June 22, 2004 Agenda ORDERS OF THE DA Y FOR TUESDA Y.. JUNE 22. 2004 - 9:00 A.M. PAGE # ORDER 1 st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes - meeting of June 8, 2004 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations 9:00 A.M. Shelley Fleming, Colleen Devos, Susan Morrell and Dianne Palmer- Demonstration On Library Catalogue (see report on page 3) 5th Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" 2 6th Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff 7th Council Correspondence - see attached 32 1) Items for Consideration 39 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) 8th OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statementsllnquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 71 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED iBistro Searchine Technioues & TiD~ Three ways to search . Search/Home Page . Kids' Library . Browse SimDle Search & Power Search trom the Search/Home Paae: . Use simple search to search by words/phrase, author, title, subject, series, or periodical title . Use power search to combine search terms and to set limits such as type of material, location in library, publication year, plus others Search Results: . Information on brief search results informs you of the availability of the title, branch location of title, and reviews, or brief contents if available . Information in "details" on any search result allows you to place a hold, search for similar titles, or search for more by the same author . Using the "keep" function allows you to keep a file of titles that you may want to refer to later, or place on hold at a later date Kids' Libraru and Browse: . Both features are user friendly - guiding patrons through searches by a series of pictures . Several levels of photos allows the user to explore many different subject areas . X-Refs are handy as cross references to the search already performed, and can provide further results www.elgin.canlib.on.ca Libra.ry Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE What Others Are Reading Hottest tltte: Ransom Hottest author: Oke, Janette Hottest subject: Man~woman relationships~-Fiction. MORE Recommended Reading Today Show Book club Agatha Award (Mystery) Nebula Award (Science Fiction) Spur Award (Western) Pulitzer Prize for Fiction MORE words or phrase Best Sellers Globe and Mail Fiction Globe and Mail Non-Fiction Macleanls Fiction Maclean's Non-Fiction New York Times Fiction MORE Hot Sites... Carbohydrates/Harvard School of Public Health Crime reports .com A Primer on Gasoline Prices user ID: L PIN: L ""'" . .~ ,. .. .... .... ..liiLI;' ;" ;ii/lliii II '1'{iilllil:lU.iI.~lIjIL~~ill'-,j...hi:I'_'" 1~:".!.d'ul~liir.~~,llulDi.iJ. "Title" Search It Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE S'e'.a"rl:Ii'I'R"!'li"tllts1','i.' words or ~,h'~'~'~'~^M~~,~~,,~.~~,~~^,~,~,~e". search found 3 titles. #2 LP F BRO _.J:iili.n~_ The Da Vinci code: a novel 1st large print ed, Brown, Dan, 1964- 2003 ~~ No copies currently available, Estimated wait undetermined, ~ search for items in Google You Found Titles in C ate g 0 ri e s: American Literature ~..~ 1lII~1iI~III'~.flt*II~_~II1.li!lllllll,rt_~__IIIAllllt_,~nll!'_~I_!II.____.JI "Details" view of record 1~:.<ra'~~'ii:ioinJ~ Place Hold Buy this item now Items with the same Author Items with the same Subject Items on the same shelf search for items in Google You Found Titles In Categories: American Literature ~~ ~;~ record 3 of 3 for search title "da vinci code" >:<<) Item Infonnation The Da Vinci code: a novel Brown, Dan, 1964- In an exhilarating blend of scholarly intelligence, relentless adventure, and cutting wit, Robert Langdon (first introduced in "Angels Demons") and his new adventure combines the punch of Robert Ludlum, the intriguing historical touch of Umberto Eco, and the nonstop suspense of Michael Crichton. Publisher: DoubledaYI Pub Date: c2003. Pages: 454 p. J ISBN. 0385504209 Copy Info: No copies currently available. place Hold (Estimated walt Is 34 days). 4 copies total In all locations. A Look Inside. :{tI i!iJ ~ "Browse" Search: Animals ~ Birds I Cows Dolphins & Porpoises Ducks & Waterfowl Deer Dinosaurs Dogs :l6l'>~ ~ I - .'!II~;!:i~ I II , -I I 111 Eagles Frogs Goats Elephants Elk & Moose Fish Aquariums Bears Birds Buffaloes Cats Chickens & Poultry "Home" page after User has logged in Il Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Ser.....ices About Us What's New MORE Recommended Reading Today Show Book Club Agatha Award (Mystery) Nebula Award (Science Fiction) Spur Award (Western) Pulitzer Prize for Fiction MORE Best Sellers Globe and Mail fiction Globe and Mail Non-fiction (Ylaclean's Fiction Maclean's Non-Fiction New York Times Fiction MORE Hot Sites... Carbohydrates/Harvard School of Public Health Crimereports .com A Primer on Gasoline Prices ~ What Others Are Reading Hottest title, Ransom Search results for "Birds of Elgin County" II! Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE title ""turds ot ElgIn county" search found 2 titles, search for items in Google #2 LH 598.29713 8RO ..t:t4l'IIIilii\l,,?!! A list of birds of Elgin County, Ontario Brooman, R,e, 1954 '.'-~i;f-'lilll:l~ No copies currently available: Estimated wait undetermined. ~'!' '< ~ ~ ;!J ~ II Detailed Display of "Birds of Elgin County" record 1 of 2 for search title "Birds of Elgin County" Item Infonnation ~ .l(ii'l_ ;f< Birds of Elgin county: a century of change Place Hold Buy this item now Items with the same Author Items on the same shelf Tell Me When when new materials by this author are available. search for items in Google Publisher: Aylmer ExpressJ Pub Date: <2004, Pages: 306 P, I ISBN: 0973466905 Copy Info: 8 copies available at AYLMER1 BAYHAM, BELMONT, DUTTON, RODNEY1 SPRING, VIENNA, and WESTLORNE, 1.2 copies total in all locations. Holdings Port Stanley Public library S96,0971334 BIll. Aylmer old Town Hall library 596,0971334 BIll. Bayham Township Public library 596,0971334 BIR Belmont Public library 596,0971334 BIll. John Kenneth Galbraith Reference library, Dutton 596,0971334 BIll. Port Burwell Public library 596,0971334 BIll. R!!.dn..e..l!.,.f.'..u..bItc"!-i.b,r..r.l!... Copies Material Location 1 Book Material has been checked/charged out Copies Material Location 1 Book Nonfiction Books 1 Book On hold for someone Copies Material location 1 Book Nonfiction Books Copies Material Location 1 Book Nonfiction Books Copies Material Location 1 Book Nonfiction Books Copies Material location 1 Book Material has been checked/charged out ._.C9pi~~ _M~,1:.~J:l~,l.I"..Q.~.~.tjQIl .:;; .I "Place a Hold" Screen Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE ~~~ ~ t,;; *: ~~ Pla'ce H ~t pickup at: IPort~t8nleyPubIicLibrary 1II ~.~ ;;i _,,'~IJ'llu"';"f,...,..J ~ .~:(';;J.~"~"IH (id'...'''io~ l.h.:J,,~"I";;h,J ~;~ ~~ Powered by'r' ~ SIRSI Your Electronic Library on the Web Powered by: Sirs! Corporationl CopyrIght @ 2000-2003 TOP >~ :;~ ,~~ ~~ ~~ III :_~~ Confirmation that hold has been placed >:m. library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us Whatls New MORE ~!<,%' .ri....'..O...':JIf."j'::!t.~loj~IJ.Ej~:a~ii.:~~~i.i!llliIiI.,...."._ilhlliMlil~li.lill!W/,i...1li.1I....1;0,:,1......._ BELL, CRYSTAL userIO: 06279100251515 Alternate 10: Birds of EIQin county: a century of change f:; f::~ 598.0971334 BIR OK "M< . Powc'"re(rby:~"M ~ SIR S I ~ Your Electronic Library on the Web Pow'ered by: Sirsi Corporationl Copyright @ 2000-2003 TOP ~;'i >. ~~~ >::~ *" ml~l!hnl~I_~mfll~~_\Il1l11i1l'~~_~_IIl~IWJ: ft~.""_."""-,,,,,~?" "My Account" ~ Library Info Elranch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE }~ " >~~ Review My Account User PIN Change Renew My Materials change My Address ~ ~ ~.} ~ ~ ~ % t- TOP '-po.;V,,;'edbY; (@ 5 IRS I Your Electronic Library on the Web Powered by' Sirsl Corporation> Copyright @ :2000-2003 'f~ \ ~; View "My Account" II Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE ouI.".'~IiIli'lI:i''im~ iif' ,.,,,,,- "io,lil.ii~'WiiilKl1.Iil..i~jjlli/ljJ..ii,iliIJ~mt<t"~;"'''' i~,".~ WI~I~l.ilmbili.ii~J/oj,I'~iliillloiilii/i;~iIIIiii\liiI,IIiIIIi~llMlL.ili;,,\,/,\;.iiijiliM"""uIllj..~I"iu.jillU_lIlllljrl.ll...w.;l;.\g1IiiI~.IlIiI_"''''''Iiu.'_'''''' 3 checkouts 1 hold 1 bill Title. . National Hockey 22/6/2004,23:59 League. Seuss, Dr. 22/6/2004,23:59 Labatt Blue NHL video [videorecording] I am not going to get up todayl [videorecording] ; The shape of me and other stuff; Great day for up ; In a people house Consumer reports home computer buying guide Heiderstadt, Donna. 13/7/2004,23: 59 II". r Installing kitchen cabinets [videorecording] Your position in the hotds queue: 1 Consumer reports home computer buying guide Heiderstadt, Donna. OVERDUE $.10 s:~' t>ft, ,- rf- '-'''~'-~''<'N,":":-C'~'~'.~~""",,,""',__, c, ~~"_~'''~~!'d ",.. '..~ "Renew My Materials" Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE ~'f!:Jl W'if'ol ~~~r~wtiil.':\IIl ,..'.. .'.+, l'lliI,_.'_"........~.~..,~.,_.' ".."'..'...,,~".'" .."'.....-."~~..,,..............,"'(>."~,..,i........~ ,."~.,,,...,,,,..,,~~.Iol..,.J 'i3J'itehjse!ligible fiirFtI1'i1iiw~i:'VS~i,~Iii~~Ril:iaRe:s'i:le,i:iw'~d rn~W lis~"te)\'(s:7f~f]R;~'f1~$);', ':' ;:;'. i .., "1. ' <, I'"~ . I €' Renew Selected Items C Renew All ~ >:< '. ~ mi~iidio{-4.;;J11~()lI.."1';.Jr.:.'t.!.';l.mt(:.l"I'i"t.~ 1~"''''l.lI)f~l~Ili..'1'at:;llltll'h'j;.~ 'PO~WQ'r;';cl'^'b'y;'''' ~ SIRSI Your Electronic L1brar't on the Web Powered bYI Sirsi Corporation~ Copyright: @ 2000-2003 ~ ~ ~ ~, TOP I~ ~' ~ l}j r ~ ~ s. . m1 ff: .-:~~,~".._ ::-~,",'r~.'~_;'_--"'~'''''''."",,".="+.,"-~ . Changing Your PIN Number Library Info Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE ~~:<: ~;i ~ ~~ ~~~ user ID: IO"~2.791gQg"5! 51~..." or, Alternate 10: I. PIN: I....... ?l Enter new PIN: L I Re-enter new PIN: t;' lad"lrillfli~l.!l.l.:I~ ~i~t:.:..i ~~~Ilq'~ _1111 ['~ ..L~II.' ......1 I 11':"""iilillUa.uIJ ;,~ Po>\'c,eJ by' ~ SIRSI Your Electronic Library on the Web Powered by: Sirsl Corporation~ Copyright @ 2000-2003 TOP ~ :+i ~ ml_1 ~.J rrm=. --"""~'" -"-"~_~.':~~'^~"~"?';_''''''~"~~_''_''#_~ '. , Changing Your Address Branch Libraries Programs and Services About Us What's New MORE I Chang Emai/: Street: ~ Zip: I', ~,; , I, ~ I I City. state: Phone: user 10: I06P91QQg51518, 1<' ,.' " ~ or Alternate 10: 'It'.' *~; <. l1::;~l!IIil'liIk~~g g!l.~I..J>__l!I'J>!lJll;_Bd n:"""",~."",,,,'_ REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF June 22. 2004 Staff ReDorts - (ATTACHED) 3 Library Coordinator and Director of Library Services - Demo: Your Library Catalogue 4 Archivist and Director of Library Services - Archives' Preservation Grant 6 Director of Library Services - Library Circulation Statistics 10 Director of Library Services - Branch Libraries, Open Hours Survey (Survey results enclosed separately) 12 Director of Engineering Services - Proposed Amending By-Law 04-19 to the Road Consolidating By-Law 99-17 15 Technical Services Officer - Capital Projects with Negative Variances: Project #58 - Pioneer Line (County Road #2) Resurfacing Project #59 - Sunset Road Engineering Services Project #60 - Wellington Road (County Road #25) Resurfacing Project #62-Quaker Road (County Road #36) Resurfacing 18 Corporate Facilities Officer - Capital Projects with Negative Variances Project #61 - Second Floor Washroom 20 Archivist and Financial Services Clerk - Job Creation Partnership Program Projects 22 Director of Financial Services - Budget Comparison - May 31, 2004 j)f:.H:JUl ~ y -r~ '7 25 Director of Financial Services - Royal Canadian Legions - Update :TIlL'1 1.3jo'f Co,", N c- ,'- 2 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Dianne Palmer, Library Coordinator Cathy Bishop, Director of Library Services June 10, 2004 Demo: Your Library Catalogue DATE: SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION In October 2002 , County Council granted approval for the County Library to join other Ontario Consortium Libraries in purchasing a new library catalogue system to replace their present one which was going to become obsolete in a couple of years. After much preparation and training, the installation of the Unicorn software took place in February 2004. DISCUSSION Staff are very enthusiastic about the new software because of the additional features that are available for the public to use. Because of the various services available to the public through the intemet, such as banking and shopping, an expectation has been created that all services should be provided in a like manner. The discussion portion of the report will centre around a demonstration by Library staff of iBistro, the intemet version of the Library catalogue, and the features that library users can access from the comfort of their home. The demonstration will include the following features: . Searching for materials. . Placing a hold. . Accessing your library account. . Library information. CONCLUSION Staff would like to thank Council for their perceptiveness in granting approval for the Library to purchase this software. By the enthusiasm that the library public have already shown through their placing books on hold via the Intemet and accessing their account, staff feel that this software has allowed us to serve our users in the manner that the pub' ect in the 21st ntury. APprove?, ;:',,:" :ssion '~1iL Mark nal Chief Administrative Officer . '--'<- Dianne Palmer Library Coordinator ( ~r4: A.il /1 Cathy Bi~OP ~ Director of Library Services - -_.~ ----~--------, REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Brian Masschaele, Archivist Cathy Bishop, Manager, Library Services DATE: 1 June 2004 SUBJECT: Archives' Preservation Grant INTRODUCTION: The Elgin County Archives recently received notification of a successful grant application to support preservation projects within the Archives. This report provides details about this grant and recommends that a project archivist/conservator be hired according to its terms. DISCUSSION: The Archives has been successful in a grant application made to the Canadian Council of Archives within the Library and Archives of Canada to hire contract assistance to perform a series of preservation activities. These activities include the development of a disaster preparedness plan as well as a project to clean and re-box the Elgin County Clerk's collection, a highly valuable and large set of records dating back to the County's incorporation in 1852. The Archives has been awarded approximately $8200 to support this project. While the program is funded on a cost-shared basis, the Archives was able to find a number of in- kind contributions (such as supplies and staff time) to comprise most of the matching funds required. A direct contribution of $1500 is nevertheless required. However, these funds were anticipated in the Archives' 2004 operating budget. Staff recommend that the grant be accepted and that a project archivist/conservator be hired according to the terms of the grant. If Council approves, the project will begin in early fall and will extend for a period of approximately fifteen weeks on a full-time basis. All work must be completed by March 31S\ 2005. CqNCLlJSION: The Elgin County Archives has received a grant to engage in a number of preservation- related activities. Staff recommend that a project archivist/conservator be hired according to the terms of this grant. ,RECl)MMENDA TION: THAT a financial contribution from the Canadian Council of Archives in the amount of approximately $8200 be accepted for preservation-related projects in the Elgin County Archives with an additional $1500 drawn from the Archives' 2004 operating budget to support these projects; AND THAT the County's Human Resources Department proceed with a job description and posting for a project archivist/conservator according to the terms of this financial contribution. Respectfully Submitted Approved for S Ion dAJ' ) Mark~ld./ Chief Administrative urricer ~ ~l~ Brian Masschaele Archivist Q~o~ ~4a- Manager of Library Services - - ----------------.- ------."-.-, 6'., , . . .. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Cathy Bishop Director of Library Services DATE: 14 June 2004 SUBJECT: Library Circulation Statistics INTRODUCTION: In the past, the library has provided County Council with a copy of our monthly circulation statistics. Our circulation statistics are broken down by individual library branch and type of material. They show the number of times a particular type of material has been lent out to a patron. DISCUSSION: In 2003 County Council approved the purchase a new library software called "Unicorn". Preparation and training to convert our existing data was ongoing from November 2003 until February when the software was installed. CONCLUSION: There are numerous reports that can be generated from this software. Staff are continuing to familiarize themselves with the various reports that can be produced to assist us with the information we need to gather. Staff is suggesting that Council receive the circulation reports on a quarterly basis. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council receives the library circulation reports on a quarterly basis. Respectfully Submitted lliLk Cathy Bishop it Director of Library Services Approved ~m'ssiol c"-/;f" i ) Mar nald Chief Administrative Officer , -. AUDIOBOOK AV(Videos/DVDs) BOOK CASSETTE ILL-BOOK MAGAZINE MICROFORM MUSICCD NEW-BOOK PAPERBACK REF-BOOK MONTHLY TOTAL YEAR. TO . DATE TOTAL I il i1 'I 'I il il J % of Total Circula Circulation Report for the Month of March 2004 PORT PORT WEST ADMIN AYLMER BAYHAM BELMONT DUTTON BURWEL STAN RODNEY SHEDDEN SPRING VIENNA LORNE TOTAL 2 336 60 20 1301 24 167 63 40 49 3 83 977 _.__..._.~- ~_..- -.--.---...--.- .....-.-................-.. -. '"~_................_.-- --~-_.,.._..._--- -- ......~"............. -- 208 --"--'2758 152 161 397 44 383 222 93 115 44 .____.... ~__ _n._.___h_._._..... -...---...........-- .. -------.....---.---.----..-....--........ 968 872 2215 189 1707 923 632 570 1106 12851 -- -.-..........-- ~-- ..--.-- ....._._,_..__..__.~ -,...-. "-,,'---'-'--"--~ .---.-- ..............-.- .....---....'- 10 0 7 0 0 19 1 0 o 9 127 ~_.. ............--........ 8 931 90 3487 o 81 --- ._-~,_._.- ..._---.,-"~-_.. ---_._-.._,-_.~ .-~.._._--- 9 29 3 -.. .......22----261 2 45 33 48 39 117 161 257 _.__........._~ 0 0 0 57 43 90 -.--- .-- 23 88 35 -~---."---_. ,-.-_....._- 2 21 21 11 32 228 82 88 --.-.-,.--..'.---. - ..--..... --. --_...........~_._" 48 7 105 1412 --~--~ --- -~ - -- --- 7 280 153 ~~.,,_.-.._.~.~" 308 .-.--.--..-.-..-- --. --_....._.__.~.~.._..- o o 0 0 0 0 15 8 35 465 -- ---..-.--- .....,..-..--.-.-.-.-.. 7 0 31 269 .......-- .....-.,- 425 92 771 9275 ----.------....-- -"....------.--...- __H 9 0 0 20 o o o o --_._- 50 47 10 2 105 3 2 28 40 ..._~.__._- .-......-....-... 2680 871 127 984 676 349 890 1370 o 3 3 -3 - 01---"-0 1 0 __ 1 2286 ._}~7.Q ~~.:._?'Q.77 -:~::..f228..- .1244 -'--'2370 ........ ..?~~.1.~ 7976 2294 ."'"..,,'-----_.._,~. 22342 65.92 5671 10608 1081 9455 6025 3573 3283 590 6418 75946 ...,,-_............. ......,-'<.,.._.__~m;..,;.; 0% 29% 7% 14% 1% 12% 8% 5% 4% 1% 8% 9% Circulation Report for the Month of April 2004 PORT PORT WEST ADMIN AYLMER BAYHAM BELMONT DUTTON BURWEL STAN RODNEY SHEDDEN SPRING VIENNA LORNE TOTAL 0 333 42 27 103 40 24 678 160 118 256 28 _._..~._-_. ------ -,- ---.. ---..---- 114 3028 804 675 1752 120 ,..~-,-~......_.._. ......--...-.......---- 0 15 4 1 4 0 _.~_._,---- ----.,.--. 43 70 49 43 16 AUDIOBOOK A V(VideostDVDs) BOOK CASSETTE ILL-BOOK MAGAZINE 9 288 MICROFORM o 0 0 106 54 -_.. ~-~18' 44 2172 718 MUSICCD _m_......__ 2 NEW-BOOK o PAPERBACK 71 REF-BOOK 6 2 130 29 387 156 1347 15 140 214 31 226 o o o 695 o 26 15 98 362 2 84 4 62 ----3"4-----17 3 23 29 95 o o 382 2 33 116 543 1 0 6 91 849 50 216 2287 147 799 10386 o 4 55 ........_- _._..._.~_._..._..- ._.~.,,_._._._"'^-, 4 3 286 66 o o 15 93 1364 -_.....__._-~.,. .,. ,-_.--_.... -.--.... 3283 -~~".~~..,.- 590 357 79 _.,,_'. "_';"~""H'_ 5% 4% 10 5 4 -_._.~---.--,_.""-" 8008 --.........--. .~----- o 2 4418 895 1% o o o - --..-. ._- 50 68 900 32 646 2 .......~_.."_..._'"- -----""_.~- 4 41 452 .--.-......-- 1 41 241 55 15 743 o o 17 679 1154 107 MONTHLY TOT AL ---~~67f3 <<--~--19i5 <<---- 1797 ----3609'------349 -- 3092 -- 1744 ----- .966----1135-'- "'305 2040- - -23945 .- .. -~....._.....,-- - --_._._.._....~"._, ._......_.,---~._""" ..~.'-~_.--_... ~-_....,.;,..- -......,-"---.-...-.,,- 308 22342 6592 :YEAR . TO . DATE TOTAL 528 29055 8567 .,........"~;..,-'-'--"- 3 5671 10608 1081 9455 1430 12547 6025 7769 % of Total Circula' . .' ..' . 'r 1 % -------:2-9%, 9o/~------ ---7%- . ---14o/~ -------1 o/~--- --13% .. ---- 8o/~- :i ,I ~ 7468 14217 3573 4539 6418 8458 99891 8% AUDIOBOOK AV(VideosIDVDs) BOOK CASSETTE Ill-BOOK MAGAZINE MICROFORM MUSICCD NEW-BOOK PAPERBACK REF-BOOK MONTHLY TOTAL YEAR. TO . DATE TOTAL I I I \ % of 1'otal Clrcula ~ ' ; '; . . ': . , '" ' .: . . . ' .'., : . . . . . . .. Circulation Report for the Month of May 2004 PORT PORT WEST ADMIN AYLMER BAYHAM BELMONT DUTTON BURWEl STAN RODNEY SHEDDEN SPRING VIENNA lORNE TOTAL 5 277 -...,.....-...--.---- -~.._.._~,_......- 59 31 64 - ----..-.--..,--., --..----.....---... ..._.~, 48 361 181 41 724 --.........---...........- ._- 121 100 374 ....-........ .,.- ....--............-- .. _' ..__._1.._....__.__.._.. 745 639 1576 160 3110 o 13 16 1 1 o 51 79 38 34 37 175 47 23 72 5 96 73 98 32 114 1393 848 .....-....- ......_.................. ....-...........~..~- 532 430 154 194 -"-" ~_..._...-_.. ...--- .-.,.-" 870 .--".,-- o 4 o o 20 10 2 .___.. ...._....._.__ ,__.__.~.....w_,__'_~ 317 27 37 10 207 89 94 134 48 17 268 75 170 o 0 o o o o 0 ".-'-' --_._--,--~_.-._- -..-..----......---. ._- 3 76 70 37 62 --...- ._- .--".."'.'---'-. .-.---.----.-- .---..........- 3 73 29 24 o 50 23 61 21 ------ ---- ."- .-..........--. 1040 73 2216 771 637 o 8 5 1 o 43---'25 o 0 .,.,..__._~.--~_. 2 27 22 7 12 151 911 765 282 298 74 ....--- -_..-......--_....._- - ......---.-..- o o 1 o o 299 -- .'-6793-- -i96,! 3366:~:~-41Q -'--3175- 2038 ,.,-~..,,'~--:-~~..'C": 1044 _.."...._..0__.-.___"'"' 15722 9807 5583 827 35848 10531 9183 17523 1840 '.e~';''''.c..;..,_; ...........-"_.....-0.._-- ~.._-_.. 1% . 29oi~ .- 8% 14% 7%. 1% .'.'--f3%'...-8o/~ 5% 2 22 111 891 2347 10571 57 1281 o o o 27 416 5390 1188 10491 1 23 685 241 7903 1 18 97.2 ~~..2.:Q~3 ___._~~Q4i 4% 8% 123933 6..~ . . . . . REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Cathy Bishop, Director of Library Services DATE: 14 June 2004 SUBJECT: Branch Libraries, Open Hours Survey INTRODUCTION At the January 13, 2004 County Council meeting staff was directed to conduct a study to investigate more appropriate opening hours for libraries to accommodate the needs of the public and report back to Council. DISCUSSION: Staff developed a survey for public response. In an effort to keep costs at a minimum, the surveys were distributed in the following manner and did not include a self-addressed envelope or return postage. Keeping this in mind, the return rate is low and therefore the survey results should not be viewed as absolute. 1. Municipal Tax Bills 2. Municipal Water Bills 3. Post Offices (distributed as flyers) 4. Hand-outs at branch libraries Accompanying this report under separate cover are 3 survey result sheets for each individual library with the following information. Page 1 . No. of surveys sent out . No. of surveys returned filled out . Current shaded open hours . No. of respondents suggesting preferred days & hours Page 2 . No. of users by preferred days (graph) Page 3 . No. of users by preferred hours (graph) Page 2 Branch Libraries, Open Hours Survey CONCLUSION: Listed below are the options that the public was given and the preferred days and hours they would prefer to see our libraries open. The benchmark used to determine the preferred days and hours by the public is 50% + 1 based on the number of completed surveys. Option #1 . Open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 9:00 p.m. The response to both was below the benchmark for all libraries. Option #2 . Open on Sundays The response was below the benchmark for all libraries. Option #3 . Open on Wednesdays The response was below the benchmark for all libraries. Option #4 . Current open hours The response was high above the benchmark for all libraries. Option #5 . More daytime hours/More evening hours over and above their current hours The response was below the benchmark for all libraries. It was obvious from the completed surveys that the public was satisfied with the current hour arrangement in all branch libraries and that additional hours were not required at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file Respectfully Submitted .-Cyf--U~ 11 ) Cathy Bi~ ~ Director of Library Services Approved ~missiolJ cJJ/ (/ / " - Mark G':'McC""",Ij""' Chief Administrative Officer AYLMER OLD TOWN HALL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 2263 Surveys were sent out 120 Surveys were returned filled out Current open hours are shaded. 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8.30-9 Sunday 2 1 2 3 5 9 10 9 9 4 4 4 4 3 Monday 8 .62 62 60 61 66 67 67 71 77 78 78 73 12 Tuesday 8 57 56 58 65 67 69 69 83 78 78 78 72 10 Wednesday 10 22 24 23 23 26 26 29 30 28 34 36 32 15 Thursday 7 59 58 58 59 63 63 66 71 73 78 80 72 11 Friday 7 56 56 56 5.8 65 64. .67 73 24 31 31 19 11 .Saturday 8 60 62 62 64 65 71 73 73 12 12 12 9 4 'I j 1 () n .~ AYLMER OLD TOWN HALL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 90 h "6, 80 T I ~ ~; .1< ~ . & I' l- .111 ci II ;1- "I l , I Ii i I I I! -:! i t -,"- - I ~l" ~ ! ~ II :~ i::; :~~ .~ :~ 1l!I9-9:30 1:!19:30-10 liD 10-11 011-12 1:!112-1 Cl1-2 112-3 1lII3-4 04-5 115-6 06-7 Cl7-8 118-8:30 08.30-9 70 ,~~ 'ii': i ~!;;;;; E ~ .~ r III . :1 ....~~1Ii ~l ..11 ~.. ..I ",~ ~ ~ Ii '! ~ ~ ~'I ';1 :1': 'I. , ~ ~ d ~ ,j - ~ d '- '.~.. ~... ~ ~ ~. .1 . d ~ ,i " ,:':" .~ f ~ ~j ~' 'u ..\ 'II ". 'J' -t .,' 4---+' ~ ~ 'I .~.:I 'I ....i .,! "! ~ II -;---~ '! rf-.vll -.'~.!.'. ~!.1 .~! :!' ., ,!I , '\1 - ."1 q ~~, .'j l_ll .II. '!.I. it: t ~I q ~ ~ i::f .,1 .., . j' '1 "1 .~ ,', 'q q >'~~1fg.:1 'l . "".1 ~ l _ ~ - ~I 1 H tt I · ~ 'II 1 'I 'll! ~", - ~I ~ I ,I. . 'I .,~ d :~. l~ 'i'!1 "t~~~ :I"i ;; ]J"".'I ""..: .' I ~',:: ::": ~ ~ ~I ~;- "\ ~ ~ ,.t: .I.! <I! ~~ ;, ~ ~ r,1 ..... ' '..... Friday Saturday ~.,", '1-1. -otoj . ~ ~ - \ f ~ " ." '1.1 '~l '. "'j' ,.1 , ~ ;1 'I d 'i 'II -, 'II ~! : II iI: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I,; . '-',l ~:I i}j Ii ;i. 'I ,I : i '! ", . . , . . " 60 ,"" ',.- "~ ..~ .~ .' :;i "" :,~ ~.~ c~ ,.~ 'E ;~ ~= ~= ;.,:; 50 ~ W III :;) ~ :" ,.;;;;: :~ 'j; ,~ 40 II -II II 30. -.~ ~ ~ ',l;;a :Jlll~ · i 'II 't 'q ~ i ~l ,~ .. I ~4t'1 'i 1 j I '~I! , :!; Ii ~ r ~ ' ~ ~ p ~ ~i rS :-~ 20, 10 - .,~ I II o Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday DAYS C~) ~ ( . ------ ~ W III :::l 90. 80 70 60 50 40 30. 20 10. r: o AYLMER OLD TOWN HALL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS -' , , , , ~~ Ii ,\ -j . . " \, j,1J.......;-;!!. I~ y ,,;, j,_ I~' ,:""';'!, =" 1':\1 UL I 9-9:30 9:30-10 2-3 3-4 4-5 12-1 1-2 10-11 11-12 HOURLY (\ . l . . t' J r i 5-6 i El Thursday m Sunday .1 IiiI Monday Cl Tuesday 1m Wednesday . i lit.: Ii t 'I.'... ....1. q : _ 1 _ _: ! ~ ~ 1 ~- '.! l ~ [ t-, ~ . II : tit f: ; ! i!:,......, 1. ii.t' i Ii:! H~ ~ j ~ I ; \;~ .) ;, H~_ : ;1. ; j:~ , I , '.'-l '_'I !ill I' . I' ',' , '1 ! : I': ; Ii I' I >J 'I; i; ! :It{! Ii Ii "; I~~.,.~ ,; .... r!I Friday iii Saturday 6-7 8-8:30 8.30-9 7-8 ~ \ 4.5 5.6 6-7 7-8 \ 8.8:30 \ 8:30.9 ~6 9 9 ~O ~ 8 ~4 ~4 ~O ~~ 8 ~5 8 7 6 4 4 SA 'It-\MA 10~NSt-\\P \..\SAAR'l A Branch of the Elgin County Library S~stern pUBLiC suR'/EY I'ESUCfS Of OPEtlllOURS 987 suf'Je"Ys ""ere sent out 86 Su",e~s wera returned filled out current open t-\ours are shaded. \ " \ 9_9:30 9:30.'\0 '\ ~ 2 sundaY 2 \ '\ Monday 2 \ '\ ,1uesday 3 \ 2 ,wednesday 2 \ '\ 1\lursday 2 '\ f'ridaY 3 7 saturday (', \ ,~ , i 'i " I :1 ! !F^:"----.-..--...,~... 70. 60. 50 40 UJ II: W UJ ::> 30 20 r . , ' . 10 '[1'" -1 '~ '..c:., ^ , /" i ~ ~ I . ! . j O. Sunday (~i "- ,-' BAYHAM TOWNSHIP LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS Monday Tuesday .j-'- .,--., .. Wednesday Thursday DAILY n II": r I. .,. , ,",- '!, " . " J ;11......, I' ,.' t .1. . :i .,f .. J .- . 1 'I '.' ,.., :1 ., ... ".J 'r ,~~_ '. '\.' ,'; 'j t" "" Friday , ~ "'j ~ ',I. ., flti.,.. " L,,',' .; ...1".' .;' " ~ . , '< '. Saturday ,," 09-9:30 .9:30-10 .10-11 1lIl11-12 .12-1 01-2 f'J2-3 03-4 04-5 .5-6 06-7 D7-8 08-8:30 08:30-9 !I !I " I :1 :1 :1 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 70, ,,".':, ',.11,' . --" .... -, " ",C , ,... . ,. 60 " - :,/ 50, ... "", ,',' ~ w t/) ::) 30 ,. ~ " 20 10 - o - 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 (J ~"._'a...,_.,",_"..+<~-" ,_.~.,'~,_,. - - ___ n______ _ - -.' - ~ -, , . " .' ~ ',,< :.. ~l !'.. 1'- ~. ." 11 '," !~ 1 i'. i l ~FC' -' 1 . . te'"' i, i i j ,.- , ! f , , r i- i' , I- i.b1f .,1,,-. i. ." ,. !t. " iJ! .1 I ",-, , , , I , .'r 'T rt8l " , ",; "". '-':1 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 HOURLY r---. ! ) III Sunday . Monday IiiI Tuesday . Wednesday o Thursday I!IFriday o Saturday '~ \ I i I BELMONT LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 1100 Surveys were sent out 58 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded. 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 1 1 3 3 3 5 9 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 Monday 1 3 II II II n .51 .,50. :51:'52 51 4 Tuesday 1 4 :'.5::': ' '.52,,, 51... ;,'52:, 51 4 ,-","--.- _..........,- Wednesday 1 3 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 9 3 Thursday 1 4 12 11 11 12 '. 5U:,' :.:5U';' <50." :51' ' 50 3 ,.--,......, ,.." Friday 1 4 13 12 12 13 '; :53 ':.: '~,:53":: 12 11 9 6 4 Saturday 1 5 20 22 17 3 2 2 2 1 Cl (j ,~ \ n:.:, "~""""",,,._'t'-.""'~O~ ..~ ~ , I I I lQ w 30. 1/1 ~ (') rr: '. '-, -,:~._ : ,.,,~"" ",-f-'T"<" d. BELMONT LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 60 50." ::',',.,." ., ,,': 'j,'" ,j:" (, .,., " "" ~. ,--; ,'.. .\,> ',. ~. , . ~C;;---" 20 , ..1 10 0- (;::-;<1' "",'" , ." . .' , !T;';'l:': > -,.' ~ P':":; Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday DAYS Ii .9-9:30 09:30-10 010-11 011-12 .12-1 l:!I1-2 1m 2-3 1JJ3-4 04-5 .5-6 06-7 07-8 .8-8:30 08:30-9 .---... ./ BELMONT LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 60 ,.... ,. / 50 "',~ ': ..;. . 40 ' ..; r;: 'lil_ c'I" ;>: :1. : ,i . ~ -:' " f 'iiil ,. ,I -;, .' , i. ' :, a......- ~ ~i'l i,'J ."... if, : II . I ' IL':..! ':- ~ "'~I::;~->,I d"" ':.1, ",' ~ w 30 III :J :1 ,,' I'~' . " . '. ," .,' ',,',; ,: - '~,: . 2L..~,: ii' Ii' ( ..,' '<;,',' ,II .,. -II' ,. ~ ' . 1'- :Ii 20 It j rr: ,~ ,- T1."';' , L"ll ..;".-.:",,;:,':,(i I~'I ,-',' ",' .r"..".:/'i,:,<",,""1 . ! "Ii ~:<:<:;:;:;~.j:";:' . ,.,1; ",':' ",,',,,.,,..\""" ,"! . " 0_1>';..:'...;." : ..jj; 10 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 ~,;.:. ':1, ~: ,:"; !, : ' . I :, 1 l . I .1 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 HOURLY ! ,J 1'" 'C- ,. 'i 11' '1 'I . ,I , I 'i; ,I ~ :.' i. Il. . Ii,." "", i I;,' i .",. il' 'i ,. Ii: ~: i i 2: ~ 1 II'.;; , ,I.: >1' ,Jil,>} II i:.J.' 1;1, ;'.i: , , , " "-'-,,', J. ~ . i )," I I~ :It' -,Ill i .. II I "~oi, ,: !i ~I..;. J Ii ; j I,: i~ I,; ~ i '1 ,. :j' ,;[11 II '';'] - '_J.' 41;1 ! ':11 "j . ~ :1 '/, r \.i ; ,\~ ~ ~!I' ',.'. k'- .' I :. .1 .-;.: c) rr_";;j~,..,o."",. (~) ',,', " ",,' " " " v iU ii' , . " , ~ " . ,-:<', >, :~ " <'," ,";j, ,,," . ~,' ,",1 -, ',' " !.; .' ,';'.;' . ~,! .1' I::' ':-',i' :1 i i; ':;,.,.':'; , ~ '"I '.' :f 'I;" " . ! ~;' ;i , .11.1 L.J\,i....... ," . , B: . , 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 '~r I', . Sunday o Monday ;., I!!I Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday :'), III Friday IE) Saturday , " JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH REFERENCE LIBRARY (DUTTON) A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 2050 Surveys were sent out 23 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8.8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 1 1 1 1 Monday 1 1 20 19 20 Tuesday 1 1 ,I;" "Ill' HI 19 19 20 21 21 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 Wednesday 1 1 4 4 4 Thursday 1 1 2 2 2 2 Friday 19 21 1 1 Saturday C~i (~ ~ w VJ :::l e'l FJ:"..", '-~'"-"~.'_' ..~"_ JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH REFERENCE LIBRARY (DUTTON) A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 25, ,. 15 .', , ',;' ',?,' .." of, ,-.:' .. N: ":'.:-,::- ., ,,' ,. ,'r' '-'.,',' ~ '):> ' ":'..\ jIi,...... . UI" 20 .. . "~I,' _'t I "\: .\', . ",,' ',,,,, ',,' I':'" ,,,',,I; .,.", 10 .',"- ",.-..' ",' 5 "t,.<' 1"'(4' " ff:,<,. ..</' ,.:," .f.! , . . .,. .. " "", lifll. J<:~ > ;.: ~',l:"<~_:~.:' ':::".,":.~<_~: ,;. 4f',:>f:'~'> .1 Ilr~_J!1 .. .'1. ' . . . ~.J' c Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday DAYS Thursday Friday n , L;' " 'I .' . ., . . ",' ~I '. .,1 . .r.l! ..i" :if. if i'''" '~ ~ :; ,.;-' ~ " 1liI9-9:30 09:30-10 010-11 1liI11-12 1!112-1 1liI1-2 02-3 .3-4 04-5 .5-6 1i:16-7 i,; t!!I7-8 ,\., .' III 8-8:30 ;,;': Saturday --. " ~"._".~., JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH REFERENCE LIBRARY (DUTTON) A Branch of the Elgin County Library System 25 .', 20 " ",; ';';:'/ ';,J .., 15 ~ w II) :J \" "-" ",<::,'" "'" 10.. ., ..,,' ",' '. Itlc. ,. '.'\ , ,.' I , ,", I" '~ 5 - " '_ ~ ~_ , " , '," , ""J~' t ""I ," d f ::- ; t, , " ! ," ~,~' ~ ',"~ , If., , ~ " . D~__:;" J' 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 1\ \~- ' PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS ".-;'" , .'-ii',.,. , ~.: '. .J.-' 1., . f' : ~ " " _"t ,. ":#1 , fi ;;1:: , " '~. f. -'f~. , c: ~.' ., . ,u',,' , , " ~ '; " .1' ., ,. IJ ,I ~~f , .f; , , ., 11-12 12-1 ..' ""', . h ~I .:', 2"'!I!' .,' . t'. '1 ,;1.: , , ,. . 'I <l d: ,3, l~t ' 'I~ .' . !-i.~1 1-2 HOURLY , " ~ - , " 0...- , ...~... ~ ..'~! 1.1 '-'!-' o ;::0'11 --,. " . :<[, ,J. )', J- , rfF ,.' - '-. ",' .". '..... "; , .. _ ~ c: _ . (~ ' ' . - . ~. , ' ,:.1 '" !, 'h" .S,"", " " '. ~ I' . ~ '", '. ~ " " ,. . 1 fl 1;:1' .', ...~ II, ... IIlIMonday J" '" t;/ ',11111Il!lTuesday f ,fl ,.w,,"oo,,", , i :, i,,: -J;.;::c ,. Thursday ::1', :;,:,:..; :] '. .' :~I'; '0 Friday ~ ; :JI, '. '1t!I Saturday ~ .;;1 II;' ,,' . fl' -" '>,' ,.#.1 '".I I . .~ "I ~'I"I , ':! .1" '0..... T.~' :i:-.}! ,);:: ;1 ':':L' 1- , l::. 1;- , '-, I:, 'j "~ ~ ~ '1.1, .... ;~ ,. J :. ~' J J ,. J '. J " r":....: : , " io.'-2.... _ .- d.,' , ~ -'t' ~,-. "1._ s ',Bill _ , ! ~ - '.' ~ ~. ~;., ;' .;~. ; j. l~! , hi'': '. 'r:. ,,' :. 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 f\ , ' ..----... i PORT BURWELL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 639 Surveys were sent out 37 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded. The exceptions are Tuesday and Thursday when the library opens at 3:30 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-3:30/3:30-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 1 1 1 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 ---- Monday 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 9 8 7 7 2 1 - '""""--- Tuesday 2 2 2 2 4 8 27 28.29. 18 1 .~~~ Wednesday 1 3 4 4 5 4 2 4 3 2 3 2 1 Thursday 2 2 3 3 4 6 12fi 28 1 1 - Friday 1 4 4 5 4 4 8 7 8 8 2 1 ---- Saturday 5 28 16 13 7 5 5 4 5 4 1 1 C,: r; , ~ ~~~.~..,,-- "'~'-~""'~.-,-~"..,. ~ ,.~ "":'.,-"." _~O~"4.c~'," ~.,__ ..~ "R~, III 0:: w III ::l PORT BURWELL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 35 30 't-., , " , "',J " , ," ',+~ , -.'", --,:::' . ,~ "" 20 j , , I . r I.." , fu"""'.'. ~ ',' -., . I, . , '. 25" ',. "''-' '. " ',',' " ,.,' ,",',' -','", r f , .. , '.~ " ': <,~', "'),1' I - I. /,.;,.. . 1 I I . .' I', I~" ! 1 ~ L Ii i .' ., ,. ,.1-' ,. /,,-', " 15 :,' . ~, '" , ~ ',':"~,' '~''': :~;..". .'" 10 5 o <<:ltal)'" '::C"'.".' ,. '~--,:" . "~ ''':':': ;',:- , : \" ~ .,' Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday DAYS c) n ""~, ~'. """"" .. ',' ' ., '1-:" """" " ,", "';1' ",c.' , (~;; , j t " j , II I :,.. . ..; i'I"... . I., '. .,:. . \; ;~ " : I, i "., t ~ ~ ' ; , !. ".. "L !1i LJ. ~... Saturday ,., 1!!19-9:30 09:30-10 .10-11 011-12 1Ji112-1 01-2 E12-3 1!!13:30-4 .4-5 .5-6 06-7 1]]7-8 08-8:30 .8:30-9 ~ ""_ 'N'".~'>m,._ PORT BURWELL LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 35 - ",', ." ;.\ ~ -i' "" " ". 30 , ,~,j" ' ct, ,1- ""\,"' 25 '.1".,' " ',<, , .. .~.. ., ,,- . . 'J,' - : \ ~ ;,,-' , -','I. 20 ; ~" " '_i_' ,..' 1Il II:: W 1Il :J ._v).:. , -':,,<"., ,,". 'ii",;' 15 ',~ , , I ,:: ';:"0,.' 10 -;". ' '<-" o J~Jl.' '. : f ; , ",.. , f J'te.' .1: ' ;-. -,' ; . I', : - - '~ 9-9:30 9:30- 10-11 11-12 10 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-3:30 3:30-4 HOURLY CI I) ~ '. '.,1. -. .:i, I ~ ',.- 4-5 'd: ,,-,' , , , I. .-. I ,~ . I :! ,," -,"', i,I' ':;' , ',,:,< I Ii .L. 5-6 6-7 '.-, '-.; I , , \. ;:-' , :,". " ~. [t' ,I;" ,i:,:'/'d .'J~"'--"" ' . '-- . '-, .' . . . , ", , . /. , 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 1m Sunday . Monday o Tuesday IIlJWednesday o Thursday IliIFriday o Saturday ~. PORT STANLEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 1050 Surveys were sent out 61 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded. 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30.9 Sunday 2 2 2 5 6 5 4 2 1 1 Monday 1 49 50 50 51 50 51 50 2 ............... Tuesday 2 51 50 50 50 50 1 Wednesday 1 8 7 7 9 7 8 9 8 9 9 8 Thursday 2 Friday 2 2 8 7 8 53 53 11 10 5 2 Saturday 13 12 10 9 4 C~I (\ , '\ I f ~--~'" "~".r",~';<,_"" ""~_'''_"''''"_'''_",,_,__.~...,."." m. In 0:: W In :J w:",... ~M. ~ "'_"'. ~ PORT STANLEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 60 ,>,"'":'-' 50 '1':'< 40, ""j ~, '., ;.,'- -', 30 I 20 , 10 o Sunday Monday Tuesday ,--, C) .'. ;1, ,f'. , . ~ " ';," -,:\ .-'" H!. .,:,", \1 ~f-" :1;1 " ~I. :I, '~" i! , i ,~1 ~ 1,1 'I. ~ -'-I' , II. . ~,. ~, ~I. "il.' '~ , ~ . . ~~ ~t ~~ ,~~ .~ j~ k .' ".~ "11, '~, ",::0 ,.t ~L . /. , "KR.i' " ~ll -,I ~.~.., 1,1.'" -.- .,. _:I ", ,'_ ~~t .',.;' {;':-'-' ,Ib~ l . ,~, . "1 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday DAYS :) ',,', -.'", 1m 9-9:30 .9:30-10 .10-11 11I11-12 012-1 1il!I1-2 1012-3 83-4 .4-5 05-6 116-7 1!17-8 1:18-8:30 11!18:30-9 .~ \ , lQ w III ::J 60 "', ,: ~ ..: 50 40 30 ,,"f. 20 " '\"'" :;:: ',j I, I " I, 1i ~i ' . ~ II : ::,11 li " i , " " " I, I, 9:30-10 10-11 ~..,,,~~" ,,~" >>,~.. .,,~."~. .", ,-,.. ,",,~~. ..-.~ 10 o D",.;".,.,.. ,",,,,,,,;, ..',d' "(,,.,'; , 9-9:30 Cl "," ',':) PORT STANLEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS :.:,.:' 'J" ,. '1' " , . . . . '. I ~ ; ;. . - I : 1 " Ii I" , ' !; . , I' I;, .. ' "I I. " i' i': , j j- j', i II I' I' ;1 , t: " " .~:'l: ,- ,i . ,,,,: .; ( ~ 11-12 ----'-! 1, I. " " J: -~I " , I ~ I' I' ,- I', i' -----'jj I' r ~- i' I' :i"ol: ",! . Ii If- i ~ 1:1 ..~ I i .t jl: ~I , i , .1;L .;oil Ii ,) 'Ii;i 12-1 1-2 !~ j , Ii' , ",It I i~ ;-;:I\! I' I ::,,..-l! , Ii jj'.'.li .- 'l. , I. , . . 'i , ,:.~ ~ , ~~ J:.~:'..' .., ; , ::i' 2-3 HOURLY , / ~ .;4 "L: ~ I ; ! ~ : 1 ~ ; I' I ~ ,i' !l hi .~~il :' ',> :1: 3-4 n -'oJ,. '. :.. ...., . " .' ' " ~ :, ,'.' . . ~'''~'' I': '_. /,_ : 0' to" ::J [' ~ ! . _ Ii 'I " -,-1" " , !I I: , ,ii, ~l;" " ': ! ~ " ! ~ I' ; ~: :"', i ; , ,I', , , 4-5 -i, ,. ii' , ;1 q' , .' ' ~ . ...,,1 :;-0:' ~ 1- " fi" ,~Ilil:( ~'" [,.; )1' 5-6 i, I" ;1 " .1 ~,!: I' \~~. ,',.j~\ '~"~I' \ j . , ~ :,' I I' ,~r' ~ I i e' I' ,t fi' "", "'. "'<' ,":.11' f ~ ! 1 ; '! i jl' ii, ::.'.. j I; 1!!:IJ;",iii hl!l ~ f. } ", I j . ',' "i ,....."':," "il'.I. ~,:IIIJ ,':1:1 , .:: '" , ' , : . I ~ ' ,I I I , :-,'; i , r . .....::ci.f.ItU:.<Ii 'oft ~,.n:b .'~' /::) _._)J!~~ , , , -. -. ,: I It ' I ~f --,-,I. ,'.. ~ ." '. , 9.,' , . ", - .~'- [ : , ' , .) ';1 [:: I: 1"; -1-" I' I. -:""':'"___ ,; ), I' , , , -, , , ,. .' ~ ~ . ~ , r:. , I. l!: !;, ii- , , ~ , "Ii: -\1-;' l' I' i" '1il', n; 6-7 " :(! I I' I" '.: :1'>;I:! .' 't.:...,,,, : i < '::- 1 .! ~ '-:' ;J, "~,I J '1.( " 7-8 8-8:30 .'.,'. -'--.- . , " 1\1.,' ",I~t1 .' 8:30-9 IliI Sunday lEI Monday o Tuesday IilIWednesday o Thursday . Friday o Saturday " _-,I ~, , RODNEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 1050 Surveys were sent out 77 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded. 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8.8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 4 5 4 2 1 Monday 7 7 16 15 10 12 24 59 60 25 13 15 2 2 Tuesday 5 5 12 12 5 11 18 57 61 60 56 4 3 Wednesday 5 5 12 11 5 6 10 13 15 18 10 12 2 2 Thursday 5 5 13 13 6 12 17 vu DU 54 55 2 2 Friday 6 6 -- -- ""'.... -- -- 23 15 12 2 2 -~ -. Saturday 9 9 61 61 20 20 17 14 15 10 4 5 1 1 c) ("\, , 1 F",~'"-"--,,,,~>,,,,.,,,,,,~,,"~, ""'$"'~'",~,.._, , .".~_~.",.~.._""':" ,'.":'_:O_~"'."~_'__'" . """"-'_ RODNEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 70 - 60 50 - 40 - ~ W III :;) 30 20 10 - ':l"-~ .~ ''';-'' ,. ~. :':><' :,-: '.'1' - " ,', 2 !;lfF Wednesday Friday f<;:?:,:'l bdIk-.....: .-.:'- ,. ....:':- "'''\ "',"." 0" 'i:,; Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday DAYS () Cl ~..- .,.,"- "".' ~ .,., - ^ ,,-, " ~. i:': "',,';- '.,'", -" ."..' ',.' ..:, :.. JL.I.._'. : I -.. I: - Saturday , .,- ,-', 09-9:30 lEI 9:30-10 810-11 011-12 .12-1 01-2 82-3 03-4 114-5 05-6 1!J6-7 1iiJ7-8 118-8:30 08:30-9 \ , 70. 60. 50 40 ~ W 1Il ~ 30 20 10 .. ...l .. ...1 JIB.......1.1.....,..!.. "f jl: -. \. ! : ~. '; , " j, -.' o " (=) f"',~-",.~. e-_'_.~_r.."'__".....~,___". ~.:e_~._c_.,:._,.',,"'- ',-,-, ="",= '_~ RODNEY LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS . il . I ! .. .~ I I " [I 'I 'I ] I - ~. ; \ ) .J'; G t ''__'_.,j, jo '~l :i \ ". " 11 lj 1 'I ., ! !I I. f 'I I 'I I, I, Ii t1 .! 'I I 1'1 _t, it' .;1', : "1 :. !! lJ f ii' .1' ..1,.' .~.... i :~ ii81. ." " l'~:~ 11\.\1 '" !& ........ ~:~ Ii.........! 11, ~_~;~ j' l,,~ .i:' !i Iii.?' 1 !,}; l #E " I '.1 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 f; E:'- ~; I!',- - 1-2 'I >...Iii ,; '.'. J; 5-6 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 2-3 3-4 HOURLY 4-5 6-7 I ----. \ ) .J:\.-.,. 1II:1..JlIL 13 Su nday IlII Monday Dl Tuesday IlII Wednesday o Thursday EI Friday lliI Saturday ,~ SHEDDEN LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 1350 Surveys were sent out 46 Surveys were returned filled out Current open hours are shaded The exception is Tuesday when the library opens at 2:30 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-2:30 I 2:30-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Monday 1 3 3 3 3 2 9 10 9 10 10 10 4 2 - Tuesday 1 1 4 3 3 1 7 29 22 2 - Wednesday 1 2 4 3 3 2 8 9 9 11 11 10 5 3 - Thursday 1 1 5 5 4 2 9 9 10 6 3 - Friday .26 17 14 15 7 3 - Saturday 1 1 11 11 9 10 4 5 5 2 2 L' n , , ~~."...._ m__,...~~,.." ._""''-'.____,,,_..,___ ",~~ ~.""'. ,',. _ ".. .._,_" __'_ ------- ~ W III :;) Ci SHEDDEN LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESUL 1S OF OPEN HOURS 35 30 '" 25 -', ',", , '-', ,I" 20, ',,:,',' 15, ... ...,. '.."' - " ",) ,I", 10 , ., i WI.,.,::,:,.. ;' ~ ,:: .". " ~ - . ~ ':, I ". , ", . i' '. : J '~ ~ 5 'U' " ". "," "'......:.u'. Itl1llil~[ i.." , 0- .,.... Sunday Monday Tuesday ~'\-~ -- .,~" '''''H'.,"".~ ""~<<"'V"",,~ 1 ,_" A., I,: , i: I " I . ,:'. i; I II,'.., .",', i." ',., i-. , , i i 'r' , ' :,' " "" ! '.'.,. ; . - ',' <~" I 1 I I .', , i I>. ... . ' - ". .' ~ . I .. " , " I ... " I , I "",-:..'," .':',.-,-',,') " .'). . ". ",;,,~ ";"',..C ~ c,,, --,;. J .~ ; : ::,~ ' "".- -'i !, If: '.." , . '::. .' ,". ...". Wednesday DAYS () :/; i~ 1;.1: " .'1 ' . ,-, f. !~ ;. ..,' '"I ';. ,..: :'-.' i::' " I'l' ,~ '. ~' ' " t.< ' Thursday Friday ~, I' , II r'''.' 'H".,' """ "'- I J ! , i '." -'I, Saturday , ' '.'1 09-9:30 ." 09:30-10 'I, .10-11 I. 011-12 .12-1 12J1-2 02-2:30 1liI2:30-3 1ii!13-4 11I4-5 05-6 06-7 07-8 .8-8:30 11I8:30-9 I ~I SHEDDEN LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESUL 1S OF OPEN HOURS 35 .~ . ',,,, 25 .,. ,':,' ':,,' .. "~ "'t' "'f;' 'I,. ~, r.,. , - r~ ;,. 30 ':. ,,,' . ~' ., !'- '" ,. , "-'. , , C,' .' '-\ .1' :",- ,~ ' . , .~. ',", ":",' ,,--,,' 20.' , Ul II:: W Ul ::l ~ w.'.... " ", . '" ,. "I ,.1-.--'. : 15. :\.', .",' ,.....-~ " " 10 ,'.,.' "-:1; 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-2:30 2:30-3 3-4 HOURLY 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 C') (j F 1m Sunday 1m Monday o Tuesday . Wednesday o Thursday . Friday o Saturday ---- ! SPR\NGf\E\.O \.\BRI\R'l " Bra.c~ 01 tM Elgin Coun\'! \.ibral'/ pUBLIC SUll.\lE'/ll.ESU\.lS Of OPEN IlOUll.S ,~\ n 70 60" - 50 40 &! w I/) :::) 30 20 10 o c; SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS Sunday Monday FF- .'-~ 'm,__~..~.~,'__ ..,",.._"_,_,^~,~., .~~_~~~~,~,~.~.~"'_ "_" F-- E ~ I ~.I I , - , " ! f ~ ~i , "' 'I 'j '" ~ ! ~ ' . ~ ! 'I ~ ! II I r ,I ." I- I ~ ,.' ! " -I I! i - ~ I: g I !l I a ~ ~: I ~ il I ~ 1'1 -, EI i E I ! ~ I EI r_ ti . ~ Iii Tuesday Wednesday DAYS /j , , \" ' , ~ ~ t , "I II ill' II I " 1. ( 'l !, " . 1'._'.,1 .::. Saturday 'I' i.'l..'1 ! . ~ ~ ; II! ~ .1" .~ .' ,I .. , Ilil i. I ~ i ~ ~"' " ~ I" I\! ~ .'..' i ~ , ~ ! II ,I ~ d ~ I, =-,' ~ F 1 ~! I ~ I ~ j IE' III 5 ! P ~ ~i .,1." .'1 "! ~ ! i! ~ , ~ l! ~ II ~ t j' Ii il. ;H '" I E P t; I~: ~ II ~ .1 ~p .. ! --nJ ~I Thursday Friday - f, , I, ~ , j , j; , ~ ! ! ! ~ r , , ~ . , .! i i ~ ~ ~ . . , 11II9-9:30 11I9:30-10 010-11 011-12 .12-1 lEI 1-2 82-3 03-4 04-5 11II5-6 06-7 El7-8 11I8-8:30 11II8:30-9 ~, SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 70 60, 50 40 III It: W III :::) 30 20 10JjjJ. I ~ . . . '1 . '-;:.,!, .f ;! ' '" ,. '. ill .