1959 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOW\.S, 0~TARI0. JUNE 8TH, 1959. TUE ELGI~ COU~TY. ROAD coMMITTEE me~ a~ ~he Cour~ House a~ 1.30 p.m. ALL MEMBE'RS were presen~, wi~h ~he excep~ion of tJ\1'. Basil Nevill. ALSO pRESE~T, tJ\1'. wm. E · Cooke of D. H. O. Londo n. Ml~UTES of MaY 7~h and MaY 20~h Mee~ings were read and approved. IT WAS MOVED BY. O. BLUE SECONDED BY. R. HlJ~TE'R TRAT THE FOLLO'tll~G COU~TY. 'ROAD j\QCOUNTS BE', APPROVED FO'R pAY.ME~T:- PAY. LIST #).5 _ $).,279.88: PAY. LST #16 .. $?,197.!t0: pAY. LIST #17 .. $32,405.73. CARRIED · THE E~GI~EE'R repor~edon ~he Wardsville Bridge, and ~he fo).lowing Reso.).ution waS passed:" ' IT WAS MOVED BY. ,H. LIDDLE SECO~DED BY. LLOY.D S. GURR THAT WE APPOINT F'RED BELL AS A CONSULTA~T O~ THE W:ARDSVlLLE BRIDGE. CA.RRIED. MR. ViM. E. OOOKE s~a~ed ~b.at the Depar~men~ of HighWays wou).d subsidise ~he straightening of ~he channel of Ke~tle Creek a~ ~he Meek Bridge, a~ the rate of 5fY/o onlY. TUE pLACEME~T of Gu~de 'Rail.s on the SchOO). HOUse Hill in por~ s~ariley waS diSCUssed. IT WAS MOVED BY. J,LOJ;DS. GlJ1lll. SEOONDED BY. · C. BLUE THAT WE. pLACE GUIDE RAlL ON TUE SCHOOL HOUSE HILL IN PO'RT STA~LEY.. CARRIED. - 2 - s!. !HOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 8!H, 1959. THE ENGINEER reviewed t.he bill of W. L. Ballent.ine for repairs t.o t.he Torque Convert.or of the Galion Grader: the work being done in December and t.he Grader onlY funct.ioned approximat.elY 800 hours aft.er without. repairs.. The following Resolut.ion was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY H. LIDDLE SECONDED BY H. HUNTER THAT THE ENGINEER NEGOTIATE WITH W. L. BALLENTINE REGARDING THEIR BILL IN CONNECTION WITH THE GALlON GRADER. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER report.ed that Nelson corbet.t would accept,$625.00 for all tit.le and claimS past and present and fut.ure for his interest in t.heCorbett. Pit in Dereham, and t.hat. Mr. sanders would draw up t.he Agreement.s, IT WAS MOVED BY C. BLUE SECONDED BY ,LLOYD S. GURR THAT WE PAY NELSON CORBETT $625.00 FOR HIS INTEREST IN THE CORBETT PIT IN DEREHAM. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported t.hat. Walt.er Nelson w~shed t.o purchase the Land not. required for Road Allowance purposes on Lot 5, concession X, Baynam, and t.he following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY H. UDDLE SECONDED BY H. HUNTER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE SELL THE PORTION OF, LOT 5, CONCESSION X, BAYHAM NOT REQUIRED FOR COUNTY ROAD ALLOWANCE BURPOSE, TO WALTER NELSON FOR $200.00; Mr. NELSON TO FENCE THE LAND AND PAY ALL LEGAL FEES AND SURVEYS. CARRIED. ... '3 ... S~. ~RO~S, O~~ARIO. JUNE 8TH.. 1959. ~RE ENGINEER reyorted on village of Dut.t.on, weSt. Lorne and RodneY mileages of count.Y Road and rrovincial RighViay. DiSCUssion folloVied in regard t.o Queen St.reet. Eas't tRoad 4-) in Rodney, Vihere e1tcavat.iOl1 was necessary, as a MuniCiyal Drain ViaS being ylaced along the Road. e. BLUE I~ WJ\S MOVED B"! SECONDED "61 TRAT WE GRJ\DE A.rrROZ-I~~EL"! 660' ON 'ROA.D 4- 'EA.S~ I'M RODN'E'L: WO'RK 'f0 EZ-CA.'J A.TE DIRT A.ND BA.CKFILL WITR H. H.UNTER CARRIED. GBJ\ VE.L. TRE ENGINEER st.at.ed that. he had seen officialS of t.he Deyartment. of LandS and Forests in A.ylIller, and tbat. onlY small t.reeS were a~ailable for nurserY ylant.ingS. e. BLUE IT WA.S MOVED B1 SECONDED 131 TRA.T WE START TO SET OUT TREES ON COUNT1 ROA.DS ON OUR llBW GRA.DING, J\~D E~OWER TRE ENGINEER TO ORDER A.PP'R0Z-I~TEL1 2S00 TREES FOR NURSER"! rLA.NTING A.T waITE STA.TION NEZ-T sr'RI~G. 11.. LIDDLE Cl\.RRIEU. TRE ENGINEER reyort.ed that t.he Minister of RighViaYS had apyroved. of BY-LaViS 1174-4- al1d 17~S, t.o the amount. of '2S7,SOO.OO for const.ruction on t.he wellington 'Road andt.he Ricbmond Rill. A. rLA.N shOwing the Talbot creek on Road 14- Vias sho'lfU to committee. commit.t.ee decided not. t.o straight.el1 t.he Road at. thiS t,ime, as it -was belie~ed t.he eJt1>ense ViaS not, Viarrant,ed for yresent traffiC conditiOns. - 4 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 8TH, 1959. ", THE ENGINEER was instructed t(;). make representation to the Ontario Municipal Board in regard toRoad Closings by Highway 401 in Southwold, Dunwich and Aldborough, and to attend the Municipal Board Meetings on June 25th and 26th; THE ENGINEER stated that a Concrete Culvert on County Road 9 in Aldborough West of Highway #76 would have to be replaced this year, and that the Road should be raised at the same time';, and estimated that approximately 16,000 cubic yards of earth would be required, approximately half of which would be subsidised, as Culvert expenditure. THE ENGINEER stated:- (1)' Repairs to Pavements had been made on Hoad#20, and would be made between West Lorne and Rodney. (2) The D.H.G. had been contacted with regard to paying for repairs . to Rpad #2 between West Lorne and Dutton, which Road had been broken up by trucking of the Brennan Paving Company when Resurfacing Highway #75. (3) That Clearing was finished on Road #13, and Fencing had started. (4) Land Purchase on Road #14 was approximately half completed. (5) J. D. Adams had lent the County a 412 Adams for use until the new Grader was delivered. (6) That Seal Coating would start approximately June 12th. (7)' That Road 42 and ,.3 were being levelled before priming for Mulch. IT WAS MOVED BY C. BLUE SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE THAT THE MEEING ADJOURN UNTIL JULY 7TH, 1959, AT 1.30 P.M. CARRIED. k. : ~.;!...;.,.'.~iJ f:e--d</~. , C~.j/ ~ MA.Y 20TH. :,L959 2.JO PoJ;JI. A MEETING was held at the Wardsvl1le Bridge, between the Elgin and Middlesex County Road Committees and representatives of the Municipal Branch. of the Department of Highways, :London. PRESENT WERE:- C~unty of Middlesex W~i R;' Pretty, Ernest Budden, Eugene Early, Austin Hodgins, Hugh Llamb, Charles Garrod, F. B.D. Arnold, . Harold Eastman, 9oun:~ of El~ill. Donald Burgess, Basil Nevill, Ha.Lvey Liddle, Herbert Hunter, Glare Blue,-, M. B. MeGoll, J. D. Thomson, . R. G. Moore, Warden of ~liddlesex, Reeve of Mosa Chairman of Road COlumittee, West Missouri Adelaide Biddulph Westminster Ail.sa Craig County Engineer County Clerk ~----~-~------~~ Chairman of the Road Committee Member af the Road Committee Member of the Read Gommittee Member of the Road Committee Member of the Road CO.uuaittee Member of the Road Oommittee County Clerk County Engineer. Yarmouth Bayham Malahide Sou.thwold Dunnell Aldborough ..-...-......-......---- Department of Big~ways. London T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer Wm. E.. Cooke, Assistant District Municipal Engineer, also Homer Edwards Department of High~~ys of Ontario --~---~-~--~---- INSPECTION of tae'Bridge was made and the Meeting adjourned to the Wardsville Community Hall. _ '2. - 1'f WAS 1IlOVED BY, DO~Al.D BURG'ESS SECONDED BY ioB,NES't BUDD'Ell 'tU't \'l. R. 'PRET'f1 B1l'. CUItl)iA.ll Of 'rll1l'. lIIE1l'.TI11G. ' CARRIED · 1't \'lAS 1IlOVED BY lli. B · l/l.CCOl.'L S'ECO~D1l'.D B1: t.R"N15S't BUDDEll 'tU'f R. G. lliOOB:lS B'E SECRE'1'IUt1: OF '1'1:l.E lIIE'E'1'Ii'iG cAftR,IED · 1'1' WAS 1J\01'E1) B1: EKL\ES't BUDDEN SECONDED B1: DOllJ\,t.D BURGESS '1'1:l.A'f '1'll1l'. CO'U'1'I'ES Of ]oU.DDl$SEX ~D 'El.GIN Al''PROVE Tll1l'. COllS'fil.UC'1'10N OW l\. NE'Ii \'lARDS1It.1.'E BRIDGE. CA.RltIED · 1'f \'lAS 1IlO1ED B1: 'EUG'E~ EIUtl.1: SECOND'ED 13! 'j{tJG1:l. ~ 'fU'1' 'E'LGlll BE 'f1:l.1l'. 1111'1'IA'flllG CQUN'f1,. CAllRIED 1'f WAS 1IlOVED B1: AUSTIll liODGINS S1l'.CONDED B1: BASIl. NEVl'L'L 'f1:l.AT COSTS BE sliARED EQ.UJ\,t.l.1: B1l'.~EN ]oU.DDt.ESEX AND Et.G11l CO'UT1.ES. CARRIED · tll1l'. l'ROBt.Elli of '\;he ap-poill,\;Illell.'\; of: a consu'l't~ E-ngilleer VIas diSCl1ssed., and l'\r. T. S. Ca.ldVle1.1 s'l1@;~ested '\;he appoil1'\;lllell'\; of 1Jjr. Fred A. Bell of St.. '1'ho1ll6.s. ' Tn.e mat. ter was 1e f:t VIi th t. he E1&ill 'Road co_t.t.ee~' 1't \'lAS 1IlOVEll B1: SECO}\UED '51 TliAT '1' ll1l'. lIIEE'1'Ii'iG NO\'l A.i)J 0 UR1i\ · l1UG11. LA.1.\J1B liIUt'fl&'! l.lD Dt.E CA.RRIED · ST. THOMAS, OHTARIO. MAl 7TH, 1959. TRB ELGIN COUNTY ROAD coMMlTTEE met at the Court House at 1.30 p.m.. TRB fo~lo~ng 'Resoll1tiOn waS passed1- IT WAS MO\rED BY LLOYD S. GUro:t SECONDED BY H. 'LIDDLE Tn1\ T TEE FOLLOW! NG 1\OCOUNTS BE i&p,BRO'\1iED FO'R l' AYMEN'J: ~- PAY LIST #~2. _ t~,5?5.511 p1\Y LIST #~3 - ~6,659.04 1\ND P1\Y LIST 1f~1+ - tl+? .I+~? .02. 1\L1. MEMBERS were present. -', C,ARRIED · TENDERS were opened for a Low..Bed F~oat and were as on atta.c11ed listing. DiSCUssion fo~~owed, and the fol~owinS R$soll1tiOn \'la.6 passed:- IT 'WAS MOVED BY B. NEVILL SECONDED 131 C. BLUE TRAT 'WE ACCEPT TRB TE}1DER OF 'tRUCK ENG1.}1EERING FOR A KI'NG FLOAT AT TRF.IR TENDERED pR1.CE 0'/ $3,630~OO PLUS AIR CONTROL KIT l.}1ST1\1.LED - $91+,.00, PLUS 8 STAtE POC~S @ ~8.00 _ $61+.00, PLUS A 30" FIFTB WRBF.L FOR $150.00, FOR A TOTAL OF '3 /n 8 .00, SUBJF.CT TO TBE .l\.pPROV.I\.L OF THE DEPARTMENT OF R1.GliW.I\.1S. CAR1lIED · TRE ENGINEER reported as folloWS ~- tl) Mr. 'Wm. Cooke had 'lTiewed the Mee~ridge and wou~d report ~at\er. t 2. ) .l\.n .l\.greement had been reached with the J\.Cre Brothers at. Ricnxnond Bi~~, and 'theY were tllo'ITinS 'their hOUses. t3 ) 1\greeIllent. ~ 'th 'the Town of .l\.11111er had been reached as 'to the posi'tion of 'the curb and gu'tter on sou'th s'treet. and Fifth Avenue. l4) I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MAY 7~~H, 1959. - 2 - (4) The Contractor was making slow progress on Richmond Hill. (5) Dust; Control measures had started. (6) Repairs to Pavements and Guide Rails were being continued. (7) Surface Treatment would start approximately May 25th. THE planting of trees, after grading on the County Roads, was discussed and the Engineer instructed to get more information and take action, if necessary. THE replacement of the Wardsville Bridge was discussed and the following Resolution passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE H. HUNTER THAT WE ARRANGE A MEETING 'WITH MIDDLESEX ROAD COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WARDSVILLE BRIDGE, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CARRIED. IT viAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL H. HUNTER THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL JUNE 8TH, 1959, at 1.30 P.M. CARRIED. M~~~~ - ..... ~/ Ci CHAIRMAN. ... J ~ I . I I' . , SUPPLIER . ~~~>lr"""~."'-~"""'_.._".~ 1 of ... , . .. ... ..t""~~"'<\' Brantford/coach & Body, Brantford. Truck Engineer-lng~ \voodstock Crothers Hanufacturlng L'tde Toronto I Fre~"laur Trailer Co ~ , Byron (Postal Sub~Stn015 London) Sheridan Equ1pmen~ COe Toronto, 33 Laird Drive, Leaside Gardener Trailers Ltd. 8650 Jeanne f4ance S~reet, Montreal 1, P0 Quef/ General Supply 27 Y~pling Avenue South, Islington \ ) _MAKE.... t#.......-.~ Brantford' King Martin-Crothers Freuhauf Rogers Lacrosse CAPACITY \, -.'.. REMARS . E~~Q~ 12 ton Not to specifications, regarded $3~60g~61 , . ''too -light, throughCu r fifth t"1heel..... ' 199 ;48 TOTAL ::P_..,,~l!~Q2 Inc"Sales Will install Air Control Kit $3~6)OeOO & mount firth wheel fifth wheel 150$00 8 stake pockets 64~OO TOT AL _;:~ tt =~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~ 15 'ton ~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $3$670000 ~~~~~:~ n ~-~-....~,......'~ 1; ton 1St platform only 6 stake pockets only fmfth wheel ~~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 ton --~--~~~--~~~~~~~~-~- 15 ton 34 ff fifth \"lheel 6 stake JL~O~ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ 15 ton 14 f deck only no ,fifth wheel i\ltm~~~9siQ n ~~~-~---~~~~~~~~~-~~ 1, 'ton i!tf,9l~c",QQ Excludip~ Sales TL1t Ta..;,~ ft n ff n t1' n " n VI tf o 0 U N T YO F 15 IJ Cl I N ~""UV'...~$'J':f~..~." .",.;., "".^J-~-""""~""~~-'lil",,"':IIIlI, ".,"~'I~I:('':~ Etf~~~~11Q~~..."f9~,.J~.Q~1,~~!L ~~~~~~ SEALED TENDERS plainly as to contents ~iill he received bytha undersigned until 1.2, lIOON THURSDAY ~'IAY 7THv 1959 '''-~or aUP1111y':l:ng F ~OltB~ Wh:tte Stat:LonJ St., Thomag:~ one "", Nett I~ollbed Semi~ITrailer ~J 1; Ton Capa.cit~y 1) fI~om recog;n:1.J~H;~(t Tr~a.il.er Manufact~ers Q SPECIFICATIONS~ ~~~~'~~~..'+.I~~~~Io~ 10 15-Ton Capacity 2 ,~ IiEfY'el Deck Rear I.oa.di:n.g LOl'lbed Semi -Irx'ailer 3 Q Single Axle, 4 T:tres apPl^'oximately a 6 25xl; ,..., JJ~" Ply Nylon 4l~ Deck Length from back of gooseneck to tront of ~lheel~ approx.~ 16w 50 Flat Type gooseneck includ:tng Fenders. Gooseneck of length that could be us(~d l~ii t;h a Tandem T>:"u.ck f) if d.es:lred.4! 6(~ A111\ Bra.kef;) Ji including connect:tng; hoses to Tru(~k 1 0 Light~$ and Turn Signal.s (J~~'fA-ray flashing) to Dep,g,tttment of' Highways tI reqtlix-ements 41 S~ 10 Bash Rings, 4 each sidey 2 on rea!~~ 9 tlI lIal'Jdwood :&"1001: ~ S'take Pockets OXl both sides 10,1 Painte:d liED - l.,sttered t'JCOlJl~TY OF ELGINft both sides c.r gooseneck 11., Su.pply 8, new fifth w"heel suitable for mount:i.ng on a 195:1 L"'210 Ir.iterllational. Tl~u.ck: Mcn.mting to be done by C01Ulty cr NO TRADE-IN ..-'"",.."",,,--- Specifications and othelrtl pe:;r't:inent lnfol-,;na.tion. to acoompany each frendeIl~; Use OWll Letterhead to Tender on~ LOWEST or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted$ R~ Gw MOORE;J P ~ ENG~, CaUNTY ENGI~~ER~ ClOPl')T "'rOU'Q1;f . U U .lv. h 'lJ.A.:! ~ ST& THO~~S, ONTARIO $ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 23RD, 1959. TIill ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COtlVITTTEE met at the Court'House at 10 a.m. ~'''-'-''''''"', ALL MEtfIDERS present, Ylith the exception of J. B. Wilson: Donald Chute acting for Basil Nevill. THE MINUTES of April 8th Meeting \tlere read and approved. THE OFFER of IVlr. Walter Nelson for the purchase of property on Lot' 5 Con. X Bayham was discussed, and the follo~dng Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE H. LIDDLE THAT we sell the property owned by the County on Lot 5, Con.X, Bayham, not required for County Road Allowance purposes. rrhe purchaser to fence the land and pay all legal fees and surveys. The purchase price to be ~~;~OO.OO. CARRIED. THE PROBLEM of the Acre Brothers at Richmond Hill was discussed at length and a letter from Sanders and 'Sanders wa~) read. A delegation was received later. THE CHAIRlv1'\N AND ENGINE.ER report;ed on their meeting with Port Bur\t'J'ell Council on the extension of Highway #19, and changes in jurisdiction of various streets in Port Burvvell. After discussion the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY , LLOYD S. GURR H. LIDDLE SECONDED BY THAT the County Road Committee approve the D.H.O. plan for the streets of Port Bur\t'J'ell, as stated in the letter of J. B. Wilkes. Planning Engineer, on April 1st, 1959, and request the Department to proceed on the plan without delay. CARRIED. .~, ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO. ",APRIL 23RD, 1959. - 2 - THE ENGINEER suggested the eregtion of flex beam guide rail on County Road #20 Stilhouse Hill near Port Stanley. COTlID11 titee were in agreement. THE ENGINEER suggested the purchase of.a used adding machine for use in the County Garage. Committee were in agreement. THE ENGINEER reported:- (1) ~HAT the Contract for the Dodd's Creek Bridge had been awarded by the Suburban Road Corrnnission t;o RUSSELL VONSTRUCTION ,of Toronto, for their Tender price of $36~835.00. (2) MCLAWS were screening sand at the County Pit at 'VVhi te Station. (3) 'THAT 'Watters had stockpiled approximately 2400 tons of gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit, for mulch on H.oad 42. ( 4 ) THAT CuI vert Maint. ,\"1as: being done on Roads 4 and 5. (5) THAT the Walker Bridge Floor 1"1aS completed. (6) THAT clean-up vlork vias being done at the Hunt Drain at Southwold Statton. (7) THAT clearing was being continued at Richmond Hill. ($) THAT the Multi-Plate Culvert "I;'I]'as being installed on the Wellington Road. (9) THAT J. D. ADAMS would not issue credit for a cylinder head that if/as replaced in August 1959 on the County's 610 Grader. THE ENGINEER was requested to have N~. lvm. Cooke of D. H. O. inspect the Meek Bridge. ~~INTENANCE GRAVELLING in South Dorchester and Bayham was discussed and the Engineer instructed to gravel roads 46 from the School to Highway 19; the County Road in Vienna; Road 52 OX northerly to the Brownsville Road; Road 52 easterly from the railway crossing to the townline, and Road 50 fronl Whitcrofts Pit. .. ~ffiETING ADJOURNED FOR DI~mER. " s~. ~Eot~S, O~~hRIO. A.'PRIL '2.3RD, 19')9. - ') - d. J B \NlLS01~ in ~'" 1.11\~ cool\E. OF D. 11. O. an · .' ~"11'w .. d~ l.'l.l.. ~ETIUG RBSU~~D. a:ttende.nce · ~~5 "'P ~otor Grad.er ~ere opened., Tf,UDERS for a ;.." ,p.. · · · p 11 ~n~ Reso1ut:l.on 'isted. h3:ter d.iSCussion the .l. 0 - 0 It> C~RRI11D · Q T uc~ ~ere opened., and. TEUDERS for a l~ton vta~e r .' . the fo11o~ing Reso1ution.- ~.~ted hfter u~SCUSS:l.on ~eTe aO ~~v. IT \tlhS 11l0'\fE.D B1 SBC01;-IDI1D B1 Tl1.hT ~e accept 11. l-l\Y~1'TI1R c. Bl}JB rf\ . de"W'" o'c- Butterv<orth 1Y~otors the .I. en. .\. .\. th 'r tend.er :eor ~'2.,l06.00 for a B-130 Truc~, as per e~ , 1 of the Department Difference, suoject to the appro~ll. Cf\.RRIBD · d and ',NeTe . e 'Painting ~ere opene , TEUDERS lor Br~d.g 1 t'On ~aS passed..- , ~ 10110~ng Reso u ~ d.' SCUSS:l.on t"e as listed.. hlter ~ L~01D S. GURR IT \ilhS l'lO'JBD 1)1 "lDDLE 1:\. .u SBCOUDED U1 ~ Fred. '[.ir~ 01 'Port the 'Teno.eT 01- Ti:Ul.T ~e accept - 10 t Brid.ge, the , t the 'Port Tll. 0 1. nand. p8.'l.n stanley to c ell. - ,,' lor hiS Tend.er d. theWll.l~er Bt:l.d.ge, Roboins uriM,e an of tligD.'\NaY5. THE ENGINEER AND cmJll''lITTEE diSCUssed the need for a loW bed Float. It waS SUggested that we purchase a l5-ton Float, and to replace the gra...el bO:lt on the County' s L-2l0 Truck #3 with a fifth wheel to hau.'l the same. The County would rent a DumP Truck "', ST. TnO~ThS, OUT~RIU. APRIL 24TH, 1959. - 4 - price of $l,700.00, subject to the appro...al of the Department of HighwaYs. CA.RRIBD. c. BLUE when needed. \ R. RU~TER IT \~AS ~OVED Wi SBC01:1DED BY THAT we empower the CountY Engineer to call. Tenders for a l5-ton semi_Trailer Blwbed Float, subject to the appro...al of the Department of Highways, to close MaY 7th, 1959. CA.RRIBD · THE ENGINEERreported and commented on Tenders for ~~TERIALS and SUPPLIES, which were as attached. After diSCUssion the following Resolution waS passed:- IT \NAS }1J.OVED B'i SBCOHDBD BY LLOYD S. GURR R. LIDDLE; THAT we accept the Tender for Ma.terialS and Supplies, and that the County Engineer be empowered to bUY with regard to quality and price, subject to the approval of the Department of HighwayS. Cl\RRIBU. THE ACRE BROTHERS from RiCrJ~ond met with Committee. After considerable diSCUssion the following Resolution waS passed:- IT \~I\.S ~'lOVED B'i c. BLUE 1:1. }IU~1TFJt ~HAT we appoint the Chairman and \Narden and the Engineer to attempt a settlement with I\.cre Brothers and to take anY legal stepS deemed necessarY. CARRIED. SECOHDED 131 ST. THOMAS, ONTAHIO. APRIL 24TH, 1959. - 5 - IT WA.S J:VI0VED BY SECONDED BY H. HUNTER H. LIDDLE THAT the Meeting adjourn until filay 7th, 1959 at 1..30 p.m. CARRIED. /# ~ ~.../ ~,~ CHAIRMAN. COUNT! OF ELGIN - . - - ,... .. - .....",.",,- SEALED TENDERS plainlY mark.ed as t.o cont,en1is will be received by t.he Undersigned until ~ l~ NOON, APRIL 2~RD, 1959 fOX' supplying 1i' .O.B. Whit.e sta'tion, 5't. ThOmas:. 1 .. New 'f't"U,Ck wit.h St,ake BOdy, Latest, 1959 Model ap~'telY G.V.W, 9,500 lb. Sl?EQIFICA'rIONS: "',..,.,.""'~,.,"".,...,."'''''.............. 1.. M,ot.or 6 or e Cylinders, 2~ 5 cubic inch displacemen't mini.JllUllll eQ.uipped wi'th oil filt.er. 2.. !t..speed 'rranslll1ssiOn 3 . Heat,er I DetrOst.er and AiX' Condi t,ion:!.ng Syst.em !to G.V.W. approxillla:telY 9,500 lb. Front AXle capao:l.t.Y ~2oo,,~aoo lb. Rear AXle capacity 7 ,200 lb. ;. C.A. Dimension appro)timat.elY 60 inches 6. EQ.l1ipP$d wi'th st.al<.e BodY sue appro)timat.elY 7' x. 9'wit.h ;6" Rack BodY t.o be similar in t.ype 'to tha.1i of the truck. t.raded in. Clearance Light.s and 1.'lUd FlaPS to be included 7. 2:-sun Visors, 2..Windsh:l.eld \'Iiporll and \iindsh:l.eld washers 2(il1l)$1de l!1ir'rors B. Direct.ional Signals l!t_way'Flashing me) 9 . Unit. Pain1;ed Red and 'Let.t.ered "9..<>~~_oF_~IBIN~i}.l" on 2 doors 1.0. Tires" 6 PlY Nylon Front 8 Ply Uii1QU Rear Dual 'tires on Rear Mud. and Snow TYpe on rear Sise 1;0 be approximat.elY 700 :It 17 'rube TYpe. U. spare Rim and Tire and carrier. 'rire siP as above .. 700 :It 17 6 PlY Nylon0 Specificat.iOns and ot.ner pert.inent. infOrmat.ion 'to accompanY each 'fender. p1.ease stat.e nUtllber of leaves and auxiUiarY rear spring equipment t.endered on. Use own Let.t.erhead 'to Tender on. ..,.,,,-,.,..... ......-"". , ''''''..'''.- ," "",,--- mABE-Il!t 195'" Chevrole't St.ake desip1;ed all Truck I}10 maY be seen at. t.he g,oun'ty G.!.r~e. Wbi'te ~1;li\.t;~n. St.. T~' At 5 :p.l!lo LOWEST or anY 'render will no'l:l necessarilY be accept.ed. R. G. M,OORE, 1'. ERG., coUNT! ENGINEER, COURTHOUSE, ST. THOOiAS I ONTAB.IO · . . o 0 U N T Y, 0 F E~ L, <it.1 Ii ~" II"''''~,~""--"~_''_'_''';o.."~.,......._.'",,,,,,,,,,~_, I ~-cr . .... <.. . .-..~.....:... .'. ..w . ) ~.~ , ! . . ~ .. = ...1...9.) 9 .GR,AD.ER .:.T:.END,E.R '_""_-' .,," ,;,,'_' ,c., ,,_ ,_ I.';~';'~"'~_'" L...,"'." F...._. I" .'