1962 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 10TH, 1962. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House on July 10th at 1:30 p.m. ALL ~,1EMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was ~1Ir. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer of London. THE TENDERS for the Hot Mix Paving on the Wellington Road were opened and were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Walmsley Bros. Limited, 42 St. Julien Street, London. $61,040.00 Towland Construction Limited, P.O. Box 2815, London. $62,955.00 Riverside Construction Co. Ltd., Hamilton Road, Londono $65,340.00 Law Construction Co. Ltd., Rexdale. $65,520.00 A. Cope & Sons Limited, 29 St. Julien Street, London. Geo. W. Porter Construction Co. Ltd., 1177 Finch Avenue West, Downsview. $68,320.00 $70,470.00 MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER GEO. H. CROSS ~ THAT WE RECO~~1END TO THE COUNTY ROAD COMlvIITTEE THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED FOR HOT MIX PAVEMENT FOR THE \;\lELLINGTON ROAD AMOUNTING TO $61,040.00 BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.B.O. CARRIED. Page 2 ST. THOr~S, ONTARIO, JULY 10'rH, 1962. THE ENGINEER reported on the progress of construction on the Wellington Road, stating: 1. Grading had been completed on June 20th although there was a considerable amount of trimming work yet to do. 2. Granular Base work was continuing and was expected to be completed by July 20th. Crushed Gravel was being hauled from McLaws Gravel &. Crushing Limited and from the County Pit at White Station. THE ENGINEER stated that Mr. William Dodd had been speaking with him and that he was not satisfied with the settlem.ent that the Commission wished to make for Road widening on his pro.perty near the Lynhurst School. The Engineer reported that Mr. Dodd had agreed to accept payment for the land taken for Road widening at the rate of $1,500.00 per acre. MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS W.R. COULTER THAT vIE PAY WILLIAM DODD AT THE RATE OF $1,500.00 PER ACRE FOR LAND EXPROPRIATED FOR ROAD PURPOSES ACROSS FROM THE LYNHURST SCHOOL ON ~~LLINGTON ROAD. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 18TH, 1962. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 2:00 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Mr. George Cross. ALSO PRESENT was 1~. C.G. Spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of London. THE ENGINEER reported on the progress of the construction on Wellington Road and stated that Tenders should be called for Hot Mix Paving. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY W.R. COULTER SECONDED BY W.E. ROWE THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMP01iERED TO CALL TENDERS TO CLOSE 12:00 NOON JULY 10TH FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT FOR WELLINGTON ROAD. THE TOTAL ESTIMATED QUANTITY 2,500 TONS. ALL, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. INSPECTION of work on the Wellington Road followed. THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN "e-,_._cc - ~-"-~' ~ R. G. MOORE, B.Sc., P.ENG. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TELEPHONE MELROSE 1-5880 COURT HOUSE, NORMAN J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ST, THOMAS, ONT. .. Itf Ilaud. . R.t. an4 Lo.l., Jjl,~n.... D.#4~;tb.l..'~1 '.'. a. r~. .~t 8ift'4. 46 .0.'11 T~"lbo,t ,Brtad ~u~'al~~~I,'l ~.r . (t,ft NUllreh ,lll't, 1961. ',,'aI tela I, t on otfi# 11th. wbl<th in'.r..' 1".h, 1961. ~~~'.......,~"""'""",",C"," " ,S91.42 L....C,l........l.....l. ..'.......)11... .1. J. 1......lt.......~.... ...~ cb..,ue(l) l..ued 19"'. .. )rd, 1961. 9,).a~ .. ~ r rr'f " _u:tbo~is.. .. el.,6" .'7 >III IIJ~=ml. ST. THOlVIAS, ONTARIO, MAY 1ST, 1962. " THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the January 9th Meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: 1. Winter Maintenance had been heavy and the budget had been exceededo 2. Repairs to Pavements were light on all Roa~other than the Wellington Road which was being continually patched until new Construction could be commencedo 3. All property had beeri acquired on Wellington Road and Culvert Construction would start on May 7th. A detour via the Bostwick Road and Concession nAn, Southwold Township would be put into effect as soon as it was ready to start installation of the Multiplate Culvert north 0 f the Edgeware Road. A LETTER from Mr. E.O. Fanjoy re Claude and Louise Reid vs. the County of Elgin for land expropriated for the Wellington Road entrance was read. THE REASONS of the Court of Appeal were discussed. THE ENGINEER reported that the Court of Appeal had increased the award from $2,877.00 to $5,120.00. Page 2 s'r. THOMA S, ONTAHIO, MAY 1ST, 1962. MOVED BY W.R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT WE PAY TO CLAUDE S. AND LOUISE REID THE SUM OF $2,637.57 BEING THE BALANCE OWING AS PER A JUDGMENT OF THE ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAL AS PER DETAILS ATTACHED. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman followed by a tour of Wellington Road and Road 30 S.A. CHAIRMAN i'llfl:;: O'lli.tiFAr:~~Cjl~) ,f) 1962 (} M3\'" () II.; Ro St{llkE~m 9 Ch D l~i.rAan(.:;e Cj3:~y (,!}f St~ c 'llhOtil~S <.' $) l~ ;3.q ~ll" .<,~i;';S it o I}, (;; ,; n~~~'':ieSS .Th~ty 't~() fin 1 w G;l1;,~ f ,!t~~" OI!J,\};'" 1r'>!~ P ~,ymli~nt but-ions to Elgi,r~\ ~~ble 9 hiEtld O<<J\'t.;,obf~r t.Q (', cmurrt 3r f~UU:l U 'tku~ (~OlU'lty ~fiould ~rhf;} COUJ(.llty .of lB\ud~t~~'t to point, th~:rt 1~h{~ Cou!rty 1'helr(;t'f ~,)K~e t, r,rlH)la'u~S t:A1C"l" ,;u:ll.~e t:'1 .:and 'thlifl S<iun(!~) tf.H:t t~h()u,gh Ro~d .0 ;~.S jfH~ep ared Jf.r~; lotter ,fl'J.pplying:: will ~"1>e3tH:d.n future yearSQ { su1bsid:la~e the '11 ,e,s d ():n0 0 ) lington 8 COU;:r:t Y' and be financed over ~,~rr?~>> h 0 'wev e'Lr" ?;I air in ~ljh.:i('lh i.t, On the that (~; ()Il tri bu, t%~ mQ l'''e 'th f.cn t,h~~ approximately $17>>3 000 for be spK.~~,tld {)V,:~,~"> fi.:\re .th ~l t~ no ':1:;' b J~ ll-1ln.(i:~ ~~ .:".. }~... :~ 1964 $10 s.> CH.)O ~ 10 ~. (JOO (.00 1 0 }~ 0 t) 0,; 0 0 109 500" l)O lOfjJiOO()OO $ .~ 1 'J ,) "i' '0, ~ tr-lt,~ 5.) 2.., .9 ....',:~" #"'~ .(l:)1 "'", .9 .Co l ~ ;, 10 f) 642 00 anru.1;:,t! p,f;J.yment l~r:i:thht:,ld fjt"'o.m 'the.:1 Cit,y Us ROflds ~nd t,he balan(te p.;:!t:id e of all roads under and In.t.