1984 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 1. 9:30 a.m., TUesday. December 18. 1984. All members ",ere present except Ree~e Ste",art. A1 so pre sent "'" s Mr. Fr ank clarke 0 f the Ministry 0 f Tr ansport at ion THE cOUl'lT'l OF ELGI.l'l ROAD CQMMl.TTEE met at the 11.unicipa1 Building at and commrtnicatiOns, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "11.OVED BY: D. 1'l1.ROVICR SECONDED BY: C. R. \oIILLSE'i THAT THE MI.N1JTES OF THE 11.EF:fINGS OF NOVEMBER 14TH, DECEMBER 5TH AND DECEMBER 13TH. 1984 BE AJ'PROVED. cARRIED." ",ith his solicitor in reply to remarks published in the Aylmer E~reSs on The Engineer presented a letter Which he had ..ritten after consultation December 12th and attribrtted to Reeve Jack Hodgson of Springfield. Honourable Jal1les Sno'" and various members of the 11.inistry of Transportation and The Engineer noted that he had also for",arded a coPy of the same to the commrtnications, 11.r. Ron McNeil. M.1'.1'., and Mr. John \oIise, 11..1'. made part of the Road Committee 11.inuteS. The committee directed that the letter and a copY of the remarks be THE ENG1.l'lEl1.R RE1'ORTED THAT: 1. The Ministry of Government Services ",as offering the \oIal1acetown 1'atro1 yard for sale complete ",ith buildingS. If they could not sell the complete package they ",ou1d advise the County and discrtSS the removal of the salt storage buildings by the county. 2. NO further information had been recei~ed on the Road #30 land purchase 3. The youth Corp Development 1'rogramme ",ould be concluded on December 19th. (Ferguson ). 4. l'lo information had been recei~ed about the county'S application under the 5. 11.ost employees inc1rtding the Engineer had Annual Holidays for most of the canada WaLks PLogLarome. -rest of the yea-r. ST. T1l0MAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 2. REEVE STEWART IN ATTENDANCE · · · THE ENGINEER REPORTED Ol'l THE \oIORR TO DATE AS FOL1.OWS: 1. \oIinter control had been light. 2. Fill had been placed on county Road #22 at concessions IV and V intersections 3. All crushed gravel had been removed from the pleasant valley 1'it. and ",arning refl~ctors erected. 4. All casual help had been laid-off. 5. GUide rail. sign .,ork. etc.. -was under",ay. 6. The calton Bridge railing ",ou1d be taken off and painted. \olhen thiS ",as completed the Dodds creek Bridge railing on County Road #25 .,ou1d be 7. County trucks ",ere stripping gravel at the 1'leasant Valley pit and gravel done. ",as being piled and a gra~el crushing tender ",ou1d ha~e to be called 8. Fred Groch and Keith 1'layer ",ere inspecting bridges and cul~ertS. shortly. in the budget having been completed. 11.ore .,ork on Fair~ie'" Avenue (county Road #22) 11.ost outstanding accountS ",ou1d be paid in the 1984 fiscal year .,tth most items had been completed than had been anticipated in the spring,in spite of a very .,et seaSon in Which drainage costs .,ere considerablY higher than originallY estiroat~d. A complete financial report ",ou1d not be available before the 20th of January. "MOVED BY: 11.. R. STEWART SECOl'lDED BY: R. J. LA VERJ;:All THAT THE CJ;lAIRMAN BE AIlTHOR1.ZED TO S1.Gl'l THE ACC()\lNTS 1'AYABLE 1'AYL1.ST OF DECEMBER 27, 1984. CARRIED .tl ST. T1:l0MAS, ONT ARlO DECEMBER 18, 19B4 l' AGE 3. CORRES1'ONDENCE \oIAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ministry of Transportation and communications replying to Mary Si1~erthorn of 1'ort Stanley regarding improvementS by the 11.inistry of TransportatiOn and coromunications High",ay fI1+ at county Road #23. l)Un"'ich asking if the county of Elgin had any objections to a TOYltlship By- La'" ",hi ch ",oul d close a portion 0 f ro ad in Lot 1, Conce s sion 1.X, 2. From Cockburn, Foster. Cudmore and Kite1ey SolicitorS for the TOYltlship of Township ot uunwich. "11.O\1ED BY: C. R. \ol"LLLS E'l SECONDED:BY: D. 1'EROVTCH THAT WE REC("lMM.END TO collNT'l c01WC1.L THAT 'TIlE TOWNSH1.l' OF J)illlW1.CH BE N)VTSED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELCIN HAS NO O:B.JEcTION TO THE CLOSURE OF A 1'ORT1.ON OF RON) 01'ENED B'l By-LA\oI NUMBER 364 IN LOT 1, COl'lCESSION 11-. TOWNSH1.l' OF DUNW1.CH. CARRIED.l1 3. ChristmaS greetings from Mr. Charles Jackson. 4. From the TOYltlship of 'larroouth enclosing a c0l0P1aint from Mr. John Turner ",ith ",ater problems on centennial A~enue (county Road #28). The Engineer e1<p1ained that Mr. TUrner ",as on the Smith-Bailey ])rain and that because of additional drainage being installed upstreal1l of his property there .,as not sufficient outlet doYltlstreal1l of hiS property for the ",ater at storm timeS. The coromittee felt that the matter ",as a ToYltlship problem and 11.r. TUrner'S letter could be construed as a complaint on the drain. The Engineer ",as instructed to so advise the TOYltlship of yarmouth. 5. From the To=ship of pJ.dborOugh "dth rezoning of property on High",ay #76 and rezoning a property on concession Xl1., Lot 19. The Engineer reported that it ",as not kno= .,hen 11.iniStry.of Transportation and coromunicatiOns subsidy allocations for 1985 ",ou1d be received but nbt befot:e mid_January. ST. THOMAS ~ ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 4. The CotOlllittee revie",ed the tenders for a tandem truck which had been previously opened by the Chairman. The Engineer recommended that the tender of carrier Mack Truck Centre Incorporated be accepted because of the e1<tended ",arranty supplied by Carrier Mack for all components including the body. The Co"."ittee noted that the County had five (5) Mack Trucks and had received exceedinglY good service "nth them; one (1) of the 1978 trucks having 330,000 kilometers on it "nthout motor overhaul. , 'MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCE1'T THE TENDER OF CARRIER MACK TRUCK CENTRE FOR A DM 686S MACK TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED 1'RICE OF $63.869.00. TENDERED TO SUP1'LY FRINK CANADA SNOW PLOW EQ\l1PMENT AND DUM? BOX AS 1'ER QUOTATION of FRINK CANADA. CARRIED." The Committee discussed the quotation of Frink Canada for a Heavy DUty Dump ])01<, Sno'" 1'10'" and Sno'" p10'" Equipment. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVl Cll SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE ACCE1'T THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA DATED DECEMBER 8, 1984 FOR A FRINK MODEL 470 S HOOKER SN()\ol 1'LOW AT $7,644.00. AND THAT THE PL()\ol BE SU1'1'LIED TO SUPPLIER OF THE TANDEM TRUCK. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH THAT WE ACCEl'T THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA AS pER DATE DECEMBER 8, 1984 FOR THE SUPPL'l AND INSTALLATION OF FRINK SNOW 1'LOW HARNESS AND 1f780 CLOSED WING T()\olER. FRINK MODEL lOB 2 DUMP BOX AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $13. 248 · 00 AND $16.711.00 RESPEcrIVELY AND THAT THE ITEMS BE SUPPLIED TO SUPPLIER OF TANDEM TRUCK. cARRIED .n ST. THOMAS ,:ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 5. The CUlll1uittee reviewed the attached proposed payment calculations to reimburse the Township of Malahide for their costs for sand obtained from their Rommell Pit for the Silver Creek Culvert fill in December 1983. The Committee instructed the Engineer to proceed with the negotiations with the Township of Malahide on the basis of the recommendations. "MOVED BY: K. E. MONTEITH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SUBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS A PETITION FOR SUBSIDY FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SHOWING ROAD EXPENDITURES MADE ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1984 TO DECEMBER 31, 1984. CARRIED ." "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BE PAID. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: R. J .LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND, THE COUNTY'S MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS' ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. CARRIED." ST. T1:10MA.S, ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY': SECONDED B'l: C. R. \ol1.LLSE'l THAT \olE RECQMl1END TO COUNrY COUNC1.L THAT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND, T1:lE c()tlNTt'S 11.l1.MBER ON T1:lE ST. THOMAS SU]3\lRBAN ROAD cOMMI.SSI.ON BE AUTROR1.ZED TO ATTEND T1:lE ONrAR1.0 GOOD RON)S ASSOC1.AT1.0l'l COl'l'lJ'l'lT1.0l'l \ol1.T1:l THE UsUAL coN\fENT1.0N D. PEROVI C1:1 ALLOW lIl'lCE l' A1.D B'l TRE COUNTY. cARRIED_" 1 'MOVED BY': SECONDED BY: 11.. H. STEWART THAT \olE I(ECOMMJ'l'\D TO cOUNT'l COUNC1.L THAT T1:lE 1984 ~ 1985 ROAD COMM1.TTEE c. R. ~ILLSEY' ACff. AS TRE cQM!:UTTEE FOR THE FOLLOW1.l'lG 1'R\J1'OSES: (A) SOL1.D lIl'lD L1.QUID \olASTE D1.S1'OSAL. (B) MOSQ1J1.TO CONrROL 1'ROGRAl'lME FOR TRJ' 1'RE'lTJ'l'lT1.0N OF ENCE1'HAL1.TI.S. (C) LAKE l1,R1.E EROS1.0N. cARRIED .n "MOVED BY': SECOl'lDED B'l: D. 1'ERO'\T1.CR THAT \olE RECQMl1END 'to c()tlNTt COUNC1.L TRAT A B'l~LA\ol BE l' AS SED AUTHORIZ1.l'lG T1:lE \olARDJ'l'\ AJ:'1D cLARK TO S1.Gl'l 1'LAl'lS FOR \ol1.DJ'l'\1.NG coUNTY ROAD AL1.OWlll'lCES AS l'lECESSAR'l 1.l'l 1984 ~ 1985. K. E. MONTEIT1:1 CARRIED." "MOVED BY': SECONDED BY: R. E. 11.ONTE1.TH THAT T1:lE COUNT'l ENG1.NEER BE J>,lJTROR1.ZED TO A'!:'tJ'l'\D TRE FOLLOW1-l'lG CON'ITENr1. QNS lIl'l D I OR 11.EE't1.N GS lIl'lD TRE S A}l.E BE REI' ORTED TO coUNT'! COUNC1. L : (A) T1:lE ONrAR1. 0 GOOD RON)S ASSOC1.AT1.0N CON'ITENT1. Ol'l · (B) coUNTY ENG1.NEERS' AND l1lJNI.C1.PAL ENGI.NEERS' ANNUAL 11.Et:rI.NG (FEBRUARY). (1.l'l COl'lJUNCT1.0l'l \ol1.TH T1:lE ONrAR1.0 GOOD ROADS ASSOC1.AT1.0l'l COl'l'ITENT1.0N.) M. 1:1. STEWART CONTINUED · · · · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER lB, 19B4 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: K. E. MONTEITH CONTINUED · · (c) ROADS AND 'tRANS1'ORTATION ASSOC1.AT1.0N OF CANADA CONVENTION. (D) THE M.lJNI.CI1' AL EN GIl'lEERS ' ANl'l\lAL WORl<S1l01'. (E) SUBURBAN c()M}11.S SI ONS' ANl'l\lAL M.EET1.NG. . . . . CARRIED." "M.OVED B'l: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED J)'{: D. 1'EROVl.CH T1lAT THE ASSISTANT cO\ll'lT'l ENGINEER BE AuTHORI.ZED TO ATTEND THE FOLL~1.NG CONVENT1. ONS AND/ OR 11.EETI.:NGS: (A) THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS. ASSOCIAT1.ON CONVENTION. (B) T1lE M.lJNI CI l' AL E:NGI.l'lEERS' 11.EET1.NG · ( 1.N CONJUNCTIOl'l \olI.TH THE O:NTARI. 0 GOOD RON)S ASSOC1.ATI. Ol'l CONVENTI. ON · ) ( C) M.lJN1. c1.l' AL ENGI.:N:EERS' ANl'l\lAL VlORl<SH01'. (D) THE SUJ3\lRBAN c()M}11.S S1. ONS ' ANNUAL M:EET1.l'lG. CARRIED." Frank Co",an company to diSCUSS rene",a1 of the County'S inSurance (thiS meeting The Engineer ",a s instructed to set up a meeting 'With M:r. Lyle \ole 11 s of the haS been set for January 31, 1985). responsibilitieS regarding ",ork on county Roads #25. #52. #26, #\.1, etc., in The Engineer requested guidance from the cammittee as to the COunty'S the general area of the International 1'lo",ing 11.atch. The committee agreed that the costS of signing (erected on county Roads) and/or ditching and entrances .,auld be assumed by the county. The 11.inistry of Transportation and communications agreed to subsidize sign costS as they ",ere legitimate costS for the mo~ement of traffic. Entrances ",ere required as the County had ditched the road and destroyed the previouS entrances and thuS ",as obligated to pro~ide entrances to the various pJ:ope-rt ie s. AnY .,ark required by the I.nternatiOnal 1'lo.,ing 11.atch Committee and its ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 8. sub-committees on property off the County road allowances would be billed at cost to the various International Plowing Match Committees. It was noted that emergency equipment and/or gravel might be required at the time of the Plowing Match and it would be necessary to have men and equipment readily available. County snow fence would also be required and provisions would have to be made to erect it using County and Township forces. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVERE AU THAT WE ADJOURN TO FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1985 AT 9:30 A.M., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1985 AT 9:30 A.M. AND FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1985 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED." CHAIRMAN Mr. A.M. Hueston, President, Aylmer Express Limited. December 14, 1984, Page 2. the adequacy of County and Regional Road systems. . The Ministry of Transportation and Communications set Province wide criterae that are used to judge all road systems as to their adequacy to service the traffic in the next five years. Many things are considered in these criterae including volume of present traffic, traffic growth, structural . , adequacy, surface type, rideability, etc. '. I The County Road system is rated jointly by Ministry and County personnel (or the County's Consultant when one is used). The County's roads sections and bridges are rated-into categories:- Adequate Now; Deficient Now; or Likely To Become Deficient Within A Period Of 1 to 5 Years. The Ministry has also set up an elaborate Bench Mark system of estimating the probable costs incurred in bringing all deficient Roads and Bridges. to an adequate standard. The representative cost per kilometer whether it be minor asphalt resurfacing or a major complete rebuilding to an urban standard with curb, gutter and storm sewer, or something in between, is set by the Ministry for each County comparing. other Counties and Regions across the Province and after taking past local costs into consideration. The final summary represents the total cost of improving the System in a 5 year period to an adequate level for the traffic that would be expected to use it at the end of the 5 year periOd. Ministry officials are involved in the study at all phases and finally summations are done by the Ministry computor and the results forwarded to each County. These costs are u~cd by all parties for future planning. Costs of bridge repairs and replacement are based on similar Ministry \,<' q,f rransportation and Conununica.tions criterac and costs. /j . ;' t i . .- " ,; . ,; . , t3 . ", " Aylmer Express Limited. U~V~~~~ .~, ~~Q~. Page 3. By ensuring that Ministry criterae and costs are used acroas the Province, the Ministry has assured itself that the total costs are accur~te and do not give one municipality an advantage over another. It is only by strictly adhering to the "rules" of the Provtnce that we can keep our credibility and ensure that the true needs of the residents of the County are properly considered by the Provincial Government. This not only applies to Roads but to Health Care, Social Service programmes, Sanitary Sewers and Watermain Needs, etc. It is only through the use of accurate, credible information that the citizens of Elgin County can effectively voice their needa at Queena Park. Any insinuation or suggestion that our estimates calculated in Aocord4nce with rigid Ministry guidelines, are inflated, renders a disservice not only to the people of Elgin, but also to the ~lnistry. Yours truly, -....1 , t - " j\ I ,-""" /; /,. o v' ;' jJ. j! 1/, ;' 'j--'-'- ... . ... 'J ',------ -" Bob Moore. ....". "'&"~'U ,-V\lU\oU WeU"":) land severance respon- sibilities to remain wilh the County Land Severance Com- mittee, At the council meeting Tuesday December 4. Reeve JaCk Hodgson said an Elgin County council committee had sent letters to all Elgin County municipal councils asking for their opinions on which level of government should deal with land severances, He said there had been no response from Spr- ingfield yet. Mr, Hodgson said a county council committee report recllmmended disbanding the · County Land Severance Com- t- · fI fl.1itt~ and turning its r~pon- es Ima tes In ated slblhtles over to mumcipal councils, S . f' ld R J k Count council bas alread prmg Ie, eeve, ac Mr, Hodgson said a recent disagr~ with that rec~ Hodgso~ said cost estlmales plan announced by Bob Moore Daria Buchner. lell. e mendation he said for projects .to be underlaken to spend $39 million over five Elgin Secondary 5ch He said ~\llSt oflhe western by the Elgin Counly Roa~ years to u~rade and improve duet during lhe A municipal councils and some Department were mflaled In ~he roa~ In Elgm County was of the village COIlnclls wanted o~~er to keep provmclal sub- Impossible, He said there was the committee disbanded of Sidles uP'. "no way the county roads costs At a, meetmg of Sprmgfleld department could do that on a Mr: Hodgson said there counCil Tuesday, December $3 million a year budget. h d ' 4, Mr, Hodgson said County . ant bee~ any. h~nd engineer Bob Moore was "a "He just padded it," be s~verances ,10 Sprmgfleld real promoter," and knew said, He said Mr, Moore in. since la~tspr\llg" how to get sufficient funding eluded w?rk on a lilt of \!'I! CounCillor Ken Cralk asked from the provincial govern, county bridges as a way of In- whatlhe land severance com. ment' creasing the estimate Aylmer IGA'B millee cost the village,' ' travelled to Ennisl Mr, Hodgson said the V-II' SaturdaY, necembe\ " yillage's costs were included 1 ag e s road w~n three straight@' an the county levee, . brlOg home the "A" He said anyone applying for ,trophY, a land'severance had to pay a f. de d The first game wa $150 fee but that didn't cover un lng a equate on Saturday af\ the costs olthe committee, He . . against 5t, Anne's, I said the five members of the fast skating and har. cemmittee had to be paid and Springfield council councillor Ken Craik said game with the local: also a part.time secrelary, disagreed with a report from the village bad no complaints their opponents by a "You c;l.n get into some the Ontario Good Roads about its funding, 4-2, ;l.wful squabbles about impar. Association which says lhe Clerk-treasurer CathY The goals were pi tialily," said Mr, Craik. He government underfunds Bearss said the village's road by Rob Freisinger. Dl added that if the committee municipal roads subsidies. funding from the provincial pany. Brent Kidder, a was disbanded, council would At the meeting Tuesday government had never been Lorch. The assisls have to make the decisions, December 4. council was cut back. Dan CaUrysse with lw councillor Bill Macintyre discussing a motion passed by council decided to Iile the Bossuyt, Scoll Kennl :;aid if the council had to Elgin Counly council calling request from county council Joey Chirico. decide a land severance and for more money [rom lhe \lro- to endorse the resolution from Aaron Dowson play lurned it down the person vincial government to repair tbe Ontario Good Roads in the net. >..\ . could force. ~n Ontario and maintain rllildl;, Associ;l.lion, The second game Municipal Board hearing, He \ ':i'. 'l"~ 1 ~alahide endorses motio: '\yltllet, ~~af . te+.d.. ~o be. Sl.lre\n"~ :.oi""'" '!t. ,~::.:'., ~.:;.;.t1toQ"'" · Mulviloey ~ng olthe Board 0 ~~~d\'l.t Ml..b~J.b" WlI\lS ' {'....~ ' - joint meeltn t 'and the .1 ,- .. ,. 'A~"lIllemen . . -- uQ Itldae of sald the village would then have to hire a planning con- sultant and a lawyer and that would cost a lot of money. He said le.avin~ land severance responsibihl ies with one committee ~(\v~ decisions on severances sonw consistency based on an of~ tidal plan. Hit lcounty comm,t\t.~~l lakes the onus olf tht' municipality," said Mr. Hodgson. He said the v'\\a~l" probably paid about (lIw-huU of one percent of tht.' hmd severance commHh't.~'s. opt~rl\lin~ bud~('t. Mr. rri\ik :il\id'" know they Cl\1\ Oluk.., SOln(~ prt.'tty stupid mistnkes. but' sun want it up t ht.~r~ . .. Hodgson says county roads work IGA~ Enni f R , N K d 717 Laurel Street, Cambridge. Ontario N3H 4S3 telephone 1519\ 653-6234 rele. 069-59341 CAN ADA 06460 Henri Bourassa Est. Montleal 403, H 10 5W9 telephone 1514\ 326-4000 r ele. ()S.828508 -, fl"o/.,lon r THE COUNTY OF ELCIN, ENGINEER'S OFFICE, 79 STANLEY STREET, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NSR 2L3. Date -r,ecelllbe~~. .!9S4- File #-4.5.68 Territory ?t:.. L J Attention: Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Eng., County Engineer. Deliverv By August 31, 1985 We appreciate the opportunity of submitting this proposal, Should additional information be -="--'I!.~~'!.~on~~!~,,,,~ej~/l~~_!~r'f"a~,!=t~1_uggIX~~~K~~~~~~!!1!!~}~w.ing:_... . 10 SUFF]..Y: Frink model 470 SK Rooker snowplOW c/w CK driveframe. plus: carbide edge on moldboard.. crank screw adjustable shoe holders with carbide insert shoes, Tor lok drive in hitch. YOUR NET PRICE: ...........$7,644.00 ~ PRICE ON TRIS QUOTE IS FIRM illY. ORDER IS PLACED BY Al'RIL 30, 1985 tra F ,O.B, Cambridge plant Federal Tax _ Exempt _I:DIUV__~A"Jln. - :. QUOT AT'ON V AltO fOR 60 DAYS ON L Y Anv deliverv dates specified in ourOuotations are subject to delavs hA\lnnd our control. '. . ~u ......it.no the above stipu'ations, but we .. L~__^" laC! tn F R INK 0777 Laurel Street, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 4S3 telephone (5191653-6234 Telex 069-59347 CAN A 0 A 0 6460 Henri Bourassa Est, Mon treal 403, H 1 G 5W9 telephone (514) 326-4000 Telex 05-828508 "'- --- ~~~'_,"_''''''''''''''''''~-,~ ...~- "I._~ .................._....~,~.-.....-~ ~"'k.~-..~~w._ .._ ."..._*""' ~"ll' """"".........~ __.. ..... r -, QII.,.,lon THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, ENGINEER'S OFFICE, 79 STANLEY STREET, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 2L3. Da te Deeem&::.:- ~, File # I; S5!~ Territory 25 '00/. ~..,.... L Attention: .J Mr. R. G. ,Moore, P. Eng., County Engineer Delivery With new chassis. We appreciate the opportunity of submitting this proposal. Should additional information be required please contact u~.::!y~ look f!?~,,!~!.~~~ ~L!f!g/y-~~~. rou !'!.!~_~~..!!?!Iow!!!g:._..........__.. TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL: B) Frink snowplow harness and #780 closed wing tower ciw air controls, front crankshaft driven Commercial Shearing pump or Muncie dry mode pump pkg. as best suited to engine is priced in body quotey Wing light, helper spring, 12 ft. side wind moldboard c/w trip braces and polymar lined face on wing. YOUR NET PRICE: ................... $13,284.00 ." A) Frink model 8B2 extra heavy duty dump body, Corten steel construction, 8Ga shell, 5/16" floor, crossmembers at 10" fully welded to underside of floor, reinforced top rail, horizontal box section reinforcement between side posts 30" up from floor, inside dimensions 7'2" wide x 15'6" 19., 54" front, 48" sides, 54" T.G. Rear corner posts reversed for slope on T.G., removeable cabshield, air operated tailgate, SM63 front telescopic hoist, stabilizer assembly, proportioned air control on hoist to eliminate floor plate cutouts for rod/lever control, moisture proof clearance lights with junction box, G1500 tarp with open mesh cover and control box, body rub rail sloped with walking bar below, 2 pro splashguards, all of the above as previously supplied on our order #24605, April/83, plus air controlled hoist valve. YOUR NET PRICE: ..................$16,711.00 ~ .,', ~ "~I' If F.Q,S, Cambridge plant QUOTATION VALID FOR 60 DAYS ONLY Any delivery dales specified in our Quotations are subject to delays beyond our control. We regret the necessity for making the above stipulations, but we feel vou will appreciate that conditions beyond our control force us to per Provincial Tax 0/?'j f}M-Vl L/ \ J"'. 1/"h -- ,. _. Sauer- ~/nepresentative. Extra Federal Tax exempt C.M. FRINK CANADA COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR TANDEM TRUCK (NO PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) December 18, 1984, Page 2. D. Brant County Ford Sales Limited, P.o. Box 1780, 85 Lyden Road, Brantford N3T 5W4. Ford LTS-9000 Cummins NTC 300 - included. l~6l3 Fuller Transmission included. $ 63,264.00 18,000 Front Axle Add 790.00 + $ 64,054.00 + E. Eastgate Ford Sales & Service (82) Co., 350 Parkdale Ave., Hamilton, Onto L8H 5Y3. Ford LTS 9000 Cummins NTC 350 Fuller RT 14615 Transmission $ 69,995.00 F. Peterbilt of London, 31 Buchanan Court, London N5Z 4P9. Peterbilt $ 73,569.00 NOTES: Cummins NTC 300 HP - 1000 Lb. Ft. Torque. Mack EM6-285 HP - 1080 Lb. Ft. Torque. Cummins NTC-350 HP - 1175 Lb. Ft. Torque. Extra cost $2,500.00 + (NOTE: All tenders quoted on 15 inch tires - must be upgraded for weight allowance.) " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR TANDEM TRUCK (NO PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) December 18, 1984. A. Forest City International Trucks Limited, 1712 Dundas Street East, London, Ontario N5W 3C9. International Model F2674 - Base $ 61,016.81 for 300 HP Cummins NTC engine Add 889.00 for Fuller 14613 Transmission Add 327.60 (1400 lb. ft. Torque Input) for 20,000 lb. front end & 10,000 lb. springs add 790.40 Add for build up spring on right hand side 200.00 + Warranty - sliding scale 12,000 - 100,000 miles & 2 years. Engine to 2 years. $ 63,223.00 + B. Carrier Mack Truck Centre Inc., 90 Enterprise Drive, London, Ontario N6N lA8. Mack DM-600 S Motor 285 HP - EM6-285 Maxidyne Transmission TRXL 107 - 6 speed (1500 ft. lb. torque) 20,000 lb. front end & built up spring Warranty Transmission & Motor to 3 years. Body Warranty extended. $ 63,869.00 C. Highbury Ford Sales Limited, 1365 Dundas Street, London, Ontario N5W 3B5. Ford LTS-9000 Base $ 61,923.00 Includes cuffimins NTC-300 HP engine & 46,000 lb. rear axle. For Fuller 14613 Transmission Add For 20,000 lb. front end in lieu of 18,000 Add 376.00 For choice of Tire Manufacturers Add 790.14 65.00 For build up Spring on Right Hand Side Add 200.00 + Motor 2 year warranty - Basic Truck' $ 63,354.00 + 1 year sliding scale 20,000 to 80,000 Kill. powertrain 20,000 to 160,000 sliding scale. It.-... ........." ._---~ - ..---.-",.",.... - .. ......-,.. .,... ;.'- , 4110t,tl01l ('"" 't\lE COUNT! 011 1!.LG1N, 19 5TAN1!.~ STiE1!.T, S't. 't\lOMAS, ONTl\lt10 N5R 2L3. O 11ebtU~' 198'3 ate~ ..--- f\\e H 3146 ie{{itOfV~ 'to be a-r~ll(,!ed. Eng1:o.eer oe\;.efV I- R G M.<:>Ore, 1'. 1!.ng. Cout\ty , jl.rtentiO{\' }\r. . . .. Sh Id additional informatIon be 't' thIS proposal, oU .. , We appreciate the opportuni:e j~~fio;~~~ to sul'J!!Y!(l.!JJ~'owmg.. ~~--==--~ "c T) ~~~~ 1.9000 Ford chal1Sis, 144 .' ~':L. (on you-r n.e~ TO 5U1'1'L'l AND lN5't...... . steel snell ~itb d 8 Ga cotten. . i 1 hea'IIY duty du\l\P bo :'J, 'yR1.NY- ~D1!.L 8'B2 .., spec a n r plate "f t 4l~" sides, 5116" corten steel ,O~, "qide 11' 15' 6" long, 54 ron It' 0 \1 - "1)" bltaced 1.nside d1Jllensions ~ 1 2 with \1. D. reinfor ce\l\en tS., 18 0 ~ ~oP side bet"qeen 54" D.h. sloped tailgbateir'lo~tal side brace "qith sloave 11.. ~a'\1 un.de-r side aiate or u ~~ . f. ing to ~a.~ .J sides- inter1l\E' 1 d rub rail - reJ.n .orc @ 10" centers ~ertical braces - s ope '1- 8Ga. cotten crossme\l\ber able or notcned rail- reinforced tOP ra~ q"arter cabsnield, re\J\O~e i h longmembetS- v interlaced "q t underbOdY to clear tower cabinet'i le cylinder, 30 tOn capacity, 2 1>r splashguardS, 11.63 telescopic hoist, s n~ air controlled tailgate, G1500 tarpaulin stabi1iZ.er _ hardwOod sub ::~~~ and junction bolt - 1'iOneet \J\Oistute proof clealra1\~e asptalt treated fabric co~er ctanksnaft dti~en lIIith ground contro an f~ont nOSt, front natness, i 100 t.o~et, J- t' lnstall eltistng · dri~eshaft f.or b bell'et sl'-r1..ng, 1>ul1\\l' in chassis, rub er 5uP1>ly nelll cross\l\e\l\bet 4 f.unction air controls 1>U\l\P , con~ert tOlller to J . NOT\!.1 u: on inSpectiOn at ti\l\e of installation ~ ~ny repairs deetned necessary ~h "our prior a1>pro~al. could be dol\e at elttra cost III J yoUR 'NtT 'FR1Ct ~ .......... .... .......... ............ $16,110.60 .} per -=~ . t1tt.-ra ~ \'fO~:Cia\ i a1'--=-::'-- (. .V../ i. Q ,./' ..! ...:..-., ".t.t. .' ,;'. c.11.. Sauer- Re1>resentati~e. Ca\l\b-ridge \'~ f .O.B,'-:---~ , 11 ~ ;;;;-- 1.ncl. in snOIll1>~ial federal '8)('~::'::'------ ~ _, ,^'1'lI. lioN " jl.LI 0 fOR 60 0 jI. '(5 ON l '( . ,,_ nur Quotation' are subject to de\'~' . _.;^n~, but \/lie . i\\\.IJ~Iltll"l CQUWf'l Of ELGI~ ROAD DEPA\~l'IE~'t oeceroPe~ 11.1984. Re: sand fill to silver creek 19B3. cost to 'to'<lnshiP of l'1alahide to striP, shape, and replace topsoil on BO~ll pit. Paid to strickland Bulldozing & Entex:prises Ltd. paid 19B3 to strip pit in No~~er /B2 $14,5Bl.50 paid 19B4 to level and replace tOpsoil Cheque' 133 4,215.00 Paid 19B4 Cheque. 351 ~ 11,212.50 \\ 430 - ~ 19,995.00 LeSs ~ork on area south of ra~ine - ~~ lLetter of pec. 12 fr~ R. l'1illard, clerk) -rotal paid to strickland for Area North ,of Ra'\T1.ne - Net 11,820.00 ------- $30,6B2.50 - . -- Vol\,lll\e of sand ReVU\oed bY 'to~nshiP of l'1alahide - 35,500 10,000 ,;;;;.......-: 45.500 vol~ of sand ~ved bY CountY of Elgin - lB,966 cU. 'IdS. say 19,000 cu. ydS. 'total sand ~ved ~ 64,500 cu. ydS. ~. -- cost of striPping, Leveling and Replacing 'topsoil _ ~ ~ 41.6 centS per cubiC yard. _ 64,500 percentage of 'total sand ~oved bY county ~ 29.5\ ~ offer to 'to~nshiP of }oIalahide 55 cents per CU. yd. for sand or 19,000 ~ 0.55 ~ $ 10,450. paid previouslY on Accounts 19B3 3,000. 1984 ~ outstanding as of pec~er 11 $~45.Q:,. Gravel for Sparta Road l2 km) ll.2 ~iles) length. If l'1.'t.c.'~ethOdS of calCUlatiOn are used lincluding loSS intO Sana base) based on 6 inches depth, 20 feet ~ide l2 ton per c~~~~~ted)' 'total 'tonnage Required ~ 5,911 -ron. say 6,000 'ton. ~ . offer to 'to'finshiP of }oIalahide to place 2,000 :on of . crushed on their roads in 19B5 as des~red on the follO'<l~ng bas~s llflhich 'to'fll\ship used to calculate thelor costs). Gravel value 2.BS per ton. Hauling 1984 county of Elgin truck rates avexage haul 16 km @ 2.15 per \(1\\. Basis ~ould be haulage on 19B4 County of Elgin :ruck ra:~s so that if haul distance 'liaS oveX 16 km leSS gravel suppl~ed and ~ undeX 16 km \l\Ore gra~el supplied. .._, ",ould be levelled bY county grader. .: ."!I . ....; ,l'I , ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO DECEMBER 13, 1984 PAGE 1. Thursday, December 13, 1984 at 11 :00 a.m. in conjunction .nth County council. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Members: Warden Ray J. Lavereau Reeve Donald A. McWilliam Reeve Max H. Stewart Reeve Dan Perovich Reeve Clarence R. Wilsey Reeve Kenneth E. Monteith Reeve Village of port Stanley Township of Dunwich Township of Bayham Township of Aldborough Township of South Dorchester Township of southwold Advisory Members: Reeve Robert G. Brooks Reeve William R. Caverly Reeve Richard Haddow Town of Aylmer Township of Malahide Township of Yarmouth "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT DONALD A. MCWILLIAM REEVE OF DUNWICH TOIfflSHIP BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1984 - 1985. CARRIED ." The Chairman thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: C. R. WILSEY THAT WE ADJOURN TO TUESDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1984 AT 9:30A.M. CARRIED." ~/n ~/ " d \ '.. Y;'f, ~-- ' CHAIRMAN ST. THoMAS, 0l'lTAR1.0 DBCEMBBR 5, 1934 p AGB 1. THE COUl'lTY 01' y;LG1.l'l RON) COMM1.'tTEE met at the 11.unicipa1 :BUilding on \olednesday, December 5, 1984 at 9 :30 a.m. All members except DeputY Reeve 11.artyn ~e-re pt:esent. 3. l'lo information had been recei~ed from the 11.inistrY of Goveruroent services r~garding the dispOsal of the \olallaceto",," 1'atrol 'lard. l'l0 further information had been crecei~ed from }\UrraY Hennessey regarding the FerguSon land purchase. county Road !f30. some engineering "",crk had been done on the outlet of the Strachan Street Drain in 1'ort :BUcr",ell but the Engineer as yet had not 1nspected the job on the 'tHE J'l'\G1.~EER R1'.1'ORTED AS 1'OLL~S 1 1. 2. 4. gt:ound.. A canada \olorks 1'rograrome application had been submitted and corcrespondence had been recei~ed from 11.r. John \oliSe, 11..1'. ackno"'ledging the count'] application. yo~th 1'rOgrarome "'0rk ",as continuing .,ith 4 out of the 6 being faicrlY good ~o-rk.e-r s. gi~e the 4 ",orkers their full t",el~e weeks. Tandero. tcruck tenders ",ere due on December 11th and ",ou1d be opened by the Chairman prior to the ne><t meeting of coromittee. , b d. 7 1/2 da"s holida" time to be taken in December. The Eng~neer a ] ] 'the progrgroroe ",ould be terminated on December 19th ",hich ",ould 5. 6. 7. REEVE 1<\AR't'll'l 1.l'l ATTJ'l'\DlIl'lCE · · · · A short diSCussion took place on the position of Ontario Hydcro cregarding the location of tranSUiSsion lineS from the Bruce l'luc1ear plant to the London at:ea. . & h~' ttle creek conservatiOn & ~l 500 00 had been rece~~ed ~rom t e ~e A cheque l-0J: '1" · , h .h ""e 0< the 1'atterson CU1~ert cleanout on count'] Road #30. A~thocr~ty. t e~cr s a. · advising them of telephone numbers to call in emergencY situations, A letter had been sent to all municipalitieS regarding \olinter control ST. TRm'\AS. ONTAR1.0 DECn1BER 5, 1984 'PAGE 2. 20 people ",ould be ''''cu~- and necessa~Y to have candidates from o DAtE AS FOLLoWS: 'tRE J'l'\G1.l'lEl1.R RE1'ORT1'Jl Ol'l Tll1!. "\{oRlZ T e on and sander s ",ere ready. <~nce had been erected. sno'" plO"'s ",er 1. 2. 3. 4. 11.ack t~ucks and \lau -- " ~ h .0. uack T~uck 1.ncO~porated ",ou.- 1t ~as ope }:'.1. 8. ) 'th the e~ception d #22 (1'ai;r~ie'" A~enue "'~ leted on county Roa 'Wot:\<. had. been comp 4.b conce s sion cot:neJ:. d uth at the t t'll being place so of fill "mich ",as s ~ #11 had been gra~elled. d #52 to countY Road Road #26 frOlll county Roa d #25 (\olelHUgton Road). , been done on county Roa Some gr a~e 1 shoul der~Ug had Road ffl6 ",e st 0 f 1\Ur",e 11' ,5 . d.one on countY Same g~a~el shouldering .,as be~ng . 1 pile at "\{hite Station , d til the crushed gra~e d ",ould be cont~nUe un coJ:net: S an , tt:uc\<'s. 5. 6. 1. waS depleted.. orker sand 5 tllen had been All casual help other tban the '{outh 1'rogrmnD'e '" 1 aid.- 0 t t · R d #22 (1'air~ie'" A~enue) and at the sparta Fencing .,as completed on countY oa 9. G1:a'\Tel 'Pit. , uch of the older , bein made at ~arioUs locat~ons, t1l GUide rail ~epa~rs ",ere g 'd. '1 ~as in ve~Y poor condition. gu~ e ra~ h t 1 1'it ",as being mo~ed so t a d at the ~leasant valley GJ:a~e The entt:ance t:oa .._A ...._ neneatb the old road. 1 <110. be t:emovv-'" ...LULLL - the g-r a'\Te cOu. ' b 'd eS and cul~erts, b d. ~'eith ~layer ",e~e inspect~ng r~ g 'Fred Gt:oc a:n l') 10. 11. 12. 13. ST. TllOlMS, ONTAR1.0 DECEMBER 5, 1984 PAGE 3. "'MOVED Wi: D. A. 'MC\'TILLIAM SECONDED B'l: D. 1'EROVl Cl\ 'tW>.T THE 1'OLLOVl1.l'lG 1'AYL1.STS BE Al'1'ROVl1.D FOR 1'A'lMEl'lT: 1'}.'lL1.ST l'l\ThtB:l1.R 60 i\M.OUNT1.NG TO $65,516.32 1'AYL1.ST l'l\ThtBER 61 i\M.OUNT1.1'lG TO $208.69 1'AYL1.ST mmBER 63 i\M.()\lN'fll'lG TO $19.396.32 CARRIED ." CO:l1.RES1'OtlDEl'lCE \olAS l'loTED AS 1'OLLOVlS: _ ~~,1 o~_~'ng that the countY had under estimated the 1. Frottl the canadian l'lationat ""~. o_a~~'-o amount that they had pre~iouS1Y o~erpaid in crossing protection and that the credit should ha~e been $5.915.00 rather than $5.614.00 as estimated and ",nclosing a credit note for the remaining $301.00. From Mr' John \olise, 11..1'. re~uesting information on the County's progreSS in obtaining information frottl the canadian l'lational Rail. . d" 1.-.' S p~onert" on countY Road #45 From Mr. A. E. Stacey regard~ng ra~nage on .,~ ~ r] \'lest of the old LOndon and 1'ort Stanley tracks. correspondence containing the actionS of the 1982 CotOlllittee ",as diSCUssed . ..t 11.r Stace" stating that and the CotOlllittee instructed the Eng~neer to wr~ e' ] the coromittee ",ould not contribute to",ard the drainage of his property at 2. 3. 4. thiS time. Frottl the To,"",shiP of AldborOugh ",ith rezoning noticeS on 2 propertieS on county Road #3 and 1 on countY Road #2. The ontario 1'ort Study regarding impro~ementS to the fort Stanley harbour ~aS d.isCU5sed.. To impro~e 1'ort Stanley to a majOr harbour facility it ",ould require an e~enditure of 4 to 6 million dollars. 'the studY recOtOlllended that a little more than maintenance money should be spent on the inner harbour. 1.f another outer harbour ",as built the countY road pattern in the Village .,auld 5. be altet:ed. S't. TftOMAS. ONtAR1.0 DECEMBER 5, 1934 PAGE 4. Maintenance standards for countY roads ",ere diSCUssed at some length and tentati~e 1984 costS and ~arioUs maintenance acti~itieS ",ere diSCussed. The CotOlllittee agreed thai: graSS cutting should be continued on the complete 1.t ",as desirable to continUe the ",eed spraying programme to at -right....ot...~ay · least the present standard and to impro~e it if possible. s",eeping ",ork should be continued. Gra~e1 shouldering of paved roads should be concentrated upon and ." _ .1 "hough thiS ",ould still the countY signS ",ere o~u. "u~-- highly desirable to edge mark all pa~ed roads if. funds ",ere 1 'O""'og""'a:.....nB started in the Fall should continUe stump -remova ):'J. J- .U"". available. The it tunds ~et:e available. re<1.uired for the fore seeable future. d. t the t1o<>tii:>naltl maintenance itemS ,""u1d be largelY go~erned The e1<pen ~ ure on r d' (' alight ",inter ",ould all 0'" for more ",ork done by ",inter control e1<pen ~i:ures ~e., in the Su:romer 'land a hea"'i "nnter ",ould cut the budget for optional ",ork). Surface tre.atment on 20 to 25 roi.leS of road ",ould ,(per year) be A proposed agreement bet",een the 11.inistry of the Enviroament and the village of 1'ort llUr",ell for the assumption of enathal1l Street ",as diSCUssed and it ",as recotOlllended to Ree~e Smyth that his municipality discuSS the proposed agreement "ntb . d that it ,""uld be undesirable for the county to assume tbe 11.iniStry as ~t appeare d en thron Street as some of the restrictions the agreement if the county assume a ",ou1d be impossible for the county to accept including complete liablity for the 11.inistrY' s buildings and emplOyees. 1.t ",as felt that the countY or the Village could not assume responsibilitY for government emplOyees that they had nO control over. HMOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 5, 1984 PAGE 5. CARRIED .'r ~ --fL b- _WI, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1984 FIRST REPORT To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council, Your Road Committee Reports As Follows:- 1. Tow1and (London) 1970 Limited have completed their contract for asphalt paving on Road 22. Work has been nearly completed for the season as wet weather has forced postponement of fin&l trimming work to next year. 2. Work has been completed on Roads 42 and 50 in Port Burwell for the season, with nearly all trim work having been completed. 3. Guide rail work on Road 42 at Silver Creek has been corr~leted. Only very minor trim remains. 4. An application in the amount of $27,090 under the Canada Works (Winter Works) has been made for improvements to County road facilities and properties. 5. Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Subsidy Allocations for 1985 are not expected until mid January. 6. We have purchased an Elgin Pelican Model H.H. Sweeper from Frink Canada at $91,877 plus sales tax. We hope to have delivery by next April. We have not decided whether to accept the trade- in allowance of $5,400.00 for our 1974 Elgin Pelican III Sweeper. 7. The County Roads Needs Update Study has been completed by staff and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Comuunications. Bridges Needs on County Roads are estimated at $5,548,000. Roads Construction Needs are estimated at $21,989,000. Asphalt Resurfacing Needs (5 year period) are estimated at $11,856,000. (These estimates are based on 1983 costs with work outs"tanding at January 1, 1984~) Total needs on county roads $39,393,000. In addition Needs for County Bridges not on county roads are estimated at $4,316,000. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications uses 1:hese Needs as a base for Construction Allocation Subsidies for future years. All of which is respectfully submitted, CHAIRMAN W. R. CAVERLY. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1984 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 14, 1984. All members were present except Deputy Reeve Bill Martyn. I'MOVED BY: D. A. MCWI LLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING FOR OCTOBER 10, 1984 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Engineering work on the Strachan Street drain extension was continuing. 2. No information had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications as to whether or not they would sell their sand dome at their Wallacetown Patrol Yard. 3. No reply had been received from the County Solicitor with regard to the Ferguson land purchase (County Road #30). 4. The Youth Progral.1l1ue was continuing with only fair results. The workers under the progrannne were less than average and 1 had already been replaced and another would be laid-off. 5. The stump removal programme had been terminated as no further funds were available, however good results had been achieved on County Roads #28, #16 and Road #45. A considerable amount of work remained to be done and if funds were available in future year s the progral.1l1l.1e shoul d be carried on. 6. The Engineer had been requested to assist the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications at a Regional Bridge Inspection and Repair Seminar in London on November 22. ~ The Ministry was promoting seminars throughout the Province with their own staff and municipal road staff and would likely require the Engineers' services for a number of days in 1985. 7. The Engineer had 9 days holidays left to take in 1984.. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1984 PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Snow fence was being erected. 2. Cleanup work was being continued on County Road #22, shoulders had been gravelled, most top soil had been applied except in several locations where it was too wet (in front of Mac Hepburn's). 3. Earth barrow would still be hauled on the Concession IV corner. 4. Practically all the crushed gravel had been removed from the Pleasant Valley Pit. 5. Concession VIII, Malahide Township from County Road #32 to County Road #40 had been gravelled but there would not be sufficient gravel to complete the shoulders on County Road #32 where it had been paved and County Road #36 north of County Road #45. 6. Earth was required for shoulders on County Road #45 and would be hauled shortly. 7. Some gravel will be replaced on the Wellington Road shoulders in front of lawns, etc. 8. County Road #26 between Highway #3 and County Road #11 would be given a coat of crushed gravel this Fall rather than next Spring in preparation for the International Plowing Match. 9. Work in Port Burwell had been completed for the season and most trim work had been completed. 10. Work had been completed at Silver Creek for the season with the guide rail having been completed and most trim work done. 11. Sand piles were being placed at Whites Station and would be completed at Dutton and Straffordville shortly. 12. Five (5) casual labourers would be laid-off as of November 14th and another 5 would be laid-off November 23rd. The remaining 5 casual labourers plus the Youth ProgrctlLl1Ue people would be kept for some time. 13. The sweeping of roads would be completed by the weekend. 14. Truck #90 was expected back from the body shop by the weekend. 15. New tires had to be placed on Trucks #83, #B4 and #88 so that they would pass the safety check. ST. TROMAS. ONTAR1. 0 NOVE'MBER 14, 1934 PAGE 3. 17. There ",as a considerable amount of sign ",ork and guide rail ",otk to be done. The channel at 1'attersons Cul~ert on county Road #30 had been cleaned out, . h' t 'b tog ~1 500 to the cost. ...-ith the l<ettle creek conser~at~on aut or~ty con r~ u ~n ~ , The east side of the do"'" stream side of the sha'" Culvert on county Road #45 had been cleaned out. ])ebris had been remo~ed from the culvert at Richmond on the Big Otter creek on countY Road ff38. Traffic countS taken on the 11.iddlemisS Bridge indical:ed a total traffic . old. .~ 8 hour classificatiOn count flo'" of appro1<imatelY 600 ~eh~c eS a ay. "''' sho",ed that appro1<imatelY 2(f/. of the traffic to be tractor trailers. Traffic countS on 1'air~ie'" A~enue after construction ""re approzimatelY the same as traffic countS prior to construction. The Engineer outlined plans for ...-inter control on county roads noting that . d. as in nre~ious years at 10, "nth Grader #17 being used sno"'l'lo'" routes rema~ne r . 't ld and several for standbY. Some of the sno"'l'lo'" equipment ",as gett~ng qu~ e 0 unitS had been purchased before his service .,ith the county (28 years), Sander routeS ",ould remain at 9. Streib Trucking ",ou1d take over a route 16. 18. 19. 20. out at DUtton as 11.i1an Lee ",as not interested a:nd a countY truck ",ould operate ~,:c.tion in place of Ray ])all (.,no is not ",orking thiS year). -=..... tJ:ucl<. -ra.te s tot: the 1st of p,pril for the coUntY Garage. \olinter night duty and ",eekend duty ",ould be done as in pre~iouS years. l<eith 1'layer (ClaSs V. Foreman) 'WOuld be approached to take on the dutieS of a superintendent for Vlinter control (on call dutieS on nightS and ",eekends), this ",ould spread the ",ork o~er 3 per sons as it ",as found last ",inter that it ",as toO rigoroUS for 2 superintendentS to do it all. Se~eral operating changeS had been made since last year in personnel because of retiremantS, etc. continued · · · · · ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1934 PAGE 4. school Boards. etc. and an information letter ",ould be formtrded to all municipal A complete information sheet had been for",arded to the Ontario 1'ro~incia1 police, councils for distribution to their variouS councillors, fire chiefs, etc., so that they ",ould kno'" Whom to contact in case of emergencies. "11.OITED B'l: M. 11. S'l$W ART SECOl'lDED BY: D. 1'EROVlCH THAT THE FOLLOWll'lG l' A YL1.STS BE AJ'1'ROITED1'OR l' A'lMBNT : PAYL1.ST NUMBER 51 AMOUNTING TO $65.903.52 1'A'lL1.ST NUMBER 52 AMOUNTING TO $1.323.07 PAYL1.ST NUMBER 53 AMouNT1.NG TO $61.4ll.03 1'AYL1.ST NUMBER 54 AMouNTWG TO $232.76 1'AYLIST NUMBER 55 AMO\lNT1.NG TO $61,165.27 1'AYLIST NUMBER 56 AMO\lNT1.l'lG TO $92.698.04 l' A'lL1.ST NUMBER 57 AMOUNTIl'lG TO $694.82 1'AYL1.ST NUMBER 58 AMOUNTll'lG TO $294,546.05 1'A'lL1.ST NUMBER 59 AMOUNTIl'lG TO $37,514.13 CARRIED." I111.OITED BY E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. McmLL1.AM THAT 'tHE ENGINEER BE AlJ'fHOR1.ZED TO MAKE AN A1'1'L1.CATION TO EMPLOYMENT AND U\M.1.GRATlON CANADA UNDER THE CANADA \oloBJ(S 1'ROCRAMME FOR 1985 1.N 'tHE AMouNT OF $27,090.00. CARRIED ." 'the Engineer presented the latest al1lended report on the county' s Needs Study Update sho"ing a total need of $39,373,000 on County roads. It appeared that the 11.inistry of TransportatiOn and communicatiOns .,auld not ha~e subsidy allocations for 1985 out to the ~ariOuS municipalities before miG-January at the earliest as the 11.inistry of TransportatiOn and communications .,as ~erY badly behind .nth their tabulating of the Needs Study ReportS from continued. · · · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1984 PAGE 5. upper tier municipalities. Although Elgin had forwarded the requested information, most upper tier municipalities had not forwarded the information to the Ministry. It would be necessary to tabulate all of this information before construction objectives could be reached and a subsidy allocation arrived at. It appeared that there was little if any chance of all increase in subsidy and in all likelihood it would be a recalculation. of assessment figures, etc., which would likely result in an increase in the County Levy for 1985. The Engineer'S best guess of such a County Levy increase would be approximately 6% or $60,000. Thus the 1985 Levy would be approximately $1,100,000. Although the County Levy might increase the total subsidy'allocation would not likely increase enough to look after inflation on maintenance and if a severe winter was encountered a portion of the construction allocation would have to be transferred to maintenance. The Engineer reported that more and more Counties are finding it necessary to use a portion of their construction allocation to keep up their day to day maintenance as the Ministry'S allocation for maintenance was not sufficient to cover necessary maintenance work. The purchase of new equipment was discussed at some length and the Engineer reported that he and Floyd Humphries had inspected a new Frink Sweeper with the Frink salesman in Birmingham, Michigan several weeks previously noting improvements that have been made in the sweeper in the past 10 years would in their opinion preclude a major expenditure in rebuilding the Countys' old sweeper and they recvlll1llended that a new sweeper be purchased. The CVlluuittee noted the quotation of Frink Canada and the trade-in allowance. The Gommitteehoped that a higher trade-in allowance could be received from Frink Canada at the time a new sweeper was received or a private individual might be interested in purchasing the old sweeper. The sweeper was presently in poor condition and it was hoped that it would be able to work for a few days to finish the work at hand. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 14, 1984 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: M. H.. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA FOR AN ELGIN PELICAN SWEEPER COMPLETE WITH CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINE, HYDROSTATIC TRAJ~SMISSION AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $91,875.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, LESS TRADE-IN OF $5,400.00 WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO HAVE THE OPTION WHEN THE MACHINE IS DELIVERED AS TO WHETHER OR NOT TO TRADE THE PRES~~T SWEEPER IN.~ CARRIED." The Committee members discussed and noted the continual renting of outside trucks throughout the year and felt that they could economize if the County owned another truck. Several of the County's trucks had more than 300,000 kilometers on them. Although they might be good for several years, with major repairs, they were more susceptible to breakdown. The Engineer felt that if another truck was purchased it should be equipped with a snow plow as some of the present County snowplow equipment was extremely old. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO GALL TENDERS FOR A TANDEM DIESEL DUMP. TRUCK WITH STANDARD COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AND BE AUTHORIZED TO SOLICIT A QUOTATION FROM FRINK CANADA FOR DUMP BOX AND SNOWPLOW ATTACHMENTS. CARRIED." The Chairman was authorized to send a letter of congratulations to John Lampman for his good work in acting as a Foster Parent for teenagers. He had been honoured by Family and Children Services at a recent banquest. ST. Tll~S, 0l'lTAR1.0 NOVEM.BER 14, 1984 PAGE 7. CORlmS1'Ol'lDJ'l'\CE ~AS NOTED AS FOLJ..OlHS: 1. From the Town of AYlmer regarding stone from the Old Jail \olalli;. felt that before anY stone ",as removed from the county Garage at \olhiteS Station, .,ritten permiSsion from the county of Elgin 1'ropertY C(J!lltnittee should be obtained The Co"(O.1llittee and for",arded to the C(J!lltnittee as the Road C(J!lltnittee ",as merely the custodians ot the matet:ial. From the Ontario Good Roads ASSociation regarding a Grader Operator school. 1.t appeared that there could be about 15 applicantS from the county of Elgin area and the ASsociatiOn had been asked if a school could be aJ:ranged for 2. 3. From the TownshiP of pJ.dborOugh .,tth 2 zoning by_la"'S. 4. From 11.r. E. A. Stacey on county Road #45 .,tth drainage; the matteJ: ",as tabled until such time as t1;le TownshiP of Yarmouth representatives ",ere that numbeJ:. available · 5. From Mr. CharleS Jackson; filed. /!Jl entrance ",ay for Barat on county Road #52 in springfield the location of ",hich ",as ~ie",ed the previouS montb1 ",as diSCussed at some length. The corondttee agreed that Mr. Barat could be given permission to make an entrance ontO the county road at hiS own e1<pense. and the Engineer ",as instructed to inform 11.r. Barat and the Village of springfield of the C(J!lltnittee t S decision. The county .,ould not pay to",ard the entrance The Engineer stated that because he had been on holidaYS he had not been able to sUllJlll"rize any information on the maintenance standards and it ",as unlikelY that informatiOn .,ould be a~ailable before late JanuaJ:Y' 1I11.0VED B'l: D. A. 11.CW1.LL1.J>,}I. SECOl'lDED B'l: D. 1'EROV1CH 'tllAT \olE ADJO\lID1 TO \olEDl'lESDA'l. DECEMBER 5. 1984 AT 9 :30 A.11.. CARRIED_" CllAlRM.AN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT COMPARISON ROAD NEEDS 1983 AND 1984 NEEDS STUDY UPDATE AMENDED OCTOBER 27, 1984 ~ 1983 1984 . . . 1" ! BRIDGES 3,761,000 5,548,000 (Including Inflation Factor) ROADS - NOW 5,462,000 12,930,000 - 1 - 5 YEARS 4,722,000 7,420,000 10,184,000 20,350,000 TOTAL WITH INFLATION @ 43% 14,563,000 CARRYOVER 836,000 1,349,000 SPOT DRAINAGE 783,000 MUNICIPAL DRAINS 594,000 TOTAL ROADS 16,506,000 21,969,000 .1 BRIDGES AND ROADS 20,267,000 27,517,000 INCREASE 1984 OVER 1983 32% + RESURFACING (INCLUDING INFLATION) 8,520,000 11,856,000 TOTAL NEEDS $39,373,000 INCREASE 1984 OVER 1983 44% '!' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1984 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: l~ Walmsley Bros~ Limited have completed their asphalt paving on CO\1nty Road #42 (Silver Creek) and County Roa.d 1/45 between Jaffa and the Pinecroft Road in Malahide Township. 2. Tow1and London (1970) LUnited have paved the portion of Road #22 south of Road #45 recently constructed. 3. The Province of Ontario has approved the County'sapplication under the Ontario Youth Opportunities programme for a twelve (12) week programme which started September 26th and will be completed by Christmas time. Six (6) youths are presently employed under this programme. The Province pays for wages plus a portion of the supervision and overhead costs. 4. A limited programme of removal of stumps along County roads has been approved by Road Committee. It is not known how far this programme can be carried this Fall because of the weather and the limite.d funds available for the programme. 5. We have purchased four (4) One TOn Crew Cab Trucks from E. L. Fordham Motors Limited of Rodney at a net price of $41,088.00, including Provincial Sales Tax and trade-ins of four (4) 1978 Crew Cab Trucks. 6. We have purchased a 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck frOm St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Limited of St. Thomas at a net price of $?,441.04, including Provincial Sales Tax w~th a 1976 Ford Pickup Truck as trade... in. 7. We ha.ve purcha.sed a used 1981 Model D740 Champion Grader (2,300 hours) complete with snow wiJ,lg, one year parts and service warranty and siJ{: (6) new Michelin Tires at a net price of $78,901.80, including Provincial Sales TaJ{: with the County's 1968 Model 0600 Motor Grader as trade-in. A similar new grader is estimated to cost $130,000.00. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1984 PAGE 1. \olednesday, october 10th at 9:00 a.m. All members except Reeve 11.c\oli11iam ",ere THE coUNTY OF EJ.,G1.N ROAD CQMM1TTEE met at the Municipal Bui1dtng on present. "11.OVED B'l: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. 1'EROVI.CH THAT THE MI.N\lTES 01' THE MEET1.NG OF SEJ"Cl1.MBER 12, 1984 BE Al'1'ROVED. CARRIED." THE ENG1.NEER RFl'ORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. l'lo,comrounication had been received from the city of St. ThomaS regarding their desire to have an update done on the solid Waste Study done some years ago by 2. No further information ",as available on the strachan Street Drain extenSion MacLat:ens. 3. An invoice had been received for curb and gutter replacement from the Village in port Burwell. of Rodney and RaY Collard ",ould inspect the ",ork to see if it had been 4. No ",ord had been recei~ed from the Ferguson brothers, County Road #30, completed satisfactorilY, 5. No information had been received from the 11.inistry of Transportation and -regaJ:ding land purchase. Col!Jl\l\lnications ",ith regard to the dispOsal of their \olallacetomt property. youth Opportunities 1'rogramme for a t",elv.e (12) ",eek period starting september 26th and ending before Christmas. At the present time si1< (6) youthS ",ere employed under the programme and the county'S original request had been amended. The County ",ou1d eventually receive the entire ",ages paid out p~us a portion of their 6. The 11.inistry of 11.unicipa1 Affairs had approved the county's request for a 1. A Federal audit had been done on the summer canada · 84 1'rogratOllle and the ovet:head and costs. final payment ",as being awaited. B. ST. 'tll()lolAS, ONTAR1.0 OCTOBBR 10, 1934 1> AGB 2. 01: the 9. construction budget for 1.985. , 1 31 500 feet of sno'" fence. the county owned appro><~mate Y , . d. ~h' d Division court against f.,' d!t:.7" 00 had been rece~ve ~n. ~r . A judgement .or ~J .J' '" k #f>4 in the accident of october 1983 on John \olitlO>< for damageS to .ruc 10. , d h' s ",ageS could be garnisheed it 1llight be a long unleSs ~itlo>< ",as ",ork~ng an ~ time before the countY ""'S able to colletot any money- county Road. #32. , .ount . of 11.iddlese>< had reported that the 11.1=. Don ll\1.SSon, county Eng~neer. C Y . 1 te their Road Classification StudY unt~1. CountY of 11.iddlese>< ",ould not cotllP e ' " , . to dis~sS pr~or~t~es , ' t' g bet.,een the t",o count~es Dece1llber and thuS a )O~nt <nee ~n .,as not feasible until earlY 1985. f 11.'ddlese>< financial problems ",ere 11.1=. lluSson indicated that the County 0 ~ " . d d h ld little hope for ",ork other greater than theY had originallY ant~C~pate . an e d h Cit"" of. London. than their high prioritY ",ork aroun t e J REt'JE 11.cmLL1.lIM. 1.N A't'tJ'l'\DlIl'lCE · · · ",::.><eS had come intO effect and the cost of A. sph al t 'tHE El'lG1.l'lEl1.R Rl1.l'Om:ED Ol'l TJ1E ~ORR 'to DA'tE AS 1'0LL()\olS: 1. t d for the season. 1. GraSs cutting had been comp e e 2 1'a~ement marking ",as nearlY coro.pleted. . 1'< d #22 ",ith roost grading and granular base 3 \olork ",as continuing on CountY oa . ._ . considerable al1l0unt of \tritOllling and having been completed for the sea5U>'. .' ~in ",ould be completed earlY ne><t stOrm drain ",ork remained. Base coat pa g ST. TliQW\.S, QNTAR1. 0 OCTOBER 10, 1984 PAGE 3. 1 d be done at the same time as 1'aving for the salted sand pad at the garage "'ou Road. #22. . t:ap ~aS need.ed. at D ' cU l"ert had been C01l\pletedalthOUgh some r~P The GeaJ:Y ;J: a1. n v 4. 5. the outlet. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. A considerable amount of ditcn'''''>> and a list of eightY (80) miscellaneous proj~ctS had been the past month. #31 'd it ",ould ha~e to be traded or '...s had been made to Tr acto': an . 'Minot: t:epa1.J- 1,. <11d have to be done on it before ne1<t year. tna) at: ~o-r t\. ~o '-" d ho ha~ing been repaired '!1:uck /lS4 ",oul d be back ne1<t ",eek from the bo Y s p and painted and '!1:uck ~O 'iJould be sent in. 1 R d 4fl-6 in ])Un'ilich To"",shiP had been graV'e county Road /IS south of countY oa 'th}\r Ren j(\.einsteiber of the 11.inistry of A meeting had been set up "'~ · d' the countY' s Bridge 11.aintena"l\ce TransportatiOn and c()t1ltllUnicatiOns ,:egar ~ng d. ~eeds study Update costs. pJ: ogt: arr:n:n.e an .1.'1. shoUldet:ed. 12. 13. 14. 'the cleaning out of bridgeS < the j(ettle creek conser~ation }\r. Rod FergUSon O. that the AuthoritY might assist financiallY. . d #45) ...J. #.) Sha"''' (COuntY Roa ' dl d.ed at r.atte,:sons (COuntY l<Oad 30' \rloJ:l<. ~as be. Y nee (R d #26) "Fingal (COuntY Road 4fl-6) and Dodds (COunty St. George Street oa' , on the Rettie creek ",ould be diSCUssed 'ilith Autho,:ity .,ith the thought - ... ST. TlloMAS, oN'!: ARlO OCTOBER 10, 1934 'PAGE 4. 