_ _._", ,,~~_~ '.' ...." .... .,,~.,,_'1lII:i o. . ..II-~ ". I ' ,<_~ '" '-,,' ~ ""';0.' ...,~, ,. ,_."L. "" _" ' '". . ,_..,.. c. .. ...", ,.,,- ,'",""...." ". ..< - .\.-.. . ~ ~~..... ~.."",.a... ~..;o......._"" ..;.~~~.~...")r--.....-..a........"'.:,.._.~ ... .. . ~ -..... ......- .~.' SELLER r\1~ODEL liil:.ll1lL.,~~.,~ ....,'.... ,"-,,~.~..........,......,_~~~.......,......u'-';......,,_...,",....".......,...-......_,..._........_.,...~,~'.,.'_a..,._.____~........_......~--~_.~............_-,,~..."-. _'.......~__~lIl' .1~"J;1 ,~ m~J::f'lt:'..............~........._~~, - ;',- ... '., ALLOWANCE FOR ALLOvlANCE FOEt PjlICE. MOI?~~~~~~__Q~!.~ """...,,~~~A!~~,. .., ""'''___.'''W J~ Dw Adams Co~ Ltd~ Paris~ Adam.~ 550 $24~210 $l~ ~ 500 $1$500 "' ___HE'Ji $18:>210 ~._.."..,.."'_ ....-;.."..~..,,""'.L.:""d -:........_~..-_.;.:_-, ..~t;.~. .-_')!f: ..,,"..._..",o,rl'~.__,.....o,~_.'."""~"''''''''''_'''''''''''' _ . ~..> .,'..' Dominion Road ~w.chinery & C~'A~ ~^ T+~ _ n^~~~4~~ ....~vQl 'VV 1lI J.JV\o."1ll - ,""""'1?o'Io,,,,""" .""'..~e Champion n_~i\? ---,........... i2~~liOQ y-'':I'----- ~5 " 300 V'IiP"" v"" ~- - $500 $17~700 I.'", ",,;........_,'....,...... ~~_'_' _"..:..>'.__., Crothers Limited!l Toronto Caterp:tllw" 1112 Q"~ 10d ~,.o~ 0 $1 ~OOO $500 $20~608 ~~.......,..--....,_...~~.~",......_~~....____~..~~_..:,--..-~...:..~~~~~~~?tO';.'),.",~......,.~.j~:z.:<<"'~rtI9~~yJ...-""~~~-'-'~""'''-_''''''-~__~'__'''~~~~J.~.;yN&$:;;.~~'J;I~'.,.:.' .~,....,~.);1I:i<..~~<S;:;;.~~"___........OJt:l~~.riI;$~~.'b.-.' _,..-.~~-~~'~~~'~~1jp.~~P"IOC~~""""~~~'-~<_- Sheridan Equipment Co~ Toronto AC,GOl45 $2,~OOO $4..~ 500 $100 $20$400 ".~",".,~".,..,~.,~._j".,....,....,-,., We L~ Ballentine Co~ Ltdo5 London. Galion 118 $28t91S wi th Sl1.0Vl Plo\'1 &. vling $4- y; ;00 $1000 $2J~41S ~,~..................;~__,............~~.~........,."..... ~.......,.J:lllll~.,."....,.,''''''''''''''"-'''''_'''';~''--~''''''''''''''' ... _ -"..,,_~.~~~&:I_.~ I.., ,.~."-".,,,,...........~.,.,.,.._,,,.~~ ,....t....~r ~'...".".-',.. ",....~." ~..~.;.;'....~., ",..-.....,,:. ;~, '. .~":_.....",._.,,...,_..,'~.,....,~""...IFIl<<l_.,....,.."'..,.~,~:_..~ Sawyer-Y~ssey - Hamilton Pacel~ ,300 ~.,d- "1t\ ...,~o,~.<*' $5~OOO $1~500 $212)775 ~_"""'''''''''''''''_''''..,L-''",.._~'',-v-........,_"...,~..... _..'..',:-";.~ . ,I,. ~ ~ . ....--.... .' .'__" .', '.' '.', ,.,. ..", . , " ,.,~. '''0.............. " ~.,.~, ._.~,.,_, ...~. .,.",'....,...."'",,..k~_...,... "......,...t -~ .. ""',.,,. ,,~. ~~_._.,~, _... ,,_~"..'_""""'~"~""_ "_:r~~..._.,,,-.',... _, ~.~ ,,~_. d". ..,' " !1QR~~ u"..._..~~,.,~....,". ADD Adams 5;0 RECONDITIONED PLOt-I &; \v1:NG l'IET . .....,..~'.;..~'".>-'.I.~.U'.t'.,.-.!~l" ....,. .~I.,' ,~...... 1."'_" .._.,,,.,_t'_,,,,.,..-,",.,..,.,-'_L._'_"',,~""""" ,.., ~,"""L.,...,";""""";"~"""""'_.'_""""" I $12000 $1 ~210 '" $"4500". - ,." ---~';1&" AI?P".J~1.~~i.~)~}~9\1 &, \VING $39321 NET .,'.....,'L,o.~__,....:,_y._.~..,.Jiii)..'"\2 ~6.2~"-~-.__..~.....~ "-""-"~'" .~. """"JJ;b'Oo' '" $21 ?;i 532 '.M~' ~""l'~r~ 300"" .-... ... ^-_. ..~~"....~24.-;~Oo9~.~:~ ~ 500 trade-in all(n'fa.11leY3 '_N""~'-""'l';'2, .. o\,;n"~'plow-'- ""~~'"'''''''''''~'-''-'~21';'I33'''''' .' "~4"~'9oI:' ",eo"".. ....~ . Cate 1/12~'''~'-'-'''" ....~_w~~."r.:.' .. '" ,. ..,,"'. ' ., c -' l}) "........,."IlOIlI.,."''''-.~'"....~.......-.-J.."~_~.......~.'..~....."_.,.,,"""",.""_,__",,~,_,,_,,, ..J.'!..' ...._,..,.......,...."..,. ,..~. '. .'''' '.~'"'' ..., ....,. $:f$'b39--"""" ...... '" ,'. <1:" (. "x~o"'- ~~11' , V.# :F Gafioii.-ll8-"-.._..~'_u- . 'Paccr"JOO. ...c .~ I H:I" -_.~_---..~~.......,......."...._J.,...'~,..,,,.. ~.v ., '. '.~ ilo.-,__~......,~ ,. ....lIafoIlo~".....__~~-",..~,_.-_......_..._..__. ." .-~.,...".........._..~........'o.~>...'.--'".....'_... . ~..-.,.,..~~.."'''--'.." -'" 1 '$23 ~1;i5 ~ .1 !/i;n~~"'"-"r:..- ~4L$77~ ~_~_~_"""_"""""",_,,,_'''''''J___''_~_.'' ~ ..,0... , ..-----" ('4':r--" COUNfry OF ELGIli ~,"'''' ....'-, , ....".~~",...,.~>'" I...,.!...'" '.R" I', I '_".'r"'...I.~~ ,."_~",,,,,.,, '.....1.11,."'..' ._.....,.','.,.,,,....,..~~.._....... SPECIFICATIONS FOR I~10TOR GRADER. ~;--v-l_,..."......,. ,.",-,..,,1. ,...,j,,;-"'....l......',]",., ..,.".."'-"...,.~......,_".,.Io-...lIm!,,,. _1_.1..... ,..,1. ....'''"'-''".,'...... ...".,._..I',_"",~~ SEALED TErmERS plainJ"y marked as to contents will bE~ received by the Undersigned until - 12 NOON, APRIL 2.3RD, 1959 tor supplying F QOqBo 'Vlhite Station, Ste Thoma.s, Ont~lrio:-. One new llS~12S H~Pe Diesel Powered Motor GradE!tt'tl ~atest 1959 Model~ SPEOIFICATIONS '."",.',~t-,.",,,,,,,"""I,.t""'_"_'~"""'''''''I,.,''''''I.,,~.'';"'I,..I,I~I''',1liUt8 Diesel r.1otC)1* rated at 115-125 H@Po minimum wi'th electric start1ng~ .a1r 0:1.1 and tuel filters, Dour meterl, radia.tor shutters, engine hood sides, muffler ~ foot acc~elat;or) complete with winterized cab containing hO'b-wa1:;er type heater and defroster tan" Transmission - Standard Oonstant Mesh Type -clutclr-""'." $ 16n diame1ier minimum !~!i.~.~.~,~~4'41t!P~,~~ - F.ront and Rear Power Stee~ring and Leaning front wheels $ L8f7 Fra;rne ~ Weight pel'" .tOO'te Min1ml:UJl Section JL15,41ninimum@ '.'C""., ".... = 14$00 X 24, 12 ply Nylon front and rearQ M:oldooard ~~ Hydraulic shiftable lilo1dboard~ 360<) circle, "_.,,, ...,... approx1.mately12! x 25" x 3/4tt (I Minim.um Bla.de Lift 18" p.e~:.1.~ 2..wheeled hydra.ulic brakes 'l- I ~ $?,Aa..4. Front Axle Minimum Clearance Centre 26"(>> Scarifier not required\O .. 2 Head Lights 2 Tall Lights 3 Clus~er Clearance Rear Fla.r~hing Blue Lights front and re8.j~ (not OIl top ot cab) IYrAJ~~g~~~ - 4-l1&Y :Flashing Type Rear Vision y.ti.rror ~~tm~.~ Set of Tools LETTERED .Iet nOOUNTY OF ELGINtt on Beam -,.",'-...-..- ----Q--------------------- SPECIFI.OATIONS FOR MOTOR GRADER - Continued If a ~1Cila'L''''''''''J.~"_~''''''A''''''"'''''''"'~~'i'""''''''';';....u..,I..\,,,.. ,..~."._.'l"'; ,~. "...,..,.....J",_.,'"'..I,_~~,."'....,,""'_.,,,.,...,_"'..,"_'h All Biddel"s to use County Form and attach other information deem.ed pert1nant. 1S1!0lrf.,f~2~,,~~,.!I~(l - Tenders to have option of "$ (1) Supplyi.11g and Installing a new V-type sno\iplo"Vl and mast type or front mounted levelling wing controlled from Cabo (2) Supply and Insta.1Jing a reCOllditioned PloW' and tv1ngo This Plow and Wing t~o be' guaranteed to gi're service comparable to a new plOt](/) All components to be fl"ea trom excess wear or breakage, and to be cleaned and paint,ed. (3) Reconditioning and Remounting on Suppl:t.erfs Grader, the present Plow andt'iing from the County's Caterpillar Model 1112 Trade-in" P10\'1 to be recondit:toned and xtepainted to the sa"tisfaction of the County Q TB.A:OE-IN -:'1'"",-",.,-- J.." 1945 Caterpillar 1112 Grad~er complete with Plow' and \iinge If Plow is reconditioned and remounted~ state allo\~ce for G14ader,ttjl 2~ 191.:-0 Adams 11302 Grader. This maclL'tne mayor l'l1ay not be traded in lJ depending on a]~owance offered. B( Oith mas ~ch..i,nes ms)"y be v:tewedi at .9g~~~._.,g~l~~!j) ,~~~~~,~,.,,,~~~~2~ '.!._~,.~.e>>", ~ho~! $ at any tmetl LO\~ST or any Tender not necessarily acceptedo Re G et ~iOORE >> P " ENG ~J J COUNTY ENGINEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, STo THC~~S, ONTARIO~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ,... ;',,,, ",.",..,.!:ltl "_'.'0' ~H"'p" . """" .11"""'''1'''''>''1.." ..,., ... .."~,,,...,,... .I".,.,.......""'" i,,,,,,,,~.....I'_,,," '_'"'...1",';)" -,"'HI.. " ~!~ENDER FORM 4"'k".,,,...,~~,, "',1_'", ...., .,,,,,,..;"',4...'" ""."'~I"'''.,'~I"I,,,''J';il......,,,,I..,.'' ,....., i .w~;L~"~.~,,~~,, C-!~~ TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE OOUNTY OF ELGIN R0AD COr.lMI1:-.l'EE 4\ l/WE a~ee to supply to the 00oo't1 of Elgin, F .O.B. White Station, a Motor Grader as per Oounty Specifications. MAKE MODEL .c.I,."f'll"o., 0."'" ..""......,"1 Price as per Sp~ci:fications (a) Less allowance for ModelIJ12 Caterpillar (a)l_.""""". Motor Grader lidth Snow Plow and Wing. fl LL,p,W /l/'fCE raP. t b) LesB1) fl12~ Model Caterpillar l\llotor Grader without Snow Plow and Wing (If 'tenderer wishes 1#0 bid on reconditioning and remounti,ng Plow and Wing) (b) .,.",,- PRICE: (a) (b) ,.1..1.,,,,, ,"""".,. 1.11........ Additional allowance tor Ivlodel 302 Adams, if' traded in Prices on Snow Plows and Wings Section (1) New Section (2) Reconditioned Plow & Wing Sectic~n ( :3) Snow Plow and \ling from Cate~pillar #12 Recond1~ioned -",.. ~",'''". ,,,,,,,,..,,.,,,..- ~."~.,,,..,llJ .."""".'"." ..""',",, Attach details of your Plow and \'lil1g and proposal,s, on your lett erhead, and attach to Tender. u (\t , ~ d ~ ~\ ~~ oj ~ ~ Q: fiot_ ~ t:d , . 1 ~ G> (,) ~ ~ ~ ~ VA . o ~ ~ Q ~ 1 E-' ~ as ~ ti ~ 3 l ! t .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Q:1 ~ o ~ ~ ~ g ~ 4:4 S fs1 < ~ .,~ / C 0 U N T Y 0 F" E I.. G: I N ""'"11".,'''1-'',.''''_''' .,. ,I. ,..,..11.,"""""'.""'-"""""' "~'_" "'" ., """,",~.,'H"".",..."-"",",..II'",,,,., .", I ",., ,.,.- .;"...,It\.'W-~ BRIDGE CLEANIl~G AND PAINTIlIG ,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,,,"''''.'''' ",...."",.,,,.,,,..,,.<,,,,,,,,,.., """,."..,,'''''~- INFORMATION TO TENDERERS "..._~..,~............,.. ,', '_~I~~,....,."I., ..."....",.,,,,1.,,1 ,,,1._, I" _, '_." , """"",,,,,,,,, ,...'. ","" , .....,',.",."I.~', '~""",,'~" ".""..",....,.',.."..",.}..,_.".'....."'I',C.,'l'..'.~,.,",,,.....,.fPi'llIl...,,,,,,..,,-,,,,,,...1 Lowes~ or any Tender not necessarily acceptede TENDERS will be received by 'bhe Undersigned un1;jil. - ,12 NOON, APRIL 23RD, 19;9 for the Oleatdng and Painting of :3 Steel Bridges (see attached map). '" " (1) ,Por't Tal.bot Bridge on Coun'ty Road a , Lot 2Jf-' Conces,sion Xl Dunwich over Talbot; Creek Span 90' - to be pain~ed Green. (2) Robbins Bridge Lot ;. B,iver Road Sou'thwold over Kett,le Creek Span 12011 - to be painted Aluminumt) (3) ,\1alker Bridge on County Road; Lot 1. Concessi.on C Dun\deh, over Thames River Spa.n 240-. - to be painted Al'Uminum.fJ Work al$o inCludes paln'ting of an ArmCO steel deck floor (underside) and additional stringers which are presentlY being laid!) Work to be complet-ed by Sep'tember 30th, 19,9~ Rc Gill MOORE. P0 ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, ST" THOMAS. Q, ,",Q,J!"}~."~U."",...".",J'~,,,.~,...,.,,,.,~~~,J~~.J~._;t;",.~..", SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLEANING AND PAI~1:"('IG """"""''''''''~'''''''',t...............:tAIIf''~,,,,-,,,,,,,-~,.,,,,,~,,,,",~","..,~.....L~"'j. ;."),'.,'......".,,.......~"" ,-' ,.",1",. ...., ../iIIItII_I' ..,"',." ,.1,1."_",.."..,.,,, -., """.to Tlnl..EE COUh'll BRIDGES IN ....~...~~~~iI;i4 1 J- l diM" M....4...,i!..,~.~,..',..'c,'~ I"",,,,,. " WEST ELGIN. .".,~ .. . '~,"'J"'h"'; '.' '.",,,"""''' ..,~ ,'.", ,''''. IlfIN:l!IM llll l\fork consists of:- , (a) Cleal'llng1iscraping and brushing all steoltiork of dus"t,,, rust" blistered paint~ etc. $ neces~sary to provi,de a good surface 'to a. red lead pI'imer coat,~ (b) Spra:ringon a red lead primet'<llll (0) Spraying a cover coa.t of Aluminum or Gre~~I! paint (d) Spra.:ring a touch up,coat of Aluminum or Green paint.o Cleaning -to be done t,v 'the sa.tisfaction of the COVIit," En~neer or his replo.;esentative", No paint,ing to be done urit:11 the . County Er:.gineer approves in wri:ting the clean:tng of the Bridge tI 2~' .l~ Each coatI' of paint to be inspected and approv~;}d by the County "Engineer before 'the follolfring coat :ts applied I~ Ooun:ty ot Elgin .'~rr...tll supply paint J including red lead primer ~ at 'the County Garagefi Alumlnum vehicle and A:LUminum pO~ldel'f t,() : 'be miJt9d by the Contr"actor, as per 'instru.etiollS;g Contractor to carry Workmen's Compensation In~3uranceand Third Pal~ty Liability Insurance to the satisfac~1on of the County_ Contractor is to maintain. traffic at all timej~" and.to furnish all lights>> signs l1 barricades, l~1atchmen and f'lagmenli' e'te., necessary rOl~ the maitltainence of traftin..r l~$ ;(1 ,f' 0$ ? (J' Each Contractol<1l t,o enclose a Oertit:t.ed Cheque' for"lQ%'of the Tender AUlOu,nt ~lrd~n bidding) and successful Contractor '~iO post a Bond f:tt,om a Guaranty Company tOl~ 1,00% of 'the Total Bid~ No pain:"Ging to be done when surface is wet or thewea:therf in 'the opi.ru.on OJ~ 'the County Engilleer, is too cold e Genexttal Spec:tf:l.cat:,ioI16 of the Department of High\\~YS of: Ontario :tn regard 'to Br:tdge Clean.:l.ng and Painting must be adheu;ed to~ Paymellt for work will be made when oompleted. ge 9..; lOt, R~ G. lKOORE, P. ENGQ ~ COUN'l.~ ENGltIEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOJ:.1AS, ONTARIO 0 'l E Ii D E. R to'"''_III.',',.''':''''''.''''''''' .1"", t,.,."", FORM m;t;g...QLE~~\R. AND PAINTING IN ~ijE ..Q9U~'n _or E!iG;!:l! ' TO THE CHAImJ1AN OF THE COUN'fY OF ELGIN ROAD CO)1f4IftEBo 1./WE 'the undersigned, having examined the SpecificatiOns and the sites of t>heBrldges and fu.llY underst;anding 'the 'lIOn t;o be under taken, hereby subm1:t our bids as tollows:~ I..UMP SUM ,I. Ill'''''''' 'I. ",'" II.""'"'' . ""...", "'."" ACI (1) Cleaning and Painting Port Tatbot Bridge I.' '.' ~~" ..oN,'''''" (2) Cleaning andPainti1ng Robbins Bridge ,~"~. . ..",'''1........ (l) Oleaning and Painting Walker Bridge -, ~, BQ Cleaning and Painting of aU T..HREE f'r'..dges "I.,I_I,.,.'."'..v...............~"'~.,..,. ,hi" .,............0..""'....--. 1/WE under stand that; the contracts ~ be let ind.1.vi.dual1.Y, or 'togetherli as decided by the Road Oommitteeo l/WE enclose a certified Cheque for 10% or the 'lender AlllOun't, payable to ilTreasurer of 'the County of Elginft& If Bidding on all THREE Bridges, 10% 'to1ial is suf'f:ic1en1i. l/WE agree to c~le'te aJ..1 work by september 30th, 1959. ,. ,....,~, ":.-;..~'--.......~_.~,.........,...._~...........>....,."'~..,.......~....."~"...~........,.~.,., ,,,,-- CO~~.c't(.ACTOR. . ._....-~ ...-.. _.~:~'(J..~.'q.~Jif~~=x"':~.~.~.~r.J?..~ . .~..~~L". ~. I~ ~~!l.?q~ ......~ ~J;~:r..~g,~..,,~9?~ let Fred Kirk, Port Stanley $200000 ROBBII~S ~....' , "'" .......... "... ; . .. $350000 "'...,.w~~.. $1,200>':'00 . TOTAL $l~ 100.00 TENDERER PORT TALBOT ;,....._~,~_.:_~.-:- u~..'~,,_ ",,_"'~'."'~ ,........~..,._'".......~..I....,.. .._.............___......-etB. ..~ .,........., .."',,.',__~3If... ~"""7'~~ 20 B. &; K. Pa1nters &; Decorators, . 459 Grey Street~ Lon.on~ $32.5 GOO $577QSO $1,320000 $2,222eSO ~___,.__..~_.....~.~l'J'~1.~.___...__,..~~~."....a..'~'~. ..~A.tl.t.-'>ttl~'f'...HIl!::,J.h""~......._.~.,;...:~~"1:;v.~.~~.~~~~~._"~L?.........,...~~~_.__"..._.$l.._,,_..._~,- ,A.:1ill J.. IIGt ....~s~~_,jo-_.,...,.~...,.....,.,J... ,;.~"'m;.. .....,.. ...... .."._..-..,......-r.."~.__...w....';,,....u.:_.,.;.....,.,~~~.~ .."--,~'~,,,..._..~.,,,,,...., .~...___.,..,.<".""-'..,.......J,...."....~.".,~........-'~..,....'- 3 ~ Gordon MCGaw, Fingal $418 e.36 i623Ci75 $1~4406;2 $2s482e63 p ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ","," ".".... ~~ N. r4artin~ 6 Princess street, St. Thomas. $399.20 ~470040 $32)176,,00 . $4,045060 ,,- s (l Ont8.1'io Bridge Co G, L td e ) 26 Queen Street East, Toronto~ $910eOO $1~265~OO $2$150000 $4s300~OO ." '"... . .,', .".,.....- r"'......... '.., ,....: ... I", -".."." \ t~,"";''' ~,r1'" COUNT l~ ELGIN au~~~~.\, """"~,,,,'''.A'''-'-'_~''''''_.Jzt:QIltl.~....,,~.,..........,...... ~222wl!Ji!~~J1~tHUI!:fffi~~A~~.", ,~.~_~I;YI~~~ \ lc, STONE: AND SAND e&~,~(~',,'f4:.'l.1'!'I(1l1~M""~~~_>,~,,_",__,_~lC&l It{lI,DIMAND QUAHRIES LIMITED ) CANADA'CRUSHED AND CUT STONE LTD.} FflO.B~ HAGERSVILLE~ CAYUGA 4~UARRIES LIl'lITED>> , FLINII'KOTE COM."PANY LI1VIITED ) CAYU(1rA~ AND PARISf} 1" and 3/4t'l Ston~} 3/6*' Chips 1/4f1! Chips Sand Screen:tng = ~.l 0 00 per tOJOl. $lQ30 per 'tOl1 "'" $1$40 per to!1 fFli ntkot'te Co ~ Ltde) ~ 01;1; per t()n Flintkote COtlLtdo') - l(I 1;~ per t()n Hageraville9' " StO!lf.;; prices same as las~ year 11 with the e~tception of Sel~EHan:tngs v \ihich were o60~ per ton. . FXlIeightR :1.s iner~u:\sed from Hagersvilla 'to St,o Thomas rl~om $1030 to ~lo50 per tone J ~"_';"""''''''''''''~''wC''lJ'''\' 'l' "-,'~~""""_"";"W"'J,,:....,I{~ ! f) BJ:~rUlv.crNOUS MATERI,A.I~S ~,~_~"",..,___..,..I;~~liI~~~Ji:Yl~}~"UGW->> (t-t) IMPERIAl, O!I~ LJ]iLl:TED~. SARNIA If~~, "-,~.......,,,..",....;,ftU,..,,,,,,,,,".,.....m~_~.,....,,,,,",,~,_~~, '.,..'" ..._''l.......,,~..~.....)-....,' ....., ,...:, .. ,.... \' .,.,.,~ D@H@O. Primel~ .. 2101~ gallon del.ivered tank cars Elg:l.l'1 County 1706~ F.O~B~ Sarnia~ M.ttltI'P., Aaphr.:'11t" (Mulch) 21Ql~ gallon delivered tank cars Elg:tnCounty 1106~ F~Oil?BQ Sarnia", - 21el~ gallon delivered. 'tank cars Elgin C01Jlllty 17e6~ FoOQB~ Sarn1a R ft C If) o. .... R 6 C ~ l~ -- 22 <.)2 V. gallon o.eli vered. tank cars (SUl~raCG Treatl~M~llt) Blgin County 18~7t F~O~Be Sarnia M.C.O~ - ;M,.C..!} 1f.tn!C.._.'.,.,_~".~:;y~.,~"...........:"';i....:,~,,.......,.,..~.~.....,<I'"~""""'''''~"'''',.....""'"~~ (b) BRITISH A:0:1EHICAN OIL CO~ LTD@ . CLARKSON.. ti:tjir.~tW~~..4#.t,~iIMt~,;,.vt1I1l11,\I'l.~"".-..,__-A~..~....,.,.....,,~>tff(.~Jtfi"I,~,...-,...._,_~.",..."...t~'-"",k,...,...~"., Prices the same as Imperial Oil Ltds (c)T 9j!IYlj;!L.!:ttfJ:Y.PJ1:J~,,~JJ~1.~!~~J;t~;..... "HM~P;l~Q~! - F 43 0 0B e) HamiJ~tonfb Prlnle1" Ii/I: 03-12 C/O $OQ21$i par gallon - O@218~ per gallon Delivery via Thompson Trucking 303~ per gallon anywhere in Elgin County. . PJrices of Prime :ts illcreased 21110st per galJ..OJll. \'2:""",,--;, ." 2, ... ,I Colas ~A1'11-()FJ;~@!.' 1!'.0 .B. " J,.ongbranc1,t. .. 2106; per gallon same priee as ).as't year- 2AN@J!>N ]1!Ut.'l!JL5 cQlltAfU J,.IJU.~P..]' 9. B. Toron'to. 1J1~'L$-1. .. 2]..6+ per gallon same price as ).as't year.. ,al , ...... ", "" ' -- )<>> COLD MIl ASPHAL'r _" ,","'" .-.""'"'''' ~" d'" ,....... l!llN1KO'l$ c~~_~ ~NADA, F.O.B. 1>ar18 .. $6000 per ton. ~GEB.SV1I..1!"~L'!: pl:"Q'lNg.c;O~' .. i.O.B. Ragersv111e. DUkOld - $6.00 per 'ton 1U~tD'& COlf$'mUCT ON co. J,.!p", F .0.B. London. _ $70ttO per 1;,on prices of nukold last. year ... ~5.35 per 'ton .------.' .'''.--------------- ..--,..., 4. ~,~~.:~~ ~Sl))!,...9.9.N~ON co.~:r.!l!, F .O.B. London. ..", $;0;0 per 'ton !AGTmJ!J:.y~.T:'"J\,11!~9:..99. J:.~9 ,~.O.B. waravilla. _ $6000 per ton A. COPE &. SONS'L'rD, F.O.B. J,.ondon. a.L.a and Binder ... $5.,0 per 'ton R~Lo)~ H$Lo~ and S'tone Fill.ed -- 5. .Q.A.!&..I.Ub1 C~R1DE_ ", { a) AJ.iI.!l'ED CH.$~'~ CA~A "L.1ll., F.O. B. Abmert.sburg. , ' .. $37.40 per ton lsameas' ).as't year) 9. eo It Freight. 'to CO'Wlt.y 7 .20 II Via ThoIllpson crrucldn& !t();vl,.Q.~lo'l1~' through B.A. Gr1ff:Lth &. co., ~ndon. " ' " l 71" SV1fI pUl'e) Dowfla.ke - ~3'1 ,40 per 1;on, F. 0 · B. Anmert.sburg ,.5.000 11 It 1i'1"eigh~" tot.al: ~~ ' Dow PeladOW' in bulk 19'" jO pure) _ ,2.;0 including Freight, 'to Elgin _ 42.ao e~u.iv. tiC {77-30f0 pure) lb) .., , - 60 ~3- C~~A SAL'r co~ANl L'rD H1ghwaY ?ine .. Ba.gtl> 11el.1Vered .. ~6.;0 per '\;On f.O.B. OjibwaY" ljpll.OO" " for DnS~ Laying. 5It'f0 SAL'1: LIJ::\l'tED... ~o l'rices availa.b1.e. 7. e1~~..!.. tal 51. MAt!,'P5 a_Nt coW;'Am; ~ .. I' .2; per barrel, ?O.B. Elgin 11\ paper 'oa.&S DisCoun:t. lO~ per barrel payment. \ri.t.h1n 20 da.1s. !reigh't J\l1.owance given t.o 5 t.raftord.'\l'i.110 , o 5Z'f pel" ba'X'rel1 ?rice las't year $3.90 per barre1.. Bulk c~nt.... $3.00 per barrel" SaJIle d1scounlPo H1..EarlY st.reng\ih C_n't .. $4015 per barrel in paPer bags! 5eJll0 diSCOunt, ifI tb)~A CE\~Nt CO. L1>>.. ?'tices 'the same a.S St.. liia'l'1' s celUent. co. fi. ao~C1\'!\!~ ?1?B ANn V1.1Rl1l'lED clJl,1 ?l?!' CANADA 11t1\lflED FRQP.Y&'r~ .. AS per liSt. ~AGAl\A .,gQNCRE.,I! ?lm .. AS pel" liSt. ~f!....& SONSl!m.. ... AS per liSt. Sales 1a~ 'RelUOval baS reduced. price l~! however, sOlUe pr1Ces b,ave iJ\.Creased.. -~ 9. COl\.RUGA.'1$'D Pl?! CUL~1 1i'1.r11IS Q.uot1l$ Asphalt. coat.ad. or AsbestoS 'BOnded. 1'1pe:"" ,W'l..90 ~NA.GE &:. t,ur,'tAL l'RO'DUC1S" AS per l1st. ROBER1S'EEE"L cAll A!! A "L'fU. .. AS per list. ~l1c'fS 11m. .. M per list ~ U9.~1U'1:Jl. .. AS pe't 1.ist. ~ ... AS per 1.1st. ~'f &:. IJlE'tAL l'RO'OUC1S L1'O. .. AS per 1.1st. ~ .. As per list 5ales 'rlUt 'Rell1o'ITal ha.5 l.'ed.uced prl.ce lat.. ---- -4- AI 100 tuS~;.cOR P:tPE j,"L"".",jIO"""""""""""",,,,,,"'''H''Hl''~ 'ARM.CCI.DRAINAGE & ~~!l-L~()PtJq'ta. - As per list ll~ PAINT. . . ~,":"""';'~'I,:":"~""'~': ,,", ,. p'J;~. P~g~J:- J[M.t:m~~J D~~~i.,~>" ~~~~~,:- Red Anti-Corrosive Aluminum powder Aluminum Vehicle Red Lead Aluminum 1.1iXed OrIlsn sound Other Paints:~ I ,~I:""""" :.. ,"'" ','.H........._ Guide Rail - Orange SCOTT'S. HAMILTON .'L "".,'" '. ,,' ,I. I..', ..,. ",,_ .... ., ,I,',," iI"" I ,. ,~., "',1,1" '''Red Lead Primer Aluminum Pain't Dark Green Bridge Guide Rail - Orange BRITISH PAINTS LTD. OakVille "",, . -,,' ,.."," '" <<"". ", """ .."'" "" "" "," Guide Rail$ Orange Red Lead TRELCO LlfD $ Torimt.O .~"""",..".,,,,,,,..t Red Lead Orange Enam.el Bridge Paint .11"1<..,I,.",,,,'-""'~"L',i'lI' _ 1~'085 per gallon ~ '1975 po1,U:ld _ 3~10 per gallon _ ~5070 per gallon _ ~;o65 per gallon _ ~4095 per gallon -1'060 per gallon _ :~$60 per ~on .. 5.60 per gallon _ 4e30 per gallon _ ~$20 per gallon _ ~3ea9 per gallon _ i5025 per gallon _ ~4e90 per gallon ,~ ~~e2~ per gallon --"","" .. lmID'S PAINT SER.VICE', sto Thomas -., ,,,,,..,,,,, ",,,,,.' ".",.' ",,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,' ",,,,,,,,,,,."',,,,,,, 10% Discount on all purchases~ 12(1 OHEtJ1ICAL WEED KILLERS "~I "'.""' ,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,"_'J,,''''''''_''':I'1 CHEMICAL SPEOIALTIES ASSQCo , ,.,," ,," ,'" '.', ""~."'M"'" "',',''',.",.