1987 Road Committee Minutes {j( 4,(:, \,\.Jl ", ,~. j \ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 87-54 "TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROADS COMMITTEE." As required by Section 45 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter 421 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980, the Elgin County Council enacts: 1. That the following five Members of this Council constitute a Committee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the County Road System - M. H. Stewart - for term of one year J. Fischer - for term of two years C. R. Willsey - for term of three years E. Neukamm - for term of four years A. K. Ford - for term of five years. 2 . That By-Law No. 86-74 be, and the same is hereby repealed. READ a first time this 10th day of December, 1987. READ a second time this 10th day of December, 1987. READ a third time and finally passed this 10th day of December, 1987. ~._-~-->4~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. ~/--;'/r;J~ ;' w. A . Mar~t yn, I - Warden. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Patterson's Bridge on County Road #30 has been opened to traffic with only minor cleanup work remaining. 2. Paving has been completed on County Road #42 from the west limit of Port Burwell to County Road #40 in Malahide Township. Sand and gravel shouldering for the winter is nearly completed. 3. Paving has been completed on County Road #2 from the Canadian National Railway crossing at West Lorne east to County Road #5. Shouldering work is presently underway. 4. Work continues at County Road #45 Kettle Creek Culverts. The central portion of the culverts has been dug out and reinforcing steel and concrete are being. placed as weather conditions permit. Completion of this project will depend upon weather conditions. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULL.Y SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN TATES BRIDGE MEETING: NOVEMBER 12, 1987 TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH OFFICE PRESENT: COUNTY OF-ELGIN: Warden R. F. Purcell Reeve M. H. Stewart (Chairman Road Committee) Mr. Robert G. Moore (County Engineer) '2 TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH: Reeve A. K. Ford Deputy Reeve J. D. Campbell Mr. Ken Loveland (Clerk-Treasurer) Mr. Robert Patterson (Road Superintendent) COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX: Warden W. Skinner Mr. Richard Bolton (Chairman Road Committee) TOWNSHIP OF EKFRID: Mr. Carl Nevin Mr. Larry Kivell MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION: Mr. Ambrose Hickey Mr. Wayne Simms Mr. Robert Stock Discussion centered on procedures required to build a new bridge or to close the existing bridge and not replace it. Both County Engineers stated that the cost to build a new bridge would be at least 3.5 million dollars and could be more as the north approach and river protection would be extremely costly. Approximately 50 vehicles a day used the bridge and at 10% interest value the cost per vehicle crossing would be $18.63. Amortizing thle bridge over a 20 year period without interest or maintenance and without an increase in traffic the cost per vehicle would be $9.32 per vehicle. The Ministry of Transportation representatives pointed out that money for a boundary bridge not on a County road came from a separate Ministry of Transportation fund and there would not be funds available for 1988 inasmuch as there had not been an application made by either County and the fund was extremely small. Applications were judged on a priority need basis and it could be a number of years before funding could be available to build a bridge. The attached procedures were presented by the Ministry of Transportation to legally close the bridge. TATES BRIDGE MEETING: NOVEMBER 12, 1987 TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH OFFICE PA€iE 2. The Ministry of Transportation pointed out that the closing of the bridge was entirely a jOint County responsibility and not a Township responsibility. The Counties would be responsible for any injurious affection claims, the erection of turn-arounds at the bridge approaches and the removal of the old structure. Although the Ministry of Transportation and the Engineers had tried unsuccessfully to find a similar case in their files the Ministry of Transportation would continue to look for such a case. The Committee agreed to report back to the two County Road Committees agreeing that it would be early 1988 before any action could be taken by either County. Re: Tates Bridge - Boundary Bridge - Counties of Elgin and Middlesex 1. Legal Procedure to Close Bridge A joint application by the two Counties to the OMB under Subsection 284 (10) of the Municipal Act would be r1equired. Counties would have to demonstrate that the bridge has been damaged beyond repair by nature and the limited use of the does not justify its replacement. OMB will likely require Count~es to pay for legitimate injurious affection losses. The bridge the Subsection 53(4) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act (PTHIA) is not applicable since the bridge is a County Bridge by virtue of the Municipal Act not thle PTHIA. 2. Similar Cases We can find no similar bridge cases.. However, the Ministry has had numerous road closings that had the same effect. Legitimate injurious affection claims of farmers, but not residential users, were paid in these cases. Apparently, the Legal Office has questioned the denial of the residential user claims. Claims were dealt with through a Committee with MOT, MAG and M. of A. representatives. Extra travel cost and reduction of Land value claims by farmers are considered business losses under the Expropriations Act (sections 21-27, 33). (Also see the Municipal Act"Subsection 299(1)).' 3. Estimating Claim Values A consultant accountant san be hired to examine the financial records of farmers affected by the bridge removal, if the farmers will allow their books to be examined. This will provide information to estimate travel cost claims. Property value changes can be estimated by estimating the value of each farm as a unit assuming that the bridge will remain in placle. The value of two separate pieces of land split by the river with the bridge removed can also be est imated. The difference in v,alues of the property with and without the bridge gives an estimate of the value of the farmers land value claim. The Counties could actually buy the land at its present value assuming that the bridge will be replaced and then sell the land to a buyer who is aware that the bridge will be removed. John Hare of the Ministry's Arbitrations Section in Downsview could provide some further guidance if necessary. 4. Municipal Roads Policy MTR Directive B-21, Section B(2) states that injurio~s affection claims are eligible for subsidy subject to the approval of the District Engineer who will liase with the Regional Director for advice and expertise. .....cont'd. - 2 - Actual removal of the bridge, rehabilitation of the site and injurious affection claims are eligible for subsidy under the "County Bridges on Local Roads". Supplementary requests will be given the same priority as other requests. 5. Responsible Municipalities The two Counties are jointly responsible for the bridge. The two Townships need not be involved ih proceedings to close the bridge etc. However, once the bridge is legally closed, claims resolved and so on, the Counties could approach the Townships under the Municipal Act (recently amended Subsection 278(2)), and obtain the agreement of the Townships to the transfer of the jurisdiction for the abandoned bridge site back to the Townships, If the Counties rehabilitate the abandoned bridge site, with turnarounds, etc., to the satisfaction of the Townships this will facilitate obtaining the agreement of the Townships. The Townships cannot be forced to accept the bridge site~. 6. Other Consideration While the Expropriations Act (Section" 22) states thBlt injurious affection claims must be submitted within one year of their cause, if the claim is legitimate it is best that the Counties accept the claim in principle and begin negotiating a settlement rather than resist settlement. Negotiations are typically long and involved. The OMB will not likely agree to closing the bridge if the Counties are not willing to settle legitimate injurious affection claims. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1987 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Administration Building on Tuesday, November 10, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Pearson were present. Also present was Mr. Robert Stock of the Ministry of Transportation, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION: 1. Approval was received for the deletion of part of Road #30 from the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System. This was the part north of Road #52 regarding the construction of the Patterson's Bridge. 2. Approval of $320,000 subsidy for $400,000 work on Road #45 Culverts. This additional subsidy allowed for the paving of Road #42, Road #2 and the purchase of additional machinery. (Funds required from the County for Road #45 culverts $80,000; Patterson's Bridge $79,500; the total County share that was not levied for is $159,500 less small amount from non-subsidy items.) 3. No response has been received with regard to supplementary engineering funds requested for the Hubrey extension. St. George Street (Road #26) was inspected by Ray Collard, the Engineer and Deputy Reeve Millman and was noted to be in terrible condition due to several settlements. Reeve Martyn was to discuss this matter further with Spriet and Associates and indicate to the County what line of communication should be used regarding maintenance in this area. Other than minor cleanup work the Patterson's Bridge has now been completed and the road has been opened to traffic. SI. I\\OMf>S, ON11\R 10 ~O~EMBER 10, 19B7 ?l\GE 2.. \lMO~ED B'l: SECONOEO B~: R. F. PURCELL 1\\1\1 ~E E~IENO MCKI\~ COCKER CONS1RUC110N LIMllEO'S COMPLE110N OI\IE FOR I\\E pI\IIERSON'S BRIOGE PROJECl B~ I\N I\OOI110NI\L I~O ,2) ~EEKS UN1IL NO~EMBER 13, 1987 I\S PER I\\EIR REQUESl OI\IEO OC10BER 21, 1987 I\NO I\S PER pl\RKER CONSUL11\N1S RECOMMENOl\110N o 1\1 EO OC10BER 22, 1987. D. ?ERO~lC\-\ Cl\RR 1 ED. \I I\t the Road #45 cul~erts the concrete and steel worK haS been completed on both ends of the cul~ert and the material in the centre of the cul~ert haS been remo~ed and an access road has been constructed at the north end of the cul~ert. concrete worK is expected to commence next weeK using heated concrete. 1\ letter was read from Frazer and Beatty representing I\rmtec to the County Engineer regarding the County Engineer's comments regarding structural steel plate cul~erts. lhiS letter waS brieflY diSCUssed and a coPY was sent to Mr. Lyle ~ells of FranK Cowan company Limited ,the County'S insurance company). lhe county'S solicitor indicated that no replY should be considered to tniS letter by the County. 1\ similar letter was sent to the London Free press. ~ith respect to the \\i9hbUry_\\Ubrey-RadiO Road linK, a copY of a letter was recei~ed from tne County of Middlesex regarding a public meeting to be held on No~ember 20th at the ~estminster 10wnsniP Office. 1hiS letter waS sent to all abutting owners on the proposed route. It was SUggested that the I\sSiStant Engineer and the ~arden attend thiS meeting. correspondence was recei~ed from the Ministry of the En~ironment regarding Mr. ~illiam ~ard's well on Road #38. lests were taKen by the Ministry indicating that Mr. ~ard's well has been polluted bY road salt and further testing would be carried out to try to locate a neW well site in ,the area. lhe Ministry of the En~ironment is now proceeding to ha~e a well dug for thiS owner and the policY as set up se~eral years ago for similar situations was that the Ministry would paY 3/4 of the cost and the road authOrity would pay 1/4 of the cost of supplying ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1987 PAGE 3. an alternate source of water. The Chairman also indicated to Mr. Ward's widow { ,- that they continue to use their hired help to supply drinking water to Mrs. Ward and that the County would be willing to pay for any costs incurred. Regarding winter control the County has 12 snowplows (4 graders and 8 trucks) and has 11 sanders (6 County Trucks, 1 Brook's Truck, 2 Ryckman's Trucks, I Streib's Truck, 1 Dunwich Township Truck). The Engineer indicated that he had increased the standby sander rates by 25t per hour. As in the past there will be 2 night men on standby. There will be 4 supervisors alloted periods of time to be on call; these include Mr. Humphries, Mr. Player, Mr. Glover and Mr. Brown. We have very few standby operators with the exception of 3 foremen, 2 mechanics and I draftsman. Information regarding winter control such as names of people on call and phone numbers will be distributed to all Councillors and Road Superintendents, etc. The majority of the sand piles have now been stockpiled and due to the potential liability of contamination by road salt it is felt that possibly more sand will be used this year. All sander operators will be informed of this slight change in policy, however during certain weather conditions only salt can be used. AT 10:30 A.M. MR. ROBERT MCCAIG AND HIS SOLICITOR MR. ANDREW WRIGHT APPEARED TO ADDRESS THE ROAD COMMITTEE . . . . Mr. McCaig of the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service and his Solicitor Mr. Andrew Wright reviewed the long range plans for Lot 22, Township of Southwold with respect to solid waste disposal. They indicated that they were in the process of making application to the Ministry of the Environment for expansion in this area in an effort to handle more solid waste. They agreed to keep the Road Committee informed as to the progress and status of their application. They also indicated that in their new application there would be no geographic limits as to the origin of solid wastes. A brief discussion was held regarding the agreement between the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services and the County of Elgin which was set up approximately 10 years ago in which the rates and formulas for future rates were set out. They ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1987 PAGE 4. ---"" indicated that they were happy with the agreement and Suggested that if the County wanted changes made that this would be the time to maKe toese coanges. At the moment the Committee had no further comments with regard to the agreement. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. No ~ogress has been made on the Tates Bridge other than a meeting was set in Dunwich Township at 2~00 p.m. on November 12th with representatives from EKfrid and Dunwich Townships as well as Middlesex and Elgin Counties to attend. Also in attendance at the meeting would be representatives from toe Ministry of Transportation. 2. With regard to the Middlemiss Bridge a line had been agreed upon with the Middlesex County Engineer and as such we have requested Golder Associates (soil consultant) to start carrying out their soils testing as soon as possible. Our surveyors were to complete a final bit of surveying today and the Assistant County Engineer was planning to discuSS the proposed construction with Mr. Harries. 3. A by-law from Middlesex County to allow Elgin County to assume the townline. There has been no further progress on this item. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE: 1. St. George Street (Road #26) has been experiencing terrible settlement problems. 2. Equipment: (a) The 644 Loader has been assigned to light duties. (b) TrucK #91 appears to be on its last legs, TrucK #70 and TrucK #72 are showing signs of their age, however TrucK #118 and #123 which were -, bought used have served us well. (c) We have rented a Case W30 for $3,600 per month as several projects required a dependable loader. (d) A brief mention was made of our dozers which also are quite old. (e) The Engineer indicated that graders may be available for rental or purchase in the late Fall from the manufacturers or suppliers. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1987 PAGE 5. The Engineer reported that he and the Assistant would be attending the Municipal Engineers I Association Conference in Ottawa from November 24th to ~._- November 27th. A Pickup Truck was rented to aid in the transportation of staff from the various projects. The Engineer indicated that it appeared that we had more work than help was' available. The curbs and gutters in Straffordville have been completed. The extension of the Hollywood Culvert on Road #42 has been completed as well as the sand backfill along the shoulders and Granular lA' is in the process of being installed. The paving has been completed on Road #2 and it is proposed to use Screened 'B' from the Johnston Pit for the shoulders. Some gravelling has been done on Road #48 and it is hoped that gravelling will be completed on Road #$5. Two drain crossings have been completed on the McEachren Drain on Road #5 and the Smith-Lalonde Drain on Road #28. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE FOllOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYlIST NUMBER 40 AMOUNTING TO $81,220.43 PAYlIST NUMBER 41 AMOUNTING TO $574,288.42 PAYlIST NUMBER 42 AMOUNTING TO $87,383.29 PAYlIST NUMBER 43 AMOUNTING TO $255,077.93 PAYlIST NUMBER 44 AMOUNTING TO $82,821.52 PAYLIST NUMBER 45 AMOUNTING TO $550,283.94 ~'" CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1987 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT MR. ROBERT DOYLE BE PAID FOR HIS OUTSTANDING ANNUAL HOLIDAYS (FROM 1986) IN CASH. CARRIED. II The Engineer reported on the loss of several staff in the last year or two and the requirement for additional staff. The Engineer had a list of four personnel who have worked for the County during several past summers and who have their Class IAI licenses and as such would be eligible for operator status in the future. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES BE DESIGNATED AS REGULAR Er~PLOYEES OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN CLASS II (NIL EXPERIENCE) TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR TIME WORKED ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 12, 1987: RANDOLF MEEUSE RONALD C. HALL ROBERT N. PFFEFFER MURRAY R. WILSON CARRIED.II The tender for pickup trucks will be due on November 16th and the tender for the Loader will be due on December 2nd. IIMOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE CHA.IRMAN BE EMPOWERED TO OPEN AND REVIEW TENDERS FOR PICKUP TRUCKS AND THE LOADER AND TO MAKE AN AWARD AND REPORT THE SAME AT THE NEXT MEETING ---~, OF ROAD COMMITTEE. CARRIED. II S1. 1HO~~S, 0"1~RIO NO~E~BER 10, 1987 pl\GE 7. ~GREE~E"1S REG~RD1"G 10W"Ll"ES: 1. 1he agreement ~ith the county of Kent is still in progress. 2. 1he Engineer haS recei~ed a draft copy of the agreement ~ith the Region of Haldimand-"orf01K and ~ill pursue thiS matter further. from the ~illage of port stanley a letter regarding side~alK repairs on st. Joseph street. 1hiS letter ~aS diSCUssed brieflY by the Engineer ~hO pointed out under section 55 of the public 1ransportatiOn ~ct that the County is not responsible for side~alKS on County roads. 1he Engineer indicated that he ~ould ~rite the ~illage of port stanleY a letter to state the county'S position. ~ letter ~as recei~ed from the ~illage of Rodney re~uesting that the County pay for 137 feet of curb in the ~illage at $8.00 per foot. 1he Engineer indicated that the County had been doing thiS for se~eral years and that se~eral ~illages ha~e problems ~ith curbs and as such a programme should be de~eloped in 1988 to repair the major problem areas on a SystematiC basis ~ith monies alloted accordinglY presumablY o~er a three to fi~e year time span. CORRESPO"DE"CE W~S RE~D ~S fOLLOWS: 1. ~n appeal to the 1ribunal regarding the Largie Drain in Dun~ich 10~nshiP to be held on "o~ember 20th at 10:30 a.m. 2. ~illage of Belmont regarding a ~edical centre fronting on Road #37 in ~hich area the County has a one foot reser~e. 3. 10~nshiP of ~armouth regarding a 25 acre 1railer ParK on Road #22 and Road #45 ~ith 261 lots. 1he Engineer indicated the impact that this de~elopment ~ould ha~e on the County road System. 1he 10~nshiP Ree~e indicated that se~eral objectiOns had been recei~ed regarding thiS de~elopment. 4. ~arioUS other municipalitieS' se~erances ~ere diSCUssed. Ree~e ~artyn diSCUssed further the proposed road ~idening on Da~is street at st. George.street tRoad #26). Ree~e ~artyn indicated that the 10~nshiP of ~armouth ~aS ~illing to pay for the cost of any sur~eying re~uired to delineate SI. lHO~~S, ON1~RIO NO~EMBER 10, 1987 pl\GE 8. the road right-of-~aY in that area, ho~ever he reQuested the county share in the cost of the purchase of the land since it ~ould be in fact a ~idening of st. George street (Road 126). lhe Road committee felt that thiS ~aS an acceptable route to follo~ and the Engineer indicated that for road subsidY purposes the property ~aS to be sold jointlY to the lo~nshiP and the county. "MO~ED B'l: E. NEU\<.I\MM SECONDED B~: ~. ~ ~~Rl~N lH~1 ~E ~DJO\lRN 10 lHE C~ll Of lHE CH~lR~~N. CI\RR 1 ED. II COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT OCTOBER SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR_ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that they will provide a subsidy allocation of $320,000 which will support an expenditure of $400,000 for the repair of the Kettle Creek Culverts on County Road #45. In July an application was made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for subsidy to support supplementary expenditures in the amount of $700,000. The subsidy allocation of $320,000 is the Minister1s reponse to that request. Work continues at the cu)verts with approximately half of the concrete work being completed. Backfilling of the completed portions continues and excavation of the rest of the culvert will start shortly. Work is being continued on an overtime basis with as much equipment and man power as can be utilized. 2. The Ministryls allocation for the Kettle Creek Culverts will allow some of the work which had been postponed to be undertaken. Work will include paving on County Road #42 (Malahide and Bayham Townships) from County Road #40 to the west limits of Port Burw~ll and County Road #2 (Aldborough Township) from the Canadian National railway tracks easterly to County Road #5. We will also be able to spend our full allocation on the purchase of new machinery. 3. Work at the Pattersonls Bridge on County Road #30 will be completed within two weeks and the bridge reopened. 4. Approximately 1,600 feet of curb and gutter replacement work on County Road #2 in West Lorne has been completed. 5. A meeting was held with the County of Middlesex Road Committee on September 29th and items discussed included: (a) The timing of construction on the Hubrey-Highbury-Radio Road extension. It was agreed that Elgin County would attempt to do as much of their work in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township in 1988 and 1989. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - OCTOBER SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. The Minister of Transportation and Communi~ations has indicated that he' would provide a 75% subsidy for all work on the extl~nsion. (b) ~he replacement of the Tates Bridge was discussed.as the Engineers estimated that it would cost approximately 3.5 million dollars to replace the bridge. The Committee felt that the matter should be discussed further and arranged a meeting in November between representatives of the two' County Road Committies the Townships of Dunwich and Ekfrid. (c) The County of Middlesex agreed that engineering for the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14 over the Thames River should proceed as soon as possible. It is hoped to start some of the soils tests this Fall. 6. An agreement is being negotiated with the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk for the maintenance of the County road between the County of Elgin and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk (from County Road #38 to County Road #42). Elgin County has agreed to perform winter maintenance on the road, pending ratification of a formal maintenance agreement. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN v~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE I. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Administration Building on Tuesday, September 29, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members except Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Lyle were present. Also present was Mr. Bob Stock of the Ministry of Transportation, the Engineer ,and Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." The Engineer presented a photo album of the Kettle Creek Culverts construction for the members I inspection. Presently three crews are working on this project. All of the nelson studs have been applied on the uncovered section, rebar installation is in process as well as backfill. The concrete work involves four separate pours or lifts which are being staged on the north and south ends of the three culverts. To date, one culvert has had the final pour on top of the culvert. Work is progressing as time and manpower permits. The Engineer also provided a photo album for inspection by the members of the Patterson's Bridge project, including the removal of the old culverts and the construction of the new bridge. To date the girders have been placed on the deck and form work is progressing to pour the concrete deck on October, 2nd. The weather for this project has been Quite favourable and the contractor has been working diligently since the beginning of the project. "MOVED BY: D. PEROV I CH ~,~ I SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE REQUEST OF MCKAY-COCKE~ STRUCTURES LIMITED AS APPROVED BY MR. N. M. WARNER OF C. C. PARKER CONSULTANTS BE GRANTED TO EXTEND THE COMPLETION DATE OF THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE TO OCTOBER 30, 1987 FROM OCTOBER 16, 1987 AS THEY WERE DELAYED IN RECEIVING PRECAST BEAMS, BEARING PADS AND EPOXY COATED REINFORCING STEEL. CARRIED.II ST. THOMA~, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 2. The Engineer discussed finances as they related to the Ministry of Transportation's approval of supplementary by-laws. (Later on in the meeting the Engineer received tentative approval by telephone of a $400,000 supplementary grant. ) The Engineer reported that the resurfacing of Road #42 could proceed from Port Burwell to Road #40. The Patterson's Bridge project and the Kettle creek culverts repair project would also be carried out this year. The Engineer also felt that resurfacing could be carried out on Road #2 from the Townline to the tracks east of West Lorne. Due to the various proposed expenditures, land purchase for Road #43 would be curtailed this year. The Engineer reported that maintenance may be available this year to carry out stump removal on Road #2 between the Townline and West Lorne and on Road #45 to Highway #19 in Bayham Township. Curb and gutter work in the Village of West Lorne on Road #2 had been co~enced with the intent of placing approximately 1,600 feet of curb and gutter in the downtown area as well as east and west of Highway #76. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: D. PEROVIC~ THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO REMOVE THE REST OF THE ASPHALT I BETWEEN THE CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK IN THE BUSINESS BLOCK ON ROAD #2 IN THE VILLAGE OF WEST LORNE BUT WE CANNOT PAY ANYTHING TOWARD INTERLOCKING BRICK BETWEEN THE CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK. CARRIED." WORK TO DATE: 1. Asphalt patching in East Elgin has been completed as well as the shOuldering. 2. Most of the base coat of pavement has been installed on Road #42 between port Burwell and Road #43. 3. We will keep money for machinery (all of it), winter control, hoe rentals for ditching and stumping. We also plan to construct the culvert extension on the Underhill Drain on Road #42. Drawings have been prepared and approved and at this time ~he shop drawings for the precast culvert are in for approval at the Ministry of Transportation. ,......-/ 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO 5EP1EMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 3. 4. ~e have pacKed up Road #43 land purchase, no engineering has been done and it is not liKely that we will be at it next year. If we do we will do urban drainage. 5. Road #2 and Road #5 are presentlY in the cleanup phase. 6. preparation worK for curb and gutters has been completed in ~est lorne. lhe asphalt and concrete has been hauled to several culverts on Road #9 and Road #20 for erosion protection. 7. Grass cutting is almost completed, althOUgh a few mowers are still worKing. Reeve Martyn reported that residents were pleased with the graSS cutting on 8. lhe sweeper has recentlY been repaired and it will be put bacK into operation for the removal of leaves. Road #30, North. 9. pavement marKing is complete other than the new asphalt resurfacing areas and Wellington Road. 10. Gravel shouldering is continuing on the neW asphalt areas as well as Road #45 between Highway #4 and Highway #73, ~ellington Road and Road #36 south of Road #45. 11. Gravel resurfacing will be started when the dust season is over on Road #48 in South Dorchester and Road #45 north of Orwell. 12. Road #13 and Road #14 require some seeding worK and cleanup of catchbasins. Minor cleanup worK is' also required on Road #45 and Road #36 at Mrs. Byrd's. 13. Fairview ~venue tRoad #22) has been paved with the base coat and we still require sod from Elm Street for shouldering as well as some top soiling. 14. Ditching will be carried out in East Elgin in the near future. 15. lhe trucKs are being safetied. 16. Shortly we will commence stocKpiling sand for winter control. 17. lrucK #91 is being prepared to be used as a sander trucK. 18. ~e are trying to Keep our worK up to date so the trucKi'are available for bacKfilling the Road #45 culverts. lhe Engineer reported that we have 30,000 feet of snow fence and that we require at least 10,000 feet for the existing roads which does not include the n~ roads that ~e County acquired this year. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 4. After a brief discussion it was decided to curtail snow fencing on the widened road allowances and use the existing snow fence as required in other areas. --~- The Engineer reported that he would be taking several of his holidays in October. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 36 AMOUNTING TO $84,768.48 PAYLIST NUMBER 37 AMOUNTING TO $191,387.85 PAYLIST NUMBER 38 AMOUNTING TO $80,624.91 PAYLIST NUMBER 39 AMOUNTING TO $295,573.83 CARRIED." AT 11:00 A.M. REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX AND THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ARRIVED FOR AN INFORMAL MEETING WHICH WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS .'. . ATTENDANCE WAS AS FOLLOWS: From the County of Middlesex: Warden William Skinner - Reeve Caradoc Township Chairman Richard Bolton - Reeve Metcalfe Township David Murray - Westminster Township Charles Greive - Lobo Township ! Ray Campbell - East Williams Township Glenn Floster - West Nissouri Township -''------ Engineer Don Husson ,From the Ministry of Transportation: Mr. Ambrose Hickey Mr. Wayne Simms Mr. Art Perrier ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 5. The first item on the agenda was the status of the County of Elgin by-law to assume the Southwold-Westminster Townline from Highway #4 to Road #18 at the St. Thomas Sanitary landfill site. Presently the County of Middlesex approved this by-law pending approval from the Township of Westminster and Township of Delaware. However the Township of Delaware has objected to this by-law. It was agreed that the County of Middlesex would persue this matter further to try and resolve the objection from Delaware Township. The second item on the agenda was the Hubrey-Highbury-Radio Road link. Mutual financing was discussed and it was felt that the County of Elgin could carry out the major part of their work in 1988 and 1989 and the County of Middlesex would carry the major portion of their work from 1988 to 1992. It was agreed that the two County Engineers would communicate further with regard to the final details of timing and financing. Mr. Ambrose Hickey indicated that an environmental assessment hearing may be required and that the Ministry of the Environment should be contacted as soon as possible. Mr. Hickey indicated that we could have access to their Environmental Engineer in the London office for this project. The third item on the agenda was the engineering for th(~ replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge. The County Engineer of Elgin supplied detailed scopes of the project by the soil consultant and engineering consultant as well as costs. The Middlesex County Engineer requested further time to examine these reports before approving the actual engineering work as proposed. The fourth item on the agenda was a discussion of the condition of the Tates Bridge. The County Engineer of Elgin provided a rougll cost estimate of 3.4 million dollars to replace the bridge. Some discussion was held regarding paying injurious effects and the legal itY'.of the Counties closing the bridge. It was agreed that the Middlesex County Engineer would arrange a meeting with representatives from the Ministry of Transportation, the County of Middlesex, the County of Elgin, the Township of Eckfrid and Township of Dunwich within the next month or two to further discuss this project and other alternatives. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 6. The fifth item on the agenda was brought up by the County of Middlesex Engineer who suggested that long term maintenance savings could be obtained by upgrading Road #37 between Avon and Belmont by applying sin91e surface treatment. The County Engineer of Middlesex has been carrying out similar work in Middlesex County and feels that it is cost effective and provides a better level of surface. It was agreed that the County of Middlesex would provide a cost estimate for this type of work on Road #37 in 1988 and that this would be presented to Elgin County for consideration in their 1988 budget. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR lUNCH . . . AFTER lUNCH THE MEETING RESUMED WITH THE ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE MEMBERS THE ENGINEER DISCUSSED NEW MACHINERY AS FOllOWS: 1. Our Condor Man lift which was purchased used in 1978 is a cable boom type and we have had several maintenance problems with this machine over the years. Recently one of the employees was injured due to a broken cable. Since we normally carry out bridge painting, sand blasting as well as tree cutting and limbing with this unit the cable parts are prone to contamination requiring repair and lead to frequent failure. Our existing condor man lift has been sent to a company in Oakville which has the franchise for condor man lifts. After inspection of our equipment they were reluctant to repair it because it would have to meet government safety standards and due to its age they were wary of the potential of being sued in the case of failure. A new unit with a 40 foot reach (which would have to be purchased in California) would cost $78,000 (U.S. Dollars) plus delivery and excise tax. This company indicated that they would be interested in selling the County a used unit for approximately $20,000 to $30,000 with the County's unit as a trade-in. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN -~ SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH ARIEL PLATFORMS LIMITED TO REPLACE THE COUNTY'S CONDOR MAN LIFT. CARRIED. II 2. Since two additional crews have been added to the work force due to the many projects that we have encountered it is felt that two additional crew cabs will be required. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR TWO NEW CREW CAB PICKUPS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A PICKUP TRUCK AND A VAN WITH THE COUNTY'S TRUCK #85 (1979 CHEVROLET PICKUP) AND TRUCK #86 (1979 CHEVROLET VAN) AS TRADE-INS. CARRIED." 3. The John Deere 644B Loader was purchased in 1978 and it is felt that major repairs will be required to obtain optimum performance from this unit. Since this unit is used for lighter duties a Case or John Deere 3 Cubic Yard machine would be a suitable replacement. "MOVED 8Y: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ASK QUOTATIONS FOR A USED 3 CUBIC YARD LOADER TO REPLACE THE COUNTY'S 1978 JOHN DEERE 6448 LOADER. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 PAGE 8. The Engineer reported that a letter had been received from Armtec Incorporated regarding super span culverts indicating that their position has not changed with respect to repairing culverts that appeared to be in d:istress. The Engineer reported that he would discuss this matter further with Mr. M. J. Hennessey, County Solicitor. The Engineer reported that he had a meeting with Mr. Robert McCaig who indicated to him that he was planning to make an application for the expansion of the landfill site on Road #18 to the east. Since the County Road Committee is also the Solid Waste Committee it was suggested that Mr. McCaig attend the next Road Committee meeting and discuss his proposal. The Engineer introduced certain matters involving personnel for future discussion at the next meeting. A letter was received from Susan McConnell representing the Community Assist for an Urban Study Effort which was being proposed for the Village of Port Stanley requesting the participation of the County. The Road Committee felt that comments from the County would not be required. The Engineer reported that the agreement with the County of Kent regarding Townline roads would be available from Kent County in due course after clarifying maintenance at the railway crossing. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ADVISE THE REGION OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN IS PREPARED TO PERFORM WINTER MAINTENANCE ON COUNTY ROAD #55 FROM ROAD #38 TO ROAD #42 FOR THE COMING SEASON AND GRAVEL RESURFACE A PORTION OF ROAD #55 NORTH OF ROAD #42 IN 1987 OR 1988 AS TIME IS AVAILABLE AND THE REGION OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK BEING BILLED FOR THEIR SHARE ALL PEND1NG RATIFICATION OF A FORMAL TOWNLINE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND HALDIMAND-NORFOLK. CARRIED. II Sl. l\-10ll\J1.S, 01'11 J1.R I 0 SEP1ElI\BER 29, 1987 ?I\GE 9. II. request ~as recei~ed from lI\r. J1.~lyn King on Road #25 near the Reid property to purcnase surplus county land. It ~as felt by tne committee that theY ~ere not interested in selling land in tniS area at thiS time. lI\r. Peter Meilson also requested to purcnase surplus county land on Road #36. Since tniS property ~as pre~iouslY e~propriated and it abutts former 10~nsniP road allo~ances it ~as felt tnat prior to considering tne sale of tne property in tniS area tnat tne 10~nsniP of ~armoutn snould be consulted for tneir input and tneir comment. CORRESPOMOEMCE ~J1.S M01EO J1.S fOllO~S: 1. from tne canadian lransport commission regarding tne proposed crossing protection on Road #48 and tne canadian Mational Subdi~ision indicating tnat a 10 mile per nour speed restriction snould be enforced during tneir study of future rail operatiOD5in tnat area. 2.from tne 10~nsniP of lI\alanide regarding requests from tne port Bruce Ratepayers J1.Ssociation. lnis letter ~as a copY of a letter sent to tne lI\inistrY of lransportatiOn and as sucn ~as filed. Information ~as recei~ed from tne City of cambridge regarding their opposition to increases in trucK lengtns and ~eignts. lnis information ~aS filed. 4. ~arioUS reloing by-la~S ~ere recei~ed from tne 10~nshipS of J1.1dborough and oun~icn. lnese ~ere brieflY disCUssed and filed. 3. lne Engineer reported se~eral problems on st. George street ~itn respect to tne lynnurst lI\uniCipal se~er system including poor cleanup, roUgn base aspnalt ~orK and lacK of engineering control. It ~as agreed tnat a tour ~ould be neld after tne meeting ~itn Ree~e lI\artyn, cnairman ste~art and tne Engineer to disCUSS tne rignt-of-~aY at oa~is street and st. George street as ~ell as ditcning and drainage problems. SI _ I\-\OW\S. 0\'\\ /l.R 10 SEP1E~BER 29. 