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1960 Suburban Road Committee
Srr ~'HO~'Tf.\S oprn" R' 10 ,'~. .~ ,.~ Ju'"" .;.\J .1A _ .. JULY 27TH, 1960. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMlY-fISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. B.D.SoT. THE lVITNUTES of January 11th and April 18th, 1960, Meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work, stati.,ng:- (1) Paving had been completed on the Wellington Road, 1/ITith minor shouldering yet to be done. (2) Re-Seeding would be necessary, as the previous Seeding had died. (3 ) The northerly end of the \'~Jellington Road was tn poor condi tion, becatlse of trucking to the W'est Ent:t:ance of Ste Thomas. The Department of Highways had promised to give a substantial grant to the Cost of Repairs on the Road. TEI\1DERS for the sale of the Buildings of the property formerly ovvned by C. R. Boughner were opened, and were:..... (1) Surety Finance Corporation Ltd., Aylmer ..... House - ~1~500.00:Garage - ft~150.00 (acting for IVirs. Albert Gook, R. H. 01:1, Sparta) (2) Bill Thompson, 66 West Street, St. Thomas:- Garae:e .... ~$7 5'..00 ......., U 4 11"' WAS I\t10VED BY GEO. H. CROSS SEillDNDED BY V'l. R" COUI,TER. frHA~: VJE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF 1:HE SUHETY FINANCE CORPORATION LIlvlITED F'OB. GAHAGE~ AND HOUSE OF G. R" BOUGHI\TEH., FOR THE SUM OF ~!~650.. 00. GARHIED. .... 2 - 8T. r-rHOrv'IAS, ONT AHI O. ,JULY 27crH, 1.960. PAY:f\rlENT for the Property of VITro. Dodd 1rfaS discussede IT WAS MOVED BY GJ~O,. H. CROSS SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAr.r OFF'ER. INlVI. DODD THE SUM OF :jj)[1--,500.00 FOR THE LAND EXPROPRIArrED, AND DAMAGES IN COl'lNECTION rrHE WEIILING1'ON ROAD ENTRANCE.. CAHtlIED. MEETING ad5ourned, to the call of the Chairman. f!t.E N'DER FOR RUII4DING Rh~MOVAl> t~r4lU""-lohV<lllol!'klTtCi~~br.t.'~~QQIbl)~4'4~"'~~lb.~OWf>t'UU.~1W".!l'8.~?,;NI<~ A ~ ,. III ~..~~~t;l~S'~_~~.~h1'iR1L....~t,\JrlU~/~ I./WE hereby' o,rter to purcha5t~ fl!rom the ST (l tItROMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COl\tsiISSION the f'ollowin.g bu:tld:tngs 1; and :f:lemOV'EI the same from the property torm€~rly o'wned by C i) R CI BOUGHN1~R ~ bei,IAg P~!(,{,.t of Palibl, Lot ~J f} Plan 171~'r~ Yarmouth Township:..", ~ lA) GARAGE ~ approjdmately 12\1 x 2311 PRICE ~~~~~,,~~~~~Pf~~::z~~-r.~~~ OR -- (B). 19116tt X 30if with addi.tGio:n 16fi x 20i and other small buildi.ngs on the l)rOperty PRICE ~MAf"Iif~~.nl>1WiJ~~"uS~___ ..t>.... J!.t...lii ..'<tAA~~Ul) HOUSE ~J OR Wllt,lt__"'~ (C} ) Pl=tICE ~~tl&'ifU.~W~I.~~l_'!U~~O"".