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January 12, 1999 Agenda
ORDERS OF THE DA Y 1999 at 9:00 A.M. FOR TUESDA y, JANUARY 12TH. Meeting Called to Order Minutes MORNING SESSION 1st 2nd 3rd PAGE # 8th and 10th, 1998 and the General Nature Thereof meeting held on December Adoption of Interest Presenting Petitions, Presentations and Delegations Motion to Move Into "Committee Of The Whole Counci ation Disclosure of Pecuniary 4th 5th Dele Mr. Ken Verrel Co-chair, International Year of Older Persons Elgin Community Committee, will address Council on the celebrations planned for 1999. (ATTACHED) 1 1 Consideration nformation (Consent Items for Items for i) ii) 2 Agenda) n-Camera Items see separate agenda Motion to Rise and Report the Committee Of The Whole Motion to Adopt Recommendations from OTHER BUSINESS 8th 9th 10th 11th 3 Statementsllnquiries by Members Notice of Motion Matters of Urgency 1 ) 2) 3) Consideration of By-Laws LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED NOTE: THE NEXT COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 25TH, 1999 ADJOURNMENT 12th 13th 4 ONTht~O A PROVINCE FOR ALL AGES 4 ~- International Yeat of Older Persons Elgin· CommunIty Committee c/o 542 Talbot Street, Sf. Thomas, ON, N5P 1C4 Telephone # 519-631-0666 or 1-800-265-7638 Facsimile # 519-631-9478 07 January 1999 Couniy of Elgin Administration Building 450 Sunset Drive ST, THOMAS, ON N5R 5V1 Attention: Mr. Marl Dear Sir: The Elgin Community Committee for the is planning a "Celebration in Pinafore Park" day in July. Any older persons living on their own, in nursing homes or long term care facilities within Elgin County will be welcome to attend this event. This will be a wonderful opportunity to recognize the contributions that our older population has made to our communities, We also would like to have a flower bed in the park designed with the iogo of the Intematlonal Year of Older Persons, The logo was designed to suggest characteristics of Canada's modern seniors: interdependence, diversity and energy. We will have youth volunteers, representation from agencies In Elgin County and Interested family and friends assisting with this special day. In keeping with the national theme, "Canada, a society for all ages' let's make .. for all aaes". Sincerely, I. Y.O.P. - EJ Øv~ Ken Verrel Shirley Roach Co-Chair - Co-Chair crhz enciosure E&OE iiiiI eetfor I III ATIONAL YEAR OF OLDER. PERSON ... ... I ~ -". ....- this logo for any The Logo for the International Year of Older Persons 1999 may be used for illustrative or information purposes, Permission to use other purpose must be obtained from the Canada Coordinating Committee for the International Yearof Older Persons. FOR BLACK AND WHITE REPRODUCTION The International Year of Older Persons 1999 logo may be used with or without taxi. Q~, ~1ð~{c1), J1 ~ International Year of Older Persons 1999 ~_ 1""" ,¿ ~ci ~d -, ,- ~ ~,~~ ~Ci International Year of Older Persons 1999 -,. .,.- FOR COLOUR REPRODUCTION A two or three colour version of the International Year of Older Persons 1999 logo can be obtained by having a printer combine the three separations below, -+ ! I -+ I I -+ - - - - - ~,,~¡....u.'1'4 1""" .J UdI - ( - G ~ :: 0$- + + - ~ lntemariol)al Year of aIder Persons 1999 - - - - - -+ ! ! -+ I I -+ Print above separation in Print above separation in Print above separation in PANTONE 2El7 PANTONE 2EO for two colour logo PANTONE 131 or PANTONE 1805 for three colour logo Published by the Canada Coordinating Committee for the International year of Older Persons 8th Floor. Jeanne-Mance Building, Address Locator 1908AI, Ottawa, OntariO K1A 184 Telephone: (6131954·5815, Fax: (6131957-1176 REPORTS OF COUNCIL AND STAFF JANUARY 12TH, 1999 Robert M Minor Exception STAFF REPORTS H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Application for Campbell, Lot 8. Conc. 5. West Elgin (ATTACHED) 1 Gerald and H. Geurts, Elgin County Tree Commissioner - Application for Minor Exception Carol Goodhue, Lot 21. Conc. STRE. Southwold (ATTACHED) 2 County Roads Road Occupancy Permit for 3. C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services (ATTACHED) with the Green Elgin County Involvement C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services - Lane Public Liaison Committee (ATTACHED) 4 Annual Average Daily Traffic Counts C. Watters, Manager of Engineering Services (ATTACHED) 5. (ATTACHED) Donation Accounts M. Fleck, Acting Director of Homes - Signing Authority for 6 (ATTACHED) Toys in Library Policy Manager of Library Services C. Bishop 7. (ATTACHED) CD-ROM Circulation Policy C. Bishop, Manager of Library Services 8 (ATTACHED) C. Bishop, Manager of Library Services - Compact Disc Collection and CD-ROM Collection (To Be Added to Collection Development Policy) (ATTACHED) Music CD Circulation Policy Manager of Library Services C. Bishop 9 10 (ATTACHED) Council Dress Code Chief Administrative Officer - M. McDonald 11 Schedule of Counci ~ t' i. Reports Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer - Meetings For 1999. (ATTACHED) , 1) REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Elgin County Tree Commissioner From: Hugh Geurts Elgin West 5 1998 Minor Exception Lot 8 Conc Application for Robert M. Campbell. December 02 Subject: Date Office of 5. West been received by the Conc from Lot 8 Mr. R. Campbell. Minor Exception has to clear approx. 2.0 acre shelterbelt been submitted by the landowners Introduction: An Application for the Tree Commissioner Road and is 3 km north of is comprised exclusively of turn of the century. The land as the barns have been The application has Discussion: The shelterbelt is located along Furnival Rodney, The area is approximately 2.0 acres in ^'ce a Black Walnut planted by the Landowner's famil: landowner wishes to remove the trees to square up 1 ble tom down and the farm homestead has been severed 0>. nd at the Elgin. Mr. Campbell has been made aware of the County's no net loss policy and has agreed to donate financially to a local conservation movement to replant an equivalent acreage of trees within the County for the spring of 1999 Authority has not identified any ESA or Neighbours contacted under Section 9(2) The Lower Thames Valley Conservation wetland concerns associated with the clearing. of the Act have also not put forward any objections isolated woodlot area, and the landowner it is the opinion of the Tree Commissioner on the forest resource of the County. Because the clearing is a small an equivalent acreage, have minimum impact Conclusion: agreed to replant this clearing will has that this application as presented, approve Council County Recommendation: That Hugh G Tree Commissioner App r Submission M.G. Mcdonald. County Administrator/Clerk 2 785 2455 P.02 &~;: ,J20HruS , ' , i C/C> K A I Þ..tz. #>? T. íNOMfts ON'T sP 3D! I 5Iq-G'3/-$Of~ ~O~I.mSl!rOA1Ve: ST. THOMAS. ONTARIO leR$V1 "HONI!I~\OI1S31·14C1O fAX (Slij a3307661 THE CHRONICLE 12:49 M....~K ~ ~~OON....!,.D ~N~~L*S1$tI:I!<IC\.tftft (M~) '...NþP;....,. HEF1REN I!""''-';.CCN""~ NOV-26-1998 / " o '" ....,. 'IIt-!:" THE TREES ACT APPLICATION FOR MINOR EXCEPTION II We wish tp apply for a minor exception from the provisions of the County of Elgin By-Law No. which restricts and ~regulates that destruction of trees. In order to be allowed to remove trees as outlined In th:~s app~caticn. 1 NAME(S) a~ ¡¿'J f.:;-£ /1 ~ 6<£ rr OF OWNER(S) MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No, j?f- 7gJ~-tJll ;r I- 7(0 Concession No. Registered Plan No. Postal Code LOCATION OF LAND: MunÌcìpali1y (Town, Village, Township) Lot No. E X. 2, (". Hd Lot No. , , Rea$on fo~wishing to Remove trees i 3, I 4 i / p. tJ-p-p iØf· Met.ers ~ -¡j/It ~ .- !??I.. # ~ ,- II!? square'metersor hect?ifes) , '1 J Width (in Area to be cleared (in me trio) Len~th ç..-J.-'1J Meters I : Area --1~nflO D 5. t+, I I ¡ I I I I 1998 12;50 THE CHRONICLE 785 2455 P.03 &: Has ¡the owner previouSly applied for and been granted permission to remove trees? I Ye5!( ) No (t-y' If ye!;, please indicate the purpose to which they were removed approximate size of area cleated and date. -- -- ~._----- Names, mailing addresses and phone numbers of all owners of property which abutts the land of the owner of the trees In respect to which this application Is made as pet section 9.2 of the act. (If insufficient space below please attach another sheet of paper) 7. _ " . '"<::it -.J .~/l.f, -~. .¡¡¡ ,.,. 7 r ~- - :Ã.$'.?"3 MAlI-LNG lIDO R.ESS_. tI/1 'S~ information deemed pertinent to this application 8 "..., I , I i I 9 I the The parcel of land that Is the subject of this application. clearly indicating area proposed to be cleared and the area or trees which \'IiJI remain etc.) buildings on the owners property and aiso on the abutting property. residential agricultural, cottage, commercial ~~ Each application must , 35 centimelre5, showing: (a) use of abutting lands (e.g (b) (c) As 80 on site inspection will be made. Use perimeter of trees which will remain if this appliçation is granted, must be marked by spraying or some other means, to clearly indicate during this visit what is proposed to be removed iO ¡ ß(,; ;¿~- ì r-.. Note: [í this, application is signed by other than the owner, writteneuthorization of the ov.<ner(s) must accompany Ih!; application, If the applicant is a corpora,UQn,!¡1e application must b~ signed by an officer (and thet position must be indicated) and the corporate.~eal shall be affixedl lJi P,04 785 2455 fI~ ¡¿~ I I j, THE CHRONICLE 12:51 /958 / % 7i<{'- ótr r " $'19 Io~ ~J~r~~ ~ " '-P ..J~ , , I - J-j__. i I I / ~ ~- JÆ?! f~ 4-~ ¥ <t4 i..- \ ,~~ ! I M4-W ~~ /í. t. ~ ¿ ",If'. ) !- \:z,¡tf~~ . . ), . f, . . // /~ .1<,;l:J f' J;lIt>tl + itJD' . .ì.. - I I, ,...........-. . -, r:-._&t..t?_.. _.~,~.... , , ; TOTAL P,04 5 /19 ¡Þ!/ â90 ç~ \" ." I ... ; 1''' l /\ f/ / ..:; · '1: " /, ¡ I/A It ¡~, , ß /1 / , " ...: · /J,L...;¡ / J ~, , //~' '1 // ,I, I! ,;,/>~:;;-,;},,;-~ ' / / ,r '1' " I, I ' AI.' , . //. \ i, i' ' J ., ..L Ii Il/ ill ~ l' y~ +I.' ~ Lo ~ -y-;---' 1\1 ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ . : f.UA..(k:) ~ '~, ,'" ~ ~ ¡~ ¡)7~ ~ ~i ~ , · -cn--. p~ ~ I ! i REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Elgin County Tree Commissioner From: Hugh Geurts Southwold Conc, STRE. November 30, 1998 Application for Minor Exception Gerald and Carol Goodhue. Lots 21 Date Subject: Minor Exception has been received by the Office of clear a 2.5 acre shrub area from Lot 21. Cone. STRE. been submitted by the landowners. Gerald Goodhue. Introduction: An Application for the Tree Commissioner to Southwold. The application has Discussion: The woodlot identified is located along the Fingal Road, one kilometer East of Fingal. The area is approximately 2.5 acres in size and is comprised primarily of Dogwood, hawthorn, cranberry with considerable Ash, Soft Maple, and Elm seedlings intermixed. The land cleared pasture and has been left idle for wishes to remove the shrubs trees to and seeling was originally The landowner land approximately 30 years convert the land into workable farm to Mr. Goodhue has been made aware of the County's no net loss policy and has agreed replant an equivalent acreage of trees on his property for the spring of 1999 The Kettle Creek Conservation Authority has not identified any ESA or wetland concerns associated with the clearing, Neighbours contacted under Section 9(2) of the Act have also not put forward any objections. the landowner Commissioner Because the clearing is a small isolated woodlot area, and an equivalent acreage, it is the opinion of the Tree have minimum impact on the forest resource of the County Conclusion: has agreed to replant that this clearing will this application as presented. eari: approve Recommendation: That County Council Hugh Geurts Tree Commissioner or Submission Administrator/Clerk M.G. Mcdonald. ? t¡¡] 002 P _ 0:2....·03 RUTH STEVE GOODI\Ui F.\I01S KETTLE CREEK CO~~S 9S TliE 10:0 FAX 5197825U79 v-28-98 FRX 1e:ee , "¡3ö~t."".$¡¡'!'C;¡~ 51'. THOMAS, ONTAFi!O ~~:I; ~V1 Pt'Io.'l(¡I~~tI:Il-l.i$ FÀXL:SI"~71"¡1 U4f1l'C<l.ilo;OOI"'Jt.,-tI <;"'".....-..~(... {J.1.....} $AflQtI...L kE~(H tvvn' o;;¡u.C'T >:w::II. -, THE TREES ACT APPLICATION FOR MINOR EXCEPTION II We wish to apply for a minor exception from the provisions of the COUr'lty of Elgin By-Law No. which restricts and regulates that destruction of trees. In order to be allowed to remove trees as outlined in this application. 1 NAME(S) OF OWNER(Sk G£ II. fT/...!J._'¥::.. 4rto J.... ('.,-oÒÌ)J../- u /;: - MAILING ADDRESS: I? i'Í -:J:Þ, ¡O ð ¡QT :;rfflÚ 1....£7' é) (lJ t: -- Postal Code J.!!£/... l;Jj Pr,one No,::;?=¡ - '1[š;¿ - 3-73. , ~ , , ~ , ~ ~ ~ , , ~ , ~ I \ , LOCATION OF LAND: Municipality (Town, Village, Township) 2. -. WCI-U ...,_. Concession No. ~T E -- ~ Lot No. :LJ.,.~ Lot No. --- 3. Reason for Registered Plan No. ~.~~. 1 Describe species of trees and ~ize of trees to be 4. - o " Meters (in square meters or héct~réS Width 5. f,rea to be cleared (in metric) Length Meters A:ea i¡1] 004 F ,~ ~ \Ì) ¡ f ~'. I': 'II' :::!'" '''-'-1:' o ~, ~':' h '~ ~ I- ill ::t ;::) ~".. FAR~lS STEYE GOODHUE /.' 'yO" i ¿k~Äg.fi1) j" , ./ / "'---.-'-;. , I , (~ ........ ' ' ~-'-.~ . , ...."':'.>:>~"~~.:: ' ~ ..'............--:.:. "'..,, ";" ' r°LuL =¡;, ---'>-, '," " C' . .. ç", ~- ',' ", ¡ '- " "-"'R",fV .", ....(.}./...."q, -.-'....., C',.".,,~ .'J,' """'~< , '-"I ..--...-.-....~'.- " "- '-~-_. // / v' ,.,.;r:. .. \ 'c<1ß~tJ; (' rfI f-t I IV " , /f\¡__ /0 '_,c' A "..~;., / '. -, --\ , .-:¡ / J¡ ~ ~ ~ ".\1 ,Q¡ ,~ ~ VI ~;~ ~ ' I 9 .. HO:L , "'~-:~.U-N.