~"..",....".'''''''''''' ,;,""""" """",'-" ,,,..'" ,'"'' .". Sarma Calso BrUSh Bane" l2aQ15o Low Vo1at1.1e,- lJ.2.1.5 gal10n 760S OZ~ equival.ent - ~7030 gallon !.M<.t.~.BM@.9~~.J;tQA.~ , Burl1ngt.on. COlDllWrcial. Brush Killer, Low Volati1.e or Ami- Brush Killer - $a.70 per gal10n 76eB OZI1i 2ly-D and 2 ~4-t ;-T - ; - 120 ,.QH~l~;Q~,.J~~.)~Ikf~~{?' (Oontinued) SHELL OIL 00. OF OANADA Toronto ~.,~>.,." ....~.."~..,..,,...... .,,:. ~'" ""~'+""".;..,~:;l:lII!~_'fl! .J.WJlNI1.I'L.." >.;l." "'. ~ ',J.""'_,~," ""JIll.' Shell Bnlshkill Ooncentrate 1,3;.,. L0 V ij,l ~ 12 112 OZe 24-D 2,'1+,5-T .. 11100; per gallon 76$~ O~O equivalent .., 7 {il~ per gall.on CHIPMAN CHEMICALS L'rn 0 Ham.:tlton _">""'~'~H _w". -w"..,~"".,._"...,,_~_,_,_~,___ ., 76 Low Volatile Brushk111er- $7015 per gallon GREEN CROSS PRODUOTS Toronto ~"" ~" .", ",.',"""..''"",,,.,'''''''' ..".",. "","..."...,""...""~,,,. '..,..ow, ", Green Cross COuaercial Brushkill 96 96 OZiJ ' .. t90e3 pe:r gallon 76~ a os'. equi valen't .. i7 070 pe,r gallon DOW CHElttD:CALS OF CAt~ADA LTD ~ Toronto ~.. '~"""'\\'~~_'" .,"J i,'~",~"~h"","''',,',,','''''' "".'J!". .~.,,- """.''',1. II..",;,....,.. .'.' ~ """,.L.I,.,;."~..,""'~"""". '.'11;(""'" Esteron BrushkiLler, LO~l volatile Jill B. & DC! CO. LTD41 Unionville. . .. . . . ,,' -'.""."".' I..,I.......~.."'."'" II' '." ,,,',,".'-l,,.,,,,,,,...,1 ,-,""", ..1"'" ..1"1 I ,_".'.....,~"',,~...'.,I, ", ,,'., - $1~90 per gallon BrushkiJ..l Vleedanol, 76~eo.~ -= $6.,:;5 paJr gallon j"...'...."'.~."_..I.....lo;,,,.".,',..~.,. 13@ ~'ENCINQ z,,1A'rERIALS ~"",,,>,-~~_,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,~,,,~,,,,c,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,"--,;,'~~'_I"""''''''''.....~ !"~Q~~"~~~~'"'~~~'d,gq,~, ~TI?,o J FaO.B. St+l Thomas 0 948t::J12 Fence 7t Posts and Olips 16t Gates - til.33~per rod - Q 675 eclch - 24015 e,ch Prices the same as last year>> but an increase expected tn Summe:co ~,g~~J". London6 948...12 Fence 7~ Posts 16' Gates FoOoB~ Ste Thomas@ - llo 4 4pett r,... ad to "OfiJ 925 ea~ch -= (; 26000 each . NICH01,SON Brigden" "".1""""'" ""l'::". ,.Il.,'.;....l._......,.~l;.o..~....' 948-12 Fence Posts - $1034 per' rod ~ Q8e~ ea,ch .~.'l.o...--"'-'-"'.'J-".........."'"...........,....;.-i...........".;...I.'.",.l"..'...._....Jw...."......~...,"""';...,.........,...,'~"".. llf-t) OING' STF,EL .....,J'.."-,''"',.,,....'~~~.............o4>..."..~ BURLINGTON S~~EEL CO. r:rD. ~~r;zt~...;.""."'..~,.,..._....",......~~..'I'IiWl,~....,..';,.,.",.....,.4!-'.........'.~.",.,...JiI.tJt(...........,.",..I.................~'.....,,"",.,~ $51>>30 per 100 lbe F @ O. Bo Hami,lton Cutting, Sizes and Bending a:x.tl~a~ f.,'.....',.."t,.,.~'-".,.-'......,:_"'~..:..."",.'"'.,'LU'",.,;...."..,...~....,....._~~,_..' ",",,,,,,,,,,,_,,";,Iir4.l1~ 150 GRADER Bl..ADES 1fftA~~~1ZtG\.o..J.......".:-:...~ "...~,,,...,,.'~ _t~" J ~ D $> ADAlJIS CO. LtI'D III Pal~is . -$11'!:~o--each'F':'Cr~1f~-'"-Pai;;-fS'~- for 5/8 x 6n x 41tf x 6f1ovr Blad.es ROSCO M~TAL & ROFFING PRODUCTS Toronto ~-".~"OtTiiC1ITb~Blaaeff''''"-'~_.~- ~;";"'';''''''''''.H_~",,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~,,,,,,,.,,,,,,~,,,,,,",--.,.~,,.......,........-..,,."_...,_'~~"'<-';;~~~ , . a. 6 ~ 16$ TRAFFIC SIGNS ~"'I""~i"",...I""'l""",,\,'"""'l'II'''''''I''.'~ ST@ THOtll1AS ME'l'AL SIGNS LIMITED Sto Thomas ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, """,,, ,.",,,,,, ," """", ,'''''' ".'" "".,' ....t R.OSCO METAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS -Toron'to .........,..". """"""""......"".,,,...,.,,,,,,,,' .'''. ".""""",,,.," " """"",,) I t.llll..l 17 G CEh'l'ltE~LINE MARKING 'II.., """'1'1"''''''_.'' "~""'''.I., '1,,1. "L ",I"..." ','.' ,'-<' "I,', ,I' ".""" STe THOMAS I~TAL SIGNS LII-.1ITED St., Thomas -""'''' "..."""" ""." "","",.," ,. """,...,.., '" , ",,', ,'," ."'" "'" ,,'," , 18Q ~D\4f~ ,J\iltO~~~~~",,) PI) K. HARD\iARE DISTRIBUTORS St9 Thomas ''''', ",,,,,, '" ,,,,, "', ", , """, """",,'"'' ' ".'" , J.. T. \iING & COl~lPAliI London ,_ , " ,..""""",," _u" '''''' ",,' " ,. ",J ,-, ,,,..,, , , ""...... 19" FLEX BItAl'l GUIDE RAIL ~ I. """"";,,,,,,~.II ~.l,.. "",.,...,..l,.',,,,,,,;,,~,,,,,.,,,,,,' ." !~."'.,'" AlU(CO DRAINAGE &, METAL PRODUCTS Guelph onta:rio e ~"" """,,,,,,,,""'" ,,'" '."'"'''' ",.", "., "",..""", """""",. . , ROSOO ~mTAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS Toronto ", '''''''' """""",'.',,'""' ",,'''''' ."" ,Hp'. "'". """'"'''''' "",P."'"'' "."" ..6~.w.:" ",.'1", ,,,,, . ,.". I 200 LUMBER """",,,,,,- WMf~ SAUNDERS Be SONS Dut~ontJ ., """-,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,"',, ,'., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,_. #1 Western Spruce 2x4 MARLATT LUMBER Ste Thomas ",. "".'. ,,"' "."'" ",,,,,, """".,,'" , BEAv.t5R LUNBER CO. Sto Thomas. -,,".,,',""''''.'' ".""",,,,,, - $1t't30 per M. - $1020 per K S't. 'tl\O'W\S, ON'tA.RI0, A.PRIL at.h, 1959. court Rouse at 1.30 ~.m. .t~ t.he e~cept.ion of pJ,L MEMBERS were ~resent. W:l. ," - · " . ~!\B. 't S. CA.LD'lJELL A.ND VIR. 'I!M.. E. cool\B warden Llod S. ",urI. ..,. · of D. R. o. London were alSO ~resent.. 't~ ELG1N coUNT1 ROA.D CO~'t'tEE met. at. t.he .. 't~ VilNU'tES of 1l\.arch lOth and 1l\.arch 20th meet.ing were read and approved · 1't \l1A.S 1l\.OVED 1)1 SBC01\\DED 131 'tl\A.'t paY LiSt. #9 - tl,229.65~ and paY LiSt. #11 - t12,a56.10 De approved c. BLUE B. ~B~lL1J paY LiSt. #10 - $6,451.32 :tor -payro.en:t. Cl\.RRIED · asked to VIR. W A.L'tER NBLS ON met. wi t.h co1lffi\i t. t.ee and d I, t 5 con.];. 1)aynam, purchase a port.ion of Lan, 0 ' t. g to for Road A.llowa.nce, purchase aJlloun :l.n co1lffi\it.tee decided t.o vieW ~ropert.Y . not. reCiuired appro~imat.elY ~ acreS. on A.nnual spring Inspect.ion. 1't \flA.S l.J\.OiJED 1)1 SBCO~lDBD 131 't1:ll\'t we have Road Ins~ect.ion on l\pril 13th, . 959 '_ Bast. Bnd, t.o meet. at. 1959 _ 1jjest. End, and A.pr:l.l 15t.h, 1 t.he Court. Rouse at. 9 a.Ill. \\. LIDDLE \\. HU'NTER 't.t. e reviewing 't S Cl\LDIflELL addresS co1lffi\:l. e, , VIR. . . ,e)C endit.ures on . d ^lloWance W:l.dt.hs, l' ~ard'l.ngRoa ~ d some problems reo d t.he planting an . ' t.he ne~t. 20 yearS, an count.Y const.ruct.~on :l.n · d t.heSe it.ems in t.he ..:1 a \\e reV''l.e\J'.Te a on Count.Y Roauo. ' cut.t.ing of t.reeo' t.l~ complet.ed report. ~ li1~h~aY$' recenJ D nartn.len:t OJ. h~t? light. of t.he e~ ,- ised the need for . and street.s, and emphall. · on 1iuniC~pal Roads ,f b.e nro'oa'olY large ~ncr( , . the ~'l.~ht 0- t ~ ''''~ "'or t.he fUt.ure,:l.n a plann:l..'!':> J- ' .' e ne:l(.t. feW years. ~~.C ~n ont.ar:l.O ~n t.h in trai. .1.1.. ~ ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO. A.PI1IL 8th, 1959. _ 2. - MR. C~LDVmLL and CO~~TTEE also discUssed the problem of drains, catch basins and curbs and gutters on county Roads in urban areaS and built-UP areas of local municipalities. ~rr. cald~ell stated that under section 54 of the High~ay'Improvement Act the local municipality should do thiS work and obtain subsidY on the ~ork, and the county should not do this type of ~ork. 1 T ~'.JI\.S ~!\.oVED 13:{ SECONDED BY . CLI\RE BLUE E. LIDDLB THAT the poliCY regarding drainage in built-UP areas of local municipalitieS be as follO~s:- The eOUNTY ~ill not payor do any ~ork pertaining to drains; curb and gutter; catchbasins or street cleaning, either ~~intenance or constr1.\ctiOn, as section 54 of the High~aY Improvement ~ct forbidS the county to do thiS ~ork. MuniCipal Drains to be judged on their o~ merits. CA.RRIED. A LETTER from V~. J. B. Wilkes of the Planning & Design Branch of the D. H. o. regarding the treatment of RoadS in the Port Bu~iell area ~as read and diSCUssed. IT 1tl~S 1-~OVED B1 R. mJNTER SECONDED BY CLhRE BLUE THhT ~e appoint Warden, Chairman, and Reeve of Bayham to meet ~ith the county of port Burwell regarding e~tension of Highway If=19. CA.RRIED · THE ENGINEER reported regarding the Insurance of ( Garage ~IDr Wind Insurance. 8T. THOMAS, oNrorARIO. APRIL 8TH, 1959. - 3 - IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL H. HUNTER THAT we insure the County Garages with Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Company; The Main G9-rage for $45,000.00; the Smaller Garage for $4,000.00 and the Rodney Garage for $3,000.00. The total Premium for 3 years is $338.00. THE ENGINEER reported:- (1) Contracts had been signed by Looby Construction Ltd. and Alrex Contracting Limited for their work: at Richmond Hill. (2) Clearing was proceeding on Wellington Road Extension. (3 ) Spring break-up was not as extensi VIS as had previously, be~n feared. (4) The Walker Bridge Floor was being repaired. (5) That some Culverts had been heaved by the frost and wash-out had occurred. (6) That Watters Brothers were to strip top soil at the White Station Gravel Pit, and McLaws were soon to start screening sand. (7)) Tende~for the Dodds Creek Bridge Wl3re to be opened on April 21st, 1959. A LETTER from JYlr. Howard Goomber, with his evaluation of the Acre property at Richmond was read and discussed. The Engineer w~y instructed to try to splsed up proceedings. A LETTER ,from the Township Road Superintendent$' Association was read. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE GLARE BLUE THAT we grant the Township Superint'endentsf Associatio,n ~~25 .00, as per their request. CARRIED.. ST. THO~UtS, ONTARIO. APH.IL 8TH, 1959. - 4 - THffi~ PROBLErJ1 of Bridge Painting and New rJlachinery was discussed. The Engineer was instructed to obtain more information regarding Floats. IT viAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. HUNTER B. NEVILL THAT we empower the County Engineer to call Tenders for Bridge Painting on the Port Talbot Bridgel: Robbins Bridge and Walker Bridge, to close April 23rd,.1959. CARRIED IT VI AS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE CLAR.E BLUE THAT we empower the &OgNTY ENGINEER to call Tenders for a 125 H.P. Grader and a I-ton Stake Truck, to close April 23rd, 1959., CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL H. HUNTER THAT the Metting adjourn until April 23rd, 1959, at 1.30 p.m. CARRIED. '..../ ~'/: i#," , ~~~) ~"" "" _I '" '''' .CHAIRMAN. ~ o 0 U N T Y 0 F- E L GIN 1IIf,_''''jll,',''',,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,, .",_.1" """""''''..." '-~.."..."".."".,.,,;.~-.,~ BRIDGE CLEANING AND PAINTING >,_,.",." ,._1." ,.......".'..'''". "".",.".".,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..,,,,.,,..,,,,.,~ I N F .9-.J~ I~ A...~ ,ION TO 'rENDERERS '"~ '.".',". ..,~. ,,1\ .-'..,.1. / Lowes~ or any Tender not necessarily accepted~ TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned until - 12 NOON, APRIL 23RD, 1959 tor the Olean:i.ng and Pain'ting of 3 Steel Bridges 1( see attached map). ~ {l)Port Talbot Bridge on County Road a . Lot 2Jf... Conces,sion Xl Dunwich over Talbot C3reek Span 90f - to be pain'ted Green~ (2) Robbins iBr1dge Lot ;, R:lver Road Southwold over Kettle Creek Span 1201 - to be painted Aluminum. (3) . \falker B:ridge on Coun'ty Road 5 Lot 1, C1oncession 0 Dunwicht over Thames R1v4~r . Span 240*. - to be painted Aluud.num0 Work also inc:ludes painting of an Armco steel decl:e floor (underside) and additional stringers which are presently bei~~ laid0 Work to be completed by September 30th" 1959 ~ Rc G$ MOORE J p" ENG. t COU~ITY EI'IGINl~ER J COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS. co'U'N~'L 011 ~LGl'N ~~ S1?'ECIilCA.~1 Ol~S ,0\\ C:t.E~'NING AN!) P AI'N'f!NG E'E~ 11'A'tDG$& l,N , -~ 1. \ior\t consist.S of~" ta)' l~~fi~t,sctt~ref~n;~.a,une~;~~~r~oo~rodd.e a &o~d surkace toO a reil lea.a. 'P~r coat.. t b) Spra.1in& on a red. lead ~r. tc) spraying; a CO'\fer coat. of Al_;tnUll\. or t\l'een paint. td) spra11.n& a 'touch ~' coat. of AlUJDi,nUll\. or Green pa.i.nt.. 2 oleanin& t.o be done (,;1 t,he sa.t.i.&tact.ion ot t,he c~l t;:~.ne.1! o or \\1$ l"Elpresent.a.'tiVS. N~ p~~::~ t~b~l~x:t: oftba -erl-dge. 0013.nt.1 Engineer apprO"l'es ...n ~..... ..........,. 3. Each eoa't ot punt; to, be inspect.ed ~nd. app1:01ed '01 ",he 00'l).1\t.1 . EnlJ,!neer before t.'he !ol'lom.n& coat '1.8 applie · i:li ic1.l1ding; red 1.ead primer, 4<. oount.l of E1.gi.nlrlJ.1. su.~~~~ !~.f v~1.e and Alu:m1.riUoUl po\'fd.er 'GO at. tohS coUXl-t.y Gal'age. ..................... · i , .be ~d '01 t,he contrac'tor, as per inst.'t'l3.ct ons. ~ ~c~. 6. cont.ra.c'tor is t.o 'll\8.1.nt.t4n t.raf:t:ic a.t. a1.1. t.~te. ~t.::ni.&h a.1.l lig.b.t.s, signs, ~'1.cades , t/8.'tc\lIllen a.Xli er' ' neeessar1 for t.M 1ll0.int.ain.ence of t,raffi:C.., ',' ' , ,,' C t,ified CMQ.u.e for 1.~ of t.he '1 ,; Each oont.rac~or nt-o ti<<faC?~ a ana: Su.ccessful cont.ract.or \;0 poet ~~~~ ~:;. ~U:ant1 ~o~nY for lOfJ{. of t,bB 'rot.al Bi.d. ~ ' 'No pa.in:t~ '\;0 be (\One ~hen ~face is wet. or ~nt/ea.t.he1" . in tM opii:don 01: t.he 00'\11\:1',1 E~in.eer, is toO CO · , . a:rt :Ii of \\ig.b.t/8.1& of ont.a;rio 9. aenera1. spec'l!i~adt,)..o~sl ..o...~~~e ~? pa~~tn& IllUSt. be adheredt.O. 'In l"egarO. t.O ,.,1"'1. ga v "'~ 10. ?a.p:u.en'c. 1:01" ~01"\I: ".0.1.1. be ~e wMn e01ll'P1.et;ed. B.. G . lllJOilE , 1'. 'E'N<1.. COUN'fl 'ENGINEER, GOuN'fL Q1i 'ELGIN, OOUR't 1\OUS'E , 51. 1UOt'iAS, ON'tAB.IO · ~_ cl&ANl-ytm pAIm1NG IN 'r~ COtlN'rt oF ELGI.N ~ TO 'fl:\E C\U.lB.MAll OF TBE COtlN't.! 01 'ELGIN ROAD co1414I'1"tEE. , 1.f"t$ t.he unde'1's1g1l6d, bann& e~neQ. 'the speci.fi.cat,iO~S and t.he ei'tElS of' t,he Bridges and fUll.1 understanding t.he uol''It t.o be under taken, herebY Sl3.b'lD1t. our bi,dS a& follOWEl: '" k~ stm A~ ll.) 01.e~ and pai.nt.in& pQt't 'fal.bOt Bridge - - --,"'~ ~3) c1.e~ and pej.nt.i.ng \iallter Bridge lZ) C1.eani.n& and "paint.inS Robbins Bridge ~ B. cl.ea:n1n.g and paint-ing of all ~1R'EE BridgeS 1./1$ u.nder at.and t.ba'li t,he cont.'1'aet.6 ~ be let. ind1 ,p.Q.uall.T t 01" t.o&et.her ~ as decid.ed b1 t.he Road. Committ.ee. 1/'6 enc1.OSe a cer'Gified Che<l'1s fot' 1J1fo of t.he 'render A.rOOu.nt., pa13-ble 'to tlTreaaure'1' of t;'he cou.nt.1 of Elgin". I.f Bidding on all 'J:\lREE Bt'1..o.ges, l~ t.ot.al is su3:fiCient.. 1/1$ agree tio CVil\plet.e al.1. 11lOr~ b1 sept.etnber 30th, 1.959. '4fIil'1A~-- ~- . . ua.tie ,...-~fIIIt"'J---~ colttRAC'tOl\f,\ COUN:i&Y 01r EI,GIN ~1I.I~~"--.<......-,,,...J~""'_~~,, .".....,.,.....~..._,_.""".,_~_,._........"..._'...."',.~ SPECIFIOATIONS FOR MOTOR GRADERoo ~..Ali.::::-JS!I:tI~.t,..It>l'~""""'_~"_"'''''''i''_''''''''''''''''~''_'''''''''''^''.'',",,'''"~"""",,,,""....~,_~....t...~~ SEALED T.l1;NDERS plainlJ1I' marlced as to corrten:ts v,dll bler~ceived. by the Undersigned until 12 llOON, APRl:L 2.3R.O, 1959 tor supplJrl1:~; F t>>O~Biil White Sta1;ion, St~ ThorrJafl, Ont~ario:<!fj> One ~le\'l 11;G;l12, HfilF ~ Diesel Powered. r4crtor G:radlslll Latest 1959 Model~ SPECJ:FICATIONS ,----"'-- Diesel I.iotOIli rated at 115=125 HlijPt') Jld"nirJ1UJiA with electr-lc starting!$ a.ir oil and fuel f':tlters, {lO\U;l;) meter ~ ra.d1...s.tOJ~ shuttel"s" ,engine hood aid$~; , muffler' , foOt9' ac~cela:tol'l ~ complete liJith winterized. cab eontainillg ho.t-lmta~r typ~} beater and" detroste!~ ;ran., Tr~~smission - Standard Constant Mesh Type "m:ittc:lf"--""'" <<J:1 16t~ d-\ameter m:.tn:1.mwil "" ;~;:namti>eld ifli ners - F,l~'ont and 11emvt ~~~i:etT_;UlUllM~Q~~.ifIsr~ Pottor S teer:tl1.g and I.,e~l.nj..ng iI'ont lfheels ~ LB' In-. ~! ~ V{e1gh~ pel'" foo"to>). Minii~um Sectiotl ;l,l;,\fainiim}.m~ , ~re~ => ll$-eOO X 2;'('51 12 ply Iiylon fro:n:t and rear<\) 'nn.~ - Hydl-'aulic shiftable rJlold..board~ 360~ ci:c.cle, approxin"iB.tely ,12 ~ x 2;ill x 3/ l~)llil Min:lmum Blade Lift la~i ~l~tn..g 2-tiheeled hydraul:tc braltes .,. PARkfNG 8RI-) ~c: Fron-t Axle, Minimum Cleal>:la.nce Centre 26" w Scarifier not required~ ~~ .. 2 Head J.Jights 2 ,!ia11 L~.ghts :3 Cluster Cleal~a.l1ce Rear Flatshing Blue Lights front arld rea:~" (not on top of cab) IB!:~..c~!s~!" - l}-l~ray Flashing Type Rear Vision,Farror Set of Tools 1,Ej:".l.~R.'ED ---,,-- - "COUNTY OF ELGINu on. Beam __.__<'a_______,_______ _0il0""'~"'_<<U'_ SPECIFIGAf.rlons FOR MOTOR GRADE.R - Cont.j"l1ued #2- ~~"..........u#o.~~~...~h ~ I 1it:rJ'Sl:/l:i nl't"',...,_""'...."'.~~,.,',."'..,.'";.'."....."',,..,',.,;,.JI;;K'.U All. Bidders to use County Form and attach .other inj~or:m,\tion deemed perti.nan'" Cl ..f!~"Q!_f.LO~Lfi!~_~~~g - Tend.ers ~o have option ot ... (1) Supplying and Installing e~ new V-tYl)e sn()wplcn1 m1.dL mast 1iype or front; mounted levelling wi~~ controlled from Cabo (2) Supply and -Ins'ta.lling a. reconditioned Pl()w and \1fit~o Tbis Plow and ~fing to b~' guara.nteed t'o gJL'lle Sei~\fice compilrab10 to a new plowo All eomponent:ato. be f!1ee from excess wear or breakage, and to l'Je ~~les.l1e(! and !>ain114ec1. (3) Recond1tiol.d~ng and Remounting on SupplieJ:-'s Gl--ader, 'the present, Plo\f. and .tling 1~om the Coun~~r~ s Oaterpillar 1.1odel (j12 Trade-lno Plott 'to bereconditi:toned and :repa1nted to the satisfaction of the County tI _!~ 1. 19lt.., Caterpillar 1}12 Grader complete w:t:th' P10l~ and \v1ng~ It Plo\f iiS recondit#ioned and .remounted~ sta:te allowance for Grade:r. . . 20 1.940 Adam1S #~02 Gr~der.. . This mach::\.ne mayor may not be traded 1n9 dep~9nd1ng 'on allowance offered. ~o~h maChiDh8s malY' be V1elflte~ at .Qg~;~:~I-.Q~~~Uj) ~.!~.!...,~~~P \ vJ.a at dI '): oms at any ::una lj) -".".. .-.,."....,....,... .",..,,- $ LO\1ESTol" any trender not l'lecessa.r11ya.cceptedo RA$ G ~ MOORE ~ JP.. EliG fJ , COUNTY ENGlNEJm, COUNTY OF ELG:rN, COURT HOUSE ~ ST (t THOMAS, OJt\ITARIO. COUNTY OF ELGIN ~-""""""",~""""""-----""-"-""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,-,""" -"""........,.~....,.- ~._.._"._..,._._~"".-.......,.~. T.ENDER FORJsi ~~~"""..-.l'"",,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,"....~...........w..-<,,.,,,_.,';"j''',''',I,""~"";_'.~ .__..."...............,_.., ~.,.>~...." ~~",,~"~.;RR...,,~~@~ TO THE CHAIRl\iA.N OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RClAD COl.1MITTEEo 1/WE agree t;o s u.pply "to the County or Elgin, F.O.B. \\lhi*te Station, a MotOl" Gra.de~r as per County Specif"lca.tions It MAKE '~"-"""'~"'''''''.''j,,'''' MODEL ..,..,,,....,1".'.'. ..... .--'.",,Ioai ""....." ," Price as per Sp~ci:rications ..........\0."...'___""'"'"'........".....".., .",0'",.",:,.""....","".,,,,,,, (a) Lees alJ.owance tor Model #12 Ca.terpillar (8.) . Motor Gz"ader "lith Snow Plow and Wing" -~_.~.,~._..~.~.~.__._, -~.~--. ~ LLovJ,fJ tv G G Fotl? Less ,,#12 Model Ca:terpi 1.1. ar l~lotor Grader lflthout Snow Plow and Wing (If 'tenderer W'J..shest;o bid c~n reconditioning and remount:t.ng Plow and \'ling) (b) '."""._ . - ',0,1.."......" "', 11"~1" ",,,,,,. . '..,j'....,~....".. ...I..~ ,v ,_~."._ . j ,.~~..,,,.. ,'I '.""r ," . '. """.' ~_, ,,". (b) PRICE: (a) (b) ,..". "'~"'''..'' ....." ."",;""..DIIIf'4' Additional sllollance tor Il:lodel )02 Adams, if' tr!ided in Prices on Snc.w Plo't"lfj aIMi \~1ngs Seetic.n (1) l'lel'1 Sectlc:~n (2) Reconditioned Plow & \11ng Sectic)n (:3) Snow Plow and \;Jing from Caterpilla.r #12 Recondi'tio:ned ~~'_"~". "<iI_,...., I I.:,,...... ~~~.;",",".,'".,...;,~~"..,"~,..~",w""",..JlC'~a '" ~'''':''''''''-'''''''''_L'''O'l''''''''''':'''~-'''''''~''''''''''~I''"''''~''J.''''~'~'''' . "-',,.... -*tltt""'~i' .H..'I, --""" ',;,l'.',','".",...,.........,',..,.".,~ Attach details of your Plow and t'ling and proposal.s J OiA your lett sll)haad, and attach to Tender. Cj iJ r,,)l~ &-.~~i !:i:t : b'-~ t'~~~ ~~f ~ ~ r. ""Ii ~~~ ~:=Z~ ~~~ f~lt r. ~i fli,jt ",,~t ~ ~1',h ~, ,,~ tj"'~~ d~ "'~ t\J ...~ :.;;~ t>-~.. I ~~ ",o-",~ii . lJ'~ tt''>J ~~~ .'~t~ ~..~ ......" ~ ~f :::~ ~1 ~ f~J ~ ~ ~ ~ $ '7;"1 ~) .:.:~ ~"" fJ}' t) ~,) f~ ~"t F'~ t;;.J S.t r.;j t~ t~ ti~ ~ ~M ~4 ~ i 11 i ii ~ I j ~ (j i!i Ii Ii ~ t} .. If ~ ~ ~ N H ~ l! (t. i; ~}.~ o ~:~1 t":J ~ g; ,~ ........ t.-.1 E~ ~ o -i'+ ~ t) """. ~~ Q r~ <-, ~! ,,.. ~~{ 'd ~ ({) 8 ~ o r:~ ~ r.~ ~! t4 f-Z ~ :;;, ....,;.. t:r.-~ P:' K ~"'4 ~ ~ < f.... .~ ~C;1'<J ~ t,," o ~~ (;'j f?;i ~M n ~ ~ Ii J ~ ~ f U ~ , ! ,) ; 1.\ i 'I .. e>1;.Jt'J ~~ ,.~~ ~ ~1 1I',a...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;\ ~ ~ ~ ... '\iO con'\ient.$ \'d.1.1. bEl t'ece1.'\1ed '01 'the SiAi2J> 'rENDE.\l.S pla1.nl.1 mar~ev. as \lnde'):'sig,ned. un:ti1. .. 1~ NOON, ).?1tt'L 2,RU, 1.9,9 ~9J.~ foX' supp11in& 1.0.B. ~'te $t,at,ion, St.. 'tb.OteatW. 1. .. Nell 'f1:'\1ck. '\'f1.'\ib. St,a.k.e Bod11 'La.'\iest. 19,9 )'!.Ode1. ap~t,el1 G.l.'l1. 9,,00 'lb. Sl.'if.1.11.~ : ~'6 ~" r f'\.ttft; doC..... i.ndeX's 23' cu'bi. cinch di.SPUC-.ent, 1ld-niJIlUD" 1.. w>t,o'):'. V" l) 'J .. ' equiPped ~'th oi.'l fi.1.t.er. 2,. Irspeed 'transnd.SSion 3 . \:\eat,e't I uefTOSt.Ell" and. hiS condi t,i.on1n& S1S'te1l\ 1 'l1 It'osiJllS-'tel1 9,,00 1.'0. 4-. G. 1 . ~tu.e ce:paci.t,1 ,200...,$00 1.'0. ;:; .(\:1t1.El ca1>acit.1 '1,1.00 1.'0. , C h Ui.menSion a1>pro~t,El1.1 60 incl;l.eS . o. . It'o~t,el1 7' '.'It 9'\'d.'th ;6" Rack. 6 EquiPped \4i.t.'b. St.al<.e Bod1 si.~e ~\1'C. of t,'ne t,l'\1c1t 'traded in. o BOc1Yt, ,0 ~ s~1.ar idn ~~!!hao:ps 'to bEl i.neludeO- C'learance 'Li.e.--t,s a1l1 L...... ., .,:l, "",.. ., '0. ~i'I'\A1"S and \1indshi.e1.d ljiashet'S '1 . :a.-sun l1s01"S, 2..~1.nu.S.,;I.e.. r Z...s1de l.~'tt"Ors ~ Ui.1"Elct,i.ona'l S~lS ~ 1+.._1 l1.ashi.n& 'f1PEl) l). tl'~ .......", i'" V1f1 on 2 dOO't& ... ... ~ett.et'ed "COU'N'fi; 01 .,....".." ... 