ...., ..n" - - ",.," > ! 8 Min 59 See 90th %tile I i i (to to t4 Code 4) I i i i i .. Interview Priority ( ~ ~ . . L1tg,', (!l~i;t(.1 c'f 'mo,. =.,1 . Jto ,,1 .b ;, ,,,.1 < "<'"' ',' ~ Assign car Re-deploy ~ Station to road Assess Treat Extricate ~ Primary IT ertiary CCB RDC t. i , / I \, ~\ J -~) ~) Per":ormance Basec I\' anac emen'~ - . Ontario history is level of effort . Each dispatch interval must be examined in detail for opportunities for efficiencies . Examples - Base Paging - Ready to respond policies - Addressing and signage bylaws - Status Management Plans (deployment modeling) . The dispatch centre is the key player in system optimization )e) oymen': )rinci) es . High Call Volume Zones (> 2 cal s per square kilometer per mont 1) - Based on call demand - Balance between "high" utilization and "short" response time . Low Call Volume Zones - Based on drive times - (desired response time) - Geographic demand ( l ( ) ~, i -, ) , ) Jerformance anc Qua ity IV anac ement - . . Cost per unit hour vs. Quality (e.g. ALS capture) . Unit hour utilization vs. Response Time (to Code 4) . Cardiac Arrest Survival (OPALS) - ultimate measure of system efficiency and performance - not a measure of system effectiveness or value to public safety U'~i iza'~ion vs. ~es Jonse -ime Time Series .~__m.~ f~ " -- ........-: PerfOl~..~~ .. ---- .- - --Dividmd---- /: - I I \ , '...... ( ~ ( a zznc euo!suaw!O-!l n 1\1 aJuewJo:.,Jad / Al! eno ~. , \ '- \ ~- =inancia ) anning ~ssues . Staffing and infrastructure ~ "Approved" vs.. actual costs - corporate / head office costs - one time . 50 - 50 Funding Formula - Regional vs. MOHL TC Authority - Multiple approval processes (, \- c ) .'" ) ; "- ) ~) Cone usion . Provincial assumption (1975) brought standardization / level of care .. Provinces devolution brings opportunity for innovation . Regions EMS must adjust from a "provincial" to a "regional" deployment strategy . There are several areas of service deficiency and poor response times . Transition requires strong political and administrative support :u'~ure ~ecuiremen'~s . MOHL TC and Regions define new "distinct" roles . Devolution of Dispatch . Clear and streamlined funding processes , " c_ c l , -') ) .~ ) MARY KARDOS BURTON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HEALTH SYSTEMS HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS MINISTRY OF HEALTH & LONG TERM CARE Panel Presentation for land Ambulance Transfer Workshop AMO Annual Conferene August 14, 2000 Ottawa Congress Centre Panel Presentation for land Ambulance Transfer Workshop AMO Annual Conference August 14,2000 Ottawa Congress Centre I (~ ( ( ,- ) ~ ~ \ ! .~>, ) The Old Days · Pre-1968, the ambulance system was an ad-hoc arrangement of private operators, municipalities, and volunteers. · Ambulances were operated on a fee-for-service basis; no uniform standards; and no provincial government funding. · In 1968, the Ontario government took responsibility for development, control, and funding of 400 ambulance services. · The Ontario Hospital Service Commission was granted licensing powers under the Ambulance Act, and proceeded to develop an ambulance personnel training program, a centralized system for the purchase of vehicles and equipment, and standards for vehicles. 2 The Old Days (Continued) · In 1973, the Ministry of Health became responsible for ambulance services; however, the seventies saw a new emphasis on private sector development. · In the 1970s and 1980s, the Central Ambulance Communication Centre (CACC) system was established, as well as college training programs, and the air ambulance service. · The Ministry funded 100% of operations, determined staffing levels, owned all vehicles, and operated or controlled all dispatch services. ( ,~- 3 ( (- ) -j -j The Winds of Change: Local Services Realignment · The Services Improvement Act, 1997, ushered in a new era of provincial- municipal relationships with respect to the delivery of social and health services. Responsibility for land ambulance services was to be transferred to municipal governments. · Municipalities will assume responsibility for providing land ambulance services by January 1, 2001. · Initially municipalities were to fund 100% of land ambulance costs. · Last year the province announced that it would, effective January 1, 1999 share one-half of the approved costs of land ambulance. 4 Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee . AMO and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care have established a joint committee, the Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee (LAISC), to provide advice and recommendations to the Minister on all aspects of the transfer. . This partnership with municipalities is continuing, and LAISC has been instrumental in reviewing and making recommendations on transitional issues including: - purchasing options for municipalities; - cost sharing; and - the dispatch system. · A joint web site has been established for easy access to information. http://www.amo-ehs.com 5 / \, ~. ( '. ( "----' \ j ) " ) Transfer Accomplishments Establishment of Service Areas: · All required Delivery Agents have been designated. Of the 10 northern delivery agents, 8 are District Social Service Administration Boards created as an integral part of the local services realignment initiative. · The minister has also designated Delivery Agents to manage services across Separated Municipalities and neighboring Counties. · These Delivery Agents (DAs) together with the Upper Tier Municipalities (UTMs) comprise 49 land ambulance service areas covering the Province of Ontario. 6 Transfer Accomplishments (continued) Ambulance Act Amendments: · Statutory and regulatory changes to the Ambulance Act allowed for a competency-based certification scheme and cost apportionment among municipalities. Transfers Completed: · To date, eight (8) UTMs/DAs have successfully assumed full responsibility for service, and all others are preparing to assume by January 1, 2001. l - l 7 l ~', ) ~) ~, ) / Completing the Transfer . We have the same interests in making sure that both the province and municipalities have timely information for their budgeting. . We must therefore expeditiously finalize a framework for approved costs. . We know that you want a consistent approach to meeting service standards, including the response time standard. . Through your plans, best practices will emerge for local delivery of ambulance services. . We will work together to determine transfer readiness as January 1, 2001 approaches. 8 Completing the Transfer (continued) Cost-Sharing Strategy: · Costs are increasing for municipalities in delivering land ambulance services. . Together with LAISC we will finalize a framework for approved costs and a process for clearly defining and meeting standards. At LAISC we will jointly consider your plans for providing land ambulance services and meeting standards against the approved costs framework. . Future changes in standards that are mutually determined and approved by the province and municipalities would be cost shared on a 50/50 basis. 9 I \ '-. l c ; ') ~) ) / Completing the Transfer (continued) . Transfer Readiness: · Assessment of readiness for those UTMs and DAs who have not yet assumed responsibility will also be part of the upcoming consultation with municipalities. ' · Regional managers are working closely with the UTMs/DAs to help them prepare. As of this date, all but 2 areas have at least informally indicated their plans for selection of operators and the date on which they will assume responsibility. · Municipalities have responded to the challenge of providing land ambulance services to their citizens. 10 Looking Ahead: Governing the System · Looking ahead, we need to consider options to ensure continued strong and effective governance of the Land Ambulance System. · The Ambulance Act sets out the Minister's right to: - establish standards and ensure compliance; - monitor, inspect and evaluate services and investigate complaints; - appoint an authority to certify operators; - establish a council for the purpose of advising on matters respecting the provision of land ambulance service in the province. . The regulations under the Act now permit the adoption of standards by reference. · This new flexibility gives us an opportunity, through our partnership at LAISC, to recommend changes to the standards that govern ambulance operations. 11 \.. ( '- c '\ f '\ I ) Looking Ahead: Integration of Emergency Services . Some municipalities are interested in integrating fire and ambulance services as a way to reduce costs and response times. . Service integration can be challenging; for example, Edmonton originally integrated fire and ambulance services but it had to be dismantled after 4 years, largely due to labour issues, rising costs, worker dissatisfaction and poor service performance. . Our research shows that integration is most successful when it is initially limited to the sharing of core support services such as payroll, human resources, purchasing, fleet management and maintenance. . To achieve success at service integration, planners need to find creative ways of surmounting the barriers discovered in other jurisdictions. 12 Looking Ahead: First Response and Public Education . Lowered ambulance response times are important, but getting the public involved can also have a positive impact. . Laypersons can be effective "first responders" -- the people who are first at the scene of a medical emergency, prepared to provide life-saving intervention. · Several studies have shown the value of layperson first response; in Germany and parts of Scandinavia, a large portion of the population is certified in first aid, mandated as part of driver training. . A 1995 study in New York City demonstrated that bystander CPR is associated with a threefold to fourfold increase in survival rate. . Some organizations within Ontario are now encouraging school boards to make CPR a credit course. c ( 13 (- ) ~, ) ~, \ ! In Closing · We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with municipalities as we resolve transition issues through the joint AMO-MOHL TC Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee. · We remain committed to working with municipalities to achieve a seamless transition that provides quality land ambulance services to Ontarians. 14 (~ \ cornrn unity emergencY lIIIedical services and file OPAL..5 studY presented bY Ian stie/l liliO, IIIISc, FRCPC Association of Municipalities of ontario ottawa, ontariO AUgust 14, 2000 (~ - - II Community Emergency Medical Services and The OPALS Study \ - G; overview. NOT ~ - - . Training of paramediCs . Implementation of paramediCs . other operational Issues l Advanced Life Support - - . Endotracheal intubation . IntraVenous access . tV. drugs l 'J - \ overview - - . What is cardiac arrest'? . What is the chain of sutviVal? . HoW do you know hOW your community is doing? . What is effective in community emergency medical setviCElS? . What is the OPALS study'? - The problem of Cardiac Arrest . 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest deaths annuallY in Canada . 'cardiac arrest' the sudden cessation of effective heartbeat . 'Ventricular fibrillation' In 113 to 112 . 'Emergency medical services' {EMS) . community 'chain of sutvival' j ---/ \ - fiOW strong IS-the C:;hain of surviVal in Your community? - - - --- . Early AccesS? .. Dispatch time intetvals . Early CPR? .. Citizen CPR rates . Early Defibrillation? .. % cases reached in 8 minutes . Early ALS? .. % reached by paramediCS - The ontario prehospital Advanced L.ife support study What IS the Cardiac Arrest survival in your community? ~ - . watch out for thOSe denominators! . All patients . e.g. S% . ventricular Fibrillation patients . e.g. 15% . Witnessed ventricular Fibrillation . e.g. 25% /,,'" ( IG stiell MO oW spaite MO GA Wells PhO G Nichol MO for the OPALS study Group C\inical EpidemiOlOgy unit University of otta"",a 11 Base Hospital programS ontario MinistrY of Health & canadian H S Research foundation Ho"'" Important are Each of the links for Cardiac Arrest? - . WhY Is sUfi/IVai 15-20% In seattle and only 2% In ChicagO'? . Citizen CPR? . Rapid defib? . AI.S paramedicS? . No one haS added A\.S to a rapid defibrillation system . Benefits ot drug therapy not proven !,..Most cost-effective proQram..1 (..-~ \ x:,,::::. .".,3.::;~,::::j.;. ,.:-:,!.:,,,,!'. '73. "".:.,":.,:: ':.:'.::.'" The OPAL.S study - -=- . ihelargest prospectiVe prehospltal studY yet conducted . win evaluate the Impact ot rapid defibrination and A\.S programs on survival and morbidity . Will Involve 10,000 cardiac arrest, 6,000 traUma, and 8,000 crltlcany In patients over an s.year period Trauma and other critical patients - - . Major TraUma: . EffectIVeness ot A\.S not shown . '\.oad and go' to hospital . No controlled trials of AI.S for other conditions: . RespiratOry distresS . Chest pain . seIZures . Anaphylactic reactionS . DiabetiC emergencies The OPALS Study: Questions 1. Modifiable factors in cardiac arrest survival? Ann Emerg Med 1999; 33: 44-50 2. Incremental benefit of rapid defibrillation? JAM A 1999; 281: 1175-1181 3. Incremental benefit of ALS for cardiac arrest? Phase III ongoing 4. Benefit of ALS for trauma and respiratory? Phase III ongoing 5. Cost-effectiveness of ALS? Ongoing Setting - Cardiac Arrest Phases I & II: " 21 urban suburban communities (12,000 - 750,000) " 11 base hospitals programs " Existing ambulance defib Phase 11/: " If reach rapid defibrillation target within 2 years " Defib ~ 8 minutes for 90% Rapid Defibrillation Intervention Phase /I . Community EMS system optimization . Arrive at scene with defibrillator:: 8 min for 90% of cases: ~ Dispatch time intervals ~ Ambulance deployment efficiency ~ Firefighter defibrillation '. ) .-/ OPALS Cardiac Arrest Study Multiphase Before-After Design Phase I: Baseline with ambulance defibrillation x 36 mo. Phase II: Rapid defibrillation with firefighters x 12 mo. Phase 11/: Full ALS measures x 36 mo. OPALS Study Communities Burlington Oakville Mississauga Cambridge Kitchener- Waterloo Klngstcln London Niagara Falls Port Colbourne St. Catherines Weiland Port Erie Grimsby Ottawa- Carleton .. ) ~ Peterborough Port Hope- Cobourg Lindsay Sarnia SudburY Thunder Bay Windsor Advanced Life Support Intervention Phase 11/ Full advanced life support program: " endotracheal intubation " intravenous lines " intravenous drugs Additional Training for EMT Level 11/: " didactic (6 weeks) .. clinical (6 weeks) .. preceptorship (12 weeks) J What outcomes are We Going to Measure? ~ - ~ . survival to hospital discharge . Brain (neurolOgical) function . Quality of life . costs of programs and health care resources Improved out_ot-hospital Cardiac Arrest survival Through the InexpensiVe optimization of an Existing Defibrillation Program stiell. Wells, Field, et al for the OPALS study Group JAMA '\ 999 \ FirefighterS Arrived First with Defibrillator % of cases Reached with Defibrillator in 8 Minutes or L.ess 50'10 .--.. ( 25'10 \ L-Il'lo 1'10 'l't. 10'10 ----- f1/. - ,~ ~ .. ... ... '" '" ... I ~ .. ... ... '" .. ... ::: ::: : '" : '" I '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" .. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vear vear 93'10 94'10 1.00'1. patient survival Brain (NeurolOgical) Function scores 100'10 85'10 50'10 9'10 6'" 0'/. 0'10 Goo<I Moderate severe VegetatIVe 1 2 3 4 ,--', i Quality of Life (HUI) Score Compared to other Groups 1 Il.SS Il.S& perfeCt l\ealtn O..d 0 ElderlY pOl"'iaflon Mt\l\\iS opJ>,LS Factors Favouring Survival 0' Age/10yr Witnessed ....,.... c~en CPR \ ,..0-< flrelpollce CPR ...- Oefi\)ri\lator<8It1in~ 0.1 1.0 10 OddS Ratio ) ''-..,/ start-up costs of program . $ 48,000 per '\00,000 residents . $ 10,000 per me saved Annual ongoing costs . $ 3,000 per '\00,000 residents . $ 3,500 per liie saved predicted Survival by 90% DefibriUation Response ,J 1l'J. 4 5 6 1 8 9 90"/0 ReSponse Interval In MinuteS OPALS StudY conclUsions To Dat~ - . Citizen CPR has huge impact on surviVal and quality oi liie . /lUI ineltpensiVe, multi-facetted approach to Rapid Defibrillation leads to Significant improvements in survival . Benefit and cost-effectiVe oi Full ALS stili unclear {phaSe \1\) :lo.. o - c:: o N .- :lo.. o J: U) c:: o .- - (IS - (I) U) a: (I) J...; ::3= o (IS "Co. (IS'- (.) ..J ._ (I) c:: .s:::~ 1-:2: . . 0. o .s::: U) ~ :lo.. o ~ ( , >- (I) - :lo.. o :2:>- U) (I) ~-;: (.) 0 ]::2: ~U) U)~ :lo.. (.) (1)._ "OJ: c:: ~ ~ >< (IS'- ena: c:: .E> .s:::(IS o :lo.. -')0 . . U) :lo.. (I) Jil:: (IS (I) 0. en I \. ''--~ .,-~. "-~' ~ ~- , ~ eI).... _to 0:: o 0 t-O . eI) ...... c:.... (I) (I) e~ (1)0- ~~ c:t- CO (I) ~.s ~Cl eI) c: eI).- c:(.s:: u (00) u .... .- .... eI)(/) ~.... o..e 'eI) Cl(l) C:1U U1 ._ 'U 0.0 "' eI) ~eI) ~c:( ='~ 0- ~...: to (1)0- .t:J .- c:(g . .- ........ 0"- . . . . 0- eI) 0 .... ~ .s:: ~ to CI) .... 0- 0 (/) ;; , \ -- \, u.l :c. \- ~~ 'Ul cJ) 'Ul'Z~:J u.l (j) u.1 0 0 ~ -2. 'd: <Q~'UlO ::> -- -2.'tB~<tt 0- 0 0 -- 0 -z. 0 04.(1)\11 Z cJ) (j)~a:~ u.l -- <Q a: ~ ~~~~ 0- ~ . 0- (f)4 (!. -- :.J\- 0 0 0 \- , ~ \ , ~~f"""~ ,,---. Dr. p..pe foJIoua\(et. p. .e.ng.. Principal, 1M ASsOciateS p..ddreSS to tne . p..ssociation of foJIunicipautieS of ontariO '(ear 2000 p..nnua\ conference. ottaVola A.Ugust~4.2000 to be nere toda'Y to revieW witn 'Y?U some """ d$i ""'" and ,,_' , "'" ,'" haWI w '""""" '''' -,no l""'" "'.... ot tne ?ertinent teatuf?S ot asset rn2~ ~.""""'., "" U.... ",no- that started in A.uStra\la and NeW ea an d"'" U.... _. and """"" canada' . . . . ""'" and "" "",I. ....."" · "" """ oi 'i"" "",. _ """"""'" ,ub"; ':~~~ - .... """" "" ....... ... ...- we _ _ _"" '" no. u . ""." """"" \0 w." "'" ha"'''''' ""'" I. "" """"",,",,' o' oU' _. ~ "". ~.n<!' -'" ...-" nat""" _'" nat'- '"""'" """""," ~ -:;.:.. .- "" """ 0"""" 1""-' ".: _ 'no "" d$i-......... U ., ,;. -",. U- we - """ """ · """ ~ we" oU' -'" ha'to< """" """'" "';;"'" ua """"'" "'" we '" "" Il""" "" and ""_ In "" "",""'.""'" ::"'~ """ '" In """,,- .",. ''''' - ~: """" ".,....... ....-. 51"'" ' """", """ """ and _, "'" ... "" and ""'" balances alsO need to cnange. I.e. revI "'" 0"'" ,,,,,. .' . . n eS and I believe It IS time tor us to R-'" """"" ""' "". ..... """"" ""'~ ',,;.,,0' ",at and. \ ...."" \II<<' \0 "" "" ""'" "" """" oi oU' ",,""1"""" .... w._nl. - ~ '""" 'i"" ~ .. ",,, "" """"""'" """'" .. ""."'" '" ""'" and ""'" ~ """" ""'.... _ .._0' """..... """"""",, · . tions and recommendatIOns. ,,,,,,,,,,,,""0'" cttJ>.llGE" ,,.,,,e ~ e,tl'IlR"""'''''' '" ~ the cnanges in tne Intfastructure en "'" -"""" "" _ ~ be<':,"" ;....""~ ~ ~~' ..."'"'" """"'" In .- .,.....- "" ' . ." hi b "'" _d. """""'" ""'""'" fi''''' "" ~'" ""r'....~:. ~J, CI-' ,,,,,,,",,, and ceo 01 """"",'" ~.. ""'" "". In' _ ~t 0"""............. ~."'!f-~ _and- .~_.,.. """" ~_oi ._ _. M'<'! and _"", ~ to< """.,. and-- "'" -"" """ ."""". \~ ... --..... "" _. """" """"". ~. . . ~. ....".... '" ..." "" _. ""'" ",. It is nO seCl'et tnat tne resOu~ces to \d~~~~\g~:~:o insufficient to carr'Y tne MI load. we dOwnsizing ot government, Interna s a: ~'" therefore need to be selective and make choices; we need rigorous priority setting tech- niques that are based on meaningful trade-off evaluations. Secondly, the public has made significant investments in the construction, maintenance, and operation of the municipal infrastructure and expects that municipal representatives be re- sponsible stewards of those investments. They want more rigor and transparency in deci- sion-making, in both criteria and processes. They expect govemment's asset management process to be objective and transparent, and that govemment be able to objectively prove in a way that can be audited by an extemal body that: . the total community costs of ownership, operation and maintenance are minimal; . the assets are being managed in an economic way consistent with their function and to socially acceptable levels; and . the impacts and implications of current and future constraints are well accounted for. Thirdly, organized bodies such as the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) also demanded that govemment use Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP) when reporting on the infrastructure expenditures; govemment accepted to comply with those demands and is yet to deliver on that promise. Although municipal bodies and representatives do recognize that the public is holding them accountable, the situation requires more than just recognition. In order to meet the above public expectations, certain steps and measures now need to be introduced, and practices and processes need to be reviewed and modified where required. Asset management offers a business framework that goes beyond the engi.neering and economic management of the infrastructure: it addresses the steps and measures that municipalities now need to think about and introduce into their system in order to satisfy their demanding environment. Fourthly, technological advancements that have taken place in computer technology, sen- sors and communications have put new pressures on how we do our business. Advance- ment in computation has allowed for the development of sophisticated analytical tools, faster computation and made finding quick answers to the nebulous ,and frequently raised "what if questions possible. Sensor technology advancements have increased the spectrum of tech- nologies that could be used for measurement of conditions. Besides the traditional methods of light, sound and mechanical motion, we now have the new technologies of lasers, radia- tion (e.g. x-rays), ultrasound and radars added to our tools in field operations. Advance- ments in communication technology has shrunk both distance and time: we can sense con- ditions. such as weather and frost condition in pavements, as they happen, from the office, without sending staff to the field; computers can quickly assess the observed conditions and suggest solutions through expert systems and artificial intelligence. Such speedy interaction between operators. infrastructure and computers has given a boost to the efficiency of op- erations. If we do not make use of such advancements our productivity will fall behind - a situation that leads to economic waste and deterioration. Fifthly, another major extemal change is the movement towards privatization and partner- ships that exposed long-lain management problems that need to be addressed. Under the old system, monopolies enjoyed a comparatively protected environment and relied on local comparisons with other agencies sharing the same value system. The new environment demands disclosure of key information that was not essential under the old set up. For ex- ample, funding agencies or partners are generally interested in items such as the real value of the assets, rate of retum, risks & liabilities, operational efficiency, economic-tradeoff choices, and whether community support is there. " .J '-........-/ ASSET MANAGEMENT: OVERVIEW, COMPONENTS, PRINCIPLES .r-' I '. Before discussing asset management, I would like to develop a common reference to what an asset is. In a physical sense, an "asset" is "something that is owned by a specified person or firm; confers or is expected to confer an economic benefit to its owner; and can be given a value in terms of money". This definition is important because the term asset is sometimes used to mean something intangible such as one's knowledge and skill since it brings some future benefit to its owner but cannot be assigned a monetary value and, at other times, it is used as a plural to mean the moneys of a company, such as in the accounting discipline. Asset management is essentially a business and decision making framework which ap- proach depends on analyzing economic trade-offs between various bundles of imestment as a ",,,,a,,.. to make decisions where to invest. In a more formal sense, "asset management" can be defined as "a continuous process of decision- making related to all aspects of the assets aimed at generating programmed and purposeful management strategies and actions that ensure the assets achieve their performance objectives. Such strategies and actions are normally developed within the context of available funding level, government service ob- ligations to the public, and environmental preservation and sustainable devel- opment objectives". .~'" Asset Management Process The process is driven by community values and expectations. Hence the first step is to iden- tify those values and expectations and translate them into performance measures that will serve as aid to staff and executives in evaluating actions and decisions. Asset performance can then be assessed against those performance measures. The second step in the process is to ensure that a comprehensive database is available. Such database would include an inventory of the assets, their condition, their usage, main- tenance history, asset value, among other parameters. This database is used to prepare summaries for communication with the public, forecast future performance with the aid of mathematical models, and for historical monitoring and evaluation. The third step is forecasting tuture performance and generating alternative courses of action within the context of government policy. Alternatives can be automatically generated using models based on expert opinion surveys, decision trees or other methods. The fourth step is assessing the impacts and implications of each generated option and the choice of the "best" strategy - best being defined as the one that achieves the highest re- sults on the desired objectives while minimizing risks and liabilities to the public, within the constraints set by govemment (e.g. budget). There are four types of impacts that need to be considered: . Agency impacts such as funding requirements, tax levy, revenues, risk and liability; . Community benefits impacts such as those related to quality of life, safety and security, environment, mobility; . Development impacts such as economic and sustenance; and . User impacts such as safety and user costs. ,....--. I . ded.ott witn eacn otner using eCo- .. '" """"'" "'" ,,,,,,,,,,,",, "", .. . ""..... a'" "'" ",. "'" ~-': ~"""" -"""<>"" """""""-:,.:,,, '::'.----- """'" '" "" """" '" "" """""" ",_'" ""..",. 0"""- ~~:," ,':: _ off q"';"''''' """.nt1I r' ~~;;::;:~" ;... ..,.. '~"'::::';::::~:~~~~~~- _ "'" I'" -"""""'" ot _" h.... "lid """"" ~,~~':-\"''''''''''~''';:::;:~'~ d tne cnolce IS llartl'Y tecnnlC3 a ... otnefS, an. . limitations. and "",.""" ago"'" "" a -"' """"""""",. """" ,;~:::;~~i!i5f1.;?;d%~::""~;Z;~ _ "" u..."" "'" ua 1 , """" we"" ........ ""..- ::........ "" -~ .:~~;~"......,..,.'" ~~ ::::,~~ an<! "...,.,... - , 1.....-...- "" "" '"""" creatiVe lunding and essen la <8 ....... oi "'" _. . a . """""" '" "" .....- ot "" ""'" ~~;:;:~~~~;~;::;~~ .""""""'" "" """,-"""'~ ., ooe;;: ;,::. ........ ;.. .... ... 01 "'" - and pertorfl\ance measures ,or monl """"",' ~,,- "" --..... ....................1'" .... 01""'- .. ~ """",.",""",,' A ~ ~_.....,~~to......""....--:,;:: ~;::.~.;.\O~~~~2~ ""'oi"""""",,,,~;'~"''''''''''''~~ . ."""~.. "" ._"'...,.,-,..... ~l:g :;nt. \.et me elaborate tnlS ...... p. '_,~. and ,- "'.....-- "" number 01 conS"~ '" point more. O. ...'"" 3' .' I concerned witn tne sU\l" """"" ....~... . . "'''' "" """'.. -. . ~. '" . N> mucn as It IS concerne . ~~~~~"~;:~""- . "","", ...~~ '" . . .' """'" """ """"""'" __. . """'" ""bile """"". , " "",,",,,,,,, ..... - . ". "'"'" " , '" """"""" ..... _ . \tb ."", '"""" "'" and -... . ." "" ~ '""" ",,,,,,,,,",, ~ ml h as it is concerned ,#itn balanCIng bU ge , . ~geaua' -..- =~ """"""",,, ....... \$.....':t,:;, .at. . ". "'"'" .. . .. """" -"" """'" """,,,. """"'" """"" . cemed witn im?rovlng manage...... ' ting tecnniques. ,J , .,J The _tal ,.. ..""... "" ._"O''' in\<> "'" 9'""'" "'" abO'e "" I;.' 9- ""' b'" _.. to< . whU' ,n<! "".V teal """,_ta '" "'" """" -; "" ..- ''''' "" 9"'UO ' "" on' "''' ;, "" "'" ",,",,," '" tao1<I. and w""'" "'"' "".-., - is needed. " Asset Management principles The'" are "" ... """'... to< .... """"".....C bU' I "'. thi.k 01 " ..... ..... ""'.- ",.. "''' "'. gN' ,"u . .... to< """ ,.... ",,_nl". The.<at ",,,,. '0."''' ",late '" ...""'.... "'" one ough' '" ".,,, "'e """ Iou< "'_ - '" 0<9'- "" _; "" ,,,,,,,",,,," - """"'" rei"'" ",..._ ._nL Principles Affecting Mindset 1. M""'.,-"'... ",,_. """"""'" "" -- ot ",-' .""'- "" thO ""'" _m "" ",. """" """' ot aoci~. "',."". - ... ,,,,,,,", ""'"'" . tions to tne community. 2. "",,,,,,_' ,gencl" """ '" ."",,,'" au,," ",,'-"'''~ '" ",. """"",.itV. """ """"" 0< "",_, ",. _ ",,,,,W b...... on ~"".'" "" -'- mal value-tor _mone-y. 3. ...... "",_.itV """",u"" ,n<! .."",aU"" _I. ."". the ,,,,,,,,, 01....' "'... agement. Principles Affecting process/Organization 4. The """"""'..... "", ""nag,"",,' _ -" be 0_ ",,-' 5. "",_on' _ " .... '" objocli""l'J .- ~ · w" "'" OM be .""