January 20, 2004 Agenda Clayton Watters Dt@blakes.com 1/21/049:05AM James Richardson From To: Date: Subject: nternational Limited County Council approved a staff recommendation to transfer the property to the Township of Southwold The Township of Southwold has agreed to accept this piece of property and assume it a road What is the next steps? Clayton Watters, PEng Manager of Engineering Services County of Elgin (519) 631-1460 ex!. #4 cwatters@elgin-county.on.ca Heffren, Sandra cc COUNTY OF WELLINGTON 74 WOOLWICH STREET REcËÑ'ib DONNA WAUGH. A,M.C.T. CLERK TEL: (5191837-2600. EXT. 252 FAX, 15191837-'909 e-maU:donnaw@county.wellington.on.ca '.:j .,- ~~._,~.!). I:' ..:'" "\~: ::. . m:c 8 - . COUNtY Of ELf$\N M E M 0 RAN D U· M ADM\NIS'fRA'f\\Æ SERVICES ALL UPPER TIER MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO MS. LIZ SANDA!-S, M.P.P., GUELPH-WELLINGTON MR. TED ARNOTT, M.P.P., WATERLOO-WELLINGTON MR. ERNIE EVES, M.P.P., DUFFERIN-PEEL·WELLINGTON- GREY ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO TO: DONNA WAUGH, A.M.C.T. CLERK FROM: 2003 GAS TAX FUNDING DECEMBER 2ND, DATE: SUBJECT: At the session of wellington county Council, held on Thursday, November 27, 2003, the following recommendation from the Engineering services Committee was approved: "THAT WHEREAS the provincial Liberal election platform included the promise of the dedication of two cents per litre of gasoline toward transit; AND WHEREAS wellington county does not provide transit service; is an integral part of AND WHEREAS wellington county road system the local and provincial economies; AND WHEREAS the distribution of gas tax revenues to only those municipalities providing transit services is discriminatory; 2 ... If'" 255 N.·Chrlstlna street sarnta, Ontario. ('"..-da N7T 7N2 Tel: (519) 332-0330 Ext. 312 . Fax: (519) 332- 3995 mø.yoriÞ!'lty .samI.a.on.ca ßt. MUte Bradley :Mayor' City of Sarnia OêCtlJ>#J . OJ ¿OOJ 2003 Sarnia City Counci City. Hall SARNIA, ON December 11 Council Members: Dear TAX ASSESSMENT There is increasing evidence in Sarnia and across the Province that the new assessment systelT) brought in by the former Finance Minister, Ernie Eves, in the late 1990s is creating an unfair burden on residential property owners with the average increase in Sarnia this year being 14%. RE: done by review of factors involved including the annual assessment is creating double-digit increases in assessment value.· There are,a 'number computer models that In addition, one of the bigge.st changes that is occurring is the so-called tax fairness shift which is anythingbut~switching business, industrial; and commercial taxes over to residential taxes. In the meantime, business and industry is capped at 5% while residential has no cap. to pass the following resolution: THAT Sarnia City Council ask the new McGuinty government to immediately r¡¡view the current assessment system and to correct a number of the injustices that are occurring and tQ immediately review the so-called "tax fairness legislation" that is mandating communities to shift the tax burden from multi- residential industrial commercial to residential, and respectfully ask Counci Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario municipalities for THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of MPAC, the Institute of Municipal Assessors and all endorsement and support. Yours sincerely, ~ .. Mike Bradley Mayor of Sarnia Mrs. Caroline Di Cocco,.MPP - Sarnia-Lambton The Honourable Greg Sorbåra, Minister of Finance The Honourable John Gerretsen; Minister of Municipal Affairs Mrs. Maria Van Bommel, MPP - Lambton-Kent,Middlesex ;0. (l) /jg copy: CITY OF SARNIA 255 North Christina Street City Clerk's Department P.O. Box 3018 Telephone: (519) 332-0330 Sam/a, ON Fax: (519) 332-3995 N7T 7N2 E-mail' 1 ks"" . . . c er !ÜICl1y.sarrna.on.ca RECEIVED January 8, 2004 JAW 1 a _ COUNTY Of ELGIN· ADMINISTRATIVE SERVID~~ ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO: Re: Resolution on Tax Assessment Sarnia City Council at its meeting held December 15th, 2003, considered the attached communication from Mayor Mike Bradley on the above matter. The following resolution was adopted: THAT Sarnia City Çouncil ask the new McGuinty government to immediately review the current assessment system and to correct a number of the injustices that are occurring and to immediately review the so-called "tllX fairness legislation" that is mandating communities to shift the tllX burden from multi- residential industrial commercial to residential, and THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MP A C, the Institute of Municipal Assessors and all Ontario municipalities for endorsement and support We would appreciate your favourable consideration of Council's resolution. Yours truly, ~....._. .' ;' ',.... '-'- ",' "',, '·_..c'.1.;-·"·- _. _~ . .-,. ......, .·::'\::PJ,.i,~i:,',;,,/>:::" ," , - . Brian W. Knott City Solicitor/Clerk /jk C.c. A. Tuplin 7 ,Met\e,e " 2615 N;Chrl8U. Stmt samIa. Ontario. canada N7T 7N2 1,'el: (619) 332-0330Þt; 312 . Fax: (619) 332- 3991S mayorOcity.sam1a.on.ca ~ /' MIke Bradley ~yor' Citi of Samta 15 2003 DEC December3rd.2oo3 Sarnia City Counci City Hall SARNIA, ON Members: Dear Counci RE: I have received numerous complaints about the· operation of MP AC which is funded. by municipal governments across the Province to provide assessment information. While the legislation is Provincially driven and controlled, the performance of MPAC in the past couple of years has left a lot to be desired. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION (MPAC Complaints range from the obvious ones of faulty assessments based on computer models tq incredibly long waits through the call centre to receive information (if one can get through and if one's call is eventually answered.) There is also a substantial decrease in the number of employees which has led to poor service and centralized service which does not appear to be serving those who are paying the bills. the following motion: THAT Sarnia City Council request the Minister of. Finance to undertake a review of MPAC's role and responsibility with a view, in particular, to improve the quality qf assessment service delivered and to improve customer service, and that Caroline Di Cocco, the City's MPP, be provided with a copy of this correspondence with a request for her support. to pass would respectfully ask Counci Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario municipalities for THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of MPAC, the Institute of Municipal Assessors and all endorsement and support. J1? ;/¡Si~c7/~ Mike Bradley Mayor of Sarnia 9 /jg copy: Citizens !Municipa[ity of Centra{ f£tgin Corporation of tfie rrlie Ph. 519'631'4860 Fax 519'631·4036 RECEIVED. 2003 December 22"d 450 Sunset Drive, '1st Floor, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 2003, COUNTY Of El6tN ADMINISTRATM: SERVlÅ“e DEe 23 Mr. McGuinty: Dear meeting dated Act Please be advised that Council discussed the above noted matter at their Monday, December 8th, 2003 and the following resolution was passed: Management Re: Nutrient THAT: The Council of the Corporation of The Municipality of Central Elgin express its displeasure with. the Government of Ontario's decision to enforce the Nutrient Management Act through the Ministry of Environment instead of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; AND THAT: a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County of Elgin, the lower tier municipalities in Elgin County, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier and the Honourable Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture and Food. CARRIED. If you have any questions or concerns with respect to this information, please feel free to contact me at the·municipal office. Yours truly, , Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk County of Elgin Elgin County Lower Tier Municipalities Honourable Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture & Food c;c. CLAIMS EXHIBIT * INCURRED AMOUNT Includes all payments plus outstanding reserves plus expenses, less any deductible applying. CLASSIFICATION OF CLAIM YEAR NUMBER * INCURRED AMOUNT - - 1 Premises and Operations 1999-2000 4 $ 17,498. Liability 2000-2001 5 O. 2001-2002 3 2,421. 2002-2003 1 O. 2003-2004 1 O. TOTAL 14 $ 19,919. 2 Property - Buildingsl 1999-2000 0 $ O. Contents 2000-2001 1 27,417. 2001-2002 4 165,691. 2002-2003 2 11,528. 2003-2004 1 OIS TOTAL 8 $ 204,636. +O/S Frank Cowan Company Limited -2- COST ANALYSIS EXPIRING RENEWAL PROGRAM PROGRAM 2003-2004 TERM 2004-2005 TERM PART A-CASUALTY MUNICIPAL LIABILITY $ 107,182 $ 117,900. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS 6,819. 7,843. NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE 250. 250. FOLLOW FORM EXCESS LIABILITY 3,840. 4,280. ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY 9,248. 10,564. COMPREHENSIVE CRIME 2,367. 2,367. COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT 940. 940. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 240. 240. LEGAL EXPENSE 1,988, 1,988. PART B - PROPERTY PROPERTY/DA T A PROCESSING 24,053. 25,814. BOILER AND MACHINERY 3,121. 3,678. PART C- AUTOMOBILE OWNED AUTOMOBILE 1,862. 1,963. EXCESS AUTOMOBILE 150. 150. ANNUAL PREMIUM $ 162,060. $ 177,977. - - PLUS APPLICABLE TAXES Frank Cowan Company Limited -3 (t) C2~!'Company 2004 Municipal Insurance Program CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Prepared by: Mr. Bryce Sibbick Regional Manager Frank Cowan Company Limited 4 Cowan Street East Princeton, ON NOJ 1V0 This is a summary. Nothing herein alters the terms, conditions bryce.sibbick@frankcowan.com and exclusions contained in the printed insurance contract(s). 1.800.265.4000 REF: 21575/es T/519.458.4331 December 19, 2003 F/519.458.4366 , i' I I , , I i I- n I' ~ [- ~ Ii I· n , I' I I I , 1- About the Frank Cowan Company Leader in Public Entity Insurance Since 1927, Cowan has grown to become one of Canada's leading providers of public entity insurance. Cowan has been a pioneer in the development and implementation of innovative insurance programs for the Municipal, Health Care, and Education sectors. Outstanding Service We are more than just an insurance provider...we are a trusted partner in insurance and risk management. We work with our clients to develop individualized programs including complete risk management, claims management and an array of other services. Our mandate is clear...help our clients reduce risk. Clients also benefit from our affiliations with lawyers, adjusters and others that specialize in the public sector. Our relationships and network allow us to continually develop innovative, cost-effective products and services tailored to the risks of individual clients. Financial Stability Cowan, as a Managing General Agent of public entity portfolios, represents a group of select insurers of exceptional reputation and financial stability, which creates a very stable market for your insurance requirements, and gives our customers the comfort of knowing that they will always be protected by long- term, high-quality continuous service. Frank Cowan Company Limited 2- C" , 1 I ~ 1- , I· I' I ~ j ~ I I' , I r- , l~ I ¡: i I' , I ~ Cowan Service Sol uti ons More Than Just Insurance Cowan offers a full range of services to assist in the management and reduction of risk, which is equally vital to our clients. Risk Management, Claims Management and our other value-added services were initiated by Cowan and have evolved throughout our history of specialized services. Most often we can provide the services listed below at no additional cost to the client. Our Municipal clients are involved in a wide range of activities and operations designed to service the needs of their constituents. The diverse nature of these activities leads to various potential public liability situations; we work with our clients to provide specific hazard identification and analysis of these exposures. Liability Hazard Assessment ¡¡". We deliver a wide range of presentations to our Municipal clients on an ongoing basis that provide continuous education for our clients. ¡¡". Seminars & Staff Training We help our clients develop systems and processes for consistency within their operations and specifically focus on documentation, reporting and investigation of claims and accidents. ¡¡". Systems & Processes Our experience contributes insight on the suitability and effectiveness of liability transfers and appropriate insurance and indemnity clauses within your various contracts. ¡¡". Contractual Review is Because constant two-way communication important, our quarterly newsletter, "Cowan News" other bulletins and information packages keep our clients informed of common issues and solutions. ¡¡". Newsletters, Bulletins & Information Packages We handle your claim fairly and efficiently. Claims that are made against you are handled with the consistent strategy of defending or discouraging those claims that are without merit, or reaching a reasonable settlement on claims that do merit payment. Throughout this process, your interests are paramount and your input is sought. Detailed claims progress reports are produced and can be organized by type of loss or department to suit your needs. ¡¡". Claims Management Frank Cowan Company Limited -3- I~ I r ! , I I i I' I I MARKETPLACE CONDITIONS The Public sector has experienced significant losses in the past few years. Some of these losses have been driven by landmark cases, but overall, frequency and severity of claims has increased dramatically. As well, the overall cost of claims, which takes into account escalating court awards, claims administration expenses and the ever increasing costs of assets, has continued to rise during this period at a rate in excess In addition, insurers and re-insurers have become extremely liabilities because of the continuing downloading of services replacement of the premium growth. cautious about public entity by the provincial government, namely roads and ambulance services. Insurers are now experiencing the impact of the claims from these downloaded services and the impact they are having on the public entity portfolio. During the late 1990's, municipalities and other public entities have enjoyed favourable insurance costs due to "soft market" conditions fuelled primarily by a good return on investments by the insurance industry. We are now witnessing premium increases in the general insurance industry driven by losses that have vastly outpaced premiums and the reduction on investment income being received by the insurers. As a result, all insurance buyers are being affected as insurers and re-insurers are requiring more premium income to meet financial solvency requirements, creating a "hard market" condition As a result of the current "hard market" from the public entity marketplace or have had coverage by their markets that do not allow them to effectively address clients. Frank Cowan Company Limited, as long-term specialist insurance, continues to receive the support and capacity of our markets. provide a long term stability for the insurance and risk management needs of our public entity clientele, with our policies and services ever changing to reflect the continuing opportunities public entities now of insurers have withdrawn limitations imposed upon them the needs of public entity in public entity We continue to conditions, a number exposures brought about by downloading and new enjoy as a result of the new Municipal Act. the volatility of the current insurance market, the terms and conditions for the will be subject to the following: n view of 2004 Renewal Continued support of our markets. No major changes in the loss experience of your portfolio. No major changes in the re-insurance market that would adversely affect the underlying insurance. Frank Cowan Company Limited -4- 1 2 3. ~" I I ! I I I ~ , r- , , , I r r- I , I I , I r~ I' ~ , , ! I LlMITS/AMOUNTS $ 20,000,000. $ 10,000. $ 10,000. $ 100,000. $ 200,000. $ 5,000. Included $ 20,000,000. $ 10,000. $ 20,000,000. $ 250,000. $ 500. $ 2,000,000. $ 4,000,000. $ 10,000. $ 1,000,000. Included Included Included $ 100,000. $ 100,000. PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COVERAGES PARtAt~êASIJAí...TY Municipal Liability Limit of Protection per occurrence (No Annual Aggregate Limit) Third Party Claims Deductible including expenses Sewer Backup Deductible including expenses Wrongful Dismissal (defence costs) Limit per claim Annual Aggregate Limit Deductible Malpractice Liability Errors and Omissions Limit of Protection per claim (No Annual Aggregate Limit) Deductible including expenses Non-Owned Automobile Limit of Protection per occurrence (No Annual Aggregate Limit) Legal Liability for Non-Owned Vehicles (S.E.F. No. 94) All Perils Physical Damage Limit Deductible Environmental Liability Liability of Protection per claim Annual Aggregate Limit Self-Insured Retention Comprehensive Crime Commercial Blanket Bond Counterfeit Paper and Depositors' Forgery Audit Expense (Sub-Limit $ 100,000.) Money and Securities - Blanket any Location Excess on Securities Frank Cowan Company Limited 5- I' , , , I ,. ! , I I ¡: I , , I , , i I , I I , I I , r I I r , I I I' , I n I, , ~ ! " PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COVERAGES LlMITS/AMOUNTS Councillors' Accident - Warden, Eight Councillors and Five Members of County Land Division Committee Accidental Death & Dismemberment $ 100,000. (No Annual Aggregate Limit and No Deductible) Weekly Income - Total Disability $ 500. Weekly Income - Partial Disability $ 250. (24 Hour Coverage applies to the Warden Only for Principal Sum for Loss of Life) Municipal Conflict of Interest Percentage of Legal Fees and Expenses 100% Maximum Limit of Reimbursement per claim $ 100,000. (No Annual Aggregate Limit) Legal Expense Percentage of Legal Fees and Expenses 100% Maximum Limit of Reimbursement per claim $ 100,000. Annual Aggregate Limit $ 250,000. Frank Cowan Company Limited -6- r r i I , r- , r , i ~, I I ~ I 1 , I~ 1 r I ~ , r r ! r i r PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COVERAGES LlMITS/AMOUNTS PART S·PROPERl"Y Property Insurance (including Data Processing Insurance) Total Sum Insured * $ 50,665,785. Valuable Papers $ 1,500,000. Accounts Receivable (other than Data Processing) $ 500,000. Extra Expense (other than Data Processing) $ 500,000. Business Interruption Rent or Rental Value Form $ 500,000. Data Processing System and Equipment $ 603,900. Media $ 90,500. Extra Expense $ 50,000. Fine Arts Form $ 359,385. Residents' Personal Effects $ 15,000. Exhibition Form As Per Lists Provided Deductibles $ 10,000. Exceptions: - Contents of Senior Citizens Drop-In Centre at Terrace Lodge $ 1,000. Data Processing, Fine Arts Form, Residents' Personal Effects and Exhibition Form $ 1,000. 'Note: Please refer to the insurance contract for an itemized list of assets containing specific limits of insurance or that are excluded from the policy. Frank Cowan Company Limited -7 - I í'"' ~ , I I' r c-' , . i , r; , ! ,~ , ì ¡ I c-' i I r- , i c-' I , PROGRAM SUMMARY SUMMARY OF COVERAGES LlMITS/AMOUNTS Boiler and Machinery . Limit per Accident - Comprehensive $ 50,000,000. Extra Expense $ 500,000. Water Damage $ 500,000. Ammonia Contamination $ 500,000. Expediting Expenses Included Hazardous Substance (including PCB Contamination) $ 500,000. Business Interruption - Valued Daily Indemnity $ 11,250. Spoilage - Gòods under Refrigeration $ 50,000. Professional Fees $ 500,000. Data and Media $ 10,000. By-Law Cover Included Deductible $ 10,000. PARTC -AUTOMOBILE Automobile Fleet Liability Limit $ 20,000,000. Deductibles All Perils applicable to: - 2003 Savanna Cargo Van (Leased) $ 1,000. - 2003 Ford F150 4x2 (Leased) $ 2,500. 2004 - 2005 ANNUAL PREMIUM $ 177.977. PLUS APPLICABLE TAXES NOTE: Value Added Risk Management Services are included in the total premium Frank Cowan Company Limited -8- ~ I I I I r~ r r ! r I r· I ". i r- : I , I ~ COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE PROGRAM COVERAGE FEATURES 2004 - 2005 ~ , I I ! r , I ~ ! ~ I I~ r , I r- , i , r I - , I - i , I i Frank Cowan Company Limited -9- I i i~ I PART A CASUALTY Frank Cowan Company Limited - 10- -. ~ I I r- I , I I I r, I, r; I I , I ~ I ! I I I r- I MUNICIPAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Features The Cowan Municipal Program incorporates a comprehensive and broadly worded liability policy which was designed specifically to meet the needs of municipalities and their corresponding risks which are quite different and unique from other commercial risks that are insured under a Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy. When comparing forms of coverage, it is important to note that unless the coverage is specifically excluded, it is generally covered, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. njury, Property Damage, and Personal Injury. Bodily Liability coverage provided for · of Liability applies. limit Separate Limit · · is applicable No Annual Aggregate Coverage is provided on an Occurrence basis. Broad form Definition of Insured applies, including: Councillors, Employees, Statutory Officers, Firefighters, Volunteers, Boards, Commissions, and Committees. included Cross Liability is Coverage applies Worldwide · unless specified otherwise: The following coverages are included to the full policy limit, Employers' Liability · Contractual Liability · Liquor Liability · Tenants' Legal Liability · nspection Services, Building Sewer back-up Liability Professional Liability on an Occurrence basis (e.g Medical Malpractice). Malpractice Liability · Watercraft Liability · the limits specified in the to subject Products Liability Wrongful Dismissal coverage is included Summary of Coverage pages. mental abuse applies to the entity. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited - 11 - · · · · · · · No exclusion for sexual, physical or · , " I r I r I r I I ì I ~ , I I ¡-- I i ì i ! ,- I I I I ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIABILITY INSURANCE Features This is a claims-made policy that protects the municipality from liability imposed upon it by a court of civil law for compensatory damages because of a wrongful act causing financial loss to a third party. Claims for Wrongful Acts causing financial loss to a third party can range from, but are not limited to, negligence in building inspection, zoning, planning, passing by-laws, failing to enforce by-laws, to misrepresentation, abuse of power and acting in bad faith. of Liability applies. Separate Limit is applicable. No Annual Aggregate limit · · Statutory Councillors, Employees, Commissions, and Committees. including Broad form Definition of Insured applies, Officers, Volunteers, Boards, Firefighters, · (no policy limit the ful to Programs is included Employee Benefit applies). Coverage applies Worldwide. · limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -12 - Administration of limit aggregate · Please refer to the insurance contract for al , ! ~ I ¡ f' I ~ I , ¡ : I , î- I , I I I n I I ! i- I I , , , ' I ! NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Features This policy provides liability protection against claims arising out of accidents involving vehicles not owned by the municipality, but operated on its behalf. · The main coverage is as per S.P.F. No.6-Nan-Owned Automobile Policy. · Aseparate limit of liability applies. · Coverage is extended to provide excess automobile liability insurance, to the policy limit, for Councillors, Board Members, Officers, Employees, and even Volunteers for claims arising while driving their own vehicles on municipal business. · Physical damage coverage, as specified in the Summary of Coverage pages, is provided for the municipality's contractual and legal liability for damage to vehicles not owned by the corporation or any other insured. (Note: Unlike standard industry wordings, we do not restrict this coverage to "hired" automobiles only.) Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -13- , I G , : ' ! ~ , I I" I r- I r- [ í I í I I I I ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Features This is a claims-made policy that protects the municipality from environmental liability for claims because of bodily injury, property damage and the prevention, control, repair, clean-up or restoration of environmental impairment. Cowan's comprehensive wording, among other things, does not limit a municipality to claims arising from a sudden and accidental event. · Separate limits of liability apply specifically to this coverage. · Broad form Definition of Insured applies, including: Councillors, Employees, Statutory Officers, Firefighters, Volunteers, Boards, Commissions, and Committees. · Broad definition of Environmental Impairment applies. · Coverage is included for sudden and accidental events and for liability resulting from events that occur gradually and over a period of time (i.e. not limited to sudden and accidental claims). · Coverage is included for liability arising out of the escape of contaminants from properties previously owned, leased or operated by the municipality. · Coverage is included for impairment caused by owned watercraft. · Coverage applies Worldwide. · No exclusion for landfill sites, open or closed. · No exclusion for fuel tanks, above or underground. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -14- I I ì I , I I r I I I- I , ~ I I-- I I , I , 1 I , I ~ , I I I r- , CRIME INSURANCE Features This policy provides protection to the municipality for the loss of money, securities and other property through the fraudulent or dishonest acts of employees and others. · Coverage is provided on a Commercial Blanket Bond package, and may include: - Employee Dishonesty, - Loss of Money and Securities, - Money Order and Counterfeit Paper Currency, and - Depositors Forgery. · Audit expense coverage is in addition to the overall bond limit, to the maximum amount provided in the Summary of Coverage pages. · The definition of "employee" is extended to include all persons holding positions in the municipality's service who are not compensated, and includes Members of Council, Members of all Boards, Commissions and Committees appointed by and under Council's jurisdiction. · The definition of "messenger" is also extended to include persons not compensated. · No deductible applies. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -15 - ,~ , , 1 - 1 I 1 ' 1-- - : I 1--; I i' I I I I- I I :' 1 ~ Ii I~ COUNCilLORS' ACCIDENT INSURANCE Features This policy provides accident insurance coverage for the benefit of the municipality's elected officials. All benefits are payable in addition to any other benefits that the injured person may be in receipt of. · Coverage applies while the individual is acting within the scope of their duties, including all travel required. · No aggregate limit applies. · No age restriction applies. · Coverage is not limited to "authorized" travel only. · Weekly indemnities are paid in full regardless of the individual's employment status (e.g. retired, self-employed, etc.). · Weekly indemnity for Total Loss of Time is payable for life. · A schedule of Dismemberment Benefits is provided and payable as set out in the policy. · Funeral expenses are included up to $10,000. · Blanket Accident expenses are included up to $10,000. and include dental chiropractic, registered nurse, podiatrist, ambulance, drugs, crutches, etc. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -16- r , I I ;- ! ~ ~ , ! I I r i I r-' ! 1:, I I- I r , r- CONFLICT OF INTEREST INSURANCE Features This policy provides for the reimbursement of legal fees and expenses incurred by the elected or appointed members of Council who are charged under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, provided that a court finds (1) there has been no contravention, or (2) contravention has occurred by reason of inadvertence, remoteness, or insignificance, or (3) contravention has occurred by reason of a bona fide error in judgement. · Coverage is provided in respect of each individual Insured's claim to the maximum limit specified in the Summary of Coverage pages. · Separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage. · No annual aggregate limit applies. · Coverage is extended to include any member of a Board, Commission, or Committee of the Insured as defined in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. · Coverage is also included for any subsequent proceedings under this Act. · The Insured selects and instructs legal counsel with no intervention by the insurer. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -17 - I I , n , I i r~ I r r I r~ 1 ~ I' I' , I " , ¡ n I ~ LEGAL EXPENSE INSURANCE Features This policy provides for the reimbursement of legal fees including disbursements incurred by the insured in defence of charges laid for an alleged offence under any Statute of the Province of Ontario (except for the Highway Traffic Act and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act). Some of the more common Statutes where exposure exists include: Environmental Protection Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario Water Resources Act, and Pesticides Act. 0 Broad form Definition of Insured applies, including: Councillors, Employees Statutory Officers, Firefighters, Volunteers, Boards, Commissions, and Committees. 0 Separate limits of insurance apply to this coverage. 0 Coverage applies to both "guilty" and "not guilty" outcomes if applicable. 0 The Insured selects and instructs legal counsel with no intervention by the insurer. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -18 - ~ , ì r ! I I , ~, I r ì r ! r , ì ~ 1 r ! i ! ~ ! , I ì I , , 1-- ~ I , PART B PROPERTY Frank Cowan Company Limited -19 - " , I ~ " , , , , ~ , , , , r' PROPERTY INSURANCE i i r- ! Features coverage to protect the municipality's assets from direct which means that the Risk" This policy provides "All ! Coverage is provided on a blanket basis, will not be jeopardized should the value of an asset be undervalued in the schedule and suffer a total loss. physical loss or damage. municipality - enjoy the protection of the will Rather, the municipality blanket limit of all assets combined. r- coverage cost the replacement that Another key feature of the Cowan wording is ! , I as similar as materials or unique buildings with of historical provides replacement possible to preserve their heritage. Broad definition of property insured is Included · of values and policy does not No co-insurance clauses apply. Insured is not required to provide a signed statement contain a stated amount clause. · · - I Cost coverage is provided (unless specifically stated otherwise). is included Replacement · r- ,ì Worldwide coverage on same site is not required · Replacement · the policy limit. other than is provided to policy with no limit and coverage included No restriction on property in transit Newly acquired property is automatically limit. · · r- , 1 Permission is granted for the following · the policy limit), other than to make additions, alterations and repairs (no limit ,- i , for any property to remain vacant or unoccupied, to use any property for any purpose, and , ¡ to keep and use materials as usual and necessary. Clean-up) is included to the policy Sewer back-up coverage is included limit. (including EnvironmentallPollution By-law coverage is included to the policy removal Debris limit. · · · ,- I r- Frank Cowan Company Limited - 20- r , , r-'. Property Insurance Features continued · The following coverages, if applicable, are included to the limit specified in the Summary of Coverage pages: - Valuable Papers, - Accounts Receivable, - Extra Expense (including Interruption by Civil Authority), and - Media (unless included under Data Processing Rider) · The following coverages are also available, if applicable (please refer to the Summary of Coverage pages): - Data Processing System and Equipment, along with Media and Extra Expense, - Fine Arts, - Exhibition Form, and - Business Interruption. · If a single loss involves both the Automobile and Property Insurance policies, the Property policy deductible is waived only on any insured property attached to the automobile. · One deductible applies should there be a loss involving both the Property and the Boiler and Machinery Insurance policies. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited -21 r~- r I i , I I' I , , r---' I 1 , I I , I r I , I i I r I , I, i: I , " i I BOILER AND MACHINERY INSURANCE Features This policy insures sudden and accidental mechanical breakdown to boilers, pressure vessels, and other equipment including resulting damage, all of which is generally excluded under a Property Insurance policy. Examples of common types of breakdowns insured would include: cracking, bulging, burning, explosion, mechanical breakdown and electrical burnout. This insurance also provides inspections and certification services as required by law. · Comprehensive Blanket coverage provided. · Broad definition of Object, includes communication equipment and production machinery. · Settlement is based on repair or replacement cost (no depreciation factor). · Broad definition of Accident applies. · New locations and newly installed objects are automatically included. · Computer Control Equipment is included when used solely to control or operate an insured object. · The following coverages, if applicable, are included to the limit shown on the Summary of Coverage pages: - Extra Expense, - Water Damage, - Ammonia Contamination, - Expediting Expenses, - Hazardous Substance (including PCB Contamination), - Loss of Arena Revenues, - Spoilage, - Professional Fees, - Data and Media, and - By-Law Cover. · One deductible applies should there be a loss involving both the Boiler and Machinery and Property Insurance policies. Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank Cowan Company Limited - 22- ì I " ~ , I ~ , , i ~ r j r í I" r- j' r , I I ~ i I ì PART C AUTOMOBILE I i I i , r- 'I n , 1 r' r i ~ " I Frank Cowan Company Limited - 23- I , ì I AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE Features This policy provides protection for all claims arising out of the use or operation of licensed automobiles owned or leased by the municipality. Coverage is provided as per the Statutory Automobile Owner's Policy. A special Cowan endorsement is added to enhance the basic policy coverage. Uninsured Automobile, and Benefits, Coverage is provided for Liability, Accident Direct Compensation - Property Damage. · Loss or Damage coverages are available as requested by the Municipality to protect their licensed vehicles from physical damage caused by an insured peril. · Coverage is automatically extended to include: · newly acquired vehicles, nappropriately licensed drivers, permission to carry explosives, lease, permission to rent or damage caused by freezing of Fire-Fighting Apparatus, and of replacement permission to carry passengers for compensation provides repairs or new parts -10 repair estimates are calculated by using al repair On a partial damage. On a total the option of purchasing a new vehicle, or would cost the municipality has for loss, to purchase a new Guaranteed Amount coverage can be provided on specified vehicles. Repairs or replacement will be undertaken without deduction for depreciation up to the Guaranteed Amount shown on the automobile schedule attached to the policy. that Valued coverage can be provided on specified vehicles, usually those obsolete, would not be replaced, or would be replaced with a used vehicle. · are the the Please refer to the insurance contract for all limits, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply. Frank COwan Company Limited 24- It Our Replacement Cost coverage is unique. vehicles with no deduction for depreciation. loss · it the amount accepting a cash settlement vehicle. · Actual cash value (ACV) coverage can be provided on specified vehicles. If a single loss involves both the Automobile and Property Insurance policies, Property policy deductible is waived only on any insured property attached to automobile. · · I I r , r , ' I ~ ~ , , , r- , , I r I r- CHANGES TO YOUR INSURANCE PROGRAM Please be advised of the following changes to your insurance program that now apply: · Property - the Deductibles with respect to the Contents of Senior Citizens Drop-In Centre at Terrace Lodge, Data Processing Insurance, Fine Arts Form, Residents' Personal Effects and Exhibition Form have been increased from $ 500. to $ 1,000. · Boiler & Machinery - The Limit per Accident - Comprehensive has been increased from $ 25,000,000. to $ 50,000,000. · Owned Automobile - the All Perils Deductible with respect to the 2003 Savanna Cargo Van (Leased) has been increased from $ 500. to $ 1,000. · Please note that renewal will be sUbject to a Social Housing Exclusion. · Property values have been increased in order to reflect inflationary trends. Frank Cowan Company Limited - 25- r , , r: I 1-- ~ ! r I , r i I' I ¡--- ! ! r I , , ! I ! I' ! ' ! r RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that you consider the following optional coverages that are available as follows: (Please note that in addition to these coverages, you may want to consider increasing your limits of insurance or deductible levels as appropriate. You may also have other exposures that require or may benefit from specific insurance forms, such as: marina liability, aviation liability, etc.) SELF-INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE PROGRAMS For comparison purposes we are setting out optional deductible programs that the Insured may wish to consider. CLASSIFICATION PRESENT DEDUCTIBLE OPTIONhL DEDUCTIBLE CREDITS AVAILABLE Municipal Liability $ 10,000. $ 25,000. (Third Party Liability & Sewer Backup) Errors & Omissions 10,000. 25,000. $9,163. Environmental Liability 10,000. 25,000. Frank Cowan Company Limited 26 - " , i I r r í ì ~ I 1 r: i r ~ I I n I ~ ~ I I I n i' , , í l; . r I I , ~ I I REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF Januarv 20. 2004 Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 13 Tree Commissioner - Draft 2 of Proposed Elgin County Tree By-Law 37 Director of Human Resources - Draft Code of Conduct Policy 45 Director of Human Resources - Hiring Procedure - Policy 3.10 49 Ambulance and Emergency Management Co-Ordinator - Ministry of Health One-Time Funding for AVL-GPS System 52 Director of Financial Services - 2004 CRF Allocation .!J ¡:r-t-r¿fI.E.y 53 Manager of Engineering Services - Sparta Line - Chevron Warning Signs 59 Manager of Engineering Services - Land Transfer to Township of Southwold - Lot 4 Concession ENBTR 62 Manager of Engineering Services - Robinson Bridge Removal 63 Manager of Engineering Services - Jamestown Bridge Deck Rehabilitation 64 Manager of Engineering Services - Lakeshore Line Relocation 67 County Archivist - Records Retention By-Law Chief Administrative Officer, AMO's Land Ambulance Task Force REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Rob Lindsay, Tree Commissioner FROM 12 JanUlary 2004 Draft 2 of Proposed Elgin County Tree By-Law DATE SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION During the County Council meeting on December 11, 2003, it was requested that the second draft of the proposed Tree By-Law be brought back for Council's review before going out for public comment. In the second draft the changes from the first draft have been bolded and additional required information has also been included DISCUSSION The current Tree By-Law will be effective until December 31,2005. At that time a new tree by-law will be required under the Municipal Act 2001. However it should be implemented as soon as possible. Under The following is a comparison between the current and the proposed Tree By-Law. the current Tree By-Law there are no fees charged for a Notice of Intent or Minor Exception. The Municipal Act 2001 allows for the issuance of permits and to include conditions on the permit. There will be two separate permits required under the proposed Tree By-Law as outlined below. n¡u ntenUo the Tree be chanqed to a "Permit for Destruction or Under the current By-Law all landowners are required to file a Notice of Commissioner outlining their intent to harvest their woodlands. wi ntent' "Notice of 1 Under the proposed l3y-Law all landowners will be required to obtain a permit to destroy or injure trees from the Tree Commissioner. A permit fee of $75.00 will be charged for the issuance of the permit. Once an EXPlanation of Fees The $75.00 fee mirrors that used by the KCCA as a means of recovering costs application is submitted the Tree Commissioner performs the following: i) opens a file ii) reviews and clarifies information within the application iii) physically inspects and documents the proposed area outlined on the application form iv) follows-up with the landowner or logger if necessary. be achieved this way, partial cost recovery of the program wi n 2 " Minor Exceptions are currently reviewed and approved by County Counci If the application is approved a letter is sent to the landowner along with the approved motion from County Council. Woodland Clearin be chanaed to "Permit for tion" wi Exce "Minor 2 With the proposed By-Law a "Permit for Woodland Clearing" would be issued to the landowner provided there are no objections filed within the allotted time frame to the Tree Commissioner. If there are objections filed with the Tree Commissioner, the application for woodland clearing would be brought forward for Council's consideration. The Woodland Clearing Permit Fee would be $200.00. Explanation of Fees The $200.00 fee mirrors that used by the KCCA as a me¡:ms of recovering costs. This fee is higher then the "Permit to Destroy or Injure" because more time and effort is required to complete this permit. Once an application has been submitted, the Tree Commissioner performs the following: i) opens a file i) meets with the landowner to physically inspect the proposed woodland clearing area ii) reviews and clarifies the information on the application iii) erects a notification sign at the proposed woodland cleari iv) sends out notification letters to abutting landowners and v) issues a permit if no objections are filed or vi) takes the application to Council for consideration vii) notifies applicant of Councils decision ng site nterest groups if objections are filed be achieved this way, partial cost recovery of the program wi n for Ticketable Offences Under the current Tree By-Law there were no provisions for the Tree Commissioner to write tickets for minor infractions to the By-Law. Short Form Word in 3 The Municipal Act allows for the tree Commissioner to issue tickets using short form wording in the new by-law. This would allow for the enforcement of minor infractions which may arise with the by-law. On the first offence, the person who has contravened the by- law would first receive a written warning if the contravention was minor (i.e. failure to obtain a permit). On the second offence, a ticket would be issued to the person During preparation of the second draft, the neighbouring Counties of Haldimand-Norfolk, Middlesex, and Oxford were consulted as they have all been working on a similar by-law and wording was standardized to avoid confusion among the industry. 3 After completion of the first draft of the Tree By-Law, a meeting was arranged on April 1, 2003 with the Elgin Chapter of the Elgin Middlesex Woodlot Owners Association. During this meeting the Elgin Chapter discussed their concerns with the first draft of the By-Law. At the conclusion of the meeting the Elgin Chapter was requested to provide their comments in writing back to the Tree Commissioner. The majority of these suggestions and comments have been incorporated in the second draft with the exception of the following The Elgin Chapter has objected to any fees of any kind being charged to woodland owners. The following quote is from the Elgin Chapter: "All of society benefits from the maintenance of tree cover, not just the farmer, so all of society needs to bear the costs." 1 the charging of fees. The Elgin Chapter is concerned with the word "Conservation" in the name of the By- Law because it construes different uses or non-uses of woodlands. The Municipal Act allows for conditions on permits which include 2 This is the wording that is used in the templates for rewriting the by-laws across the Province ne to process a permit. This time line will not change from the current 5-day period for a per'mit to destroy or injure trees. It will however change for a landowner wishing to clear woodland from a minimum of 21 days currently, to a period of 2 months. time the The Elgin Chapter is concerned with 3 RECOMMENDATION THAT, the second draft of the proposed Elgin County Tree By-Law be circulated for review and comment by the general public, interested groups, Foresters and Loggers for a period of 90 days; and, is adopted by it THAT any comments received be reviewed and considered: and the final draft By-Law before THAT the County of Elgin's solicitor reviews Council. Marl Chief Administrative Officer Respectfully Submitted Rob Lindsay Tree Commissioner 2004 Draft 2 January 9, "DRAFT" COUNTY OF ELGIN Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. 04- "TO PROHIBÅ’OR REGULATE THE DESTRUCTION OR INJURING OF TREE_!tIN THE ÇOUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO REPEAL BY-LAWS NO. 87-6 Af\tD 93-30' WHEREAS Section 135 (2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, permits the enactment of a by-law by a council to prohibit or regulate the destruction or injuring of trees in woodlands; and WHEREAS a council may require that a permit be obtained to destroy or injure trees in woodlands specified in the By-Law and may impose conditions on a Permit. [see 5.135(7)]; and WHEREAS Council has determined that it is desirable to enact such a By-Law, for the purpose of: Preserving and improving the woodland resources of Elgin County through Good Forestry Practices; promoting good forestry practices that sustain healthy woodlands; minimizing the destruction or injuring of trees; regulating and controlling the removal, maintenance and protection of trees; and protecting, promoting and enhancing the aesthetic values of woodlands; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. Definitions In this by-law: (a) "Application for Permit" means a written request to destroy or injure trees. (b) "Basal Area" means the area of the cross-section of the stem of a tree taken at a point of measurement 1.37 metres above the highest point of ground in an undisturbed state at the base of the tree. "Basal Area Calculations" means the process to determine basal area for the woodland. The outline in Schedule "I" will be followed to determine basal area. "Building Permit" means a Building Permit issued under the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c23, as amended. "Business Day" means any day falling on or between Monday through Friday of each week but does not include any statutory hoiidays. (New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Hoiiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. "Clerk" means the Chief Administrative Officer of the County of Elgin or designate. "Circumference" means the measurement of the perimeter or outer boundary of a stem or trunk of a tree with such measurement including the bark of the stem. "Coppice Growth" means that where more than one tree stem grows from a single tree stump the point of measurement for the purpose of this bylaw shall be at the point on the tree trunk where the tree stems separate provided that such point of separation is closer than 1.27 metres to the highest point off the ground in an undisturbed state at the base of the tree. 'Council" means the Council of Elgin County. "DBH (Diameter at Breast Height)" means the diameter of the stem of a tree measured at a point 1.37 meters above the highest point of ground in an undisturbed state at the base of the tree. "Diameter" means the diameter of the stem of a tree measured outside the bark at a specified point of measurement. "Good Forestry Practices" means the proper implementation of harvest, renewai and maintenance activities known to be appropriate for the forest and environmental conditions under which it is being appiied and that minimize detriments to forest values including significant ecosystems, important fish and wildlife habitat, soil and (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) (k) (I) Draft 2 J aunary 9, 2004 water quality and quantity, forest productivity and health; and the aesthetics and recreational opportunities of the landscape; and Good Forestry Practices permits the destruction or injuring of trees that: (a) have been damaged by disease, insects, wind, ice, fire, lightning, or other natural causes.to an extent that the health of such trees is likely to further deteriorate; (b) should be cut or removed to prevent disease or insects from spreading to other trees; (c) are cut in accordance with the Provincial Silvicultural Guidelines as referred to in the Forest Operations and Silviculture Manual and its revisions prepared under the authority of the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, S.O; 1994, c. 25. These Provincial Silvicultural Guidelines include, but are not limited, to: A Silvicultural Guide to Managing Southern Ontario Forests, Silvicultural Guide for the Tolerant Hardwood Forest in Ontario, A Tree Marking Guide for the Tolerant Hardwood Working Group in Ontario, A Silvicultural Guide for the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Conifer Forest in Ontario; and (d) are marked and cut as part of a woodlands management plan approved by a Registered Professional Forester. "Officel" means the Elgin County Tree Commissioner or an individual appointed by Council for the administration and enforcement of this By-Law. "Owner" means a person having any right, title, interest or equity in land. "Own Use" means use that does not include a sale, exchange or other disposition of the trees that are destroyed or injured. "Permit" means the written authorization from the Officer. "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, firm, trust, or other entity and includes anyone acting on behalf or under the authority of such entity. "Point of Measurement" means that point on the tree trunk measured above the highest point on the trøe where the ground meets the stump in an undisturbed state at the base ofthe tree. "Registered Professional Forester" as defined in the Ontario Professional Foresters Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c.18. "Sensitive natural areas" includes: i) Lands receiving property tax reduction under the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program; ii) Provincially Significant Life Science Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI); Hi) Wetlands designated as locally, regionally or provincially significant; iv) Environmentally Significant within the County of Elgin as designated by anyone of the following: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, Long Point Region Conservation Authority, and Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority: and v) Any portion of a woodlot located within 30 metres of the water's edge of a locally, regionally or provincially significant wetland. "Silviculture" means the theory and practice of controlling forest establishment, composition, growth and quality of forests to achieve the objectives of management. "Tree" means any species of woody perennial plant, including its root system, which has reached or can reach a height of at least 4.5 meters at physiological maturity. "Woodlands" means land at least one hectare and more in area with at least: i) 1000 trees of any size per hectare; 'or Ii) 750 trees measuring over 5 centimeters in diameter per hectare; or Hi) 500 trees measuring over 12 centimeters in diameter per hectare; or iv) 250 trees measuring over 20 centimeters in diameter per hectare. but does not include a cultivated fruit or nut orchard or a plantation established for the purpose of producing Christmas trees. "Woodlots" means land at least 0.2 hectare up to one hectare in area with at least: 1000 trees of any size per hectare; or 750 trees measuring over 5 centimeters in diameter per hectare; or 500 trees measuring over 12 centimeters in diameter per hectare; or 250 trees measuring over 20 centimeters in diameter per hectare. but does not include a cultivated fruit or nut orchard or a plantation established for the purpose of producing Christmas trees. 2 (i) (m) (n) (0) (p) (q) (w) (x) (u) (v) (s) (t) (r Draft 2 January 9, 2004 include woodlots within the County of Elgin when referred to in "Woodlands" wi this by-law. (y) Except as provided in Section 3, no person through their own actions or through any other person shall destroy or injure any living tree unless; (i) the person who is destroying or injuring trees does so in accordance with Good Forestry Practices as prescribed by: (a) a Registered Professional Forester; or (b) a member in good standing of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association; and (c) has the acompaning documentation for the prescription; and (ii) the person who is destroying or injuring trees, has only destroyed or injured those trees which have attained, at the specified point of measurement, the Circumference measurement which equals or is greater than the minimum Circumference prescribed for the species in Schedule "A";and (m) the destruction or injury of trees will not reduce the number of trees per hectare below the minimum number of trees per hectare required to be considered woodlands; (iv) the destruction or injury of trees will not reduce the basal area in that part of the woodlands, where trees have been destroyed or injured below 14m21 ha; (v) the person who is destroying or injuring trees has abided by the requirements of Section 5. No person through their own actions or through any other person shall; (i) fail to comply with an Order issued under this By;law; (ii) remove or deface any Order that has been posted pursuant to this By-law; and (m) contravene the terms or conditions of a Permit issued under this By-law. No person through their own actions or through any other person shall destroy or injure a tree located in an identified Sensitive Natural Area, unless the destruction or injure is carried out under Good Forestry Practices with the accompanying prescription. A person shall not: (i) destroy or injury any tree that is to remain standing after the destruction or injuring of trees is completed; (ii) operate a vehicle, machinery or equipment or conduct their operations in such a manner or at such time that results in excessive damage to the soil, wetlands or other portions of the woodlands; (m) leave a top, which can be safely trimmed and not scheduled for fuel wood operation, higher than 2.0 metres from the ground to the highest branch; and operate a vehicle, machinery or equipment or conduct operations in a manner or at a time, that results in the leaving of any part of a tree in a watercourse including any trees that have not been cut, but have been pushed, knocked over or otherwise ended up in a watercourse. General Prohibition: 2. (a) (b) (d) (c) (iv) Exemptions: This By-Law does not apply to: (a) activities or matters undertaken by a municipality or a local board of a municipality; or (b) activities or matters undertaken under a license issued under the Crown Forestry Sustainability Act, 1994; or (c) the destruction or injuring of trees by a person licensed under the Surveyors Act to engage in the practice of cadastral surveying or his or her agent, while making a survey; or (d) the destruction or injuring of trees imposed as condition to the approval of a site plan, a plan of subdivision or a consent under section 41, 51, or 53, respectively, of the Planning Act or as a requirement of a site plan agreement or subdivison agreement entered into under those sections; or (e) the destruction or injuring of trees imposed as a condition to a development permit authorized by regulation made under section 70.2 of the Planning Act or as a requirement of an agreement entered into under the regulation; or 3 3. Draft 2 January 9, the destruction or injuring of trees by a transmitter or distributor, as those terms are defined in section 2 of the Electricity Act, 1998, for the purpose of construction and maintaining a transmission system or a distribution system, as those terms as defined in that section; or the destruction or injuring of trees undertaken on iand in order to lawfully estabiish and operate or enlarge any pit or quarry on land, i) that has not been designated under the Aggregate Resources Act or a predecessor of that Act, and ii) on which a pit or quarry is permitted land use under a by-law passed under section 34 of the Planning Act. 2001,c.25,s.135 (12); or the destruction or injury of trees where the owner of the Woodlands has been granted an exemption by Council pursuant to section 4; or the destruction or injury of trees that is required in order to install and provide utilities to the construction or use of the building, structure or thing in respect of which a Building Permit has been issued; or the destruction or injury of trees that is required in order to erect any building, structure or thing in respect of which a Building Permit has been issued and has taken into consideration the protection of trees surrounding the structure or work within the building envelope, provided that no tree is destroyed or injured that is located more than 15 metres from the outer edge of the building, structure or thing; or 2004 (f) (g) (h) (i) 0) the destruction or injury of trees that is required in order to install and provide utilities to a single lane driveway for vehicular access to the building, structure or thing in respect of which a Building Permit has been issued; or the owner of the Woodlands that has destroyed or injured trees for his or her own use where the owner has been the registered owner of the Woodlands for at least two years prior to the date of the commencement of the destruction or injury of the trees; or the destruction or injury of trees where the trees are· destroyed or injured pursuant to a legally binding contract if: (i) the owner of the Woodlands has given notice under section 5; and (ii) the contract was signed within one year immediately preceding the date on which this By-law was passed and; (m) proof of the signed contract and payment in full has been submitted to the Officer and; (iv) the trees are injured or destroyed in a manner consistent with By-law No 87-6 as amended. the owner of woodlands who has destroyed or injured trees which result in the production of less than 20 logs per year, and has notified the Officer in respect of the operations. (k) (m) (I) Ucations In order to be considered for an exemption to Section 2 the owner of the woodlands must apply to the Clerk for an exemption at least 2 months prior to the anticipated commencement of clearing of trees by submitting: i) a completed Application to Council for Exemption for Woodland Clearing as described in Schedule "B"; ii) an application to clear woodlands greater than 1.0 hectares must be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Study; Hi) it shall be normal practice that when an owner or his authorized agent makes an inquiry with regard to Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. _, that the Officer will make an inspection of the property to determine whether or not an Application to Council for Exemption for Woodland Clearing is required; and iv) the applicable fee as setout in Schedule "G" is received. At least 21 business days prior to consideration of the application for an exemption the Officer shall send, by regular mail, written notice in the form of Schedule "D" to the applicant and all assessed owners of each parcel of land that abuts the applicant's Woodlands for which an exemption is being sought and to such other persons as prescribed by Council. The Officer shall erect and display a public notice regarding the exemption application at the entrance to the Woodlands in a position that ensures that it is clear and visible to all persons, and the notice shall be in the form of Schedule HE". 4 A lion for Woodl;md Clearin CQuncil Exem 4. (a) (b) (c) Draft 2 January 9, 2004 The notice shall be posted at least 21 business davs prior to consideration of the application. Provided that there have been no objections filed with the Clerk, and/or the Officer agrees that the general purpose and intent of this By-law is maintained, the Clerk may grant the Permit for the exemption in the form of Schedule "C". When granting a Permit for an exemption, the Clerk may include terms or conditions. When denying an exemption, the Clerk must notify the applicant. The applicant may object to the terms and conditions on the Permit for the exemption. Where there have been objections filed with the Officer or where the applicant objects to the terms and conditions on the Permit for the exemption, Council will consider the application for exemption, any conditions to the Permit and make a decision whether to grant the exemption and therefore a Permit. The Council shall hear any person who wishes to speak to the exemption for which objectipns have been filed. When granting an exemption Council may include terms or conditions on the Permit. (d) (g) (h) (i) OJ (k) (e) (f) or Iniure Tre!!J; Every owner of woodlands who intends to destroy or injure trees personally or through another person, under Section 2 (a) (i) and 2 (a) (ii) of this By-law sháll complete and submit an ilPplication to the Clerk or their designate no less than five (§) business days prior to the start of destruction or injury, by submiting all the information as prescribed in Schedule "F" and with the appropriate fee as outlined in Schedule "G". Any person who has obtained a Permit under subsection (a) or (b) shall erect and display a sign five (5) days prior to the start of operations and leave the sign in place until five (5) days after completion of operations, at the entrance to the adjoining roadway to the land where the destruction or injury of the trees is to occur, in a position that is clear and visible to all persons, and such sign shall be in the format as outlined in Schedule "D" "Notice of Timber Destruction or Injury". Shall notify the Officer 24 hour prior to the start of destruction or injury of trees. Schedule "F" upon approval by the Officer shall form the permit. Such "Application" shall be sent by first class mail or hand delivered to the Officer during named busines's hours. lication f9L~Permit to Destro A' 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) lication for Permit Applications for a Permit will not be processed if: (i) application has not been completed in full; (ii) the substantive requirements that must be submitted with an application have not been included; (iii) no prescription is attached detailing Good Forestry Practices; (iv) applications are not in keeping with the general purpose and intent of this By- Law; and (v) the prescribed application fee, as set forth in schedule "G" has no.t been paid in full. A permit in the form of Schedule "C or F" may be: (I) issued to the applicant for a term of up to one (1) year for destruction or injury of trees; or (ii) renewed by an Officer for a term of one (1) year, so long as the renewal is received prior to expiry date; or ) renewed by the Clerk for an exemption for woodland clearing permit A 6. (a) (b) When denying a Permit the Clerk must notify the applicant. (c) eal1ÜO the Ontario Muni~ipal Board An applicant for a permit under Section 6, may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board if: (a) the municipality refuses to issue a permit, within 30 days after the refusal; or 5 A 7. Draft 2 January 9, 2004 the municipality fails to make a decision on the application, application is received by the Officer; or if the applicant objects to a condition of the permit, within 30 days after the issuance of the permit. within 45 days after the (b) (c) Orders to_[)js~ontinue Activit Where the Officer is satisfied that a contravention of this By-Law has occurred, the Officer may make an Order requiring the person who contravened the By- Law or who caused or Permitted the destruction or injury of trees in contravention of the By-Law to stop the injuring or destruction of trees. The order shall set out the information contained in schedule "I ". An Order issued under this section may be served personally or served by sending it by mail to the last known address of: i) the owner of the Woodlands; and Ii) the person identified as destrQying or injuring a tree or trees. Where service of an Order is made by mail, service shall be deemed to have been served on the fifth day after the order is mailed. Where service cannot be carried under section 8, subsection (b), it is deemed sufficient if the Officer places a placard containing the terms of the Order in a conspicuous place on the affected lands and the placing of the placard shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the Order on the person to whom the Order is directed. If the person to whom the Order is directed is not satisfied with the terms of the Order, the person may appeal to Council by filing a Notice of appeal by personal service or certified mail to the Officer within 30 days of the date of the Order. Where an appeal has been filed, Council shall hear the appeal and have all the powers and the functions of the Officer. Before conducting a hearing under this section, the Clerk shall give notice to such persons or direct that notice be given to such persons as the Clerk considers should receive notice and in the manner directed by the Clerk. After hearing an appeal, Council may confirm or revoke any Order issued under this By-law or may issue a Permit with conditions, provided that in the opinion of the Council, the general intent and purpose of this By-law has been maintained. (i) The proceedings at the hearing held by the Council shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Powers Procedures Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.22. The decision of the Council under this section is final. 