1964 Suburban Road Committee ST.. THOI\1AS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 9TH, 1964. THE ST eo THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COI"'I]I/[ISSION met at the home of Mr. liv.R. Coulter, 64 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBEHS vvere present" THE MINUTES OF THE June 3rd meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating that he expected the Commission would run a deficit this year. THE CHAIRMAN and the Engineer reported. on the County Needs Study and its affects upon the Suburban Road Commission including its budget and road mileage responsibilities~ THE ENGINEER outlined a desirable County Road System in the area of St. Thomas stating that no doubt there would be a change in jurisdiction of various roads in the area. THE ENGINEER stated that a survey was being done on St. George Street in preparation for needed work in the future including replacement of the St. George Street Bridge.. THE MEETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN 8T. THOMAS, ONrr ARlO, t.TUNE 3, 196h. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~!JlVIISSION met at the Court House at 9:)0 a.m. ALL MEMBERS ,MERE PRESENT. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 10th., were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: (1) Guide Rails on Road 30 had been re-built. (2) Ice & Snow Control had been light. (3) Hot Mix Patching was being carried on, on Roads 22 & 16. (4) It wijs planned to surface treat approximately l~ miles on Road 22 and 4 miles on Road 16. (5) An application had been made for rebate of sales tax, but no money had been received as yet. LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS were discussed, the Engineer reporting that a final settlement with the Reids (other than the costs of appeal to the Ontario l\1unicipal Hoard) 'lITas expected shortly. No settlement appeared imminent ",rith 'Wm. Dodd, and it would appear that it would be necessary to proceed to the :Municipal Board to receive a final settlement III The Engineer suggested that possibly a new evaluation of the property might be useful. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: GEORGE H. CROSS W.R. COULTER THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO HAVE AN EVALUATION MADE OJ:;' THE D'DDD PROPERTY EXPHOPRIATED BY THE COMMISSION FOR THE RELOCATION OF WELLINGTON ROAD. CARRIED. THE CHAIRMAN AND THE ENGINEER reported on t he Ontario Good Roads' Association Convention and the Suburban Roads Committee Association meeting. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO tJUNE 3, 1964. MOVED BY: E3ECONDED BY: v\T.R. COULTER GEORGE H. CROSS THAT WE PAY THE $10.00 FEE TO THE SUBURBAN ROADS CO~1ISSION ASSOCIATION. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEE TOURED all Suburban Commtssion Roads. THE COMMITTEE ADtJOURNED to the call of the Cha irman. L."~jf!fJ/'\ ~:C.t _ _ ~ ~_~_ CHAIRMAN SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 51 James St. St. Catharines, Onto January 31, 1964. TO: All Members and Officials Suburban Roads Commission Dear Sirs: On instructions of the Executive, I am writing to advise all members and officials of Suburban Road Corr~issions of the Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association to be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention on Tuesday, February 25, 1964 at 3:30 p.m. in the Royal York Hotel. The Executive of the SoR.C~A. are gratified of the interest the various Commissions have shown in the Association by attend- ing the Annual Meetings and the three area meetings which were held during the past year. Such interest can only strengthen the cause of Suburban Roads Commissions. The Executive Committee has studied the resolutions passed at the February 1963 meeting and has prepared a proposed con- stitution and schedule of fees wh~ch I am enclosing in this letter. If any member has any comments to ma~:e with respect to these two items, the comments should be forwarded to me in writing prior to Friday 21, 1964. The proposed constitution, schedule of fees and comments will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. The President would like to point out that during the O.G.R.A. Convention, on Tuesday February 25th, 1964 at 3:00p.m. (just prior to the S.R.C.A. Annual Meeting) the subject liThe place of the Suburban Roads in the Municipal Roads System" will be presented by Mr. A. J't Rettie, Chief Engineer of the Toronto- York Roads Commission, to the general meeting of the O..G.R.A. All members should attempt to hear this subject matter. The Executive extends a cordial invitation to all members to be present 0 Yours tru ly , ES/fm . I ( ;' . ~ i./ j ,I , ;' // " ( it' ," ,/ ' { I ' Secretary-Suburban Roads Commission Association. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING O.G.R.A. CONVENTION - ROYAL YORK HOTEL~ TORONTO Tuesday~ February 25th, 1964. AGENDA 1. Roll call,. 2,. O.G:.R.A. Directort s remarks. 3. Minutes of last meeting. 4~ Presidentts remarks. 5. Secretary's Report. 6. Regional Meeting Reports. Eastern - H. Meadd - Cornwall L. Shearer - Ottawa Central - G. Brown - Brantford I. Ormiston - Oshawa Western - K. Shaw - Windsor C. Cousins - London 7. Executive 1. 2. 3. 4. Committee Meeting Report. Constitution. Annual Fees. Secretary-Treasurer1s Honourarium. Amalgamation of Commissions. 8. New business. 9. Election of Officers: President Secretary 10. Election of Directors: 11. Adjournment. 1/30/64 fm 1. NAME: SUGGESTED CONSTITUT~On Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) 2. OBJECT: (a) (b) (c) (0. ) To support and co-operate with, the Ontario Good Roads Association. To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. To discuss matters of mutual interests and to aCquire and exchange informat.:Lon. To ..publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3. MEIvIBERSHIP: All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commission and its officials shall be eligible for membership in the Association. 4. FEES: Annual fees shall be determined by the EXecutive and ratified by the Association at the fnnual Meeting. 5. OFFICERS~ Officers of the Association shall consist of a President and Secretary-Treasurer to be elected at the Annual Meeting, 6. EXECUTIVE : The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors. Two directors from each group of the Association shall be elected annually, 7. ANNUAL MEETING:The Annual Meeting shall be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Co~vention at a time and place provided by the Ontario Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be responsible for the preparation ofa program for the Annual Meeting. 8. OTHER MEETINGS: Other meetings shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per year shall be held in each of thr~e areas. Each area shall consist of the fo}lowing Suburban Roads Commissions. WESTERN CEJ\rr RA L ~~TERN 1. Chatham 1. Barrie 1. Belleville \ 2. London 2. Brantford 2. Brockville 3. Owen Sound 3. Galt 3. Cornwall 4-. ~rs-~ 4. Guelph 4. Gananoque 5.. Stratford 5. Hamilton 5. Kingston 6. St. Thomas 6. Kitchener 6. Ottavra 7, Sarnia 7. Niagara Falls 7. Peterborough 8. St. l'-1ary IS 8. Oshawa 8. Prescott 9. '\Tindsor 9. Sto Catharines 9. Smith Falls-Lanark 10. l\Toods tock 10. Toronto-York 10. Smith Falls-Leeds 11. Ingersol/ 11. Waterloo 11. Trenton 12. Welland 12. Eastview SUGGESTED CONSTITUTION Pag-eNo :-2'-'--' .. "-,'- 90 COMMITTEES: Any committee may be appointed by tne Executive to study and bring in reports on such subjecfs as may be directed by the Association. 100 RUr.ES OF ORDJ.:!R ~ All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of votes shall constitute approval of matters of the Association. The president shall rule on matters of conflict. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSIONS CITY COUNTY POP. OF CITY IN 000 CLASS 1. Barrie Simcoe 22.0 B 2. Brantford Brant 54.4 C 3. Belleville Hastings 30.3 B 4. Brockville Leeds 17.9 B 5. Chatham Kent 29.7 B 6. Cornwall Stormount .43.2 B 7. Eastview Carleton 25.1 B 8. Galt Waterloo 27.7 B 9. Ganonoque Leeds 5.0 A 10. Guelph Wellington 39.8 B 11. Hamilton Wentworth 266.9 E 12. Ingersoll Oxford 7.3 A 13. Kingston Frontenac 1-j.8.8 B 14. Kitchener Waterloo '77.2 C 15. London Middlesex 165.7 D 16. Niagara Falls WeIland 53.3 C 17. Oshawa Ontario 63.0 C 18. ottawa Carleton 268 ~ lj. E 19. Owen Sound Grey 17.8 B 20. Peterborough Peterborough 51.9 C 21. Prescott Leeds-Grenville 5.2 A 22. Riverside Essex 18.3 B 23. St. Catharines Lincoln 83.7 C 24. St. Mary's Perth 4.5 A 25. St. Thomas Elgin 22.4 B 26. Sarnia Lambton j-O 6 C .) . 