~~~ A AND l~ ~~t#D'~ Wl~ 6ncloae a Oel'" tified Oheque ,fOlD 100;& of the purcha.se price ~ nmde out to the Trea.su.t"el~ of 'the County oJ: Elgino 'VJE have read the Speciflcations and .ru~Lly understand all recluirement;a of this Tender and t.he Speci;t?icatiions Q tIE; underst~and that, th~] h:lghest or any 1~end(~r is. :not necessarily accept.ed e --<"",,,.,.-~mtA'~3ER"''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''I'''''''''-''''''''~''''~ ...""',..":.""-.....jjATr---'-'._~".,_.."".. ~~u.ti;c<~f.~'K.$~ffll.~li'\.~.'II~.':tI;;IO;:~i<4lc:r~l&!W~fnt.m,~-~1$.~t'i~~W.\%~~I.l;';'U~i~~ AuDRgSS q;lll~ll\1;~W.r'Q''''_......._---'''''''W.0 W J. J~'l~J~uiJ _.-.~'"'"A~m~"UlmER--~......_'"'~= COUNTY ELGIN o F ~\?jjCl~~~~.s:.c~~'UJlfati'W~~.~ Q'r TU'Q'IVf^ C! cIUB'U'RBA"" ROAD Ct""'tf"'l"lbC.S. IO'!l.'r i;:) e; U J.".l.tb,) ",) . ..!\l . J t,J ~'~l,~.u.,..:,h., . . .L'I; ~~~~~O\IlI~~"..Mtff\lt:V ~'fi!r-r' r'~,~:tPt1'I~'A1n[~t1'~ff'.u~"'~ TENDERS F'OR BUIltDING REHOVJU,l .4.....lItil'iJl\I_W~~~AI'!~~N~~""ffl'~ el) TENDERS ~dll be received by the Undersigned until NOO1:J .= JUIJl 27TH, 1960 ~~~,,~~'~I$L~~ 14;,.4 .~,_~~~~un;";:~);U::IlS::iWd'~"ti}) for sale and removal from the pI~Opa!'ity of bu,ild1.ng;s li.sted belotrr 11 (2) BUILDINGS ARE: (3) (J+) (5) (6) ( f7) (1) (2.) GARAGE - size 23 t x 121/ HOUSg - s;lz~~ l,9\16i~ x 3.QYl with an addition 16~ ,x 20tl Also i.ncluded are several small buildi.nga on the pro peI"'cy e These Bu:tldings are on the property :fomerly owrled by C I) R (jl BOUGHNER" being pal--t of Pa!~k Lot J 9 Plan 17L!- f) To~rnship of Yarm.outh~ aud are on the l):'o\lJnline bet'll'feen Yarmouth and Southwo ld ne(i;lr Lynd.hu1,:lIst I) BUILDINGS are to be removed from the property witldn (If tphe su.ocessful 'tendereI& being notif1.ed by the Go BUILDINGS may be motJed a,cross property near Dodd.s Creek~fOl'bmerly owned by V{me Dodd~ to the New ~vellington Road\} Ij~ this is d,lons:i? a mov:tng permit is required to move the bu:lldings along \\Telli:l1gton Road~) CERTIFIED Cf.ffi~QUE for the complete Purchase Pr~ce :ls to accoml~ny each tendel" i} It OEltlI*IFIED CHEQUE :L'or' ~lOOtDOO each :1.s required for Tender A &, B troU\ the successful tend.erer 2l \*f.i:thirt 5 .$sI~ ().t~ b~9ing rloti.f':l..ed t~hat he is the successful tendererrl;.........Thl.s amoWlt will be re:1:ul1.ded to the .tendel~er l:~hen he he.s completed the mov:tng l~ir - (1) he has left the 51 ta :Ln, a neat manner (foundat:i.(;ns do n~ have to be removed~ but all boards~ jUDkv et~~>> rnu,st be m.oved /) ( 2) he ht\s eompl€fted the mcnr:il1g wi.th:tn t.h1e l} \1Il'eeks ~lllo"lffed 0 A penalty of $10000 per calend.ar day fOl~ each day of' latEnle!