11.iddlemiSS Bridge ",ould be undertaken shortlY, Traffic count? thiS year seemed to be approxiroatelY 3 or 4 percent over last year ",ith majOr increases on \olellington Road. 1.t ",as also e~ected that roajor increases ",ould be sho""- on 1'airvie'" A~enue "men pa~ing ",as cotnpleted. '!1:affic countS to ascertain classifications bet.,een truckS and. car's at the 'the county Engineer reported on the R. T .A.C. 1'rogr ronroe in 11.ontrea1. contactS had been, made with the canadian Salt CompanY and the salt price had been lo",ered 20 centS per tonne with a sa~ingS of o~er $1.000.00 for the cotning seaSon. Alternate renecti~e sheeting for signS ",as looked intO and it ",as hoped that the price could be reduced 1/3, nO'" that the 311. Cotnpany had cotnpetition. E~enditUres 1:0 date ",ere consistent with the budget and it appeared that the .,ark ",ould be' completed within budget although there .,auld he ,nosUJ:pluS of tund.s. "MOVED BY: D. A. McvftLLIAM. SECONDED l\'l: D. 1'EROV1.CH THAT THE 1'OLLlYH1l'lG l' AYL1.STS BE Al'1'R()I1ED FOR l' A'lM:l1.N'!:: l' AYL1. ST Nffiil\ER 46 A11.OUNT1.l'lG TO $63,144. 3 9 1'AYL1.S't NffiiBER 48 A11.QUNT1.NG TO $60,268.52 l' A'lL1. ST NffiiBER 49 A11.QUNT1.l'lG 'to $1 96 · 56 P AYL1. ST NffiiBER 50 A11.OUNT1.l'lG TO $376, 16 5 · 39 CARRIED ." "'MOVED Wi: SECONDED B'l: E. tl. MARR THA't \olE Al'1'RQvE THJ!. ACcOUNT 01' ROBERT BROO1ZS Acr1.NG FOR \olt$.DEN MARR 1.l'l THE A11.0UNT 01' $1.,323.07 FOR l1,}O'ENSES AT THE R S .A. C. cQN'll1.NT1. ON 1.N MON'l'RF.AL (tlOSl'1.TAL1.T'l \SU1.TE) Al'lD 'tHE C1IA1.~ BE t.,uTllOR1.ZED TO S1.Gl'l TtlE l' AYL1.ST · CARRIED ." 'M. l-l. STEVlART ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1984 PAGE 5. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Dunwich with a by-law rezoning property on County Road #8 in Wallacetown, owned by William Dietrich, to residential. 2. From the Township of Bayham with a by-law rezoning property on County Road #45 to rural residential. 3. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that they would consider ~ interim subsidy payments (minimum of $100,000 per month) for the four (4) months of August, September, October and November. The County however, would not be eligible for subsidy until October as expenditures were not yet great enough. 4. From the Vill~ge of Vienna with a resolution agreeing with the "Position Paper" regarding Union Gas locates. 5. From the Township of Southwold approving a culvert for John Crabe, County Road #16. Warden Marr ag;reed to look into this matter again as it appeared that there might be a complaint if excesS surface water drained into the House property. 6. From Charles Jackson regarding setback of signs, etc., in Fingal. The correspondence was ordered filed. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: 'D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF CHAMPION ROAD MACHINERY SALES LIMITED FOR A 1981 MODEL Q 740 CHAMPION GRADER AS PER THEIR QUOTATION OF SEPTEMBER 13TH COMPLETE WITH CUMMINS MOTOR, 9138 TRANSMISSION AND NE~ MICHELIN RADIAL TIRES ~T THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $73,740.00, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND WITH THE COUNTY GRADER #14 AS TRADE-IN. ,\1\ CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1984 P AG E 6. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ST. THOMAS PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER LIMITED FOR ONE (1) 3/4 TON P'ICKUP TRUCK AT 'l'HEIRTENDERED PRICE OF ,$9,441.04, INCLUlJINGPROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH COUNTY TRUCK #66 AS, TRADE-IN. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT TIlE TENDER OF E. L. FORDHAM MOTORS LIMITED FOR FOUR (4) GMC TC30943/AS3 CREW CAB PICKUP TRUCKS AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $41,088.00, INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH COUNTY TRUCKS #79, #80, ,. #81 AND #82 AS TRADE-INS." CARRIED." Delivery of trucks would not be received until January of 1985 and the costs would have to be included in the 1985 Budget. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT JAMES POWERS BE PLACED ON REGULAR STAFF EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 4, 1984 AS A CLASS II, LABOURER. CARRIED." The Connnittee agreed to the payment of $30.00 to each regular employee that purchased a winter coat with reflective taping on it, meeting the standards of the Construction Safety Act. This would relieve the County of supplying reflective vests to the employee if he wore his winter coat. An average of two (2) vests a</year are used by an employee. As coats would last a number of years there could be a savings to the County as well as convenience to the employee. It was expecteq that 7 to 10 employees would be interested in'the offer. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 10, 1984 PAGE 7. noting that the programme started a fe'" years ago had not been carried on and The COtOlllittee discussed a limited programme of stump removal for the Fall many of the stumps presented hazards to the motoring public as ",ell as prohibiting pt:oper drainage. removal as funds ",ere available and ",eather permitted. It ",as SUggested that The Engineer ",as instructed to proceed -with a limited programme of stump priorities be given to county Road #14 at High",ay #3, County Road #28 near Elm Street which ",ou1d improve sno'" p10-wing conditions, County Road #16 - St. ThomaS to Finga1, county Road #20 _ Fingal to 1'ort Stanley and County Road #45 throughout. instructed to make interim repairs to the county cars to get them through until 'there ",as a discussion on county vehicle replacement policy. The Engineer ",as Spring. It ",as noted that the bodies ",ere in good shape and that mechanical costS .,auld not be great considering the cost of replacement. "MOVED ll'l: 11.. H. STEWART SECONDED B'l: J. N. SwtrH THAT \olE l\DJOURN TO \olEDNESDA'l, NOVl1.l1BER 14, 1984 AT 9 :30 A.M. cARRIED ." THE MEET1.NG ADJOUlU1ED FOR LUNCH · · · \olITH REEVE SwtrH AND REEVE STEWART ABSENT · . . THE REMA1.l'lDER OF THE COMMITTEE \olENT Ol'l ROAD INS1'EcTION . . . pit and stream diversion gtCthe GilletS Bridge, paving county Road #45 Jaffa to The committee inspected county Road #22 (Fairvie'" Avenue), the Sparta Gravel High",ay #73, construction ",ork at Si1~er Gcee~ (county Road #42), construction on county Road #42 and county Road #50 in 1'ort BUr",ell, county Road #43 throughout including cooks and phillmore l\l:idgeS and county Road #32 construction. Request for an entrance on County Road #52 in Springfield (:Barad, county Road #49, county Road #4B and county Road #47 surface treatment in South Dorchester To.,uship, county Road #37 from Avon to Belmont, County \olel1ington Road' ",ere inspected. COUN~rY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~ ,.' --'~ GRADER QUOTATION sUMMARY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 1. southwest Tractor Limited R. R. #4 London, Ontario (a) John Deere Model JD 770A (Articulated) Ne'" July 1981. Previous Owner Orilla Township. 2,712 Hours (September 10) 14 Foot Moldboard. All po",er HydraulicS and Float position. 12 Foot Snow \oling and Front Mounted Sno'" plow Frame, Revolving Light and Light Package, Bench Seat. Repainted, 105 Amp Alternator (If Required), 6 Tires (Firestone). 125 Hours or LeSS. Warranty _ 6 Months or 1,000 Hours. $75,000 I LeSS Trade-In - Net 2. Champion Road Machinery Sales Limited 1075 Clarke Boulevard Brampton, Ontario (a) 1981 Champion Model 0 740 855 Cummions Motor. 193 HP Net (14 Litre) Transmission Mode19138 (Same Transmission as Grader #20) 13 Foot Moldboard. All power Hydraulics and Float position. 2.300 Hours. Repainted. 12 Foot Snow \oling, All Lights, Bench Seat, 105 ~p Alternator. Warranty - 1 Year or 1,000 Hours. LeSs Trade-In (County to Keep Front Mount "N' Frame) \olith 6 New Goodyear 1400 X 24 Tires - Net $71,120 With 6 New Michelin Radial Tires - Net $73,740 ~ cpntinued · · · ~--=Cc_ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT GRADER QUOTATION SUMMARY (b) 1983 Champion D 740 6-71 GMC 2 Valve Motor, 181 HP 9135 Transm~ssion (Same as Graders #17, #18 and #19) 14 Foot Moldborad. 800 Hours, Rops Cab, etc., New Snow Wing. Warranty - 6 Months or 1,000 Hours. Less Trade- In (County to Keep Front Mount "A" Frame) New Tires - Goodyear New Tires - Michelin (c) 1981 Champion D 740A (Articulated) 671 GMC 4 Valve Motor, 214 HP 14 Foot Moldboard. PAGE 2. $88,500 $93,540 ..A 9150 Transmission, Power Shift, Repainted, 12 Foot Snow Wing. l,490 Hours. Warranty - 6 Months or 1,000 Hours. Less Trade-In (County to Keep Front Mount "All Frame) With 6 New Goodyear Tires - Net With 6 New Michelin Radial Tires - Net $78,720 $81,240 11 /.WO~'",';O'''O;: I~'\'C. ~ iiO"'j ~O$i:Oo ~~j1t)\'. .0 .A<If!I' ~~:%,:;~~;$ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TRUCK TENDER tA' ONE - 3/4 TON PICKUP TRUC~ NET AFTER TRADE-IN 1976 3/4 TON PICKUP INCLUDU'fG S,A~AX OCTOBER 1984 . > \ 1. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Limited 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2S6 Dodge D 250 $9,441.04 I 2. E. L. Fordham Motors Limited 241 Furnival Road Rodney, Ontario NOL 2CO GMC TC20903/E63 $9,672.80 ./ 3. Highbury Ford Sales Limited 1365 Dundas Street London, Ontario N5 W 3 B5 Ford F 250 $10,962.15' 4. Talbot Mercury Sales Limited 700 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Ford F 250 $11,519.62 !' 5. Eastway Ford Sales Limited 1012 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Ford F 250 $11,671.56 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TRUCK TENDER 'B' FOUR - CREW CAB PICKUP TRUCKS NET AFTER TRADE-IN OF COUNTY TRUCKS #79, #80, #81 AND #82 ALL 1978 FORD F-350 CREW CABS INCLUDING SALES TAX OCTOBER 1984 1. E. L. Fordham Motors Limited 241 Furnival .Road Rodney, Ontario NOL 2CO GMC TC30943/AS3 $41,088.00 <i 2. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Limited 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario Dodge D 350 $45,529. 57 . 3. Talbot Mercury Sales Limited 700 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Ford F 350 $47,069.30 <) 4. Eastway Ford Sales Limited 1012 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Ford F 350 $50,812.16 , 5. .Highbury Ford Sales Limited 1365 Dundas Street London, Ontario N5W 3 B5 Ford F 350 $53,529.96 It COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER SESSION 1984 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Mr. Fred Groch has been engaged (as of August 7th) as Assistant Engineer. 2. That base coat paving on County Road #42 and County Road #50 in Port Burwell has been completed. 3. That the quotation of ... Walmsley Bro s. Limited for asphal t paving at Silver Creek on County Road #42 has been accepted and the work underway. Guide rail, rip rap work at the culvert inlet and some trimming and seeding work remains. The water line and the telephone lines have been replaced as well as the storm drainage system. 4. The contract of Walmsley Bros. Limited for paving on County Road #45 has been extended to cover that portion of County Road #45 between Jaffa easterly to the Pinecroft Side Road at the same! unit prices as the original contract. 5. Construction continues on County Road #22 from the intersection of the road between Concessions IV and V northerly approximately 3/4 mile. A base coat of asphalt under the present contract with Towland (London) 1970 Limited will be placed this Fall. 6. The Engineer has been authorized to make application to the Province of Ontario under the Ontario Youth Opportunities Programme for a progrannne for work from mid-October to mid-December of this year and a programme of work for the Spring and Sluumer of 1985. 7. We have purchased three (3) tandem sanders from London Machinery Company Limited of London at $31,618.50 (including Provincial Sales Tax); one (1) unit has already been received and mounted. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - SEPTEMBER SESSION 1984 PAGE 2. WE RECOMM:END: 1. That a By-Law be passed to amend the by-law adopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System by amending the designation of County Road #5 at Walkers Bridge to the limits of the present road as revised and travelled and reverting to the local municipalities the portions of the road which led t.o the old bridge and no longer required as access to the new bridge. 2. That a By-Law be passe~ to amend the by-law adopting a Plan of County Road. Improvement and Establishing a County Road System by amending the designation of County Road #39 (Chatham Street) in the Village of Port Burwell to reassume that portion of Chatham Street previously reverted to the Village of Port Burwell when that portion of Chatham Street is legally opened as a road allowance by the Village of Port Burwell. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Office on Tuesday, May 15, 1984 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Warden Marr. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Couuuunications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1984 BE APPROVED. CARRIED .ff Reeve Smyth declared a conflict of interest . . . Tenders were opened for the County property Part of Lot 137, North Talbot Road, Township of Houghton and were as follows: Jack Smyth - Port Burwell $56,000 Abbott and Townsend Lumber Inc. - Langton $37,000 Reeve Smyth left chambers . . . After discussion. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO JACK SMYTH OF PORT BURWELL FOR THE NORTH 50 ACRES OF THE NORTH-WEST PART OF LOT 137, NORTH TALBOT ROAD, HOUGHTON TOWNSHIP (BEING PART NO.4, REGISTERED PLAN NO.1) AT HIS TENDERED PRICE OF $56,000 (FIFTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS). CARRIED." Reeve Smyth resumed his chair . . . ST. T1:lQl,\AS, 0N'tAR1.0 MAY. 15, 1934 1?AGE 2. T1:lJ', J'l'\G1.l'lJ', l1.R RJ','I' ORTED pJ',1'01..LC1d S : ' ~'ht h d been a success. d. d '~nold 11.illigan APpreciat~on ,,~g a 1 'that the Art Go" on an IV- . st , . td on the financial outCOme ",hich per person CO The ASsistant Eng~neer repo" e , "-. f . R01 DOran in 1983. the countY leSS than the APpreciation 1i\~g..t 0" ... ssistant had. been Cd' 84 'I'rograJl11ll" for a ,survey a 2. The Federal Suroil\er ana a d. < """entice mechanic. d b<1t had not been appro~e .. ,;0" an ar r ~~~e u. . , ' . 'h 4 1l1Ore emplOyeeS to be h~red 3. The canada \olorks 1'''O%"atOllle ",a9 cont~nu~ng ~t shot:t 1 Y · d f' nal report for the C .O.E.D. 1'rogra1ll'l'e as 1.t .,ould be necessary to sen a ne'" ~ , ' contribUtiOn on the prograJl11ll" . . 1 "<1d'tOrS had "laced a m~n~muro county , 1'ro",nc~a "u > r 1 k .,ere previOus11 una",a"e. of ",nich the Engineer and the C er ,._0" _A".\.sed that the countY of 11.iddlese1< Road Eng 1.1.\.\;;' L ...""" Y - 'the countY of 11.iddlese1< - ot interested in a d C~iSsion ",ere n , nd LOndon Suburban Roa 1 ted. the indepth c~~ttee " ' ti 1 they comp e d C :[t'I!ll1. ttee u'O. _" _..; _ ("'l"'l<u"\t'l Roa 0 meeting ",ith the EL)!,>" vvu--- study of their entire county and Suburban road SystemS' to ha~e a final report on thiS study until the Fall. A date for a meeting ",as.left in abeyance. db" the Chairman ",ere as attached. car tenders accepte ] The1 did not e1<pect 4. 5. nM.OVED BY.: SECOl'lD1!.D Wi: J. l'l. sM.'lT1:l .. S L1.l'11.'tE1'l, ST. T1\OW.S FOR A 01' EAS'l"i'A'l FORD SALE 'fHA't \olE e,CC1!.1''t T1\E QUcrrAT1.0l'l . 582 00 LESS T1:l1!. coUNT'l' S ~ T1:lEIJl. QucrrtD1'R1.CE 01' $10, · , FORD L'tD CROWl'I '\T1. C'tOR1.A P: . · 2 100 · 00) FOR A 'tcrrAL (l'l1!.T 'tRAD1!.~ 1.l'l VALU'l1. ~ , 1978 DODG1!. lIl'lD THE 1979 C11.1'.'JR01.l1.T . 01' $8 283.94. ,1.l'lG 'I'RO'\T1.l'lC1.AL SALES TAR. ' QIlcrrAT1.oN, 1.l'lCLUD cABR1.ED." D. A.. Mcv:I1LL1Al'1 6. 7. _ ,.. d that the w\.nistrY of 'transportatiOn and Frank clarke and the Eng~nee" reporte c()1lllllUnicatiOns had re~ised thei" ])ench 11.ark , b used in conjunctJ,.on .,ith the p,. asphalt resurfac~ng to e . _.~ "^~tS for CountY conSlO.U-- costS for road const"uction and ~~sent majOr need studY ld bused to esti.m~"'~ -.;.v- f' u-re s -wo\1. e update. These ~g s to d.ete-rmine the b )i.t 5 yea-r b the 11.inistr1 for t e ne . . ",nich ",ould be used Y , ' f TransportatiOn and , funds and 11.~n~st"" 0 t constt:uct1.01.1. CountY's entitlement or CotOlllunicat i on s sub si dy all ocat ion s. continued · · · · ST. THoMAS, mn: AR1. 0 'MAY. 15, 1934 PAGE 3. The 11.inistry had pre~iouS1Y cut_back Bench 11.ark figureS proposed by the county and had, after protest by the county most of the Bench 11.ar\< costS to appro~imatelY the al1l0untS SUggested by reconsidered and al1lended the county originallY' The Need Study update .,ark ho",ever ",Quld be delayed considerablY and ",ork .,auld ha~e to be completed by the end of June :when requested by the MJ:. \<I!n 10. e inSte iber, of the MinistrY 0 f 'tr ansp ortation and CoUJl1ltlni cat ions had inspected a nUil\ber of bridgeS in the county road System on 11.ay 1 st and 11.inistry of '!1:ansportation and coUJl1ltlnications. . (a) 1.n~estigations be ",ade at the \<I!ttle creek cul~ert on countY Road #45 to determine ",hether or not bac\<fill ",as eS'caping from underneath the conct:ete apt:onS. 'that the GillettS Bridge floor be repaired ",ith hot or cold ",i1< asphalt fo~ the time being and that in all likelihood a new bridge floor ",ould ~ecoromend.ed that~ (b) be required in a fe'" yea~s. (c) That the bridge floorS on 1'layerS and the 1'ort J)Urv1ell BridgeS had 2 or 3 yearS life left in them and they ",ould ha~e to be completelY rehabilitated and a late1< modified concrete overlaY placed on them and e1<pansion jointS raised to sa~e both dec\<s. Total cost for both bridgeS ....ty at tbe s"arta pit had been ~ented to 11.r. Robert Richardson The county prope." for $1,200 for the 1984 season, MJ:. Richardson ",ould not be able to use 6 or 7 ac~eS of the prope~ty that he used last year as the countY ",ould "nsh to start stripping operatiOns before the crops ",ould be off in the Fall. apprOximatelY $250,000. John \olitlo1< had applied for an adjOurnment in the Third Division court. ",as not likely that the trial ",ould be held befo~e fall. lt ST. 'tJlcMAS, ON'tARIO MA'l 15, 1954 "PAGE 4. Engineer had assisted ~n considerable concern ",as ev1.dent education for municipal officials and etnl?10yees d ld ot be a~ailable and maintenance as fun s 'iIOu n for replace1ll"nt of bridg"s. Representati~esfrom \oleste~n a joint municipal f~ont against union Gas d. tbe cost o.f relocation of _ ......., .... ,",1".7::\,t: . ' ()nta~:io countieS had met at chathanl to dl.s<',uss regarding the union Gas request to gaS lineS. A staff meeting had been t>e.'> v., w_ d ut _^~neL ~ of Blenheim case had been engage to P lOVb-. . r t d to both Union Gas and the ()ntariv !'.nerv,Y agreement that could be presen e Boat:d. TllE J'l'\G1.NEER RE1'ORTED Ol'l 'tJlE VlORR TO DA'tE AS FOLLOWS: .' t 117 St Qeorge Street had been remo~ed. 1 That the bu~ld~ngs a · . #18 d C untY Road #11 d. #:\ Q and. #20 north of county Road ., an o. 2 countY Roa s.o . ~e1 resurfaced. county Road #43 (11.iddlese1< countY Line) had been gra (the Bayham_11.alahide To"",une) had been gra~el resurfaced sout'h of d JJ."2 d a 1{2 mile north of calton. calton to countY Roa tr an "0. d #36 ",as preSentlY under",ay. 3 Ditching on countY ~oa .d #20 bet"",en 1'ingal and1'ort StanleY 4 Gra~elling of shoulders on countY Roa . . ,1 n county Road #1-6. d. \olork .,ould be continued ",est of 1'~nga 0 wa s un e t:~a y · 11 1"'\.d the sube1<ca~atiOn .,o~k that , ' 'n 1'ort BUr"'" a.. 5 se",er ",or\<. ",as cont~nu~ng ~ . ' ~e d to do on Vlell ington Street ",oul d start before the the countY ",as requ~' end. of the ~ee\<.. StOrm se.,erS on \olellington ",as hoped that Elgin construction ",ould ha~e Victo~ia Street so that countY ",o~k could be Street ",ould be completed 'iJithin 3 ",ee\<.s. sufficient ",o~k done on 1,t contitlued.. 7. ,..' ~as unde!:~aJ. d J.M) 1'a~ement ma~..~ng ds e1<Cept countY Roa tr' h' ",ee\<. on all ~oa . . ,11. d be completed t ~s salt bt:1.ne ~o,-" and countY Road if->. 6. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 5. 8. The Garage addition for the tractor to drive the standby generator had been nearly completed. 9. Railing work was underway at the Middlemiss Bridge. 10. Truck #86 had been repaired and painted. Truck #83 was being held up for. parts. 11. Repairs on the Michigan Loader by Broer Services of Aylmer, including lift arms, bucket, centre pin and torque convertor had bl~en completed. 12. It would likely be necessary to change motors bet'Wel~n the standby grader l; (Grader #14) and another Champion grader (Grader#14~) as the motor on Grader #lq was in poor condition. When this was completed the standby grader would be of little value. 13. Construction was continuing on County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). Dirt was being received from Towlands from their work in. St. Thomas and it appeared that there would be more than enough dirt to build shoulders between the City limits and County Road #45. Granular base on the north limit of Fairview would start as soon as excavation work in Port Burwell had been completed. Only work in Concession VII could be done as it would be nearly a month before Hydro completed moving poles at the Southdale Road intersection. "MOVED BY: M*' H . STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 23 AMOUNTING TO $51,602.57 PAYLIST NUMBER 24 AMOUNTING TO $243.00 PAYLIST NUMBER 25 AMOUNTING TO $39,476.94 PAYLIST NUMBER 26 AMOUNTING TO $57,584.12 PAYLIST NUMBER 27 AMOUNTING TO $82,745.56 CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 6. that the .,ark sho..n ",as a min~ ",ith finish up work on county Road #42 and at The Engineer presented the attached proposed surface '!1:eatment List noting seve-ra1 b-ridge appt:oaches. Total distance .,auld be approximatelY 40 kilometers (whiCh ",as similar to AS the CO st of emu1 sion ",ou1 d be up nearly 50'!. to appro :><imate 1 y $1.00 per past yeat:s). gallon from 67.5</. per gallon last year, additional funds -would be required over those originally budgeted for. .,ark done on Gounty Road #43 (due to itS poor condition thiS spring). Additional funds .,ere also required for gra~e1 resurfacing because of the \olinter control cO st s to date -were app1:oximate1 y $365,000. As the mi nim\11ll amount for the Fall ",as $120,000 extra funds for "dnter control .,auld be t:equit:ed. . repairs to pavementS and gravel shouldering budgetS. The attached 11.aintenance The 11.aintenance Budget ",ou1d have to be re~ised by reducing the asphalt 'BUdget ",as presented and discussed. called as soon as possible and Suggested that tender calls include the ",ork The Engineer reconnnended that the tenders for hot mix asphalt paventent be pre~ious1Y budgeted for. "MOVED BY: 11.. R. STEWART SECOl'lDED BY: J. N. SM'lTH THAT THE coUN'tY' S MA,1.NTJ'l'\ANCE B\lllGET . BE AJ{ENDED TO THE ATTACHED BUIlGET DATED MAY 1984. CARRIED ." "11.oVED BY: D. A. MCW1.LLIAM SECOl'lDED B'l: 11.. H. STEWART T1II\T THE ENGINEER BE A\lTRORIZED TO CilLL QlJOTAT1.ONS FOR ASPHALT El1IJLS1.0l'l. CARRlED ." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. N.. SMYTH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX PAVING FOR: (1) BASE COAT OF ASPHALT COUNTY ROADS #42 AND #50 IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL. (2) ASPHALT RESURFACING ON COUNTY ROAD #36 FROM HIGHWAY #3 TO WORK COMPLETED IN 1983. (3) COUNTY ROAD #45 FROM PINECROFT ROAD EASTERLY TO HIGHWAY #73. (4) ROAD #53 (ELM STREET) FROM THE ELM STREET BRIDGE TO HIGHWAY #3. (5) A BASE COAT OF ASPHALT ON COUNTY ROAD #22 FROM ST. THOMAS CITY LIMITS TO COUNTY ROAD #45. (6 ) FOR SAND PAD AND APPROACHES FOR THE SALT STORAGE BUILDING AT THE WHITE STATION GARAGE. CARRIED ." Correspondence from Paul DeRyk land owner on County Road #40 near Mount Salem requesting permission to cross County Road #40 with a culvert pipe so that he could place an irrigation pipe, was discussed. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE GRANT PAUL DERYK PERMISSION TO INSTALL A CULVERT PIPE ACROSS COUNTY ROAD #40 NEAR THE OLD MOUNT SALEM SCHOOL SUBJECT TO TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PERFORMANCE BOND. CARRIED." The Cvul1uittee noted that in lieu of a large bond Mr. DeRyk might wish to have the County do the work and bill him. The Engineer noted that as some of the County's rad.io units were in excess of 20 years old it would be necessary to start to replace them on a regular basis in the next several years and that a shortage of radio u.nits in the Winter existed.. Continued . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 8. A small radio unit would fit better in Bob Davies car than the large units presently being used. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FOREST CITY COMMUNICATIONS FOR ONE GENERAL ELECTRIC PHOENIX MOBILE RADIO AS PER THEIR QUOTATION OF $795.00, PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX (INSTALLED). CARRIED." The Engineer reported that the County Registry Office would not take a meets and bounds description for the propert,y (old Rodney Garage) proposed to be transferred to the Township of Aldborough and required a referance plan. A tentative sketch was given to Reeve Perovich for approval of the. Township Council. Land purchased on Road #30 was discussed (Ferguson's) and the Engineer was instructed to hire an appraiser to make a t.entative estimate as to the approximate devaluation of the property because of lack of an entrance to Mr. Ferguson's uppe'r field and have the report ready for the next Road Committee meeting. Deputy Reeve Martyn requested that the County take no action to open County Roads #51 and #45 for the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Company to operate over until such time as the Terminal Rail Company entered into a suitable agreement with the Township of Yarmouth. The Engineer was instructed to advise the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Company that the County would not proceed until a satisfactory agreement was entered into with Yarmouth Township. "NOVED BY: D. A.MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO JUNE 7 AND JUNE 12, 1984 AT 9:30 A.M. ,."-,.' /.' CARRI~. . ..... . ..............,... /~'/' /' "f" j ,/" ./ .;t. / ," .~ ~/;7 ~/~...... ~ Co' '''' CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPAR~lENT QUOTATIONS FOR 4 DOOR AUTOMOBILE 1984 MODEL 1. Eastway Ford Sales Limited 1012 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Ford LTD Less Trade- Ins: (a) 1978 Dodge (b) 1979 Chevrolet Provincial Sales Tax 2. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler Limited 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario Plymouth Caravel1e Le s s Tr ade.. Ins: (a) 1978 Dodge (b) 1979 Chevrolet Provincial Sales Tax APRIL 1984 $10,542 700 CR. 2,100 CR. $ 7,742.00 541.94 TOTAL $ 8,283.94 I $10,599 l~50 CR. 1, l+OO CR. $ 8,749.00 61 2. 43 TOTAL $ 9,361. 43, f COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PROPOSED SURFACE TREATMENT MAY 1984 1. County Road ~ - From Highway ~Ol, north. (1981) 8.1 KIn 2. County Road ~ - Village of Dutton - C & 0 Railway Tracks to Mary Street. 0.4 KIn 3. County Road #25 - Other than at the Expressway. (1979) 7.0 KIn 4. County Road #27 - Sparta Urban and Road #36 north of 0.8 KIn Road #27 Urban, approximately. 5. Co~nty Road #33 - (1981) 1.2 KIn 6. County Road ~7 (1981 ) 5.7 Km 7. County Road #48 - From Highway #73 to Road ~7. (1980) 5.6 KIn 8. County Road ~9 - Including Springfield. (1980) 2.8 KIn 9. County Road #52 - Highway #73 to Springfield. (1980) 3.0 KIn 10. County Road #52 - Sp;rlngfield limits to the Esso 0.3 KIn Service Station. 11. County Road #52 - Portions east o~ Malahide-Bayham Town1in~ to Highway #74. 2.0 KIn TOTAL 36.9 KIn * County Road ~2 - Road ~O toward Port Burwell, finish up roa.d. COill.'TY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 MAINTENANCE BUDGET OPERATION JANUARY 1984 ESTIMATE MAY ESTIMATE COUNTY A-I & 2 Bridges and Culverts 150,000 150,000 147,000 B - Roadside Maintenance 13 - 1 Grass Cutting 13 - 2 Tree Cutting 13 - 4 Drainage 13 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 13 - 6 Tree Planting 13 - 7 Drainage Assessment 13 - 11 Weed Spraying 31,000 31,000 29,000 100,000 95,000 75,000 140,000 120,000 110,000 20,000 40,000 25,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 19,000 19,000 16,000 C - Paved Road Maintenance C - 1 Repairs to Pavement C - 2 Sweeping 110,000 24,000 50,000 24,000 44,000 20,000 AMENDED MAY 1984 ST. TH~.AS SUBURBAN ROADS 3,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 3, 000 -.~ 6,000 4,000 .Continued . . . ._~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 MAINTENANCE 3UDGET AMENDED ~..AY 1984 PAGE 2. OPERATION J~mARY 1984 ESTIMATE MAY ESTIMATE COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) C - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 100,000 80,000 70,000 10,000 C - 4 Surface Treatment 140,000 175,000 138,000 37,000 D - Gravel Road Maintenance D - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 30,000 30,000 24,000 6,000 D - 3 Dust Control 48 , 000 48 , 000 42,000 6,000 D - 4 Prime 4,000 3,000 3,000 D - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 40,000 70,000 69,000 1,000 E - Winter Control 450,000 485,000 400,000 85,000 F - Safety Device s F - 1 Pavement Marking 47,000 47,000 37,000 10,000 F - 2 Signs and Signals 40,000 34,000 30,000 4,000 F - 3 Guide Rail 10,000 10,000 8,000 2,000 F - 4 Railroad Protection 0;:':' """ 0;:" """ I." ,,()() Q ()()() .Jv,vvv JV,VVV """'Jvvv v'vvv F - 6 Edge Marking 40,000 40,000 30,000 1 0, 000 TarALS $1~606.000 $1,608,000 $1,363,000 $245,000 cQUllT'l 01' "LC1.N ROAD C~T'l''''' ~ A?RIL SBSSI0N 19B4 TO 'f\1.l'. \lARU1!ll ANI> ~1IY.RS 01' T\ll'. cOUl\T'l 01' y.LC1.N CQUllC1.\, 'lQllR ROAD Cl)lllUT'l'l!J\ Rll1'ORTS AS yO\,1ffilS I f ~iddiese~ Road oowroittee aod /oJ> eat1.y1lIeetiOg "nth the couotY 0 i i "nii he attaoged to diSCUSS the LOodoo subUtbaO Road C01lI1lI 55 00 t of tbe MiddlemiSS f ~"tu...i iotetest I iociudiog teplace1lleo mat tel: s 0 ~U"" l\tidge. coosttuctiOO of bOUOdatY toadS aod the c_ietiOO oJ the b " ad Ltok to \lighbutY Aveoue (lItgh"ayIfl.26 to Radio Road...