íYc lie>.An t.gj lIUð P_03/03 AUTH and been granted permission to remove trees? STEVE GUOD1WE l'A[-{~IS CREEl< CONS Has the owner previously applied for Ye,. ( ) No (X) KETTLE 5197825079 10:0'$0 'rim 10: 02 FAX ...e:et-98 FRI 6. If yes, please indicate the purpose to which they were removed approximate size of ..rea cleared and date. Names, mailing addresses and phone numbers of all owners of property which abutts the land of the owner of the trees in respect to which this application is made as per sedion 9.2 of tho; act. (If insufficient space below please attach another sheet of paper) 7. .- ~ /),~ Other inform¡¡tion deemed pertinent to this ¡¡pplic¡¡tion 8, t< ed -10 /7 C~''''''''if CS-/.-..p _é",-~"" -. Ou<":r -H:e Co - an:. ~ c..:.(..~~ et.c.-)'-" O-'V) ¢ +4 e.r;:- J.P.........;:.. o?--' fre.è$ Each application must be accompanied by a sketch, no smaller than 20 centimetres by 35 centimetres. showing: 9 The parcel of land that is the subject of this appliçation. clearly indicating the area proposed to be cleared and the ;;rea or trees which will remain. (a) buildings on the owner's property and also on the ;;butting property. use of abutting lands (e.g. residential agriçultural. cott;;ge, commercial. etc.) b (c) As an on site inspection will be made. Use perimeter of trees which will remain if this application is granted. must be m;;rked by spraying or some other means. to clearly indicate during this visit what is proposed to be removed, 10 <.I /} ,1. .' I ,.'.-,... - '. ~~~ ~~. Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent 'l I .. /'t¡ ., ..Ì- Note: If this application is signed by other than the owner, written aulhori¡ration of the owner(s) must ;;ccomp,my the application, If the applicant is a corporation, the application must be sigr:a.-J by an officer (and that position must be indicated) and the corporate seal shall be ?ffixed. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES 1998 ROAD OCCUPANCY PERMIT FOR COUNTY ROADS OCTOBER 27 SUBJECT: DATE Introduction County Road right-of-ways are used for many purposes beyond transportation These corridors are the home for a variety of drainage and utility infrastructure. Water lines, gas lines, sanitary sewers, telephone cables and fibreoptics, cable TV, storm sewers and municipal drains are typically located on County Road property. It is the responsibility of the County Engineering Services Department to monitor all work on County Roads. As the owner, the County reduces liability and damage to its infrastructure with effective and efficient "corridor control". Discussion During a typical month the Engineering Services Department processes and approves approximately a dozen requests to work on County property which usually involves crossing a County Road with a service or utility. Although most utility companies understand typical Elgin County Road requirements special conditions sometimes apply. These requests usually omit information such as date of commencement/completion, exact location, duration of work and restoration methods. These requirements must then be stated in each and every piece of correspondence in an inefficient process Most importantly safety issues are seldom discussed. When the County grants approval to work on Road property it also assumes liability to some extent. A signed permit stating all conditions and requirements would shift liability to the applicant and minimize risk to the County. This "Road Occupancy Permit" would also create an excellent paper trail for work on County Roads. All approved permits would be faxed to that Municipality's Road Superintendent to inform them of who will be doing work, what will be done, where it will take place, when the work will start and end, and that the County has approved this work. In some situations road work has been completed before County staff realizes it has taken place. In maintaining the County Road system, local road staff must question work being done on County Roads by other agencies. This permit will inform them if a contractor has permission to be there or not. 2 .f 4 1 .. Page 2 REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES 1998 OCTOBER 27 DATE ROAD OCCUPANCY PERMIT FOR COUNTY ROADS SUBJECT: Conclusion The County would manage corridor control more efficiently and effectively with a Road Occupancy Permit. A permit would minimize risk from actions, claims, suits and demands made against the County from work completed by others on County property and shift liability to the applicant. Most other counties and municipalities have a similar By-Law in place. A nominal fee would be charged to individuals and private companies to process the permit which may require a field inspection before and/or after the work. The fee will be waived for certain utility companies, government agencies and for the purpose of Municipal Drainage work. I estimate revenues of approximately $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 per year. In an effort to minimize duplication and become more efficient it would be beneficial to combine the existing Entrance Permit with the new Road Occupancy Permit for their intent is identical. Conditions for Entranceways are simplified and included on the reverse of the permit along with the General Conditions for road occupancy. This combined form is easier to use and understand and will hopefully answer many of the typical questions this office receives (i.e "who pays for the culvert pipe ?"). A draft co. of the proposed permit is attached for your consideration. of Recommendation That staff be authorized and directed to prepare a By-Law for the issuance and enforcement a Road Occupancy Permit for work on County Road right-of-ways including the alteration or construction of an entranceway onto a County Road. /pmd file: c_rdperm.doc MARK IALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK SO (, 1 RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED fA CLAYTON D. WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES By·Law No. 98-XX Permit No. ~ The Corporation of the County of Elgin Drive' St. Thomas, Ont. . N5R 5V1 'Phone (519) 631-1460· Fax (519) 633-7661 ROAD OCCUPANCY PERMIT , 'ó, SECTION 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION ' DATE OF APPLICATION APPLICANT CONTACT PERSON APPLICANT'S MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODe TELEPHONE FAX CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON CONTRACTOR ADDRESS TELEPHONE FAX SECTION 2 - lOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK CIVIC ADDRESS AND ROAD NAME COUNTY ROAD NO. LOT CONCESSION MUNICIPALITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK SIDE OF ROAD (CIRCLE ONE) NORTH I SOUTH I EAST I WEST DISTANCE FROM ROAD CENTRELlNE PROPOSED START DATE ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE "NOTE: A PLANfSKETCH SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED WORK AND/OR SERVICE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. ALL RELEVANT MEASUREMENTS AND DEPTH OF WORK WILL BE SHOWN. IF THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING OR ALTERING AN ENTRANCE PLEASE DEFINE THE AREA SO THAT THE EXACT LOCATION MAYBE INSPECTED. (I.e. stakes at property line, paint on fence, etc.) PE~!y\ITfE~ IS WAI\!EQ FQR 90yERNMENTAßE*'ES. 4T1pTY QOMPA~IEs ANQ f9R THE PVRPQso OF, MU~ICIPA~ DRAmS, ~ I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth on this application and assume all cosllncurred by the County of Elgin, liability for aU damages which may be incurred and to indemnify and hold harmless the County of Elgin from any actions, claims, suits 0 demands made against the County by any person arising oul of the issuance of this permit. (REFER TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE) 1 i\ , GENERAL CONDITIONS Permits will be honored for a period of one year from date of approval. If the work has not began after one year, the pennlt shaH be null and void and the deposit but not the permit fee shall be returned to the Applicant. H the work has been completed but not to the satisfaction of the County under the conditions of this application, and a period of one year has passed from the date of approval, the County may elect to finish or restore the works with the Applicant's deposit without any prior nollce. County roads will not be closed.· A minImum of one drivIng lane wilt always be open to traffic. All road cuts and trenches within 4 metres of any drivIng lane will be backfilled at ëach day's end. The Applicant shaH maintain pedestrian access and vehicular access to all pUblic and private properties. 2. the Applicant shall AU barricades, signs and signals required to direct or guide the motorist and/or pedestrian shall be erected and maintained by the Applicant in accordance with the MTO "Traffic Control Manual for Roadway Work Operations". All detour signing, when required shall be supplied, erected and maintained by the contractor at the expense of the Applicant. When conditions or unforeseen difficulties require a longer period of completion than is indicated on the perml notify the Manager of Engineering Services of the additional time required and the reason therefore. 3, 4, Prior to the approval of the Roadway Occupancy Permit the contractor shall supply proof of liability Insurance in the amount of $3,000,000.00 and such Insurance name the Corporation of the County of Elgin as co-Insured and state the County of Elgin is held harmless against any claims arising from the work proposed on this application. 5. When required, a security deposit shall be given to the County representing 100% of the cost to perform the necessary restoration. The Applicant will be responsible for any temporary and/or final restoration costs. The restoration shall be completed as per the direction of the Manager of Engineering Services. Upon completion of the final restoration the site will be Inspected by the Ccunly of Elgin staff and if satlsfied-(Interlm acceptance) the security deposit will be returned with the exception of a $500.00 security which will ,be held for a period of 12 months form the date of acceptance. 6, It is the responsibility of the Applicant not to damage ally existing plant, survey markers of infrastructure Including drainage works. The Applicant will assume all costs and liabilities from such damage. Uli1ity locates are the responsibility of the Applicant and this document will release the County of Elgin from all claims arising from the damage of any plant 7, Excavated material shan not be piled In such a manner as to obstruct vehIcular and/or pedestrian traffic at a minimum of four (4) meters from edge of pavement. All construction equipment and vehicles shaH also maintain this "clear zone" when not in use: Clay In the fluid state, frozen material, organic malter, slit or mud shaH be excluded from the backfill. This may require that part or all of the excavated material be replaced by sand or crushed stone backfill. Native backfill will not be accepted within the top 1200 millimeters to the finished granular road grade. This material will consist of an approved Granular 'B' material compacted In layers of no more than one hundred fifty (150) millimeters for a depth of 900 millimeters and an approved Granular 'A' material compacted In layers of no more than one hundred (100) millimeters to the finished grade. If undue sett1ement occurs at a later date, an additional charge will be made for repairs. 8, 9, If, to carry out the work, it Is necessary to al!er, break or disturb any existing pavement, sidewalk, or curb and gutter, the Applicant will be responsible for temporarily and permanenlly restoring the site to Its orIginal condition. Material specmcations shall be determined by the County of Elgin Engineering staff. If weather dictates the permanent restoration can nol be accomplished, the Applicant shall temporarily repair any disturbed asphalt or concrete surfaces with a fifty (50) millimeter thickens of asphalt. Temporary and/or final repairs shall be to the satisfaction of the County of Elgin, at the expense of the Applicant. 10, Every person who contravenes any provision of this permit under its By-law shaH upon conviction be liable to payment of a fine of not less than $500.00 for a first offence and $1000.00 for a second or succeeding offence plus costs incurred by the County of Elgin to complete the works, repair damages caused by the work and/or restore the area to the conditions set forth within this application. Every such penalty shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act as amended time to time. 1 CONDITIONS FOR ENTRANCEWA YS be the The County may restrict the placement of an access onto a County Road in the Interest of public safety. It is the County's final decision in this determination. Influencing factors Include: sight Jines, stopping distance, traffic patterns, roadway design, drainage, proximity to intersections/railroads/structures, etc. and construction of the_entrance in accordance with the terms of the permit wi AU costs associated with thIs permi' responsibility of the Applicant. 2, A refundable deposit is submitted along with this application's requirements and fee. The deposit shall be refunded to the App1icant upon acceptance of the entrance by the County of Elgin less any amounts expended to satisfy the conditions of thIs permit that were not met. A typical rural private entrance will require a deposit of $300.00. The County will set an appropriate deposit amount. 