1961 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 24TH, 1961. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL ~mMBERS were present. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: (1) That land purchase on the Wellington Road had been completed with the exception of three Parcels, namely; Moomersteeg, Schubert and Glenn. (2) Fencing was being continued, working northerly on the east side of the Road from where construction was stopped. THE VALUATIONS of Allan Keith and Donald Begg re land used for widening the Wellington Road between the Bostwick Road and the Edgeware Road were considered. Agreements had been obtained with everyone except William Pressey and William Dodd, Jr. THE OFFERS for these properties were considered: MOVED BY VI .E. ROViE SECONDED BY R. R. COULTER THAT IN REGARD TO THE PROPERTY ON THE WELLINGTON ROAD FROM THE BOSTviICK ROAD TO THE EDGEWARE ROAD WE OFFER TO WILLIAM DODD THE SUM OF $64.50 BEING .129 ACRES AT $500.00 A NEW FENCE HAVING BEEN ERECTED; AND TO WILLIAM H. PRESSEY THE SUM OF $806.00 BEING COMPOSED OF PARCEL NO. 1 .245 ACRES AT $1,500.00 PER ACRE BEING $367.50, PARCEL NO.2 .327 ACRES AT $500.00 PER ACRE BEING $163.50, PARCEL NO.2 BEING FENCED AND DAMAGES OF $275.00 AS AN ALLOWANCE FOR ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBgR 24TH, 1961. CHANGE IN VALUE TO THE HOUSE. ALL OTHER OWNERS TO BE PAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR SIGNED AGREEMENTS. CARRIED. A LETTER from the City of St. Thomas was read in whieh the City agreed to the rebuilding of the Wellington Road and stated that they would only contribute the statutory 1/2 mill to Suburban Commission Roads. Thus, a debenture issue would have to be done by the County. THE ENGINEER reported that Maintenance Ditching and Grading had been done on County Road 16 S.A. east and west of Finga1. THE MEE[NG adjourned, to the eall of the Chairman. ~~ )I- jJA1JVY CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4TH, 1961. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMNuSSION met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the September 1st and September 23rd Meetings were reaa and appr oved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work on Wellington Road as follows: (1) An Expropriation Land Plan to cover property from the Bostwick Road to the Edgeware Road had been completed and registered in the Gounty of Elgin Registry Office. (2) All fencing and clearing in the ~~rea of construction that could be done would be finished by October 6th. (3) The Multi-Plate Culvert at the Lynhurst School had been installed and was being backfilled. (4) Grading operations would start after Thanksgiving. (5) Sand for Granular Base had been obtained from Mr. Milton Watson on King'S Highway #4 at the south limit of St. Thomas. The price agreed upon was seven cents (.07~) per ton. The Engineer was of the opinion that a substantial saving in the cost of Granular Base might be made. (6) The Wardens Committee to meet with members of the City Council were tentatively scheduled to meet on October 16th. Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 4TH, 1961. THE ENGINEER reported as follows with regard to Maintenance: (I) Mr. Fred Kirk had completed the painting of the St. George Street Bridge and the Railings on the Dodds Greek and Fingal Bridges. (2) The Department of Highways had co~pleted centre lining Suburban Area Roads. (3) The Walmsley Bros. had Hot Mixed Patched low spots near the new Dodds Greek Bridge on Road 25 S.A. THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. AFTER ADJOURNMENT the construction of the Wellington Road was inspected. ~Hf!d~ ~ ri '.J:! 0'. n ('1 l--~"-l (" ~ i....: (L) -'1'""::0- t.';':'"' c CD ~. ;:.-. r,-, \.....- rn o (!} ..-, (\,' c ~t 2; I_C) rr'. cC; \]) ?-i ~ ""; u c cS 1'1 ;:" '-..0 0'" . ...., o u r" '-....1 f'. , '-i~! c r'-: ill G) rQ (D r:; ~ -:::; s::; (1" (0 1-'-;) '" %~~ 1'i o :,,,;J ri', "- ~-: r! Lr', s G....-: ..{-) o o -i_-" t.....~- ~ ,,-< (iJ -i..) ~-: o c ... ?-l m Q) c o c -1-) ,..-~ ;.-~ (j) ........,;~..... ,f) +-=1 c::: +_.J U) o o ~t-) ,'~~ C ,..-{ $r'''; (I) G) CO crj o Dj ...l .... , -' c --r-' >-., (P IJ.-' o f.=, ..[-) ~ () +- ~-'l r 2 <-"'''''-,' o I-:=: 0 0 .J..) ;--1 ~l 0 J .., CD .-' (t;, r::.'" .-' -;~, (J ~~ J_J I,; c.) f" \,-' C,.; r-! cD ,:>.; o (j) +) H ('!\ , - -t....: r:: s "'-~ <1; ? B o -4-) Ci r'-i f...! (]) r-> C [,:1 cr ~"'- o C'" c -;-.:! i'~'! o r"~t " ",,;--.' rr-:" ...~, C ~ ~ ~ ro 1-.....,/ +.:- C' -- ~ ~ ~-,-~ Glear~~:n,~ ~~:nd G"~ ~..~~ 'I 'h. l-.:r 'I."'/, 1":1' rl" "'~ v 1.,11 ,,Jl., "''''1~ Ea.x~t,h'[!rO!I'k Gra.nula.:~ nBH' Pit; G:r.l'~un:~lf,;ll'~ r& F lanl~lng Laud Mo'v'~~merr(;' 01: U '~;,:tl :~, "tiN ~.,* t<'\ .l~ t'~ .~') ~ W'l .~~, f..~'i' {,fJi;:1\t ~.~~~ M ~:i!- ~\, t"'~,(4. .~-4~., ~~l ~'/jI ~lQ;rl'W.f j~:i. c:: S ul"vetyj.llt~ S U"P(J!l':"tis:l: on ~u,ld I\f.tl,~rJ C \j O'.\l:~rert, Cost Money A ,\r i!;.:L lf1 b 1,(') 1. "i91!'1 ~'HX~ ~"1', ~t'1~~ IVIOrtfcl!Y rM~ted.ed ftu:tu:?:"e ~rh{SI C:t each Y(~h8":(""J J5s.rIMA1~ED ~~'t~;;Na=$.:r"-o..t.~z-~:!.Ihii!~~ ~1fEI~LING'TON H01~1 1S;~~~.1~il:..r.;'!".Q~1f:t'n~~~""li:~tr",ii'!'.":W1t';;;'~~ .~,'. "4'IJ 2:vOOO",.QO ~.~O~OOO~OO i i'i-' ;p 000 ~~ '" t' riOl} Of' J., ,),~ """ ',,,,.<& 0 flOOO$OO :;\OOO-~ 00 OOOlllOO t:.,'ll~' ()' j2i,';"A) . ~ ;? ~ OO()~OO ~41. ,,') '" '"'' 0' ,~'\ ~~ .:..-.,C: tJ Ii J \) 7) 00 ,,00 ~**";'l;";~'1 ~'l. ,~{' ,"'! 1'10"" ;~, 0("" ~~t!~e:'~,) :'~ II ,,j tr 'D' 'iI. vOOOoOO R.oads """ ~,~ ,: lor'\!'\ ,}l~!..() ;9 VV tl 1+ >; 000 v.OO ~:; COr!tI~'ibl"lt;i:ton F'o):' l.1'ta:Lnti;euance of" t;,he DrtH3~~nti necessaI7 lea~ing approxi~~tely $io$ooo~ ;1k 14\ ~) ;>"'i1! i' fT ~) req,uix~ed t, Fll'~0 yeal'f. debentures arte~~ t,he 1962 t, u.re J:nteI*€:~st trould be t~.a,ken car~~ (),f Assessment; I) 00 GiiG,j)'" ~~ ,19 ~ "t, C'I-r ,:) "'. .. rnet~ a.t. the Court House at 2 p.m. vrere pres th the except:,ion of e Vv.E., H.o'live. of the 10th meeting \I,rere rE:~ad and approveclt) reported: ( 1) tb.8 tel '/'Jould not be hea.rd until October at t.he earliest, ( 2) No settlement i/T8,S imminent itJ'i Dodd" Ii:: ne er v,Tas tructed to send a statemerrt of the Commission Poli to e Scott I\iI.cKay, (3 ) Surface been completed, in all apprOX:l.mc1 n "1 I m:L. e s , (I) pOD:;'il'"'C' .1-0 T):::1ven~ort 't1ad rv.:::.a-<riT '():::1rtic,,]0r],r on ,l+ -"""'.c')''''''-;') I.... J..,j......l\J...l.J.. - ~~'-' "J' J:~C... .... .......