1957 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. December 4th, 1957. COMMltTEE~as held at the court House, ontario, at, 1.,0 p.m. A MEETING OF tHE ELGIN COUN'fY ROAD ALL MEMBERS ~ere present. Mr. T. S. Cald~ell, District Engineer, London, and Mr. John H. cook also at,tended. tHE MINUtES of the last Ill~eting ~ere read and approved. OORRESPONDENCE WAS FILED. IT WA.S M.OVED BY SECONDED BY J. c. HINDLEY J. B. v~ILSON tHAt THE FOLLOWlNG OOUNTY ROAD ACCOUNtS be approved for payment:- PAY LIST #33 - $1,255.96, PAY LIST #34 _ $6,319.02, and PAY LIST #35 .. $54,315.44. CARRIED. IT W,AS lY10VED Bl SECONDED Bl L. HOLLAND A.. R. LIEBNER Model 22 Brantford Anthony sander from the Brantford coach and Body Company, Brantford, ontario, for the sum of $2,965.00 lesS sales Tax., to mount on our sc-lg4 InternatiOnal Truck. . THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PURCHASE one CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED Bl SECONDED BY A. R. LIEBNEEl P. ~~. SCHLEIHA UF THAT THE MEETING adjourn. CARRIED. ji '\ /y;' ,/ 4 fl i ' '. / / i J.,.,.I fi; (1\'. d t.-/(y,,-,,.. &.. \. <!' fY l~N"f 1-0 .. ~ ~ 'v. ~...) . . .RMAl.'a. '" ~, TR~r TRB MEETING adjourn until December 4th, ST. TRO~~S, ONTARIO. November 19th, 1957. 1\ SPECIRL 1iIE.BTING OF TRE ELGIN COUNT1 RORD CO~~rrTTEE waS held at the court Rouse, st. Thomas, ontario, a 2.30 p.m. ALL l~MBERS were present. Rlso present were ~lli. T. S. CRLDV~LL and ~lli. JORN E. COOK, and RepresentatiVes of the urban i;[lUnic1:palitieS .. TEE l\CcoM'P l\l'l1ING URBJ\N PROGRRlJ\1'lE \-(as presented bY the Engineer, and disCUpsed. A... H. LT~~B11El1 lu HOLLAND THAT TEE URB1\N PROGRR~~~ be adopted as read, and recoromended t.o countY Council as part. of the IT W 1\S MO'TE'.D B1 S1~CONDBD BY 3_year Road constructiOn plan. Cl\11RlED · IT ~Jl\.S tilO\TED B1 P. \~. SCELEI11l\.UF 1\.. H. L"BIBN'BR S"~~C01~D"BD B1 1957, at. 1.30 p.m. CPJ1RIED · j;)~ u I ~ : ... '.', " " --.~........- ~iR1:1l1\li 5T ~ THOiJtIAS ~ ONT~mIO November 19:;7 Sess103:., ero iJ!W& ~IARDEN i\ND Ia:tEIVIBERS OF 'l~HE E~L(vIN COUNTY counOIL,. !OUR ROAD OO~v~TTEE begs to repo:rt as tollOtiS: - 1~ R,oad l.lulch Pavements have been la.id QJQ t;~e following Roads d.ut.ing 1957: ~ ( a) l"armo~u.tb. ( b) rJJalahi..de Road #2l} Dexter westerly 2035 In11ea Roa d #4.; b~'rt1l1€H9n Hwy <<i Il73 and Road #40 2Q65 m~iles (c) (d) BOUt}l Dorches~er Road #51 Lots 14 to 21 S out hwold Road /119 Cono 1V to Cone Irl -- J:~.ldborough Road #3 Con. lV 'to OOlll;l "U - 1,,;3 5 u'dles () ~ 8S lniles (e) 1$0 m:i.lea lii~(.t........,.~ (t~ 2 mLles 2 it lb:~tensi va \iTidening, Grading and Gl"avel,ling was done Ol'l. the f'olloltdng Roads:- Ca.) Malehide Road #4;, betti'leen Hwy~ 1/13 and Road #40 2\'16; Jta:i.les Road J/.k.6 Con$ 1X 'to Oxford 1f' "111*'- Oounty L1ne 200 mtles Road 1~19 Con. 1V 'to Con.. 111""'" 4.",.,..,..;....'1..' I (b) Bayham. (c) SOuth'V101d o t) 8; lrnl1es (d) South wold and Dunw1ch Road 1111:r Hwy fj 1/3 -to , Ions Station 107 miles (e) Dunwich Road US, Portions north of Dutton . 