19B7 ?I\GE 10. Ree~e ~artyn indicated tnat ne nad nad preliminary discUssions ~itn /l.llen carr and JaCK colter regarding tne aCQuisition of property for tne HignbUry-\-\ubrey- Radio Road LinK- Ree~e ~artyn indicated tnat tnese people ~ere not in opposition to tne project but reQuested tnat tneY be informed of tne statuS and routing of tne pfO)ect. lne Engineer reported tnat ne ~ould na~ediSCUssions regarding property purcnase ~itn tnese t~O gentlemen in tne near future. lne Engineer nad a brief disCUssion of tne financial implications of tne 1988 Road ?fOgraroroe. "t.f\O\lED B'l: SECO~DED B~: /I.. K. FORD 1\-\/1.1 I\-\E ~EE11~G /l.DJOUR~ 10 lUESD/I.~. ~O~E~BER 10. 19B7 /1.1 9:30 /I..~. CI\RRIED." E . N E \.\ KI\t.f\t.f\ SI. I\\O\<\II-S, 0t-!1 II-R I 0 SEP1EMBER 3, 1987 pl\GE 1. I\\E COUt-!I'l Or EL G I t-! ROil-\) COMM 111 EE met at tM Mm in i strati on BU 11 ding on lnursday, september 3, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. 11-11 members e~cept Reeve rord ~ere present. II-lsO in attendance Mr. JacK ~ice of tne \<\inistrY of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns, tne Engineer and II-ssistant Engineer. "MO\lED \3'{: SECOt-!\)E\) B'l: \). PERO~IC\\ 1\\11-1 I\\E \<\1t-!U1ES Or I\\E MEE11t-!G Or II-UGUSl 7, 1987 BE II-PPRO~E\). Cl\RRIED." E. ~EU\Zl\MM 1M Engineer stated tnat tM \<\inistrY nad approved a plan for tM . R d #45 ~nicn nad been submitted by C. C. parKer consultants, repalr of culverts on oa and signed by \)ave cramm, cnief Engineer. lnis plan nad been evolved bY C. C. parKer consultants, pniliP Bedell of Golder II-ssociateS, Mr. Baidar BaKnt and l'\r. Ken Kleinsteiber of tne Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns and tne county Engineer. 'd . t of tne lne plan involved tne placement of concrete from tne ml pOln culvert up tne sides and over top of tne culverts to a deptn of appro~imatelY 8 incnes on tne top. 11-11 concrete ~ould nave to be steel rod reinforced. lne cost estimate ~as appro~imatelY $700,000 ~itn appro~imatelY $300,000 being required for outside material and rentalS. lne remaining costs ~ould be labour, macnine rental and granular materials to be provided bY tne county. II-ppro~imatelY " 1" "t d from 850 cubic metres of concrete ~aS required and a prlce nad been SO lCl e U' C tIne price from Red-\)-Mi~ canada Building products companY and Red-\)-r\l~ oncre e. concrete ~as $101.00 per cubic metre and from Canada Building products company $90.25 per cubiC metre. "MO\lED \3'{: SECOt-!\)E\) B'l: ~. 11-. MII-Rl'lt-! 1\\11- 1 ~E II-CC EPl I\\E PR ICE Of CII-t-!II-\) II- BU I L\) I t-!G PRO\)uelS CO\<\P II-t-!'l I' OR II- 20 \<\PII- 3 \)II-'l SIREt-!Gl\\ COt-!CRElE fOR ~ORK 11-1 "t\\E KEllLE CREEK CUL~ER"t Ot-! COUt-!"t'l ROil-\) #45 11-1 I\\EIR QU01E\) PRICE Of $90.25 PER CUBIC \<\E1RE. Cl\RR 1 ED. " R. f. PURCELL ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 2. The complete cost estimate had been forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to the attention of Mr. Nethercot, Chief Municipal Engineer and to the Regional Office as well. It was not known if additional subsidy for the culvert repair would be forthcoming or not. Mr. Nethercot had stated that no further supplementary by-laws would be approved until after the Provincial Election. Work was proceeding with excavation well underway. Sand blasting of the rust was also underway. It was hoped to pour concrete by September 15th and finish concrete work in early November and have the road opened for Christmas. The Assistant Engineer reported that McKay-Cocker Construction was continuing construction on Road #30 having completed the north pier and abutment and would pour the south pier on September 4th. The precast concrete deck was expected to be placed before the end of September and it would not be difficult to form the deck and the barrier walls. It was possible that the bridge might not be opened until the end of October. The Assistant Engineer reported that the construction on Road #2 was nearly complete with some trimming and placement of gravel shoulders necessary to complete the work. Quotations had been asked for crushed gravel with the low bid of Alex Newbigging Aggregates Limited having been accepted and the crushed gravel placed. At the same time approximately a mile of crushed gravel for gravel resurfacing had been placed on Road #5 from Road #2 northerly. Walmsley Bros. Limited had been asked to submit a price as an addition to their Contract 'B1 for the placement of asphalt base coat on Road #2. The price was $22.34 per ton which compared to their price for their work on Road #8 at Pearce Park. It was slightly more then the cost of the work on Road #13. It was felt that the quotation was realistic in that the haulage was 5 miles further on Road #2 then for Road #13. 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO 5EP1EMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 3. "MO\JED B'(: D. PERO\JICH SECO~DED B~: E. ~EUK~MM lH~1 WE ~CCEPl lHE QU01~110~ Of ~LEX ~EWBIGGI~G ~GGREG~IES LIMI1ED 10 SUPPL~ ~~D SPRE~D ~PPROXIM~IEL~ 5,500 10~S Of GR~~UL~R '~' O~ COU~I~ RO~D #2 ~1 lHEIR QU01ED PRICE Of $5.85 PER 10~. CARRIED." "MO\JED B'(: R. F. PURCELL SECO~DED B~: W.~. M~Rl~~ lH~1 WE ~CCEPl lHE QU01~110~ Of W~LMSLE~ BROS. LIMI1ED ~S ~~ ~DDI110~ 10 lHEIR CO~IR~Cl 'B' fOR ~SPH~Ll p~VI~G O~ COU~I~ RO~D #2 E~SI Of COU~I~ RO~D #5. ~PPROXIM~IEL~ 1,500 10~S Of B~SE CO~1 ~SPH~Ll lfEDER~l S~lES I~X I~ClUDED) ~1 $22.34 PER 10~. lHE COU~I~ Of ElGI~ WIll SUPPl~ lHE ~SPH~ll CEMEN1. CARRIED." lhe Engineer reviewed the financial situation to date stating that as it was unKnown whether or not any supplementary would be approved for worK on the Kettle creeK Culverts on Road #45 sufficient funds would have to be set aside to pay for all non County portions of the worK lapproximatelY $300,000). Crushed gravel and sand were alreadY owned by the County and available to bacKfill the structure. lhere were sufficient funds left to be able to asphalt resurface Road #42 from port Burwell to the Bayham-Malahide lownline and do approximatelY $75,000 to $100,000 worth of asphalt patching on Road #16 in southWold, Road #27 in ~armouth, Road #40 at the south limit of springfield, three spots on Road #38 in Bayham, several spots on Road #44 and Road #46 in Bayham and one spot on Road #45 north of Middlemarch. lhere was still a small reserve for neW machinery and a reserve for winter control salt and sand. If worse came to worse these two reserves would have to used and the billS for fall salt and sand paid for in 1988. lhe Committee felt that worK should proceed while good weather was available inasmuch as it would probablY be a month lminimum) before a decision from the Ministry was available on Road #45. S1. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO SEP1EMBER 3, 1987 p~GE l\.. "MO\lED B'l: E. NEUK~MM SECO"DED B~: W.~. M~Rl~" lH~1 lHE E"GI"EER BE ~U1HORI2ED 10 PROCEED WllH ~SPH~Ll RESURF~CI"G 0" COU"I~ RO~D #42 SI~R1I"G ~1 PORI BURWELL ~"D WES1ERL~ ~S F~R ~S FUNDS WILL PERMI1. C~RRIED." lHE E"GI"EER REPOR1ED 0" lHE WORK 10 D~IE: 1. Shouldering and trimming had been completed on Road #18 and Road #14 and were ready to be seeded. 2. Gravel shouldering continued on Road #8 at pearce ParK and would be done witnin tne weeK. 3. Some shouldering would be done on Road #18 at McBrides Church but the rest of the shouldering would have to be placed with a front end loader. 4. considerablY more gravel had been found at the Gore Pit in southWold than had been anticipated and it was possible that there would be some remaining for shouldering on Road #2 in 1988. 5. Shouldering on Road #44 between Road #46 and Highway #3 would be started in approximatelY a weeK. 6. Trimming continued on Road #22 with curb and gutter being placed at tne intersection of concessions I~ and~. It was expected to place the rest of the asphalt base coat within ten dayS. 7. It would be necessary to haul a considerable amount of crushed gravel from the county's Pleasant ~alley Pit to the garage as soon as possible so that it would be available for the bacKfill of the culverts on Road #45. crushed gravel would be reQuired to complete the gravel resurfacing programme on Road #35 north of Highway #3 on the ~armouth-Malahide 10wnline and on Road #48 east of Highway #74 in South Dorchester. 8. salt brine application was continuing as reQuired. 9. Weed cutting, other than Road #42 in Malahide and Bayham and Road #45 in Baynam was l1ear'lY comp 1 ete. 10. pavement marKing would be completed by the end of the weeK except for that worK which could not be done because of asphalt paving not being completed. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1ARIO 5EP1EMBER 3, 1987 p~GE 5. 11. concrete culvert repairs were underway on the Hunt Drain culvert on Road #19 just south of southwold Station. 12. lhe Engineer would not be going to the Roads and lransportation Association convention in SasKatoOn due to the worK load involved with the Kettle 13. Intersection sign worK was continuing in the south ~armouth area with the signS at the intersection of Road #23 and Road #24 having been completed and the intersection signs at Road #22 and Road #24 underway. 14. lhe Engineer had been called out to an accident on Road #45 east of the Kettle creeK culvert on september 2nd. A car had missed all the signS and flashing lights on the road and run directlY into and broKe a Jersey Barrier at the top of the east hill. lhe condition of the driver was not Known. Pictures had been taKen in case a laW suit was laid against the County, however the Engineer indicated that the motorist would be billed for damages which were in the order of $500.00. cree\<. Culverts. "MO\lED B'{: R. f. PURCELL SECO~OED B~: D. PERO~ICH lHAl lHE FOllDWI~G PA~lISIS BE APPRO~EO FOR PA~ME~I: PA~lISI ~UMBER 32 AMOU~II~G 10 $86,331.74 PA~lISI ~UMBER 33 AMOU~II~G 10 $443,987.91 PA~lISI ~UMBER 34 AMOU~II~G 10 $91,136.30 PA~lISI ~UMBER 35 AMOU~II~G 10 $235,704.13 C~RRIED." lhe Engineer reported on the repair of equipment to date stating that the county's oldest sander purchased in 1975 was beyond repair, little could be salvaged from it other than the hydraulic pumpS. london Machinery had been requested to Quote on a new sander and the Quotation was approximatelY $100.00 more then the Quotation which had been accepted a year ago. It would be necessary to place a motor on the sander as well. It was possible that some savings might be made by buying a Briggs and stratton Engine rather than a Wisconsin Engine that had been Quoted on. 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO 5EP1EMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 6. "MO\lED B'{: SECO~DED B~: R. F. PURCELL 1\-11\1 WE I\CC E PI 1\-1 E QU011\ 11 O~ OF LO~DO~ MI\C\-I 1 ~ ER~ Ll M nED FOR 1\ 8 CUB 1 C ~ I\RD II\~DEM SI\~DER BOD~ 1411\-1 M010R 1\1 I\-1EIR QU01ED PRICE OF $12,745.00. ~~~ ~~ CI\RRIED." P r E. NEUKAMM It had been necessary to purchase a new front end for Grader #19 at a cost of $7,000.00. lhe front end from Grader #19 would be rehabilitated and placed on Grader #18 the front end of which was beyond repair. It was not Known if lruCK #91, which was presentlY being used for the float, could be safetied for winter control worK this Winter. lhe truCK lGMC 1974) had been purchased in 1980. It would be necessary to replace two of the County's 1978 MacK landems for sn~ plowing purposes by 1988 as ~ey would be 10 years old ~ th~ time. lhe MacKS could be used as standbY dump truCKS and the old Ford truCK presentlY used would be scrapped. lhe agreement with the County of Kent for the maintenance of the 10wnline roads between the two Counties nad been circulated to all members. Other than a clause that the two counties would agree to share the railroad crossing costs on the roads, the agreement waS in order. lhe Engineer recommended that the committee recommend the agreement to county council. "MO\lED B'{: SECO~DED B~: R. F. PURCELL 1\-11\1 WE RECOMME~D 10 COU~I~ COU~CIL 1\-11\1 1\ B~-LI\W BE pl\SSED I\Ul\-10Rlll~G I\-1E WI\RDE~ I\~D CLERK 10 SlG~ I\~ I\GREEME~1 BE1WEE~ I\-1E COU~I~ OF ELGl~ I\~D I\-1E COU~I~ OF KE~1 FOR Ml\l~IE~I\~CE OF I\-1E JOl~1 COU~I~ ROI\DS BE1WEE~ I\-1E 1140 MUNICIPALI1IE5. D. PERO\lICH CARRIED." lhe Region of \-Ialdimand-~orfolK had agreed to an agreement using the same general format as with the County of Kent and had requested that an earlY draft copy be forwarded to them so that it may be placed before their Council, as the ST. T~OM~S, ONT~RI0 SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 P ~GE 7. County of Elgin had agreed previouslY to assume the maintenace of the road starting tniS Fall. "MO'JEO B'i: SECONDED B'I: \ol. f\.Mf\Rl'1N lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE f\U1HORI2ED 10 Mf\KE f\PPLICf\IION 10 lHE MINIS1R'I OF lRf\NSPORlf\IION f\ND COMMUNICf\IIONS FOR f\N IN1ERIM SUBSID'I pf\'IMENl FOR 1987 f\ND lHE CHf\IRMf\N 8E f\U1HORIIED 10 SIGN lHE Sf\ME. E. NEUK~MM C~RRIEO." f\ request from Chatham Cable 1~ was read requesting permission to place Cable 1~ wires on County roads in the ~illages of RodneY, \olest Lorne and Dutton and the lownshiPS of f\ldborOugh and Dunwich. lhe Engineer stated that the agreement would be similar to the agreement with f\llview Cable and with local municipalitieS for watermains. lhe County would be held harmlesS from any liability and the Chatham Cable 1~ would be responsible for all movement of wires that would be required for road maintenance or construction purposes. f\ draft agreement would be done and forwarded as soon as possible. "MO'JEO B'l: SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 \olE RECOMMEND lHf\1 f\ B'I-Lf\\ol BE pf\SSED f\U1HORIIING lHE \olf\RDEN f\ND CLERK 10 SIGN f\N f\GREEMENl \olI1H CHf\IHf\M Cf\BLE 1~, f\ DI~ISION OF lRILIUM COMMUNICf\IIONS LIMnED 10 f\LLO\ol lHEM 10 INSlf\LL Cf\BLE 1~ \olIRES ON COUN1'I ROf\DS IN lHE ~ILLf\GES OF RODNE'I, \olESl LORNE f\ND DUll0N f\ND IN lHE 10\olNSHIPS OF f\LDBOROUGH ~NO OUN~lC~. R. F. PURCELL C~RRIEO." CORRESPONDENCE \olf\S N01ED f\S FOLLO\olS: \ . From G. C. Leverton regarding the port Stanley lerminal Rail Incorporated noting that there was no insurance on fi Ie from them. Committee felt that little could be done as the ontario Municipal Board had stated that insurance was not a matter that they had control over and lacK of an agreement between the county and the port stanley lerminal Rail Incorporated precluded the County requesting a copy of their insurance _.....lir\l. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 8. 2. Various municipalities with rezoning by-laws. 3. From the firm of Lerner and Associates stating that a suit by the adjacent owners had been commenced against Jack Smyth who had purchased a part of Lot 137, North Talbot Road, Houghton Township from the County of Elgin in 1984. The adjacent owners, Mr. and Mrs. McQuigan claimed part of the property. In the event that the McQuigan's won the suit Lerner's on behalf of Mr. Smyth would claim damages against the County of Elgin. The correspondence had been previously sent to the County's Solicitor, Mr. Hennessery. 4. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications with approval for purchase of a used 1979 LTS 9000 Ford Truck purchased in September 1986. 5. Copy of a letter from the Canadian National Rail to the Railway Transport Committee with an estimated cost of installation for crossing protection on Road #48 (Talbot Subdivision) and asking that before a Board Order was issued that the railroad complete a study to determine the future of the line. The Engineer had forwarded a letter agreeing to the installation of signals and asked that the installation not be delayed inasmuch as visibility was extremely bad at the intersection and that there had been a large increase in traffic using the road this Summer. 6. From the Railway Transport Committee with an order allowing the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway to suspend the operation of the crossing lights at Road #45, Road #16 and Road #20. The Engineer noted that the County had not been billed for crossing protection on these for some time. 7., Mr. Lewis Acre on behalf of the Richmond Community Water System. The Committee agreed that they had no objection to the boring of a water line underneath the County road, however an agreement would be required with the principals of the system. The Committee asked that the agreement be ready to present to County Council before the end of the year. ST. T~OM~S, ON1~RI0 SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 9. lhe committee postPoned discUssion of a poliCY regarding signing of Hamlets until tne next meeting. lhe committee discUssed the items that they would discUSS with the County of Middlesex. It was understo~ that the County of Middlesex wished the Cou~y of Elgin to proceed as rapidlY as possible with Elgin'S end of the Hubrey Road project as they would not be readY to maKe a large expenditure on the road in Middlesex before 1990. BY this time the County of Elgin could have the worK completed in Elgin. lhe Need study estimate for the Elgin road was $700,000. f\t 75% Ministry \ of lransportation and communicatiOns subsidY, Elgin'S share would be $175,000 most of which would be required in 1988. lhis amount would be in addition to the ordinary County leVY which because of the considerable increase in County road needs would normallY be expected to increase if the Ministry's method of road and bridge final allocations remained as they were in 1987. lhe committee felt that thiS problem would have to be addressed at a later date when the costs could be properlY ascertained. lhe fate of the lates Bridge would have to be discUssed as it appeared that the repair of the present lates Bridge was not practical because of the movement of the north banK of the thames River. lhe committee also felt that the replacement of the Middlemiss Bridge should be discUssed. lhe committee felt that an early start on thiS was desirable so that a neW bridge could be completed before further deterioration made closure of the present bridge necessary. "MO'JEO B'i: E. NEUKJ\MM SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 \olE f\DJOURN 10 lUESDf\'I, SEP1EMBER 29, 1987 f\1 9:30 f\.M. C~RRIEO." COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATION FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL COUNTY ROAD #2, TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH SUMMARY OF QUOTATIONS SUPPLIER 1. Alex Newbigging Aggregates Limited R. R. #1 Delaware, Ontario NOL lED 2. Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Limited P. O. Box 220 Bothwell, Ontario NOP IcO 3. South Winds Sand and Gravel Limited 764 Wharncliffe Road South London_, Ontario N6J 2N4 4. McKenzie and Henderson Limited P.O.-Box 116 Arkona, Ontario NOM 180 5. lCG Materials Limited P.O. Box 189 London, Ontario N6A 4V7 .~ ..... --""'-. - .-...... -- '. "" .'... PRICE PER TON $5.85 $6.24 $6.31 $6.34 $7.15 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the County Administration Building on Friday, August 7, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Warden Purcell and Reeve Pearson. Also present were Mr. Jack Wice and Mr. Bob Stock of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF JUNE 25TH AND JULY 9TH, 1987 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II The Engineer reported that excavation work at the Kettle Creek Culverts on County Road #45 had been halted temporarily. All earth had been removed and granular had been removed from 60 feet off each end of the culvert. Granular had been left 4 feet deep 60 feet wide in the middle of the culverts for access. No further excavation would be undertaken until a complete plan of repair had been approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. The Engineer reported that discussions had been held with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Golder Associates and Armtec Incorporated representatives to ascertain what remedial work would be necessary. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications stated that it would be necessary that all repairs meet the present Ontario Bridge Code. Thus it would be necessary to reinforce the top arch of the culverts full length. A plan had been submitted by Armtec Incorporated for the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. The Ministry had indicated that the plan would not be approved as it did not address the complete buckling problem nor meet the Ontario Bridge Code. Golder Associates felt that the plan did not solve the buckling problem as the reinforcement was only planned to go from one thrust beam to the other thrust beam or from a 10:00 o'clock to 2:00 o'clock position whereas it will be necessary to go from the 9:00 o'clock to a 3:00 o'clock position with reinforcing. The attached letter from Armtec Incorporated was read and noted. The Engineer stated that he had met with Mr. M. J. Hennessey, County Solicitor and ST~ 1~OM~S, ONT~RI0 J\UGUS1 7, 1987 pJ\GE 2. the attached letter had been drafted by Mr. Hennessey for Road committee discUssion. lhe committee discUssed the matter noting that it was imperative that worK proceed immediatelY so that the road could be reopened before winter and authorized the Engineer to proceed with further excavation worK and repairs after approval by the Ministry of lransportation and communications. "MO'JEO B'i: w. ~. M~R1'iN SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE AU1HORIIED 10 f\D~ISE f\RM1EC INCORPORf\IED (USING lHE COUN1'1 SOLICI10R'S DRf\Fl LEllER - f\IIACHED) lHf\1 lHEIR PLf\NS ARE 1'101 Sf\IISFf\Cl0R'I f\ND lHf\1 GOLDER f\SSOCIf\IES \olILL BE ENGf\GED 10 PRO~IDE PLf\NS FOR MINIS1R'I OF lRf\NSPORlf\IION f\ND COMMUNICf\IIONS APPRO~f\L FOR KEllLE CREEK CUL~ER1S ON COUN1'1 ROf\D #45. CJ\RRIEO." lhe f\ssiStant Engineer reported that construction was proceeding at the patterson's Bridge one pier having been poured and an abutment to be poured in approximatelY a weeK. lhe County and McKay CocKer construction Limited had agreed that the pre-Con Company would not only supplY the prestressed concrete beam decK for patterson's Bridge but would also erect it. lhUS pre-Con Company would be responsible for the worK. lhe erection of the beam decK would be removed from McKay-CocKer Construction Limited's tender and would be added to the payment to pre-Con company. (f\ resolution would be required for this change.) "MO'JEO B'i: E. NEUK~MM --~, SECONDED B'I: f\. K. FORD lHf\1 \olE f\CCEPl lHE QUOlf\IION OF PRECON COMPf\N'I f\1 $42,260.00 FOR DELI~ER'I f\ND EREC1ING PRES1RESSED CONCRE1E BEAMS FOR lHE Pf\IIERSON'S BRIDGE f\S PER lHE SPECIFICf\IIONS OF C. C. pf\RKER CONSULlf\N1S f\ND lHAl \olE DEDUCl lHIS f\MOUNl FROM lHE lENDER DF MCKA'I-COCKER CONS1RUC110N LIMI1ED B'I f\DDENDUM #1 10 lHE CON1Rf\Cl. C~RRIEO." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 3. Surveying would be done shortly at the Middlemiss Bridge and a grade set as the County of Middlesex had approved the proposed alignment. A final alignment would be dependant upon a satisfactory grade bein~l set and soils tests taken to determine if a bridge could be built at that location. The Committee agreed that engineering work should proceed as rapidly as possible. A delegation of residents from Ekfrid and Dunwich Townships, Chaired by Mr. Rob McWilliam of R. R. #1, Dutton met with the Committee to discuss the County's plans for the replacement of the Tates Bridge as it appeared to them that the present Bridge could not be reopened. The bridge closure was discussed at some length and the delegation was assured that the County of Elgin would try to meet with the County of Middlesex sometime in September to discuss the financial implications for the replacement of the bridge. The delegation asked to be kept informed and left a petition bearing 165 signatures with the Committee. The delegation was also concerned over a possible failure of the north slope of the river and the possibility of damage to the house on the ~, Ekfrid Township road near the top of the hill. The delegation wondered whose responsiblity it was to notify the resident that his property might slide into the river. The Committee instructed the Engineer to write to the Township of Ekfrid Council and advise of the problems that might exist and suggest that they obtain the opinion of a soils consultant (Golder Associates) and inform the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority as this did not appear to be a matter which was under the jurisdiction of the Counties of Elgin or Middlesex. After the delegation left, the Committee discussed the matter at some length. In Summary: 1. The main bridge pier had moved approximately 5 1/211 since Spring. 2. Large cracks had appeared in the Township road to the north of the bridge, with most of them being past 100 f€~tfrom the bridge. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 4. 3. The soils consultant's report indicated that a large portion of the north approach could slide into the river if heavy rains occured within the next few months. ~" 4. The north pier would have to be stabilized to reopen the present bridge as soils failure was below the bottom of the pier and any piling that might be under it and at a lower level than the bottom of the river. 5. The deck of the bridge was in extremely poor condition and would have to be replaced within the next two or three years if the bridge was used. 6. A number of the south approach span piers were also in poor condition and would have to be replaced (or) repaired at the same time as the deck was replaced. Most Committee members wondered whether or not repair of the bridge was economically feasible. The Engineer was instructed to try to set up a meeting with the County of Middlesex Road Committee as soon as possible (September or early October) at which time the Middlemiss Bridge, the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road work and the Tates Bridge could be discussed. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Surface treatment had been completed including a number of school parking lots for the Board of Education. 2. Pavement marking was nearly completed with a small amount of yellow and white work remaining. 3. Grass cutting was underway although the weeds and grass were growing faster than they could be cut. Attempts had been made to use all mowers to their full advantage but due to the fast growing conditions this year it was impossible to keep up (especially the wild carrot). -_._~, 4. A second application of salt brine was underway. An agreement' had been reached with the Township of Dunwich to pay them $10.00 per cubic metre for salt brine. The salt brine was approximately l/2 the price charged by Den-Mar Brines Limited which was $19.85 for West Elgin. The strength of the brine from Dunwich Township was approximately ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 5. ~ 1/2 the strength of Den-Mar Brines salt brine. 5. The replacement of signs continued and several road intersections would be signed within the next month with the new large guide signs. 6. Asphalt driveways had not been completed on Road #45 between Highway #73 and Road #40. A small amount of trimming remained. It was not known whether or not the grass seed would grow. 7. Work on Road #36 and Road #24 was done except for some work one mile south of Sparta. 8. Paving had been completed on Road #44, Road #8 and Road #18, with shouldering work yet to be done. 9. An agreement had been made with the Village of Bayham for gravel from the Magyar Pit for Road #44 at $1.75 per cubic yard. 10. Trimming work was nearly completed on Road #l3 and Road #14 with some stone picking remaining, however no seeding would be attempted until growing conditions were better. 11. A base coat of asphalt had been placed on Fairview Avenue (Road #22) on the south half of the work done this year, and it was expected that work would be underway shortly at the intersection between Concessions IV and V if the area through the swamp south of the intersection could be stabilized. Curb and gutter for the intersection would be placed around the end of the month and the rest of the base coat of asphalt placed early in September. Cleanup work would proceed as soon as possible. 12. Approximately one mile of Road #2 would be constructed east of the Aldborough Townline. It was expected that the sand base would be completed by August 20th and some pit run gravel would be placed from the County's Gore Pit. Quotations were presently being asked by the Assistant Engineer for crushed I gravel. If these quotations were reasonable the lowest quotation would be accepted and crushed gravel would be started on the week of the 24th of --..,\ August. A quotation was being solicited from Walmsley Bros. Limited as an extension of their Contract IB' for H.L.8 asphalt. Cleanup work would continue as long as possible. Approximately l,500 feet more work would be done than originally planned. , " ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 6. 13. A commitment budget was being followed, however a tentative estimate could not be made for Road #45 until such time as a repair method was adopted and approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. It was extremely unlikely that the Ministry of Transpqrtation and Communications, would approve any of the supplementary by-law requested by the County until a firm estimate was available, thus the rest of the County's programme could not be finalized. The Engineer was giving this work the highest priority and other work was being delegated to others or left. It appeared that trim work and the completion of Road #22 and Road #2 would take approximately 1% months to complete. If further funds were not available County trucks could do gravel resurfacing or gravel shouldering and hired equipment presently in use laid off. All County dump trucks were presently being utilized as well as three hired trucks. It was agreed by the Committee that if sufficient funds were available to make a start on the asphalt resurfacing work on Road #42 work would start in Port Burwell and proceed westerly as far as the funds would allow. Ditching work that had not been completed in the Spring would also have ~ to be done this Fall. Many bridge and culvert repairs remain if funds and crew time were available. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST' NUMBER 26 AMOUNTING TO $77,845.65 PAYLIST NUMBER 27 AMOUNTING TO $l21,944.50 PAYLIST NUMBER 28 AMOUNTING TO $86,804.37 PAYLIST NUMBER 29 AMOUNTING TO $184,634.88 PAYLIST NUMBER 30 AMOUNTING TO $83,408.29 PAYLIST NUMBER 31 AMOUNTING TO $298,537.52. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 7. .-..";.."-". Mr. Ed Fulton, Minister of lransportation and Communications had indicated in a letter to \olarden purcell that he was agreeable to subsidizing the Highbury- Hubrey-RadiO Road project between London and St. lhomas on a 75% basis and asKed that the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex reply to him as to their agreement and construction timing. He asKed that the construction be staged over a three year period with approximate subsidy requirements of $1,000,000 which would be supplementary to the normal allocations. Members felt that this matter should be discussed between the two County Road Committees as to the timing of construction and the allocation of funds. It was understood that the County of Middlesex was not in a position to spend very much money in 1988 as their engineering would still be underway and major worK could not be done until 1989 or 1990. lhe St. lhomas suburban Road Commission had reverted Road #30 (Radio Road), north of Road #52 to the County to allow for the rebuilding of the Patterson's Bridge. lhe two year Ministry of lransportation and Communications approval on bridge load limits was nearly up. It would not be necessary to change any limits on County bridges but it would be necessary to delete lates Bridge fr~ the boundary bridge schedule with the County of Middlesex as it was closed. lIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM ."'--" SECONOEO B'i: W. A. MART'iN lHAl WE RECOMMEND 10 ~COUN1'1 COUNCIL lHAl f\ B'I-Lf\\ol BE pf\SSED 10 RES1RICl lHE \ol El GHl OF ~ EH 1 C L ES P f\SS 1 NG OV ER BRIDGES ON COUNH ROf\DS f\S F OL LOWS: (f\) PHlLLMORE BRIDGE - 15 10NNES. (B) ROBBINS BRIDGE - 4 10NNES. (C) FUL10N BRIDGE - 15 10NNES. (0) MEEKS BRIDGE - 18 TONNES. (E) Jf\MES10WN BRIDGE - 15 10NNES. (F) ~IENNA BRIDGE - 20 10NNES. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 7, 1987 PAGE 8. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH --'~'" SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO ,COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES ON BOUNDARY BRIDGES UNDER THE JOINT JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX: (A) LINGS BRIDGE - 15 TONNES. (B) MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE - 18 TONNES. CARRIED." Correspondence was read from the Richmond Community with a request to put a water service under Road #38. The Chairman asked that this letter be referred to the Township of Bayham Council for comments before the County gave its approval. Village of Port Stanley request approval for a sidewalk on Carlow Road (Road #20). The Committee still felt that an agreement would be necessary between the County and the Village as a considerable amount of construction work would be necessary on the part of the Village including the lengthening of a culvert, placement of fill, etc. for the construction of the sidewalk. The Canadain Transport Commission had approved flashing light signals on Road #45 (Smoke Road) at the Canadian National Crossing south of Highway #3. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE ADJOURN TO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 AT 9:30 A.M. AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 AT 9:30 A.M. AND THAT WE INVITE THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ROAD COMMITTEE TO THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29TH AT 11:00 A.M. CARRIED." ", ' ~~ ::l~L:J.rk,_~/ - / tHAIRMAN August 6th, 1987 Armtec Inc. P.O. Box 3000 Guelph, Ontario N1H 6P2 Attention: D. J. Penny - - ~ Re: Shaw Culvert - Ell!;in CountY. Dear Sirs: Your letter has been reviewed by our SolicitorS and by the County Road Committee and 1 am noW instructed to advise you that the position taken by you and your- Company is not acceptable. Accord ing1y, the County is not prepared to release you from any liability and/or cost related to the rehabilitation of the structures. The plans submitted by you on June 25th, 1987, and the revisions referred to have been reviewed by us and by the Ministry Official and 1 must advise yOU that no approval to implement these Plans haS been forthcoming, nor is approval of them noW expected. Due to the urgency of the matter and after consultation with the Ministry Official, I have instructed the firm of Golder & Associate,; to I' r-epa r'e plans f or the repair, which hopefully will be appr'oved by the County of Elgin, the Ministry of Transportation and Communicat ion and by yoursel ves. We would expect your contl[\ued co_oper-ation anr\ input into our effort in order to minimize the cost of the repair. Yours ver'y truly, ~-.' .,,- ~ .' - ..-. /',~ ~.. '~1,'. \ t F \ '~; /'" ,/ ~ ~!'I, i i .tecinc A Jannock Company August 4, 1987 Cr-~. ~ /, /& 1 J./\ e ./ j,}.. 5 ~~~~f/S') @ County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario NSR 5Vl Attention: Mr. ~~ Moore, Cauntt Engineer Reference: Shaw Culvert ~ Elgin County Dear Mr. Moore: We appreciated the opportunity of meeting with you, Mr. Kleinsteiber and Mr. Bedell last Thursday, and discussing the subject culvert Super Span Structure. There were a number of matters discussed that are very important. The design of the structure was done some eighteen years ago to the very best of Armco Drainage and Metal Products ability, l~sing state of the art principles at that time. Immediately after our Thursday meeting, we again thoroughly inspected the installation. We feel that the main barrels of the structure are sound and do not require repair. We agree that there is a problem on the ends of the structures. We have on June 25, 1987 submitted to you drawing MP-1256/87, outlining corrections we recommend should be made to these lends. Upon a subsequent request from you, a revision was made to this drawing. That drawing outlined further works you indicated you wanted to make to the installation. Since there is not reason to repair or alter the installation except at the ends of the structures, we can not be involved in any way in work yo~ may decide to take, other than to the ends of the structures. If, however, it is your intention tc rehabilitat~ t!~ structures throughout, to current codes hna design prattic~, and if you are prepared to release us from any liability and cost relating to this rehabilitation, we are prepared, without prejudice, to advise you upon that upgrade. We will require from you a contract or letter of agreement, should you choose to act on this offer. p.Q. Box 3000, Cuelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6P2 · Telephone (519) 822-0210, Telex 06,9-56539 /' Nevertheless, we are enclosing recommendatiOns regarding the repair of the ends. The drawings enclosed outline those recol\Ullendations. Cracked plafeS in the ends should be "repaired · Since you have alreadY proceeded to uncover the structures, we caution you to be careful not to change the fle~ible design concept. )Coul's vel'Y tl'Uly, ~')~~" D. J. Penny \ ontaTio Region ManageT BncloS. fjg 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JULY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have instructed the Engineer to proceed with repairs on the triple ellipse culverts on County Road #45 in Lot 7, Range II, East of the River Road, Township of Southwold. Several plates have cracked and we have ascertained, after hiring Golders Associates Limited to make soil tests, that these deformations are caused by the buckling of the plates rather than by movements in the soil. Armco-Westeel Incorporated (now known as Armtec) are presently engaged in providing an engineering service to reinforce these culverts. To do this it will be necessary that all fill be removed and concrete ribs be placed over all culverts. The fill will be replaced with all granular material. The estimated cost of this work is in excess of over $700,000. It is estimated that it would cost well over 2 million dollars to replace these culverts with a bridge. WE RECOMMEND 1. Than an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary expenditure in the amount of $700,000 for repairs to the Kettle Creek Culvert on County Road #45, Lot 7, Range II, East of the River Road, Township of Southwold. 2. That an application be made to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for a supplementary expenditure in the amount of $12,000 for field surveys and engineering for the construction of Road #30 in Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. This road is a portion of the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road Link. The Warden has been informed by the Minister of Transportation and Communications that work would be subsidized on this project at a rate of 75%. The Minister has also asked that construction be staged over a three year period and the funds would be supplementary to the normal allocations received by the County. Continued . . . . p~Gt. 2. COUN1'1 OF ELGl~ ROf\D COMMlllEE FIRSl REPORl - JUL~ SESSION 1987 ",'11 al1o'" tne county to give the MinistrY of lransportatiOn lhe surveys "1 n and communicatiOns a more accurate cost estimate of thiS worK. 3. lhat by-laWS be passed designating the following county roads as tnroUgn nignvJays: ~a) Road *55 being the Bayham-NOrfolK 10wnline Road from the south side of Road *38 to the north side of Road *45. ~b) Road *18 being the lownline Road betWeen southwold, \olestminster and Delaware 10wnshipS from the west side of the road allowance between concessions 11 and 111, southWOld lownshiP to King'S C t By-LaW to assume Road *18 Road *55 is now a county road and a oun y is awaiting Ministry of lfansportatiOn and communicatiOns approval. previoUs by-laWS passed in June 1987 amended the wrong by-law. \-\ignvJay #4. ~LL OF \olHIC~ IS RESPEC1FULL'I SUBMlllED -------- Cr\~lRV\~N Sl. I~O~~S, 0~I~R10 JUL'i 9, 1987 ?~GE 1. lHE CO~Nl'1 OF ELG1N ROf\D co~MIllEE met at the f\dministratiOn Building J 1 9 1987 at 9:00 a.m. f\ll members were present except Reeves on lhursday, u Y , , ~_ ~1s0 present was the Engineer, f\Ssistant Englneer Martyn, ~euKamm and pear~Ol\. and Mr. Phillip ~edell of Golder ~ssociates. , d te on the engineerlng , A Mr ~edell reported to a lhe Englneer anl.l · ' , K culverts on Road #45 stat1ng. repairs to the Kettle cree the united states and canada , " d been made throughOut ' la) lhat manY lnqulrleS ha ' 'ze from the interlor. 