March 23, 2004 Agenda PAGE # ORDER ORDERS OF THE DAY FOR TUESDA Y. MARCH 23. 2004 - 9:00 A.M. 1 st Meeting Called to Order 2nd Adoption of Minutes - meeting of March 9, 2004 3rd Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof 4th Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations DELEGATIONS: 9:00 a.m. Linda Stevenson, Trustee, Thames Valley District School Board, to introduce new ElginTrustee Don Mugford (ATTACHED) Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Council" Reports of Council, Outside Boards and Staff Council Correspondence - see attached 1) Items for Consideration 2) Items for Information (Consent Agenda) OTHER BUSINESS 1) Statements/Inquiries by Members 2) Notice of Motion 3) Matters of Urgency 9th In-Camera Items (see separate agenda) 10th Recess 11 th Motion to Rise and Report 12th Motion to Adopt Recommendations from the Committee Of The Whole 72-74 13th Consideration of By-Laws 14th ADJOURNMENT 2 5th 3-45 6th 7th 46-53 54-71 8th LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED . .. Following lunch a tour of both the 32 TalbofStreet and the 449 Talbot Street Pioneer Museum locations and also the CASOTrain Station location has been arranged for Councillors. . 1 RÈPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF March 23, 2004 Staff Reports - (ATTACHED) 4 Director of Financial Services - 2004 Proposed Capital Budget 38 Director of Human Resources and Human Resources Co-ordinator - Human Resources Policy - Critical Injury 42 Library Coordinator and Manager of Library Services - Sustainability Grant for Public Internet Access 44 Manager of Program and Therapy Services - Volunteer Recognition at the Homes for the Aged Human Resources Officer - Hiring Procedure 3 County of Elgin 2004 Proposed Capital Budget 1 Library Services 2 Engineering Services 3 Homes for Senior Services 4 Administration Building 5 Garage 6 Ambulance Replacement 7 Ambulance Equipment 8 Financing 9 Vehicle Repiacement 10 Museum 11 Information Technologies 12 Photo-copiers 13 Additional GST Rebate Total Less: Compiiance premium from Province for Elgin Manor Budgeted Amount Difference 2003 Budget 35,000 4,310,000 293,500 354,000 5,000 30,900 1,011,932 o 4,000 284,500 75,000 6,403,832 5,680,212 (723,620) 2004 Budget Request 22,000 4,343,000 270,000 230,000 o 68,992 29,380 1,351,930 * 7,000 o 258,106 o (280,000) 6,300,408 (339,998) * 5,680,212 280,198 ~. 2004 Capital Budget Project Proiect Name: Department: Area: Estimated Cost: Scope of the Work: r Additional Information: ~ , /' Belmont Library Renovations Painting, Carpeting, Furniture Library Services Belmont Library $22,000 Paint interior of library (2,377 Sq. Ft.) Carpet (2.377 Sq. Ft.) Moving Expenses Shelving Electrical Rental of Temp. Library Build. (One month) $ 2,500 $10,000 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 700 $ 800 $22,000 d) 2004 Engineering Services Budget Summary ,----- OPERATIONS Salaries and Wages Benefits Travel and Mileage Professional Development Memberships Office Supplies Photocopy Equipment Vehicle Expenses Miscellaneous Railway Protection MaintenaricelLower Tier Other Revenues CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAl Oner::Jtinn~ $ @ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 231,000 57,000 15,000 6.000 2,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 3,500 35,000 75,000 2,220,000 (60,000) 2,594,500 Plank Road Culvert Replacement (New England) completed in 2003 $ 140,000 Road 7 Reconstruction (1/2 to Chatham/Kent) $ 700,000 REC Road 42 Relocation (Glen Erie Line Bridge and grade reconstruction) $ 500,000 plus 250k In 2003 Road 74 Resurfacing -Belmont $ 175,000 R1 Road 56 Resurfacing (Rd 28 to Rd 36) 4km $ 300,000 R1 Road 24 Resurfacing (Rd 22 to Yarmouth Centre Rd) 3.6km $ 270,000 R1 Road 24 Resurfacing (Rd 23 to Rd 22) 2.3km $ 175,000 R1 ·Patterson's Bridge Deck Resurfacing $ 15,000 MR2 ( Road 42 (Brown's Curve) 1 m partially paved shouider $ 30,000 Road 9 Surface Treatment (8 to 5) 7.2km $ 130,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 45 Resurfacing (Rd 35 to Rd 73) 4.2km $ 75,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 20 Resurfacing (Thomas Rd to Flngal south) 7km $ 130,000 Modified Slurry Seal Vienna North Bridge Deck Replacement ($1.2M total - $600K from reserve) $ 600,000 (plus 600K Reserve) Jamestown Bridge Repairs and Engineering $ 50,000 PhHmore and Cook's Bridge Pai.ntinþJ, Approach Resurfacing and seal $ 50.000 Traffic Signals -_We!!ington Road at Ron McNeil Line $ 110,000 Gravel Shouldering - Wellington Road $ 75,000 Road Crack Sealing (73, 20, 46, 16, 25, 45) BEFORE MSS $ 200,000 Rail Road Crossing Improvements (PSTR - Rd 4, Signals Rd 48) $ 35,000 Culvert Repairs (Beecroft - Rd 40) $ 30,000 Road Sign Replacements $ 45,000 Guide Rail $ 50,000 Land Purchase $ 100,000 Municipal Drains $ 100,000 Miscellaneous Engineering Services (Rd 14, Needs Study) $ 60,000 T raffle Counters $ 13,000 Sunset Road Guidera¡! Replacement - Central Elgin Waterline Project $ 35,000 Miscellaneous Capital Projects $ 50,000 Bñdge Rep!acement Reserve Allocation $ 100,000 (=$640K and depleted) TOTAL Caoíf;]! PmJF:(;f~ $ 4,343,000 r r-- TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $ 6,937,500 Budget Allocation (assuming 1.6% increase over previous year) $ 6,940,357 Difference $ 2,857 New Sarum Bridge Replacement Engineering (fron Bridge Reserve) $ 40,000 John Street Bridge wingwail repair (from Ayimer Reserve) $ 10,000 ') County of Elgin En~¡neering Services 2004 Capital Projects Summ ) ary Municipality Location Name Project v Chatham/Kent wili be designing and co-ordinating project with Elgin County's input. This is the 2nd phase of the project with top layer of asphalt and project completion planned for 2005 Elgin County will be designing and extending a large culvert on the project. North section of roadway will be re-aligned to meet Wardsvilie Bridqe on a Tanqent. Description of Works · · · · Estimated Cost $700,000 (50% of project shared with Chatham/Kent) Elgin West Clachan north to the Thames River Clachan Road (County Road 7) Reconstruction v' Emergency Culvert Replacement completed in November 2003 Some minor restoration and guide sDrinq of 2004 to be Installed in rai · · $140,000 Bayham Plank Road in New England 19) Plank Road (County Road ,/ As part of the Environmental Assessment process a solution to the on-going lake shore erosion, the County wi assume Glen Erie Line as County Road 42 The Bridge is the first improvement to Glen Erie Line and further imDrovements to the road are planned for 2005 · · $500,000 (plus $250,000 allocated in 2003) Bayham Glen Erie Line (newly transferred County Road 42) Gien Erie Line Bridge Replacement ,. Complete Reconstruction Project that began in 2003 in a jOint venture with the Municipality of Central Elgin's Waterline Repiacement · $175,000 Central Elgin --- Village of Belmont Belmont Road Resurfacing v' ® Place 50mm Hot Mix Asphait over road that was reconstructed with only 50mm of Hot Mix. Place Granular 'A' shoulder gravel Total Lenqth +1- 4km · · · of 5 1 Central Elgin .1 $300,000 Page to Elm Line from Centennial Road Quaker Road Elm Line (County Road 56) Resurfacing ) County of Elgin En~jneering Services 2004 Capita Projects Summ ary Description of Works Estimated Cost Municipality Location Name Project v was only Place 50mm Hot Mix Asphalt over roadway that reconstructed with 50mm of Asphalt Place Granular 'A' shoulder gravei Total Lenqth +1- 6.6km · · · $445,000 I Centrai Elgin Dexter Line from 1 km east of East Road to Yarmouth Centre Road Dexter Line (County Road 24) Resurfacing Mix Asphalt Bridge Deck and Place 90mm Hot M · $15,000 Elgin Centra Highbury Avenue at Patterson's Conservation Area Patterson's Bridge Deck Resurfacing (County Road 30) v v Widen curve by 1 metre on both sides with Hot Mix Asphalt to eliminate a re-occurring maintenance problem with shoulder drop offs · $30,000 Bayham Nova Scotia Line north of Port Burwell Brown's Curve Widening (County Road 42) Place Modified Slurry Seal as regular maintenance and an improved surface over conventional tar and chip Total Lenqth - 7.2km · · $130,000 Dutton I Dunwich Duff Line from Dunborough Road to Currie Road .Duff Line (County Road 9) Surface Treatment v"': v Place Modified Slurry Seal as regular maintenance and an improved surface over conventional tar and chip Totai Length - 4.2km · · $75,000 -, Malahide John Wise Line from Springwater Road to Imperial Road -,_.~. John Wise Line (County Road 45) Surface Treatment v Place Modified Slurry Seal as regular maintenance and an improved surface over conventional tar and chip Total. Lenqth - 7km · · $130,000 Southwold Union Road from Thomas Road to Fingal Union Road (County Road 20) Surface Treatment ,/ ~ Bridge inspections and a deck condition survey completed in 1997 identify this bridge deck as requiring replacment Similar work was completed on the Edison Bridge in 2003 Total cost of replacement is estimated at $1,200,000 · · · $600,000 (plus $600,000 in Bridge Replacement Reserve) Page 2 of 5 Bayham Plank Road in Vienna Vienna North Bridge Replacement Rail Road Crossing mprovements Sunset Drive & Ferguson Line Page 3 of 5 · · The approaches to the Port Stanley Terminal Raiiroad Crossing will be miiied and þaved to improve the ride across the tracks Raii Road Crossing tracks on Ferguson Line wiil receive Signai lights of which 12.5% of the cost Is E!.9in Count~'s Ð v· Asphalt Sealing Centrai Elgin $35,000 · · Maintenance of Roads that are in good condition is imperative to ensuring their iongevity Roads that h¡¡vebeen resurfaced in the past will be targetèd for this 2æ9!am 1 to 3 years Crack Wellington Road (County Road 26) Gravel Shouldering Various Roads Wellington Road from Highway #3 to City of London Varies Southwold I Central Elgin $200,000 $75,000 · · Place Granular 'A' grade R~uested b.Y.the Municipality and on shoulders to bring up to 6% cross fal r~~LUlred ,/ / Recent traffic studies indicate warranted at this location. No roadwork or intersection project Currentiy, an location Traffic Signals - Wellington Road at Ron McNeil Line Wellington Road at Ron McNeil Line Southwold I Central Elgin · · ntersection Control Beacon i mprovements form part of this that traffic signals are resides at this v Philmore and Cooks Bridge Repairs Richmond Road between Richmond and John Wise Line Bayham $110,000 $50,000 · · · · - Bridge steel needs painting Bridge deck approaches require asphalt patches The north expansion seal on Cooks Bridge must be reQ!aced v Municipality Estimated Cost Description of Works - Project Name ) Location County of Elgin Eny/neering Services 2004 Capital Projects Summary ) Page 4 of 5 Purchase of 4 "smart" tube based traffic counters conduct traffic studies to J:J!an for future JJl'olects e Traffic Counters Miscelianeous Engineering Services NA NA $13,000 · to Consultants must be retained to provide information and engineering services for some future projects (i.e. Road 14 slope stabilization investigation, miscellaneous suv~ v' v Various Vari.es $60,000 · The County is assessed like any other land owner within a Municipal Drainage watershed area as legislated under the Drain<'!!Le Act. IV Municipal Drains Varies All $100,000 · The County actively purchases road widening to achieve a 100 foot road allowance when given the opportunity to do so when lands are applying to be severéd / Land Purchase Varies Varies $100,000 · As roads are newly resurfaced, their safety systems are replaced as required and as per the Roadside Safety Manual Guide Rai Road Sign Replacement Varies Varies $50,000 · · · Update any road signs to the Ontario Traffic Manual requirements as req uired Municipalities will be requested to install the signage and reimbursed ~the County as was done in 2003 IV v' Culvert Repairs - Beecroft Varies All Malahide , $45,000 The existing steel arch culvert is rusted through on the bottom and a concrete liner will be installed so that the culvert does not fail J Springfield Road Municipality $30,000 Estimated Cost · Description of Works Project Name ) Location County of Elgin Er,aineering Services 2004 Capital Projects Summary ! ) County of Elgin Er,Jineering Services 2004 Capita Projects Summ ) ary Estimated Cost Municipality Location Name Project ¡/ Description of Works Minor road and drainage improvements that fall outside the municipality's responsibility for maintenance and to reduce maintenance .demands. Projects are requested by the municipalities as per the County's Communication Protocol. · · - $50,000 Various Various Miscellaneous Capital Projects v' As directed by Council, funds are reserved to be used to fund expensive bridge replacements in 2004, $640,000 resides in this fund and it will be depleted to help fund the New Sarum Bridge Replacement and Engineering Services for the replacment of the Black Creek Hili Bridge planned for 2006. · · $100,000 - - Bridge Replacement Allocation To be funded by the Bridge Replacement Aliocation $40,000 Bayham Plank Road north of Straffordville Black Creek Hi BridGe EnGineerinG Repairs required to fill void between wingwall and abutment Funded by the Aylmer Reserve · · · $10,000 Aylmer John Street north of Highway #3 John Street Bridge Wingwaii Repair (County Road 73) ./ Replace Guiderail that was removed and minor improvemelí1ts to accommodate new watermain installed by Central Elgin · $35,000 Central Elgin Sunset Road from Union to Port Stanley Sunset Road Guiderail Repiacement j 9 Repairs are required to keep bridge open to traffic and maintain the reduced posted weight restriction of 2 tonne Replacement of this structure is pianned in 2008 · · $50,000 Page 5 of 5 Townline between Central Elgin and Maiahide Jamestown Line near Martyn Lne Jamestown Bridge Repairs and Engineering 2005 Engineering Services Budget Summary @ OPERATIONS ~ 5300-170 Wages $ 231.000 ! 5400-170 Benefits $ 57,000 5500-170 Travel $ 15,000 5510-170 Professional Development $ 6,000 5610-170 Memberships $ 2,000 5630-170 Office Supplies $ 3.000 5640-170 Photo Copy $ 2,000 5880-170 Equipment $ 5,000 5930-170 VehiclelMaintenance/FÜeJ $ 3,500 6310-170 Miscellaneous $ 35,000 6090-170 Railway Protection $ 75.0QO 6320-170 Maintenance/Lower Tier $ 2,281,000 4370-170 .Other Revenues $ (60,000) Structural Inspections $ 25,000 TOTAl Onen::Jtíonc; $ 2,680,500 CAPITAL PROJECTS Road 42 - Glen Erie Line Reconstruction $ 750,000 POST + drainage Road 7 Resurfacing (all - to finish reconstruction) 1/2 to CK $ 200,000 R1 Road 52 Resurfacing (Rd 30 to Rd 74)"5.6km $ 420,000 R1 Road 45 Resurfacing (73 to 40) 4.1km $ 300.000 R1 Road 2 Resurfacing (76 to Ridge Street) O.2km $ 30,000 MR1 Road 40.Resurfacii1g (Springfield to Glencolin Line) 4km $ 350,000 R1 King George Lift Brige Electrical Components Replacements & Eng. $ 400,000 - New Sarum Bridge Replacemrit $ 750.000 Road 48 Surface Treatment (Yarmouth Centre Road to 25) 6.5 km $ 115,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 9 Surface Treatment (8 to 14) 9km $ 160,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 37 Surface Treatment (73 to Avon _ 5km) $ 90,OOO Modified Slurry Seal Road 55 Surface Treatment (Tunnel Road to-42) 3.5km $ 25.000 50% w/Norfolk Road 45 Culvert Replacements and Drainage Works (Rd 43 to Rd 19) $ 235,000 Road Crack Sealing $ 100,000 Road Sign Replacem-ents $ 40.000 Guide Rail $ 40,000 Land Purchase $ 78,000 Municipal Drains $ 100,000 Miscellaneous Capital Projects $ 50,000 Bridge Replacement Reserve Allocation $ 200,000 (=$200K) TOTAL CAOitA( PrQjAr.fs $ 4.433,000 TOTAL PROÞOSED BUDGET $ 7,113,500 Budget Allocation (assuming 2.5% increase over previous year) $ 7,113,866 Difference $ 366 ,- 2006 Engineering Services Budget Summary @ OPERATIONS r 5300-170 Wages $ 231.000 5400-170 Benefits $ 57,000 5500-170 TraveJ $ 15,000 5510-170 Professional Development ,$ 6,000 5610-170 Memberships $ 2;000 5630-170 Office Supplies $ 3,000 5640-170 Photo Copy $ 2,000 5880-170 Equipment $ 5,000 5930-170 Vehicle/Maintenance/Fuel $ 3,500 6310-170 Miscellaneous $ 35,000 6090-170 Railway Protection $ 75,000 6320-170 Maintenance/Lower Tier $ 2,345,000 4370-170 Other Revenues $ (60,000) TOTAl OnAmtinns $ 2.719,500 CAPITAL PRÖJËCTS Road 15 Reconstruction (Dutton) $ 800,000 REC R1 + drainage Road 103 Rehabilitation (Rd 3 to Rodney) 5.5km $ 425,000 PR1 Road 37 Reconstruction (Avon) O.8km $ 400,000 REC R1 + drainage Traffic Signals -Plank Road at Calton Line $ 430,000 Road 8 Resurfacing (Dutton to 401) 1 km $ 80,000 R1 Road 23 Resurfacing (Road 4 to East Road) O.3km $ 30,000 MR1 Road 48 Resurfacing (Rd 73 to Rd 47) 5.6km $ 400,000 R1 Road 27 Resurfacing (Townrine east to 4)-1.46km $ 100,000 R1 Road 2 Resulfacing (Dunborough to West Lome) 2.6km $ 200,000 R1 r Road 3 Polimer Modified Surface Treatment (76.to 14) 20km $ 380,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 9 Surface Treatment (103 to 5) 11.3km $ 200,000 Modified Slurry Seal Road 55 Surface Treatment (45 to Tunnel Line) 4 km $ 30.000 50% w/Norfolk Road 18 Surface Treatment (119 to Southdel Drive) 3km $ 125,000 PDST Black Creek Hill Bridge Replacement Engineering $ 40,000 Mapleton Bridge Deck Rehabilitation $ 300.000 Guide Rail" $ 100,000 Road Sign Replacements $ 50.000 Land Purchase $ 100,000 Municipal Drains $ 130,000 Miscellaneous Capital Projects $ 50,000 Bridge Replacement Reserve Allocation $ 200,000 (=$400K) TOTAL Caoifa! Prqier:f<; $ 4,570,000 TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $ 7,289,500 Budget Allocation (assuming 2.5% increase over previous year) $ 7,291,713 Difference $ 2,213 .~ 2007 Engineering Services Budget Summary (] r- OPERATIONS 5300-170 Wages $ 231,000 5400-170 Benefits $ 57,000 5500-170 Travel $ 15,000 5510-170 Professional Deve!opment $ 6.000 5610-170 Memberships $ 2,000 5630-170 Office Supplies $ 3,000 5640-170 Photo Copy $ 2,000 5880-170 Equipment $ 5,000 5930-170 Vehicle/Maintenance/Fuel $ 3,500 6310-170 Miscellaneous $ 35,000 6090-170 Railway Protection $ 75,000 6320-170 Maintenance/Lower Tier $ 2,411,000 4370-170 Other Revenues $ (60,000) TOTAl OnerAtíon~ $ 2,785.500 CAPITAL PROJECTS Road 45 Reconstruction (Rd 43 to Rd 19) 6.3 km $ 1,750,000 PR2+'A' Road 1 B Reconstruction (Lawrence Station to Rd 20) 2km $ 150,000 PDST Roacl15 Resurfacing (all) $ 100,000 R1 Road 103 Resurfacing (Rd 3to Rodney) 5.5km $ 400,000 R1 Road 37 Resurfacing (AVON) O.8km $ 60,000 R1 Road 14 Resurfacing (Hwy 401 to Middlemiss) 3.6km $ 250,000 R1 Road 40 Resurfacing (Hwy 3 to Glenco!in Line - 3~m) $ 230,000 R1 Road 8 Resurfacing (Willeys Bridge to Celtic) 2.4km $ 175,000 R1 Road 8 Resurfacing {Aberdeen to Rd 9} 2.6km $ 200,000 R1 Road 46 Resurfacing (Hwy 3 to Best Line) 3.2 km $ 225,000 R1 - Road 22 Resurfacing (Rd 24 to Rd 27) 3.2km $ 250,000 R1 Road 44 Polimer Modified Surface Treatment (Hwy 3 to 19) 6km $ 130,000 Modified Slurry Seal Black Creek Bridge Replacement (plus $600K from Reserve = $700 total) $ 100,000 Guide Rail $ 100,000 Bridge Deck Condition Surveys (x2) $ 25,000 Road Base Sub Drains I French Drains $ 30,000 Road Sign Replacements $ 50,000 Land 'purchase $ 100,000 Municipal Drains $ 113,000 MisceHaneOl.is Capital Projects $ 50,000 Bridge Repl~cement Reserve Allocation $ 200,000 (=$600K and depleted) TOTAL C<=JDftal PrOier:ts $ 4,688,000 TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $ 7,473,500 Budget Allocation (assuming 2.5% increase over previous year) $ 7,474,005 Difference $ 505 r- r 2008Engineering Services Budget Summary OP£RA TlONS 5300"170 5400-170 5500-170 5510-170 5610-170 5630-170 5640-170 5880-170 5930-170 6310-170 6090-170 6320-170 4370-170 Wages Benefits Travel Professional Development Memberships Office Supplies Photo Copy Equipment Vehicle/Maintenance/Fuel Miscellaneous Railway Protection MaintenancelLower Tier Other Revenues TOTAl Ooerafions $ C» $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 231.000 57,000 15.000 6,000 2.000 3,000 2,000 5.000 3,500 35,000 75,000 2.479,OOq (60,000) 2,853,500 CAPITAL PROJ£CTS Road 8 Dutton Reconstruction (13 to 15 - .44km) $ 500,000 Road 26 Resuræcing (all) 1.3 km $ 350.000 MR2 + drainage Road 24 Resurfacing (Yar. Centre Rd to Rd 36) 3.8km $ 500,000 PR2 Road 2 Resurfacing (1 03 to West Lome) 6.3km $ 485,000 R1 Road 40 Resurfacing (Rd 42 to 45) 4 km $ 300,000 R1 Road 49 Resurtacing (Springfield NPL to Rd 48) 2.4km $ 175,000 R1 Road 20 Resurfacing (Hwy 401 NPL to Rd 18) O.4km $ 30,000 R1 ~ Road 27 Resurfacing (Rd 4 east in Union) O.4km . $ 55,000 MR1 r Road 8 Resurfacing (north of Rd 3 in Wallacetown) $ 125.000 MR1 Road 52 Resurfacing (hwy#3 to 25) 1.64km $ 125,000 R1 Road 46 Resurfacing (Rd 38 to Knotts MHJ Bridge) 1km $ 100,000 R1+PR2hill Road 4 Polimer Modified Surface Treatment (St. Thomas to Hwy' 3) 2;3km $ 50,000 Modffied Slurry Seal Jamestown Bridge Replacement $ 350,000 Bucks Bridge D'eck Rehabilitation $ 350,000 Dodds Creek Bridge Deck RehabHitation $ 350.000 Culvert,Repairs $ 100,odo Guide Rail $ 150,000 Road Sign Replacements $ 50,000 Land Purchase $ 100,000 Municipal Drains $ 125,000 Miscellaneous Capital Projects $ 50,000 Bridge Replacement Reserve Allocation $ 200,000 ( =$200K) TOTAL Canital Proier:ts $ 4,620,000 TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $ 7,473,500 Budget Allocation (as~uming 2.5% increase over previous year) $ 7,474,005 Difference $ 505 ( Project # Description of Project 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 . . Concrete Pad and aditional fuel tank generator 10,000 Door and wall Protection 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Painting Extior 10,000 Painting inside rooms and hallways 150,000 Lawn Sprinkler System 20,000 20,000 20,000 Servery Counter 10,000 Parking lot re-marking I· 10,000 Tuck Shop Flooring 10,000 Total - 40,000 30,000 40,000 190.000 Q Capital Projects Plan Facility Elgin Manor ) ~ Project # Description of Project . 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Additional Lighting in Parking Lot 40,000 Building automation system 80,000 Card access system - 40,000 Carpet Malahide Room 10,000 . Caulking exterior windows doors 25,000 Charts/Chart Racks - 10,000 . Concrete Walks Gazebos 60,000 Door wall protection 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Dresser replacement 15 000 15,000 Eievator UP made 60,000 , Fire Alarm upgrade 75,000 Fire Protection Upgrade· Sprinkler 300,000 Front door operators 15,000 Front reception area renovation 42,000 HVAC Upgrade 500,000 500,000 Inground Sprinkler System 20,000 20,000 20,000 Lounge furniture replacement 20,000 Main Floor vinyl replacement 140,000 Move electrical outlets and add more 18,000 Nurse Call Upgrade 70,000 Paint interior of building 10,000 140,000 Painting exterior trim steel cladding 50,000 Removal and reinstall Ceiling tile basement 30,000 Removal and reinstall Ceiling tile Main area 40,000 . Replace Light fixtures tuck shop & sitting room - 10,000 Replace old Pipe Lines in building - 40,000 Resident room lightina 40,000 Roof replacement 300,000 Magnetic Locks 15,000 Commercial Washer / Drver 40,000 Window Replacement . 35,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total 160,000 1,250,000 1.210,000 295,000 45.000 Capital Projects Plan Facility -ì Terrace Lodge ) Project # Description of Project 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Blinds in resident rooms - Brick Repairs 30,000 Building automation system 50,000 50,000 Card access system - Commercial washers and dryers 80,000 Coverover outside stairs and patio 40,000 Door /Wall protection 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Door Operators for Servery's 20,000 Generator and building 300,000 Landscaping - 10,000 10,000 10,000 New Clean - Dirtv Laund¡y areas 30,000 Nurse call up-grade 50,000 Paint exterior steel 15,000 Paint interior of building (Rooms) 90,000 Power Supply to garage 10,000 Repair roof 300,000 Replace Flooring front area 40,000 Replace Lighting in Whitelock 16,000 Window replacement 20,000 Total 110,000 666,000 30,000 85,000 320,000 Cd Capital Projects Plan Facility Bobier Villa ) ) Page 1 of 4 8 Compliance and sàfety issue to prevent residents from entering stairwells Magnetic Locks for Security Terrace Lodge $15,000 · · · · · · To build a new hair dressing room Install wheel chair accessible counters at the reception area Also included are additional office renovations New kitchen to help residents with their activities of daily living New Activation office Front Reception Area Renovation Terrace Lodge $42,000 Front Door Operators Terrace Lodge $15,000 · · · To In order to protect walls and doors wheelchairs and carts In order to meet com...2!iance r~ace existilJfL automatic door issues Door wall protection Terrace Lodge $10,000 · · from damage from Flooring will be replaced a more suitable To meet compliance Carpet - Malahide Room Terrace Lodge $10,000 · · type of product The present flooring is unsafe due to de-bonding from concrete This project forms the third part of the project to solve the excess moisture problem Replace Flooring - front area Bobier Villa $40,000 To provide automatic door openers for food servers safetyL Door Operators for Servery's Bobier Villa $20,000 · · · (health and In order to protect walls and doors from damage from wheelchairs and carts In order to meet compliance issues Door I Wall Protection Bobier Villa $10,000 · · For health and safety reasons, this isa registered exist for the building and staff entrance I n winter conditions this area freezes over and poses a safety risk Roof over stairs and patio Bobier Villa $40,000 Project Name Facili!ï. County of Elgin Engineering Services 2004 Capital Projects Summary Estimated Cost Description of Works Page 2 of 4 New system e~ected 9 Nurse Call Upgrade Elgin Manor $60,000 · required enhancement to service Install card acèess system to accesses not previously installed due to change of use the residents as Card Access Upgrade Elgin Manor $20,000 · Exit 1- Move GazeboJo Bobier Villa EI.9in Manor $10,000 · Refurbish existinÇJ ÇJazebo and reinstall at Bobier Villa Walkways {Safety) Elgin Manor $20,000 · I I nstall automatic door openers for safety issues for staff to pass throl!gh doors whenj~ushi~ carts nstall.additional sidewalk to service emergency exists Power Door Operators Elgin Manor $15,000 · · · In order to protect walls and doors from damage from wheelchairs and carts In order to meet comj:)liance issues Door and Wall Protection Elgin Manor $10,000 · · To purchase new equipment for the new centralized laundry Com..Q)iance issue Commercial Washer I Dryer Terrace Lodge $40,000 Paint Relocate and Additional Electrical Outlets nterior of Building Terrace Lodge $10,000 · Portion of interior of buildil'!fL to be 2-ainted annualh'.