1965 Suburban Road Committee ST. TH01~S, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1965.. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House at 9:30 a.m. PRESENT: W.E. ROWE .,.If, Commissioner appointed by the -t~ City of St. Thomas, G .H... CROSS ;~ Commissioner appointed by the County of Elgin, and R.G. MOORE ';c St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. THE MINUTES of the July 27th meeti.ng were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the following: 1. That nearly all of the money estimated for construction and maintenance had been spent and that a deficite would be likely, 2. That fencing at Jack Mills and the Townline School on County Road 25 S.A. had been completed, 3. That ditching on County Road 16 S.A. at the Dedeckera Property had been completed, and 4. That William McKay, Solicitor, was to contact him with regard to the settlement of the claim of William Dodd. A DIS CUSSION of the replacement o.f the St. George Street Bridge followed and it was suggested that a meeting with the County Road Committee re finances might be advantageous. The Engineer stated that a meeting of the Committ ee would beheld on Decemb er 1st and tha t the Commission could m.eet them at that time. THE ADDITIONS and deletions of the Roads to the St. Thomas Suburban System was discussed in light of the recommendations of the County Needs Study. THE FOLLOvlING resolution was passed: PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1965. MOVED BY: GEORGE H. CROSS SECONDED BYf W.E. RO~~ THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD Cm$~ISSION AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 1966 REVERT TO THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM ROAD 16 FROM ROAD 20 TO ROAD 14 APPROXIIVJATELY 3.6 MILES AND ASSUME CONTROL OF THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROADS: ROAD 33 FROM THE ST. THO}~S BOUNDARY TO THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY lI'RACKSAPPROXlMATELY 0.8 MILES; ROAD 29 FROM ROAD 31 TO ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD 25 APPROXIMATELY 1.6 MILES AND ROAD 31 FROrJf THE 8T. THOMAS CI~1Y BOUNDARY TO ROAD 52 APPROXIMATELY 0.8 MILES AND THA T THE MINISTER OF HIGHVJAY' S APPROVAL FOR THE SAME BE REQUESTED. CARRIED. THE APPOINTMENT of a Commissioner to replace the late W.R. Coulter was discussed. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY: GEORGE H. CROSS SECONDED BY: W.E. ROWE THAT JAMES C. HINDLEY OF UNION BE APPOINTED A r@~MBER OF THE 8T. THO~~S SUBURBAN ROAD C01,iMISSION TO COI.~PLETE ~rHE TERM OF THE LATE W.R. COULTER ENDING JUNE 30TH, 1968. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman. CHA IRMAN SU,BURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretary 51 J"ames street S1~. CATHA.RINES ONTAHIO July 30, 1965. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Mr. R. G. Moore, P.Eng. Elgin County Buildings, ST. THOMAS ONTARIO RE; Weste~n Gr~_Meeti~ Dear Sir: r:rhis is to advise you and your Commission that the Western Group of the Suburban Roads Commission Association will be held on Wednesday, September 15th, 1965 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sarnia County Council Chambers in Sarnia. Hold this date open in order th.a..t as ma.ny as possible can attend. Please advise Mr. Donald W. Derrick Sarnia Suburban Roads Engineer the nU..mber of members who will be attending from. your Commission. Yours very truly, ES/fm EDWAHD SOKOLO'WSKI SEGRETARY;, TREASURER SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING 1965 Minutes of a meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Assoc- iation held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on Tuesday, February 23rd, 1965 at 3:30 p.m. Executive members present: Mr. Merrill G. Tucker, President, Mr. Ed. Sokolowski" Secretary-treasurer" Mr. K. Shaw, Mr. C. Cousins, Mr~ G. Brown, Mro L. Shearer, Mr. H. E. Meadd. The President opened the meeting at 3:30 p.m. and called the role by Commissions, approximately 90 persons were present re- presenting all but 3 of the 35 Commissions. Mr. Niram Fletcher, President of the Ontario Good Roads Assoc- iation and Mr. W. J. Smith a director of the O.G.R.A. brought greetings from the O.G.R.A. and welcomed the group to the convention and assured the members that the O.G.R.A. will con- tinue to co-operate and supply a time and place for this meeting. The Secretary-treasurer read the minutes of the last meeting. MOVED BY Mr. Hutnick, SECONDED BY Mr. Pearson "That the minutes of the Annual Meeting held in 1964 be approved as read." Carried. The President reviewed the minutes and advised on the action taken with respect to the items under new business. The Secretary-treasurer presented his reports. The Secretary-treasurer reported: 1. That he attended two central area meetings and one western area meeting. 