269 miles ~,. . 1001 miles ApproximatElly 22f)OOOcu. yd8. of Gravel WGltae pla.ced on Rload i?6 and a$.50o eu. yd1$. ot GX'ta.vel wel"'e placed. on R10ad #14 ~ 1.9,1 SES5I.O'!j. )... .l\.1>'FO~e11 /.t.5 ~$- of: CO'1n1iY Road.& '4f$r& . . _.... "".... >>"\ "", ~ e.tOna &urfac$d. ~ted. .t.'b. b':l.t.~oUl$ ..-v"''' :1.0...... · cb:'lpS ~ con~t'6'te cu1. "1G.l'tts _t'IB, ot' ara t be~ hi'" .const/tue'te& (1)~ ~- 1.2 1>0" 1.1>, con.}3., Du"A'lflCb 'BJ)ll.cl 20 Union Road j!oll t 5 ~$ D So,,-t,1;l.\401d. R. d. lib LOt. C t con. !}. j.lutJ.'Iri. ell. I 50,,-'t11 of 1011.30 . os: , 8'ta;ti.on>> acr....."'t""ro).d ana. ~cll. 5 . ca:pi t,al I.1l\1lt'0"\1'el11Gnt.6 consi.6'ting of Gu;tb, Gu,t;\:.st't cat.cnoalllins and. 'l?l'Spara.t.i.on fo'll" 'l?a~ne; ~e1.'a dOna on ~ 53, b0~ SOu.t.h. St.reet. ~).'IJJJ!jr:, fr()til. QU.een street. 'to El'l€. 5't't'eet. .. a. distance of a.1}fJr<>~t.e11 1,000 :teet. ~ Roa.d 50 LOt. 1.$, $O'\1t.n U01'cinest.er 6. Gra"\1'el Resurfacing. -'$ done on~" !toad Sl SOl1'\ih. Dorehee'\ie1' aoad 4-;to~ne be'IT.'lJfeen Vsalabide and Bal~ as tf6U as' 'lllin01' -pa.t.c\rl.-nI!'. '\iht'ough.ou,t. '\i\l.El cou;n.'\i1' the !oU()'fd.n& _ y.Q.ui.~nt. _s pu.rdbS-6ed '\ibiS . . 7-. 1ear~- '1. .. I..E.,lo. Cne.iJl. 5- 1. .. SC-1$1to l.n'\i~ '\ii.~nal1rUC'l€. f:t1r a D1st.rt\)'l1'\iOt' t~ 1 .. af...1.9/.t. l.V;te-rna'\iiOna'l Ta.nd.exl ~ t:cu,c'l€. 1. .. $SA loll; cu.- yd. -~ 'J,.09.de't 1. .. 1+" i:t\.Cb. Jaef.$'C Diaphragm ?UlIiP 1. ... 2..;;n.ch Jaeger cent.rl.~ ~ '}.. ... aaJ.i0!l sn~ ?l- and ~ ~or ~ Qalion Gt'ade"C .. -A .'~_ salld spreader ~ 1llO\1'O.'\i 1. '" 'Bt'aXl-'tt;o..... ~ =--, <>t'l .. sa. -'lC1t on oU"C 1).\t.El't'fl&t.',l.;O- "'v...". "l'.....- e @ (~~\ \! ~ ~ @ ( ~ @ .'" This is on 'the expendi'ture en couu:ty c()ustructi,on ()f' count;y to make ex.penditure the normal road bu.dget will .000 (1951 figure ikl)7 ~OOO) · enable 'the the neighbonrhood of ~645. 000 0 All large . projects 9 such as "he Bothwell B:riQ.ge Richmond. Hill. should financed by supplementary " A sum "l.tl.scellaneoua 11 to construct minor works money is set aside each yea"!:' under t;he on the larger jobs~ '1 nO:;: . "''f. _ ""JI At 0 n(}:rehe~ltper 1 l{tile ,1114 and SOll'thlflOld Township line between ~~~- st~\'tion 105 M.ile,s Dmlmch Uort~h _"'- .".... .tI. __l}._ .3 Miles 30' :CKJ:o /}46 Bayham Hif:th\~Y 3 OxfOl"d ()Isine 3 I1ittles "000 Townshi~p of' Aldboro North to Thames River Nort.h Uodney Township or DUIlwich l"J:bames River of 5 $j lo~ ,')6 :i) i~ q' ~j idg;e and {2} .1 ( ,.p~ '& iC 9 J ! ~r('}\'{nEjh:t p Ccnlr!ty Ii:i.ne of Street { f:; l\l { \. 4. 5 20 "':} it,:' k.",# If" 0' ~'J> IJ:.; i!i." 0 ."P 8 f'" j :I if/} , ) ,:;. .'iJ lJ f; J!I"*"".At..~ .1JO ,~ .- !:<.,~~"", \;C I I i t I e ! . ~ 1iI ~ \! ~ I ~ u ~ i i '$'} t:~ ,,,> ~ I !