'r a culvert of thlS Sl but nO one had tried to repal ~ I, state had made repairs t in ~e\N ,or\' , 'n Gennesee Coun Y lb) lhe county Englneer 1 d' the fill from them. . utside after unloa lng , on smaller culverts on the 0 th MinistrY of lransportatl0n re resentatives of f\rmtecK, ,e I) f\ meeting between the p ~ ciates nad concluded \c t of Elgin and Golder sSO and communciatiOns, the Coun Y d b bY removing all dirt 'r the culverts woul e . that the onlY way to repa1 1 to approximatelY , 25 feet) and remove the grave ' from them lapproxlmatelY d lace reinforced concrete Iverts lanother 13 feet) an p the centre of the cU t would be attached. ~erts to which the culver ribs overtop of the cuI be placed on tne culvert that neW thrust beams ld) It would also be necessary moved it was not Known t'l the fill had been re lower elevation but un 1 at a t be removed or not. b ms would have 0 ' 'f the present thrust ea had done repa1r 1 ' f costs as no one 'A an estlmate 0 ~1~ficult to ?ro~lUe .. . \e) \f) \9) \" ) \1) project althOUgn l,IIe1r MinistrY of lransportatiOn carry the stamp of the professional the county Engineer's stamp or the consultants stamp. ' , d d t~at the fill should be remo~ed as soon as P05S1ble. ~ll part1eS ha agree \I ,A C tY ~ould not be able to If additiOnal funds were not obtalnel.l the oun , cts other than thOSe which were presentlY underway start any neW pro)e ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JU L Y~ 9, I 987 PAGE 2. (Road #22, and I kilometer on Road #2). Asphalt resurfacing on Road #l8 at McBrides would be done and the asphalt resurfacing on Road #42 would not be started. Any betterments on new roads would have to be delayed other than the surface treatment programme which was now underway. After a complete review of the situation and discussion . . . "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH REPAIRS TO THE KETTLE CREEK CULVERT WITH ALL EARTH TO BE REMOVED FROM THE CULVERT, REINFORCED CONCRETE ARCHES TO BE PLACED AND THE FILL TO BE REPLACED WITH GRANULAR ,MATERIAL ALL WORK PROCEEDING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CARRIED.II "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $700,000 FOR REPAIRS TO ROAD #45 (KETTLE CREEK CULVERTS). CARRIED." Warden Purcell reported that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was prepared to fund the Highbury-Hubrey-Radio Road link wtth a 75% subsidy over the next 3 years. The Committee felt that an application should be made for field engineering funds so surveys in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township could be completed this Fall and an alighnment finalized in 1987. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $lZOOO FOR ENGINEERING ON COUNTY ROAD #30 IN CONCESSION XIII, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH AS PART OF THE RADIO-HUBREY-HIGHBURY ROAD LINK. CARRIED." SI. lHOM~S, O~I~RIO JUl'{ 9, 1987 ?I\GE 3. d f~om Mr Carl Hennum, District Engineer, Ministry correspondence waS rea' ' of iransportatiOn and communicatiOns. f\ttached was a diagram showing proposed . t' of Road #27 and HighwaY #4 indicating tDe road to signing at the lntersec lOn d. t d as the "Golf Club Road" as well as "Road #27". the west eS1gna e "MO'JED B'I: ~. K. FORD SECONDED B'I: R. F. PURCELL lHf\1 \olE f\D~ISE lHE MI~IS1R'I OF 1R~~SPORlf\1l0~ MID COMMUNIC~1l0~S lHf\1 lHE PROPOS~L OF JU~E 301H FOR GUIDE SIGNS O~ HIGH\olf\'I #4 ~i COUN1'1 RO~D #27 IS S~11SF f\C10R'i '. CI\RR 1 ED. " d t on the statuS of the Reeve stewart brought committee members up to a e . bacK ta~es from ~atural ResOurces GaS, 10wnshiP's SUlt to recover \ltl\O'JED \3'{: R. t=. PURCEll SECO~DED S'I: f\. K. FORD lHf\1 \olE f\DJOUR~ 10 9:30 ~.M., FRID~'/' ~UGUSl 7, 19B7, CI\RRIED. \I _.-.---~' S1. T~OM~S, ON1~RI0 JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 1. lHE COUN1'1 OF ELGIN ROf\D COMMIllEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., lhursday, June 25, 1987. f\ll members were present except Reeve Pearson and Deputy Reeve Lyle. ~lso present was Mr. JacK \olice of the Ministry of lransportation and communications, the Engineer and f\ssiStant Engineer. "MO~ED B'I: ~. K. FORD SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 lHE MINU1ES OF lHE MEE1I~G OF Mf\'I 6, 1987 BE ~PPRO~ED. CI\RRIEO." lhe Engineer reported that on the advice of the County Solicitor, County Road #45 had been closed at the Kettle CreeK Culverts on June 23rd. It was determined that ~ere is a,serioUS bucKling probl~ wi~ the culverts and the full e~ent of which has yetta be dete~ined, Golder f\ssociates had concurred on this closing as they were of the opinion that the problem was not a simple problem of shoving on the culverts from lateral pressure caused bY the hill but an iDherent defect in the culverts themselves which had led to the bucKling of all culverts with one cracKed plate in each culvert. Further engineering studies were underway and the Engineer would go to NeW 'IorK state in the afternoon to meet with the County Engineer of Genesee county who had encountered problems with large culverts and was the only person Known to have actuallY made repairs on them from the outside. to find out if anyone had done thiS in canada and information was being obtained from Michigan, Ohio and New Jersey as well. lhe Chairman was authorized to taKe action as necessary, lhe Ministry of lransportation and communications had been contacted lenders for p~terson's Bridge had been opened on June 22nd by the Warden and Chairman and were as attached. -""" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987- PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MCKAY-COCKER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, LONDON, ONTARIO IN THE AMOUNT OF $488,832 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE ON ROAD #30 AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND C. C. PARKER CONSULTANTS. CARRIED. II Precon Company was the only supplier in Ontario for the precast box beams that are required for the bridge. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF PRECON COMPANY AT $2l2,721.00 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL SALES TAX) FOR THE SUPPLY OF PRECAST BOX BEAMS FOR THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE AS PER THE SPECIFICATIONS OF C. C. PARKER CONSULTANTS. CARRIED. II The attached construction estimate summary was presented and discussed in some detail. The Committee agreed that although repairs to catch basins in West Lorne had cost more then the estimated $12,000 an attempt should be made to replace some curb in the main business section if funds were available. This would be dependant upon need of County forces for other work. It appeared that approximately $250,000 would be required from the County's resurfacing budget to complete Patterson's Bridge. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WARDEN PURCELL BE AUTHORIZED TO SEND A LETTER TO THE HONOURABLE ED FULTON, MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO THANK HIM FOR HIS KINDNESS IN APPROVING SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATIONS OF SUBSIDY TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO ASSIST IN THE REPLACEMENT OF THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 3. The Engineer reported that although no further movements had occurred at the north pier of Tates Bridge, movements were continuing on the north approach which was under the jurisdiction of the Township of Ekrid. Painting of the Wardsville Bridge had been postponed until 1988 as it appeared that the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment could not be met at a reasonable cost and neither Elgin nor Middlesex had sufficient monies in their budgets to cover the overrun. Work was proceeding on the Lynhurst Area Sewer Project and Wellington Road had been reopened and the contractor was now placing the sewer on St. George Street. Quotations for emulsion were as attached. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF MCASPHALT INDUSTRIES LIMITED FOR RSIK EMULSION AT 26.01 CENTS PER LITRE INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, F.O.B. THEIR TERMINAL IN PORT STANLEY AND 27.08 CENTS PER LITRE WITH PROVINCIAL SALES TAX INCLUDED FOR DELIVERY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AS REQUIRED. CARRIED." The Engineer presented the attached list showing surface treatment plans for 1987. Work would begin on July 6th. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Trimming and seeding continued on Road #36 and Road #24 in Yarmouth Township. I Most seeding and trimming had been completed on Road #45 in Malahide Townshio between Highway #73 and Road #40. 2. Paving was underway on Road #44 between Highway #3 and Road #46 and Walmsley Bros. Limited would complete Road #45 in Malahide Township and pave Road #l3 and Road #8 before leaving. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 4. 3. Construction continued on Road #22 and most work would be done by the week of July 6th although settlement had occurred south of the intersection of Concessions IV and V and curb and gutter could not be placed until all settlements had stopped. 4. Cleanup work was continuing on Road #13 and Road #14. The roads still required some gravel. 5. Construction would start shortly on Road #2 with culverts being placed within two weeks. 6. Grass cutting was underway with the side mount disc mowers doing a good job. 7. Pavement marking was continuing. 8. The first round of salt brine had been completed and it would be necessary to start a second round shortly if the present dry weather continued. 9. A plan for curb and gutter replacement in Straffordville at Highway #19 and Road #38 had been submitted to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for their approval. 10. Some minor cracks have been noticed in the Players Bridge on Road #45 over the east and west piers and the matter would be investigated by the Assistant Engineer and Mr. Norm Warner of C. C. Parker Consultants. It was felt that they were not serious inasmuch as the floor had been heavily reinforced with steel reinforcing bars at those sections. 11. The computer equipment was expected shortly. 12. Reguying and painting of the radio tower had been authorized. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 19 AMOUNTING TO $l52,785.83 PAYLIST NUMBER 20 AMOUNTING TO $73,976.86 PAYLIST NUMBER 21 AMOUNTING TO $128,448.62 PAYLIST NUMBER 22 AMOUNTING TO $71,002.72 PAYLIST NUMBER 23 AMOUNTING TO $86,602.26 PAYLIST NUMBER 24 AMOUNTING TO $83,319.39 PAYLIST NUMBER 25 AMOUNTING TO $69,166.65 CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 5. All stringers on the two north spans of the Middlemiss Bridge had to be shored from the piers as most were nearly rusted off. Concrete was still falling from the deck whenever a heavy truck passed over the bridge (the Engineer brought a sample of the concrete that had fallen at the Engineer's feet during a recent inspection). It was likely that a hole would punch through the floor before Fall. A tentative alignment had been set for a new bridge and it was recommended that plans be started as soon as possible for the replacement of the bridge as it appeared that extensive repairs might be required within the next several years, with the bridge having to be closed over an extended period of time if a new bridge was delayed. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX THAT ENGINEERING WORK PROCEED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE DUE TO THE DETERIORATION OF THE PRESENT STRUCTURE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. NORM WARNER OF C. C. PARKER CONSULTANTS AS THE CONSULTANT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX THAT GOLDER ASSOCIATES ACT AS SOIL CONSULTANT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that the Canadian Transport Commission would give full consideration to the presentations of the County of Elgin and the Townshio of Bayham for restoration of the road surfaces if an Abandonment Order on the Canadian Pacific line from Tillsonburg to Port Burwell was issued by the Canadian Transport Commission. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 6. The Commissioner appeared very sympathetic to the County's case and would likely order Canadian Pacific to deed to the County and the Village of Port Burwell the land needed so that the Port Burwell Bridge would be on County property and retaining walls, etc., could be maintained from County property. The Canadian Transport Commission would issue an an ordl~r for flashing light protection at the Canadian National crossing on Road #45 (Smoke Road), and at the Road #48 crossing (St. Thomas to London Subdivision) as soon as the estimates were submitted by the Canadaian National Rail. Through Highway By-Laws passed for Road #55 and Road #l8 were invalid as the wrong by-law was amended. IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THROUGH HIGHWAY BY-LAWS BE PASSED FOR COUNTY ROAD #55 FROM COUNTY ROAD #45 TO COUNTY ROAD #38 AND ROAD #18 FROM HIGHWAY #4 TO THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSIONS II AND III, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP TO REPLACE BY-LAWS PASSED BY JUNE COUNTY COUNCIL AS THE WRONG BY-LAW WAS AMENDED. CARRIED. II The Chairman and Engineer reported on a meeting with the Chairman of Haldimand- Norfolk Public Works Committee and representatives of the Region. The Region had asked that the County of Elgin assume maintenance on thE~ Townline Road between Road #42 and Road #38 as a change in their maintenance operation would not let them affectively maintain the road. It was noted that the south portion of the road had not been gravelled for at least 7 or 8 years and maintenance was suffering in general. After discussion IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE AGREE TO THE REQUEST OF THE REGION OF HALDIMAND.-NORFOLK TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON COUNTY ROAD #55 FROM ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #42 TO ELGIN COUNTY ROAD #38 WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE REGION OF HALDIMAND-NORFOLK WILL PAY THEIR SHARE OF THE MAINTENANCE COSTS INVOLVED AND WILL UNDERTAKE TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE ROAD. CARRIED.II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 25, 1987 PAGE 7. A request from Walmsley Bros. Limited to extend the dat~~s of their paving contracts was received and inasmuch as the County had asked Walmsley Bros. Limited to delay paving because of the uncertainty of funding for Patterson's Br.idge and other prbjects; the request was quite reasonable. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH I THAT WE AGREE TO THE REQUEST OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED TO EXTEND THE CLOSING DATE OF ALL ITE~1S IN PAVING CONTRACTS "A" AND "B" BY 60 DAYS AS THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS ASKED WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED TO DELAY STARTING THEIR WORK BECAUSE OF THE UNCERTAINTY OF MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FUNDING FOR OTHER COUNTY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. CARREID." Correspondence was noted from Vern and Ester Higgs with thanks for the County's dust control measures on Road #56 (Elm Street). A request for sign i ng of Dexter from El a i ne Vance was noted. As the', signing policy would have to be amended the Committee agreed to discuss the matter further at their next meeting. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE ADJOURN TO FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1987 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED.." ~ b-t/~~K7/(~ /' v --r CHAIRMAN --"""", COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PATTERSON'S BRIDGE ESTIMATE JUNE 22 , 1987 CONTRACT SUPPLY OF PRECAST BOX BEAMS COUNTY ENGINEERING OUTSIDE ENGINEERING - c. C. PARKER CONSULTANTS LIMITED - GOLDERS ASSOCIATES (SOILS) COST TO REMOVE OLD STRUCTURES MOVE UTILITIES CLEANUP 1987 - 1988 EXCESS EARTH FROM STRUCTURE REMOVAL MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS, ETC. $488,832 212,721 10,000 50,000 8,000 74,000 6,000 lO,OOO 1 ,447 IN ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES $861,000 50,000 BALANCE SUPPLEMENTARY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FUNDING $811,000 506,000 REQUIRED $305,000 M.T.C. APPROVALS OF FUNDING WERE AS FOLLOWS: (A) $110,000 APPLIED FOR IN FEBRUARY COUNTY SHARE $10,000 M.T.C. SHARE $100,000 COUNTY SHARE WAS INCLUDED IN COUNTY LEVY. (8) $396,000 APPLIED FOR IN APRIL ESTIMATED M.T.C. SHARE $360,000 COUNTY SHARE $36,000 APPROVED M.T.C. SHARE $316,500 COUNTY SHARE $79,500 NOT FUNDED IN COUNTY LEVY. SOME FUNDS MAY BE AVAILABLE FROM UNDEREXPENDITURE OF NON-SUBSIDY BUDGET. '"\. I COUN~Y OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT PATTERSON BRIDGE TENDER OPENING 2:00 P.M., JUNE 22, 1987. FIRM 1. McKay-Cockerl Construction Limited, 1665 Oxford iStreet East, London, Ontario, N5 W 5 H3 . I I 2. Rideau -Vall ay Con structors Limited, I P.O. Box 70q, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 6V8. I 3. Facca Construct ion Incorporated, R.R. # 3, I ii:i II Ma&dS!tone ~',i, Qntari 0, NOR lKO. I 4. L.J. Looby Qont'racting Limited, P.O. Box 20q, Dublin,Onta'rio, NOK I EO. I I I 5. McLean-Tayldr Construction Limited, P.O. Box 190) St. Marys, Cntari o. BID $ 488,832.00 $ 525,458.50 $ 53:2,355.00 $ 57!5,417.50 $ 62:7,194.50 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES JUNE 23, 1987 ORIGINAL BUDGET COST TO JUNE 17 NEW ESTIMJ\TE Road #22 $305,000 $100,000 $220,000 Curb and Gutter and 60,000 Asphalt $280,000 Road #45 l75,OOO 52,000 80,000 Asphalt 60,000 $140,000 Road #2 West Lorne Repairs to Catch Basins and Curb l2,000 14,000 22,000 and Gutter Patterson's Cleanup 50,000 72,000 74,000 Kettle Creek NIL 20,000 ? $542,000 $5l6,000 Road #2 $241,900 $242,000 Road #29 Lindsay Culvert 4,000 (Completed) 4,000 Land Purchase lOO,OOO 100,000 Kent Townline Culvert 8,000 8,000 Replacement Road #29 McBain Culvert 2,000 (Completed) 3,000 Engineering and Surveying 53,000 45,000 $950,900 $918,000 SAVINGS $32,000 Less Savings from Above $281,000 32,000 I I I py Ministry I I I I I Required for Patterson's other than removal of pipe not covered of Transportation and Communications supplementary allocation: $861,000 Less $74,000 Less $506,000 REQUIRED FROM RESURFACING BUDGET $249,000 No estimate on Road #45 Culvert costs. This money from asphalt resurfacing, fixed costs, etc! COUN1'1 OF ELGIN ROf\D DEPf\R1MENl ~ 2.2 \<.~ 3. ~ ~ From BlacK'S Lane to Clachan 2.4 \<.~ " 4. ... ~ Frome Road overpass. 0.5 \<.~ 5. ... ~ From Road #16 in Fingal, northerlY, o . 7 \<.~ 6. ... 7 · ~ From Road #20 in Fingal east to 2.2 \<.M ... Jones corner {SUburban Road). 8. ~ Highway #4 to 10wnline. 1.5 \<.M ... ~ Highway #19 to Road #55, 5 .7 \<.M . 9. ... ~ O'J. ... {Cnarge 0'1. C-4) 0.8 \<.M 10. ~ ~est of Lyons. 3.8 \<.M 11. ... ~ Highway #73 to Road #47. 5.6 \<.M 12. ... ~ Road #47 to Road #54. 2.8 \<.M 13. ... ~- North limit of curb and gutter in 2.6 \<.~ 1: 14. ... springfield to Road #48. --- 35.5 KM ;:::::::::::: _ From EcKer Drain to Road #8. _ From Road #6 to south end of asphalt patch at Wardsville Bridge, cover short hot mix patches and tie into ends of long patches. _ From road between concesSions III.and I~ southerlY to road between conceSSlons I~ and~' portions not hot mixed asphalted. 4.0 \<.~ 1: "-..> 1. ~ 2. ~ o .7 KM 1: Finish up Road #47 north of Road #48. PR1~t. -..;.:..;--- .." 1. Road #28 _ From end of surface treatment, southerlY to south ~ of southdale. 2. ~ _ {Elm street) centennial ~venue to driveWay. 3. ~ - catton from Road #45. '.......' ~ ~ 99.3 cents per Gallon {Including provincial Sales 1ax), Delivered. ~: toIcf\Sphalt Industries Limited ~ 106.3 Cents per Gallon (23.4 Cents per Litre1 {lncluding provincial Sales 1a){). - ~: to\CMphalt lndustries Limited -. ~ 26.35 Cents per Litre {lncluding provincial Sales 1a)(.). ~: to\Cf\Sphalt lndustries Limited 1. toIc~spnalt Industries Limited 880 Sheppar~ ~~enue tast ~est ~il\. ontariO ~E4~ f~al port stanlev {lnclUdinn provincial Sales la)(.): 26.01 Cents per Litre o~in Count 27.08 cents per Litre '-"',. 2. . P\senco 2201 La~eshore Road ~est toIiSSissaUga, ontariO lSJ \J9 o~thin count 28.34 Cents per Litre in llnclUdinn pro~incial sales 1a)(.): 3. 1. J. pounder Limited 106 Orenda Road arampton. ontariO l6vt 3vtG {IOCludinn Freinht and provincial sales lax): 29.28 cents Per Litre 4. NorjOhn contracting Limited p. o. Bo~ \00 1noro\d, ontariO l2.\j 3~B Deliverv Within Count 33.30 cents Per Litre COU"1~ Of tLGl" RO~~ CO~\11tE ~ JU~E SESS\Ot\ \987 10 1\\E 'llM~ot" ~"~ lo\EII.'3ERS Of 1\\E COUIH~ Of ELG\" COIl"C\L '. ~OUR RO~O CQlo\lo\\11EE REIlOR1S ~S fOLLO'llS: , ',> 'flE Rt.CO"''''t.~O: \. 1hat a by~\a~ be passed designating the fo\\o~ing county roads as throUgh highwaYs: ~ \' Road from tne soutn ta) Road *55 being the '3aYham~~orfol~ ,o~n lne side of Road *38 to the north side of ~ad t45. tb) Road *18 being the lo~nline Road bet~een southwo\d. 'llestminster and oela~are lownshi~S from the west side of the road allowance . s \\ and \\1 south~Old 1o~nshi~ to ~ing\S . between concesSlon · \'\\9,,~aY *4. 1hroUgh high~aY by~\a~S are required on theSe roads as the county \ 9 them as county roads. of t\gin has passed by~la~S assum n 'lle e~pect approval of the assumption by~\a~ for ~ad *55 shortlY, ----,----- ~LL OF 'll\\\C\\ \S RES\lEC1FULL~ SUBlo\\11EO 51. lHOM~S, ONlf\RIO JUNE \7, 1987 pl\GE 1. lHE COUN1~ OF ELGIN ROf\D COMMIllEE met at the Municipal Building on A J 17 1907 at 3'00 n m in conjunction with county Council, \olednesl.laY , une ' 0 . I'" lhe Engineer reported that the ~inistrY of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns had approved the County'S By-LaW to assume the 10wnline Road between the 10wnshipS of Bayham and ~orfolK between Road 145 and Road 138. lhe County would erect stop signs immediatelY on the intersecting roads but the Region of Haldimand-~orfolK would do maintenance worK for tne time being. ~ thrOUgh highway by-laW ~ould be required on Road 155, as well as tne 10wnline Road between Delaware, \olestminster and southwold 10wnships. lhe aoproval of the assumptiOn by-laW for the 10wnline Road was still oending. "MO'JED B'(: SECO~DED B'I: f\. K. FORD lHf\ T \olE RE COMME~D 10 COUN1'1 COU~C 11.. lHf\ 1 f\ B '1- Lf\1tl BE P f\SS ED DES 1 GNf\ 11 NG lHE F OL L O\olI ~G COUIH'I ROf\DS f\S lHROUGH HI GH\olf\ 'I S : l~) ROf\D IS5 FROM lHE SOU1H SIDE OF ROf\D 138 10 lt1E NOR1H SIDE OF ROI\O #L+5. l B) ROf\D 118 FROM lHE \olESl SIDE OF ROf\D f\1..1.. O\olf\NC E B n\'!EEN CONC ESS IONS 11 f\~D Ill, SOU1H\olOL 0 10\olNSH lP 10 KING" S HI GH\olf\ 'I 14. C~RRIED. " D. PERO'JIC~ "t~O\JED \3'i: SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICtI lHf\1 \olE Hf\~E NO OBJEC110N 10 lHE 10\olN5HlP OF B~'1H~M CLOSING ~ POR1ION OF lHE ROf\D ~LLOItlf\NCE IN L015 20 f\ND 21, Co~CESSIO~ ~II, 10\olNStlIP OF Bf\ '1Hf\M f\~D SHO\olN f\S P f\R1S 12, 14 f\~D #B O~ REF ERENC E PLP,N 11 R- 31 SS · C~RR1ED. " \A. 1\. tf\I\R1'iN "MO\JED \3'(: ~. K. fORD SECONDED B'I: \ol.~' ~~Rl'1~ lHf\1 \olE f\DJOURN 10 9:30 f\. M., lHURSDf\'1, JUNE 25, 1987. CJ.\RR 1 ED. " --- C\1J.\l ~MJ.\N COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS ~S FOllOWS: That we have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited for hot mix asphalt paving work in East Elgin in the amount of $299.361.00. This was the lowest of two tenders received. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. limited for hot mix asphalt paving for work in West Elgin in the total amount of $152.176.65. This was the lowest of three tenders received. The total of Walmsley Bros. Limited bids for both contracts was just below the County's estimate. 3. Removal of the old culverts on County Road #30 at Patterson's is continuing. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new bridge as soon as possible with separate tenders being called for the supply of reinforcing material and precast members to be delivered to the successful tenderer as required. 4. The Canadian Transport Commission have advised us that they do not believe that signals are warranted at the Canadian Pacific crossing on County Road #48 in Yarmouth Township at the present time. They feel the sight lines are adequate and the traffic volume is too low to warrant the cost. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed reverting County Road #29 from Road #2!5 westerly to the Bostwick Road. total distance of .5 kilometers. to the Township of Southwold as the County has now completed Cleanup work at the McBain Culvert. 2. That a by-law be passed assuming as a County road under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin only. the towoline road from Highway #4 westerly to County Road #18 at the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services landfill site. Continued .. . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. The road is presently hot mixed and is 5.3 kilometers long. All yearly funds presently being paid by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the maintenance of this road would be paid to the County of Elgin. The present payment is approximately $17,000 per annum. The County of Middlesex have indicated that this townline connection between County Road #18 and County Road #48 in Elgin County does not ?erve a useful purpose in their County road system. The Townships of Delaware and Westminster have no objection to the County of Elgin assuming the road and using the yearly funds from,the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for road maintenance purpos4~s. The money can be used by the County to reduce the County rate as Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy is payable on the same basis as any other County road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULlY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN SI. lHOMf\S, ONlf\RIO ~I\'i 6, 1987 pl\GE \. lHE COUN1'1 OF ELGI~ ROf\D COMMIllEE met at the MuniCipal Building on d M 6 \987 at 9'30 a m ~ll members were present except Reeve \olednes ay, aY , " · \olillsey and Deputy Reeve Lyle. f\lsO present was the Engineer and Ray Collard, Engineering lechnician, Hot mix asphalt tenders were opened and were as attached. "MO\JED B'{: SECONDED B'I: E. NEU\(f\lJ\M IHf\ 1 lHE M 1 NU1ES OF f\PR 1 L 1 f\ND f\PR 1 L 5, 1987 BE f\PPRO~ ED · CI\RRIED." 1\. K. FORD lHE E~GINEER REPOR1ED ~S FOLLO\olS: . . .. . 1. of tile cul'lerts at\'attersotr'SOO Road #30 1. \olorK wascoDtinuing 00 toe remo'la .. with the first culvert having been removed and worK underway on the centre culvert. Barring serioUs flooding it is liKelY that most of the worK would be completed earlY in June. ~o information was yet available from the Ministry of lransportatiOn and ) b 1 or the O.M.I.F. programme. communicatiOns on the supplementary y- aWS . 2. Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of wansportatiOn and communicatiOns would inspect several other super span culverts on May 12th, including Road #45 . th nd of the west culvert. at Kettle creeK. lhere was some shov1ng on the sou e It is not Known what would have to be done to alleviate the distortion. several ellipses in ontario have shown serioUs signS of distress including one installed last Fall in f\shfield 10wnshiP in Huron county with a large ellipse near f\Kron, Ohio having to be replaced thiS summer because of side cu\~ert crusning. InformatiOn was slowlY being received from other jurisdictiOns including OhiO and NeW '1orK. 3. lhe lates Bridge main pier had moved 1/2 inch between f\pril 30th and May 4th , ld b ~e\d witb Mr Phil Bedell of Golder f\ssociates and and a meeting wou e" · Mr. Don Husson, County Engineer, county of Middlesex on May 7th to disCUSS t 't ".Quld be necessary to close the bridge. v.Jnetner or nO 1 ~ (Readings on May 7th indicated that another 5/B inch movement h~d ~ccurred between lJ\ay 4th and May 7th being a total movement of 1 incb within a weeK.) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 2. Mr. Bedell felt that the problem was a very deep seated slip plane below the level of the river and below the wood piling under the north pier. There was also considerable artesian pressure in the hill behind the bridge and water was flowing out the bore holes which were 30 feet above the river water level. It was agreed that the bridge should be closed immediatE~ly and the situation monitored. Warden Purcell reported that he had completed a further presentation on the proposed Highbury-Radio Road connection to the Minister of Transportation and Communications and it would be submitted to the Minister under the signatures of Warden Skinner's of the County of Middlesex and himself. The presentation detailed the requests of both Counties and gave preliminary estimates of the money required to complete the work. The Minister was asked to approve supplementary funding for the entire project as soon as possible so that engineering work and land purchase could commence in 1988 at the latest. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Chittick Construction Limited had completed crushing at the Sparta Pit and moved out. 2. Stumps have been removed on Roads #42, #44, #40, #45 and work was continuing on Road #2 in Dunwich Township east of the Aldborough Townline. 3. Gravel resurfacing had been completed on Road #48 between Wellington Road and Road #30 and spotting work had been done on Road #9 in Dunwich Township, Road #18 near Road #20 and west of Lawrence Station in Southwold Township. Work had to be stopped on Road #48 between Highway #74 and the Dance Side Road as dust conditions were too severe to continue. The work would resume in the Fall. 4. Salt brine work was underway in East and West Elgin. 5. Cleanup work had been completed at the Glencolin Bridge and the McBain Culvert on Road #29 and was underway on Road #40 south of Mount Salem and would be completed within the week. Cleanup on Road #45 near 'Luton would then be started. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 3. 6. Gravel shouldering was underway on Road #45 in the Luton area and on Road #36 south of Sparta. 7. Cleanup work would continue south of Sparta as soon as possible. 8. The Ontario Good Roads Association Road School was underway at the present time with four employees taking courses and Fred Groch teaching Bridge and Culvert Maintenance. 9. Pavement marking would be started shortly. 10. Repairs were being made to catch basins in West Lorne on Road #2. The amount of curb and gutter to be replaced would be dependant on the amount of money remaining in the budget. 11. The Ford 2 Ton Float Truck was on the road. 12. Safety inspections were being made on the dump trucks. 13. The sweeper was continuing work with West and Central Elgin being completed. 14. It would be necessary to lengthen the Hollywood Culvert on Road #42 as it was too narrow. The headwall had deteriDrated to the point where it was ready to falloff which would be a hazard to traffic. Precast sections 12 feet long would be added to each end. 15. Various miscellaneous bridge jobs were underway including repairs to the Flemming Creek Bridges as well as bridge cleaning and washing. 16. A ditching programme would be started shortly. 17. The casual employee hired for signs appeared to be doing a good job. It was hoped that he would be caught up so that he could start making,the large intersection signs within the month. l8. Construction on Road #22 would be started shortly. 19. The County of Middlesex was still hoping to let a painting contract for the Wardsville Bridge. The estimated cost for this work was $7,000. 20. Wellington Road still remained closed by the Lynhurst sewer project. The contractor's detour signs were considered inadequate and many complaints had been received which had been passed along to the Township of Yarmouth and their consultants had been asked to enforce the contract. It was not likely that Wellington Road would be opened for some time as the contractor's had considerable cleanup work to do. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, .l987 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: R. F. PURCELL THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 14 AMOUNTING TO $90,816.65 PAYLIST NUMBER 15 AMOUNTING TO $75,470.33 PAYLIST NUMBER 16 AMOUNTING TO $67,079.19 PAYLIST NUMBER 17 AMOUNTING TO $91,949.14 PAYLIST NUMBER 18 AMOUNTING TO $66,681.26 CARRIED. II The Engineer reported that he had negotiated with Dowler-Karn Limited for supplying fuel for the County with diesel fuel being reduced from 40.34 cents to 37.5 cents per litre and gasoline approximately l.5 cents pE~r litre. The report on the proposed computer system was not yet ready for presentation to Road Commi tte.e. The Chai rman and Engineer would meet on May l5th wi th rE~presentati ves of Haldimand-Norfolk to discuss the assumption of the Townline between Highway #19 and County Road #38 as a joint Regional-County road. Assumption of the Delaware-Westminster Townline Road was discussed at some length. The payment by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited to the Townships for road maintenance was approximately $17,000 yearly with increases based on the consumer price index. There was no objection from the Townships of Westminster, Delaware and Southwold to the County of Elgin assuming this road and they would turn over their portions of road payment to the County of Elgin. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarded the payment by the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited as a contribution to the ~, County rate rather than a receivable and thus the Ministry of Transportation and Communications would pay regular subsidy on all construction and maintenance work. After discussion ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 5. IIMOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AMENDING COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-27 BY ADDING AS A SOLE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESPONSIBILITY THE TOWNLINE ROAD BETWEEN THE TOWNSHIPS OF SOUTHWOLD-DELAWARE-WESTMINSTER FROM THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS II AND III, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP TO HIGHWAY #4. CARRIED.II The Engineer recommended that as the McBain Culvert job on Road #29 had now been completed and as the County had no further construction obligations on the road, it should be reverted to Southwold Township. IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AMENDING COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 85-27 BY REMOVING FROM THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM ROAD #29 FROM ROAD #25 TO THE BOSTWICK ROAD. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED FOR CONTRACT 'A' HOT MIX PAVING IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $299,631.00. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED FOR CONTRACT 'B' HOT MIX PAVING IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $152,l77.65. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOR THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE WITH SEPARATE TENDERS BEING ASKED FOR REINFORCING STEEL AND PRECAST MEMBERS TO BE DELIVERED TO THE CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED. CARRIED.II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 6. The Engineer reported that the main pier on Tates BridgE~ was moving toward the river at the rate of approximately 1/2 inch every three days. A meeting had been scheduled for May 7th with Mr. Phil Bedell of Golder Associates who were taking measurements at the site as well. If movement continued at the present rate it was likely that the bridge would have to be closed as the measurements were such that a large movement could take place and cause the bridge to collapse at any time. (The pier moved another 1/2 in~h between May 4th p.m. and May 7th a.m~ At a meeting between Mr. Phil B~dell, Mr. Don Husson, County Engineer, County of Middlesex, and the Engineer it was decided to close the bridge until the movements ceased and the stability of the pier ascertained. The Engineer reported that the savings in the winter control budget had been offset by a large increase in the cost of gravel resurfacing and increase in the signing programme. The cost of both was found to have been greater on the roads that the County had assumed than had been previously estimated. It had been necessary to gravel Road #48 in Yarmouth Township from Road #25 to Road #30 twice due to its poor condition and its use as a detour for the Patterson's Culvert. It would also be necessary to regravel Road #48 east of the Radio Road to the Belmont Golf Course in the Fall due to its poor condition, although it had been done in March. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR CATIONIC EMULSION AS REQUIRED FOR 1987. CARRIED.II Several items from the County Road Inspection were discussed. IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH SIDEWALK AND CURB AND GUTTER WORK AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF COUNTY ROAD #38 AND HIGHWAY #19 IN STRAFFORDVILLE AS SOON AS HE OBTAINS THE NECESSARY APPROVALS FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONiJ\RI0 MA'i 6, 1987 pJ\GE 7. lhe Engineer was instructed to advise the ~illage of port Burwell that the Road committee was not prepared to do any drainage worK on Chatham street this year on a shared basis or on a complete County basis. lhe committee had no objection to the ~illage of port Burwell obtaining an Engineer's report for a municipal drain, on which the County would pay their share. lhe committee also stated that they did not wish to maKe any changes in the intersection treatment of Road #42 and Road #39 (Chatham street) at the present time. lhe Engineer was instructed to notifY the ~illage of port Burwell of thiS decision. f\ formal request for sidewalKs on Road #20 had not been received from the ~illage of port stanley on Carlow Road, nor from the ~illage of Belmont with regard to storm sewer for the ~istawood SubdiVision to be installed as part of a development agreement between the contractor and the ~illage on Road #37. lhe committee felt that it was desirable to enter into an agreement with the ~illage of Belmont rather than the subdivider. \olarden purcell reported on his telephone conversation with the County solicitor. Mr. M. J. Hennessey with regard to the request of Mr. JacK Smyth of port Burwell to be relieved of a portion of the purchase price for the county's former GUysborough Pit. f\fter some discUssion · . . "MO'J EO BY: SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE f\U1HORIIED 10 Hf\~E OUR Lf\\ol'lER DRf\Fl f\ LEllER FOR lHE ROf\DS CHf\IRMf\N f\ND \olf\RDEN 10 SEND 10 MR. Jf\CK SM'I1H, f\D~ISING lHf\1 \olE Hf\~E CONSIDERED HIS f\PPEf\L OF lHE PRE~IOUS Sf\LE IN~OL~ING lHE FORMER GU'ISBOROUGH PROPER1'1 f\ND \olE BELIE~E lHE lRf\NSf\C1ION \olf\S PROPERL'I COMPLE1ED f\ND IS 1'101 ABLE 10 BE RECONSIOERED, ~. ~. M~RT'iN C~RRIEO." ,.-'~ lhe ,&\gineer presented the account of Hennessey, Bowsher and f\ssociates for worK involved in the expropriation of property at cowan ParK and the investigation of claims against title of the City of St. lhomas to the property. After discUssion. SI. lHOMf\S, O~I~RIO MP,,'i 6, 1987 pP"GE 8. "MO\JED B'i: SECONDED B~: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 lHE ENGI~EER BE ~U1HORIIED 10 PL~CE lHE f\CCOU~1 OF HE~~ESSE'I, BO\olSHER f\ND f\SSOC 1 f\ lES 1 ~ lHE f\MOUNl OF $1,659.50 ON lHE NEY-l f\CCOI.lNl S P f\ 'I f\B L E FOR P 1\ 'i""EN1 · ~. ~. M~R1'iN C1\RR 1 ED . " CORRESPO~DENCE \ol~S ~OIEO f\S FOLLO\olS: M J ~ \.I' M P h'itn a coPY of a letter to Mr. George Leverton, County 1. r~' olin ~lse, r'. · " Clerk_lreasurer stating that he would advise as to the proposed dates for a hearing on the port Burwell abandonment bY the canadian pacific Railway. 2. lhe canadian lransport commission stating that they did not feel that signalS were warranted on the Canadian pacific crossing on Road ~~8 as sight lines were adequate and traffic volumes were not sufficient to warrant the crossing 'l f 3. From \olalpole Island Band council requesting that the County do twO ml eS 0 surface treatment in 1987. County of Elgin price would depend on whether or not there was work to be done in the County of Kent and in Chatham lownshiP' (\ole would not likelY go as Kent nor Chatham 10wnshiP wished surface treatment.) ~. lhe ~illage of port Burwell regarding their Great Lakes LighthOUse conference. 5. lhe Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns with approval of the st. lhOmas Suburban Road commissions resolutions for road assumptions and reversions under the date of February 3rd. 6. Mr. Don BridgeS, Union Sports Club, regarding the placement of a sign on property owned jointlY bY the County of Elgin, the 10wnshiP of '1armouth, and the Hamlet of Union. Reeve Martyn stated that the lownshiP of ~armouth had , 1 it did not obstruct the no objections to the erection of slgns as ong as vieW from across the corner. 7. From the Municipal Engineers ~ssociatiOn supporting the reQuest of the ontario Good Roads f\ssociation to the province of ontario for extra funding on roads and for road improvements. B. ~arioUS municipalitieS with rezoning by-laW notices. protection. o ~ ~ ~ o ,..r-- tQcg ~.