... ., '" ",. ternal body that the: . ,otaI """",,,My _ ot _. """"""" "'" """'....- are ",Io~,,1; . -""'" b,;,," ",_"';0'" .-- -- '""" -- "'" '" sociall-y acceptable levels; and . 1_ "'" """"""'" 01 "'""'" "'" tu""" "'.- are"" -"'" to<. 6. _nI _W "",ort "" ,,,,,'10' i\$ _una on..... wi". '""" a-""" "","",'" """"""'" to< """,_ ..... O. """" -"" -"" ...... pies. 7. The """"""'" ... "" _ ,_ _ta~ .- """. the """"...on rather than competition and conflict. " ~- ( i Principles Affecting Strategy Formation 8. The _, """, ot ",. 9""""""" -" - '" i\$ """'... ..... - .... """'''' .. sets cost mone-y to possess and hence snould be discouraged 9. 0-'" __ "'" _01""'- -" b...... on a,"''''''' ,,,- ~ ot""''-' not tuot _'\ata ,""""""",'" "'. -" 10.0-' -^,,,,,,,,,,_ot""" ",,,",,, _10& '" """ (-". U.... ~ cietal) " ._, __ '" on ",P""""'- "'" "",,""'be ...,,,, -- '" maximize the sef\lice lite of the asset and/or minimize life-cycle cost 12. """"'" "".""""'" "'" tu""'" ..._ """u~ be ...... " "'" 01..... "".. agement 13. ~ ,,,,,",, """"'''' ,"",1- to< 1_"" "'" red"""" - '" riak '" both ot the public ano the agency . """" ",,, """", rial< " not """,'" to< ~"'" ..- 0< "",,- 01 """', . The agenc-y administrative riSK is minimized /--"' , I 14. Declsions should be based on optimization: . Meet public expectations in terms of service levels and govemment objectives in terms of economic development and sustainability . Minimize life-cycle costs . Maximize value of the asset . Ensure minimal risk to the public . Justify the asset portfolio in terms of business needs 15. Govemment should maintain a reliable inventory of its assets, supported by an efficient and timely monitoring of performance, usage and potentiai contribution to societal wel- fare. '.--..,/ Benefits Implementing asset management business framework promises numerous benefits to all stakeholders because it deals with the tE!chnical decisions within the overall context of gov- emance and customer service expectations - not in isolation. Focusing on the agency, the following specific benefits can be expected: 1. Reduced short-term and long-term costs Due to the choice of most cost-effective solution within the life cycle of the assets, eco- nomic waste is reduced. It can be demonstrated that optimization requires less re- sources to accomplish the same results than using practice driven approaches. 2. Improved quality of action program Agencies have more than one objective to accompliSh. Pursuing each objective sepa- rately creates lots of waste. Optimization considers al/ objectives and constraints simul- taneously and that is the reason why it is the most efficient way to handle multi-attribute decisions. " 3. Improved quality of decision-making and communication Currently information comes from numerous sources. When all information is consoli- dated into one spot, consistency, access and compatibility will be improved. Issue' con- solidation into one place improves coordination and documentation. I '>._-,,' 4. Produce better understanding and hence justification of program. Compliance with technical, institutional and Central agency requirements is bound to yield more sympathy and appreciation of needs. Its ability to handle .what if questions makes it much more credible than previous methods. Since asset management deals with essentials of management: maximize value to the community of the assets, mini- mize risk, and able to trade-off cost with performance, it generally can produce better justification of programs and faces less resistance from central agency and intemal op- erating units. ASSET MANAGEMENT MAKES SENSE AND SAVES MONEY Asset management is a business process and a decision-making framework that considers a broad range of assets together, over an extended time horizon, striving to accomplish the community values and its corresponding performance measures, and drawing on econom- ics, management science as well as engineering. , I . , ,~ .~'" Asset Management Makes Sense Asset management makes sense because it: . Is a decision framework that has a broad, futuristic, and sound base . Improves quality of decisions and action programs . Enhances coordination and handling of issues and information because it brings them to one place . Unifies various responsible units for management in terms of direction, philOSOphy and frame of mind . Allows decision makers to probe 'what if questions . Unifies the technical architecture of information base and builds on what exists (e.g. in- frastructure management) It Also Saves Money Asset management: . Reduces short- and long-terms costs . systematic ranking can save about 8-~2% in resource requirements from practice driven methods . Optimization saves between 18-22% in resource requirements from practice driven methods . Through data warehousing it can save some operating cost in the generation of scenar- ios needed to answer the "what if questions raised in public debate. Given the above benefits and advantages from implementing asset management. I strongly recommend adoption and implementation of sucl:l business framework. If nothing else mate- rializes, the consolidation of decision criteria and their test against public expectations and values to be protected would yield much required rationalization of decision-making and eq- uity afl\Ong taxPayers. (-'" r ~- (" c iii' ce iil 3 .... ~ 't:l o' !!!. "'CJ ... o o CIl CIl CIl ~. )> CIl CIl CIl .... s: III :::I III ce CIl 3 CIl :::I .... (~ Asset Management Strategy Comll1ullit Asset Asset Asset . . Strategy ... ( f[f;]u. / ( " .DfJ!Jl ~ ( ( \ +- C CD E CD C) CO C CO :E l) en en <C .... o CD C- o o en . . N E co ... C) co .- C i " c -. III lQ ... III 3 w .. Expenditure & Investm' t c 3' CD ::l 1II -. o ::l 1II o .... ~ 1II !2. s: III ::l III lQ CD 3 CD ::l r+ Physic Assets Improved Management -Trade ofts - Priority Accrual Accounting Minimize Risks & Liabilities ( ~-~ c_ Maxi ,e Ben",..ts .~ Budgetary Allocation Marketing Support Systems Process Enhance Revenues iTliJu .. c PO,!",ca' p,sse\$ ..."oagament . . ., 1 ,,^ ~ specia\\zlM '0 pIaOOIM 0'. f',be ...""",,",. P .En\! IS ... pn~~JessOf at R~efSOI" As tit. 10",,", """,d "od 01""09_.' "elS "" J',d,uo . ,tit. ...'0\SII'J ol1'oos?O"",,oo 00-' "" 01 Resou- PlaoOlM 00ll ~oa\'iSIS" ,aI aod ..-'0 ",aos ood tit. fOSOIuMO .... "",po""""" 10' co-o<d,""""9 ~oa: I. "\95 oe "",,,.d to tlte -"""'" aod ollU.d'M _es ood 0I......n\! oee. s. hal"e 01 AsS"'" ",0009_' Res""""" O..,e1""",ent II""''''' "",ere "" .... ,0 0 · ,,--- , I (~ worKshoP: speaKers: ( * No notes c-' 'The Municipal Role in the EarlY '(ears or. Rob Cushman, MedicalOtticer ot Health, RMOC or. Rob\n w\\\\amS, Region ot Niagara, publiC Health oept. oebbie Zimmerman, Chair, Reg\on 01 N\agara 0, 0 -..) ) -) DR. ROBERT CUSHMAN MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH REGION OF OTTAWA-CARLETON THE MUNICIPAL ROLE IN THE EARLY YEARS ';f:1~ifi!~~ '~J'~'~iI!.t~; ~ ."t>.H"'......'.~. ""\' '.1.>1_'-:><' ,lJJVNDVlrnL UiL If.Tl /..1 l l:~, ;;! ,\! .8NVmll ~8:'1: ()11l~1\ ,~ @L\lV\-DV /~- \.- glA 111 sUtJp !ssnsu 1JBd9P un JIlOd S.\V @ ,~-~ , ( A OJIIUJ 1JB18 poo~ B JO.!J SS388.~t /~, (, '-' .U-JvN:c)V-~*.1 ~"'~iL II .8S:ilfX)Om ,'-- ~, i I \ l'~M.wm.p1"rtmb'" c ll:Vm<t'tmii'l~<tit1liw (~ \ ~ JNVNDV ( r (, .LNVNOV ~i.q~V~Jj>\t.40~"lt !~.i',.,~I'\i#;::r,'li~. ( ( , <,\)\lVJPlW\l.Ilf#,V""''''\1 JNVNDV M"'~~ .s'S~dfnim i , \ . l ,I>'iit>~m..t4"dli.W' ( \. JAl\IND ~- ( \. m1UCCE:SS. '>>& r;:-.tt~W~{ul:U fl\i'.,'*\'i'\~iffi<til" *lll"~~W\~:i.~U M'4I..&!{<l.hffl ~\.\lw.p~'iN,l>"*'ft\t ,- ( / ; ( \ AGNANT ( -'- ( \ ,--. JNVNOV ;;t\tl\lW~\I-'},<;:""J;"'\:l i-- 1,- r..c~i)s' IIIANs' T AGNANT fCO;j,cm""rtl~..'''' ltu\ti#iW\~:f1\.'ib% ( ( -- ~q>i.q1t>.iVi~.<ji~~1 ( r'''.V;cd'<:.n:nJj.> fu$lfthtM!'tIM<'!t"lhh '- y/"- ( /" ( '\U1I>W~l1'W)J;;qit .LNVNDVlllL .sNViu "S8:~& (-, \ ~ESS' f\'f1n>).P"1l>'!? /,r-- \~ ( "'"'\1$p.,"W?<l8~~1 ( N-'f'>'d;ctt"'~. W>.t~i1\M'4&t"\': ( .~ ~qm"pWI~~"'~ JNVNDV ~'~-~ .ss:>J:);)nlJ ( -",~ It~t"it:~~1ri<tiil'_ ( ( ,"ln~tl~\"WJ'JI'Hil n."lii'~,i>l.'.Jl).'d JNVNOV ,SNV /- ~ { , ANS. AGNANT L~'"tm};:;'ii1',~IM !\ii<\llli'r&\1t\."'\'t.tt',ltnv> /' I \ /~ \ -----....,. ( ~k'<1>ll,P,,(..:i1t..; .tNVN9V /'~. ( /' i \. "[CCESS For a good start in life @ A\IS AG".\1A\rl@ Pour un depart rellssi dans \a vie " VJ-v8V1N fo tfJl111tlPJ1unW lVU018fJN J-1vlI:J 'UVUlJ-fJUlUl1Z fJ1qqaa uooN -- Of:OI OOOZ 't [lsn8n ~ OWV 1 1 11un . . u ail tf,Jvr l ( ',- , .. .. c_ , ( , , , '~ \ \- , \ \ \ \ I \ . I I y ," , " " ."- ....,( . 1 ,.11-, ,'\, \., .' . it~~.-. ~- I \ """, 'lI!r .. ~ <a '" .' "- ,-:'-- .T..-~.. . \ . \ \ \ I , ~ \ , \ , . . \ ( ( \.~_/ ( c '-.. ( l , " ) / ) -) Early Years and the Municipal Role Jneon 't tal{e car of it u u Early Years and the Municipal Role Kidsclive at the local....level: · h.QtlSl1!g · econClmically viable · safe communitIes · chIldcare as a support to work and for development ( ( ~. ( \ ',- ( .IOJ S Ul n . qt'll)! "'~Ut~O . tJl0111otl!:J!unw tJlf} puo S.JotJ A dl.Jot[ ( ~- c lIat.ern.a Labour Force 13a i..ci Dati n . "....::.. ':.:.:.:..,,' .. :;I ~ ./ ,/ ./ ./ ,/ 1967 1976 1990 1999 190/0 360/0 62.5010 670/0 ( , \ ~ ( 91 9 9661 OL61 >0 /'t /-t /-9 ./-8 01 /' /.Zl /-}71 /-91 Sail! ut^!l e:l JU J ]! Je aU01U! ~Jua~Ja ( c c_ Indexed Real Annual Earnings of Paid Male Workers, Aged 18 to 24, 1979 to 1995 0969"" 100) 150 - 140 . 130 . 120 . 110 . 100 ' 90 . 80 (1,0. to~ 9;,..... 9;,"" 9;,'" ,tbt.. to'? .....0. .....'" .....0. .....0. .....01. .....'" .....'" 0.<:,) "'.... 0."" p,"'p,~ p,'? .....0\ .....0\ ....."" .....0\ ....0\ .....0\ SOURCE: Statistics CMlIall. Anmy-ticlU Studies Bram:K. Series'" l1FOO19MPIi No. 116. Young Can.adian. wor/u:ts.$awaslu:/lrpdec{i neintheir real earnings t back fO levels of over thirty years ago. .. Statistics Canada. Canadtan !iC'Om:imk Observer. Car. #11-210-XPB. / \. \ ( , " ') ) ) Early Years and the Municipal Role along it Real and DQI eg: · Early Years ActiouGroup . Consultation with Community Strengths in, ommunitles · Parent.. and child.. focused · Sensitive to local' communities e Public and private sector involvement 4ll Ability to mesh funding form different levels of govefl'1rnent 4>> Community leadership · Inclusive of ALL children and families , ( c (- ( ~,. ~ l Early Years and,the MlInieipal Role n o u u u u u (- \, - ~ , Workshop: Speakers: * No notes Electricity Restructuring Dave O'Brien, City Manager, City of Mississauga Mark Rodger, Lawyer, Borden, Ladner, Gervais OZ '171 .LSnDnV'OW GtIDNVHJ tIA 8 \j ~n.1~n~.1S3c ^_ ~ ~.1~3-3 -.1 M en S,.1V-M ( ( , ( r--"- - -.., ~- ") -\ ) ') B LL 35 - A _ E - S-O~y . MEV TO INCORPORA TE ER ONTARIO BUSINESS CORPO'~RONS ACT ,\"" ", " . MEV TO FILE FOR BASE RA TE WKrH~"", OEB . OEB SETS "DEEMED DEBT" AND OTHER CONDITIONS . PREP ARE FOR COMPETITON - MARKET OPENING - NOVEMBER 2000 ) -) ') :> _A~ -0 DO . INCORPORATED - PROFIT~NOT FOR PROFIT '" --",,_ · REVIEWED OUR OPTIONS - SELL, \;~Jf LEASE, MERGE, KEEP \- . APPOINTED BOARDS OF DIRECTO . DEVELOPED THE CAPITAL STRUCTURE CALLED FOR BY OEB ~___m_.J ~ ) " , I -, ) _./ OPT O~ S CO~ S DERED . SHOULD WE OPERATE IN A POOEIT MODE OR NOT "'~~" ~'" - WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF EI11JFR"~~ '~ - WHAT IS BEST FOR THE \ "~"" RATEPAYEWTAXPAYER - HOW DO WE BEST COMPETE - WHAT ARE THE LONG TERM ADVANTAGES/DISADVANTAGES OF EACH - WHAT IS BEST FOR TODAY'S MARKET Of\ S DE~ED - ~ CO f\_ '--'" ) ~) 0:>- f\ S -.:-.-~ . SHOULD WE KEEP OR S~~~JfE , - -',,- UTILITY - CAN WE COMPETE - WHAT DOES THE PUBLIC EXPECT - HOW DO WE MEET LONG TERM EXPECTATIONS - WHAT IS BEST FROM THE TAXPAYERS POINT OF VIEW " '~,- , ~'''-'-- ') "~" ~ ',,- , "~'" ) ~) 'j OJ-- I' S 01' S DE~ED - CDI' . SHOULD WE MERGE - WITH WHOM - WHEN - WHAT FINANCIAL ARRANGEMEN - CAN WE GROW THE MERGED BUSIN~S - DO WE WANT TO STAY IN THE BUSINESS - HOW DO WE GET OUT '-''-." '~ '" ", '~ " ~- '-" ", -- '~ '--- ~, ) l -, ) O"J-"NS \^/~O~S DERED- CO" . SHOULD WE LEASE THE U'1::}LlTY _ WE CAN OWN THE ASSET _ WE CAN EARN INCOME _ WE CAN AVOID POLlCY CHANGES _ THE INCOME STREAM IS GUARANTE15.D d_ ) ) .WEDO . EXTENSIVE PUBLIC CONSUL ~~N . PUBLIC SAID - DON'T SELL ~ """ . FORMED AN ALLIANCE WITH BO FUNDS (OMERS) - MAINTAINED OWNERSHIP . FOLLOWED THE OEB RATE BOOK AND ACQUIRED THE DEEMED DEBT . BEGAN THE PROCESS OF DEFINING OTHE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN RETAIL AN TELECOMMUNICA TIONS -) ./ .............. LI~~~ ......., '" . OFFER THE BOREALIS DEAL ~QTHER 905 UTILITIES TO BECOME PART OF "MERGCO" (ENERSOURCE) . BEGIN THE PROCESS OF AMALGAM TION . DEFINE AREAS WHERE EFFICIENCIES RE POSSIBLE . WORK TO REDUCE COSTS TO COMPLEMENT COMPETITON IN THE GENERATION SIDE -j j f\S ou~ ') / ) -J - CO[\ -'0 . CONTINUE TO WORK WITH B AND OTHER UTILITIES TO BUlL BUSINESS . COMMITTED TO OUR CITIZENS TO MAINTAIN OUR PRINCIPLE AND ONLY SPEND THE INTEREST - TO MAINTAIN T' TAX LEVELS . MAINTAIN OUR COMMITMENT NOT TO SELL. ALIS THE ...... ~ "'-...',-, -) / ...... ~ ... " . PROVINCE DIDN'T LIKE THE otJ...rCOME OF BILL 35 " ~ - WE DID WHAT IT SAID WE COULD DO - WE FOLLOWED THE OEB DIRECTIVES - WE BEGAN TO OPERATE LIKE A BUSINES -,- OBCA - WE RECAPITALIZED AS ALLOWED - WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO ELIMINA THE TAX IMPLICATIONS TO THE UTILITY -) ~) W-AT - EI\ =:D? .... -", ... ..... ~... --'--"'-- ") ..... ........ .... .... --') ') W-A-~ PE~ED?- CO~ . RATE APPLICATIONS WERE FIr\R - OEB GUIDELINES CALLED FOR EARlY - RATE APPLICATIONS WERE FOR FULL MARKET BASED RATE OF RETURN \ - READY TO DEFEND OUR POSITIONS BEFO THE OEB - THE MINISTER DIDN'T LIKE THE FACT THAT WE DIDN'T FOLLOW THE "INTENDED DIRECTION" OF BILL 35 J ING ..........~ ......... ...... ~I .' ') w - AT -;;. JEI\ ED? - CO[\ - " ) ...... . ___~.J I' i " i .... \ / -. E -:J~OV [\ CE ~ DO. W-A- D . THE DIRECTIVE TO THE OEB AS ISSUED - BUT THE BOARD WAS NOT GI ~N""'THE TIME TO IMPLEMENT THE DIREC YF-'" . BILL 1 00 WAS INTRODUCED A FEW DAyS........."'. BEFORE THE END OF THE SESSION . THE ARMS LENGTH RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT AND THE OEB HAS BEEN BROUGHT INTO QUESTIO . THIS IS CERTAINLY NOT THE BEST SOLUTION - WE HAVE ARGUED THIS BEFORE THE OEB THIS PAST WEEK \ I / -. ..... 7 ) ) ) B __ ~ 00 - W :A- D J T DO? . SEVERL Y WEAKENED THE IMRA~TIALITY OF OEB ~......................... . CREATED REGULATORY INSTABILI\(Y ...............,..... .......... . CONCERN BY THE PRIVATE INVESTORS .............., . DAMAGED THE BOND MARKETS FOR ENERGY RELATED ISSUES . PENALIZED US FOR FOLLOWING THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN RULES d) " ! B __ ~ 00 - W:p;: D D - DO? . PRACTICALLY ENDED THE ABlJJ!Y TO MERGE ~ .......,.. ..... ...... . TOOK AWAY THE INCENTIVE TO ~EP"" THE UTILITIES IN THE HANDS OF T~ ~.. MUNICIPALITIES . ENCOURAGED SALES - PROBABLY TO HYDRO ONE . CREATED AN UNLEVEL PLA YING FIELD BETWEEN MEU'S AND HYDRO ONE ) . '. ". ') ') ./ ') B _L ~ 00 - W :A- D D - DO? .,.,~ ......... . COULD RESULT IN MASSIVE ............ WRITEDOWNS OF THE MEU'S A ~T~ . WILL IMPEDE THE ABILITY OF THR '....~ PROVINCE TO FULLY COLLECT PILs . WILL SET THE DEREGULATION PROC~S BACK AT LEAST ONE YEAR . CREATES UNCERTAINTY AS TO FUTURE POLICY CHANGES BY THE PROVINCE TO SUIT THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA ............. ...... ..... ........,-."- .,) j w-o ) / [\S? ) " ) ~ ) "- ) w-O W I\~- COI\ -'D . HYDRO ONE WINS ~~ - CONTINUING PREFERENTIAL ENERG~CING FROM OPG --~.......... .... - ONLY GAME IN TOWN FOR ACQUISITIWo - ...............~ COULD MEAN THE RE-MONOPOLIZATIO OF ....,... .... HYDRO IN ONTARIO - THE VALUE OF HYDRO ONE INCREASES AS THEY ACQUIRE MORE MEU - BIGGER PRICE WHEN THE PROVINCE SELLS IT ') \ ) · SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEEN MAl)E TO THE OEB - ALMOST ALL ASK FOR A AS ALLOWED FOR IN THE EXISTI BOOK · REMOVE BILL OR AMEND 100 · LET THE POLICIES ALREADY IN PLACE IN THE RATE BOOK, ACHIEVE WHA T WAS INTENDED BY BILL 100 · AWAITING THE OEB DECISIONS ) ~IN RATE ~, ....................... . PROVINCE SHOULD GIVE CO I~RATION TO MOVING THE NOVEMBER 7T -"" '" TRANSFER TAX HOLIDAY .",~.. . THE TIMING OF THE OEB DECISION IMP ORA TNT IF THIS DATE REMAINS . BILL 100 HAS TO BE REMOVED OR AMENDED QUICKLY AFTER THE OEB DECISION TO ALLOW FOR THE BENEFIT OF NOV. 7TH TO CONTINUE . TIME IS WORKING AGAINST ALL MEUs '-, ) ') W-AT [\ COI\ -'D ~) "~'. .... .... ~ -"'- ) ~\ ! CA[\ -- SAS---=~ BE SA_VA D . YES, IF THE PROVINCE, OEB, MEUs MUNICIPALITIES CAN COME UP WIT COLLECTIVE SOLUTION "" "'., ... '" . COMPROMISE FROM ALL SIDES IS NECES~RY '.......... . BEST TO LET THE OEB DO ITS JOB AND WO WITH THE RATE BOOK . THE PROVINCE COULD ACCEPT SOME FORM - > OFPHASING AS AN OPTION . MEUs COULD REWORK THEIR BUSINESS PLANS . MUNICIPALITIES COULD REVISIT THEIR RECAPITALIZATION / DIVIDEND PLANS ') '...... .... " .... -) ') , ') F [\ A__ . DEREGULATION IS TOO IMPORTAN:f~ ISSUE TO LOOSE ~ '~ . WORKING IN ISOLATION IS NOT THE ANsWER.., . THERE HAS TO BE A PROVINCIALIMUNICI'I\AL ...............,...., PARTNERSHIP ONTHIS ISSUE ' . AMO MUST CONTINUE TO LEAD THIS ISSUE . THE PROVINCE MUST BE WILLING TO ACCPET THE REALITY OF RATE INCREASES .INTHELONGTERMTHETAXPAYEWRATEPAYE WILL WIN . AFTER ALL ISN'T THIS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT? .......... ......, -"', ...... .... .~ '~" ( ~...... " ......... DflVSSISSIW dO All;) }l3DVNVW All;) 3nnLO .S.O .... .... " "''''... .... ......... "... "'. nOA )I \J'V - _ \- c tJ) c Z "'C 0 CI) .- 0 - - ::::J - 0- en - 0 0 en "'C tJ) w <C CI) en tJ) a: >- c "'C a: 0 CI) .- J: <C - Z ::::J (.) - cu W 0 - tJ) - ...J <C 0- CI) a: CI) CI) en I '. tl ,- i ...me 2000 Resolutions ( August 14, 2000 (As Adopted At The AMO Conference) /", , Association of Municipalities of Ontario , , ',...J TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages AMO 2000 Conference Resolutions # 00-001 - New Municipal Act, , , , . , , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , . , , , . . . . , , , , . , , , , , . . . . " 1 # 00-002 - Electricity Restructuring .."""""""."".",."""..."". 3 # 00-003 - Waste Diversion ".""."..,.,..",.."""".....""",.... 5 # 00-004 - Water Protection ",.",."....".,.""""",.,.""'...,,... 7 -.../ # 00-005 - Land Ambulance Funding "'.."",.",..".....""",.,.,..,, 9 # 00-006 - Social Housing Devolution, Affordability and Risk Protection ,......, , ., 11 # 00-007 - Post 2000 Strategy for the 10-5-5 Capping Program """,'."...., 13 # 00-008 - Revised Ontario Works Employment Funding Model """"".".." 15 # 00-009 - Province-Wide Smoking Policy .....,....,.,."."..,."""",. 17 # 00-010 - Child Care Fee Subsidies, , . . , . . , , . . , , , . , . , , , , , . , . , , . . , . . , , , , '. 19 # 00-011 - The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, , . , , , . . , , , , , , , . , . , . ,. 21 # 00-012 - Interdisciplinary Law Enforcement ",..",...".......,."....... 23 p.tI.O Reso\u\\OO :It 00.00'\ Sut1'\t1'\a~ \nfOrt1'\at\on \55Ue.: Ne.'l'J tJ\UN\C\pp.,L p.,c~ - Bac~9rouOd: t ,"e municipal sector did oot I ased tor commen ' \' . t mo\le l~u~~~~'f,.t'5~~::'f::.~~~;~~,\:;~;~~.;.::;:"~""nd tol'Nard on a oeW ~ct a~d prO\l1 e d,.llin9 01 tho I,,"'~"""" . . _man''''''' ".,..-" " rN 9 aod strea('(\I\O\ng gO\le,,' 0 ,,"unIciP"~'" ""n' '" _pl"'o tho ",,~;':$ ~;:' \S ,n \m"""'" ",",ponen' ol the wno "'" '" poth "",elS 0190'1""""";':' ~ thel """,'ns ""ss,,,,. \Nnat lra('(\eworK, a pIece 0 . . d' . >r"t'100 and sef'/ICe dell\lerf d t ('(\uO\C\pal a ('(\\O\S-'" p...ct 5'''''' ,ggB, \e9"""''''' .nd "",u""O\:,,\:'':'\:PP~'o'" rel.\\Onsh'P '" "'" p"",,,plSS 01 , ... ",nunuo '" b6 p",",UI9"'OO ::;:; %~o thO """,n'lal.",unlcipal ,..,bO",b'P' '" , "",,0 \<I strengthon ,n P . ., ... end "",pons'b""OS 01 ""'" ,,,":oout a neW p...ct tnat complete~ settingdth:..~: '':::::'""ue '0 man"",, ~,thln ,ron'" v'" t t\'le pro\l\Oce aO ,....... ' "",elS ol gO'ie!nman, . 'd'''' end ,_,en" '" 90'1e"'''''' ,og,sIa""o ,,"\me thel bn"'s nil' ' . d """n'l cinal gO\lem('(\eots to , :0 t nas not autnonze \"...." .. \'I ~~c':~:-::~n~~:~20~~~~ ;:d:;e:f"\C~:..-::.%~:n:': ;,::~::th- ... .' I d('(\IOistratloO an s ,. 'nn,,,..,e man"'''' a . 0",,1 s,,,,,,,1 01 bOth "",.IS d in a collaboratNe process, \s a poW , n"" ,,"unl"pa' ,,,.' d"".''':" 10' tho benellt 01 thO _",e!. ot gO\lern('(\ent worKing toge pu"""", 01 ........on' · \ ",un_' "",pans'''''''' b6 ",,," "og\slal\On thel ,,,0'1S ..' . d6""",ped ,0 0"""" , "'~~:~ ,:..nd ~"",,,,,od ",o,''''\a-:)~.":~~::: ~~,:;"aI support In""".oed u"" s.' "".... "" Ibel Ibe ,,,,"' ..n sUPl'" . ' .nd ..", ",od In . ne~ un~"" de''''''P'''' ' """ ,",un,,,pal "" lor a collaboratNe process or r (- I'age ~ AMO Resolution # 00-001 .-.....-../ NEW MUNICIPAL ACT WHEREAS the municipal order of government has previously asked the Province to work with the sector to develop a new Municipal Act that would clarify and renew and improve the provincial/municipal relationship; and WHEREAS the Premier and various Cabinet Ministers have said previously that the government will get off the backs of municipalities; and WHEREAS other provinces have introduced Municipal Acts that recognize municipalities as an order of government and treats them in a mature and reasonable manner; and WHEREAS the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released a draft act in 1998 that did not meet the expectations of the municipal sector and did not receive its support; and WHEREAS the Province continues to introduce municipal legislation and a multitude of regulations in what appears to be in an unplanned and piecemeal fashion and that restricts the ability of municipal governments to operate; , THEREFORE BE IT ReSOLveD THAT AMO seeks a commitment from the Minister of Municipal.-/ Affairs and Housing to commit to a collaborative process for developing a Municipal Act that recognizes municipalities as an order of government; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLveD THAT AMO extracts a commitment from the provincial govemment that new legislation, which negatively affects municipal governments' powers and authority not be introduced until such time as a new Municipal Act that has sector support is in place. Action: Adopted atthe AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000 " ) '_/ Page 2 AMO Resolution # 00-002 Summary Information i~'~ ISSUE: ELECTRICITY RESTRUCtURING Background: Bill 100 received first reading on June 20, before the House recessed, The legislation re-writes the rules for municipal distribution entities and imposes a defacto moratorium on distribution rate increases until February 2003, Bill 100 presents the following impacts: . Lack of Level playing field: It targets a subset of the, distribution sector, namely those utilities that are owned by municipalities, and limits their ability to earn market-based rates of return, while at the same time allowing Hydro One to benefit from a lower cost of power than is offered to MEUs, This combination tilts the playing field significantly in favour of Hydro One. /- , [ . Uncertainty over market-based rate of return: It creates great uncertainty regarding when MEUs may adopt a market-based rate of return (MBRR). Without such certainty, efforts at mergers and public-private partnerships are severely frustrated, Partnerships and mergers were originally a clear goal of the Government. . Value of assets compromised: It could have the net effect of reducing the value of assets by as much as 50%, if municipalities conclude that their only course of action is to write down their asset value and is also expected to have a negative effect on the value of the asset on the open market. . Timing: Depending on when the House resumes to deal with the legislation and the outcome of the DEB generic hearing, the November 7th deadline for incorporation of MEUs is dangerously close. . End to Tax Exemption: The 33% transfer tax exemption when selling to Hydro One expires on the November th deadline, and there is great pressure on municipalities to sell to Hydro One before that date, particularly given the uncertainty of the value of their assets due to Bill 100. The Government has not made any statements about changing this tax exemption date, AMO and municipal representatives have had discussions atthe staff level concerning the issues. At the same time, the OEB is conducting its Generic Hearing on the Minister's Directive to the DEB, Municipalities and others have made submissions, and there are emerging common ideas for mitigating the impacts, Purpose of Resolution: (\ To support AMO's discussions to find solutions to Bill 1 00 and to call on the province to reimburse municipalities for their costs if Bi1I1 00 proceeds. Page 3 AMO Resolution # 00-002 .-....-"/ ELECTRICITY RESTRUCTURING WHEREAS Bill 35, the Energy Competition Act, 1998 set out the rules for the incorporation of municipal utilities into competitive utility businesses; and WHEREAS Bill 100, introduced on June 20, 2000, for First Reading re-writes those rules long after municipalities have complied with all the provisions and regulations of Bill 35 and proceeding to filing rate applications as per the Ontario Energy Board's Rate Handbook; and WHEREAS Bill 100 brings numerous and serious impacts on the value, competitiveness and ability to merge or develop private-public partnerships among other matters; and WHEREAS the Ministerof Energy, Science and Technology has undertaken priority consultations with AMO and municipal representatives with the purpose of hearing concerns and suggestions for Bill 1 00; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO seeks the complete withdrawal of Bill 1 00, or failing this proceed with discussions expeditiously in order to find a way to mitigate the impacts of Bill 100; and' ; / .~ FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO calls on the Province to reimburse municipalities for the costs they have incurred to restructure their utilities if Bill 100 to Third Reading and Royal Assent. Action: Adopted as amended at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. '.-.... ) Page 4 AMO Resolution # 00-003 Summary Information .r" ISSUE: WASTE DIVERSION Background: For nearly a decade, AMO has been urging various provincial government to address the issue of waste management financing, This issue must be addressed because Blue Box funding arrangements are not financially sustainable in the long term, and that an alternative must be sought which places a greaterfinancial responsibility on the producers. Since 1996, municipalities have been funding the Blue Box and other waste initiatives primarily on their own through property tax dollars, Previous attempts, including the Canadian Industry Packaging Stewardship Initiative (CIPSI) failed, On November 3, 1999, AMO and four industry groups along with the Minister of the Environment (MOE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the Waste Diversion Organization (WOO), AMO's participation provides the municipal sector with representation on the WOO Board. The agreement sets up the WOO as a not-for-profit, non-capital share organization with a one- year term and involves $14 million in voluntary contributions from industry, The WOO is (/"". responsible for developing the criteria for the distribution of these monies toward municipal waste diversion activities, In addition, the Board is charged with preparing a long-term plan and funding formula to sustain waste diversion programs, including Blue Box, that meets the provincial target of reducing half the amount of waste sent for disposal. The WOO has done a great deal of work in a very condensed time line and has also undertaken consultation, data gathering, and municipal program support, A great numberof municipal elected and staff officials have been involved in every aspect of the WOO's work, Much progress has been made on designing a funding formula for the longer term and one that achieves a sustained commitment from the industry to waste management financing, While contributions to the WOO for year one have been on a voluntary basis, the WOO has already signaled to the Province that the best way to achieve sustainable funding and full industry participation is through a provincial regulation that creates a level playing field for the industry, Purpose of Resolution: To call on the Province to put in place a regulation that creates a level playing field for industry in terms of ensuring sustainable and efficient municipal waste diversion activities. (~ Page 5 \ , ......-". AMO ResO\utiOn #- 00.003 . . .""",",.nd h"'" _ 'u,~,"ndleg .rog,.m' ",",,!lEI'" ""'o"'..I.....,u.""rtw.'" .""lS~O. . \hel,.'_'\\Oo 10 ,he alue eo' program; ~o'" 1996 wheo \he ?,",^o",.nd the ,ndu"" "" e and WAS'tE ONERS\ON - . "effic",oci'" 10 \he\! w.'" .""",10''''1'''''''' "",E1'''''' "",o'ci....",e ate e,..nd,eg and'" ,eg .nd .d to'\! .. .. h'''' InvoWe' ",",0 .nd __ '" \he ,0 "'" ",",,!lEI'" \he was'>> 0_'00 O",.o""""~' ~ w.'" .Ne- 'o,,,,,'N"" 'nclU.,eg \he alue ';:; .=.:;;:~~~;::~~;.'=,~g 'o"",,,a; .nd . . <01"0.