3. the following: The County may limit the width or number of accesses to a property. Residences - 1 per property Farm Buildings ~ 1 per farm Farm Entrance - 1 per farm (more If natural obstructions within the field prevent reasonabie access across Commercial I Industrial ~ 2 per property (spaced at a minimum of 30 metres) limited to be wi' numbers Entrance 4, the field) General Design Standards to be met under thIs application are as follows: a) Finished grade of the entrance must faU away from the edge of driving lane with a slope of no less than 2%. b) Field, Farm or Residential Entrances shall be surfaced with at least 150mm of Granular 'A' and have a lop width of 6 metres. c) Commercial/Industrial Entrances shall be surfaced with hot-mix asphalt and shall be designed to accommodate vehicle types. d) Culvert pipe lengths shall be long enough to produce a minimum 2 : 1 slope from the ditch invert to the surface of the entrance. Culvert pipe lengths will be a minimum of 12 metres. Open end culvert pIpes shan be a minimum 375mm diameter. If a catch basin inlet is required under the special conditions, a diameter of pipe will be specified. e) Material for pipe culverts shall be high density pOlyethylene plastic storm sewer pipe manufactured by a CSA approved agent. Property owners having access to a Co~nty Road are fully responsible for the maintenance of the entranceway including removal of snow and Ice and keeping the portlon~of the entrance withIn the Road In a safe condition for vehicular traffic. A culvert installed under the terms of this permit shall become the property of the County and all sUbsequent maintenance, repairs, alterations, etc. shall be the responsibl1ity of the County, except where the culvert crosses a Municipal Drain and provisions of the Drainage Act lake precedence and maintenance becomes the MuniclpaHly's responsibility. 5, 6. Curb and guller, asphalt, sidewalks, drainage systems, erosion protection and/or other work may be specified by the County to be Installed by the Applicant at the Applicant's expense In circumstances where existing CQndlUons warrant continuity to existing features or require special attention. 1 7. REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES 1998 SUBJECT: ELGIN COUNTY INVOLVEMENT WITH THE GREEN LANE PUBLIC LIAISON COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 27 DATE on Introduction St.Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited and Advance Container of Canada Limited, a division of Green Lane Environmental Group Ltd. was recently given approval to proceed with their landfill expansion. The approval comes under the Environmental Assessment Act, Section 9, Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking, and was approved and ordered by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ontario Executive Counci August 13, 1998. Discussion/ Conclusion The approval is subject to a number of conditions. Section 5.2 of the General Conditions pertains to the formation of a Terms of Reference for the Public Liaison Committee and the required representation on the committee. The following are the required representatives. -Proponent(Green Lane) -Corporation of the Township of Southwold -Corporation of the County of Eh:lin -Corporation of the City of StThomas -Ministry of the Environment(non-voting) -Southwold Against Dumping -Oneida First Nation -One or more neighbours of the site Recommendation Engineering Services designates a representative to the current Public Liaison Committee and it is recommended that we continue with our representation on this Committee when it is reformed in February 1999. OR SUBMISSION MARK ONALD 150UNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK RE7P!C WlrJ¿h > CLAYTON D. WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: CLAYTON WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES 1998 SUBJECT: ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS NOVEMBER 24 DATE Introduction County owned Roads and Townllne Bridges The County of Elgin completes traffic counts for Discussion/ Conclusion This past year we completed the traffic counts in Bayham, Malahide and Aylmer. The average annual daily traffic counts are used for County information purposes. We are now gathering additional information on speeds and classifications. Recommendation For your information APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION MARK M ALD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK 16 RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED CDW^*ovf ( CLAYTON D. WATTERS, MANAGER ENGINEERING SERVICES COUNTY OF ELGIN ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY 2100 2450 1550 8sõ 2050 2150 1150 1300 3050 500 500 850 850 850 800 850 1050 050 050201 EAST OF ROAD 3 202 WEST OF WEST LORNE LIMITS 203 EAST OF CN·CP TRACKS 206 WEST OF ROAD 15 050351 ~ 0352 - 0353 )WN 0354 WEST OF IDGHWA. , 2 3 5500 5500 7450 7400 ï50 200 0355 EAST OF NEW GLASGOW 0356 EAST OF KENT TOWNLINE 050451 NORTH OF PORT STANLEY 0452 NORTH OF UNION 0453 NORTH OF ROAD 45 0454 SOUTH OF TALBOTVILLE 050502 SOUTH OF WALKERS BRIDGE 503 NORTH OF ROAD 2 050601 602 4 200 250 700 700 500 500 150 50 5 400 1650 2050 2600 1350 950 600 300 1200 1650 2250 1300 850 350 200 100 100 150 200 200 50 100 5õ 150 150 200 700 450 300 1650 1900 2200 100 700 4sõ 00 100 50 100 100 ÕÕ EAST OF ROAD 7 WEST OF ROAD 3 050802 SOUTH OF ROAD 16 804 NORTH OF IDGHWAY 3 805 SOUTH OF ROAD 13 806 SOUTH OF ROAD 2 808 NORTH OF IDGHWAY 401 6 8 809 SOUTH OF ROAD 9 811 SOUTH OF WILLEYS BRIDGE 050901 EAST OF ROAD 3 904 WEST OF HIGHWAY 76 905 EASTOFIDGHWAY76 ~ 908 9 WEST OF ROAD 8 909 EAST OF ROAD 8 910 WEST OF ROAD 14 850 600 750 700 1300 1900 2450 2550 2150 2650 900 750 700 750 1250 1100 1300 1100 i40õ 2100 2350 2000 2600 400 300 200 400 200 200 050 450 750 650 700 750 1050 900 100 950 000 750 800 1300 1450 2600 2600 2200 2600 350 200 100 250 100 350 600 750 550 750 600 550 650 050 900 Tsõ 1000 850 600 600 1050 1200 2050 2150 1850 2400 350 150 100 250 100 400 700 17 EAST OF FORD PLANT GATE EAST OF DUTTON LIMITS WEST OF ROAD 14 SOUTH OF ROAD 2 EAST OF ROAD 8 WEST OF ROAD 14 14 1605 L LIMITS 1606 L LIMITS 1607 45 1608 45 i609 IDLL 051701 !WOLD STATION 051803 ,19 1804 14 1806 ' 20 SOUTH 1807 19 1808 ~INE (NO P A VEMEN}) 1810 WAY 4 05110 051301 1303 051401 NORTIJ OF ROAD 16 1402 SOUTH OF IDGHWAY 3 1403 NORTH OF IDGHWAY 3 1406 SOUTHOFIDGHWAY401 1407 NORTH OF IDGHWAY 401 1409 NORTH OF ROAD 9 0515011 051601 11 13 14 15 16 1603 604 EAST OF ROAD 17 iš COUNTY OF ELGIN ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY Page 2. 19 051951 NORTH OF PORT BURWELL 2500 2100 1952 NORTH OF ROAD 45 3100 1953 SOUTH OF STRAFFORDVILLE 3450 3400 1954 SOUTH OF COUNTY LINE 3450 20 052002 NORTH OF IDGHW A Y 4 1900 1300 1800 2003 NORTH OF WARREN STREET 1350 850 1100 2005 SOUTH OF FINGAL LIMITS 800 1000 1650 2006 NORTH OF FINGAL LIMITS 1600 1500 1600 2007 SOUTH OF SHEDDEN LIMITS 1500 1500 1450 2008 NORTH OF SHEDDEN LIMITS 1250 1200 1300 2009 SOUTH OF IDGHWA Y 401 800 1050 1200 2010 NORTH OF IDGHW A Y 401 450 400 500 2011 NORTH OF ROAD 18 100 150 250 21 I 052101NEAR WARREN BRIDGE ~ 22 052201 NORTH OF ROAD 24 850 900 650 900 2202 SOUTH OF ROAD 27 1400 1450 1500 1450 2203 NORTH OF ROAD 27 2500 2500 2600 2700 2204 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 3200 3450 3550 3400 2205 NORTH OF ROAD 45 4800 4700 4950 5550 23 052301 JOSEPH STREET IDLL 1750 1500 1950 2302 SOUTH OF ROAD 24 1650 1850 1600 2303 SOUTHOFIDGHWAY4 1250 1450 1350 24 052401 EAST OF ROAD 23 1000 1100 1000 2402 WEST OF ROAD 22 1000 1000 1150 2403 EAST OF ROAD 22 1000 1000 1200 2405 WEST OF ROAD 36 600 600 600 2407 TOP OF PORT BRUCE IDLL 850 850 850 25 052502 NORTH OF ROAD 26 6550 7200 7200 7450 7500 6700 7000 2503 SOUTH OF ROAD 52 10250 11600 10150 10350 10000 9500 9600 2504 NORTH OF ROAD 52 11200 12750 10950 11300 11000 10150 10450 2505 SOUTH OF COUNTY LINE 11000 12800 10900 11800 10700 10100 10350 26 I 052601 ¡EAST OF ROAD 25 ~ 27 052701 EAST OF UNION LIMITS 1400 1600 1350 2702 WEST OF ROAD 22 1350 1700 1500 2703 EAST OF ROAD 22 1400 1550 1550 2704 WEST OF SPARTA LIMITS 1000 1150 1200 2705 WEST OF IDGHWAY4 1300 1050 950 2708 SOUTH OF MEEKS BRIDGE 250 250 250 28 052801 NORTH OF ROAD 45 550 650 600 750 2803 SOUTH OF ROAD 56 900 1050 1000 1000 2804 NORTH OF ROAD 56 2250 3000 3000 3250 2805 SOUTII OF IDGHWAY 3 3300 4150 3950 4350 30 053002 NORTH OF ROAD 52 1600 3100 7500 8500 9100 7850 9200 3005 NORTH OF CONCESSION XII 1250 2700 7300 8150 8600 7750 9000 31 I 0531OIiSOUTHOF ROAD 52 ~ 32 053201 EAST OF IDGHWAY 73 1200 1200 1400 3202 SOUTH OF POLICE COLLEGE 1150 1250 1750 3204 SOUTH OF ROAD 52 800 950 1150 34 I 053402jWEST OF BELMONT LIMITS ~ 35 053501 NORTH OF ROAD 45 1000 900 1200 3503 SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 3 1550 1450 1900 3504 NORTH OF HIGHWAY 3 450 450 500 3505 SOUTH OF ROAD 52 250 300 500 18 COUNTY OF ELGIN ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY Page 3 550 550 800 700 900 350 300 400 400 750 36 I 053601 NORTH 0 ROAD 24 500 550 650 3602 SOUTH OF SPARTA LIMITS 750 700 750 3603 NORTH OF SPARTA LIMITS 1300 1350 1300 3604 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 1450 1550 1300 3605 NORTH OF ROAD 45 1050 1000 1300 3606 SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 3 1250 1150 1450 053701 NEAR KETTLE CREEK BRIDGE 300 350 3702 WEST OF HIGHWAY 73 200 200 3703 EAST OF HIGHWAY 73 350 350 3704 WEST OF AVON LIMITS 350 300 3705 EAST OF AVON LIMITS 350 650 37 800 1900 1750 1500 1300 1600 700 900 2400 2200 1250 i20õ 700 1450 1250 1450 1400 1400 1700 1500 1500 1400 1300 050 900 1350 1350 1250 150 950 950 053801 EAST OF HIGHWAY 3 3802 EAST OF RICHMOND HILL 3803 WEST OF STRAFFORDVILLE LIMITS 3804 EAST OF STRAFFORDVILLE LIMITS 3805 WEST OF ROAD 55 0539021S0UTH OF ROAD 42 38 600 000 2250 2250 150 050 3õõ 550 700 2100 1850 150 050 3sõ 054001 NORTH OF ROAD 42 4002 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 EAST 4004 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 WEST 4006 SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 3 4007 NORTH OF HIGHWAY 3 4009 SOUTH OF SPRINGFIELD LIMITS 05410IlWEST OF MAIN STREET VIENNA 054201 39 40 1250 1100 1350 1100 1150 1300 50 950 150 1100 1100 1350 EAST OF HIGHWAY 73 WEST OF ROAD 40 EAST OF ROAD 40 WEST OF ROAD 43 EAST OF ROAD 43 NORTH OF ROAD 39 4202 4203 4204 4205 4207 41 42 2300 1000 750 2150 8sõ 600 2250 700 450 054208 WEST OF PORT BURWELL BRIDGE 4209 EAST OF PORT BURWELL LIMITS 4210 WEST OF ROAD 55 42 300 650 550 300 550 500 600 3000 3000 2550 2300 1750 1450 100 1700 2600 2850 2600 2350 2300 200 600 550 250 450 400 450 950 1650 2150 2100 2400 2000 2150 2250 2300 2350 1800 1550 1400 1050 200 450 450 250 400 400 500 19 600 1450 2300 2000 2200 1700 1800 1850 2100 2250 1800 1350 1150 1000 054301 NORTH OF ROAD 42 4302 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 4303 NORTH OF CALTON LIMITS 4304 SOUTIJ OF RICHMOND LIMITS 054402 WEST OF HIGHWAY 3 4403 EAST OF HIGHWAY 3 4404 WEST OF HIGHWAY 19 054501 43 44 SOUTH OF ROAD 16 WEST OF HIGHWAY 4 EAST OF HIGHWAY 4 45 4502 4503 4504 4505 4508 WEST OF ROAD 22 EAST OF ROAD 22 WEST OF ROAD 36 4509 EAST OF ROAD 36 4510 WEST OF ROAD 35 4511 EAST OF ROAD 35 4512 WEST OF HIGHWAY 73 4513 EAST OF HIGHWAY 73 4514 WEST OF ROAD 40 4515 EAST OF ROAD 40 4516 WEST OF ROAD 43 Page 4. 1450 1400 1550 1450 800 - - - - - 100 - 150 - 1550 1550 1200 1150 300 250 300 250 200 250 300 350 450 ~ ~ ~ 1150 1850 1900 1200 1500 2200 2050 2050 2600 1900 2600 2200 2500 2200 2700 950 1150 650 900 =a; 2450 ~ 150 ~ 200 400 350 400 4050 700 300 Iõõr COUNTY OF ELGIN ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY 1050 1050 1050 850 550 1000 1050 100 950 350 4517 EAST OF ROAD 43 4518 WEST OF IDGHWAY 19 4519 EAST OF IDGHWAY 19 4520 WEST OF ROAD 55 4521 NORTH OF ROAD 16 45 750 950 400 450 600 800 400 400 700 1100 054601 NORTH OF HIGHWAY 3 4603 SOUTH OF TOWNLINE 4604 NORTH OF ROAD 38 4605 SOUTH OF IDGHW A Y 3 054701 NORTH OF ROAD 48 4702 SOUTII OF AVON LIMITS 73 46 950 950 1600 1600 1200 1250 350 300 250 250 200 200 3õõ 900 Ï5Õ 800 600 1450 1050 1050 2100 2100 2100 1800 1750 1800 800 80õ 3400 23õõ 1200 100 250 250 300 3600 900 Tsõ i3õõ 600 1250 1200 900 900 350 300 300 350 350 250 350 900 1700 1600 1050 1050 2100 2100 2150 1600 600 650 700 5õõ 3300 2sõõ 650 50 400 250 250 300 750 850 1650 1500 800 950 2000 1800 19 5205 WEST OF ROAD 30 5206 EAST OF ROAD 30 5207 WEST OF IDGHWAY 74 5208 EAST OF IDGHWAY 74 5209 WEST OF HIGHWAY 73 5210 EAST OF IDGHW A Y 73 5212 WEST OF SPRINGFIELD LIMITS 5213 EAST OF SPRINGFIELD LIMITS 5214 WEST OF COUNTY LINE 055301 ELM STREET NEAR BRIDGE 5302 BEECH STREET NEAR CO·OP 0554011S0UTH OF ROAD 48 054801 EAST OF HIGHWAY 4804 WEST OF ROAD 47 4805 EAST OF ROAD 47 4806 WEST OF ROAD 54 4808 WEST OF ROAD 25 4809 EAST OF ROAD 25 4810 WEST OF ROAD 30 4811 EAST OF ROAD 30 4813 WEST OF HIGHWAY 74 4814 EAST OF HIGHWAY 74 4815 WEST OF IDGHWAY 73 ~SOUTH OF ROAD 48 ~SOUTHOFIDGHWAY ~WESTOFIDGHWAY4 055201 WEST OF ROAD 25 5202 EAST OF ROAD 25 5203 WEST OF ROAD 31 5204 EAST OF ROAD 31 47 49 50 Sf 52 53 48 3700 800 250 1050 850 100 250 200 250 !) 'U" {.i 3450 700 200 90õ 055501 NORTH OF ROAD 42 5502 SOUTH OF ROAD 45 5503 NORTH OF ROAD 45 5504 SOUTH OF ROAD 38 055601 EAST OF CITY LIMITS 5602 EAST OF ROAD 28 5603 WEST OF ROAD 36 055701 lEAST OF HIGHWAY 4 54 55 56 57 COUNTY OF ELGIN ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC COUNTS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY Page 5. 