~S in mO'iling $ to a. max1Jnum. of $jJ)Q 0 00 ~ m.ust be paid to 'the County for damages sustained. '" c aUNTI OI~~ El~Gn\i ~~~a:~ ) 2 <:$ TENDE'RS FOR BUILDING REI~OVAL ti>>t~ ;j r r..J;J WJS.ll!.l,_ l7'"T":JIU.taS.21'" "V'"""~ ~if.9 (g) IF the successful Contll'tactor ~ails to post a Certi:tied Cheque for $100000 as required by section (1) within the ~a.llocated. time) he shall .foy%fei t his frendel~ Cheque 'to the County ~ as payment to the COt.U1'ty f"or damages sustained by thelt10 (9) HIGHEST or any Tender not necassa:r-':tly accep'ted 0 C()nmtj"f;si.on m;'iY accept Tender ~~ (10) APPOINT~mNTS TO VIEW the Buildings may be made by 1~elephonll1g ,.,J.: .. ~ ". .. ".....4......'''''..1..'.... '.\.,..... 01/' 4 melrose l-;eeO@ (11) FU'RfJ~HER INF'OR!VIATIOl~ available trom the Undersi.gned ,I) R. G. MOORE l~ Pi) Ex\IG-tlI i' ST 4r THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COrllR-iISSION gN'GINEER v P ft? Q1~a 6' v ~I ~O~- ba~~ ~~~ l..~ (ii ~~~ (t \'-}'..Ji.j b,,~ JJotd ....{~ it .J~ ~i i~J.,~~~'(..J. ~~..i,~~ ~....t(;t~...~ 'h "ir r't ~';'!7~ (,:;. ""i .t <1::; ~Jt J %11' Vijii>fe. ~ A 9 .i. ~'Il''' $,'l'. THOMAS" ONTARIO. APRIL 18TH, 1960. THE ST. THOlv1AS SUBURBAN C01YlMISSION met at "the Court House a"t 2.30 p.m~ ALL MEMBERS were present. COMMITTEE me"t with Elgin County Road Committee. THE property of CL~rTON BOUGHNER was discussed. IT vIAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT vlli RECOwm~ND -TO THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~ll~TTEE THAT THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS ROAD COIWUSSION BE AUTHORIZED TO OFFER }m. AND ~RS. CLAYTON BOUGHNER $4,000.00 FOR THEIR PROPERTY AND BUILDINGS; THE COST TO BE BORNE EQUALLY AMONG THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMlrrSSION, THE TOWNSHIP OF YAID40UTH AND THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHtvOLD. CARRIED. ~~ETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 11TH, 1960. THE ST. THOWffiS SUBURBA:N CO~~ISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL ~~MBERS were present. THE MINUTES of Meeting of December 3rd, 1959 were read and approved. THE following Resolutions were passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT MR. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN. GEO. H. CROSS W. R. COULTER CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY GEO. H. CROSS SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR THE CO~~~SSION ~~WrnERS BE $100.00, AND EXPENSES AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY GEO. H. CROSS SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT THE r4E~ffiERSHIP FEE FOR THE GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1960, AMOUNTING TO $20.00, BE PAID. CARRIED. THE enclosed Report was read by the Engineer, and the Expenditures for 1959 and the Estimates for 1960 were explained. After discussion the following Resolutions were passed:- - 2 - S~~. THOMAS , ONTARIO. JANUARY 11TH, 19600 IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT THE ACCOUNTS FOR 1959 BE APPROVED AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BILLED FOR THEIR SHARE OF THE COSTS. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT THE ESTIMATES FOR 1960, AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER AND AMOUNTING TO $63,200.00, BE APPROVED AND THE ESTIJYIATES FORvvARDED TO THE CITY AND THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. MR. E. B. McQUIGGAN and Miss Shirley McQuiggan attended Committee re the financing of the May Property, and the following Resolution was passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT WE ACCEPT $5,000.00 CASH AND A NOTE FOR $500.00 AT 6% INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS FROM SHIRLEY MCQUIGGAN FOR THE ~~Y PROPERTY. CARRIED. THE Meeting adjourned, to be held at the Call of the Chairman. ~^. ~ CHAIRMAN. :"~'t ~ft~ *'" .........:, '" ....-;-,. CJ ~l~ t1 1..,t f'" ,;-~~ !f-~-~ 'o.t' ;..:.;~ :~;~~ 0: ,-=-. 8 c t;Jj bll t!i r-.! '" li~; (t~ ""; ~ri bJ} (J-') "'" t"~ ~\<..,.,'\ .!1.~ <!! ~ t\~ "$",l 'I~'~) ~~ *":j~ t.f.~ rf ~ "F! c',.\') ~ ~ :-o$.r..~ .-J.d f"'~ ~'" ~~ ~ ~, .1''t\-t', ."- r.o," -~~":j ,~ .<~_..-d :;~ foi!l>1' ID (i""\ ~"I! t'?'t ~. ~J ~i~~ sj t1i' C) ~) r....-~ ~ t;.. *'d ....l'\i r;:j m 0- f"'i:-; ~"'11 t~~ ;~~ l-;.:"~ c;.'.~~ b:':t ..."ii'\! r..,~ P=1 ~j ,~!. t:) 0 ~, ~'" a} Q) ~<~ rJ ;>,t ~~~ ;c$- .\;l f,).. J~tl r;~ \'D *~ ".... ::~ ,,~' "*'.....1 '>r# ~::,;. t1' {] t1 yo 0 X l,j . of.) t.t~ ~~,'.: !;.-{ ~i'" (.) ~.._~ f'~ ~~~" ........ rJ.t ,$.:" ~~ (:) I."'''~ ~-4 }~ .,t< joo;; i ,."..~ 0 ~ ~~.'l (;J J:) tv "ri ~) .p 'If (i) 0) ~ ~i ~ (lJ ~ 4-,) (;) r-n! p:,.. .;,) M ~<~ "*r-S t!) 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Road libttensioJr! ~ f)hould be paj..:ntad thi s ll,";O m:tng Sunm1er ~ l't.;,....:;.'(..,~'t.~~c~ ..1 ~ i,:h ~"l <!",;'7'rfl'm..t::1.,..,~ rl\';f'!> t''bi'" Ti."'1".......;.!~tnA.T .t. n'r~"...\.....~ ,l.:'tlyt "9,,:Q k:t,fJ~lt'i..."V1A:rIt-.", .1.l.td ~....AQ ii~~..J.~J::h..,,~..t"~::h-Y'_.& ,P.....t. ..t...:sA;:".~J~..rb~'i.i!a"#.~ ~~1'-~.~~ ~1.""'W#J:.' AI'.. ~t;#l'J. ...1 'Ll'l>::,~...~,~~ t.C' f . .~O~-'::l1"" anV.l. ,t;st<-,) v,l,li.liEl, - e.