9. \ln1'\i l.'ai.nt.ed Rev. anu- ... . ~ 1.0 'tires" 6 1.'1.1 N1'lon it'Ont. . $ 1.'1.1 _1~. Rear i)'Il8.l 'ti.r88 on ltear on rea.r 1fro.d and sno'Vi 't!.~..r\ _at-el..... 700 )t 1.7 -rube 'tYpe. 51.6e t.o 'be a1>P""-'- .,r 1.1. S....are ltilli a.nA -r11"9 and carrl.e~OOQ -,:. "11 . r 'tire &~ as abOve .. I 6 'P11 Nl1.on,0 . n!o_t,i.on 1:,0 a.ccompa.n1 each 'fendex 51>eCi.ucat.i.9nS and o'therete::;~tc a;o.'}.l~a.t1 -rear S1>rin& oqui-p1l18nt. V1.ease st.a.t.e n~er ~f. i~t.'te1"b.ead 'to Ifendet' on. 'tennet'ed on. ~ . If k. '1.0 _1 'be seen a1 : 1.951+ Che'ttolet s~a.~~t~:it:.tt~:B S;:U-~O~, ~. t,\1.El ~ W~ t.O'iEs't or anY 'tender \'d.1.l. not neeessarl-1.1 be a,eeept.ed. 11.. G. ~, 1'. iNG., COU~ ENGlNE1S1t, co\lR<<t ROUSE, 5't. 'tl\OMAS, Ol\TABlO. ,,// ,I COUNTY OF .., , ",.,,,,,' '.Ii' ....., I E L G,I;,.J~, m~.,~~~p.~ FO~. r~'1;~RIA~~A@,. ~lJ.~Rg~1~e. 1, 0 STONE AND SAND ~Jt.Wt~, ,.,,,,,." ,'"....,'~,..._..,..';. ,,'''....' "...,.-;a HALDlMAND QUARRIES LItl/firED ) CANADA CRUSHED AND CUT STOllE LTD.) F ~ O. B ~I HAGERSVILLE ~ OAYUGA QUARRIES LIIlIITED ) FLINTKOTE COMPANY LIMITED ) CAYUGA~ AND PARIS<l ltf and 3/4" Stone - 11000 per 1ion 3/8'1t Chips - 1030 per ton 1/4" Chips -1.40 per 1;on (Fl1n1;kote Co. Ltd.) Sand - () 1S;. per ton (Flin'tkote Co .Ltd~ ) Screening - ~ 75; per ton (Hagersvilleq}l Stone prices same as last year, with the exception of Screenings, which were 060; per ton. Freight is increased trom Hagersville 'to St. Thomas from $10;0 to ~lo;O per tone 01,'" .,.'" 2 0 ~~~~N9-q~ ,.!~%'1;;ER~ALf) (al IMPERIAL OIL LII;lITED SARNIA w., """., "" ,.,'-' .....''''''''''" '.', ,..,,,"'" "'}",, ,'"'''' """ , D.B.O. Primer - 2101; gallon delivered tank cars Elgin County 1706~ F.O.B. Sarnia. M.I.P. Asphalt (Mulch) _ 2101; gallon delivered tank cars . Elgin County 1706; F.O.Bo Sarnia. M.C.O. _ 14.0.4 - 2111)1; gallon delivered tank cars Elgin County 1706~ F.OoB& Sarnia R.C.O. .... RoC.4 ... 2202~ gallon delivered tank cars (surface Treatment) Elgin County lao7~ FeO.Be Sarnia ""'-. .-/ (b) BRITISH A~ICAN OIL CO. LTD. CLARKSON. ~1 -p-- .~. ""'._ ,,' "Io"",_",~""",,,,,,,,,,,,';""''''''I'';'''''.' 1.',"."" ,.,._, "0" ;"""""_"",,'~I,,,J..,...,,-"'" ,~."",., .""'_'_0'".""",, ""d' "...,1.""" Prices 'the same as Imperial Oil Ltd. ( c ) T~ CURRIE :PRODUCTS LIMITED 11 HAMILTON - F .O.Bo Hamiltone , "'".,,,,, I..'."';""; ,'.1 I' ..",' ,", ,....",,,,.,, "".,.." "....,. '" ",111' ".."" 'L'" , ,"'" "I Primer -$Oo218~ per e~11on R.To3-12 - Oo21g~ per gallon Deliver:r via Thompson Trucking 30';;' per gallon anywhere in Elgin County. . Prices or Prime is increased 2~O; per gallol1. ~ ;;',~..;,,-~~ '''', G::l 2. - , \4) t$!.01 qA1i!I\D.lt" F.O .B. 'LOngb1"anch. ColaS - 2'l.6~ 1>er gallon satne }l1"ice a.S ).8.s1; year. CANA1)1AN B1TUl-'l\J'L5 COl-i'P I\1U 'L111\1,'I$U F · 0 · B · 'toront.o · ~~ .. 2l.6~ per gallon. . Sa.Jl\6 i.>1"ice as laSt; year. .. ------ -- 3. 9.QYL }'l1~'L1. ~1.li'tK()'{E COl~Atr.t 01 CAN~t F .O.B. l'arle _ f;6QOO per 't,on. mG1SRSlllJ.!E ASl'm'L't PAVING CO. L'tU. .. 1i' .O.B. ua.get's'Il'ille. UUk.old .. $6.00 per t;on ~..J.UE...90~'mUC'tl0N co. L'flh F.O.B. London. _ $7eltO per t,on prices of Du1told last. year .. $;.3' 1>et" 'ton ------- ..-"""",,.. ,.'---- 4-. agr ~ A~RA\ol Rl'lEB.5tUE CONS'mUcnON CO. t.'r.:O.~ F. O. B. London. .. '5050 per ~on mGERsvt~ASPBALt PAVING CO. L'tU9 Foo.B. l\age1"SVille. _...,~ . . e> ~6GOO per 'ton ~~s 'L"m" F.O.B. 'LondOn. H..'Loa and Binder ~ $,.,0 pet" '\ion H..'L03, B.L.~ and stone 'Filled ~- -.--- -- ,o~ ~ a) ALLIEU C ~ltC.U..s CA\ilA1)A L'tU., F. O. B. Abmer1#sbut'&. .. $'7 .~O per 'ton ~Sa1lleas last; year) 9.a<> \1 F1'eisht. t.o count;'1 7 020 "Via 'tb.Otn1>son 'ft'\1cldn& ~b) i.OW CJjll-~#2.' t.brough 'B.A. Grl-!fit.h & Co. t ~n. . . l'17..avp pUre) uowflaltEl - '3'7'!tO per t;on, F. 0 · B · Ah1Jl.81''tsbUX''g .1.000 \1 \I 1i'1"Sighti 'tot.a.1.: ~ DOW l'eladoW in bulk 19~'P1")re) . .. ,,2.,0 including Fre1.~'to E1.gi.n '" ~1. . BO 9q"lrl. v. t.o l77,,8070 pUt's) ., 3 "'" 6 0 ~..-t ~~,,::>~'t c~1'm Hi.gh_l Vine" Ba.$s delivered .. \l6.,0 1.>61" 'ton ~ i.O.B. OjibwaY .. ~ll.OO n n for DU.St, 'Layingo sU-rO SAL'1: Lt~ ~ No ?rices a.'\fai'la'ble. ~--~ 7 . E.Q!.'1:~ c~ltt~ ta) 2.'1:.~ COlJ!l?A'N'!.~ .. I~ .25 pElr be.rrel, ?O.B. Elgi.l'1, i.11 yaper bags Ui.scount. 1.0~ per barrel pa'flll'Elnt. \4i.t.bin 20 da1s. ii're1Sh't AllOVf8.ll.ce g1. '\fen 'to 5 t,1"a!i:ord:dl1.e I .,1.'~ pel" 'oa1"1"ell price last. 1ear '3.90 per 'barrel. Bul1t Cement. ~ $3 .00 per ba.rrel .. SaJlle diSCOunt. 0 Hi....l.ar1.1 S'\irength cemen't .. ~4-.l5 pet' barrel in paPer bags, same diseoun't. tb) ~KQA WlllSWt~. l1rJl. Prices 'the saJlle as S't 0 He,1'1' s ce1t\ent Co. ------ $. CONCRi'1:E 1.'lPE AND n1R1FUU ClAl PIl.'E CANADA ll'rR1F1.F.D pltODUC'rS _ .. AS 1.>91' list AGAll,A cONC~'fl? 1>11.'1. .. AS per 1.1&'\; ~ CO?~ONS L't~. ~ AS per lis't Sales 1a)t Re1t\O'\fal haS reduced price 1(1/0, hoW9'\fe1"l S01t\0 yriceS have increased. 90 ~11~ C'lili11!!R'! lir1JlS quo'tit).g ASphal't coated or Asbest.os Bonded pi,pEH'" &. Imt.'tAL PR9UUC'tS" AS per listc _ AS per liS'\? __~. _ t.s per liS'I.; ~:o~~.l>T~. - AS per list. \'lES'n!EL ?ltODUCTS L'rD. ~ AS yer liSt. - ~T &. IJIB'tJl.L l.'RODUC't5 L'rD. - AS per list CANADA CULVERT CO. L'rD. - AS 1.>91" lis't sales Trot Removal );laS reduced yrice lr.:!/o. - '~ -4- .. 10 () ~,~~"J?;J;~~ ~I.Q9 D~~U~qE &, I.:~~A:~.~~9Pl!.q'l:'~ ... As per list ,.j,u 11(1 PAINT :d", , '~<'~:, NORTHERI~ PAINT & VARNISH """",,,...",, ."'";...,,,,,,,,,",,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,.,,, """""".""""" ,',,' ,.... ,'''''''' .,.'"" ""..,,) .~~~ci.~~f:l:~~1i: - Red Anti~Corros1ve Alu.minum Powder Aluminum. Vehicle Red Lead Al.uminum Mixed Owen Sound - i50gS per ~~allon - ~lo 75 pound. - f3 0 70 per ~~allon - ~;o10 per Jgallon - ~; 0 6S per J~allon Other Paints:= 'i,'" "" .',', ; ..' "1. ", I", ~, ,"." ".." Guide Rail - Orange SCOTTfS HAI([LTON ..,,,,,,,., ..".".,..." ,...':.1.. ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - $4095 per l~allon "Red Lead Primer Aluminum Paint Dark Green Bridge Guide Rail - Orange BRITISH PAINTS LTD Oakville ,,,...,., ,.. ..... "','''",,,,. ""'" .,..." ",.,,,. "",,,,,,,,.,,, - 13060 per J~allon -4$60 per ~~allon - 5060 per gallon .... 4~30 per J~allon Guide Rail, Orange Red Lead TRELCO LTD a> Torilnto .' .,....,,,, '""""." "",.... ",',"", ,.,... j Red .Lead Orange Enamel Bridge Paint - ~@20 per l~allon - ~)eg9 per l~allon - is.Z5 per gallon - ~4090 per J~allon - ~4~24 per ~~allon REID 11 S P AIN'r SERVICE St C) Thonuu5 ,,,,,",,.,,,,''''.',.,,,,,.,,,., ...,." ..",,,.,..,,,,,,,,,-, 10% Discount on all purchases~ 12 0 p~M:rq~L, ," ~~Q,,!9:.~~,~ CHEMI,C.AJ~ SPECIALTIES ASSOG 0 Sarnia ."I'_'L.""..,..,.,.......".,...,"'..','....'"'''_'''',,''~,_,_.......'....".."-".""'"J.'.,"'L"""'.....';,,I~5l.......''"'''''"'....I....''',N'""""""L_""""""'''~ Calso Bt'Ush Bane..... 12l\ozo LOlA VOla't,:tle,- ~12015 gallon 76@g ozt... equivalen't -- ~7030 gallon NIAGARA BRAND CHEMICALS BurlingtOll~ """""""" "_"''''.' ",...,.."", ,,"v'"," ",.."""_."_,,.,, ,"..",.,, ..."" ""'.'''' .,,_..ll , Comxnercial Bx.tlsh Killer" Low Volatile or Ami~ Brush Killer - $8070 per gallon 7608 OZ,,) 2l&...",D and 2 >>4t 5-T .. 5 ~ 12" OHEIvlICAL WEED KILLERS"", (Oontinued) .....'............,'.....,,,".~,.I.H...,'~'., .,"~ '.',.~.". .'''..,' , "'~'";.,.j,....."'.....,,'>.,.,"~, _.,,,.'1.._""". ""',e.,. SHELL OIL CO. OF OANADA Toronto l'....I;~"" ,.,~ 'I, ''''i' ,,, ".1""" ...........',",. 1.,.,1.", ,"..01" ''''''''''''1, ,u~~, ,,,,,,,.,, ~; ",,)!_ I. ,~..; _, ''II ,~..".._u "',' .., ,j ,'J,.. ;. "o;IM.I' Shell Bruehkill Concentrate 11, LeVet 12 112 OZo 24.-D 2.4,5-T - $11005 :per gallon 76~8 OZo equivalent - $ 7of1O :per gallon CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LTD \V Hamilton _"'""". '...., ,"" ".."__M__'~_""'",,,",""'._""~''''''_'' t 76 Low Volatile Brushkiller- $7015 pier gallon GREEN CROSS PRODUCTS Toronto _...'w"" ',."'" ",,',,""""",.." ....'... '",",.. "....,,,,..,,,,..',,,.,,,,,,,,, '," ,,' ,,,"' "JO' Green Cross Commercial Brushkill 96 96 om (jr . .. t9 083 pe:r gallon 16QS oz'L equivalent ..., i7c70 pe:r- gallon now CHE&IICALS OF CANADA LTD" Toronto .......",,,, ,-.' ""I~":.,...",...,,,,~..- '"II.C.,\I'""''''" '" ."."....,.",_.....;, ',,,,. ".,,,,""',,","",.." ."."'."'.........,."",,,, '"..I..,'" .,.." "';"',1 "~ ,Esteron BrushkUler, .. $1 c 90 pe:r:- gallon Low volatile Jill B. &; D. 00. LTDe Un:Lonrllle. ........ .1. I.; I '1.I',.1iiIIlllM.. "'~." ..,11' I.",~, "I., ._~;, ,,,..,, .,.,I""".,.l:tIIIIII" "'" '.,oj,o.I.., "... I.', .1,1 ,_,..", I .., Brushkill \t/eedanol, 76 Cil 80B () -= $S ~:3; pe:r gallon .........,..,... , I .1"' ,.,.. """~ . 130 141ENCING t-4A:TERIALS ~1.....h.,I.<.",JI"." """"''''i~i''''_'''''_, "'~"'...". ", 'rtI', ",, I ,.,,,,,1,,",,.,,,, "._",,", _",., I FROST S'r~EL &, WIRE CO. LTDo F$O~B0 St,~ Thomas 0 __..,,,,,,, ""'''' ""''''''''''''"'''''",,, ,'" ',"'''' . ""'"'''' ''''''''''.. ,,,,,. ,'.'. f 94SQ12 Fence 7' Posts and Clips l6w Ga.tes Q') ~.. 1.33! per rod - 0875 s;ach fill) 24015 eJ,ch Prices the same as last year!i but an increase expected 'in SU&iLWer 0 HIGGS Londontl - """" .,,"'-~.. 946-12 Fence 1f1 Posts .16' Gates NICHOLSON Brigden. ,.., .""""""""'"'.,,,,''''''''' ,'" ," ,. 948-12 Fence Posts FoOoBo S~9 Thomas~ ~ tl.z.4 per rod - fO'(J 92; $lach .. ~26000 elach - $1034 pe:r rod <<=I (It 88~ e~ach .-.......,_,_,r.ol...",l..,~.."~',..ll~.,. ,,,,,,~.,...'.',U.,,,'.j,l~I,,,,,,..,,,,,,",';',I',,,',,,,,,," ".., ',"~'''' l~Q REINFORCIN,Q STEEL _...,....,,,,,":_,,.,,,, ""',.,,,.,,,,,....,,,,,,.,,,,...,,. BURLINGTON STEEL COlli LTD. 6l,JJ..I',.."..,.,.,',~."''''''"'",.,.ll'_.Wlll~t.L.;",.,,,",""'J,'."'!'~""", ..'"..1,,'."..'" .,'....."'.,.,,;. '. ""'. I,.,." $5030 per 100 Ibc F$ O. Bo Hamilton Cutting, Sizes and Bending laxtra€l 15(/1 GRADER BLADES ....~.~..~.".,..,~."..,....~,~.,''',. ,.,,,, I', ,."..:."""."",,, J.D. ADAMS 00. LTD. Paris .'.~1';'70-eacli "F~lr~ll;"Pari's'~' for S/8 x 6" x J!e,tt X 6vO" Blades RaSCO :METAL & ROFFING PRODUCTS_ Toronto "-$8 '~Onacli' "for "6f'-' :aladeif'... ...". ",,,,,, ".. GIl;> 6 Gii) 16$ !.~:ff~~,!?;1;g~~. 81'$ THOMAS ~1ETAL SIGNS LIMITED, Sto Thomas .,.... ,_.,,,,1'."'''''',1'' . ",,", .1,"".. .L' ""'_1,. ", .,' ;E.!~q9.~~AL,,& ,~~~Il'l~, }lR9D~Q~~,j Toronto ..... ... ~ 170 CENTRE-LINE ~ffiKING ~"."'A"""""'~~--",...,..o;.o~",,1f .......,...,. d,'".,_,. ~ ST@ THOMAS METAL SIGNS LIMITED Sto Thomas -."'''.".."'.."... ".' ""'" '''', ,".,..."",,, -., '''''' """'"'''''''' '. ", "'''''''''''' '.,.,. """ ,>> 180 ~PW~"" J~~O~~~,f\~.) Po K$ HARD\i/ARE DISTRIBUTORS St" Thomas '''''''''''''''''''' ",..",,, ""', ""', "..,. "'''''''' """""" '" ."."."",$ '~~"'!,<9,.""~~9:,,,.~ q9Ji~~~~g London 19~ FLEX BEAl4 GUIDE RAIL t! ""1 L"" ""." .'"'''' , ",." . ,. , ,.1_'" . -"" "'" I.' I. ~ .._" ..,. dO'" , '., ,. _, . . ,.,. ARMCO DRAINAGE & METAL PRODUCTS GuelphJ Onta,rioe '"" ','" """'"'''''''''''''''''''' .."..,... """"""""",.."" "",."",...:11 ROSCO ~ETAL & ROOFING PRODUCTS Toronto "'''",,, ," ",' ""'. "'" '"''''-.,''''.,''' ",.,,,,, ".,,,, ,,, ..."""",,,,,,,,1) c.'_~'''''''"~~...,,.,.L 20e LUMBER .......,...,.., ",.,.,.....,.. IJ"..,..M WM$ ,SAUNDERS & SONS J Dutton$ ".1"...",., "".,,1,. .L.".' ,,'..1,...,1'.., 'n,......" ,,,.,. """ '''..0''''.''''.1' .". .......-- #1 ~lestern Spruce 2x4 - $lG30 per M. ~ $1020 per M MARLATT LUMBER St(D Thomas "'''''''''''' ""'"." "..""""" """"'"'' ',,,,,J' BEAVER LUMBER COo Sto Thomas 0 .,11" """"',1.",;..""." . h..." ..L",'..... '__'C"".., .,',. '. '." ..I..,.. ,,,,,,..,: ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 20TH, 1959. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present; John HtI.X acting for M. B. Mccoll. MR. WM. E. COOKE of D. H. O. London was alsO present. RICHMOND HILL were opened and are listed on attached summaries. TENDERS for-OTTER CREEK CULVERT and GRADING ON A DELEGATION led by Fred ShivelY regarding Road 52 east of springfield was heard. Discussion followed on the problem. AFTER DISCUSSION and InvestigatiOn by the Engineer the following Resolutions were passedt- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVIl,L H. LIDDLE THAT we award the contract for the construction of the OTTER CREEK to LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED for their Tender Price of $54,,210.00, subject to the approval of the Department of Highwa~s. , CARRIED. Irr vilAS Iv~OVED BY SECONDED BY LLOYD Sit GURR C. BLUE THAT we award the RICHMOND HILL, GRADING Contract to ALREX CONTRACTING LIMITED of Georgetown for their Tender price of $31,815.00, subject to the approval of the Department of HighwayS. CARRIED " MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. _"_ _ "II ....2 .. s~. TnOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCn 20~n, 1959. ~BE E,NOINEER present,ed t,he Budget" as at,t,ached, and amended aft,er t,he opening of ~enders. DiSCUssion followed. LLO!D s. GURR C. BLUE I~ ~AS ]lOVED B'L > c SECOl\\DED BY ~nAT we recommend t,o count,y council a Road Budget, of b t. th a ,8l2,500 .00 for count,1 and Su'b1.lI'ban Roads, t,o e se WJ. mill rat,e of 7.7 millS. CARRIED · TBE ENOI~ER reported t,hat, sanders & sanders had not,ified t,he AcreS Brot,hers at RiChmond, t,hat, t,heir propert1 had 'been e~rGpriat,ed, and asked t,hat, a Real E,st,at,e Agent, be engaged t,o place a ~aluat,ion on t,he propert,y. I~ W1\.S ]lOVED B'L SECONDtD B! TnAT we re~uest, noward Coomber t,o place an e~alua.t,ion on t,he 1\.cre propert,y in RiChmond. B. ~B'JILL li. LIDDLE CARRIED · TEE E,NOI~ER reported:- . .' d P ~> ,~~e~o"~ had been awarded t,he \ 1) A.1.re:Jt Cont,ra ct, J.ng L J.mJ. t,e 0" ueO~ t:> u ,,~ orading cont,ract, on wellingt,on Road b1 t,he Sub1.lI'ban commission. \2) That, St,one waS being brought, int,o syringfield t,o place on Roads 4-8 and 5'2. \3) That, W. L. Ballent,ine were asking payment, for RepairS t,o t,he oalionorader, made in December 1958. \ 4-) ~hat nO Wind Ins1.lI'ance e:Jtisted on the countY oarage and other BuildingS. commit,tee instructed the Engineet' to arrange wit,h Sid E,~ans for such Insurance. d',' ...ead in vihich it, was t 5) 1\. let,t,er from sanders & san ers ",as ~ , st,at,ed t,hat, cor'bet,t might go t,o co1.lI't, in hiS suit wit,h t,he count,y. - 3 0- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ]~RCH 20TH, 1959. IT WA.S MOVED BY SECONDED BY R. HUNTER H. LIDDLE~ Tl~T the Meeting adjourn until April 8th, 1959 at 1.30 p.m. CARRIED. ~ ~. . ,~,. . , .,.," ,,', ',/ cy..~ ~ "\cf'/ r;I>' ST Q THOMAS FJ OlfrARIO I) MARCH 19S~~ SESSIOKc ~o THE 'WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE'ELflIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to Jreport as. followa:- 1 Q THAT the Cont:t-'act for the Grading on the ~'lellington Road has been let by the Sto Thomas Suburba:n Commission to Alrex Contracting Limited or Geol"getown :for $17$3000000 The tlork lnvol'7es Grubbing and the Excavatilon of approximately 90,000 cubic yards or material. 2Q TENDERS for the Construction of a Dri~ge over Dodds Creek on the Wellington Road will be ,called shortlyo This Bridge will be on a skew, and 10f? in l'sngth and will be built on wood piles. 3 Q THAT the Gontract f~or the Construction or a Tr11)le Box Culvert. at Richmond Hill has been let to Lo'oby Con,struction Company' Limited of Dublin. at a price of $5,4.>>2100000 \ 40 THAT the Gontract for Grading on the R:'..chmond Hill has been let to Al,~~ex Contracting Limi'ted of Georgetowll~ at a pl~ice of $.31,815"OOe This work involves the Excavat:i.on of 11.0 j 000 cubuc yards or material, a.s well as Earth and Granular Bacl(fill of the Culvert~ WE REOOMMEND:- lq; THAT a By",..Law be passed limiting the Lioad on certain bridges in the County Road System:- {a} Sinden Bridge (also known as the Eden Bridge) on Road #46 in Bayham - 5 ton~ (b) Dingle Street Bridge in Aylraer and Malahide .,... ; ton ( C:) Robtjd.ns Bridge in Southt'lTold 0:>> g ton """ 2. ':::;) 1959 o This By-Law will be 5ubjecrt 'to approval of the Department, or Highways., 2. THAT a By-Law dei'ining Sick Leave Benetit.S 1;0 Count.y Road Employees be passed. Sick Leave Benei'its have been in effect by Reso1ut.ion oi' the Road Commit.t.ee since 1951, and are now subsidized by t.he Department of Highways. The Audit.o1"s of' t.he Department of HighwayS have asked that a By-Law be passed, in order that our benefits may continue to be subsidized~ ). THAT a By-Law be passed increasing the Salary of the County Engineer from $6,600.00 to $6.900.00, effective March 1st, '1959. subject to the approval of the Department of Highwayso ~. THAT a Normal Road Appropriation By-Law be passed. to be allocated as rollows:- Oonstruction , "_."'--.-,-~'_..,,~-'"'.~' ".'~ ,>,"'''' "''"r"'--~''".''''-"~"'''-'-' ,"",. ,,,,,,,,, """ ," ",.. ,.,. ~200s000f)OO Ma:lntenan(:e ~."...._"..~.," "'"~" ...... "'I. I."".,..,."'~ i196~2000()O Total ~.._. ,,'" ..,.,.-",,,,,,,,.,,,~.,;_...:,,~ ...... ,;."...",.."".".,,~..........,,..I $396,200000 Roads .. "~~ I... """",,".,. ",,~,,-----,... '~,"I Bridges & Culverts lS,ooOIJOO 549 gOO ,,00 698600000 '" New Iit'Iach1nery Nil 2'9000000 .,,' I Superintendence and OVerhead io "f """ rrOT ALS : Nil ", :~4~OOOcOO I t240 v ooo.~" Y'Zg5 ,000. 00 ,,_,__~"',,','"'''' '"~,."~""',..".__""''',..."'',,..,C,,'',,..- 31.. ~ 000 @ 00 t.,' ,...' . . .;..... .:j ~~ MARCH 1959 SESSIONo All Con~ft:ructioli is to be dOl!e ort. County Roads; breaking dow:n the r".1aintenance:..... County R;oad 11ain'tenanee ~ $17g~OOO()OO Suburbax1 Road Ma.illtenance = $ J.8~200000 Total: $1969200000 County Bridge & Culvert Mai:ll.tE~ nanc e """ $ 49l)OOOoOO Suburban Bridge & Culvert ~ $ 5 goo.oo lJlaintenancs , 9 Total: $ 549 $00.00 County Overhead Suburban Overhead CO!> $ 31>}OOOQOO - $ :3 ~)OOO 000 , . ~\. Total: ~ 34$OOOQOO ; () THAT a S"!iJ.pplementary BYc:QLaw be passed $ appropria.ting $117 1) 500 e 00 to:i? Construction by the Sto Thomas Suburban Commission of the Wellington Road Extension from the px'esent ~/ellitlgton Road 'to Highway #41; to be allocated as foll.ows : $$ Construction ___~'""'<4''''"';''''.''.~'''''''. Roads Bridges Culverts TOTAL~ $5]" 9 ;00 ~J 00 66 ~ 000,.,00 ~~....-.-.,...._J./fJIM.lJ "'.....~A""'<'" $117!!500000 6~ THAT a Sllpplement8r'j By-Law be passed lappropr:Lat:lng' $170>>000000 for Construction on Road #13 anld on Richmond Hill to Build the Culvert and Construct the Grade~ to be allocated as follows:- Roads Bridges & Culverts TOTAL: Construction $1'f;OOO'~ ocr'''' .-9.2~Q 000 000 $.~~ooo.;m... This is total Road Budget, of $812>)000000>} at an estimated. cost to the County of $3111l805t100", ALL DF WHICH IS RESPECTFULJ..Y SUBMITTEll {t CHA.tk:MAN' .. ()TTER OREEK _~.,'" "~ 'n'" "'1.,: I"" I,."." .' '.,," I"~ . I I CULVEn~'I """"-,;",,, ," 10 Looby Const.ru.ction COo L'tdo Dublin $'4,210000 2$ \10 Ao Haggerty Conatruc'tion Ltdo Ingersoll 55.696.25 30 Dinsmore Construction Ltdo Windsor 60,423015 44>> Keene Cons'truc141. on Ltdo 7 8t G Andrews fJ~ar- dens, Torontofl 61$111)000 50 Ma.tthews ConcrE~te Ltd. London 63,286.50 60 Pearce Constru(:tion COoLtdo Hagersville 64996,.00 7. Bot Construction Ltd. Oakville 67,S26.1S 6. Elgin Construc1:;ion Co. Ltd. St. Thomas 67,767.50 9. The Ellis-Don IJ.mited London 68,526000 lOG James Ao Vance Construction Woodstock 6B,73~GOO 11. Bailey Construc:tion Co. Ltd. Toronto 66,967.50 12. Hv.~ Palmer~ Contractor Vienna 15,430.00 13 F 4) A0 Stonehow,e &. Sons Ltdo Sarnia 80,120~OO 14. G. A. Gibson & Sons Ltd. Wroxeter SlJ975.00 15. John Patterson Construction Co.LtdtJ Brampton 67,02;.00 160 John Gaffney Cc)nstruction Co.Ltde Stratford 69 J~I'IOeOO /--~ 7. Sterling ConstJ:-uction GOoLtd. \findsor 112,17;.00 ../ RICHMOND HILL GRADING ...,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,, ",,,,,,,,....,,,_...,,.,,..,,,.., ,,-", "..,.'", ,..>,,", ..,-'"'''''''' "..., 14-. Donald J. MacDonald const;1"Uct.ion Lt;d. scarborough e JQ Do Kelly cons~ruc~ion Co. Alrex Cont,ract,ing Limited w. A. Haggert.1 oons'truction Ltd. D. & 'No C10u.'tier Norwalt Limited Keillor construct;ion Co. Ltd. Dinsmore constr\1cti.on Lbd. Hi~Way construc~ion Archie MacPbarson April Cont.ract1ng I~tdo f ~o ~Q ~. " 5. 6Q 70 e$ 90 lOa Ho K.err cons'truct,ic)n Lt.d $ 110 1.2e 13G Childe Bros it Limited Marentette Broso 15. Wat~ers Bros. cons~r~ction 16e Robert J 0 \iilson ],,7 G Ba.rkey &; Scott lSQ s~eve Szilockt Junior St;ephens Bros. oonstruction Lt.d. S'trat,ford George1:,ow!:, Ingersoll Sarnia 'Woodst,ock st. !homa~: W1na.sOr Simcoe RoRQI/6tSt" Thomas Toronto \~ingham W1110wdale \'lindsor springfield Port Elgin PickeI-ing Simcoe Rich"'/ale $31>>5as,.oO 319$15000 3S,910~50 36,085~OO 37f>0174700 )8,380.,00 4S.680t)OO it6,12;cOO 47,875.00 49,030.00 J.a.9,5l\SeOO 50,38)@00 ;0,730$00 ;,,105$00 S6t450000 S7,6aO.OO 60,067000 65 ,0ll'0 e 00 69,281.4-0 / /,," / /"""'''''' \";<' " :l ....14i't1t1 ,~2.J! - o OdUN T I \) if E],A G I j)i "~";I:s~..",,,,,,,_..,o.-,,..~,~=-/JlIlIIl!~tmws....~.,,,.,.,,,.,",,. .,,,,,,_,,..,,..,,,"~Uf:J'JlU~~"'M ESTI~[A'l:F~S fft.l'!~"~~~~a.~l.,'.".,_,".',.",,_'; ,'~ r I Suburban Rt)ads a~l(l Ovex.h~alld St'.burban B:ri,dge~j ~~ Oulverts I'll ~, .!;" nT m 'l\i\ tl1 A 'lU' {"l t:'I ~:'~ti'f ~ J.. ..., ,J" _ ,f~ ill n. 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'1,,1\ e~toe1t ~'~"":''''tI''''''~ l$b,,02.00 209,000000 jb:U~ ---- . . -----~ ...--------- ... .. ---------- . ~~...;..,~r"",",~""""""-:~; ~o~ Al-# ~ ..a Z;l ~9jlo ~ 2!~. '2<:n~ 'I!il\1.w:~N~NO]'.' RO!