1983 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARlO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, December 21, 1983. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Silver Creek Culvert fill was nearly completed with crushed gravel being placed, it was hoped to open the road by night (the road remained closed as settlement cracks appeared and the Engineers wished to study the cracks before allowing traffic to use the road). 2. The Engineer had met with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Township of Yarmouth with regard to a Pit and Quarry Application for the Clarke property. The Township suggested that the entire property be rezoned and the Ministry was agreeable. Plans would be forwarded to the Ministry for tentative approval after which time an application for rezoning would be made to the Township. A Development Agreement would have to be entered into with Yarmouth Township. 3. Construction on the Port Burwell sewers was continuing. The storm drain on Strachan Street would be completed by Wednesday- noon and work would continue if weather permitted on Wellington Street after the holidays. 4. The Cahada Works Programme had not as yet been approved. 5. All C.O.E.D. funds (County Road Department) had been spent and the final report for the C.E.P. Programme had been submitted and it appeared that Workmen's Compensation payments would be received as well. 6. Applications for a municipal Drain on County Road #45 on the Bowen Drain had been made to the Township of MaLahide. 7. The Township of Yarmouth had instigated surveys on the Underhill and the Mill s Drains. 8. Fencing and drainage work would continue on County Road #3 as weather permitted. 9. A portion of the Meek Bridge railing had been removed and was being painted, if time permitted the railing on the Calton Bridge on Cou.nty Road #45 would be removed and painted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 2. 10. Snow plowing had been light but sanding and salting op'~rations had been moderately heavy. 11. The TD 8 dozerw6uld require a complete undercarriage other than track treads. This work would be done by Southwest Tractor Limited as per the agreement when it was purchased in 1982 (at their cost). 12. The stripping of gravel would continue as weather permitted after Christmas at the County's pleasant Valley Pit. 13. Tree cutting would start on County Road #22. 14. All casual workers had been laid-off as of December 21st. 15. Delivery of the new pickups was not expected until sometime in February although ordered in October (because of the non-standard colour). "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OF DECEMBER 29, 1983. CARRIED. " "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 67 AMOUNTING TO $63,756.93 PAYLIST NUMBER 68 AMOUNTING TO $78,002.47 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND FOR THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BE PAID. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SUBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS A PETITION FOR SUBSIDY OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SHOWING ROAD EXPENDITURES ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1, 1983 TO DECEMBER 31, 1983. CARRIEDi' "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND, THE COUNTY'S MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION WITH THE USUAL CONVENTION ALLOWANCE PAID BY THE COUNTY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND, THE COUNTY'S MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH ~d-. """"""""'f) BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: (A) ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (B) MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S MEETING (FEBRUARY). (C) MUNICIPAL EN~INEER'S ANNUAL WORKSHOP (NOVEMBER). (D) SUBURBAN COMM:ISSION ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: (A) ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (B) COUNTY ENGINEER'S AND MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S MEETING (FEBRUARY). (C) ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONVENTION (SEPTEMBER). (D) MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ANNUAL WORKSHOP (NOVEMBER). (E) SUBURBAN COMMISSION ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that there would be holiday carryover from 1983 into 1984 because of the Silver Creek construction and other projects for Robert Davies, Jack Hoffman, Keith Player, Robert Moore, and for John Brown because of illness (a broken leg since early September). All other vacations have been scheduled for 1983 although inclement weather might result in a number of operators being called back to work while on vacation. These days would also be carried into 1984. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1. From the Township of Yarmouth with a notice of a road closure in Concession VI, Yarmouth Township. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY~LAW BE PASSED STATING THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE CLOSING OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE ON LOT 27, CONCESSION VI, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP; WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL AND SINGULAR THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OR TRACT OF LAND AND PREMISES SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH, IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, BEING COMPOSED OF PART OF LOT 27, CONCESSION VI IN THE SAID TOWNSHIP AND CONTINUED . . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH (CONTINUED.. . .) BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF A GIVEN ROAD 49.50 FEET IN PERPENDICULAR WIDTH GRANTED TO THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 24537 DATED NOVEMBER 23, 1915, LYING S~JTHERLY OF A LINE WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PREMISING THAT THE BEARING OF THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT 27, CONCESSION VI IS NORTH 20 00' EAST (ASSUMED), ALL BEARINGS HEREIN BEING RELATED THERETO; COMMENCING AT A POINT IN THE NORTH-WESTERLY ANGLE OF SAID LOT 27, CONCESSION VI; THENCE SOUTH 20 00' WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF SAID LOT 27 A DISTANCE OF 526.20 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 810 07' EAST A DISTANCE OF 528.00 FEET TO A POINT IN ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF THE SAID GIVEN ROAD, 49.50 FEET IN PERPENDICULAR WIDTH DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT NO. 24537, SAID P~INT BEING. THE PLACE OF BEGINNING OF THE FOLLOWING-DESCRIBED LINE; THENCE SOUTH 650 40' EAST A DISTANCE OF 49.76 FEET TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF THE SAID GIVEN ROAD. CARRIED." 2. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Natural Resources with a policy statement on Mineral Aggregates. It was noted that this was a zoning matter and was applicable to the local level. 3. From Mrs. E. .Taylor on County Road #45 complaining about the County's proposal to institute a municipal drain. The Engineer reviewed the condition of the Wardsville and Middlemiss Bridges and passed around pictures showing severe corosion underneath the expansion joints of the Wardsville Bridge. The Engineer reported that he had instructed the consultant on the Thames River Bridges, Mr. Norm Warner of R. C. Dunn and Associates to prepare a cost estimate for the repair of the expansion joints on the Wardsville Bridge. The feeling was that the work would have to be done in 1984 if at all possible. The costs could be in the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 6. order of $20,000 to $25,000. It was noted that the joints would have to be repaired before there was any painting of structural steel underneath the joints and if the steel was not painted within the next several years severe deterioration could occur to the joints and in time the deterioration could be similar to the type which occurred at the Wilson Avenue Bridge in St. Thomas. The Engineer also suggested that the concrete railings be removed from the north 2 spans of the Middlemiss Bridge in the Spring. The Engin1eer noted that since the removal of the concrete handrail from the south span 2 yea:t::'s ago the deterioration to the deck on the south span has slowed considerably, and he felt that deterioration of the deck of the north spans. could be similarly slowed up if the dead weight of the concrete handrail was removed. The Committee instructed the Engineer to proceed with cost estimates for both works and to report further during budget deliberations. The County's insurance policies were reviewed briefly and it was expected that Mr. Wells of the Frank Cowan Company Limited would attend the next meeting of Road Committee to update members on the 1984 premium costs, etc. The attached construction and maintenance programme for 1984 was discussed. THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . REEVE PEROVICH ABSENT The Committee inspected County Road #11 and County Road #26. Considerable discussion occurred regarding improvement of County Road #26 north of County Road #22 for the Plowing Match. The feeling of the Committee was that although ditching and priming were necessary for the plowing Match, little would be gained by a complete reconstruction of the road as the future use of the road after the Plowing Match would be limited to the traffic now using the road (approximately 120 vehicles per day). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 7. It appeared that since the Highway #3 Expressway had been opened, traffic from the Ford plant was entering st. Thomas by using Highway #4 south to Talbotville and then the Expressway east to St. Thomas rather than by County Roads #11, #26 and #52. Although the Canadian National Railway owned a considerable amount of industrial land between the expressway and the Ford Plant, since the Ford Plant has been built, the Canadian National Railway has not been able to negotiate a sale of any of the land for an industry and until an industry relocated in the area it was not likely that traffic would increase. The Engineer was instructed to estimate the cost of ditching and granular work required for a prime coat in 1985 and to include this in the 1984 budget. The Committee felt that edge pavement marking should continue on approximately the same basis in 1984 as in 1983 although they felt it was highly desirable and if there were extra funds available priority should be giv1en to this project. Mr. Clarke noted that it was unlikely that a supplementary by-law would be available in 1984 as had been in the last 2 years and all monies would have to come out of the County's maintenance budget. It was agreed that weed spraying programmes should be continued and that emphasis should be placed in Yarmouth Township in 1984 as their programme in past years had been marginal. The cattail spraying programme would tle viewed using the results from the Township of Southwold as a base and if it proved satisfactory the programme would be expanded. The use of salt brine was considered for dust control and it was noted that results seemed to be on the par with calcium chloride and the projected savings were in the order of 30% to 40% and as such the Engineer felt that the salt brine should be used in lieu of calcium chloride. The Committee agreed that gravel resurfacing should be done on the roads in the area north of St. Thomas, and the north area of Southwold attd Middlesex Townline (if Middlesex had sufficient funds). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 8. It was noted that overhead costs and payroll burden cost1s and legislated payroll costs would increase including Canada Pension, Unemployment IInsurance, and Workmen's Compensation in 1984. A retirement allowance of approximately $27,000 would be: required to cover sick benefit payouts to employees who would retire in 1984. CA. !Milligan, G. Bedford and A. Gordon.) The Committee instructed the Engineer to bring tentative lestimates forward for reconstruction and asphalt resurfacing projects as detailed 'in the proposed programme as well as those miscellaneous items indicated. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications allocation and comparison costs from 1983 would not be available before mid-January so that lthe budget prepared for the next meeting would be extremely preliminary. The Committee agreed however that a preliminary budget would be advantageous in that it appeared that the number of budget meetings would be restricted in February because of other meetings. DEPUTY REEVE SHEILS ABSENT . . . Land purchased from Dave and Duncan Ferguson and Colin Ferguson on County Road #30 was discussed at some length. The matter has been outstanding for some time and although Reeves Monteith and Shaw had previously attempted to solve the problems invqlved they had not been able to do so. It was recommended that the Warden, Chairman and Deputy!Reeve Martyn and the Engineer view the area involved and be prepared to make a recommendation to the Committee at the next meeting. It was felt it was very unlikely that an agreement for ~n entrance would be reached with both parties that would be satisfactory to thelother party. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 21, 1983 PAGE 9. The Connnittee agreed to discuss future construction and road programmes at their next meeting and felt that a.':'Desitable Courtt)t'Road System" should be examined although this probably could not be done for several months because of bUdgei deliberations, etc. "M!'VED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM S CONDED BY: M. H. STEWART I T~T WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. i I CARRIED." I I I ~~~~ CHAIRMAN . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME ASPHALT RESURFACING 1. Road #8 Dutton to Wal1acetown .. minor drainage \tjrork and surface treatment on shoulders. 2. Road #3 Highway #3 South -complete gravel shouldering. 3. Road #3 Highway #3 North.. trim, fence, seed, gt~avel shoulders, drainage, surface treat shoulders, etc. 4. Road #36 .. Ditching and gravel shoulders from Road #45 north 1\ miles. Paved in 1983. 5. Road #36 .. Asphalt resurfacing, shouldering and dit~chingJ etc., from Highway #3 South to 1983 work. 6.. Road #45 Patch or resurface near Keith Lindsay' s~~ 7. Road #53 .. Elm Street north of Elm Street Bridge? Mill and place 1\" as level course. ROAD CONSTRUCTION 1. Complete Road #32: (a) Minor work south of Police College entrance. (b) Trim shoulders, seed, etc. (c) Drainage work. (d) Gravel. (e) Double surface treatment. (f) Conrail crossing widening. (g) Hydro pole movement. 2. Roads #42 and ~O - Port Burwell: (a) Storm drainage, curb and gutter. (b) Excavation granular base. (c ) Base coat paving, etc., (top coat 1985?). 3. Road #42: · Complete work at Silver Creek Culvert, widen fill, trim, seed, guide rail, utilities, etc. 4. Ditching, trim work, gravel Road #26, etc., in preparation for International Plowing Match. 5. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) .. as much as possible. A base coat of asphalt to be applied to all the rOudthat is wo'rked on in 1984. VVUI'll vr ~L~lN KUAU UEPARTMENT 1984 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME ~ ... PAGE 2. MISCgr..r...ANEOUS 1. Surveying for future work. 2. Eng:f.neering work on future work. 3. Drainage Assessment construction (No Supplementary By-Laws available in 1984). 4. Machinery replacement (19134 Ministry of Transportaton and Communications Allocation unknown as yet). 5. ~signation of additional property at Clarke Pit for gravel pit purposes. 6. Land purchase, road widening Roads #22, #30 and #45, etc. 7., dJ~~J-;;1 q . MAINTENANCE BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1. Continue painting progrnmme - FUlton, Meeks, railings at Calton (as a minimum). 2. Continue inlet and outlet improvement progrmrnne _ ditching and tree cutting (much of the projected work in 1983 '~as sidelined when the Silver Creek Culvert collapsed). 3. Continuation of inlet and outlet protection on steel culvert pipes. 4. Replacement of cuI verts on Road #42 at Bayham Town1 ine and Road #/~J near Road #42. Road #42 George Blyth's. Road #45 Taylor and Tuetsch? Road #40 Dowen Dr.ain? 5. Miscellaneous concrete patching, expansion joint Wardsville Bridge. 6. Remove concrete railing north end of the Middlemiss ,Bridge, etc., etc. DRAINAGE - Much di.tching including, but not limited to: - Road #8 - Miller north of Highway #401. - Road #40 -Correman. - Road #42 - Blyth' 5, Shaw's, Road #43 from 1 m:l1e north of Road #42 and,diversion. - Road #43 to Road #42 - carryon Road #36 north of Road #24. SURFACE TREATMENT - Approximately 22 miles of work. PAVEMENT MARKING - Decision on Edge Marking Programme. Will there be a -Safety Allocation for 1984? '~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 CONSTRUCTION PROGl~~E PAGE 3. WEED SPRAYING - Cattail spraying progral~e. - Brush spraying programme (Especially North Yarmouth). TREE PLANTING ... Continuation of programme. GRAVEL RESURFACING ... Road #30, Road #26 north of St. Thomas for International Plowing Match, Road #17, Road #18 and load #20 in Southwold should be gravelled in 1984. GRAVEL SHOULDERING - How much. - We have covered all of Yarmouth (except Road #22), Malahidt! (except Road #40 south of Mount Salem) and Bayham (except Roads #4l~ and #46), South Dorchester (except Road #47) and about one half of Sc)uthwold. - Shoulders on Wellington Road should be pulled in and gravel added as needed. RAILROAD PROTECTION - Additional costs regarding C & 0 Railway. (They haven' t beE~n paid for a while. ) DUST CONTROL ... Salt Rrine vs. Calcium Chloride. OVERHEAD - Retirement allowance (sick time payments) required for 2 eInployees who are retiring early in 1984. PAYROLL OVERHEAD ... Legi slated increases in Canada Pension, U .1.C. and Workmenir s Compensation Insurance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 15, 1983 ,HE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Thursday, pecember 15, 1983 at 3:00 p.m. in conjunction Pre sent were: I temeber: ~arden Ernest H. Marr eeve Dan Perovich Reeve Donald A. McWilliam IReeve Max H. Stewart IReeve William R. Caverly Reeve Jack N. Smyth Municipal Building on with County Council. Deputy Reeve Township of Township of Aldborough Township of Dunwich Township of Bayham Township of Malahide Village of Port Burwell Southwold Advisory Members: Reeve Robert G. Brooks Deputy Reeve R. James Sheils Deputy Reeve William A. Martyn - Town of Aylmer Township of South Dorchester Township of Yarmouth "IMOVED BY: M. H. STEWART ISECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH ITHAT REEVE CAVERLY BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 11983 - 1984. CARRIED." The Chairman thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINltER REPORTED ON THE WORK 'E.o DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. snowptowing had been light, and salting and sanding had been moderate to heavy. Work~ontinued at the Silver Creek Culvert. It was hoped to have the road I I opene1 before Christmas. I I The M~nistry of the Environment had notified Mr. Davies that they did not wish I I to buty the water line this Winter and expected that they would have no trouble 2. 3. 4. keepihg it from freezing (the Engineer and several members of the Committee had I grave I doubts). I I Storml drain work continued in Port Burwell on Strachan Street with the pipe I haVinr been installed to Pitt Street. It was expected that Wellington Street would be reached before Christmas. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 2. 5. Fencing was continuing on County Road #3 between New Glasgow and Rodney as weather.permitted. 6. The C.O.E.D. Programme had been completed and all casual workers would be laid-off by the 21st of December. 7. No information has yet been received on the Canada Works Programme. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE 1984 ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS THE COMMITTEE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: (A) SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL COMMITTEE. (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAMME FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. (C) LAKE ERIE EROSION. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE J~ASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND WIDENING PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1983 - 1984. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A HYDRO COMMITTEE BE SET UP BY COUNTY COUNCIL TO LOOK AFTER THE CONCERNS OF THE COUNTY WITH REGARD TO THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINES FROM ONTARIO HYDRO'S GENERATING STATION TO TRANSFORMER STATIONS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE REQUEST THAT THE CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION HOLD A HEARING AT AN EARLY DATE TO DEAL WITH THE MATTER OF THE FUTURE OWNERSHIP OF CONRAIL SO THAT THE COMPANY PURCHASING CONRAIL CAN PROCEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY ROAD CROSSINGS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION BE FORWARDED TO EACH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AND THAT WE REQUEST THEIR ENDORSEMENT. CARRIED.'! "MOVED BY: J. N. SMMTH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. AND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRI ED." COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT DECEMBER SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND HEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COM}IITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND 1. That the County Road Committee act as a Committee for the following purposes in 1983 - 1984: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal Committee. (b) Mosquito Control prograrrnne for the Prevention of Encephalitis. (c) The Committee on Lake Erie Erosion. 2. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign land widening plans as necessary in 1983 - 1984. 3. That a Hydro Committee be set up by County Council to look after the concerns of the County with regard to the location of proposed transmission lines from the Ontario Hydro generating stations to the proposed transformer stations. The Committee may be required to appear before the Environmental Hearing Board to voice the County's concerns over proposed and alternate routes as suggested by Ontario Hydro through various areas of the County. 4. That Council request that the Canadian Transport Commission hold a hearing at an early date to deal with the matter of future ownership of the Conrail Railway Line so that the company purchasing Conrail can proceed with the improvement of County road crossings, inasmuch as Conrail has been in a position of impending sale for the better part of the year and Conrail has done very little maintenance on County road crossings. These crossings are beginning to deteriorate seriously a.nd it is not likely that Conrail will make more than minimal improvements until such time as a new owner of the line is established. Your Committee feel s that if the crossings are allowed 1:0 deteriorate for a long length of time they will all be in very serious condition. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - DECEMBER SESSION 1983 PAGE 2. Even with an early hearing it is not likely that a new owner would actually take possession of the railway line until late Summer. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIllliAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, December 8, 1983. All members were present except Chairman Caverly. .Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: nt,A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT MAX STEWART BE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF OCTOBER 20 N~D NOVEMBER 1, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED: 1. That the Board of Negotiations had met on December 6th in London with Stephen Simon; his Solicitor, Harold Stafford; County representative Ben Lansing, Appraiser; Murray Hennessy, Solicitor and the Engineer. After listening to various evidence, appraisals and reports given by both parties the Committee recommended that the County pay Mr. Simon the same rate for his property as for his neighbours property, namely $2,000.00 per acre (for .800 acres this would be $1,600.00). The Board of Negotiations also recommended that the sum of $300.00 be taken off of Mr. Simon's payment for the top soil that he removed. The Board felt that although Mr. Lansing had valued the top soil at approximately $750.00 this value was perhaps a little high considering the limited market for top soil and fill in the Rodney area. The Board also recommended that the County place another entrance to Mr. Simon'S property at the south limit and that a sloping lid be placed on the catch basin on the Bushbaker Drain in the west ditch on County Road #3. The Engineer noted that Mr. Simon and Mr. Stafford had signed an agreement that ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 2. they would accept the recommendation of the Board of N€~gotiation. The Engineer stated that Mr. Hennessey and he recommended to the Committee that the recommendations of the Board of Negotiation be acc.epted. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A.MCWILLIAM THAT WE AGREE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF NEGOTIATION AND OFFER TO STEPHEN SIMON FOR LAND EXPROPRIATED FROM HIM (INCLUDING ALL COSTS AND DAMAGES) BY PLAN D-1247 FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP THE SUM OF $1,300.00 PLUS FENCE ALLOWANCE AT $12.00 PER ROD FOR THE FRONTAGE NOT FENCED (LAND VALUE BEING COMPUTED AT $2,000.00 PER ACRE FOR .800 ACRES LESS $300.00 FOR TOP SOIL REMOVED BY HIM FROM THE PROPERTY). THE OFFER SUBJECT TO A FULL AND FINAL RELEASE BY STEPHEN SIMON. THE COUNTY TO PLACE AN ENTRANCE AT THE SOUTH LIMIT OF PROPERTY AND A SLOPING LID ON THE CATCH BASIN ON THE ~USHBAKER DRAIN. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN CAVERLY IN ATTENDANCE AND AS SUMED THE CHAIR . . . 2. The Engineer noted that the Offical Notice from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for the Supplementary Subsidy Allocation for $100,000 for the Silver Creek Culvert had been received. Costs to November 30th at the Silver Creek Culvert construction were approximately $360,000. Work was still continuing and County forces would be hard pressed to have the road opened by Christmas. Considerable work would still be required next Spring as only the absolute minimum of work would be completed this year. It would likely cost $80,000 to $100,000 in 1984 to complete the work. The project had been extremely difficult and time consumming without equal previously. 3. All the C.O.E.D. Programme money allocated would be spent by early next week. Only five (5) workers were still on the Programme and these would likely be laid-off during the week of December 12th. 4. Federal approval for the Canada Works Programme submitted was still pending. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 3. 5. All municipal drainage invoices received in 1983 would be paid and the total of Drainage Assessments for 1983 would be approximately $200,000 which was $50,000 more than originally budgeted for. 6. The final December paylist would be approximately $85,000 and most bills received to December 20th would be paid. All bills to December 1st were on the monthly accounts for approval by the C6mmittee. In spite of the Silver Creek Culvert disaster very litt:le account carryover to 1984 would be necessary, as when the Silver Creek Culvert collapsed all other work had been suspended. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Approximately 700 roll s (50 feet) of snow fence had be'~n erected. 2. Snowplows and sanders were all operative although a number of vehicles had to be safety checked. 3. Culverts on County Road #42 at Haymaa's in Malahide T01Nnship and Shaw's in Bayham Township had been placed. 4. Fencing was underway on County Road #3 south of Rodney. 5. Work had been started on the storm sewers in Port Burwell on Strachan Street and if the weather permitted work would be continued to Christmas. 6. Sign repair was underway. 7. Pavement marking and sweeping had been completed. 8. The guide rail at the Cook's Bridge has been completed. 9. All work on County Road #32, other than three (3) days of shouldering work had been completed. It will be necessary to place a coat of crushed gravel from the Police College to County Road #52 before paving was undertaken next year. 10. Approximately 800 tons of crushed gravel had been placed on County Road #30 (Radio Road) in the 13th Concession of Yarmouth and several hundred yards of crushed gravel had been placed on County Road #26 south of Highway #3. More gravel would be placed if conditions permitted when haulage work was completed at Silver Creek. 11. Chittick Construction was presently crushing at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit and the entire pile of pit run gravel would be crushed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 4. 12. A considerable amount of excavation work along the Catfish Creek had been done at the Gillets Bridge but wet weather had forced postponment of the rest of the work until Spring. 13. A considerable amount of truck repair work had been required, including a new bottom on the cab of Truck #91 (GMC Sander Truck), temporary repairs on the cab of Truck #83 (Mack Truck) further work would be required in the Spring, the rear end of Truck #84 (Mack Truck) and the transmission and rear end of Truck #88 (Mack Truck). 14. All the sanders had been repaired for this Winter but several would have to be replaced next year as further repairs were impractical.. 15. Mr. Maynard and Mr. Backner and several owners of small holdings of land had signed agreements for road widening on County Road #22.. Mr. Mac Hepburn and Mr. Morley Brown had been approached, but agreements had not yet been reached with them. Mr. Davies had several owners of small holdings to approach shortly on County Road #22. It was hoped that these owners would allow the COu.nty to enter onto their property to reconstruct the road or sE~ll road widening. 16. The land plan for widening on County Road #8 (Simpson and Hentz) would be registered shortly. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE PASSED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLTST NUMBER 58 AMOUNTING TO $65,525.79 PAYLIST NUMBER 59 AMOUNTING TO $57,463.85 PAYLISTNUMBER 60 AMOUNTING TO $1,136.22 PAYLIST NUMBER 61 AMOUNTING TO $462,769.73 PAYLIST NUMBER 62 AMOUNTING TO $438.00 PAYLISTNUMBER 63 AMOUNTING TO $57,066.91 PAYLIST NUMBER 64 AMOUNTING TO $998.99 PAYLIST NUMBER 65 AMOUNTING TO $90,498.05 PAYLIST NUMBER 66 AMOUNTING TO $690.00 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 5.. Proposed routes by Ontario Hydro for future transmission lines from their generating stations to their proposed transformer site near London wa>s discussed at some length. Several members were concerned that although the proposed routes did cross the south parts of Malahide, Bayhamand Yarmouth Townships, these routes might be implemented unless evidence was produced at the Environmental Hearing to show that these were not acceptable routes. Deputy Reeve Shields and Deputy Reeve Martyn expressed concern that one of the proposed northern routes through South Dorchester and Yarmouth did not follow the 25 cycle line all the way through both South Dorchester and Yarmouth to the present transmission line north of St. Thomas and then along the present St. Thomas-London transmission line to London. After considerable discussion . "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A HYDRO COMMITTEE BE SET UP BY COUNTY COUNCIL TO LOOK AFTER THE CONCERNS OF THE COUNTY WITH REGARD TO THE LOCATION OF PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINES FROM ONTARIO HYDRO'S GENERATING STATIONS TO TRANSFER STATIONS. CARRIED." The proposal of Albert Atwell of Cantunn to buy the Conrail Railway line as indicated on his recent visit to St. Thomas was discussed at some length. The Engineer reported that John Wise, M.P. had asked him to express his concerns to the Committee that lengthy delays by the Canadian Transport Commission to hold hearings on the sale of the Conrail would further jeopardi:?;e Mr. Atwell's chances of purchasing the line. The Engineer also noted that further delays would be detrimental to maintenance of County road crossings at the Conrail Tracks as it appeared that Conrail had stopped all maintenance except emergency work on crossings, and all crossings were deteriorating. After some di.scussion . . . ST. THOMAS., ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE REQUEST THAT THE CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION HOLD A HEARING AT AN EARLY DATE TO DEAL WITH THE MATTER OF THE FUTURE OWNERSHIP OF CONRAIL SO THAT THE GOMP ANY PURCHASING CONRAIL CAN PROCEED WITH THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY ROAD CROSSINGS. CARRIED." The Ministry of Natural Resources had transferred the pit and quarry license in the name of Sparta Stone to the County of Elgin. The license covered approximately 10 acres of the south half of Lot 26, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township (Clarke property) and one of the conditions was that not more tnan 15,000 tonnes of material could be removed in a calendar year. The Engineer noted that the need for crushed gravel would be greater than originally anticipated for the construction of County Road #22 inasmuch as Mr. Mil ton Springer did not have any crushe"d gravel for salle and the amount of crushed gravel obtainable from North Shore Aggregates would be minimal, thus nearly all the crushed gravel for the project would have to be obtained from the County's pleasant Valley Pit or from the Clarke Pit. Only one (1) major year of gravel was available from underwater at the pleasant Valley Pit. All gravel processed after that would have to have sand screened from it which would increase the cost and reduce theamount0f material available. Although an Official plan Amendment would not be required, a Rezoning AppLication would be necessary to increase the size of tbe Clarke P~t and thus amending the license could be a lengthy process. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH AN APPLICATION FOR A LIGENSETO ENLARGE THE CLARKE GRAVEL PIT TO TAKE IN THE PRESENTLY CLEARED LAND TO THE SOUTH OF THE PRESENT PIT AND MAKE AN APPLICATION FOR REZONING IF NECESSARY. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 7. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . Correspondence was read from the Town of Aylmer asking the County to provide a Mosquito Control Programme in 1984. Reeve Brooks noted ehat Mosquito Control in 1983 in the Aylmer area had been somewhat of a problem and felt that the County with trained personnel could provide the service in 1984. The Committee discussed Mosquito Control (for the prevention of encephalitis) at some length and felt that they should be prepared in case a major spraying programme was necessary and felt that in the meantime they were prepared to offer supervision to local municipalities for isolated problems. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE KEEP OUR MOSQUITO CONTROL SPRAYING LICENSE IN 1984 AND ONE (1) TRAINED PERSON; THAT HE BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE MOSQUITO CONTROL SEMINAR IN TORONTO IN MARCH; AND THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO SUPERVISE MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES (AT THEIR EXPENSE) IN 1984. CARRIED." Correspondence from Hennessey, Bowsher and Williams regar.ding a proposed rezoning for a Post Office on the Beckett property on County Road #27 in Union. There were concerns that as the building was reasonably close to Highway #4 that there could be a considerable traffic hazard if traffic was allowed to park on the shoulder of the road to go into the Post Office. The Engineer was instructed to write the Township of Yarmouth and Hennessey, Bowsher and Williams stating that the County felt that traffic parked on the shoulder would be a hazard and a suitable parking area wou.ldhave to be provided by the owner of the Post Office as continued parking along the County road would undoubtedly lead the Committee to request that County Council prohibit parking in the area. It was noted that the sketches showing the parking lot forwarded by the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 8. solicitor were incorrect. The Committee instructed the Engineer to suggest to the Township of Yarmouth that the property be zoned by Site Plan Amendment setting out the dimensions and the location of parking needed for the business. Correspondence was read from the Ontario Good Roads Association requesting permission to hold a Grader Operators' School at the County's White Station Garage in 1984. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION TO HOLD A GRADER OPERATORS:I UPDATE SCHOOL USING THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S FACILITIES AT WHITE STATION. CARRIED." Corre spondence from Mr s. Frank Sander s, Nel son Parker and Ronda Dickie requesting improvements to County Road #22 were discussed and the Engineer was instructed to reply to them stating that the Committee hoped to proceed with a majority of this work in 1984 and requesting their co-operation and assistance in all matters with regard to the improvement of the road. Speed limits on County Road #27 were discussed and the Engineer was instructed to contact Staff Sergeant Money with regard to the control of speeds on the road and to write Mrs. Jean Gagne pointing out the effects of a reduced speed limit and the information that he had received from Staff Sergeant Money. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Village of Port Stanley with a minor varianc,e reque st by Paul Dunbar, Front Street Port Stanley. 2. From the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations with a copy of an application for registered land title::plans for land owned by Helen Spriet in the Village of Belmont. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 9. 3. From the Township of Yarmouth with a minor variance, Glenn White Industries, County Road #35; minor variation for side yard. 4. From the Township of Bayham with a zoning by-law to lE~galize a substandard residential lot on County Road #44 near County Road #+6. 5. From the Township of Malahide regarding improvements to the Simpson Drain. Reeve Caverly noted a petition of rate payers had been received and an engineer appointed to make a complete survey of the Simpson Drain from Catfish Creek northerly through Springfield and into South Dorchester Township, a total distance of approximately four (4) miles. 6. From the Town of Aylmer with regard to rough conditions on Elm Street. The Engineer stated that he had already spoken to Reeve Brooks and Deputy Reeve Pearson and it had been agreed that the matter would be looked at in the Spring for improvement or asphalt resurfacing. 7. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with pre-registration forms and a preliminary programme for the February Convention. 8. From the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that a proposed subsidy system for the reconstruction of County bridges on Township roads would not become effective until legislation was passed in 1984 - 1985. 9. From John Wise, M.P. stating that there was no further C.O.N.E.E.D. funds available a.t this time to assist in the funding of th,~ Silver Creek Culvert. 10. From the Ontario Workments Compensation Board with regard to injuries to John Wakeling (C.O.E.D. Employee). The Engineer noted that it appeared that the Workmen's Compensation Board would pay on particularly any claim regardless of its significance. Bob Davies noted that he had been informed that a new system of surcharges would be placed in 1984 in which employers with high elaim records;could pay surcharges of 150% to 200% of their initial payments and that employers with good records might receive rebates. 11. From the Township of Malahide rezoning a residential lot at Copenhagen with frontage on Highway #73. ST'. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 10. 12. From the Ministry of the Environment noting the expiration of the Grandfather Clause under the Environmental Assessment Act. The Engineer reported that he had contacted the County"s representative on the Ministrial Environmental Committee and had found that the Counties would still be exempt from the Environmental Assessment Act until such time as the "CLass" Documents proposed by the Municipal Engineer's Association for County and Township roads had been accepted by the Ministry of the Environment. As the Ministry had been studying these for a year, approval was expected shortly. 13. From the Ministry of the Environment, Southwestern Reg:ionregarding the requirements for approval of the extension of water and sewage works. Mr. Janse of the Ministry had been contac.ted and stated that these applied to local municipalities if they extended sanitary and water lines and at the present time nothing the County contemplated required approvals. 14. From the Ontario provincial Police noting the slippery condition of County Road #45 west of Highway #73. Mr. Davies noted that the problem seemed to stem from the hydroplaning action of vehicles in wet weather because of the rutting of the pavement in the area. It was noted that the length that rutting had occurred was approximately 1/4 mile. "Slippery When Wet Signs" 'would be erected shortly. The Engineer noted that the Committee might wish to resurface a portion of this road in 1983 rather than 1984 or 1985 as had been tentatively scheduled previously. Several Committee members noted the conditions were getting worse and it was likely that some action would have to be taken in the Spring. 15. Correspondence from Mr. Edgar Walcarius owner of the property on the east side of County Road #40 (1 mile south of Highway #3), objecting to the County's actions in proposing to install a larger culvert across County Road #40. Although the culvert was now 42" in diameter several times in the past 2 or 3 years the culvert would not carry the water and the water spilled into an adjacent drainage shed and into the house of William Mayer and in August had been within a foot of getting into the chemical warehouse of Mr. Brower (~ mile north of County Road #45). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 11. Calculations of the drainage area indicate that a 60" culvert is;::required in the area and inasmuch as Mr. Walcarius had objected to the culvert in writing it appeared the only solution would be a petitton under the Municipal Drainage Act to determine the proper size of the culvert. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A DRAINAGE PETITION TO DE~ERMINETHE PROPER CULVERT SIZES REQUIRED ON COUNTY ROAD #40 FOR THE BOWEN DRAIN. CARRIED." Drainage problems on County Road #45, which had been inspected on the Committee East Elgin Road Tour were discussed. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A DRAINAGE PETITION TO DETERMINE THE PROPER SIZE OF CULVERTS AND THE PROPER OUTLET FOR DRAINAGE ON COUNTY ROAD #45 AT THE JOSEPH TAYLOR PROPERTY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A.:Y!MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A DRAINAGE PETITION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF A PROPER ROAD CROSSING SIZE OF THE TEUTSCH DRAIN. CARRIED." A major Need Study Update would be undertaken in 1984. In preparation for it, benchmark, road and bridge costs have been forwarded to the Ministry as well as traffic projections and the County staff was revising the road and bridge sheets. Any costed road section or bridge would have to be reviewed in the Spring of 1984 with Frank Clarke from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 8, 1983 PAGE 12. The request of several Urban Municipalities as to the responsibilities of the County and the Urban Municipality for County Roads and Urban Areas had been updated and was as attached. It was noted that the policies were those of long standing duration and no changes from past policies were recommended. "M0VED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT DIVISIONAL RESPONSIBILITY BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE URBAN AREAS ON COUNTY ROADS DATED DECEMBER 1983 BE ADOPTED AND DISTRIBUTED TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES. CARRIED." A proposed construction and maintenance programme for 1984 was briefly reviewed. It was decided to discuss the programme further at the next meeting which should be held before the end of the year. The Chairman thanked the Committee and the Engineers for their support during the year. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. CARRIED ." t COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT POLICY COUNTY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN URBAN AREAS APPROVED BY COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE DECEMBER 1983 This Notice applies to any work on County.Roads within the limits of the Town of Aylmer, Villages of Port Burwell, Vienna, Springfield, Belmont, Port Stanley, Dutton, West Lorne, and Rodney. The County Council has adopted from time to time a policy on the Division of work between the County and the local municipality in the Urban areas. The following is a summary of the major item.s of this policy. THE COUNTY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: 1. Maintenance of pavement full width including side street intersections to the property line. 2. Maintenance of shoulders of road whether these be paved Or gravel (including grading, any necessary gravelling, elimination of water holes, etc.). 3. Installation and maintenance of catchbasins including broken grates, deteriorated concrete, etc., but not for the cleaning out of dirt, etc. from these basins. --- 4. Maintenance of storm .sewers, but not sanitary sewers. Please notify the County Engineer's Office of any sewer in need of extensive repairs. 5. Maintenance of curb and gutters. 6. Centreline marking. 7. Machine cutting of weeds. 8. Maintenance of all signs including village entrance signs, stop signs on side street, guide signs, maximum speed and parking signs, except street name signs. 9. Sanding and salting for ice control. 10. Plowing of snow from pavement to shoulders curb line or parking lane, but ~ for removal from right-of-way. 11. Guide rail necessary for vehicle safety. 12. Maintenance of bridges and culverts. 13. Sweeping as practical by mechanical means at the discI'etion of the County. THE URBAN AREA IS. RESPONSIBLE FOR: 1. Cleaning (including spring cleanup) of all catchbasins. 2. Markings necessary for parking and crosswalks. 3. S.treet name signs. 4. Trimming and removal of trees except during County reconstruction of roadway. 5. Maintenance of sanitary and combined sewers. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT POLICY COUNTY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN URBAN AREAS PAGE 2. THE URBAN AREA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: 6. Repair and maintenance of sidewalks. 7. Hand cutting of weeds and grass. 8. (a) Removal of snow from right-of-way after it has been plowed off the roadway by the County. (b) Removing snow to open catchbasins. 9. Street lighting and lights on bridges. 10. Guide rail necessary for pedestrian safety (Example: Road #23, Port Stanley). R. G. Moore, County Engineer 79 Stanley Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 3Gl COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION - WEST ELGIN NOVEMBER 14, 1983 1. LEAVE COURT HOUSE - 9:00 A.M. 2. County Road #16 to Fingal. - Portion of County Road #16 from top of Fingal Hill to Mill Road '.deficient - resurfacing. - Portion of County Road #16 from the east limit of Fingal to County Road #20 deficient - resurfacing. 3. County Road #16 to County Road #8. 4. County Road #8, south of County Road #16. - Land purchase and ditching 1983. - County Road #8 entrance to Pearce Park deficient. - resurfacing. - County Road #8, Wallacetown to Pearce Park road deficient - construction. 5. Highway #3, Wallacetown to New Glasgow. 6. County Road #3. - Resurfacing and shouldering Highway #3 to Port Glasgow 1983. 7. County Road #3, New Glasgow to Rodney. - Drainage, ditching and asphalt resurfacing in 1983. - Trim work and surface treatment work on shoulders remaining - 1984. 8. "COFFEE" - TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH. 9. County Road #4, west of Rodney. - Rodney limits to Black's Lane.~ deficient - const.ructio~. - Black's Lane to Kent County Line, deficient - rE~surfacing. 10. Kent County Roads #19 and #21 to Clachan. 11. County Road #6 to County Ro~d#3. - Clachan to Black's Lane deficient - resurfacing. 12. County Road #3 to County Road #9. - Repair slide at Flemming Creek. - Repairs to South Fleming Creek Bridge. 13. County Road #9 in Aldborough & Dunwich to Campbellton Road. 14. Campbellton Road to Tate's Bridge. - Tate's Bridge a County Bridge on a Townline (no1: on a County road), joint jurisdiction Elgin and Middlesex. 15. Return to County Road #9. 16. County Road #9 to County Road #8. - Largie Bridge deficient because of width. 17. County Road #8 to Dutton. - Deficient - resurfacing from County Road #9 to the Concession between the Gore and Concession IV. - Deficient - construction to Highway #401 from road between Gore and Concession IV. 18. "LUNCH" - BOBIER CONVALESCENT HOME. Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION - WEST ELGIN. NOVEMBER 14, 19,83. P}\GE 2. --------------------------------------~--------------------------------~--- 19. County Road #8 to Wallacetown. - Widening, drainage, and resurfacing 1982. - Trim and surface treatment of shoulders 1983. - Work completed. 20. Return to Dutton. 21. County Road #13 to County Road #14. - Deficient - resurfacing. 22. County Road #14 to the Middlemiss Bridge. - Deficient - resurfacing. - Middlemiss Bridge - deficient. Joint bridge Middlesex-Elgin Counties. - To be replaced as soon as funds. are available. - Minor repairs only to be made in meantime. 23. County Road #14 to Highway #401. 24. Highway #401 to County Road #20. 25. County Road #20 to Shedden. - Resurfacing, gravel shouldering and ditching 1982-1983. - County Road #20 in Shedden deficient - construction. 26. County Road #20 ( Shedden) to F.ingal. - Resurfacing, gravel shouldering and drainage 1982-1983. 27. County Road #20 to Port Stanley. - Deficient - resurfacing from Boxall Road to top of Meek's Hill. 28. Note: Meek's Bridge. 29. County Road #20, Port Stanley. - Resurfacing 1982 - 1983 from Port Stanley School to Highway #4. 30. County Road . #20, Carlow Road Extension. 31. County Road #23 to Highway #4. 32. Port Stanley, Highway #4 to Old Hepburn Transport. - Deficient - resurfacing from Port Stanley limits northerly to Highway #4. 33. County Garage. 34. County Road #27 to Highway #4 to County Road #22. 35. County Road #22 to St. Thomas. - Deficient - construction programmed for 1984~1985. 36. County Road #56, St. Thomas limits to Centennial. - Deficient - construction. 37. County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) to Highway #3.. - Deficient - construction. 38. Highway #3, Edgeware Road to County Road #30. 39. County Road #30 to County Road #52. - Deficient - resurfacing. 40. County Road #52 to County Road #26. - Site of International ~lowing Match. 41. County Road #26 to County Road #25 (Wellington Road) . - To be gravelled in 1983. 42. County Road #26 (St. George Street). - Deficient - construction. 43. RETURN TO COURT HOUSE. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have been advised by the Minister of Transportation and Communications that an expenditure of $100,000 Subsidyhets been approved to be used toward the replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert on County Road #42. The culvert has been installed and backfilling work is continuing. 2. Your Cormnittee has accepted the quotation of Walmsley Bros. Limited for the supply and placement of approximately 4,150 tons of hot mix asphalt at $12.48 per ton on County Road #36 in Yarmouth Township from County Road #45 northerly approximately l~ miles. The previous contract with Walmsley Bros. Limited for the paving of the intersection alone has been cancelled. 3. Grading and granular base has been completed on County Road #32, Malahide Township from the Police College Gate to County Road #52. 4. Sanitary sewer construction is underway in the Village of Port Burwell and it is hoped that some storm drain installation can be done by County forces this Winter. 5. The bailey bridge on County Road #43 at the Cook's Bridge site has been erected and will be opened to traffic shortly. 6. Placement of larger culverts on County Roads #40, #42 and #43 to alleviate flooding conditions will be started shortly. WE RECOMMEND 1. That a by-law be passed which will in effect amend County By-Law No. 83-34 and thus eliminate the load restriction on the Cook's Bridge on County Road #43 as it has been replaced by a bailey bridge. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN \. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, November 1, 1983. All members except Chairman Caverly and Deputy Reeve Martyn were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the EngineE~r and the Assistant Engineer. Reeve Max Stewart was elected Chairman. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 12, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. That although approval was on the Minister'>s desk for :~100, 000 Subsidy Allocation toward the replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert it had not as yet been signed. It was hoped that it would be signed shortly. 2. Erection of the culvert at Silver Creek was underway. The excavation work and the placement of stone base having been completed. 3. Sanitary sewer construction was underway in the Village of Port Burwell by the Elgin Construction Company. 4. There would be sufficient funds in the C.O.E.D. Programme so that the remaining workers (12) could be employed for most of November. 5. Warden Marr reported that Ontario Hydro would make public their recommendations for the hydro corridors and transformer sites sometime in November. 6. The Cook's Bailey Bridge had been erected and the floor was being placed. It was hoped to have the bridge opened within 10 days. REEVE CAVERLY IN ATTENDANCE AND ASSUMED THE CHAIR . . . 7. The Canada Works Application has been forwarded to the Federal officials for approval. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Hot mix asphalt work has been completed for the season with patching having been completed on County Road #26 (St. George Street) and at the St. George Street Bridge, and on County Road #52 near County Road #31. 2. The wooden floor on the Dalewood Bridge was being placed for the City of St. Thomas. The City had done most of their own concrete work. 3. Temporary seeding using rye had been completed on County Road #3 (approximately 1 mile), on County Road #29 ditching near the water tower, and on the Dunwich-Aldborough Townline at Highway #401. 4. Culvert installation on County Roads #40 and #42 would start shortly. 5. Sand piles had been placed for winter control and the salt storages filled. 6. Grading had been completed on County Road #32 and sand base would be completed this week from the Newell property to County Road #52.. Crushed gravel would be placed next week. 7. Ditching on County Road #8 south of Wallacetown had bE~en completed. The gravel shouldering remained. 8. Ditching work remained to be done on County Road #8 north of Highway #401. 9. Two days of ditching on County Road #36 north of County Road #25 had been done. 10. Stumps had been removed on County Road #22 and the rest of the muck at the 4th Concession intersection at the corner had been removed. 11. Several sanders had been placed on trucks. 12. Dump tuck inspections would be required shortly and rear tires would be required on a number of dump trucks. 13. White edge marking had been completed and yellow edge marking would be completed as soon as possible. 14. County Roads #26, #29 and #30 would be gravelled as soon as possible. DEPUTY REEVE MARTYN IN ATTENDANCE .. . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NO~EMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 53 AMOUNTING TQ $67,048.79 PAYLIST NUMBER 55 AMOUNTING TO $262.12 PAYLIST NUMBER 56 AMOUNTING TO $59,504.30 PAYLIST NUMBER 57 AMOUNTING TO $125,218.08 CARRIED. n "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE NEXT ACCOUNTS PAYLIST BEING NUMBER _'61. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that with the tentative approval of $100,000 Subsidy toward the Silver Creek Culvert construction that there would be sufficient funds to do approximately l~ miles of hot mix paving on County Road #36 nOfr'th of County Road #45. W?l.msley Bros. Limited had submitted a quotation at $12.48 per tlon to supply and place approximately 4,150 tons of H.L.4 and H.L.8 on County Roadl #36 from County Road #45 northerly. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE CANCEL THE PORTION OF THE CONTRACT WITH WALMSLEY BROS. UIMITED FOR ASPHALT PAVING AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROADS #36 AND #45. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOYEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED (DATED OCTOBER 21ST) TO SUPPLY AND PLACE APPROXIMATELY 1,950 TONS OF H.L.8 AT $l2.48 PER TON AND SUPPLY AND PLACE APPROXIMATELY 2,200 TONS OF H.L.4 AT $12.48 PER TON ON COUNTY ROAD #36 FROM THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD #45 NORTHERLY. CARRIED." All drainage assessments should be paid in 1983 as it appeared that there would again be funds that were not required for Winter maintenance purposes. A meeting had been held with representatives: of Totten, Sims, & Hubicki, regarding Needs Study Updates and appraisals: of deficient County road sections. An inspection of roads in the York, Durham and Northumberland areas had been carried out with their representatives: and it appeared that the methods of appraisals that the consultants were using in Eastern Ontario were much in line with the methods being ,used by the County of Elgin and thus the County of Elgin was obtaining maximum subsidy from the M.T.C. The consultants pointed out that spot improvements could be added on nondeficient road section sheets and would be accepted by the Ministry. Special attention would be paid to this in. the major update schedule for 1984. The Engineer felt that the inspection had been well worth the time noting that all of the consultants bench mark costs in Eastern Ontario would be available to the County for their use prior to submission to the Ministry. Ata meeting with John Childs, Chief Municipal Engineer, regarding assessments and levys that might be expected in 1984, it was ascertained that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was now using a three year average of municipal factors so as to lessen the impact of changing factors on the County's share of County road expenditures in any year. ST.. THOMAS, ONTARJO NOVEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 5. Although the factors received recently for local assessment for 1984 had increased somewhat the previous downward trend would still reduce the three year average. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications would use a figure of $612,000,000 assessment for 1984 vs $562,000,000 for 1983. This would likely increase the County Road Levy by approximately $60 I' 000 in 1984 over that in 1983. It appeared that the assessment for 1985 levy would still increase and any leveling off would not occur prior to 1986. The Ministry would consider hardship cases where the increase in assessment resulted in a large increase in the County Road Levy. They had done this in 1983 when the increase limit was 15%. (The County's effective increase in 1983 was 13% so no assistance was forthcoming,,) The Engineer recommended that the bridge weight limit by-law be amended as the Cook's Bridge would no longer require a weight limit. "MOVED BY: D.A. MCWILLIAM CARRIED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-UM BE PASSED AMENDING COUNTY BY-LAW #83-34 TO ELIMINATE THE LOAD RESTRICTION ON THE COOK'S BRIDGE ON COUNTY ROAD #43. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications press report that the 75% Subsidy would not be available to the Town of Aylmer for a Traffic Study but a 50% Subsidy would be available. 2. From Mrs. Ronda Dickie, County Road #22 regarding the condition of County Road # 22. The Engineer was instructed to advise her that the work was going ahead next year and to ask her to assist. the County in every way with the proposed improvements on County Road #22. 3. From Constable Bell, Ontario Provincial Police noting that most accidents at the corner of County Road #22 and #45 were in daylight hours and thus a flashing light would be of little use. 4. From the Ontario Good Roads Association requesting resolutions for long service awards. $T. THOMAS, ONT,ARIO NOVEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE 6. The names of Arnold Milligan for 30 years and rE~tiring and for Arthur J. Gordon for over 40 years service had been forwarded. Suitable plaques would be presented at the Goods Roads Convention to these employees. 5. From John Wise ,MM.P. stating that he had no furt.her information on the availability of C.O.E.D. Funds for the work at the Silver Creek Culvert. 6. From the Township of Malahide with a zoning by-law to re~one lands near Grovesend on County Road #42 for a variety and dairy store. The Engineer noted that the entrance to the property had a very restrictive view and that parking in the area would be limited in poor weather and thus parking on the County road might become a problcem. Reeve Caverly agreed to bring these matters to the attention of the Township of Malahide Council so that it could be dealt with if the by-law was finally passed. 7. From the Ministry of Natural Resources saying that they did not have "Deer Crossing" signs available. The Committee still felt that the erection of signs would be of little value. 8. Mr. G.C.. Leverton regarding convention hospitality rooms, noting that each committee would be responsible for its own convention.. The Engineer noted that this would be an additional duty for the Chairman of the Road Committee in future years.. An itinerary for the inspection of roads in West Elgin by County Council was discussed. THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . .. .. .. AFTER LUNCH .. .. .. .. CHAIRMAN CAVERLY AND REEVE SMYTH ABSENT The Committee inspected County Road #22 and the intersection of County Roads # 22 and # 27.. DEPUTY REEVE MARTYN ABSENT .. . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 1, 1983 PAGE ~. THE COMMITTEE INSPECTED:- County Road # 27 from Union to Sparta. The Gillets Bridge. The Clarke Gravel Pit. Construction at Silver Creek. Erection of bailey bridge, County Road #43 at Cook's Bridge. Construction on County Road # 32. Drainage problems on County Road # 45, west of Luton. County Road # 36 north of County Road # 45. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED. BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. 'I .. c;A~d~V" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 20, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met in conjunction with County Council at 3:30 p.m., Thursday, October 20, 1983. All members eXcE~pt Reeve Stewart were present. Tenders for pickup trucks were noted as attached and had been opened the previous day by Reeve Stewart and the Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LIMITED FOR THREE (3) DODGE D-250 PICKUP TRUCKS AS PER COUNTY TENDER FORM AND THEIR TENDER AT THE NET PRICE OF $25,800.96 WITH COUNTY TRUCKS #73 AND #77 AS TRADE-INS. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT TO INCLUDE TRUCKS PAINTED CHROME YELLOW. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE SELL TO THE ELGIN MANOR COUNTY TRUCK #78 FOR THE SUM OF $1,125.00 PLUS THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE FLEET INSURANCE AND VEHICLE LICENSE WHEN THE COUNTY RECEIVES, THE NEW PICKUP TRUCKS OR NO LONGER REQUIRES THE TRUCK THIS WINTER (WHICHEVER IS SOONER). CARRIED." The Engineer reported that he had not as yet received any information from the Ministry with regard to the County's request for Subsidy for the approval of a Supplementary By-Law for the Silver Creek Culvert. The meeting adjourned until Tuesday, November 1, 1983. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR THREE PICKUP TRUCKS (PRICE FOR THREE NEW TURCKS [PAINTED YELLOW12 (WITH COUNTY TRUCKS #73 AND #77 AS TRADE-INS) (PRICE INCLUDES PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) October 1983 1. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Limited 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario NS R 2 S6 Dodge 250 $25,800.96 2. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited 325 John Street North Aylmer, Ontario Dodge 250 $27,367.65 3. Disbrowe Motors 827 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P lE4 GMC Model TC 20903 $30,243.55 4. Eastway Ford Sales Limited 1012 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5P IG3 Ford F250 $30,381.47 5. Highbury Ford Sales Limited 1365 Dundas Street London, Ontario N5W 3 B5 TENDER INCOMPLETE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Excavation is still continuing at the Silver Creek Culvert. Very soft conditions have been encountered which has seriously delayed the excavation work. This delay and other unforeseen costs have increased the cost of the replacement work that will be done in 1983 to approximately $300,000. We expect to be placing stone to facilitate the erection of the pipe very shortly. 2. A bailey bridge is being erected at the Cook's Bridge site on County Road ~3 (Bayham-Malahide Townline)~ 3. The Engineer has been authorized to purchase road widening on County Road #45 between County Road #40 and Highway #73 in Malahide Township in preparation for future road work. 4. Your Committee has scheduled a road inspection for Central and East Elgin at their next meeting. Included in the inspection will be the examination of drainage problems on County Road #45 in Malahide Township and pedestrian and child safety on County Road #27 between Union and Sparta. ALL OF WHICH RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Hunicipal Building on Wednesday, October 12, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Brooks were present. Also present was the Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 1.5, 1983 BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the County's application for a Supplementary By-Law for replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert was at the Deputy Ministers' level. 2. That slow progress was being made with the Silver Creek Culvert excavation work. It was tnuth slower and more costly than first anticipated as the lower part of the fill was a combination of wet silt and fine sand. Trucks had not been used since September and during the last few days eve.n bulldozers were of no use. It was necessary to quadruple handle all excavated material with draglines. It was hoped to be able to place stone bedding by mid week and start erection of the culvert immediately thereafter. A considerable amount of the wet excavated soil had been placed in the front yard of Mr. Fred Kearns. The Chairman requested tha.t tpe Engineer meet with Mr. Kearns regarding the trimming and final grades of the material. Sand backfill would be obtained, as required from the Township of Malahide's Rommell Pit. The project would be pushed as the watermain would have to be placed in the ground before freeze up. 3. The C.E.P. work programme had been completed as of September 21st and a final report was being forwarded to the Federal Government. 4. Some C.O.E.D. workers would have to be laid-off within the month so that funds would cover the rest of the workers until the end of November. 5. The Cook's Bridge was being removed and the bailey bridge would be erected next week. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 2. 6. The Dalewood Bridge was being erected for the City of St. Thomas (at the City's cost); the experience gained would lessen the time required to erect the Cook's Bridge. 7. Hydro corridors through East Elgin were discussed. 8. All work of an uncommitted or non critical nature had been stopped until the costs of the replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert could be ascertained. Items from the Roads and Transportation Association Convention were discussed. Warden Marr stated that the County of Oxford was circulating a petition asking for increased subsidies as they were behind with their construction. The Committee felt that this would probably penalize those Counties such as Elgin that had maintained a reasonable road programme in the past 30 years. The Engineer received permission to meet with Totten, Simms, and Hubicki, Consulting Engineers of Whitby, Ontario to discuss with them their methods of rating roads for Needs Study purposes. The Engineer noted that the firm was doing 6 or 7 County Needs Studies in Eastern Ontario and seemed to have developed an effective method of rating deficient sections to obtain maximum Provincial Grants. It was felt that a 1 day meeting with the consultants would enable the Engineer to ascertain whether or not Elgin was receiving the maximum grants possible. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had requested that a 5 year forecast of drainage assessments be done, to be included in the Construction Needs base for 1984 alotments. The allocation of 4~%on the present outstanding 5 year Drainage Needs would generate only about $25,000 which livould be completely inadequate in view of the $150,000 budgeted this year and projected costs of $190,000. It would be better however than the 1983 allocation for drainage assessments (which was nil) when all drainage costs had to be taken from the County's construction allocation. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 3. The Engineer expressed concern that because of the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications early retirement policy few senior officials with considerable municipal road experience 'would be left in the Downsview Municipal Roads Office by early next year. The Engineer was also concerned that an arbitrary increase in assessment might be placed upon the County with regard to their share of the County Road Budget because of the relative inexperience of incoming personnel. An arbitrary increase of 9% had been applied last year and if a similar increase was applied for 1984 it could increase the County Levy by $90,000 to $100,000. The Engineer was authorized to discuss this matter with the Chief Municipal Engineer and to point out to him the decline in rural property values in the past year in Counties such as Elgin and to try to forestall, if at all possible, the full impact of such an arbitrary increase. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Repairs have been completed to the South Flemming Creek Bridge on County Road #3. Creek diversion work and stream improvemen.t remained. 2. Construction was nearly completed on County Road #3 between Rodney and New Glasgow, however recent rains had forced postponement of the remainder of the seeding for awhile. It was likely that a small amount of trimming would remain until 1984. 3. Work for the Township of Dunwich, the Aldborough-Dunwich Townline at Highway #401 had been completed except for seeding, .to be done next Spring. 4. Some ditching had been done on County Road #8 south of Wallacetown and it was hoped to complete the rest of it shortly, weather conditions permitting. 5. Ditching had been completed on County Road #29 west of the Ford Water Tower, thus improving safety greatly. 6. Asphalt patching was continuing with all Villages and Hamlets, curb and gutter work having been completed. 7. Repairs to the curb and gutter and water runs on County Road #52 near County Road #31 had been completed. Work would be continued at the St. George Street Bridge (County Road #26 Fingal Hill (County Road #16), and as time and weather conditions permitted at railway crossings, drain crossings, etc., on ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 4. various roads in West Elgin. 8. Mr. James Haskell, the County's Mechanical Foreman had done an excellent job in reconditioning the County's 9 sanders and it would not be necessary to purchase any new sanders for 1983 - 1984 season and likely-not for the 1984 - 1985 season. Three (3) old sanders had been scrapped for parts. Snow plows were al so being repaired. All sander s and snow plows had been sand blasted and were being painted. 9. End concrete cutoff walls were being installed at the Fowler Drain Culvert on County Road #20 north of Fingal. 10. Placement of granular base on County Road #32 south of the Conrail tracks was continuing and work would be completed in several days. Grading and granular base work from the Conrail tracks to County Road #52 would follow early next week. It was not known when a Transport Canada Rul ing coul d be obtained for the improvement of the grade at the Conrail tracks as it was likely that a ruling would not be given until the Canadian Pacific. and Canadian National request to purchase Conrail had beendealt with. 11. A large number of municipal drain crossings had been installed including the Brouwer on County Road #40; the Doyle on County Road #45; the Lunn-McDermid on County Road #16; the Brown Vernert on County Road #14. A report on the Orchard-CartollDrain north of Shedden was expected shortly as it was hoped to be able to install the necessary pipe to improve the road shoulder before winter. 12. Tenders had been called for culvert replacements for a number of locations on County Roads #42 and #40 in Malahide and Bayham Townships and for pipe for the Orchard-CarrQll Drain on County Road #20. 13. The deed to the Clarke property (at the Gillets Bridge) had been received, but Mr. Clarke had not removed all his junk as yet. 14. Curb and gutter at the intersection of County Road #40 and Road #42 had been completed. 15. Miscellaneous ditching jobs on County Road #22, and County Road #36 and removal of stumps on County Road #22 would be continued as time and funds permitted. It was also hoped to do some creek diverson work at the Gillets Bridge. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 5. 16. Gravel resurfacing on County Roads #26 and #30 north of St. Thomas, as approved previously by the Committee, would not likely be started before November 1st. 17. Salt and sand piles would be placed shortly. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 51 AMOUNTING TO $63,169.36 PAYLIST NUMBER 52 AMOUNTING TO $175,82 PAYLIST NUMBER 54 AMOUNTING TO $493,605.25 CARRI ED." The Engineer reported that Mr. Gordon and Mr. Milligan were on pre-retirement holidays. Mr. John Brown, Class IV Foreman ha~ broken his leg while motocycle racing several weeks ago and with Mr. Les Giles! presently off on holidays (honeymoon) the shortage of experienced superintendents and foremen was particularly evident with the push to complete the Silver Creek Culvert and to replace the Cook!, s Bridge. The Engineer noted that it would be !necessary to protect the remaining holiday time of several foremen inasmuch as they had been asked to work to cover this emergency. It appeared that all machine operat~rs and labourers would be able to take their full holiday time baring illness. : The Engineer requested the Road Co~ittee make a request to the Personnel Committee that his unused holidays from 11983 be extended into 1984 because of the Silver Creek emergency. He noted tl:}at 3 weeks time previously scheduled had not yet been taken and although hoped to take 2 or 3 weeks holidays before I the end of the year only 25 days had beEfn taken to date,. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 6. The Committee agreed to make this recommendation to the Personnel Committee when it was known the number of days necessary to be transferred to 1984. Quotations for the supply of culvert pipe were as attached. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY OF CULVERT PIPE IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,139.95, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." The Committee delegated Reeve Stewart to assist the Engineer with the opening of tenders for the pickup trucks due on October 19th. It was hoped to have a short meeting County Council Day to finalize the tenders. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J.. N. SMYTH THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM OBTAINING A WAYSIDE PERMIT TO REMOVE GRANULAR MATERIAL FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION VIII INBAYHAM TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From James McGuigan, M.P.P. with thanks for the copy of the Brief from the Ontario Good Roads Association. 2. From John Wise, M.P. with thanks for the copy of the Brief from the Ontario Good Roads Association. 3. From the Village of Port Stanley with 2 notices of Committee of Adjustment Hearings. 4. Mrs. Phyllis Huxs with thanks for the work done on their lawn en'County Road #3 at New Glasgow. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 7. 5. From the Ministry of Natural Resources sugge sting that "Deer Crossing Signs" be erected on County roads in several locations. The Committee instructed the Engineer to notify the Ministry that they have no objections to the erection of signs if the Ministry wished to do so at their cost. 6. To Frank Cowan Company Limited regarding damages to the County's TD 7 Bulldozer which occurred during the flood of August 11th. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO REEVE CAVERLY'S WHERE A DELICIOUS DINNER WAS ENJOYED BY THE COMMITTEE . . . AFTER DINNER . . . MR. FRANK CLARKE, MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS IN ATTENDANCE CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From R. W. Bell, Ontario Provincial Police regarding intersection of County Roads #22 and #45. The Engineer stated that he had replied to Constable Bell noting that the County had plans for improvements of the intersection in 1984 and it was hoped that these improvements would lessen the number of accidents at the intersection. 2. Mrs. Jane Gagne of Union concerning the safety of children on County Road #27 because of the execessive speed of vehicles on the road. The Committee agreed to inspect the road at an early date. 3. From the residents of Davis Street, Yarmouth Township regarding water running down the St. George Street Hill (County Road #26). It was noped improvements had been planned and if it had not been for bad weather conditions, would have been completed. 4. From the Ministry of Natural Resources to Warden Marr regarding grading at the Catfish Creek at the Gillets Bridge and the Silv'dr Creek construction. A meeting between representatives of the Ministry anq the Assistant Engineer had been planned for Friday. 5. Mr. Max Jolliffe of the Port Stanley Terminal Railwa.y! Incorporated requesting the County pay him $25.00 to remove the asphalt from Ithe Warren Street crossing ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 8. and return his signs. The Committee instructed the Engineer to write Mr. Jolliffe and reject his claim for compensation and to ascertain if the County still had any railway signs that belonged to the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. 6. Mr. A. Brandt, Ministry of the Environment regarding Blueprint for Waste. It was noted that County Council had previously accepted the Road Committee"s report in which they recommended that no submission be made. 7. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding Municipal Courses for 1984. It appeared that the courses offered at this time were not applicable to the County's needs. 8. From Mr. G. C. Leverton stating that the Warden had referred the grievance of former County Road Department Employees heard at the September Session to the Committee for discussion. The Committee instructed the Engineer to write the delegation reiterating the Committee's position of August 16th in which they stated that the County was not responsible for the criteria under which the employees for the various work programmes were hired, that these were set forth by the Federal Government and were not negotiable. The Engineer was also instructed to advise that the County felt that they could not do anything more for the ex-employees at the present time. The Engineer reported that the Canada Works PrograIllIIlle for 1983 - 1984 was considerably more restrictive than the last programme and initially only $214,000 had been made available to any project private and public in the County. It was hoped that this amount could be increased. The Engineer recommended that a small programme employing 5 or 6 people be submitted to start in January of 1984 and continue for approximately 20 weeks at a cost of approximately $32,000. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 9. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN APPLICATION UNDER THE CANADA WORKS PROGRAMME FOR 1983 - 1984. CARRIED." Correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor, County Road #45 complaining of flood conditions at their property just west of Luton was discussed. The Committee agreed to look at the problem on their next road inspection. The Committee discussed the road inspection of West Elgin and left the matter for County Council discussion. DEPUTY REEVE MARTYN ABSENT . . . The Committee discussed the replacement of the County's present automobiles noting the present policies of County Council with regard to the use of these vehicle s. The Committee instructed the Engineer to draVlr up a recommendation from the Committee to be discussed at the. next session of County Council. These recommendations to include trucks and other equipm€~nt to be painted chrome yellow with County crests, where practical. Automobile8 of the size now provided and with heavy duty equipment to be provided for the Engineer and superintendents (4 as present). That the Engineer and Assistant Superintendent have personal use of vehicles as per the present County policy. The cars to be painted a standard production colour, crest to be attached on a magnetic background which can be removed from the vehicle at the discretion of the Engineer or Superintendent when it is in the County's interests to do so. The attached list of long term construction and resurfacing programmes was discussed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 12, 1983 PAGE 10. It appeared that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Allocation for 1984 would not be large enough to complete work on County Road #22. Mr. Frank Clarke noted that the contractor for the sanitary sewer system in Port Burwell did not know when he would start work. ThE~ Ministry of the Enviromnent officials were pressing the contractor to start as soon as possible as well as the County as some of the County storm drain work could be done through the Winter. The Enviromnental Assessment Act would likely be in effect on the 1st of January 1984 and after proclamation no land purchase for road widening would be able to take place until complete road engineering had been completed, plans produced, estimates made, and public hearings taken place. It was expected that the grandfather clause would be effective on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) as some work had been done. The Engineer suggested as some land had been purchased on County Road #45 between Highway #73 and County Road #40 as much land as possible should be purchased in 1983 so that this project might be exempt also from the Environmental Assessment regulations. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE LAND FOR WIDENING ON COUNTY ROAD #45 FROM HIGHWAY #73 TO COUNTY ROAD #40. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THATWEiADJOURN TO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." ~A~L'-c //' // CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF J]t.[L~ERT QUOTATIONS Supply Pipe: Group 'A' - 2 2/3 X 1/2 Corrugations Group IB' - 5 X 1 Corrugations (All Plus Provincial Sales Tax) (As per tender request) 1. Armco Canada Limited P. O. Box 3000 Guelph, Ontario NlH 6P2 2. Clemmer Industries (1964) Limited P. O. Box 130 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4Al Following Bid on Group 'B' - 2 2/3___~_Jl_2_qorrugations: 1. Corrugated Pipe Company Limited P. O. Box 176 Stratford, Ontario N5A 6Tl 2. Canada Culvert and Metal Products Limited P. O. Box 578 Maple, Ontario LOJ lEO 3. Koppers International Canada Limited P. O. Box 3458 Cambridge, Ontario N3H 5C6 * AWARDED TO ARMCO CANADA LIMITED OCTOBER 3, 1983 $28,139.95 $29,129.12 $26,535.98 $29,885.58 $30,922.09 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have aCCepted the quotation of Armco Canada Limited for a 162 inch diameter structural steel plate, unassembled, 300 feet long, 4 mill imetre gauge thickne ss for the replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert. The quoted price was $61,665 plus Provincial Sales Tax. The weight of the structure is approximately 60 tons. We e~pect that the first plates will be delivered to the site within the week, meanwhile excavation work is continuing. 2. The replacement of the Cook's Bridge by a Bailey Bridge Structure is scheduled for mid-October. 3. A number of cuI verts will be installed on County Roads #40, 1/42 and #43 later this Fall where chronic flooding and property damage has occurred. Quotations for the culvert pipe are presently being received and the work is expected to be done in late October or early November. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised! that the County of Elgin has no comments on the proposed Official Plan for the County of Middlesex. 2. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a Supplementary Allocation of Subsidy Money in the amount of $200,000 for the emergency replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert on County Road #42, Lot 16, Concessions I and II, Malahide Township. The request for subsidy is based On an expenditure of $220,0010. The subsidy rate on a supplementary allocation of funds would be 91%. We have no indication of the amount the Ministry might approve of our request. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN \ I' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT LONG TERM CONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING (COST~_ARE NEEDS STUDY COSTS -1979 PROGRAMME WITHOUT INFLATION INDEX) AUGUST 1983 1984 1. Complete Road #32, trim and surface treat portion north of Police College. Approaches to Con Rail when Canada Transport Commission approval received. 2. Complete Road #3, trim and surface treat shoulders. 3. Roads #42 and #30 in Port Burwell (minor work in 1983). $458,000 4. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). $1,038,000 5. Resurfacing Road #36 from Highway #3 to Road #45. $330,000 1985 AND ONWARDS (NOT IN ORDER OF PRIORITY) 1. Complete projects listed above. 2. Middlemiss Bridge, likely a 3 year construction project, plus engineering time. County of Elgin share $682,000 3. Road #45, resurfacing Jaffa to Luton. Construction Luton to Road #40 (field surveys completed~ Total $363,000 4. Road #30 (Radio Road), complete from Concession XIII to Middlesex County Line (no engineering done, location must be agreed on with Middlesex). $306,000 5. Road #20 Shedden, south of Highway #3 after installation of Horton Municipal Drain, curb and gutter, etc. $84,000 6. Road. #36, resurfacing Sparta to Road #24. $90,000 7. Prime in 1985 on Road #26, Road #30 north end of Radio Road. 8. Spot improvements of Road #37 from Highway #73 to Oxford County Line, when money available from both Elgin and Middlesex. Field surveys completed east of Highway #73. County of Elgin share of work from Highway #73 to Oxford County Line $557,000 SURVEYS AUTHORIZED ON: 1. Road #28 from Road #45 to Highway #3. 2. Road #4 from Rodney limits to Kent County Line. RESURFACING NEEDS (HIGH PRIORITY): 1. Road #42 - 1 mile east of Port Burwell. $48,000 $186,000 2. Road #24 - From Road #36 to Port Bruce. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT LONG TERM CONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING (COSTS ARE NEEDS STUDY COSTS - 1979 PROGRAMME) (WITHOUT INFLATION INDEX) PAGE 2. MULCH ROADS NOT WIDENED OR RESURFACED: (AT LEAST 28 YEARS SINCE REPAVING) 1. Road #2 - From Dunwich-Aldborough Towhline easterly to Ecker Drain. $760,000 2. Road #4 - West of Rodney. $558,000 3. Road #U - West of Black's Lane. $125,000 4. Road #B - South of Highway #3. $527,000 5. Road #24 - From Road #23 to Dexter 5.5 Krn. $930,000 6. Road #42 - 1 mile east of Port Burwell easterly to the Norfolk County Line.$70l,OOO MISCELLANEOUS: 1. Road #28 from Elm Street to Road #45. Cost $484,000 2. Road #43 from Calton 1 mile north. Not deficient - listed for spot drainage only. 3. Road #43 from Calton to Road #42. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMM[TTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1983 f I TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNqI]~ YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I 1. A portion of Lot s 26 and 27, Conces sion IV, Yarmou1th Township I I (approximately 93 acres) has been purchased from G:erald Clarke and I Gerald Clarke Limited at $175,000 for gravel pit p~rposes. A 1 portion of the property is designated in the Townspip's offical plan I as pit and quarry land. Approximately 10 acres of! this property I I has been zoned for gravel pit operations and has been operated as I I I such periodically. 2. ! The heavy storm of August 11th caused the destruction of the Silver I Creek Culvert on County Road #42 (approximately l~lmiles east of ! I Highway #73) in Malahide Township. The estimated 90st of replacement is in the order of $220,000. The project is proc~eding I on an emergency basis and it is hoped to have it c~mpleted by i mid-November. The project is complicated by the pnesence of the I I waterline between Port Stanley and Port Burwell. I An inquiry has been made to the Ministry of Transpdrtation and I Communications as to the availability of a supplem~ntary by-law for I all or a portion of the project's cost. 3. Walmsley Bros. Limited of London were the low bidd~r on the hot mix asphalt paving on County Road #3 between New Glasgolw and Rodney and I for Asphalt patching on County Road #2 between Rodney and West Lornc I and County Road #3 north of Rodney. This contract has been completed. I 1 4. Walmsl"eyBros. Limited of London were al so the low bi.dder for paving I of the taxiways at the St. Thomas Airport and for pkving the I intersection of County Road #36 and County Road #451 in Yarmouth Township. I i 1 .5. Mr. Floyd Humphries of Southwold Township has been ~ngaged as General I Superintendent for the County Road Department to start work on September 19th. His salary will be the starting rate of Category 11 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1983 PAGE 2. 5. Continued... (General Superintendent Category) - ($28,681.00). The present General Superintendent, Arthur Gordon wi.ll go on holidays in early October and will likely retire when his holidays have been completed. Mr. Arnold Milligan, Class V, Foreman for the County of Elgin will go on holidays in late September and will likely retire! when they are completed. 6. The Cormnittee has discussed the Ministry of the Envi.ronment's paper on Blueprint for Waste Management and has noted that the Ministry of the Environment proposes that the Counties should bE!come responsible for the disposal of municipal and special wastes. Local municipalities would then only be responsible for the collection and transportation of this waste to the disposal sites. If this policy is implemented staff will be required at a County level to administer disposals and it is likely the County costs will increase more than local costs will decrease because of the proposed increase in monitoring, etc., that will be required by the Ministry_ WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed ammending County By-Law #83..25, County Parking Regulations, Schedule A, Section 2, Subsection (ii) to read as follows: County Road #27 from a point 302.0 metres east of the line between Lots 18 and 19, Concession III, easterly 273 metres on the south side of Road #27. This will restrict parking east of the Sparta School. 2. That a by-law be passed restricting the weight on the Cook's Bridge to 5 tonne" and a new by-law be passed updating the present By-Law #83-9. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications that the repair of the Cook's Bridge on County Road #43 over the Big Otter Creek is not practical and it should be replaced. Your Committee has felt that an expenditure for a new bridge cannot be justified at this time and has requested a bailey bridge on loan r'r'\-nr -r .......,1.nrl COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1983 PAGE 3. 2. Continued... from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, which should be erected next month. In the meantime your Committee feels that the bridge should be restricted to 5 tonnes although it will be removed in a few weeks. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECl'FULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Offices at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, September 15, 1983. All members except Reeve Perovich were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transporta.tion and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 31, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Assistant Engineer reported that excavation work was continuing at the Silver Creek Culvert. Soil tests were completed by H. Q. Golder and Associates and indicated that few problems would be encountered in the placement of a structural plate pipe as recommended by the Ministry. It was expected that it would take the better part of a two (2) week period before excavation was completed. Earth was being stored in an area obtained on an adjacent farm. Arrangements were being made with the Township of Malahide to secure sand from their Rommell Pit approximately six (6) miles to the north-west. A quotation on the necessary pipe has been received from Armco Canada Limited who would produce the pipe on extremely short notice. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LIMITED FOR 300 FEET OF 4 MILLIMETRE GAUGE, 162 INCH DIAMETER STRUCTURAL PLATE PIPE, NON ASSEMBLED, AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $61,665, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." 2. Elgin Construction of St. Thomas were the low bidders on the Port Burwell sanitary sewer works. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 2. 3. The Canada Employment Programme, Special Response for Tobacco Workers was completed and the remaining three (3) workers would be laid-off at the end of the pay period on September 21st. The two (2) supervisors would be kept on at County expense to supervise the C.O.E.D. workers. Sufficient funds remain for the present C.O.E.D. Progrannne until early November. No reply has yet been received from Mr. John Wise, M.P. or Mr. Ronald McNeil, M.P.P. with regard to the County's application to obtain additional funds under the programme. It was decided that Mr. Alan Currie, a C.O.E.D. employee, would be allowed to return to work provided that he returned to work prior to the first lay-off of employees and he would be subject to the usual terms and conditions of County employment from then on. 4. It was expected to erect the Bailey Bridge at the Cook's Bridge approximately mid-October. Several companies had been contacted with regard to purchase of the material s not required by the County, but there s€:emed little interest in steel scrap at the present time. It was likely that the County would be forced to remove and cut up the bridge to receive any money from the scrap. 5. To the Engineer's knowledge the Clarke property had closed on September 1st but the deed had not yet been received from the County Solicitor. 6. Ontario Hydro had meetings in Union and Aylmer with rE~gardto the corridors. Warden Marr noted that the information from the meetings would be discussed by the working connnittees within the next month or so. 7. Replacement of several culverts on County Roads #40, fi42 and #45 would be required to alleviate constant flooding which had occurred prior to and in August. Some ditching was also required on County Roads #40 and #42 in conjunction with the replacement of these culverts. The Engineer was in the process of requesting quotations for these culverts as well as culverts required for the closing of a portion of the Orchard-Carrol Drain on County Road #20 north of Shedden. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER.15, 1983 PAGE 3. 8. The Engineer reported that Mr. David Cook's application to rezone a portion of his property for a gravel pit next to the County's Pleasant Valley Pit would continue to meet with objections, these objections would be take'n -to the Ontario Municipal Board. The Engineer reported that no firm commitment from th€~ Mini stry for extra funds for the emergency replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert had been received; but the Ministry had suggested that a Supplementary By....Law be forwarded to 'the Ministry for their consideration. However, there 'tIras no indication that any funds would be available. The Engineer noted that without additional funds very little further work, other than those projects already committed, could be donE~ in 1983. After discussion .. . "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNCIL REQUEST A SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF SUBSIDY MONEYS IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000 TO REPLACE THE SILVER CREEK CULVERT ON COUNTY ROAD #42. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Granular shouldering was nearly complete on County Road #3.1 Earth work had been completed and a majority of the top soill had been placed. Seeding was underway and it was hoped that all work other than fencing would be completed within the next two (2) weeks. 2. Repairs to the South Fleming Creek Bridge on County Road #3 were underway. 3. Seeding had been completed on County Road #8 between Dutton and Wallacetown. 4. Seeding and trimming had been completed on County Road #20 north of Shedden. 5. It was hoped to start ditching on County Road #8 south of Wallacetown in the very near future as well as ditching on County Road #29 near the water tower. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 4. 6. Stripping for pit run gravel for the Silver Creek Culvert backfill was underway at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit. 7. It was expected that Walmsley Bros. Limited would start paving the taxiway at the St. Thomas Airport on September 19th. 8. Trimming and seeding work had been completed on County Road #32 south of the Police College Gate and most trimming and seeding had been completed on the portion of work started last year between the Police College Gate and Concession IX. A considerable amount of ditching and shouldering had been completed on County Road #32 from Concession IX to the Conrail Tracks. It was hoped to complete the granular base on this portion of the work as soon as the County's trucks were available from Silver Creek. 9. Edge and pavement marking had been completed for the City of St. Thomas and all County work is completed except for touch up work on several County roads in the St. Thomas area within the next month. 10. Sweeping had been completed until final clean-up for the season. 11. Placement of curb and gutter for traffic control at the intersection of County Roads #40 and #42 was underway. 12. Miscellaneous drainage work on County Road #28 had be'~n completed. 13. It was expected to place concrete cut-off walls on County Road #20, the Fowler Drain Culvert; and County Road #45, at the Players Culvert, if weather conditions permitted. 14. The Gillets Bridge had been p~inted. 15. County sanders were being sand blasted and painted. 16. Work would start underneath the Fulton Bridge shortly. 17. An agreement had been reached with Mr. Ian Hepburn, a ~esident of County Road #22 for the replacement of a branch of the Maynard Drain which would end up on County property when road widening was purch~sed for County Road ,#22. Mr. Hepburn would lOQk after the drain placing for the I County, and the County would pay Mr. Hepburn's contractor for the work ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 5. 18. Mr. Arnold Milligan would go on time-in-lieu of overtime and on holidays after September 19th, and Mr. Arthur Gordon would be off after October 5th. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE PASSED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 46 AMOUNTING TO $63,892.87 PAYLIST NUMBER 48 AMOUNTING TO $106.91 PAYLIST NUMBER 49 AMOUNTING TO $67,707.47 PAYLIST NUMBER 50 AMOUNTING TO $97,984.43 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. A Brief from the Ontario Good Roads Association to th,~ Treasurer of Ontario noting the need for funds to maintain and improve Municipal Roads. 2. From Mr. Ronald McNeil, M.P.P. acknowledging receipt of a copy of the Brief of the Ontario Good Roads Association from the Engineer. 3. From the Ontario Municipal Board with an order allowing the Port Stanley Terminal Railway to operate between Port Stanley and Union. It was noted that the terms and conditions that applied to the operation of the railway were those terms the County had requested. It was noted that no other terms and conditions had been imposed upon the railway to operate. 4. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications noting that subsidy would be paid to the closest $100.00 in the future. 5. From the Rodney Cemetery Board thanking the County for the dirt that they had received during the construction of County Road #3. 6. From the Township of Malahide with regard to rezoning for an auto body shop for Carl Perry on Highway #73, Concession IX, Malahide Township. 7. Township of Malahide regarding rezoning for James McKibbon for a variety store on County Road #42 east of Groves End. The Chairman noted that the Township of Malahide By-Law would require that Mr. McKibbon have adequate off-road paved parking. ST. THOMAS, . ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 6. 8. From the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs with. their connnents on the County of Middlesex Official Plan, noting that they had not received any comments, as yet, from the County of Elgin with regard to the plan. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING BE ADVISED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. CARRIED." 9. From R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. regarding a request by Mrs. Alice Parkins for lights at the intersection of County Roads #29 and #25. The Committee noted that County Road #29 was now a light~y travelled road (mostly by local traffic) and it was admittedly difficult to find the intersection at night because of the glare of the lights from the Highway #3-Wellington Road Intersection. The Committee does not have sufficient funds to erect and maintain various intersection lights at locations such as this in the County of Elgin., The Engineer was instructed to inform Mr. McNeil, of the Committees' problems. 10. From Andres Brant, Ministry of the Environment inviting Council to send written submissions, 'up to. October 30th, on his Blue Print For Waste Management. The Committee noted that they had previously decided not to forward a brief to the Ministry on the Blue Print. 11. From Robert Folds, Clerk-Administrator, County of Kent requesting the Engineer to appear on a panel at the A.C.R.O. Conference in Sarnia in October, dealing with Union Gas proposals for relocation of gas lines. It was noted that a delegation from 1982 Casual Employees for the Road Department had requested to be heard at the September County Council. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 7. The Engineer reported on the various employment progrannnes and it was noted that without these employment programmes much of the work done this Summer would not have been able to be done. It was noted that none of the 1982 employees were eligible to be hired under the prograrrnnes as none of them had exhausted their Unemployment Insurance Benefits. Discussion of acceptance of an invitation to the Bobier Home was postponed until the next meeting as it appeared to the Committee that inspection of County Roads could not be held prior to late October or early November. Warden Marr reported that the Council of the Village of Rodney requested that the Committee install a flashing light at the intersection of County Road #3 and County Road #4 in Rodney and make a left hand channelization on County Road #3 at the intersection of County Road #2 and do additional curb and gutter work in the Village of Rodney in 1983. The Committee agreed to inspect the intersection of County Road #2 and County Road #3 and the intersection of County Road #3 and County Road #4 on their next road inspection in West Elgin and instructed the Engineer to advise the Village Council of this decision and also to advise that curb and gutter work had been done under development programmes in 1982 and that there were not sufficient funds in 1983 to continue this programme in Rodney as work was being carried out in municipalities were no work had been carried out in 1982. Work in 1984 would depend upon the availability of additional programmes as it was not likely that sufficient funds would be available in the normal road programme. The Engineer reported that the County Road Departments: photo copier was in very poor condition and five (5) prices had been solicited for a new copier and out of the five (5) submissions received the two (2) lowest priced copiers had been examined on a trial basis. The Committee noted that of the lowest tender, the Mita copies were not of the quality of the second bidder - Toshiba. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 PAGE 8. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: R. J. SHEILS THAT WE PURCHASE A TOSHIBA BD-45l4 PHOTO COPIER FROM WORD SYSTEMS, LONDON'AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $2,990.65 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH THE COUNTY'S PRESENT 3M PHOTO COPIER AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED." The replacement of vheicles was discussed and the Engineer noting that the length of time for delivery of even pickup trucks had lengthened considerably in the last six (6) months and it appeared that even if tenders were called for vehicles at the present time it would be unlikely that vehicles would be received much before the end of 1983 or perhaps not until 1984. The Engineer noted that three (3) 1977 Dodge Pickups, in particular, were in poor condition and should be replaced as soon as possible as major repairs were required on them all and it was doubtful if they were warranted because of the general condition of the vehicles. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THREE (3) PICKUP TRUCKS WITH COUNTY VEHICLES #73, #77 AND #78 AS TRADE-INS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Wednesday, August 31, 1983 at 9:30 a.tn. All members except Deputy Reeve Sheils were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. Asphalt tenders for work at the St. Thomas Airport and for the intersection of County Road #36 and County Road #45 were opened and were as attached. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 11, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF $122,127.50 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AT THE ST. THOMAS AIRPORT AND AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROADS #36 AND #45 BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." It was noted that the approval from the City of St. Thomas for work at the Airport was in the amount of $215,000 (including asphalt cement) and it was likely that some part of the proposed paving would have to be deleted so that their budget could be met. The Committee left this in the hands of the Engineer as the approval of the contract was to be by the City of St. Thomas. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Silver Creek Culvert on County Road #42, approximately l~miles east of Highway #73 at Copenhagen had failed on August 11th because a flash flood had destroyed several irrigation ponds and a large private dam on Silver Creek just south of Luton. It had been estimated that in the 5 hour period over 50 acres of water, 8t to 10' deep, had escaped and Silver Creek had picked up an immense amount of debris with it ahdclogged the culvert on County Road #42 (which was a steel pipe approximately l3t across X 10~' high) with 35' steel pipe on inlet and 85' ,on the outlet and a 5 gauge steel pipe through an old concrete culvert remaining 160' under the road. The water had backed up to at least 20' above the inlet of the pipe. The result of this pressure had caused water to force its way to the outside of the steel culvert and had washed away the backfill on the outlet of the pipe. The weight of the backfill on top of the pipe without material on the side to support the pipe had crushed the pipe. It appeared that most of the pipe at the inlet has also been crushed.. After over a week of dragline work'(including wee.kend) both ends of the old concrete culvert had been opened up and it was found that the 5 gauge steel liner inside the concrete culvert was also severely damaged. Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had visited the site on August 25th and recommended that a new culvert be installed and that the old culvert be dug out and broken in so that water would not use it to by-pass a new culvert. A culvert l3~' in diameter and 300' long would be required. The estimated cost of the project, hesides County labour and machine time could be as high as $175,000. The waterline from Port Stanley to Vienna and Port Burwell, which was along the County road was being rerouted on a temporary basis and the excavation for a new culvert had been started. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 3. H. Q. Golder and Associates of London have been retained to complete soil tests and a quotation was being requested from Armco Canada for the pipe necessary to be produced on an emergency basis. The Ministry had recommended against the use of a poured concrete culvert in this location and it had been ascertained that no company was making precast sections that would sustain 45' of fill. It was expected that the job could take to mid-November to complete'. 2. The Chairman reported that Mr. Floyd Humphries of the Township of Southwoldhad been engaged by the Special Committee to hire a General Superintendent and he would start in mid-September. "MOVED. BY: J. N. SMYTH SEDONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE CONFIRM THE ACTIONS OF THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN IN THE HIRING OF MR. FLOYD HUMPHRIES AS GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT TO START WORK FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ON SEPTEMBER 19TH, 1983 WITH AN ANNUAL SALARY OF $28,681.00 (BEING THE STARTING RATE FOR CATEGORY 11.). CARRIED. " 3. Sanitary sewer tenders for the Village of Port Burw~ll had been called by the Ministry of the Environment to close September 8th. It was not expected that work could start before mid-October. It was not likely that the County could do any of their work before mid-November. 4. Funds for the Canada Employment Programme (Frozen Cut Tobacco Workers Fund) had been nearly expended. C.O.E.D. funds would run until the end of October or mid-November. ' Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. had been contacted with regard to the County's application for further funds and had stated that he would do what he could and recommended that Mr. John Wise, M.P. also be contacted. The Engineer was instructed to contact Mr. Wise. 5. The Engineer noted that the Cook1 s Bridge would like~ly be removed in late September or early October but recommended that the~ load limit by-law still be passed by Council inasmuch as it would show good faith on the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 4. part of the Committee in case of an accident prior to the removal of the old bridge. 6. The closing date for transfer of the Clarke property to the County of Elgin was September 1st. 7. The drain at Stanat's on County Road #38 had been completed and all releases had been received by both the County and the Insurance Company. 8. The County had taken possession of the Simon property on County Road #3. Correspondence had been received from Stafford and Associates on behalf of :Mr. Simon requesting that the value of the property be determined by a Boarg of Negotiations. The Engineer has referred the notice to the County Solicitor, Mr. Hennessey who stated that the law required that :Mr. Simon make his claim direct to the Board of Negotiation and not to the County of Elgin. It was not known whether or nota notice had been forwarded to the Board of Negotiations by :Mr. Stafford. 9. Hydro transmission corridors through the County were discussed at some length. The favoured transformer site would likely be the expansion of the present Buchanan Site at London. General information meetings had been set up by Ontario Hydro for various locations in East Elgin for September at which time local residents would be able to express their feelings. The Engineer had met with :Mr. Sinclair of Ontario Hydro and had discussed the problems that might arise if the southerly corridor in BayhaID and Malahide Townships was used. It appeared that Ontario Hydro favoured corridors north of Highway #3 at the present time rather than south of Highway #3. They also seem to favour the corridor north of Lake Erie over the one south of Road #45. The Committee members had no comments at the present time. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 5. 10. Mr. Charles Stafford, County By-Law Enforcement Officer, had sent word that he had been successful in removing parking on County Road #52 at the Robinson property on a temporary basis. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT SCHEDULE A, SECTION 2, SUBSECTION (ii) OF BY-LAW NUMBER 83-25 BE AMENDED TO READ. COUNTY ROAD #27 FROM A POINT 302.0 METRES EAST OF THE LINE BETWEEN LOTS 18 AND 19, CONCESSION III, EASTERLY 273 METRES ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROAD #27. CARRIED." The Engineer reported financial commitments with the replacement of the Silver Creek Culvert that no major work could be corrnnitted at the present time. Notice had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that the County's Supplementary By-Law for $25,000 subsidy for pavement marking had been approved. This money has already been expended. The Engineer felt that no further drainage assessments should be paid until the cost of excavation at the Silver Creek Culvert had been ascertained. The Committee discussed applying to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a.supplementary by-law to cover at least a portion of the work at the Silver Creek Culvert. The Engineer was instructed to approach the 'Ministry in hopes of receiving financial help and to report to the Committee at the next meeting so that a recommendation could be made to the September County Council. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That flooding on August 11th had been extremely severe in Central and East Elgin and all culverts other than those in Dunwich and Aldborough had been checked after the storm to make sure that no emergencies e~isted. A lengthy list of deficiencies would havE~ to be remedied in ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 6. due course. It was noted that 5" to 6" of rain fell in South-Malahide and Bayham Townships toward Port Burwell and this area and the Fingal area suffered the most flooding. Drainage problems in the Middlemarch area on County Road #16 and Road #45 had been discussed with Mr. Ralph Beharrel, the Southwold Township Drainage Inspector. 