$.:) ~ i';:; <)~ ~~ "', I ''00' {'~~~ V\ ~ i i i i s ~ J j ~ k I ~ ~ ~ I i ~ h ~ ~ i i i ~ I ! f ~ i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ f I .~ i i J ~ ~ j I, ! I ~ ! r ~ ~ i i ~ ~ if I .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ i t ~ t 1 ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ "'" &> , .z~ $3 rn, <;.'t.,\ ~ ~ .~ ! ,~ Q c:; "" ~ rr\ ~r~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ! ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ! ~ ~ i " ~ ~ 1 I ~ I I 1, g 'i g ~ i 1\ I ~ a ~ ~ i i " i ~ ~;l ~ l'~ .~ .., ~ k ~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~ ~, ;"." ~ ~'" ~~ I -T ~ I ~ ~ w ~ ~ u ~ % ~ ~ j ~ I ti '.: II I , ~ ~ 'I. ~ i i f. ~ :;c g ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ; ~ Ii i ~ s, ! l ! ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ I ~ 1 ~ ~ ;.'? ~ v ~ ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ . ! ~ ij I @ 9 ~ ~ ~ J ~ w f i ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i ~ 10 , .( (:' ~I , ' i y, Jt,~ ~ It P, ~,9 ,0. ~ A,~ "~[ ~ ",.~,,,,9,,,,~,, 6", AYLMER, _.i~"''''''''~'''''''''''''''' Ourb and Gutter and Preparati.on tor Paving on South Street flrom Rutherford to Fifth Avenue, and Purchase of Right of Way 110 66fJ on Fifth Avenue to widen it $:10,000 BQ~~!, Pa.vement of Furn:1 val !-torth lfalntnmance ot Queen Stree1; E:ast and Replacement of Culvert 4,,000 Ma:lntenance WEST LORNl!: I.", :,.~ ,,,'.,,.,,~ I.I"~I"".,, .',".... ''''',' ",I,,;:. ',I"..,l.~ ,.. Repair of ~.1n Street Wes~ Ma:tntenance DUTTON ,,""",.- Grading at 1/2 mile ot Shackl,eton (Coun~ty Road Eilt.1mates) SPRINGFIEld) ." I'., ,", "".'.",,, ',"" """..' " ;1,...", I,,, ,.... Oompletion ot Curbs, 2501' 7;0. PORT S'lANI.l1t1 PORT"BlMWl!aL ,~".Jr,,!~f'- Repairs 'to exis't1ng S'treets 8,nd Bridges l~..:~ ? AYLMER I, ".' '"~I .... "", . ",,,.," """" ~ Curb. and Gut'ter and Preparation .tor Paving on Firth Avenue 9,000 WEST LORNii 1 """".U,,", .1',.;I.,...,........."....,.',...b,' ",~.,..j_. Curbs ),>> 000 ~U~'l.::QN Pa.Ying on Shackleton (County Road Eist1matea) '()~~, ,~~~tL'L Ac.tion b1 Province on Chathaml S1ireet R.ODNEY Sp.B.INGFIELD ml~NAt A}D).... , . "'"'''''''. "", )10H:r''''"STARld!il .." .., ..~.. .,.",., ",.,., ""~' '. II, '...., ~ It"""I~ ' , I' ""_, 'I .dntell8DCe GO> 2 c;;l U1l.BA-L PROGRAMIO: ,,,,,- .,,,,,,, ....... "" ,.,."",.-",,,. . ..,- 1960 ........,', ,,,' " , . A~ pa.ve port.1on Prepared in 19571) 1958, 1959. :e.~. ~!..~ Major aepai.t' of streets PORT BUR.