March 9, 2004 Agenda REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL , FROM: Clayton Watters, Manager of Engineering Services DATE: February 18, 2004 SUBJECI: CNR Crossing, County Road 48, Mile 11.35 TalbOt Sub-division . - INTRODUCTION. The county of ElgIn assumed owne<Shlp of F,",u50n uno In Central Elgin In 1986. ShmtlV \hemalte' an appll"""n w"' made to \he canadian T mn""'" comml"lon fa< an automat<<! protediV" d",^",. Th' R",,;ooal ",mct<>r of the Railway Transport comml- recommended I"" _deration"" g""n to I_I two (2) ""hlng .goal', ""lis, and wIdening of the """,ng ,,_ to _mod"'" th, proposed work. CN replied to th' apofkat\OO stating that they "",ulm addItional tim' to ",",y the """'ng. On an In""lm ""., CN mq_ that traIn ,;peed' "" redured to 10 !<m/h. The canadIan Tran""'" commi"'on ord,red that the traIn ,peedS "" reduced to 10 l<mIh and that ,pecif. ,Igoage "" In""lled at \he """lng, whIch w"' _plete<! by \he COUnty. of Elgin. canadlan Transport commission ordered that all traffic is to stop before crossing the tracks. QJ5CUSSION::. In ]annaC/ 2002 a meeting w"' arranged at th' """Ing with \he count'! of E~;n, Tm"'port canada and canadIan N,,"onal to ""Iew the ",..tilllt'! of the """,jng mllway warning _. All pa"'''' rooduded that th, preferred option would be to pu,,'" an automatiC warning _ at thl' location. In May 2002 th' Count'! of ElgIn ,~ned an ag,eement with canadian National Railway company fa< the i""""a",,n of th, "p$\ng prof,rred by a" pa"''''' !nduded in the agm,,,n'" W3' an ""'- of $115,720 fo' the proposed proj'ct. The ",are would b' dlvlr1e into three part>;, 12.5 % ""'m for the COUnty of EI~n ($14,465), 7.5 % "",m by CNR ($8,679) and 80% ($92,516) by th' federal <;ovemment. "", agreement ""t<<! that CNR would make an appllcrrtlon to \he Federal """""""",t, through the RailwaY safety Act. That apoficrrtiOn w"' formal~ "nt to the canadian Tm_""",n """"" in July 2002. ^' of January 2004 no fU_'nf"m,,"on was rer;eived on this oro"lng from either CNR " the federal Government or 115 ag'''''''''' on ]annary 12,2004 a _r wa' "nt to the canadian Tmn,port Agen" "",,,,,,,,ng an update. TheY ""ponded "the agreement m,pecting the i"""",,"on of th' aU",ng protection that was _md Into _n the count'! and CanadIan National, and b,,,,me an O"'er of the ""'"", is an '9,,,,m'" _",n \he pa"''''' ^' ,"oh, th' """"" has no direct knOWI- of th' progress of th, appl""tion "" fonding mad' by CN and VOO' request should be directed to the railway." l:! update ,heY responded" ,he on ,an- 23, 2004 a ,,,,,,,r ~as sent "' eM "",ues ",g a':ec.ewed '",n'ling ''''''' ,ra"'OO" wort<. at thls cross''''' ",,, on"- """"""'" f" ~e. h:,'s "'''''''' "",en 1C sendS out 'IS canada. eM. ~'" on"- '''''~ ~~1''' ~ ~~r;:: out In JIIl"I Of"'" of ",Is year." ad\fiSOr'{ notIce of funded pro)~'s, WnlCn ~ . b tween the Canadian NatiOnal Railway "'" Ii,e has re""^'" "",,,(\era"'" all","on d :" """'" of E\<)\n. "'" haS e,'''uste<l CD",pan'!' canadian ,ran"""""'" ""r<:i and "",uestS ",e ~""' of \he warde<' of lIS resou"'" """ ""arrlS "' "''' ,-"" an " the Coun~ of Elgin. ~ . eeti"" """ Gar I<nutSOn, \he fede'>' _ \he warde" of \he "",riCi of f'\gI~f r:~"; a;st ,n \he a"""""on '" ,,,,,,,,, cross''''' _bel of "",,_, for \he ()lUn" 0 g~n r<' 1135 'alnot SUb-ONlslon, CD.riCi of p~n on ()lUriCi ""'" ,", fef\lUson Uno, " . , Elgin. Mpro\fed for SubmiSsion RespectfUllY Submitted G.lvJ~ ~ Clayton \Natters . . \'IIanager of Engineering sel'Jlces \'liar\{ G. \'IIcDOnalO Chief Mministrati\fe OffIcer /~~.. ~(~" ,. . rr'" .,".'...." \l .' II' \:::::;) ~i ;ll CI-A'(iON WP.iiERS. aA Sc., P. Eng. Nlanager of Engineering services * 450 SUNSEi DRIVE Si. i~OI'AAS, ONi P.RIO \'l5R SV\ p~ONE (519) 63\-\460 E){t.4 Fp.;f. (519) 63\-4297 NlEREDli~ GOODWIN construction iechnician PEiER DUiC~P.I<, C.E.i. iechnical services Officer January '12,2004 Marie-paule scott, Q.C. secretary canadian Transportation Agency ottawa, ontario K"AON9 Dear Nls Scott Ror ""nad". N.1I0",' FIle No. 4110-358-001.35 - ,...."...0 01 Road C"""i,", W,O',.g sy,teon .t County RO",,'" (forgu,o. ci.') · Mil. 11.35 1.lbot Subd'v,"'o.. County of Elgin, province of ontario "" Couo" of Elg'. " ,,,,",",'''' ,. ,0 upd'" on thiS tile in 0""" thai we "'0 plao '0' \he ,",,,,''''''00 of th" "","''''' ,,,.- at the ,bOve \0""",, If ,ou ","u,,, ,dd\\loO" '0'0,",,'00 p,."", do 00' """""" ",oteof "" offi"'. Yours truly, oJ CLAYTON D. WAl1ERS, \3.A.Sc., p. Eng. NlANAGER. ENGINEERING SERVICES Cw.\<.ab O\iice des t(anspO(ts du canada canadian -nanspo(ta\IOn Menc\} OlFlle: R\\05016T3-011.35 JanuarY 19,2004 Clayton D. Watters, B.A..Sc:, P .Bng. Manager, Engineering ser'Hces 450 sunset Drive St. 1hornas, ontario N5R5'l1 Dear W. Watters: . "....", - .......... of- """...-' "', C..."" N......... NO. 4710- " ,;... 1\" ,""'" sa"""'....., C..." of ,,~,...t Co"" ",od "" (1'"",,,, """" .' "lgin, l"rovince of Ontllr1o. . . ,,,,,,,"" ,bot "'" """'" '''''' ",,,,",, ,bo "'" _ot ,-"", "" ,"'''''''". of ~~. f"" """" ",n -"" -- "" """'" "'" """,,,,,, N""""- ,na boO"" ,n "" ' \larties. , """ ","wI"'" of"" 1"""'" of "" ",,''''''''' to< .,.au>< ....' As such the AgencY "as no . by Ol ;.., "'" """,,, ,hOola '" ",,,,,," " "" ",I""'" . 1 ".nth a copy ofthis letter, to CN. "'" A_ "" ""on tho .''''' of"""'" '0" """"" · 0" ';;?I/~ Ian C.W . S\lear Director Railway InfrastrUcture Rail and Marine Branch c.c. Joanne Marchand canadian National t\ECE\\J'tD Jt>,N'2. j 2~M ottawa (Onta(lo) KIt< ON9 wvNI.O\c.gc.ca Otlawa ontariO \<. t t< oN9 www.cla.gC.ca canada \'AEREOIi\-1 GOODWIN construction Technician 450 SUNSET ORNE ST. T\-IOMA.S, ONT A.RIO N5R 5V1 p\-IONE (519) 631.1460 El<t. 4 FAX (519) 631-4297 CI.A'(iON WA.TiERS. B.A. sc., P. lOng. \'Aanager of Engineering sefl/ices PEiER DUiC\-lAK, C.E", i echnica\ sefl/ices Officer Januarv 23,2004 Ms Joanne Marchand Canadian National 935 de la Gauchetiere street West ~6th floor Montreal, Quebec \-\36 2M9 Dear Ms Marchand: R<' C...di.. N..O",' File No. 411..'58.001.'5 - ,,,.,.,,,"'.. of Rond ~i~. w.rn". 5y.tem .f Coo.ly Rond'" ("",,'SO' L1") , "il' ".'51.1b01 5.bd"""'" County of Elgin, province of ontariO ",e coo"ly of EIg" " ,""'",,'ed ,. .n up,ati> ~. th" f," in "de< "..' ... onn p'" '0\ the '",,,,"ed'" of \h" w,,,,,,g .,.,.'" "the ,be"" ~",~n Ii '0' reo u'"' ,,,..,,.., 'oI"""lion p,.... do nol h"''''''' \0 oo.laol "" ..,on. Yours trulV. ~.~ CLAYION. D.WA.lIERS, 6Ase., f>. Eng. MA.N.A.GER, HIGIN.EERIN.G SER\jICES CW.l<ab 2-11-04; 3:54PMiLAW ;514 399 3779 # 2/ 2 Affaires juri diques law CN Canadian Nalional 935. ruedela Gauchetiereouest 16"etage Montreal(Quebec)c:anada H3B2M9 Telecopleur: [514)399.4296 (514)399-6413 Canadien NatIonal 935 de la Gauchetl/neStreetWesl Floor 16 Montreal, Quebec. Canada H3B2M9 Facsimile: {S1l'1l 399-l'I296 (514)399-641::1 February 11, 2004 By faxmittal Clayton D. Watters, B.A.Sc., P. Eng. Manager, Engineering Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Re: Our file No. 4710-358-011-35 - Grant with Respect to Proposed Railway Wod, at Level Crossing, County Road 48 (Ferguson Line), County of Elgin, Ontario Mile 11.35 Talbot Subdivision This is further to your letter of January 23, 2004 to Joanne Marchand, requesting an update on this file. The work at this location will only commence once we have received funding from Transport Canada. CN will only know if this particular project is funded when TC sends out its advisory notice of funded projects, which should be out in April or May of this year. Once the list of funded projects has been received from TC, and if this project is listed, CN will start the work. Yours truly, )~ Judy Jones For: Serge A. Cantin, Q.c. General Counsel l:\law\winword~udy\t:orrespondence 2Q04\wlllter& 11.35 talbot-doc 62/63/61 23:65:31 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-> , FEB-03-o4 TUE 05:01 PM 260 519 [,33 7[,[,1 CLERK-Elgin Co Page 662 ;mm''" ~~~~." ;" ~ {4} 7- , '1/~ " For Your (:)rrforil1 ation FAX NO. 416 971 6191 P. 01/01 A~- Assocl3\lon of . Municlpalltles . . '" of On\3tlo :H.l~"\J1"IIvt\r~t{'1l\IiQnUl). sullo 170t Toronlcl, ON M5A 1EO 1'el: {4Hl) 911.0/15.6.. fax: (416) g71~6191 cmOl1 3mo@~m<l.mUI110Qm.cOl1l ro tha ,,rtlontJOIl of tlu! CI~rk anti Council. February 3, 2004 ~ FYI 04/003 Doctor Shortages ISSUE: NOW Alliance resolution on Doctor Shortages, , t~ACI<GHOtJN\): An alliance of rnunlcip(11 loaders and physicians, the NOW Alliance (Negotiating Ontllrio's Well- bElln~J) hAS dovclOned <1 19 point Rural Health Action Plan to address the chronic shortage of doctors acrOss commtlniLi(~s in Ontario. In 1996, there were 68 communities experiencing snortages of 100 f:;lmily Physicians. This number has rl$on to 118 communities without 665 doctors. which noW affects 1 million poople In Ontario. AC1"\()N: ^MO ll\~mb0r inunicipalities arc being asked to support the NOW Alliance ;;l!'1d its rural Health Acllon Plan in l'ICcordanco with the following rosolution that the AMO Board supported at Its Jnnllmy 30, 7-004 tnCletlng. WHI~RE^S in 1,996, thlJlfe were 68 Ontario communitlos experiencing shortages of 100 famlty (lhysiGians Md in 200'1111\s number has risen to 11 B communltles without 665 doctors, now affecting pbout 1l\1ltlion OnlArlans; WHt::W~^S AMO helped form the NOW Alliance In 1999-2000, in an effort to convince poth the OntnriO Modica1 Assoclfltion and the Ministry of Health to deal with underservlced communities; WHEHEMj. AMO. repmsentod by Richard Adams (Parry sound) and \ngrld Parkes (NOMA Past Prosident) \'.ire Co-Chairs of the Alliance during 2004 at a time when the OMA and the Government am pl.)Out te> begIn negotiations for a neW collectlvo agreement; and Wl-lftREAS NOW h3S prepared a 19-point HURAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN. ar: I'r fU:':SOtVf-D THA"( AMO requestlhat member municipalities: 1) adopt:'), rosolution supporling the work of the NOW Alliance and its Rural Health Action Plan; 2) fl1lwmct tho resolution to both the Minister of Healt!' and Long Term c~re, The Hon. George Smitherman and Or. Larry Ertick, President of the OMA, urging them to adopt provisions consistent wllh NOW's PI all In the next collective agreement; 3) support tho hOlding of 'town hall meetings' by the NOW Alllance to alloW citizens an opportunity 10 disclISS the Rural Hcnlth Action Plan: and 4) distribute tho NOW petition for signature widely in their community. For Olominformation on NOW Alliance, go to www.nowalllance.ca Tllis Ill(()rm,lUO<l is (IV;Ji/,,/)/e t/lrough AMO's subscription bas('Jd Ml.IN/COM /lolwor/<: ot wwWJllilllJ!;pm.C<l/l).. for more l!lforlll.Hio/l,p/allso contllel: Mlleno Avramovic, AMO Sonior polley Advisor, at 416-911-9B56 ext. 342. ......--........"'......-.....-. .~..........-- -,-....-... ....,~..~--' cnY OF SARiVLA CitY Cleric's D8parttllent Telephone: (5191332.0330 fax: (!i191 332-3996 E-mail: !<ler\cllri@1t': dQmia.O\\.~ 255 North Christina Street p,O. Bo" S018 Slim/a, ON N1T 1NZ .f\ECE'\fEO ALL W\UN.\C\PAL\1lES \N. ON.TAR\O~ fEB ~() - ~Ofa- ~~~~~ February ~8, 2004 Re~ Resolution - Gas Ta)(. Rebat!l - - Sam'" c"" COUncl' at 1\5 """"no MId on J_" i.-, 2004. """".red Ihe """'" _, end \he """""'" _lUOOn""" """"",,,' 11fAT ""... c;ty """"" _,t. "" 41". ",... ....1iY "" ..- 'f ".' 'f"" ..... """'"""" _ to ""'" f"" -"""'" ...."" qf"" GST. ..... . 5 .... P'" ''''' "'... 'f"" F"'''' "" ToX, ...... 11fAT .............. be '""""" by - ~,.,.. ""'" to PST, and 11fAT"" c;ty.f s:".... _..... p"'...... 'f"" ........'~ b, ..' . P"""" pST. ..41 P'''''' GIff. _4 " ."ds en4l" -'" .. "" _'" ...."""""" ",... d. """"" .f 0"'." ...... _4 ...... ........ by "" of.................. b","",,'" ...... .... ,.,-" be ..."""" """" """',.....," of"" <""'''''-' ...... .... "" ...... ..." P.." b' ....-' ., "" ............." ..4 b....- """", "' "" """"""'" b"'" _ "" _ ............w """......... ...... 11fAT",. ..,... be f'''''''"'''"' ""..... ~ "' ASlO. to "" local MY and YPP, and to the yayor of Toronto, aac"","und 1nl<>_n on Ihe _'uIIOn \a ...- your _....bIe """",de",,,,,n oi counclr, _'ullon WOUld be ."","""Ied. '(ours tf\,lly, Brian ViI. Knott City solicitor/ClerK c.c. Caroline OiCOcco. MPP Roger Gallaway,MP AMO Mayor oavid Miller \lIOi"IO~ ' . . C.t-} councill'fleetillg f or consideration at sarl\la "~04 Jal\ua\"126, .. \lIa,:/or Bradle'/ fe\l"'" CO".ci' "".,,,"" ' _".'cina' ,eN'''''. d b ioUl\d to pa':/ ,or ".v l' ~ " ~ ",,,, e,atWe ,,,,,, """ as"""' ~'\U. ~ ~""" .""""'1 ,.." &' a"""". " It is u:Cea\iStIC tOde<P~"~~~;';~-;:;:' ~ o~ "aale "~~'~.c;;::u."e tne fInancIal nee SO. , '" husil\eSses wnlCn are nee . \a\<.e I'fIOl\leS ,rOI" \J M~.e". ""a "",Iaa '" o,he' ",aas.'. a '" ,"99"'""" "'"'" \UII co",,,,~.,. aI~.~e"''''''' "".," - ,,",0$ ~~: f~"" 9as Ia> he ",aae i"\'Ie l'fIa,/ors Gsi" and a 5 cel\ts a we snare 0 r:~;~:b~: ~e l'fIunicipaliti~S '0,/ \net~nSduOei ~~~~ s\\oUld be recOgniZed and . :no is an Il'fIpo(\.al\ IS ' , be'''' e ",aI' " "''' ",".'d.a! ,eaa"". "' ",,,,,,,".,"'" ,""0",,0 "~.f~:~;;.\\'o.' '" ao\la'" a'" "''''~~': ~"'" ",o.,e' II"'" ,,'0 . I also \<.now \ a l'fIel\ts o~ tne pSi" and \ne G . . tl'l e't.pec\ lower tiers to ,,,,,,"9" ",....- 0'".''''''''' ",,,,~. ",e "".ectWe 90.e,,,,,,e.'" "",e~, "" as~ ",,\$, . f,.aoda'~ ",a.age na""",a,': ",.,\<1" ",e '0"""",,9 ,.0,\0..... , "au\<l 'he'e,o<e ,,"" ",u"" .' ",e ",,,,0'" 0' as"'" , . on' ",e e\\o<\$ ,,,.9 "",00 ; ,,,,e GS' ..0 a 5 "na' Sa<.1a C,I'! C?""'" ,"" '''' ,"\I ",".'d.a' ",ba'" 0 . canadIan cItIeS to rea \ " ot tM \\::\r~er ~ the federal GaS \a1-..' cellI per 1,Ire snare 0 Md \11 add\t\on .,. \ tne re'Jenues realized '0'/ . ' "'., a ".roe.,age 0 . N'ce; ,. "" '.,,,a' \he c'l'! 0' sa'.'" ,e':::., GS'. ,,,,fO"'" on good' a~:~:"" ,...",e' \he' .e'ce.' PS'..''''' 1 ~ e """,.ce 0' 0.1a'1O. ~"" '" olleleabeW". ""nou, ",".~"al'"" ~t;:..",,, ","'. ,.\<1 .'o"'f~~::"" ,e "",,,,,,, b':/ \:nrees~~:~~:;I~~:I~ gO'Jernr:'ents, and~r~~: ::u.~\9'\\I'I ba"'" ".0. '\W rep .... nd bUSInesses I' '0" tne organ\zatiollS ad" , w Il'fIplel'flente . til'flescnedules nO 'd "'otlon t\lat it be . .\ appro'Jes sal '" ' \lIPP and to \ .,as ,,,.,,,,,"'W "",oea' "'., ,,,::;;~'io p>'0. Ii> au' ,oca' "" a"" . ~orNarded to \\le usual l'fIunlC1pa ' 1M \lIa'ior o~ \oronto. \\lan\\.'/ou ~or ,/our consideration..... Jo\ln \/ollfl"\ar B2/27/B4 23:HB:46 EST: ASSD~IATIDN DF?-) 519 633 7661 CLERK-Elgin Co FAX NO. 416 971 6191 Iship Page HH2 PEB-27-04 FRI 05:01 PM '260 P. 01 2253 Johnston Rd, " 'U~,1I5, J{cnfl'cw, ON l(7V 3Z8 Phollc: 613-432-6271 '~i !it.h orton <1~ ,'cnf,'ew .IlC! Fehruory 26. 2(l03 TO: All mUl1icipr-llilios in Ontario R Ii: Rq\lIhltions under Ihe S:lfe ()l'inking Watcr Act The Coulll'lltll' the Towl1shipoJ' Horton pnssed the following rO$olu!ion on January 6, 2004. Your support ofthis 1','5Olutiol1 wlluld hr) appredlllcd. Ploase send any resoluUollllf supporlto the l'rcmiorof Ontario, with a copy to Ilm'l!)lJ 'l\)\vnshill. ,MQx.:\! I!YJ1DJ,1.!QIJIJ.,'i1;jIJ:.\! ,Sp.m,l1i!0iJW ,1~!)!JllnlJ. Resolution No. 04-25 WllHHEA:i I{\lgnllllicm 170 03 requinm OWll\~"S of 1111 small municiplll non-msidential systems, small CC)llllllllnily bUsin\!s~m;: and Churches 10 lost Waler for 72. pal'atllcters; ANn W I I mUlA.'> th..: cfl'ccl of this regulation wfll cause severo fimlncial hardship to theso organizations . Whcolh,:rc i~ fill pn'-ciisting wutl:'r quality problem. NOW TlHlRl!FORlI. the Council of the Township ofHortonl'CS(IJves: I. '1'111111110 Gowrnmclltdf Onturlo be petilioned to amend tho Sufe Drinking Water Act and its R~":;'1111l1.j()n rClllovhlg Ihe need for additional testing of WaleI' beyond tho regulul' tosting for coliform :11\.1 c.~'()li in ~1Il;\1I II1l1uieipalnon-residcntial systems. in smull community businesses aod in local c<ll1lrnuility c1ll1rches irthe current tc.~1 res\llts indicllte tile W<ltor is safe to drink. 2. Tlml thj~ l'cSnll1liOll h~' rorw<lnkd to John Yakahuski. MPP. ){enfrcw-Nippissing.Pernbroke. the ('ounty \If Ronfr<:w, the JO"/11 Municipalities in the County and alltho.munielpnlities in Onlario for wjlp\lrl. Carried, Tll,~Collndl of tho Towllship of HOrloll appreciates your supporl Oflhis resolution, Y\l\lrS Indy. Mackk: J. Mcl.tll'cll Clcl'/;,.'fre<lSlln:r It\I6i~.,.~....~..Ilo~__jaly_ " .........1 . ~..........,~._....-lIIoIdI&.--.....1IIf1d "., "~W40"k& ~.. .,f(twni,toI....Q'ilIW--... ................ ,. ....- I.OC1\'IION S'I\JD". '" EI.GlN CO\JN'I" flONEER M\lSElThi st. 'Ibot1ll1S, ontariO Go\d5nUtb Bo~ &: Co1l\llat'Y Ltd.. ~b\ted5 41.0 t\.de\a\de st. ~.. suite SIlO 1:o\'9l11o.onUU'io ~1.SS 'tel: 4169296&66 fa1-: 416 92.9 4146 and canadian Cu\tutal ltesD"tce Couso\tanU lllCo #4'1 _ 10 \tD551l\ote et. J,01!<\101!<.Ol1tadO 1!<6t\.6A3 ,.eI: 619 66G 1.462 DiscUssion ya\ler~ fe"'ual"/ 201)4 25 February 2004 ,he walden and MelTlbelS of county council Elgin county f',<llTlinistration auildill\l 450 Sunset Olive, St. ,hOlTlas, ON N5R 5\11 oear MelTlbelS of council: ....""" ,...,. "" "'" - "'" '" "" """'" """ "" '''' "'" """" """'" _""'. .- " '''' - ..- ... _" .. '" """ " ....' ,to "" """..,,-"- "",.\_..~ p_ _ ~_ '''''' """"'" . """"' '" ,..... .. """'" '" _100 "".- ~_ "" _"'.. .- __ '" ,hO '''' _'" "" ."'" -"'" '" 'M reader. 0' """"_ "'~. "'""'_ __ .f ~. """""'" .. ." ".... ~. ",- ~"'" '" ,.ill use and distlibUlion. Yours sincerel'r. GO\.OStJ\I,\-I BORGA\. & COMPANY \.;0., ARCHI;ECTS And CANI\OIl\N CU\. ,UM\. RESOURCE CONSU\. T I\NiS INC 2 Elgin county Pioneer MuseulTl DiSCUSS101l paper TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 2. BACKGROUND TO THE REPORT 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 6 General Background 6 Chronology 7 The Consultants 8 Background to the Report Building Program Site examination and selection analysis Meetings 8 9 9 9 3. TASKS 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 11 Needs Assessment The Questionnaire Stakeholder Interviews Group Interviews Public Meeting 11 II 31 32 32 Building Program Introduction Recommended Size Environmental Requirements Access to the Site Codes and Standards Alarms Schematic Concept 32 32 33 35 35 36 36 37 Capital Cost Projections Cost Assuming New Construction Cost Assuming Installation in an Existing Building - Full Renovation 37 38 38 Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 3 3.3.3 Cost Assuming JnstaIIation in an Existing Building . Base Building by Others 4. SITE INVESTIGATION 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 General Comment DunCOmbe House TheT.........~iMuseumShopfront, 449 Ta\bOtStree\:, St. TIIomas The former CSAO Railway Station, St. Thomas The Former A\ma ColIege, St. Thomas The Elgin County Administration Building, St. Thomas A Site Adjacent to the Elgin County AdnJinistration Building, St. Thomas An altel1llrte site elsewhere in Elgin County 5. RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 5.2 5.3 Duncombe Bouse CSAO Railway Station Other Options 6. CLOSURE Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 39 40 411 40 43 44 46 48 49 50 51 51 51 51 52 4 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The executive summary for this document will be completed when all draft reports have been completed and assessed. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 5 2, BACKGROUND TO THE REPORT 2.1 General Background The County of Elgin operates both the Elgin County Pioneer Museum and Elgin County Archives. . The museum was established in 1957, operating in an historic home built in 1848 known as the "Duncombe residence' (the Elgin County Military Museum also operates from the same site but is a separate entity and has no formal affiliation with the County). . The Archives was opened in November 2002 and is located within the Elgin county Administration Building as a separate unit of the Elgin County Library. As evidenced by the chronology of events below, recent years have been volatile regarding the Museum operation. Elgin County Council consequently determined to examine the feasibility of altemative or new accommodation for the Museum. Simultaneously, Council desires to look at its long-term needs with regards to the archives. The current facility, while new, will require additional space to meet future requirements. Elgin County Council has therefore tumed to the community through a comprehensive consultation process to determine if the public is supportive of new accommodation for the museum as well as an expansion for the archives under the umbrella of a larger "cultural centre". Council wishes also to determine if there are other financial partners for such a project. Potential options were initially determined to include property located adjacent to the Elgin County Administration Building. It was felt that, if a new building were developed, a tourism component could be integrated as well as other needs as determined by the public and Council. Council is also of tile understanding that there is no assumption that the end-result will be a new building arising from the process of this consultation. Anyone of several options may the result, including a re-endorsing of the status quo (I.e. a move back into the Duncombe residence with renovations). Alternatives may also include other heritage buildings in 51. Thomas and Elgin County that could be renovated for the purposes of a museum. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 6 ,.lIe involvement of tile County Archives in tllis process is based on tile potential for new capital construction adjacent to tile Elgin county Administration Building in order to taKe advantage of synergies witll itS existing facility. SlIould it be detennined that tile museum is best left in itS existing facility, or in another building in Sl TIIomas or Elgin county, tile archives would liKely not be an immediate pall of tllis initiatiVe and may be left to craft its own growtll strategy for tile future. 2.2 Chronology A chronology of events leading up to tile need for this present Report is as follows (a brief lIistOlY of tile site leading up to spring 2001 is presented later in tile report): . spring 2001 _ Major fire damages Duncombe residence, partially damaging the collection. Tile museum is t<-."p~."rily moved to a vacant store near downtown st. Thomas wllere salVage of tile collecliOn takes place. . Fall 2001 _ Museum moves back to its original location after repailS from the insurance claim are made. During this time, the County submits an application to the "superBuild" fund to drastically improve environmental conditions at the museum and increase storage capacity. . January 2002 _ The County receives word that the "SuperBuild" application has been approl/ed in the amount of $450,000, with the county, prol/incial and federal govemments each responsible for one-third of this amount . spring 2002 _ Tile Museum is mOl/ed to a temporary location in downtown St Thomas to pennit renovations to take place. . Summer 2002 _ Further architectural analysis of the Duncombe residence takes place as part of the design process for the approl/ed renovations. This additional study rel/eals that even further renol/atiOns are required (beyond those in the application) in light of disability access requirements and further structural concems. It was determined that over $800,000 was now required to properly renol/ate the building. . Fall 2002 _ County council decides not to proceed with the renovations in light of these increased costs but to study the issue further before inl/esting into the Duncombe residence. council requests that the Museum Board bring fOlWard other options for the future of the museum. . Winter 2002-2003 _ The Elgin County Pioneer Museum Board bringS fOlWard sel/eral options, including modified renol/ations to the Duncombe residence, new capital - 7 Elgin County pioneer Museum Discussion Paper construction or renovations to an existing building, partiC}Ulal1y the vacant Canada Southern Railway Station in downtown SI. Thomas. Councirdefers a decision on the matter. . Spring 2003 - Council approves a recommendation for an architectural firm with expertise in hemage planning to lead a public consultation process and develop a conceptual drawing for potential new construction while assessing other options. . June 2003 - The firm of Goldsmith, Boryal & Company (in collaboration with - Canadian Cultural Resource Consultants Inc.) is selected to lead this process. 2.3 The Consultants The team involved in the preparation of this report consists of specialists with a wide variety of related background experience in both museums and historic structures. The team included: . Christopher Borgal, B. Arch., OM, MRAIC, CAPHC: Is a partner in the firm of Goldsmith Borgal & Company Architects of Toronto and has had direct experience in the planning and redevelopment of over 45 museum sites, plus the conservation of several hundred historic structures in Ontario over the past 30 years. . Claus Breede, BA, MPA: Is a museum specialist with experience at many sites throughout Ontario. Mr. Breede has personally managed the development of two major county museums in Ontario and has overseen their development of both facilities and audiences. He is currently the Director of the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum in London, Ontario. Mr. Borgal and Mr. Breede have collaborated for over 20 years on the planning and development of museums throughout Ontario. Their advice is noted for its fairness, cost effectiveness and common sense. 2.4 Background to the Report It should be the purpose of a Museum to present the story of Elgin County, past, present and future through exciting interactive exhibits and programs which involve visitors, both residents and tourists, in discovering the story of the County. The Museum should act as a gateway to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 8 County and be capable of supporting the activities of ot/ler museum sites throughOut the County. As a gateway and as an attraction, the County would thus be able to showcase itself to visitors and travelers over a broad geographic area. ThiS philOSOphy is at the background of the various investigations made by the consulting team to determine the future direction of this site. Within these ov". . :.::.... goals, a series oftasks were set which, atthe outset, were intended to define the needs of the County and, once determined, were used to analyZe the various directions in which the Museum might develOp. These tasks are presented in Sections 3 and 4 of the report. 2.4.1 Building Program Based on comparable museums in other counties in the region, the scope of potential collections, marketing and needs, we developed a building program that describes space and facilities required to meet the described goals. The Building Program conforms to the Ministry of Culture guidelines for community museums and was used as a tool to assess the existing site and potential sites. Over the years, the Consultants have worked with the space distribution guidelines published by the ministry and have found them to be realistic and highly suitable for community museums. 2.4.2 Site examination and selection analysis An analysis of several site and building options was conducted as a key component of the study. A final recommendation is made resulting from this analysis. 2.4.3 Meetings During the course of the work, the consultant team held a series of informal meetings with staff members (and other authorities such as govemment and granting agency representatives) to fully appraise themselves of and understand the factors affecting this site. In addition, several meetings were held between the consultants and community stakeholders. Meetings included: . a start-up meeting with the County Archivist to obtain a general sense of the requirements for the study and to obtain orientation to the community. . A brief presentation to County Council to infonn council of the nature and intent of the study . a public meeting to receive input . a series of interviews with community stakeholders . a tour of the community and possible sites for relocation as well as two visits to the Elgin County pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 9 existing (empty) museum . site visits to alternative sites for the museum Meetings on completion of this Discussion Paper and leading up to the submission of a final report will include: . a meeting at completion of the draft document to discuss omissions or changes which might be desirable . . a meeting at subm.i.ssion oUhe"final report to discuss "where do you go from here" (not held as of the date ofthis draft) Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 10 3. TASKS 3.1 Needs Assessment A Needs Assessment was developed from data from several sources including a fonnal questionnaire, interviews with identified stakeholders and a number of group meetings. In addition to this. the consultants conducted one publiC meeting. For the purpose of this discussion paper, the primary objective is to discuss the results oHhe questionnaire which are presented below. 3.1.1 The Questionnaire A questionnaire was developed by the Consultants with extensive input from Elgin County staff. Several drafts were developed to finally obtain a result everyone felt would serve the needs of the Museum. Advertising in the local media made the public aware of the questionnaire and persons Interested in being heard through this instrument were encouraged to come to the Museum to obtain a copy. The distribution of this opinion seeldng document was not 'sCientific' in the way of a mass mailing, or random sampling technique nor was the questionnaire pre-tested prior to general release. The process is, however, consistent with similar opinion searches developed in the process of delennining the feasibility of and publiC desires for cultural sites. In total well over eighty-five questionnaires were completed with more arriving at the time of this writing. Tabulation and analysis of the results was completed for this current report by the Consulting team. In only one instance, the questionnaire was used by a special interest group of 18 persons who filed nominally individual but actually identical responses. This set is treated as a single response. Wl1i1e some respondents felt the questionnaire was intimidating and unfree of bias, at no time did the consultants or the staff of the county attempt to direct the respondents in any particular direction. Indeed, in several places in the questionnaire we included comments such as - "If you prefer not to tell us, that is OK too." Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 11 - "If you are not sure, take a guess' "If yOU do not feel you can react to some of these statements, please indicate '1 don't know' or '1 have never experienced this' by placing a '0' in the bOx." --.",._--"'-"".._-""_......~.. ....... '" _. _" "" ""... of "" "'" ~. _""" of ""'" .... than half of our respondents took the time to do just that and in several cases sent fOllTlalletters back to the Museum as part of their submiSSion. A copy of the questionnaire wiU be supplied with the tinal report. A detailed synopsiS of the questions and the results Is presented on the following pages. 12 E.lgin county Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper ~Rl& . . ,'" ...W...-.........."''''''''''' "" I"""'" d""'..-""''' · ....-.....-"""... W. ,,,,,,, -...ent l1\e tf(ll1\ and"ma\ soli. o. a",,' . .........-. '" _ _.......w""'''''''~- . _h \nfolfllll\iOll l1\ay "" U' "" Mure l1\a{\l.e\'Ill9 strategy, su"" ..-...-"" ......... _d""'-- Ques\\On '\ What is your Name? . " a"-.,,,r \i a ~{Son . ...._"._... ....... we did "0\ requIre a ",.- ... lated a"d \\ was ,,,ul""""" ,....' ' I' ...-...""...... .. ~_. ...---....' d l\IS c\lOse ,,0\ to be I"e""""'" c\lOsEl "ot to gi"e it. W\lere respon e i"cluded \" \\Ie tabulatiO"s. Ques\\on 2 """ ... ... ,,,, th" ..."""" of Y''''' """ """? . t\le ge09ra\l\liC distributlO" 0\ \\le responses. 1\1\S was re<\uested i" order to detel11\lne NOL ,\SO/o NS~ 010/0 NSP 340/0 N5fl 340/0 No\( 03"/0 NO response 010/0 ~3 OiSCUSSion paVer e.lgi" Coun\'! Pioneer Museul11 Question 3 ..... " >"'" "",,,,,"" "'" me ",," """"'" -' .""""" if .nd.cated \\18.\ they SO ..............."".............. --.......... .....' , . "" ~- .' .. '" "",," "" - "'" ,,,,,, ......,......-~--_... . - . ... ..., ""nSllS VII\I\ a ~Ql1TIu'a but s\I'lI\", .' _...................-'" _..' "'r , . . .. . ""~ """",-",,, "'''''-'''-- """" -"" ~..--'" Museum. ,............." _... no......""....... M- Question 4 . t-" what was the length of such association? If an association with the Museum eXIS ....., . .-n ct d ...ree of cOmmunitY interest in ""'.....-''''-'''''''-~''''.. " .. . . ",. """"" ",", ",,--"- '" --. . - """'" """""':'" ~....._... ......... _",_ "",,_ pro_m""'''''' _" ,,1"'" .",,,,,,,,,, _.. ''''' """'." """ ... ...~. """ '00.... persons \0 volunteer. Question S N""'"'' of """ """" " me _m -'" .' ""m"" of "",,,,, ",,.,... , ill average 0\ all respondents ;",..-.---"'&'''-"~-'. ' '/'1110 \\Bd \/iSited tM museum '/'Ias an p,verage '2. times per year Question 6 Are yOU a Museum member? ^' .'" .".- ,. '''''' "'" '" "'" "..."u" ..-..- ,,"""~" ... ....IM. ille response to tllis question was ~4 Elgin County pioneer Museum O\scussiOl\ paper '(es 23 % NO 78% """.,.,. --. - '" "",.......'" -- "",,,,, """,'" .....id ... .he MU$El. um's commulli\Y witll all Imerest III tile future 01 t\19 completed \)'/ mall'/ ou.... e u. u. esta'oliSllmellt. Question 7 ""'" """"".." """....- dO Y''' ""'''' .., ",,",,.' -"'" ...........-.. --" ""'_.- "... .--"",,_ i.-'- ",,,,,..-'" ,- to""''''''''. ". ....""'" '" -- .--",_.....-""-'" "'- evellts and programs. 42"/0 (m8n'/ indicated multiple mem\)ersniPS) '{es 68"/0 No Question 8 HoW 0"," '" yo" go .. ... ,,,,,tee" """"" · '" ""~,. .,.." we"'" "",..-".., -.... .'., """",",,' '" "" """",. ""..-'" ,,,." -..... -". """,.,- ,.-."""" '""~ -"' ..."""..' surpnsillgl,/ lIig\\. 3.6 times per ,/ear ~5 Elgill couoW PioOeer Museum DiSCUSsion paper ~ .. ."'...... some til1\e and ellot\. in \elfllS 01 ..... \h tltuseul1\ {l\a'/ IIa'l/e.o \\j""~' m "'''".,,--~... · . ...""".--.- _ _~..,\ sli l\S in \hiS sec\iOl\ \0 see ..... """'...-...-... . ",-_.",,-'" . . .. nAtatiOl\ 01 \IIe tltuseul1\ 'I/Illre. .....- --""- . ........... -""'" . . e\1 01 emotions s\>al\I\\l'I9 .. -.-. -........ "'" - ~,,""""" "" ,.....- '" . ~...",,--",.-, -, . . ""'......... ""'~. ." -......-... ........-.-.~!""" - . \oe 'l/alue 01 \IIe resllOn56 \0 o\IIer queslions. s no attel1\pt \0 u56 aweigll\ad resllOnse fotl1\ula AS wi\II o\her questiOl\S in \IIiS SIIl'1e'l. \here ~a "\-"" n "'a\ suc\l a s'lstel1\ would be . r was \IIere \IIe '11\\>' "".'0 ,.. 10r an'l of \IIe56 (\uest\ons no . d'" -'ne ~a\ le'l/e\ 011J11'Clic awareneSS ~ \IIe question was to ",ell'U il1\{lIel1\ented. ille \>uWOSe 0 ~"I _"..nl1\uni\'J l1\U56UI1\. It is alSO tile ~ \oe l1\anagel1\ent of a Sll\'" l>V". ...." m "" _ _' . "" ""..".-....... m'" "'"' 1eelil\g 'Co\h of toe tltUSeul1\ stall and \IIe consultal1 I """ent at \IIe tltu56Ul1\. will \>ro'l/e useM for future \lfOgr3l1\ de'l/e 0,,,.. WhO owns the Museum? . s'l/e encouraging in \IIat tile 'l/ast 11\1liooW 01 1\\6 0'l/er311 resllOnse \0 tlliS (\Uest\on wa f'/ cI'\ It is tile eJ(\leoel\ce 01 \lIe consulting . ad II (}V/l\er of t\16 l1\US6Ul1\ corTe Il. """"""'" ..... ,. . ,"".-"""'.. - """, ,,,,,,, ,," .... ."",,,- ....... ... "'"'.. . actulllI'l oWners tile fllciliW. QuestiOn 9 "The CitY of S\. "ThOl1\as "The CountY of E\gin pro'l/ince 01 ontario 4% 79% 20/0 ,\5% \110 p.nsV4er '\6 OisCussion paper Elgin counW Pioneer t-!luseul1\ Quest\Ol\ '\0 ... .. seum attracts annuallY? HOW manY visitors do yoU think the ,.,U {eS{lOnSEl5 6't 1\0\ gfolil\{l a {lll\ge <rt 1\Ul1\\)elS, VIe 11llS questlOI\ pfO'lided II "ide {llI\\le o~ '., 70 A"" ,,\Si\OlS per 'tear. ~st l)OIlo\'t . <rt '\ SO visitOlS per 'tear ,0 .uvu receiVed e"eri\IlII\\l ~l'lI a \OVI . . ""ft"OII \1\ tile rlll\ge o~ \)etVIeel\ 2.5,000 to {It . a"e{llge III\I\UIII "1""Qu l'lIuseUl'llS \1\ $outll westel'll 0 11110 . C ..w PiOl\eer lAuseul'lI visitor l)OIlo\ ~or . 6 COI\\rllst \\Ie Elgll\ Ou..., 30 000 "lsitolS 11\ all cate\lol\eS. IJ . . ""ot .ust O'Ier 5.000. 1\lese Ul\usuall't , _A ~lOl'lI as 10Vl as lust o"er 2.."" 0 I \Ile past slll'telllS "as ral\\l"" . . .. selll'll Ilas olle{ll\ed ul\der o"er \\le e\l.led condi\iOI\S tile ...,U "" -...... "" -' "" "" -' "" -"'''- past ~eVl 'tealS al\d lire lllSO re\ll\ed to \\Ie nd \Ile ~01\()'H\1\\l results gel\erated'. 1"e respol\se to tillS questlOI\ VIaS grouped II \I\SitOrs MnuII\W LesS than '\.000 '\10/. '\,00'\ to 2,000 ,\,\"/0 2,00'\ to 3,000 ,\'\"/0 3,00'\ to 5,000 ,\,\"/0 5,00'\ to '\0,000 90/0 '\0,00'\ to '\5,000 1"/0 '\ 5,00'\ and o"er t'/o NO p.l\SWer 3'$'/0 OiSCUSSion paper EIg\1\ COIIOW piOoeef ~lIsell{'l\S '\1 Question 11 What do you think the Museum spends annually? If you don't know, what do you think it is? Many visitors to community museums in Ontario do not give much thought to what it actually costs to operate a site. This question selVed two functions. First, to simply remind the respondent that museums cost money to operate and, secondly, to promote some interest in determining exaclJy what it might cost to operate. We were not asking if the visitor actually knew the cost, we were asking the respondent to take a guess. The response varied. A full third choose not to answer the question. It is interesting to note, that this third is almost exactly the same third of respondents choosing not to respond to question 10 above, relating to annual visitation. The amount ranged from a low figure of $10,000 to a high of $1,100,000 per year. Range of annual costs 0 to $10,000 4% $10.001 to $20,000 0% $20,001 to $50,000 6% $50,001 to $75.000 14% $75,001 to $100,000 14% $100,001 to $200,000 20% $200,001 to $500,000 7% $500,001 and over 2% No Answer 33% Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 18 Question 12 ....m d' you"'ok'" """,,, "",- ~~..- -...... "'""" If you are not sure, take a guess and a % figure is fine. ._m-~""-'-_. -_...-~-- _........-..~--""""'-~-""'..-....- ""'_....__...".....,..~_....-"'" .-""~.....'''''''_ "" _ ....~.... _d""'....- oIl""- ,.,-- _ "".,""'....-. _ ,,""""......- ""~ _"" _...... _"'(aU HAVE ""no BE ."",,",,'" ~ .""" --'""" guess' . 01"'" "",....-m"'. "",.,- ,.... ...,,- --.".. ,.....' - -- ,,,,,"""'- -""" -' ... "'" .",- -"". '" "" ,old ~ "'" ..",. ...... · "" ."","", -""... ",..-"" ~ou~s of Reven!@. self-generated _ _"''''' """""" ,," "'" _"'" 9""""""" ,,,, - - "". ,. "'" ,"'...., ",,,, .f""'''-' "".. do"" ._ ~......... ",,", """' ,5% ~ "" ..' mo' ,,.,,,,,,,,~ ""'" ,(l%. '" ,"" ""..-' ",,",'. ",m"" """.-'" Museum operating Grant, contributes approJ(imatelY 8% annuallY. From the province of Ontario M'" "'" ,,, dlh' __ "",,,,,", "'" F"''''' """m,,'" -"" ~ "'. "",""" _" ,,,.. _. ",!>ct. "'" F"'''''' G"'-"' _ ",Ig"" ,- '" ,........ From the Govemment of canada ~9 Elgin county Pioneer Museum Discussion paper community museums. Some limited project specifiC funding is available but none for operating. Several respondents thought that the Federal gov"'......"-..t contributed as much as 50% per year. From the County of Elgin All respondents assumed that the County of Elgin gave some funds to the Museum. The range was from a few thousand per year to over $200,000. In fact the County of Elgin, as the owner of the facility., contributes be\Wll6n 70 and 80%. Over half of the respondents identified the City of st. Thomas as a contributor to the museum. It tended to be in the range of 5 to 25% with one person thinking it might be as high as 50%. However, the City of st. Thomas does not contribute regularly to the operation of the Museum. From time to time the City has, however, made grants to the Museum. From the City of Sf. Thomas From foundations and industry The museum averages in the range of 5% of its operating requirements from this source. Generally the respondents assumed that this was the level of support. Question 13 Do you see the Elgin County Pioneer Museum as a major cultural player in the region? Three persons chose not to answer the question. Of the remainder, 213 felt that the museum was a major cultural player and 1/3 did not. Of those who answered no to this question, some indicated that the potential was there, but it was not realized. 20 Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper - - - "". pre""" """"""'.... do "" ...", ........". - -- ",yo(? Question 14 ThO _....._-~"."""'''' .............- ~-- of tile economIC life of tile community. HoW many paid, full time staff do yoU thing work at the Museum? Question 15 ... of'" -'--"'--"" ",..-...-- "",,- .ofl'" "",.. _,..~ _'" - -.... ThO __.-00 """'.. "'" 3 to siX full lime, paid staff. HoW many paid, part time staff do you thing work at the Museum? Quesflon 16 ThO "",.. -"'"P' ""' -~...'" - -' po" ""...-- "''' 15% _~ """ "" "" ",. .." "'" - ' ... "of "" "" "'" of "" '""'" assuming it was more than three but leSS than ten. -- 2~ Elgin county Pioneer Museum DiSCUssion Paper ---- --- GMOEO ro;,SPQNSE UES"{\QNS . --"""" "",,, .----",,--' .... """ """...-" _ < ._-'\0' ,.. _ """ ,.5)- .... 5lf' ree 1uII1 AlWa'tS or ,-al"- ,', tOlsagree. /ll.wlul or Nev,,,, to g' d e\O...,rl that nNes an overall rali1\\). or l /II. res~se Indelt VIas eV l"'~ " ..... ........- .' ----"'.....' --........ average respOflse. \hIS Response In elt s d ... "'''n tota\\ng \l)eSEl values and c,Oll\paiing it , .... e""on bY each reslJOll eu.,"~ -......"'..'" _ . -.,~ ,,,,,,,,,,,,-""" "t ryone responding gave a """r " -Hith t\le IJOsslble \lig\lest SCOre ,I eve d '0' or left \he bOlt blanK were not ndenlS (t\lose '/'l\lo ansVlere ....."'.....-.- ,--..-''''''. """"",,'" -.....-,......- -" Quest\on '\7 ",. ",,,,,,, ;, , """,,,.,.. '" .. ........ "',"" """,. Question '13 asKS much \lie same question {straight yes or no) but here we are asl\ing hOW maior a player Is the N'lUSeum. over 64% ot \lie respondents telt that II was medium {3) to not at a\l {'I) with a tull 20% thinKing it waS a vef'i Important element (5) -on the cultural scene ot Elgin Count'! and 51. 1\lOmas. Response Index M% . ~?Jl " " ~ \5 '" ~ ~o ~ ; " 5 ~ Maio! cultural l'Ia'jGl 11) 25 o 3 4 5 \ 2 22 OiSCussion paper €.Igln count'! piO(leer Museum Question 18 The Museum is a majortoutist attraction for our County. Over 80% of the respondents felt that the Museum performed a valuable service in promoting tourism in the County (3 or above) with only 8% holding the view that it was not an important element. Response Index 68% Question 19 MajorTouristAltration 35 :30. :25. .. ::;20 "" _15 c :10 ;;5 ... o 2 3 4 5 The Museum is easy to find (in its present location) Over 75% of the respondents felt that the (temporary) Museum was relatively easy to find on the main street (3 to 5) with the remainder having some difficulties and 5% thinking it was very difficult to find (1). Response Index 72% Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper Find fAlseum on main street ::40 c :::30 '" ;20 - ~10 co :;; 0 ... ...... 2 3 4 5 23 (lUes\\on 2.() , former loeation, waS easY to find. The heritage buildinQ that waS the Museum s "'ft'" ~Of a Hefe yje wefe 100"" ,,. companson between the twO locations. in tefl'OS o~ noW eas~ tne~ are to get to. Wlost respondents were ~amiliaf with bOth locatiOllS. on~ 6"/0 did not ansWer thiS t\uestion. the same 6% vlno did not ansWef t\uestiOn '\9. ..lust O'lef 40% rated the Henla99 , '''' building as nafd to nnd {'\ or 2, WI tne femaindef na'ling no Sign~lcant . the pfoblems. In comp8nson, response to O\lnCUI~ in nnding \}'Ie location on tne main street was 27% ('\ and 2) in tt'ie'pre'liOUS t\uestion Response \ndell 620'0 f_\(lta\\O\\ :'iIJ .. ., ';.10 '" or: -\Q .. .. .. ';;Q ... \ '1 ~ ~ ~ Q\18stioO 2,'\ 'Id.ng were adequate. The facilitieS in the original museum bUl I ,nis t\uestion generated tne lowest Response IndeJ{ 10f tne entife suNe~ rellecting a nign le'lel 01 general \<.n()'llllledge 01 snortcomings 01 the original Wluseum puildi09. O'lef '050/0 01 \\'Ie respondents fated \\'Ie builOlng at ? or peloW WI\\'I almost 45"/0 rating at total\'/ unsatislactOf'l ('\). Response \ndell 40% eo\gin coun\'! Pioneer ,,^useum \l.e~e U\li\O.~q a a ~~aI\\\ :!!l ':.~ .. ..~ '" ""1\1 ~ ..- :\Q~~ ~ - Q '1 :. \ 24 O\SCUSS\OO paper Question 2.2. """""...-.-'" -"... ".,_. In \hiS question we were tl'iing to detelfC\ine it the Museum needs to oe associated wi\h \he existing heritage building and if Museum development and groWth was "driVen" b'} \he need to be in \he Heritage bui\Qlng. AlthOUgh \hiS question had a Response Indell slightl'} higher \han the previOUS one, it is interesting to nota that \here is an overwhelming response indicating \hat tne bUilding and the Museums well-oeing is not linKed. Almost 70% responded in the negative l ~ and 2). Response \ndell 43% If> 0\0 ..35 ... ~30 ~ 25 ~ 20 ~ 15 .. e 1(} .. 