- o ,.. :t:1.O r- .~ v;~ 0" 't5 c::::t: ~ U) C'J \.,.1..l -z;. ::::> r? ~ ~ ~ ~ r- o 2 ~ ~ ~ c::::t: c...) :: . ~ c::::t: o ('I') . . 0" ~ :t: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 tf) :t: ~ ~ c...) ~ ~ 0 '7 u- r- 0 ~ . 0 . U;1 -::? r- ~ ~ . ~ c::::t: c::::t: 0 ::::> 0 0 ('I') . . r? . . -::- ~ 0" cO e \.,.1..l ~ ~ :> @ r-- ~ d) e 0 0" c...) :t: .- ~ \.,.1..l r- tf) . COUNI'i 01' r.LG1~ ROl\O Dt.\>I\RII'\t.~1 SUI'\I'\f\R'i OF HOI I'\l'f. I\S\>\-If\L I IE~Dt.RS ~ .. . \. ~a\ms\eY BrOS. Limited R. R. #8 london, ontariO ~Gf:\ 4C3 Z. lowland {lOndon) 1970 limited p. Q. Bo){ 2B\5 1ermina\ 't\' Londont ontariO N6t\ 4\14 ~ \. ~a\ms\eY Bros. Limited R. R. #8 Loncont ontariO ~61\ 4C3 Z. 10~\and {LOndon) \970 Limited p. o. ~o~ 2815 1ermina1 '1\' Loncon, ontariO ~6f:\ 4\-\4 .. 3. I.C.G. I'Iaterials Limited P.O. Bo~ 189 loncont ontariO N6t\ 4 'J7 ~~ t), 1981 $2.99,,63\.00 $349\1590.50 . . $\S2..177.6S $\Q3.086.40 $2.53,535.20 COUM1~ Of ELGIM ROAO IMSPEC110M ~ ~ I. LEA~E COUM1~ BUILOIMG - 9:00 A.M, 2. "lgn~aY i3 to ROad i27, 3, Road i27 to ~e~S Bridge. assumed 1987, 4. Road i20 tCarlo~ Road). slde~a\~ request by ~lllage of port Stanley, S. Circle ~Ia Road i23 tJosepn street nlll) to Road iZI t~arren street) to Road #20. 6. Road #20 to ringa\. 7, COffEE - 10~MS"IP Of SOU1"~OLO, 8. Road i20 to snedden and to Road il8, 9. Road il8 ~est to Road i14. assumed 1987; .8 ~llometers planned for resurfacing In 1987 ~est of Road iZO, \0. ROad i14. resurfacing cleanup from ROad il3 to tne ~lddlemlSS Bridge remaining from \986. II, MiddlemiSS Brldge; location engineering. etc,. 19B7, IZ. Road i9 from Road il4 to Road is. 13. Road is from Road i9 to Road iZ. assumed 1987, 14, Road iZ. resurfacing need from Road #5 to ~est Lorne, IS. Road iZ In ~est Lorne; curb and gutter repairs and eaten basin repairs. \ 6. Road #2 to Rodney. 17. Road #4 from ROdney ~est; scneduled for reconstructiOn, 18, ~ia ~ent roadS to Road i7. 1o~nline bet~een AldborOUgn and Orford 1o'dnSoiPs. 19, Latner "III Cul~ert; engineering 19B7. construction 1988 bY tne county of \\.ent. ZO. Road i6 to Road i3 return to Rodney. Z\. LUMC" _ BRIC~"OUSE RES1AURAM1. ROOME~. 2Z, Road iZ. oun~icn 10~nsnlP constructiOn scneduled for a portion of road in 1987. Z3. Road i8. outton; reconstrUctiOn scneduled by county council for sometime in toe future. Z4. Road #13; complete resurfacing to curb and gutter In outton. from 1986 ~or~ and cleanuP of 1986 ~or~, 2S. Road *14 to Road il6, I I 26. Road #16 to Road #45. 27. Road #45 (Smoke Road) to Highway #3, assumed 1987. 28. Highway #3 to Road #19. 29. Road #19 to Road #18, assumed 1987. 30. Townline Road from Road #18 to Road #48, under consideration for assumption. 31. Note Lings Bridge east of Highway #4; perhaps this could be rebuilt using Townline bridge funds before the County assumes the road. 32. Road #48 to Wellington Road. 33. Road #48 to Road #30, Radio-Hubrey Road note proposed relocation in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township. 34. Via Glanworth-Belmont Road to Road #34 in Belmont. 35. Road #37 in Belmont, subdivision development, need for an agreement between the Contractor and/or the Village ~f Belmont with regard to storm sewers on County Road #37. 36. Highway #74 to Road #36. 37. RETURN VIA ROAD #56 (ELM STREET) AND ROAD #57 (SOUTHDALE ROAD) TO COUNTY BUILDING. t;.Q.UNH..Q!' EL~^D C~nEE SECOND REPORT -~ APRIL SESSION 1987 TO THE W^RDEN ^ND MEMBERS Of THE COUNTY Of ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR RO^D COMMITTEE REPORTS ^S fOLLOWS: I, On ^pril 2nd the centre span of the three span super span culvert at patterson's, on County Road #30 in concession Xl. Yarmouth Township suddenlY collapsed, The culverts were erected in 1971, ^lthOU9h our workmen at the time were engaged in removing a portion of the concrete headwall we have ascertained that the work they were doing and our presence was probablY a mere coincidence, The culvert collapsed so quicklY that the workmen were left hanging on their safety belts from the county's 3 cable guide rail. fortunatelY no one was injured, The workmen were able to climb out of the cavity and stop oncoming traffiC (fortunatelY no one fell in), The cavity was the full width of the road and approximatelY 40 feet wide. Discussions with the Ministry of Transportation and communications and others indicated that this is the first horizontal ellipse super span that haS been in use for any length of time that haS failed in ontario. We noW believe that the design was flawed inasmuch as it appears that the gauge of the material was too light, without reinforcement and ~ere was insufficie~ cover over the culvert to all~ live loads from'traffiC to be adequatelY distributed over a big enough area of the top of the culvert. It appears that the top of the centre arch failed and as a result the culvert failed at mid-span and collapsed inwardS, The skewed slope bevelled ends also contributed to the failure. several sources in the united States were contacted and little additional information is SO far available from them, The Municipal Structural Branch of the Ministry of Transportation and communications has recommended that the two existing culverts be scrapped due to the high cost and the difficulty of Squaring the ends off and reinforcing them and recommend replacement with a bridge. ,. p ~(-\E 2. COU"i~ Of ccGl" RO~O CO~liicc 5cCO"0 RcPORi - ~PRlc Sc5S10" 1987 ~our Road committee nas accepted tne ~inistry's advice and nas appointed ~r. "orm ~arner of tne firm of C, C, par~er consultants cimited to provide for engineering services on a time basis ~itn tne county providing as mucn engineering assistance as possible. ~r. ~arner is no~ in tne process of preliminary design ~or~. It is not ~no~n no~ long tne road ~ill be closed. ine ~inistry of iransportatiOn and communicatIOns nave SUggested for prelIminary estimation purposes tnat tne sum of $750,000 for tne replacement of tne brIdge snould be used (tniS is based on 5,000 Square feet of dec~ area at $150,00 per Square foot), It IS e~pected tnat tne $50,000 previouslY budgeted for repaIrs ~ill be required to remove tne old structure, ~t RtCO~~tNU: ~e recommend tnat county council pass a resolution requesting tne ~inistrY of iransportatlOn and communicatiOns to transfer tne supplementarY allocation in tne amount of $110,000 from engineering, land purcnase and constructiOn in concession ~lll, ~armoutn io~nsniP to tne constructiOn of patterson's BrIdge. ~e recommend tnat county Council pass a resolution requesting a supplementary allocatIon froro tne ~inisty of iransportatiOn and communIcatIOns in tne amount of $396,000 for construction at tne patterson's BrIdge on County Road *30, concession ~l, ~armoutn \ . 2. 3. 10~nsniP. It ~Ill be necessary to transfer appro~lmatelY $244,000 from otner road and brIdge projects to provide funds to complete tne project, ~e recommend tnat a resolutIon be passed requesting tnat tne ontarIO provincial Government increase tne avaIlable funds for constructIOn and maIntenance on municipal roads in ontariO and tnat tnis resolution be fo~arded to tne ~nourable Robert f. "i~on, provincial ireasurer, tne ~nourable DavId peterson, ontario provincial premier, ~r, Ron ~c"ell, ~,p,p, and ~r, James ~cGolgan, ~,p,p, ine ontariO Good Roads ~ssoclatiOn haS requested tne passIng of tnls resolutIon, iney belIeve tnat tne present snortfall in munIcipal fundIng bY tne provInce of ontarIO cannot be tolerated for any '. ------..,~------_.._..... COO"1~ Of clGI" RO~O C~111cc ScCO"O Rc~OR1 - ~~RIl ScSSIO" 1981 ----- pf\Gt. '3. further period of time as both the ontario Good Roads ~ssociatiOn and numerioUS ~rovincial "eedS studies have sho~n that ontario roads and streets are decaying at an Increased rate and ~ithout additiOnal funding thiS decaY ~ill onlY accelerate, \ ~ ~ll Of ~"IC" IS RtS~tC1FOll~ S08~111tO C\-\f\1R""f\~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION EAST ELGIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987 ;J / 1. LEAVE COUNTY BUILDING - 9:00 A.M. 2. In passing note Kains Bridge at the St. Thomas Sewage Treatment Plant, now a Townline Bridge. 3. St. George Street sanitary sewer installations, Yarmouth Township. 4. Road #25 (We 11 i ngton Road) cu 1 vert rep 1 acement 1986, north and south of Road #29. 5. Road #29, McBain Drain culvert; replacement 1986, cleanup 198:7. 6. Road #29 to Wellington Road, Lindsay Culvert to be replaced in order to revert Road #29 to Yarmouth Township. 7. Road #30, Patterson's Culvert. 8. COFFEE - TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. ,,9. Road #56 (Elm Street) from Centennial Avenue (Road #28) to Road #36, assumed in 1987. 10. Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit, Chittick Construction Limited has completed crushing for the season. 11. Sparta Gravel Pit, Chittick Construction Limited crushing gravel pile (82i per ton). 12. Road #36 south of Sparta and Road #24 ea'st of Road #36, shouldering and cleanup remaining in 1987. 13. Road #24 east of Road #22 (Fairview Avenue). 14. Road #22, construction from Morley Brown's to Concessions IV and V. 15. Southdale Road (Road #57), assumed in 1987. 16. Wellington Road to Road #48. 17. Road #48 to Highway #73, gravelled from Road #25 to the Belmont Golf and Country Club and spot gravelled from Highway #73 easterly. 18. LUNCH - CLARKE'S RESTAURANT, AYLMER. 19. Beech and Elm Streets, further surveys and designation of route in north-east quadrant of Aylmer. 20. Road #32 (Police College Road) and Township roads to Glencolin Bridge. 21. Road #40 to Springfield. 22. Road #52 to Southwest Oxford Townline, assumed in 1987 along with Townline to Road #46. \. \ - ;~ - 23. Road #44, resurfacing from Road #46 to Highway #3, 1987. 24. Road #46 from Highway #3 to Road #38, assumed 1987. 25. Road #38 to Haldimand-Norfolk Townline. 26. Road #55, assumed from Road #38 to Road #45 in 1987. 27. Continue on Road #55 to Road #42. 28. Road J42 to Port Burwell; high shoulders, stumps being placed in washouts. 29. Road #42, Port Burwell; island at Road #42 and Road #39. 30. .Road #39 (Chatham Street) drainage. 31. Road #42, resurfacing need from Port Burwell limits to Road #40. 32. Road #40, complete shouldering between Road #42 and Mount Salem,. 33. Road #45 to Road #43. 34. Road #43, Calton north to Cooks and Philmore Bridges; 1 mile nOl'th and 1 mile south of Calton scheduled for reconstruction. 35. Road #38 to Highway #3 to Road #40. 36~' Road #40 to Road #45. 37. Road #45 between Road #40 and Highway #73, construction to be completed in 1987. 38. RETURN VIA ROAD #45 TO COUNTY BUILDING. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT APRIL SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The following roads have been gravel resurfaced to date in 1987: (a) Road #18 - From Road #14 Southwold-Dunwich Townline to Lawerence Station. (b) Road #18 - Between Road #20 and McBrides. (c) Road #19. (d) Road #20 - North of Road #18 to the Middlesex County Line. (e) Road #48 - Yarmouth Township from Wellington Road easterly to the surface treatment at the Belmont Golf and Count ry Club.: (f) Road #56 - (Elm Street) From Centennial Avenue to Road #36. (g) Road #28 - Approximately.8 kilometers from Southdale Road northerly. Some work had been done on Road #48 in South Dorchester Township and on Road #35, the Townline between Yarmouth and Malahide south of Road #52. 2. C. R. Chittick Construction of Ilderton is crushing gravel at the County's Pleasant Valley Pit and will also crush a pile at the County's Sparta Pit before the 1st of May. 3. The County Road Committee will inspect County roads in East and West Elgin on April 22nd and April 23rd. 4. The Region of Haldimand-Norfolk has passed a road assumption by-law for the Norfolk-Bayham Townline between County Road #45 and County Road #38. They expect Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval for their by-law within the month and at the same time we expect the Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval of the County of Elgin by-law passed last Fall for the same road. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN SI. lHO~f\S, ONlf\RIO ~PRIL 15, 1987 P ~GE 1. lHE COUN1~ OF ELGIM ROf\D COMMIllEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:00 a.m., \olednesday, f\pril 15, 1987. f\ll members were present. f\lso present was Mr. FranK ClarKe and Mr. JacK \olise of the Ministry of lransportatiOn and communications and the Engineer. lhe Engineer presented the attached report with regard to the patterson's Culvert and answered members questions. Mr. Norm \olarner of C. C. ParKer consultants had made a preliminary drawing and will meet with Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns in Guelph at 8:30 a.m., f\pril 15, f\fter considerable disCUssion with regard to the replacement of the patterson's Culvert "MO'JED B'f: SECOMDED B'I: R. F. PURCELL lHf\1 \olE f\CCEPl lHE f\D~ICE OF MR. KEN KLEIMS1EIBER OF lHE ~INIS1R'I OF 1 Rf\NSPORl1\ 11 01'1 f\ND COMMUM 1 Cf\ 11 ONS, MUN 1 C lP f\L SIRUC1URf\L BRf\MCH lHf\ 1 \olE RE~LI\CE lHE CUL~ER1S OM COUM1'1 ROf\D #30 \olI1H f\ BRIDGE. C~RRIED." ~. K. FORD "~O'.JED B'i: SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 \olE f\PPOINl MR. MORM \olf\RNER OF C. C. pf\RKER CONSUL11\N1S LIMI1ED 10 f\Cl f\S COMSUL11\Ml FOR lHE pf\IIERSON'S BRIDGE ON f\ lI~E 1\1'10 EXPENSE Bf\SIS \olI1H lHE COUN1'1 PRO~IDING ENGINEERING f\SSISlf\MCE \olHERE~ER POSSIBLE. ~. 1\.. M~R1'iN C1\.RRIED." "MO'JED B'i: SECOMDED B'I: E. MEUKf\M~ . lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE IMS1RUC1ED 10 REMO~E lHE OLD PI\IIERSOM'S CUL~ERl f\S SOON f\S POSSIBLE. V!. 1\.. ~~R1'fN C~RRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l5, 1987 PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ASSIST THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS IN DETERMINING THE CAUSE OF THE FAILURE OF THE PATTERSON'S CULVERT AND PROVIDE ALL INFORMATION POSSIBLE TO GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND MUNICIPALITIES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY ENGINEERS'. CARRIED.II The Committee members were concerned about other culverts that might be in a similar condition. The Engineer stated that he had already instituted a programme of inspection. Mr. Kleinsteiber would come down as soon as possible to also inspect some culverts. Written guidelines would be drawn up. The Engineer presented the attached calculations for a supplementary by-law noting that a request should be made to transfer the present supplementary by-law on Concession XIII, Radio Road to Patterson1s. If the County was lucky there would be approximately $16,000 of County money from non-subsidizable accounts not expended to date to back up a supplementary request of $l76,000. It is not known the amount the Ministry of Transportation and Communications might approve. The Engineer suggested that an additional request for $220,000 be applied for which would require $20,000 in County funds. The Warden stated that he was confident that $20,000 would be available in the County budget due to underspending on various items and thus the County would not end the year in a deficit position. The total supplementary request would then be in the amount of $396,000 requiring a County allocation of $36,000. If all supplementary requests were met, including the transfer, the shortfall would be approximately $244,000 which would have to be transferred from other work. ~, After considerable discussion the Committee felt that the asphalt resurfacing on Road #42 between Port Burwell and Road #40 should be left until last to see how much money was available. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l5, 1987 PAGE 3. The Committee also felt that they should start work in Port Burwell and proceed westerly. The Engineer felt that if this was the case then it was likely that the work could be completed within approximately a mile of Road #43 being the Malahide-Bayham Townline. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE REQUEST THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO CHANG~ THE PROGRAMME OF EXPENDITURE ATTACHED TO THE COUNTY'S SUPPLEMENTARY REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF FUNDS DATED JANUARY 2l, 1987 IN THE AMOUNT OF $110,000 TO THE REPLACEMENT OF THE PATTERSON'S BRIDGE ON COUNTY ROAD #30 (RADIO ROAD) CONCESSION XI, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH FROM ENGINEERING, LAND PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY ROAD #30, CONCESSION XIII, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE IN THE AMOUNT OF $396,000 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE COLLAPSED SUPER SPAN CULVERT, PATTERSON'S BRIDGE WITH A NEW BRIDGE ON COUNTY ROAD #30 (RADIO ROAD) CONCESSION XI, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH. CARRIED." It was suggested that tenders for asphalt paving be called as soon as possible so that they would be available for the May 6th meeting. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AS FOLLOWS: CONTINUED . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l5, 1987 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH CONT I NUED . . CONTRACT 'A' 1. TOP COAT OF ASPHALT TO COMPLETE WORK ON ROAD #45 FROM ROAD #40 TO HIGHWAY #73. 2. BASE AND TOP COAT ASPHALT RESURFACING ON ROAD #44 FROM ROAD #46 TO HIGHWAY #3. 3. BASE COAT OF ASPHALT ON NEW CONSTRUCTION ON ROAD #22, APPROXIMATELY 400 FEET NORTH OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS IV AND V, SOUTHERLY APPROXIMATELY 4,000 FEET. 4. ASPHALT PATCHING ON ROADS #42, #45 AND #28. 5. ASPHALT RESURFACING ON ROAD #42, BASE AND TOP STARTING AT PORT BURWELL PROCEEDING WESTWARD WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT IF AND WHEN FUNDING BECOMES AVAILABLE, WORK WILL BE CONTINUED WESTWARD. CONTRACT 'B' 1. ROAD #l3 BASE AND TOP COAT TO COMPLETE WORK ON ROAD #l3 TO THE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON FROM 1986 WORK. 2. ROAD #8 SURFACE TREATMENT TO THE ENTRANCE OF PEARCE PARK. 3. ROAD #18 FROM ROAD #20 INTERSECTION WESTERLY APPROXIMATELY .8 I KILOMETERS. 4. ASPHALT PATCHING ON ROAD #8 AND ROAD #16. 5. WORK FOR THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON. CONTRACT IC' 1. BASE COAT ON ROAD #2, NEW CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTS 'A' AND 'B' TO BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY AND TO CLOSE ON MAY 6TH. CONTRACT 'C' TO BE CALLED WHEN A DATE IS DETERMINED FOR THE COMPLETION OF GRANULAR BASE COAT. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l5, 1987 PAGE 5. Correspondence was noted from the Ontario Good Roads Association in which they asked that a resolution be passed requesting the Honourable Robert Nixon, Provincial Treasurer to allocate additional funds for road and bridge construction due to the decaying condition of the Ontario road system. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED REQUESTING THAT THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO INCREASE FUNDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS AND BRIDGES IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AND THAT THIS RESOLUTION BE FORWARDED TO THE HONOURABLE ROBERT NIXON, PROVINCIAL TREASURER AND THE HONOURABLE DAVID PETERSON, PREMIER OF ONTARIO AND A COpy TO MR. RONALD K. MCNEIL, M.P.P. AND MR. JAMES MCGUIGAN, M.P.P. AND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION. CARRIED." IIMOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K.FORD THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1987 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED. II d4 ~~. if~~~ ,/ CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RE: PATTERSON'S CULVERT UPDATE APRIL 13, 1987 TO lHE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF lHE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROf\D COMMITTEE: At a meeting on April 8th attended by Max Stewart, Frank Clarke and Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of lransportation and Communications, Fred Groch and myself, we discussed the feasibility of repairs to the Patterson's culvert or replacement of the culverts by a bridge. lhe Ministry of lransportation and communications recommended that a bridge be constructed with a tentative estimate of 5,000 square foot deck at $150.00 per square foot or $750,000 total. lhe estimated cost to remove the 3 old pipes, etc., including the work to date is approximately $50,000 which is the amount of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget. lhe estimated cost to repair the old culverts is in excess of $400,000. lhe cost of trying to match new material to old skewed bevelled ends is unknown and/or whether the pipe in the bottom of the centre culvert would be of any use as it may be sprung beyond usefulness. Also both remaining culverts must be reinforced and stabilized on the inside before any work is attempted. It is also not Known if the reinforcing ribs could be fabricated to meet the present curvature of the two culverts as they would undoubtedly now have a different curvature than when they were originally installed. lhere was no answer to the Question as to whether the rei~orcing ribs over the top would have to extend past the thrust beams or just to them. If the reinforcing should be, and it appeared that it shpuld be. < , - 2 - extended to at least mid point of the structure then the thrust beams would have to be r~oved. It was not known how much reinforcing material (from Armco) would cost and a tentative estimate of $100,000 (which might be low) was used. All parties agreed that the best thing to do was to build a bridge as soon as possible. - Mr. Ken Kleinsteiber of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications - suggested that it might take to the end of the year to complete the bridge as there were problems at the present time of obtaining competitive bids with the lack of availability of contractors and having only one supplier of precast concrete beams. Structural steel was in short supply at the present time due to projects such as the Toronto Dome Stadium. Mr. Kleinsteiber suggested that immediate work be undertaKen by a competent consultant and Mr. Norm Warner of C. C. ParKer Consultants. who had done previouS work for the County of Elgin on structures. was suggested. His work was very acceptable to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. lhe Chairman and Engineer agreed that Mr. Warner would be approached to worK on a time and material basis and be requested to proceed as rapidlY as ,possible to design a structure for Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval. Mr. Warner agreed to accept the job and examined the site on lhursday and met at the site on Friday with County Officials with the County agreeing to supply the necessary site surveying and drafting ~rk and Mr. \olarner agreeing to work on a time and material basis. _____L....,~....J .1 ~ 'l b ,. \1 l~.U~ ".~ - 3 - Mr. Warnep has now completed some preliminary sketches and will meet Mr. Kleinsteiber for his tentative appreval at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, April 15, 1987. The following points must be decided today: 1. Financing, there is a need for $750,000. 2. An application should be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to transfer the $110,000 supplementary allocation already requested to this project. 3. An application must be made for additional funding based on the amount that the County can afford and what we might logically expect from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 4. The transfer of money from other projects is required and this must be decided as soon as possible. It is desirable that this be done today or next week at the latest. 5. Put out a contract for asphalt paving to be acceptE~d at our Road Committee meeting of May 6th. Any delays in this will require additional Road Committee meetings at a later date and undoubtedly increased asphalt prices. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~~/ IZ . ;::.; lM~-v'~_ R.G. MOORE/9fUNrY ENGINEER COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET CALCULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW FOR PATTERSONS - ROAD #30 Budget Cost Estimated Available - Present Budget $50$000 which will likely be all used removi"ng old structure. (a) Request Transfer of Supplementary from Radio Road Construction in Concession XIII to Pattersons. (b) Apply for Supplementary Funding - County Savings in Non-Subsidizable Budget will Support a Supplementary Request of (c) $20tOOO County Funding from other Sources will Support a Supplementary Request of TOTAL $750,OOQ $110,000 176,000 220,000 $506..000 Additional Funds Required if All Funding Approved -Approximately $244,000 This must be transferred from other work. -, In the beginning until Ministry of Transportation and Communications approvals (if any) are received $750,000 must be transferred (which can be returned as Ministry of Transportation and Communications appr9ves supplementary expenditures). ~ /~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET CALCULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW FOR PATTERSONS - ROAD #30 COUNTY FUNDS AVAILABLE: APRIL 7, 1987 (A) Tates Bridge - Supplementary By-Law Request was $10,000 Ministry of Transportation and Communications approved $9,000 Cost to County of Elgin at $10,000 was $2,000 Cost to County of Elgin at $9,000 is 1,800 SAVINGS (B) From Non Subsidizable Budget ($50,000 Total) Liability Insurance Estimated $9,400 Actual 4,600 SAVINGS . (C) Sick Leave Payouts Estimate $21,000 Actua~ 17,886 SAVINGS (D) Hospitality Suites $1,200 Actual 0 SAVINGS (E) Road Committee Inspections Budget $600 Actual 0 SAVINGS (F) Overexpenditure to Earn Maximum Subsidy Budget $10,000 Reduced to 5,000 SAVINGS (G) Urban Rebates on Non Subsidized Expeditures Budget $2,700 Reduced to 1,900 SAVINGS 200.00 4,800.00 3,114.00 1 , ~?OO. 00 600.00 5,000.00 800.00 TOTAL SAVINGS $15.714.00 Say $16,000 $16,000 will Support a Supplementary Request of $176,000 (ie., $160,000 Subsidy and $16,000 County) '.. LISTING OF PROJECTS CONSTRUCTION AND RESURFACING WHICH ARE NOT CLEANUP WORK (IE., STARTED LAST YEAR AND WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED THIS YEAR) (A) CONSTRUCTION: Catchbasin and Curb and Gutter Repairs, Road #2 West Lorne. Road #22 - Fairview Avenue (Funds not spent to date). Road #2 -_Dunwich Township (Funds not spent to date). (B) ASPHALT RESURFACING: (Of the total allocation, $100,000 have been committed to fixed costs and $300,000 is estimated to complete ~~ork ie., Roads #40, #24, #36, #14 and to complete Road #13 into Dutton.) Road #8 - Pearce Park Road #44 - From Road #46 to Highway #3 Road #18 - From Road #20 McBrides Westerly Road #42 - Parts between Road #40 and Port Burwell limits as funds permit. $12,000 .$280,000 $215,000 $85,000 $100,000 $70,000 $1,100,000 COUN1'1 RMD #42 ESllMf\IES - -- -- PA~lNG ONL'I, SHOULO~VER1S, E~., O~ER AND ABOV~ APRIL 14, 1987 ROAO #40 10 SIALTER GULL'I S1AL1ER GULL'I 10 ROAO #43 ROAD #43 10 PORI BURWELL fUNDS I\VI\ILABLE: - -- ORIGINALL'I WITHOUT Pf\ITERSON'S PERMI\NEN1 1RI\NSfER SUBTOTAL SUPPLE~ENTAR'I REQUES1S I\VI\ILI\BLE fOR WORK $140,000 166,000 300,000 - --- ~06 ,000 --- =- . -=== $1,100,000 244,000 $ 856,000 506,000 -- - L 359, oQ,Q. ....... ------ - .. ROBERT G. MOORE. B, Sc.. P. ENG, Enuinem and Road SupenntendHl1t 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 Ap r i 1 5, 1987 Chairman and Members of the County of Elgin Road Committee: The Patterson's Culvert was erected in 1971 over the Kettle Creek and consisted of triple culverts each one a 32 foot span and 22 1/2 foot rise. They had approximately 3 '1/2 feet of cover over them. The culverts were horizontal ellipses with concrete thrust beams or ears at the 10:00 o'clock and 2:00 o'clock positions. The culverts were on a 300 skew to a right angle from the road centreline and the ends were slope bevelled (thus the ends are not full rings though all portions of the pipe) under the travelled portion of the road they were full rings. The design was a patented design by Armr;o Canada and it was their responsibility to obtain Ministry of Transportation and Communications approval of the design, which they did. Armco supplied materials, supervised the erection and the granular backfill of the structures. The end walls were sloped I 1/2 to 1 rather than the usual 2 to 1. Although the placement of concrete on the end sloped walls was a l:ittle more difficult no other problems have been experienced with the end slop~s since they were erected. The end walls were not designed as part of the structure to support the culverts and are not needed to stablilize it but only to keep the granular backfill from washing out during floods. As the culverts are ellipses and on a 300 skew and slope bevelled the culverts give an appearance of a very strange shape when one looks through them. No particular difficulties or unusual circumstances ~~ere encountered during erection. The compaction of granular material seemed to be Quite satisfactory and met the Armco Supervisor's approval. In 1976 the inlet end (east) of the south culvert had the cutoff ring plates pulled away from the concrete Slope wall. The granular in the area was removed and several reinforcement plates were Rlaced over. the cutoff plates and no further problems have appeared. , . - 2 - Apprqximately a year ago we found that several of the ring cutoff sheets at the inlets of the centre and 'the north culvert \~ere pulling away from the concrete end slopes. These sheets were at about the 2:00 o'clock position when viewed from the upstream side of the culvert. Armco officials were consulted and they suggested that the culverts be checked for any deflections or deformations that might be beyond tolerable standards. The culverts were measured last Summer and Armco officials felt that the culvert shapes were as designed. It Was suggested that reinforcing plates be placed on the cutoff ring ends similar to the south culvert. These plates were ordered and received on October 23. 1986. Bell Canada was asked to move their telephone line which was buried along the east side of the road. Because of the wet Fall and Bell Canada's failure to move the cable the work was postponed until 1987. In the past tW9 weeks as time permitted the concrete end slope of the -north culvert was parti~lly removed and work started on the slope end wall on the centre culvert. At 3:00 p.m. on Thursday. April 2 without any warninlg the centre culvert collapsed. There was no cracking sound and our workmen at the site stated the whole culvert seemed to collapse at the same time. The three workmen had on safety belt~ attached to the steel guide rail cable and the culvert collapsed so suddenly that the men were suspended on the safety ropes attached to the guide rail which was fortunately left hanging above the hole. The Foreman, Jack Hoffman was able to grab one of the other men and all men were able to drop the 5 or 6 feet into the soft gravel' and . cl imbed out of the hole. The hole was the full width of the road and approximately 40 feet wide. Jack Hoffman called for help to block traffic, fortunately no vehicles were close to falling in, although a van had passed by a couple of minutes previously. We, are quite satisfied that the work underway did not ijffect the culvert failure and the fact that our men were there when tne culvert collapsed was a mere coincidence. No heavy loads had used the road in the past couple of days although we had trucked approximately 7,000 tons of gravel to Road #48 ov~r the road ending approximately 10 days previously. The Construction Safety Officier of the Ministry of Labour was called qnd investigated on April 3, 1987. He was quite sat(sfied with the safety effort~ of the County and commended us (R. G. MOQre and Fred Groch) in our foresight in having safety belts on the site And in use (probably the only good comment about the whole affair). A decision was made on Thursday night (April 2) to unload the granula~ backfill from the outside of the north and the sou~h culverts and to unload the top as side forces on the culverts might move both the north and south culverts toward the centre where there was now a hole. . - 3 - Most of the granular material had been removed by Saturday (April 4) at 4:00 p.m. We will try to remove more of the granular material on Monday (April 6) and if necessary on Tuesday (April 7). On April 4th Mr. Jens Madsen, Chief Engineer from Armco Canada of Guelph, Mr. Kenneth Kleinsteiber, Chief Municipal Approvals Engineer of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Mr. Max Stewart, County Road Chairman all visited the site. Mr. Madsen felt that the culvert had failed when th(~ top arc of the culvert buckled and went out of shape. He felt that it started at one end of the culvert but moved so rapidly along the culvert it appeared that the failure occurred simultaneously. Until the failure occurred there would be little if any sign of distortion ,or cracking. (Note: The fail~re of pipe arch culverts is a completely different thing in that , the pipe archcu 1 verts; the fa i 1 ure occurs when the corn(~r pI ates crack and u 1 t imate ly break.) In the case of the Patterson I; S Cu 1 vert the top arc buckled inwards and pulled the sides down and bending it or breaking about the mid span poiht. ' . Mr. Madse-n felt that the bending of the non full ring plates at the end of the pipes might have been a starting point but Armco had told us previously that there was no extreme urgenci to reinforce these as these non full ring plates were not carrying much if any of the highway load and only about a foot of cover and were not under the travelled portion of the road. We now find that since 1971 Armco has revised their design and will . not allow any more skew bevelled ends and the amount of cover over a culvert has been on a ratio of I to 5 or 6 to ,the diameter of the culvert. Patterson1s Culvert had cover of 3 1/2 feet over a 32 foot span or a ratio of approximately 1 to 9. In most cases such as the culvert we built for Dunwich Township reinforcing ribs were placed over the top of the arch. I~r. Madsen and Mr. Kleinsteiber felt that the vehicle loads on the road instead of being distributor through the granular on each side of the culvert gave a point loadtng on the top arc of the culvert. It thus appears that the culvert may have failed through fatigue. Whether or not the other 2 culverts can be reinforced~and saved is not presently known. It is hoped that the four bottom plates in the centre.culvert can be sal v~aged. If the cui verts cannot be restored economically and safely the alternative is a bridge. At the present time both alternatives are being d6nsidered and costs worked out. Arrangements will be made on Wednesday, April 15, 1987 for a Road Committee meeting following County Council, if at all possible, when more information should be available. " - 4 - The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has been asked to transfer the request for supplementary funds from Concession XII, Township of Yarmouth on County Road #30 to the Patterson's Culvert ($110,000). No real estimate is available but a bridge is probably worth over 1/2 a million dollars. Undoubtedly the Ministry of Transportation and Communications wil,l address this new type of fatigue. There has not been a failure like it in Ontario previously. We will also have to find out if there have been any similar problems in the United States and the results before we can ascertain whether the two culverts are worth salvaging or not. Mr. Stewart has been consulted some four times since Thursday (April 2) and .is being kept up to date and will meet with Ministry of Transportation and Communications Officials this week to discuss both repairs or replacement with a bridge and reallocation of the funds. Your~ truly, RGM:kab R. G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT SI. 1\'101<\I\S, Otll f\RIO I\?RI\.. 1,1987 ?I\GE 1. lHE COUtll'1 OF ELGIN ROf\D COMMlllEE met at the Municipal ~uilding at . '1 1 1987 f\ll members except Reeve pearson were 9:30 a.m., \olednesday, ~ri' · ' t Mr Fran~ Clar~e of the MinistrY of lransportatiOn present. 1\1SO presen was · and communicatiOns and tne Engineer. "MO'JED B'{: SECONDED ~'1: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 I\'1E 1<\INU1ES OF I\'1E MEE1ING OF Mf\RCH 4, 1987 BE f\PPRO~ED. C~RR 1 ED. " 1\. K.rORD , 'th tn \olarden and Chairman of \olarden purcell reported on a meeting Wi e the Road committee of the County of Middlesex, MaX stewart, the Engineer and d S b n Road commission. C 11' Chairman of the Lon on uru a.. himself and Don 0 ins, , C ty of Middlesex Road committee would again He reported that the oun ' . , ' ed for HubreY Road and would ascertain the minimum disCUSS total funding requir funding allocation that tney felt that the county of Middlesex needed from ~he , 5 r period to rebUild Ministry of lransportatiOn and communciatiOns over a yea tne road. .' d b m de bY the county of d t~at once a deciSion ha een a lt \'olaS agree II , 'between the tWO CountieS to draW Middlesex there would be a meeting again ' ' , 'th the Minister of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns uP a brief before the meeting Wi and hOpefUllY with Mr. Robert tliXOn, provincial lreasurer. ' . , roceed ~ith further engineering lhe committee instructed the Engineer to p . . f the lin~ as thiS would be necessary to confirm the on the Elgin portiOn 0 .. total cost of the project. , f the st lhomas Suburban Road commission Mr. f\lbert I\Uc~land, Chairman 0 · . t h!l.th the lransportatiOn committee of the City of st, and the Engineer me n \I " d to the City'S concerns over criteria for Suburban lhomas Council with regar d . the st lhomas area. Roads and designation of County roa s in · lhe 10wnshiP of ~armouth had made a formal request on behalf of 1 h'n of soutnwold for the placement of sanitary sewers themselves and tne ownS\lly ( G e street) f\pproval had on Road #25 (\olellington Road) and Road #26 \st. eorg , S1. 1~OM~S, ON1~RI0 1\PRIL 1,1987 P I\GE 2. been given. Elgin construction was expected to start worK on the project . within several weeKs althOUgh worK on \olellington Road would not liKely be started until after Easter. lhe Region of Haldimand-NorfolK had passed an assumption by-law to assume the 10wnline Rpad between the 10wnshiPS of Bayham and Houghton between Road #38 and Road #1\5. It was expected that Ministry of 1ransportation and communicatiOns approval would be given for this by-law and for the County of Elgin'S by-law assuming the same portion of road within the next month. lhe county of Middlesex was not interested in assuming as a county road the 10wnline between Delaware and \olestminster and southWold 10wnshiPS between the BostwicK Road and Road #lB at the St. lhomas sanitary collection site but had no objection to the assumption of the road by the count~ of Elgin alone. lhe Engineer was instructed to ascertain the present payment to the 10wnshiPS of southwold, Delaware and \olestminister by the st. lMmas sanitary Colle~ion and to discUSS ~e possible replac~e~ of Lings Bridge under a 10wnlinesupplementary by-law with the County of Elgin and report at the next meeting of Road committee. lhe county of Middlesex would call a tender for the painting of the \olardsville Bridge. lhe estimated cost would be approximatelY $30,000 with the county of Elgin'S share being $15,000. lhe Canadian lransport commission had written the ChesapeaKe and OhiO Railway and aSKed if they had any objections to the removal of the automatiC protection on Road #16 and Road #1\5 at Middlemarch and Road #20 at Shedden inasmuCh as they were no longer using that portion of the line. lhe protection at other County roads west of Road #20 was interConnected to protectiOn on the Old Canada southern Line and as such would cost more to remodel than would be saved. canadian M~ional Railways had agreed to the install~ion of flashing lights at the canada southern crossing on Road #32 tPolice college Road) and thUS would effectivelY be abandoning one tracK at that location. lhe County ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 1, 1987 PAGE 3. had approved the estimate and asked the Board order the Canadian National Railway to proceed as soon as possible. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control costs because of the storm in the last several days would be up although an expected savings in the total budget would be made, the exact amount would not be known for another month. However any savings made in the winter control budget would be absorbed by other maintenance items such as signing, removal of trees and brush and gravel resurfacing. 2. Sign work was continuing. It was hoped to have a person in the sign shop shortly as Jim McLaws did not wish to continue in the position. 