-au -r:e'f 1.'00 1. f 5 Th"""'s haS met "nth yout A deiegattoo ft01ll the cttY 0 t. letion of thiS -r:oad C01lI1lItttee te4uesttOg that the couotY give c_ 1 ...io...i.t" uodet theit coosttuctiOO ptOgt-"' an ea-r: Y po. .. J d (2) Joho !)eete TtactotS aod ~...tS ft""' 2. \Ie. ha..e put chase tWO f d ontatlo "nth t"O (2) south"est Ttactot ,ocotpotated 0 LOOoo, et pl:ice of $2B,112.3B. couotY ttactotS as ttade.ioS at a 0 3. \Ie ha..e putchased a C,,",pait \loi...o 7,itatt i25 t,;t c...pteSsot fto1ll d "nth a bteaket at $iO,355 to tepiace C01llpait caoada 1.ocotpotate . ....t .ai-r: cotl\pteSSOt ..,btch is ovet t,,"otY (20) the countY's p-r:ese.. lPndon) · 4. The \lOgioeet haS beeoautbOtt>ed to can teodetS fot the sale of Lot 31 Notth Talbot Road, \lol1ghto. the couotY'S ptopettY 00 ' yea-r:s old. . id _ "ie a1lI"uot of tt1llbet 00 thiS ptOpettY ..,bich 'thel:e 1.5 a cons e..a 'to\4P.shiP · atelY 4B ac-r:eS. coosists of appto,o.1lI the i 920' s fot gtavei . .3 h" ..'\..,~ r,ountY in ~h The ptOpettY "as putchese~ ., "'~ - pu>:\>o"S aod the gtavei has iOOg stoCS beeo te1l\Oved. t of the ~ioisttY of TtaospottattoO sod 'tbat at tbe -r:equeS ('.OlI'1l"'oicatiOOS the )\Ogioeet hes beeo authottzed to atteod a .~^ ...tica. societY of Ci..ii ~toeetS' . _ ~t'_lanta coofeteoCe spoosoted bY v" ~ 00 ,'The ,0spectiOO aod \AStoteoSOce of \ltgh"aY lIttdgeS" . ~th aod lSth "nth an e"Peoses patd. .3.... on.ta1:10 aSked bY continued · · . . coUNTl OF ELGl'N ROAD COMMITTEE !}..RST ~RT .~R1.L ~ pAGE 2. 1. Tl,at we sell the Rodney Gatage and the land atol1nd it to the WE RECOMMEND~ To,""ship of AldhotOugh fot the sum of $S,OOO "nth the County of 2. That the couoty Govetnment committee handle any "",ttetS pettainiog Elgin to provide a deed. to the putchase of the contail Railtoad tn the couoty of v.lgin hy othet tail"ay companies including aoy tefeteOcesto toad crossing protection. ALL OF 'i1\11.ClI ,5 RV.SPEC!YIlLL'l 5Ul\M1.TtED -. -- --- CRAIRMAN I ... III ST. TllOMAS, 0N'l'AR10 APR1L 11, 1984 PAGE 1. on i'!ednesday, April 11, 1984 at '9:30 a.m. All members ",ere present. present ",as }\l:. Frank clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. TllE COUNTY OF m,G1N ROAD cffi'lMlTTEE met at the Municipal Building AlsO '''MOVED BY ~ SECONDED BY: D. l'EROV1Cll TUAT TllE M1N\lTES OF TllE }1EET1NGS 01' FEBRlJAR'l 15, FEBRUARY 27 AND MARCll 6, 19[\4 BE APl'ROVED. D. A. MCv:J1.LL1.AM cARR-lED ." TllE FJ'G1NEER RF:l'ORTED TUAT: t.l?pro}tunatelY 3 1/2 daYS had been spent ",ith Ministry of Transportation and cororounicatiOns' representatiVes appraising the county road System 1. for the major (5 yeal:) structural update of the County roads, 1t'~as found that: Deficiencies had increased greatlY since the last majOr inspection. The resurfacing progra1\ll1le ",as not keeping up ",ith the apparent needs. (b) (c) The bandaid approaches that have been applied are failing. (d) That CountY Road #20 north of CountY Road #J.B and County Road #43 north and south of calton ",ere in e}ttremelY poor "ondition and needed .a coat of gravel iromediatelY, Bridge deck problems ",ere increasing because of aging of the (a) (e) structures. lt ",as readilY apparent that more funds ",aUld be needed to keep roads maintained than had been available in the past fe'" years. AS the present Ministry of TransportatiOn and CQIlll1lunicatiOns' poliCY seemed to cut road allocations a poorer road System ",ould result ",ithin a short time. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 2. 2. Benchmark costs had been received from the Ministry which were to be used to estimate the total cost of the deficiencies. These benchmark costs were unrealisticly low and the Ministry had been asked to review them. Other municipalities had also complained about the low benchmark costs and the Ministry had qgreed to review the benchmark costs across. the Province through their construction br.anch. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications benchmark costs for asphalt resurfacing was approximat.ely 2/3 of the cost submitted by the County. As future Ministry of Transportation and Cvullllunications spending and subsidy allocations would be (for the next 5 years) based on these costs it was very imperative that the proper costs he used. The Engineer was authorized to continue negotiations with the Ministry to obtain realistic benchmark costs. The Committee felt that increased ma:intenanceand asphalt resurfacing expenditures on County roads was necessary in future years. 3. A meeting had been held with Don Husson, County Engineer, County of Middlesex in which the County had agreed to the gravelling of Road #17 between the Littlewood Road and Southwold Station. As it appeared the County of Middlesex would not be in a position to fund the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge for quite some years (approximately 5 or 6 years minimum). The Engineers agreed with the strong recvulluendation of Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and CVlllluunications that the present railings on the north approach spans be removed and replaced with a railing similar to that which had been placed on the south approach span in the hopes that the present deck could be kept in service until the bridge was replaced. Minor problems had been noted at the Tate's Bridge including holes in the bridge floor, and several loads of cornstalks under the bridge. The cornstalks would be removed so the bridge would not be damaged if they caught on fire. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 3. Middlesex had agreed to the replacement of the centre expansion joint of the Wardsville Bridge. (Estimated cost $10,.000 to $12,000.) However, Middlesex felt that the replacement of the 3 open finger joints was not warranted at this time. The Engineers agreed to make strong recormnendations to their Committees that a painting contract be called in 1985 to paint the ent.ire substructure (it has not been paint.ed sinc.e it was buil t in 1959 - 1960). The cost would probably he in the order of $25,000 to $30,000. 4. Arrangements were continuing for the retirement dinner for Arthur Gordon and Arnold Milligan on April 30th, ticke.t sales were goiI1g very well. 5. The rest of the Canadian National Railway accounts from October of 1980 to date had been audit.ed and an amountofapproxima.te1y ~5,600 had been deducted from them. This ..together with the deduction of $3,400 from the CheEiapeake and Ohio Railway accounts would mean a savings of over $9,000 to the County.. A letter of thanks had been sent .to the Municipal EngineEr's Association for their efforts in obtaining the rehate ruling from thE Canadian Board of Transport Cvul1uissioners. Conrail and the Canadian Paci.fic Railway Company invoice& appeared to be in order. Information had been sent to all municipalities that werE: involved with the Canadian National Railway and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway advising them as to how to audit their own accounts. The Township of Southwo1d was in the process of auditing their Canadian National Railway invoices and their savings would be in ~he order .of $800. The Engineer recormnended that all munici.palities take a JI.oOk at their past railway accounts for potential savings.. Frank Clarke noted that the Village of West Lorne had be,n instructed to audit their Chesapeake and Ohio Railway accounts on the m:ighway #76 connecting link. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 4. 6. No. previsien had been made in the Ceunty Read Budget fer nen-subsidizable (by the Ministry af Transpartat'ian and Canununicatio.ns) lumpsum payauts far part Sick Leave Accumulatian. The general budget co.ntained provisions fer payauts in 1983 but did nat in 1984. As a censequencethere was no. budget previsien fer the ever $27,000 that had been paid to. the Caunty Raad werkers. No. actian was taken by the Cvuuuittee. 7. Six warkers had been engaged under the Canada Warks Pregrarmne. The allacated funds wauld be spent by the end of June. 8. The final invaice far the C.O.N'.E.E.D.S. pragrannne had been ferwarded. This invaice had been delayed because efproblems ef auditing, by the Raad Department, df the Museum Programme which had net been cempleted until the 16th ef March. It weuld be necessary fer the Ceunty's auditers to. de an audit befere-the Ceunty ceuld receive final payment. 9. No. decisien had been received en the Ceunty's applicatien under the Summer '84 pregrarmne. 10. Two. feremen weuld be sent to. the Ontario. Geed Reads, Read Scheel at the University ef Guelph en May 7th to. May 9th. 11. The Engineer again weuld be part ef the teaching staff at the Anderson Road Schaal en Bridge Maintenance and Repa:hr. 12. No. dates had been set far the meeting with the adjacent Caunties regarding Unian Gas franchises and ather matters af mutual interest. 13. The agents far Gare Mutual Insurance had been cantacted with regard to. payment af the Caunty's invaices far damages to. guide rail. As yet no. settlement had been made by them and the Engineer 'W'as autharized to. take actian against the matarists in Third Divisian Ceurt if further persuasive effarts were to. no. avail. 14. Natice had been received fram the Fleet Sectians af Fard and Chrysler Matar Campanies that 1984 madels, trucks and vans with autamatic transmissio.ns and vans af any type cauldne langer be ebtained. Also. erders were nat being taken far a number af larger trucks ar far a number af car madels including ST. THoMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 5. full-Sized vehicles. :FUrthe>: orders would not be taken until the 1985 model year began. The Engineer note" that tenders should be called in the Fall of 1984 fo>: trucks that would Ibe replaced in 1985. 15. An agreement had tieen reached with Colin Ferguson on countY Road #3Q, a 16. An agreement to pu>:chase land to widen county Road #22 had finally been plan >:egiste>:ed and the final payment waS on the accounts. reached with Mac nepbu>:n after a considerable number of visitS. TUE ENG1NEER Rl'J'ORTED ION TUE ~ORR TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The washout on CO'inty Road #42 on the No>:folk County Line was increaSing. Reeve Stewa>:t ask . ~ ^~p of the Engineers contact No>:folk County to ascertain ..,bat ,.muld be done about thiS washout before it reaches the 2. Sno~ fence ~aS 3. Some salting and sanding had been done in the last month. ~inter cont>:ol costs we>:e estimalted in the vicinity of $364,000 to $370,000. ng removed. county Road. lnastllUch as ove>: ilOO,ooo to $1.1.5,0 .00 ~oUld. be >:equi>:edin the Fall the budget .was onlY $l35, 000. A neW budget ,""uld be >:equired and preselSlted in May. 4. Most t>:ee cuttilSlg \ work had been cotnpleted. Sonte work had been done on CountY Road #16 J the Kettle creek, however a conside>:able amount of wo>:k 5. The addition to tl:le carage to house the tracto>: fo>: standbY electrical been done at the creek and a numbe>: of other places. No work had remained at the 6. crushed g>:avel ha~ been placed .o.n county. [toad. #3.2f1:otnthe police co.llege gate to County Rokd #52 in prepa>:ation fo>: surface treatmelSlt later 1.n the 7. Road #26 f>:otn Uigtlway #3 to CountY Road #11 had been gravelled as well as Su!(lille r · shoulde>:s on Coun~y Road #11. s't. 'tu<mAS, O~ARl 0 pJ>R1.L 11, 1984 l' AGE 6. 8. 1 b ......g placed as time and conditions perro.itted on county G-ra-ve "itJaS el.J.~ R d #18 in south~ld Road #20, north of county Road #18 and countY oa 9. k on county Road #22 S tun>P s had been I' e\ll.Ove din prep ar ati on for SU1Jllller "or 0. #27 county Road #45 bet"een Jaffa and Uigh"ay ffl3 north of countY Roa · '0, 0. #36 north of countY Road #45 and countY Road #25 on countY D-Oa rro~sbiP · 10. (WellingtOn Road). _ . 1 h ulde.r ""rk "ould be done on countY Road #44 ~s ti\ll.e perro.~tted grave s 0 .0. t R ad #47 in south '0, 0. #46 in Ba"halll. 'to'iJUshW an coun '1 0 and countY ",oa ' 11. _ . . ""en truckS a-.:e available, "as the 'the first p-.:ioritY of dra~nage "ork, 0. #36 conceSsion 1, l'arro.outh cO\ll.pletion of ditching "o-.:k on county Roa ' 'to'iJUshiP ."hich had been started in 1983. . 10. be applied for dust control as required. Salt b-rl.ne "itJOu DOrcheSter 'to'iJUshiP' 12. including cleaning of bridge floors. ". . d e roll intenance "or k "a s under"ay, ur~ g . d It "as noted that considerable spalling had occurred on the GilletS Bri ge 13. RoadS have been graded as required. 14. . . f....o~ the 1!:ettle Greek authority "ould be asked to allO" l'e-rml. S Sl.On l- I)." e,cCa"ation "ork at the LingS Bridge near the st. 'th()'{l\aS ford plant C ...r to do thiS -"ed fr()'{l\ the ford ],1otor ()'{I\PaU, (pe-':\ll.iSSion had been rece~ floo-r · t the 6illetS Bridge east of sparta E:>tca"ation "ork started last year a d . as "eather conditions allo"ed. and ""uld be c()'{l\plete. as soon . ,,],1' ddle\ll.iSS Bridge "ould be start.ed shortlY, 'the railing repa~r at t"e . ~ "itJo-r\.<. ). 15. wee planting ."as e1tPected to start on ~pril 11th. 16. d in crossingS and l' . t "BUr"ell Storro. se"er, ra d "on the or . . work "as un er"a, . . the Elgin construet~on ..t 1't "itJa S boped tbat b .. placeU.. ,l. catch basinS "ere e~ng 1d not be interrupted. t'\J' "itJOr\.<. "itJOU 1~ so tbat coun ] d tinue "or" - d companY "itJou1 con 11 S s"eeping of br~ ge de-r"itJa'\J' as "itJe a b ....eaS "itJaS un } f . ous cu-r al- S"itJeeping 0 -va-rl. 17. floo-rs. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 7. 18. A meeting in Yarmouth Township on the Mills Municipal Drain on County Road #28 had been attended and the County's assessment was expected to be approximately $6,200. 19. A meeting in Southwold Township on the extension of the Cole Drain on County Road #19 had been attended and the County's assessment was expected to be approximately$lO,OOO including several borings under the County road. 20. A new maintenance budget would be presented at the May Road Conrrnittee meeting as well as a list of surface treatment requirements and a list of asphalt patching requirements. 21. It was believed that white edge marking, although looking reasonable after one winter would not be satis.faetory after two years, and this matter shoul d be reconsidered again in 1985 at budget timE!. 22. The inspection of culverts on Wellington Road (County Road #25) indicated that a large steel areh pipe just north of County Road #52 would have to be replaced within the next fe.w years. Further exploration would be done this Summer to determine whether this work could bE~ postponed until the' road was resurfaced ,or whether it would he required sooner. The culvert was only extended when Wellington Road was rebuilt in the early 60's and the main culver.t was.over 30 years old. 23. Repairs would be required at the large multi-pLate culvert at the Lynhurst School as it appeared that the deepening of the Underhill Drain had allowed the water to get under a portion of the culvert. This culvert would have to be repaired this Sunrrner. '?J 24. Body work was being done on Truck #8, (Hack Truck)~, as soon as this was completed work would be done on Truck #8~ 25. The 1979 Van (Truck #86) had been examined and it would require approximately $2,000 of body work, as the van only had approximately 106,000 Km it was decided to proceed with work on :it. 26. A shaft in the rear end of Grader #18 had been replaced. 27. The motor on the air compressor, which was over 20 years old, was next to failing as was the compressor parts. No work had been done on the compressor and the compressor was badly outdated. ST. 'CltOMAS, OJ'ftAR10 A,'PR1.L 11, 1984 'PAGE 8. 28. 1nspection has shown that at least three sanders. "hich had been purchased in the late 1960's and earlY 1970's could nO longer be repaired for county use for another year.. The brakeS on Truck #A5 (Ford J)U!llP wUClk) had to be replaced. Repairs have been completed on the ~ichigan LOader including bu.cket and centre pinS. The hack sa" "hich "as over 30 yearS old had been replaced as it "80S nO longer giving satisfactory service. seatS had been repaired for $60.00 each. front and back. in all the double 29. 30. 31. 35. . b sho....'M"'\ tb.at Car #1 1978 DOdge Diplomat had rusted SO badlY 1nspect:\.on as w'. . .. in the rear that it ,.auld nO longer paSs a safety inspection and the ]'.ngineer had been advised that it "as uneconomical to do body "or.\< on it b d 161 00. O"~ The county' s Chevrolet cars ranging in 80S the car a over .. "'... f 210.000 to o~O 000 ~ wnrealso giving problemS and a mileage rom over .. -, ne" radiator had been required in one the other day. The overhead crane at the Garage had been inspected and repaired. -elain filing cabinetS had been received and the office filing System revised as "ell 80S the Garage filing system. ~ DOUglas Tarry and case DOnkers of the city of St. Thomas in attendance 32. cab pickuP trucks. 33. 34. at tbe meeting · · · ~ayor Tarry asked the Co1l1tl\Lttee to support the earlY reconstruction of the RadiO_1:1.Ubrey_1:1.ighbUry Link in Blgin and in ~iddlese1t. The ChairOlan ,noted that the countY o.f Blgin haS al"ays supported earlY t. of tb1.. S link and that the county had completed their portion of constrUC 1.0'0. the "ork other than that in concession )(.111 .,.nich ,.auld require a costlY major diver sion. and the Belmont_Glan"orth Road. d be1l*$ of the C01ll\ll.ittee felt that "ork s',;,ould begin at the Tbe Ma.yor an mem .... 1 'd the utmost benefit. LOndon city limitS and proceed souther y to prov:\. e The countY of ~iddlese1t had tentatLVe planS for ,.ark bet""een the boundary ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO A1'RIL 11, 1984 'PAGE 9. l1ayo-r Ta-r-ry felt that if the -road _s conlPleted that t-raffic in the o-rde-r of 4,000 to 5,000 vehicleS a day ~uld use this link. The conunittee ag-reed to h;:rve a joint meeting ,.tth the County of Elgin and county of MiddleseX Road committeeS and the London and St. Thomas Subu-rban commisSions ",ith -rep-resentatives of the City of St. Thomas being invited to diSCUSS the matter. The Enginee-r ",as inst-ructed to a-r-range a meeting fo-r June if at all possible. "MOVED BY: M. ll. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SM'l'1'll TB.AT Tl1.E FOLLOWING 1'A'lLISTS BE A1'1'ROVED FOR 1'A"iMENT: 1'A'lLIST NUMBER 15 AMOUNT1NG TO $76,156.16 1'A'lLIST Nm11\ER 16 AMOUNTING TO $617. 28 l' A'lLI ST NIWlBER 17 AMOUNTING TO $50,692. 21 l' A'lLI ST NUMBER 18 AMoUNTING TO $989.75 l' A'lLIST NUMBER 19 AMOUNTING TO $82,325. 26 PA'lLIST NIWlBFR 20 AMOUNTING TO $1,454.44 1'A'lLIST NIWlBER 21 AMOUNTING TO $160,500.75 l' A'lLIST NUMBER 22 AMoUNTING TO $5,069. 09 CARRIED." THE MEF:rING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCll · · · St-reet. The tenantS ",ho had been in the house fo-r a numbe-r of yea-rs had left At lunch time the C01l\lllittee vie",ed the county p-ro.pe-rty at 117 St. Geo-rge ,.tthout notice, having paid thei-r -rent to Ma-rch 1st. p-rope-rty in 1968 fo-r anunde-rpass at the canadian National Rail",ay t-r.acks The county and the St. Thomas SUbu-rban commission had acqui-red the andlo-r extension of llighbu-ry Avenue. The house had been lived in by tenantS ",ho had paid app-roximatelY $110 pe-r month and made -repai-rS as they -requi-red, the p-rope-rty, althOUgh se-rviced by gas and hyd-ro did not have city ",ate-r. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 10. AFTER LUNCH · · · Mr. Frank Clarke and Reeve D. A. McWilliam absent · · · house. The cororoittee instructed the Engineer to meet with the Yarmouth The reconstructiOn of St. George Street would require removal of the Fire Chief, Keith Davis to see if the Township Fire Department waS interested in burning the buildings for p.ractice.. soon as possible to eliminate danger of vandalism and fire as the buildings If the Department was not interested the buildings should be removed as were of no further use. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO REMOVE THE BUILDINGS AT 117 ST. GEORGE STREET, FIRST APPROACHING TI:lE TOWNSH1P OF yARMOIlTI:l TO ASCERTAIN IF THEY WOULD BURN TRE BUILDINGS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTI:lORIZED TO PROCEED WITI:l TI:lE INSTALLATION OF THE EXPANSION JOINT ON THE WARDSVlLLE BRIDGE AT AN APPROXIMATE COST OF $12,000. cARRIED ." County Road #20 north of County Road #18 waS presentlY being gravelled, During diSCUssion. Regarding deficient gravel road mileage, although County Road #43 waS not scheduled fo..: gravel resurfacing until Fall, the Engineer recororoended that it be gravelled as soon as possible so that traffic would have the benefit of the gravel this summer. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 11. "HOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE GRAVELLING OF COUNTY ROAD #43 FROM COUNTY ROAD #42 TO APPROXOMATELY 1 MILE NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD #45. CARRIED ." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS, FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Malahide with notice that the Township Engineer would meet with residents on the Simpson, Touch and Bowen Drains on April 11th (the same day as Road Cvuuuitte.e). The Engineer stated that he would contact the Drainage Engineer l.ater to ascertain the feelings of the residents on these drains. 2. From the Ontario Traffic Conference with notice that their regular seminars were being held at the Aylmer.Police College in Apri.l and their Annual Conference was April 29th to May 2nd. The County doe s not beLong to the Traffic ConferencE~, however Reeve Brooks stated that Aylmer did and expeq.ted to attend the ccmference and would report to Committee. 3. The Township of Southwold with a by-law rezoning property on County Road #29 just west of County Road #25 (McBain) as rural residential use. 4. From the County Land Division Committee with decisions that would grant the County of Elgin land widening fromL. Tate on County Road #42 east of Port Burwell and Eaton on County Road #37 in Belmont. 5. A copy of a letter from John Webster to Warden Marr with his views of the County employment practices. 6. From the City of St. Thomas with app.roval of the draft budget for the St. Thomas Suburban Road Cvuuuission in the amount of $380,000. 7. From the City of London Engineering Department asking if the County of Elgin was interested in assisting with an update of the MacLaren Waste Management Study of the municipalities of Elgin-Middlesex-St. Thomas and London which was completed in 1976. New Provincial legislation was ;being discussed which might make the County S'f. 'fll~S, ON'tAR10 t>J>R1L 11, 19B4 -PAGE 12. ~esponsible fo~ waste ~nage~ent. 'fb~s an update of the ~epo~t would not be ve~Y useful. at p~esent. ,rl4.0vtD BY.: S Y. CO}1DY.D B'i ~ J.}1. s1:ff!ll ]:\AT 'fWE c()l.JN'f'i Of y."LG1}1 lS 'fllJI.'f 'fl1.Y. 'ENG1'NY.Y.R l}1fORl:1 .'fllY. C1'f'i Of "LO}1DO}1 'f J Y.'il OF 'fllY. 1 916 l'l1 D D"LY. S"EZ~ Y.1Jl1'N }1O'f l'N'fY.RES'fY.D 1'N P AR'f1 c11' A'f1'NG 1}1 A RE'J1. . d . "",,, ... '" . G""'Y.N't s'fUD'i c ~"LF3J',D B'i J A1'lJ',S f. 1:o\A C"LPJ~y'}1 1.1l'l1'fY.D. ~A SO"L1D """." """," l>>" }\. ll. STEWART CARR1ED.1t )'rom the Village of ])Il.tton -with notice of a mino~ va~iance on Shackleton 8. St-reet. pY.RSOmlY."L 1:o\A't'f"ERS Vl"ERY. AS f01JffilS~ EVelyn Jacobs had ~etu~nedto wo~k afte~ sUrge~Y' orrie ost~'ande~ had ret~rned to wor\<;. DOnald Britton had been detllOted to Glass 1 "Labo~rer as he had lost his . f the ne-riod of bis . tl' S de~otion wo~ld cont1.n~e or · driver' s 11.cense. ,,1. . f" had been ~ed~ced to class 1 1..abO~re.. s~spension and h1.S ~ate 0 pa} 1. 2. 3. n.. d Jl-30 f~Oltl ])Il.ncan and David ferguSon waS "Land p~rchase on co~ntY ",oa 1f' _A ,t ...:" ^~..p.ed that the Vlarden and Ghairman of _....rleroent fo-r fields. co~~espondence f~Oltl the l'linistry of read which recorotllended the attendance of the on the 1nspectiOn and 1IJ,aintenance of BridgeS - ia on l'laY 11th and 1IJ,aY lBtn. of Civil Engineers' in Atlanta Georg . tario Good Roads school he f the Engineer' s invol ve1\l!"nt 1.n the on Because 0 ' . .' '. to be asked to attend th1.S ""uld be the onlY l'lunicipal y.ng1.nee~ 1.n ontar1.0 'fr.ansportatiOn and c()llllllllnicatiOns waS CountY y'ng,ineer at ".. eonfe~ence ~~onsored by the ~e~ican SocietY confe-rence. . h ur for the Engineer to be selected frOltl 'fbe GhairtlU'n stated 1.t waS an onO ,.~ the province to attend thiS conference. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 13. SECONDED BY ~ E. H. MARR AT THE REQUEST OF THE MlNISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS THAT THE D.. PEROVICH llMOVED BY: ~ ENGINEER BE AllTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE ON THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGl1WAY BRIDGES ON MAY.l7TH AND MAY 18TH IN ATLANTA GEORGIA SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS', EXPENSES PAID AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY cOUNCIL. CARRIED ." the county' s Rodney Garage in the Gore concession of A\.dborough. correspondence waS read from Marcel De wit asking that a price be quoted for which irtcluded the Chain Falls artd Crane Beam for the Rodney Garage. correspondence was read from the Township' of A\.dborough offering $8,000, The Township felt the. building would require considerable repairs. Reeve perovich declared a conflict of interest and left the meeting "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE SELL THE RODNEY GARA(:;E AND THE LAND AROUND IT TO THE TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH FOR THE SUN OF $8,000 AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PROVIDE A DEED (PART OF LOT 6, GORE CONCESSION, l\LDBOROUGH TOWNSHIP) · CARRIED ." Reeve perovich in attendance · · · The Engineer was instructed to advise Mr. De Wit that the Township of AldborOUgh wculd be purchasing the garage. warden Marl: took the Chair and Reeve caverly stated a conflict of interest in the next matter · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 14. The Engineer reported that Frank Clarke and he had examined the Township of Malahide road between Concessions II and III from Highway #73 to County Road #40 which had been used as a detour for traffic during the construction of the Silver Creek Culvert. The road was in poor condition and inasmuch as most other surface treatments had come through the past winter in quite good condition the poor condition only could be attributed to the extra volume of traffic using the road which would have ordinarily used County Road #42. The Ministry recommended that the County as a part of their work at Silver Creek repair the road and place a single ,surface treatml~nt on the road this Summer. The road between Concession VIII and the Gore from County Road #40 t.O County Road #32 had also been examined. This road had been used by the County to haul all the sand base for the construction of County Road #32 as well as considerable amount of borrow material. It was understood that the Township of Malahide wished to ditch the road and' to plac,e a lift of sand upon it. It was recommended that the County place a lift of crushed gravel on top of the sand as the County's contribution for the use of th~~ road. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PLACE SURFACE TREATMENT ON THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ROAD FROM CONCESSIONS II AND III FROM COUNTY ROAD #40 TO HIGHWAY #73 AS THIS ROAD WAS USED AS A DETOUR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SILVER CREEK CULVERT AND THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PLACE A LIFT OF CRUSHED GRAVEL ON THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION VII k't..JD THE GORE BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD #32 AND COUNTY ROAD #40 AS THIS ROAD WAS USED AS A HAUL ROAD FOR THE PLACEMENT OFGRANULARMA~ERIALON 'COUNTY ROAD #32. CARRIED." ST. THOl1AS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 15. chairman caverly in attendance and assumed the chair · · · Tenders for tWO tractors and mowers were opened by the chairman and were -", as attached. "MOVED BY: J. N · sl1.'lTll SECONDED BY: D. PEROVlClI TllAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF SOUTHWEST TRACTOR 1.NCOEPORATED OF LONDON (lNTARJ"-O FOR TWO (2) JOHN DEERE MODEL .301 A LOW_CENTRE-OF GRAV1.TYTRACTORS COMPLETE .nTll JOHN DEERE MODEL 3700 S1.DE MOUNT MOWER W1.Tll coUNTY TRACTORS #17 AND #18 AS TRADE-1.NS, AT A NET PR1.CE 1.NCLUD1.NG TRADE-1.NS AND SALES TAX OF $28,713.28. -1 CARRIED_" The ASsistant Engineer presented the attached quotations for a neW compressor, as the County' s old compressor was over 20 years old. "MOVED BY: M. 11. STEW ART SECONDED BY: J. N. sl1'lT1l TllAT TllE QUOTAT1.0N OF COMl'AlR CANADA 1.NCOEPORATED OF 2185 NORTll SllER1.DAN WAY, MlSS1.SSAUGA FOR ONE (1) NEW cOMPA1.R 1l0UlAN MODEL ZTTA1.R 125 S1.LENCED ROTARY sCREW TYPE PORTABLE AlR COMPRESSOR .nTH ARNOLD LUBR1.CATOR AND Z1.TEC 20 BREARER 1.N THE AMOUNT OF $10,335.00" pLUS TAX, F .O.B., ST. TlIOMAS BE ACCEPTED · CARRiED ." Nt attempt would be made to renovate the oldcoUlpressor all a standbY as the trade-in allol1ance offered waS only $500.00. for the sand pile and approaches to the salt building would be done the same The attached machinery and housing budget waS diSCUssed. The asphalt pad time as the paving of Fairview Avenue. 1.t waS hoped by placing the asphalt ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 16. pad that the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment might be met so that buildings for salted s:and would not have to be erected by the County at this time. Most municipalities had already erected buildings for sal:"tedsand and if this became a requirement thre,e buildings would be required at White Central, Straffordvilleand Dutton at a cost of over $100,000. The Engineer recommended that the JCB Loader be sold or traded as Soon as possible as it would require a considerable amount of work to put it into reasonable working condition. .. Parts availablity and performance had not, been satisfactory and quotations should be obtained on a used loader. If it was possible to sell the JCB, more firms would be interested in quoting as it was very difficult to sell used JCB equipment on the used equipment market. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SELL THE COUNTY'S JCB LOADER FOR APPROXIMATELY $15,000 AND THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN QUOTATIONS FOR A USED 2 1/2 TO 3 YARD LOADER'SUITABLE FOR COUNTY WORK. - CARRIED." The Assistant Engineer asked permission to drive his own vehicle for mileage for County work rather than use the (I~ounty supplied vehicle. A CU1Llluittee member stated that it was ver;y unlikely that a County vehicle I "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART re~erted to d.riving for mileage at I I i I I I I I I I I ! would be supplied him in the future if he the present time. SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE AGREE TO THE REQUEST OF ROBERT DAVIES TO DRIVE HIS PRIVATE VEHICLE ON COUNTY BUSINESS AND HE BE PAID THE STANDARD RATE FOR DRIVING ON COUNTY BUSINESS. C~IED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 1 7 · Engineer felt tbat "Witb tbe cannibalizing of one of tbe Cbevrolet cars tbe otber Replacement of tbe county' s autoroobil.es "Was discUssed at some lengtb. Tbe t"Wo might be made to serve for some time and the committee decided to postpone tbe replacement of the ChevroletS until the matter can be discUssed furtber at committee level. dealers it "Would be eitber necessary to purchase a vebicle presentlY in stock Inasmucb 1'S nO order for full sized automobiles "Were being accepted by or wait until Fall. c()llllXll1nications safety inspection and it "Was felt tbat a vebicle should be The county' s Dodge car "Would not pass a Ministry of Transpo-rtatiOn and purchased shortly. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH Tfu\T THE ENGINEER BE AUT110RlZED TO REQUEST QUOTATIONS FOR A FULL SIZED AUTOM.OBILE EITHER NEW OR DEMONSTRATOR WITH THE COUNTY' S 1978 DODGE AND 1979 C1lEVROLET CAR #3 AS TRADE-INS AND T11E cfu\IRMAN BE AUT110RIZED TO ACCEPT THE QUOTATION. cARRIED ." "MOVED BY: M. 11. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYT11 Tfu\T T11E ENGINEER BE AUT110RIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THREE (3) TANDEM SANDERS. CARRIED .t, some lengtb Warden Ma-r-r stated tbat tbe TO"W1\ship of soutb"Wold bad placed a Weed sp-raying in southYlOld TO"W1\sbip on county -roads "WaS diScUssed at cont-ract fo-r "Weed sp-raying ....ntb a p-rivate companY. Wa-rden Mar-r ag-reed to asce-rtain f-rom tbe cont-racto-r a p-rice per mile of sp-raying County -road allo"Wances in tbe TO"W1\ship and to repo-rt to tbe committee at tbei-r ne~t meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO A1?RIL 11, 1984 PAGE 18. witb rec01lJlllf'ndatiOns to be made at tbe nel<t meeting so tbat tenders can be Rot mil< macbine laid repairs to pavement were dl'iSCUssed at s01i\e lengtb called. Engineer and tbey bad agreed tbat a resurfacing contr"ct sbould be called county Road #63 in Aylmer bad been inspected by Mr. clarke and .tbe on Elm Street from tbe Elm Street Bridge to Righway #'3 f,,~ all f 2 incb tOp. coat. Milling would be required at tbe curb, tbis would be included in repairs to pavementS. companies was discUssed. As tbe Road CCYllltnittee' s interest was limited to tbe Letters and notices regarding tbe takeover of conrail by otber railW'ay cost of tbe maintenance of tbe crossings tbe matter migbt be more properlY bandled by tbe county Gover_ent CCYllltnittee. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTR SECONDED BY: D. PEROV1CR T1:lAT WE RECoMMEND TO c()1JNTY COUNC1L THAT TIlE c()1JNTY GOVE:BNM-ENT COMM1TTEE RANDLE W'l MATTERS PERTA1N1NG TO TIlE PURCHASE OF CONRA1L RA1LWAY BY OTHER caMP ANI ES · CARRIED_" tbey felt tbat tbe marketable t:l;n1ber on tbe county property on Lot 137, A report fr01i\ tbe Ministry of Natural ResOurces was diSCUssed in ..micb Nortb Talbot Road, RoUgbton To1N'!tsbip was in the order of $16,000 to $20,000. Tbe property bad been purcbased in 1926 by the county of Elgin for gravel but tbe gravel bad long been removed. All adjacent roads tbat tbe property would be u$eful for to obtain sand base fr01i\ bad been C01i\pleted and it appeared tbat sand base for otber county roads could be more economicallY obtained fr01i\ private sources. ST. T'HoMAS, ONTARIO A1>RIL 11, 1984 1> AGE 19. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY' D. PEROV1.CR THAT THE ENG1NEER BE AUTHOR1ZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR TRE COUNTY OF ELG1N PROPERTY 1N LOT 137, NOR'fil TALBOT ROAD. HOUGlITON TOWNSH1P. CARRIED ." resurfacing. The total ",as in e:><.Cess of 46 1!:nl. AS the County ",as no'" '!he Engineer presented the attached list of prioritieS for asphalt aver ag ing be t",een 5 and 6 ](nl a year it "'0\1,1 d be 7 or 8 year. s be fore tlhe re sur f acing progr at1ll1le ",as c01llP leted. Unf or tunate 1 y there ",oul d be additions to the list that -would require asphalt resurfacing before some of those listed. 1t ",as apparent that the resurfacing prograt1ll1le ",as slipping behind and it -would be necessary to stOP construction for a year or t"" to do only resurfacing \>Iithin several years. The Committee ",as concerned over the deteriorating condition of the entire road system but felt that under the present System of financial restraintS by the province little could be done about it. ",ould likely be many years before any of the roads, even if they had been The Engineer presented tbe attached report for surveying priorities. 1.t surveyed. could be placed on a construction programme due to the backlog of construction progrgro1ites and resurfacing ahead of it. Ro",ever certain sections of road might require an Environmental Assessment before construction could be done, ",ork might be delayed and if another section had been engineered it could be used as a replacement. -would be done on apart~time basi'S bet",eenother construction and paving 1t ",ould likelY take t"'O or three years to complete the surveying as it p-rojects. "MOVED BY: M. R. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. S~R THAT TRE FJ'1G1NEER BE AuT1l0R1ZED TO SURVE'l FOR CONSTRUCT1ON pURPOSES AS T1ME 1S AVA1LABLE ACCORD1NG TO TRE AT'tACRED PR10R1TY L1ST. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 11, 1984 PAGE 20. As the next meeting was not until mid-May some accounts would have to be paid before that time. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN A PAYLIST AT THE END OF APRIL FOR ACCOUNTS REQUIRED AT THAT TIME. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ADJOURN TO MAY 15, JUNE 7, JUNE 12, JULY 11., AUGUST 8, 1984 ALL AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." c// /?./ 4 ~-~~-#) 4~/i/-veV CHAI~ . v/ . SUPPLIER AND ADDRESS 1. Southwest Tractor Inc. 288 Exeter Road London, Ontario N6L 1A3 2. Lee Farm Equipment Ltd. R. R. #1 Rodney, Ontario 3. Ellis Farm Equipment R. R. #7 St. Thomas, Ontario 4. Ellis Farm Equipment R. R. #7 St. Thomas, Ontario 5. Cadman Power Equip. Ltd. P. O. Box 100 Courtland, Ontario NOJ 1EO COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF TENDERS .FOR TWO LOW-CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY TRACTORS AND INDUSTRIAL MOWERS MODEL OF TRACTOR John Deere 301A LCG 152 Cu. In. Motor 43 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Massey Ferguson Model 25 152 Cu. In. Motor 40 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Ford 2910 All Purpose 175 Cu. In. Motor 36 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Ford 2910 LCG Ford 340A 175 Cu. In. Motor 6 X 4 Manual Transmission MOWER John Deere Model 3700 Triumph 8500 Hydraulic Drive Triumph 8500 Triumph 8500 Triumph Model 2500 NET PRICE WITH TRADE-INS AND VALUE OF TRADE-INS SALES TAX $28,712.38 $4,000 $33,170.00 $4,000 $33,615.31 $3,800 $34,149.45 $3,800 $34,498.94 $2,800 3 POINT EXTRA $1, 065 Per Uni t Ind uded Included Included $855 Per Unit APRIL 19~ REMARKS Meets Specifications Colour - Yellow 1 Year Warranty (including Rear P.T.O.) Meets Specifications Colour - Gray and Red (Yellow $500.00 Extra) 2 Year Warranty Colour - Blue I Year Warranty Colour - Blue 1 Year Warranty Colour - Yellow Continued . . . . SUPPLIER AND ADDRESS 1. Southwest Tractor Inc. 288 Exeter Road London, Ontario N6L lA3 2. Lee Farm Equipment Ltd. R. R. #1 Rodney, Ontario 3. Ellis Farm Equipment R. R. #7 St. Thomas, Ontario 4. Ellis Farm Equipment R.. R. #7 St. Thomas, Ontario 5. Cadman Power Equip. Ltd. P. O. Box 100 Courtland, Ontario NOJ 1 EO COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF TENDERS FOR TWO LOW-CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY TRACTORS AND INDUSTRIAL MOWERS MODEL OF TRACTOR John Deere 301A LCG 152 Cu.. In. Motor 43 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Massey Ferguson Model 25 152 Cu. In. Motor 40 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Ford 2910 All Purpose 175 Cu.. In. Motor 36 H.P. 8 Speed Transmission Ford 2910 LCG Ford 340A 175 Cu. In. Motor 6 X 4 Manual Transmission MOWER John Deere Model 3700 Triumph 8500 Hydraulic Drive Triumph 8500 Triumph 8500 Triumph Model 2500 NET PRICE WITH TRADE-INS AND VALUE OF TRADE-INS SALES TAX $28,712.38 $4,000 $33,170.00 $4,000 $33,615.31 $3,800 $34,149.45 $3,800 $34,498.94 $2,800 3 POINT EXTRA $1,065 Per Unit Incl uded Incl uded Included $855 Per Unit APRIL 1984 REMARKS Meets Specifications Colour - Yellow 1 Year Warranty (including Rear P.T.O.) Meets Specifications Colour - Gray and Red (Yellow $500.00 Extra) 2 Year Warranty Colour - Blue 1 Year Warranty Colour - Blue 1 Year Warranty Colour - Yellow Continued . . . .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF TENDERS FOR TWO LOW-CENTRE-OF-GRAVITY TRACTORS AND INDUSTRIAL MOWERS SUPPLIER AND ADDRESS MODEL OF TRACTOR 6. Vincent Farm Equip. Ltd. P. O. Box 310 Ayr, Ontario NOB 1EO International Harvester 484 179 Cu. In. Motor. 42 H.P. 7. London Ford Equip. Sale s Ltd. Ford 2910 LCG P.O. Box 108 London, Ontario NOM 1Z0 8. London Ford Equip. Sales Ltd. Ford 340A P. O. Box 108 London, Ontario NOM 1Z0 9. Agro-Power & Equip. Ltd. Finga1, Ontario NOL 1KO Case 1194 10. Komoka Machine Limited P. O. Box 28 Komoka, Ontario NOL 1RO Massey Ferguson 240 MOWER Triumph P2570 Triumph H8579 Triumph H8576 Triumph Series 8500 Triumph Model 2500 NET PRICE WITH TRADE-INS AND VALUE OF TRADE-INS SALES TAX $35,169.64 $4,428.44 $35,303.58 $3,600 $35,892.00 $3 , 600 $35,952.00 $5,400 $37, 871. 47 $1,000 3 POINT EXTRA Included Included Included Included Included APRIL 1984 PAGE 2. REMARKS COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ,SUMMARY OF AIR COMPRESSOR QUOTATIONS (QUOTES INCLUDE TRADE... IN; TAXES EXTRA ~ 1. Compair Canada Incorporated 2185 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario ~K1AA 2. X. R. Equipment Limited 105 Enterprise Drive South London, Ontario N6N IB9 3. Jaeger Canada 43 Gaylord Road St.. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3S1 4. London Compressor Manufacture Incorporated 120 Falcon Street . London, Ontario 5. Reitza1 Brothers Limited 510 First Street London, Ontario N5V 1Z3 $9,000.00 $9,889.00 $11,000.00 $11,500.00 $11,755.00 COMPANY MAKE AND MODEL C.F.M. ENGINE FEATURES PRICE LESS TAX TRADE- IN NET PRICE London Compressor Mfg. Ltd. 120 Falcon Street London, Ontario Atlas - Copco XAS - 60 DD 125 Deutz Diesel F2L511 Silenced - 75DBA Warranty - 2 Years Engine and Air End 1 Year - Whole Unit Wt. - 1,653 1bs. Length - 9 f 4" $15,000 $3,500 $11,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT AIR COMPRESSOR QUOTATIONS x. R. Equipment Ltd. 105 Enterprise Dr. S. London, Ontario Atlas Copco XAS - 60 DD 125 Deutz Diesel F2L51l Silences - 75DBA Warranty - 1 Year Parts and Labour Wt. - 1,653 1bs. Length- 9' 4" $13,389 $3, 5 00 $9,889 Jaeger Canada 43 Gaylord Road St. Thomas, Ontario Jaeger RS 130 130 Deutz Diesel F2L511 Ultra Silenced - 71DBA Warranty - 6 Months Engine 2 Years - Air End 1 Year - Balance of Machine Wt. - 1,749 lbs. Length - 9 t 2" Storage Box $200.00 Extra $11,000 ~ $11,000 Compair Canada Inc. 2185 N. Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario Compair Zitair 125 125 Deutz Diesel F2L511 Silenced Warranty - 1 Year All 2 Years - Air End Wt. - 1,740 1bs. Length - 8 f 3" $9,500 $500 $9,000 Rietze1 Brothers Ltd. 510 First Street London, Ontario Joy G125Q3ADY 125 I.R.C. Gas - I.R.C.196 Silenced - 75 DBA Warranty - 1 Year Machine 2 Years - Air End Wt. - 2,390 1bs. Length 12' 1" $12,505 $750 $11,755 Continued . . . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEP ARTMENT AIR COYJPRESSOR QUOTATIONS PAGE 2. COMPANY London Compressor Mfg. Ltd. x. R~ Equipment Ltd. Jaeger Canada Compair Canada Inc. Rietzel Brothers Ltd. 120 Falcon Street 105 Enterprise Dr. S. 43 Gaylord Road 2185 N. Sheridan Way 510 First Street London, Ontario London, Ontario St. Thomas, Ontario Mississaugua, Ontario London, Ontario LINE OILER $275 $75 $85 Included BREAKER 40 - 50 $795 TEX215 $869 TEX2l $750 Zitec 20 $746 TOKU 40# BREAKER 60 - 80 $870 TEX3l5 $975 TEX31 $945 Zitec 27 $932 THOR 80# COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT. SURVEY PRIORITIES APRIL 1984 1. County Road #2 - From Dunwich-Aldborough Townline easterly to Ecker Drain 5.0 KIn. (Traffic now 750 vehicles per day~) Priority rating 56. 2. County Road ~3 - Calton to 1 mile south, now gravel, to join County Road ~5 with Concessions II and III which is paved to Vienna (would likely draw over 400 vehicles per day), and County Road ~5 north approximately 1/2 mile, Calton Urban secti.on. 3. County Road #6 - Highway ~Ol north to road between. Concession IV and Gore (830 vehicles per day), 1.1 KIn, also County Road #9 northerly 0.6 KIn. 4. County Road #24 - From County Road #23 to Dexter 6.5 KIn. (Traffic now 600 to 700 vehicles per day.) Priority rating (3 Sections) 46, 39 and 26. 5. County Road ~ - Rodney west to Kent County Line 6.1 KIn. (Traffic 700 at Rodney to approximately 300 at Kent County Line.) Priority rating (2 Sections) 34 and 32. CO\lH'r'l Of B~AD.3~9~ ~. l1ARC1\ SBSS10l'1 1984 'to 'tl\B -wARDEN !\ND l'\.Bt'1BBRS Of 'tllB cOUN't"{ Of BLGl1!i CoU1!iC1L "{oUR ROAD C~l't'tBB RBPOR'tS AS f<)LtffilS: 1. 'that 1:'lt. Robel:t B. Da'llieS haS been authOl:ized to attend the Col1\pUter . . ~~. 31st and June 1st in scal:bOroUgh being sponsol:ed se11\1.nal: on 1:,\.aJ b lJI, . c' na1 'Engineel:s' ASSociation and the ~el:ican jointlY bY t e ",un1. lor public -WOl:KS AsSociation. , f miCl:O' COluputel: s in '!he seminal: \<fin addl:ess CUl:l:ent applicat1.ons 0 . 1~ f' 1d including hal:d~al:e, soft~al:e, costS, the publ1.C ~Ol:"s 1.e benefitS, etc. ALL Of m:llCl\ IS RBSPBC'tf\lLL"{ SUBl'\.l't'tBD ~------ C\lA;~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MARCH SESSION 1984 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. Tha~ the sum of $1,000 be budgeted for mosquito control for the prevention of encephal itis for the necessary permit rE~newal s, updating for personnel training, insurance, etc., so t:hat a progr~e of mosquito control can be placed in action if necessery, for the control of encephalitis~ ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECrFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH SESSION 1984 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMENO: 1. That the rebates to urban municipalities be 25% of thE~ road levy as in former years. 2. That the attached statement of proposed expenditures on County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads be approved and a resolution passed adopting the statement of work and expenditures and that a statement be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Cotmnunications for approval. 3. That the County road levy for 1984 be $1,031,000. 4. That the St. Thomas Suburban Road Conunission budget in the amount of $308,000 be approved. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ggUNTY OF ELGIN 1984 CONSTRUcTIOf:' (A) ASPHALT RESURFACING (1) Road #f3 _ Wallacetown to D\.1tton. (2) Road #3 - Lake E1:ie to Rodney. $ 1311000 8611000 (3) Road 1fj6 _ C01llplete ft01ll Road #45 to \llgh"ay #3. 210,000 (4) Road #45 _ \lighway #73 westetly apptoximately 130,000 1 mile. (B) ROAD AND J.3RIDGE cONSTRUCTI01! (1) SU1:veying a,nd engineering. (2) Middlemiss Bridge engineering (County of Elgin portion). (3) Land Furchase - county. (4) Drainage Assessments - County. (5) Clarke Gravel Pit, license, etc. (6) Road #9 ... Geary Drain culvert 1:eplacement. (7) Road #42 - Silver C1:eek. (8) Road #32. (9) RDads #42 aod #50 . pott l\U""en (base of asphalt only). (10) Road #22 (Faitvie" Avenue) - Base coat of asphalt on all 1984 work. SUMMAR~ $ 439tOOO Asphalt ReSu1:facing -1z 293,000 !1..z..?,~ 2,000 .,"---= Road and Bridge const1:uction $439~000 ~ .~ $ 24,000 ' 3,000 7 2, 000 46,000 15,000 8,000 110,000 85,000 360,000 570,000 $1,293,00~ cororo.ission. "'b SubU1:ban Road 14,000 (2) lltaioage bSsessmeotS . St. , oroas ~ ~ ST. T\loMAS SU13llR]lAN ROb\) c~lSSlO" (1)) ~ (1) l,aod ~utcbaSe - St. Th....s Subutban Road cororo.1 s s ion. (3 ) Road #26 (l\Ost1Jick Road) d~ainage. gtavel fot lotetnational ~lowing ~atch. (St. Th..... subutban Road coromi..ioO) ~ 000 $1,132, O 000 ~ 000 ~ countY of. 'Elgin St. Thoroas SubU~bao Road co"",issioO $14,000 12,000 ---- 000 ~ M, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS OPERATION 1984 ESTIMATED A ~ Bridges and Culverts - 1 Bridges 150,000 - 2 Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 31,000 ~ 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 100,000 140,000 - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance 20,000 6 Tree Planting 4,000 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) 3,000 - 11 Weed Spraying 19,000 C - Paved Road Maintenance ~ 1 Repairs to Pavement 110,000 - 2 Sweeping 24,000 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 100,000 ~ 4 Surface Treatment 140,000 D ~ Gravel Road Maintenance ~ 2 Grading Gravel Roads 30,000 - 3 Dust Control 48,000 4,000 - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 40,000 E ~ Winter Control Total 450,000 - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew COUNTY 147,000 29,000 92,000 122,000 16,000 4,000 3,000 16,000 104,000 20,000 82,000 112,000 25 , 000 42,000 1,000 38,000 360,000 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 3,000 2,000 8,000 18,000 4,000 3,000 6,000 4,000 18,000 28,000 5,000 6,000 3,000 2,000 90,000 Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1984 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 47,000 37,000 10,000 - 2 Signs and Signals 40,000 34,000 6,000 - 3 Guide Rail 10,000 8, 000 2,000 - 4 Railroad Protection 56,000 46,000 10,000 - 6 Edge Marking 40,000 30,000 10,000 TOTALS $1,606,000 $1,368,000 $238,000 1984 M.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation $1,999,000 1984 Maintenance Budget $1,606,000 1984 Overhead Budget 393,000 $1,999,000 couNT'l 01' 1\LG1N RO"-!> !>v.~ARn\J'.II1 ~ ~ (COIlNTI !>NO ST. T\lOlM>S SUl\llR1IAN ROADS) ,-- 1984 ES'tI~'t'E 01?ERA'tI0N supeJ:intendence CleJ:ical GaJ: age s Office 'tool S RadiO NeedS StudY update aod Ttaffic countS 'tJ:aining couJ:ses Miscellaneous Insuxance Retitemeot 1IeoefttS (Sick Time) 134,000 61,;00 113,000 19,000 10,000 4,000 12,000 4,000 2,;00 1 000 2 , ---- 000 ~'~ I\.) St 1homas subUtbaO Road co~isston $ 29,000 19B4 Dist~ibution - , · (2) countY of Elgin 364,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN 1984 ROAD BUDGET SUMMARY Construction - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and County Machinery and Housing Overhead - St. Thomas Suburban Road Cammission and County Maintenance - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and County Items Not For Subsidy Urban Rebate s 1984 RECEIPTS Ministry of TranspoJ:tation and Communications Subsidy Allocation City of St. Thomas Effective Contribution to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (allowing for 1983 Deficit) 1984 County Levy $1,031,000 $1,772,000 335,000 393,000 1,606,000 12,000 52,000 $4,1710,000 $3,100,000 39,000 $3, 13 9 , 000 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 6, 1984 PAGE 1. Tuesday, March 6, 1984 at 1:30 p.m. All members were present except THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Deputy Reeve Sheils, Reeve Stewart and Deputy Reeve Martyn. Also present was the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control had been heavy during the last week and 8 trailer loads of salt had to be purchased. 2. Truck #84 (Mack nump Truck) was back on the road but the invoice for the motor repairs has not been received as yet. 3. Estimates for repair for body work from Country Collision of Southwo1d Township for Truck #83 was $4,900.00 and Truck #84 $4,300.00. The Engineer stated that he would review these estimateS with the superintendent and try to get the work done as soon as possible. 4. Tractors #17 and #18 being 1970 John Deere 1020 RU Models would be traded. 5. Repairs were being made to the Michigan Loader, 2 gears would have to be replaced in the torque converter as well as a bearing. Fortunately when the gear disintegrated it did not damage the rotors or the converter. The centre pin and the lift arm pins would be replaced as well as the bucket face. 6. Tree cutting was continuing as time permitted. 7. It was not known when work would start in port Burwell. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 11 AMOUNTING TO $50,727.47 PAYLIST NUMBER 14 AMOUNTING TO $39,366.39 CARRIED." ST. T1l0MAS, ONTARIO MARCll 6, 1984 PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Reply from warden Ma-rr to Robe-rt Rae -rega-rding employment of Douglas Webster. 2. From the Town of Ay1me-r, newspape-r article noting that the Town council had signed a Franchise Ag-reement with NatU-ra1 GaS and Resou-rces. It was not knoml whethe-r thiS f-ranchise included costS to the municipality to move pipe o-r not. The Enginee-r waS -requested to investigate an application by canadian pacific Rai1",ay to the cana<iian T-ranspo-rt coromission fo-r app-rova1 to purchase conrail Limited. . The Enginee-r waS requested to advise Wa-rden Mar-r of his findings as soon as possible. EVelyn Jacobs would be off app-roximate1Y 5 to 6 weeks because of an ope-ration. The Engineer was autho-rized to p-roceed with a dinner p-resentation for l\:l'thu-r cordon and l\:l'no1d Milligan to be held nea-r the end of April, simila-r to the p-resentatiOn held for RoY Do-ran last yea-r. \ DEPUTY REEVE }1ARTYN IN ATTENDANCE · · · Land Division CQllllllittee fo-r severances on Lot 18, concession 1, Bayham TOmlship, The Engineer was autho-rized to request land to widen County -roads f-rom the Lyle Tait; and Lot 32, concession VI, Village of Belmont, R. M. Easton. subdivision on the lands with the land -requi-red to be dedicated but the It waS noted that the Easton p-rope-rty had p-reviOus1Y planned to have a subdivision wasueve-r p-roceeded with. "MOVED BY: J. N. sl1'lT1J. SECONDED BY: D. PEROVIC1J. T1J.AT T1J.E QUOTATION OF DEN-}1AR BRINES LIMITED OF }1ARC1J. 2, 1984 FOR T1J.E SUPPLY AND PLACING OF SALT BRINE ON cQlJNTY OF ELGIN GRAVEL ROADS IN 1984 AS FOLLOWS: CONTINUED · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 6, 1984 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: J. N. sMYTH S"ECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH CONTINUED (1) ~"EST ELGIN (ROADS #5, #A, #17, #18 AND #20) - $17. 20 PER CUBIC METRE (2) cENTRAL ELGIN (ROADS #26, #28, #29, #30 AND #34) - $20.94 PER CUBIC METRE (3) EAST ELGIN (ROADS #32, #37 AND #43) - #22.07 PER CUBIC METRE BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED." Rodney Garage and -would diScusS the purchase again -within the next month and Reeve perovich stated that Aldborough council had discUssed purchase of the -would be prepared to make an offer to the county at the next Road committee meeting. The Chairman -was authorized to open tenders for the tractors and mo-wers approved at the last meeting. diSCussed at some length. It -waS noted that -with the Environmental AssesSlllent The attached tpng Term construction and Asphalt Resurfacing programme -was Regulations likely to be in place by the Fall, -work including land purchase -would not be able,'to proceed".until all engineering -work had been done. on any road, thuS it -was essential that engineering proceed on a number of If objections -were raised a full Environroental AssesSlllent might be required portions of road even though some of these might not be built for 4 irr 5 years. presentlY stalled because of Middlesex's reluctance to commit funds and to set It -waS noted that projected projects -with the county of Middlesex -were an exact date for improvement of Road #37, the replacement of the MiddlemisS Bridge or the eo<tention of Highbury Avenue-Radio Road (county Road #30) link. replacement of the Rorton Drain on Road #20 in Shedden and it -waS not kno-wn ~arden Marr noted that nO engineering -work had yet been done on the when this might be done. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 6, 1984 PAGE 4. After discussion the CUL1uuittee fel tthat surveying v,:rork should continue on high priority projects and these projects should be picked on the basis of present traffic and the potential traffic having the highest priority. It was noted by the Committee that even if some portions of road were rebuilt it was not likely that traffic on them would be in excess of 400 vehicles per day and these should be considered a much lower priority than those roads which would have traffic over this amount or which would draw traffic over that amount when completed. The Engineer was instructed to have a priority list available for the next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1984 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." (7/ /:/ ~ /J c::P'~~~ ~.~ CHAIRMAN ~ . ~~ LotlC TE\\l1 CONS'tllUCT10N AI\!> ASPIIALT RoSUllfAClNG pllOCR~\O JANUARY 1.984 1 . Ro' d. 1/42 and 1fi0, port \l<lr",e 11. - Cump i. t. tOp cO' t 0 f hot 1lIi ~ asphal.t paving. ~ 2. Road /f32 _ One coat sutf.ce tteau.ent ftom ponc. co11..~. cat. to Roaa #)'/. (a\1<1 cleanup). 3. Ro.d /f3 _ On. co.t sutface tteat$5nt on .40111detS from \lig4",ay #3 to Rodney (una cteanup). 4. Ro.d #22 _ c_l.t. ~eadln~ and ~ran.iar b...' .tc., .nd tOp cuat of hot 1lIiX a.p4ait paving on pottion compl.ted in 1984. ~. Ro.d #26 . Fto,. Road 1fi2 to Road #ll, ptlm"' .tC , fot lntat"ationai plo'Ming Match. b. Road 1/45 . \ltgh""Y #13 to county llOad 1/40. aspbalt t..utf.ci"~ -' l.od putchase for toad ",idaning I1ndet""Y' ditching r.quir.d throl1gho.t. c<ading aod gtanular b... requited for approximatelY 1 mlie we.t of Road #40. 1. ROad 1/45 . Jaffa to ploe Ctoft Road - aSl'hait t.sutfaclng, .tc., to cQ1llPi.t. "",rk betweeo Jaff.and lIi~h".y /113. 1. ~iddlemiSs Bridge a' soon 05 ~iddiesex CouotY ",ill put up the mon.Y. CountY of El~in share (19S3 lik.ly co.t 1.1 1lIiilion) ~n"tEO NtOJt~ 2. CouotY Road #30 (Radlo Road) 'larmouth ftom cone.S.lon ~111 to ~lddl..e x countY Line to be done at the ,0\,," ti"'" a' ~lddl. 5." does pottion from Glan",orth Road to CountY Llne. No en~ine.ti\,g dooo, loeattoo mu.t "e a~re.d on ",lth Middie..X. pROJ ECTS 5 ERlOU5 L'l D15GU55EO mlT NOT COtoMl'\'T;:D $~OtOOO 1. ASP\\Sl t t.'u d aC i o~ countY RO' d #'ib, south llmi t' 0 f Sparta to countY Road #24. $~4t(jL)O 2. County Road 1120, Sh.dden urban .action aitet In.tallatlon of l\ortOO 1ll.n'lClpal !>ealn, curb and gutt.r r.ql1itad, 5.... engineering wo-r:~ ~one. ) . spot imp t ov..'" nt' on couP t Y Road /fn f <u., II i ~h",a y /113 to OlI.f or d countY Lt o. . ,l.i d .utve Y' c",p 1. tad. ..... .ngin..tln~ wotk don.. lllddi.'.x i. Niuctant to eo,"lIlt foods and ",ouid have to "a apptUa~.d at 1.aSt a year ptiot to year "",rk l' doo. 10. 1. count Y Rnad #28 fr 0" \ll~h",a Y /f3 to Col1nt Y \load 1/4~. out · tde "",t k completed. suaVE~S i\UT"OR1ZEO --- .. .- 2. couotY Ruad 1/4 from RodnaY li...it' to I<.nt County Lin.. v.ry 11 tt 10 outside wor~ done. COtrnTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMF.NT LONG TERM CONSTRUCTION AND ASPHALT RF:SURFACING PROGRAMME ,RESURFACING NEEDS (HIGH PRIORITY), 1. Rond #/~2 - 1 mile E'1:1!;t of Port 1lurwf"'ll 2. Rond #24 . From ROAd #36 to Port "ruee. 3. Road 1152 - Highway 1174 W(' st~rly to Road #30 (portions). 4. ROAd #39 - Port Burw~ll (portion~) lQB5? MULCH ROADS NC1T WIDENED OR RESURFACED 1. County Road #2 from Ounwich-Aldhorough Townllne Nl~t~rly tn Eck('t' Orll!n. P:w(ld tn lQ52 nnd 1<:)S3. 2. County Road ~~ ~st of Rodney. P~v('d tn 1QS2 And 195~. 3. County Road #0 west of n1ack's Lane. Pav(ld in 1954. 4. County Road #8 south of Highway #1. Paved south end in 1956. (Some d!tchin~ 1983.) 5. County Rond #24 from County RORd #23 to Dc~ter 5.5 Km. Pnv~d in 1Q55 and 1956. 6. County Road ~~2, 1 mile east of Port Burwell easterly to the Norfolk County Line. Paved in 1955 and 1956. OTHER HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS 1. County Road #28 from Elm Stre(lt to County Road #45. 2. P AG E 2. $48,000 $186,000 $160,0001 $558,00(1 $125,000 $527,000 $930,000 $101,000 $484,000 County Road 1143 from Calton, 1 mile north. ) ) *Not deficient. listed County Road #43 from Calton to County RORd #42.) for spot drainas! only. 3. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 'PAGE 1. MondaY, February 27, 1984 at 9~30 a.m. All memberS ~re present e~cept Reeve McWilliams. Also present ",as Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of TUE cOUNTY OF m,G1N ROllD cQMM.1TTEE met at the Municipal Building on Transportation and CommunicatiOnS, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED B'l~ M. 11.. STEWART SECONDED BY~ D. l'EROV1C11. TllAT TflE M1NUTES FOR T11.E MEET1NG OF J AN\lARY 25, 1 984 BE Al'l'ROVED. CARRIED ." TUE m'lG1NEER REl'ORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That 2 people had been hired under the canada Works l'rogramme and had started 2. APplications had been made under the SU11Jll'er canada '84 l'rogramme and the "",rk on February 23rd. SU11Jll'er AccesS 184 l'rogramme. lt ",as not kno'iftl 'il'hen a decision "",uld be made by the Federal Government as to 'il'hether the county's requestS ",ould be funded 3. The final C.O.E.D. applicatiOn for payment could not be for",arded to the 01: not. Federal Government until the Museum completed their 'iftlrk on March 16th, althOUgh the Road DepartmentS "",rk haS been completed since mid_December. the adjacent countieS to disCUSS matters of mutual interest, such as movement of gas lineS, and solid ",aste diSpOsal. The meeting ",as scheduled for 4. Warden Marr had been requested by the Warden of Kent to meet ",ith several of 5. John Wise, M.l'. had infor&ed the Engineer that a final hearing on the conrail Ma1:ch 9th. 6. RepresentatiVes of feder.al portS canada had held a meeting in l'ort Stanley and ~re proposing a large increase in the harbour facilitieS in the futUre at l'ort Stanley. This programme involved many millionS of dollars, and the take over ",ould not be heard before mid_SU11Jll'er. timing of these improvements ",ere uncertain. 