~ JI;I ." I. '.~W, .1'. o 1I;1II1~. m_, . " ,.ttllI 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 (~ Fr=.,-_.".." .n" '-'^"'~""'~'"~'e'''''''''''.'''''~'_:'_''' ,...".:<:.c~.,._o.,~,~.~, ".,~." _ " 1, ... ,"l) ,." ~ :. . 1-2 2-3 3.4 HOURLY 4-5 5.6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 (~ '. ) liiI Sunday EJ Monday EJ Tuesday III Wednesday EJ Thursday EJ Friday III Saturday \ V\E.NNA. USAAR'l A Branch of the Elgin cou,W LlbralY Sy.lte.. \ pUBLIC SURVEY RfSUL T~ OF OPEtl HOURS \ 593 Surveys were sent out 34 surveys were returned fi\\ed out current open Hours are shaded 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-1 1-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 \3 4 4 3 2 1 sundaY ..~ ~ .,. \ .., \ 1 4 3 2 2 5 4 44\1:_.. i 1 Monday wf{:lf<. .1f,\~!~~':'1'~~i;W1V"'''''~'' 2 1 2 2 2 4 _ 1\"1\2 \ 1 :ruesday \9 11 \ 9 \ 1 2 2 2 2 3 10 1 ,wednesd3 3 4 \11 11 12 \ 9 \ 1 ,Thursday 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 \9 7 7 6 \ 1 Friday 4 5 6 9 11 9 7 9 \7 5 3 2 3 \ 3 saturday ~. ('! ~ w Ul ::l c~) f!"...__. VIENNA LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 40 'i, ",' ',; 35 .. 30 "' ".\, ;,- c,:' " '. , , ., 'I " ~ " .'" 'f.C' ,,!," ",> " 25 . , -It,,'" '. . , , "i ,',' -'-,. ",;:\i{::'. " ',,'/" " . ./ . ". ,',-:.,' 20 '. ',",' ,i,,', 15 -., ll'.'.' 11 " 'I ~, .". !~j t --- ", ~ -- . -, j .. ~ :;I,;. Ii II, " ", ~. ~ ", , ':11' ,. ".. .' . . ., iF; (II,..... .( . .., "-'. ~.\::, 10 5 'Iri]'..'.'.:', .';,........ :...; .: . ",':\':, ': ~. .<;.c' ',: ~ : ~ " ',':,.; ~ ~ . ;":, ' ~ :j 0, ".' " , . ;-" t:~ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday DAYS (', ',:, . , :,1 ''" '.: '.,", " -'.': 1.'.. "., ...- ." R. .'1'" ..,-~": ,J"""' . J., .. ~~I .>:: ~ , ~ ;.' t ~,.;: ,'," . , ',:i,. '--- ~ . ' '. ia r... Saturday ~."' ;." .9-9:30 El9:30-10 010-11 011-12 iii 12-1 01-2 .2-3 03-4 04-5 05-6 1216-7 .7-8 ."!' 1I!l8-8:30 08:30-9 ,~ " l:1 w 20' III ::> 40 35, " 30 25 15, 10 VIENNA LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS ;';- 0",'. ," " ",', ""',', :,1'" ",,, .';' '....; ,,-,' ,:i',:'" " ~ ,", :,;,,;' ',;,;.: .,' I"~ "t :1- .",,1 ;~::;;':':" ,. ,..~; ,.:, ".:! ."',,1- .', i:'~;' _ "'-.H. , . , .',^ ~." ,.. - l'!,T~.f::.' ;" .:,. 5 '~.."...'.....:,".'tJ.",:;(,'~~,t' . . "" , '..' ,,::iJLI, o ,: '., : :>).:.liJJ ' CI ~..- 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 ~',,-.c __,," u , '.'j ':1. ..' :~;;' .> .' , , ,':".A :,.' :1 "!Ce-,; i! i,;JI:.:t~ I.; rl.'::..tI: ,\ e. -,,,,"-' ~', - . " , , .l>' ,:.', 1-2 2-3 3-4 HOURLY n J, ".' ,.-,." ., " D . .', '~ . :"'j 'I I, > I ' , , ",.J, ',' l' '., -,' '-.-' I '" .. "" -,- '. :'-'" " .}':- ':: -:' '." . ~. ,. . .;;'i :> :, ,., 'I" , r.:: '.~" ,. ,,, I.'. ., , ,,', '" '~I ,', -. , f"" . .~' ". " ' , '''''' 'l '"',, . ("" ':' :" _.,,0",< .l, ' ;L" j, "',', :"" "c', ' ~,.. '..'.'.". r ~ii., .,' :~. ,':' ':-' :" > , ",,';i " " ," 4-5 5-6 6-7 :;' ',; "<: '. -'.<, ..,:. .',' >,,;, " i; : ~....~f]r''';i. ,-~ 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 ". . Sunday 1m Monday . Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday o Friday Ii;) Saturday ~ ) WEST LORNE LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 1250 Surveys were sent out 53 Surveys were returned filled out Current Open Hours are shaded. 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-8:30 8:30-9 Sunday 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 Monday 4 4 6 3 4 9 8 8 7 5 4 Tuesday 3 3 7 4 3 6 25 . .27 6 4 Wednesday 3 3 5 4 3 5 7 7 7 4 7 6 5 3 Thursday 2 2 7 4 4 6 " '<:0' . '''IS '25" <c. 30, '27 7 4 Friday 3 4 6 4 4 7 '.<:.<:. ;O:U .,,1> 10 9 8 5 2 Saturday 4 4 13 13 11 6 2 1 1 2 (I 1'1 \ I ~..',~,-,~,::",:,:",:".p",:",:~,~_,,~-, ,~~_<~.--t-' "~.~,-. WEST lORNE LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS 35 ' 30 ' 25 ' :-, 20 ;., K! w Ul ::l 15 10 5 ' ..... .......'."..f.. ".i,~{ .,...'....11. '. 1i[[. .. .,.., ".; . , , '. L o .:'J Sunday 09-9:30 .9:30-10 010-11 011-12 o 12-1 01-2 1lII2-3 03-4 04-5 .5-6 06-7 .7-8 1!!l8-8:30 .8:30-9 ~. ,II (,i;} , .:. 'I,: . , . Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday DAYS () ",.,. .---.. () fr,-,.c'" Saturday \ .. WEST LORNE LIBRARY A Branch of the Elgin County Library System PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS OF OPEN HOURS I j': ! ---:.. I ':'-'j~ I i I , I . ,. , I.. 'I ..... I '.,'.: i.... ~ '.!i,~, '. ".,. I, ''''.' H", ,~., .' _! ",i.' ,,,,"'.. . I L I . ,j~! ' 'IC~ c .:.;.. il' ,. :..: II"........ : illJ'::'. I ;:. ~ ".". 'I'.'" ' '.' 1:"1. I . . .. . . . ' . I .- ! ' I ' .: . ! ~ ..JI. . 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 35 30 25. '''-'. -''''H' 20 I':''>' le- I II 'I' , "', -'.-,.,' ~ W 1Il ~ 15 '---::..' .:.,,: . ~", ,C';~'\\ j' .....' I 5 ,. .,. ., . 1.' . ... .; . ...........r.' : j ,i .::..:' .)I""~ .:w:...;:;'~.,.. " ,:::'.'. >.,,' .. l '" '.' . - O. , ..... .:. ,~ ' . -1:( ;: 1 , ..- , J.. . .'. ;" ,. 10.' ;" 'HIlI 9-9:30 9:30-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 HOURLY c) (! ~~..~-':'"._,-...~ ,. , . -, '~":' ,~ , \.- ~ .' '.,' , ,,~ '''",.' 8-8:30 8:30-9 . Sunday o Monday o Tuesday <'''I . Wednesday o Thursday lEI Friday I!!I Saturday t t ~ / / '\ THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ALL CONSOLIDATING BY-LAWS (AS OF MARCH 2004) PLANS OF ROADS THAT ARE PART OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM "- ./ I '\ THE COUNTY OF ELGIN . j -e j LAKE ERIE ALL PLANS THAT ARE DESIGNATED BY THE LETTER '0' ARE EXPROPRIATION PLANS ALL PLANS THAT ARE DESIGNATED BY 'lIR' ARE REFERENCE PLANS COPIES OF THESE PLANS CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT IN THE ELGIN COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OR AT THE LAND REGISTRY OFFICE ON GLADSTONE A VENUE IN ST.THOMAS MANAGER OF ENGINEERING SERVICES: CLAYTON WATTERS, P.ENG. PRODUCED BY: JUSTIN LAWRENCE, P.ENG. EDITED BY: MEREDITH GOODWIN (March 2004) "- ./ . / TABLE OF CONl'bNTS - ROAD CONSOLIDATING BY-LAW - 04-19 I LENGTH (KM) I 18.208 50.434 r , , PLAN NO. , 2-1 I 3-1 I 3-2 I 4-1 5-1 I 6-1 I 7-1 I 8-1 I 9-1 I 11-] 13-1 I 14-1 , 15-1 I 16-1 I 17-1 18~1 I 19-1 I 20-1 I 21~1 22-1 I 23.1 24-1 25-1 26-J 27-1 28-[ 30-1 31-1 32-1 34~1 35-1 \-. I I I I I [4.762 10.969 6.250 4.737 19.230 27.829 1.975 8.950 13.824 2.170 27.885. 1.374 18.495 21.289 24.319 0.401 8307 2.335 16.436 6.340 1.316 12.975 4.854 5.745 1.493 5.794 2.973 9.138 LAST UPDATED APRIL I. 1999 APRIL I, 1999 APRlL I, 1999 MARCH 11, 2003 FEBRUARY 1,2001 APRIL 1, 1999 .. . MARCH 1 I, 2003 I MARCH II. 2003 l- -t:~1~:1;:Z:3.- " AUGUST'ii:2002 , MARCH II, 2003 . I APRIL [, 1999 , AUGUST 23, 2002 .-., APRlL I. 1999 I MARCH 8, 2004 I MARCH 8:2004 I MARCH 8. 2004 FEBRUARY 1, ZOOl APRIL 1, 1999 APRIL I. 1999 - I APRlL 16,2004 - - .1 MARCH 11,2003 MARCH 8, 2004 MARCH 11,2003 MARCH 11, 2003 AUGUST 23, 2002 APRIL I, 1999 APRIL I, 1999 APRIL 1, 1999 MARCH 11,2003 I I -- I' r I ., , I '.1' Ii i- II- ., .'!,- j' II' II 'I . - -il- -il. -I' '[ - II -/1 . I - II . 11- - -, II' PLAN NO. %-1 37-1 38.1 39-1 40-1 40-2 41-1 42-1 42-2 43-1 44-1 4')-.1 45-2 45-3 46-1 47-1 48-1 48-2 49-1 50-1 51-1 52-1 52-2 53.1 54-I 55-1 56-1 57-1 73-1 73-2 74-J /- I , , I- I T 'I I I' ., I I I I , I ,- I '1. LENGTff ~ LAST UPDATED APR1L L J999 -I-MARCH -i 1:2003 - .- -.- . AUGUST 23. 2002 .- ._, - - APRIL L 1999 MARCH 11,2003 APRIL 1, 1999 APRIL L 1999 I - APRIL I: 1999 i FEBR1JARY:Liooi - ,- MARCRil:io03 APRIL I, 1999 -, APRIL-J: i999- f APRIL I, 1999 MARCH 8, 2004 MARCH 11,2003 -, ~- ~~~~~T t~:J~O~.. I - APRIL I. 1999 I FEBRUARY i,2001 I: APRlL I, 1999 m I - APRIL I: i999- ! FEBRUARY t 2001 I FEBRUARY i: 2001-' I APRlL 1. 1999 - i FEBRUARy'Ulxll , -APRIL I, r999 I MARcir 8:2003 .. '.1 - APRlL -I, '1'999 I AUGUST i3'io02 . I APRIL 1.1999 - - .'[ AUGUST-i3~2002 T II ,. II - 'Ii II :i -, " I I I I -'.'11 I I -II Ii II , I I [I I , I -J AMENDING BY-LA\! 04-19 UPDA TED PLANS 18-1,19-1,20-1,24-J,26-1,45-3,56-1 DATE: '2445 16.030 -- . IUOg 1.443 17.388 0.6552 23.695 lO.707 7.170 50.477 8_594 5.630 29.625 2.770 0.585 1.489 29.334 1.380 2.811 14.604 4mo 0.999 30.559 13.960 MARCH 8, 2004 / I I I LENGTff (KM) 16.057 21.862 6.794 5.821 [ I .1 I " , I LAST UPDATED AUGUST 23.2002 FEBRUJURYI,2001 FEBRUARY 1,2001 APRlL 1, 1999 '\ , I' i I I I I I I II I. I ~ ./ 110;- Ii -,' :'- ----_I? ?YlONI~ -,---' ! OF" u.~' -'i!., \F;1o~o - tfJo/y ---i... 'is .: fro~/)~: 1 PART ~- I OT r:oNC~ .-MUNIC. I 21,22 II SOUlHwotD1 123,24 III SOUTHWOl..Dl 26,27 III SOUlHWOl.O[ l 18 W.N.B.T.R.. SOUlHWOlDI 22.23 11,11I SOUlHwotDl BOAAll OF ED. _ lAND 'URCHASES s.. C.E. I 4.5 II SOUTli\\OLDl 12 II SOU1HWOl.OI 12 II SOUTHWOlDI 49 W.N.B.T.R.~SlERI 5 III SOU1HWOLOI 6 III SOUTHWOLDI 6 III sou"lliWOlDl 5 1II SOUTHWOLDl 6 1lI soulHWOLDl 6 III SOUTHWOLDI I I I I I I I I ../ / I l1R-5499 l1R-5845 LAKE J -e j l1R-7799 l1R-112J l1R_77QQ 11R-7799 l1R-7799 I1R-7799 ERIE "- '.' '.' 5,6,7 , 2 1 . , (J "& j ELGIN 18 "- ( PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS LINE THAT PORTION OF TOWNSHIP OF IS BEING ASSUMED ROAD BY COUNTY OF COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS THIRD LENGTH OF ROAD IS / LEGEND MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, ONTARIO HIGHWAYS --€ ELGIN COUNT( ROADS TOWNSHIP ROADS RAILWAYS \... " PLAN 18-1 LAKE ERIE OF A SOLID ROAD IN THE SOUTHWOLD AS A THE COUNTY ELGIN #18 LINE 18.495km ~ ~ Updated March 2004 '\ ./ '\ " / / .... / \( ~/.'. 1____1 '" fix Viii '25 ~'<!7.;i:"'.'2:l;>o (llt.""OLI" . , ~iJ:l, "" "<,. t".i ;;'(;;;;:;o,i'D:ifi;-'o<i~-~-:", RQ,Il,O ." " i.1l 0'1 ~\" ~ J -e- j , -. fOfO, i i I'NSlR"'''ENT /PLAN __I PART'~ ,or ~ CONCc+ "UN,e P-1917-(1->58) flA'l1Wd TRANSFEREO FROM MTO TO COUNTY OF ELGIN ON APRIL 1, 1997 1-385564 l1R-590S 11-12- ~ IX-IX BA'l'HAM 1-385564 l1R-5911 , " " BAYHAM 1-365564 R-279 Rl,R2 ,'~ BAYHAM 1-385564 l1R-6366 , " "" BAYHAM 1-385564 llR-G461 ,.., 24-23,24 IX-IX BAYHAM 1-385564 l1R-6461 , " EMOOl-11.l) BA'l'HAM 1-385564 l1R-6461 , 9.10.11 Btl(R-11J) BAYHAM 1-390241 l1R-6948 , " " BAYHAM 1-390242 11R-6946 " " " BAYHAU 1-390286 11R-6959 , 23.24 " "",,'" [-390287 11R-6959 , "''' " BAYHAM [-JgZ8fi5 l1R-4217 " " " BA'l'HAId 1-393137 l1R_7041 , 23.24 " BAYHAM 1-393138 l1R-7041 , " "' BAYHAId 1-395424 l1R-7103 " " " '''''''' 1-39!';424 l1R-4217 , " " BAYHAM 1-396820 l1R-7138 , " V BAYHAM 1-405506 l1R-7391 , 12.6,127 "m BAYHAM '-"""" 11R-7460 , '" "" BAYHAM 1-411633 l1R-7462 , " " BA'l'HAM 1-209368 l1R-7656 , , "" BAYHAM R081NSON SlREET 'THR >UGH pe.n 8URVo LL TRANSfERED FROM 'THE MUNICIPAUT!' OF 8AYHAM TO 'THE COUNT!' OF ELGIN ON SEPlEM8ER 10, 2002 1-424005 ~ llR-7SOO " V .".'" / "'- ./ LAKE ERIE "'- "'- ( \ i T LAKE ERIE PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS LINE THAT PORTION OF OF A SOLID ROAD IN THE MUNICIPALITY BAYHAM OF IS BEING ASSUMED ROAD BY AS A THE COUNTY COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD #19 AS PLANK ROAD ROAD IS 21.289km COUNTY KNOWN LENGTH OF /' LEGEND ~ MiNISTRY OF TRANSPOIITATION, ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ~ ---€ ELGIN COUNlY ROADS 'g TOWNSHiP R~S RAILWAYS / Updated In !.larch 2004/ \... PLAN 19-1 /D E L A WA R !~ '\ 0/" i<1,~ T 0 W " Xiii 0 /\ '....). \ ' , L.~~ ,x' """'.'" x' J -e- j LAKE ERIE >, :( OHE1..l/fIfi '" i ,~' INSTRUMENT/PlAN " ,~ ivi! 0-758 0-775 0-791 ~'" ~'" ~,# ~'" ~'" ~'" ~'" 1-201 ,-""" 1_26295 1-13893+ 1-150850 1-158624 1-178150 1-192730 1-192731 1-19823$ 1_206765 1-223497 ,-""'" 11-266413 11-~10439 11-396580 11-279910 11-385743 1_3:<8596 11-286453 1-419151 1-42483'"1 R-l17 R-117 R-117 R-14. R-46f R-117 R-l17 1'R-967 llR-284 R-157 IlR-191a l1R_519 0-1309,.O-I::m tlR-7112 l1R-7264 11R_7462 11R-7461 l1R-7733 I1R-7733 llR_7~9Z 'J,' t"AKI tJ ~~, " 18,11H5.1l , $.7.-15.1!l-e, " .. ,., 18,19 10.11 12.13 14.15 -~. " " ,,~o " ,.~ " " " , , '-' , ,-, , , , " , , , l.of '/'12 ~_ON~' MUN1<';'~ """"O.I1Jl.<"nrn"",,"'y RHO:I:u. c.E._ 1llRt-:. SQU1H~ III SOUlH'M:IU ......~Isoun{.~ 0.' ~J.~""_ sourn.ri: '<"~I'''"'"~ S.T.R.E.B.SOUTH~ ,::.~..... SQU1H!'P!:! "J'I-.-ISOUlH'M'U ~J''!-..''''-SOUlH~ 0"' SOU1H~ SOUlHl'K'!:! S.ANDf':! " " SOU1H~ 0.' 0.' SOU1H_~ SOU1H~ SOU1H!'O!:!' S.N.B.T.RSOU1H~ n SOU1H~ V-V SOU1H~ N.T.R. SOU1H~ """,",'.="'SOU1H~ IX SOUTH_~ I SOUTH'M!!:! 5.N.B.T.R. SW1!!WWl "SJiB.T.ii SWlHlltIJ)/ 5.t.J<......~ " 5.T.R.N.B, 5.T.R.N.B URCHASES v , " ~- ,-, " " " .., , " " I . j "---- ( "-- LAKE ERIE PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS LINE THAT PORTION OF A SOLID IN THE OF ROAD CENTRAL ELGIN AND OF SOUTHWOLD MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHHIP IS BEING ASSUMED ROAD BY AS A THE COUNTY CO UN TY OF ELGIN ROAD #20 AS UNION ROAD AND MAGDALA ROAD LENGTH OF ROAD IS 24.319km COUNTY KNOWN r- LEGEND '\ MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION, ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ~ ---(!; aGIN COUNTY ROADS ~ TOWNSHIP R().6J)S RAILWAYS '-- / PLAN 20-1 / Updated In March 2004 'if f '.; ZI E{\' ~ -:~, liE} 8 XII' e::=;~' ,.~;fJ." tf . _8"*0. ~ ." "' 1:t) II, ! INSTRUEUENTjPLAH 0-= !D-7.Q 10-"" ,0-'" ,...... 1D-1llll3 ~. 1D-1249 =;"8<""""'===---"= 1D-1471 11-24755 1f-277SIlS ~ Zl 21 Zl " -- - ~~II LQI- ~ ....c. _ H "" . . ...... '" ~ "" -~~~ - "".... ,. , "" ,+,. .... "".... .. . , "" 1;s,,14 ~ , "" " , "" M "" " "" '" "" M ... , . "" 2 10 "" " "" 2 . ... 2 10 "" . 2 "" , , 2 "" ~,o1 2 "" , "" I "A7.11 I , "" .... , . "" , 12.13 "" . 2 " "" . 10 , "" , 10 . "" .. " , "" , " , "" 2 " , "" , 7 . "" " ., . "" , , . "" ,~ .... . "" 2 10 , "" .... .... , "" , " , "" , " . "" , " . "" ,~ " . "" . . , "" , . , "" . ." . "" " " . "" 10.12 " , "" ..a " . "" 7.' " , "" ,~ '" . "" 2 " . "" .' .' , "" . . , "" .... "" . "" 10 " , "" , " . "" ,... " . "" .. , . "" , 2 . "" . .. , "" , , , "" .... 7 , "" '"\ '\ ~{ ;'.-- f " / LAKE: ERIE / '\ PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS OF A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF AND THE TOWNSHIP CENTRAL ELGIN OF MALAHIDE IS BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY KNOWN LENGTH OF ROAD #24 AS DEXTER LINE ROAD IS 1 6.436km /' LEGEND '\ ~~~ATION. -----€ ~ '"'" COOMY ...... ~ -...... )" ........,. \. / PLAN 24-1 Updated January 2003 / . ... If' / cT I j I 7\;~"J<f,~1 I; if 1 \ ~ "M& (&Ji,; 1 :ml 1 ' i ..rfJ1 . 'I' " ::7\'?~ ~ / '17 /.J..,' '1,;1 1 , '...1 I 17, ~? .. 47 I.--C \.os I /; ~ /-.. :/6 1 '" I J I I . " ~ ' 0 ~'_ p :" < ' ~ y I ,~; i / ~ :~ ,I" N!)4/! . ' \ ~ \" " .,~ ,,:~\~'{. \\~c 1 ;/ ;1 ;n:~/.J I f ~I""'" "J,::J"I \ ~\.."" ~ ~AA~~\ 0 ~- .Q I:--t--; 1 tiJ-r- .' \. ~ ~ " " ,,~>.\\' ~~3\ t::".",,::'lfj ~' , ,I .' I (N-f I-f,. '" / \\ . \ 1 \\'11>> >\ \ \~ . 1fl."T) , NGE II . , ~. ;1 J;..: /' I"~, ~\~ 1> ~ ~\'\., c-\~ NGE: 1 J' /IX, \ ' .'. ~\; ~" ~ "" \~;:. 1'--- ~"~ \ ~ ..1, -f> +~ ~, ~\(: * j in ~ .' ,,' ,,' ':.... .': ~~~<'\'i Ii'\f/ -f3\.. ~""~' fP""" ,,(- " ~'\ ,,'" 0" ~'\.... ~.. \ ~ \::::./ 1D1 SII '~l M:1 \\ ,0 ....{+ ,,,," ~1?'''' ",.."'-!>"" O<lo~ .. ~1f)"""\~ ST. THOMAS >-{/~.IS11/~ ~611462-r;;.". ,,'. " \<.~ ,:'" , roD . ~::. . \ ~~ \~ . ftl jI;( .mL.. /' ",(j '~. '. ~~,. ,.~ .. .,". 'f)";};~"(II ~QlL" I~ ~ i / · i I~ ~ ~0 3 ~ .,.;,"'\.:! '?" ,'> + ... ..;> f"1 0:0 3l: ~ f.-..,., e""F11 n';< I 3 14 15 ~ os '~"; " '~> ,> ".' ~ ~t-1. 'iifJt. I- T I r r ; "1'/""" ~.:: , ",,'\',.' 0.,. , .1'~\~;i o~ fI / ~ I ~".,,~~j ~", ~ . ~". "" ~ ~ ,. ~ " ., '", .';, ; Oil, ) '/1".\4""- I!I VI ~ I 'I , ", " ",,",SJ G" ..~. ?:x ?-Ji -' f. If Jr]' fJ 1 \ 0". .:. " "...' ~ ",~'1t/'ft~ ~:;~'._" \'<"r .'t#;i PI, 1/7'1.; ~A."',I ~ , \' \. " <0 ~ ,::;;4;\--(,.:~ -- 'It.~\"t--!C . 1:.L 'J} 11"0../1'i'--. ~. -. " " " ~L.N '-'" ~ ul;;::/:,,-, , 7-- ; ~ / I _L./.,./._~_ .) os- ~.. ,'> 1-- 14tv c ~::: 0 ~~1Q;;- Jf1lI[ ; 1_ INSTRUEMENT/pLAN PART #1 lOT r ~_ Miulllr. < " "ffJ'"" """ s U If,J'ON ,r"", ,,'-'" ~It..~_ . ......~ 0, ,'> 4 ~N 'f.:~ c *f-.r Of 4'.. If. f?, '.:1-:!-- , ~1jJ' -a7ii I ~D-89J I 43,<<, E OFNElm: $. , . " . I" jf ~~, 'i~;;r--- -- of 4 '. '['I f:=::;' j ';..~ ''':= : " I., 3':;' ~'f "u----f-..-.. ~ \J "0 ~ 1M ~,':,," tOO'"~ ''''' :"''''''':ONJ ~.~ . ~ ."" P;NTo. (Nr!~" ,,01 ,~;. f~A~ I }. .1 /~-"'Il :=~~, L...~~ ,~'_. ': "'j'1',,,"if IA ~'~~;"h~I:,)77"d~' II t<-",,,, ''''''''' "" " ~. ~ ,~~~01soulH '~~~OFI\ \~~ ~R610 ~ '-7k t:=:;~~~ 3ORE1C'~I~; c~~ ..' ~ \ ~~ Ll-2.015S4 tlR-1218 1 IX C.E. J 1;J III !I:==~~ ~~~=;:~2 ~ ~:: NTRE ~ EllJY!lf PORT STANLEY r h 1-282112 l1R-3043 1 2-BLH R-28 c.E. ,fA 1-282780 l1R-:s057 :5 1 IX c.E. ~ rl-299629 l1R-324t 1 2-BLS R-Z8 c.E. ~ LI-299630 l1R-3241 6.7 6.7 XI c.E. j LAKE ERIE LI-:s0247S llR-J6Z0 1 3-SLD R-ZS c.E. LI-375412 l~lS 1 9 C.E. ~1-3!llS6l> llR-6573 1 I-SLE R-ZS C.E. ~1-393667 l1R-7049 1 1,2-H l-J R-ZS C.E. 1-4.XJ~')1 'llR-7';IOO 1 1 1X C.E. ..--1"'- IDELAWA1<lO_,S __ .;;; TOW L' ~ "'- J j "--- /' t ";"'1 ~ ;'g '\ LAKE ERIE PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS OF A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN IS BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY THE CO UN TY OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #26 KNOWN AS ST.GEORGE STREET LENGTH OF ROAD IS 1.31 6km / LEGEND "\ MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTAllON. ONTARIO HIGHWAYS --€ ~ aGlN COUNTY ROADS "if! TOWNSHIP ROADS RAILWAYS '- / Updated in March 2004/ PLAN 26-1 / i/ LAKE ERIE " J -e- j I INSTRUEMENTjPLAN PART.f LOT CONC~ MUNIC.- I 0-1272-- - 15 IV,V t.4AL- ID-1283 ~ N1R SOUTH~ ,0-1432 34 NTR SOUTHWOLD 10-1434 .:31 SNBlR SOUTHWotO ID-1484 25 VI c.E.- 11-1729 R-12 4,5 VI c.E. 11-31076 '~14 lV,V BAY. 11-83316 1 IV MAL 11-131194 16 VI C.E. 11-146297 0-"01 6 V C.E. 11-140675 R-231 :5 Vl C.E. 1.1-142211 0-1012 1 7 Rill WAA SOU1H~ 11-143608 0-1009 4 9 VI C.E. 11-145763 0-1014 :3 6,7 VI C.E. 11-186596 11R-n2 I 25 V C.E. ,11-193749 GRAVELPlT 24. V C.E. 11-194338 GRAVELPlT 24 V c.E. 11-205632. 11R-2731 1.2 15 IV ldAL_ 11-210686 0-1018 :5 7 RII'MlR SOUTHWOl-D I 1-237067 llR-2259 2. 20 V MAL . ';1-251955 l1R-2519 2. 1 IV BAY. 1'1-277243 l1R-2905 4 :5 V c.E. 11-298068 l1R-3517 3.4 15 IV BAY. 11-308843 l1R-3717 :5 1 IV BAY. 11-383897 l1R-6750 1 22 IV BAY. 11-399298 l1R-7071 1 28 V C.E. 11-424675 l1R-7797 1 1V BAY. 11-4246~ llR-2519 2 1V BAY. I I \/ / I "--- '\ ~ r "-- / ELGIN LAKE ERIE 4 PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS OF A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD, MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE, AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM IS BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #45 KNOWN AS JOHN WISE LINE AND CALTON LINE LENGTH OF ROAD IS 50.477km /" LEGEND " MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTAllON, ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ID-- ---€ ELGIN COUNT( ROADS "" ~ TOWNSHIP ROADS RAILWAYS '-- / Updated In March 2004 / PLAN 45-3 ~ / DEL _4 WAR j<, I , 1 / . f ' ,;:. T\ _ T 0 W-N s f:l I :;/ - ; r:N-L ;'-rll "f~\c .J."I \ ~. ~ 1 ~: ; /'@tJJJl~' j, ,IJ I 11-/ jl rfJ; 00 If? 17, ~ ~~ ~7 ~ I I J r-;..:..I I> Ie, I I"" 1/1 .\" ~ 1 '\ ~ " ~ ~ .' 1.Jr~ ' I I ~ II" .;. ,.IXI'; :mAj, i , ~ " ~ ~ ~~~"'\. ro?': /J/I'-: I f~/' '''~n;''k''O" "j . ,."'~". ,. 0 f 1 0 '" " 1 \I S "'" '5'; 42 I "" i :>: XI \ ~ ~ "\ ~ ";",, "'\\'lit '{'"\,," ....::: <. ;;W, / I 0 I II ~. -;- yl+f~.! f \\ . \' ,/ \ \,~ \ W\\~ ..'>J.t.~~{14:rlf,"1' /, ('Xi: /~ \\\'0 .):;'~'~ 1 *'\~). \ "." ~~\W ff~'jJjfi,'I',:,~ Lt , . . ~\}. "\ rr:' _~I I I" (,....q,<fi> ~<,; ~ :lO~,-s;",~Y.S1 ItO I I~'~.I" ~\~X'." ,.' /' o<~" ~ .,o~' ~\~0\' -W- .j;;~~,,, ~~ ,," -::\...., ",,,, ~. ,,' " ... \\~\Jl~~ ST. THOMAS i /:t. ~;J" ,,~~ " ,'.' .' " " . ".' , ", \\ \~ \ ( :t1 f -hi iL..k..}iIJ' "" :>.. , :~.. ,of>' :"\ , ~\9~''F''df ~,.~I}j. L ~ ~\" . 3 ,'" . ~\:""''' ___ .~ t" '/.1, I" I oJ> ~ R;i ~ "..~ ",' ., .,' ~ ~,Q::., .B~ ~ /, "'2/ 6, 62 ':'. '" ..: " . , '" V &c 't:l ~ ~ 'F" r 7, R ///--: I'" I "':f '[ , " .. " .J ',\ ,,..<<.. 0" .' '. . ~ ~~ ;"i'fl~ ,$ I--f / ~ vh; 'J:tM'''1,! f '1 'I';" '!~ "i: o .' .' "~" \; 0 :..,.~ -lJ 'J 1.111 !'" ,j. f I ,," 0 "" ..' /' ".~ \, ~,~'''" .l ; ~~ ! /, Jl:/ ~VI ! ,-.(; r'f'; ; I ~ ~'\- ~c:. w G L <V '\ (<' ~ ~ :.&1 1/"; I 'e I --"-=~--1- ~ ,e " "'. '\ O~'I-' <tl-..,.. '" ~~'*' t ~~ : co I ~ INSlRUEMENT/PLA~ PART fI. _LOT - _CONe t.1UNIC I o~ .,"" ~<< 1 '>'>\~.r:~ ~ "".. 4:' -'J"!} " T,?"p1 " ~ 11-277 9.10 VIII C-E. I . ~ ~ ,OJ ~iNGt' \ f y...:Y~ Wr ~ }t '" I [-305 8 VII G.E.. I ~ ~ 01' ." ~ ,''V ~'~91V91?7tt~)f'~~o "'0; It' l' 11-308 10 VlIl c.E. I 'l-" "0.. 0.,. ~~,,'~ /"r........~E~! ~ r O~" 'l:> ~ -'f-...T! ; 1-283511 l1R-3082 1 11 VII CEo I " c> <> \"\ ;;>'L~ Ivhf?'r;.., ~~(J to "-- '" 1'1-283512 l1R-3082 3 11 VII c.E. I ;,\ 1- ,.'~ (""/'I: r:: ""4l)'... 01 ~,:;:/I.f?Q'f1--- ~ 1-29Z76$ l1R-J288 1 16 VII CEo I ~ ~ ,'" ,.. It> ~ ~~ S; 111. ~ilOIV jf!t.:.:/.5 ,i""'-- H 1 :: I 1-3600+1 '1R-5848 1.3 16.17 VII CE. .'\.' <" 0 ,'I- . ~dE:"""'" 'E: ~ Ii O,J\L~ IJl Fr. 0...... ~ I J . ~ 7, 1-:372848 llR-6367 J 11 ".,11 CEo ~ ~<" ,c" tJ::8/J.J S, U;;; --':f1!f! 'to 18 I I ~ 5 5 7 ~ 1-372849 llR-6J71 J 13 VIII CEo \ .." / ~I 7 0 ~ tv 7=: ! .' 1-$72850 l1R-Ei371 2 13 VIII eE- " NG( 1 NO 5 ~ I ~i""""':......... I?QD I ~/,iJJ 11-:372851 llR-5367 11 11 \III CEo 'I 'lj- , to f~ 11-372852 11R-6367 10 11 \III CE- to " .. ~( N 'RT~ 0 E rOAq y-\ Y I I 1 1-372853 11R-6367 8,9 11 \III CE- 1" .. .. ". 'V" 'A. 1-372854 11R-6367 4 12 VIII c.E- , ',' / .1-_ \... \J ,.1- E: QADI! ~ 11-372856 11R-5371 1 13 VIII C.Eo 1NGE/1 SQUPH /\ \, OF L1f'E I"""\L. RVf,D ~ 1 1-374373 11R-5371 4 14 VII! C.Eo ~ "" 1[fJ1 i- ./;11-374708 11R-6367 12 12 VII C.Eo 1 : N,I-377942 11R-5371 5 13,14 VII C.Eo J "" /111-377943 11R-5367 13 12 VII c.E. PORT STANLEY ,1~ 11-384984 l1R-6797 1 15 VII CE. -e- .