\,U$ . &. J3'lllU~Ee t . CO\l~'t! &. s,,,,,mBAN~ ~----- --------- . .------ , _,.:.,__._""$>~!.....<WJ~~"""'<ltiJ:~-~'" .~~~..-m<"""" """"'- . 300,O~O.77 2~,,14J.o6 1.57,000.00 l,ZO,330.00 CO!l.S1_V~ ~...~>t1fIl~' 19'~ COGt. 1959 ~e ,-'" ..e t,1,Q cost, )0. r._ ~ 1(1 ~. ;).., ~"~,' ,,f> , '" ,;:~ e ',or"': , / ~ " i!'\O (t7 ( r~ \'9-..,..-- r! oo~,.. 1:\ ___ ,.::~~~'".".~_. ..<''V''"~ ~.'\'Q"tr/ ~ /Cj, .!~~)v","' "!IIp;rdiflp;,:,,~WI"";";" 511StrO~ s. t... ltOada- <ge'lli.ng.t.on Rosd . A .. ~ ",.,..... i,n<rt,on 1l.o!.\d " ' CulvartJS &. B"t...C.~es .. "v...... -." (p.' 1- A.~ .lO '" . . . ..' ..(f! ( tr'. ~ '1rtJ (}ountiS'. Cw..'i$'t"MS Ii'S .~ o6~~ y ~l ,Otl606GOO 1.; E H1J.'U \\,00 <I Ii ,j c-~ j~ 000 2'1l000@OO ''Iff) ~pO, 00 ,]",t'" '!J tR"j 0 ~e 1)160061 () ~e1a 1Aa,chinet1' ~)OOOi:>OO. '" l' 1'..~#,t,,,,!Y.~:1I'Il1l'!.f.l> 'l'1\ll., (I\. ~ t!l.'nsn. J1l..... v" ",,,,,,...,,- l\ .~t )J~!~e't 1','4 "'::l'J ~ ~~ooo 1}:,1 ~, 000 .~, c~ t.~ (~ tf......"i~..."',;,~.".,,$... \:~11 c 0 Ul~ ~n .,pII6"'ot>'>"~~p4"""'''''~ .,' .," "" "i' -.'\, i). '1~ ~ S '~'!f, 0 ~ 11~ "~ fl."l,:l. l!> i} .- ~0""---.. :.. J l!. .. ...~.------. . ":"-~.",,,,--..,,.,.'I><'-'~~ O"t {' "..,~ ~ ..."pi' \ A.\l I;!I'I V....~lll>.J~$o""...."... \J>. ,~rI9', Jl.~ 'er' ".~ ~'1: Q C 0{.2. t. ....J!.~:dr> 't--tG':t .~........ .;Q~1SQQQ,~QQ 50 ~ {JOO 0 cO 'PA: aoad ';) .. 1~ tI'l11ea, A1.d'OO1.'ou&h ll,oeA (s .. 7.. ~0&' D~d.eb. . o t~~. .. '<f'f t:},"~ "\ t'~ 't"'; Pi' "'''' ".:I 31.. &. ",'X'di~ 1>.;.~'''''''1;> I .. ~\dC"'U. . "" .... " .:; .. '3'... ~ ^'~ ,.to h l'J.r~"Pn)J..e~ \y;9'r 1at'ir.1.0U.'U!1 "'" 0"",,\1- .. 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C, l\.. ~ ~~ \{1. ~ e:2~ ~~t i\. ~~. ~ ~ti '} * ~~ ~' ; ~.; t: ~ \..",~ ""'", ~ ;;<..;; II 'r'l t, ~ ~ < . ~ !:! .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ ~~ ti' ~ C) ~ Ji'.,~ f) {";;. ,f" ~ i~ t\~ R (~ 1 U ,..:l>iJ """ < '~1 e [1 "- ~~t ~ b~ ;:~t \ n i;....4~ f.j~ ij c... ~Q ~ 'i;,';- ~l1..l\ ~ ~~~f",' ~",...' .l;I ,I/. ~.. 1? ~ ti , J '. t, ~ e ,',';I Q " ~.~ \r~ .t.;,$l ~ f.~3 ~ CJj ~ ~t\ " "".{'.., <i ~ o o 'r) 9 l.,:,} ~,,~~ ~~ v.') !i.'~ !.:l ~ i ~ Ii ~ ~ 'H ~ ~ n u n~ B"1 ~,~ .... ~L~ ''1\')0 ~g .,.,. ~~~~ 'J ,1) (:) (J) t '''\ ~~ i I ~ :~ - f;f " ~ ~ ~ ;. i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ,l-1 I j 'I q ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ '-.{)~ ~ ~t'~ ~ \Y) 'C) 0:") "- \'() ~, i, r V) "'- I'" '" In .. F'\ ~~ flJ'\ ,~ ~ ;:) (.:;) (:, ;;:; g Q ~~ ~ ~ ~~ t\i ~iTI" ~~ ~. .,~,) ~~ f:~ 51 . . 1l1.01:J\!5, O~'I1\.J:\.J.v. lM1tCR lOTR, 1959. 'tHEELG1N COUNT1 ROA.l) coWU'tTEE met at t.he court. ROUse a't 10 a.tn. A.LL ~~ERS 'Viere 'Present; John RUX act.ing tor 1Jl. .13. 1Jlccoll. W. w. E. COGke of D. R. o. London waS alSO present. THE MINUTES Gt t.he laSt. 1Jleet.ing lIere read and appro'1ed. c. BLUE: B. NE-:vlLL IT WA.S 1JlOITEl) 131 SECONDED 131 TRAT ~he !ollo'Viin~ CountY Road A.CCOunt.s be appro'1ed lOr paym.ent.:.. ray LiSt. 16 _ $1,478.4'7; paY LiS't in .. $5,658.3'7 and paY LiSt. 18 .. $20,88'7.63. cARRIBD. 'tHE ENG1NEBR report.ed as f ollGlIS : .. {l) 'the C;u1lltllins Engine CompanY lIould not assist on the recent. repair to the engine of the GaliGn Grader, but lIould install a corrosion resistor, a ne'Vi type Gil filter, and tune uP t.he engine free of charge. {2) The Galion Grader CompanY 'Viould not ass1J.lll.e responsibility tor the repair o! the torque convert.or, and t.he Clark company lias being; advised of 'the si'tua'tion. t3 ) Salting and sanding nad been heavY in February. {4) Tre e "fri1llllling; waS CO nt inuinS on Road 46 Bayhll.m; 4'7 S out. h Dorches t. er , and 1'7 1Jl.C.L. SGuthllOld. A lett.er from Miss Chandler of Eden waS read re cutting o! trees on Road 46. {5) Clearing lIould be started shortlY on the 1Nellington Road E~tension. {6) A Drain on Road 42 east of port B~ell had 'been repaired. {7) A large n1J.lll.ber Gf soft spots lIere appearing on Gravel RGad5. {8) Repairs to the ~alker Bridge F10Gr lIould be made later in the month. COWUTTEElIere in agreement to engage 1JlcLaws Gravel &. crushing to screen sand aud stone in the County pit; the work to begin in several weekS' time. A T.ELEGRAM/ #2 ST. THOMAS, ONT ARID. MARCH 10TH, 1959. / A TELEGRAM from the Minister o,r Municipal Affairs re flo~ding, was read and discussed. IT lIiAS MOV'ED BY SECONDED BY H. HUNTER LLOYD S. GURR THAT we request the Department of Highways to tDansfer the following sums of money with regard to By-Law #1716:- $25,629 from Road Maintenance to Road Construction; $4,371 from Bridge and Culvert Maintenance to Road Construction. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from G. C. Brown, Lawyer of the Acre Estate at Richmond Hill. This indicated 'that the Acres were not satisfied with the settlement offered. Commit't~ee suggested that the 'Committee as previously appointed, consisting of the Chairman, Reeve of Bayham and the Engineer, attempt to find a solution to the problem. A LETTER from the Clerk of Port Burwell regarding Chatham Street was read, and the Engineer instructed to contact the Planning Branch of the Ontario Department of Highways. CORRESPONDENCE from ~v. R. Kinnear of the D. H. O. was read regarding the treatment of County Roads in Sou.thwold, Dunwich and Aldborough, where crossed by Highway 401. Discussion followed. IT 'WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE H. HUNTER THAT we approve of the proposed treatment of County Roads which inte;rsect Highway 401, as shown on the map sent by Mr. Kinnear of the D. H. O. CARRIED. ~, MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. #3 'ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 10TH, 1959. THE. COUNTY ENGINEER reported on the Wages of various Road Department Employees, and the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY C. BLUE SECONDED BY LLOYD S. GURR THAT we increase the wages of the County workmen 5f per hour, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, retroacti've to March 1st, 1959. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY LLOYD s. aURR H. LIDDLE: THAT we increas~ the salary of Mary Schmelz to $200.00 per month subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, retroacti va to March ..ls~, 1959. CARRIED. IT VilAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY 13 . NEVILL H. HUNTER. THAT the Salary of N. J. Chap10w be increased to $4,600.00 per ~ear~, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, retroactive to March 1st, 1959. CARRIED.. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY LLOYD S. GURR. B. NEVILL THAT the Salary of Engineer, R. G. Moore, be increased to $6,900.00 per year, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways, retroactive to March 1st, 1959. C,ARRIED THE ENGINEER reported on the cost of Hot-Mix and Mulch Pavement on 4 miles of County Road #3 between Rodney and Wardsville. THE ENGINEER! #4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 10TH, 1959. /THE ENGINEER stated that the Department of Highways Auditors wished a County By-Law consolidating various Resolutions of the County Road Committee concerning Sick Leave Benefits as applied to County Road Workers, and the following Resolution was passed:- 1'"1' WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT we recon~end to County Council that a By-Law defining Sick Leave Benefits in regard to County Road Employees be passed. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that certain County Bridges had Load Limit signs, and that no By-Law to enforce these Load Limits had been passed. Discussion followed, and the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE H. HUNTER i THAT we recommend to County Council that a By-Law 'be passed limiting the load on the Sinden Bridge on Road 46 to 5-tonj the Dingle Street Bridge in Aylmer to 5..ton, and the Rob'bins Bridge in Southwold to 8-ton, subject to the approval of the Department of Higheays. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER presented the attached Budget and discussion followed. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C,. BLUE B. NEVILL /' THAT the Meeting adjourn, to meet again on Friday March 20th, 1959, at 10 a.m. C,ARRIED.. '- tZ' / / . . v4J...,1 (/- ~'.~ /' . CHk~~N. ".~ / '.' ~1~~ ~ r~'~~ (t?:$f r. q. J.i!.",w',:"Jl~.lr'" t O!;~! J~l~J:O '1r )11\1'tCr! llw9,9 1} 'ra <r1W C1l1J.RMl\.'N .fl}.\D _.-,f; (1;.'i'? q1i"U? -rr' ft"'~~ nQ:tti''\'tt"rri 'r}O t.n '~t'\iV1\?1J(1",jtH't'"!~~J~'l ,JJ. ~ I"'" '" 1.;1.;<_-' " ,...N .... ..~ "" v,.,I-'ICQ.." ~....'"" · 1\.i,"'~":..:;:!ln1r<~e:.A ~",.f" {..."Y"'~i'" ....-\ ",II p"'......'f"I'. ., '" '" p",,...,,,,,,,,,,,rl ..'" _"..,..v. ,,'" vU >> ".. _"... ';"'" w.v-" ','" '" .... ..Yt''''''v., Budge:tf.r:tr 1959. rfhe D~"p~'t<\lllent ~ appropru;tced iii!1.$5.~oQO tJrl.a '1~st:, e~l1i5 a$ laB'\; ~ for me.:\.m:.enance. '~h$at.'i:.i;P.chted N;d'IiGane:nce Bu.dgst., alii tar a$ RoadS are cOnCliI:1,'riedt ~l!l "Jer'i near a 1l!i~ a~;;pelldit.~. A n'Uliiber of.. ,~~na't....'\l.t'es are raised 0"$131: last. 1G~;r~ lee a,l!\d 5no'ill' cont.rol, Dra~11l 1\.esea_e~&~ Re'bat.06 to 1~'S and Vi~s, (l~,:ra.ge ~ p~~'as~,.t)ll. :t aJ,flO t.l:dnk t.hat. _ mUht.ftnd it. ad..~e.n'tageoU$ t.o dO a fe'ill' UliJ.as of' oent:te-l;in~~ldng tf the set"lliC0 1$ p&rfo~ b1 t.M D. li. O. ~ch. ciil out' au:i.de Rull\l.eedS rebuil(ij.ng et~d pej.n;t1~.~'" ye9iC "i{/erlZfpait'llld a1.:.l. t.h0 auide I:J.a.il in tohe 8ubui'b1:Ul A'1'!!$a.. ttUage Ja.e'bat.<Ss are up on I:1.cec:ro.nt. of 'the inct~i;P.l?>ed. aeaes~~~..tl.d t.b.~ :increased ll!1U rla'l>El. A ,\,~'l"V1;,~,",~'l"! Aft, Rt::~'l1'U~ $"... ..",,~.U'~t..\I""'. ...",.... vl.Yf.\"" (W'e1.'head :Lt.etllS vrlU b6 ine~I:1.S0d.. It. '\411 'benMGSSa:tY t.'l.d& 'fear 'to conduct. r$pai.:l;'$ t,O'the Garage. l~~t,lf. 1:~H .~,~ ~'tI~ f!<l'1.'liO!l(\ -ilf,i)' "O>,~tril.t "l{"/'~"c't "" !\ ft~'iI<,1;rl ,.... "... .. .i .,,r'w. . ". .,:. btJ"f> ~'" · '" ",.<.<". 4"l-ii~~''''''il'[\; J.....J1"l........ if?! ''1' v "W'Af .J. v3. 1Jktddlq;,e~';!:. count;1 L1;!l& 'Br1dg0a ~ tn~1.uding the ...ll.'Gp..'d;~ of t;'!;ie Wa1.ker B:l:'iclgS }j'lOO'"'" and .!\.b1Xt1li1~nt.e and :tM ~:l..nti.ng o~ a. 'themes Ri.ver: B:t'i.~ga ~ a'l.~ Wi;th 't'l:aa eo!_~ne~ Alp ~~ ~"'''Il't{~1....c;;~r fl3<<;I'b"'\ "P1 dt'ti~~ f""" ......,.,. ,.T....".,;\""..~ 1 ' '" """,1.(1,,"'" v'" '" ,>...... '" 3 .,..'.u. _ ~..,..., ....... .....~, "... ""'~ ,of ._J,o'<' L>~" """" " · (rOl~V~l;ti'j~ I ij~ Ma.i"D:t(0~lla~nce ",)(,"n "'f~~Rr :<:.~,:~\,Jt,,~".~~1f , Con,st:t~1l~n.t.$ 1.,011. ()~Jti'" be deHf;ri:~e\ased, tf>b,,,,(O' , 'l:.p,J ~ s Iii' is ~~! ,,~o . Area atl t' g !t~CH::rt to Count)!, '" '^t"iJe reduc~;;~d Ccnln.tv' . t. gstilnat~s a~} 'n~r'~ Constl!1;'i~.:~CtiO]:l 1Ls .~'"'t,h..t _'1,.. '~l...",',.f- Ff.''''',ll'lIh .."!, '"" ~i. 'Pi \,b,s,&.J..L,IA 'l,II.'I..M;;;1.~.p l\;;)~"" J(.~~ t;;,,,~.J ~i. as thel~e ~~H~)me~ :"lJ~ry l1'P~e].l atH)ea:r~~~ r~"eC((:~S~6a]:~"~l "t;hat 'We f.b. ~ {,~ ,::;;,119 (;. Urba!J1, ::!Jl1Jprovam!:~JI!1; s; ilr3.ve been ooo~ '''f ~':' the ^J(..'" vJ. ;) nj(l~TI> 'f:b"lll~ e<!ti' ~ <?~ ",~ ,ft<,"&..,a, 11 C~fl \)j,,:J ,.\:~~i{.A4:.".~~ ~,~:.it>~~~ tDU~ i'\l"U~~1i'::;;~ Ql~>f~ ,II"< t l@~' ~,.,~~ '-it,,&. ~~:O~) t~~<h ~~. ~;r:\~t;,) ~1 l;a~~t;, h~""A'll'fll.t 'n",;',:f,' ,1~"l"t'l?il>f~~1/~ "",'" :;W;VVY$';:I,Jt~~~:r~ .:fMte;, .. 9&f1~~:~b'f;f tlQquirsll\ ,~()at O't lp ~1K' $l t\ib~1:1l. (;; ~ j~J:>>, l'U:!J{~Ssar:;r ~~t-i~_hA~! ~~ ~~d01 JJ.~ It" MARCH :1959 The Bstimates ~~~ll tor a, Budget ot ~~fJ53, 500, the amou;~~\; or $32S,5:d~5 to be raised by County~ 'tihich is a l~ate of '7" 9 mills e If the 00ll.struction J31!d.get on RoadG~is reduc{~d by #25,000 thei Buc:lget would $82S~;OO~ th the amount of $313>>015 to raised 'by the COUll.ty y, lifhich is a mill rate of' 1 e 6 m:tlla. OF \'J1iICH IS RESPECTlitUL]~Y SUBMITTED ~~.-._"-~:.".,_.,,,,,,.._.__.JI'JIIi"""'_'" . .. ~ ""~~M/:lI ".<;..-.,,,,~,..:;,,;.,j.;-t:fl1n,o:'.';l~......",........,," _ '""_''''.~ R~ G. MOORE)j COUNTY ENGINEER* 01 .,J ~! ~ ~~ i ~i ~,. ~ ~t . ., ~;, 0<>;; .., ~i ~~ ~ ~-d el t~1 f.-i! I ,.~< i ~.I 01 f::'~i 01 ~! II <3 i ~I ...1 I;~I $. lH1 ! ~l << ~ $1 ~-'l <t!f '! ~i >J ~J D Zi ~i ~I ~i O~ ~ a4 11 J. 1.,~ I ~ ~ ~I \ -;;~ :.~ ~,~t ~"':! 61 t'?~fJ_ ~. ti >:~ , .:~~ 0'\ at 4"\ ~" OJ ~I M~1i 0n ~~i~ i1j~ t"v;~i t~~~ ~;} t O'*~ tQl F~ ~~:i! ..~~ ~~ C;-Z cif ~ ~~:. t,,'" ~ ~~ y~~ F'~~ -t,j! ~l O~tt oj " I<. ~ tr~t o;~ Ri t~ ~~ ~~ Q~ ~~ ~ ~~ e0 ,~ p..lt__ M ~~ ~ i~ ~~ ~ 8 q;. 0- ~~ ~~. 0, ~, o o .~ () (,.."f {~J ,,~ ~ (<'~ ~ i$'\ 1:, t...." o t~'\ ..., ~ i'1'\ ~ . ~ U'\ M "'" ~f;~ (~ c~ o 4J b4j ~ ~ ~ 00 m tj'~~ rJ ~ ,,@€j) ~~ ""'J-~ ,a ':cl ~ ,p"" fP' 'r...J (,'1 01 Of ~i 0,. ~i ~~ i o o "" o ti -..0" 01 Oil ~~ c-..~ 6~ "fi";; ~ ~ll. x:r1i tf\J ! 4"'\ f:"'-> ~ ...~ t.(\ N i':O 1..'\ s-~ ~ It ('1'"\ ..:,. -... 1-~ q ~.,. -.. o o ~ Q o -0 ,,'" ~l".;:a t"~ i f J I I Ii j I ~ ~ ! i , ~ I J i ~ i I 1 I ~ , i i i I 11 I ~ s' ~ ~ :: ~ ~ : ~ * i I ~ I ~ l .. i I ~ t .fi ~ ~ Of? ~? ~i ~~ -~ O~ oi iO ~) .j> t....... ....0 Ci'\ "" " ~i~ (,,-<l ~"\ t~ 'ill .. ~. 'I-..c~ t........ ~ 0'\ }'~"'~ ~~ .;9 ~~~{ ~ ~~ M -~ o t)!j ~ f.J ~ '"P"~ 4~ "'d .V'~ ;:1 t.>{ """'~ CQ 't) ~ ~4 ".4 tl~ bp ~~ ~;...~ :3- fD~ ~ h.U' ~1 "d ~ ~j ,\'"i f"'~ P4 ~, ~4 ~ ":f'~ ~ ? -~ ~ 1!t i'k~ iw':i ~d 6 :t-%q omF~ ~-: ~ }1r..l ~ ~i) ~ ~ t~~ :;! ~"'1 ~ (.) o 41 ~ i} ~ \"'i o o ~ o g ~ {~ o o '$ o o w ~l o ~ o o f'." ~ ..~;r @ t} e"'1 ~ ("<"f( f:-"Wl m ~~ ~ ,.- .",=~ (';~ ~ Q tl ~ ~d a (i} ;g> f:J ..~ <"4 sst t~~ ~o ~J4. i~ .~~ 0~ ? $4 M,.:Q- 1"1: ~y, t, ~ o ~~~, !P' ? ......,...;- ~B ~~ ~~ Orr! i'""ll'~ ......~ m bl) ~ f:rr.=j M tQ tp., ~. {} p~ """" Oi O~ 1;l~ 0.. ':'! U ~~~ ~p- ~, at (~l ~~ Oi (:)~ C~~ .:~ ~;;Jf t:'~ o o fb o o -ro 0' o o e o &.Y"~Q: - t~~~ '~ c"\ ~~::~ ~ i I j l'1 iI 1 ~ ~ It< i ~ 1- i ! " i g 5 ~ , 1 f J f ~ ~ i J , ~ ~ i ! I ~ ~ i ~ B ~ ~ i if t ; ~ ~ i i ! ~ ! J ~ " f t ~ ,;- 'l: ~ "':~~ Vd'!>..., ~l ~l ~~ o ......... ...." ;;. o ...... ls;"~ " ~ (j (.;'.\ ;=; ~ i',,:"" i~r\ !~ ~..''!::' ~! t",,\ o C""- ". 0\. (".' 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N .,..,.. f{,~' r::) tV ,:p ;~~ (\1 ~ C~ ~~\r ~t " 1> ~) o ,i t~ t',;; ~) ::.1\ ;;J ~'"'1 ~ ";'1< p.~ "~J, ?S ~~ ~ <ii"~ ..t.~~:: ;:j t.~:; bf} :-......., ,;3 ~;.-:..t t:.} >i,,~ ~~~ > b ;,~~ i:~ ~ ~s (1 ~ t) c'4.... ~~ ~... ~ ~ ~.t 5 J/.2 ff ~ 5q ,,"', '~.;~S'sV,lt"'l1",iIl.f."q COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMATES -fi!:'.~~~t~P,,""''''''''''~'''.II'I~~t:!4:7~WA''f.f'WJ.-~~_'~'~_ ,.,~":",*t.ll'ltt:~~~o<<I1t.~~\$.:;l,l<.V*~,,,.*:>;iIn.-~~a.._._........ft':'M~'1';fl~~iI~r.I::n;~'l1.'m';,1;(.M;lI,~w</..tft~~..t"<4J~";.':.r.."""'~\1~.1o~",f'..!~ l~A'll't~..t \"be.l!' ~ ~#~V#P.~.~\t~, /~''-.., ' I ''''~~.1i'~1'lI-i.fi'' eilfl"'l ~'~'W'jl'if':l'1!!!l! I'~.~l~fj,.", (I,../\:~,,?lI;;'M"'\'"~~ Ji>.lL'U'V ""'T . \llet*:tcraJ~ Gar~il.ge alii::' M~..~}(}~r;llaneotL~ RepsLir's Of4f\l:tee' I~ ~ 'Il 'll'\/~".;) 't."li ~"'J ~fJ! .. olio.~,"", v..... (",".4""~ t;;;I PerAs:L()n ~ HoJ...i.d.ays tl'd th Pay ~ &ick Benet1 tEl aIlCl 'Un~~mpl.OY'trAel1.t Insu,!tance Ma(~l:d~nery O'i,V'orh.ea.d. In~'tb~"'';~(t!'i'::< .'1 'f(\\ QJ.. AAi... , ' ..~... 1\;lIl:;..W>'",~ .JJ.,..&. ~< ':..n,vvA. 'BaJ.ar1t(~~' . '...n St;ock , TOTAIA:- !t~II\f];J.5Nl~J}JCE CJIi> &:",;,NJ.~~.;<t.'"4"'~~l~~ .., ':~ Od ~'j;~ .....'iJ..i'. 00~l1''' () 0' fi'l'l I!. 6, i?''f) ::> ~O 1 f) fS91 ci JJ) 6$3~Of)71 :t tJ O€~O @ 76 1"1) "793 (ljl{..; :3 f) ~66 e O!:- ''A '~fJ'6'':l It''\O ..Il..1j (; ~ iflV ~ Fr~!1I' ....0 o;..'f)f:.l-o';;r ~- "'y~l 9!l.1.:- ?J ~";#'" ,.. .l:-.}/Q,tit ...o{~ Cont;!.nu.1~el 19<) f~ Oo,~~rt; .~~t#~~IJ<.:::~..di!V~ M 9tl89g~32. lfJ~'OeOO t:.: 7?? '0 , Ai E-'1 (". OR..\I.I ' 11 6'10, At" d- ", ~;il., .J';> "l .""<l"\ 0 &:. t:. -~t /2 &~:> .5 tl)20ll) 1J.{.o 1,)1..261)1;6 le:> 2 i!:tM.~W~JWi"~~"~ lli1'i~ e:O~ 00 at ~,.;,lV',;; ~... ~.' 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S <II A 'fj Cu.l.'\~I~'ts. &~ B)~1d.ges &'" Wellingtion Roe.d ........-.... 1959 Es't1mflta.e .Ji$~~;t,__.........."',:"'~.. 60~500~~OO 6c~ ~ ooo~; O() jJ~~'1t';1...-.,~...~;...f.:I.~~1 ~ f'f':1 d~' \~,tl:;...# {;i 1959 OOUltl~Q~~~ ..~ &':' l.',U: 00 <>'h;!i.~ ',~.,!J G 6 ,~~ qoo Cl 00 i....,<;:.r~.~.('..t'.~;;:.n~+~a":t) f'IJtl''''l1~'l'.\'.!~''.tr . ('IIll'tll 'i1'~Ii;:~'m~ ~ ~",''Ii,jl'v.'''~,j,v~'{ ,",$ .,IW... \I '...~. t$j,;;;j ""~,,-..r.t~~iJ~n';:'.:t;itf.'1P~><'_.h;..,..y'...;.,>~~lf~J.'""'~~~~'\l'A::fli_......~..........,c~~~.......\.~_......"'.~..""....""""~..,lC;~.....~,'_. ,,,~i,"~,~ .--~. "..."".".._.l"~_"-" ""'~~'~>''''''''':'''''i''''~'.-' "H1t.,~~Jt~tl:M:'tJVI-W.:..wr..:t'lI'.t""_P;Q.'l'!"':"""~{~'MS';ll"""'.!.'r..;.p,r!t'4~\::...>i-'~_':,~:,:".~,ltli 3. ~;. ~\oo al;~' lJlJ;;ac h:t$::u:t:J~~y UrbfU:i :rlUi)l"OVem(~nts ..... '~~ ~h "l'iJ) 1"'0 ,,,,1 W. 2) ~Jv Q V' 45,?)062D3J~ ,) 01> ('1t06 ~ 00 r'~ P1lAo 61 1 iI & \:) f;) o~ ~~ ~ 0, .0'<<: ^~\ "'~..) 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('\u )4 ~ ~ i 'l ~ # iti ii l' fj ~ il ~ R ~:} ~ * i i ~ :1 ~ ! ?~ "'~......;,r o .;j II i~ ii ~ n ~i ~ ~;i !?\ -& o C) M'\ G~ U- n H ~ l~ n n .. a i ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii i .~ ~ ~ i ,~ ~ sJ kl I ~ ~ ! I f ~ ~ ~ <>=~ ~l i":'\ *$:: t"'lJ (5 ~2r :) ..~ t"?\ ~~ (to! ~~ ~. ~"\ -ro N f~~~ ('~' \, ","--" / ~,.~ N, J)...~,..It.. ,,,...~,,,O..,It.,"~\ ~ 0 .lJ.,,,~,.~,~. 0 ~,...," .~.,~ ,.q,..:I;..".~ RICHMOND HILL GRADING ',., II'" ,'.. .., "," ,"., , I, " ,,,.' H.'. .~.,. I,'" _.1, ",.1.0.'" .1,.' .. ..... '.,.... """ _.'''' ,I "~I ~" H~ I, ,.,'....'.. ",~._"J) qQY~I, ~9.~... ,.}",~."._".:::",.,,,.,,,~Q~~~;C.~.~Q~_,..J~A~.~.~ T.O THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE IJ I/We ~he undersignedJ having examined ~he Plans and Specifications for the R1chmOlJLd Hill Grading on County Road 1/38 in the Township of Bayham, and having visited the site and tully under'stand1ng 'the work to be undE~rtaken9 hereby submit My/Our Bid as tollows:<0r3 "Q t ITEM ---r ~T . T~~~I;;r" PRI~~T -...._.. "rd...d "H"~H .- #l~G=:iffc:\~;'k L\W4LI sum: .- 1 ,,,,,,,, ""'''' ,.",,,,,,',""'''''''''' ..".." ,.'., , .,,,,,,,, '" '''I'''''''''''''''''''' ",,.'.,,.,, ,"" ,,", .,,, , ". 12-Removal or Old ' Foundationu =">i"",~""",,,,,,,,,-,,,,,""-''''''''''I'' "",,,,,.,, .11..,.'''.'' ,c,,'. ." ..,..~~l!-~~ #3.-Earth Backt~Lll CU$ Yds @ ot of Culvert F111 in Place " . "."",,,' """"'".',''' """'""-'''-~''~'''~r~","-"~""-,,,,"J''~,,,, '''''''' .,".,..'"" 4J};OO CuoYdsQ Trucks 41)600 #4~ranular Back- fill of _.."",.9~!~~"".."".,. I IS-Excavation lot ; Cu0Ydso of . _dH ,. Q;t,t~L.l)~~~,~,;rs1.Q,~~:.. ,.k<(~v~t1~~,,~, ,,~~tL- 999"""11"'" I ' I I16-Backf'ill I CU$Yds~o:t Present Crlsek I ~"il1 in L Place .".1..;",,:, .;.J< ,',.1.'. ..-,...., ,,~,.~......,_.,I""_"""H..l..' ',,-"'"r''''' ...... ...,-,....,."" <,.'.' ,;, .,,,,,",,,,.".~_....,,.,...,..,, ..., "'. #7-Excavation ot I CUq) Yds JJ ot l ' Material t Excavation I. 92\'\000 i 'P.,.,.....,."....."'.'.,...... .', ..1", ."'.,, """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,;,,,_,,~_,,,",", ,,...,''',., ",'"'' ..~.,,\.,~... ""...,,,.....,,.J>.,,,...".I,,,,',''''''''",,~,,.......:...M>.,,...,,,.,",,_.._....,.,~"..I ..,. ..~ ..,." .._n.'" ,~.". ....,.,......,....,.".'~'.'..m".".. '.' '."'.'-. .....1. i ~ t #e~Construction of; CUaYdse of ; t Grade i Fill in i 100 000 1 CIICZlI..",.,~".."....,,~, ,,,..,0.._;, ,I,".... .......I..,'.....'."_i. ".,._..................'"",."......._.'..<J.j"",~.<I._'.__......... ""c""'. """..,""k"" ,'.'.'" '."" "",...,..".",.'., '" ",.."".".' "10'''_'','';'''' ,"'. ",,,,,.,"""".'." "",..,,'~,"...".'~,.,.. ~~ Place 9>>000 TOTAL BID:- ....... 0-. TOTAL . ....... '.' . ..,." .",.'.." '1 '".,. ",,0, ~ ".','. .;, .." ,.,..,.~, ,..,.,. , " '"',',";,,,,"",~ ~~; T E..l~ D E R F () ~,.Iv~ - Cont,1nued /12 ~+ql.l~~Nl) ,~HI~ GR~+~J.q PQU~Y, ,~qA1?" },$,-. T9WNSH+P,9~.,~.AYHAI~\ I/WE. enclose a Certified Cheque or Bid Bond torI l~ of the Tender Amount, being the sum of Doll.are made payable to 'the Treasurer of the 00001;1 of Eilgin. IjWagree t;o complete all work by Oc"tober 31st SJ 1.9596 Lowest or allY Tender not necessarily accepted. 'Wt'fHE"SS OONTRACTORo It,' 11/ INFORMATION TO BIDDERS ~. ,...'. ,0;" ,," I" "'.',.,..,, ,. "'" ,." , ; ".~, . ,.,,' ,'" I ".... ,. ., "I g~~+~~ - ~ICJ~1Q~.Iq~ COtJ~'~.~O~ll,,~~ , ~.., ,'.r,()~11iS,1:I.Ir f)~. BAY~rL COUN'r1 OF ELGIN '" ". ",."" " List of Documents:~ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ( 6) Map of Area Information to Bidders Tender Form and Tender Envelope Specifications Depar'tment of Highways Form #100 av~ilable on request. Plans ... including:- lal P rotile of Grade and Stream Diversion b . Plan of Area c Cross-sections d Results or Tes~ Borings TENDERS will be received until 9 AofliIQ MARCH 19THg 1959, at the office ot the County Engineer~ Court Houae~ st., Tho1mas)) Ontar:to" Please use Tender Form and Tender Knvelope fll LOttJEST or any 1~ender not necessarily accepted&! WORK consists ():t ( 1) Grubbing (2) Removal of Building Foundatiol1S (3) Excavation for Creek Diversio:u (4) Backfil of Old Creek Bed (5) Eal~th Backfill of Culvert (6) Granular Backfill of Culvert (1) Building Grade as shown., in accordance with Plans and Speclficationso 'WORK to be completed by October 31st 9 1959 ~ EACH TENDERER to include with his Tender a Certified Cheque or a Bid Bond tor 10% of his Tender "I This will be rei~urned when a Performance BOJnd from a Guaranty Company f'or lO~ ()f the Contract Amoun't 1s deposi'ted with the County of Elgin by thE~ successful Tenderera T~ SUCCESSFUL TENDERER must sign a Contrac~ and ~Jst a 100% Performance Bond wi~h1n ten days of being notified tha~ he is the successful Tenderer G Should he .tail to do so his Cheque or Bid Bond will be forfeited to the County of Elgin~ to cODlpensate the Cou.nty for damages sus'te.1nedo / ( ~"~ / ANY UNBALANCED BID or Qualification or the Tender <t~ll liable the Tender to rejectionQ #2 I ~Jr, 0 R Iw1 A T I 0 ,~. T 9. BID D ~,J:~,~t A DEPOSIT O~~ $10600 is required for Plans$ which deposit will be returned it a Bona-Fide Bid is rece1ved.l~ FURTHER INFORMATION may be obtained from the Undersigned. R.. G4> MOORE $ P. E]~G ~ , OOUNTY ENGINEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, ST $ THOMAS, ONTARIO. RESULTS o F T EST BORINGS ALL BORI]~GS DONE ON CE~TJiE LINE QF PROP'O~EJj NEW ROAD 1'1 ;;:: OIW.::1 Glay '\:rith "e;~ no Grey Glny ".'ll.71 ~~ "I~ '~."