7. Notice of the Ministry of Transportation and communications SubsidY Allocation had been received ingroPuntS previouslY indicated. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 2. 8. Chesapeake and Ohio Rail"ay protection invoices front 1977 to date had been 9. canadian pacific Rail"ay and conrail invoices appeared to be in order, checked, revisionS made and "ould be placed on the accountS for payment. although final auditing "as not complete. There "ould be a substantial reduction in the amount payable to the Canadian National Rail"ay, though auditing had not been contpleted. approved by the Ministry of TransportatiOn and coromunications. ReportS ."ere given on the Ontario Good Roads AsSociation convention and the 10. Need Study Update 'O<Ork continued althOugh bench mark costS had not yet been Ontario plo~an's AsSociation convention. technical documentS being printed by the Ontario Good Roads AsSociation. The Engineer stated that he had been asked to assist in the revie"ing of The Engineer had been again requested to assist the Bridge Maintenance Course. The Ontario Good Roads AsSociation Road School "ould be held on MaY 7th and 9th. Several employees 'O<Ould be sent to courses this year. against John ~itlo~ for damages to county Truck #84 for an accident last october MaY 22nd had been set for the Third Division Court case for the County's suit on county Road #32. THE ENG1NEER REPORTED ON THE ~ORj( TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Although flooding had been severe in the past several "eeks it appeared that nO real damage had occurred to the County bridgeS or culverts. The flooding had pointed out a need for creek and stream diversions and improvementS partiCularlY on county Road #37 at the HarrietsVille urain, the LingS Bridge near the Ford plant, the phillroore Bridge on county Road #43, among others. County "ould be hard pressed to meet the budget, partiCularlY if any heavy plo"ing or sanding "ork had to be done in the ne~t month. 2. ~inter control costS "ere appro~imatelY $290,000. lt appeared that the ST.. T1\OMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 3. 3. Tree cutting waS p~Og~essing. 4. A conside~able numbe~ of potholes we~e showing up on county paved ~oads and it waS noted that the p~ice of asphalt cement would be app~oximatelY 3~k g~eate~ thiS year: than last. 'this would be ~eflected in su~face t~eatment emulsion p~ices, ~epai~S to pavement costS and hot mix ~esu~facing costs. 5. G~avel ~oads althOUgh not b~eaking up we~e quite slopPY' 6. G~avel waS being hauled f~om the county'S Pleasant valley pit to White Station fo~ late~ use on g~avel ~esu~facing on county Roads #18,and #~O in North 7. The Office plan Filing System waS being updated and approximatelY $5,000 worth southwo1d Township. of book cases, filing cabinetS and plan holding cabinetS had been ordered. 8. The moto~ on Truck #74 had been repaired. 9. The motor on T~uck #,>4 (dumP truck) was being ove~hauled by carrier Mack. 10. BOdyWork would be ~equi~ed on both Truck #,>3 and Truck #,>4, both being approximatelY 5 years old with about 200,000 miles. Estimates had been requested from country Collision of southWold TownshiP who specialized in truck renovation work and doing all of Thompson Transport Limited and Streib Trucking Limited work. 11. A plan for the sparta Gravel pit was being drawn up. 12. It waS not l;l.kely that work would be started in port B\1rwe11 much before the end of March. "MOVED BY : E. 11.. w;RR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICfl T1:lAT T11.E FOLLOWINGl'AYLlSTS BE APPROVED FOR PA'{MEN'f: PAYLlST ~BER 3 ~OUNTING TO $74,309.47 PAYLlST NUMBER 4 ~OUNTING TO $54.18 PAYLI&T ~BER 5~oUNTING TO $511.51 PAYLl&T ~BER 6 ~OUNTING TO ,$53,082.00 PAYLlST ~BER 7 ~ouNTING TO $188,245.01 PAYLIST ~BER 8 ~oUNTING TO $11,388.08 CONTINUED · · · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH CONTINUED . · · THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 9 AMOUNTING TO $57,087.66 PAYLIST l~BER 10 AMOUNTING TO $4,607.44 PAYLIST NUMBER 12 AMOUNTING TO $108,653.50 CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT THE ACCOUNT OF WARDEN E. H. MARR IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,096.59 FOR EXPENSES AT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION OF FEBRUARY 19TH TO FEBRUARY 22ND INCLUDING $730.15 FOR THE HOSPITALITY SUITE AND $366.44 FOR SUPPLIES BE APPROVED AND THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE PAYLIST. CARRIED." 'lMOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $308,000 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." , 'MOVED BY: M. H . STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT $1,000 BE BUDGETED IN 1984 FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. CARRIED ." Reports #1 and #2 to County Council were noted and approved. S't. 'rl\OMAS, ON'tARI0 FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 5. A meeting had been held with Don llutton, county Engineer of Middlese1t with joint CountY road projectS being diSCUssed. It had been agreed that prior to any work being done on any boundary road or bridge that these ",ould be inspected by the 2 Engineers and approval obtained from the countY of Middlese1t for any majOr expenditUre inVolved. 'the Engineer noted that it appeared that the county of Middlese1t in all likelihood ".oU 1 0. not have moneY f or a number 0 f year 5 for the improvement 0 f Road #37 · It al SO appeared that the county of Middlese1t did not wish to do any more work than abSolutelY necessary on the MiddlemiSS Bridge and that constructiOn of a ne'" bridge ",ould still ~'ddlese}{. 'Would be engaged in the building of the Muncey Bridge be some year s a",ay as ",1. in 1984 ... 1985. PERsoNNEL 1.'tEMS WERE NorED AS fOL1J:MS: 1. ROY Laforge ",as back to ",ork after his operation. orrie ostrander ",as still off (hernia operation). William SloetjeS ",ould require hip transplantS ~ich ".ere scheduled for August . ^" ~~ "as not kno"'" ~ether he and ",ould 1 ike 1 y be 0 ff until the Spring of l'185. ",ould be able to continUe ",ork until AUgust or not. A holiday schedule had been dra'iltl up for the Engineer and the ASsistant Engineer and 'WaS as attached. A holidaY schedule for the superintendentS, ClaSS V foreu>an and the 'technician ",ould be done as soon as possible, trying to have as little conflict as possible ",ith the Engineers holidayS. 2. 3. 4. 5. E}{.t 1: a tithe from 1983 ",as diSCUssed at some length. "'MOVED BY. ': SECONDED BY: J. tl. SM'I'fll 't\IA't m: RECONGNIZE 'rl\E f$fRA 't1.11'E EARNED 1.1'1 1983 AS ATtAC\\ED AND p.}\F.ND 'tllE \ cQUN'tY RON) DEl' p,R'fMEN'f \ POL1.cY SO 'tll1.S n11'E DOES Nor \lAVE 'to BE 'tJ>,1<f.1'l 111 \ \ 1984 UNLESS SO W1.SllED BY 'tllE r;MJ>LOyEE. \ \ \ \ COtftn1\lED · · · \ 11. 11. ST~ART ST. THOMAS~ ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH CONTINUED . . . sUMMARY OF TIME EARNED IN 1983 AND NOT TAKEN ROBERT MOOTE 25 DAYS ROBERT DAVIES 12 1/4 DAYS FLOYD HUMPHRIES 6 1/4 DAYS CURTIS GORDON 7 DAYS EVELYN JACOBS 55 1/4 HOURS CARRIED." The Assistant Engineer noted that he wished to use his time earned from 1983 in 1984 if at all possible and his holiday time had been so scheduled. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT ROBERT DAVIES BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ASSOCIATION SEMINAR ON COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ON MAY 31 ST AND JUNE 1 ST AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From Robert Rae, M.P.P. (Leader New Democratic Party) as to the non hiring of Douglas Webster in 1983. The Engineer noted that the matter had been referred to Warden Marr for a reply. 2. From the Ministry of Transportation and communications stating that direct 3. From the Ontario Municipal Board with a notice of appeal from Mr. William RaySon deposit of Subsidy cheques would be made starting in 1984. from the Land Division Committee for severance on County Road #38 east of Straffordville in Bayham Township. The CUlL1111ittee took no action. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 7. 4. It was noted that the Snow Conference would be held May 15th to May 17th in Edmonton. The Engineer noted that in a future year a representative should be sent to the conference. 5. The Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for resi.dential on County Road #27 in Sparta. THE HEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH · · · AFTER LUNCH .. · "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FLEX-O-LITE OF CANADA LIMITED FOR GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING FOR 1984 AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF 26.97 CENTS PER POUND, F.O.B. THEIR ST. THOMAS PLANT; PRICE TO INCLUDE FEDERAL SALES TAX, PROVINCIAL SALES TAX EXTRA. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF IBIS PRODUCTS LIMITED FOR WHITE TRAl"l'-l.C PAINT AT $6.55 PER GALLON LESS 27. AND YELLOW TRAFFIC PAINT AT $6.75 PER GALLON LESS 2%,. F.O.B. COUNTY GARAGE IN 45 GALLON RETURNABLE CONTAINERS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D.PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE REQUEST A QUOTATION FROM DEN-MAR BRINE LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY OF SALT BRINE FOR DUST CONTROL FOR COUNTY ROADS IN 1984. CARRIED." The Engineer presented the attached list showing railway crossings on County roads that were not protected by flashing lights or flashing lights and gates. Crossing protection was discussed by Committee at some length but no action was taken. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 8. The Engineer reported that the Gore Mutual Insurance Company was denying liability claims for property damage on County roads under an Ontario Supreme Court judgement that municipalities were responsible for the clearing of road debris from road surfaces (Fatehi Case). Mr. Lyle Wells of the Frank Cowan Company had been contacted and Mr. Wells felt that this particular case was not a case that should involve the County as the County claims against individuals were for damages to County property such as guide rails, signs, etc. Mr. Wells felt that the only method that could be tak€~n would be to make a claim in Third Division Court against the individual. The matter was discussed by Cvuu.uittee and suggested that the Engineer contact the agents of Gore Mutual and suggest to them that the County was prepared to take their insured to Third Division Court and that this could be very time consuming for their insured, etc., for the small amount of money that was involved. If persuasion failed)theEngineer was authorized to proceed with the matter in Third Division Court~ Land Purchase on County Road #30, Colin Ferguson and Dave Ferguson was discussed at some length. The Assistant Engineer reported on the surveys that he had made and estimates that he had done with regard to location of entrances and costs on the Duncan and Dave Ferguson property. The Cvuuuittee agreed that the claim of Colin Ferguson should be completed as soon as possible, and an offer made to Duncan and David ~~rguson thereafter. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO HAVE THE COUNTY'S LAND SURVEYOR COMPLETE THE SURVEY ON THE PROPERTY OF COLIN FERGUSON, LOT 8, CONCESSION XI, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP WITH THE PROPERTY LINE BEING APPROXIMATELY 4 FEET FR~~ THE TOP OF THE SLOPE. CARRIED." ST. T1:l0MAS, ONTAR10 FEBRUARY' 27, 1984 PAGE 9. some length. M-r. Hepbu-rn had an open g-ravel pit and the g-ravel between the -road p-rope-rty pu-rchase on county Road #22 f-rom Malcom Hepbu-rn was discUssed at -"" limit and the wo-rked a-rea of the pit would have to be acqui-red by the county. '!'he Enginee-r felt that additional compensation fo-r this ove-r and above the County land pu-rchase p-rice would be -requi-red. negotiations with the -rest of the p-rope-rty owne-rs f-rom the -road between '!'he Enginee-r ~as inst-ructed to negotiate with M-r. Hepbu-rn as soon as the concessions IV and V to the St. '!'homas City limitS was completed. acqui-ring the county p-rope-rty on county Road #3 at the north limit of Rodney Reeve pe-rovich stated that the TownshiP of Aldbo-rough waS inte-rested in including the small ga-rage. which the county waS p-resentlY using pa-rt time .fo-r grader storage. '!'he C()1lllllittee asked Reeve pe-rovich to b-ring fo-rth fu-rthe-r p-roposal at an ea-rlymeeting of the Committee. \ included sickle ba-r mowe-rs on 45 ho-rse powe-r tracto-rs, o-r the pu-rchse of la-rge-r l't1-rchase of t-racto-rs and mowe-rs was diSCUssed at some length an alte-rnatiVe 60 ho-rse powe-r t-racto-rs with pull behind -rota-ry mowe-rs. Afte-r conside-rable diSCUssion. "MOVED BY' M. H. STEWART SECONDED J3'l. D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGiNEER BE A\ffHORiZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR TWO (2) 45 HORSE pOWER tRActORS AND TWO (2) s1X FOOT SiCKLE BAR MOWERS WITR TWO (2) coUNTY TRACTORS AS TRMl~WS (1970 MODELS). CARR1ED.H TruckS #83 and #84 could be ascertained and reported to C()1lllllittee. the Machine-ry BUdget was postponed until the p-rice of -repairs on county ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27, 1984 PAGE 10. accrue to the county of GreY and the city of owen sound if the owen sound Suburban The committee reviewed a County of GreY report on cost savings that might -..~'" coromission ,"as completely absorbed intO the county road system. The city of owen sound ,"ould pay a direct grant to the county road system and the Suburban r.oad system abolished. Grey had requested that the Ontario Good Roads AsSociation support permiSsive such a system is already ,"orking ,"ell in the county of Brant. The County of legislation that would allo," separate citieS and countieS to negotiate a direct contribution to the county road system rather than contributing to a Suburban Road Commission. would be in the order of $15,000 per year. The Engineer noted that savings in The county of GreY report indicated that the savingS in the county of Grey the county of Elgin ,"ould be considerablY leSs than that amount. the Coromittee asked that they be kept informed of further developmentS in GreY county. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: M. -11.. stEWART T11.AT WE ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1984 AT 1 :30 p.M., WEDNESDAY, l\1'RIL 11, 1984 AT 9:30 A.M. AND TUESDAY, MAY 15 , 1984 AT 9 :30 A.M. CARRIED ." --- ANNUAL HOLIDAYS FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 2 ~. G. MOORE 4 DAYS MARCH 12 TO MARCH 16 R. G. MOORE 5 DAYS MARCH 22 AND MARCH 23 R. G. MOORE 2 DAYS APRIL 4 TO APRIL 6 R. G. MOORE 3 DAYS APRIL 19 TO APRIL 27 R. G. MOORE 5 DAYS MAY 3 AND MAY' 4 R. G. MOORE 2 DAYS MAY 17 AND MAY 18 R. G. MOORE 2 DAYS MAY 22 TO MAY 25 BOB DAVIES 4 DAYS MAY 28 TO JUNE 1 R. G. MOORE 5 DAYS JUNE 14 AND JUNE 15 R. G. MOORE 2 DAYS JUNE 18 TO JUNE 29 BOB DAVIES 10 DAYS JULY 1 TO JULY 6 R.G. MOORE 4 DAYS JULY 22 TO AUGUST 7 R. G. MOORE 10 DAYS AUGUST 20 TO AUGUST 24 R. G. MOORE 5 DAYS AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEl1BER 14 BOB DAVIES 14 DAYS OCTOBER 1 TO OCTOBER 5 R. G. MOORE 5 DAYS OCTOBER 22 TO NOVEMBER 2 R. G. MOORE 10 DAYS DECEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 31 BOB DAVIES 3 DAYS BETWEEN NOVEMBER 5 AND DECEMBER 25 R. G. MOORE 6 DAYS TOTALS .. R. G. MOORE .. BOB DAVIES 70 DAY'S 31 DAYS COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF RAILWAY CROSSINGS FEBRUARY 27, 1984 TOTAL NUMBER OF CROSSINGS PRESENTLY BEING USED BY CHARTERED RAILWAYS 27 - CROSSINGS PROTECTED 24 CROSSINGS NOT PROTECTED 3 INCLUDING: 1. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company - County Road #33 _ Crossing No. 12. 2. Canadian National Railway - County Road #29 - Crossing No. 15. 3. Canadian National Railway - County Road #11 - Crossing No,.. 28. PRIVATE RAILWAY CROSSING WITHOUT PROTECTION: 1. Port Stanley Terminal Railway Incorporated - County Road 1~2l _ Crossing No. 18. CO~'t'l 011 ELG1.N R~ 'FE'BR\JARY SESSl,ON 1984 ~ TO 't)iE VlARDEN AND l'l.1!1'\.1'>ERS 011 T\\E c(,)IlNT'l 011 ELGIN COUNCIL 'lOUR ROAD C~1.TTEE RE?ORTS Ni> 110L"L~S' 1.. Tpat. Mt. Gal:Y GOl:aOn of t.he CountY Roaa oepal:t~nt has been authorized d th 1984 ~tal:iO l'l.osquitO cont.l:01. ~ssociation Vlo~kshoP in to atten . e).. VU Tol:OntO, l'l.arch 1.9 to l'l.al:ch 21., IiJith e>tPetlse s pai a. 2. 'the j!;I:lgineer has been aut.POl:iZea to {(lake app1.icat.ion to M1.0ytnent ana 1J;n1\\igration canada f.or grantS avai1.ab1.e under the sullJllel: canada d the S.......er Gal: ee~ ACce s s 1. 984 ?l:ogr at\lllIe · 1.984 ?l:og1=anane an ~ l\1.."L 011 Vl\\1. C\\ 1. S RES? 11.ct )?IJLt. "! SU1ll'11.TT11.D CUA1.~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 15, 1984 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met in conjunction with County Council at 3 :00 p.m., Wednesday, February 15, 1984. All members ~rere present. "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT GARY GORDON BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE 1984 ONTARIO MOSQUITO CONTROL ASSOCIATION WORKSHOP IN TORONTO, MARCH 19 TO 21 AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that applications to Employment and Immigration Canada for grants under the Summer programme for students had to be submitted by Fe bruary 24th. Although it was not likely that the County would get a grant for either programme, it was suggested that applications be made in case there were extra funds allocated by the Federal Government in their new budget. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN APPLICATION TO EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION CANADA FOR GRANTS AVAILABLE UNDER THE SUMMER CANADA 1984 AND SUMMER CAREER ACCESS 1984 PROGRAMMES. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT P AYLIST NUMBER lOIN THE AMOUNT OF $4,607.44 BE AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED." The Cvuuuittee adjorned to meet February 27th. ~ /J /: /' /~. /~ ./ ~ 1t_~f/ / CHAIRMAN COUNt'l 01' v.LC1N ROAD COl1l'llT'l'V.ll ~ FF.BRUl\RY SESSION 19B4 TO T\lll \l1JUl1!ll ).liD t1l!l\lI11RS 01' T\lll cooNf'l 01' v.LC1N CCIJNC1L 'lQllR ROAD col1l'I1TTllll RJ\~ORTS AS 1'OLLC'lS' 1. \I. he". he.o advised by \'JllPloytneot and In''ligtatiOO CaoSda that the couoty' s Caoada Wotl<s ?tOgt...... haS b.en apptOv.d io the a1lIOuot of $26,000. ou~ otiginal aPpltcatiOO ,,05 fot $32,500. \Ie e~pect that some "utI< "ill b. uod.t"ay b.fot. the .nd of the ~~h. 2. \I. have be.o ad..tsed that the t1ioisttY of TtaOSpo~tatlOO aod cowmuolcatiOOS "ill subsidtz. .xp.nditut.s totalliOg $4,15S,OOO in 19S4 as compat.d to a total apptov.d .xp.oditute of $4,001,000 in 1983. subsidY allocatiOns ftOlO the t1inisttY in 19S4 "ill b. $3,100,000 cOlOpated to $3,014,000 io 19S3. The 1/2 1lIt1.1. l.vy fot the ctty of St. Tho"'s to"atd the subUtban Road coromisstoo will ptovide $40,100 io 19S4 compa~.d to $3S,SOO in 1983. ~E REcOMlAEND: 1. That a by.la" b. passed 1.i1llitiog the ".tght 00 joiOt btidg.s "nth the countY of ~iddl.se~ as follo"s' 15 Tonnes TateS BJ:idge 15 TonneS TheS. limitS ate the 50111. li1llita that ate pteseotlY 00 the btidg.s aod ~ioisttY of TtaOspottattoo aod ComrouolcatiOOS appto..al of the couoty's pt.s.nt ".lght by.law "ill .~pit. in ~atch of 19S4. LingS BJ:idge MiddlemisS BJ:idge lB TonneS ALL OF 'iI\I1C\I 15 Rl1.SFl1.e'l!YIlLL'l SUf>\lT'l'l1.D c\\AI1.U'1AN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1984 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1983. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION (A) Roads and Bridges: (1) Silver Creek Culvert ~eplacement, County Road #42, Ma1ahide Township (construction allocation). (See also County Maintenance. ) $110,000.00 (2) County Road #22 (Fairview A~enue)from St. Thomas City Limits to County Road #27, Yarmouth Township. 25,597.56 (3) County Road #32 (Police College Road) from Highway #73 to County Road #02, Malahide Township. 256,281.86 (4) County Road #42 and County Road #50 in the Village of Port Burwell, engineering and storm drainage. 24,030. 73 (~) Land purchase including land surveying, legal costs, etc., on County Road #3, #0, #8, #22, #45, etc. 51,307.47 (6) Surveys and engineering work on roads for future construction. 6,186.58 TOTAL $473,404.20 (B) Asphalt Resurfacing: (1) County Road #3 from Port Glasgow to Rodney in Aldborough Township. $664,255.75 (2) County Road #B from Highway #3 (Wa11acetown) to Dutton in Dunwich Township. 61,716.69 Continued . . . PAGE 2. com<T'l OJ' v.LC1N ROAD caMM1T'l'1l1l 1'lRST RllPORT . Y1lllRUAR'i Sv.SS1ON 19S4 (11) Asphalt Resutfacingl (continued) (3) CouotY Road #20 in the village of pott Stanley. (4) county Road #20 south and notth of Shedden to south"old Townshlp. $ 5,791.56 18,664.56 101,097.55 ----- (5) countY Road #36 notth nf couoty Road 1145 io 'lat1llouth To1JOship. TarAL 26.11 ~ $ 58,416.14 CR. (C) Miscellaneous: (1) ccedit oo1l\SchioetY ownetShiP costS, etc., chatged to accountS teceivable, to1JOline accountS and miscellaneous machine cteditS. 115,196.65 4,943.02. (2) Ne" and used machioeCY' (3) completlOO of salt stotage buildiog at OUn",ich TownshiP gatsge in outtoo. 116,717.24 (4) putchaSe legal costS and licensing costS of clatke Gtavel J'it Lot 26 couc e sst on lV, 'l at1llou th Township. (5) lltaloage assesmnentS against county -roadS. T(1tAL c()lJl1T'1 COSTS (' A'. '11' 1.' C' ) 1 107.87 11, ---;;~ ~- 38 95 <1:1 _ 794~ ~ (U) consttUctiOO St. ThomaS subutban Road co~iSsion' (1) sutveys and engineeting, County Road #2S (centenoial Aveoue), 'iat1llouth To1JOshiP, $ 1,784.72 691.a8 CR. etc. 16,335.60 ----- (2) Land pUJ:cbase. (3) lltainage sssessnentS against St. Th01llas subutban Road commiSsion Rnads. T(1tllL COST ]l'i ST. T\I()l\AS Sll131lRBAN ROAO C()Ml'llSSlON 28 . L~4 ~ TO"'lIL c()lJl1T'1 01' llLGIN AND ST. T\I()l\AS SUlI1lRlIAN ROAD . c()Ml'llSSlON CONS'tRUC'tl0N $1_811~ ~-- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1984 PAGE 3. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Account Numbers. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TarAL A .. Culverts and Bridges .. 1 Bridges 105,556.70 1,404.60 106,961.30 .. 2 Culverts 69,623.38 1,,665.31 71,288.69 - 3 Silver Creek Culvert (Road #42). 288,488.33 288,488.33 (Expenditures in addition to Construction Expenditure.) - 4 Cook's Bridge. (Remove old 33,805.15 33,805.15 structure and replace with a Bailey Bridge.) B .. Roadside Maintenance .. 1 Grass Cutting 16,276.96 1,616.55 17,893.51 .. 2 Tree Cutting 106,565.57 4,905.86 111 , l~ 71 . 43 .. 4 Drainage 135,696.43 27,377.52 163,073.95 - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, 33,468.02 4,439.23 37,907.25 Shouldering, etc. - 6 Tree Planting 9,193.84 872.95 10,066.79 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only). 2,843.38 452.13 3,:295.51 .. 11 Weed Spraying 13,415.19 2,353.53 15,768.72 C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) .. 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping. .. 3 Shoulder Maintenance (including gravelling, ditching, etc.) .. 4 Surface Treatment D .. Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) .. 2 Grading Gravel Roads .. 3 Dust Control (calcium chloride and salt brine) - 4 Dust Control (prime) .. 5 Gravel Resurfacing E .. Winter Control .. I Snow plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting .. 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter Standby * Total Winter Control 66,059.34 2,454.48 68,513.82 19" 11 7 . 04 3,134.24 22,251. 28 144,822.04 100,700.42 245,522.46 111,476.55 7,970.66 119,447.21 23,718.69 4,510.79 28,229.48 40,630.16 5 , 08 2 . 5 7 45, 712. 73 1,569.70 2,375.66 3,945.36 28,494.71 7,250.77 35,745.48 26, 051 . 30 114,256.76 14,592.19 17,447.18 1 72, 347 . 43 3,767.20 30,717.51 1,538.56 2,584.02 38,607.29 29,,818.50 144,974.27 16,,130.75 20,,031.20 21 0" 954. 72 Cont:inued l'AGE 4. c(J\Jl1T'l 011 ELC1;N ROAU COMl'llTTV.V. 1'lRST REVeRT _ YE1\RIlAR'l SESS10ll 19S4 ~ S'L. T1l0MAS SUBURBAN ROAD COlft1I S S 1 ON ~~ ~ * 19S2 'ilintet Coot~ol - $497,11S 19S1 wtntet coottol - $366,369 19S0'iliotet coottol - $260,443 t979 'illotet conttol · $359,431 F _ SafetY Devices ?avemeot ~.~kiOg (ceotet Line) 35,35q.48 8 , B31 .29 44,196.11 _ 1 6,030.28 46,366.11 40,335.89 _ 2 SignS 1l,9q4.54 9,191.21 2,B03.21 _ 3 Guide Rail 8,055.41 38,548.40 _ 4 Railroad l'Lotection 30,4Q2.qq Edge 11ax\dng 21,064.44 9,321.01 36,3Ql.51 _ 6 (*1'.6 'iI'S fuoded io pstt by a supple1llSot.ty v.~penditl1te 1\y.La" tn the a1lInuot of $27,500 ftom the ~.~.c. . suhsldY ---- ------ Rate 90. Q09"/o. ) ----- ~ ~ $1,811.840.56 'tar ALS ~ ~ 120,828.82 10,221.96 131,050.78 1. SU?et~ntendenCe' includ~ng county v.ngineet, supetintendentS, and vehicles :, ,032.05 64,513.40 59,4B1.35 2. C1eJ:ic,~1 14,004.14 1,184.18 15,18Q.52 3. Office 8,11Q.52 106,362.03 Gatages (White StatloO and RodneY)' Q8,182.51 4. Stock .nd Ti1llekeepetS, ~ainteoSnce, t\.eat, etc. 12,628 . 14 1,068.31 13,6QI.11 5. 'toolS 302.61 3,880.33 3,517.66 6. RadiO 1,030.42 9,471.66 T<aHic countS and Needs Study Update 8,441. 24 1. 8Q.18 1 ,143 . '3 '3 1,054.15 8. 'tJ:ainingCouJ:ses 2,261.55 191.32 2,452.81 9. M.iscel1aneous 1.nsuJ:ance 16,130.53 10. Retiteroent Mlo"ance (Sick time paid 16,130.53 to retired employees) 670.11 CR. 670.17 CR. 11. DeferJ:ed 'time ----- ---- ------- 'rO'tAt.S ~ ~ ~ continued 1?AGE 5. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE !!!,-ST REl'ORT . FEllR1l~Y SE~lON 19S~ ~ ... COUNTY Ovethead is chstged against the St. ThOlMS Subutban Road COlfiUissiOO Roads on a petcentage basis of the CO$t of cOO$ttuctiOO and maioteOance 00 the St. Thomes Suburbao Road COlfiUiS$iOO Roads 05 a petcentage of an consttUctiOO aod 1lIainteOance on both St. Thomas SUb\1tbanRoads and County Roads (utban tebates, equipmeot putchases, dtaioage assessmeotS, ite1llS not fot subsidy, etc., ate oot consideted in determining the ovethead petcentage). 10 19S3 the Ovethead chatge to the St. ThOlMS subutbao Road Oo~issiOO "a$ 7.S%. ~ $49;,077.42 Rebate to TOwn of Ay11llet aod villageS of 25% of theit Road LeVY payroll lIutdeo totaled $40S,356.OB in 19S3 and "as disttibuted in accotdaoce with MinisttY of Ttanspottation and COlfiUUoicatiOOS standatd ptactice to the vatioUS opetatiooS. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY T\\E - ~ - ~lN1STR'l OF TRANSFORTAT1OS AND c()Ml1llN1;CATlONS ~ S't. T1l0MAS SUBURBAN ROAD COM!:1ISSIOl'l ROA~ 1,044.00 150.00 1. Road LiabilitY InsuJ:auce 878.20 U5 .00 2. MiscellaoeOus (iOcluding membetshipS, etc.) 704.48 3. St. Thomes subutbao Road COlfiUission Fees and Expenses 3,580.01 4. Invoices ftom the Couoty cletkS Office fot ptepatatiOO of employee pay toll ---- r-~~.~ ------- ..1969.48 ~ TO'tAJ,.S TOT AL -- 1,194.00 993.20 704.48 3,580.01 ----- ~ PAGE 6. coU'NT'l OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ~SESS~ ~.AR'f ST. T1\OMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~~ ~ 1,194,538.95 17 ,428.44 1,811,961.39 (A) constJ:uction 1,565,612.68 252,221.88 1,817,840.56 (D) Urban Reba-tes (E) ItemS Not FoJ: subsidy SUBTOTAL 335,921.12 49,017.42 5,502.21 ---- $3,750,652.38 27,300.27 363,221.39 DEDUCT: 1982 Stock Balance TOTAL 101,310.77 ----- 532.99 ~ 49,017.42 969.48 6,471.69 ---- ----- $297,926.07 $4,048,578.45 66,251.38 ---- - -- $297,926.07 $4,114,829.83 101,370.71 ---- ----- ~ ~ (B) Maintenance (C) overhead ADD: 1983 Stock Balance 66,251.38 ----- $3,816,903.76 calculation of Ministry of Ttanspottatlon and cororo\1nicatiOns payable on the St. tho1llas subutban Road coromission Road syste1ll E"PenditUres. ~ SU1l1lRB/IN ROAD CO~llUSSloN ROAD S'lST1!ll CALCIlLATl ON OF IIMooN'I P A '{AlI1..E 1l'l clT'l 01' ST. TIl (lMI\S $ 8,4'79.15 1 . subS i dy on 1'.6 P aveme nt v.dge Mst1<ing 90.9091. 0 f $9,321.01 NIL 215,65B.29 2. subsidY on ltem Not Fot SubsidY, 3. Average subsidy Rate on Opetations EXpenditutes 74.917S1. of $287,629.52 TOTAL SU1lS10'l WoN MlN1STIl'l 01' TB/lNSPOF:rATloN IIMD C~lCATlONS ---- $224,137.44 ~ $297,9'26.07 Total St. ThomaS suhutbaO Road commission E"Penditutes LESS I MinisttY of Transpottation and communications Subsidy BALANCE 224,137.44 ---- $ 13,188.63 ~ $36,894.31 shate of City of St, Thomas 5if. of lIal.nce ADD: Deficit from 1982 SUBTOTAL DEDUCT I 1/2 ~ill conttibution fot 19S3 from city of St. Thomas in 1984 2,849.19 ---- $3 9 ,743 . 50 DEFICIT TO 1984 ~ 9/-1-3.50 ~ J.>hGE 1. cQUllT'l Of y.LClN ROAD COmllT'l'llE flR5T REPORT' YElIWUARY SESS1~ 19S4 CALCULAT1~ Of NEt C<YJl\T'l Ellf\lNlllTllRE ~ N\nisttY of TtSOSpottatiOO aod c~unicatiOOS subsidy Allocation' 'i/.t.' $2,8B9,000 100,000 (b) (c) suppl.1lI.ot.tY fot Saf.ty It.tsS ('i/hite Edg. ~st\<ing) SUppl.meotatY fo~ con.ttUctiOn at Sil...t Ct..\<' Road #42 5 000 2 , ---- 000 ~ (a) Gen.~al subsidY ~llocatiOO $4,013,459.06 Total couotY Road aod St. Th...a. Sl1butbaO Road c~ittee F..~penditUJ:e LESS' ~inisttY of TtaOSpottatiOO aod CotslS"Oications suhsidJ LESS' cost to City of St. Tho1llSS of the St. Tho"'s subu~bao Road coU\l'tl.ission 3,014,000.00 :36,B94.31 ------- 64.75 ~ Th. 19S3 Road v.'IY ftOvl.d.d h' &......ds (~10 000 t.^Uit.d) wet. ptovided fot the suppl.meotatY No couotY 1lIatC ,og .~.. .' ~ AllocatiOO fot Silvet CC..k Culvett coosttuctioo. NEt ESTll4ATV.U COST TO co1JNTY 01' ELG1N (SUJ>Jv.CT TO t11N1STR'l 01' TRANSPOST~Tl~ AND co~1.CA't1.0NS AUDIT) $955,000 \.65 36 19S2 th.Y we~e $4,919,410 and in Total Vouchet 1'0 yroent 5 in 19S3 ""t. $,,343, .' 