1963 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9th., 1963. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House at 1.30 p.m. August 9, 1963. PRESENT WERE: George H. Cross, appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission by the Elgin County Council for a five (5) year term, ending June 30, 1968; W.E. ROWE, appointed to the Commission by the St. Thomas City Council for a five (5) year term ending June 30, 1968; R.G. MOORE, Suburban Road Commission Engineer. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION VIlAS PASSED: MOVED BY G.H. CROSS SECONDED BY W.E. ROWE THAT W.R. COULTER BE APPOINTED A MEMBER OF THE ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30TH., 1968. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT W.R. COULTER BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE W.E. ROWE G.H. CROSS BALANCE OF 1963. CARRIED. THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING WERE REAiD AND APPROVED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date, stating: 1. Minor trimming work remained to be done on the Wellington Road, but several days of grader work would complete the pro ject. 2. All land had been paid for, expept Mr. Wm. Glenn, who refused his cheque, and Walter Rapelje, who ha~ a mortgage with the Farm Credit Corporation. 3. Repairs to Pavements had been high. 4. More money than estimated had been spent on the grading on the Wellington Road, and thus no surface treatment work could be undertaken. 5. Centre Line Marking of Roads 25, 26 and 30 had been com- pleted, and Roads 22 and 16 would be done shortly. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. ERNEST C. REID CITY CLERK crry HALL ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO J - 5 h ]et/'" une t . ., _ ?t.).J . M.r. H. G. Moore, C olJ..nty gr.l.gi.neer, G O'1.J.rt H()1J.~3 e , '(''iT oJ 1 . " p,J.. . (\'t.' -..., t uve....~,_llJ.c;:;l.)on \.) J. ee , ST. rrIIOMA~3, Ontario.. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of May 22nd, please be advised that the St. Thomas City Council at a meeting on June 3rd adopted the following resolution: tF['I:r^T' 'M '.J 'r:'! R ' L 6 G'l" 1\, b . "m: ,r. VII. .f.~~. owe, ,. aastone Avenue, e appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a five year term expiring June 30th., 196.8. u .. Yours truly, C i City lerx~. :RAB: Be ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, lVIAY 15, 1963. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House at 9:30 a.mo on May 15th. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of January\~ere read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPaRTEE on the work to date, stating: (1) that winter control expenditures had been heavy (2) pavement repairs were light, although there are a number of holes on Road 16. (3) the County had purchased the centre line truck and equipment of the St. Thomas Metal Signs Ltd., and would centre line the Roads of the Commission, and a saving in cost could be anticipated. (4) Gravel Shouldering was progressing on the Wellington Road, but had been delayed by rainso (5) trimming and seeding on the Wellington Road would be done as soon as the slopes and ditches had dried up. (6) numeral markers signs had been erected on Suburban Roads. SURFACE TREATlVmNT ON VARIOUS ROADS was discussed and left in abeyance until later in the seasono LAND PURCHASE WAS DUSCUSSED and the Engineer re- ported that the owners on the Wellington Road who had no mortgages, had been paid on the County's May Pay List. No agreement had yet been reached with Mr. William Dodd, and the Engineer had been in- formed by Mr. Dodd's solicitor, Mr. William McKay, that an eval- u.ation of the property was being madeo No word had been received from the Reid's solicitors. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Commissioners terms of office would run out in Juneo THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman, followed by an inspection of all Commission Roads. I .'" ~ JJi .."""," '/,.!'" ,,7 /....,/1 ;/t(VO {ft, ", CHAIRMAN REPORT T,O THE ST 0 THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION => ~.- ~ -"""q ~~ ~ANUARI-a 1961 THE 8T 0 THO~1AS SUBURBAN "ROAD COMMISSION has jwrisdi@tion cve~ 2400 miles of paved and 101; miles or gravel Road .as ~t . J8nu~ary lst~ 196)0 DURING 1962 Welling~on Road was completely rebuilt and pa'wed lrii:th h@t mix asphal'to Expenditures were somewhat leslS than eet1ml:rt~~d although some minor cleanup 'Work9 ~eedi1filg ot th~ shouldex.tl~$) et@o ~ remains to ,be @omple'tedo A plan from 'tIle Land Surveyor j.~ ~~xpected shortly and .an amount t,o clOver payment t@) land owners for property acquired ~or widening is includ~d in the a~t8ched budgeto ATTAClfED to 'this report. is a summary of expenditures tor(O Con8truction on the Wellington R~ad and tor l~inten8nce on all the Suburban Roadso The largest items tor Construction were Granular Base and lPaving9 J~1ntenance costs were quite light with the ex~eption of 'Vlinter Control which~ because of the amount or sanding needed last winter9 was much higher than an average yeaJro ALSO ATTACHED to this report1s a proposed budget for 196) (I Mon~y is estin'1a'ted for 'the comple'tlon of work on the Wellington Road in~luding minor gra~1ng>> gravelling>> the 8eeding of ditche~>> the planting of trees where possible and two small utility moving accounts along with payment for pro pert Yo MAINTENANCE COSTS are ~xpected to be a little higher than 1962 'but t3hou.ld be con~iderably redutCed J[rODlthe ];fears before 19629 aa cOBtly maint~nan~~ on the Wellington Road ha~ been elim1natedo ~'le small mileage of Gravel Road is in good condition and only normal maintenance is anticipatede HOAD NUMBER MARKERS llill be ere@ted. on all Suburban He)r~ds 'thifJ in a with 8 policy approved by the 11~EtQ.g:~_~.l!!'lJh4li!>>=.1~,22;! Page 2 County ROtid Comm1tttSAtl last yearo This 9 togethe:r '\I'ith d1:rectioRual markers erected on Road intersectiona last spring>> will be of very valuable assistance to the motoring publico A SMALL AMOUNT of money is ~stim~ted for Surface Treatment l/Ilork on Road 22 or 16 depending on condi'tio~u~ th~~ spring 0 Other m~intenance ~sts are exp€cted to b~ similsr to pr~v:i,~)US years 0 ALL OF t1HICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEDg ~;;.:r.~~;:t~~~'~""1"~~~...~~;m~dai.."I!~~e.:;a=-_1tlt~ Re G~ MOORE~ Po ENGo9 STo :ffiOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ENGINEER~ S'fe THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1962 olh~~~;':jf\1l~~~b~~>~~~~~~1Ir'....v'::):'~~~~m~. CONS'l'RUCTION O}J THE tv.EI.LINGTON ROAD '= (ROAD 2; Bollo) ~~:'~I(t..t~~~-;,r..-;'ltW:::SS~Ilt?C\1P:$;~~M~-t'~~~~~?J.~lf(,t.'\,W~~~~U'~~6~~"".~"~k~~:"'~J~,V,l.'t'"~~ cUt'VERTS e:=:\':.;~~~~,'t~ MYl.ll tJl.=Plate COIlst.ruct.ion P:fLptt~ Culver~t ConBtru~t~i(.n1t ROADS "', I\?;~_.~~~I Surve'y'~ J.Jand PU..'f'(t~h1:l~~@ MO~'l'el11en t {) f Ut iJ" :K, t;:It e[~ F~et1Cirilg CIes r:ing Maintf~n~nce of trE"a:f,t~1.~,~;: Grading Giranular B~~{~ Hot Mis Asphalt iPs'ving (I.., ~:1 $ .612 II. . ~1'''') tffJ>~cP t:.