\'lELL Cba'thaJa s'tree:t ~, ~_~'I,,,",,,,,,(,,'I"''''~ 1 '650 MDNSl 2.'7S t of curbs Repair of s'treets !l$NNA cnang1.tIg or course or Ot'te1" creek maY be necessarY at any 't1m6 ST. THOlvIAS, ONTARIO. November 6th, 1957. A IVTEETING OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COI\J1NIITTEE ~, was held at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, at 2 p.m. ALL IVIE~MBERS were present, also present 111lere IJHl. T. S. CALD'WELL and IV1R. JOHN H. COOK and ~jIR. L. ELLIOTT, Reeve of Village of WEST LORNE. THE JY1INUTES of the last Meeting were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE was filed. THE FOLLOliVI NG RESOLUTIONS were adopted:.... Irr 'WAS MOVED BY JAMES G. HINDLEY SECONDED BY L. HOLLAND THAT THE FOLLOTvVING COUNTY ROAD' ACCOUNTS be 11 II approved for payment:- PAY LIST d30 - $1,524.51: n "6 6 6 PAY LIST ff31 - ~. ,27.4: 'I 'I PAY LIST #32 - $37,752.50. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the progress of the work to date. A DISCUSSION CAPIrr lI:XPENDITURES on works :Ln the Urban Areas for the next 3 years. followed, .wi th the tl/lTO Urban Heeves present - Mr. A. H. Liebner and Mr. L. Elliott. THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to dra"t\T up a proposed schedule of Urban Improvements for a Conlillittee Meeting with the Urban Reeves on November 19th, 1957, at 2.30 p.m. RESOLVED:- I'r VilAS MOVED BY L. HOLLAND SECONDED BY J. B. \i~rILSON TH.I\.T THE REBATE on the Road Levy to the Tov,rns and Villages be 35% for the year 1957. CARHIED. aT TUO. 1\'\ f, c:~ \). n.~'it\\J, Ul\\1.1UI....I-"".. November 6th, ~957. .. 2. ... P. W. SCHV~lHAUF SE,C01~DI~D BY to proceed 'With the insta~~ation of signa~S at the Frome crossing, and the county is 'Wi~~ing to paY 25% of the cost of installation and 5~~ of ~aintenance sot. THAT 1m', REQUBST The Board of Transport commiSsioners A. . 11 . LI11BUgR IT 'v~A.S 1\!10Vl~D BY C1\RRl'ED · JA1'ilES c. HINDLE1 IT \1':]1\8 lVIOVED BY 1.1. HOLLA.l\\D SECONDED 33Y Dona~d ~urphY in the Vi~lage of corinth, on the south Bast corner of the intersectiOn, Donald ~urph1 to move the buildingS TH1\.T THE COUNTY PURCHASE the property of bY December 31st, ~957. The county will purchase the 1.0t,lesS the bui~dings, for $3,500. CA.RRIED. THAT THE tt~ETING adjOUrn unti~ 2.30 p.m. on tt~vember 19th, 1957. CA.RBIED · . ~-") ----~..,~ '. ~ C1LI\IRMll\\ · ST. THOMAS, ON1~ARIO. October 4th, 1957. A Nlli~ETING OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD cOr,!J]ylITrrEE was held at the Court I-louse, St. Thomas, Ontario, at 2 p.m. All IVlembers were present with the exception of f\i'Ir. J. H. Cook. THE JHINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved " CORRESPONDENCE was filed. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS were adopted:- IT WAS MOVED BY J. B. WILSON L. HOLLAND THAT THE FOLLOvJING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS be SECONDED BY approved for payment:- PAY LIST #27, ~~1,314_~93 - PAY LIST #2$, 6,711.25 - PAY LIST # 29, 64,2al.22. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported the progress to dB:te. THE COMMITTEE decided to inspE~ct the intersection at Corinth Road 46 during their road inspection. ROAD INSPECTION dates were set for October 22nd West, and October 24th East, buses leaving Court House at 9.30 A.N'l., and arrangements were made. THE ENGINEER was instructed t~o plan a :Meeting with the Reeves of the Urban Municipalities on November 6th, 1957, wi'th regard to Capital improvements. IT ViAS MOVED BY A. H. LIEBNER P. W. SCHLEIHAUF ~'" SECONDED BY THAT THE IVDJ.:ETING adjourn until 2 P.M. on November 6th, 1957. CAHHIED. /:.I,/} ~. .' .....:::~: . I \, ,,?<-....' /;1/ . -'~'G>>'='" '7./.l~:"~ /7 I /"');"> ~'tP ...~ ' -~/'1. . (./ l..-~/l,/' (..A../ Y v L""\..-..., , ,., <<...-.-' CHAIIlMAN. "'. ST. THOfJlA.S, aNT A.RIO. September 10th, 1957. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~JIMITTEE was held at the Court House at 2 p.m. of' J. M. HALE. ALL JY1EMBERS PRESENT, with t he exception A REVISED .3-YEAR PROGRAf\riME was offered by the Engineer and after d:tscussion the following resolution was adopted:- IT VIAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY P. \fil. SCHLEIHAUF A. H. LIEBNER this Road Programme be approved. THAT WE RECOlf~~ID to County Council that CARRIED - CLARENCE CULVER. MEETING adjourned until :3 p.m. St. Thomas Suburban Commission. MEETING resumed at 3 p.m. with PRESENT: COUNTY ROAD COTvTrvIITTEE, with the exception of J. rJl. HALE. ~ffi. GEORGE CROSS HON" JAMES N. ALLAN l'vIR. F. S. THOMAS l'vffi. J. V. LUDGATE MR. T. S. CALDWELL ~}JR . J. H . COO K ~ffi. J. D. THOMSON fJIR. R. G. MOORE St. Thomas Suburban Commission Minister of Highways M. L. A. Chief ~jlu.nicipal Engineer District Municipal Engineer Assis'tant District Municipa.l Engineer Clerk-Treasurer Elgin County County Engineer THE 'vvARDEN, MR.. J. C. HINDLEY act tad as Chairman and called upon Mr. Thomas to introduce Mr. Allan and fvlr. L udga te. Ani 1 - 2 - September 10th, 19~57. / An informal discu.ssion follo'tftJed in which the Minister answered quest:lons of the Members, with speci.a.l emphasis on the Construction of Highway 401 in VJest Elgin; the revision of Highway 75 and 77 to the County of Elgin and the assumption of County Road 1 to Thames River north of West Lorne; the problems of Construction on Highway 3; the St. Thomas By Pass and the improvement of Highv.lay 19. THE l\1,[l~ETING a.djourned until October J~.th, 1957, at 2 p.m. ~~,.c ~ ~ -"-('~~, -~~- - .. ..GHAIRr.1AN ~ .. .... ~. ~ aTo THOIv1AS~ ONTARIO 0 SeptembslP'a Sassi.out 19570 TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL 011 ~!~HE COUNTY OF gLGIN e YOUR ROAD COf,:inITr.rEB begs to report as ~f.'ollol1S: "'" 1. f~ 1.1 !j'("t:f'\'~ 'N, '."';"l'T'D k ht t ~ .. 4> iJ. p {C'~l" 1]"' d".6 ,.I\..1t'l~"!l1ul. l&. S,. .p.n.e L;OUJ.h~Jr 0;.,." .6 gl.n s~~... "l.....,. .<1\", J' . lr "", ,;!:~ T' -0.. 6 C"~ iY 1,'\0 .(':li( > i"~~. '1 \' 'r,!:} ~~ ~ 'to ,~ ,~';'j ~'\' 'l"l '1:) ~,~n>t 'D.",C ~:.~ a IA,,(r'd'J..c~.\ ~~vJ, .,,Jl\:hi' . ,tUJ'J.'i,.'l;;.SS,. ,J....t ..r.. ~.!~;I,,J,,,~,,t~J..;';,(.J.,,t,AJ:' .