(.'.IllM ~. -..:au,.. ;;~,. '~JI ~ >>'"... '<lli'l.. ",..... 1"-" "l:lAAr '.1p,. ",*,.o;..lIl ,;) r,u, "1"'11 ~"";' '~L., ~jr() 1.6 ut\-~, Jl~~.1._1 "lU+ :t ,..., " ....t""...~>I\~. .,,', >-lW~.!#l"~""'H";t'''''; ,3'urfnc: 'H c:~ C!' r"d n fj111'(.)fP 1:;'i.:qU'I''F~''1 _ C'IIJ.'''IlJj\(111' 7 + l'~5 .-t::"~~;x~;~~~;~.~~ ...J J.. ~~_~'>_rl~~""~*,~~~~~'~::""".,~~J ,." 1:evel $07....805 805~798 798-.796 796-794 '793Q5 792Q5 79E~1;>O rf()Psoil. Sand Sandy C1Et)~ Grey Clay Gl"t~Y Cla:l Damp "Jet Sand Clay <.>uickaand Condit,ion .. ~\est Discontinued. "il ,b~1 ~ 2~ 3" 40 Q,,._Q,-,\L}~~.,,,~~.._! OF ELGIN ~"""Ilf..~ ~_~____-' GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ..."'"....... .,.~..._....4.~_,,,,,-,,,,,~,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~",_.<,,,,",............_~",'''''''''''''''-'''''''''''''__'''''~' ._,.~_....,...,1lS.IDt(!IC't........ ,..' ,_~.~....".....,'(..~ ..:...'-'-v...-....."...'~.~ ~..."......"....,..,..;-..............c.......~. "'''J';'' '".' .., ,~,".~L~_"~......_",,,,,_......,-...-~ GRADING ,~ RIOHI~10ND HILL __"~"""",,,,,,,,,,,~_,,,,,,,,,,,_....,..,,,",.......,~..,-........~..............,,",,,,.~....~........,,,~,......,,..".....:"......~'''~......,............"....... 8 e.. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM l~'''''^'~-..t",""",-"_,...._,,....._....._. ,__~~.......,...~",.", ,J.,." __""',~,;....~'.".~., Aj.,"-,-,_~....~",_<.' "'"Jll!I4!!_'"_'_.i. "-",,,,,...~~_...., ,,-,. .\..u"............ .., )' The Contractor shal~ v1811.\ the si'te or the ~lo:rk! e~1.mirtJ.;'~ all Plans and Specifications and aatist:r hims(~l:t; of all" conditions of ~he workp General Condit~ionB of' Contrac't: Department of Highways Form #100 will apply to -this Con'tract J J(<>eading.. tVCoun.ty of El,gin" for "Depallotment of Highways'~' & COl1t<ractor to carry Workmen ~ s Compensation IrJk1uranee &10 Third Pa:r-ty Liability Ins'U.r!mce 'to th3 satisrEH~tion olt t,he County Test Borings shown are ~ in the belief of the County ~ ind:tcative of the s011 , but are not guaran:teed,: and Contractors must make their own investigations as no e:A:tras will be allowed 4> 519 Payment will be made on approximately the 'tent,h. of the moniDh for 900;& of the work done dur:tng 'the previous montho Complete payment will be made within one month of the completion of the work as certified by the County Eng1naer* 60 Contractor' to furnish all lights$ barricades9 flagmen $ etcop necessary for the preservatioll of traffic whal~a it~ must be ma1,ntained~ and the sai"et-;y of t7he 'woIltk... 'Ie The County' of' Elgin will pay for the mOVemEjnt of" utility li.nes clear or the proposed wOl~lt(, Af1)t~er the movemen:t C:ontl"$iactor will be responsible :flaT pSi,yment o:t~ any movement or damage~ 8,,) All clearing t~ill be done by the Coun.i~y (~ All fencing and removal old fence will be done by the COUllty~ 9Q All Placement of' GIl>anula!(> I'-1...q.terlals 1) wi~th the exception of Bridge Bac];tfill11 will be done by c.rthe~ra 0 & The Contracd;, for the Building of the Cu.::Lver"tto be let to others (I COlr!}?letion da.te i~~ scheduled EU~ July 31i3t 'j 1959" Thls ,is not'?> g1J.al'1Janteed and the COUl1ty cannot responsible if tlw work is not finished at that tims0 Con~let1on data of (~radin@~ COXltl~act may be extended if' Contl~ac~~or can sho'V{ causa 0 . GioNYo\\i\.L ---' S?YoctYIC.t..-rl~" #2 . '!fO'):'k. a& n.e seeS fit. before l1.. <rn.e cont.1"a<;.'t~t~~ ~~t'~u.ct,nte1"ac'tor is CO'lllP~et.~d t:'u.'t t,he 11\1('1''' 0... ........ ill e~e1" 'the '!fOr... 0... _t. do no ,.or" 'that 11\1 hiJn e)ttr8. ~nse. St.l'\1ct.ure con\irac't01" or.. C~':~O'll\'Ple'ted before 'the Old Tn C'tee1t. U;. ve1"s:1.on ~... cr~e" i.S b'lOCked 01" filled in. . :t t,hEl present. Bri.d.g.e carrieS 1. '" con't'tac'tor \'d.ll not.e 'the....~ ch \1,I.USt. nO't be e)teeedeO-. &. . a. 'LOad LiJIli. 't of a 'tons 9 11''''- ..o.l1. be re1llO'lfeO- all> $Oon tt. is e,;pElc\ied 'that. t.hi.s Brtd~ JulY 1.st. 1959 at. 'the 0.& t.he CUl"\fert is CO'lll'Ple't8 · on it. a D1"i.d&e of 'load :tat.est.. -rhe de~,our ..~ttto~ CO'lllpensat.i.on ,n.1.'l be -pa.i.d l~t 2 'tOns. ,,0 au for 'thi.S se'\1et'a.nce. .tll be alJ.o1I\IEld unleSS e.u.tb.Or1~ed 'by 'the '" 'l NO e)ttr&. '!f01"lt 11\1... ~. count.1 EngiJl0er in 'llt"it.1n&. 1I\Ii.ll. be ree'triet.ed 'to 'the ti-one of t.b.El Con't1"8oot.01: unlesS arra.n&_ni;S lit. ~ o~d '01 'the coun't1 ,0; Yo~~' fot' .t..rea fot" cont.rae't01" are ~e ..o.'C.h t.he owner \ ee operat.1.ons). __-" cul'\1ertis neeessa.r1ll'ill 'be, 5 Al'l 'Pi~ en'\i1"ance ~.... o'thet" for 'the la1i.'/.\& and l)a.ckfi.lJ. 1;. ,~~~~ ~~~::~~~~~~t':i) biS d~o::t~e~e:aJC:;co~c'tor. of 'the Qrad.1n& \~Or" and is t.o e . ul: 't "he Con't1"ac't01" i8 l6. Atter t.h6 ?~ce1\l.Eln't t--a:;.~ ~ec~ ~cau&e of hi.s opera'tions. ".es'POnsible ..or anY ~ 1.$" . d1" i.nase of t.he \toad are ~ A1.l 'Qi'tCnes pertia.i,ni.n& 'to tehe ~ :t.t'I1ct.ion of all of t,he Con'tract.. as rlJ. ?'tt~a.~ Ent~a.nce ll'i'll be const.t'I1c'ted ?'ti "\fa. 'te En't1"~es::O 't~ s~'t1on 'l1 + 00. rro'lll s'ta'tion .... + ;/ . 00 'the cont.rac'tor !r()'ll\ s'ta'tion 2+ ~f1.C 'to be -.1nt.ai.ned '01 ff1. is t.o 'be 1l18int,a.i.ned by th6 'to st.a.t.;~~ 11J; t.~~t.1l~'to ~ne i\~~~~~ t~~d t.~~~t~tt Cont.rac "d. t.hS C_t.8t'1. t.he .. U"- 'r Ri.gb.t. a.te of \:\. 1>: G~~ and t.h8 -ro~\rl.P \toad ~n ~!.fto\ nt.ai.ned 'ou.'t at. S'tat....on It' ugh 'traffic ;,d.l1. no" "'" n-:nd t.er e,g.ain ~;~: ~~:~;"'te~~ st.at.i.on 2tO t~+~~ L;~$ ~oade~'ll be 'II.... 'to~hi.P \toad a't St.at. on. h()\'lS'\1er>> 'the 'Bri.o.g,e ~~'t~ed bY 'the 'to.,tnS~t 01: ~~~1' o.e\:.oU1' purposes \'d.1.l .eart'ies a. 2..'ton 1,Pad l>~ · be su.'PPUed '01 tone cou.n'\iY' "11Q COUNTY OF ELGIN ~""_".,_"",,,,"_,,,,,,:,,,,,~,,,,~ ~' ,~,' "".".,,~',I'".._"" _"" ",,~," """""..,~t:~~_i1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRUBBING ~-*U "...".... ',.~.".' "",';,'''..,,lM't'It.........,._..~.~......~, ..,....,..."....,....",,~ ,.,',..."..,.,,,......~r III ..t~ lilr~o>jll"', -Item 1. Tender Form --, ."',,,,..,,,,,,"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'' ...."" 'I~he Contractor shall remove all stump~s , wood t l"toots, ate., trom the Area of the ~\Tork, inoluding Bo.l" "'Oitiy Pit Areas J if any. All stumps, e~c., shall be removed and completely disposed or or burled in any area approved, by the Eng1neel..... No stwnps may be buried under tthe Grade. Stumps, may be placed in the old Creek Chal'Jlnel and covered, but not under 'the Grade. I~I(P SUM BID must include all costs ~~eessary to perform all work. RE~.10VAL OF OLD FOUNDATIONS ~""""""",;"",,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,"".J"""""""""I;I,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,;.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"'~'L""~"""'''-'''''_-...,..,.,.. Itiem2@ Tender Form .,"',.~,. 'II"". ""f"'.U";..~"~'" .. "'~"".<J.'."""""" .,...~ " j The Contractor shall remove and level. and leave J..n a. l~forkman-11ke condition, the foundatic.ns of:~'.". ,:" (a) ,(b) (O} Cd (e (f) Barn opposite Station ;+;0 Corn Crib opposite Station 6+00 House opposite Station 6+75 Shed opposite Station 7.t-)O House opposite Sta"t:l.on 7+15 Oarage opposite Station 8+00~ ~tihese Buildings will be removed by M~LY 30th!) ,l9,9. " ,'; Old Concrete to be disposed of in thE~ Grade' or elsewhere, at the option of the ContractOJ~. ' . JLUMP sur~ BID to incJ..uda all work necE~ssary to dispose completely or all foundations. EARTH BACKFILL OF CULVERT """',,,,."" ,.'",..,...., ..~~~".'w., .,,"_.'.....I'~', .".""". I.""" ,I~'.I." 'Item. 3 ." Ten.delll Elorm ~ '., ", ""," '" I" ,.,~.h,. ",-,'J__"'_ .~'....,.,I"...I. ", ~"'" '.........~.. ".._'~".".I .1,< ~ '1~his item tfPs the placement ot necessary Earth Back- till lu~ound the Culvert and Wingwalls and the compaction of thE~ same 0 . E~arth shall be placed around t.he Culv'ert and ~lingwalls as shovm in Plan A. Earth tna.y be obtained from Creek Diver~J:ton; Gl'ade Excavation or any othel~ siource apPl~oved by the Engineer~ All earth placed must bel thoroughly . compacted to 'the sat~.sfaction of 'the .u;ngineer {; 'This Backfill may not be done until. permias:.ton is given by the Enginael~ :$..n \fr:t:ti ne Ii ' 1,',i\,'lrl',}'I'4;1\Y'1'll fr>1"J ",,:h~t 'nl:1f't(.'l,'ir~("nt ~~'lr3 (vf" .:,<J.,d ~:'.. 7,flj~,.t'~:'1I'o/ll-i ~~1 U" ",_.~lt...U:~j.:..j..'Y .;...;.....""'...-....,. V4>......;Jr .,.~;........ 'c"..-i.o~".~*4,a'4;..,.flI....~_ ~.~"'.....J. ""'.~,.Il> "~"'obJ.H:f..~~., AA'i-1~.V'\;.jitl3. .....i:IC.!.,.' on a qJtj of t): .... '2, ..., 9!A~ BAC~tL~ OF CULVEj;!. ~~ 'this it.e1ll is ~he p}aceJll.Eln't of necessa.1"1 Granular or sand Back!1.ll. around t.M culvert. and 'ilin,pta').lS>> and t.he compaction of 'thEl saIne. Granular IJla.t.erials sha.U be pl.aced around t.he Cu'l'\1art and \qfing'Aa.Us as shO~ in P'lan A. No oranuJ.a.1" 1.lJa.terial ~1 be placed unt.il. tehe eart.h 'Bae1d~ill. 1.8 pla.ced and eoynpac'ted 'to 'the sat.isfaetion of toM l:..~ngineer, and the con:tract,OI' is all.(wted in ll1'i ting 'to 'begin G1'anu'lar Back!ill of t.hEl Cu'lvert. ....;E t.b.a't Granular BaCk!il.l is \;0 'be done s11nUi~e.neo'\1S1Y ()'ii."Oo"lih sides of the cul.'\l'srt. 'thiS a'tipUia'ti.on 'ViUJ. 'be rigidlY e~o1"ced. oranul.a1" Backfil.l is 'to be c01\\P8.cted t.o tM 5a:tiSfact1.on of 'the go.pnee'S'; t.hUl.'l, it. JlIB.,/ be neceasa.:r1 fot' 'tM Cont.r-a.ct.or '\;0 provide 1"ubber-t.ired rollers or \'I8.t.er 9 or bo'th>> :t~or compact,iOn<il Granular lo'Ia:l:ier:tal "dll be SU'P'Pl.ied by tM Count.y of l.Wn and t.M t,O'P 50i'l s'triPped and re'Pu.eee, if neCElSSro:Y>> by th~ count-y- The loca't.ion of t.M pit. 1.5 not. fi1"\'l\ at. 'th'J.S 'time. The count.1 'Will. paY 'the ooo.'t1'8.<:t.or at. the ra:t.e of M per cubiC yard mile for each mile 01" port~on t.he1"eof ",here the 'Pit i0 a't a grea1iet' distance t.han ~ 'llO-les !r()1ll tohe job ai'tG as 1Il0e.s'llt'ed on a. Road suit.a.ble for the 'hauling of loadS or 10.'tons. ?A"!MENr :Cor all loading, hauling, placing, ~ compact.ion, etc., tor t.he placeman't ot t.ne mat.er:;.a.l '\IIill 'be ynade on a cubiC yard 'bade on '\it'uckS. Gra'\1el Ticket.S \iill b e isSU.ed, upon \inioh paYlRent. ~rlll 'be made ~ ~}JJ1~ ~~~ 1. All lo\a'tEJ':t'ials encoUll'tersd 'to be eJ'ca"ia.'ted at. cont.~aetot"$ Unit price, as no ela.ssificat.ion of mat.orialS i,,$ made ~ 2. 'Pl\.11~NT 'to 'be made Qn 'basiS of cubiC yards of e~tea~J~'a 'ttion ~ 3- ~t.e1"ia.l. to be e:ltcava.'ted t,o ct'oss_s~et.ions and grades gi'Ve11 b'1 :Etl&inl)l)'1'. Grades sho'\'l1l on prof:l.1e are t.entati:lfe. ior ,1rOSS..5ec-l;i.ons see plan A. It. The Gon'traetor ..;fill note tna't st.atiOns are nU'!llbe1."ed from 0+00 at s'ta'tion 16+S0 on 'tM grade, and proe0e.d right. and left.'* , 'rhe C.Ut.1ERT con't1"ac:'t01" will rem.o'lfe yna'terial from t.he creell'5r.;~;:l.on as rollo'llls:- He \11l1 re:;,-ove all mater :f:rOlll sta:t.i,on l+26 Right. t,o ).+02 1.e1:t. to 'Profu6 Gra.de- At stoa.t-ion :1..',02 Lett. a't Ele"<1. 672.0 he 'Jl'il~ slope t.he eJ'C&:\l'a'tiOn at 2 'to ). 'to na:tu:ral ground.. . [\" stat>ion ').+~6 1 at B).a'\!'. 6'77..0 he ~l). slOps t.he ~ea;rat.1.on at a lrfl. s...oll t.o meet. na:\:.ut'al g'tound on t,he cent.re line of t,he cree1t l.1i"i0:l."siOn app1.>oJ'. st.a't3.on 2+'75 'l;ti.gh'lJ - S eS p:o~i.~:e. · ~his Item ~'5 of t.he coo.t.ract. will covel' 'the t'E',lllOVal and . . . .. . "',. '.~ ';" ...,..", ~~5POSa.l 0': 'the l"etoal.nder of t.h9 m.<l;"e>- ...al !.. om ...h(1,. C. .,,,,.1: .. :3 = J EXCAVATION FOR CREEK DIVERSION - Continued .....~"',',..........j,-".,',...,.".,.,,.,''',. _.,._.,,,.,,,,.,. .,u"",,,., ", . '"~~',"."~',_"",.~ .,' , 60 The Contractor's attention is dralffl to 'the Resulti3 of the Test Borings~ 7 41 The Contrac.tor's att.ention is drawn. to 'the fact .that 'the County does not own land past the left-hand bank of the Creek D~",version from Station 2+00 to 10+,0 Right... The Coun:ty owns the land on the Right bet~/ee,n the Creek Diversion and the Present Big Otter Creeko goJ Disposal of material is at the option o,f the Contractor" He may (1) Use it as Earth Backfill for the Culver~ (2) Use it as Backfill for the Old f.::reek from the Inlet or the Diversion to the Gradetl (3) Use it to Build the Grade. (4.) , Place it on the flats between tl1j9 Creak D:Lversion and the Present OttSl'" Creekt and level it oft in a neat and worlmanlike manna:!:' Ql 9 ~ PAYMENT tulder this section is for EXCa~f,fltion of t~ha Cl"'eek Di versiol1 only and, if' t.he Contractor 'Uses the mr3.t~eria.l removed for any additional items, he shall b'~3 compensated as such (lflith the exception of lEnlelli.tlg ma:t'srial Oti tDhe nflat" b whi_ch is considered pal"t of the work of EJCCf,nration of the Diversion)e BACKFILL OF PRESENT BIG OTTER CREEK ...........", __., ,~"""""~\~,',,c.....'.',,,,~ "'u''''.~,. I", ..' ..' ,.,.",..,......,.~~~,"~".,'...,'.......... ._ ,.1,)",.,.,._., _",....., '.J. "" ,'~.", ..~..,~~.'I6>.tll!,";.,.,..~.,...__lfI Item. 6~ TenderForm ~~~~~~'~........;,~..,..,~..>~_.""...,.........",,,,.,.,.,,,,.,,,~.,.",,".(1,,' The pIllesent Creek Bed is to be f'illed~,r.it;h eal'ith from the Inlet of the Creek Diversion to the toe of slope of the Grade (See Plan) to Elevo 688~00 Material to be trimmed and left in a lla,at. condit;ion~ Old Bridge Abutments may be left in place and filled over and around~ Backfill 111l1St be placed so that a minimwn of water 1s trapped ,~i and cann.ot be commenced untjil the Ne111 St~ream Diversion is completee NOTE 'that the County OWllS no property on the Horth S:i.de O1T~the Creek" Source of Material for the Backfill of 'the Creek is at the option of the Contractor;:, PAYME~~ is made on cubic yards of S~~,b!ill placei~ q 4. ~ '. 'I EXCAVATION OF MATERIALS SA~~I,O~ ..~+09'~ST,~'g'I(jlf 10+~O.. :J\ljp:"~.~At:~:9.~".~~+OO.~~TA1~J;q~ .41~,22 ~~.~,'1" ,~~D4~,J~" ~~~ (1) The Contractor shall excavate all f.1aterial 1;0 Lines9 Grade and Cross-Sections as given by the Engineero (2) Lines and Grades as given in Plans and ProtjLle are tentativ80 (3) There ill no Classitication ot Materials, and all Materials encountered Joust be removed at Contractor' 8 ContJ~act PriC89 as no extras will be allowed. ' (4) The Con1~ract;or may be ordered to excavate bEllow grade and remove any unsuitable materials and replace this with suitable materials $ PAYMENT tor this excavation will be IltVlde on a cubic yard basis 0 Backfill of the area ordered to be tl~xcavated will be paid on a basis of cubic yards 0' Fill compac~~ed as per Item ;;80 (5) The Con1t;ractor's attention is drawn to the J:-esult of a test at Stat:Lon 7+550 It is expected that a watE~r cond1ti.on may be encoun'terc:ld. No additional compensation will be allowed tor "this fJ It Hel-Cor Drains are neCesSa.L3' the Coun1~y will place them and backfill 'them with Granular l4aterialo The Cc)ntractor will be paid a standard hourly rental tor his backhoe or dragl~"ne equ1,t1ijUen't Wh4:ln used tor excavating a 'trench for 1~he drain 1;' He will be comp~naated at his Unit Price per cubic ~rard tor dl1sposal of the mater:Lal so excavatedf) whetiher or not the material is stitable tor backfill. All Cut:~ shall be made true to Cross-SectiOJl and Grade, and the Contractc)r will not be allowed to excavate ol.\tside the slopes or below the grade unless directed by the EngineE~r 0 All. C:uts shall be mad4~ true to torm as 'the work progressef55) and di tches shall be con.structed to provide drainage as soon as pos~tt1ble CIl All Sidct=) Slopes must be 'trimmed true to sha];>>8 G 7:he exca.vation oj~ all ditches and entrances is a par1~ ot this Itemi'J Disposal ot all Material is at the option ojr the Contractoro If he decide~s to waste the I.Aterial it shall be ~lS directed by 'the Engineer 9 and shall be trimmed and levelled ~50 as not to be unsightlyo PAYMENT for I~1aterial removed under this Itelll shall be on a basis of cub:lc yards otExcavation~ Material outside the Slope of the Cross-Sec1~ions taken to build the Gr~ade will be compensated at the Contr~ictorts Ulnt Price tor the Building of the Grade only and NO Com~~nsation will be: P~~. under this Item. as Excavation' ot !1irateriallf~'H""'"''.''''''''''-''''''' ",.,~ CONSTRUCTION OF GRADE .,.",.".,._."'" ""."-'.1 .., . "".""., ""',..".."...".,,....,,'......,._..........1. :t;:te~.,,,~~, ...~.~,~~,~ ~.()~ The Construction of 'the Grade \1111 be paid ~lS cubuc )ral~.a of Fil.l in place compactedo This 1s done to enable the Con.fGf'actor to iialCii the best use or the material available 0 I4a.ter1als 'that may be used :Lnclude:- (1) 'Material from Creek Diversion (2) Excavation ot I~1ater1al in Item #70 (.3) Slc)pi~ of AJt'ea as shown on Plan as Area A. Land is owned by County I!) (4) Rfjmoval of liIaterial :from Flats as shown on Plan as Area Bo Land ~ls owned by County (l (;) Any o'ther source approved by thE! Engineer 0 .- , $> Ite- a.'" cont.inued ~ d 1aus't be built. of su.i.'table ~ne 't~'P , feElt. ~~ t.~icr:a: sht.Y Hll\iaria1-, 01" o'the1" ma'ter1.a.1. : 1. . e <9 ~~ ",.. ~1.1. '0 e a.1.l0'4fed · undesirable mat.el" ...lJ,Ao" 'to t.he fact. t.nat. t.he 'fhe cont.1"act.or' 5 at.t.ent.ion is dt"a~ a ro:ltiJll8.'telY 20 t 000 Culvert. co~ra.ct.or i6 e)t1>ect.ed st~t.~c 1.?+~b and t.M Ot'te1" creek. t,o 22,000 cUbiC yaro.6 bet."een cross_sect.ion as far as ~a 'thiS ~'Ie.'te1"ia.1. "i1.1. be pla~~d ~~'\1ert. cont.rac'tor. -rhis ttee1a,,/!, ' possi'ble, and t.riJllTllo~ blM ~lacin& and C01ape.ct.in& of 'the of t.h6 cont.1"act. is ...or re:caa.inder of 'the Grade. d is t.o be 805 shO,.n on 'the C1"OSS-sect.ion or t.he Gl'a: e 'Plan A . ...t ........ . 'to fot'll\ for t. he full .........V.. ii1.1. snall be cons'tt"1ct.ed ~~ s ;rea.d in u:nifot'll\ layers or t.he euiOa,nl<lnent.. le'teri8.1.S t. 'to be kept. le'\1el by _ans of a not. 1l101"e t.nan afl 1.n dep'tht and l.ach layer mUs't be t.hOl'o\l&h1-Y BuJ.l& ~e1" ltoad Gradet", et.c. '11. et.c · before 'the C01a'Pa~t.ed' bY Bul'ld.o~e1'S t Grtdet"~' lt~hee~~~t. of thiS cC)1ll.pe.c'\ii. on nex:t la1er of _'t81"ial l.S V acaid. for E$Ca."la'tion of le'teria.1.S. 1ln1St. be i.ncluded i.n t.he 'Pt'"1-ce · sections, 'the lO" port-ion In 'the case of a Side l1ll orl~~~~oss..sectiOn is obt.ained. snall 'be const.ru.o'ted unt.i7" ~ slig,h'tlY cro,.ned at. aJ.l t.i.me:, 'the euiO~nt. sna'l;l~ t.~~ run..off of anY rain. All 51 e ~~~tete't~rrmmed 'tt'\1El to slOpe. f 'the const.ruct.ion of: t.M 'fRi patCl. BlU per cUbi<1Ya;te ~~lo.ing of: t.he Grade and Grade is ~ CC)1ll.~nSa'tion ...01" t.he C01ape.ct.i.on of it.. lllSot.eria.1. placed in t.he Grade '\'f1.ll be 'Pa.1d t.o desired C1"OSS_sect.ion onlY. d ,&}.st5 01~:" CUbic 'tara. of 1ill U1 'PUce CC)1ll.pe.e'te · ~ ~ _...1 ~ · i d1'a,.n t.o 'the need of 'the cont.raet.or1 s 9.t.'tent.1.~~iO; faeteor t.o t.he yarda,g,e of 'the 9.'P'Pl1ing a. sh1'inlf.a.[,e 01" cC:-~e is l.l.5 cU. yd. of: li1.1. needed. }. reasOn9.d \)l f 111.1. in 'Place c01ape.ct.ed. e~,ea:.,a.tiOn 'iil l cu. 1 0 0 ~ c~s 'to be 6upe1"ele'Vat.ed. ~'l De prO"lided at. t.h6 2. lreneh ura.1aln '" Oure;~ ~ else'4fhere, as dit'ect.ed bo'tt.o1a of ... s 0'P... dt.h of oYU\nin& a'P'Pt'osiJllS-t.el1 bY \"the 'EnP-neer. ..... /(- 4-~ 'to 6'- d if direet.ed '01 'the E~near, '} . -rop 501.l 1;0 dbeo!ea.~~~r hi.s ins'truct.iOn8' and dis'Pose ....... ...t'"\ 'be nro'\1ided be't'4feen st.at.ionS It+SO It ~o ent.1"ances .......... r . and. 1..'1+00 4} CO'N$-rRUC'tI01{ 01 G~E - con'tinued R."~.~,,.,~.Jt .1,,~,~ OF ". """ """~.""-'. .'" -~, ~ T EST !L. 9~}~, ,.;1; Jt>~~!.,~ ALL BORINGS DONE ON CENTRE LINE V,lt' PROPOSED >>fEW ROAD" D Onl(~ 'r ;} ',j, c' ;01 n,i:J ilcLl \.;lay ,J n (,round. I E)V~rl (';'ON d-. '5 () l-os.J (~{)5 (7):)~.1\ o "'"' ~d 79f';~<MJ796 l'"' c, t:. "7 rH I "V"". "If,.f. ".I #if' 11 t70~ l~ q .;/ .r" lh ) i"J Q r) t:' l./t:,~o) ?C 8} r) ~ ') ~t~... 7 + 80? fI1opsoi.l a and \'l ..... r~c3'l" C' ay i':) ,:.1. ,i1 .1. ;tn!" , Gr~)v Clay' ('!.l"~e";' C l.p v D r:\ t-,,"p .J".. " ,I .,r.;".J ' l;.U..\. ,Jet. [3and Clay t"u.:Lcksand Condi ti.O!l Test Discor~inued. ST. THO~~~S, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1959. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~~~ITTEE met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL WIEMBERS \\fere present. JY.