~c(,..~J tlle '(Te'l' 1 -i rli"i"toi"1 Po")cl ;:::JYld ,I... ~ v -; tv___ ",!..o J._,f:> ...1":1... Cl.. , c~~. (5) 'r\r~C]'1.'t-F.\nal1("'e C()C"!- Q. 1"lAY'8 f.'; o~ho · t' !:~v ;:::'8+; - to 1 1-- e. '1 ''''lg:r \ 1. lc.. .....L ..' .J ...". .J...... v,.' ..,) ..J~) l.I...... v..... d. ... "1.....(:.::>.. ,_, r J .l'l.....,.J.l v \ \-, .....rua J 'J C. , iJ .~..I.-",:, . approx.imately 000 00 :: '''I Q -1- (':;'''''0 () ~C> , " _L..!.J.t_~ V ....,O...,...L 6,000@00 and a corresponding rec:tuction in cor.l.;3truction \frou.ld to be ., presented the at d tecl Cost to Reconstruct lington Hoad vras .discllssed.. disCllssed VTas the Commi~):3:l.on Policy re plJ.rcb.l::1s(:l of land for on t lington HOC:1d" 2 , lC1rr Jqt:-] . l-J -<., .,.. ; O. _ fI IT BY e It. COULTIT;n BY H. T CO UNTY T F ,500.00 OVER 150 '1":1 [I NO OIl TO rr HE: e TO " suggested tha"t, the constru.ction o:f thei!;lellj.,n[~ton started aEl soon a.s posE:iible a.nd. thOlJ.ghttb.at construction could be complet,ed to the I~dgewa.re from T . ,T1" 'r' 11r cd- :::.~ Cli () 01 l';- ] q 't\ 1 .-..;.; .1. ~.....,~ to,.) V ~~~ .:......, . .. J.1. .._,.' t.~...,.,-. IT BY W.E. COULTEH BY II.. CHO.sS T INSTRUC It of the Completion of the Wellington Hoad 10 f.,? 'r.'Tcq c~ / ~~J f..". '\( . "" :..."" discussedCD IT [,.J T) (1 'i" .. .d. lit '.J BY TT b.. (fI T rr e ..-i 'D O~ 1-; ... H r~ ~ (Y, ::--t en (\1 '......0 0: r-l ::-2~ 1--1 j:J-i [-1 r:..-.: e o o III Ci o Cl o -~ N r_ o o E-l Ci) ~ C) ....,.... :.-Z--t E--{ H U p--; [-1 ~ (i) r-i r"-~ ..j..J Cr--1 o r-i r--t ,.,...' .l) () G) r: +3 o ..1..) '-0 (]) M l-"", ~~~ ~ o .!-") rd nJ ,. ~1 ~ ..... on C'.,' u ,..-, ~':'''''1 C..:} . 'D ~: ~ o ..-) r- o C:-! \ \ \\ t ~ ~'- '\ ,q " ~~ }::J o -i-' CH o ST. T1HOMAS, aNT ARlO, MAY 10TH, 1961. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COM1YIISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL ~lli~rnERS were present. THE lYIINUTES of the February 3rd meeting were read and approved$ THE ENGINEER reported: (1) No further report on the Reid Appeal from the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board had been received, (2) Mr~ Scott McKay had not reported re the settlement on the sold property, (3) Although the spring break-up had been light, a number of holes 011 the \^lel1ington Road had been dug out and patched with Hot r~x, (4) Winter Control had been light. Cost t~o dq.te ~~2,lI-OO.OO, and (5) Surveys had been completed on 'WellingtonRoad and a grade was being set and the Engineer hoped to have a tentative grade established and a cost estimate for the Road by June 15th. THE ENGINEER recommended Surface Treatment on the following Roads: Road 22SA Fifth Concession Southerly City Limits Southerly 3.6 miles 1/2 mile 1/2 mile Road 30 All Roa.d 168 Fingal School Easterly - approximately Fingal Westerly - approximately 1 mile 1 mile TOTAL: 6.6 miles Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 10TH, 1961. THE PAINTING of the St. George Street Bridge and the railings of the Fingal and Dodds Creek Bridges were discussed. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER W.E. ROWE THAT 'viE ENGAGE FRED KIRK OF PORT STANLEY TO PAINT THE ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE AT A COST OF ~~1, 000.00 (LESS AN ALLOWANCE FOR CLEANING AND PAINTING THE STRINGERS BY THE COUNTY) AND THE; RAILINGS OF THE FINGAL AND DODDS CREEK BRIDGES AT A COST OF $150.00. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported the deeision of the Road Committee with regard to the shoulders in Fingal in front of the Village Stores. ROAD INSPECTION of Roads 16, 25, 30 and 22 followed. THE MEETING adjourned, to thE~ call of the Chairman. 7 }.' I' t/; >/,~ """' ./ .. ) C HAl RIVJAN Srn T' Tll")"!",'!"!\ S ONrn "; R. 10 " 1. .. r JYW_I, ' lAx. l, FEBRUARY 3RD, 1961. THg ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. ALL JYD3::MBERS \^lere present. TR8 r<lINUTES of the January 5th and January 9th meetings were read and approved. A REPORT from Messrs It Stafford, I~anjoy and Hennessey, Barristers & Solicitors, re Reid vs. the Cotmty of Elgin was read~ IT WAS lVIOVED BY W.E.. R01J\TE SECONDED BY T.." D vi} .1\,. COULTER THAT PAY THE FOLLOvlING ACCOUNTS VJI1~H REGARD TO REID VS. THE COUN'l'Y OF ELGIN AS DETERTJIINED BY THE G:NTAHIO MUNICIPAL BOARD~ THE BALANCE OF MONEY OVJING rro GLAUDE S. AND LOUISE REID BEING THE SUM OF :$877.00 PLUS INTEREST IN THE AMOUNT OF 5 PER CENT PER ANNUTvI li'ROIvI IV1,\Y 7TH, 1959 to DATE~ BEING :1~76. 75 LESS Il CHEQUE PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED AND BEING HELD BY THE COUUTY rrREASURER FOR $370.00 LEAVING A BALANCE FOB. PAYMENT OF ;!~5?6_75. CAHRIED. IT WAS IVIOVED BY SECONDED BY V/.R. COULTER VI.E 1/1 ROv'vE THAT 11JE PAY THE FIRM OF LEHNER, LERNER, BITZ AND BHADLEY SUM OF ,134.40 AS DETEHNITNED BY TAXATION AS ORDERED BY THE ONTARIO ~lmNICIPAL BOARD (RE THE CASE OF REID VS. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARRIED_ - 2 - ST. THOI\llAS, ONrr.ARIO, FEBRUARY 3RD, 1961. IT WAS MOVED BY 'vi .R. COULr.rER SECONDED BY W.E. HO-VVE THAT vJE PAY THE Accouwr OF STAFFOHD, F.ANJOY A~TD HENNESSEY FOR THEIR FEES IN THE CASE OF REID VS THE COUNTY OF ELGIN IN THE AMOUI\1T OF :}~975 .00 AND THE ACCOUNT OF. KEITH AND BEAVIS ArID DONALD BEGG :f!'OH VJIT:txJESS FEES OF ~i50 .00 EACH~. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that surveys were continuing on the Wellington Road. ~.I1R. SCOTT MCKAY attended "lith regard to the Dodd Property.~ TFD~ rJlliETING adjourned, to the Call of the Chairman. ~ ~/ /f /.'.. . #h~- CHAIRJ.VIAN ST. THOMAS, OThITARIO. JANUARY 9TH, 1961 THE ST. THO~U~S SUBURBAN CO~n~ISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m, ALL MEMBERS were present. A COpy of the Municipal Board ruling re Claude S. Reid was read~ Cmnmission Members expressed satisfaction with the outcome. THE following Resolutions were passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY W. R. COULTEB. W. E. RUWE THAT THE COSTS OF ONTARIID MUNICIPAIJ BOARD uRE THE REID CASE" IN THE AMOUNT OF ~~148'1150 BE PAID. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY vV. E.. ROWE SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT WE INSTRUCT FRED A BELL AND ASSOCIATES TO SURVEY THE COUNTY BOUNDARY BElTvifEEN TI-IE NEvi{ WELLINGTON ROAD AND THE REID PROPERTY, AS ORDERED BY THE ONTARIO I~NICIPAL BOARD. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY W. E. ROvill Tlli\T vVE ERECT THE FENCE BETvffiEN THE ~VELLINGTON ROAD AND THE REID PROPERTY, AS ORDERED BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. CARRIED. COMPENSATION/ - 3 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 9TH, 1961. CO~WENSATION to Wm. Dodd for the property expropriated was discussed. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY Tjv'. R. COULTER ill. E. ROvilE THA T liV~ RENEvf OUR OFFER OF $4, 500.00 TO VIM. DODD, AND THE CHAIRWlAN AND ENGINEER INSTRUCTED TO RE-OPEN NEGOTIATIONS. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjournE~d, to the Call of Chairman. .>lJ , ;1 II '.' ""_''1, .' , ...j.i A' # .,,) ! /.-- /It /7 '" ,I J--->..-. "..._ .~"..'" ~/ V'V /f--~ L-J"p:f''l/v ~~ ~?; . '. C I-IAIRlYlAN. S,T. THOIv1ASJ, ONTARIO. JANUARY 5TH, 1961. THE ST. THO~qS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 2 p.m. PRESENT: Geo. H. Cross w. E. Rowe W. R. Coulter R~ G. Moore - Commission - Cornmj~ssion - Commi.ssion - Suburban Commission Engineer THE :MINUTES of the last Meeting were read and approved. IT WAS IvIOVED BY w. R. COULTER SECONDED BY W. E. ROWE THAT GEORGE H. CROSS BE GHAIRfJIAN FOR 1961. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY W~ R. COULTER SECONDED BY VU. E. ROWE, THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR 1~HE CO~IJIvIISSION MEMBERS BE $100.00 AND EXPENSES, AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY 1/1. E. ROvllE SECONDED BY W. R. COULTER THAT THE ~lliIvffiERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1961, AMOUNTING TO $20.00, BE PAID. CARRIED. THE, ATTACHED REPORT was read by the Engineer, and the Expenditures for 1960 and the Estimates for 1961 were explained. AFTER/ ... 2 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 5TH, 1961. AFTER discussion the follovling Resolutions were passed:- IT WAS MOVED BY ifl. E. ROvllE SECONDED BY w. R. COULTER THAT THE ACCOUNTS FOR 1960 BE APPROVED AND THE CITY OF ST. THOllJ1AS BILLED FOR T!HEIR SHARE OF THE COSTS. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY W. E. ROWE THAT THE ESTIlVIATES FOR 1961, AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER AND AMOUNTING TO :ff'72,200.00, BE APPROVED, AND THE ESTIMATES FORWARDED TO 'rHE CITY AND THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. THE REVISION of the Gravel Portion of Captain Shore Road, from the propert,y formerly owned by C. R. Boughner to the entrance to Ly'ndhurst, was discussed. IT WAS MOVED BY W. R. COULTER SECONDED BY W. E. ROvm THAT vlli REQUEST THE COUNTY ROAD COr~TTEE TO RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TO REVERT THE OLD CAPTAIN SHORES ROAD FROM THE FORMER BOUGHNER PROPERTY TO WOODLAND AVENUE, ~O THE ~roNICIPALITIES IN ~~ICH IT LIES. CARRIED_ CORRESPOliDENCE/ - :3 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ~rANUARY' 5TH, 1961. CORRESPONDENCE from G. Duncan Black, re Dodd's Creek Bridge, and J. V. Ludgate re term of office of Commission Members, was read. J.V.m;ETING adjourned, t~o the Call of the Chairman. -A, 7 / I , "'. y;:, .,,""" ., d&1/-~~ -" CHAIRMAN. !1~~!:Q!i!.1:9-ftr~~HQI~S,~ ~~P'l1MN ,1!Q@.".j1~!91L.....:~L11ILJ2El The