0. 5 o Question 23 \lefuge bl4llllAuse,"" surv. \ 2 3 4 5 The Museum offers great programs for children. Generall'} speaKing \here is a nigh degree ot satistaction with the Children'S programming at tne Museum. 70% of \he respondents indicated that the'} were vel'i satisfied Response Indell 76% Children's plO\Ir.rnrnin9 50 45 All . ~3S S,30 ~ ~ 25 -e20 ~ 15 ~ .. \0 5 o~ 5 25 OiscUssion paper ElgIn counlV pioneer Museum Que$\\on 24 The.......... "'""" of'" ._m........ ~... """",""". itle advantage of \\'Ie Museum being on tne main street was assessed V<Ii\tI ttlis question. itle location, in \\'lis case. provides Museum visitors wittl eas'1 access to o\\'ler dOwntown amenitieS such as restaurants and stle>PPing. itle negatiVe is parKing. al\\'lOUgtl ttlis did not seem to be an issue for \\'Ie respondents Response Index 76% llain $_\.oca~ :00 '" ':,00 '" ;4\l .. "'~ .. ., ;O~ 5 0. ~ 2 ~ 4 Quesflon 25 We need a new purpose built museum. Just over ~5% of t"e respondents old not ansWer \\'liS question. Of ttlose 'oNtIo did, tne response was 'lePJ strongl'1 in fa'lOr of a purpose built structure for a neW count'i museum wit" 52% answerIng in tne positi'le t4 and 5) and an additiOnal '30% in the neutral categoPJ t'3). onl'1 ~9% felt ttlat it was not necessaPJ to build a neW building l~ and 2). Response Index 14 ~e'H lAUseum ~U\\di\\~ ------.~\ :'&1 ~40 ':;?/l ... ~'I!J .- :~O '" ';DO .... ~ 'I. ~ 4 5 Elgin count~ Pioneer Museum 26 OiSCUsSion paper Question 26 If a new Museum is built, it should be located next to the Elgin County Administrative Building. This statement was generally rejected and the response index was very low (49%) with 45% strongly opposed to the County Administration Building location and an additional 13% mildly opposed for a total of 58% feeling that it would be inappropriate for a new building to be located there. Response Index 49% Question 27 :50 II:: 040. Q "'~. ... 0::20 . - ;10 C> ;;; 0 a.. New Bldg. next to County Bldg. 1 2 3 4 5 Elgin County Council is very concerned about the preservation of our local heritage. The County of Elgin is seen by the majority of the respondents as having a significant concem for the preservation of community history with 54% answering from mild to very high level of concern (4 and 5). Only 5 % felt that the County had no concem at all. Response Index 69% ::30 c o ~20 .. D:: -10 c .. co :;; 0 ... Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper County concern for heritage 2 3 4 5 27 Question 28 . . ""..... to "" ... OX """ .- · ",..."'" iniS was tne nignest scorlng answer 01 all tne pos'Iti'ie TElsponses VoIi\h . . \hiS al{'(\Ost e'iel'lone, gO% \}l'Jln9 response \he 1ull 5 or 'ief'l i{'(\pot\ant I>.n additional 7% rated it as i{'(\portant ~owe'ier. it is noted \hat tnlS is not a . ''''c ~......"Ie paSe Ind\llidUals sClent"l .......... . cnoosioll to respond to tniS surve'/ would, p,/ \he {'(\eTEl1ad \hat \he'j na'ie ta~en tne ti{'(\e to respond. \)El Interested in neritage preseNatiOn and conservation. Response Inde'll 910{0 f.\gifl couflt'i ?iOfleer MuseU[[l CO\\te'" 0\ "e&~e "'~I$l .,. \ ~~ '" .,. M ",\)\I ""b,\) - ';1Cl <-' '; ~ ~ \ 'l OiSCussion paVer ~ ~ ~ 28 PART C Several options were identified prior to the commencement of the study and this section was designed to gain input from the respondents on what mayor may not be, in their view, an appropriate response to the issues. There was no "hidden agenda" in this section, nor was there a predetennined course planned throughout the questionnaire in order to solicit a specific response. Regardless, on several occasions the Consultants were approached by members of the public with such concerns. The preamble to this question was included in order to give the respondent a brief overview of some of the issues that have come to light over the past two years. Question 29 Should the County of Elgin spend upwards to $800,000 to restore the original museum site keeping in mind that such an expenditure would provide the museum with the same level of facilities/service that existed prior to the move? In this question, the fact that the original site of the Museum has limitations and can not be significantly expanded was noted. Should a return to the Heritage building be the final choice, there would be little opportunity for Significant expansion to meet long-tenn needs of the County Museum. Such constraints to growth may be viewed as a desirable option by some. An overwhelming response to this question was received. 88% NO. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 29 - ",_ '".,.........._ "'... _"" lo..".. ,.....'-' Question 30 """'of""--"'--""--"-- _---..... ,,",-,,_'" ",,_of""""""" Elephant. A relatiVely strong response to this question was received- 71% NO. __' ""_,_".-' 24 .,....- to, ,- """""..... """,_ of.-""" -"'. '" "'......., --' ,"",'- -"'" ... ""' _ ""'.... ,.dly" ,., _'" ".." ,"' -- ,-" st ",,-. '"... ."""''' -" .. """" "" ,,~... ",h , ""'''''''.... ,,, ",,, and almost 70% responded that the down town location was preferable. It'" _WO' lo """",, ..,,","'" lo' -- (Sf. _l -""" Question 31 69% 'fES. ,hJ<; .""'" . ""no<"'" ." .."" '" a_' ,. whO' .. ..... "" ...." -"", "",.. ,re ""'.. ' ..,... ""'" '" a- """.." "''''~... ",... eo>>'" "'.._' _"", _"'h "'" ,,% ."""",,_of"" - -.- " """''''' "" "po"'" "'''' .. """ '" , "",." '" '" " " ... .,_. "'" m '" that this would not be a good place for a new museum. 69% NO Question 32 It'" M"",m w'" t, _, """"..bi' _led t" - ,""'.. ""-,,.. lo ... ","my Ad'"'''''''''' ._ '" ,,,portY ..... bY'" ",",ty? -------- 30 Elgin county Pioneer Museum DiSCUssion Paper Question 33 The Elgin County archives will also require additional storage space in the near future. Would you support housing both the museum and the archives in one new facility as part of a 'cultural center" in a building beside the County administration Building? Although there is little suPPOrt for the building site adjacent to the County Administration Building (see questions 30-31), the notion of combining the Archives with the Pioneer Museum is strong. There is also a strong level of support for the concept of a .cultural center" Which carne out clearly in the interviews conducted with stakeholders. 78% YES 3.1.2 Stakeholder Interviews Numerous stakeholder intelViews were conducted over a four month period. Individuals were selected by the Museum staff and interview times were arranged through the Museum's offices. The Consultants, where requested to do so, traveled to the location most convenient for the person being interviewed. However, most of the interviews were conducted at the Museum offices. A full list of individuals interviewed will appear in the attachment to the final report. Generally, the results of the stakeholder interviews conformed with the results of the questionnaire with the following comments: . The development of a Museum which would meet the needs of the community must be supported politically. Should the Museum be located in St. Thomas, for example, a solid working relationship must be established between the City of St. Thomas and County Council. Without political collaboration and support at these two levels, any plan Which might provide sizeable benefits to both would not succeed. . There exists at least three groups in the community who would either support or oppose the proposed development In some ways, their views cannot be reconciled. In the recommendations we have not been bound by the desires of specific groups. Rather, we have attempted to provide a dispassionate recommendation in the interest of the County. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 31 3.1.3 Group Interviews The Consultants met with the fun Board of Directors of the Elgin Milital'J Museum, individuals representing the Women's Institute, The Business Improvement ASSOciation and the Archives Association. ResultS of these meetings will be discussed with council in conjunction with this current paper. 3.1.4 Public Meeting A public meeting was conducted at the Elgin County Building on the evening of 11 December 2003 with over 75 persons in attendance. Responses from the meeting were used as departure points for interviews with stakeholders and to expand the properties to be examined as a part of the investigations of the report. 3.2- Building Program 3.2.1 Introduction The development of an appropriate building program for the Elgin County Pioneer Museum is difficult due to the progressive development of the current Museum without a definition related to the needs of the County. Unlike other sites with large reserve collections and with a history of operations focused on a larger community, should the Elgin County Pioneer Museum relocate and start with a new facility, it will be starting with a relatively limited amount of existing resources. However, the potential for acquisition is high (based on the interviews), with many in the County willing to make their collectionS available. However, the notion of a building program for a new site, if such an option is selected, must be considered conjectural and based on what would be deemed to be a reasonable facility for a community of the size of Elgin County. Factors, which may have an impact on this scope, include the wide range of potential interpretive themes; the potential for major corporate support and individual support in the form of both financial and material donations; and the potential for support from the City of st. Thomas (if the Museum remains in the City). space and facilities required to store and preserve a collection, provide public activities and house all museum functions including visitor services are based on the findings of the other 32 Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper - "'.""..... _. BY _..._-"""".,-"... p- AM with the available or potential facilities. we have generated a Facilities progfllm. lhe facilities program outlineS acceptable s\andaIdS and special requirements for each function. 3.2.2 Recommended Size For a museum of avefllge size for a county of the size of Elgin countY. we recommend that a minimum floor area of approxlmatelY 1.500 to 2,000 sq. meters (t5,ooO to 20.000 sq. feet) is "'""''''''' """''' _ _"'"'" m-'" - _._' and the population and history of Elgin county. lhis area does not include an archives. In the questionnaire responses, it was found that tile ,"."m,,"'''' fm'''''''.'-.... _- _. T..- "" "'... "" '''' ._m ..<t' '" """"'. m_"'" -g _""em- m' the areas renovated in the Mministrative Building were abandoned In favour of an altematiVe .... 0"""""" '" ",..,,"'" '" _ "'.'" """'........ - "''" "''''''''' Museum. lhe existing Museum facility. QuncOmbe House, of approximately 6500 sq. ft.. cannot be expanded to the recommended size given the constraints of its site and buildings. Th' ""... ...."'., ""-'" "," ~- - "",.-. ,"", ,"'...', which are based on a percentage of the overall tloor area. lhese are discussed as followS: Exhibits lhe size and type of exhibit space is normally determined from the range of artifacts in the ",",ct'" """ """ '" m""" ,,,,,,,,,,,,. Fm """,", , ... ""... .. · """ "", ,"" "" '" d",,"'" . ,,~ .'" "'" .. , g"" m', '" .....,. "",,,,,,, "M , ... """"'" to tile display of agricultural or transportation equipment. Beyond the permanent display of artifacts held in the collection is tile issue of the promotion of temporary exhibitions and the """" . _""' .._ ""'" "'M "". aI.' ,"" ,"'" ..' """'"', """""..' ""'" _"'. "" " _ .,.' U""""""" """'''' ",""" .. "'..'" '" '" """'" "... ,,_ .,., "', '"' I." .., m'" ,""'''' , l"''''''''' to< ,,,," , "". F..' EIgI' County Pioneer Museum, because of low numbers of artifacts held in the reserve collection, it can be assumed that at the outset the emphasiS will be on travelling rather than temporary exhibits. 33 ---- DiSCUssion Paper Elgin county pioneer Museum Of the 35% we assume that 20% would be permanent exhibits and the remaining area devoted to :'.~pace for travelling or temporalY exhibits. Storll,~ Currently, our work in the community indicates that the quantity and size of potential scope of collections available for this site is high. The standards which apply to museums in Ontario require a 30% portion of any new museum development to be set aside for the storage of a reserve collection. Given our limited review of potential collections, it appears that at the outset this space would be largely unused but would rapidly be occupied with donations. Theatr~ In most museum and interpretive sites, it is desirable to have a space which can be used as a theatre for film or lecture presentations and which can double as classroom space. The size of such a space will valY aCCOrding to the type and size of audiences expected at the site. As the actual mixture oftuture programming initiatives can be considered to be open-ended, we have taken the position that initially such a space should hold approximately the equivalent of two classrooms (60 persons). This is slightly more than a school bus load and represents an area of approximately 3,000 sq. ft. Curatorial SQace~ Curatorial spaces include offices for staff; clean workrooms for curalion of artifacts; dirty WOrkrooms for receiving and cleaning objects (to avoid contamination of the main COllections) and a carpentlY shop (for exhibit preparation). In small community museums, the size of these functions may not be large in relation to their importance for the operation of the site. An assumption can be made that these will require approximately 20% of the total floor area. Other soaces These include janitorial rooms and mechanical/electrical spaces. In general, such spaces usually require apprOximately 5% of the total floor area of a given site assuming that the key mechanical equipment is roof-top mounted. The required area may increase if all such functions are contained within the bulk of the main building. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 34 - 3.2.3 Environmental Requirements ."".....",-""""""",,,,,,--,,,- --- '" """,,, _ """""" --' -'" -",-""" -.-. _-",_.",_._10"-"''''--'''''' ,......,'" _",_.. ......""'~..-... 1""-"'- sucll damage. Th' __ of --.. --...""",.- -...... ,,~'" ,""... _....."'_.,_'_ of"'" ...-",.. of ...-_to 00_ _"'. """...- "" ---...-- of -- """'. conflict between tile needs of collections and artifadS and tile buildings 1I0using tIlem. An ,"''''''..... """".. _ '" "''''','' , ''''' """"" of ,,",_.....- \0 """. and no lesS tllan 35% lIumidity in winter (plus or minus 2% in a 24 hour period). Likewise, .......- """".. "'-""..., , .- "'" '" "'," ,..... -,,, - poriod"'" is generally considered acceptable at approximatelY 20 degrees F . MY"''''' _ "..... '''' ""..- of"" .""'" """" hP "".hIP of -""''''' - .. .. "" '''''' ,_ '" 'hP ,,,... "".. hP "'""'" ... -'" """' " ...- """ """ environmental changes. from ." _,,,,,",. '" -"" M-'" " "" -"" " "'"."" ..-"'" ."",,,,,, ... _"''''' ""'" hP """ ~'" _'" '" ""'''''' ","" of'hP ",,,,,,, ,pd. "'," "" small spaces, uneconomical. However, strategies for the operation of historic buildings as ",.-ro "". "'" ""'" ,,- - """, -.., "" ~",,,,,,,, ,pd "",,,,,.. "'., ",,_, _ _, """" hP -"-" ,..- "....... -",...,-. ,,,..'''' .,_h.'" "'_'" _"''''' """,,, """"" '" "",,"," 00 ...",... heritage building. Development of a purpose-built museum would, of course, remove tllese "'_, w ,_,,, ..._'" '''' ",.. ,,," -"'" of"'" h"""" public buildings witll easy access to floor and wall systems. 3.2.4 Access to the Site ThO ,.. ."",d be PO " "'" "''''' ""'" """.. " '" ,rtefY" "'- "'''' of -'" to loU'" "',..' , " of ."oct ,,"'_ '" hi""'" """",... ""' """ati" " ow, ",,,,, of _". """,YO<. to act" ,n ""roo''''' -""". "" h"""" "'"" 35 Discussion Paper Elgin county Pioneer Museum present an image to the street immediately visible to passers-by. It is noted that the original museum is in an "out of the way" location with little reference to major population centre or travel routes. The . building must mem accessibility requirements for the physically challenged in order ,- to be in accordance with prevailing building codes. Receipt of grants in support of a new project will be contingent on these requirements being met. Costs to renovate Duncombe House would be high and there would remain, even after installation of accessibility equipment, portions of the house that would be inaccessible. As well, the installation of accessibility equipment could seriously compromise the heritage fabric of the building. 3.2.5 Codes and Standards As an assembly occupancy, the site will have to be capable of meeting legislated requirements regarding health and safety issues. These include fire exits ~ncluding width, number and access}; flame spread (rate of flame propagation) of finishes; number of washrooms; exit lighting; floor loading requirements; and a panoply of other requirements. Assembly occupancies require among the highest standards for these systems and these standards increase with the numbers using the bUilding based on its size. The existing museum meets the intent of these codes with some minor infractions. Some upgrading would be required such as improvement to fire separations at the ceiling of the basement. 3.2.6 Alarms Alarm systems include issues of both fire and security systems installation. While relatively easy and inexpensive to install, security systems are rendered more effective when installed in buildings which have natural supervisory capability. Thus buildings with many windows in isolated areas may be more prone to security breaches than those in secure sites with occupied buildings nearby. Response to alarms is also an issue. Rural areas require a longer travel distance for fire and police than urban areas. These issues may have an impact on the capability of the site to attract Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 36 m3 Of museumS. \.oea\iOIl onlle Museum III a -.........-........--.:. .. ....-..-..-. ....---....--... "" ' otllef sites to loall col1ec\\OlIs 10r elllll\)\\IOIlS. .,....-.--....-..-..............---. museum sites. ,.1.1 ..-- ~ ... ....... '" """" ...... ,............- "",......,.,..,.- '" ' provided at \tIIS stage. :.:,;:;::;;'~.-._-"" ".",,-'" laci\\t':I IlIcludlng tile loIIOVIln9.. Site oevelopmellt euiloln9 cOllstl\lc\lon Fumlsllln9 allo Equipmellt Elllllbitlon prapara\iOO aoo Olspla~ pr01esSlonal Fees . . . . contingencieS .0 0 a ClasS 'E'- accurac~ 01 +/- '30"/0 due to tile 11le costs presellteO s\1oulo be COIlS\ ere -" "'~.. -.......""..'..- . . . c\ unoer .. """""'" ",... " ..reo "."" """,'ffi ,,,,,,, . costs are baseo on current (I1at\<.. t 'Ieral otner sites) anO are sublect '" )C.\r polatlOns Iro{l1 costs a sa ." '" ... _'''''' """ <>-" , ' . 1M" .. l""""" """ '" · . 1 wot\<. or quallW 01 ellecution.' '" ._ ,,_ m """'. .' ." ,,. "".. ,f "" "'" - ....'" """ "" """ ....... -- ."' '" \<.1I0V111. a allo illC\Uoe a neW pUfl}ose-built ",., '" - '^".. .. f"'''''''. " ... ...-""'. , · -"'" .. "" -, ... ",,-" . '" """'''' """, ",- '" --" "",,,_ . , m_m ",,, , ",,, ""..", """, · " '" ....." "" CoO'" 37 Elglll COUIlW Pioneer MuSeu{l1 OisCUssion Paper 3.3.1 Cost Assuming New Construction ."... Item Estimated Unit Cost Budget Total Site Development including paving improvements and Estimate changes associated with development of a building addition $ 1 00,000 New Construction (approximately 1 ,500 so. fl.) Furnishing and equipment.. Exhibit preparation and display (5,000 SQ. fl.) Subtotal Approx $200/so. fl. Estimate $1001 SQ. fl. 3,000.000 100,000 500,000 $3,700,000 Professional fees Contingencies 400,000 400,000 Total Project $ 4,500,000 3.3.2 Cost Assuming Installation in an Existing Building - Full Renovation Item Estimated Cost Total Site Development including paving improvements and Estimate changes associated with development of a building addition $ 100,000 Renovations (approximately 15,000 SQ. fl.) FurnishinQ and equipment Exhibit preparation and displav (5,000 SQ. fl.) Subtotal Approx $175/sa.fl. Estimate $1001 sq. fl. 2,625,000 100,000 500,000 $3,325,000 Professional fees Contingencies 350,000 350,000 Total Project $ 4,025,000 Note that the above does not include purchase price of the property. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 38 3.3.3 Cost Assuming Installation in an Existing Building - Base Building by Others Item Estimated Cost Total Site Development including paving improvements and Estimate changes associated with development of a building addition $ 100.000 Renovations lapproximatelv 15.000 so. ft.) Furnishing and eQuipment Exhibit preparation and display 15,000 SQ. ft.) Subtotal Aporox $ 100/SQ.ft. Estimate $1001 SQ. m. 1,500,000 100.000 500.000 $2,200.000 Professional fees Contingencies 250.000. 250.000 Total Proiect $ 3.700.000 Based on the cost breakdown, a low capital cost solution may be to locate a site for which the base building is provided by others. The base building would have to meet the criteria needed to suit museum use. A long tenn lease may be negotiated with building owners with the lease allpwing the property owners the ability to use the Museum as an "anchor tenant" and to finance the renovations and on-going maintenance. Complementary uses. such as a restaurant or shops or cultural offices in the building may take advantage of the stimulus offered by the Museum and vice versa. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 39 4. SITE INVESTIGATION 4.1 General Comment The primal'j mandate of the current Report is to evaluate the suitability of the existing Duncombe House as a county museum vs. a change to a new site. An examination of the existing site was therefore conducted together with the examination of altemative potential sites. The examination was conducted us.ing the criterta developed in the previoUS chapters as a guide. The prtmary goal of the investigation was to ensure that the Museum is operating in the interests of Elgin County and that the county's investment in the Museum meets the goals of the corporation. For the examination, county and Museum representatives suggested altemative sites. Some sites were also Suggested at the public meeting. The inspections and relative merits of each site or location are developed in this Section together with a recommendation. Examinations of those sites which are buildings were on a visual basis combined with interviews with the site operators, where possible, and a review of previouS reports prepared for each site, where available. The nature of this inspection must be considered of a preliminary nature and was intended to detennine the general suitability of each building or site as a County-supported museum. While issues related to code and safety are noted in the inspection, we are unable to guarantee or warrant any issues related to each site based on the inspections. Hidden defects or problems may exist which were not immediately apparent during the inspection period. 4.1.1 Duncombe House !....cation. The existing museum is located at 32 Talbot Street on "The Hill" (talbot Hill) on Registered Lot #2 at the south-west corner of Old Talbot Street and Pleasant Street. Old Talbot Street was originally the continuation of the main street of St. Thomas which was bypassed by a new extension completed in the latter quarter of the 20th Century. Old Talbot street drops down a hill to the west to meet Flngal Road but originally continued as Talbot Road to the west. Sunset Drive, which intersects with Fingal, connects with Wellington Street to the north which extends north into downtown London. 40 Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper Si~ Th. ""-_,_-.. ""..."'...._-... T"'_"-m sits on a separate lot but Is connected to Duncombe house by a common Vestibule. The Site is separated from the alignment Of the former Canada Southem Railway line by one residential lot located to the south of the parking lot. T. '" "", r_, or", _, lli, "'" '" _ __ Old T_....." _ "" "" ...."', F''''''......, - '" ""..... _ '" """ ~ '" __ "" "'... Tho.... or", ho"" . ""'-""'-. to_"",,,,,, "" ",-" -.~",d entrance to the museum site. Access to the parking lot requires a tum Off Old Talbot Street onto -, "'- or",.. "'" "" .,""~ or", """", 000" ""' """ ""-._, months and dUring periods Of inclement weather. Ge'!~al DesCri)!lion The house was constructed c. 1848, and, SUbsumed under later additions, includes Visible '-... """""" -..."" lli, ,_ wh", wi",,~ ~"'_. .... """"",..., doo. ''''' "m "'" _d - 're .. ""'y """'. Th. ""'Of ""'" .. ...,.. ....., ho<th. Original clapboard has been COncealed by the application, in 1957, of artifiCial stone which Conceals mUch Of its Original Character. Exterior Windows do not present the Original appearance or.. h."" '" '" _ r_ "" """" of.."'"'.. h....... """""" '"", ""- '" -""" "'.. -.,', .""'.... - to '" _" '''''''.''''......._ " "" ....,,~ "..... "'" -" to _.. "- "" ... """'"'" .. _~ " , heritage hOuse museum (in a manner Similar to Eldon HOuse MUseum In london). In 1970, an addition was added to the South of the Original house to house a larger main flOor gallery and prOVide a basement storage room with adjacent service areas. In 1972, a seCOnd bUilding was erected on the property to hOuse an agriCUltural COllection. In 1991, the Museum survived the fire noted at the intrOduction of this report. - Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 41 condition _ .~~"si()\\S I>'l o\ller consultan\.s, i\lSIl6cted on WIO """'" ' """""'" .... - . .... '" ... ..."""" d' . I>>SS8SSlflElnt VIaS con"u "" . I>> prelifl\inal"1 Building con ,1iOI' st ...all 01 ttle MUse VIas out-ol- . nnrted \h3tttle ea .. . "'.......... "",. "",.. <'r -..-...-- . . tl igtlt 01 4 tee\:, It ........ I nlurno I>'l aWfOJdrnatel'l1 Inctl In a e .....ount to as rnuctl as $'300,000, I>> .. ssioilit'l codes rna'l a... '" '""'..- _... _ ......" "",...,000'" suo$Elf\uen\. eJl8.rnination SUggested ttlat costS rna'J __",,<.\~l\l'" im""""ernen\.s. , rnentsIOra~."''''' "'-- _._ 'M ~........' ",,, \I 130](ltleer &. StftIfIIles", " . I>> report VIaS lJfepared 0'1 an 'I an..ad'l aeen\. \\Oor traming 01 ttle . 51' ated ttle east VIa, u ' Jul'l 2002. ilIis report Inve III ~ condition mentiOned in tM I>>v's , use 01 tM out-ot-p\umu .,.-,,-""" . '" - "",. .,.--' .. ""'lie it VIas de\:e{l1\ined t\lat ttle areli. eJlarn1n repo". ~... . ' "." 'urt\ler investigatiOn. \)Ilt recommenu\$U \ . ,,- - ~... '"'" "" "",..."- ""'" ","",_. "".- '" w'",w'" . . ",...",. -"'...... _""" 01" .., _",,,,,. .- w '''; 0:,:::::......."" -. '"' 01 a rna}(lrnum W,OOO squale leet unsPfln\<.lele '1'1' _, .i'" "'" ',000 "".. "" ---. s....... .... -'" Co< . . . .ole dependlflll on its aOlllW to rneet tM cntefla use 01 al\'l ouilding 101 a rnuseum IS poSS\ '. . '0' ....is site inelUdes tile economiC I>> part onlle cn,ena 1 ' '" dernanded as a reSUlt 01 ttlat use. 01.. ~ tM count'l to a lallle num\:l61 01 . . g tile site lor 1Jf0rn Ion 0 ' advan\.ages to tile CounW In USI" d mall collections ot a\l sizes 'I'Illlctl , \\ N'/Cllse \)Iltll lallle an s ,_ 'WOO"" '''' "",,,,,",,' ' ~ - """""'" "'"" · W P"''''' ,,""..... ... ....... · '''' C",,,,,,. 00 - ""'" ' a suitaole site 101 counW pUIPOses. . ,...,. ... ,..",,- \, "" -, """""'''' """ _"".",,__.' ~ .d" -~,''''''''''..'''' , . tempelature all" tlum\ ,. ~_.....-"'-,. .. .."""".........- . eludes its \:>eing IlUm,d\lied to rnuse ,._ .., _,,,, . ""'''''.,, ~.d,"""""~ .. e 101 toe collection alld cUlalion 0 . .",. """ ""'" ,,", . ",,_ """" U....."" "" . \d le\lent its use as a malol . """""..'"'" _.." , . .,,,. d_ ,,,,,,,.. -,-~ ",,,,, " ... ,"", " "",""" .... - - ",. , 42 Elgin CounW pioneel t./Iuseum DiSCUssion paper ,...... I additioO ,ne SlIlall !led uodef la~efS of oeVl..".... 0 . __,"-,,--~ . ..._---- .........'"'w... fOOlOS and acceSS to t\)e fOoloS COlOllioed 'I'Ii\~ _^I...... 0 and cufll\ioO of artifacts >jj\\ic\llOig\)\ . ~'nate its nnteo\\al fOf "".,.,,,.10 . """""""'......-_ r _~ _....._w . 0\ ~ ElgiO couoW and suffOl11",1.." . felate to \tie iodustoal develO?lOe a ,. ."'all to uodertaKe ?f09flllOlOil\\l "'e -....ilioo is ,00 "'.. . _....,..100 to t\)e reaf of \tie \)OUse. ". auu \I\IS VIaS aO auu" . .. _ """""...... c_........,...-. . __"', __" I\--"age \lOUse museumaod as celteo\ pOtemlal as a 1"",01"" "'.. """"... - - ,,,,, '" ,," ""'"" '"'" ","" -... -.. .""~,,, """"""",, . . -'~""""".'" _........,....~ """"""'" _ . .. ........' ". ......... -- "''"..- . . It I\'st 'C site full restof".IOo o. ... ,.- ~-""."'-' ,,,, . . ...- -"."....- . Id b colOe a sl\oWcase ,Of ?6Ouu .. . pOssible aod tne sl\e COu e .....' ~,su."'a"le fof a couoW museum aod costs . \ COllslsteot ..,,1\ a S\.e ",u ..."'...."'",.,.,"".."". . .....w---...- associated 'Nitl\ u\l9fadi09 'Nould 00\ Im?fO'ie \\5 a oe'N collectiOIlS. '" ..., "4IlS.... s..-- ... ,"bOt S",,,, Sc'Ill..... 4.1.1. '{b.e ~e{l\por\\'J ,,~ r ~ at street ill all ellIPW sl\o?lfOo\' \ locatiOIl at 449 ,alb ooe of tl\e sites illvestigated was toe cuffell ~ . ,1\ and liaS 110 ?afKIII9. 1h' OW t_'''' ",~.,.,-...,...." st. "',.. ~ . ' \ snace o!lgillalt~ used as a fetill outlet It is cleaf S?ao and ,oe space IS a commerCIa .. a?pro)tilOatel~ 5,000 square lee\. 43 OisCUSSion paller Elgin counW Piolleer Museum Suitabilit.v for museum use, Of interest is that the relocation has resulted in an increase in tile Museum's profile in the community which has translated into an increase in attendance. This fact points to the issue of an improved location which may provide better profile to the Museum. The strength of the floor would permit display of larger artifacts although the provision of suitable loading and curatorial facilities would be problematic. The site is further limited in that it cannot be expanded and cannot be economically retrofitted to allow it to meet full museum standards. ;;.... Development of this site is therefore not a viable option. However, development of a suitable building in the same area should be considered. 4.1.3 The former CSAO Railway Station, St. Thomas Locatio,! This building is set back. from Talbot Street in the heart of the St Thomas commercial district It is adjacent the major rail yards which serviced the main rail line which conveyed trains, as a short cut, between New Yorl<. and Chicago and which developed the economic impetus for the expansion of St. Thomas. General Descriotiol\. The CSAO station was constructed between 1871 and 1873 and is, in the Canadian railway context, of unusualltalianate style. Although lacl<.ing its perimeter canopies and having had minimum maintenance since closure oHhe CSAO line, it is in good condition and remalkably complete in terms of its heritage components. The station is one of six original stations designated under the Federal Heritage Railway Stations protection Act and is thus of national (indeed intemational) significance and regularly attracts busloads of American tourists despite its present conditiOn. Reasons for its designation included: . the history and development of the railroad in south-Western Ontario . the development of the town . as a wolk of architecture . its role in relation to Talbot street (downtown St Thomas) 44 Elgin County pioneer Museum Discussion Paper . ".",.-_...w.-.-"--"'- yaros. """,,". "".....". _oS.,..... ",,- "'"' "". """'............. ""___...-....-w.. -"."" -"""'..... ...-.. "". """",,' """"...... __.....- w '''' -- ..... ......... "" --.......-'... "" _ "'" ""......-....... .. --...... ...."'''''----....-. ,-""'_...."'. needs of toe communi\':j. """" """"""'''''. _. """"""' by --"" - --""" ........ _ -""' "'........-.... --.... "",..." .... '" ~ _. _. """"""' by """"" ...." 0_" _. -"'" "'" ",,- .",,- ""'" '" """"'" ...""'''' --.""-'- '" """""" .. _""'" ",," '" """"",. ,"'..... _ _. "" m _ ... ,">I'"'''' , . _ '" "",..-" '" · """""" """,,"'" W'" ",_" """ """""" """",,, '" ,_ _. ~"'. "" . 51.-' ... ",,,, m"" ,- "",,...-" ""'_.'" -, -"",.." '" ..,.., .""",,,. _ c.- ,"". "...- ,'" ,,,",.'" -.- _",., - - """"".." .-. .""".. ""~...,, '''' """ - "",." "" " ",.. """""," " "'" "f '''' "'" .- """" - " """". ",.,. · .._ ,,,,,,... ""... W "'. -. -....." """...""..- ~onditioq "" ",,_ . "... """""" d"<''' ".. "" """" """""" m"""'" "": .. ,,,. "".." _'" _' _"''''' _ "," d""" omi.....'" .'. -"".'" building itself. futitllbi\~useU\ll \Js~ roe 1l0siti\le attributes of tlliS site for museum use include'. . ". oW,''' -"""','" ....."" """'."" ,..,. -, '" · - " ...""...' -.. """"""... ,- '" "".",,,. ",,,... .~."'" wIIieh was in\luential to the de\lelollment of the regiOn 45 Elgin county Pioneer Museum Oiscussion Paper . location is in good proximity to the downtown core taking advantage of local services . links of this site to adjacent and co-Iocated operations including the rait museum and the Port Stanley train would enhance the attractiveness of the site and ensure more attendance at the Museum . location in the core area would ensure that more visitors stay longer in the community due to the services such as restaurants and shops which are already there and which .,-, would be enhanced with the new economy generated by the attraction Redevelopment ofthe former park between the station and Talbot Street, including removal ofthe commercial buitdings located there, are an essential requirement to ensure success of the site. A part of the development of the park should include the relocation of the Jumbo memorial to this site. 4.1.4 The Former Alma College, St. Thomas Location Located at 96 Moore Street, at the comer of Moore and Mcintyre Streets in SI. Thomas, Ontario is the old Alma College for Ladies. Site The grounds featured a main building, a chapel, a hall, and a unique outdoor amphitheatre. The Victorian Gothic exterior of the front facade and the two flanking side facades make this structure unique in the City of St. Thomas and perhaps in Ontario as a whole. Today, the only remaining grounds that remain are part of the main building itself, the chapel and the ruins of the amphitheatre. Adjacent the site runs the London - Port Stanley rail line on which a former station could be sited to bring visitors to the site from the train. General DescriotioD. On October 11, 1876, it was proposed by Bishop Carman that a ladies college be established in SI. Thomas. In 1877, the planners called the new school, "SI. Thomas Ladies College" until it was formally named "Alma College" by Sheriff Colin Munroe who wanted to name it to honour the passing of his late wife. Architect, James Balfour from Hamilton won the design competition over 20 other submissions. The college officially opened in 1881. The land and buildings were purchased by "Alma Heritage Estates" which is a private corporation led by Brian Squires of Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 46 """"."" --. -. '-"""--"-"''''''' v_ ",,11m.. "" - ""- _ .. ___ . """'" 28!h. "". _ """"'... prOClaimed a ProvinCial historic Site. The...._ "'_ ..."..-...._...._.... aCCommOdate the PropoSed n8eded Size forthe Museum. .('Ollditioll - The """""'" "'._ "" _.,.... Of"" _ ....... "'" ."" _.""."" ... f... "''''' -..... '-" _ v_... "'''' _ "''''' _ "" "". -.m.", "'''''''''''"_ -.... ""__ _... """."" extensive upgrading reqUif"ed for museum use. ., "'" --.. -, '" "" -...,,, ..... - ........ "'" "" "" """"" . brought up to apP/"oPtiate standards by the OWner. $.Uitabilitv for lIIuseulII u~ Tim "'''''''' -... """1m - "'" "''''' """"" 1m _'" ~"'" ""''''''. U~ " PM 'film ""'" ""'". -"" · "'-., -... .,."". """'-th. "''''''' """ ~- """""'- - --- "th. ""'~-"th. '-~ ""'- - .".. -"",... "" -..... '...".,,-. '-...,...", - -.Im -. -"" _''''11m "".. _ '" ""'- "" -. "" ..."" '" "" ... · -.... "" - """"""'" "'" '" st. ""m" "" - _"" """'" th, .""" "'-. "" "" '., p",,", _ '" -- "th. ... " .", ""ho """ """""" -."" .. _""''''''' "" "'''' """ -",..-.."" -'''-... '- "'" t, "'''''' ""- ,""... adjacent residential streets. ""'. '-... '"'- '........ -........ ""'- -"""- dedicated to one use. Elgin COunty Pioneer Museum DiSCUSSion Paper 47 ..1.5 "" _ c.u." ......,.,...."'- St. "",- l.oclltiO!l "" """'" __ _' """'" "........ """" '" _........ of '" -momas pfO~r. ~tt ThY'" "" "".."'" .--''''''''' -"" -'. ,..-- "" "'" C_' ... ""'" _"". """"'.. '" """."'........ '" 5\. -" pS'jctliatriC \-Iospital acrOSS ttle road to ttle east "" ",",,,,. '0'''- .. "" 0'_ "", "'" "", .- .... """ '" """""" ",..... _, ",,,, "",.. "'..... I,,"," _,,,....... - P"""" "" sIte on ttle wa'j from London to port stanle'j. ~nerll\ Descrinti\!!l -- ~ "" _"" . ,''''' ""'" .rod"" '" ,"".. """ .,. .re." '" "" ........."" ,,-," " . -, _. .""..-- ""-".--""'" ---",-'" I'" e<m"'. R"- _'" "".. ~~ '" ,,,,,,,..'" of '" """'" ,,,,,N" .. '" - lI"" of "'..... ... of '" """"" ,.. '" '00' · '" ",- · om'" .... """ '" -.... for museum pUflloses. - Condition - - "" ""''''' '" '" "",,,, 00-' .... "'.... m.- suitabi\i for mUl;eum use _ "'"..... '" '" _'.'" ol"" m"''''' "" I"" """'" d"" '" - of"" .- -"'.... """" """". ~- ","",,, . F.. ."'''' '" "" I"'''' """ ". ,of .... ". ,,,,- '" m"",m "" .... ...."''''' '" "'" "",,,,,,,,,, ."'. ". '" ~ ",ropl\" " "" .- "'" · m" -' ttle building for consideration 48 E.lgin coun\'j Pioneer Museum DiScUSSion paper . The size ofthe floor plates and height of ceilings at the fourth floor are not conducive to the planning of galleries for museum purposes. . Introduction of high humidity levels at the upper floor for museum purposes would present problems for other areas of the building and require massive upgrading of the entire building envelope to preclude problems with condensation in winter. . Organization of the intemal spaces do not lend themselves for movement of large numbers of visitors around the building. .. . The site is not an attractive one in terms of motivating visitors due to its institutional appearance. For these and other reasons, the installation of a museum in this building is not recommended. 4.1.6 A Site Adjacent to the Elgin Connty Administration Bnilding, St Thomas It is interesting to note the responses in the sUlveys to the question of location of a potential museum in or adjacent to the current Administration Building. Several responses appeared to endorse the location, but analysis of the results reveals that the endorsements are for co-location of the County Archives with the Museum. Location of a new purpose built museum next to the Administration Building is therefore a reasonable possibility but will require a substantial investment in a building which is removed from the potential tourism benefits available with the CSAO station in SI. Thomas. By co-locating the museum within a major tourisrT!..attraction (the CSAO station and associated attractions), the County would reach a much larger target audience and its investment will have a much more. profound impact on the success oflhe museum and showcasing of the County. However, attention could be drawn to the County with a building designed by architectural competition which could produce a building which would be, for a time, an attraction in its own right. However, the potential of the CSAO option is so profound that we cannot recommend a new museum building at this time. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 49 4.1.7 An alternate site elsewhere in Elgin County other locations in Elgin County may be considered for a relocated Museum. However, the primary issue to be answered is whether any site out of St.Thomas would be capable of an attraction powerful enough to act as a major tourist draw, and act as a "gateway' to the County. Criteria for such a site would include availability of location, historical features, association with ".,-<- .,,+ . other tourism-related features, and ability to act as an attraction to showcase Elgin County to a potentially large number of visitors. Such a policy was adopted for Lambton County several decades ago in the location of the Lambton County Museum across the road from Pinery Provincial Park (one of the most visited Provincial Parks in Ontario) and near the tourism area of Grand Bend. The Southampton Museum, likewise, is located in Southampton at a considerable distance from the County seat in Walkerton. However, the museum in Goderich is only a few blocks from the County Administration Building and one block from a major north-south tourist route (Highway 21). Tourism related areas or features include the Talbot Trail, the Trans Canada Trail, and the Port Stanley area. If criteria for selection include centrality in the County, as well as proximity to existing county facilities, these features are manifestly a part of the sites examined in and around SI. Thomas. However, SI. Thomas is also ideally situated to take advantage of the two direction flow of tourists from Detroit through to Toronto. SI. Thomas and area is therefore recommended as the area which should first be considered for an alternative site if other options examined prove unworkable. Inclusion of other portions of the County should then be done by way of providing support to associated or satellite sites around the County in the same manner as the Huron County and the Lambton County Museums have done over the past 20 years. In Elgin County, should the Duncombe House not be the site for the County Museum, the house could be operated as a restored house museum associated with the main County Museum. Elgin County Pioneer Museum Discussion Paper 50 5. Recommendations 5.1 Duncombe House It is recommended that the County consider relocation of the Elgin county Pioneer Museum to a new site and that Duncombe House not continue in use as the COunty Museum. However, it is also recommended that the current Duncombe house be taken over by a separate board with a view that it be restored and operated as an historic house museum. Such a museum could be considered a branch or associated museum of the County Museum. 5.2 CSAO Railway Station The opportunities and benefits intrinsic to the development gf the CSAO station and the possibility of the Museum's location there are so profound and of such potential for the County and S1. Thomas that this site is recommended as the option which should be pursued. Key to the successful development of this site would be the political will and co-operation of the County and the City and with those currently involved with the development of the site. 5.3 Other Options .- Only one other options presents itself based on the current study. This is a new museum located adjacent to the Elgin County Administrative Building. However, the higher costs and the lower "return on investment" suggest that the CSAO option be pursued first. Discussion Paper 51 Elgin County Pioneer Museum 6. CLOSURE d Arc\lltec\S and canadian cuttural Resource .-"'" _ ..,....... Lt ". .~ "" ......-'" "" W"" d thiS Repod In aCCOrdance WI . consultants InC. h9'le pfepare ., ..o' on and data contailled hereIn it. ddressed \he 111.0lfO".1 benefit of ttle Client to V4\l01l\ IS a . _" d 'Il110lfOation a"ailable at tile \ilI\e of the . . r lit of tile \l.nowl""ge an . _'" ..."".-""W . . 0 . ""..-- -""-,, . nI S required \)"j laW, tillS "epo . Report's pfeparation. exce\', a . G ldSlI\ith Borgal 8. ColI\pan"j Ltd., Mc\litec\s _" r d ""n OllW \)"j tile clIent. 0 .., '" '" "",,", .. ~. ...... { ...... ",_""", -..'" COllsultants Inc. den"j an"j \ll ," "" c..- """'" - . . .- ,-,,- "'......... tli repod for all"j 11Ilul'l. \V- 0 . "",w"'--'" · .' - ...-""""'''''- er nce upon tillS repo" or '" ,"j ""'" '''''' "" "" .. ..' . '.'" "" - """'" -""' . nt 0' GOldsmith BOrgal 8. compan"j Ltd., Me I wnttell calise' consultants InC. and ttle Client. GOldsmitll BOrgal 8. colI\pan"j Ltd., p.rcllitecls and calladian cultural ReSOurce consultants Inc. 52 Elgin count"j Pioneer lJIuseum OiSCUssion paper REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF Mar(!h 9. 