//1 I 11-384985 l1R-6791 5 18 \Ill c.E. I ,1-385172 11R-6791 3 17 VII C.E. I 11-387163 llR-6791 4 18 \III C.E. I j LAKE ERIE 11-387165 l1R-6791 6 18 \III C.E. I 11-387173 1tR-6791 1,2 15.16.17,lE VIII C.E. 1 11-399094 11R-6367 1.2 11 VIII c.E. I 11-406039. llR-7409 2 15 VIII ~)c. [-422677 11R-7409 1 15 \lilt ,_" I "'-. /' f "-- ( " . ." "{JIN "'-. \ LAKE ERIE PLAN SHOWING BY MEANS OF A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN IS BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY THE CO UN TY ELGIN OF COUNTY ROAD #56 KNOWN AS ELM LINE LENGTH OF ROAD IS 4.910km / LEGEND '\ M1NISTRY OF 1RANSPORTATlON. ONTARIO HIGHWAYS ~ --€ ElGIN COUNTY ROADS .g TOWNSHIP ROADS RAILWAYS \.. ./ Updated in January 2003 / PLAN 56-1 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services DATE: 14 June 2004 SUBJECT: Proposed Amending By-Law 04-19 to the Road Consolidating By-Law 99-17 INTRODUCTION County road system by-laws serve to identify the road system and to give authority to the County to operate and maintain this system. These by-laws generally exist in three forms: establishing by-laws; amending by-laws; and consolidating by-laws. DISCUSSION I CONCLUSION: Establishing by-laws serve to designate a new system of roads. Amending by-laws serve to update the establishing by-law with additions and deletions. When the number of amending by-laws make an accurate description of the existing county road system difficult, it is desirable to consolidate the amendments and the original schedule by passing a consolidating by-law. On June 8, 1999, County Council passed a Road Consolidating By-Law for the Elgin County road system (which replaced the previous consolidating By-Law from 1985). Since the last amending By-Law, many land transfers have taken place and roads have been assumed. Recent roads transfers include: Road #18 part of Lot 6 Concession 3; Road #19 part of Lot 15; Road #20 part of Lot 19 Concession South Talbot Road; Road #24 part of Lot 2 Concession 2; Road #26 part of Lot 1 Concession 9; Road #45 part of Lot 1 Concession 4; and Road #56 part of Lot 15 Concession 8. It would be prudent to update the County of Elgin Road system by creating an amending by-law. Attached are the 10 amended plans of roads including titile page and table of contents that require updating. These plans along with a cover page, and a table of contents will form Schedule 'A' of the proposed Amending By-Law 04-19. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer beauthorized to sign the Amending By-Law, known as By-Law No. 04-19 to the Elgin County Road System. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission (M~~ ~ ./ -- Clayton Watters Director of Engineering Services Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Peter Dutchak, Technical Services Officer DATE: May 25, 2004 SUBJECT: Capital Projects with Negative Variances Project #58 - Pioneer Line (County Road #2) Resurfacing Project #59 - Sunset Road Engineering Services Project #60 - Wellington Road (County Road #25)Resurfacing Project #62 - Quaker Road (County Road #36)Resurfacing Introduction As part of a previously approved Capital Budget, $275,000 was allocated to resurface a section of Pioneer Line (County Road #2) with hot mix asphalt. Upon project completion the actual cost was $335,747.82 or 22% over budget estimates. As part of a previously approved Capital Budget, $120,000 was allocated to resurface a section of Quaker Road (County Road #36) with hot mix asphalt. Upon project completion the actual cost was $134,958.85 or 12% over budget estimates. As part of a previously approved Capital Budget, $75,000 was allocated to resurface a section of Wellington Road (County Road #25) with hot mix asphalt. Upon project completion the actual cost was $93,715.52 or 25% over budget estimates. As part of a previously approved Capital Budget, $70,000 was allocated to complete engineering services for the proposed reconstruction of Sunset Road (County Road #4) between St. Thomas and Port Stanley. Upon project completion the actual cost was $112,026.00 or 60% over budget estimates. This report will offer rationale as to why these projects experienced negative variances. It should be noted that 17 of the 29 County Road related capital projects experienced a budget surplus that collectively totalled almost $6,000, therefore, staff is comfortable stating the projects were managed wisely. Discussion / Conclusion When estimating resurfacing projects, staff makes assumptions to derive a quantity of asphalt and granular materials to be used, measured in tonnes. These quantities must be sufficient to correct the 2% roadway crossfall and 6% shoulder crossfa.11. On horizontal curves in the roadway, additional material is often needed to "pad" or build up the superelevation so that the curve can be safely and comfortably negotiated by drivers at the posted speed limit. Curves are also widened by 0.5 metres on the inside and outside to reduce maintenance activities ("dropoffs"). Staff then assumes a unit price per tonne for that quantity of asphalt in a job's specific location taking into account haul roads for the transport of asphalt to the project. The fluctuating Asphalt Cement Price Index is also acknowledged. With many variables to consider and assumptions made, budget estimates and actual project costs can differ. Proiect #58 - Road #2 ResurfacinQ This project involved placing 50mm of hot mix asphalt over a section of Pioneer Line between Coyne Road and Dunborough Road and installing granular "A" on the road shoulders. The estimate for Project #58 was not sufficient because of two major factors. Firstly, a large reverse curve (also known as an "S-curve") is located atDunborough Road. The project initially was intended to end in the middle of these two curves, atDunborough Road. Once the project began it became apparent that both curves should be resurfaced to restore the superelevation for safety, continuity and constructibility reasons. A substantial amount of asphalt was required to widen and restore the curves. Secondly, a request was made from the local municipal staff to place granular shoulder materials on the roadway west of Dunborough Road to eliminate a re-occurring maintenance activity. Because construction equipment was already present at the site it was cost effective to resurface additional length of road shoulder at this location. This additional work also contributed to the cost overrun. Additional funds spent on this project has reduced the cost to resurface the next section of Pioneer Line (between Dunborough Road and West Lorne), currently planned for 2006. Proiect #60 - Road #25 Resurfacinq This project involved placing 50mm of hot mix asphalt over a section of Wellington Road between McBain Line and St. George Street and installing granular "A" on the road shoulders. The estimate for Project #60 was not sufficient to cover the actual project costs because of additional asphalt placed for base repairs and turning lane widening. Proiect #62 - Road #36 Resurfacinq This project involved placing 50mm of hot mix asphalt over a section of Quaker Road between Fruit Ridge Line and North Street inSparta and installing granular "A" on the road shoulders. The original estimate for Project #62 was not sufficient to cover the actual project costs because of additional asphalt placed to restore thesuperelevation and widen a curve on the roadway as well as addressing a water runoff issue with a local resident. Proiect #59 - Sunset Road Enaineerina Service~ This project involved a request for proposal for the survey and detailed design for the proposed reconstruction of Sunset Road (County Road #4) between the City of St. Thomas and the Village of Port Stanley. Staff prepared a "Request for Proposal" document in an attempt to solicit cost effective and innovative ideas for the proposed reconstruction of Sunset Road. Staff structured the fee schedule as a percentage of the value of the total construction cost of the project. Because the project details were to be defined by the successful consultant, staff believed this type of fee schedule to be the most fair and appropriate. Staff assumed a total project cost of $1.5 Million for the drainage and road widening work. Because of past experience with consultants, staff also assumed a design fee percentage of 4.5% of the total project cost and this is what constituted the original project estimate of $70,000. Even though a favourable design fee percentage was received (3.7%), the consultant's total estimated construction cost more than doubled from staff's original estimate ($3.5 Million) once a detailed survey and investigation was completed to determine the actual condition of the infrastructure and hence the reconstruction requirements. Thisdetailed construction estimate was used. to calculate the actual engineering fees. A final. fee was eventually negotiated with the firm at a reduced rate however still substantially more than originally estimated. Recommendation Receive and File. Re~~ Peter Dutchak Technical Services Officer Approved for Submission, 0tlW A4tuo Clayton Watters, Director, En~~ ~(; / Mark G. MC50ft:::!s, .--~ Chief Administrative Officer. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Jim Carter, Corporate Facilities Officer DATE: May 25, 2004 SUBJECT: Capital Projects with Negative Variances Project #61 - Second Floor Washroom Introduction As part of the previously approved capital budget, $35,000 was allocated to replace old fixtures, flooring and wall finishes. Upon project completion the actual cost was $50,193.89 or 43% over budget estimates. This report will offer rationale as to why these projects experienced negative variances. It should be noted that 7 of the 9 building related capital projects experienced a budget surplus that collectively totalled almost $ffJ,OOO, therefore, staff is comfortable stating the projects were managed wisely. Discussion / Conclusion When estimating projects, staff makes assumptions on many factors. With many variables to consider, budget estimates and actual project costs can differ. Proiect #61 - Second Floor Washroom This project involved replacing the old fixtures, flooring and wall finishes at the County Administration Building second floor washroom. Mainly the tenants on the second floor use these washrooms. The washroom had not been refurbished since the building was constructed in 1939. Staff estimated the project at $35,000. A consulting company provided the County of Elgin with the information to solicit prices for this project, which included specifications and drawings. Quotations received for the project exceeded our budget by nearly 100% to an amount of almost $67,000. As the project exceeded the estimate, staff proceeded as the general contractor on the project and solicited prices for individual components. Staff believed the project could be within the approved budget if the County of Elgin managed the project. Once complete the project consisted of approximately $6,800 for engineering/architectural services and $43,500 for project costs. This project has a few items that increased the construction costs. Firstly, the plumbing in this area had materials that could not be used for commercial applications and required removal and replacement. Secondly, architectural plans required additional modifications for existing mechanical piping. Lastly, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act door operators were installed. These items were additions to the contract at a cost of approximately $4,000. Recommendation That this report be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted, Approved for Submission, ~ r19~Lt~ Corporate Facilities Officer Clayton Watters, Director, Engineering Services cfR( ] Mark~ Chief Administrative Officer. --..:::. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL. FROM: Brian Masschaele, Archivist Jennifer Ford, Financial Services Clerk DATE: 11 June 2004 SUBJECT: Job Creation Partnership Program Projects INTRODUCTION: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada has an employment support program that will enable the County to hire two individuals to engage in special projects on behalf of the County at no direct cost. This report outlines the nature of the program and recommends that an application be made on behalf of the County. DISCUSSION: Staff wish to apply to Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSD) Canada's Job Creation Partnerships Program to hire two individuals to assist with the following projects: the implementation of the County's electronic document management system called Laserfiche and the implementation of the County's asset and inventory control system called Windmill. In the case of the first project, the individual would work with departments to mass-scan and index documents for electronic retrieval, including records such Council minutes, by-laws, employee files and financial records. In the case of the second project, the individual would work with Engineering Services to input data into the software about the County's equipment and building assets. The Job Creation Partnerships Program will enable the County to hire up to two individuals to complete these projects for a period of up to 52 weeks with no direct cost to the County in terms of wages or benefits, including WSIB. The main stipulation is that the individuals must be currently receiving Employment Insurance benefits and must be able to pursue other employment opportunities as they arise. Should one or both of the successful applicants find other employment, he/she would be replaced by another candidate through HRSD until the project has expired. The County is able to interview candidates for their suitability and is not obligated to place individuals should they be deemed unsuitable. Council can be assured that the County has successiveiy used this program in the past for other records management projects There is no direct cost to the County for participation in this program. In both cases, the necessary software has already been purchased. Workspace will be provided through the Archives and Engineering Services. No major additional equipment costs are foreseen. Other costs will be of a strictly in-kind nature, including supervisory time. The individuals will be supervised by the Archivist or designate as part of records management duties in conjunction with the Laserfiche implementation taskforce, an ad hoc committee coordinated by the Financial Services Clerk and comprised of representatives from each department within the County Administration Building. Issues pertaining to confidentiality of records will be handled through the Archivist. If Council approves this application, the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer will be required to sign the application and ensuing contribution agreement with the federal government on behalf of the County. CONCLUSION: HRSD Canada has an employment support program which will enable the County to hire up to two individuals to assist in the implementation of the County's electronic document management system called Laserfiche and the County's inventory control system called Windmill. This report outlines the nature of the program and recommends that an application be made. RECOMMENDATION: THAT staff be authorized to proceed with an application to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's Job Creation Partnerships Program to employ two individuals to assist in the implementation of the County's electronic document management system and inventory control system for a period up to 52 weeks and at no direct cost to the County; THAT the recipients report to the Archivist and/or designate; AND THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the application for funding and subsequent contribution agreement with the Government of Canada. Respectfully Submitted ~~Q Bfran Masschaele ~r@~/ JErrl~er Ford - . Financial Services "; \ . Mark G. McbbmikJ Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: June 14,2004 SUBJECT: Budget Comparison - May 31,2004 INTRODUCTION/DISCUSSION: Highlights of the May 31 , 2004 budget comparison are as follows: Warden & Council - Over budget $1 ,292 - OGRA convention early in the year. Corporate Expenditures - Over budget $90,254 - insu,rance paid early in the year. Pioneer Museum - Over budget $4,805 - grants usually received late in the year. Library - Over budget $5,603 - Provincial grant usually received late in the year. Provincial Offences - Over budget $40,503 - mid-year revenues allocated to Municipalities in May. Ambulance Services - Under budget $191,191. Invoice for service provider not received as yet therefore City of St. Thomas not billed for Mayas yet. ,RECOMMENDATION: THAT the report titled Budget Comparison - May 31,2004 and dated June 14, 2004 be received and filed. Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission ~L/~~ Linda B. Vege~-l Director of Financial Services ~,.)/ MarkG~ Chief Administrative Officer ---- COUNTY OF ELGIN Departmental Budget Comparisons For The 5 Periods Ending May 31,2004 Total YTD YTD Variance %OF Budget Budget Actual () Budget Warden & Council Wages 163,372 68,072 68,082 (11) Benefits 10,619 4,425 2,747 1,678 Operations 65,675 27,365 30,323 (2,959) Total ;<~~,ooo ~~,~01 1U1,lb~ (l,;<~;<J 4;<.;<1'10 Administrative Services Wages 240,953 100,397 95,849 4,548 Benefits 62,298 25,958 22,170 3,788 Operations 13,600 5.667 5,324 343 Total ~10,~b1 1~;<.021 12~.~4~ ~,o(~ 38.93% Financial Services Wages 270,627 112,761 106,772 5,989 Benefits 70,363 29,318 27,013 2,305 Operations 17,083 7,118 7.942 (824) Total 35~,073 14~,1~( 141.f2( 7,470 39.08% Human Resources Wages 303,500 126,458 121,706 4,753 Benefits 77,550 32,313 30,226 2,087 Operations 19,550 8,146 7,565 581 Total 400.000 100,~17 15~,4~0 (,420 39.81%- Administration Building Wages 107,711 44,880 42,895 1,985 Benefits 28,005 11,669 10,586 1,083 Operations 76,454 31.856 10.894 20.962 Total 212,1(0 ~~,404 04.~75 24,02~ 3U.34%- Corporate Expenditures Insurance 197,000 82,083 186,246 (104,163) Telephone 34,573 14,405 12,460 1,946 Legal & Professional 60,000 25,000 23,102 1,898 Retiree Benefits 43,000 17,917 16,610 1,307 Other Expend itures 69,815 29,090 20,332 8,758 Total 404,38~ 108,495 25~.7 49 (90,2541 53.99%: Engineering Wages 231,000 96,250 87,375 8,875 Benefits 57,000 23,750 21,728 2,022 Operations 86,500 36,042 46,538 (10,496) Maintenance 2,223,958 926,649 830,309 96,340 Total 2,59~,45~ 1 ,0~2,091 9~5,950 ~0.f41 37.94% Agriculture Operations 31.876 13.282 2,335 10,947 Total ~1,~(0 1~.2~2 2,~~b 10.947 (,32% Etgin Manor Revenues (3,957,937) (1,649,140) (1,627,212) (21,928) Wages 3,715,539 1,548,141 1,498,764 49,377 Benefits 1,035,748 431,562 395,479 36,083 Operations 747.185 311.327 335,236 (23.909) Total 1,540.535 641,890 602,267 39.623 39.09% Terrace Lodge Revenues (4,297,458) (1,790,608) (1,771,223) (19,385) Wages 3,867,818 1,611,591 1,555,856 55,735 Benefits 1,076,851 448,688 390,949 57,739 Operations 817.006 340,419 353,640 (13.721\ Total 1,464,217 610.090 529,221 80,869 36.14% Bobier Villa Revenues (2,425,111 ) (1,010,463) (1,018,030) 7,567 Wages 2,540,585 1,058,577 1,044,268 14,309 Benefits 708,220 295,092 242,166 52,925 Operations 510,435 212,681 222,966 (10,285] Total 1,334,129 555,887 491,370 64,517 36.83% Pioneer Museum Wages 72,546 30,228 30,865 (638) Benefits 17,952 7,480 7,204 276 Operations 34,975 14,573 19,016 (4,443) Total 1<'0,4(3 O<',<'~U O(,U~O i4,~Uoj 45.50% Library Wages 995,000 414,583 402,347 12,236 Benefits 245,000 102,083 95,992 6,092 Collections 234,750 97,812 86,755 11,058 Operations 102,093 42,539 77.527 (34.989) Total 1 ,576,~43 657,U18 66<,,6<'U (5,6U3) 4<'.02"1;- Archives Wages 99,852 41,605 37,865 3,740 Benefits 25,047 10,436 8,960 1,477 Operations 46,350 19,313 2,843 16,469 Total 171.<'48 71,354 49,669 <'1,685 <'9.UU% Land Division Wages 53,415 22,256 18,709 3,547 Benefits 9,945 4,144 3,675 468 Operations (63,360) (26,400) (34,235) 7.835 Total d d (11,8501 11,80U u.uiWo" Emergency Measures Wages 5,000 2,083 0 2,083 Benefits 1,300 542 0 542 Operations 9,800 4,083 2,848 1,235 Total 16,1UU 6,(08 <',848 3,86U 1 f.1i9Vo" Information Technologies Wages 173,300 72,208 67,231 4,977 Benefits 36,393 15,164 16,732 (1,569) Operations 341,556 142.315 141,799 517 Total 001,<'49 229.687 225,762 3,925 40.95% Provincial Offences Fines Revenues (700,000) (291,667) (255,748) (35,918) Shared Revenues - Municipal 350,727 146,136 179,644 (33,507) Wages 136,088 56,703 53,031 3,673 Benefits 35,383 14,743 11,551 3,192 Operations 146.050 60,854 38,796 22,058 Total (31,752) (13,23U) Ll ,<'73 (4U,OU3) (85.89% ) Ambulance Services Province of Ontario (1,635,907) (681,628) (670,396) (11,232) City of SI. Thomas (1,253,970) (522,488) (267,175) (255,313) Intermunicipal Transfers 0 0 0 0 Contractor Payments 4,596,185 1,915,077 1,464,432 450,645 Wages 60,000 25,000 26,804 (1,804) Benefits 15,600 6,500 6,681 (181) Operations 44.500 18,542 9,465 9.077 Total 1,826,408 (61,OU3 069,812 181.191 31.2U% Collections Fines Revenues (300,000) (125,000) (139,359) 14,359 Wages 45,401 18,917 17,398 1,519 Benefits 11,804 4,918 4,609 310 Operations 7.300 3.042 1,307 1,735 Total (235,495) (98,123) (116.044) 17,922 49.28% REPORT COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Linda B. Veger, Director of Financial Services DATE: June 9, 2004 SUBJECT: Royal Canadian Legions - Update INTRODUCTION: The Municipality of West Elgin forwarded a request to the County: Resolved that Council request the County of Elgin amend By-law 98-34 to include Royal Canadian Legions, And further that the County are requested to assume their portion of the refund. Carried. By-law 98-34 provides a property tax rebate program for eligible charities. DISCUSSION: The Municipalities were polled with the following results: Southwold, Dutton/Dunwich, and Malahide - no legions Central Elgin and Aylmer have their own by-laws in place that speak directly to a reduction or rebate of the legions' taxes. Bayham - provides a grant - do not agree with adding legions to the Charity Rebate Program. West Elgin - two legions - have their own by-law in place for legions. Council requested some additional information on the tax rebate program. Currently only Bayham has a charity that has applied for a reduction under the by-law. The cost to the County in 2003 was $101.68. Legions are assessed as residential and not commercial. The County by-law states that the charity must "be occupying leased commercial or leased industrial property. A charitable organization that owns the property it occupies is assessed as residential and therefore the rebate does not apply." The total assessed value (residential) of the five legions within the County was 737,000 in 2003. County taxes on this assessed value (2004 rates) are approximately $4,240. This would be the amount charged back to the County by the Municipalities as our share of the rebate program. Royal Canadian Legions do not meet the criteria as determined within the by-law - see attached Appendix 1 - Similar Organizations Eligible for Tax Rebates and Appendix 2 - Organizations Not Eligible for Tax Rebates. Municipalities have the authority to reduce or rebate the Legions' taxes apart from the County By-law 98- 34. Allowing the Royal Canadian Legions to be included in the Charitable Organizations Rebate by-law is precedent setting. It opens the door to other organizations to approach the County for inclusion in the by-law. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Municipality of West Elgin be advised that the County is not prepared to include Royal Canadian Legions in its Tax Relief - Charitable Organizations by-law. RespectfUlly Submitted Approved ~ '<itA I -/ ./ Mark G:l'i.iIcEunald ---- Chief Administrative Officer - Cy~~ Linda B.Veger ~ Director of Financial Services ..... COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 98-34 "A BY.LAW TO PROVIDE A PROPERTY TAX REBATE PROGRAM FOR ELIGIBLE CHARITIES" WHEREAS Seclion 442.1 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended by Bill 106, the Fair Municipal Finance Act, 1997, and Bill 149, the Fair Municipal Finance Act (No.2), 1997, and Bill 16, the Small Business and Charities Protection Act, 1998, provides that every municipality that is not a lower-tier municipality shall have a tax rebate program for eligible charities for relief from taxes on eligible property they occupy. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1 . In this by-law: a) "Eligible Charity" means a registered charity as defined in Section 248(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) that has a registration number issued by the Department of National Revenue; b) "Eligible Property" means a property that is in one of the commercial or industrial classes, within the meaning of Section 363(20) of the Municipal Act, as amended; c) "Local Municipality" means the lower-tier municipality in which an eligible property is situated. 2. Eligible charities occupying property which is eligible property, the taxes on which are paid by the charity, qualily lor a property tax rebate under this by-law. 3. The amount 01 the rebate shall be the greater of the following: a) Forty (40) percent of the taxes payable by the eligible charity; b) The total of the amounts which the eligible charity is required to pay under section 444(1 and 2) of the Municipal Act, as amended 4. Tax rebates will be calculated and payments issued by the local municipality. 5. To qualify lor a rebate for 1998 taxes, charities must provide documentation which substantiates their eligibility on or before November 15, 1998 to the local municipal office. 6. To qualify lor a rebate for taxes in years subsequent to 1998, charities must provide documentation which substantiates their eligibility on or belore December 1 01 the preceding year, to the local municipal office. 7. Notwithstanding clauses 5 and 6 above, charities which are established, or which became eligible, or which move to occupy eligible property during a tax year, must apply during that tax year to be eligible for a rebate on property taxes for the year. For subsequent years, application will be required pursuant to clause 6. 8. Rebates for 1998 taxes and the first installment of rebates for 1999 taxes shall be issued on or before November 15, 1998 lor eligible charities that have satisfied the requirements of this by-law. /" -2 - 9. In years subsequent to 1998: a) The local municipality shall estimate the amount of the rebate for the taxation year and shall make payment of fifty (50) percent of the total estimated rebate, on or before January 15; b} The local municipality shall issue payment for the balance of the rebate on or before June 30 of the taxation year; c) Where the actual taxes payable cannot be determined prior to June 30 of the taxation year, the balance of the estimated rebate shall be paid by that date. If, when taxes payable are determined, there is an amount owing or to be refunded, the local municipality will issue an invoice or payment as necessary on or before December 1 of the taxation year. 10. In order to receive a rebate for a taxation year, a charity must repay any other municipality the amount by which the rebates the charity received from that other municipality exceed the rebates to which the charity is entitled for the year 11. That this by-law applies to atl municipalities situate, within the County of Elgin. READ a first and second time this 27th day of October, 1998. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of October, 1998. ~!) ----Mark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. W Perry Clutterbuck, Warden. Appendix 1 Similar Organizations Eligible for Tax Rebates (Excludes Organizations occupying a residential property) Similar Organizations eligible for Tax Rebates must: 1. demonstrate a concern for the relief of poverty or for people in emotional, physical or spiritual distress, or provide a clear service or benefit to the community by its concern with the advancement of science, education, philosophy, religion, art, sports and other causes beneficial to the community ( human services, culture and heritage, public health, recreation, human rights, equity) 2. be operated on a not-for-profit basis with no share capital and must be accountable to the community 3. the services must be accessible to the community as a whole or for an appreciable portion of it. The following organizations meet the public benefit eligible criteria noted above and are potential applicants for a tax rebate provided the criteria in Eligible Organizations are met. Agricultural Organizations Arts and Culture Organizations Community Services Social Service Organizations F ou nd ationll nstitution Religious Health Services Social Housing Services Youth Recreational Services Non-Profit Community Organizations Cultural Organizations EducationlTraining Immigrant Services Health Societies & Foundations Medical/Hospital Legal Aid Services 11/03/1998 charreba.doc Appendix 2 Organizations Not Eligible for Tax Rebates Organizations that are not charitable in nature or provide benefits only to a narrow segment of the community are not eligible for the rebate even if all other criteria are met. Such organizations include but are not limited to: Artists Studios Foreign Tourist Offices Non-Profit Foreign Offices Veteran Clubs Trade Unions Associations - Professional & Trade Credit Unions/Pensions GovernmenUGovernment Agencies Constituency Offices Foreign Trade Offices Social Clubs Private Clubs Property Management Offices Consulate Offices Political Offices Non-Profit Professional, Business, Trade Organizations Unspecified occupancies and other uses not identified 11/03/1998 charreba.doc DRAFT APPLICATION FOR TAX REBATE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS & SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS Please note: You must apply annually for a tax rebate MUNICIPALITY: DATE: ORGANIZATION: ADDRESS: Criteria to qualify for a tax rebate. 1) Be a charitable organization or Be a similar organization provided the foliowing criteria are met: (See Appendix 1 for examples of Similar Organizations) a) demonstrate a concern for the relief of poverty or for people in emotional, physical or spiritual distress or provide a clear service or benefit to the community by its concern with the advancement of science, education, philosophy, religion, art, sports and other causes beneficial to the community b) be operated on a not-for-profit basis with no share capital and must be accountable to the community c) the services must be accessible to the community as a whole or for an appreciable portion of it. 2) Be occupying leased commercial or leased industrial property and have occupied the property prior to January 1, 1998. (A charitable organization that owns the property it occupies is assessed as residential and therefore the rebate does not apply.) 3) Be able to demonstrate that their lease payments include an increase in taxes as a result the changes legislated in Fair Municipal Finance Act. 4) Be able to identify the amount of taxes included in their lease payments. 5) Organizations that are not charitable in nature and provide benefits to only a narrow segment of the community (Appendix 2) are not eligible for rebates even if such or~anization meet the criteria as set out above. CHARITABLE NUMBER: SIMILAR ORGANIZATION: Service Provided: I certify that the information I have provided is correct: For Office Use Only: Roll Number: Amount of Rebate: 11/0411998 rebatefo.doc Charitable Tax Rebate Form <([[Ip~ c4ffiluni4-;ttaIit~ of ;mrest ~i:u: February 16, 2004 County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5V1 Attn: Mark McDonald Dear Sir: RE: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGIONS A request has been received by Council of the Municipality of West Elgin to consider 100% rebate for taxes owing on property owned by Royal Canadian Legions in West Elgin. In this regard, please be advised that the Council passed the following resolution at its meeting held on February 12, 2004. Properly Moved and Seconded: RESOLVED that Council request the County of Elgin amend By-law 98-34 to include Royal Canadian Legions. And further that the County are requested to assume their portion of the refund. DiSPOSiTiON: Carried. Council hereby requests County support and should you require any further information please contact the undersigned directly. Yours truly, ~J~ Norma I. Bryant, HonBA, AMCT Clerk 22413 Hoskins Une, Box 490, Rodney, Ontario NOL 2eO Tel: (519) 785-0560 Fax: (519) 785-0644 CORRESPONDENCE - June 22. 2004 Items for Consideration 1. Elinor Mifflin, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Municipal Governance, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, with a resolution concerning the GS Tax Rebate and P.S.T. (ATTACHED) 2. Joe de Laronde, Fish Habitat Biologist, Fisheries and Oceans, Ontario-Great Lakes Area Sarnia District Office, regarding the slope stabilization of banks along the Big Otter Creek and the negative impact on the fish habitat. (ATTACHED) 3. Judi Hartman, Deputy Registrar General, Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, responding to request to provide records of births and deaths to MPAC. (ATTACHED) 4. Barbara Kelly, Mayor, City of Kawartha Lakes, with a resolution opposing the 2002 Municipal Performance Measurement Program. (ATTACHED) 5) Township of Malahide - Resolution re: "Biosolids in Rural Areas" .........., MUNICIPALITY OF CHATHAM~KENT 315 KING STREET WEST. p.o. Box 640 . CHATHAM, ONTARIO. N7M 5K8 .......... . STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE & GOVERNANCE SERVICES TELEPHONE: (519) 360-1998 FAX: (519) 436-3237 May 26, 2004 -fl.' -'."'J:"'iZiC. '.~l'\l~rl ,> ~!>,;"",c:'p ',~1mPi~5!w~ , z;y ...,."",-~ J.D.Leach, City Clerk City of Vaughan 2141 Major Mackenzie Drive Vaughan, ON L6A 111 Dear Mr Leach; , JUN 7 2Q\lt N1'l~\I,~f''f Of a~\N. _.w'. C~<.' ~~1~fl.,fi!:.~q ""."';, .o;!'lM.. , rl.,~(j:f.:l"1\1l1 ,-- .ya.}.;'~~.m I; ~,.. ...... Re: RESOLUTION - GS TAX REBATE AND P.S.T. Further to a meeting of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Council held on April19, 2004 please be advised that the following resolution was passed: Moved by Councillor Weaver Seconded by Councillor Vercouteren : Whereas Municipalities are vital to the economic growth and prosperity of Canada and its Provinces; And Whereas the continued dependence on property taxes as the single major source of financing for municipalities is not appropriate; And Whereas there is a need for additional funding over the long-term to assist municipalities with respect to infrastructure particularly transportation infrastructure repair and replacement; And whereas both the Federal and Provincial Governments place a significant tax on the sale of gasoline; And whereas the Province imposes the Retail Sales Tax on Goods purchased by municipalities; And whereas the Federal Government has recently eliminated a tax on other levels of government by providing a 100% GST rebate to municipalities; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the Council of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent requests: That the Federal and Provincial Governments share 5% of the Gasoline Tax with Municipalities; That the Provincial Government fully exempt Municipalities from the Retail Sales Tax on the purchase of all goods; \l,,\\'l\'.ci ty.chatham~ ken[_On_~3 CHATHAH-KENT C"LL CENTRE: (519) 360-1998 That the Provincial Government share a portion of the Ontario Sales Tax with Municipalities; And that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Paul Martin, Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale, Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Finance Greg Sorbara and local Federal and Provincial Members of Parliament, and municipalities over 50,000. Be it further resolved that the Municipality of Chatham-Kent supports continued dialogue on a fair and equitable distribution of these sources of revenue with municipalities." Sincerely, "-2~ mk~ Elinor Mifflin, A.M.C.T. Clerk, MuniCipal Governance c. Prime Minister Paul Martin Minisler of Finance Ralph Goodale Premier Dalton McGuinty Minister of Finance Greg Sorbara Jerry Pickard, Federal MP Pat Hoy, Provincial MP Ontario Municipalitie over 50,000. .+. F isheri es and Oceans Peches et Oceans Your file VOlrereference Ontario Great Lakes Area Region de L'Qntario et des Grand Lacs Ourfile NOlrer4tercnce 201 North Front Street Suite 703 Sarnia, Ontario N7T 881 $A-04-o685 201 rue Front Nord, Suite 703 Sarnia, Ontario N7TBB1 May 29,2004 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Attention: Peter Dutchak Dear Mr. Dutchak Subject: Slope Stabilization of banks along Big Otter Creek Your proposal to stabilize the slopes along a section of Highway 19 adjacent to Big Otter Creek has been received by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for review under subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act. Your proposal was received on April 16, 2004 and has been assigned the following file number and name: Referral File No.: 04-HCAA-CA4-000-000685/SA-04-0685 Title: SLOPE STABILIZATION, BIG OTTER CREEK, ELGIN COUNTY; Lot 12-13, Concession 1, Bayham Municipality Please refer to this number on your correspondence or inquiries. Based on the information provided, I have concluded that your proposal will result in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction offish habitat (HADD). This HADD is a direct result of the destruction of fish habitat from the placement of gabion baskets and annour stone along the banks and in the water of Big Oller Creek. The harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat is prohibited unless authorized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada pursuant to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act. In reviewing your proposal, we will consider the Department's Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, which provides that no authorizations be issued unless acceptable measures to compensate for any habitat loss are developed and implemented by the proponent. Furthermore, no authorizations will be issued in cases where the loss of a specific habitat is considered unacceptable. Attached is an Application for Authorization form to be completed and returned to us. It is my understanding that these works are likely needed to stabilize a section of Highway 19 north of Port Burwell that appears to be sloughing/failing. While it is likely that these works may be needed, there may be alternatives to the infilling along the banks RECE!VED JUN 0 92004 of Big Otter Creek. And with these alternatives, there is a possibility to avoid needing to undergo a complete Fisheries Act Authorization process. Please be advised that subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act has been included in the list oflaws that trigger the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). This means that Fisheries and Oceans Canada is required to conduct an environmental assessment of your project, as prescribed by CEAA, before an authorization can be issued. Your project information will be circulated to other federal government departments for their review and comments. If, as a result of this review, we are satisfied that your project, after taking into account the implementation of any mitigation measures, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, an authorization under the Fisheries Act may be issued. IMPORTANT NOTE: Information provided by you related to the Environmental Assessment for this project will be part of the CEAA Public Registry and will be made available to members of the public, if requested. A package with additional information about Public Registry requirements is attached. Please ensure that you review and understand these requirements. Please be aware that release of documents to the public may be part ofthe CEAA process. Forms have been provided in the package for your convenience. You may sign and return Form A (and/or Form B, if required) along with your completed application for a Fisheries Act Authorization. I will contact you once our review of this project under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is completed. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (519) 383-1501 or F..~' oe de Laronde Fish Habitat Biologist Ontario-Great Lakes Area Sarnia District Office copy Rick Thompson - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources/Aylmer Bill Baskerville - Long Point Region Conservation Authority Attachments: Working Around Water Fact Sheet "What you should know about Fish Habitat" Application for Fisheries Act Authorization Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) - Public Registry Requirements Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) - Public Registry s.55 Form A - Public Registry Release Form Form B - Public Registry Request for Exclusion Form Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Ministere des Services aux ......"......, '" "ateurs et aux entreprises Registration Division Office of the Registrar General Division de I'enregistrement Bureau du registraire general @ Ontario PO Box 4600 189 Red River Road Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8 Telephone: 1-800-461-2156 416-325-8305 Case postale 4600 189, Red River Road Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8 Telephone: 1-800-461-2156 416-325-8305 W~_ ~'~!""'"i~i"'''''[f'i' t~~ i:i~.~~~r~~." I:~~i) June 1, 2004 ,,~ l'\.MA ': ~ ,lJVfIt Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Tbomas ON N5R 5Vl '..'-''''j;;ll\!ll\!.. '7';Jt""~).J'i.i Dear Mrs. Heffren : I am responding on behalf of the Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Consumer and Business Services, to your letter regarding the County of Hasting' s resolution requesting the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services to provide records of all births and deaths on a regular and on-going basis to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MP AC). The Vital Statistics Act (VSA) provides that any person, upon application and upon payment of the required fee, may obtain a death certificate in respect of any death ofwhicb there is a registration in the Office of the Registrar General. As you may be aware, the issue of bulk record disclosure is not as straightforward. The Ministry of Consumer and Business Services has developed a process for reviewing requests that allows the Ministry to ensure that: the requestor has legal authority to collect the requested information; the Ministry has legal authority to disclose the information; the privacy of the individuals at issue is protected; and that the physical security of the requestor's facilities and records meets the Ministry's strict requirements. The purpose for the collection is also considered. MP AC may submit a data services request to my office for information (eg. death, birth, marriage). MP AC will be required to provide certain information, which may be reviewed by the Ministry's Privacy and Security Review Committee. Any further correspondence on this matter may be addressed directly to my attention. Sincerely, ~.~~~ Judi Hartman Deputy Registrar General c. The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Consumer & Business Services Diane Zimnica, Legal Counsel, MCBS Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 8&/B7/B4 17:B3:23 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 &33 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co Page BB2 JUN-07-04 MON 04:34 PM 260 FAX NO. 416 B71 61Bl P, 01 C.,. 1 ' At) 0 "< , C,'."'j. , ~~~~~~~S ,..-~" Barbara A. Kelly, Mayor City of Kawartha Lakes P.O, Box 9000,26 Franois Street Lindsay ON K9V 5RB 705-324-9411, ext. 320 1-888-822-2225 FAX 1-705-324-8110 JIIIIO 3, 200.1. Mr. ,John Gern~\s(lr; M!nbt))r 01 Municip::\1 Affairs and Housing 1 I"' Hoor, Tn Bay StrEwt )'oronl() ON MGG ?G5 Oc.ar Minls!Elr GorrGh,en, Al a City of Kf.lw<-'Illlm Lakes Council Meoting hold earlier this Spring, we reviewed a st~ff report mIMing to our 2002. submission for tho Province's Municipal Performance Measurement I'roDffI\11 (MPMI'). A'J part of their deliborations and further to receiving and endorsing the ri~port. Council al$o providod the following direction: RffSOL VEO THA r RElport FIN20Q4-24 ":2002 Municipal Performance Measurement {>(Qumlll (MPMP), be received; "OM T Inc> City write a letter under tllO signature of the Mayor to the Minister of MWlklpal Aff;-lirs, stt'Ongly opposing this waste of staff time and money; TlIA T fhe City request thnt this program stop a5 soon as possible; and 'rHA r till Municipalitios be copied for support. PiX Council's eJirl'lction, a copy of this will be circulated to other Ontario municipalities. I should Ilole that Council's concorn is not wilh measuring porfonnanco at all. However, YOLlr current ;;Yl5tom d'l<lS not allow for an analysis which is meoningful in the context of evaluating such nnornil!iCf.; as IWlJrid polico services - or evaluating OPP services (of which we happen to havo bOlh). Further. your curren! system does not factor in the significant variances and complexities ot Ih,) serviceS which exist within municipalities. For oxample, the sheer geography of such rI111niClpnhlirm ns ours, along with such things as numerous water and wastewater systems nNO~{S our community as compared to muclll<lrger and concentrated systoms, do not nocessarlly providO "my rncuningful comparator across the province. I (ll'tHcirm1e lhat you will seriously consider our request so that we may focus our valuable staff timG on l'lssoG$ing porformancQ measures which are more meaningful to our community. YOt1rS tflJly, l1mb:m11{elly, Mayor ce. All Oi1l:1rio Mutlicip",lilios viE! AMO Mf\yor Hnd M<HnbDrs of Council J.,I1C l.u"fl. CAG r urry Clay, Director MPMP ;-1-i~';:;' ril;';t.;riiilts provided under wnt;iiict as a paid sarvice by the originating organizatl';n:n~nd: -- .. fM" 1'1' s ofOntano (I,Ks not np'.;~"ariiy reflect the view,> or positions of the Assoe,,,non 0 UOlC1pa I Ie . J~~9]~~~1~~':!~?!1.:::~~t"H'ies, officers, dimelors.,?r agenbs.' .. . M~' , . . _ ,.., ._ _. ._ .... ,.-_.---. Township of MALAHIDE 87 John Street South, Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2C3 Telephone: (519) 773.5344 Fax: (519) 773.5334 EmaiI: malahide@township.malahide.on.ca www.township.malahide.on.ca June 1.1., 1.UU4 County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, S1. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl ~~f"'.".~f: n"'~~ Attention: Mr. Mark McDonald JUN 22 - ~1K"'NOt.."'~UB1 tA>..... .II<~""_I!(l1!t "!ft;;~\~~"i'l'll',!; '~;n'ff! '..'" ~.:~" ,t.i'1')'''''''i!,-,,, Dear Sir: RE: Biosolid Waste Malahide Township Council passed the following Resolution unanimously on June 17,2004: WHEREAS the Township of Malahide, like all rural Municipalities in Ontario, is subject to the guidelines for utilization of biosolids and other wastes on agricultural land; and WHEREAS the approval of the spreading of biosolids is determined by a committee appointed by the Ministry of the Euviroument in accordance with the published guidelines; aud, WHEREAS the municipality in which the biosolids are spread are not consulted on the location oftheir distributiou; and, WHEREAS in determining the location of biosolid utilization no reference is made to the municipality's Official Plan, particularly its proximity to planned development; and V,Ih'EREAS th" Producers of said biosolids are often located in urban areas where treatment of said by-products are not permitted; and, WHEREAS the said Producers enjoy a profit from their product and the urban municipality in which it is situate collects business taxes from such Producers without treating the by-product; and WHEREAS, by default, rural municipalities are the recipients of the waste by-product made by producers located in cities for which there is no treatment; and WHEREAS the biosolids produce putrid and rancid odours affecting the quality of life in the rural areas in spite of guidelines articulating against such ill effects; RANDALL R. MILLARD CAO./Clerk Email: clerk@township.malahide.on.ca SUSAN E. wn.sON T1easHre1 Email: treasurer@township.malahide.on.ca NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Malahide hereby petitions the Minister of the Environment to cease and desist the authorization of the spreading of biosolids on agricultural land; AND THAT the Producers of said by-products, those who make a profit from the Primary Product, be legislated to install the proper treatment facilities in house to handle the waste they are creating so that it can be delivered to a municipal sewage treatment plant in a form acceptable to that municipality - the one who collects the taxes from the business making the profit; and THAT copies of this Resolution be circulated for endorsement to Elgin County, its lower- tier municipalities, all municipal members of R.O.M.A., A.M.O., the Leaders of the Opposition Parties, the Premier of Ontario, the Local M.P.P. and Local Conservation Authorities. Please advise what action your Council has taken with respect to the above. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAillDE {/1~ R. MILLARD, CAO./CLERK 05/18/2004 09:15 7735334 MALAHIDE PAGE 03 o -2. WHEREAS, BY DEFAULT, RURAl MUNICIPALITIES ARE THE RE:CIPIENTS OF THE WASTE. BY-PRODUCT MADe BY PRODUCERS LOCATED IN CITIES FOR WHICH THERE IS NO TREATMENT; AND; WHEREAS IHE BIOSOL/OS PRODUCE PUTRID AND RANCID ODOURS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE RURAL AREAS IN SPITE OF GUIDELINES ARTICULATING AGAINST SUCH ILL EFFECTS; . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE HEREBY PETITIONS THE MINISTER OF THE ENVIRONMENT TO CEASE AND DESIST THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE SPREADING OF BIOSOLlDS ON AGRICULTURAL LAND; AND, THAT THE PRODUCERS OF SAID BY.PRODUCTS, THOSE WHO MAKE A PROFIT FROM THE PRIMARY PRODUCT, BE LEGISLATED TO INSTALL THE PROPER TREATMENT FACILITIES IN HOUSE TO HANDLE THE WASTE THEY ARE CREATING SO THAT IT CAN BE DELIVERED TO A MUNICIPAL SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THAT MUNICIPALITY- THE ONE WHO COLLECTS THE TAXES : FROM THE BUSINESS MAKING THE PROFIT; AND THAT COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE CIRCULATED FOR ENDORSEMENT TO ELGIN COUNTY, ITS LOWER.TIER MUNICIPALITIES, ALL MUNICIPAL MEMBERS OF R.O.M.A, A.M.O.,THE LEADERS OF THE OPPOSITION PARTIES, THE PREMIER OF ONTARIO, THE LOCAL M.P.P., AND LOCAL CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES. -.....-..-..... -CARRIED -' - ~ .: - . .-- --. ~- -'. .:" Moved by: John R. Wilson, Mayor Seconded by: Mark Widner, Councillor Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote. Paul Faulds, Deputy Mayor . ~--' .,' z. '. / ; . - .- '., ..' (~ ~<--~- :/ tAo c&...L. C9rtified]"rue Copy' . Township l;lf MalaI1ide NOTE' Mayor WIlson vacated chaIr to Deputy Mayor Faulds to present Resolut'icn. . 06/18/2004 09:16 7735334 ?re&ent~d to Council on June 17, MALAHIDE 2004-. PAGE 02 RESOLUTIOIll . "BIO'OLlD'INRU/W.AREA~~f~ WHEREAS THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIOE, LIKE ALL RURAL MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO, IS SUBJECT TO THE GUIDELINES FOR UTILIZATION OF ~IOSOLlDS AND OTHER WASTES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND; AND, WHEREAS THEAPPROVAL OF THE SPREADING OF BI080LlDS IS DETERMINED BY A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLISHED GUIDEI.INES; AND, . WHEREAS THE MUNICIPALITY IN WHICH THlS BIOSOL/DS ARE SPREAD ARE NOT CONSULTED ON THE LOCATION OF THEIR DISTRIBUTION; AND, WHEREAS IN DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF BI0801..10 UTILIZATION NO REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE MUNICIPALITY'S OFFICIAL PLAN, PARTICULARLY ITS PROXIMITY TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; AND, WHEREAS THE PRODUCERS OF SAID BIOSOLlDS ARE OFTEN LOCATED IN URBAN AREAS WHERE TREATMENT OF SAID BY. PRODUCTS ARE NOT PERMITTED; AND, WHEREAS THE SAID PRODUCERS ENJOY A PROFIT FROM THEIR PRODUCT AND THE URBAN MUNICIPALITY IN WHICH IT IS SITUATE COLLECTS BUSINESS TAXES FROM SUCH PRODUCERS WITHOUT TREATING THE BY.PRODUCT; AND, - ~ .. ~. CORRESPONDENCE - June 22. 2004 Items for Information -(Consent Aaendal 1. Dr. Marie Bountrogianni, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration asking for nominations for a young person for The 2004 Lincoln M. Alexander Award for Leadership in Eliminating Racial Discrimination. (ATTACHED) 2. Cynthia St. John, Chief Administrative Officer, Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit with a resolution adopting the lease renewal with the current tenant. (ATTACHED) 3. AMO Member Communication "FOR YOUR INFORMATION", re: Province Introduces Legislation to Fix Provincial Election Dates (ATTACHED) AMO "ALERT', re: Province Introduces Legislation to Enshrine Memorandum of Understanding with AMO (ATTACHED) 4. Maureen Vandenberghe, Communications & Development Coordinator, Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre thanking Council for $4,000.00 donation to benefit TDMSC programming. (ATTACHED) 5. Ron G. Bain, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policing Services Division, Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and Honourable Steve Peters, M.P.P. regarding Highway 401 Traffic Offences. (ATTACHED) 6. Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of the Environment, Ministry of the Environment responding to concerns of the Drinking Water System Regulation (0. Reg. 170103) (ATTACHED) 7. Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Election Alert, FCM election platform calling for an improved working relationship between the federal government and the municipal sector "A New Deal: A Partnership for Quality of Life". (ATTACHED) 8. Ray Barnier, Chair, Thames Valley District Health Council, thanking Council for their support of the 3rd Annual Spring Forum on Primary Health Care and a copy of the evaluation form results. (ATTACHED) 9. James Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, acknowledging the County's membership renewal for 2004-2005. (ATTACHED) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Minister 6th Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Ministere des Affalres civiques et de l'lmmigration Ministre Be. etage 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Telec.: (416) 325-6195 lij "'1t:IQI" Ontario ~~'i1.11'lf"."~"'t., ~~~~C'~ l8 ~~~~~f;;_ JUN :i 20J1Jl, May, 2004 t~ut~fJ\f Dear Friends: Every year since 1993, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and the Ministry of Education have presented the Lincoln M. Alexander Award to honour young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in eliminating racial discrimination. I am pleased to call upon you and ask for your support to this program by nominating a young person whom you believe to be deserving of recognition. As the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, I will join the Minister of Education and the Honourable James Bartleman, Lieutenant Govemor, in officially recognizing the award recipients at a special ceremony at Queen's Park later in the year. A nomination form and information outlining details of the program, including deadline dates, the selection criteria and the procedures followed in the selection process are enclosed. Please read the information provided and take this opportunity to acknowledge a young person from your community who has made an important contribution to eliminating racial discrimination in Ontario. For further information you may contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at the Ministry ofCitizensItip and Immigration: (416) 314-7526. Thank you in advance for taking tbe time to consider a deserving individual for a 2004 Lincoln M. Alexander Award nomination. Sincerely, Dr. Marie Bountrogianni Minister Enc!. 10-107 n . ........,~ The Honourable Lincoln M Alexander, CC, O.Ont, CD, QC, was born in 1922 to West Indian immigrants. He served with the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second Worid War. Educated at McMaster University and Osgoode Hall, in 1.965 he was appointed a Queen's Counsel and was a partner in a Hamilton law firm from 1963-79. Elected as a Member of Parliament in 1968, he served in the House of Commons until 1985. He was also Federal Minister of labour in 1979. In 1985 he was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. Mr. Alexander was the first member of a minority group to serve as a Lieutenant Governor in Canada, a post he held until 1991. Youth and education were hallmarks of his mandate. To commemorate his term as Lieutenant Governor, the Province of Dntario established the Lincoln M. Alexander Award in 1993. Purpose of the Award Since 1993, the Lincoln M. Alexander Award has recognized young people who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in eliminating racial discrimination. In 2003, the number of awards was permanently increased from two to three awards annually: two student awards and one community award. The award value was also increased so that each of three young people receive an award of $5,000, as well as a framed scroll. Past recipients of the student award include: a high school student who led anti- racism youth training groups through the local board of education; an 18-year-old who was one of 10 students selected from across Canada to participate in the production of Nobody's Born a Racist, a national youth guide and video; and, a 16-year-old who was an innovator in race relations training and wrote an award- winning essay on the Holocaust Previous recipients of the community award are between the ages of 16 and 25 and include: a young educator who worked actively for 10 years to increase public awareness about racial discrimination and to teach children, teens and adults how to change behaviour patterns; a 22-year- old who launched a clothing line with messages about "unlearning" racial discrimination; and a teenager who made significant contributions to his community's race relations advisory committee. . Who is eligible? STUDENT AWARDS Any secondary school student attending an accredited provincial secondary school and planning to enter a post-secondary Institution as a full-time student who is nominated by his/her school is eligible for the award. COMMUNITY AWARD Any resident of Ontario, between the ages of 16 and 25, nominated by a community organization or agency that works extensively in the area of race relations is eligible for the award. When are the awards presented? The awards will be presented at a special ceremony held in Queen's Park in late faiL The three award recipients and their nominators will be notified by telephone in advance of the awards ceremony. When is the deadline? Completed nomination packages must be received no later than June 25, 2004. How are the awards recipients selected? A nominee must have made a significant contribution towards eliminating racial prejudice or discrimination. The contribution should be sustained and innovative, demonstrating leadership and the promise of long-term improvement, greater public awareness or viable change. A selection committee with representatives from the educational sector and community organizations will consider the nominations and select the award recipients. Please do not include academic records, as scholastic performance is not taken into consideration. Also, volunteer activities in other areas are not taken into consideration. For information about Ontario's volunteer recognition programs, please call the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at (416) 314-7526. Need more information? Additional information and nomination forms may be obtained by contacting the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at the address listed on this page. We can also be reached at: Telephone: (416) 314-7526 Fax: (416) 314-7743 Or visit our website at WWW.gov.on.ca/citizenship 1. A completed- nomination form. 2. Detailed. description of the nominee and his/her achievements. 3. Letters of reference from at least two persons who can attest to the value and impact of the achievements of the nominee. 4. Additional material: Include any other material in support of this nomination (I.e., additional letters of reference, publications, media stories, artwork, essays, etc.). Please limit this material for review by the Selection Committee to items that will provide new information and insight into who the nominee is and the nature of his/her contributions towards eliminating racial prejudice or discrimination. Note: Please list an material enclosed to support this nomination. Please submit materials in. 88' x 11" format Please do not sendo originals of important or official documents as they will not be returned. Please sencfcompleted forms and supporr material to: Lincoln M, Alexander Award Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat MinistfY of Citizenship and Immigration 400 University Avenue Ground Floor, South Lobby Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 The lincoln M.A1exander AWARD For Leadership in Eliminating Racial Discrimination NOMINATION FORM (Please print clearly and complete in full) NOMINEE THE CANDIDATE I AM NOMINATING IS: oMs.. 0 Miss 0 Mrs. 0 Mr. First Name Address Cityrrown Home Telephone Last Name Age Province Fax Apt No. Postal Codp F-mail NOMINATOR I am nominating this candidate for a STUDENT AWARD (to be completed by school): (Nominee must be a secondary school student attending an accredited provincial secondary school and planning to enter a post-secondary institution as a full-time student) oMs. 0 Miss 0 Mrs. 0 Mr. 0 Other First Name Title Address Cityrrown Telephone School Board Signature of Nominator Last Name School Province Fax Apt No. Postal Codp E-mail nate NOMINATOR I am nominating this candidate for a COMMUNITY AWARD (to be completed by community group): (Nominee must be a resident of Ontario, between the ages of 16 and 25, and nominated by a community organization or agency that works extensively in the area of race relations.) Organization Contact for the organizaion: 0 Ms. 0 Miss 0 Mrs. 0 Mr. 0 Other First Name Title Address Cityrrown Telephone Signature of Nominator I .'.st Name Province Fax Apt No. Postal Code E-mail Date Have you submitted the following? Completed nomination form o Letter of nomination with appropriate signature o Letters of reference (at least 2) o Documentation and materials outlining the achievement of the nominee (optional) DEADLINE: June 25, 2004 Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture Act, R.S.0. 1990. cM.18, sA and will be used to determine eligibility and notify recipients of the Lincoln M. Alexander Award. For further information, please contact the Director, Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat, 400 University Avenue, Ground Floor, South Lobby, Toronto ON M7A 2R9, (416) 314-7523. elgin st. thomas health unit Telephone: (519) 631-9900 Toll Free Telephone: 1-800-922-0096 Fax: (519) 633-0468 www.elginhealth.on.ca 99 Edward Street St Thomas, Ontario N5P 1Y8 )RE~~~r:;~N'~:fEl; Tuesday, June 1, 2004 JUN 4 20QJ, Oft~h'll Mr. Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear Mark: Thank you for attending the Board of Health meeting on May 18, 2004 and providing the necessary background information concerning the leased premises at 99 Edward Street, 2nd Floor. At that meeting, the Board of Health passed the following resolution: Moved By Dave Rock, Seconded By Paul Baldwin THAT the Board of Health of the Elgin St Thomas Health Unit at its meeting on May 18, 2004 adopt the resolution passed by the County Council on May 11, 2004 regarding the lease renewal with the current tenant I assume that you will be speaking with the lawyers directly. Thanks again. i , , Cynth.a St Joh Chief Administrative officer 0&/B2/B4 22:89:45 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 &33 7661 CLERR-EI~in Co Pa~e 882 JUN-02-04 WED 03:03 PM 260 FAX NO. 416 971 6191 p, 01 1II1iJ~~.'." . , , .,,~ <t-" , ~j~~" : For Your ~f)nfornlation ~t:4. Ae.s~c!ati,!~ of . MUnlc,pahlleS . it of Ontario 3~3Unlvrm;ilyAv~u~, Sul~(] 1701 lororllo, ON M~G 1 ~6 Tel' (416) 971-96b5 . f",x' (41") '$!7 t.G191 l':morl: !Imoel1<1mo on,co To tll.p, fiUmltion of tlw Clerk and Council For Iwmodi~te Attention June 2, 2004 - FYI 04/013 Province Introduces Legislation to Fix Provincial Election Dates Issue: Ontario Promier DAlton McGuinty and Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal Miclwol Blyant yostereJay introduced legislation that would set fixed dates for provincial olections. 13aclqjl"ouncl: If tl10 jegiSlfltioll passes, elections will be held on the first Thursday in October every four YO<llS, l->tflrting Thursday, October 4,2007. The 10(JlslnUon would also establish a 28-day campaign period. Currently campaigns cCtn run from 28 to 56 days at the discretion of tile Premier. With municipal elections hold in November every three years, this legislation will result in Goin<:iding fall provincial and municipal elections every 12 years, as was the C<:lSG in 2003. Municipal and provincial elections years will coincide next in 2015 and l'lgnin in 2027. >rl1is fogif)lation was promised as part of the government's election platform. In inforrllal discussions with provincial staff, AMO staff encouraged the Province to 501m:t an Qloetion dato earHElr in the year to maximize the time elapsed between the provincinl amI municipal oloction dates. Thi$ i11{,ll/));,/;OIl is 1IVdil,1b/~ through AMO's subscription basad MUNlCOM network at 'fft!Yf.H1P.[Jicom.com. For m<1r<! IlIioI1l1tl[ir,rJ, ple"sc contact: Briall Rosborough, AMO Sellior Policy Advisor. at 416-971-9ll56 ex!. 318 86/BB/B4 22:B3:5B EST: ASSOCIATION OF?-> 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Fage BB2 JUN-08-04 TOE 03:43 PM 260 FAX NO. 416 971 6191 P. 01 I "-./ r Association of ~~.. ~ . Municip~lities . .'r:i. ofOntano .......,--~'" --f- I~;;~'~'r~'~:.~t' ,~ JT i ~ G frw.,~qj:Zl:~~-j,J"""",~~'l'lt'tf'...""~~...",,,, ..."..... .."." 393 Unlvoroity Avon"e, Suite 1701 Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 Tel: (416) 971.9856 -f.x: (416)9n.fi191 emaiJ: ~Jmo@L1mo.Qn_co fo tlm immedi.;a!o OlUel1tion oHlle Clerk and Council June 8, 2004 - Alert 04/027 IMPORiANm:: OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGED Province Introduces Legislation to Enshrine Memorandum of Understanding with AMO h,SU(I: Municipal Afflilirs and Housing Minister John Gerretsen today introduced a bill in the Pruvincial I.cgisl<lture to amend the Municipal Act to guarantee consultation with municipalities on mnttcrs that affect municipal governments. B:~ck!J(o!lnd: On U()cwnller 19. 2001, AMO Dnd the Government of Ontario signed a Memorandum of UndNs\flmlin\j (MOU), which committed the Provincial Government 10 consulting with munldp:)!itlos on molters that could affect municipal budgets. That MOU is to expire at the end of I.hl:, yeAr, Provlndnl Ministers have met periodically with AMO representatives under the auspices of the MOll nnrcemenl. The MOU meetings are pmdicated on the need for frank exchanges of information and am intended to ensure that government policy ideas and decisions are informed by first-hand knowledge of Ontario's municipal governments. The MOU provides AMO tho opportunity to bring policy and progmm ideas to the table as well. The Liberal !JovDmrnont has not only embraced the process of the MOU, but the proposed urll0ndments to tho Municipal Act introduced today in tho legislature would make an MOU a rcquirerrwnl for any futuro governments. Today's action by the government arso provides a l1trollg 1()tfl\clulion for discussions about ensuring that municipalities have a place at the table of federal/provine!,,1 discussions that will nffect our communities. "This historic bill would enshrine in lr:-gir;la!ion the principle of meaningful and informed consultation between the Province and Ontwio's munl,,!pHI governments," said Ann Mulvale, AMO President "This would help minimiw or proven! unintendod consequences to the one taxpayer. This legislation is good tl?W;:; for tl'w public Dnd is a significant illustration of how government should work together." Tho proposed amendment to the Municipal Act reads as follows: Till) Province of Ontario endorses the principle of ongoing consultation between tile Province And municipalitios in relation to matters of mutual interest and, consistent with 1/1is principle, tll0 Province sl1a// consult with munic:ipalities in accordance with a l\i!fmlOmna'UJ1l of Understanding entered into between the Province and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. 86/B8/B4 22:B4:48 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page BB3 JUN-08-04 TUE 03:44 PM 280 FAX NO. 418 971 8191 P. 02 -2- "Tills i<;; tho right wuy (0 troat another level of government," Hon. John Gerretsen said. 