Sto Thomas Su.burban Connnisslon has j'U.r1~:!dicticln o "\lSIi the follow'..ng mileage ot Road as of Janllary 1st, 1961: Road 16 Suburban Area;t F1ngal Bridge to Bur1lVsl1 Ue Corners in Southwold Townah1p~ 1100 pavedo! l10ad 22 Suburban Al'tea $I Falrv1aw AVGo trorn the ntJW City L1mita to the Union~Spert8 Ro~l in Ya~outh Township9 3~8 pavedo jljrt"J Road 25 Suburball Al"ea@ total length fl!1 Ii'.gh'way' tioo 4- to 14iddleeex L1ne~ TowI1$hlpa of Ys:- :m.outh t~nd Southwold~ 4Q70 pavado Road 25 Subur-ban A.I~Q1a, s.to George sto" 0090 pl ved1~_ (Approx1ma tely Oolt- miles of tP:-e.Qvel to be reverted to Townshipsc) Hom )0 f1 North EdgeWtill"e Road to COr!eeS~j iOIl XIIJ; Yarmouth! 3~6o paved~ Road 30$' 1<;15 gravelo -rotal pavod Total gr'Qvel ~ 2400 .., 1"" :l (;t. .:.~.;:+ ~~.~"'It:';.\ik't.'tl\;- GRAND TO'rAL ~ 2501$ ~~~'i:= Attacbed is a summation of e.:(pend1tUl~e$ dU!~jj'lg 19600 MQlntenan~e was exceedingl:)' hf.Hl\ry due to the V€f!?Y bad spl~:l:n-g 'bl~eak-':"upo '1'1118 b~eQk.....,tlp waa a goneral e~ttperi.en<:HJ throughout Sout~b~Weatert1 Ont8:r' 100 llepnira to pavements were th.0 bt)fivlest, (~os1; ~l though Wellington Road ma lntenanc,E) C02 ts atts:t~ June 15 tht 1960 wer"e bort'lLby the Department ot Iii.ghv/ayso AS tbe ma intenf:\n~e eI>~poxHiitl.lll'a W&$ 1noreasedi'ftbe eonstl11uot1on expend1tul'1la had ta) be dt)cr~ase.d{, Uo\v€'r"iarv wel11ngtonROW Entrance wasaubstaot wi..th mj.~ vinau should&~11'1S~ su1d$ ra'..lll ot~~ (.} of be1...i1g com.p1e t~ild(J Some m~eeUj will have .to be reseeded in the spr1ngNi and some \~f.\sho'Ut;e i'1.11ed ino A larie credit is shown on Land PU~chase as the May HOUfHJ ,'as d no settlement tor Reid and Dodd .P~opert:t' has o.t! ~rt~i; be~11 The lnatalle..t 10n of Ra11~oGd Protect ion on th~e "l(~ll ~tngton. Rood been c:omplo teet and we.$ undev the as t 1ma t e 0 If ~~900 0 00 (1, !1~J:,.Q.~~-..:t9~",~1:~1{!:2!~13m=1!:Y!1llli~~.J1",Q!!.~:&-1.gQ.!--..::=2Al!Y..{)J!L~2~1. ~. co nt ad, The total expenditure ro'!~ the year was $63~~~~)lo24 of wh:lch the Clt;y :and Coon1;y' share was $15g:90Bo87u The tot~l City AsSeSamJ9l1t to~~ l~)O upon wbJ.eh taxes were levied was $32$ 1020 60 sind tht1~ 1/'2. mille provided t16~o>lo30. Attached are esti.:mates tOl" 1961, 1/2 ml1~ .frena t:h~) Ci.t~r wIll provide slightly aver $11~OOO~OOQ 1;fl,a,11').tetuu:u~e is lncrea:r;ed cnlexf, the 1a st year t;o pl'ilovid~ f'o~ 8ur1~~(~e t);.'Satment ot' some of: the SubuI~ban Roads that liB. V6 not bt2ien tlll~ated 1~or fA n;umber ot ye.2l"'eo S\;~r1'"aca treatm0!1t 12 Eu~t 1re.at~d a.1~ $8$)000000 and could be increased it l~apa!rfi to ps.viSm,ant and, win.ter control was 11ih.t 1tl. the $pl~:.tnge Signs and centr@ m.tu~k1ng e.l"'Q IfffjQU.Ct1Hl a8 the new 4tandavd stop elgn$ have bean installed a~i there 1~ a reducetd m:i.1.3age r~)r centre line marklng;:; Drainage A~uu~aam0n.ta ar@ i,nertuU,H~d as there are .fA numbGl" at drains u.nder Wf!J.y attect:;ing Suburban Hoada Q Money is prov idea to pa 1nt thti St (> GstJrga S t" Bridge c.