- pa"cipatlO".nd __ent '" "",E1'''''' loog te"" eu"""".le ,"o.,eg \h3' ,~e' .. '" ,"?!"'rt ","o,"pa' ...'" .""",100' """"",leg ,"'01\\030' ..."" .WelS~o · ."""ute'l ""e e and . .11 e . Is "",,,,I .nd . Is dO""",,, ,he' .U' "" - "",,,!lEI'" . "",eI ",.;\Og """, "" .U \he mOO"" voluntarily', ,,0 ",,'e 00 \he pro,IO'" \0 ""rl< with the was'>> ,""R"fOll<' B" r! Rf.SOC ",,0 ",,,,, . ..1 ,eguI""" \hat ,.-e · 'e,eI pIa'l,eg ""'" Oiversion organization and put II', placle a prov~~r municipal waste diversion activities, "" Ind""" \hat will e",",e suste"'" e ,u."" ....~./ Action: '"'0.... at the "",0 ""O"a' eon'""'o'" ... ......... ""gust ,., 2000, page 6 p.t.J\O ResO\utlon '# 00.004 summar1 \OfOrmat\OO \SSUE: \NA.1ER PR01EC1\ON .....'o~ '" t ",ne , ,,' ~or protecting ontario'S ~Va er. o""a JUoe 12, 2QOO,,,,.D ",ea"",, '" "",,,n::'_", p",leeI w"" '0< Dnl>"~" "'" ~~,,~ a """,Ie a"" """,,,, ,~':.~.:"e\\Olde" """,.e,"' ,,,al> ",I."""" ".. ,rt plan b"ng' go,,"'''''''''' en 0 . Ih P " "I'" o<tanl"' en'." Ihal Dnl>"'''' '''''fe F~;~~~;Pa,:,,~:.:~eof.'"'~;,:;:~~~:c:,~~~~~~:I~::: dl""b.llon, "" ~e""m .'0 "",Id, ":m,;:,:na",, ~..'" ,,,,,",,,\b\("" W go""''''"''''' '" quality water. lnlrdl'i, It IS Irnportant olhe" In'" ,.",."', and W ",,,,,,,,,,,,,, .W d d ~or an action plan ~or water - a rene e . ;n' ""gad'! In .(OOIdOn ('N aIKe""n \ ,ell"'" Ih~ ~:e' 0' go""'''''''''' Ihe "",,'n"" 0"''' 01 "delln'" partn""h'" """""n me m:;'~~~, rede""'" """",n"'" shO,lId "" """d on. go,e",men' a"" Ihe ,,,,,,al go,e"'''' . . a snared and defined planning process: . snared in~orrnatlon', . . ,,,.red p"n''''''' a"" ",,,,,,,,?n, ?""""''', . ,hared da"'" a\\OUI ,~",,,,,,,,,,.e', a"" now ",n"'" oan "" _N"" . a snared understanding and process on "" "" out .- aollo"" Ihat wo.ld gO , ,''' M'D pI'" "'...- \h~ "",pe 0' "" p~'::' ~ a wa"" ,..""gemen' ,-, \hat long wa' "' ,,,",dM p."''' .",n\lO""" '" '0,,"," on ""..<I'" a"" qua"'" In,,,,,,,,n ''''''' "" P"''''''' "' p"",lde " Ihe'''' 0' """M,,,,.D had f,::.~';:;dn::;::'':,':': ome' parts 0' me """,n \'I,n "",' "",., "' Ihe C,,,,,da.D~f\O ~:"",'In'e 0' me ,,,,..al go"''''''''''' received little response ,rorn (- p.,pose 01 ""oI."On' " "' I""ea,e m~' le'~ 0' "n,n'lal 10 ",,, on bolh me lede,,1 and ~",:,,"'I~ ~:c":':.onla'" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, Pf01l""" and "' "I""n" and 10 ..,,"'..... n""o""",n' 0 ~""",,d "' '''' oIhO' p,rts 01 me ,- \'Ian, /-" , paga7 , AMO Resolution # 00-004 ) ~/ - - WJlTER PROTECT10N - WHEREAS the Bm_o (WalkartoO) I",g,dy hOS he~hlaoad publiC lole"''' aod oooc,m fo"'" quality of Ontario's drinking water; and wH,,'EAS the phy,\cal 10f"''''''cIU''', ,ocludlog wale' aod _" - '" Oola"" ""01"" a significant investment to maintain its current capacity and expansion; and WHEREAS parts of Oolario ,'" havlog loc",,,iog dlff""lY io foodlog tha malo, Im,osln>cIU'" 'mp"",a""o15 becao," of limited "",",,0' '000"" aod tha ",qo""""ol to food othe< m,odated services while trying to hold the line on property taxes; and WHEREAS ","pu' a ,eady ,"pply of qoolllY wate<, Om,,'o', mcolcipalitle' wil'- ,\go_ol challenges in attracting commercial, industrial and residential growth; and wHEREAS Oolario la"" a oomo<,h,.."'a, ,"".Ioabla -, m,,,,g,men' plao, yet the" " ao overarching responsibility for the health and safety of Ontarians; ; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEO THAT "",0 aod " ",,,W ","o'clpa'.'" i..i" lhal tho,J pmviocia' governman' immedi'leiY respood to AMO' , ActIOo P'ao 10' _09 Oola"" , Wale" and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVEO THAT "",0 c,II' 00 bOth th, p"""ocla' aod teda"" gov,mmam to fa" t<ac' d\acO"io" '" that ao agreem'OI 10' a caoada-Onta'io 'm,a,"'<O"'" p","",m ,"0 be ,aached qolcl"y '" ."t ." a'locatioO of tha """,,,,,, l"""""'cIU" food, to mool"PoIl." begin this fall; and FURTHER THAT AMO ,gaio ",.a",le' " ,"pport 10' tha p""""",,', po,;tjoo that th, feda,,1 govam"""" ",.."",cIU" ,pood'09 oomm_ol hOS f,\lan short of tha foodlog "",0,"", '" Oolano aod that Ih, p"",,,,,,,, "'ow", "",I loc<eS" " oomm\lmem IT OOla"o', mooic\pol'." are to meet the needs and priorities. - Action: Adopted at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. .,-" Page 8 AMO Resolution # 00-005 summary information . ISSUE: LAND AMBULANCE FUNDING . ---', . Background: SIo" the Janu'''' 14, 1997, "Who 0- What" ,nnoun","",m "","'Ing the - oj ,mbul,n" ,..vi'" to munlo",'.'" m,ny ",mmun." """ dl_.red th,t the p",VlocIel',nd ambul,n'" ,y,",m w" load"'U,"" th,t ""pon'" tim" hava been ,;owing, and IneqU.'" axOt In th.laY~ 0' ,.",,,,, between ,nd within _mun"a,. Tho 0 not new Infonnatlon. The p"",_1 AudllO< In 1995 Idantlfled nume",u' dOP""", respon'" time and man,gement ,",~.ma - the system, ' O"pl'" the monlolpsl pe<sP-' that ,mbOlan'" ,aN"" " part oj the health "''' ,ystem, the _In'" "",nfinned In 0._'998 .. deci"on to download the ,aNI", to munlolpel"'" A iolnt AMOIMlnl"'" oj Health Lon9-Tano Care Land Ambul'''''' Implament8llon s""lng eommittee (lAISCl "'" ,,,med to add"'" nw,,",ou' """"Ion I",u". The monlolpal memb"" on the eomm- 'mmad""'y began to "",In' the funding deflclenci.. In 1M ",,,,I,,,. On Ma<Ch 23, 1999 the ,",ylnolel go""mmem agreed to "... ""ume haff the 'approved ",", 0' I,nd ambulances..." . r-. SI"" that 'm', menlciP'@" ha"" been "",mmendlng .- to define 'app",Yed ",,\S" , hOWev" , the p"",ln'" hos not ""ponded. currently, the ,ix monldpal""" whlith ha"" a",umed the ,aNI"" "",We 50% oj the p"",In",', \999 bUdgelwhlo' d"" not """"tha munlolpel """. AMO ha' been ,,\te""n9 tbe """"g' th,t monldp" """ '" not Identl",11O p""Indal ",,\S ,nd that tho '" to be <",,,,,ed In the goY"nmeor, be'" ""t funding doo"lon. The _nd I",ue " p<oYlocIeltUndlng to meetthe provincial~ mandated ""po"'" 'me ""nd''''. Again, no proYlnclal dad,lon ha' baOO made, and no 'undlng h" _n ",ovided. Munldpal rep"",n-'" on lAlSC ,aYe mad. " dea< that they 'eel that the proYln'" ,hould -< 100% 0' the ",p\tel oost to In"ally meel thei< ""nd'''' and 50% 0' the ope",bngl",pltal <,,.\S to maintain the 1996 standard, T""'~ " AMO" p""on that ""n,'Io03I ",,,, ,uith '" legal and coo",,,ng '"", ",mput" "",w,"''''ftWa'' \0 eel up \h" new ",,,,,," be 'unded by the proYln", as they "d nol been taolored 1010 the LSRlCRF 'onnul'. ,,",p\te the preoedent eel In ontario Wo"', \he goY.mment has decided not to cover these expenses. MenlciP"it\eS needthaSO p"",Inci" funding deel,ion' ImmediatelY. Budg"" ,nd bU"'''' "",;ca ~'"' need \0 be develOped to< munlolp,1 ,"uneil'. By the .nd 0' thl' yee<, \h. ""n"" will be complete. purpose of Resolution: To .",u" that \h. proYineial govemment pay' Ita approp<iate "". 0' \he muniop" "''' 0' delivering ambulance services. - .""" - page 9 AMO Resolution # 00-005 LAND AMBULANCE FUNDING WHEREAS on March 23, 1999, the provincial government did agree to "n. assume half the 'approved cost' of land ambulances, , . "; and WHEREAS AMO, with the support of the municipal members of the land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee (lAISC) have presented funding proposals to the government, and have, for over a year, been asking the Province for a decision on its proposal for what will be funded as "approved costs" and the costs to get to the 1996 service standard; and WHEREAS the government has not responded to these proposals and municipalities need this information to properly plan and budget for this new service, which will be transferred at the latest by the end of this year; and WHEREAS the Province has said that it will not cover the municipal transitional costs for setting up this service, costs which are not accounted for in the local Services Realignment; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLveD THAT AMO demands thatthe Minister of Health and long-Term Care either responds to AMO's proposal for financial support from the Province that will contribute to municipal land ambulance services, so that the system is run in the best interest of the public,.__j who expects a quality service, or the Province shares its plan to upload the service; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO strongly objects to the Province's decision to not cover the one-time transition costs attributable to setting up municipal ambulance service systems. Action: Adopted at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. -) Page 10 AMO Resolution # 00-006 Summary Information /"", ( . ISSUE: SOCIAL HOUSING DEVOLUTION, AFFORDABILlTY & RISK PROTECTION Background: The framework for municipal responsibility for social housing will be set out in a new statute and regulations expected some time this Fall. AMO, through its Social Housing Task Force, has worked hard to compile, document and communicate key municipal concerns to the Province providing the appropriate information for effective social housing legislation. The key municipal social housing concerns are: . That devolution legislation needs to address municipal-provincial risks relating to "contingent liability", and all transition costs; . That the devolution framework must identify foreseeable future repairs and the funding to meet anticipated costs since social housing cannot fund capital repairs through retained earnings or rent increases; . That emphasis be placed on the provincial responsibility to pass federal housing funding to municipalities where they assume overall risk; (' . That reasonable province wide program standards need to be implemented, which give municipalities the ability to adapt the program to local needs; . That municipalities must be provided with options for ownership and control of the pUblic housing which they provide the funding for, and legislation must set out a clear framework regarding rights of employees in public housing; . That the devolution legislation streamline the administration, providing the option of implementing the new financial model for consolidating the five main existing funding arrangements for social housing; . That municipalities and housing providers should be able to amend operating agreements by mutual consent as long as the provincial standards are met; . That municipalities need additional power to effectively create new housing by entering into agreements with private firms and to enforce housing affordability; and . That a full transfer of information should be executed on any projects that require special examination where special problems have arisen, (. Purpose of Resolution: To pressure the provincial government into protecting municipalities from all financial risks and incurred transition costs, as well as enhancing municipal powers to create affordable housing, Page 11 AMO Resolution # 00-006 " '---' I . SOCIAL HOUSING DEVOLUTION, AFFORDABILlTY & RISK PROTECTION WHEREAS the devolution offederal and provincial social housing stock puts municipal tax payers at risk by exposing them to the uncertainty of mortgage financing, insufficient capital costs/replacement reserves, contingent liability, increasing operating costs, unforeseeable regulatory changes such as the Ontario Building Code, and potential property and liability insurance among other matters; and WHEREAS municipalities require the necessary powers to carry out obligations and meet their corporate responsibilities; and WHEREAS municipalities will experience significant transition costs associated with the devolution of the federal and provincial social housing stock; and WHEREAS municipalities are facing extreme difficulty in creating new and preserving existing affordable housing; and WHEREAS the Province has not signalled its intent to municipalities to flow the remaining federal housing funds under the Federal-Ontario Social Housing Agreement; , ',,-/ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO calls on the Province to flow, in a publicly accountable manner, all federal social housing funds to municipalities to cover the present and future risks associated with Ontario's social housing stock; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO seeks the province's concurrence to provide municipalities the needed powers and resources to increase the supply of new affordable housing and the powers to manage and preserve the affordable housing stock. Action: Adopted at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. \..,) Page 12 AMO Resolution # 00-007 ,} Summary Information i-. ISSUE: POST 2000 STRATEGY FOR THE 10.5.5 CAPPING PROGRAM Background: In December of 1998, the ProvinCe introduced Bill 79 to mitigate excessive tax increases in the multi-residential, commercial and industrial classes resulting from the new assessment and taxation system, The program that was introduced applies to the tax years of 1998, 1999 and 2000, A continuation of the existing 10-5-5 program, or a modification of it, requires legislative amendments. AMO, along with the municipal staff associations, Municipal Finance Officers Association of Ontario (MFOA), Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) and the Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario (AMTCO) are poised to submit a single position paper on tax capping in the post 2000 period. The Paper's recommendations build on the principle that business tax increases, which are an inevitable part of tax reform, must be phased-in over a reasonable period of time. Municipal leaders have no desire to endanger viable businesses with tax burdens that cannot be absorbed. The recommendations are based on the experience of municipalities with the existing program (" , and reflect a desire to implement a regime that will be easier to understand and administer, while at the same time offering protection against unreasonable tax increases, Purpose of Resolution: To promote an exit plan to the Province's 1 0-5-5 capping program that is sensitive to the various interest groups and that builds on the experience of municipal government with the existing capping program, (-. Page 13 to.tlIO ResO\utiOn '# 00.007 post Z.oo 5-rAA ;f.G~ fO" ~"E ,0-&0 CAPPIllG p"OGRJ>JoI , '.' """" that the ta>' p",,,,_ "'01' Inlro.U'" b; ." 79 w"''''' "",10"""" the p"""n'" '"r ~n'il "" 'al"e" Is \U\W ..hIe""" and contInUe ,n e~ect evef'f yea h n plies to tne tal( years ot '\998, ""'."""" .'" 79 ...."',,""" a "" ",pp'~ proo'::;~':''' "" \ 999 and zOOO an. th,,,e'o'" an ""I plan " nee" ' a . role" bU''''''' p",pe"'" \lOrn unreaeonable ta>' ""'."....S monl"pal"e""",e the .e"'" '" p rf that hoVe b",n oVer ..."""e<l 'or ....n; ',ne"'- '" well '" '" ""nO ""me," '" thO'" prope ,.. years; and .' ' ' cornm'''''' '" ""'~ the ",,,,,,,men I .;"".n, '" ",,,,,,,,,AS the p",,_ an. mon",pal"" a~ ".,r clear mo'" -'- an. mO'" en'u'" that the mon",pm propert'i ta>' ''1'' am" ' ' accountable; and . . e re ared a mun",pal """"",\hat ~ "'tlERE"" WlO an. mon'.... .... ..""'"::'~. ;~.~ the anoma"'" \hat preclPoa""'." '" a lUll rna"'" ,aloe propert'i ta>' """"" an a ~ 'd ~~. ) ",0 ",,_the monl''''''' -; a'"'''' ,,",, aj 1"."EfORE aE" ",,"OL""O "",,, P a, e '" a\I8'" \he,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n'''on atre"'9'l and """,,,, \0 ,he "",,,,,,,e and ",lie on the """n' timetable. to.ction: ..0.... at \he "'0 ""nual Co"",,,,n" on ",on."" ""Ouel ,4, ZOO.. page \4 ",MO ResO\ut.ion #- 00.008 ISSUE' RE'lISEO Otl1 "RIO WORl<S EIoIPLO'/l<lEtl1 fUtlO,tlG ",OOEL summary \nfOrmat\on eac\<ground: , ,,<MeSS) " ""u'"'", 00",<\0 worl<S de'Ne<'! The Mm''''' 01 Co"",,"o'" aod So,"" ~e"":;'ola<\O wo'" E",,'ol"""ol ""Iet.neB .. ,a' agenl' \0 dO'le'o, a ",,,,e-Y~"' se"''"'' P:;:' '" ",CSS 1"" ""0''''' h" ,'OU oed 0"",<\0 Wo"" ollhe 2000 eeM" ",,,,,,,cllnl\ ,,_,~' ~ ",,.. 'ee- 'evels. Le"eI ,- ...;c. LO'IeI 2- e""IOy",ent a"''''''o''' ",""'" ,010 ,oe 0 ,\0< _ 10 ,u,pO' ",Ie aOO'o",,"' a 0"" ,_dlate aod Level> _",vao"d. ~,'h eel lun~ n~ent a";""o'" " be,ng 'ouoduped, 1he revised' str!3aml\ned 1u~d\~g 1ramew\?" t e~', o:e~ aod """",, tood\n9 'Y""'''' " uo""",,, IOUO;c"a' to od'og ,,,,~,,,,\l00' ""U \log '"'" ' , " I ,,,,,'e""""""'o date 101 delNe<'! ageole 10 ",C$S" ,be'ed.",~e"",,,,,,"'o ,,,,,,",,,,. Ih: ~,e:;'Og' dlffiouh \0 ",ee' ..e de",aod' 0""" " _be' ,. 2000, MUo'''peI''~ a'" ,,,eeeoY n I d "",h ,Ie ,,,,~,,,,,eol-' """,,,,,,,,IIy. "",ead toodl09 model, aod ..e "",,"0;"1 a:':: ;rov'neB..at ,eSUh lro",..e ""ne'\lOo """, lOUo,d,aI'''' a'" ~o",ng '" ,e",ve' ",,, 10 , to residents \n their communities that ""IT< CMS"'~oSS".' .", fUod,ng ."",'Oy.-' '~;:"':he oW ""e 1oed, 1h'" e,""",Y""'" diva' potemia' 0"""'" WO,,", (OW) ,,;en" "'": ~'o' ~ Ihe "",fl ""u"""ol aod 0"'''' ..""... ",""" ""'" ,oclude e""'oY..... ,e"'u"'" ,,0 'e:; ~W '(he"';' MeSS E';"\O'I"""" se""'" ...1 ."Iet resldeole '" I\Od """"'Y""',,,aod ~v~...,; ope"'Og oW dwe"loO' 01 .",~",..... Funding llAode\ does not recOgnlz.e ~osts .~'o"''''' , ..at MeSS fUod..... ""'" a,,,,,,,ated with ,eIe""l'- '" ",e goo""" pUb"e, "N' "" ,ng such emplOyment services. c-- I pu""",e 01 Resol"'''''' ' 10 eo"''' ",e p,ovIO'" uOde""'od' Ihe ",uoiel,a' ,""uile""O'" 10' "'~,~ ,,,,,,,,,,,eobng \be ,.v,eod o",a'o Wo,,", E"""",,,,ent fuod,ng M""e\. r~~, I palle 15 AMO Resolution # 00-008 ,.,) REVISED ONTARIO WORKS EMPLOYMENT FUNDING MODEL WHEREAS the Ministry of Community and Social Services has earlier this year revised the Ontario Works Employment Assistance Funding Model; and WHEREAS the outcomes and the adequacy of funding the new revised funding model is unknown; and WHEREAS municipalities are experiencing difficulties meeting the time-lines associated with the implementation of the revised funding model; and WHEREAS many municipalities will experience significant transition costs while adapting to the revised funding model; and WHEREAS the revised Ontario Works Employment Assistance Funding Model does not recognize the costs such as employment resource centres and the staff, equipment, etc. associated with diverting potential Ontario Works clients from joining the Ontario Works case load; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO seeks the Province's commitment to fund 1 00% ot.~) all transition costs associated with the revised Ontario Works Employment Assistance Funding Model; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO asks the Province to revisit the guidelines of the revised Ontario Works Employment Assistance Funding model in consultation with AMO to ensure that adequate funding levels exist; and FURTHER THAT AMO seeks the Province's commitment to fund all the employment services costs associated with diverting potential Ontario Works clients from joining the Ontario Works case load. Action: Adopted at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. i j '..J Page 16 AMO Resolution # 00-009 Summary Information ,,/-" I ISSUE: PROVINCE-WIDE SMOKING POLICY Background: A number of municipalities have requested that AMO develop a policy position on a province-wide smoking policy, The attached AMO conference resolution is based on submitted resolutions, These municipalities acknowledge that such a resolution contradicts several long standing AMO policy principles of "local flexibility" and "one size does not fit aiL" Authority for passing tobacco control legislation is given by the Tobacco Control Act, 1994, Section 21 states, "The council of a local municipality may pass a by-law regulating the smoking of tobacco in public places and workplaces within the municipality and designating public places or workplaces or classes or parts of such places as places which smoking tobacco or holding lighted tobacco is prohibited." Tobacco control is also a mandated program under the Mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines that are published by the Minister of Health, pursuant to Section 7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O.1990, (. Municipalities have communicated many arguments in support of a province-wide smoking policy, Highlights of these arguments include: improving community standards, where the majority of individuals are non-smokers; improving the protection from second hand smoke; the high costs related to health care resulting from exposure of smokers and nonsmokers to second hand smoke; direct research linking second hand smoke to cancer and heart disease; positive feed back from other jurisdictions that have implemented smoke-free by-laws or legislation; the need to protect workers within their workplaces from second hand smoke; and the need to provide a level playing field for all municipalities, Municipalities have also communicated many arguments against a province-wide smoking policy. These arguments include: the economic impacts of adapting to a province-wide policy, the possible negative impacts on the tobacco industry, the loss of local flexibility, the accepting of "one size fits all," the impact on the gaming industry, infringement on personal freedom, the need for an extensive enforcement protocol, and other associated costs of enforcing a province-wide standard, Purpose of Resolution: To develop an AMO position regarding a province-wide smoking policy, ---. ( Page 17 J 'cc.../' A.t.JIO Resolution # 00.009 PROVlRCE.\N10E $IAOl<lRG POUC~ d tn mandate o~ the Government o~ '/'IlIE"",," "",rt'" w\\h ,espect 10 n..\\h dean' ,,\I oa.' e ontario; and b co smoKe is a healtn hazard; and ","ER",," . nas __ de""""aed tnaI ",,,",,,,,,,ad \0 '" , ~ \<n9 and second-hand smoKe~ortne '/'IlIERE"" ^,s des'mble \0 """Ide ""tne ,egolallon 0 sma ' ne..... ..."'" and ....""e of Ine ""bI\C' and ' , " ' 'ft led """"n",.wIde aotton tntoUgn ""bl" ","E"""" "" p"",'nee of on""" nas ~~~le: ~"",_. and b' .",n'b~09 smo- on ne.... """,m""" ," .o,b" "",e\'. tne n'" school propertieS', and .' I t' uid ensure a unWorm approacn; '/'IlIe"""S ."",'nci,1 ,eg.'aIl"" ,nd ","0 , ",n >NO " ... GoV.",a"'''' of onw'" \0 -. \0 sale ",eRl'FO"" Be," ""SOL ~eo ~J:.:'.;'.:::s ~aI ",so, ,,,,,,, s",oId09 \0 ",,"'10 ~- and guard the citizens o~ ontano ,rom "ea worKplaces; and tn GoV"",,,,,,al 0' O""no \0 '0'"'' \IS ne,'th fu1<l"eR Be" ""SOL ,,"0 ,,,,,, /'>AO o~"s t ~ g' oa\fa"" and ",aslsten' ."",lncl'l protection r~sponsibil\ti~S immtedl~t~~ ~~i ~~Ji~~I~~: and worK places. smoKing pollc,! and mInImum s an a t' I ; '..,./ A.ction: d d at.... ..,0 Aaaoal con<e-. oa .,and"'" AUgust ,4, ,00.' A.dopted as amen e ,,,'" page ~B p,MO Reso\ution #- 00..0'\0 summarY \nformatiOn ISSUE' CII,\.D ct>JlE fEE SU&s'Dle.: - aackground: d n . R6 0""". 262. SectiO. 68 .ffect. . oW , '997 ,ha.9'" '" toe DaV ,",0"".'" "'" onde< "'~ ""o.",pa''''''' ~.'" 9".. .."",'\I'i ::".'ci';'IIIi'" ~ere ",.ded <0< ""lid "'~~~::' "",,\~ ai' ""","0'" lro<" pe''''.' ,. .eed. ,. "",""9"" pa,..' ""..0'" th~\ off,.1 """ a.dlo' ..h""'" ",,,,,,,,,,. """. ,..en""' ",old a"" p. "'" 0 . . . I toe pro"ncia' go'''''''''''"' ,.teeded '" o. ,",,,,,,,,,,pe,?2. 1\'99. "'o.'dpa'.... ",.'" ",,""ed:~ e< """",ed "",.",pal'.'" 10 0'" the eed \h. 1\'97 Rego".o., 1h" .,,,,,nd,,,enl."" 9.. ':. th." 20% s""", 01 "",Id ",,,, "'" :"",,_s no'" p'~"" """",""..ee ;o~~~;;'~~;' 'nd'''''"'' lnet th. ,997 .",,'s,,'" ",,,, subsidies. In explaining t\'lIS, aroen roen , ,,,"oOooed o. a. ,,,,,,ri'" P"'''' . . d 0",,55' l\h. O.taOo """.'dP" SO"" SW"" ,. '\ghl 0' toe p""".dal pall"'.""''''''' ,...~: "''''' \h. ."".cia' and h"""to ",'0""'. ''''P~I "'~) agreed \0 ~,""V ",,,. . ''''''.. shO"'"" thai "",sl ""'.'dpal.... ",ere ".- ~ 0'''''' "",,\a\IO. clUI.9.' 1"" ","'.V ::"~ ,997 "",,,, ,,,,..,,,. "'d-.'~' the "",,"V ~~ ~"::'~I ~ ~~:,'~~""' .egatN.~d:r:" ~.::~":,",: :~nds 10' rounicipal iropacts identified b'J t\'led su:v;'Jr~np~~s' possible discontinuation o~ rent SU?dPleroe~~ d .""""".s' hee"" a. s..., . d , opport"..... \0 ",..' .t "'" ~:::: halp s"s""~ ""lid _ _ ,. ~;:; p:;~',.. 9-"'"" pV O.tario wo<\<S .eeded s"""'" .,,"'.s,"" \0 ""'" th. :~~' p""'''''''' and 10'" I."''''' Ie"""'" t\'le \..earning, ~arnlng and parentIng \ p,,__ 01_01060.' . . aI\\I.s \0 "se ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,.S,",'" . Regulation to allOW rounlCIP 10 oa\' 0."'" p""""'" 10 ~"'.- ~." th. ",".",pal sna'" 01 ",,'Id ",,,,. parents receiving subSidies as pa 0 (' I r--. f , page ~9 AMO Resolution # 00-010 I ,J CHILD CARE FEE SUBSIDIES WHEREAS the Province has rescinded Regulation 262, Section 68 to the Day Nurseries Act, which permitted municipalities to use contributions from parents receiving fee subsidies as part of the municipal 20% share of child care fee subsidies; and WHEREAS Regulation 262 did not stipulate a sunset clause; and WHEREAS this change in policy is costing municipal tax payers over $25 million, which money must be found by cutting services or increasing taxes; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT AMO calls on the Province to reinstate Regulation 262, Section 68, to the Day Nurseries Act Action: Adopted at the AMO Annual Conference on Monday, August 14, 2000. . , .J ..~_/' Page 20 AMO Resolution #- 00-0'1 'I ISSUE' '''E C....ADV'" E""'''O''...EllT..... ",55ESS...E'" ",C' summary \nfOrmat\on /-., I aackground: ,he canadlaO """",omenta' ",,,,,,m,nt Act (cEM) ",me ~IO fo,"" '0 '''''''''''1 '995. ,he Act "",ulle' ",al aO'l p"'j.... _" "" f,d'''' g""emm'O' ~ ~'owad '" a p",pOoeol. luode~. _latO<. odand meoag'" me" und""o ,ome 10<0' ol ,,~,,~omenlal "",,_01 (EI'). Th"." In ,o""e thataoY """,,,,omeolal ,mpacl ol a proponad p""act" p",peo'l _".ed. and d....... appropriate~. SOme muolcipel and p"",loolal """,ai' h"" "oed """,,' "'0""" """'" cEM _u"' olth' f,de'" flO",mm''''' ded'\OO la" 'I'" '" pia'" Ih' _''''' ol ",,"'''''' W 'o\'<<orth' S . "'" Red >-1\11 C""" Exp""""a'l """,,,100 "",mh a "",,"Y and d,Ia,lad pao~ ""... P"''''''' The "ad >-I" c""', ExP""""'" h" al"adY uod"gooa ~o, of tha 100g,,1 p<OVlOolal EI' """"" '0 coOadlao h'''''''1 (99 daYS) wI"'" mal" ol.the "",as lhe fad"al gavem""'" ~ ",rr""Y add""''''' (I." ""ad 10' Ihe P"''"'" and """maIN a' ) ",d b,en """""",. MaoY muo",pal~" ale wo",ad aboullhe petentlal p_ant and th, ,mpact "" --roes. With th' PoO~ ""... p"""". th' fade,,1 g""emmeol ~ mo:"o~ beyond ,Is usual ame' ol ,,,""","''''' (I... lhe p",I"""" of f"h ",b;tall.. and add"'''''''' ,,,uas su"" as pI~oo""" and _tiDO wh''*' a'" p",,'o'lal aod muo";paI '0 na"''''' AAolh" "'0_ " tha ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maooedo """", tha cEM ~ ba'og lbod''''''''''''' b'lth. fad'''' 9",,"010"'1. Geo"''' the pao,' f',e'I''''' " -""'" 10' maiO' p",I"'" '0 lact. << h" ",en usad 1eS' thao 20 "mes 101 the 25.000 proia'" so la' ""eaoad unda, CEM. The f.....' go"",meol ","'0'" _a ",urt ",sa wh',," allowad them '" """" oo~ lhe .o,,<oomeotal Impa'" ol a ,6 b'l"0 foOl bod9' 101 a p",ponad logg''''' plo,"", Iha1 """""",fad 20% of Ih' land me" of Mao.oIla. yelthe p",jact ,ocIudad the .""omoo of ao """",," pu'P mil' aod hund"",s ol ,.,mel<>" of _'Og ",ad' ""OS' doZ'." ol o""ga~' _ys. A hlghW8Y pro;act '0 NeW B"'O""~' ol app",~m- 200 "'" IoOg d~ 001 undergo a panel RevieW, OIM' p<O"IO"" h'" dea' wtth th" p",blem b'I s;gol"" h"O",,;zatioo a9"'-"" with Ih' fade",1 go"m""oI thai 1_"''" thel' EJ\S with Ihe fad.m' ,ystom. W..'" """,W "'" the 001.00 and the fade'" govemm''''' In slgo . ,Imlla' ag""meoC \I" hopad ",at " ","uld deal with (uIu" P"'jeclS. and tho", thel ha" .I"'ad'! uode","'" ao EI' at ona 0,0" ol go,,,,,,meal Uolonoo.laW. oe9Q\\a\\Oo' h"e staI'". \I" also hOped thai the ,"dem' go_meol w,1I ~at .."meta" 101 cEM. so <<I' ,mpiema""'" io a ",o,ielent maoo" thel_o,," th' d""~o ma~09 authoril'l of p",,,,,,,,,,1 .nd "",o"",al go",,,,m'o'" purpose of Resolution: '0 ,oau" thatth'''' ia a ",,,'''''01 .od f.llf.....1 "",roo meola' as",,,~,nt p-" that dO" 001 '0,,",,' 10\0 "",oldp.1 an' p",vlocial iuriSdld\Oo. .nd In p",mote the ,~o'og 01 eo ag"",meol _eao 0",""" and th' fademl flO"emm""'" so """' ",,0 be 00' EI' P"'''''' '0 pia'" wlll"O toe province. (' \ page 21 AMO Resolution # 00-011 j >................ . - "",eREAS me ledeml go"m-' "a' takan ,"e unp"o",entad ",p o! placing " 8 km E""",awa, e"'OO,~n (me R'" H;11 creek ExP"""ay) ""oug" a long"W and _;1'" Pa",1 R,,,'eW p"oeaa unde' loe Caoodiao .O',memootal A_"",ot Act (CEM) 00_",odi09 $206 m'liloO 01 publio moo'''' "",. beeO ,pent 00 1M enti'" "",,way pm,aci wt>,,,,, " ,0% completed., and - - THE CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT _ _' __ r - WHEREAS"" Pa",1 wili be ,..,;ow,"g ,"u'" lhal "aye al"ad, "'00 dea' witt> io an e".,,,Na 99 da, p,O'in~a' oo'i,oomootai ..__ p,OOOS'" w~I" ,"u'" lhaI a" oot 1"'0"" "e'" 01 ,,,,o<>o"b;11\Y. am! "'P"''''''' " intN'loO on ,"e ab"" o! 10031 and p"",locial gO'amm''''1s \0 make decisions; and ""'........ '"1' will """ibl, ,01" unlortonale p",oedenl to< 0"''' p"jeols. and may diaOOU,age oe"'''' p,Nate ,eolO' ,",,_ot and "lode' pub\~ lolm"NOIO'" p"jeols io "'e lulU'" "d WHEREAS ao eO'I"nmental a"e,,,,,,,ol "a<moni",.on ag"emeot be\Weao toe ledeml government and Ontario could resolve these issues; and ""'EREAS " ou\OOme ol",e _yea< ,,,,iew o! cEM OOUld ,.'II"'itS on"""" anti "OW "'e '" and Panel Reviews are used; ! "..