- Pr<&ect Name Terrace Lodge Facility $18,000 · Descr~tion of Works Additional outlets are required to service new power beds Estimated Cost County of Elgin Engineering Services 2004 Capital Projects Summqry Description of Project Building automation system up grade Building Envelope repairs Carpeting 2nd floor Carpeting 3rd floor Elevator up grade Fire Alarm up-grade Generator Replacement I Building Graham/Scott/Enns Carpet replacement Install new cooling system for IT room Landscaping and trees Office Improvements Office Equipment Paint exterior buildingl railingsllamp jJOst Paint inside hallways Parking Lot Lighting Parking Lot Repair Replace Heatpumps Roof Repairs Stairwell Lighting replacement ~ and pipe replacement Total Project # Capital Projects Plan ) Facility Administration Building -20041 2005 2006 2007 2008 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 70,000 60,000 400,000 12,000 40,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 90,000 50,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 40,000 230,000 797,000 240,000 235,000 145,000 @ ) Ð Proiect Name Facility Estimated Cost Descriction of Works Building Automation Administration $10,000 · Additional points connected to system to provide better System Upgrade Building monitorinq and control (Heatinq, Coolinq, Ventilation) . Carpeting - 3m Floor Administration $10,000 · Replace original (20 year old) carpet Buildinq . Office Improvements Administration $100,000 · To renovate any office area in the Administration Building Building as required · Also used to attract new tenants Office Equipment Administration $20,000 · New ergonomically designed workstations I chairs per Building health and safetv requirements Renovation to Computer Administration $40,000 · Existing IT room requires adequate humidification, Lab Building temperature and ventilation · New floorinq and new fire extinquisher system Replace Heat pumps Administration $50,000 · Annual program toreplace ageing heat pumps (air Building conditioninq and heatinq) COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET 2004 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ~ Request to be made to Central Elgin Project # Description of Project 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Boiler Repairs 12,000 Miscellaneous 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 New well ,decommission eXisting well 10,000 Roof Repairs 75,000 Roof Repairs· 40,000 Washroom repairs 10,000 Total 112,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 45,000 Capital Projects Plan Facility Garage Buildings ) ) Whites Station Garage As per building assessment report completed by Totten Sims Hubicki (for Central Elgin) 8 Washroom Repairs Whites Station Garage $10,000 $75,000 · · · Repair ageing roof system As per building assessment report completed by Totten Sims Hubicki (for Central E!9!!lL Roof New Well, Decommission Existing Well Repairs Whites Station Garage · · · New drinking water well is required Existing well to be decommissioned due to contamination As per building assessment report completed by Totten Sims Hubicki (for Central E!9.!Dl $10,000 Doors and windows Minor repairs As per building assessment report completed by Totten Sims Hubicki (for Central E!9!!lL Whites Station Garage · · · Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs Whites Station Garage $5.000 $12,000 · · Repairs to ageing boiler system as required As per building assessment report completed by Totten Sims Hubicki (for Central EIfli.r:1l COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET 2004 COUNTY GARAGE ~ County of Elgin Proposed Capital Budget 2004 Ambulance Replacement Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Ambulance Replacment 130,000 130,000 103,000 103,000 103,000 First Response Vehicle . 55,000 Cost Share with St. Thomas and Province (96,326) (116,008) (72,100) (72,100) (72,100) Total Ambulance Replacment 33,674 68,992 30,900 30,900 30,900 A business case has been presented to obtain funding for the first response vehicle. However, this budget does not include any dollars from the Province for that vehicle. .~ ,~ C0 DIRECT COSTS G) r-- In addition to the contract cost, Elgin County is responsible for the following additional ambulance services costs: County administrative expenses (i.e., salary and benefits for the Ambulance Contract Administrative Manager, as well as office and travel expenses); cost to replace ambulances and administrative vehicles used by the operator; cost to replace I repair major equipment; and contingency reserve for future severance liabilities. Estimates of these additional costs are identified in Exhibit 4: EXHIBIT 4 DIRECT COSTS TO ELGIN COUNTY (in addition to ambulance contract) Estimated Annual Cost County Administrative Expenses $100,000 Annual reserve for replacement of ambulances and 1 administrative vehicle $185,000 *' Equipment repair / replacement $55,000 '* Ilf:T1ò/IJ f il? líR c... /6,(770"'; ()~77o.<iS .~ Contingency for future severance (until a reasonable fund is established) $50.000 Total Annual $390,000 These costs are shared with the City of St. Thomas and, in part, with the Province. The Province's share depends on the funding template and any adjustments agreed to by the Province. .~ r-- County of Elgin Ambulance Equipment - Capital 2004 Proposed Budget r-- r-- G) Ambulance Equipment Replacement - as per contract Less: St. Thomas' share Total 2004 50,000 (20,620) 29,380 DIRECT COSTS (j) ,~ In addition to the contract cost, Elgin County is responsible for the following additional ambulance services costs: County administrative expenses (i.e., salary and benefits for the Ambulance Co"ntract Administrative Manager, as well as office and travel expenses); cost to replace ambulances and administrative vehicles used by the operator; cost to replace / repair major equipment; and contingency reserve for future severance liabilities. Estimates of these additional costs are identified in Exhibit 4: EXHIBIT 4 DIRECT COSTS TO ELGIN COUNTY (in addition to ambulance contract) Estimated Annual Cost County Administrative Expenses $100,000 Annual reserve for replacement of ambulances and 1 administrative vehicle $185,000 *' Equipment repair / replacement $55,000 ;ír Ii f':r1o/IJ (! Il? f7JCI L. 16té'ï70.N ()~o..vS Contingency for future severance (until a reasonable fund is established) $50.000 Total Annual $390,000 These costs are shared with the City of St. Thomas and, in part, with the Province. The Province's share depends on the funding template and any adjustments agreed to by the Province. f ,f l County Council Minutes 3 " _f (""'/ HirinQ Procedure - Policv 3.10 - Director of Human Resources Council discussion ensued regarding removal or amendment to Clause (b) ii). (""' , January 20, 2004 @ Moved by Councillor Mcintyre Seconded by Councillor Warwick THAT the amendments to Human Resources Policy 3.10 "Hiring Procedure" be approved. Moved by Councillor Hofhuis Seconded by Councillor Wilson THAT Policy3.10 Hiring Procedure be amended by removing Clause (b) ii) from the policy. - Motion Lost. The original motion was voted upon and Carried. Ministry of Health One-Time FundinQ for AVL-GPS Systems - Ambulance and EmerQencv ManaQement Co-Ordinator The Ambulance and Emergency Management Co-Ordinator reported that these systems allow for automatic vehicle location (A VL) using global positioning satellites (GPS) to identify the geographic location of ambulances. Capital costs would be $10,800, with up to 50% funded by the Province, plus a $6,480 yearly operational cost. The Ministry may cost-share operational costs but a decision has not been made in this regard. Moved by Councillor Wilson Seconded by Councillor Mcintyre THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the purchase and implementation of an Automatic Vehicle Location/Global Positioning Satellite (AVLlGPS) system in the County's ambulance fleet to take advantage of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's approval of one-time funding for this fiscal year only, to assist Municipalities with the implementation of AVL in Emergency Medical Services. - Carried. 2004 CRF Allocation - Director of Financial Services Moved by Councillor Faulds Seconded by Councillor Vowel THAT the entire 2Ù04 Community Reinvestment Fund allocation to the County of Elgin be applied to the benefit of taxpayers; and, THAT the 2003 Financial Information Return be submitted to Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the deadline set by the Ministry; and, THAT the 2004 tax rate by-law be submitted to Municipal Affairs and Housing by c............J..............h........ '2:{) l){\nA @ .~ County of Elgin Financing Proposed Budget 2004 Financing - Budget 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1,011,932 1,011,932 1,011,932 1,011,932 1,411,932 339,998 56,666 1,351,930 Year Compliance Premium - Elgin Manor Total The compliance premium is received on a monthly basis from the Ministry of Health. These dollars will be applied to the buiiding project. ~ ~ ~ County of Elgin Financing 2004 Proposed Budget Ambulance Bases Land Purchase Building Estimate Administration Fee - Elgin St. Thomas EMS Related Costs Total ® 290,000 968,000 25,000 25,200 1,308,200 Council has approved the building of these two new bases to be funding through the County's financing arrangements. The County funds the new Elgin Manor, the purchase of the Health Unit and the two new bases from this budget line. r- .~ Elgin Manor Redevelopment Project Up to and including Dee 31/03 Costs of Project to Date: Extras as per attached HlRA General Contractors Mekinda Snyder Partnership Southwold SaniTech Stryker Bertec - Beds FutureMed - FurniturelRoom Ernst Hoffsuemmer Anne Moore & Associates Capital Campaign Cumming & Cockburn Limited Dinan Consulting Limited' Robinson Farm Drainage Consultant - M Fleck Koolen Electric Oscar Temple & Sons Houghton & Company Isotherm Philips Drygoods Health care Furnishings Conskil Construction Inc. Summa Engineering Limited . Refrigeration Supply Amec Earth & Environmental Ontario Water Products Hennessey Bowsher Gibson Ambrose Plumbing Ministry of the Environment City of St Thomas - PUC Custom Stainless Works Inc. Nothers Mudge's Appliances Golder Associates Emcad Multicom Media Zehrs - Televisions Trow Consulting Sammons Preston Ernst Hoffsuemmer RMB Communications Spriet & Associates Central Beauty Supply Jennings Co. Ltd London Free Press Lover's Office Furniture Daily Commercial News Corporate Express St Thomas Chamber of Commerce The Brick Swish Maintenance Wood Wyant Yarmouth Metal POI London K&K Locksmith St. Thomas TImes Bank of Montreal - Financing Costs Waterline Land purchase STPlLighting & Hydro Supply STP/Steel Building/Sump Pump STP/Backflow & Meter installed Cut off and Cap Water Reimbursed for Header Tile Revenue Applied to Project: County of Elgin - Contributed Capital Bed Licences sold Prov of Ontario 94-97 Reconciliation Ministry of Health Province of Ontario Bonus Received: CCAC Elgin Manor Retrofit Reserve Capital Campaign - Donations Received Payroll Contributions - D~:mations Received STP = Sewage Treatment Plant 3210-000 - GIL Balance at Dec31/03 Doc:emrljf $ 45,128.81 10,522,261.54 695,369..34 454,050.00 542,686.18 251,897.00 209,691.00 151,415..53 154,665.00 133,715..89 51,833.06 46,056.46 36,462.07 16,768.00 15,283.00 14,677.00 12,335.35 34,608.00 64,339.00 19,155.00 9,313.00 8,470.00 7,962.00 6,929.93 7,122.68 6,303,61 2.100.00 6,066.15 5,947.00 5,550.00 5,318.02 4,791.00 4,245.53 4,573.00 3,529.00 2,909.76 5,51.2.00 2,328.00 2,534.00 2,008.50 4,226.00 3,774.00 1,045.00 1,691.00 899.81 841.00 1,069.00 3,286.00 392.00 491.00 638.00 2,372.00 50.00 48:00 59 822.41 3,148,075.83 1,050,000.00 586,975.00 76,383.00 200,903.00 150,000.00 38,671.80 390,436.99 7,975.09 GIL Diff ® 13,656,555.63 5.649.420.71 8,007,134.92 . 