700 1200 2400 5450 7850 6950 5150 750 850 3100 500 05730 I @ WATER STREET 7302 NORTH OF ROAD 24 7303 NORTH OF ROAD 42 7304 AYLMER SOUTH LIMITS 7305 AYLMER NORTH LIMITS 73 3400 :ï4oõ 1550 3200 1750 1750 650 1050 1800 3200 2750 2000 1550 1350 5400 5400 3õõõ 450 100 500 2900 2550 1450 1150 iõšõ 300 000 1250 2950 2250 1400 1000 ÕÕ 303 SOUTH OF ROAD 2 304 NORTH OF ROAD 2 305 NORTH OF RODNEY LIMITS 307 SOUTH OF ROAD 9 309 SOUTH OF ROAD 6 311 SOUTH OF W ARDSVILLE BRIDGE 051401 EAST OF KENT COUNTY LINE 402 WEST OF RODNEY LIMITS 7306 SOUTH OF ROAD 52 7307 SOUTH OF COUNTY LINE 057401 NORTH OF IITGHWAY 3 7402 SOUTH OF BELMONT 057601 NORTH OF HIGHWAY 3 7602 NORTH OF WEST LORNE 7603 NORTH OF IITGHW A Y 401 7604 SOUTH OF COUNTY LINE 051301 SOUl1l0FIITGHWAY3 302 NORTH OF IITGHWAY 3 74 103 76 700 600 650 1000 400 750 450 350 400 750 350 300 051901 NORTHOFIITGHWAY3 1903 NORTH OF ROAD 18 05TL07 FLEMING CREEK BRIDGE TU6 LINGS BRIDGE 04 19 TIL 100 00 00 250 100 50 300 50 50 200 700 TL23 FULTON BRIDGE TL26 JAMESTOWN BRIDGE TL27 GILLETS BRIDGE TL30 MCGINNIS BRIDGE TL31 HARKNESS BRIDGE TL42 DINGLE STREET BRIDGE TL46 VIENNA BRIDGE 850 00 50 1998 AVERAGE AADT -1750 1996AVERAGEAADT-1350 1991 AVERAGE AADT -1150 2 ¡ L ELGIN COUNTY COUNC to REPORT 999 2, 1 January for Report # Homes Homes Marilyn Fleck, Acting Director of FROM 998 for Donation Accounts December 29 Signing authority DATE: SUBJECT: ntroduction Each of the Homes have donation accounts that provide to donors a receipt for income tax purposes, The accounts have been utilized for the purchase of various items of equipment to benefit the residents. Discussion With the retirement of Mr. Boyes, it is necessary to indicate those persons responsible as signing officers for the donation accounts, Previously the signing officers were Fred Boyes and Marilyn Fleck. Recommendation THAT Unda Veger and Marilyn Fleck be named as signing authorities for the donation accounts for Elgin Manor, Terrace Lodge. and Bobier Villa, and that the Finance department be directed to make the necessary changes with the Bank of Montreal. Approved for Submission: Respectfully submitted: ~ Mark G, McDonald County AdministratorlClerk 22 Marilyn D, Fleck Acting Director REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services FROM: 1998 Toys in Library Policy November 25 DATE SUBJECT: Introduction The Elgin County Library System has several branch libraries which use toys and puppets for their library programs. It is necessary to establish a cleaning and maintenance program in order to keep the toys in proper working order and to meet hygiene requirements. Discussion The Toys in Library Policy was discussed at the Branch Supervisors' meeting on November 19, 1998 and the Supervisors agreed that a policy would assist with the care and maintenance of all toys. The Elgin County Library would like to establish a policy in order that toys are well maintained and meet Health and Safety requirements. Recommendation: That the attached policy and guidelines entitled "Toys in Library Policy" be approved. Cathy B Manager of Library Service Respectfully submitted Mark MèIJo County Administrator/Clerk 23 Approved for submission v~ 111 Libr ~ r\1 Po lic\1 T O\1S Purpose of Toys Toys have value for young children by the fact that: · they can provide a sense offamiliarity/comfort to child in a new environment. · they can be used to illustrate points in a story . · they can be used to teach a child hand/eye coordination and fine motor control Library situation mouth. s Puzzles with pieces too large to fit in a child' Toys which have teaching value. Puppets. Examples of toys acceptable in a · · · Toys and puppets with 5\llal1 parts that a young child could choke on. Toys associated with violent actions, e.g. toy guns. Toys Toys Library situation Types of toys which are unacceptable in a which cannot easily be kept clean. with "fur" in which lice could hide. · · · · Care of toys All toys must be kept clean to prevent the spreading of disease. In branches which choose to keep toys, a staff person should be designated to keep the toys clean and in good repair. 24 · · REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services FROM: 1998 CD-ROM Circulation Policy November 25 DATE: SUBJECT: Introduction: The Elgin County Library has been purchasing CD-ROMs for in-house use for sometime. However, because the public use computers are very heavily booked, patrons sometimes have difficulty using the CD-ROM products in the library. Therefore, the Library would like to begin to circulate some of their CD-ROMs. Discussion The Elgin County Library would like to have a policy in place to regulate circulation period, fines and replacement costs of CD-ROM products. Apolicy assists with the protection of CD-ROM products and absolves the Library from responsibility as regards to a user's computer equipment. Recommendation That the attached policy entitled "CD-ROM Circulation Policy" be approved. Cathy Bishop Manager of Library Service Respectfully submitted: Mark McDonald County Administrator/Clerk 2,... ;) Approved for submission v""* CD-ROM Circulation Policy week period. (1 ) CD-ROM products circUlate for a one · time. CD-ROM at a (1 to borrow only one Library users are allowed · Fines are $ .50 per day. · of the product piUS $5.00 for processing the actual cost is Replacement cost · the container reads as follows " The Elgin County Library accepts no responsibility for damage to personal computer equipment or software caused by the use of library materials. Library users are advised that some CD-ROM products, during installation or use automatically load software or alter existing software." 2ß to A label affixed · REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services FROM: 1998 Music CD Circulation Policy November 25 DATE: SUBJECT: Introduction: The Elgin County Library has purchased music CD's for three of our larger branch libraries. The Library would like music CD's to be eventually placed in all of our branch libraries so they are readily available to the patrons of Elgin County. Discussion: The Elgin County Library would like to have a policy in place to regulate circulation period, fines and replacement costs of music CD's. A policy assists with the protection of music CD's in that it states what the user's responsibility is in relation to costs which may occur through overdue fines and loss of CD's. Recommendation: That the attached policy entitled "Music CD Circulation Policy" be approved. Cathy B P Manager of Library Service Respectfully submitted: Mark Mcuonald County Administrator/Clerk 27 Approved for submission Ð'I4/t Music CD Circulation Policy · Music CD's will circulate for a one week period. · Library users will be allowed to borrow TWO music CD's at a time. · Fine·s will be $,50 per day per item. · Replacement cost will be $20.00. 28 " REPORT TO ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Cathy Bishop, Manager of Library Services FROM: 1998 Compact Disc Colleytion and CD-ROM Collection (To Be Added to Collection Development Policy) November 25, DATE: SUBJECT: Introduction: The Elgin County Library has recently purchased compact discs and CD-ROM products which have been added to the collection of the Elgin County Library System. CD-ROM products are to be purchased in accordance with the Materials Selection Plan and the goals of the Collection Development Policy. Discussion The Elgin County Library would like to add the compact disc collection and CD-ROM collection selection criteria to the Collection Development Policy which was passed at the June 24, 1997 County Council session. Recommendation That the attached policy entitled "Compact Disc Collection" and "CD-ROM Collection' criteria be added to the "Collection Development Policy" be approved. Cathy B Manager of Library Service Respectfully submitted Mark McDonald County Administrator/Clerk 29 Approved for submission vw# Compact Disc Collection Musical recordings are selected to provide examples of the best recordings available In a variety of musical styles. The compact disc collection includes a representative collection of classical, easy listening, country, rock, brass band, jazz, movie soundtracks and music for children. A sampling of the works of major composers and major performers are included in the collection. CD-ROM Collection The CD-ROM collection enhances the print resources of the library with respect to complexity, currency and availability. Materials must be informational, educational and/or creative in nature. Materials which are primarily of entertainment value such as games are not included in the collection. CD-ROMs are selected on the same basic principles as print media in accordance with the Materials Selection Plan and the goals of the Collection Development Policy. However, because of their nature, additional selection criteria must also be taken into account: its n comparison to effectiveness and performance of the electronic product print counterpart. time span' covered / frequency of updates compatibility with equipment currently owned ease of installation and maintenance ability to network vendor reliability, technical support, licensing restrictions search capabilities and ease of use staff instruction time documentation · · · · · · · · · within the if they fa Donated CD's and CD-RaM's Donated items will be considered for addition to the cOllection collection criteria. 30 REPORTTOCOUNTYCOUNC~ Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: 1999 January 5th DATE: SUBJECT: COUNCIL DRESS CODE to provide a historical background to Council's Dress Code Introduction: The purpose of this report is Policy. reveal 1962 (Third Session-Second Day) 13th day of June the Discussion: The minutes of Wednesday, the following article Properly Moved and Seconded "In order to enhance the dignity and decorum of County Councillors while on official business, BE IT RESOLVED that similar dress for all County Councillors be recommended. The dress to consist of blue jackets and grey trousers. The jackets to be adorned with crests designating the wearer to be a Councillor of the County of Elgin with the current year date upon it. The crests to be supplied annually by the County of Elgin. All jackets and trousers could be in one large order to ensure economical purchases." Day) September, 1962 (Fourth Session-First 18th day of The minutes of Tuesday, the contain the following citation "Reeve Elliott reported on blazers and trousers for members of County Counci The Warden appointed Reeve Elliott, Reeve McKibbin and Reeve Clarke to a Committee to secure prices and samples of materials." read as Session-Third Day) 1963 (First 17th day of January, the The Minutes of Thursday follows Properly Moved and Seconded "Resolved that this County Council order crests at a value of $10.00 each, for the County Councillors, and a sufficient supply be kept on hand for future Councillors. We recommend the adoption of a similar dress to be worn by County Councillors on official business." 3 (Second Session-Second Day) 1963 2 March the 20th day of The Minutes of Wednesday contain the following: " As the annual Council photograph reveals, County Councillors began wearing grey pants, blue jackets with crest, and the Bruce Tartan tie in 1963, From recent discussions with past County Wardens, Lord Elgin honoured the County by granting permission to wear the Bruce Tartan tie around the same time period. A year later, senior County staff also honoured the dress code. tunics and crests for the County Councillors. the Reeve Elliott reported on "Counci At some point in time thereafter, Council developed and approved a set of Policies" which included the following article on ties: Crests and Ties "County crests and ties, supplied to Councillors and Officials, should be expected to last at least three years, without having to be replaced. Anyone requiring a replacement prior to the end of the three years will be required to purchase it at actual cost. Officials shall not be provided with a tie or crest until their probationary period has been fulfilled." Count Conclusion: The County Dress Code has been in existence as a Council policy since 1963. The Dress Code, like all Council policies, can be amended or revoked by majority vote of County Council. Council should be advised that enforcing said policy is limited to "peer pressure". If members of Council refuse to abide by the policy, there is little Council can do to force compliance. Keeping that in mind, however, anyone who chooses to ignore a policy sets a dangerous precedent. That is, if one policy is ignored, then others could choose to ignore other policies. Council would not work in harmony and the system of governance could eventually break down nformation This is for your 32 Respectfully submitted, Mark G McDonald REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL Mark G. McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. FROM: 1999 January 7th DA TE: SUBJECT: SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS FOR 1999 meetings for 1999. meetings can be County Counci It would be appropriate to adopt the schedule with the understanding that arranged or cancelled at any time, with proper notice. schedule of Attached for your consideration is a draft " Meetings for 1999 be approved as presented County Counci Recommendation: "That the schedule of ALL of which is respectfully submitted 1999 SCHEDULE OF COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS FOR TIME DATE OF MEETING 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12th 26th January January Feb 7-10) Feb 21-24) - (no meeting - ROMA 9:00 a.m. Regular Meeting DRAFT BUDGET mailed to Council (no meeting OGRA February 9th February 16th February 23rd review of budget approved by Counci meeting if required Council Budget Budget 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. March 9th March 23rd March 30th 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 13th 27th Apri Apri 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. May 11th May 25th 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. June 8th June 22nd 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. July 13th July 27th If Required No Meeting 9:00 a.m. August 10th August 24th AMO Conference 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. September 14th September 28th (ACRO Conference) Required Not - 9:00 a.m. October 12th October 26th 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. November 9th November 23rd Warden's Election Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. December 7th December 9th be held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month and are Council MeetinQs wi subject to change. 