~o IP',' "", . ',"~, 6 '9tf~J~jo 5 ~196{, 1. ",a ?J., . , f) 1;)1 ~~M> "'.. () 2,~Ol.; I.} '};,? . ")1770' 'lJI'li J {J"%t SJ ~ ' t~ r~ 'it~!I d9 0'7 If. ,rr;: "" 10.9 :00:.,.v) 61 ,. 'ill 1T)l6'. Q4t q ~ci ~" 1/,' TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION~ TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION ON WELIIING1~ON ROAD ~~ 196~ and 196~ <0" MAINTENANCE ()Ii AI.!. StJBURBAI~ FtOAJJS ~$JM'~.'t~~~~t~;;~~~~~~~~~~1l"~~~~~~~=:~~-:..-:J."'J1"~ BRIDGES1.,ND CUI.VERTS = ~~~~~~~~~~~'iltI:iIi."'~~ Patterson Bridg~ {Road )0 SeRa} ?Jl:t!8@tellaneou8 }3r~,dges Mi~@ellan~ou~ Culvert~ ROADS - @.::;t:;t~~ Winter MBintenan@~ Repairs to Pavement~ Grading Maintenan~~ Grevel R~~su!~11:~.a c1ng D~lst Control Drair!B lV'eed fJ antrel Brushing Signs and Centr~ Lin~ Marking Railroad Prote~tio~ Superi.nt~nd(~ncf~>> Cl~:"ical and Car' MiJt <<ilage Overhead Material in S'tock,,,,, Pit Run Gra,v~l Less Material in Stock = January lst~ 1962 and @harged in Construll',',:'tion ifl 19~2 "'> ~~""16' 1>7 <p <t'!lO ,t1'>t:','P ",p<IC fl ",I. '7 0 10 r. ~~ ~ ":& d.rll. , l;i~ 1.,/; 0 0 (~ .,.r,.s, \J ..~ d:' 4...;) () lO6 /'IY'JJ '~d O! (I ..lj.,,~J ~~;'l~'~~~"'I;,.~\!'jAan,t;~~ j; . 1l"1 f,!' P'J: ,e ''I' &~;g (:;J i 0 (J,;>.1 1 $ 458 () :~:{~ 406: t'\~,'j o 'c.:>U,,# () () ~n~8 " 0$ 220 'il K~ lj. d '~'l,r ~3~>> o~.o 0 ,~t~ ?Ii 7 .~ (',,\\ "'" I) Jl"v f/'~. 4:' 6.0 9&') 1(':"1 .'l>?,,~ 0, t.. )~ 06906f! 1 \1000 {,oo ~>?i~,Jl;l'~~.M"".a.'!lIM<.,~'.t'W-'I:O~~2,::n~ w. IlI7' d'l e''j/ .~ t>) 'y ,.,!1. 90.,,, d 0 .J~"" $ 1 '''''OJ} grt ~.~fv 5~L~.'?_..~:~" TOTAL OF r~INTENANCE ROAD AND BRIDGES d.!t Q't" ('> ~'~<')"a ~ '11 (i ~'te i/:. ~. nJ.. ,. k~..,l!,,,)' :~ Ii,,.l! :t\ '.~'ill~il::S.\W",;ro.r!.~J!r.-.o:a1~'l$~u~:,4"':;~ 17'3 ~) ('J $ iL:,99 .,; $ >.JOIl" v ~ n Pag~~ :2 EXPEND I'X'URE;S o THOIlJtt\ S $ 35)000 20~OO 28r:;OO "..tr'IT~"'~"'jWll'<a~~lI/l,laI,"'.~.,)11~l\1t:W.~~iJ.UWf.'lW"~~~~"\M~V~"lrd:N~.~.tt:;;.~<:-,r;ro<;:A'~'~.a::-*,Wl'~"~'~J<~~.Vi~"l!~'~~'>Y,>(t~<<-,'Q"~'7,~~~f$r4~~"-"'~,-.u.::S>I>1iA($i~~*..:tl ~gf~!~T.!Ul.fLl!Ql'I ,~ $20!) l;~9g" @1''1.<I'')'1l l\p~~~~fA{C, ~1 ~db 0 0. }) r tho d'ij (~ \P44::;Ji,!b () # "'I ""I ~, )" b 17 .,.:~ ~ \~\, ti1(. b &~ 2;;) o~~o Q ?) >> ,J) () :~ 9 ... d:~ "il "'>'>>,0 oap bIt. ,)~. 0 f.~ :; "f> t> (..1", /;jJ ~l) f~!_?!!f <::l ~u.!\:;:';b<:K':tIi"lJ'~"'~~W~!.J~I$'.M,,,j:m...'4~:t'_'!;1'" 'l.~~':'~=~~J.IH$*'Y,WU...tJ~';'"U~J.i.':':';;'.':"'..w'> ~ grrlO 0 ~~~i:~=~2:~!I~1t~~t~~g,f~ $, ~l !:L~3 ~T Q r.rHOMA~ Sttl!U~Al~ ~ltqA~ COIJjJ{!SSIO~ _ESTI~m MAINTENAtlCE ON d~LL SUBURBAi~ ROADS ~~3."CI:"_"c.'=~';i"'''~f:'l~'~~...4>- ""'-n-- ~ ~'=..Jo _ .L,/A....~ ROADS = =- l~INTENANCE CITY SHARE ~tre l:,~~ ~~"*~ Winter M}31ntenance-~---~-~~~~~$ 4~500l)OO ( Repa11"t:j Pa Veme!lt 5 >>);:l'l!1~.f_~~~__ . -----------~--- 2. SOO 0,00 .. fl 1; (/Grading ~aintanan~e 3pOOOoOO Gravel Resurrac:J..ng and Dust Corrtrol) l;OOO~OO Weed~ and Brushing 1@200GOO S:iLgns and. (Ceht:R:~e Line Marking 2 f) 200 b 00 Guide RajLl 200000 HaiLlroad Prote@ti~n 100 (,"\ 00 Superintenden~9~ Cleri~al and Car Mil{~age Overhead (1ontingencie~ 2@700000 )~OOOeOO ~, 7-J:A&92~.QQ. qro~rAL ~ $ 22~OOOeOO loESS CREDIT ,FOR lVIA TERIALS ItJ STOCK FOR CONSTRUCTION: O~QQ. ~rogrAL ROAD MAINTENIiN OE ~ $ 21})OOOoO.o SQm .~__~~"-~Tlli!ll!Lj)HAR~ ,~ 25" BRIDGES .AND CULVER6fS = ~~~-=.::~~~~~ Bridge Ma1ntenan@~ Drainage A~aessment~ Items not Subsidized by DoHoOo $ 2>>000000 800000 600000 ~~~ ~ TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR )~INTENANCE~ .$ 249400000 CONSTRUCTION ON WELLINGTON ROAD ~ ~:;;:;-~~n.