\JIIl. ,I b.t l,f..I"'" ~!'1hich :l~3 bTj' ~ t1~ (\eunt.V' t.o ~',,~':,~ nf''''X'!,l1\l'~.>" pt:::!;rt'1l'U' f'rVl1il ty':1fl ~!.I~'''' &-R ~~~ ~ +$'I", ;f! 1'~ 0 Jtl ~~ ~>A J v ".JlJ" "",~7Jh tho,surl1 of ;~)150000, l,tre P{(~l~CY' to pa'y all ;ru?tcesser/ <(.SWl'q'f;:ref~.l"iJ.H~" ~l"id ] e.p"a3. f'e"'~~ ~, .. 'ff -elf ~ ~ .,.~;..) ~, '.. 'P ~(,~.:) '" ,~~. ~,. .~;;p . 2 ~~ WE RECOr~I~ND that the request of the II'OW1J.shi:p of :l'armouth be compl:ted wit;hll a:nd t~l..v:rt we lU3Bl>>.11ei t;J.f~ a Gount;;y nc~ad and turn. oval" t~o the 111u..\~1sd.i(~t:i.on or t;he Stt) Thomas Suburban C;ounn:issi"OXlJ tormer K:lX'~g' tS H:tgh1rJ'~.l.:y 1;~123in the Town:ship c,il> Yar'mcfu,t,h9 being a. l:lIoad alOl'lt~ Wielli.ngtorl Street ,f'l"1om ,F.'iI!Jst A V()l~lUe to ~'lalr'~f'5,.evlf A '11ellueand. Constru.ction Road .f:rom b"airvlew AVelJi.Uei t;.o Higl1~llay #J.f; ,u.\bjecto "to the appreJvtU of th~a Depart~men.t oi~ Highways ~ 3fJ \iT.l~ RlJ;COr..n.JEND th;;'1.'t the a:tt,iiCh\~d j....yeal. progralllRUE}; of ConstJ~'U{;t'&on on Co'U:nt;,~\. be appr{)'!~ned 11f' ~~ rtE~(~OI:~,>i~ND that~ (~our:rtll:Y Cou!l(~:il a.pprCtVi~ th~a pI~c~}.\(';l~}ed. e:~;challg~~ 'lfr:lt,h the Depar.t,mellt~ of' Itlghwa.~rfg c.r ceI~~l~,r,t ~~"'oads in E"" i. 'T''lr- '("., .. t.. t ;t'II ...Lg n~) "tAG w€tpa:(b 'tn.en", ot Hight-fflY'f.;t t10 a~>;~\ume Ct:n.U1:f,#Y R08~d /11 north of West Lorne to the~ Thaxnes Ri v'erJ \lnd the County to Llssuma Higll\'iS.y 1/'/5/ <<il:: 2 G1tJ /Higrufar 75 from Highway J to Dutton anti Highwa:y 7'1 j~rom H1gh\Qay' :; to Rodney aftE)r sm:table res'urfac1Ilg has been done by the Department .of High\"lays ~ 5 ~ It'IE RECOty:.1MENJ) 'tha t~ the \\'a:rden and J k - ~ i d .. h .,releas€~ i G .61" oe ;.a.utl1.0r ze to S,J"gn t e ':lAi*lM oj~ opt on on .P~lrt of Lvjt 1 COl'1cess:ton lX. Y armou'th. ~p being the Ryan Estate property~ .AJ..L OF \vHICH IS RESPEc~rF1UIJI,:{ SUBMIT'l'b;D ~ ..--...'-,.. """-CHA11M!~r~-"'""'''''- I~WROVED COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD PROrn~A~~. ~'M'"" ,,,. "'--'.'-"''''''-._>~' "". ......_. ..,,_ " . ".... ...;..'l:rl.,~.. "",.,,,'..,......",..., .,..,';."~"..,."",.....','.'..; ,"'.rc............._..~SilWtrll2i;~tRt~~._~~... .', .,~ This p:g\;ogl~a:mme :ls ba.sed on the expendi t\1rG on COl.1rtt,Jr Cons'{;ruct:i.on ot $200,000 (1957 figure ~113'7 ~OOO),~ To enable the County to make this expenditure the nOl~al road budget ~wl1 have to be ir:l. theneighbourhood of $64'1JOOO~ All large bridges and special projects l!f such as the Both'\t\1E~ll BridgE~ and the Ric11h~,,)!C1d Hill ~ should be !tinanced by sl:d.pplemeni;az7" By/La\"lSiiI A Slml of money is set aside Sltch yeal'" undex' t;hE~ heading of ulftl,,~HJellaneous" to conertruct minor 'Vl()rks and f~Ol'J> con'titlgenci~es on the larger jobs <l\ 1, ~-~~ PAVI1~G: -'''110 7lnU"'~ South Dorchester 1 IiJJilE~ $-lO~OO() #14 Du!rrlch 8.l1d southwold ~rownship l:tna bef';'~\feen Iona, & lOlla Stat:l.on 1 ~ :> Mi.J..E~S 1; J 0100 #8 DUf):tfi c:h I~orth ot Du.t'ton ~ MilE~s j0.! i\ i''J([))f]) ,,~ 1146 B~lyham High,w.y ;3 to Oxford CO.s,I,,1ne 3 Mile~s 30.000 GRADING AND GRANULAR BASE "!toad' '. ....... ..., w__ ',.". ",' "1J:r/'''' T()'Wship of Aldborough ~lorth. to Thames River !lor't~h of Rodney " 40 S Mi,le~s 55,000 1/8 T(~w:nsh1p of DUlJ:wich t~o Thames R1 vel'" llorth of' Dutto:l'l 1.6 Miles M:f..ddlesex Coun'ty Line West of Belmont 1~o'W'i1t~hi p of Yarmou'tb, Westminster & South Dorches- twsr .,6 I~111es St.~ckleton Street Dunwich 205 Miles 25,0100 #34 5>>0100 1/13 r"U,scellarlGOUS 25 ~ OtlO .~ . O()O "."..".. ,.i!Jt",.,.""",.,, $200 9 O()() SPECIAL PROJECTS: '"ll}" "'liot/h\rijrell'" Bridge (2,) Start~ Richmond Hill and Bridge \ ~ ) J i~ :f3:~ 't~hi.t> of AldbOro""h 'to~b.it> of n~c'b. t-~dQJ.e&~ coun~1 'Line 'fO\oJll.Shi p of 1:eJ."IlI.o'U.t.b. $bac1d1J\ion st,reet. Dun'l~Ch l\,Q 5 t41iles 1, 0 8 !.'d.,le5 ~5()'OOO 20.000 ~ -r JLa 1rO 06 11\.iJ",es t' 000 .,) , 2 Q:; l\l1i'les 25~OOO jLl~ '~i" ,.,;I ~~ 5\~C~eton S~reet. UUI\.\'f1.Ch U~ch &. so'U.'IT.\nI01d tto~b.1P "Line ~).l Co'S."lle1"& 'Uo lona Jaffa 'UO ~ighwa1 13 l=19J.ab.ide 'fo~hi-P 1,tl.scellaneo\\S and special ?1"o$ElCt.s ~ ~ ~ale$ ZS9000 ~o~ 2.5 ~~les Z5tOOO Jfl.1t 2.; t,1.ilEl& 25 $ OCi'J HitS 2i"" 000 ~~ ~20(),OOO ~~J.~,^1llOnd \\i.l1 a.nd Brl.dgEl \ l'} }!''1.1u"so. ;.l#1.vU . .""" ''Puns in 1958) t 2) St.a.rt \iatclsvi).le ..'t ..v.f{,.6 \ ~ H1Jt SbaC\C.e'Uon st.1"eet. Dt\l).'Wicil. 1)\1t\\'l'i.ch &;. 5oUt.b.\'I01.d 'to\fO.Sb1P 'Li.ne - 'B~lJ. co't1\et's toO ).ona. Jaffa 1;;0 \\ii.hll&1 '1) )\a..1.ah1de 2. (t 5 \Il\ilee. 25,,000 ZeS t;dJ.ee 2'~OOO z" ~ t\i1,i'le& 2.; ~ooo rAt; 1 ,1;r1l.e 25$000 10 t 000 ,~~~ l)e~e't Eaa:'\, 1~\lt.h if)6-\B.oaA 24->> l:\ort.h) 1~'U.1;;b. 111v; 01'\'fGll t,O J atfa 1f 1a.t'JlLO'U.t.h &. l~a.hide 2 (l 5 1.!tL1.es ; eO 1;\1.)..0& }O,ooo ,(3,) 1 9 6 0 l:"I"'H",;;""~"""'~ GRADIHG AND GRA~IULAR BASE: (Continued) ",,"", Road' """"', ". .."", ,,",,'" "',H'." ,'....." ,'" '"" ,,,' """ 1141f" South Dorches'ter) Road 47 to Dereham To'tlnship Line jl52 0:[ Road 4a 'to BrOltmsville Rdo South Dorchester lfllt Townlina bettrleen Du.m-dch & South~101d Shackleton street to Thames Riv~~r I~o work for 1 Ni.le where Road ff~~in~ersec~s w1..th Highway #4,01 l\1iscellaneous SPECIAL PROJECTS: -0:) ....1firilsh ''''tiardsville Bridge (2) Jb:tension of Road 1124 Yarmouth towards Port Bruce to replace pr-esent La.ke Roa.d1\' log Iit1jLles $181),000 t,4 IvljLl as 28000 300 H:lLles 30~IOOO lO~IOOO 'ff~1J-,,~..~.,. "(.,'.I~J,.,j","" ,...... $200 Sl 000 SWl'N co~ ROAD ,~. fOR AN It,'lPaOVlLD COUW~ ~OG~~-~ 1l,A1S-gO 1\1 C()\n~T<~ ~~...-~ ~ coun'c'i1 Roads $)1.3'1 9000 :)200, 000 ~'lOO>> QOO ---- .----" ----- urban lIllPl'Overoent.s 9,000 20,000 1.0,000 - - cou.n:t.1 Bridg;e& 00 ' 6 000 and culverts 30,000 4.0. 