2004 Staff Reoorts ~ (ATTACHED) 56 Tree Commissioner - Application for Minor Exception, Lot 14 & 15, Concession 10, Municipality of Bayham 60 Manager of Information Technology - Purchase of Windows XP Licenses 62 Human Resources Officer - Life and L TD Benefit Changes 64 Ambulance and Emergency Management Coordinator - Ambulance Response Time Framework 68 General Manager, Long-Term Care - Annual Compliance Review - Elgin Manor 70 General Manager, Long-Term Care - Dietary Compliance Review at Terrace Lodge 72 Technical Services Officer - Municipal Trade Show - June 2nd and 3rd, 2004 74 Manager of Engineering Services - Off-Road Vehicles 77 Manager of Engineering Services - Well (Drinking Water) - White's Station (42343 Fruit Ridge Line) 79 Manager of Engineering Services - CNR Crossing, County Road 48, Mile 11.35 Talbot Sub-division 81 Manager of Engineering Services - S1. George Street Curves 88 Special Events Committee Chair - Special Events Committee Update 89 Chief Administrative Officer - The Imminent Funding Crisis in Long-Term Care 93 Chief Administrative Officer - Doctor Shortages and the Community Residency Program 96 Manager of Library Services - Elginconnects/Steering Committee 98 Director of Financial Services - Treasurer's Statement of Remuneration and Expenses - Council 99 Director of Financial Services - Director of Financial Services Statement on Convention Expenses 100 Director of Financial Services - Treasurer's Statement on Remuneration and Expenses - Outside Boards Director of Human Resources - Benefit Renewal Report - 2004 - Effective March 1, 2004 Manager of Information Technology - Purchase of Windows XP Licenses - Revised Director of Financial Services - Museum - Lease Extension Archivist - Museum Study - Summary and Next Steps 55 fROM: DAlE', suajEC1: Rob lindsay, lree cotntniSSioner REPORll0 COUN1'f CoUNC'!:. - ~ . . . \0< ""no< ",_ !<O'" B""" R. G",'JdOn '" ,"" ,"'" _"'''_ ~ "" ~";:';. eono. ,0, ",,,,,,,,,,,'II'i" Ba,b,",. clear 0.6 hectares of woodlands .rotn 0 ' 25 februaf'120Q4 APP"oa""" '''' ,,'n'" ",_n, tol ,4 . ", eon<""''''' '0, """",pallI'i cl aayhatn ~ . ,ba o_",d oleannll ,n""'''' 0.. "",,""" " ..od'and '" '" 'n a \OW ,,,n.'''''\O .,aa'" a""'" for agriculture. . . "'" "'" bani- oon""t1n9 " BlaO' -'" roplal ,"'" ,pec\O' "",Iod ,"",'" "" woodland · 2> 200" dld not ""oal "" ..-"'" cl "", """ and B'ao' C""",. ,,,,,,,, 'n'''''1O''I "" .-"" ' or SignifiCant tree speCIes, . thecleariflg and have nO obiections to the '" .bUIllnO __ """" -" .~"''''''' ~ a\On9 '"'" l.ln". trRC' and "NR """" ro osal eJC.cept a request to tnaln aln a ;,,';on'"" """ no ",_",en"'" """"",n' """""". . ,,,,,en '" _ aod " ""<""",, '" """an" ,.. "" ,be applloa""'''''''''' "" ,~"".;:' "" ~"""" ",atrRC' area within a woodlot on ano" ,er ~ . 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OU\\lnec\ \n \"is lIPplica\lOn. ,. ~OF"""""'l'~~ ~ r:.~/l.~ -- MA\L\NG AO~RE$S;.-s:. 7 $;", ~ M~< . ~ ..~ . ~# .1':.I(.U,,:"'''''O-J - .,... _I/o{ fr qr;..i' ..... No. g:rJf' 6J~ "d. ~ $,-'" ,IIi' .5'14? du.!~ 2. \.OCI\TIONOfWlO:' &. ~ _"....."""",_l _ ..ff' - C~No, ltJ,H:. . ~..., .If. . "''''''_ ~ .........._.... )1if.!{.7U PhI "T!-IE TREes p..(jf . N'PL\CAIION fOR M\~OI\ EXCEP1\ON . '. 3. Reason lorY/iSh'ng to Rom0'l8 treeS. _ -r. :ftll i~ :....., $_"'.I.k .N'" v.J/~f~ _f~-; "V '" (f<<4..Jf ,;,. . ~ -- =- .~ 4. ..- - 6. Area to blJ cleared (In me\f\C) \.en\lth .? tJp_ Me\er& Width ll'l2 _ Mo\ers ~ ' />.tee _~(I\'I Square meters ortlee\areS) ~ .0 t "El"a 9'1;O~ "tt9 6"t~ '~'P ~",,~p "t~~"~ .~o. .------- -' - 1. ...,"". .- ....,......- -- "....-"............-.. "'" of'" """" of'" .... ~ re'''''' ~....... -"" -..... " '" "",,, ,~of..."", ,,""""""" ,,.,. """ ..... - ....... "'" of ,.,.., .f; -- .- fl. Other IOfQlf{la\\on deemed pertinent to INS a?P\\cil\jOCl. j,.J . '.,,_ ~ p;:.;?~.'''' LJ 7/6 ~ . ~ .'/lfQ'....-..;t,~ C'(r'~ f."" ------- ---- ,. e.'" """""",, ""~" -"'''' by ..,.",. '" ""'" "',,. -'" " :15 cenllmelrllll. llhow\ng: ,.) .""...... '" -'" ..... ... "'''' " "" "'~~"'". ..." """""" .. area proposed to be cleared and \h8 area or Ir~5 wl1\c\1 11I'11\ remaIn. "I _..... -' """M........... -"',..,.., ,0} ,,,,, .,,- """ (.... ...""'''''........... - -". ,,".) 10. '" '"..... __.." _. u.,,.....-of .......... """'" "', _' """,... _lb...... ""'_~_.-.-. \0- Indicate during this visit whet Is lltOjlosed 10 tle removed. - i\\oantol' Ment "".. . "" .....""'. """ by ,"" "" .. _. ..... """,.."" of'" -(., m"'-.""" -_. "'" .",...." .--... ""..... -"".",'" "..- ,,",, "",..- -" -'""...- ,........- 6L2J/~ tL. oate -e- -- t a 0 t afi...a 9tO' ,>9 6j.s '~'O ~....~o a1~~a~ .~o~! ~< " r ~ ~ \;-. "' ~ ~ .J' l... .~ ~ Iv I I ~' .... , ~ r ~ \; ~ " ~ I , ~ ~ ~ -q;: " ~ - ... - - " ::::--- rv "- ~ . ~ .~ 1-... .... <\';) c:t " -....r "- ~ ~ \.... I ~1lI ~ ~~ .,;..../ IJ I ::t ~~ !-'\) ;}"- ~.:z r:.J1 @ ~ .. Ii o !l :>I m rT rT I-' m o Ii m m ". o ~ '" I-' '" '" '" I-' '" o '" '" '" III '" m .. o .. ... j o '" " '" ... " o ... .. '" ... '" ....... ~ i< ~"" "-- REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Paul Vandenberg, Human Resources Officer DATE: 27 February 2004 SUBJECT: Life and L TO Benefit Changes INTRODUCTION The Life and Long-Term Disability (L TO) coverage has fallen behind in two specific areas that need to be addressed. The life insurance benefit, for all groups that are at 2x life, has traditionally been based on the employees wage as at December 1, xxxx. The new carrier, Maritime cannot accommodate this request. This will require us to change our practice. The L TO maximum coverage amount, for the Non-union group, is currently lower than the benefit outlined in the policy manual. This would have a negative impact on the payment for an employee on LTD. DISCUSSION: The issue with Maritime Life, is that their system only has one wage field for all benefits. Life, STD and L TO are all wage based benefits. Our current practice is that the STD and L TO benefits are calculated at current salary, adjusted monthly to reflect employee wage changes. The life benefit, for the Non-union group, ONA, CUPE and SEIU- Bobier, is calculated on the previous December 1 wage rate. Previous carriers have had more than one wage field to base the calculations for the various benefits. There are two options: the Life benefit can be changed to reflect the current wages, the same as STD and LTD. The second option is that the STD and L TO rates are changed to be based at December 1, xxxx. Buffet Taylor has indicated that the common practice is that all benefits are based at current wages. The cost for us to change this is being calculated, but is estimated at less than a 2000,00 per year increase for all effected groups. The L TO maximum coverage for the non-union group is currently at $3,500.00 per month. The exception to this is the management team which is at $10,000.00 per month. The policy states that employees will be covered for 66 2/3 of their wages. Employees in the upper end of the wage grid would reach the $3,500.00 maximum before receiving the full benefit of 66 2/3%. Buffet Taylor has recommended that the maximum for L TO be increased to $6,000.00 per month, There is no cost increase for changing the maximum amount to $6,000,00 per month. There will be additional premiums on the wages between the current rate of $3,500.00 and $6,000.00. The estimated cost increase for the employees affected is estimated $1,000.00 for 2004. CONCLUSION: The recommendation from Buffet Taylor is to change the Life calculation to the current wage structure. The marginal increase for the change in procedure will bring us in line with the current practice and provide a benefit that most employees probably expect they have already. The L TO maximum coverage does not reflect the benefit as outlined in the policy manual. Employees would expect that in the event of aLTO claim, that they would receive 66 2/3% of their salary. The proposed increase to $6,000.00 will ensure that this coverage will be suitable for a number of years. Under Both situations above would, it would be very difficult to explain to a spouse or disabled employee that their coverage is not as at the levels they expected. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council approves the life insurance benefit to be based on the current wages. That Council approves the L TO maximum coverage at $6,000.00 for the non-union group. Respectfully Submitted /:/~~~ pfaul Vandenberg / Human Resources Offi6er Approved for Su -1~1 / Mark MCOofiak:' ...-- Chief Administrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Larysa Andrusiak, Ambulance & Emergency Management Coordinator DATE: February 26, 2004 SUBJECT: Ambulance Response Time Framework INTRODUCTION: The County of Elgin has been informed by the Ministry of Health that there is $70,000 in Ministry funding available to the County of Elgin, specifically allocated to improving response times. This funding is available on the basis of funding dollars to be equally matched by the county. The decision was made, in consultation with the Ministry, to wait to assess service requirements and response time improvements until the new ambulance service provider was in place. After careful review and analysis, it has been determined by staff and ambulance operator that one 24 hourI 7day ambulance in St Thomas is insufficient to deal with the high call volumes responded to by the St. Thomas ambulance station. It is proposed that the current 16 hour ambulance be upstaffed 8 hours to serve as a second 24 hourI 7 day vehicle and that available Ministry funding be used for that purpose. This has been identified as the highest priority by staff and operator. It is also proposed that Council give consideration to staffing at the Dutton Base. In response to correspondence from DuttonlDunwich council dated November 5, 2003, expressing concern regarding the lack of 24 hour on site staffing, County of Elgin council agreed to assess the situation in the new year. Currently, Dutton ambulance base has one vehicle, staffed 12hours on site, 7days per week, and staffed on call 12 hours, 7days per week. It is becoming very difficult to staff any hours on call. DISCUSSION: 1. The current status of the operations of the new Elgin -St. Thomas EMS is the following: Aylmer Station: 1 vehicle - staffed 24hours, 7days per week St. Thomas Station: 1 vehicle --: staffed 24 hours, 7days per week 1 vehicle - staffed 16 hours, (7a.m. - 11 p.m.), 7days per week; staffed on call 11 p.m. - 7 a.m., 7days per week 1 vehicle - staffed 8 hours, (9 a.m. - 5p.m.), 5 weekdays except holidays Dutton Station: 1 vehicle - staffed 12hours on site, 7days per week staffed on call 12 hours, 7days per week Rodney Station: 1 vehicle - staffed 24hours, 7days per week 2. The 2002 and 2003 call volume in each of the stations is presented below: 1 I Aylmer Station I St. Thomas Station I Dutton Station I Rodney Station I TOTAL 2002 call volume 1.077 6,193 686 908 8,864 I 2003 call volume /1.297 i 6,246 I 667 11,045 19,255 3. Paramedic shortage: Several factors have contributed to the current shortage of qualified paramedics in the industry. When the province downloaded the provision of ambulance services to the municipalities, many paramedics were hired into management and administrative positions as each municipality now had to administer and lor manage this service. As well, in order to address rising call volumes and to try to meet response times standards set by the province, most ambulance services had to increase their hours of service and in many cases increase their number of vehicles. This required additional staff to man additional hours of service. The third factor is due to the paramedicine program offered at community colleges in Ontario evolving from a one year program to a two year program. During that transition period, there was one year in which no paramedics were graduated. 4. On Call Staffing: We are currently experiencing difficulty in finding qualified paramedics to hire. There is competition among ambulance services in hiring and one result is the virtual disappearance of on call staffing. On call is when staff are expected to remain on site at the ambulance base or within close range, are paid $2.50 per hour, and if called to respond to a call, are paid for 3 hours at one and a half times their salary rate. Many of our neighboring counties have virtually eliminated on call staffing. Paramedics can easily obtain full time and part time work at the applicable hourly rate of pay. There is no incentive to accept work on an on-call basis. This is presenting great difficulties in staffing the current 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. on call shift in St. Thomas and the 12 hour on call shift in Dutton. When this was a non-unionized service, employees who worked the 12 hour shift were asked to stay on for the 12 hour on . ' tn.t '0 "",p(o,"" "",0< 24 '"'U" "".., oa" ,",., '0' uOIoO''-'" .,,,,,oom'ot. "",u"~'1ab'\tt ",,,,,. ~"",,,,,,,, "''''''''''\CO 10, "00< ,land..d ,,,.., ., ",U ".,,(,t;" ,,:,\ ' ,~ _m"""O"."'''''(' p'obl",..t~. come t, . """, looa\lOO to "'" "" ao 00 oa , "';".,;..""""" ",", ....de \0 0,,""" b'" cun.o", "" ...tloO manage< and the ","p' ~ ;... \bet th"".onot go 00 Ind,.oil.t;. boeo ",,"''''' \b' on <OI( '"'''''', t"'" """" '" ~ 4. cost pmpo..d ",\\<100'( '"'u" '0' St. ThOm" and Out\Oo ~al sa\lin s . .- mal caU aac\t 'total . lnsutance Manage- standbY cost Wage 'ttain- ll'Ient increase \:loutS \ng $,\43,795 costs ('\4,600) (92,5,\2) 762 '\1 ,457 2,920 $239,703 ,\,7'\3 (8,729\ 00) (44696) $307,897 st. 23,277 \2'\ ,9' I "Thomas $359,554 2,284 ,\,0'\6 (,\,\,639) ,{; 500\ \(,\37,208' $45'\,69'\ outton 4,380 7300 \ $599,257 \ 3,997 1,\,778 20.368 36, "Tota\ \ , sa\linas . 'f! d a riooW '0'1 staff and operator. t"" St. ThO"",' ups"","" b" nee" "'.~o" ~~ ~W be p.id 10 tb' to"oW'Og mann" It" pro"'s'" ""t \b. st ThOm" uP "" g . s '0 tb' amouot 0' $10.000; "" Mlnistf'/ot Health Response lime Frd'-~I:~~'" '" \b. Count; ($44,211\ and C"I 0' balance ot $73,795 to be cost share on a St,lhomas ($29,5,\8). \( Couo'" ""'" tn' d""\OO to ,pot.. tbe Out\Oo .... .t tli" _. \bat age< ""uld be .dd'" to \b. ambUlan<" 0<"''''''''' "",get, CONC\..~ ~ ' \1m" '" meid"'" .nd ~,\lO<S '" "" st, Thom" (0 oro.' to imp"" ..M" .nd ""","" t b "" st ThOmas """"". , " "" .",a and 10 ".. 0' "" oa" "Ium" me~e;'': .~,"la"";' ..""", proWl." to ,,,,,,," _mmendat\O~ 0' ,""" 10 "",..Ila"'o ~o . ,",,,,,,. tb" ""uIiI p.."'" \0\ 2 .mbOlaO" the _nil ,.b~\e '0"" SI. ThO"",' "" , d 00' addlUonal "b\ci' ,..m 9 "m. to 5 ,eni"" .""."", 24 ,",u<S, 1 d'" par "", ao "'" 5 da'ls per wee\<., excludIng ool\da'1S. p...'" ' . , 195 tbi' ""u(d b' ,uaded b, "" ""oi"" 0 tb" """,,'0" . ",et ",,,.,,,. 01 $ 14~ 'u(d b' age< ,n.",d """,,,,0 \b. Couot; 01 ~.."" to atol>' o. $10,000, thO ","",'0 .r"" . Elgio .ad "" c'>i o. St. '(be- 00 · 601<10 b"" \1 co\lerage at toe Dutton ~mbulance (0 add'\(Oo. CoO"'" " "",,,"ed '" ".." on "" station. , no,,, ."",In""'" on ",I< In El9,n Co,n\'!. ,h" Co""cl( """ decld' '0 u..... Oui\On ';'1,. 2 ,,";u\<l be ."""" \0 .., '''''''lan''' ,,-' ""u(d ",p,..en" o0oi 01 $307,897, " '" , ' ... .." "", ",on'''' "'" ou""", """", ,,,,,a,,,n "".",.",."' Co'n~( ",., de<>d' \0 <:'" _n' ,n . .,on II" 0' pOO' '0 ,he n"" in Oui\On and _, - \0 Cou",,1 ," -,eo nscal budget in Janual"12005. RECOl'J\M~ ~_ 01 ,he "",", .",,,,I.n'" "",,iole ,n 5' ,\lA' council aPp"". .n 'P"'" 01 . hO:" I 7 da' on ,,.. ",_9' \0 2' -'" 7 d" ,no"'''' ,,,,",,"'" "'''' th' ou:~~\~~ 0I0~:'1th pro,\<I" 1tS,he'" 01 ,,","" do.Ia", on site coverage, prOVIded the ".lnIS. J ~o . t tne Dutton p..robulance station increaSIng il-lp.. i Councll approve an UPS"7: 01 ',~ ~in "'" 2005 ,""( ,.a<, "",\<I,,,, "'" on site coverage to 24 hours, a,/s I p,,,_ ",,,,eo \0 ItS 50% ,he'" 01 .., o0oi. OR . n current \'lOurs 0'1 operation at tne Dutton ,\lA' council ,eQ'ect "'" \0 -,'" \ ~ '( 'n the Fal< 01 2()04 1<" -"',,.,.," "",,,,Ian'" 5"\\O,,nd "po' "eo" \0 aun'" p..pproved 'lor subroiSsion Respect'\UllY SubmItted ~ p~C1J~:ic ~ Lal"1s MdrusiaK p..robu\ance & Eroergency Wlanageroent coordinator WlarK (3. ".-- - Chie'l p..droinistrative OffIcer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Helen L. Notte, General Manager, Long-Term Care DATE: February 24, 2004 SUBJECT: Annual Compliance Review - Elgin Manor INTRODUCTION: Elgin Manor received its' annual compliance review on February 18, 19,20, and 23, 2004. The results are reported for County Council's information. DISCUSSION: Elgin Manor received its' annual compliance review on February 18,19,20, and 23, 2004. Six (6) unmet standards were issued; twelve (12) observations were noted. The complete report is available in Administrative Services. The unmet standards involved pain and symptom management, documentation or lack thereof in the health record and care plan, information flow from resident council meetings, resident safety and the lack of a comprehensive, co-ordinated, facility-wide quality assurance program. An action plan is being developed to address these issues. The plan must be submitted for Ministry review and, we hope approval, by March 8, 2004. Action items that require resources beyond the Home's approved budget will be brought forward in the draft 2004 budget. This is for Council's information. CONCLUSION: The annual review by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care at Elgin Manor in late January resulted in six (6) unmet standards and twelve (12) observations. An action plan is being developed to address these unmet standards. Any items that have resource implications will be included in the Homes' 2004 budget that will be brought forward shortly for Council review. This report is for Council's information. .RECOMMENDA TION: THAT the February 24, 2004 report, 'Annual Compliance Review - Elgin Manor', be received and filed as information. ALL of which is respectfully submitted, RespectfUlly Submitted Approved for S dRJ_~~ot~ Helen L. Notte General Manager, Long-Term Care Mark G.~~.-,.,:o ---- Chief Administrative Officer cote 0\ rovleW/O>'O OOI'\nOpoO\\On Fe'o(uary ~8, ~9, 2,0, &. <.3, 2.0M S'_GIN MANOR 0212312004 02,53 0312307 eID MinlS\rY ot l'Iea\\\'\ and Long,Tertl' Care I-\oa\\\'\ care rrO\lt<lln& 01'1\&101' M\l\lstere de \8 Sante et dea Solns de longue duree OlviS\on deS programCS deS so\(\$ de s,,(\le Report ot Ul\T11e\ Standards or Cri\eritl Raport sur les normes 0\.1 crlteres non respectes l'Ie9lO1\al altice/Buteau regl01\a\ Sou\\'\....e51 Region, I-\e\l.\\h care PIOl)r\l.l1\S SUI. 20,-23' oundas Slleel, London ON NoA 11-\' \.....~.1.rm C<<,. f'01\\\11i'-1al>\\0"""'" 00 oo\no d.lon~U. dUre. Elgin MeOor ...oor...I"'Or.". F\n\la\ LiM, R. f\. ~ ~ SI, ,\'lOmas, NoP 3SB ,~.....,".,'''''_...-~''_.- .."'.-,.....-. catlW Crene, COl't\c\lanCe MvlSor 'Type 01 review/Genre d'\n5pllo\\on , ,'I \ 0 1'r$-\\oon" . COMplalnl inv..1\l10IiOn olow,uf' pr..I.~I' · \0 deINf.nc' dU po,m" su'!' <I'uno onquol. . \0 >l1I1. d uoo pl'" \.., o~,ON.\i"'" ,uivolll.' \IIU,I<OoI ,.s ,hullO" do l'i".p""IIO" ~., op.,al)O,," cle \'~Ia""".(\''''''' .<<eoloea ,Of \. Q.... d.' ,,"<<n.' .' ",\16<.' du mll'\lS\ore d9 la s.nte an ",all.'. do '01'" aU' ...".\ono.\r.. .1 do P",g!at"l"tO$ .. d. ,.NI..' ollon. ~."s I.' .laOI\"."'."" do '0"", d. 10M"" dUl.O, oatS ~O{ COTHtC\ive ac\lon \ 030\0 dll Ie. fl1QSllre t;om~d!\l9 Riij'4eWf~WJ.i\$ R9SU\ta\$ de fIns actIon Wh """",, """ 0' "" '0" "" "",,, "",,,, "","' ."".., ","", .',,,""'., "'''', "'." """ '"' ,,,, 0'" ,,~'-" sla\l providing cafe. ,E)lample. Olscussed), Op..t'\('.U&\ ). Ant'luel,\a o o C1j~p\aint \n'Je~\\Ql1\\on E.r\~ue.\e A \a suM d1unil plall'\t9 O FoIIOW'uP SuN'i O?fS-Se.\Q: . p{Qalab\e a. a \lQnte O R.IO".I ViOll. d'Un\.) c""..III,,\Ole\ ,no loIlOvl'flg .I..\,eme,," ,.11001 1M ,..ull' 01 I~. tao\\I\~ opo",tlo",1 r.v"" a' \)O..d on M\o\Slr/ 0\ I-\..~n ,lOnd.rd' and cIIIOlla \01 \o.ldoo\ 0''''' pfOgl'am' .nd .0NIOO' 10 \..ong-ierm care \aci\\ties. r~~ll(a& Of C(\\efla Normm95.OU cri'or9t O post-sale _ post6t\eUf9 Ii \a 'i(l:n\e O Olllar (,p.eIM "",'0\pr/oO,,.t1--- ~"""OO' , \l1\media\e \ , '. "" "" '"' ",_, p"''''. .... ...-.. ~ ...~ ",,",,~"" '"... .."",,, ,- """","" .. ,"",",,- '"' procedures. ,-,," ,...." Woo ",.,- ,.,",,,,,"''' "'. ~, -~ f~ce\ve care \0 l1\enage \na ?alnld\~CO(\,\\O!'\" e<..4 e5,2 e3,45 \ _....----J \l1\f'('Ied\a1e . I K ilh ca<."'O~,,'M 0",..<00 "P,o.",,\O.\"'.IS~"'\Uro ......~'i-...'-"'\ ;;r,:~~.,~";:;:~-~"'.~' COPY' \.OO9.TO"" co'O f.olll"l · ., -,-~.......- ,,'....,..-,.-.......- ....,-' or\gin.l; ONi"on ~o' p,ogro",rn.' OOS '010' 0. ,.n~ <F ' - 02/23/20134 02:53 5312307 EL3IN MA,IOR PA3E 03 @ Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Care Programs Division Report of Unmet Standards or Criteria Mlnl&tiue de la Sante et de. Solns de longue duree Division des programes des soins de $Mte Raport sur les normes OU crlteres non respectes Long..Term Care FIlClllty/ctabllslOMcnt de salna ac longue dur9G Eloin Manor Standards or criteda. Rs.yi&w (t)$ulta Nommes ou crlter95 Aesul\ats de 1'\nSr:l0Ctlon Date lor corrective action Oati':f de la fl\6tS1JrEl COHectl",a A1.23 Sugg~stions ana complaints trom !he resident's council are not Investigated and resoonded to In writing by the administrator of the facility within 21 days. Immediate A111 (6)(18) Every resident has the right to live in a safe environment. Immediate M2 There is no comprehensive, coordinated, faCility-wide program lor monitoring, evaluating and improvmg the quality of accommodation, oare, services, programs and goods provided by the facility. AuguSt 31 ,2004 Please 1orwa<<j the complianoe plan by March 8. 2004, R8C~>)d lor fn(l FaOility by)'f\e9u pO\.lT l'etab\\5$ement parI y, r (1..r,d./ AU..,., /'I' OrlQlnal: Health Care Program, Oivision - Origjn~l: Oivlsion des programmes des solns oe aante Signature of Heslth CarEl Programs Olvlslon fop(9S8nlatlvo/Slgnaturo du (d~ ia~ R~pr9s~ntant<o) de III Division des programmes des soins 09 unte --<,Xt """,r-e- Copy; ~QnlJ. Term Care facility copt.:!?:"t)I"..'''."t 04 '010$ 0410nguo dur~ P.~.2.0l/d. <. (\..,111 ~P.i'IUK 02/23/2004 02:53 <:,312307 Observlltlon/OiSCIlSsion, sumlllary $Ornroalre des observatIOns e\ disCUssions l\e9iQf"';)\ Otf\ceJsureatJ reg.\o-n" southWest 8eg\00, \-Iealth COIN programS Ste. 201"23' Dundas Street London ON N6A 1 \-11 MinIstry of \o\ell\\\1 and I.ong.ierro care M\nisteTe de III sante at des SoinS de longue duree Oa\e 01 re.v\ewl0ate de \'\nt'Pf$ctJQt"\ febfUaN 16, '9,20 &. 23,2004 @ lome' iVpe of revIeW/Genre d'InspectiO\'1 r:l I 0 cQt'Y\pl.3\nt \l'\\lestlg'1WOn 0 rO$t.~a\Q ~-.:::- -...".",.,.,,-' ....-..- O $lN~137 0 complaint In'J$tit\ga.t\cn talloW-uP O,?{Q_\1C91\S8' ,::r" ,~,-.-.. '-'.'- ........ .-~....' O Re1~Hra\ 0 'Fr"'-SIil-\& 0 Ottt9l" \5?e~i~Y) ------ . ,...'"'.,-,,'~' -....... ~,~._~- ~- The fouowing ,"ROC' .,pl.natOl}' de,ail ,.Iatcd to, ' ObS.Nallons/dlSCUssions 0"<' t~e couree 01 ,he (evlaW, rms infQ""""" Is provid.d as guidan"" I. th. facililY and wrllton (espQn5lf 1$ ref (SQv/f8d. '" "..,pO' _, "..."" .,A'. ,,~ ,,~,,-, ,,",', ""_."...."'" *"".". -, ,,- '" (lisr\lp\i~e be\\a"iO\lIS \1 KnOwn, ,. ,_, _", ",."" M.. ,"W "... (;." >oW _."'" w"'~" .,,", ""'.- ,w'"' .,~'".-,' ,." -'.'" ",.., """". .,,,,, .". " """, ..." "..,,,. , ...,,,,"" ,,,,,, '"" '''' ,,"" """" " .' ."' ",0;" ", .'" -"""", '" .. .".~ ,r''''' ,;","", . ",,. "w """". ""..-.'''' ,,",,,'" "'" ." '-"" w"" .. "!" ", ,,,,." "."" '" '" ' i..- """ M"" ",.." ", ,-"" '"' """. ..",..- ,,,,,....,,,,..,, "",.... .""""", "" \aci\ity, 4, T\'\e laci\ity '\$ fl\ainlaiMd clean and odQr Iree, ,. ,.,'~'" "" ." ."" '" .. WOo" .,~,,,"'" ,,,,,,..,, ",",w' .. ~w'"." " """ ,,,' ..""" '" .. .......,,' '" ,,_"''' w~od" .od ,"",,"'.' '"",,..,... " .-. on 1"'U'o" cI_do.'Ou' un- .xplication dal.illa. de. obSONalions .1 di$CVSSIOI1' rormul'.. aU cou," de l'lnspectlon, ce. "n..\9n.",.n15 sonl roumiS << ['.tabll"amenl . 1itI. d'in/Ormaticn: U n'.sI pas na""".". d'y rapondre p~r iicrit Receiv.d lor 1M faollll'//I'lQ,u pOllr \'olab1isse[1\en\ pal Slgo'\U,e ot "..1\1\ car. ProQ'."'s ,.P....n\O\i,.IS\gO.\U~ du (dOla) ",op",.""",nl\O) dO \a ~ro9ra",[1\QQ de .oirl' d. ,an" /X!.~ O"g\n." H..lm Cale program' OW\.,on orlgirl'\; OM.lon C., p'~Q,.mme. de ,oln' de ..n\. copy: \..o(\g.i~m Cafe facm~'1 Cop"; t\.~Ii,,""",$>1 4& ,,,,n. de tongue duro" pe.git ,ol/dQ 'Z 02/23/2004 02:53 5312307 ELGI!'1 t,tAt,OR PAGE 05 @ Ministry of Health ObservationfDlscussion Summary and Long-Term Care Sommalre des observations et discussions Ministere de la Sante et des Solns de longue duree l.ong.Term CQ(Q FacUlty/E'tablisserrumt de 50int de longue t!uree Elgin Manor AddrElssJAdrasse R. R. # 1, St. Thomas, ON I 6. While it Is noted that a least restraint pOlicy i~ in effect, and the use of restraints ;s very minimal, it is recommended that ~ physician's ord",r be obtained for short-term (Le. meals) or PRN use of a restraint. 7. Regist",red slatl are reminded that treatments (i,e, glucomefer readings etc.) should not be admlnl"t",red in the dining room. 8. It is not0d that a plan is in place to increase the multidisCiplinary team participation in r",sident care conlerenCB$ (I e. admission and annual), . .' 9. p'ease note that replacement of Director of Nursing hours for vacation and extended sick tim", is required (C1.5). 10. Meal sarvic<1 was observed throughout the homo and not'ld to prooeed smoothly, with residerls being offered a choice from available menus. Stafl are reminded to ensure that the timing of beverage distribution supports maintaining appropriate temperatures (i.e. cold beverages). Staff are also reminded to ensure that manu boards communicate the current m",al choices. 11. 1\ is recommended that a revl"'w of resident billing r",cords/administrative records be completed to ensure that rate reduction calculation or exceptional clrcumstanc", information is current and available on fjf",. 12. It Is noted that the revisions of the policy and procedure manual (as id",ntified at the time of the Pre-Occupancy Review) remain outstanding. The reviaw and reviSion process IS naaring completion and is expected to be completau and implemented by Feb. 29, 2004, , Received for the Facility by/Re~u PQ\.lf l'etabllssement par (aprese~e) de l~ /-1(; P ( J/J ",..-,,/.LV./.4'7 -^ , Original; t.ong- rurm Car" Oivision Qllglnal: Dlvi$i<m des soins d$ iongue dUr~e SignatuI8 of l.or'g.Term Car~ Oivlsion rep(~SQma!jvelSignatU(9 du(ctela) Division dQiS sains de longue dur&e ~"--~~ Copy; l..ong.rarn Car" F'acflfty Copy: E:tabli$$ernent de sQins de longue dUf"6 Page 2 of/de 2 REPORl 10 COUNi'l COUNC\\" fROM: Op.:rE'. SIJBjECi'. ~ . ,ad "e< ,ndWI' as ,ela"" \0 . ",,,,p\a,~t ,he D'''.'' CO"",(lan08 "",^""."'" ~ . ",,,,,,,.- the ,,"J'" ." co,...", ,n_l\On.nd . 10'_u, .."... "" ..po information. Ha,en L Nolla, Gena"" ",ana.." t.<>n<>-'."" CO,a 26 februal''12004 D'eta" CO",~,"n08 Ra~'" .t ,,,,a08 <..od\l" O\SCUSS\O~ ~ j 16 20 Z3 2' Feb''''''' 10, and 24, '\'he 10'_uO ..',""" "",e ",nd""'" on an~'i u.,.;." ;"~d'~' - ,,,oed. ,he ","" ... "",.,'0 ne<d 00 Fe",""" 25, Se'e~ ( e sta" education nutritional care, food .. d . t the dining e)(:penenc, ,II ' iSSues relate to foo vane. 'i, d ervings and nutritional assessments. production, food preparation an s ' 25 2004 ioe unmet standard '\'ha _,,~nl .w"'oa~ """ ,ond',"", ,0 Feb'''''''' . related to the dining e)(.penence. ,he ",,,,~e\e ..,.' ~ a".\\Ob'" '0 """'''''''''''''''' S,"","'" . rv'sol"1 model is noW in place for dletal"1 The ""O,.\!'! _ a~ ",at a ... f'~",~(eI<M add'''' those ""e' he' a"ead' .,,,,'08' al,e""08 LOd\l,. An _0 O(eo 0 '08' Sta" '0 d",,",' 0'''''''' aod the ...0 _.,oed b, NuI>\I""'.' "?naoe,,,ent ';"~ ro ;,(eo' we"" a""""e ","'0",..,08 support departments are involvedd '0 "'; ;~:~ ~_ on" Home' (or ,"" l\9,d /W.' to toe Nl'lniStl"1 program standar s an ,ois is for council's information. CONC\..USION~ _ D' ta ""~"" he' i"" "''''0'''''' · 'fhO ",'o"\!'! 01 Hea(th and t.<>09""",, ca", ~ t 7a.a08 <..od\l'" ,"",,0 O,ao' \0 add"" ","'O(a'''' 'o,es,o.I\OO and . fo,\o",~;::;':\o"",eol bY """"',,,., ....--' toe unmet standards dare ~n~er~~i~iS for Council's information. services and the LO ge s,a . ~ . 26 2004feport 'DI"a" CO"'O'- ""''''''' al,e,",oe LOd\le . be 1\'\/1.-1 tne februal"1' . ' received and filed as information. All of which is respectfully submitted. Respectfully submitted Approved for submission ~~ Helen L. Notte General Manager, Long-Term Care ,'- / M~, M'Wo~ ' Chief Administrative Officer , @ Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Care programs Division Report of Unmet Standards or Criteria posf Ministere de la Sante et des Soins de longue duree Division des programes des soins de sante Raport sur les normes ou criteres non respectes Regional Office/Bureau regional Southwest Region, Health Care Programs Ste. 201-231 Dundas Street, London ON N6A 1H1 Date of review/Date de I'inspection February 25, exit February 25, 2004 Long~Term Care Facility/Etablissement de soins de longue dUr8e Terrace Lodge Address/Adresse 475 Talbot Street East, Aylmer, Ontario N5H 3A5 Name and title of L Te Division representative/Nom at fonction du{de la) representant(e) de la Division Carol LM Durocher, Dietary Advisor Type of review/Genre d'inspection D D Complaint Investigation SW4057 Enquete a la suite d'une plainte D Post-sale Posterieure a la vente Annual Annuelle [] D D Complaint investigation follow-up D Suivi d'une enquete a la suite d'une plainte Pre-license Praalable a la delivrance du pennis Follow-up Suivi D Referral Visite d'un(e) conseiller(ere) Pre-sale Prealable a la vente D Other (specify) Autre ( precisez) The following statements reflect the results of the facility operational review as based on Ministry of Health standards and criteria for resident care, programs and services in Long~Term Care facilities. Les observations suivantes lIIustrent les resultats de I'inspection des operations de l'etablissement effectuee sur la base des normes et criteres du ministere de la Sante en matiere de soins aux Pensionnaires et de programmes et de services offerts dans les etablissements de soins de longue duree. Standards or criteria Normmes ou cmeres P1.24 Review results Resultats de ['inspection Not all residents were provided a pleasurable dining experience with meals served in an unhurried manner, in comfortable dining areas equipped to meet the meal service requirements of the residents. Examples discussed. See Follow-up SW2137 Date for corrective action Date de la mesure corrective ReissuedlTime expired Corrective action required immediately Compliance plan as per Dietary Follow-up SW2137 Due March 10, 2004 ,ecru pour~ement par ~ O~ginal: Health'Care Programs Division Original: Division des programmes des soins de sante Receivld for the Facility byl /.. . Signature of Health ~rograms Division representative/Signature du (de ~presenta e e ~)2.!:,i~iO~S progr~s des soins de sante /VaAOL ~ AI)_ Copy: Long-Term Cafe'Facility I - I Copie:Etablissement de soins de longue duree Page jOf/de @ M,n'slr{ 01 Hea'''' o..etVationIO,.eue.ion summar{ and Long-Term Care . Sommaire des observations et discUssions Ministere de la sante et des Soins de longue duree Date of revie~IDate de\'\nsp0ction FebruafV 24, exit FebruafV 25, 2004 - Regional OfficelBureau reglona\ southwest Region, Health Care Programs ste. 20'\-23'\ oundas Street London ON N6A H-\'\ Long-te"" Care facUitYlElablissemenl de soins de longue duree ierrace Lodge -- Type of review/Genre d'inspection O Annual r)ZI complaln\ Invesllga\lon SW4057 0 posl-sale ___ ~ ,~...._,"M_ ,_.~..- O folloW-UP 0 Complaln\ Inves\lga\lon 101lOW-uP 0 Pre-license "" ,~"--"-'-- -~..-~- O Relerral 0 pre-sale 0 Other \speelly) -'''(')-~) -,,- .....-- - - -' - - The following renect explanatOry detail related to obselVationsldiSCUssions over the course of the revieW. This infOfTllation Is provided as guidance to the facility end wrlttBn response is not required. 0";0' <hO "",... <he poorooo of F"'" _;eo "anage' hOO ",.nged. "u"",o,,.( "..,a,em""' SeN- " 0,," res""ooib(e fo' <he d\eta'" department ..,d a """ F"'" SeN'''' "eo a'" hOO til\ed the position. on trouvera ci-<lesSOus une explication dlitall;ee des obselVationS et diSCussions fOfTllulees aU cours de I'Inspectlon. c;es renseignements sont foumls Ill'otabllssement Il titre d'informetiOn; iI n'est pas necesseire d'Y ,epondre par ecrit ,he p,o<'ou' Food Se"''''' Mana,e, had ,mp\e"",""'d a tem"""'''' 7030-11,30 am ,hili. 00 F""'he'" 15, 2004 "u\(\t\OOO( Maoagemen< SeN''''' e(im'OO"'" <h" pas.\On and;ob rootin." h""e beeo re.oed to 'o,,"de <he dol'" o"<l(oo(ty petionned by <h" ",ill C"- toed rn",d<ec ,,,,,,,ng meets the Mininstry standard of .42 hours per meal day. ,he "..,""''''''' posit\Oo allowed lot two ,taff '" ",Ne be"""""" and 0,," <here" ooe ""ff _be' perl"",,'Og the'" d-' ,.. a res", dleta<'i "aff ..e ,eNiog i"''''' eod milk at a""o<'ma"" 7045 .m eod ",flee" alsO me-pou,ed. some ""weo" ..e 00' b"""h' ioto <he dio,ng ,com ""to be_o S015 a'" S,30 am whioh me"s <hat the;' "",ee " 0"" (,ke wann ot ,,(d. 00 <he ,b5eNed da', "",eo wa' mobed at 135F a' S,15 am ood <he ...'deo.d'd oot a"we '" the din,ng ,com ""ti< S'.25 am. Othe' ..._" alsO vo;eod """''''''''' _",(ng <he .empemt'''' ,f the "",ee. ,he laC'''' " (oo!<iog in'" "'ng """'" "'.- at the table'" """,.. the ",ffeo ~ kept "", ,ntI' """" of se{\/ice. O(\gi~al: \-Ieal\n care p,ogra<f\S oMslon 'Orill\nal: 'OwiSian des prograrnmes de solns de sante copy'. Long-TefTll Care fsclrltY Caple: E\abIISsemen\ de soins de lOngue duree' p~ge'l. ollde 2 I @ tAinistr'l of Hea\t\l and Long-iefrn cafe tAinistefe de \a sante . et des Soins de longue duree ooseNation/OiSCUSSion SUf\'\rnal"i _"",,, deS .",.",a""'" ,'d"CUSS'- L009-"(.(((\ cal. FaC\\\\'JIEtabl\sse"'eot de SQ'Os de 1009ue dur,," 1 errace lod e P.ddl.sslAdresse 0 t' N5\-\ 3A.5 4751albot street East, po; If\'\er, n al'lo II d """ ,,,,O' ,he ",_ be'.'" """,,,I'" '" ." Ole"'~ "'" ." ,,,,orted~ d""":' :.o~",'::ed .~ ""'" _"ts <ee("'" ""oed """" l.II""'" -' ..~,,,,, ~ . . nd dietary be in'Jestigated wrt\'ler to ensure " ts ,.-""nded "", job ",uli"" .,,~ ";:.no;"",,. .O'e and """'""''' a" no' "" ... to< ~ "",ents "e in "" dl"I'" """" """. ... er te""peratures for bot\'l not and cold f\u1ds are \'Ie . . . t f'Jice to ensure proP ". lengt\'lY penodsP Idnbor oll~~ed af\'\ple till1e to finis\'l all ll1eals. . Residents s\'lou e a , 01 \lie Faciliti b~IR"WUl I'e\ablisse~ .ot(!l)de1a ~~ or\ \oa\' Lo09:" e(((\ cale O,,\sioO or~\oai: O,,\s\OO des solOS de 1009ue dur,," cop~: Lo09-\e'" Care fac1liti ~ Cale O,,\sIOO re\lres"otative/S\90atule du(de la) SigoaWe 01 Lo09-' e(((\ ..... . OiViSioO des solOS de \OOg' ,. nUl,," page 2 of Ide 2 COP~' ,-"",,:\e'" Care'Facil~ cop~" E.\abl\SSemeo\ de solOS de 100gue dul,," page 1. ollde 2 MinistrV of Hea\th and Long-Term Care MiniStare de \a sante et deS Soins de \ongue duree Obser4ationlOiSCUSSion summary sommaire des obser4at."tons et discUssions @ RO\I\ona\ officelBu,eau regional southwest Region, I-\ealtn Care programS ste.2O'-231 Ouod'" Street Land" ON NO' ,~, oate of 'evieW/oale de l'inspectiOn Jan ~6, 20. 23. 29. feb ~O, 24, Exit feb 25, 2004 :N\siOn i'lpe of revieW/Genre d'inspecuon O 0 coroP\a\nt \'{\vestigation 0 post..sate ,-, ' """'...... '"~.... .-~,.- Nlnuelle n~ O . ti i I IloW uP op,e-\\cense '1)';:;;:'"' sm,n ~~~~:"".~- ,....,.,.--"- l:J 0 Dothe,(speelM -----=::::: -,""~ --' O_'''''''-'~' ,....,....... - . on frOUVera ci-<leSSous une explication detaillee des observatiOns et """.""jonS fo/TT1u/ees aU cours de j'lnspection. ces renselgneme~ts s,ont ;etablisseTTlent a titre d'lnformation; II n'est pas neeesS.,re d Y __ ....,6 parecrit ~ . dd' 0 "'" tem.e""",e ,oee" ee _dO"", 00 e 'It is tec()ml1'en?ed thattne ~ndgel~reez.era tnd ~~::.'~," f.m'nded \hOt .~ - '0 "" ,,'"''''$\8''' ".",.a"",e b(ao\\Owe'" "" e." fi\d9e1f-'" b8 _""" "","\\lied and dated (P '.13i ~ The \30"''' " ",m'oded that "" """"" meou bOa'" and .",ted _'-3I.a-\1"'o," meo" ,OO"~ felleol _" be'''' otte"'" . .' w '" 001 no,"", aod "" _,.a"a-\1"'OO6 """ oot 0,.09 "" IoUl.th.""""" week, a.ema,e ~,o<"",. ' ",,,gad. J .. '0 we' \Ol "" wee' .,\l>l (Ja""al'/ 5. ", 2004\ ,ne posted weeKlY menu on aJn t'J 20 2004 outI,oed "" ."t -, "",,,,.,ef, the a\l8mate ,he posted menU ~or luncn on anuat'J ' menu was not posted ~or residents. -:-'-"",', ,"--, ,'--..,-"',','<"';,:;" u~~~h care 'prog,a';';; 6.;"\..;~n; . .~_~..m~S'de;'so\Ii!...de"Sal\te :opy: Lons- ,'gnil"care FaellitY .....'.. , copie\Etablissement de sOlns de longueduree .-, pa~e,__:t'of1.de-,.'3}j>';'1 . Obsel"lation/OiSCUSsion summary sommaire des obsel"lations et diScUssions ~ Ministry of Hea\th and Long-1erm care Ministere de \a sante et des soios de longue duree \.ong-1en11 care Facilil'ilE.tal>lissemen\ de soins de longue dur.e ,effaCe Lad e !'ddresslMresse 4751a(bOt 5\<'" Eaat, ~ ,me', on..'''' N5" ",5 rood roduction continued F""" """"""",,reo """Id be monItOred th'OU9h"'" mea( ,enA'" and "",eel"" acI\On ..,en G,ound ",no" ",,,e 1"obed at "OF, 9"und ",,,,,ge ,oil ... p,abed at '2" and ",ached egg' were probed at 120r. (<declion ",""".nd """ ,ale'" p"",.oes ,hOU(d be re",e.red a' -- on the n,urishment ",rt ""re p,,\<ed ,p Ii'! at"" with bare nand', ' ~ Eaoh ,e,lden" nci9'" ",a' be _roed ,n adm"""n and h~- "eig'" ",all be mea,ured and """,ded on adm~"on and ,u",""oe"''' at _ menth"'. Ch- 'n ""'9'" "",e not """Iu'" and O'"Ion not ..,en as "",u"ed. . (\" n"",d tha"bere ....." a .,,(umn on the ""'9'" ",a"" W goal ",,~h'" """"""', none 011"" 90a( "eigh" "ere ,,,,,,road "" a'" of the 50 reo;dems ("tad ,n the ,nee' (\" ,e_mended that the ,,,i1"" de""(OP . """, t, e""re 9"'( "O'9h" are _road on eaon bath ,nee~, . . 1\ " noted \hat _"" are ",""uctad ;0 ",end', h""",e" the ,af,ere'"'' ",art (' ""~'" ,"',) " '" "ioIl"""" Co""",,"'" in tenolnoiOllY" ,eeommended. Fou' re,'den" 'n one unrt "ere not _""" ,n JanoeOJ (B3.24). Or anization and ,t\drninistration po''''' and p"cedureo ""re not ""',....' h""",e" """ "Ul be "",- .",thin the next ,.. ,00"'''' and rt (s e,."ectad that a' po(- O'e ""..nt \0 ,et\ect lacil"" ,",,"" p,act-. (\" ..",mmended that the d\Sa''"' plan .nd menu' be 'ncloded ,n lbe d",aOJ po("" aod p"cedure manual (M1.7). Job de,,,",,,.on' ,hOU(dbe updatad \0 ...act ou,rent ...",e. one blode' In lbe """hen """ daf,ere'" ""eat' _'" ""lbe eame ;ob .od inb de",ript"n, W lbe """, "",Id not be ,ouod (M' .17) ~ (\" p""'." notadthatlbe""",n aod din"'" "om' """",,,ed \0 be _n. .., (\ (s _"""""'" ",at tbe "","-;0 'ree'" '" lbe Iutehen be cleaned aod o<llan~ed. -"-'" ,_._,-,~_....._..''''-"'''~.) Oivis\on des soins d_ue duree p~,.t!1)nli::reri\ care~""':2.""'" . cooV' 6\ablissemen\ desoins de.\on~\\Odur6!l';"- ,ii';" . _,' ,:,Fe.,,.,.,, ,..h . paoe 2 .oll~~' 3:"',' Observation/DiSCUSSion summary sommaire des observations et discUssions @ Ministry of Health and Long-1erm care Ministere de \a Sante et des Soins de \ongue duree Long-Term care faC\lit;IE.\abliSSeme1\t de 5011\5 de longue duree ,errace Lod e Address/Adresse .75 7.1l>'" "''''''' Esot, A ,,,,e', on"'Oo N5H 3M \-Iouse\<ee in continued It " ,,,,,,,,,,,,ended that <he "all be ,n_1ced "'" \he "",",<a( ,uppne, ,"",,,,'ng \he u'C " \he" p,o<\'ctS, d_""og at', ",\hO" <he ""''' b(eeOh. It is ,(" ",,,,,,,,,,ended \hat d..,tom'" " ""po'" ooflee ",po, tableS ete, be added" tbe """,ot oIean'ng "oedule " en'!'''' tnat ""n' '" removed on a regular basis. ~ It w" noted \hat \be _, 'n <he "on en 1s "''''''''' '" need ot ...aI' "" \be ","tv 1s ",~og on · part "",Ion _~ be tn '" <he end ,! \he _. ~a'o\\ssement ~ Sigoat1 /" _ Ol\lisio' page 3 aI/de 3 @ Ministry of Health and \.ong-ief1l\ care I-Iealth care programS Division Report of Unmet standards or criteria Raport sur les normes oU criteres non respectes Regional QflicelBureau regional southwest Region, I-Iea\th care programS ste. 201-2'31 Dundas Street, London ON N6/1. 11-11 Mit\lstere de la sante et des Soins de longue duree Division des programes des soil'S de sante oale 01 revlew/oate de i'inspeetion Jan 16,20,2'3,29, feb 10,24, 'E)I.\t feb 20, 2004 1-0ng:rellO care faeilitY/Etab\\SSement de soins de longue dul..... l' errace Lodge AddresS/AdresSe 470 Talbot street 'East, Mlmer, ontario N51-1 '3/1.0 ,_...."'.,,' "';~~-""~'-~"'~"'''''-''''''~'- carol UvI Durocher, Dieta Advisor Wpe of re'lieVlIGenre d'inspection O Annual Annuelle o COmplaint \nvestlgatian En<\uele , la sulle d'une plainle O post-sale poslerieure , la venle O Relerral Visite d'un(e) conseil\er(ere) SW'2;137 O C01l\P\3int in'lestigatiOO io\\OW-UP 0 pre~\icen$e. . ,,,"~-"-'~"""" "._..-~.,,- r:;\ follOW-UP DSUiVi O pre-sale prealable a lavenle O Other (specily) Mire ( preeise2)------- - \~e 101l0win9 stalements rellect lhe resulls of I~e faellilY opera\lonal revieW as based on Mlnlsl('/ of I-\ea\\~ standards and crlleria for (asldenl care, proglams and seiV'ces ,n Lor\l,;)-1" arm Care iaci1it\es. l-es obseiVatiOns suiVantas iiluslrenllas resultalS de l'lnspection des operalions de relabllssemenl ellectues sUlla base des normes et crll~res dU m,nisl~re de la sant~ en ma\l~re de sOlns aw< pensionnaires el de programmes el de sel'liceS olle(\S dans les ~lab\iSSernenlS de soins de longue duree. Recei-kd \Of I~e FacilllY bV. ~OiViSlon . Origina\'. Division des pr09(ammes des SOlns de sanl~ par\ -,-"", --" ....--"",' ,,(.' . ."" ..~)'1~-"""-~- {... . CopV'. I. erm care faci1iti coPie:i'lab\iSSementde sOiOS de longue dur..... page lollde <6 'LOng-Term Care ~atilltyIEtabliS$emenl de soins de longue dU~ Terrace Lod e standards or criten3 Re\lie'IJ results Nommes ou crlteres Resultals de tins cllon For example, Wee\<. ~ Mixed vegetables are offered with both main and alternate entrees at lunch on Monday and again at ,uesday dinner \-lam &. Cheese strata IS offered Monday dinner and Ham &. Cheese Quiche Is offered ,uesday dinner No protein is listed for brea\<.fast on both ,hursday aod sunday No vegetable is listed for ,hursday dinner Mixed vegetables are offered Friday aod saturday lunch coleslaw is offered Saturday and sunday dioner Wee\<.2 ,omato slices are offered Monday dinner aod ,ueSday lunch Beef in some form is offered each day at lunch No Vegetable is listed for saturday dinoer Sherbet is offered for dessert Friday din nee ice cream 'IS offered for dessert ,hursday and suoday dinner Wee\<.3 por\<. is offered in some form 00 Mooday dinner, Tuesday lunch, and Wednesday lunch No vegetable is listed for Wednesday dinoer (pic\<.les are not considered a vegetable serving) ,here is no hot entree offered on ,uesday dinner (chOiCe of saodwiches only) Assorted sandwich on suoday dinner should be specified Wee\<.4 Macaroni &. Cheese offered on Monday dinner and Macaroni &. Beef is offered on ,uesday lunch carrots are offered at both luoch and dinner on ,uesday Beef steW is offered for Monday lunch, Beef sub for Monday dinner, Beef casserole for ,uesday lunch, Beef noodle soup aod Shepherd'S pie (beef) for Tuesday dinner No protein is listed for breal<.tast on sunday No vegetable is listed for saturday dinner wee\<.5 Fruit salad is offered for dessert at bOth lunch and dinner on Monday No Vegetable is listed for dinner on ,uesday Applesauce is offered for dessert at lunch on Wednesday and Apple BroWo Betty is offered for dessert at lunch oo,hursday No prolein is listed at brea\<.fast 00 sunday (315 sundays have the same brea\<.fast listed with no proteiO offered) @ Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care \-Iealth Care programS Divisioo Report of Unmet StandardS or Criteria Raport sur les normes ou criteres non respectes Ministere de la sante et des Solns de longue duree Di'llsion des programes des solns de sante - - Date lor corrective action Qate de la mesure ~rrect\\J'e l Recei'1d fO~ the raci\i~ by~Our \'etab~r\ ~ Original: Health Care programS QiVision Original: OI,lslon des programmes des.solns cie sante Programs 01\115\00 representative/Slgnature ,) de ia nNision des programmes cies soins de sante - Copy: WOg-Term Care Facil\t'j ~ coPie:E.tabllS$~!f\ent cie soins de longue d~ree page~fldeO'" ~ Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Care Programs Division Report of Unmet Standards or Criteria Ministere de la Sante et des Soins de longueduree Division des programes des soins de sante Raport sur les normes au criteres non respectes long~'ferm"l...are FacilityiEtablissement de soil'ls de longue duree Terrace Lodge Standards or c'~ Nommes ou criteres Date for corrective action Date de la me5ure corrective RevIew results Resultals de \'inspectio~ _ Colour and texture of foods shoUld be considered in menu planning to increase palatability. The nourishment menu also lacks variety and revision is recommended. Residents receiving a regular diet, puree texture did not receive the required servings of whole grains/enriched cereals. It is noted that the facility is now offering puree toast at breakfast and puree bread when sandwiches are offered. It is recommended that puree bread (or toast at breakfast) be offered at all meals. Not all residents on a regular diet were offered bread as per the therapeutic menu. It is noted that a nutrient analysis on the current Fall/Winter menu has nol been completed and it is recommended that the facility complete a nutrient analysis for each seasonal menu (P1.5). P1.24 Not all residents were provided a pleasurable dining experience with meals served in an unhurried manner, in comfortable dining areas equipped to meet the meal service requirements of the residents. It is positively noted that addilional supervision is now provided in the dining room. it is also positively noted that staff distributing nourishments provided assistance and supervision and recorded intake to be transferred to the flow sheets. ReissuedlTime expired Corrective action required immediately Second helpings of food and fluids were not routinely offered to all residents. Some residents were served and fed while others at the same table were not served for 5-10 minutes later. It is positively noted that choice is now offered, however, only choice of entree and dessert is offered to the residents. Choice is not offered for vegetable or starch. It is recommended that choice of vegetable, starch etc. also be included to the residents. Dessert was often offered prior to the completion of the meal (P1.21). Coffee is pre-poured and is cold by the time the resident is at the table. Coffee service should be reviewed. Knowledge of diet/textures as well as what foods are being served is not evident by staff involved in eating assistance and requires further in-service education. Staff should be reminded that conversations should involve the resident \ t. Signature of Heatth Care Programs Division representative/Signature du (~Rep~nt~) de l'}2ivlsion des programmes des soins de sante t'l>t.I.