8,007,134.92 8,007,134.91 0.01 Anne Moore & Associates . Date Paid Inv July 31101 July 7101 Sept 30/01 Oct 25101 Nov 16/01 Dec 30/01 Jan 4/02 Feb 7102 Mar31102 May 3102 June 28/02 May 24/02 July 8102 July 12102 July 25102 July 18102 Sept 3102 Aug 12102 Sept 11102 Sept 11102 Oct 22102 Nov 5/02 Nov 20/02 Feb 21102 Dec 30/02 Dec 30102 Jan 28/Oõ Feb 28103 Mar 11/03 Mar 31/03 May 24/03 May27/03 June 17/03 Aug 8/03 Capital Campaign Costs Consist Of: Wages & Expenses Aylmer Express Advertising Superior Computer Hay Stationary Luncheon Food Purchased Strathcraft Van Pelt's Special Event Food Purchased Netmar Thielse,n Galleries Photography Subscriptions Bell Mobility McBain Signs Impressions Marion's Floral Designs Taylor Advertising - Stationary Nothers Total Costs as Reported to Building Committee Break down for Capital Campaign Up to and including Dee 31/03 2173 21,8 2201 2208 2220 2234 2238 2246 2267 2273 2273 2281 2294 2296 2298 2300 2310 2313 2317 2320 2328 2333 2335 2344 2343 2351 2359 2344 2363 2367 2372 2377 2387 Amount 6,180.00 142.00 6,180.00 49.00 1,127.00 664.00 6.180.00 208.00 687.00 7.921.00 586.00 7,921.00 7,921.00 7,921.00 1,048.00 7,921.00 7,921.00 355.00 941.00 7,921.00 7,921.00 7.921.00 800.00 7,921.00 7.921.00 878.00 7,921.00 7.921.00 915.00 7,921.00 333.00 7,921.00 7,921.00 656.00 66,355.55 13,577.59 8,159.00 2,641.00 2,369.00 8,688.00 1.104.00 6,653.50 2,039.00 1,663.00 103.00 805.00 364.00 325.00 2,131.00 56.00 159.00 644.QO 15,979.25 $ 164,665.00 $133,715.89 œ 288,380.89 óJ IIExtras" Up to and including Dee 31/03 A-Cam - Drain Video AT&T Aylmer Glass & Mirror Commonwealth Plywood G&G Troughers Hennessey Bowsher Home Depot K & K Locksmith Koolen Electric Morgan Scott Peter Mitches Phillips Dry Goods Protek Systems Rest Equipment and Supplies RMB Communications Team Enterprises - Plaques The Brick Van Pelts Westburne Westminister Glass & Mirror 123.6.0 $ 741.00 $ 2,195.51 $ 162.42 $ 374.00 $ 213.00 $ 850.26 $ 1,187.00 $ 7,633.07 $ 1,383.00 $ 10,407.00 $ 979.00 $ 222.00 $ 447.00 $ 12,206.00 $ 1,248.00 $ 250.00 $ 685.95 $ 3,136.00 $ 685.00 $45,128.81 ® ,~ County of Elgin Vehicle Replacment 2004 Proposed Budget In 2003, Engineering Services replaced a vehicle through a leasing arrangement where the three year lease was paid for up front saving the County close to $2,500. It may be prudent at this time to set aside $7,000 each year in order to have funds available to take advanatage of this type of arrangement in the future. 2004 7,000 ~ , Miscellaneous Museum $10,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET 2004 MUSEUM. . Unantici ated mechanical I electrical repairs (i) County of Elgin Information Technology 2004 Capital Plan Project Name PC UPS Switch Upgrade . Workstations Laptop Upgrade Laptop Replacements Fibre Network Total 3/15/04 County of Elgin Information Technology 2004 Capital Plan Estimated Cost $ 1,002.92 $ 2,742.15 $ 32,200.00 $ 661.18 $ 11,500.00 $ 210,000.00 $ 258,106.25 @ Description 15 APC Back-UPS ES 350 - BE350U (58.14 each) 1 HP Procurve Switch GL 100/1000 20 Port Module _ J4908A 40 Thin Client devices Memory upgrade Toshiba 3000 (Edwards) Laptops (Admin Services, Watters, Carter, HR) Cost to connect 14 sites to fibre network REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Harley Underhill, Director of Human Resources Tanya Tilton-Reid, Human Resources Co-ordinator DATE: March 12,2004 SUBJECT: New Human Resources Policy - Critical Injury INTRODUCTION: The Human Resources Department has determined the need for a policy in regards to the procedure to be followed should a critical injury occur at one of the County workplaces. DISCUSSION: The addition of this policy to the Human Resources Manual will help to ensure a consistent, timely and appropriate response should a critical injury occur to one of the County employees at his/her workplace. CONCLUSION: The proposed policy is a required addition to the Human Resources Policy Manual. The policy will help to ensure a consistent communication of the steps required in a critical injury situation. The policy will also assist in ensuring the County has met all legislated requirements should a critical injury situation arise at any of the County workplaces. RECOMMENDATION: THAT this policy be approved by Council. THAT the policy be communicated to all Managers and Supervisors, including registered staff at all County Homes for Seniors, immediately. THAT the policy be included in the Human Resources Manual. Approved for Submission ~~~ Mark MCDonal~ r Chief Administrative Officer ~â/p Tanya Tilton-R Id Human Resources Co-ordinàtor County of Elgin Section: 8 Human Resources Policy Manual Subject: Critical Injury Procedure Policy Number: Code - A Date Approved: Page: 1 of 3 Date Last Revision: Definition of a Critical Injury - Occupational Health and Safety Act Reg. 834 For the purposes of this procedure, the Act and the Regulations, "critically injured" means an injury of a serious nature that, 1. Places life in jeopardy; 2. Produces unconsciousness; 3. Results in substantial loss of blood; 4. Involves the fracture of a leg or arm but not a finger or toe; 5. Involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe; 6. Consists of burns to a major portion of the body; 7. Causes the loss of sight in an eye; 8. Other significant losses that require immediate medical attention in a hospital or by a qualified medical practitioner. Critical Injury Response Procedures 1. Immediately secure the required health care for the injured employee. The employer will arrange and pay for any transportation that may be required. 2. Once the injured employee has been removed from the area for health care, cordon off the accident area and ensure no further access to the area. DO NOT CLEAN THE AREA. Access to the area must be restricted until approval to clean up the area is received directly from the Ministry of Labour. 3. Identify potential witnesses. Ask them to write down a detailed report - individually. This should occur as soon as possible following the incident. Create a list of witnesses approached - names, addresses and phone numbers. Ask all witnesses to remain at the workplace until further notice. 4. Refer to the attached Contact Sheet and inform the members of the Critical Injury Response Team. 5. If a camera is availabie - take numerous pictures of the incident area from various angles. If no camera is available create a sketch of the incident area. 6. Maintain the area and all confidential information until the Critical Injury Response Team Co- ordinator arrives on site. 7. Write a detailed report of your knowledge of the incident. (When, where, who, why, how). 8. Write a detailed report of the steps taken in addressing the critical injury. Note dates and times as much as possible. (When, where, who, why, how). 9. Initiate the call list. (see attached) 10. The Response Team Co-ordinator will ensure the following: · Injured employee's family is notified. · Ministry of Labour contacted. · Witness reports completed and received. · Individual interviews with each witness held and recorded. · Accident/incident investigation completed - JHSC Worker Co-chair present. · Co-ordinate and communicate with company's Employee Assistance Program for immediate provisions for crisis intervention. (LEAC 1-800-824-5322) · Communications and assistance for the Ministry of Labour inspector. · Communications with staff as required. · All documentation forwarded to the Human Resources Co-ordinator. 11.AII formal communications with the media or family members regarding the incident will be directed to the Director of Human Resources, or his/her designate. 12. The Department Manager will inform and update the County's C.A.O. 13. The County C.A.O. will inform and update the County Warden. 14. The Human Resources Co-ordinator will complete and forward the full report to the Ministry of Labour within 48 hours of the incident. Critical. Injury Response Team Call List (Call in order listed starting at the top) The Response Team Co-ordinator will be the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate. Position Name Phone Numbers Immediate Supervisor Department Manager Director of Human Resources Harley Underhill·· Work (519) 631-1460 x.125 Cell (519) 857-6042 Work (519) 631-1460 x.111 Home (519) 633-7576 Human Resources Co-ordinator Tanya Tilton-Reid JHSC Worker Co-chair The Director of Human Resources or the Human Resources Co-ordinator will contact the MOL. Ministry of Labour 1-800-265-1676 or (519) 672-0268 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Dianne Palmer, Library Coordinator Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services DATE: March 8, 2004 SUBJECT: Sustainability Grant for Public Internet Access INTRODUCTION In December 2003, the Library submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture for funding through the Sustainability for Public Internet Access Program. Recently we were informed that our application had been approved for $40,000 which is to be spent on maintaining our Public Internet Access sites. DISCUSSION The application requirements included a detailed outline of how the money would be spent. Our pian included the purchase of new computer equipment to replace some of our older public access equipment; the hiring of a promoterltrainer to promote our services to the community, revise our branch websites as needed, and train the public or the staff of small businesses on internet and software applications. In addition, we hope to update some of our present soft'lfare, such as Resume Maker, and offer more access to other programs, such as Microsoft Office. In the budget which we presented as part of the grant application, we outlined the expenditures as follow: Computer equipment and software: approximately $20,000 Promoterltrainer, benefits, and mileage: approximately $20,000. Our plan involves engaging the assistance of the IT department in the purchasing of the computer equipment and software and the assistance of the HR department in the posting of the position and in the hiring of the trainer/promoter. With Council's permission, we would like to hire a promoterltrainer for the sites for approximately a six month period. There will be no cost to the County; all expenses for this position will be covered through the grant. CONCLUSION At this time, we are seeking Counc.il's approval to proceed with spending the funds as outlined above. RECOMMENDATION That County Council approve the Library's acceptance of the grant and distribution of the funds as outlined in the report. Dianne Palmer Library Coordinator ~é!~ Manager of Library Services Approved for Submission ~d~ IAlv Chief Administrative Officer "". 2 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gerry Moniz, Manager of Program and Therapy Services DATE: March 04 SUBJECT: Volunteer Recognition at the Homes for the Aged INTRODUCTION: Volunteer recognition events are being planned at Bobier Villa, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge during National Volunteer week April 19-25. This report is for Council's information. DISCUSSION: Volunteers enhance the quality of life of the residents in our homes and augment the services provided by staff. There are approximately 350 volunteers across the homes that selflessly provide a range of activities to our residents. They share their time and talents to serve on the auxiliaries, run the tuck shops, assist with programs, and provide entertainment and spiritual care. Each of the Homes is planning to host an afternoon social with entertainment and refreshments for all volunteers. At this time, County pins with a 'volunteer' bar will be presented. The $1200.00 cost of the pins will be included in the 2004 budget that will be brought forward for Council approval. Invitations to attend the Volunteer recognition ceremonies will be made to members of County Council. The importance of volunteers and the recognition of their efforts will be further highlighted by the attendance of the Mayors of the Residents Councils, and the Managers of the homes. This is for County Council's information. CONCLUSION: Volunteer recognition events will take place at each of the County Homes. All volunteers will be invited to an afternoon social on the week of April 19-25 where they will receive pins as a token of appreciation. To emphasise the importance of the volunteers' contributions, members of County Council, the Resident Council Mayors, and Homes Managers will be invited to attend. RECOMMENDATION: That the Manager of Program and Therapy Services be authorized to include $1200.00 in the Homes 2004 budget to purchase volunteer recognition pins. That a member of County Council attend each of the volunteer events. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, Approved for Submission G.McD Chief Administrative Officer nd CORRESPONDENCE - March 23, 2004 Items for Consideration 1. Jim Pine, C.A.O., County of Hastings, with a resolution requesting the Province make available to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), on an ongoing basis, access to records of all births and deaths in the province and that the delivery of the Preliminary List of Electors be made available closer to elèction day. (ATTACHED) 2: Janice McKinnon, Deputy Clerk, Township of Ramara, with a resolution requesting the Provincial Government to retain all Power Generation in public ownership. (ATTACHED) 3. Sandra Richardson, Deputy Clerk, City of Kawartha Lakes, with a resolution requesting the Premier and Energy Minister take immediate steps to permanently reinstate the prohibition on the disconnection of electricity in the winter months by Hydro One. (ATTACHED) , 4. Jane Lunn, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Kawartha Lakes with a resolution: 1) petitioning the Ontario Government to review the system of Current Value Assessment and the implementation of a system to protect property owners from volatile significant property assessment increases. (ATTACHED) 5. Joanne Groch, AdministratorlTreasurer, Municipality of West Elgin, with a grant request by Four Counties Transportation Service towards purchase of vehicle. (ATTACHED) ~ OFFICE OF THE WARDEN AND C.A.O. - CLERK Tei: 613-966-1319 Fax: 613-966-2574 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS 235 PINNACLE ST POSTAL BAG 4400 BELLEVILLE - ONTARIO K8N 3A9 ,coUNTY OF HASTINGS "WORKING AND GROWING TOGETHER" www.hastingscounty.com RECEi~vED MAR g 2004 rou~1V OF aGJN _ . H""'M¡""'ðJlj,""'Th.