0 0" 1222 --------------------- 'New Haeh1ner1 !to, 000 40 ,000 20,000 . ..-........--'" ------ ------- .----' -- -~- ---- Suburban COllstit'UCt.:i.on S ,000 1.0.000 2>> SOo -----~- Sl1butban Bridges 4,000 ;,000 ;00 ------ , li22~hoOO '}1.; ,000 14l.000 ~. count.1 Road l'f1ai:n:tenance 201~ i 000 20, II 000 102$,00 -~ co\.l.t~'t1 BridgeS ----- ---- ------- -- 5\1bu:rban t'i,aillt.ena.nee 27 .000 !to, 000 1.0,000 1.8s000 -----"'~ 25,000 5,000 ------------- S\1bu:r~ Bridges 4,000 ~._..~ 500 5tOOO -------------- Reba'tB t.o Urban ~' r: 0 1.'tI,Ulie:i.Pa.1.:i. t,ies 20 ,000 Z; t 000 1.2 · ,,0 ---- ------,---------- -..---- ,.----- -- ;0,000 ,0,*000 1;1)000 O"'lerts.ea.d , ---- --- 645,000 2$0,500 _ ~2)7iaOft .. Zf!i'tZ9ltr _~l+O ) 4-701; 625 /.' (~"- ~~ ~otAL; ~525,Ooo Raised '01 County Rat-a'" 6 ~i.ls 19f;{1 RaiSed 'fi'/ Count.y Ra.'te ~ '" '1 m1.1ls l.<jsa Count.Y Assesaroant in ~95a HP,~~~_O+~AYJ~" !V'irI.ES COUI~TY ROAD ...... .".'......,..",.. '. .I"'I"'"""~",,, '~""'" ",,'~~~,. _\,.,.J" j, }~lILES PAVED COUNTY ROAD '" <0,"""_,, ''''''''''''__ Aldborough 4.1085 200135 "''''~''''''~._'H."";_"",",,..,.l''''''', ~"", ","~.".,,,,>.., :t~..,.",.,~"._.",..,,~.._.. Dunwich 4.8,,2 12695 ~~"",.,~.~."'" .I"r,,- .,.~"."Mq ~~"""-"""" Sou.thwoJ.,d 1,,; r;4S 26055 .............. ,,-~--'.,._.........~,'~."....,'-,.,.,..........,I~'-'".,;'."...,,~~i.,. .",-,,_, ,..,.._'llI~~~ ."....,,,_~l~~. Y flj!;';wouth 46085 34Q30 .....'\.~~ ;".,~~".".,,"',~""""'rre>>' "'"-"",~~"",,-,, ..,..,....~~~~l>IWI'~"*I'IC'lI 1'lIflh$8:/l~ MaJ.ahi..de 35060 21,~ 9() J,l'...~!t'[I~~~W~_~,......._. .'.,"\'. ~ .,_'~."."" .".~JWIlI""'''''''''' "",. --.. , $.... Barham 2;055 1501, "'.""r.~",.. "'''''':''~''''"''~'''''''''~~~~'''''''''' .~.."~",,~l',,!.,,,,'~: ".- SOllth Dorchester 264>35 14'00, ...... "...",~~...~,., ......".,......,J~, t". ..,JII~~...""'_~.~.,,,.....~.. ,'I,........" I". ,.~.""' ~., ,.,0 '."..'-"""""""""".)~l\I""'" Rodr.\ey 1645 1,;45 4"~~""'_""""'''''''''' \'{est Lorna lQ4S ll~4S J.., ,_""','," , .."",..~ ""~I"~......,.~,:lIS';t;II~...,, ~,. lil'iifl'N(,,', Dutton 101 006 "'"...""...;,-... ".,.. ~'f" """'.'....~..,.... "..".IlI~,.,'"' ~ Port. Stanle:y 1~9S ll~9S - ~~'W'~,_,. ,- AyJJnel~ 1.070 l~65 Pron.n- c:J..al Hwy q, .3 0 2 ~\l4~'''~~~~~~.f''''t!'i...",~,..;<....""~~~.""",,, ~I".,""~_"",_",, ."...I~ ""_"".L'",_.,~_,,,.,...... ~ S P!~lng.fiald 106 1<:18 .....~.iIlWt(;f~,.,..,',.~ ..,.,'....................."'~~Io.",....,..,' ~-.Ow,'.,..'"..,~,.;....."'...,.'"., "..,,'.' ,.,,, ,.'.;J....."".".lte.., V1enIk"l l~O ~~4S .........\... ~..,,,..r,,,,..w . """,~-~,,,.~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',J.1.-,,,,.,...,..., '''' ".' ~.,.,.....,,,,.....,.,,, "". -,'",.~ "~.",, ~,., ."..,,'~ _.J""" ,.1,'....., '*"- Port Bur't'isll 1,,3 JaG)) 1Ii!t.:'"",-", . ..".'"fM1II..,~,,,.,.,,. . .,",~~_.~~,..,"'......".,.~~~ .'I""''''~'~''""" ,...~",.",. .,:Do - TOTAL: 2el~g 15511,60