3. Section 38 Project employees were engaged in work under the programme including brushing, drainage and bridge repairs includil,ng the removal of concrete from the end of Patterson's Culvert. 4. Brushing was continuing, although it was not likely that there would be much tree cutting done on Road #48. 5. Gravel replaced to date on: (a) Road #18 - Between Lawrence Station and Road #14. (b) Road #20 - North of Road #l8. (c) Road #l8 - Between Road #20 and Road #l9. (d) Road #48 - Yarmouth Township from Road #25 to the Belmont Golf Course entrance. 6. (e) Road #56 - (Elm Street). (f) Road #28 - (,Centennial Avenue) from Southdale north 6/10 of a kilometer. (g) North end of Road #30 in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township. (h) Spotting had been done on Road #48 in South Dorchester and Road #35, being the Yarmouth-Malahide Townline north of Highway #3. Because of dusty conditions in March several loads of salt brine had been placed on the gravel on Road #48 to pack it down. Den-Mar Brines had placed 2 extra loads on the portion of Road #48 between Road #25 and Road #30 in error. Although they would not be paid for this material the additional application had left the road very sloppy. _._~ \, S1. 1\-\OM~S, ON1~RI0 1\PRIL 1, 1987 p~GE 4. 7. ChitticK construction Limited was continuing crushing at the Pleasant ~alley Pit and by f\pril 20th would start crushing gravel at the sparta Pit. 8. Good gravel was being obtained at the sparta Pit and was being piled. 9. lhe removal of stumps on Road #42 west of port Burwell would start shortlY. 10. Some shouldering worK had been done on Road #14 and Road #13 as conditions had been drier than they had been last Fall. 11. lree planting would start within 10 days, 12. Machinery repairs continued. lhe transmission and rear end on lrucK #83 (1978 MacK Dump \rucK) had been repaired. lhe motor in the brush chipper had been replaced with a used motor purchased from James McLawS. PERSONNEL M~11ERS: 1. postings had been made for operator vacancies for graderS, trucKs and bacKhoes. Casual staff would be required as spare operators thiS summer as the county would not have sufficient regular staff. 2. Robert Doyle would go on Long lerm Disability shortly as his doctor has diagnosed his problems as being a permanent bacK problem. f\s no light worK was available he would continue on Long lerm Disability for quite some time. 3. f\ report had been made to the personnel committee with comments on the county's policy Manual and left over matters from Mr. Sharrer's job evaluation studies. 4 . Mr. John Brown had been in jured when the condor Man Lift had fail ed and dropped some 15 feet. f\n internal investigation was being held; as to the reason for the failure. He would be off several days althOUgh no bones had been broKen. "MO'JEO B'i: ~. ~. M~RT'iN SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 lHE FOLLOWING pf\'1LISl BE f\PPRO~ED FOR pf\'1MEN1: pf\'1LISl NUMBER 10 f\MOUN1ING 10 $76,643.05 Pf\'1LISl NUMBER 11 f\MOUN1ING 10 $179,528.29 CONTINUEO D.. · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l, 1987 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH CONTINUED . . PAYLIST NUMBER 12 AMOUNTING TO $63,938.68 PAYLIST NUMBER 13 AMOUNTING TO $136,966.44 CARRIED." Culvert pipe tenders were as attached. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA FOR CORRUGATED METAL CULVERT PIPE IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,747.06 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Zoning by-laws pertaining to various County roads in the Townships of Aldborough, Bayham and Yarmouth. 2. Subdivision proposals were noted as follows: (a) Sandham Cartage on the proposed Road #52 in Lot 20, Concession XI, Bayham Township. (b) Road #45 west of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail line in Yarmouth Townsh i p (Reeb). (c) A sports complex planned for Road #56 (Elm Street) east of the Yarmouth Cent re Road. (d) A mobile home park on Road #27 at the former drag strip in Sparta. (e) A plan on the Harper Estates property in Lots 42 to 45, South Talbot East and Lot l, Concession VIII, Yarmouth Township. 3. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs with approval of the Township of Aldborough's Official Plan Amendments. The Township's Official Plan would reduce considerably the number of residential lots allowed on County roads compared to the original plan. Also received was the plan to rezone to commercial uses the former Township ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL l, 1987 PAGE 6. and County garages on Road #3 north of the Village of Rodney. 4. From the Ontario Energy Board with a decision to allow gas brokerages to sell gas to commercial firms and to allow the present owners of pipe lines such as Union Gas and Natural Resources Gas to act as carriers for this brokerage gas rather than owners of it. It is not known what this might do to mu~icipal franchise agreements. 5. From Pollard Brothers of Harrow with 1987 prices of Calcium Chloride. It was dbubtful if any would be used in the County due to the lower cost of Salt Brine. 6. From the Ontario Drainage Tribunal with a decision on Road #45, Municipal Drain in Springfield confirming present assessments and stating that the County cou 1 d have comp 1 atned that its prev i ous investment in the dra i n had been ruined and the County had a more valid reason to appeal than the rate- payers. 7. From the Township of Yarmouth with regard to the closure of the New Sarum-Mapleton Road. IIMOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH BE ADVISED THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE NEW SARUM-MAPLETON-GIVEN ROAD AS SHOWN ON REFERENCE PLANS llR-2863 AND IlR-3000 IN LOTS 17 AND l8, RANGE I, SOUTH EDGEWARE ROAD, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED. II 8. From the Township of Malahide with closures of a road in Concession I, Malahide Township. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 26 AND 27 AND LOT 32, CONCESSION I, MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP PROVIDED THAT THE NORTH 17 FEET OF EACH OF THESE ROAD ALLOWANCES IS NOT CLOSED. CARRIED. II SI. lHOMf\S, ONlf\RIO J\PRIL 1,1987 ?J\GE 7. 9. From stricKland Enterprises Limited and strieb lrucKing Limited with their. 1987 rates for equipment rentalS. It was noted that there was very little increase from 1986 rates. Both companies would be used as required. 10wnshiP which haG lev"""'] Oeen f\ meeting had been held with Mr. county roads had been disCUssed. f\ request from SallY ~artyn on behlf of the sparta Historical Society to close Road #27 for Heritage DaYs in sparta was disCUssed at some length. lhe committee felt that it was not desirable to alloW the county Road to be closed for thiS purpose and instructed the Engineer to advise Mrs. Martyn and sUggest to her that the 10wnshiP of '1armouth could provide a suitable location at the Old continuatiOn scnool, Mr. JacK smyth, port Burwell with regard to hiS purchase of property previouslY owned bY the county and Known as the Old GUysbOrough Gravel Pit. Mr. smyth asKed for relief from hiS purchase price as he had been informed that he would probablY lose a lawsuit against him with regard to the location of the south boundary of the lot. f\fter considerable disCUssion · · · · "MO'.JEU B'i: SECONDED B'I: \ol. f\. Mf\Rl'1N lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE INS1RUC1ED 10 REFER lHE LEllER OF MR. REGf\RDING LOl 137, ~OR1H If\LBOl ROf\D, HOUGH10N 10\olNSHIP 10 MR. M. J. HEN~ESSE~ FOR HIS LEGf\L OPINIO~. E . N E U K~tJ\tJ\ JJ\CK SM'i1r\ CJ\RRIEU." .._~, . t d that he had received a proposal from Mr. DOUg '1oung lhe Englneer repor e " " of custom Developed computer Systems of orangeville for a maintenance management and financial System for a software computer System for the County Road Department. Mr. ~oung had completed a similar project for the County of Dufferin, Region of Hamilton-\olentworth, 10wn of IroquoiS Falls and the 10wnshipS of orno S1. 1~OM~S, ONT~RI0 1\PRIL 1, 1987 p~GE 8. and Innisifill. He was presentlY completelY reworKing the system on D_Base-3. Data Base for t~e County of Grey. lhe software was originallY developed by Mr. Burt Moore of the 10wn of Calidan who had been encouraged bY the ontario Good Roads f\ssociation to develop a new Data Base financial software for urban and rural municipalities. It appeared that the cost of the programme with training and equipment would be in the order of $18,000 to $19,000 with a high clasS printer that would suffice for word processing in the future. lhe \olarden felt that the Engineer should complete his research on the proposal and bring the matter to the early attention of Road committee and the County Government Committee for their approval so that the system would be in operation before the end of the Summer. lhe Engineer reported that he had concluded an agreement with Oxford communications Limited for tower rental for the ne~ 5 years at $500.00 per year pluS half of any tower rental to others that Oxford communications was able to sell. Oxford communicatiOns Limited would act as a consultant to the County at no charge on telecommunicatiOns matters including a contract to paint the tower and reguy the tower. f\ report commissioned through oxford communciatiOns Limited last year recommended that the towe~ which was erected in 1965 and~ad no maintenance worK done it since, shOuld be rep(iinted and guy wires replaced. It appeared that the total cost of the worK would be less than $9,000. It was hoped to have at least 3 qualified steeple jacK companies submit prices. "MO'JEO B'i: SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 lHE ENGINEER BE f\U1HORIIED 10 PROCEED \olI1H lHE REPf\IN1ING ~ND REGU'IING OF lHE Rf\DIO 10\olER f\1 lHE \olHllE SIf\IION Gf\Rf\GE; \olI1H OXFORD COMMUNCIf\IIONS SOLICI1ING QaOlf\IIONS ON BEHf\LF OF lHE COUN1'1 OF ELGIN. ~. K. FORO C~RRIEO." ~ proposed agreement between the County of Elgin and the county of Kent with regard to maintenance on the Kent-Elgin County Line, previOuSlY mailed, met with committee approval. S1. 1~OM~S, ONT~RI0 ~PRIL 1, 1987 p~GE9 · "MO'JEO B'i: SECONDED B'I: \ol. f\. Mf\Rl'1N lHf\1 lHE COUN1'1 OF KENl BE f\D~ISED lHf\1 lHE DRf\Fl f\GREEMENl FOR \olORK 01'1 lHE ELGIN-KENl COUN1'1 LINE BE f\PPRO~ED f\ND lHE COUN1'I OF KENl SUBMn (>. FORMf\L f\GREEMENl Bf\SED ON lHE DRf\Fl. R. F. PURCELL C~RRIEO." lhe Chairman was empowered to inspect with the Engineer and representatiVes of the Ministry of lransportation and communications variouS locations on County roads that minor worK would be required and locations that companies, subdividers, etc., wish to place drains, etc., on county property as it appeared that there were a number of 10catiOnswhere;\an agreement between the subdivider or another municipality and the County should be entered upon. lhe committee members were somewhat concerned about the amount of worK that would be required on Road #20 (CarlOw Road) to enable the ~illage of port stanley to place a sidewalK from Highway #4 to the port stanley School. lhe Committee decided that they did not wish to print neW County maps at the present time until the County road System waS completed and a final decision had been made on all outstanding townline by-laws. Bridge and culvert priorities, constructiOn engineering and resurfacing needs were diSCUssed and the Engineer stated that at the present time it appeared that there was no reason to change the county's priorities. (On f\pril 3rd there was! Due to the losS of the patterson's Culvert.) Road inspection arrangements were disCUssed with f\pril 22nd scheduled for East Elgin and ~pril 23rd scheduled for \olest Elgin. "MO'JEO B'i: 1\. K. FORO -~ SECONDED B~: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 \olE f\DJOURN 10 9:30 f\.M., \olEDNESDf\~, Mf\~ 6, 1987. CJ\RRIEO." Marcn 30 ~ \987. COUl'll'! Of ELGll'I ROIllD DEI'f\Rl\1\El'll 19B? C ilL \JERl I' WE QIlOl IlIl10l'lS S\)PPL 1 ER QIl 0 "(Ill 1 101'1 pRICE t 11'lCl. I' .5.1.) l' 01'1\L Qu011\110" '1\' QU011\ 110" 'B' QU011\110" 'C' tELG1N) t '(1\RMOU1 \-n t s 0\l1\-\llO L 0) $3~h747 .06 $20,629.9\ $5,286.08 $9,83\.07 KOPPERS 36,724.37 2\ ,28\ · 87 5,490.78 9 ,95\ · 72. f\RMCO ~ES1EEL 38,5\9.90 2.2,096.55 5 ,72.3.4\ \0,699.94 \-\UBBELL \ 40,Z36.77 Z3,2ZZ.94 5,888.1 0 11,lZS.73 CLEMMER 4\,59\.10 ZZ,049.96 5 ,704 .07 13,837.07 . Cf\"1\Of\ CUL \JER1 cOLOS1REI*'\ 43,449.44 2.5,094.66 6,48\.99 11 ,87Z. 79 CO"CRE1E lJ\J\RC\1 1987 ~ g~ JOH" DEERE 690 B HOE $62.00 "li~C"l ~ND ~OE"Rl"G "OE $65.00 JO"" DEERE SSO D01ER $43.00 C~SE 11~SO D02ER $48.00 ~ICHIGf\N SCRf\PER $80.00 lERE~ 82-20 DOIER $65.00 Cf\IERP1LLf\R 814 D02ER $65.00 fL91\1 $45.00 JO"N DEERE iRf\Cl0R/LOI\DER $1:\.3.00 BI\C\<.\10E/lOI\OER $36.00 1987 REi'll f\L EQU WMENl Rf\ lES ~ ST. THOM1\S, ON11\RI0 MARCH 4, 1987 p1\GE 1. lHE COUN1'1 OF ELGIN ROf\D COMMIllEE met at the Municipal Building at 9:30 a.m., \olednesday, March 4, 1987. f\ll members were present. f\lso present was Mr. FranK ClarKe of the Ministry of lransportation and communications, the Engineer and f\ssistant Engineer. "MO'JEO B'i: 1\. K. FORO SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 lHE MINU1ES OF lHE MEE1INGS OF Jf\NUf\R'I 29 ~ND FEBRUf\R'I 4, 1987 BE 1\PPRO~ED. C1\RRIED." lhe Engineer reported that Mr. Gerald smith had passed away on February 21st of a sudden heart attacK. He was 40 years old with 20 years service with the County of Elgin RoaD Department. f\ donation of flowers and a donation to the St. lhomas-Elgin General Hospital Building Fund had been made, Grader tenders had been opened by the \olarden and f\cting Chairman Reeve Martyn on February 18th and were as attached. lhey had agreed to purchasing a used 1984 Model 740 Champion Grader with approximatelY 960 hours on it (being approximatelY one year's use). lhe trade-in allowance for Grader #17 was $19,000.00 from Champion Road Machinery Sales Limited, $12,000.00 from southwest lractor Limited and $3,500.00 from Crothers Limited. "MO'JEO B'i: R. F. PURCELL ~, SECONDED B'I: D. PERO~ICH lHf\1 \olE f\CCEPl lHE lENDER OF CH~MPION RO~D Mf\CHINER'I Sf\LES LIMI1ED FOR f\ 1984 MODEL 740 CHf\MPION GRf\DER, SERIf\L NO. 740_22-197-15940 COMPLE1E \olI1H 6-711'1 4 ~f\L~E ENGINE, MODEL 913 PO\olER Rf\NGE lRf\NSMISSION f\1 lHEIR QU01EO PRICE OF $81,320.00 (LESS lRf\DE-IN OF lHE COUN1'1 OF ELGIN GRf\DER #17; INCLUDING PRO~INCI~L Sf\LES If\X); F.O.B. \olHI1E SI~IION, SI. lHOMf\S. UNn 10 INCLUOE f\ NE\ol Mf\CHINE Wf\RRf\N1'I 10 NO~EMBER 30, 1987 · CJ\RRIEO." ST~ THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 4, 1987 PAGE 2. The plans and specifications prepared by A. M. Spriet and Associates for the Lynhurst Area Sewer Works had been reviewed and final comments had been forwarded to A. M. Spriet and Associates on February 25th. Restoration tender units had been called in square metres rather than tonnes which was the accepted method according to Provincial standards. Mr. Clarke noted that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications would not have approved a restoration tender called in square metres. If the tender item in square metres was acceptable to the Ministry of the Environment it would be necessary to have very close engineering control on the placement of granular and asphalt restoration to ensure that the full depth of the material was placed on County roads. The Committee expressed their concerns and asked Reeve Martyn to look further into this matter and to ensure that the full depth as required by the County was placed by the Contractor. Comments on the Consultant's Report on the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority had been forwarded to the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority and the City of St. Thomas. The City of St. Thomas Engineering Department was in agreement with the Engineer's comments that called for improvement of the cross-sectional area of the creek through St. Thomas by removing trees, debris, sand bars, etc. Everyone felt that berming would be little if any use to stop flooding. Reeve Purcell commented on the St. Thomas Times Journal editorial of February 24th regarding the County's Road Budget and stated that he had spoken to the Managing Editor who had written the editorial. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the new Mack Dump Truck had been received and was on the road. 2. That the County has assumed maintenance operations on all. roads assumed from the Townships. Due to the lateness of the season and long range forecast of good weather the other sander had not been mounted and thus savings would result from not having to rent a sander truck for the rest of the season. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 4, 1987 PAGE 3. 3. Winter control was light although the savings might not be as high as might be expected as Fall expenditures would be higher than last year because of extra paylists and the increase in prices, etc. 4. Signing work was continuing, parking signs had been erected at Fingal and work was continuing on new roads. 5. No decision had been made as to a permanent person for the Sign Shop. 6. Tree cutting was continuing with the Condor Man Lift having been repaired and tree trimming was underway on Road #27. 7. Gravel piling at the Pleasant Valley Pit and the Sparta Pit would continue as weather permitted. 8. Gravel resurfacing was underway with work done as follows: Road #l8 west of Lawrence Station; Road #20 north of Road #l8 and a portion of Road #l8 between Road #20 and Road #19. 2,500 tons of gravel had been placed on Road #56 (Elm Street Extension) and more would be placed on Road #56 as soon as Chittick Construction Limited started gravel crushing (the middle of next week). 9. Wewould organize for stump removal on Road #42 as soon as possible. lO. Approval had been received from the Federal Government for nine (9) workers under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act and work would go from March l6th to May 22nd. 11. Mr. Ken Jones of Union would rent the Sparta Pit for $l,200 a year, the same paid by Mr. Richardson who was not interested in renting the property in 1987. l2. An engineering grade had been set on Road #22 from the intersection between the 4th and 5th Concessions, Yarmouth Township to Beaver Creek and a tender for culvert pipe supply would be sent out shortly. 13. There was great interest in subdivisions and land rezonings. More people had made enquiries in the Engineer's Office in the past three weeks with regard to building, etc., than in the past three years put together THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL MATTERS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That James McLaws had been assigned to the Sign Shop for the time being but it was understood that he would apply for a truck driver's position. 2. Ralph Gordon and Joseph Livingstone had been picked from five applicants for Class IV Foremen and part time foremen would be Clare Dean and William Sloetjes. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 4, 1987 PAGE 4. -~" 3. A job posting for tandem trucks was underway with two operators being required. 4. A survey training course would be set up for Foremen and would take approximately 1% days (two classes) being conducted by Ray Collard and Gary Gordon. 5. A first aid training course would take place on Friday afternoons in April with fourteen employees taking part. If the Townships wished to have an employee join the course, Fred Groch should be notified immediately. 6. Five to seven employees would be sent to the Ontario Good Roads Road School with three being sent to the Anderson School and two to four being sent to the Mahoney School. 7. Fred Groch would attend a one day bridge maintenance course sponsored by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Consulting Engineers of Ontario on April 1st in Toronto. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 4 AMOUNTING TO $66,950.89 PAYLIST NUMBER 6 AMOUNTING TO $72,562.85 PAYLIST NUMBER 7 AMOUNTING TO $281,267.30 PAYLIST NUMBER 8 AMOUNTING TO $64,l62.53 PAYLIST NUMBER 9 AMOUNTING TO $29,673.l0 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications with written approval of the County's By-Laws No. 86-60 and No. 86-61 to amend the County Road System. 2. From the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk stating that they expected to pass a by-law to assume the Townline Road between Road #45 and Road #38 (Bayham-Norfolk Townships) sometime in February. (This by-law was passed on March 12, 1987.) 3. From the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, James McGinnis Special Assistant to the Honourable Ed Fulton acknowledging a letter from Warden Purcell regarding the Radio-Hubrey-Highbury Road Link. SI. lHOMI\S, 0\'11 f\R 10 M~RC\-\ 1\., 1987 pl\GE 5. n v M N"l M P aCKno~ledging \olarden purcell'S letter regarding 1\. From ". ". ,,,c e\, · ' the Radio_Hubrey-Hi9hbUry Road LinK. 5. From Mr. M. J. HennesseY regarding the st. George street realignment requesting instructions, having received a draft agreement from the City's solicitor time and to requesl. "\I' ,-- 6. port stanley lermi na 1 Rail Incorporated, M j-\0-,; let:, theY do not wish to sign an agreement at thiS time, lhe Engineer was instructed to disCUSS with Mr. Howlet a ~roposed meeting between Mr. Howlet and the ~arden, 7. From the Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns advising that a deed waS available for a portion of property in Lot 12, concession ~, North of 'f\', 10wnshiP of Dunwich to widen Road #B; hOwever a by-laW would be required from the County to accept thiS property, "MO'JEU ,,'i: SECONDED B'I: \ol. f\. Mf\Rl'1N lH1\1 ~E RECOMMEI'I\) 10 COUN1'1 COUNCIL lHf\1 f\ B'I-Lf\\ol BE pf\SSED EMPO\olERHIG lHE \olf\R\)EI'I f\NDCLERK 10 f\CCEPl FOR ROf\\) PURPOSES pf\Rl #1, PLf\N lW-2971 BElI'IG pf\Rl OF LOl 12, CONCESSION ~ NOR1H OF 'f\', 10\olNSHIP OF DUN\olICH. lHE LI\ND BEING USED 10 \olIDEN ROf\D #8. R. f. PURCELL 8. From the Ministry of the Environment stating that grants were available to assess defective water distributiOn and sewage Systems. 9. lhe County of Kent with an update on Gas Franchise matters. ". th t h m'cals from the ShamrocK 10. Mr. \olilliam Kocsis expreSS\ng h\s concerns "a c e \ Chemical company had done damage to the culvert on Road #20 on the George street Drain in port stanley, lhe Engineer was instructed to have his department inspect the culvert. From IbiS products Limited stating that the price of traffic paint thiS year would be $1.60 per litre, pluS provincial taX in 1\5 gallon returnable drums compared to $1.62 per litre in 1986. Ct\RRIEU." 11. SI. lHOMf\S, 01'11 f\R 10 M~RC~ Dr, 1987 p1\GE 6. l3. From Den-~ar Brines Limited giving the price of $19.85 per cubic metre for \olest Elgin; $24.13 per cubic metre for central Elgin; and $25.42 per cubic metre for East Elgin. lhiS was approximatelY a 5% increase from 1986. City of st. lhomas public \olorKs Department, R. f\. Barrett, City f\dministrator requesting that the Chairman of the st. lhomas Suburban Road commission, the Chairman of the County Road committee, the \olarden and the Engineer meet on March 24th with the City public \olorKs Engineering committee to disCUSS the HUbrey_Hi9hbUry-RadiO Road LinK, st. George street realignment, criteria used to change the County road System. \olarden purcell noted that he had previoUS commitments and SUggested that the other people attend as requested rather than try to reschedule the 12. v\.. meeting. ~arioUS municipalitieS with zoning by-laWS affecting County roads as folloWS: la) lhe l~nshiP of f\ldborou~ with official plan ~anges for residential areas on Roads #2, #3 and #4. \b) lhe 10wnshiP of southwold with a variation of side yard on Road #20 in Shedden for Grant \olaite. lc) proposed rezoning for property at the intersection of the BostwiCK Road and \olellington Road for a cnurch. It was understood that there would be nO entrances off \olellington Road. ld) f\ proposed Sports complex of 25 acres on Road #56 lElm street) east of the '1armouth Centre Road. l e ) f\ resident i a 1 area south -ea st corner of Ro ad s #28 and #56. If) f\ residence on st. George street lRoad #26). NE\ol Mf\CHI~ER~ \ol~S DISCUSSED f\S FOLLO\olS: 1. l a) 1M Engineer reported that the total cost to date waS $390,000 which was $114,000 beloW the original estimate, lb) purchase of a ~ibratory smooth Drum Roller was diSCUssed at some length lquotations for the roller were as attached). SI. lHOMf\S, O~I~RIO M~RC~ 4, 1987 p ~GE 7. "MO'JED \3'i: SECO~DED B'I: E. NEUKf\~M lli~1 \olE f\CCE.Pl lHE QUOlf\TlO~ OF SHERIDf\N EQUlPMENl LIMnED OF LONDON FOR ~ 1985 MODEL B\ol 2130 BOMf\G 84 INCH SM001H DRUM ~IBRf\10R'I ROLLER tf\PPRO~IMf\IEL'I 2,600 HOURS). ~E\ol ~f\CHINE \olf\RR~Nl'1 10 JUL'I 31, 1987 OR 300 HOURS \olORK. f\1 lHEIR QU01ED PRICE OF $50,000 tPLUS PRO~INCIf\L Sf\LES If\~)' C~RRIED." ~. K. FORD II \,,\O'J EO \3 'i : SECONDED B'I: \ol. f\."Mf\Rl'1N lHf\1 lHE E~GINEER BE f\UlIiORI2ED 10 PURCHf\SE f\ USED DUMP lRUCK FOR SIf\NDB~ f\ND Sf\NDER \RUCK USE. D. PERO'JIC\-\ Cl\RRIED." "MO\lEO \3'(: SECONDED B'I: E. NEUKf\MM lHf\1 lHE ENGI~EER BEf\U1HORIIED 10 SELL B'I lENDER lliE COUN1'1'S lRUCK #63, 1974 FORD 800 C~B f\ND CHf\SSIS. 1\. K. FORD C~RRIED-" lhe Engineer reported that the County could no longer purchase OLf\ StocK from the Ministry of Natural ResOurces. It appeared that the number of trees required for County roads was probablY less than 100 and most OLf\ stocK purchased in previOUS years was for local municipalitieS- lhe committee instructed the Engineer to ascertain the number and type of trees required for County road purposes and to obtain theSe locallY after obtaining prices. Local municipalitieS would be required to maKe their own arrangements. lhe canadian pacific Railway had acKnowledged the County'S concerns with regard to the abandonment of right-of-ways partiCularlY at the port Burwell Bridge as the bridge abutments were on Canadian pacific Railway property rather than County right-Of-way- SI. lHOMf\S, OMlf\RIO M1\RC~ 4, 1987 p~GE 8. No further informatiOn on the Canadian pacific RailwaY's applicatiOn to abandon the railroad waS available. DiSCUssion of Engineering worK for construction and asphalt resurfacing was postponed to the next meeting. lhe attached Bridge Ins\lection Report by the f\SSiStant Engineer would also be disCUssed at the next meeting. "MO'.JEO \3'{: ~. 1\. ~~R1'iN SECONDED B'I: R. F. PURCELL lHf\ 1 \olE f\DJOURN 10 9: 30 f\. M., \olEDN ESDf\ 'I, f\PR 1 L 1, 1987. C~RRIEO." ,p' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR VIBRATOR~ ROLLER SMOOTH DRUM. 84 INCH WIDTH. DIESEL ENGINE REAR WHEEL AND DRUM DRIVE (PROVINCIAL TAX EXTRA) 1. Sheridan Equipment Limited Wharncliffe Road London. Ontario Model OW 2130 Bomag (1985) Approximately 2,600 Hours Deutz Diesel (No Cab) Warranty to July 31. 1987 or 300 HOllrs Work. 2. Drake-Robinson-Vicary Limited 1767 Oxford Street East London. Ontario N5V 2Z6 1979 Model.CA-25D Dynapac 3208 Cat Engine Drum Drive Approximatley 3.123 Hours (NO Cab) 3. Sheridan Equipment Limited Wharncliffe Road London. Ontario Model BW 213 0 Bomag (1986) Approximately 568 Hours (NO Cab) 4. Crothers Limited 50 Enterprise Drive London, Ontario N6N lA7 Caterpillar Model CS 551 Engine Cat 3208 Diesel ROPS Cab Approximat~ly 436 Hours 1 Year Warranty 5. G1enlion Industries Limited 1099 -Speers Road Oakville. Ontario L6L 2X5 Ferguson Hamm Deutz Diesel 1986 Model Approximately 750 Hours (No Cab) F~P~UARV 1987 $50,000.00 $55 :1000.00 $64,500.00 $77.354.00 ,$80,000.00 COUNTY OFELG1N ROAD DEPARTMENT QUOTATIONS FOR VIBRATORY ROLLER PAGE 2. 6. Case Power and Equipment Limited P. O. Box 758 . ',' Lambeth, Ontario NOL ISO New Case Model 1102 $82,100.00 7. Crothers Limited 50 Enterprise Drive london, Ontario N6N lA7 Cat Model CS551 (New) $87,~54.00 8. Southwest Tractor Limited 16 Royce Court London, Ontario 00 Not Handlethis Type of Equipment. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT GRADER TENDERS (TRADE-IN 1974 CHAMPION 0600 GRADER) fEB.RUARY 1987 1. Champion Road Machinery Sales Limited 1075 Clark Boulevard ' Brampton. Ontario L6T 3W4 1984 Model 740, 906 Hours. Serial No. 740-22-197-15940. COMPLETE WITH: GMC Model 6-71N. 4 Valves. Model 9138 Power Range Transmission. New Snow Wing, 12 Foot Moldboard. County.s Present Front Mounting Attachments and Snow Plows from Trade-In. Warranty to November 30, 1987. Less Trade-In and with Sales Tax. $81,320.00 (* 2 Other Model 740 Also Quoted at $81,926.00 and $82,283.00 Slightly Different Equipment.) 2. Champion Road Machinery Sales limited COMPLETE WITH: 1987 Model 740. Cummins LT-IO-C Motor. Model 8400 Transmission. New Snow Wing. County.s Present Front Mounting Attachments and Snow Plows from Trade-In. 1,600 Hours or 1 Year Warranty. Less Trade-In and with Sales Tax. $113,5:~7 .00 3. Southwest Tractor Incorporated 16 Royce Court London, Ontario N6E 1 Ll John Deere ]70 BH. New 1987 Model, 5 Year Power Train Warranty. Snow Plow from Traqe-In. 4. Crothers Limited 1 Crothers Drive Concord, Ontario Caterpillar 140 G. 3 Year Power Train Warranty. *NOTE: Our Graders Average'Approximately 1,100 Hours. (On the Hour Meter Yearly.) $122,046.34 $~54,615~00 February 18, 1987. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BRIDGE INSPECTIONS (P ERI OD: 1 985/1986 AND 1986/1987) INSPECTION SUMMARY The County bridges were inspected during the above pE~riod by myself with the assistance of Keith Playert Norman Glover and John Brown. Inspection comments have been included in ~he Bridge Binders. A list of major repair requirements has been prepared for review by the County Engineer, and the Superintendents for mainten~ ance scheduling in 1987 and the following years. Middlesex townline bridges continue to deteriorate and have required sub- stantial remedial repairs. Work has been carried out on the Walkerst Tates, 'Middlemiss and Harrietsville bridges. As well, the remaining 3 finger doints were replaced on the Wardsville bridge and Golder Associates are carrying out soils testing on the north abutment of Tates bridge due to suspected movement. The philosphy of these appears to be on a patch as required basis. Current repairs that should be considered are as follows: paint Wardsville bridget surface treat Walkers and iBelmont East bridge approaches, replace several deck plates on Tates bridge, repair deck delaminations on Willys bridge, channellization of Government Drain No.1 bridge and repair severe spalling of Harrietsville and Belmont West bridges. During this period painting was completed on Meekst Fulton and Government Drain No. 2t bridges which with the exception of Wardsville and Eden bridges shbuld complete our bridge painting program for awhile (for bridges that we would consider painting, that is). The majority of our steel truss bridgest although rusting, appear to have adequate strength to carry the posted load limits. However, some steel members on the Vienna, Fulton and Filmore bridges had rusted through and these were repaired with welded steel plates or steel channels in 1986. The Richmond Hill bridge inlet is plugged yearly with debris requiring removal by dragline. In 1985, Players and Port Burwell bridges were repaired by installing basically a new deck and new joints and seals. -In 1986, new seals were installed in St. George Street, Calton and West Eden bridges replacing some existing leaking seals. It may be that at some point in time new joints will be required particularly in the latter two bridges to prevent leakage. Deck delaminations have progressed on Willys, Kainst Warren Street and Orwell bridges. These are not major at this time but I would suggest that if they were repaired now it maY'delay or prevent future deck replacement. Spalling has also progressed on North Fleming, lana, Belmont. West, Harrietsville and Kingsmill bridges such that repairs should be considered in the near future. The approaches on our gravel roads should be surface treated at the following bridges: Kingsmillt Orwell and Belmont East. In 1986 the Gillet bridge approaches were paved in conjunction with development of the Sparta Pit. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BRIDGE INSPECTION (PERIOD: 1985/1986 AND 1986/1987) INSPECTION SUMMARY February 18, 1987 Page 2 1986. Miscellaneous repairs were completed on the Fingal and Largie bridges in ~e structural steel plate super spans appear to be in good shape with the exception of the 3 Patterson culverts. The south culvert was repaired earlier and it is proposed to repair the other 2 using reinforcing ribs as recommended by Armco. The'material has been received in 1986. . I In conjunction with the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (80% cost sharing) the sedimentation was removed from under the Glencolin bridge in February. This was also done in May of 1985. Thus, it appears that channellization of streams at bridges is a short term remedy and as such it should only be considered if it will prevent road flooding or damage to the bridge structure. . In February, 1987, the County inherited four (4) additional bridges which appear to be in good condition. NotWithstanding the Middlesex townline bridgest the following bridges should be closely monitored and/or repaired: . # 8 - Fleming North - Road # 3. #29 - Patterson Culverts - Road # 30. #32 - Belmont West - Road # 34. #35 - Harrietsville - Road # 37. FRED GROCH, ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 1. The lieutenant Governor in Council has approved County By-Laws No. 86-60 and No. 86-61 (passed by County Council in November of 1986). These by-laws amend the County road system with the present length being 541.8 kilometers. The by-laws assuming the townline portions with the Counties of Middlesex, Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk are in abeyance until similar by-laws are passed by these municipalities. 2. That we have accepted the tender of Sheridan Equipment limited for a Michigan 125C, 4 Cubic Yard loader with the County's 1977 - 125P Michigan Loader as trade-in at a total cost of $111,128.06 (including Provincial Sales Tax). We have also purchased an extended warranty on the Cummins LIO Motor for a 2 year period beyond the standard 12 month warranty perioe! at an additional cost of $2,465.00 (plus Provincial Sales Tax). 3. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new gradE~r and snow wing with the County's 1974D600 Champion (Grader #17) as a trade-in. 4. The Catfish Creek at the Glencolin Bridge has been cleaned out and the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority has agreed to pay 85% of the costs. Some trimming work will remain until. Spring. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed which will in effect amend By-Law No. 84-23 being a by-law for the regulation of traffic by: (1)- Deleting from Paragraph 2 of Schedule 'A' Sections S, T, U, V, Wand X. (II) And replacing them with the fOllowing: (S) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the east limit of County Road #20 on the north side of Road #16. (T) County Road #16 within 13 metres of the west limit of County Road #20 on the north side of Road #16. Continued p f\GE 2.. COU~i~ Of ELG1~ RO~O CO~~liiEE i"lRO REPORi _ fEBRU~R~ SESSIO~ 1987 \11) \U) county Road ~lG ~itnln 13 metres of tne east limit of county Road ~20 on tne soutn side of Road ~IG. \~) county Road ~IG ~Itnln 13 metres of tne ~est limit of County Road ~20 on tne soutn side of Road ~IG. \~) County Road ~20 ~Itnln 13 metres of tne nortn limit of county Road ~IG on tne east side of Road ~20. \~) County Road ~20 ~Itnln 13 metres of tne nortn limit of county Road ~IG on tne ~est side of Road ~20. \111) ~ddlng tne follo~lng: \CCC) County Road ~20 ~Itnln 13 metres of tne soutn limit of County Road ~IG on tne east side of county Road ~20. \000) County Road ~20 ~Itnln 13 metres of tne soutn limit of County Road ~IG on tne ~est side of County Road ~20. \EEE) County Road ~3 ~Itnln 170 metres of tne nortn limit of county Road_~2 on tne east side of County Road ~3. \fff) county Road ~3 ~Itnln 183 metres of tne nortn llml: of county Road ~2 on tne ~est side of County Road ~3. 2. inat a by-la~ be passed autnorlzlng tne warden and ClerK to sign an agreement ~Itn Employment and ImmigratiOn canada under section 38 of tne unemplOyment lnsurance Act to allo~ tne county to nlre nine \91 unemployed ~orKers for 90 man ~eeKS' ~orK from mld-~arcn to mld-~aY' Employment and ImmigratiOn canada ~Ill paY tne ~age costs for tnese ~orKers and tne county ~Ill supplY transportation. eQuipment. WorKers' compensation. etc. ine ~orKers ~Ill be employed for maintenance ~orK on roads tnat tne County nas just assumed. sucn as cutting dangeroUS ttees. repairing drains. cul~erts. etc. ~LL Of W"lC~ IS RESPECifULL~ SUB~liiEO C\-\f\ 1 RMM-l II> COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL . YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the sum of $500.00 be budgeted in 1987 for mosquito control. 2. That the rebate to Urban Municipalities be 25% of their Road Levy as in past years. 3. That the honorarium for the members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be $175.00 for the period of February It 1987 to January 3L 1988. 4. That the budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission in the amount of $441,600 (as attached) be approved. 5. That the attached budget in the total amount of $6,315tOOO be approved and that a resolution be passed adopting a statement of proposed work of the normal portion of the budget in the total amount of $6tI43,400 and the statement be forwarded to the Minister of Transportation and Communications for his approval. 6. That the County Road Levy for 1987 be $1,278,000 as contained in the Road Committee Budget dated February 1987. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET FEBRUARY 1987 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY SYSTEM TOTAL CONSTRUCTION: Roads and Bridges $ 886,900 $64,000 $ 950,900 Asphalt Resurfacing 1, 665 ,000 1, 665 ,000 Supplementary: (a) Tates Bridge 10,000 10,000 (b) Road #30 110,000 110,000 (Radio Road) $2.671.900 $64.000 $2.735.900 FIXED COSTS: Maintenance $1,986,000 $311 ,000 $2,297,000 Overhead 419,000 35,000 454,000 Drainage Assessments 61 ,000 30,000 91, 000 New Machinery 623,000 623,000 $3,089,000 $376,000 $3,465,000 - TOTALS: - Construction $2,671, 900 $ 64,000 $2,735,900 Fixed Costs 3,089,000 376,000 3,465,000 Rebates to Town of Aylmer 62,500 62,500 and Vi llages Items Not Subsidized by 50,000 1,600 51,600 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications $5,873,400 $441,600 $6.315,000 * Total Budget $6,315,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET PAGE 2. CALCULATION OF COUNTY LEVY Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy on Operations Including Urban Rebates Subsidy on Tates Bridge Soils Test Subsidy on Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction $4 , 884 , 100 8,000 100 ,000 $4.992,100 (Rate of Subsi~y on Normal Operations Other Than Urban Rebates is Approximately 79.75%.) Total Budget LESS: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy LESS: Share of City of St. Thomas Toward St. Thomas Suburban Roads (Estimated) $6,315,000 4,992,100 44,900 RECOMMEND COUNTY ROAD LEVY $1,278.000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION (ALL ESTIMATES INCLUDE DISTRIBUTED PAYROLL BURD~N) (A) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION SYSTEM: l. Road #26 ~ (St. Geo~e Street) Engineering. 2. Road #29 - McBain Culvert, Trim, Seed, Etc. 3. Road #29 - Lindsay Culvert Soils Test, Etc. 4. Road #30 - Repair to Patterson's Culvert. PAGE 3. $ 8,000 2,000 4,000 50,000 (B) COUNTY OF ELGIN: TOTAL $64.000 1. Surveys and engineering including future work (Road #43, #4, #8 [Dutton], and Route Around Aylmer, Miscellaneous, Etc.). 2. Engineering: (a) Road #14 - Middlemiss Bridge. (b) Road #7 - Kent County Line Culvert Replacement Surveys, Engineering and Land Purchase. 3. Land Purchase: (a) Complete Legal Surveys and Payments Road #45 and Road #2. (b) Road #22 - Complete. (c) Road #43 - Fall. (d) Miscellaneous Land Committee Severances, Etc. 4. Completion of Work From 1986: (a) Road #45 - Malahide from Road #40 to Highway #73 including Top Coat of Aspahlt (Portion), Gravel Shouldering, Drainage, Trim, Top Soil and Seed. 5. New Work: (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Intersection of Concessions IV and V, Yarmouth Township southerly to M. Brown Property including Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of Asphalt and Intersection Treatment. (b) Replacement of Curb and Gutter and Catchbasins as required on Road #2 (West Lorne), westerly to Highway #76. (c) Road #2 - From East End of Curve at Aldborough- Dunwich Townlfne Easterly as Funds will Permit Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of Asphalt, Etc. TOTAL $ 35,000 10,000 8,000 45,000 8,000 35,000 12,000 ][75,000 305,000 12,000 241,900 $886.900 pl\GE 4. COU"li OF ELGl" RO^O OEP^Rl~E"l 1987 BUDGEl ~~ tl\LL C~~ ~011U~ .