~ k'" or J",,,/,~d fi O'1't~ ti ftnr.:c~-4'''~'.1''t'a~''''; 0'1>'1 1'<"<.1-1'" ~'r...r' -t 'if~ '1 0,""0 'ft,','!.~ Y;-. '1' u..:~ V V~"'*~ fJ"... ii.\,\;~ tl,... - 4\4. a-J.J . t\,,,,, ~itlI ~'''''',...~ ~~,."". ;; ~~~,,~(,..A (\"~" ~1 (;;"OO o.r~, w.J~..z. fi <to) . ~ ~.J 11 ~~nd ()UIll IiIai:n:tan,~U1Ct; ~raa Est;;..!nfAted to b(., ~~;21"", 2001900 .. {, "'~'l?~ P ,I"~,<:~":l <'! ..~ ...."..:;1 ~~ ~\o,o 00 f"t"~, B'V'lI..;! A r,"'~~ 'W".u. ";l.~...'tlj,",.l'."" 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'1l t: ;o{) 1') (-}i",~i.{t~1.~t.lo.~1~rt!.w~,)!~~..:l:t';..~.t"ilt!4~~:"'~~""'Tiff.t>~UIl.f> ORAND TOTAL:,,~ , ,~~ tMt'~~~l'!;:.u:k.~fl~1~~~~_~~~~~~"'tn~~~~&t~h-*c4-*~~'lW~~~~,~,:l\lrJ~~~..i'~~r~'ftK\~,",,"'TA;.~ PAYABlE BY ~rHE CITY OF' ST. THOMAS e.~n:"~'I~r.."Jlt'4J:It'~~~'#'~,'>>?~Ut::W'~~~~W~''''~~.P.llRl!:'~~~~~~lO''.lt (JOI~Sfj,lH,UCfl~:CON ~A SUBSIDIZED BY DEPAll.TliJIEN~r OF HIGHl\fAYS, ~~~~~Ma\~~W;J.w.~;.'9!~~'.l,<tItt1~~~~t.ftl~w:.~~i'iI:~'::1'~1~n'i\'k.\(\,~~~~~~'Q."":,j;,;,~~~~~"N""~~~~Ui1;'If~ ", 2, O.p ,~, t.'... ~ l"'n J"Jif" do ~!)~~.l~>> .?~ (i>;.. <'J ! \./l f.....;u. ~!I. '11 t: Q? i!-9 ~~.- . r; ",'$ ,J" ;; " t;;., :to,~ OJ? $6E$>>j,30t1l61~. fr~ 6. ,d.... ? 06 ow " $ o:J.",~ I;) . l\Ut~}~TENANCE -- SUBSIDIZED BY DKPARTlYJENT OF HIGHV1AYS 04:;':~:;J'~:"~" \...':\,'Nt~:t~~....,""~R~ ~~.~~~;tt~~~~$~~,'>J~w.~~~~",,~W1f~~~o:.~~~ 25% of $23~30g@47 - $ 5~827012 of $;51025 l' .a:> 4\.. iP " v 1;; I?"l}~IJjS p"A.n~cr:Al.l~Y SUBSID:(ZED BY DE;P ARTMENT OF HIQ.1fY'lAY'S ~ti)~~~If.m::~~1~""'lt..k.~-(~~ilSW~~~~~~~~'~4:"'t>> I' ita H t.;I-oqff~,;lIt4_~"""~~x~~ J:>:c'uinaga AfJSeSements $1112QJ+2- $; 417016 ~ED BY DEPAR~:r. ~~_m'~~~~;",~, OF HIGH~gAYS 1;~~~\!"t",~ 50% ot' $500015 >!l!i;) ~ 2S0QOfS ~~':f#">"~~~ TOTAL:<A'; c&~t (~t..,~ ?' f,,~tl.i':y if , V t) t""!~ ] ~)t'\n (:"1"- I:"lH..:~n1V'l!iS ~H'C}'irn 'D ft lYf 'r'){){;, j\ COliiMTnQ'fO- 1>.i ~'\~T""M^ l'f'lrjtc,t .",,,)/\.Jl.f,' "'.~- Q'> .,,!-hJ.1..t~'H, tJ~JJ,.;ll\oh.~..t,Jl1.4\.1 btl,f},UJJ ;J,"",.:il,~"..;ji;.J'"", 1\J """~i).~.t:.',la,,!\.A:Jt,,, c~!f~~"~~':';i.,'i~1.-<.~"""r2.""'~~r'..W";""U-.Htl-,-.Jlr.~.~l...,,,t,t'W'.'I'ltnl';~~~r.t..~.t;IoIA'~N'~~"~~:-;<'~.lfr.~.1,:"";:'>d-~",'l~t;'W~Nit~"V~CJ>:$.i'~'('ll'i"~~$~l<:;1:O"i}t;iwJfSi""cr~~;;n~1flr~~~'1WM;t:".U:J5*:~~4.U"""'14"'~~"'I-*: o1lli.':t MAINT15 NANCE ~.~-'::~l$jtA--n1.nt.~~4:!'.1}iUr.b REPAIRS TO PAVEr~~NTS it.. f'" "'r' 0 Q'if"1 ~~, .. ~h:,J. .ll .$V &: 11- SURFACE TREATM~NT ".~ OO"Vl ;; t . ~"...>' (.l \vI~!Wl~R (}ON'rROI.~ ? t::.u"\") 010 ,,) >-\ ,! 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