-..",,/ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TIlA T ",,0 petlliOO' ",a Fedeml anti ontario M'ni- 01 "'e EO"<ooment 10 ,'gn a bH""ml A9_meOI fa' EO'"oOmentai A"""meol C...",.mtIOo \hal would encompass future projects; and FURTHER BE IT ..SOL \/EO THAT \hI' ag"emeol- p-' 10' ",cae p'oiecta ,,,,I""'" alreadY received E/\ approvalS from one order of government and FURTHER THAT ",,0 ",Ii' on "'e Fe<la,aI Miol"" o! EO'lronment to enau" Ihat "" !W..,ea' ""ieW 0' (\Ie CEM be Implemool'" in a oo03latenl "d predictable _"" "'at doe' nol iotNde in the jurisdictions of other orders of government - - - - Action: Ado""d at the AMO Annual con,.,.noe on Monday. August 14. 2000. ..~ - Page 22 AMO Resolution # 00-012 Summary Information (~'" ISSUE: INTERDISCIPLINARY LAW ENFORCEMENT Background: Most bars, raves, clubs, nightclubs, all-age bars, and other establishments and businesses are legitimate law-abiding ventures. There are some, however, that present problems to communities and law enforcement. An "Interdisciplinary Enforcement Conference: Building Safer Communities" held in May promoted the use of all aspects of law enforcement' from each order of government to deal with problem businesses that are harbouring or generating illegal activities, The City of Toronto's "Project Almanza" which is closing down illegal strip bars operating as "booze cans" is a successful example of interdisciplinary enforcement. The project involves four police forces, the Proceeds of Crime unit, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, the OPP, the Victims' Assistance program (Ministry of the Solicitor General), the RCMP, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and the City of Toronto licensing department. Interdisciplinary enforcement in this case has resulted in over 600 charges, the revoking of two liquor licenses and one suspension with more anticipated. This approach has been used successfully in the taxi and Ie-- body shop industries and a biker club was closed down utilizing a multi-agency team. The club's building was demolished because it was deemed to be unsafe. It is felt that for this strategy to succeed, resources from all three orders of government need to be committed and co-ordinated. As well, operational procedures need to be established, so that the proper authorities and agencies are aware of problems. All appropriate legal enforcement tools can then be utilized. It is important to note that different municipalities have different law enforcement priorities, from motorcycle clubs, to illegal raves, to all-age bars serving alcohol to minors as well as bush parties. As with other issues, one size does not fit all, so this interdisciplinary initiative will be more effective if it is driven by local concerns and priorities. Purpose of Resolution: To call for support to the interdisciplinary enforcement initiative of those municipalities interested in participating in them, and to ensure that future initiatives reflect local concerns and priorities, ("". I, ' Page 23 AMO Resolution # 00-012 " ; ,.,.....,./' - r' - INTERDISCIPLINARY LAW ENFORCE.MENT W"EREAS th.'" a'" no"'" owne" 0' bare, ""as, ""b', n~hlcl"b', al"age bare and nthe' _~"hme"" and b""neas'" who 'gnore d'"9 ""', oodemg. d,'nking, - hno" d,in~"", gaming and other criminal activities in their places of business; and --- - 1 WHEREAS thi' " gen.mU"" ,riml'" aclNity and ""a''''' neighbno""''''' es'''' problem' ;n ontario's communities; and W"EREAS there a'" n"mem"' ,",,"~ and I",,,,figato" - all th",e 0"'." of g,,,,,,nrn,nt, incl",,'ng Re,en"e Canada.nd CjfizeO'hlp.nd lmm'g,""on canada; the AI,,"ol and Gaming comml,,~n 0' 0",,'" and the OPP; and b,-Iaw, .'" """e, b"iWin9 """e and p"bll' hes" ,",p""'"'' and poli'" off.." from muniotpal"'" thaI "'"W wo" togethe, to eith" eO'"'" thaI _e "",;ne"'" ",mp~ with all laW', 01 be poo"hed "",""ng~, 01 e,en doeed doWO; and W"EREAS thi. type 0' inte",'eci~;na" en"",emenl 01 "team ""ponse" ha' """,ssi"'~ wOlked in communities in other jurisdictions and in some Ontario municipalities; T"EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED T"AT If oma"'" mooicipallties aI. to en"'" ""bll' es'''', thaf AMO ,ali. "" the p",,'<mial and fedeml llO"emme"" to wo" with int,,,,sled mooicipalibes and ,j the" law en""cement ag.not'" to de"lop Intentisclpli"," law enlo,,,,ment pmlo",l. to ens"re that pm~em "",ine'eas 01 actMfle. In tho.e cOIn moo"'" "'mp~ wtth all laWS and "","'ati""" or be punished accordingly or even closed down; and FURf"ER BE IT RESOLVED T....T these en'o<Cement p_",I. reIIact the p"",'es .. determined by each local participating community, Action: Deferred to the Fall 2000 Board of Directors' meeting for discUssion. . '".,/ page 24 worKshOP: The Green Green Grass on the Other Side of the fence or Maybe Not. speaKers: Nigel Bellchamber, Treasurer etc., C\t'} of London Bonnie Ewart, 11.0\\11. COMSOC MiChael fenn, Deputy \\IIlnlster, \\llNlAt'I Jim Pine, CAO, City of Quinte west Notes were not provided. ,..,-..... i ~~. WorkshOP: Speakers: ( * No notes I Socia' Housing - The Bottom line Sylvia Patterson, Director of Housing, Region of York Patti Redmond, Director of Non-profit and Market Housing Programs Branch, MMAH " ~) ) ') r. AMO C01\-FERFJ\-CE 2000 "Social Housing: The Bottom Line" Sylvia Patterson August 15, 2000 I i --.... ) Social Housing Transfer Fall 2000 · CMSMs need Say for Pay - Need for legislation at the earliest date · Planning in a vacuum · CMSMs are moving forward - WaterIoo, Kingston, York, Peel, etc. · MMAH work teams underway ~ --,,' ~gion 2 / , ') -' " ) ') Devolution Is Not A New Experience .~ · CMSMs have significant experience in managing program transfers · MMAH must recognize municipal capacity and professionalism · CMSMs need flexibility to respond to local circumstances ie. amalgamations, balancing other major initiatives like OW, SDM implementation, etc. · Social Housing is a complex transfer and a new area of business <~.;',:'<c,'" y~~f~'~uinn 3 7- ~8'" ~ ') / (service System Manage~ ') , ! ~........,......... I ' .'~!. .<:-.' ~:::~:,;;::;:li. . Social,"'" Ho",~in~Y:; . , ~ ./ .' Ilomelessness, ..",.,.. . . .... , TaskForce:;' ,',' .:: i:<:::;:;:;:::::::;::R" "~/~d' .'ti.t..'.I. ..; :',',',',',','.',',','. ",SI e la, '!',; > :.1;';;:: ;I:!:;;" I.',:! ~:;I ;.r~ ': I;'! ,:, < ': .,! ,,':' "'-:;:;;"<S.ir~ices:'Unit. ... Community Partners ProvincUd :lIo:melessness , . .; . ,';':; ;",';';1' ":~t'~a';t'~v:'< ','. , ,,'.' , , .'"" nl lIes . .. !' 1" '!',! I' . ",' , " I 1 ." ., . .. .. " '" ", ~ . ',' !.1 Maximize New Funding Opporttiriitie~ '. Provinicial - Federal - Municipal ,: :: :':-:-::lIousing . Research .' -') ) ) -.". Key Issues for CMSMS · Reform - Financial Model - Mortgage Administration - Reserve Fund Management -R.G.I. Standards - Benchmarking -Public Housing Ownership/ Management Options · Performance Standards/Reporting · Clarity in each area is critical in order to allow CMSMs to adequately assess risk ) ) '\ } I Risk Management · Four Key Areas - Mortgage Financing - Capital Costs/Replacement Reserves - Contingent Liability (provincial vs. municipal) - Overall Fiscal Exposure · Need for provincial guarantee to absorb costs beyond 1997 LSR estimates "T~ ~4}lWgion 6 ) -, ) ) Implementation Planning · Human Resources Strategy - CMSMs are hiring now - need to know the HR parameters - Need for key staff to be in place very soon in order to allow CMSMs to properly assess/plan · Transition Funding - One time set up costs - Due diligence costs (process/findings) - Clear equitable rules up front · Timeframes - Agreed/concrete/firm end date ~/..., ~gion 7 -', ) 'I / ) Federal Devolution · Flow thru of Federal funds · Information/training · RNH consultation pending · Administration costs · Options for streamlining · Due diligence · Reporting requirements ~;"" 8 ~\ j ') "" ) Rent Supplement · New housing opportunities are welcome · Are we creating new supply? · 3 - 5 year ,commitment is not enough · Flow through of federal funding · Role of Housing Authorities in MCSS/MOHL TC Rent Supplement ~.,~ """rr,~, .,.,", " , ~) yPY~gion 9 ..... ) ) " ) ir- Challenge of Housing Supply · AU levels of government need to work together · National housing strategy · Need for new tools and resources · CMSMs need to be involved in developing solutions " · Private sector appears unable to meet the demand . gran 10 / (- Workshop: Speakers: Election 2000 Paul Jones, Director of legislative Services, City of Toronto John Matheson, Principal of Strategy Corps Inc. -. '- '-~_..- ..... ~ . . ~ ...,) ') Munici,?a~ E~ection Campaigns Presented to the AMO Conference By John Matheson August 2000 STRATEGYICORP INC. '') ') ) ) > Have a P"an. Fo_~ow It. · Figure out what you need to win - Who are the voters that form your coalition - What do they need to know to vote for you · About you · About opponent - How will you reach them - How will you make sure they vote 2 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp rne, ~.\ .) ') / T_le 5 Key Assets ---) 1. @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp rne, ate 3 ~) ) ) , STRATEGYICORP INC, T~le 5 Key Assets Candidate 2. _ es ges @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, 4 ) '\ .I \ , I T~le 5 Key Assets Candidate Messages Ti e 5 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc. .... ) ) ') " STRATEGylCORP INC, T_le 5 Key Assets 4. @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, Candidate Iu Messages eers Time 6 -. ) ') T-_le 5 Key Assets Candidate Messages ey vo'unteers5~ Time 7 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc. ') ') T_le Five Key Assets Candidate Volunteers ' ) Messages Money Time @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, 8 ~\ I / , ) -.... ) · Be tle Cancic.ate K ot tle Cam~)aign Manager. · The candidate is the "product" · Only the candidate can be the candidate · Anyone can be the campaign manager .i -""... @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc. 9 -, ) ) Communicate in Key lV~essages · Got to have them. . . · Must reflect who you are · Simple · Repeated · Meaningful · Targeted to key audiences · Reflect the community and its needs . @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, " j STRATEGY!CORP INC, 10 ) ') ) 3. Time: Plan Each of the 10 Weeks Until E-day Information in / Information out ~ GOTV! Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sept Oct Nov .. 13th Election Day ~ .When does the voter make up his/her mind? · Resource Planning: volunteer, material & financial 11 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, ", ) ) -'. ." ) L. You Can't Win on Your Own . Candidate A possible org-chart... I Campaign Manager I I Official Agent _., ~,_"L,~. Volunteer Coordinator I _,_ _ I Communications Candidate Scheduler/Support I Sign Chair 1-- __ _ ..1__ ,. Phone Bank Chair ~\,' Canvass Chair ~ Get out the Vote 12 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Ine, ---..., ) ') .' 5_ Buc-get: Focus on Priorities .... Signs -Stakes Printing - Pamphlets etc Events -Coffee parties .., Office - Rent - Postage @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc. Victory Party -Cash VS. Limits Volunteers Technical: -Telephones -Pax Machine -Computer 13 ) -'\ i ) 6. Communications: Target tle Aucience I-Way Communication 2-Way Communication · Paid - Pamphlets - Signs/billboards - Ads ($) · Earned - Radio/TV /print - Cable programs · At the door · Telephone · Main-streeting · At the donut shop · Events @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc. 14 ') '-'\ / ...., 7. ~awn Signs are great · Durable · Materials - Cardboard, plastic, viny I · Colour · Name: Other content · Authorized By. . . . @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, Elect or Re-elect " Elect I Position: e.g. Mayor Slogan: Keeps Taxes Down Phone number/ Web page IS ') 'j , ) 8. At tle Door: Be Y ourse..f · Most candidates forget this. . . . · What to say? · Who you are. · Why you are running/why you are relevant to them. 11;;1' I @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, 16 ~) ') " ) 9. Get Out t~le Vate Good information Name / Phone # / V oting Intention + Resources E-Day Volunteers Phones / Cars 17 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Ine, ~) ') J -) ~,o. Say "T~lan_(-you." Lots. STRATEGYICORP INC, · Remember why people get involved · Remember why people stay involved @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Inc, 18 " ) ') '~) Ten Key E:ements of a Success~u:, Cam_~aign STRATEGY)CORP INC. Be the candidate, not the . Communications: target the . . audience campaign manager . Communicate in key . Be yourself at the door messages . Lawn signs are great . Time: plan each week of . Get out the vote the campaign Say thank you. Lots. . . You can't win on your own . Budget: focus on priorities 19 @ 2000 John Matheson, StrategyCorp Ine, ') ..... ) ') RaJic Res Jonse: 5 AJ-JfOaC,les · Inoculate - release information on your terms · Defense - when facts are strong, simple enough to neutralise an issue · Counterattack - when the only response is can be a counterattack · Offense - take advantage of opportunities · Distance - when something is said or done which is unacceptable to the campaign 20 worKshOP: speaKers: ,~. Are There aetter WaYs to Manage pubnc Disputes? sean Nolon, DIrector of TraInIng and ClinIcal programS, pace University school 01 LaW Larl"/ Sherman, facilitator, lal Group '\ J (, ~- / , (, SEAN NOLON, ESQ. LAND USE LAW CENTER PACE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW ARE THERE BETTER WAYS TO MANAGE PUBLIC DISPUTES? JUL-2S-2000 15' 38 \ pACE UNlUERlT' S14 422 ..=~ Developing a cu:~ of Co"abOration in The Hudson River Valley - -- ---- No\OO, EsQ. laW center Yef School of laW I. '" BrIef HiStOry of t\I8 (;OIl1IftunitY \.elld8I"hlP A\\iance Training program 1000 >>,0 ~nua' Conference Ottawa, O..mflo ~ August 15, 2.000 '. \I. What IS covered In \II'" (;OIl1IftunitY \JlQCIeIShlP Alliance Training program? r, \I. "{he \,.11m! Use l)eCiSiO" \iI8ldn9 ~ in NeW york State . community oecisiorl Making Ski"" . Land use strategl' . IntegraUn9 both of tHe abOVe WhY is it SO frustrating'?' .... ~ It fOrceS people to ~ positiOf\$ ~ people are \eft QUt \ ~ Their opinions are ~ iheY dOn't tee! vaL. ~ \nfOrmat\Of\ trey h8'l~ is not co\Iected ~ 'They beCOf'I9 l :> F~on$ de'I8Iop J l>;J;e u~tY SchOOl ~ sool<l1l@laW'pacc,edu (' U'nduse LaW Ccu1et ' (91~)422..41l91 1 JUL-28-2000 15:39 PACE UNIVERlTY 914 422 4224 P.03/04 2OOOAMOConference- ..,:..~ 15,2000 j .....-/ III. Alternative Process: Community Based Decision Making How is it different? ~ Asks Questions :> Values Input ~ Values Respect & Civility ~ Emphasizes Early Participation :> Seeks Full Participation of all Interested Parties ;) Moves Slowly on the Front End ;) Convenes Interested Parties :> Builds Relationships :> Shareslnronnation :> Explores Many Solutions ~ Seeks Acceptable Compromise in the Best Interest of the Community - I .'.........'/ IV. The Practice: What Does . CLA Graduate Do? 2 PaI:c UDivenity School of Law -"'""~law.pace.odl1 I --J !.aDd U... Law Ccnler (914) .~~ .ft!ll JUL-28-2000 15:39 PACE UNlVERlTY 914 422 4224 P. 04/04 2000 AMO a. ...;:" .....re - August 15. 2000 c--.... ( . V. Developing a Culture of Collaboration In The Hudson River Valley A. Diffusion of Information at the Local Level B. Technical Information to Support Local Initiatives C. Regional Alliances of Service Agencies D. Reinforcement of Leadership Networks /----~. "Never doubt that a :small group cg thou.ghtfid commiued citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only rhing that ever has. ... Margaret Mead ~. i , Land Use Law Center (914) 4224091 Pac:e UDivctsi1y School of Law SD010ll@)aw.pace.cdu 3 TOTAL P.04 iI .1 n ~. " . (- (-. ! LARRY SHERMAN FACILITATOR IBI GROUP ARE THERE BETTER WAYS TO MANAGE PUBLIC DISPUTES? 2000 AMO Annual Conference PRESENTATION OUTLINE By Larry Sherman, lBI Group, Toronto ARE THERE BETTER WAYS TO MANAGE PUBLIC CONFLICT? "UNUSUAL" CONFLICT: CAN IT HAPPEN TO US? . How often do we rely upon routine processes to deal with "unusual" issues? . Can we do better? How do we know when an issue is "unusual"? What's at risk by using "usual" routines? How can we reduce this risk? (_ 1. WHAT MAKES SOME PUBLIC CONFLICT "UNUSUAL"? I . Council can face three types of unusual conflict: a sudden crises (no prior warning or information, e.g. spill, crime wave, etc); a lingering "hot" issues (traffic, garbage, etc; complicated, many unpopular options, many sides/interests); a outside proposals (e.g. a development proposal: single proponent interest, effecting many interests) . What makes them "unusual"? a doesn't fit neatly into routine processes or protocols; a triggers public sensitivities; a politicians don't have prior positions; a no prior public consensus; a public demands a solution; Council is expected to act (no obvious charnpion). '~" 2. WHAT ARE THE RISKS IN MANAGING AN UNUSUAL CONFLICt IN A USUAL WAY? . The conflict can escalate, creating instead of resolving conflict. . Council may lose control, as other jurisdictions surface. . The situation can become a political contest rather than a problem solving process. . The facts may never get out. . The public may blame rather than credit Council's leadership. 3. WHAT ARE THE QUESTIONS IN SEEKING A BETTER APPROACH? . What is at stake? _ damage control (in sudden crises)? _ public pressure (to solve a lingering issue)? _ lost opportunity (of an outside proposal)? . Who should decide? if it is Council, do we have the facts? _ if it is others, how do we maintain our role? . What does the public need? _ recognition (not denial) of the problem _ clarity about who is doing what and when _ voice: the art of active listening _ leadership: knowing who is in control . First, get the process right: _ recognize that the situation is unusual _ announce a titting approach (to calm things down, to refocuS from the substantive until more can be understood, to buy time to get more facts and let interests emerge) _ Stick to the "game plan". 4. HOW DOES COUNCIL GET THERE~ TWO CASE EXAMPLES o Training (CLA) o Process advice (pilot project) -.-/' ,~"._/j , -...../ ~" Workshop: Speakers: Brownfields Redevelopment Marguerite Ceschi-Smith, Councillor, City of Brantford Eric Johnston, Solicitor, RMOC IN3I1\1d013^303t1 S0131=1NMOtl8 OtlO=llN'v'tl8 =10 All8 tlOlll8Nn08 H11II\IS IH8S38 31.Itl3n8t1'v'1I\I ( " .' \,,- ( \, . ~,~ -"... .:" .'; '. ,,~, \ -':,~:.:' ' :~, :t' ..', .' ". .,), -."" ......:.:.' .i. ',',' .'-'0, "<:...~:;~ ':t, ........ '. ';.. "~I, ,:'~) '.; ,. ,',;' i:' .:';'::t': '. , , ~ . '.' .1', , ~' 'I '" '. '" '. ':,." ". "~.' '," 'I.. ".'.. "',. ' :': ~, .. ',:'.. '1".'" " 'I: ..i " '." I' " .,,'';,.:'.' :/.., , " ( " ""!, " "",.;. .. 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I ,""ula like to f_ nW ,e.,arkS on wee "'1""" ofl""wnliela de'leloptnent: . fn ""i,tpaliUe' ""y be e"""sea '" I will prO'lido a brief ove'v"':" 0 0:" :\a!l '" ,elaUm1 '" ,ou~ llahility tlJrm1gb th<n ~m1"'''''' l""';tb t;'''' avallahle '" _i"palitie' '" prnl""'i" ",a I .wI ~uss so"'" 0' e tr'j to litnit tbeir l1abll1tY. S"""ndlY, I will ",""" on th< t\U""ial toO'" .vai,,",le '" ~:t", -,,,paliU" to assi>t in me redoveloP""'''' of "'..... . . f th< proc"ses _loyed bY the Las" hut not 1""" I .wI d>S"'" sou>" 0 . ion" PDA. '" 9"'" for lAuni"pal p1J,nUin' ~en'" ",olu<Un' th< Re' and ......e for th< aisoovet'f of 'ou........a land. Bt\efty, -"ipallU" engage "'. variety of dlf!~t ",tiviti" :"bt'" e"""se ""'" '" liability fron> . nun>ber of ,out'''' . OYE~'flO1'\AL ^-c'flVl'f)" . _ ~ ......e :"0,1<< and _te _sal "t" _ ,oltinI\ ,oadS (fall"'" to """"lain toads, saltinI\ th<to~ and """". _age to nei~' ~- ",a:,,""" "'1'l'h"" . ,';11. l-.a :"bt,h bas envito_iall""'bletnS ari"'" frotn _ 0"""'" or ""'"',~. _. ant) tbe owner (or fo- owner) or oeCUl'",t (or f"""" 0""" · .' .' .' f Ids TJ1>isa\IY tbe owner/""""""t :"ill _ lA"",,,pab"" ""y ,unent "'0"',;; ::..... ate ""paia and . taX ,ole process gO out ofb-"" then ",,",,"P . . n 1\W ialO" ,,,,-,,", ,~. If taX ,ole is """,,,,ssM, ""I'" the ='" a . . \ (' r- ( , SPEAKING NOTES _ ERIC JOHNSTON. AMO CONFERENCE - AUG. 15, 2000 stens set out the in Municipal Tax Sales Act, the land will automatically vest in the municipality. . ADMINISTRATIVE _ responding to requests for advice about envlronmental issues with inappropriate advice _ i.e. not telling a prospective purchaser of a property about the fact that the property was formerly a landfill site. In that instance there is a VERY REAL Possibility of a lawsuit from the purchaser due to the extra costs which would be incurred in making the land suitable for development or for a specific use. . REGULATORY _ exercising municipal authority to issue building permits and development approvals _ If building permits for residential buildings are issued for land clearly unsuited for proposed use - again - residentlal development located next to a waste disposal site. . Regulatory Liability _ p.tiministrative and regulatory orders are normally directed at the municipal corporation _ Breach of such order is a breach of the statute and consequently can become a personal environmental liability for the directors and officers ofthe corporation . Civil Liability _ This involves the breach of a common law duty of care or a contractual duty _ Generally, a director or officer - in the case for municipaliti.es - a Councillor or municipal staff person - will not face personal liJ.bility unless a court is satisfied that he/she participated or ordered the jirect ) .,..../ .J' ,....-.,/ 2 SPEAKING NOTES. ERIC JOHNSTON - AMO CONFERENCE - AUG. 15, 2000 , r'- cause of the damages in a deliberate manner and was aware of the , consequences of such actions · Quasi-Criminal Liability - This involves the breach of a statutory provision - Both the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Water Resources Act contain provisions indicating that a person can be liable whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted. · Criminal Liability - In a very limited number of circumstances criminal code charges could result - For example, common nuisance, fraud or criminal negligence. r' · Statute or Regulatory Liability is one of the real concerns for municipalities that inherit or acquire brownfield sites. · For example, in regards to sites contaminated by pollution, the Provincial MOE can impose Clean-Up Orders or Director's Orders upon a municipality that is: · directly involved (i.e. being the owner) or indirectly involved with a Brownfield site; · (if the municipality of has care and control of the site); · or if the site happens to be in that municipality). I would direct you to: r-., ( " - section 97 of the EPA for more information about Clean-Up Orders; 3 SPEAKING NOTES - ERIC JOHNSTON - AMO CONFERENCE - AUG. 15,2000 - section 17 for Director's Remedial Orders; and ,~ - section 124 for Director's Control Orders. Although there are limitation periods relating to civil causes of action, there are no limitation ~~rinr1", for the issuance of preventative or remediation orders by government regulators. While it may not be possible to limit liability in all cases, it may be possible for a municipality to manage their exposure to liability. · Risk Management Three different approaches have been used by municipalities and Canadian business corporations to try to contain exposure to liability. · Agreements with Regulatory Body "-J - For sites with acute problems that need immediate attention, the first and most "nroactive" anproach is to directly approach the regulatory body _ in most cases, Ontario's Ministry of Environment. - The MOE has crafted a number of precedent "limited liability" agreements which may give municipalities and lending institutions limited protection against a Director of the MOE imposing environmentalliabiIity. · One of the most commonly-use Agreement related to brownfield sites, is the Agreement Concerning Environmental Investigations and Tax Sales. Signing an agreement with the MOE is just the beginning, however, since a municipality or lending institution will usually have to make other quite substantial undertakings outside of the Agreement in order to protect the environment. " ) ,.~-- 4 spEAKING N<YfES . ElUC JolINs-fON . ..,0 CON11E1<ENCE' AUG. 15, 2ItOO ~, . Environmental Liability Insurance The ""ond teobnique tu """ont oX""""" f'" a monici",)ity in ong""'" in onvrronmental1y.risky activitie' is to "urc- Enviro""""tal Liability Insurance. -rbi' tyt>' ofi""uron" W" fu"t deve\oj>Od in th' United Sta'" in order to com"ly with fedo"" and ,tat' ',gi,Iation _ding _do"" """to ,i"'. With legi,lative clotng' in 19S6 tu "roteet "innocent "-" of __ted ,ito', insUt"" lotv' nOW dev,lo"ed a ""g' of diffe<ent lYl"" of Environmental Liability Insurance. _ InSurance "'" be "uteh""d bY _ici"'"iti" and cononltant' to 1""tect aga""t the co," ",ociatod with the obligation to cleanU1" ==> pre_existing unknown contamination; ==> pre-existing known contamination; and '" costs "ocentted with the leg,) obligation tu ~ay for third "arty bodily injury and property damage. Mucicil"litioX "'" ond won1d work cloacly with their i_e< to """"" that t~ lotve the right amount .f coverage for their activities. ~ ( . The I"'" and m.,t important m,thod for mucici)>alities in ",de< t. manage their exposure is to practice Due Diligence. . For a municipality to be duly <!iligont, the mucic,,,,"ity ton" t>>k' ,)1 ,r-, reasonable care in its activities. , ' , one Dilig- i, the l,gaI term co_only used to,,;ac a defon" to a legal action or l"O,eeotion u_ on onvirotonontal or regulatory ,tam". A ronnici"," _",ation "'" not es",bli';!> a clefon" of du' diligenc' - th, offence"'" been committed. Du' Diligen" is b""d on tbe ~"""'"'" and actions before an incident occurs. 5 SPEAKING NOTES _ ERIC JOHNSTON - AMO CONFERENCE - AUG. 15,2000 The essential components of the dutv to take reasonable care includes the following six principles: . The establishment of a pollution prevention system - including regular supervision or inspection of the municipality's business methods to ensure environmental compliance. . An awareness ofthe industry ,. or municipal - standard for the specific activity . . Periodic reporting by municipal staff to Councillor regarding the operation of a pollution control system and any substantial non- compliance with the law. . A review by municipal Councillors of the environmental compliance reports of the municipality. . Prompt addressing of environmental concerns - which may be brought to the attention of the municipality by its staff or any other concerned individuals. . And lastly, an immediate and personal reaction of both the councillors and Staff upon the notification of a failure of a pollution prevention system. Municipalities can avoid environmental liability by establishing pollution prevention and environmental compliance programs. These programs will assist in demonstrating to a court, that the municipality was duly diligent in attempting to prevent environmental infractions. Effective programs combine an ;1warenesl\..of the required standards for the municipality and a9t~(.ln 91ans that are reasonable in scope and resources. '-../ ; ,..---j 6 sr"""",G NO'fl'S' ElUC JO\lNsrON . ","0 coNfE1<ENcE' "UG.'" ,... Go"",g baCK to thO l"'WUtod oflltOwnfto\ds Te""dO!"""'" tho<o i~ a ""'C rocogniuon tbat ontario' s nronicit>aliuoa moo ~ ~ barn'" m tbis task. . Cost '\'be first and thO mOst obvions _ciat barrier to BTownftold , red<"oIO~' is thO cost of covir_COtal-od,anon winch "",y. m rnzW .-. "coed tho worth of thO "'0"""" Wb\lo this faCIOT is ",\1 "tteTOoly signiftcant. 0"" ~ ~':' ':.;;::; ~arrioa \Twolvod in thO r<<l<VOlo~- of ~'" "oa f inCTeesingty so~b\sucatod and nsed to dea\1Dl! ""th thO" tWOS 0 de'lelOprnent. .' . nredictable and the Cleann~ costS are mCTeasmgty beConnnll moro < , ' I ava\isbi1\W of covirO"""'ntal1\a\>i1\1Y ""nranco (""th cdo~erc~a,c ern - SO . '\ b: t ertat1l e)(.tent da11lpene \.l.US co.. reasonablY prelUlU1US, as 0 adc n'\anageable factor in today' s real estate that it haS becOrne a known an ,.. climate. 'tho sign\l\cant co~tal ris<".sociotod with BTOw;:f'el~ 0.::':-' can of\l:O '" _tainod and....oSSod """ugh thO ass;m ~;":ts, consistin\\ of o"1'""..,:od ,..",.... and co_onta c . l'bU'icl~al y,ohib1tlon AlI"lnst ""nusing . . Q; financial incenti'les for the lAan'I nronicit>a1iuoa woold IW to pro" 0 ' ' alltloa alsO b>'lo to red<"olO!"""" of""" BTOwnftolds, 11:OW:;::: ::~~oa, """"""g as a c""""" with Inmtod anthonIY to pro" " ,4 _cia! incorrtivo is S!"'iftcallY prohibitod in thO M",,,..pal ct, . funds a surrender of the _ns1Dl! maY involVO thO """,drng of corl"'Tate " of tho n' -h' to co\\oct funds 'by waY of""'oa 0' fees, or thO """"",g, 1 ^...ea . ,b ' SS 0"",," '" a ntanl"~ ~ ' "c\ns\~e rights of o~ ;' ~~ding this "ssi..-e oitbe' ~ lA"",,,,,,,11Uoa ",0 ~TOwul e <, ' ' I ~ OT~"' to . _ufllCmri1lll bUS""'ss, ",dUst"" or co enterprises. 1 ,./"-~. \ r. \ .., ~O CONfEltENCE - .t\UG. 1S, 2000 Sl'E.t\l<lNG NOTES - EWC JO\lNST01' . i ~/ . d. th t '''oonusing'' represents a race to AlthOUgh it is gen","lY _~ r ~ ",d doVelOJ><"' ofbrOwnlle1d siteS bottom over time, 0,,:tari? mundel~~a Cll~~e~ound this prohibition. maY have to be c;e:l.twe ln or' f:> . U'" of s.nio' CO......"''''