~( En. co~-Term Care FaCility cople:{tabiissement de soins de longue duree _Ij!.age~f/de ~ R"AIV d for the Facility byl ~ar Original: Hea.lth Care Programs Division 'Original: Division des programmes'oes.'$oins de sante Report of \.lnme~ . standardS or criteria Raport sur \eS norme:s Ou cr\teres non respectes Ministt'l ot \-Iealth and \..ong-ierlYl care Mealth care ?rogramS Oi'.lision ~'"_ .. '" ..... .. '" soi'" .. ""... ..", Oi'.lision deS programes des soins de sante _ _ 'F '\lk.IE\ablisSe",eol (je solOS de ioogue (jur"" I..OOg-1efl1l care aCI ., ,-",," ,-- . ~._ ~::: _"'~ "" ""'" , ,\1 _w """ .om' "",,'"' '" "'" '" o",,,,es 0 as much as posSIble. amI . '" ''"'''' """. . ",,,, -"" ",,,,,, -""" '" ,,,,,,,', "",,,W""'" '",'" , '" "" """"".... '" '" ",,,. It is NCOmmended t"at a tab e rO a . .''''' - . . "" '"... ,"'''' ,- ",,"""' "." """ "" ,,,,,,,,,,, '" '", ." """",, '" ... ""... - "" '" "",, "" '''''''',':'' :" "" .." ...'" ""'''' "".. "'" residents In t"e ot"lderbsl~~ea~e;~s eo.ual as possible. p..1I reSIdents shoU e _ ed to pro'Jide lIutritlonal care p"'~ ....._ ." "" """,, I , ",.", "," - of a'" ......"'.. ..."""" .~~ ~ "."'~ ,"..., ''" lne current diet KardeJ{ IS a'.lal t d' et te)t\ure, preterences and otten is not used to ensure correC \,' . ,"". ",.,.iI". p<<N"", "" ^"".." ,- '"" '" -, p.. resident listed io \"e KardeJ{ as \ In" ,,,,,, i'''' ,., '" "'" re,"';' ~~ ,,,,wml''''''' ....'" ,....... "",," "'~... '" "" ' ..... "" dol "'" -, p.. resident listed to ha'.le small po 100S "" '"' """, ,.,..,.. .~ r:'""", ,,,,,,, '" ,,"'......."'" '" It \s recommended t"at 1M Ie a t d'let 'e,,'ure nreterences etc. It 'd ., ecei'.le tne correc ' ,^" ,y. t n a .-..... -' ,... \. '" '" ,-' '" "'....""'" \s posi\i'.lel'i ooted t"at the new .... "'"' "... . _, "" ,,. of ,.."",,, "" " .. -""""" "" ". ""'''' """,,'" """" .. "" """, , """ ~ . ",_'" ... -' ''''::",,,,,,,,, ''''' m'" "",. . :,..... '" '" ,""" ,"" '"' -:.:...'" _~ _, -I""I< .. .. "'" -""""" "" . "" '" "",rl~"""" "" '" P""'" _ "" _""" '"" "" 00 f _",,,,,, ,........ 00 , ,_ '" "'" " ,," .. oo"";"~. _'" ""'" 00 '"' reguiar diet, puree te)t\ure receNe a """""" ",. ." ",,,_ be re-" '" .. " .'" ~,,-' "" ~ :,- """"'" .... "'" "'" " _ '" 2P<" ,,,,",,,,,<,,' ". .- "P''''''''' ",- ... _"_' "".. ",_, """ " >15 ... " "'" '"' ,"" "," " ,,,, b"J'" '" -",,,,,,,, ,",' ~~:. ;,.. oo"'" '" "",", oo -'" """', .. "':''''''"'' """" .,""'" -"" -- '" '" _ '" aW,,-' · h"'" ,~^ ",oo" '" -"" '" . "" "''',''' ~ '" "","""'''\ .. "" '" , ........ "" . ".h eJ{ample, there was notning sUltab e on p~.27 .pate -tot correCtW6 action . pate de \a me'5\.lfe COfrecl.\'Je Reissuedrtifl\e e~plred correctNe actiO" ret\uired imfl\ediatel'l C p!o<J,a"'s oWIsion 6(\g\nal'. \-Iea~" are ,a"''''es des 50\1\5 de san\/! O(\glna\: Oi'J\SlOn des p,og ,\; gJe"" ca,e fac\li\'f . ~J~..E~~O\\Sset"e(l\ de solns de longue duree pageyofld~ """'- "" ,...,.,........" - "......... ,e"sce loG e ,\ d citlelia Re>lle'll leSu IS . ' ~;:..... .~... ~ '" "f,:."," .",W"'''' ~"",", '" """.,-,,,~ '" enefg~/lncrease ~ . 'ds fecei'led none~ conslstenc~ -- """~."'" ~,"",'" "''', .",.' -' ." -""" ~ '" """""" """~ .. 0<<'" ..'f .::.r: ....'" '" ,-'" """, " ,,, ...."""".. "f ;~ :, ,"";. ''''' l""" -" """ tile dining 100m,W I as,. IS eon \\Ie ooulisnment diet list Wound)ISnefg~ pro.eln t' elude a loW potassium diet, ,ne tnerapeutic spreadsneets do 00 10, d . d t' otad to na'le \\lIS or er, . ,,,,,,,,,, . "'" '" .' "'" ""... . '.' ...",,,,,, ,ne tnelapeutic spreadsnleetsddO ts ale noted to na'le tnis older. plotein, nowe'ler, se'lera resl en . r\f I cate accotding to his1hllt tolot all tesidents teceNed nut ~~ne~ not ta~en to ident\~ and deeds and fl\easutes", .~ . -..".. assesse n I ted to nuttition as e'lldetlc"," ,,'}. addteSS ptOb1efl\S te a . '0 . g on a regular diet, glound . . "","" ,..", " ". ""w:,~:;" _ '" '"' '"' "" """'" """'" _ _w'" , "" ",,,,, ..."'" "'" ,... '"' "" . _m '" '"'~", "" ~".. '" "'" ",,,,"' " '" - "'" " puree toast on anotner da~, odiflcatlOns, "'"' .. ..."'" ...." '"' "":;:; ,.. " """"'" ..- ..."'" ,,,,, - "'" ~" -' "" ."'""" ~""" ""' '"' "" ,""... "" ,,,""" _'" "f "i"","'''' "",.. "",,", "'" "'" l"""~'" '" ~ ";" ".... "ot -"'''~' nad dilf\CU\\'i sl/lallO'>lllng eggs, owe ""' ,,",. . "'" ,,", ",,,,,,,,,,, _. _w'" . ",,,,"' ..'" " "",,' '" ':' rt ,~_"- ,,"" '" '" . -'" ,....'" ",,,,",'~ :;::';'-'.- ,,, '" "" "'" resident indicated a regular Ie t """"'" """", dOt ... ...'" ';"'d'" l"'" -""" ... ~"",", . ",-"""",, .. ",", '" . ~"'" ~ ~ - ",,,,,,, , "" '"'" -'" ...." _'" ':'.,;., ~ BCS. """", """ >""""'" dO' ... ,,,,,,. C" . . ~ """. ",-' -""" ,_""' .'"".'" _'" ~~,.;,"'" ,,,' ," M,"S~' ,.."'" ""","" ,,_ ,"" '" '" ... "" ,,""'" "....,.0 tniS residetlt said flIodllied dIabetiC pUlee \\uidS.. '1'1 a regular diet ground flIeat lecei'led '" resident listed as pelng 0 . ..."'" """'" _ ., ",,,,"' ,,,,,,,,,,, "","", dO' ,ne nutritional C\uar:.er\~ re'llel/l 01 a Minist1"l ot \-\ea1th and Long:tetfl\ care rlea1tn care programS OiVision __.., S.....,... s<>'~" -"' '"~, Oi'lisioO des 1l10grames deS soins de sante Report ot unllw- standardS or criteria Raport sur \es norro~s ou criteres non respectes @ - ba.te ~or correCti\le action . oate de \a me5\.1tp. COftectwe Reissuedrtime e~plted CottectNe action tequired ifl\fl\ediate\'J 63.1.3 '- riglnsl: \-Iesan cadle Plog g~~~~~~~o; soiOS de sante Qngina\: 0\\1\5\00 as ?fO coP~' ';<$>\ ~:~~e~;~~::~: de iongue duree page?)ollde <1> cop""" au"~ '" Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Care Programs Division Report of Unmet Standards or Criteria Ministere de la Sante et des Soins de longue duree Division des programes des soins de sante Raport sur les normes OU criteres non respectes Long-Term i;a,e iacili\yIEtablissement de SOi;'5 de longue au,"" Terrace lodqe Standards or criteria Review resuits ' Date for correcti.e action Nommes ou criteres Resultals de nns ectlon Data de la mesu,e corrective puree texture with puree pucks but this was not indicated on the care plan and was not provided on one observed day. The care plan for this resident indicated extra pureed meat was to be provided but was not. A resident was listed on the nutritional level and diet sheet as being at both moderate and high nutritional risk. The nutritional care plan for this resident indicated moderate risk and the last nutritional quarterly review indicated high nutritional risk. A resident listed as being 00 a regular diet, puree texture with lhickened fluids (nectar consistency) received regular cake for dessert. A family member of the resident indicted that sometimes the resideot received \ thickened fluids and sometimes not. It is recommended that the facility contact family members to explain dietary measures laken. It is recommended that procedures such as RD orders for prune juice \ twice/week, fruit lax twice/week be clarified to ensure the resident receives the recommendation. It is noted that the consistency of thickened fluids is now ordered, however, only honey consistency juices are available. Several residents noted to be on nectar consistency thickened fluids received hOney coosistency. At the table thickener is available, however, it was not always used, staff are unaware of how much to use and recipes for different consistencies aod fluids are not available to guide staff. It is strongly recommended that an in-service on thickened fluids for all serving staff be completed. \ \ It is recommended that the process for monitoring trial diets and communication between dietary and nursing be reviewed. Skim milk powder is currently given to all dependent residents, however, not all residents have orders for this. Changes to the meal were not marked on the production menu before the preparation of the meal commenced. ReissuedlTime expired Corrective action required immediately \ P110 Production menus are available, however, they are in plastic and daily \ changes as well as shortages/leftovers are not marked. The facility is commended for implementing a tour of the world week, however, recipes and therapeutics were not available and production sheets did not reflect this. \ Copy: r:ong-Term Care Facility' <t copie:Elabllssement de soins de longue duree page./.oflde 7J \..OOg,\O"" Care FaC\lit'JIEtab\\SSemenl de soins de 1009Ue durae oate lor carrectwe act\on l' e,race \..odae Slandards or cr\\eria p,e,ieW resull~. . oate de I.a mes\ne conectlve ..._~_ ;:"".;.:~_.'m "",Wod ~",- ...~" -"'" revieVi: ,""" _ ... ........ .nd ...." '''''''''''' ..........."'" .... J\.pril ;, 2004 1';.;4 ....- ...,'''~ .. . ...,,,,,,,,,, "..",~ ,~~. ....., ......' _" .."",", .....'_... ,.....""1' .....- . """",,- .., ...''''' "..- I~:":"'I ,,:,,,";::,, l1\aJl.il1\Ul1\ nutritl'</e '</alue and enhances e ec!'<le 0 W"'.. "."'''' " ""~' ... roll""" "" '" ~..~ -" production sheets do not rellect t\\e menu. . ".- """.... ,....' ... ... ,.... "" ,..,.,-' ."", .'" "" recipes are available. ",,'" ~.. ,,",, ~ "" "",_' "'" "'" w'" "'---" ~ ~~ "'" """"". Ol"",.-'" ._' ~ "'.,.... ,ot" ""~ ...., ""'" ,.,.' .""'""...... '"" -.'-' ",,_), ... ",,,, _",,,,~ """,_' .. ,__ ("" .e; "'""""', ""., IN" , "".~, ,,",,,'" "'" - .""" " ... ... available lor all itemS, ' d ~ ". -,.... ." ",",,' ", .. ,- '" "".... '" " ,..-' ""'" '" -".... '"" ",,- '" -- "" ~"'9"' "" .... " -"" " ,"",,' ..""" '" """", preparation, loreeasti09 etc, "",.... """ ,.... """, do ... -- -'" ...'" .... ,. ._".: _, ,".--'" ,,,,,,~,""_'P"""""'" be re-done, ' 'I b\ I r "",., _,.... ""~, """f- ..." - ".' ., ' " ,,-, ",,'" ",,,,",,, -"""" -, ,.,... ""'"""" ., .""", '" ",,'" W~." ,."" .'", 'f,;:" .... \.. m""" ", Some puree and minced ItemS appeare e s ,," puree c\\icKen, minced and puree mD(ed vegetables, staodardized recipes are necessary, "... ""'"'~".,...." ... ,,,, ""..,~, ~ ~~ II ecipes and/or menu ItemS or supp emen ' ~~ ~ "" "" ,.",,'0 "", ""'~. roll""'" ".... R"""':" ""''', _ _-, ,,,,,,,, "", """ DO'':':",'oh ...."'..' ..-' W.m"- """'" - w'f,' to puree, _ ._"omS OioJiSiOn ,e?,esenlalNelSignalUre ,__ t"\rncrsf(\mes des soins de sante @ Ministl"J of Health and Long-term Care I-Iealt\\ Care programS Qivision tJliniStere de la sante et des Solns de longue duree QiviSion deS programes des solnS de saote Report of Unme~ standards or criteria Raport sur \es normes oU criteres non respectes origInal', l-\ea\\ll cafe prO\lrams ONi510n . original', Oi'JiSion des ?rO\l'ammes des sOlns de sanle CO?Y' =,~.1'e"" Care Faci1i\'f <'I lid d CO?I~.tlablissernenl de soins de longue duree Page 10 e D ~ Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Health Care Programs Division Report of Unmet Standards or Criteria Ministere de la Sante et des Soins de longue duree Division des programes des soins de sante Raport sur les normes ou criteres non respectes Long-Term Care Facility/Etablissement de soins de longue duree Terrace Lad.oe Standards or criteria Review results Nommes au criteres Resultats de l'inspecti,~~, Date for corrective action Date de la mesure corrective P1.23 Each resident's care and service needs were not reassessed at least quarterly and whenever there is a change in the resident's health status, needs or abilities as evidenced by the dietary portion of the quarterly reviews for low risk residents not being completed. March 5, 2004 The last quarterly review far two residents deemed to be at law risk was completed November 18/02 by the RD but has not been seen since. The initial assessment far a resident deemed to be at low risk was completed September 3/03 by the RD but has not been seen since. The last quarterly review far four residents deemed to be at low risk was completed February 26/03 by the RD but has not been seen since The last quarterly review far a resident deemed 10 be at low risk was completed December 17/02 by the FSS but has not been seen since. The last quarterly review far a resident deemed to be at law risk was completed March 28/03 by the FSS but has not been seen since. The initial assessment for a resident deemed to be at low risk was completed June 10/03 by the RD but has not been seen since. Compliance Plan Due March 10, 2004 I ivedfo:;:il~7~r riginaJ; Health Care PrQgr~ms Division Original: Division des progr,ammes des soins de sante Signature of Health Care Programs Division representative/Signature du (de @r~~nt~ de la Division des programmes des soins de sante (~.L/,(ln Copy:LOO0- Term Care Facility' . - - <? Q Copie:Etablissement de soins de longue dure. Page\Jlf/de \J peter DutchaK, 'Technical services Officer 'REpORT TO COUNT'l COUNC1~ - fRO\'il: Dfo,'TE: SUB)ECT: ~ , . . e ,sors (/',0,,,"5.) ,n ""'iun""n w,", , ""er>! '1"" the ",,,,,,,",,n of on""~ """ sup .'" ( trade ""'" 'n a dlff""'''' section of (oca( road ",,..-s a""",onn """': ::~~'~~ ",un~"a( ""de ""'" of (tS ""'" ,~ 0""'""" '(h" trade ""'" haS If''': ,Z 1004 the trade "''''' wll( be nested "' oU' E,,~n canada each Vear. on )U~e Z an . t' nd held at ",e ""'" ",n""""" East ag,n 0>0"" "un"'''''( 5obe"'''''S """"a ,on , communitY complex. 26 februaTV 2004 "un'd"","rade Sh"" - June 1" and ", 1004 ~' , , ",,,,_ \S on- S """" """ '(he ag,n 0>0"" . ,,~nlC,.al 5obe",,~rs"'e;"'" a"''''''''''''W' "" _be'" ",eet 6 s,,.nn""""'" """,,_' ",nnerl ,n ~f i"urna"""" and ,<an ,>e\d tr'PS ann""~' """ times a ,e,", nos' a o.,,,,",,s ""rtY, ,e s"",cased at """" regula' moet''''', '(h" and (n_",e productS and seoI"'es a . """,\tieS so \ha' "'"' "'''' "",.. the ",oat associatiOn has provided a resourc~dto ~~i~~%~re effectivelV and effIcient IV . informed deciSions on hOW to proVI e . '" b moet of the .ro'I'n"'S ",,,,,,,,p,"tle' and '(he annual ".0,'.5, trade""," " a""nd. u~ '" """,ate, ,haS beon s"""ested ;.at a all "",jOr ",un ",pal suppl"'" """"",n d-n' "'""'" ooIla" ,ntO ",e noatl"" ",,,,,,,un"', su""",uI sn"" ",n bn"" ~;:'1; ~~ "",I note" and ,,,,",uranlS, E""""'" spin offS """sands of partJOpanlS w' e u ,11J t ,.ell as e><f'OS" ""'" n"" <ace' '" ",eo""''''' will reach manv Qlfferent establlShmen s as that Elgin CountY has to offer. I f \ nlng and resources are required. In order '" .- a su""ssfuI s'f' ; ;r' ,;aE(~': ~",,,,un\ti Cll"''''''' (EECCl will be fOr .,.",ple, teeaus<> \he 9""n SO e . was ,""u''''' '" acco",modate the used {Or 0_ d''''"'''' an area for ",,,,,n~ nas .nce - ",ade w'"' ,he _n" ",_nds of "."'" to "''' ""'", "" anangeme a """"n9 fadll". ,Qetall'" ""fl~ ""II acroSs the n'9"'"'" f'o'" the EECC '" so""' as cent"( plan wIth the as,I"'''''' of the 01'1' will en"'''' ",re """"""an """ements acto" HighWay #3. -m"" so<< of act"""'" maKe . n_"'''' to - an """,n'we "" of ,o(unte.'" ." the dura\JOn of the ,now, 1t \, "",mateO ",at 30 munldpa( employee, ara needed to ",,,,,,, the ,hoW, -rnese ",,(u""" _(d a('" be gwen time each"" to ,I.t the """'blts, ~o",cLUSlON: -me 2004 """"a\JOn of ontario Road SU"",,- "un~Ipa( T'ooe ShoW " """eO by ",e El9(n countv Road S,pertn_ts """,lat\OO and w\ll be he(d at the East El91n community complex on June 2nd and 3rd, 2004. -ml' munldpa( t<ade shOW " the ("gest of Its tvpe in conada, EaCh yea' thOU"'''''' of m,nldpa( emp(by"" and \OC3( politidan' .,;,\t th" ,hOW, On" yea', bec"'''' the _nt " h""eO In ","",w"",m ontarto, . ".,q>ected to be one of the b",I"", ^ 9'''''' deal of plannin<J aod partiCIpation I' ""ulred by munldpa' ,olunwe" fOr the """ of the ,hOW, Emp(oyees who ,0IU"'" at the ,"ow w\ll be a~e to ~ew the """lbItS fOr a few hours each day. _ mun<'pa( Mad SUper,I"" will be askln<J thel' ""pecti'i" Councl(' '0< app,""o to u'" staff resources to volunteer and visit the trade shOW. we would eocou,age each aod aye", countv aod "un<,pa( council membe< to atteod the ,hoW to _the la"'" products and "''''~"' dl'ectlV rei"'" to malntalnln<J aod Imp"""n<J 0" 9'''''' Inf"o;tnJctU"'-' Adm"- I' free . ,I.to<' pre-,eg(-, othe<WI'" admiSsion is $10 at the gate. RECOMM~N.OAT10NJ. for councils Information crM~ - - - Clayton Watters Manager of Engineering services Marl<. G. \V\'-V~. Chief Administrative Offlcer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Manager of Engineering Services DATE: February 17, 2004 SUBJECT: Off Road Vehicles INTRODUCTION As of July 2003, municipalities were given authority to determine whether or not off road vehicles should be allowed access to highways under their authority. As such, the Township of Malahide during its deliberations felt that the matter of Off Road Vehicles should be considered at the County level so that a uniform implementation across the County be established. DISCUSSION: Section 191.8 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) has been amended for Off Road Vehicles (ORV) to have more access to the shoulder and paved portions of some Ontario highways. The HTA defines an ORV as; ~ four wheels that are all in contact with the ground, ~ steering handlebars, ~ a seat that is designed to be straddled by the driver, and ~ meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Municipalities can determine which highways that ORV would be allowed to use. They would not be allowed access to Provincial Highways in Elgin County because of the summer traffic volumes exceed the threshold of 5000 Summer Average Daily Traffic. Staff's concern is that if ORV's are allowed on County of Elgin right of ways the ORV speed limits are substantially reduced from the posted limit. In a posted 50 km/h zone the maximum limit for the ORV would be 20 km/h. In an 80 km/h zone the limit for the ORV is 50 km/h. Vehicles tend to drive approximately 15 km/h over the speed limit so theoretically the speed differential could be as much as 45 km/h or 40 feet per second. As an example, all roads have been designed to maintain a minimum sight distance where ever possible. Approximately 200 metres of sight distance is available at any point on a County Road (with a few exceptions). If a vehicle was travelling 100 km/h, 90 ft/sec, and an ORV is travelling at 50 km/h, 45 ft/sec, they would meet within 4 seconds in that 200 metres of sight distance. Within that 4 seconds, the vehicle travelling at 100 km/h must see the ORV, react, and adjust their speed. There would be no room for error. "",,,,,I~ ""h\Cle are judgIng """"sel"'" >YI the otW venlde' trave((\ng at .. n"" their speed, ",e tr"",lIlng publl' would not h"'" ample """,""oe """I~g ",th "",,~l'" g,,,ng more than half the ,peed, 1h'''ef<lr'', the pass<bW (Or ,,,,,,,,,sed ro<l"~'" ,""uld """r, 1_ the ,ural ,_un"" has the nght \0 use OR" (Or thclr fa'"' use, _ef<lr" this leg'''- ,""uld he (Or the reorea"""al use" In other wo"'" the (DUnt< of ag.n ,"",Id be _uragln'l oR" ,_ to pi'" on count< ROads, $ff bel'- that """,,\eS and ORV'S do not mix on County Roads. we count< of ag'n roads ~e'" deSlgne<! (Or ""hlcular traffl', Me<! deSl9n haS not ",,,rn"""'''''''' (Or """ (anes of traffl' and a third (ane for oR"' on the 'hOulder, (DUn"! Road ,hOulderS 'n roo" oases a'" 3 rn- 'n ~\dth, bot ,some a'" leSS, J\n oR" oan use the d,Wlng lanes . the ,hOulder' are not sUff\C\enb' "",gne<!, In th" "'" """ d",ere'" m"'" of rootonsed vehlcl'" WOUld be using the same area of the """"av, we nS<< of accidents increases dramaticallY. If (DUn'" has an 'n"'''''' In al"""'" the oR"' the use of the count< of ag'n rights of ."ays enr ,,,,urer and 1e<J31 ",une" shOuld be reo"""'^" (Or _ments, ~O~lUSI0N.J. Off Mad "ehlc!eS and veh'''''' deslgne<! (Or hlghwav use dO not m'''- ",e ,peed d'fferential I' to great for both to saf'" use the same ",ad platfOrm, our _mun"" Is pre<\Offi'nat'" rural ,n nature and as ,u,h our ",",'ng ",mmun'''! """",l, ,," the right to use the ,Ight of "'" (Or their b"".e'~ "",rea"onal use ",enld be on private lands. ~ ,",,1 (j.'e (DUnt< of agln ,hoUld not pe'"''' the use of count< MadS b, Off Mad "ehldes as define<! under the HlghW"/1raffle '" section '91.8; and al"', ",at the munldpel"'''' of CIg'n (DUn"! and the ""10' ",,,,;ces \3Oa'" be '" Informed, RespectfUllY Submitted ~~~ Clayton watters Manager of Engineering services Marl< \,:). i'ICv"'''~'-' C\'Iief Administrative Officer Municipali\y of Bayham Municipality of central Elgin Municipality of DuttonlDunwlch Municipality of West Elgin Township of Malahide Township of Southwold ELGIN GROUP POLICE SERVICES BOARD Chair David M. Rock 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Tel. (519) 631-1460 Ext. 161 Fax (519) 633-7661 Res. (519) 633-1563 February 26, 2004 Honourable Harinder T akhar Minister of Transportation 77 Wellesley St. W., 31d Floor FergusOn Block TORONTO, Ontario M7A 1Z8 Dear Minister: The Elgin Group police Services Board, at its meeting held on February 6, 2004, considered the changes to Ontario's Off-Road Vehicles Legislation! Regulation and adopted the following resolution: "THAT the Elgin Group police Services Board does not support the new legislation allowing municipalities to pass by-laws permitting Off-Road Vehicles (ORV) to travel on roadways due to potential safety concems and liability issues of ORV travelling on roadways at a much lesser speed than vehicles presently using the roadways. as well, ORV would require head and taillights, and ORV drivers would require licensing and insurance; and, THAT the Elgin Group Municipalities be encouraged not to pass such an authorizing by-law. - Carried. (signed) Chair David Rock" We look forward to your response to the recommendation. Yours truly, (/)uJ ~J David Rock. Chair. cc: Elgin Group Municipalities /YT fROM' c<avtOn \N,,",,'" Manager of EngIneering_lees - REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIl.. DATE: 27 February 2004 SUBJECT' \Ncll (Di,n~ng \Nate') - \Nhoe's sm"on (42343 fRUIT "'aGE LINE) lfItfQductiOf1 1l'<e Mun"'pa"'" of cemral Elg'n toQl< wate' sam~os - ",e well sUw",ng Wh're's Station on June 2rf" and June 25. ,2003 fo< resting by the Elgin 5C -rhomas Heal'" Un'L g}SCUSsiOl1 upon """m,nation of the ware' samplos \t w'" _,",'oed "'at ",e - p,esented a health hazard for the following reasons: a) -rhe IOtal """0,", co,nt and the E ""l "",nt ex""" the Dntar\O Drin~ng \Nate' Objectives acceptable levels. ") ""if"m and E "'" contamInatiOn constitute a hea"" haw"' "" the emplo_ of Whlre's 5ta\lon ""ough drln~ng the wate' 0' ",e Ing_n of ",e nacte<\a (eft on the hands after washing. WI'" the """,tile g,oundS that a heal'" h"""' exlats ",e E~In 51, -nwm'" Hea'" Unit ordered that the following requirements be met: a) """,de .gOS a"""ng not 10 drink the wate' Is posted at all taPS b) provide potable water for human consumption. c) """,Ide hand san- (70% IsOProp'/l alCOhol) In washrooms and eating "ellS fO< washing of hands. d) Resample water every wee\(. e) """,de results of we'" sample 10 the Elgin SL ,hom'" Hea"" Unit each -. GWen what the health unIt "'''''Jht 10 oUl a""ntion "'e munlopa"'" had fO\loWecl ",e """sa of aet\on 10 disInfect ",e well and Inre,nal ~um",ng, /'ire' which ",e wate' samples continued to fall outside the parameters. . . . ",as "'"' "'" ",e" """ted offe""" under MOt has ,,,... me ,"" ,nd "",r deductlon '" ,nd orde"'" mat "'" ,"'Io'",n9 ""'u.- 903-20(3) 0' me ""..no _u<<'" reCluirement5 be met: '" t' ,n g,a" en"''' "'"' "'" ",e" (oOated ,t ,) .., nO '''''' m,uune 30., 2004, "'" ~ 4134'/ fru' _ une ,ha" be "",,,,,,,ne<! ,n "'" Wh,,", _/Mun"'" won<s or;, d """"",,;\one<! OJ ,""""" ,",,' -- _",'n'" ""m "",ul'tiOO 903/0.3 0" .. e ,n accord,n'" ""m section 210' "",u,,"on 903/0.3, . l 'w ,nd on ",un~'P" prope"" , ror'S'ctIO< Slnee \he "'~, " no ,on9'" ,n "" {or, """b e ~"""" \he task _ld d"""""",,;\on \he vIr\o has me 1<00""- ,nd ""","enee '" , $3 0.00 """ _Irl be ",,,,p,eteO as SOOn wel\. \he est1mated costdfOr d:cosom~:~~\:~~ \~ot be f~rther impacted. as possible so the grOUn W3cer , n"" dr\n~n<J _r ",e" ,hOUIrl merefo<e be 'n"'''eO as - as poliS'ble at ,n esumated cost of $7,000, ~ . II ' ' eO '" be dO"eO at Wh,,", Sta'lon at ,n """"",, cr>'< [J.. neW drinKing water we IS reClulr ' 'of $7,000. '" e ,n "",oIrl be _",,,,,,,,ooeO as SOOn as 1he ~i\st1ng well towfUn;hd e~...;:'~ '" J ground ""w ",uree, pOOoble '" pr"",n " . RESPECTfULLY SUBf'//l1 fED ~~~ \'I\[J..R\(~ O-IIEf [J..O\'l\INISiAAi1VE OfflCER Cv..'{iON O. \f\j[J..i\ERS, \'I\[J..N[J..GER ENGINEERING SERVICES REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Clayton Watters, Manager of Engineering Services DATE: February 18, 2004 SUBJECT: CNR Crossing, County Road 48, Mile 11.35 Talbot Sub-division INTRODUCTION The County of Elgin assumed ownership of Ferguson Line in Central Elgin in 1986. Shortly thereafter an application was made to the Canadian Transport Commission for an automated protective device. The Regional Director of the Railway Transport Committee recommended that consideration be given to install two (2) flashing signals, bells, and widening of the crossing surface to accommodate the proposed work. CN replied to the application stating that they require additional time to study the crossing. On an interim basis CN requested that train speeds be reduced to 10 km/h. The Canadian Transport Commission ordered that the train speeds be reduced to 10 km/h and that specific signage be installed at the crossing, which was completed by the County, of Elgin. Canadian Transport Commission ordered that all traffic is to stop before crossing the tracks. DISCUSSION: In January 2002 a meeting was arranged at the crossing with the County of Elgin, Transport Canada and Canadian National to review the suitability of the existing railway warning system. All parties concluded that the preferred option would be to pursue an automatic warning system at this location. In May 2002 the County of Elgin signed an agreement with Canadian National Railway Company for the installation of the crossing preferred by all parties. Included in the agreement was an estimate of $115,720 for the proposed project. The share would be divide into three parts; 12.5 % share for the County of Elgin ($14,465), 7.5 % share by CNR ($8,679) and 80% ($92,576) by the Federal Government. This agreement stated that CNR would make an application to the Federal Government, through the Railway Safety Act. That application was formally sent to the Canadian Transportation Agency in July 2002. As of January 2004 no further information was received on this crossing from either CNR or the Federal Government or its agencies. On January 12, 2004 a letter was sent to the Canadian Transport Agency requesting an update. They responded "the agreement respecting the installation of the crossing protection that was entered into between the County and Canadian National, and became an Order of the Agency, is an agreement between the parties. As such, the Agency has no direct knowledge of the progress of the application for funding made by CN and your request should be directed to the railway." on )an",'" 23 2004 a .- was ,ent to eN ...ues\lng an uP"""" "'" resPOnded' "" woll< at th~ ,;"Slng w\ll orM to"""e"'" once we "",e ""etveO fundIng - rransport canada, eN wi" onW kf<>'N If thIs ..,",ular projed is 'unded _n rc sendS ,ont '" a",""'" ootlOS of fUnded projectS, whk.h shOuld be out ,n """I or MaV 01 thiS year, ~ 1t<~ .le has _wed to""oerabla ""'"""" _.,en the canadian "aIloOO' ..'''''';, com a'" canad'an rran51)O""uon _01 and ",e cou"" of ElgIn, Staff beS-""" lIS ~~ with _"" to th~ _"'" and ",que<<s \he assistance of ",e war""" of the Coun'0i of Elgin. ~ 1t<at ",e Wa- of \he COU"" of EI9,n"''''''' a _ting wI"', Gar ((nu\SO~' \he Fede,ral ",embe< of pa.,lar",nt for ",e COU"" 0' Elg'n to assist In the ap~,;a\lon to. ,"""II ,"os."', p"""",,n on CoO"" Roar! ,,", ",,,,_ LIne, ""ie 11,35, ralbOt SUb-ON\S~n, CO,n'" 0 E\gin. APproved for submIssiOn RespectfUllY submitted ((lW~ ~ Clayton watters Manager of Engineering services ~ MarK G. Mcoonald Cnlef AdministratiVe Officer fRO'" 0""'" ",,,,,",,,, ....oage< of Eng'neering seN'ces Ot-.iE: February 26, 2004 REl'OR" ,.0 COUN'fY COUNCI\. SUBJECT: st. George Street Curves ~ l . . d nt ron""ne<\ abOut \he a<<ldentS and me . _, "'" ,","",ed _ a central E 9,n res> e _ nea' Co,,,n pari<, He has -- potential." ,oju,", on me Ol- ... SC <;eo<9~ acddenlS a< pe""oal 'oju,"" ",e ,- " bett'" sl9na<le and _be I~nt,ng ~ ,ed"'" d d to h" """",ns ,n ",'\in9 'ndkatlng \hat attaChed ." V"',, 'nfO""''''"' Sta .- ,e s as pel' \he onta"" ,""" ....nual. "''' EIg\n CountY would update. roa~-warn\ndgt~~g~ealignrnent of the 50\<.rn/h speed signs. would include che\Jron warnlf\g sIgns an ' . .' "ldent abOutthe safe'l of the 0lr<eS on cent",l Elg,n ""eNed ao 'n<\~',", f'o'" ano< '" ':","" to COu"" """, 1>>" ,,,,,,,,", was SL <;eo,ge ",...., central El9,n fo<Wa'"';" :' ~l9' Street hl<< and she al'" 'nd'<at>'l \hat concerned w\th a barncade at t~e to I" ::, 'wa'" d",,0<5, 1l>e _, " """"'" fo' V"',, the curve should have a flashing Ig, I 0 inforrnat\on. ~ 51, _ge S_lal", """"n as COU"" ROad <26) is a "",nection fO< ,he "veil"" ub'" _een SL """,as and ",elllngton ROad, 1l>e .-ge ",nual oa'" "aflIo on ",\S ~"" Road is 1300, ",is a><' is """'" fa< a speed """ of SO kml" and me 'u-- a reduced posting of 20 \<.rn/h. 1l>e acdde"" _ 1995 until 2002 a" ,,""" In "'" ta"': be""'; we do not have ,nfO<"""oO _ 2003, "",e"'<<V \he ",,_ would be """"bed as \OSI rontrnl a< ..,led to negot\ate the curve. '{ear :# of ~ccide"ts '{ear :# of ~cc\de"ts 1995 3 1999 0 1996 1 2000 4 1997 2 2001 1 1998 1 2002 4 ounn ""'" e,ght yea'" ,6 _"" occurred ""'" more "",n 6,1 m"'''''' ,,",,,Ie' ""~ Co,"" par\< ""'" "0 ,_IS, ",,,,,,,,gn on , "",tentage b'5'S, \hE' o<.cu,rence5 ~ ""dents awe''' lOW, staff bel""es \hE' sa''''' ,t m~ loea""" can be ""p",,,d, "",en """,,,,og n"""bOUnd ,cross \hE' ca''"'y ""sslog, dn"'" not '''''''''' wit!> \hE' ,,>ad ,'Ignme"t ,nd """.(\Iog at '" nea' me posted speed (lm' (50 (,mln1 ,re not ,'~le "; negollat" \hE' ",,,es, onlY-" "'" """SO.., ",m'ng speed "m,t (20 "",ln1" 0 OWe can motOnsts safcly d",e mls sed"''' of ~' 51"'" mls ,rea ~ uroan 'n nature ,nd Is ",,,en"Y ",umlna"" '" _t 'Ig"'og, """"":, sl os "e not "",ulred _,d'og W \hE' _no "affiC Manual ("""1. 11 snould be ""'" ~ \hE' 01"< IS ,n """,_,og guide used W _ "",slstent 'n""",,"on W d~N"" ,nd fa< non-typlcal "",,"oos, \hE' m,nua' can be "".,.,<led ,nd sound """'n.....ng ,-"'" sMuld prevail. "'" ;deal solution would be W """"",ad me ",rves, re"",", \hE' ,cad 'nW """",n p~ m e<tV ,nd reloca'" "",stiog par\< eou\oment "'" ,deal solullon wou'd "so see e ~",udJOn of , ",<waY ,_ss so mat "'" "",ca' 'llg~m"'" 0' \hE' roaiX"'" ",uld ,lSO be ,mp""ed, _""n possl))le tn" solution" not """,cal '" suggested '" ""ff ,nd nes ,n esIlmated cost of at ,e'st $2,000,000,00, -me on' o\hO' ",,"ens fa< staff "e to ,,,,,,,,, add"""'" typos of ,w,mln\l s(gn' ',nd _on: ",,,,,,,,,,n ",""on w"n,ng stgns ,re not spedfica"Y ,eou,red ,n m" ,I)ocat\o~ _use' 0' Its uroan nature ,nd _,"" street llgnbog, cnev<"'" (n'''' ,n tota woU aSS,st me tr,,~(log pub'lc W negotiate "" mO<C sO,,- cu"e ,mrond,at"" no"" of me ca''''''' ""sslog, -me ,(>1"o><lm'''' <f$. of \hE' ",os _ld <f$. be $1,500' "",,",,' ",,"on would be W 'n""" , ""a.o ,_ficatlOn ...",n (l'mbe' ",,,,,,,, 1 su ,eme""" w ,,,,,nCO w"nl"" "gnage, "'" on" suggests ,IS "'" w",n at '"'" Jfslons nave occurred eaen yea' ",ex "" last 3 yea'" "'" "",be' ...- ,re ,,,,,,nde<lw be ",,,,lemental W """"og slg-' _use addltlOn'l w"n,ng .gn,ge. naS not yet been ,,,,,,,lled ,nd slnCO \hE' \Je3C<ln IS not w,,,,nted uslog O,M ",,,,,,on n"'''''' guide""'" ""ff suggests mat "'" ,n""llabon " ,n "",,,,, """"'" be , fulUre opllO" IT \hE' , . ' , "'" eO<C of ,n "",be' IN""''''' """"'" ,n",,'led ,,,,,,,e "" cu",e ~:~:'; ~;"""u'd be ,per"",m""" $5,000 wltn ,n ,nnual ol"',Ong cost of apprmdrnatelY $450. ,wo ",,,,,,rond c\ti- _ "ken ""'" bme W Info'" CO""'" staff 0' .' s\tU,,~n ""'" _ W be unsa,e, 0'" w,nted "" gu"d"" ,,,,,,,,,ed at "" WP 0< "'" n'(\, 'Tn" gua""~" "On ^"'''' propertY ,nd ""'''''''''' " " me ,es(lOnslbl'ltV 0' me ero,,","" OW"" not , e coun~ of Elg'" , "" addition 0< , nesn'ng ,Ight would w,m "" do,er; 0' , """.0, _""",, 'n ""ff" o~n'on, , single ."","" light """,des Ie" g"d'nce "",n n' '" en"""" SignS do and at a SignifIcantlY nIgher cost. The combination of the two, chevron signs and the flashing beacon, would no doubt have a greater impact than just the chevron signs but staff has usually increased safety features incrementally until the situation stops or significantly reduces. CONCLUSION: Two concerned residents have informed staff of a perceived unsafe condition on a County of Elgin Road. They indicated that the addition of a flashing beacon would assist the travelling public through the curves on St. George Street that have existed in this same location for many decades. Staff believes that chevron signs would assist drivers who are unfamiliar with the obscured road alignment on St. George Street north of the railway crossing. The signs are more cost-effective solution than other options. Regulatory signs would also be relocated to a more appropriate location as part of this exercise. RECOMMENDATION That nine standard, 45 em x 60 em, chevron alignment signs be installed on St. George Street, County Road 26, immediately north of the railway crossing; and also, That Mrs. Carol Fleming and Mr. Stan Paeleutz be advised of the County of Elgin's decision; and also, That the funds be allocated from the approved 2004 budget. Respectfully Submitted OOWA ~ Approved for Suhmi<;<;ion Clayton D. Watters Manager of Engineering Services \ / Mar~ Chief Administrative Officer f'ECf,\'JEO ft~ 19 - nOU\'\1'l Qfe.Q\\'\ t' ~1)ll\\~l$lltfl.~ ~\\~Ct~ February 11, 2004 Mr. Clayton Watters, pBng . 1\'\anager ofBnginee11ng ServIces countY ofBlgin 450 sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario ~SR SVI Dear 1\'\.. WattefS'. 12 2004 concerning the guide rail to help Thank yoU for yOU; letther bdats~~~;"=rt .;. .""....... "" ,t COW" .'" protect persons uS\ng tea , .' a ue bUt ",",,' "'" ....II' ;n,,,..... 1 b"'''' ,,,., t'" ...'" ",\ " · v"! g''', ~.;,., ,bOt ' - fl"""" ""oW """ -,.".,-...' " _ aue,"" " 5' 0"" ,."""' in' ~ the ",- should be added to the ?lect~cal wtre go\ng acr~ss~ G~or"e ~tr~t, right at 'Hydro Road u,,'" """,'" ..."",. \'l!'" "" the -'" 0 and it really bel-ps to mark thiS curve. 1'bank yoU for your consideration of tbis matter. Yours truly, lt~l~ carol Fleming CC' Warden David ROC\<"/ . De-putY Mayor Sylvia llofuuis october 31,2003 <The corporatiOn of Iii< <Munidpo[i19 of centro[ 'f,[gin . p\1 5~9'63~'4860 fax 519.631.1\036 .., ,,,,," -, '" """,. ",..-, ",,- ""' "" . Mr. Cla-yton -Watters Count-y of Elgin <\50 sunset Drive St "Thomas On }l5R 5\ll Dear }Ar. -Watters: Re: Cowall l'ark' St. George St. . 10(13 '" """o;od . "'" fro'" w', "',' ",m"" ,f VI- " "'''','''' tb~ '" O~oW 30 , _ 049 "" ",,,,,,. w<' '" -,,,,,,,,, t" "" of 4 ".- DO'" SC ""'.'" 0' 6~\ 3 Sh ,<<\>... ,,_'" 00"\. .~ ldll'" "",,, lUt '" " CP',go St. j"" no,'''''' th' """.' , . ,,;."'""' '"" ... " ",,,\d h'" , U_' ",IU '" ,t '" - """",. . ..... fl . as to -your decision regarding ""old ,ou pl_ 'no""'" tNt 00= '"" "'~'" ".'. ,.'" this matter. ~~\~ Llo-yd J. Perrin . Director of Pb-ysical Servlces - - PJ.CtWED oe13 !Y)' ~ ,-' ~i , -1 " .1 , ., ~I 'i :i ! i ~' , i . , I. " j ;! .' , \. <, j ., - , \ \ \ ~ \ , ~ -\ \ \ '.\ \ \ \ , I \ REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FRONt OI\TE: SUBJECT: special Events committee Update County of Elgin special Events committee 9 March 2004 lliTROOUCTIOM. 1he 'o((oWI"" ~ an ,pdata ,n lha Spacial Evan'" Com"'-' Q.lSCUSSIOM.: 1ha Ch'S,,",,' po"" hald on ",,ve,,,,,"' 29, 2003 """ a h,ge '''-'' and we h"'" had va" po,(\(Ve feedb'" ""'" Ihe a..nd"'" Wfih Coo",,'" """,Ib"""n, we wo<a abla 10 ""'....In ,',,"" al a ,e,,,.,oable leve' do'n, Ihe Ie"",e ",a",n. co,ncil """ ",I\ab~ _nizad 10< "",,, ",nl<,_n \h""ghoO' \he evan,ng, We would liKe I<> \SOoe a \hank '/0' I<> Ihe Co,""ll<><5 who ...ndad lhe po"" Bo'ldln9 on \he """'" at lha Ch'''''''' pa"", "'" Spacial Events Co"""I,ee ~ plannl"" a Co,n\'! 'a",l~ pIonl' 1<>< \he "",,,,e' at 2004 on J'oa " al Ploof"e pa<\<. 1h~ woold be In addllloO I<> the ann,,1 Coon\'! Ch"""''' pa"" Ch""""'" Part; 2004 _ we Ole hoP,ng, 0"", again, 1<>"'" \h" at St. An"'" \hI' yee" We will boO' \he ,a<ne d'" i,,'ey .. we had at"'" 2003 pa"" - \he date chosen is saturday, November 27. 1hl, y,o<, "'" "'''''''''''' ",,,,,,,,"<5 Ole .. fo((oWS'. Oonna Butohe" ",,,,\o,_liVe SeN""" sumnoa EdWO"s, I"""""",n 1echnolo9Y; John 1<e<5len, \lOble' VI((a; Heathe, "",evea', H,,,,an Re"'o""'; E",le "",ned, 1e""'" ,-""ge; John S",i\h, Elg,n Manor. U..1emo, Financial SaM"";' g.ONCLUSION~ This is for your in~ormation. RECOMMENOA.TION: "'n-IM this report be received and ~iled Respectfully submitted _\.~') ((\(\1'"\'"'" I ~I"\ ~ suzanne Edwards special Events committee cnair m\l;";~ Marl< G. lw..-"'~" Chief Mministrative Officer REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. DATE: February 26, 2004 SUBJECT: The Imminent Funding Crisis in Long-term Care Introduction: The rising cost of delivering services in our three long-term care facilities is a Province- wide phenomenon. There is every indication that that trend will continue. A quick reference to the Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors (OANHSS) speaks volumes on this issue: "According to a 2001 PricewaterhouseCoopers Study, commissioned by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, the Province ranks last out of 10 jurisdictions in meeting the needs of residents." We also know that by 2031, one in four Canadians will be 65 or older. According to some estimates, the Province needs to inject a further$215M in to the long- term care sector to meet residents' needs. In the meantime, municipalities are picking up the tab. The purpose of this report is to highlight the rising cost of providing care in our long-term care facilities and to provide a perspective on this important service. Discussion: The attached survey shows a comparison of costs in operating facilities in eight neighbouring jurisdictions. Council will note from this "unscientific" survey, that the average gross cost per bed is higher in five other jurisdictions and lower in three. County contributions vary too. However, the chart does provide some perspective. Using Elgin's budget and the needs of an average resident, the Province contributes approximately 45% of the cost, the County contributes about 23%, and the resident the remaining 32% of the total annual per bed gross cost of $52,700. The County's contribution has risen.from approximately $1.4M in 2000 to an estimated $2.5M in 2004. In that same time period, the provincial and residential contribution combined has increased from $7.9M in 2000 to $10.6M in 2004. This begs the question as to what has changed over the years? For one, resident acuity (level of required care) has changed dramatically. Residents are less independent, less 2 ambulatory, require special assistance such as feeding tubes, tend to stay in the Home longer when they are sick before being admitted to hospital, return to the Home quicker after hospitalization, often requiring drainage tubes and frequent bandage changes, special diets, IV's, and more. The advancement of improved medications means people are living longer and we dispense the medications - this is labour intensive and time consuming. Residents with dementia require different care and some residents must be attended to during every waking hour. We have seen a rise in admission of residents with psychiatric needs. Other factors worthy of consideration involve the increased expectations of residents and their families; improved Ministerial vigilance and compliance audits; a more educated public; a more educated work force; higher turnover in the sector due to the demands of care; different interpretations of standards, depending upon the discretion of compliance officers; and a host of other workplace changes that have an impact on operations but are not easily quantifiable (legislated time off, enhanced benefits etc.). Traditionally we have tried to manage care using limited numbers of registered staff, unlike the hospital environment where greater patient support is provided through nursing. For example, at Bobier Villa we have one Registered Nurse and one Registered Practical Nurse on duty each day to manage 57 residents. This is not sustainable over the long haul and our budget increases reflect the need to provide proper care. In the past we have tried not to replace employees who are ill, however, given the levels of care, this is no longer an option. We also have encountered unanticipated costs that make budgeting difficult. In 2003 the Homes sent the majority of its 294 staff to "Civil, Respectful Workplace" training seminars - this was required to be proactive and current. Replacement staff costs to cover for sickness, WSIB, vacation, compassionate leave and other absences are always difficult to estimate. Overtime allotments pose yet another budgeting dilemma - with high turnover it is difficult to find replacements in a timely fashion which leads to greater overtime costs. Two influenza outbreaks occurred as well, requiring additional unanticipated overtime expenses. This list is not exhaustive, but it does provide a sense of the challenges faced at the Homes. It should be noted that throughout 2003, in an effort to contain costs, the position of Assistant Administrator for the Homes was not filled, although it is part of the approved complement, nor have we filled the position of Administrative Assistant to the General Manager. It is unreasonable to expect one person, the General Manager, to manage three long-term care facilities, with a budget totalling more than $12M, involving almost 300 employees, without support. These positions must be considered in 2004. Conclusions: Providing quality care to residents is both essential and extremely challenging. Costs are escalating and do not appear to be tapering off in the near future. All of the above is designed to provide Council with a perspective on care in our facilities. There does not appear to be a "magic elixir" or quick resolution to the funding requests. Certainly 0,",,>155" dO'ng \IS part w Iobb' to< mo'" fU"'lng (\he pro~noe, ~dded .n ,,,,,,Ional $100" w the ,.c\O' In Z003). 5'''' wI. continue \0 """,, W' ",,,,,,nO'''' ""d 0'" alternatives ior consideration. 3 RecommendatiOn;. 1h" th" ",pOrt "" _"ed and filed foe 'oIO",,,\\On ",npO"'" ALL oi which is respectfuIIV submitted. Marl< G. WlelJ' n .ald_ Chief Administrative Officer. ;;;;B~"";'''"''''"''~ .... . . - .-' '-:-:'-:"::'~::::-:--- . ." c_" c., ._ .c. ..~~. . ,_.~ - ..' .-- County 01 Elgin Homes for Seniors Comparisons to surrounding countIes City of St. ihomss Number of beds Total expenditUres City Contribution Gross Cost per bed 136 6,700,000.00 500,000.00 49,264.71 182 HuronviOW 119, Huronlea 63 10,114,520.00 1,381,710.00 over budget 167,000 for 2003 55,574.29 County of Huron Number of Seds Total Expend',tures County contribution Gross cost per bed 228 TiUosnburg 34, Ingersol 34, Woodingford 160 13,129,643.00 3,170,203.00 57,586.15 County of Oxford Number of Seds Total Expenditures County contribution Gross Cosl per bed County of Lamblon Number of Seds Total Expenditures County Conlrlbution Gross Cosl per bed 334 Three hOmes 18,717 ,530.00 Increase in expenditures of 887286 In 2004 2,647,742.00 56,040.51 County of Wellinglon Number of Beds Tola\ Expenditures County contribution Gross Cost per bed 176 9,709,200.00 2,175,200.00 55,165.91 County of Middlesex Number of Beds iotal Expenditures County contribution GroSs cost per bed 175 8,106,000.00 489,000.00 46,320.00 144 over budget in 2003 by $400,000 _wage settlements and increased 7,770,000.00 staff. Increase of 14.5% 10 expenditures in 2004 and 61% inCrease 1-,819,000.0010 county contribution. ihelr overail increase is currently sitting over 53,958.3320% and staff are \lyIng to brIng to dOWn 10 17%. county of Norfolk NumOer of Beds iotal Expenditures county contrIbUtion Gross Cost per bed County of Elgin Number of Seds T ota\ Expenditures County ContrIbution GroSS Cost per bed 247 13,030,067.00 2,578,716.00 ElM TIL 52,753.31 53,243 SN 49,556 59,344 244 TWO homes 11,540,000.00 Using a surplus from 2003 \0 Increase revenues _lowers C,,! portion. 