8. (a) (b) (c) (d) (f) (g) (h) (e) Penaltv Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-Law, contravenes the terms or conditions of a permit, or an order issued by an Officer under Section 8 is guilty of an offence and on conviction is. liable: i) On first conviction, to a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or $1,000.00 per tree, whichever is greater; and ii) On any subsequent conviction, to a fine of not more than $25,000.00. or $2,500.00 pet tree, whichever is greater. If a person is convicted of an offence for contravening this By-Law or an Order, the court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction the rafter, may order the person to rehabilitate the land or to plant or replant trees in such manner and within such period as the court considers appropriate, including any silvicutural treatment necessary to re-establish the trees. 9. (a) (b) Enforcement This By-Law shall be enforced by an Officer appointed by the County of Elgin and listed in Schedule "H". An Officer may at all reasonable times enter and inspect any land to determine whether this By-Law, an Order or a condition of Permit is being complied with. Any person, who obstructs or interferes with an Officer in the discharge of his or her duties under this By-Law, shall be considered in violation of this By-Law. 6 is 10. (a) (b) (c) Draft 2 January 9, 2004 ADMINISTRATION Schedules "A to L" shall form part of this by-law. If any section or sections of this By-law or parts thereof are found by any Court to be illegal or beyond the power of the Council to enact, such section or sections or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable and all other sections or parts of this By-law shall be deemed to be separate and independent therefrom and continue in full force and effect unless and until similarly found iliega!. The short title of this By-law is the "Woodiands ConselVation By-law". The council of the County of Elgin delegates authority to the Chief Administarive Office and the Officer to approve Land Clearings that have not received objections within the alloted time frame ofthis By.Law. By-Law No. 87·6 as ammended by No. 93·30 of the Municipality of Elgin County shall. be repealed effective on the coming into force and effect of this By-Law. Despite subsection (d) of this section, By-Law No. 87-6 as ammended by No. 93- 30 of the County of Elgin shall continue to apply to proceedings in respect of offences that occurred before its repeal. 11 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2004. David M. Rock, Warden. 2004. day of day of 7 READ a first and second time this READ a third time and finally passed this Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "A' Species List Covering Circumference Cutting The Committee on the Status of Endanaered Wildlife in Canada ICOSEWIC) shallJ¡e consulted for the most recentJlsiof Rare. Threatened or Endªnaered trees. Point of Measure Circumference cm cm cm cm cm 171 171 171 171 171 Point of Measure 30 cm 30cm 30cm 30 cn'1 30cm Circumference 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 15.cm 15 cm 15cm 15cm 15cm cm cm cm 171 171 171 30cm 30cm 30cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Group "A" Species Oak - Red (Quercus rubra) - Black (Quercus velutina) - White (Quercus alba) - Swamp White (Quercus bicolor) " Bur (Quercus macrocarpa) - Hills (Quercus ellipsoidalisl - Chinquapin (Quercus muehienbergii\ cm cm cm cm cm 171 171 171 171 171 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Maple - Sugar (Acer saccharUl - Black (Acer nigrum) - Red (Acer rubrum) - Silver {Acer saccharinum) ml cm cm cm cm 171 171 171 171 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm , 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 209 cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Elm - White (Ulmus americanal - Red (Ulmus thomasii) - Rock {Ulmus rubra Point of Measure Point of Measure Circumference 173cm 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 30cm Circumference 199cm 199cm - 199cm 15 cm 15 cm 15cm ßJQyp·"B" Species 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 199cm - 199 cm 15cm 15cm Ash - White (Fraxinus americana) - Red (Green) (Fraxinus pennsvlvanica) - Black (Fraxinus nigra - Pumpkin (Fraxlnus profunda) 173cm 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 199cm 199cm 199cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 173cm 173 cm 30cm 30cm 199cm - 199cm 15cm 15cm Hickory - Shagbark (Carya ovata) - Big Shell bark (Carya lacinlosa) - Pignut (Carya glabra - Bitternut (Carya cordiform is) 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 199cm - 199cm 15cm 15cm 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 199cm 199 cm 15 cm 15 cm Black Wainut (Juglans nigra) Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) Basswood (Tilia americanal Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 173cm 173cm 30cm 30cm 199cm 199cm 15cm 15cm Excluding plantations White Pine (Pinus strobus) Larch (Larix decidua)_ 173cm 173cm 173cm 30 em 30 cm 30cm 199cm 199cm 199 cm 8 15 cm 15 cm 15cm Spruce - Norway (Plcea abies) - White (Picea glauca) Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule" A" continued Graue "C" Soecies Point of Circumference . Point of Circumference Measure Measure Eastern Cottonwood 15cm 165cm 30cm 136cm (pooulus delotide;'- Yellow Birch ~~etula 15cm 165cm 30 cm 136cm alleohaniensis Ame~ican 3~eech (Fagus 15cm 165cm 30cm 136cm amencana Excludin!l plantations Pine 15 cm 165cm 30cm 136cm - Red (Pinus resinosa) 15cm 165cm 30cm 136 cm - Jack (pinus banksiana) 15cm 165cm 30cm 136cm - Scots (Pinus sylvestris) 15cm 165cm 30cm 136cm Tamarack (Larix iaricina) 15 cm 165cm 30cm 136cm GroUl;) "D" SDecies Point of Circumference Point of Circumference Measure Measure Poolar 15cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm - Baisam (P~\UIUS 15cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm balsamifera - Trembling ~spen (Populus 15cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm tremuioides - Largetooth Aspen 15 cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm {Ponulus orandidentata\ White Birch (Betula 15cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm nanvrifera\ Ironwood (Ostrya virginiana) 15em 91 cm 30cm 80 em Willow so. ISalix so.) 15cm 91 cm 30cm 80cm Point of Measure Point of Measure Circumference 63cm Circumference G(OJ!D "E" SDßcies 63cm 63cm 63cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 72cm 72cm 72cm 72 cm 15 cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Pin Cherry (prunus pensylvanica) Cedar - White (Thuja occidentalis) - Red (Juniperus vir!liniana) Conifer Plantations Pine Good Good - White (Pinus strobus) F orestrv Forestrv - Red (Pinus resinosa) Practice Practice - Jack (pinus banksiana) ONLY ONLY - Scots (Pinus sylvestrls) Spruce Good Good - NOIway (Picea abies) Forestrv Forestry - White (Picea giauca) Practice Practice ONLY ONLY Circumference measurements will be taken 15 and 30 centimetres above the highest point of the ground and shall be outside of bark measurement. 9 Draft 2 January 9,2004 Schedule "B" Woodlands Clearing Application Council Exemption for APPLICATION NUMBER I/we wish to apply for an exemption from the provisions of the County of Elgin By-Law No._ which prohibits or regulates the destruction or injury of trees. In order to be allowed to remove trees as outlined in this application. Owner(s) of Name(s) Telephone: Mailing Address: Location of Woodland Clearing: Municipality (Town, Village, Municipality) Lot 2. Concession Civic Address (911#) Tax Roll No. Reason for wishing to destroy or injure trees. Describe species of trees and size of trees to be removed 3. 4. metres (in metric) metres Width (in square metres or hectares) Area to be cleared Length Area 5. Has the owner previously appiied for and been granted permission to destroy or injure trees? Yes ( ) No ( ) 6. If yes, please indicate the purpose to which they were removed approximate size of area cleared and date; Other information deemed pertinent to this application. 10 7. Draft 2 January 9, 2004 "8': continued 8. Names, mailing address and phone number of all owners of property which abuts the land of the owner of the woodlands in respect to which this application is made as per Section 4 of this by-law. (If in sufficient space below please attach another sheet of paper' Schedule I "m. I M.m" A"~ I '''dm'', I Each application must be accompanied by a sketch, no smaller than 20 centimetres by 35 centimetres, showing: a scale drawing clearly indicating the area proposing to be cleared and the area or trees that will remain, all buildings on the owner's property and on the abutting property, and the land use of abutting lands (e.g. residential, agricultural, woodlands, commercial, etc.) 9. if An on site inspection will be made. Please mark perimeter trees, which will remain this application is granted, by spraying, or some other means, to clearly indicate during the site visit what is being proposed for clearing. 10. Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent Note: If this application is signed by any person other than owner, written authorization of the owner(s) must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation, the application must be signed by an Officer (and the position must be indicated) and the corporate seal shall be affixed. Date Please return completed application form to: Elgin County Tree commissioner cia Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, 44015 Ferguson Line, RR # 8, St. Thomas, Ontario, N5P 3T3. COUNCIL EXEMPTION REQUIREMENTS/INFORMA'[ION An Application to Council for Exemption to Clear Woodlands must be completed in full in order to be processed. An application for an area greater than 1.0 hectares must be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Study. I. It shall be normal practice that when an owner or his authorized agent makes an inquiry with regard to Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. _, that the Officer will make an inspection of the property to determine whether or not an Application to Council for Exemption for Woodland Clearing is required. I The County has a "No Net Loss Policy" stating that for every hectare of land cleared a hectare has to be replanted based on 1750 trees per hectare. I Notice of this permit application shall be sent by regular mail to all landowners whose lands abut the land the applicant has outlined. Landowners separated by a public road allowance shall also be considered to be abutting landowners. Further circulation of this application may be made to the appropriate government agencies for review and comments (i.e. Conservation Authorities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, and local Municipalities). IV. Once an Application to Council for Exemption for Woodland Clearing is received the Officer will erect and display a public notice sign at the entrance from the adjoining roadway to the land where the Permit is being sought in a position that is clear and visible to all persons, and such a sign will be in the format of Schedule "En. V. The application will not be considered by council unless twenty-one business days have past from the date of receipt. t1 VI Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "C" WOODLANDS CLEARING PERMIT Permission is hereby granted by the Council of the County of Elgin to destroy trees under BY-LAW No. REFERENCE APPLICATION # ISSUED TO: LOT CONCESSION MUNICIPALITY: Tax Roll Number: Description of area and trees to be destroyéd: Conditions of the permit: DATE OF ISSUE: - DATE OF EXPIRY: BY: ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PER: Clerk 12 Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "D' Notification Letter to Abutting Landowners or Agencies of Internets Date Landowner Address , Ontario Postal Code Dear Sir or Madam: Municipalit Under Section 135 (2) of the Municipal Act all abutting landowners shall be notified of impending woodland clearings. COJ'!c_ession ProPO'òed Woodlands Clearing O!LLol RE~ of -' This letter hereby notifies you of the proposed woodland clearing by (insert Landowner's name and address). The proposed clearing will take place on Lòt Concession_, in the Municipality of for the purpose of If you have objections to this proposed clearing please reply in writing to the Elgin County Tree Commissioner, C/o Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, RR # 8, 44015 Ferguson Line, St Thomas, Ontario, N5P 3T3, by the _day of _,20_. this notice, please contact the undersigned at If you have any questions regarding (519) 631-1460. Yours truly, Elgin County Tree Commissioner 3 Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "E' Form A' Public Notice Woodland Consèrvation Bylaw This posted notice does not imply unrestricted access. Interested parties must receive permission to enter these lands from the landowner. these woodlands Township APPLICATION has been received affecting Concession Lot: Landowner: An Application for Exemption to the County By-Law No. has been submitted to clear hectares of woodland Agricultural Exemption D D Type of Exemption Other Exemption Deadline for written comments This notice is posted under the authority of the Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. business days prior to This Notice is to remain posted no less than 21 consideration of this application. the Elgin County Tree Further infòrmation or written notice is available from Commissioner at 519-631-1270 ext. 231. 14 2004 APPLICATION NUMBER I APPLICATION TO DESTROY OR INJURE TREES for the COUNTY OF ELGIN WOODLANDS CONSERVATION BY-LAW NO. Draft 2 January 9, SCHEDULE "F' This application must be completed at least five (5) wprking days prior to the proposed commencement of the destruction or injury. This permit is good for one year after approved by the Officer. This application will form the permit after being signed by the Officer and a copy will be returned to the Property Owner. Property Owner's Name: Address: Roll # of woodland: Telephone No. Concession: Location of Woodland Lot Woodland Size: Township: of Woodlot 911 Remove Board Foot Person in Charge of Cutting Contractor's Name, Address, Phone and Fax #: Expected Staring Date: Reason for removal Other Species Number of trees Board foot Measure Please nrovide a sketch of woodlot. A prescription must accompany Good Forestry Practices Cuts. Circumference Good Forestry_ Fuelwood Removal I agree that operations will be in accordance with the provisions of woodland Conservation By-Law Number _' of the County of Elgin and that I am famiiiar with the contents and requirements of this By-Law and acknowledge having received a copy th.ereof. twenty-four 20_ Further, I agree to contact the Officer by Telephone (519) 631-1270 ex!. 231 (24) hours prior to the start of cutting. DATED AT day of this Contractor Maiiing Address: Elgin County Tree Commissioner, C/o Kettle Creek Conservation Authority, RR # 8, 44015 Ferguson Line, St Thomas, Ontario, N5P 3T3 Signature of Signature of Owner Personal Information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 32, C and D, and may be used to enforce the By-Law. Date issued by the Officer: 15 Application Approved and Permit Conditions: Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule uG" Fee Schedule The following fees will apply for the purpose of this by-law and are payable to the Corporation of the County of Elgin: Fee DescriDtion Actual cost of the Sign Public Notice Sign Actual cost of the Sign njure Sign Notice to Destroy or $75.00 Application to Destroy or Injure $75.00 $35.00 Woodlands 16 Application for Exemption to Clear Permit Renewal or Extension (If applied for prior to expiry of original) Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "HI' Appointment of Officers The following positions are appointed as Officers to enforce The County of Elgin Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. Chief Administrative Officer (or designate), County of Elgin Water Resources Supervisor (or designate), Kettle Creek Conservation Authority Planning and Regulations Supervisor (or designate), Kettle Creek Conservation Authority General Manager/Secretary Treasurer (or designate), Kettle Creek Conservation Authority 17 Draft 2 January 9, 2004 , Schedule Basal Area Calculation and Assessment Basal Area Calculation Point Sampling is defined as a method of selecting measurements and for estimating basal area using tree size rather than the frequency as the main parameter. Trees are tailed at a sample location or a point sample, the selection probability being proportional to the basal area of the tree. In point sampling, a 360-degree sweep is made with an angle gauge about a fixed point, and stems whose breast height diameters appear larger than the fixed angle subtended by the angle gauge are Included in the sample. Point samples will be taken using a factor 2 prism. (i 1 Basal area will be assessed every 40 metres along a fixed compass bearing through the woodland in which destruction or injuring has occurred. The first sample will be placed 60 metres from the dripline of the woodland. No less than 3 sample points will be taken along a compass bearing through the woodland. If the average basal area/hectare is found to be below the requirements of the By- Law, then a second compass bearing line will be established 40 metres from the first line and reversing the compass bearing. This process will be completed for the entire woodland if the basal area/hectare is found to be below the By-Law. (ii) 40 metres from last sample plot 40 metres from last sample piot 40 metres from last sample plot 40 metres from last sample plot 40 metres from last sample plot 40 metres from last sample plot See sample illustration outline sample plot layout 40 metres from first sample plot 40 metres from first sample plot 60 metres from dripline from both edges Second line if necessary will be 40 metres away from the first line Third line will be same as second be used in calculating average basal area per hectare. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Plot # Small Medium Large X-Large Total Total 26-40 em 42-48 em 50-60 em 62+ em All Sizes ** # of trees 2 Basal Area Factor: The following format wi Stations Tallied Hectare Actual Basal per ** Total trees (_) X Basal Area Factor ( 2 ) = ( # of Stations( ) - 18 Draft 2 J aunary 9, 2004 "J' Schedule Stop Work Order for the COUNTY OF ELGIN Elgin County Tree Commissioner (contractor) owner). TO: AND TO: FROM: STOP WORK ORDER cease,and YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED AND ORDERED TO forthwith stop, halt desist from any and all works associated with the destruction of trees or removal thereof Municipality of Concession: Lot:~, those lands comprising from County of Elgin. The following contravention(s) have occurred on the above noted property: _days of Please provide written details to the above noted contravention(s) within receipt of this Order. 20_. day of this DATED at Elgin County Tree Commissioner Pursuant to By-Law _ Section 8, subsection (e) Where the person to whom the order is directed has been served in accordance with this By-Law is not satisfied with .the terms of the order, the person may appeal to Council by filing Notice of Appeal by person or certified mail to the Tree Commissioner within 30 days after the date of the Order. 19 Elgin County Tree Commissioner C/o Kettle Creek Conservation Authority 44015 Ferguson Line, RR#8, St Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Draft 2 January 9, 2004 uK': Schedule Form C' Notice of Destruction of Trees your imply unrestricted access. to enter these lands from the landowner. own safety. DO_NOT ENTER during destruction activities for This posted notice does not Interested parties must receive permission Contractor: Phone Number: Owner: Destruction Date: Woodlands Marked by: Phone Number of Marker: Tnis Notice is posted under the authority of the Woodlands Conservation By-Law No. This Notice is to remain posted five (5) days prior to the commencement of destruction and no less than five (5) days after compietion of destruction. Removal prior to this period is a chargeable offence. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this timber destruction please contact the Elflin Count}' Tree Commissioner at 519-631-1270 ex!. 231. 20 Draft 2 January 9, 2004 Schedule "L' Ticketable Offences Short Form Wording Set Fine, includes Court Costs $. Offence Creating Provision Section 5 (a) of By- Law $ Section 2(d) (i) of By-Law _ $ of ( Section 2 (d) By-law $. ~ ~ of Section 2 (b) ( By-law Section 2 (b) (I By-law Section 10 (c) of Bv-Iaw Failing to obtain a Permit from the County of Elgin prior to the destruction or injury of trees by the landowner or person acting on behalf of the landowner. No person shall conduct their operations as to injure or damage any other tree that is to remain after the operation. No person shall conduct their operations as to leave tops of trees greater than 2.0 metres above the ground. Contravene conditions of Permit Short Form Wording of 21 Failure to comply with an Order issued under this By-Law Attempt (obstruct) an Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Harley J. Underhi Director of Human Resources FROM: 12 January 2004 Code of Conduct Policy Draft DATE SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION In November of 2003 Councillor's attended an orientation session. At the session Mr. Ross Dunsmore provided a presentation on "Who's In Charge" DISCUSSION The presentation was very informative and through the questions and comment period the issue of whether the County had a Code of Conduct Policy for members of Council came up and Mr. Dunsmore indicated that if we did not have such a policy that one should be developed. CONCLUSION Staff has researched Mr. Dunsmore's recommendation and the attached draft policy is presented to County Council for your deliberation RECOMMENDATION: As directed by County Counci Mark G. Mcuona Chief Administrative Officer Respectfully Submitted nderhi Human Resources DRAFT County of Elgin Section: 2 Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Policy Number: Date Approved NUlL Code Revision Date Last of7 1 Page Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci The purpose and intent of this Policy is to establish guidelines for ethical and interpersonal standards of conduct for Members of Council in the performance of County business and the duties of elected office and to provide a process for resolving complaints about inappropriate conduct that might arise. Purpose the common good the to advance impartially exercise STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Members of Council shall at all times seek of the community which they serve. Members of the Council shall truly, faithfully and office to the best of their knowledge and ability. A. 1 2 CONDUCT TO BE OBSERVED B Foster Respect for Decision-making Process All Members of Council shall accurately and adequately communicate the attitudes and decisions of the Council, even if they disagree with Council's decision, such that respect for the decision-making processes of Council is fostered. 1 Release of Confidential Information Prohibited Members of Council have a duty to hold in strict confidence all information concerning matters dealt with at in camera meetings. A Member of Council shall not, either directly or indirectly, release, make public or in any way divulge any such information or any aspect of the in camera deliberations to anyone, unless expressly authorized by Council or required by law to do so 2 Members of Council shall not release information in contravention of the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and protection of Privacy Act. Members (Jan 04).doc J:/HRJPolicyma/DraftJ2004fCode of Conduct - Counci Section: 2 DRAFT County of Elgin Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Policy Number: Date Approved NU/L Code Revision: Members of Counci shall not release information subject to solicitor-client privilege, unless expressly authorized by Councilor required by law to do so. Members of Council shall not misuse confidential information (information that they have knowledge of by virtue of their position as Councillor that is not in the public domain, including e-mails and correspondence from other Members of Councilor third parties) such that it may cause detriment to the Corporation, Council or others, or benefit or detriment to themselves or others. Date Last Page 2 of 7 nformation to Public and Media Members of Council acknowledge that official information related to decisions and resolutions made by Council will normally be communicated to the community and the media by the Council as a whole or the Warden as Head of Council or by his or her designate. Release of 3 Acceptance of Gifts Prohibited The stipend paid to each Member of Council is intended to fully remunerate Members of Council for service to the Corporation. Members of Council shall not solicit, accept, offer or agree to accept a commission, reward, gift, advantage or benefit of any kind, personally or through a family member or friend, which is connected directly or indirectly with the performance or duties of office. 4 recluded from accepting personal gifts, normal hospitality among persons doing business benefits, rewards, commissions or advantages from any person or organization not connected directly or indirectly with the performance or duties of office; political contributions that are otherwise offered, accepted and reported in accordance with applicable law; food and beverages at banquets, receptions, ceremonies or similar events; services provided their time; Members (Jan 04).doc vOlunteering by persons J:/HRlPolicymalDraft/2004/Code of Conduct- Counci compensation without Members of Council are not (a) (b) (c) (d) DRAFT County of Elgin Section: 2 Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Policy Number: Date Approved NUlL Code Revision food, lodging, transportation and entertainment provided by other levels of governments or by other local governments, boards or commissions; a reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of duties or office; a reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred and honorariums received in the performance of activities connected with municipal associations; token gifts such as souvenirs, mementos and commemorative gifts that are given in recognition of service on a committee, for speaking at an event or representing the Corporation at an event, and gifts that are received as an incident of protocol or social obligation that normally. and reasonably accompany the responsibility of office. Date Last Page 3 of 7 (e) (g) (h) (f) (i) mits, Members of Council shall return any gifts or benefits which exceed these along with an explanation why the gifts or benefits cannot be accepted. Engaging In Incompatible Activity Prohibited Members of Council shall not engage in any activity, financial or otherwise, which is incompatible or inconsistent with the ethical discharge of official duties in the public interest. 5 or not: use any influence of office for any purpose other than official duties act as an agent before Councilor any committee, board commission of Council; solicit, demand or accept the services of any corporate employee, or individual providing services on a contract for service, for re-election purposes during hours in which the employee, or individual providing services under a contract for service, is in the paid employment of the Corporation; use any information gained in the execution of office that available to the general public for any purpose other than for duties is not official Members of Council sha the generality of the foregoing miting (a) (b) (c) (d) Without Members (Jan 04).doc J:/HRlPolicyma/Draft/2004/Code of Conduct - Counci Section: 2 DRAFT Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci Policy Number: 2.100 County of Elgin Human Resources Policy Manual Date Approved Revision: Date Last NUlL Code any person or from special for Page 4 of 7 place them selves in a position of. obligation to organization which might reasonably benefit consideration or may seek preferential treatment; give preferential treatment to any person or organization In Member of Members of Council have a financial interest; influence any administrative or Council decision or decision-making process involving or affecting any person or organization in which a Member or Members of Council have a financial interest; and use Corporate materials, equipment, facilities or employees personal gain or for any private purpose. which a (e) (f) (g) (h) Avoidance of Waste Members of Council shall avoid waste, abuse and extravagance in the provision of use of public resources, and shall expose fraud and corruption of which the Member of Council is aware. 6. NTERPERSONAL BEHAVIOUR OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 1. Treat Every Person with Dignity, Understanding and Respect Members of Council shall abide by the provisions of the Human Rights Code and, in doing so, shall treat every person, including other Members of Council, corporate employees, individuals providing services on a contract for service, students on placements, and the public, with dignity, understanding and respect for the right to equality and the right to an environment that is safe and free from harassment and discrimination. C. Not to Discriminate In accordance with the Human Rights Code, Members of Council shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, martial status, same-sex partnership status, family status, or disability. "Age", "disability", "family status", "record of offences", "same-sex partnership status" shall be as defined in the Human Rights Code. 2. Not to Engage In Harassment 3 Members (Jan 04).doc J:/HRlPolicyma/Draft/2004/Code of Conduct - Council DRAFT County of Elgin Section: 2 Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Policy Number: Date Approved Revision Date Last NUlL Page 5 of7 Code in to mean engaging ought reasonably n accordance with the Human Rights Code, harassment shal a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or be known to be unwelcome not: make racial, homophobic, sexist or ethnic slurs; display pornographic, homophobic, sexist, racist or other offensive or derogatory material; make leering (suggestive staring) or other offensive gestures; make written or verbal abuse or threats; vandalize the personal property of others; commit physical or sexual assault; make unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendoes or taunting statements about a person's physical appearance, racial background, colour, ethnic origin, place of origin, citizenship, ancestry, creed (religion or belief), sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, martial status, same-sex partnership status, family status, disability (physical or mental); make unwelcome remarks, insulting gestures or jokes which cause embarrassment or awkwardness; refuse to converse or interact with anyone because of their racial or ethnic background, colour, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences, marital status, same-sex partnership status, family status or disability; make unnecessary or unwanted physical contact, including touching patting, or pinching; and demand sexual favours or requests. Members of Council sha the generality of the foregoing miting (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) U) Without the performance of duties (k) Harassment which occurs in the course of or related to by Members of Council is subject to this policy. A good faith exercise of performance management with respect to corporate employees for legitimate purposes by Council is not harassment. Members (Jan 04).doc J:/HR/PolicymalDraft/2004/Code of Conduct - Counci Section: 2 DRAFT County of Elgin Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of Municipal Counci Policy Number: 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Date Approved NUlL Code Revision Date Last Page 6 of 7 and Counci of Members ALLEGATIONS OF PROHIBITED ACTIVITY the public, Organizations or individual (including corporate employees) who have D Identified or witnessed a Council under this policy; Witnessed or been subject to discriminatory of Council under this policy; or Witnessed or been subject to harassment under this policy of Member by a activity prohibited treatment by a Member Counci of by a Member ny · · · below. Discrimmation or made by Corporate Employees of May address the prohibited behaviour or activity as set out Complaints Harassment 1 Where a corporate employee makes a complaint of harassment or discriminatory treatment by a Member of Council, the Member of Council may participate in the Informal Resolution and/or Mediation processes under the Workplace Harassment/Discrimination Prevention Policy and Complaint Procedure for employees. If the Member of Council does not participate in these processes or of the complaint is not resolved through these processes, the complainant may lodge a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission (Allegations of Activity Other made by Any Person Other Complaints Than in 1. above) 2. to address applicable if Any complainant may take the following steps, prohibited activity by a Member of Council: a complainant may contact the Elgin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police Department with respect to an investigation under s. 