..I ""Is..n.' '0 1l<dO'elOP "",,,,,,n.ldS . c "I"'" a ,obesi" fed"'" ",d p",vin'ial In ~son '0 \he Q .S.f \'t: ~T ty and ",o"",fte1d<ede'I'IOP"""'. poliCY abOut bO\h 13"''''''jj'';. '~~:loP-' are predo-' '" \be U,S. 13,.,wnftelds and 13"'wn ~ "e ft \d dO'.IOI""'n' spaces. C...... nas d.ue to the lack of avallable green e no' Je'~ Ibis criu,altbt<"\1OId. . en' ~ pro"",", ",m,b aIlo'" 111e U.S. nas """"",US ,.",,,," g~ I of teC\1Oical ""~,,,.n" doVelOJ><"' ,0 ,.,ne<\i'" coO site, fund' e ~"I'P I . t 'f\tete aIe also . ." 0{fJ; '" "",so ",bO ~e Ille " e. pro"" "'" "'" ' .. r f s '" bel" ",\h ,I...."" ,oSts. ""olving 10'" funds '" .-"1" 1 te' . en' eanad" ba'l' be<" ""oIVed in ",_J "I~ _\he jAOll ~ """,,- \1OilaI lundinl! 1"0"",", do ~onaI13,~'lds ",,~e pro~: GOv"""""" level. no' Jet "is' at ",tbe' \be 1'<0.:',,,,,,," ~ f;:~"" lunding for idel1tifft11ll '1l . ~ canads nas om v supp"e . \ nVU:o. A: ';ontec~olOmT for contaminated. sltes). appropnate remeu1a.. f:>J SOL1J'[lO"S 1'0 ~""CL'L"~ . Use All l!s.isting 'foolS 13rownfte1<l ""evelop1Uen' ",ill nO' occur ",_, ,nur>icipaliUes uuliZing all of their (limited.) financlal toOlS. t and. loans in a wid.e varietY of jAnoi'lpaliues ate etnP"",ored '" ~ gran s cir~ under \he Jl/un'''p.' ft ,t. . N....lY' gran" and 10"'" ",aJ be f"'''Oe<l '0 NOWJ'tOn' or,-"",atiOOS under s. 1\3 of the Municipal Act. II "'0"" . "-'0 CONF~REl'lC~ - ",UG. 15, 2000 Sl'EAlUNG NOT~S - EIDC JOllNS~'" - ~,~ . If your bfOwnfiel<l de"eI01'",,,,t fall' ;'i~~:~; ,eclioo 39 municipality may make loans or gran of the Heritage Act. . of _cia! "",,,,,,ce i, oot usuallY ",ough to \JnfortOO""IY, \hlS tl'I'" . .ted with \he ,ede<lelo,,-t of · assist in all ofthe needed costs asSOC1\l Brownfield Site. . ._"IY, ,onnici~tie' are a!lowed ,: to~U:;o'::ent incremental flnanC1n'e (nf~) thrOU~d d at section 28 oHhe Planning Plannin'e (Cn>) _ a mecharusm proV'l e Act. TIl's _1""",<Ie ",unici"al nnaunia! .ssis"",ce ~::~ft~~ ~~\ that is deemed to ?~ e<l~lV'al~nlt toot he t~t~~ by proV'iding an eC\.uiV'alent essence, the mUUlcWahty \'J11 ""awe e grant to the deV'eloper. . ..l1Y ~ " · "",thOO of ~tl' I""""".-t Pl-ng -OO:.".le ,edevel""",ent of a partientar corn'oatin~ urban bllght - redfet' t~ ~~~oo is ~ enough so \hlS geographiC area. '!he wor l1\'e 0 ,onnicipaliti'" can 01''''''' " · tl'I'" of TIl'. 'to do so: .' 1'''' ....,..".t ,,,,i..ate a el\' """ in tne~ ()f!icia\ PlSO; l. a mUU1CWa h) ".- u .,'- 2. _"",a!itl' _ acquire \an<l ""thin \he CI1' ",ea; CI1' ",",cb <I"'cri"'" the _oven>en1' 3 tbe ,onnicipalltl' _t l"eya<e a . <I . .' "hI ,,'ould like to make or encourage, an that the mUU1CWall>) "" .' "'" t1.'en C^.,.,.;es out the Cn>. ln can 4. the mUU1CWall.) .l' "".. '" ,edeVelO1' \he \an<l an<l!'""""e ;ncentiV<' to <:U"",t owner" (~" 9 ,r-.. I \ Sp>,,,,,,,,,G N()'fES _ E1Uc JoJlNSTON - "",0 Co~cE - AUG, ,S, ,000 ,J '" mako gourt, O' loans to tho own'" of ~r<>PortY within the CIP ,"'" to 1"'Y fO' tho ""t of rehabilitating their lands ""d building' to ,onfonn witb tbo CIP Lo, vdving/dofe<ring/refund"'g ~tanning applioauon foes and building permit fees. under the _"'" logistatl" regiln', ociY if a ""t-fur- "",fit ","""izanon is a "",ofiting own'"' ",n dovelOP"'o" eha"," be ",,",pted. LocallY, tbo pt_t City of O,",,,,a ha' nevor allo"'''' fO' ,ud> in,andv" in ilS CO_ocity unpro_",t ptanninll' hOW""'"' tbffi ""y ehan'" duo to local municipal amalgamation. Sov",," Ootarlo _icipalln.. ," at tbo forefront of tbo "'" CIPtanclOg in "",.,d'to B""",",eld j)eVoI",,_t, Tho City oHlmnilton is "",bablY tho leads< in "",,,,,,ting re<\<V0I""'""'" ofbfOWUfiold proP""'''' in ilS oldot ~0I areas, 1\ haS foon'" a PublieJPrlvate Partn",biP ,allo<! tho __trial "",",,,I"""'on< TaskforCo", :aannl"'" as ",oil as the City of-J TO'onto is ""geting ilS o!!"'" into waterfrOnt Reg..".tion, The ,iU" ofK\"'-' London. fl"ni\"'" and CObourg alSO ha" ~"'''' witb Brownfield redevelopment. USl~G 'fIlE 'PLANNING AC'f 'PROCESS . Mocidpalef[or\S ,oneerning ,..wnfiold "",poci'" ,hOuid be ,unod - ~ui'" "",perly _ at ,..king REDBVllLOPMJ',NT of tb'" sit.. 0",,'"' Moci,ipalities want to ~te ""d ""'"',,''' gond ~Ianning, (){tcn, b""",",old siteS "" lo,ated in tho """" eore of dti" ""d along hafbourfronlS, It""""..... to ""oural!o the "dovol""""'" of sit" (bat "" ,u,eadY """oed by _icipal ""d ntility infr"''''''''''''' -rurning btowniiolds bad< into "green fields" or at the vor; loast back into sit" (bat "" h""thy oeon"",i' g",orators should be tho goal of anY -,dpality, Monidpaliti'" ha" a duty to dev""" ~Ianning and awroval' poli,i'" consistent witb tbolr duly to "",tect ""bli' healtb ""d w"farO of tboit resid"'IS, To this end, tho Rogiooal Planning comtclssio- of Ootarlo 10 """ "....,c JOm<"'01< _ ",,0 co1<l"""'1<CE - ~UG. 15, ,,,, 8V1!,j\101~G NO ). ",8 - "'....... d 1 A a standard ....xuuicinal1:V1ode for the Development (RfCO) have eve opeu tnt' A!>l"ovals process" Co".",u",ed SiteS, . BYCO lVlODEL . did in 1<)9' ",visions ()oIarln ",unicipalities 'fbe ..,.leI, "hich "as eve ope 'dovelO _tapP<ov.IS in ",I"'on adopting a. standdar.d apPlrt~acS ~;::': _ton tbat soil ",o"""""tion to contatulnate sltes. 1 \J .' is. matt<< of 'PrOvincial intere,t as esta>>h,he<I bY- \. the 1'rovincial1'olic'J Statement; . . In,' '" (....'uR' lA,,",orandu1l" 00" in efleet he",e'" the 2. N\UU1C1'Pal1' an 1.'-eVle" tv).r, '! .' 1'rovince and Regional1:V1UU1C1'PahtleS; 3. the lAOB G,tideline for Use .t con,."unated Sites in ontario; and 4 vanoua J?rO'Ihicia\ ,tatUte, - the P1annin' ;.s1t, BP '" oWlV' and the . Env1rOntuental Bill of Rights. . o odel consi'" offoot \illka'es be",een thC, ,ite ~",;Iean-U~ process and the develo~"''''' awheaUoo 1"-" '" 'fbe fitS' (\eciSion i' '" identifY within the ",_l""i"" ~ ~ 1"operties or sites w\tich the _ci~a\itieS \<no'" or ""pec , contaminated. , ,,' fO......carletOO ""dertOOI< . hi orde! '0 fu>ilitate """ step, thC . e"on1o1 d 'the information, the """,",IY of an in",en1O!'i ofhiS"",ea an use" " II ted frO'" vanous paliliclY .v.iI.W --,' sW)h as h\lsh" ;,~"",es, \UlS heet' caPtuted hi'" " datab"'" which" """bable, "l'''''o''gh the Region" in the 1"oce" of Jin>\(2ing ,,, 1"""'dur~ t'l> ,u' '.. . "', 1 d'J be""n to recelYe ,,",0""- this datab""" the Re"oo uaS ",.. ,'- _'" front ~ed develope<" and \anOhol- "' the ()tlaW"- carleton ",,,on for """be' of thC datab""'. '" When . aevelopIOent .",lieation i, ,ublni~ 00 · ~i':t~~:'~ lIa\l,ed du< '" ,capicion of con_uon), e "''"'' ~ 11 /~ ! ~ ( spEAKING NOTES _ ERIC JOm<STON - ,,",0 CON..""NCE - AUG. ,s,- ,j develop" that""'" mum """. ""d ifnere""'" d-UP the ,ubien'\""ds in _rd=e with the MOE" Gu;ddmdo, U" at Contaminated Sa" ,. Ontario. '" 1f _ary, the municipality will then "secure" conditions - fouite cleanup as a part of the development approval process '" The municipality will then ',eceive" a cotDPleted Record of Site Condition eithe< wio, to devel_ent "llP"'vol (fo' de"" ,ites 0' sites that are "",ily deaned-UP) or ",or to the rel_ of c.nditiOns 0' the i,_ce of buildinl! or occunancy permits in all other cases. A' part of the ",o",sing of plans of subdivision ""d condonulnUUl ""d consents, a municipality can "",ui<e conditions. such" a ReCO,d of Site Condition, in Registered Agreements. A ReCO,d of Site Condition i, intemled to s"'" " a s"",d-alone summarY of the site conditions and where necessarY, the dean-up of the ,ite. The R8C containS a ..._t by the """'" of the ,ite and an affidavit of the principal consultant confiuinn\l that the ,ite i, acceptable fo' the \nteOding land use. , ! "---" The Official Plan policies of a rouincipality ,hould "",vide the fonnal _ark to eosore that i<lentification of site contamination" an i- he """"",d when considering any changes of use or \nteOSity of development on a site. The poliCY should de.dy - that the RSC i, the uniy acceptable dncun1en'to confinn that the site doe' not ,equi<e clean-UP or that it hoS been cleaned-UP, Municipalities that Il"'" plauinng ap"",val', sell or ac<\ui<e land and/or "",vide advice to the public con- the past, current or futu'" use of land MUST BE AwARE ofhow that APPROV AL, ACI10N, Or ADVICE could affect both the general public and the municipality. - - In addition, \2 SVEAKI"G ~0'rE5 _ ERiC JO""srO~ - ","0 CO~","Ul.l":E - AUG. ,5, ,\lOll . p.greements with <Pl""""'" co.ndthOUS .",cbed tothe.tiue o.fthe . subject 1'T01lertY o.ffer the most aecurity to. . ",un",pallty - due 10 then binding nature on the -present and future owners. 1f. @velO1l" is will"" (and ,ome o.f """" maY be), Agree",ents t~"'- "te re,toration _ aJso be vo.luntarilY registered o.n Uue. - O1luon - alway' be pursued by . _icipality o.ulai@ o.f aflicial plan po.licies. . Lastly, the lJinisttY o.fMunlcipal Alfnit' ""d U?",ing Is """",Iy doVeloping a regul.tion 10 allo.'" for the re_uon o.f deV'I01ln,,'nt permit 1"_' in on"""" DevelO1l",ent perunts ate p",,,,ded for un<\e< s. 70.2 of the Planning Act. '\'be j)CVelnprnent pennit process i" nI'''' pjamling \001 wbicb unmicipalities conId use to. creatively addre" ernerg>ng 1at>d use ""d """'" design cballenges. r '\'be Devel~t pennit p,oce" i, eny\sio<led 10 do the follo.winlI' . It will '^"""'"tne the pjamling appto"als process by _bining 3 esistinll processe' _ zoning, ,ite plan and minot variances - inlO I "",,,,'" proces', 'fbi' will ,inW1ify the current <Pl""vaI ",stern by elbninatinll duplic.tion and redU- <Pl"",,1 -, . It will provi@ unmicipalities with the ability to. .develOP · 100caI ""tern ",bleb prov\@' bUilt in ne,ubiJity - 10 - "te_"""nc citCU""-'" subiect 10 "t e"luation criteri. ,et oUt in the @vel01l",ent<Pl""v.1 by-I.", or the aflicial Plan; ""d 1\ will encoUt.ge ""'" develO1l",ent by co.ordinating the design and develo-prnent review -process. 1\ will provi@ for "up-fto.nf' public invo.lve-t and co@lltation o.n the by-I.", ""d the oflicial pI"" ",,_t .t the. _t enueal ,tage o.f the ~alion o.f the poliCY ""d deV'1~t coten.. ~' ( 13 s..JJ<ll'G ~otES _ ~R1C 'Oro<sTo~ ' ","0 CO~FE"""CE - AUG, .5, ,... ) '<.-' 'fh!<" l'rOiec' AI'" w"'" selec1<d bY the MJ>!Al' foc the initial . devol_on' o.ftbis""" pl""""g "",toval ,y$1"'" They,.e' Jl>.""ltoU nown'o,,", ]..ake MIl"'" W.""",,,n.Lin the Di,inct o.f M.US",ka. ",d th' 'to.wn o.f OakVille y,'in.$1o.n.f,rk ~Io..-Ul"tnct. . J'nviro""""taI i_ haVe bee" idontifted by the MJ'IAII o.fbeing add""ged bY lhi' ,,,,ten' _ """h '" ,i1< aI_tio.n. iSS"" "' the LaIre o.f Bay' an.d ",o.,t recentlY, the pIo.t",lio.n. o.f groundWa1<' ",",plte' "' th' Kitch-- WaterlOO Regio.n. 1t i' l"'ssible that the dl:Vdop",ontal'l'toval process maY havo wide,,,,,,ging pos,ibiliti" in ito apphcatmn.. It is ",neipated by the MInistrY that opon th~ rel""e o.f I" maft . _lOP""'"' apPfO"'" regu\ali<ID (exPected "' the fall o.f20(0) , that tin' ,;mpler, ~ effteient deVel.",-t appro.","' pI-' wul he use. to. """"ciPa\iti" 100- to. ~ge the redeV"l<>P""'" o.f con_nated sites. I '--/' In c.n.cl"'"o.U, ontario", """"cipaliti" contin"e to faC' ",wan.dal ~" ,~ the iroposition o.fltchility ,\towd they bOC""': . invo.lvod with nrowna,ld redevol<>P""'" or hoc- the wijbng OC onvnlltog owner of a browufield site. . goWever, btownaeld redeV"l.",-t i,' """,hie in potari.. M.o.$1 """"cipaliti" will"'" to "" a p_hiP appIo.ach "'- repIe""""'v" fro"' induStrY' ananci>\' real "tate an.d the legal comt"""'ty c'" ""he to o.""""",e the mdi"dted legal. linJU'",aI ",d planning challenges. The playing aelU- he leveled be\W:eo the in""",ted ~". Eacb "",or _ take responsibility fo.r roJildng ,t haP!"" - evon ,f that redevelopment occurs just one site at a time. Thank you. t4 Workshop: Speakers: ".~-. Reinventing the Rural Landscape Professor David Douglas, University of Guelph Dr. D,oug Galt, P A to the Minister of OMAFRA A\\'10 CO~ERE1'lCE 2()()() RE~1'l'1'II'lG 'IlIE RlJRl\L L~SCAPE _ EC01'lOMlC S'IRA.'IEGlES VOR RlJRA.-L 01'l'I AWO A l'ROG]U:.SS ]U:.l'OR'f ON AN AC'flON FS..SEARCll 'PROJEC1: ~', I TO\\' A.1tD NiORE EVVEC1'lVE RURA.L ECONONiIC DEVELOPNiEN1' IN ON1' A.RIO , selIOOL 01' RlJRA.L PLA.l'll'lll'lG AND DEVELOP\\i1El'll Ul'llVERSlTY 01' GULEPlI ( , , . 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ .-". .-". .-". .-". Gl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t'1i " ~ ~ ~ ~ rP Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d t!'1 \od Q ~ ~ ~ ~ (fl g ,n. ~ ~ ~ t!'1 ~ (fl '"d (fl ~ ~ (fl ~ Q d ~ ~ ( '- ' ( (', PROJECT PARTNERS o ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO (ROMA SECTION) o OMAFRA o ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS COUNCIL OF ONTARIO (EDCO) o THE ONTARIO RURAL COUNCIL (TORC) o SCHOOL OF RURAL PLANNING AND ,r, DEVELOPMENT, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH . ?"" , ' t"l~"'" ~~M ...~t-' ~.. .- ~~~ ." ...0...0 O~~ ...."'~ 1.wI-I~ g~~ ,,-,"'~ ~~O ~ ~ tfl ~ ,..., .~ <:/'J !:!> ~ o C o B ~ ~ ?=< () ~ o ~ '6 ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 'ZOClC.~~ ~~~~<8 ~~~t"l~O ....~~~~t"" ~~o ><M~ O'Z~ ~,...,~ B ~ ~ '"tl ~ t"" ~ ~ 'Z ~ Cl ~ o ( () ~ ~ ~ ~ li~ ~o ~~ ~~ ~Q o~ 'Z~ .~~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .' \, FIRS'f IM.fRESSIONS a MAN" RESpONDEN'fS Il'lDICA 'fED 'fllA 'f 'fllERE IS A LACK OF cAl' ACl~ Il'l 'fllE BO'flI 'fllE coJ\i\MUJ'llT" AND 'fllE l\l:tlNIClP AL ORGANl:z.A 'flON 'f0 uNDER'f AJ(E LOCAL ECONONUCDEVELOp~N'f a 'fllE MAJOlU'fY OF RU~L MUJ'llClPALl'flES DO NO'f llA VE A LOCAL ECON0l\11C DEYELOPME~rr PLAN a wJIERE A PLAN IS Il'lpLACE, 'fllE BUSINESS (_ COl\11\'UlNl'fY APPEARS 'f0 BE 'fllE pRIl'lClI' AL l' AR'fNER, FOLLOWED BY J(EY REpRESEN'fA 'fIVE GROUPS a FOR 'fllOSE MUJ'llClP ALl'flES wnll A LOCAL ECON0l\11CDEVELOpl\1EN'f PLAN 'fllERE W AS CONSlDE~BLE SA 'flSFAC'flON wnll 'fllE PLAN PROCESS nSELF, BU'f LESS WI'fll 1lIE PLAN 001COMES a 1l0WEVER, SUGGES'fED RE~DlAL l\1EASuRES FOCUS ON lMl'ROVIl'lG 'fllE PLANNING PROCESS, l' AR'flClJLARL Y 'flJROUGll1Ml'ROV11'lG COJ\i\MuNl~ "BID' Il'l" AND pOLl'flCAL COl\1l\1ffl\1EN'f ,,....--.'., I FIRST IMPRESSIONS ) ~./ Cl THE MAJORITY OF RURAL MUNICIPALITIES WHO ARE ACTIVE IN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOCUS THEIR EFFORTS ON RECRUITING EXTERNAL INVESTMENT Cl THE TOURISM SECTOR APPEARS TO BE A MAJOR FOCUS OF MANY RURAL COMMUNITIES Cl WHERE "BEST PRACTICES" WERE IDENTIFIED, PARTNERSHIPS WERE HIGHLIGHTED AS A KEY COMPONENT OF INNOV A TIVE PRACTICE , I \.---/ Cl THERE IS A SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCY IN TERMS OF UP_TO-DATE, DISAGGREGATED DATA ON THE ECONOMY AND THE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES IN ONTARIO Cl HOWEVER, WHAT CAN BE ASCERTAINED IS THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT INTERREGIONAL AND INTRA-REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN LOCAL ECONOMIES AND IN THE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS ACROSS RURAL ONTARIO , ) '~' . o S't,\R't-U\' A.rl,\L)'SlS Of 1\8 Of 493 'R\JR1\L Nfllrl1ClI' A.1l'tleS (24./.) WIlO ~~S1Jll.ve)' \' A.'R't1ClI' A. 'tED \l'l '\'1I-l' ~1lr o Orl-Sl'tE \'1J.E_'tES't \l'l'tE'R\lreWS W1't1l6 M-\3~lClf Al.J1'lES DES\{ 'to\' A.rlA.l.SSES Of 1J.ECEJ'{f 1J.EG10rlA.L o A.rlD ~EA. ECOrlO~C DE\T1tLO\'NfErl't 1'~E~DS ,~ . 0 LrtEW< 'tU'RE iU'\l1EW fIRS'\' ThifllESS101'lS - ~^"SIS 1'0 COM-E'? o 55 ~ur<lCll',\Ll'treS 'to BE 1J'{fE'R\lreWED B)' Y1l0~E o \,OSSlBLE M)D1't10rl Of 15 Orl-Sl1% l~1'ERVIEWS o 1J.EG10rlA.L fOCUS G'RO\l1'S r, \ FIRST IMPRESSIONS , ; '.,-....-../ o FOR MOST SMALLER RURAL COMMUNITIES IN ONTARIO, THE MUNICIPALITY IS NOT AN ACTIVE DIRECT PLAYER IN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o SMALLNESS AND A LACK OF RESOURCES ARE THE PREDOMINANT REASONS FOR RURAL MUNICIPALTIES NOT DIRECTLY ENGAGING IN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o A MAJORITY OF RURAL MUNICIPALITIES HAVE, EITHER P ASSIVE-L Y OR ACTIVELY, DELEGATED THE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION TO THE UPPER- TIER MUNICIPALITY, AND/OR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I , I '-,..-/ o FOR THOSE WHO ARE ACTIVE, THE MUNICIP ALITY PLAYS THE ROLE EITHER OF AN ADVOCATE ORA FACILITATOR o FOR THESE MUNICIPALITIES THERE ARE OFTEN OTHER MAJOR PARTNERS, SUCH AS A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AN UPPER-TIER MUNICIPALITY, OR A BIA J ~, ( , TOW ARD MORE EFFECTIVE RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ONTARIO AN INTEGRATED ANALYSIS OF CHANGING MUNICIPAL AND COMMUNITY ROLES AND PRACTICES RESEARCH PROCESS . PHASE 1 - RESEARCH DESIGN REFINEMENT (" . PHASE 2 - THE CHANGING RURAL ECONOMY: REGIONAL AND AREA ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - TECHNICAL REPORT #1 . PHASE 3 - THE IMPLICATIONS FOR RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: ANALYSIS . PHASE 4 _ THE CHANGING PRACTICE OF LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS - TECHNICAL REPORT #2 . PHASE 5 - SYNTHESIS: THE PROJECT !{.EPORT . PHASE 6 - APPLICATIONS AND TRANSFERS . (" . l"d l"d l"d ~ ~~~ ~~8 l"d l"d l"d t t d...-', t t t t ~ ()::.Z ~~~ ~ ~()~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n~~ ~ m ~ V4 ~ ~ g ~~~ ~~~ (1\ t)\ ~ \J)r d ~ ~ \J) ~~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~8~ ~ ~ 'Pod ~ '"'d Q ~ ~ ~z~ ~ g ~ 8~ ~ i ~ \ C ~ \ ~ ~ ~~ l""'1O~ g ~ d ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,... ,... 'Z I ~~ 7..(l~ ~ >"a \J) ~ 'Z ~\J) ~ ~ 0 >"a ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 >"a ~ 0 0 \ 0 0 ~ \ 0 0 <::> ~~ l""'1 ~ ~ <::> ~ 0; ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 e 0 \o-'i ~ 3 ~ \J)z r ~ to ~~ o ~ ~ <::> ~ >"a ZZ 0 ~ >"a dC'l ,... 0 <::> <::> ( ( ~', THE ISSUE ~ EFFECTIVE LOCAL ECONOMNIC DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE REQUIRES KNOW- HOW. ~ RELEVANT POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REQUIRE KNOW-HOW. ~ WE DON'T HA VE IT! (' ~ LET'S FIND OUT WHO IS DOING LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL ONTARIO, HOW THEY DO IT, WHO THEY DO IT WITH, WHAT WORKS, WHAT DOESN'T WORK, .......... CONSTRAINTS, OPPORTUNITIES, LESSONS, ....... EXPECTATIONS, .... ~ PUT THIS NEW KNOWLEDGE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE "NEW RURAL ECONOMY" AND THE REALITY OF REGIONAL VARIATIONS, AND DETERMINE POLICY, PROGRAMME AND PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS. r--, ! 'fOW ~RD ~oRE "EvYEC'flV"E RlJRAL "ECONOMiC D"EVELOl'l'1EN'f IN ON'f~R10 OBJEC'IlVES . uNDll\tS'f ~ 'fIlE NI\. 'fuRE 01' 1'jV\.C'flCE . lDllN'flI'~ 1<1'8 lSSU1\S, 1'\tOJlLJl~S, 01'1'0 \t'f\l1'll'flllS, CJJl'.LLllNGllS . lDllN'f\l!'i Clll'flCI\.L UlGltllDlEN'fS Ul llJ'1'1lC'flVE fRt\C11CE . lDEN'fl1'~ \tOLE j\ND I'\lNC1'lON 01''flONS 1'0\t l<E~ fL^- Y'ERS . DEVEL01' 1'OLlC~' 1'\tOG~ j\ND 1'jV\.c'flCE RECO'N1ME~D^-110~S . CO~lCI\.'fE j1[I'lDINGS I\.ND CONCL\lSlONS . ~Sl'll\t l'uID1NGS I\.ND CONCL\lSlONS , ! J i "~/ r TOWARD MORE EFFECTIVE RURAL , ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ONTARIO THE ISSUE o THE VIABILITY OF THE MUNICIPALITY IS BECOMING TOTALLY DEPENDENT UPON THE HEALTH OF THE LOCAL ECONOMY ( 0 THE MUNICIPALITY IS AN IMPORT ANT PLAYER IN , THE FORTUNES OF THE LOCAL ECONOMY o HOWEVER, AS A PARTNER-PLAYER, THE MUNICIPALITY HAS THE CHOICE OF A VARIETY OF ROLES o THE CHOICE OF ROLE AND FUNCTIONS, BY THE MUNICIPALITY, IS ASTRA TEGIC CHOICE, WITH MANY REPERCUSSIONS o THE FUNDAMENTAL INGREDIENT IN STRATEGIC CHOICE IS INFORMATION ,r--, ',~' THE ISSUE o HOWEVER, WE KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT THE CURRENT AND CHANGING ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITY IN RURAL LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TODAY o WE DO KNOW THAT THE "NEW RURAL ECONOMY" IS AN ENVIRONMENT OF GREAT CHALLENGE AND RAPID CHANGE ....../ o TO EFFECTIVELY UNDERTAKE RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE ON CURRENT AND POTENTIAL ROLES, FUNCTIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES o TO EFFECTIVELY UNDERTAKE RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REQUIRES ENABLING SUPPORTIVE PUBLIC POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES, AND INFORMED PRIVATE AND COMMUNITY SECTORS ._J DR. oOUG GAl.. i, t'AR\,.\AMENiAR'( ASS\SiANi ,0 lA'NIS",R Of ,GRlCUC 'f\lllE, fOOD ",,0 RU........ ...f",RS Ai ,SSOC",1\ON Of lAUNlClPp,\.It'ES Of 0"'- >.R,O ""NUAI- CONfEREJ'lCE oiiAWA CONGRESS CENiRE ,UESOA'(, AUGUSi '\51\-1,2000 '\0:30 A.M. . '" "d ",d_n. .' ii'" "", p'''''''' '" '" b""', '" b'" "'" ~;::'::: ~ '" "'; _, nf ,.,day" wnrl<""'!" "",,,,,,,,,,"" "', '""" L"''''''''' ..' E"'''''''''' .""~~ 0' f'" R.nll """'" . d fk ," "',- ,n - (h"'" ",n' "''' ",,," Beforet1 ~egintmt~erel'~~e;:';'~ ;;~";;:,, ~ "-"""'''''' -"".. ." ,,,,,,,, "'" presen auons 0 ,k' ,'v . ' , W"" dool of"''''''' w"" "'''' ,-","," ,.,,,,,,,,,,... . .."" ifw' '" '" "",_ ,,,, """ ,,,,- - (h,,,.blful Th~ ", ""_, """ "<0'\"'. .."" b""''' but tb>' p",- "",,""''' ,,,,,~,,,.. "'" odd<<" """"" ,no ",no, ,'" ' ",,,1<>1"""" _, '" outi" "",,,0""''' '" <OIl''''' "",-,,_~(h'~:::~~:~~:~'~~~~ "" ",,,- " ""'; ",,, W '" ~I ""d"""d tb>' - .... ~\, "" ","" """ approachnl Jus~ wontt~ to'er1'k~c'k ,;"""},, tb>' """ -"'"" d""'<>P"''''' -"''' - '" comJ:O.o ':! gIven 0 ,,, ""' ' ' "",bl' _ "'" "" ,,,1<i"~ """"onb " ,~ ",,,,,,,,. But wb>< tb>,,,,,t;"- "tb>' y" ~:~\\ ~b::~~:;:.':"'" :;::.;:'::' ,::;,n:~;;;:;~ yo",uci'... _gtb, "d"""' ""," what yOU should build upon. b " 'f,.,rth~,,,d "","dO' " ",,-"" _pI' ,f"'" ' "" ~,:;::.: April ,f"'" y<", tb> ,:",,_'f ,:::\':';;'0;,':";\ AiD"" ""', """'_, _-'" tb>' "'" P"""'" b .- rollI'" " "" ",,,,,,,..,;d' """",",I' .-" """.", -"" th' _I !, .. Fund. (r-.., '\ /'--", i I ! -,' u",n """^,,,,"" ,f""no"""''''-' ~ '" fi" .&,tinC< p",j"'" ",b wi,b' "'ghtlY &ff''''' """'" F '" ,,,,,,,,,,,, ." $pm' ,f'" ",n, p,,,,,,,'b" " d''''''"' W ,,,,,,,,,,, ,u< co-""''' ,f ",",,, .. bud> bY""""" ,w>"''''' ,f, ,nd by d""",m, now""""" ,"" 'h'" wo",. A _,d ,,;ti,'" wi\! """"", th' w,,,,fron.nnd _ """" ,f 1M countY. Othe< ,,,,j"" f_ " 1M "",.fn"" "'''''' ,b' w= industry, the region'S heritage. "'" ""le ,f th" ,.- " _h'" by '" co"",,,,ly. Nt?" tUnn 40 ",","" from ~, ",,, ,fth' countY, ~, w",IdO' w,- w ",,,, - m'''' ,fN,,,,,,,,b,.nnd ' ""lily ..' T'""",, th'" win leY'"" mote """ $\6 ",'\inn" tho; fu""" Th'" w,n ,,,.,,, in ",,_ ,f ',000 job', Th'" win ~u< -""'" "",wth m th' _y-' municipalities on~orthUmberland county. And "'" w,n '" '"" b_ th'Y "''' ,in in ",", , ","""" "'~," .. -","",' th~ by w,M" """,,, th'Y will ",,,", 11'''''' "iti" ..' """'" 1M 'mk>'" thO'/ b'" pin le p'''' m"" "'" "',_ '" b' -"""ed, ,hin ",m""'''' ,f ,,",, "" '" "",,,ed, ,"" ",n th, _ ""b\t'"'' "",,,,,,,,,,, "" b' ,,,,,,,,ful. And f",1'Y' thO'/ win '" "" """'" "'" "''' ",if""" tbci' ,tr"''' " th' ""''''' strengths and assets of their region, "'" " no' w "Y, ,f coU<'" tUn' ,'" co",-^," ,f "'''' "'""', "''' n,thing '" CO_,n 1n ,U< in,tin' ",,,,n''''''''''' with th' ,"'I'le ,f -' 0""'" th' T'" .- w"' w,d ,hM ,nd tin" ,""" "'" ,"""" bodth ,,,e "'" ",,,,,,,on ''',,'''', _wd ,lcl" "",,'n~ """""" in\<>- ""liti<', nupP<>" '"' ''''~ bU.-' ,nd """,put, 1M "''''''''''''''', """''' f" ""no"'" ",,,,,,,- "e m"" '" -' ' "",,,,, ,nd viable rural economy. M Y'u """", w, "",k Y"" ",,,..., '" th' M'''''''' ,,,_no, "' '" w" ,,,,,nu' "" y"," """"". And,", yOU ,'''' ,",'w, M""'" Ev" ,_'" .. not '" " th' T'" F "",, but to yoU _ the residents of rural Onta110. And h' -"'" . . . . . ,n ,ddll''''''' $1' "",,,on fot "bOU' _"'"'' " """ ",d no""'"' O_u, . " ",,"1dO in "'" tuition f" ",d\,", ,- wM .m put"''' 'n""" " northern Ontario; . , $' bilUon """"'_' w bighW'Y _v<m"'~ thi' Y.'" "ou" . 1M $\ bl\\\on,ftv' yon< Supot.ti" Mm"""'" pnrtn'~\UP pund; ",d, .' . 1M "" yon<, $600 ",ilU" "'""" sronl' T "'" ",d Ru<>1 D'"''put''' ",,,"'''' Th'" ""'''' .. will'" th', yo" ",no ""ll '" .,ll nvo< $\ bill'on 'n"""" in -' "'""', " will """ ..- "'" th' b""f,~ n",nw\'" -, ""no"'Y "e """", no' j"" it> 1M "ov'""" ,~,,,, utb,n "on" ..' but 'n th' ",,,,,,, ",d ",,,,_",,,f """ and northern ontario as well. 2 E"'" >0, 1 \mow _ ~, ""'" whO ""Ii"''' i< i' no' ,"",.,n. Aod '" "",ro 1 ~y - ","," no' ~, lli"" i,. ,""e' 995, lli~ __ "" ""'" on""""gin' _mni' d",dWOon' in """ en""o ..ough , ,oriolY of !".-hiP ini,~ti'''' 1 """'" ",Ii" '" "'" R""" Job ",,"'" Fund - "" lli' ..'" y'" "'" of .., ,.."", "'" ,,,_on' ,f ",",,0 in""'" roUD' """ $2' roillion. in roUD' """ '90 p,.;"". T_ willi m" "',," _, P""''''' who """"" "",lli" ,135 ",Ilion. we f""",, _mn" ",Win in ",or! "" of lli" """i''''' _;in, roUD'.... 10,000 neW jobS. "roe P""'''"''P' ",. _ oPl"'-iti" hoVe""'" ",d ",n;ino< '" be, -'" by lli' p,urnl youlli Job ,_. SO ,,", we ba" in'''"''' >own $14 roiIlion in 60 prt>i"" d_'" '" prt>"'" _, yo"'" willi neW ,,"Ii' ",d new uPp'-"'''' win. oro P""'''' in lli"" prt>i"" _ llie "",in""'" "'" ro"""''''''' ",d "'" """""""''' of """ en""o _ b>" ou-'" "... i""""ng'" """"0",\$22 roiIlion. Aod ,nolli" '0,000 neW ioh' ",d w<<k """"_ boVe - -'" '" 0", ym''''' people. h fukd p"",,,,hiP i",,,,,~e """"liy un-" " "'" H ",lliy ",,,,,,, fro "'"", """",." """""". The -" of ~wn'"'' _roiioM willi "'" -- of """ entoriO, llii' P"''''''' " ",igood '" .-" the ""np""i"'"'' of "" "'" ,fooo ind- by _"in, ""'it'!, hy _ding """'" ",d by ""'" -gin' m" """ resources. (" Still ",;enough' 'II ,Ii, th"" i"lili roo" .. The Te',"","""""""- ,-",,,,,--. ,,;hi'" ninde h ?",,,,,'e f'" -' ",i_"" """,,,"" '" \oke ""',,,,,,, o{hlgh ""'" "'" -'''' ..' the R"'" ",d "rothoro "",,_, C,,,,,- c.pocit'! _~' P"''''''''' wm,b __both ""'-- hardware lUld software in more than 300 corntnuuities ..' The "",in'" Rclenti"" ",. .-''''' """""" of"'" ",",,0 Mi""" of hgri""",e, Food and Rural Affairs for example ..' 'fbi' """""" P"""" i" worth, " , pilot p,.;oct in wn ""~ ~"", ..- ""'" existing jobs were saved, or neW ones created. 0'" of"'" koY' " ,he _" """"" i' '" ,,,,, ",,,,,. T,oin'" "I_'ro "" on b",in"'" within the\< "'" """",noI"" " pin on un",_din' of thci' .",", ""'" ,,,,,,,,,,, ",. the\< """. _'" with "'"' """,,''''''' th" ",,,Inp '" ,,,,,, p" " _" ,be ,,,,' b"'- 01- - ,",o""gin' -"" ",d inb _on. B<l""" _nt, hoW,,",' i' th' llict ""ttbe B.R- ond E. prt>""" tori'''' ...-oinP' ",. ,,,,,,, ""'" ",,,,,,,,,,,,co",,,,, within th' "",.nunity. Thi' b;ood' Y ,.,;od ,W'""b to ,"",un"" _Inp""'" go," , long ""y """", - lon' - ,-" 3 (' \ wH" ili. Y=, tho M"""" of Agrio..,"" i'di,~", tlw, thw pro_ h,d ,,.,,'" i_ Wi,,,, '"" Woo" h, m"" '''''1'''1, '" ,1/ '""""""iti~ i, 0",,"0. Aod, '" """ ili, B R and E "tool kit" should be available this fall. B" '" '1/ Yoo tl" 1mili, ,1/ th, ""'I hi., " tl" i,",,,,,,~ '" ",grnd, i'''''1m',"", "" fu, '-g;, -""iv' '0 fm Mogh, w"'= "" pwp" '" ""'" thorn ..'" HmniJ""", Do,,",o I,,,, JJ rig)" w"'" ili", ~"'''' th, p"- ... "om _... i, 1 " peop eo,. '~ Tim, i, _I 0_0" -"h" w,11. Yoo h,,,, ""'''''''''''' """'Wi"" fec relf- '''''''i""y '" '"" '" "''''I/y "ron. "'d ""'-d'"",o,"" ""''Of 00mm<mi~. Yoo Wre pride in providing for Yourselves. " and for YOur neigbbours, The ,1m1l",., now, " I "" f', i, '" "k, th, ''''''.hi, fn do f'g j"".... Of ",,,,,,, tlw, requires a certain kind of person, doesn't it? Thiro, "'" SohuIJ", iliore ~, "" "'''P-oo.. TIrey "'" ro ""'" ili,i, _ <om, 1m, '" they set tbeir goals... but, wben the going gets tough, tbey quit. I, , wori< ""'''' "Wec" of Ch."pfo",,", , f"ow """'" Robert Sohull" ,,",,'ri"'" fo", kEn", of poopi,. Th"" "", 1m "i~ ili, "'P-OO" " "opl, who "" no ."" "" ""'" "" dod."",. Aod th", ""'" "" ili, hOld-o,.. Th", ","pi, h, "" , h,"'tit.. do""', h" th,y'", 'futi, ro "'Pond '" ,. 'Im'_, hoc"", 'h,y ","', "'" th", "" _ it FinuJJy, "" .i~", '.. th", "" th, ","pi, who not OO'y '" ili,' go"", h" koow th,,, ro', i, "'hre";,,g thOn. Ao, tlwy "'" 'l"it Tboy k"" "" ,of'g '" h_, fu", "" ,-itred to """"'g fu,JJ - """ n"H~ '" no, j"" b """"1,,,, h" m, th, others around them. ,~j Th,,', tho ,1m,,,,,, fuci,gyoo ... "'d """Y _"" of, _I _ity Woo W,,",d See their home town grow and prOSper. Id,,"fy "" Ixori", ro growthi, y"", ",,,rOO. Un'",Wi' th, _gdw of Y'm "g;OO S~ , "",I - -. '"' d,,,,,,op , '"",,", '" -h i" """'. "''''''''' 'f" "" "'0' " _ disposal. And follow the lead of the "all-outs" '" Thank You. -3D. , , ~, <1 ,~ WorkshOP: speakers: / ; Managing Waste Wise\y - What it Means for You Terry Cassidy, Councmor, City of Quinte West Peter E\wood, Chair, WOO Joan King, CounciUor, City of Toronto ,- .. ", " j ,j ) , How We Attained 63% Diversion by 1994 and How You Can Get There F ~ r. = *'o4J...& The Centre & South Hastings Waste Services Board Experience in Establishing the Blue Box 2000 Program A source-separated, multi-stream waste diversion system Blue Box 2000 . Centre & South Hastings Waste Services Board . 7 municipalities . 104,000 population (member) 157,000 with contract municipalities . Goal of 71 % waste diversion by 2000 . Average 46% (up to over 60%) c ( ( " ) ~) \ ) Blue Box 2000 - Basic Elements . Expanded Blue Box . Backyard Composting program . Household Hazardous Waste . Waste Reduction . IC&I programs . Promotion & Education . Regulatory measures (ie. bag limits & user pay) Blue Box 2000 - New Projects . Rural HHW facility (includes used oil) . Centralized Composting . Apartment organics collection . Residential depot o'rganics collection ( '- ( c ) " ) ...