525,000.00 47,295.08 County 01 Bruce Number of Beds i otai Expenditures County ContribUtion Gross Cost per bed ~..::'CP,.2. , REPORT TO COUNi'f COUNCIL DATE', SUBJECT'. Doc.or ShOrtages and the communilY ResidencY program MarK G. McDonald, Chief Administrative OffIcer FROM'. February 27,2004 - lntroductiQn: co,ncil p"'''''''''' "tho"",d partlolpatOn 'n a pIk>t proiCC' lead b, Mlddl'"'' Co''''''' <hat ...,Id ""p '" "rtlfy docto", ..., ",,, _n "",nod in oth" ""nm.' '" "",- In lo'" ",,,,,,,,,nttl'" This "part pro~d" an ,pdale ,n ,,,, inttlatNe ""eoed '" " <h' "community ResidencY program" . QlscUSSion~ ThO S...dng Co",,,,'ttee I""l"d In '''' d"",n 01 thl' pl~i project haS ",ad. g,eal ,""," In ",...n<in<l lhO 'Co",,,,MiI'i R"ldenOV P'oll""" ,,,,,,,n'" pro'" 01 the "'~, I' attached for your information. , _l(ad 'propa"" 10' a Mlddlese,_E\gln Co""",nil'i Re"''''''' Pro9"'" . " nead, ",,,,,lei. and Ioeal ""n\cipa".' wi" be so\\ciI'" 10' ,"""......."', 0"" the ,," project parameters are Known. conclUsion: - - ThO "ciII"" pro,pect 01 earl"''''' ph"leia'" """ ha" been "",nod in olha' ""ntr'" '0' P"""" in 0" ",,,,,,,,,,,ttI" Is ta""'9 ,hap" ,Io<",al prop,,,al fo' "nd'n9 'ro'" "" Fed""l and pro~noa\ go",,,,,,,,nls i' bein9 finai"'" and """'0' wi" b' ">I>,.ed 0' lhO details in due course. Becommendation: That this report be received and filed as information. ALL of which is respectfUllY submitted, ---/ / MarK G. McDonald. Chief Administrative OffIcer. . Community Residency Program for Middlesex-Elgin Introduction: There are many communities in dire need of doctors. There are many medical graduates unable to get residency positions required \0 complete their qualifications. Creating residencies attached to the communities in need is the bridge \0 connect the problem and the solution by attracting medical graduates with the opportunity to become qualified doctors. This is the basic concept of the Community Residency Program and it will require Ihe effort and co- operation of the existing medical community, the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine and all three levels of government. Middlesex and Elgin County Councils have decided to spearhead a pilot project \0 initiate this idea as a workable solution \0 the doctor shortage in our communities and we are seeking the partners and stakeholders needed \0 carry out this project. It is a simple idea, but we know it wiii be a complex task. Purpose: To ensure that the communities in Middlesex and Elgin Counties have adequate medical care capacity from rural physicians practicing in the area. What is the real problem? First, the shortage .of practicing rural physicians in the MiddlesexcElgin area has reached crisis level. Our communities do not have enough physicians and further, many doctors are retiring or about to retire without a succession plan. Community competition for doctors is not an effective solution because it sets one community against another and does nothing to increase the availability of physicians. A better approach would be \0 increase the supply of qualified physicians. Second, the number of medical graduates, domestic and foreign-trained, who are able to comple\e their qualifications is restricted by the number of training positions available in the Thames Vaiiey area. Though there is evidence of a shared community desire to increase the number of training positions, there is no specific funding source to help create new training positions. Third, training for rural physicians is also limited by the number of accredited trainers with a rural backgr9und. Existing rural physicians accredited to local hospitais could be offered incentives and assistance \0 train as preceptors (medical teaching supervisors) in our communities. Fourth, integration and acclimatization into a rural community can be difficult, particularly for international medical physicians and those not familiar with Canadian rural practice. An aCtive community support and networking program would aid this. Finally, a rural practice offers both advantages and chaiienges. The benefits of the rural lifestyle may be offset by prOblems such as transportation and a dispersed patient base. It is easier for new physicians to locate in communities where eXisting practices are in place and the workload can be shared - before a community loses its doctor. Where smaller communities do not have sufficient patient base to support a local medical practice, creative strategies must be devised to provide itinerant and relief services. A number of partners will have to co-operate to solve the doctor shortage in our communities. , What are the Appropriate Roles for the Major Players? . Members of the existing Medical Community: Support the concept of a continuum of medical care in our communities and participate in the Community Residency Program as preceptors to new physicians in residence. . The University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine: Create more rural practice seats for medical graduates to complete their qualifications and support training for preceptors in our rural communities, as the regional medical school in our area. . Federal and Provincial Governments: Support the Community Residency Program with funding \0 create community based residency positions and to attract and train preceptors through the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine . The Middlesex and Elgin County administrations: Champion the Community Residency Program for Middlesex-Elgin, support the program and work with our constituent communities to assist with the integration of the new doctors into our communities. Vi"",.~ "" ..~ ...", . . ...~ .. - """",do."" - p., lI\eetin9 01 interested par\.i~s \las oCC\lrled,W~ h:~p ~;:,..... """" -" <0< -""-~' staKeholders. to dral\ an action and cOll\lO\lnlca 10 . S\lblOiSsion b~ \\le lOiddle 01 Marc\l, Who are the contacts io! t\10 llrograll\'? B'll Ra~b\lll\ Middlese)l. CO\ln\~ Cp.,O ~ar\<. Macoonald I::lgin CO\ln\~ Cp.,O t5W) 4M-132~ )I. 249 t5~9) 63~.~460 )I.~05 REfO'RT TO' CO'UNTY COUNCIL fRO"" auhY B''''"P, ",-'" 'fL"""-' DATE: 26 FebruarY 2004 SUBJECT: Elginconnects/Steering Committee INTRO'DUCTIO'N - Elgi"""".'''''' "'_ ,f ",,,,,,,_ __ "",,,,,,,ut '" eo- orE",," '"" tI< e", of St, 'fb>m'" """ "" _ _ '" -" ,I< -" "" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,oW ",""logy. ,1>< "'" ",_ fu' Big''''"''''''' "'" B\gID eo"->> """'" """,,p~ut CMP',.t\>,u (ECFoCl "'" '" ""'" L- "" p<oj<cl_..""""h '" __"" "" ,...-.. ""..,.. '" "'" """"" ."""'5" 'fbo"'" w<ll 0,"," ",.u" ",,,,,", "" """"''''''' investment in tecbnology. Do'" Luon ""uld 1'" eo_ eo""'o" .."",'" ,,\1\0, up"- "'''''''- "" ElginCOnnects. DISCUSSIO'N~ - - Do'" Lon" ""uld b'" '" out up · - -"'"" '" ",;,t "'''' -"'" "" ,""'--, "" ""'" opp"'"''''' "" F,""""-' A""""" tl< ",iut of""" '" ""!"''' '" ~- ,,~ tI< 1_" Big"""""'" """" will "",w F,1g1o" ..,.- tl< ,pport- to -~ ,,,"out _ion """,'''' _1 ",_"", oofu" """, out to '" """",""", ""b. 1,",11""" "" e"",, ,fEOI'De ,,""""''' '" ""'.. """ fu' --. '"", L-" -;""'" "" "'" 00 _(2) _"""" fro'" ",,,, ,.. eo- "" e<y, _(1) :""'''' ?'"''''' ,,o l') .... _" "" _ (2) 'uP~ fro":" ",,,,,,,_ ., """,. .eo-""" """ ... 00 f""'" tn """ . ,,,,,,,,,I i-' _'" """,,,pol ",,,,""'" """, ""',,,., "" - ..""".. ",. It ,,__ ,IoU """, -- "'" -log """. CO'NCLUSIO'N..;. - _ tl< e,- "" "" _ '" Bl_- ,",,'" ",""",,''''''''' ",,"?""""''' p",",' It" "'" """"""" "" "" """'" "" ,~"" "" -"'" "'- '"" ... """ '" to "" i>nP"--"'- "" "'- "",,",," ofB~-' Page 2 Elginconnects/Steering Committee RECOMMENDATION: THAT County Council recommends one (1) elected official and one (1) staff person to sit on the steering committee for ElgincOlmects to assist with the implementation ofthe portal application. ~~- Cathy ~hop (; . Manager of Library Services Approved for Submission ~/1.r- ~ MarkG.~ Chief Administrative Officer Respectfully Submitted ~ ,. M:lrcn9 sess\on, '2.004 """ ",.olOO ... ",,_' ,I"" """ 0>'" -~, eratlon tn\\eage, and eJtpense5 pa\d to eaen ,,. I~""'" . "~"",,,,, '" "" ~ 'd I "^,,,, " 2"'" ~ 0- ", "'" ~"",,", '" "" """ 0>'"" 0>',,,, '" ,,. "'" ' REtAUtlERAilOtl aod tAI\.EP.GE _~..N\\i1 CRE\)11S fJl..ULOS r\Jl..BKIRK MCIN1'i'RE N\Cpr\p.IL ROCK SIEWp.Rl \) p.NBRENK WILSON iOi P.L OENNIS JI... pJl..UL ROBER' C. JIM OUNCp.N 01'.\)10 M. Mf'Y. RIEN JorlM By.La-r/ OS.o2, By-La-r/ OS-OS and By.La-r/ 02-S6. Jl..LL -r/n\cn is respeetl\JllY s\Jbtn\tted. r ~ . \ee5 ~er \al seN Linda \3, ~ f\nane o\reetor 0 15,004.91 15.705.6'3 15.49'3,'2.'3 15,&50,76 16,795,51 15.004 ,91 15.004,91 16,&1'3.4& '37,&96.89 ~ ~ p.ppro'ied lor s\Jbtn\sSion. DIRECTOR OF l'INANCIALSERVICES_STATE.MENT Or'tCONVENTIQN EXPENSES. - ___._~._.. __n_____ ___________ _____ ____ FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, the following is an itemized statement of the conventions attended and expenses paid to each Member of Elgin County Council, during the calendar year ending 31-Dec-03 2003 CONVENTIONR 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL FOR COUNCILOR ROMA/OGRA OSUM AMQ OANHSS ACRO COUNCILLO~ CREVITS, D. A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ FAULDS, P. 367.36 0.00 1,574.54 0.00 0.00 $ 1,941.90 HABKIRK, R. 172.53 1,314.48 328.57 0.00 0.00 $ 1,815.58 MC INTYRE, J. A. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ MCPHAIL, D. J. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ ROCK, D. M. 726.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 726.02 STEWART, M. H. 1,034.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ 1,034.60 VAN BRENK, R. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ WILSON, J. R 3,013.82 381.79 1,092.15 0.00 734.82 $ 5,222.58 TOTALS $ 5,314.33 $ 1,696.27 $ 2,995.26 $ - $ 734.82 $ 10,740.68 Ail figures include G.S.T. OSUM AMO OANHSS ACRO ROMAlOGRA RURAL ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIA nON ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ONTARIO SMALL URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPALITIES ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF NON-PROFIT HOUSING FOR SENIORS AMO COUNTIES AND REGIONS Ail of which is respectfuily submitted. ~~ ~INDA B. VEGE~ DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ,?\ ''(h/( I ./ ) MA~MC~ nONAt[j CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF REMUNERATION AND I=XPE.NSES March 9 Session, 2004 To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, The following is a statement of the remuneration, mileage, and expenses paid to persons appointed to Outside Boards for the period January 1, 2003 to December 31 , 2003 as authorized by the following By-Laws: !-AND DIVISION COMMITTEE IBv-Law 00-26\ HENTZ LEBEDZ MENNILL SCHAFER SILCOX TOTAL PETER TERE R. DAVID E. MATTHEW A. MURRAY 2,028.34 1,857.80 2,786.00 3,082.00 1,800.80 _11,554.94 j':LGIN ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT (COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECEMBER 10, 2002) MCINTYRE MCPHAIL ROCK WILSON TOTAL J. D. J. D.M. J. R. 3 HRS 3+HRS MEETINGS TRAVEL 7 3 719.00 189.54 5 3 595.00 392.00 1 0 62.00 0.00 5 3 595.00 154.00 908.54 987.00 62.00 749.00 2,706.54 THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL (COUNCIL RESOLUTION DECEMBER 10, 2002) HABKIRK ROBERT C. EXPENSES 787.45 TOTAL 15,048.93 ALL which is respectfully submitted. Approved for submission. ~C; ) MarkG~ Chief Administrative Officer --., oP~~ Linda B. Veger (/ Director of Financial Services COUNTY OF ELGIN GRANTS 2004 Budget Request 1 Shedden Agricultural Society 2 Wallacetown Agricultural Society 3 Rodney-Aldborough Agricultural Society 4 Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 5 Elgin 4-H Association 6 Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre 7 Quad County Support Services 8 Seniors Picnic 9 St Thomas - Elgin Art Gallery 10 St Thomas Elgin YMCA 11 Talbot Bi-Centennial Committee 12 Non-specific 13 Town Crier 14 Galbraith Project 15 Second Stage Housing 16 St. Thomas Gun Club 17 East Eigin Medical Facility 18 YWCA of St Thomas 19 Easter Seal Society - St Thomas - Elgin 20 Elgin Community Nutrition Partnership 21 Dutton/Dunwich Medical Building 22 Jabez Therapy Ranch 23 On Track 24 Royal Canadian Legion 25 Junior Achievement Total St Thomas-Elgin General Hospital Foundation Request referred to 2004 Requested 2003 2004 4,500 3,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 7,500 7,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,556 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 To be paid over five years approved 2000 7,500 - Requesting 7500/year over two years 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 750 3,500 3,500 5,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 for 2003 and 2004 50,000 5,000 - No amount specified 10,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 for 2003 and 2004 No amount specified No amount specified No amount specified No amount specified 143,250 177,556 r .' ~. f". r .i, ' " " ,- ~" ~ I. I F\ In ! '<,. I ,,. ~f ! .a I ,. ,.. f' ..\ . I ,- ~f .~OI . ,.. f. '. , .oi.... .' ~f " ,. 'rl, ,.. 1: I ~\ ': ,- I~:'. , .l", ,- /it" '~ ~ ~i", ' ,- 1i" \.--- .'110.... 18 39\1d S~rl~ S~ SHEDDEN, Ontario NDL 2ED January 30, 2004 County of Elgin Linda Veger 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS. Onto N5R 5Vl Dear Linda: The Shedden Agricultural Society will be celeb.ating their l50th Anniversary this year. The Directors are requesting a grant of $3500 for 2004. This money will be used to pay prize money. We apprecia~e ~he financial support the County of Elgin has given our fair. Yours truly " ,j;;; ; ;;~./ ,,>i" /ry/1L t,d / Shirley LafIghurst '^' Secretary R# 1 SOUTHWOLD, ONT NOL 2GO .~_.~,V':-:-:...;~ i I . H81I3l llI8 ,~" ""-:'"1';~; ,- .~i'lF"' ""T-T-' -r~-- -- . S886P9L SS:66 ~ I' , i' 'II 'I" \ " i,l, " ~ 'iI' \ ~,1. J ,Ill II \, 'i): " \ , "j ,'i' \ , 1,1, " , ',"J .1" \' ,.I, 1\ . ii" \ ,I: ': \ 1'1"\, iJ, J I"~ \ '.1 ',\ '" I II \ , '.1, ,. , , " I 1'1' \ ....1, :, \ f' I 'r.-. , .-. " . ;)."" Ii .... P006/86/10 ..-. \~) WaUacetown AgricUltural Society BoX 74, Dutton, Ontario NOL 130 762-6164 Administrator Mark MacDonald County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R SVl To: County of Elgin '" _ of '" W,,-' ^"~,",,, "'"", ' ""'" ... W _ ,., '" ,.. - of "" '"' w. .. _ 1 _ "" W "",,", ,.. -- '" .- · ... · ... .... .. - '"""" "' .- '" .._ ,'" ,,_ ,od """"" """ of" 2"" ..... ,_....... of'" ""'" '" yoo _ ... " .. """'" _ .. .._ ^"""""' """ _'" "" W .... "'" ,~ ""'"' . "" '" ,_ '" ""'''._ W .. '"' """" "'" ",.,.. U "'" U "'"" - $15," " prim money in various classes at the fall fair. ... "",. m ...... . "'" . _. W...." " -- ". "",. ."""" '" '"' - .. ,- of _ '" _ ' -- ..., - ,f ..,,, '" '"' " "'" · - '" ''''" ...... "''''' """'__ W _w .._,"""P""""'" -"""" """.- '" ..-- ^"""""' "'"" .. "'" .... " .-'" """' _ -- ",- ,,,," -""" '" ""'" _ . "'" U __ ..-' ~H "". "",. ',fl I, - "' - .... , " -. "' -' "'" ...'" '" _ _ ,_ '" _"'" '" __"" ~H _. . '" ,"" ~H " VI- ,,,,,, "" ",,,,,, "'...... -,.,- of'" ,"",,.,. ""'" pold" " .... .... """" of _ - " "" - ......... '" - .'" .. ""'" "' - · ,,~ , ,---- -.---""'..... -"''''''''' Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, January 26, 20()4 J{. UrMl ~rf-v-- Rate yan Elslander, secretary 'IN allacetown Agricultural Society (j) RODNEY ALDBOROUGH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 130 Rodney, Ontario, NOL 2CO January 26, 2004 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Dear County Council Member The Rodney Aldborough Agricultural Society (RAS.S.) extends their appreciation and thanks for the grant received in 2003 from the County of Elgin and for the ongoing support each year. It is reassuring, for those planning this annual event, to know that the County is supportive and willing to invest in its success Also, please consider this letter as a request to the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a grant in the amount of $4500.00 in the current year of 2004. The RAAS is governed by a voiunteer Board of Directors consisting of 20 Directors and currently holds a membership of approximately 300 people, young and old. With the help of many dedicated volunteers, the fair will celebrate.150years, September 17th, 18th & 19th, 2004. What an accomplishment! Each year, lhe Board and volunteers strive to implement new ideas to continue attracting community interest and participation. With assistance from the County of EJgin, the Fair will be able to offer the following 1n 2004: VIP program: Grade 1 classes from lhe local schools, seniors, and local organizations who assist people with developmental disabilities are invited on the Friday afternoon of the fair for lunch, a special viewing of the fair exhibits and entertainment Approximately 300 attend this program. Displays & Educational Material: Displays and literature (that once could be ordered at no cost) on various topics, including farming, recycling, safe water, fair history etc. Awards & Recognitions: Prizes awarded to winning entrants of designated classes. Classes range from Culinary Arts and Creative Crafts to Parade and Livestock shows. (Enclosed please find a copy of last year prize list for your information) Thank you for taking this request into consideration. "'--.. s~;2e l dl..^ /(j? CJ'> 'aL---PULJ /~uq ji Jane cGregor ~ President 173 3492 r I VI- FEB-2i-2004 01:04 Ptl FAIR --" @ ---- \ AYLMER & EAST ELGIN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Elgin countyl$ Fair For over 150 vears secretarY/Manager'''' Office Phone: 519.773-3445 Fax:_ ?19_'7'73-34~2 P.O. BoX 192 Aylmer, ON N5" 2R9. 2004-the 158'. Aylmer Fair! Ja~IU1fY 24, 2004 Count)' of Elgin, 450 Sunset Drive, St. ThomaS, 01'01, N5R 5V I. Attention: Coun\y < f Elgin Coun<:i1 Oear Council: O. "",.If ".. ^ _ ... n.. fl." "".."'" So"",, . ..,.,. ... ,,_.. c_ "el'" r",'" _",.r ..."... 'd'~ .._. ,,- _...P"P"'....... ".. -" .,- ,.w _ '"......" "" m'iUoo................ P""'-" ,- .o! """" "'Wiw",",' "" "'" """d"""'" ..,-""""",,,,,,,---" ................- "" .""'.....".. ..."""'"'''''-....,...-'''.. ,,,~_.._~,,... Uves. The Aylmer I air also increases the tollriSIll dollars being s~t in our area. "._of" ^''''''...___.......-'''''',''''''''''.._re..-.fid'... one which both edu~tes and entertains. but we need your help. We "'o\lld appreciate it if the C.)u11Cil would _""" __" _.... ^"""' 'd _ Y<"'~ -,.,.. ""'"", ..". ,,,,.......... _.\1 ,..","" ,........ "'" "" ,,_.. """'.. -,,,......."""""" of" '.w. '" ",...,,__ .w_~ __.,..~._' -.... ....."'h..,..- "'..... _ ....._..- ,,~, 'd. W' ......""""^""'" ,.w .._"." _"'''C,,",,' of Elgin, and that i bring.~ significant tourism dollars into toWll. your support will _~elP to make the 153'" Aylmer Pair II terrific success. Tblltll< you for yoo~ conside....tion. See yOU at the Fair Sincerely, ~~f\ CJ-fv1~ Deverll Chmamtly SecretaryfManagl Encl~ 2003 F' ial Statements \ County of Elgin 450 Sunset Orive St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl Mission To provide human support resources Vision Enabling individual independence .~ Telephone: (519) 842-900 FaX'. (519) 842-472 Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre The Livingston Centre 96 Tillson Avenue, TiIlsonburg, ON N4G 3A1 January 30, 2004 Dear Warden David Rock and council Members: flElB S 201M COlllID' OF El~ MMlI\IIStAA-mIE ~\!f{f.S We respec1fUlly request that yOU consider the Adult Basic Literacy program (Tillsonburg & Oistric1 Multi- Service Centre) when awarding municipal grant funds this year. Thank you, again, for your contribution of $2,000.00 in 2003. Adult Basic Literacy has been help'lng adults from your community leam to read for 17 years. In 2003, 951 hours ot literacy support were provided to students from Elgin County. A statistics sheet capturing local Adult Basic Literacy ac1ivity and outcomes (as well as our most recent pamphlet and newsletter) is altached. This program is not completely funded by government or fundraising dollars _ we continue to need the support of our local community. \ The ac1:~I~ost of providing the unfunded portion of this programming (using service levels from 2003 as a guide) in 2004/05 amounts to $5,556.00 for Elgin County students. All. grant dollars would be applied directly to literacy program expenses in 2004/05, os has always been the case. . Program goals and objec1ives have been developed for Adult Basic Literacy, as they are annually in ail TDMSC programs. outcomes are measured and documented. This year, three literacy goals are: . To continue to meet client needs working with referring agents to establish goals, common outcomes and assisting in work transitions. . To further enhance student literacY ac1ivilies, ensuring clients can do what they say they can do. . To continue to work with community partners to ensure community needs are met and local labour market trends (e.g.. plant closures) are monitored. Staff members continue to be guided by TDMSC and funder quality standards as demonstration of accountability to oil of our partners. our Grants committee would welcome any opportunity to present our grant request to the members of council in order to answer any questions yoU may have. And, once again, thank you for your continued support. \ fk Sincerely, Marlene Pink, Executive Director C: Val Foerster, Chairperson, T&D Multi-Service Centre Boord ot Direc10rs Maureen Vandenberghe, communications & Development coordinator. T&O MSC Att: Mark McDonald, CAO/Linda Veger, Oirector of Financial Services ~ T&D Multi-Service Centre Statistics: Elgin January to December 2003: Adult Basic Literacy Number of Clients I Hours of Service 29 I 951 m Program and Outcomes Information Positive Outcomes (for adults completing the ABL program in 2003) Fifty-five percent (55%) of students were successfully employed upon leaving the program. In addition: );> 15% of all students moved from Literacy Basic Skills (LBS) Level one to two (note: the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities developed the Literacy Basic Skills (LBS) standards system. There are five LBS levels, roughly equivalent to grades 1 through 9). );> 26.47% of students that moved on to small group sessions or on-line learning were originally involved in the program in a one to one tutor student match. Personal Profiles (names have been changed) . Mary, a single mother with health problems, unemployed and on social assistance, received help in, spelling, vocabulary development and writing skills. Mary has referred others to the program and taken advantage of computer classes and goal setting workshops. Able to create her own resume, she secured a job at a local factory and is considering a career change (Personal Support Worker). . Peter arrived in Canada six years ago capable of reading only a few one-syllable words. Matched with a tutor, Peter has been a serious student. He is now capable of writing letters, as well as writing notes and reports at work, and reads in his church. He has improved his employment situation and hopes to enter a formal apprenticeship program. He also sponsors a child in a developing nation - to whom he regularly writes! . Vicki entered the program with clear goals: to improve her spelling and her ability to complete work related forms. Her confidence has increased dramatically at work and in life. She has made p,e,eo'O\\OO' '0 co\(OOgue' ond " ob(e '0 co",p(e'e t_' occuro'elY. . Morilyn" loilla( gOO(' 'oduded beiog oble '0 ,ood 'he _,pope" ",Og""O"" labe" ood ,;gO" She 000 woo'ed '0 be ob(e '0 write no'e" (e\\e~ ood c,eote 0 ,.,u",e, MO"yn" oow oble '0 co",p(ele cheaU"" " ,eodlog (\b"'''' bOO"' ood hO' ,ecu,ed h'" G' driVl09 (icen,e,1he (Odeo",d coofideoce ood ,b" (eW'" hove led he' to ano\hergoal: ge\\ing her high school diploma. program oetai\s: 2003 One to one Tutoring program "", ",peel ot ,he ",,,,,'0'" o.e~ ooe '0 one 'o,)oJchoO tor odU"' bo,ed 00 IQdNidUO( gOOO, SI"den" o,e ",o'ched wIIh 'ut"" 'hOt hove uod",gone ,he reau,ed 'ro'o'Og ood oneotolloo pwee" la' we' 0' ",eenog a' ,up...,"IOO ood ",oo"OOOg reaulre",eo"), "0'" APril?!$fl '0 Mo,ch ot 2003, vo(Uote"" provided over y:JYJ he"" ot ,...,ice '0 'he program. Sludeot pWgre" (, ",oo,,,ed u<og a ,y"e'" co'ed LlterOCV 50<c Sb", 'ileroCY 50'ic Ski" ,eve(, \I8SI oie ,'oodard' develOped bY ,he MlO'1tY 01 1wiol09, co'ege, and UOlveoille', 1We ore five ~aodo<d' - WUghtY eauNa(eo' '0 grade' \ '09, 1he MSC A" ",Og,o'" ""v'" 'hO'" clleO" 'ha' are primarily 0\ levels' and 2. S",oU Gfl'up (0,,,,,,,"0", UlerocY Bridging (nlllal'" 1he A" p,ogw'" 0"" ol\eO ,"'0' groUP 10"UC'\Oo to< 'h'''" \hol ore reod'! to "",ve '0'" a one '0 one ,llUohon '0 0 grOUP ",.'09, 1he,e o<e th,ee op\\on' a ,eodlngl.,.;\\ng group, 0 ("eWcYlco"'pu'" group ood a Ii\erocy/in\eme\ group. OJ \f Quod COU1l1Y Suppor1 sef\l\ces .elepnone 5\9-\\93-\8\2 fo~ 5\9-\\93-7055 MoIling Addle..' P. O. ~Jl65. V/ordsv1Ile. onlol1o. NO~ ZNO aECE,"EO Warden Dave Rock County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St. ThotnaS, Ontario N5R Wl J/l.~ 12 - CQU\\\1"l Of~~~ ~_\~~~'II',,"," January 5, 2004 Dear Warden Rock and Council Members: On """'f ,f ""'" """, ,U!'P"" ,,,,",,, ''''' .-' "" yo'" ,,",""- "'" """" f" , ll"'" " "" "","", ,1$2,000,00, F"""",,," 1963,"'" ",,,,,,"'" ,.... " "'''''''' ",""," ""diog " "" ",,_ ,"",'" ofE'''' """" """ b'" "'" ,,_m wi1h' ",clOP""'" ",,,,,,li", '" _..... f" "",i'" --" ,",W ",d" ". ",,,, """ """" wi" '" ""of _ "'" funding _'" ""i"'Y of ",-" '"" ,,,,,,", "",i'" "" -' "" '" ,l'P"""" " ._' " "",,,,,., "" doli'" "" """'" -'" to "'" _ noW ",d " "" _, ",,, P""''''' ,,",' w' '" ,,,,,- """",~ ""..",,, _ th' "'" ",no"" v;o _ b..oo '" · ""","" fo,",""- Middlese1\. Elgin Municipality of Chatham-Kent Lambton _ Dawn_Euphemia _ Brooke-Alvinston Qo'" C,,"," ,_rt S""", ".-. "" "'Ilow,""'''''-' -'''''''' '" Wmd.,u", "" '" OJ"'''''' ""' '" W'" Lo'" ..,\ "" in~' "', ",-" -"""",, 0""" ",d th' _ Coo'" ",d' ,"",ort'" _,,,,,,,,,, 0p1l'" '0> 12 "",,,- wod<inll '" ,,~, 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 330.00 330.00 ~0~\~\S1R~1 O~ OffiCES \95 Welling\on SI. WorcS'll\le, Onlo110 ~Ol 2~0 (5\9) \\93-48\2 (5\9) 693-7055 (fo<) RESOURCE CE~1ER 205 ~i,lorio Slreel 'Noros.\i\\\e, Onlario ~Ol 2~0 (5\9) \\93-4478 \5\9) 693-4478 (\01) CO~~U~\1'I f~PlO'(~E~1 OP110~S \91 Queen S\(eel \fojafds'.j\\\e, Ontario ~Ol 2~0 \5\9) 693-4929 RESIOE~11~l 5ER'lICE5 159 ~,~e\\or 51. G\encoe, On\1JttO ~Ol \\AO \5\9) ,87-23Go \5\9) ,o7-5S05 (\0<) page 2 QCSS Grant application ...""'''' _..... "" ~"""" _, '" ~I ,.- in VI""'''';'\<' "'" lldd"''''' S",^'" """.'" . S_"'" ",_""" ""'" ""_ "" - in"""- wI>> ,~id' " GI-' '"" VI'" L<<" '" w,n, w, 0"''' "",it)' d.., in p"_ fo< indi,'d"'" wbP ",'do in th< "","' _, """ _, ""~.." ,.."do _'''' '" . ",,,, of 65 indi"d,,",,' Qu' _ bod'J th< Mini"" ,fero=,ci" "" S,,,,,, S""'" p.."d" '00% -' fo< "''' ,f th< """"" we ,,- "id 7<1'/. _, "" th< eo_,ci" ""pi,,....., Gtid'"" "". ...- " _"'" '" ._ th< ,0% """"" ",."gh th<" "",,,",,, ",d ~o"""- ~"', ",.,.,1l, ". Adininl....." """'" "" · 7% -" fuo' th< Mu,""" - no' """ "" "" """",,,"" ~ """'_ ",,,,,,,,,,",, f'" ... """"". T, "",bl' ". '" ""ti_ '" .""".in "', p_ \<"" of .","" in""'''''''' -'''' ", "''''''''''' wi"- ",.","" "a""" of "",_ ThO..... w' "'''' ""'" fu_" '" "','" in P""""" Y"" """ ""'" ,,_'I)' _'" in .,,,",,,, "" b''''- """_"",,. If ,"" - "" """"""" inl-"'''''' p''''' ",I "'" '" _~ '" ., 693-492' 0< 693-4'1\2, '-" 'I" fo< 'I"" tim' '"" """id"""" in this matter. Sincerely, ~~ Mrs. Lyn Moni~ corresponding Secretary Quad County Support Services Board of Directors NlMI~\S1Rki\O~ OffiCES \95 Wellin9ton st. INQrosv'tlle, Cmto.r'\O NOL 2NO (,\9) [,93-4812 (Sl9\ ['93-705' (fa') RESOURCE CE~iER 20' ~icta(ia st"et ~ard~\\\e, Ontario ~OL 2~0 (,19) [,93-4478 \,19) 693-4478 (\0') COMMUNtT1 EMPLO~MENi OPiIONS \91 Queen Sheet 'Mo{dsvi\\e, On\Q(\o NOL 2NO (,19) [,93-4929 RES\DE~itN. SER'<\CES \,9 McKella( SI. Glencoe, Ontario ~OL \MO \5\9) 287-2306 (,19) 287-590' \10') MARK G. McDONALD CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (Mrs.) SANDRA J. HEFFREN DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK CD 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 PHONE (519) 631-1460 FAX (519) 633-7661 www.elgln-county.on.ca September 23, 2003 'Since 1852' Mr. Ken Verrell Chairperson Seniors Picnic Committee 10 Wilson Avenue ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 3P8 Dear Mr. Verrell: The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, at its meeting held on September 23, 2003, adopted the following recommendation: "THAT the request for $2,500 in funding for the 2004 Seniors Picnic Event be forwarded to Financial Services to be considered during the 2004 budget deliberations. - Carried. (signed) Warden John R. Wilson" Council's decision for funding will be forwarded to you after the 2004 grants have been considered. Yours truly, ~~Mffi)' Deputy Clerk. cc Linda Veger, Director of Financial Services J:.p-o-c.I:JIO'1 \01:c::.~t'" rKUM~ TO: 6314291 FebruaiY 6, 2004 Members of County Council, Mr. M. McDonald, & Ms, L, Veger c/o E.lgin County Administration Office 450 Suoset Drive st. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Re: STEPAC Annual Grant Request 2004 Members of County council, Mark, 8. Linda: The 60ard of Directors and Staff of the St. Thomas-Elgin Public Art Centre would like to thank you for your continued financial support. As you are prObePly aware, securing financial support is an ongoing funding problem for nonprofit organizations, Wilh this In mind, we ask th...tyou seriously consider our request for $10,000 for 2004, This amount is higher than the grant awarded to us 'in 2003, however. the Art Centre feels there is a genuine need for this increase. The closure of Bingo 8ingo in 2003 directly affectect many organizations in Elgin Counly. the Art Centre was among those casualties. Although we have stepped-up our fund-raising efforts in 2004, developing new initiatives, the uncertainty of the success of these programs weighs heavily on the Art Cenlre ability to produce a balanced budget for 2004. We note that there has bean an ongoing participation by residents of Elgin Counly with the Art Centre and in order to maintain and improve these serviceS we need your support. In that regard we are providiog the following ioformation to support the Art Centre's grant requElst for $10,000. The facts shOW below are usage statistics for the residents of Elgin County and just some of the examples of programs and events directly benefiting those residents. It is our hope that after reviewing the information provided, the council Members wm elect to continue to lend their support to lhe Art Ceotre: a. Art Centre usage by Elgin County residents (percent$~es based on records kept for 2003): Children's Classes & WorkshOPS 30% Adult Classes & Workshops 49% Artists Exhibiling Work 48% TOUTS of Exhibitions/Facility 42% . Members of STE.PAC 39% Instructors hired for classes 31 % Artists (from artist list) 43% An average of 40% of those participatio", in, and enioying the services offered by STEPAC are individuals living in the County of E\gli\ outside the City of St. Thomas. FEB-5-2004 i) Ii) 01:25P FROM: TO: 5314297 P:3/B STEPAC was proud to award two $1000.00 Scholarships, through a bark McDougall Scholarship trUst fund. The two recipients were a student from West!Elgin Secondary School and a student from East Elgin Secondary Schaal. Attached is a thank you letter from the Easl Elgin Recipient. the Principal of East Elgin Secondary School and the Stewart of the scholarship fund. iii) STEPAC presented an exhibition, in conjunclion with Museum London. entitled The Talbot Settlement: A Celebration of the Bicentennial. This exhibition celebrated Elgin County lhrough its historic roots as the Talbot Settlement. The exhibit on loan from Museum London was complimented by our own whiCh featured the work of Elgin County Artists, past and present. This exhibition was widely attended. ; STEP AC currently houses over 600 works of art in its permanent collI clion. Through the use of our Timken Foundation Gallery, we present the visual history I)f Elgin County. This exhibition runs year-round and provides, not only a visual record of Elgin County, but an archive for information on historical locations and artists. IV) In 2003 the Art Centre participeled in P .LAY. (Positive Leisure Activities for Youth), a grass-roots initiative offering opportunities for underprivileged children to participate in classes and workshop. The Art Centre willpe continuing this partnership in 2004 and we have included a copy of their letter of thanks. Lastly, STEPAC participated in two county wide events, the Elgin Family Fair (Saturday, April 5, 2003) and lhe Onlario Early Years Open House (September 2003), through its localions in Aylmer and St. Thomas. V) I hope that this further clarifies the usage of th" Art Centre's services by Elgin County residences, and reinforce the need for Couoty support. In addition, a copy of STEPAC's Projected Budget for 2004, is enclosed as requested. Thank you for your time and consideration with regards to STEPAC's annual grant request. Sincerel~_", Debra Seabrook -- - STEPAC, Executive Director TO: 5314297 P:7/8 FEB-5-2004 01:25P FROM: Projected Operating Budget- STEPAC 2004 Revenue Memberships Donations: Government: City of SI. Thomas County of Elgin SEED Grant Endowment Fund Interest Education Programs Exhibitions Fundraisers GST Rebate Total Income $5,500 $15,100 $63,000 $10,000 $4,000 $5,000 $14,000 $3,600 $32,650 $1,500 $154,350 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits (3 full-lime, 2 part-time) $90,400 Building $26,600 Professional Fees $5,000 Interest & Bank Charges $1,000 Advertising & Newsletters $3,500 Office, Stationary & Postage $7,000 Telephone 8. Inlernet $2,500 Permanent Collection $2,550 Educational Programs $9,500 Exhibitions $5,800 Hospilality and Volunteer Recognition $500 Total Expenditures $154,350 ll9 S1. THOMAS-ELGIN \\ \ \ Second Stage Housing 0~ 15 Golding Place SI. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6B6 __ ~ phone: (519) 637-22BB . tax: (519) 637-2213' email: secondstoge@omtelecom.ne1 r_ -- ,-.-.., -w- - RECE'"ED January 12,2004 JAN 15 2\lII4 coutm Of a(J~ ~OWllN\S1'AA~ $~_S Warden Dave Rock County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, ON N5R 5Vl Dear Mr. Rock: We wish to thank you and members of Elgin County Council for your past support of our agency and the services we provide for women, with or without children, leaving abusive relationships in Elgin County. Second Stage Housing continues to offer safe, supportive and affordable housing to any woman who has identified a need for ongoing support and safety, is committed to living in a violence-free environment and is dedicated to working toward ending the violence in her life. The Women's Program offers support through individual and group counselling allowing women to make the necessary and informed decisions which will increase their safety and that of their children. During our 2003 calendar year thirty-one (31) women and thirty-nine (39) children participated in our Women's Program, only four from outside of Elgin County, while living at Second Stage Housing One of the key elements of the Women's Program is our Weekly Support Group. This psycho-educationally focused group provides the women with essential information about abuse in relationships, about feelings and about life management skills. Women's Support Group is divided into twenty-four lessons offered over a six month period and are repeated twice yearly. The results of self-report questionnaires completed at the end of each eight-week session reveal that the information obtained during group gives the women an increased ability to make informed decisions regarding their futures. Our agency actively raises funds through bingos, special events, personal and corporate donations. Three of our major fundraising events for 2004 are: our 3rd Annual Women's Night Out, the Daisy of Hope Campaign Tag Days, and our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. . A United Way Agency pi,.., ",",,'e< seron' S"<' H""m, ..d "". u, m "IT ,ffu"", to """,,uo '" ,ff" "rcty ond ,u""" 'u womw "" ,hi lOre' Iw"",,, """I~ ~Jat\o",hlp' In Urn c,unW ul EWn A ""' ,f $3'" w,uld ",,,ort ,,,roxlm,,,,ly ",0 wumw lu "IT pm'- W' fiscal year. Tu pm~d' yun wi'" mu", ,",uun"''" "",ul s",und S"<' Huu,m, w' mW' ",""'''' um "",phI", un' ",,,,t ",oem ",w,,'- '"", full "" "",I,m', PI",' fwl fro< to ,un"",, '" . ,he n""'" ""'~ ue ,"U may """ ~- "",un~Ion ,bont ,w ",""'y ~, wwW .~",rub",u"u",Ing.",. Tmmk y,u fue yun' ","","mUun; wo lunk fuewmd to hearing from you. Sincerely, ~~ Executive Director RHlcs Enclosures I L...__ _ _! - -~ ! --. -L---.-- -- ----..-- i I' i i------ I i -- -- I I_----~- It!.m_ _'jl.dministrationI9ccupanc~,,- ~~i1dren's f'!ogralll III/()me!l's P.r()g"'Oi.,!!~otl!I___ : I .....----f- .._______._ ... __..... "_..- - ,- ____M__.__ - ..-.--..-----~. .---. ...-. _.m..___ iSalaries I Benefits $ 28,000.00 $ 42,000.00 $ 43,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $163,000.00 ____'_______' - _~---_. n.__________' n_. _ _. - ...- --... -----....." -------..- - -------_--_--. -- ----- - '.- ----'--... -- iTravel1 Training $ 250.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,250.00 - t __on ._..... .........___ __._ .......------.. . '-"0-----.. -- -- --- - ------ . -- . - --------- -- --------- ___ pog~al11SupplieS __ -1-- _ $_0,00 ._ $O~Oo._.J 800.001____ 2,Oo.O.()() J 2,800.,0.0 "'_'__" _.._.._.._ _ "_"'________ _. ______ 1_..._. _______0...'." ...__oon _ --...----------- ...-.---- -- ---.. --..-- ".--- .-. Indi~ec:tCosts__ _ _________JII1~ur.ance_____ $ _500.00__$ 1,100.00 _$____8.00.0.0 J> ___800.00__~---.l,2QQ:00 . Utilities $0.00 $15,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 17,000.00 --------- --------------::-_ -Mail1te_nance/Repail1 $1,000.00..$ 5,'000.06 _~-_=~_E3~~0D- $ 500.00 _$ -7,15_0.QQ .----1. Repiacement .. Office Supplies $ 500.00 $ 100.00 $ - Other Supplies -.-- $--500.00 -$ 250.00 $ - Aliocated Admfn--- $ 4~000.00 $ 350.00-$ I . I COSTS Direct Costs --30'0.00 $ -600.00 $ 1,500.00 -500.00"-$ ----250.00 $--1-;500.00- 2,000.0D-_$---~ 2,OgO.00 I $ 8,350.00 Total $ 34,750.00 $64,550.00 $ 49,800.00 $ INCOME Total I Rent $ 4,000.00 $ 56,000.00 $0.00 . United Way $ 1,000.00 $0.00 $ _____1~,000"00 $ ------jFund Raising --. $ 28,OQO,o.O $ 2,100.00 $ 5,000.00 $ ----- -I Lotteriincome ~-". ------..-- $-6,450:00- -- - .... $0.0'0 $ 750.00 $ I HRD Grant $0.00 $0.00 $ 1,800.00 I $ , Miscellaneous $ 1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ $ 34,750.00 $ 64,550.00 $ 49,800.00 $ Total cost of Women's Proqram # women supported in the proqram average cost per woman each year (includes individual, qroup counsellinq and parentinq) $ $ i 57,650.00 $ 206,750:00 $0.00 $ 60,000.00 10,000.00 $ 54,000.00 29,850.00 $ 64,950.00 14,006.06- - $ 21,200.00 1,800:00 $ 3,600.00 2,000.00 $ 3,000.00 57,650.00 $206,750.00 57,650.00 35 1,647.00 \\) 10 1~~~ ~. 't:\gll' ,...'" >s. '""' R> I Dear ~'eger: ",_, ,i" '{VICA ,ib' ",_' "0" ,'_ _, <!" "",,,,"~ '" -"""~ ,i"'." -.. Count)' of Elgin. ooth b'rtMa last year The \Wlldlng at Mary St. was built As yOU may knoW the -yWCA celebrated our 1 \ f Y 100 ye~r hlsIO~' we have nrovlded a multitude of . 1\ f h "WC' In 19].9 over the course 0 our ~'J < f 16" 'P"',ft~' .'" n . . , dd" ..'_""~"~"'O o. ."" ,m"""' ... <N"" " .. ,m''''. oie'.' ",,",", "' ';'~':_i "",,, _N - '" Ay'mN. b' "",,,,,,, m .,,'do ."".' -""'~"f' """'", ."',",. ;'';'''d L~''''''.'''''''''''''' ,-, B''''''''''' ",_~'VI"WO"W" " ,N""~ '" "0"""" "'C<~.s--'-,. m"~ ",\0. '"' A'" """"'._" Ay",,", SC. 0:;;'::" '" .dd'..." om ,,,,,,' ,." ~ ". .",,~, _ d_. Ay_' VI" 'f" ~ " _"" ,. om ,b""~' win"'_" - '" we have offices In Ay\mer and Wesl Lorne. one 0 o~r grea es s h as the 13a#ered Women's Shelter and caring . .' . 1Ololn Count)' ,rogral11S sue" U ." ..,ooi" "",.... ,.,.-0... . db' yWCA ".,,, "'" ri.' "" ." WON ",dy" bo CoP".' wo" _" .., YWCA ~, w'" "'t:' '':'';... C~'"'''''' 0... y""" T_ ",,,,,,, ..,_ _"""'" _ yWCA ,._ ~', "0; ,; ","," AW- y,~, W_, "'...... "'.". "'iocl. '"' wool< W'... y",,~U. . . ":';' .;'" "'''' · ...'"' .0."""' - ",_.001 ""." "',._"., yo"" ""'"" fro. """"'~ .'. ,,,,,.,,,,,,,",.~L "'" ''" "" lo'" """' B W-. Po, '"' ",om .f"'- _'" ,," '.'.' ,,,",," ,",'~ - ,~.'"' ~d w".. ~, "",,," "" om W_. ",,_. w'"'" ."'"" ,:,~:'.;;;:~ :"of ~.~ ""~, ,,- ~d" " 0 ",,,,", .. " ,.. w~~ .... ,.,,_" e''" ~ . \ .' .."'",,'" """ '" ,,,, wo "'" ,,- ,W' ,_,,,,,0 ,._'" ._,_. W, '"""'"' ..'''''.. . ,.' '" "we" ",,"9'''''' '" ~d" w'" " "" w~'" """'" "'" ",,,,",' "''''.,.'''' ","M'"'" " ha~d to bo a committed partner "" community develOpment. ed d u raded the Interior of our building at 16 Mar'} Street "''' ,"' "" ._,,~, .. yWCA'" ",",,," ;' :; . ._'" ,ilfu"". " ,",,.wi'" ",'n..... W.', ~" ",_, ,_ ,..""'~' '""" '" ~,~ ,_01 ~ ,on iO "'. -- ""~ _.~" "" """ _"'" ~ ,,,....' .~" ~d." ~ "....f..~'"' w' "" ,n"" ,~....~ come from the community, Green Lane commumt)' Trust, t e ap ddres5 the Issues facing the e)Cterior of our building" lt has been W. ~.OW _""' ~ . _ ,.' ,,~ .. · " ",~",,,'" ~.."..' VI,.' .,""' ., about 30 year5 since the -yWCA. has made repairs, upg,ra eS ?hr on I ~ent of windoWs In our women's residence, . . h' ff rthy assisting us Wtt rep ace". . . """'" .fE'''" .. ..,.,d" ,.....,. f " '" -. ",," W"." ""', """"' '" ."' '" _",,,.,",, ~ .. ",,,,",," '''''.'"' "' . ,"';""" w, ;.. ._ -., wifu .. 0" "''' "'"".... ",,,,", ._ ."" ""'w _"" "r;. w'. _ ",..... y~' "".d will ~"".. .",,_ '"' . ... ., ...,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,~ """b wmd, ~ . "",",;" """~"' do'''' '"' "". ",,,,",,' current funding that we have received as well as proV\ e everag,e and re5toratlon. r; ! ' Thank yoU so much for your support and consideration. / it 67 g; I I ; > . (' /"'! c_/-'\. / /~' I , ~/ J.-" ^ f . \,/"'_/01 cynthia St. John 130ard President Marla "fIelch Champion E,xecn(\'\Ie Director ,,' Marv Street. St. ThornM, Ont,,\o, Canada .1'\51'253' (519) 631-9800 ~.......9.,'\:. 'lW~e\g\n@mfO.lOI\don.On,Ca. ~ t>..\Jr.ited'ItJa'/MeflC'i PROPOSED BUDGET REQUEST FROM THE YWCA OF ST. THOMA~-ELGIN Energy Efficient Windows Weare requesting support from the County to assist us with the replacement of our windows in the Women's Residence. Our current windows are very old and not energy effIcient. New windows would allow us to continue our efforts in making the Women's Residence a more comfortable place to receive shelter. We have already received funds to replace the windows in our Child Care area and have approached the City of St. Thomas to assist us with the replacement of windows in the rest ofthe building. These windows will be vinyl, double hung, energy efficient, and self cleaning (a real need for the 3rd storey!). The exterior will be heavy gauge aluminium for low maintenance. Residence Windows - 33 windows at $500.00 16,500.00 Roof Mounted Air Conditioning Units As mentioned earlier our building was built in 1929 specifically for the YWCA and the building is without central air. As you can imagine the 3rd floor residence gets extremely hot during the summer months. Often many of these women are in crisis anyway and the extreme heat can make for a difficult communal living environment. We met with several air conditioning contractors and the general recom!llendation was that we should go with large roof mounted air conditioning units. These units would service the Women's Residence, our main floor reception area and our main floor community room. 15,515.00 Air Conditioning Units Signage The YWCA functions as a community centre and offers a variety of pro grams and services, some in partnership with other agencies. Currently we do not have effective signage. We are requesting funding for a sign that would allow us to advertise the programs we offer on a seasonal basis as well as creating an opportunity for our partners to have adequate and appropriate signage in a way that does not become cluttered or distracting for the community. 