27. Smith Falls Lanark 9.6 A 28. Smith Falls Leeds 29. Stratford Perth 20.9 B 30. Toronto York 637.7 E 31. Trenton Hastings 13.1 B 32. Waterloo Waterloo 22.2 B 33. WeIland WeIland 35.6 B 340 Windsor Essex 113.6 D 35. Woodstock Oxford 20.6 B Class A......Population of City.. o - 10,000 .... 5 Class B......Population of City.. 10,000 - 50" 000 ... .1(7 Class C......Population of City.. 50,000 - 100~OOO ... 7 Class D......Population of City.. 100,000 - 200,000 .0. 2 Class E......Population of City.. over 200,000 · ... 3 A == $5.00 B == $10.00 C == $15.00 D == $25.00 E == $50.00 1/30/6~: fm /- 1. NAME: SUGGESTED CONSTITUTIOR Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) (a) To support and co-operate with, the Ontario Good Roads Association. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interests and to acquire and exchange information. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 2. OBJECT: 3. MEMBERSHIP: All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commission and its officials shall be eligible for membership in the Association. 4. FEES: Annual fees shall be determined by the Executive and ratified by the Association at the l\nnual Meeting. Officers of the Association shall consist of a President and Secretary-Treasurer to be elected at the Annual Meeting. The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors. Two directors from each group of the Association shall be elected annually. 7. ANNUAL MEETING:The Annual Heeting shall be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention at a time and place provided by the Ontario Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be responsible for the preparation of a program for the Annual Meeting. 5.. OFFICERS~ 6. EXECUTIVE : 8. OTHER MEETINGS: Other meetings shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per year shall be held in each of three areas, Each area shall consist of the fo:1Gwing Suburban Roads Commissions. WEST~~ CENTRAL EASTTiliN 1. Chatham 1. Barrie 1. Belleville 2. London 2. Brantford 2. Brockville a: Owen Sound 3. Galt 3. Cornwall Riverside 4. Guelph 4'. Gananoque 5. Stratford 5. Hamilton 5. Kingston 6. St. Thomas 6. Kitchener 6. Ottawa 7. Sarnia 7. Niagara Falls 7. Peterborough 8. St. Mary IS 8. Oshawa 8. Prescott 9. "li\iinds or 9. Sto Catharines 9. Smith Falls-Lanark 10. 1.~roods tack 10. Toronto-York 10. Smith Falls-Leeds 11., Ingersol 11. Waterloo 11. Trenton 12. WeIland 12. Eastview t, SUGGESTED CONSTITUTION ~g-eNO. 2 .. .,-,',- 90 COMMITTEES~ Any committee may be appointed by the Executive to study and bring in reports on such subjects as may be directed by the Association. 10 \) RULES OF ORD.'JR ~ All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of votes shall constitute approval of matters of the Association. The president shall rule on matters of conflict. s:e <J GrHOlJlP..S ~ . 9 JANUARY$) 1964", '1"0 THE CHAIRMAN AND MEl4BERS OF THE s'r ~ THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMIS8IC>N 0 THE FOtL~IING is DIy'ANNUAL REPORT to the dommissio~o Attached to the Report 1s a. suwnary of expend:ilture$l on St@ Thomas SublU"ban Commis5i.on Roads in 1963 and. an estimate (lIt expenditures in 19640 'l'tHE COMl"iISSION 2400 miles of paved r01ads and. 101; miles of roads under its jurisdictionQ . DURING 190) ~onstruction was completed on the Wellington . ROB d '~li th: seeding the slopes whj,(~h 11lil1 'be done ill the o NEARLY prope~'l!ty ~ettlelnents have been completed and it is hoped the r etnaining properties shortly!) IN 1963 expenditures for'repairs to pavements and w intel't ma1nt.el1.al1ce. extrell'u?ily h.igh and lesser amounts are budgeted for this Other expenditures were of normal amountso The expenditure on \1111 be sOfnewhat less as- l~Qst year' t s . cost included r@ad number1rlarkers 'on ~all Suburban R~oadso Tbll sum of $) ~lOOQOO is estimated :for sttrface tre~ltment'VJork+) ThjLs will' . do a,ppro]dmateJLy 2 miles of worko It more money is availablef) ~ '. , , . more work Shou.ld be ,done as much of Road 16 has not been done tor nearly 10 years 0 Several miles of Road 22 are also in neE~d of ,surra ce trea:tment Q OTHER maintenart@S 1tertl~ are budgeted tor as in previous yearso ALL OF \1HICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: R. Go MOOREj P. E NGQ ~ STe THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMM::rSSION ENGINEER>.