~ I am of the opinion constru~t1on should ~onit1nue (~n Wol11naton RQ~)d sa fast a8 pO~81ble" .91$ I believe 'th$ repairs th~it r..ave bean made to be only of a t6mporary natureo ! believe it would be wise to a~~qt\11"e fAll the 1a no needed 1:01"4 w1den1n~11 move th,@ utilities that must be moved and erect th$ new fences as soon &$ poa:~ iblco .Money itel provided in the estimates to carry' on our land pureha,sesh pc)le movenlsnt and f~fJnCE8 $l~ectlQn and to grade and grav*ll the Well.ington Road to the gdgeware Roado 'l':o.e acquli1t ion or land w:1.11 allow the gradlng and gravelling at" the X{oad to proeeed without interruption attel't. 196:t" SU1'l'ff>>ya w ill be un.dertaken shortly arld oxtellded to tb~ MiddlEHJ@x County Lln~\? However, with the mon~y av's11able th~ revJcon5t,iJ~uct:1on of the W$lllt1gton Road w111 take a n:uuibel:' of" yeaI*s 1j ALL OF WHICH :t~~ a~J3.PECTFULL Y SUB!A[ITTllU .... ..~~t1S~W::~.l! 4'" ~:a~.~~'~"",~~~ c rry OF s.~r" THOMAS ":~~nn~'..,r~o)rv."""'~'~~HWC'~t'}.I~;'; IN ACCOONil' wrrR t:}OOftY OF E1:G IN RE: TUj1~ srel ffHOJAS SfJBtJRDAN ROAD cowmSION A,CCOtmTS It." 1000 "",,*,~,..\bmtf:lll'!~Ht<<intYM':~~~ ftNM:t, l{ mfl.l J~Ii~"'~~"""'~~;t-~"lf~~~~~fX'~-'1:'~~~b"~ CONS1.tRUCTION "-1> R(w~ ~~~~*,,-1tJ.~I:lI~"'" Su.r'I!Jaye~ Plans, ctco uravallu1.g rrJl.~ainBIj' Gu.14e RS,ils &: Fencing Gl'badlr...g }kr~Mi<x Aaphal t f11v:L~ Stl~d~.ng Il1fr~a:ll&t1on ot Raill"ood Prot6c'tiG'\ ~';u (at ,~ Thoas S1.1hurb&~ Rowi Commi,ss1oo SM:r~ l."~) Lar)d PurchaM~ w'" Credit """ CONS11urCTION e-#..' Bridges It (}Ul~i'~rt3 ,.It:.;I'''!:fMtr''t:f'l'JJf\'lllOIt,...~~~ Dodd \I t!i Crook B:r~idg~ 1.4 ) Mtlt,iplate Constructtoo and ) Small Corrugated !rot) Pipe ) Construction ) 52020 6'$249 t;>OO 416~,14 2j;lOBl>>57 25,20508S 2,lir3S9,,26 12S~)49 ~ ~.065n~tl ..~-;;.~tt}~~""~""""I'Io~fi!lbl!'~~'" ~'li"'- let:O ail ~'~$li#i3 ~,~ 100001 ~~~~~.. ~rOTA!~ OF cONSTRucrroN ~ ..,.....~"il I~"~~"~ '~~~~~"."'.'Ul:t~dIt~~~ISlft~~~ W...IN!EUA!lCE = Roode ---....... ~p:+.irB to P&.vemonts aurf:aQ8 rreatmltt. W:1.nter COilt1~~11 (ll~ad1r.g and Qr.a:vel Rewrracing Dr'"a :ins \Veeda ard lb'1.1.shing Sign$ and Centre Uni"' )larking l~ilrowd Pt~toction Q1J.ldo Raila Superintendenoo Overhead Drainage Aa"~$mentB Il~J:ln~E!lANCi 1." :ar1d~$ & Cu.1.vert~ Mli~~..JJb~.. Fingal Br:U:igfJ St., a,)orge St~> Bridge H1~fJa1.1(tfl9OU.3 l)Uvert H1i.a~.,n<<lnee 12.ill548 CllS 1{(28().; 93 5~894l:J96 884 ~'90 418IJOa 1~500~.~S5 4~511"OO 554085 4.4070 :l t! 61.2.:.52 ' 2 :;{142505~ fflO'r/72. tl'i(Il!'Q'~~~;:zo $29.1) 955 <'.'1 . 25 (}55 40 Q;2 () $062 i~ftit.ut~I1IJ't~ $. 120051 ,orA tOIl MA INTENAN~ t ~~6) C:1::#'~ O~ "'JlJ~" .J"v~~ Q~,;pliJ $5 0# (1r -4 ",56 (~c~~!ldjf'~'~'~ .it~OOj;'t~ ':eek1 and ~~tqliil 1:)..000 OO(;ltG. R1.~.8 Mamb€:n"~7;lh1rp '19t1d SP1~il.Y !lM;~lU"8.nG;:f.i} Ro~!.d. L1.abili t:r :1':uffU1.ltanC,cg ofhOO ,') 00 20C'OO $ 520 ,; ~~5 (H~,N:r.~ ~r{1!:e!'!.t j~ ""......,.~-~.~""MJri:~JI.n';t~.....nt~IIllll~~no~...,.~~,'M<w.I.zt~~A~';:,fQ't~~:~~~N~~....;.If>~1:I~t.;u.,,~ft;'~.J:::c;a~;.c~~11!";::;t~'1'I# J:~,YAB1..E Ifi THE n1:1":i' Oil s~r" 1,~HOMf.\S ,;..,(l,\tJWlI'~>:1~M!71Ni'rl~I"'~~Y;.'fJtJll:""'-''>/'~il;".''.4;:t}<;.'"4't';frc~~'''r.w,I;to>>l~~lr:t~..,~-t'lfJIY.,~\'i)l,\~'~,~ 2S% or $5~..~550nt34. COi.tr1{3i~IRU(;.tr.OXJ .N> SUBSIDIZED BY rr.~Pllf~'J'MENT tHl' HIDH.iA1S .,.t.\l~tfl1t>:'~'~,"ilJ,.~W.lI!1;~i:f~V,t'~;,.li!$.f1t,J.'4i~~~'~.''''''''