3,818.00 Signage Boiler Repairs As mentioned before the YWCA was built in 1929 and we utilize a boiler system for our heat. This boiler generally meets the needs of the building but is at an age where parts need to be replaced and general repairs need to be made. We work with Hobbs Welding and Boiler Service and while they were not able to provide us with a specific estimate in time for this proposal they have indicated that the cost of those items would be at least $10,000. 9811.04 Boiler Repairs ,,",,~n' to' ",."",,"" ^"", -, \" . r ,,,,, ,'" 0<<'" ." """, ,,,",,'" """ '" , "" ,,,,,,",,,,,,,nO"" ,,.,, ,,",d' ",d ,in, ;rt~ 'on"" .... ",,>,,' do" ",t ""'" up " "" out.d' "",",' '" "" ""~.'''. ",d "",d''''' , 1:teaV)' trafflC and Vicat1:ter condtttons. 4,356.00 Flooring, $5\),\)\)\)'\)\) 10',^L l\E<llJES'fEl' ",,0'" TIlE COm<<" oV E,""" Quote Name: 'lwell {;ov--Jy w, (JoV\ Address: Phone: (p 3 (- q fOO -e "" t 2- 9 Ilo1e: -Sa"'- ro !D3 ..,."....,' ,..... ?:'~.. ~....._.~BOTvi1le: , CV"""-- WINDOWS "., """, "0"." ".."",.,. "n..".,'" ,d.. "~,I "~I' 0.,,, _"..,.."".,. ",,,,..',,.,,, 2 - l..{ 11 f.. gs ~+~ ~ ~ 1J~ W'/AJ()WS. 1- Yo')( 6Y Oou:61e- Hu~s .fllt- A.J1 SOO ~o.d Fi)(cJ . 13 - ()O"-~ I-!(\~ h (t 72 J1, Cf 00 ~",k [.;::.", , 3- 22'1- /0 OovhL- J-{11~:/ ft 1+ Ii 3~O -eu-J. it 300 ~h : Lj- 321-50 Oov-~ !--lcvO 1-, If- .I ! AU Low E- .s~( -r C{eQh[~) b{a.Js' ".,,,,1, '1'" '" ",. ' ,"', ",.......", "",,,,,,..... ..1"", "'''''",.,....,....,.,,, ",.. ,_", ,~., , "",,""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''' -.""""" ."" ''''''.'''''' Installation /nc/uda: A- {.( A ' I. Exterior <:opping & Caulking C (' eo.. VV\ r-I c.c S' 2. lnsu{a:rion 6. Ston "i1ls 3....kti!'~.. ;-..:._;-...",,, _o....c~ 7. Sr I Li is . I .( n .-r;. ,/ e (" -I. Ga..rbagt! R~mOl'al .-t- """'C, u cA..L I l...,-,... > 0 ___..~__. ...... ~ MW ,.." ~ ~ ~ .",.., ... '" "WOW" ,.... "~'~.,,",_. .,,,... .....,...",........&. h.._"'''''''-''-, ..........~.....-,......~,~...-~...."."-"..........."...."."..,,.,. (-" TAlBOTyil\e lnstallation and Service ...- OWS Phone: (519) 633-9452 W\ND Mobile: (519)649-8860 Andy or Todd Koebel .L__ ,o.L~' L~~~ ~',\l\~l~ INDUSTRiAl . cOMMeRCiAl · "eSIDeNTIAl '(Wet-. \ 6 Mary S\1eet west, St. '\bOTl\llS, ontario !'IS\' '2S3 Att'n: Slll\dyWilson Re: J\.C, Quotations. sandY, \ d' "I' a- 0'''' "uotat1ons lor tbl'cC air con&tioning systeJ11S l1S follows. Wcll!Cyease .ollrov v ...' '1. . " d "\ r<^--'Ol)! AC s\lstcrn.....$1300.00 (+OS1) ro;>U1o- ,""'....." ' . , :. c "":~_(3...."""'-~\ -Su""\" and ll\stall one carne! s\lht Pi ~y~;ernd t ~ ,..' "-'l\\ e,,'Ist1l\" corridor .". . f . af . i\ "mt WlrlU :UC S\1s1'\\""''''' lIV " .. '" "". '" ,'" ;"," f", cl"'''' _t -, ",,,"'.' ",,, ., ceiling, sl"teen sull? 'jaa~ ~. _.\' no"'er hois\in" COlnTl\lSsh~nlng. refrigeranl \111\\ sct ll1I c.cc,,\Cl" ..-,,,, ". """". I F^"er ~C s"s\el1l__,,_._,__$3S00.0\H.+GS1) ~Recv~..on . VJ ,- I , . ,," lOt' C, ,,,", "" _a_ (0."."'" .,...." ~a ""..II ,.. "",," -;;;-: '1a...1I ,;.,.. """,,,' "" "",""" caracit)') set on el1S\ en~~ce ~oo, Il~ s refrigerant l'Ines, COl1'\lrnSslonl"g. ,,' "\ 1 ",,~,,~ A C s'18te\'l'l............$3100.00 (+OSl) ~ ",SIn ~ oor ~..""v"" . "'''','' '" """U ,,, """" ,.tit ,C'" . ..' "'" ",I~' ",""W '" "" "",. of iten\ #2. . pi t ct out oftic\\ If \lie can be of VI' """ ",. 0>"'''''. - Y'''' "".- "'. -' furthe~ se('/ice. Regards, ~. ",-'''' '''' oct. e:;c;... .....- 'RoM : McBo.in Gro.l'hicS St. n.omo.S Prr:J\'\t: \'\0. : 51 '377527'3iJ ~ust 1\\e Va~ l~" tII~<:~JU~ ~.. ,'I " _, -jr" ~s. G,lll\\\lIC ~...,R ~ ,?'l,y \)6Slqn Ine. ~ ~~#" .~ \:lA'\::. J)d;ld::- ~Of''''''' b. /'L.,~" ' ,~----- '1I!'N"C'''~~'~ """"'", ~~----------- fM...... -ELSfiL-----'-------.- -f"- fRO'" .. .. J(j,dc' -------..----~. ~" ~. . ~ j Ih C" I,j 'd..~-" ....~~ ~~.."'" ,..,..~~._. __. _.,..,.-----~.. .f~ . ~ ~ /) f__ ----- -----/ ~ -----------...----- .-- ~fC~ - ~~. - 1J2 S'jI" . - .-- ... .-----:~ _---~~ /.f,,J,. y' u.cJl: 7 .cJ-J- ~ ~-;-~ - ./!J,.." ./, ~~ ~~~d ",,~I"" "",, ,,,,,,, \., "ob"'" w'" tr.-"''''' :;, ~~;~:., b~ ""one olt,,' "an "",,,,,",,,, ,.,;planl " "',;, "",, pl- """" US i(T\mediatelY at eilher liumber belOW. Tnali~ ""ou. Itlt &, 5<..'~ 4&8&9 )Ot\1\ \1/10O \lnO oN-)oI&P 3$9 1EL: ~\ 9\ 11&-2230 E-",all' "'Cbaln@e,eoul\n'."", """ 11;\ 9\ 11& .190 ------. -. .--..---------------- ~_. -- .....--------.-.....------ ~ - R'C: ..' FROM: t'lcBain Graphics St. Thomas PHONE NO. : 5197752790 Oct. 22 2003 03:27PM P2 _'..",..__..m. -- 62.55" i"""c........m"",""",$"'" ........._w.......m......'..,.'...."~l..: ; 'lWCA ' CArLAf.)A :0 0': It) '" L iO 11-> Lq ~ q 0- N N --AlumInum ..../- SIgn Box v 6lac\( Sat1n Finish 0- N 0: N _.steel 4x4 Posts .,./.>" // Grade Level _Poured COncrete Base ./" Min. Depth 60 inches r.--..'''......----- 66 86" , --..."",... I 16.88" [ ffiV7OuBaq;'Si'reeiJ I CONFI~MAT'ON ORoeR 7 WHITE STREET, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NoR 3T3 leARPItT leun&<<s l(ASH ANIl "ARllY 8LINllS ~,.. lCoof lCVTTERB WAtl~PAPItR LIGIlTING GALLERY ~' - No. CUTTING DArt: I CUTTeR'S SIGNATUAE -- GST ReBiGt'Ollon 100.135811861 RTooo, Phone (519) 637-2155 SDLDry'W lA, ~J ~ MaR 11 <;;'1. LJ. '=/'7ALij'I\/t< -L1iC7 -~- - ---- ~kTO; 5/ g c'31 - t.HIl 131- ?jl?oQ. I I I I w. ,I CADER OATE I Sl\l.liSMAN Jk-L'o..dliJl{ Gl31r2~ MLL Cd STYLr; NO, & STYLe I eOI.OUR Aru~lN ' '.. Ci:H'YlS PEc:.===t= ~"''1 1'-- "_ -" r-" 'f I ., 1'-'- mMQtt 1J\t.J~lfiJ..u;. -) ~t.l""",.j tll~Cl . I~ = ~. - - - _1_ CDU", 0".,,. ~"!I.""",,,,. ~'" I' f" . " - I I ',} ,.to'P' I I U>lbb~ _ I:J :-."~..,. ~. I J IJ. I I .') t I 'I ..:::,f... b.<:.i.'" I I I I i 7 b t I, ~Ci i i - - I I A'1'rF;N Tlt.)( It MfTRLA. ACCOUNH/O, I TERMS: 1- -' I INVOICIi DATE I I I 6ACK I I i 1 .. -20,,_ 1 4336 ... / -SAI.ES OAD oF! NO, I I PRICE I SO YARDS I~MOUNT I - '- SIZe 3'r ;-nGP5. " /2!.S'" ::Z\1~. .J/,!:..--g L) ItJliL ~I"l~ I\1IClS \ III eTS , I _1_. '- Ic~+, -3 J'l. . I~, -'-'1- I tJ ^ 7{) 0(1 I Lj~ .:?:. J nis amount to b.ti p~id to insfalf6( Upon completion of irl~ta(Ja.lk'n .I \f~1 "-v lI.CI'~ Elgin Community Nutrition PartnershiP 2!l ....... ""'" .. 5'. ""..... """"~ · -"" 1Y8 · 1_800-92,--009; February 25, 2004 Warden Rock and Members of Council County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R SVl Dear Warden Rock and Members of Elgin County Council: 0"" _ ,," """" """'" "" "'" ,"pport ,'Th' Elgin eo-""''1 ",,",U" p"","",,,' (ECNPl "" in _ "" ","' ,-~, ",d """'" pro"""'-'"' """'" in ,.. "" """"", Wi'" >,," "",ro'" d""rion w' will ",tin', ~ """'" "', ''",tin, pro,,- wi'" p,,", '" initi,.., - pro""'" in "', 1 I ,,",,,,,,ug ",,,,,,, s'"'" "'" """ .hoW' "'" ohil- wI>> ", """"'" p""""" """" ",,1>>" hov' ._,~ ""~ .>111' '"" . more po'U,", "U--g" U","""""ly -y ,lril_ ~, w' gclUug ", pro," '"""tion "" -' '" 1- '" "'ci' full'" ,",,,Uo\. BJUlAKF AS1 FOR LEARNING (OFL) _ "" ,uly ,oli'''''' _-profit """,- ..1,1y doli"'" '" ."",_ ,lrild '"""ti,n pro,,"" in C-" - pro""" _" '" """,,, ,Il ,Y<' din countrY including those schools in Elgin County. N ""'.... '" "y, "'''' 1>FL ""'" '" m" "w" ", ",mp"" "',' ,f """,tin, , ]3ro"'~' "Snook Pro_' W'" ",,,,pp,rt "din eo"'" "EI..... Th' uni'" W 'y, Th' Noli,"", Child ,,,,...ro"'" W~-""" M'D""",,," '"" '''~ ",,\. hw~ ECNl' "" _ "'I' '" h'lp """",",,,' ", 'FL ""'" """,I, ",oci", 1hi' ,-w' d."""'" ..,,,_" $30,000 '" Elgin-SC Thm'" ."""", Wi" ,,,, 4,700 ~"""'" ""'''''''''' In "" pro_' ~ , ",. ,{$O," " $0.55 ,,, ",don' p" doY, ,.. ...",1' """"" """"""" of" 12,550 In """ '" """" _Iv", ,""'y, ,.. ,-' w,uld lik' '" '" ", ",,>0' _ p"""" ""'" .,,"'y "",,,,,,,-' BJUlAKF AS1 FOR LEARNlNG, ,,,,"'" ",,,,,,I, ",d Tbo Elgin c-o,nity N""'Uon p....."'hi', Givon "". ,,, 25% "",,,, "''''~ ",",Id h' $18,137 50, \ffi""'" in ,.. "'" 'f''' ,f ",,"''', ... w'"' ,bI' " ,,",,,,' $57,05 \.96 " "",,,rt ,'" """", 1n "'di\in" '" providin' _ci~ ""port" ..."", ECNI' ,jJ'''' ",,1- Uaining "'" w""","'" """'tion ",,,,,,,on '"" "","''', ",d ,,,,,... on""rt, ="'" 20% ,f ,n ""do """" '"' ~"" " "",i" wi" ""'" ""diU"",,, """ whi" ,0% ,',""""''''''' -2- dol"" ll" _"y'" ",,,,,., Pl_ ",., '" pro- "",,-,"," p,,,n;on " -""'" by ,,..,. _ >>RflAKF AST!.'OR LBARJ'I"G whll' ,lli" 'l''''' "",,--" support are provided by the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit. VI' "",""Y hoP' '" c,,.,, ,'BIg;;, will-' '" ",." "'...-' ""m""" """ l-,n, """ ",,;de< ,.. "",.,,,'$5,000 ,,~Y"" '" "'" ",.. "'" m>i" ",mbn,"" w. bop' '" ... """ _"" '" ..- ....."" -" - ,"~ Community partners. ThO "',._""'" ."""tion ,.. ". ~ ,',"""" wbo "' ""M "un"'" " "" "', "' "",.. liko1Y '" drop out of ",honl """ "'" redn,'" _10_ oW""""',,'' """ ""'"'" """",..."""'" """,,1 onmnon ,,,""" "' ... ",,,,,,,,, W'Y '" "'" ...- ,.. _ ""., __ "",,,.t. __ "'"", VI'''po yon will _"".. in t'" ",,",,"'" """ ",reci"' """ """,....on 0' \ld. ""nort, Shonld yon- _""" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,on ,_ ,ool "" '" """,a n" .t """ -""- Sincerely, r~ Charlotte McDonald Program Coordinator Elgin Community Nutrition partnership 631-9900 ex.t. 277 cmcdonald@elginhealth.on.ca ~<:;;---' . 6 /l f!l?fl/7l.o/t/ ~ ~r .' _ .f,..- "/", t/?',,", ",- . ,.' ....- ".v . "V., ~ ,.,,--,..' . . -....... b v ,~".."."'''''3''43'i'QV\;;tR;ad..Ri#2 'lie1\i\a. OI\tariO NOJ t:ZO 519_%1.\.-116% C\)l\fitab1e jf\\1>595 9502l\ROOO \ ~O~Donauonco~~irt~ ~ no.1ng a fe\'l minutes to reao. the , ""'~ "'" '"'" """ . ,~""'''' ".,kJ'" ,,"" fo\\O\'lin-g: , . ,,,n"'" ",""","" - ,'~"""'" ,_ """" _, "~:Of::" ~""'" "" """'-~ " .... '" """" """ """ ".' .. ',,,,," ""'" """"', "",,,a 0>"'" - ' , k tkot \'1m ser"e the coUl1U\\!Uues \'II raP-C1' ,11<" >' S 0>"'" thO- ,lo'" --"'" "" ' .. ' . s to het persons \'lith o.isabtl1ues; the """"",,_ ","" . . """ """...., _ ;:::'" _~lo,.l ~ "''''' rid'" ...."", "" _, ."" p,-"" ~ ~ "'"'" ,,,,,,,,,,,, f"-'- """ , ".- "",_lo'" thO """". " ,,,,, """ """"lit" At "'" - ' """, ~"'" ""'" "",b< ,""" """ """""': ~"" "",,-'" "" "'" "'" ,,,,,,,,,,.... ,f ",..." '" :"""" " , "":' """"" ,.;Jl', It -'" ..- ", ",Il> ,,", ",~...-' "" ,~" ~ _rid" "".- "'" """ ,,_ """ "" ",' of '" ,,_" "", ~ ~""'''-'''''''' to .~ "" "" ",,,, fl """ It' """ '" ", _",a, "" . "" ",,""- It" thO "".. "'" :;"..,:-. . thO - "'" """"" "':. ,: ~- .",-", " -"""'" - "'" thO, '" thO ",,'" """.... "" ,'" '" ",,e "'" """"" to '" "'" ,";" "" ""'""" _ """ lon< :,:r.:-","''''.' "'-"''' "",,,~ '"""' ""'"''' -"' _ """ '"""". tl> i,"~_,.l lo"'; - "" """. - "" ",,", "'"'" ...."", "'" gW' , """""", '\\ b t' 'n "004 'Ihe RaP-ch \'11 e 11. 0. begin- opera 10n u.. /.0' ' C i" ""'. to '.""" _ .. ' .,'" B_\l.) ,,"\g''' "".", <::.1" ~ R"'-, v_"""'" (",ton thO ~~. to - ."",-'" ,,,",,,"" "" '" _ """,' of ""', """''''" '" :; ~,"'" alwaY' -.'" "" - "" l-""'" """",,1*"'''' ": "f ,~"",,"'" "" ",- ",,,, to.- t~ '" __ '" """" "'" '" ~ ~ 'I' " ", '" """" "" '"'" ,,'" '" "" ~'Y t ~ -''' ""''''' ,"'. ., __,.l lo"',;.. """",, to I"""'" """ia\1Y .... '"' "" W "'''' '" ""'" .", ..-'" """ """"' 0< ",- " '" "'" to dAY ,<>""","" rid"" oquir>""""- - "" - :' "" y,';' """",, "I. """ '" "'" "" cost of the R3J.1ch there are manY ~ o.onation \'Ioulo. be greatlY apprec1ateo.. . ' "'~" "",, ",",".b '" 11""""" "",,,, "'" "'" ,nd'" ,f "l"'''' -",- '" '" ,,,,, """'" '" 11""''' -""'" "" "" "'''', 1f "'" ""."'. '" :""" ;,~l '" """", "'" """,.I"'" """" "'''' ~ ... d""""''''W'''''''' '" 't'" ~ D""'" ~ \\'14- n" ".",\Y'"' ~th our caUse yoU can contact 'Nancy ow, dopation to the abo\'e addresS. \ "''''' "'" """"" '" full<> wW\ '" "U> ",fu""'\o~' .our sponsorshiP ptofbrllJl'lS _ Wssion StatetJ.\ent _ Other ~ayS to he\1J-us _~ish List .' i\'e to help US with our cause. ", ",uld~' "" "",- "'" "", . . it whispers our name. lt draWs -uS to ""'" "''','' '" """,'''': It ~", '" " "" ~t ,,,w;h< "'" "''' ,,","" ."'" belie\'e that, sometirl1es, wlshes do come true. from the Ranch of Rescued DrellJl'lS' . hildren in our coI111'l1unities that othervvise 11'" ",,, g\"" "",'" - '? "'?" '. - ,f u>"', fr"." """"" """ would not ha\'e a cb.al1ce of e~penencUlfb t e Sincer.elY'/J lltt~t\~O NancY RoW B~ecutWe Director Jabez "therapy Ra1l.ch .TABEZ THRR^,'pY RANCIt ~lSSlON STATEMENT "ON BACKS OF W ARRlORS WE WILL SOAR LIKE EAGLES" "To relieve the conditions associated with illness, disability and abuse by implementing recreation, edncation and social integration programs through horse riding and equine assisted therapy. We will obtain horses that are older and no longer useful in the mainstream horse industry. Wewill bring them to the Ranch to give purpose to these gentle veterans by using their maturity to toncb others. We will maintain the highest standards of therapeutic riding and care that we can give to botb people and animals like. We declare that we will carry out our Mission Statement to tbe best of our abilities. Our organization will always be totally dedicated to helping horses bring joy and happiness to people that need them. SPONSORHIP CLUB .. - RED RIBBON SPONSOR: is any individual, cUl1Mation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind the sum of$3000.00 or more. A Red Ribbon Sponsor will receive the highest acknowledgement and thank you in the local newspaper and website; a Red Ribbon appreciation plaque for home or office; your name/company posted on our Donor wall at the Ranch. BLUE RQ!~QN SPONSOR: is any individual, corporation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind between $1,000.00 and $2;999.00. A Blue Ribbon Sponsor will receive an acknowledgement and thank you in the local newspaper and website; a Blue Ribbon Sponsor will receive an award of merit medal for your home or office and your name/company posted on our Donor wall at the Ranch. YELLOW RIBBON SPONSOR: is any individual, corporation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind between $500.00 and $999.00. A Yellow Ribbon Sponsor will receive a certificate of appreciation for their bome or office and your name/company posted on our Donor wall at the Ranch. WHITE :RIBBON SPONSOR: .is any individual, corporation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind between $100.00 and $499.00. A White Ribbon Sponsor will receive a certificate of appreciation for their home or office. CARROT CLUB AWARD: js any individual, corporation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind a donation of $50.00. All money raised will go directly to horse maintenance, and your name will be listed on a carrot and displayed in the barn all year. SUGAR 01J)E CLUB: is any individual, corporation or foundation which gives in money or in-kind a donation of $25,00. All money raised is for the sweet tooth's in the barn. What's A Smile worth '" ,roil" """","",pod""" '" ""ib" ,nly "",ugb "" _""ily ,f ",lu"""" .... d,,"'B, Of "'_ _ '" P'''''''''' bot WO bop< you'll !Iud ",.kin, - "'- " wOrth y'''''"''' ""'''' fi,.,cinl-' =" ",_, way' "'" you "'" "",........ . Financial snpport: JtR is in need of funds to help pay for our Ranch facility. . Co....""" S.......",q" Yo'" eo_'" ",uld ",Ip , -"' clilld find neW horizons and accoIUplishroents on the back of a horse. If JtR fits into your _" _ """"" ..._. ,_ro""" N_" (5\9) ,,,-"68. . Volunteers: You only need a smile to volunteer at JtRl If yOU have never worked with horses or handicapped kids, we will train you. And if you have a special skill or talent, we will find a way for yOU to contribute. . Borse Donation: Horses at JtR will get regular care, exercise, and lots oflove ft,'" _ "'" "",W,,,,,I', JfY'''' bo'" . =~ """'" ",,,",, .... WOn trained, please contact JtR about a possible donation. . ,tR'. W-' L;,t, _ '" ,....-, "",h" JIR ",,- "",I tip" _li" that can add up to be a large expense. Your support with any of the items on our WISH LIST""'" m in k_ "" .,"""",,\ ro'" lu "roin"",," """h lu turn benefits our clients that maybe would not otherwise be able to corne to our programs. WlSJ1. LIST: . Donation to Riding arena &. stabling ($125,000) . Adopt-a-norse progralll for one year at JtR ($3,000) . Adopt-a-ridet progralll for one year at JtR ($2,500) . D""WO""""" ,';' _ ",,- """ ($1(>-"0,0001 . Donation towards pasture fencing ($25,000.00) . Donations toward speciallY fitted saddles ($1,000.) . Do-" " P'" """" """ {$309,'" l'" "",l"" """" . Do-" ",,-''''' """ (.250,09 "" "", "" ",,,,,) . Do-" ", ""'" "" (",000 ", 1000 ""', ".." . Donations for horse grain ($100.00 for 7 bagS) . D'- f" ){o"" "'"", ""'"' ",.,~1'-' "'" "," '" """'"' " 'ooP ' Ranchrunning properlY ($10- $10,000). . ",_ """" ('" ""'" "'" """"",") (",000,) 110w to he\p label. Therapy Ranch: "'" ;n "'" ."" with '".. """bUt"" It'''''''' _,..,d. 0"'''" to>' -'pi' will be given for donations over $\5.00. -postal code________ Name: Street, Mt ye\loW Ribbon Sllousor ------ -wrote RibbOn SpoUSOr ------ Sugar Cube Club ------ CitY Enclosed is my gift for a: Red Ribbon Sllol1Sor ------ Blue RibbOn Sllol1Sor ------ Carrot Club ------ Other towards Wish List ------ ' ______ SlJOusor a rider $2,000.00 ______ S)lOl1Sor a horse $3,000.00 11 'II' "'''' ",,"""" ,- "" ,~' , ~,'~o ..- ""~'" (I"""'"" ,,-"-) My Co~Y "as a'''''' ",.,..'" "'. "JS>-- -- 'It''' ~o"'" alono with your contribution to: l'lease \llal ,,,IS" ,,,. '" label. TherallY RaUch. . clo NancY ROw, Executlve Dltector 4&&0 -p)ank Road R R #2 Vienna, ontario Nol lZO ,'{Oil III REC'E\\lE.O \'d) anTrack. P. O. Bo){ 20040, St. 1hoJllllS, Ont. 1'151' 4B.4 Jt>.\'I \'5 ~ cout{f'l Of ~ ",\)~\~\~-~$ Fmance eoJ)lDlittee ChaitnJll1l. The CoU11ty ofB\gin. 450 sunset Dr-, St. ThoJllllS, Ont. N5R 5'11 ~ Gra.llt Rell!'es.J. Dear Sir; W, ~ """'" "'" "" Co""" ,[Eli""'- "'" ~ lot' ....' ",.............. _ "'... ._Iot, "" "'...... "" ....,....,..- ,f"" St. ThoJllllS cASO Station. ",""""" ~_ ,.......... "'" ~ """"'" '" ""..-- ,f"" ......,...- ,f"" _ ". cAS<> _~ on""""""'" """, """". U' "" """"" ""lot '" """" St, -"" ...- "" ..b ,f'" ~ "' S~ """" "" "" ",_\1""" S"'''' """"""""....... -""'.-"" - ,-- ""..... lot"" .-" _"" - \0 ",,- ,,_ ,f ", ,.......... _ '" "",,;" ...- """.-0 c,-" Co.,.,cl! ... """Ie ",""" "'...... ,""'" 0'" - w' '" """'" '" - """""" "" """""" doCUlllentation that may be required. ._ """" '" .. '" "" ....." lot u""" "" ""'" ~' " "'" "" "" pursue this matter in a tiInC1y fashion. \'A\J\'\ Of CSN\RI"- ~-- ~~ !i'l4l'ZYJ'fJ4 12: 21 01<;1_,;31-4031; 1fie 'R9yaJ canadian f.,e[Jion Ois\(\Ct " sjrlng conventiOn 2004 committee I REOE\VED FEe 2 HOO~ Municipality of Central Elgin pep _ AMr. 10 \NhOfO \\ \>M8 conce\'!\: "" _''',' "'" ....'0 a __ '" 0"""''''''-- COl1\mit\.ee. . . . 'Oi\(iCtJl.. """". ~ "'" R"'" C"""..,, L"",,,".. "".- "'" SO"'" ' __ '" $1, ".,,,,,, "", ,. '" Ih< 1B, 2004, I .. ,.a''''' '" .., ",.".. ... ""'.... "",,,",,"" "'" ,,,,,- " E~. :;;,,t ''''' "",,,,,,- .. ,,~'" "",... ..al'" ",,, ..". "u'1~ d....... ."" .... Ia"''''' .. "","",,"" ..' "",""" a"d ",... · 9'" County, Erie's Nortfl Shore. ,han\{ 'Iou tor yOur considen\\iOn io this matter. fA 0i/,n; (.l. .1 lOIVt r.,:c m >>,4J,,' ;Jf Itfl , .' / JI ;).1" .) I://fc//;! 5 r b I' /" bjf~ 9''ir/t? .~ .-..~.,:.,.,~. ! 1 /"1 .....,- ' '/' ....."~........J ~ January 23, 2004 . Junior 'Achievement LONDON & DISTRICT INC. SenAny "{outn ilt tl{fddlescx, Elgin, ());fCrd, MUTl>>'l & Perth ~~(Q;lli,~\I!J~\Q) .IAN?. '3 2UU4 COIJt'llY of t:LG\t'l PERSONNEL OfF1C:S _ .Board oj Directors Bill Bryce Themes VaHey District School Board Cathy Forster The London Free Press Mike Foster Uniglobe Travel Bob Giorgini Lon-don convention Centre Lance Howard The Lance Howard Grou.p Ron Mortindale Jr. Davis Martindale LLP Judy McDonald 3M Canada John Mencel Bank of Montreal Lorraine Moore TV Canada Trust Larry Myny CIBC Wood Gundy Terry Off Vytec C01}'Ora.tion Bob Riches Bratton ConsUlting Wade SaraSin Lerners LLP ChiragShah PticewaterhouseCoopers Debra Williams Air Canada Jazz John Wray Cintas The Uniform People Dan ZaJ.usld Bell Canada Keith Zerebecki. General .Dyno.mics Land Systems-ca.nada Mr Harley J. Underhill, Director 01 Human Resources County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr St.ihomas, ON N5R5V1 Dear Mr Underhill: It is a time of wonderful energy and growth here at Junior Achievement of London and District! We are proud to announce that once again the EconomiCS of Staying in School program will be offered in Elgin County. The Economics of Staying in School is a vital program that helpS students explore tile concepts of success, independence, employment, and emphasiz.es the importance of staying in school to prepare for their future. Guided by both the classroom teacher and a pair 01 volunteers from the local business community, students define success In personal terms, begin to understand the cost of liVing, and explore tile type 01 careers that match their goals and lifestyle expectations. Last year, through generous sponsorship from many local businesses, over 150 Elgin county students benefited from the program- We hOpe you will consider joining our many other sponsors and support the next generation of business leaders. our goal is to continue growing and reach over 900 students this year. Ypur investment will help our youtll have the skills, resources and educa~i~~:~come ready for the workforce. Yourco@.rlblrt.ion of $500..00 will eMure t.hat one C'Iassroom 01 Grade a's in Elgin count'l will be able to oarticioate i.!lgconomics~of Sfa\1J1a if1 $chog!,. This contribution w\ll go towards aU student workbOoks, handouts, traioing business community volunteers and the administrative costs of running the program. To thank you for your incredible commitment, please find attached our sponsor benefit sheet that details some of the ways we would like to acknowledge your support to other businesses in our community. Also, please consider sponsoring someone from your organ'lzation as a business community volunteer. It is a wonderful professional development opportunity and we welcome diverse employment backgrounds. Junior Achievement's mission is to inspire and educate young Canadians to value free enterprise, understand business and economics and develop entrepreneurial and leadership ski\lsbY increasing confidence'lO their self- sufficiency. With your support, we hope to build the successful entrepreneurs and active community leaders 01 tomorroW. Sincerely, p;J-~ 0~v.; fJf/#- cynthia O'Neill, Regional CEO &. president Sherri Gaertner, Regional VP Fund Development Board Chair p,ngela Ahdalloh Qilixtar Canada Corp. president & CEO cynthia O'Neill AdviSOry Board oj Trustees Tony Crncich Sr. Geno Francolini. Fred Kingsmill Miggsie LaWSon Earl Orser W. Mowbray Sifton Dr. Cal Sillier 15 Wharncliffe Road North > N6H 21\.1> Tel: (519) 439-4201> Fa>:: (519) 438-2331 E-mail: info@ialondon.org > Webslte: WWW.jalondon.org Charitable Registration Number: 107554263 RROOOl ESIS Junior ~Achievemenr LONDON & DISTRICT INC. Serving Youtl~in Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford, Huron & Perlh Economics of Staying in School The success of the ESIS progra' heavily on volunteers from loc businesses. If you are interested in shari experience with young peopl struc:tured environment, plea registration form provided 0 Junior Achievement (439-42 information. You will be con somethin,a,,;;Qf~r.eal value to 0 people What is ESIS? A A Grade 8 program designed to allow students to explore the personal & economic realities of limiting their education. A A program that enables students to see how their education relates to careers encouraging them to stay in school A tion session (2 n) two weeks prior to r (One hour evening Ius video for training) e contact with an assigned acher to discuss logistics prior to the event 1 Full day of facilitation of ESIS program on one of the following location and dates: Middlesex/Ldn. Mar 30, 31 2004 Elgin: . April 22 2004 Oxford May 6 2004 Huron: May 18 2004 Perth: May 20 2004 *Volunteers facilitate in teams of two e sat urther y mg oung e interested please complete. this form ail or fax back to JA of London & District CompClny_ Bus Phone 1 Emaildi 15 Wharncliffe Rd. N . Tel: (519)439-4201 +Fax: (5~Jd~~23~1 . E-mail: info@jalondon.org. Website: www.jalon'a()~.org Fax Econoinicsof Stl1y{ng in School (ESIS) Junior Achieveulenf "':,c, I:'~:,:'j,,:-til: The high school dropout rate in Canada is currently between 10-15%. High school dropouts face severe difficulties in finding stable employment, making ends meet and their labour market opportunities continue to worsen. Junior Achievement of Guelph will deliver the Economics of Staying in School (ESIS) program to encourage Grade 8 students in Guelph-Wellington to consider and reflect on the advantages of remaining in school,gp-til they have acquired the knowledge, attitudes and skills to undertake the 10nger-tenm;lij~~iHaf\r-ll'i$nGjzessful career. ESIS consists of four modules: A Success .... Independence/Employment A Career Planning A Futures ,,)l:\ive the ESIS program: ". and talents and understand on's chance for success , .. .ent to earning potential ,~ential to. future aspirations . ,. /& skills by practicing the application ;s and develop interviewing, ".on and people skills by practising job . Identify th factors tha' . Relate ed . . Relatee . Develop process f" communi,~,. . 'iinterYieWS ..,.._,,,..~,,~~.;,.: ihmd the benefits and ~l'tM~.uiitieS available to who complete secondary and post-secondary .ucation Sponsor Benefits $250 - Co-Sponsor, Class . Company name recognized as co-sponsor on our website · Your company name ':v.' listed in our Annual ~'" . Invitation for 2 to attl. recognition receptio~' ESIS "'C-'~';' ~" · Opportunity for 1 v9~~~I::~t!;1' from your company tow",:;;;,.')'.'" participate in ESIS ,~iEh~i:/' programme in locaJi!~'i6ols . Your partnership ~ directly and positively impact the students who receive this crucial program $500 - ~l!j!~~~;;ponsor ,..."',";,l:_~~..",:\."" · Reco~lj,911"'!s Class Sponsor in ESIS p~~i'Kmme and support materialS :.--{<, ,,:pJ1;t~by name recognized as ~6JiSor on our website ';'4:' .i6ur company name will be . 'sted in our Annual Report . Invitation for 2 to attend our recognition reception for ESIS . Opportunity for 2 volunteers from your company to participate in ESIS programme in local schools . Your partnership will directly and positively impact the. students who receive this crucial program $1000 - School Sponsor . Recognition as Sponsor in ESIS programme and support materials . Company name recognized as ESIS Sponsor on our website . Your company name will be listed in our Annual Report . Invitation for 4 to attend our recognition reception for ESIS . Opportunity for 4 volunteers from your company to participate as business community volunteers in ESIS programme in local schools . Verbal recognition of your sponsorship at recognition reception for ESIS · Your partnership will directly and positively impact the students who receive this crucial program Junior Achievement of London & District Inc. 15 Wharncliffe Road North London, ON N6H 2A1 Tel: (519) 439-4201 Fax: (519) 438-2331 kobrien@jalondon.org Juriior ~AchieVt;luenf LONDON & DISTRICT INe. Serving Youth in Middlesex, Elgin; Oxford, Huron & Perth EO, f' .,. ;. ,',co:nom,lCS 0.... St,aying: i,n School Why Become a Junior Achievement Business Partner?? "1 strongly endorse the "Economics of Staying in School" program that has been created and presented by Junior Achievement. This outstanding program is well aligned with our current guidance program, "Choices into Action," and involves a variety of teaching strategies appropriate for students of diverse learning abilities. The resources are excellent, and the yolunteers are well trained and deeply committed to supporting our students and teachers. At the end of the day, everybody will be very pleased!" David Ennis, Principal, John Dearness Public School, London "1 am now thinking more about my future in school. This just gives me a better reason not to drop out of school, and to keep trying and to never give up." . Grade 8 Student, Caradoc North Public School, Strathroy "Before 1 didn't know what 1 wanted to do, but now I know what 1 want to be" Grade 8 Student, Blessed Sacrament, London "It is important to encourage our youth to help them find a suitable career direction. Just a few words of encouragement can go a long way. It is extremely satisfying to see a student's face when the light goes on" Dave Wyatt, Middlesex Appliance Limited, Proud ESIS Volunteer "It is a crucial program in instilling a healthy dose of reality in the kids at such a critical age" Peter McMahon, Protek Systems, Proud ESIS Volunteer "Quixtar Canada is proud to support JA's ES1S program. The experience - both for the students and the volunteers - is an excellent learning opportunity. Through corporate support, JA is able to deliver programs that truly contribute to the success of our future business leaders. We enjoy being a part of that success." Angela Abdallah Quixtar Canada Corp. Proud ESIS Founding Sponsor Junior Achievement (JA) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring young people about business and economics. The JA experience helps young people discover leadership, entrepreneurial and workforce readiness skills so they can achieve their highest potential and future successes as citizens in the global community. Please Support Business Education Opportunities for Youth \ Phone: ( -). Please list name as: _..- Pleasemail thIs pledge form and preferred methOd 0\ payment to: Junior Achievemenl of London & District Inc. ,-- ,,_ ".. N, """"" oN '"" ," ",,",," "... '" ,,",,"' ""'". "",,,," , ..-@-'~ JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT \ gconorpics of Su~vinC/ in School PledQS Forlll Name: - - Company: - ---- - Address: \ C", -"'''' CoO< Emal!: .- - (Receive Information regarding upcoming events & in\\\a\ives) - - Enclosed is my contribution 01: 0$250 0$500 0 $1000 Olher Amount: $ - Payment: (Please circle one) Cheque (payable to Junior Achievement) American Express Mastercard VISA Card No.: - E"p.:- _Slgnalnre: - Oft\ce Use Only: Code: _ Receip\: J 82/83/81 23:85:31 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) FEB-03-04 rUE 05:01 PM 260 519 &33 7&&1 CLERH-Elgin Co Page 862 Iml"""t'" ' ;, ,~'!i'ii '~: .. , ",.,,,,Jk,, ~ For '{our "''''" r"'6fc)rn"1 ation FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01/01 ~b1_ AssocIati,?n or Munlclpa.tJtI6.g " or 0 n tario 3&3 IJnlvl3rfjily ^vonU(l, Suite 1701 ToronlQ, ON M5G 1EO Till: N 1.Q} 971 .!)lll}!l . f3.x: (41 oS) GrtM{t 1 e 1 C11lj)11 3rnoti}Jl'Hllo.mUllic:orn.COlli To tho (rtlOlJ lio!) Qf tlw CI"rk imd Council, February 3, 2004 - FYI 04/003 Doctor Shortages ISSlIE: NOW Alliance resoluLlon on Doctor Shortages, BAC;I<GHOlJND: An <11li,lnCQ of rnunicirn11 loaders and ptlysicians, the NOW Alliance (Negotiating Ont"rI0'5 Well- h~1in~J) hFlS developed <119 point Rural Heolth Action Plnn to address the chronic shortage of doctors 3CH,l:;S cornrnunilies in Ontmio. In 1996, there Were 68 communities experiencing shortages of 100 family phYlsicians. This number has risen to 118 communities without 665 doctors, which now arfods 1 million people in Ontr~rio. ,M:::TION: AMO rrltm1ber municipalities arc being asked to support the NOW Alliance and its rural Hr,altil A(;lIon Pkm in accordanco with the following rosolution that the AMO Board supported at its Jtmlfmy 30, 2004 mooting, WHI~mY\.s in '199{). there wem 68 Ontario communities experiencing shortages of 100 family physi<;i".H)s und in :?O04 this number has risen to 11 B commLlnilies without 665 doctors, now affecting ntJr;ut 1 miilion Ontnrians; WHl2fU::AS AMO holped form the NOW Alliance in 1999-2000, in an effort to convince both the Onlnrio Modico1/ AssoGifltion aM the Ministry of Healtl1 to deal with underserviccd communitiQs; wl..tl:mf.Y\~> AMO, reprosented by Richard Adams (Parry Sound) and Ingrid Park"s (NOMA Past Presidont) "re Co-Chairs of tho Alliance during 2004 at a time when the OMA and tile Government me a/.)outlo begin nogoHAtions for a now collective agreement; and WHEfU:AS NOW h;:'l$ prepared a 19-point HURAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN, 13E It m,SOLVf;:'O THATAMO roquestlhat member municipalities: 1) Mopt <t msolution sLlpporting the work of the NOW Alliance and ils Rural Health Action Plan; 2) ftllwmd tho resolution to both the Minister of Hoaltll and Long Term Care, The Hon, George ~>rnittj()rnmn aneJ Dr. Larry Erlick, President of the OMA, urging them to adopt provisions consistent wilh NOW's Plan in the next coliective agreement; 3) S,lpport tho holding of 'town hall meelings' by the NOW Alliance to allow citizens an opportunity 10 di<\clISS the nurol Honllh Action Plan; Clnd 4) distribute tho NOW rJ0tit!on for signalure widely in their community, For mom information em NOW Alliance, go to www.nowalliance.ca T))ill ilJrOnn,1!iof/ is 1'IV'li1i:1l)i~ through i\MO's subscriptioll bassef MUNfCOM network at WWiI(.1l11u1iGoln.cnn1, 1',/1' Ym,..., IIlfoffll,:liolJ, pl"'aso eem/act: Milcnn Avrmnovic, AMO SDnior Policy Advisor. at 416-971.9856 ext. 342, ....... -.,......."...,.,...-....--.... ._~~.~--- -,---~_._~._~_. B2/12/B1 23:11:54 EST: ASSDCIATIDH DF?-) FEB-12-04 THU 05:04 PH 260 519 &33 7&61 CLERK-Elgin CO FAX NO. 416 971 6191 Page 865 P. 04 'I he' C"f\"",~\j')n "f I ,0)'1\\1" 'I'o\\"",hlp 1'.0, lI.,'" 70, 2f,^ M,,;1\ ~\red C.ld~>"a, OnlMii1 K01l2110 c~~ Tel. 613-3R6-7351 F~~ 6J3-3S6-3833 VfWW .lQy~Llh;t.._t(}Wfll';hip.on.ca FchWI\tY 12, 20M 'I'm ALL ON'fMHO M1Jl'llCll'Al.n-Ws ~"'" ,.,.M....~~....,,',.,_...-'_......-... ,-->~ ,--. H\L ..__(;J!!111l\1lJ}i\y,.gfi,nvc~tlTI.Q!1t F~),[ld The j(',lIllw\ng re~ol\llion W\1~ ndoplCd hy J.<ryn\i~t Town~hip CO\lncil on J?Clll'lUIT)' 9. 20M: !v1(,vc,1 by S<,i,;())\\1l;d hy WI1i'~IH<:A5 '\1" ]v'Iil""lcr tlf l'i1'lI\lI"" ~l1<1 Ihe M,,,i~ter of ]v'I"nicil"\ Affai'" job1!ly i~'\.l,'d a [etler daleo l)r~'(c1H\Il:-T 2'.t 2003 w Mtn'llc;pal Ttcas\\r~rll~ Cmmcillor Lowry Councillor nfC~Co ANO Wl\r.\,I'A~ (IN "",,ve lOll'" ."lle,I"' folloWS: "mmlicil,,1itie~ arc 0.11ed 'I) recognize O,nt \)10 g,,,..,ru'\\I;"\ ,"mlot commit ill "d'ianee to ~ F,,11 2()04 reconciliation"; ANn WI \ f.cllFAS that stawne\>1 1;"l]el'ate~ 1I s;~n;licn\>t deg;rCO "r 1Il1cert.~il'l)' for both the 2()03 nnd 200,l lh('l\\ years where ",I\lal co,t. i"eum'" hnve 1111110 pnst bcen 1\11ldcd by ~ year end tCC""ciliolion; ANI) WHL' 1< ['.AS tho projc,cl"d sborlf,~lI re.u\\,nJ!.li:om the ~b"ve ,1.\en'C'Ot fC)r \11e 2003 \11ld Z004 years cumh.,,':d, if tbe elll' <111ocati<1ll1'emains al its OUI'fOn1IC\ld, Is TV. "flbe 2003 tal( levy; AND WllFRl.\/lS IlIe Rceve or the ]v'Il1t1icip3HlY 11"" .lrcady is","'" n Mlet' int'C;,-pOll"" 10 the Dcput)' Mllli:,\h:l' of Hnr\l1.cl,) t::xp1\"!~:-;iI'ln Coutw\1's, COl1cel'll~ N0W Tllr,.REl'O\~C [lie IT Rl'.sOL VEU tlWI II", Councilor tl,e corporation On~1ya\ist 'foWtl"llip request 8u1'llo\'\ fro"\ ollwr lI'l\ll1icipnlitlc$ 011 lhi. .anl0 tll~\\e(, l,oYll\i;:t TOWIl5h\y\ council respectfully reqllests sU11J'lorl for th15 resolution frDlll all l1Iuoidpo\W.,s in Ontario. YOlll'" lruly, Hr.;;n<laJ. l1HJ11111on, eMO TllWI'\,;l1i[l Ckrk ~~~~...........;-..;;;;.....,;;;;........_:..- ," -- --, -.--.-...-.....-.... ..-..-.......".. ~~..~~~"'~-- .. - - ....,.",.".. ",............_.^...1.""~,.....,.."Y'''''~A.".......-~",~''!'I~.-~~~ cnY OF SARNIA CitY Cletk's D8pa(tltlertt Telephone: (5191 332-0330 Fale: (5191 :a.~:~ B-tnait ~ 0 255 North Christine Street P.O. Box 3018 sarma, ON N1T1N2 RECEt\lEO februal"118,2004 f~B 2() ~ ~'1Qfa.- l\.n\!.;.;'~J\:fI'~ ~~ ~.~:~~~f.'J'l"'."--'~" ,- f ALL tJ\UN\C\P AL\i\E.S \N ON" AR\O: Roe: ResO\ut\on - Gas 1'a)( Rebate 26\fl 2004 considered the sam" C\\'J COUncil at .. m"''''' held on ,,,,u1 t d' ' abOVe m-' and the "''''''''''' _'u\lOn ",," op e . IJi rt b' made by the Mayors of TIViT Sarnia CityC councd~~~n :'~;;Il::'-'_""" GST, some of the larger ana I T d .... . , ,,,,,,,,, "'" ,."..f"" F ""'" "'" ""," fMT . ,...."" ........ '" ....""', by ,,",,' m''''~ .,.. ,,,,,a W pST, and . t 1 the revenlleS realized by 'fIlAT th' CitY .f S- ",- th'" !'''''' ;" · '" "d!O< ","'" .. "" th" """, psT,.., 1 P'''''' GsT, ""'" m. g~' ,.... ,"":., """""""""". .,.... "" p~~::::': ,.:::: '" ""..... by "" .",_"' .... b ,"" ..,.... tb' -' negott'jiated bebtween ~ttePdrebsyenthtaetl::gS :!i~ti~~::~ businesses directly to the up" ..." ,,,,,. , .' , .' ,:", based upon the time schedules nOW llnplemente , an lIluntCwa "J 'fIlAT th. m.... '" fo-'" W "" ....1 m""''''''''' W ,"0, W ... ''''''' "" ..' "" P. .... W "" ",'," .f T "...... Ba",ground """""a"'" on the _"""" Is .""""" '{oul I,,,,,,,,,,b\e oo""""",,,on of councl" _'u\lOn ,""uld be .Ppreclated. '(ours trul~, 6rian W. Knott CitY solicitOr/ClerK c,C. caroline OiCocco, t-APP ROger GallaWay,t-AP At-AO t-AaYor oa\Jid Miller MOTION For consideration at Sarnia City council meeting January 26, 2004 Mayor Bradley Fellow council Members.., It is imperative that new sources of funds be found to pay for municipal services, It is unrealistic to expect that continuoUsly raising property taxes can accomplish the fjnancial needs of our cities. These taxes only create hardship on homeowners, tal<e monies from businesses which are needed to continue ._op_erations, along with a myriad of other reasons, The mayors of several "big cities" from across Canada are Suggesting that a full rebate of the GST and a 5 cents a litre share of the Federal gas tax be made available to municipalities by the end of 2004, I believe that this is an important issue, which should be recognized and supported strongly by other municipal leaders, I also know that many millions of dollars are removed from our communities through the assessments of the PST and the GST. While these monies flow into the respective governments, those governments constantly expect lower tiers to financially manage handed down services and associated costs. I would therefore like council to consider the following motion..., "That Sarnia City council supports the efforts being made by the mayors of some of the larger Canadian cities to realize full municipal rebates of the GST, q.nd a 5 cent per litre share of the Federal Gas Tax..... And in addition .., "That the City of Samia believes that a percentage of the revenues realized by the 8 percent PST, and 7 percent GST, imposed on goods and/or services in the various municipalities within the Province of Ontario, and collected and remitted by the organizations and businesses within said province, be negotiated between representatives of all governments, and that the agreed upon figure be remitted by the organizations and businesses directly to the municipality based upon the time schedules noW implemented." \ also respectfullY request that, if council approves said motion, that it be forwarded to the usual municipalities, to AMO, to our local MP and MPP, and to the Mavor of Toronto. ThankyoU for your consideration..,.. John Vollmar 62111184 Z3:1B:88 EST: ASSOCH\TWH OF,?-) FEB-ll-04 WED 04:11 Ptl 260 519 633 7&&1 CLERK-Elgin Co Page Elll2 . FAX NO. 416911 6191 p, 01 '1'11 F. COIU'ORA'l'ION OF Tn K TOWN OF NOlnn 1'11:RTH COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA NO.:6.4 DATE: February 2n~, 2004 RESOLUTION NO.: MOVED BY; Sl:GoNDf:D BY: -' -_.~....'". 111M: WHEHEN3 the Provincial Government has recognized our water resources as "prnch:)u5~1 nnd (jvituln~ AND WI'IEFU,-AS Environment Canada further recogni:zes that "financing by municipal govfirnrllcnts for \\JC:l treatment of water supplies and wastewater Is becoming il~Crc.O\sll'1g!y constrainod"; AND W~IEn.f:AS Environment Canada has slated that "metered hOuseholds generallY sl10W rodllctions in Wilter usage", and that "water conservation can {:)enerate signifiol'lnt cnvironm,mt<l\ b:;;nefits": ' AND Wl-\E.HrEAS the United states Environmental Protection AgencY, under its GuidclhlO$ fN W"lt~.r Com;ervat\on Plans lists Universal Metering as a Level 1 , or mininwfll 1\10l'lSUrO for watl,Jr conservation, NOW THE~G.FOHE BE IT HE'.SOLVED that the council of lhe Town of North Perth reqlJo~<Ii:\ the Government of Canada invest in II plan to help fund universal metering pn~grl\fns for small municipalities; AND f'UI'HHER tll:;!t the ProvillCE! of Ontario invest in II similar plan; AND FURTHER that the funding to follow the traditional one third being paid by each lovel of govi:Jrnrnent: AND FurrfHEH that this resolution he sent to ROMA and AMO for distribution to all ontorll) mnllidpalities for endorsement and sUPPolt, and to MP's and MPP's. fJi;':Yo'fijc'~iAi!\PEliSON GARRIED/DEFEA 'fI':P :l:'\O WALLAGg AVENUE Norm I LlSTOWH., ONTARIO N.1W11.3 PHONE (519)_291-2,950/FAX (519)-291-1804 [.MAII. LQl/l:I',1@ll.9.'till,JI..QLtbQer\!1,gn,ca ..--,-..--- . . - .-- t"...-.."'...-........-..........-.'.....-. ...--\ -,~....,.._.._....._................_.......\... .:':!:"'.~..._""___._"'~ ." _. ~ . l 82/27/84 23:88:4& EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) FEB-27-04 FRI 05:01 PM '260 519 &33 7&&1 CLERH-Elgin Co Page 862 416 971 6191 p, 01 2253 Johnston Hd. " n.R.1I5, 1~l,'lIrrcw, ON K7V 3Z8 Phone: 613-432-6271 mjnl.hortoll@,'cnl'l'cw.net Fehruary 26. 2()O~ TO: AlIlllllnicipr-ililics in Ontario Rli: Rl'glll;llion,~ lindeI' (he &Ife Drinking Water Act Th<~ CO\H1l'il M the Township of Horton passed the following t'l'~ol"tion on January 6. 2004. Your ~lIpporl of this l'eiio!luioJ1 wl'luld bo apprcdaled, Pleas\" scnd any resolution of suppmt to the Premietof Ontario. with a copy to IloJ'lolJ'l'nwn:;hip, MOl::<::'J. Il,Y 1!DJ.L Kj!Jl!,~!)jlJ:Y .s!<f,Wl.!k,~!.J~y HnLd1nU Resolution No, 04-25 WIIUI,tEAS llegl1l[llillll 170 m HXllIit'''s ownet'~ of nil sllwll municipal non-residential systems, small cOHlillllnily bllSilll'S~\:S and churches to test water fat' 72 p.l/',ullctl'lrS; ANn w 1II;lIUiJ\S tho.: \~rfct'1 of this regulation will calise s~vel'C financial hardship to these organizations wh,:n I.Ih~l'e is Ill) pre.r.xisting wllt~r quality problcnl. NOW TllfllUiFOlUI. lIm Council or the Township ofllorton resolves: I. Tlltll the Government or OnlU1'io be pctitioned to amend the Stlfe Drinking Water Act and its R,~,gllj"l'i\111 l'l'llIovillg the need rot' additional tosling of watel' beyond the mgulur testing for coliform al\<.l ':'l'lJli in ~lllallll1lllli<.:ipa[ nOIl-rtosidcntial systClll.~. in small community businesses and in local c\ll1Irt1lmity dl\lrcheN irthe current test rcsults indicnte the water is safe to drink. 2, T]l:lI thi, J'c~,lllulioll k forw<lnkd to Joll11 Yaknhllski, MPP, Renfl'ew-Nippissing..Pernbroke. the ('ounty Ill' RCl'drew, the l()~'al Municipalitie~ in the CoulJty and all (he municipalities in Ontario for 'I.lPI"<.lI'l. Carried. TIle COllildl of tho Towllship of BOHon apprcciatt" your support of this resolution, Yows (ruJy. M:id:kJ. Md.:il'<:il Clcl'k-TnOilSun:r \i'Wt.i~I\II",,~~..-u-P"""~""iI>Il-". -.......1 ~1IlI\l,1'I\\~NOaail.lllWoll~._~lI4tk.&~IIl!w.~..~W&O..1t.a ~ ..{r~lIlioNumw.~~,..__ ... . . ... 0' __. __. Elgin. County Pioneer Museum 32 TalbotStreet, SI. Thomal>: Ontario N5P 1A3, (519) ()3H)537 Email: ecpmchin@execulink.com . Fax: (519) 631.3884 February 28, 2004 The Warden and Council County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive. St. Thomas; ON N5R 5V1 Your Worship anli Members of Council; . SinGe 2001, the Elgin COUllty Piolleer Museum has undergone a process of . planningfor renovations to the Elgin County Pioneer Museum at 32 Talbot Street, subsequent relocation to 449 Talbot Street, and a consultation process commissioned by Elgin CountyC:ouncil. Throughout this process, the Executive Committee of the Elgin County Pioneer Museum has been keenly interested that . the decisions made by all parties involved have been in the best interest of the Museum. . On behalf of the:ExfiicutiveCommittee, Irespectfully invite members of C6unty Counciltbtour .both32 Talbot Street, and 449 Talbot Street locations prior to any . .. final decisions being made regarding the futur~. of the Museum. It is()ur hope that by seeing both locations and the scope of the Museunl:' s collection first hand, members of Council will be better able to make an informed decision. Please contact Lirtda Lbuwagie~Neyens., Manager to make arrangements fora mutually convenient date fpr.a toUr. . Sincerely, . .. ~"-7l?~ .Ctud~bv J{. . Mary Clutterbuck Chair, , Elgin County pioneer Museum ~ONoJiliYE - March 9. 20M.. itemS for information - consent A enda "odd Ca"" counIY W"",",,' counIY 01 Lamblon, "NeW' Rclea" , "" W"""'" 0"","" ,. W roens cau,", at the 1'0,,"0'''''' con-"'" ",n",,",n, E"S tund,n" I';',wctu" tundln' and o""tnclal ",I'" 13" ,.bale. ("11' AcHED) London pree p,e"" p_ 27, 20<J4 Edl""n, ,., "Int"'" 10 R",Ie"RU"" SchOO' Issues. U\1\ACI-\ED) John 0000'''''' "?\?OO 0"'0"" LabOU' Relations and Go_a~" "",oct>, ,,~\Str! 0' Edu""lon a_""od,l'" council" ,.",,"m,,,,,,,,,,,n _",,",n, the "za an ",,"po'I...n 01 th' "h"ne' va,leY 0"",,, ,,,,,,,,,, """d. V'11' "CHEO) Ge'~ IOlIan, Chal', "t,am" canadian He"",.,e -,~;,~,; .~ ;!'