2. Grass cutting had been completed and the Committee was of the opinion that further cutting of wild carrot would be of little use. 3. A second application of salt brine had been completed. 4. Paving on County Road #3 had been completed and cle~at1 up work was underway. County crews would finish moving dirt and ltop soil next week after which seeding wilL commence. 5. Ditching south of Wallacetown would be undertaken as lsoon as graders were available. 6. Work at the intersection of County Road #30 and Concession XIV in Yarmouth Township had been completed. 7. Ditching would be undertaken shortly on County Road 1f29 east and west of the Canadian National Railway Tracks. 8. Trimming and widening work on County Road #32 to the Ilimit of work completed last year north of the Police College had ~een completed, seeding would be undertaken shortly. Ditching and building of shoulders would be completed to the Conrail 9. Tracks by the weekend. ! Sand base would be placed as County trucks were available. Drainage work on County Road #38 at Stanat's, pearsof's and Lewis Acres had been completed. I I County Trucks #70 and #72 were not being used more often than necessary as the repair costs would be greater than the benefit in using them. Repairs had been made to Graders #18 and #19. 10. 11. Pavement marking other than County Road #3 had been ~ompleted as white edge marking would be completed within 2 days. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 7. 12. The McKenzie Drain, The No. 1 Drain and the Axford-Hewitt Drain had been installed in Yarmouth Township. The Brown-Vernet Drain (boring) had been installed in Dunwich Township. 13. Boring on County Road #40 at the Bowen Drain had been completed. 14. The Engineer had attended the appeal of the Lunn-McDermid Drain on County Road #16 in Dunwich Township last week befor'~ the Drainage Tribunal. The appealants asked that the by-law be quashed. 15. Concrete cutoff walls had been constructed on steel culverts at the Pearce Park on County Road #8 and County Road #9 at the microwave tower. 16. Reinforcement of the abutment walls and wing walls at the South Flemming Creek Bridge on County Road #3 would be undertaken shortly. 17. Bridge painting was continuing. 18. It was noted that Mr. Arnold Milligan would go on holidays on the 1st of October as would Mr. Art Gordon. Mr. Gordon Bedford would likely go on holidays by mid-October, all prior to retirement. "MOVED BY.: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 43 AMOUNTING TO $65,927.14 PAYLIST NUMBER 44 AMOUNTING TO $174,262.51 PAYLIST NUMBER 45 AMOUNTING TO $299.66 PAYLIST NUMBER 47 AMOUNTING TO $313,302.50 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR INTERIM SUBSIDY AS REQUIRED AND THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN SUCH APPLICATIONS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 8. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture noting that the weeds on the top of the Bruce Hill on County Road #24 were Japanlese Knot Weed and there was no known way of killing it. It had been bulldozed over the bank in hopes of eliminating a sight distance problem at the top of the hill. 2. Correspondence from the County to the Town of Aylmer regarding a traffic survey was noted. 3. From David Cook requesting support for-the rezoning of his gravel pit in Yarmouth Township. The Committee were reluctant to support a rezoning by-law, but instructed the Engineer to attend the hearing as an interested party and comment as required. 4. From Mrs. Haayma, County Road #42 regarding flooding. The Engineer noted that surveys were being undertaken to try to ascertain the proper way to rectify the problem. A municipal drain outlet through the Defasco property to the south might be required as well as larger culverts across County Road #42. 5. From the Bobier Convalescent Home with an invitation for luncheon when County Council inspected roads in West Elgin. The Committee postponed discussion until the next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT UPON THE COMPLETION OF MR. HUMPHRIES 6 MONTH PROBATIONARY PERIOD (MARCH 19, 1984) THAT HIS RATE BE INCREASED TO STEP 2 OF CATEGORY 11 ($29,826.00). CARRIED." The Warden and Engineer reported on a meeting with the Ministry of the Environment representatives in London on August 29th rE!garding the Ministry's Blue Print for Waste Management in Ontario. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 9. Matters affecting County Council would include that the Counties and upper tier municipalities accept responsibility for the disposal of all solid and special waste generated in their areas. This would mean that the local municipalities would still be responsible for the pickup and it would be the Counties responsiblity to provide a solid waste disposal site (either municipal or privately owned) and to pay the costs of solid waste disposal. These costs are being paid by the local municipalities. The County would be responsible for all local municipal waste disposal sit$ now operating as well as making payments to private individuals operating waste disposal sites. The County would also be responsible for the maintenance of an inventory of waste generated within its boundaries. Counties would be responsible to have a 20 year master waste disposal plan and would be responsible for having sufficient disposal sites with a minimum of 5 years capacity at all times. The municipalities would also be subject to binding Ontario Municipal Board orders that they accept waste from another municipality that could not provide a waste disposal site within its own boundaries. Private carriers would have to have a $50,000 letter of credit deposited with the Ministry at all times. This would preclude any small contractors being able to pick up and haul municipal garbage to a waste disposal site. County Council would be responsible for environmental controls and making sure that all sites met the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. A new system of weight billing would be implemented and the County would be required to maintain all weight bills and to make sure that.all waste was delivered to the proper site from within its boundaries (or outside if so ordered by the Ontario Municipal Board ). It was noted that no subsidies were proposed on any of these costs. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 31, 1983 PAGE 10. Undoubtedly the cost to the County of di_sposal under the new scheme would be much greater than the present cost to the local muni.cipalities. The Ministry of the Enviornment would accept briefs from interested persons or municipalities on October 6th in London. The Committee noted that the time for briefs was rather short but felt that: they were not interested in making a presentation even though the costs to the County could be considerable in the future. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY OF HOT MIX TENDERS 1983 CONTRACT ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on Thursday, August 11, 1983 in Aylmer at the Harry Gunstone Building of the Aylmer Parks and Recreation Department.. All members except Reeve Perovich and Reeve McWilliams were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 12, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. The Roy Doran Appreciation Night had been very successful and the net cost to the County had been approximately $400.00. 2. Ministry of the Environment Officials had indicated that tenders for the Port Burwell sewers would be called within the month to close early in September and work would be underway by mid-October. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board had written Mr. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer asking whether or not County Council had any furth,er objections to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated. The Engineer had replied to the Board on August 10th noting that he had forwarded a letter to them on July 12th, that the County of Elgin Road Committee felt that the Road Department requirements had been fulfilled and that the Road Committee had no objection to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated using County road crossings. The County had given the Company permission to use the Warren Street crossing for test purposes. 4. The Engineer reviewed the Canada Employment Programme and reported that permission had been received from the Federal Department of Labour to continue the progrannne with minimal staff as long as funds permitted (likely mid-September). Additional workers had been hired under the C.O.E.D. Programme and the Programme would continue until mid-November with the same number of employees. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 2. The funds available would be quickly spent as long as good weather prevailed. The Provincial Government had refused the County's second application for funds for Fall and next Spring>s work. It seems strange that $20,000,000 had been added to the programme for Fall and Winter work in the past week by the Federal and provincial Government. The Committee authorized the Engineer to approach :Mr. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. to see if the County's Programme might still be approved. 5. Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications felt that repairs to the Cooks Bridge were not economical and recommended that a bailey bridge be erected. Arrangements had been made for a bailey bridge which would be erected in October. 6. No obstacles had been encountered for the closing of the Clarke property on September 1st. 7. An agreement from Violet Stanat on County Road #38 had been received and the drain would be installed within the month. 8. No further correspondence had been received from Steve Simon regarding land purchase, County Road #3. 9. Ontario Hydro would be delayed in announcing the corridors for their transmission lines from Nanticoke to London. 10. Mr. Charlie Stafford, County By-Law Enforcement Officer had reported that he had been successful in getting several cars mov1ed at Mount Salem and had temporarily solved the problem on County Road i~27. Deputy Reeve Martyn reported that the parki;ng problem has seemed to have transferred to the east on the south side of the road, he suggested that the prohibited parking area be extended east to Hindley's Garage. The Engineer was instructed to prepare the appropriate resolution for the next meeting of Road Committee so the by-law could be amended. The Engineer reported that Staff Sergeant Ken Money stated that there were legal difficulties with the tagging of derelict motor vehicles on County roads. He would endeavour to find out more information as time permitted and report to the Committee. ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 3. The court of revision had been completed on the Doyle Drain regarding crossing of County Road #22 and County Road #45. It was eXpected that the Township of Yarmouth would be able to tender the drain this Fall. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Heavy rains had delayed work throughout the County particularly the Aldborough-Dunwich area where most trimming work ~~s next to impossible (rains of August 11th caused serious damage to a c.onsiderable number of County roads, culverts, etc., in East Elgin includ.ing Silver Creek Culvert on County Road #42). 2. A second application of salt brine was being applied to gravel roads. 3. Weed spraying had been completed by all Townships except the spraying of round up for. cattails by Southwold and Malahide Townships. 4. Gravel roads were being graded as required. 5. Surface treatment work had been completed and the distributor body removed from the truck. 6. Work has been completed at the St. Thomas Airport. 7. Paving had been completed on County Road #3 south of Highway #3 as well as pavement patching on County Roads #2 and #3. 8. Asphal t base coat work was approximately 2/3 compl1eted on County Road #3 north of Highway #3. Top soil. and trimming work would not be started until the ground had dried out. As soon as the road was trimmed seeding and gravel shouldering would be done. 9. Of the 12 sanders, 3 would be scrapped, and 9 were in a useable condition, but 2 would require major repairs. The replacement of several sanders would be required for the 1984 - 1985 season. 10. The railing on the Brooks Bridge on County Road #48 east of Lyons was being rebuilt using C.O.E.D. forces. 11. It was hoped to proceed with work on cut-off walls on various steel culverts shortly and work had been started at the one on County Road #8 at Pearce Park. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 4. 12. A considerable amount of earth shoulder had been hauled from County Road #43 south of Calton to the slide on County Road #45 east of Calton. 13. Trim work on County Road #20 north of Shedden would be completed within the week. 14. Other small grading jobs would be compLeted shortly including: (a) The intersection of Road #30 and Concession XIV, Yarmouth Township. (b) Ditching on County Road #29 east and west of the Canadian National railway tracks. (c) Minor work between Dutton and Wallacetown. (d) Ditching on County Road #8 south of County Road #16 at the Hentz and Simpson properties. 15. The underneath of the Gillets Bridge was nearly painted. 16. Work for the Township of Dunwich at the slide on Highway #401 at the Aldborough Townline would be undertaken: in the near future. 17. Centre line pavement marking had been completed and white edge marking would be completed within the week. 18. Curb and gutter repairs had been completed in Belmont, Avon, and Lyons and were nearly completed in Springfield with work in Aylmer and Richmond yet to be done. 19. It was hoped to do some asphalt patching on Road #26, St. George Street hill at the St. George Street Bridge, Road #33 (Kains Road), and on Road #3 north of Rodney and Road #13 east of Dutton this Fall with C.O.E.D. personnel. 20. Mr. Art Gordon would work probably to mid-October as he wished 2 weeks holidays in early September. 21. Bob Davies would be on holidays for 4 days next week. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS~BKAPP.ROVEDFOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 37 AMOUNTING TO $83,715.85 PAYLIST NUMBER 38 AMOUNTING TO $34,314.00 PAYLIST NUMBER 39 AMOUNTING TO $226.87 PAYLIST NUMBER 40 AMOUNTING TO $64,207.73 PAYLIST NUMBER 41 AMOUNTING TO $131.48 PAYLIST NUMEER 42 AMOUNTING TO $329,839.84 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN A PAYLIST TO PAY FOR THE CLARKE GRAVEL PIT LOTS 26 AND 27, CONCESSIONS III AND IV, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. from Roy Doran thanking the Committee for their gift at his Appreciation Night. 2. From the Township of Malahide advising that they would consider a rezoning by-law for the property of David Klachan, Lot 10, Concession I, for residential use. 3. From the Township of Southwold with rezoning for the~ old school property in Shedden to a tea room and boutique. 4. Township of Yarmouth wondering if the County had any objections to the severance request of James Chaplow, Lot 2, Concession IV, County Road #51. The Engineer noted that he had replied stating that the County had no objections. 5. From the Township of Yarmouth for a minor variance for a side yard for a swimming pool on Lot 18, Concession X, Degraw property facing Highway #74. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 6.. 6. From the Town of Aylmer with a zoning by-law at the intersection of County Road #53 and Spruce Street, rezoning for a veterinary clinic. It was noted that there would be no change in land use, but an error in the original by-law was being corrected. 7. Township of Yarmouth with a minor variance on the Huber property, North Street, Sparta for a side yard reduction. 8. The Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for a property on Highway #74 north of Highway #3 for rezoning for small motor repairs. 9. From the Township of Yarmouth with rezoning by-law for Lots 26 and 27, Concession V, David Cook property for a gravel pit. The Committee noted that this property was alongside the County's pit and Mr. Cook had previously approached Road Committee to advise of his intensions. The Committee noted that they would request rezoning of the Clarke property which was in the same area for a gravel pit in the Fall. 10. From the Township of Malahide with a rezoning by-law for residential property on Highway #3 at Orwell. 11. From the Township of Malahide with a rezoning by-law deleting used car sales and antique sales on the Percy Whitcroft propE~rty on Highway #3 west of Aylmer. 12. From the Township of South Dorchester with a zoning by-law for the Township, the Committee had no comments. 13. From the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated, Max Jolliffe to the Road Committee Chairman thanking them for the opportunity of meeting with the Committee and thanking the Committee and the County Engineer for their co-operation in helping them solve the problems of County road crossings. Correspondence from Mr. William Ralf and Mr. Hiram Jenken, former employees of the County Road Department was noted, protesting the County Road Department's participation in the Canada Employment Programme and the C.O.E.D. Programme inasmuch as this Programme denied the majority of former County Summer casual employees a chance for employment in 1983. The Committee noted that this matter had been discussed at consider'able ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 7. length with John Wise, M.P., Ron McNeil, M.P.P. and Bruno DeBell, of the Canada Employment and Innnigration Office. None of last year's employee sare eligible for the progrannne as they will not exhaust their U.I.C. Benefits before December at which time the progrannne will be over. The Programme had been designed for people who had exhausted their unemployment benefits. It appeared to the Commit'tee that there was no simple solution as without the C.O.E.D. Programme and the C.E.P. Pr,ogramme the County could not afford sunnner casual employees or the programmes that they wer€~ doing. While it was unfortunate that past employees were ineligible, the Committee felt that there was little that they could do. The Engineer was instructed to write Messrs Ralf and Jenken and so advise them. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of the Environment was presently circulating a paper entitled "Blue Print for Waste Management" and the Ministry proposed to make groups of municipalities or senior levels of government responsible for the disposal of waste. If the Ministry brought this about, disposal of solid waste would end up as a County responsibility. The Chairman stated that this could be a very time consuming matter for the Public Works Department and for County Council inasmuch as the County was involved in solid waste years ago and it took a majority of the County Engineer's and the Road Committe~s time. The Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Assessment Regulations for construction and maintenance of roads and bridges will come into place on January 1st, 1984. This would necessitate having complete designs ready, publicized and available for public inspection and perhaps public meetings prior to the start of land purchase on any road and would increase the County's engineering costs conSiderably. Engineering has been completed for work at Port Burwell and about 80% of the work for Road #22 had been completed but a~cQnsidlerable amount of engineering work would be required to meet the requirements of the Act on other roads. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 8. A delegation from the Town of Aylmer met with the Committee. The delegation included Mayor Roger Verbuyst, Councillor Kilgour, Councillor Ayerheart, Police Chief Kavanaugh, Clerk Charles Knapp and Engineer Cyril Demeyere. The delegation presented a brief to the Connnittee outlining the traffic congestion problems within the Town of Aylmer particularly at the intersection of John Street and Talbot Street (Highway #3 and Highway #73) and to a lesser extent at John Street' and Spruce Street area particularly on Thusdays (Market Day). It was noted by the delegation that there was no route from John Street to Talbot Street in the northeast quadrant of Town and thus traffic had to go via the main intersection. This backed up traffic on John Street particularly those making left hand turns. The delegation suggested that one solution would be an extension of Spruce Street easterly and southerly across Dingle Street to come out of Highway #3 in the vicinity of Terrace Lodge. It was estimated that this might cost upwards of a million dollars. The matter was discussed at some length and the Chairman of the Road Committee noted that this matter had been discussed some years ago by Road Committee and at that time the Corrnnittee was concerned that most of the traffic originated and was destined for areas other than east of Aylmer or north of the C.N.R. Tracks, thus an alternate route in that area from the east limits of Aylmer to the C.N.R. Tracks would resolve very little of the problem at John and Talbot Streets. Mr. Clarke stated that a traffic study should be corn~leted before the Spruce Street extension was considered. Mr. Demeyere stated that the Town of Tillsonburg just had a traffic study by a consultant completed. The Connnittee felt that the Town should undertake a traffic study and agreed to supply any information that they might have and to provide any expertise that the County had available at any time during the study. It was suggested that the Town of Aylmer contact the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to find out what rate of subsidy might apply to the project. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 11, 1983 PAGE 9. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. . . AFTER DINNER . . . REEVE MAX STEWART ABSENT Severe flooding was occurring in various sections of the County. The Committee instructed the Engineer to write the Town of Aylmer suggesting that they proceed with a traffic study of the Town and offer the Town any expertise that the County might have and suggested that the study should be done at the expense of the Town with the appropriate Ministry of Transportation and Communications" sub sidy. The Committee agreed that the Chairman and Warden should meet with the Engineer and engage a General Superintendent. Some 85 applications had been received and reduced to 10 interviews, which were still continuing. The Engineer felt that the County should engage a person who had considerable experience in the age group of 50 to 60 as it appeared that the County had several younger employees who could possibly take over supervisory positions with a few more years experience. It was agreed that a recommendation with regard to 't-vages, etc., would be made to the Personnel Committee by the Road Committee at their next meeting. A programme of future construction was discussed bri.efly but as a quorum was not present the matter was laid over to the next meeting. "MOVED BY: E. H~ MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ADJOURN TO 9:30 A.M.., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1983. CARRIED." SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Card and Wrapping Paper (.Judy Davies) Jack Rice Caterer s - Water Cup s Maxwell's Camera" Presentation Camera Impressions Printing - Tickets ($60.00 + Taxes) RECEIPTS: 1. Ticket Sale s ... Cash (174 @ $5.00) 2. Treasurer's Cheque for Trudy Gel ing 3. Bar proceeds (Ray Lavereau) (a) Drink Ticket Sales $277.50 (b) Pop Sales 4.38 $ 2c8J_. 88 TOTAL RECEIPTS * NOTE: TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS E~PENOITURES : 1. Meals (178) to Trudy Ge 1 ing 2. Hall Rental - Knight s of Columbus 3 . Bar (a) Bartender - Knights of Columbus (b) Bar Cups (c) Liquor Perm.it (d) Net Liquor apd Beer Costs 4. 5. 6. 7. RECEIPTS EXPENDlTURES PAID TO DATE $1,851.88 1,558.41 CASH ON HAND $ 293.47 $ 870.001 700.00 281.813 $1,85l.8~ ~--...... $1,151.8~ $ 15.00 49.75 15.00 129.05 $208.80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES i $1,295~60 PD. 50.00 PD. 208.80 PD. 4.01 7 . 20 ) ) 240.75) 69.98 ) PD. Charge Office as per R.G. $1,8}6,,34 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Hunicipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 12, 1983. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. Tenders for asphalt paving for County Road #3 and asphalt patching on County Road #2 were opened and were as attached. Reeve Ray Lavereau, Village of Port Stanley introduced Mr. Max Jolliffe and Mr. Allen Howlett acting for the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated. Mr. Jolliffe stated that he was acting for his son, Brad Jolliffe, President of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated and he brought with him a copy of the liability insurance policy for the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated in the amount of a million dollars, naming t:he County of Elgin as insured. After discussion Mr. Jolliffe agreed to meet further with the County Engineer to discuss the concerns of the County Road Corrnni.ttee as noted at previous meetings. Mr. Jolliffe indicated that he was prepared to meeil: the County's concerns without delay so that the operations of the railroad could be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Jolliffe stated that the problems to date had been because of a lack of communication on the part of the owners of the railway and apologised to all for the problems this had caused and the time spent by the Committee on the matter. Charles Stafford, County By-Law Enforcement Officer met with the Committee and the problem of derelict automobiles on County roads was discussed. Also discussed was the enforcement of the County's Parking By-Law. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO jrULY 12, 1983 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LI~[ITED AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $168,496.75 FOR ASPHALT PAVING ON COUNTY ROADS #2 AND #3. .CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J.N. SMYTH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF JUNE 8 AND JUNE 16 (2 MEETINGS) BE APPROVED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE REQUEST THE CLERK TO HAVE THE COUNTY BY~LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ENFORCE THE COUNTY'S PARKING BY-LAW ON ROAD #27 AT SPARTA, ROAD #52 EAST OF HIGHWAY #74, ROADS #16 AND #20 AT FIN GAL AND ROAD #38 AT STRAFFORDVILLE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER INVESTIGATE THE PROBLEM OF PARKING OF DERELICT MOTOR VEHICLES ON COUNTY ROADS AND HAVE THE COUNTY BY~LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER AND THE ROAD DEPARTMENT TAKE APPROPRIATE LAWFUL, ACTION. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J.. N. SMYTH THAT WE CONFIRM THE ACTION OF THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN AND THE ENGINEER ON THE PURCHASE OF A PORTION OF APPROXIMATELY 98 ACRES OF LOTS 26 AND 27, CONCESSIONS III AND IV, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP FROM GERALD THOMAS CLARKE AND GERALD T. CLARKE LIMITED FOR THE SUM OF $172,500 (THE CLOSING DATE IS SEPTEMBER 1, 1983). CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 3. The Engineer reported that he had contacted the~ County Solicitor, Mr. Murray Hennessey and Mr. Hennessey assured him that no title problems had been encountered in his search of the Clarke property and the September 1st closing would be met. The Engineer noted that he had contacted the Mi.nistry of Natural Resources with regard to the transfer of the Pit and Quarry License (now in the name of Sparta Stone) to the County of Elgin and that the Ministry was s~nding information on the method of transferring the li.cense. The Engineer noted that Bob Davies had organized "Roy Doran Appreciation Night" and that everything was well in hand. Mr. Davies reported that he expected approximately 175 people and that final arrangements for presentations, etc., would be: made with the Warden and the Chairman at the close of the meeting. No notices had been received from Steven Simon or his solicitor regarding his property on County Road #3 and as of June 30 the County's cheques had not been cashed. Reeve Smyth reported that the date of tendering for the sewers in Port Burwell was still not known and that the Village Council had requested the Ministry of the Enviornment to proceed with the design of the treatment plant so that it would be ready for the tender call when the tenders for the installation of the sanitary system werecalled. A number of workers would be transferred from the present Canada Employment Programme to the C.O.E.D. Programme. Employmemt Canada was being contacted as to the exact rules and regulations. It was expected that an additional 6 workers would be hired shortly for the C.O.E.D. Programme. An extension to complete the Canada Employment Programme of approximately a month had been granted by federal officials and it was expected now that the Canada Employment Progrannne would emd approximately ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 4. August 31st but there would only be about 6 workers on the Programme from the 1st of July to the end of August. The Ontario Energy Board had forwarded a ruling on the Town of Blenheim's application to have a clause on the Union Gas Limited franchise agreement deleted dealing with the pay-ment for the movement of gas lines by the local municipality. It was noted that the Ontario Energy Board had endorsed the franchise only to January 1, 1986 and suggested that a suitable arrangement between the Union Gas Limited and the municipalities be worked out prior to that time which might satisfy both parties. The Engineer noted that it appeared that slowly but surely the Energy Board was moving toward the position that municipalities should contribute to the cost of moving of the gas lines and suggested that all municipalities should be made aware that this practice would likely continue, and at some future time the municipalities would have to pay some costs of moving lines, likely on a sliding scale depending upon how long the line had been in place. The Committee asked that copies of the ruling be forwarded to all municipalities. The Chairman and the Engineer reported that they had met with Mrs. Violet Stanat on County Road #38. Mrs. Stanat asked that the matter be completed as soon as possible, and that she was agreeablE~ to the installation 41 of the drain. The Engineer noted that he had received a release from the lawyers but felt that it was not satisfactory as it was much too complicated and he was in the pro~ess of forwarding a simple release to the Stanat's which would cover both thelStanatts and the County. I The ~airman reported that he had met with John Corbett with regard to the county,l gravel pit at Avon. Mr. Corbett wished to at some time in the future, purchase the County property after the County was done with it. The Chairman npted that because of the underbrush and mosquitos it was I impossible to rake any accurate assessment of the amount of gravel remaining I I I I I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 5. in the pit. It was agreed that test holes should be dug when the water level in the pit was lower and conditions were more favourable for working. Another meeting would be held regarding the Doyle Drain, which effects County Road #22 and County Road #45, on the evening of July 18. Deputy Reeve Martyn and the Engineer both hoped that this meeting would resolve the matter. It was noted the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas was having an official opening of the Airport on Wednesday, July 20 and it was expected that the County would have completed all work at the Airport prior to that time. It was noted that Ontario Hydro had held 2 meetings in Elgin with regard to the hydro transmission line corridors and alternate transformer sites in conjunction with their Hydro Study to supply power to Western Ontario. Although the Aylmer meeting had been well attended, the St. Thomas meeting and a meeting at Tillsonburg had been very poorly attended. It was understood that the Hydro was to redefi.ne the corridor widths and have meetings in August and September on the matter. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Marcus Brines had provided some free sal t brine for County Roads #43, #28 and #32 to replace that which was not up to quality. It had been difficult to judge the quality of the work inasmuch as heavy rains had washed much of the salt brine off the roads within ten days after it had been put on. A second application would be required in three or four weeks. Gravel roads had not been graded any more than necessary to avoid stirring up dust. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 6. 2. Grass cutting with four mowers was underway with most of Southwoldand Yarmouth Townships being completed, Aldborough Township had completed County roads in that Township. 3. Pavement marking had been completed other than those roads that had been recently p'aved or surface treated. 4. Bridge painting wa.s continuing at the Gillets Bridge. 5. Surface treatment work would be completed within the week, other than :1 days work in Harwich Township starting July 25. 6. Many small drainage and clean up projects had been completed. 7. Most Townships had completed weed spraying with Southwold and Malahide doing most of Yarmouth Township. 8. Paving and clean up work on County Road #32 from Highway #73 to Concession VIII had been completed. Some trimming was required from Concession VIII to the Police College Gate. 9. Trimming work had been completed on County Road #20 in Port Stanley and was underway on County Road #20 north and south of Shedden. 10. All work on County Road #8 between Dutton and Wallacetown other than very minor trim work was completed. 11. Earth moving was continuing on County Road #3 with a scraper. All County drain crossings had been complete and it was hoped that the Township's drainage contractors would soon install the municipal drains. Trucking work would start next week and it was expected that most earth moving including top soil would be completed by the end of July. 12. The Township of Dunwich had asked that the County rE~pair a slope on the Highway #401 overpass on the Aldborough-Dunwich TO~lline which the Ministry had agreed to fund. 13. Small grading jobs would be undertaken shortly, including ditching south of Wallacetown on County Road #8; Road #30 at the intersection of Concession XIV at the Radio Road; curb and gutter work on County Road #40 and Road #42; repair of culverts on County Road #9 at the Micro Wave Tower, County Road #8 at the Fowler Drain in Fingal, Road #3 at the Flemming Creek Culvert (south), and replacement of the Brooks Bridge railing on County Road #48. 14. Curb and gutter repairs had been completed in Port Stanley, Union and Sparta, and were underway in Belmont with work to continue in Springfield and Aylmer. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 7. 15. Ditching work would be undertaken on County Road #29 near the Ford water tower and the slide on County Road #45 east of the Calton Bridge repaired. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . HMOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 29 AMOUNTING TO $63,578.32 PAYLIST NUMBER 31 AMOUNTING TO $62,838.92 PAYLIST NUMBER 32 AMOUNTING TO $283.44 PAYLIST NUMBER 33 AMOUNTING TO $1,000.00 PAYLIST NUMBER 34 AMOUNTING TO $62,662.29 PAYLIST NUMBER 35 AMOUNTING TO $444.81 PAYLIST NUMBER 36 AMOUNTING TO $634,257.51 CARRIED." The Engineer reported that the Cooks Bridge on County Road #43 over the Big Otter Greek (the southerly of the two bridges) had been inspected by Mr. Ken lKleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in June and Mr. Kleinsteiber had felt that the proposed repairs, as proposed by the Engineer, to strengthen the bridge would be of little avail and suggested that due to the poor condition of the bridge the load limit should be dropped to 5 tonne immediately. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BB PASSED RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT ON THE COOKS BRIDGE TO 5 TONNES AND THAT A NEW BY-LAW BE PASSED UPDATING THE PRESENT BY-LAW NO. 83-9. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 8. The future of the bridge was discussed and the Engineer was instructed to contact Mr. Kleinsteiber to see if he had any further ideas on repairs or if a bailey bridge, would be the most practical solution to the problem, as a bridge carrying more than 5 tonne was required. It was noted that to replace the Cooks and the Phillmore Bridges and grade the road between Calton and Richmond an expenditure of approximately 3 million dollars would be required and with traffic cou.nts of 100 cars a day or less this work could not be regarded with high priority with a backlog of some 26 million dollars of work. It was felt that abailey bridge might serve for 6 or 7 years until other priority work could be completed on the County road system. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications noting the second advance payment of subsidy had been forwCLr.,-ded in thE~ amount of $866, ~OO. 2. From the County of Middlesex's Warden Mr. Garnet Ramphf to Rod Ferguson, Chairman of the Kettle Creek Conservation Authortty" with reasons that the County of Middlesex was not agreeable to proceeding with construction of County Road #37 between Highway #73 and Avon at the present time. 3. From.the Canada Transport Commission stating that it was the Commission's policy that signals that were no longer required at railway crossings would revert to the railways for their own use inasmuch as the salvage was not worth much more than the labour to remove it. The Engineer noted that the signals removed from the London and Port Stanley Branch of the Canadian National Railway at both Warren Street and County Road #45 had been taken by the railway. 4. The Town of Aylmer with a zoning by-law for institutional use (Nursing Home) on Highway #3 at the west limit of Aylmer. 5. From the Town of Aylmer with a zoning by-law for business use at the intersection of Talbot and Queen Streets. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 9. 6. From the Township of Malahide with a zoning by-law for residential use on Lot 10,Concessiqn II, west of Highway #73 at Copenhagen. 7. From the Township of MaLahide with a notice for rezoning of Part of Lot 7, Conce.ssion VI, Highway #3 for a car wash - PE~rcy Whitcroft. 8. From the Township of Westminster with a Restricted 2:oning By-Law #2000. It was noted that the by-law had been previously discussed by Committee. 9. From Allied Chemical Company stating that they wished to .meet with C<;>uncil to present a Dust Control Seminar at some time in the future. The Committee was of the opinion that such a seminar was not required. 10. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Hou~ing stating that Mr. Garry McAllister would replace Mr. Lou Spittal as Branch Manager in London. 11. From the Long Point Region Conservation Authority with a copy of their final watershed plan. The Engineer noted that he had not yet had an opportunity to review the plan. the future subsidy on County bridges not on County roads would be the 12. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that in same rate as the subsidy of the Township that the bridge was in, or the average rate of two adjoining Townships rather than the 80% presently paid. It was noted that if townline bridges between Southwold and Yarmouth or Yarmouth and Malahide were replaced the subsidy rate would likely be 50% rather than 80%. 13. From the Town of Aylmer requesting an appointment so that a delegation could meet with the Road Committee with regard to the easterly extension of Spruce Street to connect to the Dingle Street area. 14. From Mr.. Dave Cook requesting that he be allowed to cross the County property at the Pleasant Valley Pit when he received his pit and quarry license, on a temporary basis inasmuch as loaded trucks would not be able to use the Township bridge over Catfish Creek on the pleasant Valley Road. The Committee noted that a little used Township road went through the County property andthattl1iswould give Mr. Cook access to his property and that little could be done to deny him access. ST. .THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 10. "MOVED BY: D. A . MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D.PEROVICH THAT WE GRANT PERMISSION TO .DAVID COOK OWNER OF A PORTION OF LOT 26, CONCESSION V, YARMOUTH, ACCESS ACROSS COUNTY PROPERTY IN LOT 25, CONCESSION V TO THE TOWNSHIP ROAD IF HE RECEIVES A PIT AND QUARRY LICENSE FROM THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J.. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MEET WITH THE OFJPICIALS OF THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL INCORPORATED TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT THAT WILL ANSWER THE CONCERNS OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE AS NOTED IN THEIR MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1983 AND TO NOTIFY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IF AN AGREEMENT IS REACHED. CARRIED." The Engineer commeneed on the attached revised budget noting that winter control was less than originally estimated, but shoulder maintenance work done in late winter and spring had been greater than estimated previously. Grass cutting would be reduced inasmuch as a portion of the cost had been incorporated into the C.O.E.D. Programme. As yet no decision had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as to whether the supplementary by-law for edge marking would be approved or. not. Stock credits would be less than previously estimated because more work had been done at the pleasant Valley Gravel Pit than had originally been intended previously. Construction priorities would be changed and it was recommended that all work other than County Road #32 be completed first and the remaining funds be spent on County Road #32 if the sanitary sewers in Port Burwell were not installed by early Fall. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE II. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE ENGINEER'S REVISED BUDGET OF JUL~[ 1983. CARRIED." Personnel matters were discussed at some length and the Engineer noted that Mr. Art Gordon was still intending to retire beforE~ Winter and that with his accumulated holidays, etc., he would probably not work after mid October. He also noted that Mr. Arnold Milligan, Class V Foreman had requested an early retirement and he would not lil<ely work past Thanksgiving. Mr. Curtis Gordon the present Assistant Superintendent 'W'as not interested in becoming the General Superintendent because of his age and his borderline health problems at the present time. It would be necessary to advertise for the position of General Superintendent and it was recommended that this be done as soon as possible so that applications could be received and a decision made prior to the retirement of the present Superintendent. Hopefully the new Superintendent would be able to work with the present General Superintendent for some weeks. The Engineer also noted that a wage policy would have to be discussed by the Committee and recommendations made to Council inasmuch as the present wage policy was not consistant with the Councils recent acceptance of a County Government Report that any new Superintendent would not have a County vehicle for private use. It was decided to disc.uss this matter further at the next meeting and to make r,ecommendations to Personnel and other Committees. It was agreed that the Superintendent position should be advertised in both the London Free Press and the Globe and Mail. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ADVERTISE FOR THE POSITION OF GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 12, 1983 PAGE 12. The Engineer presented the attached comparison of the Needs Study Update entitlements using projected financial entitlements for 1982 and 1983. It was noted that if no other changes in provincial Policy occurred that the construction allocation for 1984 would be only marginally larger ($40,000) than the construction allocation for 1983. It was not known what inflation factors would be used for 1984. (There is a possibility that these might be less than the ones used for 1983 and thus the entitlement would decrease.) The Committee noted that a considerable backlog of work existed, roads and bridges over $18,000,000, and resurfacing over $8,000,000, with total work approximately $1,700,000 per year, it would take about 16 years to clean up the backlog. The Engineer also distributed a construction priority list, listing the Needs Study Costs of various road sections and their priority. It was decided to discuss the County's long range construction plans at the next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1983 AT 9:301 A.M. AT THE AYLMER TOWN HALL. CARRIED." --. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD, DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF HOT MIX TENDERS 1983 CONTRACT t E' I............... WaltfisleyBros. Limited R. R. #8 Lond(,')n, Ontario N6A'4C3 I l:lQr.dnConst:ruction Company Limited P. . (:).....:/3ox .609 Chat:flam, Ontario N7M5K8 t..G.G. Matel.'"ials Limited P.,O. Box H~9 'LonqQn, Ontario N6A.4V7 ,. 4~" Towlcand (London) 1970 Limited ,P .(). Bo;x; 2815 Lonqon, Ontario N6A'4H4 $l6a,496.75 $192,802.00 $22.5,006.00 $243,405.75 r COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY OF HOT MIX . TENDERS 1983 CON"'TRACT 'E' iTEM ESTIMATED TONNAGE WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. HURON CONST.<LTD. T.C.G. MATERIALS LTD. TOWLAND LIMITED UNIT TENDER PRIGE&fOUNT UNIT PRICE UNIT TENDER PRICE AMOUNT TENDER AMOUNT UNIT TENDER PRICE AMOUNT CONTRACE 'E I - Item #1 - Road #3 - H~ghway #3 to Lake H. L.8 H.L.4 Item #2 - Road #3 - Highway #3 to Rodney H.L.8 H.L.4 Asphal t Gutter Item #3.- Hot Hix Patching /' (a) Road #2 - West Lorne to Rodney (b) Road #3 - North of Highway #401 H.L.4 H.L.4 TOTAL CONTRACT 'E f 1,850 1 ,575 4,600 4,150 2,40.0' 1,150 35.0 12.31 22,773.5.0 13.55 25, .067.50 16.46 12.3l 19,388.25 14.3.0 22,522.50 16.46 12.1.0 55,660..0.0 13.15 60,490.00 l6.3l 12.10 50,215..00 L3.70 56,855..0.0 16.31 .30 720.00 1.08 2,592.00 .30 13.16 l3.l6 15,134..00 4,6.06.00 16..85 16.85 19,377.5.0 5,897.50 16.80 16.80 $168,496.75 $192, 30, 451. GO 25,924.50 75,026.00 67,686.50 720..00 19,320.00 5,880.00 $225,008..00 1 7 . 09 17.49 17.09 17.49 21.07 21 .07 31,616.50 27,546.75 78,614. 00 72,583.50 .60 1,44G.00 24,23.0.50 7,374.50 $243,405.75 .#-' f COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET , COUNTY. AND .ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 OPERATION 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN , ROADS JULY .1. 983 ESTIMATE COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 B1:'idges - 2 Culverts 95,000 92,000 3,000 95, 000 92,000 3, 000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Gutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage As sessmefit s (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying 22,000 20,000 2,000 14,000 12,000 105,000 100,000 5,000 150,000 142,000 l25,000 110,000 15,00O 125,000 105,000 30,000 24,000 6, 000 30,000 25,,000 4,000 10,000 9,000 7,000 10,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 16,000 14,000 2,000 22,000 18,000 2,000 8,000 20,000 5,000 1,000 4,000 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repair s to Pavement - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shaul der Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment Road #8 - Ditching, etc. Road #3 - Ditching, etc. 92,000 28,000 185,000 137,000 81,000 24,000 131,000 120,000 11,000 4,000 54,000 17,OOO 80,000 2L,000 280,000 137,000 77,000 17,000 170,000 120,000 3,000 , 4, 000 110,000 1 7, 000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 PAGE 2. OPERATION 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS JULY 1983 ESTI~fATE COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 3 Dust Control .. 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 31 , 000 45,000 7,000 30,000 27,000 39,000 3,000 27,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 26,000 45, 000 7,000 38,000 21,000 39,000 3,000 30,000 5,000 6,000 4,000 8,000 E .. Winter Control Tot al - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting .. 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew 365,000 310,000 55,000 225,000 185;000 40,000 F - Safety Devices ,/ - 1 Pavement Marking - 2 Signs and Signals - 3 Guide Rail lif.. nnn c:-r.'-J-.' VI V V '::!7 f'\f'\n .J I, vvv ('\ AI"\('\ '7,VVV 46,000 37,000 9,000 - 4 Railroad Protection .. 5 Stump Removal - 6 Edge Marking 81,000 8,000 54,000 73,009 5,000 46,000 8,000 3,000 8,000 60,000 12,000 54,000 52, 000 8,000 46,.000 8,000 4,000 8,000 33,500 22,.500 11,000 35,000 23, 000 12, 000 TOTALS $1,546,500 $1,315,500 $231,000 $1,517,'000 $1,236,000 $281,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 }if.aAINTENANCE BUDGET COU1\TTY .AND ST. THQMASSUBtJRBAN ROADS JIILY 1983 PAGE 3. 1983 M.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Recommended Supplementary By-Law (Edge Harking) $1,870,000 27,500 1983 Revi sed (,Jul y) Budget Maintenance $1,51 7 ,000 TOTAL M.T.G. ALLOCATION $1_, _8~97, ?OO Overhead 375,000 1983 Maintenance Budget 1983 Overhead' Budget $1,546,500 3 75~ 000 Less Credit in Stock Balance 10,000 CR. Less Credit in S!:ock Balance (Crushed Gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit) $1,921,500 25, 000 CR. $l ,882,000 $l,896,500 NET /' \lj {I, 19'83NEEPS STUDY UPDATE COMPARISON 1982 AND 1983 1982 Bl:"idgeNeeds 1979 Base $2,747,000 ~lus Inflation Factor 24% rotal $3,407.0PO 342..'QOO Add 1983 Base. Costs Total Budget.Needs $3,749,000 Roa.d Needs "N(jw" (l979Ba seCo sts ) $ 5,462,000 , L - 5 Yea.rs (19,79 :Base Costs) 4,666,000 Total $10,128,000 plus' Inflation Factor 36% . Tot: a I $13,774,000 Add 1983 Base Costs 1,695,000 TQtalRcHld N(~fH~S l}.5;1t46 S~r()pQ Road and Bridge Needs , $19,218,000 884,000 4.6% N.T.C.Entitlement Asphal t Re surfacing 1979 Base $4,992,000 Plus Inflation Factor 47% Total $7,3.38,000 Add 1983 Base Costs 332,000 Total Asphalt: Resllrfacing $7,p70,000 1.0% M.T"C. Entitlement $767,000 \ Total. Enti.tlement ~~ .....................................~~!Iol Road sand Bri dge s $H8tf,000 Asphalt Resurfacing 767,000 $1,651,000 1983 $2,747,000 24% $3,407,000 $ 3j_~~g~9 "pqa.' $ $4,742,000 47% $6,971,00,0 1 ,.298,000 $8",269., QOQ $827,000 1; 863,000 827',000 $1,690,OQa /" l. Drainage Assessments 2. Land Purchase: .' Road #3 - Rodney to New Glasgow - Road #5 - Walkers Bridge - Road #8 - North and South of Wallaeeto1Wn - Road #22 - (Fairview Avenue) - Road #30 - Radio Road (St. Thomas Suburban Road) - Miscellaneous 3. Engineering and Surveys: - Roads #4,#8, #37, Etc. (County) - Road #28 (s.t. Thomas Suburban Road ) 4. Resurfacing: . - Road #8 - OUeton-Wallacetown - Road #20 - Port Stanley - Road #20 - Shedden North - Road #3 and Reserve for Road #3 or Road #36 - ROad #3 - Including Highway #3 to Port Glasgow OQUN'l"'.{ OF ELGIMROADlIE.PARTMENT BUDGET.lJPDATE CONSTRUCTION ORIGINAL BUDGET $14,000 l,OOO 10,000 20,000 5,000 IQ,OOO $35,000 10, 000 $ 41,000 10,000 27,000 689,000 $ 150,000 60,000 /.e: f"\ f"\ f"\ 'T.J,vvv 767,000 JULY 1983 JULY BUDGET $ 150,000 $22,000 10, 000 17,000 5,000 6,000 60, 000 $27,000 8,000 35,000 $46, 000 10,000 30,000 765,000 851,.000 Cont i nued COUNTY OF,ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET UPDATE CONSTRUCTION JULY 1983 PAGE 2. ORIGINAL BUDGET J:ULY.BUDGET 5. New Machinery and Housing: - New Machinery and Housing to July - Clarke Gravel Pit Purchase, Etc. - New Machinery (1983) $ 296,000 $ I 78 , 000 180,000 35,000 6. Construction: - Road #32 (a) Highway #73 to Police College Gate (b) Police College Gate to Complete 1982 Work - Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Port Burwell - Port Burwell and Continuation of Road #32 150,000 95 , 000 29,000 355,000 1 25, 000 95,000 30,000 195,000 $1,947,000 $1,934,000 SUMMARY Maintenance ,/ $L, 519, 000 375,000 1,947,OOO 25,000 CR. 54,000 7,500 27 , 500 $1,5l7,000 ':\7l\.nnn -....,--- Overhead Construction 1,934,000 10,000 CR. 54,000 7,500 Credit - Ie., Stock Balance Urban Rebates Items Not For Subsidy Supplementary By-Law (Safety Items) $3,905,000 $3,877,500 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at 5:00 p.m., Thursday~ June l6, 1983 at the Municipal Building in conjunction with County Council. All members were present except Reeve Perovich. Also present was the Engineer. Discussion took place on the implementation of County Council's approval that the Road Committee be empowered to purchase the Clarke property for gravel pit lands. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE CHAIRMAN, WARDEN AND ENGINEER dBE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN OFFER. ON A PORTION OF LOTS 26 AND 27, CONCESSION IV~ YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP (CLARKE PROPERTY) AFTER THEY HAVE SATISFIED THEMSELVES OF THE AMOUNT OF GRAVEL ON THE PROPERTY. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E.H. MARR THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A PAYLIST TO PAY A DEPOSIT UPON PART OF LOTS 26 AND 27, CONCESSION IV, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." It was decided to proceed with a presentation to Roy Doran, County Superintendent. It was suggested that mid-July was a suitable time, with the presentation taking place at a supper probably in the Aylmer area at which the County Road Department Employees, County Council and other people would be invited. It was felt that the cost should be kept in the order of $5.00 per person so that the project would be nearly self sustaining. It was agreed that the County should pay any charges in excess of that amount including hall rental, etc. It was also agreed that a presentation should be made to him (gifts) in the order of $200.00 to $300.00 plus his ordinary retirement cheque of $200.00. The matter was left in the hands of the Chairman, and the Engineer and Reeve Brooks volunteered to assist in the matter. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1983 PAGE 2. Warden Marr reported that the Personnel Committ,ee had discussed the change of category of the Assistant Engineer at. a recent meeting and had also discussed his use of a County vehicle particularly in the light of the large amount of mileage he was presently driving. The Committee felt that it would be advantageous to supply the Assistant Engineer with a County vehicle for use while on County business. It was noted that the present policy of County Council would preclude supplying of a vehicle for personal use. The Committee felt he should take the vehicle home at night as it would be radio equipped and he would be going directly to and from the job more than he would be going to and from the office. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT A COUNTY VEHICLE BE PROVIDED FOR THE USE OF THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER WHILE ON COUNTY BUSINESS. CARRIED." The meeting adjourned until July 12, 1983. ~~~4 CHAIRMAN / COUNTY.OF ELGIN.ROAD.COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JUNE SESSION 1983. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: That we recommend to County Council that the County Road Committee be empowered to purchase lands' for gravel pit purposes if in the opinion of the Committee a S'atisfactory price can be negotiated. The funds for the purchase to be taken from the 1983 Budget. All Of Which IS' Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 16, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, June 16, 1983 at the Municipal Building in conjunction, with County Council. All members except Reeve Perovich were present. Also present was the Engineer. The Warden, Chairman and the Engineer reported on tests made on the Clarke property, Lots 26 and 27, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township for gravel. The tests indicated that there was a considerable amQunt of gravel (between 250,000 and 300,000 ton for gravel) on 20 to 22 acr.es of property, mostly on the east side of Catfish Creek. The reporting Committee felt that an attempt to purchase the property should be made. After considerable discussion. . . "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE BE EMPOWERED TO PURCHASE LANDS FOR GRAVEL PIT PURPOSES IF IN THE OPINION OF THE COMMITTEE A SATISFACTORY PRICE CAN BE NEGOTIATED. THE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE TO BE TAKEN FROM THE 1983 BUDGET. CARRIED." The meeting adjourned until after County Council. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JUNE SESSION 198'3 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Tenders will be called for asphalt paving on County Road #3, from Lake Erie to County Road #2, to close in early July. Included in the tender will be spot patching on County Road #2, between Rodney and West Lorne and County Road #3, north of Rodney. 2. We have requested that the Ontario Municipal Board hold a Public Hearing on the application of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated to operate a railroad on the old London and Port Stanley Branch of the Canadian National Railway betw€~en Port Stanley and St. Thomas. The Road Committee has not yet received a satisfactory answer to their letters of early April requesting information on public liability insurance and a copy of the lease between the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated and the Canadian National Railway so that the County's concerns at County Road Crossings could be answered. 3. Recent wet weather has delayed all County construction and maintenance operations. It is expected to start surface treatment work shortly, when this work is completed it is hoped that grading operations can proceed. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the resolution of the County of Lambton requesting quarterly payments toward Suburban Road Connnissions by cities be filed. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHA,IRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Wednesday, June 8, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Perovich and Reeve Stewart were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF APRIL 28, MAY l6 AND MAY 18, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. Mr. Stephen Simon on County Road #3 had been served the expropriation papers the day after County Council met and no further word had been received from Mr. Simon or his solicitors. 2. That Ron McNeil, M.P.P. was investigating the holding up of the s~nitary sewer contract in Port Burwell. It appeared that a complaint on the site of the sewerage treatment plant was in the hands of the Ornbundsman presently, until his report was filed no further action could be taken. Mr. McNeil felt that a meeting with the Minister of the Environment would be useless at the present time and promised to keep the Committee informed of any new developments. 3. Work would start on the Co. Ed. Programme shortly. 4. Correspondence had been received from Dyer, Brown, Solicitors for the County's Insurance Company suggesting that County Officials meet with Mrs. Violet Stanat regarding placement of the proposed drain on her property on County Road #38. It was agreed that the Chairman and the Engineer should meet with Mrs. Stanat and explain the matter. 5. The Townships of Southwold and Malahide had agreed to ppray dogwood and cattails on County Roads as separate sprays. Deputy Reeve Martyn reported that it appeared that the Township of Yarmouth would not be ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 2. able to spray County Roads and suggested that the Engineer contact the Town'sh~ips of Southwold and Malahide to see if they would spray a portion of Yarmouth Township each. 6. It was noted that $2,200 was received from the sale of Truck #55 and other equipment included in the tender. Several items including the sheepsfoot roller, scales, rubber tired roller and 2 heaters were not sold. It appeared that the sale had been reasonably successful. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: l. The rain had seriously hampered all operations. 2. Work was proceeding at the St. Thomas Airport and the granular base was expected to be completed within the week. 3. Work was proceeding on County Road #3 in a number of spots, but grading work had been delayed by rain. 4. Gravel shouldering had been completed on County Road #16 between St. Thomas and Fingal and had been started on County Road #20 between Fingal and Port Stanley. 5. Surface treatment work would start by mid next week. It was hoped that when surface treatment work was completed it would be dry enough so that trucking work could commence on County Road #3. 6. Trim work on County Road #8 had been stopped by the rain. 7. Walmsley Bros. Limited were presently paving on the Smoke Road for the Township of Southwold and would do St. George Street for the Township the next day as well as patch on County Road #20 in Port Stanley for the County. 8. Curb and gutter on County Road #32, south of the Police College entrance was in progress. 9. Miscellaneous drainage jobs had been done throughout the County. 10. Repairs to curb and gutter would be undertaken shortly in Union" Sparta and Port Stanley. ll. Bridge floors at the Players, Warren Street, Port Burwell, Orwell, Tates, Middlemiss, and Willy,s Bridges had been repaired. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 3. l2. Ross Whalls driveway on County Road #20 at Port Stanley had been completed. This work was necessitated by the raising of the road during paving operations last Fall. 13. The results of the salt brine test had not yet been received. 14. Centre line marking had been completed and white edge marking was underway, with half the work in the City of St. Thomas being completed. l5. The Wardsvi1le Bridge railing was nearly complete. 16. The underneath painting of the Gillets Bridge would be started as soon as the County's man lift could be used on the soft ground. In the meantime work would be carried on at the Meeks Bridge. 17. Malahide Township would spray the yellow rocket on County Road #32 from Jack Abers corner to the Police College gate. Cattail and dogwood lists for Malahide and Southwold Townships had been completed by Ray Collard and would be forwarded to the Townships. l8. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications had removed the guiderail that the County had erected this Spring on County Road #l9 north of Frome and had erected their 01Wll to a different standard. Frank Clarke promised to investigate. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE PASSED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 2lAMOUNTING TO $57,617.50 PAYLIST NUMBER 23 AMOUNTING TO $60,969.22 PAYLIST NUMBER 24 AMOUNTING TO $3,216.91 PAYLIST NUMBER 25 AMOUNTING TO $2,l4l.79 P AYLIST NUMBER 26 AMOUNTING TO $300.41 PAYLIST NUMBER 27 AMOUNTING TO $59,729.87 PAYLIST NUMBER 28 AMOUNTING TO $166.74 PAYLIST NUMBER 30 AMOUNTING TO $253,l82.22 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 4. Correspondence addressed to Warden Marr and previously mailed to the Committee was discussed regarding the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. The attached proposal for an agreement was discussed by the Committee. Correspondence from the Ontario Municipal Board to the Attorney General regarding the operation of the railway was also discuss.ed. The Committee felt that inasmuch as they had not received any answers to any of their questions and the position of the County's liability was unknown, it appeared that the Ontario Municipal Board would have to make an order to allow the Railway to cross over various Cou.nty Roads. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N.SMYTH THAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE' APPLICATION OF THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAILWAY INCORPORATED TO OPERATE A RAILWAY ON THE LONDON AND PORT STANLEY LINE OF THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY. CARRIED." The attached Truck Rates for 1983 were presented. It was noted that rates per kilometer were the same as 1982 and that the hourly rates for 1982 were $24.50 for single axle and $32.00 for tandem. The Engineer stated that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications>> minimum rates had been examined and the 1982 rates per ton kilometer were somewhat more than the Ministry of Transportation and Communications' minimum rates for 1983. It was suggested that the rates for 1983 on a kilometer/ton basis remain the same as 1982. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE TRUCK RATES AS ATTACHED FOR 1983 BE APPROVED (EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1983). CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1. John Corbett regarding the County's intended use of their pit on Lot 26, Concession VI, South-West Oxford. It was noted that there was some gravel that remained in the pit but would probably only be useful for granular base work for the construction of County Road #37. The Chairman was asked to look at the pit, meet with Mr. Corbett and report at the next meeting. 2. From the Ministry of Natural Resources stating that. they could not make a timber survey on Lot 137, Talbot Road, Houghton Township until next Fall. The Engineer was instructed to notify Murray Abbott that the County was not interested in selling the property until the Committee had received and discussed the timber estimate. 3. From the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority asking that County Road #37 be improved in 1984. The Engineer was instructed to advise the authority that the Commit.tee had held a meeting with the County of Middlesex Road COImnittee and that the Middlesex Road Committee has indicated that they did not have funds in the forsE~eable future for the construction of Road #37 other than limited improvE~ments on a piecemeal basis. A programme of improvements would be discussed with the County of Middlesex later in the year. It was also noted that the County of Middlesex wished to improve the road fron~ Avon to Putman before Road #37 was improved. 4. From the County of Lambton with a resolution asking that quarterly payments be made to the Suburban Road Commissions by separated cities. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF LAMBTON REGARDING PAYMENT TO THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS BE FILED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 6. 5. From the Township of Bayham with a zoning by-law for institutional use for the old Calton School property at the intersection of County Road #43 and County Road #45. The Engineer noted thatasa condition of severance the land owner would enter into an agreement with the County so the County could enter on a 17 foot strip of land to make drainage improvements as necessary. 6. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a hearing date for an appeal by Peter Slaats, Lots 3 and 4, Gore Concession, AldboroughTownship from a County Land Division Committee decision. 7. From the Town'ship of Yarmouth with a minor variancE~ notice regarding Donald Hepburn, Lots land 2, Concession II, Yarmouth Township west of Highway #4. 8. Town of Aylmer with a zoning by-law for special institutional use on Caverly Road. 9. Township of Malahide with a zoning by-law to allow rezoning of property on Highway #3 east of County Road #40 to manufacture and sell sausages. The Engineer noted that because of the recent wet weather and the indecision as to whether the work in Port Burwell would go ahead and that another Maintenance Budget was not ready yet for Committee. The Engineer recommend that tenders be called for paving on County Road #3 from New Glasgow to County Road #2. Included in this tender should be patching on County Road #2 and on County Road #3 north of Rodney. The Engineer noted that a number of patches on County Road #3 between Highway #3 and Rodney would be required because of drainage crossings. If the sanitary sewer project in Port Burwell was not called within the next lO days it would be impossible to pave any of the County Roads in Port Burwell in 1983, and thus some of the funds originally allocated for the project could be diverted to County Road #3 paving. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX PAVING FOR COUNTY ROAD #3 FROM PORTGLASGOW TO COUNTY ROAD #2, AND FOR ASPHALT PATCHING ON COUNTY ROAD #3 FROM WEST LORNE TO RODNEY AND ON COUNTY ROAD #3 NORTH OF RODNEY. CARRIED." It was noted that Roy Doran had retired and the Warden and Chairman were authorized to discuss a suitable presentation for Mr. Doran. The Engineer noted that Keith Player was working as a Class V, Foreman. Leslie Giles had been appointed as a Class IV, Foreman,. A posting was now out for a Bulldozer Operator, and the County's only licensed mechanic, Joe Livingstone had applied for the position of Bulldozer Operator and if he was successful through seniority and ability it would leave the County without a licensed mechanic. The Committee discussed the matter and felt that if Mr. Livingstone had the seniority and the ability that he should be appointed as a machine operator and that the Engineer was authorized to hire a licensed mechanic to work under the County Superintendent and the Shop Foreman, Mr. Jim Haskell. The Warden, Chairman, Deputy Reeve Martyn and the Engineer were authorized as a Committee to investigate and report back to the Committee 1With regard to the possible purchase of a portion of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Concession IV. A complaint from Harold Clarke at the northwest intersection of County Road #16 and County Road #20 in Fingal was discussed. The Engineer noted that when the road had been constructed the store was closed and the area between the curb and the sidewalk had been grassed, since that time the ST. THOMAS,. ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1983 PAGE 8. state has been reopened and pedestrian and bicycle traffic had caused erosion of 'the area between the boulevard and the sidewalk. It was noted that in most cases if the owner of a commercial property wished to improve the front of his property between the edge of the pavement and the property line it was done at the property owner's'cost. The Engineer was instructed to write Mr. Clarke and inform him that the County has no objection to the paving of the area betwE~en the curb and the sidewalk but would have to be done at Mr. Clarke's cost. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D.A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1983 AT 9:30 AI~lM. CARRI ED." ~& ~ ~0: /,'. " 'dr' '-e-e . CHAIRMAN POINTS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAILWAY INCORp'ORATED 1. The Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated shall carry Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance to the satisfaction of the County of Elgin. The in,surance sha~l hold harmless the County of Elgin because" of any agreement between the County of Elgin and the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. 2. Signs, including advance warning signs shall conform with Ministry of Transportation and Communications standards and shall 'be erected and maintained at the expense of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. 3. Automatic signal protection if required and ordered by the Ontario Municipal Board shall be at the expense of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. 4. All road repairs required in the opinion of the County of Elgin to crossings on County Roads, within 3 feet of the rail~, shall be borne by the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorpora1:ed. 5. If the rail line is removed orabandoned and not used fora period in excess ofa year, all costs shall be paid by the Port Stanley Terminal Railway and shall conform to the request of May 1982 by the County of Elgin. 6. A bond py the po;-t Stanley Terminal Railway to ensure payment for any work that the County has to do that .i s not done "Tithin 1 0 days of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated bei.ng notified and the County being forced to do any particular work. , 7. All trains shall stop at all County Road crossings and be flagged across the crossings as required by the Railway Act. 8.. 'rhere shall bo no trains allowed to cross betweE~n()lle ~ hour before sunrise and one ~ hour after sunset, local time. 9. All legal cost sof thi s agreement tope bornebythe'port"J3,f;~nleY Terminal Railway Incorporated. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT JUNE 1983 Work to be done on crossings on Canadian National Railway's Talbot Subdivision between St. Thomas and Port Stanley if the line is abandoned by the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. 1. COUNTY ROAD ~5 - CROSSING. (a) Remove the rail and ties. (b) Cut out and replace. pavement to match existing pavement, approximately 40 to 50 feet: in length. (c) Gravel shoulder. (Note: Railroad is superelevated in this locg,tion.) 2. COUNTY ROAD #5l - CROSSING. (a) Remove the rail s and ties. (b) Cut out rOa,dway, approxi.m.:l te ly 50 fee t and repave. (c) Gravel shoulders. 3. COUNTY ROAp #21 - WARREN STREET, PORT STANLEY. fa) Remove rails and ties. (b) Cut out and repave approximately 30 feet. (c) Place curb and gutter on both the north and south sides of tlH~ road, grade tc> pre sent curb and gutter. (d) Tie in concrete sidewalk, north side. (e) Topsoil and seed boulevard. ,~ Single Axle Tandem o - 3 ki10metres 4 kilometre average 5 kilometre average 6 kilometre averc:lge 7 kilometre average 8 ki1.ometre av(~rage 9 kilometre average 10 kilometre average 11 kilometre average 12 ki10metre average 13 kilometre average 14 kilometre average 15 kl1.omotre iJvC'r;Jge 16 k:i 1 Ometre aver age 17 ki10metre average 18 kilometre average 19 kilometre average 20 kl1om(~tre ':Jverage 21 kilometre average 22 kilometrc average 23 kilometre average 24 kilometre average 25 kJl.ornetrc average 26 kilometre average 27 kilometre average 28 kilometre. average 29 ki10metre averclge 30 kilometre average 31 ktlQmetre average '~2 kil ome t rc ;lV(' C (Ig(' 33 kilometre average 34 kilometre average 3.5 ki.1ometre average 36 kilometre average 37 ki10metre average 38 kilometre average 39 kilometre average 40 kilometre average COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 TRUCK RATES HOURLY RATES TON MILEAGE RATES (TARPING .REQUIRED) YARDAGE RATE _~:c 1~2 Time s Tonnage Rate $27_00 $35.00 .85 .96 1.06 1.17 1.31 1. !+2 1.52 1.62 1.71 l.80 1.90 1.99 2.06 2" lO 2.17 2.25 2.34 2.1+2 2.50 2.58 2.66 2.7!+ 2.82 2.90 2.98 3.06 3.14 3.22 3.]0 'l.38 3.45 3.5l 3.57 3.64 3.70 3.76 3.82 3.88 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MAY SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: l. That a by-law be passed to expropriate lands in the Township of Aldborough in the County of Elgin being Part of Lot 6, Concession XI, and being more particularly described as Part #1 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin No. II as llR-2493 to widen and in~rove County Road #3. (Stephen Simon Property) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have purchased a Dodge B350 Van from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler at $10,416.02 being the lowest of four (4) tenders with the County's 1976 Van as a trade-in. 2. We have purchased a Ford Model 455 Tractor and Danuser Post Hole Auger from Ellis Farm Equipment Limited for $16,854.64 with the County's 3550 Tractor and Auger as a trade-in. The tender being the lowest of five (5) tenders received. 3. We have advertised for sale various equipment, supplies, and a vehicle no longer required by the County of Elgin Road Department with tenders closing on May 24. The Chairman has been authorized to open these tenders and to decide on the disposition of the items. 4. A Tender Call for the top coat of Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on County Road #32 from Highway #73 to the Police College Gate has been authorized and included in this Tender Call is the top coat for the St. Thomas Airport, paving for the Townships of South Dorchester, Malahide, and Southwold and the Village of Dutton. 5. The Engineer has held a meeting with the Road Superintendents of the Townships regarding weed spraying on County Roads in 1983. Your Committee has requested the Townships to spray the entire County Road allowances this year along with spot spraying for various noxious weeds including cattails and dogwood. 6. A meeting has been held with the County of Middlesex Road Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest including the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge, gravelling and possible reconstruction of County Road #37, and future connections between Highbury Avenue in Middlesex County and Radio Road CRo4d ~~30) 'in' Elgin County. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE, FIRST REPORT - MAY SESSION. PAGE,,,. 2. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign land widening plans as required on County Road #24 on Lots 2 and 3, Concession II, Yarmouth Township. The County in approximately 1947 acquired property to widen and divert County Road #24 and County Road #23. This la.nd, although apparently paid for, was acquired without deed or expropriation plan. Tli~\;p~esent owner has requested that the propE~rty limits, as acquired by the County for the diversion and for fu"ture widening be defined. The County has paid for the surveying but it was agreed that no money would be paid to the owner. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTI~ULLY SUBMITTED, CHAIRMAN. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO ]~Y 18, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Hunicipal Building on Wednesday, May 18, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. Correspondence from the Clerk, Mr. G. C. Leverton to the Warden and Council was noted and in which he stated that he had not received any requests for a Hearing of Necessity regarding the County's request to expropriate road widening from Lot 6, Concession XI, Aldborough Township (Stephen Simon) within the time set forth by the statute for a hearing. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-:LAW BE PASSED TO EXPROPRIATE LANDS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROU~~ IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, BEING PART OF LOT 6, CONCESSION XI AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS PART #l ON A PLAN DEPOSITED IN THE REGISTRY OFFICE FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN (NO. 11) AS NUMBER llR-2493 TO WIDEN AND IMPROVE COUNTY ROAD #3. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT MR. STEPHEN SIMON BE OFFERED THE SUM OF $6l0.00 FOR PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD #3, ON LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP. THE SUM OF $610.00 BEING THE AMOUNT OF APPRAISAL OF THE FIRM OF KNOWLES, LANSINK AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO HAY 18, 1983 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECO:M:MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT MR. STEPHEN SIMON BE OFFERED THE SUM OF $1,53l.79 FOR FENCE ALLOWANCE, BEING THE NORMAL COUNTY RATE OF $12.00 PER ROD FOR THAT FRONTAGE NOT FENCED, FOR WIDENING OF COUNTY ROAD #3 ON LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A PAYLIST PAYABLE TO THE OWNERS AND THE MORTGAGEE OF PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR WIDENING ON COUNTY ROAD #3 FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,141.79. CARRIED." The Engineer noted that he had contacted the County Solicitor regarding the use of County Road Allowances by the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated. The Solicitor suggested that the County forward a letter to the Railway stating that they should not use any County right-of-way until such time as the Ontario Municipal Board confirmed them as a railway under the Railway Act and made an order to allow them to cross public roads. After discussion . . . . "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO ADvr SE THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAILWAY INCORPORATED THAT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS AN AGREEMENT IS REACHED BETWEEN THE RAILWAY AND THE AGREEMENT HAS RECEIVED THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO MUNCIPAL BOARD THE COUNTY WILL BE UNABLE TO ALLOW THE RAILWAY TO CROSS ANY COUNTY ROADS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO HAY l8, 1983 PAGE 3. Emulsion quotations as attached were presented and the Engineer recommended that the quotation of Norjohn Contracting be accepted as the landed cost of emulsion was 2 cents per gallon cheaper than McAsphalt Industries Limited for work in the St. Thomas-Port Stanley areas, and would be approximately 10 cents per gallon cheaper for work in West Elgin. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED'BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF NORJOHN CONTRACTING LIMITED FOR RSlK EMULSION AT 67.5 CENTS PER GALLON F.O.B. THEIR PLANT IN BURLINGTON. CARRIED." The Committee adjourned to Wednesday, June 8, 1983. /:7 /.. <",., > /17 ('a ~-c-..~ ~. /? / >$",~"""?l :f ./"//"'-ifJ~?~#.../."""'/' ~..~_,L~/ I CHAIRMAN .,~1 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RSIK EMULSION QUOTATIONS MAY 18, 1983. (a) -1982 Price 63.3 cents per gallon. - Delivered to St. Thomas 72.7 cents per gallon. - Low Bidder - Norjohn Contracting Limited. (b} -198l Price 78.1 cents per gallon. - Delivered to St. Thomas 86.3 cents per gallon. - Low Bidder - Norjohn Contracting Limited. (c) - 1983 Estimated QUqntity = 180,000 gallons. I., Norjohn Contracting Limited, P.O. Box 100, Thorold, Ontario L2V 3Y8. F.O.B. Plant - Burlington 67.5 Cents Per Gallon. Plus Provo Sales Tax 4.725 " " If Haul to St. Thomas or Iona via Thompson Transport 11.4 " " " 83.625 Cents Per Gallon. Thompson will provide 9,000 gallon storage & 7,200 gallon tanker service. Haul to Highgate -------------------,--- 14.6 Cents Per Gallon. 'l'0'T1l\L COST 'fO HICHGATE --------- 86.825 Cents Per Gallon. NOH..JOHN WJ.LL, NO'll SPl.,I'f' 'rHE 'rlnN[)J~H. -.........,........._....._,............._..-"'...... ..."'.,._m_Mc'.....~........-_;.-',.,"'..:...~_,....-,~_, ~...,........._...~,~..__-........."'-__.... -------------------------~~~~-------------------------------- 2. McAsphalt Industries Limited, P.O. Box 247, West Hill, Ontario MIE 4R5. F'.O.B. Terminal Port Stanley 80.0 Cents Per Gallon. 5.6 Cents Per Gallon. ............. 85.6 Cents Per Gallon. 11.8 Cents Per Gallon. 97.4 Cents Per Gallon. Plus Provo Sales Tax Haul to lona or Hlghgate fJ'OTAL COST T() lONA ON HIGHCA'l'E MCJ\SPHALrr' WJ r..I. SF'LJ'j1 'N~Nr}gH IF NEX?l':SSARY. ;............~... ,---....."~...,..,..........,....k"'<...'.,."~..,'....."'.~...~_,,,....... ,~...;.....,'_-'~_"..~.._...... ,.,. "., ...-,,_,___.~"""<,_o_ ......_.,..__,.,.__.,..~-._,...,....,.,~...._ .......,......,"''''.<..~...._.. .,...~..__,~ ~-----~---~------~~-~-~--,-~-______.______~~_.~_h____._._~_~~__.___~__~~ 3. 'II. ~J. POl.lnd(~r (Ontar 10) Lind ted, R.R. #2, Brampton, On.tario. F.G.B. Plant - Brampton 85.0 Cents Per Gallon. Plus Provo Sales Tax F'reiqht Vi,;l 'llhoInIJson T:ransport. t.o St. Thomas 5.95 " " II 11.7 tI " II _.------- 'rOTAL COST TO ST. THOMAS 102.65 Cents Per Gallon. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT MAY 18, 1983. RSlK EMULSION QUOTATIONS PAGE 2. 4. Asenco, 2201 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, Ontario. F.O.B. Plant - Clarkson TOTAL COST TO ST. 'THOMAS 89.89 Cents Per Gallon. 6.29 " " " 11.7 " " " -- 107.88 Cents Per Gallon. Plus Provo Sales Tax Freight Via Thompson Transport to St. Thomas , .-------------------------------------.----------------------------~-- 5~ Chevron Asphalt Limited, 43 Industrial Street, Toronto, Ontario M4G 122. 110TAL COSfI' TO srI'. THOMAS 'I 100. Cents Per Gallon. 7. " " " 13.8 " " " - 120.8 Cents Per Gallon. F.G.B. Plant - East Toronto Plus Provo Sales Tax Freight Via Thompson Transport to St. Thomas ------------------------------------~----------,--------------------- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the l1unicipal Building on Monday, May 16, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve McWilliam were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant EnginE~er. Tenders for hot mix asphalt paving were opened and were as attached. THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. No request for a Hearing of Necessity for the expropriation of land from Stephen Simon, Lot 6, Concession XI had yet been received and the time for objections to be received would expire at 4:30 p.m., May l6, 1983. Bob Davies had obtained an appraisal for the property from the firm of Knowles, Lansink and Associates Limited. The property (8/10 of an acre) had been appraised at $610.00. The Committee examinl~d the appraisal. 2. No further information was available on the installation of the Port Burwell sanitary sewers. The Engineer was instructed to contact Mr. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. and ,request a meeting with the Minister of the Environment so that the Committee could request an early tender callan the project. An early decision on the tender call was necessary so the County could complete their plans for oonstruction work in Port Burwell or if necessary divert the money tiudgeted to other projects. 3. The first CO.-N.E.E.D.S. application had been q.pproved and work was underway at the County Museum. A second CO.-N.E.E.D.S. application in the amount of $86,400 had been forwarded for approval with the hope that both the Provincial and Federal Budgets would contain added funds for the continuation of the projects. 4. That approval had been received for a grant under the Canada Summer'83 Programme to pay a portion of a student's wages to 'work on the survey crew, prior to September l, 1983. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 2. 5. The Ontario Energy Board had held a hearing on May l2 on the application of Union Gas Company to have a Franchise Agreement with the Town of Blenheim that would include a clause that would require the Town of Blenheim to pay 50% of the labour and other costs toward the moving of gas lines when necessary for road or other construction work. The application had been opposed by representatives of the Town of Blenheim, the County of Kent, the County of Middlesex, the City of Chatham, and the County of Elgin. The decision had been reserved. The Committee requested the Engineer to notify all municipalities to watch for new Franchise Agreements from both Union Gas and the Natural Resources Gas that might contain clauses that would require the municipalities to pay toward the cost of moving lines for construction work. It was also noted that new gas lines should be located so.. future movement costs for municipal projects would be held toa minimum. 6. The Engineer reported that representatives of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated had started work removing asphalt covering the rails on County Road #21 (Warren Street) in Port Stanley on Sunday and he had made two trips to Port Stanley during the afternoon and had found that asphalt had been removed and that large posts had been erected on the road without County permission. The Engineer has had the road repatched and the posts removed. The matter was discussed and the Engineer was instructed to obtain the opinion of the County Solicitor regarding the use of County Road Allowance without a hearing being held by the Ontario Municipal Board. The Committee was of the opinion that the safety of the travelling public could be affected if the Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated used the rail line without permission and that the County could be liable for any damages that might occur bec.ausethey had not taken steps to prohibit the use of the road allowanc.e by the Company when they knew the Company had made plans to do so. 7. Letters had been sent to the various Township Road Superintendents asking that they spray weeds on all portions of County Road Allowances ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 3. that they were physically able to reach, and that discussions were ongoing with various Townships regarding spot spraying of certain noxious weeds such as cattail and dogwood. The recommendations of the County Weed Inspector, Mr. Stafford were being obtained. The Engineer made special note of the fine co-operation of Mr. Stafford and was very pleased that Mr. Stafford would assist the Townships with their spraying work. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Earth moving work was underway on Road #3 with a scr.aper, bulldozers and graders, although it had been quite wet. All stumps had been removed and it was hoped to move trucks to Road #3 within two weeks to move dirt. An agreement had been reached with the Board of Education to allow the County to slope back at the front of the Rodney School and it was hoped to have a majority of the work done in four of five weeks if the weather permitted. 2. Clean up work on County Road,~ would be started shortly including sidewalk work in Wallacetown, washout repairs, seeding, etc., progress of the work would depend om:theweather. 3. Road #37 had been gravelled from Belmont to the Oxford County Line. Gravel had been taken from Stebbins Pit on Highway #2 for the portion west of Highway #73 and for the portion from Highway #73 easterly to the entrance to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. Gravel had been obtained from John Corbett fromnis pit on the Putman Road just south of Highway #40l for the easterly portion of the road. Middlesex County had helped to truck for the westerly portion of the road. 4. Work at the St. Thomas Airport for the City of St. Thomas was underway and should be completed within the week if the weather permitted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 4. 5. Work at the Pleasant Valley Pit had been completed for the time being and the gravel crusher was expected in early June. Some clean up work using the dozers had been done. 6. Salt brine application on gravel roads was underway. 7. Sweeping and pavement marking were underway. 8. A considerable amount of clean up work at the County Garage gravel pit had been completed and unused equipment, etc.,.ready for inspection by tenderers. 9. Repairs had been made to the Tate's Bridge, the north span over the Thames River; King Bridge (Road #52), hand rail repairs; StimersBridge (Road #46), replacement of hand rail; and the replacement of guide rail at the Orwell and Kingsmill Bridges on the Malahide-Yarmouth Townline. Repairs were underway on the Players Bridge (Road #45) floor; the rail ing had been painted at the Eden Bridge (Road #44); and painting of the railing of the Wardsville Bridge was underway. lO. Trucks had been safety checked and no major problems had been encountered. ll. It was hoped to start surface treatment work as soon as trucking work on Road #3 had been completed. l2. Some gravel shouldering had been done on County Road #l6 from Middlemarch westerly, and work would be continued if the weather did not permit earthmoving. 13. Curb and gutter would be placed shortly on the Police College Road (Road #32) at the Concession VIII intersection. l4. Creek diversion work at the Flemming (North and South) Bridges on Road #3 had been completed. l5. Higgs Construction had completed excavation at the Glencolint Bridge (Road #40). l6. Most guide rail repair work had been completed. l7. Two pickup trucks had been leased from St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler for the season. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 5. 18. One of last year"Js casual road employees, Dell Morris had been recalled as he was needed as a grade man and spare operator. Casual labour needs were presently being fulfilled by the Canada Special Response Programme for Tobacco Workers, and there were sufficient funds in the programme to carry the programme for about two (2) more months. 19. The Ontario Drainage Tribunal had met on the Banion Drain (Malahide Township) on May lO, and the EIlgineer had attended the Tribunal Hearing. 20. Presentation of a Maintenance Budget would be postponed until the June meeting. 2l. An agreement had been reached with Petro-Canada to supply 21,200 litres of diesel fuel at 26~2 cents per litre rather than the tendered price of 37.50 cents per litre and 9,300 litres of gasoline at 24.7 cents per litre rather than the tendered price of 37.30 cents per litre making a total saving of $3,567.40. 22. The Engineer had taught a Bridge and Culvert Maintenance Course at the Ontario Good Roads School on May 2 to 4. 23. It was noted that Mr. Roy Doran would go on holidays within two weeks, prior to his retirement at the end of June. The WaJ:~den, Engineer and Chairman were authorized to make plans fora suitable retirement presentation. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,330.00 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING ON COUNTY ROAD #32 BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 F'AGE 6. "MOVED BY:: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED IN THE AMC~NT OF $35,482.50 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AT THE ST. THOMAS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF ST.. THOMAS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,312.50 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING ON THE MALAHIDE-SOUTH DORCHESTER TOWNLI.NE BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF MALAHIDE AND SOUTH DORCHESTER. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,151.70 FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY ~ROS. LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,855.00 FOR HOT MIX PAVING IN THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that emulsion quotations would not be ready until Wednesday and reviewed the attached proposed Surface Treatment List. The Engineer noted that the amount of work planned would be within the previous budget. The Committee approved the proposed work. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 7. Bob Davies reported that he had contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the value of the timber at the County White Station Gravel Pit, and for 82 trees (approximately l8,000 board feet of lumber) the value was estimated in the order of $3,600 to $4,400. The Committee decided to inspect the property at some future time. Bob Davies also reported that the Ministry of Natural Resources would do a timber estimate on the County's property Lot 137, North Talbot Road, Houghton T01W'nship at some future time. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: l. From the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada regarding the annual convention reservations. The Warden noted that he would look after the matter at County Council. 2. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications approving the County's By-Law #83-9 restricting the weight of vehicles on County Bridges. 3. From the City of St. Thomas approving the St. Thomas Suburban Road Levy in the amount of $38,800. 4. From the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, etc., noting the condition of the Chesapeake and Ohio Crossing on Highway #4. 5. From the Township of Yarmouth Committee of Adjustment with a minor variance regarding Cehovin, Lot 14, Concession VIII, side yard. 6. From the Township of Malahide with a rezoning by-law to rezone property on Highway #3 east of Aylmer. 7. From the Town of Aylmer with a rezoning by-law, rezoning.property on Highway #3 east of Dingle Street, north side of the highway to allow the sale of gasoline and used cars. It was agreed as the Chairman would be absent the Warden would open and make any decision necessary on the used equipment, etc,., tenders due on May 24. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 16, 1983 PAGE 8. The Engineer noted that the selection of a Class V, Foreman was underway and eight applications had been received and interviews had been made. These interviews were being evaluated and it was expected that an appointment would be made before the end of the week. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNES DAY, JUNE 8, 1983 AT 9: 30 A.M., AN D TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." nOT MIXA,8PHALTPAVING TENDER SUMMARY CONTRACTS 'A', 'B', 'C' AND'D' Walmsley Bros. Limited R.. R. #8 London, Ontario N6A4C3 Contract 'A' Contract 'B' Contract 'C' Conttact 'D' Towland (London) P. O.Box 2815 Stat i()'O ' A' London, Ontario N6A ...4H4 Contract.' A' Contract.. 'B' Contract 'C' Contract 'D' $22,312.50 I $31,330.00. $3.5, 48 2 . 5 0 $78,006.70 1970 Limited $3l,668.75 $44,252.00 $48,352.50 $107,569.66 T..O.O. Construction I..imit.ed o tetRl verst de Con s t ruct i on l? O.Box189 Lopdon,Oritario N6A4V7 Contract 'A' Contract 'B' Contract 'e' Contract 'D' $34,650.00 $44,720.00 $48,211.50 $105,323.74 Total $167,131.70 Total $231,842.9l Total $232,905.24 1. Road .#2 Road 1/2 3'. Ro.ad #3 ].{oad #4 COUNTY OF ELGIN SURFACE TREATMENT (ALL DISTANCES INKILOlvlETERS) Eve.rgreen Cemetery in West Lorne, easterly. Highway 1176 to Ecker Drain Culvert. Road #2 northerly to C & 0 Tracks - Rodney. Rodney Cemetery Easterly (Rodney). 5. Road #l4 .... Road #13 to.Thames River other than Highway#40l. 6. Road#16 . Road#2l Noble Tuffords (1982 Work) to East Limit of Fingal. Warren Street, Port Stanley (Bridge to Highway #4). (Lap centre line joint..) B. Road #23 - MuLch Portion. 9. Road#24 - From 1982 work easterly to Road #36~ Road #27 Il. ROad #27 Union-Urban section. Seminary School Side Road to La1W'ton Corners and easterly as a finish-up road. (Lap centre line.) Road#40 - Mount Salem (previous surface treatment) to Road #42. 13. Road #44 14.' Road #45 1!>. Rotl.d It1+6 Road #46 to Highway #3. Highway #19 to Norfolk County Line. (Lap centre 1 ine. ) Mulch Pot'tiqn. MAY 5, 1983 0.4 Km 8.7Krn 0.9 Km 0..6 Km 5.2Km 4.7Km 0..4 KIn 11' 1.4 Km 1.lKm 0.4 Km 2. 8 l\ln + ",- 4..1Km l.;2 Km 5.7 KID 3.2 l<rn 40.8 Krn -----....... ............... l. Road #28 2. Road #37 COUNTY OF ELGIN PRIME Ball Trucking to just south of Concession Road. 0.8 KIn Highway #74 to Belmont Village Limit s. 1.0 KIn ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, April 28, 1983. All members werE~ present, and also present was Mr. Frank Cla.rke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF MARCH 31, APRIL 6 AND APRIL ll, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. Notices of Intent to Expropriate for the land required from Stephen Simon on County Road #3 had been served and were being published. In order to complete the formaL notice of expropriation, an appraisal would be required of the property to be expropriated and that upon inquiring it appeared that Ben Lansink of the firm of Knowles, Lansink and Associates Limited of London had done appraisal work for both the County of Oxford and for the County of Middlesex. The County of Kent had no appraisal work done that required an appearance before the Land Compensation Board. The Engineer recommended that Mr. Lansink be engaged to make an appraisal of the property. The Committee agreed to hire Mr. Lansiilk. 2. No further information had been received regarding 8tanctt'vs. the County of . Elgin and drainage problems on County Road #38. 3. No information was available regarding the installation of the Port Burwell sewers other than an application had been made to the Provincial Ombudsman protesting the proposed site of the sewage treatment plant. The Ombudsman was presently investigating the actions of the various provincial Ministries involved. 4. It was understood that the Federal Government Budget provided additional funds for municipalities under the N.E.E.D.S. Programme. The Engineer suggested that an application be made for additional funds. ST. THOMAS,. ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING UNDER THE N.E.E.D.S. PROGRAMME. CARRIED." 5. No agreement had been reached between the Town of Bl.enheim and Union Gas regarding the withdrawal of a clause in the Town of Blenheim's proposed franchise that would require the Town to pay 50% of the labour and associated costs for the removal of gas pipes for any construction work. A hearing before the Ontario Energy Board would be held in Toronto on May l2. The County of Elgin and the County of Middl.esex Engineers had been asked to appear on behalf of the Town of Blenheim and the County of Kent and correspondence from AndrewC. Wright, Solicitor for the County of Kent, was read requesting the Engineer's appearance at the hearing. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ASSIST THE COUNT~{ OF KENT IN AN APPEARANCE BEFORE THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD REGARDING THE RENEWAL OF THE FRANCHISE FOR THE TOWN OF BLENHEIM. CARRIED." 6. The Engineer reported that he had written to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated outlining the requests of the County regarding insurance and an agreement with the Corporation for the right to use the crossings. It is understood that the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated and the Canadian National Railway were presently concluding an agreement between them. 7. It was noted that there had been a rumored sale of Conrail to Canadian Pacific and the Canadian National Railways rather than to Mr. Atwell. 8. No information was available on the hydro route study at the present time. pT. THOMAS, ONTARIO A:RRTL 28,. 1 983 PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: l. Dust control would start when necessary, rainy weather to date had allowed the postponement of the work. 2. Pavement marking work was underway. 3. Sweeping was underway, with West Elgin having been completed and work being underway in East Elgin. 4. Gravel was still being taken from under the water at: the Pleasant Valley Pit using Higgs' dragline, and would be completed within the week. 5. County Road #32, from Highway #73 to the Police College Gate, had been gravel shouldered in anticipation of paving. 6. Shoulders on County Road #16 would be gravelled between Middlemarch and Fingal. 7. Very little gravel shouldering was required on County Road #8 between Dutton and Wallaceto1Wn. 8. Higgs Construction dragline would move from the Pleasant Valley Pit to the Glencolin Bridge at County Road #40 to remove the dtrt from under the bridge. 9. Work on County Road #3 between New Glasgow and Rodney was underway including drainage work, pipe crossings, etc. Ditching would start at the first of the week if weather conditions permitted. lO. Creek diversion work was being done on the North and South Flemming Creek Bridges on County Road #3. ll. Guide rail had been repaired at the Kingsmill and Orwell Bridges on the Yarmouth-Malahide Townline. 12. A number of small drainage jobs were underway. l3. Work at the airport for the City of St. Thomas would be undertaken as weather conditions permitted. l4. Ditching had been completed on County Road #24 for Helmer, County Road #47 for Lyons, and on County Roads #52, #25 and #30 in the St. Thomas area. l5. Emulsion quotations had been requested. l6. Stone quotations for surface treatment- would be asked for shortly. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 4. l7. A number of multiplate steel culverts had shown signs of distress. A recent bridge inspection was made with Mr. George Windsor from the Armco Company and County representatives. Repairs would be required on the culverts on County Road #9 at the Microwave Station, County Road #8 at Pearce Park, and County Road #40 at Glencolin. Three culverts on County Road #42 near McConnells were showing signs of rusting on the bottom and further inspections would have to be made of these as soon as Spring flood waters receeded. l8. The bridge railing on the Eden Bridge had been painted and the railing on the Wardsville Bridge would be painted shortly. 19. Repairs on the King's Bridge railing were underway to be followed by the Stimers Culvert on County Road #46 south of Corinth,. 20. Repairs had been made to the vertical members of th4= steel truss on the Cooks Bridge, and further work would be done after inspection by Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 21. Mr. Larry Shaw was satisfied with the work done on his driveway on County Road #45. 22. The Gravel crushing contract would likely start in early June. 23. A considerable amount of cleanup work at White Station was underway. 24. Cleanup work on Addison Street for: the Village of Port Burwell was underway as won:k permitted. 25. The Engineer reported on the National Association of County Engineers' Conference at Cedar Rapids. 26. It was noted that the Ontario Good Roads School was on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of May and the Engineer woul d as si st in teaching a cours'e on Bridge Maintenance. 27. A meeting had been held with representatives of the Townships of Yarmouth, Malahide, and Cayuga Construction with regard to the haul road from Pleasant Valley. It was decided that no work was required at this time, but some might be required in the Fall. The matter was left in abeyance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: R. J. SHEILS THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE PASSED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 19 AMOUNTING TO $60,262.16 PAYLIST NUMBER 20 AMOUNTING TO $l,56l.99 PAYLIST NUMBER 22 AMOUNTING TO $120,067.05 CARRIED." Tenders for a van and two tractors previously opened by the Chairman and some members of Committee were as attached. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER FOR A B350 DODGE VAN AS PER THEIR TENDER, PAINTED CHROME YELLOW AT $lO,4l6.02 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH THE COUNTY'S 1976 VAN (TRUCK #69) AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ELLIS FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED FOR A FORD MODEL 445 TRACTOR AND DANUSER AUGER, ADDING S'WTNGING DRAWBAR, l6.9 X 24 - 6 PLY TIRES, DIFFERENTIAL LOCK, SECOND AUGER AND EXCHANGING THE PRESENT CANOPY, ROLL BAR AND WHEEL WEIGHTS FROM THE COUNTY'S PRESENT TRACTOR TO THE NEW TRACTOR AT A NET PRICE AFTER TRADE-IN OF THE COUNTY" S FORD MODEL 3550 TRACTOR, OF $16,854.64 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX). CARRIED." It was noted that unneeded various equipment and ma.terial would be advertised for sale and tenders would close on May 24. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO OPEN THE TENDERS FOR USED EQUIPMENT. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 6. The Engineer reported that it was necessary that a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a land plan for land acquired on County Road #24 near County Road #23. The road had been widened in the late 40's, however the County had not acquired the property by deed or by plan and the present owner had requested that the County put a plan on the road showing the limits of the widening that they had previously acquired, plus any land they needed to acquired to widen the road. The land would be given by the owner (Mr. Gordon Hopper) to the County if the County would do the surveying for the plan. The surveying had been done,:and'fornheWarden and Clerk to sign the plan it would be necessary that a by-law be passed. "MOVED BY: M.. H" STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND WIDENING PLANS AS REQUIRED ON COUNTY ROAD #24 ON LOTS 2 AND 3, CONCESSION II, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that tenders should be called for hot mix asphalt paving for County work and for various other municipali.ties. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX PAVING FOR THE TOP COAT OF ASPHALT ON COUNTY ROAD #32 FROM HIGHWAY #73 TO THE POLICE COLLEGE GATE, AND TO INCLUDE IN THIS TENDERl~ ASPHALT REQUESTS FOR THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AIRPORT, ALSO FOR THE TOWNSHIPS OF SOUTH DORCHESTER,MALAHIDE AND SOUTHWOLD AND THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CARRIED." It was noted that rental equipment prices from Strickland Bulldozing and Enterprises Limited were the same as in 1982. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF STRICKLAND BULLDOZING AND ENTERPRISES LIMITED FOR THE FOLLOWING MACHINERY FOR 1983: (A) llOH-T MICHIGAN SCRAPER -$75.00 PER HOUR. (B) 82-20 TEREX DOZER - $60.00 PER HOUR. (C) 814 CATERPILLAR DOZER - $60.00 PER HOUR. (D) l450 CASE DOZER - $50.00 PER HOUR. (E) ll50 B CASE DOZER - $42.00 PER HOUR. (F) W-14CASE LOADER - $40.00 PER HOUR. (G) 266C KOEHRING HOE - $55.00 PER HOUR. TO BE USED AS THE NEED ARISES. CARRIED." Correspondence was read from Mr. G. A. Sheilds, D.C., who wished to set up a Chiropractic Office in West Lorne, requesting an additional entrance. After discussion the Committee felt that an entrance in an urban area should be treated the same as an entrance in a rural area. It would have to be installed at the expense of the owner wishing the entrance and done under the control of the County so that the County could be assured that the work would be done properly. The Engineer was instructed to notify Mr. Sheilds of the requirements. The Engineer reported that he'had convened a meeting of the Rural Road Superintendents except'for the Townships of Aldborough and Yarmouth, Mr. Charles Stafford the County Weed Inspector was also in attendance. The Road Superintendents reported on their various methods of operation and noted that presently they were not spraying the entire right-of-way by just making one pass along any road. They noted that additional costs would be involved if the County wished the entire right-of-way sprayed, additional costs would also occur if special sprays were used to control cattails and dogwood, etc., as the present spray was a (Sylva-Prop) or similar type brush killer. After discussion the Engineer was instructed to request the Townships ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 8. to spray the entire right-of-way where practical to kill weeds and to make arrangements with the County Weed Inspector to ascertain the proper spray to kill dogwood and cattails. Also, the Engineer was instructed to make arrangements with the various municipalities to do this additional spraying and have the County buy the special spray (if necessary) for the dogwood and cattails and supply it to the local municipalities. The Committee felt that the local municipalities should supply their own weed and brush spray as in the past. It was noted that the budget would have to be increased by approximately 50% to do this work. The Engineer was instructed to place these costs in the revised budget. A timbe'r estimate of 18,000 Board Feet of harve stable timber at the County's White Station Pit had been received from the Ministry of Natural Re source s. The Engineer was instructed to obtain an estimate of the value of this from the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Engineer was also asked to obtain a timber estimate of the timber on the County property in Houghton Township so that the Connnittee might consider the selling of this property as it appeared that the 'property would not be needed for the supply of sand for road purposes i.n the foreseeable future and the amount of gravel left on the property was negligible. A sale price of the Wabco Wing and Tower from the County Grader (which burned a number of years ago) to the Township of Dunwich would be discussed at the next meeting. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: l. From the County Land Division Committee, stating that the severance appl ication from Lauzon on Road #30 had been rej ectE~d al though the County had requested road widening if it was approved. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 9. 2. From the Town of Aylmer rezoning land on Talbot Stre1et (formerly a Veterinary Clinic) to residential. 3. From the Township of Bayham rezoning property on the Brown Side Road for a trailer park. 4. From the Township of Yarmouth with a minor variance to allow for a lesser setback from the rear property line for a garage on County Road #22, the Evely property, Concession IV. 5. From the Township of Malahide with rezoning on Highway #3 east of Aylmer for a restaurant and variety store. 6. From the Township of Southwold with a rezoning by-law to allow the owner to raise chinchillas in Fingal. 7. From the Township of Yarmouth with a rezoning by-law to allow residential use of Lot 3, Concession I near the east limit of Port Stanley. 8. From the Township of Yarmouth with a by-law to rezone service station property on County Roads #25 and #26 for use as a d~~lling plus the present variety ands'ervice station store uses. The Engineer noted the recent Council adoption of the report of the County Government Committee regarding County vehicles. The Engineer noted that undoubtedly changes would have to be made in compensation if the Superintendents were not allowed personal use of the vehicles in the future. It was also noted that the Road Committee should discuss the type of vehicles that would be applicable for Road Department use prior to a policy being set. The Committee travelled to London and met with the County of Middlesex Road Committee for lunch and discussion. Matters of mutual concern were discussed, including the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge. Middlesex noted that their present plans included replacement of the Muncey Bridge as soon as possible and that they would not have financing available for the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge for a number of years. They hoped that temporary repairs would be able to keep the present Middlemiss Bridge in service. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 10. Both Committees concurred with the recommendations of the previous Committees in that the Middlemiss Bridge should be repla.ced "in the long term rather than do extensive rehabilitation on the existing bridge. After discussion the Committees agreed that Road #37 (South and North-Dorchester T01Wnline) should be gravel resurfaced as soon as possible inasmuch as it appeared that the County of Middlesex did not have any money available for construction of the road other than perhaps spot improvements of $20,000 or $30,000 per year in the foreseeable future. The Middlesex Road Committee felt that Middlesex should improve the road from Avon to Highway #401 prior to any work on Road #37. It was agreed that the County of Elgin should continue with engineering work to identify the area that spot improvements would do the most good and a recommendation to Middlesex County by late Fall as to the sequence in which work should be done. The County of Middlesex noted that they proposed by 1985 to rebuild a portion of the Hubry Road between the Belmont-Glanworth Road and the Middlesex Boundary. The building of this road would relieve traffic demands on the Elgin County's Radio Road and allow the traffic to flow from St. Thomas to London via the Belmont-Glanworth Road to the Wellington Road at Glanworth. The County of Elgin members noted that there could be a, very great demand for service on the Hubry Road from the Belmont-Glanworth Road to the Wilton Grove Road and suggested that Middlesex should make every effort to put this road onto their construction programme at an early date., The alignment of the Boundary Line was left with the two County Engineers to discuss and to make recommendations to a joint Committee meeting at a later date. It was noted that minor repairs to the floor of the Tates Bridge would be required and that the County of Elgin would paint the railing of the Wardsville Bridge this summer. It was agreed that a Fall meeting between the two Committees should be held. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 28, 1983 PAGE 11. "MOVED BY: D. A.MCWILLIAM SECONCED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO MONDAY, MAY 16, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRI ED.1f '~p CHAIRM' I COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR VAN (PRICES ARE NET AFTER TRADE-IN INCLUDING SALES TAX) 1. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2S6 Dodge B3.50 $10,301.53 114.49 Extra to Paint Chrome Yellow Total $10,416.02 2. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited 326 John Street North Aylmer, Ontario Dodge B350 ' $11,113.02 3. Di sbrowe Motor s 827 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5p IE4 GMC Rc,l.lly Van $12,235.45 4. Highbury Ford Sale s Limited 1365 Dundas Street London, Ontario N5 W 3 B5 FordE250 $13,618.96 !'