\H. VJILLIAlVI COOKE of D. H. O. London i.r.Tas also present. IT vvAS Nl0VED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE H. HUNTER THAT Lloyd S. Gurr be appointed as Chairman for the IVleeting. CARRIED. THE MINUTES of the last IYleeting were read and approved. IT '\flAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. :LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT the follo\dng County Road Accounts be approved for payment:- Pay List 113 - $1,165.08: Pay List #4 - $7,457.37: Pay List #5 - $12,547.56. CARRIED. A REVIEvl of the "'\fork done on Richmond Hill was given. THE ENGINEER stated - (1) 19 sets of Tender Plans had been given out on the Otter Creek Culvert. (2) Surveying for Grading was in progress. THE ENGINEER presented plans showing the Road Alignment on the east side of the Otter Creek, which plans were approved by the Committee. _ 2. - ST. THat~S, aNTARIa. FEBRUARY laTH, 1959. THE ca~,rrTTEE e~pressed their wish to order cement from the st. Mary's cement company, and Reinforcing Steel from the Burlington steel company. THE ENGINEER AND MR. BASIL NEVILL reported on their ~Ileeting with 1"11". Grant Brown, who is the LaW1erfor the Estate of Lewis Acre and George Acre. They reported that conditions seem favourable with regard to settlement, and that theY had increased the offer of compensation to the Estate of Lewis Mre from ~313.oa.aa to \}315aa.aa, and the compensation to George Acre from $3, . to ~~3 ,500.00. IT 'II AS ~AOVED BY SECONDI~;D BY THAT we empower the cov.ntyEngineer to call Tenders for the Grading on RICIWI.oND HILL, to close March 19th, 1959 , subject to the approval of the Department of HighwaYS. CARRIED · B. NEVILL c.. BLUE waRK aN S.oUTH STREET, RaAD #53 IN AYLMER was diSCUssed in vieW of the fact that a delegation would be heard from Aylmer in the afternoon. MR. FRl\.NK cm~l\.l~ a.nd J. R. McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan company attended the Meeting on the subject of the County's Municipal Liability Insurance and Non-awned Automobile Insurance. Mr. cowan alSO spoke on the subject of Boiler Insurance as it affected the Road Department. - 3 - ST. THOTh~S, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 10TH, 1959. '''-'-'''''' IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY c. BLUE H. HUNTER THAT we renew our Municipal Liability Insurance and Non-Owned Automobile Insurance with Frank Cowan Company. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE B. NEVILL THAT we place Boiler Insurance to cover all Boilers and Pressure Vessels owned by the Road Department with Frank Cowan Company. CARRIED. r~ETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. MEETING RESUJYIED. MR. J. B. 1flilson also in attendance. MR. R. WiCKIBBON and NIR. GLOVE~R from the Town of Aylmer were heard regarding work on Road tl53 in Aylmer. IT vtJAS MOVED BY SJ~CONDED BY H. LIDDLJ-l.:; C. BLUE THAT the County Roads Department prepare the Roadway and Pave Road #53 in Aylmer, as follows:- (1) Victoria Street from South Street to Elk Street (2) South Street from Rutherford to Fifth Avenue (3) Fifth Avenue from Talbot Street to South Street, if the To'\tln of Aylmer will construct by local improvement curb and gutter on these streets, previous to paving. This will be considered a 2-year programme. CARRIED. .. 4 - ST. TROt~S, OtlT~RI0. FEBRUhR! 10TR, 1959. TRE EtlGItlBBR repor~e~ as follo~s:- ,1) Brus hing ~aS conti nui ng on Ro ad' 47 S ou~h Dol." c he s~ er an~ Roa~ 42 t!\.alahi~e. 'flork ~ould soon begin onRoa~ 27 !a:rmou~h and Road 17 M.C.L. sou~h~old. Tha~ Tenders had been called for su'burban co~ission Grading Tha~ the \~in~er control problem had been acu~e and tha.~ the \ 2) on 'flellington Road. \3) Salt supplY problem ~as serioUs. ,4) That RiP Rap ~ou}d ha~e to be placed at the ~ienna Bridge. ,5) That the county ~as pur~hasing Gra~el from 'flatterS BroS., an~ stoCk-piling it at the Pleasant ~alle1 Pit for pa~ing on Roa~ 42 in the summer. ,6) countY trucks ~ere s~ill haUling stone from Ragers~ille. ,7) The Motor on Grader #8 had recei~ed a major o~erhaUl and placed baCk in ser~ice. 1~ had gone o~er 10,000 hoUrs. ,3) The Motor on Grader #9 had been repaired, and the Engineer ~aS to meet with the cummins Engine company concerning an adjUstmen~ on the bill. T1:lE. BtlG1J1EER stated that the FlOOr on the 'flalker Bridge had failed, and that Repairs using hrmco Bridge Decking and hsphalt and an increased number of stringers should. be llla.d.e. IT \~hS l-1CWED B! SEC01~D'ED BY c. BLlIE B. NEVIL1.J T1:l~T stepS be taken to repair the 'flalker Bridge Cf\.RRIED · on the ThaJlles Ri~er. - 5 - ST. THOMAS, ON~ARIO. FEBRU.f\.RY 10TH, 1959. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE H ~. HUNTER THAT the Engineer be empowered to call Tenders for Materials and Supplies. CARRIED. HALF-LOAD Season Requirements were discussed. A PETITION from a number of Rate Payers on the Union Road near Port Stanley was read and discussed. It was decided to visit the Road and the Meek Bridge on the Annual Road Tour. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDE,D BY H. LIDDLE H. HUNTER THAT the rVleeting adjourn, to meet again on March 10th, 1959, at 10 a.ID. CARRIED. ',,-- '" ~_,.9!!,..,~ T Y ...""QFd' ,,~,~..~.t~,~ SEALED T,ENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received until 5~OO P~M. MAFtCH 20TH, 1959, :r~or the foll~)wing: ""'" (l) ( 2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ( 7) ( g) <9> (10) (ll) (12) CRUSHED STONE AND WASHED SAND s ALL SIZJ~, F.. 0 . B '" PLANTS.. BITmlINOUS MATERIALS INCLUDING TARS, ASPHAl..TS J COLD MIX. ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS, FeO.B. PLANTS. CALCIUM CHLORIDE. PO:RTLAND AND HI-EARLY CEMENT. VITRIFIED AND FIELD TILE. CONCRETE PIPE. CORRUGATED STEEL CULVERTS. PAINT - (a) BRIDGE PAIUT, RED LEAD, ALUM:rNu)I~ GREEN (b) GUIDE RAIL PAINTs ORANGE. CHEMICAL '\4JEED KILLERS.. FENCING MATERIALS - 16 tl GATES 948 WIRE FENCE 1fi STEEL POSTS WOOD POSTS~ STEEL RE-INFORCINGe GRADER BLADES. LOWEST or any Tender will not necessarily be acceptedG R. G. MOORE, P. ]~NGo, COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, STo THOMAS, OI~~RIO. TEll D E R FOR 1.1 C 0 U U TY ,_0 F ~, L GIN TRIPLE ag;t CULV.t:;R'll - BI(}"orrEU CREl5K - cquU'rl.Ji9AD.lJJ! To the Cha1A.'~.an of the County of Elgin Road CO.uudttee. 1/\1e 'the undersigned, having examined the Plans and Specifications for the Construction of a Triple Box Culvert over Dig Otte~ Creek and having visited the ~31te and tully understanding the \'lorl( to be undelltaken hereb~V' submit t.ly/Our bid as follows:- ~tiem Excavation tor Culvo~ ' as per specification (~uantit') Estima.1tied Unit Uni~, cuanti1~1 Price 'fotal cu. yd~, 2.6.,00 Excavatio:n tor Footings as per specification cu. ydo 20; ;000 lb. Concrete in structure, including w1ngwalls alld end aprons, as per spl9cifleation cu. yd. 1745 2..500 lb. IConcrete in \dngwall ,footings and w1ne;wall iaprons as per sp1ecif'ication cu. yd... 175 Place Rel:ntoreing Steel as per sp1ecification Ton 74 -.,/ TOTAL DID:- ~ u ~ o~ .. eont.inued if2 t/\le eaclote acer'titied Cheque or nid Bond tor l~ 01' t.\'l.8 'tender l\mount, being the sum or _ _______t made pa1a.ble 'to the <rreaau.rel' or the count.Y or ~lgin. l/~je agree to cQ'laplete a.ll 'llOl'kS bY JulY 31sti. 19S9. l.cMes't Q1" an:'! 'render not nece5sari'lY acce'Pt.ed. ."""..-.- ---- ----- \li;t,neS$ ------ ----- ~~ cont,ract,or · !...!1_Q..!J:...r~ 1. 0 1\ ~ 0 Bl\)D~RS 'tRIVLI!! B01 CULvc;\l.T _ ~ .. COU\\'t"1 \lOAD l!13 'to\:1115\\1i' O~ UJ\"1 \\l'U'l - ~. Li6't 01' DOC_nts:- ~ l ) Genera).. ~laP 01' ..re?o \ 2. ) 1.nt01'\llO-t.ion t.o Uiddet'& .. , . \ , ) 'tender ~orlll and 'rendet' l>n'lclope \1+) speCi1'icat.ions .~' 9 \ ~) ueJ:r:n~;at1' c~;t~~: c:t d~~~ract FOJ.'1l\ \~o.).oo a'l8.i'lable on request \6) "pu.ns _ inc)..uding:- · '" ." ""eft1 \ a) Bt"i~e l'lans and ae1.t\.L. 01"01.ng", ;) v ... l '0\ l''tof11e \0 p).a.n of j:.rea · \0.) ResultS ot 'test. B 01"'1-~s e) ?lans sho"n.\\~ ex.ca'lat.1.0n, etc. 9 W RC\\ ).911\ )..9,9. at. the 'tJ::UD~S ~ill 'be t'ecei "led un'li:1.). C ~~. \\~~G 5t thoma&, ont.ario. f1'1 e of the coun't1 i,ngineel' t o~; v " ~lea~e us. -render iotm and 'tender ;:.n'le)..ope' LO"iiES't or anY 'tendet" no'li \\ece6S8.1"11.1 acceyt.ed. .. . ~ 'triple BOX. Cul'\1ert. as shown on ',loaK consists 01 i$ca'\1a.t.ion tO~ ~)..a.cing ReintOt"cing S'liee). as the Pllltl.S \,ouri~ concre'te an' ' outlined in 'liba speCifications. \IORK t.o 'be completed 'b1 Jul1 )).st., 1.9~9. . hi 'f nde't a cet't.if1.ed Cheque or t.]\Cl\ -rEl~l)El1.~a 'lit? incl~e "'1.'t s 'rJ.s ~i'll be returned ~en a Bid 'Bond for 'lalo of h1.S ~~t1 co~1 fj)1" 1.~ of the contract. l'erfOrmance BO~ ~om..~.. "''''8 count" of ~l!>in bY tl\e successful ~unt. i& depoS1.t.ev. '<'JoV" u.... ~enderer. -r\U\. SUCC~i"U1.. '1:~\lDiltl.~ 1lI\16t 6~~ a e<::rt~t~tm;: t.hat "he 1.00;~ ?rfo~ee Bond \d.t.\rl.tl. if ~"~ai.l6 to dO so hiS chetlue is t.he successful 'tend~1"erco' .....t." of ~n t,o compensate the ~~l 'be forfei~ed to t...e. ,~'~ countY tor ~es sust9.1.Ued. II\Ll.'ORI.i/\'rIOU TU 13Il)D~US - /j:2 - A D~POSIT of $10.00 is required for Plans, which will be returned if the Contractor enters a Bona Fide Bid~ P1\YI.lEUTS to the Contractor are outlined :in the SpecificaticU1S., ANI' UNJ3,~LAUC~1) BID \'1i11 liable the rfender to re jec,tion.. AUY \li<UALI1'''ICA1'IOiJ of the Tender l'Jill liable the Tender to rE~jectiono FURTHER Il1FOIU..tATIOUmay be obta1ned from the Under:s1gned~ R. Go MOOkEt P. EllG.. COUUTY gUGIUEElt, COUUTY 014' l;;LGIU. COURT HOU~~. 5T. 'tHOI.jAS, OU'I'ARIO . .,,- ~l. E S U L '1' S 0 11. 'r B S T BOlt II~ G' S ALL BOR:tUGS DONI OIl cWITns LIIm OF PROPOSbID l~E~~ ROAD. ----~"---------------- TEST 1I~ #1 - CHAI1..AG~. l' -l~ a Elev. 691.0 at Surface 691.0-690 Topsoil 690-662 Yello\fSilty S~md 682.679. S' Clay and Sanel 679.5-67900 Sand 679-618 Clay and aand 678.6'2 Hard Grey Clay 652-650 Hard Grey Clay with aome Gravel 6'0.627 Hard Grey Clay ------------------ TES~ llotE il2. -. OIIAIUAG,U; 1$+ 8J,. Elev. 692.0 at Surface 692-691 Topsoil 691-684 Silty YelltYvf Snn<! 6fJ4-674 Hard Grey Clay 6'14-66; Grey C:LaY with 11I0w.e fine Gravel 665-6;4 Grey Clay 654-628 Hard Grey Clay ------------~----- ~~T IIOLE 1lJ. - CliAII~Atm ,16+ 16 Klev. Q94.0 at Surface , 694-692 Topsoil 692-685 1e110\1 Silty S~lnd 68~-66S Grey Cla.y 668.654 Grey Clay liith thin streaks ot Grey Sand. 654-626 Hard Grey Clay --------------.'.--- . S PEe I F I .0 A T I 0 It s , 0 It E X G .A V A '1' I 0." 1. The Contractor \1111 excavate all Late~ials, 1ncludin~ all types ot 8011, roclta, boulders. hardpan. stUlupS, G1tc. t tor his Unit Price. 2.. The Contractor must at all times maintain the Detour Road to 'the liorth ot the proposed structure, and any shc:>r1ng, 8heet1~, pll1ng, etc., necessary 1;0 do this must be included 1nhie y...lce tor Sxca:vation, as no extras will be allotted. 30 Contractor may, 11' he wishes, eXCt\vate outside the excaVLl:t.1on lines rnentlonejc! in Culvert Excavation, but he Tinll not be corapensated. tor doing so, and rtlust d1$pose ot his .~xcavat.iolll material 48 I)Or item 6. 40 Elevations sh~in in RBi Plans wld Specifications are tenta~lve. and it these e:Levat,ions are changed, excavation quclnt1tiee shall becorrespondl~~ly Change4. So Backtl11 ~)r the structure \1111 be done by othEJrS, excepting that d.one by the Contractor tor his Olm convenience. for uh1ch he shall not be paid. 6. Disposal ()t All I~1a:ter1al: Tbe Mat.erial excavated is to be used to bul.LU the UJ:"tld.e bet'"/een the nig Ot'ter Creek and ~tation 1,S + 50 as tar as tho Ii;Il1terial excavated Will allow. The Cross..Section or the grade is to be as sl1o~"nl on Plan /11. Material is to be spreadln uniform layers of not 1110rethan $ inches in. dep'th tor the full \lidth of the embankment, and <true to Oross-Sectiono t.1aterial 10 to be kept level \11 Dleans or 0. Road Grader or Bulldozer, etc. Each layer 111USt. be thoroughly cOUlpacted by bulldozer, graders. rollers, etc". befiore the naxt layer ot l~laterial 1s placed. In the case ot a side till or alop1JJC; sections, the low portion shall be constructed as above until a level cross-section is obtained. The embankment shall be Itept slightl.y cro\'med at all times and conlpacted to pennlt the run-oft of any raino All side slopes must be triLUiled true to slope. ' 'l'h. Price Bid tor Earth .t:xcavation 1s full cowpensaticn tor ~he bUilding of' the {Vade and corllpact,ion of i't. 110 placement ot material is to interfere with 'the Detour H.oad. I.1atorlal unsuitable tor building the grade to be disposed of according to the lnotructlons of~ the Bnaineer, tor tdllch no additional compensation \-1111 be paid. 7. CULVlm'l'_ EXCA VA'lION . (A) jlccavation ot I;1a1n CUlvert, ... station 'u + >~.) 1llgh"t to Station 0 x '50S Left:- (1) Excavation t'l111 be carried to l:;lev. 670.3. (2) Excavation ..lill be paid 011 ~lid1;h of Culvert at depth 670.3 plUS 6 teet. 011 either side of Cul-.rert and thence on a 1 to 1 slope to natwra1 grouncl .level (Se8 Plan A) ~' \ ~ ~~ECIFICAT!9I.IS J.t'OR~X.CAVATIOIJ ... Continued 12 7. CULVlili'f EXCAV ATIOH Excavation ot' ,;~~~lS . . . Station U + '" .5 to 0 ... 96 Hight and. LeEt:- (1.) Excavation \1111 be carried to Ele~". 672.0. (2) Excavati.on will be paid on \'ddth 4r>f Wingwall Footings outside to outside plus 6 teet on either side of tootil~ and thence on a 1 to 1 slope to natural ground level. (See Plan B) (9) ( A ) &; (:B t : It t.he Contractor does not uiah to excavate to the lo..dth as indicated above, and tlishes to shore his excavation, he v1111 be entitled to payment tor e~ccavation indicated. e'V'en it he does not remove all the ma1~er1al, as compensation tor his shoring. ( C) ~xca~at1on beyond .11~.fa1all, Footillfi.. Station 0 + 9b ~o ! + 20 R1gh~:- Contractor Will excavate 30 feet pas end of \#d.~'lall (1 :I:Ldth of Bottom 620' t ~ Blev. of Uot tcnn 672.0. S1de Slope 1 to 1 natural ground level. (D ) ~xc:ava~~C?p., beyond 1 + 26 RiGht:- Contractor will be paid tor excavation on a lO,~ slope from the Channol Bottom at 1 + 26 to natural around level alone the cen.tre line or the Creek diversiono U~~tural ground level ldll bE) sloped to at 81'l>:roximately 3ta.tion 2 + 75 n:Lght. (E) ,Exc:avat,:Lon beyond 0+ 96 Lett:- ThE~ Contra.ctor may tal"e out. all or any part of the ~xcavatlo11 indicated in (0) ~~.:, (D), and be paid tor the amo\U1t he removes. lIo'tfOver, the Detour Road is llO't to bed1sturbed. Parts (A), (B). (e). (D), (E). are shown on the Tender Form as Culvert ~cavationt and 1nclude disposal of Excuvation 1.iater1al. as per Itenl 6. 8or09t~~ Exc,avatilon,: ( ) i.J;' , )"oot1~ .Excava1iiOn is:- 1 ~cavat on .a.1or Culvert and Aprons. ( 2 ) \JinplaU Footings. (.3 ) .Jingltall Aprons,. tthis is paid for on a neat exca.va~ed basis. Disposal as p'9r Item 6. 'Ehis, I'ter:l (a) is sholm on the Tender F'orms as 1fixeavation tor Foo't1ngs tt I t. .' I~,','" \, . .'.; " .... " , G E U E R i\ ,~< q "S P t; elF I C A, T ,1 Q, US T:RIPJ.,E BO)(CU~Vj~Rr .. Qrr~ERClt~~ 1'. The successful Contractor is to post a Pertorrtlance Bond of lOO/~ or his Tender J from a Guaranty Company.. 24 The Contractor shall visit the site of the \'1ork, examine a.ll .Plans aud ~pecirioations. and satisfy himself of all conditions regardine Construction. )" General conditions of Contract Departnlent of High\ttlys I*'orm 100 will apply to this contra.ct reading "County ot Elgin" for "Departl..ent of Uight-lays n . 40 Department or ilighl,-mys i'-ona 9 "Specifications for Utructures" must be adhered to, excepting that No Heat1~, of Ooncrete will be pa1d tor." Read "COWlty of l,t;lgill" for "Oepartment of'1n.gh1tlnyaft" 5 . Contractor to carry .Jorkmen' s Compensation Insurance and Third Liability Insurance to the satisfaction ot the Count Yo 6. The results of Teat Doring sho\'11'l are, ill the beliet ot the County, indicative of the soil but are not guara.nteed, and Contr\lctors must make thoir own investiGations, as no extras will be all01.1ed. 7 . Payment uill ne made on a.pI)roxirJlately the tenth of the month tor 9OJ~ of the "\lork done during the previous month. Complete payment ,-1111 be mAde \1ith1n one month of' the completion of the "lOrk as certified by the County ~nG1neer. 8. Contractor is to furnish all lights. barricades t tlaelilen, ete.. necessary tor the preservation ot traffic on the County Road and the safety of the norks. 9. The County ot ll:lgin \lil1 pay for the movem.ent or utility lines clear or t;le proposed \lork. Altor the UlOvement. the Contractor lI111 be responsible tor payment ot any movoment or dama8e. 10. A Detour :tor Traffic to the i~orth of the Structure ~lill be built and maintained by tha County ot Elgin. U""'er no circumstances will the Contractor be allo\'/ed to disrupt traffic. except on \1ritten order of the County .ii;ng1neer fa Should the Contractor disturb the . Road during his operati.ons, he mus1; repair it at his O\1n expellseq Contractor must leave the area clear of materials. etc., tor at least 30 teet either side of the centre line of the detour., Contractor must note that the present steel truss structure carries a Load Limit of 8 tons, and he must not exceed this limit. 1.0 allotlance \1i11 be made tor overhaul. It 1s expected that tills Dride;e \'liJ..l be removed as soon as th~ Contractor bas finished pouring concrete, or July 1st, 1959 t 4t the latest I and that all loads over 2 tons groGs \'1111 bave to come trolL1 the east via Straf'tordville. 110 Contract for the stream diversion and the Building of the Grade will be let to others t and some \'lork may be done at the Sallle time as the building ot the structure" However. the Grading Contractor \dll not be allowed to do any work \lhich may endanger tbe lrlork ot the Structure Contractor, or cause httl'\ extra expense. 11. rw ... GEUE~tAL ,.IHP'ORBAi}'IUU - COlltinued J;2 12/1 r!o extra \'Tork \lill be all0t1ed unless authorized by the County~ngineer in \'lritil'lg. 13. Operations of the Contractor ~nl1 be reotricted to that land o\"Illed by tho Gounty of l;;lz1nt wlless arrangements are made \11th the ounar. (See Plan for areu for Contractor Operations). '\ SPt;CIlt'!CATIJH l"Uf{ COlICRET.cl 10 The County \-1111 design the ~,.ix. 5arnples of aggre~ate must be ton~arded to the COWlty ~ngilleer at least tHO l.reeks in ad\fance lP in order tihat a i>iix may be d03ignedo 2. ,\11 r4ater:l.al must be \f61gh batched. No volume batch1n~ will be allowed. 3. The Contractor to supply all coarse and tine aggre~ates and ,.tater, as per the Specifications of Uepartment of Hight/uya Form 119. 4. 'llhe COWlty tll11 supply Gement in bulk or bags at the Sito. and Pozzolith ill bags at the Site, on trucks4t Contractor laust unload and provide adequate storage. Contractor must replace at his expense all Ce~lent or Pozzolith los~ or damaeed on account ot his negligence. 5. The use or transit I.Ii:< Concrete 1s accoptable~ Department ot 1I1ghl1aya Form 119 Specifications to apply. 6. All Concrete must be placed in the dry, and the Contractor's Unit l.lrice must include o.ll sheeting, pwaping, cotferdaras, etc.. necessary to do this. 70 Contractor 'filiil supplY all materials except Cemellt, Pozaollth, and lteintorcing Steel, and shall torra, haul, mix plQce a.nd cure a.nd finish all Concrete in accordance \dth the plans and Specifications 0 a. Con'tractor to Fin1sh !tub all exposed surtacQs. 90 The Contractor in his Unit IJr1ce to provide and pluce Uo-Cor node Drains in the .Ji11h~1alls <& 10. The Steel Ice Guard \ri.ll not be placed. SPECIFICATIons FOR .3000 lb. COnCRE, f'T~ " II.' I I . I I I I. .." This include all Concrete in Lain Culvert,lnclud111lS Culvert l!"loor and .h;nd Aprons t also all Concrete ill ~i1nt:.'"'tlDl1s 0 If additional Concrete is oraerod in the m~1n structure, aprons or wirl[;,"'t'lalls II the Contractor will place the sanJe at his Unl t Price for 3000 lb. Concrete. ' . ,'f . q~l~t;ftt~~ Illp"Qlij,J;\II'IOll - e Continued 113 SPli:CIF:rCA'l~IuaS F'OR '2.500 lb # COnCRETE ", ......,'"..., ~ ,', .... ~i""'" ',.,..,- '-""""J-I-~'I""""-""I""""" ,,_'_, ~~ This includes all Concrete in iJingwall Footings and i" ,~iing\1S.11 I"'ooting Apronsll If additional Concrete is ordered '-""'., 1n the ld.ngl'lall t ooti 11gS OJ' \"1 flgl1all aprons !. the COl1trac tor '-rt11 place the same at his Uult l)rica tor 2,00 lb. Goncrete. < J \~ '.. ''''''"'", SPECIFICATI9N~F'01{REINFORCIliG STEEL ". . " ., . ". " , " 'J!he COWlj;y \'li11 supply the neintoreing Steel at t.he ~it;f:.$, on trucl~s. 'l'~"'."" Contractor mu.<<3t unload the steel and care tor it, as per De. '. ta.'1e t of Hi311\^/ays Form #9 0 Contractor's Price to include :rt"wor. . includine placing and any minor bend1113 that may be necessary\" \ Contractor 1s\reOponsible for tho steel against loss or dQmnge on the jite41 "\". ~""\l. \,\ '\-. '" " .. "\.\,',' "::;!'{ift\',,;.;; .~""'>"'>""';"',',"""'<,' . <H~ '\.,'\. .'. . . \ ,.I . . S PEe I F I..O A T I 0 II S , 0 It E X C A V A .'1'. ION 1. The Contractor \-1111 excavate all La'terials, 1ncludin3 all types or s011, roclta, boulders. hardpan. stUlupS, etc. t tor bis Unit Price. 2. The Oontractor must at all times maintain the Detour Road to 'the liorth ot the proposed o'truc'ture, and any 8hor1ng,sheetl~, pl11ng, etc., necessary 1;0 do this must be included 1nhie price tor &xcavation. as no extraa will be allo\"led. 30 Contractor may, l.t he wishes, eXC{lvate outside tbe excavat,ion lines mentloned in Culvert f.~.vcnv(ltlon,. but he \'li11 not be compensated tor doing so, and 'Bust d1$pose ot his excavat.ion material as !lOr i tell! 6. 