~~E~) a,and \he " Annua' """,e' 1''''''' symo,,,,um on Pnd,"" w,alO . , p,.mle' Oal\On "oGuin'" ._"""",In' eou""I" ",,,,,,,1\00' ') ,uWortl'" the c~ 0' Saml'" ",,,,,uIIOn ",,,,,,",In' "'" "unlcipal prope'" "",,_nt CO<P"'acon. "",,,dIn' "'" ",'OlO,,,nant 0' the Nu\<\e"' "an",_nt Ad" . .. ",,,,,,u,ab'" Pa~ "artln prtme ",nlale' ot canada, ac\<bOwledglnq councir, ':,m"""",,,,,on ",n""nln. the ",""I'" "" "",nl,",Oa,,'e' .nd "",,_bOn 0' Infrastructure investments. (A1\ ACI-\ED) p",nK Edmond', R",lde"" council p""Id',"" \301>'" ,,"a, and June "oO,ood, ""VO' I' 'd "', couno" E191n "a""" than" you , 10 coo"'" '0' "'" ,,,, 01 ":~~~",,,,g/b"''''~ ,,"""" 10' "'" ""lden" dUll'" th' month 0\ O~""'. H nou",bIe Jo"" G_""n, ",n"''' 0\ "un"'oal "fta'''' ",,,,,,",Ing "'" o,o"OOlal ;'\\1on on "'" GST ,._"" _",paI,'e'. V'11' "CHEO) >>AO "emb'" commun,,,,,on 'For YoUr rn_",n', "', LabOU' ''''-' \Jpd~~, p >>AO "emb" com"",nl",,,,,n 'ALERT", re' Ran"",ng CU' CO",",un.e, - " ,'" audget submIssion, (All ACI-\ED) '0 "'^" p_"" '!\Ie 2<,04 "MO eonle,.n'" 'RenewIng Ou' eommunrtle'- ,,~U,~ 22' . 25, 20<J4, at -me W- ()ttaW" and '!\I' ()tIaWa eon,,,,, eent,., ""th ""''' '" '00 'onn .nd a""mmodalloO In!onna\jOO. V'11'ACHEO) e",,,,,ne "ano"" Londonlsamla, Union G'" tottod""I'" him"" to ". ~u~::.i~~oand ,taft. (Kay ",ntact ",,.,,,,'lable In AdmlOI,,,,,,,a Se"''"') V\1\ACI-\ED) '2 ste,e pe"'" ".P.P., E19ln_"'dd""..--London, ""'" ,""pY 0\ """"ponda"'" ~" ') . Honou"'"" Joho G"''''''''"' ",Intate' 0' "untoo.1 "M'" & HOU""" re. L,ne ","" "ct; 2) Honau",b" "",Ind" "a'he', ",nle"" o,""naport, ,., Em"",aney o,toU' Route, l-\igliWav 40'\. V\1\ACI-\ED) 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9, 2 13. Michael Curry, President, PAIRO - Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Ontario, with information regarding the organizations function. (ATTACHED) 14. Christie Bubel, Teacher on Special Assignment, Thames Valley District School Board, with information on "Elgin's Family Fair" to be held on Saturday, April 3rd, 2004 at Parkside Collegiate Institute. <ATTACHED) 15. Bill Varvaris, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Finance, acknowledging Council's resolution concerning the "omitted assessment" for trailers for the 2003 taxation year and OST AR funding for water system upgrades, >i "-...---- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER COUNTY OF LAMBTON 789 Broadway Street, Box 3000 Wyoming, Ontario NON 1 TO Telephone: (519) 845-0801 Fax: (519) 845-3160 www.lambtononline.ca "Western Wardens Ask Province For Funding Changes" Wyoming, ON - Warden Todd Case returned to Lambton this week after chairing the first meeting of the Western Ontario Wardens Caucus CWOWC) at the ROMA/OGRA conference in Toronto noting that municipalities have clearly stated they want to see funding changes from the province, EMS funding, infrastructure funding, and provincial sales tax were debated at great length by the 29 members in attendance, representing the 15 upper tier governments of south western Ontario. "We made several motions which will be brought forward to the provincial government," said Warden Todd Case. "We are making it clear to the province that we expect 50/50 funding for EMS, and that the province provide increased funding to maintain and improve our infrastructure. " WOWC requested that the province live up to its commitment to provide 50/50 funding for EMS services, or else assume responsibility for the service once again. "We were promised 50/50 funding but in reality, Lambton's only receiving 32% funding from the province," said Warden Case. "It's simply unacceptable." The group also tackled infrastructure funding and requested that municipalities within the province support funding from the provincial and federal governments on a per lane kilometer basis, rather than on a per capita basis, "Supporting infrastructure funding on a per lane basis will distribute funding more evenly across the province," said Warden Case. To ensure that municipalities receive stable and fair funding, the WOWC also requested that municipalities no longer be required to pay provincial sales tax. "Governments which serve the same ratepayers should not be paying taxes on the services of others," said Warden Case. "By not paying the PST, the County could save as much as $1,000,000, money which could better be spent on providing services such as roads or health care to seniors," ...MORE -2- Tb<> wowe _" _"" to di""" ""n.t i_ "cin' CO"""" t_gboU'tho .""'" 0"""0 region. "', ""'1' brinll' to",.. _"""""",""'" ,nd _to""" """ ~, ","'" on to oth& """""pili"'" "" _",,,on of """,,,,,,lit'" ofO"",'o <A"O), ,nd th' p'"'''''' ">v_,,,t, "",,_ of"" Wowe \nO''''''' th' courin" ofB"'" B""'" j)u!f&ln. E'gi'" ""~, G"Y, \CUd_d, H- uonbton. ",ddl"'" ""foro. ,,,", Sin>- w,"ln~"" "" th' ",,,,,,,,,,uity of ~,K"" ",d 00""""" ~ ' ",,,,,,,,on of ,,1 million. E" ..." In',,......,. _, L...bt.... c......", v.it """'........,"''''.,., -30- Contact: Todd Case, County Warden County of Lamb ton Telephone: (519) 845-0801 Yale (519) 845-3160 email: todd.case@county-1ambton.on.ca \ \ \ \ \,,"" flidM' fehrua[j 21. ~OIl4 . Thel.nmlon free \'less .!I~w.\t~COJl\~ Minister to revieW rural schoolissues ~- cetuS' were over~ shadowed by London in the bOard, KennedY said ne's aware tne province's scnoOl fUnding formula discriIniliates . ". against small \lEMMED'l: ,I,. rural scnools and .Plans toaddless wants to broaden IUlal com:ems; nisminis~rY' s . perspectiVe on the role of a schOol witnin a cbm. muuitY. RennedY said he e1tpects to release new schOol closing guide' 'lines b'1'tl)e' end Mlitch, to be cemented through his 'announce, ment of grants for schoolS in P>J'ril, He also said tM Liberals have made rural schoolS more viable with extra small rural school fUnding provided late last . year and thrOUgh his December request for school boardS to hold bacl{ on closing any schOols until september, "SchOolS are the hub of manY of their communities," said KennedY, . "'tnere are resources available within schools we can use, Ho~ broad can we g01 'fIe're willing tl have that discussion," His comments were encOura\ ing to Oxford warden Don Woe .cott, still waiting to see he KennedY'S broad thematic ~tro~ translate into poliCY and fund' details. "fm not sure his strategies' have allY teeth to. address t1: issues," said woolcott. "It's good verbiage and fll to see hOW it carries out, To educatioU lowered to the leve desk in a room haS proven 1 work in rural areas," RennedY alsO said tlJ:er likelY be more opportun1t municipalitieS to get inv01 education, recognizing the ual tweat to small rUral is damaging to towns as scnOOls" woodStOCk sentmel.Revi€W oY \\UGO ROORIGUES Special to '[he fee. Press TORON'tO _ Education Minis' ter Gerard RennedY saYs he's willing to look at the Thames valley District schOol bOard'S strUcture jf initiatives introduced bY ontariO'S neW Liberal govern- ment don't addresS rural con' cerns, . , Reacting to an Elgin County motlott passed Feb, 10 asking KennedY to look at tM bOard'S size and scope, he said hahopes he can addresS manY rurelcon. cerns with poliCY and funding announcements, e,mected bY the end ofM-arch. ' RellnedY will also replY to 1'llgiu CountY abOut its'te<1Uest, which Oxford supported Wednesday. "I'll certainlY be replying .to them on this, but also trying to establish dialOgue," said KennedY. "lICs not n\1l first chOice to start splitting boardS, but there are other options as well. We recOg. nize there'S a problem, but we want to have a real strategy on this," ~ start splitting boards, but there are other options as well. We recognize there~ s a problem, but we want to ' . <)' have a real strategy .anthis, E~ The Thames Valley board, one of ontariO'S largest, was created by a four'board merger in the 1990S when the former conser'll'.' tive government chopped the number of ontario schOol boards by half, The former London board was combined with bOardS in Elgin, l'iliddlesex and ozford counties, leavittg manY rural residents believing their voices and con' Nlinistl"J of Education Labour Relations and Governance eusiness and seNlces Division 20\" Floor, NloWat mool< Queen'S parI< ,oronto ON NI? /'. ~ L2 M',oistere de I'Education , Relations de travail e\ de la ges\IOn de \'education DiVisIon des operatiOnS et des fIOances 20 etage, EdifIce NlOWat Queen'S parI< ,orooto oN NI? p. ~ L2 February 25, 2004 Ms sandra J. lleffren Deputy Clerk County of Elgin 450 sunset Drive St, ThomaS ON N5R 5'/l @ Qntar\O RECE\\JEO l#o~\l. 1. ~M COUt{N Of ~\.Glll A'O_~1Wf,..~ Dear Ms lleffren: lO 2004 regarding Elgin County' s council Thank yoU forYourletter offebrual'Y' ,~t1...e s'ze and comnosition of the Thames . c. . " . .r' on''''''' ' ",,,,,,,, "" ' ' ' ' h _",_"00 t"" ""._" h "" ,,,_ to -"" on b,b," 0> t , ~ "''' Vi"''''' S,b"" B""" ''''' .,,,,,,^ to ," MID";'" "f-~'''''' 1~' """,",ob" 1_' Ken"'" . ~'" "" "", th~ ",bOO' b''''' ...- .'" " ,", ,,,, ,,,_ent _"" ,_, """ . th u- on' "",,,","" of"",,,,,. Th' pub'" ,"""'uo' ,,- "'" "",",,,,,..,-"", ',:"-" 0'''''''' ."b!~ ",bOO! -, " """,m" ",-'tt," to """""" ~-,'" ' ';';w'thOt "'. ""', be "hi""'" ,,~""""" ",g- . . ",,,,,,ii' "",_,"',0, "" ,,,_ent "" "" While the Minister appreC1ateS Elgin County . ,,' ".t such time tbat the governUlent . & rt ke a governance reV1e,.. t" ,_ ,t"" ,,,,,,", un>' ~ on ' '. d . fu" "",,,,,,,,,,,,,.,\th '" """"ion '""""'. do" """""" ""h , _"'" ,t ..,U'" on'" ' Thank yOU for taking the time to :Write. S"7/J~ John Donofrio Mting Director Labour Relations and Governance Branch The Thames Canadian Heritage River Committee e/o Upper lhames River Conservation Authority 1424 Clarke Road, London, Ontario N5V 5B9 Ph,: 519~451-2800 Pax:519~451~1188 The Tbdmes; A camWian Beritage R.iver February 23rd, 2004 RECEIVED FEB 25 2Oo.t To: Clubs, Groups, Municipalities, Agencies, and First Nations of the Thames River Watershed COUNTY 0; El" ~!i"IlUjMfi~l~"~!l"-l1!II1"'1l1';:~ t~,,*yt~~<!~.Y' ~ n~ ~ ~v~ ~;n .~~*"'''"''... Dear Friends: You are invited to attend the 4th Annual Thames River Symposium on Friday, March 26th at the Woodstock Community Complex in Woodstock. This one day workshop brings watershed groups together to learn about and discuss the Thames and its natural, cultural and recreational values. This event is the fourth in a yearly series of workshops on the Thames River, one of Canada's newest Heritage Rivers, A program and map are enclosed. The cost of the symposium is $25 per person and includes lunch and refreshments, As space and meals are limited, please contact Cathy Quinlan at (519) 451-2800 ext. 234 or email quinlanc@thamesriver,on,ca if you plan to attend by March 22nd, Payment can be made at the door or in advance by sending a cheque payable to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, 1424 Clarke Road, London, Ontario, N5V 5B9, Displays are welcome. We look forward to seeing you on March 26th. Sincerely, ~~ Gerry Killan, Chair, Thames Canadian Heritage River Committee EncL 'i!!I RECEIVED fEB 24 201M CANADA COUNTY OF aGJN AOMll\liSTRATM'E ~~S PRIME MINISTER'PREMIERM'NiSTRE February 18, 2004 Dear Mrs. Heffren: Thank you for your letter of January 22, 2004, which provided me with a copy of the January 20, 2004, Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin recommendation in which councillors addressed the issue of funding for municipalities and encourage an acceleration of infrastructure investments. I share your concerns that governments need to address urban challenges. Canada's municipalities are centres of economic activity and innovation as well as being communities where Canadians have the capacity to reach their full potential. Our municipalities are home to important cultural institutions and public spaces that contribute to the quality of life of all Canadians. Central to fostering the roles that municipalities play is the need to ensure that municipalities have access to the necessary revenue sources. I am happy to write that the Government has already taken action on points made in the Council's recommendation, When the Government assumed office on December 12, 2003, I moved immediately to name a Parliamentary Secretary with special emphasis on Cities, the Mrs. Sandra J, Heffren Deputy Clerk, Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive S1. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 -2- Honourable John Godfrey, who advises me on urban issues and who is served by a new Cities Secretariat in the Privy Council Office. It is Mr. Godfrey's role to assist me and the rest of the Government in establishing the new deal for communities. Indeed, the Government of Canada's Speech from the Throne of February 2, 2004, outlines the new deal for municipalities which we will develop and seek to implement in partnership with the provinces and municipal governments. In the Speech from the Throne, the Government announced that it will provide all municipalities with a one hundred per cent rebate of the Goods and Services Tax, Municipalities asked the Government of Canada for help and we have responded. The rebate will provide a total of $7 billion in revenue over the next ten years to all municipalities enabling them to address some of the current challenges they are facing. You can be assured that we will be looking at a number of different means of ensuring that municipalities have access to long-term, stable and predictable revenue sources so that they can provide the services and programmes that improve the quality of life of Canadians. Thank you for taking the time to express your views. Yours sincerely, ..-- "- y~ BOBIER VILLA 29491 Pioneer Line, 1 Bobier Lane, Dutton, Ont. NOL lJO Tel. (519) 762-2417 Fax (519) 762-2361 TERRACE LODGE 475 Talbot Street East, Aylmer,Ont. N5H 3A5 Tel. (519) 773-9205 Fax (519) 765-2627 ELGIN MANOR 39262 Fingal Line, RR#l, St.Thomas, Ont. N5P 3S5 Tel. (519) 631-0620 Fax (519) 631-2307 RECEIVED ELGIN COUNTY HOMES AND SENIORS SERVICES FEB 9 2004 G(lMYOF~ nUI'~I~'IlI~'Wie_~ AuyW>i)]~'l:..~ \;, ~~'\ \Ill!ff;r.; ~~tr~ January 27,2004 Mr. Dave Rock Warden Elgin County Council 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mr, Rock: On behalf of the residents of Elgin Manor, please accept my sincere thanks for the County's generous gift of free hairdressing and barber services for the month of December. Everyone looked their very best for the Christmas Season! Thank you again for your wonderful gesture and accept our sincere wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year! Sincerely, ~ ~(JI>-<'--R- Mrs June Toogood Mayor, Resident's Council In Case of Transmission Difficulties, Please Call 416-863-2101 please Deliver To: The County of Elgin Office 01 t~e: Minister of Municlpat Affairs Minister ResPQnSiblalQr Housing MInister RB:sponsiblm101' Seniors 717 Say S"..l Toronto ON MSG 2E5 Tel. (41 S) 5B5-7000 www.mah.o~\I.on.ca Sureau du lVIiYlistre de;$' Affaires municlpales Minlstre re"'PQnsable au Logemenl Mil11$tre d6Mgue aux Affalres des perso nnO$ agees 777, rue Bay Toronto ON M5G :!E5 Tel. (416) 5BS-7000 WlMN_Mah_of!Jv.OJ'l.ca ~ ont..lo February 10, 2004 Mrs. Ann Mulvale President Association of Municipalities of Ontario 393 University Avenue, Suile 1701 Toronto ON M5G lE6 Dear Mrs, MulvaIe: I am writing today to reaffirm the provincial position on the GST .ebate for municipalities announced in the federal throne speech. My colleague, Finance Minister Greg Sorbara, has said quite clearly that the Ontario govemment has no intention of clawing back the rehate. Any speC1.llation along those lines is simply misinformed and inaccurate. We are very pleased about the federal government's willingness to commit f'mancial support to municipalities through the GST rebate, That funding will help Ontario's municipalities meet the fiscal challenges they face. . As I said at the recent Memorandum of Understanding meeting, the Ontario govenunent is committed to a new way of doing business, and an agenda for positive change. We recognize that Ontario municipalities need a new deal that will restore their ability to plan, manage and invest for the future. We know action is needed to ensure fiscal sustainability for municipalities, Our goal is to find ways to really bring the three levels of government together as partners. We are still in the early stages. Ontario's current fiscal chaiIenges dictate a measured, responsible approach to implementing Ii new deal. But we are committed to moving ahead, and we look-f't>>ward to beginning the process with you. Heads of Council 1:3Z!{OlWS} 82/13/61 23:87:87 EST: ASSOCIATION OF?-) 519 &33 7&61 CLERH-Elgin Co Page 882 FEB-13-04 FRl 04:32 PM 260 FAX NO, 416 971 6191 p, 01 t&.~_ AssooiaUol~ of ... M uT\ieipillitlos 1it of Ontario 3D311nlvot$ily Avunull. Suile 1701 Taranto, ON Mt'iG 1fi"tJ Tel: (4113) 911.9856 . f:ax. (416) 971.6191 cmBlJ: amO@:lffiQ.mUIl;CDrn,com To tlm iltlonlion of Ille Clork and Council. Feb. 13{04 - FYI 04/006 LABOUR ISSUES UPDATE ISt;l)I:,: ThQr~) "lave been several racGnl annOuncements regarding the minimum wage, the Employmrmf Standards AOI ((:;SA) aD-hour workw~)ek and the Workplace safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), BACI{(mOUNi1: 0) Min/mum W,l[lO: On FIlbruary 1, 2004. tho Millii~try of I..nbollr incr'~ns()d the minimum wage 30 G(lIlts In $7.15 p(Jr hour. Further increases will come Into ofloct overy Fubrllory 1'" until 2007 when the minill1um W.:lgo will be $8 per hour " please see the tablo f()r' dolails, Ontario Gene;:al Minimum Wane Rate/hr '-.. $7,15' "--"- $7:45" ==-~:::~-$7,7S ._n_.___-..iIl"'qg. . Implementation Date ~~~I!!.,!ry-i: 'zooT--: February 1~9jl5.._..... Febru~ry..k~Q.D6 E~_~ruarv 1. :2oqz........,.. II) l.mM60.Nollr Wm:k W~;'ek: The Ministry is ~Isa consulting on ending {he 60-hour work week that Was includ<"d in \1'10 Employmont St.mdards Act. 2000 by the proviou" government. Under legislation thaI could be introduced in 1,11~) Spring, tho Ministry of Labour would have to consent to a work week over 48 hours, As parl of th0 C(lIlSldlnlioll. stakeholders are also allowed to comment on other ESA issues, The ESA is Il11port"ml to tlllmlcipolilics, because it can override collecUv," agreements regarding issues like hours of wOI'I< mId breaks, In cases where tho ESA does override collective agrGements, municipalities may faco cost incrCi:l~i()s, To assist stakeholders, th(l Ministry has issued a Discussion Paper (available at V,'N\!Y.JJ'ly',.()I1,lifjlLi'\.~JeJl(lU,;~tJ!,ps.,jR.dfJdP:il(J",[19f. Comments are due on February 27, 2004, AMO will bo providing (lornmcnl$ on [he consuitation, and noeded improvE:lmCl,ts to the ESA. Please contact Jeff Fisher. AMO Sonior Policy Advi"or, al the phone number or o-maillisled below if you have any issues or concerns i'ngardiWJ lh!') foSA, or the 60.hour worl\Week. r.) wsm Audit; On F(lbruary 12. 20001,. the Minister of Labour, the Hon. Chris Bentley, announced an audit (if 11'18 WSIFl that will be completed on May 28, 2004. The audit will address a wide range of issues including corporatc/ndrnlnistmtiv0 $Clrvic(;s, investment pr<~ctices, information services and controllership procClsSes, rl) Nl:."im: lu, no1ed in a S<'lpWmber 22,2003 AMO FYI (03/017), the WSIB was conSUlting on amendmEinte to tl\o ~,)c1]('ldll![j 1 (the insured sector) New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) Program. NEEF{ provide,; employers with incentives to improve their health and safety rDcords through rebates or ~;urch'lf!J(;S d>ipondin(l on their claim costs. Because of the success of Ihe progmm, in recent years thl) inconliwiS h;W~~ diminishod, As of Janunry 1, 2004 the WSIB has implemented changes to the program that will incmHs,; incentivos lei employers to improve their health Clnd safety records, Details can be found on tile WSI!3 wf,\bsile <It ~VW~W;j.i12,.9.!l.,..cgz\ygiblwSib"it~,D?f/PLlbliclex[)e.rn,D_qeratinaneerel\hW.9.s;,nJSlJJ.t.';;, It should }llso b(~ no led thaI tho WS/8 Is continuing to review its incenlive based programs (o,g. NEER). (-,~ W~"JB Scllo,/ale 2' t:l"tCf;; Tho 2004 provisional rElte of Schedule 2 (self-insured seelor) rmmicipalities is (;6t at 2G.I1~%, which is daw!, from the 2003 provisional rato (28.63%), Th/'s/nM/m.'lfio/1 bs flv,lilablo through AMOs SUbscription basocl MUNICOM network at ~1J,1.t!Q.lc.g!Jl.c:oJll. For m(,'l"<'Ilo'lfI)YtlIMiMJ COT/I"C:l: Jeff Fislwr, Policy Advisor <.It (416) 971-9856 Ext" 315 {'or Ir<lllsIl';'lSloJ/ pm1)}(!!I1S, COli/act: (4'16) 971,9856 62/12/81 23:18:85 EST; ASSOCIATIOn OF?-) FEB-12-04 THU 05:03 PM 260 519 &33 7&61 CLERH-Elgin Co FAX NO, 416 971 6191 / \'~:~~ ( " . ,d., Page 8E12 p, 01 A::iSUL.;Id:1.'V1IV, , Municipalities of Ontario ~ili\l!I;~III"'.!..ILlJ,..~~llI/.l~~~Iu.J'''~''''''''''lltilo1l"",,,,.~~,, .....,..'..~ i"i'" ~~ ",' :l ", \(,~~ I Vt~ ~,iJo\~ll\~ . "!J~~~~r ~'tt;r> 1\'" r~"i. 1 1'1[( . f'(t":".l,"l'~':'~ ~~~~ ,~.~\,.!~~ liV/;: Nt. /.;,' \~Ij,~, "i"~ "~~i\t'.,,tA.,I'~; ~~u.:.~ ~'M'*"ltHI.~~'i' "'11'-",."_;"'"""" "..... 393 Univc~ity AValUO, &lilo 170 I TCiQnlo, ON M!JG lEG Ta; (416) 971-9E15S. fox; (416)071-6191 em-lil: ,n\Q@-)tr\O.rmu,icorn.oo11i To (no jffIJllodiaaJ "It/flY/lion of lhe Clerk and Council February 12, 2004 - Alert 04/005 HENltlWING OUR COMMUNITIES. AMO'S PRE~BUDGET SUBMISSION ISStl!::: AMO'~ Pre-Budget Submission to tho Legislativo standing committee on Finance and [;conomi<; Air!lirs. B/\Gl(GHOUND; AMO's Pre-Budget Submission provides tho Province with an Action Plan to rencw ollr comrnuniUos through a "New Deol" for municipalities. Highlights of the plan includo: ., H trilnteral framework ngloHll1ont for Ontario between all orders of government for a new 'fin3l1oial/working relationship Hwt will allow future agreements on immigration, llousing, H1:m tHX ond other initiatives; .. 1l1<1tchlng f~,~doml announcements (o,g, zero-rate the PST for municipalities, which would gllV0 tho <,octor an estimated $180 million); " dGdk~iltlno f~ portion of the gas tax for ronds, bridges and transit infrastructure; ., b(;ginnin\.1 to upload social and community hcu!th services; . onsurlng rnunicipal inpllt into program design to make programs more workable: ,;. fm,t trncking a process to "fix" the property tax/assessment system without radical roforrn : ~ nliwndin\J thE} Municipal Act to on shrine pre-conslIltntion with the municipal sector, so futuro provlnci(~1 policies do not come with "surprise" costs; ~ roviowing provinciallegislatiQn to provide municipalities with more nuthority and flexibility .. especially in areas where there is no overriding provincial interest; .. now provincial investment in rent supplement funds to ,assist low income families and mort) provincial funding for affordable housing programs; . mnnndinu tlie Devolopment Charges Act to allow chargeS for hospital costs and other issu~~~~; ~ $lirctlMges on fines to help fund court security, prisoner transportation and other issues; " ~J.,llino tougllor in collecting the millions of dollars worth of unpaid fines; '" \Jiving municipalities tlio right to ctlarge for the use of their rights of ways; .' holding the recent Bi\l124, the BlIilding Code Statute LaW Amendment Act, 2002 i'O\llllations in abeyance until municipal concerns are addressed; and " prot(;Gtin~l two.. halter fire fighters, In [ts $ubmim,ion, AMO also outlines tho context of rnunicipal government in Ontario. Our (;ornr!'lunitles f"lCt3 an r.lnnuaJizod deferred maIntenance and delayed infrastructure investment of l:\bout $G billion (estimate for 2003), which is proportionallY three times greater than the Onlmi<) Covornmcnt's current $5,6 billion proVincial deficit. At the same, the property tax bu/'Clon in Ontario for HIl aV<'lragc family is about 1-1% higher than the next highest Province, 'TIm OME~f~S rate reintroduction and rate increase, changes to electricity pricing, and the impf;lctS of lal)(lur mbilration "od settlements will only add to the pressuro, Pi:lUt,) 1 01 ~~ .~ , ,.,,_..,...~,., ",.,-." ...".... ...._._"...._..H.'........ "..~.",....,........-~. 82/12/84 23:18:55 EST; ASSOCIATION OF?-) FEB-12-04 THU 05:03 PM 260 519 &33 7&&1 CLEEK-Elgin Co FAX NO. 416 971 6191 Page 883 p, 02 '\'ho ProvindalllUdgot if, Hn opportunity for change, As stated in the AMO submission, "MulIicipHI ~IQV(,rrml,mts have their own fiscal challenges and simply want. the cooperation of l'oder8\ "lOd provincIal govornments to help us with the machinery to get the job done, With (~ornmi\lnont, with leadership, with trust, we can get the JOP done," AMO's submission is availilblo al: W,!,!,w. ,D! 115 ).JlI;1..!,;.BMll<;llq,.J)~l:Y~1.w.h(M-l!9.W,11\l!}!' Aclion: MJlO will Keep members informed regarding tlle'provlnclal budget and any progress on the "NGW D0<l1" tel renew oi,lr communities, Tt,;s iolormst/ot) is DV'Iih11)/o tllrougl1 AMO's subscription based MUNlcoM nGLWorl( at 't!W"".WlllJiCOJ1).col)J. n.lt mom il'lf,){I)'/<1I,j(l/l, CQ,1I.'1ct: Pat V"111ni, AMO ExecUtiVO Director, at 416-971-9856 "xl. 316 Pago 2 of2 ~. .._.._ ,,' ..............._.,.... ,"_...-..,.._'''_'~ ..~~..... ....~ .._~_ _..,...... ,..~......._,,,.._.__ ,~w~,",~"" .",............ f Ql'esel1ts The 2004 AMO CONFERENCE 'Y(el1ewil1'} OCAl' CammCAl1ities From the Municipal Front Door To Parliament Hill Come to (Ottawa ~ August 22-25, 2004 The Westin Ottawa and The Ottawa Congress Centre 11 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa 613-560-7000 Additonal Accomodations Available at these Fine Hotels Fairmont Chateau Laurier 1 Rideau Street 1-800-441-1414 Les Suites Hotel Ottawa 130 Besserer Street 1-800-267-1989 Novotel Ottawa 33 Nicholas Street 613-230-3033 See attached Registration Form for more details * Special "Early Bird" Rates * Call AMO @ 1-877 -426-6527 Toll Free or 416-971-9856 Check our website often for updates www.amo.on.ca ~ REGISTRATION FORM 'YZe.1ewtrt'} OU\' CamYl1lArtities 2004 AMO Annual Conference - August 22 - 25, 2004 From the Municipal Front Door Westin Hotel & Ottawa Congress Centre, Ottawa, Ontario To Parliament Hill ~'~"'''''''~~''''''''''''T~'.''''''''''''''''''L1!b''''_.'lif''''';~!S'''''''''''fr'''~N1''''''''''">~'-,~,......~~""""..~..a,,,,,,,__,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""''''''A fil![i~l1S~'f''' -''''l",,*:rr~asew...... ~Iiill' iel;\:iJgaJ;n'!;i(.el1.....,.l\;U"p..,J;Q~en. .oWt''''''.', ;.' i ilv.eI;>>,l. . i. ,', "U.I~..""'1'W"'''''.\O![Ol1d!~,,~'''_i1!i'''U~ - .- ,,- Municipality/Organiz"tion: Mailing Address: Contact Name: Telephone: E..ail: _-I ~;;"-'- Name of Delegate rtnaD_rQl]I1!I(/).~ Title Registration Type A.B.C.D.E COmpanion's Name (if rooisterM) # of Extra Banauet Tickets 11. 12, 3, 4, 5. ~""'l;~"'''"*,,_'''I''.~''_~*,!i'''A_'''''~~''8'li~i,,,-''''''-''J;''''''''''C'",,,,",ili' Pif;lJ:.:".".;,",W"1fJ!t~~~,'itJr:wBidJiJ;"k'"j#(0W<XM!2f~~~1r:f!4"'~1i!$tJ.*f;~ .'''~ . _;i&g};t'__*,Xi'iffiXF,;)fJhn.eyrSLradO,W;di\~~,~fdt? GST Registration# Rl0673294.4 . Federal/Provincial Governments GST Exem It . ,.. ""'''t',"'',,"'",-''''''''''''"'--' "","_"",_,,,W;," Federal/Provincial Governments Early Bird Regular On Site Berore After April 25, August April 25 22 - 25 $475.00 525,00 630,00 ~415.00 460,00 570.00 $240,00 270,00 325,00 ~240,OO 270.00 325.00 ~140.00 140,00 140.00 $185,00 200.00 240,00 - - ,_. . $95.00 I Type of Registration A Full Registration ~ B Full Reg - No Banquet I C 1 Day - Monday I D 1 Day - Tuesday ~ E V2 Day" Wednesday l . Companion ~ Extra Banquet Tickets I .; Does not indlJde sessiOf1$ &anew 01' Mea's E,LEASE N,oTE SPEq}lL_ D!ETA~Y RE?:jI.!l-E,MEJ'fTS HERE: ;g':'>::':ffi&':"''''''-':'.'_ "",,,..,.I., _:" ,_w__l,.~_,_..= ~~~~~~'."'.e'lltW.pl~ Credit Cards: 0 VISA 0 MasterCard CI American Express Name on Card: Card #: Siqnature: Cheque: 0 @ = @ = @ = @ = @ = @ = f8l = .1' For voting purposes, ELECTED OfFICIALS must declare their choice of Caucus Ll County Caucus 0 Large Urban Caucus 1!1I I 11 J 0 Northern Caucus 0 Regional Caucus l 0 Rural Caucus 0 Small Urban Caucus PAYABLE TO: Association of Municipalities of Ontario I 0 Toronto Caucus 393 University Avenue. Suite 1701. Toronto. ON MSG lE6 Registrations will NOT be processed unless accompanied by proper payment. Only CREDIT CARD payments may be faxed to 416-971-9372 REFUND POLlCY: Cancellations MUST be requested in writing before August 1,.2004, An administration fee of $70.00 (includes GST) will apply, REGISTRATION INQUIRIES: Brenda Harvey. 1-877-426-6527 or 416-971-9856, Ext. 330. Fax: 416-971- 9372. Email: conrorence@i'll/)O.lnunicorn.com AMO collects. uses and discloses the information requested to promote the interests of the municipal sector, It may also be shared with selected third parties to generate operating revenues for AMO. Under the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) some of the information may constitute personal information. By filling out this form you agree that all personal information provided by you on the form may be collected. used and disclosed by AMO for all purposes described above and you confirm that you have obtained the consent o!the individuals to which the personal information relates to such collection use and disclosure. Expirv Date: RECE'\lEO o U110ngas A Duke Enelgy eoUlpany January 28th, 2004 rEI) s ?~ tOU~Of~ ~ I\,()Wi\~\S1AA-~~ Mr. Mark McDonald Chief Administrative officer county of Elgin 450 sunset Drive st.. Thomas, ontario N5R 5V1 DearM~Ona\d'~ , ~ ","'" '" ,., Y'" ood yW' ,"", '"~ "", "". ,-~' Ow ro" ,f op,ro"" MOO"" "" ". ,""oofs,m" ~, " ""'00"" '" '" '.'. , ~ ,,,,,","lblo f~ ,II'"'' ,p,ro'''''' c'''''', "", ","" ,~"". "~ """,,. 00' ."",,"'y "",00"'. "' w.1I ",,~, "",COO" ,od =,".', rei."'" PI"'''' '0 pOI """", '" ""loci ~ · "y """ If Y'" h'" OOy ,,""M' ."'" U,,,, G'" 0_"" _. ~ """,oo" p""roC', , will ... "'''' yoo "ill yoo' ,"", ,,\PI",", _, "y "'''"''' . "",,,,,,, ." c" '" of ,"",~I '" yoo. E",'~" p,""oo Md ", """'" '"''' of MOO",,"' "'~. , hOP' "" """,,."'" ""Ip' '" "'" y" ,od Y"PI office apprised of our activities in communi\\es acroSs ontario, I wo,ld "" " ""re wi," yoo OO' ",,,g, ". h" "" b""'C' ,ff_' '"" cwlb "" ",,,,- whO purchase their natural gas supply from Union Gas, Effective this January, we have d'"",,,,' '", """C""'" =' f""" ".5158 "", pOl ""< "clI' '" 22.3706 "", p'" ",," c,,,,,. '" ""OOg' co"'" ,d"""" " '" 12.-'" f~- '" po''''''' Ow """cod,,. " yoo "",y ,,~. .. prire of Ow wcmod" . """",_00. Md - ,,,,'odY co- oPl """"" '" "" If 1I ~"', '" b. """'''' '" 00",", '" """' reff'" ", propPl "".,.". ", 0'''''' E~"lY BOO" ",pro'" " ,'" "'009" '". do pOI ,,,, , .of" "'" Ow ,.. " Ow ,,,,,,od'y Nro. IP Joo"'''' ""~,' .mp."" '"""'~,, "p""" TP9'.o. .". "',- m~' "",., typical customer will see an average annual decrease of about $100 on their bill. , "" ,'" "",,,,,, , ,.. 01 keY ...-. ~d phoP' """," 'PI '" by Y'" ~d Y"PI ,,," So'" of .'" """", ,. p,bI", "mOO<' ." yoo ",y "",,1d'1o '"""c... ,,,,,,.,,, included some private contact information for the convenience of you and your staff. '100' """,m '" ..""" "'" y" ,,'" y'" ,,," AI "y 'c.. d Y'" WOo" II"" IP ",PI PI "" '" m""'"" p'_ do 00' hOO""" 10 ,," m' . ",,,,,, 4' 114. , "" PI""" IP ,"''''" '0 eoy fp~' inquiry you have, 'pO" '~ cfj,",~ Operations Manager London/Samia lami Enclosures ,0 '0' "" ,"". A. '00 ,._'m" '"'. W. "",,,,",. ON. NoA "., wf. ;C' ", "00 ,_.m"_- Union Gas Limited ltj OntariO Steve Peters, M.P.P. Elgin - Middlesex - London RECEIVED FEB 4 211114 COONlYOF a. IU.lMINlml~"!1Itu! $EmJI:;f,~ January 30, 2004 Honourable John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing 17th Floor, 777 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5G2E5 Dear Minister: Please find enclosed a copy of an article that appeared in the September 2003 edition of the Ontario Good Roads Association's Milestones magazine. The article's topic touches upon provisions under the Line Fences Act concerning arbitrating fencing disputes between adjacent landowners to abandoned railway lines, As you are most likely aware, a 2003 court decision ordered Elgin County to erect new fences along an abandoned railway line, This court ruling, as well as differing interpretations of the Line Fences Act, affect plans municipalities may have in partnering with community groups and private sector interests in developing the land along abandoned railway lines for recreational and other purposes, As well, it appears the province has not kept pace with the federal government in regards to regulations governing what qualifies as a working railway and an abandoned one, It also appears the former provincial government was reluctant to address these issues, a reluctance that has caused some confusion for municipalities when they try to formulate long-term (and even short-term) plans for abandoned railway corridors, Minister, I would appreciate your reviewing this matter and providing municipalities your position on the issue, Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Sincerely, S=C\k Steve Peters, M,P.P, Elgin-Middlesex-London Cc: County of Elgin County of Middlesex 542 Talho\ Street, Sc Thomas. ON N5P 101' . T _ (519) 631-0666 Toll free - 1_800_265_7638 F - (519) 631.9478 E - speters.rnpp.co@libcral.ola.org www.stevepeters..com \i.O ,~ ..:;r orM'orCl Steve l'eters, M,.1'.1'. E\gl\l . Mloo\:osey; . 1...0\\00\\ tEl'} 41, ~1)U4 , . COU\~\'iOf ~ ~_\smjl..1\\I'E~ January 30, '].004 Bonourable Barlnder Takhar Minister ofTratlSportation 3,a Floor, Ferguson Block '1'1 Wellesley Street West Toronto, ON M'1 ~ 17$ Deat Minister: k detai\\n the hlstor)' behind de"elopme\1.ts with the ,_ ,,d ",,,,",, . ~,~ ~ b ",;.,,,, wOO """' ''''' "I"'~' ,01 w"",,, II ErIlergency DetoUr Route (EDR) whIch IS use. y J11d .1... a1..Elgl'ncoun'" 1 have taken the \\bertY . '0 t d seauernatweroa suuou,," "J' _.. ~ "'J~ ",_' w' .' ,"", ""'" '" o,"~ ~ full ,- ",- """ to el1c\Ose all prior correspondence on ,.illS Issue 0 appoiutrllent to Cabinet. . . b i"""'" or~-""""oh, "",mwmd"", "mi.'" \ ..-" "" '"'" _.11'" ""~ ~ '": m>R '" '"' "'" '" ..."", "" C,,"," of VI'" ""'," _. "w'" 01 .".~ .~ "," \' I' cl- ~,-, w "" ,,;' r_ ill' 'E,lg\n is seeking penu1Ssion to ~ect ~?RtdhlrEeton~O~SstafftO achieve this goal In a tirllely fashion. 401,1 would ask that MTO staSWor" WI g11l' . "'" "I , "'" '" -"" ""~,,,.-" It has also come to nlY attention that the colourd ~ ~he~hiS colour change win happen l11ld which frorll our rIlinistrY, 1 would apprecIate au up a e on ' I.",,:r "'.",,,"'," wi\I '" "",,",,"" "" -"" "" "", ,,... .0 h e ion~ 11lunicipalities adjacent to the 401 do not. .' F.,,,,,,,,,",, , "''' .,., ,..- "'" '" "' , . . "'I'" ,,,,,,-'- "'....' _...."~ l""'.... in ill' ",R "".'" , .",Jd ,!; """, "'::~, """", ~ ....' ..""",.d ..._d along the 401, suCll as Chathmn-lZent, to p<u$lpa e I across the province, , t f1\ oking Into these rIlatters as soon as is feaslble,1'hank Minlster,l would appreclate yoU or yo~r sa, 0 yOU in ad"ance for your tinle and consIderatIon. \ Sincerely, S~~~ (5)9) 6:1 \ 9478 E ,pol'" ",pp co@hbcr,,\.oh',o"~ S S <1'L . 0" NO' .,,., _ ,,,, ,._""'".,~ - .,,~,",", ' - _C ,_peters.com ,ft ,'~ ,~. ,. ,.-" " "'. Ste"e Peters, M.P ,1'. Elgin_Midd\ese".London . " .' l't"ofD."'--"""""",,,ors-''''''-'"or Cc: count:1 ofE\g11l; ,,,unlclp\1I'J ' W est Elgin ,<0,,,,;00" ,"',..,," e' ""m" ood """",,, e' 00"''' FA-IRO Mr, Dave Rock Warden The County of Elgin 450 sunset Dr, St. Thomas, ON N5R 5\11 ~E.Cf;.\~f;.O fi.~ $ rtJJ. C~O~~\.q~~s ~\~~*~ suite \ 402 505 \JniversiW p.,venue 10ron\0, canada MSG 1)(3 lei'. (4\6) 979- \ \ 82 fa)(: (4\6) 595,9778 January 28,2004 ciJ:[ Dear Mr, Rock: "" b,h'\! 0' P AlRO (Ih' """,,,,,,,,,' ,,_""" of ",-'" ",d R"".ren~ ~f O~":) 1 would II1<e \0 "" "", oP1"',,,,n\\Y \00"'" 00' conll"'Ola""'" on yo", , ",on 0 , position of Warden. r'J::::~,:,~~:~~:~:r;~~;~Ei?1;r~~~;"ly ,;';;;u,::;:n ~':,di:::::'~'':'';;;' ;;:;;:;'io:~b:CO-g ",dependen"Y li"""d physicians. "'" ",,,,,,,,rnhip "."'"'P''''' of"" phy"":n: ~,::;::,~ :::~::::tob::,;ili~ ""' phY"O'" "".,bU"""' ,opply ,-t'r d It'' _t 1<",ly ,n ,,,u' 0' lI''''' ''''l'''''''''' ,,,0'" '" ","'Y """no co,;n"'''';'.:''' l'tR;:; "" w"ked di'''''Y w,,,, co_on'''''' w ",I" 'n )00' own ,,,,,,,"o<ot). m" " '0'" coo'- ",loh"'" w "'" phy<in,n -- ~:::r:d~%'':~ :::'J",~ ;~'t'~:"~~'~~;;;'::;;'::,~~';:"'. In ~~~:;::;~;:~ j:' '" ;"'dd~s~~{teOy~:,;;~~:,~<~r~~:;U 0' una:ware of any of these programs an 0 the opportu.nity, We '''''' fo,",". '0 ,,,,ldng wi'" yoo '" "',' Wg''''''' ," ,.,\,",0," "'" Oota"'''' "'" ,,,,,,,,,hle '0$" '0 h"u", ,,,,. hvP' 0", """""t "nll"'" ,""",. Sincerely y. ours, j//l/Jij Michael curry, 1..1,13, MD president - - -Igin's -amily . r ~ Ontario Early Years 200403 01 Dear County Council Members, Various organizations throughout Elgin County are in the planning stages of organizing and hosting the third Elgin's Family Fair, This family event will be held on Saturday, April3'd, 2004, at Parkside Collegiate Institute in St. Thomas, The goals of Elgin's Family Fair will be to: . inform parents, children and care givers of the available resources and programs in Elgin County and surrounding area build awareness and understanding of the importance of the early years as a foundation for lifelong leaming, behaviour and health provide an entertaining, educational, interactive learning environment for the families to experience during this event . . Every display will feature an activity for the children to engage in while the parents/care givers learn about available programs and support systems in Elgin County and the surrounding areas, The event will begin at 10:00 with Opening Ceremonies. The planning committee, Partnerships of Community Agencies, would welcome your attendance at this event. For further information, please contact Christie Bubel 633 - 5125, Sincerely, e!~~ Teacher On Special Assignment Thames Valley District School Board NOTE: If you are planning to attend please contact Christie Bubel at 633-5125. ..,,"0 A """,,,nO E"'- A"" ,0 .,,'." · _oAAl- "",,",ES USED '0' COU"'" ..."....S ..10 ""peAl- .V...." "" ,,.,.. COUNT'f of E\.GIN 8y_\.aVl No, 04-04 " p.. 200~ S 0 200~ c,25, authoriZes '"""_ _,,,,,,.,.. ~_"o-i..;".'~-"" . ,_"" ,,, "" ",no' -' ""r....... ,..""'" - """ "'''''".''' _,,,,,,,, .-po" ~.'.f"'" -"",,,, - -". ,_ ~ _' """,::::;::;::.-0" """"... """,,,,, ",.- ~;:=~~~:::-..~"" po - ... , ,,",,_ BY"" '" <>>" """""'" ....- """" "',.. fu< """ personal '1enicles lor CounW bUsiness; and '"""_ C-... -" ",-" """,'" ." N"" 'HERE""" '" _ """" - '" """""",,,,.. ""'" ..... enacts as 101\OWs', I a polntees to the \.and Ol'l\sion . "'" -,"""", """"", ''''',,'''', , .."",,, "'" ~ , ,~ tn r boards and anY otner persons, ,," committee, appo\ntee~ 0 0 e"a\\ be reimbursed at the following rate', vehicle lor CounW bUSIneSS, s., $.40 per WIOmetre. """._ '" ,,-'" b. "".. - · "",., """", "",.. bY'" ""'" "'" - ,..." ",. ~ """" ,... ?f>O' 2. '3. """" "" "" """'" _ "', " ,,,.,..... "'" """'. "'" '"'' "" - ,_ ", <I' ",...... "'" oavld \>1\. RoCK, warden, \>I\arK G, \>I\coonald, cnle1 Administrative Ol1icer. COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 04-05 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND LONDON AND DISTRICT SERVICE WORKERS' UNION. LOCAL 220. S.E,I.U.. A.F,L.., C.I,On CLCn WITH RESPECT TO THE CORPORATION'S FULL AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES AT THE ELGIN MANOR. TERRACE LODGE AND BOBIER VILLA" WHEREAS the London and Distnct Service Workers' Union, Local 220, by certificates dated December 20th, 1972 for full-time employees and September 30th, 1974 for part-time employees of Elgin Manor; March 24th, 1982 for full time and part-time employees of Terrace Lodge; and February 29, 1972 for full-time employees and April 11 , 1972.for part-time employees of Bobier Villa, is the certified bargaining agent, save and except foremen and supervisors, persons above the rank of foreman and supervisor, registered and graduate nurses, office staff, persons regularly employed for not more than twenty-four hours per week, and students employed during the school vacation period; and WHEREAS negotiations have taken place over a period of time, between the County and the Union, towards establishing orderly collective bargaining relations and providing an orderly procedure for the disposition of grievances and defining working conditions and terms of employment for all employees who are represented by the Union, in the form of a Collective Agreement: and WHEREAS agreement has now been reached by both parties on the said procedures, conditions and terms of employment to be included in agreements to cover the period January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005 for full and part-time employees of Bobier Villa, full and part-time employees of Elgin Manor, and full and part-time employees of Terrace Lodge. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1, THAT the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer of the County of Elgin be and are hereby authorized to sign the Collective Agreements between the County of Elgin and the London and District Service Workers' Union, Local 220, S,E.I.U" A.F.L., C,1.0., C.L.C" setting forth collective bargaining relations, disposition of grievances and to define working conditions and terms of employment for all full and part-time employees of Elgin Manor; all full and part-time employees of Terrace Lodge: and all full and part-time employees of Bobier Villa represented by the said Union. READ a first and second time this 9th day of March 2004, READ a third time and finally passed this 9'hday of March 2004. Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. David M. Rock, Warden, I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I . ':- . , -- . I County of Elgin and Member Municipalities Renewal Report Effective March 1, 2004 Prepared by: Buffett Taylor & Associates Ltd. 605 Brock St. N, Suite 200 Whitby ON UN 8R2 February 2004 St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association . ELGfN COUNTY St. Th.mas !I~~~ December 22, 2003 Linda Veger Director of Financial Services County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5VI Dear Linda: Re: 2004 S1. Thomas - Eblin Tourist Association Bud2et Submission Enclosed please find our budget submission request for 2004, We are pleased to advise that the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association is moving forward and very excited about our plans for 2004, Our budget does not reflect an increase in our request to the County of Elgin but maintains the 60 140 split between the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas as in the past. 2004 will see a number of new initiatives for the Tourist Association such as the Visual Heritage Project which will produce a living history of Elgin County and St. Thomas on an interactive DVD supplied to schools, libraries and museum at no cost, Plans also include a county-wide mural brochure, museum brochure, digital images database and the Beyond the City Lights tourism conference just to name a few. We look forward to the opportunity to present the budget to Council and receive ay questions the members may have. STETA is very appreciative of the support received from the County of Elgin and hope you will consider our request favourably. Sincerely, 1L f?;n~ Dave McAdams, President St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association cc Karen Kok6vai Trevai~ Treasurer P.O. Box 22042, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A1 Telephone: (519) 631-8188 Fax: (519) 631-3836 Website: www.elgintourist.com Email: friends@elgintourist.com < ST. THOMAS - ELGIN TUlJ.luST ASSOCIATION 2004 Bnd!!:et Revenn~ Grants County of Elgin City of St, Thomas Human Resources Canada Other Wage Sources (SOTO) Membership Fees Ministry Grants 1 Fund raising Total Exoenses Membership Communications Advertising STETA Sponsored Events Operating Expenses Board Expenses Telephone Insurance Postage Wages Students Total Expenses 5t/-/I $35,550.00 $23,700,00 $10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 8,000,00 $ 4,500.00 $86,750.00 $ 8,550.00 $42,200,00 $13,500.00 $ 2,000,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,000,00 $ 1,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 86,750,00 cd J J .J J ~ J ] J 'd :D I d ] ] ] 1 J ] ] St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Presents Ilr il lvilll . ELGIN COUNTY 81. Th.mas A ~4tJ Lo-v-t, St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association ELG;N COUNTY 81. Th.mas A~t6~ February,2004 Dear St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Member, Re: Notice of Annual General Meeting - 81. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association I am writing on behalf of the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Board of Directors to advise you of the following items of interest: 1. to invite you to attend the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Thomas-Elgiu Public Art Centre located at 301 Talbot Street in St. Thomas. 