~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TRACTOR, LOADER.AND POST ijOLE AUGER PRICES ARE NET WITH SALES TAX AFTER TRADE....IN l. Ellis Farm Equipment Li.mited R. R. #7 St. Thomas, Ontario Ford Model 445 (As Per Tender) Add Danuser Auger Add Swinging Drawbar Add l6.9 X 24 ~ 6 Ply Tires Add Differenti.al Lock Add Second Auger Credit Exchange Roll Bar and Canopy from Present Tractor Credit Remqve and Used Rear Wheel Weights from Present Tractor $ 90.00 45.00 197.00 291.00 660.00 CR. 220.00 CR. Net $257.00 CR. Net With Sales Tax Final Tender Price 2. Southwest Tractor Limited R. R. #4 London, Ontario N6A '4B8 John Deere 3QOB ~ Danuser Auger .3. L(;~e Farm Equipment Limited R. R. #l Rodney, Ontario Massey Ferguson Model 20 4. Co~Trac Limited 204 Main Street Dutton,- Ontario NOr.. 1JO Ford 445 - Conti.nental Auger 5. London Ford Equipment Sales Limited P .0.. Box 108 London, Ontario NOM lZO \ Ford 445? - Danuser Auger $15,251.78 1,877..85 274..99 CR. $1.9 ,~~}_4LQA . $18,020..94 $18,880..15 $19,863.23 $22,068.75 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE EAST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION l. Leave Court House - 9:00 a.m. 2. County Road #22 to County Road #27. - Land purchase underway with design cost estimate being completed. - Hydro relocation from the St. Thomas City Limits to the Ontario Hospital Farm scheduled for late Fall with some ditching this Summer. - Construction of two or three municipal drains thi s year. - A major cOrl,structionproject which should be started as soon as County Road #32 is completed. 3. County Road #27 to Sparta. - Gravel shouldered this year. - Some ditching at Sparta at Sander sons. 4. County Road #36 to the Pleasant Valley Pit. - Pleasant Valley Pit gravel being piled to be crushed by C. R. Chittick Construction Limited. Higgs draglining from below water level. - Further stripping will be required before much more gravel could be placed. Pit restoration is required by the Ministry of Natural Resources as soon as possible. They have been complaining to us for some time. 5. County Road #36 to Highway #3. - County Road #36 from County Road #45 to Highway #3 to be resurfaced this FaIlor next Spring. 6. REEVE CAVERLY'S - COFFEE. 7. County Road #53 - Aylmer Beech and Elm Streets. 8. Highway #73 to County Road #45. 9. County Road #45 to County Road #40. - Some land purchased and some outside engineering completed. _ Resurfacing required from Highway #73 to Luton. - Construction required from Luton to County Road #40. - This should be done as soon as County Road #22 is completed. 10. County Road #40 to County Road #42. Mount Salem southerly, surface treatment will require resurfacing within several years. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE EAST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION PAGE 2. ll. County Road #42 to Port Burwell. - Chatham Street, location of Sewage Treatment Plant. - Chatham Street to be reinstated to it s pre sent condition by the Ministry of the Environment as part~of the Sewage Work. The County is to place the storm sewer, curb and gutter and hot mix paving on County Road #42 from Highway #19 east1erly and County Road #50 after the earth excavation and granular backfill is completed by the Sanitary Sewer Contractor. l2. County Road #42 to the Norfolk Townline. - Road deficient for resurfacing. l3. County Road #55 - Norfolk County Line.. - County of Norfolk maintains entire road. The County of E~gin is responsible for construction of the southerly portion, the County of Norfolk is presently doing construction on the northerly portion. 14. Bayham and Norfolk Township Townline Road to County Road #38. l5. County Road #38 to Straffordville. - Work completed in 1981 - 1982 on County Road #38 east of Straffordville. - Widening, ditching and resurfacing. l6. LUNCH - STRAFFORDVILLE. 17. County Road #38 to Richmond. - Construction completed in 1982 on County Road #38. - Tree planting completed in 1983. 18. County Road #43 to Calton. - NotePhillmore and Cooks Bridges. - Creek diversion work will be required at both bridges, clearing of trees and brush completed this past Winter. - Painting required and to be done as soon as possible. - Note County Road #43 south of Calton. - Considerable traffic one mile south to Bayham Township Road going easterly to Vienna. 19. Return to Calton. 20. County Road #45 to Mount Salem. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE EAST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION PAGE 3. 21. County Road #40 to Springfield. 22. County Road #52 to County Road #32 (Police College Road). - If Conrail will continue to function, installation of railway crossing gates and signals will be required at the crossing plus improvement of the crossing will also be required. - Completion of ditching, widening of shoulders, etc., to be completed between the end of last years construction and the Police College Gate as soon as weather permits. 23. Police College Gate to Highway #73. - Top coat of asphalt required in 1983 plus gravel shouldering, trimming, minor drainage repairs, curb and gutter at intersection, etc. 24. Highway #73 to County Road #48. - County Road #48 note road east of Martin Sc400l through Oxford County Line. 25. County Road #47 to Avon, and east on County Rqad #37 to Oxford County Line. 26. County Road #37 throughout. - Note hill at Pilkingtons and mill in North Qorchester and the Kettle Creek Conservation Area all in North Dorchester. 27. County Road #34 east of Belmont to Middlesex Road to Highbury Avenue. - Note Highbury Avenue to London. - The County of Middlesex proposes to build sections south of Belmont at the Glanworth Road in several years to join with Elgin County Road #30. 28. South on County Road #30 to County Road #52. 29. West on County Road #52 to County Road #31 to County Road #29 to Wellington Road to St. George Street. 30. Return to Court House. "'" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGTN COUNCIL XOt1R. .ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The quotation of C. R. Chittick Construction Limited of Ilderton , -, at 65 cents per ton has b~en accepted to ciush pit run gravel .at the County's Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit. It was the lowest of five (5) quotations received. (The 1982 quotation accepted was al so from C. R. Chittick Construction Limited at 67 CE~nts per ton.) 2. The quotation of the Corrugated Pipe Company Limited of Stl.'"atford for the supply of various sizes and lengths of corrugated pipe culvert at $59,895.40 was accepted, being the lowes.t of eight (8) quotations received. The tendered price is 55.04% of the current list price. 3. The quotation of Flex-O-Lite of Canada of St. Thomas for glass beads for pavement marking at 26.97 cents per pound has been accepted. (Same price as 1982.) 4. We have purchased a used 1981 International Model TD7E Bulldozer from Southwest Tractor Limited of London at $22,363 including Provincial Sales Tax with the County of Elgin John Deere JD350 Bulldozer as a trade-in. This machine has a reconditioned undercarriage and has a 6 month power train warranty. It was the lowest of a number of quotations received for new and used bulldozers. 5. We h~ve purchased two (2) John Deere Model 410 Tractor, ~ackhoe, Loader from Southwest Tractor Limited of London at $46,357.75 \ including Provincial Sales Tax with the County's two (2) Ford Model 550 Backhoes as trade-ins. The Connnittee rece'ived quotations on four (4) models of equipment and felt that the equipment purchased would best serve the County's requirements. ""'..... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - APRIL SESSION PAGE 2. 6. We have purchased a new Ford LTS 9000 Dump Truck from Brant County Ford Limited of Brantford and a Dump Box from Frink of Canada of Cambridge and delivery of the complete unit is expected very shortly. 7. The Engineer has been authorized to tender for sale s.ome equipment, including Truck #55, that is no longer required for County purposes in the Western Ontario Farmer a~d the St. Thomas Times Journal. 8. The Road Committee will inspect roads in East Elgin on April 2l and will me.et with the County of Mi.ddlesex Road Committee on April 28 to discuss matters of mutual interest. It is hoped that a portion of West Elgin can be inspocted at the Si.llll(' tj-UlE~. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN '\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Hunicipal Building on Monday, April ll, 1983 at 8:45 a.m. All members were present. , '- The Chairman reported that he and the Engineer had met with Mr. Stephen Simon with regard to the purchase of his property on County Road #3 the previous Thursday and Mr. Simon stated that he would sell to the County at the County's present land purchase price, the property the County wished. It was noted by various members that the property as it exists now, was not the same as that which the County is presently paying $2,000 per acre. Warden Marr stated that he had been speaking with several people who felt that the County should not pay as much for the property now that the top soil had been removed. The matter was discussed at some length. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE CONTINUE WITH THE EXPROPRIATION OF PROPERTY OF MR. STEPHEN SIMON LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY ROAD #3. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that he had met with representatives of various local municipalities of the County of Kent, City of Chatham and the County of Middlesex on Friday last. It was reported that the Union Gas Company wished to renegotiate all franchises in the area so that the cost of moving pipes for road improvements, etc., would be bore 50% by the requesting municipality. The solicitors for the County of Kent were in the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1983 PAGE 2. process of trying to negotiate new franchise agreements with the Union Gas Company to remove this clause. The Engineer had been requested, that if a hearing before the Ontario Energy Board was required, the Engineer of the County of Kent would request the presence of the County of Elgin'S Engineer to support Kent's case. The Committee noted that there were no franchise agreements with the Natural Resources Gas Company in East Elgin and that any concessions won by the Union Gas Company before the Energy Board would undoubtedly be applied to the Natural Resources Gas Company. The meeting adjourned. Chairman Caverly, Reeve Perovich, Reeve Smyth and Reeve Brooks and the Engineer opened tenders at the Engineer's Office for a Van and a Post Hole Auger Tractor. The meeting adjourned to April 21, 1983. ~- /,"";"1 ( .<h/~~~-d. G "'-' Q ,. ) --~~ c..,. <.' ;s::-,..~../ "'''''- <: ' .-- .I' -- ..,/" CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the N:unicipal Building on Wednesday, April 6, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Deputy Reeve Sheils. "MOVED BY:}). A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: l. That it was hoped to serve the land expropriation papers on Mr. Stephen Simon later in the day or on Thursday. Reeve Perovich reported that Mr. Simon requested a meeting with the Engineer and the Committee suggested that this meeting should be held at the Engineer's Office and :if it was possible for the Chairman to attend, he should. 2. No further information was available regarding the suit of the Stanats vs. the County of Elgin regarding drainage on County Road #38. 3. The Engineer and Mr. Frank Clarke had met with Mr. M. H. Seeley of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Rlegional Construction Engineer regarding the Ministry's plans for improvement of Highway #4 south of Union. In response to a Ministry's request the Engineer had written to the Ministry stating the Committee's previous position (that the Committee felt that no private entrances should be allowed off of County Road #23 or off of Highway #4 in the vicinity of County Road #23, ie., at least 500 feet from the intersection). The Engineer also noted that the intersection of Highway #4 and County Road #27 at Union would be redesigned and be presented to the County and Township officials for consideration prior to construction. 4. That the Spring Needs Study Update with Frank Cla.rke had been completed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 2. 5. Reeve Smyth reported that it was hoped to have the final papers for the sale of the closed portion of Chatham Street by the Village of Port Burwell to the Ministry of Government Services signed by the middle of April. 6. No approval had been received for the County's N.E.E.D.S. Programme. 7. There will be a meeting on April 8 in Chatham with the County of Kent officials and representatives from the various local municipalities regarding the Union Gas Company's request to reneW' franchise agreements with the various local municipalities. These agreeml2nts would call for payment by the municipalities for pipe line moving for road construction, etc. Presently Union Gas is moving the pipe lines r'~quired at no charge to the municipalities. Representatives from Elgin, Hiddlesex and Lambton had been invited to the meeting. 8. April 28 has been set for a meeting with the joint County of Middlesex and County of Elgin Road Committees at 12:00 noon in London. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: l. Drainage work was continuing on County Road #3 betwe~~n Highway #3 and Rodney. Old fence had been removed and hedges, etc., had been set back to the new property line. 2. Tree cutting had been completed for the time be'ing wi"th the work having been completed at the Cook and Philmore Bridges on County Road #43, the Robbins Bridge and at the County Garage. 3. Tree planting on various County Roads would be compl,eted by the weekend. 4. Guide rail repairs had been done on County Roads #14 and #16 and old fence removed from the Hentz and Simpson properties on County Road #8 south of Wallacetown. Guide rail work would continue as time permitted. 5. Earth stripping had been completed at the County's ,Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit next to Cayuga Material and Construction Limited property. Higg$' Construction was presently draglining and loading gravel from out of the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 3. water. It was expected that an agreement could be made with Cayuga Material and Construction Limited to remove the 99 foot right-of-way which abuted the County's property. Test holes were being dug in various locations to determine if any gravel had been overlooked. 6. Drainage work was underway at County Roads #24 and #36 with considerable work having to be done because of the filling in of the ditch over the years; which had occurred because of poor restoration after the water line instalLation between the Port Stanley Pumping Station and Port Burwell. 7. Ditching would be done on County Roads #30 and #52 (Wellington Road) at various locations. 8. Sweeping was underway in Dutton. 9. Grading of gravel shoulders was underway. lO. Some miscellaneous work such as the Shaw driveway repair (County Road #45), shoulder work on County Road #32 and shoulder gravel on County Road #16 would be undertaken as soon as weather conditions permitted. 11. The new Ford Tandem Truck was expected within ten (lO) days. 12. The motor on Truck #74 had disintegrated (F-600 Stake Truck). 13. The force main from the Elgin Manor to the lagoon ha.d been installed although the contractor had been delayed as the length of pipe ordered by Elgin Manor had not been correctly measured. 14. Bridge repair work including floor repairs at the Port Burwell, Player and Willy's Bridges would be done as soon as the",weatper permitted. Repairs would be required on the floor of the Tates Bridge also. l5. Pavement marking would start as soon as the weather warmed up. l6 Bob Davies would attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Management School at Orilla next week (Sunday through Wednesday). 17. The Engineer would attend the Conference of the National Association of County Engineers' in Cedar Rapids, Iowa next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 4. l8. The hole on County Road #22 on the McKenzie Drain had been repaired March 31 using about 10 feet of 12 inch pipe~ 19. It was hoped to provide a new Maintenance Budget ready for the consideration of the Committee early in May. The surface treatment programme would be considered at that time and emulsion quotations would be called shortly. 20. Dust control work could begin as soon as late April. 2l. Bridge s and culvert inspections by Roy Doran and John Brown of the County's staff was presently underway. Steel culverts on County Road #8 at Pearce Park and County Road #9 west of the Microwave Relay Tower would have to be repaired this Summer as the ends on both culverts were showing signs of lifting similar to the culvert on County Road #52 which had collapsed last year. 22. Sign maintenance had been completed for the time being. 23. Municipal Drain Reports had been received from Yarmouth Township (2), and from Dunwich Township (l) in the past 2 weeks. The amount presently budgeted would not cover the County Assessments if all the drains were completed this Summer. 24. It was agreed that the Engineer should arrange a mee~ting with the Township Road Superintendents to discuss weed spraying on County Roads and invite the Township Reeves, if they were able to attend. (It was hoped to have this meeting early in May.) "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER l2 AMOUNTING TO $54,486.20 PAYLIST NUMBER l5 AMOUNTING TO $738.30 PAYLIST NUMBER 16 AMOUNTING TO $2,604.38 PAYLIST NUMBER l7 AMOUNTING TO $55,778.84 ~ PAYLIST NUMBER 18 AMOUNTING TO $149,089.98 CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: l. The Ontario Municipal Board regarding the Port Stanley: Terminal Rail Incorporated stating the Board's position with regard to the opening of a rail line. The matter was discussed by the Committee and the Engineer was instructed to obtain the views of the County's insurance agent ,regarding liability insurance that would be required both by the County and by the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated to begin operations and to inform the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated of the County's requirements. It was also noted that a bond would be required from the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated regarding the cost maintenance on crossings. Until a copy of the lease between the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated and the Canadian National Railway was obtained it was difficult to ascertain the position of the Canadian National Railway regarding crossing maintenance. The Engineer was instructed to obtain a copy of the lease agreement as soon as possible and to prepare estimates of crossing improvements required for further consideration of the Committee. 2. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that they would repave the intersection of Highway #3 and County Road #ll at the Ford plant as soon as weather conditions permitted. 3. From the Aggregate Producers' Association of Ontario commending the County of Elgin for their excellent restoration of ~ayside Pits used for County purposes in Dunwich Township for the Walkers Bridge, and in Malahide T01Wnship at Brower Sand Pit (County Road #32 construction). 4. The County Clerk with regard to issuance of cheques between paylists. It was noted that in accordance with County By-Laws that a special meeting of the Committee would be required to approve paylists in the total amount of $3,000 between regular ,meetings. 5. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a copy of a decision on an appeal by Mr. Knight on Count~ Road #45 at Highway #73 from a decision of the County Land Division Committee. The appeal had been dismissed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 6. 6. Information from the St. Thomas Times Journal and the London Free Press regarding the purchase of Conrail by Mr. Albert Atwell. The Warden noted that Mr. Atwell would make a presentation at the next Council meeting. 7. The Ministry of Natural Resources regarding their new Mineral Aggregate Planning policy. The Engineer noted that the new policy made it mandatory that all municipalities amend their official plans to take note of aggregate supplies in their municipalities so that these aggregate supplies could be conserved for future construction work and that other zoning uses that would interfere with the mining of these aggregates would not be permitted. It was also noted that Wayside Permits would be allowed in all zones except existing development areas or in areas of particularly environmental sensitivity. The Engineer noted that the official plans which would have to be amended when the Planning Act change came into effect, would have to contain these policies. 8. From Flex-O-Lite of Canadawith a price of 26.97 cent s per pound for glass beads for 1983 pavement marking. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FLEX-O-LITE OF CANADA FOR GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING AT 26.97 CENTS PER POUND (SAME PRICE AS 1982). CARRIED." Gravel crushing quotations for crushing gravel at the County's pleasant Valley Pit were as attached. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: M. He STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF C. R. CHITTICK LIMITED IN THE AMOUNT OF 65 CENTS PER TON FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING FOR 1983 AT THg COUNTY, OF ELGIN PLEASANT VALLEY PIT. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 7. Quotations for the supply of pipe culvert required for 1983 were as attached, and also attached is a breakdown of the three (3) lowest tender s. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF CORRUGATED PIPE COMPANY LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY OF CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE CULVERTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $59,895.40 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX F.O.B. WHITE STATION GARAGE AS DESCRIBED IN THEIR QUOTATION DATED MARCH 22, 1983. CARRIED." Quotations for the replacement of the County's John Deere 350 Bulldozer were as attached. The Engineer recommended that the 10Virest tender for a used International TD7E be accepted. It was noted that the machine would have a new undercarriage and that a 6 month power train warranty would be given with the machine. The machine had been used by the County on a rental basis for several months and the deficiencies of the machine were known to the County's staff and would be corrected prior to delivery, as well as being repainted. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF SOUTHWEST TRACTOR LIMITED FOR A 1981 INTERNATIONAL MODEL TD7E BULLDOZER, SERIAL NUMBER 5670 AS PER THEIR QUOTATION OF APRIL 4 AT $22,363 (PROVINCIAL SALES T.AX INCLUDED) WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN JOHN DEERE JD350 BULLDOZER AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED." Quotations for Tractor, Backhoe and Loader were as attached. It was noted that the Ford 555 Special was a smaller machine than either of the John Deere 310 or the Case 580D. The Engineer rec.ommended that the larger machine (John Deere 4l0) be purchased. All machines had been tested by the ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 8. County's Superintendent Art Gordon and one of the County operators. They felt that the larger machines would be much more satisfactory for the County's work. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF SOUTHWEST TRACTOR LIMITED FOR TWO (2) JOHN DEERE MODEL 4l0TRACTOR BACKHOE AND LOADERS, SERIAL NUMBER 380685 AND SERIAL NUMBER 384305 AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $l~6,357. 75 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH THE COUNTY'S TWO (2 ) MODEL 550 FORD BACKHOES AS TRADE-INS. CARRIED." The Chairman was given authority to open and make a decision on the Van Tenders and Post Hole Auger Tractor Tenders which were due next Monday (April II). The Engineer reported that the engine in Truck #74 (2 ton stake rack truck Ford F-600) which the Committee authorized to be traded had disintegrated. Inquiries had been made for a similar si:~e truck and it was found that only Intarnational Harvester made that si:~e of a truck. A quotation from Forest City International Limited of London had been received for a gasoline driven truck, without rack, and :it was in excess of $25,000 (without sales tax); for a diesel powered truck it was in excess of $28,000 (without sales tax). With the addition of rack and sales tax the cost would be over $30,000. The Engineer felt that :it would be much more economical to replace the engine in Truck #74 and do the other necessary repairs, it would probably be under $3,000 in total cost and make use of the truck for a couple of years. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 9. It was noted that the County had some obsolete equipment that was no longer required including Truck #55, a roller, a set of scales, and some old dump boxes, etc. The economy was such last year that the 1982 Committee felt that this equipment would not sell even though it ~Nas tendered. The Committee discussed the matter and felt that if all equipment was put into one (l) tender the cost of tendering might not be prohibitive. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO TENDER FOR SALE lJSED EQUIPMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES IN THE WESTERN ONTARIO FARMER AND THE ST. THOMAS TIMES JOURNAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL QUOTATIONS :FOR RSlK EMULSION. CARRIED." The pending retirement of Roy Doran at the end of June was noted. It was also noted that in all likelihood Art Gordon and Arnold Milligan would only work through the Summer and the Fall. The Engineer felt that an additional Class 5 Foreman would be required shortly and examina.tion of the Superintendent's role, etc., would have to take place within several months. The Engineer was authorized to proceed with the posting for a Class 5 Foreman from the present staff. Road inspection was discussed and it was decided to inspect roads in East Elgin as soon as possible. The 1983 Road Needs Study Update results were left for a future meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 6, 1983 PAGE 10. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO APRIL 2l AT 9:00 A.M. Al~D APRIL 28, 1983 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." Chairman Caverly, Reeve Brooks and Reeve McWilliam inspected the County Garage, the crossings of the London and Port Stanley Railway on various County and Township Roads between St. Thomas and Port Stanley and County Road #22 in the afternoon. CHAIRMAN COUNTY .OF ELGIN ROAD .DEPARTMENT ';~ SUMMARY OF GRAVEL CRUSijING QUOTATIONS 1983 . 1. C. R. Chittick Limited R. R. #3 Ilderton, Ontario NOM 2AO 65 cents per ton 2. ""Cayuga Material and Construction Limi ted R. R. #4 Cayuga, Ontario NOA lEO 68 cents per ton 3. Alex Newbigging Limited P.. O. '80 x 1 Delaware, Ontari.o 69 cents per ton 4. Marcon Limited Attention: .Mr. John C. Cattle R. R. #1 Brownsville, Ontario NOt LeO 73 cellts per ton 5. Gordon Wiseman Limited R. R. #l Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V6 76 ,cent s per ton Gravel Crushing Prices 1981 60 cents per ton (V. W. Ruckle Construction Ltd.) 1982 .. 67 cents per ton (C. R. Chittick Limited) ~'('Pl(~a sant Valley Aggregfltc n [,trrri.ted R. H. 115 St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 389 "I .... ,.(' COUNTY OF gI~GIN HOAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF QUOTATIONS FOR CULVERT PIPE (EXCLUDING SALES TAX) 1. Corrugated Pipe Company Limited P. O. Box 176 Stratford, Ontario N5A 6Tl 2. Westee1-Rosco Limited 1 Atlantic Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6K 1 X7 3. Armco Canada Limited P.. 0.. Box 3000 Guelph, Ontario NlH6P2 4. Koppers International Canada Limited ,P. O. Box 426 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A9 5. E. S. Hubbell. and Sons Limited P. O. Box 118 Tbamesville, Ontario NOP 2KO 6. Canada Culvert and Metal Products Limited P.O. Bo x 578 Maple, Ontario LOJ 1 EO 7. Clemmer Industrie s (1964) Limited P. O. Box 130 Waterloo, Ontario N2J l~Al 8. The Big '0' Drain Tile Company Li.mited P.O. Bo x 970 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 SO APRIL 1983 $59,895.40 $66,750.57 $67,l25.22 $70,400.77 $7l,23l.65 $82,506.20 $84, 1 04. 74 $45, 751 .38 '), COUNTY. OF ELGIN ROAD DEP liliTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR GJLVERT PIpE COMPARISON OF THREE. Lor.-lEST QUOTATIONS (COUPLERS INCLUDED; SALES TA<X NOT INCLUDED) PIPE SIZE .. CORRUGATED PIPE COMPANY WESTEEL-ROSCO LIMITED ARMCO CA1~ADA LIMITED LIST PRICE LIHITED , 150 mm Perforated - 18 m 104.04 112.47 119.19 196.65 150 mm Plain - 384 m 2,127.36 2,399.36 2,427.52 4,033.28 ~ 200 mm Plain - 1,164 m 8,439.00 9,394.04 9,578.25 15,77l.14 250 nun Plain - 618 m 5,704.14 6,130.26 6,282.72 10,284.60 300 rom plain " - 846m 10,437.52 11,951.85 12,18l.9l 19,262.74 . 400 mm Plain - 930 m 15,522.02 17,557.78 l7,775.42 28,314.18 . 450 rom Plain - 78 m 1,528.36 1,687.57 1,696.57 2,712.50 600 mmPlain - 546 ill 16 , 03 2. 96 17,517.24 1 7 , 063 . 64 28,244.34 . .. , TOTAL $59,895.40 $66,750.57 $67,125.22 $108,819.43 ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN _QQOTATIONS FOR CRAWLER TRACTOR AND Q-WAY BLADE DEMONSTRATOR - USED 1. Southwest Tractor Limited R. R. #4 London, Ontario N6A4B8 (a) International TD7E -,l98l,Model .. 2667 Hours. With New Chains, Sprockets (Brinco), Track Adjustment Kit. Replace Blade Bushings, and Repaint. 6 Month Power Train Warranty. Less Trade-In With 7% Tax '(b) John Deere JD450C - 1982 Machine.. l390Hours. 12 Month Warranty on Power Train. Will turn pins and bushings at cost ($620.00) at end of season. Less Trade...ln With 7% Tax 2. Crothers 50 Enterprise Drive London, Ontario N6N lA7 Cat D3B .. 1981 Machine.... 1640 Hours. 90 Day MJll Warranty. Less Trade- In With 7% Tax 3. Equipment Sales and Service (1968) Limited L030 Mart in Grove Road R(n{dale, Ont,lri.o H9W It-W3 Internationad TD8E - l520 Hours. New top rollers. 60 Days on parts. Less Trade-In With 7% TaX $29,900 9,000 $20,900 $22,363 $31.,.500 9,000 $22,500 $24,075 $35, {)OO 9,000 $26,000 $27,820 $43,500 l},.OO_O $30,500 $32,635 COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS FOR CRAWLER TRACTOR AND 6-WAY BLADE DEMONSTRATOR- USED 5. Case Power and Equipment P.O. Box 758 Lambeth, Ontario NOL ISO Case 850 B - 1979 Machine - 995 Hours. Less Trade-Tn W:i:th 7% Tax Replacement of under carriage at end of season$5,lH9.50 6. Sheridan Equipment Limited P.O. Bo x 901 Station 'U' Toronto, Orttario M8Z 5 R4 Fiatallis FD5 - 1982 Machine - 226 Hours. Le s s Trade-In With 7% Ta.x " PAGE 2. $41,675 lO,475 $3l,200 _$))",_3_?4 $48,000 8,700 $39,300 $42,951 ,- COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS FOR CRAWLER TRACTOR AND 6-WAY BLADE NEW 1. Southwest Tractor Limited R.R. #4 London, Ontario N6A 4n8 John Deere Hodel 450C (1982 Machine)' l2 Month Full Warranty. plus additional 6 months on power train. 2. Crothers 50 Enterprise Drive London, Ontario N6N lA7 Caterpill arD3 B 3. Case Power and Equipment P. O. Box 758 Lambeth, Ontario NOL 180 Case 850C Less Trade-In Net With 7% Tax Less Trade-In Net With 7% Tax Le ss Trade- In Net With 7% Tax 4. Equipment Sales and Servico (1968) Limited 1030 Mrrrtin Grove Road Rexda lCl, Ontario M9W 4W3 " International TD 7E Less Trade-In Net With 7% Tax $34,900 9:tOOO $25,900 $27,.713 .$43,839 9,000 $34,839 $37,277.73 $48,447 10,475 $37,972 $40,630 $55,606 13,000 $42,606 $45,588.42 COUNTY OF ELGIN QUOTATIONS FOR TWO (2 )TRi\QTPR, BACKHOE AND LOADER 1. Southwest Tractor Limited R. R. #4 London, Ontario N6A 4B8 (a) Jonn Deere 310 (New) 1981 Machine John Deere - 573 Hours - 1982 Machine Le ss Trade- Ins With 7% Tax (b) John Deere 410 (New) 1982 Machine John Deere 4.10 - 652 Hour s- 1982 Machine Less Trade-Ins With 7% Tax Warranty 12 months. Power Train 18 months. (:Both Machines. ) (c) John Deere 310 Special with ExtendaHoe - 53 Hou.rs. leI) John DeElre 310 A With Extenda Hoe - 1980 Model. 2. London Ford Equipment Sales Limited P. O. Box 108 Hyde Park, Ontario Ford 555 Special (Two) Less Trade-Ins With 7% Tax 3. Ca,se Power and Equipment P.O. Bo x 758 Lambeth, Ontario NOL ISO " Ca se 580 D (Two) Less Trade- Ins With 7% Tax $27,500 28, .600 $56,100 20,500 $35,600 $38,092 $33,875 29 ,950 $63,825 20,500 $43,325 $46,357.75 $31,600 $29,500 $59,698 22,400 $37,298 $}9,90B.86 $73,770 29, 1 00 $44,670 $47,796.90 ~ ; COUNTY OF . ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT JOHN DEERE 310A JOHN DEERE 410 CASE 580 D FOR,p 555 FORD 555 SPECIAL . HOE DIGGING DEPTH (ICED) 14 Ft. 7 In. 15 Ft. 4 In. 14 Feet . 15 Ft. 1 In. 14 Ft. 7 In. . . . 8 FOOT FLAT BOTTOM f3, Ft. 5 In. 14 Ft. 2 In. 13 Feet + 14 Ft. I In. 12Ft. 2 In. - . DIGGING FORCE (POWER DIG) 9,636 9,650 10,446 9,735 9,735 , , DIGGING FORCE (CROWD) 6,350 7,158 6,014 6,920 6,750 . LIFrING CAPACITY (BOOM) 1,500 Ibs. 1 , 95 0 1 bs . 1.56? Ibs. 1,652 1bs. AT FULL REACH AND HEIGHT PUMP CAPACITY 28 gpm. 38 gpm. 30 gpm. 27 gpm. 27 gpm. Combined ENGINE 219 Cu. Tn. 219 Cu. In. 207 Cu. In. 201 Cu. In. 201 Cu. In. 58 H.P. Net 62 H..P.. 55 N"P" Net 57 H..P..Net 57 H..P.. Net . LOADER . CAPACITY TO FULL HEIGHT Width 8 9~" ~~idth 89~" Widt.h 84" 5,0001bs. 5,000 1 bs. 5,155 1bs. 4,700 lbs. One Cu. Yd. Capacity One Cu. Yd. Bucket l~ Cu. Yd. Capacity ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PAGE 2. . . JaH",~ DEERE 310 A JOHN DEERE410 CASE 580 D FORD 555 FORD 555 SPECIAL LOADER BREAKOUT FORCE " 7,500 Ibs. 7 , 500 I b s . 7,600 1 bs. 9 , .8 00 I b s . DUMPING HEIGHT 8 Ft. 5 In. 8 Ft. 5 In. 8 Ft. 4 In. 8 Ft. 9 In. .8 Ft. 5 In. " RL4CH 2 Ft. 5 In. 2 Ft. 9 In. 2 Ft. 4 In. 2 Ft. 3 In. , TIRES (REAR) 16.9 X 24 (One) 18.4 X 24 (One) 17.5 X 24 , 16.9 X 24 19.5 X 24 (One) 8 Ply 6 Ply .8 Ply 21 .5 X 24 (One) L2Ply - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 31, 1983 PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building~ on Thursday, March 31, 1983 at 9:30 a.m., in conjunction with County Council. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. The Engineer noted that approval had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for the form of the Weight Restriction on Bridges By-Law and that the By-Law would be recommended to the March 31 session of County Council and speedy approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was expected. The Engineer noted that information had been received from the Port Stanley Terminal Rail regarding starting a railway on the old London and Port Stanley lines at Port Stanley and suggested that the matter be discussed further at the next meeting. The Engineer had rec~ived a number of citizens' complaints concerning the lack of enforcement of the County's New Parking By-Laws. Warden Marr stated that the County Government Committee was in the process of re-doing the by-law and would attempt to speed up the Solicitor so that County Council could pass a new by-law at the April session. Reeve Perovich, the Engineer and the Assistant: Engineer reported on the land purchase on County Road #3 as follows: That Aldborough Township Council at a Court of Revision on the Ford Drain had reduced the assessment of Mr. William Manneke by $500 and placed this assessment on the County. Subsequently Mr. Manneke agreed to sell to the County the l7 foot road widening required. An Expropriation plan had been filed on the Manneke property as well as the other widenings required in Concession X, Concession XII, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3l, 1983 PAGE 2. and on the east side of Road #3 on Concession XI. An expropriation plan on Concession IX would be filed as soon as the necessary notices have been circulated. It was reported that Mr. Steven Simon, owner of the south half of Lot 6, Concession XI had engaged a bulldozer on March 301 and had removed all the top soil from a strip approximately 25 feet in width next to the County Road. This top soil had been windrowed approximately 40 feet from the property line in his field, in some places as much as tW"Q feet of dirt had been removed. Reeve Perovich noted that he had viewed the property and taken Deputy Reeve Vojin to visit the property last night. The Engineers felt that further discussions with Mr. Simon at the present time would be useless and that the County's present land purchase compensation policy was not valid as the top soil had been removed. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH WHEREAS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY ROAD #3 EXTENDING FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF HIGHWAY #3 TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #22, ALL IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH IT IS EXPEDIENT TO EXPROPRIATE ALL RIGHTS, TITLE AND INTEREST IN THE LANDS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BEING PART OF LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS PART #l ON A PLAN DEPOSITED IN THE REGISTRY OFFICE OF THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN (NO. 11) AS IlR 2493. THE ROAD COMMITTEE FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN THEREFORE REQUESTS THAT THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN DO TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO ACQUIRE THE SAID LANDS BY EXPROPRIATION. CARRIED." 9:30 a.m. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 31, 1983 PAGE 3. The Committee adjourned to meet on Wednesday, April 6, 1983 at COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MARCH SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Whereas for the purpose of the improvement of County Road #3 extending from the north limit of Highway #3 to the south limit of County Road #2, all in the Township of Aldborough it is expedient to E~xpropriate all rights, title and interest in the lands, described as follows: In the Township of Aldborough in the County of Elgin being Part of Lot 6, Concession XI, and being more particularly described as Part #1 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as llR 2493 The Road Committee for the Corporation of the County of Elgin therefore requests that the Corporation of the County of Elgin do take the necessary steps to acquire the said lands by expropriation. (Stephen Simon Property) ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: , WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission BudgE~t in the amount of $286,500 be approved. 2. That a By-Law be passed restricting the weight of vehicles passing, over County Bridges as follows: (a) Cooks and Phillmore, County Road 1143 ~ 15 Tcmnes (b) Robbins - 4 Tonnes (c) Fulton - 15 Tonnes (d) M~eks. l8 Tonnes (e) Jamestown - 15 Tonnes (f) Vienna - 20 Tonnes These limits are unchanged from the present by-1m" passed in 1981 and approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to ..Tunc 1.983. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications have indicated that they will approve a new by-law for a two (2) year period. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAI RJYlAN MARCH 17, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE l. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Thursday, March l7, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Reeve Smyth, Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Sheils. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH f{V \. db THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS FOR FEBRUARY l8 AND FEBRUARY~, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED.'~ THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: l. A meeting with the County of Middlesex could not be arranged until after mid April. 2. Tenders for culvert pipe had been put out and would be available for the next meeting. 3. No further information was available regarding gasoline and diesel fuel prices. 4. No further information was available with regard to the Ministry of the Environment's construction schedule for sanitary SE~wers in Port Burwell. 5. Railway crossings on the old London and Port StanlE~y Railway on Roads #21, #51 and #45 had been patched over with cold mix. 6. An investigation on behalf of the Elgin Manor was being made on the replacement of their sewer force main from their buildings to the lagoon. 7. Bob Davies had been accepted for the Ontario Good Roads Association Management Course in April. 8. It had been decided not to send any employees to the Ontario Good Roads Association Road School, Guelph, in May. 9. The County had been complimented on their reports for the Canada Employment Programme and that $30,657 had been earned to the 24th of February. MARCH 17, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 2. lO. That an application to the N.E.E.D.S. Programme had been resubmitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in the amount of $120,200 for the Road Department combined with funding for the Elgin County Museum in the amount of $10,68l. The application had been approved by the County Government Committee and had been forwarded. It was hoped that approval would be received shortly. II. Winter control had been minimal. 12. Tree cutting was proceeding with most work having been completed. 13. Snow fence removal would be completed within a day. l4. Some drainage work on County Road #22 at the Concession Road between Concession VI and VII had been completed. 15. Fence was being removed on County Road #3 between New Glasgow and Rodney. 16. Guide rail had been repaired on County Road #11, County Road #l9 and County Road #25 and work would be done on County Roads #14, #l6 and County Road #45 in Bayham Township, and County Road #30 north of County Road #52. l7. Pit run gravel was being piled at the County's pleasant Valley Pit for future crushing. l8. Shoulder gravel had been placed on County Road #42 from Highway #73 to the Norfolk County Line. 19. Trees and brush had been cut at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit for future stripping. 20. The new Ford Truck had been received and was at Frink of Canada getting a dump box and the snow plow installed. 21. Pavement marking paint had been received. 22. The sweeper was in operation. 23. The ditch on County Road #27 at Sandersons (Sparta) had been cleaned out. Reeve Perovich, the Engineer, and the Assistant Engineer reported on land purchase on County Road #3 with regard to Simon and Manneke. The Engineer reported that little if any headway had been made and it might be necessary to expropriate the property. MARCH l7, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO HAVE A REFERENCE PLAN PLACED ON PROPERTY THAT IS REQUIRED FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION XI, ALDBOROUGH FROM THE SIMON AND MANNEKE PROPERTIES TO FACILITATE THE IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY ROAD #3. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE PASSED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 10 AMOUNTING TO $56,025.51 PAYLIST NUMBER l3 AMOUNTING TO $1,498.01 PAYLIST NUMBER l4 AMOUNTING TO $85,642.98 CARRI ED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $286,500 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Yarmouth regarding minor variances on: (a) Lot 21, Concession VIII - J. Smorowski, Township of Yarmouth. (b) Lot 4, Concession IV.... Ron Dalziel, Township of Yarmouth. 2. From the Township of Westminster with a restricted area zoning by-law. 3. From the Township of Southwold with minor variance regarding Peter Watkins, Lot 40, South of the North Branch of Talbot Road. 4. From Dyer, Brown with a copy of a letter to Stanat regarding the drainage agreement. MARCH 17, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 4. 5. From Charlie Jackson with further correspondence which was referred to Southwold Township. 6. From the Ministry of Culture with their Experience '83 Programme. The Engineer noted that the Programme was not applicable to the County Road Department. Correspondence was read from the County of Kent noting that Union Gas Limited had approached a number of local municipalities regarding renewal of their Franchise Agreements. As part of this Franchise Agreement it would be necessary that the local municipality pay a portion of the Union Gas costs to relocate utilities if so requested by the municipality for public highways or other public works. The County expressed concern because of this request as all present agreements were "such that the Union Gas Company had to, at their own costs, move their own utilities. The County of Kent requested th~ assistance of Elgin County in opposing this proposal by the Union Gas Company. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COUNTY OF KENT TO DISCUSS PROPOSED FRANCHISE AGREEHENTS BETWEEN THE UNION GAS COMPANY AND VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES. CARRIED." The Engineer reported on the Mini stry of Transportation and Communications" plans for the upgrading of Highway #4 south of County Road #45 to Port Stanley. Their proposal to improve the intersection of County Road #23 was noted. The Committee was of the opinion that the present farm entrance of Hepburns at County Road #23 should be removed with the reconstruction of road and asked the Engineer to meet with the Ministry in this regard. The Engineer was MARCH 17, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 5. also asked to express the concern of the Committee with regard to the turning movements off of Highway #4, Union Intersection. Quotations for salt brine dust control on County Roads were as attached from Den-Mar Brine Limited. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF DEN-MAR BRINES LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY AND PLACING OF SALT BRINE ON COUNTY OF ELGIN GRAVEL ROADS AS REQUIRED IN 1983 IN THE AMOUNT OF: $2.58 PER BARREL IN WEST ELGIN (COUNTY ROADS #5, ~~, #17, #l8 AND #20) $3 .14 PER BARREL IN CENTRAL ELGIN (COUNTY ROADS #26, #29, #28, #30 AN D #34). $3.31 PER BARREL IN EAST ELGIN (COUNTY ROADS #32, #37 AND #43) ALL TAXES INCLUDED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL FOR QUOTATIONS FOR CRUSHING GRAVEL AT THE COUNTY" S PLEASANT VALLEY PIT. CARRIED." The Engineer presented the attached proposed Machiney and Housing Budget for 1983. After discussion. . . "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE A USED THREE (3) AXLE TRAILER WHEN SUCH BECOMES AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY. CARRIED." MARCH l7, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR: (A) NEW VAN WITH COUNTY TRUCK #69 AS A TRADE-IN.. (B) NEW STAKE TRUCK WITH COUNTY TRUCK #74 AS A TRADE- IN .. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E.. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL QUOTATIONS FOR NEW MACHINERY AS FOLLOWS: (A) A TRACTOR TO REPLACE THE COUNTY'S JOHN DEERE 350C BULLDOZER. (B) TWO (2) BACKHOES WITH THE COUNTY'S TWO (2) FORD BACKHOES AS TRADE-INS. (C) A TRACTOR TO REPLACE THE COUNTY'S POST HOLE AUGER TRACTOR. CARRIED." The Engineer noted that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications') approval of the County's present Load Limit By-Law on Bridges within the County (other than joint bridges with Middlesex) would expire in June of 1983 and that he had forwarded a new draft by-law to the Ministry for their approval. The Engineer felt that there were no changes necessary in the by-law and it should be passed by Council as soon as the Ministry indicated that the form of the by-law was acceptable. "MOVED BY: E.. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WITH THE BY~LAW BEING THE SAME AS BY-LAW #81-30. CARRIED." MARCH 17, 1983 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 7. The Engineer said that it appeared that because of the delay in calling tenders for the Port Burwell Sanitary Sewers until sometime later in the season, work on other projects should be startled as soon as conditions permitted including ditching, drainage, clleanup and earth moving work on County Road #3 and various maintenance works (including ditching on County Road #24 at County Road #36), pavement marking, etc. It was likely that conditions would be too wet to allow trimming on County Road #32 until June and thus as much work as possible would be done on County Road #3 in the interim. The Engineer stated that he would have information available for gravel resurfacing on County Road #37 so that it could go ahead after the lst of May if the joint meeting of the Elgin and Middlesex Road Committees so agreed. More gravel would be piled at the Pleasant Valley Pit as conditions permitted. Other small grading jobs including Shaw's driveway on County Road #45, etc., would be done also as weather permitted. Stumps would be removed on County Road #3 as soon as ditching was completed on County Road #24. "MOVED BY: E.H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 6, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. AND MARCH 3l, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." 1/7 ~....". . ,/'".~ 'I -? 44 ( v , CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT DUST CONTROL 1983 COST COMPARISON CALCIUM VS. BRINE Pollard Bros. (Calcium) Limited Den-Mar Brines West Elgin Central Elgin - East Elgin Application Rates: Calcium Chloride - 5 tons per mile Salt Brine - 166 barrels per mile 1. WEST ELGIN Ca) Calcium 26.8 X 5 X $158.60 (b) Salt Brine 26.8 X 166 X $2.58 2. CENTRAL ~ ELGIN (a) Calcium 5.8 X 5 X $158.fiO (b) S,lil t Br fne 5. B X 166 X $3.llf 3. EAST ELGIN (a) Calcium l7.3 X5 X $158.60 (b ) S cd. t Br 1. n e 1 7 .] X 166 X $3. 31 TOTALS $158.60 per flake ton $2.58 per barrel $3.l4 per barrel $3.31 per barrel Calcium Chloride $21,252.l~,O ft., 599 .l..O 13,7l8.90 $39,570.70 Estimated Savings $15,563.95 per application or 39.3% MARCH 1983 Salt Brine $ll,477.90 3,023.19 9,505.66 $24,006. 75 OOt{NWY. Of '. ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1~~83MACHINERY AND HOUSING BUDGE1: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Allocation SPRING; (a ) Tancl~m Trtlck and. 1}ox. (p) Replace Truck ~9 ~Chevrolet V;::tn 1976 Model. (c) Repl ace Trl.1ck #74 ... Ford Double Cab Stake Truck, 1977 Model. Cd) Tractor 1128 .... Ford 2350, Front End Loader and Post Hole Auger, 1975 Model.. (Purchase new or demonstrator, etc.) No 3 Point Hydra1,ll ics on pre sent trac>tor" Cannot get: parts' forpr"esent auger. (e) Tract.or#30 - John Deere 350, Purchased used in 1975. Needs rear end and transmission work, t;:racks,pollers, etc., neCirly WOl:'n out, Not being operated. pl,nrpha..se 1 si~e up if possibLe!!! We have an International TO...8 which we like. (f) Tractors #32 and #33 .... :Ford 1978 Model 550 Tractor Backhoes. Nq repairs have been made to these machines.. Transmission, engines, tires require replacement within a yeap or so. Backboe hyqraHlics are not acieqtjate fo):" .our WO:rk. FALL: ............... (a) Two (2)" Sander s?' (b) FOl.1r (4) cars an.cl pickljptrucks. GENERAL: (a) Complete Sand Building and Garage, etc. (Dutton) (b) Trade 3 axle trailer (we cannot keep tires on it. ) $29_6_,000 ~.,.,..,.;-.~,~:-.~<"".~ $ 77~OOO 10,000 l6,OQO ~5,OOO 38,000 52,000 32,000 37;000 2,000 6,000 $285,000 COUNTY O.F ELQINRQAD COM1:iITTEE SECONO REPORT MARCH$ESSI0N 1983 TO.. THE WAROEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the surp. of $1,000 'be budgeted for M;()squito Cont:~ol for the prevention oferll;:;epha1itis. This will allow for the neceSsary permit renewals and the updating of personnel training, insurance, etc.) to permit a progl:-amme of mosquito control to be placed in action if necessary for ~he control Of encephalitis. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED GHAlRNAN COUNty OF ELGIN ROAr} COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMaERS OFI THE COtTNTY OF EIJGIN YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS fS FO~~OWS; WE RE COMMEN 0: CO{lNCIIJ 1. That the Rebate to Urbani. Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in former years. 2. That the attached statement of proposed wQrk andexpendituf'~s on County and St. ThQmas Supurban Road C01IUJlission Roads -be approved 4", and a resolution passed adopting the statement of work and I ~l!Pend~turesand that a rtatelD,ent be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and comruufications for apPlO'oval. That a wl01ution be pasted lieq\!esting the "linistliY of Transpolitation and Commupiciltions to approve the BUrp. of $25,QOO in Subsidy Money as a S\lpplemenl;a,liY AlloCati~n so thatth,!" County and the St. ThOlJl>ls SUb\!liban Road Ctllnmi sSionl can continue witq theilO' whil;e edge tnalO'king safety pr;Qgr,;mn:ne OT} p'lvch rQads. ThaI; the County Road 1,.<'''f folO' 19,83 j,e $995,000. 3. ' ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUJ3MITTED CHAI RMi\.N COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENl 1983 BUDGET (A). CONSTRUCTlON; 1. Drainage Assessment (a) County $140,000 (b) St. Thorp.as Suburban Road Commission. lO,OOO 2! Land Purchase (a) County - Roqd #3, New Glasgow to Rodney - Road #5, at Walkers Bridge ... Road #8, Wallacetown to Dutton - Boad #8, South of RQad#l6 - Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Miscellaneous Land Purchase (b) St.. Thomas. Suburban ROad Cormnission - Road 1130 3. Engineering and Surveys (a) County... Roads #2, #4 and #37 (b) St. Thorp.as Suburban ROad Commission ~ Roads #28 and #30 4. COlJ,nty Road #32 - Highway #73 to Police College. 5. County Road #32 ... Police College to top of hill. $14,000 1,000 3,000 7,000 20,000 10,000 55,000 5,OQO $:35,000 10,000 6. CQunty Road #22 - Concessions VI and VII, ciit(:hing, I engineering,cu1verts, etc. 7.. County Roads #42 and #50 - Port Burwell (top coat of asphalt 1984). TOTAL $150,000 60,000 45,000 150,000 95,000 29, OQO 355,000 $884,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMEN1~ 1983 BUDGET (B) RESURFACING: 1. County Road 118 ... Surface treat shoulders and complete. 2. County Road #20 ... Complete within Villq.ge of Port Stanley, 3. County Road #20 ... Corp.p1ete north and south of Shedden. 4. County Road #3 - New Glasgow to Rodney ... no fl sphal t. .5. County Road #3 ... Paving New Glasgow to Rodney for County Road #36 ... Paving from Highway #3 to Count:Y Road #45 TOTAL $ 41,000 lO,OOO 27,000 345,000 344,OQO $767,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT . = 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS , ~ (ALl"" TOTALS INCLUDE PAYROLL BURDEN) OPERATION 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST~TijQ~S SUBURBAN ROADS A ... Bridges and Culverts ... 1 1317 idges ... 2 Culverts 13 ... Roadside Maintenance ... 1 . Gr;;tSS Cutting ... 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing -4 Drainage ... 5 Roadside Maintenance ... 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessrp.ents (Maintenance) ... II Weed Spraying C ... Paved Road M;;tintenauce ... 1 Repairs to Pavement ... 2 Sweeping ... 3 Shoulder Main.tenance ... 4 SUrface Treatment D ... Gravel Road Mainten~~ce 2 Grading Gravel Roads ... 3 Dust Control ... 4 Prime ... 5 Gravel Re surfacing E .... Winter Control Total - 1 Snow Plowing ... 2 Sanding and Sal tiI1g ... 3 SnowFence ... 4 Standby and Night Crew F ... Safety Devices 1 Pavement Marking ... 2 Signs and Signals ... 3 Guide Rail ... 4 Railroad Protection ... 6 Edge ~arking TOTALS 95,000 92!,000 22,000 105 , 000 125, 000 30,000 4,000 7,000 20,000 100,000 110,000 24,000 1 Ol~ 000 16 , 000 . 14:~ 000 92,000 28,000 l85,QOO 137,000 81:,000 24:~ 000 l31:~ 000 l20:~ OOQ 31,000. 45 ~ 000 7,000 30,000 27:,000 39,00Q 3,000 27,000 365,000 310,000 46,000 81,000 8,000 54,000 33,500 37,000 73,000 5,000 46,000 22,500 $1,546,500 $1,315,500 3,000 2,000 5,000 15,000 6,000 1,000 2,00Q 11,000 4,000 54,000 L7,000 4,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 55,000 9,000 8,000 3,000 8,000 11,000 $231,000 Continued '" . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAP DEPAATMENT 1983 MAl NT EN AN CEJ3UDGET POqNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. 1983 Ministry of Transportation, and Communications Maintenance qnd $1,870,000 Overhead Allocation RecoII,1mended Supplementary By...Law (Edge Marking) 27,500 $1,897,500 19&3 MaintenaI1ce BUclget $1,546,500 1983 Overheq.clBt.ldget 375,000 $1,92l,500 Less Credit in Stock Balance (Crushed Gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit) 25,000 CR" NET $1,896,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT r 1983 BUDGET OVERHEAD <:' (COUNTY AND ST... THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) -......... . ,-- (All t()t:al H illCludo Payroll BUrdon. ~)ulH'rflll.(u)(kmGP fnl:lude~; Voh1c;:lo Cht-rq>;~1 $. ) OPERATION 198:3 BUDGET Superintendence Clerical Garages Office Tools Radio Needs S~uqy Update and Traffic Counts Trai~ingCourses Mtsc() llfll1e()l).r~'rnsurnnC(\ RetiJ,~ement T~onefitB (SIck Timo) TOT At. $127,000 67,000 112,OOQ 22,qOQ 8,000 4,000 8,500 6,500 3,000 17,000 $375 , 000 1983 Distribtttion - St. Thomas Suburban Road COJ:IU11ission (8.0%) $ 30,000 -County of Elgin $:345~OOO COUNTY . OK _ELGIN ROAD D$~:PAATMEN'l' 1983 BUDGET SUMMARY EXP EN Dl TURES : (A) CQNSTRUCTION: 1. CO\.1nty Roads and Bridges $ 859,000 2. St. Thoma$ S4burban Roads 25,000 3. Asphalt Resurfacing (County Roads) 797,000 (B) MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD: 1. Maintenance CQuntyRQads 1,315,500 2. Maintenance St. Thomas Suburpan Road Systerp. 231,000 3. Overhead County Roads 345,000 4", Overhead St. Thomas Suburban Road Systerp. 30,000 5. Credit Stock Balance (Crushed Gravel) 25,000 CR. (C) REBATES TO URBAN MUNTGT.l'ALrrTES 5l~, 000 (D) MACHINERY AND HOUSING 296,000 (E) ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY (In~14cling Payroll Administration 7,500 Charges) . (In T'l'EMS NQ'l' FOI{ SUBSIDY (81<;l< Loav(' Conversion) ttO,OOu $3,945,000 RECEIPTS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATlON AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL $2,889,000 SUBSIDY ALLOCATION MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 25,000 SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW (EDGE MARKING) , EFFECTIVE CQNTRIBVTION OF' THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TO THE 36,000 ST. Tl-lOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION $ 2 ,-9,59_,000 COUNTY ROAD LEVY $99$,.0-00 1982 L('.vy $896,000 ... Increase 11.05% Above Blldget based on Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Supplementary Safety Item By-Law $25,000 Subsidy ($27,500 County Expenditure). . If Supplementary By-Law is not approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the Maintenance Budget will have to be reviewed by County Road C01IUJlittee. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at th€~ Municipal Building on Monday, February 28, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Fleck were present. Also present were the Engineer and the l~ssistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control had been nil. 2. Four (4) crews were still cutting trees working at the Gillets, Jamestown and Players Bridges and on County Roads #8,#13 and #43. 3. Gravel shouldering had been completed on County Road #48 between Lyons and County Road #47, and driveways and mail box locations on County Road"#48 between County Road #47 and the Oxford County Line had been gravelled. 4. Gravel shouldering had been completed on County Road #42 between Highway #73 at Copenhagen and County Road #40. Entrances and mailbox locations east of County Road #40 to the Norfolk County Line would be gravelled. 5. Machinery repair remained light with work on the sweeper having been completed. 6. Joe Livingstone was expected to return within the vveek from a broken leg. 7. Arnold Milligan was in the hospital and would likely be there for at least a week. The Engineer reported that several Engineers at thE~ Ontario Good Roads Association Convention felt that their municipalities E~xpected a severe Spring breakup. The Engineer also noted that the County of Grey had requested a complete report from their Engineer on the Owen Sound Suburban Road Commission with the thought of following the County of Brant :lead, that is the abolition of the system with a direct contribution to the County Road System from the separated City. The report was expected to be available in May. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 2. Reeve Perovich noted that he had met with Steve Simon and that members of his Council had met with Bill Manneke on County Road #3 regarding purchase of road widening, but nothing had been resolved. He felt that the expropriation proceedings would have to be initiated. Correspondence was read from the Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications stating that they were not prepared to provide supplementary by-laws for drainage assessments in 1983 for Regions and Counties. It was noted that the County's projected costs of $150,000 would have to come from the Construction Account. The Engineer reported that he had contacted Mr. Bruce Newington of the Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications Head Offi.ce, and Mr. Newington stated that the Ministry's present position was that no Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications subsidy would be payable if a sick leave by-law was converted and payouts were made to employees other than upon retirement or their leaving County employment. Thus it appeared that any projected payout to County Road Employees would not be subsidizable. The Engineer reported that he had been requested by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to incorporate the County Roads' pre~rious application under the N.E.E.D.S. progrannne plus the Museum's application and the Road Department"s additional request into one (I) request and to forward it to the Ministry as soon as possible. It was noted that the County Government Corrnnittee would be kept informed of the proposed change. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST8,BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT.. PAYLISTNUMBER 8 AMOUNTING TO $52,732.75 PAYLIST NUMBER 9 AMOUNTING TO $2,387.34 PAYLIST NUMBER 11 AMOUNTING TO $85,230.06 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1. From the Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for commercial uses on Lot 25, Concession VIII, Yarmouth Township at the corner of Penhale Side Road and Highway #3. 2. From the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunicati.ons with a copy of a letter to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway asking the railway to improve ,the crossing on Highway #4 at the south limit of St. Thomas. Truck tenders were opened by the Chairman on February 24 and were as attached. After discussion . "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF BRANT COUNTY FORD SALES LIMITED FOR A FORD MODEL LTS 9000 AS PER THEIR TENDER AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $59,324.01 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX), SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL. CARRIED." A quotation of Frink Canada in the amount of $l6,770.60 was read for a dump box for the truck, plus changing the snowplowing equipment from County Truck #73 to the new truck. It was noted that the quotation included all work and materials including front end pump, tarpaulin cover, air controls on the snow plow, etc. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,770.60 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX FOR A 8B2 DUMP BOX AS PER THEIR QUOTATION 3146. CARRIED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 4. Draft #2 of the Budget was discussed at some length. [Note to County Council Draft #1 does not appear with your minutes, we are forwarding the report that went with Draft #1, plus calculations of Draft #2. There may be some minor discrepancies between the report and the calculations, please be advised that the figures are acorrect:ed version. D~aft #2 was required because Draft #1 was written prior to the County ascertaining that sick leave credits were not subsidizable by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.] The Committee noted that Draft #2 showed $40,000 for sick leave payouts. Warden Marr suggested that this remain in the budget and be discussed by County Council in connection with other Committee Budgets. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE SUM OF $1,000 BE BUDGETED FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REBATE TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% OF THE ROAD LEVY AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE .RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO APPROVE THE SUM OF $25,000 IN SUBSIDY MONEY (AS A SUBSIDY ALLOCATION) SO THAT THE COUNTY AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CAN CONTINUE WITH THEIR SAFETY PROGRAMME (WHITE SAFETY EDGE MARKING). CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED ADOPTING THE ATTACHED PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK (DRAFT #2 OF BUDGET DATED FEBRUARY 28, 1983) (AS AMENDED) AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1983 AND A STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. TOTAL BUDGET $3,945,000. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ASK FOR A QUOTATION FROM DEN-MAR BRINE LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY OF SALT BRINE ON COUNTY GRAVEL ROADS IN EAST AND WEST ELGIN. CARRIED." The Engineer stated that he would meet with Messrs Simon and Manneke regarding road widening on County Road #3 and would report at the next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 17, 1983 AT 9:30A.M. CARRIED." ....~' COUNty OF ELGIN ROAD. DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK (PRICES INCLUDE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX ANDl1NITPAINTEDYELLOW) FEBRUARY 28, 1983 1., BrarttCounty Ford Sales Limited 85 Lynden Road Brantford, Ontario N3T 5W4 Ford Model LTS 9000 NTC 350 Commins Motor 'RTO 12513 F'u.ller Transmission 54" Spread- 144" C.T. Itl1fQ.edi ate Del ivcry $59,324.01 2. Sherway Ford Sales 1575 The Quecnsway Toronto, Ontario M8Z IT9 Ford Model LTS 9000 ,NTC 350 Cummins Motor RTO l2513 F'u.ller Transrp.ission 54" Spread - 144" C.T. $&0,940.78 (PI~$Deliver~ Charge s ,etc.' 3. Highbury Ford Sales Limited 1365 Dundas Street London, Ontari'o N5W 3 B5 Ford Model, LTS 9000 NTC 350 Cummins RTO 12513 Fuller Transmission 60" Spread - 126" C.T.. No Front Wheel Limiting Valve (Limiting) $63,112.88 4. Douglas Truck Centre 379 Bayfie1d Street Barrie, Ontari.o L4M 3 C5 Ford LTS 9000 NTC 300 Curmnin s Motor RTOF 12513 Transmission 60" ~pread - 126" C. T. $65,693.45 5. Carrier Ma.ck Truck Center Incorporated 90 Enterprise Drive London, Ontario N6N lAB Mack - EM6237 Motor and 6 Speed Transrp.ission 60" Spread - 136" C~T. $66,247.58 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR TANDEM TRUCK (PRICES INCLUDE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND UNIT PAINTED YELLOW) PAGE 2. 6. Forest City International Trucks 1712 Dundas Street East London, Ontario N.5W 3C9 International Model F2674 NTC 300 Cunnnins Motor l?uller RTO 11613 Transmi,ss'lon 52" Spread - 126" C.T. $69,233.28 7. Peterbilt of London Incorporated R.R. #4 ' London, Ontario Peterbi1tMode1 353 NTC 240 Cunnnins Motor RTO 14613 Fu11er Transmission 60" Spread - 136" C.T. $72,957.95 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) ITEM 1983 ESTIMATE 1980 1982 Holidays With Pay (a) , Annual (b) Statutory (c.) Compassionate Leave (d) Jury Sick Benefits Inclement Weather and Standby Medical Safety Equipm(~nt Workmen's Comperfsation Insurance Canada Pension O.M.E.R.S. U.I.C. O.H.I.P.andE.H.C_ L.T.O. 'Life Insurance Payroll Burden Charged to the Canada Employment Prograrrnne & N.E.E.D.S. Programme TOT AL 1981 136,438 145,434 106,886 52,314 1,961 1 23 , 000 54,000 1,000 49 ,1 75 40,401 36,022 40,000 6,289 5,648 3,190 4,000 2,487 2,476 2, 509 2,500 5,313 7,391 10,038 10,000 14,616 14,141 18,698 26,000 15,179 17,000 71,547 80,458 67,200 70,000 16,789 22,942 23 , 290 40,000 30,375 30,624 33,429 36,000 6 , 237 9,3P'6 13,416 17,000 257 542 719 500 $339,.5 23 $3.)9, L~23 $384-~ Lt54, ,PAYROLL BURDEN DISTRIBUTION Payroll Burden Payroll Burden as a % of Net Labour 1980 1981 397 CR. 13,000 CR. It.~1~L9 no. 1982 $1,080,764 193,327 2,136 $1,147,503 .$1,2g0,572 192,871 203,945 8SS,JOI 339,523 38.3511% 954,632 359,423 37.6505% Total Labour Less Labour Payroll Burden Less Severance Pay ..R.O'Meara Less Labour provincial Incentive Programme Le S5 Labour Canada Employment Programme N~~ t Labour 32,678 3,338 1. , 050,611 38Ll,454 36.5934% '- Cant inued . . .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) P AG E 2 . 1983 - Labour Estimated $1,450,000 83,000 80,000 224,000 I ,063,000 40.26% Less Labour in Canada Employment Programme Less h:~bour in N .E.E.D.S. Prograrmne Less Labour in Payroll Burden NET LABOUR Payroll Burden as a % of Net Labour (Payroll Burden distributed to County Overhead, Maintenance and Construction Accounts.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) AMENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1983 OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATE Superintendence 9..0,5.99 Clerical 44,990 Garages 73,682 Office 1.5,1 78 TOb1s 29,366 (Included Miscellaneous Repair) Radio 3,393 Nee,ds Study Update 7,148 and Traffic Counts Training Courses 1,373 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,175 Machinery Overhead 1,993 White Station Rehabilitation 459 Severance Pay 2,311 Retirement Benefits (Sick Time) Permits 80 CR. Deferred Time $272,587 115,933 117,771 127,000 52,833 61,473 67~OOO 91 , 6 21 101,782 112,0.00 13,892 17,039 22,000 24,126 5 , 9.9 6 8 , .0 00 3,587 4,046 4,000 10, 143 7,727 8,500 1,553 7 , 921 6,50.0 2,371 2,684 3,00.0 lOa 100 17,000 12 38 CR. $316,171 $326,,501 '". ',4, _'. _'.._ $375,OQO 1983 Distribution - St. ThoIl1HS Suburban Road Connnission (8.0 %) $30,000 County of Elgin $345, .000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS DRAFT #2 FEBRUARY 28, 1983 (Maintenance Comparisons for 1980, 1981 and 1982 include County and Suburban Roads Expenditures. Burden. ) All totals include Payroll OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts 32,016 3 , 189 20,652 11~897 63,208 63,297 95,000 92,000 3,000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Asses~ents (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying C - Paved Road Maintenance _ 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping cour.clTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS AMENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 2. OPE R..-\T I ON 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED ST. THOMAS SUBURBk~ ROADS - 3 Shoulder Maintenance C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 4 Surface Treatment Road #8 - Ditching, etc. Road #3 - Ditching, etc. D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Tot a1 - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking - 2 Signs and Signals 46 , 526 97,512 81,191 73,083 78,980 5,110 COUNTY I 02 , 169 144,027 185,,000 137,000 131, 000 120,000 54,000 17,000 26,012 23,140 25 , 043 31,000 27,000 4,000 49,560 50, 905 36,905 45 , 000 39,000 6,000 6,595 1,342 4,166 7,000 3,000 4,000 58,769 142,938 85,l09 30,000 27,000 3,000 260,443 20,953 190,204 24,855 24,431 366,369 68,613 247,958 26, 203 23,595 28 , 1 06 47,671 33,402 67,119 497,778 124,565 325,500 25,801 21,912 365,000 310,000 55,000 41,814 77,511 46,000 81,000 37,000 ,73 , 000 9,000 8,000 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 ~LL\INTENAl'qCE BUDGET COUNTY A1"'{D ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS AMENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1983 PAGE 3. OPER.A.TION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS - 3 Guide Rail F - Safety Device s (Continued) - 4 Railroad Protection - 5 Stump Removal 6 Edge Narking TOTALS Winter Control 1978 Winter Control 1979 2,257 28,568 $1,006,348 $315,004 $359,431 5,795 45 , 097 II, 61 2 16,332 $1,387,579 5,510 33,766 30,409 $1,578,241 8,000 54,000 5,000 46,000 33,500 22,500 $1,546,500 $1,315,500 1983 H.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Recommended Supplementary By-La.w (Edge Marking) 1983 H.T.C.Naintenance and Overhead Allocation $1,781,000 27 , 500 Supplementary By-Law (Edge Marking) 1982 Maintenance and Overhead Expenditure Overexpendi ture $1,808,500 $1,904,742 ,$96,242 1983 Maintenance Budget 1983 Overhead Budget Less Credit in Stock Balance (Crushed Gravel at Pleasant Valley Pit) NET 3., 000 8,000 11,000 $231,000 $1,870,000 27,500 $1 ,897 ,500 $1,546,500 375,000 $1,921,500 25,000 CR. $1,896,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT (A) CONSTRUCTION: 1983 BUDGET DRAFT #1 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Allocation 1. Drainage Assessment (a) County $140,000 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnission. 2. Landpurchase (a) Cqunty 10,000 Road #3, New Glasgow to Rodney~, " Road #5, at Walkers Bridge. Road 118, Wallacetown to Dutton., Road~, South of Road #16. Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). Miscellaneous Land Purchase. (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road #30 (a) County 3. Engineering and Surveys Roads #2, #4 and #37 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads #28 and #30 4. County Road #32 5. County Road, #32 6. County Road #22 Highway #73 to Police College. Police College to top of hill. $14,000 1,000 3,000 7,000 20,000 10,000 55,000 5,000 $35,000 1 0, 000 Concessions VI and VII, ditching, .engineering, culverts, etc. 7. County Roads ~2 and #50 of asphalt 1984). Port Burwell (top c?at TOTAL --'''NOTE: If Drainage" Assessment Subsidy is available from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, up to $150,000 may be available to continue construction on County Road #32 towards County Road #52. $884;000 150,000 60, 000 45,000 150,000 95,000 29,000 355,000 $884,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT (B) RESURFACING: 1983 BUDGET Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Allocation 1. County Road 48 2. County Road #20 3. County Road #20 4. County Road #3 5. County Road #3 6. County Road #3 7. County Rbad #36 Surface t~eat shoulders and complete. Complete within Village of Port Stanley. Complete north and south of Shedden. SUB TOTAL FUNDS REMAINING New Glasgow to Rodney - no asphalt .. New Glasgow to Rodney - asphalt and shoulders.. New Glasgow to Port Glasgow. Highway #3 to County Road #45. DRAFT #l $767,000 $ 41,000 10,000 27,000 $ 78,000 $689,000 $345,000 $330,000 $123,000 $330,000 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1983 BUDGET SUMMA.RY (. CONSTRUCTION: (A) DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS. (B) LAND PURCHASE, SURVEYS, t1ISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION (ROADS #28 AN D #30) TOT AL MAINTENANCE OVERHEAD (8..2% OF TOTAL) ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTAL SHARE OF CITY OF ST. THOMAS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY ON OPERATIONS APPROXIMATELY 75% - NET COST TO CITY OF ST. THOMAS 50% OF REMAINING COST AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY DEDUCTED. 50% OF ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY. ADD DEFICIT FOR 1982. TOTAL 1'/2 MILL FROM CITY OF ST. THOMAS WILL PROVIDE DEFICIT TO 1984 AMENDED FEBRUARY 28, 198.3 $ 10,000 15,000 $ 25,000 $231,000 , 30,000 500 $286,500 $35,750.00 250.. 00 2,849..19 $38,849.19 38,800.00 $ 49.19 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMEN'I' 1983 BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES: (A) CONS~L'RUC'1'ION: (1) County Roads and Bridges (2) st. Thomas Suburban Roads (3) Asphalt Resurfacing (County Roads) (B) MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD: .(1) Maintenance County Roads (2) Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road System (3) Overhead County Roads (4) Overhead St. Thomas Suburban Road System (5) Credit Stock Balanc~ (Crushed Gravel) (0) REBATES TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES, (D) MACHINERY AND HOUSING ALLOCATION (E) !TEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY (Including Payroll Administration Charges) (F) ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY (Sick.'L~ave Conv~rsion) RECEIPTS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUBSIDY ALLOCATION MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW (EDGE MARKING) EFFEcrrIVE CONTRIBUTION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION r COUNTY ROAD LEVY 1982 Levy 896,000. Increase 11..05%. Amended February 28/83 $ 859,000 25,000 767,000 1,315,500 231,000 :345,000 30,000 25,QOOCR. 54,000 296 , 000 . 7,500 40,000 .tM45,00o. $ 2,889,000 25,000 36,000 _$ 2,950,000 L_?~95, 000 Above Budqet based on Ministry of 'rransportation and COmIUunicat.ions Supplementary Safety Item By-Law $ 25,000 Subsidy, ($ 27,500 County Expenditure). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the ~1unicipal Building on Friday, February 18, 1983 at 9: 00 a.m. All member s WE~re pre sent except Reeve McWilliams, Reeve Fleck, and Deputy Reeve Sheils. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the Engineer and the Assistant County Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: E.H. MARR THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF JANUARY 27" JANUARY 31, AND FEBRUARY 5, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED ." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control continued to be light. 2. Gravel shouldering work had been resumed on County Road #48 and would continue on County Road #42 between 'Highway #73 and County Road #40. 3. Tree cutting was continuing with work having been cOTI1pleted at the Gillets Bridge, County Road #4, FLeming Creek Bridges (County Road #3), and on County Road #8. Work was continuing with four (4) crews in various areas of the County (2 Canada Employment Programme Crews and 2 County Crews). 4. Some gravel had been piled at the Pleasant Valley Pit for future crushing, however with the good weather gravel shouldering was being continued. 5. The gasol.ine pump at the County Garage had broken dmrm and as repair s had been unable to be obtained because of the extremE~ age of the pump, it was necessary to purchase a new pump. Chairman Caverly and the Engineer reported on a meeting with the Directors of the Port Stanley Terminal Railway. It appeared that the Directors had many problems yet to solve before they would be operating ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18, 1983 PAGE 2. a railway. The railway would have to operate under Provi.ncialStatute and an application would have to be made to the Ontario Municipal Board and a hearing held before the railway could cross a public road. Engineering work was proceeding by the Ministry of the Environment's Consultants for sanitary sewers in Port Burwell. New gasoline and diesel fuel prices had been solicitE~d because of the gasoline wars. After some negotiation Petro-Canada's price on gasoline and diesel fuel had been lowered 2.5et a litre to 35.8et a litre f-::>r gasoline and 34.5et per litre for diesel fuel (all taxes included). A truck load of gasoline had been purchased from the Elgin Co-Op on February 14 at 30.8et per litre all taxes included. It would be difficult to ascertain the trend of prices and a close watch would be kept on wholesale pricE~s so that the best price could be negotiated. The Engineer noted that he had received correspondence from Mr. J. W. Makin of Dyer, Brown Limited stating that they were still continuing negotiations with the solicitors for the Stanats on County Road #38. Paint prices had been received from Ibis Products Limited and were approximately 4% higher than last year. If an order was not placed within the next several weeks the price would be 30 cents a gallon higher as Spring delivery orders would be placed by the Hardware Industry. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF IBIS PRODUCTS LIMITED FOR WHITE PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT AT $6.30 PER GALLON, AND YELLOW PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT AT $6.50 PER GALLON, DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN G~RAGE, WHITE STATION IN 45 GALLON DRUMS FOR THE 1983 SEASON. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18, 1983 PAGE 3. The Engineer requested permission to make application to Employment and Immigration Canada under their Summer Canada '83 prograwne for financial assistance to pay students for those study programmes that might be applicable to the County work. Inasmuch as there was no general allotment for these grants each application would be judged on its merits. It was hoped that the County of Elgin would receive consideration, as the amount of money available was apparently limited. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATION UNDER THE SUMMER CANADA '83 PROGRAMME. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Yarmouth with zoning by-laws for: (a) An estate lot, Lot 3, Concession I. (b) For commercial use, Holland Flowers Highway #3 east of St. Thomas. 2. The 1980 International Plowing Site Committee Site Chairman, Larry Shaw, requesting the County Engineer to act as Chairman of the Roads and Traffic Committee. Permission was granted by the Committee. 3. From the Ministry of the Environment regarding "A Blue Print" on Waste Management. 4. From the District of Muskoka with thanks for the Cou.nty's assistance with information regarding installation of super spa.n culverts. It was noted that two (2) representatives of the distri.ct had spent a day in the County looking at various County installations. 5. From the Canadian Transport Commission requesting that the County withhold an application for flashing signals on the County Road #32 crossing of Conrail inasmuch as it appeared that thE~re would be maj or changes in the status of Conrail within the next six (6) months. The Committee agreed. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 18, 1983 PAGE 4. 6. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with a Summary of Percentages of County Roads with structural deficilencies in each CQunty in Ontario. It was noted that Elgin County at 14% structurally deficient was one of the lowest in the Province, the deficiencies for other Counties were 30% for Middlesex, Oxford and Kent, 21% for Haldimand-Norfolk, 37% for Brant and the summary ranged to a high of 62% for Halton and Renfrew. The Engine~r presented the attached Report and Draft Budget which was discussed at length by the Committee. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 29, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN ;If" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE GENTLEMEN: Attached to this brief report is Draft #1 of a proposed Budget for the RC);;,ld Dep~l:r.tment EQr 1983. The budget is based on. increased costs of labour 5% and of items connected with machinery rentals, supplies, etc., of approximately 8% (except in cases where rp.aterials are already known, [paint, salt brine, etc.]). The payroll burden has been spread throughout the rp.aintenance, construction and overhead items in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation 'and CoIIllllunications' standard procedure. is estimated at 40.26% compared to 36.6% in 1982. Payroll burden PAYROLL BURDEN The increase in payroll burden is caused by many items which the County has no control over such as Workmen's Compensation (rates of 1..9% from 1.75% and an increase in insurable earnings), an increase in Canada Pension Contributions of approximately 12%, an increase in Unemployment Insurance Contributions of over 60%, a likely increase in O.H.I.P. fees of 5% and an increase in Extended Health Care of approximately 80%. Long term disability premiurp.s are very difficult to estimate inasmuch as the County Council has yet to implement the new sick leave conversion plan, thus the estimate of $17,000 is not firm. Annual holidays with pay are i.ncreasecl because a number of { employees are eligible for increased holidays in 1983 from 1982 and earned holiday time from 1983 will have to be provided for two (2) employees who will retire in 1983. Sick time benefits were extremely low in 1982 and are expected to increase in 1983. It is not known what effect the sick benefit conversion plan will have upon the sick benefits. In the long run it is expected the costs would decrease. A credit to the payroll burden will occur for that portion of the bl.1rdencharged to the outside employment prograrrnnes. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET PAGE 2. OVERHEAD Most cost increases are nominal and reflect increased wages and an increase in the payroll burden. Office costs will increase, one item being the payment to our Solicitr)r for his services for the ,preparation of the Parking BY-Law. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has also requested that we update our road system I in metric, this work will be done by our staff and charged to office costs. Tool costs will increase as We will have to supply tools for our shopeinployees, as we have no licensed mechanics working at the present time. (Licensed mechanics supply most of their own tools.) The retirement benefits will be due for two(2) employees who are retiring in 1983. In addition funds must be provided for the conversion of the present sick leave tirp.e, if that is done in 1983. MAINTENANCE The largest maintenance cost is winter control and this is pr.obably the most difficult to estimate, thus a second maintenance budget, is usually presented in May when the past Winter costs are known. The estimates for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cou@ission included maintenance on County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) and it is recpmmended that the Suburban Cormnission reassume this road shortl.y, how<~ver the County should continue to have juri sdiction over Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). Funds are estimated for bridge and culvert maintenance, some of this wort< is optional as is some of the drainage work. Weed spraying costs will increase as the Committee proposes to increase the effectiveness of the spraying programme (more and better spray). It is expected that repairs to pavements will remain reasonably consta.:nt. Sweeping costs should be reduced as large repairs to the sweeper should not be required this year. ApproxlmntC'ly $110,000 IHl13 :11 r(':nJy h('(.n sJ)('nt' on HI'IlV('J shl)ul(k~r maintenance (it should be noted that a credit has been made to crushed COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET PAC E 3. gravel in stock of $25,000 of this). The costs for dust control on gravel roads is estimated on the basis of two (2) applications of salt brine. It is suggested that an agreement be rp.ade shortly with Den-Mar Brines LimitE~d so that a supply can be assured for 1983. The cost of calciurp. chloride for dust control is significantly greater. Pavement marking and edge marking estimates are for the same programmes as in 1982. Sign and flashing light signal maintenance is expected t? rerp.ain constant with no increase in programme work over previous years. Railway pl,"otection costs will increase inasmuch as we presently owe the Cheasapeake and Ohio Railway Company approximately $14,000 for previous years. We expect this dispute to be resolved in 1983 (their regular bills will also have to be paid). The total Ministry allocation for maintenance and overhead can onl.y be met by taking a $25,000 credi.t from itenls in stock. We are somewhat reluctant to reduce our stock balance below that amount as we are piling gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit for future work and cQnsiderable restoration work has been demanded by the Ministry of Natural Resources.. CONSTRUCTION Construction costs are estimated within the allocation by the Mini stry. there is every indicat ion that sani tary sewer work in Port Burwell wili proceed'. Further work to the north of the work done last Fallon County Road #32 will have to be held in abeyance until we ascerta.in the cost of work in Port Burwell and the cost tC1 complete County Road ,,#32 to Conce ss,i on IX. If the Committee applies for and receives any drainage assessment supplementary by-law funds from the Ministry, the funds presently allocated to drainage a$sessments can be released Clnd applied toward the continuing construction northerly on County Road 1132. A small expenditure is required on County Road #22 for fencing and to supply culverts for three (3) municipal drain crossings, and to COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPM{TMENT 1983 BUDGET PAGE 4. ditch for the movement of the Ontario Hydro Line (which must be moved by the year end to facilitate future construction on the road). It appears that there will be no funds available for the reconstruction of any portion of Road #22 other than preliminary work. Land purchase is proceeding on the road as well as other roads (County Road #3). Money is estimated for asphalt resurfacing to complete work started in 1982 on County Road #8 and County Road #20. In the alternatives listed for asphalt resurfacing, the costs a.re reasonably close. The cost of ditching, drainage, etc., depends a great deal on the weather. It is recommended to the Committee that if they wished to start on County Road #3 with ditching, drainage, etc., that the work should be reasonably advanced before tenders are called for asphalt resurfacing so that a reasonable estimate could be made Qn the funds that would be available. A summary of total costs is attached and in this sUnnnary is included the costs applicable for a supplementary by-la'w in the amount of $25,000 subsidy for edge marking. We have no assurance of course that this money would be forthcoming and if it is not, .) the maintenance budget would have to be revised to provide funds for edge marking if the Committee wished to continue with this work. The cost t~ the County for this by-law is $2,500. Supplementary by-laws for drainage are 50%, thus a by-law for $150, QOO drainage will require $75,000 of County funds. Also attached is a breakdown showing the costs applicable to the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. ALL OF WHICH IS,RESPEC'rFULLY SUBMITTED /' f //1 . ... 0 .... . '. 'lA.__'_._ ~/ /.. / J..LL....'::.<___,. .,~ . i."'~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ,ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) ITEM 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTI~TE Holidays With Pay (a) Annual (b ) Statutory (c) Compassionate Leave (d) Jury 136,438 1 1l-5, 4}4 106,886 52,314 1,96l 123 , 000 54,000 1,000 L.T.P. 49,175 40,401 36,022 40,000 6,289 5,648 3,190 4,000 2,487 2,476 2, 509 2,500 5,313 7,391 10,038 10,000 14,616 14,141 18,698 26, 000 15,179 17',000 71,547 80,458 67,200 70,000 16,789 22,942 23, 290 40,000 30,375 30,624 33,429 36,000 6 , 237 9,366 13,416 17,000 257 542 719 500 Sick Benefits Inclement Weather and Standby Medical Safety Equipment Workmen's Compensation Insurance Canada Pension O..M4IE.R.S. u. I .. C . O.H.l.P. and E.H.C. -Life Insurance Payroll Burden Charged to the Canada Employment Programme & N.E"E.D.S. Programme TOT AI.. 397 CR. 13,000 CR. $428".0.00 $339,,523 $359,423 $384,45.4 rAYROLL BURDEN DISTRIBUTION 1980 1981 1982 Less Lclbour Payroll Burden Less Severance Pay - R. O'Meara Less Labour Provi.ncial Incenti.ve Programme Less Labour Canada Employment Programme Net Labour Payroll Burden Payroll Burden as a % of Net Labour $1,080,764 193,327 2,136 $1,147,503 $1,290,572 19 2 , 871 203 , 945 Total Labour 885,301 339,523 38.3511% 954,632 359,423 37.6505% 32,678 3,338 1,050,611 384,454 36.5934% Continued . . . " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) PAGE 2. 1983 - Labour Estimated $1,450,000 83,000 80,000 224,000 1,063,000 40.26% Less Labour in Canada Employment Programme Less Labour in N.E.E.DoS. Prograrrntle Less Labour in Payroll Burden NET LABOUR P~yroll Burden as a % of Net Labour (Payroll Burden distributed to County Overhead, Maintenance and Construction Accounts. ) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADE,2 OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATE Superintendence 90,599 115,933 117,771 127,000 Clerical 44,990 52,833 61,473 67fOOO Gar ages 73,682 91,621 101,782 110,000 Office 15,178 13,892 17 , 039 22,000 To()l s 29,366 (Included Miscellaneous Repair) 24, 126 5,996 8,000 Radio 3,393 3,587 4,046 4,000 Ne<i!ds Study Update 7,148 and Traffic Counts 1 0, 143 7,727 8 ,~ 00 Trl:lining Courses 1,373 1 , 553 7 , 921 6,500 Misce11aneou~ Insurance 2,175 2,371 2 , 6.84 3,000 MacnineryQverhead 1,993 White Station Rehabilitation 459 100 100 Severance Pay 2,311 Retirement Benefits (Si.ck Time) 60,000 P(~nni t $ 80 CR. 12 Deferred Time 38 CR. $ 2 72 , 587 $316,171 $326,501 $416,090 1983 Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Cormnission (8.2i~) $34,000 - County of Elgin $382,000 . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANGE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOHAS. SUBURBAN ROADS DRAFT #1 FEBRUARY 18, 1983 (Maintenance Comparisons for 1980, 1981 and 1982 include County and Suburban Roads Expenditures. Burden. ) All total s include Payroll OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 EBTlMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBIJRBA.N ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts 32,016 3,189 20,652 11,B97 63,208 63,297 95,000 92,000 3,000 B - Roadside Maintenance 5 Roadside Maintenance 18,643 21,773 19,718 22,000 20,000 2,000 95,953 98,142 70,305 105,000 100,000 5,000 6S,564 87,906 132,430 125, 000 110,000 15,000 7,279 16,660 30,161 30,000 24,000 6,000 7,000 5.,642 2,605 4,000 894 4,842 7,707 7,000 la, 000 1,000 13,827 11,41 7 12, 6 27 16,000 14,000 2,000 _ 1 Grass Cutting 2 Tree Cutt ing and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 6 Tree PlaIlting - 7 Drainage .Assessments (Maintenance) - 11 1-leed Spraying C - Paved Road Maintenance _ 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweep ing 91,512 15,452 82,569 23,664 60,133, 31,843 7 2, 000 28,000 65,000 24,000 7,000 4,000 Continued . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment Road ~ - Ditching, ~tc. Road #3 - Ditching, etc. D - Gravel Road MainteLance _ 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Total - 1 Snow P1m.Jing ') - L. c"......~.;......,.,. "''1'"'\.-1 iJClI.L\""I..L.:LJ.5 '-4.1.'.- Q.,;,1t-ino v~,..-..._.,......o - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Harkh1g - 2 Signs and Signals 46 , 526 97,512 COUNTY 81,191 73, 083 78,980 5,110 102,169 144,027 , 165,000 137,000 111,000 120,000 54,000 17,000 26,012 23 ,140 25, 043 31,000 27,000 4,000 49,560 50, 905 36,905 45 , 000 39,000 6,000 6,595 I,S 42 4,166 7,000 3,000 4,000 58,769 142,938 85 , 109 30,000 27,000 3,000 260,443 20,953 190,204 24,855 24,431 28 , 106 47,671 366,369 68,613 247,958 26,203 23,595 497,778 124,565 325,500 25,SOI 21,912 365,000 310,000 55,000 33,402 67,119 41,814 77,511 46,000 81,000 37,000 :073,000 9,000 8,000 Continued . . .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS F - Safety Device s (Continued) - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 5 Stump Removal - 6 Edge Marking TOTALS Winter Control 1978 Winter Control 1979 $315,004 $359.431 2, 25 7 28,568 $1,006.l348 5,795 45 , 097 11,612 16,332 $1,387,579 5,510 33,766 30,409 $1,578,241 8,000 54,000 33,500 $1 , 506, 500 5,000 46,000 22,500 $1,279,500 1983M.T.G. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Recommended Supplementary By-Law (Edge Marking ) 1983 M.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Supplementary By-Law (Edge Marking) $1,781,000 27, 500 1982 Maintenance and Overhead Expenditure Overexpenditure $1,808,500 $L,904,742 $96,242 1983 Maintenance Budget 1983 Overhead Budget Less Credit in Stock Balance (Crushed Grave 1 at Pleasant Valley Pit) NET 3,000 8,000 11,000 $227,000 $1,870,000 27,500 $1,897,500 $1,506,500 416,000 $1,922,500 25, OOOeR. $1,897,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCT! ON : 1983 BUDGET DRAFT #1 Mj.nistry of Transportation and Communications Alloca.tion 1... Drainage Asses sment '(a) County $140,000 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. Land. Purchase (a) County 10,000 Road #3, New Glasgow to Rodney. Road #5, at Walkers Bridge. Road 118, Wallacetownto Dutton. Road #8, South of Road #16. Road #22 (Fairvi,ew Avenue). Miscellaneous Land Purchase. (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Road 1130 '3~ Engineering and Surveys (a) County Roads #2, #4 and #37 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Gonnnission Road s #28 and #30 4. County Road.#32 5. County Road #32 I 6. County Road #22 Highway #73 t~ Police CoLIE~ge. Police College to top of hill. $14,000 1,000 3,000 7,000 20,000 10,000 55,,000 .5 ,,4)00 $35,000 10,.000 Concessions VI and VII, ditching, .engineeri.ng, culverts, etc. 7. County Roads, #42 and #50 of asphalt 1984). Port Burwell (top c<;:>at TOTAL !'(NOTE: If Drainage 'Assessment Subsidy is available from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, up to $150,000 maybe available to continue construction on County Road #32 towards County Road #52. ~8A,QOO , 1.50,000 ' 60, 000 45,000 150,000 95,000 29,000 355,000 $884,000 GOt1NTYOF':EI.,GINR.OAO DEP~:-t:M:ENT (ltlRESURFAGING: 1983 BUbGET DRA.FT#l :t1iiti stry of Tran sportatioll.alloCOtntr\unic;ationsAllot;l;.:ation ~767rOOO 1. County Road #8 .. $urfacetreat shoulders<and complete~ $41,000 2", County Road #20 - Complete withinVillageofPo.rt Stanley. 10,000 3. Coun.ty Road #20 - Cqmplete north and south of Shedden. 4. County Road #3 5. County Road #3 6. County Road #3 7. County Road #36 SUBTOTAL FUNDS REMAINING New Glasgow< to New ,Glasgow tOR.o'dney- no ~sphalt. New Gl asgoW.,to R.odney ... and shoulders. Highway #3 to County Road 1t.~5. $330,000 . SUMMARY ST.. THOMA.SSt1aUJ{~~.,R.QAQ J~('MMlSS,IC)N 1983 BUDG:ET DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS. LAND <PURCHAS E, SURVEYS, MISCELLANEOUS (ROADS #28 AND #30) TOTAL $ MAINTENANCE OVERHEA-P., (8...2%. OF TOTAL) ItEMS NOT. FOR SUBSIDY TOTAL SHARE OF CITY OF ST. THOMAS: ~iNIStf{Y, ,OF · TRAN SI'ORTATI ON "AND, CdMMUNICATIONS....,Sl.LBSIDY'ON 'OPERATl.ONSAPPROXIMATELY 75%-NETCOST "TOCI.TY()F ST. THOMAS 50%9FR;EMAINING COST AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANS PORTATI ON ANP.. COMMUNICATIONS ..sUBSt DY . DEDUCTED. 50% OF:tTEMSNOTF'OR SUBSIDY.. ADD DEFICIT FOR 1982. TOTAL $38,849.19 1'/ 2 MILL, FROM CITY OF ST. THOMAS WILL PROVIDE 38,eOO~()O DEFICIT TO 1984 $ ," COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAl) DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURES: . '(A) . CON STRue'rlON: (1,) County Roads and Bridges. $ 859,000 (2) St. Thomas Suburban Roads 25,000 767 ;"000 (3) Asphalt Resurfaci,ng (County Roads). (B) .', MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD: (1) Maintenance County Roads. 1,279,500 (2) Maintenance St. ThQmas S1J.burbanRoad System. 227,000 382,000 (3) OvHrhead CoulltyRoads. (4) Ove:t:head St. Thomas Suburban RoadSyst:em. 34,000 25~()OO CR. 52,QOOc 296~O()O '7,500 (5) Credit StockBa 1. :Inca (C1,"u shed Grav(;'.l ). ('0) REBATES TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES.. (D)MACH1NE1l\Y 'AND HOUSING A1II~OCNr'LON. (E) ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY (Including PayrQ 1.1 Administrat iqn Ghnrges)~, $:3",9P~~,_ogJ! RECEIPTS: MlNISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL SUBSIDY ALLOCATION $2,889,OQO MINISTRY OF'TRANSPORTA'fION AND COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW (EDGE MARKING) 25,000 EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTION OF THE CITY OF ST.. THOMAS TO THE 8T. THOMAS' SUBURBANt{OADS COMMISSION 36,000 $2,950,00.0 COUNTY ROAD LEVY $95/+,00(! .''''- COUNTY OF ELGIN RO;A.D. COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUAR.YSESSION 1983 'I'OTHE WAROEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL 10VR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS : Winter control costs continue to be very light ov~rthepastmofith. 2. Fourt.een '(14 ) persons are'presently >employed under th~Canada Employment Programme, special re spons~ programme for'unemplOY'~d toba.cco workers, clearing trees and brush on County Roads,auda.t Ccsun.tyBridgesand Culverts. 3. Crushed gravel has been placed on shoulders of paved road,s as follows since January 1': II (a) "..,. County Road #23. (b) County Road #24. (c) County Road #30. (d)> CO\.lntyRoad #31. (e) County Road #,+0, frorp. Highway #3 to Gl~ncolip.. (f) County Road #45, from Highwa.y#4 westerly (lp'proximElt~lytwo(2) mil e s. (g) County Road #48, from Highway #73 easterly approximately one (1) mil e . (h) County Road #49. (i) County Road #52, from Highway #3 to Springfield. WE RECOMMEND 1. That: a resolution be passed stating that the County of Elgin will accept as a portion of the bounty Road System certain porpions of road built by the Ministry of Transportation and Commllnications.at the intersections of the St. Thomas Expressway and County Road 1/:2.5, County Road #26, County Road #52, and the realignment of Gou.nty Road #29 as shown as per the following schedule. Continued, . '. . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT... FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 PAGE 2. t SCHEDULE' (~) County Roads #26 and #52, Plan 4098-3, Part #1, Part: #6 and Part #14. (b) Wellington Road (County Road #25), Plan 4098-1, Part #1, Part #3, Part #4, and Part #5; Plan 4099-32, Part #14 and Part #15. (c) Realigned County Road #29, Plan 4099...53, Part #1, Part #2 and Part #5; Plan 4099-68, Part #1. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission Roads in 1982. In accordance with Ministry" of Transportation and Communications" practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays with Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION (A) Roads and Bridges: (l)Walkers Bridge and approaches, County Raad #5 in Dunwich and Aldborough Townships including engineering and construction. (Net after County of Middlesex charged their share.) $171,978.87 (2) County Road #32 (Police College Road) fram Highway #73 to County Road #52 in Malahide Township. 550,550.87 (3) County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from St. Thomas City Limits to County Road #27, Yarmauth Township. 55,538.30 (4) County Road #38 from Highway #3 to Highway #19, Bayham Township. 6,103.68 (5) Land purchase including land surveying, legal c~sts, etc'., on County Roads #3, #5, #8, #22, 69,442.13 1132,#37, #38, #45, etc. (6) Surveys and engineering on roads for future construction. l8,142.l5 $871,756.00 TOTAL eB) AspahltResurfacin~ (1) County Road #38, east limit of Straffordville to Norfolk County Line in Bayhmn Township. $ 6,111.78 (2) County Road #3, surveys, engineering, etc. from Highway #3 to Rodney in Aldborough Township. 5,802.18 Continued . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 (B) Asphalt Resurfacing (Continued) (3) County Roael #8, from Highway #3 to Dutton in Ounwich Township. (4) County Road #20 in Port Stanley. (5) County Road #20, north and south of Shedden in Southwold Township. TOT AL (C) Miscellaneous (1) provineialSales Tax Rebate onl98l ExpendJture s. (2) Credit on machi.nery ownership costs, etc.. charged to accounts receivable and Townline Accounts. (3) New and used machinery. (4) Salt storage buildi.ngs and asphalt sand pads at White Station, Bayham Township and Dunwich Township (Dutton) Garages. TOTAL TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION ST. THOMAS SURBUBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS (A.) Mi.scellatlcous grading Rotld 1130 (Radio Road) (B) Surveys and land purchase. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION P AG E 2. $428,406.59 73,076.48 , 294,422. 70 $807,819.73 $ 1,041.58 CR. 68,098.09 CR. 28,960.00 50, 790. 03 $10,610.36 $1,690,186.09 $ 391.82 976.57 $1,368.39 $1,69l,554.48 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT... FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 MAINTENANCE... COUNTY ROADS PAGE 3. NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Comlnl..1nications' Account Nurp.bers. A... Culverts and Bridges ... I Bridge s ... 2 Culverts B ... Roadside Maintenance ... I Grass Cutting ... 2 Tree Cutting .. 4 Drainage ... 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, etc. ... 6 Tree Planting ... 7 Drainage Assessments (repairs only) - 11 Weed Spraying C ... Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) .. 1 Repairs to Pavement ... 2 Sweeping ... 3 Shoulder Maintenance (including grave11::ing, ditching, etc.) ... 4 Surface Treatment D -Loose Top Maintenance (Grav~~l Roads) ... 2 Gradi.ng Gravel Roads ... 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride & SaLt Brine) .. 4 Dust Control (Prime) ... 5 Gravel Resurfacing E- Winter Control ... 1 Snowplowing ... 2 Sanding and Salting ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMNISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS $ 63,009.05 32,069.08 17,779.53 65,671.23 118,483.06 18,818.28 2,604.56 7,269.94 10,874.06 57,894.21 29,014.87 93,622.63 115,660.73 20,876.59 33,033.78 4, 166 .26 73,955.19 1 03 , 470 .OS 255,390.10 $ 199.36 31,228.36 1,938.57 4,633.33 13,946.76 11,343.10 436.55 1,752. 79 ' 2,238.81 2,828.42 8,546.31 28,366.23 4,166.4.6 3,8.71.65 ll,154.05 21 , 095 . 16 70,109.78 TOT AL $ 63.,208.41 63,297.44 19,718.10 70,304.56 132,429.82 30,161.38 2,604.56 7,706.49 12,626.85 60,133.02 31,843.29 102,168.94 144,026.96 25,043.05 36,905.43 4,166.26 85,109.24 12l.., 565.24 325,499.88 Continued ... .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 PAGE 4. E ... WInter Control (Continued) ... 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter standby "'(TotalWinter Control 1(1981 Winter Control... $366,369 1980 Winter Control - $260,443 "+979 Winter' Control - $359,431 1978 Winter Control - $315,004 F -Safety Devioes ... 1 Pavement Marking ... 2 . Sign s - 3 Guide Rail ... 4 Railroad Protection -6 Edge Marking (F...6 Was funded in part by a Supplementary Expenditure By-Law in the amount of $27,500 from the M.T.C. ,~ Subsidy Rate 90.909%.) TOTALS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ~~OADS TOTAL $ 22,678.06 $ 3,123..04 $ 25,801..IO l8,756.51 3, 155 .. 23 21,911.74 400,294...15 97,483.21 497,777.96 32,960.78 8,853.24 43,352.89 70,013..80 7,497.24 75,972.17 3,270.99 2,238.73 5,509..72 26,747.66 7,018.51 33,766.17 19,817..90 30,408..81 10,590.91 $1,317,908.93 $260,332.59 $1,578,,241.52 OVERHEAD - COUNTY 1. Superintendence, including County l1ng:i.neer, Superintendents, and Vehicle s 2. C].erical 3. Office 4. Garages (White Station and" Rodney), Stock and Timekeepers, Maintenance, Heat, etc. 5. Tools 6. Radio 7. Traffic Counts and Needs Study Update 8. Training Courses 9. Miscellaneous Insurance 10. Rehabilitation of White Station Pit (Ministry of Natural Resources Permit) 11..) Deferred Time $1 08 , 114. 08 $ 9,657.25 $117,771.33 56,432.34 15,642.10 93,581..01 5,040.80 1,397..23 8,200.94 61,473..14 17,039..33 101,781.95 5 , 504. 23 3,714.37 7, 13 7 . 47 7,271.30 2,463.97 100.00 '49l.66 331.79 589.67 649.50 220.09 5,995.89 4,046.16 7,727.14 7,920.80 2,684.06 100.00 38.02 CR. 38.02 CR. $,?991u9?u2u'u8u5 $26,578.93 $326,501.78 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 PAGE 5. Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a .percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thorp.as Suburban Roads and County Roads (urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1982 the Overhead Charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 8.2%. MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25% of their Road Levy $48 , 8 27 . 5 2 Payroll Burden totaled $384,4~54.38 in 1982 and was distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications standard practice to the various operations. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS TOTAL 1. Road Liability Insurance $1,026.84 2. Miscellaneous (including 925.88 memberships, etc.) $1,026.84 925.88 3. St. Thomas Suburban Road $432.16 Commssion Fees alld Expenses and Merp.berships 43 2. 16 4. Invoices from the County 4,829.80 Clerks Office for preparation of employee payroll 4,829.80 $6, 782.52 $432.16 $7,214.68 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 SUMMARY COUNTY ROADS (A) Construction $1,690,186.09 (B) Maintenance 1,31711908.93 (0) OVerhead 299,922.85 (D) Urban Rebates 48,827.52 (E) Items Not, For Subsidy 6,782.52 CF) DrainageA.sse ssment sConstruction (50% Ministry, of Tra.nSportation a.nd Conununications' Subsidy) 57,766.28 SUBTOTAL $3,42l,394.19 ADD: 1982 Stock Balance 101,370.77 $3,522,764.96 DEDUCT: 1981 Stock Balance 71,930.71 TOTAL $3,450,834.25 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS $ 1,368.39 260,332.59 26,578.93 43 2 . 16 233.72 $288,945.79 $288,945.79 $288,945.79 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PAGE 6. TOTAL $1,691,554.48 1,578,241.52 326,501. 78 48,827.52 7,214.68 58,000.00 $3,710,339.98 101,370.77 $3 , 811 , 71 O. 75 71,930.71 $3., 739,}80.04 St. Thomas Supurban Road Conunission Roa.d Expenditures. A calculation of Ministry of Transportation and Conununications payable on the 1. Subsidy on F-6Pavement Edge Mark.Ing ia90,.909% of $10,590.91. 2. Subsidy on Drainage Assessment 50% of $233.72. 34 Subsidy on Items Not for Subsidy. 4. Average Subsidy Rate on Operations Expenditures 76.4703% of$27~,689.00 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 'AND COMMUNICATIONS SUBSIDY Total St. Thomas Suburban Road Conunission Expenditures LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Conununications Subsidy Share of City of St. Thomas 50% of Balance ADD: Deficit for 1981 BALANCE SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: Contribution of City of St. Thomas for 1982 (~ Mill Levy) DEFICIT TO 1983 $ 9,628.09 116.86 NIL 212,349.61 $ 2 2 2 ,09_4~ . 56 $288,945.79 222,094.56 $ 66,851.23 $33,425.62 9,773.57 $43,199.19 40,350.00 $ 2,849.19 ~--_..._'. -. .---'--.~- ..- -.-. ~ -...- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT.. FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 P AG E 7. CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURE (ACTUAL ROAD LEVY) Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications Subsidy Allocation Geperal Subsidy Allocation $2,776,000 $upp1ementary Drainage Subsidy 29,000 Supplementary Safety Item Allocation (Edge Marking) 25 , 000 $2,830,000 Total qounty Road and St. Thomas Suburban Road Committee Expenditure $3,739,780.04 LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy 2,830,000.00 LESS: Cost of the City of St. Thomas of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 33,425.62 NET COST (ESTIMATED) TO COUNTY OF ELGIN (SUBJECT TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AUDIT) $ 876,354.42 The 1982 Road Levy was $896,000. The Levy was based on: (a) No deficit on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System ($2,849.19). (b) An additional $16,000 to match a like amount of Ministry of Transportation and COmfnunications Subsidy for Municipal Drainage Assessments which was not approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Total Voucher Payments in 1982 was $4,9l9,4l0 ($4,610,672 in 1981 and $4,06a,224 in 1980). The difference between the total voucher payments and road expenditures included: (a) Wor~ done on the Walkers Bridge and Middlesex and Oxford County Boundaries and invoiced to them. (b) Work on the St. Thomas Airport. (c) Surface treatment work for various local municipalities, City of St. Thomas and Counties of Kent and Lambton. (d) Hot mix paving, dr21inage work, etc., for local municipalities. (e) Miscellaneous work performed clnd material to municipalities and others. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT ~ FEBRUARY SESSION 1983 PAGE 8. The County of Elgin Road Department in 1982 participated in 2 Employment Programmes in addition to the work listed above. (a) Province of Ontario Summer Incenta.uve Programme (mostly drainage work) at an allocated value of $36,600. (b) Employment and Innnigration Canada Special Response Programme to employ workers in the tobacco industry. The ongoing progratmne to a value of approximately $117,000 was charged $5,730.77 in 1982. The Road Departrp.ent was requested to have some personnel available The cost $592.68 was charged to the General Governrp.ent Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAGE I. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met atlthe JMunicipal Building on Saturday, February 5, 1983, at 9:00 a.m. All memberls were present except Reeve Fleck. Also present were the Engineer and thel Assistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWSI: I. 2. Winter control had been minimal. I Gravel shouldelO'ing had been completed on County rOad #49 and was continuing on County Road #48. Some work had been done on County Road #45 west of Highway #4. If there was any more snow on the s~oulders it was likely that further work could not be done until the Spring. 3. Crushed gravel would be hauled from the Pleasantl Valley Pit to White Station and pit run gravel piled at the Pleasant Valley ~it for future crushing. 4. Tree cutting on County Road #3, Kettle Creek Brildge lwest, on County Road #37 West of Belmont and cutting of brush on County Rloads in South Yarmouth was continuing. 5. A bad injector had been replaced on Truck #72, fbr a while it was felt that the truck had a broken piston. 6. The Hepburn Brothers on County Road #22 had beeln approached with regard to the proposed realignment of the road; it appeareld that they were satisfied with the proposed realignment. 7. The Land Surveyor had been instructed to proceeq with a plan on the Tarry property on County Road #22. 8. The Osto j ic Brother s waul d be approached shortlly to sell 1 and to wi den County Road #22. 9. Land plans for County Road #3 in Concession XII,I Aldborough Township had been completed, and plans for Concession X and tihe east half of Concession XI are underway. The Ministry of the Environment had been contactied a.nd it was found that e plans for the Port they had instructed their consultants to complete Burwell Sewer System, it was hoped that the Sewer oject would be underway by mid Summer. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAGE 2. The Canadian National Railway had been contacted regarding the status of the crossings on the London and Port Stanley Branch of the railway. A spokesman stated that the County would be advised as to the date the crossings would be removed. It was understood that negotiations were underway between the Canadian National Railway and the Port Stanley Terminal Railroad to revive traffic on the Port Stanley railway from Port Stanley to Union. The Railway Transport Conunittee had been contacted and it was their feeling that inasmuch as a Board Order was required to close the railway a Board Order would be required to reopen the line. As yet no information had been forthcoming from the group. The Railway Transport Committee felt that the future status of Conrail would likely be known in six (6) months. At that time the County's application for improvements on the crossing on County Road #32 would proceed either on the basis of double tracks (gates and flashers) or single tracks (flashers only). "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE PAST FOR PAYMENT~ P AYLI ST NUMBER 3 AMOUNTING TO $5 , 137 . 50 PAYLIST NUMBER 4 AMOUNTING TO $56,055.64 PAYLIST NUMBER 5 AMOUNTING TO $388.80 PAYLIST NUMBER 6 AMOUNTING TO $57,919.l6 PAYLIST NUMBER 7 AMOUNTING TO $79,371.13 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: I. From Backround Magazine with notations of grants available to municipalities including; Municipal Action t85 Grants for Management Upgrading, Grants for Improvements of Main Streets under the Ontario Main Street Revitalization Programme, and Grants available under the "B.I.L.D,," Programme for Marina Boat Launching Facilities. 2. From Murray Hennessey to George Leverton with regard to County By-Law #B2-52 (Parkigg By-Law). It was noted that the County Government Committee were considering recommending a new by-law' to Council to cover amendments to the present by-law and were in the process of trying to set up a method of enforcement for the by-law so that infractions could be prosecuted in court. "MOVED BY: M. H . STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE PAY THE ACCOUNT OF HENNESSEY, BOWSHER AND WILLIAMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $637.50 FOR PREPARING THE COUNTY PARKING BY-LAW. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that Truck #72 (1977 Louisvilles Ford) was in only fair condition and should be replaced as soon as possible. It is being used as a distributor, dump truck, and snowplow, and would be kept as a spare dump truck for light work and sander truck. It is the last of the 8000 Louisvelles that are being used on a regular basis, all other trucks have been replaced by the Macks. It was likely that Truck #55 (1972 Louisvilles Ford) would be scraped by Spring and another truck for a sander would be required in the Fall of 1983 (for which Truck #72 could be used). The Eggineer suggested that tenders be called for a truck similar to the last two (2) trucks purchased (Trucks #B9 and #90). After discussion . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A DIESEL TANDEM DUMP TRUCK, CAB AND CHASSIS AND FOR A DUMP BOX. CARRIED." The Engineer briefly reviewed the criteria for a Desirable County Road System. The Committee agreed to discuss this at a later meeting. Subsidy Allocations from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications spending levels were discussed as well as County Road Levys. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . Reeve Stewart absent The discussion continued, and numerious questions we~re answered. Priorities for county maintenance items (as attached) were discussed and included edge marking, weed spraying, surface treatment, gravel resurfacing on County Road #37, dust control (use of salt brine or calcium chloride), bridge repairs, roadside maintenance including ditching on County Road #B south of County Road #16, improvement of intersection Radio Road and Concession XIV, Yarmouth Township, etc. Al so di s,cu ssed at some length were construction prioritie s and asphalt resurfacing priorities, including work in Port Burwell, County Road #32, County Road #22, County Road #3, carryover work on County Road #8 and County Road #20 as well as other minor projects. No information was available regarding supplementary by-laws for drainage assessments. The County's share of these supplementary by-law (if approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications) would be 50%. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAG E 5. The Engineer was instructed to prepare a tentative budget for the next meeting. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO 9:00 A.M., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1983. CARRIED ." 8 (b) Traffi c Counts on. Upper- Ti e~~.. '{o.....ads Basica 1y, in rural situations, the minimum coverage which must be aime is for ur 24-hour weekday periods, one each during Winter (December January, ruary); Spring (March, April, May); Summer (Junle, Jul.}! August); and Fall (Sep mber, October, November).. In tourist areas, eve this should be modified to e the Summer cycle restricted to July and gust only since June does not campa e to these other two months ;n the lit rist" traffic Patterns. Such count can easi lybe processed through e IMini stry' s computer to yield the equivalent AOT's. Supplementary cover e may, of cQurse, be obtained as needs andres rces dictate. Counts tenon non-hQ1Jciayweekend days especially are a desira 1e supplement. to t seasonal 'weekdaycoverage on tourist routes, and may be . cluded in theounts submitted forCQmputer processing toAADT. Much additional volume information In these cases, there is a limit Desirably, some "control" stati s should l:i set up, or possibly rings of "cordon" counts, both of whicmay be handle. atisfactorily withATR counters. ,These counts wil likely need to be pplemented with manuCil counts, particularly at i ersections where turni movements are of importance and where, under certai ci rcumstances, pedestri an a d bus stqp interference's' may alsoha.ve to be udied.. In this latter case,hower, lJrbart developme.nt is liKely to be su that a traffic engineering organ;~a OIn will exist W,\hiph,Wm Pe, re onsible for SUCh, traffiC,\ counts any, way.,. . ~s,.. f,!,entiQned ,~~"T~er. forhlgh vo1um roads such as these, DHVts as well asAADTts~111 be required. Con, sidet)a1>l e traffic, data may be available i"n the Maximum' use should be made of this information. "., finCilreports a map or maps should be included s.howingthe lo~atipn"\~fthe c counting stations and the resulting AADT's. The mE!.thod.usedto obtain traffic informati on shoul d be discussed in the study rE~PQrt. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS ( A,)Ypper-:Jier$ystem Upper-Tier roads can be identified by the application of el)tablfshed criteria. All remaining municipal roads are local roads. Upper-Tier roads should, by the shortestpr cticable route (\1009 existing roads or streets, do one or more of the following (1) Connect urban centres of more than 150 persons 1n200 hectares Or less, to each other and to the King's Highway unless such a service is now-provided by the King's Highway. I "',:'" 'i' ;, J 4\.rJ: ,'t. , ::~: I ,;1 I ~~, '{l I '~,'~ I I I "1 ;j:l I I 1 I I 1 9 (2) Connect the King's Highway to: (a) the King's Highway, or (b) crossings of the Provincial boundary, or (c) major commercial and industrial areas, or (d) major institutional complexes such as universities~ hospitals, etc. (3) Provide service close to consistent major attractors or generators of heavy vehicles such as refineries, steel plants, mint1s~ quarries, commercial gravel pits and saw mills in continuous operation, etc. (4) Provide service parallel to and, where justified, on crossings of major barriers to free traffic movement. (5) Provide service close to major resort and recreational areas. (6) Connect upper-tier roads to: (a) the King's Highway or its connections under 2 above,or (b) crossings of the Provincial boundary, or (c) major commercial and industrial areas, or (d) major institutional complexes such as universit.ies, hospitals, e.tc. (7) Provide service in urban areas within the cells formed by the King's Highway and its connecting links and the streets selected by the above criteria, provided that the traffic demand existing on the street con- sidered ;s predominantly for through movement, as follows: Populat on Density With nCell AdditiQnal Service Required When Spacing of Roads ;s Greater Than less, than 40 perSOnS per hectare between 40 and 125 persons per hectare more than 125 persons per hectare 2 000 ITI 1 200 rn 900 m (8) Provide service on those roads which are extensions of streets selected by the above criteria in urban areas, to the first intersection where the annu,al average daily traffic is below 400 vpd, then connect either to an upper...ti er 'road, or to the Ki ng' s Hi ghway by the shortest route. (9) Provide service in rural areas within the cells formed by the King's Highway and the roads selected by the above criteria as follows: 10 Population Density WlthinCell Add it ioncll Servi ce Reau ired When' $pa<:ingof Roads' is Hreater Than Less than 1 person perkm2 2 1 person per km between 1 and 4 persons per km2 no . cldd i t ;,ona 1 service .required 25 km. 20 km betwee~ 4 and 8 persons perkm between 8 and 16 persons per km2 more t~an ,16 persons per km 15 km 10 km ~.. km ( a ) h~95;,~J~"J~Q>?sL",,~1.:~_~,~~! Within the framework of reg;ona 1 government, the arterial1~unction of roads is usually provide"d by the regional road system. However,t.here may be$ome: roads under the local munipipalfties' jurisdiction which PE~rformalire9io"~}:: function" and should be identified as candidates for upper tier roads 1." ,t~t9', classification of the road system. All other roads are considered as local roads. MuniCipalities located outside regional governmentjurlSdi(~tion Wi1lh8,!e their road system classified as upper-tier roads and local roads. 1'hos~ roads classified as upper-tier roads must meet at least OnE~ of th~crit~'rja detailed in Part (A) of this section. However, 'all roads meeting the upper tier criteria need not be classified as upper tier r(lads but are eligible for consideration as upper-tier roads. The Co-ordinating Committee must approve the road classification plan. Amore detailed functional classification will be indicated on the appr~isal sheets (Item 19). 4. GUIDE TO APPLICATION OF CRITERIA Cr-iterion 1 - Urban Centre Connector This criterion is intendeq to identify roads which provide service to and from those urban centres haVing commercial and possibly industrial development. The criterion ;5 not intended to be applied to residential subdivisions which are developing in rural areas. When the residential development" grows to sufficient size, upper-tier road service will be provided through the applica- tion of one of the other criteria recommended herein. I " ;~. I. I J I I :\'i J ,1 -f'l I I I I 11 The urban centres referred to above are areas of concentrated development and not "strip" development. Criterion 2 - King's Highway Connector The intent of this criterion is to extend the King's High~"ay to connect. with the facilities mentioned and not to provide lateral connections between Highways under (a) unless the connection provides ~ervice, to corrmerciaYand ,industrial areas or institutional complexes. Cri ter; on 3 - Heavy I.,ndustry Servi ce It ,is not suggested that it should be an upper-tier responsibil i'ty'to provide servi ce to the entrance of every attractor or generator of heclvy', vehicl es in an area. Rather, it is intended that upper-tier service beprovide'd close to the industry and that distribution within the area or to tbeindustry be a local responsibility. The definition of "close to" is imJ>ortant and it is 'suggested that each committee responsible for the ;dent;ffc~tionof upper- tier roads establish a guide in terms of distance which is appropriate for theparticlJlar upper-tier municipality being studied. If thisgYid~ is established before the criterion is applied, a consistent and reasonable qpplication of the criterion will result. Criterion 4 - Barrier Service Thei.ntent of this cri terioni s to alleviate traffic on local roacJs by provjding upper-tier service parallel to or across barr;el~s to trafficmQ"e~ ment where such service is justified. The barrier must bE~ an obstacle to' ' traffic wishing to cross it. Crlterion5 - Resort Criterion Thelntentof this criterion is to provide upper-tier ser"fceclQs~.tore~prt areas. The distribution of traffic within the area is thE~responsibilityof the 'local municipal ity. The definitions of "close to" and "r.esort area" are important for the consistent application of this criterion thrQughOLlt the upper-tier municipality. It is suggested that these be dofined before the criterion is applied. "Close to" can be defined in terms of distance or points of distribution to the local road system within thE~ area and "resort area" can be defined in terms of the extent of development serviced by the road in question. Criterion 6 - Regional or County Road Connector The intent of this criterion is to extend regional or county roads which tenn... inate at the limits of an urban area to connect with the faci.lities noted, and not to provide lateral connections between upper-tier roads. 12 Criterion 7 - Urban Cell Service The 'intent of thir; criterion ;s to 'identify roads in th~~ cell under consideration at the spacing noted. The roads so identifiedrnust function predominantly for the through movement of traffic, bearing in mind changes to the environmental conditions. Roads which function as minor collectors for trips with origin or destination within the cell should be rejected. The roads identifi~~d should be reasonably direct and continuous and should be capable of being widened to an adequate standard without undue property damage. The cell population density considered in identifying the appropriate spacing should be either the daytime or nighttime population, whichever is the greater. Criterion 8 - Urban Arter'ialExtension The intent of this criterion is to provide for the extension of urban uPPer.. tier roads into the rural areas to connect wi th an uppey'-ti ef' road or the King's Highway. Traffic counts should be taken on both sides of the inter- section with the upper-tier road'and the extension contin~ed through the intersection only if both AADT's equal or exceed 400 vpdl. ~J Criterion 9 - Rural Cell Service The intent of this criterion is to provide upper.,.tier se'rv;ce within the. cells formed by the application of Criteria 1 - 8 inclusive at spacings related to the population density within the cells. To apply the cell criterion the following steps are recommended: (a) Calculate the population density within the cell realistically the cell population should excllJoe the populationo,f' urban centres and strip development located on the roads whichfornJ the cell bounda'ries. Adequate service is provided by the roads on which they are located. (b) Consult the criterion and id(mtify the appropriate cell size for the calculated population density, interpolating as required. (c) Compare the recommended cell size to the actual cell size as follows: (i) where the cells are approximately rectangular in shape: draw dJ circle w'ith a diameter equal to the recommended cell size so that the circumference touches tWQ sides of the cell. if the circle touches or cuts the remaining two sides of the ce 11, no add it i ana 1 upper- ti er road is requi reel. --.. .....t,;'''''' 13 '""~ if the circle does not touch or cut any of the remaining sides of the cell, locate an upper-tier road within the cell, along existing roads in a direction which will provide the greatest service and which will divide the cell as. equally as practicable. Repeat the process from the beginning foy' the rectangles so formed. If the circle touches or cuts only one of the remaining sid~s of the cell, consider the recommended cell s.ize (R.C.S.) and consult the following table for an indicat'lonof the need for addit'ional upper...ti er road serv'i ce: Average Cell Width 90 - 100%R.C.S. 70 - 90% R.C.S. 50 - 70% R.C.S. Provide Additional County Road Service i~ average cell length is greater than 100% of R.C.S. if average cell length is gr,eater than 125% of R.C.S. if average cell length is greater than 150% of R.C.S. (ii) for cells which are approximately triangu1ar;n shape: .. draw a circle with a diameter equal to the recommended cell size so that the circumference touches two sides of the cell. (d) if the circle touches or cuts the third side of the cell, additional upper-tier service is not required. if the circle does not touch the third side of the cell, estimate the average cell length and width and use the table given under (c) above. ( , ,# .\, In ruralareaswher~the population density is greater than 16 persons per km2, adequate upper-tier road service will be, provided by the minimum "km spacing. <;.0 The best procedure is to start with a map covering the CIQ'l.lnty or region and surrounding counties, on which no jurisdiction is indicated. The King's Highway system and the hamlets meeting Criterion (1) can then be indicated, and the criteria applied in sequence. In urban areas i.e. cities and towns, larger s cal e s tree t maps may be requ ired in order to s how the dleta i 1 . The res u 1 t will be the desirable Upper-Tier Road system. In the case of counties and regions, the desirable system should be reviewed and accepted" by the Co-ordinating Committee, and ratified by Council. Roads of a predominately rural nature are further classified by the traffic volume range as given in the design standards, while urban roads can be classified according to functional use; that is local, collector or arterial. ~. 14 5. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Where application of the criteria for upper...tier roadsresylts in the proposed extension of an existing road or the construction of a~ew road, and where requi red imprOV€rnf~nts of ex; sting 1 inks due to an upward change in function and/or an increase 'in traffic volumes is necessary, consideration should be given to the environmental impact in the service corridor. If the proposed road extensions and/or new road improvement ~rerequ;.red in the NOW or 1 to 5 YEAR PERIOD, the municipality should ine'lude anadeqvate in- vestigation of any significant environmental condition changes with the pre... 11.minary des i gn phase of the proj ect. In cases where a sign; fi cant env'i ronmenta 1 change is cl early identifiedt the link in question may have tabe re-evaluated with respect to inclusion in the upper-tier system and perhaps alternate links considered. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE PRIORITIES DRAFT #1 FEBRUARY 5, 1983 TREE PLANTING: Trees have been ordered and they wi-ll likely be planted under the Canada Employment Progranune. 2.. WEED SPRAYING: Is it effective? If not, additional costs of making it effective. 3. DRAINAGE: Ditching, various requests.. Continuation of curb and gutter repairs progranune (including some road patching and catch basi,n repairs). Completed Rodney, West Lorne, Dutton and]fingal; to do Port Stanley, Union, Sp,arta, Aylmer, Springfield, Belmont, Straffordville, Lyons, Avon, and Port Burwell (west of Bridge' ... not until Sewer Project completed). 4. GRAVEL SHOULDERING: Ongoing programme through January. Aim is ' the camp, letion of Yar11l0uth,Malahide, Bayham and portions of . South Dorchester and Southwold this year. 5. GRAVEL RESURFACING: Do Road #37, North and South Do'rchester Townline. Postpone if major work on the road in next few years. Source of supply... some in County Pit or haul 9...12 miles from M:i.ddlo.sex .(cheaper than County's Pleasant Valley Pit). 6. DUST CONTROL: Salt brine up 8%:!:, probably salt brine people have capacity to do entire County. They are interested. Last year we used salt brine in West Elgin and calcium chloride in East Elgi.n, very little difference in the results. (Only I application usually Tim do 2 and on some roads 3.) I 7. SURFACE TREATMENT: 'preliminary indications, approximately 22 miles will require work. 8. PRIME: Road #28, south of Elm Street and Road #37 from Highway #73 to east limit of Belmont done last year. In 1985 work will be requi.red in the Road #26 area for the International Plowing match. 9. PAVEMENT MARKING: (a) Centre Line - Practice has been to do all pavement every year and the more heavily travelled roads (Wellington, Fairview and Fingal) twice. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE PRIORITIES DRAFT #1 - FEBRUARY 5, 1983 PAGE 2.. 9.. PAVEHENT MARKING: (Continued) (b) Edge Marking - This Programme did not cover all pavement roads. It did cover the more heavilytravelledrdads and those with hills, curves, etc. To increase thf~ Programme will increase costs. 10. BRIDGES: A considerable backlog of work painting, minor repairs, railings; Road #52- Kings Bridge; Road #46 _ Stimers Bridge; Vienna (Stringers); Tates (repairs to floor); continuing deck problems Players Bridge and Port Burwell Bridge. Channel Clearing necessary at many bridges (Belmont East and West, Elm Street, and Glencoline done last year). 11. ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE: Ineluding minor betterments L. Shaws driveway, Road #30 and Concession XIV Intersection could include ditching Road #8 South of Road #16, Simpson and H~nt:z.. 12. Minimum work necessary on the following items, consistent with standards of maintenance: (a) Winter Control. (b) DrainCige Assessments. (c) Signs.. (d) Railroad Protection. (e.) Sweeping. (f) Grading gravel roads. (g) Grass Cutting - 2 swaths paved roads.. - 1 swath gravel roads.. ; (And whatever the Weed Inspector catches.) (h) Tree cutting - Dead trees and dangerous trees along rOadsides. cost "usually" inversely proportional to labour on,winter control (to a point). ~~~;:,.:..~-,..:t.tJ -""':'~ ~;,.,.&. ~~/ ~/ COUNTY .OF ,ELGL.~ . ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 HATNTE?IANGE BUDGET COD'NTI b"'JD ST. THO}'f~;\S SUBURBAN ROADS (1:'laintenance Comparisons for 19$0, 1981 and 1982 include County and Suburban Roads Exp,enditures. All totals include Payroll Burden. ) OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY ST. TH Ot-tAS SUBURBAi'J ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridge 3 - 2 Culvercs 32,016 3,189 20,652 63,208 11,897 63,297 B - Roadside Maintenance Tree Cutting and Bru shi :-,;: 18,643 95,953 21,773 19,718 7 D, 305 - 1 Grass Cutting .2 98,142 5 Drainage Roadside Maintenance 68,564 87,906 132,430 30, 161 - 4 - j Tree Planti!1g Drainage Assessments (Ha int;nance) , 7,279 7,000 894 16 , 66 () 5,642 4,842 2,605 h - v 7,707 - 11 Weed Spraying 13,827 11 ,41 7 12,627 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repair 5 to Pavement - 2 Sweeping 91,512 15,452 82,,569 60,133 23,664 31,843 Continued. . . GO~'TY OF ELGIN ROADDEP.ARTME~'T 1983 MAI~T'fENANCE BUDGET COUNTY ~1\jD ST. THO~1AS SUBURBlu~ ROADS PAGE 2. OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATE,D ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COUNTY C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment Road #8 - Ditching, etc. Road #3 - Ditching, etc. D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Total - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking - 2 Signs and Signals C 46,526 97,512 26,012 49,560 6,595 58,769 260,443 20,953 190,204 24,855 24,431 28, 1 06 47,671 81,191 73,083 78 , 98 0 5,110 23 , 140 50,905 1,342 14.2,938 366,369 68,613- 247,958 26, 203 23,595 33-,402 67, 119 102,169 144,027 25,043 36,905 4,166 85,109 497, 778 124,565 325,50'0 25,801 21,912 41,814 77,511 Cont inued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 MAINTEN&~CE BUDGET' COUNTY A1~D ST. THOMAS SUBURB&~ ROADS OPERATION 1980 1981 1982 1983 ESTIMATED COUNTY gT. . THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS F - Safety Devices (Continued) - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 5 Stump Removal - 6' Edge Marking 2 , 25 7 28,568 5,795 45,097 11,612 16,332 5,510 33, 766 30,409 $1,006, 348 $l, 38 7 , 579 $1,578,241 TOTALS Maintena.nce Allocation $1,419 Last Years Allocation $1,341 Overhead Allocation 451 Maintenance 440 l\:>tal Overhead and Maintenance $1,870 Total $1,781 Note: Winter Control 1979 $359,431 LastYe ar'sExpenditureMaintenance $1,578,241 Winter Control 1978 .e.'.{ 1 E; onl. ~--' "- oJ, VV'"1" Overhead 326 ~ 501 $1,904,742 Allocation 1, 781,000 Over Expenditure $ 123, 742 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT DUST CONTROL 1982 BASIC COMPARISONS: 1. LIQUID CALCIUM CHLORIDE: $141.45 per ton Recommended application rate is 5 tons per mile. Cost per mile - $141.45 X 5 = $707.25 per"mile. 2. WEST ELGIN BRINE SOLUTION: $2.39 per barrel or $14.91 per cubic met~e or $87.05 per ton of calcium chloride. Recommended application rate is 166 barrels per mile. Cost per mile (West Elgin) - $2.39 X 166 = $396.74 per mile. 3.. EAST ELGIN BRINE SOLUTION-: Estimated at $2.75 per barrel Cost per rp.ile (East Elgin) - $2.75 X 166 4. TOTAL COUNTY COMPARISON: (a) Calcium Chloride - 49.90 Miles @ $707.25 per mile (b) Brine Solution - $456.50 per rp.ile. $35,291.78 West Elgin 26.80 Miles@ $396.74 per mile $10,632.63 East Elgin 23.10 Miles @$456.50 per mile ~545.15 21,177.78 $14,,114.00 ESTIMATED SAVING OR 40% SAVING (I' I1<l COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT Janl1~ry 1983. PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1983. A CONSTRTjCTION... M.T.C. ALLOCATION $ 884,000. 1. 2. 3. County Land Purchase Engineering & Surveys County Road 32 ... Hwy. 73 to Police College County Road 32 - Police College to Top of Hill Sub-total 4. 60,000 45,000 146,000 87,000 338,000 UA.LAl\fCE, $ 546, nob OPTION # ,1 - No Drainage Assessment Subsidy, Sewers r~quired in Port Burwell Roads 42 and 50. 5. 6. County Drainage Assessment Stonn Se'worn in Port Burwell Sub...total 7.. Road 22 ... a) Ditching for Hydro Relocate b) Hydro Relocate 8. Road 32 ... Top of hill to Road 52 9. Road 22 - Cone. IV - V to North Shore. BALANCE PORWARD $ 546,000 l~)O, QOO }59,09..9_ 500,000 BALANCE $ 46,OQO 25,000 27,000 BALANCE $ 21,000 244,000 (no funds ;;tvailable) 372,000 (no funds available) oPTION # 2 - No Drainage Assessment Supsidy, NO Sewers in Port Burwell 1983. BALANCE FORWARD $546,000 5. County Drainage Assessment 15Q,000 6.' Road #32 'fop of Hill to Rd. 52 244,000 7. Road #22 - a) Ditching for Hydro relocate 25,000 b) Hydroreloeate Sub-'total 27,000 446,000 BALANCE $ 100,000 8. Road.22'" Cone. IV ... V Intersection northerly for approximately 1700'. Base coat asphalt must be placed on constructed area before winter. $100,000 ,~ALANCE ~ OPTION # 3 ... Subsidy for Drainage Assessment, Sewers requfred in Port Burwell. BALANCE FORWARD $ 546,000 Roads 42 & 50 in Port Burwell Road 22 ... a) Ditching for Hydro ... b) Hydr6 relocate Sub-total 350,000 25,000 ~7,000 402,000 BALANCE $ 144,000 5. 6. 7. Road 32 Top of hill northerly for approximately 2400 feet 144,000 (at railway crossing) . BALANCE ,yj COT.mrrY OF EI..GIN - ROAD DEPARrl'MENT PRELIMINARY BUDGET 19B.3 ,JANUARY 21, 1983,; PACE 2. OPTION # 4 ... Subsidy for Drainage Assessments, No Sewers in Port Burwell 1983. 5. Road 32 - Top of Hill to Road 52 6. Road 22 - a) Ditching for Hydro b) Hydro Relocate Sub-total BALANCE $546~OOO 244,000 25,000 27,000 296,000 BALANCE 250,000 .7. Road 22 ... Conc IV - V Intersection northerly for approx., 4800 feet (400 feet south of Road 45). 250,000 BALANCE fi1 B RESURFACING -M.T.C. ALLOCATION $ 767,000 1. 2. Road 8- Finish, surface treat shoulders Road 20 ... Finish in the Village of Port Stanley Road 20 ... Finish north and south of Shedden 41,000 3. 10,000 27 ,OOC~. Sub...total 78,000 BALANCE' 689, 000 ~--------~-~----------~~~-------~-------~--~--~- 'OPTION # 1 BALANCE 689,000 4. Road 3 ... New Glasgow to Rodney complete ~. Road 3 - New Glasgow to Port Glasgow 661,000 123,000 :BALA.NCE 28,000 (nQf1.l1)d.s av;ailaBle) --------------------~----~---~-~------_.~~--~~-~- OPTION # 2 BALANCEq89,.oOO 4. Road 3 - New Glasgow --Rodney (No asphalt 1983) 5. Road 36 - Hwy.. .3 to Road 45 Sub-total 345,.000 330,000 675,000 BAlANCE 14"QOO 6. RQad.3 - New Glasgow - Rodney (Asphalt of shoulders) 7.. Road.3.... New Glr:u3qow & Port Gli1!::;iCJow a. Hoad 36 ,- S.E'Ji:JX't':.lt:o Cone. II, 9. Road 36 - Cone. II to Road 24 316,000 123,000 101.,000 1()2,OOO --,---~------------~----_._-----~._~---~-~-'~--~---~- .. ST... THOMAS, ONTARIO .JANUARY 31, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Monday, January 31, 1983 at 9:3 0 a.m. All member SWE~re pre sent. Al so present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications, the Engineer and the Assi stant Engineer '. The First February Report of the Road Cormnittl~e to County Council detailing the 1982 expenditures on County Roads was discussed in detail. The method of financing the St. Thomas Suburban Road System and the average subsidy on operations were described by the Engineer. The attached presentation on the method used by the Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications to calculate the County's desirable spending allocation and the County's subsidy allotment 'was discussed in detail. Members noted that the Ministry had increased the County's assessment considerably this year, which would increase the County's road levy. Several members requested information on the constitution of a desirable County Road System. This information would be available for the next meeting. It was decided to discuss the Cormnittee's priorities for construction and maintenance items for the 1983 Budget at the next rn~eting. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1983 AT 9:00 A.M., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1983 AT 9 :00 A.M., AND MONDAY~ FEBRUARY 28, 1983 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." ~~ CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1983 JANUARY 1983 CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE This Report is a review of the methods used by the Ministry of . Transportation and COmmunications to calculate our Subsidy Allocations for 1983 and to show the method of calculating the County Road Levy. For some years now the Ministry has used for Counties and Regions a single Subsidy System, replacing theold system of 50% Subsidy on roads ~nd 80% Subsidy on bridges. (The Subsidy System for Drainage Assessments and Urban Rebates is still the same.) Presently the Ministry is following a policyoI allocating subsidy funds based on prove'h needs and thus sets a desirable spending level for a County. Any expenditure greater than this desirable level will not be subsidized, and any $pending less than this desirable level will result in a loss of subsidy at a maximum subsidy rate (approximateLy 91%). The Ministry matches the amount of money the County would raise at 1.25 MiLls (ie., 50% Subsidy) on the Provincial Equalized Assessment and then subsidizes the County at 91% on the remaining expenditure up to the desired spending level. (Note the attached calculation.) In 1982 the subsidy rate was 76.47%, in 1981 75.42% and in 1980 74.4%. DESIRABLE SPENDING LEVEL The desirable spending level consists of a Construction Allocation and a Fixed Cost ortMaintenance Allocation. CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATION The Construction Allocation includes road and bridge construction, plus asphalt resurfacing. 1. Construction - roads and bridges. This allocation is based on a percentage of the total dollar needs of the "Now" and the "1 - 5 Year" period on roads and bridges construction in the County as defined using a standardized cost system. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1983 PAGE 2. The 1979 Base Costs are updated using an inflation factor to 1982 and carryover costs of projects for 1982 to 1983 are added. In 1982 the construction objective was set at 6% on a reducing balance, but this year 'because of the lacko[ funds the Ministry has set an objective of 4.6% on this balance (see schedules). 2. Resurfacing The objective for 1983 for asphalt resurfacing is 1.0% of the total resurfacing needs'updated by the inflation factor. This objective is the same as 1982. The Ministry believes that an effort should be made to save those roads that can be saved by asphalt resurfacing as soon as possible rather than'let them deteriorate to the point where they have to be reconstructed at a much greater cost. The road and asphalt resufacing programme provides that: (a) Double surface treatment roads should be covered by 3 inches of hot mix within an 8 to 10 year period. (b) Mulch arhat mix roads should be covered in a 15 to 20 year period. (c) Hot mix roads that are l~ to 2 inches in depth should be covered as soon as possible to stop breakup O~lephant trucki ng). This work has been completed with the exception of County Road /-124 frorp. County Road #36 to Port Bruce. The objective for construction on roads and bridges can be used for either road;:: or bridge s with no re striction. I-Iowever, the Ministry strongly.advi_s~~~ that the asphalt resurfacing objective be met, without a significant portion of it being transferred to othor work., FIXED COSTS OR MAINTENANCE Fixed costs include the maintenance of roads and bridges on the County and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Systems, overhead charges and machinery replacement. In 1983 our expenditure for maintenance and overhead had been increased by 5% over our 1982 allocation and we note that in 1982 the allocation W('18 considerably overspent. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1983 PAGE 3. The allocation for new machinery is approximately 10% less than was requested in the 1981 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Update, which the Ministry is presently using for new machinery costs. In 1982 much of the new machinery allocation was di.verted to construction and rp.aintenance, this year a majority of the allocation should be spent on new machinery inasmuch as the equipment fleet is deteriorating. If the Committee keE~ps on diverting machinery allocations to other work the Ministry will reduce or eliminate our allocation. Therefore at some point when new machinery is critically required there will be no aLlocation from which to purchase machinery. f> The Fixed Cost Objective can only be met with a light Winter and the reduction of some other costs along the line. If maintenance costs cannot be reduced, money from construction will be required for maintenance purposes. This is happening in other rp.unicipalities. Our 1983 desirable spending levels are as follows: I. Construction - roads and bridges - 4.6% of $19,218,000. $ 884,000 2. Resurfacing - 10% of $7,670,000. 767,000 3. Maintenance and overhead allocation on County and Suburban Roads. 1,870,000 4. New machinery allocation. 296,000 5. Urban Rebates. 51,000 $3,868,000 TOT AL ThQ. bnsje for-muLl and methods of calcul::1tioll of the Mi.nist:ryof Transportation and Communications' Grant is as attached. Also attached is a resume of methods used by the Ministry to arrive at our Construction Needs for 1983. The calculation of the County Rate is attached using four separate cases with: (a) No Supplementary By-Laws. (b) Supplementary By-Law for safety items only. (c & d) Supplmncntary By-LRws for dr<1inage. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REPORT ON ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1983 PAGE 4. It can be noted that supplementary by-laws for drainage could be varied and we have no way of knowing whether any supplementary by-laws for safety items or drainage assessments would be appr::>ved at this time. There is no harm in asking though, if the Committee feels that this is desirable. ALL OF WHICH ts RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ) j! I , " . ":" ." I,' '. ../, ,'~," ' . _____ I\" ,y . .- r .' / ,~ R. G. MOORE, comfTf /ENGINEER 1983 BUDGET ROAD AND BRIDGES NEEDS FOR 1983 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATION SCHEDULE' At l'otalsare taken from Summary of Road Sections (Revised July 1982) and Summary of Bridges (March 1982) and Ministry of Transportation and Communications Inflation Factors added. fA) CONSTRUCTION - BRIDGES AND ROADS (1) BRIDGES 1979 Base Cost $2,747,000. MoT.Q. Inflation Factor 24%. " 1979 Costs Updated to 1982 $3,407 , 000 Add: 1982 Base Costs ~ 3,4.2-, 000 $3,749,000 (II) ROADS 1979 "Now" Base Cost 1979 "} - 5 Years" Base Cost $ 5,462,000 4,666,000 $10, 128, 000 Total M.T.C. Inflation Factor 36% 1979 Costs Updated to 1982 $13,774,000 Add: 1.982 "Now" Construction Costs 1. ,321,000 Add: 1982 Spot Drain<:lge and Ditching Cost s 3 .z!I-~;~()p 0 $15,469,000 Total Roads Total Road and Bridges Costs Updated to I 9B? C()~H: s $19-1'- 2J~8 "J)fIQ (B) ASPHALT RESURFACING 1979 Base Cost $4,992,000 M.T.C. Inflation Factor 47% 1979 Costs Updated to 1982 $7,338,000 Add: 1982 Work in Progress Costs 332,000 Total Resurfacing Costs $7,670,000 :<<, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1983 BUDGET COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEARS SCHEDULE f B f JANUARY 1983 (A) (I) County Asses8ment(Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications): 1981 1982 1983 Farm and Residential 268.8 Million 274 }-1illion Commercial 110.4 Million 111 Million Resource Equalization 94.6 Million 89.9 Million 473.8 474.9 562 Mill ion (474 Million) (475 Mill ion) (II) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Assessment for: 1981 1982 1983 St. Thomas 78.9 Million 80.7 Million 77 .6 Mi 11 ion (1/ 2 Mill Levy) $39,450 $40,350 $38,800 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPAR~IENT 1983 BUDGET COMP ART SON WITH PREVIOUS YEARS (B) Local Effort at 50% Subsidy: County City of St. Thomas Total 1981 474~000,000 X 1.25 Mills = $592,500 78,900,000 X 0.5 Mills 39 , 450 $631,950 1982 475,,000,000 X 1.25 Mills = $593,750 80,700,000 X 0.5 Mills 40,350 $634,100 (C) Mini stry of Transportation and Communications Spending Level Compari sons: Construction Asphalt Resurfacing Maintenance and Overhead Machinery and Housing 1981 $1 , 048 , 000 455,000 1,6l7,000 225,000 Add: Safety Items (Supplementary By-Law) Urban Rebate s Approved Municipal Drains (Supplementary By-Laws) Total Expenditure Level 27,500 $3 , 3 7 2, 500 $ 57,000 40,000 $3,469,500 1982 $1,OOl,ODO 543,000 1,781,000 273,000 27,500 $3,625,500 $49,000 5f3,000 $3,732,500 G SCHEDULE "Bt JANUARY 1983 PAGE 2. 1983 562,000,000 X 1.25 Mills = $702,500 77,600,000 X 0.5 Mills = 38,800 $741,300 1983 $ 884,000 767,000 1,870,000 296,000 ? $3,817,000 $ 51,000 ? $3,868, 000 .~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENl 1983 BUDGET COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEARS (D) Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocations: 1981 1. Normal Allocation $2,551,000 2. Safety Items 25,000 3. Municipal Drains 20,000 Total $2,596,000 (E) County Road Rate $855,000 Effective Subsidy Rate 75.4% J SCHEDULE 'B' JANUARY 1983 PAGE 3. 1982 1983 $2,776,000 $2,889,000 25,000 ? 29,000 ? $2,830,000 $2,889,000 $896,000 $952,000 (Increase 6.25% plus allowances for supplementary by-laws. ) 76.5% 75% ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Elgin County Municipal Building on Thursday, January 27, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Fleck were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF JANUARY 7 AND JANUARY 13, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control had been minimal in the past two (2) 1N"eeks. No snowplowing had been done and sanding operations were very 1 imit4~d. It was noted that another warm spell was due and what little snow ther4~ was would disappear. 2. The County Trucks were applying gravel to shoulders on County Road #52 between Highway #73 and Springfield, and County Road #49 north of Springfield, County Road #48 between Lyons and County Road #47, and County Road #42 between Copenha.gen and County Road #40 would be done if weather conditions permitted. 3. Tree cutting was continuing with work having been completed at the WardsvilleBridge. Work was also underway on County Road #3 including the north and south Fleming Creeks, and Gillets Bridge. Brush cutting on County Road #24 had been completed and work was proceeding on County Roads #36 and #22 south of County Road #27. Trees had been cut on County Road #32 and work was underway at the Kettle Creek Bridges east of Belmont. 4. Sign repair was continuing. 5. The Engineer has attended a reading of the McKenzie, Number 1 Drain and the Axford-Hewit Drains in Yarmouth Township. The Assistant Engineer had attended readings of two (2) municipal drains on County Road #3 between ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 PAGE 2. New Glasgow and Rodney. Reeve Perovich noted that one (1) of the drains had been referred back to the Engineer for clarification. 6. The Engineer had approached John Wise, M.P. with regard to additional funds for the Canada Employment Programme, but at thl~ present time none were available. 7. The County's N .E.E.D.S. Programme Application had belen forwarded and the Engineer noted that he would write a letter to Mr. McNeil, M.P.P. asking for additional funds so the programme could be continued past mid August. 8. It was reported that the Village of Port Burwell had officially closed Chatham Street, and a proposed transfer to Government Services would be made shortly. It was hoped that tenders for the se~age system could be called in the near future and construction would be undertaken in the Summer. Firm construction dates would not likely be known for several month s. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From Mr. Charlie Jackson, .a copy of a letter to Warden Marr regarding drainage in Fingal and County By-Laws concerning gasoline pumps. 2. From the Rodney Mercury with an article on the cutting of the tree in front of Mr. Ernie McFadden's on County Road #3. 3. From J. W. Makins of Dyer-Brown with a copy of a letter to Morris, Holmes and Jenkins representing Stanat on County Road #38. That in the light of non acceptance of the Insurance Company's offer, the Insurance Company was prepared to go to Court if the Stanat's wished to sue. 4. From Allied Chemical requesting the time of the Road Committee for a presentation on calcium chloride. The Committee felt that they did not have sufficient time, at any future meetings, to listen to a presentation. 5. A copy of a letter to Hennessey, Bousher, and Williams from the County Clerk, with a request of the County Government Committee for guidance with regard to the issuing of parking tickets. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 P AG E 3. 6. From Mr. William Lyons regarding drainage on County Road #47. The Engineer was instructed to reply to Mr. Lyons, stating that his additional complaint would be investigated in the Spring. 7. From the Ontario Good Roads Association with notice of an Effective Management Seminar, for Senior Municipal Officials. The Engineer noted that he wished to send the Assistant Engineert'J the Seminar, but unfortunately the Seminar was filled up. The Engineer requested the permission of the Committee to have the Assistant's name placed on the waiting list and the Committee agreed. 8. From Mr. Greg S. Hume with regard to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated who proposed to run excursion trains on the London and Port Stanley Branch of the Canadian National Railway, from Port Stanley to the washout near Union. The Engineer was instructed to contact the Company for further information and to request the guidance of the Transport Commission with regard to County Road Crossings inasmuch as the Canadian National Railway had removed the crossing protection from Warren Street (County Road #21). The Engineer was given permission to request quotations for gasoline and diesel fuel with the timing to the discretion of the Engineer because of the present fluctuation in oil prices. The Engineer was also granted permission to request quotations for culverts, pavement marking paint, and glass beads. The Engineer noted that he had negotiated a 10 cent per litre discount from Imperial Oil from the present price of motor oils and greases which amounted to approximately an 8 percent discount. He noted that the price per litre of XD3 Multi Grade Oil would be $1.23 per litre in bulk drum lots. ST. THOMASt ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 PAGE 4. Correspondence was noted from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with regard to the assumption by the County of Elgin of road intersections and portions of Roads #25, #26, and ~52 and the realignment of the County Road #29 after construction of the St. Thomas Expressway. The Engineer noted that a suitable draft plan had been received from the Ministry and that last year's Road COIIJ[nittee had agreed to assume these portions of road when the draft plan had been agreed upon and the Ministry had paid for the work which was necessary. It was noted that the invoice for the work had been forwarded to the Ministry. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE INDICATE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION 1lIND COMMUNICATIONS THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ASSUME AS A PORTION OF THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM CERTAIN PORTIONS (AS ATTACHED) OF ROAD BUILT BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF THE ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWAY AND ROADS #25, #26 AND #52 AND THE REALIGNMENT OF COUNTY ROAD #29 WHEN: I. THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS HAS PAID THE COST OF THE NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS AS OUTLINED IN THE LETTER OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS OF 1982 07 15. , SCHEDULE' (A) COUNTY ROADS #26 AND #52, PLAN 4098-3, PART #ll' PART #6 AND PART #14. (B) WELLINGTON ROAD (COUNTY ROAD #25), PLAN 4098-ll, PART #1, PART #3 , PART #4, AND P ART #5 ; PLAN 4099- 32 , PART #14 AND PART #15. (c) REALIGNED COUNTY ROAD #29, PLAN 4099-53, PART #1, PART #2, AND PART #5; PLAN 4099-68, PART #1. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 PAGE 5. Mr. Lyle Wells, of the Frank Cowan Company in attendance: . . . The information attached was distributed. Mr. Wells commented on the policies the County had through the Frank Cowan Corp.pany and answered questions, noting that he had no recommendations for changes in the policies and that the coverage this year would have very little difference from last year's coverage, and the only difference in cost was caused by the increased value of County vehicles and equipment and the erection of the County's Salt Building at Dutton Yard of Dunwich Township. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING POLICIES WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY: 1. COUNTY MUNICIPAL LIABILITY INCLUDING ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS. 2. NON OWNED AUTO. 3 . FLEET. 4. FLOATER COVERING: (A) NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT., (B) RADIO EQUIPMENT. (C) SURVEYING EQUIPMENT. (D) RENTED OR LEASED PROPERTY OF OTHERS. (E) TOOLS AND STOCK MATERIALS, SNOWFENCE, ETC. (F) VALUABLE PAPERS AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. (G) FURNITURE IN THE ENGINEER'S OFFICE. 5. BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY (ENGINEERING POLICY). 6. WEED SPRAYING. 7. MOSQUITO SPRAYING (IF NECESSARY). 8. BOND. 9. COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS, FIRE AND COMPREHENSIVE (GARAGES). CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 27, 1983 PAGE 6. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH AFTER LUNCH . . . The Committee inspected County Roads in West Elgin i.ncluding: I. County Road #20, North and South of 'Shedden. 2. County Road #14, Middlemiss Bridge. 3. County Road #9. 4. County Road #3 from County Road #9 t'o New Glasgow. 5. County Road #2. 6. County Road #8 from Dutton to Pearce' Park. 7. County Road #16. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVI CH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MONDAY ,JANUARY 31, 1983 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1983 JANUARY 1983 The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Property and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Policies are through the Frank Cowan Company and are due January 29, 1983. 1. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY The liability limit for each claim is $10,000,000. The County's General Liability Policy protects roads, non licensed equipment and the Court House Block and contains a libel and slander clause. The Elgin Manor and any Spraying Liability is insured under other Policies. The 1982 Liability chargetl to the Road Department was $5,423 (subsidized) being $187.00 charged to each of 29 unlicensed units and $796.00 (non subsidized). (Total $6,219.00 for County Roads. ) Included as Named Insured on the Liability Policy are County Councillors, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissioners, County Erp.ployees and Volunteers. The Poli.cy includes Personal Injury Liabi.lity (libel and slander), any Legal Liability with regard to Provincial Liquor License Act, Environmental and pollution Blanket Contractual Agreements. The Policy also includes any liability the County might incur through Ls~,~uanco of a permi.t (mOving, location, otc.). The Policy contains the Employer's Liability Clause which covers the County in the case where an employee is not considered a workman under thEf Workmen's Compensation Board. The Policy in 1982 was through the Guarantee Company of North America. 2. NON OWNED AUTO Liability Limits, $10,000,000 protects County against damage suits, etc., involving vehicles not owned by the County, but working for the County (eg., private dump trucks; private cars, etc.). Liability for licensed vehicles borrowed or acquired by the County is $50,000 [Should be increased fr)r 19837J ($100.00 Deductibl,e). The coverage COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1983 PAGE 2. includes all employees and officers of the County. The cost in 1982 was $310.00. A "Contractual Liability Extension" was added in 1982 at a cost of $115.00. 3. AUTOMOTIVE FLEET Tlw automotive schedul(' for 1983 includes 32 vehicles and a flout. A number of vehicles have been "Valued". Total aggregate value of all Road Department Vehicle s for 1983 is $916, 000, (~~91l, 000 in 1982) . The liability limit is $1.0,000,000 with $l,OOO.OO deductible per accident. We received the maximum merit rating in 1982. In 1982 a ,Blanket Coverage 011 t!wflect 'Alas begun; ie., replacement of vuldcle if Lo~.;( by ;1 veldcll' of t!H' :;;\JIJ{' US(', kind and size if one is lost regardless of the assigned value of the unit lost. [Other than valued items which will be paid for at the valued amount in the policy.] 4. FLOATERPOLICY Covers: (a) Non licensed equipment (including snow plowing equipment). (b) Surveying equipment. (c) Radio equipment including antenna and base stations. (d) Movea.ble property of others rented, borrowed or leased. (e) Tools, stock, materials, snowfence, etc. (I) V;llll.lid(, 1','11)("-:;. (g)Engin('er'~) Ofliu', furniture, etc. (a) The non licensed equipment includes 52 items, plus snow plows, totalling $l,865,OOO in 1982,(the snow plowing equipment was valued at $144,000). For 1983 the equipment is valued at $2,058,000. As in the Fleet Policy the Policy is a Blanket Coverage; ie., Replacement value, new item for item lost of the same size E!lid options;U+ item~:; (mostly older pieces - somf' as old as 28 years) are valued and would if lost be replaced with a piece ~d: used equipment of similar value. \ .. ..," COUNTY OF ELGIN l.NSURANCE REVIEW 1983 PAGE 3. As we have reduced our items of stock and tools that are subject to loss (such as tools, culverts, etc. ) we have' reduced the value of tools, snow fence and items of stock to $40,000. The rate for most equipment (p.ot stock) was 55 cents per hundred, snow plowing equipment 30 cents per hundred. (b) Surv~yingequipment in 1982 Was $5,600~OO valued. All Risk Cost 1% -$100~00 deductib1eon losses. Premium was $56.00. 1983 Value $6,000. (c} Radio equipment in 1982 was $56,000 valued including tower. Again All Risk (lightening, droppage, 4~tC.) $lOO.qo deductible. Premium 1% or $560.00. 1983 Value $6,.000. (d) $ Moveable property of others to Value of $150,000 -Premium $100.00 per year losses paid on actual cash value. Protects County for rented, borrowed and leased equipment. (e) Tools, material, snowfence, etc. - $1,000 Decluctibleper occurrence - Value $60,000 -Premium $393.00. Will be reduced to $40,000 in 1983 because of stock reduction. (f) Valuable papers .... replacement including any necessary work to regather the information ... Value $IOO,QOO (Premium included at no charge). (g) Accounts Receivable (including information to regather the inforrp.ation ) $100,000... ie., ledgers, invoices, etc. (included at no charge). (h) Furniture, etc., in Engineer's Office, ... Rep1ac,ement Value t $37,000, 1982 Cost was $92.00. 5.. B-,QI]j:gR AND :MACHINERY POLJ~CY (ALSO KNOWN AS ENGINEERINGPOt!OY') Policy insures boilers, pressure vessels, tanks, etc., including boiler, ,hot water tank, air tank, etc., at County Garages and air tanks on compressors, sprayers, etc., on mobile equipment. For repair and replacement of equipment due to rupture,etc; Limit per accident $1,000,000. Premium in 1982 was $5.67.00. 6.. WEED SPRAYING Liability $lO,OOO,OOO per spraying dClY (PoliCY also covers Mosquito Spraying when endorsed). Also in narp.e of Elgin. St. Thomas Health Unit. COUNTY OF ELGIN ~NSURANCE REVIEW 1983 PAGE 4. 6. WEED SPRAYING (Continued) Premium for Spray Liability in 1982 was $462.00. This Policy prot.ects the Townships when spraying weeds on County Roads. 7. ~ Blanket bond in the amou.nt of $300,000 on all County Emp1oy~es and Members of Council for t.he protecti.on of the County against theft, vandalism, etc. Total Premium $1,300 ... Road Department share in 1982 was $260.00. 8. COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS All Peril Policy including fire, wind} TIlaliciousact:s, darp.ageft'om falling objects (:i.e., rapio tower and aircra.ft),water pipe rupture. Blanket coverage applicable to main garage only. All othE~rs value cl. 1981 1982 1983 Matn Garage 486,000 150,000 25 , 000 5Lt4,OOO 150,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 57.S."OOO 150,000 (Valued) 25,000 (valu.ed) Storage Building Hanger Old Storage Building White Station Salt Building Rodney Garage (Grader Shelter) 30,000 34,000 35,000 (Valged) 10,000 10,000 (Valued) 10,000 (Valued) Bayham Township Salt Bui 1. ding Dunwlcb 'l'own~,;hLr) Snlt Bu i l'cling 26,000 25,000 (Val ued) 30, 000 (VI;"~l ued) Tal, cwo 789,000 850,000 In 1982. P:remium was $J,1.50.00. 9. ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS Protects the County agi:linst th05(' itorns whic.h 8re of an errQr andlor onnnission type by Council Members and Employees rather than a Municipal Liability type. Total County Premium in 1.982 is $825.00. Charged to Road Department in 1982 was $284.56~ 10.. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Assessment rate in 1981 was $1.55 and $1.75 in 1982 per hgndred. We understand the rate for 1983 will be $1.90 per htJndr~~d. COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1983 P AG E 5. Maximum coverage for 1982 was $22,500 per person for reporting purposes. Our costs in 1982 were $18,697.68. (': ll. HOUSE - 117 ST. GEORGE STREET (ROAD #26 SA) Owned by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - Valued at $25,000. Insured for $150.00 yearly. (Will be necessary to demolish to improve St. George Street Hill.) Insured by Western General Mutual Insuranc.e CompClny through Reith and Beavis lnsurance Agency, St. Thomas, due May 1983. Total Insurance Cost for 1982 (Frank Cowan for a total of $33 ,258.00 subsidized and $1,194.00 non subsidized). Plus Road D(~partment share being $284.56 for Errors and O!:nrrlissions Insurance. COU1\lTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST (UNITS 55, 63, 64,75 AND 91 VALUED - REST BL~%~KETED) SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # 1981 GUARANTEED .M-fOUNT JANUARY 1983 1982 GUARA.1TI'EED A.}10UNT 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES ITEM # YEAR 1. 1978 2. 198Q 3. 1980 4. 1980 5. 1975 ,- 1972 o. 7. 1974 8. 1975 9. 1976 10. 1976 II. 1976 TRADE NAME Dodge Diplomat Chevro1€t Impala- Chevrolet Impala Chevrolet Impala Frehauf- Lowbed Float Model C35 LJ 2 Ford Model 8000 LTS Tandem Dump (Diesel) and Fuel Tank Ford Model 8000 LTS Tandem Dump (Diesel) Dodge Model D800 Tandem Dump (Diesel) Ford 3/4 Ton Super Cab Pickup Chevrolet Van Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Diesel Dump and 10B3 Frink Dump Box GH41G8G304026 1L69HAl159569 1 L69HA11591 06 1L69HAl159581 30H675401 Y8lCV-N55141-2TH26 (Valued) Y80HV-Vl0209 (Val ued ) R81H14T004914 (Valued) F25YKB0297R CG12564116598 Y80DVB35461 1 10,000 2 10,000 3 10,000 4 10,000 44 15,000 55 25, 000 63 25,000 64 25,000 66 la, 300 69 11,000 70 70,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 17,000 18,000 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Val ued) 12,000 11,000 13,000 13,000 60,000 65,000 Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURfu~CE FLEET LIST J A1'i'UARY 1 983 TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEH'ICLE# 1981 GUARANTEED .AMOUNT 1982 GUARAr'\'"TEED AN01Th'T PAGE 2. 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKETINSURi\NCE PURPOSES ITEH # YEAR 12. 1977 13. 1977 14. 1977 15. 1966 16. 1977 17. 1977 18. 1978 19. 1978 20. 1978 21. 1978 22. 1978 23. 1978 24. 1979 25. 1979 Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Diesel Dump and Frink Box Y8 o DVel 3 594 72 70,000 Dodge Pickup Model D27K D27BE7S169189 73 1 0, 300 74 16,000 75 15,000 77 10,000 78 1 0, 000 79 12,000 80 12,000 81 12,000 82 12,000 83 73,000 84 73',000 For d F600 Stake F60DC461349 Ford Model C553 C55 BY865 266 (Valued) Dodge Pickup Dodge Pickup Ford F-250 Double Cab Ford F- 250 Double Cab Ford F-250 Double Cab D14BE7S156128 D14BF7Sl77073 F35HCBC4980 F35HCBC4981 F35HCBC4979 FordF- 250 Double Cab F35HCBC4982 Mack Tandem Diesel Dump Frink Box 10B2 (Blue) DM685S-37320 Mack Tandem Die sel .DtL1D.p Frink Box 1.oB2, Model ET673_8M2843 (Red) DM61 I S-4846 Chevrolet Pickup Truck 1! 2 Ton, Mo de 1 10 85 10,300 Chevrolet Van 3/4 Ton 86 11,000 60,000 65,000 11,000 10,000 17,000 17,000 18,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) 11,00O 10,000 11,000 10,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 75,000 78,000 75,000 78,000 11,000 11,000 13,000 13,000 Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST JANUARY 1983 ITEH # YEAR 26. 1979 27. 1979 28. 1980 29. 1980 30. 1974 31. 1981 32. 1981 33. 1981 :1,:) TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER 'lEur GLE # 1981 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 1982 GUA..tU.NTEED AMOUNT ~ ,-c::;r , PAGE 3. 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET::INSUR1u~CE PURPOSES Dodge Model D?72, 3/4 Ton Club Cab Mack Tandem Dump Truck and Box (White) Mack Tandem Dump TrQck and Box (Red) Mack Tandem Dump Truck and Box (Red) GMC Tandem Diesel and Fifth Wheel Ford F250 Supercab Pickup Ford F350 Pickup Dodge Pickup, Model D-342 D27JE9C1276l8 87 10,300 RD685 S7 292 88 73,000 89 73,000 90 73,000 91 25,000 92 1 0, 300 93 12,000 94 11,600 - $856 t1 00 DM685S-44884 DM685S-44891 YJH904V590576 (Valued) 1 IT FX25 E8BKA21191 2FTHF35G6BCA5l734 IB7LD34T5BS175939 12,000 75, 000 75,000 75,000 28,000 (Valued) 12,000 13,000 13,000 $886,000 12,000 78 , 000 78,000 78,000 35,000 (Valued) 11,000 13,000 13,000 $916,000 ITEM # YEAR 1. 1968 '1 1974 L.... 3. 1976 j, 1979 .~. ... 1979 ...;. 6. 1970 7. 1970 B. 1971 9. 1971 10. 1973 11. 1973 COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST ... FLOATER,POLICY JANUARY 1983 NOTE: Those Items Valued Represent Total Value Receivable. Others are Blanketed, Replaced ,Machine for Machine. ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 19B1 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 1982 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES Grader #14 - Champfon Model D600 Gr ader #1 7 Champion 600 B Grader #18 - Champion D-740 Grader #19 - Champion D-740 Grader #20 - Champion D-740 Tractor #17 - John Deere Model 1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #18 - John Deere Model 1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #19 - John Deere Model JDI020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #20- John Deere Mode1 JDI020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #22 - John Deere Model JD301 and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #23 - John beereMode1 JD30l and Side Mounted Mower 68-600B3862832 97,000 60,000 (Valued) 60,000 (Valued) 74-600B-1232-6649 102,000 115,000 120,000 740-21-277-9685 105,000 115,000 120,000 740.21-666-11863 105,000 115,000 120,000 740... 