!,iAllU~~1l';It.IIi:;''''''l''iW.tlM-''.''\'r~.t/'lll-''!iI.tlI~~"~1Mh'fv~~ctl1'<<'tw'''tIt'~''+~","''~'';I~"'t'>~ft..'''''~'l'''_'''''''''''''~~''t''' l(W ,\'\,r 11~ 10~' r.']: J~{; l""..~. ~...... ~,)t)V".. $f3~'J:V1? oGG $ lO,;;,fiO MI~J:~~1:J1~~1A,Nt~E -'W ~~tiB$jD:rzrsn frr. DEl~\RT:Mrm1t OF HJlH1t:VAXS lSil~'~'t~I~.v. :'ii.:,'1f"''''''~>,,*,1~;....it~[v..lmtlf.It;~N''imoJ;;'\t.Jv~J:Ja~:If4;,tt'''f$~~'''''~'<~..qj.~l~;;.;;:;.;:>r.:~~~~~~:'<!'''''''-~.1":h(t''''.._r;lgt).'('';'.~j,.'J~fltf1fl'''t''iltt<''~'''';o_",,;:,"..'tJ{Ji:':'f:'t #~C$ .1;' fl ~,rJ ('1...0.:1: \.H~b .w.;,,,. FJ Ct.'.. '1,;;1;.:;';' f.) i;1;J\1l,;;' Q ~ ~il' 01' $lJtO" Sf' .[#.;"'\' ~~':!c.' .'t ,/j ili:~ I li1l~'i:,J ,~l tl "~y';;t Ii "i' If..'~ ..of" ~l..t""~"\ ..~t~ ,,'$ t..lp;1 (,M" JII)1I:)lt, ..h~ f..r,.J 11C1'i;,]" ;f 1960 11"1 :LA?i CE: ~: $ ~~;e=e~~~:"~ ~6~5 ""~",:,;1'o:~~~:l!;.~tlU ~(11'1o:t"!,r~'<:!l:c'\a~ !to.;\tlt~:..l'.A".I".JiI,'-,"~..:IfJ)""']~Il.,I~~..'n\i4:';I' ROADS ~1.n<\lUoW.~"t..~ !111l n~rEa'&\blCm ~:t.,~~1.:It<m1~~':'~ !tEPA Ins ~ro p#"" VE},~NTa SURFACE TRFJ!,.tfMErf.r "ftN1'ER CO!f.fitOli ,,,JNS !t~) CENTRE I..M Mir\RKIitG \YEE'DS A~l:O BillSRDD GllAI)!~lU 1&\1 N~~l\.fCEJ' CUi! VEL RESL1i~.CING A,lID DuSt!, COlmiOL DP.A INS GUIDE lUtltS RlIUKilD PROlECTION sU~~nrrENDEI~CE ANn OtEI~ICAJ~ OV1YU1E1Ul COrfrING(~C nr,s BRDXUm MJD OULVEf(fS """""",,,"'Il>I="".r<l'''''A<\''''~_= t1ll () Gf'ORQE STRF.J.1~T Bft:t'OGE mSCEIA:tAJ.lEOOS BR.I.roES AA~D CULV'!RTS mrtJ}.NF~,.(1/1 A~S~SIfrS rnJ.s NOT su-~mmD M DoHt:,Oq TarAI~~ $ 6 /J 000,,:,,(.)0 8 >>ooo~,oo ~\ [1 (jOOo.(~O 5 $ 500."O() 19500t:fOO l,~OOO(.OO L,\,-''i ''''0 j c",J v ';1 '.It, f~OO~iOO 500 e)OO l.$iOOr;~OO 2. ,200 ~~oo J"9100,;> 00 ~~h1.\f;.';.~~ $50~OOO~?O!) "I~OOOQO{) . ..:?:,~_OC~:)Q{) ~"",,;,"';:''';'~'if..~..~: ':._...r::.\>'''~ 1f~1 f; ,.-,^ #"iO ,~) "t;; 8 ~ J"f~~ \..h ,Il. "I; .ltU-~ nrt. l;:~~ ..r:..~u~V(~VV $ 600~l.OO ~:tl~:=:I:1ll:~ ~'!411!.:! ~OO .f>t,,\ ~~lf.,il$""'" !>V\"f ~~~-~~~ C :i:er. PORi? I01.:! ~""~':"~.,J.."';:::",;.:.o:':t.W:U~lRW.n...,t'%,,~~~..:::.u, $'1 ~$SOOc.OO $ t1OtJoOO $; 600000 ./ $; SOOi) 00 tmiflQC'~~.:tU'...t.:.':::r;.~.:zo.~ $8$1600000 ~f~".!l'..::ar;~~W'.r 1961 S~Jo THOMAS SUBURBA~l ROAD COWISSION ESTIM~TES ~~lt:R"8llq/Jl'-~~IIl'lId~~-u-~~~~~~.:~-h'IW'~~. CONSTRUCTION l~~ lAND PUROHASE 8EI~)m ON WEUINGTON ROAD ENTRANCE AND MINOR GI~DOO ~ 8$)000000 lpOOOo(lO V' SURV]1"YS AND l'IANS HOVFJiFm OF UTItl:rI}l) 1 {;; C'~10 Co 00 I/' 5pCOO"OO GftADI1U $ ORA VE!4LIr{ir ~ E-rCo Cl.,Ef~trNG~ FENOn~G" :&TOo 129Q()Q(.,OO ' 6~OO()().QO .uAUl~Jl.~",":t.,.r__~~~~ $51,,000;,;00 cut\1EFtT COETRUCTIOii '*=~~~~~:2 $5t~ J 000 ~A)O TO'rAL COiiS1'RUCTm~1 ~ TOTAI,I ~.INTEltiA!~CE: TO!:AL EBTD4. TED EXPl!~rmrrup~ ~ """'~W~~*""--~~~~~~oM~ tl:,lI'%I~ LjlA''\ 00 '~H ~w $lBi,.;V',#o 1:==~:::~~1i.r~~ CrlQY POn~l):tON ~3,'fI:lfn;dU""'f~~~~I!i\lt.o~q'~1f 1ft(. ~" ~'! ~t.. .<l't.1'~ ~;~ d ~ t ""'v{..~.;v 500000 Gv.~M,fct~~/Y.~~M:ft:~n;l1:tb' 11;' !.l .~~ t',\ 0 r~ ~ffil t;J fJ rf", ~)"~." t) 't..! t~ 8~OOO(JOO ~tiat~J.1:&'~~i.:t.>f:.~r,.~U1.~u.G~ ~l''''Hl'~ i)&:"O (",., ~~ J.., $ 't""j;J 1;1) 4+ '5::.."4~fJl:,u;!lr.ttJ.t\::t!J;~;.\>$tJt~ ,~~t4t,(OC~::.T4c.':!:.r\':I.:~(.t:'4';'r{-W~;r.;t