* Programme ~ill be designated upon inspection of roads in the spring bY the County Road committee. 1. complete ~ork as follo~S, Started in 1986; Including Shouldering, 1rimming, Oitching, seeding, Etc.: (a) Road #40 _ ~ount Salem to Road #42, Malahide 10~nship. (b) Road #24 and Road #36 _ sparta southerlY to Road #24 and Road #36 EasterlY approximatelY 1.5 kilometers, ~armoutn lo~nshiP, (c) Road #14 _ From Road #13 to Road #9, oun~ich and south~old 1o~nships. (d) Road #13 _ From Road #14 "esterly,oun~ich 10~nshiP, 2. complete ~ork on Road #13 starting at curb and gutter in Outton EasterlY to 19B6 ~orl<. 3. Roads Under conSideratiOn; Subject to spring Inspection and Price of Asphalt Cement: (a) Road #8, 0.8 kilometer, Entrance into Pearce Park (surface treatment), Dun~ich lo~nship. (b) Road #18, 0.9 kilometers from Road #20 "esterlY (surface treatment),South~Old lo~nshiP, (c) Road #44 from Higb~ay #3 to Road #46, 1.2 kilometers, Bayham lo~nship. (d) Road #42 from North limit of port Bur~ell, EasterlY to~ard Road #40 except 0.4 kilometers at stalter Gully and including Intersection of County Road #43 (ROad Mix Mulch). proceed as funds ~ill alloW. (e) If Road #42 is completed start Road #2 ~orking "esterlY from oun~ich-~ldborOugh 1o~nline including curve in oun~ich 10wnshiP tRoad MiX Mulch). S1. 1\-\OVll'\S SU"UR"l'\~ ~ ~ ~ \40,000 \25,000 \5,000 87,000 69,000 \8,000 nO ,000 \00,000 \0,000 \10,000 \46,000 24,000 55,000 53,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 5,000 \,000 165,000 \35,000 30,000 28,000 25,000 3,000 \00,000 82,000 18,000 \15,000 \54,000 2\' 000 50,000 45,000 5,000 77 ,000 69,000 8,000 24,000 9,000 \5,000 \30,000 \\4 ,000 \6,000 685,000 595,000 90,000 COU"1~ Of tLG1" RO~O OtP~R1~t"1 1987 BUDGE\" ~ COU"1~ ~"O 51. 1\\0~~5 5UOURO~" RO~05 l~LL 101~L5 l"CLUOt p~~ROLL OUROt") 110~ ~ l'\ _ BridgeS and Cu\~erts _ 1 BridgeS _ 2. Cu\'Jerts B _ Roadside Vlaintenance _ \ Grass cutting _ 2 1ree cutting and orusnlng _ 4 orainage _ 5 Roadside Vlaintenance _ 6 1ree ~\anting _ 7 orainage l'\ssessments tVlaintenance) c _ paved Road ~alntenance _ \ Repairs to ~a'Jement _ 2 s~eeping _ 3 Shoulder Vlaintenance _ 4 surface 1reatment o _ Gravel Road ~alntenance _ 2 Grading Gra~e\ Roads _ 3 oust control _ t\ ~rime _ 5 Gra~e\ Resurfacing E _ ~inter control 10ta \ _ \ sno~ ~\o~ing _ 2. sanding and salting _ 3 sno~ fence _ 4 standbY and ~ight cre~ f _ safety Devices _ I pavement ~arKlng llncludes f-6) _ 2 Signs and SignalS _ 3 Guide Rai\ _ 4 Railroad protection _ 0 tdge ~arKing ('5ee f-l) _ 7 stump Remo'Ja\ 101l'\lS pl'\GE 5. 90.000 68,000 22.000 \00,000 92,000 8,000 \5.000 \4,000 \,000 56,000 52,000 4,000 30,000 30,000 ---- ----- ----- ~ ~ ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 BUDGET PAGE 6. 1987 OVERHEAD BUDGET (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION 1987 ESTIMATE Superintendence $147',000 81,000 Clerical Garage and White Station Property Office 13Ei,OOO 30,000 Tools 16,000 Radio 4,000 11 , 500 10,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts Training Courses Miscellaneous Insurance ~~ ,000 Retirement Benefits (Sick Time) 1 i' , 500 TOTAL ~454.000 (*NOTE: 27 Pay Periods in 1987 Vs. 26 in 1986.) 1987 Distribution: (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $35,000 (2) County of Elgin $419,000 COOln~ Of IOLG11l RO~O OIOP~Rl1'\lOlIl 1987 B\.IOGEI \987 \1101'\S 1I01 SOBS10\tI00 B~ 1"10 1'\llllSIR~ Of lR~lISPOR1~1101l ~1I0 C01'\1'\01l1C~1101lS \. ~dministrati~e Charges from ClerK'S OffIce for payroll preparation. 2. con~ention "OSplta\lty suItes. 3. contrIbutions and RetIrements. IOtc. 4. liability lnsurance. 5. ~embersniPs, Etc. 6. SiCK Lea~e Plan payouts. 7. Road commIttee InspectiOns (BUses. IOtc.) 8. orban Rebates on lion Subsidized lO~penditures. 9. o~er lO~penditure to lOarn 1'\aximum SUbsidY pJl,GE 7. $ A,OOO iOll\L \,200 700 9,AOO 400 21,000 600 2,700 \0,000 ~---- ~ ~s S~ISSl2!i 1987 BUOGEI .::..:----~ fEBRUI\R'i 1987 ~: $50,000 2,000 4.000 . Road *30 _ patterson culvert Repair. Road #29 _ Cleanup McBain culvert. Road *29 _ soils 1est and Engineer. Lindsay Culvert. Road #2G _ Engineerin9. Etc.. on St. George Street in conjunction with sanitary se~er installation. 8,000 -- 1011\L COS1S: ~ orainage I\ssessments MI\lN1ENI\NCE ll\S 1\11I\CHEO) O~ER\iEI\O 1011\L 11EMS N01 FOR SUBS10'i $ 64.000 30,000 31 L 000 35.000 --- $440,000 1,600 --- ~ C~LCUL~1\Oll Of N-IOUlll p~~~~LE B~ I\1E ~ 10~~RO I\1E SI. 1\10~~S SU~UR~~ll RO~O CO~~ISSIOll RO~O S~SIE~ ,operations ~udget $440,000 Estimated ~inistrY of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns SubsidY 79.6~ Of $350,240. Snare of city of st. lnOmas 50~ of ~alance ~fter SubsidY Snare of City of St. lnomas 50i of Items llot Subsidized 101~L N'\OUlll p~~~~LE ~~ I\1E Cn~ Of SI. 1\10~~S LESS: surplus for \986 ~ Bt\Ll\l'\CE LESS: 1/2 ~ill contribution for 19~7 ~ ES1\~~IEO SURPLUS 10 1987 $44,880.00 800.00 ----- $45,680.00 634.74 ------ $45,045.26 45,\00.00 -------- t 5~ ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM 1987 BUDGET MAINTENANCE OPERATION AMOUNT A - Bridges and Culverts .- 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts 15,000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance 18,000 10,000 24,000 2,000 1,000 - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement - 4 Surface Treatment 30,000 3,000 18,000 21,000 - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 5,000 8,000 15,000 16,000 - 3 Dust Control - 4 Prime E - Winter Control Total 90,000 - I Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking - 2 Signs and Signals 10,000 8,000 Continued ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAO COMMISSION ROAO SYSTEM 1987 BUDGET - M~lN1EN~NCE - - ~MOUN1 OPER~TION - r - Safety Oevices _ 3 Guide Rail _ 4 Railroad protection 1.000 4.000 \2.000 _ 6 Edge Marking $3\\.000 ~----= COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOllOWS: The following is a Summary of Expenditures on Elgin County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads in 1986. In accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' practice, Payroll Burden such as Holidays With Pay, Sick Time, etc., has been distributed to various projects and does not appear as a separate item. CONSTRUCTION (A) Bridges: (I) Replacement of 3 expansion jOints on the Wardsville Bridge, County Road #3, Aldborough Township (50% has been charged to Middlesex). (2) Engineering for culvert replacement County Road #7, Orford-A1dborough Town 1 i ne Road (50% share of work done by County of Kent). $ 16,050.53 4,042.70 (3) Replacement of 3 culverts, County Road #25 and County Road #29 on the Underhill Drain, Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. 371,157.68 TOTAL $391,250.91 (B) Roads: (I) County Road #2 from Aldborough Townline easterly in Dunwich Township; engineering, fencing, etc. $ 10,024.71 (2) County Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) from St. Thomas City limits to County Road #27 (Yarmouth Township). (Project cost 1983 to date is $985,838. (3) County Road #26 (St. George Street) from St. Thomas to County Road #25, Yarmouth Township; surveys and engineering. 27,352.36 7,393.06 Cont i nued . . . ..' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION lQ87 PAGE ,2. (B) Roads: (4) County Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) from Highway #3 to County Road #45~ Yarmouth Township, surveys and engineering throughout, drainage, pavement, etc., at Highway #3. Total Net Cost after land owners contributions of $10,000. 18,416.72 (5) County Road #42 in Port Burwell, storm drainage outlet. (Project cost 1983 to date $416,773.) (6) County Road #45 from Highway #73 to County Road #40, grading, granular base, paving, etc., Malahide Township. (7) Land purchase including surveys. (8) Surveys and engineering work on roads for future construction including County Road #4, Aldborough Township and County Road #8, Dunwich Township and County Road #8, Village of Dutton. 4,376.38 552,262.98 48,532.82 27,020.20 TOTAL $695,379.23 (C) Asphalt Resurfacing (InCluding Shouldering, Etc.): (I) County Road #13 from County Road #14 $ 494,612.08 westerly, Dunwich Township. (2) County Road #14 from County Road #13 322,988.82 to County Road #9 (except at Highway #401), Dunwich and Southwold Townships. (3) County Road #36 from Sparta to County 281,036.28 Road #24 and County Road #24 approximately 1.5 kilometers easterly of County Road #36, Yarmouth Township. (4) County Road #40 from County Road #45 308,592.86 at Mount Salem to County Road #42, Malahide Township. TOTAL $1,407,230.04 (D) Geotechinical investigation of pipe arch $ 43,460.92 culvert failures and repairs to selected culverts. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications provided a supplementary allocation of $45,000 (total expenditure). p1\GE 3. COUN1~ Of ELGIN RO~O C~111EE flRS1 REPOR1 _ FEBRU~R~ SESSION 19B7 (E) MiscellaneouS: (I) credit machinery ownershiP costs, etc., 37,470.99 CR. charged to accounts receivable and miscellaneous machine creditS.and 10wnline ~ccounts. (2) NeW and used machinery and major repairs 245,BI7.70 to presentlY owned equipment. (3) Drainage assessments charged against 15B,D42.20 County roadS. (4) Oevelopment of sparta Gravel Pit, 112,203.2B ~armoutn 1ownsnip. 101l\L ~~ 101~l COUNH EXPENDnURES ~ 10 E~ (F) St. 1homas Suburban Road commiSsion construction: (I) ~iscellaneous surveys and engineering. $ 774.0B (2) land purchase. 1,351.22 (3) Drainage assessments charged against 501.29 st. 1homas Suburban Road commiSsion Roads. 101~l CONS1RUC110N B~ S1. 1HO~~S ~ SUBURB~N RO~O COt'll-llSSION ~ 101~l COUN1~ OF ELGIN ~ND S1. 1HO~~S SUBURB~N RO~D CO~~ISSION CONS1RUC110N ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS PAGE 4. *NOTE: Letters and numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Account Numbers. A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, Etc. - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (including gravelling, ditching, etc.) - 4 Surface Treatment D - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control (Salt Brine) - 4 Dust Control (Prime) - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter Standby * Total Winter Control * 1985 Winter Control - $533,197 1984 Winter Control - $458,201 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 33,714.89 22,338.43 65,789.71 76,959.56 89,480.73 16,359.61 2,871.73 4,941.66 11,075.33 11,380.45 8,327.08 4,417.11 16,816.09 1,600.53 494.04 44,790.22 33,718.88 74,116.79 81,376.67 106,296.82 17,960.14 2,871. 73 5,435.70 100,543.02 25,556.73 126,099.75 21,266.26 1,157.92 22,424.18 59,478.29 8,292.29 67,770.58 40,470.28 45,531.69 86,001.97 33,849.87 39,517.70 6,926.21 163,102.23 198,633.09 414,732.97 19,315.32 20,685.59 5,166.32 12,109.21 3,924.39 7,033.47 24,303.43 58,390.68 2,267.61 844.27 39,016.19 51,626.91 10,850.60 170,135.70 222,936.52 473,123.65 21,582.93 21,529.86 739,172.96 Cant i nued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 5. MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rai 1 - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal TOTALS 37,039.62 85,176.00 1,807.18 35,529.63 33,763.13 31,717.19 $1,656,009.90 5,391.15 2,017.97 51.11 4,379.65 3,085.50 42,430.77 87,193.97 1, 858.29 39,909.28 36,848.63 31,717.19 $1,919,623.92 $263,614.02 OVERHEAD - COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Superintendence, including County 131,654.55 8,403.48 140,058.03 Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Vehicles. 2. Clerical 64,750.60 4,133.02 68,883.62 3. Office 35,818.93 2,286.31 38,105.24 4. Garage - Stock and Timekeepers, 109,915.80 7,015.90 116,931. 70 Maintenance, Heat, Etc. 5. Tools 19,288.89 1,231.21 20,520. 10 6. Radio 5,149.53 328.69 5,478.22 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 11,061.11 669.94 11,731.05 Counts 8. Training Courses 5,927.48 378.35 6,305.83 9. Miscellaneous Insurance 2,069.88 132 . 12 2,202.00 10. Retirement Benefits (Sick Time 8,852.61 8,852.61 Paid to Retired Employees) 11. Deferred Time 193.24 193.24 TOTALS $394,682.62 $24,579.02 $419,261. 64 Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads on a percentage basis of the cost of construction and maintenance on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Road and County Roads (urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for slJbsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1986 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 6%. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villagesof 25% of their Road Levy (Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications) Payroll Burden costs including Labour Totaled $467,652.25 in 1986 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications standard practice to the various operations. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS I. Road Liability Insurance 2. Miscellaneous (Including Memberships, Road Committee Inspections, Hospitality Suites, Contributions, Etc.) 3. Invoices from the County Clerk's Office for Preparation of Employee Payroll 4. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time to Employees Still in Employment of the County of Elgin 5. Payment to St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissioner (Fees and Expenses) 6. Office BUilding Improvements 7. Urban Rebates Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications 8. Annual Meeting of Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario (Hosted by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) TOTALS Total Rebates to Town of Aylm~r and Vi llages were $62,138.96. PAGE 6. $59,577.58 ST. THOlvtAS SUBURBAN HOAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 9,682.32 128.010 3,165.85 155.00 3,978.60 18,015.21 175.00 730.77 2,561. 38 883.96 $38,134.13 $1,341.96 9,810.32 3,320.85 3,978.60 18,0]5.2] 175.00 730.77 2 , 561. 38 883.96 $39,476.09 . , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 7. (A) Construction (B) Maintenance (C) Overhead (D) Urban Rebates. (E) Items not for Subsidy SUr4MARY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 3,015,913.29 2,626.59 3,018,539.88 1,656,009.90 263,614.02 1,919,623.92 394,682.62 24,579.02 419,261.64 59,577 .58 59,577.58 38, 134 . 13 1 , 341 .96 39,476.09 SUBTOTALS SUBTOTALS $5,164,317.52 $292,161.59 $5,456,479.11 77,037.22 $5,533,516.33 126,671.06 $5,406,845.27 ADD: 1986 Stock Balance DEDUCT: 1985 Stock Balance TOTAL (*Total for Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy $5,367,369.18.) CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURE 1. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications Provided Subsidies as Follows: (a) On the Geotechnical Investigation of Pipe Arch Culverts (Construction Item D) 90.909% on Expenditure of $43,460.92. (b) Supplementary Allocation used toward replacement of culverts on County Road #25 (Construction Item A-3) 90.909% (c) Subsidy on Urban Rebates (50%). (d) Regular Subsidy Allocation. (Less $29,788.79 Used for Urban Rebates.) p f\Gt. 8. COU"'i Or ElGl" RO~\I C~~lIIEE rlRSl REPORl _ rEBRU~Ri SESS10~ \987 COU~1'( f\~D S1. 1\-\Otllf\S SUBURBf\~ 101/'-\l ROf\D COtlltlllSS10~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 39,509.89 3,95\.03 43, M)O .92. Geotecnnical lnvesti9ation cul~ert constructiOn 91,800.00 9,200.00 101,000.00 supplementary /'-\llocat\on 2.9,788.79 59,577.58 2.9,788.79 UrbaD Rebates 5,163,330.68 3,999,\\\'2.\ \, \ 64 ,2.\ 9 .47 Regu\ar E~penditures ~ ~. ltems ~ot Subsidized ~ $~ $~ $~ 101/'-\lS ~-:;:;:;;c-- Rate of subsidY on Re9Ular E,penditures ~ 77.452%. ~~u~ 1~~R\I I\1E SI. 1\10~~S SU8URM" 3~~ ,t' payable on tne st. lnomas C \Cu\ation of ~inistfY of lransportatiOn and co~unlca lons s~burban Road ComMiSsion Road System E,pendltures, . d" f ~2.90 8\9.63 S b . d'1 nate on oneratlOns E,pen ltUres O' ' \ . ~verage u s 1" y ~as 77.452% Of $225,245.62. 2. subsidY on ltemS "at ror subsidY ($1,34\.96) "ll. County'S cost of \986 operations 10ta\ Cost lnc\Udin9 ltemS "at subsidized less creditS: (a) ~.I.C. subsi~Y' ~ t r' t'1 of st lnoma s of st. lnomas Suburban \b) cost 0 vl . Road ComMiSsion Road System. "El ES11~~IE\I COSl 10 C\lu"'i Or ElGl" (SU8JECl 10 ~.I.C, ~U\lll) 101~l SI. 1\10~~S SUBUR8~" RO~O CO~lSS\O" E~PE"\lllURES lESS: ~inistrY of lransportatiOn and COmMunicatiOns subsidY ~ 8~l~"CE snare of City of st. l00mas 50% of \la\ance ~\I\I: \leficit From \9850peratiOns ;.......-- S\.\\3101 f\l .' nQC f Cit\' of st. 1~omas \lEOUC1: 112 ~il\ contrlbutlOn for \,oU fOm ' .__- CREOlI 10 1986 lne \986 Road levY ~as $\,2\3,000. $292,\6\.59 ~ , $66,9\5.97 $33,457.99 ~ '42.,565.26 ~ ~ $5,406,845.27 l\,lGO,Z09.89 33,457.99 ~ ~ pf\GE 9. COUN1~ Of ELGIN RO~O COl-\l-\111Et f1RS1 REPORt _ fEBRU~R1 SESS10N \987 ~ 7() - d to $5 \40 6\3 in \985. 1n \986 pa1ment ~ouchers 10ta\ed $6,076,364. compare " 1he dIfference bet~een the total ~oucner pa111\ents and 10ta\ Road E~penditures Included: ,a ) \lor~ on 10~n\i ne Roads and Br i dges ,i nc Wd \ ng \lards vi \l e Bridge). ,1ne Count1 of l-\idd\eSe~ 311d the Count1 of O~ford,) ,b) surface treatll\ent ~or~ for varioUS II\un\cipa\itieS including Cit1 of st. 1noll\as and count1 of Kent ,$\63,492.52). 'c) ~spna\t pav\ng contract for 10~nsn\P of south~o\d and ~i\\age of Dutton ($118,26B.39). ,d) \lor~ on Sll\i tn-aa ile1 and orchard-carro \ I \-Iun i ci pa 1 .ora ins, mater\als sold and ~or~ perforll\ed for II\Unlc1pa\1t1es and others. 1ne count1 of E\9\n in \986 part\cipated in a Governll\ent of canada Sull\ll\er 1ncentive prograll\II\e ,surve1ing ~ssistant) ~\tn a net grant to tne count1 of $2,880. 1he Road oepartll\ent ~as requested to have personnel available for a \-Iosquito control programme for tne prevention of encephalit\S. 1he cost of $3\6,34 ~as cnarged to tne Genera\ Governll\ent ~ccount, ~LL Of \l~\C~ 1S RESPEC1fULL1 SUB\-I111EO ------ C \-\f\ 1 RMf\N SI. I\\Ol'\"'S, 0\'11 "'R 1 0 rEBRU~R~ 4, 1987 p~GE 1. I\\E COU\'11~ OF ELG1\'1 RO"'O COl'\I'\lIIEE met at the I'\unicipal Building on A e b r\/ ^ 19Q7 at 9'30 a m "'11 members e~cept ~arden ~urcell ~ere ~ednesuaY, re rua J~' 0 . .' t Mr FranK ClarKe of the I'\inistry of lransportatiOn and present. "'lSO presen ~aS '0' · communicatiOns, the Engineer and "'ssiStant Engineer. lhe Engineer reported that the Lieutenant Governor in council had approved on January 28th County By-La~S \'10. 86-60 and \'10. 86-61 assuming and reverting roads in the County Road System. ",rrangements had been made to assume theSe roads immediatelY, ~inter control ~orK is to be done bY the 10~nshiP of south~old on Road #18 and by the 10~nshiPS of ~armouth and south oorchester on Road #48 East of Road #30. stoP signs and route marKers ~ere being erected. lhe "'ssistant Engineer reported that the cleanout at the Glencolin Bridge had been completed other than trimming ~orK ~hich ~ould be done thiS s?ring. lhe \'1e~ I'\ichigan Loader ~ould not be delivered until the first of ne~t vJee\<.. I'\r. 1'\. J. \\ennessey had been told to ~ait for further instructions from the County before approaching the City of st. lhomas regarding Co~an ~arK. '" meeting had been held ~ith I'\r. Larry Gigun of "'. 1'\. spriet and ",ssociates regarding the st. George street se~ers. '" ne~ profile for st. George street had been for~arded to him and ne~ specificatiOns ~ould be for~arded shortlY, I\\E>E\'1Gl\'1EER RE~OR1EO 0\'1 I\\E ~ORK 10 O"'IE ",S FOLLO~S: 1. ~inter control had been Quite light. 2. crushed gravel ~as being hauled from the sparta ~it to ~hite Station as 3. conditions permitted. ",pp rO ~ i mate 1 y 1 /3 of tM dead trees na d been cut to date. 4. Sign ~orK ~as continuing as conditions permitted. . 'A d nine ~ch culverts. 5. Fred Groch ~as inspectlng brluges an p p culverts shO~ed little deterioratiOn from last Fall. Vtost ?l?e arc" --~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1987 PAGE 2. The County Road Department and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission budgets were discussed at some length (for revised budget see Second Report of County Road Committee, February Session). After discussion. . . "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE SUM OF $500.00 BE BUDGETED IN 1987 FOR MOSQUITO CONTROL. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THE REBATE TO THE URBAN MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% OF THE ROAD LEVY AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: W. A MARTYN SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR THE MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE $175.00 FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1987 TO JANUARY 31, 1988 (AS IN 1986). CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $441,600 (AS ATTACHED) BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $6,315,000 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1987 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM "^', SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF PROPOSED WORK OF THE NORMAL PORTION OF THE BUDGET IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $6,143,400 AND THAT THE STATEMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR HIS APPROVAL. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY LEVY FOR 1987 BE $1,278,000. CARRIED." The County roads assumed by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission totaled 65.9 kilometers and were as attached. The purchase of new equipment was discussed. "MOVED BY: W. A. MARTYN SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A GRADER WITH COUNTY GRADER #17 AS A TRADE-IN; A NEW OR DEMONSTRATOR MODEL TO BE CONSIDERED. CARRIED." The Chairman was authorized to make a decision on the purChase of the grader or to call a meeting of Committee to discuss purchase whichever he felt was in order. As tenders were due on February 18th (County Council day) an informal meeting of Committee could be arranged at noon if necessary. The replacement of Truck #63 as a sander was discussed at some length and the Committee felt that it would be wise to acquire a used dump truck and box if possible. It appeared that there would be a lot of truck work in 1987 and it was not likely that Truck #72 would stand up to being used as a spare dump truck on a continuing basis as it was in 1986. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1987 PAGE 4. Annual holiday carryover was discussed. Jim Chaplow's carryover had been discussed with Mr. Tom Crossman who would discuss the matter with the Personnel Committee at their next meeting. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAY CARRYOVER BE ALLOWED INTO 1987. KENNETH ABBOTT JAMES CHAPLOW 2 DAYS SICK WHEN HOLIDAYS SCHEDULED. SHORT STAFFED IN GARAGE DUE TO SICKNESS, RESIGNATION OF ASSISTANT AND DELAY IN APPOINTMENT OF NEW ASSISTANT (2 POSTINGS). 20 DAYS CLARE DEAN 1 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. JAMES HASKELL 1/2 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. EDWIN KELLEY 4 1/2 DAYS SICK WHEN SCHEDULED. TED MCCREADY 1 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. FRED MARSHALL 1 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. JACK MATHEWS 1 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. ALLAN MOON 1 DAY WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. DELL MORRIS 4 DAYS SICK WHEN SCHEDULED. JAMES WATTERS 1/2 DAYS SICK WHEN SCHEDULED. RONALD ZELLAS 1/2 DAYS WINTER CONTROL CALL OUT. TOTAL 37 CARRIED." The Engineer noted that over twice as many days were carried forward into 1986 than were carried into 1987. Requests by Southwold Township for parking restrictions in Fingal and by the Village of Rodney for parking restrictions on Road #3 at Road #2 had been examined and it appeared to be in order. Restrictions would allow painting of a left hand turn lane on Road #3 in Rodney and in Fingal improving vision at the intersection at Road #16 and Road #20. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO FEBRU~R'l 4, 1987 ?~GE '5. "MO\JEO B'l: SECONDED B~. ~.~. M~RT~N TH~T IN ORDER TO RESTRICT p~RKING ON CERT~IN COUNT~ RO~DS ~E RECOMMEND TO COUNH COUNCIL TH~T ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSED ~HICH ~ILL IN EffECT ~MENO B~-L~~ NO. 84-23 BEING ~ B~-L~~ FOR THE REGUL~TION OF TR~FFIC B~: 1. DELETING FROM P~R~GR~PH 2 OF SCHEDULE ,~' SECTIONS S, T. U, ~, ~, ~ND X. 2. ~ND REPL~CING THEM ~ITH THE FOLLO~ING: (S) COUNT~ RO~D #16 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE E~ST LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D RO~D #20 ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RO~D #16. (T) COUNT~ RO~D #16 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE ~EST LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #20 ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RO~D #16. (U) COUNT~ RO~D #16 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE E~ST LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #20 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RO~D #16. (~) COUNT~ RO~D #16 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE ~EST LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #20 ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RO~D #16. (~) COUNT~ RO~D #20 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #16 ON THE E~ST SIDE OF RO~D #20. (X) COUNT~ RO~D #20 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #16 ON THE ~EST SIDE OF RO~D #20. 3. ~DDING THE FOLLO~ING: (CCC) COUNT~ RO~D #20 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~O #16 ON THE E~ST SlOE OF COUNT~ RO~O #20. (ODD) COUNT~ RO~D #20 ~ITHIN 13 METRES OF THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #16 ON THE ~EST SIDE OF COUNT~ RO~D #20. (EEE) COUNT~ RO~D #3 ~ITHIN 170 METRES OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #2 ON THE E~ST SIDE OF COUNT~ RO~D #3. (FFF) COUNT~ RO~O #3 ~ITHIN 183 METRES OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNT~ RO~D #2 ON THE ~EST SIDE OF COUNT~ RO~D #3. E. NEUK~MM C~RRIEO.\1 was allowed by the auditor. ~s the programme appeared worthWhile and in order not to jeopardize future programmes from the pro~ince, the Engineer recommended that the auditor's adjUstment be repaid to the pro~ince. The Engineer had finallY been able to re~iew the county's ~outh Corps programmes in 1984 and 1985. The total claimed by the County was $76,083 and onlY $75,323 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1987 PAGE 6. IIMOVED BY: A.. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PAY TO THE MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING THE SUM OF $760.50 BEING OVER EXPENDITURE WHEN AUDITED FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S YOUTH CORPS PROJECTS IN 1984 AND 1985. (TOTAL CLAIMED $76,083.80; TOTAL ALLOWED $75,323.30.) CARRIED.II The Engineer asked permission to make an application for a Survey Technician Student under the Canada Summer Programme as in previous years. IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR THE HIRING OF A SURVEY TECHNICIAN STUDENT FOR THE SUMMER UNDER THE CHALLENGE '87 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME (S.E.E.D.). CARRIED. II The Committee discussed the recommendations of M~. Lyle Wells of the Frank Cowan Company for changes to the County's insurance. The Committee decided to: (a) Remain at the $7,000,000 limit rather than increase the limit to $10,000,000 for liability. (b) Not to take out the Environmental Policy in 1987 inasmuch as there was a $5,000 deductible on any claim with a maximum payment of $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 aggregate claims during the year. (c) Not to increase the deductible on either the liability, automobile or property as it appeared that with over two claims on any given policy all the savings would have been used up. ~ CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Appreciation from the Curtis Gordon Family. 2. Copy of a letter from the Honourable Ed Fulton to Warden Purcell announcing a $30,000,000 Ontario Municipal Improvement Fund. 3. Programme Ontario Roads Association Convention. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1987 PAGE 7. 4. Appeals from the County of Elgin Land Division Committee decisions were as follows: (a) North part of Lot 17, Concession I, Yarmouth Township on Road #24. (b) Lot 20, Concession XII, South Dorchester Township on Dance Side Road (Wayne Hiepleh). 5. Rezonings were as follows: (a) Township of Aldborough rezoning property on County Road #3 at the old Township and County Garages in the Gore Concession to automotive commercial. (b) Township of Dunwich on Road #16 rezoning school property on Lot 'B1, Concession XI to rural residential. (c) Township of Yarmouth with a minor variance on Part of Lot 1, Concession XI, Road #48, to legalize existing setbacks. (d) Township of Yarmouth Part of Lot 3, Concession V, Road #45 to legalize . setbacks on existing buildings. (e) Township of Malahide rezoning property in Lot 10, Concessions I and II in Copenhagen for rural residential. (f) Township of Yarmouth rezoning by-law to rezone the Old Union School for use by the Municipal World on Road #27 east of Union. 6. County of Kent, R. H. Foulds, Clerk enclosing a statement from the Southwestern Ontario County Solicitor Mr. Wright on gas franchise matters. 7. Environment Canada's letter to Warden Purcell regarding Great Lake water levels. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4TH AT 9:30 A.M., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST AT 9:30 A.M. AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22ND AND THURSDAY, APRIL 23RD AT 9:00 A.M. FOR ROAD INSPECTIONS. ~ CARRIED. II ~:;;.- /? /, ~. ~'> - ~/. ..,. ,.>' ~~ A~'/#-" ~ , -/ ~CHAIRMAN' - 51. 1"0~~5 5UBURB~~ RO~O CO~~15510~ ~ RO~\) #16 _ fRO~ 51. 1"0~~5 1l~li5 10 RO~\) #20 fl~G~l RO~\) #2i _ fRO~ 51. .mo~~5 1l~li5 10 RO~\) #45 RO~\) #25 _ t\lElLl~Gl0~ RO~\)) RO~\) #26 _ fRO~ 51. 1"0~~5 ll~115 10 RO~\) #25 RO~\) #2B _ fRO~ "lG"\l~'/ #3 10 RO~\) #45 RO~\) #29 - 1 "ROIlG"OUI RO~\) #30 _ fRO~ 51. 1~0~~5 ll~115 IQ CO~CE5510~5 ~ll ~N\) ~lll. '/~R~OIlI~ I\lP. \\.0 1.9 7.2 \.4 5.2 '3.'3 5.4 ROI\O #'3\ \.6 .... ROI\O #45 .... fRO~ ~lG"\l~'/ #4 10 RO~\) #36 9.2 RO~\) #52 _ fRO~ \\lG\\\l~'/ #3 10 mG\\\l~'/ #74 12.'3 ROI\O #56 .... tEl~ 51REEI) Cll'/ ll~115 10 RO~O #36 5.,3 ROI\O . #57 t SOIlI\\\)~lE) \\ 1 G\\'vl~ '/ #4 10 RO~\) #22 2.1 ... -- 1011\L ~ \(l/\ ~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD tOMMISSION 1987 BUDGET CONSTRUCT! ON: . Road #30 - Patterson Culvert Repair. Road #29 - Cleanup McBain Culvert. Road #29 - Soils Test and Engineer, Lindsay Culvert. Road #26 - Engineering, Etc., on St. George Street in conjunction with sanitary sewer installation. $50,000 2,000 4,000 8.000 TOTAL FIXED COSTS: Drainage Assessments MAINTENANCE (AS ATTACHED) OVERHEAD TOTAL ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY FEBRUARY 1987 $; 64,000 .30,000 311 ,000 35,000 $440,000 1 ,600 $441.600 ~ ~~ 10\l~i>.O 1\-\E S1. 1\-\Ol\~S SUBURB~1I RO~O CQl\1'\ISSIOIl RO~O S~S1El~ .0peratiOns Budget $440,000 Estimated ~inistrY of 1ransportatiOn and communicatiOns SubsidY 79.6~ Of $350,240. snare of City of St. 1nomas sO~ of Batance ~fter subsidY snare of City of st. 1nomas soi of ItemS lIot subsidized 101~L III\OUlI1 p~~I\BLE B~ WE Cn~ Of s1. 1\\0~~s LESS: SUfPluS fOf 1986 ;;;;;.--- Bl\LAt-tCE LESS: tl2 ~itt contribution for 19B7 ~ ESn~~1EO sURPLUS 10 t9B7 $44,880.00 800.00 ---- $45,680.00 634.74 ---- $45,045.26 45,\00.00 ~ t 5~ ~ ~ THOM~~SU8~lSSlON~~O SYSTEM. 1987 BUDGEi - - - ~lENANC~ .- -- - OPERAilON - A _ Bridges and culverts _ 1 Bridges _ 2 culverts B _ Roadside Maintenance : 1 Grass cutting - _ 2 iree cutting and Brushing - _ 4 Drainage _ 5 Roadside Maintenance _ 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) c _ Paved Road Maintenance _ 1 Repairs to Pavement _ 2 Sweeping _ 3 ShOulder Maintenance _ 4 surface ireatment o _ Gravel Road Maintenance _ 2 Grading Gravel Roads _ 3 oust Control _ 4 Prime _ 5 Gravel Resurfacing E _ ~inter control iotal _ 1 Snow Plowing _ 2 Sanding and Salting _ 3 Snow Fence _ 4 StandbY and Night Crew f - Safety Devices _ 1 Pavement Marking _ 2 Signs and Signals -- AMOUNi 15,000 18,000 10,000 24,000 2,000 1,000 30,000 3,000 18,000 21, 000 5,000 8,000 15,000 16,000 90,000 10,000 8,000 continued . . . $1. 1\101\1I$ SU"UR"~" RO~\l C Ol'\lll \ S S \ 0" RO~\l S ~ S1f.\o\ ~ ~ OPER~110" ~OU"1 _ 6 Edge tJlar\<.ing 1.000 4,000 \'2.000 --- ~ f ~ safety De~\ces _ 3 Guide Rail _ 4 Railroad protection ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 29, 1987 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the County Building on Thursday, January 29, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Reeve Pearson. Also present was Mr. Jack Wice of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 7 AND JANUARY 14, 1987 BE APPROVED. CARRI ED. II Tenders for a 4 Yard Loader were as attached. The Engineer noted that the price for a new 125C Michigan Loader was extremely low and in addition Sheridan Equipment Limited had given an allowance of $40,000 for the old loader. Most other bidders had offered in the $25,000 to $27,000 range for the trade-in loader. The loader would be delivered within two weeks. "MOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF SHERIDAN EQUIPMENT LIMITED OF TORONTO, ONTARIO FOR A NEW 1987 MODEL MICHIGAN 125C, 4 CUBIC YARD LOADER AS PER THEIR TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT A NET DIFFERENCE (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) WITH THE COUNTY'S 1977, l25B MICHIGAN LOADER AS TRADE~IN FOR A TOTAL COST OF $111,128.06 AND THAT WE PURCHASE AT AN EXTRA COST OF $2,465.00 AN EXTENDED WARRANTY ON THE CUMMINS LIO MOTOR FOR A PERIOD OF 2 YEARS BEYOND THE STANDARD 12 MONTH WARRANTY REQUESTED IN THE TENDER. CARRIED." Warden Purcell reported on the Hubrey-Highbury- Radio Road stating that he had again talked to Mayor Gosnell of London and the Mayor had promised his support, however that the Mayor did not wish to take the matter to City Council at the present time. A copy of a letter from Warden Purcell to the Minister of Transportation and Communications supporting the County's supplementary funding applications for Road #30 improvements was distributed to Road Committee members. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 29, 1987 PAGE 2. The supplementary applications for funding on ~oad #30 that were' passed by County Council on January 21st had been forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications I London Regional Officials along with a copy of Warden Purcell's letter. The Ministry had recommended that both regular supplementary funding and Ontario Municipal Improvement Funding be requested for the work. Cleanout work at the Glencolin Bridge was expected to start shortly. The Minister of Transportation and Communications had approved the new County Road System on January 20th and it was not known when the matter would go to Cabinet. The delivery of snowplowing equipment was expected by the end of the second week in February. Letters had been written to Canadian Pacific regarding land at the Port Burwell Bridge and insisting that the Canadian Pacific Railway deed the property that the Port Burwell Bridge stood on to the County as it would be very difficult for the County if the railway sold property that the bridge stood on to other parties. A meeting was scheduled for February 2nd with a representative of A. M. Spreit and Associates with regard to the St. George Street sewer project. Reeve Martyn was unhappy that the consultants had taken so long to contact the Engineer. Warden Purcell stated that he would discuss St. George Street improvements, the Cowan Park project and the St. George Street sewer project with Mayor Golding and bring her up to date thus eliminating the need for the Engineer to advise the City that the Road Committee did not wish to do the project at this time. SI. lHO~~S, ON1~RIO JI\NUI\R'{ 29, 1987 pl\GE 3. It appeared tnat EmplOyment and Immigration canada~oUldfund tne county for a ~orK project under section 38 of tne unemplOyment Insurance ~ct, but due to delays in tneir o~n organization tne project could not start before mid-~arcn and ~ould tnUS continUe to mid-~aY. "MO\JED B'{: 1\. K. FORD SECONOEO 8~: R. f. PURCELL lH~1 VIE RECO~~ENO 10 COUN1~ COUNCIL lH~1 ~ B~-L~VI BE p~SSEO ~U1HORll.lNG lHE 'tI~ROEN ~NO CLERK 10 SIGN ~N ~GREE~ENl \.nlH E~PLO~~ENl ~NO l~~lGR~nON C~N~O~ UNOER SECnoN 38 Of lHE UNE~PLO~~ENl INSUR~NCE ~Cll0 ~LLO'W lHE COUN1~ 10 HIRE 9 UNE~PLO~EO 'WORKERS fOR 90 ~~N 'WEEKS 'tIORK fRO~ ~IO-~~RCH 10 ~IO-~~~. E~PLO~~ENl ~NO l~~lGR~nON C~N~O~ 10 P~~ lHE 'tI~GE COSl fOR lHESE 'WORKERS ~NO lHE COUN1~ Of ELGIN 10 SUPPL~ lR~NSPOR1~110N, EQUIP~EN1, INSUR~NCE, 'WORKERS' CO~PENS~II0N, E1C. CM~R1ED." lHE ENGINEER REPOR1EO ON lHE 'WORK 10 O~IE ~S fOLLO'tlS: l. lnat ne nad a cnance meeting ~itn ~r. Livingstone, Solicitor for tne port stanley lerminal Rail Incorporated and tney nad discUssed tne desirability of an agreement bet~een tne port stanley lerminal Rail lncorporated and tne County of Elgin. ~r. Livingstone stated tnat ne nad received a letter from ~r. Hennessey and ~ould looK into tne matter furtner. 2. 'tIinter control nad been fairlY lignt. 3. crusned gravel ~aS being nauled from tne sparta Pit to 'Wnite station and stripping ~as being done at ~e Pleasa~ ~alleY Pit. ~ore crusned gravel ~ould be required at tne Pleasant ~alleY Pit and tne sparta Pit tniS season. 4. lree cutting ~as continuing. 5. Sign ~orK ~aS continuing. 6. ~acninerY repair nad been lignt, altnOugn repairs nad been made to several sander motors. 7. lne Engineer reported tnat ne ~ould meet ~itn Reeve Bradfield ~itn regard to tne Road #39 and Road #42 intersection in port Bur~ell as apparentlY tne Road committee nad misunderstood tne meaning of tne letter from tne ~illage. S1. 1~O~~S, ON1~RIO J~NU~R~ 29, 1987 ?~GE 4. 8. fred Groch was continuing with brdige and cul~ert inspections. 9. Welding of pipe arch cul~erts was being done as conditions permitted, including the fowler Drain cul~ert on Road #16 at fingal, the BaKer-penhale Drain Cul~ert on Road #52 \1 Kilometer west on Road #30); also to be done would be the Tansley Drain Cul~ert on Elm street tRoad #56) near Road #36. 10. The Land sur~eyor had completed two land plans between Road #40 and Luton and was worKing on thoSe between Luton and Highway #73 and notices would be sent out to the owners shortlY, "~O\lEO B~: E. NEUK~MM SECONDED B~: W.~. M~RT~N TH~T THE fOLLOWING p~~LIST BE p~SSED fOR p~~MENT: p~~LIST NUMBER 2 IN THE ~MOUNT Of $92,324.05 p~~LIST NUMBER 3 IN THE ~MOUNT Of $68,398.59 p~~LIST NUMBER 5 IN THE ~MOUNT Of $74,441.75 C~RRIEO." The attached budget was discUssed at some length. The budget would ha~e to be di~ided between the St. Thomas Suburban Road commission and the county with the commission portion being approximatelY $440,000. The St. Thomas Suburban Road commission would ha~e to assume a number of roads in the st. Thomas area so that they would be able to spend their budget. They would alsO ha~e to re~ert to the County the portion of Road #30 in concession XIII, ~armouth TownshiP so the County could recei~e supplementary funds for the construction of the Radio Road. Road #11 at the ford Plant should also be re~erted to the County as there was now no direct connection to the City of st. Thomas other than ~ighVJaY #4. The st. Thomas Suburban Road commission would meet next Tuesday to finalize their budget. Supplementary allocations for the Tates Bridge and Radio Road had alreadY been appro~ed and passed by County council. SI. lHOM~S, ON1~RI0 J~NU~R~ 29, 1987 P ~GE 5. lhat the county Le~y increase of 5.3% ~as extremelY lo~ Keeping in mind that the county had assumed an extra 70 Kilometers of road for 1987 and much stop_gap ~orK ~as needed on them. construction allocations for theSe roads ~ould not be forthCOming until 1988 as a Needs study update in the spring of 1987 ~as reQuired. Amounts Not For SubsidY ~ere much the same as in 1986. ~ll the constructiOn allocation ~ould be used for constructiOn purposes. ~orK on Road #29, Lindsay Cul~ert and McBain Drain and Road #30 patterson's Cul~ert repairs ~ould be on the Suburban Road System, ~ith the remainder of the ~orK on the county System. lhe usual construction procedure ~ould liKelY be followed, with worK completed from pre~ioUS years done first, to be followed bY worK on Fair~iew ~~enue tRoad #22) and the remaining funds spent on Road #2. lhe asphalt resurfacing programme would include the ,completion of last year'S worK pluS the rest of Road #13 to the end of the curb and gutter in Dutton. other worK scheduled waS tentati~e depending on the spring breaKUP priorities and the asphalt cement prices talthOUgh prices were lo~ in 1986 they would probablY rise in 1987). Maintenance items were discUssed at some length including bridge and cul~ert maintenance noting that not much worK had been completed last year and thUS would be required thiS year. lhe ~ssistant engineer was in the procesS of compiling lists of necessary worK. Maintenance estimates were for an enlarged system in 1987, althOUgh the increased System would not affect some items greatlY, it would others. ~ considerable amount of baCKhoe ditching was left uncompleted from 1986. Repairs to pa~ements ~ould include worK for sand base on Road #35 at Orwell, Road #56 east of centennial ~~enue, Road #48 at the Belmont Golf Club in ~armouth 10wnshiP, parts of Road #27 t~armouth) at the union Golf Club entrance and parts of Road #57 tSouthdale). In addition hot miX patching was required on Road #45, Player'S Hill; Road #48, May Hill; Road #16, Fingal; Road #20 south limit of Shedden and Road #40 south limit of springfield. Roadside maintenance estimates included worK at the IZingsmill crossing of the Canadian National Rail~aY on Road #35, some impro~ements on Road #27 south~old 10wnshiP between the ~armouth Line and the MeeKS Bridge, and some ditching on Road #18 east of Road #19. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 29, 1987 PAGE 6. Surface treatment was estimated at 30 kilometers and would include some assumed roads and some present County roads. It was also 'desirable to surface treat the bridge approaches at Orwell (Road #35) and Cook's and Phillmore Bridges on Road #43. Additional funding was required for dust control and grading of gravel roads over last year. Prime would likely be required on Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) north of Southdale, Road #43 at Calton, 1 kilometer on Road #48 east of Wellington Road which was now built up and would be very difficult to maintain as a gravel road and 1/2 kilometer on Road #56 (Elm Street) east of Centennial. Gravel resurfacing was estimated for Road #18 and Road #20 in Southwold Township and patching on Road #28 (Southdale), Road #30 (Radio Road), Road #56 (Elm Street) east of Centennial, Road #35 from Orwell to Road #52, Road #27 Southwold Township from the Yarmouth Townline to Road #20 and Road #48 in Yarmouth Township. The assumed roads not being done were Road #48 South Dorchester Township and Road #5 Aldborough-Dunwich Townline. These roads would have to be done next year unless they showed severe breakup this Spring in which case they would have to be done this year. Winter control was difficult if not impossible to estimate and the maintenance budget would have to be revised in Mayor June after winter costs and Spring breakup conditions had been assessed. Pavement marking and edge marking costs would remain much the same as in 1986. Railway pro~ection costs would be up due to the new roads and several unpaid bills which were not received last year because of improper addressing by the Canadian National Railway. Drainage assessments were estimated at approximately the amount allocated ($91,000). ._/.~ Overhead costs i nc 1 uded repa i rs to the Garage roof. It was thought it would be cheaper to repair the roof than to replace it, although continuing problems with different co-efficent expansion factors between the roof and the installation were evident. This type of installation used on other buildings in the St. Thomas area has had to be replaced (Bathurst Containers and St. Annes Church). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 29, 1987 PAGE 7. Training courses costs would increase because of the need to train new foremen and hold another First Aid Course. Retirement benefits had been paid to the Curtis Gordon Estate. No other retirements were scheduled for 1987. There are 27 pay periods in 1987 compared to the normal 26 pay periods in most years. Proposed amendments to the Municipal Act affecting Townline Bridges were discussed. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ADVISE THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THAT WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 26 TO 32 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT AS PROPOSED BY THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT. CARRIED. II A Gravel Crushing Quotation from C. R. Chittick Construction Limited for 80 cents per ton for 1987 crushing had been received (72 cents per ton in 1986). The second lowest tender in 1985 when tenders were last called had been 79 cents per ton. It is extremely difficult to get any crushing contractors as several had gone out of business in the past 2 years and there appeared to be a large amount of work in 1987. It would be necessary to get a contractor into the County's Pleasant Valley Pit prior to March 1st to work there and at the Sparta Pit during the half load season, as after that all crushers were fully committed to Township gravel work for several months after May 1st. Crushed gravel would be required before mid-summer in both pits. "MOVED BY: D. PEROV I CH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF C. R. CHITTICK CONSTRUCTION LIMITED OF 80 CENTS PER TON FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING FOR 1987 AT THE COUNTY'S PLEASANT VALLEY AND SPARTA GRAVEL PITS. CARRIED." 51. lHOMA5, ON1ARIO JANUAR~ 29, 1987 PAGE 8. "MO\lED B~: A. K. fORD SECONOED B~: E. NEUKAMM lHAl WE ADJOURN 10 WEDNESDA~, FEBRUAR~ 4, 1987 AI 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." .~ ~lRMAN . ~ ~~ ~ (\911 ~IC"IGA" \258 A"O ~11" SALES 1A~) ." I. Broer Sales Incorvorated 702 1a\bOt street ~est f\y\mer>> ontario N5\"\ 2'J\ l-\ichigan \25C ~del 1984. 695 "ours Located f\orlda 6 ~ntns Guarantee. I ~ear E~tra Cost $5.000 No counter~eight ~ sneridan Equi~nt Limited p. O. BOX. 90\ station 'U' ioronto, ontario l-\81. 5R4 ~Icnlgan \25C ("ew) 19B1 ~de\ oeli~erY 2 ~eeKS 1 ~ear on Entire l-\achine Uv to 3 ~ears ~arranty on Ori,e Line comvonents 3 ~ear ~arranty on L-IO cummins ~tor $2.465 E~tra 1,500 Lb. counter~eight 3. cavlta\ Equivroent lncorvorated 2 ROyal crest Road Rex.da1e, ontario l-\9~ 2L5 fratallis Model fR20 1985 Model, 1,700 ~our.s 4. 1enneco Canada Incorvorated p. O. BOX. 758 Lambeth, ontario NOL lSO Case ~36 1986 Model, 52 ~ours .\- ; 5. crothers Limited p. O. BoX. 55H concord, ontariO caterpillar 9660 1985 ~odel, 2,500 ~ours JM~Uf\R'{ 1987 $106,2.29.60 $lll>> 128.06 $\\\,722.9B $130,433.00 $144,450.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE LOADER TENDERS PAGE 2. 6. Southwest Tractor Incorporated 16 Royce Court London, Ontario N6E 1 Ll John Deere Model 855 $151~, 916.74 7. Crothers Limited P.O. Box 5511 Concord, Ontario Caterpillar 9660 1987 Model (New) $167,455.00 - - 8. Don Risk Equipment Limited 177 Credistone Road Concord, Ontario L4K IN5 $230,050.00 ~O~O_OEP~~ RECONCILIATION WIT~ ALLOCATION :..---..;;..--- ~ . :...;....;-- Mormal Ministry of lransportatiOn and communications ~llocation (construction. fixed Costs. and Urban Rebates). ~: (a) supplementary ~llocations: (i) Tates Bridge. (ii) Road #30 (RadiO Road). (b) over Estimate Regarding urban Rebates. tc) Items Not for SubsidY. $6 .143 .100 10,000 11 0, 000 300 51. 600 --- t.6.31~ ~ount~: Ministry of lransportation and communications subsidY on "ormal Allocation. $4.884.100 ?,!bSidJ on~rY ~ons: (1) 1ates Bridge. (2) Road #30 (Radio Road). B,OOO 100,000 ~ .. I' ~an~: $6,315.000 4-,992.100 - Estimated Effective Snare of city of St. lnomas Suburban Road contribution $44,900. $l,~ ----. Estimated Levy $1,27B,000. (1986 Levy $1.213.000) (5.36% Increase.) . COU>>l~ OF E~Gl>> ROAO OEPAR1ME>>1 \987 BUDGEl - ::..:::.:-- ~~ Ml>>lSlR~ OF lRA>>SPOR1Al10>> A>>O COMMU>>lCA110>>S I. Administrative Charges from Clerk'S Office for payroll preparation. 2. Convention "ospitality suites. 3. contributiOns and Retirements, Etc. 4. Liability Insurance. 5. MembershiPs, Etc. 6. Sic~ Lea~e Plan Payouts. 1. E~penditures Related to Moving into New ~dministratiOn Building. 8. Road committee InspectiOns tBuses, Etc.). 9. Urban Rebates on >>on Subsidized E~penditures. . 10. Over E~penditure to Earn Ma~imum Subsidy t$9.500t in \985). 101A~ COU>>l~ \BUOGEl $50,000) \\. St. lnomas Suburban Road Coll1llliSsion MembershiPS, fees and Annual Meeting Expenses. 1986 ;;;;..-- 1987 ;;;;..-- $ 3,979 $ 4,000 1,090 L 2.00 700 9,400 400 2. L 000 1.148 9.810 '382. 18.015 7'31 600 546 2.561 2. .7 00 9.975 1: 10.000 --- --- ~,o~ $48.2'37 1: 800 t In suburban" Budget) 1.2.\4 {Budget ___ $\,500) ~:t COUNTY OF ELGIN CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND BRIDGES AVAILABLE ALLOCATION - $950,900. 1. Surveys and engineering including future work (Roads #43, #4, #8 [Dutton], and Route Around Aylmer, Miscellaneous, Etc.) 2. Engineering: (a) Road #14 - Middlemiss Bridge. (b) Road #29 - Lindsay Culvert, Sqil Tests, Etc. (Completed But Not Paid For) (c) Road #7 - Kent County Line Culvert Replacement Surveys, Engineering and Land Purchase. (d) Road #26 (St. George Street) - Engineerina to Date Revision of Standards and Inspection to see that Standards are being Observed. 3. Land Purchase: (a) Complete Legal Surveys and Payments Road #45 and Road #2. (b) Road #22 - Complete. (c) Road #43 - Fall. (d) Miscellaneous Land Committee Severances, Etc. 4. Completion of Work From 1986: (a) Road #29 - McBain Culvert, Trim, Seed, Etc. (b) Road #45 - Malahide from Road #40 to Highway #73 including Top Coat of Asphalt (Portion), Gravel Shouldering, Drainage, Trim, Top Soil and Seed. (c) Road #30 -" Patterson's Culvert Repair (Material Purchased in 1986). 5. New Work: (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Intersection of Concessions IV and V, Yarmouth Township southerly to M. Brown Property including Grading, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of _ Asphalt and Intersection Treatment. (b) Replacement of Curb and Gutter and Catchbasins as required on Road #2 (West Lorne), westerly to Highway #76. - (c) Road #2 - From East End of Curve at Aldborough- Dunwich Townline Easterly as Funds will Permit, GradIng, Granular Base, Drainage, Base Coat of Asphalt, Etc. TOTAL \ \ $ 35,000 10,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 . 45.000 8,000 35,000 12,000 2,000 175,000 .' 50,000 305.000 12,000 :241.900 $950.900 -l ~ . .. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Maintenance Comparisons for 1984, 1985 and 1986 include County and Suburban Roads Expenditures. All totals include payr~11 Burden.) OPERATION A - Bridges and Culverts - 1. Bridges - 2 Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance - 1. Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1. Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping 1984 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 1985 1986 1987 ESTIMATED COUNTY 97,219 88,256 44,790 37,326 66,796 33,719 41,888 52,221 74,117 79,498 23,126 81,377 190,735 162,667 106,297 39,393 51,575 17,960 4,088 1,169 2,872. 2,350 5,813 5,436 12,716 11,751 48,966 136,302 126,100 27,273 23,804 22,424 140,000 87,000 110,000 170,000 55,000 4,000 6,000 165,000 28,000 . ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ~987 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS OPERATION C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 1 Ditching, Gravel and Prime (Road #26) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control Tota~ 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Standby and Night Crew F - Safety Devices - ~ Pavement Marking - 2 Signs and Signals 1984 86,697 ~42,263 23,976 29,853 40,029 2,635 70,~28t 458,20~ ~27,326 296,395 19,754 14,726 46,058 45,345 1985 212,549 111,438 55,899 39,680 53,990 7,139 ~10,197 533,197 ~83 , 825 294,579 27,403 27,390 52,941 93,470 -. '. ':.. 1986 67,770 86,002 39,016 51,627 10,850 170,136 739,173 222,936 473,124 21,583 21,530 42,431 87 , 194 1987 ESTIMATED 100,000 175,000 50,000 77,000 24,000 130,000 685,000 PAGE 2. COUNTY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 90,000 (Includes F-6) 100,000 , , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS OPERATION F - Safety Devices (Continued) - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal TOTALS Winter Control 1982 Winter Control 1983 $497,778 $210,955 1984 1985 1986 COUNTY 1987 ESTIMATED 17,829 12,666 1 ,858 48,322 40,451 39,909 37,967 47,104 36,849 28,561 7,157 131,717 $1,659,316 $2,001,358 1,919,624 15,000 56,000 See F-l 30,000 2,297,000 1987 M.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation Drainage Assessment = 1986 M.T.C. Maintenance and Overhead Allocation $2,176,000 1987 Maintenance Budget 2,297,000 1987 Overhead Budget 454,000 1986 Maintenance Expenditure 1986 Overhead Expenditure Over Allocation $162,886 $ 1,919,624 419,262 2,338,886 Drainage Assessments 91,000 2,842.000 1986 Original March Estimate Maintenance & Overhead $2,318,000 Estimate Of June 1986 Was $2,427,000 Expenditure Over Allocation $100,000 PAGE 3. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS 2,651,600 90,400 2,742.000 ~DEPA~ ~ GRA~EL ~5URfA~ ~: I. Road #18 from Road #20 to Road #19. 5outh~old lo~nshl~; last done in 1984. 2. Road #20 from Road #18 to Middlesex coun~Y Line; last done in 1984. 3. Road #28 (centennial Avenue) s~otting mostlY. north of Southdale Road. 4. Road #30. north end s~otting as required to get thrOugh 5~rlng; last done in 1983. 5. spotting as required. Delay Road #43. south of Calton (last done in 1984) until 1988 as ~ortlon of Road #43 scheduled to be rebuilt. ~os 10 B~ASSUM~: ..' 1. Road #18) West of Lawrence Station. 2. Road #18, Road #\7 to Road #19. 3. Road #56. centennial to Road #36. 4. Road #35) Orwell to Road #52. 5. Road #27) southWo1d lownshiP. 6. Road #48) ~armouth lownshiP. " SPOll1~G ONL~: --- ..:.--- I. Road #48. south Dorchester lo~nshiP, 2. Road #5. AldborOugh-DUn~ich lo~nline. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 8UDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) \ I I OPERATION 1984 1985 1986 19817 ESTIMATE Superintendence 115, 176 126,724 140,058 147,000 Clerical 64,346 68,785 68,884 81,000 Garage and White Station Property 98,823 104,615 116,932 135,000 (1984 Includes ROdney Garage) Office 23,390 31,558 38, 105 30,000 Tools 11 ,096 15,788 20,520 16,000 Radio 4,265 4.823 5,478 4,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 15,785 8.610 11 , 7.31 1 L 500 - , Training Courses 2.861 2.257 6,306 10,000 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,320 2-.370 2,202 2,000 Retirement Benefits (Sick Time) 26.784 14,218 8,853 17,500 Deferred Time 2,627 1,397 193 .' TOTALS $367.473 $381,145 $419.262 454,000 ," ./ 1984 1985 1986 1987 Without Retirement Benefits $340.689 $366,927 $410,409 436,500 1987 ;; 106.4% 1986 (Note: 27 Pay Periods in 1987 vs 26 in 1986.) 1987 Distribution: (1) St. Thomas Suburban ROad Commission $32,000 (2 ) County of Elgin $422,000 " . COUN1~ Of ELGIN RO~O OEP~R1MEN1 ~ tf'~ ~H I\llD S1. 1\\O\<\~S SUBURBI\ll RDADS) --- n Et-\ \984 \985 \986 1987 ES11MA1E ------ "o\idays ~itn Pay: ta) p.,t\nual \20,202 \09,\48 \02,321 125,000 (b) statutory 53,81~ 53,595 59,932 72,000 (c) compassionate Leave 329 958 \,176 1,000 (d) Jury 74 37 Sic\<, Benefits 52,904 44.590 48.020 52,000 Inc\ement weatner and standbY 2,651 2.608 2,885 4,000 Safety Equipment 8.474 9.384 \0.022 n ,000 - ~or~en's compensation Insurance 27.132 33.529 40,344 47.000 Canada pension \9,469 20,094 22.307 26.500 O.l'\.E.R.S. 69,\63 70 . \ 99 72.20\ 90,000 U. LC. 39,378 4\ ,578 45,4\7 50,500 O.".I.P. and E.".C, 39,600 40,87\ 46,172 5 L 000 . L.'T.D. 12,\06 12.582 \3,275 16.000 I'. Life Insurance 5S5 682 3.580 5,000 \ Payroll Burden Charged to the EmplOyment programmes and loP .VI., etc. 4,247 CR. 12,0\5 CR. . ---- ---- ---- ---- 101F\LS ~ .ill Jill-J~ ~67.@ i?57,000 =-~ t* 27 Pay periodS in 19B7 ~s. 26 in 19B6.) ~1i~R~ ~ ~ $1.381.922.99 $1.S06.642.33 2\0,956.40 2\4.334.77 'Total Labour LesS Labour in payroll Burden less provincial Incentive programme lesS Canada summer '84. '8S and '86 LeSS Canada ~or~s t1984) and 1.P.M. t198S) LesS Dntario ~outh Corps programme t1984 and 19B5) ~et Labour payroll Burden payroll Burden as a ~ of ~t LabOur \984 ~ $1,374,215 229.996 433 \,938 24,845 9,2\9 1, \07,784 44 L 6 n 39.86441>> \,289,5\5.56 467,652.25 36.2657'1 2,792.00 4,304.00 \6,803.0\ 54.155.70 \,095,703.88 427,840.34 39.0471>> p~Gt. 2. COUl\1~ Of tLG\l\ RO~O Ot~~R1t-1tl\1 \9B7 8UOGG . ~~~ROLL BUROt" (~~~\.lC~8LE 10 COUln~ MIO 51. 1\\Qt-I~5 5~ $\,8\0,000 5,000 254,000 \981 _ Labour Estimated LesS LabOur in Go~errunent ~ro9ramroes Less LabOur in payroH lIurden (\\olidayS) (SiC\< ume) (lnclement \leat\ler. ttc.) \,551,000 557,000 35.9% >>et Labour pa~roll Burden - ~ayroll \lurden as a percentage of l\et Labour . (~ayroll \lurden distributed to county Q~erhead. ~intenance and construction ~counts.) " \ \ .. ,1 \ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have purchased a Ford F-600 22,000 G.V.W. Cab and Chassis from Talbot Mercury Sales Limited at $18,413.90 (including Provincial Sales Tax). This was the lowest of six (6) tenders received. This truck will be used to haul our Wiltsie Trailer as our present One Ton Trucks have proven to be too light to haul the trailer satisfactori ly. WE RECOMMEND: I. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a Supplementary Spending Allocation in the amount of $110,000 ($100,000 Subsidy) for Engineering, Land Purchase and Construction on County Road #30 (Radio Road) in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township. Requests for Supplementary Allocations must be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as soon as possible. This allocation if approved will allow the County to start work in Concession XIII, Yarmouth Township to complete Radio Road within the County of Elgin; the road has already been constructed in Conc~ssion XII and southerly to the City of St. Thomas. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHA I R~1AN .. \ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That we have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that we will be provided with a subsidy allocation of $4,884,100 (including Urban Rebates) to subsidize total expenditures of $6,143,100. This compares to a subsidy of $4,161,700 and an expenditure of $5,357,300 in 1986. In 1986 the expenditures included $186,000 in supplementary road construction and funds for pipe arch culvert investigations. The additional subsidy this year includes a maintenance and overhead allocation to maintain the additional roads assumed by the County and a $180,000 increase for asphalt resurfacing. Road and bridge construction funds remain at $950,000. A road and bridge construction allocation for roads recently assumed by the County will not become available until 1988. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed which will in effect correct By-Law #86-68 (a by-law to designate through highways) the by-law should read that By-Law #85-31 be repealed instead of #86-31 being repealed. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1987 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That we have purchased from London Machinery Company Limited of London an 8 Cubic Yard Hydraulic Drive Sander at a cost of $9,050, plus Provincial Sales Tax. This sander will be used when approval is received from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for the County's Road A~sumption By-Law and will provide service for the additional assumed road mi leage. 2. We expect to receive, before the end of January, a snowplow and associated equipment that we have purchased from Frink Canada Limited at a cost of $40,756. The equipment is mounted on a Mack Model 0686 S Truck purchased from Carrier Mack Truck Centre of London at a quoted price of $75,156 (Provincial Sales Tax extra if applicable); being the lowest of six (6) quotations received. The addition of this truck will allow the County to provide snowplow service on those roads being assumed by the County. The number of hired trucks will required during the Summer months will also be reduced. 3. The Engineer has been authorized to call tenders for a new 2 Ton Truck with Dual Wheels for use with the County's Wiltsie Trailer. The present one ton truck is too light for continued use with the trailer. 4. The Engineer has been authorized to further investigate a Computer System for Road Department purposes (especially bookkeeping). Funds will be allocated in the 1987 Road Department's budget for this purpose. 5. The Engineer has been authorized to call quotations for a used, low hour, 4 Cubic Yard Loader with the County's 125 Michigan Loader as a trade-in. The present machine is a 1977 model, purchased used in 1978. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - JANUARY SESSION 1987 PAGE 2. 6. The Engineer has been authorized to make an application to the Railway Transport Committee of the Candian Transport Commission for the installation of flashing light railroad protection on the following roads: (a) County Road #45 (Smoke Road) at the Canadian National crossing. (b) County Road #48 at the Canadian National crossing (old London and Port Stanley Line). (c) County Road #48 at the Canadian Pacific crossing, Belmont to the St. Thomas Subdivision. 7. The Engineer has been authorized to make an application under Section 38 (Job Creation Programme) of the Unemployment Insurance Act for a grant of approximately $28,000 which will employee nine (9) workers from the 2nd of March to 8th of May who will be engaged in tree cutting and brushing on the roads which the County has assumed. 8. That the County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Convention (February). (b) The Municipal Engineer's Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) The Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. (d) The Municipal Engineers' Annual Workshop. (e) The Suburban Road Commissioners' Annual Meeting. 9. The Assistant County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Convention (February). (b) The Municipal Engineers' Meeting held in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. (c) The Municipal Engineers Annual Workshop. (d) The Suburban Road Commissioners' Annual Meeting. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the membership fees for the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. ?J\Gt. 3. COU~1~ Of ELG1~ RO~D CO~~111EE f1RS1 RE?OR1 _ J~~U~R~ SESS10~ 1987 2. 1hat the 1987 Road co~ittee act as a committee for the follo~ing purposes: \a) Solid and Li~uid ~aste Disposal. \b) ~os~uito control for the ?re~ention of EncephalitiS. \c) LaKe Erie Erosion. 3. 1hat a by-la~ be passed authOrizing the ~arden and ClerK to sign plans for ~idening County Road ~llo~ances as necessary in 1987. such authOrizatiOn by-la~S must be passed yearlY and the by-la~ schedule " "0" "ght be re~uired in 1987. ~ill include any roads on ~hlCh ~l enlng ml 4. 1hat the ~arden, Ree~e ~euKamm and the Engineer be appointed to the ~estern ontario ~unicipalitieS committee on GaS franchise ~greements. .' the ~arden and ClerK to submit 5. 1hat a resolution be passed authOrlzlng to the ~inister of 1ransportatiOn and communicatiOns a petition bY the county of Elgin for subsidY for road expenditures made on the County " f J ':1 1 1986 to December 31, of Elgin road System for the perlod 0 anuar ' 1986. 6. 1hat applicatiOn be made to the Ministry of 1ransportatiOn and communicatiOns for a supplementary by-la~ in the amount of $10,000 expenditure for the soil in~estigatiOn at the 1ates Bridge o~er the 1hames Ri \Jer · 1he purpose of the in~estigatiOn is to ascertain if the mo~ement of the north pier is serioUs enoUgh to force the cloSure of the bridge. "0" "0 at oOw as the Bridge is a 1o~nline Bridge. subSl y lS palo' 7. 1hat the County of Elgin'S representati~e on the st. 1homas Suburban .' U~ "lbert ~ucKland be authOrized to attend the Road Co~lSSlon, "U · ~ ontario Good Roads ~ssociatiOn con~ention in 1oronto ~ith the usual . f the Suburban Road commission con~ention expenses and any meetlng 0 1 ~^ t" 9 of the Suburban Road of ontario executi~e and the ~nnua "~e ln commission of ontario ~ith expenses paid. ~LL Of ~~lC~ 1S RES?EC1fULL~ SUBM111EO C\-\J\ 1 R~J\N ST~ THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1987 PAGE 1. ------- THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Wednesday, January 14, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present except Reeve Pearson. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke and Mr. Jack Wice of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. It was reported that Mr. Curtis Gordon (recently retired as Assistant Superintendent for the County of Elgin) had passed away suddenly on January 12th and services would be held for him on January 14th at 1:30 p.m. The Engineer asked that as many Committee Members as possible attend. Warden Purcell and Reeve Ford to attend. The Committee agreed to make a donation of $100.00 to the St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital building fund in memory of Mr. Gordon. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: I. Winter control had been light. 2. A final report for 1986 was at least a week away. Winter control expenditures in 1986 had been approximately $740,000. 3. Sign replacement and tree cutting was continuing as well as work at the Pleasant Valley Pit and Sparta Pit as weather permitted. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: I. From the Central Elgin Planning Office with notice of a rezoning amendment on Road #26 (St. George Street) to rezone a house left on a church lot from institutional to residential. 2. Ontario Municipal Board adjourning appeals by the Ministry of Agriculture against Land Division Committee decisions in the Township of South Dorchester to a later date. ~ 3. Township of Bayham rezoning a lot on Road #45 approximately 1 kilometer west of the Township of Norfolk Line to rural residential. 4. From the County Land Division Committee stating that an appeal had been filed against a severance granted by the Land Division Committee regarding Aldon Walcarious, Lot 17, Concession VI, Township of Yarmouth, Road #45; the Township of Yarmouth had launched the appeal. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO J~NU~RY 14, 1987 P ~GE 2. lenders for a 22,000 lb. G.~.W. lrucK to haul the Wiltsie float were as attached. "MO\JED B'{: SECONDED B~: E. NEUK~MM lH~1 WE ~CCEPl lHE QU01~nON Of I~LBOl MERCUR~ S~LES LIMnED fOR ~ 22,000 LB. G.~.W' lRUCK ~1 lHEIR lENDER PRICE Of $18,1\.13.90 tlNCLUDING ON1~RIO PRO~INCI~L S~LES I~X). ~. K. FORD C~RRIED." lhe Engineer presented the attached Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns' ~pproved County spending Objectives and compared the 1987 objectiVes with the 1986 objectives. lhe Engineer also presented a 1987 construction project List as per the instructions of the County Road committee at their January 7th meeting. Warden purcell and the Engineer both reported on discUssions with the Ministry and o~er municipal bodies with regard to the county's desire to proceed with Radio_Hi9hbUry-Hubrey Road by applying to the Ministry of lransportatiOn and communications for a supplementary allocation for the worK. ~fter considerable discUssion it was decided that: 1. lhe Engineer should proceed with a 1987 construction Budget based on Items #1 to #9 but that a minimum of worK should be done on Road #26 and that the 10wnshiP of ~armouth should leave Road #26 in the same alignment and grade as it is presentlY after the completion of sewers and that no expenditures should be made for the movement of utilities, a diversion thrOUgh cowan ParK or movement of railway crossing signalS at thiS time. 2. curb and gutter replacement for portions on Road #2 in the ~illage of West Lorne should be further examined and an estimate to replace the worst curb and gutter in the business section should be included in the 3. lhat the repairs to the patterson's Culvert be funded thrOugh maintenance budget. -', if at all possible. continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 14, 1987 PAGE 3. 4. That construction work should begin on Road #2 from thE~ Aldborough Townline and proceed easterly in Dunwich Township. "---."""'-- .. 5. That land purchase costs for Cowan Park should remain at a minimum. The issue of abandonment of the expropriation was left for future meetings. 6. That little land purchase on Road #30 should be undertaken unless a supplementary allocation was approved by the Ministry of Transportatilon and Communications. 7. That engineering costs and soils tests accrued to date for the replacement of the culvert on Road #29 between Road #25 and Road #31 be placed in the budget. 8. That preliminary estimates do not include Drainage on Road #39, Curb and Gutter Replacement, Village of Rodney or the County's share of an Environmental Assessment for Erosion Protection on Road #42. 9. That the Resurfacing Programme was left to future meetIngs to be developed. 10. That the Suburban Road Commission system should be developed on the basis of available funds for 1987 without the consideration of expenditures for Road #30 (Radio Road). "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $110,000 ($100,000 SUBSIDY) FOR ENGINEERING, LAND PURCHASE AND CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY ROAD #30 IN CONCESSION XIII, YARMpUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." Mr. Lyle Wells of the Frank Cowan Company Limited attended the meeting and presented an update on the County's insurance based on the Engineer's previous insurance review (as attached) and equipment lists (as attached). Mr. Wells stated that he was satisfied with the values as presented on the Engineer's lists and stated that little if any change would occur in the County's coverage or premiums in any category for 1987 when compared to 1986. The County could Continued . . . 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO J~NU~R~ 14, 19B7 ?J\GE 4. consider increasing their liability limit from $7,000,000 to $10,000,000 and the cost would be $4,388.00. ~n environmental poliCY would be available to a limit of $1,000,000 per claim or $2,000,000 aggregate in the year with a $5,000 deductible with an annual premium of $5,000. ~ $1,000 or $2,000 liability deductible on municipal liability and on auto fleet would result in very little savings on premiums. lhat at a $2,500 deductible on property instead of the present $1,000 a savings of $2,495 in premiums would result thrOUghout the County and a $5,000 deductible limit would represent a savings of $4,000 on premium savingS. It was noted that one property accident with a claim over $5,000 would eliminate any savings in the premiums. lhe committee postPoned any discUssions of these recommendations to the next meeting and agreed to renew their present policies as per the following resolution. "MOVE\) B~: ~. IC fORD SECO\'lDED B~: Vl.~. M~RH\'l 1\-\~ 1 VlE RE\'lEVl I\-\E f Oll OVlI \'lG 1\'lSUR~\'lC E POll C 1 ES Vl 11\-\ f R~\'lK COVl~\'l COMP ~\'l~ llM11ED: (~) MU\'lICIP~l lI~BIlII~ ($7,000,000 lIMI1). ( B ) f lO~ lER POll C ~ 1 \'lCl UD 1 \'lG 1'101'1- Ll C E\'lS ED E QU 1 PME1H C RIME P I\CK~GE. BOILER, E\'lGI\'lEERI\'lG, V~lU~BlE p~PERS, ~CCOU\'lIS RECEIV~BlE, ERRORS ~ND OMMISSIONS, G~R~GES ~ND ~Ul0M01IVE flEE1. C~RRIED.\1 "MOVED B~: D. PEROVIC\-\ SECONDED B~: ~. K. fORD 1\-\~1 VlE ~DJOUR\'l 10 I\-\URSD~~, JI\NU~R~ 29, 1987 ~1 9:30 ~.M. C~RRIED.\I January 13, 1987. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR A 22,000 GVW TRUCK NO TRADE - PRICE INCLUDES O.P.S.T. I . Talbot Mercury Sales Ltd., 700 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. FORD F-600 $ 18,413.90 2. R.A. Miller Motors Ltd., 229 Furnival Road, Rodney, NOL 2CO. FORD F-600 $ 19,474.00 3. Eeley Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Ltd., Box 100, - Straffordville, Ont. CHEVROtET $ 20,009.00 4. Motion Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd., 276 Exeter Roadt London, N6L 1A3. FORD F-600 $ 20,223.00 5. Ray Tuffin Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd., P.O. Box 218, R.R. # 5, Strathroy, Ont. GMC $ 21,806.60 "" 6. Forest City International Trucks Ltd., 1712 Dundas St. E., London, Ontario N5W 3C9. INTERNATIONAL 6.9 Lttre Diesel Engine. $ 22,216.41 ~ ~~ JM~UP-R'l 1987 .. 1987 \986 :::--- :::--- tP- ) ~: $ 950,900 $ 949,300 tl) Roads and Bridges. 1.765,000 1. 582. ,000 p-spha1t Resurfacing. --- t2. ) ---- $2. ,531.300 $2.,715,900 *N01ES:- ~dditiOnal svendlng objectives for ~aintenanceand overnead and ~ Ne~ ~acninerY nave been allocated because of tne increase In tne county Road System In 19B7. tB) ~: (I) ~aintenance and overnead. t2.) Drainage p-ssessments. (3) Ne~ ~achinery. t C) URBP-N REBf\ lES 101 f\L $2.,651.600 $2. ,176 ,000 90,400 92.,000 62.3,000 356,000 ---- --- $3,365,000 $2.,62.4,000 62.,2.00 56,000 ---- --- ~~ ~ - _ Uralnage assessment allocations is tne average of exvenditures of 3 years (for 19B7 average of 19B3: 19B4 and 19B5). ~dditiOnal exvenditures must be ta~en from construction allocations. In 19B6 exvenditures ~ere avvroximatelY $164,4Bl. _ Effective subsidY rate (otner tnan Urban Rebates wnicn is 50%) is estimated at 71.5% for 19B6 and 79.75% for 19B1. (~aximuro for countieS is 80%.) tD) ~: 1987 1986 ;:..;;.-- .:;..;--- t 1 ) Road and Bridge construction. 101,000 t2.) pi?e ~rcn culvert Investigation. -~ $ 146,000 t'3) 1ates Bridge Soil 1ests 10,000 t80% SubsidY) \4) Road and Bridge constructiOn (pe~ --- 101P-L P-LLOCf\110NS ~ ~3]Q pl\GE 2. COU"1~ Of tlGl" RO~Q QtP~R1~E"1 \9B7 ~l"lS1R~ of 1R~"SPOR1~1l0" ~"Q CO~U"lC~1l0"S ~tQC~~ Ml"lS1R~ Of 1R~"SPOR1~1l0" ~"O CO~~U"lC~1l0"S SUBSlO~: subsidY on "ormal spending Objective Including Urban Rebates. 1ates Bridge \~pplied for). Supplementary: Road and Bridge constructiOn Pipe I\rcn cul~erts 1011\L 1987 1986 ::---- ::---- $4,884,100 $4~028,900 8,000 tNot Kno~n I\s ~et) 91, 800 41, 000 ---- ---- ~ ~ ~ ~ \ . allocation is (a) InC\uding Road #30 not a?pro~ed. (b) ~e~ ROad around ^y\mer. identificatiOn of ~ossib\e route\s), (c) Road #~3. Road #~ and Road #B outton (~ain street) a\\ as ~er council'S appro~al. (d) ~isce\\aneous sur~eYs as required. 2. preliminary engineering. ~idd\emiSS Bridge (Soi\ 1ests~)' 3. Engineering. utilities. etc. Road #26 (St. George street). ~. com~\ete cu\~ert (~cBain) Road #29. S. com~\ete Road #~S from "igh~aY #73 to Road #~o. including ~a~ing. etc. 6. Road #22 (fair~ie~ ^~enue). O.B ~i\ometers south of concessions I~ and ~ intersectiOns. including baSe ~a~ing. com~\ete engineering. 7. curb and gutter re~\acement. catchbasin re~\acements as required on Road #2 from "igh~aY #76 ~ester\Y as funds ~ermit (\5.000 $?)' B. Re~airs to patterson's cu\~erts. f ds a\\o~ includin9 base 9. Road #2. ^\dbOroU9h 1o~n\iOe easterlY as un coat of ~a~ing as far as ~or~ goes. etc. ~:- \. com~\ete ~ayments on Road #2 and Road #~s.. 2. Co~an par~. Road #26. 3. Rest of land for Road #22 (fair~ie~ ^~enue). Bro~n. etc. ~. land for \9B8 ~or~; bUY in fall as ~rogrammed. S. ~isce\\aneous se~erances. ~idening. etc. 6. Road #30. if su~~\emeotarY allocation is not a~~ro~ed. ~" \. orainage Road #39 (Chatham street). port Bu~e\\' 2. curb and gutter re~\acement. Rodney. 3. county's share of en~\ronmenta\ assessment for erosion ~rotection. Road #~2 ~an order Cu\~ert. COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1987 DECEMBER 1986 '- The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Property and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Policies are through the Frank Cowan Company and are due January 29, 1987. 1. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY (a) The liability limit for each claim in 1986 was $7,000,000. The County's General Liability Policy protects the Road Department. including non licensed equipment and road liability operations. County Road Department employees and volunteers. This Policy has an Environmental Liability Clause exclusion (includes spraying of weeds and mosquitoes). The 1986 Liability charged to the Road Department was $23.050 (subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications $515.84 charged to each of 27 unlicensed units and $9,622.32 non subsidized. (Total $6,154.00 in 1984 and $9,584 in 1985.) In 1987 this Liability will be spread over 29 units. The Policy includes coverage for bodily injury, death, damage to property, personal injury liability (libel and slander), blanket contractual agreement and any liability the County might incur through issuance of a permit (moving, location, etc.) The Policy also contains an employer's liability clause which covers the County in the case where an employee is not considered a workman under the Workers' Compensation Board. The Policy in 1986 was through the General Accident Company for the primary coverage and the excess was provided by the Guarantee Company of North America. (b) Non Owned Auto Liability limits $7,000.000 protects the County against damage suits, etc., involving vehicles not owned by the County, but working for the County (eg., private dump trucks, private cars, etc.). Cont i nued . . . ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1987 PAGE 2. (b) Liability for licensed vehicles borrowed or hired by the County is $100,000 ($100.00 Deductible). This limit should be increased to $125,000. The coverage includes all employees, officials of the County, members of Council and volunteers. A IIContractual Liability Extensionll is included in the policy. (c) Errors and Ommissions Liability limits $7,000,000. Protects the County against claims that allege that an error and/or ommission type by Council Members and Employees have resulted in a financial loss, rather than bodily injury or property damage loss covered by Municipal Liabi I ity. Also includes misrepresent.ation and unitentional error in administration of employee benefits. (Charge to Road Department in 1985 was $880.00 and in 1986 was $1,210.00.) (d) The Committee also decided not to purchase an environmental protection policy because of the cost. 2. AUTOMOTIVE FLEET The Automotive Schedule for 1987 will be 34 vehicles and a float. A number of vehicles have been "Valued" - Total aggregate value of all Road Department Vehicles for 1985 was $1,073,000 and $1,167,500 in 1986. The liability limit is $7,000,000 with $1,000 deductible per accident for physical damage claims. We received an excellent merit rating for 1986. In 1982 a Blanket Coverage on the fleet was begun (ie., replacement of vehicles if lost~by a vehicle of the same use, kind and size if one is lost regardless of the assigned value of the unit lost). [Other than "Valued" items which will be paid for at the valued amount in the policy.] Covers inappropriately licensed drivers. Cost of Fleet Insurance was $11,072 in 1985 and $17,282 in 1986. 3. FLOATER POLICY Covers Road Department Equipment, Materials and is "All Risk": (a) Non licensed equipment (including snowplowing equipment). Continued . ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE REVIEW 1987 PAGE 3. 3. (b) Radio and tower. (c) Moveable property of others rented, borrowed or leased. (d) Valuable papers. (e) Engineer's Office, furniture, etc. (a) The non licensed equipment includes graders, tractors, loaders, snowplows, sanders, etc., totalling $2,121,000 in 1985 and $2,146,000 in 1986. As in the Fleet Policy this Policy is a Blanket Coverage; (ie., Replacement value, new item for item lost of the same size and options); some items have been IIValuedll and would if lost be replaced with a piece of used equipment of similar value. No insurance is carried on stock items and tools. The rate in 1986 for most equipment was 55 cents per hundred, snowplowing equipment 30 cents per hundred. (b) Radio tower was valued at $6,000 and insured against IIAll Riskll (lightning, droppage, etc.) - $100.00 deductible. Premium $60.00 (l %). (c) Moveable property of others to value of $150,000 - Premium $100.00 per year losses paid on actual cash value. Protects County for rented, borrowed and leased equipment. (d) Valuable papers - replacement including any necessary work to regather the information - Value $500,000 including rest of County. Accounts Receivable (including information to regather the information) $500,000 - ie., ledgers, invoices, etc. (e) furniture, etc., in Engineer1s Office - Replacement value. Premium $34.00 including valuable papers and accounts receivable premium. Total Equipment Floater Policy, including office furniture was $11,484 in 1986. :. COU~\1 Of tLG1~ p~GI'. A. ~ A. ~ (~LSO KlIO\lll ~S 1'.1IGllll'.I'.RlllG POLlC1) poliCY insures boiiers. pressure vesseis. tanKS. etc.. including boiler. hot water tanK. air tanK. etc.. at county Garages and air tanK sand comp re s SO rs. sprayers. etc.. on mobile eqU i pll\ent . for repair and replacement of equipment due to rupture. etc. Lill\it per "d t $\ 000 000 prell\ium in 1986 was $279.00. policy is aeel en ' , . eOffiPfehensi\/e. 5.~ fidelity 80nd in the amount of $300.000 on all county I'.mplOyees and ~ell\bers of council for the protectiOn of toe county against dishonest actS of insureds. Road Department share of prell\iull\ in 1986 was $A03.00. poliCY also covers audit e,penses incurred in determining and qualifying the lOss. 6 . COUlIl1 RO~O OH ~Rl~1'.1I1 BU 1 LO lllGS ~ll peril PolicY including fire. wind. Il\aliCiOusacts. dall\age froll\ falling objects (ie.. radio tower and aircraft). water pipe rupture. BlanKet coverage appplicable to main garage onlY, ~ll others ~ \/a\ued. \985 .::..::--- $653, \00 150,000 \~a\ued) 25,000 \'Ja1ued) 35,000 l~a\ued) 25,000 l~alued) 30,000 \~a\ued) ---- ~ ~ain Garage $628.000 storage Building ~anger 150.000 (~alued) Old storage Building 25.000 (~alued) \lnite station Salt Building 35.000 (~alued) Bayham 10wnshiP salt Building 25.000 (~alued) ounwi~O 10wnshiP Salt Building 30.000 (~alued) ---- $893,QQ9, ~ 7. 