October 5, 2001 Agenda SPECIAL MEETING ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5,2001-10:00 A.M. CASUAL DRESS 1) Ca to Order 2) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3) Motion to Move Into "Committee of the Whole Council" 4) Reports to Council: 1) General Contractor Bid Results and Tender Award 2) Financial Update - The New Elgin Manor Building Project 5) Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee of the Whole 6) Consideration of By-Laws 7) Adjournment REF_QRTTO COUNTY COUNCIL Warden McPhail, Councillors Mcintyre and Rock and Southwold Councillor Clutterbuck, The Elgin Manor Building Committee FROM 2001 October 3rd DATE Award Bid Results and Tender Contractor SUBJECT: Genera ntroduction On October 2nd, 2001 the Building Committee opened tenders from General Contractors for the development of the new Elgin Manor. The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the results of that tender process and to recommend a General Contractor for the project. Djscussj~w Address 63 Gaylord Rd., St. Thomas, Ontario P.O. Box 844, Guelph Ontario 1700 Hyde Park Road London, Ontario Box 272, Courtland, Ontario 351 Silvercreed Parkway, North, Guelph, Ontario 9887 Longwoods Rd., London, Ontario 700 Rupert St., Unit A, Waterloo, Ontario tting: prior to subm Tender Price $10,064.340.00 fied pre·qua were The fOllowing bids were received and a Company HIRA General Contractors $10,226.430.00 $10,728,144.00 $10.426.000.00 $10.730.000.00 Devlan Construction Ltd K & L Construction (Ontario) Ltd. Reid & Deleye Contractors Limited Kiwi·Newton Construction Ltd. D. Grant & Sons Limited $10.814.400.00 270.000.00 $11 Melloul·Blamey Construction ConclUsion You will note from the chart above that the bids were very competitive. This is In large measure becausé of the consistent information supplied with the bid by our Architects, the Mekinda Snyder Partnership. We are also pleased to report that the majority of the bids did not exceed our budgeted estimates /2 2 As part of the tendering process, the County is also required to supply a number of "housekeeping" documents to the Ministry, to complete this transaction. For example, a final estimate of cost form must be supplied, as well as, a recommendation and analysis from the Architect relative to the approved Contractor, is required. Recommendation That HIRA General Contractors, St. Thomas, Ontario be awarded the contract for the construction of the new Elgin Manor at the total tendered price of $10,064,340.00 exclusive of Value Added Taxes (GST); and, That the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to forward a necessary and pertinent documents regarding the Elgin Manor redevelopment to the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care tted THE ELGIN MANOR BUILDING COMMITTEE s respectfully subm which ALL of REPORT TQ COUNTY COUNCIL Marilyn Fleck, Director of Homes and Senior Services, Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services and Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer October 4th, 2001 FROM DATE ding Project i Bu Update - The New Elgin Manor Financla SUBJECT ntrod_yction: The purpose of this report is to review the budget allotment for the new Elgin Manor building project and to provide a current expenditure update Discussion Through a previous Council resolution $12.3m was approved for the entire building project. In the spring of 2001, Council approved an additional expenditure of approximately $650,000 for the development of a basement. Furthermore, Council has set aside reconciliation dollars $586,950 received from the Ministry of Health in a reserve to be used to offset the cost of purchasing the land and servicing the site. In essence, the total project budget is $13,536,950. Staff have reviewed these allocations against the current bid price and are pleased to report that the amount allocated is sufficient barring any unusual cost implications arising out of unforeseen circumstances. As Council may recall, there was some concern that construction prices were rising and that the project budget may be revisited. The chart below demonstrates the costs, both anticipated and current, respecting this project TOTAL BUDGET (original estimate) (basement) (reconciliation) 12,300,000 650,000 586,950 AMOUNT 454,000 568,000 148,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 10,366,270 605,000 800,000 300,000 TEM Waterline Sewage Treatment Plant Land Purchase Dillon Engineering Cumming, Cockburn Engineering Legal, Survey, Soil Test etc. Construction (HIRA) Net of GST Architects Fees @ 6% Net of GST Furniture Allowance Equipment Allowance $13.536.950 270 $13,331 = $13,536,950 13.33L2Z0 Cost = Total Project Budget Tota 205.680 - Contingency $ 2 konCHISJO_U As indicated above and despite concerns that building prices and inflation may drive up the costs of the project, Council has set aside sufficient dollars to complete the project. Building Project' Manor on purposes New Elgin Recommendation That the report entitled "Financial Update - The dated October 4th, 2001 be received for informat tted, s respectfully subm which of AI Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services ~ Marilyn Fleck, Director of Homes and Seniors Services C' , Administrative Officer. Press Release October 5, 2001 For Immediate Release EIQin County Awards EI n Manor Buildin Proiect To HIRA General Contractors Central Elgin, Ontario - Today, in a special meeting of Elgin County Council, HIRA General Contractors were awarded the tender for the redevelopment of Elgin Manor Home For The Aged. The contract worth $10,064,340.00 for the proposed 90-bed facility was the lowest of seven very competitive bids. Warden McPhail announced that "Council was pleased with the bid and thanks the architectural firm of Mekinda Snyder Partnership for designing such a competitive process." "We are very excited and anxious to move ahead to the construction phase and we are delighted to be working with HIRA General Contractors, the same company that helped build the County's Bobier Villa in DuttonlDunwicha few years ago", the Warden stated. "We have designed a facility that is both practical and respectful of the needs of our residents, the people who deserve quality care and quality accommodations," the Warden further stated. The new Elgin Manor will provide 78 private rooms with en-suite washrooms and 6 rooms of two persons sharing a washroom, thereby accommodating 90 residents. Council expects the project will take approximately 18 months to complete with the new facility opening its doors in May 2003 -30- For further information contact the following: Marilyn Fleck, Director of Homes and Senior Services at (519) 631-0620 - The New Elgin Manor - County of Elgin, Ontario _.- -~- --~ -_._~. ---'- -~- --- -,,-~ / ---'----------- --------.- ..~- ,/ , -- \I \ :\ j \ ; \ \ \ . \ '\ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/ y i\ \ \ /\ \ \ \ \ --7~~=~~O""~~J~W~C~cO=~,~c~~c,-?~~þj-~~J~i'--;-~T;E~~~~~~ _~__ -' /__._ ~ ______, EDGE OF PAYEMENT =~.,~ -~~' ~..-.--. ,- ,- - .-. --,~_..--- --- --- -.---'-----0-...---------- ----- '~'- ". " v ~ ( 0 ! ~ ------~-_.,-- .-~- -~~, \ S\? ---.------- -- - . ---"'- . 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