40 Slevat10ns sh~in 1n RBi Plans 8l1d Specifications are tenta~lve. and it these eleva.tions are changed, exca.vation quan'tities shall becorrespond1ngly changed. So Backfill of the structure \1111 be done by others, excepting that done by the Contractor tor Jlis 01'ln convenience. tor \lh1ch he shall not be paid. 6. D1soosal ot. All I;.Ia:terial: The Material excavated is to be used to buIIa the Graue between ~he Big Ot~er Creek and ~tation 15 + SO a8 tar as tho r.Iaterial excavated \d11 allow. The Cross-Section of the grade 1_8 to be as sbo\'nl on Pl."" /11. Material is to be spread in W1.itorm layers of not Liore ~,h~"'l IS .. "'obes 1n depth tor the full \l1dth of the ombankment, and true to Oross-Sectiono ~aterial is to be kept level by means of a iload Grader or Bulldozer. etc. Each layer must be thoroughly cOtrlpacted by bulldozer, graders. rollers, ete", before the 11IIXt layer of I.laterial is pla.ced. In the case of a side till or - eloping sections, the low portion sh~llbe constructed as above until a level cross-section is obtained. The enibankn1ent sbQ" be kept slightly cro\1Dod at all tlh~s and compacted to permit the run-ott of any ra1no All side slopes must be triWlaed true to slope. ' 'l'h, Price Bid tor Earth t:xcavatlon 1s .ful' compensation tor tho building or the grade and conlpaction of it. flo place~/Ont ot material is to interfere with 'the Detour Uoad. 1.1ator1al unsuitable tor bu11d1ns the grade to be disposed of accox-ding to the lno'truct1oll8 of the Encsineer, tor tlhlch nu additional cODlpensation "Jill be paid. 7. (A) CULVER'!', EXCAVA'lION. J.1xcavat:l.on ot I;ialn culvert station () + s;:; Rlgh"t to Station 0 x ;S05 Left:- (1) Excavation 'nU be carried to l:;lev. 670.3. (2) 14'vcavatlon ,.1i11 be paid on ~lidth of Culvert at depth 670.3 plus 6 feet 011 either side of Culvert and thence on a 1 to 1 slope to natural sround level (See Plan A) j;\ . S~ECIFIC.AT.IOUS it'OR. EXCAVATIUIJ - Continued 12 7. (B) CULV~l\'r EXCA V A'lIOn Excavation ot';j~~iallS . Station 0 + ., .. to 0 + 96 Higbt and Left:- (1) Excavation will be carried to Elev. 672.0. (2) Excavation will be paid on \'lidth ot W1ngwall Footings outside to outside plus 6 feet on either side of tootilll.; and thence on a 1 to 1 slope to natur4\l t,;rou.nd level. (See P,"b:l" B) ( A) & (B): If t.he Contractor does not uisb to excavate to the \d.d.th as indicated above, and tlishes to shore his excavation, he \'1111 be entitled to payment for excavation indicated. even it he does not remove all the material, as compensation tor his shoring. ( c ) ~xcav4t1on beyond .Ji.n~~'1a.ll Footil1f\. utat10n U + 9b to 1 + 20 Rlght:- Contractor will excavate 30 teet pas end of 't11~'la'l (I ~~lidth of Bottom 620;' 0 Blev. of Bottom 672.0. Side Slope 1 to 1 natural ground level. (D) ,l!.:xc.avation bevQnd 1+ 26 RitCht:- Contractor will be paid tor excavation on a lO;~ slope tronl the Channol Bottonl at 1 + 26 to natural ground level along the cen.tre line or the Creek uiversiono Natural ground level \-411 be sloped to at approxituately Station 2 + 7, night. (E) Excavation beyond 0 + 96 Lett:- . I ' ' '1 I The Contractor may 'tal,e out all or any part of the rixcavat10n indicated in (0) ;:~ (D). and be paid tor the ,~m"'unt he removes. 1I0\10Ver, the Detour Road is 110t to be disturbed. Parts (A), (B). (e), (D), (E), are shown on the Tender Form as Culvert ~cavation, and inclu.de disposal of Exc~\vation ~ater1alt as per Item 6. 60 .rootln~~, Excavation: 'oot1i:1g Excava'tioD 10:- (1) ~cavatlon tor Culvert; and. Aprons. ( 2) \Jlnp/aU Footings. ( .3 ) .Jll1ol'r'(fall Aprons. 'thls is paid for on a neat excava.ted basis. DispoS41 as per Item 6. This I'telll (8) 1s sho\'m .on the Tender F'orms as 1f~xcavat1on tor Footings", ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO. JANURRY 21ST, 1959. THE 1959 ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMM.IT'I$E held it.S ina:o.gural Meeting at the Court Rouse at 2 p.m. ~RE MEMBERS are as follo~s~- WARDEN "MEMBERS _ L. S. GURR _ D. BURGESS R. LIDDLE B. NEVILL H. HUNTER C. BLUE. _ REEVE OF PORT STANLEY _ REBVE OF nRM.OUTR .. REEVE OF MJ\.LARIDE _ REBVE OF BAY RAM _ REEV~ OF SOUTRWOLD _ REEVE OF DUWII1CR _ REEVE OF SOUTR DORCHESTER _ REE'l1S. OF ALDBOROUGR ADVISOR! M&MBERS J. B. \ULSO'N M. B. M.CCOLL .. p,,SSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER, D. R. o. LO~DON. _ COUNTY 1!N GINEER. A.LSO PRESENT .. WILLHM COOKE R. G. MOORE IT WAS WiOVED 131 SECONDED BY Ci. BLUE H. HUNTER ~RAT Donald. Bu.rgesS be Chairman for 1959. CARRIED · ~RE MINUTES of December 13th, 1953 Meeting ~ere read and approved. c. B1.J'\JE L01D s. GURR IT ~AS MOVED 131 SECOND"ED BY ~J\.T thiS committee investigate the possibility of the Advisory Committee of the Road Committee being; given the same privileges as the Members of the Road Committee ~ith regard to voting, and that thiS be referred to the Legal Committee. C1\RRIEn. - 2 - JANUARY 21ST, 1959. THE ENGINEER reported as follows:- (1) Clearing was being done on Richmond Hill. (2) All information with regard to calling Tenders on the Otter Creek Culvert was readY. (3) A letter from the solicitorS of George Acre was read regarding Land purchase at Richmond. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. . 1.IDDLE H. H.UNTER THAT the committee of the Road committee, Chairman, Mr. Basil Nevill, the County Engineer and Mr. William Cooke be appointed to negotiate with George Acre and the Estate of Lewis Acre, through their Lawyer, for the purchase of their property, with power to act. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. HUNTER H. l,IDDLE THAT we empower the County Engineer to call Tenders for the Otter creek Culvert at Richmond Hill, to close March 1qth, 1959. CARRIED. IT W~S MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL C. BLUE THAT we pay our Annual Fee of $50.00 to the ontario Good Roads Association, and that the Warden name delegates. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED B! LLOYD S. GURll H. LIDDLE THAT we pay our Annual Fee of $50.00 to the canadian Good Roads Association. CARRIED. - 3 - 21ST JANUARY, 1959. THE ENGINEER reported that the County's pioneer Chain Saw, purchased in 1957, was in need of repair and that it would be cheaper to trade it in, than to repair it. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL H. HUNTER THAT we empower the county Engineer to trade in our pioneer Chain Saw on a new Chain Saw, subject to the approval of the Department of HighwayS. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEEmet with Mr. George Cross and Mr. W. E. Rowe of the Suburban Road Commission who, with' the Engineer, explained Plans and Estimates of the Wellington Road Entrances. IT viAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY H. LIDDLE H. HUNTER THAT we recommend to County council that the suburban Commission Estimates for 1959 be approved, amounting to $147,500.00. The increase is due to an allowance for the Construction of the Wellington Road Entrance. CARRIED. IT v'lAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY B. NEVILL C. BLUE THAT we recommend to County Council that George Cross be re-appointed for a five-year term as County Member on the suburban Road Commission. CARRIED. .. 1+ .. TBE ENGINEER reported that~~ tl) concrete on Bunt urain had been comp~eted before Christmas. t 2) Repairs had been conducted to -variOUS. Thames River Bridges, and c~earing; around variOUS Bridges comp~eted. t3) The Drain on the Ro~oson Bi~~ had been comp~eted. t~) severa~ catchbasins had been p~aced instrafford-vi~~e. tS) catch Basin had been p~aced on the }~Y Ri~~, County Road #8 in Dun~ich. t 6) Brushing; ~as continuing; on Road 38 EaSt and \~est of strafford""1ille. t 7) That the uepartment of Righ~aYs ~ou~d resurface ~ith Rot ~i~ a portion of about 600' south of ~a~~acetown on County Road 8. ~8) county TruckS ~ere hau~ing; stone from Ragersvi~~e, to a tota~ of 300 tonS. t9) ~ ~etter from ~tr. T. s. ca~d~e~~ ~as read, in ~hich he stated that the ma~imum approved Norma~ By~La~ for the year ~ould be ~2~0,000.OO for construction and tZ3S,000.OO for li\.aintenance. supp~ementarY By~La~S for constructiOn~-d proiects ~ou~d be received. c. BIJUB 11. RUNTER. IT ~~s li\.O'J'ED BY SECONDED BY TUT ~e rene\i our Fire Insurance eo~icY ~ith the Yarmouth Fire Insurance companY, and increase the coverage on the Garage from ~4-0,OOO.OO to ~4-S,OOO.OO, and de~ete the $S,OOO.OO on Equipment, etc., as it is nOw covered on the countY F~oater Cl\.RR1ED. -poliCY- - 5 - JANUARY 21ST, 1959. TO THE ROAD CONITv1ITTEE OF THE COUNTY OF KENT IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.. BLUE Hl. LIDDLE THAT the County of Elgin Road Committee expresses concern that the old Bothwell Bridge has not been removed, and that an ice jam or high'. water might cause serious damage to the new Bothwell Bridge, and we draw this t,o your immediate attention. We also request your early a.ttention to the curve north of the Bridge, in order that the safety of this curve may be improved by means of signs, guide rails, etc. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY C. BLUE LLOYD S. GURR THAT the Meeting adjourn, until February 10th, 1959 at 10 a.m. CARRIED. ,~:~&J~ ~ C HAI R1VIAN . ' sIr. 'rUOH.I,S. QUTfI.R10. JAU\lt..R'i s~SS1.0U. 1959. TO The ,jaro.en and council or 'the count.y or Zlgin. Qen'tlemen: lour Road c~ttee hegs to report as roll~~- The rollO\rl.n& is a s~ ot: 'line Cost-a or tiaintienance and cons't1'\1C1iion on t-he County or ~ll9-n ltoadS duri.ne; 19,8. C'tl9J! ~ 1. l.'avin& Road 1t6 BayhaIll 2. Faving and Sb.Ou.lderit\Z l'l.oad 5l sou'th D01'Ches'ter 3. l.'avinG; j,'toad llt sout.b:';lold and nU1\1;11cb. It . l?a'\1in& ROad 3 uun\f.ich 5. Gradin.$ and Gra'\1ellin.$ Road ,,. 11.C.1. l0.rxa0uth and sout.h uorchEls'tet' 6. . Gt'adin& and U1"&.vellin& Road 8 Dunm.ch 1 . Grading and G1"a'\1eUinE Road 3 Ald'oOt'ough $ . Grading and Gravellin& Road l3 uunwich 9. Surface Treat.ment. and Paving Road 53 Aylmer lO . ShOuJ.de1"i~ l'l.oaO- 45 t:iliI.lah1de ll. Grading and Gra.vel:l.ili& \toad 42 r;a'labide 12. Fa.,i~ orf01"d..Ald~ough rro\..nline l) . Land purchased lJt . Ue1f 1.iachi.nel'Y l,. t!\i8ceuaneoUS Grading l6. ltic'bJl\Ond llill .. including J,and purchase. Ba1haIl1 'fot,a.l RoadS~ suburban ttoac18 total Itoads ~ 26,903 e43 1; ;l.....~ · )4 17,"150029 ;o,6;4.1B 10,365.13 ,0,;89.86 6lt335.19 ;1.,,91..61 7,760.81 0,709/10 1.,923.59 2.328.09 7)007..28 30,606.00 2.960.40 ~ 295,00' .)It _lO.?9l.~ )05 t ,9'7 .16 """ 2 - COHS'l'HUCTIOi.J --JJ1tIDG"ES' .,.l~~Ll) CULVER'rS, lQ 20 3~ 40 So 6\) 70 8. 9" 10. 11. 12., Richmond BridgeJ Buyham Bothwell Dridge,Aldborough I\i1u.l.tiplate Cu! vert Road 8, Duntdch,{1ncluding fill subsidized) Culvert Pipe, Road g ilunwich Concrete Culvert Extension Road 3 Aldborough Oulvert Pipe, ltoad 3 Ald- borough Culvert Pipe Road 13 Dunw1ch Hunt Drain Culvert Road 19 SOuth\'101d (partially completed) Completion of Concrete Culvert Road ;0, South Dorchester 106.,48 I1cI.al11an Concrete Culvert Road 8, Dun~dch 7,410~26 Concrete Culvert Road 17 11, C t1 L #> South,,'1O ld 1+ ,645 I) 18 Culvert Pipe Road 34 M.C~L~ Yarmouth & South Dorchester 820Q77 , . "L I" . ,._ 118,294011 Total: _JANUARY SE;3JION, 19;9~ lJ647~9; 71,58.)88; 9>>157~63 ';,414.93 2,861403 6,520045 4,182089 3J942~69 Suburban Dr1dges 2~C>9~...1tQ Total Bridges: 120,)86.51 TOTAL COUSTRUCTIOli - OOUItTY AnD SUDURBA~I: $425 J 98) .67 I\iJAltl'1'EliAUCE ROADS . ,. 1. Drains and Ditching 2 II I~Ia.intena.nce of Gravel Roads ). Gravel. UtJsuri'acing 4(1 Repairs to Pavements S I) Ice and Snow Control 6. Surface Treatment. (Seal Coa ting) 7~ Dus~ Control 8., tieeds and Brush1n&,> 9" Guide nails 10. Signs 11 f) Rail Road Protection 12. Curbs and Gutters 13 . Drains ge Assessnlents 140 Towns D:, Villages - Rebates 979 .. 71 16,201.31 22)758.96 2)) 784.44 10,17a.Ol 32,357.14 1",79.22 7,911.50 311012. 2,228.32 2,733.54 33.4S 1,620.93 2lt.,14,] .00 .. 161,020.67 - 3 .. I.[[SOELLANEOUS Superintendence Clerical Pension Unemployment Insurance Holidays \11th Pay S1.ck Benefi'ts Office Garage Rodney Garage ~~8cellaneou8 Repairs Tools Insurance IIJ1aeh1nery Overhead Suburban Roads 'l'o1ial: BRIDGE AlmCULV~RT [.1A! l~II'U:iJAln;E JA1IUAR~~ SESSION t 1959. 9,698.32 1,650.00 2,023.53 36).06 2,8"".4) 268. 72~ 1,679.48 4,107.94- 133.S7 1,045.12 4,35.47 1,720.55 1.~26.;6 . 168,638.42 40.414.43 229.2S2~6~ Pbillmore Brid~e 2,583.1$ Miscellaneous Bridges 4,597.Se Miscellaneous Oulverts , 17. W.12 To1ial: 2lt,967.8S Suburban Bridges & Culverts 5.2S8.7.; 'ratal: 30,226.63 Total l:aintenance: 259,479.48 68,,463.1S Q.02l&.._97 693,488.12. LESS STOCK BALANOE - 19~;7:_ .lO..J6103~ GRAnD TOTl\!,: ~6S;3 ~ 126 · U- TO'I'ALS:- STOCK BALAf,fC.cl - 19;8: By-La~m in 1958 appropriated $663,000.00 .... It ... JANUARl S~~3ION, 1959. \'iE have 2It5.95 miles or Road u.nder the County Hoad System. plUS ,0.0 miles in the Suburban ll.oad System, as of January 1959. ..iE ex.pect thO ontario oepartlllent. of High\fays to resurface \l1tll Hot .a,x paving approx1matelY 600 feet of countl l\,oad .i8 from lli.gh\'laY fJ southerlY at .lallaCeto\'m.. \"IE have 1"ece! "led notiCO frOl:1 'the oepart.ment of uUh\'l'ays that estiJn3.tes for the year lllUS't not exceed J2It0,OOO.OO for construct.ion and .,,;285,000.00 for hlidntenatlce. 1l001El'\1er, Su\?plementa1"1 By _La.iIS are available for spec:\..al construction projectso TStU)BRS are being called for 'the const.ructiOn of the Ottor creek Cu.l'\1erto at nichll1011d nill. to close in i,jarch 1959. Land l'UrCb.aS8 is under negotiatiOn, an.d con.. siderable clearing b.a8 been done. \~~ RSCOi.i\iilll) that tobe '.Ja1"den name delegates too t.he ulltariO GOod Roads MSUociat.ion. \1~ ltECOl:i,ElU) t.hat. the County council in'\1estigatEl t.he possi'bility of t.11e AdviSOry commit.tee of tho Road Conllllit.tee being gi'\1en t.he same privileges as the I;etllbers of the n.oa.d COllllllitt.ee \lit.h regards to '\1ot.iug, and that t.his be referred to t.b8 Legal Co~t,teo. \1I!'. ~COi.:..,ii1:lm that Qeore;e Cross be appoi1\t,eo. for a. ,"1ear term a.s Gount.y ,.,et.\'ber on the :3t. Thomas Suburban );toad COlJlldssion. Lr. croSs has act.eo. for thO County since 1935. \l~ RECOi.1l.1!:im that thO st. 'rh01l\a.S Suburban Road Est.illlateS tor 1959, a.mountiIlg t.o ~lI+7 ,500.00, be approved. Of this a,moun't ;~27 ,000.00 i5 a.ppropriated for baint.ellance of tM Suburban system. The 'balance of ...;120,500.00 is for t.he construct.ion of the '.Jellin~on il.oa.d ~ntrance from/ "'" 5 .... J I\l>tUi,Rl sES~lOll t 19,9. jfrom Uig.h\/8.~' tilt t.o t.M present. ,jellit1f;t.on hOad.. 'the ~st.imatAS are .ii>.SOO.OO fot' ltoads and ...60,000.00 foX' Uti.~es. The t.o'tal cos't 'to t,he GOunW fot' l;1ain't~ce and const.1"uc'tion \'I1ll. be ,,27,000.00. \IE REGOil.i&llD 'the re_p3.saing of. 0. 'dy..La,\i t.o t,aka int.o t,he coun't1 ~oad 51St.em a port-ion of 'the sout.h\iOld-1a.t'tIlOUt.h 'r()\mline and t.hG u.oa.d used in lieu 'thereot, from the ~ condession itoa.d sou.t.hward t.o ni.gb....lay ,;4, a distance of. a.PP1"o)ti.1.\Q.telY 1 nd.le. -rhi.$ ...Jill a)..loW the sub\11'\)l;I.n COllUl\1SS1.on to proceed \'l1th work on t.1.1e .,elli~t,on ll:nt.rance. 'this Uy-'Lll\i \'tal> pasaed iu 5e-pt.el.lber 19'~' bUt. rejec t.ed b1 the uepart.JllCnt of flighwaYs ou account. of an i.mPl'oper descriPt,:\.on. 'the ltoad By..LaWS of t.he Gouut,1 a.t'e in a diSOrgani~ed sut.e, as t.ne last. consolid.a't:i.n& By-'La.\f 'tfa.s passed in 192,. ,lol'k i.S being ca.rried on '01 t,he couut.1 ~inee1" a.nd Clet"k on a ne';t GonsOlidat,inr; Uy..La.\i lihi-ch "i.ll be pfesent.ed la.t,er in 'the year. AU. (fI.:J\11CU 1$ ~S'Pi!.CTiUU.1 sum.l1'tTGU "" _ CBAt\U~\i\.N tl f ~.~ fl./.,....;I\..tJt'LV r'- REPOR't 'to S'l: _ <:C1101{Il\.S SUBURBAU ROAD ~1 - ~ 1be CoromiSS~on ~s juriSdictiOn for appro~matelY 30.0 mileS ot Road as of Januar1 195? i)U'S'i1\g; 1958 coneidera'ble Via.i.ntenanee has 'been done on the entire System- 'rh.e st. George street and l'at'terson Bridges h,a,V'e been repaired. as ~ell as numeroUS cUl'\1ertS. l..'la.jOl' l'epait's to the ".le1J.ing'ton Road h,aV'e been conducted, and 1 'thinl<. repa.irS 'ltd1J. be at. a minimut!\ in t.he spring,. Seal coat.i1\g; was done on most ot the Roads. and Guide RailS re-pai1'ed and 'Paint.ed, 'thi.S year 1 feel the need for l,;.e.intenanee shOUld be at a m1.nimut!\. and t.he a:ttacl1.6d Budl1'.et. is dra\i1l up on that basis. 1 thinl<., h.O'VieV'er, we should paint 'the st. George st.reet 13ridge if at all -possible- l\t.tached yoU \\lil1 find the eJtpenditUre for 1958. p. portion of the CO'lJ.l.ty's (}\1erhea.d \lO~) ~s been charg;ed, \:;0 the Suburban System- .1>J.so attached is a tentati'1e est~raa'te of the cost of constructin3 the ,~e1lin~toXl Roa.d J::ntrance. one 0 the tende1'S are let for const.:ruet.ion of DoddS cree~ B1'idge and. :Lor the Grading. t.heSe costs \4i.1J. be more firm- RO'Vie'Ver. in order t.O do t.1>1s ~lOrk. t.M City and County must. 'be a'P'Proa.cbed for additional fundS. -rhi. s shoUld be done iJlllIIEldia;l:,e1.1. in order th,at ~le maY be assured of fundS to \'lork lIri'th, a.s1l1e shou1.d ca.ll t.enders1:01" Grading- ,,--,/ ..1'~ 2 ':i.1Q ~ JAnUAR~~ 1959. C:t.T~,OF ST 8 rrHOMAS I~I ACCOUNr.r~~ITH COUI~TY Oft' ~LGIN. R~ : THE S~~. ,THOMAS SUBUH.BAN ROAD, 9.oIJllv1I~S:tO~i. ACC9UlJ~8 1.258. CONS TH.U errr OII . '~l.tarid'Purchased ~lel1:tngton. Entrallce BUIDGE;S & CULVEHTS - 'P:i.j?ew"'c"i'\rvei~t.-Cons.truction Concrete Culvert Construction MAr i'Jrr'~NANCE ~ ' 1rupei~intendence [j~ Clerical Drains i~lai nt.enanc e Grading Hepairs to Pavements vJi.nter Control Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing '~\leed.s 8c Brushing Sj..gns &-:, Centre Line i,:Ia:cking Guidf; Rails Rail Road Protection Overhead - Subsidized BH.IDG1~S ;):, CULVER!fS "~' Pa.ttersOndoHfi'dge St~ George Street Bridge Fingal Bridge Culvert. ilaintenance 9,750.00 84.1. B2 lO',;9l.82 2,057~79 34.61 2'~092~'40 ,12.,684.22 1,435.00 75,,;2 1,881.47 14,255.96 3,181.03 10,290.16 391.1$ 2.,175029 3,542.08 769.69 154.88 W55.32 '39 , 'J07 .51I 1,105.65 3,4e9.46 159 .gl~ 50.3.f!O , ' !> ~ 258/15 45,166.3) ITgHS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY DEP.ARTiE lIT OJl lIIGH~lAYS. -" . Committee-MambersFees&Expenses" '400.00 Ontario Good Road hembership Fee 20.00 Roa d Liability Insurance 44.35 Vfeed Spray Insurance 421/150 '$06;'S5 GRAND TOTA1:- 506.85 $;8,357.40 ~ 3 - ~.J!JJ:lJLgnJ?L~ COHS':!:itUGT10n ... SUm)IDIZ~~iL]lJg~rfli.Tl;Eil'LQf_JllGni;Ji\lS ~".".."....- ~.. =-" =---- 25<1b of ~lOt591..S2 lO'lb of 2,092,40 $2s647~96 _ 209024 IJli1Il~TEl'll\NCE _ SUBSIDIZED BY DEP1\RTl.Ii<;llT or' HIGH,lAYS .:=--' ....-- :=00--. ,~,~,.--=-- 25.1 of .:~)9, 907 f,8 ~9 ,9704.90 iil lO1~ or 5,25B.75 .- ~2 t;" et~ ",,.,.-;J. t;; ~ ,l;lJJ.T 1>iJ~~~1?, :y1Jl~R~fLQ!Ji;J:~ - 2.5, ..43 ;~~ of ~506.B5 --------.'. ~ TOTAL;- $l.} , 61, ~41 ~ 4" f::fll ~ JANUARY 1959 1959 SUBURBA,N ROADS I~INT}i;UANCE E~TII.VlTES CITY PORrr'IOI~ Repairs to Pavements Surface Treatment Ice & Snow Control Signs; including Centre Line i-larking Weeds & Brushing Grading Icla:tntena.nce &. Hesurfacing Drains & Dr<.:.)j.nage Assessm.ents Guide Rails Rail Hoad Protection SupE~rintendence D~ Clerical Overhead D:. Contingencies Bridn~es &-:.. Culverts st:"'~eo:rge"street., Bridge I.lis<:ellau(;Jou,s Bridges &~ Culverts Cornui ttee I\!lembers & Items not subsidized l'OT ALS : - 5.,000.00 2,000.00 3w500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 800.00 400.00 200.00 1,700.00 _g,~OOO . ()Q 20,600.00 3$8004100 _? .,11 900 . DC), :5,800000 600$00 0Z7,OOO.00 ~~---~~~--~~-~~-~-~~~~-~~~-~- ~;5 t> 150" 00 580,,00 .300.00 06~030.00 195~9 SUBUH.BAIJ ROADS COl.JSTH.UG11ION E~r;rJ[r.lA~ HE~L! HGTO tI HoO /iD _N JfX TEl\~?I OH 1'1l' 2fj 3 ell 4/i Land Purchased hoving Utilities Clearing Grading, approx~85,OOO CUe yards of earth Grav~:~lling Surveying & Inspection, etc* 5e 60 Dodds Creek Bridge I.iuli~iplat{3 Culvert Ot,hor C'Ulvert~s 1'lO'IIAL CONS~rHUC'rION rr01tAL I;lAIHJ?ENAHCE TOTAL EXPENDITURE:- ~ 6,000..00 If) 500.~OO 3,000.00 30,000.00 1,8,000.00 2,000,,00 60..500.00 45,000<0100 14,OOOeOO 1 000.00 , " . 'fl".,..... .. " ....." " .-2Q., OOO.~ qq ~}120 1J 500 (l 00 2..7 jlOOO"OO 014.7 J 500,;) 00 CJ;~Y PORTIOl'! \p15 ~125 000 . /.' ,j OJjJOOOljlOO ('21 1";5 00 ~, t:.. ~l ~) 6>i 030 (> 00 /"'2f7 1"'5 00 ~ t.....'. (~ 0 U N T"1 OlE · LJ :r..-1 '::!--"~- -- 1\ U. 0 ..., <:! 'l' · 11' E 't il. U C K !::.-.~~ , rrl'01101l' DlvtERl.NCB -- ""?"'''....'01l'<:L .. .~.-~ ......."...~-------..- -- :::.--- "fII,~--~----' ~~._. ?iU'\i'tal'\!;Ort.h l'lOt.O'rS L'to.. ~ BIJ.~~_":t4 ona'l '2'l1}3 .00 C! ,. "'~ ft" XI"....... ... \:)'v tl 1;tlOlil1a;; $ '21.00000 20 L1le Grant. 1,1Ot.Ors I StiJ('afi': oro."l1.ll.e ~\odel. '}803 Gb.e'Vt"ole't 1.0 Mer li.n l~t01"S J..i.1lI1. tad, S'to Thomas ltief'curY lC50 '237)000 H. So t'lOtOrs Lin\iteodl A11,,l11er Fargo \)}OO ~241J~(;\OO ;0 51)9,ck,'IllIl'(l. l.>J\.ot.o 'fa "L,itIli t, eO. I S't ~ 'tl\orua~> & i ore1 i611>350 ~,2.1.w>50 (> 00 l~o 50 $Z52000t) 6(} \I!. 'I!. D\\'Po'l.'l. 1<101.;01:'$ l A'1l11ler f:l Dodt~~O D~'OO ~;Z61~ 00t) p>.o J. 5ch~e1:\;;'l.I):r FlOt.Ota 1;\;0.." stg (\l Thonl3.6 (j -qa:t'go D~300 80 1:fu,l1l<lt'l. \Jio1.;O't sales, A1J'1~1\~~lv cn{f,rtol~t. 't,!thdt~", ~e\Y~ .'1.'- """"il. ",l' .I ,~~;-\ 6"'~ f'); (.,.i"\ ~\"" '..t,;) ~~ v'\..~ 10 I ,\,