'The governmont is committed to working with municipalities - not against them - to build stronger, mom s(lll'-rclinnt communities that offer Ontarians a higher quality of life. This legislation would be tho cornerstone 01' a now partnership between the Province and municipalities." The Minislor also remarkod. "Ontarians depend on municipalities to playa key role in building stron!], ~mfD and livable Communities. The Memorandum of Understanding gives municipalities lit BOY on pravinci<ll plans th<~t would affect their ability to get the job done." ACl!f'lI: Tim [m$,;"ge of HIlt) legislation will begin the process of negotiating a new, strengthened MOU. Tho ~of1'lmitll1cnt to enshrine the MOU ill legislation was includec;l in the government's "Strong COflHl1tlniUDS" cfocHou platform, This InklftrJ<:Jti,);/ Is f1voa"blo throu!Jh AMO's sU/iscriptiOIJ based MUNlCOM network i31 Y'!!!!C<<,WJJ.nir;:.Q!I1.col'n, For wor," illf(ml1~li!)n. e<ml,lCl: Pat Vanini, AMO (:XGcutivo Director, 131416-971-9856 exL 316 In Case of Transmission Difficulties, please Call 416-863-2101 please Deliver To: The County of Elgin News Release Communique @ Ontario Mlnls1ry<Jf _.IpoI- and Hou.lng Mln__ _ m""""'" ..'"'~ For Immediate Release June 8, 2004 LEGlSLATION STRENGU1"''''':; PROVINCIAL-MUNICIPAL PARu.M<.SHIP Cbnsuluman princlpk WQuld be _hrined in law TORONTO - Tbe McGuinty government is strengthening its partnership with Ontario's municipalities by introducing legislation recognizing its agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) to consult on legislation and regulations that affect municipalities, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing John C....~~... said todJiy. "This is the right way to treat another level of govetnInent," .3." ,,~n said. "The government is ""......;..-4 to worlcing with municipalities - "at against thertt - to build stronger, more self-reliant comnllmities that offer Ontarians a higher quality oflife. This legislation would be the cOIllerstone of a new partnership between the province and murlicipalities:' !fpasscd, the bill introduced today would enshrine in z..w the memorandum ofunJ...~;~..:;ng with AMO, frrst signed in 2001, in tbeMunicipal Act, 2001, something municipalities have boen asking the government to do. "This historic bill would el'Sbrine in legislation the principle of meaningful and infunned consultation between tl:te province and Ontario"s municipal govemment," said Ann Mulvale, President of the Associlltion of Municipalities of Ontario. '"This would help minimize Or prevent unintended consequences for the one taxpayer. This legislation is good news for the public and is a significant illustration of how governments should work togetl:ter." "Ontarians depend on municipalities ro playa key role in building strong, safe and linble communities," GelTetsen said. "The memorandum of Ulldemanding gives muniCipalities a say on provincial plans that would affect their ability to gct the job done." -30. Contacts : Bruce McLeod MinisllY of Municipal Affairs and Housing (416) 585-6236 Patti MllI1ce Minister's Office (416) 585-63.33 DispDnible ell franr;.ais wwwmah.gov.cn.ca n'Aark.McbonaT(r~NoticeoTEjgjn Cou;;~graiifawarded loToiVIsc'..'"'' c-.. _~.m...'_ '.'_""nm-' ,"___ ....___n__.. _. ...... .___n....... n_ n_._ .___.n_.... __. ...... ....... __.... ... ,"-c~,~,,___'-'__'","_^'_~~ 'Page J J From: To: Date: Subject: "Maureen Vandenberghe" <mvandenberghe@ocLnet> <vegerlb@elgin-county.on.ca> 6/4/0412:04PM Notice of Elgin County grant awarded to TDMSC All: Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services, County of Elgin Hi Linda. We received notice today that we were awarded $4,000.00, to benefit TDMSC programming. Thank you! We are aware that the funds will not be sent until December but we wanted to send our thanks - we are very grateful for the continued support of Elgin county. We are especially grateful, during this time of increased budget demands on municipalities, that Elgin County Councillors and staff took the time to listen to our case on March 9 and decided to increase their support to our programs. Please convey our thanks to Warden Rock, the County Councillors and Elgin County staff (including CAO Mark McDonald). Thank you Linda. Marlene Pink, ED. Val Foerster, Board of Directors Chair Wendy Woodhouse, Adult Basic Literacy Maureen Vandenberghe Maureen Vandenberghe, Communications & Development Coordinator Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre (within The Livingston Centre) 96 Tillson Ave Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3A1 Phone: 519-842-9000 Ex!. 270 Fax: 519-842-4727 Email: mvandenberghe@ocLnet Website: www.thelivingstoncentre.com This em ail communication is CONFIDENTIAL AND LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify me at the telephone number shown above or by return em ail and delete this communication and any copy immediately. Thank you. Personal information held by TDMSC is protected under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Statutes of Canada 2000, Bill C.6. cc: "Marian Smith" <msmith@ocLnet>, "Marlene Pink" <mpink@ocLnet>, "Wendy Woodhouse" <abl@ocLnet>, "Karen Devolin" <kdevolin@ocLnet> Policing Services Division Division des services internes de la police ~ Ontario Ministry of Community Safety Ministere de la Securite communautaire and Correctional Services et des Services correcUonnels 25 Grosvenor 31. 12th Floor Toronto ON M7 A 2H3 25 rue Grosvenor 12e stage Toronto ON M7 A 2H3 Telephone: (416) 314-3000 Facsimile: (416) 314-4037 Telephone: (416) 314-3000 Telecopleur: (416) 314-4037 ,""" ""~,... '\'\f}."- $'l'.1?J~ ;~-::;?:'~" v.,~ ~'" iii',"-). ,.;",-," ,,'.:< .'~ 9':"~~ ~ '-' r;ft t~:~:,:{.,',~,~ }::~'::;J~V'~J ~~:L' JUN 0 3 2004 .J'-, 9 CU04-01826 Mr. Mark G. McDonald Chief Administrative Officer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 t~,OVJt~~'/ ;~:/:~~i~ Dear Mr. McDonald: The Honourable Harinder Takhar, Minister of Transportation, has forwarded your report regarding provincial issues, specifically, Highway 401 Traffic Offences. I am pleased to respond. The collection and disbursement of fines collected under the Provincial Offences Act is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Attorney General. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your report to the Honourable David Bryant, Attorney General, for his review and consideration. I trust that this referral will assist you. R n G. Bain ssistant Deputy Minister alicing Services Division Enclosure cc: Honourable Harinder Takhar Minister of Transportation -~-'~._"---'- ~-------'--'~.'-:C-------"-' ~"~.".._-- ~j -- Ontario Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin - Middlesex - London June 4, 2004 8t:~~i\~C~;'-:;' n~~~~-:.t~ ~ ~~">' Honourable Michael Bryant Attorney General of Ontario 11 th Floor, 720 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G 2KI JUN D 200" ('I'llli;c,i," !j}ia~"i "1lV~' ~ . ._"">':"'. r~~:'iffiE~~~?~c€:t7' Dear Minister: I am writing to you today to extend my gratitude for fmding the time in your hectic schedule to meet with representatives from the County of Elgin to discuss their concerns regarding the collection of Provincial Offences Act revenue from fines levied to motorists along Elgin County's section of Highway 401. I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate that I share Warden David Rock's concerns with the Municipality of Chatham- Kent's apparent lack of willingness to move forward on this issue in good faith. With this in mind, I would appreciate your continued efforts to assist all parties involved towards a satisfactory resolution to this matter. As always, thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, <&..~ Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin-Middlesex -London Cc: Warden David Rock, County of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, 51. Thomas, Ontario, N5R 5VI Mayor Bonnie Vowel, Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich, 199 Main Street, P.O. Box 329, Dutton, Ontario, NOL lIO Mayor Jim McIntyre, Township of South wold, 35663 Fingal Line, Fingal, Ontario, NOL IKO Mayor Graham Warwick, Municipality of West Elgin, 22413 Hoslcins Line, P.O. Box 490 Rodney, Ontario, NOL 2CO 542 Talbot Street, St Thomas" ON N5P IC4 . T - (519) 631-0666 Toll free ~ 1~800-265-7638 F _ (519) 631-9478 E _ speters"rnpp.co@liberaLoJa.org "'W'WW".stevepeters.com Office of the Minister Bureau du ministre Ministry of the Environment Ministere de "Environnement 13581. Clair Ave. West 12th Floor Toronto ON M4V 1 P5 Tel (416) 314-6790 Fax (416) 314-6748 135, avenueSt. Clair ouest 12" etage Toronto ON M4V 1 P5 Tel (416) 314-6790 Teleo (416) 314-6748 JUN 11 2004 r;J.1tit<,.'~~.<~':,+tn~,": ~_~..M ~- ~""'~ff".\; .~ _.~ .~~ ,;;'-t<(;;~/.r'i">-"~'"'~_J;".'_c~/!;.~'5!;;' _"Yi~~~~1!>~r~~': ENV1283MC~2004:3ii'd2$e~'::f'!\'('-~~'.' JUN 0 7 2004 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas. ON N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter of May 14,2004 with regard to Ontario Regulation 170/03 (0. Reg. 170/03). As Minister of the Environment, I have heard many comments and concerns about the practicality and cost of the requirements under the DrinkingWater System Regulation (0. Reg, 170/03), particularly for smaller and non-residential waterworks. At this time, I am pleased to advise you about actions the ministry has taken on this issue. As you may know, on May 12, 2004, I announced proposed amendments to O. Reg. 170/03 that would extend the deadline to install treatment equipment for some systems that were to come into compliance this summer. This would give the ministry time to consult over the summer months on making the regulation more workable. A copy of the news release is attached for your reference. The proposed amendments have been posted to the Environmental Registry fora 30-day public-corinnent period. This is accessible on the ministry's web site at www.ene.2:ov.on.ca by clicking on "Environmental Registry", and searching for RA04E0004 using the "Search Notices" button. The comment period ends on June II, 2004. The proposed amendments would allow the ministry to consider further potential changes to the regulation to make it more workable. The ministry's review will. focus on fmding . ways for smaller water systems to meet the drinking water standards in an affordable way. As part of this review, the ministry will consult broadly with affected stakeholders, particularly those residents, businesses, and organizations which depend on small systems for their water. A consultation process will be announced shortly. ...2 * 0761G(03'01) 100% Recycled Chlorine Free. Made in Canada Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Page 2. The drinking water standards themselves, which are health-based, will not be revisited as part of this exercise. I will be asking the newly-established Advisory Council on Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards to make recommendations on changes to some aspects of O. Reg. 170/03 that will ensure the quality and safety of Ontario's drinking water supply. More information about the Council is,artached. Following consultations, a revised regulation will be brought forward in the fall, and it will be posted on the Environmental Registry for public comment before being finalized. I trust this information is helpful. Thank you for sharing your comments and concerns about the regulation with me. Sincerely, ,~~ fi2~ Leona Dombrowsky Minister of the Environment Attachments c: The Honourable Dalton McGuinty Premier The Honourable Steve Peters MPP- Elgin-Middlesex- London The Honourable John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Printer-friendly version @ Ontario Ministry of the Environment News Release For immediate release May 12, 2004 MCGUINTY GOVERNMENT TAKES FURIJ:!.ER ACTION TO PROTECT ONTARIO'S DRINKING WATER New advisory council to make recommendations on water quality and testing TORONTO- The McGuinty government is further protecting Ontario's drinking water by establishing an Advisory Council on Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards, Envirorunent Minister Leona Dombrowsky announced today. "Our people's health is our most precious resource. We share a responsibility to protect it from harm," said Dombrowsky. "The Advisory Council will help us ensure that Ontario's standards for drinking water quality and drinking water tests are among the most stringent in the world. Our citizens deserve no less." The Advisory Council will be chaired by Jim Merritt, a former Assistant Deputy Minister with the Ministry of the Environment. With members drawn from key professional organizations with expertise in areas related to drinking water, the council will make recornmendations to the l\.fh'lister of the Environment on provincial drinking water standards and other measures to hul'~ v Ie the safety and quality of Ontario's drinking water supply. The establishment and mandate of the Advisory Council satisfy six specific recommendations made by the O'Connor Commission. In response to concerns raised by rural municipalities, public health officials and small privately-run systems across the province, the minister also announced proposed changes to the Drinking Water Systems Regulation. These proposed changes extend the deadline for some systems to install treatment equipment to December 31, 2004 and will allow the ministry to consult on further changes to the regulation to make compliance more feasible for small waterworks. http://www.ene.gov.on.caimoescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&lnk=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 ____~_____........_.L~ .L\./... -la5~.kU.iL "The previous government didn't consider the effects of the drinking water regulation on rural Ontario," Dombrowsky said. "We will meet with affected stakeholders over the next few months to come up with solutions that will make the regulation more workable for rural drinking water systems while protecting public health and meeting our cvw..u~w,.ent to implement all of the O'Connor Commission's recommendations." -30- Contact: Art Chamberlain Minister's Office (416) 314-5139 John Steele Ministry of the Environment (416) 314-6666 See also: · Media Backgrounder: Advisorv Council on Drinkin!> Water Oualitv and Testin<>, Standards · Media Backgrounder: ProposAil. Amendments to Drinking Wate,. Systems Re~ll]ation ro. Re!>. 170/011 · Media Backgrounder: Members of Advisorv Council on DrinkinlY Water Oualitv and Testing Standard~ ~. ; <0 Oueen's Printer for Ontario. 2004 I Privacv Policv I Disclaimer I Last Modified: 30 April 2004 Printed from I Imprime de : httn:/lwww.ene.<>ov.oll.calenvisionlnews/2004/05]201.htm http:f fwww.ene.gov.on.cafrnoescripts/web2printer4.php? irng=O&lnk=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 Printer-friendly version @ Ontario Ministry of the Environment Media Backgrounder May 12, 2004 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND TESTING STk~ARDS The Advisory Council on Drinking Water Quality and Testing Standards will make recommendations to the Minister of the Environment on matters related to provincial drinking water standards. Council members are from key professional organizations with expertise in the areas of microbiology, engineering, utility operations and public health and a record of interest and accomplishment in areas related to drinking water. The council will contribute to ensuring Ontario's standards for drinking water quality and testing are consistent with the most up-to- date information and practices, and that the standards-setting process is transparent with increased public input. The Advisory Council has a mandate to: · review scientific and technical documentation of proposed standards; . consult and provide feedback to the public; · undertake additional consultation to clarify and address issues; and · consider and make recommendations on adopting standards for contaminants that are not currently being considered through the federal-provincial process for developing Canada- wide drinking water guidelines. The Advisory Council will first focus on the following priorities: · replacing the total coliform test with an E. coli test; · the desirability of a turbidity limit that is lower than the limit specified in the federal- provincial guidelines; · treatment standards for protozoa based on source water quality; and . reviewing Ontario's standards for disinfection by-products. Through the Advisory Council, the McGuinty government is implementing six recommendations (Recommendations 25 to 29 and 31) regarding an advisory council and standards made by Commissioner 0 'Connor in Part Two of the Walkerton Inquiry report. http://www.ene.gov.on.calmoescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&1nk=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 -30- Contact: Art Chamberlain Minister's Office (416) 314-5139 John Steele Ministry of the Environment (416) 314-6666 (e) Oueen's Printer for Ontario. 2004 I Privacv Policv I Disclaimer I Last Modified: 30 April 2004 Printed from I Imprime de : httn:/lwww_ene.qov .on.calenvision/news/2004105120 1 mh.htm http://www.ene.gov.on.calmoescripts!web2printer4.php? img=O&1nk=O&style=Ic... 2004/05/1::: Printer-friendly version @ Ontario Ministry of the Environment Media Backgrounder May 12, 2004 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS REGULATION (0. Reg. 170/03) The Drinking Water System Regulation (O.Reg. 170/03) was implemented in June 2003 to address recommendations of the O'Connor Commission. The ministry has heard from rural municipalities and operators of non-municipal drinking water systems about its impact on their ability to continue to provide services to their clients. The Ministry of the Environment has proposed amendments to the Drinking Water Systems Regulation which respond to these concerns and give the ministry time to consult over the summer months with rural municipalities and operators of non-municipal drinking water systems, medical officers of health and health officials on making the regulation more workable. The govemmrnt remains committed to providing safe, clean drinking water, and is prepared to look at workable solutions towards achieving that goal. The proposed amendments, affecting both municipal and privately-run drinking water systems, are as follows: . The treatment deadlines will be extended from July 1,2004 to December 31, 2004 for surface water systems in the three categories listed below, as long as the system does not serve a designated facility (i.e. school or health/social care facility): o non-municipal year-round residential systems (i.e., mobile home parks, subdivisions, condos/apartments) o large non-municipal - non-residential systems (i.e., systems serving hotels, resorts and campgrounds with less than 6 hook-ups) o large municipal- non-residential systems (large community centres and recreational facilities, for example, capable of supplying water at a rate greater than 2.9 litres of per second) The treatment deadline for groundwater water systems in the three categories listed above remains December 31, 2005. . Small municipal- non-residential systems (i.e., systems serving small community centres and town halls not capable of supplying 2.9litres of water per second) would be allowed http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/moescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&Ink=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 to post signs until December 31, 2004 rather than conduct tests required by the regulation. Signs would state that the water has not been tested or treated for drinking water purposes. . Small non-municipal non-residential systems (i.e., motels, resorts and restaurants not capable of supply 2.9 litres of water per second) would receive a deadline extension to June 1,2005 to notify the ministry of their intention to comply, apply for relief from treatment or post warning notices. . As well, changes have been proposed to the sequence of corrective actions for some adverse test results to better provide for the immediate CVH"V~~on of the problem, and to the definition of 'food premises' to be clear that systems that do not serve the public, such as food manufacturers, are not included in the regulation. The majority of systems will continue to have to meet tough standards, sample and test, use accredited laboratories for microbiolqgical a,ndchemieal testing, provide immediate notification of any adverse test results and are subject to tough penalties for non-compliance. The proposed amendments have been posted to the Environmental Bill of Rights Registry for a 30-day public comment period which ends June 11,2004. -30- Contact: Art Chamberlain Minister's Office (416) 314-5139 John Steele Ministry of the Environment (416) 314-6666 ~ Oueen's Printer for Ontario. 