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada, where the allegation is that a 1 Members (Jan 04).doc J:/HR/Policyma/Draft/2004/Code of Conduct- Council DRAFT County of Elgin Section: 2 Subject: Code of Conduct for Members of MunicipalCounci 2.100 Human Resources Policy Manual Policy Number: Date Approved NUlL Code Date Last Revision Member of Council, in a matter connected commits fraud or a breach of trust. a complainant may contact the Elgin Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police Department with respect to an investigation under s. 123 of the Crimina/ Code of Canada, where the allegation is that a Member of Council, in a matter connected to the duties of office, demands, accepts, or offers or agrees to accept from any person, a loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind. office of duties the to Page 7 of7 2 a complainant may advise the Member of Council verbally or writing that the activity contravenes this by-law. a complainant may encourage the Member of Council to stop the prohibited activity. a complainant should keep a written record of the incidents including dates, times, locations, other persons present, and any other relevant information. a complainant may refer his or her complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Commission where the alleged misconduct involves a violation of the human Rights Code. n (a) (b) (c) 3 4 JUDICIAL INVESTIGATION In circumstances where liability is denied and the alleged misconduct is serious in nature, Council may pass a resolution, pursuant to s. 274(1) of the Municipal Act, requesting a judicial investigation into the Member of Council's conduct. J:/HRlPolicyma/Draft/2004/Code of Conduct - Council Members (Jan 04).doc E REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Harley Underh FROM 12 January 2004 Hiring Procedure - Policy 3.10 DATE SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION The Hiring Procedure Policy was last revised in 1995, and now almost 10 years later we find that in one area it is not meeting the needs of some of the larger departments. The issue is with the utilization of temporary staff in these larger units. Temporary staff assist managers in meeting the needs of the department while keeping down costs. Currently, the procedure for increasing temporary staff is the same as regular full time and regular part-time employees, requiring Council approval. The amendments proposed are intended to enable managers to use temporary staff, while maintaining the approval process through Council for all new positions. At DISCUSSION Temporary positions are hired for a fixed term with a clear start and end the end of the employment contract, the County no longer employs the incumbent. This is clearly defined by the terms and conditions of employment, which is reviewed with all new temporary staff. date vacancies left by the part-time or Temporary staff are used by managers to fi full-time staff, due to: · Short Term Disability (STD) · LongTerm Disability · WSIB · Maternity/Parentalleave · Leave of Absences Numerous absences in larger departments, as well as lengthy leaves such as STD or Maternity leave can make it difficult for the manager to cover all shifts without incurring overtime costs. The use of temporary staff assists the manager in meeting the needs of the department, without incurring overtime. The issue with the need for temporary staff is that it fluctuates. At the time of budgeting, which includes additional staffing requests, the department may be operating well with the current staffing levels. This can quickly change with a couple of STD and WSIB claims. It is important that the manager can act quickly to hire a temporary position to avoid overtime. Temporary staff have no Hiring Procedure Policy 3.1 O.doc J:\HR\REPORTS\Report to counci assigned hours, other than Jhe position they are covering and therefore these positions will not cause the department to go over budget. Once the regular employee returns, the temporary position is ended without further cost to the County. The amendments to the Hiring Procedure allow for temporary employees to be brought into the County, without Council's approval, for a fixed period of time without affecting the budget or staffing compliment. CONCLUSION Temporary staff assists managers to use staff efficiently and effectively. Temporary staff does not increase the departments compliment of employees. This policy change allows the managers to react quickly with the approval of the CAO and the Director of Human Resources to bring in employees for a fixed period of time. 10 Hiring Procedure as to POliCY 3 RECOMMENDATION THAT Council approves the amendments attached. Approved for Submission Respectfully Submitted Marl< Chief Administrative Officer Hiring Procedure Policy 3.1 D.doc CQunci J:\HR\REPORTS\Report to 1IIm1l 'j " . I County of Elgin Section: 3 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Hiring Procedure Policy Number: 3.10 Code - A Date Approved: Oct. 1/87 Page 1 of2 Date Last Revision: April 25/95 (a) Authorization for the creation of all new positions andlor the increase or decrease of the regular staff complements shall be completed as follows: i) The Department Head will prepare a report with recommendations to the Senior Management Team. ii) The Senior Management Team will review the request, accept and recommend it to County Councilor deny and return it to the Department Head. iii) County council will approve or deny the request. (b) Authorization to fill vacancies for existing regular positions, which will not increase the staff complement, or temporary positions that will not cause the department to go over budget, shall be completed as follows: ) As required the affected Department Head shall meet with the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Resources to justify the need before recruitment begins. ) In the event of a disagreement at (b)(i), the authorization will be referred to County Council for a decision before the vacancy may be filled. ) Once approved the Department Head or designate shall complete the appropriate forms and forward them to the Director of Human Resources and the CAO for signature and posting in accordance with policy 3.20 (c) The Director of Human Resources, Chief Administrative Officer and Counci shall advertise for, interview and select staff to fill the position of Department Head. (d) The Director of Human Resources, Chief Administrative Officer, Warden and/or designate and affected Department Head with Council approval shall advertise for, interview and select staff to fill the position of Deputy or Seconds in Command. (e) The Department Head in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources shall have the authority to hire all other staff with proper approval, and shall personally carry out necessary recruiting/selection procedures, unless delegated to an appropriate individual within the Department. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Coordinator Larysa Andrusiak, Ambulé\nce and Emergency Management FROM AVL-GPS Systems 12,2004 Ministry of Health One-Time Funding for January DATE SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION On December 19, 2003, the Ministry of Health issued correspondence to Upper Tier Municipalities of the approval of one-time funding for this fiscal year only to assist municipalities with the implementation of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems in Emergency Medical Services. Cost sharing is proposed to include up to 50% Ministry reimbursement for the purchase and set up of local equipment for municipal EMS implementation of this technology. Completed forms, with supporting copies of invoices é\re to be returned not later than January 23, 2004. Due to the short time frame, staff has proceeded on the é\ssumption that the County of Elgin be prepared to take advantage of this one-time funding opportunity, pending direction é\nd decision of Council in the new year. (GPS) to identify the DISCUSSION Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems use Global Positioning Satellites geographic location of é\mbulances. There is no question that the provinces EMS system will implement this technology. The question is only one of timing. In the Southwest region, Oxford and Huron County have already implemented this technology. All other counties é\re interested é\nd in various stages of pursuing the implementation of this technology. Some have already appeared before Council and budgeted for implementation. The above mentioned MOH correspondence has galvanised é\ction as all attempt to take advantage of funding opportunities. The main purpose of this technology is to improve response time to emergency calls. This is é\ccomplished by having a screen before the dispatcher that shows in real time the é\ctuallocation of each ambulance in the system allowing the monitoring, location and identification of the most appropriate and closest vehicle for dispatching to emergency calls. Currently, location is monitored by radio. Prior to dispatching a vehicle to an emergency cé\1I dispatcher must identify the last known location of a given vehicle, determine based on that information that that vehicle is the closest to respond; contact the vehicle by radio and request a confirmation of location - which mé\Y very well have changed from the last known location- determine that this is indeed the closest most appropriate vehicle to respond, dispatch that vehicle, relaying call location and available medicé\1 information. the AVL technology visually indicates in real time the actual location of all vehicles in the system. The mapping system indicates the location of the emergency call; the dispé\tcher visually locates the to closest appropriate vehicle to respond and is able to dispatch that vehicle via radio to respond that emergency call Use of this technology would provide accurate information with regard to cross border ambulance trips. Currently, accuracy of information with the existing system is a contentious issue between municipalities with respect to reimbursement for services rendered in another municipality. This technology is also very useful as a management tool. With real time access to information regarding its resources -location, speed, gas consumption, etc.. management can readily identify issues and implement solutions. lementation Ministry of Health Technical Services Unit recommends the implementation of not more than two kinds of AVL/GPS systems within a CACC. This reduces the technical complications of melding numerous systems, reduces the incidence of technical breakdowns and glitches and allows for ease of following vehicles as they pass through various municipalities with compatible systems. This also allows a municipality to follow its vehicles as they travel through other municipalities with the same system. and 1m Cost The Southwest Ontario Ambulance Group (SWOAG) met with two vendors who have systems place in other municipalities within Ontario - Elm Technologies and Grey Island Systems. In comparing the pricing, products, service and willingness to work with individual municipalities to customize informational data requests, Grey Island was considered clearly superior. From Elgin County's perspective, it is noted that our neighbouring County of Oxford has implemented the Grey Island system. in In contacting Grey Island Systems, the Coordinator has learned that they would be able to meet the Ministry imposed deadline of January 23rd to install the system within the County of Elgin's ambulance vehicles, with a tentative installation date of January 21S\ accommôdating the Counci meeting scheduled for January 20th. The cost is $1000 per vehicle including installation (plus tax) capital cost and $60 per month per vehicle (plus tax) for operational costs. Total capital cost of $9000 plus tax, which would be eligible for up to 50% cost sharing by the Ministry. Total operational costs would bé $6480 per year. It is possible that the Ministry may also cost share operational costs in future. Cost savings in the Ambulance Trans.ition Budget will be used to pay for the capital cost of the AVL/GPS system. Operational costs will be put into the annual operating budget for ambulance. CONCLUSION The Ministry of Health issued correspondence, dated December 19th, to Upper Tier Municipalities of the approval of one-time funding for this fiscal year only to assist municipalities with the implementation of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) systems in Emergency Medical Services. Cost sharing is proposed to include up to 50% Ministry reimbursement for the purchase and set up of local equipment for municipal EMS implementation of this technology. Completed forms, with supporting copies of invoices are to be retùrned not later than January 23, 2004. There is no question that the EMS system in Ontario will implement A VLlGPS technology. The question is one of timing. This technology will improve response times to emergency calls. It wi provide accurate information wi it its service and improve management's ability to better manage including intermunicipal ambulance trips Costs have been identified as a total capital cost of $9000 plus tax and total operational costs would be $6480 per year. Cost savings in the Ambulance Transition Budget will be used to pay for the capital cost of the A VLlGPS system. Operational costs will be put into the annual operating budget for ambulance RECOMMENDATION That Council approve staff to proceed with the purchase and implementation of an A VLlGPS system in the County's ambulance fleet to take advantage of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care approval of one-time funding for this fiscal year only to assist Municipalities with the implementation of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) in Emergency Medical Services ALL of which is respectfully submitted Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Chief Administrative Officer .~ e-(h~,~ u- LarysaUAnd rusiak Ambulance and Emergency Management Coordinator REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Director of Financial Services Linda B. Veger, FROM January 7,2004 2004 CRF Allocation DATE SUBJECT: n order for the County to be met rements NTRODUCTION The Province has set out certain requ to continue receiving CRF funding a resolution through Council indicating the County of Elgin 2004 CRF allocation to the benefit of the taxpayer. this resolution be considered prior to January 31,2004. the County to submit its 2003 Financial Information Return the deadline to be set by Municipal Affairs and Housing the County to submit its tax rate by-law to Municipal Affairs and Housing by September 30, 2004. the entire n accordance with apply wi · · · · 000 increase over 2003 000 - a $101 The 200~allocation is $5,841 the County of to Fund allocation RECOMMENDATION THAT the entire 2004 Community Reinvestment Elgin be applied to the benefit of taxpayers: and THAT the 2003 Financial Information Return be submitted to Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the deadline set by the Ministry; and, THAT the 2004 tax rate by-law be submitted to Municipal Affairs and Housing by September 30, 2004. Respectfully Submitted Linda B. Veger Director of Financial Services 71Ð;J/fL --LrJ f'DIÙ»/J Tí DN REPORT TO COUNTY COUN CIl of Engineering Serviçes j f-1?jìjEj) IFN J Warning Signs Clayton Watters, Manager 09 January 2004 Sparta Line - Chevron FROM DATE: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION A letter has beenreÅ“ived, attaçhed, règarding the çhevrons that are to beereçted on Sparta Line, County Road 27, at the border of the Muniçipality of Central Elgin and The Township of Southwold. Also a seçond letter, attached, was reÅ“ived from a resident on Magdala Road, County Road 20, about the same issue. The proposed signage is to be installed on sharp çurves with posted advisory speed limits. Some of these signs are loçated on County property in front of residenÅ“s. DISCUSSION Many roads in the County of Elgin have çurves. Some çurves may require signage açcording to the Ontario Traffjç Manual· for the safety of the publiç and to remain çonsistent with all other properly signed roads. There are alternàtives to installing çhevrons and tight turn signs, but these alternatives are not always practiçal. The_loçal resident had a meeting with neighbours ofthe area and. the unanimous deçjsion was to request a reduÅ“d speed to 30 km/h instead of installing çhevrons. Subsection (1) No person shall drive a motor (a) 80 kilo metres per hour, . (i) on a highway not built-up area (b) subject to clause (a), 50 kilometres per hour on a highway within a city, town, village, poliÅ“ village or built-up area The Highway Traffjç Açt under Section 128 States rate of speed greater than, poliÅ“ village or village, town, vehicle at a within a city, Subsection (2) The çounçil of a municipality and the trustees of a poliÅ“ village may, for motor vehicles driven on a highway or portion of a highway under its jurisdiçtion, by by"law presçribe a rate different from the rate set out in subsection (1). 70, 60, 50, shall be 40, (2) Subsection (3) The rate of speed prescribed under subsection 80, 90 or 100 kilometres per hour. The HTA states, that a minimum posted speed of 40 km/h can be set. Unfortunately, the advisory speed posting on the particular curve (most northerly of the two) in question is 20km/h, therefore still below the speed limit and requiring the placement of chevrons A field test was conducted to confirm the greatest allowable advisory speed on the north curve. A test run at 20 km/h was safely negotiated and equipment verified that a higher speed would not be safe. Therefore, the suggested speed of 20 km/h currently meets Ontario Traffic Manual standards and cannot be raised. The Ontario Traffic Manual states: Where the advisory speed tab sign is used on sharp curves, sharp reverse curves or turns, chevron alignment signs must be used along the curves/turns and their approaches if the location is rural in nature; or the location is urban in nature and is non-illuminated. The curve meets the criteria and therefore must have chevrons installed in the best interests of the travelling public and to remain consistent. The standard 45 cm x 60 cm chevron sign may be used, as the posted speed is 60 km/h or less. If the posted speed is 70 km/h or greater then the 60cm x 75 should be used. Therefore, only the 45 cm x 60 cm signs would be used in this location The south curve has an advisory warning design speed of 40 km/h. If the posted speed limit on the roadway was changed· to 40 km/h by by-law and appropriate signage, chevrons would not need to be installed on this curve, however, the curve immediately to the north would require chevron signage. Another option available is to reconstruct the curve, widening the curve to eliminate the need for sharp turn signs and speed advisory tab and therefore chevrons. The south curve would only require reconstruction to raise the superelevation, however, the north curve's radius is too small and an improvement would require a considerable amount of land purchase and road reconstruction. An estimated cost to reconstruct the curves so that they may be safely negotiated at the posted speed limit would be at least $50,000. The last option is not to install the chevrons as per the residents requested This option may find the County of Elgin liable if an accident were to occur on this curve since our practice is to follow the OTM. There were 6 accidents reported in the vicinity of the two turns from 1995 to 2001, two of which were animal and· road conditions related. In 2002 there were four accidents. Deer/car collisions accounted for two accidents, poor road condition for another, and the third was a stolen car. None of these accidents had any reported injuries. CONCLUSION The County of Elgin's duty is to ensure roads and roadway devices are installed appropriately and consistency to ensure the safety of motorists. The minimum standards for safety are outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual. To protèct the County of Elgin from liability, standards must be met. When standards are met the public travelling the road will be given sufficient warning to be able to negotiate the curve. Chevrons should be installed to meet these standards and to maintain a consistency with past practices. If the by-law were passed to decrease the speed to 40 km/h, this would eliminate the need for approximately half the chevrons, yet this action may also encourage other area residents to request similar action. RECOMMENDATION That the standard, 45 cm x 60 cm, chevron alignment signs be installed on Sparta Line, County Road 27, as per Ontario Traffic Manual; and also, and also, County of Elgin decision; Vink be so advised our Me. Eitel and Mr. That the approved 2003 budget. MarK . Chief Administrative Officer That the funds be allocated from Respectfully Submitted Qì)Wpl~ Clayton D. Watters Manager of Engineering Services LL.B. WAYNE D.EITEL, B.A., BARRISTERAND SOLICITOR Telephone (519) 633-7000 Facsimile (519) 633-6762 59· Metcalfe Street, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 3K4 .November 14, 2003 Hand Delivered County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Attention: Clayton Waters, Coun- Engineer Dear Clayton: Chevrons - Sparta Line As indicated in our last conversation circulated a Memorandum to my neighbours advising them' of my concerns about the erection of chevrons. I told them a possible solution would be to post a 30 kilometer speed limit. I received a unanimous indication of support. Re: I now understand. that this 30 kilometer posting is not allowed so an alternative may be needed. I say "may" be needed because Council couid decide to malntain the status quo. I would, however, like to offer them an alternative. You mentioned one possibility might be to increase the cUrve warning from 20 kilometers to 30 kilometers allowing a 40 kilometer speed limit posting. Altering the grade at the curve might be necessary. This would be an ideal solution if in fact it is possible. Another related matter should be addressed at this time. The speed limit just past the Smith's property heading southerly is posted at 80 kilometers. The speed limit posted for the same stretch travelling northerly is 60 kilometers. We all believe 60 kilometers is more appropriate. That particular stretch has become somewhat of a drag strip. 4 2003 1 RECEIVED NOV 2 As you know, this matter has been re-scheduled from November 25th to December 11th and will be before Council at that time. I would like to discuss this with you sometime next week to try to reach a consensus as to a recommended solution. Please call me to schedule a meeting. Yours very truly, WDE/mc 12414 Magdala Rd. R.R.#1 Southwold Ou\. Can. NOL-2GO Mr. Clayton Watters Engineering ElgU¡ county Dear Mr. Watters; For the better part of twenty years we have requested that sometlùng be done about the curve on oUf road'to no avail. We have had about eight vehicles go through our fence, into the ditch or hit hydro posts in that" same period. A good number of these should be on record with the a.p.p.. Y OUf office was contacted on numerous occasions throughout these years and we were assured thatall signs, markings or barriers were sufficient and there was nothing more that could be done. It should also be noted that the swface of the road was gravel and broke down qtùckly on the eUIVe. Aside fi:om alcohol or excessive speed in some cases, the deterioration of the road surface was generally the cause of drivers losing control of their vehicles. Now that the road is paved and well maintained, Dotane vehicle has lost Control on this curve. So why might I ask have you chosen to erect the largest chevron signs you could find? Even uyou finally decided there was a need, surely some discretion could have been used. These huge signs have taken away all curb appeal from our residence since our home is situated so close to the road. I have driven all over Ontario this year in pursuit ofmy hobbies and from all similar curves on county roads this would defuûtely be classed as excesSive signage, In most cases there are no chevrons, even in our own county. You should also note, that with the new surface and slope, the curve can be negotiated at 70 kph quite safely. This is not to say that we would want the speed changed, but that the new road conditions do not warrant all these signs. The former "~.end ÎI1 the road" sig,n and "'50 kph safe speed" sign are now more than sufficient. If you would wish to put up some curve markers, such as those 4" diamonds, that would be understandable. I would reques~ that you revisit your decision for putting up all these chevrons signs and see if there is any merit in what I have brought to your attention. Sincerely, TffnPtj;,v( fffn McIntyre Mayor of South wold John R. Wilson Warden ofElgU¡ Coffnty cc: cc: November 3, 2003 Residents of Sparta Line Wayne Eitel 41917 Sparta Line TO: FROM: County of Elgin proposed erection of chevrons on Sparta Line RE It recently came to my attenti'on that the County of Elgin was intending to install a significant number of chevrons along our section of Sparta Line. Chevrons are yellow signs with black markings indicating a curve. Some of these have é\1ready been erected as you will see if you travel toward Port Stanley i.e. before the bridge. There are white arrows painted on the road indicating where they are to be located. The County Engineer, Clayton Waters, told me the county is simply implementing the policy for signage established by the province many years ago. This policy has been in place since prior to 1985 which I believe is the year Sparta Line became.a county road. These signs w\,!re not erected previously as the county has been'bringing county roads into compliance with these policies and they have only now reached the point. where they are erecting these chevrons. I have been told that other municipal governments, like the Municipality of Central Elgin, have chosen to not follow these provincial policies and are not erecting the chevrons. '--lrf'ii1yvieWlnese sighs-woUlðõè-unslgntlyafTd'··wo-ald;-to-'some- extent, destroy the beauty of this road. They would also make it 'more difficult to cut and trim grass. . I personally do not think they are necessary. There are already signs indicating the curves. For example, we have two large ones in front of our house which will be staying. Most people who use the road are locals who are aware of the curves. Although there are exceptions, most people drive with sufficient caution that there have been relatively few accidents. I had a meeting with Olayton Waters and with the CAO, Mark McDonald, and it was suggested. that a. lett~rbe filed with the county to t~oice these concerns. The next Council meeting IS scheduled for November 25 and the matter would be considered at that time. Clayton and Mark are of the opinion that there are only two realistic options and they will be recommending that one of them be implemented although it is up to Council to ultimately make the 2 deeision. One option is to erect the signs. The other option is to post a speed limit of 30 km.in this·,sectionofSparta Line. I believe it would start at some point west of the bridge over the railway tracks and end somewhere just past the Smith's property. I would be in favour of posting a 30 km. speed limit. This is a better option than having a multitude of signs and if you look at the markings on the road you will see that the number would be significantly large. I intend to voice my concern in a letter to County Council and will request the posting of a30 km. limit. I am circulating this memo to see if there is support for this position from any of you. fyouagree and are willing to let your name be used I Will mention it in my letter to Council that. you support this position. If enough of you are in support I could prepare a petHiòn to be signed and' submitted. Please give me your iÍ1put. " It might also be helpful to speak with some of the members of County Council before the meeting. I intend to do that and encourage the rest of you to do the same. I suppose we will have to wait until after November 10th to know the makeup of the next County Council. my office 633-7000 or by reached at home 631-6838 or at can be Thanks dropping by. Wayne ,\,"; 1/\ -." 'hAIV',!" 0'~Y L -c < 3-.l R~$. - Dr-,U-' v,,,y < , - ),,'0':' tNff;Y 1\" L. Cdc:.t,,{¿,l6CIW) v V N~lS QJjfd'i ~. ?J~}' ~ ~~ ~'" ~"" \ ::;;~" ~~ \" .<t¡ I!f.1 f~~ fIiQJ fill#( /fi'lf(' '1,1J&- I!JdJSIW \ ~ ~ '.J.. ~ Ô I!~\s{¡·rler S,¡fTN B ~ ~ <n. ------- ~ slel ~~poS ~~ ~r ~§ ~1J\c..\X\ ~~o \ 0~\~~ °tý~ ~~\~ fAo~V0 þ,ç/íN [, Cil,!;:JltAMtJ> ~ ~.$,4.'¡~G:..~þ 'lfj¡i6N X'-,. ¡9f(~(~ ~"? SßIK .."7> '7 I,,;> .;;> Q.~. ~;>I~@ ëU -Ð1I)Ø'9> ." , "7 £¡.¡>f)I'l:ß:'7 "1 ~ \\:!I\- ~ I '\ ~~ . . . ~ 'e~ þ¡ij '";!: .~... "'= <,(" «. ~ ~~ '..$ -- \,,¿I 'I~ .éZ "'^~~ l'- ~ ...:ic~ <[v#"'ð' ,¡jJJP3f!-;) ;t2jJi)'$UJ REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Manager of Engineering Services Clayton Watters, FROM 09 January 2004 LAND TRANSFER TO TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD LOT 4 CONCESSION ENBTR DATE SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION The County of Elgin owned Wonderland Road north of Highway #3 unti Parcels of property had been purchased either by expropriation or by deed. When road was transferred to the Township of Southwold the expropriated sections were transferred to the municipality but the deeded property was not transferred. Since the road was not technically included in the County of Elgin road system through the consolidating by-law the section was not transferred. 1986. the to owner property The County of Elgin has a request from the solicitor of the current transfer the deeded piece to the Township of Southwold Discussion Wonderland Road (formerly County Road 26) was under the jurisdiction of County of Elgin until 1986. Four pieces of property were purchased through the expropriation process and one piece through the deed process, see attached sketch. The property purchased (34 feet) was for road widening on the westside of the road allowance. In the section where the land was transferred by deed the property owner must cross the 34 feet of land purchased by the County of Elgin in order to get to the municipal right-of- way. In order to resolve this technical issue the land will have to be included in the road system. As the County of Elgin is not the owner of Wonderland Road the only way to rectify the issue is to transfer the property to the Township of Southwold in order that they can consolidate this piece of property to their road system. The municipality has agreed that this piece of property once transferred to them will be incorporated into their road system. As a condition of this transfer the County of Elgin should get first right of refusal if the Township of Southwold decided to remove it from the road system Conclusion That the lands described in Deed No. 120592, more specifically, Lot 45, Concession ENBTR, a section of land 34 feet wide and 1,320 feet long are not required by the County of Elgin for its road system. Therefore, the County has no concerns to transfer the property to the Township of Southwold understanding that this property will be included in the Township's road system. Concession EBNTR, be transferred Recommendation THAT the lands described in Deed No. 120592, Lot 45, to the Township of Southwold; and also, That with the first right of refusal being allocated by the County of Elgin APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED (}n¡¡J f^~ MARK MCDì CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER CLAYTON D. WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES 1 r Lor4_ <Q ~, á v .. ~ ~ , 'i SHOWN a STANDARD IRON BARS , , (J ~, ð \.; CERTIFICATE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: THIS SURVEY AND P(.AN ARE CÇ)RRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE R.EGJSTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS· MADE THEREUNDER. ~ <J , ~ " f~ SURVEYOR'S '3'4'- II -1.1 ìf I· I ~ . , kl. ~ ~ In ':- I f ~ <I¡ III: ~ I;; ·~I" ¡', ~ ij \:'> '4 ~., I, ; ~ " '~~:~ '1' t ~...; ! ~ ~~~:J:: t;L: , h j~ i ~ r: !! ..'.' <; . ¡.,: I~ ~ . IG r- , . " !y7/'Z4'OÆ/;' 1966 2. THE SURVEY WAS _COMPLETE:O ONTHE24IhDAYOF NOVEMBER ~....,U,t~ DONALD I. HOUGHTON ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR '>-- 1961 ". FEBRUARY 11 .. Plan ....r;;ho/Y'/t?9 a t..'iu/"Yé!ý of pari of LOT 4-5 fAoSr /'fORTH BRAttCN TALI3C1T Rom Trrp of (50UTHrfOLD C/i·RY.5. fo count! of £/9in .sf. Thomas. O.nf.; December 8~/.:JGfi, 5cole-' )QO~¡ ( REVISE~2'1961 .