10tal cost of insurance thrOu h franK cowan COll\pany Limited in 1986 was $57.987 of which $9.750 was not subsidized by the ~inistrY of lransportation and co"""unicatiOns. lhe prell\iUll\ was $2.975 in 1985 and $3.3Al in \986. .:.' COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST . (INCLUDES PROVINCIAL SALES TAX ON DUMP TRUCKS) 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # PURPOSES l. 1984 Ford Crown Victoria 2FABP43F9EX164129 11 14,500 2. 1986 Chevrolet .Caprice IGIBL69Z9GY142825 10 14,500 3. 1986 I Chevrolet Caprice IGIBL69Z3GY142240 14 14,500 4. 1975 Frehauf Lowbed Float Model 30W675401 91 . 24,000 C35LJ2 5. 1974 Ford Model 8000 LTS Tandem Y80HV-VI0209 63 25,000 (Valued) (Diesel) (Sander) (V?-lued) t 6. 1976 Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Y80DVB35461 70 , 30,000 (Valued) (Diesel) (Sander) 7. 1977 Ford Model LTS 8000 Tandem Y80DVC13594 72 40,000 (Valued) (Diesel) (Sander) 8. 1978 Mack Tandem Diesel Dump DM685S-37320 83 98,000 Frink Box 10B2 9. 1978 Mack Tandem Diesel Dump DM611S-4846 84 98,000 Frink Box 10B2, Model ET673-8M2843 10. 1979 Chevrolet Pickup Truck CCU4491150550 85 13,500 1/2 Ton, Model 10 COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FT~~T LIST JANUARY 1987 PAGE 2. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # PURPOSES 1I. 1979 Chevrolet Van 3/4 Ton CGL2694137225 86 15,000 12. 1979 Dodge Model D272, 3/4 Ton D27JE9C127618 87 13,500 Club Cab . 13. 1979 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and RD685S7292 88 100,000 Box 14. 1980 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and DM685S-44884 89 . 105,000 Box 15. 1980 Mack Tandem Dump Truck and DM685S-44891 90 105,000 Box I 16. 1974 GMC Tandem Diesel and Fifth YJH904V590S76 91 35,000 (Valued) Wheel 17. 1981 Ford F250 Supercab Pickup LFTFX25E8BKA21191 92 13,500 18. 1981 Ford F350 Pickup 2FTHF35G6BCA51734 93 15,000 . 19. 1981 Dodge PickUp, Model 0-342 LB7LD34TSBS175939 94 15,000 20. 1982 Ford LTS 9000 DUmp Truck and LFDZY90W7CVA17423 95 105,000 Box 2l. 1983 Dodge Van Model B322 2B4JB31T2DK398502 96 15,000 22. 1983 Dodge Pickup 1B7JD24T1-ES-274845 97 13,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST JANUARY 1987 PAGE 3. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE ITEM # YEAR TRADE NAME SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # PURPOSES 23. 1983 Dodge Pickup 107JD24T3-ES-274846 98 13,500 24. 1983 Dodge Pickup 1B7J024T1ES281360 99 13,500 25. 1985 Dodge Pickup IB7DJ24T6F5636170 110 13,500 26. 1985 GMC Double. Cab PiCkUp 1GTGC33M4FSS17465 111 16,500 Model TC30943-AS3 27. 1985 GMC Double Cab PiCkUp IGTGC33MSFS518703 112 16,500 Model TC30943-AS3 28. 1985 GMC Double Cab Pickup 1GTGC33M8FS518778 113 16,500 Model TC30943-AS3 29. 1985 GMC Double Cab Pickup 1GTGC33M8FS518733 114 16,500 Model TC30943-AS3 30. 1985 Mack Dump Truck and Box 2M2B126C4FCOl1826 115 110,000 Model OM 686S 3l. 1980 International Cabover Model KCA12273 116 30,000 (Valued) (Purchased November 1985) . 32. 1986 International Double Cab IHTLAHEMXGHA29611 117 33,500 33. 1979 Ford LTS 9000 Tandem Dump Y902VFA6338 118 40,000 (Valued) 34. 1987 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pickup 119 13,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN INSURANCE FLEET LIST ,JANUARY 1987 ITEM # YEAR 35. 1987 36. 1986 37. 1984 TRADE NAME Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pickup Mack Model DM 686S Tandem Dump Wiltsie T:rai1er SERIAL NUMBER VEHICLE # 120 2M2B126COHC013785 121 19-24-234 TOTAL (WITHOUT ITEMS #34 AND #35) * (ITEMS #34 AND #35 NOT YET RECEIVED AS OF DECEMBER 15, 1986 - ~ NOT INSURE) PAGE 4. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 13,500 110,000 14,000 (Valued) $1,366,500 ' COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1987 NOTE: Those :rt........c:> Valued Represents Total Val ue Receivalbe. Others are Blanketed, Replace Machtne for Machine. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE ITE."1 # YEAR ITEM SERIAL NUMBER PURPOSES .' 1. 1974 Grader #17 - Champion 600B 94-600B-1232-6649 40,000 (Valued) 2. 1976 Grader *.18 - Champion D-740 740-21-277-9685 130,000 3. 1979 Grader #19 - Champion D-740 740-21-666-11863 130,000 4. 1979 Grader #20 - Champion D-74e 740-22-123-12187 130,000 I 5. 1981 Grader #21 - Ch~pion 0-740 740-82-46-14350 130,000 6. 1973 Tractor #22 - John Deere Model JD301 and 183518 20,000 Side Mounted Mower 7. 1973 Tractor #23 - John Deere Model JD30l and 183513 20,000 Side Mounted Mower 8. 1973 Tractor #26 - International Model 2300A and A470002BOO0898 NIL 1850 Loader 9. 1975 Tractor #27 - Massey Ferguson Model 135 and 446547 lO.OOO (Valued) Mower 10. 1981 Tractor #34 - International Model TD-8E 7704 75,000 (Valued) Bulldozer ll. 1982 Tractor #35 - John Deere Model 410 Backhoe 380685 63,000 and Loader COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1987 PAGE 2. ITEM # YEAR ITEM SEPTl'lT NUMBER , 12. 1982 Tractor #36 - John Deere Model 410 Backhoe 384305 . and Loader 13. 1981 Tractor #37 - International Model TD-7E 5670 Dozer 14. Tractor #38 - Ford Model 3550 Loader and Post Eole Auger 15. 1984 Tractor #39 - John Deere Model 301 Tractor 7f0593 and Mower 16. 1984 Tractor #40 - John Deere Model 301 Tractor 710635 and Mower 17. 1983 Tractor #41 - Case Model 680H Backhoe 9151.029 (Purchased 1985) 18. Tractor #42 - Case International Model S85 and B01S811 Disc Mower (Rear Mount) 19. Tractor #43 - Case International Model 585 and B015810 Disc Mower (Rear Mount) 20. Tractor #44 - Case International Model 585 and Disc Mower (Side Mount) 21. Tractor #45 - Case International Model 585 and Disc Mower (Side Mount) 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 63,000 65,000 (Valued) 25,000 20,000 20,000 68,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1987 ITEM t YEAR ITEM I SERIAL NUMBER . I 22. 1977 Loader #5 - !'...ichigan Model l25B 23. Loader #6 - John Deere J644B 340392DW 24. 1975 Loader #7 - John Deere 544B Loader 3l0277T 25. 1955 Roller #1 - Galion Tandem Steel Wheeled Roller Model TC5-8G (Valued.) 26. 1962 Roller #2 - Galion 9 Sheel Rubber Tired Roller, Model 9-C (Valued) 27. 1976 Roller #3 - Galion 9 ~~eel SPC-LW-12-5806 I J2557 28. I 1968 Etnyre - 2500 Galion Distributor 29. 1975 Sander #10 - King Seagrave Model HD7S 75482 30. 1975 Sander #11 - King Seagrave Model HOTS 75483 3l. 1977 Sander #12 - King Seagrave Model HDTQ 32. 1980 Sander #13 - King Seagrave Model K-6l-1 33. 1980 Sander #14 - King Seagrave Model K-6l-2 34. 1984 Sander #15 - London Machinery Company Limited 84-046 35. 1984 Sander #16 - London Machinery Company Limited 84-047 36. 1984 Sander #17 - London Machinery Company Limited 84-048 PAGE 3. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES 60,000 {Valued) 120,000 95,000 NIL NIL 45,000 55,000 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY ~987 ITEM # YEAR lTE."1 37. Sander #18 - London Machinery Company Limited (Truck 117) 10 Cu. Yd. 38. Sander #19 - London Machinery Company Limited (Truck 63) 8 cu. Yd. 39. 1966 and 1986 Wald Pavement Marking Equipment, Co~ressor, Etc., Truck Mounted Modified by I.B.I.S. (Products 1985) 40. Bros. V~rating Roller #1 - Model VP4D (Valued) 41. Bros. V~rating Roller #2 - Model vp4D (Valued) 42. Vulca Tamp - 60 Inch Sheepsfoot Roller 43. 1968 Candian Scale 30 Ton Scales #2 (Valued) 44. Canadian Scale 50 Ton Scales #3 (Pleasant Valley Pit) 45. Canadian Scale 50 Ton Scales #4 (Sparta) 46. 1965 Jaeger 125 CFM Compressor 47. Air Compressor # 2 - Holman 185 CFM 48. 1969 Etnyre Chip Spreader 49. Overhead Crane - Richard Wilcox Model 11-230 50. Rotary Hoist - Dover PAGE 4. 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE SERIAL NUMBER PURPOSES . 86-014 14,500 86- 13,500 65,000 ':. 203 NIL 225 NIL A184105 I NIL 22567 NIL NIL NIL 804X NIL 0976 20,000 (Motor - E5289-9) K-3447 50,000 35,000 15,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN MACHINERY LIST - FLOATER POLICY JANUARY 1987 PAGE 5. ITEM :# YEAR ITEM SERIAL NUMBER , 1987 AMOUNT FOR BLANKET INSURANCE PURPOSES . 51. 1985 Elgin Pelican Sweeper A183S 115,000 52. Condor Man Lift 42448LC 35,000 (Valued) 53. Floater: Surveying Equipment NIL Other Items: Snowplow Equipment As Per List Radio Tower !tl ~9Ll3~oon 194,000 8,000 $2,145,000 .". COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SNOW PLOWING EQUIPMENT J ~ MACHINE 7. Grader #17 8. Grader #18 1976 Champion 0-740 9. Grader #19 1979 Champion 0-470 10. Grader #20 1979 Champion 0-740 ll. Grader #21 1981 Champion 0-740 12. Truck #115 1985 Mack 13. Truck #121 1986 Mack PLOW EQUIPMENT (a) Champion Model 9900 ..V'. Plow, Harness and Wing, File 68-1 (Originally Grader #14). . (b) Frink Model 440 SK One Way. (a) 1976 Model l45~ One Way Champion Plow Wing and Harness, File 76-10. (b) Model #9 Frink Plow "V", Serial No. 509V 9262 64. (a) Harness and Snow Wing. (b) "V" Plow, Wabco Model #9, File 11-1 Serial No. 1634 (Grader #16). (c) Frink 440 SK One Way Snow Plow (Gr ader #16) (a) Frink Model 440 SK, 9 Foot On~ Way Plow, Model sa Moldboard New Driveframe (K Model) 1n 1977 (From Grader #15). (b) Wabco #9 "V" now (Purchased used from Champion with Grader #20) Se~ial No. 1636. (c) Harness and Snow Wing, Champion (Pu~chased with Grader #20). (a) One Way 9 Foot Model 145S Champion Plow, Harness and Wing, File 74-3. (b) 1958 used Champion "V" Plow, File 74-3. (a) Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way Plow, File 84.14. (b) Frink Model #780, Closed Tower and Snow Wing, etc., File 84-4. (c) 11'1" Plow, Wabco Model #6, (Originally on Grader #13, File 64-3. (a) Frink Model 470 SK Hooker One Way ( F i 1 e No. 86 - ) ._ (b) Frink Model #780 Closed Tower and Snow Wing, etc., File 86- (c) Frink "V" Plow purchased in 1986 from Port Stanley. JANUARY 1987 PAGE 2. AMOUNT 3,000 4,000 (Wing) 3,000 3,000 4,000 (Wing) 3,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 (Wing) 3,000 8,000 7,000 3,000 9,000 8,000 1 ,000 $194.000 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 7, 1987 PAGE 1. ,.,."'~ THE COUNTY OF. ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building on Wednesday, January 7, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and communications, the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. PEROVICH THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF DECEMBER 11 AND 16, 1986 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. A six page legal length description of County requirements had been forwarded to A. M. Spriet Associates regarding the Lynhurst Area sewage works. The final plans and specifications would have to be submitted for County approval before tenders could be called. 2. The Assistant Engineer reported that it was expected to start work on the Glencolin Bridge cleanout on the 19th of January. 3. The County's road assumption by-law was awaiting approval of Cabinet. It was hoped that approval would be received before the end of January. 4. The Region of Haldimand-Norfolk reported that they expected to have their by-law in place by February for the assumption of the Bayham-NOrfolk Townline between Road #38 and Road #45. 5. The Township of Westminster had recommended to the County of Middlesex that a by-law be passed to assume as County road the portions of the Middlesex-Elgin Townline. 6. Two ton truck tenders were due next week and front end loader tenders were due on January 20th. 7. An application under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act had been made and acknowledged but no further information was available. 8. The County Solicitor had been instructed to approach the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated Solicitor to draw up an agreement. 9. An application had been made to the Railway Transport Committee for signal protection on Road #48 and Road #45. 51. 1HOM~5, ON11\RIO JI\NUI\R'{ 7, 1987 pl\GE 2. iHE ENGINEER REPORiED ON iHE WORK iO DAiE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FinanciallY the County had ended 1986 in good condition. All salt bills had been paid the machinery purchases were on budget and lesS than $20,000 of in~oices (other than stocK) would be assigned from 1986 to 1987. ihis was the lowest amount in many years. 2. Winter control to date had been minimal. 3. Crushed gra~el was being hauled from the Sparta Pit to the County Garage on days where the weather would allow. 4. Gra~el was being piled at the Pleasant ~alley Pit from the berm along side the iownshiP road. ihis would allow the iownshiP of Yarmoutn to reroute their drainage ditch to the County pit next summer. 5. iree cutting was underway. 6. ihe erection of signs was continuing. IIMO\lEO B'{: ~. K. FORO SECONDED BY: R. F. PURCELL iHAi iHE FOLLOWING ACCOUNiS BE PASSED: PAYLISi NUMBER 54 AMOUNiING iO $76,631.20 PAYLISi NUMBER 55 AMOUNiING iO $84,295.73 PAYLISi NUMBER 56 AMOUNiING iO $46,768.46 PAYLlSi NUMBER 1 (1987) AMOUNilNG iO $73,169.~_. C~RRIEO.II CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOiED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Ministry of iransportatiOn and communications stating that interim road subsidY payments for 1986 in the amount of $1,538,100 would 2. From the central Elgin Planning Office with a change in official plan in the iownshiP of Yarmouth to allow the Municipal World to operate a business from the Old Union School. be forwarded to the ireasurer. 3. From the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding amendments to the Municipal Act with regard to iownline BridgeS on County Roads. ihis matter was left in abeyance until the Engineer recei~ed further information. SI. lHO~~S, ON1~R10 JJ.\NUJ.\R'{ 7, 1987 pJ.\GE 3. 4. From tne 10wnsniP of ~ldborOUgn witn rezoning amendments. S. From tne 10wnsniP of ~armoutn witn tWO rezoning amendments. 6. Oupont Canada witn regard to Glean HerbiCide to control wild carrot. 7. From Brenda ~arKeting 1ncorporated regarding certificate to transmit natural gas. lne tngineer stated tnat tne solicitor for tne soutnwestern ontario ~unicipal Gas Francnise Group was acting on benalf of the municipalitieS~ 3. From the ~illage of port Burwell requesting tnat tne section of road between Road i42 and cnatham street be enlarged for twO-way access to Chatham street. lne committee tabled the request until tney had an opportunity to ~iew the location on tneir spring road inspection. "MO\lED B'{: StCONOtO B~: R. F. PURCtLL lH~1 ~t RtCO~~tNO 10 COUN1~ COUNC1L lH~1 ~ B~-L~~ Bt p~SStO ~H1CH ~lLL 1~ tFrtCl CORRtCl CL~USt 4 Or B~-L~~ i36-63. l~H1CH ~OULO Rt~O lH~1 B~-L~~ i3S-31 Bt RtPt~LtU.) v.t. J.\. MJ.\R1'{N CJ.\RR 1 ED. " lhe tngineer reported tnat he had not yet had time to re~iew the ~outn corps programme audit submitted bY the ~inistrY of ~unicipal ~ffairs. ~r. Lyle ~ells would attend the ne~t meeting to re~ieW insurance. ~r. ~ells waS satisfied with the ~alues assigned to ~arioUS pieces of equipment by the tngineer for the fleet and floater policies. lcopies of tnese were distributed to members.) lhe tngineer stated that he had recei~ed preliminary subsidY and spending allocations from the ~inistry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns ~ia phone. lhese were subject to written confirmation. 1t appeared that some monies had been allocated for maintenance for the increased road System for 1937 and there was an increase in the allocatiOn for resurfacing. County road construction subsidY allocatiOn would be appro~imatelY the same as it was in 1936 l$9S0,OOO). 1n light of thiS information the committee disCUssed in some length tne County'S proposed construction programme including the Hubrey-Hi9hbUry Road LinK, continued . SI. I~O~~S, O~I~RIO J~N\.H\R'( 7, 19B7 P ~GE l\.. st. George street, tne com91etiOn of 19B6 9rojects and tne 90ssibility of ~orK on Road #22 and Road #2 ~est of outton. I~E ~EE11~G ~OJOUR~EO FOR LU~C~ · · · ~F1ER LU~C~ · · · . lne committee disCUssed tnese matters furtner and instructed tne Englneer to de~el09 a construction 9rogramme for furtner diSCUssion ~itn tne em9nasis being 91aced on tne com91etiOn of 19B6 9rojects, minimal e~gense on st. George street. and an a991icatiOn for SU991ementary funds for engineering ~orK on Radio Road-~ignbUry ~~enue connection. "~O~EO 11'/: ~. 1(. FORO SECO~OEO 11'/', E. ~EU\<'~~~ 1~~1 ~E ~OJOUR~ 10 ~EO~ESO~'/' J~~U~R'/ 14 ~1 9:30 ~.~.. I~URSO~'/. J~~U~R'/ 29 ~1 9: 30 ~.~. ~~O ~EO~ESO~'/' FEIIRU~R'/ 4. 19B7 ~1 9: 30 ~.~. C~RR 1 ED. \\ SI. lHO~~S, ON1~RIO DECE~BER 16, 19B6 p~GE 1. lHE COliNl~ Or ELGIN RO~O CO~~IIIEE met at tne ~unicipal Building at 9:30 a.m., luesday, oecember 16, 1986. '~ll members ~ere present e~cept Ree~e pero~icn and Ree~e ~artyn. "~O\jED B'{: SECONOEO B~: E. NEliK~~ , lH~1 lHE ~INlilES Or lHE ~EElINGS Or No~E~BER 5 ~NO OECE~BER 3, 1986 BE ~PPRO\jED. ~. \Z. fORD C~RRIED." lHE ENGINEER REPOR1EO ~S rOLLO~S: I. lnat a meeting nad been neld ~itn representati~es of tne City of st. lnomas, ~r. Hennessey and tne Engineer to disCUSS tne ac~uisition of property at Co~an parK. It nad been agreed tnat tne County ~ould na~e free access to tne property bY tne end of January at tne latest. compensation ~ould liKelY be re~uested in tne form of ~orK tnat ~ould be necessarY to replace tne ball diamond tnat ~as on tne centreline of tne ne~ road and it appeared tnat tne City ~isned otner ~orK done as compensation for tne property. ~ complete proposal ~ould be fortncoming snortlY, 2. ~ meeting nad been neld ~itn ~r. Larry Gigun of ~. ~. spriet and ~ssociates ~itn regard to tne Lynnurst ~rea se~er system. It appeared tnat little ~orK nad been done bY ~. ~. spriet and ~ssociates since earlY summer. lne county'S re~uest for ~orK, tnroUgn tne ne~ centreline grade as proposed bY tne County ~as being for~arded. lne County nad alsO re~uested tnat tne grade be completelY reinstated, complete ~itn aspnalt pa~ing on st. George street and tnat ~ellington Road be reinstated as it presentlY ~as and tne County ~aS prepared to paY for any ~orK done tnrougn Co~an parK as ~ell as mo~e utilitieS and ~iden tne Canadian National Rail crossing. 3. rurtner information nad been recei~ed from tne catfisn creeK conser~ation ~utnority on tne Glencolin Bridge cleanout on Road ~40. 4. correspondence ~aS read from tne County of O~ford in ~nicn tneY stated tnat County council nad agreed ~itn tne recommendatiOn of tne publiC ~orKs committee in ~nicn tne county's re~uest to na~e certain to~nline roads assumed as continued . S1. 1HOM~S, 0~1~RIO OeCeMBeR 16, 19B6 ?l\GE 2. personal basis. 5. ~arden purcell stated that he would contact members of the City of London council with regard to the Hi9hbUry-Hubrey-RadiO Road LinK and that the City of st. 1homas would formerlY appro~e of the LinK earlY in the ~ew ~ear. b f tne City of London staff to 1he engineer waS re~uested to contact mem ers 0 inform them as to progreSS to date. County roads in conjunction with the County of elgin was not acceptable. 1he committee asKed that the engineer obtain a list of public ~orKs Members from the county of Oxford and decided that representatiOn would be made on a 1He e~GINeeR RePOR1eO O~ 1He ~ORIZ 10 o~1e ~S rOLLO~S: 1. ~inter control had been fairlY hea~y in the past twO weeKs, althoUgh the forecast for the weeK of oecember 15th was good. 2. casual help would be laid off, effecti~e Oecember 19th. 3. ~ll accounts recei~ed to Oecember 17th would be paid and it appeared that approximatelY $20,000 to $25,000 could be put toward the accounts of Oecember 31st. 1hiS would place the County in a better position as far as ha~ing their bills cleaned up at the end of the year then in past years. 4. Road #29 at McBains Cul~ert had been opened. 5. Land purchase had been completed on Road #2, fencing was underway and tree cutting would start shortlY, 6. Gra~el was being hauled from the sparta Pit to ~hiteS station as weather permitted. 7. 1he berm on the Pleasant ~alleY Pit would be remo~ed starting shortlY and be piled on the gra~el pile for future crushing. B. Some small drainage projects had been completed. 9. e~uipment repair nad been relati~elY light altDOUgh a radiator nad been re~uired on the John oeere 644B Loader. 10. Signing worK was underwaY and it was DOped to na~e at least twO lists completed by spring. 11. some brushing and tree cutting was under~aY on Road #20 starting in port stanley and worKing north. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE PASSED: ACCOUNT NUMBER 52 AMOUNTING TO $68,718.93 ACCOUNT NUMBER 53 AMOUNTING TO $64,905.09 CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WILLIAM CRAIG TURVEY BE DESIGNATED A REGULAR EMPLOYEE, CLASS II (NIL EXPERIENCE); EFFECTIVE DECEMBER II, 1986. CARRIED. II CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: I. Township of Bayham with zoning by-laws; rural residential Lot 26, Concession V, County Road #45, Lot 15, Concession V, Highway #19. 2. Township of Dunwich, with a zoning by-law; rural residential Lot 'B1, Concession XI, County Road #16. The old school would be torn down and replaced with a modern residence. 3. Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for residential purposes in Lot 1, South Edgeware Road, County Road #26. 4. Township of Yarmouth with a zoning by-law for Lot 5, Concession IV, County Road #27 to rezone the old Union School for quiet, clean, dry light industrial and commercial type work. 5. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications to Warden Purcell regarding symbols for disabled drivers for special parking. The Warden noted that it was not his intention to have a special parking by-law passed. 6. From the Ministry of Transportation with a request for resolutions and for long service information for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. 7. The Ontario Good Roads Association about running a micro-computer course for beginners. It was noted that the County was not at a stage that such a course would be useful, although it might be in future years. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 4. --...., 8. The Ontario Municipal Board with notices for a rezoning hearing regarding Dees at the intersection of Road #20 and Road #16 in Fingal on 1 January 8th. 9. Ontario Municipal Board with several appeals against th,~ County Land Division Committee by the Minister of Agriculture and Food. 10. Provincial Government requesting refund on the Ontario Youth Corps Programme for 1984 - 1985 - 1986 in the amount of $760.50. The Committee examined a copy of the audit carried out and agreed with the Engin'~er and the Clerk-Treasurer that further information was required before any payment is made. The total cost of the programme was $55,000. 11. From the Solicitors of WilliamGarbett with a revised claim against Heath Chevrolet, the County of Elgin and the Township of Southwold for injuries resulting from an accident in June 1986 on County Road #26. The Engineer noted that the County had been named third party as Mr. Garbett was claiming nearly $1,000,000 in damages for himself and family. The operator of the Heath Chevrolet car did not have a license and was intoxicated at the time. 12. From Mr. Max Jolliffe, Director of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated stating that he felt that the present letter of intent Iwas sufficient and there was no need to have an agreement between the County and the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated. The Engineer was instructed to have the County Solicitor, Mr. Murray Hennessey contact the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Incorporated Solicitor and try to impress upon him the fact that suc~ an agreement would be required to allow the Port Stanley Terminal Rail to become incorporated under the Railway Act using a Private Members Bill. If an agreement was in place before the Hearing it would not be necessary for the County to appear at the Hearing. The Engineer reported that an application under Section 38 of the Unemployment Insurance Act could be made for the Job Creation Programme for 10 weeks work for nine (9) men from the 1st of March to the 1st week in May 1987 to cut trees and brush on roads that the County would assume early in 1987. The Unemployment Insurance Commission would pay the workers and the county would be required to Continued . . . ST.THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 5. supply equipment, etc. The programme had been used two (2) years ago with success as the County had been able to choose the workers that they wished and the rate of pay to the workers was sufficient that good workers could be obtained and in 1985 the County had kept the workers on after the programme was completed as casual labourers through the Summer time and of the eight (8) workers in the programme three (3) had since been placed on regular staff. MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT AN APPLICATION FOR A JOB CREATION PROGRAMME UNDER SECTION 38 OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT BE MADE AND THE WARDEN BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE SAME. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BE PAID. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS A PETITION FOR SUBSIDY BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR ROAD EXPENDITURES MADE ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1986 TO DECEMBER 31, 1986. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: R. F. PURCELL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN, REEVE NEUKAMM AND THE ENGINEER BE APPOINTED TO THE WESTERN ONTARIO MUNICIPALITIES COMMITTEE ON GAS FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 6. IIMOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL: (A) ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (B) COUNTY ENGINEER'S AND MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ANNUAL I~EETING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (C) MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ANNUAL WORKSHOP. (D) SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONERS' ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL: (A) ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (B) COUNTY ENGINEER'S AND MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ANNUAL I~EETING IN FEBRUARY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (C) ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONVENTION. (D) MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S ANNUAL WORKSHOP. (E) SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONERS' ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERKTO SIGN PLANS FOR WIDENING COUNTY ROAD ALLOWANCES AS NECESSARY IN 1987. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. F. FORD THAT THE FEES FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION BE PAID FOR THE ENGINEER, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, SUPERINTENDENT AND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT; $50.00 PER MUNICIPALITY PLUS $10.00 PER MEMBER. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 7. IIMOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE 1986-1987 ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS THE COMMITTEE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: (A) SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL. (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. (C) LAKE ERIE EROSION. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION, MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN TORONTO AND THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO EXECUTIVE AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSIONS OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL CONVENTION EXPENSES PAID. CARRIED. II The Engineer recommended that the Committee make an early recommendation to County Council for a supplementary by-law for funding for slOils tests at the Tates Bridge as the Ministry stated that all supplementary requests be received by the Ministry by March 1, 1987 rather than the usual March 31, 1987 date. Soils tests would be started shortly at the bridge and the County of Middlesex would pass a similar supplementary by-law with Elgin's. IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW BE PASSED TO PROVIDE FOR FUNDING FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S SHARE OF SOILS TESTS AT THE TATES BRIDGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,000 SUBSIDY (BEING AN 80% SUBSIDY FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS AS IT IS A TOWNLINE BRIDGE). CARRIED. II ST.THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 8. The budget for 1987 was discussed and the Engineer reported that the Ministry has finally completed the revisions to the County's 1986 Needs Study Update and were as attached. It was also noted that the assessment figures for 1987 were apprxomately 2% less than in 1986 which would increase the Ministry of Transportaion and Communications share of the road programme. The increase in daily traffic was up be 9% from the previouS year and the 1985 traffic was estimated at over 447,000 kilometers daily. The tentative new machinery budget (attached) was discussed. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF LONDON MACHINERY COMPANY LIMITED FOR A MODEL L61, 8 CUBIC YARD SANDER BODY AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE OF $9,050 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX (SET ON PRICE). CARRIED." "MOVED BY: R. F. PURCELL SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW 2 TON TRUCK WITH DUAL WHEELS FOR USE WITH THE COUNTY'S WILTSIE TRAILER. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: R. F. PURCELL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CONTINUE THE INVESTIGATION FOR A COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT PURPOSES AND THAT SUITABLE FUNDS BE ALLOCATED IN 1987'S BUDGET FOR THIS PURPOSE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL QUOTATIONS FOR A 4 YARD LOADER WITH THE COUNTY'S 125 MICHIGAN AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 9. The Engineer recommended that an application be made to the Railway Transport Committee for flashing light crossings on unprotected cross:ing on roads that the County would be assuming. This should be done as soon as possible inasmuch as a considerable length of time for a Board Hearing and installation was required. It was not likely that any of the work could be done in 1987, however it would have to be budgeted for in 1988. IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE MAKE AN APPLICATION TO THE RAILWAY TRANSPORT COMMITTEE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FLASHING LIGHT RAILROAD CROSSING PROTECTION ON: (A) CANADAIN NATIONAL RAILWAY, ROAD #45 (SMOKE ROAD) CROSSING. (B) CANADAIN NATIONAL RAILWAY, ROAD #48 (OLD LONDON AND PORT STANLEY) CROSSING. (C) CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ROAD #48 (BELMONT TO ST. THOMAS SUBDIVISION). CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 AT 9:30 A.M., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 AT 9:30 A.M. AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED.II ~ ~ / / J.I. "0'"0."00 /' :/,/~ ~~-,!A~A__) CHAIRMAN \IIHIISIR'I Of I RANSPORl AI ION AND CO\ll\llUNICA1l0NS 1986 ~ BASED ON lHE COUN1'1 Of ELGIN ROAD S'IS1E\II AS II WAS ON ~ UPDA1ED 10 1986 USING \II.l.C. 1986 INfLAll0N fAC10R I\tJ\E\,\DED DECEV\BER 1986 ROAD CONS1RUCll0N NEEDS BRIDGE NEEDS (COUN1'1 ROAD S'IS1EM ONLY) ELGIN'S SHARE Of 10WNLINE BRIDGES NOl ON COUN1Y ROI\DS ASPHALl RESURfACING $23,780,000 5,376,000 4,3l6,000 lhere is no Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns subsidY allocation toward 10wnline BridgeS not on county roads. \IIinistry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns assessment for County of Elgin in 1987 - 624 million dollars. In 1986 it was 636 million dollars. lhiS will result in a slightlY increased Ministry of lransportatiOn and communicatiOns grant as funding is dependant on municipalitieS ability 1011\l \'\EEDS l4,708,000 ------ ~ to pay. In 1985 daily travel on county roads waS 447,568 Kilometers dailY' Average annual dailY traffiC count 938. 1984 daily traffiC count 860. Increase 9%. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1987 NEW MACHINERY MACK TRUCK AND PLOW (LESS INTERIM PAYMENT) 2 CHEVROLET PICKUP TRUCKS (NET AFTER TRADE-IN) 2 CASE TRACTORS AND SIDE MOUNT MOWERS. MOTOR MACK - TRUCK #89 (INSTALLED) MOTOR MACK - TRUCK #90 FLOAT TRUCK (2 TON CAB AND CHASSIS WITH FIFTH WHEEL) FOR WILTSIE TRAILER SANDER AND USED TRUCK (EXTRA ROAD MILEAGE) TRADE-IN 1974 CHAMPION 0 600 GRADER TRADE-IN 1976 - 4 CUBIC YARD MICHIGAN MODEL 125 LOADER RADIO UNITS (2 EXTRA) DEVELOPMENT OF SPARTA GRAVEL PIT COMPUTER AND SOFTWARE PROGRAMMES TRADE-IN PICKUP TRUCK AND VAN IN FALL (1979 MODELS) MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT $ 95,000 26,000 44,000 10,00~ 10,000 30,000 50,000 135,000 145,000 3,000 15,000 25,000 26,000 9,000 $623,000 NEEDS STUDY REQOEST TO MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS $623,000 * MACK TRUCK AND PLOW, PICKUP TRUCKS AND TRACTORS HAVE ALREADY BEEN TENDERED FOR IN 1986, BUT WILL NOT BE RECEIVED UNTIL 1987. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES RE: 1987 MACHINERY ACQUISITIONS The County of Elgin Road Committee at a recent meeting discussed the purchase of machinery for 1987 and the following items have been purchased or are tentatively scheduled: I. Mack Truck and Snowplow. This truck has been purchased and is presently at Frink Canada, Preston, having the snowplow equipment mounted on it. It's hoped to have it by the end of January. 2. 2 Chevrolet Pickup Trucks. These trucks have been purchased and Truck #87 has been traded-in. It is hoped to have these trucks by the end of January. 3. 2 Case Tractors and Side Mount Mowers. These tractors are identical to those purchased last Spring with the mowers side mounted instead of being'" rear mounted. The Region of Haldimand-Norfolk has had good success this year with similar units. We expect these units in time for Spring work. 4. Motor Replacement Truck #89, completed. 5. 2 Ton Cab and Chassis (Ford F600 Type). For use with the Wiltsie Trailer. Tenders will be called shortly and it is hoped to have this unit by the 1st of April. 6. A London Sander has been purchased for use on the expanded road system. The sander will be operational when needed this Winter. Whether an additional used truck will be purchased or a truck hired has not yet been decided. 7. 4 Cubic Yard Loader to replace the Michigan 125 Loader. Quotations will be called shortly and it is expected that a used machine will be purchased before Spring. 8. Grader #17 will be traded-in on a new or a demonstrator model Grader. It has not yet been decided whether' this unit will be used in addition to the present graders or whether Grader #18 will be used as a standby. 9. A Computer System and Software Programme is being investigated and hopefully will be in place some time in 1987 to assist with stockkeeping and bookkeeping. 10. Fall purchases may include the replacement of Truck #85 and Truck #86. R. G. MOORE COUNTY ENGINEER ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 11, 1986 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Municipal Building, at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 11, 1986 in conjunction with County Council. MEMBERS: Warden R. F. Purcell Reeve D. Perovich Reeve Village of Dutton Township of Aldborough Reeve A. K. Ford Township of Dunwich Township of Yarmouth Reeve W. A. Martyn Reeve E. Neukamm Township of Malahide Reeve M.H. Stewart Township of Bayham ADVISORY MEMBERS: Reeve C. R. Willsey Township of South Dorchester Reeve D. H. Pearson Town of Aylmer Deputy Reeve H. F. Lyle Township of Southwold IIMOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT REEVE STEWART BE APPOINTED CHAIRMAN OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1987. CARRIED. II The Chairman thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. IIMOVED BY: D. PEROVICH SECONDED BY: W. A. MARTYN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED LIMITING THE SPEED LIMIT ON COUNTY ROAD #16 IN THE VICINITY OF THE SOUTHWOLD SCHOOL AND ELGIN MANOR TO 60 KILOMETERS PER HOUR AS PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 11, 1986 PAGE 2. SCHEDULE lA' COUN1Y ROAD #16 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF SOU1HWOLD BEING TALBOl ROAD EASl AS SHOWN ON REGISTERED PLANS D-1020 AND D-1021, FROM lHE EAST LIMll OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 38 AND 39, NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD EAST, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP TO 221 METRES EAST OF lHE WEST LIMIT OF LOT 40, NORTH lALBOl ROAD EAST, TOWNSHIP OF SOU1HWOLD, A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMA1ELY 610 METRES. Warden purcell brought the Committee up to date on the Hubrey-Highbury- Radio Road LinK and noted that Middlesex County had accepted the recommendation of their Road committee to approach the Minister for extra funding. IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: R. F. PURCELL WE RECOMMEND TO COUN1Y COUNCIL lHAT THE RESOLUll0N OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN WHICH lHEY REQUESTED lHAl REPRESEN1All0N BE MADE TO THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENl 10 PROVIDE ADDllIONAL FUNDING 10 THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF lHE ENTIRE HUBREY-RADIO ROAD LINK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BE ENDORSED. WE ALSO AGREE WllH lHE 51. lHOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION THAT lHE PROJECT SHOULD BE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ST. ~~AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AS FUNDS OF THE COMMISSION WILL ALLOW. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD ~, SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM WHEREAS TRAFFIC BETWEEN lHE CITIES OF LONDON AND SI.IHOMAS DESIRES 10 lR~EL DIRECTLY BETWEEN THE CEN1RES OF BOTH CllI~ AND lHE EASTERN INDUSTRIAL AREAS OF BOTH CllIES, RA1HER THAN USE EXIS1ING KING'S HIGHWAYS #4 AND #74. AND WHEREAS AS A RESUL1, TRAFFIC ON lHE WELLINGTON ROAD UNDER THE CONTROL OF lHE COUNTIES OF MIDDLESEX AND ELGIN HAS INCREASED TO lHE CONTINUED . . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 11, 1986 PAGE 3. IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM CONTINUED . . POINT THE ROAD HAS REACHED ITS CAPACITY AND WIDENING PORTIONS OF IT TO 4 LANES AND THE CHANNELIZATION OF ALL INTERSECTIONS IS NOW REQUIRED. AND WHEREAS THE IMPROVEMENT OF A HIGHBURY, HUBREY, RADIO ROAD LINK BETWEEN LONDON AND ST. THOMAS WOULD NOT ONLY ALLEVIATE THE NEED FOR SOME OF THE IMPROVEMENTS ON WELLINGTON ROAD FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS BUT ALSO CONNECT THE INDUSTRIAL AREAS OF THE COUNTIES OF MIDDLESEX AND ELGIN INCLUDING THE CITIES OF LONDON AND ST. THOMAS, THE LONDON AND ST. THOMAS AIRPORTS, AND PROVIDE THE RESIDENTS OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITH A MUCH BETTER CONNECTION WITH HIGHWAY #401 WHILE GREATLY IMPROVING SAFETY FOR THE ROAD USERS. AND WHEREAS AT A MEETING OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COUNTIES OF MIDDLESEX AND ELGIN AND THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS THE WARDENS OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX RECOMMENDED TO THE ROAD COMMITTEES OF THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX AND THE COUNCILS OF THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX AND THE CITIES OF LONDON AND ST. THOMAS THAT REPRESENTATION BE MADE TO THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX TO ALLOW THEM TO CONSTRUCT THE ENTIRE HIGHBURY, HUBREY, RADIO ROAD LINK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE THEREFORE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT REPRESENTATION BE MADE ~, TO THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDING TO THE COUNTIES OF ELGIN AND MIDDLESEX TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ENTIRE HUBREY, RADIO ROAD LINK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND THAT THE PROJECT WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AND THAT THE WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AND THE COUNTY ENGINEER HE AUTHORIZED TO MEET WITH PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES AS REQUIRED ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. II o t--I\.O ct.(fJ c:::(0'" ~~ o ,,~ if)~ c:::(ct. ~uJ :c~ r-uJ . <...) r-uJ if) 0 c::t uJ <.!) c:::( 0- . ~ c:::( o ('i") . . 0'" ~ \.0 (fJ 0'" ~ B t--I ~ c:::( <...) -=- \.0 ~ ct. uJ ~ uJ <...) uJ o ~ z: ~ :::- ~ ~ uJ 0 :::> c:::( u- r- ~ . 0 . ~ r- c:::( . ~ c:::( >- :::> 0 r:> :::- ~ CO B uJ :::- >- CO 0 z: ~ 0 0 u.J <...) :c / u.J r- 0 if) ~