~iI'i~~ iÄ;~J~i-";jH~~:0 ~ H)f.,.; ~ ~i ~<Ït:: ~:r:1~~~'~""" March 4, 2004 MPAC AMO Ontario Municipalities OearAII: Re: Vital Statistics database - births and deaths notices At its February 26th Session, Hastings County Council adopted a special resolution outlined in the attached letter to Minister Watson. Hastings County urges you to lend your support to this request by endorsing this special resolution and sending a copy of your support to Minister Watson directly. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation. Yours truly, ,¡¿ J' Pine, CAO County of Hastings JP:gds OFFICE OF THE WARDEN AND CAO. - CLERK Tel: 613~966~1319 Fax: 613~966~2574 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS 235 PINNACLE ST. POSTAL BAG 4400 BELLEVILLE ~ ONTARIO K8N 3A9 COUNTY OF HASTINGS "WORKING AND GROWING TOGETHER" www.hastingscounty.com. 3 March, 2004 The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister, Consumer and Business Services, Eaton Tower, 35th Floor, 250 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2N5 Dear Minister Watson: re: Access to births and deaths records for property assessment purposes During the last municipal elections in November 2003 one of the significant issues faced by municipalities was the accuracy of the Voters' List. Many of the municipalities in our County were frustrated by errors and omissions in the list. These inconsistencies were also a source of irritation for the electors who were attempting to exercise their franchise. In our review of the problem we determined that the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation is handicapped in their attempts to create a more accurate list because of both the timing of the production of the list and their inability to regularly access important provincial data including births and deaths. As a result, County Council, at its February 26, 2004 Session, adopted the following special resolution: . "THAT, for the purpose of improving the accuracy and currency of the municipal voters' lists and the Ontario Population Reports, the County of Hastings requests the Province of Ontario make available to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) on a regular and on-going basis, records of all births and deaths in the province of Ontario as recorded in the Vital Statistics database maintained by the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services, and FURTHER THAT, the Municipal Elections Act that currently requires the Preliminary List of Electors to be delivered on July 31 of an election year, be amended to permit a delivery date closer to election day, and FURTHER THAT this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MPAC and all Ontario municipalities for endorsement and support." County Council encourages your eariy attention to this request in the expectation that improvements can be made for the next municipal election. Yours truly, Vf1~'0~ Peter Kooistra, Warden County of Hastings PK:gds c.c. Minister John Gerretsen MPAC AMO Ontario municipalities 82/11/84 23:18:38 EST: ASSOCIATION OF?-) FEB-ll-04 WED 04: 18 PM 260 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 883 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 P. 02 .-d~ :~" Q.W IIf ...~ ~ ~./!Of\"'-'4 v ¥' .;a"$. 00'1 ,)!i- " -1æRl!L )i ,,~., ;'2~"'r<;i< ~~ r:¡~ ¥"·'1ffr>Þ¡, \I"\,~. ì,~ .~,~, <" , ',í:>:';:;" . ~ COIWORATION OF TJ-Œ TOWNSHIP OF RAMARA Proud History - Progre.'Isive Future Febl'll(]ry 5, 200t . Ivrunídp¡¡litie$ ofOntnrio Pei,r ('Ollllci1: .R";.l~~lq!.1jj.9.IJ.M" l~p.wer Oe\lçralío.!) Cmll1cíl ofth¢ TOWJ1shi]J ofRamara J'Ccenlly hcmò a deputntíon ftom a resident with respect to [Iydw Ono, Power Gt'n",ration and tho possibility the provincial gowmmcnt may soH \Ile c01l1pnny ¡nellldin); tho lnlJ1sm¡s~ion lillcs. H'IIn;lrH TownsJdp Council requçstcd thflt you be fldvisod that they passed a resolution find rçq\Jcsl YOll to give cOl18ídcmliOll to the impon,¡ncc ofrcl~ining public oWnership of Ontario Powcr (kncnllJOIl. (\,undJ pUf>,~\,)d I.h~ following resolution; TlMT COllncil ~sk the Lib"ra! Provincial Government to rctain a1l Power Ocncralíon in Pllhlie ownership, so th~t the residents or Ontario C1\11 have power at <:ost mId a.rcliabJc systcm. AND 1'1 ¡AT Ihis resolution be circulated thíOugh AMO. Carried. Should yon havc ¡my questions, pleaso do not hc~itale to contact me ut (705) 4&4-5374 ex!. 222 0,. jll!ckÎ1111o@towIlship.ram¡¡m.on.ca. Yows tnlly, ~,,;....~:r¡Üb':-,,\"J)'y...) ,I;¡lIk" Mc!<ínnc>n, AMCT f)q>lIly Ckrk ,>. O. ÐD.' /30, ¡¡r"dtin, ON '.OK lBO (705) 4114-5374 ¡w; (705) 484-0441 ~t;~·...._-_..·__.._-- --j ,--·..........-..._.....__01" .. . ·w.._........... wt<.~M'J1.,.~þllÃM'ltln~ . -~'~.:---':':'...,,.. 0",. ""'- . 83/85/84 23:84:17 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin CD Page 882 MAR-05-04 FRI 05:52 PM 260 FAX NO. 416 971 6191 p, 01 Caldl tll~ KaWI!1t/W sJ;iri' ....=..~~~~...,....,-:.. The Corporation of The City Of Kawartha Lakes 1', o. Bo); 9000 LINDSAY, ONTARW. K9V 5R8 (705) 324·9411 ext. 266 (705)-324-8/ JO. J;,1X (......·t if ",.»'1<"\.,, .,.(t y () ,~.:,:\~,);~I!~~¡~ '" 'lQ" WÀ WARTrIA·:'tiAT\':~:'"·':·S··: ~~ . - , Fct,nlnry 2.7, 2001 Premier Dnlten McGuin¡Y Office öf tho Premier Lo:i'gislativc 8uilding Oucon's Park TOnONTO,ON MIA 1A1 [)O<:1r Honourable McGuinty: n<;; DÎsco¡mection of E.lec:tricily in the Winter by Hydro One Coul'1cil for the City of Kaw¡¡rtha Lakes, at their February 3, 2004 Council meeting, ¡¡ctopted the fc¡lIowing resolution: Mewed by Councillor Jack, seconded by Council/or R. McGee, WIIEREAS the cold winter climate in the ProvincQ of Ontario necessitates a source of heat in dwelling places; and WHEREA$ electricity is required in most homes to provide that heat; and WHËREAS 1i18 disconnection of electricity in the winter can result in a loss 01 he,,! and subsequent serious consequences for the health and well being of Ontflrio citizens and possible loss of life; T!- EREfORE Ell::: IT RESOLVED THAT thQ Council of the City 01 Kawartha Lakes requost Premier McGuinty Rnd Dwight Duncan, Energy Minister, to take imn\cdil;1te steps to pcmlanenLly minstate the prohibilion on the disconnection 01 øjoctrir:ity in the winter by Hydro Ono, put in place by tho previous provincial govemment; and THAT tho resolution be fOl'\l1Iarded (0 AMO and to other Ontario municipalities for their ondQrsemcnt and support. Yours truly, Sandm Hiohmdson DGpu!V Glerk co: Dwight DUr1o£ln, Energy Ministor All Municipalities in Ontario 1We--':II~~~IIIIIÍ~~"''ÌIIII~'" ....... ~..~Qllt1'Jilr'41l_..-d.~~... " ,', ..o.-.IIANO,,'" ~~;.(r~m~__ ~-~~.. , . , 83/85/84 23:84:49 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) MAR-05-04 FRI 05:52 PM 260 519 633 7661 CLERH-EIyin Co Paye 883 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 02 , ,. .r ',. ."< 'l..rll.y t}J ",;::: .' \. IQIWARTH~, (~[lrrh flIt' .Kmt.'tmJld s '~rit I . . .!:~~, Jnl1e LII1In, CJ\O r.o. Box 9000, 2G FrttndS St. l.iJ111~ny. ON -K9V 5H,S Tdq'¡rud~ (Dirc:cl): (705) 324~9460, ""t. 296 Ttli'p1r!mt! (Call C,'nh't'): (7( [i) 324 -94 1 TdeplwllI'TI)fl 'Fl'L'l': 1~S88-S22-2225 E.:-Mail: j1.lIm@cily.knlf.llrl1ItTlflkes.QJJ_C.u Tay: (705) 324·,5·117 WflJsite! wluw.I";fy.krlTl'drlllafJ1kc¡;.ø1 .ca f'"cbruary 2.l, 2004 Prcrnìf;)r [)i¡!ton McGuinty OHÍ(~o of tile PrQmier LcgislalivQ Building Quc"n'e P<1rk lORONTO, ON M7A 1A1 Dem HOf\our<1blo McGuinty: H,,: Cune"t Value Assessment (CVA) Council for the City of I<awmtha Lal<es at IIleir January 20, 2004 Council meeting, ¡;;dcptod tho following r(¡commendation from tile Corporate and Human Resource Servicc;) Commillco Meeting held January 12, 2004. WI1EHEAS tho Government of Ontario is vested with the ultimate responsibility. for and authority over the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; AND WHEf\EAS the Currel!t Value Assessment (CVA) system of assessing Ontario property for taxatlen purposes is volatile basÐd upon handling the process of ro-assessments ovor thé course of a very short timeframe; AND WHEREAS thoso timeframes and this process have imposed unbearable fiMncird burdens upon many Ontario property owners including our constituents in lile City of Kaw<lrtha Lakes; Be rr m=:SOLVEO that the Council for the City of Kawartha Lakes on behalf of its f.icctorate, p¡:,tition the Government of Ontario and Premier Dalton McGuinty to revil'Jw thÐ system of Current Value Assessment (CVA) and implement a sY$tom of propolty assessment that protects property owners in Ontario from volntilG siÇJnific¡:¡nt property assessment increases and promotes a more stable systom of property assessment within tho ProvincE:> of Ontario; and THAT this motion be circulated to all Ontario municipalities tl1rough thÐ AMO Notwork to seek their support in petitioning ttw Province with respect to these ooncorns. We look forward to your serious consideration of this matter. Yours truly, Jane LlIlln Crud A(Jrninj(,tr;:¡tivo Officer cc_ All Ontario Municipalîlios 'f1¡ùa~¡ I~IMIiW~III!""'~"'''''''''''''-~· ....... ~~CM""œMl..~_~~~M'.I .. ,,- 1IÍ~~1iLI ~..(_-..-o._""'" ...._---_.__._..~-- ZIT4£ ¿attutriciflaIit~ af ~ro ~Igitt March 10, 2004 ¡RECEIVED MAR 12 2004 County of Elgin Mr. Mark McDonald, Administrator 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, ON N5R 5V1 ~I1JNìY Of a.em ,'¡.~!&~W!l1!!'W:I¡¡TilFiE~~ ~~c.hJJ~~gW1i;l§ro~;;¡ æW¡ç (OC~~~ Dear Mr. McDonald; RE: FOUR COUNTIES TRANSPORTATION SERVICE - GRANT REQUEST The Four Counties Community Transportation service offers affordable, accessible transportation for seniors and disabled persons in the service area of Four Counties Health Services, encompassing municipalities in Elgin, Middlesex and Chatham-Kent. Transportation is provided in a wheelchair accessible vehicle and can be accessed by phoning to schedule transportation 24 hours in advance. The Municipality of West Elgin is the sponsoring municipality and provides overall administration for operations. A Committee consisting of representatives from the various municipalities and service providers meets on a regular basis. The service is funded by a combination of rider fares and contributions from municipal governments in the service area. The round trip fare is currently $8.00. The 1997 vehicle has just been replaced with a new 2003 model at a cost of about $60,000. A provincial grant of about $20,000 has been approved and the Four Counties Health Services Foundation has generously contributed $30,000. The municipalities who supervise the service are appealing to service clubs and communityorganizations to assist with the balanceofthe capital cost - about $7,000. We are respectfully asking County Council to consider a donation to support this important service that provides essential transportation to seniors and disabled persons in our communities. If you require additional information about the service or the replacement vehicle please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, ~~ Joanne Groch, B.A., CMO AdministratorlTreasurer 22413 Hoskins Une, Box 490, Rodney, Ontario NOL 2CO Tel: (519) 785-0560 Fax: (519J 785-0644 CORRESPONDENCE - March 23. 2004 Items for Information - (Consent Aaenda) 1. Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario: 1) acknowledging Council's resolution concerning the Nutrient Management Act; 2) acknowledging Council's support of the City of Sarnia's resolution regarding Municipal Property Assessment Corporation; 3) acknowledging Council's recommendation regarding the spring bear hunt. 2. Honourable Harinder S. Takhar, Minister of Transportation, announcing the creation of the Emergency Detour Route (EDR) protocol and outlining the impact of the initiative to stakeholders. (ATTACHED) 3. Resolutions of support for Council's resolution regarding the size and composition of the Thames Valley District School Board: i) Ken Whiteford, C.A.O.lClerk, County of Oxford ii) Tena Michiels, Deputy Clerk, Township of Southwold Iii) Lynda Millard, Clerk, Municipality of Bayham 4. C. Ron Phillips, Phillips & Associates, concerning the proposed tree cutting by-law. (ATTACHED) 5. Ontario News Release, re: "McGuinty Government Listens to Property Tax Concerns". (ATTACHED) 6. R. Millard, C.A.O.lClerk, Township of Malahide, with a resolution concerning off-road vehicle legislation. (ATTACHED) 7. Paul W. Huras, Executive Director, Thames Valley District Health Council, conveying support for Elgin and Middlesex Counties' plan to address the local Primary Care Doctor shortage. (ATTACHED) 8. AMO Member Communication ALERT: 1) Municipal Election Candidates; 2) MOF Announces Changes to Seasonal Campground Assessments; 3) MOF Announces Modification to Property Tax Regulations for 2004 Tax Year. (ATTACHED) 9. Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance, advising of decisions regarding municipal flexibility and autonomy in setting tax policy for the 2004 tax year. (ATTACHED) The Premier of Ontario Le Premier ministre de l'Ontario Édifice de I' Assemblée législative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 ltÆ "'I(m;ap' Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1A1 RECEIVED February 20,2004 FEB 23 2004 COUNTY OF ELGIN A!)M!r~!STRA11'JE !3ËR'~ Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter providing me with a copy of council's resolution regarding the enforcement of the Nutrient Management Act I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities. I note that you have sent a copy of your resolution to my colleague, the Honourable Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture and Food. I have also passed along a copy of your resolution to the Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of the Environment. I trust that the ministers will also take your views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, Qat{., Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honourable Steve Peters The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky @ 'X '-·-··'··''''i'''''''· .. " --"'·'7::'-)?-f<'.e:n··-':-"···:'·' The Premier of Ontario Le premier ministre de ¡'Ontario Édifjce de I' Assemblée législative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 ltÆ "EIi:!:II" Ontario Legislative Building Queen's·Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1A1 February 19, 2004 REceiVED FEB 25 tOOt cOONiV Of~N _d '1I'1M!~~~~1"Mt ~~Rt~a y"_",,,""k..~\'.-,= ~I rs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter providing me with a copy of council's resolution in support of the City of Sarnia's resolution regarding the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities. I note that you have sent a copy of your resolution to my colleague the Honourable Greg Sorbara, Minister of Finance. I trust that the minister will also take your views into consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, (lqf1~ Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honouråble Greg Sorbara @ The Premier of Ontario Le Premier ministre de I'Ontario Édifice de I' Assemblée législative Queen's Park Toronto (Ontario) M7A1A1 ltÆ 'lllllEI3~ Ontario Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A1A1 RECEIVED March 1, 2004 MAR 4 2OD4 Mrs. Sandra J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 COUNTY OF RSIN Afì~.Rm"if(¡m~'¡"Ii'\I¡¡:: @""'ìf]!V"'·· R1{A~?'~~,~,", ~"'~ ~ \Í~Y~~, ~',dt":'4 /l~,,~~~,,;j @ Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter providing me with a copy of council's recommendation regarding the spring bear hunt. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's views. I note that you have sent a copy of your letter to the Honourable David Ramsay, Minister of Natural Resources. I trust that the minister will also take your views intO consideration. Thank you again for the information. Yours truly, ((ldi<L, Dalton McGuinty Premier c: The Honpurable David Ramsay @ , '- ç Ministry of Transportation Office of the Minister Ferguson Block, 3rd Floor 77 Wellesley 51. West Toronto Ontario M7A 128 416 327-9200 www.mto.gov.on.ca Ministère des Transports Bure'au du mÎnistre Édifice Ferguson. 3& étage 77, rue Wellesley ouest Toronto (Ontario) M7A 128 416 327-9200 www_mto.gov.on.ca iJM ~qJ~ - Ontario RECEIVED FEB 2 6 1004 MAR 2 21lQ4 OOUN'NOfa.~ ... j'1¡D.~'1\'æS\~ Mr. Steve Peters, MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London 542 Talbot Street St. Thomas. Ontario N5P 1 C4 Dear Mr. Peters: Thank you for your letter regarding Emergency Detour Routes in Elgin County. As you know, the ministry and the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) developed an Emergency Detour Route (EDR) taskforce in the summer of 2002. Together, the ministry and OGRA, with representatives from the OPP, local police forces, municipal representatives and other key stakeholders reviewed the issues associated with emergency highway closures and the impact of detours on municipal roads. I am pleased to announce that the taskforce has completed its work with the creation of an EDR protocol that includes a standardized EDR signing system and addresses issues related to the various stakeholder relationships, predetermined roles and responsibilities. This document is scheduled to be released by the ministry/OGRA via the OGRA's website within the next month. For municipalities, such as Elgin County, that already have an EDR system in place, the ministry will supply the signs required to allow them to retrofit signage on their iocal roads. As for those municipalities that to date have not participated in the EDR process, the EDR protocol document will enable the ministry to meet with these municipalities with the goal of creating an EDR system for all of the province's 400 series highways. .../2 - , -2- Thank you again for your interest in EDR signing. I trust the work completed by the EDR taskforce will give the ministry and municipalities the tools required to complete this worthwhile and valuable initiative. Sincerely, .J.JÇ~ Harinder S. Takhar Minister c: Warden John Wilson, County of Elgin His Worship Rien Van Brenk, Mayor, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich His Worship Duncan McPhail, Mayor, Municipality of West Elgin His Worship James Mcintyre, Mayor, Township of Southwold COUNTY OF OXFORD Phone: (519) 539-9800 Fax: (519) 537-3024 OFFICE OF THE C.A.O.lCLERK P. O. Box 397, Woodstock Ontario N4S 7Y3 RECEI'VED MAR 4 2004 Mrs. S. J. Heffren Deputy County Clerk County ofElgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5Vl COUN'iY Of B.ØI AÐMINISTAAi"IVE~ Dear J\1rs. Heffi·en: RE: Resolution - County ofEI!!:in: Thames Vallev District School Board At the February 25, 2004 session of Oxford County Council, the following resolution was adopted by Council: "That the resolution ITom the County of Elgin, petitioning the Minister of Education for Ontario to conduct a review of the size and composition of the Thames Valley District School Board to more adequately reflect the urban and rural differences in the delivery of education, be endorsed." Council asked me to inform you that this resolution was adopted unanimously. Copies ofthis resolution will be sent to the various parties mentioned in the Elgin County resolution. Yours very truly, ~~ Ken Whiteford C.A.O.! Clerk County of Oxford Ikkh Copy - Municipal Clerks, County of Oxford - Thames Valley District School Board - Ernie Hardeman, M.P.P., Oxford www.county.oxford.on.ca.CourtHouse.415HunterStreet.WoodstockOntarioN4S4G6.caoclerk@cQunty.oxford.on.ca TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 35663 Fingal Line Fingal, ON NOL 1 KO Phone: (519) 769-2010 Fax: (519) 769-2837 Email: southwold@twp.southwold.on.ca March 5, 2004 RECEIVED Mrs. S. J. Heffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 MAR 1 0 2004 COI.!!\.11V Of aGfi ADM!NlSmA~i~~ Please be advised that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southwold at its Council meeting held on March 1 st, 2004 passed the following resolution: "THAT this Council endorse the resolution from the County of Elgin petitioning the Minister of Education for Ontario to conduct a review of the size and composition of the Thames Valley District School Board to more adequately reflect the urban and rural difference in the delivery of education." Please contact the Township if you require any further information. Yours truly, ;h,"~rhA Deputy Clerk Municiþality of . Bayham OJ> ~., 1>0l"tunity Is ~o~ P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario NO] 1 YO Tel: (519) 866-5521 . Fax: (519) 866-3884 email: bayham@bayham.on.ca RECEIVED !MAR n 2004 OOIJNìY Of a.GIN Aœ!MSTRAm'E~a March 8, 2004 Mrs. S.J. Heffren, Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ()~ ~5R 5Vl Dear Sandra Re: TVDSB Review Please be advised that your cOI1"espondence dated February 10, 2004 to the Minister of Education regarding a review of the TVDSB was considered at the regular meeting of Council held February 19th and the following resolution passed: "THAT the Council ofthe Municipality of Bayham endorses and supports the resolution submitted by the County of Elgin to Gerard Kennedy, Minister of Education requesting a review of the size and composition of the Thames Valley District School Board." This cOI1"espondence is being tòrwarded to Steve Peters, MPP. Please feel free to forward copies as appropriate. Should there be any further information you require, please feel free to give me a call. Yours truly . ~Ä~~J) Lynda Millard Clerk Cc: Steve Peters MPP File: Al61ClO C2004-029 PHILLIPS & ASSOCIATES Real Estate Appraisers, Broker & Consultants Phone:519-866-3816/ Fax:519-866-3924 Straffordvil1e C. RON PHILLIPS, ARA, ALC Box 91, Straffordvíl1e, Ont NOJ I YO elVED March 5, 2004 IlARS- CO!.mY Of aWN M.ìMINISTM-EMII Kettle Creek Conservation .Authority RR # 8 St.Thomas, On. N5P 313 44105 Ferguson Line .Attention: Rob Lindsay Re: Elgin County Proposed Woodlands Conservation By-law Dear Sir: I am writing as result of attending a public meeting held in the municipality of Bayham on March 4, 2004. .At the meeting I made several comments concerning the by-law on behalf of the Phillips family who have farmed and managed woodlands in Elgin since the 1930's. First we commend the county in attempting to improve the by-law used to enforce ihe conservation of woodlands in the municipality. In my experience one of the first things the politicians & bureaucrats who write by-laws must do to be successful, is to get the stakeholders (farmers, wood lot managers, forestry specialists, timber harvesters, sawmill operators, firewood harvesters and the general public in some cases) to "buy into" the intent of the by-law. It appears to me that it is going to be very difficult to obtain support from the industry stakeholders for this by-law as written. The intent appears quite acceptable to most but the wording is poor and in some areas the wording of the by-law will unnecessarily aggravate the some of the stakeholders. Example Our family has been managing several large tracts of wooded land in three townships in the municipality for numerous years, all under the direction of professional foresters. This by-law indicates that I now have to obtain a permit to destroy my tree crop. This wording really sticks in my craw If the wording was changed to "an intent to harvest, injure or destroy must be filed" It would be far more acceptable. A clarification of what areas the "notice of intention to harvest or permit" would cover also needs addressing In our case, where harvesting is an ongoing almost annual operation at some location on our farm properties, we would require numerous permits for the various sites. I also have a reai problem with paying a fee of $75 per permit, per site, per year to be able to harvest our crops Especially when I get absolutely nothing in return. I am a believer in "fee for service" but there is little service involved here. If the tree commissioner attended each site and gave me a report as to the quality of my operation and indicating where problems might exist if any, then a fee for the services could be understood (similar to a building inspector) but to pay the fee strictly as an administration cost is not acceptable. I am already paying professional foresters fees to prepare a report allowing the harvesting or destruction "permit" to be issued. Any costs required to operate the by-law should be paid by the taxpayer as it seems this by-law is written to protect the forests (as it should be) for the good of the population in general, not for the gain of the owner of the woodlands. Some specific areas of the by-law that require addressing are 1(a) Change this definition wording to better reflect the intent of the by-law to "controlling the harvesting, injuring or destruction of trees" 1 (u) The definition of a tree includes any sprout of a tree which could reach 4.5 metres. No-till farming practices creates many areas along the edge of wood lots which would have sufficient tree sprouts to qualify the area to be classed as woodlands. Strict compliance with the by-law could force the farmer to leave this area to regenerate into a forest otherwise he would be destroying trees. Some reference to exceptions to the bylaw must be made for agricultural operations 2 General Prohibition (a) (i)&(ii) This indicates that all destruction off trees must be carried out in accordance with good forestry practices AND in accordance with the minimum circumference requirements I would hope this "AND" is a misprint and should read "OR" otherwise this by-law should be completely rejected as the whole idea of forestry management as taught in the past years has been disregarded during preparation of the by-law. (d) (i) needs clarification I read this to mean that during the harvesting process if I destroy, injure or damage any tree which was not marked or designated for harvesting that I am in violation of the bylaw. Considering the description of a tree I had better not break a sapling or run over a scrub tree with my equipment or for that matter step on a seedling during the operation or I am in violation of the by-law. Possibly the insertion of the word UNNECESSARILY would clarify the intention of the by-law Exemptions 3(m) needs clarification as to the description of a log (should it read tree) also why do I have to notify the tree commissioner for an action which is exempt from the by-law under which the tree commissioner has the authority to act 6 Application for Permit (a) (i) my vacant land does not have 911 numbers which is a requirement in the application process (Iii) I understand that the intent is to limit harvesting either to "Good Forestry Practices or a Circumference or minium size cut where a forestry management report would not be required. 