~" ) Blue Box 2000 - Recycling . Multi material recycling . Source separation (residents do sorting) . Resident pa'rticipation a key component . Collection costs high . Processing costs low . Efficient and economical . Maximum diversion & minimum contamination Blue Box 2000 Materials . PET . Yogurt & Margarine Tubs . Polysty rene . Rigid plastic . Film Plastic . Corrugated Cardboard . Fine Paper . Newspapers and magazines . Milk cartons . Boxboard . Metal Cans (tin & aluminum) . Clear & Coloured Glass l ( ( JnO Jas x08 anl8 ( , \ '-,~ (, Blue Box 2000 - Composting . 46% of residential waste is organic . Rely on resident participation . Distributed '31,000 composters to 35,000 homes . Good follow-up to recycling participation . Com posters free and door to door . Pilot projects underway to test apartment organics collection and residential depot collection (WOO supported) ( (-- l ) .I ') " ) Blue Box 2000 - Hazardous Waste . One main depot with satellite events . Free to residents of member municipalities . "Giveaway Days" - paint etc. reused - disposal costs reduced . Pilot project to establish a new rural depot that also collects motor oil (WOO supported) 5:>70 , :',;: >" " :~i~"i,'''~ijl:;:!'~;f: ;;,: :;,): ;,j' "", ('~:,,',;X.Ti'f\~~,i~'_,~5'-,;:'# "r;<~' ,t,t,>" ," :".:,:: J:~~:}~;1~~~,~~:;~~~~~:i~~~~?; ;}:~~':T~~~';::;:~:~ ;',~)" ",' ."2"'<~~'~~~~~'"")W'\'?<:Y':"^)L~ ^",lp,f,'l':' ,'" '-'" i'\~~~~~~'~:i,~;~;Ef'~fi' ;l':~t~i:~,1;~+ ' ' ;;:"{ , ~ ~ :~"-: ,:' ," " ',< ; ~~ ~ Waste Diversion Schedule 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 13% 10% 0% BBPlus! 30% 22% 1701- , , '~' '~ :' new materials backyard compost User Pay! regulatory apts. (, ( 00% "':' -"'",, , ~ \,~}, '", .',,;, -',' '.~'. '''" ,'<'('':'"i' , , . " ~~,,: " ::;~:;::'; ,U,,'::,' ~~{\~>~, ",' ", ..<,"',;, '"',, mature system \ ~, ) ') "\ ) Blue Box 2000 Results 6-Month Tonnes Landfill (Sidney) Blue Box 2000 Capture Rates 100'Y-. 90% 80% 70% ' 60%- 65% 83% 71% 79% 80% 93% 50% ' - -t- . I 1993 1994 -t- +- ,.-t-' -l 1991 1992 1993 1994 ( All Materials Conventional Materials ( '- c ~ ) -~) ) Blue Box Capture Rates 300. 250. 200 iii ~ 'C 1: 150. oE III Cl .:.: 116 0, N County 140 Provo avg. 1Q1 BB 2000 256 Sidney UP Blue Box 2000 Composting 0/0 of Hhlds Composting 90% 80% . 70% 60% 50% ' 40% ' 30% . 20% .- 10% .- 0% - II Potential - iJ Definite No Yes (- ( '...., ( ~ , \ ./ - ltl ~ .... u .c E III ,Q \ ) ) Kitchen Waste in the Garbage 600 - 532 538 o. MOEE 1991 387 1993 252 1994 Ibslhhldlyear N I:) ... I:) I:) ~ I:) Ql I:) co I:) NRfilm N R rigid plastic N R textiles /-"" pharm. sweepings ceramics y"-", ! ' ... N I:) ... ~ I:) rn _ IliI cc..... "U"Uco CO "TICJ)c,v SlJ C =::::!. :J o ... Ql I:) . . . . . . . , m Q) .?:' u 1': .!;; Ul Ol "" ') ") - ~) What's left in the Waste Stream 1200, o. Pre-Diversion Belleville Trenton Sidney EI Recyclables EI Organics EI Garbage Waste Diversion - Base 1989 700/. 60% 50% 40% 30% . 20% .- 10% .- ( '-'- '-. 0%. Belleville Trenton Sidney l C11991-92 11I1993 II est. 1994 ( IBSods!O EI P81OkJ8t1 m P8lsodw08 II J8l/l0 EI UO!SJaA!O UO!SJaA!o-aJd '0 000 ~ 000 c:: 0008 000 '\7 0009 . 0009 waJs~s Juawa6euew aJseM ( ( ~.. c Waste Management Costs $800 000 $700 000 -- $600 000 -- $500 000 -- $400 000 -- $300 000 -- $200 000 -- $100000 -- $0 ( , , Pre- Diversion Subsidy , I \, No Subsidy - [] Other EI Organics [] Recycle _ EI Disposal ( ~~.- '\ i , -, \ J User Pay Results ') Roadside Dumping Monthly Savings $20000 - $18000 5. ~ 4 -............~...: ~..~ _.. ....-.. .-.- $15000 - $12500 J '~. = "." . _._ __ ~ ....,,"'~'" _n_ , 3--~ ~ ~ $10000.. C '0.. 2 -- !5 IIIIIfIII IIIIIIIIl $5 000 .. u 1-- ~~ 0, i*~. I ~li: $0, 1993 1994 est'd actual User Pay Attitudes Is UP Successful? Bi-weekly Garbage? 100% ~ 1 Of.. 80o/v 70% 69% 80% 60% 60% 50% 40%. 31% 40% 30%.- . 20%. ~7b 20%.- ~1 10%.- 0%. No O%.~ I Yes No Yes . ( I \- ( \.... '\ i / ') , ) Why is Blue Box 2000 Successful? . tools & opportunity are provided . simple and flexible . people are willin~ and eaQe~ to do the work . inteQrated program . promotion, & education . reQulatorv measures . feedback The Cost of Recycling Newspaper . If Ontario Newspaper companies were asked to commit $4,500,000. . 400,000 Tonnes of newsprint recycled each year . Request amounts to 3/100 of a cent/paper * * based on the average paper weighing .275 kg. " \.. ( i " ! ") ') We Can Help . These notes are a supplement to the presentation given by City of Quinte West Councillor, Terry Cassidy, at the 2000 AMO Convention on August 15. . A special note of thanks to Quinte Waste Solutions staff in assisting in preparing this material. . For more information on how Quinte Waste Solutions could help you to increase your municipality's rate of diversion, contact: Terry Cassidy, Chair, Centre & South Hastings Waste Services Board or Rick Clow, Manager of Quinte Waste Solutions - (613) 394-6266 email: quinterr@reach.net ;, -~) , -.-,,\ } -~) , Ontario Waste Diversion Organizatio.n Peter Elwood Chair WDO Board of Directors ') " " , \ '\ / / } Introcuction to WDO ~ Set up by Memorandum of Understanding · signatories: CSR: Corporations Supporting Recycling, Canadian Newspaper Association, LeBO, AMO, Canadian Paint & Coatings Association, Canadian Manufacturers of Chemical Specialties Association · goal- 50% diversion from landfill · 3 overarching tasks · funding formula for curbside · organics, HSW system development · allocating funds to municipalities W DO Organization ~ Board of DirectorS-members drawn evenly from municipalities & industry sectors · 3 Committees · Funding & Regulations · Communications · Programs: curbside optimization, organics, household special waste · 6 meetings-Jan. 13, Feb. 10, April 12, June 14, Aug. 9, Oct. 11 c ( '., ~) '\ / ) w~o Jar~ici-)an-~s ~ Approximately 100 individuals · elected municipal officials · municipal professional staff · industry CEOs · industry technical & environmental staff · RCO representatives wuo ?rogress to Jate ../The WDO Link (March) ../ Guiding Principles for funding (April) ../Round One Call for Proposals (April) ../ CNA Advertising Criteria (May) ../Round Two Call for Proposals (June) ../lnterim Report (June) ../The WDO Link (July) / \ ( , ) '-.-/ ) ~~ounc. One Ca__.__ ~ur Proposa.,s ~ Major aim gather data re funding formula -approved 35 of 102 proposals -distributed $619K funds -curbside, organics, HSW projects -total project value over $ 1 million Round Two Ca: ,- _ for ?roposa~s ~ Major aim to fund implementation of demonstration projects · 78 proposals received by July 12 · for further curbside optimization, organics, HSW projects · allocated $1.4 million , '.., i '---- ( \- ) ~) ; ) Rounc.. T.lree Ca__ ~nr PrO-JOsa..s ~ Major aim phase one implementation of full scale diversion proj eets · Call for Proposals will be released ~his Fall =nterim 3..eJort ~Critica., issues identified · getting to 50% diversion · need to revisit 3Rs regulations · need for regulatory framework · WDO organization after 2000 c l \ -,/ ) , "- ) Which industries are at the WDO table? ~ =nc-us.~ries '~_la-~ Je:_ieve in: · S_larec. ~)ro( .uct/pac_caging stewarc .s.li ) · ta_(ing a ..eac..ers:-li. ~ ro,.e -hope to set example for others not at table "c ,.., ') ") "" ) ~\1unicipalities and the WDO Joan King WDO Board of Directors Co-Chair, Funding & Regulations Committee --....... 1 / ~- '~ ) ~ ) Why is AMO at, the WDO table? · Province initiatec- t_lis MOD · AMO is a signatory · Be_ieve inc-,ustry S_lares res_JonsiJi.ity Who is working for AMO at the WOO? WDO consists of: - Board of Directors -3 committees · Funding & Regulations · Communications · Programs plus task groups ( , { \, '<,~- \ I ! ') --'J Municipal representation on WDO Board of Directors: -Joan King - Peter Partington - Terry Cassidy -John Jardine Councillor, Toronto Reg. Councillor, Niagara Councillor, Quinte West Commissioner, London Municipal representation on WDO Communications: Peter Partington, Reg. Councillor, Niagara Pat Vanini, Staff, AMO Ken Boshcoff, Mayor, Thunder Bay Dennis Brown, Mayor, Atikokan Rob Grossi, Mayor, Georgina Ron Shaw, CAO, Stratford Funding & Regulations: Joan King, Councillor, Toronto Pat Vanini, Staff, AMO Terry Cassidy, Counicllor, Quinte West John Lackie, Staff, Barrie ( ~ Rob Warman, Alderman, Barrie Todd Pepper, Staff, EWSW A Programs: John Jardine, Commissioner, London Terry Cassidy, Councillor, Quinte West Angelos Bacopoulos, Staff, Toronto Mitch Zamojc, Commissioner, Peel Pat McNally, Staff, Ottawa-Carleton Bill Pickard, Staff, Peterborough (County) Richard Perchuck, Staff, Kenora Randy Barber, Councillor, Markham ( ~) .'--.-.- ~ , ) .., \ / Municipal representation on WDO Curbside Recycling: Angelos Bacopoulos, Staff, Toronto Lorna Bissell, Councillor, Brampton Richard Butts, Staff, Toronto Andy Campbell, Staff, Waterloo (Region) Dave Caverson, Staff, Sudbury (Region) Peter Dunn, Staff, Hamilton-Wentworth Michell Gouett, Staff, Simcoe John Lackie, Staff, Barrie Kees Schipper, Commissioner, York (Region) Jay Stanford, Staff, London Peter Watson, Staff, Durham (Region) Organics: Pat McNally, Staff, Ottawa-Carleton Doug Brown, Staff, Marathon Richard Butts, Staff, Toronto Peter Dance, Staff, OriIlia Janet Laird, Staff, Guelph Ron McConnell, Staff, Windsor Clayton Sampson, Staff, Kingston Scott Stewart, Staff, Peel John Smith, Staff, Halton Municipal representation on WDO Household Special Waste: Mitch Zamojc, Commissioner, Peel Marc Collins, Staff, Barrie Susan Alexander, Staff, Hamilton- Wentworth ' Trish Johnson Cover, Staff, Ottawa- Carleton Janine Ralph, Staff, Niagara (Region) Claudia Marsales, Staff, Haldimand- Norfolk Tim Michaels, Staff, Toronto Peter Veiga, Staff, Markham John Rhodes, Staff, Kingston Linda Robinson, Staff, Mono i \- \ ~. ~ ) Commitment to WDO Munici_Ja.. & Incustry- -comp..ete..y voluntary -extension of AMO's work for past c .ecac .e -short timelines keep us focusec. -determined to see this through What"have we learned? , 3 Components in Waste Stream Dry Recyclables (blue box/blue bag) 32%-35% Other (residues) 24%-32% Household Special Waste / (i.e. difficult to manage) <1 % \. Organics (yard and kitchen) 35%-40% ( " ) --,,- -~, I , ) Blue Box/Bag: ,What we know · 32%-35% of household waste stream · in 1999 collected 50%-55% at $ 99/tonne · should be able to get to 2/3rds at slightly higher cost/tonne · recycling alone only part way to 50% diversion target Blue Box/Bag: What we've agreed · municipal/industry share responsibility · 50/50 share of cost of efficient recycling programs · agreed to efficiency standards · funding formula recognizes municipal differences l . ( ., .'" \ / ") ) Funding, Formula · takes into consideration regional differences,. weight & volume - population density - distance from markets · fair for municipalities & industry · currently working on the formula · work led by municipal staff Organics: What we know · about 40% of waste stream - yard waste 40% - kitchen waste & compostable paper 60% · have to collect 700,000 tonnes to get to 50% diversion · emphasis on composting large urban areas · at what cost? l ( . ~ "' ) \ j ') Organics: Wh~t we've agreed · majority munici.~a.l.louse.lo._( res. ~onsi)i_ity · no . Jractica_ manufacturer _in. ( · given costs, wi__ neec. munici_Ja.. ..eac.ers.lip, i.e. toUg_l c.-ecisions HSW: What we know? , · less than 1 % · geographic coverage & participation still not optimal · costs very high - but program essential · best to reduce generation, by: - getting industry to reformulate - getting people to use it up ( ~- -', \ , -~- ) ) HSW: What,we've agreed · a S.larec - approaC.l · Options: - 50/50 or collection/ disposal · interim list re: what's incluc.ec. · working towards a suitable criteria list What's needed to implement these recommendations? · level playing field regs. for industry · new strategies to get to 50% - user fees & organics compo sting · provincial support for municipalities to implement programs · continuation of WDO J (._ l ( "--- .-...\ / '\ , ! ~'\ ) W.-la'~'s nex'~ -ur '~_le W-.JO? · Report due to Minister September 1 - continue WDO programs -long-term funding formula - need for regulations · provincial action needed to continue WDO · full WDO Activity Report end of year What do we, as municipalities, need next? · need province to act on recommendations · need province to extend life of WDO - (at least 5 years) · need equal municipal representation on WDO Board of Directors · need regulations to ensure full industry participation & to help municipalities change c_ ( ~) -~, ) / , ) What do we need to do... , · strong support from AMO & member municipalities for WDO recommendations · be preparec. to stanc. by this. . . we wit. not wa..k away! Workshop~ Governments Going onLine spea\<ers~ . No notes _ Jay Aspln, Councillor, CItY of North Bay and Dr. Joshua Tepper, p A1RO . No notes' John Hodgson, Director TS, Town of ~ Markham and Bllu Misra, BusinesS APpllcatlon Development Manager, Town of Markham Francis \.oUghheed, Facilitator, smartClty cornwall ./" /"'. , FRANCIS LOUGHHEED FACILITATOR SMART CITY CORNWALL AMO Presentation Outline SUMMARY This talk will focus on the Smart City Cornwall project. It will review the circumstances that lead to the formation of SCC and the areas of concentration, and in particular what we have learned as key success factors in building a smart community project. 1. INTRODUCTION a. Personal Background b. Objectives of talk 2. BACKGROUND (--" a. b. c. d. A brief economic history of Cornwall Cornwall Economic Renewal Project Cornwall Regional Technology Council Smart City Cornwall 3. PROCESS a. Community Application Driven b. Focus on using Technology and Telecommunications to deliver services to citizens and enhance economic competitiveness c. Volunteer involvement 4. OUTCOMES a. Five Key Pillars i. Infrastructure ii. Content iii. E-commerce iv. Smart Skills v. Telehealth b. Industry Canada Smart Communities Pilot Project c. MEST: Telecommunications Access Partnerships I , worKshOP: Peter J. Marshall Awards Building and Borrowing 1ronl other's cap\ta\ \deas\ f\nansts: 'The 'Town ot ca\edOn 'The 'Town ot Goder\ch 'The 'Town ot MarKham The Region 01 ottawa-carleton 'The City ot'Toronto see attached NeWs Releases / ~ r p,ssociauOn 01 , , MunicipalitieS .H. 01 ontario $9$ unNersil:l I've, sulle n01 laranla.OI-l I.ISG tE6 tel' (4t6) 971-S856 .""': (416) S7\'.(>:~:: . eroa\\: 3mo@af'1'lOJ'\'\UO\COn"........... N e~~ \te\ea~e ror Immediate releaSe 1 caledon Honoured for Inno,atlon '" 1 ;~: ~sociadon of Municipalities 01 on\300 peter J Wlarsna\\ Niun\cl?a\ \nnovatlon 10roo\0. ont.. J\.Ugust '\S, dZ~,o)~- &f;~:'~.~;:;;:,:r,:,"""'''aO''''''''''''\O,.''''~~ - It< p..wards ~the "Marshall p..war s e I, t od s\<.ateboard ?ar". ,,,,,,II,"' "',,"""""' . ., '" b o,,,,,,,,,,,,lcipa''''' ~,"" on 'hO' "" _"'" ..."" '''''' """".1 ",,,,,,,,IN' ""'rceec';::::;':::;::::'~ ~ ~""~'"' '''~" """IOOS "" ",.1"'''' , 'm?\ementlng new, mO creativlW and success In I t' '\" o' o~ta(lo'S munlcl?a\\tieS as t'neY . \ "",... th' """ N'., . .. ,,,,,0 "hO ;:t:;;'.~:~~~;;~~~~::~:;::~ :":::;::;:.,::::,::,~",,, winning projects are proViding real bene ISO ( \0 lob deoll"": ' ~^' ca' "" """ bY ." ''',', . ,..th"_O''''-''~ · ' ,hO ,"", ~ em"''''''' ."pa1d~'" ,""b:;':~:: ",,;,_ "".- ... "" _"", ",:' :;::'0 ~ ~ ,"'__. " "" b';:"':~' ~ ."" "" \0 ",. ,,0""" \0 ~'~",.:"'~'I"'';.'' hO' b"'" ",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,th ,,""",. .' b" ,,,,,,.._ hO" ",,,, ,old ,0,",,' , municipalities. 10 date, nine mO Ie. demonstrated lrom across Nort'n p..merlca. I 01 'nOw to SU??ort yout'n and . ., p ." ", ",,,,,,,, "^""" ' . '" '0< '111""" I' , """" ,'d'''''''' ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ,,~~ ,,";'.- ",rt"a> """, th" · " · ""''''''"',, '" ,"' <on'" ",I'" 1""""'''' ",."n'" r;:,~: ;;:,~ ;" _. "",n'O"'''''' \0 "",.. "'" on ' .... ,,-" " ""nc . ", - .waro" ",'''' I"'''''''' "'" ~",,,,, '" ~ ''''I< """" COO9''''' eN' "",nlci"'- "'" ";' :: ";",, \5" ."o,,,n,,,1 "",,-"" "'''\' .::;.'" an' "" all-' th' ,", ...",..re _, , ,,, """ \h3' ,,700 """,.'" po .",. """",,,,, can"" In """" ""~ .r~",;,;::~,:,o;:; ",,0, "" "I''''''. " ""~ .:::;~:~\l;,.t ",,,g'''' ",_"",. "" """ , ' ., ,,,,,,,,10,'1,,,,,,,,-'0" . ,m,"'" """" _""""" "" _"a 'r 0 ",. coO'''' \In P"",,","""" p,.""""pa. Cler\<. and Ireasurers 01 ontanO, and t'ne an . .."" .,th _' "",n'opal''''' """"ntln' 7"" """".""" """,Ici""" ~ o,f"''' · ,:,;:;"t~O~ """",,,", "",port and ""'"'" "",,,, a. g5 '" ",n' 0' """,rid' ,,,,,",,,,,,,,,. '" """ effective municl?al government In ontano. . 30 - . d Govemment Re\atio , \. "s pat \/anlni, Director 01 poliCY an . f nlease cootac, IV' . ror ~urtMr \O~or~a.lo~f" 1 ontariO at ~4~6) 97~.9856 ",,"""'0' 01 ,,"nl"'" ." ' 'C,'''''',' ",and, R"" . ," n,"'" ca<O' S""''''' ",.,,,, , "", 0 . .d~tne.d\tOr'. p..ccePtlngt'necert\flca~eos e. p..sslstant Niaoager, fitnesS and \..Ilesw\e. . ^nr. Ulest'1le', and \.,\Sa ?elrs, ,~ ( / ~ (' Association 01 _ , MunicipalitieS . H of ontariO 393 univerSItY Me, suae \701 ,oronto, ON Ili5G 11'6 leI: (416) 971.9656 .laJ<: (416) 971.6191 emai\: :ill'y\o@smo,muniCOro.com News Release i'or immediate release t OVln 01 GoderlCh ,",onoured!Of Inno.at\on BY the />.550cia"on 01 Municipali"" 01 ontario 'o","to. ()Ot.. "".'" <S. ,.00 .. 'OO 'o""."f _'oh '" -:"'0 "'" of twO p".,,,, ,w,ro' " "rt of 'OO '00"" p_ J. 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M"""" MU"'cipa' ,",,,,,,,500 ."."d.l ". ...."h'" ",,,"'.1 c,,"''''''' 0' M."' io ,_0.00 of ,",0","" ""i"""""'~ "' ."""", Markham _ Investor Tool" internet service. Town of Markham Honoured For \nno'llation By The Association of Municipa\ities of ontario For immediate release T", ...""., .."". i. " ,",",' """p_' pro"'''' .Ith "'bmi"'oo, bY 00,,",0 muoiclP'''''' iud'" 00 "'" ct"""" 'M .=- io lmP",m"""" -, m"'" ,"", .n,,"" """ of p""""" pu~i' """",. and facilities. 'Th- ,..,.,. pm""'" ",,,,,,,,, "po,,"o", to .hOW",$ "'" -,,,", of Ool'rlO' ","oiclpol"" " """ wi'" to d.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .ffici,"" .n,,"" mooiclP" "Ni''': .." M""'" Po.'" p".'d"" of ",0. 'Th. .",,"og p"i'cts ". p,0><''109 "" ",,,,,,, to "",I """",,,0"" ,rom "'" ",,'og" to ..,v'" improvements, to iob creation." Th' Towo of M''''"''''' 'E,plo" ....,"'m _10"_ Tool', i. , ""b.b".d ...- .... .,,"" iW"- 10 """. M.",",m'. """,.",. real ....,. 'M _oom\O d'..b.... 24 hOu" ,"Wj, 365 dO'!' ' Y"" ,w.~pro pro ,hIo '0 u.. It" ..mo d,..b"" """ ". TOW'" """ u" 10 -. ""tom m'P' "" graphically detail business and economic data. ,",p,,,. M,,,,",m _. "" muoiclp,I." ",0 u.. , _'" ,,,,,,,,,,,\\on mod'um like th. '0_' '0 dol"''' u,_Io_mi- '0","",,100 aM ..,vi'" '0 "" pUb'\O," "" pow". powe' fu"""...tad...." i. , 10""""""" trOdilkm fo' ","o",poI"" 10 ."'" "". "d ,,,m '"'" "oh 0"'" F"'" ","o",pa",,,.,m ". ,"00 M,,,.h'" """",., .hioh "'clud'" \WO """u...M "".",,,,,,,,,,,of ",,", ,". "._.... ,.-'''' '" Au9"" 15, .,"'0" ,oouol ""'''''''''' ,old atth. OIl"'" C",,,,," caotre 10 ()ttgWO from Au9"" 13 10 ,,",um 16. Mo" "," 1,700 moo,.pal po'."'" 'M ""ff at,""'''' ". ""''''''''''' ,". _d. ". ""',,,,'" by "MO, 'M ""..., of MOO"'P'" ^"",,, "'" l<O""og, fh. Moo'dP'" "",,,,,, Offi- """",_, "'" """d"'''' of ","oi.poI Ad""""-' ". _0 of ","o\olP" M"'''''''' G'''''' 'M T'''''u"", ",d fh' C",.d' Cooo.' "" p"~i~Pri'at. P,dM""i". T"' ","""'00 0' Moo'dpali'" of eotario . , ooo-p,oII' O,g"''''"o, .ito -' ","",",,,." re,"''''''''' 95 P'" "",I of Oola"'" PopuI"''''' ,". m",d.ta ~ "MO " 10 0'0-' .tiPpod "d ",h"'''' strong and effective municipal government in OntariO. . FOI' furtM' 'm"""ati,", p\eO" """"eI' Mo. pat "",'oi, oire"" of Po'''' ",d Go"mm'" Reta'""" Association of Municipalities of ontario at (416) 971-9856 NoI< '0 Ed\tO'. "",,,,,,,, th. G""- of M""."" 0'" eou""'" MaYO<, T_ of M"."m; Jo\tO Hod""o, 0""'101', Iofo,mat"'" ,""'"''''' se~'''''' 'M 6"U M"", M"ao'" ",p"OO\\oo oe".,op","", , - 30- (- /~' / rcr Association of -. ^" Municipalities . d of Ontario -,--. (' , 1\ ews Release 393 University Ave, Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1 E6 tel: (416) 971.9856. fax: (416) 971-6191 email: amo@ama.municom.com For immediate release The Region of Ottawa-Carleton Honoured For Innovation By The Association of Municipalities of Ontario Toronto, Ont., August 15, 2000 -- The Region of Ottawa-Carleton has won a Peter J. Marshall Municipal Innovation Awards (the "Marshall Awards") Certificate of Merit in recognition of innovative achievement for its "Pre-Wetting: Anti-Icing" project. The Marshall Awards is an annual competitive process, with submissions by Ontario municipalities judged on their creativity and success in implementing new, more cost effective ways of providing public services and facilities. "These awards provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the creativity of Ontario's municipalities as they strive to deliver increasingly efficient, effective municipal services," said Michael Power, President of AMO. "The winning projects are providing real benefits to local communities from cost savings, to service improvements, to job creation," /...--,' The Region of Ottawa-Carleton's "Pre-Wetting: Anti-Icing" project has made winter roads safer with less salt. The Region first tested pre-wetting technology - which means a brine solution is sprayed onto the salt just as it hits the spreader, to make the salt stick to the road surface and work faster. Then they adapted it for use in the nation's capital. By combining pre-wetting with an innovative and sophisticated road weather information and forecasting system, the Region has improved the effectiveness and efficiency of their snow and ice control operations. "This winning project has led to safer roads, less salt, a healthier environment and reductions in the Region's operating and material costs," said Power, "It's a terrific example of progressive winter maintenance in a province where winter weather can be quite severe," Power further stated that it is a longstanding tradition for municipalities to share ideas and learn from each other. Five municipalities won the 2000 Marshall Awards, which included two plaques and three certificates of merit. The Awards were presented on August 15, at AMO's annual conference held at the Ottawa Congress Centre in Ottawa from August 13 to August 16. More than 1,700 municipal politicians and staff attended the conference. The awards are sponsored by AMO, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Municipal Finance Officers Association, the Association of Municipal Administrators, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers and the Canada Council for Public-Private Partnerships. The Association of Municipalities of Ontario is a non-profit organization with member municipalities representing 95 per cent of Ontario's population. The mandate of AMO is to promote, support and enhance strong and effective municipal government in Ontario. /~, I - 30- " For further information, please contact: Ms. Pat Vanini, Director of Policy and Government Relations, Association of Municipalities of Ontario at (416) 971-9856 Note to Editor: Accepting the Certificate of Merit were Bob Chiarelli, Regional Chair, Region of Ottawa-Carleton; Mike Sheflin, Environment and Transportation Commissioner; Bill Beveridge, Director, Infrastructure; Larry O'Keefe, Manager, Right-of-Way Branch; and Mohamed Alkoka, Operations Engineer. / rc r- Association of ~'~ Municipalities 'd of Ontario ~- , ~~ ews Release 393 University Ave, Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 tel: (416) 971.9856. fax: (416) 971-6191 email: amo@amo.municom.com For immediate release City of Toronto Honoured for Innovation By The Association of Municipalities of Ontario Toronto, Ont., August 15, 2000 - The City of Toronto has won one of two Plaque Awards as part of the annual Peter J, Marshall Municipal Innovation Awards (the"Marshall Awards"), The Marshall Awards recognizes the high level of innovative achievement demonstrated by "Eva's Phoenix," a homeless youth housing project. The Marshall Awards is an annual competitive process, with submissions by Ontario municipalities judged on their creativity and success in implementing new, more cost effective ways of providing public services and facilities, "These awards provide an excellent opportunity to showcase the creativity of Ontario's municipalities as they strive to deliver increasingly efficient, effective municipal services," said Michael Power, President of AMO. (-" "The winning projects are providing real benefits to local communities - from cost savings, to service , improvements, to job creation." Eva's Phoenix, a converted warehouse in Toronto, offers "townhouse-style" living for 50 homeless youth. The youth are also involved in an employment training program sponsored by the corporate sector and labour partners. After living at Eva's Phoenix for up to one year, the youth have the employment and life skills to make the transition to an independent, self-sufficient life. Eighty-three percent of the youth who have gone through the program have found full time jobs, and 98 percent have secured their own housing. The City of Toronto donated the building and capital funds, and covers the facility's operating costs. "Affordable housing and homelessness are serious concerns to Ontario's municipalities," said Joan King, Councillor, City of Toronto, who accepted the award on behalf of the City. "Eva's Phoenix is a wonderfully successful program that can help homeless youth find their way by offering training and housing:' King further stated that it is a longstanding tradition for municipalities to share ideas and learn from each other. Five municipalities won the 2000 Marshall Awards, which included two plaques and three certificates of merit. The Awards were presented on August 15, at AMO's annual conference held at the Ottawa Congress Centre in Ottawa from August 13 to August 16. More than 1,700 municipal politicians and staff attended the conference. The awards are sponsored by AMO, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Municipal Finance Officers Association, the Association of Municipal Administrators, the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers and the Canada Council for Public-Private Partnerships, /~ , The Association of Municipalities of Ontario is a non-profit organization with member municipalities representing 95 per cent of Ontario's population. The mandate of AMO is to promote, support and enhance strong and effective municipal government in Ontario. - 30- For further information, please contact: Ms Pat Vanini, Director of Policy and Government Relations, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, (416) 971-9856 Note to Editor: Accepting the plaque were Joan King, Councillor, City of Toronto; Bob Ferguson, Manager, Capital Projects; Dan Hardyn, Project Manager; Doug Reid, Manager, Marketing and Special Projects; Ian Somerville, Project Contractor; and Maria Crawford, Executive Director, Eva's Phoenix. '- o ..... c.n ~ ~ ct. % z .... fi c:. e"C. ta ~ % .9- C c:. o Cl) 0 .s ~6.~ ~"C.S%~ .... Cl) u 'Q) U.1 ~6e"'Cl) ~~;58~ ~~5~o o (0.- '- .,.. ~~~~~ ::to ~ c:. .- '(adEf1S ~~:;(I)'a '- ! \0 ~ . . 0- . . c.n 0 '- ~ ~ ~ \0 '- Cl) 0 ~ ~ i '~ \, a: w l- ~ >- z w $ w :2 z .-J a: z <( w 0 CJ w a.. L1- ~ - <( 0 (j) () z :2 z <( w - .-J a: :2 ~ ::) a: a.. :2 a: <C C) $ ~ 2 w z \. . - . I \. l_ New Rules for Water August 15, 2000 Association of Municipalities of Ontario THE FALL-OUT FROM WALKERTON Enpro Associates Speaking notes for Mark G. McKenney Presentation to A.MO Conference OnAWA, August 15,2000 ~', y-lTRODUCTlON ( Slide 1 .2 . Title of Presentation & Who is Enpro ) , A. ,. ."'~ "_,,,,,,,, i..,ID~ ... ci.i' ,W" "'" ,,"00," "" "'~ ,f "" "". of M', " Walkerton' actually more correctly _ the Municipality of Brockton', specific issues are emerging which are going to profoundly impact municipal administration and governance for the next several years. , E"'" ",,~"re' _ _ '""'" Oy "'" - Mmre T"'- LLP - W""",,', ,,~, ~-' , W, = ,.Wi', M"'" Th~" ,,'. "" of ,,"'... '''' T'~ ~ --" ,.-, ~re"" ,d' .ioki., water. and ensuring its compliance with regulatory requlfements. Miller Thomson is also assisting W,,'~oo i' " ,~p'.'" re offici" "~ID""'. Oy P''"' ""..i'. ", ., Mi,"'" ,f ,. Eo.i"'"'' Port of" ,.i~~" " .,~ re ='" W.,"'MO f. """ """".,,,, " i",,., "'" public hearings in to the eyents under examination, and in the defense of any claims that may arise. ; p. o..i~ _'" f .. ,,,,,.mod fr'. ",.",,, '" ,f'" ,,","" """,, " w.re, ~,.mi"'oo i' Walkerton, but 1 am in a position today to make some comments on how the faU-out from Walkerton can be expected to impact Ontario municipalities. Slide 3 _ Examples of Cases fl.andled (Walkertonl Sarma! Kingston etc) , M~' ,f w"', , = ,.", re ore= '"'" ,. ","", "''' "" ""j= ,f _. w~'''oo " ..",""" in news releases from Queen's Park. 1 understand that Rod McLeod, senior counsel with Miller Thomson's Enyironmental Law GroUp "P"""'" "'" m",,';o"'" of B"","", "'" '" Mo"" of W """" , "'~ Tho=~, wm ""of< "l'>O _=w "" ili" _, ,_'" _, ,f "",.",.