1999 COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE - JANUARY 12TH. Items for Consideration Mayor Ruby Croft, Town of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, with a resolution regarding the goods and services tax being applied against municipal taxes to business tenants, (ATTACHED) 1 the Ms. Jayne Carman, Acting Clerk, County of Brant, with a resolution concerning school funding formula and the impact school closings will have on rural communities. (ATTACHED) 2 its City of Nepean, with a resolution urging the Provincial Government to review current policy for funding of schools in Ontario. (ATTACHED) 3 Mr. Morley Kells, M.P.P., Ontario Olympics Commissioner, with a copy of Bill 77 describing the reasons for Provincial support for the City of Toronto to host the XXIX Summer Games. (A copy of Bill 77 is available in the Clerk's Office) 4 Mr. Roy Stewart, Chairman, Canada Indivisible, thanking Council for past support and requesting Council's help to inform communities of the Canada Indivisible unity resolution. (ATTACHED) 5. Director of Ontario Works, City of SI. Thomas, with copy of regarding the "Consolidation Implementation Date", Mr. Chester Hinatsu letter and resolution (ATTACHED) 6. Mr. Carl-Wilhelm Bienefeld, President, St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist Association requesting the re-appointment of the 1998 representatives. (ATTACHED) 7 Ms. Erika MacKenzie, Appointments Advisor, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting Council to make an appointment to the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority. (ATTACHED) 8. KCCA, requesting a letter evel committee of Ms. Susan McConnell, Community Relations Co-Ordinator, of support for Roberto Quai as a candidate on a provincial "Partners in Tourism". (ATTACHED) 9 79 Warden Delton Becker, County of Grey, with a resolution concerning B "Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act, 1998". (ATTACHED) 10. Mr. Emil Kolb, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Region of Peel, with a resolution concerning Bill 79 - "Fairness for Property Taxpayers Act". (ATTACHED) 11 Correspondence For Consideration N. Roy Main, City Administrator - Request for Inclusion In London/Middlesex Waste Management Service Area. (ATTACHED) 3 :3 1~ Dec.10 '98 12:22 TOWN OF GORE BAY FAX 7052823076 P 2 df4"OI¡ð¡PøJ: Ofl/ø !Pø.t,,[ !lj"9 298 I' <W"tu ¿t_t §ou. !B4!¡' Onta.'tlo '::J.[.p~ØOl' (10') 282-2420 !POP ,dfo 9"", (70') 11.82-9076 < Dffle£ of th£ Incorp."led 1890 Mavor November 2S, 1998 HoII. Herb Dhaliwal, P,C., M.p, Minister of National Revenue Connaught Bldg, "f'h Floor, McKenzie Ave. Ottawa, Ontario KIA OLS Dear Mr. Dhaliwal: He: GST on "Additional Rents" Attached for your pecusaI is a certified true copy of resolution number 7310 adopted by Gore Bay COMcil 00 November 23, 1998. This ~Iution outlines in detail our concerns regarding goods and services tax being applied against mllllÌcipal taxes applicable to business tenllJIt:¡, A copy of this resolution has been sent to all municipalities in Ontario fur their support, We are requesting that you eliminate the GST HOlD being applied against a municipal tax. Please keep us infunned of any future developments. Thank you, Yours truly, Ruby Croft, Mayor RC/ac ex: MP Brent St. Denis All Ontario M1micipalities 34 D.c.10 '98 12:22 TOWN OF GORE BAY FAX 7052823076 P. 3 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GORE BAY RESOLUTION NO. 7310 THAT WHEREAS the municipal business tax has been eliminatod by the Province; AND WHEREAS this tax amount is nO\ll inCOIpOnlted into the property tal(; AND WHEREAS where applicable the landlord is now responsible to pay the !.aX and collect trom the tenants; AND WHEREAS the business tenant now pays this tax amount to the landlord and not to the municipality directly therefore eliminating the definition of"direçt li.bility" on the business; AND WHEREAS this amount is now considerod "additional rents" and therefore subject to GST to be collected and submitted to the Federal Government by the landlord; AND WHEREAS this is a tax beinJ! applied against another tax; AND WHEREAS this also creatcs an added expenditure 011 business if they are not eligible to recover all of the tax as "imput tax credits"; TIlEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federal Government be requested to eliminate the GST trom being applied against municipal taxes applicable to business tenants; F'URTIlER that this resolution be sent to MP Brent 51. Denis, Revenue Canada Minister and to other municipalities in the province fur their support, ". .. THIS IS A CbIU lI'lli~TRUE COPY OF RESOLUTION NO. 7~IO. .....................~.......... OYCE FOSTER, AMCT, CMO CAO/CLERI<- TREASURER 3 ~j 1 P. Dec,10 '9812:21 TOWN OF GORE BAY FAX 7052823076 The CQrporI4lol, of..... Town r:f/ GOI\!I Bay FIIX No, (705)282.0078 PœtaI EI8g 298, Gcn Boy. On!. POP 1HO Phone No. (70!5)212-2A20 OWN OF EIX. . .. To: Ontario Municipalities From: Joyce Foster, CAO/Clerk·Treasurer Fax: # of Pages Including Cover:' 3 Phone: ~. '1' Date: mhÞr?7., 1998 Re: GST on "Additional Rents" oUrgent 0 For Review o Please Corrrnent o Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Attached fur your perusal is a copy of a letter and resolution sent to Hon. Herb Dhaliwal requesting the elimination of GST from being applied against a municipal tax. We are requesting municipalities throughout Ontario to take this matter under consideration and convey their concerns to Mr. Dhaliwals office with a carbon copy to our office. Thank you. Joyce Foster 3 County Administrative Building 1249 Colborne Street West Highway 53, Mount Vernon M.lllng Addre..: P.O. Box 160 Burford, Ont.rio NOE 1AO '@(Îa\Q~~ DEC K]' !'" COIJ\IIl1f ßF ELGIN c¡.~~s{mCf," CLERK-TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT D.n Cion., AMCT, CGA County Clerk·lI'eaeurer (519) 449·2451 (519) 449·2454 (FAX) COUNTY OF BRANT November 30, 1998 The Honourable Mike Harris Premier of Ontario Room 116, Legislative Buildings Queen's Park Toronto, ON M 7A 1A8 Dear Premier Harris: Members of Brant County Council are very concerned about the school funding formula proposed by the Minister of Education and the impact school closings will have on rural communities. As a result, Council unanimously approved the following resolution at their November 18,1998 meeting: 'Whereas the Province of Ontario has implemented a school funding formula which does not adequately address the needs of rural students; And whereas the Province of Ontario in its funding formula does not recognize the variety of successful school models in existence, nor recognize the history, tradition and especially the success of rural schools like Burford District High School Now therefore be it resolved that the County of Brant petition the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Education and Training, and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to develop a rural school funding model which recognizes the unique nature of rural schools and ensures their continuation for the benefit of the students within their community; And further that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Grand Erie District School Board, MPP Peter Preston (Brant-Haldimand), MPP Toby Barrett (Norfolk), the Rural Ontario Municipal Association and all appropriate municipalities in the Province of Ontario for their support." flours truly, (} ~~an Acting Clerk County of Brant Hon, David Johnson, Minister of Education and Training Hon. Noble Villeneuve, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Grand Erie District School Board Peter Preston, MPP, Brant-Haldimand Riding Toby Barrett, MPP, Norfolk Riding ~~;~!'f9p~~&ig,;~ypiA¡e~I·;~~~9Çi,~Vg,+.··......,.., ~lh!P(i)!J(ltl!'!s!rª(lÇJߧg, 10I':lsr(i){iºöta, nq!:"" ~_,., . '.. ..'.e ...~.~."',~.<v~.~^"""_.,~,."_~,,..... '''--"'<'''''''.S:Ú'.\.':'' '-"\"<'.'~"": i>:" .r Bíirford District High SchoörSutvivàl Steering Committee 37 CC LOCATION County of Elgin ATTN: Ms Sandra Heffren Ms Linda B. Veger Mr Mark G McDonald CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEPEAN CITY COUNCIL RESOI-UTION - DECEMBER 3, 1998 ~ MOTION NUMBER 256-98 Moved by councillor Farnworth Seconded by Councillor Chiarelli WHEREAS the provincial Government has ordered school boards that they mu!rt appiy a school funding formula based on roeasurable spece per student which will result in the clcsure of existing community schools; AND WHEREAS future education of our children should nct be determined by arbitrary and artificiallim~ations of physical space w~hin each school; AND WHEREAS schOols are an integral part of our communities, contributing to the quality of life of our resident>!, their sense of belonging to a community, as well as providing a focus for neigl1bourhood activities and significant urban space; AND WHEREAS the City of Nepean and ita residents l1ave a special interest in preserving community schoois to seclire fulure development and redevelopment within our City; AND WHEREAS Nepean Is a dynarolo and expanding City with steady popuiatlon growth; AND WHF-REAS the provincial Government has given looal sohool boards until the end of 1999 to make decisions regarding sohool clo6ures; BE IT RESOLVED Ihat the Council for the City of Nepeen: 1. Urges Ihe Provincial Government to review its current policy and criteria for funding for schools in Ontario to reflect the public's desire to maintain existing schools In communities which may be older and more established; and 2. Urges the Provincial Government to provide adequate fUnding to build neW sohaals where there is a need determined by sohoal boards and communities; 3. Enoourages locai sohool boards to request the provincial Gcvernment to reoonsider its currenl policY which would resull in unnecessary and unfair school closures In our community, 4. Requestthat local school boards postpone any sohool closures until they, and iocal munioipalities, have had an opportunity 10 study the fuii impact of closures on our communities; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolulion be oirculated to aii Ontario munioipalities, ali Ontano school boards, Premier MiKe Harns, Educalion Minister pave Johnson, Chail'! and Trustees oftl1e Ottawa-Carleton District 5011001 Board and the Ottawa-Carleton Catholic SchOoi Board, - Carried - Councillors Harder and Phillips disseroted councillor Rywak was absent Motioi~ was passed by the Corporation of the City of Nepean on Deoemþer 3, 1998, please circulate to Members of Council. "This is a paid advertisemeut and its views and tomments are not endorsed by AMCIO 38 lm """"'""",F"'" Ontario office of the ~ntario ~/ymp(cs. \..... ommlssloner . mr~(f;lia rJ'rIffID' l.JId,l! ~ l!1J DEC 1998 ~C(lUNTV OJ fiG.,.I\\! CLERK'S OfFWE -~_. is 14 December 1998 The Warden and Members of Counci The County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1 Attention: The Clerk Members In my capacity as Ontario Olympics Commissioner, I recently introduced my Private Member's Bill entitled, "An Act to endorse the bid by the City of Toronto to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games," which was adopted unanimously by the Ontario Legislature. In this regard, the Bill will also become government policy when it receives Royal Assent. Please find enclosed a copy of Bill 77, which describes in detail the reasons for Provincial support and calls for an agreement between the Province and TO-BID (the Olympic Organizing Committee). The Bill also asks on a voluntarily basis that all the communities in the Province of Ontario pass a motion in support of the Olympics. This demonstration of solidarity behind the Toronto application will have strong implications throughout the World and particularly in the minds of the International Olympic Committee delegates who will make the final decision. After Toronto is chosen in 2001 to host the Summer Olympic Games, we can be assured that Ontario, as a whole, will benefit economically and socially. Our Province will be showcased to the world as we develop our presentation and training facilities over the coming years. MORLEY KELLS, M.P.P. Room 4610· Whitney Block· 99 Wellesley St. W· Toronto, Ontario M7A lA 1 Main number:325-8762· Main fax: 325-8795 E-mail: elka.gesink@opo.gov.on.ca 39 Counci Dear l 2 it My suggested wording for the Motion is attached and your cooperation to have carried by your Council would be appreciated. Please send me a copy of your affirmation so that I may provide the Organizing Committee with a list of community supporters. Again, my thanks Sincerely 40 Morley Kells, MPP Ontario Olympics Commissioner COUNCIL MOTION Whereas the Canadian Olympic Association at its regularly