2, to provide you with a copy of the proposed by-law changes which will also be tabled at the meeting (please note, a full copy of the by-laws may be picked up at the STETA office at 545 Talbot Street, Lower Leve~ St. Thomas, should you require one prior to the meeting). 3. to advise you of agenda items, which will include: Year in Review, Marketing Plan, By-law Changes, Election of Officers and Financial Report. Any paid up 2004 member will be eligible to vote and stand for nomination, The Board is eager to update our members on the activities of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association during the past year as well as share with you the proposed projects for the upcoming year. The business meeting will be followed by a light lunch so we would ask that you RS, V.P, to the office at 63 1- 8188 or toll free at 1 877 GO ELGIN on or before March 221h, 2004. We look forward to seeing you then and should you have questions regarding the above, feel free to contact the office. . Sincerely, ~ ~/It~ Dave McAdams, President S1. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association Copies to: Elgin County Council Members and County Staff City of St. Thomas Council Members and City Staff Elgin County Municipalities and Staff P.O, Box 22042,545 Talbot Street, S1. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A1 Telephone: 519 6318188 Fax: 519631-3836 Web site: www.ell!intouris1.com Email: friends@elgintourist.com Sf. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association Suggested By-law Amendments 2004 Page 5, By-law No. 4, EXE~u ul'E COMl\-.u..l J.J!.J!. Article 3(1) TERM OF OFFICE 3(1) -to read "The Executive Comu...:"""" shall be appointed for a two(2) year term (Note: this is in keeping with By-law 6 which refers to all positions as two year terms) Page 6, By-law No.6, OFFICERS (Note: the following changes are recommended so that the entire Executive Committee are not elected or complete their terms in the same year,) Article 2 - PRESIDENT 2(1) - to read "The President's term of office shall be for two (2) years (add) beginning on the even years, with the option of re-elect. Any term of office for the President shall not exceed (2) consecutive terms, 2(2) - to read "Article 2.1 may be waived by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board" delete for a 11U1Ximum of one (1) year. Page 6, By-law No, 6, OFFICERS Article 3 - 1st VICE PRESIDENT 3(1) - to read "The term of office for the 1st Vice President shall be for two (2) years, (add) beginning on the even years, with the option of re-elect, Any term of office for the 1st President shall not exceed (2) consecutive terms, 3(2) NEW - to read "Article 3.1nw,y be waived by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board" 3(2) to be renumbered to 3(3) Page 7, By-law No.6, OFFICERS Article 4 - 2"" VICE PRESIDENT 4(1) - to read "The term of office for the 2nd Vice .l?resident shall be for two (2) years, (add) beginning on the odd years, with the option of re-elect. Any term of office for the 2nd Vice President shall not exceed two (2) consecutive years", 4(2) NEW - to read "Article 4.1 nw.y be waived by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board" 4(2) to be renumbered to 4(3) Page 7, By-law No.6, OFFICERS Article 5 - TREASURER 5(1) - to read "The term of office for the Treasurer shall be for two (2) years, (add) beginning on the odd YefU'S, with the option of re-elect. Any term of office for the Treasurer shall not exceed (2) consecutive terms. 5(2) NEW -to read "Artick 5.1 may be waived by a two-thirds nuzjority vote of the Board" 5(2) to be renumbered to 5(3) Page 7, By-law No.6, OFFICERS Article 6 - SECRETARY 6(1) - to read "The term of office for the Secretary shall be for two (2) years, (add) beginning on the even YefU'S, with the option of re-elect. Any term of office for the Secretary shall not exceed (2) consecutive terms. 6(2) NEW - to read "Arlick 6.1 may be waived by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board" 6(2) to be renumbered to 6(3) 6(3) to be renumbered to 6(4) Add: 6(5) The Tourism Coordinator shall perform the duties of the Secretary as laid out in Article 6, Section (3) and (4). Page 7, By-law No, 6, OFFICERS Article 7 - TOURISM COORDINATOR 7(4) to read - "The Tourism Coordinator shall perform the duties of the Secretary as laid out in By-law No.6 Article 6 (3) and (4). Page 8, By-law No.7, MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP Article4 - VOTING 4(2) - to read "The Chairperson shall vote only t6 break a tied vote but shall be counted in attendJJnce to satisfy a quorum" Page 11, By-law No. 10, FINANCIAL MATIERS Article 3 - FISCAL YEAR 3(2) - to read "The financial statements of the Association be verified by the production of an unaudited statement by Financial Services, County of Elgin, annually (mstead of2002 and 2003), subject to any change in funding or notice of termination" ]'i... , , , n -lJ ]"... , . J J 'g , ] i-U a , '] .1 -1 1 11, 11 11 ]I 11 11 St. Thomas ~ Elgin Tourist Association Presents Ilr il IvilW . ELGIN COUNTY st. Th.mas A ~~ k4l'c' I LJ IJf Table Of Contents r I~ eJ I " LI J -f II i II [r J 1 i rl i ~l !J , ~. , 'I. ~I 1. Letter From Our President Page 4 2. 2003 Board Members I Committee Chairmen Page 4,5 3. ~003 STETA Marketing Plan Page 6 {- Member Communications A. Annual "Year in Review" & Marketing Plan Page 6 B. Memberships & Associations Page 6 C. Membership Certificates & Brochures Page 7 D, Daytripping Page 7 E. Seminars Page 8 {- Advertisinl! A. Visit & Tour Guide Page 8 B. Signage Program Page 9 C. Local Event Support Page 9 D. Media Promotion, Page 10 E. Web Site Page 10 F. Promotional Items Page 11 G. Incredible Elgin Page 12 H. SOTO Promotions Page 12 I. London Visitors Guide Page 13 J. Special Event Support Page 13 I Jl=..' ~ ~ JT Jt I JI.~ u j I .1.."-". i! .. ! I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ii I <} ~~TA Facilitated And Snonsored Events. A. Talbot Trail of Yard Sales Page 14 B. Christmas in the Country Page 14 C. Cycle Elgin 2003 Page 15 \ D. Artfest Elgin 2003 Page 16 E. Canada Day $10,000 Perch Search Page 16 F. Jumbo Parkette Page 17 G. Drive Through Art Gallery Page 17 H. Painting the Elephants Page 18 I. Photo Contest Page 18 5. 2003 Budget Page 19 2 "J....... ',',.,.' '.J", -;',' J I II I I 111 - .~I , I r~ I I "~','.. r ", I ", I' I r1 I I rJ I tJ I 'nJ'; I ' I.' I' I !1J Dear Friends, The St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association is pleased to share with you our 2003 YEAR IN REVIEW As the current year comes to a close, it becomes increasingly clear that our each new year becomes one of our most successful to date. It should be noted that the figures for actual expenses reflect a 15 month period instead of the normal 12 month period as STET A changed our fiscal year end last year from September 30th to December 31 st in keeping with the City and County year ends. Complete financial statements will be presented at the Annual General Meeting, New partnerships and endeavours this year included the creation of the St. Thomas Elgin County Hiking Cycling booklet. The booklet contains all seven STETA sponsored cycle routes as well as the newly designed Talbot Trail map. Complimenting these maps, the booklet contains seven hiking routes and the Trans Canada Trail as it travels through Elgin County. Both the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit (Healthy at Heart) and the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority helped fund this exceptional project. We are also pleased to report that a new Elgin County St. Thomas brochure has been created as an eye catching promotional piece to support the Visit and Tour Guide. This brochure is much more user friendly than the Guide in that it will fit into a standard brochure rack. Its bright blue and red colouring make it a brochure that jumps right off the shelf It is intended as a precursor to the Visit & Tour Guide. The brochure is the result of a partnership with the Elgin Community Futures Development Corporation. This year the STETA Board decided to join SOTO, Benefits for membership with SOTO are numerous. This year saw 17 entries for the area in the SOTO produced Southern Ontario Travel Guide. 300,000 copies of this guide are distributed throughout Ontario, Quebec and the US border states, The office has provided commentary on various things to see and do in Elgin County and St. Thomas and has been included in special interest features such as "Outdoor Adventures, Heritage and Architecture, Farmers Markets, Beaches, Family Fun, Driving Tours, Romantic Getaways and the most recent Holiday Magic & Lights", Each feature reaches out to another special interest group of travellers. Please take the time to review our year and feel free to contact us with your comments or suggestions. Be part of our projects and together we will promote "Incredible Elgin - Lake Erie's North Shore". Thank you! JL ~/Jl~ David McAdams, President St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association 3 I LJ :=J JI Board of Directors JlUl " I~, " , _,i J' :t II ;! -II I I I 111 ] lD 111 ] President: Dave McAdams First Vice President: Fiona Nisbet Second Vice President: Deb Myszko Treasurer: Karen Kokovai Trevail Directors: Jeff Booth Perry Clutterbuck Dennis Crevits Rose Gibson Jeff Kohler Mary Pfeffer Jenny Phillips Grant Spiller Robert White Pat Zimmer Associate Grant Spiller, Webmaster Tourism Coordinator Marg Emery 1) ]I",it ,t !~ 1, h i1f 11 11 4 J].. , f I JJ' ~i Committee Chairs I -!I JJ.,:.. ,.,<. Marketing/ Advertising: Talbot TraillSignage: Website: Sports & Tourism: Agritouri sm: Artfest Elgin Hiking/Cycling Trails: II... -&I JI... II . f:,i J~..' . Ii J I U) 1 _'II " ,~i 11 1iI.1 I Contact Information Dave McAdams Jenny Phillips Perry Clutterbuck Jeff Kohler Mary Pfeffer Debra Seabrook Dave McAdams St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association P.O. Box 22042,545 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A1 Telephone: Fax: Toll Free: 5196318188 5196313836 I 877 GO ELGIN Web Site Email: www.elgintourist.com friends@elgintourist.com ill ,I t ] 1 11 11 5 JI Jli ~ ; Member Communications JI Annual "Year in Review" and "Marketinf! Plan j Year in Review Introduced originally 2001, this communication piece is circulated to all members of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association as well as to interested parties in the community. This annual booklet provides an overview of what activities took place in the previous year along with samples of the many marketing initiatives. This review includes commentary regarding the previous year and discusses improvements for the following year. A budget summary is included in this annual report for public review. ,I '.J'~ I .. 1- : ~D. ' , 11 jI Marketinll Plan Like the Year in Review, the Marketing Plan was first created in 200 I to be used as a guide for a closer examination of anticipated expenses and budgetary items. The Marketing Plan also provides our members and the municipalities of Elgin County with our planned activities and promotional information for the upcoming year. LI BUDGET: $1000 ACTUAL: $1053 m i," Ii iI Commentary: The Year In Review has become a regular annual publication. We encourage everyone who takes the time to read this document to forward any suggestions they may have for making improvements to future editions. m 1m The Marketing Plan is now a regular annual publication as well. With this plan in hand our members will be able to create their own promotional ideas to compliment the events and activities sponsored by STETA and hopefully benefit from this notice. I.'~'~ !' lliJ Recommendation: These documents will prove to be a valuable ongoing reference in coming years and we will continue to budget for these publications annually. Hffi I' W Membershios & Associations This budget item includes our annual membership in Tourism London as well as a new membership in the Southwestern Ontario Tourist Organization (SOTO). rm , rE , The liaison between STETA and London Tourism has afforded STETA an opportunity to take advantage of trade shows by providing Elgin information to London Tourism who , distribute it on our behalf This system reduces the cost to STET A of sending a representative to these trade shows and yet still gets our promotional materials distributed at additioriallocations. hm ~JW ~,.;II' ~JW This year STET A joined the Southern Ontario Tourist Organization. SOTO is considered the leading force in the promotion of tourism in Southwestern Ontario. Membership with ~ .AlI P 6 this organization provided STETA an opportunity to partner in many advertising opportunities normally not affordable to us. UI. ..,1 I~ .11 UI BUDGET: $4,000 ACTUAL: $3,341 ~' , , , i J i 111. UI I I' ,I! " Commentary: Membership with Tourism London provides an opportunity for brochure distribution in the London area as well as opportunities to partner with advertising and events. We receive information on upcoming conventions to the area and they distribute brochures on our behalf at tradeshows and other local events. In 2003 STETAjoined the Southwestern Ontario Tourist Organization. Membership with this organization provides STETA an opportunity to partner in many advertising opportunities normally not affordable to us. Training, event exposure as well as advertising partnering opportunities are advantages we need to establish if STET A wants to grow and promote Elgin County in a more travel trade manner. This membership provides up to date information and support on key issues affecting tourism. We also took advantage of a student grant available through SOTO and received $1,400 toward student wages this year, I 'r: Recommendation: The Board feels that continued partnership with Tourism London and SOTO is a benefit for STETA and we intend to continue to take advantage of the vyyv.;Jnities these partnerships afford St. Thomas & Elgin County.. I "1' d Membershiu Certificates & Brochures STET A found that members were very pleased to receive the recognition of a framed certificate suitable for hanging on the wall. It provides the member with recognition that they belong to the Tourist Association and it also promotes the tourism association when customers see the certificate on the wall. The certificate allows for renewal stickers for up to six years. 1 BUDGET: $500 ACTUAL: $332 1 1 Commentary: The initial cost to produce the certificates with frames was expended in 2002. It is well worth the expenditure and was received very positively by the members. ] Recommendation: STETA will continue to provide membership certificates to new members and a current year sticker will be provided to the members as they renew their membership. 1 Davtriuoinl! STETA was very pleased with this partnership. The Visit & Tour Guide reached more than seventy travel centre locations and STETA also negotiated a discount for our members to distribute their own brochures through Daytripping and receive a $50 1" "', 'i ])'.' :-1 ~!- 7 ~ , II discount as a STETA member. As an added bonus, considerable savings for courier costs were recognized as duplication of brochure shipments were eliminated. L];." , I I " BUDGET: $700 ACTUAL: $621 i. ]I WI Commentary: We were very pleased with the renewal ofthis partnership. Not only did the Visit & Tour Guide reach more than seventy travel centre locations in a two hour radius of Elgin County but STETA members also took advantage of the service and their $50 discount off the normal service fee. The owner ofDaytripping also accepted our invitation to be a presenter at the spring tourism seminar held for members. 1'1'.1 I ~:I ~J '.1.'. : 'U I .1 Recommendation: This partnership continues to enhance benefits for members and provide an inexpensive distribution system for promotional literature. lJl r]J .:~ ,ill Seminars New this year, STET A offered a seminar for our members entitled "How to promote your business to tourists", The seminar was free to members and non-members were charged $25 for this full day seminar with four presenters. JI Keeping the registration fee low was intended to interest small business persons who have limited budget for training and education. BUDGET: $2,300 ACTUAL: $2,415 'I....' ,.I Commentary: Of the 50 available seats, 47 were booked, Five non-members took part in the one-day program. Presenters included Elaine Schneider, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Rob Quai, Quai du Vin Estate Winery, Mark Moran, Daytripping and Peter McFadden, SOTO. The presenters were very well received and the participants were extremely pleased with the learning opportunity. All presenters were provided with a gift basket of Elgin's best tastes in appreciation for their efforts, !1,1.'.: , :,j 'I" I q ! Ii "1." ,,\. 'i Recommendation: We will continue to offer annual seminars covering different topics in the years to come '1]1 ill Advertising 1". ~]; ,1; lI.i:. i! i, Visit & Tour Guide. Event Maos. Tourism Brochure.~ The is the single most important publication that we produce each year. Produced in partnership with the St. Thomas Times Journal newspaper, our annual summer Visitor & Tour Guide is our signature promotional piece. This year STETA not only improved the guide by providing a new high gloss cover but we produced an extra 5,000 copies which were distributed during the various Bicentennial events held throughout the County. 1".' ii, D ] 8 BUDGET: $6,000 ACTUAL: $6,070 ~ )I -~ I' -- ~:' I.',' I; -' -I I Commentary: The Guide, with its new bright cover, is distributed within a two hour radius of Elgin County using various circulation processes. Daytripping Magazine distributes the guide throughout their 70 plus tourist information centres contacts throughout southern Ontario and the bordering states. Several single issues are forwarded to numerous requests for general information on Elgin County. Recommendation: The Guide continues to be the most informative promotional piece STETA has to offer. A new Elgin County / St. Thomas brochure was also produced this year which will supplement the Guide and hopefully create more demand for the publication. .1,., 'Ji Sitmar!e Prorri'am The Aylmer Wildlife Areas (swans) signs were ordered an installed along with the new signage for the West Elgin Cycle Route. We also planned to create,Iarge map boards to be located at our tourist booths in Port Burwell, the Jumbo Caboose and Backus Page House directing tourists to the attractions of Elgin County; however this project has been deferred to the 2004 budget. Additional Bayham signage requirements are being determined and will also be erected in 2004 as well as directional signage for the Kenneth Galbraith birthplace and library in Dunwich Dutton. Although a slow process, the hearts are replacing the lips in the logo portions of the signs throughout the County and City of St. Thomas. As always ongoing maintenance is be a priority. Expenses incurred between September 30 and December 3 1st for signage are included in this actual amount plus a carryover from 2002. -Iii ]1 I il il :1 11 II ill.". JI ]I, :~ ,--:; BUDGET: $5,000 ACTUAL: $7,854 Commentary: The signage program is an ongoing program that requires new signage yearly and ongoing maintenance. Recommendation: Continue to promote the signage program to all not-for-profit points of interest. Update the Canadian TODS signage highway signage with a new face to reflect a simple . welcome sign more easy to read when the current contract expires. Ensure all routes into the County are properly signed with welcome signs. Local Event SurJDon 2003 marked the Bi-centennial Anniversary celebrations for the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. STETA promoted these events through the web site and in various advertising opportunities. Special events such as Tub Daze, Iron Horse Festival, North Yarmouth Historical Show, Shedden. Aylmer, Wallacetown and Rodney Fairs, Rosy Rhubarb Festival, Straffordville Watermelon Festival, Calipso Days, McFadden Threshing Days, Swan Festival, Harvest Fest, and Fire Muster as well as others are all 9 11 lJ jJ J] j] I~ ] ~ II i 1m 1 : ~, ; ; 1U :1 ] ! il ! m.... i';;ll ell advertised through the web site and promoted along with STETA sponsored events whenever possible. BUDGET: $3,000 ACTUAL: $3,038 Commentary: Special event support is an important function of the tourist association. Every opportunity to include local events in STET A advertising is considered. Recommendation: STETA is very aware of the importance of assisting in the promotion oflocal events in that each event bring visitors to the area who, once they have seen what S1. Thomas and Elgin County have to offer, will come back time and time again, Media Pronwtion "Incredible Elgin - Lake Erie's North Shore" This promotional campaign was primarily radio spots to encourage tourists and residents alike to tour Elgin County and enjoy all its has to offer. Radio advertisements promoted scheduled special events like the Cycle Tour, the Talbot Trail of Yard Sales, Christmas in the County, and the 2nd Annual Canada Day $10,000 Perch Search. This year we choose a TiIlsonburg station over a London station for certain promotions. We also ran some advertising in an internet publication entitled 'the Great Lakes Cruiser", a web based magazine that promotes tourist information to boaters, STET A also placed our first ad with the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partner for a half page ad in the Spring Ontario Directory, BUDGET: $6,000 ACTUAL: $6,948 Commentary: We were pleased with the success of the radio advertising in TiIlsonburg as the STET A office received a number of calls that referred to hearing of the event on this station, Although clear responses were not yet determined from the web based magazine, the Board is confident that this advertising will be beneficial. Recommendation: We will continue the electronic advertising for another season and consider expanding in other area radio stations as well as other publications which promote travel to beaches, boating, and shoppers to take more advantage of niche markets, STETA hopes to secure some television advertising this year. ] The Website - www,eltrintouristcom The Tourist Association registered the internet domain, http://www.elgintouris1.comin October 1998. The site currently features over 50 web pages of content in one of five main areas: an Event Calendar, a Virtual Tour, Local maps, an on-line Newsletter, and an on-line Tourist Information booth. Continuous upgrades to the web site are ongoing. New features for 2003 included designing and installing the Talbot Trail map in a printable version; all STETA created cycling routes have been added along with hiking routes and the 1],1 I' " 2] '-" J'c'.' , . ! 10 .... ..... ~ -JlI. - .ToO.' I. i Trans Canada Trail. Other new additions to the site include a mail out feature which allows the office to email all STETA members directly from the database, an updated Tracking System so we are able to track visitors accessing specific listings in the members database which allows STETA to determine from which search engines our site was accessed. Also new to the site is an updatable template which allows the office to update and complete information sections (pages) still requiring input. -lI 'J -I -J ;--1 I -I :1 I 1 ~ [1 '1'.' : ;1 ~1 [] '1 ]I BUDGET: $5000 ACTUAL: $5,000 Commentary: STET A realizes that the web site is a key component of our promotion and marketing opportunities for the area The number of new initiatives were undertaken for the website to ensure that STETA keeps pace with the ever changing electronic market. Recommendation: STETA must continue to update the site with new and updated content to keep the site interesting and more of a living document than an historical record. Coming next year is a new calendar of events module which will allow groups to input information for their own events which will then be forwarded to the office for approval prior to be published on the site. Promotional Items A number of new promotional items were released during 2003. Initially our cycling/hiking booklet which featured all STETA created cycle routes for St. Thomas and Elgin County as well as the new Talbot Trail map and complimenting hiking routes booklet was released. The booklet has been in great demand. An updated version of the Jumbo brochure was released this past season. STET A has designed and produced a new Elgin County brochure which provides general information on the area. BUDGET: $2,700 ACTUAL: $2,634 Commentary: Promotional handouts are an integral part of promoting the area. The new cycling / hiking booklet was designed by STET A with the financial support of both the Elgin St, Thomas Health Unit (Healthy Heart) and the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (Cost breakdown - $2,000 from the Health Unit, $875 from KCCA and $875 from STETA). The Jumbo brochure was updated in partnership with the St. Thomas and District Chamber of Commerce in a 50150 split. The most recent promotional piece is the new Elgin County brochure, The brochure promotes points of interest, festivals and STETA sponsored events and was also a partnering vppv,;Jnity with the Elgin Community Funding Development Cv. pv. ,,;;on which shared a 50150 split in printing costs. Recommendation: New promotional pieces will be an ongoing focus for the tourist association. Plans for 2004 include a mural brochure which will highlight the murals throughout St. Thomas and Elgin County as well as a Rural Tour brochure(s), STETA hopes to use an HRDC grant to complete these two projects. 11 LJ LJi... I': U~'. j' i ; L] LJ Incredible EI2in Originally commissioned by the Elgin Tourist Association in the 1980s, this print was created by local artist Peter Robson and funded by the late Doug Tarry. STETA has re- introduced the print to promote Elgin County and St. Thomas and to generate revenue. In honour of the 150tb Anniversary of the Village ofSt. Thomas and the County of Elgin, STET A created a seal and asked the original artist to re-sign and number 150 prints. As an added value, the Doug Tarry family provided Jumbo coins, issued around the same time, to be added to the matting of the framed print to complete the package, A few prints were sold in 2002, however, STET A plans to use the print when the situation warrants to promote St. Thomas and Elgin County and as a fundraising item. I '1. L__/, BUDGET: $500 ACTUAL: $270 '. FI"..... i : ~: l~ Commentary: We are pleased to report that the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors are using the print as the cover of their program guide for the 2004 convention to be held in Aylmer, Although the print is widely recognized, sales have not reached expectations, Using the print as an advertising piece tends to reflect an autumn setting and since it is so busy does not do well in a smaller format. il 'I I il I 1 , --- ;] =- , ~ Recommendation: The print should stilI be used in promotions which lend to its theme; however, the Board feels an advertising campaign more suited to shopping, beaches, fishing, etc should be promoted in future linking promotion to Visit Incredible Elgin - Lake Erie's North Shore. SOTO Promotions As a new member of SOTO, the St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association took advantage of promotional opportunities within the SOTO publications to promote the area, STET A partnered with SOTO in a full centre spread ad in the Toronto Globe and Mail and took advantage of the "Shopping Secrets" program where 750,000 copies of the booklet will be distributed, STET A has already paid for a half page ad for the 2004 SOTO Guide Book. STET A partnered on these promotions to get the most for our advertising dollars while creating a presence for Elgin County and St. Thomas in these publications which are used by more travellers than any others. BUDGET: $4,000 ACTUAL: $5,628 Commentary: Only SOTO members are eligible to advertise and take part in partnerships available through SOTO. As this was our first year, it was a learning experience in choosing which partnerships would best suit our members and our budget. This account includes the 2004 ad which, as of 2004, had to be confirmed by November of 2003 so there are two ad costs in this budget. Recommendation: Ongoing partnering with SOTO is an opportunity that STETA should take advantage of and evaluate the various programs for at least one more year. 12 1 I - M ~~I London Visitor's Guide Although STETA has placed small advertisements in this publication in the past, this year, purchased a full page ad in the guide for a more striking promotional opportunity. 95,000 copies of this magazine are printed of which 20,000 are placed in the hotel rooms in London with a further 75,000 distributed through the tourism and travel centers. We planned to place the ad using one half of the page to promote Elgin County St. Thomas in general, saving space for six business card type ad for specific promotions for our members. BUDGET: $3600 ACTUAL: $3,290 Commentary: In a last minutes decision, London Tourism decided to reduce the overall size of the magazine to nearly one-half ofthe original size. This meant the partnership ads for the six businesses would have been so small they would have been hard to read, STET A withdrew its interest in purchasing a page, In light of the drastic change to the magazine, London Tourism decided to offer the page at one-half the fee. Board members felt this was a good compromise and accepted the offer. Recommendation: Although no direct benefit was confirmed from the ad, it is imperative that visitors to London are provided with what Elgin County St. Thomas has to offer just next door. STET A should continue to take advantage of promotions in the London market when the opportunity presents itself. Svecial Event Support For those very large special events, STET A plans to take an active part in assisting with promotional support. Events such as the Iron Horse Festival, Rosy Rhubarb and even the County fairs bring visitors to Elgin County St. Thomas on an ongoing basis. 2003 saw the Bi-Centennial celebrations for the Talbot Settlement. This extravaganza encompassed several activities including the Founding ofthe Talbot Settlement Re- Enactment in Port Stanley as well as Raids on the Talbot Settlement scheduled for Tyrconnell in Dutton Dunwich, St. Thomas and Port Stanley and the rededication of the cairn at Pinafore Park. STETA was on site with many of these events and provided joint advertising as well as tourist literature distribution. BUDGET: $2,000 ACTUAL: $1,997 Commentary: Although STET A does not have the budget to help fund various special events, promoting these events as part of the advertising program benefits the events as events organizers save expenses when STETA adds these events to its promotional budget. This year additional advertising was placed for the 2003 Bi-Centennial events, the Swan Festival, the Iron Horse festival in particular as well as mention for a number of other events such as Aylmer and Shedden Fairs, the Firemuster and the Watermelon Fest to name a few. 13 Recommendation: Allowing more general advertising dollars to help promote local events is more in keeping with STETA's new direction as a Destination Marketing Organization. Organizing less special events of our own and providing more promotional opportunities to event coordinators is an area that STETA should continue to pursue and build on each year. STETA Facilitated and Sponsored Events Talbot Trail of Yard Sales This year plans to provide door to door promotional material in an effort to get more vendors setting up yard sales east of St. Thomas and in St. Thomas itself to match our success in the west worked well. Encouraging more involvement in the east was an important goal to bring the County together for this event. Flyers were distributed to every home and business on the Talbot Trail to invite them to participate and promote the event at the same time. This year STET A also partnered with the Iron Horse Festival to promote both events at the same time. One newspaper insert was produced instead of the competing two inserts and the Shedden Fair and Straffordville Watermelon Fest were also invited to participate as well. BUDGET: $3,000 ACTUAL: $1,785 Commentary: Participants were delighted with the new promotional aspects of the Yard Sale and pleased with the additional vendors secured by the door to door promotion, Advertisers did not have to choose between the events with their advertising dollars thereby creating one successful insert instead of two or more modest ones, A yard sale was set up at the CASO station in St. Thomas which further connected the activities, Most participants felt that advertising the two full days of yard sales was not entirely accurate as with Saturday being the best day, those who came for Sunday only were somewhat disappointed with the lesser number of vendors Recommendation: Partnership in advertising all activities on this weekend should be pursued again for 2004. Consideration should be given to reducing this event to one full day on Saturday as many vendors attend church on Sunday and do not open until noon and in some cases do not open at all. Having a very successful one day event would leave participants with a much more positive experience than two days with only one being outstanding. Christnws in the Count!? The idea of the program is to encourage residents to shop in Elgin County and St. Thomas where unique one-of-a-kind gifts are readily available. Advertising focussed mainly local with promotional information distributed through the local news media and radio. Since delivering the ballots and draw boxes was a concern as mailing cartons were cost prohibitive as was visiting each member to provide the promotional pieces, it was 14 decided that this year's program would be scaled down. This year the Board decided to concentrate on advertising and leave the draws and coupons up to the various retailers. BUDGET: $1,400 ACTUAL: $6,124 1 I -1 J I [) J J II b Commentary: This year instead of offering a wide variety of prizes to one person, the Board decided to discontinued that part of the program and instead promote the benefits of shopping in St. Thomas Elgin County. Promotions included a full page ad in the Aylmer Express Christmas booklet, a full page ad in the insert through the Times Journal for Elgin County and 45,000 homes in south London. Additional advertising was arranged through the radio station in Tillsonburg and through Daytripping magazine. The actual expenses for this program includes two full programs as the event took place twice in the 15 month period. Recommendation: The program went well over budget since with the anticipation of reducing the draw aspects of the program did not reduce the amount of advertising dollars normally expended. Next year's program should continue to be an advertising campaign however, appropriate budgetary funds should be allocated to maintain the scope of advertising compared to this year. Cvcle ElFin 2003 This program was created to promote the six cycle routes in St. Thomas and Elgin County. Those routes, the St. Thomas-Elgin County Winery Tour, Historic Aylmer, Dutton/Dunwich Tour, Historic Port Stanley, Port Burwell Vienna Tour and Historic St. Thomas were created by STETA to encourage an interest in Elgin County but also to create an atmosphere of healthy living as a tourism interest. Each route has a customized cycling map highlighting local areas of interest. Focus of these tours promote on historical sites, art studios, museums, wineries, participating local merchants and restaurants. It was recommended that now that the routes are in place, promotion should focus on creating usage of the routes rather than selecting one route as a kick off event, One new route in West Elgin was completed and officially opened with a kick off in June. STET A also announced the creation of the cycling/hiking booklet in partnership with the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit. BUDGET: $1,500 ACTUAL: $1,743 Commentary: Although not planned, the kick off for Cycle Elgin was held in West Elgin at the Port Glasgow Marina to introduce the newest cycle route - West Elgin. Even though we had an exceptionally warm day, several cyclists collected goodie bags filled with fruit and water among other treasures and headed up the hill following words of welcome from local dignitaries. A good turnout and an excellent opportunity to promote STETA's new cycling I hiking booklet. 15 Recommendation: It is recommended that now that the routes are in place, promotion should focus on creating usage of the routes rather than selecting one route as a kick off event. Promotions will instead be directed to cycle groups in the area and the cycle/hiking booklet promotional piece will be distributed. I J I -. I I.,:. :i I r~1 i ' ArtFest Elpn 2003 Artfest Elgin, held at Pinafore Park this year, featured sixteen artists from around the County including Port Stanley, Dutton, Aylmer, Union, St. Thomas and even one from London. Entertainment included a harpist, acoustic guitar players/singers, a local clown who face painted, made balloon animals and did magic tricks all complimented by a mobile refreshment cart. BUDGET: $3500 ACTUAL: $3,466 Commentary: This was the best Artfest yet. All in all a great day with the artists indicating a very worthwhile day, very well attended by window shoppers and purchasers alike. The new format worked well and will be expanded upon next year. The one day format also reduced costs for rental space and miscellaneous expenses to set-up and tear down. Recommendation: The new one day format will be continued. Since the venue was so well accepted, plans for next year will include an expanded food service and perhaps a small seating area where one of our local wineries may offer a tasting. The harpist and clown were . extremely well received and will be invited to take part again next year. !] ! Canada Dav $10,000 Perch Search The 2nd Annual Canada Day $10,000 Perch Search kick-off was held in Port Burwell at the Marine Museum, A good turnout enjoyed entertainment, lots of free handouts and prize draws along with a special hay wagon ride provided by Loyall Grainger with words of welcome from Mayor Stewart. Four fish were caught this year (2 after the competition was over). A funding grant from Heritage Canada ($900) was used to help promote the event and is not reflected in the budget. Also registrations revenue of$1,075 actually brought this event in well under budget. r] , !1 f] tJ BUDGET: $4000 ACTUAL: $5,159 Commentary: This event is beginning to take shape. This year STET A focussed more promotional in the east end and found the Port Burwell Bayham the most successful with registrations. At the same time, registrations in the west declined somewhat. Overall the program was a success and a third annual perch search is planned for next year, Recommendation: Plans for next year include all cash prizes and perhaps more tagged fish over a longer period of time. The Board feels this event is a natural for Elgin County because of Lake Erie. We nJ' '. i : '- -'-- 16 it. .' i ,] anticipate the event will grow. The opening ceremonies will be moved around the County to create more interest in areas where participation was low. Port Glasgow will host the kick-off for 2004. ] II 'J Jumbo Parkette When travellers visit Jumbo there is no opportunity for them to enjoy extra time on site to picnic or simply to use washroom facilities, With this in mind, STET A, along with a few partners, investigated the possibility of creating a parkette near the Jumbo Caboose on Old Talbot Road. Initial enquiries have been well received by City staff and property owners. BUDGET: $1,050 ACTUAL: $1,033 I -I I I 1 I Commentary: The creation of the parkette will be part ofSTETA's Long Term Plan and it is anticipated that once a site plan has been approved by the City of St. Thomas, plans can be undelWay to secure the site. Funding this year was limited to costs associated with creating a site plan and feasibility study. Recommendation: The Talbot Settlement Bi-Centennial Historic District Revitalization Project (Jumbo Parkette) is moving fOlWard with a cautiously optimistic attitude. In an effort to provide additional financial information to prospective partners, STET A is currently costing four modules of the project to enable service clubs and other philanthropic groups in the area to choose a module affordable to them. Drive Throuf!h Art Gallerv STETA teamed up with the St. Thomas - Elgin Public Art Centre and the St. Thomas Downtown Development Board to initiate a project which saw lamp post banners created by "artists" in the area and hung for decoration along Talbot Street in St. Thomas. No skill level was required and anyone could participate. In the end around 200 banners were painted and hung with the added bonus that the completed banners were offered for sale with proceeds going to help fund next year's project. BUDGET: $1,000 ACTUAL: $1,000 I] rJ i I ~ Commentary: This project was extremely well received by the artists and the public as well. Community talent was unsurpassed in the ideas and finished products. Not only did the program proved to be everything we had hoped but the sale of the completed artworks in preparation for the 2004 project created another dimension to the program by allowing residents to purchase the banners to hang at their homes. Brochures were created which listed each banner and provided details on its origin. h nli... ~ '- Recommendation: Plans are in placed for a second annual "'Banner Art" program and it is recommended that STET A take part in the program in the future. 17 Paintinf{ the Elf[Dhants The "Painting of the Elephants program did not come to fruition this year. Organizers found the initial cost outlay to be prohibitive, It is hoped that the program will be resurrected at a later date. ] BUDGET: $2000 ACTUAL: $2,224 I J 1 I I I 1 I Commentary: Since the dollars were already budgeted for, the Board decided to pursue an Elgin County brochure with the funds. The brochure is intended as an eye catching promotional piece to support the Visit and Tour Guide. This brochure is much more user friendly than the Guide in that it will fit into a standard brochure rack. Its bright blue and red colouring make it a brochure that jumps right off the shelf The brochure is intended to be a precursor to the Visit and Tour Guide. Prospective visitors who review the brochure are encouraged to contact our office and will then be provided with a copy of the Visit & Tour Guide which includes detailed information. This project was funded in partnership with the Elgin Community Futures Development Corporation who paid for one half the cost of printing, Recommendation: Choosing to make an opportunity for additional promotional materials using the funds from the program that was not fmalized was a good choice for STET A. Taking advantage of all opportunities for encouraging travellers to visit Elgin County and St. Thomas is STETA's mandate so it is our plan to aggressively pursue that mandate. Photo Contest The Photo Contest program was not completed this year. A nwnber of other initiatives took precedent and the Board decided to wait and offer a well thought out program rather than one hurriedly put together. BUDGET: $500 ACTUAL: $0 Commentary: Planning is being undertaken now to determine how this project would be best suited to the tourist association, It could take the form of a web site program where digital images are submitted right on the web site or STETA may work in partnership with other groups to collect the photos. I Recommendation: It is recommended that STET A pursue this program to secure additional photos of St. Thomas and Elgin County for use on the web site and in promotions. 18 "I ..... G] 1 ] 2003 Budpet Grants County of Elgin City of St. Thomas Human Resources Canada Membership Fees Ministry Grants I Fund raising Total EXDenses Membership Communications Advertising STETA Sponsored Events Operating Expenses Board Expenses Telephone Insurance Postage Wages Students Total Expenses BUDGET $35,550.00 $23,700.00 $15,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,500.00 $86,750.00 $ 8,500.00 $37,800.00 $17,95000 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,000,00 $ 1,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 86,750.00 Note: Actual Audited Statement will be available at the AmmaJ General Meeting 19