October 15, 2002 Agenda SPECIAL MEETING ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH. 2002 AT 1 :00 P.M. 1) Call to Order 2) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 3) Motion to move into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 4) Reports: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer, and Helen Notte, Director of Homes for Seniors Services - Work Plan for Review of Elgin County's Long-Term Care Homes (ATTACHED) 5) In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 6) Motion to adopt recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole Council 7) Consideration of By-Laws 8) Adjournment ./"--~", REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer and Helen Notte, Director of Homes and Seniors Services DATE: October 1, 2002 (amended October 15, 2002) SUBJECT: WORKPLAN FOR REVIEW OF ELGIN COUNTY'S LONG-TERM CARE HOMES Introduction: At a special Council meeting held on September 1 ih, 2002, staff were directed to prepare a workplan with timelines for the review of Homes' operations. This was in response to a series of five recommendations from Mr. Fred Galloway who had recently completed a number of input sessions with Homes' staff. What follows is a Draft Workplan for Council's consideration. Please refer to the Appendices for a more complete explanation of the Task Forces. WORKPLAN TASK #1 - Increase leadership capacity, assessment of staff roles and increase presence in Terrace Lodge and at the other Homes. Recommendation: That the Director of Homes and Seniors Services prepare a report to the Chief Administrative Officer with specific recommendations on how we are going to increase the leadership capacity and outcomes at the Homes. This will involve a strategy to increase the presence of the Administrator and others in the facilities. Timeline - four weeks - October 22nd, 2002 TASK #2 - Improve Organizational Culture and Morale. A - Replenish and rebuild the temporary pool of staff and fill gaps in services. Timeline - Task force to report in 4 weeks. B - Develop a contemporary and future-focused staffing model to meet the needs of seniors' care. (Fred Galloway to lead) Timeline - Mr. Galloway to complete in 4 months. 2 C - Create a less complex, more integrated and strengthened staff scheduling process. Timeline - Task Force to report in 4 weeks. D - Streamline and co-ordinate purchasing procedures that are more effective in procuring food stuffs and supplies according to the schedule of menus and programs. Timeline - Task Force to report in 4 weeks. ·E - Develop an effective and consistent communication program at multiple levels within and external to the Homes. Timeline - A Task Force involving the use of a communication consultant should chart all communication paths and determine the best course of action to improve communications. This report should be finalized in 4 to 6 weeks. F - The development of an effective decision-making model should fall out of the implementation ofthe suggestions of the Task Forces previously mentioned, but will take a significant period of time. Timeline - Within one year. G - Determination of a staff recognition system that honours effective and substantive work of staff on an ongoing basis. Timeline - Task Force to complete in 4 weeks. TASK #3 - Policy and Procedure Redevelopment and Renewal. This task will be time consuming as many policies are linked with Human Resources procedures that shall be reviewed concurrently. The goal will be to assess what needs updating, what is no longer required, and what are the priority changes needed. Timeline - One year. 3 TASK #4 - Review and Potential Redesign of Organizational Structure Clarity of roles and responsibilities is required with clearly identifiable accountabilities. The current practice of utilizing central service strategies should be investigated. Timeline - Starting on November 1st, this task should be completed by February (4 months). Mr. Galloway will lead this process. TASK #5 - Development of a Departmental Strategic Plan This project involves establishing a vision, mission and principles and values for the delivery of seniors services in the County and shall provide the basis or framework for all strategic and operational decision-making. Timeline - This process should begin in January and be completed by June. Staff need to see progress in the most urgent areas first, before strategic planning begins. This process should be lead by Mr. Galloway. Budaet for External Resources - A budget for Mr. Galloway, and a communication consultant and other internal and external resources is set at $50,000.00 (not including the Strategic Plan) from theStrategic Planning Reserve ($35,000) and the Mill Rate Stabilization Reserve ($15,000). In keeping with the recommendations of Mr. Galloway, the department will be monitored as to events and progress every two months with regular reporting to Council. An overall assessment of progress will be completed in the Fall of 2003 with any required changes. Task Force Co-Ordinator: In order to assist the Task Forces with questions of protocol and process, a Task Force Co-ordinator should be appointed. Instructions to Task Forces: General instructions to Task Forces are included in this report for Council's information. Récommendation: THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Homes and Seniors Services dated October 1, 2002 entitled "Workplan For Review Of Elgin County's Long- Term Care Homes" be approved, as amended, for implementation. Respectfully s acluJ cI ~~ Helen Notte Director of Homes and Seniors Services 4 INDEX PAGE SECTION TITLE 5 I Temporary Pool Task Force 6 II Task Force On Scheduling 7 m Task Force On Purchasing 8 IV Task Force On Communication 9 V Task Force On Developing A Staff Recognition System 10 VI Task Force On Policies And Procedures 11 VII Task Force On Organizational Structure 12 VIII Instructions To Task Forces And Composition 13 IX Tasksffask Forces And Timelines 14 X Task Forces' Co-Ordinator TITLE: OBJECTIVE: MAIN FUNCTIONS: TIMELlNE: COMPOSITION (51 5 I Témporary Pool Task Force To replenish and rebuild the temporary staff pool at all three Homes and fill in gaps in service. - Examine current staffing pool (temporary) - Determine appropriate size and composition of temporary staffing pool - Are there gaps in service? - Recommend most appropriate staffing pool to respond to service gaps - Estimated full-year impact on Homes' budget Four weéks from date of first meeting Terrace Lodae One ONA Exec Representative (1) One ONA Staff Representative (1) One SEIU Exec Representative (1) One SEIU Staff Representative (1) One Homes Management Team Member (same member for all thrée Homes) (1) * One Human Resources Appointee as ex-officio member Elain Manor Bobier Villa " " " " " " " " " " TITLE: OBJECTIVE: MAIN FUNCTIONS: TIMELlNE: COMPOSITION f71 6 IT Task Force On Scheduling To create a less complex, more integrated and strengthened staff scheduling system. - Examine pros and cons of existing method of scheduling - Examine alternative methods of implementing a master schedule - Recommend the most "user-friendly" and uncomplicated master schedule - Estimate full-year impact, if any, on Homes' budget Report due four weeks from date of first meeting Elqin Manor Bobier Villa Terrace Lodqe. One aNA Exec Representative (1) One aNA Staff Representative (1) One SEIU Exec Representative (1) One SEIU Staff Representative (1) One Homes Management Team (1) Member (same member for all 3 Homes) One Human Resources Appointee (1) One Scheduler from each Home (1) " " " " " " " " " " " " " " TITLE: OBJECTIVE: MAIN FUNCTIONS: TIMELlNE: COMPOSITION (7): 7 III Task Force On Purchasing To streamline and co-ordinate purchasing procedures with an initial focus on procuring food stuff and supplies according to the schedule of menus and programs. - Create a database of required supplies and purchases - Examine current methods of procurement - Discuss with suppliers their willingness and ability to deliver food stuffs according to pre-determined menus - Examine impact on operations and budgets, if any Report due on purchasing food stuffs four weeks from date of first meeting One Task Force For All Three Homes One Food Services Representative from each Home (3) One Resident Care Representative from each Home (3) One Homes Management Employee (1) One Finance ex-officio * Membership will evolve as other areas of procurement are investigated TITLE: OBJECTIVES: MAIN FUNCTIONS: TIMELlNE: COMPOSITION (9) RESOURCES: 8 IV Task Force On Communication To chart all communication paths internal and external to all three Homes and determine the best, most consistent method of communication. - Examine how and what information is disseminated to management and staff - Recommend a consistent and effective communication system - Use an external resources person to review options Report due six weeks from date of first meeting One Task Force For All Three Homes Two SEIU Representatives (one Staff and one Exec) (2) Two ONA Representatives (one Staff and one Exec) (2) One Nursing Supervisor (1) One Supervisor of Support Services (1) :rwo Secretarial Appointees (2) One Library Appointee (1) Consultant to lead process One IT Representative as ex-officio Communication consultant as required TITLES: OBJECTIVES: MAIN FUNCTIONS: TIMELlNE: COMPOSITION (7): 9 v Task Force On Developing A Staff Recognition System To develop a policy that recognizes and honours effective and substantive work of staff on an on-going basis. - Review recognition policies from other Homes/Municipalities - Tailor a system that best suits the County of Elgin - Full year impact on budget to be reported Report due four weeks from date of first meeting Three aNA Representatives, one from each Home (3) Three SEIU Representatives, one from each Home (3) One Management Representative from Homes (1) One Human Resources Appointee as ex-officio member 10 VI TITLE: Task Force On Policies and Procedures OBJECTIVE: To review and update all policies and procedures involving Homès' operations MAIN FUNCTIONS: - Develop a workplan - Formulation of Policy Reference Teams based on policy topics (Le. nursing policies to involve nursing staff) - Review and list all policies and procedures currently on the books - Eliminate policies and procedures that are no longer required - Assess which policies need revision - Determine which policies are a priority - Codify all policies TIMELlNE: One year from date of first meeting NOTE: Policies shall be brought forward for approval throughout the process COMPOSITION: A one-year secondment of a Homes' staff member to lead process with process advice from County Deputy Clerk. Po.licy Reference Teams to be chosen according to topic. RESOURCES: External assistance may be required NOTE: Sub-committees shall be established to review and recommend policies and procedures as required. 11 VII TITLE: Task Force On Organizational Structure OBJECTIVE: To recommend the most effective and efficient organizational structure and staffing levels at all three Homes. MAIN FUNCTIONS: - To create a database of the current complement offull and part-time staff - Clarify present roles and responsibilities of staff - Examine an organizational structure which best serves resident needs and future needs (specialization) - Develop a future-focused staffing model - Full-year budget implications shall be provided for any changes in complement or duties TIMELlNE: Report due four months from date of first meeting COMPOSITION: Consultant and Homes Administrator supported by Human Resources and Finance and reference groups (staff groups as required). NOTE: The Task Force will be facilitated by Mr. Fred Galloway 12 VIII INSTRUCTIONS TO TASK FORCES 1) Each Task Force shall appoint a Chairperson and a Secretary 2) Minutes shall be kept 3) Each Task Force shall focus on alternatives and best practices 4) Each Task Force shall set a schedule of regular meeting dates and make meetings open to the public wherever possible 5) The Task Force shall report to the County's Management Team through the Chief Administrative Officer and then to Council 6) Each Task Force shall solicit and entertain written and verbal comments from staff 7) Each Task Force may call upon department sources for advice as required (e.g. Finance) 8) Each Task Force may create sub-committees that shall report to the Task Force. Composition of the sub-committee(s) is subject to approval of the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer COMPOSITION 1) Expressions of interest for any Task Force shall be submitted to the Chief Administrative Officer 2) The Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer shall make final selections to the various Task Forces 3) Alternates are not permitted on main Task Forces 13 IX TASKSITASK FORCES AND TIMELlNES A) Temporary Pool 4 weeks mid November B) Scheduling 4 weeks mid November C) Purchasing 4 weeks mid November D) Communications 6 weeks December E) Staff Recognition 4 weeks mid November F) Policies and Procedures 52 weeks October 2003 G) Organizational Structure 16 weeks February 2003 NOTE: 1) Assessment of staff capabilities to be done by Director 2) Strategic Plan to commence in January and be completed in June 2003 Cost estimate for Strategic Plan to be supplied by Fred Galloway prior to commencement. 14 x TASK FORCES' CO-ORDINATOR DUTIES: - To assist and advise Task Forces in matters of procedure, protocol and questions related to Task Force functions - To ensure that the Task Forces are organized and proceeding in a timely manner - Allocates resources to Task Forces as required - Reports to Chief Administrative Officer COMPOSITION: Director of Homes and Seniors Services IN-CAMERA AGENDA October 15.2002 IN-CAMERA DELEGATION 2:00 P.M. Judith Clarkson of Mediated Solutions Incorporated will provide options for Council in dealing with unsigned letters. 2:45 P.M. A representative from Corporate Investigative Solutions will provide options for Council in dealing with unsigned letters. 1 r,: .) I /