scheduled meeting held in Calgary on April 17, 1998 voted to grant approval to the City ofToronto's application to represent Canada's bid to host the 29th Olympiad in 2008 subject to the dictates of the International Olympic Committee Charter; and Whereas the City of Toronto Council on July 9 passed a motion to ratify the agreement between the Canadian Olympic Association and the City that detailed the terms required and outlined the mandate for the operation of TO-Bid, the organization authorized to present the Toronto bid for the Summer Olympic Games in 2008; and Whereas the Ontario Legislature on December 3, 1998 unanirnously endorsed Bill introduced by Morley Kells, the Ontario Olympics Commissioner, to support the City of Toronto's bid to host the 29th Summer Olympic Games and encourage participation by all of Ontario's communities in the bid proposal and subsequent presentation of the Olympiad; and a Whereas the International Sports Federations representing the 140 athletic competitions and the 10C delegates who cast the deciding votes in 2001 will be influenced favourably by province-wide public support for the Toronto bid; n Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of endorses the tenets of support called for by the Bill entitled: An Act to endorse the proposed bid of the City of Toronto to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games, and further that this Council agrees with the principles of "building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play" as described the IOC Charter. The Council further agrees to have this endorsement joined to that of other jurisdictions as a display of provincial solidarity behind this universally acclaimed undertaking 1 4 ~mR"rí~r:,,;,n\V1Œ' '® 11~(I~'Ib~lj\¡ ~, t ,.)V'i2 , J DEC 18 1998 I CO!J1;JTY Of ~~"~'S Of El.Glt\1 fleE II 2' SESSION, 36' LÉGISLATURE, ONTARIO 47 ELIZABETH 11,1998 2ND SESSION, 36TH LEGISLATURE, ONTARIO 47 ELIZABETH 11,1998 Projet de loi 77 Loi visant à appuyer la candidature que se propose de présenter la cité de Toronto pour accueillir les XXIxe Jeux olympiques d'été M.Kells Projet de loi de député 77 An Act to endorse the proposed bid of the City of Toronto to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games Mr. Kells Private Member's Hi Bill 998 3 novembre re lecture 998 November 3 Reading sl 2e lecture 2nd Reading 3e lecture Imprimé par I' Assemblée législalive de l' Ontario Sanction royale <Ч 3rd Reading Assent Printed by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario Royal NOTE EXPLICATIVE Le projet de \01 appUle 1a candidature que la cité de Toronto se propose- deprésenter pour accueillir les XXIXe Jeux olympiques d'été en 2008. Le projet de 101 reconnaÎtla nécessité pour l'Ontario de participer au processus de candidature 81 cette dernière dair être retenue. Ceue participation De peut être SQutenue qu'à des conditions mutuel1ement acceptables enchâssées dans une entente conclue entre l'Ontario et les organisateurs de la proposition de Toronto. EXPLANATORY NOTE The Bill· endorses the bid that the City of Toronto proposes to make to host the· XXIX Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008. The Bill recognizes that Ontario's participation in the bid process ¡sa necessity if it is to be successful. This involvement can only be sustained through mutually acceptable terms enshrined in an agree- ment between Ontario and the organizers of the Toronto proposal. Le projet de loi demande également à toutes les municipalités et à taus les citoyens de I'Ontario d'appuyer volonta.irement la candida- ture. of citizens and The Bill also asks all munidpalities III Ontano Ontario to support voluntarily the bid. Préambule 1998 La cité de Toronto a exprimé son intention de présenter sa candidature au Comité interna- tional olympique (CIO) pour accueillir les XXIxe Jeux olympiques d'été en 2008. Projet de loi 77 Loi visant à appuyer la candidature que se propose de présenter la cité de Toronto pour accueillir les XXIX· Jeux olympiques d'été 1998 The City of Toronto has expressed its inten- tion to submit a bid to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008. 77 An Act to endorse the proposed bid of the City of Toronto to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games Bill Preamble Les idéaux du mouvement olympique com- prennent la promotion d'un environnement paisible favorisant l' éducation des jeunes par la pratique des sports sans discrimination et dans un esprit d'amitié, de solidarité et de franc~jeu. L'Ontario appuie ces idéaux. The ideals of the Olympic movement include promoting a peaceful environment for the edu- cation of youth through the practice of sport without discrimination and in a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. Ontario supports those ideals. L'Ontario reconna!t que si la candidature de la cité de Toronto est retenue et que celle-CÌ accueil1e les Jeux, ceux-CÌ peuvent constituer un héritage durable pour la province sous forme d'installations sportives stables et d'échanges culturels accrns. Ontario recognizes that if the City of Toronto is successful in a bid to host the Games, the Games can constitute a lasting legacy for the Province in the form of enduring sporting facilities and increased cultural exchanges. L'Ontario peut promouvoir à I'échelon mon- dial la légitimité d'une candidature par la cité de Toronto pour accueillir les Jeux en ap- puyant cette candidature et en encourageant I'harmonie, la collaboration et la coordination entre les particuliers, les organismes" les entre- prises et les gouvernements qui participent à la candidature; Ces mesures arnélioreront éga- lement l' organisation subséquente des Jeux si la candidature est retenue. Ontario can enhance the world-wide legiti- macy of a bid by the City of Toronto to host the Games by endorsing the bid and encourag- ing harmony, co:-operation and co-ordination among the individuals, organizations, busi- nesses and governments that are involved in the bid. Those actions will also improve the subsequent organization of the Games if the bid is successfuL L'Ontario a appuyé la cité de Toronto relative- ment à la candidature qu'el1e a présentée pour accueillir les Jeux d' été en 1996. Cet appui s'est traduit notamment par une subvention de 3,102 millions de dollars et un engagement s'élevant à 125 millions de dollars provenant de sources de recettes non fiscales aux fins d'utilisation au titre des aménagements fixes. Ontario supported the City of Toronto in its bid for the 1996 Summer Games. This sup- port included a grant of $3.102 million and a commitment of $125 million from non·tax revenue sources to be used for capital facili- ties. II est dans I'intérêt de I'Ontario d'assurer à tous les contribuables de 1a province que la CÌté de Toronto fournira une reddition de comptes générale ot complète relativement à sa candidature et à l'organisation subséquente des Jeux si la candidature est retenue. Ontario has an interest' in assuring all Ontario taxpayers that the City of Toronto will provide a full financial accounting for its bid and the subsequent organization of the Games if the bid is successfuL II est par conséquent raisonnable d'appuyer la candidature que la cité de Toronto se propose de présenter pour accueillir les XXIxe Jeux olympiques d'été en 2008. It is therefore reasonable to endorse the bid that the City of Toronto proposes to make to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008. XXIX SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES Pour ces motifs, Sa Majesté, sur l'avis et avec le consentement de l' Assemblée législative de la province de l' Ontario, édicte 77 Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice. and consent of the Legislative Assem- bly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: Bi 2 Objets objets de la présente loi sont les sui- appuyer la candidature que la cité de Toronto se propose de présenter pour accueillir les XXIX' Jeux olympiques d'été en 2008, sous réserve des condi- tions de I'entente qui doit être mise au point avec les organisateurs de la candi- dature; Les 1. vants a) The purposes of this Act are, to endorse the bid that the City of Toronto proposes to make to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008 subject to the terms of the agreement to be finalized with the bid organizers; and 1, (a) Purposes encourager les municipalités et les citoyens de l'Ontario dans toute leur diversité à s'unir pour appuyer ]a candi- dature, prouvant ainsi davantage au CIO qu'elle jouit d'un appui généralisé àl' échelle de la province. b) to ,encourage the municipalities and citizens of Ontario in all their diversity to unite in support of the bid as further evidence to the 10C of extensive pro- vincial acclaim. (bY Dépenses et garanties 2. (I) La présente loi n'¡¡ pas pour effet d'exiger que I'Ontario dépense des deniers publics au sens de la Loi sur i'administration financìère au garantisse tout versement de sommes. 2. (I) Nothing in this Act requires Ontario to spend public money within the meaning of the Financial Administration Act or to guaran- tee any payment of money. Spending ,,,d guarantees (2) L'Ontario, par l'entremise du bureau du Assurances commissaire ontarien à la candidature aux Jeux olympiques, donne en détail à I' Assem- blée législativedans une déclaration faite devant la Chambre, les assurances préalables que Ie CIO exige avant la réunion de ce der- nier sur la dernière proposition de candidature qui doit se tenir à Moscou à I'automne 2001. (2) Ontario, through the Office of the Onta- rio Olympics Commissioner, shall detail through a statement to the House, the pre- requisite assurances required by the 10C to the Legislative Assembly prior to the final bid proposal meeting of the 10C that is scheduled for Moscow in the Autumn of 2001 Assurance Participation provinciale (3) Le rapport qu'a présenté en mai 199 Ie Secrétariat olympique du ministère du Tou- risme et des Loisirs et intitulé «Analyse et rapport sur la candidature de Toronto et de 1'0ntario pour la tenue des Jeux olympiqueS d' été de 1996» a été conçu de façon à servir à une candidature subséquente; iI fait appel à la participation active de 1'0ntario au début du processus dl;1 candidature, qui comprend no- tamment taus les éléments de la gestion, du financement, de la planification et del'offre de garanties qui sont des facteurs-clés de la demande. En conséquence,la province, par l' entremise du bureau du commissaire, peut participer au processus de candidature. (3) The May 1991 Report produced by the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, Olympic Secretariat and entitled, "An Analysis and Report on the Toronto Ontario Bid for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games" was written to be used for a subsequent bid and calls for active participation by Ontario early in the bid process including all elements of manage- ment, fundraising, planning and guarantees that are key ingredients of the application and accordingly the Province, through the Office of the Commissioner, may participate in the bid process. Provlßcia! participation Déclaration d'appui 3, (I) Le désir d'accueillir une partie des Jeux olympiques constitue l'une desfonnes d'appui les plus élevées. L'Ontario, repré- sentée par les membres de I' Assemblée élue, confirme que toutes les municipalités peuvent offrir leurs localités et leurs installations comme emplacements éventuels pouvant être utilisés comme lieux de pratique ou de compé~ titian pendant les Jeux. 3. (1) The desire to host a part of the Olympic Games is one of the ultimate forms of support; Ontario represented by the mem- bers of the elected Assernbly confirms that all municipalities may offer their communities and facilities as potential sites for use as prac- tice sites or venues during the Games. Declaration of support Idem (2) L'Ontario demande que les conseils élus de toutes les municipalités expriment leur una- nimité à l'égard de cette entreprise d'enver- (2) Ontario requests that the elected coun- cils of all municipalities show their unanimity for the world-wide endeavour that is reflected Same Sec./art. 3 (2) 3 Projet 77 gure mondiale qui se reflète dans la candida- ture olympique en adoptant volontairement, avant la réunion que doit tenir Ie CIa en juin 1999, une motion qui indique leur appui in- conditionne!. Entente (3) Afin de promouvoir une relation de col- laboration entre l'Ontario et l'organisme TO-Bid, une entente sera conc1ue avant la ré- union que doit tenir Ie CIa en juin 1999 qui comprend un plan de gestion pour I' élabora- tion de la candidature et I' organisation des Jeux si Toronto devait obtenir Ie droit d'ac- cueillir les XXIX' Jeux olympiques d'été. (3) To promote a co·operative relationship between Ontario and TO-Bid, an agreement will be struck before the June 1999 meeting of the laC which includes a management plan for the development of the bid and the organi- zation of the Games should Toronto win the right to host the XXIX Summer Olympic Games. Agreement XXIX' JEUX OLYMPIQUES D'ÉTÉ in the Olympic bid through the voluntary passing of a motion before the June 1999 meeting of the IOC that indicates their unqualified supporl Entréccn vigucur Titre abrégé Ie jour 5. Le titre. abrégé de la présente loi est Loi de 1998 appuyant La candidature de La cité de Toronto concernant les XXIX' Jeux olympiques d'été, 4. La présente loi entre en vigueur où eIle reçoit la sanction royale. t is the City of Games Bid the day 4. This Act comes into force on receives Royal Assent. 