- "'" =i_OO' """ """ ili" tragedy. (~ 4 6 ,_"~. ._ ,"" ili, ."i~'" <"..-' " re." m .",""U ~w"~ ~, '"0''''' ,~ policies eyen before the 0' Connor commission has begun, or completed ,its formal Inquiry , , ' = Wi'. ili' "" ="ci"," ,,~ ,,,.. =" of ,00 "'~ Po"," uillJ<y C="'"'oo' ,-" 0'-" "'. _ _ ", "",,""00 ~=,._ B'" ... ",,,,..." ,,' '" " ow"", ,J'" wm" "'~ "'""'~ _ "'" 1 wm "'"' m ""'. i" mo-' loa""'''' ""<', .,,'ci"'''" -'"' with the terms of Bill 35, are contemplating bringing the waterworks under direct municipal control or alternatiyely, contracting with an outside agency. My remarks today will be appropriate for many of those situations as welL g Now let's e,,-amine what municipalities can e,,-pect in the wake of Walkerton, (r Princlpal: David Kerr (613) 476 - 1985 EnPro Associates Remarks of : Mark McKenney (416) 483 - 5438 NeW Rules for Water August 15. 2000 .~) AssocIation of Municipalities of Ontario DlSCVSSION: (Slide 4 ) 9 MUNICIPALITIES CAN EXPECT GREATER REGULATORY SCRUTINY Water Treatment Sewage TreatlUent and Sludge Disposal Waste Disposal Sites Septic System ProgralUS Feet management, chemicals, odour ete M' " "'. .""., ... ", "',,"" ,. ,,,., "'-- ~ ","~~"" "',,' i'ct"'''' i",,""'f .,,<i', ._ ,,,,,,, W' "'~ "'" "","''' "" .,iOf; W "' .'" ,i",,"' i, - i",,""" " ,,,, ",i\if'" '" _ d,,,,,",i', i, "oil ,,,,,e""" ",,-, w, .w ",",' ""i, .""fi",,,,, W "'- ,,.,,,i. " ,,,",, ".". ,_,,,,, ",,". "". .,. '" " ~""" ' Th" i,d"," 0" "f> """,,,,, corporations. but also it's offIcers and directors; . read, Mayor, council and senior lUanagers. A __ _ ,.. M'" _,i""". ... _,of · "''''' u- .,.f>w "'" ,Oi'" ",,- " __ ,_""", ... ", ,.,"" " _i.wf i"","" "d ,,_., ,ro- Si"" -, ,_.i. d",,",,"". ,", ~..."".... "",,,,,,,,, "". wi'" ."".-0" ,,,"' '" "" ,_ ,,, ..n" w f.' ,'W ,," _fi_ .. ",oct i'_ ,ro."" '" _"oJifio> " -- their by.law. (SlideS) MUNICIPALITIES CAN EXPECT TO RECEIVE MORE FIELD ORDERS Thi< "" ""." ,_ wi" '" _, Mi. of "",,,,,,,,, " ",,;oi"" W_ ,,-' ~,=, _"'" Wof""'"' ''''' MaE ,_" """ f.~'" "M,"",'oJi""" "., ,UC. -", ...iOf i.","'"' .m" ","""of do,.,.i. ."' _ "",,,,-,. ., ,-_. ",,,,,,- '" i"''''''' fuff''''''' "', """ .. 'of"" "~Of. "'" "' wi'" ,_ ,"', ." " ,,,,,", ,.., f,'"'''' d,...if'" '" """ w_ "..n, "'f' ~,,",, w'''' '" ",.i.""i" "' ,.W' "'" ,"if ..... ",'W", 0' recommendations. , ',-~,/ 10 10 "" MOE d'~ ,",od Fi'" "'... .m" .","""'"' ,,,,,-' w'" ," ,Of'" "' "". ~ ,."" " ""= ",,,if'." .i.i. . op<ci""' fim' 'Of "', =" '"' Of, -""~ '" - .wf .. ,,"," """"", """"",,, i..' prl_ "'",, .Of ",.. ,,,w .. ",,"" · ,,-, ._, ,,,' applied to lUuniclpal works. fiod ""'" = 00' "' "' .- ''''''' Th- - ,... i.'- "Of" -' ., ,"'""""' "' ,,;0"' E"fro- """"" .",,,", ,fiff _''''' "" full"" .. -" wi,. "'" ,ffio<' ,",wi"""'"'' the potential for penalties for the violation which gave rise to the order. (Slide6 ) " MUNlCU'ALrrJES cAN ""ECf ..""'ONS TO CERTIFlCATES Of ""ROV AL "'"' ".."" """". " ,,_od .. _, "" ,ood""'" MOE _ Cmif""'" ,f ^- eo"""" Of, i, "" "" _ '" ."" -" ,"d<' diof"" "" ,'" "" "lid ."'" d"""' M'" ,f fh- M_' "" ,,_ ,", ., " """.iro ,-' "."'"", M.., = - 00 ""''''' ",,,,.,",, .,,,, "'" ",<..n, ,,,,","" " MOE w". .. ",",ici,.." w.""" "'ii' ,-' ,i.. The MOE itself has been deficient in updating C of A's. As a result of WalkertOn. there has been an admission that lUanY municipal approvals for water treatlUent systelUS fail to specify compliance """",,,,," wi. "', """', !>i"'o, W"", O.joo".' ,"p~ "" " ,""", N'w ",...,.. - regular updates of C of A's, J PrinCipal; David Kerr (613) 476 - 1985 EnPro Associates RelUarks of ; Mark McKenney (416) 483 - 5438 AUguS\ 15.2000 NeW Rules for water MSoda\iOn of JV\un\ci\la\l\ieS of On\ano , ' " ~ ... ",",'''' ".'","""~ """" "" _,I' ,,~ Ioci"\I W' ",d,U ,,,,,, ..,,,,, ~II ,- wi" ,"" " "'" odd'"". _d' I" ~"''''' " ,,,"'" " rnanagers ",\ll \lrobabl~ fInd \ha\ \he~ ff "" ""~ere ",ill likel" be addi\ional seU re\lor\\ng , d I I b al"sis and s\a tra\lllna. ". ' . _'" ~I< ,II, ' ~ '" "OE "". ;,." " I< _ """", "" - "",,,, ""'.-" -,' ,,,,,,""'.,,'''' '" ' I ' \ '^"'" _I · "",'01""" " - ~I- ,"","_" ." Aaa\n C of A'S are \ega lns\IUrnen s " . J,;" ,,,,,... ",",'" ~, ,"",,'" '" "''''' """ .,\ " """", ;:;:'id.,""", C" "","CT ",0" ""O_-",T oCTlO,," " ' '\\' , \~ """",,, ,"" ,_"" w'" """~" """~ . '" ".. " _ I ~ ,.. _nt ~ ~ '~",. ,",,'" . ... ~-"",,, ~d """'"'" '=" . ,,,_ ,\ "OE...... ,~'" , "''' " . -,~ " "",,",""'" """"," - w'," "",,,,'' "'''"..".'''''~ '': '.' ""." ",",," -"," ",.,,,,m"~ have been a fe'" rnunwWal \lroselcu\\olns 0 er",n nIl cOlUnared aa.;(ns1 the \lriva\e sec\or" We e"\leC\ that \0 been lUore \oleran\ of lU\ln'C'\la v'o a\lons e" " change. . """ 0 "" "I_' ""I'''''' \I ,,~"" .- Bi'IS' .,99' \, ",,,,, " ._.,," .. . ~_"'" '" 01"'1 ".-, '^",' .., "I, " ...'" ",;"" 001"'" ^""" Ad"'"'~~~' "'. ", .01<' ofWOI,"." - .., """" 0 "0" haS not vel been \lu\ IU\O \lraC\ICe, '" e eXl"'c\ t a, \n tOOl of MaE. in colU\lelling cOll1\lhanCe. 12 14 ~b.,""", C'" "","CT "",,,,CL'L . """""""" cUtJ'GIlS , " , rlw" ..'" II ~, _, \I, 01' " ,- "., If adverse environlUen\al eX\lenencesd,n t e ,8 act to the W alkerlon u:aged~ b)' im\losing lUore stringent munici\lal f,nanclal and ,nsurance \lroV\ ers WI re re<:\uirelUen\5. . " "."'''' .\ .~,,"" "","'" .,,, ",,,,,,, "" """". " W,,- """""",dooC' ,ort'! ,,- ,,- """... prl~' ~'" '" .' ~I, · ..., "",,,,I, ",,,,, "...""," ~ .-.~' " ~~"., 01 '" " .""" II """", \0 0 fundamental s\e? ,,, the due dlhgence.\l \" 'h ld be adO\ltina auditin" ?",otocols as a lUeanS of self ""_ "...'iI'" 0 ,",,'" ...~I'" ," ' ~ ,,' \lfO\eCtlon _ for both the corporation and staff. 'f"""" CA.!'! Y;Xl'ECr'GREA.'fER l'U"6L1C SCRUTINY ",,,,"CD"" ~. ' " m "I .~" ,f ~_..oC A" ~," .\ W,,_., " TI< ,""" do......"~ ~_., ,,:,.\,~ ",..,;; ,_.\.- .,,,,,,,,, "", " -.... . .,- """,". ." :.~ "",,,.... ,..,. "",p' '" ,-"", ",,,,,,. " dollY ,,_ _~""' ..1"""'"" .." ."" f'" __ -" "..",.. "" II< do",1 cl web sites or through telCCOlUlUUn\Catl0ns, pe \lre\l FreedolU otlnfonnatiOn re<:\uestS handled b)' staff. \3 ~." ( 15 ( """ ,",0" .R1" 01$ ."os<C"TlO", . . ",,,,"CD' O"trIIlS "'" """"", ,ffi ".""""", ,",0< .'.. ",,"" "" .",.""~" over \he \last 4 or 5 ~ears, concurrent w,l s a ~n" nd \lenalt1'es aa~inst environmental wrongdoers, In . ... rl' \0 see\<. conv,CtlOns a ~. f ".. "''''. "", .. "., . ,f< ",_,,\ _, ~.. - II< """ """"', ... C". ,\ "",,",' ". .~'''i ;;:~, ,,,.n""" 10,. -,,,;..,, ... ,..."""'" such actions. 'fhese grOUPS have \n"e bed" '~'m' C :.;,.. "",_"" ,,- """"", "" "" \0 '" such as \\1e Sierra Legal Defense un an e a taken seriousl~, l'rinci\lal: David lZerr (613) 416- 19?,5 r"" i , Eufro A,ssociates RernarkS of: }Aark JV\cK.enne~ (416)4?,3-543B p,ugU5\ \5.2000 ) NeW Rules for water ^,SOc\anon of Munlcipahtie5 of ontario U " " ~"". ,... '" mm' .""oM 0<1""~' " "''' ",-""" U ~... ,~d of ",--' "~ f b' t mo"e mun\'clPoli"" ""'''' -" '" .,. ,~,,"" w ~-~' .0" actors com \ne 0 .~ 0 prosecutions, 6.\ -' M '" pro"~'" g~oM-' ,- - "w;, ".", ~ ,~, ""'" ",,,,,,,~ '."'" ~ .' I" ."e e"""ct l'nc<eoced effort by 50me env\ronmenta\ organ\Zaflons \n 5eeK\ng to launch rounlC\pa \\le5, ~ ~y- . ~ private prosecutiOn5. f ".M' of I oi"""'" ),0,,,",,,,, "" ''''.c''''' " ,,""",'," .ff "",m"""" "",..,", 0"" _,,, wi. ~ff ......, , .' I""'. w"", I."" '" "'... prosecutor' 5 mill ' ' ' ' ,.," w ,,,,,,ry. M"",,'" ,"" ' .,m"ff' P''''f ,"'" "'" ",,",'k '" oli, "",""" "". "'" w", " ."," ,,,"."" " .....'" ",ff'" '"',,,.., ~..~ 6.2 16 (Slide 10) ~ S"PEClAL WORD TO RURM.-l'Ii--UNICIPALITIES M ",,, ,I"" ~ .ff '" ~ff ,wro' '" _",,>y. ,-"'" """"i. -'" . fro',:" -' ' '" """"" '" "'," "",,,"'W i' _ _ ,f 0''''' "".." '''". "",,, ,"' _m' """" ,,. "wi'o''''~' c,""'"'o""'" '" _~" -.. '" 0< -", '" ""'w ,",'~'" m ,. wi'" ^' '" ,.f_' ,,"'''' " W."","' " I"" ,-,,,, O'Om'm "of-" '" """" w;ff " "","'" i"~' "",,""'0' ..",.. _.~_." "',," I- F ba de\eoates "Nutrient Management" i5 a polite and politicallY correct teffl1 for ref~renctng or our ur no' . ' h' I f '1' _~ ",,_' "" ."".., "...., .",~"",,,"" ,,,,,, '"' " oliO ,,,,,do . ..'~ "" ,m" " well. S<>'" 0'"'' """"".,." '0" ._PWl " _" '" ,,,,," """".0<' ,- ~" i._'." _, '" _"" .,,,,",' __ .,.L'" """"'."" .,."'~ ",,", '" "'" of ''''~''' f""" ",,'.' ,. '" ",..w, ,,,,,,"" " "M' .."'" -' ," ,'" .. fmID ,,"" ." """".. ,"""n, .._ ,,,,,,, """" M' ,,'.'''''' ..- I. ,."''''' -'"'" ... '" ~..", ",,,," issuing a building pennit for the barn. ^'", " I"" '''' ,,'" ,,'0'''' wi" wm" wo'" """,is "'~ """,,", "'. ,,,. .,.",~ ~ ,,~ ,,.., . "'''''' '" _rio, .f . """"''''" . "" ." """ '" """""'" ...""',, ,,,. _""",. m"" m"'''''''''' "''' od"",' . ,"om, "" . ,.<rim c.."", .," ",wi .f""'~' .no' . _". " ",._"" of.'" '''''' _" ,... flo""" m",m ",0'" .. ,,,, m. . 1..';' . ." ,.'""'" ." '" ,,"" i' . ,.. ."wo. "" ""' do ""' u'" 0"" '"'" ,,,,,.'" ",,,,,. " '" - ,I ,,,,... -., " " 0< woO<> fl'w .. wiff """.. ,~il' ,.. _0. '""'" ~ _, _"'_ __if' M ,.-" ," do~"."" of "" .",."" "",.., ",,,,, '"' """ ,,. .-," - "" '" "'_... '..-" B" " " _ "''' "'_"" ".. """" '" loft " 0< ,... ","" ro.' ..i"P"". ...,,,,,, "'di'''' ..,iro- ,,,,,... ." i" ill' ",",,,,,,,,,,. ~ """,... ,,;. .n """",," '"' "'" 0< ",,,,,"~ ""p""'O' '"' ..I"-~) ,"",..." "". ,-" .-"''' .,.L'W " ," · entail. Similar to an urban sewer use by.law. R'" ,,_ """ "''' . w"" . ... " ., _w """ "" wrt ,f ",,,"'~ ..,,_. '" , wifi "",,, ,..'" ""~, ,,_' ..""" ,,,., . '"' .- Of. ""~"'. ,",,-, ,..-""'"'' .- . ""..'m .. "'" "'" -"",,," """ "",,""" "',,- Prl1\cipa\: David Rerr (6\3) 416 - \985 BuPro Associates RemarloS of " MarK McRenney ,"~, ~~; _ 5438 New Rules for Water Association of Municipalities of Ontario August 15.2000 /"--"" 17 ( Slide 11 ) SEPTIC SYSTEM PROGRAM At the outset of this presentation I mentioned septic systems as an area which requires increased vigilance from some municipalities. This regulatory program was divested by MOE in 1998 and placed under the Ontario Building Code. although still subject to regulations under the Environmental ProtectIOn Act. Many municipalities entered inca agreements with private contractors, Conservation Authorities, or area Health Units for delivery of the program. Some municipalities opted to administer the program themselves using their Own staff. Remember. where there's septic systems - there .is generally wells, or water courses which may supply drinking water. This is a program which comes with surprising liability potential - cattle and hogs are not the only animal which pass E. Coli in its waste! 18 (Slide12) Inspection. An Official Visit When an MOE staff member appears at your doorstep you must recognize that they are there as PrOvincial Officers. with certain obligations to administer and enforce the environmental laws of the Province, This is not 'just a cup of coffee" visit. nor should it be interpreted as such. Provincial Officers have exceptional powers to sample, examine, and determine compliance with legislation. 19 (Slide13) An Investigation - What's The Difference? '~" An investigator is also a Provincial Officer - but they have a much different role, Whereas an "Abatement" or other MOE staff member is there to determine compliance and assist in bringing voluntary measures forward - and investigator is there to determine whether a violation has occurred that warrants prosecution. Before ,this visit - "Abatement" staff may have tried the voluntary approach. They may have issued warning letters or Field Orders. Y OUf obligation is to co-operate with the investigations, however there are practical limitations available to you as a potential witness or defendant. For instance as a potential defendant - you have a right to legal counsel during an interview with an investigator and you are not required to sign admissions or statements unless YOll want to. 20 ( Slide 14 ) What is Due Diligence As with all laws in Canada, the Charter of Rights & Freedoms applies, This means that you are protected from incriminating yourself and have the right to legal representation, The onus is on the Crown to prove the offense "beyond a reasonable doubt". With environmental offenses this MUST include an element of fault. This component is often the best means of protection for a potential defendant. Due Diligence means showing that you were taking all the steps necessary to comply or prevent the infraction from occurring III the first place, The test can be summed up as " What would a reasonable person have done to prevent this offence from occurring?" Municipalities can " prosecution- proof" themselves, to some extent. by preparing strong due diligence arguments and by implementing responsible environmental practices in advance. But these policies and actions must be documented before events ovenake you. ?'" ; , I EnPro Associates Remarks of; Mark McKenney (416)483 -5438 PrinCIpal: David Kerr (613) 476 - 1985 AUgust l5, 2000 , ,~ New Rules for water ASsociation of "Muniei?"lities of ontariO " ( SOd"" .... .' ..' <0<<""''''''''''''''''' M'''' ..... ",po_,' ' ...... f":'." '" "",,,,,,, of.n "",,,,,,,,,,,~, ";::,:" rP m """ m ~<O ""@,.. "" ~O' , "" :;.,':,0'''' ' '" , " '0 ~,o<O ' '"' f""":: ~" ,,,,,, m"""""" ,- ,,"-" """d"."'. _.,,,,,._,~,,,_o~'.'" <of~""" - "''' ,0' of _0"-' '""'7 """",, ,"" of "m ,.,.,""'\"'. ' ,:.: '" .od""'" ,,,,,, ,..Iiii<' " ,,,.., .\1> ' .' '.",,, 'I'" """ ill~ "'" - · ""' . "'" Dm"",",' "".. no.'''''' .",._'\ '7:'" if" ",' "'. 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" (""",,) .." _ "''' oO~,,,, ;'''' .._.... '" ",oW p" ~ Cl ",..."''' .. .... . , . ., '," ..' _"",. "",' .,U " "". ",.... "'" u -""" "',"':'~~ :::;::",;::;::'..i _ '" ;:''''': '''::,; ;::,::;:',:l;~; haS 'oeen In rnan11e' 1 w v in nteventing legal actIons. ,ou a SO 0 "l' " "ou can go a ong a, r ' "due "I tgence , , the highest ?ossi'ole standar"s. ..' '" "" ",,-' -" . .","" . '" .. """ {; ". '''' "", '" " )0' d' ","," ,,,,.,,,.. .."", "''' '" -, a'ole to "rovide such adv,ce. . . " ",,",0. ~",..",,'" ~"", ",- ,,, 25 \SW1e l: ~lanning, , docUment\n\', and ua\ning ever10nel'nt:~l~nd abOve all the env\ronmeut we all share. D, r _ .. s vour mUUlC",a' , ~ will "rotect yourself, 10ur clt\l'en , , - ?r\nei?a\: Dav\d Rert (6l3) 416 - \9%5 'thank 10u. Enfro i\ssodates Remarts ot : "Mart "McRenney _^ ,,438 ( , ( " c ':1 /"', ( , Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation Presentation to: 2000 AMO Annual Conference By: Jim J, Smith (416-327-2702; smithji@ene,gov.on.ca) Standards Development Branch & Bill Gregson (416-8462; gregsobi@ene.gov.on.ca) Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment /':-.,u'gust 15 20nn .. ,-.......... I., (,..--,' 1 Intent of the Regulation II Restore public confidence in Ontario's drinking water supplies II Provide force of law to ensure compliance with requirements r" i . ~. 2 '''' Scope I Application / <../ .. Regulation, under OWRA, applies to "large water works": ... Serve 6 or more private residences; or ... Provide more than 50,000L per day ... Capable of supplying water at a rate greater than 250,000 Iitres per day 1t.'S~i'~~ :tit. :..::~rWM ...........::::.......... :1M~:~::.:;:;~:~: 3 i '.--..,./ .. Water Works - Key Requirements · Health based standards · Minimum level of treatment and enhanced chlorination requirements · Mandatory sampling requirements · Analysis by accredited laboratories · Notification for exceedence/indicators of adverse water quality · Public notice · Quarterly reports · Public access to information · Document and record retention · Review of municipal water works .......J 4 (~\ , ' Health Based Standards · Regulation contains the following health-based standards: l> 76 - chemical parameters ... 3 - microbiological parameters ... 78 - radionuclide parameters · In addition there are 23 aesthetic objectives and operational guidelines listed in the Ontario Drinking Water Standards ,.'.',.,. .;!;~';.~~' ; tildljjJli ]_:;:;~~:~~:;i:~ 5 ("'--..,,-, Minimum level of Treatment Requirements · Ground Water - disinfection · Surface Water - chemically assisted filtration and disinfection (or equivalent) · Water entering distribution system or plumbing- chlorination (or equivalent) and persists (-", . 6 Minimum level of Treatment .....-,/ · Previous Approvals with a Variance .. New regulation requirements apply if approval issued before August 1,2000 · Compliance .. If not minimum treatment immediately before August 1,2000: - Comply by December 31, 2002 - Notice of Action Plan and Timetable by October 31, 2000 1,,1."::::;;; :':~~':" .,:.:.~:~<~<.:.:.: '!~iI:::~:W:~:!: 7 I \'--..../' . Minimum level of Treatment Criteria for Applying for a Variance: · Applies to Ground Water only · Application must include: .. Resolution of Council (if municipality) .. Written consent of MOH .. 24 month sampling .. Hydrogeologist's report - Land use impacts .. "Reasonable Notice" of public meeting for users .. Comments from public meeting & owner's response .. Standby disinfection equipment and chemicals {II' ._J 8 .""--'" Ontario Drinking Water Standards Procedure B-13-3 Chlorination of Potable Water Supplies in Ontario · Replaces MOE Bulletin 65-W-4 · Chlorination requirements for: ,. Groundwater ,. Groundwater under the influence of surface water ,. Surface Water ,. Distribution systems (Maximum/Minimum} · Adopts concentration x time (CT) concept for disinfection · Provides for "effective" contact time .:1~!! w,,_m :~:!B:~;!::I~;E 9 ''''--'', i Mandatory Sampling and Monitoring Requirements · 78 parameters require monitoring. The requirements are set out in Schedule 2 of the regulation. · C of A may require additional monitoring beyond these parameters · There is no variance for a reduction in monitoring when a chemical has not been measured /-", 111 10 ",II Analysis by Accredited Laboratories i '.........-' Background · Analysis of a required parameter must be conducted by a lab accredited for that parameter · Includes private AND municipal labs · Currently, there are approximately 35 labs in Ontario accredited for one or more required drinking water parameters I~.~:~;;:~;,! -.,.......:-:...~..;.. F1MP?~:.+ 11 , / '----- Analysis by Accredited Laboratories Timing of Accreditation Requirements: · Microbiological parameters immediately · Interim approval of laboratories conducting microbiological analyses that are in process of being accredited until October 31, 2000 · "Deemed" accreditation for certain chemical parameters until October 31,2000 · "Deemed" accreditation for other chemical parameters until February 28, 2001 'II / :'..<'.....,.<........;.. '''- :~~\.;.:~~f~~:fl~ . 12 Il-na1ysiS bY Il-ccredited \...aboratories 1'l01i\lcauOo o! ChaOge io LaPoralorf. . ..AOE.':{ t\le'J c\lange \abS ior an . owner .must notl1'J \IV' t ~ da'" bet ore a sample is aoaiVZed accredIted test, at eas' . . d to 1of'Nard a\\ resu\ts to t\le . ine iabOra\ol'/ ""ii be reQuIre . d d 10 \\1e o"",er !.tOE 61 lhe same time \\1eV are p(O'l1 e Otner consldera\iOns', .' . db ontinuOuS on~\lne monltonng . par~metertSlemegatsu~~bdi\} ;j,lorine residual) are e)(emjll eQulpmen , ..' ,. '\ . Licensed ol"'ralors can lesl \Of SpecillC parameters on Sl e leg iulbidilV. pi'\. cOlonne) . . ne'" iicence \Or '",aler qua1iIV analVsI" ",ill be es\a~~sned p... \' ~ "'bo'fe n"'rameters under Regu\atlon ~" lOr anaVslS 0'. .. y. '""'" \ _ Il-nalytical "tests performed \ On- Site 13 ("" i . persoos peoor01iOg routioe aoal'j\iCal lests 00 sile at \l)e !aci1iti O1USt hold a valid 1I<,eOse. , Class I. II, III, N water treat01eOt I water d\stf\but\On . , \IIIater (\ualiti aoal~st (oeW l,ceOse) Re(\Uif801eo\S !or waler (\ualiti aoal~st t ~ear e1<perieoce perfor01iOg water lests Grade ~ 2 or eGU\\}a\ent pass exam . ~ ~ ~ /-'.... ! . 14 Notification of Exceedences/lndicators of Adverse Water Quality Responsibilities of Labs and Owners: '-"/ · Laboratories still required to immediately notify water works owner, MOE, and local MOH if analytical results exceeds the health-based standard or indicates adverse water quality · Owners conducting analysis on site must do the above AND must notify MOE and local MOH when they have been notified by the laboratory \. 15 ',-,' L' Notification of Exceedences/lndicators of Adverse Water Quality Responsibilities of Labs and Owners: · Notification must be done by informing a "live" person · MOE to use Spills Action Centre · Local MOH will use on-call system · All notifications must be followed up in writing within 24 hours 1. , ,.../,' 16 r Notification of Exceedencesllndicators of Adverse Water Quality /"", Responsibilities of MOE and Local MOH: · Local MOH responsible for declaring water unsafe and issuing boil water orders or other actions · MOE responsible for requiring owner to take corrective action ijl(~ .,..~m 'lm!~!:!~:~:~~- ('" 17 Corrective Action · The owner must take the appropriate corrective action in the event of an exceedence of a standard or an indicator of adverse water quality · These actions are specified in a schedule in the Regulation and may include: .. resampling .. increasing chlorine doses .. flushing water mains · In addition, direction may also be given by the MOE or local MOH (~ I!!~ .~~:~JjM@W ..................... :~_~;~!:t~~ 18 Public Notice , I """'/ Must be posted in a prominent location if: · microbiological sampling requirements not met · corrective action has not been taken for an indicator of adverse water quality Prominent locations could include post offices, general stores, municipal buildings, cable TV etc. n.YLI :U:".. .:~:m~\-:;~i "~'':-'''''''''W'''''' ~_tH~~i;! 19 j .--" Quarterly Reports Background: · A brief report summarizing information that the water works is required to collect · First report due October 30, for July-Sept 2000 period Content of Report: . Basic water system and source information Summary of analytical results State of compliance with this Regulation and Ontario Drinking Water Standards Definitions, educational information (optional) iB ',----...-,,/ . . . 20 " ~", r ' , Quarterly Reports Report Availability: . Report must be sent to MOE Director within 30 days . Requires effective steps be taken to inform the public of report availability . Report copies must be made available free of charge upon request and be available for inspection . Systems serving> 10,000 persons must post on Internet I""."""", ""',,"V'" "" ':":.~f.;.">' - ,,",", IJr,;,!~;;j, 21 "'---'" ! Public Access to Information Information Must Be Made Available for I nspection by the Public: · Quarterly reports · Analytical lab report or in-facility monitoring data · Every C of A, order, or directive that is in effect . A copy of the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS) document · A copy of the Regulation /""" . 22 Document and Record Retention,J · Analytical lab reports, in-facility water quality data, quarterly reports, and engineer's reports must be retained for 5 years · The above must be provided to MOE Director within 7 days if requested 1;.'j'U;i rii&mw;~ ~~:~:;;:~~:~ 23 ) '--.--' Review of Municipal Water Works · Water works owners must engage the services of an independent professional engineer and prepare a report and submit it to the Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch · Terms of Reference prepared to guide the Engineer · Submitted in accordance with schedule in MOE Publication "Drinking Water Submission Dates for First Engineer's Report" · Future reports within 3 year period · Separate Terms of Reference for future repolll - J 24 - (~ Review of Municipal Water Works Engineer's Report Content . Summary of existing C's of A . Description of the supply, treatment and storage works . Assessment of potential for microbiological contamination . Characterization of raw water supply . Assessment of operational procedures . Assessment of physical works . Report findings . Recommendations . Monitoring program "';;;;~. IIi 25 /,..-....., , , Review of Municipal Water Works New consolidated Certificate of Approval . Conditions: .. Implement site specific requirements (including recommendations of report) ~ May require physical upgrades/operational improvements .. Revoke previous approvals for treatment works (' , ~'r_ 'Elf'.,....""" -~~: ,.... ;.:.:,:;.",:<:,.: :.~: .:<+,:,:.:.:.:- 26 , Where To From Here? , · 30 day consultation on Regulation .. Discussion paper on small water works + 90 day EBR posting II Training requirements for licensed water operators II Superbuild: funding II Public Information Centre: ~ 1-800-565-4923 ~ 416-325-4000 (Loca I ca lis) II Web Site: www.ene.oov.on.ca I '-.--' . 27 .. ) ~ ..) wor\<.shoP: spea\<.ers: -.. Planning \/11th "Islon - Can "smart Gro\/lth" wor\( In ontario'? Nlc\( catalano, Olrector ot Economic oevelOpment, Region ot Hamilton- wentworth Bob OnyshcU\(, partner, smith Lyons ~ =~ ') ~) NICK CATALANO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REGION OF HAMILTON WENTWORTH CAN "SMART GROWTH" WORK IN ONTARIO ) '~ ~ ~ , - I ) , 'I :,:'. .'.;~<_." /:'::.:)'?:, . :' ,t I, r'" :',~~::;;;/:(:..}:~;~~{~;:':F~I/(~lr6q~;~l~~,;~I~'~':::'~;~"~'::'.';Jli.\,~r'~'~:; ~;. '.' < ,', I':I.--'..q l~,l: r.," 'H~'~~ltZJ./.fl'/li,tl'f~'"if.~~' ~~~q'~\1!;.:d{ll.J,l-!i'f::l"""",,:;~,'~,~k\"~ ), '~., "I . " 'ell," ....'.,. :." " <~ <,f'..,~1 ,;I...,'I.-j...{.,./". I ^' ~.~ 'i ~'......, ,~ ., ~', . 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":.:\.I'\';-}ltGli~,'i:\:',::~.,).',: '~:GQhstruction of 30,bOO :~q.ft::i.tid~~,tr~~~,':~~tl~~g:~:;i;:r:} :iti . . .". _ ': .: i.. '., :':;~i~_~":::'~'~;):. ;: ::;:~:'_:<,':" ~::,:; "~., ,"Y~:;'-::f~~~n:~,.~,.r~~.:..')'::'.~ ~' Post-Project Assessed'\lallie:{:;21r$lL~~OO,OOO' ,.':} ~::,;,:;:~ ",'; .. ..pqst - Proj ect . TaXb.s ;C~jl~~t~~';;'~~!~!!~lt~:'i.,:~~,,';;i~:)~;!};;" .e.' Tax Increment = $140.,Oo.o..,,:qy~trH~,.g\~~r~r~l1.,.i~~:;~9~~o.OO , ':, -,',~.".': ,;-\,,;ii'i~,I,-,Y2~,::;,:~ ~\;:.!:,,:;i:J.,:j'.,.:,-.r~;.';, . ~ ,City provide'~rahriual gr,ant 6fl:9.0~~(jf!,~i~Y::'~Q~~t?jj'of " ". . ' '.._ ":':,,";':';:'_ '""","1 _ " '; '. ',: ,'.~"/: ,.-,t:_,; :',: ,~; 'l:.:;.:....!~.if"t/:/)'__i:~.,;l! . ::"_,,.- " TaxesPaid'7I$1,0.~OOo. ailritiaUM;'ot':,;;$7:00~On~l~~~Iii,;r;1 0.: years. ' ..' , '. ..:. . _ ,. "':. ".; ..-..::. ~.' '-. " ;~:;'(;:r.;;:l~:, -{~~l,:_:"~.~i~!~~~ffr.'a'is"('y: -' ..~. '~:"":','.':.~I;"i ' .e.' 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" ' ,'" , ' , . .,' ',', ," " ,," ,'" ''1' .,.'W ' " " ',"':' ".:! ",:. ' i " " ,,' . .,.' '," "'.,' y,' '"J,1!i\"t1' ) ",,: , . ....\ ;, )~ ) i; ~--'-,. dB" .".. '; .' - : . - .1 " . ; . ~. - . . . '(I'':;, ~ ew an. :, ,.,n. Ml)~j,~ipa1ity :. . ".:;j~t,:.:j{~: --~ ~,I.'.:~;:" -!, , . " ,i; :" ;;' I 1":-: ; .' '.,:~' '.-... , " f'. ;1 .:~ I " ~ ' , ) i.:, J;::(;;;i,};',:i;l, . .;" .;1 " '1'-' ':,! :;:' :1:'; i; ':;',':J:;-..:t-';:;;:; .,1 ~~' i:~~;'~,1 \. ':;(.. 1 o c.f) ~ o co o co ~ z '& 4- (l.. <& o :c t: ~g g ora c.f) r../r zca, <9Z 00 \-,":0 ~~ ~~ :t.(/) ~~ c~ c.f)u.- ~Ui ~ 0 (/)t) 2.~ ~ 0 ra co \. / \ In ,h< ". """ &<" ". _ _ """'" " North Am"'''' m'" "li-"" ",n,." - ","'" ",_, , _, <= w""''''" ",_wn, 8"" ""'_ "'~ ",n,," """ li""'" neighbourhOods. PLANNING WlTl:l V1SION Can "Smart Growtb" Work in ontario B'" , _"""on of mugh ""onmi' _, "" '0' do"lo"",,'" """ 10 "" mid ''''' - "ubli' deli"'., =,,,,;ng, " """ ,i_ on 0'" bum\>, " "",' -'" -, of'" m fed tho' we have lost our way. Wh~ w' 'ooked wU'" w, looked down ,'" """ ,\ "" Am"'''' citi". TheY bod gone th' w'Y of "",on .."'W, ond __ d"'" Well" no ,on"'!! There "" beon , ""jo< """''''' ,Illft of _g M'" W""' """" ' good livoW" dty, "'" "" "",,",on dti" '" ,way ahead. of US in appearance and. in function. _, "",,",on dn" b>" _",ed "'. M"" U.S. cili" ere g,ing throUgh ",mu"""" MiaUli: the largest heritage d.evelopment (South Beach) Boston: its waterfront and. bistoric core San Francisco: its theatres and. museUIUS Baltimore Cleveland PittSburgh A> Joe Bettidg' put it in"" tt"",, "."",,_in 10-"' "iT"""') Chi_ "" ,.to' "''''' f"".' N"" y", tt'ty d""'''' '''''' P"'" ,"" ,,'n".'''' B"'~' 0"" "" F""""" n''''' wm,,",on., "'J more """, f" "'" ....'''','' ft,,,,,.,J do"".' _""g "'" "'1''''' ,- B"''''''' ,"'.,< p",,'om!, "'" F"m,,"" 0"" N"" ",k """ ,U ,- - ,'& ",,,,_ ",,"-"""Y" N",d, ,"" ""'" ,ilY . -"'" "' moj" -" ",,,,,,,,,,,,. AU '" """""g ",",,'" " """ ",- 0"" """,,,,g ,,,,,,il, "' ," "" ""d """", TIw 'ilY """"inS ",mrY " "fi<'''' wUh "" """""om!inS ,'" good ,,,,,,,,,_ ,,,,, ",,,, ,wig>> ,re '" """""" """' 'f ," uif'm"''''''' "",_y. App""""" i' -"g. B",g' ,ilY ,'" -" .," enough ._ yOU also have to be the city that looks good". ~ ( W' -' }O ,,,,,,",, 0'" ...; wo -' }O '"''''' th' ",ion ""t w' - bad; ",d w' need to g~ back on track. Because at stake is more than just the title. N ""', . th' """"mi' """" of "" ."""'" ",d ,", "gio"', ",d 0'" "",jring -' "" ,tho< city ,,~o'" in North "",,,,,, """ in th' woM, with bug' l""""'" -",um'" to '" "' the 21st centurY ' ~ I ' i 2. what the NUerican city stateS have none ann R i. """",'''' '" 100< ","" of '" bo<d<<, ':: "'on " "",1M -",,,,,,.,, ",d -""'" "" do"" '" ....on _"" '" '" 21 ~"'~ w' ~,rro"'" '" bOhind. Th" "" rt power houses. Becau~e they have leapfrl,~gg 'ld L:~ fse'"" major city; every state and every "5_ """",,", "",' "" ,- ",,<< ~ "" ~,. " federal goverrunent agency noW espouse It. d 1 . and reinvigorating inP-er city cores, ''$",,,, CJ<OWIlI' ",_ ,opp"" ""t' ."