1981 $4,610,672). Th. diU.teoc. b.t".eo the total vouch.t payroeotS aod total toad ."Peoditutes ($1,329,106.30) iocluded: (a) 'i/otk doo. on To""iio. Roads aod l\tidg.' aod iovoiced to CountY of ~iddleae~ and County of O~foJ:d. (b) 'i/ot\< at St. Tho1l\S' Aitpott ($44S,25S.39). (c) SutfaC. tteattsSot "otk fot vatiOUs roUoicipalitieS including City of St. Thoroas aod couotY of ~ot ($lS4,242.1S). , . d d i '~o-k .tC fot vatiOUs local ro\10iCl.paliti.S (209,921.33). \lot tsi~ pa",ng an ta oag. · ., ., v.r.ctiOn and flooting of nale"ood Btidg. fo~ the City nf St. Th...as. t1i.c.llan.ol1s "o~\< p.tfotm.d and mat.tial .old to 1lIunicl.palitl..S and oth.t" (d) (e) (f) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE YIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1984 PAGE 8. The County of Elgin Road Department in 1983 participated in 3 Employment Programmes in addition to the work listed above. (a) Government of Canada '83 Summer Incentive Programme (Surveying Assistance) at a value of $2,363.0~ (b) Employment and Immigration Canada Special Response Programme to employ workers in the tobacco industry. The programme had a value of $117,352 of which was charged $5,730.77 in 1982 and $111,621.23 in 1983. (c) Canada/Ontario Employment Development Programme (C.O.E.D.) to a total of $121,200 for the Road Department (programme completed) and for the County Museum (this programme is ongoing) to a total of $10,691. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Programme for the prevention of encephalitis. The cost of $332.25 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1984 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Wednesday, January 25, 1984 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Deputy Reeve Martyn were present. Also present was Ambrose Hickey, and Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED: 1. That the County had been allocated $26,000 for the Canada Works Programme and that a new budget was required and that officials from Immigration and Employment Canada would discuss particulars with County officials within two weeks. 2. The Canadian Transport Commission and the Engineer would inspect Conrail crossings from St. Thomas westerly on January 27th if weather conditions permitted. 3. That the total aggregate use from the County's pleasant Valley Pit in 1983 totaled 74,000 tons with 56,700 of this being crushed gravel. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Both snow plowing and sanding remained constant. 2. Some tree cutting had been done on Roads #22, #27 #16 and brush at the intersection of Roads #25 and #52. 3. Some gravel had been hauled from the PLeasant Valley Pit to White Station. 4. Chittick Construction had completed their gravel crushing contract with the County of Elgin. 5. Painting of the Meeks Bridge railing was being used as a fill in job. 6. Although the mechanics were being kept busy no major equipment failures had occurred. 7. The claim against John Witlox had been filed in Small Claims Court. 8. Information had been received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, which allowed the Engineer and the office staff to revise the accounts of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway for railway crossing protection. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1984 PAGE 2. The Boa~d Orde~s f~om the canadian Transpo~t Commission had been ~eceived and a suroma~y of these o~de~s would be sent to all municipalitieS as soon as possible. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From John Wise, M.P. -with thanks fo~ information ~ega~ding Gon~ail and copies of ~esolutions f~om the city of St. Thomas and the Township of Bayham ~ega~ding the 2. From the Minist~y of T~anspo~tatiOn and communications with app~oval of By-LaW same. 3. From the Foundation of Agg~egate Studies with ~ega~d to zoning fo~ agg~egate #83-46, Load Limit on County Bridges. 4. From the Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by_law amendment fo~ indust~ial land production. on County Road #29. Membe~ s ~epo~ted that the~e we~e a nU1l\be~ of local ~atepaye~S opposing this ~. From the Onta~io Good Roads AsSociation announcing a Management Semina~. by-law. The Enginee~ felt that the~e waS nO one in the Road Department that would benefit f~om the semina~ and would be able to go at the p~esent time. Minist~y of T~ansportation and communications approval fo~ the p~esent by-law for load limitS on county b~idgeS on the Middlesex county LineS will expi~e in Ma~ch and a neW by_law is ~equi~ed. l1MOVEDEY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. pEROVICfl TMT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A By-LAW BE PASSED RESTRICtING THE WEIG1lT OF VEHICLES pASSING OVER BRIDGES ON coUNTY LINES WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. cARRIED ." of Elgin to have thei~ staff advise the Minist~y to what deg~ee the ~ecommendations A lette~ waS ~eceived f~om the Minist~y of the Envi~onment requesting the county of the a~ea of Waste Management Study had been implemented and to indicate ba~~iers, pT. THOMAS, ONTARIO UANUARY 25, 1984 rAGE 3. if any, that prevents the implementation of the Study recvu,,"endatiflUs. I The Committee felt that it was desirable to co_operate with th" Ministry, but should not be a priority item. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART AT THE REQUEST OF THE MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT THAT THE ENG~NEER BE INSTRUCTED TO REVIEW THE AREA WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY AND SUPPLY INFORMATlbN REQUESTED BY THE MINISTRY. CARRIED." DEPUTY REEVE MARTYN IN ATTENDANCE '. · · I The Warden, Chairman and Deputy Reeve Martyn reported on theirimeetings with Duncan, David and Colin Ferguson with regard to land purchase on Cpunty Road #30. They recommended that the County proceed to acquire the necessary property for widening and that an estimate made of the cost of putting a driveWliY in for Duncan and David Ferguson at their property to ascertain Whether i~ would be feasible. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: 'D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO HAVE THE LAND SURVEYOR DRA~ UP LAND PLANS FOR THE WIDENING REQUIRED ON LOT 8, CONCESSION XI, YARMOUTH TO~SHTP OWNED BY DAVID AND DUNCAN FERGUSON AND COLIN FERGUSON. THE ENGINEER Td ESTIMATE THE COST OF A DRIVEWAY, APPRAISALS, ETC., FOR DAVID FERGUSON AND REPORT TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED ." The Engineer reported that he had two prices for the purchase (of a dual wheel trailer: (a) From Wiltsie Truck Bodies Limited, Aylmer with lO,OqO lb., axles for $8,700.00 and (b) From Fruehauf Canada Incorporated, London a Hol1\and Trailer with 6,000 lb., axles at $8,790.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1984 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: M. H. STEWART THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUCJrATI0N OF ~ILTSIE TRUCK BODIES LIMITED, DATED JANUARY 9, 1984 FOR A 20 FOCJr BE AVERT AIL TRAILER COMPLETE AT THEIR QUCJrED PRICE OF $8,700.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED ." correspondence was read from the Broken Wheel Trail Riders Association requesting the use of the clarke pit in 1984 as a campground. Several connnittee members reported that the Trail Riders AsSociation were running a good camp and the property waS well looked after. Inasmuch as it would be difficult for the county officialS to keep watch on the property, it waS felt that it would be desirable for ,the Broken Wheel Trail Riders ASSociation to continue to use the property, until provincial regulations regarding pit and quarry lands would prohibit the use. "MOVED BY: E. H. Mf,RR SECONDED. 1\,)': D. PEROVICH THAT WE GRANT PERMISSION TO THE BROKEN WEEL TRAIL RIDERS ASSOCIATION TO USE THE CLARKE pIT IN 1984. THE ASSOCIATl ON TO ACCEPT ALL LEGAL LIABILITY ~ITH REGARD TO THIS USE. CARRIED." the property in 1983 ($1,400) (approl<imatelY 35 acres) for rentals in 1984 on The Engineer waS instructed to negotiate ~ith Mr. Ralph Richardson who rented the understanding that a portion of the property could not be used as in all liklihood the County would wish to develop a portion of it prior to the time corn or soybeans would be harvested. Ministry of Transportation and connnunications Traffic Engineer and that the The Engineer reported that he had met with Mr. Murray Seeley, the Regional Ministry would supply and erect all guide signS on King'S Highways, County roads ST. THO~S, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1984 PAGE 5. and Township roads that were required for the International Plowing Match. It has been the Ministry's policy to do this on an annual basis and they would move their signs from one location to another yearly. The Cuuuuittee reviewed the 1983 Road Expenditure s as detailed on the First Report to County Council for February. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFl'ER LUNCH . . . REEVE SMYTH AND AMBROSE HICKEY ABSENT The CU1Lu~littee complet!ed ,their rev;i~w of the expenditures. The 1984 Budget, as attached, was presented and discussed in considerable detail. The Corrnnittee asked that the budget be amended to show the additional costs that would be required if the entire County road right-of-ways were mowed. The Engineer estimated that this would cost approximately $9,000.00 more. The Cuuullittee requested that this be done and the budget forwarded as amended to Council. "MOVED BY: E . H.. MARR SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT URBAN REBATES TO LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% OF THEIR ROAD LEVY AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: M. H. STEWART SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH I THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD 'LEv)~ BE $1,031,000 IN 1984. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1984 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT THE DRAFT BUDGET DATED JANUARY 25, 1984, AS AMENDED, BE FORWARDED to COUNTY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: M.. H. STEWART THAT WE RECOMMEND TO coUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE pASSED ADOPTING THE PROPOSED STATEMENT OF WORK AS CONTAINED IN THE DRAFT BUDGET OF JANUARY 25, 1984 AND THE EXPENDITURES FOR 1984 AND A STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR APPROVAL. TOTAL BUDGET $4,1 70,000. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUtHORIZED TO REQUEST QUOTATIONS FOR PAVEMENT MARKING PAINT AND GLASS BEADS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT WE ADJOURN TO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1984 AT 9 :30 A.M. AND THAt THE CHAIRMAN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE ACCOUNTS. CARRIED." ~1/ 0/ :2 ~/ . _.,/ ',~~~~,.. ,../".',/:::#~ . ,} (/6' /,,,_<.. /.r~/ " ,/ ./ e;t:' ./"l.",'/" - e:,..../' , .,! ,,," - . ' CHAIRMAN K '" ...,.;., ,1:\ ........ ,-".. Const~ucrt1on ~ch1nel:'Y Ove~h~Hl4 . *,1nten.,n(;., It.ma No,t for Subsidy Urb~n iebatea 1983 EXPENDITURES . f.;u; Suba~dy .Ul:b4Jl RQb4ites Not "QJ; Subsidy COUNTY OF ELGIN 1981. ROAD BUDCET SUMMARY " ,tnc~e~~e 1n~penditure 3.39% 1984, RECEIPTS JANUM~Y 25, 1984 AMENDED ~1,772,OOO .335,000 393,000 1,606,000 12,000 52,000 $4,170,000 $3,958,000::' 49,000 7,000 j4,014,OOO Mtnlatry of Transportation and Comm~nications Subsidy $3,100,000 City of St, Thomas Ef,fect1ve Contribution 39,000 ~984CQunty Levy .1,03~,OOO County Cost Last Year Inc,fease Over 1983 Cost tnC~~HUI~ Over \983 Levy Last Year $955,000 $966,000 + - 6.7% 8% j3,139,OOO ~ ,. "" ~' '#.. \ , , COUNTY OF ELGIN - ' - 1984 AVERAGE SUBSIDY CALCULATION AMENDED total S",\;)si.dy Lell.$; \lfb.ap Rebate subfiidy l~pen4it"'t'e Ma~tne~Y Qve1:hea,4 1-1i~l\tenilnce . lV'~lJ8e S~bli14y "" 74.660% $3,100.000 22.000 ~,014,.~ 00,9, .--...,. , $1,712,000 335~OOO 393.000 1., 606., 000, ..~ to, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 BUDGET ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY AMENDED 1. . St. Thomas Sub~rban Road Couunission, including membership fees, Commission (Robert Martin) ponQrarium. and convention expenses, etc. . $ 1,000 2~ ~~ab11ity Insurance. 3, 4~1nist~ative Charge$ frQm Clerk's :Office , fesa.rdins Payroll. 1,000 5,500 4. Conven~ion hospitality suites, etc. 5. ~mbersh1ps, retirement allowances. appreciation niiht$. etc. ~. Ovefexpenditure to earn maximum subsidy. 2,200 1,000 1,300 $12,000 . . . " ~ ~ S't. 't\\QW\S SU\\IlRB1-11 RO,\D C()W'\~SS'l.Oll 1\1\0 COlRl't'l Of \\\..G~ll J/IllU/IB.'t 25. \ q&4 ~END'E'O ..III" ... . (.l~ML't. R~U~ (\) BP3~ Hi . ~~\\~ce~o~ ~o ~~~on. (2) BPad iP . l.a~ $l:i.e ~o \l.Qdney. (3 ) \\'IlId //)0 . CQIIlI' \ e ~e ( t QlII \.\1>" Ii 1/4J ~o \Ii. \1.\<101"1 #3. ('- ) l,I.QlId If4J . II i.1'.\llola y if13 loIe :>~c t \ yapI' tOl!.i.III"tc\ Y 1. $1. \e. , \.3,000 tib,OOO z\.o,uuU o \30,00 ~ 000 ~ (\\) MIlD /Illll llR'l.oGE COlls'rR\JC'r~Oll $ 24,000 3,000 1 ~t QUO \.4.000 (\) \N1:'oIeyi.nl'. ~nd, e"l'.i.neeti."\I.' (2) l:li. d4\ elJ\i. Ii a llti. ~v,e e nIL i. nee t i. n\l.' ~3) ("- ). \"an4 \'l)"CCbaae · Co\1n~~' c. "'~ ...alot $\LU\L1:pan \loa~ \"and \,\1tCb~ae · ..t. 'lOll'-- co_i. \J_1.0th ,(~ ) ~o) gcai.n&\!.e ...~I\~l\ts ~ Co\1n~Y' c *"\ "~li s~b\l;b~n 'Q.O..c.\ gcai.nav,e ~~..~nt~. ..~. .1QW- . CO\\1.l\i.$$i.oth (1 ) (t\ ) c\at~ Cta~e\ fi.~. \i.Cen:>e. e~C' upaG #20 (bQ:>tloli.C~ Roa4) d,ai.nal'.e, I'.tave\. for . (" tp.o~~ Sub\.u:bca:n \I\~erl\a~i.ona\ f\Ololi."\I. ~,,~ch. ~~. \\IlliG ~i.s:>i.on) gpaG ~ . Ge~tY Iltai.l\ C\1\~ett rep\aCelllent. -(') ) (\.0 ) ~\\ ) . (\.1.) gpa~ #42 . si.\~Cr Cte"~' iQat\ #')2. gpa~a 1f42 ~nd, jfJO . fort \)I1t..."n (\lase of i)$pna\.t Qn\~). \l.oad #22 (fal.t~i.elol l\~en\1e) · ~:>e co~~ o( ~$l'b~U 01\ ~n \q&4 ...o"'~. (\3 ) , 4'~QtOOO 40,000 \4.000 \~,ooo \1.,000 a,QOO \\0,000 es,UOO :.\tiO,uao 510,000 ~ '} 000 ~ .i?~a\t ili\1"CfaCi.I\\!. onad and ~i.d,\!.e CoI\$~t\1C~\on \. )'j 'j 000 ...-J...-' . - ~1}~ ./.....//..//......./ ~---------~"----------~ . '. o . COUh,-y OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTM:ef\~ - : .1'" ." 1984t'.Al~"TENANCE BUDGET ..COUNtY AJ\"D ST ~ THOMAS SURUBRAN ROADS .J~~ARY 25, 1984 -AMENDED All totals :lnclude Payroll "_(Maintenance Compar1sons for 1981, 1982 an~19831nclude Count)' -and Suburban ltoadsExpenditures. lSurden.) oprRATlON 1981 1982 1983 1984 ESTD'..ATED CO!Th7Y ST. THOY..AS SUBU'RBAJ\ ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts 1 Eridges - 2 Culverts 20,652 11..897 63, 208 63,297 140,766 71,289. , 150,000 147,000 3,000 B - ~oad5ide MaintenanCE - 1 Gress Cutting 21,773 19,718 17..894 31,000 29,000 2,000 - 2 TTee Cutting Bnd ~rushing 98,142 70,305 111,471 100,000 92,000 8,000 - It Drainage B 7 ,906 132,430 163,074 140,000 122,000 18,000 - .5 Roadside Maintenance 16..660 30,161 37,907 20,000 16,000 4, 000 . - 6 Tree Planting 5,642 2,605 10,067 4,000 4,000 - 7 Drainate Asses~nts 4,842. '.iDi 3,296 "t nnn 3.000 -''v.....,,", (Maintenance) - 11 ~eed Spraying 11,417 12.627 15,769 19,000 16,000 3,000 . . C - Pav~d Road Y~intenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 62.569 60,133 68.5 rz." 110,000 104~OOO 6,000 - 2 SW~Ep1ng 23,664 31,843 2 2, 251 24,000 20,000 4,000 .- Continued . · · OOill.'TY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT _. - 1984 HAl~"TENANCE BUDGET . ,COUNTY AND ST. TIlOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS OPERATION 1981 1982 1983 1984 ESTIMATED C - Paved Road Haintenance (Continued) _ 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment Road ~ - Ditching, etc. Road ~ - Ditching, etc. D - Gravel Road Maintenance _2 3 - 4 - S Grading Gravel Roads Dust Control Prime Cravel Resurfacing E- Winter Control Total 1 2 3 . _ 4 Snow Plowing Sanding and Salting Snow Fence Standby and Night Crew F- Safety Devices 1 Pavement Marking _ 2 Signs and Signals 81,191 73,083 78,980 .5,110 23,140 :SO, 905. 1,342 142,938 366,369 68,613 247,958 26,203 23,595 33,402 67,119 102,169 144,027 245,522 119,447 100,000 140,000 25, 043 28,229 36,.905 45,713 4,166 3.945 25,109 35,745 497,778 .210,955 124,565 29,819 325,500 144,974 2.5,801 16,131 21,912 ..20,031 41,814 44,197 77,511 46,366 30,000 48,000 4,000 40,000 450,000 47,000 40.000 3ANUARY25, 1984 PAGE 2. COUNTY 82,000 112,000 25,000 -42,000 1,000 38,000 360, .000 37,000 . 34,000 JtMFNDED ST. TH~S SUBURBAN ROADS 18,000 28,000 5,000 6,000 3,000 2,000 90,000 10, 000 6,000 Continued . . · .. . .. . - ,.. OJUl\'TY .oF ELGIN ROAD DEP ARTMEh"T 1984 MAll\"TEN AN CE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THC!{AS SUBURBAN ROADS JAA"UARY 25, 1984 PAGE 3. AMENDED OPERATION 1981 1982 1983 1984 ESTIMATED COU'NIY ST. THOYJiS SUBURBAN ROADS F - Safety DevIce 5 (Continued) - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Bailroad Protection - S Stump Removal - 6 Edge ~arking 5.795 3,510 11,995 10,000 8,000 - 45,097 33,766 38" 548 56,,000 46,000 11.612 16,332 ~ 30,409 36.392 40,000 30,000 $1,387,579 $1,57S,24l .:$1,529,352 $1,606,000 $1,368,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 TOTALS $238,000 ~inter Control 1978 ~inter Control 1979 ~inter Control 1980 $315,004 $359,431 $260,443 1984 M.T.C. Y~intenance and Overhead Allocation $1,999,000 . . Supplem€ntary By-Law (Edge }Iark1ng) NIL $1,999,000 1983 I1.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Supplementary By-La~ (Edge Marking) $1,870,000 27.500 1984 Maintenance Budget 1984 Overhead !udget $1,606,000 393,000 $1,897,500 $1,999,000 1983 Maintenance Expendi ture 1983 Q\terhead $1.529,352 _ 363,221 (t\ot: Considering Silver Creek) $1,892,573 . . ~ . COUN'!'Y OP ELGIN ROAD DEPARTNENT _ot . 19i14 UUUGET' pVlW.HEAD (COUNTY AND SIl'. TllOHAS SUUU1H1AN ROADS) JANUARY 25, 19d4 AMENDED O.p~I.ON 19d1 19U 2 1983 1984 ES'!'!MA'L'E S~pe4itJlt~nden~ 115,933 117,771 131,051 134,000 Clerical 52,a33 ol,47J o4,~13 67,500 Ca~a.ie' 91,021 101,782 100,302 113,000 Offl<:, 13,U92 11,039 15,169 19,000 TQol~ 24,126 5,996 13,697 10,000 (t.n,l~~. 19tnK1,if;,.11*~o~a i.cp'iira) iidio 3,5ti7 . 4,040 3,860 :. 4,000 ijeeQj S,~d)' Up4it. ,.nul TJ".ff1cCou.nt~ 10,143 7,727 9,472 12,000 Tra1ninj eol.u:'", 1,5~3 1. 921 1,143 ~~. 4" 000 "t'~e114niQu, In~r&nci 2,311 2,684 ~.4)3 2,500 Wbi~e Stit~QQ &Qh*bi1ititiQn 100 100 , . . . &e~lJ;iNn~ lin~f~,~' (Slc~ Tille) 16,131 27,OOq ll~mtlJ . 12 ~ 1 "f~r'r,.d T* )ti CR. 61 0 C~. $316)171 ~326t501 $363)221 $393,000 ~- ~9~4 Oiatrlb,,,,tlQR -(1) St. Th01U4.l.,. SUbUfbiUl ltoau Co&WuLSt;1un (2)Count~ Qf El~1n 19~13 1'Jij4 W~tbo~~ ~t~~~n~ ientft~a f341,090 $366,000 " COUNTY OF ELC1N HOAD DEPAU1'MENT - . '" " . . 19ti4 HUDCE'r PA YROLL UUH.UEN (APPLICAlH.E '1'0 COUNTY N~O 5T. 1'1l0t-1AS SUUURUAN ROADS) JANUARY 25, 1984 AMENDED 1~ti4 ESTULATE 19d2 19~3 llJUl ITitt HoliG.ya W1~"i)'a' (A) An.a'Wal (b) ~t*~W.tQI;~ '.(Q ) ~.~I.~.QAi~I. ~~ve (4) J...~l. St~k. ~nefLtl lncle~nt W~~~~r in4 St~ndby M4ulLcil Sito~1 E~ijiplUnc. WQJ: _n' ICoJij)eQi~~~QP' t.nt4l-u: Gonc;e ll5,OOO . 55,000 1,000 145,434 lCJ6,ij&6 111,363 52,314- 51,310 ~.9bl l.4~~ 40,401 36,022 40,103 5,64d 3,190 3 . 2~)2 2,476 2,509 2,~~)9 7 , 3.91 10,O:Ul 9,100 14,141 18,696 2ij.~.03 15,179 18. ~~56 8.0,458 67,200 70,1.03 22,942 23. 290 39,()~ 1 JO, () 24 33,429 31 , :!ij 0 9,360 13,416 11,t~39 542 719 ~)o4 ~8,OOO 3.000 9,000 t 2'9.000 20,000 11,000 42,000 '':, 37,000 13,000 Can..4i fePiLgR .. . O.".~,&,S. U.I.C. Q,".l~~. ~n4 't"'C~ r . ... ,. , L.T.O. Lito Ini~J:IAI)~" Pay~oll ~4en Cha~ged to the . C&nidta ~plo~nt Proit'W&Ae 46 ~.i.E.D.S.~Q&r~ 2,000 CR. 397 CR. 16. 2'J~ CR. $431,000 $4UtS, )56 $3tS4,4S4 J359,423 ...... 'tOTAL PAYl<.OLL UUl{UEN DIS'l'l<lUU'l'ION 19ti2 19t13 $1,290,572 $L.402,551 203.94~ 209,03d 32.61t$ 70,Od1 2,363 3,336 92, 91 ~ 1,O~O.Qll 1. 0 2ti . 1 S 1 .3tl4,t.r54 404,356 36,593.41- 39.7L73% 19t5l f1,141,503 192,871 Total wbQ"'r ~'i ~bQw, r~fr911 BM,den Lei' L4bQur rrovin~1al In~entive ~rQ&r~ Le~~ Canada S~f '83 La., WbQ~f CiQic1. ~lQYUM:n~ froorWllIle .,c~. WbQ"'f r~)'J:Q 11 "felon, rj~rol~ ~Q'9 *' t. % Q~ Net ~~bQ~~ 954,032 359,423 3 7 .6)05~ COWry OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1984 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICABLE TO COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUnUR8AN ROADS) JANUARY 25, 1984 . AMENDED PAGE .2. 1984 . Labour Estimated $1,350,000 . Le.. La~our 1n Goverruoent Pro&t'~. ..... !.about ,f,n'ayro11 Burden Net ....boUf , '.yrol1 ~,d.n al . , of Net Labour i t , I 20,000 212,000 1,118,000 38.6\ (Payroll Durden distributed to County Overhead, Maintenance and Construction Account..) , . \.t t, . , f. l . , ' ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 19H4 UUDCE't SUMH&Y JANUARY 25, 19U4 AMENDED ',.,' ", ~ CONSTRUCTION " I . '!; .\ ,,\ ,.\ ,.1 il! ; (1 ), . kll~ P~cha.se RQad #30, etc. (2) aoa.4 #26. improvewent3, etc., for 1ntern~tional ,J'lQ",ina Matcb. . 14,000 12,000 14,000 TarAt. f. 40,000 ~i~~'D&n~t (Se, Atta.ched) 238,OQO ,OVorb...4 ,(App~oxll1Wtely 7,,91. of Tot"l County Ove,head) 29,000 . ~~'II,I N()f For, Subsldy 1.000 ... ." . . ~ TOTAL BUOGET $308tOo"O .. :' CALCULATION - SHARE OF CITY OF' ST. THOMAS ~ Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidizable " ~count' ~ 74,&66% on $307,000 " Approxlmately $230,000 allar,' p( City of St. Tho~~ 50~ of Difference of $78,OOQI '.:, - ,. $39,000 , Ad4. ., lM~i~it froll \983 944 ., , ,$39,944 l/~ ~i~l ~V)' in 1984 WilL ;Pfov1d~ $40,100 fl~6 SURfUJ~ -~ ~ , : \. ", , \;{ . ..... . "It, CouNtrY OF ELGIN ..........1 1984 llUDC~~ NOTES h ' ~8e ~rk~n8 suppleQlCnl;atY ilLl(>ca~10n "f I'<lS1; yeilrs pilS beet\ :\.ncorI'ON~e<.l in 1;l1e l,984 I><lsic al.loCil~ion so 1;here wiU be no Q),Ore $~pplement~~1 by-laws. 2. No suppl,~ntarY by~l,aws fllr <.Ir<lin<lge asses~ntS, costS Ql.Ost be ta~n o~t of cQnst~~ction allocationi. ). St. T~li sul.>url>illI ROild Coului$s101l !llIoi1l1tellimce blldgllt \iin not . . . act;.QaIIIlll411 tll 1Ill.!llIoi 111 U lIilllCII \101: k re q~ i re d on the Ii y Ii tll\l\. ~e4 1$2 fr~ ~ad iJO to "1gbway #14 ~i1.1. nave 1;0 be ,everted to the (:qllnty to ilcCQll!lllOlI4te lIeeded lillrface trea~Ql\lnt iUll1hot \l\il< . asphlllt pav1nS repa1U. Wlin injltoll ~il4 '\lIl~r St. 'l:4Ql1ll1s S\.lWrbtll ROad ~liliiOIl) wil,l, requ1re liurfilCe treatQlCnt illIdmil!Of liboul,~r mi~~tenince wQr~ 1n 19a4, 4. Overhead costs divi~d betweell ClIunty and St. Thomas SUbllrbilll Road . , CllUll1U1l1n on a rati!> of cost of cOllstruct1on and llIiOintel\ance ' ellpellditlll:'eS of each body (retireQl\lllt bellefits ilee deell!lld iI p\.lrelY . Qo-..nt1 expen4it\.lre). ~. CJ:QlldnS protect101l 1l1voicU fl'o\l\ CheSilpeilke illld Ohio I\aHway wh1Ch hlIve bellll 4111d for lieverlll yeill's 101111 be p<lid ill 1984, invoiceli to . . be r~~ced ilccording to Gallildiiln TrilnspOl't Co~issioll B9ard Order fo~l~li. The amount bUdgeted is larger thiln previoUS yeilrli to aC:C~~te .the ~\.lllt properl,y owill8 alld for the regular payments .~~. pr'1per IIcC:Olll1tli .11\ 1.984. 6. il;t1rilQl\lnt lI1.1.owanCU (Sick \..Illlve Credit..) lire sl.lOWll fllr :\ \llllPlqYI'IIi of the County of Elg1n Road Departmellt ~o will r~tire ill l,984, 1. 4 ~w ~intenance budget wil,l be require4 in MQy WIlen winter control 'Qati fQt the ~eason a~e ~no~l. 8. ~n~i~r~tion will be given in tl.le Spring to edge llIiOrking. $O\~ may \HI clOne "na bi-yearly buh so that \DOre road.. call I>e dqn... To do al,l rOllds every year would increalie C05tS by 2/3 to 3/4. 9. An ~ppl,icatiOIl for rezoning and ~ndmentli to tpe pre5ent gravel pit , UUlIlie' (Clarke), ea5t,of Sp.lI:ta, will be \l\lIde with the p.ope that the p1t wil,l, " operatiOnill by late ~ll. .. It ,It.Q~ 2. ~". \ '\ ' COUNt"!' O'F ELGIN ~~~ ~idd\e~~ countY ~i\\ be a99roached later \n the fall for a diSCUs6ion on the timing for the re91acement of the ~\dd\~iS' llridge. Estimate6 are sh01oll\ to co"ar sur"aY6, etc., for an e~act l.oeation(S) for the lIe~ btidge (~iddl.eaelt to pay ~O"I.). \ n d JJ(l Lot l.3 concesSions '1 and'1l, GearY orain CU "ert ~oa "" ' t.ldborOugh 't01oll\sh1.9 haS had footings undetfl\ined by drain \0. 11. \.3. c\eanout \n \963. f 0 d .UJ.S ~tt "balance" 9a"ing and grading Resurfacing a 90rtion 0 ~oa ~ 1 \904 and \96S and remo"e 9resent dangeroUS ,li9perY vtOSt'aucne,a.t\ Q t, h b~en a n~ber of accidentS including condition of road. ,'there a"e an ontario pro"incial police "ehicle.) ",,~or shoulder ..,or\t on 'I1ettington Road (ROad 1#2S) U required al . b d i to the dUc!.'- ('traffic shoulders ha"e beCome .r\.dened and 9uS e n o. '.r\.tt be leSS t"U year than ne~t.) on ~e\.\i'(\$to'(\ ~oa~ _t'l'It'ft of. o"'a"e\.\ing of pa"ed road shoul.ders to continue .... A "rogt O\l...e 0'" time and fundS petfl\it. ~, \.2. \It.. 1 to be cO\llllleted, ~ee\t, the l.~. &ridge 9ainting to continUe, vu ton ..1 (R d fIhoS) se"eral. \\lOre ~bOU\.d be done raiu,ng on the caltOll 1\ri"ge oa · as ,001\ astlOllllib\.e. " 1 d cie.an out ..,or\t to continue. ~91ete Gi\.\et6, $tre8l!\ di"ers,on an d. ... dar" bridgeS and cul"ertB .r\.th ROad #4~ \<.lltt\.e cree\t, an "oun 1 ,rogr~ of tree clearing sta~ted last year haS not been c~9\.eted. \. i s to be continued. f. t ~f ~a\.\S at end of \.arge stee 9 ge !tOgta~e 0 eu o~ d #40 (1 \\lile south of Road #42 eaat of Stalter GU\\y and 1\eecroft Roa . $9ringfie\.d 8l!\ong others)' d d i\llllro"ed ('laflllOuth 'to1oll\shiP)' \.6. 'I1eed 6praying ptoSraJl1ll8 to be continue an \. ed if re sul. t of wor\t I).one in \. 96'} cattail. spraying progta~ to be ell arg i\\ $OUt"wo\.d '\:o1oll\S"iP is positi"e. .1 Vl1. ('laflllOuth ,\:01011\ shiP ) n .1#"6 fr~ concessionS '11. an" . \.1. pr1me, ,..oa" .~ . ,0 d "'1 in tbe Vittase of 1\e\1I\Ilnt. norther\'y \./2 \\li\.e an" ,..oa "- d for the sra"el 90rt11)nS of RoadS #\.1, #\.6 16.. era"a\. resurfacing 9r090se \<.U ra air s ..nd if funds ..ra and *'1.0 in soutb~o\d 'to,,",shi9' Sl'rinS braa I' I' remaining 1n the vall a 90rtlon of Road #4'}' \4idd\.e&e~. 'etc.. \ COUNTY OF ELGIN 1984 BUDGET NOTES P 4GE 3. to ... ~ . ~9. . Surfice tre~tment apprQ~lmately 35 kl1uweteri of ~oad, dependlnij on tbe prlce Qf asphalt eQLul sion, sprin~ brec41\Up ane! the l~vC4~1",b111~y of funda (if any) left from tbe winter cont~ol bUQ~et. 20. aI.Jper1nten4ence ~ost$ wl11 not incr~HUieas lUYch i~ in :L9i,iJ. which W~i ~iuaed by i.in Qv~rl..p in ~Y}u.:rintcndence, etc. 21. if maJo~ ~ep~lr~ ~re r~qulred on the roof of the White Sc.tion CarG~e iddlttonal funds will be requir~d. 22, 4 JUqjor Needij ScucJy Update will be r,equlred in 1984 (e'very 5 yeiri). (TQ .be done by County ita!!.) 23. T~e G9veroment. of Canada h",~ increase~ the Unemployment lnsurance percentaae char~e$ as well as the Cdndda Pension charges. 24, .~ Workers' Compensation rate ha$ been increased COnilderably (~lon3 ~ltb ~$t other buslne~~es) by the Province Qf OotariQ, 2~. LoDS Te~ 01s~bility - a full. year of the County payin~ 100% of t~e pr~mi~i. (DYe to the sick benefLt chan~e over,) . .. c~ OF EJ,G1N ROAD cQll\'\lTTF.V. ~ JA1'1tJAR'i SESSION 1984 TO T\lF. \It.R01!ll ANU ~~lIF.RS OF T\lV. C~ OF y.LC111l cOUllC1L '{OUR ROAD cQll\'\lTTF.V. lUlPO~S AS yOLLOIlS' Th~t the County v.oglneet has been authOti.ed to attend the follo"iOg conveotions and/ot meetiOgs, (a) The ontatiO cood Roads AsSociatiOO Cooveotlon and the couoty EOgioeetS' aod ~unicipal \lOEin"ets' ~eeting held io conjunction ~itb it. The Roads and TtaospottatiOn ASSociatiOO conveotiOO of canada. 1. (b) (c) ~uoicipal j\Ogineets' /oJ>nUSl 'dotkshoP MeetingS. ( d) The subutban Roads commiS sioo /oJ>nual ~eetiOg (1 llaY . Juoe). (e) The ontstlo Flo"",an' s f>,5sociatiOO Meeting (1'ebtUatY)' The Assistaot couoty 1'.ngioeet haS been authotiZed to attend the follo"tng conveotiOOS and/ot meetings' The OntatiO Good Roads ASSociatiOn Cooveotion aod the countY 1'.ngioeetS' aod MuoiCipal 1'.OgineetS' Meeting held in 2. (a) conjunction ~itb it. (b) The jo\uoicipal j\OgineetS' Aonual \lotkshOP' (c) The subuthaO Roads commissioO /oJ>ousl ~eetiOg (1 llaY · June). WE RECm1MENU 1. That Albett /oJ>cklaod, the county' s teptesentative on the St. Th"""'s Subutbao Road C01lI1lIission be authoti.ed to attend the aonual meetiog of the subUtbaO Roads commissioO of OntatiO aod the Ontatlo Good Roads AssociatiOO cooveotioO "tth the usual conveotion allo"aoce paid 2. by the cou.nty. That a tesolutlOO be passed authotiZiOg the \latdeO aod cletk to suh1llit to the ~ioisttY of Ttanspottation and c~nlcatiOns a petitlon fot suhsidY fot the couoty of v.lgin sho"ing the toad e"Penditutes 00 the couot y of 1'.1 g io Road Syste1ll fot' the pet i od ft 0111 J anuatY 1, 1983 to DeCerobeJ: 31, 1983. continued . · · COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JANUARY SESSION 1984 PAGE 2. 3. That the membership fees in the Ontario Good Roads Association and for the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 4. That we have no objections to the closing of a road allowance in Lot 27, Concession VI, Yarmouth Township by the Township of Yarmouth~ which is described as follows: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Yarmouth, in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot 27, Concession VI in the said Township and being all that portion of a given road 49.50 feet in perpendicular width granted to the Township of Yarmouth for Public Highway Purposes and as described in Instrument No. 24537 dated November 23, 1915, lying Southerly of a line which is more particularly described as follows: Premising that the bearing of the Westerly limit of said Lot 27, Concession VI is North 20 00' East (Assumed), all bearings hE~rein being related thereto; Commencing at a point in the North-Westerly angle of said Lot: 27, Concession VI; Thence South 20 00' West along the We"sterly 1 imit of said Lot: 27 a distance of 526.20 feet; ~ Thence South 810 07' East a distance of 528.00 feet to a point in its intersection with the Westerly limit of the said given road, 49.50 feet in perpendicular width described in said Instrument No. 24537, said point being the place of beginning of the following described line; Thence South 650 40' East a distance of 49.76 feet to its intersection with the Easterly limit of the said given road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPEGrFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTAR.l0 JANUARY 11, 1984 'PAGE 1. wednesday, January 11, 1984 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve caverly ;rere present. Also present ",as Mr. Frank Clarke, of the Ministry of TransportatiOn and THE cOUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on communications, the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR THAT MAX STEW ART BE CHAIRM./IN. CARR1'E:D ." "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWlLLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT THE M1-NUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF DECEMBER 8, DECEMBER 15 AND DEcEMBER 21, 1983 BE APPROVED. CARRl ED ." THE "ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. county Road #42 at Silver creek had been opened and there ",ere nO further 2. work on the port Bur",ell se",ers has been suspended until Spring because of indications of sliding. 