7 There has to be a better way to resolve differences than the Ontario Municipal Board option This should only be the ''last resort" as it is a very time consuming and expensive process. Scheduie "F" requires an estimation of the board feet to be removed. In my opinion that volume figure is no ones business but the owners. The "volume removed" has nothing to do with good forestry practice whereas the volume remaining is a far more relevant figure. If the county wants to know the volume removed have their tree commissioner come and scale the logs, as it appears that he has the right. In summary the intent of the by-law is good but as written real problems in administration could result The tree commissioner and the current players in the industry may well understand the intent and could proceed with little difficulty in resolving issues as they arise but this by- law in the hands of someone who wanted it followed to the lettér could shut down every forest harvesting operation in the municipality. There are those who would try if they thought they could succeed. I ~flrtunit~t C. Ron Phillips, ARA, ALC comment CRP cc Municipality of Bayham County of Elgin News Release Communiqué ® Ontario Ministry of Finance Ministère des Finances For Immediate Release March 10, 2004 McGUINTY GOVERNMENT LISTENS TO PROPERTY TAX CONCERNS Changes address concerns of maple syrup producers, ,trailer park owners and occupants TORONTO - The McGuinty government is addressing the property tax concerns of three groups facing new assessments or classifications, Finance Minister Greg Sorbara announced today. "We have taken immediate steps to address the concerns of maple syrup producers, trailer park owners, and trailer park occupants," Sorbara said. "We are listening to people's concerns about the importance of consistent and timely application of assessment and classification policies by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)." Maple syrup producers faced a change in classification of their facilities from farm to industrial for the 2004 taxation year. The government directed MP AC to suspend further changes. Trailer park owners and occupants say they face retroactive taxation because of changes in assessment that were implemented late in the 2003 taxation year. The government has cancelled those assessments, which were issued in November, 2003 for trailers in seasonal campgrounds for the 2003 taxation year. "We will continue to work with these. groups as well as all Ontarians to corne up with property tax assessment solutions .that work," Sorbara said. The government is calling on MP AC, maple syrup producers and representatives of the broader farming community to develop mutually acceptable criteria for deciding what constitutes industrial production of maple syrup. "The government will also work with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and other agricultural groups to establish clarity in agricultural definitions for the purposes of property classification," said Steve Peters, Minister of Agriculture and Food. The government will continue discussions regarding the assessment of trailers in seasonal parks and ensure trailer park owners are sufficiently advised of future assessments, Sorbara said. These initiatives come out of a review led by Mike Colle, MPP, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance, who is looking at ways to improve how properties are assessed in Ontario. "We are committed to establishing clarity and uniformity in property assessment and classification," Sorbara said. "We want to find real solutions by working with Ontarians, not around them." -30- Contact: Diane Flanagan Minister's Office (416) 212-0634 Disponible en francais Bani Fox Gray Communications Branch (416)212-2155 Township of MALAHIDE 87 John Street South, Ayhner, Ontario N5H 2C3 Telephone: (519) 773.5344 Fax: (519) 773.5334 Email: malahide@township.malahide.on.ca www.township.malahide.on.ca March 8, 2004 RECEIVED MAR II 2"ú04 Elgin Group Police Services Board, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl coomv OFa.QIN AÐMtN¡SmA'mÆ$~ Attention: David Rock, Chair Dear Sir: RE: Off-Road Vehicles Legislation. Malahide Township Council passed the following Resolution on March 4, 2004: THAT the Township of Malahide does not support new legislation allowing municipalities to pass by-laws permitting Off-Road Vehicles to travel on roadways due to potential safety concerns and liability issues. Yours very truly, TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ¿;2 '-. // ./~ R. MILLARD, C.A.O.lCLERK Copy - Mr. Andre Verhaeghe H:\diana\diana's files\Randy 2004\opp - off road vehicles march 8"wpd RANDALL R. MILLARD C.AO./Cleck Ema:il: clerk@township.malahide.on.ca SUSAN E. wn.sON Treasurer Emaîl: treasurer@township.malahide.on.ca .,.~~ 1)istrict}¡~ ~~~'J. ~ ~ ;::: e· ;.,~~r. <> ø '" = '" ~ ~ ~ ~ó.?, ~l :9/ de san\é ~~ A healthy life journey, in a safe, caring community Une vie en santé au sein d'une communauté sécuritaire et bienveillante Council Members: R. Barnier, Chair R. Alder I. Brebner P. Coilins R. Hall M. Hanley G. Puddicornbe M. Raithby B. Waters Executive Director P. Huras 100 Collip Circle, Suite 105 U.w.O. Research Park London, Ontario N6G 4X8 Tel/Téi: (519) 858-5015 FaxlTéiéc: (519) 858-5016 http://www.tvdhc.on.ca March 10, 2004 Warden David Rock County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive, 1 st Floor St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear David: On behalf of the Thames Valley District Health Council (TVDHC), I am conveying my support for Elgin and Middlesex Counties' innovative plan to address the local Primary Care doctor shortage. This effort is consistent with the District Health Council's top planning priority this year to improve access to primary health care. TVDHC views the problem of accessing primary health care to be complex; requiring multifaceted strategies to achieve improvements. Your intent to increase the supply of family physicians through the offering of new residencies for foreign trained doctors is considered a critical component to any strategy to improve access. It is the desire of the District Health Council to see Thames Valley become a "magnet" district for primary health care professionals, where they will want to train, stay, return, and move to our communities to advance their careers, serve the patients, and advance the knowledge of this frontline health service. Your proposal will contribute to this ideal and will lead to improved access. I look forward to working with your planning committee to further the development of this initiative. If, in the meantime, I can offer any additional support please contact me at extension 226, or phuras@tvdhc.on.ca. YVL Paul W. Huras, CHE Executive Director c. Mark McDonald DR Elgin Midd dr shortage sup Itr B3/1B/B4 23:B4:B2 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Pdge BB2 MAR-IO-04 WED 05:10 PM 260 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 I [...../ r.... Association of I:'. ~ Municipalili~s t:r of Ontario ~.,;,.,¡.I'I.~~.,.". ,:.: :,'r, !(>~ 'v,iíJ;. ii"" ,~~ ~r..T. ~~iB\: ,"1\.... .~;'~i.!tn >r,1'"J:; ,"" :;' ~~~. ~':'I o(".._.~ .. ~...,i!~,: ~~~~..)'~~':<'j ~~~~.t ~ ì~ ~~:\¡.~,*ì:l8' f5i. ~;J,1 - 393 lk1iver¡¡j[y AV<J:\uc, Suìte 1701 Tcrcnto, ON M5G 1E1; Td: (416) 971-98GG' fa>c (416) 971-6191 ern~iI: ano@:¡.rno.rnunicom.oom ~~..i\.'iQ~...oH""-~~'~"~~'-"":¡?" -_.~~ ~ ~~~ To the immedittte atta 1tion of tile Clerk and Council March 10, 2004 - Alert 04/007 MUNICIPAL ELECTION CANDIDATES ,;;$U.Q: At> a result of changos to the Municipal Elections Act, all candidates must file their fi1'l3ncinlswtcmeni.s by March 31, 2004. B~lc!,ørollnd: On NovemL)çr 2ß, 2002. Bill 177, the Municipal Stalufe Law Amendment Act, 2002, received f(0Y~11 ASf,ont. It included several amcndments to the Municipal Elections Act (please see AMO f:YI02/028). As " result or the chnnges &Ill c<lndidates (including those who withdrew before nomination day) in lh(~ 1<1'31 rnunicipÐI election must file a complete and accurate financial statement with the Municipal CI¡¡rk in the municipality where they ran by no later than March 31st, 2004 at 5:00 p.m.·- this applies even if candidates file for Ð campaign extension. Undr.>r the IÐgislation. by March 1, 2004, Clerks were to provide notice to candidates about tl"'80 financial filing requirements through a registered leUer. The Association of Municipal Ml1n¡¡gem. Clerks and Tmasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) has already reminded it~ members of thes" dtik,s. The pùnalti(";s for ft'li1ing to file by the March 31, 2004 deadline have changed and they are subfJtanlì;;ll. Sitting Council members will bø suspended from Council without pay. Suspensions will bogin tWGlve day¡¡ aHer a Municipal Clerk mails out the required default notice(s) to the CQuncil rnernber(s) who missed the de<ldline and their Council. Clerks must send out the default noticos 10 £1/1 candidates by April 10th, 2004. In acidition, suspended rnernbors of Council who have still not filed their financial statements þy July 1st, 2.004 and have not applied for, and been gmntcd, a filing extension by the Courts will bG dismisscd from office. Tiley will also be inelìgible to run in the 2006 municipal election. Everl if tho Courts grant a suspended Councillor a filing extension, they will still not be reinstnteej onto their Counc;ìl. This can only occur when the required financial statements have bcsn filed with the oppropriale Municipal Clerk. ThH0 am Diso p~nalHÐs for candidates who were not elected (including those who withdrew their nominr~tjon bdorÐ nomination day). If thoir financìal statemehts are not filed by July 1st 200<1, lhey will be disqualified from running in the 2006 municipal election - unless the Courts have granted ù filing exLension. fl1is infüfll/tJUon is ovai/Db/a through I1MO's subscription based MUNICOM no/wolk at www.nWI}[.iQ.((U;.Qill· For moro inJ(mn"lion, contact: Jeff Fiscller, Policy Advisor, at 416-971-9856. 83/18/84 23:84:49 EST: ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 883 MAR-10-04 WED 05:10 PM 260 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 P. 02 / GCt Association of Municipalities of Ontmio ~-~',\ ,~.~.". .. ..~ . /:":\'1 ~~I, .,:;t·< \l¡, f;~ . '~"'~oI, ....e?.,jt" :j?" .' ·'l .~:: I It ,",.J. .__ : A.' .~. ~_J ~A ~,~_~__ Ii''' ;¡:r.~~{:,~ k" ~f::;~"'1~11~ . t" ",. "J' ~' ..._",-" 4;'" " \~~t 'I"~ ~~t"1 t,,¡.. _.., ,.'~"....~.",. ""'" ""--' ~~l!l'''~''''''''''''''''''''''-~ .~.~,,~ -- ~J'_~_ ~......... 393 UnÎvers;ly AV01UC, Suite 1701 Tcronto, ON M5G 1Eß Td: (416) 971-9656' tax: (416)971-6191 eman: mlo@Þmo.nlUnïcom.com To tlw imllledi¡¡t.:J attention offlla Clerk and Council March 10, 2004 - Alert 04/008 MOF Announces Changes to Seasonal Campground Assessments Istllc: Tho Minister of Finance, the Honourable Greg Sorbara, today announced the cancellation of aS$c~;s!)l(Jnts on trailer$ in seasonal campgrounds for the 2003 taxation year, The Minister also announced tho suspension of changes in the assessment classification of maple syrup produc:lÏ<.m ff1ciliUO$ from "farm" to "industrial" for the 2004 taxation Y€iar. Br,cIt(¡rouild; Whilu not (¡et out in the IIssessment Act, there had been a long-standing moratorium on the assossment of trailem in seasonal campgrounds. As a msult of court decisions. the Municipal Property Assessrnent Corporation (MPAC) began [1s~:w¡;sino trnilers that exhibit chamcterislics of permanency in all trailer parks and cmnpgr0lmds for the 2003 reassessment. Assessment notices were issued in November 2003 fur tho 2003 taxation ye~1r. Tho Ministry of Finance has cancelled these notices for the 2003 tiìxalion year. FQr maple syrup producljon facilities, the government has suspended reclassification for the 2004 taxatíon yoar. Tho government is calling on MPAC, maple syrup producers and mµrosenlé1tivcs of the broader farming community to develop mutually acceptable criteria for deciding what çonstitutes tho industrial production of maple syrup. AaUon: AMO wi!! continuo to monitor the situation. AMO maintains its position that all residential units located in tmilcr parks, campgrounds, and land lease communities be assessed and taxed at tho l'osiclcntinl rate iF they meet the test of being assessable real property by exhibiting Chqr<!e,t0rÎslic¡; of pOnl18I1oncy. TIJis /¡J{ormatiof! is , v~¡¡¡¡ble through AMO's subscription based MUN{COM network I'It www.mlLQ.ico.fJI.com. F()/, mer" ;uform:!