> '\ ,1 l) ;) 9 0 I " , ("f." I} 4~ () ~~ Committee 1\1ember Ii'\ees and Expenses Ontario Good Roads Associa~ion Membersh~"p l~(~~~~ Weed Spray Insuran@~ R.((~ad. l,ia,b4l1i ty $ )00000 20000 28000 8~'ol,8 C7.::.~J'_~~~~~~ () o w:~ ,~~ ~'~ ..r"J-"'l... ~.;j! a o c. ~ -.. G ~ o ~ tr\ F''J N o c~ () " fq~ ~~ ~~~'>> :.) ~ ~'~ 'r-" ~ o c:<:. t~~~ ~;''), 1l....,o'v- Q" S~o~1~Tf!q~s .w~URB}.~ t ROAp CPMMISSION ,~9Ji'-t ,~~~IMATES CONS~UpCTnIOJt ~ ROADS - ~-- Wellington Road Land ~qha,,8 Seeding ".." ' TOTAL: ~INT~~ANqE .. ~RIDGE ANI) CUL'VERl'lMAIN1:~AN~E - ROADS - #i'n Winter Maintenance Repairs 'to Pavements Surface Treatment Brushing and Weeds S:1gn$and Centre Line Marking Grad.ln~SI Dus'tControl and. Gravel " Resurfacing Railroad Prcrtec'tion Guide Ba11s Superinten'dencs$ Clerical and" Car lJI11eage OVerhead TOTAL: TOTAL }.1AINi'~NANCE: ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY DoH.Co - K If 1 t J I. til ~! . r -. . '.t1J,TAL ESTIMATE FOR ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN U I J I H~ 1 r- I 1 JIlilUJl lJl . .1 . J1 . _.iI .li ROAD COMMISSION- U1ILfl r r SHARE OF THE CITY OF s'r I;) THOMAS g 1/2 MILL FROM THE'CIT~ OF ST. THOMAS will provide approximately: LESS PAYMEN'l' OF l1ELLINGTOl'l ROAD DEBEN-rURES: SURPLUS FROM 1963 OPERATIONS: TOTAL: CITY SHARE $ 2,600~OO 400000 ..~ # $ 3~OOO~OO $ 750000 $ l>>QOOQOO $ 100000 $ S9000QOO 3.,000000 );lOO~OO 19400~OO 1 94OOQOO SOOQOO 700~OO 300,&00 ~9500~OO :'2!eOO~OO '$219000 Q 00 $ 5 t)2S0 1) 00 d . $22>>000000 $ '00000 $ 2$0000 $2SS/;OOQOO $179700$00 .. ~t2.&2Q~o.9Q . <I .. .' $ 59434.00 $ ~7~.'1- $ 6t>308.31 $ 6$13500'00 sir. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10TH, 1964. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: W.E. Rowe - Commissioner appointed by the City of St. Thomas. G.H. Cross - Commissioner appointed by the County of Elgin. W.R. Coulter - Commissioner appointed by Mr. Rowe and Mr. Cross. R.G. Moore - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approvedo THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED B'f Vv . R . CO UL TER G . H . CR. OS S THAT W.E. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN OF ~rHE CO~~~ISSION FOR THE YEAR 19640 CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.H. CROSS W.R. COULTER. THArr THE HONORARIUM FOR. THE COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $100.00 AND EXPENSES AS LAST YEAR.. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. rrHOMAS, ONTARIO ~ JANUARY 10TH, 1964. MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER G.H. CROSS THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1964 AMOUNTING TO $20.00 BE PAID. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on Land Purchases on the Wellington Road stating that no settlement had yet been reached with Mr. Dodd for land for the WE~llington Road entrance. The cost of the Reid Appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board had not been received. No settlement had been reached Mr. Glenn with/and that in all probability a 17 foot widening could be obtained from the Townline School when their new building was completed. THE ENGINEER also stated that Winter Maintenance and Repairs to Pavement costs had been very high in 1963 and hoped for a lowering of costs in 1964. THE ENGINEER reported on the Suburban Road Commisf3ion of Ontario meeting held in London on September 19th, 1963. THE ENGINEER~esented the attached Report detailing expenditures in 1963 and estimating expenditures for 1964. PAGE 3 ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, JANUARY 10TH, 19640 MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.H. CROSS W.R. COULTER THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS IN 1963 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED 0 MOVED BY SECONDED BY WoRe COULTER G.H. CROSS THAT THE ESTIMATES FOR 1964 AS PREPARED BY THE COUNTY ENGINEER AND AMOUNTING TO $25,500.00 BE APPROVED AND THE ESTIMATES FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF EIJGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOIVIAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED 0 THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman. ~._~ $t~--- chairman