~~:!"est cont,~1?ibu.'ti.on t.o SUbU1lf."'b~\'i\r1 for annual main~ I;'rom t:he for~egoiLng you will .sH~'le t.hat l;~~;' estimBte to receive the following amounts for maintenances 1963 1964 196.5 1966 $ 4- 278,,00 4il878000 51' ,,00 6 Oi8o{)O 6>., ,~oo ~r i) (:i~! ~ .~ 1 ~ t,,,? ~~ c) ~ ~~ ~,:~~ r!~~ ""'" {U he "'0 .::l~~ t~..: t:'Q c ~.~ ,',,<"l '<.."~ ~~ ~; ~\.5 ~, a ~~ (~1 .._..I: "l'~4 <<~-:,~, .H P ItA I.., for the a.ppr(~'fied the Ontar1l) D€~partuu::nt of i~t <,~I ~~L. ,.,; ffHE Ai;,iOUl\f'I~ &~j ~~l;'U <;> ~~HE C01l!S'I~RUCTIO};.I ~) 'to )) SOibAC1!t o~'1"er our I j) The for c \;e ) f~oon ~\.S:~; a~! ~~;(}(&!.:\ Q. ~:~ ,(~Ul I) ()F~ ~'HIGH IS RE:Sf; EC;;rF'ULIJY SU j"',"" f---:;-;~----"----"---'------' At ,; C, .~ 1""'\""'6...,,,, lJ ~';lJ 29l!~IiU!fl!91L.Qlt,~!!ilLJ.{f*k.:w.Q.IQ!i~Jt~!L~~::,,~J)jf2l\JL.22_~~~,!sl Pi~)~ Construct~(JJ~~ t-" "" 4.. " .~ &. ~!" &': ~~I ,pi! P ROADS ,~ .~"".t_~tv.,.rMl'f'.tb':':'a- ~;~ S840 J.~l. 9 if) t 'j1l ~:: <''j i{-,i ._,,~d::. n GI~i'ldirt&' Gl:~anular B~,s~ I~nd PurehaS0d ( ~.nclud 1tlg R~id W~O the County of & ~~ f{4'V (C. J:. it) It:. "C~ 99 f'\1'YlI ,,) f; ;; <') %.-11 i "'; r.~ I ^ ")I "";; .') }) Ij"~.\.1 () it. j \ co~rt~ 'a"'1",4 \ t;1;.."..gJl.n 1 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTIC)Ng ~AINTENANGE OW AtJ.. SUBURBAri K0AD3 4:l~."flt~J,.\.\,t.;.'llI(lt;~~.M~~~Ilt')tl""".~~'-*~'b..~~":_",{~k'r.'2i.'~~~lIIl"~''''~4'l'>.'-'."'~~~'''t.~.l',~,,~.~-ti.~ ~3l"\1iI\nl"'S A ...tD "U" l'~.'O'ii" ~~t,~~~ .1J 'l;:t'A1~:..,. ' t'lfl'';; V v J~ lJ ~~l." ~l ~ ~ ~t;:.~:t;h.i.It"""~"';~A:."'';~lI'Ui;e~''~~~*,,~~lI'~'.!;:;::i''''~:'~~~;'''' St ~"'. 'l1c.1t~.~t R'l\>!I'" ""'l~g(' 1;,. ... .... \JIJi "i""'" ~ _..t> J''''~'~:l'~ Dodd~ C!"~(Jelt 9 l~ing&l ar.u;! B:f'idge~ r11~.~@11~11QUl!~')'U~ C~J.l ver~'t~ t '#, '~ }) .') ., "'1J ,,~ tR; .j+{'rvp f I:J" c~ q3 \,l() ........"lo1lll'(_W.")fb/;~~~~~~.1:$U.~l>Mh .t~O<~"DS ~, \Ool~~"'~-4t-t:h~. r . '*' ( MS\int~H1CSl.n.C~ !" 16 S 0 l!~, 0 .r'itUc1 ) l' . ~ 'I" ~~\ iu r f~ ~':t :\1' ...h"'Ht 1!1tl1ol>.:'>4/.1t,l1lvi A 4!""'.)~A ~f14_l..<~'~"l~ll ? Ii'... ~) MllttfJrial 10", TOT'AL OF !~jAINT1~~ANC}~g ~~ IJ ~ f)Zl) ~ J.~> f1 ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~V9~~JIUO \ .<,G1i~ ~). t:~~ c;; (1 0" ~ "" ~j ::e~ C'....;,~ ~.;; Q ro,,"::":., "";.r .) ~~ 1962 ST 0 THOi.IAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO.l.hwlISSION ESTI1/AATES CONSTRUCTION "'_'"*"l~,,,,",I~~'\,~-~'.".~M.~i"<rWm'>I;~~ ~'hu:"'\7'e3r .LRUd i~ 1 # \JI);'"t:IJt".n,'\ <,(;iJ1."'" \ ~~ld ) Jlt)~pht;tl t P~nr1ng lJiO\renl0n t ~"lin.tena.nce of 1"~01~AL CON" S 'l~aU C TIOt.! g ~rOTAL X4J~.INII~El~ANCEg Mill (.~ .r;.. o U" t2- th~s 1. rl~ ""~"'-'c.,_.,.___,___.__,~ !~'ELIJINGTON ROAD ~~~~~~,~ ~;p 2 1) $) iJ f) 000 ,;I' ~'-~, ''''~ iJ (0 at> ".t"'b n li7' 0 O' C" 0"11 .it~ ~ e;,t.. $) ~. J 0>. II ~~ .,~ j1'g 000 00 ';f!J~""ij i$)' J '\.. t1 .4\ tPt. <<'::'I( .:l},....uo f) (,00 Dl:;J3ENTlJHED g fillw"E9M!.gN j' f~ ~ 3 ~) 150000 ~ ~/lSOoOO f~ W' FJ ~ 'Ii,! 9200000 I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1962. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COl~ISSION met at the Court House at 10 a.m. PRESENT: W. E.. RO\tVE W. R. COULTER G. H. CROSS R. G. MOORE C. G. SPENCER Commission Commission Commission Suburban Road Commission Engineer Assistant District Municipal Engi.ne er . THE MINUTES of the last me~eting were read and approved. MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER GEO. H. CROSS THAT W.E. RO\~ BE CHAIRNillN FOR 1962. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER GEO. H. CROSS. THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR THE C01VIMISSION 1V.lEMBERS BE $100.00 AND EXPENSES AS :LAST YEAR. CARRIgD. f,;IOVED BY SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS W.R. COULTER THAT THE lY1EMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1962 AMOUNTING TO $20.00 BE PAID. CARRIED. Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1962. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Clearing would be completed as of January 9th on the Wellington Road. 2. Fencing was still continuing because of favourable weather conditions and was complet~ed to the Road between Concession XI and XII, Yarmouth. 3. Mr. Edward O. Fanjoy, the County Solicitor, was attempting to get the Appeal of the Reids dismissed. 4. No further work from Mr. W. Scott McKay with regard to the Dodd Property had been received. 5. The purchase from William Pressey had not been completed as he was still sick. A RESOLUTION from the Elgin County Road Committee re the traffic problem at the intersection of King'S Highway #3 and 1/4 and the Wellington Roa.d was read and discussed. MOVED BY GEO. H. CROSS SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER THAT vUE CONCUR wrrrH THE RESOLUrrION OF THE COUNTY ROAD CO~ll~ITTEE RE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM AT THE INTERSECTION OF KING'S HIGHWAY #3 AND #4 AND THE WELLINGTON ROAD AND ASK THAT THE COUNTY ROAD CO~ll~TTEE ARRANGE AN EARLY MEETING WITH ONTARIO DEPARTNlliNT OF HIGHWAYS OFFICIALS. CARRIED. THE ATTACHED report of the Engineer with the expenditures for 1961 and the estimates for 1962 was Page 3 ST. THOtJIAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1962. read and considered. MOVED BY GEO. No CROSS SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER , THAT THE ACCOUNTS FOR 1961 BE APPROVED AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BILLED FOR THEIR SHARE OF THE COSTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY W.R. COULTER SECONDED BY GEO. H. CROSS THAT THE ESTI~ffiTES FOR 1962 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER AND AMOUNTING TO $286,1+00.00 BE APPROVED AND THE ESTIMATES FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. IvIOVED BY GEO. H. CROSS SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER THAT WE REQUEST THE COUNTY COUNCIL TO ISSUE ANY DEBENTURES THAT MftJ BE NECESSARY SO THAT THE t~ELLINGTON ROAD MAY BE CONIPLETELY RECONSTRUCTED IN 1962. CARRIED. THE COIVIMISSION decided to meet with the County Road Committee at their next meeting on January 17th at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the financing of the Wellington Road reconstruction. THE l\lIEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. ~/ CHAiRMAN