2. He had sent out copies of Mr. Jack Rettie's address re Suburban Roads to each member of the Association and that a questionnaire with respect to the operations of all Suburban Roads Commissions was sent out and a summary of the questionnaire was sent to all commissions. -2- 3. That a meeting sponsored by the O.G.R.A. and including re- presentatives of the Ontario Municipal Association, The Ontario Counties Association, The Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association, The Suburban Roads Commission Association and The Ontario Good Roads Association was held to discuss a proposed study of Suburban Roads; at the meeting it was agreed that in lieu of separate studies being undertaken or further pursued that the Suburban Roads Commission to- gether with the Ontario Good Roads Association be requested to pursue the study of the Suburban Road Question and report to each of the above named associations for their approval before any final report is made. 4. That all Commissions were sent a notice of their annual dues to the Association and that all but three Commissions paid the dues (Toronto-York, Guelph, Chatham). A financial statement was presented which indicated, as of February 1, 1965, Cash on Hand $30.64 and Bank Balance of $18.02. MOVED BY Mr. Carson, SECONDED BY ~1Jr. Hay "That the financial report of the Secretary-treasurer be approved.tf Carrled. Mr. L. Shearer presented the report of the eastern area meet- ing which was held in Ottawa on Wednesday, September 23, 1964 with Ottawa Suburban Commission as host. Mr. G. Brown presented the report of the 1st central area meeting held in WeIland on May 27th, 1964 with Welland and Niagara Falls Suburban Commissions acting as hosts. Mr. C. Green presented the report for the 2nd central area meeting held in Hamilton on September 30th with the Hamilton Commission as host. Mr. K. Shaw presented the report of the western area group which was held in Windsor on Thursday September 28th, 1964 with Windsor and Riverside Suburban Commissions acting as hosts. From the reports it was agreed that the area meetings were very well received and of great benefit to all attending. Mr. Tucker presented a brief report of the Executive Committee meeting which was held at 11:00 a.m. prior to the annual meet- ing. The meeting dealt with the conduct of the annual meeting. The President suggested that the election of officers and executive precede new business. -3- MOVED BY Mr. Green, SECONDED BY Mr. Billings "That the nominations for directors of the Association be those that were suggested at the area meetings, viz 1. Eastern area, Mr. H. E. Meadd, Cornwall, ~~. J. L. Shearer, Ottawa, 2. Central area, Mr. I. Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. G. Brown, Brantford and 3. Western area, Mr. K. Shaw, Windsor, Mr. C. Cousins, London, and that nominations be closed." Carried. MOVED BY Mr. Hutnick, SECONDED BY Mr. Pearson "That Mr. Merrill G. Tucker, Ottawa, be re-elected President of the Suburban Roads Commission Association." Carried. MOVED BY Mr. Hay, SEC OND BY Mr. Gre en 1tThat Mr. Ed. SokOlowski, St. Catharines, be re-elected Secretary-treasurer of the Suburban Roads Commission Association." Carried. New Business 1. The following Suburban Commissions offerred to host area meetings during 1965. Details of the time of the meeting will be forwarded at a later date. l.~ Eastern Area - Cornwall 2. Western Area - Sarnia 3. Central Area - Toronto-York 2. Mr. J. Jordan (Galt, Kitchener & Waterloo Commissions) requested information with respect to how the amendment of the suburban roads legislature dealing with equalizing of the assessments before applying for monies for suburban roads has affected other Commissions. The Secretary was instructed to obtain some information. 3. Mr. R. Moore (st. Thomas) suggested that any information from the proposed suburban roads study be submitted to the County Engineers! Advisory Committee for their comments. MOVED BY Mr. Meadd, SECONDED BY Mr. Fletcher "That the members extend a vote of thanks to tJIr. Tucker and Mr. Sokolowski for their efforts on behalf of the Association." -4- MOVED BY Mr. Cousins, SECONDED BY Mr. Shaw "That this Association extend their thanks and appreciation to the O.G.R.A. for providing the time and place to hold the Annual Meeting during the O.G.R.A. Convention and also to extend a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Niram Fletcher, President of the O.G.R.A. for his attendance at this meeting. If Carried. Mr. Fletcher expressed his appreciation and thanked the members for their co-operation and would convey their message to the O.G.R.A. MOVED BY MR. Carson, SECONDED BY Mr. Green "That the meeting be adjourned.1t Carrj.ed. The meeting adjourned at .5:15 p.m. ES/fm 23.3.65 I } r ,.