22-123-1218 7 I 05 ,000 120,000 125,000 115135 13,000 14,000 16,000 115113 13,000 14,000 16,000 131650 13,000 14,000 16,000 131654 l3,000 14,OOO 16,000 183518 13,000 14,000 18,000 183515 13,OOO 14,000 18,000 Continued . . . · COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1983 ITEM # YEAR 12. 1973 13. 1975 14. 1975 IS. 1976 16. 1977 17. 1978 18. 1978 19. 1981 20. 1976 21. 1977 22. 23. 1955 ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 1981 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 1982 GU.AR.ANTEED AMOUNT PAGE 2. 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKETTNSUR.!NCE PURPOSES Tractor #26 International Model 2300A and 1850 Loader Tractor #27 - Massey Ferguson Model 135 and Mower Tractor #28 -Ford",Model 3550 and Loader Tractor #30 - john Deere Model 350C Bull dozer Tractor#31- John Deere Model JD510 Backhoe Tractor #32 - Ford Model 550 Front End Loader and Backhoe Tractor #33 - Ford Model 550 Front End Loader and Backhoe Tractor #34 - International Model TD-8E Bulldozer Loader #4 - JCB Model 418, 2 1/2 Cubic Yards Front End Loader Loader #5 -Michigan Model 125B Loader #6- John Deere J644B Roller #1 - Gal ion Tandem Steel\.J'heeled Roller Model TC5-8G (Valued) A470002B000898 446547 249188 265671 7704 5601 340392DW 13,000 6,000 (Valued) 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 60,000 40,900 40,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 65,000 65,000 1 '"7 f'\ f'\ nf'\ 1./V,VVV 150,000 (Valued) 105 , 000 110,000 14,000 5,000 (Valued) 7,000 (Valued) 18,000 21,000 15,000 (Valued) 75,000 40, 000 40,000 70,000 50,000 (Valued) lAB_OOO (V~lupd) ---~--- ,._~~---, 135,000 (Valued) 9,000 (Valued) Continued . . . . CO~17fY OFBLGIN MACHINERY LI ST - FLOATER POLl CY .JANUARY 1983 ITEM # YEAR 24. 1962 25. 1976 26. 1968 27. 1968 28. 1970 29. 1972 30. 1972 31. 1975 32. 1975 33. 1977 34. 1980 35. 1980 36. 1966 ITEM SERIAL. . NUMBER 1981 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 198 2 GU&~i~l.'\TEED AMO~'T PAGE ,,'3. 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANI<Er,r;'.~N~IJ~feE PURPOSES Roller #2 - nalion 9.Wheel Ribber Tired Roller, Hodel 9-C (Valued) 5,000 3,000 (Valued) Roller #3 - Galion 9 Wheel SPC-L\.J-12-5B06 40,000 40,000 (Valued) Etnyre -2500 Gal ion Distributor J 25 57 Sander #4 - King Seagrave Model HDT88-420l 63-381 Sander #5 - King Seagrave Model HDTC88 70536 Sander #8 - Frink EX-10-0591-72 Sander #9 - Frink EX-10-0590-72 Sander #10 - King Seagrave Model HDTS 75482 Sander #ll - King Seagrave Model HDTS 75483 Sander #12 - King Seagrave Model HDTQ Sander #13 - King Seagrave Model K-61-l (Truck #56) Sander #14 - King Seagrave Model K-61-2 (Brooks Truqk) . Wald Pavement Marking Equipment, Compressor, etc., Truck Mounted. 50,000 50,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12, 16,000 12,OOO 16,000 12, 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 1 0, 000 12,000 l~,OOO .. t'\ 1. L, 30,000 35,000 3,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Val ued) 50,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 1 I.' (){){) .L'T,VVV 40,000 Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1983 llEM # YEAR 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 1958 42. 1968 43. 44. 1956 45. 1965 46. 1966 47. 1969 48. 49. 50. 51. ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 1981 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 1982 GUARANTEED AMOUNT' P AGE 4 . 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET"IN~URANGE PU!U'OSEf3 Bros. Vibrat;.ing Roller #1 - Model vp4n (Valued) Bros. Vibrating Rotler #2 ... Model vp4D (Valued) 203 4,000 (Valued) 225 4,000 (Valued) 15,000 Bros. Vibrating Ri11er #3 - Model VP4D (Valued) 188 (Parts) Vulca Tamp - 6q inch Sheepsfoot Roller Canadian Scale 30 Ton NC-30 Scales #1 (Valued) Canadian Scale 30 Ton Scales #2 (Valued) Canadian Scale 50 Ton Scales #3 Cleaver Brooks Car Heater, Mo'del PSSO (Valued) Jaeger 125 CEM Compressor Wayne Brush Chipper - Model l2T265 Etnyre Chip Spreader Power Curber - Model #(;3000 Overheaij Crane - Richard Wilcox ModeL ll-23Q Rotary Hoist - Dover Elgin Pelican III Sweeper A184105 5,000 (Valued) 20222 15,000 5,000 (Valued) 22567 20,000 20,000 (Valued) 4985-56 3,000. (Valued) 6 , 000 804x 13,000 15,000 300411 7,000 (Valued) 5,000 K-3447 55,000 55,000 667354 5,000 (Valued) 12,000 25,000 25, 000 10,000 10,000 75,000 80,000 5, 000 (Valued ) 5,000 (Valued) NIL 3,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) NIL 9,000 (Valued) 8,000 (Valued) 55,000 2,000 (Valued) 30,000 12,000 85,OUO Continued .. . . COillITY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JAr\1UARY 1983 IT EM # YE~4R SERIAL NlJMBER ITEM 52. Condor Man 4ift 42448LC 53. Snow Plow Equipment as Per List (At tached ) 54. Hiscellaneous Tools, Supplies and Equipment 55. Floater: (a) Surveying Equipment (b) Radio Equipment 1981 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 30,000 144,000 60,000 $1,912,000 1982 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 30,000 144,000 60,000 $1,925,000 PAGE 5. 1983 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 30,000 144,000 40,000 $1,992,000 6,000 60,000 $2,058,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CALCULATION OF COUNTY ROAD RATE JANUARY 1983 SCHEDULE 'Ct CASE A Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Initial Allocations ,with no Supplementary By-Laws. Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Spending Level for Operations $3,817,000 Urban Rebates 52,000 Items Not For Subsidy 8,000 $3,87 ?,,o-:()S1 (Note: Urban Municipalities cOritribute approximately 21.8% of total County Levy.) Receipt s: Minfstt'Y of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation $2,889,000 Effective Contribution of City of St. Thomas to the Suburban Roads 36,000 $ 2~, 9_2_5~J?~OO County Road Levy $ 9 5 2c'OPO CASE B Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications Initial Allocation with $25,000 (Subsidy), Supplementary BY-r.aw for Safety Items (91% Subsidy).. Ministry of Transportation and Cormnunications Spending Level for Operations. $3,817,000 Supplementary Expenditure Safety Item 27,500 Urban Rebates 52, 500 Items Not For Subsidy 8,000 $3, 9q~.,gOQ , Receipt~: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation $2,889,000 Ministry of Transportation and Communicati.ons Subsidy Safety Items 25 , 000 Effective Contribution of the City of St. Thomas to the Suburban Roads 36,000 $2~950,OOO County Road Levy COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CALCULATION OF COUNTY ROAD RATE JANUARY 1983 SCHEDULE 'e. PAGE 2. CASE C $25,000 (Subsidy), Supplementary By-Law for Safety Items and $25,000 Ministry of Transportation and Communi<;ations Initial Allocation. with (Subsidy), for Drainage Assessments (50% Subsidy). 'Ministry of Transportion and Communications Spending Level for Operations. $3,816,000 Supplementary Expenditure Safety Items. 27 , 5 00 Urban Reba.tes 53,500 Drainage Supplementary Expenditure. 50,000 Items Not For Subsidy 8,000 $3,95.5,000 Re<;eipts: Mini stry of Tr;:Hlsportat ion and Communi cat ions Subsidy Allocation. $ 2,889,000 ' Ministry of Transportation and COnnnunications Safety Items Subsidy. 25,000 Mtnistry of Transportation and Communications Dr(~inage, Assessments Subsidy. 25 , 000 EffeCtive Contribution of the City of St. Thomas. 36,000 $ 2 ,9]5 -' P9J;J County Road Levy $98q,QQO CASE D As per Case C and $50,000 Subsidy for Drainage Assessments. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Spending Operations. $3,815,000 Urban Rebates 55,000 Supplemeptary Expenditure Safety Items. 27,500 Drainage Supplementary Expenditure. 100,000 Items Not For Subsidy 8, noc) $4,005,5Q() Cont.inued .. . '" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CALCULATION OF COUNTY ROAD RATE CASE D (Continued) Receipt s: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Allocation. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Sa.fety 'Items Subsidy. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Drainage Assessment Subsidy. Effective Contribution of the City of St. Thomas. Cpunty Road Levy JANUARY 1983 SCHEDULE · C' PAGE 3. $2,889,000 25,000 50,000 36,000 $3,000,000 It,g05_,5JIQ ( (} . I'~ I .' (J l' \ ELGIN o t" C; H /\ ~~ r u:< j)}.: H U lJ P L: i{ T I h: H p f H) ( dL\ 1\1 DRAFT ~.. r.c. l\pr)('t)\/\.d l'~:'[iH'Jldituln on RO,'ldH ,"I'le! l"~lidgi~a to '.vhich C~r.\nt Applies (Itern 1) County Effort of 1.25 JvHllH OIl Total County A~~He~3S1nent (Itern F) 1.25 x !tern F ;:; l~ 25 x $ 562,000,000 --f'6'6 0 ,..- '~"--""i '0'6-0' ...". = $ .._J_Q ~.1-2,.1tQ_~,... ...;;,.."..__...;....... l))ut;1 p. lJ F1...H) C:Ollll'\1I\lUOn :\.1 O. r; rv1iltH 0.5 x .HI'ln (! 0.15 x $..!?,60q,OOO_,_ $ 38,800 '.' 1 000 I . . 1 000 -." .."....'__H."h____'._,,_ Tnt.\! lIII: (l) I': HI.> r t d t 1. /.~) .M i 11 ~~ R 0 i.'t dF: ff () r tat 1. 25 .M i 1]:3 e q' ~ ;:,1 f:j the tc.> c, 1 l It) C a 1 \. .:r r (J 1't i 11 S t iq) 'l P 1 \.l (J ;l n e qu iv-alent ~.\n')O\lnt of g r,:tn.t Z x Step 2 2 x $".?~.~_.?}9g...,.._,._ Unrnet Road Effort at '1.25 1vn119 ,- Step 1 n') irnJ S S t e p 3 ( 1J n 1 e s s S t e p 3 'is greate r than SU;p 1) it is $ PhIS (j 1";:\1<)t (~q u i v ('llent to 'r ot;.d LQc~;il F:f{ort (Step 2) T ota-I"C a Ie \J 1 c\ ted A n:'10unt of .~,.A "". d 11.t - or - 8 O%.pf' A 11P r () ve d E xpe n d i b.'c e (It e III 1) :..0. 8 x $...... . ,._...~~'._' ~ \Vh.jr,:.bcy'cr is tile Je~1':i;er (If{ .f_~.r_ -r_~"l'.. ~.~rF:J~.)~InJ.}. . 'r' . .. \ V \ C rei h 0 r I' i!,; I \ 0 Un nl L~ t :z.o; \ d r: ff 0 r t H.tI. 25 1\1i11~) nl"~Hif: 1 S !)()%()f .l\,ppCOVttd r;~ lH.litu r ~_~ (T t c '(1'), I) o. 5.x :\t.' p 1 .~.: o. t3 x $ G r a..nt ;1. l'plyin g to U rb;ul Hc'b:lte 'P;'\ id r (" /"1 . f T.t .. . . '1 I 0 (' ;t '5 'l ')' ) J ;0 0.. . 1'1.11 ...) X +' ,.' ( 00 , l'lu:3 (~l r' n t I' ply j II g to l\ p pr 0 \j. ' d F; 1)1: n d ; I n \' e (,':1" p 'r; (.:q 0 l' fH (' p L\ ( J q $ $, J./~ i n \ \ fj l~ 'o' c' I: il,lt :.' f i i)ln,~ })\'npl' r t y l)i pI) of .. f'l'f(>. .,;, r 0 X $ " I q I J \... j I. l I..... ,'. . $ Tot dl (~T ;.n 1 t 'l'o~.al C" "11t t)~l'''l;\h]e \J11der l.;ppt)~ 'f'ier 1)1' 0 g l' . ' .1 i~; r h (' j\ 11 1)(' ;) t ion. (It,' l!l /\) i) r S tc p 6, \ i '.: L I.' \' \: r i f; t 1 H~ 1. (' s ~., e r [Olj\ '1' E COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1983 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control has been extremely light in the Last three (3) weeks. 2. Your Conrrnittee is participating in a special response progranrrne of the Canada Conrrnunity Development Progranrrne sponsored by the Employment and Immigration Canada. This special response project is designed to .provide work for some of those persons in the tobacco industry that did not receive sufficient working time because of the frost in August, to ~uildup unemployment insurance benefits to carry them through to the Spring of~1983. Approximately $117,000 has been allocated to the County of Elgin for the work projects including removal of trees and brush along roadsides .and other County property; improvement and repairs to County bridges and culverts including removal of trees and other debris in the waterway areas adjacent to these structures; and improvements and maintenance to various drainage systems~ Thirteen (13) persons are presently employed and additional workers will be hired through the Canada Employment Centre in the early Spring. All work under this progrannne must be completed prior to August 1st, 1983. WE RECOMMEND 1. That the membersl(ip fees in the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 2. 'I'll,at '^Jl:)(~r.t Auckland (the County of Elgln's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Conrrnission) be authorized to a.ttend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and the annual meeting of the Suburban Road Commi.ssion of Ontario in Lambton County in June with the usual convention allowance pai.d by the County. 3. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign land widening plans as necessary in 1983. A schedule attached to the by-law shows the tentative locations for road widening. It is necessary that this by-law be passed yearly. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JANUARY SESSION 1983 PAGE 2. 4. That the County of Elgin Road Committee act as need€~d in 1983 as the Committee on: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal. (b) Mosquito Control for the pr.evention of Enchephalitis. (c) Lake Erie Erosion. 5. That a resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications the petition for subsidy by the County of Elgin and sholjving road expenditures on the County of Elgin Road System for the period fr()m January 1, 1982 to Dec(\rnber 31,1982. 6. That a by-law be passed naming all members of the Aylmer Police Force as County By-Law Enforcement Officers to enforce the County's Parking By-Laws"on County Road #53 in the Town of Aylmer. Our Solicitor has informed us that it is necessary to attach a schedule listing by name those members of the Aylme1:7 Police Force that would be empowered to enforce County Parking By-Laws. 7. The County's Parking By-Law be ammended as follows: (a) That the "No Parking" Zone opposite Lots 19 and 20, Range II, North of Edgeware Road, Yarmouth Township, Coun.ty Road #52 be extended for 150 metres in either direction of the present zone. (b) That the "No Parking" Zone on the north west corner of Queen Street (County Road #B), Mary Street in the Village of Du.tton be amended to be 18 metres in length. 8. That the County By-Law Enforcement Officer act upon written requests to the County Cterk from the County Road Committee or from the local municipalities, to enforce the County's Parking By-Law. ALL OF WHICH IS R.ESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAT RMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Thursday, January 13, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Reeve D. Perovich and Reeve J. R. Fleck. Also present w-as Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A smaIL snowfall necessitated calling the sanders out on January 12 but little other winter control work was needed in the past week. 2. Gravel shouldering using County trucks was continuing on County Road #52 (West of Wellington Road), County Road #52 (between Radio Road and wellington Road), and on County Road #31. Work was continuing on County Road #30, and County Road #52 between County Road #30 and Highway #74. 3. Tree cutting was continuing with four (4) crews working, including two (2) Canada Employment Programme Crews. The large Buttonwood tree on the Ernie McFadden property on County Road #3 at the north limits of Rodney was cut down on January 12 with the assistance of the Ontario Hydro. Mr. McFadden had requested for some years that this tree be removed and only recently the co-operation of Ontario Hydro had been received. Ontario Hydro was also assisting with trees on County Road #45. Trees had been trimmed and brush cut on County Roads #48, #46 and #44. Brushing was continuing on County Road #24 at the Wier Hill and easterly to Port Bruce. 4. A sign replacement programme had been organized and twenty (20) sheets of special plywood ordered along with some scotchlight. Replacement signs were being erected as available. 5. Cleanup work at the County Garage had been completE~d. 6. A slippage on County Road #45 at the top of the East Otter Hill had occurred and had been snowfenced off and signed. This slippage was similar to the ones that had occurred previously. It was likely that a considerable amount of remedial work would be necessary in the Spring. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 2. 7. The County Government Committee would recommend to County Council that a contract be signed with Immigration and Employment Canada for the Canada Employment Programme presently in progress. The County Government Committee would make a decision next Wednesday on the amount of the funds to be made available to the Road Committee under the N.E.E.D. Programme. 8. The Village of Port Burwell was holding a publ ic me1eting on January 20 to discuss the closure of Chatham Street for the installation of the sewage treatment plant. 9. The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission had met on January 11 and had notified the City of St. Thomas that the 1/2 Mill Levy would again be required from the City in 1983. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a hearing date for the appeal of Josefa Buttinger, regarding a severance on County R.oad #2 at the west limit of West Lorne from a decision of the County lrand Division Committee. 2. The Ontario Municipal Board with an appointment for a hearing for five (5) appeals by the Town of Aylmer from the County Land Division Committee. 3. From the Canadian National Railway, Mr. Dennis Furlotte, stating that they had closed their Industrial Development Section Office in London and had transferred it to Toronto. 4. From the County of Elgin Small Claims Court, notifying the County of Elgin of a claim from the Receiver of Renash Tractor and Equipment Limited. The Engineer stated that the claims concerned warranty claims and a notice of appeal had been entered. It was hoped that the Receiver would give the County credit for the parts under warranty prior to the trial date to aveid court action. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO .JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 3. 5. From the Village of Dutton asking that the "No Parking" Zone at the north west corner of Main Street (County Road #8) and Mary Street in Dutton be as it was previous to a newby-law passed in November 1962. (A zone of approximately 18 metres from the corner.) "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AMENDING THE COUNTY'S PROHIBITION BY-LAW TO MAKE THE "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF MAIN STREET (COUNTY ROAD #8) AJ\!D MARY STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON 18 METRES IN LENGTH. CARRIED ." 6. From the Ministry of Natural Resources inquiring about the County's interest in a digital mapping service. The Engineer stated that it appeared that at the present the County had little to gain from any co-ordination system proposed by the Ministry. 7. From Mr. William Lyons, County Road #47 regarding drainage. It was noted that Mr. Robert Millard, Reeve of South Dorch,~ster and Mr. Bob Davies the Assistant Engineer had met with Hr. Lyons last Fall and had suggested a solution. Adverse weather conditions last Fall did not allow the County to complete the propos,~d work. The Committee felt the proposed work should be completed before other work was attempted. 8. From the Ministry of the Environment noting exemptions under the Environmental Assessment Act including municipal road and bridge works tendered prior t~ June 30, 1983. It was noted that as yet the Ministry had not published the proposal by the Municipal Engineers' Association regarding exemptions to Environmental Assessments. The Engineer stated that it was hoped that the Municipal Engineers' Association's recommendations would be accepted inasmuch as it would probably eliminate ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO .JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 4. most Environmental Assessment Regulations for rural Townships and Assessments on Counties major projects only. 9. Mr. Charles Jackson, of Fingal regarding drainage on his property and the County's method of issuing gasoline pump permits. The Committee noted that any complaint on a municipal drain should be directed toward the 'Towship of Southwold. They felt that the gas pump permit had been issued and all the wO,rk done as required by the County By-Law. The Engineer was instructed to notify Mr. .Jackson of the same. It was noted that the Suburban Road Commission had :requested the County Road Committee to recommend to County Council that the County's representatives be allowed to attend the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission of Ontario. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ONTARIO WITH EXPENSES (IF ANY) PAID. CARRIED." The Engineer presented the attached list and requested that the listed employees be allowed to carry 1982 holidays into 1983 for the reasons listed. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES BE ALLOWED TO CARRY THE HOLIDAYS SHOWN INTO 1983 FROM 1982: DAVID HAGERTY, JAMES HASKELL, HARRY HERRINGTON - ALL ~ DAY; TED KELLEY - 1 DAY; JIM WATTERS - l~ DAYS; LLOYD WEBSTER - 1 DAY; RAY COLLARD - 3 DAYS. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS ONTARIO JANUARY 13 1983 PAGE 5. The Engineer reported on the status of the Parking By-Law to Uate, noting that the By-Law Enforcement Officer had at the request of ~he Clerk enforced the Parking By-Law on County Road #27, Sparta. The Clerk, G. C. Leverton in attendance Regarding his authority to have the County By-Law Enforcement I Officer I i enforce County Parking By-Laws at the request of the County Road pormnittee and suggested that a clarifying r.esolution be passed by the Road bormnittee and forwarded to County Council for approval. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY'iS BY-LAW IENFORCEMENT I OFFICER ACT UPON WRITTEN REQUESTS TO THE COUNTY CLERK FROM TH!E COUNTY I I ROAD COMMITTEE AND FROM THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES TO ENFORCE THE COUNTY'S PARKING BY-LAW. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE REQUEST THE COUNTY'S BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO EN;FORCE THE COUNTY'S PARKING BY-LAW ON ROAD #52 OPPOSITE LOTS 19 AND 20, IRANGE II, NORTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." The Engineer and the Assistant Engineer reported on the pres~nt status of construction and other projects as follows: 1. Work had been completed on County Road #38, and that any minQr work that remained would be charged to maintenance. 2. Work on County Road #37 at the Canadian Pacific Railway tracUs east of Belmont had been completed except for minor trimming and see4ing which would also be charged to maintenance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO ,JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 6. 3. County Road #8 had been paved, gravel shouldered and seeded. In 1983 work would include minor trimming, drainage work, gravel shouldering and surface treatment of the shoulders. 4. County Road #20 at Port Stanley would require some topsoil, seeding and shouldering and Ross Whalls driveway would require repairs. 5. County Road #20 north and south of Shedden, some ditching, shouldering and trimming, seeding and removal of some stumps would be required in 1983. 6. County Road #8 south of Wallacetown. Land had been. purchased, land surveying remained to be completed and the 1983 Committee would have to decide the priority for ditching, etc. 7. County Road #3, engineering work was continuing, land purchase was at a standstill until municipal drain reports had been received, read and adopted by the Township of Aldborough. It was hopE~d to have reports within the next month so land purchasing could continue. It was not known whether sufficient funds would be available for the total job. 8. County Road #3 south of Highway #3, to New Glasgow.. Asphalt resurfacing should be done at the same time as asphalt resurfacing on County Road #3 north of Highway #3 if possible. 9. County Road #32 from Highway #73 to the Police College Gate. The 1983 work would include a top coat of asphalt, curb and gutter at the VIII Concession corner, trimming, ditching, and top soil and seeding, etc. Fencing at the Bardawill property had been completed. 10. About forty (40%) percent of granular base on County Road #32 from the Police College Gate to County Road #52 had been crnnpleted. Very little shouldering and ditching had been done on the portion that had been completed. Ditching and trimming would be required in 1983 on the portion graded in 1983. 11. County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), property purchases have been completed on the mile south of County Road #45 1/2 mile north of County Road #45 and from Mayor Doug Tarry on the west side in Concession VII. Engineering work was continuing and prior to grading the hydro lines would have to be relocated from the City limits to half way through Concession VI. It would ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 7. be necessary to ditch prior to the moving of the hydro lines inasmuch as the rollage of the land was such that it was impossible to work machinery underneath it. Construction would likely have to start one (1) mile south of County Road #45, inaffinuch as this was a likely source of sand for the road. 12. Engineering for the reconstruction of County Roads #42 and #50 in Port Burwell had been completed pending receipt of final plans for. the Port Burwell sewer. No further work could be done until the sanitary sewers were substantially completed. 13. County Road #36, north of County Road #45 to Highway #3 should be asphalt resurfaced at the first opportunity. Quantities have been calculated and costs estimated. This work would have been done last Fall except that granular base was being hauled to the St. Thomas Airport and the 1982 Committee decided that County Road #20 should be done instead. 14. County Road #37, North-South Dorchester Townline. Surveys have been completed between Highway #73 and Avon, however engineering estimates had not been started as yet. A meeting with the County of Middlesex Road Committee to discuss the priorities would be necessary as preliminary discussions in 1982 seem to indicate that construction on the road was very far down on the County of Middlesex's priority list. IS. The schedule for replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge would also have to be discussed with the Middlesex Road Committee. Last year the Canadian National Railway had been requested to restore the Canadian National Railway crossings on County Road #21 (Warren Street), County Road #45 and County Road #51. The Canadian National Railway had in 1982 removed the siding on County Road #20 at the gas company so that the County could resurface. There was no indication as to when the other crossings would be repaired. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 8. The 1982 Traffic Counts indicated a two (2%) percent increase in traffic from the 1981 Traffic Counts with the average traffic count for County Roads being 937 vehicles per day. Counts in 1982 in West Elgin were lower than in previous years and counts in Central Elgin and East Elgin stil1 showed small increases in 1982. Drainage Assessments on County Roads in 1983 would be considerabl~ greater than in previous years. It was not known if supplementary by-laws would be available from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for drainage assessments (50% subsidy). The new machinery requirements in 1983 would be considerably greater than last year where very little equipment was purchased. Recommendations would be presented to the Committee shortly. ( Building requirements would be rather limited, consisting of a small building addition for the tractor running the County's standby generator. Maintenance budget considerations would include: 1. Winter control costs. 2. Weed spraying policies. 3. Necessary repairs to pavements. It was noted that a considerable amount of work in West Elgin would be required and had been postponed until an asphalt contract would be called for that area. 4. Surface,.~treatmertt. It was likely that about 20 miles would again be required in 1983. 5. Dust Control. Salt brine was used in West Elgin in 1982 and had given very acceptable results although the need for dust control layer in 1982 had been much below the needs of previous years because of wet weather at opportune times. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 9. Maintenance items continued . . . 6. The continuation of gravel shouldering on paved roads would have to be carried on and would be a large expenditure for the next several years. Some roads have not been shouldered for a great nunwer of years (like 15 to 20 year s ). 7. Bridge repairs and maintenance would continue to be costly as many bridges required painting and repairs. Several bridge cleanouts and stream diversion had been done last year. An enlarged programme would be required for the next few years in order to prevent backup of flood waters at the bridges. 8. Gravel resurfacing was scheduled for County Road #37 and it would have to be decided whether or not to proceed with thi s 'tvork or to proceed with reconstruction of County Road #37 instead, within several years. 9. It was not known whether or not a. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Supplementary Subsidy By-Law would be available to continue the County's White Edge Programme. 10. Maintenance on the County's present signs would continue but new signing programmes were being considered. It was also noted that the Federal Government had :increased the unemployment insurance premiums 40 to 50% for 1983. The sick benefit transiti6n has not been decided upon by County Council. , Cost of the L.T.D. premiums were not known for the following year. It would be necessary to budget for any sick benefit payment if the present programme were discontinued as well as retirement allowanceS';. It was noted that Mr. Lyle Wells would attend the next meeting to discuss insurance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1983 PAGE 10. At the next meeting the Committee would have to set maintenance and construction priorities for the 1983 Budget. A Road Inspection of various projects in East Elgin followed. Inspected were the following: 1. County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). 2. The County's Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit. 3. County Road #36 from County Road #45 to Highway #3, (need for resurfacing). 4. County Road #53 - Elm and Beach Streets Aylmer. 5. County Road #32 (Police College Road) from Highway #73 to County Road #52. 6. Mr. Lyons drainage problem on County Road #47. 7. County Road #37 from the Oxford County Line to Belmont. 8. County Road #34 in Belmont. 9. Radio-Hubrey Link between Elgin and Middlesex. 10. County's Radio Road (County Road #30). 11. County Road #52 (Wellington Road). 12. County Road #26 (St. George Street). "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE COMMITTEE ADJOURN TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 27~. 1983 AT 9:30A.M. CARRIED." ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REQUEST TO CARRY 1982 HOLIDAYS INTO 1983 EMPLOYEE TIME David Hagerty 1/2 Day James Haskell 1/2 Day Harry Herrington 1/2 Day Ted Kelley 1 Day Jim Watters 1 1/4 Days Lloyd Webster 1 Day Ray Collard 3 Day s REASON On Holidays Called to Snowplow. Requested to work as regular mechanic broke his leg. On Holidays Called to Snowplow. On Holidays Calledto Snowplow. Requested to work, (Garage Stockkeeper) as Jim Chaplow piling sand. Clerical error. Advised he had one (1) day less holidays thC:3,n he actually had. Sick when on Holidays. (December 29, 30 and 31, 1982) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO J'ANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at ,the Municipal Building on Friday, January 7, 1983 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke and Mr. Ambrose Hickey of. the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEEINGS OF NOVEMBER 5'1 NOVEMBER 1 7 AND DECEMBER 19, 1982 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control has been extremely light. Sanders have been out three (3) or four (4) times in December and snowplows once (1). Sanders have not been out in the past week. 2. Six (6) chain saws have been purchased from Howard 11achine in Rodney so that the tree clearing, Canada Employment Programme could proceed. 3. Parts for Tractor #31 (John Deere 510 Backhoe) were on order. 4. The John Deere 350 Dozer has been parked ina~much as the rear housing seals and bearings were leaking. The tracks were over 3/4 worn out. It would be wise to trade the tractor off rather than repair it. 540 County trucks had been placing gravel on the shouldlers of paved roads during the mild weather and had completed County Road #27:, between Union and Sparta; County Roads #23 and #24, from Highway #4 to Port Bruce; County Road #36, from ~ighway #3 to County Road #24; County Road #45, from County Road #36 'to Highway #73. They were presently working on County Road #40, between Glencolin and Highway #3. Future shouldering would include County Road #52, from Highway #3 to Springfield; County Road #30 (Radio Road) and County Road #31. 6. Some crushed gravel has been hauled to White Station from the Pleasant Valley Pit and more would be hauled if it was impossible to place gravel shouldering. If neither job could be done pit run gravel for future crushing would be piled at the pleasant Valley Pit. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO Jr ANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 2. 7. Guide rail work had been completed in December on County Road #5 at the Walkers Bridge, St. George Street (Road #26), County Road #20 north of Shedden. Guide rail on County Road #19 at the Highway #401 overpass would have to be replaced and the guide rail on Wellington Road north of Highway #3 would have to be straightened in the Spring. 8. Fencing had been completed for the City of St. Thomas at the St. Thomas Airport, on County Road #32 at Bardawills and at White Station on the line between the County property and Mr. James McLa1^,s. 9. The drain on Addison Street in Port Burwell for the Village had been completed except for cleanup in the Spring. 10. Rip rap concrete blocks had been placed at the drain at the Airport property for the City of St. Thomas. 11. Miscellaneous drainage and catchbasin work had been done during December on various County Roads. 12. The windows at the Old County Garage had been repaired by repl~cing them with plastic as most of the original sash had rotted (over 40 years old). 13. Tree cutting was underway on various County Roads. One (1) crew was assisting Ontario Hydro with several trees on County Road #45. The second crew had started work on County Road #3 at the Fleming Creek and Wardsville Bridges. 14. The Canada Employment Crews had completed work at the Calton Bridge, Eden Bridge, Richmond Bridge and the culvert on County Road #45 at Wilks and were presently at work on the Weir Hill on County Road #24 near County Road #23. It was estimated that there1N"ere800 man days of work including Gillets Bridge, Jamestown, Cook, Filmore and Players Bridges and a large amount of brush on County Road #24. 15. Joe Livingstone had broken his leg playing hockey last week, and Clare Dean was no longer able to work inside because of the diesel fumes, the County was without a mechanic. James Haskell a machine operator was presently at work in the shop doing a commendable job. It was not known how much extra help would be required or how 10ng Joe Livingstone would be off. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE ~... 16. The sick leave conversion plan had not been proceeded with as the effects of the 5% limitation on wages were unknown if the L.T.D. Progrannne was extended to all employees. The Clerk's plan for the conversion of the paylists for a Saturday cut off date to a Wednesday cut off date and payment following a week Friday was noted. This would be accomplished over a four (4) month period. Vacation snfnmaries had not been completed for 1982. There waul d be some carryover as some employees had been called out for sanding and snowplowing work while on vacation and another employee had become sick on his vacation. The County's salaried staff's contract was due on the 31st of December and the hourly rated workers' contract was due on the 31st of March. As yet the Personnel Connnittee had not'met on either contract. With the addition of the Canada Employment crews to the work force considerable extra supervision work was necessary by the County's Superintendents. Mr. Roy Doran would retire at the end of June 1983. It was unlikely that either Mr. Art Gordon and Mr. Arnold Milligan would work another Winter, and would both retire early in 1984. It would be some time before a financial report for 1982 would be ready for County Council, but most maintenance billings had belen paid and total expenditures were within budget for the year. Total voucher expenditures were in the order of $4, 925,000. Extra booking was required to complete the year end report including posting of diesel tax rebates, spreading payroll burden, and transferring machine and overhead time which had not been done ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 4. in as much detail as in the past. It was not likely that: a complete report would be ready for the Ministry of Transportation and Conmunications until the end of January which was' due February 14. The County land purchase policy for road widening was reviewed. The present policy of the Cormnittee is based on the purchase of 17 feet on either side of the road to widen the road allowance from 66 to 100 feet. This land is paid for at the rate of $2,000.00 per acre and new fence supplied and erected, however if a fence is not wished by the owner an allowance of $12.00 per rod frontage is made to the owner. Small holdings are being paid for at the same price. The Engineer and the Assistant Engineer reported on current land purchases as follows: 1. County Road #3, Highway #3 to Rodney. The project ~1S being held up as several properties could not be acquired until such time as the municipal drainage reports are received. It was hoped that these would be received from the Township of Aldborough Engineers within the next month. 2. County Road #5, Dymock at the Walkers Bridge. The land plan was now being circulated and it was hoped to register it shortly. 3. County Road #8, Dutton to Wallacetown. The last plan was being circulated and it was also hoped to register it shortly. 4. County Road #8, south of Wallacetown. Agreements had been signed by by Peter .Hentz and Doug Simpson for land widening. J~n interim payment to Mr. Simpson was on the accounts, while Mr. Hentz had been paid in December. The Cormnittee would have to decide what work, if any, to do on the road in 1983. 5. County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), widening had been acquired from Mayor Doug Tarry and all widening had been acquired through Concession V. Negotiations were continuing with the Hepburn Brothers and Mr. Michael Bachner. Yet to be approached were Morl,ey Brown and the Ostojic's. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 5. 6. All plans have been registered for widening on County Road #32, (Police College Road). 7. The plans required for the land required on County Road #37 at the Canadian Pacific Railway Tracks east of Belmont had been registered. 8. No further land had been purchased in the past few months on County Road #45 between Highway #73 and County Road #40 although the 1982 Committee had acquired widening on the road whenever it was available. Owners were not being approached at the present tim€~. 9. The Assistant Engineer reported that Reeve Monteith and he had made no progress with Mr. David Ferguson in Concession XII, Yarmouth Township. The Engineer felt that the m.atter would have to be reviewed by the entire Committee and a fresh approach made to the problem. The Engineer reported that there were no further developments regarding the claim of Mr. Alex Stanat against the County of Elgin for flooding at Richmond, on County Road #38 although Mr. Stanat's Solieitor had been informed by the County's Insurance Company Solicitor, Dyer, Brown in November that an early agreement would be required or else the County would not be able to complete proposed drainage work in the area, no reply had been received. The Engineer is still hopeful than an agreement might be concluded with ,.the Stanats and asked if the 1983 Committee were in agreement with the actions of the 1982 Committee. "MOVED BY: J. R. FLECK SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THIS COMMITTEE AGREE WITH THE ACTIONS AND AGREEMENTS OF THE 1982 ROAD COMMITTEE WITH REGARD TO STANATtS PROPERTY ON COUNTY ROAD #38. CARRIED." The Engineer reviewed the work still necessary at the St. Thomas Airport noting that an additional 200 feet of granular base was required at the east end of the runway, a considerable amount of trimming at the west end, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 6;. trimming along the Township Road and top course of asphalt pavement on the runway. It was likely that additional fencing would be required. Most of this work eannot be done until next Summer. Cleanup work on the Addison Street drain in Port Burwell was required in the Spring and it was likely that the Village would.request the County to complete the drain (approximately 500 feet). The Engineer noted that the term of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission would expire on the 1st of July of this year and that members would be then appointed for the term of the present Council. The lawsuit by ratepayers along County Road #42 in Bayham and Norfolk Townships against the Federal Government for damages caused by erosion of Lake Erie was noted. Reeve Stewart felt that this suit would likely come to court in the Spring of 1983. The County had made a contribution toward the ratepayers suit in 1982 but nothing further had been heard from the organization since. The Engineer reviewed Ontario Hydro's proposed route~ plan for the transmissio,n line from Naticoke to a transformer site someplace west of London, noting that a number of routes both north and south of Highway #3 through East Elgin and Southwold Township were being explored. All affected Townships had representatives on the HydroCorrnnittee and the County representative was Reeve Monteith. The Engineer stated he had been asked by Ontario Hydro for information and would li.kely be requested to serve on a Technical Committee prior to the completion of the study. The Engineer reviewed the Canada Employment Programrrle, highlights of which were as follows: 1. The funds were being provided out )f a special response programme for unemployed tobacco workers, which had been p~ovided by the Federal Government. The Engineer had arranged for these funds to be available ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983. PAGE 1. to the County with John Wise, M.P. and the County's initial request for $60,000 under the regular Canada Development Programme had been turned down. 2. The present allocation of funds was approximately $117,000 and more might be forthcoming. 3. The Programme had been approved to start on December 10, 1982 with the understanding that at least half the workers would start immediately and the other half started as soon as possible in the Spring. The Programme would have to be completed by August 1st, 1983. 4. Work included repairs to culverts, and bridges including removal of trees and brush from adjacent waterways, repair and maintenance of drainage systems on County property and roadsides and the removal of trees and brush on roadsides and other County properties. 5. Ten (10) men were presently working and negotiations were being conducted with the Federal representatives to add three (3) more. 6. Workers were being provided from the Canada Employment Centres and Federal representatives, it was excepted that these workers would be hired by the County without regard for the present County employment restrictions which would have to be waived (ie., place of residence, minimum education, driver's licence required, and whether or not related to any present County employees [or Councillors]). Most of the workers would be from East Elgin and would be people who had worked in the tobacco industry. 7. It was expected that most work would be done in the East Elgin Area. 8. The County had been allowed to supplement the basic Federal wage of $4.50 per hour to $5.43 which was the inexperienced casual rate on the County Council Wage Schedule by using a portion of the hourly allowance of $2.50 per hour for employees' costs. It was expected the total allocation would cover workers wages and fringe benefits, and a portion of the machine and chain saw rental costs; supervision, materials and the remainder of the machine rental eosts,etc., would have to be provided bytheCourtty. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE s. The Engineer reviewed the proposed Federal-provincial Works Programme (N.E.E.D. Programme) noting that $67,400 had initially been allocated to the County of Elgin. It was expected that further allocations could be applied for as soon as the programme was underway. The Engineer recommended that this programme be applied for noting that it was funded at a rate of $400 per week per worker and the County was expected to contribute an extra 20% over and above this toward the work (ie., material costs, etc.). The funding would allow a reasonable amount of materials and rentals to:be applied to a project and felt that this money could be allocated in the early Spring for various projects including guide rail repairs, drainage, cuI vert repair s and maintenance, bridge maintE~nance, roadside maintenance, including the removal of debris, etc., as well as other possible construction projects. Most of the requirements for casual labour during the 1983 season would be provided by the Canada Employment Programme presently underway and the proposed N.E.E.D. Programme. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications' construction and maintenance allocations for 1983 had not yet been received and Frank Clarke stated that he would attempt to ascertain as to when these allocations might be forthcoming. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT WE ADVISE THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THAT THE ROAD COMMITTEE WILL ACCEPT ANY PORTION OR ALL OF THE FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER THE PROVINCIAL N.E.E.D. PROGRAMME TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARRIED." THE COMMITTEE ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . Warden Marrabsent ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 9.... "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLISTNUMBER 64 AMOUNTING TO $61,483.59 PAYLIST NUMBER 65 AMOUNTING TO $220.59 PAYLISTNUMBER 66 AMOUNTING TO $48,392.65 PAYLIST NUMBER 1 AMOUNTING TO $57 ,424.55 PAYLISTNUMBER 2 AMOUNTING TO $113,227.72 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Malahide with zoning by-laws: (a) Lot 20, Concession V, County Road #40 for chemical sales and storage. (b) Lot 20, Concession V, County Road #40 residential use. (c) Lot 30, Concession IV open space, property required by the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority. (d) At Orwell, Brandow an addition to a horse barn.. 2. From the Town of Aylmer with zoning by-laws: (a) Residential subdivisions north of Talbot Street near the west limit of Aylmer. (b) For residential use Sydenham and Raglin Streets. (c) For a skate sharpening and sporting goods store on Sydenham Street. 3. From the Township of Dunwich with zoning by-law for highway connnercial and residential use for the property at the old school at the intersection of County Road #13 and County Road #14,. 4. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a notice of appeal by John McKnight from a decision by the County of Elgin Land Division Connnittee. 5. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a notice of a hearing for an application by the Township of Malahide for approval for Resitricted Area By-Law 2009. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 10. 6. From the Ontario Municipal Board with notice of a hlearing for an amendment to the East Elgin Official Plan, Amendment #20, from the Town of Aylmer. 7. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with a model parking by-law for the physically handicapped. 8. From the Ontario Good RQads Association with a programme for the convention, Fequestsfor resolutions and noting that Mr. Roy Doran of the County of Elgin Road Staff would be granted a long service award certificate for 30 years service in the interlest of Good Roads at the February convention. 9. From the Township of Southwold acknowledging the County's petition on the Orchard Carroll Drain on County Road #20 north of Shedden and advising that the petition would be proceeded with. 10. From the Village of Shedden expressing their thanks to the County for the good job done in shouldering the County Road through the Village. 11. From Mr. Donald Broadbear with his proposals for the Port Stanley and Northern Railway. 12. From the Village of Port Stanley regarding Carlow and Warren Street road intersection. The Committee decided to view the ~l1tersection prior to any further proposals. 13. From the Township of Yarmouth requesting information on the status of the reconstruction of County Road #22 (F'afrview Avenue). The Committee decided to discuss the reconstruction of the road during their budget deliberations prior to responding to the Township. 14. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with bhe Ministry'S adjusted assessment for the City of St. Thomas upon which the 1983 Road Levy would be based. This assessment was $77,600,000 and a 1/2 mill levy would amount to $38,800. It was noted that the 1/2 mill levy in 1982 was $40,350 based on a higher assessment. 15. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with the County of Elgin assessment to be used for upper tier funding for 1983. This assessment would be $562,000,000 which compared to $75,000,000 in 1982 an increase of 18.3%. The Engineer noted that this was because of the large ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 11. increase in the value of rural lands in the past few years and stated his concern over the matter inasmuch as the increase was not a continuing increase as the value of farm land had fallen nearly as rapidly as it had risen. The Engineer stated that he would try to find further information from other Counties and report at the next Committee meeting. If this assessment could not be appealed the County rate for road purposes could be raised 12 to 15% from that in 1982. 16. From George C. Leverton, County Clerk-Treasurer requesting that department budgets be completed by the 1st of March and thirty (30) copies of the same be provided for County Council. 17. From the Health and Safety Committee of the County of Elgin and the County of Elgin Road Employees' Association with minutes of their meetings. The Engineer noted that Robert Davies wa.s the County's representative and that two (2) representatives of the Employees' Association were the workers' represntatives on the Committee. In 1982 a number of employees had been trained in first aid to comply with requirements of the Workmen's Compensation Boa.rd. It was noted that training should be given on the use of fire extinguishers. 18. From Mr. Milton Jones requesting ditching on County Road #24 at Dexter. The Engineer will investigate as to whether the problem Mr. Jones referred to was a portion of a Municipal Drain or not. 19. From Mr. Anthony Baret o-:fSpringfield requesting a driveway at the curb and gutter area on County Road #02 in Springfield. The Engineer noted that a policy would have to be formulated inasmuch as the County was not paying for entrances at the present time on rural roads. 20. From the Toronto Star with a recent editorial for the need of good roads in Ontario. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 12. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN TO SUBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS A PEITITION FOR SUBSIDY FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND SHOWING ROAD EXPENDITURES ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1982 TO DECEMBER 31, 1982. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. R. FLECK SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND WIDENING PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1983. CARRIED." The Engineer noted that he now had received a by-law from the County Solititor to allow members of the Aylmer Police Force to enforce County Parking By-Laws on County Road #53. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED NAMING ALL MEMBERS OF THE AYLMER POLICE FORCE AS COUNTY BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE COUNTY'S PARKING BY-LAWS ON COUNTY ROAD #53. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. R. FLECK SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND, THE COUNTY'S MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION WITH THE USUAL CONVENTION. ALLOWANCE PAID BY THE COUNTY. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 13. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT WE RECO:M:MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE 1983 ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS NECESSARY FOR THE FOLLOWING: (A) SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL CO:M:MITTEE. (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. (C) LAKE ERIE EROSION. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECO:M:MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BE PAID. CARRIED." Enforcement of the County Parking By-Law were discussed in response to correspondence from the Township of Yarmouth requesting that the by-law be enforced on County Road #27 at Sparta and County Road ~~2 east of Highway #74. The Connnittee discussed lengthening the zone of restricted parking on County Road #52. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT WE RECO:M:MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED EXTENDING THE "NO" PARKING ZONE OPPOSITE LOTS 19 AND2Q, RANGE II, NORTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP FOR 150 METRES IN EITHER DIRECTION. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1983 PAGE 14. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE CLERK-TREASURER BE REQUESTED TO HAVE THE COUNTY BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ENFORCE THE COUNTY'S PARKING B)~LAW IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: (A) ROAD #27, SPARTA. (B) ROAD #52, LOTS 19 AND 20, RANGE II, NORTH OF EDGEWARE ROAD, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JANUARY 13, 1983 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED .'f ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9, 1982 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Thursday, December 9, 1982 at 11:00 a.m. in conjunction with County Council. PRESENT MEMBERS: Warden Ernest H. Marr Reeve Dan Perovich Reeve Donald A.McWilliam Reeve Max H. Stewart Reeve Will.iam R. Caverly Reeve John R. Fleck Township of Southwold Township of Aldborough Township of Dunwich Township of Bayham Township of Malahide Village of Belmont ADVISORY MEMBERS: Reeve Robert Brooks Deputy Reeve R. James Sheils Deputy Reeve William Martyn Town of Aylmer Township of South Dorchester Township of Yarmouth "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT REEVE WILLIAM CAVERLY BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1982-1983. CARRIED .n The Chairman thanked the Committee for the Honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Canada Employment Programme had been verbally approved by John Wise, M.P. and work was underway with a group leader and five (5) workers; $70,000 had been allocated for work prior to the 1st of August 1983. If was a possibility that extra funds would be available and further discussions would be held with the Department of Labour and Immigration. 2. Six (6) casual labourers would be laid-off as of December 10, and the remaining nine (9) by December 23 at the latest. 3. Snow fence had been erected. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9, 1982 PAGE 2. 4. Winter control had been light. 5. Safety checks to vehicles (sander and snowplow trucks) were still continuing. 6. County Road #20 between Shedden and Highway #401 had been gravel shoul dered. 7. Construction on County Road #32 had been completed for the Winter. 8. Drainage work on Addison Street in Port Burwell was underway for the Village of Port Burwell. 9. No information had been received as yet with regard to a settlement with Stanat on County Road #38 and drainage work could not start until a release was received. 10. Guide rail work had been completed at the Walkers fu~idge, and was underway on the St. George Street hill. 11. Fencing at the Airport for the City of St. Thomas and on County Road #32 as well as miscellaneous drainage work would be preformed as conditions permitted. 12. Gravel was being hauled to White Station from the County's Pleasant Valley Pit as conditions permitted. 13. Gravel shouldering would carryon as conditions permitted. 14. Higgs Construction had completed draglining and piling gravel at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit. 15. Chittick Construction Limited had finished his contract for gravel crushing with the County. 16. More gravel would be piled for crushing at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit through out the Winter as truck time was avaialble. 17. It appeared that with the present paylists most monies had been expended for 1982. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9, 1982 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLISTNUMBER 57 AMOUNTING TO $59,309.25 PAYLISTNUMBER 60 AMOUNTING TO $55,863.49 PAYLISTNUMBER 61 AMOUNTING TO $518.95 PAYLISTNUMBER 62 AMOUNTING TO $59,062.52 PAYLISTNUMBER 63 AMOUNTING TO $164,445.78 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. R. FLECK SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PAYLIST NUMBER 65 (ACCOUNTS DECEMBER 30, 1982). , CARRIED." 1 'MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. R. FLECK THAT WE ADJOURN TO JANUARY 7, 1983 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." ~ ./.// CHAI~AN .