5, The short title of this Act Toronto XXIX Summer Olympic Endorsement Act, 1998. Commence- ment, Short title · . ~ CANADA INDIVISffiLE Nov 20/98, Ie 20 novembre ,,' lX,l,ij 1 'I . PO Box 46008, Pointe Claire, Quebec, H9R 5R~ . ' d1 '~~~ '^ RegIstered as N~n Profit: Canada. Trust Acct CIBC, Pomte Clmre, QC ~ŒC 14 í~~'ð' ¡I301te Postale 46008, Pomte ClaIre, Quebec, H9R 5R4 ,I rganisme a but non lucratif Enregistré au Canada, en fiducie, CIBC, Stillview ,,' le~~f¡:~,¡~¡'J¡!!')?~f¡J JI TéI5.14-~97-4231 (leave voice mes~ge),fax 697-0270. . . . . I :¡¡!k1!¡'¡¡¡'!Ii~~~1\;".""~.,._.,, e-ma¡J <cl@netcom.ca> web sIte <www.canada-mdIVlslble.net> 998 1 T Canada Indivisible wishes to recognise and to thank the mayor, councillors and residents of your community for having passed a resolution strongly supportive of Canadian unity and strongly supportive of those Canadians in Quebec who have demanded to remain Canadian come what may. The 45 communities inside Quebec that have passed resolutions now have the support of 152 communities outside of Quebec. The message of Canada Indivisible, namely that Canada belongs to every Canadian is likewise the message of al Canadians that we met during our recent 15,000 mile zig zag across every province and territory of the nation. The August 20 th Supreme Court ruling echoes that sentiment. Canadians really do want to keep tills nation together. Canadians really do appreciate and respect their French speaking brothers and sisters in Quebec. Canadians really do appreciate that our country is enriched by having 2 of the great languages of the world. We have informed the Prime Minister that, to date, 152 communities (in every province & territory and representing 4,660,924 Canadians) across the nation, have passed the Canada Indivisible unity resolution. In essence, Canadians everywhere, are saying, "Yes, Mr Chretien, you have a responsibility to keep tills nation together. You have a responsibility to protect the right of Quebecers to remain in Canada, come what may". Apart from the Prime Minister's Office, we have also informed the following of the action taken by Canadian municipalities: *your provincial municipal umbrella association, *all political party leaders of your province, *all federal MPs. The hope of Canada Indivisible is that it will never be necessary to work out the partition of Quebec. But the separatists must know that separation never was and never will be an option. Separation is partition _ partition of Quebec. But for Canada Indivisible and for all Canadians, separation / partition would be disastrous. Our sincerest wish is that Quebec and all of Canada will remain One Nation, Indivisible. We cannot, today, define every threat that tomorrow may hold. Mr Bouchard knows that ifhe cannot have a winning referendum now, he will do the next best tillng which is to support the 'social union'. The fabric of Canada will have been so weakened that he will have accomplished his 'new nation' without the need for a referendum. If the people of Quebec will not give him ills new nation, then the people of Canada will give him that new nation, We hope that you will assist us by informing other communities in your province or territory about the Canada Indivisible unity resolution. The resolution is available in French and English. Councils are asked to send a copy of their resolution to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien (House of Commons, Centre Block, Room 309 - S, Ottawa, ON, KIA OA6) and to Canada Indivisible. Canada Indivisible is a non partisan grass roots voluntary organisation without financial funding other than that provided by its membersillp. Our literature is available in French and English. Thank you, and thank you for help for a Canada Indivisible. l>L~k;~ . Sincerely Roy Stewart, Chairman CANADA INDIVISIBLE that have (2) statistics re communities in your province,or territory 42 Attachments - (1) Suggested CI Unity Resolution. passed the support resolution. Dated WHEREAS Whereas the electors of a great many of the Quebec communities have voted by substantial majorities to reject Quebec separation, both in 1980 and 1985 (and also in the Federal election oOune 22/97); Whereas, since,the Quebec referendum of Oct 30195, the councillors and mayors of 40 Quebec' municipalities have passed resolutions stating that they would wish to remain in Canada regardless of the outcome of any future referendum in Quebec; Whereas a first responsibility of governments Whereas the citizens of its citizens; is to protect Unity Resolntion of the City of in the have a strong sense of respect for the residents of Quebec and are deeply comriùtted to support their French and English brothers and sisters Province of Quebec; Whereas any separation of a part of Canada would have very serious consequence for all Canadians; Whereas the indivisibility of this nation has been called into question; Whereas Canada is the democracy and any change to the borders of Canada would necessitate Constitutional Amendment that was supported by all Canadians; Whereas municipal and provincial governments are democratic institutions but they are not democracies; Whereas the question of national unity needs to be settled, swiftly and decisively, for Canadians and for all the world. BE IT RESOLVED That the Council of the Ci! Town 1 Village 1 communi! of. hereby petitions the Government of Canada and the federal parties of Canada to enact legislation that would Ensure that the territories ofthose communities in the Province of Quebec that wish to remain in Canada shall remain in Canada, and this without regard to the result of any future referendum in the Province of Quebec. Remind the Government of Quebec and the people of Quebec that referenda are not legally binding, Canada is the democracy and therefore all Canadians must participate in any negotiation to change the seizure of power by any province, that boundaries of Canada. Enable .the Government of Canada to deal territory or other jurisdiction in Canada. Remind Canadians that the Government of Canada has a legal and moral with any unlawful responsibility to protect person and property. Confirm, in Parliament, that Canada is One Nation, Indivisible. Support continued efforts to create better understanding amongst all Canadians. Jean And that, The City Clerk will distribute copies of this resolution to the Prime Minister of Canada, M. Chrétien, and Canada Indivisible. 43 11/24/98 - that passed resolution 1!1iilUiilraìUt1ìl.mnønÎ ¡¡liIllõiWôlmJ§nt lºn¡fJi.¡;I~lr$l}.fI.~§ Ancaster 23920 y ON Bosanquet 5282 Y ON Bradford West Gwillim 19940 y ON Brant 109407 Y ON Brock 11637 y ON Bruce 61568y ON Cambridge 99825 y ON Cobourg 15426y ON Colchester South 5829 y ON Cumberland 47044 Y ON Durham 450194y ON Elgin 75952y ON Eramosa 5767 y ON Essex 6789y ON Fort Erie 26717y ON Fort Frances 8312y ON Gananoque 4971 y ON Georgina 32652 y ON Gloucester 102059 Y ON Goderich 7428 Y ON Goulbourn 19902Y ON Hearst 5471y ON Ingersoll 9955y ON Iroquois Falls . 5427 Y ON Kanata 48014Y ON Kenora 9488 Y ON Leamington 16151 y ON Lincoln 18175y ON Lindsay 16815y ON North Perth 11436y ON McGarry 965Y ON Midland 16406 y ON Mono 6045 y ON Greater Napanee 13782y ON Nepean 116928Y ON New Liskeard 4856 y ON Newmarket 55079 y ON Niagara Falls 75498y ON Nipigon 2021 Y ON Osgoode 15845 Y ON Ottawa 330228Y ON 718499y ON 44 1 Select province Page Q ¡ff!¡MlililpII¡Î~¡ÑªIII¡ITÌjli!~¡[êrΡ'¡Îiijll[RÎIII;!II¡¡1!lrljí.~î.I¡¡j Oxford 97374y ON Petawawa 15075y ON 6618y ON 18182y ON 3995y ON 8057 Y ON 12231 Y ON 2191 Y ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 11/24/98 that passed resolution province Select Q Port Elgin Port Colborne Prescott Ramara Rideau Rockcliffe Park H" L} .J 4752Y. 47617~ 62015y 16286¡Y Page 2 70503 Y 8388 Y 14627 Y 5776y 11495 y 12979y 17846 y 45845 v 22959 y 17771 Y Oxford Sarnia South-West Springwater St. Marys Strathroy Tecumseh Thorold Timmins 18642 Y 97694 Y 32347y 8107y 1 1 Valley East Vanier Walkerton Weiland Wellington West Carleton Whitchurch-Stouffvi lie --, Windsor Woodstock - Zorra P.O. Box 520 - City Hal St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone: (519) 631-9350 Fax: (519) 631-1824 / -- ~Œ[;Œa~Œ® DEC 2:~ 1998 CßU!\\TV (If EUJ.ll11 CLê[.8 \JŒJÇE CITY OF ST. THOMAS ONTARIO WORKS MAKING WELFARE WORK Services Ministry of Community and Social 217 York Street, Suite 203 London ON N6A SRI C. HINATSU Director K. DEMARE Ontario Works Supervisor 1998 December 21 Area Manager Attention: Mr. P. Stechenreiter, Stechenreiter: Mr, Dear Consolidation Implementation Date In response to your request for confirmation that the City of St. Thomas wishes to be the consolidated municipal service manager for the City of St. Thomas and the COlmty of Elgin, I have attached a copy of the resolution passed by our Community and Social Services Committee held on December 14, 1998. This resolution will be placed on the December 21, 1998 City Council agenda for ratification. The resolution has not been endorsed by Elgin County Council which next meets in mid-January, 1999. further RE me, information, please contact Should you require any 1?J Chester Hinatsu Director of Ontario Works CH:ns Mr. Leo Nusink, Transition Project Manager Mr, Roy Main, City Administrator Mr, Mark MacDonald, County of Elgin, Clerk-Administrator 46 enc. cc FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. THOMAS EXTRACT FROM THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF RECOMMENDED BY COMMITTEE OF Community and Social Services HELD ON December 14th ,19~ TO Mr. C. Hinatsu, Director 0B Ontario Works Consolidation- Implementation Date We confirm that the City of St. Thomas will be the consolidated delivery manager for the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin, effective April 1st, 1999 47 ~ 01 p, ':. 361 1 633 519 DEC-23-98 W~D 04:04 PM " .. .,~. ".~' :¡.~ -. " , o ¡ :,;' ~ r:. , i: , , :'M ~" ~ 'I n . .. - , , Warden of Elgin County Rien Van Brenk Fax: 633-7661 December 23/1998 is the representative of Sir: We received your information that Perry Clutterbuck County Council in our Board, Last year you also appointed Irene Puddester and Ed Lewinsky for the Tourist Association Board. Association ask you The members of the Board of the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourist to reappoint both persons for 1999. ¡;:::; Carl-Wilhelm Bleriefeld President o 1:' 1: ì: :~ ~~. .~: ·f~ "·'r,t 48 ~ t" :' ~ m :!,J :ì. ~ . ., ~. ~1 #.,'.....,:" :/1) ~~ IF'Sif :~.~'·~;::i ,1:,.§ , .'" fl';1.;"":' , , "'I ® Ontario Ministère des Affaires municipales et du logement Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Services aux organismes at a la Direction 777, rue Bay, 2' étage Toronto (ON) M5G 2E5 (416) 585·6436 Téléc, (416) 585·6322 Agency and Branch Services 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Tel (416) 585-6436 Fax (416) 585·6322 '._"""""-~-'---'-_._' ~fI©Œa~Œ® JAN 1998 December 23 1999 4, Mr. Mark McDonald, Administrator/Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas ON N5R 5Vl Thomas Housin in and St. Re:El Board Dear Mr. McDonald, I was advised today that the county representative, Mr. Albert Ford to the board of the Elgin and St. Thomas Housing Authority has decided not to seek reappointment when his term expires December 31, 1998, To assist you in the search for a new candidate, I am enclosing an outline entitled 'Local Housing Authorities', I would appreciate it if you would then forward the nomination and a short resume so that I can process the appointment by provincial Order in Council. I have enclosed an updated status report of the housing authority as at December 31, 1998 for your information. I will be happy to provide you with more details if you need them, and I look forward to receiving a nomination from you soon. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Sincerely, J?;, 1rL~. Erika MacKenzie Appointments Adviser 49 Attachments 106/95 13:-;2 Ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing h\ ® Societe do logement de ¡'Ontario Un organisme du gouvernement de l'Ontario Ontario Housing Corporation An Agency of the Government of Ontario LOCAL HOUSING AUTHORITIES Mandate There are 54 Local Housing Authorities (LHAs) across the province responsible for the day-to-day management of Ontario Housing Corporation's (OHC) public housing at the local level enc A Management Agreements Order in Council. LHA's are Schedule III agencies that operate under individua with OHC, Each housing authority is established by provincia the operation of the public Housing Authorities are expected to bring local expertise to housing within the framework of policy directives of OHC. The chair and members provide support in the management and approval of all housing authority activities including; financial planning, budget responsibility, tenant relations, staff relations, and liaison with the local community. QYaJifications A candidate should be a responsible and established resident of the community; have a demonstrated interest in the community as the position is unpaid, be committed to progressive change and tenant participation in LHA decision-making; and be prepared to participate actively in monthly meetings. Some of the desirable qualifications include financial or legal background; expertise in landlord/tenant relations; leadership skills; sensitivity to different cultures; and a knowledge of current issues in public and social housing fields. Actual experience living in public housing would be an asset. Cbair. Qualifications Membersh In addition to membership qualifications, a housing authority chair should have proven leadership experience, ability to manage financial resources, and good "people skills". except for Remuneration Board membership on a local housing authority is voluntary and unpaid expenses in performing board duties Tim!:LCº.mmitm!'mJ Members meet monthly for a full board meeting and would also be involved in additional committees of the board. Preparation time is required prior to meetings. The time commitment could vary depending on the size of the housing authority. Meeting times and location vary across the province. Further information can be obtained by directly contacting your local housing authority. 