~~~'W~~~;#- ""e::r A..,.,. . ,~ ROADS:. ,.~t::,~..=l SurveY$ l,and. Pur({~has~ GXe"eJd:lilg ~.1tld G jr"&u'lular 1Ba~\! Movement of Utilit1e~ Seeding ~und R~~.for<eBi;1e"Bt1or{1 $ -200000 12~OOO<lOO 2~500000 800000 00000 ifOTAI", g $; 169000000 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ~ ~-.t'"--..~~:-,.. "C' ~'-'r~"~~ $ .~ 600000 TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTIONg $16@.60.oo00 T01~L ESTIMA FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCEg Ol'? <> o o $ 5~250600 $ 2000010 )00600 300000 ~~~~ $ 6$)0,0000 $ 1~9000000 e.-.._'v ,60 0 00 ~ $ 49060000 $ 41>>000QOO .~llOoOO 1 ESTIMATES = c~nt9d '.~i$.. ..~4....l ~,k.~ 'fl.$ l'age 2 1/2 MILL FROM THE CITY OF ST~ THO~mS '~lIIIL PH.OVIDE APPROXDJIA TEL Y ~, $ 17~)400GOO LESS PA1MENT OF WELLINGTON ROAD DEBENTURE = -=-~?~Ji~J!Q $ 4"'9 5f!U" '<) 00 SURPLUS FROM 1962 OPERATIONS = d~ I/"> '~~ 19. ifj. ::f-,.,.,.J~_,' 0 0 $ 11995$065 ESTll\!IA TED COS?l' OF SUBURBAitl ROAD EXPE;NDITURJ~ c"> ,tlill.Jk!~~ ESTIMATED SURPLUS ~~ 1964 OPERATIONS = $ 1l)84gc85 =;~~~~~~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10TH, 1963. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: W.E. Rowe - Commissioner appointed by the City of St. Thomas G.H. Cross - Commissioner appointed by the County of Elgin W.R. Coulter - Commissioner apointed by Mr. Rowe and Mr. Cross. R.G. MOORE - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE FOLLO'VJ'ING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER W.E. ROWE THAT G.H. CROSS BE CHAIRMAN FOIt THE YEAR 1963. CAHRIE~D 0 MOVED BYt SECONDED BY VJ.R. COULTER W.E. ROVJE THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR THE COI~ISSION MEMBERS BE $100.00 AND EXPENSES AS LAST YEARo CARRIED. Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10TH, 19630 MOVED BY 'AT. E. ROWE SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1963 AMOUNTING TO $20.00 BE PAID. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER presented the attached Report detailing expenditures in 1962 and estimating expenditures for 19630 MOVED BY 'W.R. COULTER SECONDED BY '\fl. E. ROWE THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS IN 1962 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL AND TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED. MOVED BY W.E. RO~ffi SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER THAT THE ESTIMATES FOR 1963 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER AND AMOUNTING TO $41,000.00 BE APPROVED AND ESTIMATES FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. THE LAND PURCHASE on 'Wellington Road was discussed and the Engineer stated that he expected a Land Plan from the Surveyor very shortly. No new information had been received from Mr. William Dodd or his Solicitor with regard to the property Page 3 ST. THOMA S, ONT A,RIO , JANUARY 10TH, 1963. expropri,a.ted by the Commission for the >Wellington Road Entranceo IT WAS DECIDED to again petition the Ontario Department of Highways for installation of suitable traffic signals at the junction of King's Highways #3 and #4 and ~Tellington Roado MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.E. ROWE W.R. COULTER THAT THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BE PETITIONED TO INSTALL SUITABLE TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE JUNCTION OF HIGHWAYS #3 and #4 AND THE WELLINGrrON ROAD AND COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION FORWARDED TO THE MINISTEH OF HIGHflJAYS AND MR. R.K. MC NEIL, M.L.A. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN