1989 Road Committee Minutes ,_~r""'~~, SI. I\\Ot-\f..S. 0~If..R10 NO~E~BER 28, 1989 p~GE 1. I\\E COU~~ Ot ELG1~ ROf..D COt-\t-\lIIEE met at the f..dministration Building on luesday, ~ovember 28, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. f..ll members ~ere present except Reeve t-\artyn, Reeve Coles and Reeve Chute. f..lsO present ~ere the Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "t-\O\/ED B'l: f... Ie tORD SECO~DED B'l: \\. J. t-\ElE~BURG 1\\f..l I\\E t-\1~U1ES Ot I\\E t-\EE11~G Ot OC10BER 31, 1989 BE f..PPRO\/ED. CI\RRIEO." I\\E E~Gl~EER REPOR1ED ON I\\E tOLLO~lNG: 1. f.. letter ~as received from the 10woshiP of south~Old Road superintendent advising that the East River Road at Robbins Bridge had been closed and gates had been installed at both entrances. 2. lhe Engineer reported that he had received a report from trin~ Canada regarding the damaged s~eeper and he had for~arded thiS report to the lnsurance f..djUSter. lhe Engineer reported that the lnsurance f..djUSter agreed ~ith the report ~hich indicated that the insurance company should pay for a ne~ s~eeper, valued at approximatelY $106,000. lhis value does not include a $2,500 deductable in the. county'S insurance poliCY. lhe Engineer reported that he had not received a report from the tran~ Co~an lnsurance Company ~ith regard to the statuS of this claim. 3. lhe Engineer reported that no further information had been received regarding par~ing in the \/illages of springfield and port Bur~ell. ~. lhe Engineer reported that he had received a letter from the t-\iniStry of ~atural ReSOurces reQuesting variouS ~or~s at the Pleasant \/alley Pit and alsO advising that the t-\inistry reQuired approval from the 10~nshiP of 'larmouth for the access road. The Engineer reported that he had ~ritten the t-\inistry of ~atural ReSOurces reQuesting siX monthS to loo~ into thiS matter further and diSCUSS the access reQuirements ~ith the 10~nshiP of 'larmouth. 5. lhe Engineer reported that in general the use of the By-La~ Enforcement Officer had provided positive results and variouS material and vehicles had been removed from the county road allo~ances. lhe Engineer reported that he ~ill give the By-La~ Enforcement Officer _~^+her list of areas to investigate and enforce. 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARI0 NOVEMBER 28, 1989 PAGE 2. 6. The Engineer reported that the personnel committee had held one meeting regarding the purchase of a County computer. ~arden Ford indicated that the next meeting would be held on December 4th with the Department Heads. The Engineer also reported that the County Engineer of LanarK County indicated that his computer for road worK was not compatible with the County computer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE ~ORK TO D~TE ~s FOLLO~S: 1. The ~ssistant Engineer reported that winter control to date has been fairly light and no problems were encountered. The Engineer reported that the spare Grader #19 will be used to replace Grader #ZO which has a faulty hydraulic pump requiring approximatelY $7,000 to repair. Grader HZO is a 1979 unit purchsed used in 1981. The Engineer reported that this grader should be traded as soon as possible. Z. The Engineer reported that the Middlemiss Bridge has been opened and miscellaneous drainage and grading worK had been completed by the County. The ~ssistant Engineer reported that Mr. Harries was satisfied with his access driveWay. The Engineer reported that McLean Taylor constructiOn Limited had other worK related requirements and would not complete the removal of the old bridge until 1990. 3. The Engineer reported that paving and granular shoulders had been completed on Road #ZZ and Road #Z7. McLean Taylor construction Limited had requested a partial release of their holdbacK, and upon checKing with the Ministry of Transportation of ontario the Engineer agreed to release the holdbacK to Z%. This could be charged to the 1989 budget. 4. The Engineer reported that pavement marKing had been completed including Road HZZ and Road #14 as well as Talbot street in ~ylmer. S. The Engineer reported that he had planned to applY approximatelY 1,000 tons of asphalt for variouS areas of patching in the County, however the weather conditions were such that ~almsley BroS. Limited closed their plant for the winter. S,. ,\-\Ol'\~s, Ol'l,~RIO NO~E~Bt~ 2B, 19B9 p(1.GE '3. 6. ,he Engineer reported that gravelling had been proceeding on Road H18, Road OS7 and Road H16 and upon completion of theSe roads, shouldering ~ould be carried out on Road Hll as ~ell as gravelling on Road H48 from \-\igh~aY H73 to Road 1147. other trucKing ~orK that could be carried out included hauling granular material from the pit to the Ylhites station garage. ihe Engineer reported that C. R. ChittiCK construction had started crushing 9. at the s?arta pit. ,he Engineer reported that variouS miscellaneous ditching projects had been completed and theSe ~ould solve many drainage problems of the past. ,he Engineer reported that various miscellaneous jobS as ~ell as construction of the ne~ garage ~ere being carried out bY the casual emplOyees ~hO ~ould probablY be Kept on until the ~eeK prior to Christmas or earlier if bad ~eather conditions persisted. ,he Engineer reported that casual emplOyees ~ould not be used for tree cutting. 10. ,he topic of tree planting bY the county Road oepartment ~as brought up by a Committee member. ,he ~ssistant Engineer e~plained the e~isting Road oepartment 7 . 8. \2. policY for tree planting. ~ member of the committee noted the narro~ shoulder on Road 030 at the south end. ,his ~as aCKno~ledged by the Engineer ~ho reported that this problem ~ould be rectified in the 1990 restoration ~orK. ,he Engineer reported that ~orK on the garage buildings ~as progressing satisfactorilY in spite of poor ~eather conditions. ,he erection of steel haS commenced in Building '~' and the ~all has been poured on Building 'B'. ,he conduits have been installed and the sheeting and insulation ~as to arrive in the near future. ~t thiS time the Engineer ~as not sure if the floor ~ould be poured thiS year. ,he ~ssistant Engineer reported that his ~orK ~ith regard to land purchase on Road H4and Road n43 had been progressing satisfactorilY and the majority of the road ~idening had been purchased. 13. \1. ~-----, Si. iHO~~S, OMi~RIO MO~E~BER 28, 1989 p~Gt l\. 14. ihe Engineer re?orted brieflY on hiS discUssions ~ith munici?al and pro~incial re?resentati~es at the ~unici?al Engineers ~ssociation conference in ioronto as follo~S: la) ihe Engineer re?orted the R.I.~.S. com?uter ?rogramroe ~as not ~orKing yet and felt that there ~aS a lacK of communicatiOn ~ithin the ~inistry of iranS?ortatiOn of ontario. lb) ihe Engineer reported that he could not obtain anY feel for the amount of road subsidies to be ?ro~ided in 1990. lc) ihe Engineer re?orted that Pay EQuity ~as also causing ?roblems in ~arioUS jurisdictions. In one County the majority of management staff ~ere gi~en substantial ?ay raises as a result of-the ?ay eQUity ?focedufes. \5. ihe Engineer re?orted that he had arranged to ha~e a meeting regarding ?ay eQuity on Oecember 13th ~ith Harley underhill, personnel ~dministrater. REE~E CHUiE ~RRI~EO ~i 9:30 ~.~. · · 16. ihe Engineer re?orted that he had recei~ed a Re?Ort on the ~an Muland orain ~hich is a branch of the OoUglaS orain in ~allaceto~n. ihe Engineer indicated that he had ~ritten the io~nshi? reQuesting that their re?ort be amended to ?ro~ide restoration ~orK in the bOule~ard bY the land o~ners. "tI\O\JEn B'<: n. \J. C\1\J1t SECOMOEO B'/: R. J. l~~ERE~U iH~i iHE fOllO~IMG p~'/lISiS BE p1\SSEO: p~'/l1Si MU~BER 45 1\~OUMiIMG iO $87,627.79 p~'/l1Si MU~BER 46 WlOUMilMG iO $250,873.82 p~'/l1Si MU~BER 47 f\l'\OUMiIMG iO $97 ,797 .35 p~'/lISi MU~BER 48 1\~OUMiIMG iO $1,474.45 p1\,/lISi MU~BER 49 1\~OUMiIMG iO $560,214.95 Cf\RRl EO · " ~----_>I'I""'--...........\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 28, 1989 PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON CORRESPONDENCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A letter was received from the Township of Aldborough indicating that they would cut only half of the County's grass in 1990. The Engineer also reported that due to the new regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources with regard to weed spraying less weed spraying would be carried out and more grass cutting would be required. The Engineer reported that the County was happy with the side mount disc mowers and he felt that a tractor should be purchased with power take off suitable for a side mount mower. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW TRACTOR SUITABLE FOR USE FOR BY A SIDE MOUNTED DISC MOWER. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW 180 HORSE POWER GRADER WITH GRADER #20 (1979 CHAMPION) AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED.." 2. The Engineer reported that he had received information from Ontario Hydro with regard to their corridor through West Elgin. 3. The Engineer reported that he had written the Ministry of Natural Resources with requirements regarding the Johnston Bros. Limited pit on Road #6, Aldborough Township. The requirements would include an asphalt driveway, the sale to the County of 17 foot road Widening and drainage improvements. 4. The Engineer reported that he had received a certificate from the Minister of State regarding the Summer Employment Programme. 5. The Engineer reported that he had received a notice from the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority regarding a lake shore study meeting to be held in Port Stanley. Si. \\-IOl>\~.s, ONi~RI0 NO~El>\BER 28, 1989 p~Gt. o. 6. ihe Engineer reported that he had received correspondence from the io~nshiP of l>\alahide regarding t~ road cloSures ~hich ~ere not near a county road. 7. ihe Engineer reported that he had received a letter from i.C.G. l>\aterials Limited indicating that as of January 6, 1990 the cost of aggregates ~ould increase by 6~ per tonne due to the ne~ regulations of the ~ggregates ~ct. 8. ihe Engineer indicated that he had received a list of staff ~ith their ~ualificatiOns from l>\CLennan, ~right, Barristers and Solicitors. It ~as noted that ~. Russell l>\onteith ~aS Q.C. ~ith the firm. "tJ\O\1ED B"{ ~ SECONOEO B~: \-I. r. L~LE i\-l~\ ~E ~Cctl)\ i\-lE QIlO\~iION Or rRINK c~N~M rOll. ~ ELGIN E~GLE s~EEl'ER EQIl1l'l'EO ~S l'ER ~ii~C\-IEO ~i ~ Nn l'RICE Or $140,043.00, l'LIlS l'RO~INCI~L S~LES i~X rOll. l>\~RC\-I 1, 1990 OELWER~ · R. J. L~\1ERt.~U ihe Engineer reported that a recommendatiOn ~ould have to be made to County council to amend the by-la~ restricting the ~eight limits on County bridgeS since the changes to the Gillets Bridge and the l>\iddlemiSS Bridge ~ould re~uire different ~ostingS. ihe Engineer SUggested that thiS matter be discUssed further during the December meeting. ihe Engineer reported that subse~uent to the meeting he ~as advised bY rrin~ canada of a special rebate for thiS s~eeper in the amount of $2,224.00, thUS the total price ~ould be $137,819.00, pluS l'rovincial Sales ia~. C~RRlt.D." "\"he Engineer reported that the ~ssistant Engineer had a site meeting ~ith the Canadian National and the Canadian iransport commission at the rail~aY crossing on Road #48 east of ~ellington Road. ihe ~ssistant Engineer indicated that the problem ~aS very poor visability to the north. ihe concensus at the meeting ~aS that the onlY solution to the problem ~ould be signalS, ho~ever it ~as SUggested that some temporary ~arning devices be used in the interim. ihe Engineer reported that t~O ~arning signs ~ould be erected in the near future. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 28, 1989 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN MAKE APPLICATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FLASHING LIGHT RAILROAD PROTECTION AT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL CROSSING IN LOT 3, CONCESSIONS XI AND XII, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH (COUNTY ROAD #48) AND MAKE APPLICATION TO TRANSPORT CANADA FOR AN 80% GRANT ON THE PROPOSED PROTECTION. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON REZONINGS AS FOLLOWS: 1. An application was received from the Menno Lodge in the Township of Malahide for geared to income housing on Road #40 south of Summers Corners and at Mount Salem just north of Road #45. The Engineer reported that the area would provide poor visibility for vehicles and he has requested that the developer acquire professional information with regard to proposed future traffic patterns in this area. 2. The Engineer reported that he had received a draft plan of subdivision in Dutton and he would be requesting a 17 foot right-of-way, proper drainage and entranceways as well as a cash deposit prior to approving this development. 3. The Engineer received a minor variance in the Township of Bayham and no problems were anticipated. 4. The Engineer also reported receiving miscellaneous rezonings from agricultural to rural residential or special agricultural in the Township of Bayham. 5. The Engineer reported receiving a minor variance from the Township of Yarmouth in which he could forsee no problems. 6. The Engineer reported receiving a rezoning to rural residential on Road #3 in Aldborough Township. 7. The Engineer reported receiving the amended Official Plan for the Village of Port Stanley. Reeve Lavereau indicated that only minor changes were involved. ~ "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE PAY THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH FOR 225 IMPERIAL TONS AT $8.00 PER TON FOR CRUSHED GRAVEL APPLIED TO THE COYNE ROAD BETWEEN HOGG STREET AND ROAD #2 CONTINUED . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 28, 1989 PAGE 8. "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM CONTINUED . . . THE~ COUNTY USED THE ROAD AS A HAUL ROUTE TO HAUL SAND FROM THE WOODLYNN SAND PIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD #2. CARRIED." The Engineer reported to the Committee that he had reviewed the Draft Report on the Tates Bridge and that he had some reservations about the costs included in the report and the lack of costs that may be required by the Townships. It was also questioned as to whether the repair of the bridge should be considered as an option. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT DRAFT NO.2 FROM M. M. DILLON'S ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT ON THE TATES BRIDGE BE REFERRED BACK TO M. M. DILLON FOR REVISION. CARRIED.II The Engineer reported that he had received a letter from the Long Point Conservation Authority regarding a cost sharing study for erosion protection on Road #42. The Engineer questioned the fact that the County would be assessed 40% and he felt that more information would be required from the Conservation Authority prior to Road Committee making a decision on this matter. The Engineer handed out the Asphalt Resurfacing and Construction Programmes Recommendations to Road Committee by the Warden and Chairman. Using the County road map the Engineer discussed each project in detail. Following the Engineer's presentation other projects were discussed by members of the Committee including the Aylmer by-pass and reconstruction of Road #6, reconstruction of the curb and gutter sections of Road #3 in Rodney and Road #2 in West Lorne. It was also pointed out by Reeve Lavereau that the Village now has a water report for the Village of Port Stanley indicating priorities for water improvements and reconstruction, however no funding for these projects has been approved by the Ministry. Reeve Lavereau indicated that he would supply the Engineer with a copy of this report. 51. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO NOVEMBER 28, 1989 p~GE 9. Members of the committee discussed the importance of road tours and indicated that a road tour should be held in the Spring to lOOK at the former recommendatiOns and that County council members should be encouraged to attend a road tour to be held as designated by County council. "MOVED B'( ~ D. J. ~VR~M SECONDED B~: c. R. WIllSE~ 1\-111.1 WE II.DJOURN 10 1\-1E CII.ll OF 1\-1E C\-lll.lRMII.N. C~RRIED." ~w~ CH~ 1 RM~N ~......- ~ QU01~110N rOR ELGIN E~GLE S~EEPER $\'37 ,350.00 385.00 l,730.00 578.00 , -------- ~,Q4~ NEI ~S PER NO\lEtIIBER 1'3, 1989 t~II~CI-IEO) S t. R" 1 C t. tl\M-l \.} f:\ l ~U'J.ILL~R'I ENGINE COtllP~Rlt11ENl CO\lERS 'tIr>.S1-I OO~N S'IS1EtII rOR LO~ER CON\lE'IOR ROLLER MOlt. : :.;.;--- MViSed by rrinK canada on November 29, 1989 of a .s'\lecia\ rebate in the amount of $2,224.00 to a'\l'\llY to Elgln Eagle S'IIee'\ler and thUS the total '\lrice is $1'37,819.00, '\lluS Pfovincial laxes. '~t~ i:o'. ! ilUNK F R INK 0777 laurel Street, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 4S3 telephone (519) 653-6234 Telex 069-59347 CANADA 06460 Henri Bourassa Est, Montreal 403, H1G 5W9 telephone (514) 326-4000 Telex 05-828508 r THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT 450 SunSet Drive 2nd Floor, South Wing ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO L N5R 5Vl Attention: Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Eng. .., ,,,0 t.tloll Date File II Territory ~'tT~m'ho'r'~ lQRQ R r; n. r; ?.4 -' Delivery Tn RR n'R'RnN~F.n We appreciate the opportunity of submitting this proposal. Should additional information be required please contact us. We look forward to supplying you with the following: TO SUPPLY: ONE (1) New Elgin Eagle series "F" c/w Dual hydraulically driven gutter brooms Variable height right side dumping hopper (left may be specified at uime of order) ISUZU C-240 diesel sweeper engine Modified GMC W7 series truck chassis c/w Isuzu 6BDI-T turbo diesel engine Dual steering Air bag suspension Allison AT545 automatic transmission 2 speed rear axle Two (2) maintenance free batteries Electric back up alarm Sweeper engine hour meter Tachometer for truck and sweeper engines 280 u.s. gallon molded polyethylene water tank Water level light. Water fill gauge Touch controls for all sweeper functions o Air conditioning Auxiliary engine shutdown high temperature/low pressure b Strobe roof light c/w protector o Radial tires (tube type) in lieu of standard Tilt steering wheels and telescoping columns Hopper inspection door Interior hopper light Two (2) year or 2500 hour warranty on all Elgin supplied parts and labour. YOUR NET........................$137,350.00 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: 1. Auxiliary engine compartment cover............................ADD.......$ 1,730.00 2. Paint Truck and bodv Elqin County yel1ow...............;......ADD.......$ 1,845.00 QUOTATION VALID FOR 60 DAYS ONLY Any delivery dates specified in our Quotations are subject to delays beyond our control. We regret the necessity for making the above stipulations, but we feel you will appreciate that conditions beyond our control force us to do this. per . D.R. EXTRA F.O.B. YOUR YARD Federal Tax EXEMPT Sales Manager FRINK CANADA ,'/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES. RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 1989 (A) ASPHALT RESURFACING It is difficult to make recommendations or commitments more than a year in advance as the resurfacIng programme should be examined each Spring to ascertain that priorities adopted the previous year by County Council and Road Committee have not changed due to Spring breakup. 1. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 1990: (a) Complete work from 1989. Shoulder and minor ditching on Road #24 west of Port Burce, Malahide and Yarmouth Townships (costs are relatively minor). (b) Complete work on Road #14 from Highway #3 to Road #16 (two loctions - North of Iona Bridge and near Highway #3), require engineering work, likely mulching on curves, reshaping, adding granular, paving, ditching and shouldering. Work started in 1989. (c) Complete work on Road #46 at Road #44. Require engineering work to design realignment as required including land purchase at the north-east quadrant of the intersection, grading, granular base, paving, curb and gutter (as required). Work started in 1988. In 1989 shouldering, ditching, etc., on road between Highway #3 and Corinth was corrlpleted except for Road #44 intersection. (d) Road #48 east of Road #47 in South Dorchester (mulch pavement) 2.8 kilometres. "Standard" resurfacing, granular shoulders, ditching, etc., including channelization (minimal) at Road #47 and Road #48. Road #54 should be resurfaced at the same time (0.8 kilometres) 50% payable by the County of Oxford. A decision should be made shortly so the County of Oxford can budget for the cost. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE r,. PAGE 2. (e) Road #30 from Road #52 to the St. Thomas city Limits (Hot Mix) [St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission] used by industrial traffic to obtain access to Road #52 and Highway #74. Although it has had high usage before Road #30 opened to the Belmont Road, traffic will likely increase now that an alternate route to the Belmont Road and to the Wellington Road has been provided. (Subject to boundary adjustment discussions.) 2. AS FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE: (a) Road #8 in ihe Village of Dutton and the Township of Dunwich starting in Dutton near the John Street intersection and proceeding northerly to Willeys Bridge. (i) Work in Dutton requires new curb and gutter or milling (depending on what is the most economical treatment for a particular section). It may be advantageous to remove portions of the pavement depending on the condition. (ii) From north end of curb and gutter to Highway #401. Standard resurfacing, shouldering, ditching, etc., but channelization at Road 02 intersection is required. (iii) From road allowance between Gore and Concession IV, northerly to Road #9. Standard asphalt resurfacing other than curves at Concessions III and IV. Present superelevation must be checked to determine extent of work required. Curb and gutter channelization (even at Road #9) should not be required. (iv) Approximately 1 kilometre north of Road 09 to Willeys Bridge. Standard asphalt resurfacing other than the curves which must be checked for proper superelevation to determine work required. 3. AFTER 1990: (a) Road #25 (Wellington Road) from the Middlesex County Line to Highway #4 includes channelization, left hand turn lanes and "slip by" lanes at all intersections. Lighting COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE ' PAGE 3. is required at. Road #26 and Road #48 intersections (at a minimum). Al though thi s work 'is high priori ty it would be desirable if at all possible, to have less traffic on Well i ngton Road than there is presently. Thus resul"faci ng may not be practical until the Radio-Hubrey Road is completed so it can be used as a detour. However, <<i commitment should be made to complete engineering work as soon as possible. A completion of detailed channelization drawings are required so estimates are available for a specific section. It is likely that some form of geo textile reinforcing will be required for the entire roadway. 4. OTHER HIGH PRIORITY RESURFACING REQUIREMENTS,: Although the following list is not in priority (as a priority should not be set until the Spring of a particular year), County Council has set that as a priority those roads that are grader mix mulch or surface treatment should be done first (as generally the base is weaker and the pavement distortion grea~er than on a hot mix road which in all likelihood was laid later). (a) Road #24 - Dexter to Road #36, Yarmouth Township (Mulch). (b) Road #46 - Highway #3 to Road #38, Bayham Township (Surface Treatment). (c) Road #2 - West Lorne to Road #3, Aldborough Township (Hot Mi x) . (d) Road #34 - Highway #74 to Belmont Village Limit (Hot Mix). ' [Settlements due to sewer excavations.] (e) Road #21 - (Warren Street) Village of Port Stanley (Hot Mix). [Settlements due to sewer excavations, this cannot be programmed until watermain construction is finished or engineering completed to indicate that no watermains will be placed on Warren Street.] (f) Road #40 - Highway #3 to Glencolin, Malahide Township (Grader Mix Mulch). COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE f'! PAGE 4. (B) CONSTRUCTION 1. CARRYOVER INTO 1990: (a) Completion of work now underway. Middlemiss Bridge and approaches, holdback, cleanup work, seeding, etc., in Spring. (b) Road 02, Dunwich Township; Spring cleanup and seeding. (c) Road 022, Yarmouth Township; Spring cleanup and seeding, etc. Complete payment for utility movement (interim paid in 1988). (d) Road 026 (St. George Street), Some work including drainage, possible curb and gutter, paving, etc., remains to be completed. (e) Road 032, Malahide Township; County's share of flashing light protection at Canadian National tracks ($10,000.00). (f) Road 030, completion of Radio Road project including top coat of asphalt, shouldering, trimming, fencing, etc., (supplementary by-law). 2. WORK APPROVED BY COUNTY COUNCIL: (* After work in progress is completed.) (a) -Priority- Road 043 from Road 045 north to Concessions IV and V, Malahide-Bayham Townships and southerly from Road 045 to Concessions II and III, Malahde-Bayham Townships including Calton urban and channelization as required on Road 645. (b) -Priority- Road 04 from end of curb and gutter in Rodney to Canadian National tracks on Kent Townline. (Townline work is Elgin's responsibil i ty as Kent has done their work pr'eviously.) (c) Road 08, section north of Highway 0401 - Engineering surveys have been authorized and most field work completed. Inside work, cost estimates, etc., are not done pending final priority and approval by Counci 1. 3. CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS: (a) Replacement of steel pipe culverts. Although we continue to monitor steel pipes we do not know when a structure COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE ~ PAGE 5. might reach a critical stage and require replacement. Our priority culverts include: (i) Road 040, Silver Creek in Concession IV, Township of Malahide. Engineering drawing for its replacerrlent with a precast concrete box culvert have been submitted to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. (ii) Road 045, Players Culvert at west side of Players Bridge (Catfish Creek) continues to deteriorate. Though not cracked in the usual method that occurs in pipe arch culverts, crimping of the corrugations is becoming serious (we have yet to inspect another culvert that exhibits this severe crimping).. Engineering drawings for replacement will be completed this winter. (iii) Road 042, Van Order (superspan) monitoring continues. We have been advised that if deterioration continues the structure will have to be replaced as repair is impractical (expensive job). (C) STUDIES UNDERWAY (* No priority can be assigned to the projects until study is completed.) 1. Road 024, Cedar Bend erosion control, Port Bruce; Catfish Creek Conservation Authority. 2. Road 023, St. Joseph Hill, Port Stanley. Study by the Village of Port Stanley regarding watermain installation, funding applied for. 3. Road 045, Jaffa intersection, Road 035, some work has been done. Further engineering work should be authorized to allow future Road Committee to have costs (etc.) available before committing funds for im~rovements. 4. Road 042, east of Port Burwell; study regarding continuing erosion protection along lake Erie. The County of Elgin may be requested to pay toward protection of the Little Otter Creek outlet at the Van Order Culvert. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE ,ff PAGE 6. ,(D) PRIORITY RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Construction of those portions of Road 08 in'Dunwich Township north of Highway 0401 that will not be asphalt resurfaced: (a) Highway 0401 to road allowance between Concession IV and Gore. (b) Road 09, northerly I kilometre t. 2. Replacement of Phillmore Bridge at present site to allow: (a) Two lanes of traffic. (b) Full loads., Subject to engineering studies using the present abutments and constructing a bridge that can be moved, to another location if traffic increases to the point that the, relocation (and str'aightening) of the existing road can be justified. (i) Pre-fabricated Warren Trusses are manufactured in Ohio and utilize a removable wooden or concrete floor. (i1) Certain types of bailey bridges allow two lane traffic. (c) An engineering study should be authorized so the type of structure, etc., can be selected and Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approval obtained so costs, etc., are available for Road Committee. 3. Lings Bridge, Southwold-Westminster Townline east of Highway 04. Townline bridges 80% subsidy, separate funding. The County of Middlesex should be approached to conmit themselves to a date for: (a) Engineering. (b) Construction (subject to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario funding). 4. Road #37 from Highway 073 to the Oxford County line. It appears at the present time that the County of Middlesex is reluctalnt to commit funds for the cost of this, road. The replacement of the Harrietville Drain Bridge cannot be left "in limbo". The County of Middlesex should be approached to commit funds (with timing for): COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ASPHALT RESURFACING AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMMES RECOMMENDATIONS TO ROAD COMMITTEE .11' PAGE 7. 4. (a) Outside field work on the road. (b) Engineering work and cost estimates. (c) Engineering for Harrietville Drain Bridge. (d) Date for replacement of the bridge. (This must be done prior to road reconstruction in any event.) (e) Road construction with priorities set for various sections of the road. (E) SPECIAL MAINTENANCE PROJECTS. These will have to be financed from available maintenance funds unless County Council is prepared to alter (or delay) a portion of the construction programme to allow them to proceed. Funding will depend on Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocations, winter control costs, Spring breakup, need for gravel resurfacing and surface treatment, etc. Work (generally in present right-of-way), would include mulching of old pavement, addition of granular base (as required), drainage, shouldering and two inches of hot mix paving. 1. Road 027 from Highway 04 to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail overpass (Golf Club Road). 2. Road 056 (Southdale Road), completion between Highway 04 and Road 022. Awaiting muncipal drainage report. (This is a St. Thomas Suburban Road and work on the rest 'of the Suburban System must be adjusted accordingly.) 3. Road 035, Orwell from Highway 03 northerly. 4. Road 018, Lawrence Station, Canadian National tracks westerly to hamlet limits. 5. Road 048, Yarmouth Township from Highway 074 westerly to Belmont Golf Club (probably will require complete reconstruction and widening of road allowance and thus might be a construction project rather than a maintenance project). l.i Ii i v II " f L ~ ~f 'I }~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER 15. 1989 SESSION . TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Middlemiss Bridge has been opened to traffic (November 7th) and paving will continue as weather conditions permit. 2. Curb and gutter work has been completed at the intersection of County Road 122 (Fairview Avenue) and County Ro~d 127 (Union-Sparta Road), timing of paving depends on weather conditions. 3. (a) Gravel resurfacing has been completed on County Road 143 between the Cook's and Phillmore Bridges and from County Road 142 northerly approximately 2 kilometres. (b) Gravel resurfacing is continuing on County Road 118 in Southwold Township between Lawrence Station and County Road 114. (c) As time permits gravel resurfacing will be done on County Road 156 (Elm Street) in Yarmouth Township between County Road 136 and County Road 128 (Centennial Avenue). 4. We have purchased for 1990 delivery, a Ford Van from Motion Lincoln Mercury of London with the County's 1983 Dodge Van as a trade.-in at a cost of $17,165.69 (including Provincial Sales Tax and Tire Tax). We have also purchased from E. L. Fordham Motors Limited of Rodney a Chevrolet Pickup Truck with the County's 1984 Dodge Pickup as a trade-in at a cost of $14,551.00 (including Provincial Sales Tax and Tire Tax). Although a considerable number of tender forms were forwarded to local dealers, only three (3) tenders for each vehicle were received. 5. The Engineer has been authorized to attend the National Association of County Engineers' meeting in Colorado Springs, Colorado in March 1990 with the usual expenses paid. The Engineer is the representative of the Municipal Engineers of Ontario in the midst of a three (3) year term. The Engineer is also a member of the Committee revising the "Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Mannual" and is acting as a liaison between the Municipal Engineers Association of Ontario and the Continued COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT NOVEMBER 15, 1989 SESSION y~' PAGE 2. National Association of County Engineers to obtain training videos, etc., from United States sources. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the County of Elgin has no objection to the Port Stanley Terminal Rail operating during evening hours over the crossing on County Road #21 (Way'ren Street) in the Village of Port Stanley. That the Clerk be instructed to advise the Port Stanley Terminal Rail and the Ontario Municipal Board accordingly. The Port Stanley Terminal Rail has completed the installation of flashing light signals on Warren Street (County Road #21) and have obtained a Professional Engineer specializing in railway matters certifying that the signals meet National Transportation Agency specifications. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED E. NEUKAMM, CHAIRMAN SI. 1\-10tlt"'S. ON1"'RIO OC10BER 31, 1989 p1\GE 1. I\-1E COUN1~ Or ELGIN RO"'O COtlttltlllEE met at the ",ministratiOn auilding on luesda~. october 31. 1989 at 9;00 a.m. "'11 members ~ere ~resent e~ce~t Reeve tltart~n. "'lSO ~resent ~ere tltr. Robert stoCK of the tltinistr~ of lrans~ortatiOn of ontariO the Engineer and the "'ssistant Engineer. "tIIO\lEO a~: O. J. ",\lR",tII SECONOEO a~: R. J. L",\lERE"'U 1\-1",1 I\-1E tltl NU1ES Or I\-1E tilE Ell NG or 0C10aE R ll. 1989 aE ",PPRO\lEO. CI\RRIEU. " -~-"......,,---, I\-1E ENGINEER REPOR1EO ON I\-1E rOLLo~ING: 1. lhe Engineer re~orted that a letter ~ould be arriving from rrinK canada regarding the state of the damage to the Count~' s s~ee~er. lh is i nf orma t ion ~ould be sent to the Insurance "'d)USter for his evaluation. lhe Engineer alSO re~orted that next luesda~ rrinK Canada ~ould be bringing out a ne~ s~ee~er to the Count~ garage for demonstratiOn ~ur~oses. 2. lhe Engineer re~orted that he had not heard bacK from the \lillage of s~ringfield regarding "No parKing" signs on Road 1152. \-Ie alSO reported that further information ~ould be required from the \lillage of port aur~ell regarding a more detailed descri~tiOn for their "No parKing" reQuirements. 3. lhe Engineer re~orted that the tltinistr~ of Natural ReSOurces haS ordered the Count~ to rehabilitate ~art of the Pleasant \lalle~ Pit. lhe tltinistr~ of Natural ReSOurces requireS a ~lan b~ November 30th sho~ing a change in slo~e ~here the Pit ~ro~ert~ abutts the 10~nshi~ road. lhe Engineer alSO stated that the gravel remaining in the Pleasant \lalle~ Pit ~as sand~ for crushing and ~ould ~robabl~ require screening. 4. lhe Engineer re~orted that he had received corres~ondence from the tltinistr~ of lrans~ortatiOn of ontariO ~ith regard to the Needs stud~ u~date. It a~~eared that the Road lnventor~ tltanagement s~stem tR.I.tII.S.) ~acKage ~ould not be functional until 1990. \-Io~ever the Engineer re~orted that he ~ould be submitting the ne~ aridge lnventor~ sheets. equi~ment u~date information and the maintenance information 10 the tIIinistr~ of lrans~ortation of ontariO in the near future. SI. mOtll~S, ONl ~R I 0 OC10BER 31, 1989 p~GE 2. 5. lhe Engineer revorted that the tIIinistry of lransvortatiOn of ontario Interim SubsidY due date is No~ember 24th, ho~e~er he ~as Vlanning to ha~e the information a~ailable by No~ember 15th, ~hich is the date for ~ccounts payable. lhe Engineer revorted that financiallY the county Roads budget ~aS in good shaVe and that the remainig funds ~ould sVent by the end of the year. 6. lhe Engineer revorted that there has been no further vrogress on the lates Bridge Draft Revort. 7. lhe Engineer revorted that the By-La~ Enforcement Officer had made contacts ~ith regard to encroachments on County roads. Some minor vroblems ~ere corrected, ho~e~er others ~ere not. lhe Engineer indicated that he ~ould ha~e to diSCUSS thiS matter further ~ith tIIr. stafford to determine if this avvroach ~ould be successful. I\\E ENGINEER REPOR1ED ON 'tIOR\<. 10 D~IE ~S fOLLO'tlS: 1. lhe Engineer revorted that ~andalism had been ~erY light during thiS \\allO~een. lhe Engineer Vointed out that the majority of the ~andalism occurs the ~eeKend Vrior to \\ollO~een e~e. 2. lhe Engineer revorted that the constructiOn ~orK on Road H2 should be comvletedtoday toctober 31st) including the restoratiOn of the 'tIood Lynn sand Borro~ Pit. 3. 1M Engineer revorted that the cleanuV ~orK on Road 1114. resurfacing south of \\igh~aY H3 had been comvleted for thiS year and the ditches and shoulders had been seeded. 4. lhe Engineer revorted that the majority of the aVVroach ~orK on Road H14 at the tIIiddlemisS Bridge had been comvleted and onlY va~ing ~as required as ~ell as some minor drainage ~orK. lhe Engineer revorted that the ~atervroofing on the tIIiddlemiss Bridge ~aS e~vected to commence today tOctober 31st). 5. lhe Engineer revorted that the ditching ~orK had been comvleted on Road 1118. hO~e~er more fill mated a 1 ~ou 1 d be requ ired · . t d t~at dl.tching had been comvleted on Road H45 including 6. lhe Engineer revor e" stumV remo~al north of Road H16 on the east side for avvro~imatelY 800 feet ~here ~idening had been vurchased vre~iOuS1Y' Si. i\\Otlll>.S, ONi I>.R 1 0 OC10BER 31, 1989 p ~GE 3. 7. ihe Engineer re?orted that the curb and gutter on Road HZZ at Road HZ7 had been cOl1\?leted and the cleanu? 'Ilor~ 'IlaS in ?rogreSS ?rior to ?a~ing. 8. ihe Engineer re?orted that ?a~ement mar~ing had been com?leted e~ce?t areas 'Ilhere ?a~ing 'Ilas still reQuired (ie., tIIiddlemisS Bridge and at Road HZZ and Road If27). 9. ihe Engineer re?orted that the County 'IlaS still using the rental s'llee?er for the remo~al of lea~es along the curbs and gutters. ihe Engineer re?orted that t'110 cre'llS 'Ilere no'll 'Ilor~ing at the garage and the footings for both buildings ha~e commenced and one 'Ilall had been ?Oured for 10. 11. one of tne garages. ihe Engineer handed out ?ictures of the Phillmore Bridge 'Ilhere the County 'Ilas re?lacing a??ro~imatelY ZO feet of 'Ilooden dec~ 'Ilhich had 'Ilorn out. I>. cross member that had been bent 'Ilould ha~e to be shored u? bY 'Ilelding a 12. steel member. ihe Engineer also distributed ?ictures of the port eur'llell Bridge 'Ilhere se~eral long crac~s 'Ilere being filled in 'Ilith silicone. ihe Engineer also re?orted that the 'Ilest abutment 'Ilas sho'lling signS of s?a'llling due to 'Ilater lea~age ?rior to the re?lacement of the seal. ihe Engineer indicated that thiS lOOse material 'Ilould be ta~en off to ?re~ent further s?a'llling. ihe Engineer re?orted that the lona Bridge re?air had been com?leted as 'Ilell as rechannelizatiOn and grading in the area of the bridge. ihe Engineer distributed ?ictures of the Belmont ~est Bridge on Road H34 sho'lling the se~ere s?a'lllin9 of the curbs on both sides of the bridge, hO'lle~er thiS bridge is a boundarY bridge 'Ilith the County of tIIiddlese~ and their a??ro~al 'Ilould be reQuired to carry out any 'Ilor~ on this bridge. ihe Engineer re?orted that he had a??ointed the I>.ssiStant Engineer in charge of 'Ilinter control o?erations. ihe route summaries ha~e been dra'lln U? as 'Ilell as lists of eQui?ment and o?erators for standbY duty during the 'Ilinter season. Some salt haS been ?urchased and some salted sand haS been mi~ed and ?iled. ihe Engineer re?orted that there still 'Ilas no agreement 'Ilith the o'llners of the condominium oe~elO?roent on Road HZO in the Village of port stanley e~en though they ha~e commenced 'Ilor~. 13. 1l\.. 15. continued · · · 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO OC10BER 31, 1989 p~GE. 4. 16. The Engineer reported that gravelling was continuing on several County roads. Road #43 had been gravelled north of Road #42 as well as between the Cook and Phillmore Bridges. Gravelling had commenced on Road #18 west of Lawrence station to Road #14. It was expected that Road #56 (Elm street) would be gravelled followed by miscellaneouS gravel shOuldering. 17. The Engineer reported that five sanders had been equipped and that the snowplowS were being installed. lB. The Engineer reported that ditching was being carried out on Road #3 at the Wardsville hill near the farm of ~r. ~orrison. 19. The Engineer reported that the ~ssistant Engineer would be pursuing further land purchases on Road #4 and Road #43. The Engineer indicated that he had discUssed this matter with the consultant, M. M. Dillon Limited. "MO\lED 8'1' ~ 1\. \<.. FORD SECONDED B~: R. F. COLES TH~T THE FOLLOWING p~~LISTS BE ~PPROVED: p~~LIST NU~BER 42 ~MOUNTING TO $100,123.05 p~~LlST NU~BER 43 M'\OUNTING TO $75,689.89 p~~LIST NU~BER 44 ~~OUNTING TO $519.00 C~RRIE.D." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL ~~TTERS ~S FOLLOWS: 1. The Engineer requested that he be allowed to carryover two to three weeks annual holidays into 1990 due to his added work load within the next six to eight weeKS. "MOVED 8'1' ~ SECONDED B~: R. J. L~VERE~U TH~T WE REQUEST THE COUNT~ ENGINEER POSTPONE HIS ~NNU~L HOLID~~S ~S REQUIRED TO ~SSIST WITH THE WORK LO~D BETWEEN NOW ~ND THE END OF THE ~E~R. C. R. WILL5E.'l C~RRIED. \I 2. The Engineer reported that Crossman and ~ssociateS have requested updated jpb descriptions from the Roads Department with regard to Pay Equity. These descriptions were being discussed with the staff and were being prepared as time permits. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RI0 OC10BER 31, 1989 p~GE s. 3. ihe Engineer reported that he had appointed Evelyn sell-Frappier as a member for the Roads Department on the Pay EQuity project. 4. ihe Engineer reported that Harley Underhill, personnel Administrator would be negotiating with the Road Department Employees' Association. ihe Engineer SUggested tnat a neW classificatiOn may nave to be set up with regard to ~ reQuirements for tM '1" licenses and test for Air sraKe operated eQuipment. 5. ihe Engineer reported that he had received certificates and awards from the ontario Good Roads Association for members of tM Road Department personnel and SUggested that they be presented with these at the November County council meeting. "MO\lED S'l: H. J. MEZENSURG SECONDED S'l: D. \I. CHUiE iHAi iHE ENGINEER SE AUiHORIZED iO AiiEND iHE NAiIONAL ASSOCIAiION OF COUNi'l ENGINEERS MEEiING IN COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO IN MARCH 1990 WliH iHE USUAL EXPENSES PAID AND iHE SAME SE REPORiED iO COUNi'l COUNCIL. C~RRIEO." ihe Engineer distributed copies of three tenders received for the PicKUP irucK and \Ian. some discUssion was held with regard to colour and delivery dates and this matter was postPoned until later in the meeting for further discussion. iHE ENGINEER REPORiED ON REZONINGS, EiC. AS FOLLOWS: 1. ihe Engineer had received a reQuest from Mr. Sruce \landerWeyst to post a cheQue in favour of the county of Elgin in the amount of $5,000.00 so that he would be able to sever a portion of property on Road #13 in the \lillage of Dutton. ihe Engineer reported that the drainage system would reQuire Upgrading in the area. "MO\lED S'l: A. 1(. FORD SECONDED S'l: C. R. WILLSE'l iHAi WE WILL ACCEPi A CERiIFIED CHEQUE IN FA\lOUR OF iHE CORPORAiION OF iHE COUNi'l OF ELGIN IN iHE AMOUNi OF $5,000.00 FROM MR. M. PAUL DOWNS ACiING AS SOLICliORS FOR MR. SRUCE \lANDERWE'lSi iO COMPLEiE iHE SE\lERANCE CONDliIONS CON11NUED · · · 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO OC10BER 31, 1989 p~GE 6. "MO\/ED 8'(: f\. K. fORD SECONDED 8'(: C. R. ~ILLSE'( CON1lNUED . . · f\S REQUIRED 8'( THE ENGINEER ~ITH REGf\RD TO Pf\RT Of LOT 14, CONCESSION If\' IN THE \/ILLf\GE Of DUTTON f\ND PROPERT'( ff\CING ON COUNT'( ROf\D #13. C~RRlt.\). I' 2. Miscellaneous severances: ta) The To~n of ~estminster sent the conditions of a committee of adjUstment application by oegema TurKey farms Limited for rezoning to light industrial property on Road #18 ~est of High~ay #4. The conditions include provisions for road ~idening, location and type of access drive~aY and drainage. tb) The To~nshiP of Dun~ich sent a letter regarding a Zoning 8y-La~ update, ho~ever the ClerK had the copy of the zoning by-la~. Reeve ford indicated that onlY minor changes ~ere involved. tc) f\ minor variance request ~as received from the To~nshiP of south~old from the 8roU~ers to permit the raising of small deer on top of the hill off Road #20 near port Stanley as ~ell as from the Holland House RestaUrant on Road #14 at lona station to increase the sales area. td) T~O Official Plan f\mendments ~ere received from the To~nshiP of Malahide to change agriculture lands to open space on Road #40 and to rural residential on Road #45. f\lsO a minor variance ~as received for setbaCK in Mount Salem requiring a release to the county for any responsiblity for ~ater entering the property. te) f\ letter ~as received from the To~nship of 8ayham'S planner indicating that site plan control ~ill be required for the proposed trailer parK by Mr. \/anderspallie on Road #42. f\ zoning by-la~ ~as also received rezoning land from agricultural to special Hamlet residential on Road #44 ~est of High~aY #19. tf) T~o rezonings to special rural residential ~ere received from the To~nshiP of South Dorchester from Mr. 80gaert on Road #52, ~est of springfield and Mr. Lamb on Road #52 east of Road #32. S1. 1\-101o\"S, 0~11 "R 1 0 OC10BER 31, 1989 p~GE 7. 1\-1E E~~l~EER REPOR1EU O~ CORRESPO~UE~CE "S fOLLO~S: . '" d a letter of tnanKS from tne Bearss family ~itn regard 1. 1ne Eng1neer rece1ve . f 11 . 9 Io\r Bearss's deatn. to tne county'S recent donat10n 0 o~ln · 0 ' . . d a letter from tne s?arta Io\ercnants "ssociat10n ~ltn 2. 1ne Eng1neer rece1~e o 0 ~ ~h Or \-Iar~est festi~al. tnanKS for tne county'S ass1stance ~lt" " e1 . ',/ed a letter from tne port stanley 1erminal Rail ~itn a 3. 1ne Eng1neer rece1v CO?y of a letter to tne ontario lo\unici?al Board asKing tne Board toa??ro~e nignt time O?eratiOns. 1ne Engineer re?orted tnat a recommendation of tne Road committee snould be for~arded to county Council and to tne ontario lo\unici?al Board. "tI\O\lEO ~'{: SE CO~UEU B'{: U. J. "'JR"lo\ 1\-1E 0~1 "R 1 0 lo\U~ 1 C W "L BO"RU BE OU~1'{ COU~C1L 1\-1,,1 1\-1,,1 ~E RECOlo\Io\E~U 10 C 10~S 10 1\-1E pOR1 S1,,~LE,{ Of EL~l~ \-I"S ~O OBJEC1 "U'J1SEU m,,1 1\-1E COU~1'{ 1\-1E CROSS1~~ O~ COU~1,{ Rl~~ E'JE~l~~ \-lOURS O'JER 1ERlo\l~"L R"lL OPER"11~~ UU 1 S1,,~LE'{ ,,~U 1\-1E CLERK BE mE 'J1LL,,~E Of POR RO"U 1121 t~"RRE~ S1REEl") 1~ ,,~U 1\-1E 0~1"Rl0 lo\U~lCW"L E 1\-1E POR1 S1 M~LE'{ 1ERIo\1t1"L RML lt1S1RUC1EU 10 "U'J1S 1\-11S RESOLU110tl. Of 1\-1E COUtlC1L'S U1SPOS1110tl Of BO"RU C"RR1EU. \I o f a meeting neld on tnat ne nad recei~ed m1nutes 0 · 4. 1M Engineer re?orted 0 ~ te lo\anagement comm1ttee. , tne Esse~~~lndsor as october 13tn in ~lndsor from 0 t d tnat a Committee does o 0 ated tne Eng1neer no e "ltnougn nO action ~as ant1C1? 0 ote acti~e in tne Committee. d tne Esse~ area lS QU1 e~ist for ~aste management an 0 from tne office of tne tnat ne nad recei~ed a not1Ce 0 S 1ne Engineer re?orted 0 t "n a??licat10n nad . 0 tn regard to so\1d ~as e. consolidated \-Iearing Board ~1 ~On of ~est Lincoln for t Site in tne 10~ns"ly te managemen been made for a ~as n arings ~ould follo~' o d industrial ~aste; O?en e tne diS?Osal of to~lC an ,1 tter from tne lo\inistry of t d tnat ne nad rece1~ed a e 6. 1ne Engineer re?or e 0 't license in Lot 'B', , licat10n for a ?1 1 nesources ~ltn an a?? Natura l' d Jl6 , f r..\dbOrOUgn on Roa It · concession 111, 1o~nsn1? 0 ld be reQuired as ~ell as t d tnat a ?a~ed entrance ~ou 1ne Engineer re?or e o 0 d drainage im?rO~ements. road 'lnden1.ng an R. J. \..~\lERE~U ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 31, 1989 PAGE 8. " The Committee discussed several recommendations to the County Government Committee with regard to policies dealing with Road CommittE~e matters. These discussions included pOlicy matters as well as the procedurE~ by-law. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THAT THE RECOMMENDATION OF OCTOBER 11, 1989 BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: RE: COUNTY VEHICLES 1. THAT ALL NEW VEHICLES LICENSED UNDER THE HIGHWAY TF~AFFIC ACT BE NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURED AND HAVE A COUNTY CREST AFFIXED TO THE FRONT DOORS. 2. THAT ALL NEW VEHICLES LICENSED UNDER THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT THAT ARE FACTORY ORDERED BE A STANDARD COLOUR (RED). 3. THAT PERSONAL USE OF VEHICLES BY PERSONS NOT PRESENTLY HAVING THIS PRIVILEDG~ BE DETERMINED BY COUNTY COUNCIL UPON RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. 4. THAT PERSONAL USE OF VEHICLES BE RESTRICTED TO THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO UNLESS APPROVED BY COUNTY COUNCIL UPON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE. CARRIED.II "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THAT THE ATTACHED POLICY BE ADOPTED TO REPLACE SECTION NO. 22 WITH REGARD TO THE DUTIES OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER IN THE COUNTY PROCEDURE BY-LAW. SECTION XIII COUNTY ENGINEER/ROAD SUPERINTENDENT SECTION 3 (AMENDED TO READ) THAT HE SHALL KEEP PROPER RECORDS OF CLASSIFICATION OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF HIS DEPARTMENT AND ANY RECLASSIFICATIONS OR NEW CLASSIFICATIONS. A COpy OF THESE RECORDS TO BE FORWARDED TO THE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR. CONTINUED . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 31, 1989 PAGE 9. "MOVED BY: C. R.WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D.J. AVRAM CONTINUED SECTION 4 DELETE AS IT IS NOW COVERED IN SUB SECTION 2, SECTION XV. ADD: THE ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER/ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IS AUTHORIZED IN THE ABSENCE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER/ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TO ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER/ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE THAT THEY ADOPT THE FOLLOWING POLICY WITH REGARD TO COMPOSITION AND DUTIES OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE TO REPLACE PART NO. 15 IN THE PRESENT PROCEDURE BY-LAW. SECTION XV COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE AMEND BY ADDING IN SUB SECTION NO.2 (LINE 6): AFTER THE COUNTY ROAD SUPERINTENDENT OR HIS ASSISTANT IN THE ABSENCE OF THE COUNTY ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. (LINE 7): UNDER THE HAND OF THE CHAIRMAN THEREOF OR IN HIS ABSENCE THE ACTING CHAIRMAN OR WARDEN. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF E. L. FORDHAM MOTORS LIMITED FOR A CHEVROLET 3/4 TON FOR VEHICLE TENDER 'A', PICKUP TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $14,551.00 WITH THE COUNTY'S TRUCK #97, 1984 DODGE PICKUP AS TRADE-IN. TENDER PRICE INCLUDES PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND THE PROVINCIAL TIRE TAX. CARRIED." 5i. i\\Otll/..s, Otli ~R I 0 QC,OBER 31, 1989 p~GE 10. "l'I\O\}EO B'{: 5ECOtlOEO B~: C. R. ~ILL5E~ i\\~i ~E ~CCEPi i\\E iEtlOER Of ~ilOtl LItlCOLtl tIIERCUR~ LItllIiEO fOR ~ fORO ~~tl fOR ~E\\ICLE iEtlOER 'B', ~i i\\ElR iEtlOEREO PRICE Of $11, 16S .68 \oI1il-l i\\E COUNi~'5 iRUCI<. 1196, 1983 OOOQE ~~N ~5 iR~OE~IN. iENOER PRICE INCLUOES PRO~INCI~L S~LES i~Y. ~NO i\\E PRO~ltlCI~L ilRE i~Y.. lOELEiE C\\ROtllE ~ELLO~ p~INi ~i ~ S~~INGS Of $90.00 PLUS PRO~INCI~L S~LES i~Y..) C~RRIEO." R. F. COLES "l'I\O\}EO B'{: 5ECONOEO B~: ~. 1<.. fORO i\\~i i\\E ENGINEER BE ~Ui\\ORlZEO iO SOLICli QUOi~ilONS fOR ~ iRUCI<. ~UNiEO tIIEC\\~NIC~L S~EEPER, EQUWPEO SO i\\~i S~EEPEO tII~iERI~L C~N BE OUtIIPEO INiO ~ ,RUCK BO~. R. F. COLES prior to discussing the future construction programme the Engineer reported on three letters that had been recei~ed: C~RRIEO." 1. ~ letter had been recei~ed from tl\r. I<.en I<.leinsteiber representing a consulting firm east of ioronto regarding a portable trUSs System that could possiblY be used on the Phillmore Bridge for the interim future until a ne~ bridge could be constructed. 2. ~ letter ~as recei~ed from the County of tIIiddlesex regarding Road "37 indicating that this road ~ould not be reconstucted for many years and possiblY surface treatment might be applied ~ithin 10 to IS years. 3. ~ letter ~aS recei~ed from the io~n of ~ylmer regarding the extension of Beech street and in essence a by~paSsfoutearound the core of the io~n. ihe Engineer distributed for the committees' informatiOn a coPY of a ne~spaper article ~ritten bY a Uni~ersity of ~estern ontario professor regarding a proposed ne~ high~aY connecting the Niagara and oetroit areas ~ia a road bet~een the London area and the fort Erie area. The Engineer distributed copies of a long term County construction programme as ~ell as a summary of the same to the members for their information and I! _,.."c::.c::.ion. 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO OC10BER 31, 1989 PAGE 11. prior to lunch the following topicS were discUssed. 1. programmed bridges. 2. Non programmed bridges on 10wnline and County roads. 3. Asphalt resurfacing including mulch roads not resurfaced and reconstructed in the past 30 years and surface treated roads not resurfaced as well as high priority hot mix projects and resurfacing projects in the VillageS including the repair and/or replacement of curb and gutter and cold milling. AFlER lUNCH REEVE R. J. lAVEREAU WAS ABSENl · · · lhe Engineer discussed roads under topics of: Carryover into 1990, Road Construction Under supplementary By-law, New WorK APproved by County Council and Not Started. lhe Engineer also discUssed a list that he had prepared for priority projects including several projects in the County but not in priority order. REEVE H. J. MELENBURG AND REEVE R. F. COLES lEFI lHE MEEIlNG All: 15 p.M. "MO\lE{) B'{: SECONDED B~: C. R. WIllSE~ lHAl lHE CHAIRtMN AND WARDEN BE AU1HORlZED 10 MAKE RECOMMENDA1l0NS FOR COMMlllEE'S CONSIDERA110N FOR FU1URE RECOMMENDA110N 10 COUN1~ COUNCIL WllH REGARD 10 FUlURE ROAD PROGRAMME. {). J. A \I RAM CARRIED." Reeve lyle, Chairman of the Reception and Entertainment Committee expressed his thanKS to the Committee and to Mr. Jim ChaploW for his guided tour of the Garage facilities during the Student council Day. Mr. lyle indicated that the facilities were very neat and that Mr. Chaplow explained the operation Quite well to the studentS. Prior to the end of the meeting it was agreed that the County of Middlesex should be contacted for a joint meeting in the near future due to many projects that were discUssed with regard to the Middlesex-Elgin 10wnlines. lhe Engineer, Warden Ford and Chairman Neukamm would make the necessary arrangements for a further joint meeting with the Middlesex County Road Committee. /-, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 31, 1989 PAGE 12. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT WE ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." .~ ~f "...:. ,,!"';,. .; l:,I- ~~'. /t~"'" i~a~l bee ~ (1.:fr~' CHAIRMAN coUtH'( Of ELG 1 t\ ROI\O \)EI'I\\\1MEt\1 ~ 7 ,000 LB., G. 'I.'t!. 1'1C\<.\I1' 1RUC\<. OC10BER 3\, \989 I'rice complete after trade-in of '984 Qodge l'iCKUP and includes I'rovincial sales and tire ta~. $\4,55\.00 , . E.l. fordnam ~tors limited 24' furnival Road Rodney, ontario ~OL 2CO cne\J 3//\ ton $\5,008.92 2. ~tion lincoln Mercury 276 Exeter Road London, ontario ~6L '1\3 ford 250 l6 cylinder motor) $\5,853.48 3. st. 1nomas I'lymoutn Cnrysler 275 ~ellington street st. lnomas, ontario ~5R 256 Dodge D-250 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT VEHICLE TENDER IBI 7,000 LB., G.V.W. VAN OCTOBER 31, 1989 Price complete after trade-in of 1983 Dodge Van and includes Provincial sales and tire tax. 1. Motion Lincoln Mercury 276 Exeter Road london, Ontario N6 l 1 A3 Includes V-8 2. E.l. Fordham Motors Limited 241 Furnival Road Rodney, Ontario NOL 2CO P225-75R15 tires 3. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler 275 Wellington Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2S6 Dodge 350 Van $17,165.68 $17,845.00 $19,260.88 ~ OpportunitY A. neW 'bridge' highway between Niagara and Detroit areas would boost southwestern ontario economic activity. By C.f .J. 'Hhebe\\ We do indeed live in interesting times. Many 01 the concepts and e"pectations on which we used to rely 20 years ago _ and upon which we based a great deal of our planning - have today beCOme unten. able or else inappropriate. "cogent case in point is that of the d.ecline of tile once.powerfui railroads and the congestion on tile once.spaciouS highways. These prol:!lemS ~re bo,:,nd to have unwelcome effects on LOndon and ItS regIon. and must be 01 concern to all community leaders. of bOth public and privnte sectors. This article is prompted by concern for an even broader issue 01 the same sort - the future of the whoie southwest 01 the province. ^ perspective at this ievel has been generallY missing from the debat e SO far, ellcept occasionallY by implicatiOn. The broader scope means a longer term vieW as w~ll. "nd in this longer term we can e"pect that senIor governments, strUggling with their IlUge financial problemS. will relegate to municipalities more and more of the real costs 01 government - 01 thOse asnects t~at impinge most directly on peopie as / \ . , \ . \ J . \ 1:\ rfu \ bot rfurnpike? i . j.-" . ~"""'-"'\ ; , \.........\ ,. \ (. \ ~ \ \ ' \ , \l '\ '. is beckoning The towns and cities that will be best placed to meet th~Se new burdens are thOSe WhIC~ can put themselves ~nto a pOSI- tion to increase theW tal< base. They can also thereby hope to meet the growing dem~nds 0\ their residents tor SOCIal ser- viceS, education. environmen- tal preserVatiOn and enhance- Ulent, and sO on. The southWestern portion 0.1 ontariO is arguablY a real en~" ty considered from bOth hIS' t~rical and geopolitiCal vieW- pointS. \t has .had a gen-:rallY C.f.l. Vl\\EBEI..l. similar e"penence. of glowth teacheS geopolitiCS and develOpment ~n the past. at the uniVetsitY of and it is today subled to mll~h \ lNestem ontariO the same economIC and SOClat I _ _ influenceS throughout. \ reler I not only to the vicinity of \.ondon. but to the w!'ole , peninsular tract between the Niag~ra and uetroltiSt. \ Clair frontiers.. n~rth 01 Lake Ene. t O,,~n"n\\l UfiC1S: Does the southwestern regionf ,LI\i)r . . r lor the oversl'ill ellects 0 . silOl'ly have to ~alt In Ine each this lar? \t has ai- l'Aetro Toronto S:ro:"G~el~h and tutchener-waterJ. ready begu~ t~~ :~ause of the access l'rovid~ bY 100. In lal1, l' B t'f the transl'ort system continues Highway. 40 ~. .u I attern. the region m~st to \n~~ns\fy \1\ \tsd l'rese;ta~ected bY tbe state of tts. continue to be a verse.J . "nkages to thef eas:. de agreement ""ththe \1:5.. The recent ree ra western region 01 ontariO a however. oilers t~e south \' e the geol'olltical advan- shining opportunl\)' ~o reri:'i .Ie had as a bridge or. tages it has alwayS In p : ~ divisi~ns of the U.S. junction between tw'? malo 01 the Niagara River Within a long daY s ~ I~e .tlSt Clair westwards eastwardS and ?I. the :~~~ns :... about double the reside over 50 nlllhon j\IlI W'th the recovery 01 the. population 01 all ca!'ada. ,;ed "rust belt" alter tM economic base 01 thIS so-<;a e 0 ulation enjoys. problelOS 01 the 197.0~. th~~ ~~~~g t;..{d SO constitutes high levels of materia we - d nd services. especlal-' an ilOlOense lOarl<et lor goO ~ a' Iy in the hlgh.tech categ~~~don and the relative- LOndon. the area aroun th~ LaM Erie north Iy underdeveloped 1.0ne aIO;t~1O leap in economic 5hore. could ellpect ~ ,\U\le I<ind by acquiring a 'growth 01 the .most eSlra t these U.S. lOarl<ets. lOuch 100re dIrect access 0 t b way 01 401 and present connections to th~ W~~te for the ilOlOediate 402 seelO to be. at least a ~~st are not so. even now, luture. conn~ctionl \?:: are constricted by conges- since the ma~ r~ t~e bottlenecl< 01 the Burlington t\On along 4d b' Y n"estion along the Niagara seC-\ s\<:fJ'ay. an y co" eth Wa "",d theSe prob- tion 01 the Queenb EI~~edied e~~i\Y or cheaplY, \e11\S are not tfo e t te.ol.the.art elll'ress high~aY I\. neW route or a sa. ra River near fort Erie to ,r turnl'i\<e. Irom the: lag~o'uld create a great lOanY \ point south of Lon. ?n. lOanulacturing and ser- ocatiOnal Ol'PortUr~~es ;~~all and environmentallY nce {irlOS ~1Oc;>st 0 e ete In the 511.lOillion cus- lenign) wls~lng to c~i These would in time ad~. .0lOer I\.lOerlc~n lOar e ~ ta".base of the colOmUnl-\ -very substantldallY tOI{"thrOughOut the region. ties. large an sma. ' \tI,,'\.\C~l\OllS: '\'he ilOplicat~~~ o~~~~~: t'~;:~:i are ilOlOense and co~plell. anX nOW - II approPrl-, ined and diSC~s~ed wIdelY; strucl< In time lor the~. ate poliCY deC\s~ons are \0 ulationS 01 the manY bUSI"\ . to be included In the c~ ~ ring hOW best to tal<e ad; nesses even noW conS! e reelOent.'\'he southWest-., . vanta"e 01 the Iree trade all ",,\at foru11\ fOf such, ". .. had nO re,,- · ern regIon ..as . eeds one. · diScussions; l'erh?-P~ It; would Indeed correct sont~ . The proposed hl~ ~:reseeable problclOS ?I.roa \ 01 the I<nO~n an estern ontario. But It IS not'. tralnc {lOw In SO';ltr~tiOn that it ought to be jU~ged". solelY on need-s".tlS a. icalo ortuni\)' lorln{lu-, but alsO as an un!que hlS~~~ostel.{g the best sort~ 01, eneing the condlUc;>ns I wth in the region well tnto, econolOic and sOCIal gro ' the 21st century. ' [\5 long as tne united states-canada trade rela- lion5hips were filtered throUghl'rotective tarill bUf- riers southwestern ontario had nece5fiarily to re- lOai~ as a del'endency of the Canadian lOetropolitan centres to the east. Toronto and l'Aontreal. and their econolOic linl<s along the St. Lawrence valley (the Quebec-Windsor corridor). for a tilOe. during the lOiddle of the 19\h century. a brisl< east.west 100ve- IOcnt between the Niagara and Detroit crossings was possible. and it was during this tinte that our l'resent lOainline railroads were built. The route then chosen was that 01 the canadian N a lional lOain line today. 100re or lesS. and the result- ing econolOic stilOUlUS brought growth to the towns along it: Brtlntford. WoodstoCI<. Ingersoll. London. and Chatha11\. \n particu\ar. I\.n alternative route lying nearer the LaKe Erie sl'\Ore lost out at this tilOe. and SO the 1.0ne along that shore. to a del'th 01 twO or three IOwnshiPS. haS relOained colOparatively underdeveloped. Even the ---- ---------- --- ...----. .----------- . r "lOerican "bridge" railwaYS \.l~t: o{ \h\S 1,o~e.\{Od to develOP lOuch urban growt\'l. {roll\ the \8705 \U\ e ot\'ler t\'lan at Sl. '\'holOas. 401 solOe 40 years The positiO.ning 01 ttdgh~~XenCY '01 southwestern ago. h~S conhrlO;d t~r:~ce route: in partiCular. on o"tanO on th~ t. a the west end 01 LaM t\'le lOetropolltan clus~er a~ncentratiOn 01 ontario's ontario. '\'he ac<;elera\lng~ic aelivi\)' in that region is (indeed canada s) ec~o wtedge. as is t\'le econollllC a ",atter ?I cOlOlOo.n ~o tted in such \'Iigh propert~ overheatIng that haS leSu \1r\Ces there. COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY ASPHALT RESURFACING 1990 More money should be available as we allocated money from the resurfacing budget to the construction budget in 1989. Cleanup should be limited to a little work on Road Hl8 and some on Road #24 west of Port Bruce. Road #14 between Highway #3 and Road #16 should be completE!d as should Road #46 at Road #44. Section in need of resurfacing as soon as possible is Road #48 east,Road #47 and Road #54. Oxford County has been approached. It may be necessary to complete Road #18 west of Highway U4. Road U34 in Belmont should be resurfaced. The next major project should be Road U8 in Dutton and wor~~ing north. It is not likely that all work necessary on Road U8 could be done in 1990 and portions would have to be delayed until 1991. (Portions require reconstruction.) GRAVEL RESURFACING 1990 Road #9 in Aldborough and Dunwich Townships and Road US. Road #37 is in limbo depending on money available from the County of Middlesex. SURFACE TREATMENT 1990 The same expenduture as in 1989. GRAVEL SHOULDERING 1990 We will have the same expenditure or a little less than that in 1989. DITCHING 1990 This should remain resonably constant. BRIDGE REPAIRS 1990 Belmont West Bridge must be fixed. We have found that there is a danger of a bridge floor going to pieces with very little warning, thus Continued . . ._'o.ol\'" ,3 i( PAGE 2. COUN1'l Of ELGIN ~ ~e must be prepared to move rapidlY on the Warren street Bridge and the Kains Bridge if they sho~ signS of deterioration. ~ 1he pipe arch cuivert at siiver CreeK is probablY the ~orst. aithoU9h recent surveys shOW no movement. We ~ould not e~pect anything to happen prior to the Spring. We must continue to monitor the Van order Culvert east of port Bur~ell. 1here ~iil be cleanup ~orK on Road eZZ. at the Middlemiss Bridge. on Road eZ ~est of outton and some ~orK on St. George street. Road '43 north and south of Calton is programmed. One question is ho~ long can ~e delay ~orK at the Phillmore Bridge project after Road 043. ~IK1~S i99.Q. If the ~inter control costs are ~ithin reason there should be some money available from maintenance. 1he first improvement shouid be Road ,Z7 from "igh~aY '4 to the St. 1homas Golf and Country Club and if possible to the port stanley lerminal Rail bridge. 1he second project should be the completion of southdale Road tRoad OS7). CONS1RUC110N~ Includes preparation for ~orK on the Phillmore Bridge so that we Kno~ ~hat we have to do when it is required. Continuation of monitoring on the Joseph street hill. Cedar Bend erosion study. If ~e resurface Road '8 there are portions that should be reconstructed. 1he reconstruction should be programmed ~ith the resurfacing or shortlY there after. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT October 31, 1989 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM BRIDGES Programmed 1. 1990 a. Completion of Middlemiss Bridge. Approximate County of Elgin cost - $100,000. b. Tates Bridge - Boundary Bridge with Middlesex i. Hopefully closure. ii. Removal and payment of claims. iii. Supplementary by-law. iv. 80% subsidy (bridge is on a townline). Not Programmed 1. Townline Bridges a. Lings Bridge - Joint with Middlesex i. East of Highway 4, north of the Ford Plant. ii. At one time Middlesex was anxious to move ahead. b. Robbins Bridge (Road used in lieu of Southwold-Yarmouth Townline.) i. Present structure pin-connected truss pre-1900. ii. Although a very heavy load (61 tonnes) went over it this spring, we feel that sooner or later the effects of this load would be apparent. iii. Very little traffic. iv. High approach costs for townships. v. Candidate for temporary closure (road not used in winter). 2. Bridges on County Roads a. Road 43 - Phillmore i. Load limit 5 tonnes. ii. Narrow iii. Replace on widened abutments at present location with a structure which could be dismantled and moved to another location when straightening of Phillmore Hill is warranted. CONS1RUC110N PROGR~M Page 2. b. Road 37 _ HarrietsVille Drain i. small concrete structure east of Highway * 73. ii. Joint with Middlesex. iii. Replacement reQuired when road is constructed. iv. May soon be necessary to implement load limit. v. 2 steel floors have rusted off and shored from top of footing. c. Road 42 _ Van Order culvert - East of port Burwell i. Being monitored. d. Road 3 _ Flemming Creek North inadeQuate flood opening I\Sp\lI\LT RESURfl\CltlG and beams over stressed. ---- :....:---- Roads are designated in the spring of each year. However, a program of covering grader/mix mulch roads (if they have been constructed in the past 30 years) and surface treatment roads (until badly deficient in base) has been implemented. lt is hoped clean-UP costs into next year will be minimal. ,. Mulch Roads not resurfaced (JulY 20) and constructed in tne past 30 years. * complete Road 46 at Road 44 intersection. a. Road 8 (currie Road, Dunwich) from Road 9 southerlY 2 concessions and from' km north of Road 9 to Willey'S Bridge. b. Road '4 from Highway 3 to Road '6, portion done 1989. (SouthWOld-Dunwich Townline). c. Road 24 (lake Road, ~armouth) from Dexter to Road 36. d. Road 40 from Highway 3 to Glen Colin (south limit of cur.ve) e. Road 48 east of Road 47 and Road 54 (OX). 2. surface Ireated Roads not resurfaced. a. Road 46 Bayham from Highway * 3 to Road 38. b. surface treatment roads reQuiring additional granular base. i. Road 57 (Southdale). ii. Road 27 _ Highway fI 4 to port stanley Terminal Railway. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page 3 3. High Priority Hot Mix a. Road 25 (Wellington Road) will require channelization, left-hand turn lanes, slip by-lanes at all intersections and reconstruction of St. George St. (Road 26) intersection. Highest priority between Road 52 and Middlesex Boundary. b. Road 8 - Highway # 401 to north end of curb and gutter at Dutton. c. Road 2 from Road 3 to the west limit of curb and gutter in West Lorne. 4. Resurfacing in Villages including repair and/or replacement of curb and gut~er and cold milling. a. Road 34 Belmont - Highway # 74 westerly. Severe settlement and sanitary sewers. b. Road 3 - Road 2 to C.N.R. (Rodney). c. Road 2 throughout West Lorne. d. Road 21 - Warren St., Port Stanley. In the next 5 years a costly program of urban asphalt resurfacing should be well underway (includes probably 40% - 50% of urban sections). RO^DS 1. Carryover into 1990 a. Road 2 - West of Ecker Drain i. Clean-up b. Road 14 - Clean-up at Middlemiss. c. Road 22 i. Completion of Intersection (Road 27). ii. Likely utility moving charges remaining in 1990. CONSiRUCilON PROGR~~ page t\ i. st. George st. - ~aY be drainage assessments outstanding to iownsniP of ~armoutn. ii. ~ill liKelY be outstanding in~oice from ontario ~ydro for pole mo~ing testimated $4,000)". iii. ~orK on st. George st. nill including mo~ing railroad crossing signals. e. Road 32 t~alanide) - county's snare of flasning lignt protection at C.N.R. tracK t$\O,OOO). f. Road 57 - soutndale d. Road 26 inis worK is a "mixture" construction, aspnalt, resurfacing and maintenance and nas been cnarged to ~aintenance. \ Km completed tniS year. furtner worK depends on completion of muniCipal drain bY ~armoutn iownsniP and maintenance funds. 2. Road construction under supplementary by-laW a. Road 30 _ inere will be clean-up carryo~erand top coat of aspnalt into 1990 and pernaps completion of land expropriation plans. b. funds for otner projects in future years will depend on priority witn pro~ince and funds a~ailable from pro~ince. N[~ ~ORK ~PPRO~[D B~ COUNi~ COUNCIL ~ND NOi Si~Ri[D tin order of council priority) tNote: studY cost is based on \984 Bencn ~arK cost.) \. Road 43 from Road 45 nortn a. calton urban - Needs studY cost $25\,000. b. Rural section nortn to concesSions l~-~ t~alanide) Needs studY cost $450.000!, costed as part of section to soutn limit of Ricnmond. c. Rural section soutn to concesSions 11 - 111 - Baynam Road to ~ienna - Needs studY cost $400,000~' 2. Road 4 from RodneY limits to CSI tracKs at Kent townline. t~li Eigin work - Kent naS completed tneir townline.). section needs studY cost $\,473,000. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Page 5 3. Road 8 (Dunwich) a. Field surveys only authorized and completed but little inside work done other than initial plotting. b. From Highway # 401 to the road allowance between Gore and Concession IV. Needs study cost $283,000. c. From Road 9 northerly approximately 1 km. Needs study cost $133,000. PRIORITY PROJECTS (Not in priority order) 1. Spot Improvement Projects a. Road 45 - Jaffa Intersection b. Road 24 - Catfish Creek Conservation Authority requesting funds for Erosion Study on Catfish Creek at Wingate Lodge. 2. Road 6 from Black's Lane to Kent County Line a. Pre-1957 grader/mix mulch. b. Needs study cost $625,000. 3. Road 8 a. South of Highway # 3 to Road 16 - Wallacetown urban. Needs study cost $157,000. Concrete pavement and drainage dates from 1935 era; pre-1957 grader/mix mulch. b. Rural portion of Wallacetown to Road 16. Needs study cost $792,000 (cost for 3.4 km to Pearce Park). Presently pre-1957 grader/mix mulch. c. Road 8 from Road 16 to Road to Pearce Park. d. Presently pre-1957 grader/mix mulch. 4. Road 20 - Highway" 3 northerly in Shedden a. Urban section - Pre-1957 grader/mix mulch. b. No drainage. c. Needs study cost $366,000. CONS1RUC110N PROGR^M Page 6 5. Road 23 _ Joseph St. Hill, port stanley a. preliminary soils Report received. b. Any village watermain improvements should be scheduled to be done at the same time as the work on the hill. 6. Road 24 (Yarmouth) from Road 23 to oexter. a. Needs study cost $,,500,000 (6.5 km). b. presentlY pre-'957 grader/miX mulch. 7. Road 37 from Highway * 73 to Road 47 (Avon) a. Gravel portion - Needs studY cost $,,'38,000. b. Avon Urban (Old surface treatment) - Needs studY cost $194,000. 8. Road 37 from Road 47 (Avon) to Oxford County line a. Avon Urban (Old surface treatment) - Needs study cost $98,000. b. Rural portion - Needs study cost $596,000. Middlesex approval must be obtained to reconstruct * 7 and * 8 as they will pave 50% of the cost. Widening, grading, granular base and drainage is required. 9. Road 42 from' km east of port Burwell to Haldimand-Norfolk townline a. pre-'957 grader/miX mulch. b. Needs study cost $834,000. c. Erosion along lake Erie must be taken into account. '0. if portions of Elm street and centennial Avenue are not annexed into st. 1homas, it is likely that the Ministry of the Environment will require that sanitary services be installed in the area in the next 5 years and reconstruction of portion of Elm street and centennial Avenue will be required during or shortly thereafter (very expensive urban sections). cOlltl1~ Of ELG1II RO~O C()to\l'\lTfEE ~ ~ 10 1\1E 'II~ROEII ~1I0 l'Il'.l'IllE RS Of 1\1E C01l1l1~ Of EL G 111 COIlIIC 1 L: ~OIlR RO~O CO"",,\11EE REPOR1S lIS fOLLO'llS: 1. ~Lean-1aylor construction Limited. the contractor for the l'Iiddlemiss llridge is continuing ~orK and e~~cts to ha~e the bridge o~n to traffiC in earlY ~o~ember. 2. construction ~orK continUes at the intersection of county Road '22 \fair~ie~ ~~enue) and county Road '27. Granular base has been ?laced and curb and gutter ~orK is under~ay. 1he intersection ~ill be ?a~ed as soon as the curb and gutter ~orK haS been com?leted. 3. 'IIorK has been com?leted on county Road '14 other than ?a~ing of the south a??roach to the l'IiddlemisS llridge. 1he ?a~ing ~ill be com?leted \'lithin the ne){t month. 4. construction of t~O buildings is under~aY to re?lace the ~ooden hangar building at the 'IIhite station ?ro?erty that ~as remo~ed last s?ring. Some of the steel has been delivered by steel~aY lluilding Systems of ~ylmer and it is ho?ed to start erection shortlY' ~E RECO~~E~U: 1. 1hat the resolution of the ~illage of Grand llend be endorsed ~hich requests that the pro~ince of ontario establish used tire de?ots for the lOgical dis?Osal of used tireS. 1he de?Ots to be ?aid for from the ?roceeds of the e~isting pro~incial 1ire 1a~es. 2. 1hat a by-la~ be ?assed rescinding lly-La~S 110. llG-G3. 110. llG-G4 and 110. llG-GG ~hich ~ere by-la~S to assume ?ortiOns of boundary road allo~ances in conjunction ~ith adjaCent munici?alities. 1he by-la~S assumed ?ortiOns of the 10~line Roads bet~een: ta) Elgin and ~iddlese){. \b) llayham and south~est O~ford from the llayham_1illsonbUrg 10~line ~esterlY to the l'Ialahide 10~line. \c) \ligh~aY '19 south-easterlY bet~een the 10~nshi?S of llayham and 1I0rfolK to county Road '38. cont i nued . . t>(1.GE '2. COIlII1~ Of tlGl11 RO~OCO!o\l'l111tt r 1 RS1 REt>OR1 OC106tR 25 1969 stSS1011 1hese by-la~S ~ere not su~~orted by the county of ~iddlese~. county of o~ford or the Region of "aldimand-llorfol~ nor avvroved bY the ~inistrY of 1ransvortatiOn of ontario. "e have been requested by the ~inistrY of 1ransvortatiOn to rescind the by-la~S to uvdate our consolidating road by~\a~. 3. 1hat a by-la~ be ~assed authOrizing the "arden and Cler~ to sign a Quit Claim Deed to ontario "ydro releasing the county'S interest in a vortion of lot 7, concession \j, 10'1lnshiV of south~old shO~n on Reference Plan IIIR-967 and sho~n as part 11 on Plan 0-1309 and part N\ on t>\an n~13\O. 1he vroverty ~as acquired by the county of tlgin as a "cut-off corner" during the construction of. County ROad 120 north of Shedden a number of years ago and SUbSequentlY diVided into smaner Varcels and sold as building lots. ~s Vart of the sale the county ~evt the right to refuse to allo~ theSe lots to be severed a second time. ontario "ydro ~ishes to vurchase a small vortion of t~O of the lots for a vortion of their transmission right-of-~aY through south~old 1o~ns"H) . 1he Quit Claim Deed ~ould release the county's interest in the lands. ~ll Of ""lC" 15 RtSPtC1fllll~ SIl\ll'\111tO ---- C\-\(1.1 RtJ\M~ 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO OC10BER 11, 1989 PAGE 1. iHE COUNi~ Of ELGIN RO~O COMMliiEE met at the County ~dministration Building on iuesday, october 11, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members except Reeve Martyn were present. "MO\JEO \3'i ~ A. K. FORO SECONOEO B~: O. V. CHUiE iH~i EMIL NEUKAMM BE ~CiING CH~IRM~N fOR iHE iIME BEING. CARRIED." "MO\JEO B'i ~ A. K. FORO SECONOEO B~: R. f. COLES iH~i iHE MINUiES Of iHE MEEiING Of SEPiEMBER 13, 1989 BE ~PPROVEO. CARRIED." iHE ENGINEER REPORiEO ON iHE fOLLO~ING: 1. ihe Village of springfield had requested that the traffic signs as authOrized bY their recent "Restriction parKing By-Law" not be erected as it appeared the Village of springfield Council had made an error in their original request to the County. 2. St. George Street had been paved by the iownshiP of ~armouth sewer contractor and the job looKed excellent. iwo of the municipal drains had been completed, except for minor trim worK and sodding. ihe third municipal drain had not yet been started. 3. Negotiations were continuing with the adjuster with regard to the insurance on the county's sweeper. It appeared that the frame had been bent and it would be impossible to obtain a replacement frame from frinK Canada. ~s authorized agents for the Elgin sweeper Company they were preparing a report for the County and the insurance adjuster. 4. ~ tender call for a piCKUP truCK and a van with the county's piCKUP truCK and van as a trade-in had been called and the results should be available for the next committee meeting. 5. ihe Ministry of Natural Resources had ordered the County to improve the slope adjacent to the iownshiP of ~armouth road at the county's Pleasant \Ja11ey Pit. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 11, 1989 PAGE 2. Approximately 600 feet of snow fence was being erected as a temporary measure and a plan would be evolved within a month and a half. 6. The attached report had been given to the County's Restructuring Committee with regard to engineering facilities, this was present'ed for the information of the Committee. 7. The Needs Study Update was continuing, but problems with the software continued to occur. 8. The Engineer had attended a meeting with regard to the Slack Drain Report in the Township of Aldborough. Reeve Mezenburg stated that it appeared that another meeting would be necessary and the Report could go to the Tribunal. 9. Expenditures to date appeared to be within budget and it appeared that there might be a small surplus which could be used towards the County's portion of the holdback on the Middlemiss Bridge. WORK TO DATE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The contractor was expected to waterproof the Middlemiss Bridge next week and pave, shortly thereafter. It was hoped that the bridge would be open to traffic by the middle of the month. The County will have completed the south approach this week other than paving which would be done when Walmsley Bros. limited returned. 2. Cleanup work had been completed on Road #46 and Road #52 which were resurfaced last year. 3. Cleanup work had been completed on Road #14 for the time being between Highway #3 and Burwell's Corner. 4. Work at the lona Bridge had been completed including the rerouting and /'~\ cleaning out of the stream. 5. Gillets Bridge had been reopened to traffic. 6. C. R. Chittick Construction limited crushed approximately 18,000 tons of gravel at the Sparta Pit and would return within the next month to crush the remainder of the pile. 7. Trimming and ditching was continuing on Road #18 west of Highway #4 and would likely be completed within the next two weeks. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 11, 1989 PAGE 3. 8. Trimming work would be started on Road #2 east of the Coyne Road in Dunwich Township as soon as the work on the Middlemiss Bridge and Road #14 was completed. 9. Some work remained on Road #24 west of Port Bruce. 10. Grass cutting had been completed. 11. . Pavement marking was completed other than pavement yet to be laid. 12. Some ditching remained to be done. 13. Gravel resurfacing was being done between the Phillmore and Cooks Bridge on Road #43 and would be done on the 1st Concession and the 2nd Concession north of Road #42. 14. Repairs were being made to the deck cracks on the Port Burwell Bridge. 15. The rental sweeper would be able to make the final cleanup this Fall. 16. Tree cutting would be heavy as many of the roadside trees had died due to the drought in 1988 and 1989. 17. Winter control measures were underway. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT THE FOllOWING PAYlISTS BE APPROVED: PAYlIST NUMBER 38 AMOUNTING TO $103,138.33 PAYlIST NUMBER 39 AMOUNTING TO $108,524.51 PAYlIST NUMBER 40 AMOUNTING TO $90,738.14 PAYlIST NUMBER 41 AMOUNTING TO $410,971.09 CARRIED. II The Committee decided to postpone consideration of Draft #2 of the Tates Bridge Report until further time was available. Recommendations to the County Government Committee were discussed with regard to County policies which had been referred to the Road Committee from the September County Council. The Engineer presented the section on County Road Department vehicles presently being followed by the Committee which was slightly different than the wording of the County Government Committee. S1. 1HOM~S, ON1^RIO OC10BER 11, 1989 p^GE 4. "t<\OVED B'I: C. R. WIllSE'I SECONDED B'I: D. J. ~VR~t<\ iH~i WE RECOt<\t<\END iO iHE COUNi'l GOVERNt<\ENi COt<\t<\liiEE iH~i iHE ~ii~CHED RECOt<\t<\END~ilONS REPl~CE SECilON 4 (RO~DS DEP~Rit<\ENi) NOW IN Pl~CE: 1. iH~i ~ll NEW VEHICLES LICENSED UNDER iHE HIGHW~'I iR~FFlC ~Ci BE NORiH ~t<\ERIC~N t<\~NUF~CiURED ~ND H~VE ~ COUNi'l CRESi ~FFIXED iO iHE FRONi DOORS. 2. iH~i ~ll NEW VEHICLES LICENSED UNDER iHE HIGHW~'I iR~FFlC ~Ci, lH~1 ~RE F~Cl0R'I ORDERED (EXCEPl ~UiOt<\OBIlES) BE CHROt<\E 'IEllOW. 3. lH~i PERSON~l USE OF VEHICLES B'I PERSONS NOi PRESENil'l H~VING iHIS PRIVILEGE BE DEiERt<\lNED B'I COUNi'l COUNCIL UPON RECOMt<\END~ilONS FROt<\ iHE RO~D COMMliiEE ~ND iHE PERSONNEL COMt<\liiEE. 4. iH~i PERSON~l USE OF VEHICLES BE RESiRICiED iO iHE PROVINCE OF ONiARIO UNLESS ~PPROVED B'I COUNi'l COUNCIL UPON iHE RECOt<\t<\END~ilON OF iHE RO~D COMM111EE. C^RRIED." ihe Engineer was requested to look at the duties of the County Engineer and the County Road Committee in the procedure By-law and to report at the next meeting as to what changes he felt might be appropriate so the committee could consider them and make recommendations to the County Government committee as they felt necessary. ~ discUssion ensued as to the duties of the By-laW Enforcement Officer with regard to the county's by-law to prevent encroachments on roadsides, etc. ihe Engineer reported that Mr. Stafford had agreed to enforce the by-law and to act as liason Officer in an attempt to clean up some of the offending signs, vehicles, etc. It was agreed by the committee that no charges would be laid unlesS approved by committee. ihe Engineer and the By-laW Enforcement Officer would attempt to use friendlY persuasion to remove much of the offending material at least in the interim and an advertisement would be placed in the local press throughout the County of Elgin with regard to the county's intentions under the name of the Road Committee Chairman, with the ad running for two or more weekS and again next spring. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 11, 1989 PAGE 5. The Engineer also felt that all real estate companies, etc., should be advised of the by-law and that all offending real estate signs, etc., would be removed after a certain date without further notice. It was generally agreed that a low key approach would be used with regard to this matter, however it was felt by Committee that several continuing problems such as two at Calton, the old car in Dutton and several offenders on Road #2 should be approached as soon as possible to see if these problems could not be solved as in some cases they would interfere with Winter control efforts. Correspondence was noted from Ontario Hydro requesting a Quit Claim Deed to release the County's interests in a portion of land in Lot 7, Concession V, Township of Southwold so Ontario Hydro could negotiate with the owners for a right-of-way for the hydro transmission line through Southwold Township. The property had been purchased by the County for the reconstruction of Road #20 which was approximately 2 kilometers north of Shedden which had been purchased by the County for road widening and diversion a number of years ago and subsequently severed into several residential lots and sold to various people. At the time the County had placed a covenant on the property that the properties could not be further severed to create extra lots. This covenant would have to be removed from the properties in question to allow Ontario Hydro to purchase portions of the right-of-way. "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO ONTARIO HYDRO RELEASING THE COUNTY'S INTERESTS IN PART NO. I OF PLAN D-1310 AND PART NO. I ON PLAN D-1309 IN LOT 7, CONCESSION V, TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD. CARRIED." Correspondence was noted from the firm of Odorjan and Battin, Solicitor for Mr. Frank Cus with property at the intersection of Road #45 and Highway #19 asking whether or not the County would consider granting a permit or right of encroachment on the present County road allowance as a portion of the building had been on the County road allowance for many years. Continued . . . . Si. i\'lOlll"'S, ONi "'R 1 0 OC10BER 11, 19B9 p~G.E 6. inis ~ould be necessary so tnat tne purcnaser of tne property from lIIr. CuS could obtain a mortgage. ine committee felt tnat tney nad no obiectiOns to tnis, no~ever as a legal description of tne property ~ould be reQuired tne committee felt tnat as a condition tney snould aCQuire tne 17 foot road ~idening tnat ~ould be reQuired and tnat tne permission of tne county to allo~ tne building ~ould cover tniS portion as ~ell. correspondence ~as received from tne lIIinistry of Natural ResOurces regarding a proposal to erect railing and tne fencing of tneir property at tne lroQUois aeacn parK. ",s tne fence tne lIIinistry ~isned to erect ~ould not encroacn on tne county road allo~ance as tne soutn end of Road "39 lCnatnam street) nad been previOuSlY reverted to tne Village of port aur~ell, tne committee felt tnat tney nad nO iurisdictiOn ~itn regard to tniS matter and instructed tne Engineer to advise tne lIIinistry of Natural ResOurces accordinglY. CORRESPONDENCE 'fi"'S NOiED ",S fOLLO'fiS: 1. from tne ontario Good Roads "'ssociation regarding tne "'nnual convention. nousing reQuirements, long service a~ards and resolutions. 2. from tne solicitor General ~itn regard to tne findings of tne coroner ~itn regard to tne fatality of lIIr. lIIarK ao~man ~no nad died last summer ~nen nis motorcycle missed tne turn on Road "23 at \'Iign~aY "4. ine Engineer stated tnat ne nad QuestiOned tne lIIinistry of tne solicitor General and several statements tnat tne coroner nad made ~itn regard to tne safety at tne intersection. \'Ie nad ~ritten to tne lIIinistry of tne Solicitor General on september lstn Questioning tne coroner's decision and to date nad not received a replY. 3. from tne io~nsniP of ~armoutn ~itn a reQuest for improvements on Radio Road prior to its being reverted to tne io~nsnip. lt ~as noted tnat many of tne improvements nad been reQuested prior to tne county completing tneir ~orK. inere ~as nO intention of reverting tne road until furtner ~orK ~as done ne~t spring after additiOnal funds nad been allocated by tne lIIinistry of iransportatiOn of ontario. 51. 1HOMA5, ON1ARIO OC10BER 11, 1989 PAGE 7. 4. From the Village of Grand Bend with regard to the establishment of a used tire depot for the disposal of used tires using funds from the provincial lire laxes. "MOVED B'l ~ SECONDED B~: A. K. FORD THAT ~E RECOMMEND TO COUNT~ COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND REQUESTING THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TO ESTABLISH USED TIRE DEPOTS FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE TIRE TAXES BE ENDORSED. C. R. \4ILL5E'l CARRIED." 5. From the port Burwell Ratepayers Association requesting the extension of the rubble wall easterlY from the limit of port Burwell to the Little Otter Creek. The Engineer was instructed to advise the Ratepayers' Association that the continuation of this wall would fall under the jurisdictiOn of the Long point conservation Authority and/or the TownshiP of Bayham and that the County of Elgin had agreed at one time to pay their share of the cost of this wall to protect the mouth of the otter Creek, and ask the members of the Ratepayer's Association if they were willing to pay toward their share of the costs. The Engineer reported that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario asked that a by-laW be passed rescinding County by-lawS regarding road allowances assumed by the County of Elgin and not supported by by-lawS from the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk or approved by the Ministry of Transportation of ontario. The rescinding of the by-lawS would remove from the consolidating by-law those portions of road. If at any time in the future it became desirable to assume these roads a new by-law should be passed. S1. 1\-10tll/>.S, OM1 />.R I 0 OC10BER 11, 1989 p~GE 8. " tl\O \JE n Wi: SECOMOEO B'i: \-I. 1'. IJI.E 1\\/>.1 'fiE RECOtlltllEMO 10 COIlM1'i COIlMCIl. 1\-1/>.1 />. B'i ~I./>.'fi BE p/>.SSEO RESCIMOIMG B'i~I./>.'fiS MO. 86~63 tRO/>.O H17) , MO. 86~64 tRO/>.O HS2) , MO. 86~66 tRO/>.O HSS) />.S 1\-1E'i 'fiERE M01 SIlPPOR1EO B'i />.OJ/>.CEM1 tIIIlMIClI'/>.I.liIES MOR />.PPRO\lEO B'i 1\-1E tIIIMIS1R'i Or 1R/>.MSPOR1/>.110M Or OM1/>.RIO. R. J. l~\JERE~U t d tnat tne Engineer try and ascertain ~nat if anytning Ree~e I.a~ereau reques e t ~itn tne condominium o~ner on Road H20 ~as na~~ening ~itn tne ~ro~osed agreemen in tne \lillage of port stanley. C~RR 1 En · " "tIIO\lE 0 B'i: O. J. />. \lR/>.tII SE COMOEO B'i: C. R. 'fi I I.I.SE'i 1\-1/>.1 'fiE />.OJ 011 RM 10 ill E SO/>. 'i, OC10 BE R 31, 1989 />.1 9: 00 />. · tII. />.M 0 1IlESO />. 'i , MO\lEtIIBER 28, 1989 />.1 9: 00 />.. tII. C~RRIEn. \, ~ )~M~ C\1~ 1 Rtl\~N REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRUCTURING COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING FACILITIES, TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRUCTURING COMMITTEE: -'7 I have been requested to comment on changes that might occur if the County of Elgin restructured on a basis similar to the present Regions and/or the County of Oxford. My comments are divided into two sections (a) County of Elgin as presently structured; (b) The City of St. Thomas becoming a membe!r of the County system. 1. Roads and Bridges: The present County road system is based on the "Desirable COUlnty Road System" criteria as approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The County's system is amended from time to time with undesirable roads being deleted and local roads meeting the Desirable Road Criteria added. As this is an ongoing process very little change will likely occur in the County road system within the next few years. Under Regional or a restructured County the County's control over bridges on local roads (ie., Townline Bridges) is removed. Thus the County would not be responsible for bridges such as; Robbins, Jamestown~ Fulton, Dingle Street and Tates, etc. At the present time ~he Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has adopted a policy that if a Townline bridge is rebuilt the local municipalities must agree to assume it as a local bridge prior to funds being allocated for its replacement. County Council has the right, subject to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, to revert a local bridge to the municipalities without rebuilding it. (To my knowledge this has not occurred in the! Province.) There is no urban rebate system in a restructured County or Regional system thus rebates to local urban municipalities would disappear. This could occur without restructuring as the Province has indicated that they are in favour of the abolishment'ofUrban Rebates throughout the Province as they feel that a different method of urban contributions . to the County road system would take its place. REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRUCTURING COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING FACILITIES, PAGE 2. To my knowledge no proposals have been presented to date by the Province. If the City of St. Thomas becomes part of the County, a desirable road system would be designated inside the City of St. Thomas, and would be under the control of County Council. This would undoubtedly include Highway 13(8) which is now a connecting link, portions of Highway 14 as well as such streets as Wilson Avenue, Wellington Street, etc. The funding for King's Highway connecting links could become confused as there seems to be as many different methods of financing connecting links by the Province as there are Regions or restructured Counties. It is also likely that the County would also assume that portion of the City of St. Thomas' outstanding debenture debt on those roads that are assumed as County roads. Thus the outstanding debenture on the rebuilding of Wellington Street between First Avenue and Ross Street would have to be assumed by the County unless an agree!ment was made to the contrary. At the present time the County of Elgin does some work for the City of St. Thomas including pavement marking, surface treatment, etc. As the arterial system of St. Thomas has a great deal of outs.tanding "Needs" the subsidy rate of a combined system, City and pres€!nt County, would not likely change greatly from the present subs.idy rate on County roads without the City of St. Thomas. The assumption of these roads would aid the City of St. Thoma,s as their subsidy rate would increase from 50% to 70% (or greater'). 2. Waste Disposal: There is now permissible legiSlation for Counties to assume t.he disposal of solid waste. It appears that in any restructured County or Region the responsibility for disposal of solid waste is automatically transferred to t.he Region or County. Pickup would not be included, but in a County such as Elgin some provision would have to be made for the cost of the transfer of waste :from East and West Elgin to the present disposal site (in Central Elgin). REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRUCTURING COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING FACILITIES, PAGE 3. The present disposal site would remain under private ownership (unless purchased by the County) and it would be the County's responsibility to administer the contracts with the present owner or make alternative arrangements. At the present time there has been no discussion by the County Road Committee on the assumption of solid waste disposal at a County level. To assume solid waste disposal on a County level there would be many things to take into consideration and the project would require a full time supervisor with staff. 3. Sewer and Water Trunk Lines, Etc.: The Provincial Government Report on Restructuring suggested that the County might assume control over certain trunk water and seWE!r lines and water and sewage treatment facilities, etc., in the County. At the present time this is the responsibility of Regions and/or restructured Counties to supply water to the local municipalities or an improvement district area within their Region. If the County assumes this responsiblity a great deal of work will be required to establish improvement districts and ascertain costs to the various improvement districts. However, a united voice by County Council would set prioritiE!s as to which project should be funded first. Fortunately or unfortunately the Ministry of the Environment now gives grants based on the population in the improvement distr'ict. It would be difficult to anticipate the type of grant system the Province would apply to a County as a whole. It appears that one of the biggest problems of restructuring would be the various and sundry grants and financial incentives being given to municipalities on a varying percentage. It appears that the small urbans at the present time, if they can convince the Ministry of the Environment to fund projects will receive a much higher grant percentage toward their project than a larger urban. Until this method is changed by the Province there is of course .little incentive to restructure. PAGE 1\. REPORT TO THE COUNT~ Of ELGIN ~RIlC~ERIN~ At thiS time It Is unknown what type of arrangement for lake Erie water treatment plant and pipe line system would be made if the city of St. 1homas came Into the County system. At some future time it will be necessary to expand the st. 1homas treatment plant and seriouslY think about the installation of a sewage pipe line from the treatment plant to the lake with a treatment plant near port Stanley. as the area the city has for tr~atment expansion is extremelY limited and the dilution ability of Kettle Creek Is not sufficient at certain times of the year. 4. : 1he provision for maintenance of major recreational facilities Including arenas and sports complexes could be the responsibility of the County. particularlY so If the city of St. 1homas becomes a part of the County. It Is not anticipated that the "local ball diamond" or the "local bOwi\ng alley" would fall under this criteria nor would the scheduling of events. etc.. however the major maintenance items and/or renovations would. 1he time that an urban area can afford to provide Its rural nelghboUr with an arena or a place to play ball is past and It Is beco~ing very apparent that unlesS an adjacent municipality Is willing to contribute their share to the sports complex. the residents of that municipality will be barred from the use of the sports facilities. 1here are some rural municipalities making some contributions to the urban sports complexes but most urbans across the province do not think they are getting enough funding from their rural nelghbours. 5. Other 1rans ortation Facilities: Other transportation facilities whose costs would be assumed by County council would include the st. 1homas Airport. particularlY If the city becomes part of the county. At the present time the County is getting a "free ride" from any airport maintenance costs and there are certainlY some benefits being reaped by Industries in surrounding 10wnships throughout the County. ..At the present time It Is difficult to consider whether or not any of PAGE s. REPORT TO THE COUNT~ Of ELGIN ~ (IIGIN~ERI~ the docKage in port stanley or any bus terminals, etc., could be part of the County council's responsibility. If an Inter-municipal bus service was Instituted and a subsidY paid by the Province the service would liKelY be the responsibility of the County. lhe above report outlines some of the major itemS that a County Engineering Department might, assume or be legislated to assume under a restructured County system. Maior engineering Items should be examined by the County Restructuring committee prior to a commitment to restructuring (either with or without the City of st. lhomas) and form a comp~al pl~. AlthOUgh it Is difficult to estimate the cost of certain facilities on the taxpayer or the provincial grants receivable, both must be taKen Into account. It would appear that the provincial Government Is placing more and more responsibilities on the local municipal government and it Is increasinglY difficult to say when a small municipality will be handed a large bill for services that have been provided by the provincial Government. A recent example of this would be 6111 '167 (courtroom security). As noted In the september ZZ, 1969 London free Press the city of st. lhomas expects the cost to be $16D,DDD for courtroom security In 199D. lhe article states that the County of Kent and the city of Chatham are joint partners in maintaining their Court "OUSe and the County of Kent will have to assume some of these costs. It would be wise that before any commitment Is made by the County Restructuring committee that a full Investigation of matters such as these be made to ascertain what a restructured county's financial responsibilitieS ~ould be. undoubtedlY the forthcoming marriage of the city of sarnia and the County of Lambton will give us all a great deal of Information as to the direction that the province will proceed and the dowry It will provide. lhUS we may have some Idea as to the change in grant structure that the Province Is contemplating and we would have'a better idea as to whether restructuring is something that we would welcome with open arms or if restructuring Is something we would go into KICKing and screaming. REPORT TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRUCTURING COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING FACILITIE~ PAGE 6. If I can be of further assistance or provide additional information I would be glad to do so. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R..G. MOORE. COUNTY ENGINEER j' i COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT SEPTEMBER 27, 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. McLean-Taylor Construction, the Contractor for the Middlemiss Bridge has completed the deck and much of the barrier walls. We expect the bridge to be open for traffic by early November. 2. The floor of the Gillets Bridge over the Catfish Creek east of Sparta has been completed and the bridge reopened. All expansion joints were replaced as well as the reinforcement of a number' of structural steel members on the bridge. The project cost will be approximately 15% over the $100,000 supplementary allocation approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The overrun is eligible for regular subsidy (bridge maintenance). 3. The base coat of paving on Road '30 (Radio-Hubrey Road Link) has been completed and the road opened to traffic. Nearly all the $400,000 supplementary Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocation has been expended. The top coat of paving, final trimming and seeding, etc., will have to be delayed until 1990. 4. Asphalt resurfacing has been completed on portions of: (a) Road '18 from Highway '4 westerly (Southwold Township). (b) Portions of Road '14 between Road '16 and Highway '3 (Southwold and Dunwich Townships). (c) The top coat on portions of Road '24 to complete work started in 1988 (Yarmouth and Malahide Townships). Trimming and seeding continues on all roads as well as Road ~'52 (Malahide and South Dorchester Townships) between Highway '74 and the Village of Springfield which was paved in 1988. 5. Trimming and cleanup work continues on Road '2 in Dunwich Township. Granular base work and paving including the top coat of paving has been completed. 6. Curb and gutter work for traffic control will be started shortly at the intersection of Road 122 (Fairview Avenue) and Road 127 (Sparta Road), Yarmouth Township as well as the entire intersection repaved. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FI RST REPORT SEPTEMBER 27, 1989 SESSION PAGE 2. 7. We expect Steelway Building Systems of R. R. #5, Aylmer to start delivering materials shortly for the two Garage Buildings which are to be erected at Whites Station to replace the wooden hangar building removed this Spring. Concrete work (footings and walls) will be started shortly. Erection of the buildings will be done by County forces. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed prohibiting parking on Road #52 in the Village of Springfield as follows: (a) Within 5 metres of the west limit of County Road #49 and within 5 metres of the east limit of County Road #49 on the north side of County Road #52. (b) Within 5 metres of the west limit of Wellington Street and within 5 metres of the east limit of Wellington Street on the south side of County Road #52. 2. That we advise the Village of Vienna that we have no objection to the conveying of the property in their letter dated July 25, 1989 provided that all legal expenses (including surveying) are paid for by the Village of Vienna and in the conveyance the Village of Vienna agrees that fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds be refunded to the County of Elgin if the property is sold in the future. That the County of Elgin have a right-of-way through the property as required for maintenance of the bridge over the Otter Creek which is under the control of the County of Elgin. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED W. A. MARTYN, CHAIRMAN SI. I1"OM~S, oMi ~R I 0 SEP1EMBER 13, 1989 P ~GE 1. I1"E COUN1~ Ot ELGIN RO~D COMMIllEE met at the county ~dministratiOn Building on ~ednesdaY, Se9tember 13, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members ~ere 9resent exce9t Ree~e Martyn, Ree~e La~ereau and Ree~e NeuKamffi. ~lsO 9resent ~ere re9resentati~es of the Ministry of lrans90rtatiOn of ontario, the ~ssistant Engineer and the Engineer. "tI\O\JEU B'{: SECONDED B~: 1". t. L ~LE 11"~1 ~~RDEN tORD BE CI"MRM~N Ot I1"E MEEilNG Ot SEP1EMBER 13, 1989. C~RRIE\)." C. R. ~lLLSE'{ "tI\O\JEU B'{: SECONDED B~: 1". t. L ~LE 11"~1 I1"E MINU1ES Ot I1"E MEEiING Ot ~UGUSl 15, 1989 BE ~PPRO\jED. C~RRIE\)." \). J. ~\}R~tI\ -~-----. I1"E ENGINEER REPOR1ED ON I1"E tOLLO~ING: 1. lhe decK of the Middlemiss Bridge had been com91eted and the 91acement of barrier ~alls and ri9 ra9 ~as continuing. It ~as h0ged to ha~e the bridge 0gen to traffic by earlY No~ember. 2. Ree~e Chute re90rted that the 10~nshi9 of Bayham had a990inted the firm of McLennan, ~right as their solicitor ~ith regard to the a9geal bY Natural ResOurces Gas Com9any against their drainage assessment for the strafford~ille Drain. 3. lhe Engineer re90rted that the GilletS Bridge floor ~as being 90ured today lse9tember 13th) and it ~aS h0ged to 0gen the bridge to traffic by the end of the follo~ing ~eeK. . 1 at the county'S ~. C. R. ChittiCK construction Limited had started crushing gra~e S9arta Pit. 5. lhe county'S s~eeger had rolled o~er causing considerable damage to the s~eeger including a bent frame. tortunatelY the 0gerator of the s~eeger ~as not injured. ~s the accident occured at 5:00 a.m. and there ~as nO other County staff on duty it ~aS felt that some sort of mechanical failure caused the overturn. lhe insurance adjUster ~aS in the 9rocess of trying to ascertain the damage. SI. I\\Otll",5, OM11\RIO SEP1EtIIBE 13, 1989 ?M;E 2.. Reeve tIIartyn had examined the s~eeper last ~eeK and ~aS of the opinion that the County should replace the s~eeper ~ith a ne~ truCK mounted s~eeper ~hich ~ould be more suited to the county'S needs. 6. 1he Second Oraft Report on the 1ates Bridge Environmental studY had been . d f M M nl.llon limited ~arden ford asKed that he and Chairman rece1ve rom ".. ".. U · tIIartyn be given copies of the Report so they could revie~ the studY and ascertain ~hether or not the oraft Report should be revie~ed bY the ~hole committee. 7. 1he Engineer and I\ssistant Engineer had attended a Bridge Insgection and tIIaintenance Seminar in Chicago sponsored by the Better Roads tIIagazine. I\pproximatelY 150 people toOK part in the seminar ~hich covered many current subjects and lOOKed into ne~ I\merican environmental regulations ~hich ~ould probablY be introduced in ontario shortlY, I\\E EMGIMEER REPOR1EO OM mE ~ORI<. 10 Ol\IE I\S fOllO~S: 1. Chairman tIIartyn met ~ith the County GOvernment Committee ~ith regard to the enforcement of by-la~S. 1he Government committee had agreed to recommend to County council that the County By-la~ Enforcement Officer be authOrized to enforce any traffic by-la~S, etc., on County roads. lS On the st George street ~est tIIunicipal orain and that 2. 1here ~ere no appea ,," · the 10~nshiP of ~armouth had let tenders for the st. George street East tIIunicipal orain and the extension of the \linedeen orain. Both tenders ~ere approximatelY 30% over the Engineer's tJohn spriet) estimates. 3. curb and gutter ~orK had been completed on Road *26 tst. George street), cleanup ~orK ~as done and pavement ~as being a~aited. It ~as hoped to install the storm drain on the st. George street hill thiS fall. 4. Recent rains had assisted dust control and no salt brine had been applied recentlY. 5. pavement marKing ~aS continuing on pavements as they ~ere being laid. . d b th nd of the month before ~orK 6. ~eed cutting ~as continuing but lt ~oul e e e ht un ~.t that time it ~aS expected that all road allo~ances ~ould ~as caug\' y · t'\ have been cut at least t~ice and manY of them three times. It ~as also noted the province had made t~O s~athS on \\i9h~aY *4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 PAGE 3. 7. The Ontario Provincial Police patrols against speeders on County roads seemingly had been reduced due to the push on enforcement on Highway #401. 8. The base and top coats of paving had been completed on Road #2 in Dunwich Township with shouldering and trim work continuing. 9. Resurfacing had been completed on Road #14 south of the lona Bridge and also a portion from the north side of the lona hills into the Village. The north section of the road including three small street intersections and the reshaping of the lona hills could not be done until next Spring. 10. Work was nearly completed on the lona Bridge on Road #14. 11. Work was underway on Road #14 at the approaches to the Middlemiss Bridge. Excess dirt from the job was being taken to Road #14 south of lena and used as shouldering material for the resurfacing project. 12. Cleanup work on Road #52 between Highway #73 and Highway #74 was underway. Ditching had been completed on Road #35 and extra materials required would be taken from Road #48 east of Highway #74. 13. There was still some Shouldering work to be done on Road #18 west of Highway #4 which would be completed after the work on Road #52 had been completed. 14. The base coat of pavement had been completed on Road #30, however funding had run out though it would be necessary to erect a fence later in the Fall for Allen Carr. Payment for land, etc., would have to wait until January 1990. 15. Engineering work was proceeding for intersection improvements on Road #22 and Road #27. The Chairman examined the proposals and felt that the work proposed would greatly increase visibility at the intersection. 16. Trimming, etc., had been completed on Road #46 south of Corinth. 17. Trimming work remained on Road #24. It appeared that very little material would be required for shouldering and most of it could be obtained from the ditches. 18. Sand fill for Building #2 at the County Garage had been placed, building permits obtained from the Township of Yarmouth and work would be started in October. 19. All work on Road #16 at the Port Talbot Culvert and Road #45 at the Kettle Creek Culvert have been completed. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO 5EP1EMBER 13, 1989 p~GE 4. 20. ihe contractor for the County of Middlesex was in the process of painting the Wardsville Bridge. Structural steel damage had been found at the joint and the painting contractor's scaffolding would be used to repair the structural steel damage. It was anticipated that the county's cost would be approximatelY $5,000.00 (in addition to approximatelY $12,000.00 in painting costs). 21. Asphalt patching had been completed at two locations on Road #15 near outton and on Road #14 at Iona station. work was anticipated at the old Chesapeake and Ohio Railway crossing at Middlemarch (Road #16) several spots on Road #52 west of Road #30 and on Road #27 near Glen parkers. 22. Gravel resurfacing and gravel shouldering would be undertaken as time permitted later in the season. 23. iraffic counts were underWay. 24. ihe RIMS programme appeared to have some bugs and it was not likely that the programme could be used by the Ministry of iransportatiOn for next year'S update. REEVE NEUKAMM PRE5EN1 "MOVEO B'I: Eo NEUKAMM SECONOEO B'I: C. R. WILLSE'I iHAi iHE FOLLOWING PA'ILISiS BE APPROVEO: PA'ILISi NUMBER 34 AMOUNiING iO $91,644.44 PA'IUSiNUMBER 35 AMOUNnNG iO $115,660.10 PA'ILISi NUMBER 36 NMOUNiING iO $94,598.76 PA'ILISi NUMBER 37 AMOUNiING iO $591,711.65 CARRIED." "MOVEO B'I: R. F. COLES SECONOEO B'I: H. J. MEIENBURG iHAi iHE COUNi'l OF ELGIN ROAO COMMITTEE MAKE APPLICAiION iO iHE MINISiR'I OF iRANSPORiAiION OF ONiARIO FOR INiERIM SUBSIO'l FOR 1989 ANO iHAi iHE CHAIRMAN ANO iHE COUNi'I ENGINEER BE AUiHORIIEO iO SIGN iHE PEnnON. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 PAGE 5. "MOVED BY: H. F. LYLE SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,776.00 (PLUS TAX) TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL A BOX AS PER THEIR QUOTATION DATED AUGUST 14TH FOR THE COUNTY'S NEW TRUCK #136 (MACK) AND TO TRANSFER THE EXISTING SNOWPLOW EQUIPMENT FROM COUNTY TRUCK #89 TO COUNTY TRUCK #136 AND TO REHABILITATE COUNTY TRUCK #89 FOR DUMP TRUCK WORK. WORK TO INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, ETC. CARRIED. II The price Frink Canada quoted was comparable to last year's for the installation of two units with inflation costs only added. It was expected that the new truck would be available for use by mid-October. It was noted that Frink Canada was not charging extra to transfer the box from Truck #89 to Truck #136 for winter use and would supply the new body in the spring for Truck #136. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Village of Vienna stating that the County's conditions for the conveyance of property in the Village were acceptable. 2. Mr. David Mason regarding traffic on Road #42 in Port Burwell asking that a four-way stop be erected at the intersection of Road #4.2 and Road #50. The Engineer was instructed to reply to Mr. Mason stating that the County had previously turned down a request for a four-way stop at this intersection. 3. From the residents of Road #48, Southwold Township west of Road #25 regarding speed zones. The Engineer was instructed to advise thE! residents that Road Committee was not in favour of such a speed zone on Road #48 at this time. 4. From the Aldborough-Dunwich Engineering Board stating that the petition of the County asking that the Miller Drain on Road #2 be rebuilt had been accepted. 5. The Corporation of the City of London with a copy of Mayor Gosnell's Brief to the Minister of Transportation of Ontario regarding the widening of Highway #401 between Woodstock and London. 6. Various rezonings and variances were discussed. 7. Correspondence was noted as attached from the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority with regard to their proposed Cedar Bend Study (Road #24 at Wingate Lodge) . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE ADVISE THE CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY THAT WE WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE CEDAR BEND EROSION CONTROL STUDY TO AN AMOUNT NOT GREATER THAN FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF THE TOTAL OR $1,000.00; WHICHEVER IS LEAST AND ASK THAT THE INFORMATION FROM THE STUDY BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY AND TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TO HAVE THE FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS ON ROAD #26 (ST. GEORGE STREET) MOVED APPROXIMATELY 12 FEET TO THE EAST AND TO HAVE THE CROSSING WIDENED AND MOVED AS REQUIRED. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." ~4~~ CHAIRMAN CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATI()N AUTHORITY August 24,1989 R.G. Moore Engineer & Roads Supertendent County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas,Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Hr. Moore As per your request, the Catfish Creek Conservati.on Authority is forwarding additional information regarding the Cedar Bend Erosion Control Study. The Project File for the Study was submitted to the Regional Ministry of Natural Resources office in London on August 4,1989. Although the Authority wil not receive the priority ranking approval criteria until the new year, the total amount of the Study has been approximated at $15,OOO.00.As one of three benefitting parties,The County of Elgin~s commitment to the Study would be 5% of the total amount or $750.00.This figure may flucuate,depending if all three parties are in favour of supporting the Study.Currently,the Township of Malahide has passed 'a resolution for a funding commitment to the Study. Enclosed are a brief outline of the problems associated with the erosion of the embankment.Due to limitE~d operating space at the site,this factor will have to be taken into account when design remedial measures are considered. During the pre-engineering investigation the causes of the erosion will be established. .../2 ( ~ R.R. 5, Aylmer, Ont. N5H 2R4 (519) 773-9037 ME",BER OF ASSOCIA liON OF CONSERVATION AUTHO!1lTIES OF ONTAntO -2- The Draft Terms of Reference outlines the procedures to be followed in the Study and what the Consultant should sub- mit to the Authority for review.In anticipation of funding approval through the Ministry of Natural Resources,the Cedar Bend Erosion Control Study will be implemented in 1990. I trust that this information will be of assistance to the Road Committee.If you have any other concerns,please feel free to contact the Administration Centre. Sine:;~rely, ~tl~~ Mike Revie Water Resources Technician enc. 1990 Cedar Bend Erosion Control study Erosion Control - Surveys and Studies CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY RATIONALE Cedar Bend is a local name for a section of Catfish Cr'~ek about 2 km west of the Highway #73 bridge in Malahide Township. J~ocated within 10 metres of the top of a 35 metre high embankment at Cedar Bend is a single residential dwelling and County Road #24. Additionally a series of cottages are located directly across the road from the slope in question. The top of the slope shows evidence of receding and du'~ to toe erosion fallen trees and sediment have accumulated in the creek. This problem has decreased the water depth and related flow at this point. During spring break-up and any other high runoff conditions, the bend must be under free flow to prevent flooding. In co-operation with the landowner, County of Elgin and the Township of ~1alahide, the intent of this study is to complete a pr4e-engineering 'lnvestigation to establish the causes of the erosion and to examine various methods of protection for the slope. By eliminating this erosion, the threat of flooding is minimized and the inuniment risk at the bluff is reduced. Draft Terms of Reference for such a Study are enclosed. SCOPE OF STUDY Cedar Bend Erosion Control Study Estimated Costs: $15,000.00 FUNDING SOURCE CCCA Water and Related Land Management 85% Local Property OWner/County of Elgin/ Township of Malahide 15% CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Draft Terms of Reference Cedar Bend Erosion Control Study PURPOSE: Located within close proximity to a 35m high eroding crleek bank are one residence and a County Road. The purpose of this project is to undertake a preliminal~ investigation of the existing site conditions and deve14~p possible remedial measures to stabilize the slope. SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE: 1) Attend a start-up meeting with CCCA staff at the project site in order to discuss the specific elements of the project and gain a pelcspective on the general degree of the problem. 2) Prepare a base working plan (scale to be determined in consulltation with CCCA) detailing: ..., i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) locations of home and County Road top of bank utilities and septic tanks/weeping beds location of creek major vegetation fill areas 3) Undertake a geotechnical survey of the site to determine the composition of the bank and zones of ground water seepage. If soil sampling is to be sub-contracted, the consultant will detail this portion of the work to the Authority and will supervise the work as well. 4) From the geotechnical data collected and the existing site conditions develop possible remedial measures that would eliminate the bank instability. These remedial measures may include: i) a bank regrading scheme ii) a sub-surface drainage system 5) The study will also address the ramifications of a do-nothing approach . to the problem. 6) Utilizing MNR (November 1983) Benefit Cost Analysis Guidelines prepare benefit/cost information relating to each of the remel~ial measures investigated. 7) Prepare and submit 8 copies of a draft report to the Authorit:v 4 weeks after the initiation of the project. 8) Attend the following meetings with CCCA staff and, i) with the landowners ii) with MNR 9) relating to the findings of the study. During the term of the project CeCA staff will be responsible for maintaining liaison with the landowners. -1 10) Requirements of the Class EA will be met by ,the consultant if required. 11) Two weeks following the completion of the technical review by MNR and the Authority, 10 copies of the final report will be submitte4~ to the Authority. .S.I.U I ..; - / I' i %:'.i (I" J .I ....//i ~ -.~ ,.0'9LI 1-;',: . .,-r~v=-.. ~~':,..r- .r::.~ '/. .'/")' . 1/"'" l' i II-.- --l )- J ,I. //. ___Y,/,.,. .r " .r:-: v .,...... :', ~" /Il < . ..<;.,_' : - \\i c::: 5 ':"-/.,/. / /. ;-t/ ./ 11 "---7' y;::::::::j/HJ~ <.I /.G 5 . I G ::===-1r7~-~=;.==1 a! ./.(:~~~'/ II ~.lIf'~~JH:!-~JM. 0 _JLr- ~, < r-: n . -.....~...::. / If / ' r: ..(~. / .~, f' ) .' -ll \:.....J L!' U " -/'/';;'./ II /~ ~" 'Ci"~' 7 . -...,,~. :~ ~ -.. I -. :/: " c;';Lln //' : .,..:./ . ::r . ~':'L:- - -~_~. :=JI' ". 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(,....rF"" ':".-.', . .\ . . ......., ~ .I, , ) F2-.:" ~//'-,/, /--':::::""\':'. \ ~~ /,"/.,' ': : \ S I~ i: " J ....,\i.~../ ......../ ~ ...' .'/'"" " ' \ \, · ~ - --::;:;:.' Y ./ i. I " fl.....! 0 _....1 . ~:::'~~~:--,c,;.;-~~,\\'---/~.o~~~~>;:.) >,~ -.... -', ==;,"=., "b.-~- ~ '\:'".' . /1 \\.\,. .--.........,..) ~~~/~~' ~ -,,", ~....c-::} \, I : I ..../ ,- ./l j\..-;-. -:::::.~ .~' ; . ---""'-, -/ ? /" ~ ~..--_, ~ ; i '. ,. ...........- (_._-: .. / .IIII~ /./ -~") · //' // -... ~', ...' ~..:- ,i : ! "" I I / ../'-. /' /..',"- .f!,-,.......... 7"'/~" " ,';1 ~\.: . //..1". " \. -------~~-.-- : -.~=- . - 0.11 2 .L~3rOHd NOISOH3 ON38 ~'(a3~ ;. .:: ,.- ....; -, 1 S1. 1\-10!#l~S. ON1 ~R 1 0 f\\lGUS1' 1 S, 1989 pf\GE 1. 1\-1E COUN1~ Of ElG1N RO~D CO~111EE !#IE1 at the County of Elgin ~dministration Building on 1uesday. ~Ugust lS. 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members were present. ~lSO present were !#If. Robert stoCK of the !#Iinistry of 1ransportatiOn of ontario. the Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "~O\JED B'(: SECONDED B~: \-I. J. !#IEIENBURG 1\-1~1 1\-1E !#I1NU1ES Of 1\-1E !#IEE11NG Of JUl~ 11. 1989 BE ~??ROVED. CM~RIED. " f\. \(. fORD ,\-IE ENG1NEER RE?OR1ED ~S fOllO~S: 1. 1he Draft Report had been received for the 1ates Bridge closing. 1he Engineer had received comments from !#Ir. Don \-Iusson. County Engineer. County of !#Iiddlese~ and !#Ir. ~ndreW ~right requesting that some changes be made. 1he Engineer reported that he would incorporate theSe changes and add hiS changes and report the same to the consulting Engineer. 2. 1he Engineer reported that the 10wnshiP of Bayham won their case against Natural ResOurces Gas limited. however Natural ResOurces GaS limited has appealed the decision. 1t was felt that the County should proceed with this matter further and it was sUggested that if the 10wnshiP used the same laWyer as the County some of the costs could be recovered. "~O\JED B'(: SECONDED B~: C. R. ~lllSE~ 1\-1~1 ~E ENG~GE 1\-1E flR!#I Of !#IClENN~N ~ND ~R1G\-I1 10 ~C1 fOR 1\-1E COUN1~ Of ElG1N 1N 1\-1E ,,??E"l Of N"1UR~l RESOURCES G~S VS. 1\-1E 10~NS\-IW Of B~~\-I~!#I REG~RD1NG N~IUR~l RESOURCES G~S fR~NC\-llSE ~ND 1\-1E S1R~ffOROV1llE DM1N~GE ~SSESS!#IEN1. C~RRIED." 3. 1he Engineer reported that no comments were received from Natural ResOurces Gas limited regarding their franchise agreement. however the Natural ResOurces GaS limited lawyer indicated that he would be forwarding a copy of the agreement to the ontario Energy Board. 4. 1he Engineer reported that a meeting had been held on JulY 26th with Deputy Reeve Van Kasteren and Reeve C. ~llin regarding County maps. 1here was still a QuestiOn continued · . · E. NE\l\(~~~ SI. 1\-10~t>.S, ONl t>.R I 0 ~UGUSl 1 S, 1989 ?~GE 2. as to ~hO ~ould be ~aying the costs ~ith regard to theSe ma~s, and thUS the o tOll hl1ot~ tne Elgin county 10urist t>.ssociation. matter \ 5 5 \ ",1\ It ~as SUggested that the Engineer tal~ to City re~resentati~es and that ano~her o~tion ~ould be for the County to carryon thiS ~roject on their o~n at the\r o~n cost. o t d ~~at the st George street ~est orain Re~ort haS been S. lhe Eng\neer re~or e ~, · ado~ted bY the 10~nshi~ of ~armouth council. o st George street nad been . "'ted that t~O ('2) earlier dra\ns on · 6 1M EM\neer re~o, ' t . ' ~Ow r the Engineers est\ma e. tendered by the 10~nshi~ and ~ere a~~ro~\matelY ~ ~ o~e , lhe Engineer re~orted that he had onlY budgeted $9S,000 in 1989 for dra\nage o 0 d 1'~formed the 10~nshi~ of ~armouth accordinglY, ~or~ \n th\s area an .. ' d . d $S 9S7 from tM 10~nshi~ of ~alah\de 7. lhe Engineer re~orted that he ha rece\~e ' fo~ the sale of lot 3S, concession ~III. . ~' ' t Y of o "'ted that he had recei~ed corres~ondence from the \n\S r 8 lhe Eng\neer re~o. ' . ~unici~al t>.ffairs indicating that Bill No. '201 had been a~~ro~ed. lhiS B\~l deals ~ith the o~tion for the County to ta~e~o~er res~onsiblitieS for 501\0 ~aste dis'POsa1. I\-1E ENGINEER REl'OR1EO ON I\-1E ~oRl< 10 \If>.IE t>.S fOllO~S: 1. surface treatment has been com~leted and in~oices are being ~re~ared for the '2. lhe R.I.~'S. ~ac~age has been ~ut into the com~uter and some of the bugs are custom ~or\<.. being ironed out. ressing satisfactory. ' 3. s~ee~ing has been ~rog ,ho~e~er due to hol\days , been ~or~ing out ~ell th\S year, 4. l'a~ement mar~\ng has · ot yet been com~leted. rator ~a~ement mar~\ng has n and an injurY to an o~e' , t>.ll of the County has been o ressing QU\te ~ell. ' S Grass cutting haS been ~r g h'n ~hich should be started . 0 Sou+n oorchester 10~ns \y t for 'Parts 1'0 v com~leted e~ce~ ~or~ing Quite ~ell. lhe side mount mo~ers are in one or tWO ~ee~s. lhe Engineer re~orteo 1 should be com~leted for no~' Ii salt brine for dust contro ' ' t'mate. lhe Engineer alsO . e~hat o~er the or\g\nal eS \ that the costs ~ould be som f salt brine in their ~ond. hi of oun~ich has run out 0 re~orted that the 10~ns ~ t Road "16 at the l'ort t Road "'24, Coun y 7 l'a~ing has been com~leted on Coun y n d J~2 County Road "4S at the Kettle . t on County ~oa ff , lalbot Cul~erts, to~ coa Cree~ Cul~erts and County Road "18. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 15, 1989 PAGE 3. 8. The Engineer reported that County Road #30 should be ready for paving within the week, however finances are such that only the base coat will be installed this year. 9. Granular material has been applied to County Road #24 and a few shoulder areas require fill from ditching. Granular 'A' is being applied to County Road #18 as trucks are available. 10. The Engineer reported that the stockpile of Granular 'A" at the Pleasant Valley Pit is being depleted, however C. R. Chittick Construction Limited is expected to start crushing at the Sparta Pit within three (3) weeks. 11. Work is progressing on the Gillets Bridge with the deck having been removed and the vertical support bars and plates having been installed. The Engineer reported that the expansion joints for the Gillets Bridge had arrived and the steel has been sand blasted and painting started. It is expected that the stud welder will arrive today (August 15th). The top portions of the abutments will have to be replaced in order that the expansion joints can be installed. 12. The curb and gutters have been completed at the intersections and curves on St. George Street (County Road #26). No timing has been received from the Township of Yarmouth regarding the final coat of asphalt. 13. Construction has started on County Road #2 with the 72 :inch pipe crossing installed at the Coyne Road. Sand base should start on Wednesday (August 16th). 14. The garage building plans have been received from the supplier and it is expected that Parker Associates will submit the drawings to the Ministry of labour for approval this week. 15. County Road #46 will require approximately a week's worth of work, including ditching and shouldering as well as the addition of some Granular 'A'. 16. A crew is progressing on the repair work to the south half of the lona Bridge. 17. The Engineer reported that he had supplied some assistance along with the Soils Consultant to the Township of Bayham for the Moore Bridge located north of Straffordville. 18. The Engineer reported that the Silver Creek North structure steel plate culvert had recently been inspected by Keith Player who felt that its condition was deteriorating. It is expected that this culvert would Ihave to be replaced next S'pri ng. S1. 1l\OM~S, ON1 ~R 1 0 AUGUS1 15, 1989 PAGE 4. 19. ihe Engineer reported that to date his finances appear within budget. iHE ENGINEER REPORiED ON PERSONNEL M~iiERS ~S FOLLOWS: 1. Information was coming in from Road Department employees regarding para-Med coverage. 2. ihe Engineer reported that the County of Elgin Road Department EmplOyeeS' ~ssociation had sent in a written request for changes in their contract, however no aCKnowledgment had been received from the personnel committee or the personnel ~dministrator. 3. The Engineer reported that a request had been received from Mr. ied McCreadY to transfer a weeK of 1989 annual holidayS to 1990. "MOVED B'1': R. F. COLES SECONDED B'1': D. J. ~VR~M iH~i WE RECOMMEND iO iHE COUNi'1' Of ELGIN PERSONNEL COMMITTEE iH~i iED MCCRE~D'1' BE GIVEN PERMISSION iO iR~NSFER ~ WEEK Of HIS 1989 ~NNU~L HOLID~'1'S iO 1990. C~RRIEU." "MOVED B'1': C. R. W ILLSE'1' SECONDED B'1': D. J. ~VR~M iH~i iHE fOLLOWING p~'1'LISiS BE ~PPROVED: p~'1'LISi NUMBER 28 ~OUNiING iO $99,439.46 p~'1'LISi NUMBER 29 ~MOUNiING iO $892,562.50 P~'1'LISi NUMBER 30 ~MOUNiING iO $91,928.38 p~'1'LISi NUMBER 31 ~MOUNiING iO $191,175.33 p~'1'LISi NUMBER 32 ~MOUNiING iO $104,914.97 p~'1'LISi NUMBER 33 AMOUNiING iO $843,242.43 C~RRIEU. \1 ihe Engineer reported that he had a meeting with the ontario provincial police lO.P.P,) regarding speed zone patrols. ihe consensus from the meeting was that the O.P.P. were short staffed and they indicated that with the exception of County Road D16 and County Road D25 lWellington Road) they have not spent too much time patrolling speed zones within the County. ihe O.P.P. felt that a reduced speed limit in the orwell area would be tOO short of a distance for them to satisfactorilY patrol the area, however they did indicate that they would patrol the Jaffa intersection as time permitted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 15, 1989 PAGE 5. The Chairman reported that a verbal request had been received from Mr. Colin Ferguson on County Road 1/48 for assistance in drainage work on Mr. Ferguson's farm. The Assistant Engineer reported on the improvements made by the County in that area. The Committee felt that the County should not contribute financially to work on private property. Since no written request had been received it was decided to ignore this matter at this time. The Engineer reported that the County of Middlesex had an engineering firm to carry out a preliminary report for a water supply study and that this report would be available by the end of September. The County of Middlesex indicated that they would keep the Committee informed on the status of this report. The Engineer briefly discussed the certification by the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Association of Ontario Road Superintendents regarding the Road supervisor Certification Programme. The Engineer felt that the County should encourage road employees who have a status of Foreman or more senior, on a voluntary basis, to enter into this programme. The registration fees is $150.00 and the annual dues are $50.00 per year. "MOVED BY: E. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: R. J. lAVEREAU THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH THE ROAD SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME UNDER THE ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS FOR THE EMPLOYEES IN CLASS IV AND ABOVE THAT ARE INTERESTED IN THE PROGRAMME. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that the entrance by-law was not yet available, however two road by-laws were passed at the July session of County Council. After some discussion it was suggested that the enforcement of these by-laws be referred to the County Government Committee. The Engineer updated the Committee on the resurfacing budget indicating that a reserve had been left in excess of $200,000. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 15, 1989 PAGE 6. The Engineer reported that the construction of the County Road #14, Middlemiss Bridge approaches would require the removal of excess mater:ial and that the proposed future development at the Port Talbot Estate may warrant resurfacing County Road #14 from the Iona Bridge to County Road #16. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE ADD TO WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED HOT MIX PAVING CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN THE FOLLOWING SECTION: WORK ON COUNTY ROAD #14 BETWEEN THE IONA BRIDGE AND COUNTY ROAD #16, 2,800 TONS OF H.L.8 AT $25.23 PER TON AND 2,200 TONS OF H.L.4 AT $~~5.23 PER TON. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL SUPPLY THE ASPHALT CEMENT. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that tenders had been received fot the supplying and spreading of Granular IAI material on County Road #2. The tender results were distributed to the Committee members. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF JOHNSTON BROS. (BOTHWELL) LIMITED AT THEIR UNIT PRICE OF $6.28 PER TON FOR SUPPLYING AND SPREADING OF APPROXIMATELY 9,000 TONS OF GRANULAR IAI MATERIAL ON COUNTY ROAD #2 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH. CARRIED." The Engineer distributed truck tenders and a report regarding winter control vehicles and sanders. "MOVED BY: E. NEUAKMM SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CARRIER MACK TRUCK CENTRE FOR A MACK TRUCK AS PER COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR TENDER TO BE DELIVERED WITHIN TWO (2) WEEKS AT $74,031.84 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL TIRE AND SALES TAXES). CARRIED." SI. 11-10,",,'.5, ONl (>.R 10 ~UGUSl 15, 1989 ? ~GE 7. il-lE ENGINEER REPORiEO ON REZONINGS, EiC., (>.S fOLLO\olS: 1. io~nshiP of (>.ldborough: ta) ihe Engineer reported that a site meeting had been held on the ~iller Drain ~ith io~nshiP representatiVes regarding a severance proposal by ~r. santoS on County Road H2. ihe o~ner had placed fill on the road and drain right-Of-~ay and it ~as decided that a drainage report ~ould be required. tb) ihe Engineer reported that the George OKolisan severance proposed bY Mr. santoS on County Road H2 ~ould require a drainage report. lc) iM Engineer reported that a severance ~as requested on County lload //6 for ~r. De\olild as a surpluS d~ellin9' 2,. io~nshH)!' of ~alahide: la) ihe Engineer reported that three l3) lots ~ere being rezoned to residential on County Road H4S east of ~ount Salem. lb) ihe Engineer reported that ~r. Ron Bro~er ~as proposing a partial division on County Road H40 north of County Road H4S on the ~est side. Reeve NeuKamm indicated that this development had gone to their planner. ihe Engineer reported that thiS area had been prone to flooding in the past and that major drainage ~orK ~ould be required. 3. io~nshiP of south Dorchester: la) Rezoning on County Road H37 and County Road H48 east of l-ligh~aY H74. ihe Engineer could not forSee any problems ~ith this proposal. 4. ihe Village of port Stanley Harbour Club Development. ihe Engineer reported that he ~as still a~aiting the Village'S consultants' report~ith regard to the ~arr Drain. (>. draft agreement has been for~arded to the \-Iarbour Club o~ners for their signatures. S. io~nshiP of Bayham: la) Rezoning for residential lots on County Road #43. lhe Engineer reported that a public meeting ~ill be held on this development bet~een the cooK and Phillmore BridgeS comprising three t3) lots. 6. io~nshiP of ~armouth: la) On County Road #48 a minor variance to increase the height of a proposed garage. 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RI0 ~UGU51 15, 1989 p~GE 8. iHE ENGINEER REPORiED ON CORRESPONDENCE ~S fOLLO~S: 1. ~ letter received from the Village of springfield stating the required location of "No parKing" signs in springfield. "fJlOVED B'i: R. J. L~VERE~IJ SECONDED B'i: H. f. L'iLE iH~i ~E RECOfJIfJIEND iO COIJNi'i COIJNCIL iH~i ~ B'i-L~~ BE p~SSED PROHIBlilNG p~RKING ON iHE NORiH SIDE Of COIJNi'i RO~D HS2 ~liHIN fIVE (S) fJlEiRES Of iHE E~Si LlfJIli Of COIJNi'i RO~D H49 ~ND ~liHIN fIVE (S) fJlEiRES Of iHE ~ESi LlfJIli Of COIJNi'i RO~D H49 ~ND ON iHE SOIJiH SIDE Of COIJNi'i RO~D HS2 ~liHIN fIVE (S) fJlEiRES Of iHE ~ESi LlfJIli Of ~ELLINGiON SiREEi ~ND ~liHIN fIVE (S) fJlEiRES Of iHE E~Si LlfJIli Of ~ELLINGiON 51RE E1 . 2. ~ letter was received from the solicitor of fJlr. ~illiam Van patter regarding the iownshiP allowing the erection of a building on a water run at Luton near County C~RRIEn." ihe Engineer reported that this waS a iownshiP matter. 3. ~ letter waS received from ontario Hydro regarding boring under County Road H3. ihe Engineer felt that underground electrical services on County roads should not be allowed due to potential conflict by the County or by local farmers. ihe Engineer would inform ontario Hydro accordinglY, 4. ihe Engineer received a letter from fJlr. James Elliot requesting a four-way stop sign on County Road IISO and County Road H42 in port Burwell. It was felt that since this was an urban area the signing would be left as is. S. ~ letter was received from the catfiSh CreeK conservation ~uthority requesting financial aid for a studY on County Road H24 at the ~ingate Lodge. It was felt that the Engineer should inquire as to what type of financial aid they were requesting and what amount would be involved. It was also felt that County priorities should be checKed prior to considering any financial aid for this ?foject. 6. ~ letter was received from the Village of Vienna requesting that land owned by the County of Elgin in the Village be conveyed to them. ihe Engineer reported that he was not exactlY sure where thiS land was, however he felt that there was no problem in selling the land to the village if theY paid for all surveying Road 1145. costs. SI. 1\-10tJI1\S, OM11\R 1 0 I\\JG\JSl 15, 1989 ?f\Gt. 9. II tJlO\/t.O 11'1: C. R. \oll LLSt.'1 St.COMOt.O 11'1: O. \/. C\-I\Jlt. N1St. 1\-1t. \llLLI\Gt. Or \llt.MMI\ 1\-11\1 \olt. \JM1'1 CO\JMCIL 1\-11\1 \olt. 1\0 1\-11\1 \olt. Rt.COtlltJIt.MO 10 co ~ 1M 1\-10R Lt.nt.R OI\It.O J\JL'I M\lt.'11 MG Or 1\-1t. PROPt. Rl ~ \-11\ \It. MO OIlJ t. Cl1 OMS 10 1\-1t. co G S\J R\lt.'11 MG ) I\R t. P 1\10 r OR 11'1 . Lt.GI\L t.'J.pt.MSt.S ~ IMCL\JOl 25, 1989 PRO\llOt.O 1\-11\1 I\LL \.. I\Gt. or \llt.MMI\ I\GREES 1\-11\1 1\-1t. COM\lt.'1I\MCt. I\-1E \11 L 1\-1t. \/lLLI\Gt. Or \llEMMI\ I\MO 1M ~ 1\-1t. CO\JM1'1 Or t.LGIM lr I\-1E nn'l pt.RCEMl ~50%) Or 1\-1t. Mti PROCt.t.OS lit. RH\JMOt. 10 PROpt.Rl'1 lS SOLO 1M 1\-1t. r\Jl\JRt.. I\-1E PROPt.Rl'1 I\S Rt.Q\JWt.O rOll. 1\ R 1 G\-Il ~O r ~ \ol 1\'1 1\\R O\Jr\-l 1\-11\1 I\-1E CO\JM1'1 Or t.LGIM \-I1\\lE ~ \-I lS \JMOt.R 1\\t. COM1ROL Or I\-1E tlIl\lMlt.MI\MCt. Or 1\-1t. IlRIOGt. O\/t.R I\-1E OilER CREt.\<. \ol\-lle CO\JM1'1 Or t.LGIM. CM~.R1.tU. " \ "tJlO\/EO 11'1: E. Mt.\J\<.l\tJlt-I St.COMOt.O 11'1. 0 J. I\\lRl\l'\ 1\-11\1 \olE I\O;O\JR~ 10 \olEOMESOI\ 'I, SEPlt.tlIllt.R 13, 1989; 1\olt.OMESOI\ 'I, OC101lt.R 11, 1989; I\MO 1\Jt.SOI\ 'I, OC101lt.R 31, 1989 I\LL 1\1 9: 00 1\. tlI. II C~RR1.~U. " cO\INH Of ElGIN\l.Ot.1l IlEPt.\l.~ENl C\l.\lS\\EIl G\l.f\'1El fO\l. CO\lNl'( \l.Ot.O'2. IlUN\llC\\ 10W~ SUt-t\t.\l.'( Of QUOlt.l10NS f\UGUS1 1989 SUPPLIER QU01EU PRICE PER 10N JO\\NS10N BROS. tB01"WEll) ll~llEO ~'$6.. 2.8 "lE~ NEWBIGGING ll~llED $6.73 K,.Rl GER"OlD lR\lCKlNG ll~llED $6 .78 SE,.l-ON p"'11NG ll~llED $7 .10 Eo ,.NO E. ~ClMIG"l1N ,.GGREG,.IES l1~nEO $7 .18 ~CKENIIE ,.ND "ENDERSON ll~llED $7.28 I.C.G. ~"IERl"lS ll~llED $8.80 I ------- COUN1'i Of ElG1K ~ .- QuotMION FOR r-. tr-.NUEM UIESEl tRUCK, G....". 64.000 tBS. __ 0 - - -- - CLOSING UME: r-.UGUst 10, 1989 - -- - ' \ INClUIHNG TIRE tr-.X. tRUCKS to SPEClFlCr-.nOKS ONl'fl - _0- --- -- ,. ~hite GMC Of London P.O. BoX 458 Lambeth, Ontario NO l 'SO ~hite GMC 3'5 HP cummins. Cost estimated with \5 inch clutch and 18 inch front tires. Not available until November 21. \989. Inside/outside air control not available. 2. london Freightliner Limited 580 Clarke Road london, ontario N5V 3K5 freightliner 3'5 cummins. Order time 90 dayS. 3. Kirby International trucks 48 ~rdelt ~venue Kitchener, ontario N2C 2C9 Not available until Ilecember \5. \989. 4. Carrier lruck Center 90 Enterpris~ Drive London, Ontario ~N'M ~vai\ab\e noW. Could go to Frink within the week to mount snoW plow from truck 89. . Front tires R 22.5 Bridgestone 20 plY Rear tires \\ R 22.5 Bridgestone \6 ply, lransmission. '700 lb torQue capacity. 5. Forest City International trucks Limited 17'2 Dundas street East london, ontario N5W 3C9 90-day delivery. $1' .164 .OOt. $13.'36.00 $73,94\.00 c;$14,03r~8~ $74.869.92 6. ~otion lincO\n ~rcurY sales limited 276 t~eter Road london, ontario l\6l ,1\3 'OO~daY de\\very. 7. Great lakes ~en~ortn limited 42\ industrial Road london, ontar\O w~'1 '16 8. t<\ap\e City ford 40\ Ricnmond street Chatham, ontario l\7t<\ 1\\'9 9. ~eterbi\t of london incorporated 3\ ~UC"anan Court london, ontariO W:,l. 1\\'9 . I \74.64'2..00 $86.(,\(,.00 \89.860.32 \92..302.. \2. .. " , i I \ \ ~h : COUNTY OF ELGIN lRUCK lENDERS - TANDEM TRUCK Difference between White GMC and Carrier Mack 2.268.00. Quote from Frink regarding new cheek plates for White GMC $, 965.00 + tax $1,042.00 [Net difference of $1,226!J Frink could change snow plow from our Truck 89 (Mack) to new Mack truck in mid-September. They would mount box off Truck 89 onto new Mack for winter and we could mount sander on Truck 89 for winter. We would put original box on Truck 89 in the spring and by that time Frink would have built a box for the new truck. (Our boxes are custom-made heavy duty.) COUN1'! Of ELGIN ROM) COMM111EE ;;:...;.- - '-=- ~ 19,-1989 SESSIQ!!. .uRS1 ~ 10 l"E W~ROEN ~NO MEMBERS Of l"E COUN1~ Of ELGIN COUNCIL ~OUR RO~O CO~111EE REPOR1S AS fOLLOWS: 1. Construction continues on the Middlemiss Bridge over the lhames River. lhe contractor McLean laylor Limited has completed the erection of steel and is presentlY placing deck form work and deck reinforcing steel. lhey hope to have the deck poured by the end of ~Ugust. lhey are also placing rip rap on the north bank of the river. 2. Walmsley Bros. Limited have completed asphalt paving on County Road H51 (Southdale Road). the top coat on County Road 122 (fairview) near County Road H21. and the top coat of asphalt on County Road H24 from the top of the port Bruce hill westerlY as well as work for the 10wnsh1P of ~armouth and paving at the st. lhomas psychiatric Hospital for the Ministry of Government services. Before the end of July they expect to complete top coat paving on County Road H2 between the Coyne Road and County Road 15 and complete their resurfacing contract on County Road HIB west of County Road 14 as well as the toP coat work at the Port lalbot culverts on County Road '16 and the Shaw Culverts on county Road 145. 3. lenders were called for the erection of two (2) pre_engineered steel garage buildings at WhiteS station to replace the old hangar building which was removed earlier in the year. lhe lowest tender received was in excess of $233.000 and had been modified from the County's specifications. lhe Committee rejected all tenders and have accepted a quotation from steel Way Building systems. R. R. 15. ~ylmer for the material for two (2) buildings in the amount $145.590.48 (including provincial Sales lax). Materials in the amount of approximatelY $11,500 from other sources are also required. One building will be BO' Wide X 126' long with a 14' X 14' door in each end. lhis building will house pickuP trucks. tractors, etc. lhe other building will be 10' Wide X 150' Long with 125' of the south side open and will house dump trucks and winter control vehicles. continued COUNt'! Of ELGIN ROAO COMMIttEE JUL'! 19, \989 SESSION ~-- PAGE 2. steel Way Building systems will not only supplY the material but the necessary plans to meet the Ministry of labour's requirements. In the original tender call the County was to supplY all site work, concrete and electrical work. ~our Committee has decided to erect these buildings using County forces in late fall and early Winter. 4. lraffic is now using the diverted County Road 130 through concession XIII, lownship of '!armouth. It is hoped to place a base coat of pavement on this road by mid-AUgust. If sufficient funds are available a top coat of asphalt will be placed later on in the year. \olE RECOMMENO: 1. lhat a by-laW passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a deed on behalf of the County of Elgin jointlY with the 10wnshiP of Malahide to sell a portion of Lot 35, concession VIII, 10wnshiP of Malahide to Mr. LeroY Eicher. lhis property was formerly owned by the County of Elgin and sold to the 10wnship of Malahide some years ago. ~s part of the agreement the 10wnship of Malahide agreed to pay 50% of any increase in cost over the purchase price and disposal expenditures to the County of Elgin. 2. lhat a by-law be passed amending the by-laW adOpting a Plan of County Road Improvement establishing the County road system under the public lransportatiOn and Highway Improvement ~ct. lhis by-laW will designate the constructed road through Lot B, concession XIII, 10wnshiP of ~armouth as County Road 130. ~t the same time it is necessary to change the numbers and the descriptions of the present county Road 130 between Lots 8 and 9, concession XIII and between concession XIII and XIV, 10wnshiP of ~armouth as well a portion of the lownline Road between Westminster and ~armouth lownshiPS (Road ,34). continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE JULY 19, 1989 SESSION FIRST REPORT PAGE 3. This will allow proper designation for a through highway by-law and will allow the portions of Road 130 no longer being used as the main road to be reverted to the Township of Yarmouth at a later date. 3. That a by-law be passed reverting the portion of County Road 1'20 (Carlow Road) south of Bridge Street (Highway 14) in the Village of Port Stanley to the Village of Port Stanley. The Village has agreed to assume Carlow Road as a Village strl~et. 4. That a by-law be passed to amend By-Law No. 87-01 (Through Hi9hway By-Law) to designate County Road 130 as constructed in Lot 8, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth as a through road and designate the Division Line portion of Road 19 in Aldborough as a through road. 5. That a by-law be passed amending By-Law No. 84-23 regulating parking and adding a section to Part 'C' as follows: No vehicle with'a registered gross weight in excess of 4,000 kilograms shall remain parked or standing upon any part of highway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin for a period exceeding three (3) continuous hours or remain parked or standing upon any part of a highway under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin betwelen the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 6. That a by-law be passed to facilitate the repair of highways and bridges under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin. This by-law prohibits the placement of signs, garbage and other refuse on the County road allowance. We have been advised that until we have such a by-law in place we can take no legal action against people who place signs and other materials on the road allowance. We have had several cases where people have refused to remove derelict motor vehicles, signs, etc. on the County roads and 'we have been powerless to have them removed. When this by-law is passed the County will be able to take appropriate action. Continued . . . COUNT'{ Of ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE JUL'{ 19, 1989 SESSION ,rrm-REPORl-- --- PAGE 4. 1. lhat a by-law be passed empowering the Warden and Clerk to sign a consent and waiver of notice with regard to the boundaries of County Road 120 (CarlOW Road) in the Village of port Stanley shown on a plan drawn by 1. C. McLaren Limited, ontario Land Surveyors, dated November 16, 198B which shOWS the boundaries of CarlOW Road in part of Lot 11 and Lot 12, east of CarlOW Road, Registered Plan 1111, Village of port stanley. lhe signing of this consent to occur only after an agreement satisfactory to the County of Elgin Road Committee has been received from 156901 ontariO Limited and a certified cheque in the amount required by the County of Elgin Road committee be deposited with the lreasurer. ~n agreement is presentlY being negotiated with 156901 OntariO Limited with regard to restoration work which will be required on . County Road #20 and the channelization required for entrance to the Harbour Club condominium site. ~LL Of WHICH IS RESPEC1FULL~ SUBMlllEO -- - -- \oJ. A. MARTYN CHAIRMAN SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO JUL'1 ", '9B9 ?f\GE ,. on luesday, Jul Y ", '989 at 9 :UU (1....- Martyn. ~lSO present ~ere Mr. Jim Ricnards and Mr. Bob stocK of lransportatiOn of ontario, tne Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. I~E COu~l~ Or ELGI" RO~O COMMlllEE met at tne ~dministratiOn Building _^ _ m ~ll members ~ere present e~cept Reeve . ..__ M\nistry of \\~O\jED B'1: SECO"OEO B~: C. ~ILLSE~ 1~~1 EMIL "EUK~MM BE C~~IRM~" rOR I~E MEEll"G Or JUL~ ", '989. Cf\RRl ED. \\ f\. FORD \I~O\jED B'1: SECO"OEO B~: ~. MEIE"BERG 1~~1 I~E MI"U1ES Or I~E MEEll"G Or JU"E 8, '989 BE ~PPRO~EO. Cf\RRIED. \\ R. F. COLES I~E E"GI"EER REPOR1EO ~S rOLLO~S: ,. supplementary request for ~orK on tne Gillets Bridge decK nad been approved bY tne Ministry of lransportatiOn of ontario for an e~penditure of $'00,000 . .' I . b' d 1M subsidized 80% by tne province since tnlS bridge IS a to~n Ine rl ge. Engineer indicated tnat ne ~ould ~rite a letter of tnanKs to tne Minister of lransportatiOn ~itn a copy to Marietta Roberts. lne Engineer nO~ felt tnat more money ~ould be available to complete tne Road # 2 construction ~orK. 2. lne Engineer reported tnat tne draft environmental study report for tne lates Bridge closing nad not yet been received from tne consultant. 3. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received nO replY from tne "atural ReSOurces Gas regarding tne francnise agreement. 4. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad nad diSCUssions ~itn tne cable 1.~' company in port Bur~ell regarding tM location of some of tMir cables and tneir proposal to e~tend tneir line outside of tne village limitS. . t A that he had for~arded a copy of tne MiddlemisS Bridge 5. lne Engineer repor eu" .. .. funding proposal to tne county of Middlese~ for tneir approval. 6. lne Engineer reported tnat after furtner disCUssion ~itn Mrs. ~elen scnram regarding tne county maps, ne discovered tnat it ~as not clear to Mrs. scnram tnat tne county ~antedfinancial input into tne preparatiOn of tnese maps. lne Engineer indicated tnat ne ~ould pursue tniS matter furtner. 51. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO JUL'1 ", '9B9 ?f\GE 2.. 7. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad issued several Hydro over~idtn permits in anticipation of tneir 10~erline construction. 8. lne Engineer referred to correspondence and a map received from tne lown of ~ylmer regarding a proposed detour using Beecn and Elm streets during tne construction of lalbot street. Since tne letter indicated tnat any mai~enance required during tnis construction p~iod ~ill be ass~d by tne 10~n, tne Engineer gave nis approval for tniS detour. Ho~ever, tne Engineer questioned ~netner tne travelling public ~ould foll~ tne proposed detour 9. lne Engineer received furtner correspondence from tne Ministry of lransportation of ontario regarding tne RIMS update and ne felt tnat tniS process ~ould be furtner delayed. It appears tnat tne Ministry is snort staffed in 1oronto. route. "MO\jED B'1: 1\. FORD SECO"DED B~: R. L~~ERE~U 1~~1 I~E rOLLO~l"G p~~LlS1S BE ~PPRO~EO. p~~LlSl "UMBER 24 /WIOU"Tl"G 10 $101,059.95. p~~LlSl "UMBER 25 /WIOU"II"G 10 $22,,997.58. p~~LlSl NUMBER 26 I>.MOUNTl"G 10 $9' ,265.43. pl>.~LlSl "UMBER 27 ~MOU"11"G 10 $6,,075.95. CI\RR 1 ED. \I '0. lne Engineer distributed copies of tenders received and otner options for tne supplY and erection of tne t~O County garages. ~fter some diScUssion, it ~as decided to nave tne county staff erect tne buildings. "~O\JED B'1: C. WILLSE'i SECO"DED B~: D. J. ~~R~M 1~~1 lHE lE"DERS RECEl~ED rOR lHE G~R~GE BUILDl"G FROM ~LL BIDDERS BE REJEC1ED ~"O I~E CERllrlED C~EQUES BE RE1UR"ED 10 I~E BlDDERS. Cf\RRIEO." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1989 PAGE 3 IIMOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT THE QUOTATION OF STEELWAY BUILDING SYSTEMS OF R. R. # 5, AYLMER BE ACCEPTED FOR SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AS PER THEIR QUOTATION FOR TWO (2) STEEL PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS: ONE - 80 x 125 FEET; OTHER - 70 x 150 FEET WITH ONE 125 FOOT SIDE OPEN STANDARD COLOR AT $145,590.48 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX). (QUOTATION TO INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING DRAWINGS.) DOORS EXTRA. ALL MATERIAL AND DESIGNS SUBJECT TO THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR APPROVAL. CARRIED. II THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The first round of sweeping had been completed and the second round has been started. The sweeper has also been preceding the surface treatment crews and the line painting crews as well. 2. Pavement Marking. The yellow paint has been completed and the white painting has commenced. The City has been done and the Town of Aylmer is schedule'd shortly. 3. Grass cutting has been proceeding satisfactorily and the first round has been completed. The mowers now are doing the second pass to the property line. 4. Surface treatment has commenced with work completed on several schools, County Road # 35, County Road # 48, Elm Street and Centennial Avenue. Work has been completed for the Township of Southwold at the Bostwick Road. Due to conflicting vacations of some members of the County staff, surface treatment will be put on hold for a week. After this pE~riod, it is anticipated that 2 to 3 weeks will be required to do work in Kent County, Tillsonburg, Aylmer and other County roads to the west. 5. Radio Road - :Road # 30. Construction work is proceeding quite well and it is anticipated that the road will be open as a gravel road this week. The Engineer indicated that by-laws would have to be passed to close sections of the old County Road # 30 and 34. The sign crew has commenced erecting new stop signs for the new alignment. It is anticipated that paving will commence in mid-August. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO JUL'1 ", '9B9 ? f\GE l\.. lne Engineer reported tnat tne county of Middlese~ ~no are reconstructing tneir road nortn of Elgin county nave closed tnat portion of tneir road during tne duratiOn of tneir construction until appro~imatelY tne middle of ~Ugust. It ~as reported tnat Mr. carr appears quite nappY ~itn tne recent ~orK carried out on tniS project. 6. lne access road for tne psycniatriC ~ospital off County # 45 nas been basicallY completed ~itn tne e~ception of clean-up, RepresentatiVes from tne Ministry of Government Services ~ere quite pleased ~itn tne ~orK completed bY the county. 7. paving nas been completed in ~armoutn 10~nsniP on concession l~, County Road # 22, patcnes on County Road # 40 and 45, County Road # 24 and soutndale Road. lne contractor nad otner ~orK commitments and ~ould be off for a ~eeK at ~nicn time ne ~ould carry on ~itn tne paving of County Road # 2, County Road # '8 and patcnes on County Road # 45 and County Road # '6 above tne Super span culverts. 8. lne clean-up ~orK on County Road # 20 follo~ing last year'S resurfacing naS been basicallY completed ~itn tne e~ception of picK up of miscellaneous '0. 9. SMuldefing nas commenced on County Road # 46. Granular ~ material nas been spread on soutndale Road and County Road # 24 as required. 1M Engineer reported tnat ~nen tne surface treatment ~orK is complete, it is e~pected tnat tM remaining aspnalt resurfacing projects ~ould be cleaned up and construction ~ould begin on County Road # '4 at Middlemiss Bridge and County Road # 2. ~orK nas commenced on tne Gillets Bridge repair ~orK and naif of tne repair ~orK on tne 10na Bridge nas been completed. lne MiddlemiSS bridge project nas been progressing satisfactorilY ~itn tne steel bo~ girderS installed and tne contractor starting nis forms for tne decK ~orK. lne contractor e~pects to pour tne decK at tne end of ~Ugust and nave tne bridge open to traffic by october ,. lne Engineer reported tnat bet~een tne soils consultant and tne contractor, tne quality control of tne debriS. " . "2. riP raP nas been sorted out. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO JUL'1 ", , 9B9 ? ~GE 5. '3. lne Engineer reported naving disCUssed tne overload on tne Robbins pin_connected trUSs ~itn otner people ~no felt tnat tne bridge snould not nave stood up to tne load. lne Engineer reported tnat ~r. Ken Kleinsteiber ~ould be inspecting tne bridge on JulY 20, '989. '4. lne Engineer reported tnat ne estimated tne four municipal drainS on st. George st. ~ould cost tne county Road department appro~imatelY $94,000. 1~0 reports nave been to tne court of Revision and t~O more reports are in tne process of being ~ritten for tne consideratiOn meeting. It is antiCipated tnat tne t~O road crossings ~ould be completed by tne county prior to tne final approval of tne municipal drains. ~lsO in tne near future, it ~as e~pected to install tne curb and gutter and any miscellaneous drainage ~orK required in tne area in antiCipation of tne final coat of aspnalt. ontario ~ydro nas been requested to move several nydro poles in tne area at an estimated cost of appro~imatelY $'8,000 to tne County. '5. lne Engineer reported tnat tne final engineering nas yet to be completed for tne intersection of County Road # 22 and County Road # 27. rurtner ~orK is required on tne needs study update and tne RIMS information nas yet to be incorporated into tne County computer program. I~E E"GI"EER REPOR1ED 0" PERSO""EL M~IIERS ~S rOLLO~S: 1\.. RoY Laforge is on long-term disability. Jim ~atters is on ~orKmen's compensation. Jim McLa~s is nO~ ~orKing in tne Garage ~itn Jim cnaplo~, ~ ne~ girl ~ill be starting in tne office on JulY '7. ~arley undernill agreed to meet tne Road emplOyees regarding tne cniropractiC ser~ices. lne Engineer reported tnat tne statuS of tne nours of ~orK for tne office tecnnical staff appear to nave been ignored bY tne personnel Committee. lne Engineer reported tnat ne ~ould be taKing several days of nolidays during tne f J ' A ~'Ugust 1he Engineer passed out varioUs ne~s cliPpings montns 0 u,y anu ~ · for tne members information. , . 2. 3. 5. 6. --~' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1989 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: H. LYLE THAT WE APPROVE FOR PAYMENT THE ACCOUNT OF MCLENNAN AND WRIGHT FOR SERVICES RENDERED WITH REGARD TO NATURAL RESOURCES GAS FRANCHISE IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,735.45 BEING THEIR ACCOUNT TO MAY 29TH. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A DEED ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN JOINTLY WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE FOR A PORTION OF LOT 35, CONCESSION VIII, MALAHIDE TO LEROY EICHER. CARRIED. II The Engineer briefly discussed the condominium agreement in Port Stanley on County Road # 20. He indicated that he would have to modify the agreement to suit his needs and that he still required a report from the drainage engineer regarding the Marr drain. The Engineer felt that this would be sorted out either this week or next week. "MOVED BY: H. MEZENBERG SECONDED BY: R. LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED EMPOWERING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN A CONSENT AND WAIVER OF NOTICE WITH REGARD TO THE BOUNDARIES OF COUNTY ROAD # 20 (CARLOW ROAD) IN PORT STANLEY AS SHOWN ON A PLAN DRAWN BY I. C. MCLAREN LIMITED DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1988 WHICH SHOWS THE BOUNDARIES OF CARLOW ROAD IN PART OF LOT 11 AND LOT 12 EAST OF CARLOW ROAD, REGISTERED PLAN # 117 IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. THE SIGNING OF THIS CONSENT TO OCCUR ONLY AFTER AN AGREEMENT SATISFACTORY TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM 756901 ONTARIO LIMITED AND THE REQUIRED DEPOSIT MONEY DEPOSITED WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TREASURER. CARRIED. II 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO JUL"{ ", '9B9 P ~GE 7. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a call from tne drainage superintendent of "ortn Dorcnester 10~nsniP regarding a municipal tile drain on County Road # 37. lne superintendent requested some restoration ~orK be carried out by tne County since ne felt tnat tne drain ~as under tne paved portion of tne county Road. lne Engineer indicated tnat ne ~ould pursue tniS matter furtner as required. "MO\jED B'{: ~. K. FORD SECO"DED B~: D.~. C~U1E 1~~1 ~E ~CCEPl I~E QU01~110" Or MC~sp~~Ll I"DUS1RIES LIMllED rOR I~E SUPPL~Or ~Sp~~Ll EMULSIO" ~1 24. '92 CE"IS PER LlIRE (l"CLUDI"G PRO~I"CI~L S~LES I~X), r.O.B. I~EIR lERMI"~L I" PORI SI~"LE~ OR 25.6 CE"IS PER LllRE ll"CLUDI"G PRO~I"CI~L S~LES I~X) DELI~ERED ~"~~~ERE I" I~E COU"I~ Or ELGIN ~S REQUIRED. C~RRIED." "~O\jED B"{: SECO"DED B~: C. ~ILLSE~ 1~~1 ~E RECOMME"D 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSED 10 ~ME"D I~E B~-L~~ ~DOPll"G ~ PL~" Or I~E COU"I~ RO~D IMPRO~EME"1 ES1~BLIS~I"G I~E CoU"I~ RO~D S~SIEM I" I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" U"DER I~E PUBLIC lR~"SPOR1~110" ~"D ~IG~~~~ IMPRO~EME"1 ~Cl 10 DESIG"~IE ~S ~ COU"I~ RO~D I~E CONS1RUC1ED RO~D I~ROUG~ LOl 8, CO"CESSIO" XIII, 10~"S~IP Or "{f\RMOU1H. D . J. f\ \j Rf\~ Cf\RRIED." "MO\lED B"{: SECONDED B~: D. J. ~wNJI 1~~1 ~E RECOMME"D 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSED 10 NJlE"D B~-L~~ "0. 87-0' I~ROUG~ ~lG~~~~S 10 M~KE I~E DnISIO" Ll"E Or ~LDBOROUG~ 10~"S~IP ~ I~ROUG~ RO~O ~"O 10 OESIG"~IE RO~O # 30 ~S CO"SIRUC1EO I~ROUG~ LOl 8, CO"CESSIO" XIII, 10~"S~IP Or ~~RMOU1~ ~ 1\-\ROUG\-\ ROf\D. \-\. ~E1.ENBERG ~, C~RRl EO. \I 51. 1HOMf\S, ON1~RIO JUL'( ", '9B9 p~GE B. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a notice regarding an environmental assessment for tne Green Lane landfill site proposed e~pansion by St. lnomas Sanitary Collection Services on County Road # '8. lne Engineer indicated tnat ne would nave no objection since tne road is presentlY paved and it ~ill be resurfaced again tnis year. I~E E"GI"EER REPOR1ED 0" REIO"I"GS ~"D ~~Rl~"CES ~S rOLLO~S: ,. On County Road # 2, tne Engineer reported tnat ne ~ould meet tne developer Mr. Santos regarding several lot severances and indicating to nim tnat a municipal drain ~ould be required to service tne lots at tne developer's 2. County Road # 3 _ lne PullyblanK/Lee commercial development nas not yet supplied a plan of tneir proposal. 3. On County Road # 3, tne "e~ Glasgo~ lrailer ParK Development has also not supplied a plan of tneir proposal. 4. on County Road # 8 tlo~nsniP of Dun~icn), a proposal ~as received for residential rezoning of t~o lots in tne ~allaceto~n area. lne Engineer reported tnat a municipal drainage report ~ould be required. 5. On County Road # '4 tlo~nsniP of Dun~icn), a rezoning to commercial for a store at lona Station ~as requested. lne Engineer could see no problem ~itn thiS. expense. 6. On County Road # 23 tlo~nsniP of ~armoutn), a rezoning for a subdiVision bY Mr. Reeb near port stanley at County Road # 24. ~ municipal drainage report nas been commenced and a plan of subdivision ~ould be required. 7. county Road # 40 tlo~nsniP of Malahide) - regarding residential rezoning at 8. On County Road # 45 tlo~nsniP of Malanide) - rezoning to residential near ~ount Salem. summer's Corners. ,,---- 9. On County Road # 38 tlo~nsniP of Baynam) - a drive~aY for tne Morrisey severance nas been sorted out by tne Engineer. Ho~ever, it may require t~O catcnbasins, fill and some CSP pipe wnicn could prove to be quite e~pensive. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11, 1989 PAGE 9. 10. On County Road # 42, a letter was received from Municipal Affairs regarding a trailer park east of Port Burwell, Vanderispaillie, indicating that they had received the objection for this development from the Township. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON CORRESPONDENCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A letter from the County of Middlesex indicating that their remaining funds available to pay accounts on the Middlemiss Bridge are approximately $155,000. 2. A letter from the Village of Springfield regarding the restriction of parking on County Road # 52. This matter was initiated last year by the former reeve. The Engineer indicated that he would look into this matter and have a by-law prepared for the next meeting. 3. A letter from Mrs. Pearce with a request to erect guard rails on County Road # 45 near her residence at Jaffa. The Engineer reported that the County was presently being sued by Mrs. Pearce and others with respect to a recent accident in the area. Thus, it was decided not to do anything in this matter at this time. "MOVED BY: C. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: A. FORD THAT WE ADVISE MRS. BEATRICE PEARCE THAT WE ARE NOT PREPARED TO ERECT GUARD RAILS ON COUNTY ROAD # 45 AT JAFFA IN FRONT OF HER PROPERTY. CARRIED. II 4. A letter from the Village of Port Stanley regarding the poor condition of Carlow Road, County Road # 20, south of Bridge Street. IIMOVED BY: R. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: H. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED REVERTING THAT PORTION OF COUNTY ROAD 20, SOUTH OF BRIDGE STREET, TO THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 11,1989 PAGE 10. ,- " 5. A letter from the village of Port Burwell regarding the Chatham Street drain enclosing a petition which had no signatures entered on it. It was decided that the County would not pursue this matter further. 6. A letter from the National Transportation Agency regarding the Canadian Pacific Port Burwell subdivision which matter is still before the federal courts and has not yet been officially abandoned. 7. Correspondence on the sitting task force on Low Radioactive Waste soliciting participation. 8. Letters were received from Charlene Berdan and others regarding County Road # 35 at Orwell requesting that "Children At Play" signs be installed. The committee felt that the reduced speed zones should be adequate and suggested that prior to any other options being considered that the Provincial Police be consulted. 9. Letter received from Mr. Tom Intven regarding a reduction in the speed on County Road # 57. 10. Letter from the Frank Cowan Company Limited advising that the County's insurance covers Engineers for the County, regarding Section 88 of the Ontario Association of Professional Engineers Act which requires insurance for the certificate of authorization to perform work for others. 11. A letter from Andrew Wright on behalf of the Green Lane landfill concurring with the site methods of calculations and asking that the Ministry certificate of approval for the site be amended and asking that the specific language be reviewed with the applicant. 12. A letter from the City of Guelph asking Bell Canada to develop recycling for old telephone directories. 13. A letter from A.M. Spriet and Associates regarding the Louise Street intersection with County Road # 34 in the Village of Belmont. The Engineer indicated that the problems in this area have been sorted out. 14. A letter was received from the Township of Yarmouth returning the County of Elgin's drainage petition with regard to properties at Dexter on County Road # 24, since no interest was expressed by local land owners. 51. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO JUL'l, ", '989 P J\GE ". '5. rurtner correspondence ~as received from tne Municipal Engineering ~ssociation and tne Ministry of lransportation regarding tne council's resolution on tne Ministry poliCY on surface type standards to be incorporated into tne province's needs study metnods. '6. ~ letter ~as received from tne City of London ~nicn ~as sent to tne Ministry of lransportatiOn requesting an appointment on benalf of tne MunicipalitieS ~nicn nave supported tne City of London's resolution for tne ~idening of High~ay # 40' between London and ~oodstocK including Elgin County. '7. ~ letter from ontario ~ydro requesting tne County of Elgin'S' to 5 year road construction plans. '8. ~ letter from tne Ministry of Municipal ~ffairs regarding Bill 20'. '9. ~ letter from tne oeputy Minister of Municipal ~ffairs asKing input ~itn regard to Bill '0' ~nicn tne Minister proposes to revive giving Counties jurisdiction over tne disposal of solid ~astes. 20. Information from tne Better Roads Coalition. 2'. Information from the Ministry of lransportation ~itn amendments to tne ~ign~ay lraffic Act, Bill 2'9 regarding tne creation of portable parKing permits for disabled persons. "MO\lED B'l: o. J . f\ \l R~~ ~ SECO"DED B~: R. L~~ERE~U lH~1 ~E RECOMME"D 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL lHAl ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSED ~ME"DI"G B~-L~~ "0. 84-23 REGUL~II"G p~RKI"G ~"D ~DDI"G ~ SEClI0" 10 p~Rl "0. C ~S FOLLOWS: "0 ~E~lCLE ~11~ A REGIS1ERED GROSS ~EIG~1 I" EXCESS Or 4,000 KILOGR~MS S~~LL R~M~I" p~RKED OR SI~"DI"G UPO~ ~"~ p~Rl Or ~"~ ~IG~~A~ U"OER I~E JURISDICI10" Or I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" rOR ~ PER10D EXCEEDI"G 3 CONll"UOUS ~OURS OR REM~I"ED p~RKED OR SI~"DI"G UPO" ~"~ p~Rl Or ~"~ ~IG~~~~ U"DER I~E JUR1SD1Cll0" Or lHE COU"I~ Or ELGI" BE1~EE" I~E ~OURS Or 3:00 ~.M. ~ND 5:00 J\.M. CJ\RR 1 ED · \I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JIUL Y 11, 1989 PAGE 12. IIMOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: H. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO FACILITATE THE REPAIR OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. THE BY-LAW WOULD PROHIBIT THE PLACEMENT OF SIGNS, GARBAGE AND OTHER REFUSE ON THE COUNTY ROAD ALLOWANCE. CARRIED. II The Engineer briefly discussed the by-law regarding entrances using Kent County's by-law as a reference. The Engineer indicated that he would revise this by-law and bring it back to the next meeting. It was suggested that a fee of $75 be used. The Engineer requested what the role of the County's by-law enforcement officer would be with regard to the enforcement of the above by-laws. The Committee felt that this should be addressed by the County government committee. The Engineer reported that his equipment budget had available approxi- mately $80,000 and he suggested that 2 or 3 pick-ups be purchased or a dump truck. The Committee agreed that the Chairman and Warden should be present for the tender openings and award the purchase accordingly. The Engineer requested the Committee what role the Road Committee could have for recommendations to the Warden's Steering Committee on County Government Reforms with regard to Engineering services that the County might perform. It was suggested that the Engineer may attend the next meeting which will be held on September 28, 1989. The Engineer briefly introduced the discussion of setting up a 1 to 5 year future road program. The Engineer indicated that he would send the members additional information regarding this program and it could be discussed at the next meeting. IIMOVED BY: C. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 15 AT 9:00 A.M. AND SEPTEMBER 13 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED. II 4JJ "Ml1AiF CHAIR~N COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT TENDER EQUIPMENT STORAGE GARAGES CLOSING DATE JULY 5, 1989 1. Concepts Unlimited Incorporated (Fritz) R. R. 114 london, Ontario N6A 488 Phone: 686-7731 Fax No.: 633-3340 2. Falls Construction limited 1255 Commissioners Road West Suite 235 london, Ontario Phone: 641-2911 3. H.I.R.A. limited 29 Steele Street St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2Y2 Phone: 633-2670 Fax No: 631-9154 4. Reid and Deleye Contractors limited P. O. Box 272 Courtland, Ontario NOJ IEO Phone: 688-2600 Fax No.: 688-2700 COUNTY OF ELGIN SUMMARY OF EQUIPMENT STORAGE GARAGES CONCEPTS REID .ANn ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM UNIT PRICE FALLS (FRITZ) H.I.R.A. DEtEYI: - 'A' Supply and construct a Steel (Lump Sum) $106,992.00 $117,523.35 $122,909.nn $121,063.00 Clad Metal Building 65' X 126' with two (2) Overhead Doors 14' 2" X 14' (one at each end). 'B' Supply and construct a Steel Clad (Lump Sum) 105,633.00 114,215.45 140,550.00 126,700.00 Metal Building 70' X 154' (open 126' along one side). TOTAL TENDER $212,625.00 $231,738.80 $263,459.00 $247,763.00 'e' Additional cost for supplying and (Per Bay) $ 14,985.00 $ 18,839.20 $ 25,461. 00 constructing up to two (2) Bays for Item 'A' (Bay 14' Wide X 65' Long) . 'D' Credit for deletion of up to two (Per Bay) 12,22q.00 18,839.20 20 , 166 . 00 (2) Bays for Item 'A' (Bay 14' Wide X 65' Long). 'E' Additional cost for supplying and (Per Bay) 14,274.00 20,101.62 25 ,461. 00 constructing up to two (2) Bays for Item 'B' (Bay 14' Wide X 70' Long - On the open side). 'F' Credit for deletion of up to two (Per Bay) 10,869.00 20,101.62 19,791.00 (2) Bays for Item 'B' (Bay 14' wide X 70' Long - On the open side) . 'G' Supplying and construction of (Lump Sum) 21,154.00 ^A .,,."" "A .,0 ~t:n nn ~'+, .I.0~.'+'+ G.o,~U::7.vv Addition to Item 'A' IS' Wide X 126' Long X 8' Height at eave. 'H' If length of Item 'A' increases or (Per Sq. Ft.) 10.00 12.78 15.50 decreases, state price for this change. (Addition 'G' to be same length as 'A'.) TOTAL $233.779.00 $255.901.24 $292.028.00 ~ Does not include non standard colour (ie., Green). t$I,168.56 Extra) lhree (3) wall exhaUst fans (may not be required). supplY Building (Delivered to WhiteS station) (including Engineering Requirements of the lender) Insulation and Vapour Barrier (10tal Laminating products, London) ~ ~ ~~~~ lR. R.,5 1\~LME\l OIll~RIO) JUL'{ 1\, 1989 ~W\~ ~: Quoted 80 feet Wide X 125 feet Long X 16 feet High ~ ~ was 65 feet X lZ6 feet X 16 foot at Eve and Lean 10 of 15 feet X 126 feet (8 foot at Eve) lWO (2) overhead 14 foot X 14 foot Doors llnstalled) power operators, etc. (Simcoe overhead Door) four (4) Doors with panic Hardware (Steelway Building System) TO" AL N01E: provincial SaleS lax Included. ~ $13,441.'56 1,149.00 6,'5'50.00 t 2,600.00 ---- ~ JA.6 .~ ~: Quoted 10 feet X 150 feet with 125 feet Open. ~ ~ 10 feet X 154 feet with 126 feet Open ~ DoeS not include non standard colour Green. t$I,168.56 Extra) supplY Building (DeliVered to Yhites station) $12,142.92 lWO (2) ~an Doors with Panic Hardware ~: Building 'A' $ 89,146.'56 Building '8' 73,392.92 ~ U,?3 .139 .Aa T01 ~L 1,2'50.00 t ---- ~2~t '- - 2 - ~: 6y ~viero construction of Dorchester Dealing DirectlY $46,294.00 If through steeway Building Systems add 15% or $53,236.00 If insulation or overhead doors are purchased through Steetw~Y Building Systems a 15% markup is required. ~: (a) BY dealing directlY with ~viero construction (b) Dealing through Steelway BUilding Systems $209,433.4B $216,377.48 ~: Install footing, electrical and do all grading. If county did erection Building ,~' could be erected earlY fan Building 'B' later in fall (say up to earlY December). and COUNTY OF ELGIN GARAGE BUILDING ESTIMATE JULY 11, 1989 (A) IF ERECTED BY COUNTY OF ELGIN: Supply Material Erection (Say) $163,139 50,000 $213.000 (B) WORK REQU I RED BY COUNTY (YET TO BE COMPLETED).: Concrete Floor - Building 'A' [154 Cubic Yards @ $150.00 per cubic yard] (Say) Footings - Buildings 'A' and 'B' Engineering and Permit $25,000 10,000 4,000 Granular and Compaction - Building 'A' Sand and Granular - Building 'B' Electrical 3,500 8,500 16,000 General Cleanup Behind Garage (Level, Etc.) 8,ono (No Fence, Etc.) $75.000 (C) EXPENDITURE TO DATE: Removing Old Hangar Concrete Floor, Moving Radio, Leveling Yard to West, Installing Front Fence, Topsoil Old Hangar Area, Seeding, Etc. (Not Paid for by Insurance Company) $15.500 TOTAL $303.500 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RSIK EMULSION QUOTATIONS JUNE 1989 1986 PRICE 26.35 Cents Per litre (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 7%) Low Bidder: McAsphalt Industries Limited F.O.B. Port Stanley 1987 PRICE 26.01 Cents Per litre (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 7%) low Bidder: McAsphalt Industries Limited F.O.B. Port Stanley 1988 PRICE 24.84 Cents Per litre (InCluding Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) Low Bidder: McAsphalt Industries Limited F.O.B. Port Stanley I. McAsphalt Industries Limited 880 Sheppard Avenue East West Hill, Ontario MIE 4R2 24.192 Cents Per litre F.O.B. Terminal Port Stanley (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) 25.6 Cents Per litre Delivery Within County As Required (InclUding Provincial Salex Tax - 8%) 2. Asenco Asphalt Engineering Company Limited 2201 lakeshore Road West Mississauga, Ontario L5J IJ9 31.536 Cents Per litre Delivered Within County of EIQin (InclUding Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) 28.62 Cents Per Litre F.O.B. MississauQa, Ontario. (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) 3. T. J. Pounder (Ontario) Limited 106 Orenda Road Brampton, Ontario N6W 3W6 32.076 Cents Per litre Delivered Within County of EIQin (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) 4. Ace Asphalt and Maintenance (Products) Limited 477 Brimley Road Scarborough, Ontario MIK 5C3 32.46 Cents Per Litre Delivered Within County of EIQin (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) Conti nued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT RSIK EMULSION QUOTATIONS PAGE 2. 5. Norjohn Contracting Limited P. O. Box 100 Thorold, Ontario L2V 3Y8 32.5 Cents Per Litre Delivered Within County of Elgin (Including Provincial Sales Tax - 8%) 6. Koch Materials Company 43 Industrial Street Toronto, Ontario M4G lZ2 32.78 Cents Per Litre Delivered Within County of Elgin (InCluding Provincial Sales Tax - R%) J" \ S1. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO JUNE 8, 1989 ?I\GE 1. on lnursday, June 8, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members ~ere present e~cept Reeve Lyle. ~lso present~ere~r. Jim Ricnards of tne ~inistrY of lrans~ortation of ontario, tne Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. I~E COU"I~ Or ELGIN RO~D CO~~lIIEE met at tne ~dministration Building "~O\jED B~: E. "EU\U'l~~ SECO"DED B~: D. J. ~\jR~~ 1\\~1 I~E ~1"U1ES Or I~E MEElINGS Or ~PRIL 14, ~PRIL 21, M~~ '2, ~"D ~~~ 17, 1989 BE ~PPRO\jED. CI\RRIE.O." I\\E ENGl"EER REPOR1ED ~S rOLLO~S: 1. lne county Budget update. lne Engineer reminded tne members of tne committee tnat tne ne~ revised budget ~as included in tneir recent mail out ~itn tne 2. Supp 1 ementa-ry Request for tM Gin ets Bfi dge · lne Engineer reported tnat upon calling tne Ministry of lransportation of ontario regarding tnis request it appeared tnat tne applicatiOn nad been misplaced; M~eve-r after a fe~ more pMne cans tM request nad been located and tne Engineer ~as insured by Ministry staff tnat it ~ould reacn tne proper cnannelS for tneir consideration. 3. laits Bridge Environmental ~ssessment. lne Engineer reported tnat tne Environmental study Report nad not yet been received from tne consultant. minutes. 4. Garage BuildingS. 1M Engineer and tM cnairman briefed tM members of tne committee 'IIitn regard to tne statuS of tne proposed t~O (2) ne~ garage buildingS. One building ~o~ld be used to nouse tne graderS and tandem trucKs and it ~ould nave one ~all open facing soutn. lnis building ~ould be 70 feet ~ide by 168 feet long and it is estimated tnat it ~ould cost $145,000. lne second building ~nicn ~ould nouse tne picKUP truCKS ~ould be 65 feet ~ide by 135 feet long and it is estimated to cost $1'27,000. ~ 10 foot X 130 foot leanto ~ould be added to tne second garage. lnis ~ould cost ---_.~~ SI. I~OM~S, 0"1 ~R I 0 JUNE 8, 1989 pl-\GE 2.. appro~imatel~ $13,000 and ~ould be used for storage of smaller equipment. lne t~O buildings ~ould be located soutn and ~est, respectiVelY of tne e~istin9 main garage. lne Engineer reported tnat $12,000 nad been spent to date on landscaping and some sand fill and tnat $370,000 ~as available in tne macninery budget. "tI\O\lED B'{: SECO"DED B~: R. J. L~\lERE~U 1~~1 I\-1E C\-I~1Rl-'\~\'l ~"D ~~RDE" BE ~\lI~ORllED 10 RE\lIE~ QU01~110"S rOR I~E BUlLD1"GS ~T I\-1E CO\l"I~ G~R~GE t~~nES SI~1l0\'l) ~"D ~~~RD I~E lE"DER If I~E lE"DERED PRICE lS S~11Sr~Cl0R~. c. R. ~lllSE'( C~RRIED." 5. provincial and rederal Budgets. lne Engineer brieflY diScUssed tne potential general affects of tne recent provincial and redefal budgetS. 1M fuel ta~ and future provincial Sales la~ ~ould undoubtedlY increase county costs in tne future. lne O.~.I.P, ta~ ~ould not nave toO mucn affect since tM County for tne majority of O.~.l.P. at tniS time. is paying Tne Enginee'(' oft'" " u","v'-- a reserve decision bY tne Judge. lne firm of ~ndy ~rignt felt tnat sufficient evidence ~as presented at tne continued S1. 1HOMAS, ON1ARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 3. B. continued. · . case to provide a solid basis for an appeal. It ~as felt tnat tne case put Natural ResOurces Gas on tne defensive ratner tnan on the offensive. 9. Roads and \fansportation !\Ssociation of canada. lne Engineer nanded out registration forms for tne R.i.~.C. conference to be MId in Calgary on september 17tn. i~E ENGINEER REPORiED ON ~ORK 10 D~iE ~S rOlLO~S: I. 1M yellOW pavement marKing lines are appro~imatelY 2/3 complete including tne 10~n of Mlmer. 1M City of St. lMmas haS yet to be done. It is noped tnat tne ~nite pavement marKing will follo~ shortlY, 2. lhe Engineer reported tnat renting a gravel screening plant from ~roer for a small volume of gravel ~ould not be cost affective. ine Engineer stated tnat ~e would consider tniS option later on in tne raIl or ne~t Spri'ng if more pit run material could be stocKPiled. 3. lne Engineer reported tnat crusned gravel at tne Pleasant Valley Pit ~ould be used for construction until ~e can get access to tne sparta Pit. Gravel sMuldering ~i 11 be Kept to a minimum, M~ever gravel may be purcMsed from Pleasant Valley Mgergates if required. 4. Grass cutting nas been started and it is e~pected tnat five {5) mo~ers ~ill be operating by tne end of tnis ~eeK. ~ldbOrOugh io~nsniP nas started to cut graSS for tM County in ~ldborOUgn 10wnsnip. 5. Several soft spots nave been found on several of tne county's gravel roads even tnOUgntney nave had one application of salt brine. 1M County MS agreed to pay tM 10wnsniP of Dun~icn $15.00 per cubiC metre for tneir brine ~nicn is a lo~er strengtn tnan tnat purchased from Den-Mar Brines Limited. lne Engineer reported tnat to date 45% of tne salt brine budget nas been spent. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 4. 6. The sweeper has been repaired and it has covered the County roads once. 7. All County bridges have been cleaned and washed. 8. Stump holes that have been left from previous years have nearly been completely restored. 9. One crew is working on upgrading the Board of Education parking lots in preparation for surface treatment. 10. A work crew has commenced repairing the curb on the Iona Bridge and it was found that the curbs were in worse shape then originally anticipated. 11. Preliminary plans have been received for the Gillets Bridge and the expansion joint is in the process of being ordered. It is anticipated that the existing concrete deck will be removed after the Board of Education work has been completed. 12. The piers have been completed on the Middlemiss Bridge and a start has been made on the installation of filter cloth and rip rap on the north side. The steel box girders should be arriving next week for installation. The Engineer reported that he had instructed the consulting engineer to insure that the rip rap to be used will be tested prior to being shipped to the job site. 13. The Engineer reported that approval had been received from the Ministry of Government Services to do work on the entrance for the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital. The Engineer indicated that a neat job should be carried out in this area. Some of the sod from the field has been cut and used on the erosion prone areas on Fairview Avenue. 14. Work on Road #30 has been put off due to wet weather. 15. Ditching on Road #18 west of the landfill site is being carried out to obtain fill and topsoil to cover the shoulders on Road #20 which had old, fill imported from the work in Shedden last year. It is anticipated that this project should be completed by next week. At that time restoration will commence on Road #52 and Road #46. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 5. 16. The Engineer reported that surface treatment would probably commence after Road #30 is completed as well as the lona Bridge. The Engineer reported that he had asked for quotations for stone and emulsion and that Mr. Axford reported that he has no pea stone available this year. At this point in time the amount of work to be done is not certain since no specific requests have been received from the City of St. Thomas, the Townships or Kent County. 17. Municipal Drain Projects: (a) The Vineden Drain on St. George Street has been scheduled for the first reading on June 20th. (b) For the Hill Street Drain on Road #23, a meeting was held at the Township office~ it appeared that no one was interested in the drain. The Engineer thus requested that the drain be abandoned. (c) The Engineer reported that the bore job on the Penhale Drain on Road #45 was unsuccessful and to do another bore job would cost an additional $3,000. Since the soil conditions were not suitable to open cutting the Engineer requested that another bore job be done; this was completed successfuly. 18. Cleanup work has been completed on Road #20 at Shedden. Cleanup work on Road #22 has also been completed although some areas arE! still eroding. 19. The fence has been installed at the County Garage. 20. The Engineer reported that no computer package had yet been received for the Needs Study Update and R.I.M.S. 21. The Engineer handed out a summary of tenders received for the County's two used trucks; Truck #70 and Truck #116 and it was agreed to sell the trucks to the highest bidder. 22. The replacement and repair of signs continues on an ongoing basis. 23. The Engineer distributed quotations received for the supply of corrugated steel pipe. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF KOPPERS INTERNATIONAL CANADA FOR THE SUPPLY OF CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE AT THEIR TOTAL QUOTED PRICE OF $36,192.78 FOR QUOTATION "A" (ELGIN COUNTY), QUOTATION liB" (YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP), QUOTATION "C" (SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP) AND QUOTATION "D" (SOUTH DORCHESTER TOWNSHIP). CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL MATTERS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Job Postings: (a) Mr. James Watters has been posted to the position of Garageman Driver. (b) Mr.James McLaws has been posted to the position of Garageman Stockkeeper. (c) A posting is pending for an operator of Truck #134. A temporary operator has been assigned to the truck until that time. 2. Mr. Jack Hoffman has been off work for the past week with a serious back injury. Mr. Hoffman may be considering an early retirement since the injury may have originated during his service with the military. 3. Roy LaForge has requested to go on Long Term Disability. Since his sick time is running out he is requesting from the Personnel Committee that he be allowed to use his holidays earned in 1988 for 1989 until he can commence his Long Term Disability so the new insurance carrier could be used. The Engineer reported that he would discuss this at the next Personnel Committee meeting. 4. Long Term Disability with regard to Robert Doyle was discussed and the Engineer reported that Mr. Doyle was experiencing problE!mS with Great West Life who had taken him off Long Term Disability suggesting that he could do some type of work. The Engineer referred to a letter received from Mossey and Mossey and indicated that he would attend the next Personnel Committee meeting to address this matter further. 5. A request for a change in hours of work was received from the Road Department Employees' Association. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT THE REQUEST OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION TO AMEND THEIR HOURS OF WORK BE AGREED TO AS FOLLOWS: NORMAL HOURS PER WEEK WILL REMAIN AT 44 HOURS PER WEEK WITH 9 HOURS MONDAY TO THURSDAY AND 8 HOURS ON FRIDAY. NORMAL HOURS OF WORK TO BEGIN AT 7:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M., MONDAY TO THURSDAY AND 7:00 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. FRIDAY. WITH A 1/2 HOUR FOR lUNCH FROM 12:00 NOON TO 12:30 P.M. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT ALL OTHER CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT SHALL REMAIN IN FORCE AS THEY ARE PRESENTLY WRITTEN. CARRIED. II It was felt that a change in proposed hours would not have any adverse affects and may save some overtime during the winter months. 6. The Engineer reported that the technical staff worked 40 hours vs. 32.5 hours a week for other County personnel. The Engineer was under the impression that the Personnel Committee were to review this inconsistancy a year ago. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYlISTS BE APPROVED: PAYlIST NUMBER 17 AMOUNTING TO $84,098.68 PAYLIST NUMBER 19 AMOUNTING TO $250.00 PAYLIST NUMBER 20 AMOUNTING TO $96,508.39 PAYLIST NUMBER 21 AMOUNTING TO $168,640.68 PAYlIST NUMBER 22 AMOUNTING TO $91,946.00 PAYlIST NUMBER 23 AMOUNTING TO $54,512.53 ~.... CARRIED." Sl. lHOMAS, ON1ARIO JUNE B, 19B9 PAGE 8. "MOVED B'{: SECONDED B~: D. J. ~VR~M 1~~1 I~E ENGINEER ~ND ~SSIS1~Nl ENGINEER BE ~U1~ORllED 10 ~l1END ~ "BRIDGE RE~~BILll~nON, INSPECnON ~ND AAIN1E"~"CE CONrERENCE" rROM SEP1EMBER 10 10 SEP1EMBER 12, 1989 ~1 lHE R~M~D~ H01EL o'~~RE, C~IC~GO; ~ND I~E S~ME BE REPOR1ED 10 COUN1~ COUNCIL. E. NEUKAMM CARRIED." lne Engineer read a letter from tne County of Middlese~ Engineer regarding financing for tne Middlemiss Bridge and requesting tnat tne County of Elgin finance part of tneir snare tnis year ~itn tneir payment being due in January of ne~t year and agreeing to pay all incurred interest in tM intedm. "MOVED B'{: SECONDED B~: C. R. ~ILLSE~ lH~1 ~E RECOMMEND 10 COU"I~ COUNCIL 1~~1 lHE REQUESl Or I~E COUN1~ Or MIDDLESEX rOR rIN~NCING Or lHE MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE rOR lHE PERIOD Or ~PPROXIM~IEL~ JUL~ 10, 1989 10 J~"U~R~ IS, 1990 BE GR~N1ED ~ND 1~~1 1"IERES1C~~RGES 0" lHE ~MOUN1S INVOICED 10 I~E COU"I~ Or MIDDLESEX ~ND NOl p~ID UNllL 1990 BE CH~RGED 10 I~E COUN1~ Or ELGIN'S RO~D DEP~R1MENl "HEMS NOl rOR SUBSID~" rOR 1989 ~ND ~~EN IN1ERESl CH~RGES ~RE p~ID 10 I~E COUN1~ Or ELGIN I" 1990 1~~1 I~ESE ~MOU"IS BE CREDHED 10 mE COu"H Or ELGIN RO~D DEP~R1MENl "NOl fOR SUBSID'{ ACCOUN1". 1~~1 I~E ENGI"EER ~DVISE lHE lRE~SURER Or I~E COUN1~ Or ELGIN Or I~E ~MOUN1S INVOICED ~"D 1~~1 I~E lRE~SURER C~LCUL~IE I~E IN1ERESl DUE 10 I~E COU"I~ Or ELGIN. I~E .R~IE BEl"G p~ID B~ lHE COUN1~ Or ELGI" 10 I~E B~NK Or MO"IRE~L FROM lIME 10 1IME. 1~~1 I~E COUN1~ RO~D DEP~R1ME"1 REIMBURSE I~E COU"I~IS GENER~L ~CCOUNl 0" ~ MON1HL~ B~SIS rOR lHE IN1ERESl C~~RGES rOR lHE MON1H. lH~1 I~E IN1ERESl C~~RGES BE C~LCUL~IED 10 COINCIDE ~IIH I~E D~IES Or ISSUE Or I~E COUN1~ RO~D DEP~R1ME"1 p~~LIS1S. ~"D m~1 I~E COUN1~ Or MIDDLESEX BE C~~RGED IN1ERESl ON lHE AMOUN1S Or IN1ERESl p~ID B~ lHE COUN1~ Of ELGIN ON lHE l'\ON1HL~ OU1S1~NDING 1"IERESl CHARGES. E. NEUKAMM CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 9. The Engineer read a letter from Walmsley Bros. Limited requesting an extension of completion dates. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE REQUEST OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED TO EXTEND THEIR CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS COMPLETION DATES FOR ITEMS #1, #2, #6, #7, #8, h!lO AND #11 OF THE CONTRACT TO JULY 30, 1989 BE GRANTED INASMUCH AS WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED HAVE BEEN REQUESTED BY THE COUNTY OF OXFORD TO COMPLETE THEIR 1988 CONTRACT WITH THEM WHICH WALMSLEY'S LEFT TO DO WORK IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ON COUNTY ROAD #24 IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER OF 1988. CARRIED." Thus it appears that paving will not start until the end of June or the 1st of July which would be to the County's advantage since there is not an abundance of granular material for shouldering. The Engineer asked the Commiteee members whether they were interested in pursuing County road by-laws to control and enforce parking, obstructions on roadsides and entrances and whether these would be enforced by the County's By-Law Enforcement Officer. After some discussion it was agreed that the Engineer should proceed with the preparation of these by-laws and the method of enforcement would be determined at a later date. The Engineer handed out preliminary by-laws for obstructions on roadsides and entrances based on by-laws used in the County of Kent. The Engineer reported on a meeting between the Chairman and himself with representatives of the Port Stanley Terminal Rail and referred to two letters received from the Port Stanley Terminal Rail. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE GIVE TO THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL ANY RAILWAY FLASHING LIGHT EQUIPMENT NOW IN THE POSSESSION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHICH WAS OBTAINED FROM THE CSX CORPORATION. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 10. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BE ADVISED THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HAS NO OBJECTION TO THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL RUNNING EXCURSION TRAINS AFTER DARK BETWEEN THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #51 AND THE SOUTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD #2~1 PROVIDED THAT FLASHING LIGHT CROSSING PROTECTION IS INSTALLED BY THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL AT THEIR EXPENSE AS PER THEIR PROPOSAL TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE DATED JUNE 7, 1989. IT IS ALSO UNDERSTOOD THAT THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL WILL MEET WITH ALL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO IN THEIR LETTER DATED AUGUST 17, 1988 TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD AND THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL AND WILL ALSO FOLLOW OTHER SAFETY RULES AS REQUIRED BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL WITHDRAW THEIR REQUIREMENT FOR DAYTIME STOPPING OF TRAINS OF THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL AT THE COUNTY ROAD #21 (WARREN STREET) CROSSING WHEN FLASHING LIGHTS (NOTED ABOVE) ARE IN OPERATION. CARRIED." The Engineer read at letter frdm Mr. Norman Pearce on Road #45 requesting whether the County was interested in removing his apple stoy'age building. Based on the preliminary plans for this intersection the building would not be in the way. "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE ADVISE MR. NORMAN PEARCE THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN DOES NOT REQUIRE THE REMOVAL OF HIS APPLE STORAGE BUILDING ON COUNTY ROAD #45 IN LOT 28, CONCESSION VI, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE AS ANY PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD #45 AND COUNTY ROAD #35 WILL NOT AFFECT THE BUILDING. THAT MR. PEARCE BE ADVISED THAT IF THE BUILDING IS REMOVED HE WILL HAVE TO COMPlY WITH THE BY-LAWS AND SETBACKS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH WITH REGARD TO ITS REPLACEMENT. CARRIED." SI. I~OM~S, ON1~RIO JUNE B, 1989 p~GE 11. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a request from "atura1 ResOurces GaS requesting a francnise agreement based on tne model francnise agreement. 1M Engineer nanded out copies of tne proposed ffancnise agreement and indicated tnat tniS ~ould nave to be signed prior to any ~orK on Road #43 since once tne agreement ~aS signed, due to tne age of tneir gas mains tneY ~ould nave to be relOcated at nO cost to tM County. Reeve cnute indicated tnat tM 10~ns\'1iP of Baynam nad signed a francnise agreement recentlY ~itn Natural ResOurces Gas. "tJ\O\JED B'{: SECO"UED B~: C. R. ~ILLSE~ 1~~1 ~E RECOMl'IE"D 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~ -L~'tI BE p~SSED 10 ~Ul~ORllE I~E ~~RDE" ~"D CLERK 10 SIG" ~ rR~"C~ISE ~GREEl'IE"1 ~n~ "~I\lR~L RESOURCES G~S rOR I~E CO\lNl~ Or ELGI" RO~D S~SIEM. E. NEU\Z~tJ\tJ\ lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a request from cable Net Limited ~no are installing cable in tne ~illage of port Bur~ell. lne agreement tnat tney nad supplied appeared satisfactory since it ~ould be similar to otner cable agreements tnat tne County nas ~itn otner cable companies. lne Engineer brieflY discUssed ~netner a fee snould be cnarged as proposed bY tne County of Bruce Engineer at tne ontario Good Roads ~ssociation conference. It ~as felt tnat a fee ~ould not be reQuired. C~RRIEO." "tJ\O\JEO B'{: SECONDED B~: ~. J. l'IElE"B\lRG 1~~1 ~E RECOMME"D 10 COUN1~ COU"CIL lH~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSED 10 ~Ul~ORllE lHE ~~RDE" ~ND CELRK 10 SIG" ~" ~GREEMENl ~n~ Ol RUR~L lELE~lSIO" C~BLE S~SIEl'IS I"CORPOR~IED 10 ~LLO~ I~EM 10 USE I~E COU"I~ Or ELGIN RO~DS I" I~E l'IUNIClP~Ln~ Or PORI BUR'tIELL. D. \J. Ct\U1E C~RRIEO." I~E E"GINEER REPOR1ED 0" SE~ER~"CES, REIONI"GS ~ND ~~RI~NCES ~S rOLLO~S: I. 10~nsniP of ~ldboroUgn Official Plan regarding approval ~itn minor cnanges bY tne tJ\inistfY. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 12. 2. Comprehensive zoning by-law regarding West Lorne. 3. Road #3, development by Mr. Pullybank and Mr. Lee. The Engineer reported that no plan had been received to date and Reeve Mezenburg reported that the Township Council had requested a site plan prior to proceeding any further with this development. 4. Road #3, New Glasgow. The Engineer reported that no plan had been received regarding vehicle entrances, etc. for this proposed trailer park. 5. Road #14, minor variance in Iona. The Engineer reported that proper drainage would be required. 6. Road #20, condominium development in Port Stanley. The Engineer reported that the entrance plan was agreeable to him, however to date he had not received an agreement. The Engineer reported that he would require approval from the Village Engineer for the entrance work and work in the municipal drain. The Engineer reported that he would expedite this matter' with the co-operation of the Chairman and Reeve Lavereau. 7. Road #32. The Engineer reported that the Chairman had lifted an objection after Ontario Hydro agreed to pave the entrances as soon as possible across from the Police College. 8. Road #35, Glenn White Industries. The Engineer reporte!d that an entrance plan had not yet been provided, however this would be covered by a site plan agreement with the Township. 9. Road #38, rezoning rural residential by Mr. Mitchell. The Engineer reported that there was an existing entrance at this particular location. 10. Road #38, driveway for Mr. Morrison. The Engineer felt that this development across the road from the previous one was acceptable to him, however Reeve Chute indicated that they would not approve the lot since it had no frontage on a public road. The Engineer would investigate this matter further. 11. Road #40 rezoning Mount Salem, additional residential lots being created. Sl. lHOMAS, ON1ARIO JUNE 8, 1989 P f\GE 13. 12. Road #42 JedriaK. lne County Solicitor nas dra~n up an agreement at tne request of tne Cnairman and at tne e~pense of Mr. JedriaK. ~ deposit cneque in tne amount of $5,000 ~ill be given to tne County of Elgin pending a proper plan. "MOVED B~: ~. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED B~: R. J. L~VERE~U lH~1 ~E ~PPROVE \HE ~ClI0NS Or lHE c~~IRM~N IN OB1~INING ~N ~GREEMENl ~IIH REG~RO 10 ~ SEVER~NCE PROPOSED IN LOl 11, CONCESSIO" 1, VILL~GE Or PORI BUR~ELL (E. JEOERICK) IN WHIC~ ~ REQUIREMENl ~~S 1~~1 ~ BONO CHEQUE IN I~E ~MOUNl Or $5,000.00 BE PROVIDED 10 I~E COUN1~ Or ELGIN 10 GU~R~N1EE 1~~1 ~ nN~L PROPOS~L SUl1~BLE 10 I~E cOUNn Or ELGIN RO~O COMM111EE ~OULO BE NEG01I~IEO ~1 ~ L~IER o~IE. CARRIED." 13. Road 1142, lY'ailer parK and vanderspai l1e. ~ pielimi nary s\<.etcn nas been received; tnis development nas not yet been resolved. 14. Road #43, Walker: (a) proposed subdivision in Ricnmond. lnis nas been sold to ne~ o~ners ~bb ~ill presumablY carry out 8. site plan subdivision agreement ~itn the 10'llnshiP. (b) lnree, 3 acre lots nave been proposed bet~een tne t~o bridges. lne Engineer reported tnat ne ~ould require adequate drainage and road ~idening and tnat tM sKetcn tnat ~as provided ~as not clear. 15 . Road 1145, 1 erry, Malan ide 1 own sn i p . In i s ~a s inspected by tneCna i rmart and it ~as agreed tnat a catcnbasin and pipe ~ould be required. 16 . Road 1148, McCa 11 um , Lyons Or a in. If tne 1 o~n sn i P of soutn oorcnester guarantees tne installation of tne drain tne County ~ould approve tne severance, nowever road ~idening ~ould be required. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 8, 1989 PAGE 14. "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE ADVISE THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER THAT WE ARE PREPARED TO GRANT OUR APPROVAL FOR THE ENTRANCES AND DRAINAGE REQUIRED FOR THE MCCALLUM SEVERANCE ON COUNTY ROAD #48 IN LOT 13, CONCESSION X, TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER PROVIDING THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER IS WILLING TO GIVE A STATEMENT THAT THEY WILL COMPLETE AND ASSESS THE LYONS DRAIN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REPORT OF JOHN SPRIET. CARRIED." Reeve Willsey indicated that the drainage report has beE~n approved by the Township of South Dorchester Council. 17. Road #48, Faulds subdivision. The Engineer reported that he has a good drawing for this development showing two accesses and hE~ felt that the proposal was acceptable. 18. Road: #52, car sales, Andrews. The Engineer briefly reported on the developments in that area and indicated that the sale had been relocated into St. Thomas. 19. Road 1152, severance Township of Malahide, Friesen. A nE~W proposal was received for this development and upon inspection with the Chairman the Engineer reported that this development could be approved with some modifications. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. From the Township of Malahide, Charlene Berdan and others regarding the condition of Road #35. 2. A letter had been received from Mr. Tom Interven on Southdale Road (Road #57) requesting a reduction in speed limits. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." jJ j ---'~{~ ~~. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 17, 1989 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the County Administration Building May 17, 1989 in conjunction with County Council. Alll members except Reeve Avram were present. Also present were the Engineer, Assistant Engineer, and Mr. Bob Stock of the M.T.O. Asphalt tenders were opened and were as attached. After Checking. "MOVED BY: REEVE H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: REEVE C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD., FOR THE HOT MIX PAVING, CONTRACT IAI FOR THE TOTAL TENDERED PRICE OF $499,569.45. CARRIED" I~~:EDgineer-:repert~d_tbat tbe 6fficial nQtiftGatieo=ba~:b~eo",reGeiM~d~fro~ the Ministry that the County's request for $400,000.00 SupplE~mentary Allocation, ($300,000.00 Subsidy) for Road 30 had been approved. However, the request for $250,000.00 expenditure on Middlemiss Bridge had been denied.. After some discussion it was felt that a request for Supplementary Allocation of funds in the amount of a $100,000.00 expenditure ($80,000.00 Subsidy) for Gillets Bridge should be made. "MOVED BY: REEVE E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: REEVE R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE APPLY TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $80~1000.00 (SUBSIDY) ($100,000, 00: EXPEND:I:TURE ) FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FLOOR ON THE GI LLETS BRI DGE. The I I I I Engineer updated the Committee on the I I I I C)\RRI ED, II suit of the Township of Bayham vs Natural Resources Gas. He stated that the tenders were now out ~or the sale of trucks #70 and #116 to close on June the 6th. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~f\'{ \7, \9B9 ? f\GE 2 lne Cnairman, ~arden and Engineer noted nat tne county of Middlese~ ~as interested in a studY to supplY ~ater to vario s municipalitieS in Elgin and \IIi dd 1 ese~. lne CM i rman noted tMt i nasmuc n as on Y 30% of tM ca pa city to tM . I'K tnat tne pipeline ~ould be LaKe Erie ~ater System ~as being used, It ~as leY . . tn LaKe ~ufOn Pipeline t~lnned. lMre e~tended to tne London area ratner tnan navlng e . ~as alsO some interest in providing ~ater to munic palitieS in east and ~est Elgin . 'd d t isCUSS tne matter furtner at d Middlese~ counties. lne committee decl e 0 an .' C t of Middlese~ Road " "t ~aS liKelY tnat a meeting ~Itn tne oun y tneir ne~t meeting as I committee ~ould be Mld sometime near tne end of Jlilne. I~E coMMlllEE ~OJOUR"EO 10 JU"E 8, '989. ~JfJ71~ CONTRACT · AU 1. ROAD 116 CULVERT 2. ROAD #45 CULVERT 3. ROAD 122 4. ROAD #2 TO ECKER DRAIN 5. ROAD #30 6. ROAD #24 7. ROAD #57 8. ROAD #18 9. ROAD #14 MIDDLEMISS 10. ROADS #40 & 145 PATCHES SUMMARY OF HOT MIX TENDERS UNrT EST. OESeRIP. TONS 1Ft. PR.!CE J ..fi...1:...4.. ..'.. _ _ .1?_0_ , CURB J 240' , H.L.4 I 330 --- ---.--...- --- I _~~~B_ _~_ }.!~~9_' I H.L.4' 500 I J1:.~.13_..'_ _.. _ ~99.. I CURB I 50' .... - ---- -------- I .~:~.~_!.. _f!~?Q_ , .. ~: 1-: ~ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ 1_ ~O_ , ..~: ~:.4. .'_ _ _ . ~q9_ I _ tf~ k..8. J _ .. ~ ,~~Q9_ , ..~: l-:~_ .'.. _~!P.~9_ I . fi..J~...4.-}.. .J.,.Q.qp_ I _ R..L"1.S..'._. Z, S~S. I ...11 ~ 1-. .. ~..!.. . ~ 1.? QQ. I _.~y~ __'_ .. . ~ ~ ~?.?. I I H.L.8 1 350 ....--------.. - -.-- I H. L.4 , 375 . - -. -. - -. . . - - - - - -. ~Ei._9..3.. _ 4. :.O_Q. ~Q~f~ _f)JZQ '1.]... ~j ~}.:.1? J..Q.:.QQ _2..2.:_5] 25...~ 25.38 .25 ~J..B ..~?:.J} _2.6...6.3 .?_4:.~~ ..2.4& 5.6 _. ..Q.:.20 _29.1_3.7 _ .2.9..s.17 I ..~~~~_ _ ~ ... . _ ~9Q' ..J_::_~O WALMSLEY AMOUNT .2..: ~~ ~,-~Q. __ 2~.o..!.9Q 1J.2 2Z.5.! ZQ J~g~~!.QQ 1)-, Z4.52 _O_Q to j ~~91_ QQ ___5_QJ1..QQ ~~,-5_4Ji_50 ~~L..1~~_5Q _Z~~]_4!._~~ ~p.J_5)_~t_Q.Q Z&_,..6_4.~ _~.O 2.fi_~Q.30_jJ..0 ~fz 9. ~ 1_9..9 7.~.1 ~9..4_9.9 ....t,_t 1 {.._~O lO.s.2Z~__~0 Jj ~Ql.~_Z5 ..l~ Qplt...Q..o UNIT PRICE 3_6.:~Q._ 12.76 .........- ...-- 31.58 ----- --- _4~J.f._ ~Q:.Zl_ 31.58 --.,..-~ ~~:.!~ - ~9_._Q2... ~?_._~~- 27.49 ?~: 7.9._ 25.66 Z5.:.a9. 24.07 .f~.:.l?_ 2.12 "_<eo~ =~~~ J.?_~9_~ J.~ :.38 .LQ:.?Z I ..~:!-:.'!_'. ...._~~Q .J2::.64 .t?lA?!l_..QO _~..1_~JJ 11. YARMOUTH (CON. IV) H.L.4; 1,500 TOTALS --.--.. .! . .-- -. ... .--- 26.63 39,94$ 00 $499,56~.45 25.49 TOWLAND AMOUNT _5...z 17_5!. QQ _l,.Q2~._~9 LQ.~~21!..~9 6 138.80 ~~J. _ _... ___ l~.z ~?~1_9.9 1.2..'.. ~~2.! .99 _.?.z ~~~..?.9 .22 .?J.?9__~9 29 727. 50 __.1..__...__ _.8.'_~~I _?P 33 264 00 ....'.... - ---.. _~~J ?_6..~_QO .fP-'-~Q~__Q.O _~g!Z~~_25 .?2.z.2_~9__QO u? .:7.q~__Q.0 ll-,_f ~ J.'n~Q 1.f.'.J..~?.!. 50 .~.? 1ll t 9.9 11 93& 50 ._.2...__.__ __..___. J_._ 38,23~ 00 $512,444.35 UNIT PRrCE It It 198..9. AMOUNT --- - .!_- ~.... - - -.......- -.. ... - ....!.- ... .... - ---'....~~ .__ __ _ _L__ ___.....1__. ...---_..!._- ..- - -. - _.'----- ___ .._1_.- _____..._L.._ ____..1__- _...___.. J__ ...__ _.. J___ ____..1__ -- -.-. . -'-.-. ..____..t__. I .-.-. -. . ..... .....---...-- ----.-'-.- .....__..t___. -.... --.. !_..- ESTIMATE AMOUNT 5,940 300 13,068 I ,490 12 , 125 9,700 100 61,985 29,095 8,325 38,850 80,520 25,000 61,610 78,080 I ,275 8,890 9,525 375 12,250 36,375 - $494,878 '- COU"I~ or ELGI" RO~O OEPI\R1ME"1 ~ ~ 10 I~E W~ROB" ~"O MEMBERS Or I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" COU"CIL ~OUR RO~O Co~~IIIEE REPOR1S ~S fOLLO~S: I. we nave been advised by tne Ministry lransportatiOn of ontariO that: ta) lney nave approved tne County of Elgin'S request for a spending allocation of $400,000 t$300,OOO subsidY) for construction on Road #30 tRadio Road) in concession ~lll, lo~nsniP of ~armoutn. tlnis ~as tne amount requested.) tb) lnat tney did not approve tne County of Elgin'S request for a spending allocation of $250,000 for constructiOn of tne ~iddlemisS Bridge. I\LL Or ~~IC~ IS RESPEClrULL~ S\lBMlilEO 'A. f>... ~1\Rl'(N C\11\ 1 RM~N COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT MAY 17, 1989 SESSION TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. We have accepted the tender of Walmsley Bros. Limited of London, Ontario at $499,569.45 for hot mix asphalt paving Contract 'AI being the lowest of two (2) tenders received. Of this tender approximately $40,000 of the work will be invoiced to the Township of Yarmouth. Asphalt cement will be supplied by the County and will cost approximately $13.00 per tonne. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a supplementary allocation in the amount of $100,000 ($80,000 Subsidy) for replacement of the floor on the Gillets Bridge, Lot 27, Concessions III and IV, Township of Yarmouth. The County's share of the expenditure is available as the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario rejected the County's request for a supplementary allocation for the Middlemiss Bridge. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED W. A. MARTYN CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MAY 17, 1989 SESSIO~ TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: .' 1. Tenders have been called for hot mix paving for various bud~,eted County construction and resurfacing projects. The tender also included resurfacing on portions of County Road #18 from Highway #4 to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services landfill sitE!. 2. The Engineer has been authorized to replace the floor on the Gillets Bridge as soon as possible so that the County can utilize the gravel that they have piled at the Sparta Pit. Gravel crushing has been postponed at the pit until Fall. The gravel resurfacing budget has been doubled on County roads to $140~OOO. To accommodate these changes work on the St. George Street hill between the Canadian National tracks and the St., George 'Street Bridge has been postponed until 1990. Also postponed is the payment of a drainage assessment on Southdale Road (Road #57) as it appears that the Township of Yarmouth's Drainage Engineer will not have a report for some time. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a by-law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of Port Burwell for the installation and maintenance of a sewer system on County roads in the Village. This by-law will be similar to by-laws passed in March for the Villages of Dutton and Port Stanley. 2. That a by-law be passed limiting the speed to 60 kilomtres per hour on County Road #45 east and west of the County Road #35 intersection at Jaffa. Total length of the zone 1.1 kilometres. 3. Tha~.County of Elgin engage Mr. Andrew Wright to act on the County of Elgin's behalf in the suit of the Township of Bayham against Natural Resources Gas Limited in the Township's attempt to recover their drainage assessment costs for the Straffordville municipal drain. Continued . . . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT - MAY 17, 1989 SESSIO~ PAGE 2. 3. Continued. . . If the Township of Bayham loses the case all drainage assessments against gas pipeline utilities will be in jeopardy. 4. That the fOllowing resolution be endorsed by County Counci 1:: t THAT WHEREAS the Road Committee of the County of Elgin has been made aware of a draft Mini stry of Transportation of Ontario policy on surface type standards which, when incorporated into the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Needs Study Methods Manual, will result in a reduction in funding for the Province's municipal road system. WHEREAS the "bench mark" costing, which is a key component j,n determining needs, is in part based on surface type. WHEREAS any reduction in permitted surface quality will thus result in reduced funding. AND WHEREAS upper tier funding of construction based on the "needs" methodology has been reduced 24% in the last 4 years (3.6% of defined needs in 1984, 3.46% in 1986, 3.42% in 1987, 3.3% in 1988, to 2.74% in 1989). WHEREAS any arbitrary reduction while determining the define!d needs will be multiplied as the trend continues. That the County of Elgin hereby recommends to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that the surface type standards policy be dropped or at least amended to specifically permit local conditions and economies to govern the surface type permitted when establishing "needs" and not just for project specific subSidy at the time of construction. We also recommend: That the Minister of Transportation of Ontario, our M.P.P., Marietta Roberts and the Ontario Good Roads Association be advised of the adop~ion of this resolution. We have been advised that the Ministry of Transporation of Ontario has a draft policy to reduce surface standards on County roads. We feel that if this is adopted that the "needs" in rural municipalities could be seriously curtailed and thus result in a more severe shortage of funding in rural Counties and Townships than presently exists. Continued . . . p/\.GE '3. COU"l~ Qf E~Gl" RO~D COMMlllEE flRSl RtPORl - M~~ 11, 1989 SESSIO" 4. continued. . . lhe Ministry of lransportatiOn of ontario draft is recommending among other chages: · (a) crushed gravel ~ for roads 200 to 400 vehicles per day, pit run gravel ~on roads that have under 200 vehicles per daY and surface treatment for anY road between 400 and 1,000 ~enic\es ?er day. lhe county of Elgin'S experience with surface treatment on roads with 500 to 1,000 vehicles per daY has been very poor. tLaSt winter on Road *51 (Southdale Road).1 ~L~ Of \l\lICH IS RESPEClfUL~~ SUll"'111ED \t. /\.. "'I\R1'<" C\-\l\lR\I\I\" SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO Mf\ '{ 2, 19B9 ?f\GE 1. I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" RO~O COMMlllEE met at tne ~dministratiOn Building at 9:00 a.m., luesday, May 2, 1989. ~ll members ~ere present e~cept Reeve f\'iram. lne Minutes of tne meetings of ~pril 14 and ~pril 19, 1989 ~ere distributed. I~E E"GI"EER REPOR1EO ~s rOLLO~S: 1. lMt plans nave been for~arded by Development Engineering for tne entrance at tne condominium development on county Road #20 in tne ~illage of port stanley, but nad not been revie~ed. 2. lne speed limit by-la~ signs ~ere being erected and a letter nad been for~arded to tne ontario provincial police detacnments ~itn a copy of tne by-la~ asKing for tneir assistance in policing tne areas ~nere tnere ~ere 3. cnanges. ~n agreement nad been reacned ~itn tne st. lnomas sanitary CollectiOn services to use tne ontario consumer price lnde~ as tne inflation inde~ for tneir contribution to tne County for road maintenance on Road #18. ~ll bacK payments from tne st. lnomas sanitary Collection services for Road #18 ~nile under ~unty control n~ be~ received. I~E E"GI"EER REIlOR1EO 0" VlORK 10 O~IE ~S rOLLO~S: 1. "e~Spaper cliPpings ~ere passed around. 2. lne County of Middlese~ nad agreed to placing a limited amount of gravel on Road #37 east of ~ign~aY #73; ~orK ~aS under~aY' 3. Road #28 nad been gravelled from Road #45 to 1/2 Kilometre soutn of Elm street. 4. Road #35 nortn of Or~ell nad been gravel patcned. 5. Road #43 from Ricnmond to tne pnillmore Bridge nad been gravelled. 6. Road #48 required gravel patcning. ~o~ever it ~aS necessary to place salt brine before tne ~orK could be completed. 7. salt brine ~orK ~aS appro~imatelY 2/3 completed and ~ould be 3/4 completed bY tne end of tne ~eeK including portions of Road #37. Sl. lHOMf\S, ONi~RIO M~ '( 2, 1 989 P ~GE 2. 8. snoulder gravelling on Road #16 from st. lnomas to nngal nad been completed and compacted. 9. stump removal on Road #43 ~as under~aY ~itn ~orK naving been completed nortn of calton and ~as under~ay south of Calton. 10. Some tree planting nad been completed. 11. lne GilletS Bridge floor nad been temporarilY snored up. 12. Repairs to drainage and catcnbasins ~ere being made. 13. lrimming and topsoil ~orK on Road #22 ~ould be completed snortly. 14. Holes on Road #27, Road #45, etc., ~nere stumps nad been removed last rall ~ould be filled and topsoiled snortlY, 15. It ~as noped to start pavement marKing earlY ne~t ~eeK as paint ~as e~pected to be delivered on Monday lMay 8tn). 16. lne s~eeper nad been repaired and ~orK waS under~ay. 17. 1~0 ne~ dump trucKs nad been received. 18. ~s soon as tne sander bodies nad been removed from lrucK #70 and lruCK #116 tney ~ould be advertiSed for sale. 19. lne Dodge PicKuPS nad not been received altnOUgn tney nad been promised for some time (May 5th). 20. Repairs nad been made to Grader #18 and Grader #20 as required. 21. McLean-laylor construction Limited had completed pile driving at tne Middlemiss Bridge and ~ould be placing concrete at tne soutn abutment shortly and e~pected to complete ~orK on tne centre piers ~ithin t~o ~eeKs. lney alsO e~pected to place rip-rap on tne ~est banK ~itnin tne ~eeK. 22. Cleanup ~orK waS under~ay ,at tne County Garage and a chain linK fence ~ould be erected at tne front ne~t to Road #51. 23. lne County of Middlese~ advised tnat they nad let a contract for tne painting of tne central e~pansion joints of tne ~ardsville Bridge and tne County of Elgin'S cost ~ould be $18,000 to $20,000. PERSO""EL MAIlERS ~ERE REPOR1EO 0" AS rOLLO~S: 1. lne ontario Good Roads scnool ~aS under~aY ~itn rred Grocn teacning and seven road emplOyees enrolled in variouS courses. 51. lHOM~5, ON1~RIO Mf\'l 2, 19B9 pf\GE 3. 2. suzanne ~inKwortn nad transferred from tne Engineer's office lClasS II) to tne Library as a booKKeeper lClasS l~). 1M county's PefSonnel MminiStfator nad been requested to find a suitable replacement as soon as possible. 3. lne rranK Co~an Company's RisK Management Seminar nad been attended by tne Engineers and superintendents. 4. It appearedtnat Mr. Roy Larorge ~ould nave to go on Long lerm Disability and his job posted. 5. lne nigh cost of ~orKers' compensatiOn claims ~ere discUssed and it ~as noted tnat tne County nad a nign claim profile ~ith tne Elgin Manor leading tne ~aY witn tne Roads Department not far benind. It ~aS understood tnat tne personnel committee ~as discussing tne matter further. "MO~EO B~: ~. K. rORO SECO"OEO B~: R. r. COLES lH~1 I~E rOLLO~I"G ~CcoU"IS BE ~PPRO~EO FOR p~~ME"I: p~~LISl "UMBER 15 ~MOU"II"G 10 $100,055.68 p~~LlSl "UMllER 16 /lMOU"IHIG 10 $56,197 .63 C~RRIED." to inspect tne Gillets Bridge to ascertain ~netner or not a ne~ concrete decK ~rrangements nad been made for Mr. David cramm of C. C. ParKer consultants could be placed on tne bridge or if it ~ere necessary to resort to a ~ooden deCK. It ~as noped tnat a concrete decK could be placed and would provide many more years of service tnan a ~ood decK as it appeared tnat tne bridge ~as in good condition otner tnan tne floor. st. George street from tne st. George Street Bridge to tne canadian "ational tracKs as ~ell as tne municipal drain payment on soutndale Road lRoad #57) as tne report ~ould not be available from tne 10~nsnip of ~armouth Drainage Engineer for some time and it ~as unliKelY tne drain ~ould be constructed in 1989. cnanges to tne Road Budget as a result of spring breaKup ~ere discUssed. It ~as decided after some discUssion todelete construction ~orK on SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~f\ '{ '2, 1 989 ? f\GE l\.. l. roads maintenance. f d b K to tne st. lnomas 2. Road #57 lsoutndale Road) could be trans erre aC ' " " a~d tne cost of pa~ing on tne east portion l$50,000) Suburban Road commiSSion .. could be assumed bY tne commission. " 1 $Ol 000 on tne Road #22 constructiOn programme could be 3. ~ppro~lmate yo, _" lnis in turn ~ould assumed bY tne st. lnomas Suburban Road commiSSion. free up funds for tne Gillets Bridge floOr replacement. f th Gl"llets Bridge floOr ~as estimated at appro~imatelY 4. Replacement 0 \Ie BY deleting tnese itemS tne road programme could be rearranged as follo~S: 00) ld be available for Suburban ~dditiOnal funds lappro~imatelY $35,0 cOu $77,000. "t ~ould be impossible to G"llets Bridge floor I 11 nse of tne I " 5. Due to tne CO ay " lnis ~ould result In "led at tne sparta Pit. use tne gravel alreadY pi I t tne Pleasant ~alleY Pit " and crusn more grave a additiOnal costs to pile t to $100,000 from ~:~ult in an increase of carryo~er cOS' snoUldering costs. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~f\'{ 2, 1989 ?f\GE 5. 8. lne county ~inter control budget ~ould not nave to be increased. 9. lne tree cutting budget ~ould nave to be increased as labour ~aS used to cut trees ratner tnan sno~plo~ing. lne money originallY budgeted for sno~plo~ing nad been used to spread salt and sand. "1 "1 bl in tne maintenance budget tlesS 10. Some uncommitted funds ~ere stll a~al a e 11. than $70,000). It ~as recommended tnat Road #18 from ~ign~aY #4 ~esterlY be aspnalt resurfaced, no~ever it ~aS e~pected tnat appro~imatelY $165,000 ~ould remain uncommitted from tne resurfacing budget ~nicn snould remain uncommitted until late summer as tne county's recent record of disasters appeared to be at lease t~O per year tto date ~e onlY na~e one - Gillets Bridge). lne Engineer reported to tne committee, after a telepnone call to tne MuniCipal Roads Office in loronto, tnat indicatiOns ~ere tnat tne Ministry of lransportatiOn of ontario ~ould approve a supplementary spending request of $300,000 subsid~ for $400,000 e~penditure for ~orK on Road #30 tfull amount re~uested). "0 funds ~ould be fortncoming for tne otner supplementary request of $250,000 e~penditure for tne MiddlemisS Bridge. lnus tnere ~ould be no surplUS funds available from tne MiddlemisS Bridge and ~orK on Road #43 ~ould not be able to proceed otner tnan land purcnase and tne removal of stumps. lne Engineer noted tnat overnead costs tfringe benefit costs, ne~ macninery and nousing) ~ould remain uncnanged. lne committee appro~ed tnese cnanges after diSCUssion and instructed tne Engineer to fo~~ard via mail tne revised budget. It ~as agreed tnat engineering snould continUe on tne st. George street nill and tniS item snould be placed in tne 1990 budget for completion, unlesS tne City of St. lnomas anne~ed tnat portion of road. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO tl\f\ '{ 2, 1989 pf\GE 6. "~O\jED B'{: SECO"OEO B~: E. "EUK~M 1~~1 I~E E"GI"EER BE ~Ul~ORllEO 10 C~LL lE"OERS rOR ~01 MIX "'Sp~~L 1 p~~I"G rOR 1989 ~11~ lE"OERS 10 CLOSE ~1 9:00 ~.M., ~EO"ESO~~' M~~ 17, 1989. Cf\RR 1 ED. " C. R. ~lLLSE'{ \\tI\O\jED B'{: SECO"OEO B~: O.~. C~U1E 1~~1 I~E E"GI"EER BE ~Ul~ORllEO 10 PROCEED ~11~ I~E REPL~CEME"1 Or I~E rLOOR 0" I~E GILLE1S BRIDGE. \1. J. ~EIENBURG Cf\RRIED.\\ ~ request nad been received from tne ~illage of port Bur~ell to enter into an agreement for se~age lines on County roads ~itn tne usual terms and conditions. \\~O\jED B'{: SECO"OEO B~: R. J. L"'~ERE~U 1~~1 ~E RECOMME"O 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSEO ~Ul~ORlll"G I~E ~~ROE~ ~"O CLERK 10 SIG" I~E SI","O~RO I~PE Or ~GREEME"1 ~n~ I~E ~ILL~GE Or PORI BUR~ELL rOR I~E I~SI~LLMIO" Or SE~~GE LI"ES I" I~E ~ILL~GE. Cf\RRl ED. \\ lne committee revie~ed tne proposed letter from M. M. Dillon to residents at tne laits Bridge area giving tneir findingS and recommendatiOns on tne laits Bridge ?ro?osa1.. lne Engineer noted tnat after disCUssions ~itn tne County of Middlese~ " A h" 1f ... ... Dillon nad modified tM original letter as indicated Eng I nee r anu" I ro,se ' \". \',. and tne letter no~ appeared to be satisfactory. 1M committee agreed and asKed tnat M. M. Dillon for~afd tM amended letter to tne residents as soon as possible. \1. F. L'{Lt. ~ letter from Mr. ~ndre~ ~rignt regarding "atural ReSOurces Gas ~itnregard to tne 10~nsnip of Baynam'S attempts to recover tneir drainage assessment costs for tne straffordville drain ~as diSCUssed at some lengtn. continued. . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 2, 1989 PAGE 7. Mr. Wright had phoned and asked for additional information with regard to earlier payments by Central Pipeline and Medina Gas (predecessors of Natural Resources Gas) with some indication that these previous payments might have bound Natural Resources Gas to accept the assessment. Until such time as there was a test case in the Courts it appeared that the legislation would not be changed or clarified. Unless this case was won all utility assessments for municipal drains could not be enforced. Again after further discussion. IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ENGAGE MR. ANDREW WRIGHT TO ACT ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S BEHALF IN THE SUIT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM AGAINST NATURAL RESOURCES GAS LIMITED IN THE TOWNSHIP'S ATTEMPT TO RECOVER THEIR DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT COSTS FOR THE STRAFFORDVILLE MUNICIPAL DRAIN. CARREID.II The Engineer reported that Natural Resources Gas were quite eager to proceed with the Model Franchise Agreement. This agreement would force Natural Resources Gas to move the gas line on Road #43 at no charge to the County. Natural Resources Gas were also interested in having a Franchise Aglreement with the Township of Malahide and the Township of Yarmouth. The Committee was favourable to recommending the Model Franchise Agreement to County Council but felt that further discussions should be held with Natural Resources Gas to ensure that the Road #43 pipeline would be moved at no cost to the County prior to a Franchise Agreement being signed. Safety at the intersection of Road #35 and Road #45 at Jaffa was discussed at some length. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~f\'{ 2, 1989 P f\GE B. "~O\jED B'{: SECO~OEO B~: C. R. ~ILLSE~ 1~~1 ~E RECOM~E"O 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~SSEO LIMlll"G I~E SPEED 0" COU"I~ RO~O #45, E~SI ~"O ~Esl Or COU"I~ RO~O #35 10 60 KILOMElRES. lrROM I~E ~eSl LIMn Or I~E PE~RCE PROPER1~ 0" I~E SOuW SIDE I" ~~RMOU1~ 10~"S~lP 10 I~E E~SI LIMn Or JULl~" I~ELM~" PROPER1~ 0" I~E "OR1~ SIDE I" M~L~~IOE 10~~S~lP.) f\. \Z. fORD lne Engineer nad received anotner complaint from Mrs. McCallum ~itn regard to ner property on tne soutn~old side at tne intersection of Road #13 and Road Cf\RRl ED. \' #14. Since tnat time nignt flasning lignts nave been installed on tne "stoP ~Mad" and "stop" signs. 1M committee ~ere of tne opinion tnat no furtMr safety measures could be taKen at tniS time. 1M Engineer reported tnat Mr. Ian cnad~icK of tne Ministry of wansportatiOn of ontario Rail Office nad requested a meeting ~itn tne ~arden, cnairman, Engineer and representatiVes of tne port stanley lerminal Rail to disCUSS tne port stanley lermina1 Rail's application to run at nignt and to allo~ tnem to transport passengers from union to st. lnomas. lne committee instructed tne Engineer to arrange a meeting as soon as lhe attached l~V- regarding tne Ministry of lransportaolU" ~as disCUssed at some lengtn. , ^+t,e r from tM Un i ted Count i e s of stormont, Dundas and G 1 eng a rfY L:^~ of ontario'S Draft surface lype standards ?ossib1e. lne committee ~as not in favOur of retrogresSiOn of standards noting tnat d 1" A to county roads little surface treatment ~orK if tnese standar s ~ere app leu could be done bY tne 10~nsniPS and tne Ministry of wansportatiOn ~ould onlY subsidize pit run gravel on most of tneir roads. lne Engineer stated tnat d '"I"th 400 to 1 000 venicle category in Counties nad surface treatment on roa s ~I \I' , turned up poorlY in tne past, noting tne latest poor results on soutndale Road lRoad #57) ~nicn nad 850 venicles per daY, lne Engineer also noted tnat continued 51. lHOM~5, ON1~RIO M~ y 2, 1989 p~GE 9. development roads built 20 years ago by tne Ministry of lransportation of Ontario ~itn 2 incnes of not mix aspnalt had to be resurfaced the ne~t year because of the failure of tne 2 inches of not mi~ to carry traffic. Ne~ construction and resurfacing work in tne past 20 years had a minimum of 3 inches of asphalt. "MOVED BY: E. NEUK~MM SECO"OEO B~: H. J. ME2E"BURG WHEREAS lHE ROAD COMMlT1EE Or lHE COu"H OF ELG1" ~AS BEEN MADE ~WARE OF A ORAr1 POLIC~ ON SURFACE 1~PE SIANO~ROS ~HIC~, WHE" I"CORPORA1EO 1"10 1HE NEEDS SIUO~ ME1~00S MANU~L, ~llL RESULl IN ~ REOUClI0" I" FUNOI"G FOR I~E PRO~I"CE IS MU"ICIPAl ROAD S~SIEM. 1M "BE"CH MARK" COsn"G, ~HICH IS ~ Kn COMPONE"1 IN OE1ERMI"ING NEEDS, IS IN PARI B~SEO ON SURFACE I~PE. ~"~ REOUClI0" IN PERMIllEO SURFACE QUAlllY ~ILL lHUS RESULl I" REDUCED rU"OING. A"O ~~EREAS UPPER nER FUNDING Or CO"SIRucnON B~SEO 0" lHE "NEEDS" MElHOOOlGY HAS BEEN REDUCED 24% IN lHE lASl 4 ~EARS (3.6% OF OEFI"EO "EEOS 1" 1985, 3.46% 1" 1986, 3.42% 1" 1987, 3.3% I" 1988, 10 2.74% 1" 1989). A"~ ARBllR~R~ REOUClI0N~~IlEOE1ERMI"I"G lHE DEFINED "EEOS ~ILL BE MUlllPLIEO AS lHIS TREND CON11NUES. lHE ROAD COMMlT1EE Or lHE COU"H Or ELGI" ~EREB~ ASKS lHA1 lHE ORAFI SURFACE I~PE SIA"OARDS POLIC~ BE DROPPED OR A1 LEASl AMENDED 10 SPECIFIC~llY PERMll lOCAL CO"01110"S A"D ECONOMIES 10 GO~ERN lHE SURF~CE I~PE PERMlllEO WHEN ES1ABLlSHI"G "NEEDS" NOl JUSl FOR PROJECl SI'ECIF1C SUBSlOY AI 1~E nME Or CON51RUC110N. ~E RECOMME"O 10 COU"I~ COUNCIL: (1) 1HAl lHE ~BO~E RESOlunON BE AOOP1EO B~ COUNH COU"CIl. (2) lHAl lHE MmIS1R~ Or IRANSPORI All 0" OF O"I~RIO, OUR M.P.P., ~"D lHE 0"1~RIO GOOD RO~OS ASSOCIAlI0" BE AO~ISEO OF 1~IS RESOLUlI0". C~RRIED." SE~ERA"CE APPLICA1IO"S, E1C., ~ERE DISCUSSED AS FOlLO~S: 1. Road #41 in Vienna. 1M Engineer nad requested tnat grading be completed around catchbasins at the Elgin-Aylmer Development Holding Limited Company (apartment development). 51. lHOM~5, ON1~RIO M~ '( 2, 1 989 pf\GE 10. 2. Road #42, Mccord. lot 13, Concess ion 1, ~i 11 age of port Bur~e 11. 1M county nas requested a closed drain ~itn catcnbasins to tne ~est of tne county's present drain System. 3. Road #42, JedricK (~illage of port Bur~ell). lne Engineer reported tnat Mr. Silf~erbrand nad purcnased tne rest of Mr. JedricK'S property, tnuS tnere was no severance. 4. Road #52, Friesen. Mr. Friesen nad appealed tne county's notice to install catcnbasins and closed drainage in front of 4 lots tnat ne ~as severing east of Road #35. lne committee discUssed tne matter and instructed tne Engineer to ~rite Mr. rriesen informing nim tnat catchbasins and pipes ~ould be required and a ne~ plan ~ould be fortncOming and ~orK completed before a severance ~ould be granted. 5. Road #45, Government Services. Entrance to tne ontario Hospital, tne matter ~as in abeyance as no funds nad been appropriated for an entrance bY tne province. 6. Road #48, Faulds residential; ~amlet of Lyons. lne 10~nsniP of soutn oorcnester nad passed an official plan amendment tnat ~as being circulated by tne Ministry of Municipal ~ffairs, nowever the county's concerns ~ould be taKen into consideratiOn ~nen the plan of subdivision was considered. ~n application for subdivision ~itn an entrance road on Road #8. lne ~illage of Dutton nad been informed tnat tne entrance road ~ould nave to 7. Road #8, outton-~est Lorne HoldingS. meet ~itn County standards for subdivision roads. 8. 1M Engineer nad written tM ~i11age of Belmont informing tMm that tM subdivision road on Borden ~venue ~ould also nave to meet ~itn county standards. 9. Road #20 (Lot 12, Range 1, soutn of Union Road), leK Builders and Haynoe construction. lney have been granted an entrance to property using a culvert (MacK ~orK property)- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 2, 1989 PAGE II. 10. Road #8 (North of Dutton), Don McDonald. Earl McDonald and Sons Transport had been granted an entrance, provided a catchbasin be installed, the ditch regraded and a proper outlet for the catchbasin provided at the owner's expense. 11. Road #45, Mrs. Rose Pihokker, Township of Bayham. She had been advised that the County could not comment on an application for severance until such time as she actually made an application. 12. Road #3, Pulleybank, entrance south of Highway #401 exchange. The Chairman reported that the County had been requested to allow an entrance from Road #3 between the lamb house and Lee buildings for vehicles entering the proposed restaurant property, however all traffic would exit via the Gore Road. After further discussion the Committee had no objection to this provided the entrance way was from the north only, the roadway be widened and curb and gutter installed at the owners expense and to Ministry of Transportation of Ontario standards, left hand turns from traffic coming from the south off of Furnival Road be prohibited from entering the property and that the road from the Gore be used for both entry and exits. 13. Road #42, Township of Bayham; mobile trailer park. There was no further information available with regard to the County's appeal. 14. Village of ROdney subdivision with entrance from Centre Street. The Committee noted that if an entrance was required from Furnival Road (Road #3) either in the Village of Rodney or the Township of Aldborough it would have to meet County standards. 15. Various rezonings were noted including a rezoning for a trailer park on Road #3 at New Glasgow. The Engineer was asked to forward comments to the Township with regard to entrances and drainage. 16. It was noted that the Township of Malahide by-law to rezone property on Road #32 as a contractors yard did not contain a provision for the County's request for the paving of the entrances. After discussion. . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 2, 1989 PAGE 12. "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT WE OBJECT TO THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE'S BY-LAW NO. 24-89 (REZONING ON ROAD #32 - CONTRACTOR'S YARD). CARRIED.II 17. Road #2 severance, Veergeer, Lot 9, Concession IX. Mr. Veergeer had agreed to install catchbasins and closed drains required to complete the requirements for severance for the property. 18. Mr. McEown and the Central Mennonite Committee had been advised of the requirements for severance on Road #40 at Mount Salem which included a closed steel pipe drain and catchbasins. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Esso Petroleum stating that they would not operate an asphalt terminal in London this year. Thus all asphalt would have to come from McAsphalt Industries in Port Stanley and would increase costs. 2. Permission had been granted to the Village of Dutton Public Utilities Commission to extend waterline on Road #13. A location had been designated that would be advantageous to both the Village and the County. 3. The Township of Southwold requesting that the County assume a portion of the Townline Road between Delaware and Southwold between the Littlewood Road (Middlesex Road #15) and the present County Road #18 at the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services site. The Engineer had written the Township Council a letter asking them to make the County aware of any change in use that would now make the road meet the criteria for County roads. The Committee asked that all members be forwarded the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario's County road criteria policy. 4. Mr. Ken Howard, on Road #3 north of Rodney requesting that he be allowed to keep his business sign up on the County road. The Committee noted that the sign was on the road allowance and as such there was no provision in the County by-laws nor under the Highway Improvement Continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MA Y 2, 1 989 PAGE 13. 4. Continued... Act to allow this to continue. If the County allowed ttlis to continue then ( ~ ) they would have to allow other signs to be installed along the road allowance as well and if anyone hit the sign the County could incur a liability. The Engineer was instructed to write Mr. Howard and advise him that the sign would have to be moved. 5. Mrs. Charlene Berdan regarding concern for the safety of children in Orwell. Chairman Martyn noted that children in Orwell seem to have no place to play other than on the road. The matter was referred to the Township of Malahide Council for their ~ recommendations and actions. 6. A copy of Mr. Robert Purcell's comments to Ontario Hydro on the proposed CSX corridor through the Village of Dutton. The Engineer was instructed to advise Mr. Purcell that the County of Elgin had no jurisdiction in the matter. lIMOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1989 AT 9:30 A.M. AND THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1989 AT 9: 00 A. M. CARRIED.II ,4L,//' bL~~. W. A. ~ARTYN CHAIRMAN oW" D. J. McDONALD, P.ENG. SUPERINTENDENT & ENGINEER r~ ~ UNITE~~UNTIES STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY 20 PITT STREET CORNWALL, ONTARIO K 6J 3P2 TELEPHONE: 932-1515 932-1516 1989 04 13 MEMORANDUM TO ALL ONTARIO COUNTIES AND REGIONAL MUNICIPALITIES Re: Draft Surface Type Standards The Ministry's directive that will further reduce its funding to upper tier road systems has come to our attention. We ask that you please consider the attached "Draft Surface Type Standards" petition. If in agreement your endorsement to the Ministry would be appreciated. truly, ~ McDonald, P. Eng. County Engineer DJM/ds Encl~ cc: Ontario Good Roads Association Ministry of Transportation of Ontario - Downsview Ministry of Transportation of Ontario - Ottawa ( UNITED COUNTIES OF STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY PROPOSED PETITION FOR CIRCULATION RE: DRAFT SURFACE TYPE STANDARDS The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has over the past years (as have all other municipalities) endured the shortfall of funding for roads. We have endeavoured through job specific requests; submissions to government and associations that are applicable province-wide and by participation in ad- visory committees to maintain, if not increase, funding. A recent draft Ministry of Transportation policy di.rective entitled 2!dJ.::I"C?:.gJ2.'"MM_I.Y.Q!?_M_'M~it..~.!::LgMg,J:.QM~ has c au sed us con c ern . Iff 0 11 owed to conclusion, this policy will further reduce funding, especially funding for low volume road systems. TRAFFIC AADT NOW surface type DRAFT surface type 0-200 gravel pit run o-~oo ----------- crushed gravel 200-1000 prime & double s.t. or rd. mix mulch or ~O mm hot mix double surface treatment ~00-1500 ----------- 50 mm of cold mix L 9~~), 750-2000 ----------- 50 mm of hot mix 1000-2000 ~O to 60 mm of hot mix over 2000 100mm to 1~0 mm hot mix Geotechnical Techniques (Highway Engineering Design memorandum ED-78-36) Note #3 (part) .... ."Where a Municipality wishes to use a surface type beyond the maximum noted in the table ... approval of t:he District En- gineer is required for subsidy purposes". 1 Surface type standards are a part of the Inventory Manual used to determine bench mark costs. A reduction in those stand- ards will reduce the value of needs accepted by the Ministry. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Counties has over the past 5 years used loose surface, surface treatment mulch and hot mix surfaces in its reconstruction programs. Our experience: is that neither surface treatment nor 'mulch have near the durability Cyet cost approx. 80~) of ~O mm of hot mix. It is our fear that the Draft Surface Type Standards may be- come "the" Standards and then will be used to reduce bench mark costs and the "approval of the District Engineer" for a higher surface standard will (as it does now) only come into effect at the time of construction and then only if it can be accommodated within normal allocated subsidy. In a time of shrinking con- struction allocation any reduction in bench mark costs will be further multiplied and road system underfunding will become yet more serious. The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry urge your support in petitioning the Minister of Transportation and the Ministry to amend the dr~ft Surface Type Standards by: a) decreasing the AADT for which a hot mix surface is costed and subsidized and/or b) adding a clarification local conditions and economics show beyond the maximum noted in the table establishing bench mark costs as well design for subsidy. to the effect that, where benefit, a surface type is permitted for use when as approving structural (Note: A sample letter for use in supporting this position is attached.) This petition Transportation; Association. is to be circulated to the Ministry of all counties and regions; and Ontario Good Roads 2 Dear Re. Funding effects of proposed Surface Type Standards. The C ou m c i 1 0 f ~.....,_.._...__...._......._.._.._~.__._____..._...._...._.........__'" ,._......_..... has bee n mad e aware of a Draft Policy on Surface Type Standards which, when in- corporated into the Needs Study Methods Manual, will result in a reduction in funding, for the province's municipal road system. The "bench mark" costing, which is a key component in determining needs, is in part based on surface type. Any reduction in per- mitted surface quality will thus result in reduced funding. Upper tier funding of construction based on the "Needs" methodology has been reduced 24~ in the last q years (3.6% of defined needs in 1985, 3.q6~ in '86, 3.q2% in '87, 3.3~ in '88, to 2.7q% in 1888). Any arbitrary reduction while determining the defined needs will be multiplied as this trend continues. The Coumc i 1 0 f .__............_..,....~......~.~...............~__...._........__._.~...._ ,___ _ ask s t ha t the Draft Surface Type Standards policy be dropped or at least amended to specifically permit local conditions and economies to govern the surface type permitted when establishing "Needs", not Just for project specific subsidy at the time of construction. Yours very truly, 3 (110) NOuJ APPENDIX 0 SURFACE TYPE STANDARDS R U R A LON TAR I 0 R 0 ADS A.A.D.T. AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION o - 200 200 - 1000 SURFACE TYPES (a) GRAVEL (c) PRIME & DOUBLE SURFACE TREATMENT (b) ROAD MIXED MULCH 40 mm OF HOT M1-X (' J) FOR LOWER VOLUMES IN RANGE 40 nun OF HOT MIX (,c1) FOR HIGHER VOLUMES IN RANGE 60 mm OF HOT MIX 1000 - 2000 ABOVE 2000 100 mm to 140 mm OF' HOT MIX NOTES: (a) THE GRADE UPON WHICH THE SURFACE TYPE IS TO BE APPLIED IS ASSUMED TO BE STRUCTURALLY ADEQUATE. (b) APPLY PRIME & DOUBLE SURFACE TREATMENT 0.25 m WIDER THAN LANE WIDTH, EG. 3.0 m LANE WIDTH, APPLY 3.25 m WIDE. (c) SELECTION OF SURFACE TYPE TO BE BASED ON ECONOMY AND PERFORMANCE. GRAVEL IN THE LESS THAN 200 RANGE AND P.&D.S.T. IN THE 200 - 1000 RANGE ARE USUALLY ADEQUATE AND THE MOST ECONOMICAL. Cd) 50 mm OF HOT MIX IS RECOMMENDED IN CHATHAM, LONDON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, OWEN 80UND AND TORONTO DISTRICTS. DRAF,T ATTACHMENT 4 MEAC AGENDA MEETING #88-07 ATTACHMENT #7 ' SURFACE TYPE STANDARDS See ~ttachments I, 2 and 3 for residential subdivision surface type requlrements. The minimum suriface type for new road assumptions and maximum resurfacing type for roads plreadyunder the jurisdiction of th.~ municipality are as follows: A A D T A T TIM E o F CON S T R U C T ION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 :L 1 1 1 1 1 2 SURFACE 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 AI 5 6 7 8 9 0 TYPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~t. 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----------~~ -- PITRUN . GRAVEL . CRUSHED GRAVEL SURFACE TREATMT COLDMIX (50MM) SOMM HOTMIX ',. "~ .- .,' " other Considerations 1.0 2.0 '3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Only well graded, screened pitrun gravels are acceptable. Only double surface treatment is acceptable: Prime and surface treatment may be used with the approval of the District Engineer where double surface treatment has not been satisfactory in the past. Surface typ. e selection is to be. based on. e<;:onollics" truc.'~".""'~,'l' """,'.'....,.. percentages and performance t Where a ,munic1.pal: .ty,;,:wishes .~to~"us;,.,'C:l surface t.y~e beyond the maX1.mum, typei. noted ,.In ..., the ',.table . above}:~lt:~ approval or the. District, Engineer 1.S' r~~i:r,fad;:}~CJ.l7.:{::",;~~R~,~ttY:;;(;I?~~~P.~,!r;~i, The AADT at the time Qf constructiQns is to be used, except where rapid traffic growth 1.S expected, 1n which caSE~ the D~str+ct Eng1.neer may approve use of a 10 Year Future AJ~DT ProJect1on. Where the MDT a\: . the tim~' of <;:ollstrucitI6n'oc exCE~eds "2 OOOthe';'pavement structur. ~ncll1dl.nghot' ml.X thl.ckness shouldbE~. sel~cted uf?1ng:lj/i':::{' geotechn1calte<;:hnl~es. Where necessary. the D1str1ct Englneer shall consult w1th the Regional Geotechnlcal 01:fice in reviewing such designs for subsidy purposes. Highway Engineering Division Memorandum ED-78-36, Structural Design GU1del1nes for Flexible Pavement~{ provide some guidelines for use in reviewing designs with current AADT's 1n excess of 2000. The above guidelines assume that the granular base and subbase structure are adequate and that drainage is sUfficient. It is generally better ln the long term to rebu1ld arl l.nadequate pavement structu~e rather than try to compensate for an inadequate base by increas1ng the thickness of surfacing materials. "Deep strength" hot mix designs require the approval of the Distri9t Engineer. Wnere necessary, the D1strict Engineer will liaise wl.th tne Regional Geotechn1cal Office when reviewing such designs. Where tfie road base or d~ainag~ is not ade~ate the D1f?trict Eng1nE~er, may., decline ~o. prov1de sUbsldy for hardtop surfac1ng. Highway Engineering~Divls10P Memorandum'E.D-78-36, structural DeSignGUlde11.nes.for..F.l.e.X".i...bl.e~~~ ~ Pavements ,and Design 01visi9n M~morandum DD'7"'74~-08"(OO~74-2,~),i~ . ',' Pavement ~t~ucture Design GUldell.nes for Low Traffic'Roads/'prov1de some guidel1nes for use in reviewing granular .depths. APR 26 '89 12:22 FROM DILLQN LDN 5196728209 PAGE.002 DllLLon COnsulting Engineers · Planners Environmental Scientists OUR FILE: ~ YOUR "ILE, 'tJpru 1989 A1999-00 Talt.s Bridge Environmental Study Repor~ Dear As you know, Taltts Bridge has been physically closed since May 1987, because of problems relating to its northern foundatiQu. The Counties of Elgin and Middlesex retained M. ~(. Dillon Limited to prepare an Environmental Study Report in accordance with the Class Environments1 Assessment Process for Municipal Project8~ As part of this process) Dillon developed and evaluated three alternativeS for dealing with the bridge: 1) permanently closing and removing the bridge; 2) repairing the brldg~ and reopening it to traffiC, or; 3) replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge. These alternatives were presented at a Public Information Centre on 1 March 1989 at the Tait's Corners Community Centre. Dillon has completed the evaluation of these thr~~e alterna- tives, based on the impacts of each on the natUral and socio- economic environment, including cost considerations and trans- portation conditions. Based on this evaluation~ our recommen- dation to the Counties of Elgin and Mldd1esex is that they permanently close the bridge. This letter summarizes: the major findings of our baCkground research into the area affected by the closure of Tait's Bridge; the result~ of our evaluation of the three alternatIves. }. Background Research The major findings of our background research are; there ~aa a crossing Qver the Thames River at or near tbl$ location as early as 1846. Over the years7 ~ cloae social relationship has developed between the residents of the ... continued M. M. DILLON UMITEO ~ 496 RIOHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONTARIO · TeLEPHONE (519) 4:a$-$i92 MAIL: BOX 426, STATION B. LONDON, ONTARIO, OANAOA N6A 4W7 · TeLEX 064-7540 · FAX (519) 6jr2-82Q!1 APR, 26 ' 89 12 ~ '22 FROM DILLON LDN 5196728209 g,,=,=on _ 2 - (jAP-rll 1989 southern portion of Ekfrid and the northe-rn portion of Dunwieh 10wnshiPS. Also. some families own fa-rmland on both sideS of the bridge; the tkfrid 20th Sideroad and the Coyne Road. which are connected bY the b-ridge, are gravel roads unde-r the juriS- diction of ikfrid and Dunwich TOWn$hipS. respectiVelY' ~.,,_.....aJl.-rve a local t-raffie function p-redominantlY' by the counties of Blgin and Middlesex e""",,,at tJ:affic volumes were loW on the bridge (ap,-roximatelJ 50 to 60 vehicles pe-r day) prior to its clOSure. 111 1987; the Village of GleuQS the s-res's majOr service cent-re. Ekfrid townshiP an ome unwich townshiP -residentS relY on Glencoe fo-r day- '1 shopping. businesS aud recre- at.ional need~ton is alsO a se-rvice centre. bUt. doeS . not p-roVide~_S wide a range of se-rvices as Glencoe; the sout.heaste-rn pa-rt of ~frid. and the no-rt~estern part of Dunwich townshipS a-re ag-riCultUral aress with verY feW non-fa-rm -related useS. It is expected t.hat the population of t.hese tWO areas will remain stable or could possiblY decline. In addition. botb areas have little o-r nO potential fo-r urban type development I tkfrid townshiP residentS mostlY wo-rk in centres in Middlese~ countY and their travel-tO-work patterns are not affee sure of Tait's Iridge. 1t is estimated that s mil. Y as 40 DunWiCb TownshiP -re$~ in GleUC e. t e u..~ =-::~'s oJ:.dge for ae s to Glen and some would use walkeJ:'s OJ: lleY 'S lJ:idges; ,.,.,-- in the vicinity of Tait's lJ:idge, the Thames RiveJ: supports populatiOns of baSS, p~ke. perch. walleye aud salmoU; tbe north slope of the river includes a decidUOUS forest consisting of hickory. ironwood and sugar ma,lel the area along the south approach road includes rare snd endangered specieS of vegetation~ in partiCUlar. blue ash. ACcording to tbe Ministry of Natural ResOu-rces, the ares could include other raJ:e or endangeJ:ed species; Resid.en.t ... contillued f\pR 26 '89 12:23 FROM DILLON LDN 5196128209 - /~/---~ u tU~al steel in the main ~itb the e~ception of the str c1 conditiOn of ~ait's through trUSS span. tbe ih~Si~a~ith similar 75-1ear~ ~ridae is gene~allY cons S en~.-~r~a~ruu LS u .. onta 0 ~" lrlfB" ' ue~.e~s~ in s~:~we~ . i Lns~ecting more thSn 250 bas~o~~~lOU~e~i:n.ce n · bridgeS during the pas ten ye rS. .--:: . ~ the main trUSses is in very gOO tbe structural steel in steel is not painted. ~he condition. even thougb tbe s is not an indication f na'nt on the main trUSse absence 0 ," 1 ,ted' ---- tbat maintenance haS b;::.n ne~' ---- ~ ' ompa~ative to other based on itS physiCal condit\Ona ~lseWhere in southWestern bridges in tbe tWO countieS ~~tenance e~penditure bY tbe ontariO)' and the leveli:f ~a eVidence that maintenance of countY of ~lgin. tbere · tbe bridge baS been neglected. erformed bY Colder geoteChnical in~estlgatlOns, ~ native solls dee~ within ~ssociates. indicate that wea duce conditions wbich cause tbe no~th ban~ of the ~iver ~~o d rotatiOnal instabilitY of ~ftft~ sliPpage and/or deeP sea e t of the nortb abutment v~~ ~ ~her movemen - ~ to t~e nortb ban~' .ur~ ~ -th ban~ is {latteneu ~~ t d unlesS tue nO. · d cannot be pre~en e h bank is not stabil.ze · a stable slope- tf tbe nor~iUue to mo~e- If a deeP tbe north abutment will co~ brid&e could collapse. seated failure occurred. t e ~~aluat~OU of AlternatiVes f t~e impactS of the evaluatiOn 0 .. ider- !hiS section summa~l$es o~r nothiUg" alternatiVe waS cous three alteraatiges. !be do tbe unsafe conditiOn of tbe ed and dismiSsed. because oilo~ed to deteriorate further. it bridge. If t~ bridge is asafetY ~d tbe ~hames Riger. could pose riskS to ~ublic 1 f the 1)1:1(\ e t CloSure and aemova 0 a) ret_auen ed ~kfrid 20tb Sideroad would be clos ~ith tbiS alternatige. the d d the Coyne aosd would be t south of tbe aaage 3 aoa an b id&e ~he estimated cost ~~:sed just ~~ut~r~~&~~e w~~~s~~~~m:m envtron~enta~dda~~~~~uct- of ~emo91ng e ned roadway with ~egetat on !hls doeS testO~hiUgt...~~~n~b~~:~ns is $100,000 ap~r~~t~mo~t(~~~ the tutnins inS t e ~& {petty ac~u~s~ ~ ~ not inclUde the cost 0 ~ro injUriOUS affection. basins) or compensatiOn or 3 .,."., ...., ,,\,-,,=0'" lte.s1.dent 2. ..' continued APR 2E, ' 8'3 12: 23 FROM DILLON LDN 5196728209 0\'-1.00 _ 4 - eAPril 1989 Re.siden.t Tbe majot impacts of closing the bridge atet the farmerS ~ho o~n land on both sideS of the bridge ~ill be adverselY affected. This iSSue will be dealt with as part of theSe farmerS' claimS for compensation flied nnder tbe ExproPtiatiO~S Acti use the goodS and services offered by Dutton (lOcated 13.6 km from the soutb slde of Tait's ~rldge) ot yest Lorne (lOcated 1~.9 km ftOm Tait's ~tldge), ~ bas.....d on tb. traffiC "olumes ov.er the bridge 1,or_tO ~~].o,sln it lS 50 to 60 peo WOUld::) ave~~lt jOurn.Y incteased bY a portiOn of the leUgth of tb1.$ de.tour; - ~.~~. be uunwicb TOwnshiP residentS whO wotk in Glenco. ~d Tait's Brldge will or alk' Btid~. .or Yilley's ~ dge. hiS affects fewet t an 40 ~:':la:rawOU:+C1 nctea tbelr jOurney 1.ngth)U. a ~ 0/.7 ~n\o./ ~ ~ b) aepairin aud ReO euin the Brldg~ Dillon developed tWO options for thlS alternative. Both options, ~hlCb bave an estimated coustructiOn cost of appro~i- matelY $1,000,000 (eXCluding the cost of property acquisition), re~uit. a realignment of the Ekftid 20th Sideroad and extensive earthWorkS to tbe uorth side of tbe ri"er. de~our to walk.r's Bridge (located 11.3 km by road from Talt's Bridge). TbiS detOUr addS a mBslmum 6.7 km to the triP to Glencoe, making it 18 km sway from the south side of the btldge ~ou~le~e, with in t1:'8ve.l, 01: ~ attendant increase .__ cOlltinued APR 26 '89 \2:24 FRO" DILLOH LDH 5196128209 O\\.\.on - ; - ~Ap~il 1989 'the ~a~ot 1~pact9 of theSe optiOns ate: a vel to ~ot~ patte~ns of the shopping. ~ec~eatiOnal an tra theY ~ete prior to the a~ea residentS WiLL be the same as clOSure of the brid&el r ~ ._~ld resetve ~hat is considered. ait~~g t~OL~ ._~ Pb an historicallY Significant some local resident- to e 011 tbe uo'ttU . ificant advetse i$pactS both options have s~gn · inclUde the destruction ban~ of the river. These imp~ctS of a large area of vegetation. the removaL of an e~isting oue of the options re~u~r~s th The other optioU' house on Lot 21. R~&e au ~e~uires a large property althOUgh it avoidS the hoUse. aeC\U!s\tiOU.; t would stlll be subst~dard if the bridge is repa~te'h iond limit. geometriC standatdS witb respect to itS w~dth. t levelS in the tiVer. and height above high ~ater ws er c) }lew 1}ri~ ~ b t $3 sOO 000. \e~e1udiUg the ~ new bridge. which would cost a o:ires' con~t~uctiOn of ne~ cost of t>rope~tY ae~uisitiOU~' re~he ma~or impactS of a new th nnd south approach roa s. ~~~dge include the {OlloWing: . tbe shopping. businesS' similar to the repair alte~nat~ve~tte~ns will be the sn~e rec~eatiOnal and travel to ~orur~ of the e~isting b~idge; as theY were prior to the e oS t . to current st~udaTdS ld be construe eu b the ue~ bridge wou triC design aud bei& t for width. load cat>acitY. geom~lv tWO laneS of tTafflc levelS consequen J' above rive~ · 11 ti~es; could floW unbindeTed at a 14 have some short-te~m the const~uctiOn of the bridg~u:o~bese can be mitigatedl impactS on the ~ha~es River. i niflcant adverse impactS on a new bridge does nOt. h~ve s i~ t tng, ne~tb1 hoUse. caTe the north ban~. or on the e~ b ~ ~he rAre ~na endAngered ",Qu~d be requ~red ~o ensur~ ~ :10ng the south approacb species of vegetation loca e road a~e no~ dest~oyed; c.Ollt1.1lue.d . . . Residetlt APR 26 '89 12:24 FROM DILLON LDN 5196728209 PAGE.007 ClU'='=Ofl Resident - 6 - (];>.pril 1989 the MInistry of Transportation has stated that the eost of a new bridge is hexcessive considering the low volume of traffic on the fa~ility prior to its elosure". Conse- quently, construction of a new bridge would have an ' extremely low priority rating for funding. 3. Reeomme~dations Essentially, selecting th@ ~ecommended option 1s a function of weighing several diverse factorst including: adverse ~ffect8 upon the environment; the taking of a residence and th~ need to relocate its occupants; the inconvenience to those who may have to travel further to cross the Thames River; the financial capabilities of the responsible road authorities and subsidi~lng'agencies; the financial impact upon the taxpayers of the responsible road authorities. It is not possible to measure the impacts of each of these factors directly against the other factors. Consequently, we have given more weight to some than Qthe~s. Overall, our recommendation is based on the premise that the general public interest (i.e., preservation of natural environment, financial impact): is of greater significance than the social and financial impact on a relatively limited number of people. M. M. Dillon Limited has concluded that Tait's Bridge should be permanently closed, and the existing bridge demolished. These conclusions~ $nd the evaluations of the three alternatives, will be documented in the Environmental Study Report (ESR) which we are currently prepa~ing. The ES~ will soon be presented to the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex. In addition, the bridge closure is subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board (under the Municipal Act) which will hear residents' views on the closure. ... continued APR 26 '89 12:25 fROM DILLON LDN 5196728209 o,,-\.Cf\ _ 1 - 6:>Pril 1989 Re.siden.t If oU wish to provide aUY further input to the ES~. please 1 i ~ t~e d~~ter or Janet smolders. s~ior ?lanner. c.ontac.t e t"er u ..... · at t.n.i s of f i\c.e.. "lOU't$t..);u~1 t M. M. Dl~~ON LlnltED GraydO~ KnightS. i.Bug. il:oject. Manager Gl{fbl$ COU"I~ or ELGI" RO~O COMMll1EE ~ f\?Rl L Z8, \939 SESSIO\'\ 10 I~E ~~ROE" ~"\) MEMBERS Or I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" COU"CIL ~OUR RO~O CO\l\Ml11EE REPOR1S ~S rOLLO'vlS: \AE RECO~~E~D: A llomitin9 tne ~eignt on tne Gillets Bridge ,. lnat a By-Ia~ be passeu '" over catfisn CreeK; Lot 27, concesSions III and l~, 10~nsniP of ~afffioutn to 5 tfive) tonnes. o fl 0 sho~ing serioUs ~e nave found tnat tne concrete bridge oor IS A soo~ as ~ossible. o . 0 A oll nave to be replaceu as " e detenoratlon anu ~I , b n made and tne ~eignt In tne meantime temporary repairs nave ee on tne bridge nas been limited to,5 tfive) tonnes. lne bridge is a 2 span steel trUSs t65 metres eacn) constructed in \930. ~LL Or ~~IC~ IS RESPEClrULL~ SUBM111EO \A. f\. ~f\Rl'{~ C\1f\l R~f\~ COUNTY OF ELGIN WEST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION APRIL 28t 1989 1. LEAVE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - 9:00 A.M. 2. Inspection of County Garage - Old Garage building has been remoyed and new building(s) ~ill be built at West limit of the present parking lot. 3. Highway #4 to Road #27 West. - Assumed by the County several years ago. - Poor condition Highway #4 to Golf Club entrance. 4. Meeks Bridge - Deficient bridge. 5. Port Stanley via Road #20. - Agreement pending with Condominium owner for drainaget etc. - Reduced speed zone; 40 kilometers per hour from Warren Street to Highway #4. 6. COFFEE - PORT STANLEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 7. Road #23t Joseph Street Hill - Soils report received. 8. Road #23 to Highway #4. 9. Highway #4 to Road #21 (Warren Street). 10. Road #20 to Fingal - Portion Asphalt Resurfaced 1988. 11. Road #16 to Road #8. 12. Road #8 to Dutton. - Reconstruction required South of Highway #3. 13. BREAK - DUNWICH TOWNSHIP OFFICE. 14. Road #8 to Road #2 - Speed limit reduced North limit of Dutton. Area zoned for highway commercial from Village limit to Highway #401 by Township. - Asphalt resurfacing required from John Street to Highway #401. (Not programmed) 15. Road #2 to Dunwich Township. - Construction programmed from Ecker Drain Culvert to Coyne Road. (1989) 16. Road #2, Coyne Road to Aldborough Townline. - Construction completed except for top coat of asphalt and trimming. (1989). 17. Road #2t Aldborough Townline to West Lorne limits. - Asphalt resurfaced in 1987. 18. Roa.d #2, West Lorne to Road #3. - Resurfacing required as soon as possible. 19. Road #3 to Road #4. 20. Road #4 to Kent Townline. - Programmed for construction after Road #43. COUNTY OF ELGIN WEST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION APRIL 28, 1989. PAGE 2. 21. To Road #6 via Kent Roads #19 and #21. 22. Elgin Road #6 to Road #3. - Note Flemming Creek Bridge (deficient). 23. Entrance request on Road #3 South of Highway #401. 24. DINNER - RODNEY. 25. Road #2 to Road #5. 26. Road #5 to Road #9. 27. Road #9 to Dunwich Coyne Road. 28. Coyne Road to Tates Bridge. 29. Return to Road #9. 30. Road #9 to Road #8. 31. Road #8. - Asphalt Resurfacing and Reconstruction required. 32. BREAK - TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH. 33. Road #13 to Road #14. 34. Road #14 to Middlemiss Bridge - Construction. 35. Road #14 to Road #18. - Portions West of Road #20 recently assumed by the County. 36. Road #18 from Road #20 to Road #19. - Gravelled 1989. - Road #19 Easterly gravelled in 1988. 37. Road #18 to Highway #4. - Asphalt resurfacing required on the portion between St. Thomas Sanitary Collection site and Highway #401 this year and most of the area between Highway #401 and Highway #4. 38. Highway #4 Easterly on Townline Road to Road #48. - Middlesex will assist in the replacement of Lings Bridge when other Townline projects have been completed. 39. Road #48 to Wellington Road (Road #25). 40. Road #25 to St. George Street (Road #26). 41. Road #26 to St. Thomas City Limits. - Yarmouth Township to pave from Canadian National crossing to Road #25. Curb and gutter required on curves and entrances to Nathan and Ryan Streets. Utility poles to be moved. Three municipal drains. (County may install portions of drain.) 42. RETURN TO COUNTY'S ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO f\?RIL 2.\, \989 ?f\GE \. I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" RO~O COMMlllEE met at tne 10~nsniP of Baynam 'A .' 'I 21 1989 in conjunction ~itn tne county Office at 3:00 p.m., rrluay, ~prl ' Council East Elgin Road Inspection. ~ll members ~ere present e~cept Reeve ~vram and Reeve Lavereau. lne Engineer reported tnat it ~ould be necessary to pass a by-la~ to 1 d at tne Gillets Bridge legaliZe tne five t5) tonne signS tnat nave been pace t) of tne floor ~ould taKe on ~pril 20tn as permanent repairs tor replacemen some time. "MO~EO B~: ~. K. rORO SECO"OEO B~: C. R. ~ILLSE~ 1~~1 ~E RECOMME"O 10 COU"I~ COU"CIL 1~~1 ~ B~-L~~ BE p~sSEO PL~CI"G ~ rl~E t5) 10""ES LO~O LIMll 0" I~E GILLE1S BRIOGE; LOl 27, CO"CESSIO"S nl ~"O l~, 10Vl"S~lP Or ~~RMOU1~. Cf\RRIED." I~E COMMlllcE ~OJOUR"EO U"IIL M~~ 2, 1989. · · · ~ ~ ~ l. LEME COU1\l~ I'JlMl1\ISlR~1101\ BUILDI1\G - 9:00 ~.M. ' 2 Highway #4 to Road #21. east on Road #21 to Road #22. - completiOn . of work at intersectl~n of Road #22 and Road #21 scheduled in 1989 . loP coat of asphalt required from Intersect Ion northerlY , 1/2 kllometer. lOP coat of asphalt will not be placed on intersection until 1990. 3. Road #22 to southdale Road (Road #51). - EasterlY 1 kl\Omete~ to be asphalt paved \n 1989, rest of road will remaln as IS until municipal drain IS Installed. 4. HighwaY #4 to wellington Road (ROad #25). 5. Road #25 to Road #48. . 6. Road #48 to Road #30. _ prime 1 kilometer east of Road #2~~ 1. Road #30 _ ~pproval of spending request for $400,000 pending , ~lnlstrY of lransportatiOn of ontariO approval (of thiS appr~xlmatelY $15.000 alreadY spent on carryover from 1988 (1988 spending ~n , addition ~as $400.000). (completion of county of Elgin portiOn In 1990; County of Middlesex portIOn~) 8. Road #30 south to ~armouth 10wnshiP, 9. COffEE - ~~RMOU1H 10WNSHIP. 10. Return Road #30 to Road #48. 11. East on Road #48 to Highway #14. 12. Highway #14 to Belmont. 13. East of Road #31 to Road #41. - Middlesex county has no funds for gra~elling in \988. 14. Road #41 to Road #48 east. _ Resurfacing required on Road #48. 15. Road #48 from East 10wnllne of south oorchester to Highway #14. ontario Hydro will rebuild hydro transmission line on present rignt-of-~aY \~idened). 16. Highway #14 to Road #52. 11. Road,#5Z east to Road #35. - Road #52 asphalt resurfaced 1988., 18. south on Road #35 to High~aY #3. - 10wnshlPs to install waterline in Or~eH. 19. Highway #3 to Road #36. 20. Road ~36 to Road #56 (Elm street). 21. Road ~56 to centennial ~venue (ROad #28). 22. Road #28 to Road #45. - Road #28 gravel resurfacing 1989. 23 . L U1\CIi (SOUp ~1\D S~1\D\n CH). _ COUN1~ ~lJlo\ 11\ 1 S1R~ 11 01\ Bill LD 1 NG (12: 45 p.M.) 24. High~aY #4 to Road #V. east on 10wnshiP Road to county' s sp~rta Gravel Pit; Gillets Bridge is a county Bridge. - (ROad used In lieU of 10wnllne Road between ~armouth and Malahide 10wnshiPS.) 25. Return to Road #36 north. east on ~armouth 10wnshiP Road to Pleasant 'Ja Hey Pit. pl\GE 2. COUt-H'l Of EL<;H-\ E~Sl ELGl~ RO~D I"SPECll0~ 26. Road #45 to Road #35. _ Flayers cul~e~t in ~oor condition. . e 21. Road #35 to Jaffa intersection. - ResldentS have re~uested som method of slowing down/guiding traffic at Intersectlon. Che~rons installed late 1988. 28. Road #35 to Highway #3 to ~ylmer. 29. Roa& #53, Elm and Beech street, Highway #3 to Hlgh~aY #13. - l~ the future a county road will be required as a north-east bypaSS; le., Highway #3 east to Highway #13 north. 30. Road #32 (Police college Road) to Road #52. - Road #52 r~surfaced from ~est limit of springfield to Highway #14. 31. BRE~K - SPRI"GfIELD. 32. Road #52 and 10wollne Roads (10~nshIP) to Road #46. - R~ad #52, east of springfield asphalt resurfaced In 1988 to Canadlan NatlOnal traCKS. 33. Road #46 from corinth to Highway #3. - other than at Road #44 , IntersectiOn (whiCh required realignment) asphalt resurfaced In 1988. 34. Road #46 south of Highway #3 to ROad #38. 35. Road #38 to Road #43, Phillmore and cook'S BridgeS ~o Road #45. 36. ROad #43 _ Phlllmore Bridge lOW ~ater crossing. Brldge tOO narroW for combines, weight restricted to 5 tonnes, all disembarK. (Committee is discussing feasibility of building a brldg~ of sufficient width and load carrying capacity for farm equlpment, etc., at present site. Even thoUgh approaches would not be improved the bridge whiCh could be mo~ed to another site could b~ used, until traffiC warranted/finance available to replace brldge Wltn structure on neW alignment. cook'S Bridge _ balley bridge, temporary use. "ext construction job _ calton 1 mile north and 1 mile south. lrees cut and stumps are being remo~ed. constructiOn will ~ proceed In 1989 unlesS Ministry of lransportatlOn of ontariO approves the supplementary constructiOn by-law. 31. Road #45 to Highway #19 to strafford~ille. 38. COffEE - B~ ~HN\ 10W"SH 1P . 39. Road ,#38 to Road #55 (NorfOlk 10wollne). 40. Road #55 to Road #42. _ lree trimming 1989 on portiOn from Road #38 to Road #45. 41. Road #42, ~an order Bridge to east limit of port Burwell. - ~an Order Bridge Is being monitored for stability. 42. Road #39 , port BurWe It. - subd I vis ion proposed. 43. Road #42 to HighwaY #13. M Highway #13 to port Bruce. 45'. Road jl24 to Road #23. _ Resurf aced 1988-1989, port Bruce Hill 'IlesterlY' 46. Return via Road #23 and Highway #4 to county AdministratiOn bui lding. 51. lHOM~5, ONlf\RlO ~PRIL 14, 1989 pf\GE 1. I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" RO~O COMMlllEE met at tne County ~dministration Building on rridaY, ~pril 14, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members ~ere present. ~lso present ~ere Mr. Robert stocK and Mr. James Ricnards of the Ministry of lransportatiOn of ontario, tne Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "MO\lED B'{: SECO"OEO B~: R. r. COLES 1~~1 I~E MI"U1ES Or I~E MEE1I"GS Or M~RC~ 3 ~"O M~RC~ 16, 1989 BE ~PPRO\lED. ~. K. FORD C~RRIED." lne Engineer passed out ne~spaper cliPpings and otner publications for tne members' information. lne Engineer felt tnat tne topicS covered in tne articles ~ere related to tne Roads Department and included items sucn as inadequate bridgeS, lacK of sufficient provincial road funding, tne inadequacy of se~er and ~ater Systems, aspnalt prices, pollution cnarges by tne Ministry of tne Environment, etc. lne Engineer reported tnat tne t~O members on tne st. lnomas suburban Road commission nave not yet filled tnevacancy left by tne recent passing of Robert Martin. Some members of tne Road committee SUggested tne appointment of Mr. Bill caverlY and it ~aS recommended tnat since tne t~o members of the Suburban Road commission ~ere e~pected to attend tne county council road tour on ~pril 21st and 28tn tnat tniS topic be disCUssed ~itn tnese members at tnat time. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received correspondence from tne "atiOnal lransportatiOn ~gencY regarding tne abandonment of tne CS~ tracKs ~est of ~est Lorne. ~pparentlY onlY 4% of tne tracKs can be abandoned per year based on current legislation and tne National lransportatiOn ~gencY nas returned tne CS~ application to tnem for furtner processing. It ~as felt tnat if tnese.traCKS ~ould not be immediatelY abandoned ~ydro ~ould not be cnoosing tne rail~ay line for tneir po~er corridor. Cnairman Martyn indicated tnat tne 10~nsniP of ~armoutn is not planning to buY any fi g nt -of _~ ay outs i de of st. lnoma sand it is rumou red t n at W. Mc Ca i g ~i 11 buY t\liS rig\lt,..of-VJay. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 14, 1989 PAGE 2. The Engineer reported that Bell Canada had started construction on Road #20 for the Port Stanley condominium development and he indicated to the Committee that he had instructed Bell Canada to ensure that the boulevard was properly cleaned up. The Engineer reported that a letter had been received from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approving the County's supplementary application in the amount of $14,000 for the Environmental Assessment work for the Tates Bridge. The Consultant, M. M. Dillon had sent a draft letter to both Counties for their comment. Eventually this letter would be sent to all concerned land owners in the area. Copies of the letter were distributed to the members and any changes that are anticipated would be discussed at the next meeting. The Engineer reported that his attendance at the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada seminar in Hamilton on April 12th and 13th was quite worth- while. Several representatives from Counties were there as well as the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. With regard to the seminar the Engineer reported that it was quite clear that the Federal Government would not be providing funds for Provincial roads. The Engineer reported that he had received a letter from Ontario Hydro regarding their construction programme in 1989 and indicating that they would ensure that proper restoration work would be carried out as required. Ontario Hydro also included a coloured map showing the roads that they would use during their construction. The Engineer reported that the Speed Limit By-Law is being prepared and would be ready for the next Council meeting. Reeve Neukamm suggested that reduced speed should be considered at the Jaffa intersection. The Engineer reported that the County was being sued by a party who had a motorcycle accident in this area in the recent past. It was decided that this would be looked at and discussed during the next meeting after the County Council road tour had a chance to examine the site. \ \ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 14, 1989 PAGE 3. The Engineer reported that he had received a draft agreement for the low water crossing at the Phillmore Bridge. The Engineer reported that the County had issued an appeal to the proposed mobile home zoning by-law in the Township of Bayham on Road #42. The Engineer reported that as yet he had not received a reply from the Ministry of Government Services for the entrance off of Road #45. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Engineer had received a statement for the end of February from the Workers' Compensation Board which indicated that the costs for Elgin Manor were higher than the costs for the County Road Department, however the costs were quite extensive due to William Vannatter being off for an extended period of time with a broken ankle. It is expected that Mr. Vannatter will return to work on Monday. 2. The Spring inspection of County roads indicated a few soft spots with the worst road being Road #37. The rest of the County roads appeared to be in good condition for this time of the year. The Engineer reported that he had planned to apply gravel to Road #37 but when discussing this matter with Mr. Don Husson, County Engineer for the County of Middlesex he was informed that the County of Middlesex did not have funds for gravel resurfacing this year. Thus, gravel will only be applied where required. 3. Gravelling has been proceeding with Road #17, Road #18, Road #20, Road #28 and most of Hoad #30 having been completed. From there Road #43 between Richmond and the Phillmore Bridge will be completed followed by Hoad #35 and Road #48 as required. 4. The Engineer reported that even though there was a mild winter the sanding costs were up, however snowplowing costs were down. 5. One sander would be kept on all summer as it may be required for spills on roads. 6. Paved roads are in good condition with the exception of Road #18 to the St. Thomas Sanitary Services disposal site and extensivE~ patching will be required on Road #16 at the Port Talbot Hill, west of the culvert. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 14, 1989 PAGE 4. 7. Frink is in the process of installing the snowplow and box equipment on the two (2) new tandem trucks and they should be delivered in the near future. 8. Truck #84 had a motor overhaul completed for approximately $7,000. 9. The transmission required for the sweeper has not yet arrived as it is being imported from Germany, however it is expected sometime this week. 10. It is expected that tree planting would commence next week. 11. The County staff has been picking up debris from the County roads as well as cleaning out catchbasins and culverts. The Engineer noted that several deteriorating and collapsing catchbasins had been found and will require maintenance. 12. Dean Construction was carrying out work at the Middlemiss Bridge driving piles for the south abutment. 13. The Engineer reported that the Assistant Engineer had he!ld a meeting with representatives of Natural Resources Gas regarding relocating their gas main on Road #43. Natural Resources Gas indicated that they had planned to replace some gas main in that area this year, however the Assistant was informed that if the County agreed to pay 50% of labour costs of the remaining gas line, that they would more likely consider relocating this gas main this year. It was agreed that a further meeting would be held with Natural Resources Gas and the Engineer and Assistant Engineer. 14. The St. George Street project was discussed at some length with the members of the Committee. The Engineer reported that the Assisitant Engineer and himself had attended site meetings for four (4) municipal drains in the area. The Engineer felt that a site meeting would be required for the drain below the hill to ascertain the extent that the originally proposed sewer system could be redesigned to reduce the costs. The presence of several utilities and the proposed depth of the sewers could prove to be quite expensive. Reeve Martyn and Reeve Lyle demonstrated to the Committee the lands that they were prepared to offer to the City for annexation. From this discussion it was not certain whether the City would be annexing this portion of St. George Street or not. The Engineer requested direction on the St. George Street project since some SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO f\?RIL V.\., 19B9 ?f\GE 5. . d to finali$e tne municipal drains, to nave advanced timing ~ould be reqUire o 1 nd to nave tne rail~aY relocate tneir signals. nydro reloC~e ~elr po eS a It ~as noped tnat by tne ne~t meeting and after tne county council road tour more positiVe direction on tniS prolect ~ould be fortncoming. I~E E"GI"EER REPOR1EO O~ PERSO~"EL ~S rOLLO~S: 1. some casual nelp nad been nired. ' ,t o t d that tne ~ssistant Engineer ~ou\d be Instructing a 2 lne Engineer repor e " . tne Road scnoOI to be neld from May 1st to May 3rd and tnat ne ~ould als~ be , ' f r instructors to be neld in 10ronto on ~prll attending a training course 0 L\.. 5. 6. 19th and 20th. ' ted tnree ,3) trucK operators for l~e Engineer reported tnat ne nad appOln tne pavement marKer- 1~0 ,2) grade men nad been appointed. ' ~ K 'compensatiOn on ~prll 17tn. M ,.,o11iam ~annatter ~ould be returning from or ers \.,r. "I 'I 25tn o rteA tnat tne RisK Management seminar ~ill be neld on ~prl lne Engineer repo U 1'30 ~ at tne county ~dministratiOn Building. at . ? . '" . 3. "MO~EO B~: ~. K. rORO SECO"OEO B~: ~. J. MEIE"BURG 1~~1 I~E rOLLO~I"G p~~LlSl BE ~PPRO~EO rOR p~~ME"I: p~~LlSl "UMBER 11 ~MOU"II"G 10 $17 ,637 · \5 p~~LISl "UMBER 12 ~MOU"II"G 10 $154,137.61 p~~LISl "UMBER 13 ~MOU"ll"G 10 $75,867 .27 p~~LISl "UMBER 11\ ~MOU"ll"G 10 $64,482.82 Cf\RRIED. \I \I~O\jt.D B"{: SECO"OEO B~: E. "EUKN'lM BEl"G I~E OlrrERE"CE BE1~EE" I~E SUM Or $150.00 1~~1 ~~ROE" rORO BE p~IO R I~E O"I~RIO GOOD RO~OS ~ ~ospn~Ln~ sunE rO $200.00 pER O~~ ~LLO~EO rOR "0 B9-1S 11-"0 l~t ORIG1~~L ~SSOCI~110" CO"~t"110" ,3 O~~S) u"OER B~-L~~ · p~~ME"1 Or $150.00 pER or-.~. C. R. ~llLSE"{ Cf\RRIED. \I SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO I\?Rll 1l\., 1989 ?f\GE 6. .' ~1 11 :00 ~.M. MR. ~"ORE~ ~RIG~1 ~IIE"OEO I~E MEEIl"G ~"O DISCUSSED l~t rOLLO~I"G 10PICS · 1 1~IES BRIDGE: . f M M Dillon Limited Mr. ~rignt indicated tnat ne nad read tne report 0 · · and from a legal point of vie~ ne nad nO concerns ~itn it. 2. G~S rR~"C~ISES: Mr. ~rignt indicated tnat it ~ould be to tne advantage of tne municipality , . n u 'on GaS or "atural to sign tne model gas francnise agreement ~Itn elt er nl "f G A ~e l'ndiCated tnat tnere ~ould be furtner advantage I ReSOurces as anu \ I t t tne same time SO tnat tne County and tne 10~nsniPS .signed tne agreemen s a it ~ould come up for rene~al at tne same time. l'\r. ~r i g nt i nd ic ated tn at a 1 tnoUg n t M mode I ff a nC n i se agreement req u i re s " " al1"ty naY naIf of tne labour and labour saving devices tnat tnat tne munlClP Y d "r to 19BO ~ill require replacement at tne utility lines constructe prlO , ' nS in tne n~ ~del gas fran~ises for company's cost. lnere are proVISIO indemnity insurance. lne Engineer indicated tnat tne agreement bet~een "atural ReSOurces Gas " A" 1940 ~itn tne central Pipline Limited and tnatit~as a ~aS slgneu 1n t ~lthoUgn costing ~aS eluded to in tne agreement nO perpetual agreemen. ~ specifiC costing formula ~as included in tne agreement. ' "d "5 of information from Reeve cnute regarding tnelr 3. Mr. ~rignt receive cople . ' sessment ~nicn nad not suit ~itn "atural ReSOurces GaS for a drainage as been paid. ' t" neA 'Jhetner tne County snould aid tne 10~nsniP of Baynam In It ~as ques 10.. u ~" tniS matter since a negative decision could affect otner municiPalit~eS 1 On the county but in tne province and could also carryon Into not on y 11\ \1 union Gas facilities. Mr. ~rignt agreed to looK into tniS matter furtner. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a replY from tne st. lnOmas , #IB ontributiOn and ne felt tnat Sanitary collectiOn services regarding Road c tniS matter ~ould be resolved positivelY in tne near future. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO f\PRIL ll\., 1989 pf\GE 7. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received correspondence from tne 10~nsniP of Malanide regarding tne sale of tne BrooKS sand Pit, indicating tnat tne county ~ould receive nalf of tne price received by tne 10~nsniP after tne first $500.00 and legal fees. II~O\jED B'(: SECO"OEO B~: ~. r. L~LE 1~~1 I~E E"G~"EER BE ~Ul~ORllEO 10 ~o~ERlISE rOR S~LE B~ lE"OER COU"I~ lRUCK #70 ~"O lRUCK #116. R. J. Lf\\jEREf\U Cf\RR 1 ED. II lne Engineer passed out tne itineraries for ~pril 21st and ~pril 28tn county Road lours and asKed for anY comments, additions or deletions. ~s none ~ere received tne Engineer indicated tnat ne ~ould maKe minor revisions to tne scnedules and tneY ~ould be available prior to tne Road lours. lne Engineer passed out information regarding temporary bridgeS ~nicn ne felt could be considered in tne future for tne pnillmore Bridge or otner areas. lne advantage of tnese Systems are tnat tney are easY to install and cneaper and tnat tney could be dismantled later and used at anotner location. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received a letter from cyril oemeyere Limited regarding tne proposed subdivision in port Bur~ell, SUggesting tnat ~e co~ty re~ir~~s ~ould be m~ ~ a l~er d~e and inclUded in ~e subdiViSion agreement. It ~as SUggested tnat tniS proposed development be inspected during tne county Road lour. lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad received some additional information from tne Lee commercial development soutn of ~ign~aY #401 and west of Road #3 sno~ing it located closer to ~ign~aY #401 tnan requested bY tne Engineer. It ~as agreed tnat tniS ~ould be inspected during tne Road lour. \I~O\jED B'{: E. NEU\Zf\~M --~,~, SECO"OEO B~: R. J. L~~ERE~U 1~~1 ~E ~OJOUR" 10 lUESO~~' M~~ 2, 1989 ~1 9 :00 ~.M. Cf\RRIED." SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~I\RCr\ \6, \9B9 ?f\GE l. I~E COU"I~ Or ELGI" RO~O Co~MlllEE met at tne ~dministratiOn Building M ~h l6 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members ~ere ~resent e~cept Reeve on lnursdaY, ",ar~" ' . t Mr Robert stocK of tne Ministry of lransportatlon of Coles. ~lSO presen ~ere"" ontario, tne Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. 1989 ~ell as tne re~ised lne Minutes of tne meeting of Marcn 3, as budget ~ere distributed to committee members. st. lnomas Suburban Road been appointed to tne position bY committee. lne Suburban members are b t M rtin a member of tne lne En~ineer reported tnat Mr. Ro er a ~ t" n d commiSsion nad recentlY passed a~aY' Mr. ar In a tne otner t~O members of tne Suburban Road in tne process of selecting a re~lacement for ~r. ~a rt in. " t A that ne nad no furtner informatiOn from cs~. lne Engineer repor eu " "A: teA tnat if tne abutting 10~nsnipS do not plan to bUY tne Reeve Martyn Inu~ca u .C_^"' CS~ tM 10~nsniP of ~armoutn ~ould attempt to obtain an _ ~oUgnt tne property in ~armoutn 10~nsniP' ap?ro~ed the tne entrances to.tne property. 10~nsniP to ensure tnat tne County requirements be requested bY tne 10~nsniP council. " t A tnat ne nad ~ritten to tne o~ners of tne port lne engineer repor eu t Road #20 indicating tne County requirements stanley condomin~um developmen on in tM area and as yet MS not received a replY, " t A tnat ne nad approved Bell canada'S cable locations lne Engineer repor eu ' ' ' . t A to Bell canada tnat tne cleanup ~ould be tneir responsibility and ne nad sUgges eu in conjunction w,itn tne o~ners. " tne Engineer reported tnat tney nad In a d\iSCUsslon 'Intn tM o~ners agreed to obtain ~ennessey,BO~SMr and ~ssociates to produce an agreement to d to paY tne cost for Mr. meet tM County'S concerns. 1M developer agree ~ennesseY' s ~orK,. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 2. The Engineer referred to several press releases regarding the Tates Bridge and he passed out the Minutes of the Public Hearing to the members. The Chairman and Warden had received a copy of the Minutes previously. The minutes were supplied to the Engineer by M. M. Dillon Consulting Engineers. The Ehgineer reported that he had hired a school bus for the Road Inspection Tours in April and he suggested that the Suburban Road Commissioners be included in these tours. The Engineer handed out information and registration forms for the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada seminar to be held in Hamilton. The Engineer reported that he had held a meeting with representatives of Ontario Hydro regarding the proposed work for the new Hydro corridor. Ontario Hydro promised to look after all gravel roads and indicated that they would designate haul roads that would be required to carry the granular, concrete and steel material to the towers. Ontario Hydro had tentatively agreed to allow the County to repair asphalt roads and bill Ontario Hydro accordingly. Ontario Hydro planned to start work in Southwold Township in the very near future and would start in Yarmouth and South Dorchester Townships this summer. Ontario Hydro expected to be complete from St. Thomas to Talbotville to Frome and to Cowal junction by May 1st. Warden Ford reported that Ontario Hydro had completed their bases in Dunwich Township this winter and no problems were encountered. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Engineer reported that he had inspected the Myrtle Street Bridge in Aylmer with the Assistant Engineer. He indicated that a report would be sent to the Town of Aylmer in the near future regardinfl his comments for this bridge for pedestrian use. 2. The Engineer reported that the Players Culvert on Road #45 which is a six (6) foot diameter steel plate pipe had been inspected by himself and the Assistant Engineer in the recent past. It was noted that the culvert was experiencing extensive crimping and was badly out of shape. No cracks were detected, however some of the bolts were being pulled through their holes. SI. I~OM~S, O"I~RIO ~f\RC\1 16, 1989 pf\GE 3. lnere nas been substantial cnange in tniS culvert in tne last t~O t2) years and tne question no~ is; ~o~ long ~ill it last? lnis culvert ~ill continUe to be monitored. 3. lne Engineer reported tnat tne entire corner plate on tne ~art'S cul~ert on Road #25 nad recentlY been ~elded tnroUgnout. 4. lne Engineer reported on se~erances as follO~S: ta) Mr. ~an Bree on Road #14 completed tne drainage ~orK required, ~nicD nad been certified by tne Drainage superintendent of tne 10~nsniP of Dun~ich. tb) lne Engineer reported tnat ne nad diSCUssed tne proposed subdiViSion on Road #26 tst. George street) ~itn Mr. ~aynoe and tnat ne nad requested tnat tne corner lot access be off of tne ne~ street ratner tnan st. George street. 5. 1M Engineer reported tnat ne nad inspected tnree t3) areas in tne county ~ nel':e df a iflil1e appeared to be a p rob I em: ta) Mr. Leo \ Bogart'S property on Road #46 soutn of tne O~ford 10~nline. tb) Residential development on Road #46 soutn of corintn. tc) Residential development on Road #24 ~est of oe~ter. ~e nad disCUssed tne problems ~itn tne affected o~ners and indicated tnat a petition ~ould be required under tne Drainage ~ct to obtain suitable drainage outlets in tnese areas. 6. lne Engineer reported tnat a meeting ~ill be Deld on Marcn 21st in tM ~armoutn 10~nsniP offices regarding t~O t2) municipal drainS on st. George 7. lne Engineer reported tnat tne 10~nsniP of soutn oorcnester ~aS requesting to install side~alKs at Lyons. 8. 1M EngineeY' reported tnat ne nad received a dra~ing from Spfiet ~ssociates for pumping station modificatiOns on Road #8 to service tne ~illage of Dutton' s se~\age System. 9. 1M EngineeY' reported tnat tM spring tna~ ~as causing manY roUgn roads in tM county including Road #47, Road #48, Road #2, Road #52 at springfield and Road #18. st reet . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 4. 10. The Engineer reported that the Sparta Pit gravel removal operation has ceased due to the soft ground conditions and that the trucks were hauling gravel from the Pleasant Valley Pit stockpile to Whites Station. 11. The Engineer reviewed the various County roads that would require gravel shoulders in the near future with the aid of a coloured County map. 12. The Engineer indicated that gravel resurfacing would be required on Road #18, Road #17, Road #28 and the north part of Road #43. 13. The Engineer reported that patching was continuing particularly on Road #57 (Southdale Road). 14. The Engineer reported that the majority of tree cutting was being carried out on Road #43 as permission was received from several owners to have the trees removed by the Assistant Engineer during his property purchases. 15. The Engineer reported that the brushing on Road #55 looked good. 16. The Engineer reported that a job list was being prepared to include the cleanup of junk and debris from Wellington Road, the installation and the repairing of signs including the installation of chevrons on Road #3 and Road #6, bridge washing and cleaning, repairs to the Iona and Philmore Bridges. 17. The Engineer reported that quotations were now being received for tree planting for 1989. 18. Trucks #84 and #88 had now been sent to Frink Canada for snowplow equipment removal. The motor in Truck #84 would have to be overhauled in the near future. 19. The Engineer indicated that the marker truck had arrived on March 15th. 20. The mowers were in the process of being repaired. The Engineer reported that he will receive a written price quotation for ~ paint to be supplied by Ibis Products Limited. The Engineer indicated that the price would be 3t per litre less then has been quoted to the County of Middlesex and the City of London. The Engineer reported that all of the County gravel roads had been graded in the recent past. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL AS FOLLOWS: 1. Seven (7) applications had been made to the Ontario Good Roads Association Road School for County road employees. This year the Ontario Good Roads Association will only allow one (1) student from each municipality per course since more applications are expected due to the certification of Road Supervisors. 2. The postings for the Sweeper operator (1) and Tandem Truck operators (4)were received and the positions had been filled. Due to these postings, two (2) backhoe operators will be required. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 9 AMOUNTING TO $86,448.83 PAYLIST NUMBER 10 AMOUNTING TO $157,431.09 CARRIED." The Engineer reported that he had held a meeting with the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission and indicated that they had approved their budget. Also due to the substantial work proposed on St. George Street (Road #26) several sections of the Suburban Road System would have to be reverted back to the County effective April 13th after the winter control costs have been allotted. "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION IN THE AMOUNT OF $508,000 BE APPROVED. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that a property line discrepancy at the County Garage had been sorted out with the Port Stanley Terminal Rail. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH DRAFT PLANS FOR A STEEL STORAGE BUILDING AT THE COUNTY GARAGE TO REPLACE THE HANGAR GARAGE WHICH HAS BEEN REMOVED. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 6. The Engineer briefly discussed the Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration (C.V.O.R.) with members of the Committee. It was felt that log books would not be required for County road employees since they would be exempt being emergency vehicles and covering less than 160 kilometres. The Engineers of Middlesex and Huron Counties had written to the Municipal Engineers Association requesting clarification of the C.V.O.R. requirements since the signing authority would be. responsible for the actions of all of their drivers. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE APPLICATION FORM FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE ON BEHALF OF ALL COUNTY DEPARTMENTS. CARRIED. II The Engineer reported that he had further discussions with the Ministry of the Environment regarding Road #18 and the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited particularly with regard to the inflation factor. Apparently no inflation factor had been applied in 1987 and 1988 as the index that was used in the past was no longer published. The Ministry of the Environment recommended that the Ontario Consumer Price Index be used. The Engineer received a payment of $16,000 from McCaig, however it did not include the inflation amounts for 1987 and 1988. The Engineer had written a letter to McCaig regarding this shortfall and indicated he would withhold a $900 payment owed to McCaig by the County for disposal of part of the County Garage until proper payment was made. The Engineer indicated that he had received a letter from the Village of Port Stanley Council requesting a 40 kilometre per hour speed limit on Carlow Road. The Engineer indicated that the speed limit by-law was nearly complete and should be ready for recommendation to County Council for the April meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: R. J. lAVEREAU SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-lAW BE PASSED SETTING SPEED lIMITS ON COUNTY ROADS AS ATTACHED. CARRIED. II THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON CORRESPONDENCE AS FOllOWS: 1. A copy of a letter was received from the City of St. Thomas to the City of london regarding the widening of Highway #401 from london to Woodstock. The letter stated that the City of St. Thomas has taken no action on the endorsement of the City of london's resolution. 2. The Engineer handed out an article that had appeared in the St. Thomas Times Journal regarding comments from the Village of Port Stanley Council regarding the Joseph Street Hill project. 3. The Engineer reported that he had received a request from the Ministry of Government Services for an entrance to their property on Road #45. The Engineer had prepared a report (attached) regarding the requirements of the County. Some of the members indicated that a rider clause should be included, stating that if a left hand turn lane was required in the future that the Ministry would provide the same at no cost to the County. 4. The Engineer reported that he had received a request from the Township of Malahide to rezone property on Road #32 across from the Police College to be used as a constructors yard for Ontario Hydro over a three (3) year period. The Engineer requested that the entrance be paved to prevent dust and mud entering Road #32. 5. The Engineer reported that there was a request for residential rezoning on Road #52 at Road #35. The Engineer requested that a driveway and drainage agreement be supplied. 6. The Engineer reported that an application had been recE~ived for severance on Road #39 (Chatham Street), Village of Port Burwell by Mr. Spaltenburger. The Engineer indicated that drainage would be a problem and may require a municipal drain. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 8. The Engineer reported that the Township of Bayham had passed a by-law for a trailer park on Road #42 east of the Van Order Culvert. The Engineer inquired if Site Plan Control would be available and expressed the Countyls concerns for entrances and drainage. IIMOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO OBJECT TO THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW Z176-89 REZONING PARTS OF LOTS 14 AND 15, CONCESSION I. CARRIED. II At the members request the Engineer agreed to provide a draft policy of County requirements for severances with regard to drainage and accesses. These policies would be send to the Township Clerks. Two minor severances in the Township of Malahide were briefly discussed. The Engineer reported on gas franchises as follows: The Engineer indicated that Mr. Andrew Wright would attend the April 14th meeting at 11:00 a.m. to discuss gas franchises in general and the Natural Resources Gas problem in the Township of Bayham. The Engineer indicated that he had discussed the Natural Resources Gas problem in the Township of Bayham with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and with the Ministry of Revenue. From these discussions it became apparent that the two (2) Ministries did not want to persue the matter further so that a precedence would not be set. Apparently there is a conflict between the Assessment Act and the Municipal Drainage Act. The Engineer also reported that the gas main on Road #43 would probably have to be relocated and he did not know whether Natural Resources Gas would absorb all of the costs and what their responsibilities were. It was felt that the Gas Franchise Committee should persue the matter since the outcome at Bayham may be a precedent to the detriment of the majority of the municipalities in Ontario. This matter would be further discussed with Mr. Wright at the April 14th meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MA R C H 16, 1 989 PAGE 9. The Engineei indicated that a By-Law Enforcement Officer will be required to control signs~ parked cars, etc. on road allowances and that a by-law would be required for this purpose. The members suggested that the Engineer investigate this matter further and prepare a by-law for their comments. The Engineer reported that a brief had had been received from the Kiwani:s Club of St. Thomas regarding recycling. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ALTHOUGH WE ARE IN FAVOUR OF THE KIWANIS CLUB BRIEF ON RECYCLING THE COUNTY DOES NOT AT THE PRESENT TIME HAVE JURISDICTION OVER THE DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. CARRIED." The Engineer reported that a Driveway Control By-Law would have to be passed as soon as possible since several severances were appearing and a policy would be required. The Engineer suggested that rather than waiting for other Counties to come out with a by-law he would proceed with a short and quick by-law so that the County can address driveway access to new lots. The Engineer reported that a letter had been received from the Port Stanley Terminal Rail regarding a request for approval of a railway line from Port Stanley to St. Thomas. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SUPPORT THE REQUEST OF THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL INCORPORATED TO MAINTAIN THE RAIL CONNECTION BETWEEN THE PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAIL AND THE CANADIAN NATIONAL AND THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY IN ST. THOMAS AND THAT THIS LETTER OF SUPPORT BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS, THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL, THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL, THE NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY, THE HONOURABLE KENNETH MONTEITH, M.P., THE HONOURABLE MARIETTA ROBERTS, M.P.P., THE PORT STANLEY TERM[NAL RAIL AND THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO RAIL OFFICE. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16, 1989 PAGE 10. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE ADJOURN TO FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED. II Ed! h1L~~) "' -- CHA I ~MAN , COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT REQUEST BY MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES FOR ACCESS ROAD PROVISION FROM ROAD #6 TO ROAD #45 We have been requested by Mr. Joe Liebregts of the Ministry of Government Services, London (Phone: 453-3550) to approve an entrance on County Road #45 opposite Pavilion No.6 (St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital). The iMinistry proposes to provide a two lane paved entrance from the present gravel access road to Pavilion No.6 to County of Elgin Road #45. The road is to enter Road #45 on a knoll east of High\~ay #4. A proper acceleration and deceleration is required for this entrance, complete with curb and gutter and required tapers and proper turning radii. We reel that the acceleration and deceleration lanes (11 feet wide) should be a minimum of 30 metres long from the end of the E~ntrance radii. lapers to Ontario Provincial standards are required. The curb and gutter to be drive-over type from the beginning of the taper to the Ministry of Government Services property line. A minimum of 24 inches of granular base is required under the tapers and driveway (18 inches of Granular lA' and 6 inches of Granular IB') plus 3 inches of hot mix asphalt paving (l~ inches of H.L.8 and l~ inches of H.L.4). We will also require a 10 foot shoulder minimum 6 inches crushed gravel behind the curb and gutter the full length. Thus it may be necessary to move the present ditch onto the Ministry of Government Services property. No driveway culvert is required, however minor reshaping of the ditch is required west of the driveway. After completion of earth moving, the areas on the County road must be top soiled and reseeded and shaped so that the Ministry of Government Services employees can mow the area adjacent to the roadway. A street light to properly illuminate the intersection must be installed by the Ministry and ongoing maintenance costs paid by the Ministry. We have investigated a left hand turning lane for traffic coming from Highway #4 and making left hand turns into the entrance. At the present time it appears that the majority of the traffic will come from the east; however a breakdown of the traffic will not be known until the driveway is installed as we understand it the Ministry of Government Services cannot stop the flow-through movement from their various paVilions to this driveway. A left hand turn lane would require the use of the two existing lanes of asphalt for the east bound lane plus a left hand turn lane. Two additional lanes of asphalt would have to be provided on the north side of the existing road as the property on the south side of thle road is presently used as an orchard with a minimum ditch and the owner comes out onto the County road to provide various orchard functions. If a left hand turn lane was included it would be necessary to either provide curb and gutter on the south side on the new lane which would restrict the operations or Government Services would have to make an agreement with the orchard owner of the property to provide sufficient right-of-way. Continued . . . - 2 - The cost of providing a left hand turn lane would be much greater than can be warranted at this time. We feel that all costs should be paid by the Ministry of Government Services. If the Ministry of Govnernment Services wishes the County of Elgin to install the driveway under a blanket purchase order we have no objection. We have also indicated to the Ministry of Government Services that if they so wished we will build the driveway from the County road to Pavilion No.6. The paving would be done under the County general paving contract. ' ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED {?~, R. G. MOORE, CO~ "ENGINEER COUN1~ Of ELGI" RO~O CO~lllEE flRS1 REPOR1 ~~RC" 29 SESSION '989 10 lHE WI\\1.0E" N\O Jo\EM8E\1.S Of 1HE COU"l~ Of ELGI" COU"CIL ~OUR RO~O CO~111EE REPOR1S I\S fOLLOWS: \. lhat the Engineer haS been authOrized to proceed with draft plans for a storage garage at White'S station to replace the storage building which'was removed earlier in the year. (Old ~irforce hangar.) 2. lhat ~e have approved a request from the Ministry of GOvernment services for an entrance on county ROad *45 providing that GOvernment services pay all costs and meet certain standards including channelizatiOn and intersectiOn lighting. 1he entrance will provide an entrance to pavilion 6 which will house the Ministry of ~riculture and food. 3. lhe Engineer, ~ssistant Engineer, staff Engineer, General superintendent and ~ssistant Superintendent have been authOrized to attend the Ris~ Jo\anagement seminar sponsored by the frank Cowan company Limited at the county ~ministratiOn 8uilding on Npril 25th. 4. lhe Engineer haS been authOrized to attend a seminar sponsored by the RoadS ,and lransportatiOn ~ssociation of Canada on Npril \2th and \3th at the Sheraton ~tei in Hamilton entitled the "political Response to the Infrastructure "eeds", 'viE RECO~~t."O~ \. lhat ~ 8y-laW be passed authOrizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Village of outton for the installatiOn and maintenance of a sanitary sewage System on County roads in the Village 2. lhat a By-laW be passed authOrizing the ~arden and Cler~ to sign an agreement ~ith the ~illage of port stanley for the installation and maintenance of a sanitary se~age system on county roads in the ~il\age of port stanley. of Dutton. \ ' \loth 8Y- laWS wi 1\ be simi\ar to thOSe in place ~ith the 10wnshipS of ~armouth and southWold. \ i"C COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 29 SESSION PAGE 2 3. That the Budget of the' St. Thomas Suburban: Road Commi ss ion in the amount of $508,000.00 be approved. [The expenditure is detailed in the attached expenditure proposals.] The Commission has had to revert the following roads to the County of Elgin as their budget does not provide funds for maintenance. (Transfer effective April 13, 1989 after the winter maintenance season concludes.) (a) Road #22 - Fairview Avenue from Road #45 to Road #27. (b) Road #45 - From Highway #4 to Road #136. (c) Road #128 - Centennial Avenue from Road "56 (Elm Street) to Road "45. (d) Road "57 - Southdale Road from Highway "4 to Road #122. 4. That the attached statement of work and expenditures in the amount of $6,878,900 for the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission be adopted and forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for their approval. County Council at their February Session adopted a total budget of $7,581,200 including supplementary spending requests to the Ministry of Tr'ansportation, of Ontario of $664,000. The attached expenditure proposals allocate the remaining work not covered by the supplementary By-laws. 5. That a By-law be passed setting speed limits on County roads as authorized by the provisions of the lHghway Traffic Act. This By-law will consolidate various County By-laws dating from 1977 and will: (a) make minor changes in several zones because of the building of new residences. (b) reduce the speed on Road #20 from Warren Street to Highway "4 to 40 Km. per hour as" requested by the Viliage of Port Stanley. (c) set speed zones on portions of Roads #27, #28, and #56 in the Township of Yarmouth which were assumed as County roads in the past several years. This By-law will be circulated to Council Members when completed and be presented for adoption at the April Session. 6. That certified cheques received by the County Road Department as bond cheques to ensure the completion of agreements with the Road COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT MARCH 29 SESSION PAGE 3 Department be transferred to the County Treasurer for deposit in the County's general account. 7. That Elgin County Council endorse the City of London's request that the Province of Ontario widen Highway #401 to six(6) lanes between London and Woodstock over the next five year period and the Minister of Transportation of Ontario and the Council of the City of London be advised of this endorsement. 8. That the Warden and the Clerk be authorized to sign the application forms for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario's "Commercial Vehicle Operation Registration Certificate" on behalf of alll County departments. It appears that all departments (Roads, Library, Elgin Manor and Terrace Lodge) have vehicles that are required to be registered. The regulations of the Highway Traffic Act requires that the Corporate Officers of the Corporation make application for the certificate. 9. That the Kiwanis Club of St. Thomas Golden "K" be advised that although we are in favour of recycling, the County of Elgin does not at the present time have jurisdiction over the disposal of Municipal solid waste. 10. That the County of Elgin support the request of Port StanlE~y Terminal Rail Inc. to maintain the rail connection in St. Thomas between the Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. and the Canadian National Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway and that a letter of support be forwarded to Port Stanley Terminal Rail Inc. with copies to the Council of the City of St. Thomas, the Canadian National Railway, the Canadian Pacific Railway, the National Transport Agency, Kenneth Monteith M"P., Marietta Roberts M.P.P., and the Manager of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Rail office Ian Chadwick. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CHAIRMAN Ii( COUNTY OF ELGIN'RbAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPEND ITURE 1989 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO ALLOCATIONS: Construction Fixed Costs $2,975,000 3,903,900 $6.878.900 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Allocation for Construction Allocation for Resurfacing TOTAL (A) WORK UNDERWAY FROM 1988: 1. Construction Middlemiss Bridge. 2. Construction Middlemiss Bridge Approaches. 3. Payment for flashing light signals, Road #45 (Smoke Road) at Canadian National Rail Crossing. 4. Road #23 - Joseph Street Hill, Port Stanley Surveys, Engineering and Golder Associates 5. Road #16 - Completion of work at Port Talbot Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, and seeding. 6. Road #45 - Completion of work at Kettle Creek Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, seeding, etc. 7. Road #22 - Complete to 300 feet north of Road #27 intersection; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, drainage, seeding, etc. 8. Road #2 - Complete from Aldborough Townline to Coyne Road; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming. drainage. seeding, etc. 9. Land - County - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 10. Surveys - County - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission TOTAL (B) CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORWARDED: 1. Road #2 - Granular base, grading, drainage, base coat of asphalt, Coyne Drain to complete to Ecker Drain. 2. Road #22 - Intersection of Road #27 including utility movement, channelization, paving, etc. 1 I MARCH 29, 1989 $1 , 120 ,000 11,855,000 $~~. 975.000 $11 ,056,000 120,000 8,500 7,000 10,000 11,000 45,000 160,000 80,000 2,000 20,000 $1. 519 .500 $ 340,500 120,000 Continued.............. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPENDITURE PAGE 2 - MARCH 29, 1989 (B) 3. 'RQad #26 - (St. George Street)[St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission]; utility movement, drainage in conjunction with municipal drains, curb and gutter for traffic control at intersecting roads and at curves. Curb and gutter for erosion control (relocation of hill portion to the east.) Application of signal relocation at Canadian National Rail Crossing. TOTAL TOTAL PARTS lA' AND IB' RESURFACING (A) COMPLETION OF WORK FOR 1988: 1. Road #20 - Between Boxall Road and Fingal Street (Top of Stacey Hill) Southwold; shoulder, trimming, seeding and drainage. 2. , Road #24 - Port Bruce westerly, Yarmouth and Malahide Townships; top coat of asphalt, gravel, drainage, etc. (Includes $29,000 of 1988 work not paid until 1989.) 3. Road #46 - Highway #3 to Corinth; shoulder trimming and seeding. 4. Road #52 - East of Springfield; shoulder, trimming and seeding. 5. Road #52 - West of Springfield to Highway #73; shouldering, trimming and seeding. 6. Road #52 - Highway #73 to Highway #74; shouldering, trimming and seeding. TOTAL (B) NEW WORK: To be recommended after Spring Breakup. TOTAL RESURFACING SUMMARY Construction Resurfacing TOTAL FEBRUARY COUNCIL MADE THE FOLLOWING SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATIONS (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO APPROVAL PENDING) ~ $ 140 ,000 $ 600.500 $2.120.000 $ 30,000 240,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 $ 340.000 $ 515.000 $ 855.000 $2,120,000 855,000 $2.975.000 (a) Tates Bridge $ 14,000 (b) Road #30 400,000 (c) Middlemiss Bridge 250,000 TOTAL $ 664.000 Total Construction If All Applications Approved $3.639.000 l-IlllIS1R~ Of 1Rf\llSPORlf\1l01l Of 01l1f\RIO fl1\tO COS1 f\llOCf\1l01l fOR: ~ I. l-Iacninery and ~ousing $ 749,000 COU1l1~ Of tlGlll ROf\O otPf\Rll-1t1l1 '989 E~PENDllURES r 1 'i-ED COSl 2. l-Iaintemance, o~ernead, Urban Rebates, StoCK ~alance lncreases/oecreases. Drainage ~ssessroents. 101 ~L ~~: urban Rebates o~ernead tSee f\ttacned) l-Ialntenance tSee f\ttacned) Drainage ~ssessroents Macninery and ~ousing NOlES: .:..:.:--- \. payrol~ burden nas been distributed to ~arIOUS construction, l-Iaintenance, o~ernead and f\ccounts Recei~able in accordance witn l-linistry of lransportatiOn of ontario standard practiCes. 2. Increase In StOCK Balance tl.e., Gra~el in stoCK at spaY',ta and Pleasant ~alley Pits) 1S shOwn in Maintenance. 3. f\ccurate Urban Rebate estimates are una~ailable until county assessments are appro~ed tl-larcn 29tn). Rebates were $84,\45 in 1989. 4. Ora i nage f\s sessments are estimated as f oll ows : ta) ~armoutn 10wnsniP tsoutndale Road, pennale orain Road #45, etc.). tb) ot~er 10wnsnips tf\ldborOUgn 10wnsniP mostlY), tc) St. George street t4 drains). RE\JlSED DR~fl W\RC\-\ 29, '989 3,'5A,900 -----00 ~ $ 93,900 5'6,000 2, ,305 ,000 2AO,000 7A9.000 -~ ~ 101 ~L oM lllf\Gt f\S5tSSl-lt1l1 s f\Rt f\ll OCf\ 1 to f\S f Ol lO'llS : st. lnomas Suburban Road Commission tst. George street) county: ta) ~armoutn 10wnsniP tsoutndale Road, pennale Drain, Etc.). tb) otners . I $ 35,000 32,000 \73.000 ------=-::: ~ $ \13,000 67,000 (10ta1) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURE COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS MARCH 29, 1989 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS A - Bridges and: Culverts - 1 Bridges 75,000 71 ,000 4,000 - 2 Culverts 50,000 48,000 2,000 B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 90,000 79,000 11,000 - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 130,000 128,000 2,000 - 4 Drainage 125,000 120,000 5,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance 15,000 11 ,500 3,500 - 6 Tree Planting 9,000 9.000 - 7 Drainag~ Assessments 3,500 3,500 (Maintenance) - 11 Weed Spraying 1 .500 1 .500 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement - 1 (1988) Miscellaneous Repairs 70,000 60,000 10,000 Only - 2 Sweeping 44,000 40,000 4,000 - 3 (1988) Application of Shoulder 90,000 78,000 12,000 Gravel - 4 Surface Treatment 140,000 140,000 - 5 (1988) Shoulder Maintenance 32,000 28,000 4,000 Including Grading - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Patching 70,000 70,000 o - Gravel Road, Maintenance - 2 Grading, Gravel Roads 52,000 49,000 3,000 - 3 Dust Control 90,000 84,000 6,000 - 4 Prime 12,000 9,000 3.000 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 67,500 67,500 E - Winter Control Total 525,000 467.000 58.000 - 1 Snow Plbwing 125,000 117,000 8,000 - 2 Sanding, and Salting 360,000 315,000 45,000 - 4 Standby and Night Crew 40,000 35,000 5,000 F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 47,000 40,000 7,000 - 2 Signs and Signals 166,000 156,000 10,000 - 3 Guide R'ai I 8,000 6,000 2,000 - 4 Railroad Protection 72,500 65,000 7,500 - 6 Edge Marking 43,000 35.000 8,000 - 7 Stump Removal 27,000 26.000 1 ,000 TOTALS $2,055.000 $1,892,000 $163,000 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 EXPENDITURE OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) . "'" OPERATION MARCH 29, 1989 1989 ESTIMATE Superintendence* *(Includes Engineer Assistant Eng i neer'. Super i ntendents and Two Vehicles) Clerical $151,000 Radio '113 ,000 '125,000 33,000 7,000 25,000 7,000 28,000 24,500 2,500 Garage and' White Station Property Office Computer Tools Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts Training Courses Miscellaneous Insurance TOTAL $!516.000 1989 Estimated Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission - $30,000 - County of Elgin - $486,000 It is estimated at 6% of total expenditure will be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE tXPENDITURE COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2 - MARCH 29, 1989 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS TOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM PAGE 1 $2,055,000 $1,892,000 $163,000 SPECIAL PROJECTS (ALL COUNTY): Complete Road #8 Dutton Curb 8,000 8.000 (Invoices from 1989) Complete Road #20, Urban Shedden 5,000 5,000 (Invoice from 1989 - $2,300 Plus Minor Cleanup) Road #14, Iona Bridge Over Talbot Creek 35,000 35,000 (Major Repairs) Road #57, Asphalt Pave and Gravel as 50,000 50,000 Required (1 Km~ West of Road #22) (Southdale) Increase in Stock Balance (Gravel Piled 60,000 60,000 at Pleasant Valley and Sparta Pits) Reserve for Increased Winter Control 92,000 92,000 Costs Excessive Spring Breakup, Repairs to Pavements, Other Projects such as Road #27 [Highway #4 West], Southdale [West End], Orwell, Road #18 Lawrence Station Urban, Curb and Gutter Repairs as funds permit. $ 250,000 $ 250,000 TOTALS $2.305.000 $2.142.000 $163.000 51. l~01-\f\S SIlBIlRBf\ll ROf\O c()lllll\ 1551 Oil \989 E'i-PENUI1URE \ 1-\aintenance tsee combined county and st. lnomas . Subu~ban Road commiSsion Budget for breaKdown). 2. ora I nage f\ssessments t Road #26 \:. st. George street 1) · 3. construction: (a) land purchase tb) ,ROad #26 tst. George street). 4 o~ernead tSee combined Count~ and st. lnomas . Suburban Road commiSsion estimates for breaKdo\'Jn). 101f\L V\I\RC\\ 2.9, '989 $'63,000 \13,000 2,000 'AO,OOO 30,000 ----0 ;~~ Cf\LCULf\ 11 Oil Of jI,l>\OU1l1 P f\ ~ f\B L t B ~ I~E C l~~ Of 51. l~01-\f\S 10'llf\\l.0 l\-1t 51. WQl/lf\S S\lBIlRBf\ll \l.Ofl\l S~ Slt1-\ 1-\inistr~ of lransportatiOn of ontariO subsidY is estimated at 80% or county of tlgin and tne City of st. inomas snare equall~ in remainder City of st. lnomas snare 1-\inistr~ of lransportatiOn,Qf ontario tqualiZed one/na~f 1-\i11 Le~y pro~ides ltSS: oeficit from \988 ~. Cit of st. lnomas snare of Items llot SubS~dized ~. by,\ne 1-\inistry of lransportatiOn of ontariO (50% of $500.00). f\\J ~llf\alE tstimatedcost to City of st. lnomas for abo~e UEflCll 10 '990 $406,AOO.00 \0\,600.00 50,800.00 52.,900.00 3, \ 2.3.36 250.00 ~ $ A9, 800.00 50, ~ ~ SI. I~O~~S. O~I~RIO tl\l\RC\-\ 3, 1989 ? l\GE l. I~E COU~I~ Or ELG1~ RO~O CO~~lIIEE met at the ~dministratiOn ~uilding ,h 3 1989 at 9: 00 a.m. ~ II members 'tlere llre sent eJl.cellt Ree~ e on FfldaY, tl\afC\\ , ~r Robert stOC~ and ~r. Jim Richards Lyle and Ree~eColes. ~lSO llresent 'tlere · . . E ineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "ft' ' tf\/ of \fanS?ortatiOn of ontaf\o. tM ng of the \.\ln1S J "tI\O\lED 'O'{: SECO~OEO ~~: E. ~EUI<.I\~~ 1~1\1 I~E ~1~U1ES Or I~E ~EEn~GS Or JI\~UI\R~ 25 ~~O rE~RUI\R~ '3. 1989 'OE l\p\?RO\lED. D. \l. C\-\\.\\E Cl\RR 1 ED. " FebfuafY .,- llossibil i ty of .Ontario ~yoru right-Of-'tlaY were diSCllssed. ~armouth lownshill olltside of lhe Engineer rellorted that an informati~e meeting waS held on CS~ corlloration ~t that time the Qt.h 'tli,th rellresentati ~es from tM · _ and/or the lownshill bUying llarts or all of the , th rail'tla" bridge in lhe Engineer indlcated that \Ie J st. lhomas had just recentlY been remo~ed. , t d that the I\nnual Returns had been comllleted and 1he Englneer rellor e \I t to the ~inistr" of lransllortatiOn of ontario. had been sen " J lhe Engineer had recei~ed a letter from the ~inistrY of lransllortatiOn grants lhe ~inistry of ontario regarding the county'S reQllest for SUlllllementary . 'd d' the near fllture based on indicated that thiS reQuest would be cons1 ere in llriority and Ilrgency. . t d that the county ~uditors had comllleted their lhe Englneer rellor e , urlllus of allllroJl.imatelY f th lO.Q8 Road programme and are show1ng a s ~OfK Of \Ie ~o $l2. ,000 . as to their llrogra\lll"" 'v. pB9 again contact the county. Ree~e ~artyn n,,\ was not onlY considering rail mo~ement . _h+ 51. lHOM~5, ON1ARIO M~RCH 3, 1989 PAGE 2. lhe Engineer reported that he had diSCUssions with Mr. John Loeters on Road #6 regarding a plan for a gravel pit and he felt that most of the county's concerns had been met. ~ revised plan would be reQuired showing paved entrances. lhe Engineer reported that he had several site meetings with representatives of the port stanley condominium development as well as the Reeve of port stanley and Chairman Martyn regarding the entrance to the development. It waS felt that widening would be reQuired by one lane to allow a safer approach for incoming and outgoing traffic. It waS felt that a letter of credit or cash would be reQuired to ensure that this worK would be done as well as any other cleanuP worK in front of the development. "MO\JED B'l: SECONOEO B~: O.~. CHU1E lH~1 lHE ENGINEER BE ~U1HORIIEO 10 ~O~ISE lHE H~RBOUR CLUB CONOOMINIUM ON COUN1~ RO~O #20 IN lHE ~ILL~GE Of PORI SI~NLE~ lH~1 ~ S~IISf~Cl0R~ PL~N ~GREEMENl ~NO PERfORM~NCE CER1IfIEO CHEQUE WILL BE REQUIREO fROM lHE H~RBOUR CLUB ~NO lHE CH~IRM~N BE ~U1HORIIEO 10 ~SSISI IN lHE AGREEMEN1. ~. K. fORD C~RRIED.\I lhe Engineer reported that he had held a meeting with the ~s$ociation Executive regarding winter standbY, lhe Engineer had produced new policies which were given to the Executive, however no comments have been received to date. lhe Environmental ~ssessment Hearing for the lates Bridge had been held during the first weeK of March. Mr. Robert StoCK and Warden ~. K. ford 'tJDO Dad attended on meeting. ~s trois was an informal meeting no conclusions were reached, however behalf of the 10wnshiP of ounwich brieflY diSCUssed the the consulting engineer M. M. Oil Ion Limited will proceed with a report regarding the closure of the lates Bridge including options of repairing, closing or reconstructing the structure. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 3. The Hngineer reported that he had no further information from the Ministry of the Environment regarding the contribution from Green Lane Landfill site toward maintenance on Road #18. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The two new dump trucks had been received and have been sent to Frink Canada for snowplow equipment installation. Truck #94 has also been sent to Frink Canada for the removal of snowplow equipment and then this truck will be scheduled for a motor overhaul. Truck #88 will be sent to Frink Canada shortly for the removal of snowplow equipment. 2. The Pavement Marker Truck should be in shortly and the paint spray guns have been ordered for the line painting equipment. 3. The pickup trucks have not yet arrived. 4. The General Superintendent was presently searching for a R.O.P.S. cab for the vibratory bomag roller. This will be required for the roller as well as two graders in the near future under Provincial law. 5. We plan to install R.O.P.S. cabs on Grader #19 and Grader #20 in the near future. 6. Truck #84 and Truck #90 are presently being safety checked. 7. No further work has been carried out at the hangar sitl2 due to inclement weather. 8. Some tree cutting and brushing has been carried out in the area of the proposed new garage. The Engineer indicated that he had planned to install a vinyl clad fence across the front of the garage. 9. Tree cutting has been progressing invaridus locations. Although tree cutting and brushing on the Haldimand~Norfolk Townline (Road #55) was not complete as the costs were getting excessive; this work was curtailed for this year. Tree cutting has started on Road #43 north and south of Calton in the event that reconstruction work commences in this area this year. 10. It has been determined that the Pleasant Valley Pit is practically out of good gravel and presently the trucks are hauling existing crushed gravel to Whites Station. Continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 4. Work is still continuing on the Sparta Pit where there is more gravel then originally anticipated. 11. Repairs to pavement have been quite extensive due to the weather conditions. 12. The expenditures to date have exceeded the $1,000,000 mark. The insurance money received from the hangar has been spent for the removal of the old hangar and the movement of the radio into the garage as well as the installation of a new antenna cable. 13. The Engineer and Assistant Engineer attended two drain meetings at the Township of Yarmouth offices for drains on St. George Street. 14. The Engineer reported that he is presently looking for a new programmer for our compute!r. He also indicated that Evelyn and Dorothy will be sent to a computer training course to be held by Van Pelts in St. Thomas. The Engineer reported that the R.I.M.S. computer package would soon be availa~le for Roads Inventory Tabulation. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON PERSONNEL AS FOLLOWS: 1. Clayton Watters I probationary period has expired on February 28th and the Engineer felt that his performance to date was satisfactory. Clayton has been involved with the W.H.I.M.S. training programme, the Roads Needs Study Update as well as bridge and culvert inspections. 2. The Assistant Engineer reported that the W.H.I.M.S. training programme had been completed with the County Road Department employees as per the requirements (with the exception of one or two employees who were on sick leave). It is anticipated that this programme will have to be repeated yearly as well as in the Summer when the summer work arrives. ~, Based on the evaluation of the course by the County employees it was apparent that the comprehension of the extensive material was somewhat lacking. This was anticipated and it was hoped that future W.H.I.M.S. updates will improve the comprehension. 3. The First Aid training course will be carried out on Friday afternoons in April with 20 employees attending (including two girls from the office). ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 5. 4. The Engineer indicated that he had postings out for a Sweeper Operator and Four Truck Operators. 5. The Engineer reported that the Ontario Roads Superintendents have now approved accreditation of Road Department Foremen and Supervisors. The Class I, Supervisor will require the Mahoney Road School and Class II and Class III, Supervisors will require the Mahoney Road School as well as some courses from the Anderson Road School. A Grandfather Clause is available for existing Road Superintendents. 6. The Engineer reported that five or six of the County staff will be sent to the Ontario Good Roads Association courses in May in Guelph. To date the applications have not been received. 7. The Engineer reported on a seminar to be held by the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada on the topic of the I'Political Response to Infastruct~re Needs". Any Road Committee members who wished to attend were invited to do so. "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED B~: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND A SEMINAR SPONSORED BY THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA ON APRIL 12TH AND 13TH ON THE POLITICAL RESPONSE TO INFASTRUCTURE NEEDS AT THE SHERATON HOTEL IN HAMILTON. CARRIED. II 8. The Engineer read a letter received from the County Clerk-Treasurer1s office regarding a seminar by the Frank Cowan Company Limited on Risk Management. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THE ENGINEER, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, STAFF ENGINEER, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT AND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE RISK MANAGEMENT SEMINAR SPONSORED BY THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED ON APRIL 25TH AT THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 5 AMOUNTING TO $85,614.73 PAYLIST NUMBER 6 AMOUNTING TO $303,973.66 PAYLIST NUMBER 7 AMOUNTING TO $75,919.45 PAYLIST NUMBER 8 AMOUNTING TO $98,187.94 CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT THE ACCOUNT OF WARDEN FORD IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,788.75 FOR THE HOSPITALITY EXPENSES FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE APPROVED AND THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PLACE IT ON THE NEXT PAYLIST. CARRIED. II Arrangements were discussed for the 1989 Road Inspection Tour to be held on April 21st and April 28th. It was decided that one bus should be rented and that on April 2'lst lunch would be held at the County and on April 28th lunch will be held in Rodney or West Lorne as arranged by Reeve Mezenburg. The Engineer discussed the imminent construction by Ontario Hydro of their proposed new power line grid. The Engineer indicated that Township roads as well as County roads may be used for hauling material and that the various municipalities should ensure that any damage to their roads would be repaired -~ by Ontario Hydro. A meeting would be held with Ontario Hydro to discuss this matter further with reg&rd to County roads. The Engineer indicated that he had written a letter to Ontario Hydro regarding our new overlength/overwidth policy. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE REOOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON AND THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A SEWERAGE Continued . . . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM CONTINUED . . . SYSTEM ON COUNTY ROADS IN THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON AND THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. CARRIED. II Discussion was held at some length regarding the Joseph Street hill in Port Stanley includi:ng the soils consultants report and a subsequent letter. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUHTORIZED TO ADVISE RESIDENTS OF FRANCIS STREET IN PORT STANLEY ADJACENT TO THE JOSEPH STREET HILL OF THE CONTENTS OF THE SOIL REPORT OBTAINED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WITH REGARD TO THE STABILITY OF THE JOSEPH STRBET HILL. CARRIED." The Engineer reviewed the proposed 1989 Road Budget with members of the Committee and after discussion and a few minor changes the budget was approved. "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT THE ATTACHED BUDGET AS AMENDED IN THE AMOUNT OF $:7,581,200 AS APPROVED BY COUNTY COUNCIL AT THEIR FEBRUARY SESSION AND A STATEMENT OF PROPOSED WORK AND E~PENDITURES IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,878,900 ON COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROADS BE ADOPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FOR THEIR APPROV)\L. COUNTY COUNCIL AT THEIR FEBRUARY 1989 SESSION APPROVED SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING BY-LAWS OF '$644,000. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE REOOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT CERTIFIED CHEQUES RECEIVED BY THE COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT AS BOND CHEQUES TO INSURE THE COMPLETION OF AGREEMENTS WITH THE ROAD DEPARTMENT BE TRANSFERRED TO THE COUNTY TREASURER FOR DEPOSIT IN THE 'cOUNTY'S GENERAL ACCOUNT. rLlDDTCr\ II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 8. The Engineer indicated that the County by-law regardin~~ speed zones was last passed in 1977 and indicated there were several areas where reduced speed zones should be considered and after discussing these with members of the Committee he indicated that this by-law would be revised with a copy sent to the affected municipalities for further comment. An extensive discussion was held regarding severance policies for developments in the County and it was felt that more unified guidelines should be used by the various municipalities to satisfy the County needs of drainage and access requirements. It was suggested that this matter be discussed further at the next meeting. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON CORRESPONDENCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A quotation was received from C. R. Chittick Construction for gravel crushing at the Sparta Pit. "MOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT WE ACOEPT THE QUOTATION OF C. R. CHITTICK CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF 93~ PER IMPERIAL TON FOR CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING OF GRAVEL AT THE SPARTA PIT (C. R. CHITTICK CONSTRUCTION TO SUPPLY HELP AS REQUIRED TO REMOVE WOOD AND CLAY BALLS). CARRIED. II 2. A quotation was received from Den-Mar Brines Limited for salt brine in 1989. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE ACGEPT THE QUOTATION OF DEN-MAR BRINES LIMITED FOR THE SUPPLY AND PLACEMENT ffiF SALT BRINE ON COUNTY ROADS FOR 1989: WEST ELGIN - $21.57 PER CUBIC METRE CENTRAL ELffiIN - $26.23 PER CUBIC METRE EAST ELGIN - $27.61 PER CUBIC METRE OFF ROAD AREAS - $31.56 PER CUBIC METRE CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 3, 1989 PAGE 9. 3. A letter was received from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approving a designation of Road #22 into the St. Thomas suburban Road System. This was to allow for the top coat of paving of this section of road in 1988. 4. A letter was received from the Green Lane Landfill site indicating their disposal fees of $29.00 per tonne at the site. 5. A request was received from the City of London for support of the widening of Highway #401 between London and Woodstock. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY TH~ WE RECO~END TO COUNTY COUNCIL TH~ COUNCIL SUPPORT THE POSITION OF THE CITY OF LONDON REQUESTING TH~ THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO WIDEN HIGHWAY #401 TO SIX LANES BETWEEN LONDON AND WOODSTOCK WITHIN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD AND THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO BE ADVISED. CARRIED." The Engineer reported on an article in a local paper indicating that Shamrock Chemioals in Port Stanley were fined over $82,000 for pollution by sulphuric acid. Several rezonings by various municipalities were briefly discussed. . The Engineer indicated that the driveway control by-law was still in the process of being developed. Reeve Chute briefly discussed their litigation with Natural Resources Gas in Bayham Towns'h ip and it was suggested that Mr. Andy Wright be present at the next meeting to discusS gas line franchises in general. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED B~: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT WE ADJOURN TO THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1989 AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED." ,& ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND.THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attac~led to this report is a joint Budget .for therCounty of Elgin and the St.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The total expenditures were approved by the Februaryses~ion of County Council portionat;$7J542,900 composed of a general allocation of $6,378,900 and supple~entary requests forth~ closure of the Tates Bridge at 'f allocated th~ sum o~.$3,903,900 for fixed costs. this $749,000 was allocated to Machinery and Housing leaving a total $3,154,900 for Maintenance, Overhead, Urban Rebates, Stock Balance (Increases/Decreases) and Drainage Assessments. ;. ~.' l,' In the Fall of 1988 the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario agreed to modify our request fpr the 1989 machinery and housing by reallocating $100,000 from our previous request and adding to it $100,000 for a new storage garage. It was hoped to add to this from our insurance coverage from our old building so that a projected cost of $250,000 for the bUilding could be met. Unfortunately most 'of our insurance settlement has gone to the removal of the old building and moving and updating out radio equipment. Included.. was a new antenna cable from the top of the radio tower to our equipment location in our service garage~ which would have beenprequired in the near future in any event. Accordingly some of~he general allocation for new machinery will be required for the storage building. We'will request the Committee's approval to call quotations for a pre engineered building to be supplied and (,., - 3 - ~.,. ,-" Bridge in the amount of $20,000 (County of Elgin's share). The contract will be looked after by the County of Middlesex. Bridge maintenance also includes the inspection, cleaning and washing of bridges and miscellaneous repairs, etc. The major repair of the Iona Bri~ge over the Talbot Creek on Road #l4 is shown as a special project. Repairs are essential as the concrete has shown extreme deterioration in the past two years. Cul vert :maintenance includes the completion of work at the v,.,/o culverts on Road #48 in Yarmouth Township and on Road #7 (Kent Townline). We are continuing our superspan monitoring programme (which was a special project in 1988) and estimate the cost at $l4,OOO this year compared to $46,000 in 1988. Our monitoring programme (completed lO days ago) has indicated that there is very little difference in the Van Order Culvert on Road #42 from a year ago. Most culverts monitored last year have been checked and any significant differences will be checked again in the Spring. A system has been set up on a long term basis to monitor the Port Talbot Culvert and the Kettle Creek Culverts on Road #45 and the culvert on Rolson Hill on Road #38. Funds are also provided under culvert maintenance to do routine repairs and maintenance to all culverts on the road system. Roadside maintenance funds are shown to cut grass on all County roads as in previous years. We have solved our problems with our side mount disc mowers and are now mounting a disc mower on a second John Deere tractor. The proto type worked quite well last Summer. We are also modifying two Case International mowers which we used last Summer but incurred severe overheating problems. We expect the cost of mower maintenance to be greatly reduced in 1989. We expect drainage costs to increase as the 1988 costs reflected an extremely dry year and thus were much lower than normal. Unfortunately due to the drought most of the trees that we planted died and will have to be replaced (increased cost). We propose weed spraying on a spot basis again in 1989. Work was as directed by the Weed Inspector for spot spraying of extremely noxious weeds. We also did some spraying of cattails in ditches. ,.." - 5 - than the $525,000 estimated. Last year's Road Committee decided not to purchase any new snow fence nor erect what little we have. It would cost $30,000 to $35,000 to erect and remove snowfence plus normal replacement for any winter. Our present snowfence is in very poor condition and a considerable capital investment would be required before we started. No large increases in cost of safety devices are anticipated although the price of paint has increased to $2.01 per litre from $1.88 per litre (17% increase) caused by a world wide shortage of toluene. The cost of railroad protection has greatly increased since the Canadian National Rail has taken over the old Conrail line. The Canadian National Rail invoices have been checked for the last three months and the amount 'shown is an estimate for a 12 month period (November billing to a November billing). Due to normal inflation, etc., the amount left for special projects is considerably less in 1989 than was available in 1988. We'will require some of this money for an increase in stock balance as the open winter has allowed us to pile a considerable amount of gravel for crushing at the Sparta Pit. Although we have piled some gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit the quality is not good and it appears that unless it is used exclusively for shouldering, sand will have to be removed during crushing which will increase costs. Crushing costs are higher at Sparta than at the Pleasant Valley as the crushing contractor has to supply a man to remove the wood and clay lumps from the crusher conveyor belt. The reserve for increased winter costs and spring breakup and special projects are very low at $92,000 and this reserve should not be committed until winter costs and spring breakup costs have been assessed. OVERHEAD BURDEN COSTS: Some items are up considerably in 1989 over 1988. Tllere is a considerable increase is clerical costs. Last year's Committee felt that some of the work being done by our technician and our management staff could be taken over by clerical staff. A large increase in training costs is anticipated; most of this increase has been legislated including W.H.M.I.S. and the Occupational Health and: Safety Act. We also have to repeat our First Aid Course lne onlY ijood news regarding constructiOn IS that the ~an order Cul~ert appears to be stable at thiS time and we beiie~e tnat all of our pipe arcn culNerts are stable at tnis time and none of tnese will na~e to be replaced tnis summer totMr tnan perhapS tM Sil~er CreeK cul~ert on _ 7 - Road #AO). 'lie attacn a qualifying letter from Golder f\sSociateS with regard to the Joseph street ~ill on Road #23 in port stanley and as desirable as the project may be; tnere are no funds a~ailable at the present time for thiS project. It is difficult to estimate the total cost of a project such as tniS;but it is liKelY that it could be $500,000 or more. InstallatiOn of a storm drain and proper outlets would na~e to be considered as part of thiS project and liKelY tne ~illage of port stanley would consider the installation of additiOnal watermainf3CilitieS at the same time. lhe road will be closed for a considerable length of time for tne worK and snould be staged SO interference to traffic would be lessened. 'IIorK will still be required in 1990 on Road #2 ttop coat of pa~ement from Coyne Road easterlY pluS trimming). county Road #22 will alsO require a top coat of pa~inq at the intersection in 1990 plUS minOr trimming. It is noped that worK would be completed on Road #26 tst. George street) and tne 10wnsniP of ~armouth will complete their sewer contract with a top coat of asphalt thiS fall. 10 lea~e our worK any later would require the county doing all tne pa~ing at its own cost ratner tnan ha~ing the 10wnshiP'S sewer contract doing most of it. 'lie understand that the area is not included in anne~ation talKS with the City of st. ~homas. ~~: $340,000 is required to complete tne worK left o~er from 1988. $515,000 is \estimated for neW worK tto be designated after spring breaKUP)' f\ppro~imateYY nalf of thiS worK sMuld be left until tM fall SO tnat a contingencY \fund is a~ai\able for emergencies tnat might arise during the summertime. It is recommended that all cleanup worK from pre~ioUS years as well as worK on Road #30 be done as rapidlY as possible SO that theSe costs f\LL Of 'II~lC~ 15 RtSPtClfULL~ SUB1-\llltO are \<.no\'Jn. o 0 ,,000< oo....~~,,-""'"~'~..<<o ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET REVISED MARCH 7, 1989 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FIXED COST ALLOCATION FOR: I. Machinery and Housing $ 749,000 3 , 154,900 2. Maintenance, Overhead, Urban Rebates, Stock Balance Increases/Decreases, Drainage Assessments. TOTAL $3.903.900 BUDGET SUMMARY: Urban Rebates $ 93.900 516,000 2,305,000 240,000 Overhead (See Attached) Maintenance (See Attached) Drainage Assessments TOTAL :$3.154.900 NOTES: I. Payroll burden has been distributed to various Construction, Maintenance, Overhead and Accounts Receivable in accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario standard practices. 2. Increase in Stock balance (ie., Gravel in stock at Sparta and Pleasant Valley Pits) is shown in Maimtenance. 3. Accurate Urban Rebate estimates are unavailable until County assessments are approved (March 29th). Rebates were $84,l45 in 1989. 4. Drainage Assessments are estimated as follows: (a) Yarmouth Township (Southdale Road, Penhale Drain Road #45, etc.). (b) Other Townships (Aldborough Township mostly). (c) St. George Street (4 drains). $ 35,000 32,000 173,000 TOTAL $240.000 5. The fOllowing roads now under the control of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission to be assumed by the County of Elgin: (a) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) south of Road #45. (b) Road #28 (Centennial Avenue), south of Road #56 (Elm Street). (c) Road #45 from Highway #4 to Road #36. (d) Road #57 (Southdale Road). 3.5 Km 3.4 Km 9.2 Km 2 . I Km TOTAL 18.2 Km COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE AND.THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report isa joint Budget for the_~ounty of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. The total expenditures were approved by the February session of County Council with the subsidized portion at $7,542,900 composed of a general allocation of $6,378,900 and supplementary requests for the closure of the Tates Bridge at Middlemiss Bridge construction We have been allocated the sum of.$3,903,900 for fixed costs. Of this $749tOOO was allocated to Machinery and Housing leaving a total of $3,154,900 for Maintenancet Overhead, Urban Rebates, Stock Balance (Increases/Decreases) and Drainage Assessments. NEW MACHINERY AND HOUSING: . .....1;..1 . In the Fall of 1988 the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario agreed to modify our request for the 1989 machinery and housing by reallocating $100,000 from our previous request and adding to it $100,000 for a. new storage garage. It was hoped to add to this from our insurance coverage from our old building so that a projected cost of $250,000 for the building could be met. Unfortunately most.of our insurance settlement has gone to the removal of the old building and moving and updating our-radio equipment. Included was a new antenna cable from the top of the radio tower to our equipment location in our service garage which would have been required in the near future in any event. Accordingly some of the general allocation for new machinery will be required for the storage building. We'will request the Committee's approval shortly to call quotations for a pre engineered building to be supplied and erected before Fall. This bUilding will be placed on the west iI ., ". - 2 - ...,.,. '. Present new,:\m~chill~r.}'",~tendered wh i ch has b~~}:~:';5d~~btV,;jf1J@d or wi 11 be shortly totals $320,000. Our immediate requirements are new guns for our paint marking equipment and a rollover protection cab structure for our vibrating roller to comply with a new section of the Occupational Health and Safety Act which will come into effect this Spring. Other new equipment will be proposed as the need arises or in the Fall. ,& URBAN REBATES: Urban rebates are estimated at $93,900 but the exact amount will not be known until the County assessments have been adopted by County Council on March 29th at which time an adjustment in the budget will be required. PAYROLL BURDEN: .In accordance with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario accepted practice, payroll burden is added to all items involving County labour (other than those items in the payroll burden itself). Thus all maintenance, . construction, overhead and charge outs involving County labour are charged a portion of payroll burden. This payroll burden is estimated at 37.2% and is now automatically added to our accounts by our computer instead of being done manually at the end of the year. Thus a credit (or a debit) will appear which will reflect the differences between the calculated amount and the actual amount. (Last year we were within 5%.) Payroll burden increases this year are the result of legislated increases rather than increases granted by County Council. Our annual holiday and statutory holiday costs are up as a result of having more regular employees rather than a large increase of holiday benefits due. The largest percentage costs are a result of health related issues which have been readjusted by our insurers and by the Province. The total payroll is estimated to be approximately 6.5% greater than last year which includes increases in rates, advances in categories and additional "'. .... staff. MAINTENANCE: Maintenance costs in total are estimated to be 6% greater than in 1988. Bridge and culvert maintenance work includes painting on the Wardsville - 3 - p ~ Bridge in the amount of $20,000 (County of Elgin's share). The contract will be looked after by the County of Middlesex. Bridge maintenance also includes the inspection, cleaning and washing of bridges and miscellaneous repairs, etc. The major repair of the Iona Bridge over the Talbot Creek on Road #l4 is shown as a special project. Repairs are essential as the concrete has shown extreme deterioration in the past two years. Culvert maintenance includes the completion of work at the two culverts on Road #48 in Yarmouth Township and on Road #7 (Kent Townline). We are continuing our supers pan monitoring programme (which was a special project in 1988) and estimat~ the cost at $l4,000 this year compared to $46,000 in 1988. Our monitoring programme (completed lO days ago) has indicated that there is very little difference in the Van Order Culvert on Road #42 from a year ago. Most culverts monitored last year have been checked and any significant differences will be checked again in the Spring. A system has been set up on a long term basis to monitor the Port Talbot Culvert and the Kettle Creek Culverts on Road #45 and the culvert on Rolson Hill on Road #38. Funds are also provided under culvert maintenance to do routine repairs and maintenance to all culverts on the road system. Roadside maintenance funds are shown to cut grass on all County roads as in previous years. We have solved our problems with our side mount disc mowers and are now mounting a disc mower on a second John Deere tractor. The proto type worked quite well last Summer. We are also modifying two Case International mowers which we used last Summer but incurred severe overheating problems. We expect the cost of mower maintenance to be greatly reduced in 1989. We expect drainage costs to increase as the 1988 costs reflected an extremely dry year and thus were much lower than normal. Unfortunately due to the drought most of the trees that we planted died and will have to be replaced (increased cost). We propose weed spraying on a spot basis again in 1989. Work was as directed by the Weed Inspector for spot spraying of extremely noxious weeds. We also did some spraying of cattails in ditches. ~ - 4 - Paved road maintenance will undoubtedly increase in 1989 because of the wet winter and hoar frost action. Repairs to pavement to date are much greater than in a normal winter. We expect our machine laid hot mix patching needs to be much above average. Our sweeper is a high maintenance item but repair costs are not as yet to the stage where a new machine would be more economical. In 1988 we started sweeping earlier in the season and more often than in 1987. We expect this trend will continue in 1989 and sweeping will be required by mid-month. We also did not grade our shoulders as early or as often as we should have in 1988 and funds are budgeted for an increase in this portion of the work in 1989. A considerable amount of surface treatment work will be required in 1989 because of the wet weather and spring breakup potential. Favourable weather conditions in 1988 allowed all work needed to be completed. It is unlikely that the amount budgeted will allow all work necessary to be completed. We are falling behind in the application of shoulder gravel. Some of our roads have not been gravelled for 5 to 6 years but it is not likely that we can afford more than the $90,000 budgeted. Gravel road maintenance continues to be a high cost item with the usual inflationary costs for grading and dust control. We expect an increase in prime costs as we did not do any work in Belmont or Calton in 1988 as the prime came through the 1987 - 1988 winter in good condition. It is not likely that the prime will make it through this winter. Gravel resurfacing is recommended on Road #18 between Road #20 and Road #19 in Southwold Township and Road #17 east of Southwold Station in Southwold Township (half being charged to the County of Middlesex), Road #28 (Centennial Avenue) south of Southdale Road to Road #45, Road #43 between Richmond and the Cookls Bridge and Cook1s Bridge southerly 0.5 kilometers (Bayham-Malahide Townline). It is recommended that Road #9 be left until 1990 at which time all Road #9 and Road #5 north of Road #9 should be gravelled. With the Middlemiss Bridge reopened to trucking a more advantageous tender might be received. Winter control is a difficult item to estimate. It was a sunny day when did the estimates and I only hope that costs can be kept to less ~ , ~ - 5 - ~ than the $525.000 estimated. Last year's Road Committee decided not to purchase any new snow fence nor erect what little we have. It would cost $30.000 to $35,000 to erect and remove snowfence plus normal replacement for any winter. Our present snowfence is in very poor condition and a considerable capital investment would be required before we started. No large increases in cost of safety devices are anticipated although the price of paint has increased to $2.01 per litre from $1.88 per litre (7% increase) caused by a world wide shortage of toluene. The cost of railroad protection has greatly increased since the Canadian National Rail has taken over the old Conrail line. The Canadian National Rail invoices have been checked for the last three months and the amount shown is an estimate for a 12 month period (November billing to a November billing). Due to normal inflation, etc., the amount left for special projects is considerably less in 1989 than was available in 1988. We'will require some of this money for an increase in stock balance as the open winter has allowed us to pile a considerable amount of gravel for crushing at the Sparta Pit. Although we have piled some gravel at the Pleasant Valley Pit the quality is not good and it appears that unless it is used exclusively for shouldering, sand will have to be removed during crushing which will increase costs. Crushing costs are higher at Sparta than at the Pleasant Valley as the crushing contractor has to supply a man to remove the wood and clay lumps from the crusher conveyor belt. The reserve for increased winter costs and spring breakup and special projects are very low at $92,000 and this reserve should not be committed until winter costs and spring breakup costs have been assessed. OVERHEAD BURDEN COSTS: Some items are up considerably in 1989 over 1988. There is a considerable increase is clerical costs. Last year's Committee felt that some of the work being done by our technician and our management staff could be taken over by clerical staff. A large increase in training costs is anticipated; most of this increase has been legislated including W.H.M.I.S. and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. We also have to repeat our First Aid Course ~ - 6 - . ~ because of the requirement5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. As in former years we expect to send some of our employees to the Ontario Good Roads Association Road School. We will add to our computer programmes so the computer will be used on a full time basis rather than just for financial needs. We hope to use the computer for land purchase files, indexing, stock quantities, road sign inventories as well as the Road Inventory Management System (RIMS) and Needs Study Update. A percentage of overhead is chargeable to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission based on the comparative total expenditure County and Suburban. ~ We are maintaining 15% more road mileage in 1989 than in 1986. We will also be maintaining more road mileage in 1989 than we did in 1988 as we took over Road #l8 in mid year. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS: Drainage assessments are estimated at $240,000 which is 2.4 times the amount allocated by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. As the shortfall of $140.000 is not available from the construction budget this year it must come from maintenance (special maintenance projects). This is the chief reason why our special maintenance projects are reduced from $487,000 to $250.000. CONSTRUCTION: The construction budget is attached and is contingent on the approval from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to transfer $l,OOO,OOO from the resurfacing allocation to the construction allocation. If this is not allowe~ then work must be deleted from the construction allocation. It is believed that the estimates are reasonably accurate and it would be wishful thinking that there would be enough money saved from the construction listed on Page #l and Page #2 to start any major project. If the supplementary spending application is approved for the Middlemiss Bridge then construction funds could be transferred to start the next construction project in priority (Road #43 north and south of Calton). ~ . # - 7 - ~ . ~ The only good news regarding construction is that the Van Order Culvert appears to be stable at this time and we believe that all of our pipe arch culverts are stable at this time and none of these will have to be replaced this Summer (other than perhaps the Silver Creek Culvert on Road #40). We attach a qualifying letter from Golder Associates with regard to the Joseph Street Hill on Road #23 in Port Stanley and as desirable as the project may be; there are no funds available at the present time for this project. It is difficult to estimate the total cost of a project such as this but it is likely that it could be $500,000 or more. Installation of a storm drain and proper outlets would have to be considered as part of this project and likely the Village of Port Stanley would consider the installation of additional watermain"fatilities at the same time. The road will be closed for a considerable length of time for the work and should be staged so interference to traffic would be lessened. Work will still be required in 1990 on Road #2 (top coat of pavement from Coyne Road easterly plus trimming). County Road #22 will also require a top coat of paving at the intersection in 1990 plus minor trimming. It is hoped that work would be completed on Road #26 (St. George Street) and the Township of Yarmouth will complete their sewer contract with a top coat of asphalt this Fall. To leave our work any later would require the County doing all the paving at its own cost rather than having the Townshipls sewer contract doing most of it. We understand that the area is not included in annexation talks with the City of St. Thomas. RESURFACING WORK: $340,000 is required to complete the work left over from 1988. $515,000 is estimated for new work (to be designated after spring breakup). Approximately half of this work should be left until the Fall so that a contingency fund is available for emergencies that might arise during the summertime. It is recommended that all cleanup work from previous years as well as work on Road #30 be done as rapidly as possible so that these costs are known. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED R ~ MnnRF rnlrnTY FN~TNFFR COIl"l~ Of tLGlll ROf\U otPf\Rll-1t"l ~ RE\!lSED M~RC\-\ 7 , 1989 1-1 III 1 S1R ~ Of 1Rf\1l SPORl f\ 1\ Oil Of 0111 f\R IOn 1/,tO cosl f\ L l OCf\ 1\ Oil fOR: $ 7A9,000 1. l-IacninerY and Housing 2 I-Iaintenance, o~ernead, Ufban . Rebates, stoCK Balance Increases/oecreases, Drainage I\ssessments. 101 ~L ~: Urban Rebates o~erhead tsee f\ttached) I-Iaintenance tsee f\ttached) 101 ~L Drainage f\ssessments 1. payroll burden has been distributed to ~ariouS construction, I-Iaintenance, o~erhead and f\ccounts Recei~able in accordance witn I-linistry of lransportatiOn of ontario standard pract1Ces. 2 1ncrease in stoCK balance tie., Gra~el in stoCK . at sparta and Pleasant ~alleY Pits) is shown in Maintenance. 3 f\CCUrate Urban Rebate estimates are una~ailable . until county assessments are appro~ed tl-larch 29th). Rebates were $84,145 in 1989. 4. orainage f\ssessments are estimated as follOWS: ta) ~armouth 10wnsniP tSOutndale Road, penhale orain Road #45, etc.). tb) otner 10wnships tf\ldborOugh 10wnshiP mostlY)' tc) st. George street t4 drains), NOlES: ~ 3,15A,900 ----- ~ $ 93,900 5\6,000 2,305,000 2AO,000 ----- ~ 101f.\L 5 lhe following roads now under the control of . the st. lhOmas Suburban Road commiSsion to be assumed bY tne county of tlgin: ta) Road #22 tfair~iew f\~enue) south of Road #45. tb) Road #2B tcentennial f\~enue), soutn of Road #56 ,Elm street). tc) Road #45 from ~ignwaY #4 to Road #36. td) Road #57 tSoutndale Road). 101 ~L $ 35,000 3'2.,000 \73,000 --- ~ 3.5 \Zm 3.A \Zm 9.2 \Zm 2 . 1 \Zm -- ~ \Zm COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET REVISED - MARCH 7. 1989 5. This will leave approximately 46 kilometers under the control the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ARE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (St. George Street) County: (a) Yarmouth Township (Southdale Road, Penhale Dra in, Etc.). (b) Others ,. PAGE 2. $173,000 67,000 (Total) COUN1Y OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET PAYROLL BURDEN (APPLICf\BLE 10 COUNTY AND ST. lHOMf\S SUBUR8AN ROADS) ITEM Holidays With Pay: (a) Annual - Regular Employees (b) Annual - Casual Employees (c) Statutory - Regular Employees (d) Statutory - Casual Employees (e) Compassionate Leave (f) Jury Sick Benefits Para~Med Services Inclement Weather, Standby, Etc. Safety Equipment Workers' Compensation Insurance Canada Pension O.M.E.R.S. U.1.C. O.H.I.P. and E.H.C. (1986 and 1987) o . H . 1. P. (1988 ) E. H . C . (1988 ) L.l.D. li fe Insurance Dental TOTALS 1986 102,321 59,932 1,176 48,020 2,885 10,022 40,344 22,307 72,201 45,417 46,172 13,275 3,580 $467t652 1987 139,384 68,373 1,221 52,826 9,887 13,778 51,815 27,673 84,956 56,666 49,803 16,365 4,934 348 $578,029 1988 117,324 8,738 67,24.2 5,510 1, 761 188 50.856 664 7.888 11,121 40,743 29,960 95,336 58,700 36 , 183 21,488 20,994 5,5A9 9,002 ~589 .24'[ ". 1989 ESTIMATE 138,000 8,500 74,000 5,000 1 , 500 55,000 2,000 7,000 13,000 44,000 31, 000 104,000 50,000 40,500 25,000 32,000 6,500 12,000 $64 ~illill.: *N01E: 27 Wage Pay Peri ods in 1987 tV s. 26 Wage Pay Per i ods in 1986 and 1988). COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET - PAYROLL BURDEN 11' PAGE 2. PAYROLL BURDEN DISTRIBUTION 1986 1987 1988 Total Labour $1,506,642.33 $1,848,576 $1,902,042 LESS: Labour in Payroll Burden 214,334.77 271 ,738 259,507 LESS: Canada Summer 186 2,792.00 Net Labour $1,289,515.56 $l,576,8l8 $1,642,535 Payroll Burden 467,652.25 578,029 589,247 Payroll Burden as a % of Net Labour 36.2657% 36.66% 35.87% 1989 ESTIMATES Total Labour 2~,026,00b LESS: Labour in Payroll 282,000 1,744,000 Pay Roll Burden 649,000 Pay Roll Burden as a Percentage of Net Labour = 37.21% (We had started the year using 36% in our computer calculation and will change for Paylists after February 15, 1989 and use 37.5%.) { COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS (Maintenance Comparisons for 1986, 1987 and 1988 include County and Suburban Road Expenditures and also include Payroll Burden.) County of Elg into assume Road #57. Road #45, Road #22 (South of Road #45) and Road #28 (South of Road #56) from the St. Thomas Sub. Comm. ST. THOMfI.S SUBURBAN OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS A - Bridges and Culverts - I Bridges 44,790 3l,310 66,066 75,000 71 ,000 4,000 - 2 Culverts 33,719 69,216 30,725 50,000 48,000 2,000 B - Roadside maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting 74,117 73,612 96, 180 90,000 79,000 11,000 - 2 Tree Cutting and Brushing 81,377 l33,l80 110,659 l30,000 128,OOO 2,000 - 4 Drainage 106,297 150,953 114,942 125,000 l20,000 5,000 - 5 Roadside Maintenance l7,960 34,920 13,511 15,000 ll,500 3,50n - 6 Tree Planting 2,872 2,325 7,211 9,000 9,000 - 7 Drainage Assessments 5,436 1,928 3,532 3,500 3,500 (Maintenance) -ll Weed Spraying 824 1 ,500 1 ,500 C - Paved Road Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Pavement 126, 100 200, l79 - I (1988) Miscellaneous Repairs Only 57,004 70,000 60,000 10,000 - 2 Sweeping 22,424 20,018 35,389 44,000 40,000 4,000 - 3 Shoulder Maintenance 67,770 111,572 - 3 (1988) Application of Shoulder 92,323 90,000 78,000 12,000 Gravel COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 2. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS C - Paved Road Maintenance (Continued) - 4 Surface Treatment 86,002 141,858 122.926 l40,000 140,000 - 5 (l988) Shoulder Maintenance Including Grading 23.538 32,000 28,000 4,000 - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix 73,537 70,000 70,000 Patching D - Gravel Road Maintenance - 2 Grading Gravel Roads 39,Ol6 57,987 47,927 52,000 49,000 3,000 - 3 Dust Control 5l,627 82,51l 84.912 90,000 84,000 6,000 - 4 Prime 10,850 l3,074 6,300 12,OOO 9,000 3,000 - 5 Gravel Resurfacing 170, 136 268,425 111 ,626 67,500 67,500 E - Winter Control Total 739,l73 483,406 482.938 525,000 467,000 58,000 - I Snow Plowing 222,936 1l9,424 119.205 125,000 117,000 S,OOO - 2 Sanding and Salting 473,124 307,960 315,309 360,000 315,000 45,000 - 3 Snow Fence 2l.583 26,766 10,257 - 4 Standby and Night Crew 21,530 29,256 38, 167 40,000 35,000 5,000 \ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 MAINTENANCE BUDGET COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS PAGE 3. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATED COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking 42,431 43,783 44,516 47,000 40,000 7,000 - 2 Signs and Signals 87 , 194 168,805 158,564 166,000 156,000 10,000 - 3 Guide Rai 1 I ,858 3,568 9,951 8,000 6,000 2,000 - 4 Railroad Protection 39,909 64,664 43 , 135 72,500 65,000 7,500 - 6 Edge Marking 36,849 39,420 40,762 43,000 35,000 8,000 - 7 Stump Removal 31,717 48,067 27,821 27.000 26,000 1 ,000 TOTAL $1,919.624 $2.244.78l $1,906.819 $2,055,000 $1,892,000 $l63.000 Special Projects (All County): Complete Road #8 Dutton Curb (Invoices from 1989) 8,000 8,000 Complete Road #20, Urban Shedden (Invoice from 1989 - $2,300 Plus Minor Cleanup) 5,000 5,000 Road #14, Iona Bridge Over Talbot Creek (Major Repairs) 35,000 35,000 Road #57, Asphalt Pave and Gravel as Required (I Kilometer West of Road #22) (Southdale) 50,000 50,000 Increase in Stock Balance (Gravel Piled at Pleasant Valley and Sparta Pits) 60.000 60,000 Reserve for Increased Winter Control Costs ,Excessive Spring Breakup, 92,000 92,000 Repairs to Pavements, Other Projects such as Road #27 [Highway #4 West], Southdale [West End], Orwell, Road #18 Lawrence Station Urban, Curb and Gutter Repairs, as funds permit. Special Projects (1988) $ 487,359 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 TOTALS $2.~94.178 $2.305.000 $2.142.000 .<li1 n~. 000 l 1fI'l COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET OVERHEAD (COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS) OPERATION 1986 1987 1988 1989 ESTIMATE Superintendence* $140,058 $143,110 $148.062 $l51,000 *(Includes, Engineer Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Two Vehicles) Clerical 68,884 82,7l9 87,564 113 ,000 Garage and White Station Property 116 ,932 l20,294 118 , 386 l25,000 Office 38,105 28,529 31,535 33,000 Computer 5,508 7,000 Tools 20,520 23, l41 31,539 25,000 Radio 5,478 7,5l4 6,110 7,000 Needs Study Update and Traffic Counts 11 ,731 l6,748 12,274 28,000 Training Courses 6,306 10,621 8, 185 24,500 Miscellaneous Insurance 2,202 2,446 2,384 2,500 Retirement Benefits, Sick Time 30,006 18,807 Carryover TOTALS $4l9.06~ $465.2128 $470,,354 $516.000 Without Retirement Benefits: 1986 - $4l0,216 1987 - $435,122 1988 - $451,547 1989 - $510,000 1989 Estimated Distribution - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission $30,000 _ County of Elgin $486,000 It is estimated that 6% of totai expenditure will be on the St. Thomas Suburban Road System. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Allocation for Construction Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Allocation for Resurfacing TOTAL (A) WORK UNDERWAY FROM 1988: 1. Construction Middlemiss Bridge. 2. Construction Middlemiss Bridge Approaches. 3. Payment for flashing light signals, Road #45 (Smoke Road) at Canadian National Rail Crossing. 4. Road #23 - Joseph Street Hill, Port Stanley Surveys, Engineering and Golder Associates Invoices ($2,600) to date. 5. Road #l6 - Completion of work at Port Talbot Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, and seeding. 6. Road #45 - Completion of work at Kettle Creek Culvert; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, seeding, etc. 7. Road #22 - Complete to 300 feet north of Road #27 intersection; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, drainage, seeding, etc. 8. Road #2 - Complete from Aldborough Townline to Coyne Road; top coat of asphalt, gravel, trimming, drainage, seeding, etc. (The westerly portion has been left for two winters and must have second coat of asphalt this year.) 9. Land - County _ St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 10. Surveys - County _ St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission TOTAL (B) CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS FORWARDED: I. Road #2 - Granular base, grading, drainage, base coat of asphalt, Coyne Drain to complete to Ecker Drain. (This will complete grading, granular base, etc., on Road #2.) 2. Road #22 - Intersection of Road #27 including utility movement, channelization, paving, etc. (Intersection has to be raised to provide visibility to the west.) jIllI4 REVISED MARCH 7, 1989 .$1, 120 ,000 1, 855,000 $2.975.000 $l,056,000 l20,000 8,500 7,000 lO,OOO ll,OOO 45,000 160,000 80,000 2,000 20,000 $1.5l9.500 $340,500 l20,000 Continued . . . va) 3. _ 2 - Road #26 _ tst. Ge~rge stre~t! \:.st. l00mas Suburban Road commiSsion1; ut111~Y .mo~ement. drainage in conJunction witn mun1C1pai dra1ns, curb and gutter for traffic control at intersecting roads and at cur~es. curb and gutter for erosion control treiocation of nill portion t~ toe east.). f\pplication.of sign~l relocatiOn at canadian National Rall crosslng. 101P-,L 101f\L pf\R1S · f\' f\1l0 · B' LtSS: construction f\llocation ~ fR01-\ RtSIlRff\ClllG f\LLOCf\110N lAO,OOO ----- ~ $2,120,000 \, 120,000 ---- ~ requ~~~s;;jt~~n:~~s\~~a~~n~f f~~a~~~u~~p~~~~lt~a~o~~~u~~~~~\lY . d then it will be necessarY It thiS request is onlY part1allY apro~e to delete construction worK to met tne appro~al. . . f 0 tario appro~es ~~tY of If the 1-\inistry of lran~por\~\10~0~ f~ 1-\iddlemisS Bridge construction Elgin sup~l~mentarY r1equest tO~. n of ontariO appro~al is recei~ed to and tne 1-\lnlstrY of ranspor a ~o worK can be started on tne ne~t di~ert $l~OOO,OO~ from resurfdacblnlo~~~l tRoad #43. north and soutn of constructiOn proJect appro~e Y calton). ~ t f\) C01-\P L t 11 Oil Of 'IIOR\( fR\l'\ 1988: 1 Road .20 _ Between Bo~all Road and fingal . street tloP of stacey ~ill) soutnwo~d; shoulder, trimming, seeding and dra1nage. 2 Roan #24 _ port BrUce westerlY, ~armouth . and 1-\aianide 10wnshipS; top coat of asphalt. gra~el, drainage, etc. . t1ncludes $29,000 of 19B8 worK not paid until 1989.) 3. Road #46 _ ~ighwaY #3 to corintn; snoulder, trimming and seedlng. 4 Road #52 _ tast of springfieid; snoulder, . trimming and seeding. 5. Road #52 _ 'IIest of springfield to ~ighwaY .73; shOuldering, trimming and seeding. 6. Road #52 _ ~ighwaY #73 to ~i~owaY #74; snouldering, trimming and seed1ng. 101P-,L ,\3) .