..,C '" '"': :"'':"", """',"', ",,,,,, """ - "'" "",.""""" ",_,'"" ro' "', 21 ~i'-';' ",,,,, -"' <<"'''' fU<>\"" ..lint"" '" ",_""''''' ofli"""on~~ t ,:";:' "'" "'" ",.n '" .",. U.S. ",,, .....' "Irl"" '" """ of -",""'''. on '" '" ""'" ""...... '0'" om""'" ,,"'" y of<, W redefined their strategt~s an~ are lmplle~en~C~ san Francisco, Boston, san Diego, and a ,,- """,d' D''''''' ""","" D'" ,~...o, whOle host of others. , ",-.." 1l" """" .. A"""" . t "rot the walt' ." when A.tlanta's urban area hit On' of'" ~ _"'~ - ton ";';;,,"'" on""" -,,- 11"''' ""'" in 110 tniles (not ldlometres) end to e~ -- W141..' h moming and evening peak. ,.d""""'''''' """"..- .- 3 - ,- '" . ' 0 ""'" o'"""....ta w" f_od on "" ."" - ,""ougbOU' "', "'" "'~- of '" 9' b lu"""'.,;rong ~ on '" ",,--' 1"'1"""" to< '" 1996 01",,"'" ".. w~ to:' """"'" .n' "'" '" "" ",,,,,,,n,. "" _', "" "''''' ~~ o{go""""''''' "'~.-.. :, bod _"'" ,.",0 ",- """"" bod area awo"Ke the moming after the Ol-yn::plCS Wl a. 1990 to 110 tni1es b" 199'1; congestion was f 1. from 65 !Illles across J1l :' """ out 0 _, go"" .".'" "" 13 """"'''' '" '" "",on - on · """"". npWl' """"""" '" b~ '" f'''' ~.-" """ w"" ""'" - up ","",on """" wi'" f_ '" ,,11"'.;' ';" ;, rt'<< "'" -"" ita \inrita, 1>0'" in -" bY "",~,,-. """ ""'" "" "," """" 01 i' ,,1' "'" - ",,,,,,od in thO "'" " . ''''''''''''' to< "" off. B' ''''~~~p~:r c~~or suburban sprawY', according to national consciousness by ltS neW statuS as the Wan Street Journal. b' "on of ~ 1-""" b, "', ,."'" """" R "'" at "'" .<>in' now"''''' "'" · """ d ": '''' .. of "","'a" ,.. 00-' ]>,oy """'" of C-"'" '" ,..'" ~ ' ,-~, C1in"''''' of Co-"'~ -,""",' "'" B= _ up """'..\aU ",... - "'?~ ,<10 """" "'...... "', ,.- """" ".ow """""on """" -. """,~,' ,:,.., ,,,,;-' ~ ."",. "" ,__""",,,,' (>lAm'" "'" 19 f '" ":' "" _ i""""'" "'" "" ""'" ""n ""'" ~ · - ,,,,ge ;"'~"",on .,O',;,,,, ~ "" ,- .",_... ~on "'" on""":' tod bY'", StaW G- "'" "'"'''''''' "",.""" """," "" tod '" . .''''' wbi'" "" , op "","on hnthort" (OR' h) ",,, "', legislation to create a GeorgtaR d""o~ ~::' "'" ,,- - .""', "" ... "'- unprecedented power to approve roa pro)ec s, up or down on major developments. , """""on of 0"",,",' .- "'" "'" The Georgia State Goverrun~nt also beganthre-~ art of regional Irrowth problerns - with "'""" "'" ,,,,,, "" ._ """ ~ ' , 0 i ',-../ 3 transportation congestion but one of many symptoms. The Growth Strategies Reassessment /' Task Force that was appointed recommended that a .state vision for growth management should be developed (unheard of in the U.S. !); That state funding and permitting should be used as an incentive to encourage compliance with state planning and growth management requirements. A key component of the renewal strategy has been the involvement of Atlanta's business and commwrity leaders in helping to manage and direct future growth through a number of agencies, such as the Atlanta Development Authority and the Central Atlanta Progress Partnership. It has been recognized that a healthy partnership between government and the private sector is vital to the successful implementation ofa sustainable development strategy. Today, Atlanta, with State help, is building mass transit, having redirected all monies from roads to transit systems, and is focusing on the redevelopment of older inner city industrial areas into new residential and mixed-use areas at higher densities to counter sprawl and to bring back population into the City of Atlanta proper, which throughout this period had been losing population despite the unprecedented population boom in the suburbs. The Clinton/Gore Initiative /r--, A second and pivotal defining moment came when the Federal Administration decided to step in to assist U.s. cities reposition themselves for the 21st Century. Under the title "Liveable Cornmunities for the 21st Centurv". the Clinton/Gore administration crystallized the issues that faced American cities going into the 21st Century and what the Federal Government, in conjunction with state and local governments, needed to do about it. The initiative was announced by Vice President Al Gore in a speech at the Brookings Institution in S...p~...mber 1998, and is credited with coining the phrase "Smart Growth", which has since become the banner around which all the major cities and all 50 states have rallied to reshape their cities. The speech by Gore began by asking the rhetorical question of why it was that America's cities and America had lost its way in creating and shaping its urban fabric. "This Nation's cities and villages used to be a model of civil life," said gore. "We were the experts at creating the gathering places, the very architecture that set the stage for democracy". As American's cities grew in the late 19th Century ''their life took the vibrant shape of America" and "as the 19th Century drew to an end, America looked around at its new wealth and diversity, and the City beautiful movement was inaugurated: proud civic buildings, libraries and post offices, town halls and colleges, parks and recreation areas, ornate commercial buildings, and statuary, all proclaimed to the world that [we] had plenty to be proud off'. But somewhere after the second half of the 20th century, he noted, that vibrancy and greatness became tarnished, with urban cores emptied out, ill-thought out sprawl, and crime and disorder haunting many central cities. (~ What followed in his speech was a blueprint for reversing the trend through federal, state and local government policies, involving local citizens and local cornmwrity groups, and coalescing into one American movement. "Americans are resourceful people", he said. "while the blight of poor development and its social consequences have many names, the solutions, pioneered by local citizens, are starting to coalesce into an American movement. Some called it "sustainability"; some called it "Smart Growth". This movement across the country is showing 4 '" _ w, "" .,,;)d _ \i_" =uniti'" ...."" w, "" - "'" .;;& ",d - "'" .Iay togotbd'. j ",<< on"''''''.'' lie "",,,, ,bo" .. """,""''' ,f -'" dY"""" "",,"'''' d'Y ,- """ central to a strong America in the 21't CenturY: ..~" in .. ,," C"''''', , \i"'''''' =- vroI lie '" """"",,"'lY ",-"" ..-mU'Y' . p"" w_ bi'" ,,,,.Ii'Y ,f\if< """" .. - """""" "'" """'" w'''"''' "'" _"'_' A."" wh"" g,od ,.",,1, "",-g _" fucl ","""''Y "'" ~"''Y' A."" """,," "'" -, "'" "" \i'" """","," _ _ "'" - ,,, ",_on fu""""' '""" ~ .,., ,,, ,ff"'" to ",,,,,, ..-mUti" -' b""''' today - __ ." rigbi ""'" ,f ""wm _ ,""""""I' """"" -- a ""'" ,,,,.Ii'Y ,f Uf' fa< ,," """",."", """" ~".. """'" ,f_ growfu. lnd"'" in .. ,,' C-', it "" "" - "" '" .- fu< -' growth" . 1" ""'" 1>id ,,, . ""'" ,f _fWIy -"'" ",,-" to - - """"" g. ",,,,oWI- that p_ .,\id" "'" _"'" b_ .on int<unionod. ,.. in f"" -....'" ",d "'"""'" _y "",.,1, ...""WlY \h<'"", th' P- "'-,' 1""""'"': In" .1"'" th' P_ g""_ _ Y"'I""'" _vo -" fo< -, .-t ",d \igbi. ",I ,,-. _ ,""' to """. growfu in "" _, but" <<,,,'" ""wm "'" -- ......'" ",o>d1Y ""rorouniti"'" 11>' Am""'" g""_ """""" · -"'" ,f '" """""", including: , i -"_/ . $9.5B ~ "",,"'" Bon<1<'l-""'" """" "'"' ."...- ,f - ",- . $20Q!l _""",,",n "" _ _it ""","" ""'" · "",-m' ""'" TEA. .. TransPortation Equity Act for the 21st CenturY; . $1""" pilot ""i'" fa< """""on EI1'ci"" ,,~" (_"Y'" "'" buy ",,- _""" _"Y"'.... ..._it got a$3,ooo """'; -" - ~ with this); . .,,,,,, pm".;on "S_ G- s_gi.r """""" "'" fa< """"'" """'"," "'" local partnershiPs to pursue smarter growth strategies; """ __""'" '" _""'" ,__ in,Id<<.-;.... . """"""Id' """,do"","" ,_10' .".. """,cloY""'" ,f .-, ,Id """""" areas 3I1d urb3I1 revitalization generallY, 1h< cUn"" ~on initi"''' in I"" "" ",.,,- not i"" - ,f" ..- pm""""",,, b" "" b_ it -'" _on. on .. .- i- facing .,,- '"""' ,,,,",, ... """ <<gi""" ... "to'" a,.n" ,f ",1nU"'" fu< ,,,cl\igout ",,_"" ",to .. 21 CenturY . '~ J flrt,A .1.~OUnn the initiatives of thr gh tri.al and. e!!or ....u. u... Y' b smn' of'-' ,o'''''';:'' ... ,;::(::;'''' .:" f""'~ """")'. ~~::.:~: ; ~;f. ;: ;'vP \'~ ""'''''\':'c;;t\;;~:;, ~-"'", "" """" ('" . A'strict includ.Wg a'toronto st::f ' buSwess ",,' ,-" fl~~"\ A, "s uth -geac" "".....). 'U old '" "'"' 0 . ..' · "" ""'" "",wfu ,,"','" . that the F ed.eral1!llUatlVe aD! . al G ernors ~ ,:;:: :~~::;:';:,..- ~ ~;: ~~~:;' tbO ~~l' ,_ .' "" of "" ",,'''' W 0_ . . f 1l"" "" ,bO t..-ll ~:0~;:I "",,_ """"",,,,, G"~'';", ~ ~ "" ,. c_- . . 00'- 0'-' 0 '.. ,,",, ,- "" Democratic "\! 1ce.Chai:rU1an, . S DieO"o would. both espouse ",e ver'j 1 smart Growth conference 1n an " p.smua .-J ",,.-" "''' _1"""'" ~". . " .ll' f d;>""''' ""'" Gl"'- ~ :'Wh'I ,n'''''. "'" ..... ~ of"" ':;" o~ to"" to """",,- -" """" "," """,,,, "" ... ",.."" ;':. ":-""'." ~..... "'" "" ,... """'" of """"'" '''' -'" to ? ' A, A~ ""'e flrtswer is we shouldn t "",,""""'. ,.. - . , " A 1'\ . hbOmhood. conse-c,1at101.1 n ' . IU S '" "","""'" " · ~ ~~ '" 0,","" 199', '" " t t ,"",' '" ",,-"'" """'" ."" .. >to """"",, t"'''"''' ",n ,"'" vP'"""'''' ~ ,,,,,, f'" """,,,,,,'" on\'i - - . -' ,,'-"U ~ "".... "4",~:' ~... "" "'"", ".... "" --' eligible for state money, mcludiP-g d.evelol':tnent aid.. /'--~ S rt Gto"'" In """".. · ... ,. 1 ,""""'. '" '" ,,,,,l>. "" ""'" " of"'" 0"'0'" " "'" '" ...1l;:\"",,~ ~ :; city tog(- "" wi'" .,,,,,," l,-1reU a binn C\uallt::f ofufe W1th susta1Jl-1:\ e icalled. "smart GrowtU". lU'" Y. nn ncept and. a :tnove:tnen ~... _" "'. '" "" ",.n" of ufo. ,,,,,",, . ""''''''' " ' _opt "'~ ,""" ",,'<>P". '" ""''', """""" "" ~f:;r~:;?;~i~~~ ""w _ " . .. "" """ of ,,,,,,,,,",,,, ' ~ d.e~Aes ne1gbPourllOo san. _"",'erti"'l-J sensitive areas. \;'_ (\a:tnages enVlro'..... .,,);1l. 'J tl!$.es, and. d.estroYs or ,1 states and. cities are currentlY d.oing .' what so:tne of the u. ' S What is even more interestUlg lS to see . ~,"'" ""...,,_. . to ""ld" ~" .' .. "" " "" -, of ,," .' ,1 S ar reorganl-t.1!lg u.,eJl\Se, oM., 11<< ,.,;'" ci'" " "" v:' ' . ";i",,........... ..&Y~' . 0$ .. ...-"'" _ of _to .'"'" "" on'" .-0" ~ ",d _""".. "'''' ,ot>', .... ~ "" "",,, of ",,,, ",," tec'oniC\ues, to sti:tnulate, attract, regenerate, to all its vitall'artS. r'" ( 6 Over 20 states have m?n,;?t~r1 urban growth boundaries to stop sprawl. Maryland, Georgia and Oregon have gone further and legislated that no money can be spent."J on any services, roads, sewers or other infrastructure that is outside the approved urban growth boundaries. The Federal and State governments have redirected massive amounts of highway funds from highway construction to transit. Federal Government has acknowledged that its 1954 Highways Act has been the root cause of sprawl in America, and needs to be reversed. San Diego has a $24.6 billion comprehensive transportation plan, including rail, transit, buses and roads. Greater Atlanta has indicated that it will not build any additional freeways, transferring its full budget to transit. Cities are redirecting development and housing to their cores and older inner neighbourhoods. San Diego, Baltimore, Cleveland, even Pittsburgh, Miami (South Beach) are all good examples. plonnin~ has gone regional and city regions are doing "Strategic Growth Plans", and they do it in a smart and cost efficient way. The Envision Utah Strategic Plan for Salt Lake City is a good example, because it also shows the involvement of the general public in the plonn~,; development process, and the cost analyses that'.-.../' are at the centre of the growth scenarios being considered. Higher densities are being proposed and achieved, and great architecture IS springing up as a result. the entire CBD of San Diego, and especially Horton Plaza is a great Fv~m~le. mixed uses or a greater mix of uses are proposed in neighbourhoods, to create identifiable co=unities and increase density the ''New Urboni.Tn" concept in housing, which started in San Francisco and California is one of the results of smart growth (and we now see it corning to Toronto on the old Woodbine Racetrack site, in the beaches, in Cornell, Markham). Brownfields redevelopment is occurring in most cities, particularly the brownfields sites in city cores and in older neighbourhoods. Atlanta's Atlantic steel 140-acre redevelopment is cited by the EP A as a model example of urban redevelopment of a brownfield to appropriate environment sto,.,clo~ds. Much has been done through collaborative consensus bl1ilcling involving all the ) major stakeholders, , (". /,,----', I 7 the environmentallconservancy groupS developers residents and ratepayers association chaIllbers of con:U'P-erce and local businesses, and a neW breed of mayors and state governors, who "get it" Mum of th' hum& ,iitin~ in "',.. of ~ .,d ,,,,,,,,,,,,,y """",,""""" of n,," ~' "" "on ",no wough p>>bh' .ri- .-""",,, .,d ",,"ugh _,,_out .-'" (whi,h ;'''0'''' tho pO'"" sector as well as the public sector). Mum of th< _ " "in, don' wough ",,'" - ""bniqu'" wbim leverage sca!ce public funds. As exaIllples: """ US. "" ,on' \WI "" ",onpt m,,",ciJ>'l "",d>. ",,"y '" "'"" th"" .. """" """vel_out _. ",,"'''- - B"""'" wil' go 0<>< "'" _~, to ,;" "",_'" "" ,"",U, .,d to ",,, -,,,,,,,,,,. th< in"'out "'" on their municipal bonds. 43 .- "''' .-" ,,,",,,,on to .omit "'''' __ ~g" (Tll"'), whim .<om'" 20 _ 26 y'" m_ ",,"ugh P"I'''''' "" """",,,0,," f'" th< ~ of _, ,,",,,,"'" in '0"'\ -",,.>i"'" S'- caD "'" ,,,,,,,,_out " ",,,,",,,, """"'" "" "" of"" ",-"" Scl>="" ,roonnU of pO"'" ,_ m_ "''' b= ",,,,,, in!<> ",- _,~ proi_ .. th' "" of ,cl>h' priv'" ~ wbim """d" ""'~, ""'" ;noonti- th' provi""n of "" -. "" """ ",,"vel>, .,d strong public support. In "uwn1'>"'" w_ "",_ - w,th th' ","""on ofB- """,,-t- p>>bh' """" b"" """ ionicio"''' \- to '0'"''''''' ""'~, ""'" """" '" flow \'cl>"' ptmIDon fond "n""'" ,",,' """ ""'" in!<> """ """" ""i-' """ ^""""'" C-W"'" F""" """ Fooni' "'" "''' ... - ,,'1<'Om #'" proj ect pub"' jffi!1" ,",,' ~\"'.,'" $\ B ('" "'), '" ""'" Growth proi""" Bmk of ^"""'" "" _fub'" . ,,,,,,," ,,- ",",', bcing · <Uo,""" ",,, "",_out thnd ,,, S<u'" Growth ""i"'" N"""" B"'" ",,, M",,,,mil' ." following suit. CID\funria "" _"" ,U 5,"" ."",on F""" \0 \o>d '" pn>i"u that ."'n'" Smart Growth, and $1001\01 has been eanna!ked already. c.Jif'nOi' "" ""_ th' "," Infr- B"'" \0 ~"'"" ",,"" ",,- infrastrUcture requi.rements for smart Growth projects. 8 B-",,'''' I""'''''on to ,'01" EP A "" CBJU.A "",ill" f", wil ",d ,,_ "ole< "",_tion ",d to ""ilitat< """",,1_ of old ind"""" .'" "" _ p""'" by 0vo< 30 ....., with _ """,_om in -" """ noW under way. Tho "'" __ point ","ut th' S_ ",owth initindYO in "" Unitod St- i, th" · invo"," ""'''' pO_ ""'" '"",0",,,""" " "oil " "" ,m,'" -""'" ",.,mz.ti"'" ",d .,-_ """,,, ""up' ... tdi" f'" i" _ not i"" upon _,,"'YO pub"' ",tot funding ..._'" bot "'" _ th' - ~t of p.."~p,",'" p-",!tip<, emponrtio", ,"", " B"'" of Amon'" AlG, AMB, .... whol' ,on" of ",""on ""'" haYO p" m,i" ""'" inlt> S- Growth initindv", Chantb'" of Co_"" in Ad- B-' NoW yorl<, D- D=, """'" Jndi""""" "'""', MiOO"poli<. S'" F",,-' St, Lo"" to _, but , f"', '" involvo! -gh _cipoi .,,"-"'" -" " ",- .",_om p"",,,,,,,P" Eo_""'" ""up' ""b " "" "',,""v_ F,rod, Si"" Cluit, thn T""." Pub"' Lond, "" .._""'" Do""'" F,rod, th, c"",non th, = All, "" "" U.S, ~ Pro"""on Ag"'" ~,oil """''' "",olvo! in thn """" Q<oWIh mov,,",on' MunY of""..... '" __""" in th' moo"'" of _ that they ,O' pn>vi"'''' -, of ptopooition 13,type _""= .....- no ooW taX" ro, puit", ptnj""" Y '" they haYO '"'"'" "",""nrtioO initind'" """" wey, "in "" "" of Calif"""'- _""".,n" ofpOv"" ""'" ,---' ",_""""" _y of "" .0- """"","no ,ffitrt> '" boing =,o! oul -gh """,,_ .",,_om O'tboriti" ._ th'" """ (taX ox_l mindcipoi """'" -, DDA', in -" ,_ "" """"""'" by pO_ ,,- -",,"" "" -" of th, ",- .-- pn>i"" "" bciog .,., """"'" pub"' ""'''' p-- -y -"""" """ city 1""'1. "'" _gh "" -- of_"'" -" "" ~ -ing'" _""",om """', dnox ,"",,, j)ottOi' 1bt ...-I~ """ been"'" "'1< to -' $4 b_ in pOv"" in_ """ 1_ th'" rel>livoly roo""" pob"' _ciui onutribmion substantially. ' Ctilifo"'" "" ... __ i. S"", ""_ pool to pm""'" $1B of _ m_'"' hold by _ inttitun"" 1bt _1' no"",g -, in order to free up their $2B for additional affordable housing mortgages. i ,..._"J The Lessons.lor C)ntariq The lessOns for Ontario and the its key municipalities are substantial. "" iro"'~ that", _ w1= Am"''''. onWing i" """" ".,.wl, """",ting _"",on on i" tre<W",,'" _ ""'_ """ inlt> i" _ citint, - "'"'" to '" gning "" 0"'" ",y, We have lost control of the growth management of the GT A region. W, "" ~ _,... more ""'O',,-, with th' """"mitant.- """""on that now'~ occurs on the freeways in the 905 region. 9 Co"",,"o. ~ ",. mo"""'" of _" "'" go"'" wi'" -",do'" ;mp." on -' productivity . w. b>v, to !"ovido in "" <ITA ~"" fm <in _(><inl p",,- of 2 sUi'" by 2021. Wh"" and how are we going to do this? We have no clear game plan. We are going down the same path As Atlanta pre-1997, and we haven't even won the Olympics yetl Fo< 0"" we "'" b>ve to """ , "'''' from "" -= bonk i. 0"'''' '" """"" 0", tin. "" renew our vision. On<< _ is oJ"'" if w, don't mok' lh' _~'" ""~ we will b' .. .. b<hin' "" successful city states and city regions of the 21st CenturY' w. "'" '0 ".-,,,.... Vw. p",,- Go<' "id, tha' , li"",lil. S_ Growlh """"""''' will b. '" "","""",ill,.- =_, wdl po"""''''''' Ui' 21" C-' _on,,"' W, ""', vi""" w..'"' to _ "P "" ""'" growlh p<incil>"" "'" w..'"' to -mg. ",m' id"" "'" ""'_, "'" _g. o_"m 0' hoW we "" 0", city in lh. "'" 2,,0 "'" 2100. W. will""'" to ",01' "'" """ 0", FoJeml "'" ",,,,,,,,cia! go- into involvem"" in Ibis """,,,, wiUi monOY, "".,.ve _,iog, "'" ,,,,,,,. '" "","," "'" in_v" to _Ie "'" to help finance the infrastrUcture that will be required. Awl we win .'"' '" _"'" ""li' pri_ p""""",,P' "'" oUian'" "'" _tio", -- "" ""in< publi' d_ "'" "" pOv,," - -, w"" 0"'" "" "^,,n< -" "'" businesses in the GT A, w. """ ""'" '" """" " "" U.s. """ ],>V. noW """"~ Ui>i W' ... .- on "".- un"'" ,,_ in "" old """'._ ~ - tha' ""'" -.- ,,<"" "'" onvered wilh ,m' fn< "" "" 10.. 15 ,_. W. b>ve Iri"" to ""ld on to "'''''' "",. Am"""'" """ Iri"" '" do, ." nOW in-''' "''' .. fn< ,""'" on "'" "'" '0.0 ,voil- W. n.ed to ,,,u,,, ",. "'" poweti" "'" ." in "",,,,,,,,,, _ """". """ . imt " B_n<' did wi'" """ - """"'", _n wi'" i" F""v" -. "'" S.. Diogo wi'" '" port """ . fn< vi"'''''- "'" proi-' p"",l. p_' fn< inght lif. ".,"""" ,dniL ~, ~ offi""'ve work places and uses. Awl jin>ll" we will "'" to do __g ,no'" 0'" """"",,," p"","'" "" - in """"0. Toroutn "" "" hi"""',..l- """ of,., - in North Am"'''' ""jm\ing NOW V nrl<'" Cbi-. Tho'~ _ """""""""" in "" U.S. b>ve ill "'-' in ciIi" wi'" "'~ P"P"'" ",,,,.. lo" ",.. in>\f lhmt in '0_- To-' """""" """ "",uld "" -' " .. _, \0 on"'''''''' in~"" "'" ,ed""loproont, ""'" '"'" , ,,,,,,,ontive m drive in"-"" ,...y. Awl in \hi, ,<V"~ om ci"" ""'. m ",,"p'" i" =06" "" ,_ with """" of ",. 0"''' ""'" U.s. citi" .. not i"" ",,,,-- "igbbn"^' . _, "^,,n< inv,,"""" " b<ing"ode on . North -'''' g_liti~1 "".\. (- ".''--'' , 10 . _" ",,,,,,,fu' "0,," ","","" "" ""- ... "', ba'" ~, "" .,,;ri". """,","" to '" ,,\"'~ _yon."'- 0'''''' "","0. ... ' w",1d ,.., """" w,,,.,,e ~""""",.-,: ",; ba'" . """",on "'" ~ bigh" -"" ,~ ""'""''''' -""" to "" n~, ; ,on hori- 0' ,.r, ... ,,- ci"'" W, b>V' ""hi"'''''''' ... ",,",,,," ,,,,,,,,. W,,,, hiJ. ;n ,,," "" "", '" out of "" ",y'''' """ "" "',,"'... 0' ,nod ...' ,\""""" l""""" W ""'.. """" 0' "" ^",ori"" "",, rd1 .. . tb ",._... ,I"" """" 0' "" """,,, "', "" onlY to ""W on ,no' "" ~:,.,; I .''''''" obi" 0' "" 21' C-" to regroUP, rethink and reclan:n our tit e as ,.,/ i , ........,./ Plenary session: Brocldon lWalkerton) What Others Learn'? speakers: Ma,/or David Thomson, Municipa\\t'/ of Brockton Barb Fisher, coordinator, Brockton Response centre Ron McLeod, counse\, Munic\pant,/ of srockton /-'., r ~ ..^') ') ') Extraorcinary : ?eop..e Facing an Extraorc_inary C_1a_: .enge ! The Municipality of Brockton's Response To Canada's Greatest Drinking Water Crisis ~\ I / ') ", ) Introcuctions .. . Mayor David Thomson, Municipality of Brockton . Rod McLeod, Q.C., Miller Thomson,LLP . . Barbara Fisher, Brockton Response Center . Terry Flynn, Frontline Corporate Communications ~ -.. ~\ ./ ~) ') . --., .. _-101111at . Each topic will have a lead presenter followed by comments from remaining '" panelists . . Each topic will be discussed for a total of 5 - 10 minutes . 45 minute Question Period following the end of the panel discussion ... ) -, ) Agenc .a ,i',/! . A Word of Thanks IIIi . The Value of Municipal Cooperation . The Province's Role and Support . Restoration of Safe Drinking Water . Investigations, Public Inquiry,Class Actions . Responding to Our Residents . . - III · Thank you! . AMO's leadership and responsiveness. . Local municipal efforts. . I ndividual contributions and support. . Letters of support and financial. contributions from across Canada and around the world. -~"..'" ..-........"J..:.c.;,...., .. . ~) ') ~... ) First anc~. Foremost III :; iG . ) -,/ ) Ste_J_Jing Up To T_le P_ate . Companies and organizations have made contributions with volunteers, water and financial donations. . A number of companies have assisted with the restoration of the distribution system: · IPEX Inc. . Canadian Tire Foundation For Families , 'J , -.-'.... ) ) II . . He:. Jfu:. Hands . Crews from a number of municipalities assisted OCWA to swab and disinfect the system: · Regions of Waterloo, Peel, and Ottawa- Carleton · Municipalities of Cambridge, Parry Sound, Collingwood, London, Kitchener, and Waterloo _ . To restore "safe" drinking water to the . residents of Brockton. . To cooperate fully with all regulatory and investigative efforts in order to ensure that this doesn't happen again. ') {II :~ . "".' 1" II '~X~j1 II , , ! ') Our Commitment To T_le Resicents of Broc:(ton II ') / -) , ) --~. "Doing W_latever ~t Ta:(es" , . Province has been there from the .. beginning. . Premier, Ministers of Environment, . Municipal Affairs, E~onomic .' Development, TOUrism and the Attorney General. . On-site Support Centre staff led by Micheline Riopelle and John Stager. .',., " ~~,* 'V':''''>;;;-J!t~;,,--- ~f;,'<t:-\!-'--.-:' .. .-, , ) II :::"",,-.,-.,.-,<--,' r.,~n~~~ i ; .~, \ ) Provincia., SU-J Jort '. . Initial funding and financing. . Support of Brockton Response Center in handling local claims. . . Coordination of "one-stop" to the Provincial Ministries involved. . Walkerton Compensation Plan. - Personal and Commercial -ADR 0~;Z2~~:~~%~1 .'-""'" ,~. - .. . Compliance and regulatory involvement. . Technical support for restoration. . House-to-house sampling program. . Providing alternative water supply for key local institutions. --."""- ) . ') / " ) MOE Invo_.vec in t_le Restoration . Restoration of safe drinking water was and is the fi rst priority. . Significant MOE compliance - . requirements relating to the restoration. ... . OCW A has lead role - cooperative role by OCWAlBrockton/MOE . Walkerton Water Overview Committee - Rationale and benefits. -- , \ / --', ) "./ Remec_iation anc. Com J~iance ~\ ) ) \ I / . - ~nvestigations anc.- Pu]_ic In~_uiry .. . Need for preparation. . Need for caution regarding the investigations. . . Avoiding duplications. . Benefits of preparation. ;.'..)-'". .. V:-i'.'S::::-.' .. ) \ ! - -\ ) C:.ass Actions .. . Overview of Class Actions in Canada. . Process leading to possible certification. . Opportunity to "opt" out. . Attorney General's Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). . Schedule. . .;i.:....,:.,~.....:i'--...,',._.., .. .. . It can happen to you~ . Leadership is a "survival" skill . Satellite trucks mean instant communication. . Are you ready? > . ) . 11I1 ~-.-<:-,L,-;',-;:" "-.- ".>,.. '..".:-",..;..... "...w., ~) ') Res Jane ing To Tle Un ex Jected .- - _ . Residents demanding information 24/7. . Maximum pressure on community health and public services. . Emergency Response Teams pushed to the limits. . A wild and voracious rumour mill. . Your worst nightmare - lives lost. = . ij ') J '\ ! Pre Jare Y ourse_f r---- REMARKS BY ANN MULVALE PRESIDENT AMO AND .---' MAYOR OF THE TOWN OAKVILLE AMO ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2000, OTTAWA / I Remarks by: C-" r I Ann Mulva/e President Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Mayor of the Town of Oakville AMO Annual Conference, Ottawa August 16, 2000 (Check against delivery) Good morning and welcome to the final day of the conference. May I express my thanks to all of you once again for attending the 101s1 AMO conference in the Region of Ottawa-Carleton. To every member of the organizing committee - Great Job! '----" I want to thank you for your support yesterday and I am truly honoured to be the President of this century old organization. I must also thank my Council for their support of my candidacy as AMO President. Their help and encouragement have been invaluable. I also must acknowledge Michael Power who, for the past three years, set a new standard for dedication and commitment to this organization. We have a very strong and talented Board of Directors this year. The Board is made up of a good cross-section of our membership - large and small, urban and rural, north, east, south and west. The Board is your representative - make sure you contact them and express your views. A complete contact list will be faxed to each member and posted on Municom after the conference. The strength of the Board and the sector in general will be needed in the months and year ahead. I have asked Roger Anderson, Chair of Durham Region to continue co-chairing the Land Ambulance Implementation Steering Committee and to be the AMO lead on resolving the funding questions and he has agreed. We have seen massive change to the form and function of municipal government. Today there are three realities - Death, Taxes and Change. (. I . This is the last AMO conference for many municipal elected folk and their contribution to their communities is applauded. Many of those left after the inaugural meeting in December 2000 will be given a lot more work to do. We are just beginning to see the impact of restructuring and Who Does What. Only history will tell us if these changes have been positive. What I am sure about is that it AMO is unsuccessful in our bid to hold the Province accountable to their funding resDonsibilities for welfare and nn'~ 2 other income redistributive programs... the next economic down turn will be counter productive to the substainability of community quality of life of the people we serve. ~-~/ But one thing is clear. Ontario's municipalities have become the most relevant and important order government in Canada. You noW deliver the most important and fundamental services to the taxpayer. Everything from police and fire protection, to administering provincial offences systems, public housing, community services, land ambulance, economic development, planning, the list seems to go on and on. Our challenge, as a sector, is to begin to communicate this to our taxpaying public. To engage them in the debate of which order of government should pay for what services, why, and what financial ~XDosures continue to, incorrectly be funded at the municipal level. Uploading must not only become the buzz word of this new millennium. It must become a reality and soon. The substainabi/ity and well being of each municipality and each citizen in north, south, east, west - town, city, village, county or region depends on this happening. While WDW and restructuring have occurred, there is one critical part of the puzzle which has been left out. That is a basis. or framework for all of this change. As many of you will recall, Who Does What was to have, as its framework, a new Municipal Act. This legislation was to finally define the .~./ provincial-municipal relationship and serve as the foundation for change. This has not happened yet. Minister Clement's commitment yesterday is Y!ID{ aDDrooriate and Michael Power's response on the time line, implementation January 1, 2001 is even more so. I therefore pledge to immediately begin work to complete this project. I will be meeting with Premier Harris and Minister Clement in the next 30 days. My goal is an ambitious one - I hope to see a new relationship built upon a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation and enshrined in a new Municipal Act. We have many more challenges to meet and I look forward to seeing you in your communities during my term as your new President of AMO. Thank you. I -,--./