04/98 50 " PLEASE SEND THE NOMINATION ALONG WITH A RESUME TO: ð/ Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario Housing CorporatiDn OHC Support Branch Agency & Branch Services 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Tel: 416/585-6436 or 416/585-7501 Fax: 416/ 585-6322 April 1998 ~ ~ :.h PS Eva Tippel is a former provincial member. 8 members Appointment Order in Council to January 31, 2001 for Wilfred Smith in process. º¡~mª$Eªi¥í¡¡m¡1 1~~ª¡¡¡m¡¡Mì¡M¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ :§Jfili~1iliríjili*~1r~ iiªwmäimHH~H@t¡ .·.·~.·.·.·.·.·~.·.·...·~.w.w.·.~·.~·~.~·.~....w.w.· âtillMtH1Uiã[HM@ ...................................... ...................................... sr:M~lfti~l¡¡¡¡!!~~¡fìj¡l1~ þþfl$j¡jIOO[$¡fm~fltî¡ l!î!l!lfi~T¡m¡¡I¡¡¡fîf! a¡¡¡:¡W¡W;ulî'2Iitîø:¡¡¡¡¡¡¡M ß¡irîHl¡;¡J !f.«ª!ìt~IIIMm¡¡¡¡¡ìi i1~$w~~mª!fægººq:¡¡m§¡¡¡ì¡¡m¡¡I !Jîl~&J1m.¡;¡¡¡¡èm¡¡m ...................................... ,__....u..u ...... ..... $,::~l,uJmw,m,~:i&,::;$nMŒ ................................. tulf.ã~E8&~ia.¡~ijrm~Æ Eva Tippel Aylmer County December 31, 1999 I 5 Donald H. Page St. Thomas County September 30, 2000 2 Albert Ford (vacant) Rodney County 5 I December 31, I Please seek replacement nomination. 1998 MUNICIPALITY LEVEL OF ELIGIBLE FOR YEARS MEMBER REPRESENTED GOVERNMENT REAPPOINTMENT SERVED I VACANT I COMMENTS Joanne Brooks St, Thomas Municipal June 30, 2000 2 Yvonne Harris (chair) St. Thomas Municipal December 31, 1998 3 I I Reappointment Order in Council in process to Decembe,._31, 2000. ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS HOUSING AUTHORITY STATUS REPORT AS AT December 31.1998 1/2 pages: bio to follow 998 Deecmber 22, 13o¿ ¡.{ C/O to: Peter Nortb Bruce Snúth Steve Peters Ken Monteith C (0 Ron Lackey Sandy Lyle Bob Hammersley Chamber of Commerce agricultuni ECDC board of directors EDC board St. Thomas City Council, alln: Peter Leack Elgin County Council, attn: Mark McDon3 Central Elgin Council, aUn: Bill Walters Elgin Federation of Agriculture, attn: Paul Mistele St. Thomas Grape Busters, attn: Jim Wcbsler Elgin Tourism Association (J 1 Cc7/'11ì1Þ1 t.L commi lice Id Fax The Ontario Ministry of TouriSln is calliug for candidates to serve on various committee at tbe proviucial level in ils new 'Partners in Tourism' markeliug initiative. This position is a volunteer position. Please join the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority in writing a letter of support for the application of Roberto Quai of Quai du Vin Winery, Sparta, Roberto's background in marketing, special events. and first-hand knowledge of Elgin's attractions, make him an ideal candidate and he is pleased to have his name submitted. would appreciate having your letters of snpport faxed to I 1999, so The application deadline is January 8, mc at the KCCA, 631-S026. may contact for lettcrs of support, !fyou have any questions, or would like to reCOl111I1Cnd others that I please do not hesitate to contact me. a6-<:;<:;-830: 3nJ.. O3' : 52 s<:; 3,.1...1..3>1 of the season to you. SN08 >133:018 the best STeerely, ~ A ( /J ~~"- /Vlµo4UJ Susan McConnell CommuniI)' Relations Co-ordinator KCCA RR 8 SI. TI\Omas, Ontario, NSP 3T3 Telepbone: 631-1270 Fax: 631-S02G .03 Thank you for your consideration. Al HJ..n", d 23 Parkvlew Dr" 81. Thomas, On N5R 484 5191 S33·6489 Roberto Qua cConnd Sl~~ !\ Attention hop~ this hdps you out. 958 ¡ Born in St. Thoma~. July 'I'¡. and I ,uis,\ Q1I Rèdi Quai dd¡\y Robel10 Quai· Only son t() Rc(' SOITY for th¢ Construotion) $1. Rapha"'$ Separtltè Sch,101 Central Elgm CollegÏ¡\t~ Instit\lt~ llniversity ofGu~lph 1981 B.Sc. r\griC'u1t\lr¡,: 981 1Ilarried Lisa lI10()"~ AUgUS129. Daughter of John and Margaret J\¡()()r~ 570 CHLO) Daniel (10 ( .;;Uh.l 3) Ryan Thre~sons J¡nnidI6). On~ daught~r L~na (9) lh)mas St 1 Dr. Park\"i~\\' \1n 'è'~jLling CUI1'o:otly 9X7 98.:1· Th\11na> \\ïno Cellal ¡ 1987·1980 nlimitcd Th~ S Bc.;:\'èl'ag~~ Qllai du \. é\mateur wine 9XX·PrO::'ènt Ltd. ES1at~ \\" inery .~ Fulures Program) Bustl.?l"S COlnmiuee Ste\\,u1' Am,lIour V.'n~ i\lakèrs ofOntal'lo Tboma$ And DistrÌ\;t Chamb"r ,)1' Comm~r(:(: F()nTI.r ChuinT\an of the AgriClllture and Agrib,'^'o F()rm~r Chainnan of the !\noul1l HI11'\'e¡,1 Director' Elgin Community f>evdopment (\)rp( omml1nity (,hainmm of the Loao~ ('oITJJnitl"~ 1'11\1111:\s Urap¢ ....I..e;;s Dinn. Founding member and honorary member oi'the 51. makers dub Fonner Chid' Director' 51. ()fElgin Agl'ibusinèss Committ"o FOtm~r Chail1mm Foo!i and 86-2:2:-::)3([ \\ïnel'Y Event$ .Jaz1. <Ill Vi Day long .1a%Z Festival A Taste of Elgin . A gathering oflocal re~aùrams and ag producers A Company of Fool$' Omdo()r Shakespeare Theatre La Vendemia· An italian lÌ1'ap¢ Harvest Festival A Wintel' Wondecland· Christma$ Cran $howca.~e including tood and wml: sampling Winery Murder M}'Stcry - Story writen specitioally tor the winery 3n.1. sample fest ø't : 92: for a 53 3'.1..1.3>1 >133,..::) SNO::) H.1.n.,. d 2:ø CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF GREY OFFICE OF THE WARDEN (519) 376-2205 1-800-567-GREY Fax: (519) 376-7970 -'---.. f.:'O '. r¡,:~ .,,' ,-;;:,l£·".',fT<.,'U:I. ~qŒ' ;:::, ,1®~1 . r, r!~) Q¡";,¡ '"'''' h " « LJ> ",,''', . \\,p ~ . , N4K 3E3 Delton Becker, Warden 595 9th Avenue East Owen Sound, Ontario 9 1998 December 3rd 1991 CfJli1<JTY GF E!J]II\! .~---it.~i~[~JIC5E~_. DEC The Honourable Ernie Eves Minister of Finance, Frost Building S., 7th Floor, 7 Queen's Park Crescent, TORONTO, ON M7A 1Y7 Honourable Sir: 1998 At its December 1st Session, Grey County Council discussed the ramifications of Bill 79. We certainly understand the need to support those relatively few properties Province wide that need assistance. We are concerned that the proposed Bill does not necessarily achieve the result that the Government is looking for. We are also concerned that the Bill is incomplete and unworkable, not to mention extremely costly to implement. As a result, Council passed the following motion: Fairness for 79 Re: Bi WHEREAS it is recognized that on a Province wide basis a small group of properties may need relief from the implementation of reassessment and property tax reform AND WHEREAS the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) has developed a panel to review the situation and make recommendations to provide the necessary relief; AND WHEREAS Bill 79 appears to be incomplete and unworkable and does not necessarily target the properties that need assistance AND WHEREAS the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, the Municipal Finance Officers' Association of Ontario and the Association of Municipal Tax Collectors of Ontario have jointly opposed in principle Bill 79 in its entirety; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the County of Grey requests that the Government immediately withdraw Bill 79; 54 The Honourable Ernie Eves, Decernber 3", 1998 Page 2 AND THAT the Province resume discussions with AMO's municipal expert tax panel to develop solutions that meet the Government's policy objectives. Your favourable this legislation Mr. Minister, we strongly urge you to withdraw attention to this request would be greatly appreciated. truly Yours c:~~~~ Delton Becker, Warden, County of Grey 55 Bill Murdoch, M.P.P. Counties and Regions Local Municipalities City of Owen Sound AMO AMCTO MFOA AMTCO sv cc mw Œfi:>r~flI\YJŒ'~® w I \.:;¡1"~.lJ V II}:Þ <,' ~þ: 1991\ CU!J~.w¡ fif DJJJN tt¡:¡¡¡¡'S IIffi!:f Resolution No, 98-1398 9 DEC 1998 December 3, VIA FAX: 416-325-0374 Property for Fairness The 79: Bill The Honourable Ernie Eves Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance 7th Floor Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto, Ontario M7A lA7 Mr. Eves: 1998 Property Taxpayers Act Dear Subject: its meeting held on November 26, Council at -í :__t:,,;'i. The following resolution wå§>ilPp!i0ved by Regional 1998: to expected not is Act 79, The Fairness for Property Taxpayers assent until December 10, 1998; Whereas Bill receive royal is calculated; is enacted legislation to defme how the cap until after the ~nd whereas, financial modelling caunot occur and regulations are made available; regulations are necessary And whereas, to the impending holiday season to do legislated deadline of December 31, And whereas, there is insufficient time due the modelling and deliberate prior to the 1998 of Finance Therefore be it resolved, that the Region of Peel request the Minister to extend the December 31, 1998 deadline to February 15, 1999; 56 Resolution No, 98-1398 -2- " And further, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Mayors of large urban cities, Regional Chairs and County Wardens for their support and appropriate communication to the Minister of Finance is provided for your reference, This information Sincerely ~.\!GNED í:3'~1 Emil Kolb Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer 57 R. Maloney, Chief Administrative Officer J. Pennachetti, Treasurer and Commissioner of Finance Regional Chairs of Ontario Mayors of Large Urban Cities County Wardens sg AM cc: Department of Administrative Services P.Q, Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631·1680 Fax (619) 633-9019 N. ROY MAIN City Administrator Thomas Corporation of the City of St. 1998 December 30 Mr. M. McDonald, Administrator/Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St.Thomas, ON N5R 5VI Dear Mr. McDonald: Re: London-Middlesex-Waste Service Area I have recently forwarded you a copy of our request to the LondonlMiddlesex Waste Management Master Plan Committee for inclusion of both Elgin County and St. Thomas within it's service area. 1998 adopted the following recommendations: "That we authorize a request to the London/Middlesex Waste Management Master Plan Committee for the inclusion for Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas within it's service area and further that Elgin County Council be requested to forward a similar resolution to the London/Middlesex Waste Management Team." at it's meeting of November 16, City Council In reference to the later part of the above motion, it would be appreciated if Elgin County would make a similar consideration of such a resolution. I am enclosing a copy to the report tendered to City Council as possible back-up infonnation for your own inquiry. RM/ts '-....-" ~ .' Staff have conveneå a meeting with representatives of the London Staff in charge of the Master ,. Plan process and were advised the City/County request for inclusion would be favourably received subject to the approval of the London and Middlesex Councils, The timing for such a request is now given the stage that London/Middlesex is at with their Master Plan Waste Management Master Planning is an extremely long term process with a minimum 20 year horizon for approvals. While the City has a satisfactory contract, it is prudent that the City and County maintain all its options and respectfully request inclusion in the London/Middlesex service area, Whether the landfill is ever accessed by either the County or City is immaterial The City of London and County of Middlesex are presently in the throws of the preparation of a Waste Management Master Plan. The current certificate of approval from the Ministry does not permit Elgin and St, Thomas to utilize the London Landfill which was the problem in 1991 and forced the City and County to export its waste at a much higher cost, As London/Middlesex are pursuing their own expansion and a Master Plan leading to an amended Certificate of Approval, the timing is appropriate for the City and County to be included within their revised service area Such action would enable both municipalities to access the site in the future The Technical Committee is of the opinion that the request to be included within the service area for the London/Middlesex Waste Management Plan should still be sought notwithstanding the Green Lane approval. Such action in no way reflects upon the City's ability to honour its contractual arrangements with Green Lane Prior to the favourable approval of the Ministry of the Environment to the Green Lane expansion Staff Were requested for identify several options and alternatives should that approval not have materialized, One of the key options was to seek the approval to utilize London's W12A Landfi on the west side of Wellington Road Report: That the City authorize a request to the London/Middlesex Waste Management Master Plan Committee for the inclusion of Elgin and St, Thomas within their service area, and funher that Elgir.!. County Council be requested to fOlWard a similar resolution to the London/Middlesex Waste Mà~gement Study Team. Department: Main Administrative Services Cit Administrator Attachments: Subject: LondonlMiddlesex Aldennan S. Crosby, Chainnan and Members of the Public Works & Engineering Committee Waste Service Area Directed to Date: November 5 1998 ,~ . The Corporation of the City of St, Thomas FileNo, \,;; APPENDIX II f- II Report No CA·63·98