~" 10 be recommended after spring BreaKUP' 101~L RESURfP-,cING $ 30,000 240,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 35,000 ----- ~ 000 ~ ~ - 3 - ~ SUMMARY Construction Resurfacing TOTAL $2,120,000 855,000 $2.975.000 SUPPLEMENTARY APPLICATION FOR SPENDING (MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO APPROVAL PENDING) (a) Tates Bridge (b) Road #30 (c) Middlemiss Bridge TOTAL $ 14,000 400,000 250,000 $664.000 $3.639.000 $3.903.900 $7,542,900 38,300 $7.581.200 Total Construction If All Spending Applications Approved Fixed Costs Allocation (Page #1) Total Subsidized Budget Items Not Subsidized (BUDGET APPROVED FEBRUARY 3, 1989) 11/'1. (@ Golder Associates Ltd. CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS January 12, 1989 Our ref: 881-3037-1 The Corporation of the County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5Vl ATTENTION: Mr. R.G. Moore, P. Enq. RE: PROPOSED REMEDIAL WORKS JOSEPH S'l"HEET (EI..GIN ROAD 23) PORT STANLEY, ONTARIO Dear Sirs: We have forwarded under separate cover Golder Associates Report No. 881-3037-1 entitled "Geotechnical Investigation, Joseph Street (Elgin Road 23), Port Stanley, Ontario," dated January 1989. As detailed in our report, significant remedial measures are required at the site in order to safely maintain the travelled section of Joseph Street and the sidewalk on the north side of Joseph Street. We understand that due to non-geotechnical reasons the remedial works cannot be carried out immediately and will be delayed somewhat. Further to our report, if the remedial work is not going to be carried out immediately, ongoing movements of the slope and further deformation and deterioration of the sidewalk and roadway should be anticipated. While it is not possible to predict the nature, magnitude and timing of future movements in the filled slope, the results of the investigation do indicate that large, deep seated movements are unlikely. It is therefore antici.pated that the ongoing movement will continue to be relatively . .. 2 GOLDEn ASSOCIATES LTD. . 500 NOTTlNGHILL nOAD, LONDON, ONTARIO. CANADA N6K 31'1. II'I FPIIOflF r,I'1) ~719600' FACSIMILE 15191471.4707 OFFICES IN CANADA. UNITED STATES. UNITED KINGDOM . swrnEt~ . AIIS1nMIA 8Bl-3031-1 January 12, 1989 s ha 110\'1 ,of a modest nlagn i tude , sub ject to the loca 1i zed failure of the timber \'Iall remnantS. and \'Iill probablY occur as a result of spring tha\'l or hea;1Y rainfall e;1ents. 2 \'Ie therefore concur, from a geotechnical standpoint, that the remedial \'Iork could be deferred S01ne\'lhat. 1l0\'le;1er, in the interest of public safety. the following recommendatiOns should be carried out until such time that the remedial \'Iorks ha;1e been completed: ii) Joseph street should be periodicallY inspected by your staff and a~ crackS in the existing asphalt should be sealed. In ~e e~ent that significant further deterioration or any sudden mO;1ementS of the exist i ng 5 i de\'la lk , roadway 0' ad j a cen t sloVes occur. this office should be notified inunediatelY, i) 'rhe existing side\'lalk along the no,th side of Joseph street should be closed. \'Ie trust that this letter is sufficient (0' your present requirements. iii) ~s noted in ~e prelimina,Y ,eport. any major movements o( the filled slope nlaY affeCt the home at the bottom of the slope and (.he o\'lner/occupant should be advised of the potential danger. YOurs trulY, GOLDER ASSOCIATES ~~ i (l , \\ \-. \1VJ.; P~lip~. Bede~l' RLS/PRB/jq LrrD . p. Eng. Go\der "ssoc\a\es ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1989 BUDGET I. Maintenance (See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget for breakdown). 2. Drainage Assessments (Road #26 [St. George Street]). 3. Construction: (a) Land Purchase. (b) Road #26 (St. George Street). 4. Overhead (See combined County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission estimates for breakdown). TOTAL ~ FIRST DRAFT MARCH 3, 1989 $163,000 173,000 2,000 140,000 30,000 $508.000 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy is estimated at 80% or County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas share equally in remainder City of St. Thomas share Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Equalized one/half Mill Levy provides LESS: Deficit from 1988 LESS: City of St. Thomas share of Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (50% of $500.00). AVAILABLE Estimated Cost to City of St. Thomas for Above DEFICIT TO 1990 $406,400 $101,600 $50,800 $52,900.00 3,l23.36 250.00 $49,526.64 50,800.00 $, 1.273.36 COU1l1~ Of tlGlll ROf\O CO~llltt \\-\lro REPORl rEBRU~R~ SESS10N \989 10 l~t 'IIf\ROtll f\1l0 1-\t1-\BtRS Of l~t COU1l1~ Of tLGlll COllllC1L ~OUR ROf\O col'll'\111tt RtPOR1S f\S fOLLOIlS: t .. lne following is a SuromarY of t~penditures on tlgin county and st. lnOmas SUburban Road commiSsion Roads in 19B8. A 'J\."th M\."niStry of lransportatiOn of ontario practice, payroll In accoruance ~\I rl I' . . tt nas been distributed to Burden sucn as ~lidaYS 'IIitn pay. SicK l1me. c., ~arioUS prciects and does not appear as a separate item. tsee "ote page 8) ~ tf\) ~ . t\) Road #45, soutnwold 10wnsniP - Repair of ~ettle CreeK Cul~ert. tlotal cost 19B7 and \988.)t78~,618.94) tloP coat o{ f\spnalt Remains to be completed.) $\96,57A.23 27A,275.0\ t2) Road *16, ounwicn 10wnsniP - Repair of lalbot creeK Cul~ert. tloP coat of f\spnalt RemainS to be completed.) t3) Road #\4, ounwicn and soutnwold 10wnsniPS - " " anA soil lests - 1-\iddlemiSS Bridge. Eng\.neer\.ng "u tcounty of tlgin snare.) t4) lates Bridge tn~iroomental studY, ttc., Dun~ich 1o~nship. tcounty of tlgin snare.) t5) Road #42, Baynam 10wnsnip - tnglneering, l-\Onitoring and SOilS leSts - ~an order Cul~e\t. 101M- t~) tB) ~: . . tl) Road #2, ounwicn 10wnsn1P - Grading _ ~nt Mi~ pa~ing. 87,860.A7 6,\57.5\ 8,\15.\0 ~ $ 573 ,OA2 .32 $376, \13 .AO COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ll-IIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 (2) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue), Yarmouth Township - Grading, Granular Base, Paving, Etc. (See Also St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Construction.) Total County and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1988 Expenditures. (276,381.34) (3) Land Purchase and Legal Surveying Road #2, Road #4, Road #22, Road #43, Etc. (4) Road #23 (Joseph Street Hill), Port Stanley - Engineering and Soil Test. (5) Surveys, Engineering or Other Projects. New Work, Etc. (6) Road #30 (Radio Road), Yarmouth Township - Environmental Study, Land Appraisal and Purchase, Grading, Granular Base. Glanworth Drain Culvert. TOTAL (B) (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC. (1) Road #2, Aldborough Township from West Lorne to Aldborough-Dunwich Townline. Completion of 1987 Work. (2) Road #8, Dunwich Township - Entrance to Pearce Park. .. Completion of 1987 Work. (3) Road #13, Dunwich Township - From Dutton to Road #14. Completion of 1987 Work (4) Road #18, Southwold Township - From Road #20 Westerly. Completion of 1987 Work ". PAGE 2 $218,391. 28 57,836.95 6 , 530. 18 23,959.20 400,015.31 $ 1 ,082 ,906.32 $ 8,491.29 4,166.47 6,647.16 603. 16 ~ ~GE 3 C01l1l1~ Of tLGlll ROf\U CO~111tt \\-\lRU REPOR1 ftBRUf\R~ stSS 1 Oil , \989 t5) Road #20, soutnwold 10wnsniP - Union Road between BO)(all Road and Lot #\5, 1l0rtn and south of Union Road. $ 385 ,7A8. \5 \32,529.03 t6) ROad #24, 1-\alanide and ~armoutn 10wnsniPS - port BrUce 'IIesterlY - Base coat onlY. tloP coat Re~uired \989.) 27,60\ .95 t7) Road *42, 1-\alanide and Baynam 10wnsniPS - frOm Road #40 to port Burwell. completion of \987 'IIorK. \73,507.AO tB) Road #46, Baynam 10wnsnip. ~ignwaY #3 to corintn. t9) Road #52, 1-\alanide and soutn oorcnester 10wnsnipS tast of limits of ~illage of springfield. \38,085.8\ 2A7 , \A7 .75 t\O) Road #52, 1-\alanide and soutn oorcnester lownsniPS _ 'IIest of limits of ~illage of springfield to ~ignwaY #73. t\\) Road #52, 1-\alanide, soutn oorcnester, and ~armoutn 10wnsnipS _ Between ~ignwaY #73 and ~igh~aY #7A. 572.,539.2.9 ~ $ ,,697,067.A6 101~l \ C) $ \9,AA5.63 cr 2.\,32.2..9\ cr \\)) ~: t\) credit 1-\acninerY ownersnip costs, ttc. cnarged to f\CcountS Recei~able and 1-\iscellaneoUs 1-\acnine f\Ccounts and 10wnline 629,2.6A.09 ~ccounts. r" t2) lleW and used 1-\acninery and 1-\aior Repairs to presentlY owned t~Uipment. 20, \27.67 t3) Replacement of Gasoline lanKS, pump, ttc., at county 'IInite'S station Garage. tRe~uired bY 1-\inistry of tn~ironment.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 ~ PAGE 4 (4) Drainage Assessments Charged Against County Roads. $ 24,214.03 (5) Payroll Burden Costs. Not Distributed (Approximately 5.6% of Total of Payroll Costs.) 34,894.40 Cr TOTAL (D) $ 597,942.85 TOTAL COUNTY CONSTRUCTION $ 3.950.958.95 (E) ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION: (1) Land Purchase Including Road #26 $ 5,346.77 (St. George Street.) (2) Miscellaneous Surveys. 494.42 (3) Road #16 - Replacement of Fowler Drain Culvert 102,158.06 at East Limit of Fingal (Pipe Arch Culvert Replaced with Pre Cast Concrete Box Culvert.) (4) Road #29 - Extension of Lindsay Culvert with 48,673.75 Pre Cast Concrete Box. (5) Road #30 - Completion from 1987 of Patterson 5,757.54 Bridge over Kettle Creek. (6) Road #22 (Fairview Avenue) - Construction 57,990.06 (St. Thomas Suburban Road Portion of Construction. ) TOTAL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD $ 220,420.60 COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $ 4, 171,379.55 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 ~ PAGE 5 AMENDED FEBRUARY 14, 1989 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS *NOTE: Letters and Numbers correspond to Ministry of Transportation Account Numbers. A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Bridges - 2 Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting - 4 Drainage - 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, Shouldering, Etc. - 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs On I y ) -11 Weed Spraying C - Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement (General Patching, etc.) - 2 Sweeping - 3 Shoulder Maintenance (Gravelling) - 4 Surface Treatment - 5 Shoulder Maintenance, General Grading, Etc. - 6 Machine Laid Hot Mix Asphalt Patching D - Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) - 2 Grading Gravel Roads - 3 Dust Control - 4 Dust Control (Prime) - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E - Winter Control - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding and Salting - 3 Snow Fence - 4 Winter Standby * Total Winter Control 1985 Winter Control - $533,197 1986 Winter Control - $739,173 1987 Winter Control - $483,406 No Snow Fence Erected Fall of 1988 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 61,512.94 4,553.98 66,066.02 28,770.70 1,954.35 30,725.05 80,177.16 16,002.48 96,179.64 106,130.37 4,528.65 110,659.02 112,394.33 2,547.23 114 , 941. 56 10,179.97 3,330.48 13,510.45 6,752.86 458.11 7,210.97 3,433.09 99.11 3,532.20 768.50 55.60 824. 10 44,739.73 33,078.07 83,730.41 122.925.71 12,264.63 2,309.99 8,593.21 57,004.36 35,388.06 92,323.62 122,925.71 20,298.47 3,239.63 23,538.10 50,793.28 22,743.94 73,537.22 43,714.83 75,475.42 4 , .212 .22 9,436.40 6, .299 . 66 9.907.38 47,927.05 84 , 911. 82 6,299.66 111,626.07 101,718.69 110,763.32 8,,442.30 119,205.62 265,071.04 50,:237.78 315,308.82 9,028.32 1,:228.74 10,257.06 33.586.88 4,580.03 38,166.91 418,449.56 64, ,488 .85 482,938.41 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE THIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Markin~ (Centre Line) - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail - 4 Railroad Protection - 6 Edge Marking - 7 Stump Removal TOTALS ".. PAGE 6 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 34,875.48 143,944. 13 9,950.71 38,434.80 29,979.80 26,829.05 1.689.058.06 9,640.89 14,620.00 44,516.37 158,564.13 9,950.71 43,135.04 40,761. 70 27,821.21 4,700.24 10,781.90 992.16 217.7'61.09 1.906.819.15 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS A - Culverts and Bridges - 1 Culvert Replacement Road #48 23,809.49 23,809.49 at Lot #3, Yarmouth Township - 2 Culvert Replacement Road #48 42,403.16 42,403.16 at Lot #9, Yarmouth Township - 3 Culvert Repairs Road #7 31,284.33 31,284.33 Aldborough-Orford Townline ORFORD Lather Hill (County of Elgin Share) - 4 Supers pan Culvert Monitoring 35,971.01 35,971.01 B - Drainage - 1 Curb and Gutter Repairs 11,656.98 11,656.98 Road #3, Village of Rodney - 2 Curb and Gutter Repairs 15,707.00 15,707.00 Road #2, Village of West Lorne - 3 Curb and Gutter Replacement 86,654.12 86,654.12 Paving, Etc., Road #8 Village of Dutton C - Hard Surface Maintenance - 1 Repairs to Road #20, Shedden 163,738.81 163,738.81 (Southwold Township) Curb and gutter, Base and Paving - 2 Repairs to Road #57. Southdale 42,S98.23 42,598.23 Mulch Old Surface Treatment Granular Base, Double Surface Treatment C01l1l1~ Of tLGlll ROf\O CO~llltt 1\-\lRD REPORl fEBRUf\R~ SESSION, '989 Mf\JOR Mf\11l1Ell1\llCE PROJEC1S lit pl\GE 7 51. It\OM~5 SUBURBF\N RO~D COMMISSION ~~~ o~ernead is cnarged against tne st. lnomas Suburban Road commission Roads on a percentage basis of tne cost of constructiOn and maintenance on :ne st. lnomas Suburban Road commission Roads as a percentage of all construct10n and ~alntenance on botn st. lnomas Suburban Roads and county Roads tUrban rebates, eQu1pme~t . f b 'dY etc are not cons1dered purchases, drainage assessments, 1temS not or SU Sl' ., in ~iniog tne o~ernead percentage). 1n 1988 tne o~ernead cnarge to tne st. lhomas Suburban Road commiSsion was 8~. o _ Gra~el Road 1-\aintenance _ I Road #35 Raise Grade at canadian llatiOnal Railway Canada soutnern's crossing at Kingsmill 101 f\LS 1011\L Of M~IN1EN~NCE ~ I. superintendence, Includ~ng county tngineer, f\Ssistant tng~neer, superintendents and ~eh1Cles. 2.. Clerical. 3. Office and computor. 4. Garage - StOCK and limeKeepers, Maintenance, \-\eat, Etc- 5 . 1001 s . 6. Radio. 7. lleeds StudY Update and lraffic counts. 8. 1raining Courses. 9. 1-\iscellaneous Insurance. \\). Retirement Benefits tSiCK lime paid to Retired 8nplOyees). \'. Deferred lime. 101 ~LS ." 33,535.29 33,535.29 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 51 .1~0tJ\~5 5U\3UR\3~N ROI\D COMMISSION ~~ ~ \36,2\7 .AA \,,8A5.00 \A8,062..A~ 80,558.93 7,005.'3 87,56A.06 3A,076.97 2,963.A6 37,OAO.43 '08,9'5.3' 9,A70.9\ \'8,386.2.2. 29,0\6.32 2,523.\6 3 \ ,539 .~8 5,62\.03 A88.79 6,\09.82 '0,AA\.\3 ,,832.8A \2. ,2.73 - 97 7,530.50 65A.83 8, \85.33 2, '93.28 \90.72 2.,38A.00 \8,807.35 \8,807.35 7,757.66 ~ ~2 ~ ~1\0.79,.. ~ =--~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE lHIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 ~ PAGE 8 MISCELLANEOUS b '" Rebate to Town of Aylmer and Villages of 25% of their Road (Subdized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%) Payroll Burden costs including Labour totaled $589,246.79 in 1988 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practice to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. However, as this was done by computer as the year progressed at an estimated amount (38%) on Labour Not Charged against Payroll Burden costs, a credit of approximately 5% or $34,894.40 was calculated. This is totalled with Construction Cost totals. $84,145.00 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Invoices for County Clerk Office $ 5,523.72 $ 5,523.72 Re. Preparation of Payroll 2. Meetings with other Municipalities 1 , 186.07 1,186.07 Etc. 3. Contributions and Retirements 762.82 762.82 4. Memberships 321.00 321.00 5. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time 11,707.65 11,707.65 to Employees still in Employment of the County of Elgin 6. Urban Rebates on the Portion of 2,612.83 2,612.83 Road Levy that is not Subsidized 7. Contribution from St. Thomas 8,168.79 CR. 8,168.79 CR. Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. toward Road #18 8. Insurance not Subsidized by 8, 145.00 $ 1,033.00 9,178.00 Ministry of Transportation (Environmental and Liability Policies) 9. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1 , 113.63 1,113.63 Fees and Expenses, Memberships, Etc. TOTALS $22.090.30 $ 2. 146.63 $24.236.93 ~ ...................... .9/ ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE lHIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 PAGE 9 SUMMARY ST. THOI\1AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL (A) Construction $3,950,958.95 $ 220,4~~0.60 $4,171,379.55 (B) Maintenance 2,133,818.25 260, 3ti9 .32 2,394,177.57 (C) Overhead 441 , 135.92 36,9i74.84 478,110.76 ^ ~ (D) Urban Rebates 84,145.00 84 , 145.00 (E) Items Not For Subsidy 22,090.30 2, 1j~6.63 24,236.93 SUBTOTALS $6 , 632 , 148.42 $ 519,901.39 $7,152,049.81 ADD: 1988 Stock Balance 98,987.86 ...-- 98,987.86 SUBTOTALS $6,731,136.28 $ 519,901.39 $7,251,037.67 DEDUCT: 1987 Stock Balance 99,493.16 ....-- 99,493.16 TOTAL $6.631 .643. 12 $ 519.901.39 $7.151.544.51 (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 7,127,307.58 CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES The Ministry of Transportation Provided Subsidies in 1988 as Follows: 1. 50% on Urban Rebates of $84,145.00 amounting to $42,072.50. 2. Subsidy of $5,304,627.50 on General Expenditures of $6,636,989.78 3. 80% Subsidy on Expenditures Pertaining to Tates Bridge Environmental Studies, Etc. 4. 75% Subsidy to a Maximum of $300,000.00 for Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY Urban Rebates $ 42,072.50 5,304,627.50 300,000.00 4,926.00 $5.651.626.00 r, <:, Regular Expenditures Road #30 (Radio Road) Construction Tates Bridge Study TOTALS COUNTY II\ND ST. THOI~AS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TOTAL PORTION EXPEND ITURE $ 42,Ol2.50 $ 84, 145.00 1,332,362.28 6,636,989.78 100,0'15.29 400,015.29 1,231.51 6,157.51 $1,475,6131.58 $7.127.307.58 Average Rate of Subsidy on Regular Expenditures of 6,636,989.46 is 79.925%. No Subsidy on $24,236.93 - Items Not for Subsidy.) COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT ll-IIRD REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION, 1989 ~ PAGE 10 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF S1. THOMAS TOWARD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page 8) $ 519,901.39 Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 79.925%. $ 517,754.76 Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure is $ 413,815.49 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 519,901.39 LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY $ 413,815.49 BALANCE $ 106,085.90 PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50%) $ 53,042.95 DEDUCT: CREDIT FROM 1987 OPERATION $ 1,719.59 CR. SUBTOTAL $ 51,323.36 DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1988 $ 48,200.00 DEFICIT TOTAL TO 1989 $ 3. 123.36 Total Expenditures County and St. Thomas Suburban Roads $7,151,544.51 LESS: Credits (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 9) 5,651,626.00 (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Comm.ission System (See Above) 53,042.95 $1.446.875.56 In 1988 the County of Elgin Levied a Road Rate of $1,461,000.00. In 1988 Payment Vouchers totaled $7,933,877.90 compared to $7,707,228.52 in 1987. The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures was $782,333.39 and included: (a) Maintenance work on Townline Roads and Bridges. (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk.) (b) Engineering Charges to County of Middlesex reo Middlemiss Bridge on Road #14. (c) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thomas ($186,455.99). (d) Asphalt paving contract for Townships of Southwold and Yarmouth. (e) Preliminary payment for costs incurred to December 1988 with regard to County Hangar BUilding at White's Station ($6,209.76). (f) Work on various Municipal Drains, materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. ................ .11/ COU1l1~ Of tLGlll ROf\O otPf\Rl1-\t1l1 ~lroR~O~ p~t" ftBRUf\R~ stSS101l, \9B9 o 0 t d on a Go~ernment of Canada Summer lhe co~nty of Elgin inl\l98d8c~~;\~~lg~a'~8 lsur~eying f\SSiStant) witn a net Incentl~e programme ca e .. grant to tne County of $2,g\2.00. nel a~ailable for a 1-\bSQU\to lne Road oepartment was requestedtoto ~~~~:c~~~itiS. lne cost of $\5.00 control programme for tne pre~en iOn P was cnarged to tne General Go~ernment f\CCOunt. f\LL Of 'II~lC~ 15 RtSPtClfIlLL~ SUB1-\llltO ----- c~~H~.M~N .~ ,-! COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 , TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. McLean Taylor Construction Limited have suspended work at the Middlemiss Bridge on Road #14 until Spring. 2. Removal of the old hangar Garage building at White Station has been completed by County forces without incident. 3. Insurance policies including Environmental Risk and for those buildings, vehicles, etc., under control of the Road Department have been renewed with Frank Cowan Company Limited at approximately the same premium as in 1988. WE RECOMMEND: I. That the County of Elgin road inspection be held on April 2lst,in East Elgin and April 28th in West Elgin, meeting at the County Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. on both days. 2. That the 1989 Road Committee act as the Committee for the following purposes in 1989: (a) Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal. (b) Mosquito control for the prevention of encephalitis. (c) Lake Erie Erosion. 3. That the Engineer be authorized to make an application to the Federal Government for funds for student participation in the Federal Governmentls Summer Student Programme and that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign forms and agreements as required. 4. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a supplementary spending allocation in the amount of $400,000 ($300,000 Subsidy - being a rate of 75%) for construction on Road #30 (Radio Road), Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. 5. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a supplementary spending allocation in the amount of $14,000 ($11,200 Subsidy - being a rate of 80%) for work required for an Environmental Study and legal costs for the proposed closure of the Tates Bridge, Lot 7, Concession lA', Broken Front, Township of Dunwich. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 ~ PAGE 2. 6. That an application be made to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for a supplementary spending allocation in the amount of $250,000 ($200,000 Subsidy - being a rate of 80%) for construction of the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14, in Lot 'CI, Concession III, Township of Dunwich. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocated a construction allocation of $1,l20,000 for 1989 to the County of Elgin. It is expected that the construction of the Middlemiss Bridge will take within $50,000 of the total allocation. Thus any other construction projects including carryover work from 1988 will have to be financed out of the asphalt resurfacing allocation. If the Ministry provides a supplementary spending allocation it will allow some other construction work to proceed. 7. That rebates to urban municipalities be 25% of their road levy as in past years. 8. That the budget for Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario total $38,300 (detailed as follows): (a) Administrative Charges for Clerk's $ 5,700 Office for Payroll Preparation. (b) Contributions and Retirements. 500 (c) Hospitality Expenses (Meetings with 1,250 other Municipalities, etc.) (d) Memberships. 350 (e) Environmental and Other Insurance 8,200 Not Subsidized. (f) Sick Leave Plan Payouts. l2,500 (g) Urban Rebates on Non-Subsidized 3,000 Expenditures. (h) Suburban Road Items Not Subsidized 500 ($2,146 - Total 50%). (i) Phillmore Bridge Low Water Crossing 5,000 Grant. (j) Overexpenditure to Earn Maximum 10,000 Subsidy. (k) Contributions to County System 8,700 CR. (Road #18 - St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services). TOTAL $38.300 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 Pi PAGE 3. 9. That the County Road Levy for 1989 be set at $1,538,000 which will provide for the County of Elgin share of the 1989 road bUdget. This is an increase of approximately 5.27% from the 1988 Levy of $1,461,000. SUMMARY MINISTRY OF C lTY OF TRANSPORT A TI ON ST. THOMAS OF ONTARIO CONTRIBUTION TO COUNTY OF SUBSIDY SUBURBAN ROADS ELGIN TOTAL Regular Spending $5,479,100 $52,900 $1,346,900 $6,878,900 Objectives Tates Bridge 11,200 2,800 14,000 Road #30 300,000 100,000 400,000 Construction Middlemiss Bridge 200,000 50,000 250,000 Construction Items Not 38,300 38,300 Subsidized TOTALS $5,990,300 $52,900 $1.538,00q $7,581,200 10. That the Budget for control of encephalitis (mosquito control) be set at $lOO.OO for 1989. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FIRST REPORT FEBRUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Annual ConventiQn. (b) Municipal Engineers' Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (c) The Roads and Transportation Association of Canada Convention. (d) The Municipal Engineersl Annual Workshop. (e) The Suburban Road Commissionsl Annual Meeting. 2. The Assistant County Engineer has been authorized to attend the following conventions and/or meetings: (a) The Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (b) The Municipal Engineers' Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention. (c) The Municipal Engineers' Annual Workshop. (d) The Suburban Road Commissions' Annual Meeting. WE RECOMMEND: I. That the honorarium for the County's member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Mr. Albert Auckland be $175.00 per annum for the period of February 1, 1989 to January 3l, 1990. 2. That the County's representative on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Mr. Albert Auckland be authorized to attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention, the Suburban Road Commission of Ontario, Executive Meetings and the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Road Commissions of Ontario with the usual convention expenses, mileage and other expenses as occasioned for meetings of the Suburban Road Commission Association be paid. All OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN SI. lHOM~S, ON1~RIO FE\3RUI\R'( 3, 19B9 ?I\GE 1. lHE COUN1~ Of ELGIN RO~D COMMIllEE met at the county's ~dministratiOn Building on friday, february 3, 1989 at 9:30 a.m. ~ll members were present except Ree~e Chllte and Ree~e La~ereau. ~lso present were Mr. Robert stoCK of the Ministry of lransportatiOn of ontariO, the Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "MO\lED \3'(: SECONDED B~: ~. K. fORD lH~1 lHE ~INU1ES Of lHE ~EE1ING Of J~NU~R~ 11, 1989 BE ~PPRO~ED. CI\RRIED." C. R. ~lllSE'( ~.,-.","\.\ 1. ~ preliminary meeting waS held with the CS~ committee prior to the Road committee meeting to disCUSS topicS of concern in preparation for the CS~ meeting to be held on february 9th. Z. lhe hangar had been sllcessfullY remo~ed and a large portion of the wooden material had been bllrned at the County Garage. lhe concrete floor is in the process of being remo~ed and thiS should be completed within a daY or two. Weather permitting top soil will be spread in the concrete floor area. 3. ~ meeting waS held with representati~es from Bell Canada and the Engineer regarding the port stanleY condominium de~elopment. lhe Engineer indicated that the location for the conduit had been agreed to with Bell Canada. lhe Engineer also pointed Ollt that he had not recei~ed final plans from the De~eloper for turning lanes, etc., for this de~elopment. lhe present cur~e, the arena and the school could present safety problems in the future due to se~eral turning mo~ements. 4. lhe annllal return had been sent to the ~inistry of lransportatiOn of ontario for their records and the financial report will be readY for the next County council ~~ing. 5. lhe Engineer indicated that he had met with the Road Department'S ~ssociatiOn executi~e with regard to twO winter standbY grie~ances. He felt that the grie~ances wOllld be withdrawn. lhe Engineer indicated that the winter standbY policY would ha~e to be re~iewed and re~ised and another meeting held with the executi~e. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 3, 1989 PAGE 2. WORK TO DATE: 1. Winter control has been light due to the mild weather conditions. 2. Patching has been fairly extensive due to the mild weather conditions and it appears that Elm Street and Centennial Avenue are beyond repair and will probably have to be graded. 3. Tree cutting has been progressing and has been completed on Road #48 to the Townline, Road #47 and Road #37. It is expected that within two to three days Dunwich and Aldborough Townships will be complete. Tree cutting has commenced on Road #56 and brushing is proceeding'with the Condor on Road #55. 4. Progress at the Sparta Pit has been slowed due to wet conditions however a large stockpile is now present and Chittick Construction Limited has looked at the pile for consideration for crushing in the near future. 5. Clay overburden and some sand has been removed at the Pleasant Valley Pit, however it is not known how much gravel is present at that location at this 6. The Engineer reported that the holiday carryover list has been referred to the Personnel Committee and as yet he has received no decision as to the status of the holiday carryover. time. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLIST BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 4 AMOUNTING TO $125,569.32 CARRIED." CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Engineer referred to correspondence received from the Ontario Good Roads Association regarding variOUS items including the 1989 road subsidies as well as several resolutions to be presented at the annual general meeting. He felt that the majority of the municipalities would have this information at their office. 5T. T~OMA5, ONTARIO fEBRUAR'{ 3, 1989 PAGE 3. 2. 1he Engineer reported that he has a list of the Wardens and Chairmen of RegionS for abutting municipalitieS, should any member be interested. 3. 1he Engineer reported that the Municipal ~ct is revised so that Counties may develop waste management plans if they desired. 4. ~ notice had been received from the Ministry of 1ransportation of Ontario indicating that they had property for sale on Highway #4 north of 1albotville. It was felt by the committee that thiS property was not required bY the County Road Department. 5. correspondence had been received from the Ministry of 1ransportatiOn of Ontario regarding the 1ruck 1ransportation ~ct. 6. Information had been received from fanshawe College regarding a seminar on waste management. 7. 1he Engineer briefly diSCUssed several rezonings in County municipalitieS and alsO passed out the Rodney zoning by-law to the members indicating that it was Quite an impressive document and may be useful backround information for other municipalities. 1he Engineer updated the Committee on the Road Department insurance requirements indicating that very feW changes were made from 1988 and the premiums were approximatelY the same. "MOIJED B'i: D. J. ~IJR~M SECONDED B'i: E. NEUK~MM 1H~1 WE RENEW 1HE fOLLOWING INSUR~NCE POLICIES WI1H 1HE fR~NK COW~N COMP~N'i LIMITED: (~) MUNICIP~L LI~BILI1'i ($7,000,000). (B) fLO~1ER POLIC'i, INCLUDING UNLICENSED EQUIPMEN1 ($2,500 DEDUC1~BLE). (C) CRIME PACKAGE. (D) BOILER (ENGINEERING). (E) IJ~LU~BLE p~PERS ~ND ~CCOUN1S RECEIIJ~BLE. (f) ERRORS ~ND OMMISSIONS. (G) ~U10MOBILE fLEE1 ($2,500 DEDUC1~BLE). CONTINUED ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 3, 1989 PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM CONTINUED . . . (H) COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS AT THE COUNTY GARAGE (INCLUDING MAIN GARAGE AND VALUED AMOUNT OF SALT STORAGE BUILDINGS). (I) ENVIRONMENTAL RISK POLICY WITH A MAXIMUM LIMIT OF $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE: $2,000,000 AGGREGATE LIMIT, SUBJECT TO A SELF INSURED RETENTION OF $5,000 (AN ANNUAL PREMIUM OF $4,620 FOR ROAD DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS). (J) EMPLOYEE BOND INSURANCE. (K) NON OWNED AUTO POLICY. (L) CONTENTS OF ENGINEERS' OFFICE. CARRIED. II The Engineer reported that he had met with a representative from Ontario Hydro regarding overwidth permits during Ontario Hydro's imminent power line reconstruction. Ontario Hydro will be using a number of overwidth vehicles over a two to three year period and were interested in obtaining a blanket overwidth permit. After discussion with members of the Committee it was proposed to recommend that a yearly blanket overwidth permit be permitted at a cost of $100.00 per vehicle. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: D. J. AVRAM THAT WE AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY ENGINEER TO ISSUE YEARLY OVERWIDTH PERMITS AS REQUESTED AND THE COST BE $100.00 EACH WITH A MAXIMUM WIDTH OF 12 FEET AND EACH VEHICLE REQUIRE A SEPARATE PERMIT. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE AN APPLICATION TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR FUNDS FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT "STUDENT EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME" AND THAT THE WARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FORMS AND AGREEMENTS AS REQUIRED. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 3, 1989 PAGE 5. The Engineer opened the floor for questions from the members with regard to the presentation at the last meeting on the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario subsidy methods. No comments or questions were received. The Budget that was presented at the last Road Committee meeting was discussed with the members. "MOVED BY: C. R.. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,300 FOR NON-SUBSIDIZED EXPENDITURES BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BE APPROVED. CARRIED.II IIMOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REBATES TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES BE 25% OF THEIR ROAD LEVY AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ROAD LEVY FOR 1989 BE SET AT $1,538,000 WHICH WILL PROVIDE FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN'S SHARE OF: (A) REGULAR MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO SPENDING OBJECTIVE OF $6,878,900. (B) SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING APPLICATIONS OF $644,000. (C) SPENDING NOT SUBSIDIZED BY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO IN AMOUNT OF $38,300. (TOTAL BUDGET OF $7,581,200.) CARRIED. II IIMOVED BY: H. F. LYLE SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BUDGET FOR THE CONTROL OF ENCEPHALITIS (MOSQUITO CONTROL) BE SET AT $100.00 FOR 1989. CARRIED. II 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO fE\3RU~R'( 3, 1989 p~GE 6. lne committee discUssed County policies regarding County re~uirements during severances partiCularlY as tney referred to drainage and access culverts. It was felt tnat tne poliCY snould remain as is, re~uesting tnat anY work be done tnat was re~uired, prior to giving approval to tne severance. lne re~llirements for deposits, if re~uired, would be considered on an indiVidual basis. lne Engineer re~uested tne members to consider areas in tne variouS municipalities where reduced speed lones would be re~uired. ~reas that tne Engineer nad in mind at tnis time included Road #8 nortn of outton to Road #2; Road #48 east of Wellington Road; Road #56 east to McGregors; centennial ~venue soutn of Elm Street; Road #27 west of Hignway #4. lne Engineer asked tnat tnese be considered bY tne members and if tnere were any otner recommendations for speed lOne cnanges they should be brougnt to the Engineer's attention immediatelY. lne Engineer reported tnat tne former Road committee re~uested that a meeting be neld witn tne Warden and tne Cnairman with tne president of tne port stanley lerminal Rail Incorporated. previouslY a letter nad been written to tnat effect, nowever no replY had been received. It was agreed that anotner letter be sent to tne port Stanley lerminal Rail Incorporated representative. CORRESPONOENCE fROM 1988 W~S REfERREO 10 COMMlllEE: 1. No action waS proposed on Mrs. Ungers complaint for road work on Road #37. 2. No action was proposed on Mrs. Mccallums complaint at tne intersection of Road #13 and Road #14. 3. It waS agreed tnat the Engineer snould write a letter to Mr. Robert Rooke regarding centennial ~venue tRoad #28) and Elm street tRoad #56) indicating tnat tne recent installation of street lights maY alleviate this problem. "MO\lEO \3'(: SECONOEO 8~: C. R. WIllSE~ lH~1 WE ~OJOURN 10 fRIO~~, M~RCH 3, 1989 ~NO lHURSO~~, M~RCH 16, 1989 801H ~1 9:00 ~.M. E. NEU\(MJ\M C~RRIEO." COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET FEBRUARY 3, 1989 At a meeting on January 25, 1989, the County of Elgin Road Committee made recommendations to County Council for Application to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario for Supplementary Expenditure Allocations as follows:- MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO COUNTY OF ELGIN REQUEST SUBSIDY SHARE (a) Tates Bridge 11,200 2,BOO (b) Road #30 Construction 300,000 100,000 (c) Middlemiss Bridge 200,000 50,000 Construction 511,200 152,800 TOTAL 14,000 400,000 250,000 664,000 Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Regular Spending Objective for 1989 total $6,878,900 which was Supported by Subsidy Allocation of $5,479,100. SUMMARY MINISTRY OF CITY OF TRANSPORTATION ST. THOMAS OF ONTARIO CONTRIBUTION TO COUNTY OF SUBSIDY SUBURBAN ROADS ELGIN TOTAL - Supplementary Spending 511,200 152,800 664,000 Application Regular Spending 5,479,100 52,900 'I ,346, 900 6,878,900 Objectives Items Not Subsidized 38,300 38,300 5,990,300 52,900 11,538,000 7,581,200 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT 1989 BUDGET ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO 1988 COSTS 1989 ESTIMATE I . Administrative Charges from Clerk's $ 5,524 $ 5,700 Office for Payroll Preparation. 2. Contributions and Retirements. 763 500 3. Hospitality Expenses (Meetings with 1 , 186 1,250 other Municipalities, etc.) 4. Memberships. 321 350 5. Environmental and Other Insurance 8,145 8,200 Not Subsidized. 6. Sick Leave Plan Payouts. 11,707 12,500 7. Urban Rebates on Non-Subsidized 2,613 3,000 Expenditures. 8. Suburban Road Items Not Subsidized I ,073 500 ($2,146 - Total 50%). 9. Phillmore Bridge Low Water Crossing 5,000 Grant. 10. Overexpenditure to Earn Maximum 10,000 Subsidy. II . Contributions to County System. 8,169 CR. 8,700 CR. TOTALS $23,163 $3A.300 S1. THOMAS, ON1ARIO JANUAR~ 25, 1989 PAGE 1. lHE COUN1~ OF ELGIN RO~O COMMlllEE met at the ~dministratiOn Building on ~ednesday, January 25, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. ~ll members were present. ~lso present were Mr. Robert stocK of the Ministry of lransportation of Ontario, the Engineer and ~ssistant Engineer. "MO\JED B'{: A. K. FORD SECO~O~: R. F. COLES lH~1 EMIL NEUK~MM BE ~ClING CH~IRM~N. CARRIED." lhe Engineer handed out the Minutes of the .January 11th meeting to the members. lHE ENGINEER REPOR1EO ON ~ORK 10 O~IE ~S FOLLO~S: 1. ~inter control had been extremelY light. 2. Repairs to equipment had not been substantial in the recent past. 3. striPping and gravel removal are being carried out in the sparta and Pleasant ~alley Pits. lhere appears to be a reasonable amount of gravel present in both pits at this time. 4. lree cutting and brushing has been ongoing. lhe majority of the trees in ~ldborOugh and ounwich lownshiPS have been cut. lree cutting is progressing on Road #48 with the co_operation of ontario Hydro. CH~IRM~N M~Rl~N ~RRI~EO ~1 9:10 ~.M. lhe County Engineer brought the members up to date on the statuS of the Road #30 (RadiO Road) project. ouring this discUssion recent pictures taKen by the ~ssistant Engineer of the Middlemiss Bridge project and the lona Bridge on Road #14 were passed out to the members for their inspection. lHE ENGINEER REPOR1EO ON lHE FOLLO~ING: 1. ~ meeting has been scheduled in Committee Room #2 on February 9th at 1:00 p.m. with the CSX corporation representatives as well the CSX Committee appointed bY the Road Committee. lhe Chairman was to call the National continued · . . 51. 1HOM~5, ON1~RIO J~NU~R~ 25, 1989 p ~GE 2. ~ meeting of the County CSX committee was set for February 3rd at B:45 a.m. 2. 1he radio equipment in the old hangar had been moved into the County Garage. County staff has started the removal of the old hangar. 1he majority of the tin has been removed. contact had been made with McCaig for the disposal of the asphalt roof material. It waS anticipated that in one or two dayS the bulK of the building would be torn down with County machinery and two (2) rental bacKhoes. 1he material would be hauled bacK to the Pit for later removal by County staff or burning. 3. 1he contractor at the Middlemiss Bridge shut down the construction project for this year, however the piles had been completed for the north abutment and both piers. ~lso the north abutment had been poured as well as the pier footing and approximatelY 20 feet of the pier columns. 4. ~o replY had been received from the Ministry of the Environment regarding the st. 1homas sanitary Collection Services contribution to Road #18. 5. ~o further information had been received on the Phillmore Bridge on Road 1ransportation ~gency to insure that one of their representatiVes would also be in attendance. 6. ~o further information has been received on the 1ates Bridge. 7. 1he County of Middlesex indicated that they expected to completelY reconstruct their section of Road #34 north of Elgin county's 10wnline to the Belmont-Glanworth Sideroad in 19B9. #1.\.3. B. 1he Engineer diSCUssed the commercial proposal bY Mr. Lee in ~ldborOugh 10wnshiP on Road #3 south of Highway #401. It was the feeling of the members that an entrance for thiS development should come from the 10wnshiP road rather than Road #3 to prevent traffic problems with the expected increased trUCK traffic. It was felt that the Ministry of 1ransport~iOn of o~ario would alsO object to the access off of Road #3. It is hoped that the County of Elgin will complete the construction of the remainder of Road #30 in 19B9 with the possible exception of the top coat of aspnalt. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1989 PAGE 3. The Engineer read a letter from the Clerk-Treasurer regarding a request by County Council for a road inspection tour. "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION BE HELD ON APRIL 21, 1989 IN EAST ELGIN AND APRIL 28, 1989 IN WEST ELGIN LEAVING COUNTY BUILDINGS AT 9:00 A.M. ON BOTH DAYS. IIMOVED BY: C. R. WILLSEY CARRIED." SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE THAT THE FOLLOWING 1988 ANNUAL HOLIDAYS BE CARRIED INTO 1989. CARRIED. II 1988 ANNUAL HOLIDAYS EMPLOYEE NUMBER KENNETH ABBOTT 9 HOURS DONALD BRITTON 6 HOURS CLARE DEAN 9 HOURS LESLIE GILES 0.5 HOURS NORMAN GLOVER 29 HOURS RALPH GORDON 1 HOUR RONALD HALL 9 HOURS EDWIN KELLEY 9 HOURS LEONARD KELLY 2 HOURS STANLEY LUNN 9 HOURS TED MCCREADY 9 HOURS FRED MARSHALL 13..5 HOURS LARRY MEDLYN 1 HOUR ALLAN MOON 1.75 HOURS JAMES POWERS 2 HOURS DERK SLOETJES 1.5 HOURS WILLIAM SLOETJES 9 HOURS REASON WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL SUPERINTENDENT WHEN HOLIDAYS SCHEDULED WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN REQUESTED TO WORK ROAD #30 WHEN HOLIDAYS SCHEDULED WINTER CONTROL CALL IN Continued ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1989 PAGE 4. EMPLOYEE KENNETH TELFER CRAIG TURVEY WILLIAM VANNATTER JAMES WATTERS NUMBER ROBERT MOORE 144.5 HOURS REASON WINTER CONTROL CALL IN WINTER CONTROL CALL IN ON WORKERS' COMPENSATION REQUESTED TO WORK, CONFLICT WITH HOLIDAYS OF OTHER EMPLOYEES REQUESTED BY WARDEN AND CHAIRMAN TO WORK (TECHNICIAN RETIREMENT, ROAD #30 CONSTRUCTION, ETC.) 10 HOURS 12 HOURS 44 HOURS 34 HOURS TOTAL 365.75 HOURS At this time the Honorable Ken Monteith, M.P. stopped in for a brief visit. The Chairman indicated to Mr. Monteith that if he could not arrange with the National Transportation Agency to have a representative attend the CSX meeting he would be contacting Mr. Monteith for further assistance. "MOVED BY: H. F. LYLE SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED: PAYLIST NUMBER I AMOUNTING TO $94,354.63 PAYLIST NUMBER 2 AMOUNTING TO $488,174.87 PAYLIST NUMBER 3 AMOUNTING TO $77,197.53 CARRIED. II THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON CORRESPONDENCE AS FOLLOWS: I. A Board Order was received from the National Transportation Agency for flashers on Road #32 north of the Police College. Total cost of these flashers was estimated at $62,800 of which the County would pay 12.5%. The Engineer felt the bill for this work would probably not arrive until 1990. 2. A letter was received from the National Transportation Agency requesting that new style gates be installed in Rodney. The County's share would be 12.5% and the maintenance costs would be shared 50% by the County and 50% by the railway authority. 3. A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Board regarding the Howie objection to a subdivision in South Dorchester indicating that the appeal was withdrawn. SI. I~O~~S, O~I~RIO J~~li~R~ 25, 19B9 PI\Gt. 5. l\.. "~Ied f~o~ the 10wn of ~ylmer reQuesting that the Engineer ~ letter was recel. ,'" .. ".' , rHopt Bridge to ascertain if tne bridge 5. maKe an inS?ection of tne l,w,\.le waS safe for ?edestrian traffic. '''ed from the ~inistrY of lranS?ortatiOn of ~ CO?Y of a letter was recel. . . . . had been mo~ed at the intersectlOn of ontario indlcatlng that a sto? sign " " "\"t at the reQuest of ~alahide Road #45 and ~ighwaY #73 to im?ro~e ~lSlbl 1 Y . . 10'Hns\lip. " A out ontario Good Roads ~ssociation ?rogrammes to members 6. lhe Englneer ?asseu whO were interested. 7. lhe Engineer referred to recent information recei~ed from the ~orKers' com?ensation Board regarding estimating ~orKers' com?ensatiOn B~ard dues. B lhe Engineer had recei~ed a letter from the ~inistrY of the En~lronment . . t bv the ontario ~aste ~anagement cor?oratlOn regarding an En~ironmental ~ssessmen J for tneir ?fO?Osal in tne 10wnshiP of ~est Lincoln. . 9. lhe Engineer had copies of information regarding the Roads and lransportatlOn ~ssociation of Canada conference to be held from september 17th to september 21st in calgary. . c " ~ had a renort from the ?ro~ince regarding the freedom of InformatlOn 10. lhe Lnglnee, " Y ll. d b\' the committee that thiS information be referred to the lt 'HaS agree J .\\ collntY Go~ernment committee. . " d from the 10wnshiP of ~armouth regarding an ontariO ,~otice had been recel~e ~Ilnicipal Board ~earing on the Ball four comple~ on Road #56. " d from the ~ssociation of ~unicipalitieS of ~ Blllletin had been recel~e . . " " f "ments and mllnlClpal " (~~^ 0 ) regarding uncondltlOnal trans er paJ ontarlO \M.r\. . I\ct · \2. \3. lights on interSec~1ng locations were appro~ed bY the Engineer. e~?ense of the 10wnshiP of ~armouth. 14. lhe Engineer brieflY re~iewed other relonings in ~ariolls mllniCi?alitieS in t\le county. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1989 PAGE 6. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE '"'- SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE ACCEPT THE ATTACHED REPORT (BEING THE SECOND REPORT OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED JANUARY 1989) DETAILING COUNTY ROAD EXPENDITURES FOR 1987 AFTER THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AND FORWARD COPIES AS REQUIRED TO THE COUNTY TREASURER, AUDITORS AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. CARRIED. II The Eng i neer descri bed in deta i 1 the report "Methodo logy Used by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to Determine Grants for Roads to Upper Tier Municipalities in Ontarioll. Each member received a copy of the Report for their information. "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,000 ($11,200 SUBSIDY) FOR WORK REQUIRED FOR THE CLOSURE OF THE TATES BRIDGE, LOT 7, CONCESSION IAI, BROKEN FRONT, TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH. CARRIED.II "MOVED BY: H. F. LYLE SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $400,000 ($300,000 SUBSIDY) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ON ROAD #30 (RADIO ROAD) IN CONCESSION XIII, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1989 PAGE 7. "MOVED BY: A. K. FORD SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO FOR A SUPPLEMENTARY SPENDING ALLOCATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000 ($200,000 SUBSIDY) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE ON ROAD #14, IN LOT 'C', CONCESSION III, DUNWICH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: H. J. MEZENBURG THAT WE ADJOURN TO FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1989 AT 9:30 A.M. CARRIED." ~d M~:i4.-_ v CHAIRI'1AN / COUU1~ Of ELGlU ROf\O CO~~lllEE S~COND R~POR1 FOW.Uf..R'{ S~SS\ON '988 f\S ~~E1l0EO ~flER ~lU1S1R~ Of w~usrORl ~ 11 oU Of 0111 f\R 1 0 I\UD \1 I\UGUS1, '988 1\VI~ND~D J/\NU~R'{, '989 10 l\\E \I~ROEU ~UO ~E~OERS Of I~E C01l1l1~ Of ElGlU COUllCll ~OUR ROf\O Co\'\l'li11EE RENR1S f\S fOlLO'llS'. lne following is a summarY of Expenditures on Elgin Count~ and st. lnOmas suburban Road commission Roads in 1981. In accordance witn 1-\lnistry of lransportatiOn practice, payroll Burden sucn as ~olida~S \Iitn ray, SicK lime, Etc., nas been distributed to ~arioUS projects and doeS not appear as a separate item. /\VI~NDt.D \ 1f.VlS* to) ~ . r \1) Road #2, ounwicn lownsniP - Grad1ng, Granula Oase, raving, Etc. ' \2) Road <<l, ~illage of \lest lorne - Repairs to catnbaslns and Replacement of curb and Gutter, ~tc. Road <<l2, ~armoutn 10wnsniP \fair~iew f\~enue) Grading, Granular Base, raving, Etc. ~ ~/\) ~ t1) Road #~5, soutnwold ,ownsniP - Repair of Kettle cree~ cul~ert. \l) Road #30, ~armoutn ,ownsniP - Replacement of rattersons Cui~erts witn a Bridge. \See also st. ,nomas Suburban Road commission E,penditures.) \3) Road #1~, soutnwold and ounwicn ,ownsnlpS - sur~eyin9 and Engineering for Replacement of 1-\iddlemisS Bridge over tne ,names Ri~er. \county of Elgin Share.) t~) ,ateS Bridge, ounwicn lownsniP - soil lests, Reports, ~tc. \county of Elgin Share.) \5) Road #16, rort la\bOt cul~ert Repair ~ng i need ng . '* '* 101/\\.. ~ /\) ~3) $ 588,041\.7' 745,845.93 7..,899.78 9,000.00 808.60 ------- $,,31\6,059.02 $ 308,775.30 oj,87Z.7B 300,409.60 Cont i nued ......................... COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988; AMENDED JANUARY 19~9 PAGE 2 (B) (4) Road #45, Malahide Township - From Highway #73 to Road #40, Grading, Paving, Cleanup, Etc. $ 113,402.28 * (5) Road #30 (Radio Road), Concession XI)I, Yarmouth Township - Surveys and Engineering, Etc. (6) Miscellaneous Surveys for Future Work Including Road #43 North and South of Calton. (7) Land Purchase Including Widening for Construction on Road #45, Malahide Township and Road #2, Dunwich Township. ,.r 17,281.12 r~ 14,044.34 30,561.44 * TOTAL $ 908,346.92 (C) ASPHALT RESURFACING INCLUDING SHOULDERING, ETC. ( 1 ) Road #2, Aldborough Township from West $ 190,190.29 Lorne to Aldborough-Dunwich Townline. (2 ) Road #8, Dunwich Township, Entrance to 67,912.51 Pearce Park. (3) Road #13, Dunwich Township - From Dutton 155,557.17 to Road #114. (4 ) Road #114, Dunwich and Southwold Townships - 20,056.19 From Road #13 to Road #9. (5) Road #18 - Southwold Township - From Road #20 66,736.87 westerly. (6 ) Road #36, Yarmouth Township - Sparta Southerly 39,210.65 and Easterly on Road #24 from Road #36. (7) Road #40, Malahide Township - From Mount 4,980.14 Salem to Road #42. (8) Road #42, Malahide and Bayham Townships - 787' , 920.65 From Road #40 to Port Burwell. .'" (9) Road #44, Bayham Township - From 73,540.05 Highway #13 (North Hall) to Road #146. . " TOTAL (C) $1 ,406, 104.52 .... COUl\l~ Of f.LGlll RO~O Otpf\Rl1-\t1l1 StCOllll Rf.PORl _ ft9RU~R1 Sf.SSlOll 19B8 ~s f\l-If.1l1lf.1l f\f1ER l-I11l151R~ O~ ~!t~~~gRl~J~:~ 0;999 Ol\lf\RIO f\Ulll1 f\UGUS1, 198B , ...' $ 92,967.96 CR. \U)~ t1) credit l-Iacnlnery o-nershiP Costs, EtC. cnarged to f\ccounts Recei~able and l-liscellaneous l-Iachine f\ccounts and lo~n\ine ~ccounts. t2) l\ew and used l-\acninery and 1-\ajor Repairs to presentlY owned Equipment. t3) Ilralnage f\ssessments Charged f\galnst county Roads. t4) credit from Pleasant ~alleY Gra~el Pit ownersnip. tpartlal Retrie~al operat1ng cost Charged in past 1ears.) 579,36'.8' 58,659.69 * * \' ~Gt 3 ,,5,000.00 CR. -------:: $ 430,053.54 * 101M.. tu) . 101f\L coU1l1~ COllS1RUC1l01l tE) 51. 1~0l-\f\S 5UBUR9f\1l ROf\1l CO~ISS101l COl\51RUC1101l: tl) Land purcnase Including Road .26 tst. George street. ) t2) Remo~al, EtC.' of Old cul~erts at pattersons ~ridge Site, Road #30~ t3) Road .29, complete 1-\c9ain concrete cul~ert. t4) Road .29, Soil lests and Engineering Lindsay cu\\/ert. t5) Road .25, complete concrete cul~erts \~e\\ington Road.) t6) Road .26, Engineering, 5ur~eying and Inspection t5t. George street.) d f.; 'nst t7) orainage f\ssessments Charge ?a~ st. lhomas Suburban Road Comm1SS10n Roads. 10"t'l\L 51 1\101-\f\S SUBUR9f\l\ ROf\1l COl\l-I1 55 1 o~ ,~ . COllS1RIlC110" 101f\L COllS1RIlCl101l 9~ C01l1l1~ Of ELGIl\ ~~~ 51. l\10l-lf\5 SUBURBf\l\ ROf\O COl\l-I15S1 ~61\.~ $ 3,236.36 72,860.69 2,559.1\8 4,668.98 ,,731\.52 1\,596.77 26,089.61\ ~ $ , '5,71\6.44 ~ COUNTY OF ELG 1 N nGAD DEP AIHMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION \988 AS AMENDED AFTER t41NISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF 0111 ^R I 0 ^UO n MIGUS T, 19B8; ^MENUf.D J^NU^R~ 19B9 ~~!!!If!![\l~CE - cO\.!t!E_!~~ns PAGE 4 'IlOT E: t.eLlers and Illllllbers correspond to fll n I s try of Transportation ^cconn t tlulllbers. ST. 11l0MAS SUBUROAN nOI\O COHHISSI0N COllNn' ROAnS IlOADS lOT J\l - - - A _ Culverts and Bridges _ \ Orid{jes $ 29.043.07 $ 2)265.76 $ 31.309.63 _ 2 culverts 63.505.28 5 ) 71 0 .OB (9)216.16 13 _ Roadside Maintenance _ I Grass Cutting 6\ .80 \ J34 11.810.37 13.612.2\ _ 2 Tree cuttin9 120,647.43 4.532.96 \33.\00.39 _ 4 Drainage 131,950.44 \9.002.39 \50.952.03 _ 5 Roads ide Na i ntenance. \'lashouts) 20)491.90 \iL427.55 34.9\9.45 s\wulderin{j. Etc. _ 6 Tree PlanLi n9 2.292.31\ 32.80 2)325. \4 _ 7 Drainage Assessments (Repairs Only) 1,71\.37 2\6.7/\ I .928. 1\ C _ \lard Top Hainlenance (Paved Roads) _ I Repairs to Pavement 168.751.lH 3\.427.90 200. \18.9\ _ 2 s\~ee\) i nq \0.568.79 1.449.19 20.017.98 _ 3 Shoulder Haintenance (\ncluding 59,396.23 52,175.46 1\ 1.57\.69 Gl'avelUnU) nllchin{j) Etc.) _ 4 Surface Treatment \34 . 196 .74 7 )661.40 \41,858.14 11 _ Loose lop Maintenance (Gravel Roads) _ 2 Grading Gravel Hoads 53,431.53 il ,555. \ 5 57.986.60 _ 3 Oust control 69.5ilO.62 12)970.52 02 .5\ 1. 11\ _ 4 Oust Control (Prime) 3,\2\.33 9.952.39 \3.073.72 _ 5 Gravel Resurfacing 235.477.0\ 32,9I\B.42 268.425.43 E - \H nter Contra I _ 1 Snow plowing 110.262.62 9) \61.29 \\9.1\23.91 _ 2 Sand i n~] and Sa 1 t i ng 271)932.40 36.027.4:' 307.959.85 _ 3 5nO\'I Fence 23.\45.17 3,620.65 26,765.02 _ " Winter Standby 25,678.\3 3)578.56 29,256.69 * Total Winter Control 431.018.32 52-,387 .95 483,406.27 * 1905 Winter control - $533.197 1906 Winter control - $739.173 Conti nued . . . .1" 00, " COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988; AMENDED JANUARY 1~89 PAGE 5 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY ROADS ST. TltoMAS SUBURBAN ROIAD Cor~M I SS I ON COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking (Centre Line) 35,865.31 7,917.69 43,783.00 - 2 Signs 162,510.95 6,293.98 168,804.93 - 3 Guide Rail 3,540.88 26.65 3,567.53 - 4 Railroad Protection 58,872.13 5,791. 94 64,664.07 - 6 Edge Marking 34,630.11 4,789.96 39,420.07 - 7 Stump Removal 48,067.25 48,067.25 TOTALS $1.956.432.68 $288.348.015 $2.244.780.73 OVEIUIEAD - COUNTY S 1. T110M1\5 SUBURBAN ROIAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Superintendence. Including County $133,521. 96 $ 9,588.39 $143,110.35 Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Superintendents and Vehicles. 2. Clerical. 77,177.03 5,542. 19 82,719.22 3. Office. 26,617.24 1,911.42 28,528.66 4. Garage - Stock and Timekeepers, 112,234.06 8,059.68 120,293.74 Maintenance, Heat, Etc. 5. Tools. 21,590.48 1,550.45 23,140.93 6. Radio. 7,010.52 503.43 7,513.95 7. Needs Study Update and Traffic 15,320.35 1,524.45 16,844.80 Counts. 8. Training Courses. 9,909.71 7l1. 63 10,621.34 9. Miscellaneous Insurance. 2,282.12 163.08 2,446.00 10. Retirement Benefits (Sick Time 30,006.06 30,006.06 Paid to Retired Employees). 11. Deferred Time. 7 , 113.94 CR. 7,113.94 CR. TOTALS $428.555.59 $29.555.52 $458.111. II Overhead is charged against the St. Thomas Suburban ro~~ Commission Roads on a percentage bas.is of the cost of construction and maintenance on the Sit. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads as a percentage of all construction and maintenance on both St. Thomas Suburban Roads and County Roads (Urban rebates, equipment purchases, drainage assessments, items not for subsidy, etc., are not considered in determining the overhead percentage). In 1987 the Overhead charge to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was 6.7% COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988; AMENDED JANUARY 1989 PAGE 6 MISCELLANEOUS Rebate to Town of Aylmer and'Villages of 25% of their Road (Subdized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%) Payroll Burden costs including Labour Totaled $578,025.00 in 1987 and were distributed in accordance with Ministry of Transportation standard practice to the various operations and equipment repair, etc. $70,203.75 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY TIlE ) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION S1. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION COUNTY ROADS ROADS TOTAL 1. Road Liability Insurance., $ 4,610.00 $128.00 $ 4,738.00 2. Miscellaneous (InCluding 971. 18 130.00 1,101.18 Memberships, Road Committee Inspec- tions and Meetings, Contributions, Etc. ) . 3. Invoices from the County Clerkls 4,481.93 4,481.93 Office for Preparation of Employee Payroll. 4. Payment for Accumulated Sick Time to 17,886.17 17,886.17 Employees Still in Employment of the County of Elgin. 5. Payment to St. Thomas Suburban Road 175,.00 175.00 Commissioner (Fees and Expenses) 6. Contribution from St. Thomas Sanitary 366.08 CR. 366.08 CR Collection Services Limited Toward Road #18. * 7. Overexpenditure on Tates Bridge 1,016.03 1,016.03 Project * 8. Extended Warranty on Michigan Loader 2,638.00 2,638.00 Motor (Under Appeal August 8, 1988) TOTALS $31.237.23 $433.00 $31.670.23 . . WI COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988; AMENDED JANUARY 19~9 PAGE 7 SUMMARY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~lM I SS I ON COUNTY ROADS ROl\DS TOTAL * (A) Construction $4,091,164.00 $115,7j~6.44 $4,206,910.44 (13) Maintenance 1,956,432.68 288,348.05 2,244,780.73 (C) Overhead 428,555.59 29,5!55.52 458, 111. 11 (D) Urban Rebates 70,203.75 70,203.75 * (E) Items Not For Subsidy 31,237.23 433.00 31,670.23 * SU13T01ALS $6,577,593.25 $434,083.01 $7,011,676.26 ADO: 1987 Stock Balance 99,493.16 99,493.16 * SUBTOTALS $6,677,086.41 $434,OB3.01 $7,111,169.42 DEDUCT: 1986 Stock l3alance 77,037.22 77,037.22 * TOTAL $6.600.049.19 $434.0:83.01 $ (* Total for Ministry of Transportation Subsidy $7,002,461.97) CALCULATION OF NET COUNTY EXPENDITURES ,,/'. ; The Ministry of Transportation Provided Subsidies in 1987 as Follm/s: ~egular SUbsidy: 1. 50% on Urban Rebates of $70,203.75 Amounting to $35,101.87. * 2. Subsidy of $4,802,098.13 on General Expenditures of $6,017,258.22. 3. $320.000 on Expenditure of $400,000 for Repairs to the Kettle Creek Culverts on Road #45. 4. $416,500 on Expenditure of $506,000 for Building of Pattersons Bridge on Road #30. 5. $7,200 on Expenditure of $9,000 for ~il Tests at Tates Bridge. / COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988; AMENDED JANUARY 1989 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBS IDY Urban Rebates $ 35,101.87 4,802,098.13 320,000.00 416,500.00 7,200.00 $5.580.900 .00 * Regular Expenditures Repairs to Kettle Creek Culverts Building of Pattersons Bridge Soil Tests at Tates Bridge * TOTALS COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION PORTION $ 35,101.88 1,215,248.09 80,000.00 89,500.00 1 ,800 .00 $1.421.649.97 PAGE 8 TOTAL EXPEND ITURE $ 70,203.75 6,017,258.22 400,000.00 506,000.00 9,000.00 $7.002.461.97 * Average Rate of Subsidy on Regular Expenditures of $6,017,258.22 is 79.80%. * (No Subsidy on $31,670.23 - Items Not for Subsidy.) CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. TlIOMAS TOWARD TilE S1. TIIOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD SYSTEM Total Expenditures by St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (See Page 7) Expenditures Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation * Rate of Ministry of Transportation Subsidy 79.8% * Subsidy Payable on St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditure is TOTAL EXPENDITURES * LESS: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SUBSIDY * PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS (50%) DEDUCT: CREDIT FROM 1986 OPERATION * BALANCE * SUBTOTAL DEDUCT: 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION FROM ST. THOMAS FOR 1987 * CREDIT TO 1988 $434,083.01 $433,650.01 $346,052.71 $434,083.01 $346,052.71 $ 88,030.30 $ 44,015.15 634.74 CR. $ 43,380.41 45,100.00 $ 1.719.59 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT SECOND REPORT - FEBRUARY SESSION 1988 AS AMENDED AFTER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO AUDIT AUGUST, 1988 ;AMENDED JANUARY 19~9 PAGE 9 COST TO COUNTY OF ELGIN OF 1987 OPERATIONS * Total Expenditures (Page 7) * LESS: Credits (a) Ministry of Transportation Subsidy (Page 8) (b) Cost to City of St. Thomas of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission System. (Page 8) * Net Cost After Ministry of Transportation Audit) $7,034,132.20 5,580,900.00 44,015.15 $1.409.217.05 In 1987 the County of Elgin Levied a Road Rate of $1,278.000 No County Road Levy was made to support supplementary subsidy received for the Road #45 Kettle Creek Culvert repairs nor for a large portion of the supolementary subsidy received for building of the Pattersons Bridge. In 1987 Payment Vouchers totaled $7,707,228.52 compared to $6,076,364.70 in 1986 (nearly 27% increase). The difference between the Total Voucher Payments and the Total Road Expenditures Included: (a) Work on Townline Roads and Bridges (including the Middlemiss and Tates Bridges). (The County of Middlesex, the County of Oxford and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk.) (b) Surface treatment work for various municipalities including the City of St. Thom as ($206,948.79). (c) Asphalt paving contract for Township of Southwold and the Village of Dutton ($162,786.64). (d) Work on various Municipal Drains, materials sold and work performed for municipalities and others. The County of Elgin in 1987 participated in a Government of Canada Summer Incentive Programme (Surveying Assistant) with a net grant to the County of $2,440.00. The Road Department was requested to have personnel available for a Mosquito Control Programme for the prevention of encepahlitis. The cost of $30.90 was charged to the General Government Account. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT METHODOLOGY USED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO TO DETERMINE GRANTS FOR ROADS TO UPPER TIER MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO JANUARY 25, 1989 TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: This report is a review of the methods used by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario in determining the portion of a County Road Department Budget that is eligible for Provincial subsidy (ie., spending objective) and the subsidy that the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario will pay toward that spending objective. The difference between the total budget and the "earned" subsidy is payable by the County of Elgin (other than the contribution of the City of St. Thomas toward St. Thomas Suburban roads). The Ministry follows a policy of allocating subsidy funds based on proven needs and thus sets a desirable spending objective for an upper tier municipality. Any expenditure greater than this desirable level will not be subsidized and any spending less than this desirable level will result in a loss of subsidy at a maximum subsidy rate (approximately 9l%). The Ministry matches the amount of money the County would raise at l.25 Mills (ie., 50% subsidy) on the Provincial Equalized Assessment and then subsidizes the County at 9l% on the remaining expenditure up to the desired spending level (to a maximum of 80%) other than rebates to urban municipalities within a County (Regions and the County of Oxford do not pay urban rebates). Our budget is composed of a construction allocation and a fixed cost allocation. The construction allocation is composed of road and bridge construction items of a "capitalll nature and a hot mix asphalt resurfacing allocation. The fixed cost allocation is composed of a maintenance and overhead cost allocation, new machinery allocation and a drainage assessment allocation. For the past few years our maintenance allocation has not been sufficient to meet our needs and we have had to take money from our construction allocation to cover these costs. (Calculations for 1988 are not yet complete but maintenance expenditures were considerably reduced by a large reduction in winter maintenance costs in comparison to a normal winter.) CALCULATION OF CONSTRUCTION ALLOCATION: l. Construction - Roads and Bridges. This allocation is based on a percentage of the total dollar "needs" of the "Now" and the "l - 5 Year" period on roads and bridges construction in the County as defined using a standardized bench mark cost system approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. - 2 - These bench mark costs are set every 5 years after considerable discussion between the Ministry of Transporation of Ontario and ourselves and an inflation factor applied yearly to keep the costs current. The Needs Study is updated yearly deleting the work done the previous year and adding the work which meets the IINeed Criteriall of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario after.each Spring breakup. Asphalt resurfacing needs are all considered in the 1 - 5 year needs. (The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario emphasizes that money allocated for asphalt resurfacing shall be spent on asphalt resurfacing and not transferred.) 2. Needs Study Update. The Ministry is in the process of revising the method of doin~J Needs Studies using computer processing and revising base costs yearly (such as the price of a tonne of crushed gravel or asphalt) on an ongoing basis so that "up to date needs study costs can be ma i ntai ned II (so they say). We are in the process of updating and have completed approximately l/3 of the work of revising the limits of our sections. (We expect the number of road sections to increase to 430 from 225). Physical conditions and traffic counts have yet to be added and we have not received our computer packages as yet. We do not believe the Ministry can produce a new report in a useable state for 1990 subsidy allocations because of the large amount of work involved on the municipal level and the lack of Ministry of Transportation of Ontario head personnel that will be familiar with the system when the municipal roads office is transferred to Timmins. 3. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario believes that a large effort should be made to save those roads that can be saved by asphalt resurfacing rather than let them deteriorate to the point where they have to be reconstructed at a much greater cost. Their present road and asphalt resurfacing programme provides that: (a) Double surface treatment roads should be covered by 3 inches of hot mix within an 8 to 10 year period. We have remaining 20.5 kilometers of surface treatment. (b) Grader mix mulch roads should be covered in a 20 year period, we have many kilometers that have not been done (50.5 kilometers). (c) Hot mix asphalt roads that are l% to 2 inches in depth should be covered as soon as possible to stop breakup (elephant tracking). This work has been completed with the exception of County Road #24 from County Road #36 to Port Bruce which had a base coat applied last Fall, portions of County Road #18 (Highway #4 to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services site) and County Road #55 (Haldimand-Norfolk Townline). (d) Other hot mix roads should be covered before rutting and cracking becomes so severe that only a gravel pad will save tllem. ,. - 3 - In 1989 a portion of the asphalt resurfacing will have to be used for construction purposes as the amount "earned II for road andl bridges will only cover the Middlemiss Bridge costs. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO APPROVED 1988 NEEDS WERE: (On which 1989 Spending Objectives are Based.) Road and Bridge Construction Asphalt Resurfacing $40,876,000 15,458,000 $56.334.000 This is an increase of 4.6% over 1987 needs. In 1985 our needs were $40,623,000. Although these needs have increased 38.7% in the interval we haVE! only increased our road system length by some 10%. In determining construction spending levels for 1989 the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario used a factor of 2.74% for roads and bridges and a factor of l2% for hot mix asphalt resurfacing. Although the asphalt resurfacing factor remained constant thE! construction (roads and bridges) objective was reduced from 3.3% (83%) of 1988 spending objective. CONSTRUCTION SPENDING OBJECTIVE: Construction (2.74% of $40,876,000~) Asphalt Resurfacing Objective (l2% of $l5,458.000~) TOTAL $l~120.000 l~855,000 $2~975.000 FIXED COSTS: Maintenance and overhead allocations have in the past been dE!termined by a combination of historic spending and a complicated Ministry of Transportation of Ontario formula involving traffic lane miles of paved and gravel roads. material, labour and winter costs (as compared with the rest of the Province). We have suffered in allocation of maintenance funds as our percentage of structural deficient pavement is relatively low at 2l.2%. (I suppose we should be happy as this makes us one of the better County road systems in the Province.) County Road System 541.2 Km Adjusted Road System 668.0 Km (Calculated as Below) Gravel 105.9 Km (Factor l.6) Rural Surface Treatment & Mulch 76.3 Km (Factor l.l) Rural Hot Mix Paving 327.5 Km (Factor l.O) Urban Surface Treatment & Mulch 5.7 Km (Factor 2.2) Urban Hot Mix Paving (1-3 Lanes) 17.8 Km (Factor 1.9) Urban Hot Mix Paving (4-5 Lanes) 8.0 Km (Factor 5.1) - 4 - FACTORS: (In comparison with other upper tier systems.) Material Labour Winter 0.999 l.042 0.883 Factor Adjusted 614 Km Our roads have an average annual daily traffic count of 945. This gives 511,434 Km of travel daily on County roads, in excess of 10% of this travel is on Wellington Road. (A) Our allocation for maintenance and overhead for 1989 is $2,972,200 (Which includes an allowance for Road #18 from Highway #4 to the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services site which was assumed in 1988. (8) Allocation for drainage assessments is $102,700 which is the average expenditure in 1985, 1986 and 1987. Our expenditure in 1988 was relatively low and our allocation in 1990 will be approximately $94,000. (C) Machinery and Housing Allocatio~: When we assumed additional roads the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario agreed to finance the cost of the extra equipment and housing required over a 3 year period (we purchased some used equipment, etc.. to "tide us over"). 1989 was supposed to be the last year of the programme and our proposed replacement schedule submitted in August 1988 in the amount of $649,000 was approved in full. Unfortunately we lost our storage Garage late in the year. After representations to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario they agreed to the addition of $200.000 in needs for a new building (hopefully somewhere near the net cost of a bUilding after deduction of the insurance money). In the process we were forced to withdraw from 1989 funding proposed salted sand storage buildings at Dutton and Straffordville at an estimated cost of $100,000 (we still hODe to build a sand building at White Station this year). (We would point out that we are running 10 year old dump trucks every day and the useful life of some of them is nearly over.) The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario approved a net allocation for maChinery and housing of $749,000. TOTAL "FIXED COSTS II (A) MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD $2,9:72,200 (8) DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS 102,700 (C) NEW MACHINERY AND HOUSING 749,000 TOTAL $3 ,8;~3 , 900 - 5 - REBATES TO URBAN MUNICIPALITIES (TOWNS AND VILLAGES),: Under Section 59 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act a County (not Regions or the County of Oxford) is required to pay a rebate of not less than 25% or more than 50% of th2 County road levy portion against an urban municipality. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario allocates funds to Counties to pay a 50% subsidy (only) on the minimum 25% subsidy. To rebate more than 25% (up to a maximum of 50% subsidy) must be taken from the County's general allocation (maintenance and construction) but is still subsidized at 50%. The County of Elgin by policy in the past has paid the minimum 25% rebate to the urban choosing to use the available funds for construction purposes. (For many years it was extremely difficult to convince the M:inistry of Transportation of Ontario that supplementary by-laws were required if the urbans in a County received over the minimum 25% rebate.) The Ontario Good Roads Association's recent call for the abol:ition of urban rebates has been widely endorsed. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario has allocated the sum of $80,000 (ie., $40,000 subsidy for urban rebates). As previously reported in our report of January ll, 1989 we estimated urban rebates will be $94,000 and thus the $7,000 additional subsidy required will mean a reduction of $8,750 in construction spending. ASSESSMENTS: The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario uses assessments from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to determine the assessment of the County for grant purposes. This is factored a number of ways to relate back to an assessment at 1.25 mills providing sufficient funds to fund a County road systems at a 50% subsidy level. THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO ASSESSMENTS WERE: 1984 - $6l2,000,000 1985 - $63l,000.000 1986 - $636,000,000 1987 - $624,000,000 1988 - $632,000,000 1989 - $643,000,000 (Or a 5% increase from 1984 to 1989.) The assessment will rise through increased building, etc. through an increase in property values as reflected in sales. (The assessed value to the real value drops and as a result assessment factors are lowered). Thus the Province equalized assessment (and the ability to pay) increases. In the past several years a large advance in residential property values have occured. We can expect the municipalities with a large proportional amount of residential property to show a large increase in Provincial equalized assessment. - 6 - The figures being used by.the County are one year behind the local municipality and those used by the Province are one year behind the Counties. The Province (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) also uses a 3 year average. Thus not only does it take longer for an increase to appear it takes longer 'for a decrease to appear. (Our assessment increased l.7% this year) Only Huron County showed a decrease (l.4%). Over 60% of Counties and Regions increases this year were from lO% to 20%. The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario also sets an assessment figure upon which the City of St. Thomas % mill assessment for Suburban roads is based. THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS ASSESSMENTS HAVE BEE~: 1987 - $90,200,000 - Yielding $45,100 1988 - $96,400,000 - Yielding $48,200 1989 - $l05,800,000 - Yielding $52,900 The St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissions budget forwards any debits or credits from the previous year into the current budget (a IIbalancedll budget is always proposed). MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO SUBSIDY CALCULATIONS: (Using 1989 Spending Allocation Objectives and Subsidy Allocations.) Construction $2,975,000 3,823,900 Fixed Cost Total $6.'798.900 County Effort at l.25 mills on the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Designated Assessment of $643,000,000 $803,750 ADD: Contribution of City of St. Thomas Toward Suburban Roads Yz mi 11 an assessment of $105,800,000 52,900 TOTAL $856.650 This amount ($856,650) with a normal 50% subsidy would allow an expenditure of $l,7l3,300 (ie., 50% Ministry of Transportation of Ontario - 50% Municipality). However this amount falls short of total spending objective: Total Objective (from above) Total Expenditure at 50% subsidy $6, j'98, 900 1, j' 13,300 Shortfall $5,085,600 - 7 - This shortfall is subsidized at 90.909%. (lOa Ministry of Transportation of Ontario dollars and lO County dollars.) Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Subsidy on Shortfall $4.623,300:!: To this must be Added: 50% Subsidy on the first $l,713,300 Expenditure TOTAL SUBSIDY 856,650 $5, ,IJ']9 , 950 However one of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario "little rules" is that you cannot get over 80% average subsidy on the total spending objective (80% of $6,798,900 is $5,439.l00:!:). So the "override" prevails (total subsidy) $5,439,000 40,000 To this is Added Subsidy at 50% on the Urban Rebate Allocation of $80,000 TOTAL MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO SUBSIDY $5.479.100 The difference between the total spending allocation (including urban rebates) and the subsidy is payable by the municipality. Spending Objective Urban Rebate Objective $6,798,900 80,000 LESS: Ministry of Transportation Subsidy $6,878,900 5,479,lOO Municipal Share LESS: Share of City of St. Thomas Toward Suburban Roads $1,399,800 52,900 LEVY $l.346.900 (Minor adjustments will be required as the urban rebates will probably be $94,000 :!: rather than $80,000). Unfortunately this information will not be available until the late March County Council meeting and thus an adjustment of "after the fact" will be required. It is also not known at this time what (because of a deficit or surplus in the 1988 expenditures of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission) the exact contribution of the City of St. Thomas will be toward the 1989 St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission budget. SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAWS: 1. A by-law will be required for the Tates Bridge closure. The estimated cost (by the County of Middlesex) to completion of the Ontario Municipal Board hearings is $28,000 of which $14,000 is the County of Elgin's share. This is subsidized at 80% making the County of Elgin1s share $2,800. - 8 - 2. A by-law will be required for construction on Road #30 (Highbury-Radio Road Link). $400,000 was spent last year and if a like sum is spent this year it is anticipated that all work other than some top coat of asphalt and minor trimming and seeding work will be completed. This project is subsidized at 75% making the County's share $100,000 and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario's share $300,000. 3. It is suggested that a $250,000 supplementary by-law be applied for to assist with the construction of the Middlemiss Bridge. Such an expenditure (if approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) would be subsidized at 80% [ie., Ministry of Transportation of Ontario $200,000 the County $50,000.] This would free up "$250,000" in funds for other construction projects. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION or ONTARIO: Certain expenditures though legitimate road expenditures are not subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. These are as attached and are estimated for 1989 at $38,200. We find that it is necessary to overspend somewhat, the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario spending allocation, as it takes several weeks of reconciliation to properly allocate an expenditure after our financial year end and we seem to be constantly receiving "little surprises" from the Municipal Affairsl Auditors. 1989 COUNTY LEVY BASED ON MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO CITY OF COUNTY EXPENDITURE SUBSIDY ST. THOMAS SHARE 1. Initial Spending Objective Including $6,878,900 Urban Rebates. 2. Supplementary By-Law Tates Bridge l4,000 3. Supplementary By-Law Road #30 400,000 4. Supplementary By-Law Middlemiss Bridge 250,000 5. Items Not Subsidized 38,300 TOTALS $7,581,200 $5,479,lOO $!52 ,900 $l,346,900 II ,200 300,000 200,000 2,800 100,000 50,000 38,300 $5.990,300 $52.900 $1.538.000 1988 Levy $l,46l,000 - Increase 5.27%. If the supplementary by-law regarding Middlemiss Bridge is not applied for, the increase would be 1.85%. """ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1989 PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE .met at the Administration Building on Wednesday, January 11, 1989 at 9:30 a.m. All members were present. Also present were Mr. James Richards and Mr. Robert Stock of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and the Engineer. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER 29 AND DECEMBER 15, 1988 BE APPROVED. CARRIED. II THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Winter control had been extremely light. 2. The repairs to equipment had been light and as yet work had not been started on preventative repairs for equipment for summer use. 3. The piling of gravel was continuing at both the Sparta and Pleasant Valley Pits. It is expected that a major decision will have to be made within several weeks with regard to the Pleasant Valley Pit as to whether or not the amount of stripping would be excessive for the gravel recovered. 4. Some dead trees had been cut. 5. Pavement patching had been heavy because of the recent freeze-thaw cycle. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE FOLLOWING: 1. All the 1988 funds had been expended except for approximately $4,700 (out of the $10,000 allocated) for Tates Bridge. These funds could not be used for any other purposes and would have to be returned to the Ministry of Transportation. 2. Warden Ford and Reeve Martyn reported that an insurance settlement had been reached with the Frank Cowan Company with regard to the hangar building. CowanS had agreed to pay $45,000 which included: (a) The cost of a report by Parker Consultants which detailed the damage ($3,500). (b) Temporary repairs made last Fall. (c) Cost of installation of electrical plug-in's for snowplows and sanders for the winter. The Parker Consultant report detailed the estimated ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1989 PAGE 2. costs at $30,000 to repair the wind damage. A further $60,000 would be necessary to rehabilitate the rest of the building for the Ministry of Labour1s approval for further use. 3. Construction of the Middlemiss Bridge by McLean-Taylor Construction Limited was continuing with concrete work on the north abutment completed to the bridge seat. Pile driving and concrete footings had been completed on both the north and south piers. Work was underway on the south pier and approximately 20 feet of the north and south piers would be poured. Work on the south abutment would be delayed until Spring. The Contractor had completed approximately $250,000 (which did not include the 10% holdback) to the end of 1988. 4. The Engineer met with the Township of Aldborough Council to discuss the rezoning of the Loeters Gravel Pit on Road #6 and had pointed out potential damage that could occur to the Township and County roads. The Township of Aldborough had since rezoned the property for a gravel pit. The Committee took no further action. 5. No reply had yet been received from the Ministry of the Environment in response to the County of Elgin's request that the Ministry approve the type of inflation index that the St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services would be required to use to pay their required grant toward Road #18 maintenance. 6. No further information had been received from the property owners on Road #43 at the Phillmore Bridge. These permissions would be required so that the grant requested could be reforwarded to County Council. IIMOVED BY: C. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE THAT THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST NUMBER 49 AMOUNTING TO $102,395.59 PAYLIST NUMBER 50 AMOUNTING TO $124,686.62 PAYLIST NUMBER 51 AMOUNTING TO $92,564.25 PAYLIST NUMBER 52 AMOUNTING TO $569,086.64 PAYLIST NUMBER 53 AMOUNTING TO $88,899.52 PAYLIST NUMBER 54 AMOUNTING TO $57,735.95 PAYLIST NUMBER 56 AMOUNTING TO $507.32 CARRIED.II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY II, 1989 PAGE 3. Chairman Martyn and the Engineer reported on the Press Release from the Honourable Marietta Roberts I , M.P.P. office which showed an increase in subsidy of 25% over last year.s allocation for all municipalities in Elgin County. Several overtures had been made by the Chairman and the Engineer to Marietta Roberts. office with no results. After discussion it was agreed that Warden Ford would issue a Press Release which set out the grant increases for 1988 to 1989 for each municipality. Mr. Richards was asked for the correct subsidy comparison for 1988 and 1989 (copy of the Warden's press release is attached to the Minutes). The Engineer reviewed the attached 1989 Subsidy Allocation and Spending Objectives received from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The County.s assessme'nts for Ministry of Transportation of Ontario purposes was approximately 1.5% more than in 1987. The contribution toward the Suburban roads by the City of St. Thomas would increase by approximately 10% for an effective contribution of approximately $50,000. Supplementary by-laws for Road #30 construction and Tates Bridge must be in the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario offices by March 1st which would mean that they would have to be passed by the February Session of County Council. A Road Levy should be set prior to the February Session of County Council. The removal of the old County hangar building was discussed at some length. It was expected to have the radio units removed from the building within the week. The hydro had been disconnected. The Committee felt that there would not be enough salvage value in the building to make it worthwhile for a demolition contractor.s time and that because of the proximity of the radio towers and other buildings it was not desirable to have a contractor who was not fully bonded and insured to remove the building. After discussion. . . "MOVED BY: R. J. LA VEREAU SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO REMOVE THE COUNTY HANGAR BUILDING AT WHITE STATION. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1989 PAGE 4. Warden Ford, Reeve Martyn and the Engineer reported on a meeting with the County of Middlesex (Warden, Chairman and the Engineer) on January 5th. The County of Middlesex was expected to have a report from M. M. Dillon within two months regarding their Environmental Study on the Tates Bridge. It was understood that M. M. Dillon would hold another public meeting (likely in the Glencoe area). The Committee asked that the final report include the letter from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (reproduced in full) stating that the Ministry did not have funds to replace the bridge. It would be necessary for the Committee to deal with the report when received and make a recommendation to County Council. A by-law would be required and an application made to the Ontario Municipal Board if Council felt that they wished to close the bridge. It was not likely that a formal Hearing of the Board could be held before Fall. Chairman Martyn reported that the County of Middlesex was extremely anxious to continue work on the Highbury-Radio Road Link and planned to complete with base coat paving, the portion between the Elgin County line and the Belmont-Glanworth Road. Engineering and land purchase would continue on the rest of the road. They also hoped to start work on the swamp south of the Wilton Grove Road as it would have to be loaded in three stages and would take eight to nine months for each stage to settle. Chairman Martyn also reported that the London Suburban Road Commission had assumed the northerly portion of the road and would be applying for a supplementary by-law for that portion. The County would apply for the portion north of the Elgin County line. It would also be necessary for the County of Elgin to apply for a supplementary by-law to continue the work on Road #30. The Engineer was instructed to forward a letter to the Mayor and members of Council of the City of St. Thomas outlining the progress made by the Counties of Elgin and Middlesex on the road to date and give both Counties. plans for 1989. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1989 PAGE 5. Chairman Martyn reported on the problems that the Township of Yarmouth was having in acquiring the CSX right-of-way. The CSX was in the process of selling the right-of-way to private owners. It was agreed by the Committee that further attempts should be made to contact the CSX Corporation and discuss with them the possibility of local municipalities or the County purchasing the right-of-way in Aldborough, Dunwich, Southwold and Yarmouth Townships. After some discussion. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN, REEVE LYLE, REEVE MEZENBERG AND THE ENGINEER BE A COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH THE CSX CORPORATION TO ASCERTAIN IF THE CSX RIGHT-OF-WAY THROUGH, YARMOUTH, SOUTHWOLD, ALDBOROUGH AND DUNWICH TOWNSHIPS CAN BE OBTAINED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES INDIVIDUALLY OR BY THE COUNTY. CARRIED." The Engineer was instructed to contact Ontario Hydro to ascertain if they had made any decisions with regard to the use of the right-of-way for their hydro corridor from the Southwold-Dunwich Townline westerly. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH AFTER LUNCH . . . The Insurance Review (attached) was discussed at some length. The Committee did not recommend any changes to the Property Committee for the Januarv 27th meeting. "MOVED BY: R. J. LA VEREAU SECONDED BY: C. WILLSEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN PLANS EXPROPRIATING LAND FOR WIDENING COUNTY ROAD ALLOWANCES AS REQUIRED IN 1989 ON THE FOLLOWING ROADS AS SHOWN ON SCHEDULE I A I . CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY II, 1989 PAGE 6. SCHEDULE IAI I. County Road #2 - Lot 20, Concessions VIII and IX, Township of Aldborough. 2. County Road #4 - Lots IAI to ID1 and I to 5 (inclusive), Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Aldborough. 3. County Road #8 - Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich. 4. County Road #14 - Lot IC', Concession III, Township of Dunwich. 5. County Road #16 - Lot 33, North and South of Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold. 6. County Road #20 - Lots 15 and 16, North Talbot Road North Branch, Township of Southwold. 7. County Road #22 - Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth. 8. County Road #27 - Lots 15 and 16, Range I and 2, North of Union Road, Township of Southwold. 9. County Road #27 - Lot I, Second Range East of River Road, Township of Southwold. 10. County Road #30 - Lots 7 to 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. II . County Road #43 - Lot I, Concessions III and IV, Township of Bayham. 12. County Road #43 - Lot 35, Concessions III and IV, Township of Malahide. 13. County Road #45 - Lots 33 and 34, South of Talbot Road East Branch, Township of Southwold. 14. County Road #46 - Lot 114, North Talbot Road, Township of Bayham. "MOVED BY: D. V CHUTE SECONDED BY: A. K. FORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A RESOLUTION BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SUBMIT TO THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION OF ONTARIO A PETITION FOR SUBSIDY FOR ROAD EXPENDITURES MADE ON THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM FROM JANUARY I, 1988 TO DECEMBER 31, 1988. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY II, 1989 PAGE 7. The Chairman and Engineer reported that a considerable amount of work remained on St. George Street. The Chairman stated that the finished coat of asphalt from the sewer project would be placed in late 1989 and all drainage should be completed before that time as well as any curb and gutter required. Four municipal drains had been petitioned for and a considerable amount of engineering work had been completed by the Township~ Consultant. The Chairman reported that the residents in the area were strongly in favour of the drainage. It appeared that curb and gutter for traffic control would be required at the intersections of St. George Street and Nathan Street and St. George Street and Ryan Street and at the curves near Hydro Road and the Canadian National tracks. It would also be necessary to continue with the movement of the hydro poles. Engineering had been completed by Ontario Hydro and a bill for $1,200 (the County's share) would be forthcoming. Curb and gutter should be completed on the St. George Street hill as it was impossible to keep the shoulders in good condition due to the erosion. The Committee agreed that the costs should be placed in the estimates and dealt with by the Committee during Budget session. The work would come under the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. Reeve Martyn stated that the City was not interested in annexing the St. George Street-Lynhurst area at the present time. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: R. F. COLES THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BE PAID. CARRIED. II The Township of Aldborough proposed zoning by-law amendment for property on Road #3 (Furnival Road), just south of Highway #401 was discussed. Reeve Mezenberg stated that the entrance to the property was proposed between the Lee Farm Equipment property and the house to the north on the west side of Road #3. .The members inquired if the entrance would come under the control of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. The Engineer was instructed to ascertain the Ministry's position on the matter. The rezoning would allow for commercial ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 11, 1989 PAGE 8. development consisting of a gas bar, motel and restaurant. As there would be a considerable number of turning movements the entrance should be located as far from the Highway #401 ramps as possibl~ to eliminate conflict because of the limited vision caused by the overpass on Highway #401. Committee felt that the property entrance should be located off the Township road opposite the Township office. A zoning by-law amendment from the Village of Dutton was discussed. The owner wished to rezone property from agricultural to residential use including a home occupation on the north side of Road #13 at the east limit of Dutton. The Engineer noted that the property was presently being severed and that the owner would have to meet the County.s requirements for entrances and drainage. A general policy regarding work required to meet severance requirements on County roads regarding entrances and drainage was discussed at some length. The Committee felt that this was required. It would have to be decided if all work had to be completed before the severance approval was grant(~d. Presently an undertaking with a deposit was sufficient. This had proved to be less than satisifactory in several cases (Road #24 in Port Bruce). The Committee agreed to discuss the matter at the next meeting. The Committee agreed that a general driveway by-law was required. The County of Kent was proposing to convene a meeting shortly on the matter and hopefully the County of Kent by-law could be used by the County of Elgin (meeting February 7th with County Engineers). "MOVED BY: D. V. CHUTE SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE 1988 - 1989 ROAD COMMITTEE ACT AS THE COMMITTEE FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: (A) SOLID AND LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL. (B) MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR THE PREVENTION OF ENCEPHALITIS. (C) LAKE ERIE EROSION. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY II, 1989 PAGE 9. "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE FEES FOR THE 1989 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION FOR THE ENGINEER, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, SUPERINTENDENT AND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BE PAID (BEING $50.00 PER MUNICIPALITY PLUS $10.00 FOR EACH MEMBER). CARRIED." "MOVED BY: C. WILLSEY SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL: (A) THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION. (B) THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS' ANNUAL MEETING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (C) THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONVENTION. (D) THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS ANNUAL WORKSHOP. (E) THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL MEETING. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: H. J. MEZENBERG SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE ASSISTANT ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING CONVENTIONS AND/OR MEETINGS AND THE SAME BE REPORTED TO COUNTY COUNCIL: (A) THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (B) THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS' ANNUAL MEETING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. (C) THE MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS ANNUAL WORKSHOP. (D) THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ANNUAL MEETING. ~.-...." CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY II, 1989 PAGE 10. "MOVED BY: R. F. COLES SECONDED BY: H. F. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTyrS REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION, MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION, THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO EXECUTIVE MEETINGS AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION OF ONTARIO WITH THE USUAL CONVENTION EXPENSES, MILEAGE AND OTHER EXPENSES PAID AS OCCAISIONED FOR MEETINGS OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: E. NEUKAMM SECONDED BY: C. WILLSEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE HONOURARIUM FOR THE COUNTY MEMBER ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION, MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND BE $175.00 PER ANNUM FOR A PERIOD OF FEBRUARY I, 1989 TO JANUARY 31, 1990. CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: D. J. AVRAM SECONDED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND MEETINGS AS REQUIRED TO MEET WITH GOVERNMENT GROUPS WITH REGARD TO SOIL STEEL STRUCTURES, AND HORIZONTAL ELLIPSE CULVERTS (PIPE ARCH CULVERTS). CARRIED. II "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU .'P'-"'" SECONDED BY: C. WILLSEY THAT WE ADJOURN TO 9:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1989. CARRIED. II , Aff/J ~~/ ~ 'CHAiRM~ '" " . COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT INSURANCE REVIEW 1989 JANUARY 1989 The following is a list of Policies in effect on County Buildings, Property and Liability. Unless otherwise stated Policies are through the Frank Cowan Company and are due January 29, 1989. . I ,. MUNICIPAL LIABILITY (a) The liability limit for each claim in 1988 was $7,000,000. The County's General Liability Policy protects the Road Department, including non licensed equipment and road liability operations, County Road Department employees and volunteers. This Policy has an Environmental Liability Clause exclusion. (See Item #8) The 1988 Liability charged to the Road Department was $21,940.00 ($19,050.00 subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation at $635.00 each to 30 unlicensed units and $2,890.00 non subsidized). The Policy includes coverage of bodily injury, death, damage to property, personal injury liability (libel and slander), blanket contractual agreement and any liability the County might incur through issuance of a permit (moving, location, etc.). The Policy also contains an employer's liability clause which covers the County in the case where an employee is not considered a workman under the Workers' Compensation Board. The Policy in 1988 was through the General Accident Company for the primary coverage and the excess was provided by the' Guarantee Company of North America and other Companies. (b) Liability limits $7,000,000 protects the County against damage suits, etc., involving vehicles not owned by the County but working for the County (eg., private dump trucks, private cars, etc.). Liability for licensed vehicles borrowed or hired by the County is $150,000.00 ($100.00 Deductible). The coverage includes all employees, officials of the County, members of the Council and volunteers. The cost was $410.00. A "Contractual Liability Extension" is included in the Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT INSURANCE REVIEW 1989 PAGE 2 (c) Errors and Ommissions Liability limits $7,000,000. Protects the County against claims that allege that an error and/or ommission type by Council Members and Employees have resulted in a financial loss, rather than bodily injury or property damage loss covered by Municipal Liability. Also includes misrepresentation and unintentional error in administration of employee benefits. (Charge to Road Department in 1988 was $1,207.00.) 2. AUTOMOTIVE FLEET The Automotive Schedule for 1988 was 34 vehicles, ,2 trailers and a float. A number of vehicles have been "Valued" - Total aggre~gate value of all Road Department Vehicles for 1988 was $1,442,000. The liability limit is $7,000,000 with $2,500.00 deductible per accident for physical damage claims. We received an excellent merit rating for 1987. A Blanket Coverage on the fleet is in effect (ie., replacement of vehicles if lost, be a vehicle of the same use, kind and size if one is lost regardless of the a~signed value of the unit lost). [Other than "Valued" items which will be paid for at the valued amount in the policy.] Covers inappropriately licensed drivers. Cost of Fleet Insurance was $14,585.00 in 1988. 3. FLOATER POLICY $2,500.00 Deductible Clause covers Road Department Equipment, Materials and is "All Risk": (a) . Non licensed equipment (including snowplowing equipment). (b) Radio and tower. (c) Moveable property of others rented, borrowed or leased. (d) Valuable papers. (e) Engineer's Office (furniture, etc.). (a) The non licensed equipment includes graders, tractors, loaders, snowplows, sanders, etc., which totaled $2,260,500 in 1988 (55 items). As in the Fleet Policy, this Policy is a Blanket Coverage; (ie., Replacement value, new item for item lost of the same silze and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/ (, COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT INSURANCE REVIEW 1989 PAGE 3 options); some items have been "Valued" and would if lost be replaced with a piece of used equipment of similar valuE~. No insurance is carried on stock items and tools. (b) Radio tower was valued at $12,000.00 and insured against "AII Risk" (lightening, droppage, etc.). (c) Moveable property of others to value of $150,000.00 - Pfemium $100.00 per year losses paid on actual cash value. Protects County for rented, borrowed and leased equipment. (d) Valuable papers - replacement including any necessary work to regather the information - Value $500,000.00 including fest of County. Accounts Receivable (Including information to regather the information) $500,000.00 - ie., ledgers, invoices, etc. (e) Furniture, etc., in Engineer's Office - Replacement value. Premium includes valuable papers and accounts receivable. Total Equipment Floater Policy, including office furniture was $8,613.00 in 1988. 4. BOILER AND MACHINERY POLICY (ALSO KNOWN AS ENGINEERING POLICY) Policy insures boilers, pressure vessels, tanks, etc., including boiler, hot water tank, air tank, etc., at County Garages and air tanks and compressors, sprayers, etc., on mobile equipment. For repair and replacement of equipment due to rupture, etc. Limit per accident $1,000,000 ($2,500.00 Deductible). Premium in 1988 $422.00. Policy is comprehensive. 5. CRIME PACKAGE Fidelity Bond in the amount of $300,000 on all County EmploY1ees and Members of Council for the protection of the County against dishonest acts of insureds. Road Department share of premium in 1988 was $302.00. Policy also covers audit expenses incurred in determining and qualifying the loss. ..............4/ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT INSURANCE REVIEW 1989 "'~, PAGE 4 6. COUNTY ROAD DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS All Peril POlicy including fire, wind, malicious acts, damage from falling objects (ie., radio tower and aircraft), water pipe rupture. Blanket coverage applicable to main garage only. All others valued. Main Garage Storage Building Hangar Old Storage Building White's Station Salt Building Bayham Township Salt Building Dunwich Township Salt Building 1988 $706,400 150,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 35,000 (Valued) 25,000 (Valued) 30,000 (Valued) $971.400 ;' Premium in 1988 - $2,914.00. Since July of 1988, we have suffered a loss on the Storage Building Hangar and the building is now vacant (other than Radio Equipment for which arrangements are being made to move) and no longer covered for Insurance (although the Radio Equipment and the Tower are still covered.) A report of Frank Cowan on the Building recommends that the ~Iain Garage Depot be increased to $886,000 and includes the Dover Rotary Hoist and Overhead Crane (insured for $50,000 in 1988). Thus, the increase is from $756,400 to $886,000. The Report made no other recommendations regarding the Road Department Property or Equipment. (Recommendations [attached] with regard to the Main Garage have been noted and appropriate measures taken other than a complete security fence. 7. An Environment Risk Policy was purchased covering the County and its Employees from all environmental risks - with a maximum limit of $1,000,000 per occurence and $2,000,000 Aggregate limit per Insurance year. Subject to a mandatory self insured retention of $5,000 per occurence with an annual Premium of $6,160 for all County Operations of which all was charged to Roads and none of which was subsidlized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. ,~ 8. Total cost of insurance through Frank Cowan Company Limited in 1988 was $56,68~.00 of which $9,178.00 was not subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. r / f' .. ( ""--- LOCA TION HAZARD AND/OR RECOMMENDATION 3. AnHINlSTRATJON OFFTCES 1,50 SUNS I~T J)I{ LV E ST. 'l'110HAS 1. Empty fire extinguishers found in hose cabinets shollld elther he serviced or removed to prevent COil fus:ion durJng an emergency. 2. Smoke barrier and fire doors should not be hooked, wired or wedged open. These doors cannot serve their intended purpose if this practice continues and could endanger the safety of others in an emp rp,ency. 15. HAIN GARAGE & EQUIPHENT DEPOT' WHITES STATION 1. The parts '<lash:tng bin should have a lid complete wi th n fusih 1e 1:ink. Such H device would allow the lid to fall 1n the event: of Cl fire. The grinder located adjacent to the bin should be relocated so that sparks cannot ignite the cleaning solvellt. 2. HoodC'1l wedges should not be used to hold smoke barrier and fire doors open.. In the event of a serio\1s fire these fire prevention devices will be of no use. 3. COllsidenltion should be giv€~n to installing ell1eq~ency lighting in the hall and down the stairwell leading from the ~3econd floor change rooms to the ground level exit. 4. Drums containing combustible liquids such as varsnl, etc. should be moved away from possible sources of ignition such as batteries. 5. Steel barrier posts should be installed at the gnsol:ine pumps Hhich should prevent fire and/or damnge caused by collision ,,,i th vehicles. (Pictllre Reference) 6. ^ll propane, cylinders should be sto red outside of buildings which should prevent explosion and/or [1 re due to faulty valve, etc.. 7'. 'rall grass surrounding storage buildings should be cut to eliminate possible damage caused by grass fire. (Picture ReferEmce) 8. Consideration should be given to proper security fencing of perimeter yard areas. Equipment stored in the open in the yard areas present an attraction to children of all ages. (p:tc tu re Reference) \ FltANI{ COWAN COI\11:>>ANY LIMI1rED Risk Management Services ,/ , ROBERT G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent ~ .. 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5Vl TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 NEWS RELEASE ... ST. TIIO~1AS, ONTARIO - JANUAR): 12,1989. Albert Ford, Warden of the County of Elgin, today released tile amount of initial Road Subsidy provided by the Provincial r~inistry of lransportation for municipal roads in Elgin County. The 1989 Subsidy Allocation for all municipalities is $9,090,1100 which is an increase of $284,800 or 3.23% from the $0,805,600 Allocation in 1980. Warden ford noted that the increases granted by the Ministry vary from a low 1.37% to a high of 10% depending on the municipality. Comparisons of Road Subsidy Allocations are as follows:- Suhsidy Allocation by Ministry of Transportation Increase % Increase Nu_r.!.! c i paJJ!l 1988 1989 in 89 over 1988 City of St. Thomas $1,352,000 $1,389,500 $37,500 2. 77~r. 1m-Ill of Aylmer 151,500 154,500 3,000 1 . 98~r. Village of Belmont 20,000 20,500 500 2.5% , Village of Dutton 31,500 34,500 3,000 9.5% Village of Port Burwell 36,500 37,000 500 1.37% Village of Port Stanley 78.500 00,500 2,000 2.55% Village of Rodney 26,500 27,000 500 1. 8m~ Village of Springfield 16,000 16,300 300 1 . 88 ~i Village of Vienna 22,000 23,000 1,000 4.55)', Village of ~est Lorne 30,500 31,000 500 1.64'X, Township of Aldborough 254,000 279,400 25,400 I Ol~ 10wnship of Dayham 260,700 275,000 14.300 5.48%, Township of South Oorchester 122,500 127,800 5,300 4.33% Township of Ounwich 235,100 253,500 18,400 7 . 03~, Township of Malahide 244,700 257,200 12,500 5.1% Township of Southwold 287,000 296,000 9,800 3.41% Township of Yarmouth 289,900 307,800 17.900 6.17% County of Elgin Road System 5,346,700 5,479,100 132,400 2.48% The Tola I for a II ~lunicipal j ties in 1he County of Elgin 8,805,600 9,090,400 284,800 3.23% The Road Subsidy covers both construction and maintenance work on the Municipal Road System. Harden Ford stated that with regard to the County of Elgin I~oad System the allocated funds for construction were only 95.6% of those allocated for 1908 and thus construction work would have to bE! curtailed in 1909. COUN1~ Of ELGIN ROAD DEPAR1MEN1 COMP~RlSON Of MINlS1R~ Of 1RANSPOR1A110N Of ON1ARIO ~A110N AND SPENDING OBJEC11~ES J~NU~R~ 11, 1989 1989 .::--- 1988 ::.-- $5,479,100 $5,346,700 (lNCRE~SE 2.4810) $6,878,900 SUBSID~ ALLOCA1l0N B~ HIE M 1 N 1 S1R~ Of 1 RANSPOR1 A 11 ON Of ON1 AR 10 $6,710,500 SPENDING OBJEC11~E ALL 11EMS (SUPPLEMEN1AR~ B~-LAWS N01 INCLUDEO) CONS1RUC110N OBJEC11~E $3,112,200 $2,975,000 (1989 IS 95.6% Of 1988 OBJEC11~E) MAIN1ENANCE AND O~ERHEAD $2,878,900 $3,074,900 (INCLUDING MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE ALLOWANCE) (INCREASE 6.8%) (INCLUDES ALLOCA110N Of $19,000 10 MAIN1AIN ROAD #18 fROM HIGHWA~ #4 10 S1. 1HOMAS SANI1~R~ COLLEC110N L~NDflLL SI1E.) ~ (ALL I1EMS INCLUDED IN ABO~E 101AL) $647,000 $749,000 M~CHINER~ ~ND HOUSING (INCREASED 10 ASSlS1 IN GARAGE REPLACEMEN1, NE1 RESUL1 Af1ER GARAGE REPLACEMEN1 $100,000 LESS fOR EQUIPMEN1.) URBAN REBA1E ALLOCA110N (IN 1988 URBAN REBA1ES WERE $86,757) $80,000 $72,400 N01E: CONS1RUC110N ALLOCA110N WAS 3.3% Of APPRO~ED ROAD AND BRIDGE NEEDS ~ IN 1988 AND 2.74% Of APPRO~ED NEEDS IN 1989 (83% Of 1988 ALLOCA110N). ASPHAL1 RESURfACING ALLOCA110N REMAIND CONS1AN1 A1 12%. NEEDS INCREASED fROM 1987 10 1988 B~ APPROXIMA1EL~ 4.6%. MINlS1R~ Of 1RANSPOR1A110N Of ON1ARIO IN111AL ALLOC~110N _:.0--- ~ - ~ $5,479,100 101AL SPENDING ALLOCA110N LESS: SUBSID~ fOR URBAN REBA1ES (50% of $80,000) 40,000 :::::.-- ----- NE1 SUBSID~ ~,~ $6,798,900 A~~lL~BLE fOR WORK (80%) AC1UAL URBAN REBA1ES @ $94,000 CON11NUED . . . · · - 2 - LESS: SUBSIO~ (50% of $94,000) ~ $5,479,100 47,000 ---- .~~~ki.10..s1 $6,790,100 A~AILABLE fOR ~ORK (80%) (OIffERENCE $9,000~) ~ $6 ,790 , 100 94,000 ---- $6,884,100 1: 5,479,100 ---- ll,405~000 - -:-~ WORK URBAN REBA1ES LESS: MINISTR~ Of TRANSPORTATION Of ONTARIO SUBSIO~ $52,000 EffECTI~E CONTRIBUTION Of CIT~ Of ST. THOMAS 10WARD' SUBURBAN ROADS PRELIMINAR'i LE\J'i $1,353,000 TO BE AOIlEIl: ROAO #30 SUPPLEMENTAR~ - - TATES BRIIlGE SUPPLEMENTAR~ ITEMS NOT SUBSIIlIIEO B~iHE MINISTR~ Of TRANSPORTATION OF ON1ARIO 1988 LE\J'i $1,461~OOO l' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE REPORTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. McLean-Taylor Construction Ltd. of St. Marys continues work. on the Middlemiss Bridge on County Road #14 over the Thames River. To date they have completed concrete work on the North abutment to the top of the bridge seat. They have also completed pile driving for both the North and South piers and concrete footings and are in the process of pouring concrete at the South pier. Construction including pile driving on the South abutment will not be started until Spring. No unusual problems have been encountered to date. 2. We have negotiated a $45,000.00 settlement with Frank Cowan Company for damage to the County's main hangar storage building at White's Station. The bUilding which is a portion of an airforce hangar was moved to the site in the late 1940's and suffered wind damage during the summer of 1988. The settlement includes approximately $6,000.00 which the County inourred making temporary repairs, installation of temporary hydro facilities (for block heater plug-ins for trucks for the winter) and a report by Parker Consultants which was required by the Insurance Company to detail the damage. As the Parker report indicated that an additional $64,000.00 of work not associated with the wind damage would be required to rehabilitate the building (total cost of rehabili- tation estimated at $91,000.00), your 1988 Road Committee decided to evacuate the building and make plans to build a new storage building in 1989. All equipment an~ materials have been removed from the old garage and arrangements have been made to remove the radio equipment. It is hoped to complete this removal within the next two(2) weeks. The Engineer has been instructed to remove the old building as soon as possible. 3. The Warden, Chairman, and the Engineer met with the Warden and Chairman of the Middlesex County Road Committee and the Middlesex County Engineer to discuss continuing work on the Radio-Highbury Road link. In 1988 your Committee expended $400,000.00 on the Elgin County portion of this link. A like expenditure in 1989 would complete the COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 P J\GE 2 work in Elgin County other than a top coat of asphalt and minor trim work. The Committee was assured by Middlesex that they are proceeding with work as rapidly as possible and expect to complete the portion between the County boundary and the Belmont-Glanworth Road this year and to start the placement of fill over the swamp South of the Wilton Grove Road. Continuance of work in both Counties is subject to supplementary By-Law approval by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. 4. We have been informed by Middlesex County that the Environmental Report by M. M. Dillon Engineering regarding Tate's Bridge should be available to the Committee for study within two(2) months. 5. We have appointed a Committee consisting of the Warden, the Chairman, Reeve Lyle, Reeve Mezenberg and the Engineer to meet with CSX Transportation to ascertain if the CSX right-of-way through Yarmouth, Southwold, Dunwich and Aldborough can be obtained by the local Municipalities individually or by the County. The Engineer is presently trying to arrange a meeting with CSX Representatives. 6. We have been advised by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario that the spending objective for 1988 will be $6,878,900.00 and the subsidy allocation will be $5,479,100. The subsidy allocation is an increase of 2.48% from 1988. The construction objective for the County of Elgin and the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission is $2,975,000 (road and bridge construction and asphalt resurfacing) which is only 95.6% of the 1988 objective. Construction allocations to the Counties and Regional Municipalities were based on 2.74% of their approved needs for road and bridge construction for 1989 compared to 3.3% in 1988 (a reduction of 17%). Asphalt resurfacing allocations remain constant at 12%. The County's total road and bridge needs in 1988 were approximately $56~000,000.OO which was a 4.6% increase from the previous year. COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 PAGE 3 7. Preliminary Budget work will be started by your Committee shortly. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a Resolution be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to submit to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario the petition of the County of Elgin for subsidy on road expenditures made on the County of Elgin road system from January 1, 1988 to December 31, 1988. 2. That the Membership fees for the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be paid. 3. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to sign plans expropriating land for Widening of County Road allowances as required for 1989 on the following roads: (a) County Road # 2 (b) County Road # 4 (c) County Road # 8 (d) County Road #14 (e) County Road #16 (f) County Road #20 (g) County Road #22 (h) County Road #27 (1) County Road #27 (j ) County Road #30 (k) County Road #43 Lot 20, Concession VIII and IX Township of Aldborough Lots A to D and 1 to 5 (inclusive), Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Aldborough Lots 12 and 13, Concession VIII, Township of Dunwich Lot 'C', Concession III, Township of Dunwich Lot 33, North and South of Talbot Road, East Branch Township of Southwold Lots 15 and 16, North Talbot Road, North Branch, Township of Southwold Lots 7 and 8, Concession IV, Township of Yarmouth Lots 15 and 16, Range 1 and 2, North of Union Road, Township of Southwold Lot 1, 2nd Range East of River Road, Township of Southwold Lots 7 to 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth Lot 1, Concessions III and IV, Township of Bayham ..: COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE SECOND REPORT JANUARY SESSION 1989 (I) County Road #43 (m) County Road #45 (n) County Road #46 P J\GE 4 Lot 35, Concession III and IV, Township of Malahide Lots 33 and 34, South of Talbot Road, East Branch, Township of Southwold Lot 114, North Talbot Road, Township of Bayham ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Administration Building at 4:30 p.m. on December 15, 1988 in conjunction with County Council. Present were: Warden Albert Ford Reeve of Dunwich Township Reeve Harry J. Mezenberg Reeve of Aldborough Township Reeve of Southwold Township Reeve Hugh F. Lyle Reeve William A. Martyn Reeve of Yarmouth Township Reeve Emil Neukamm Reeve of Malahide Township Reeve D. Vane Chute Reeve of Bayham Township Reeve Clarence Willsey Reeve of South Dorchester Township Reeve Doug J. Avram Reeve of the Town of Aylmer Reeve of the Village of Port Stanley Reeve of the Village of Rodney Reeve Ray J. Lavereau Reeve Robert F. Coles THE ENGINEER NOTED that Provincial Legislation and County By-Laws had been changed and that all members of the Committee had equal privileges and were able to make and vote on Resolutions. "MOVED BY: R. J. LAVEREAU SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM THAT BILL MARTYN BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1988-89. CARRIED. II THE CHAIRMAN THANKED the Committee for the Honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the County would be required to appoint a Representa- tive to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a three-year period commencing the first of February, 1989 in accordance with the Public Transportation Act. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: E. NEUKAMM C. R. WILLSEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED APPOINTING ALBERT AUCKLAND AS THE COUNTY OF ELGIN REPRESENTATIVE ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR A THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD COMMENCING FEBRUARY 1, 1989. CARRIED. II ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE 2 THE CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER REPORTED on quotations which closed in late November for dump boxes. They reported that after looking into the Tender of Viking Cives they felt that the quotation did not meet specifications and as such was not a valid Tender. Viking Cives were unable to show any equipment that they had made that would meet the County's specifications. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. V. CHUTE D. J. AVRAM THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FRINK CANADA, CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO FOR THE SUPPLY OF TWO(2) DUMP BOXES AND TARPAULIN COVERS COMPLETE AS PER THEIR QUOTATION AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT $38,622.96 INCLUDING INSTALLATION AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAX AND THAT WE ACCEPT THEIR QUOTATION OF $15,433.20 FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOWPLOW EQUIPMENT FROM COUNTY TRUCKS #84 AND #88 AND ITS INSTALLATION ON TWO(2) NEW COUNTY TRUCKS AND THE INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AS NECESSARY ON TRUCKS #84 AND #88 FOR COUNTY DUMP TRUCK AND SANDER PURPOSES. CARRIED. II CHAIRMAN MARTYN REPORTED that the Township of Yarmouth has had discussions with representatives of the CSX Transportation Company and that it appeared that CSX was ready to sell portions of the CSX right-of-way to private individuals in Yarmouth Township to facilitate the removal of the bridge over Kettle Creek. CHAIRMAN MARTYN REPORTED that the Township of Yarmouth wished to have control of the CSX right-of-way and inquired as to the wishes of other municipalities. It was pointed out that CSX right-of-way from Shedden westerly was landlocked between an Ontario Hydro right-of-way and the old Canada Southern Railway right-of-way and as such was of little benefit to anyone. Ontario Hydro was looking at portions of the right-of- way in Dunwich and Aldborough Townships for a new transmission line. \ It was also noted that portions of the right-of-way might be useful as a utility right-of-way for water pipeline or sanitary sewage gathering lines. After some discussion, the matter was referred back to the Chairman and the Engineer to contact the National Transportation Agency to ask that CSX be asked to fulfill the terms of their agreement for the abandonment, ie, to negotiate with the municipalities for the sale of the right-of-way to them and in particular, the portion S1. 1HOM~S, ON1~RIO DECEMBER '5, '988 , ' p~GE 3 required by the TownshiP of ~armouth. The Chairman and Engineer to report at the next meeting or the Chairman to call a special meeting of committee to discUSS the matter if he felt that one was required. .-/ SECONDED B'{: T\1I\T \<JE I\OJOURN TO JI\NUI\R~ H, JI\NUI\R~ 25, I\NO FEBRUI\R~ 3, '9139 I\T 9 :30 ~.M. D. \J. CHU1E R. J. L~\JERE~U "MO\JED B'{: C~RRl ED. " ./'C~-j~