3. No information had been received on the county's application for the canada deep fro st. 4. Sno'" plo",ing haS been constant and a large number of employees had been called Works 'Prograroroe. in from ho 1 i day s in late December to p 10'" sno'" · Sanding and salting had al so 5. Truck repairs and sanders had been minimal since the inspection of t1:uckS had been very heavY. 6. All small County truckS ",ould be inspected in detail to attempt to asce1:tain been completed in December. 7. crushed gravel ",as being hauled from the pleasant Valley pit to White Station the amount of useful life remaining. as time permitted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 2. 8. Tree cutting was underway on county Road #22. 9. Arnold Milligan and Gordon Bedford had retired as of the end of December and Arthur Gordon would retire as of the end of February. ""'" 10. John Brown had returned to work as of January 9th. 11. Roy LaForge would be off from 4 to 6 weeks for an operation as would orrie ostrander in early February. REEVE CAVERLY 1N ATTENDANCE AND RESUMED T1lE CllA1R · · · "MOVED BY' M. 1:1.. STEWART SECONDED BY: E. H. MARR Tl:lAT T1lE FOLLOW1NG l' AYL1STS BE APPROVED FOR l' AYMENT : pAYL1ST NUMBERl AMOUN'f1NG TO $66,098.61 PAYL1ST NUMBER 2 AMouNT1NG TO $119,782.05 CARRTED ." CORRESPONDENCE wAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Ma1ahide stating that they had accepted the petition of the county of Elgin and had appointed A. M. Spriet and Associates to prepare the plans on the Teutsch and Bowen Drains. to the Canadian Transport Commission requesting an early hearing to determine 2. From John Wise, M.P. acknowledging and thanking the County for their resolution 3. From the Ontario Good Roads ASSociation thanking the county for the use of future conrail ownership. their premises at White Station and indicating because of the large response it maY be some years before they wished to hold an operators school in Elgin. pass by_lawS if the county haS no objections to the closing of a road allowance. The committee agreed that the resolution of the December meeting be emended to shoW that the county had nO objections to the closing of the road and thuS the passing of a by_law would not be recommended to council. 4. From George Leverton indicating that he felt that it waS no longer necessary to ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 3. 5. From George Leverton stating that 30 copies of the 1984 Budget would be required by the 1st of March. 6. From George Leverton a copy of a letter to Dr. Webster stating that effective January 1, 1984 annual medica1s would be discontinued. 7. From the County of Elgin Land Division Connnittee with an application for severance from Stanley Ferguson, Lot 9, Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township, County Road #30. After discussion it was agreed that the County EngineE~r should request road widening from the proposed severance and that the ownE~r should enter into an agreement with the County regarding entrances to the property. The Engineer noted that Mr. Leverton had checked with the Anti-Inflation Board and the increments that were due to the hourly rated employees for service on January 1st, 1984 could be paid under the terms of the Anti-Inflation Act. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE EMPLOYEES LISTED BELOW BE ALLOWED TO CARRY ANNUAL HOLIDAYS OVER INTO 1984. DAYS ELIGIBLE IN 1983 DAYS USED CARRY OVER REMARKS EMPLOYEE JOHN BROWN 15 5 1/2 9 1/2 SICK (BROKEN LEG) JAMES CHAPLOW 36 35 1 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL GEORGE COOK 25 23 2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL GARY GORDON 25 23 2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL RALPH GORDON 20 18 2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL DAVID HAGERTY 25 1/ 2 25 1 / 2 22 1/2 24 1/2 3 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL HARRY HERRINGTON 1 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL JOHN HOFFMAN 25 17 8 FOREMAN SILVER CREEK JOB EDWIN KELLEY 16 15 1 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL JOE LIVINGSTONE 15 14 1/2 1/2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL STANLEY LUNN 25 23 2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CONTINUED . . . . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: J. N. SMYTH SECONDED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM CONTINUED . . DAYS ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE IN 1983 DAYS USED CARRY OVER REMARKS ROBERT MCCREADY 15 13 1/2 1 1/2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL ALLAN MOON 15 14 1/2 1/2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL KEITH PLAYER 25 14 11 FOREMAN SILVER CREEK JOB WILLIAM SLOETJES 25 22 1/2 2 1/2 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL DANNY WELCH 25 24 1 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL RONALD ZELLAS 25 24 1 CALL IN WINTER CONTROL ROBERT MOORE 77 1/2 30 47 1/2 SUPERINTENDENCE SILVER CREEK, ETC. ROBERT DAVIES 10 8 2 SILVER CREEK JOB ARTHUR GORDON 69 1/2 63 6 1/2 SUPERINTENDENCE 540 434 1 / 2 1 05 1 / 2 CARRIED ." Land purchase on County Road #30 from Colin, David and Duncan Ferguson was discussed at some length and it was agreed that the Chairm.an, Warden, Deputy Reeve Martyn and the Engineer should try to arrangE~ a meeting with the Ferguson's to try and discuss the matter. After some discussion the Engineer was instructed to launch an action in 3rd Division Court against John M. Wit10x for the maximum amount that could be obtained in the Court for damages that resulted to Truck 1~84 on October 14, 1983 when the County truck was forced to take to the ditch to avoid Mr. Wit1ox. The Engineer reported that Mr. Wit10x had been charged with failing to yield and not having any insurance (two counts). The Committee doubted that there was money available to pay any claims but felt that a case in 3rd Division Court would not be expensive and any judgement rendered could be upheld for a considerable length of time and perhaps such judgement would be noted and his drivers license suspended. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 5. The Road Committees participation in the 1985 International Plowing Match was discussed at some length and the Engineer requested that a. policy statement on which items should be charged to the Plowing Match and whi.ch items would be absorbed in the Road Department's Budget. The Committee agreed that the terms of the guide lines: from the executive of the local International Plowing Match Cvuuuittee were very vague and there shoul d be additional information. Deputy Reeve Martyn and Reeve Caverly agreed to obtain the same. It was agreed that the Engineer should remain as Chairman of the Traffic Co-Ordinating Committee and that his duties should be clarified by the executive committee. The Committee agreed to the time that would have to be. spent by the Engineer and the Assistant Engineer in organizing traffic control and other items required for the International Plowing Match. The Committee felt that the support of County Council was necessary to ensure success of the match. It was felt that the Engineer should attend the annual meeting of the Plowmans' Association to discuss the duties of the Traffic CUlluuittee! with other past County Chairmen and to be available as required for other duties. It was also felt that the Engineer and Assi stant Engineer shoul d meet during the~ Summer with the Cuuuuittee Chairmen from other Counties. Their attendance at the International Plowing Match was left in abeyance until later. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO PLOWING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING ON FEBRUARY 13TH AND FEBRUARY 14TH AND THIS BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL. CARRIED ." THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH . . . AFTER LUNCH . . . ST. THOMAS~ ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 6. MR. LYDE WELLS OF THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY IN ATTENDANCE . . . He discussed the County Insurance Policies and answerE~d members questions based on the information attached. Mr. Wells recvulluended no changes for 1984. "MOVED BY: E. H. MARR SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING POLICIES WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED: (1) COUNTY MUNICIPAL LIABILITY - INCLUDING ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS. (2) NON-OWNED AUTO. (J) FLEET. (4 ) FLOATER (COVERING): (A) NON LICENSED EQUIPMENT. (B) RADIO EQUIPMENT. (C) SURVEYING EQUIPMENT. (D) RENTED OR LEASED PROPERTY OF OTHERS. (E) TOOLS, SNOW FENCE AND STOCK ITEMS, ETC. (F) VALUABLE PAPERS AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, ETC. (G) FURNITURE IN ENGINEER'S OFFICE. (5) BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY (ENGINEERING POLICY) t. (6) WEED SPRAYING. (7) MOSQUITO SPRAYING (IF NECESSARY). (8) BOND. (9) COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS - FIRE AND COMPREHENSIVE (GARAGE). CARRIED." Information from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was being forwarded to the Engineer along with Canadian Transport Cvulluission orders which would limit the amount of overhead that a railway could add to invoices for crossing,protection. A recommendation would be presented at the next meeting on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company crossing protection invoices presently being held. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 7. A preliminary budget was discussed at some length and the Engineer was instructed to finalize the budget for the next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. A. MCWILLIAM SECONDED BY: J. N. SMYTH THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED.' , f2 4d ~~*-/) C-Z~~"" - , CH~\IRMAN V coutfC'l Of ~ ....,.......... JAt'\UbR'l 19B4 . ' 1i f policies in effect 00 QouotY ~ildingS, The fo110",ng ,5 a st 0 d li i sate thtough the 0. L'ab'lit~ uoless otheroise state po c e pJ:opeJ:tY an .. ... J · ;'1: an" co...aoCotlll' anY aod at e due J aouatY 29, 1 9S4. ~ 1. 1>l\lN1;C1PtJ.. ~ ~ . '_1t h 1. is ~10 000 000. The liability liroit fot eac c aun .' ' li totectS toads, 000 liceosed The couotY' 5 ceoeeel LiabilitY po cY p . a libel and slandeJ: , t a....d the coutt \loUse 1I10ck sod coots'os equ 1.Pmen" 1. . inS\1J:ed \1ndeJ: clause. The YlgiO \ASoot aod aoY sptayiOg Liabi ,tY ,5 otheJ: policies. t1l\Sot "as $5,423 (SUbSidized) The 19S3 LiabilitY cnatged to the Road Dopat > >^ _^^n of 29 uoliceosed uoitS aod $132.00 being $lBl.OO chaJ:geU ..v 1;;"--- (000 subsidized). (TQtal $6,1$5.00 fot couotY RQads.) , the Liability policY ate couoty locluded as Naroed lnsuteU 00 ~h 5 SubutbaO Road cororoiSsiooetS, CouotY ~10yees Cb\1ncilloJ:S, St. ~ oma and 'lol\1nteeJ:s. 1 1, ~ LiabilitY (libel and slaodet), aOY The p"liCY ioCludes petSOOa o,ut, Le al LiabilitY "ith tegatd to ptovioclal 1..il\uot Liceose Act, g tS The policy , l' pollutiOO 1I1aol<et coottactual ,>,gtee1lleo · En'\11.J:onmenta anu " thtOugh iSsuance of 1" biut~ the couotY 1lI,ght incut alsO includeS anY 1.a J a pecroit (1l\OviOg, location, etc.), 1 ' 5 LiabilitY claUse ..,bich covetS the The policY cootaiOS the ~ oye< .. 10 ee is not cooside<ed a "ot\Ol\110 uodet couotY in the cause "hete ao etlll' Y the ~ot\<roSn's coropeosatiOO l\Oatd. of }\oJ:th Mt\eJ:ica . . 1983 "as thtOugh the cuataotee Cotul'anY 'tbe pol1.cY 1.1\ and the Geoetal Accident coropaoy, 2. ~ . i . ~10 000 000 ptotectS col1oty agaiost da1l\Sge sl1itS, LiabilitY L'ro tS, .' ' " "" d by the county, bUt ""tkiUg fo< 'nvol~ing veh'Cles oot 0 e continued · · · " 'PAGE 2. r COl.W'fi OF ELGIN ~ of the county. i 1.983 ~a5 $42S.00. 19S2 to the pollcy, total cost n 1 L'bilitU y.gtensiorr' "as added io A 1lcontJ:actua 1.a J 3. ~ ..3 1 f 19S4 includes 32 vehicles and a fi oat. The Automotive sche~u e ot 1. h beeo "valued'" Total aggtegate value of I>. numbet of vehic eS ave i 1983 ~aS $91.6,000. an Road Depattment vehicles ot ~10 000 000 "lth $1.000 deductible pet The liability limlt is'' ' __,. .o"ne in 19S3. ln 19S2 a ,..3 ~t ~e teceived the maximum me"> ..'- - acc~ue.. . .3 ~enlacement ot vehicle h cl t ~as begun; ~e., ~ r Blanket covet age on t e , ee d d si'e if one is lost if lost by a vehicle of the 5- use, kin "" tegatdlesS of the assigned value of the unit lost. \".Othet than valued itemS ..,bich "n1.1. be paid fot at the valued amount in the poliCy.j cost of 1'leet losutance "as $12,549 in 19S3. 4.~ coveJ:!'>': Non licensed equipmeot (includiOg sno" plo"ing equipment), (a) (b) sutveyiOg equipment. " tenna and haSe stations, (c) Radio equipmeot ioclud,Og an d borJ:o~ed oJ: leased. (d) ~oveable ptOpe<ty of othe<s tente , ToolS, stock, 1lIate<ialS, snowfeOCe' etc. (e) (f) (g) valuable papeJ:s. Engineet'S Office, futnitute, etC, The nOo liceosed equipment iocludeS 50 ite1llS, pluS 500" plO"S' lli k2 OSS 000 io 19S3. (500" plo" equipmeot valued at tota ng ~, , d at $60 000, included in $144,000 and tadio equipment value ' above.) h p licy is a 1I1anket Cove<age; 1>.5 in the fleet folicy t e 0 "tem fot item lost of the same , nenlacement value, ne~ ~ ,e., ~ < d si.e and optlOOS1 14 items (mostlY olde< pieceS - some 05 01 d "ould if lost be teplaced "nth a as 2S yea<s) ate valued an piece of used equipmeot of si1llilat value. continued · . · (a) COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1984 PAGE 3.. Items of stock and tools that are subject to loss (such as tools, culverts, etc.) are valued at $40,000. The rate for most equipment (not stock) was 55 cents per hundred, snow plowing equipment 30 cents per hundred. (b) Surveying equipment in 1983 was $6,000 (valued). All Risk Cost 1% - $100.00 deductible on losses. Premium $60.00. (c) Radio equipment in 1983 was valued at $60,000 including the tower. Again All Risk (lightning, droppage, etc.) _ $100.00 deductible. Premium 1% or $600.00. (d) Moveable property of others to Value of $150,000 - Premium $100.00 per year losses paid on actual cash value. Protects County for rented, borrowed and leased equipment. (e) Tools, material, snowfence, etc., - $1,000 deductible per occurrence - Value $40,000 - Premium $273.00. (f) Valuable papers - replacement including any necessary work to regather the information - Value $100,000 (Premium included at no charge). (g) Accounts Receivable (including information to regather the information) $100,000 - ie., ledgers, invoices, etc., (included at no charge). (h) Furniture, etc., in Engineer's Office - Replacement Value $40,700, 1983 cost was ($100.00 deductible per occurrence. ) 5. BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY (ALSO KNOWN AS ENGINEERING POLICY) Policy insures boilers, pressure vessels, tanks, etc., including boiler, hot water tank, air tank, etc., at County Garages and air tanks on compressors, sprayers, etc., on mobile equipment. For repair and replacement of equipment due to rupture, etc. Limit per accident $1,000,000. Premium in 1983 was $589.00. 6. WEED SPRAYING Liability $10,000,000 per spraying day (Policy also covers Mosquito Spraying when endorsed). Also in name of Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1984 PAGE 4. 6. WEED SPRAYING (Continued) Premium for Weed Spraying Liability in 1983 was $462.00. This Policy protects the Townships when spraying weeds on County Roads. 7. CRIME PACKAGE Fidelity Bond in the amount of $300,000 on all County Employees and Members of Council for the protection of the County against theft, vandalism, etc. Total Premium $1,375 - Road Deparbnent share in 1983 was $275.00. 8. COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS All Peril Policy including fire, wind, malicious acts, damage from falling objects (ie., radio tower and aircraft), water pipe rupture. Blanket coverage applicable to main garage only. All others valued. 1983 Main Garage Storage Building Hanger Old Storage Building White Station Salt Building Rodney Garage (Grader Shelter) Bayham Township Salt Building Dunwich Township Salt Building $575,000 150,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Valued) 10,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 30,000 (Valued) $850,000 In 1983 Premium was $3,414.00. 9. ERRORS AND OMMISSIONS Protects the County against those items which are of an error and/or ommission type by Council Members and Employees rather than a Municipal Liability type. ($10,000,000 limit - deductible :$1,000.) Total County premium in 1983 was $825.00. Charged to Road Department in 1983 was $319.88. 10. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION (Through the Workmen's Compensation Board). The rate for 1983 was $1.90 per hundred. Our costs in 1983 were $28,500. We understand Continued . . . pA.GE 5 OJ COUNTY OF ELGIN 10. ~lON (continued) the rate ~11 increase approximatelY 13.6% and the neW rate ~11 be $2.16 on a salary to a maxtmwn of $25,500. tt . \lOUSE' tt 1 ST. CEORCE STREEt (ROAO #26 SA) owned by St. Thomas Suburban Road comniSsion - valued at $35,000. lnsured for $135.00 yearlY, (Witt be necessarY to demolish to i1llProve St. George Street \litt.) lnsured by pilot lnsurance C()ll\pany through Reith and jleavis lnsurance Agency, St. Thomas, due Total lnsurance Cost for 1983 (Frank cowan) a total of $33,996.00 May 1984. SUbSidized and $1,194.00 non subsidized, while in. plus Road Department share for Errors and oromiSsions lnSurance ($319.88). COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST JAI\TUARY 1984 1984 AMOUNT FOR 1982 GUARANTEE 1983 GUARM"TEE BLANKET INSURANCE ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # AMOUNT AMOUNT PURPOSES 1. 1978 Dodge Diplomat GH41G8G304026 1 12,000 12,000 13,000 2. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 1L69HA1l59569 2 12,000 12,000 13,000 3. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 1 L6 9 HAll 5 9106 3 12,000 12,000 13,000 4. 1980 Chevrolet Impala 1L69HA1l59581 4 12,000 12,000 13,000 5. 1975 Frehauf Lowbed Float Model 300675401 44 17,000 18,000 18,000 C35LJ2 6. 1974 Ford Model 8000 LTS Tandem YBOHV-V10209 63 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) Dump (Diesel) (Valued) 7. 1975 Dodge Model D800 Tandem R81H14T0049l4 64 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) Dump (Diesel) (Valued) 8. 1976 Ford 3/4 Ton Super Cab Pickup F25YKB02978 66 12,000 11 , 000 11 , 500 9. 1976 Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Y80DVB3546l 70 60,000 65,000 35,000 (Valued) Diesel Dump and 10B3 Frink Dump Box 10. 1977 Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Y80DVC13594 72 60,000 65,000 70,000 Diesel Dump and Frink Box 11. 1977 Ford F600 Stake F60DC46l349 74 17,000 17,000 20,000 12. 1966 Ford Model C553 C55 BY865 266 75 18,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) (Valued) Continued . . . . L- ......." -'"I ., ~... .. COUI\TTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST J MilIARY 1984 PAGE 2. 1984 AMOUNT FOR 1982 GUARANTEED 1983 GUARANTEED BLANKET INSURANCE ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # AMOUI\TT AMOUI\TT PURPOSES 13. 1978 Ford F-250 Double Cab F35HCBC4980 79 14,000 14,000 14,500 14. 1978 Ford F-250 Double Cab F35HCBC498l 80 14,000 14,000 14,500 15. 1978 Ford F-250 Double Cab F35HCBC4979 81 14,000 14,000 14,500 16. 1978 Ford F-250 Double Cab F35 HCBC498 2 82 14,000 14,000 14, 500 17. 1978 Mack Tandem Diesel Dump DM685S-37320 83 75,000 78,000 82,000 Frink Box 10B2 (Blue) 18. 1978 Mack Tandem Diesel Dump DM611S-4846 84 75,000 78,000 82,000 Frink Box 10B2, Model ET673-8M2843 (Red) 19. 1979 Chevrolet Pickup Truck 85 11 , 000 11 , 000 11,500 1/2 Ton, Model 10 20. 1979 Chevrolet Van 3/4 Ton 86 13,000 13,000 13 , 000 2l. 1979 Dodge Model D272, 3/4 Ton D27JE9C127618 87 12,000 12,000 11 ,500 Club Cab 22. 1979 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and RD685S7292 88 75,000 78,000 82,000 Box (White) 23. 1980 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and DM685S-44884 89 75,000 78,000 82,000 Box (Red) 24. 1980 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and DM685S-44891 90 75,000 78,000 82,000 Box (Red) Continued . . COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST JM1JARY 1984 ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER 25. 1974 GMC Tandem Diesel and Fifth YJH904V590576 Wheel 26. 1981 Ford F250 Supercab Pickup 1 FTFX25 E8BKA21 191 27. 1981 Ford F350 Pickup 2FTHF35G6BCA5l734 28. 1981 Dodge Pickup, Model 0.342 IB7LD34T5BS175939 29. 1982 Ford LTS 9000 Dump Truck and 1FDZY9OW7CVAl7423 Box 30.. 1983 Dodge Van Model B322 2B4JB31T2DK398502 3l. 1983 Dodge Pickup 32. 1983 Dodge Pickup 33. 1983 Dodge Pickup PAGE 3. 1984 AMOUNT FOR 1982 GUARANTEED 1983 GUARANTEED BLANKET INSURANCE VEHICLE # AMOUNT AMOUNT PURPOSES 91 28,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Valued) 92 12,000 11 , 000 11 , 500 93 13,000 13 , 000 13 , 500 94 13 , 000 13,000 13,500 95 80,000 82,000 96 13,000 13,000 97 11 , 000 11 , 500 98 11 , 000 11,500 99 11 , 000 11,500 $815,000 $974,000 $983,500 4 I ITEM # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. YEAR 1968 1974 1976 1979 1979 1970 1970 1971 1971 1973 1973 1973 COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY ITEM Grader #14 - Champion Model 0600 Grader #17 - Champion 600 B Grader #18 - Champion 0-740 Grader #19 - Champion D-740 Grader #20 - Champion D- 740 Tractor #17 - John Deere Model 1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #18 - John Deere Model 1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #19 - John Deere Model JD1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #20 - John Deere Model JD1020RU and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #22 - John Deere Model JD301 and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #23 - John Deere Model JD301 and Side Mounted Mower Tractor #26 - International Model 2300A and 1850 Loader JANUARY 1984 SERIAL NUMBER 68-600B3862832 74-600B-1232-6649 740-21-277-9685 740-21-666-11863 740-22-123-12187 115135 115113 131650 131654 183518 183515 A470002B000898 1982 GUARANTEED AMOlTh.-rr NOTE: Those Items Valued Represent Total Value Receivable. Others are Blanketed, Replaced Machine for Machine. 115,000 60,000 (Valued) 115,000 115,000 120,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 6,000 (Valued) 1983 GUARM"TEED AMOUNT 60,000 (Valued) 120,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 18,000 18,000 7 , 000 (Valued) 1984 AMOUf-.I"7 FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 60,000 (Valued) 120,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 16,000 16~OOO 16,000 16,000 18,000 18,000 6,000 (Valued) Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1984 13. ITEM # YEAR 1975 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 1977 1981 1976 1977 1955 1962 1976 ITEM Tractor #27 - Massey Ferguson Model 135 and Mower Tractor #31 - John Deere Model JD5l0 Backhoe Tractor #34 - International Model TD-8E Bull dozer Tractor #35 - John Deere Model 410 Backhoe and Loader Tractor #36 - John Deere Model 410 Backhoe and Loader Tractor #37 - International Model TD 7E Dozer Tractor #38 - Ford Model 3550 Loader and Po st Hole Auger Loader #4 - JCB Model 418, 2 1/2 Cubic Yards Front End Loader Loader n5 - Michigan Model l25B Loader ~ - John Deere J644B Roller h1 - Galion Tandem Steel Wheeled Roller Model TC5-8G (Valued) Roller #2 - Galion 9 Wheel Rubber Tired Roller, Model 9-C (Valued) Roller #3 - Galion 9 Wheel SERIAL NUMBER 446547 265671 7704 380685 384305 5670 5601 340392DW SPC-LW-12-5806 1982 GUARANTEED AMOUNT 15,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 150,000 (Valued) 11 0,000 5,000 (Valued) 3,000 (Valued) 40,000 (Valued) 1983 GUA...~TEED AMOUNT 18,000 75,000 70,000 37,000 37,000 48,000 23,000 50,000 (Valued) 160,000 (Valued) 135,000 (Valued) 9,000 (Valued) 3,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Valued) PAGE 2. 1984 AMOUl\TT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 18,000 75,000 75,000 49,000 49,000 60,000 23,500 60,000 170,000 125, 000 9,000 (Valued) NIL 35,000 (Val ued) Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JA.TmARY 1984 ITEM # YEAR ITEM SERIAL NUMBER 26. 1968 Etnyre - 2500 Galion Distributor J2557 27. 1968 Sander #4 - King Seagrave Model HDT88-420l 63-381 28. 1970 Sander #0 - King Seagrave Model HD88 29. 1972 Sander #8 - Frink EX-10-059l-72 30. 1972 Sander #9 - Frink EX-10-0590-72 31. 1975 Sander #10 - King Seagrave Model HDTS 75482 32. 1975 Sander #11 - King Seagrave Model HDTS 75483 33. 1977 Sander #12 - King Seagrave Model HDTQ 34. 1980 Sander ~3 - King Seagrave Model K-61-1 35. 1980 Sander #14 - King Seagrave Model K-6l-2 (Brooks Truck) 36. 1966 Wa1d Pavement Marking Equipment, Compressor, etc., Truck Mounted. 37. Bros. Vibrating Roller #l - Model VP4D (Valued) 203 38. Bros. Vibrating Roller #2 - Model VP4D (Valued) 225 39. Bros. Vibrating Roller #3 - Model VP4D (Valued) 188 (Part s ) 40. Vulca Tamp - 60 inch Sheepsfoot Roller A184105 PAGE 3. 1984 AMOUNT FOR 1982 GUARANTEED 1983 GU&~TEED BLANKET INSURANCE AMOUNT AMOUNT PURPOSES 50,000 50,000 50,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 l2,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 14,000 14,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 4,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 4,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) NIL NIL Continued . . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1984 ITEM # YEAR 41. 1958 42. 1968 43. 44. 1965 45. 1966 46. 1969 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. ITEM Canadian Scale 30 Ton NG-30 Scales #1 (Valued) Canadian Scale 30 Ton Scales #2 (Valued) Canadian Scale 50 Ton Scales #3 Jaeger 125 CFM Compressor Wayne Brush Chipper - Model 12T265 Etnyre Chip Spreader Power Curber - Model #G3000 Overhead Crane - Richard Wilcox Model 11-230 Rotary Hoist - Dover Elgin Pelican III Sweeper Condor Man Lift Snow Plow Equipment as Per List (Attached) Miscellaneous Tools, Supplies and Equipment Floater: (a) Surveying Equipment (b) Radio Equipment PAGE 4. 1984 AMOU},T]' FOR 1982 GUARANTEED 1983 GUAR..Ah"TEED BLANKET INSURANCE SERIAL NUMBER AMOUNT AMOUNT PURPOSES 20222 3,000 (Valued) NIL 5,000 (Valued) 22567 5,000 (Valued) 5,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) 20,000 (Valued) 804X 15,000 9,000 (Valued) 8,000 (Valued) 300411 7,000 (Valued) 8,000 (Valued) 7,000 (Valued) K-3447 55,000 55,000 40,000 (Valued) 667354 5,000 (Valued) 2,000 (Valued) NIL 25, 000 30,000 30,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 80,000 85,000 40,000 (Valued) 42448LC 30,000 30,000 30,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 60,000 40,000 40,000 6,000 6,000 60,000 60,0?0 $1,785,000 $ 2,087,000 $2,067,500 MACHINE 1. Truck #83 1978 Mack (Blue) 2. Truck #84 1978 Mack (Red) 3. Truck #88 1979 Mack (Black & White) 4. Truck #89 1980 Mack (Red) 5. Truck #90 1980 Mack (Red) 6. Truck #95 1983 Ford LTS 9000 (Yellow) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SNOW PLOWING EQUIPMENT JANUARY 1984 PLOW EQUIPMENT (a) 1972 Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow, Tor Lok Quick Hitch (13136-72) File 72-5 (Purchased for Truck #55) (b) 1969 Frink Snow Plow Harness & Wing (Purchased originally for Truck #44) File 69-10 (c) 1945! Frink V Plow (a) 1972 Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow Tor Lok Quick Hitch (13135-72) File 72-5 (Purchased for Truck #56) (b) 1966 Frink Snow Plow Harness & Wing (Purchased originally for Truck #32) File 66-16 (New Tower, January 1979 See File) (c) plow purchased used 1974 Sumner "V" File 74-8 (a) 1974 Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow, Tor Lok Quick Hitch, File 74-8 (b) 1979 Frink Closed Tower and Harness (new style), File 80-3 Wing See File 74-5, purchased from Walker Bros. approximately 1964 Frink. (c) 1976 Craig V Plow, Model 650 (Purchased from Galion Manufacturing, St. Thomas) (a) 1976 Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow Tor Lok Quick Hitch, File 76-4 (b) 1976 Frink Harness 700 Model Tower, Wing, etc., File 76-4 (c) Wabco Model #7, Serial #6159 (a) 1980 Model 470 SK8, Hooker Plow and CK Driveframe. 307-12 Wing, Closed Tower. (b) 1976 Craig, (Purchased from Galion Manufacturing) (a) 1977 Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow, Tor Lok Quick Hitch File 77-2 (b) 1977 Frink Harness 700 Model Tower, Wing, etc. File 77-2 (c) 1975 Craig V Plow (Purchased from Galion Manufacturing St. Thomas) AMOUNT Continued .. . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SNOW PLOWING EQUIPMENT - JANUARY 198~ MACHINE 7. Grader #14 Champion D-600 8. Grader #17 1974 Champion D-600 9. Grader #18 1976 Champion D-740 10. Grader #19 1979 Champion 0-740 11. Grader #20 1979 Champion D-470 PLOW EQUIPMENT (a) Champion Model 9900 V Plow, Harness and Wing, File 68-1 (b) Frink Model 440 SK One Way (a) One Way 9' Model l45S Champion Plow, Harness and Wing, File 74-3 (b) 1958 Used Champion V plow File 74-3 (a) 1976 Model l45S One Way Champion Plow Wing and Harness, File 76-10 (b) Model #9 Frink plow "V", Serial #509 (a) Harness and Snow Wing (b) "V" Plow, Wabco Model #9, File 71-1. Serial #476 (Grader #16) (c) Frink 440 SK One Way Snow Plow (Grader #16) (a) Frink Model 440 SK, 9' One Way Plow, Model SB Moldboard New Driveframe (K Model) in 1977 (From Grader #15) (b) Wabco #9 "V" plow (Purchased used from Champion with Grader #20) Serial #1636 (c) Harness and Snow Wing, Champion (Purchased with Grader #20) 12. Used Snow Tower Repaired Originally 1966 (Truck #32) File 66-16 13. Wabco Model #6, .(Originally on Grader #13) [Spare] File 64-3 PAGE 3. AHOUNT