/lQn, contact: Brian Rosborough, AMO Senior Policy Advisor, ¡¡t 416-Q71-9856 ext. 318. 83/15/8423:85:18 EST: ASSOCIATION OF?-) MAR-15-04 MON 05:32 PM 260 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 8E12 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 ! Gj"(" Associalion of , I '.~/ .' Municipalities .. " 't' . of Ontario !rr,m'<o:~~~"~ \ "','. :',tJd ~ ,'",J.. (t{'\'1 ! '/ ':~'. ¡f.,; " I" '!\J..~ 1~\~'; ,') ".~.J '~ !;I".~ : ,/ '\'£:.. :;!.I, ~'~J~._~' ~ .u.~_~. ,1 > <~/"'-'~,'. ~ill:1'..· ~);.j::"~1;1 ¡¡:'::"""...'l\.1 ,>: ~"'~ '<i'~;"1 ;;Ç.;J; l¥l J.:l",;J 393 UnivcŒilyAv....ue, Sullo 1"101 Tercnlo, ON M!'13 Ice To!: (410) 971·0~56' fax: (416)971-6101 erT1uil: m'lo@=lrno.nlw,¡icoln.com ~Wi;,"!'oIoI3'¡"''''~~'S' j7"·......"''''y~!Þ''''"..~t J,,",'1.:.RI!t,....- . "_'~__M ~ To Ill" imm<þçU;¡to attcntion oftllC Clerk and Council March 15, 2004 - Alert 04/009 MtW Anl10unces Modification to Property Tax Regulations for 2004 Tax Year Iss\!(): The Minister of Finance, the Honourable Greg Sorbara, today :;¡nnounced rcgula\îon changes intrmdcd to provide municipalities with greater flexibility in establishing property tax rates. 6;¡c: [qjfOlln r.I: The ô1m0ndod rûç¡ulation will introduce additional ne¡dbility for 2004 in two areas. In 1IIe fìn;;t c£\se. where th¡¡rE) are tax shifts resulting from reassessment, municipalities will be permitted to iru;rcos,; the tax ratio of one or more business properly classes to the extent necessary to maintein tho !.Ixistinn t<.1X burdims Þetween the residentilJl and businoss classes. In other words, if residential propr;rtìos oxperi1}nced an increase in asscssment valU(~s that is higher than in business property cbGë.Qs, nwnicip::;lilios can make adjustments to maintain the existing tax burden [¡cross classes. In thn socond C<\$\Ô, municipalities with capped rates for business and multi-residentíal classes can apply a limited lax rate incri:!ase to thoSE) classes. Tho tax rate increase can be up to one half of the tax rate inCPN.îSe clppliod to the residontial cJass of properties. rhc:¡c ch:al1fJo,," will provide municipalities with additional flGxibility in determining appropriate tax rates in rC:$ponse 10 clmnges and shins in assessment values for the 2004 tax year. It is assumed that decision. malting @ulhority for lhis additional fleXibility will be at the upper tier and single tier level consistent with curront t~lX mUo ¡¡utrJority. Actim¡: AMO will review the amended regulations to determine what additIonal action may be required. -~-'.."...~.~._._.~---~_....~-, rho (ollowing i" the i\MO nows release sent today: T01'01I/1), Ont.. !l,7on(l¡¡y, March 15, 2004 -- The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) today w"loomed an announcement by Finance Minister Greg Sorbara outlining changes intended to provide munidr,llìtie$ with greater floxibilily in establishing prop<;1rty tax rates in 2004. ThG\;(J cll<'Jnges will provide municipalities with Mdilional flexibiiity in determining appropriate tax r;¡les in rO$[JI)llse to changos and shirts in assessment values for the 2004 tax year. In rwponsc to loday's announcement, AMO President Ann Mulvale said, ''The changes announced tOtJ¡:iy mo a step in the right direction." The Minister <:1lso announced that he was proposing to hold discussions with representatives from rn'.lnld¡H:lIiUos and othor stakeholders· to address concerns about a range of property tax policy issues. Tt¡'%,e iSsues include tho cun·ent capping and clawback mechanisms introduced by the previous fJovarnn-,çlìlln conjunction with the introduction of current value assessment. Pro~irJel1t Mulvolo S8id, "We also welcome the Minister's proposal to t:;¡ckle some of the tax policy concmns ih;¡( we have raised, Ontario needs properly tax policy that puts us back on track. We need propmty tax rules that are less complex, more understandable and less costly to manage. We also need rules Ih,ll do not ul1dcmllne the original objectives of the current value assessment mode!." }:or m",r,;¡ i¡¡{oI"1I13!iO¡¡, COrlt"ct: Brian Rosborough, AMO Senior Policy Advisor, at 416-911-9856 exl. 318. In Case of Transmission Difficulties, please call 416-863~21Ql please Deliver To: The County of Elgin ~ MinÎ$trY (II Finance Office of the Minister Ministère des Finances Bureau du ministre OntariO 7" Roor, Frost Building $oulh 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto ON M7 A 1 Y7 TelephOne: 41632S-Q400 Facsimile, 416325-0374 -¡o elage. Édnice Frost....d 7, QUêé( ¡'S Park Crescent Toronto ON M7 A 1 Y7 Teléphone: 416 325-0400 Télé¢oplQur: 416325-0374 Dear Heads of Council: I am writing to advise you of two important polícy decisions that have been made by the provincial government regarding municipal flexibility and autonomy in setting tax. policy for the 2004 taxatÏon year. Mter careful con$ideration of the market value cbanges that occurred in the 2004 reassessment, and after receiving input from municipal and business secto:r ¡:ep:resentatives, we have decided to proceed with the following two measu:res: 1. M1JIlicípalities will be authorized to inc:rease the tax ratio of one or more business property classes to the extent necessary to prevent tax shifting onto the residential class as a result of reassessment. This authority will be provided through ¡:egulation of new tax ratios on a case-by-case basis, upon submission of a satisfactory proposal to the Minister of FÏnance. The submission must include a copy of a council resolution supporting the new tax ratios. 2. Municipalities with property classes that are subject to the levy restrictioD "(Le. whose tax ratio~ exceed a prescribed threshold ratio) will be permitted to apply a municipal tax increase to those classes, but the tax increase may not exceed 50% of any tax rate increase levied on the residential class. The irnpetu~ for these decisions came from the input that our govenunent has received since the release of the 2004 reasses~ment data. We have heard from munïcipalleaders that the current legislative and regulatory framework governing the setting of municipal property tax rates is too restrictive in that: . . it does not permit municipalities to effectively respond to market value swings that may occur between property classes in a reassessment; and . it does not pemñt all municipalities to access their full tax base to raise revenue for the fu:\\ding of local infrastructure and service needs or to keep pace with inflation. ..12 -2- Our government beliews it is important to give municipalities the flexibility to make tax policy choices that are sensitive to their local circumstances. At the same time, we re~ogni¡.e the COJ1cems of the;; business community about their property tax burden - that is why we are maintaining a restriction against full municipal levy increases on property dasses with high tax rates relative to the residential class, and that is why we are only permitting tax ratio adjustments to the extent required to maintain revenue neutrality. I believe that these two measures which I have announced today represent a fair compromise between the needs of municipalities to have flexibility in setting tax policy, and the interests of the business conununity in reducing theÎX' taX burden relative to the residential property class over a reasonable period of time. In addition to the issue of tax rate flexibility, our government has heard from taxpayers and municipalities about four other ke;;y areas of the property tax system that are causing concern, namely: · the complexities of the capping and clawback mechanism; · the future implementation of assessment averaging; · tile challenges of the short timeJines in the reassessment and municipal budget cycles; and · the inability of municipalities to wget tax relief to small business. To address these issues, I have instructed Ministry of Finance staff to engage in discussions with stakeholder represelltatives for the purpose of receiving advice and considering options in advance of the 2004 provincial budget. Our government looks forward to continuing to work with municipalities and taxpayers to bring stability, equity and sÎIDplicity to Ontario's property tax system. Yours sincerely, , , Greg Sorbara Minister COUNTY OF ELGIN By·Law No. 04-07 "BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY THE JOB EVALUATION SCALE" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c.25, a municipal power, including a municipality's capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 8, shall be exercised by by-law uniess the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 9(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, 5.0. 2001, c.25, broad authority is conferred on municipalities to enable them to govem their affairs as they consider appropriate and to enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; and WHEREAS By-Law No. 02-35 presently establishes pay schedules for positions not covered by agreements or otherwise; and WHEREAS it is necessary to establish the remuneration to be paid to the persons holding these positions. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the attached Schedule "A" and Appendix 1 be and the same are hereby adopted. 2. That By-Law No. 02-35 be and the same is hereby repealed. 3. That this By-Law become effective on the first pay of 2004. READ a first and second time this 23'd day of March 2004. READ a third time and finally passed this 23'd day of March 2004. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. David M. Rock, Warden. -2- SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 04-~1 POSITIONS 1. ADMINiSTRATIVE SERVICES Chief Administrative Officer No Level Deputy Clerk Level 10 Ambulance and Emergency Managemênt Co-Ordinator Level 10 Land Division Secretary-Treasurer LevelS WeedfTree Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer LevelS ClerklTypist 3 Level 3 Provincial Offences Administrative Clerks LevelS ClerklTypist 2 Level 2 2. ENGINEERING SERVICES Manager of Engineering Services Level 13 Technical Services Officer Level 1 0 Corporate Facilities.Qfficer Level 9 Construction Technician Level 6 ClerklTypist 3 Level 3 3. HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES Director of Homes & Seniors Services Level 14 Director of Nursing - Elgin County Homes Level 11 Managers of Support Services Level 1 0 Manager of Program and Therapy Services Level 7 Clerk/Nursing 3 Level 3 4. LIBRARY SERVICES Manager of Library Services Level 12 Library Co-Ordinator Level 9 Branch Supervisor LevelS ClerklTypist 3 Level 3 S. ARCHIVES Archivist Level 8 Archivist Assistant Level 3 6. HUMAN RESOURCES Director of Human Resources Level 14 Human Resources Officer Level 10 Human Resources Coordinator Level 7 Payroll/Benefits. Coordinator LevelS ClerklTypist 3 Level 3 ClerklTypist 2 Level 2 7. ELGIN COUNTY PIONEER MUSEUM Manager of Elgin County Pioneer Museum LevelS Museum Assistant Level 2 8. FINANCIAL SERVICES Director of Financial Services Level 13 Financial Analyst Level 7 Accounting Clerk 3 Level 3 Purchasing Coordinator Level 8 9. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Managêr of Information Technologies Level 13 Network Support Person Level 6 -3- APPENDIX 1 By-Law No. 04-0ß'7 HOURLY WAGE SCHEDULE Non-Union Salary Grid 3% Wage Increase for 2004 Estimated Estimated Salary Annual Salary Sten5 Annual Salary Level at Base Rate Base Sten 1 SteD 2 Sten3 Sten4 Job Rate at Job Rate . 16 88,342.80 48.54 50.49 52.50 54.60 56.79 59.06 61.42 111,784.40 15 81,062.80 44.54 46.32 48.17 50,10 52.10 54.18 56.35 102,559.66 14 74,365.20 40.86 42.49 44.19 45.96 47.80 49.71 51.70 94,094.00 13 68,213.60 37.48 38.98 40.54 42.17 43.85 45.61 47.43 86,322.41 12 62,589.80 34.39 35.77 37.20 38.68 40.23 41.84 13.51 79,188.20 11 57,421.00 31.55 32.81 34.12 35.49 36.91 38.39 39.92 72,655.85 10 52,670.80 28.94 30.10 31.31 32.56 33.86 35.22 36.62 66,648.40 9 48,321.00 26.55 27.62 28.72 29.87 31.07 32.31 33.60 61,152.97 8 44,335.20 24.36 25.34 26.35 .27.40 28.50 29.64 30.83 56,110.60 7 40,677.00 22.35 23.24 24.17 25.14 26.15 27.19 28.28 51,469.60 6 37,328.20 20.51 21.33 22.18 23.07 23.99 24.95 25.95 47,229.00 .5 34,234.20 18.81 19.56 20.35 21.16 22.01 22.89 23.80 43,316.00 4 31,413.20 17.26 17.95 18.67 19.41 20.19 21.00 21.84 39,748.80 3 28,810.60 15.83 16.47 17.13 17.81 18.52 19.26 20.03 36,454.60 2 26,444.60 14.53 15.11 15.71 16.34 16.99 17.67 18.38 33,451.60 1 24,260.60 13.33 13.86 14.41 14.99 15.59 16.21 16.86 30,685.20 0 22,258.60 12.23 12.72 13.22 13.75 14.30 14.88 15.47 28,155.40