2004 , Privacy Policy I Disclaimer I Last Modified: 30 April 2004 Printed from 1 Imprlme de : )mo:l fwww.ene...ov.on.cafenvisionfnewsI2004/051201mhl.htm http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/moescripts!web2printer4.php? img=O&lnk=O&styIe=!c... 2004/05/13 Printer-friendly version @ Ontario Ministry of the Environment Media Backgrounder May 12, 2004 MEMBERS OF ADVISORY COUNCIL ON DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND TESTING STANDARDS Jim Merritt (Chair) Mr. Merritt is an independent consultant on environmental services, municipal infrastructure and water management. He is a former Assistant Deputy Minister of the Operations Division at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Mr. Merritt led the establishment of the Ontario Clean Water Agency and served as Vice President of Operations and Vice President of Information and Technology. Dr. Robert Andrews Dr. Andrews is a professor in the department of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto. He is a past co-recipient of the National Science and Engineering Research Council Synergy Award for University-Industry Partnership. He is a past appointee to the Council of Research Managers - Great Lakes International Joint Commission. Dr. Andrews is a member of the American Water Works Association. He currently serves on the A WW A Disinfection Committee, and on the Ontario Water Works Association's Treatment Committee. He has published technical reports on E.coli occurrence, UV disinfection, Disinfection By-products, among other issues. Dr. Ronald W. Brecher Dr. Brecher is Principal and Secretary/Treasurer of GlobalTox International Consultants - a Canadian corporation that assesses the impact of toxic chemical exposures on human health. He is an Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies at the University of Waterloo and Associated Graduate Faculty, Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Guelph. From 1994-2002, he was the director of the Children's Groundwater Institute. He is a past recipient of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council's Industrial Research Fellowship. He is a past member of the Science and Policy Advisory Board of the American Council of Science and Health. Michele Giddings Ms. Giddings is the Manager, Water Quality and Health Bureau, Healthy Environments & Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada. She is Health Canada's representative on the http://www.ene.gov.on.calmoescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&lnk=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 FederallProvinciallTerritorial Committee on Drinking Water. She is currently co-coordinator of the Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products Working Group for the Wodd Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Ms. Giddings has developed a number of drinking water guidelines for Health Canada and WHO. Rod Holme Mr Holme is former Vice President for Water and Waste water division of Earth. Tech Canada and is currently an independent consultant on drinking water. He is Past President of American Water Works Association and Chair of the Joint Committee on Water Regulations for the Ontario Water Works Association and the Ontario Municipal Water Association. He has extensive experience in technical and project management in municipal water supply. Dr. Peter Huck Dr. Huck is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, NSERC Chair in Water Treatment and University Research Chair at the University of Waterloo. He has undertaken extensive research in water quality and treatment in areas such as the robustness of water treatment systems, membrane and UV treatment, the removal of Cryptosporidium pathogen loadings in watersheds, among other topics. Dr.AJexanderlIuko~ch Dr. Hukowich is the Associate Medical Officer of Health, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge Health Unit and the appointed coroner for Northumberland County. He also serves as Chair of the Association of Local Public Health Authorities' Advocacy Committee. He represents the Association of Local Public Health Authorities. Dr. Marilyn Lee Dr. Marilyn Lee is a board member of the. Environmental Health Foundation of Canada. She is a professor in the School of Occupational and Public Health, Ryerson Polytechnic University, where she teaches courses on water quality, food hygiene, food pathogens, parasitology, pest control, and infection controL Dr. Harold Richardson Dr Richardson is the managing director of the Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program of the Ontario Medical Association. He also serves as the Vice-chair of the National Cominittee OIle Medical Laboratory Quality Systems of the Canadian Standards Association. He is a former chair of the Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases program, and past president of the Canadian Association of Medical Microbiologists. Dr. Richardson represents the Ontario Medical Association. . Ken Roberts Ken Roberts has over 30 years' experience in the field of drinking water treatment engineering and groundwater management He currently works for XCG Consultants Ltd. Prior to joining XCG, he served in a number of water-quality-related positions in the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. Mr. Roberts is a member of the American Water Works Association and the A WW A's Research Foundation. John Rudnickas bttp:! /www.ene.gov.on.calmoescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&Ink=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 Mr. Rudnickas is the Manager of Water Quality for the City of Toronto. A chemist by training, he has extensive experience in all aspects of quality assurance/quality control in a large drinking water system. He is responsible for the management of the City of Toronto's accredited and licensed laboratory for drinking water testing. He is a member of the Ontario W ater Works Association and is on the Water Quality Committee of the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association. He is also a member of the American Water Works Association. Dr. Mark Servos Dr. Servos is the Scientific Director of the Canadian Water Network, a national network of Centres of Excellence involving 30 universities across Canada. He is a professor in the Department of Biology, at the University of Waterloo, where his research focuses on risk assessment and risk management of emerging water quality is~ues such as endocrine disruption and phannaceuticals in the environment. He is the former Project Chief for the Priority Substances Exposure Project for the National Water Research Institute. He is a former member of the board of directors of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry and the International Association of Great Lakes Research. Dr. Lesbia F. Smith Dr. Smith is Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and Institute of Environment and Health, McMaster University. Dr. Smith holds a medical degree, specializing in internal medicine and hematology/oncology. She is the former head of the Environmental health and Toxicology Unit of the Public Health Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Health. Dr. Smith has carried out research in the areas of ecological and human health risk assessment of surface waters, linkages between non-bladder cancers and THMs, linkages between aluminum in drinking water and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Robert Walton Robert Walton is Director of Public Works for the County of Oxford. He is the former Manager of Water and Wastewater Services. Prior to joining the County of Oxford, Mr. Walton worked as a consulting engineer. Mr. Walton is a member of the Ontario Municipal Water Association and has served on the Drinking Water Committee of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. He <';'p<.;.~ents the Ontario Municipal Water Association. Chiefs of Ontario A representative will be named in the near future. -30- Contact: Art Chamberlain Minister's Office (416) 314-5139 John Steele Ministry of the Environment (416) 314-6666 (Q Oueen's Printer for Ontario. 20041 Privacv Policv I Disclaimer I Last Modified: 30 April 2004 http://www.ene.gov.on.calmoescripts/web2printer4.php? img=O&lnk=O&style=/c... 2004/05/13 Election Alert June 11, 2004 Please Distribute to All Members of Council FCM ELECTION PLATFORM CALLS FOR NEW PARTNERSHIP FCM released its election platform at the recent annual conference in Edmonton. It calls for a New Deal for municipalities built around an improved working relationship between the federal government and the municipal sector. The platform is now available on our Web site at www.fcm.ca. Called "A New Deal: A Partnership for Quality of Life," the document outlines the municipal sector's election expectations. Topping that list is a call for a new partnership "in implementing the national agenda." In addition to improved policy coordination and consultation among governments, the platform also calls on the federal government to spell out the details of this new relationship in a formal resolution of Parliament Such a resolution would provide a powerful political base for a New Deal. The platform also calls for a commitment to a revenue-sharing agreement that would provide municipal governments with five cents per litre of the federal fuel excise tax by the end of 2004. Other highlights include: . Securing a commitment from the federal government of $700 million per year toward investments in five priority areas: municipal infrastructure not covered by revenue-sharing; affordable housing; community and children's infrastructure; and security, emergency preparedness and health. . $25 million to help municipalities develOp best practices and sustainability strategies . $25 million to improve research on determinants of quality of life, including better tools to measure outcomes and success. It is time for a New Deal for Canada's communities. Over the next five weeks, we must do everything we can to ensure that all candidates and parties debate these issues, take a clear stand, and endorse our positions. The election platform may be downloaded in PDF format from the FCM Web site at www.fcm.ca. For more information: Massimo Bergamini, (613) 241-5221, ext .247. ELECTION 2004 V1 Toward a New Deaf ~ A healthy life journey, in a safe, caring community Une vie en sante au sein d'une communaute securitaire et bienveiifante Council Members: R.. Barnier, Chair R. Alder I. Brebner R. Brooke P. Collins J. Cormier D. Graham R. Hail M. Hanley L. Liehmann N. Maltby G. Puddicombe M. Raithby L. Stevenson B. Waters J. Wilson Executive Director P. Huras 100 Collip Circle, Suite 105 U.wO. Research Park London, Ontario N6G 4X8 TeltTel: (519) 858-5015 FaxfTelec: (519) 858-5016 http://www.tvdhc.on..ca May 11, 2004 Warden David Rock County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas ON N5R 5V1 JUN 4 2004 1I"t',~ ~iM"i!," f.,t:. ~l ~oo ~SiY~~ r '\lt~ t:~'~1.'il {~j~~_~~!$rpJ}~~ $t~~~~~Gf~t Dear Warden Rock: Please accept my thanks and appreciation for your support for the third Annual Spring Forum on Primary Health Care, and for signing the collaborative letter of welcome with the other local Mayors and Wardens. I hope you were pleased with the Forum and that it appropriately addressed the issue of improving access to primary health care. The Thames Valley District Health Council is very pleased with the excellent response the Forum received. Without the collaborative efforts of our partners, including the County of Elgin, the level of participation and success would not have been achieved. A copy of the evaluation form results is attached for your information. The Health Council will continue to develop comprehensive plans for Primary Health Care in our diverse district Copies of the plans will be forwarded to you upon their completion. Again, thank you. s~~ Ray Bamier Chair encl. Spring Forum 2004 Evaluation Form Results 1. What is your field of work or profession? (75 responses) I3Volunteer (8) IIAdministrator (23) ONP(1) o Dietitian(1), OT (1) & PT (3) II Family Physician (4) III Student (2) II Education (6) o Municipal (7) IIMH (3) & Addictions (1) II Nurse (17) o Social Work (3) E1LTC (2) II Planning (7) II Other (14) Other: I . Retired Medical T echnolollist 52) . Community Health Care Provider I . Information I . Consumer . Government I . EpidemiolollV . Communitv Development . Researcher . Efficiencies PlanninQ . Public Health (3) . MPP's office . Community Health Services (Homemakinll Allencv) Note: Respondents indicated more than one field of work or profession. There were 9 Administrator/Nurses, and 2 retired nurses. 2. Rank the reasons in order of their importance in your decision to come today. 30" 2S 20 lS 10 . 91_ 'STapie II Speakers [] Recommended a Cost _. Be part of the proceSs 1 1st choice 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Thirty-three respondents did not provide a complete response. Comments: Speakers were ranked 4th - But in fact they were well worth it! Speakers were ranked 3rd - The Speakers were so excellent that after hearing them, had I known more about them, their topic, etc would have marked that as #1 3. Indicate your level of satisfaction. 100o/.-/l/ . 80% )(; 60%C 40% Y: 20%/ I. eVery Satisfied .Satisfied IDNeutral [J Dissatisfied .Very Dis.-~:"",::...J 0% Facilities Food Schedule Organization Facilitation Comments: . Water! . Facilities (Lobby) - Dissatisfied; (Auditorium) - Vety Satisfied . Facilities - too cold . Choice of healthier foods . Schedule - Too early . Schedule - tight 4. To what extent did you gain knowledge/insight regarding Primary Health Care? ------- '-. .......~ 13 Not at all IIAlittle o SufflcienUy OA fair bit .Alot 5. Extent to which the Minister's presentation met expectations. 45J. 40 35 30 25 20 1. 10 5. OT I I l : I -In EI Overall impact . Content o Organization o Relevance Very Dissatisfied Neubal Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Satisfied 6. Extent to which M. Deeter's presentation met expectations. 40-1 ""'I ,~ e Overall impact II Conlent o Organization o Relevance o. ..,. 4vj 10 5. 0.- Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Satisfied Comments: . Outstanding . Didn't really say what Health Council will do 7. Extent to which the Panel met expectations. 40, ,~ 8 Overall impact . Content o Organization o Relevance "'" ~. 25 4v 1" :1L.... Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Comments: . Satisfied - except for 1 important profession - Nursing . All excellent! . 2 of 3 were excellent and pertinent to the topic. . Great speakers - enjoyed all 3 . Too long 8. Extent that the Forum met expectations. 121 Not at all &Alittle o Sufficiently DA fair bit IlliAlot Comments: . A lot - with one exception . A lot +++ 9. How could the Forum have been improved? Comments: · Disappointing (a bit?) the emphasis on physician aspect without anyone being able to speak to other discipline ie. Glenda's questions re nurses etc. . Healthier food choices! . Well done! Given Nursing has a major impact and is the largest single profession in primary care should have had a nurses perspective on panel. . Improved time management between presentations. Some were rushed because of time exceeding by others. . Question I would have liked to ask: Given the historical fact of the public dental health care provided by public dental health nurses in Saskatchewan in the '50+ 1960's + 1970's (some trained at U of Toronto). To all 3 panelists now in 2004 is there a discemible, measurable health baseline achievement that relates to that foundational primary dental care. · Addition of another panel member discussing the importance of other health professional especially nurses who have the largest numbers in health care and primary health care integration of public health is the area of primary health care as part of the discussion. . Re Minister and Mr. Deeter - content was familiar and we've hear it before, would have liked to hear more about the actual implementation - sustainability and not "pat, old" promises . Perhaps hearing from other disciplines with creative community programs. Overall an excellent session - thanks for the opportunity. . Where was the voice and leadership that the nursing sector could bring on primary health care for the forum. Nurse practitioners present may have balanced the discussion by Dr. Carol Herbert. Only point mentioned by Carol H. was slide vision 2020 "we will work in partnership with health organizations..." did not include professionals (ie.other disciplines) - Did she miss the point of the forum . Excellent - Little rushed but +++ content Thank you . Consumers who have used the various models could have pointed out what works well what doesn't. Lecture models are tedious at times. . More input from multidisciplinary aspect - front line. - what's working out there - already have input from managers . More time for panel presentations, less for "political" and "theoretical" talk . Representation from NP: PHC - facility/agencies where it is working · Need for better use of microphones from the floor and in the group discussions . Registration table (organization) . Communicate action items from today's session. Involvement of family physicians, primary nurse practitioners etc. Although challenging, have to find a way to include e.g. Weds p.rn. session, evening session, pay select family docs to be involved as "consultants" to the process. Create family doc champions/ _ practitioner champions . Afternoon session facilitator - talked far too much and didn't allow other enough time to speak . Provide microphone and speakers for Oxford County Room . Increase number of bathrooms Increase space around refreshments . More time for the aftemoon session so that we could have walked away with some enthusiasm, rather than identifying issues that have been obvious for years. . Turn up the heat (or turn off the AC) . Can't think of anything . Carol Herbert missed the point of the forum - in some ways her topic exemplified all the issues which are barriers to moving forward PHC (perhaps she wasn't briefed well??) It's like she doesn't "get" it or have insight into the issues. Kind of discouraging, but a reminder we have a long way to go. Medicine is still vel}' ''silo'd'' . Registration desk - congested Vel}' well organized . Health lunch + longer lunch easier registration smaller groups . Start at 1 0 am - run until 5 pm Great moming . I think this has been excellent - now to carl}' the plan forward to obtain results. Vel}' pleased and interested to be a part of this process . Excellent discussions . Registration table poorly located. Should have been located away from the food and door, Want line for registration - more people working at registration - late start . Registration area crowded - would recommend increased space for group attendees . Did not have expectations - came as a health care professional as well as a consumer of health care - everything should be relevant to everyone . Well done Thank you . Great choices of speakers . Excellent knowledge is fuel . Vel}' good input, more time needed for discussion from audience . Thank you - It was a great moming . There should be opportunity to discuss what people and communities can do in order NOT to rely as much on primal}' health practitioners . No recommendations Tough to get up early - meant we heard the Minister so it was worth it . Many thanks! . Extremely well done Federation of Canadian Mnnicipalities Federation canadienne des mnnicipalites June 8, 2004 Warden Dave Rock and Members of Council County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 ~~fr~,W~ \'.'?\, 1'./5. iD~ ,J'.),l '-,~ Dear Warden Rock and Members of Council: [~!\~~~~;l~~~;~\n(;?:t~ Thank you 'for renewing your membership with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for 2004~2005. It is a crucial time for municipal governments, as we strive to win a New Deal for all our communities. Each FCM member strengthens our voice. We have had an extremely successful year, as reflected in the Speech from the Throne and the federal budget. The 100 per cent GST refund, accelerated infrastructure commitments and the promise of a new partnership with municipal governments are all steps in the right direction. These things happened because we were united and spoke with one voice. But as much as we have accomplished, we have even more work to do. We will continue efforts to persuade the federal, provincial and territorial governments to begin negotiations to ensure municipal governments have a new source of stable, reliable and predictable funding, such as a share of the gas tax. Your support is more important than ever, and we will call on you and mayors and councillors across Canada to help keep municipai issues front and centre on the federal agenda. ( mes Knight Chief Executive Officer JK:jh Mission Statement Tbl' Federation a/Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has been the notional VOla of municipal governments since 1301. FCM is dedicated to ~mprovillg the quality of life in all communities by promoting str~ng, 1fictive dud omnmtable municipal go_vert/ment. Enanre de mission La Fidiratilm canadienne des mwzicipalitis (FCM) est fa _lIoa mttion.a/e des gouveimments municipaux depuis 1901. La FCM est vouee a amiliorer 14 qualifi de vie dans tmJtes fej co!lcctivites en fill'orisant des gotc/Jernements mumcipaux firts, ejJicaces et resp(jmables. Maire Yves Duchanne Gacineau (Quebec) President President Mayor Ann MacLean New Glasgow, Nova Scotia Firs,t Vice-President Premiere vice-presidente Mayor Michael G. Coleman Duncan, British Colwnbia Second Vice President Deuxieme vice~president Mayor Jari:J..ie Lim Timmins, Ontario Third Vice President Troisieme vice-presidente Alderman John Schmal Calgary, Alberta Immediate Past President President sortant James W Knight Chief Executive Officer Chef de la direction 24 rue Clarence Street Ottawa, Ontario KIN 5P3 'ii' (613)241-5221 QiJ (613) 241-7440 federacion@fcni.ca Web site/site Web: www.fcm.ca Centre for Sustainable Community Development Centre pour'le dbeloppement des collectivites viables QiJ (613)244-1515 communities@fcrtt.ca Communications QiJ (613)241-5221 communications@fcm.ca Corporate SerVices Services corporatifs QiJ (613) 241-2126 co.tporate@fcm.ca Economic and Social Policy Politiques economiques et sociales. QiJ (613) 244-2250 policy@fcm.ca International Centre for MllOicipal Development Centre international pour Ie dbeloppemem municipal QiJ (613)241-7117 internacional@fcm.ca ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 04-19 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 99-17" ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY .ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section; and WHEREAS said Table authorizes an upper-tier municipality to pass by-laws regulating highways under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS pursuantto Part III, Section 31(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipality may by by-law establish a highway; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 99-17, and amendments thereto, thereby establishing a County Road System; and WHEREAS the description of certain roads included in the County Road System, previously established by by-law, have been affected by alterations to or assumption of certain roads of local municipaltties. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the roads shown as County Roads on the Plans numbered - 18-1; 19-1; 20-1; 24-1; 26-1; 45-3; 56-1 comprising Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law, are designated as amendments to the County Road System of the County of Elgin and shall replace the previous versions of such named plans. 2. THAT the roads shown as County Roads on the plans numbered as in Paragraph 1, comprisin9 Schedule "A" to this By-Law, shall be known by the numbers shown on the said plans and such numbers shall be used for all purposes of administration and accounting. 3. THAT the cost of constructing and maintaining the County Road System shall be met by the levying of a general annual rate upon any or all of the municipalities in the County not separated therefrom for municipal purposes. 4. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon passing. READ a first and second time this 22"d day of June 2004. READ a third time and finally passed this 22"d day of June 2004. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. David M. Rock, Warden.