(}XJ (! j" t I) ( /~e1.t.AIa.A.-e" -ff" (~'J\~)'AfattJ EDWARD SOK OWSKI Secretary-Treasurer ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, July 27TH, 1965. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COM1\'IISSION met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: W.E. RO\VE R.G. MOORE Commissioner appointed by the City of St. Thomas. Commissioner appointed by the County of Elgin. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. G.H. CROSS ABSENT: W.R. COULTER due to illness. THE MINUTES OF the lf~rch 16th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported that he had not heard from William Dodd re the land purchase and neither had ~. Dodd's Solicitor, William McKayo THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Surface Treatment work had been completed on County Road 16 from Middlemarch to approximately 1 mile east of Fingal. 2. Land for widening Wellington Road had been purchased from Jack Mills (on west side of the road between the Canadian National Railway Tracks and the Bostwick Road). 3. Land had been purchased for widening County Road 16 S.A. at the Dedeckera Property and ditching in the area would be done later in the summer in order to improve a bad water condition. 4. The St. George Street Bridge was in poor condition. WITH REGARD TO THE NEEDS STUDY. The Engineer reviewed the Roads assumed by the County in the St. Thomas area and stated that the Needs Study Consultant had recommended that the present Suburban System be amended by transferring County Road 16 from County Road 20 PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, tJULY' 27TH, 1965. to County Road 14 from the Suburban System to the County and that the Commission acceptr (a) The Road over Kains Hill, (b) The D'alewood Road from the S-t.. Thomas City Limits to County Road 52, and (c) Edgeware Road from County ,Road 25S.A. to Dalewood Road as Suburban Roads. THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED that a meeting be held with the County Road Committee when the Needs Study was complete to discuss the Commission's finances and to draft a Road Improvement Program. AN INSPECTION of the Suburban Roads took place. Inspected were portions of the following: (a) The Road over Kains Bridge, (b) County Road 16, (c) St. George Street Bridge and County Road 26, (d) Edgeware and Dalewood Roads, and (e) Centennial Avenue and Elm Street. THE ~~ETING adjourned to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 16TH., 1965. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. on March 16th. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Supervisor, of the Ontario Department of Highways. THE MINUTES of the meeting of January 10th. were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: (1) winter control costs were average. (2) costs to repairs to pavement could be high if favourable weather was not forthcoming shortly. (3) no further information re the St. Thomas By-pass was available. THE SUBURBAN MEETING AT THE O.G.R.A. CONVENTION was briefly reviewed by the Chairman and the Engineer. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. William McKay, solicitor for William Dodd, Jr., had requested the Commission to review the offer of the Commission, for property expropriated from Mr. Dodd fOJr the Wellington Road entrance,. with a view towards settlement of the claim. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION, it was MOVED BY: GEORGE H. CROSS SECONDED BY: W.R. COULTER THAT, RE WM. DODD, JR. PROPERTY, THE FOLLOWING OFFER IS MADE, WITHOUT PREJUDICE AND IS GOOD FOR ACCEPTANCE UNTIL APRIL 30, 1965: THAT IN ADDITION TO $2,500.00 PAID IN MARCH, 1959, WE OFFER AN ADDITIONAL $2,500.00 FOR PAYMENT FOR ALL LAND, DAMAGES AND INTEREST, OCCASIONED BY EXPROPRIATION #D455, AMOUNTING TO 4.30 ACRES, AND RETURN TO WM. DODD THE LAND EXPROPRIATED BY REG. PLAN #D464, COMPRISING 8.37 ACRES. IF MR. DODD DOES NOT WISH THE RETURN OF LAND EXPRO- PRIATED BY PLAN #D464, WE OFFER THE SUM OF $1,000.00 FOR IT, THE PRICE TO INCLUDE ALL LAND, DAMAGES AND INTEREST OCCASSIONED BY THE EXPROPRIATION. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 16TH., 1965. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. ~.." CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIOt JANUARY , 1965. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE STo THOM1~S SUBURBhN ROLD COMMISSION. ATTABHED TO MY ANNUAL REPORT to the Ccmmissi.on is a state- ment of expenditures on the Commission Roads in 1964 and an estimate of expenditures for 1965. THE COMMISSION has jurisdiction, as in pa~t years, of 24.0 .J miles of paved roads and 1.15 miles of gravel roads, i.ncluding. Rcad 16, J Fingal ~oad, St. Thoma~ to Burwell's Corners in Southwold Twp., 11 miles; Road.22, Fairview Ave., from the St. Thom9s limits to Union-Sparta Road, 318 miles; Road.25, Wellington Road, from Hwys. 3 & 4 to the Middlesex County Line, 4.7 miles; Road 26, St. George Street, 0.9 miles; and lJ.oad 30 from the St. Thomas City limits t~ the Middlesex County Line, 4.8 miles. EXPENDITURES in 1964 were somewl).at higher than estimated, particularly Brigge & Culvert maintenance, repairs to pavements, gravel road maintenance, and brushing. These expenditures were somewhat off- set by taking advantage of v!inter 1tlorks subsidy on gu:tde r9i1 r,epairs and brushing, and the,rebat~ of Ontario sales tax for 1963, 1962 and September to December, 1961, being 1 1/8% of the total Suburban Road C~mmission expenditures for this period. IN 1964 approximately Ii miles of Road 22 were surface treated, as were approximately 2 miles of Road 16. The remainder of Road 16 should have been treated had funds been available. WITH regard to property purchase on the irJellington Road, final settlement was made re the Reid property, while no final settle- ment has yet been reached for the Dodd property. ESTIMATES for 1965 are attached, and provide for narmal maintenance on the Commission roads as well as for the Commission's share of the Needs Study now under 'ltJay. Fun<j.s are also estimated to cover Land Purchases as yet outstGlnding. $2,700.00 is estimated for surfaue treatment work on Road 16, and any additional funds available should also be used for surface treatment on the remainder of Road 16. THE COMMISSION should meet with the County Roads Committee after the Need Study is completed to discuss problems of common interest, including the desirable mileage that should be in the Suburban Road System. The Commission is presently represented on the Needs Study Co-Ordinating Committee by Mr. W.E. Rowe. { ; ANNU~L REPORT TO THE ST. THOM(S SUBURBAN ROAD CO~\1ISSION Page 2 hLTHOUGH the Study will not be completed for several months, it appears that the Commission will not have sufficient funds to complete high priority work, inc+uding replacement of St. George Street and Patterson Bridg~s, the rebuildiQg of St. George Street, and the probable rebuilding, within 5 years, of both Road 30 and Road 16 to Fingal. THIS will, no doubt, be in. conjunction with the addition of other roads very c lose to St. Thomas, and will necess:itate the revision of the St. Thomas Suburban Road System to meet future needs and to better use the funds available. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: to) ; i 1/'. /, In . . ,., " ~ , . . 'f ,!t-- ... - . " . 0' if ' J ~ fJ') (~' . , - b' , R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., ST. THOMJ~S SUBURBfi.N ROl~D COMMISSION ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1964 EXPENDITURES ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGH\lIA YS - CONSTRUCTION:- Land Purchase - (re Wellington Road) Surveys (re St. George Street) TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION: MAINTENANCE:- BRIDGES & CULVERTS: Bridges Culverts Bridge Painting (Dodd's Creek & Fingal) TOTAL OF BRIDGES & CULVERTS MNTNCE.: ROADS: Winter Maintenance Repairs to Pavements Surface Treatment Weed Control Grading Mntnce.. & Ditching - (including Wellington Road) Gravel Resurfacing (Road 30) Seeding & Reforestration (Wellington Road) Centre Line M8rking Drains Dust Control Brushing Signs Guide Rails Railroad Protection Drainage Assessments (Repairs only) Superintendence & Clerical & Car Mileage Overhead TOTAL: Less Material in Stock as of January l~ 1964 & transferred to ConstructJ.on: TOTAL OF ROAD MAINTENANCE: Committee Members' Fees & Expenses O.G.R.A. Membership Fee Suburban Road Commission Association Membership Fee Weed Spray Insurance & Road Liability Ins. TOTAL: SALES TAX REBATE:- (Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 1961, 1962 & 1963) $ 1,035.16 409.22 $ 467.13 999.25 521.69 $ 4,719.75 5,285.37 5,334.82 1,314.68 ; ,. 1,1,,20.06 1,149.30 993.13 $04.90 :395.26 292.23 631.90 ;85.38 393.79 534.45- ; 95.36 2,748.05 2,600.07 ---, $ 29,098.50 $ 167.48 -' $ 350.00 20.00 10.00 89.74 -' $ 1,444.38 $ 1,988.07 $ 28,931.02 $ 469.74 -CREDIT- $3,611.83 ; - TOTAL FOR1rJARD:- $ 29,221..38 STATEMENT OF 1964 EXPENDITURES - (contfd.) Total brought forward: WORK DONE UNDER WINTER WORKS PROGRAMME: Guide Rails Brushing TOTAL WINTER WORKS: TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR 1964 ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS : $ i467.12 1,172.e2 PAGE 2 $ 29,221.38 $ 1,639.94 J $ 30,861.32 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS - CONSTRUCTION: ; 25% of $1,444.38 MAINTENANCE: Eridges & Culverts - 10% .of $ 1,988.07 Roads - 25% ef.o":$ 28,931.02 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY D.H.O.: 50% of $469.74 SALES TAX REBATE: 25% ~f $3,611.83 WINTER WORKS: l2!% of $1,639.94 PAID BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS: 1/2 Mill for City of St. Thomas provided LESS Payment of Wellington Road Debenture SURPLUS from 1963 Operations LESS Expenditures for 1964 DEFICIT to 1965: - eredit - TOTAL: $ 17, 86?. 50 $ 12,266.00 . " $ 5,596.50 $ 874.37 # $ 6,470.87 $ 7,329.59 $ 361.09 ;198.81 7,232.76 234.87 902.96 204.99 7,329.59 $ 858.72 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1965 ESTIMA T~ CONSTRUCTION: Needs Study Land Purchase TOTAL: MAINTENANCE: BRIDGES & CULVERTS MNTNCE. : ROADS: Winter Maintenance Repairs to Pavements Surface Treatment Weed Control & Brushing Signs &'Centre Line Marking Grading, Dust Control Railroad Protection Guide Rails Drains & Drainage Assessments Superintendence, Clerical & Car Mileage Overhead TOTAL: TOTAL MAINTENANCE: ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY D.H.O. - TOTAL ESTIM1\.TE FOR ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION - SHARE OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS: 1/2 Mill from the City of St. Thomas will provide approximately: LESS PAYMENT of Wellington Road Debentures: LESS DEFICIT FROM 1964 OPERATIONS: TOTAL: $ 1;000.00 1,000.00 J _ $ 2,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,000.00 3;000.00 2;700.00 1;500.00 1,400.00 500'.00 600.00 300.00 '600.00 2;500.00 2,500.00 $ 19, 600.00- , $ 21,100.00 500.00 $ 2' ,600.,00 $ 18,375~.OO J $ 11,716,.00 ~- $ 6,659 _-00 4> 858..72 ~ $ 5,800.28 ~ CITY SHARE $ 500.00 $ 150.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 250.00 :I; 5,$00.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 12TH, 1965. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at <g~ the home of Mr. W.R. Coulter, ~ Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas, at 3:30 p.m. PRESENT: W.E. ROWE - Commissioner appointed by the City of St. Thomas. G.H. CROSS - Commissioner appointed by the County 0 f Elgin. W.R. COULTER - Commissioner appointed by Mr. Ro1Jt,e and Mr. Cross. R. G. MOORE - St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE FOLLOWING resolutions -wrere passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.R. Cross W.R. Coulter THA T vl.E. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMlVIISSION FOR THE YEAR 1965. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER G.H. CROSS THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR THE COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $100.00 AND EXPENSES AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.H. CROSS W.R. COULTER THAT THE MEiVfBERSHIP FEE FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1965 AMOUNTING TO $20.00 BE PAID. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 12TH, 1965. THE ENGINEER reported on Winter Maintenance which had been light, and on land purchase re William Dodd noting that there had been no new developments. MR. W.E. ROWE reviewed the highlights of the meeting of the St. Thomas Board of Trade re the St. Thomas By-pass on January 11th and the location of the By-pass was discussed. THE ENGINEER presented the attached report, Statement of Expenditures for 1964 and his estimates for the Road Construction and Maintenance for 1965. MOVED BY W.R. COULTER SECONDED BY G.H. CROSS THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITUR.ES FOR THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS SYSTEM FOR 1964 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED. MOVED BY G.H. CROSS SECONDED BY W.R. COULTER THAT THE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1965 AMOUNTING TO $23,600.00 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER BE APPROVED AND FOR- WARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned, to the call of the Chairman.