Ž)~ \" . Þ OnforJo L.o.nç{ <'5uTyeyoJ'. ~ ¿M "H' l 1'f7/~3(j,·.3S-E jJ"r <:j- <;I- h a o.J REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Manager of Engineering Services Clayton Watters, FROM 09 January 2004 DATE Robbins Bridge Remova SUBJECf: INTRODUCTION County Council approved in the 2003 Capital Budget the removal of the closed Robbins Bridge. Robbins Bridge was constructed in 1898 and was closed to traffic in 1989. The bridge is located on Lot 5 Concession Range 1 ERR in the Township of Southwold. The Environmental Assessment for the closure was completed in 2003. DISCUSSION The contract documents were distributed to three construction firms that had experience in the removal of these types of structures as per our purchasing policy. Reymer Construction Limited submitted the lowest tendered price of $35,524. uotation Bid $35,524.00 $48,150.00 149,220.00 Compa Reymer Construction Compan Yarmouth Metal Fabricators Facca Incorporated ncluded $100,000 for this project. The approved 2003 Capital Budget CONCLUSION The Environmental Assessment, engineering and now the contract needs to be awarded to remove the structure. This bridge is becoming a safety hazard because of vandalism that has occurred over the last several years remove Robbins Bridge at the contract to RECOMMENDATION That Reymer Construction Limited be awarded the quoted price of $35,524.00. Respectfully Submitted oavJk ~ MarK. nald Chief Administrative Officer Clayton D. Watters Manager of Engineering Services REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Engineering Services Manager Clayton Watters, FROM 09 January 2004 DATE Jamestown Bridge Deck Rehabilitation SUBJECT: Introduction County Counci approved at the November 25, 2003 meeting, temporary repairs to Jamestown Bridge. These repairs would keep the bridge open to traffic, otherwise the bridge would be deemed unsafe to the travelling public. This project will be included in the proposed 2004 Capital Budget. Policy and were received unti the Jamestown Bridge Three Conclusion Quotations werê advertised per the County's Purchasing Wednesday January 7, 2004 for deck rehabilitation to companies submitted quotations for this contract as follows Discussion Compan uotations Bid Re mer Construction Limited $18,297.00 Theo Vandenber Construction Incor orated $21,014.80 . Facca Incor orated $25,680.00 the quotation at a total price of to complete on a Jamestown Bridge Deck ncluded in the proposed 2004 Capital Budget. lowest work Reymer Construction Limited submitted $$18,297.00 (including taxes) Rehabilitation. This project will be to Recommendation THAT Reymer Construction Limited be selected to provide Deck Rehabilitation Jamestown Bridge for their submitted price of $18,297.00 inclusive of all taxes; and also, That this project be Included in the proposed 2004. Mc Chief Administrative Officer Re mitted G ~ Clayton D. Watters, Manager Engineering Services REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Clayton Watters, 09 January 2004 Lakeshore Line Relocation - Municipality of Bayham of Engineering Services Manager FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION As part of the Road 42 Relocation Plan as adopted by County Council, the Warden was directed to negotiate a suitable agreement with the Mayor of Bayham for the transfer of the roads as identified in the Relocation Plan these issues. December 17,2003 to discuss A meeting was held on the following Relocation Plan by County Council adopted of the project, DISCUSSION: As the proponent resolution: COUNTY ROAD 42 RELOCATION PLAN Glen Erie Line, from County Road 55 to County Road 19 is proposed to be designated as the relocated County Road 42 and reconstructed to County standards. Proposed improvements include road resurfacing, the construction of wider lanes and shoulders and the reconstruction of the existing bridge over the South Otter Creek (located in Lot 17, Conc. 1). 1 The section of the existing County Road 42 from County Road 50 in Port Burwel east to County Road 55 would be transferred to the Municipality of Bayham for use as a local road. Portions of Lakeshore Line have been recently improved and resurfaced. No additional improvements should be needed for the use of Lakeshore Line as a municipal road. 2 The section of County Road 42 currently closed to traffic (lots 26 and 27) would be permanently closed by by-law. The section of County Road 42 across lots 24 and 25 would also be permanently closed by by-law on the west edge of Lot 24. The existing pavement and road granular material would be removed and regraded for future agricultural use and this property would be offered for transfer to the adjacent owners. 3 At both ends of County Road 42 and at the end of Godby Road where "dead ends" exist, turn-arounds will be constructed with appropriate signage and fencing 4. 28 from Lot A laneway would be constructed Qver a portion of the closed road west to the existing residence farm in Lot 27 (Sandyshore Farms Ltd.) 5 As part of the Relocation Plan, signs on Lakeshore Line and Glen Erie Line wi be updated, and, 6 THAT the Warden negotiate a suitable agreement with the Mayor of Bayham for the transfer of the roads as identified in the Relocation Plan, and, THAT the implementation of the Relocation Plan including a timetable and cost estimates be presented during the 2004 Capital Budget deliberations. the Relocation Plan The cost to the County of Elgin to complete the items identified In minus all costs to update Glen Erie Line in estimated at $80,000.00. The following is a list of requests made by the Municipality of Bayham that have not been identified in the Relocation Plan (taken from correspondence from Bayham dated September 22, 2003): The County accept financial responsibility for future road closure costs that closure of Lakeshore Line in lots 21,22 and 23 become necessary. The County arrange alternate access, or have agreements for such in place, for properties requiring alternate access in the event of closure of Lakeshore Line in lots 21, 22 and 23. The County arrange and/or finance the appropriate annua sections of Lakeshore Line remaining open. That the County consider upgrades to Stafford Road the event for the monitoring program n · · · · The first two requests by Bayham deal with future events that do not fall within the scope of the current Environmental Assessment. Using an average lake bank recession of 2 metres per year, it will be at least 35 years until additional portions of Lakeshore Line may be threatened. The search for and determination of easement routes now, for imagined circumstances 35-65 years in the future is beyond the scope of the present EA report. Future generations may be best suited to determine solutions to these issues The third request deals with annual monitoring. Annual monitoring may be accomplished by simply measuring (by distance wheel, tape measure or survey) at control points along the centerline of the roadway. These measurements can be tabled and regression rates monitored. The County's consultant would be willing to complete this annual monitoring for approximately $1,000.00 per year. The fourth and final request deals with upgrades to Stafford Road. The Relocation Plan states that the physical road materials will be removed from the closed sections of Lakeshore Line. If the Municipality of Bayham agreed to supply their own trucks and a grader, this material could easily be placed on Stafford Road and create a tremendous improvement over the mainly sand roadway. CONCLUSION Now that the Environmental Process is almost complete and a formal Road Relocation Plan has been adopted, the Warden has been directed to negotiate a suitable agreement with the Mayor of Bayham for the transfer of the roads as identified in the Relocation Plan. Staff believes that 4 of the 6 requests from the Municipality of Bayham can be accommodated. Two requests deal with future events that may occur 35-65 years from today and these issues fall outside the scope of the .current Environmental Assessment. resolution; and the Relocation Plan as previously adopted by RECOMMENDATION THAT staff proceed with also THAT the Municipality be offered the removed road granular material from the closed portion of Lakeshore Line to upgrade Stafford Road at the Muncipality's expense Administrative Officer Respectfully Submitted 0fAJ~~ Clayton D. Watters Manager of Engineering Services ~.EPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Brian Masschaele, Archivist FROM 09 January 2004 Records Retention By-Law DATE: SUBJECT: NTRODUCTION The County's records retention by-law has not been updated since 1989. This by-law requires updating in accordance with the new Municipal Act as well as to incorporate new services that the County now provides. This report recommends the adoption of a by-law to formally approve a new records retention schedule in accordance with the act and other legislative requirements DISCUSSION The County's records retention by-law has not been updated since 1989 (By-Law No. 89-7). In that time, a number of legislative changes have occurred with regards to records retention. The County also provides a number of new services which are not covered in the previous by-law. The Elgin County Archives founding by-law (No. 01-21) includes responsibility for the maintenance of the County's records retention by-law. The Archivist has therefore developed a new schedule in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act (S.O. 2001) as well as the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.O. 1990) and other legislative requirements. The Archivist has consulted with each department in the development of this schedule. The County's External Auditor has subsequently approved this schedule in accordance with the terms of Section 255 of the Municipal Act (see attached letter). It is now recommended that County Council pass a by"law to approve this scheduie as corporate policy. CONCLUSION The County's records retention by-law must be updated in accordance with the Municipal Act and to encompass contemporary services. This report recommends that a by-law be adopted to approve this new schedule. the records of for RECOMMENDATION THAT By-Law No. 04-01, a "By-Law to establish the retention periods Corporation of the County of Elgin," be submitted for County Council approval for Submission Approved Respectfully Submitted 204-460 Wellington Street St. Thomas, ON N5R 6H9 Telephone: (519) 631-8250 Telephone: (519) 637-3500 Facsimile: (519) 631-8919 RAVEN&SHAWLLP Chartered Accountants October 9, 2003 Mrs. Linda Veger Director of Financial Services County ofElgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario NSR SVl Dear Mrs. Veger: County ofElgin We have reviewed the record classification and retention schedule as proposed by the County of Elgin with guidelines established by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and in accordance in S2SS(3) of the Ontario Municipal Act. Record Classification and Retention Schedule - We approve of the record classification and retention schedule as proposed by the County of Elgin. Chuck Raven Raven & Shaw 20,2004 CORRESPONDENCE - Janua Items for Consideration P.J. Leack, City Clerk, City of St. Thomas, requesting County Council's concurrence with the appointment of Mayor Jeff Kohler to the Green Lane Community Trust Fund (ATTACHED - deferred from the December 11, 2003 Council) 1 ..ÐUE¡¿f2.F.;"Y SiÞ !LifSa..-V(to¡.J itre of Donna Waugh, Clerk, County of Wellington, with a resolution concerning the Provincial Liberal election platform promise re: the dedication of two cents per gasoline revenue to municipalities providing transit services. (ATTACHED) 2 Ann Mulvale, President, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, with renewal invoice for membership in the Association for the year 2004. 3 Rural Ontario Municipal Association, 2004 ROMAlOGRA Combined Annual Conference, ROMA Zone Representative Nomination Form for the 2004-2007 ROMA Executive Committee. (ATTACHED) 4. Brian W. Knott, City Solicitor/Clerk, City of Sarnia, with a resolution requesting the review of the current tax assessment system by the McGuinty government. 5. Ij1J 0021002 Office of the Clerk P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, ON N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-1680 Ext. 100 Fax; (519) 633-9019 CITY OF ST. THOMAS TImC:ORt>l.m...TlONOFTHI¡ (.tn"t F ST. THOMAS 519 633 9019 M.P.A. Richard J. Beachey, B.A. Deputy City Clerk Peter J. Leack, City Clerk FAX 12/04/2003 14:51 Ontario N5P 3V7 St. Thomas City Hal P.O Box 520 Street. 545 Talbot . . . December 4111, 2003 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attention: Mark McDonald, CAO Trust Fund ointments - Green Lane Communi Re: 2004 A Dear Mark: Please be advised that at the December 1st, 2003 meeting, the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas appointed Mayor Jeff Kohler to the Green Lane Community Trust Fund. Since the Trust requires a member jointly appointed by both the City and the County would you please let me know of your Council confirms the appointment of Mayor Jeff Kohler. D~ o ~E;Ql.hf..5I~? ¡)£-ncLrt;.s Df- rH CotLl'øilA7o:>,ù ,c;Lo¡f7 G/l..U.iJÜtJJr... ïÆUS7 AhJV P.J. Leack City Clerk PJL/jr j)~FEIUL¡¿J) -¡ð -I,4i\) 20/05--- J) éJ,UVlft D O1/zv/D'f COUNTY OF WELLINGTON 74 WOOLWICH STREET GU~lP..Ij,ONTARIC REceiVED, DEC 8 - . GOUNi'i Of ELGIN M E M 0 RAN D U·M ADM\Nlsm11'ÆSER\IIÅ“S ALL UPPER TIER MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO MS. LIZ SANDALS, M.P.P., CìUELPH-WELLlNCìTON MR. TED ARNOTT, M.P.P., WATERLOO-WELLlNCìTON MR. ERNIE EVES, M.P.P., DUFFERIN·PEEL-WELLINCìTON- CìREY ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ONTARIO DONNA WAUGH. A,M.C.T. CLERK TEL: (519) 837·2600, EXT. 252 FAX: (519) 837-1909 e-mail: donnaw@county.weHington.on.ca TO: "'¡j ¡).¿ --<. :\ , , "-'7:'.;;', I.'~, \& t(' (,\~J¡! A.M.C.T. DONNA WAUCìH, CLERK FROM: 2003 CìAS TAX FUNDINCì DECEMBER 2ND DATE: SUBJECT: At the session Of wellington county Council, held on Thursday, November 27, 2003, the fOllowing récommendation from the Engineering services Committee was approved: "THAT WHEREAS the provincial Liberal election platform included the promise of the dedication of two cents per litre of gasoline toward transit; AND WHEREAS wellington county does not provide transit service; part of is an integra AND WHEREAS wellington county road system the local and provincial economies; AND WHEREAS the distribution of gas tax revenues to only those municipalities providing transit services is discriminatory; ...2 2 NOW THEREFORE the county of wellington respectfully requests the premier and cabinet to extend the anticipated gas tax revenue sharing plan to all municipalities in the province of ontario AND THAT all <non-transit) upper tier municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Liz sandals, M.p.p., Ted Arnott. M.P.p. and Ernie Eves, M.p.p., be advised of this request." OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT RECE~1\'iE.D Ontario Municipalities of 1.1- 200'$ COUI\íIV Of ELG'~ AOW\\NIS1'Rt\í\\JE SE,R"IOi.8 tll'..C December 8, 2003 Valued Members: To Our There is much to do to ensure that take advantage of the revitalized 2004 is expected to be a very busy year for AMO municipal government is well positioned to intergovernmental circumstances The opportunity for federal, provincial and municipal coordination and cooperation has never been better - to see results of our quest for a "New Deal", to be at the table to design federal- provincial-municipal programs that will make a difference for you. Your Association has worked hard to get to this point and we will continue to do so. Now is the time to see a true recognition of the role that municipal government plays in Ontario and the nation. To help you, we need your support. That is why I am asking your Council to renew its membership in this Association. You get real results, those that you see as well as those you do not see - those things that we prevent from happening. With a new provincial government, we will be ever vigilant to avert any new downloading at least without accompanied revenue. We insist on a costing template be done for any proposed regulations and how costs will be mitigated. We have a decided opportunity to correct some of the things that impact the cost of municipal government - from OMB reform to other changes that help us contain or avoid costs. AMO continues to be a relatively small organization and the Executive and Board are mindfu of our need to have the appropriate resources to get the job that you want done. We believe we gave you exceptional value for your 2003 membership. We fervently believe that AMO will do the same and more for you in 2004. the 445 On behalf of the Board, thank you for your continued support and for joining with municipalities that are the true backbone of this Province YÜ\\Lty Ann Mulvale President 393 University Ave., Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 toll free: 1-877-426-6527 . fax: (416) 971-6191 . email: amo@amo.municom.com Enclosure: (416) 971-9856 tel ~~. Association of Municipalities of Ontario Association of Municipalities of Ontario Invoice No. 2004 -10707 Invoice Date: December 5, 2003 Due Date: January 31, 2004 - BILLED TO AMOUNT . . County of Elgin $ 3,106.50 Membership fee for the period: January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2004 GST EXEMPT Membership Grouping: MUN/UPP 2004 MEMBERSHIP INVOICE 'h,' dJ II. (foldb Clerk County of Elg 450 Sunset Dr. SL Thomas, ON N5R5V1 n At its meeting on November 21,2003, the AMO Board passed the Association's 2004 budget which provided that membership fees be calculated using the most current household data available from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and that a 5% across-the-board increase be added to the calculated fee. Municipal Affairs. households as reported by the Ministry of Municipality's fee was based on a total of 18,361 Your Gwen Rideout at 416-971-9856 ExL 330 grideout@amo.municom.com Please direct questions to: 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E6 Tel: 416-971-9856 Toll Free: 1-877-426-6527 Fax: 416-971-6191 519 633 7661 ASSOCIATION OF?-) EST B1/B9/B4 23:13:18 PdgeBB2 01/02 p, CLERK-Elgin Co 8191 But',,!! Ontario Municipal Association nur.1J SL~t':lÎOI1 01 )\s:?:oCÎ.jlÙ)r} of MVflicip,llítí(Õ'$ of únt.,rio 418 97 FAX NO, 280 04:35 PM 8ý~·~\{\ \t·····¡· ~" 0,"<:¡~;:~ " .: 9,'('~;\~ I ..t,,'J ,.............);t-..)' Ii (.", "..~, ~.)o. .f!. '" I d·,I"r. ~"'ô =]: \. '~"/,9 oi- ~ -, "'" . - ::;:,~ ~~I;t(JÞ '''''''~.{. Jd;~)?·~Ø";.' . ~...'.': ..... ,,~,-_... JAN-09~04 FR .~r-_'''''''~<''_''''''''''''''-'''-'__'''' ......,,---',......""...-..............-,..-.-..-.."..... ~.....~. -""'''' ~"'""'"",,-.~~.."'-,-_......--...---....._...... -----------....-- ""'".. - REMINDER NOTICE Conference 2004 I~OMA/OGHA Combined Annual F",IJruery n. ;:>5, 2004 Fi'¡,monl Roy"¡ York HOII,;, Toranl", Ontario Ontario Municipal Association The d8r\dlin0 of January 30,2004 for nominationsto the Rum ZOllO F~(¡prÐt;;(1ntalívos is fast approaching In Qrdorto q\1aliry for nomination and election for Zone Representative position, the attached nomirmtion Form must be roc(Jived by the deadline. Zone Representatives elected at the confomnce shall hold office for a period ofthme years. These Zone Representatives serve on the ROMA f~xecutívo Committee along with the elected member of AMO's Rural Caucus. The n,lrnes of ~111 qualiFied individuals who are duly !laminated will appear on the ballot for <..:!c)c;lion to tho Huml Execulive Committee. All candiejates will be contacted to confirm lIwir nominnliQn ,md to provide further inFormation as to the election process. January 30. 2004 to 01'\5 rnust be submitted by 4:30 p,m. As.sociation of Municipalities of Ontario 393 University Avenue, Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 Fax: (416) 971-6191 Nomínat Executive Director Var1lni Pat Attention Il)&Qffi the WI/'!é.'IY:J:punic()(lU¡QIll and [(LJQer(á) 11 11)().- rm,l n ICO Tills infoltrwtion is (w;:¡i/able iIwugh AMO's Municom Notwork at r-/OMJI wo/Jsito ot w.W1YJ:2t!.1p,pn.ca , Ruder at: l.orna ny ql,18stions, you may e··ma a have r yen.. Page ElEI3 CLERK-Elgin CD 519 633 7661 ASSOCIATION OF?-) EST El1/El9/El4 23:13:5E1 02/02 NE REPRESENTATIVE NOMINATION FORM 2004 2007 ROMA Executive Committee p, 6191 416 97 FAX NO, 260 04:36 PM F~OMl\ ZO JAN-09-04 FR 1\ is tho responsibility of !I,e p¡¡cson being nomin"ted to fílo a complete and accurate Nomination Form, COI"' '.,\ocl form,,; AU"ntion of Pat VËI\,ini, Executive Director - by mail to: Association of MunicipaliU"s of Ontario, :;\03 Univor"ity Avenue, Suito 1701, Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 or by FAX to: 416-971-6191 8ünd Nomin~!i()n$ ,^,-i.l!l'.~..!!.<;Gepto~t..n.2lator ~!!.'!.rL4:30 P)'II Ja.!l.~!~O, 2º_º~:._.___.__._..____,. "-'---~ "-Ñomlnee'ii 'Name as-¡n;¡- to appeãron the -:-tiäííõ¡:- ,... -. " for Zono NQrnin¡;jt"d of Ciliaf Rotumi"g~ ?!!!~orJ (sflbjecl ta Dgroomcl (l9.!J.£..!JJ.Y.f.!YP.t). J~!pcted 9ffì~ial Q _. )'f1unicipal.l;mpIOyee_ÇIL ..---- .c"!!,,~:!<.!'r~o..o~!.(;.v.)____ 9ftì_~_TYJj(! No 0 .~..... ~_. ç:.1¡ rnunici''Jf1lil\l: ....___.._f..M.".. /......_____. s Nominco !:!9!!!i!ìº~,:_(~!.n! f.)J~:iP51lity_.p.r'?!i.~.r:!!!Y.i!.!J:1~':!)be.r.: of A.II(I01.___.Y es ~~?[T.!ÌD!'~(,.s .Ml!æ~~lp!,~!,I!.t!o Nornìnc:.¡'"; Full Ac1drosfr: "M"'~ ,....--- ........""'-~~ .------."".-=r~. ..--------.-=r-.-.... Homo Phone: Emai .-.-.-.."".--. -~--~.....- ---'-Fax:- l'JIJsinozs ¡:'-fiulw: CONSENT OF NOMINEE AND STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION .......-~-_.-".....~~-~-,..... I the Nominee mentioned in this Nomination Form do hõ;:;;;E;ÿ-i;(;ns;;i1t'tQ í,ìuch-n()¡ñïõation anct"'(1'ë'clare that I am qualified to be elected and to hold the office for whi()h I mn norninalod. ._ fiHgnDt!:lrD of No.mi.~~çfP1 CERTIFICATE Signature .. D<ïh,d AMO offices: I, lIlo Chief gdumii1<J Officer, f)ppoillte( by th,~ Association of Municipalities of Ontario to officiate over these r;~locIK'n". do hcmby cmtify that I h;-)Vt') oXE\mlned lI'1e Nomination form of the aforementioned Nominee, filed with r1"1n, und nm salí(,ned that SUCll N()minee is qualified to be nominated to the office indicated above. at Form Received Dato Nomimll.ion Signature: -.--. LChi¡;f R0.I ~!~~!J)a_ºrtic:ør) _~ D<.It<~ Tel: 416-971 -9856 . Pax: 416-971 -6191 . E6 1 Toronto, ON M5G C;, Suito 170 03 UnivN$lty AVDI . lIMO 255 N.Cbrlatin!l strèet sanda. Ontario. o....ð. N7T 71'12 1,'el: (519) 332-G330Ext; 312 . hx: (519) 332- 3998 mayor@clty.øamIa.on.ca a I . / MIke Bradley Mayor' CitY òf Sarnia 5 2003 1 DEe December 3m, 2003 Sarnia City Counci City Hall SARNIA, ON Members: Counci Dear MUNICIPAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CORPORATION (MPAC I have received numerous complaints about the· operation of MPAC which is funded by municipal governments across the Province to provide assessment information. While the legislation is Provincially driven and controlled, the performance of MPAC in the past couple of years has left a lot to be desired. RE: Complaints range from the obvious ones of faulty assessments based on computer models to incredibly long waits through the call centre to receive information (if one can get through and ·if one's call is eventually answered.) There is also a substantial decrease in the number of employees which has led to poor service and centralized service which does not appear to be serving those who are paying the bills. to pass the following motion: THAT Sarnia City Council request the Minister of Finance to undertake a review of MPAC's role and responsibility with a view, in particular, to improve the quality of assessment. service delivered and to improve customer service, and that Caroline Di Cocco, the City's MPP, be provided with a copy of this correspondence with a request for her support. would respectfully ask Counci Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario municipalities for the Association of Assessors and all THAT this resolution be sent to MPAC, the Institute of Municipal endorsement and support. J/~ ;/2 sinc7iY~ Mike Bradley Mayor of Sarnia 9 Ijg copy: Citizens 255 North Christina Street P.O. Box 3018 Sam/a, ON N7T 7N2 CITY OF SARNIA City Clerk's Department Telephone: (519) 332-0330 Fax: (519) 332-3995 E-mail clerks@ci samia,Qltca RECEIVED 12 tOM COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SfR\tJ.l:¡~~ JAN January 8, 2004 ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO: Resolution on Tax Assessment Sarnia City Council at its meeting held December 15th, 2003, considered the attached communication from Mayor Mike Bradley on the above matter. The following resolution was adopted: Re THA T Sarnia City Çouncil ask the new McGuinty government to immediately review the current assessment system and to correct a number of the injustices that are occurring and to immediately review the so-called "tax fairness legislation" that is mandating communities to shift the tax burden from multi- residential industrial commercial to residential, and THA T this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MP A C, the Institute of Municipal Assessors and all Ontario municipalities for endorsement and support. We would appreciate your favourable consideration of Council's resolution Yours truly, Brian W. Knott City Solicitor/Clerk 7 A. Tuplin /jk c.c. ~~/Y 255 N. Christina Street Sarnia, Ontario. ('...n.... N7T 7N2 1;'el: (519) 332-0330 Ext. 312 Fax: (519) 332- 3995 mayor@øity.øam1a.on.ca #Þ Mike Bradley :Mayor· City of Sarnia Off: 15 ., . ¿DO; 2003 Sarnia City Counci City. Hall SARNIA, ON December 11 Members: Counci Dear T AX ASSESSMENT There is increasing evidence in Sarnia and across the Province that the new assessment system brought in by the former Finance Minister, Ernie Eves, in the late 1990s is creating an unfair burden on residential property owners with the average increase in Sarnia this year being 14%. RE: review done by There are a number of factors involved including the annual assessment computer models that is creating double-digit increases in assessment value. In addition, one of the biggest changes that is occurring is the so-called tax fairness shift which is anything but-switching business, industrial; and commercial taxes over to residential taxes. In the meantime, business and industry is capped at 5% while residential has no cap. to pass the following resolution: THAT Sarnia City Council ask the new McGuinty government to immediately r¡¡view the current assessment system and to correct a number of the injustices that are occurring and tQ immediately review the so-called "tax fairness legislation" that is mandating communities to shift the tax burden from multi- residential industrial commercial to residential, and respectfully ask Counci Municipalities of Ontario, Ontario municipalities for THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of MPAC, the Institute of Municipal Assessors and all endorsement and support. Yours sincerely, ( , Mike Bradley Mayor of Sarnia Mrs. Caroline Di Cocco,MPP - Sarnia-Lambton The Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance The Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs Mrs. Maria Van Bommel, MPP - Lambton-Kent-Middlesex '0 '. r'C!> /jg copy: 20,2004 CORRESPONDENCE - Janua enda Dr. Sharon Hertwig, Acting Medical Officer of Health and Cynthia St. John, Chief Administrative Officer, Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, with a copy of correspondence 1) regarding implementation of Bill 199 concerning funding and resources to perform risk assessments for West Nile Virus and response from the Minister of Health; and 2) regarding the verdict and recommendations of the corner's jury into the death of Kimberly Ann Rogers. (ATTACHED) nformation - (Consent A, Items for 1 P.J. Leack, City Clerk, City of St. Thomas, regarding the City appointments to the Dispute Resolution Committee for the term of Council (2004-2006). (ATTACHED) 2 Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, acknowledging Council's resolution regarding 1) current value assessment; and 2) the electricity industry. (ATTACHED) 3 (ATTACHED) Thank you from Wanda Temple in memory of her Uncle Thank you from Tara Lamb and Family. (ATTACHED) 4. Donald N. Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer, Municipality of Central Elgin, regarding the appointment of Deputy May90r Sylvia Hofhuis as its representative on the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee, December 1S\ 2003 to November 30th, 2004. (ATTACHED) 5 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Members' Advisory: 1) Paul Martin Sworn In as Canada's 21st Prime Minister; 2) Update - Liberal Caucus Retreat and the New Deal. (ATTACHED) 6 Letters of appreciation for grants: - Brad Ketelaars, District Manager, Oxford Elgin Huron and Perth, Easter Seal Society Marlene Pink, Executive Director and Maureen Vandenberghe, Communications & Development Coordinator, Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre William Shurish, Executive Director, Quad County Support Services Ruth Hyatt, St. Thomas-Elgin Second Stage Housing with Cynthia St. John, Chief Administrative Officer, Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, information on the Health Unit 2004 budget. (ATTACHED) 7. 8 Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Central Elgin, regarding County Council's recommendation concerning the enforcement of the Nutrient Management Act. (ATTACHED) 9. Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance and the Honourable John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal Affairs, with the announcement of the release of the 2004 Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) allocations. (ATTACHED) 10 Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Member Communication - FOR YOUR INFORMATION, AMO Expresses Concern About Recent Federal Rumblings Around the Anticipated "New Deal". (ATTACHED) 11 Telephone: (519) 631-9900 Free Telephone: 1-800-922-0096 Fax: (519) 633-0468 www.elgìnhealth.on.ca Tal 99 Edward Street SI. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 Y8 elgin st.thomas health unit RECE'VED 2003 November 21 20IIS couN"N Of ELG\N AONlINISiR"il\!f: Sff1:\lICEß OEC 10 The Honourable George Smitherman Minister of Health and Long-Term Care 10th Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, Ontario M7 A 2C4 Smitherman Mr. Dear MPLEMENTATION The Board of Health for the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit asked that we write to you concerning a motion that passed at their September 24, 2003 Board meeting Specifically, the motion reads: 199 REGULATION RE WHEREAS West Nile Virus, its health impacts and the public's heightened concern has been a major concern in 2002 and has required extensive work on behalf of public health; diagnosis and contro AND WHEREAS the impact, vector analysis, vector treatment of the disease is still an evolving science AND WHEREAS Bill 199 states that Medical Officers of Health shall perform risk assessments for West Nile Virus in their respective jurisdictions, for the purpose of implementing assessed larviciding and adulticiding mosquito control programs AND WHEREAS the foundation for Bill 199, including the table of implementation, was formulated on the model of action undertaken In 2002 by the cities of Chicago and New York; AND WHEREAS there is, at this time, an inadequate vector monitoring, surveillance and analysis infrastructure available to Ontario Public Health Units to carry out a quality risk assessment to determine the need, extent and limitation of community based larviciding and adulticiding programs The Honourable George Smitherman Page 2 November 14. 2003 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Elgin St. Thomas Board of Health requests the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to ensure adequate funding and resources for scientifically sound and environmentally sensitive implementation of Bill 199 for an ongoing effective and timely protection of the citizens of Ontario against West Nile Virus. r~ Dr. Sharon Hertwlg Acting Medical Officer of Health Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit mportant public health issue r \." to your response on this We look forward Sincerely, Cyntjlrla St. John Chief Administrative Officer Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario The Honourable Leona Dam b rowsky , Minister of Environment Dr. Colin D'Cunha, Commissioner of Public Health, Chief Medica Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister Ontario Boards of Health Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHA) City of St. Thomas County of Elgin Copy: o Ontari (w) Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care TelephonelTéléphone: (416) 327-7389 FacsimilelTélécopleur: (416) 327-09~4 Direction de la santé publique 5700;rueYongei8e étage North York ON M2M 4K5 Public Health Branch 5700Yonge Strèet, 8"cFloor North York ON M2M 4K5 ">'-' RECEIVED DEC 2 9 2003 2004 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERV,¡Å“S 5 JAN Dr. Sharon Hertwig Acting Medical Officer of Health and Ms. Cynthia St. John Chief Administrative Officer Elgin-St.Thomas Health Unit 99 Edward Street St. Thomas ON N5P 1Y8 John Hertwig and Ms. St. Dr. Dear Re: Funding and Resourcmg of Ontario Regulation 199103 We are in receipt of your letter, addressed to the Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHL TC), with respect to the ensuring of "... adequate funding and resources for scientifically sound and environmentally sensitive implementation of 8il/199 [sic] for an ongoing effective and timely protection of the citizens of Ontario against West Nile Virus." You will be pleased to know that the Ministry has commenced an intensive review of the work undertaken in 2003. This will include examining the reports from the 37 health units respecting their experience over 2003, along with consultations~ith other Ministries of the Crown as well as with other agencies interested in West Nile virus (WNv) control. We are regular participants \¡\lith Health Canada in their va,rious WNv fora and make efforts to stay abreast of the activities of other No.rth Ameiièan agencies in WNv work. This is an ongoing effort for the Ministry on WNv issues. From these information sources we are developing the 2004 West Nile virus prevention and control plan. We can share, even at this early stage, that we see a number of program areas where the lessons learned in 2003 will be implemented in 2004, particularly with respect to mosquito surveillance 7530~4601 12 P03-03246 7198ø93 (99{06) 2 John nthia St. c and Ms Sharon Hertwi Dr. As you are aware, the previous government announced $100 million over 5 years for West Nile virus prevention and control at 50 per cent provincial funding. This was augmented by additional one-time funds for 2003/04. At this time, budgets for 2004/05 are under review and we cannot confirm the extent of the government's commitment for 2004. for the Season the very best wish you writing, and Thank you for truly Yours Brian L. Gibson Unit Head Environmental Health and Toxicology Unit and West Nile Virus Unit FRCPC MD f The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Environment Dr. Colin D'Cunha, Commissioner of Public Health, Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister Ontario Boards of Health Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHA) /,City of St. Thomas .., County of Elgin c. Telephone: (519) 531-9900 Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-922-0096 Fax: (519) 633-0468 www.elginhealth.on.ca 99 Edward Street SI. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 V8 elgin St. thomas health unit - RECE\\JEO 2003 21 November ø COUN1'l o¡: ELG,\t-\ I\DMIN\SiRÞ-i\\l£ SERIJ\Å’S DEC 10 The Honourable George Smitherman Minister of Health and Long-Term Care 10th Floor, Hepburn Block 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2C4 Smitherman VERDICT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CORONER'S JURY INTO THE DEATH OF KIMBERLY ANN ROGERS Mr. Dear RE The Board of Health of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit asked that we write to you concerning a motion that was endorsed at the Board's September 24, .2003 meeting. The motion is as follows WHEREAS the Sudbury and District Medical Officer of Health provided testimony at the Kimberly Ann Rogers Inquest regarding the impact of poverty and social exclusion on health and regarding the inadequacy of social assistance support levels for basic pre-requisites for health; and WHEREAS the Sudbury & District Board of Health in its motion, 53-02, has advocated for adequate social assistance funding and for an elimination of the permanent ban on receiving social assistance for those convicted of social assistance fraud; and of the Coroner's Jury dated December 19. 2002 WHEREAS the verdict acknowledged: That Zero Tolerance lifetime ineligibility for social assistance would have a devastating and detrimental effect on our society. To prevent anyone of having to go without food andlor shelter, to be deemed homeless and therefore and most importantly, prevent the death of impoverished individuals. That suspehsionof benefits is detrimental to the client and community The Honourable George Smitherman Page 2 November 14,2003 That social assistance rates necessary. That there should be a full appreciation of the person's life circumstances and the impact of the consequences of a fraud conviction. That the Ministry of Community, Family and Children's Services and the Ontario Works Program should assess the adequacy of all social assistance rates. Allowances for housing and basic needs, should be based on actual costs within a particular community or region. In developing the allowance, data about the nutritional food basket prepared annually by local health units, and the average rent data prepared by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation should be considered. if be) adequate and adjusted annually (must THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Elgin St. Thomas Board of Health, as recommended by the Sudbury and District Board of Health, strongly advocate to the Minister of Community, Family and Children's Services that the provincial government rapidly proceed with the implementation of recommendations 1,2,4,6,7 & 8 consistent with the direction of the Coroner's Jury; this fundamental Public Health issue Thank you for your follow-up on Cynthia St. John Chief Administrative Officer Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit ."¿ßt~!Jf;J ~"._.".,t. ',j Dr. Sharon Hertwig Acting Medical Officer of Health Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit Sincerely The Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario Dr. Colin D'Cunha, Commissioner of Public Health, Chief Medical Officer of Health and Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Ontario Boards of Health Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHA) City of St. Thomas County of Elgin Copy: Office of the Clerk P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, ON N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-1680 Ex!. 100 Fax: (519) 633-9019 M.P.A. Richard J. Beachey, B.A. Deputy City Clerk Peter J. Leack, City Clerk Ontario N5P 3V7 Thomas St. ST. THOMAS City Hal P.O Box 520 545 Talbot Street. . . . RECEIVED Deputy Clerk December 4th, 2003 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren, County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5Vl - COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SÊRVIÅ’S 8 DEe ute Resolution Committee ointments - Dis A Re: Hefften: Please be advised that the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas on December IS" 2003, has appointed the following to the Dispute Resolution Committee for the term of Council (2004-2006): Dear Mrs. 633-3262 633-6535 631-0936 33 81. George St. N5P 2L2 53 Luton Cresc. N5R 5V4 45645 Southdale Line N5P 386 Alderman C. Barwick Alderman T. Shackelton Alderman M. Turvey Sincerely, jrlP JL Le Premier mlnistre de l'Ontario The Premier of Ontario RECEIVI Édifice de l'Assemblée léglslative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario' M7A 1A1 Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 2IIØS COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEC 22 December 17, 2003 Heffren Mrs. Sandra J Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 regarding resolution providing me with a copy of council's Heffren Thank you for your letter current value assessment. Mrs Dear sent a copy of your resolution to the Honourable Greg I trust that the minister will also take your views into I note that you have also Sorbara, Minister of Finance. consideration Thank you again for the Information Yours truly, ((lJt.., Dalton McGuinty Premier @ ltÆ "IIÅ’D" Ontario RECEIVED Le Premier mmistre de ¡'Ontario Édifice de l'Assemblée législative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario M7A 1A1 The Premier of Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 2003 December 23, :». 2004 COUNTY OF ELGIN A[lMI~JISTRArI1lE SERVfÅ’S JAN Heffren Mrs. Sandra J Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Mrs. Heffren Thank you for your letter providing me with a copy of council's resolution regarding the electricity industry. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities. Dear I note that you have sent a copy of your resolution to my colleague, the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy. I trust that the minister will also take your views into consideration Thank you again for the Information Yours truly, ((2Jf., Dalton McGuinty Premier The Hon()urable Dwight Duncan c @ MunicipaCit!f of Centra[ 'E[gin Corporation of the The Ph.519·631·4860 Fax 519'631'4036 RECE\VED 1 st Floor, St. Thomas, Ontano N5R 5V1 450 Sunset Drive, OEC 12" COUNt'i Of &- I\OM\N\S'tAA1NE SS\\J\Å’S December 11 th, 2003 Mr. Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 resentative ointmentJ)fMunici Re: A Dear Mr. McDonald: I am writing to confirm that Council has passed a resolution appointing Deputy Mayor Sylvia Hothuis as its representative on the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee for the period December 1st, 2003 to November 30th, 2004. 1A5 N5L 205 Cornell Drive Port Stanley, Ontario 782-3541 782-3743 and phone number(s) Deputy Mayor Hothuis' address are: (H) Phone: Fax please advise. e any questions, aId N. Leitch '. thief Administrative pc: Deputy Mayor Sylvia Hothuis Federation of Canadian Municipalities December 12, 2003 Fédération canadienne des municipalités MEMBERS' ADVISORY Please distribute to all members of Counci Paul Martin Sworn-In As Canada's 21st Prime Minister the beginning of a Today's swearing in of Paul Martin as Canada's 21st Prime Minister marks new intergovernmental relationship for Canada's cities and municipalities to the Prime Minister with responsibility and speaks to (See the attached letter to His decision to name John Godfrey as Parliamentary Secretary special emphasis on cities makes the New Deal a Prime Ministerial the Prime Minister's deep commitment to Canada's municipalities. municipal leaders from Prime Minister Martin). According to govemment documents, ''the Parliamentary Secretary will help the Prime Minister fulfill his commitment to forge a New Deal with cities, both large and small, which are the engines of Canada's growth, and ensure that the views of cities, and the regions in which they are located, are brought to the centre of government decision-making." The appointment of Andy Scott as Minister of State for Infrastructure indicates the Prime Minister's strong commitment to dealing with Canada's growing infrastructure deficit, an issue of particular importance to municipal governments. Advisory (PCO) and an The creation of a Cities Secretariat in the Privy Council Office Committee to be chaired by Michael Harcourt are also welcome. The new Prime Minister's commitment to cities large and small will benefit all municipal governments. The New Deal is about changing how the Government of Canada (and all governments) relates with all municipalities. Better interdepartmental coordination and a "municipal lens" in PCO will mean a better targeting of government programs and initiatives to take into account the need of all communities. Delivering the New Deal will require a high degree of cooperation and coordination among federal and provinciallterritoriallmunicipal governments. talking the new federal team. we suggest the following on Should you be asked for comment points: Prime Minister is good news for Martin as Canada's 21st Today's swearing in of Pau Canada's municipalities. The new Prime Minister has demonstrated his strong commitment to a New Deal for municipalities by naming John Godfrey as Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with special emphasis on cities. ./2 . . 2 This makes the New Deal a Prime Ministerial responsibility and speaks to the Prime Ministers deep commitment to Canada's municipalities. With the Prime Ministers backing, Mr. Godfrey will have the clout needed to lead the process effectively. · We are also encouraged by the appointment of Andy Scott as Minister of State for Infrastructure. This demonstrates the Prime Ministers strong commitment to dealing with Canada's growing infrastructure deficit, a problem that affects both our quality of life and our productivity. · Delivering the New Deal will require a high degree of cooperation and coordination - and patient negotiation ~ among federal and provincial/tenitoriallm unici pal govemments. · We have recommended to the Prime Minister that he put the New Deal on the agenda at the next First Ministers meeting and begin the discussions needed to reshape relations among govemments in Canada. We will continue to keep you informed of developments. more information Louise Comeau Director General, Policy Advocacy and Communications (613) 241-5221 ex!. 232 For December 12, 2003 Dear SirlMadam By the time you read this letter, you will likely know that my Cabinet colleagues andl are changing the way the Govemment of Canada works in order to re-engage Canadians in the political process and achieve demonstrable social and economic progress for Canada. One of the central changes is a New Deal for Canadian cities, both big and small, that will bring their concems to the centre of govemment decision-making. wi be leading this initiative, supported by a Parliamentary Secretary with special responsibilities for implementation of a New Deal for cities, and by a secretariat in the Privy Council Office. My Parliamentary Secretary, the Honourable John Godfrey, is being swom in as a Privy Councillor in order to be able to participate in Cabinet and Cabinet Committee discussions as appropriate. am sure you will also be pleased to leam that we will be appointing an Advisory Committee of concerned stakeholders under the chairmanship of the former Premier of British Columbia, Mr. Michael Harcourt. In addition, we are creating a Minister of State (Infrastructure) and integrating sustainable development in the infrastructure program and otherfederal programs. The New Deal for cities will, in my estimation, help respond to the real needs of Canadians, and the communities in which they live. At the same time, my govemment remains committed to working hand-in-hand with the provinces and territories in helping to strengthen communities across Canada. This will include ensuring that the views and needs of rural Canadians remain central to shaping programs and selVices. The New Deal for cities will be an integral part of our govemmenfs policies that are designed to strengthen the social foundations of Canadian life, build a twenty-first century economy, and ensure Canada's place in the world as one of pride and influence. The overriding objective is to make a positive diffe rence in the lives of Canadians. look forward to working with you, and all interested stakeholders, in the effort to make govemment more responsive to the needs of cities, and to make Canada's communities the focal points of a betterfuture for Canadians. Sincerely, Prime Minister Paul Martin Federation of Canadian Municipalities Fédération canadienne des municipa1ités January 9, 2004 MEMBERS' ADVISORY Please distribute to all members of Council UDdate - Liberal Caucus Retreat And The New Deal The Liberal caucus has concluded its two-day meeting in Ottawa. Media reports focused extensively on the proposed New Deal for Canada's cities and municipalities. Several MPs were quoted in the media speaking about various aspects of the New Deal, including funding mechanisms, timeframes and the Government's fiscal situation. Both Prime Minister Martin and Finance Minister Goodale said emphatically that the New Deal is a Government priority and there will be money for municipal governments. They said discussions are now focusing on the details of the New Deal. News media first reported caucus concerns regarding the proposed sharing of the federal fuel tax. Closing day reports focused on FCM's proposal to increase the municipal GST rebate from 57 per cent to 100 per cent and on the need for the Govemment to quickly provide much-needed funding to Canada's cities and municipalities. The GST proposal seems to have considerable support within caucus. FCM's President and CEO have used following talking points when speaking to news media. MEDIA LINES FUEL TAX · Whatever mechanism is eventually selected, the Government must provide cities and municipalities with the resources they need to meet their responsibilities. On this, Prime Minister Martin and Finance Minister Goodale have been emphatic: the New Deal remains a key Government priority. · Both the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister have said there will be money for cities and municipalities, but that the Government's fiscal circumstances may require that this contribution be phased in over time. · We recognize that there will not be any quick fixes. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE AND FEDERAL BUDGET · FCM has called on the Government to demonstrate its commitment to the New Deal by taking concrete steps. · We expect the Speech from the Throne and the Budget to indicate the Government's intention to deal with the fiscal crunch faced by Canada's cities and municipalities. ./2 2 The quick implementation of the 100 per cent GST rebate would be a simple, easy mechanism that would demoostrate ccmmi1ment and provide scme assistance to cities and municipalities. So too would the acceleratioo of infrastructure investments to $1.5 billioo a year for the next two years, using funds already ccmmitted in the last Budget. . We also expect the Speech frcm the Throne and the Budget to indicate a clear timeframe for the implementation of stable, predictable long-term financing for cities and municipalities through the fuel tax or scme other mechanism. . For more Inform ati 00: Massimo Bergamini, Director of Communications, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, (613) 241-5221, Ext 247; cell: (613) 720-0545. BI 111m HElPI RECEIVEDI lITlES SUCCEED PHYSICAL DISAB WITH KIDS NG 2003 December 11, 200'3 COUNlV OF ELGIN ADMINISTRÞ,TME SeRViÅ’S 14 DEC County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl Dear County of Elgin Board Members: On behalf of The Easter Seal Society, Ontario and the 59 children with physical disabilities we serve in Elgin County, we thank you for your very generous donation. Equipment and supply expenses consistently extend far beyond the financial capabilities of most families, and children with multiple disabilities and serious medical conditions easily require an annual $20,000 over that of a child without disabilities. Your contribution of $5,000 will help offset some of these costs, easing the financial burden that equipment costs can bring. "Financial supportfrom The Easter Seal Society, Ontario is a miracle for families who otherwise could not give their children with physical disabilities the independence they deserve." Parent of an Easter Seals Child in Elgin County miracle through your donation. you for being part of this Thank Sincerely, London, ON N6C 4P6 . Fox: 519.432.7679 www.easterseals.org 2-332 Wellington Rd. South, Tel: 519.432.9669 Free: 1.888.278.7797 . Tol Brad Ketelaars District Manager, Oxford Elgin Huron and Perth 9068377RROOOl No. C~oritable Regi5trcliol Crippled Children. Ontario $oclety !o, , Incorporated Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre The Livingston Centre 96 Tillson Avenne, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3Al Telephone (519) 842-9000 Fax (519) 842-4727 RECEIVED 21m 4 1 DEC Mission To provide human support resources Vision Enabling ìndìvìdual ìndependence Warden Wilson, Councillors & Staff County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5Vl 10.2003 December COUNTY Of ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dear Warden Wilson, Councillors & Staff: On behalf of Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre, we would like to thank you for the grant of $2,000.00. These funds have been designated to the Adult Basic Literacy program. The funds are especially appreciated this year as we have been fundraising throughout 2003 in order to meet our goal of raising $31,000.00 for the program As you know, Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre has been providing community services since 1978 - 25 years of operation! We often reflect on our humble beginnings, starting with one service, in the house on Rolph Street and marvel at the development that has occurred in the provision of services in Tillsonburg. Our present location, in a multi- partner building called The Livingston Centre, reflects those changing times. Generous supporters, like Elgin County, have contributed to our ability to respond to community and individual client needs - our primary focus. While we do receive regular funding in some of our programming areas, this is not the case for every service. That is why we host two regular fundraising events each year and encourage donations such as you have provided. These funds allow us to commit to programs that require community support in order to receive regular funding. lt also allows us to plan for future needs. Our agency meets the Better Business Bureau Standards for Charitable Solicitations. we If you have any questions about your grant, or have any other comments or questions would like to hear from you. We always enjoy the opportunity to speak to Council and describe the programming you support. Thank you for investing in our current needs and future plans. We are especially appreciative of the County of Elgin's continued support - it is a true investment in the citizens of Elgin County who participate in the Adult Basic Literacy program. Happy Holidays! r& 1 , ~ Marlene Pink, Executive Director Sincerely, Maureen Vandenberghe mmunications & Development Coordinator P.S. ~ Telephone 519-693-4812 Fax 519-693-7055 Services Wardsville, Ontario, NOL 2ND Quad County Support P. O. Box 65, Mailing Address: fl;.E.CE.\~EO t)\t \~ - 2003 Warden Dave Rock Elgin Drive Ontario 10 County of 430 Sunset St. Thomas N5R 5V1 December members the sincere our consumers and Members Please allow me to express to you and council appreciation of Quad County Support Services, Board of Directors for your grant of $2,000.00 Dear Warden Rock and Council Again this year your grant will assist our Association in delivering programs through our two offices in Dutton and West to those consumers who reside in these areas Resources continue to and Social to and our Association will the Ministry of Community all the resources we require we support to provide the individuals to be at a premium funding sources as is unable the needs of Lorne continue look for Services meet your grant your records Thank you for Association by providing this Enclosed is a receipt for continued support of our Sincerely ,212,,--, /J - L william%~h t Executive Director RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 159 McKellor St. Glencoe, Ontario NOL 1MO (519) 287-2306 (519) 287-5905 (fox COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS 191 Oueen Street Wardsville, Ontario NOL 2NO (519) 693-4929 RESOURCE CENTER 205 Victorìa Street Wardsville, Ontario NOL 2NO (519) 693-4478 WS/nl ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 195 Wellìngton St. Wardsville, Ontario NOL 2NO (519) 693-4812 (519) 693-7055 (Fox ST THOMAS ElG N Second Stage Housing 5 51. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6B6 fax: (519) 637-2213· email: secondstage@amtelecom.net Golding Place phone: (519) 637-2288 d f\ECE'\fe.O Gt.e. '¿.'i1 ~ COUt{N Of E\ß'''' !>.OW\\"\S1AA-wre ß5\\fitØ 16_2003 Elgin County Council County of Elgiü - 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas_ ON N5R 5Vl December Members: On behalf of the Board of Directors of St. Thomas-Elgin Second Stage Housing I would like to express our sincerest gratitude for the $3500.00 donation. A charitable tax receipt is enclosed for your records. Dear Council Your financial commitment made to Second Stage Housing demonstrates outstanding spirit and goodwill toward our programs for abused women. Your support helps to make it possible for us to continue to provide the services that will assist women to end the cycle of violence in their lives Thank you. ~aJ1-- Sincerely, . A Unl1ed Way Agency Ruth Hyatt, Executive Director RH/cs Enclosure Telephone: (519) 631-9900 Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-922-0096 Fax: (519) 633-0468 www.elginhealth.on;êa 99 Edward Street SI. Thomas, Ontario N5P 1 Y8 elgin st. tho mas health unit RECE'\JED coum'i Of E\.Q\t-\ I\OM\N\S1AA1\\Æ s!.\\\J\(Ø ~ t)f.C 16 December 10,2003 Mr. Mark McDonald Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Mark: Please be advised that at the November 26, 2003 meeting, the Board of Health of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit approved the Health Unit's 2004 budget with the following resolution Dear n the amount of $4,332,035.00. The County of Elgin's portion of this 2004 budget is 59% of the 50% municipal portion. This amounts to $1,277,950.00. This is approximately $105,555;00 more than 2003. Please also note that this money does not include any additional West Nile Virus dollars required for the 2004 season. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care will likely announce their West Nile Virus plans in the new year and at that time, we will have a better idea of what the expectations of Health Units will be. That the Board approve the 2004 budget Finally, we will forward an approved audited statement of our 2003 fiscal year once that work is completed - likely in March 2003. 202 me at 631-9900, ext. If you have any questions Mark, please contact Have a wonderful holiday season Cynthia St. John Chief Administrative Officer enclosure :Municipafity of Centra[ 'ECgin Corporation of tlíe rrlíe Ph.519·631·4860 Fax 519'631-4036 Floor, SI. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 1st 450 Sunset Drive, 2003 December 22nd RECEIVED McGuinty Honoura Premier Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON N7A 1A1 E, GOUN1Y OF UN ADMINISTAATM: SERVloes DEC 23 Mr. McGUlnty: Dear meeting dated Act Council discussed the above noted matter at their 2003 and the following resolution was passed Management Re: Nutrient Please be advised that Monday, December 8th, THAT: The Council of the Corporation of The Municipality of Central Elgin express its displeasure with the Government of Ontario's decision to enforce the Nutrient Management Act through the Ministry of Environment instead of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; AND THAT: a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the County of Elgin, the lower tier municipalities in Elgin County, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier and the Honourable Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture and Food. CARRIED. this information, please feel free to If you have any questions or concerns with respect to contact me at the municipal office. ~ Yours truly, Dianne Wilson Deputy Clerk County of Elgin Elgin County Lower Tier Municipalities Honourable Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture & Food c.c. !tJ Ontario RECEIVED 2004 COUNTY OF ELGIN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVÅ’s 2 JAN Mlnl.try ot Municipal Affairs Office of the Minister 777 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 2ES Tel (416) 685-7100 www.mah.gov.on.ca Mlnls,try of Finance Office of the MinIster Frost BuifdjrtgSouth 7 aUeen's Park Cr Toronto ON M7A 1Y7 Tel (416) 325-1590 Fax (416) 325-1695 December 19. 2003 Counci As you are aware, on December 17, 2003, the government released its Fall Economic Statement which outlined the magnitude of the province's fiscal challenges Head of Dear Despite the severity of the province's fiscal situation, we recognize the importance of supporting our partners in municipal government in the delivery of public services. For this reason, we are-pleased to be able to announce the release of the 2004 Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) allocations. The McGuinty government is providing $61 B million to municipalities through the 2004 CRF, including continuation of the $12 million Stabilization Bonus. This is an increase of $24 million over grants announced for 2003. Continuation of the Stabilization Bonus will ensure that municipalities' 2004 CRF funding is at least at the same level as their 2003 funding. Municipalities will also receive $50 million in CRF adjustment payments for 2002 program costs and updated 2003 payments. Your staff will receive additional information on your municipality's 2004 CRF allocation shortly. During 2004, we will also be reviewing CRF funding for 2005 as part of the government's broader commitment to work with municipalities to strengthen our communities. However, the government must ensure that it lives within its means and in light of the current fiscal situation, we will be asking all our broader public sector partners to temper their requests for additional funding. We are pleased to provide you with the financial information you need to proceed with preparations for your 2004 budget. The government congratulates you as the Province's newly elected municipal leaders and we look forward to working with you in the new year. ,/~' erretsen ister of Municipal Affairs , Sincerely ( GreSorbara Mini ter of Finance Ontario Ann Mulvale, President Association of Municipalities of c: Page ElEI2 CLERK-Elgin Co 519 633 7661 ASSOCIATION OF?-) EST El1/El9/El4 23:El7:19 ~~.!!,~ ~!\~ÆM'~II For '(OLI ()r'~f() r 01/0 Associ(,!tion 0 Municipolllies of Ontario p, 6191 Â.~_ 416 97 FAX NO, 260 PM 03:3 JAN-09-04 FR versl1y AV~lllllJ. Sullc H01 Icronlo. ON 'M5G 1S6 393U on r rr. ati 6) 071-Q05G . f¡)){, (416.) Ð71-6191 13m3!!: ::Imc@òlrT10 nI\lnicolI\.C()n' , Tol 04/01 January 9, 2004 - FYI of the Clerk and Go,uncil. Al!cm1.iol" To 0111 <m~,'I'I!i()n t1]I'IHHli¡:lto For ngs Rumbli Å’~xpl'eSSe5 Concern About Recent Federal A.round tlhe Anticipated "New Deal" AMO municipalities since becominç for a new dea about comments fír~t [',wi Martin mal<o(¡ Primo Minister. Sl.Å’ ~. .., I:lAUK(;iHOUN('); Prime Mìnistcr Marlin made several remarks earlier this week in Nova Scotia about the New Deal for ml.inicip¡¡litim,> ¡md [he liming and implementation of sharing the gas tax, Mr. Martin reiterated hi" cç\rnmilmanl:$ to provide new funding to municipalities for local priorities, while particularly omrhasizing tl10 need for new investments for clean water and housing. When specifically asked ,¡bout ruml W'E¡aS, Mr. Mmtin cle~¡rly stated that all municipalìties regardless of size or location face fiscal chalkm{lcs <'lIld that new funding plans would not be limited to large urban centres, This was welcomed confirmation. Meçlia mport(, lator ìn the week indicated thnt the Liberal Caucus might be uncertain about prQvidìnO now fUl~ding to municipalities through a portion of the gas tax. Some expressed concerns th~:¡t !11\Y Federal funding provided to municipalities could be offset by reduced Provincial transfms, !'.1nd tho¡[ a now Federal gas tax program should not proceed without Provincial agroomentr1 th¡¡t there would be no dawbacks on provil1cìalfunds that help municipalities. Over (he 1m;! $()vcr,J! mQnth:>, AM() had indicated to both the federal and provincial governments that it Was (1l1xious tn proceed with a Framework agreement for a ''New Deal" in Ontario. letter t\) the Prime Minister expressing concern about the recent messaging and desire to get a framework agreement in place for Ontario as a priority action AMO 11W' ~(¡nt a rt,itOl"<1tod AMO's 3160rema Executive Dire£"1:or at 416 971-9856 ext. For inforrnq\ion, contact Pat Vanin pvanílli@~: rT'I(J.mun ¡corn.com .I:1(~!.'!4m!J.(licom.cO!11 network at AMO's subscription bssed MUN/COM ,wsih1ble tl1rotl(JII . ~' " il1fclrmolilJI T/¡is COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 04-01 "A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH 'IH~RETENnON_PERIODS FQBRECORDS of THE CORPORATION QE THE COUNJYOF ELGIN' WHEREAS Section 255 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality may, subject to the approval of the municipal auditor, establish retention periods during which the records of the municipality and local boards of the municipality must be retained and preserved in accordance with Section 254 of the Act; and WHEREAS County of Elgin By-Law No. 01-21 authonzes the Elgin County Archives to estabiish policies for the management of active and semi-active records within all County departments, including authority for the destruction of all corporate records as wel as maintenance of the County's records retention by-law; and WHEREAS the Municipal Auditor has approved the schedules attached to this by-law in accordance with Section 2.55 (3) of the Act. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: For the purpose of this by-law a) Records are defined as information, however recorded, on paper, on film, by electronic means or otherwise, in connection with the transaction of Corporation of the County of Elgin business, including the organization, functions, procedures, policies or activities of the Corporation. 1 Records are the property of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. c) Retention periods as set out in Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law, are hereby adopted and established. b) d) Authority for implementing this schedule shall be carried out in accordance with By-Law Nö. 01-21. e) The Archivist, upon approval of Department Heads, is hereby granted authority to approve,from time to time, amendments to Schedule "A" as it applies to departmental records. f) Upon the Archivist being satisfied that the relevant retention period established by the by-law has expired for corporate records and that no reason exists for further retention, the Archivist upon the approval of the Department Head may then order any record to be destroyed, or to be set aside for permanent retention. The Archivist shall keep a list of the records destroyed on permanent file. g) THAT this by-law comes into force on the date of final passage hereof. THAT By-Law No. 89-7 be and is hereby repealed. 2. 3. READ a first and second time this 20th day of January 2004. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of January 2004. David M. Rock, Warden. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD 2004) Page 1 of 29 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE A" CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua", REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N NACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE ADMINISTRATION A E I Pa 2 1 1 Originating Administration - General Includes general correspondence which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only If no other headino available. Associations and Organizations AOO E I Pa 1 1 Originating Includes correspondence. minutes, agenda, notices and reports regarding organizations to whIch staff belong or with which they communicate. A01 Excludes Membership Fees - See F01 Slaff Committees & Meetings Management Team minutes to berelained permanently on paper. E I Pa 4' 2 2 Originating Includes records regarding the activitIes of staff committees and meetings: e.g. agenda and minutes of Manaç¡ement Team. Computer I Information Systems A02 E I Pa S+6 6 s Information Technology Includes records regarding all types of Information systems In use: hardware, software, data transmission, system design and implementation, quality control, office automation and electronic document management. A03 Only those sponsored by the County are subject to archival review. E I pa 1 1 Originating Excludes: ACQuisitions - See F18 Conferences and Seminars Includes programs and notes regarding conferences, conventions and seminars attended by staff or sponsored by the County. A04 Excludes: Travel Arrangements See A13 Speeches & Presentations See M08 Employee & Council Expenses - See F01 & F09 Ceremonies & Events -See M02 Invoices - See 01 Rental aQreements - See L 14 Consultants PalE 3' 1 2 Originating Includes correspondence, proposals and other documents regarding the selection and monitoring of consultants. A05 Exctudes: Reports - file by subject Quotations & Tenders - see F18 Invoices - see F01 Inventory Control Electronic preferred. PalE 6 5 1 Originating Includes inventory statements and reports. and all other records regarding the control of supplies and equIpment. A06 Electronic preferred. PalE S s Originating Excludes: Assets - See FDa Office Equipment & Furniture Includes records regarding the design and maintenance of owned and leased office equipment and furniture such as chairs, desks, copiers, microfiche readers etc. A07 Excludes: Computer hardware & software - see A03 Facsimile machines -see A12 Assets - see F06 Service aQree\T1ents-see L 14 Office Services Electronic preferred. s - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwisrJ specified.) s Originating IncludrJs records regarding rates and services provided by courier, mall and postage firms as well as internal printing and word processing services. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper A06 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Pa,' 2 of 2' REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - SecondarY Subjects CODE ADMINISTRATION A Archival copy to be paper. E I Pa P' P s Originating Policies & Procedures Includes policy and procedure manuals, Quldellnes and directives Records Management AD' Electronic preferred. E Pa s s Archives Includes ¡nfannallon regarding the management of corporate records in all media. Includes file listings and Information on records centre operations. A10 Excludes: Retention By-law - see C01 Policies & Procedures - see A09 Records Disposition - see A 11 Records Disposition Pa E P P Archives Includes records regarding the disposition of corporate records, including the disposal method used and forms authorizing and describing the destruction of records. Telecommunications Systems A1 E I Pa s s OrigInating Includes records regardIng all telecommunications systems. Includes telephones, facsimile machines, base and mobile stations, towers, antennae, police and fire communication systems and 911 emergency systems. A12 Excludes: Licences - see P09 Assets - see F06 Long Distance Call Records - see F01 Agreements - see L04 or L 14 E I Pa 1 1 OrigInating Travel and Accommodation Includes records regardIng travel and accommodation arrangements such as itinerarIes, authorizations, rented vehicles, and brochures concernIng hotels and conventIon sites. A13 Excludes Employee & Council Expenses - see FOg Uniforms and Cloth!ng Electronic preferred. PalE s s Originating Includes records regarding unIforms and special clothing used by municipal staff members and protective services. Vendors & Suppliers A14 ElectronIc preferred. PalE s s Originating Includes records regarding vendors and suppliers of goods <;Ind services as well as information about these goods and services, such as catalogues, price Usts, correspondence, and bidders informàtlon sheets. Includes Purchasing Co-op p'rlce lists. A15 Excludes: Purchase Orders & Requisitions ~ see F17. Office Equipment - owned & leased - see A07. Fleet ManaQement - see V01 Intergovernmental Relations PalE 6' 5 1 Originating Includes correspondence and other records of a general nature regardIng the relationship between the municIpality and all other levels of government (such as telephone numbers, contact names, etc.). May Include correspondence to and from government-funded agencies (such as St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Board), Boards and Commissions. A16 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T.,.. Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year p.,.. Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua" 2004) Pag' 30f29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTE - Secondary Subjects CODE ADMINISTRATION A PalE 6' 5 1 Administrative Services Access Requests (MFIPPA) Includes documents regarding the mUnicIpality's responsibilities under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), and records regarding the handling of requests under the Act. A17 Excludes: CopIes of the Act - see L 11. Complaints & Inquiries - see M04. Security PalE 5 3 2 Originating I EngIneering Services Includes reports, requests, logs, and other records regardIng the security of facilities and properties such as security passes, and control of keys. Also includes records regarding telephone and copier passwords. A18 Excludes: Vandalism Reports - see POS. Computer Security.. see A03. Facilities Construction and Renovations T= Completion ofProjecl E I Pa T+6 6 T Engineering Services Includes records for the planning and construction of municipal facilities such as office space, libraries and Homes, . Includes site meetings, consultant's reports, and cost reports. Also includes architectural and enQineerinQ drawiOQs. Building and Property: Maintenance A19 E I Pa 6 4 2 Engineering Services Includes records regarding the maintenance of the municipality's buildings and properties, such as garages, libraries, and office buildings, Includes exterior maintenance to buildings, landscaping, grounds keaping and grass cutting. Also Includes interio design of buildings, Including floor layouts and office cleaning. A20 Excludes: Parks Management ~ see R04. Recreational Facilities - see R05, Facilities Bookings Electronic preferred. PalE 1 1 Engineering Services Includes copies of pem1lts and bookings issued for the rental o' recreational and administrative facilities. Forms, Applications A21 E Pa s s Originating Includes all County blank forms and applications used In daily business functions, such as employment applications, facilities forms etc. A22 Current version to be saved electron- Ically before any updates! edits are made. E ~ Maximum Copy Retention. S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othe1Wise specified.) P P 1 Archives I Information Tech, file by Electronic copy of the County webslte posted live on the Internet with all links maintained. Also includes records pertaining to the deve!opment of the site, Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper Excludes: Completed forms subject. Corporate Website A23 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A", COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Ja'",,,, 2004) Page 40f29 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS Secondarv Subiects RET'N C COUNCIL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES coo Council and By-Laws General Originating 1 1 PalE Includes records regarding Council, By-laws, By-law Consolidations and Draft By-laws which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only If no other heading is available. C01 By-Laws Administrative P p" PalE Permanent Services copy to be Includes final versions of the maintained municipality's by-!aws and on paper, amendments and attachm.ents that reference are legally part of the by-laws. Copies eleCtronical1y Excludes: Background Information - file by subiect. CO2 By-Laws - Other Municipalities Administrative S S PalE Services Includes final and draft by-laws of other munlcipaliliesthat are of Interest. C03 Council Agenda Administrative S 5 S+5** PalE Services Inciudes notice of meetings and agenda of Council meetings as well ~;e:rki~g notes used in agenda re aration. C04 Council Minutes Administrative P p" PalE Permanent Services copy to be Includes minutes of the proceedings maintained of Council meetings. Includes all on paper, attachments to the minutes, such as reference Reports to Council. copies electronically Excludes: Council Committees - see C05 & C06. C05 Councl1 Committee Agenda Administrative S S PalE Services Includes notices of meetings and agenda for the co~millees of Council as well as working notes used In anenda nrenaration. C06 Council Committee Minutes Administrative P p.. PalE Permanent Services copy to be Includes minutes of the committees maintained of Co un cU. on paper, , reference copies electronically and for 2 vears. C07 Elections Administrative T+90 T+90 PalE Voters lists Services days days sUbJect to Includes retumed notices, lists of archival officials, voters' lists, nominations, selection. election results, preliminary voters lists, oaths taken by council members and information on ward boundaries forwarded 'b'-' -Iocal'municlnallties. COB Goals and Objectives Administrative S S PalE Services Includes records concemlng strategic planning, goals and mission statements. CO. Motions and Resolutions AdminIstrative P p" PalE Permanent Services copy to be Includes final signed versions of maintained motions and resolutions of Council, on paper, including correspondence regarding reference the motion or resolution. copies electronicall\l C10 Motions and Resolutions - other Administrative S S PalE Municipalities Services Includes final signed versions of motions and resolutions of other municlnalitles, wtlich are of interest. C11 Reports to Council Administrative 1 P p'. PalE Services Includes al1 reports to Council. Filed In chronological order by department or service. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection pa - Paper . Maximum Copy Relent/on S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04·01- "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jao","I2004) Page 50f29 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Secondã"':, SubJects RET'N C COUNCIL AND LEGISLATIVE .SERVICES C12 Appointments to Boards and Administrative 1 P P" PalE Committees Services Includes all records in regards to Community or Council appointments to agencies, boards and commissions. C13 Legislation I Acts I Statutes Administrative T 5 1+5** palE T assent Services Includes copies of provincial and federal legislatIon as well as røt'lulallons. C14 Certificates, Oaths and Affidavits Administrative T 2 T+2 PalE T until Services successor Includes clerk's certificates and takes office. certificates of oath taken by the Warden and Councillors. Also Includes affidavits as th~';ar¡se. C15 AppoIntment of Officers Administrative 1 2 P·· PalE Services Includes records pertaIning to the appointment of officers by Council, including the CAD and other senIor officials. Legend: C..,. Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archiva! Select/on Pa - Paper - MaxImum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (Ail numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua" 2004) Page 6 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING CODE 1 PalE 10' PalE 10*' PalE 10' PalE 10·' PalE 10" PalE 10" PalE I S PalE p;; PalE OrIginatIng 1 AdmInistrative 5 15 Services AdminIstrative 5 5 Services D Development and Plannlng- General neludes records regarding development and plannIng which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headlnç¡ Is available. Demographic Studies DOO neludes records regarding trends In population growth, census reports, and density studies. Also includes records regarding the type; lavel and rate of growth of employment. unemployment statistics, composition of the workforce, etc. Economic Development DO neludes records regarding the growth of the economy. Includes studies, statistics, projections, etc. May also Include projections, strategic plans, studies and proposals from other municipalities, towns, or counties. D02 Excludes: Demographic Studies - see D01. Residential Development - see D04. Tourism Development - see D06. Commercial Development - see D19. Industrial Development - see D22. Environment Planning 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding general types of environmental studies Ir'Vith a long range planning emphasis, such as storm drainage and floOd control planning, parks and open spaces planning, and waste management planning. May Include conservation of unique areas such as well head protection, ground water conservation, St. Wil1iams Community Forest Initiative, etc. D03 Excludes: Environmental Monitoring - see E05. Waste Mana"ement - see E07. D04 ResIdential Development Administrative 5 5 Services Includes records regarding the availability of housing. Includes general assessments of the need for afford~~~e housing, occupancy rates, housln cost statistics etc. D05 Natural Resources Administrative 5 5 Services! Includes records regarding the Engineering management ,and preservation of Services forests, records regarding the characteristics of various minerals as well as mineraI deposits, and other natural resources information. D06 Tourism Development Originating 5 5 Includes records regarding the tourism industry and efforts made to promote and encourage tourism such as the use of the municipality as a convention site or special event. D08 Official Plans Administrative S Services Includes copies of official plans and amendments to official plans provided by local municipalities. Annexation! Ama!gamation P 1 Administrative Services Includes all records pertaining to the annexing and amalgamating of land adjacent to municipal lands to accommodate growth. May include studies on municipal restructuring, Neen belt and buffer zone areas. D17 - Maximum Copy Retention 5 - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWÎse specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent "* - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (J""a", 2004) Page 7 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N NACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING Community CODE D 518 T= completion 0 project. E I Pa T+6 5 T+1 Originaling Projects Includes records, studies, statistics and any required background Information on community development programs. Examples Include Ontario NeighboLirhood Improvement Programs, Community Area Improvement Programs, BIA, etc. May also Include records on housing rehabilitation programs, as well as proposals for Volunteer Programs such as day programs and craft programs. Improvement Excludes: Economic Development Municipal Addressing PalE 8+10· 10 s Administrative Services see D02. Includes background information and registered plans pertaining to the numbering and naming of public streets, lanes, roads, etc. Also Includes 9+1 addressing. May include correspondence, reports, drawings and copies of related by- laws. Reference Plans 019 E I Pa p P s , Administrative Services I Engineering Services Includes Registered Deposit Plans (RD Plans), site plans, and Original property survey plans as received from RegIstry Office. Includes records relating to approved severance, stamped deeds and reference plans. May include correspondence. Industrial I Commercial Development 020 E I Pa 10' 5 5 AdminIstrative Services Includes records regarding the promotion and development of commercial and industrial establishments. Records include studies, statistics, proJections, drawings, technical reports, correspondence, comments, notes, etc. Land Division Committee - Minutes 021 PalE p'. P Administrative Services 022 Minutes of the Land Division CommIttee. Land Division Committee - Decisions PalE p' P AdminIstrative Services Includes final decisions of the Land Committee, Including all documents andmstruments generated from the decision. Land Dlvls!on Commlttee- Applications 023 T = rejection of application. E I Pa T+2 2 T Administrative Services Applications and fee Information made to the Land Division, including all relevant documents. Agricultural Development 024 PalE o 5 5 Administrative Services Includes aU records regarding development of aaricultural QroWth. Watershed and Wetlands Planning 025 E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa 20' 15 5 Administrative Services Includes studies and environmental assessments of local watersheds and wetlands. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archlval Selection Pa - Paper 026 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jan"", 2004) Page 8 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING D Building Plans- Completion of Project + 10 years. PalE P P Engineering Services Property Files Includes records relating to a specific property. This Includes original documents such as; Building Permit ApplicatIons; Issued Building Permit I Site Certificate; PlumbIng Permit; Occupancy Permit; Ontario New Home Warranty Declaration form; Site Inspection notes and tags I Stage Inspection sheet; Gas Shutoff letter; Save Harmless Agreement; and. Ventilation DesIgn sheet. D27 . Max/mum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Term/naiad E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWise specified.) May also Include copies of other property related documents such as: Engineer I Architect Site Inspection Report; Zoning and Work Order lettel (lawyer's letter); Water & Sewer Connection Permits; Zoning By-law Amendments; Committee of Adjustment & OMS decisions; Deeds; MDS calculation sheets; Entrance Permit; property survey; correspondence to the property owner; Fire Marshall report I decIsion; etc. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD 2004) Page 9 of29 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A" CLASSIFICATlDN AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jao"acy REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CODE E E I Pa 1 1 Originating Environmental Services - General Includes records regarding environmental services which canna be classified elsev-Alere. Use only if no other headinç¡ is available. Treatment Plants EOO Specifica- I¡ansare kept permanently E I Pa 5 3 2 Engineering Services Includes Information and records regarding the operation of treatment and pumping stations and lagoons. Also Includes Certificate of Approval (Water) and related documentation. Trees I Forestry Management E03 PalE 5 3 2 Administrative Services Includes recordS' of the Tree COmmIssioner as wen as studies on forestry management within the County. Environmental Monitoring E04 E I Pa 10' 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding the routine monitoring of water quality, water quantity and air quality as well as responses to Interference with quality or quantity, Also includes monitoring and control of creeks and floods, weeds, noise, erosion, top soil and stonn water. Also includes reports and records of on-site lab for testing, i.e. Lab reports, monitoring sheets, clock readings, chart recorder sheets, etc. E05 Excludes: Complaints & InquirIes - see M04. Waste Management PalE 6 5 1 OriginatIng Includes records regarding the collection and disposal of waste. Includes landfill site records, recycling, energy from waste, source separation, collection services, and composling. May also Include Certificate of Approval (Landfill) and related documentation. E07 Excludes: Environment Planninr¡ - see D03. Nutrient Management E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T -' Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa 7 5 2 Originating Includes records regarding the management of livestock and I or crop plannIng and regulations pertaining to the operations. Control of storing I spreading I using liquid manure on land, near waterways, runoff, etc. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E1 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jen"acy 2004) Page 10 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv SubjE!cts CODE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING F Do not file accounting records requlred-fol tax Dumoses. Electronic preferred. E I pa 1 1 Originating Finance & Accounting - General Includes records regarding finance and accounting which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinq Is available. Accounts Payable FOO PalE 6 5 1 Financial SelVices Includes records documenting funds payable by the municipality, such as paid invoices, receipts, copies of cheques issued to pay account, rebates, levies payable, payable reports. membership fees, telephone bills, employee and council expenses, and receipts issued to the municipality for donations. Also Includes repayment of loans. F01 Excludes: Cancelled Cheques ~ see F07. Social Services client related - see S04 (for retention). Accounts Receivable Electronic preferred. PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records documenting funds owing to the municipality, such as Invoices, billing listings and recoveries reports. Includes both tax and water receivables, and local Improvements, etc. May Include correspondence related to conectlon of tax and supporting documentation. F02 Excludes: Write-offs ~ see F23 Tax Assessments, Rolls & Tax Arrears - see F22 Audits PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding internal and external financial audits of accounts. F03 relevant Excludes: Operation see subject Audited Financial Statements F10 Banking audits oe. E I Pa 6 6 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding banking transactions and relationships with banks'. Includes bank statements, bank reconciliations and deposit records. Budgets and Estimates F04 PalE 6' 5 1 Financial Services Includes departmental and corporate budgets, both capital and operating. Includes all working notes, calculations and background documentation. Also includes Budget Variances and Cash Flow estimates and reports. Assets F05 T=dlsposal of asset. PalE T+6* 5 T+ Financial Services Inc!udes records regarding current and fixed assets. Includes inventories as wen as records of Initial expenditure, depreciation, amortization, and disposal. F06 ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E _ Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Excludes: Land ACQuisition & Sale - see L07 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 11 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N NACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - SecondarY Subjects CODe FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING F Electronic preferred. T+7for ambulance service cheques. E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial SONlees Cheques Includes all cancelled cheques issued. Also Includes cheque requIsitions, cheque listings, supporting documents used to authorize issuance of cheques, and NSF cheques. F07 Excludes: Banking & Bank Statements F04 SocIal Services cheques ~ see 504 (forrelention) Debentures and Bonds ,ee T= debentures surrendered for exchange! cancellatIon. PalE T+6 5 T+ Financial Services Includes records regarding debentures and bonds Issued. Includes Information regarding the initial Issuance of the debenture or bond as well as all records of payments made to Investors. FOB Excludes see F14. Employee and Council Expenses Debenture Registers E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Setvlces Includes travel and meeting expense statements and all receipts submitted by employees or Council and Committee members to substantiate expense claims. May also Include Credit Card Information, i.e. account numbers and statements, etc. F09 Excludes: Attendance ~ see H01 Financial Statements E Pa P' P 2 Financial Setvices Includes the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Source and Application of Funds as well 'as all wai'klng notes, calculations and backqround documentation. Grants and Loans F10 E I Pa I 6 5 1 Financial Setvlces Includes records regarding revenue generated in the form of grants-In· lieu, provincial and federal grants. loaris and subsidies. Also Includes submissions, acknowledgements, reports and applicatIons such as road and transit subsidies, Road and Farm Tax Rebate, Waste Management Improvement Programs, Student Erriployment Programs. Special Circumstances Fund, etc. Includes financial statements for subsidies. Investments F T=closure of account. E pa T+6 5 T+ Financial Setvlces Includes records regarding the municipality's Investments, term deposits. and promissory notes. Also Includes common share certificates. Journal Vouchers F12 T+7for vouchers related to ambulance service. E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Setvlces Includes completed journal vouchel forms, Input forms. and aU background documentation used to substantiate ¡ournal entries. Subsidiary Ledgers, Registers and Journals F13 E I Pa 6' 5 1 Financial Setvlces Includes all subsidiary ledgers, registers, and journals such as Payment and Receipt Journals, Payroll Registers, and Debenture Registers. Also Includes Accounts Payable Journal Entries and entry traces, cash register reports. payrol balance sheets and detail reports. F14 Excludes - Documents and vouchers used to support entries - see relevantsub]ecl. . Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent *" - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - PEwer ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (J,""ary 2004) Page 12 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N NACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING F PalE P P 1 Financial Services General Ledgers and Journals F15 Includes all records in the books of original entry and trial balances. Excludes: Documents and vouchers used to support entries - see relevant subject. Payroll E I Pa 6 5 1 Human Resources Includes all records of payments of salary, wages and deductIons to employees. Includes pay lists, Garnishees, OHIP and Blue Cross reconciliations, T 4 Slips, OMERS yearly reports and StatIstics Canada reports. Also Includes honoraria and fees to CouncIl. F16 Excludes: Payroll RegIsters - see F14 Time Sheets - see H01 Purchase Orders and Requisitions PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes purchase orders and requIsitions, blanket orders, and all background documentation authorizing tha procurement (purchasing) of goods and services. F17 QuotatIons & Tenders Excludes seeF18. Quotations and Tenders E I Pa 6' 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regardIng quotations and tenders obtaIned from suppliers of goods and services. Includes Requests for Proposal, InvItations to Tender, Proposals, Tender SubmissIons, Pre- qualifications, and all documentation regarding the selection process. F18 QuotatIons Excludes - Successful and Tenders - see L04. Receipts E I p, 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes receIpts issued for payment of lIems such as parking tickets, licences, rentals and taxes. Also Includes racords regarding tax receIpts for Residents of Homes for the Aged for rent or medical expenses. Reserve Funds F19 PalE 6 5 1 Financial ServIces Includes records documentIng obligatory and I or dlscretiot)ary reserve funds such as reserves for working funds, contIngencies, future capital projects, and Information systems, etc. To' include all natural disaster funds and applications for payment for damages suffered (tornado. wind, flood-,- etc.). Revenues F20 PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding the generation Of revenu(¡,s other than assessment taxes, such as fees from tax certificates as requested by mortgage companies, applicatIons for severance, parking tickets, lot levies, development charges, ponce escort fees, auction sales, etc. Also included are fines and lost book reveniJes as well as funds received from charity events and donatIons. F2 Excludes: Accounts ReceIvable" see F02 Tax Rolls ~ see F22 ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ë - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Select/on Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A", COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (J"""ary 2004) Page 13 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING CODE F E I Pa P p s Financial SelVices Tax Rolls and Records Includes taxation records of long term importance, such as assessment rons, tax sale records, tax sale deeds, property tax registrations, tax arrears register cards, tax collector's rolls and levies and apportionment. F22 Excludes: Accounts Receivable· see F02 Mortgage Companies ~ see F02 Correspondence related to tax issues thaI are not ot1ong·term Importance- seeF02 Write-Offs E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Services that Includes accounts receivable have been written off as uncollectible. Also Includes of bankruptcies. F23 records Accounts Receivable Excludes see F02. Trust Funds T=c1osure of account. E I p, T+6 I 6 T Financial Services Includes records regarding funds established by the municipality for money held In trust, such as bequests and Ontario Home Renewal Proqram. Security Deposits F24 T=closure of account. E I Pa T+6 6 T Financial Services Includes development deposits, letters of credit, proof of insurance and records of monies herd as security (I.e. bonds). Working Papers F25 T=after completion of audit. PalE H1 T+ Financial Services Includes all workIng notes, calculations and background documentation used to calculate financial statements such as the Monthly Trial Balance. Also includes Daily Logs used In job costing calculations. F26 Excludes: Financial Statements Taxation T=endof taxation yeal PalE T+6 6 T Financial Services see FtO Includes records regarding any taxes paid by the municipality and the exceptions and rebates related to these taxes. Includes the original assessment notices, plus federal and provincial sales tax exemption, GST Registration Number, Retail Sales Tax and GST. Capital Projects F27 E I p, T+6 6 T FinancIal ServIces Includes records pertaining to the ongoIng maintenance of capital projects and budgetary proJections for these Dro ects. Debts F2B T= termination of debt E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Pa H6 6 T Financial Services Includes records and infonnatlon regardinglong-term borrowing. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent "" - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper F29 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE A", COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jao",,, 2004) Page 14 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE HUMAN RESOURCES H E I Pa 1 1 Originating Human Resources - General Includes records regarding human resources and accounting which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use onlv If no other headlnq is available. Attendance ;;¡nd Scheduling HOO Electronic preferred. PalE 2 2 Human Resources Includes records regarding employee attendance, shift scheduling, vacation schedules, hours of work, ele. Also includes time sheets. H01 Excludes: Payroll- see F16 Benefits E I Pa s s Human Resources Includes brochures, rates, quotes, correspondence and explanatory documentS regarding benefits offered to employees, such as group insurance, dental plans, Canada Savings Bonds, and general Information on OMERS. H02 Excludes: payroll- see F16 PensIon Records - see H10. Employee Records T= termination of employment. , PalE T+6· 5 T+ Human Resources Includes records· regarding the employment history of munIcipal employees. Includes Initial resumes and applicatIons, performance evaluatIons, correspondence with the employee, employee assistance, and Individual laY-{lff notices. Includes part-tIme staff, student employees and vo!unteers. H03 Records related to exposure to airborne arsenic, ethylene oxIde or asbestos must be kept the longer of (a) 40 years from the time such records were first made with respeclto the worker; or, (b) 20 years from the time the last of such records were made with respect to the worker. Excludes: GrIevances - see H14 PensIons COMERS) - see H10 Health and Safety PalE 7 6 1 Human Resources Includes records regarding the occupational health and safety of staff. Includes non lost-time acdden and Incident reports, WSIB reports for non lost-time, and information on health and safety programs for staff such as fire drills and CPR courses. H04 Excludes: Health & Safety Education - see S08 AccIdents of the Public - see P05 ClaIms for STD, L TD or WSIB - see H13 E Pa 5 5 Human Resources Human Resource Planning Includes records of succession plannIng, executive placement, retirement programs,-staff turnover rates, annual hire I promotion targets, recruitment freezes, employment equity, performance management, student employment program plans, Modified Work Program, Human Resources research Information, lay- off planning and related records. H05 Excludes: Employee Records - see H03 IndIvidual Lay-off Notices - see H03 _ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent .. - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jan",,,, 2004) Page 150f29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE HUMAN RESOURCES H PalE S' S Human Resources Job Descriptions Inc!udesjob descriptions and specifications as well as background Information used in theIr preparation or amendment, such as Job Comparison Schedules from othel municipalities, H06 Excludes: Job Comparison Schedules used In the plannlnQ of salañes - see H09 Labour Relations T=exp1ryo contract period. E I Pa T+10· 10 T Human Resources Includes records regarding the relationship between labour and management. Includes collective bargaining, correspondence with unions, and negotiations. . H07 Excludes: Grievances - see H14 Collective AQreement Organization PalE S' S Human Resources see'L04 Includes records regarding reporting relationships, reorganIzation, dOVoll1slzlng, organizational analysis, etc, Includes organization charts. HOB Excludes: Job Descriptions - see H06 Salary Planning E I Pa 5 5 Human Resources Includes records regarding the plannIng and scheduling of salaries, such as job evaluations, Job classification systems, salary surveys,Job Comparison Schedules and seniority lists. Also includes any reference material retained regarding Issues related to pay equIty or Social Contract. H09 Excludes: Emp!ovee Records - see H03 Pension Records T ::: Death of employeel beneficiary. Pension plans, annua information relumsare kept permanenlly E I Pa T+6 6 T Human Resources Includes records detailing pension obligal!onsdue to Individuals under OMERS. Includes pension information of retIred personnel, Including registration and records. H10 Excludes: Payments made to OMERS - see F01· Deductions for PensIons - see·F16 General Information on Pension Plans -see H02 Recruitment Electronic preferred. E I Pa 1 1 Human Resources Includes records regarding the recruItment of staff. Includes job postings, copies of advertisements, records regarding competitions and unsuccessful applications. TraIning and Development H1 Only courses developed by lheCounty are subject to archival selection. E I Pa S' S Human Resources Includes records regarding courses offered to employees, and information on career and professional development programs. Also includes orientation materials. H12 Excludes: Emplovee Records - see H03 Claims T= settlemento claim E I Pa T+6 6 T Homan Resources Includes records regarding claims to WSIB or Insurance carriers for lost- time incidents, accIdents, STD or LTD. H13 Excludes: Non lost-time incidents or accidents see H04 Self-insured STD - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) seeH01 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01- "SCHEDULE Á'" COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua')'2004) Page 16 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTiVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE HUMAN RESOURCES H T= seWement 0 grievance PalE T+7 7 T Human Resources Grievances Includes reCCirds dealing with grievance complaints filed against the municipality, such as the In1tlal complaint, InvestIgation, reports and final resolution. Seniority Lists H14 PalE S' S Human Resources Summary records of years of servJce of non-union and unionized emplovees. Employment Applications & Resumes - Solicited H15 Electronic preferred E I Pa 3mo$. 3 mos. Human Resources H16 Includes applications and resumes for positions posted by the County. Excludes: Applications and resumes of successful applicants - See H03 Employment Resumes - Unsolicited Electronic preferred PalE ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) 3 mos. 3 mos. Human Resources Includes resumes sent to the County with cover letter enquiring about available Dositions. Legend: C - CUffent Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper H17 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN.- RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (J,"ua", 2004) Page 17 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE JUSTICE J E I Pa C+1 1 c POAI Administrative SeNices Justice-General JOO J01 Jncludes Court and P.D.A. records which cannot be classified elsewhere. Certificates of Offence (Part 1) E I Pa C+2 2 C PO A/ Administrative Services Includes Court and POA records including Part 1 Certificates of Offence. Excludes: Part 1 accident and careless driving mailers - see J02 Informations (Part 3) PalE C+7 7 C POAI Administrative Services Includes Court and POA records Including all Part 3 Informations and Part 1 Certificates of Offence relating to accident and careless driving matters on Iv. Appeals - Provincial Offences J02 PalE C+7 7 C POAI Administrative Services Includes correspondence and records of appeals related only to Provincial Offences. J03 see Excludes: Appeals & Hearings (Municipal L01 Control Lists E I Pa C+ 1 1 C POAI AdminIstrative Services Includes reports from munIcipal and provincial agencies such as OPP, MTO, MNR etc. Court Dockets J04 PalE C+3 3 C POA/ AdministratIve Services J05 Includes Register of Court activity IncludIng court staff, statistics on accused and disposition of fines. Enforcement and Suspension PalE C+7 7 C POAI Administrative Services Includes records regarding the suspension of licences issued by Provincial Government bodies e.g. Driver's LIcence. Transcripts J06 POAI Administrative ServIces Includes records of transcribed oroceedings, tapes and log books. Statistics J07 PalE C+6 6 C POAI Administrative Services Reports and other related statistical data includlng,RICO reports, ISCUS reports and write offs and all other related financial reports. J08 see Excludes: Accounts Receivable Write-Offs F23 Summary Convictions PalE C+7 7 c POAI Administrative Services Register of summary convictions and related records. Cash Book J09 E Pa C+6 6 C Financial Services Records of cash receipts recorded on a daily or monthly basis. Also includes cash receipts for general account and bail accounts as well as breakdown of funds and bank balance. J10 Excludes: All non-POA transactions - See F14 Fee and Cash Book E I Pa C+6 6 c Financial Services All records that account for daily receipts and reimbursements \Iv11ich report the amount of revenue to be forwarded to the province on a monthly basis. J Note: To be maintained separate from_g~neralledger - See F15 ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Supérseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 18 of2g REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE LEGAL AFFAIRS L E Pa 1 1 Originating General Includes records regarding legal affairs which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinç¡is availabfe. Appeals and Hearings Legal Affairs LOO T= resolution of appeal. E I Pa P P T Administrative Services Includes all transcripts and relatéd documentation regarding appeals, hearings, and legal proceedings. Includes final judgeme'nts and Court Orders. Includes zoning appeals. official plan appeals, and Committee of Adjustment appeals. Also Includes orders issued by regulatory bodies and boards. LO Excludes: LItlQalion - see Claims" L02 & L03 Claims Against the County T= resolution 01 claIms and all appeals. E I Pa T+1 1 T Administrative Services Includes allliabUity claims (litigation) made by other parties against the municIpality. L02 Appeals & Hearings - see Excludes L01. T= resolulionof claims and all appeals. PalE T+1 1 T Administrative Services Claims By the County Includes all liability claims (litigation) made against other parties by the municipality. L03 Excludes: ADDeals & HearinQs - see L01 Contracts and Agreements - Undel Seal T= termination of agreement. E I Pa T+20· 20 T Originating Includes all corporate agreements entered Into by the municipality that requIre execution by the corporate signing officers such as the Warden and CAO. Includes construction contracts, collective agreements, and road contracts. May also include background documentation used in the development of the contract or agreement. L04 Excludes: Office Equipment Service Agreements - see L14 Contracts rooardlno land Insurance Appraisals PalE s s Administrative Services see l07 L05 Includes appraisals of municipal property for Insurance purposes. Excludes: Insurance Policies Insurance Policies T = expiry 0 policy. E I Pa T+20 19 1 T+ Originating seeL06 Includes munIcipal insurance policy documents, such as vehicle, liability, theft, and fire Insurance. L06 Excludes: Employee Group Insurance - see H02 Third Partv Contracts· see L04 Land Acquisition and Sale T=property disposition. E I Pa T+20' 20 T Originating Includes records regardIng real . estate transactions and conveyance of land such as lot sales, lane closIngs and allowances whether through voluntary transactIons or expropriation. Includes deeds and expropriation plans, purchase lelters I and appraisals. L07 Excludes: Leases for rental of property by other narties-seeL15 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent .. - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A", COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jaowa" 2004) Page 19 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODe LEGAL AFFAIRS L PalE S· s Administrative SelVices Opinions and Briefs Includes opinions and briefs prepared by the County's legal counsel on specific issues and by- Jaws. Precedents Loa PalE S' S Administrative Services Includes records regarding Judgements and decisions that may affect the County's position in actual or potentialleoal matters: Federal Legislation L09 E I Pa s s Originating Includes records regarding bills', acts and regulations enacted by the Parliament of Canada, which affect or are of Interest to the County. Provincial Legislation L10 E I Pa S S OrIginating Includes records regarding bills, acts and regulations enacted by the Ontario Legislature, whIch affect or are of interest to the County. Includes applications to amend the Retail BusIness Holiday Act, Liquor Licence Act. etc. Prosecutions L T=delivery of judgement. E I Pa T+7 7 T OrigInating Includes records regarding prosecutions to enforce by-laws and federal and provincial legislation. L13 Excludes: By·law Enforcement - see P01 Appeals & Hearings· see L01 Warrants· see P12 Contracts and Agreements - S!mple T =expiry of contract. PalE T+6" 5 T+1 Originating Includes contracts and agreements not under corporate seal, such as adminislratlve agreements relating to equipment rental and service contracts and vehIcle lease and purchase agreements. May Include agreements to hire for a position. May also include background documentation used In the development of the contract or aqreemenl. Leases L14 T=expiryof lease. E I p, T+6 5 T+1 OrigInating Includes records relating to leases and rentals of County property by other parties as wen as all leases of buildlnqs for municIpal use. Copyright I L15 PalE P P Originating Includes the request for permiss!on to use the County crest, to copy material (written or photographic) published or owned by the County. Also Includes denials of permIssion to copy or use municipal material. Deeds L18 E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Pa P P Administrative Services Includes all deeds to County property and sl,!QQQrting documentation. Legend: C-CurrentYear P-Permarient ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper L17 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A", COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 20 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAl RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS CODE M E I Pa 1 1 OrigInating General Includes records regardIng media and public relatIons which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinç¡ is available. Advertising Media and Public Relations MOO E I Pa 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding advertising In magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and transit. public Mal Excludes: News Releases w see MOB Recruitment - see H11 Elections - see C07 Ceremonies and Events PalE 3' 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding participation In special events, openings. and annIversaries. Also includes records regarding the set-up and runnIng of special events, BBQs, retirement parties, tournaments, etc. May include specIal commemorative claaues. Charitable CampaIgns I Fundralslng M02 PalE 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding the raising of funds and donatIons for the County, Homes for the Aged and for other charitable organizations such as United Way. M03 Excludes: Receipts - see F19 Accounts Receivable - see F02 Complaints, Commendations and Inquiries E I Pa 1 1 Originating Includes records regarding commendations, requests for information, and very general types of Inquiries and complaints. Also includes concerns about services offered by the municipality, inquiries' about council proceedings and congratUlatory letters. M04 soe ) Records (F.O. Excludes: Accessibility of A17 Specific Complaints subject News Clippings see appropriate PalE 3' 2 1 Originating Includes clippings from newspapers, information from journals and other medIa. MaS Excludes: Clippings used as reference material - see relevant sublect. News Releases and Proclamations PalE P 1 Originating Includes notes and final versions of news releases and proclamations Issued by, staff and Council. Includes messages for inclusion [nspecial event programs and articles contributed to newspapers. Publications M06 E I Pa 3' 2 1 Originating Includes typed manuscripts, artwork, printed copIes and related records regarding the publication of tourism information, trade shows, current events, industrial directories, business directories, and maps. May Include annual reports of a non- financial nature and newsletters published for distribution to the public ,and In-house. May also Include film documentaries and video productions. Mal ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated IE - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise sp8.cified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent *" - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jonuary 2004) Pag' 21 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS M PalE 3 2 1 Originating Speeches and Presentations Includes background notes, draft and final versions of speeches, presentations and news conferences given by elected and non-elecled officials. MOB Excludes: Media coverage of speeches/presentations - see M05 News Releases M see M06 Visualldenlilyandlnsign!a E I Pa 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding the standards that apply to graphic designs In the interest of establishing a Visualldentlty Program. Includes logo and letterhead design, s!gnage, flags, vehicle identification, etc. Also includes records regarding cqrporatlon insignia and seals of office. Newsletters M09 E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numb.ers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa P 1 Originating Includes all newsletters produced by theCountv. Legend: C"- Current Year P - Permanent u ~ Subject to Archival Select/on Pa - Paper M10 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jaoua<y 2004) Page 22 of29 REMARKS FORMAT E I Pa TOTAL RET'N 1 INACTIVE P PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT - SERVICES POO I Protection and Enforcement Services ·'-1 -General Includes records regarding protection and enforcement servIces which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use P01 onlv If no other headtng Is available. Bylaw Enforcement Administrative 2 14 Services ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - SecondalV Subjects CODE PalE 6 Includes records of County effOrts to enforce by-laws such as road weight Infractions, Order to Comply, Inspection reports, stop work orders, working notes, correspondence, exhIbits, photographs, Notice of Intent to Cut etc. where no legal proceedings were initiated. May also include records relating to Provincial Offences. PalE 5' E Pa S' Administrative 1 4 Services I POA Administrative S Services I Originating S- Excludes Inspections - see PO? & POB Environmental Monitoring ~ see E05 Prosecutions ~ see L 13 Dally Occurrence Logs Includes records associated with daily reporting and tracking number of occurrences Involving police dispatching, and fire and ambulance assistance calls. May Include can reports and runnlnq field sheets. Emergency Planning P02 Includes records associated with the planning and rehearsal of emergency measures and services provided by the municipality. May Include evacuee centres in the event of a disaster, provision of serVice and emergency resources and contingency planning. May also Inc!ude 9-H Emergency Service and MTO Alternate Route Plan in the event of a road closure. Hazardous Materials P03 T + 5 years for PCB storage recordsaflel PCB removed from site. E Pa S Includes Information; reports and recór-ds associated with hazardous materials such as chemicals and substances that pose fire, health or safety hazards. Also includes records dealing with toxic substances control, transportation, effects, handling, storage, ·use and disposal of agents, records of exposure of workers, inventory of hazardous materials, storage locations, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), etc. P04 Excludes: Staff Safety TrainlnQ" see H04 Incident I Accident Reports T=closure of invest i- gatloninto Incident. PalE T+2 2 T Originating Includes vandalism and security incident reports and reports of accidents that occur at County properties, Including occurrence reports for Homes for the Aged, bomb threats, old aged runaways, etc. P05 ~ Excludes: Security - seeA1B. Accidents of Municipal H04 Vehicle Accidents - see V01 Health Inspections Staff~see E I Pa s S Originating Inc!udes health inspection reports of County facilities, including Homes fo the Aged. P07 - Maximum Copy Relent/on S - Superseded T - Terminated ë - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent .. - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (J,""a", 2004) Page 23 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CODE P T=Expiryo licence. PalE T+2 2 T Originating LIcences Includes records regarding licences adminIstered by or required by the County, or required by the province, such as licensing for lotteries, businesses, hunting of small game, atc. Also Includes licences I permits required for transporting oversIzed loads on County roads and permits for temporary road closIngs for specIal events. Community Protection Programs POg E I Pa 5+2" 2 s OrIginating Includes records on community protection and crime preventIon such as Community Policing, Victim SelVlces, Neighbourhood Walch and Block Parents. Records Include correspondence and brochures. Elgin Group Police Services Board Minutes P15 Master copy to be kept on paper. PalE P' 10 Administrative Services Includes minutes of the Elgin Group Police ServIces Board and an attached documents. Elgin Group Police Services Board Agenda P16 E I Pa 6 5 1 AdministratIve Services Includes notices of meetings and agenda as well as working notes used in aaenda preparation. Elgin Group Police Services Board Appointments P17 PalE S' S Administrative Services P18 Includes all records relating to community, provincial and County appointments to the board. Disaster Plan Recovery PalE S' S Administrative Services Includes all records associated with creation and maIntenance of County dIsaster under Emergency Measures Ontario. Dispatch Complaint Records P19 3 "Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) 2 1 AdmInistrative Services Includes records such as letters from the public and government agencIes regarding ambulance dispatch times. Legend: C - Current Year. P - Permanent **. SUbject to Archival Selection pa - Paper P20 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) page 24 0129 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Secondarv Subiects RET'N R RECREATION AND CULTURE ROO Recreation and Culture - General Originating 1 1 PalE Includes records regarding recreation and cultural-services which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only If no other headlnn is available. R02 Library Services Library 2 3 5 PalE Services Includes circulation lists, recommendations for additions to library collections, Information searches, Inter"lIbrary loan requests and more general records that are specific to the operation of libraries. Tertiary heading to be filed by branch. R03 Museum Services - General Museum 2 3 5'· PalE Includes records on museum programming, activIty reports and preservation Information. R07 Museum Services - Accession Museum P P PalE Register Includes the r annual accession register and all deeds of gl' . documenting ownership 01 collections. R08 Archival Services - General Archives 2 . 3 5'· PalE Includes records on archival programming, activity reports and preservation Information. Excludes: Records Mananement SeeA10. R09 Archival Services - Accession Archives P P PalE RegIster Includes 'he annual accession register and all deeds of gl' documenting ownership of collections. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othefWise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 25 of29 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Se(:ond;~ Subiects RET'N S SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES soo S General Originating 1 1 PalE Includes records regarding social and health care services which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinn is available. S01 Includes general program Information Originating 2 3 5 PalE regarding childcare programs such as munIcipal and private day care and day nursery services. Also includes general resource information used In counselling children and parents involved in these programs. Excludes: . Medical Records - see 506. Individual Day Care Client Records - seeS10. S02 Elderly Assistance Homes & 2 3 5 PalE Seniors Services Includes general program Information regarding programs intended to improve the quality of life for senior citizens such as home care, housing and transit subsidies. Includes any Homes for the Aged as well as general resource Information used In counselling seniors considering moving to homes for the aged. May include Indigent Elderly Patient reports. Also Includes Meals on Wheels program. Excludes: Homes for the Aged Residents· see 503. S03 Homes for the Aged Residents Homes & T+2 180r3 200r5 PalE T = datecf Seniors Services last entry. Includes records regarding individual Discharged residents of Elgin Manor, Bobier Villa residentfi!es and Terrance Lodge. to be retained 20 years; deceased resident files to be ~:~Ined 5 ears. S04 Social Assistance Programs Originating 2 3 5 PalE Includes general program Information regarding social assistance programs available to residents. Also includes general resource information used In I counsell1ng recipients of social assistance and Information pertaIning to Employment Support Programs and Community Support Services. Also Includes records regarding subsidized housing and group homes. Excludes: Ontario Works Case Records - see S05. S05 Ontario Works Case Records Cltyof5t. H2 5 H7 PalE T=fi!e Thomas (by closed. Includes records regarding individual agreement) social assistance recipients. May include Income Reporting Cards. Excludes: GeneralProgram Information - see S04. S06 Medical Case Records Homes & T+1 5 H6 PalE T- Seniors Services discharge of Inc!udes case records regarding patient communicable diseases, venereal dIseases, dental care, maternal care, and other medIcal case records. - Maximum Copy Retention - S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua", 2004) Page 26 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES CODE E I Pa 5 3 2 Originating Children's Services Includes general program information regarding programs benefiting developmentally handicapped children, abused children and other ch1ldren's programs. Also includes general resource information used In counselling children and parents involved In these programs. s 807 Excludes: Medical Records - sea 506 Day Care Programs - see 501 Public Health E E - Maximum CopyRetention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I I Pa Pa 5 5' 3 3 2 2 Originating Inatln, Or¡ Includes records regardIng public health programs such as health and safety education, school health programs, disease control including Immunization and familv planninQ. Children's Day Care Client Records Legend: C - Currerit Year P - Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Select/on Pa - Paper 808 81 ELGIN COUNTY BY·LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Jaoua'Y 2004) Page 27 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAl RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE 1 PalE T+6 PalE T= completion of project 6 PalE 6 PalE T+6" PalE T- completion of project. Speciflca tionsare permanent. Originating 1 Engineering T 6 Services EngIneerIng 1 5 Services Engineering 1 .- Services 00 Inc!uc,les records and studies regardIng the installation and repair of equipment used to Illuminate roads such as streetlights. pedestrian crossover lights, etc. Also includes records on Dower consumption. Parking TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Includes records regarding transportation which cannot be classified elsewhere; Use only other heading is available. Illumination T TOO TO Includes records and studies regarding municipal parking issues, such as handicapped parking, lot and garage operations, fire routes, and emplovee parking. Public Transit T02 Includes records and studies regarding public transit systems. Includes schedules, routes, maps and similar information. Also Includes project records regarding the construction of bus shelters and similar facilities, route administration and plannIng, fare policies, Intergovernmental transit co- ordination, arid access for the disabled. Road COnstruction T03 6 T Engineering ServIces Includes records and studies regarding construction projects on roads. Includes the construction of new roads and major improvements to existing roads, such as resurfacing, widening, brIdges, etc. Specifications and change orders to be kept ori a permanent basis. T04 Excludes: Design & Planning - see TOS Routine maintenance & minor Improvements to road systems - see T06 Road Design and Planning T= completion of project. Specifica !Ions are permanent. H6 6 T Engineering Services Includes estimates, studies and other records regarding the design and planning of specific road construction projects, including seWng of speed limits by design and criteria. Also includes des!gn of curbs and sidewalks, cycle paths, footpaths, walkways, etc. Road Maintenance T05 T= compfetion of project. Speclflca tionsare permanent H6 6 T Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding the inspection and maintenance of roads. Includes the installation of culverts, minor repairs to the road surfaces, curbs and sidewalks, cycle paths, footpaths, walkways, etc. Also Includes gradIng, ploughing and sanding of roads, and snow removal and cleaninQ. Signs and Signals T06 T=removal of sign I signal E I Pa H6 6 T Engineering Services Includes records and studies regard!ng the manufacture and Installation of signs and signals. T07 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Excludes: Visual Identity Program - See M09 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** -Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (JOO"',>, 2004) P,g, 2a of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE CODE I SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Sublects T TRANSPORTATION SERVICES - TOa Traffic PalE To' a 2 Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding the flow of traffic on roads. Includes intersection drawings, pedestrian crossovers, crossing guards, traffic counts, traffic accident statistics and related records. Also Includes temporary road closures other than for special events requiring a permit for temporary closing. Excludes: Alternate MTD Route Plan In event of road closures - see P03 Permits for special events temporary road clos!nq - see P 11 . Roads and lane Closures E I p, 6 5 1 Engineering Services Includes records on roads and lanes closed on a permanent or regular basis. "includes appraisals, reports, correspondence and District Court applications as well as records related to requests to open road and street allowances, T09 T= complellonof project. Specifica tionsare permanent PalE T+6 PalE p' T= completion 0 project. Specifica tionsare permanent. E ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I p, T+6 Engineering T 6 Services Engineering P - Services Engineering T .- Services Excludes: Temporary Road Closures ~ see TOa Land Sales - see L07 Road ClosinQ By-laws - see CO· Road Sections Includes records, surveys, construction plans, and utility requests for street name sections, road name sections and municipal road systems. Field Survey I Road Survey Books T10 Includes engineering field survey notes as well as books. Railroads T1 Includes records regarding maintenance of railway crossing on County roads. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper T12 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (Janua'f 2004) Page 29 0129 CODe SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Second~":;' Sub¡ects RET'N V VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT VOO Vehicles and Equipment General OrIginating 1 1 PalE Includes records regarding vehicles and equipment whIch cannot be classified· elsewhere. Use only if no other headinn Is available. V01 Fleet Management Originating T+ 1 5 T+6 PalE T disposal of vehIcle. Includes . records of all vehictes currenlly leased or owned, operated and maintained by the County such as the library van and ambulances. This Includes vehicle history files, accident reports, and vehicle maintenance, registration and disposal. Excludes Insurance Policies - see LOa Accident ClaIms· see l02, L03 Leases & Contracts - see L14 V02 Mobile Equipment OrigInating 1 2 3 PalE Includes records regarding mobile equipment used in conjunction with vehicles. Also includes maintenance and history files on equipment such as generators, pumps, snow blowers, sanders etc. V03 Transportable Equipment Originating 1 2 3 PalE Includes records regarding transportable equipment used by the County, Also includes maIntenance and history files on equipment such as lawnmowers, hoses, weedealers, drills, and rescue enuinment. V04 Protective Equipment Originating 1 2 3 PalE Includes records regarding protective equipment used by the County. Also includes maintenance and history files on equipment such as breathing apparatus, breathing tanks, down alarms, etc. Excludes: Uniforms & Clothlnn - see A14 VOS Building Equipment Engineering 1 2 3 PalE Services Includes maintenance and history on equIpment such asfumaces, water heaters, etc. used within the buildlnas of the muniõina1ih,;;" Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.)