1967 Suburban Road Committee J~QAJ~>'-:-cc~~; -'!p~ ---- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 1967. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THON~S SUBURBAN ROAD COln1ISSION. ATTACHED TO MY A~NUAL REPORT to the Commission is a state- ment of expenditures on the Commission Roads in 1966 and an estimate of expendit.ures for 1967. IN 196? THE COT'1rJIISSION wil~ have jurisdiction of 22.0 miles of, Road, which is the same milea.ge as in 1966. All.;..mil,~g&' is paved exe..ept 1.15 miles of Road 3001 IN 1966 THE ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE was co~~~r,leted and opened to traffice Total expenditure on the Bridge, including approaches and Creek Diversion, was $157.,054.75 at a net cost of ~B17 ,479 Ii 29 to both the Co,unty' of Elgin and the City of St. Thoma s . Although the majority of the work was subsidized at 80% by the Ontario Department of Highways, a portion of the approaches and the Creek Diversion is subsidizable at50% only. A minor amount of cleanup work, sodding and seeding of slopes r~Irla:ins yet to be done and these eosts are in the budget for 1967. ~ffiINTENANCE COSTS were nearly as estimated, with 'exception of Repairs to Pavements and Surface Treatment. The additional cost occurred when heavy gravel trucking into St. Thomas caused a considerable amount of breakup on Road 30 (Radio Road). This damago was repaired; the areas affected gravelled and surface treated over. This work resulted in a much larger maintenance expendi.ture than contemplated at the beginning of the year. BECAUSE OF THE NET EXPENDITURE on the St. George Street Bridge and approaches being approximately $2,500.00 more than originally estimated and the additional maintenance expendit_ure, the deficit to 1967 is $3,658.43 (which includes the deficit for 1965 of $804.57)0 1967 ROAD ~!IAINTEI~;Jl.NCE ESTIHfl.TES are based on 1966 Expendit- ures, with an allowance for rising costs.' Repairs to pavement expenditures are based on a normal Spring, and a bad Spring Thaw or heavy trucking on Road 30 or Road 16 could increanc costs. , -, ",'\ SURFACE TREATIv1ENT VV~.K ...i~~~entlY re9-uired on a portion of Road 16, and on Road 22'~ .,' " and approxlmately half of the necessary work is budgeted for this year, although there v.1ill be little reduction in the deficit because of the expetnditure. THE REST OF THE SURFhCE TREA~lliNT WORKohould be dpne next year at th~ lot st. ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT LIKELY that very much money will be avail- able for construction in 19A5, a Long Range (3 - 5 year) Construction Programme should be considered by the Commission. ALL OF 1rJHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED-: R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., ST. THOM[:..S SUBURBfiN ROj~D COr,1.IMISSION ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COT.1f.1ISSION STATEMENT OF 19A6EXPEnDITURES St. George Street Bridge Contract $125,405.42 ($110,281.21 subsidized by D.H.O. at 80% 9,124.21 subsidized at 50%) ~'Iaterials ($15 949.60 subsidized at 80% 466.83 sub~idized at 50%) Engineering, Surveys, Soil Tests, etc. 10,720~01 ($9,995.37 subsidized at 80% 724.64 subsidized at 50%) Clearing ($1,,043.44 subsidized at 80% 254.40 subsidized at 50%) Movement of Utilities (all subsidized at 80%) Detour (all subsidized at 80%) Creek Diversion Guide Rail ($296.41 subsidized at 80%) 47.06 subsidized at 50%) TOTAL ST. GEORGE STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION:- CONSTRDCTION:- Surveys Land Purchases Needs Study I\/If~INTENANCE Miscellaneous Bridges $ Miscellaneous Culverts St. George Street Bridge Maintenance (prior to beginning of Construction) ROADS Winter Maintenance Repairs to Pavements Surface Treatment \,leed Control Grading, Gravel Resurfacing, Dust Control~ etc. Drains Signs Centre Line Marking Guide Rail Brushing Railroad Protection Drainage Assessments (Repairs) Traffic Counts Superintendence, Clerical and and Car Mileage Overhead TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE ITEMS PARTIALLY SUBSIDIZED BY D.H.O. Drainage Assessments Construction In 416.43 1,297.84 419.36 1,243.98 1,208.24 343.47 $ 194.27 '491.54 1 , 680 . 60 73.19 71.62 84.07 $ 5,672.96 7,520.51 3,252.07 1,179.59 1,696.67 '.218.68 861.51 1,068.74 62.44 172.73 551.09 71.26 18.95 3;202.03 2,398.11 $157,054.75 2,366.41 228.88 27,947.34 30.13 STATE1~NT OF 1966 EXPENDITURES ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY Committee Member Fees and Expenses $ O.G.R.A. Membership Suburban Road Commission Association Membership Fee 1~Jeed Spraying ar:.d Road Liability Insurance v'JORK DONE UNDER WINTER i!vORKS: PHOGRi.l'flllfE TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR 1966 ON ST. THOMJ~ SUBURbnN ROADS . AMOUNT' PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOl\1J~S . ...~ . . I .. , CONSTRUCTION St. George --. Contract 10% of $116;281.21 25% of 9,124.21 Materials 596.00 20 .00 10.00 57.16 .... Street Bridge $ 11;628.12 2,281.05 10% of $15,949.60 25% of 466.83 En~~~~~ring, etc. 10% of $9,995.37 25% of 724.64 Sundry 10% of $3,003.19 25% of 1,509.70 CONSTRUCTION 25% of $2,366.41 NAINTENANCE Bridges and Cu1vertsl0% of $228.88 Roads 25% of $27,947.34 ITENS Pf.RTIL.LLY SUBSIDIZE~D BY D.H.O. 30.13 50% of $683.16 50q& of Items not subsidized by D.H.O. WIN TERv;JORKS 12~ % of $34.90 TOT ;~.L PAID BY THE CITY OF 8T. rrHOl~IL.S 1,594.96 116.71 999.54 ' 181.16 300.32 3.77.4) $ 591.60 . 22.89 6,986.84 11.30 341.58 4.36 ~ Mill from City of St. Thomas provided $ 19,250.00 Less Payment of Wellington Road Debentures Less Deficit for 1965 11; 666.00, $ 7,584.00 . ;804;.57 $-'- 5;779;43 $ 683.16 34.90 $188,-345.-.51 $ 25,43'7.86 PLID BY THE CITY OF ST. THO~MiS-Continued Plus Additional Grant from the City of St. Thomas re George Street Bridge Received $ Promised in 1967 and NoVJ Due TOThL Less Expenditures for 1966 DEFICIT TO 1967 7,500.00 , 7,500..00 f3 21, 779..43 25,437.8h $ 3,658.43 ". ST. THOlli.S SlJBURB!~N ROfl.D COnr'JIISSION 1967 ESTIr:!lI~ TES CONSTRUCTION Roads Surveys. Land Purchases St. George Street Bridge fipproa ches Brid~es t. George Street Bridge CONSTHUCTION TOT1~L ~JL'~INTENJiNCE Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ROI~DS IVIAIl,;'TENI1NCE Winter Haintenance Surface Treatment Repairs to Pavements Weeds and Brushing Signs and Centre Line f.1arking Grading and Dust Control, etc. Railroad Protection Guide Rails Drains and Drainage hssessments Superintendence, Clerical OV.erhead TOT.,\L ROAD J!1!,.INTEN[~NCE IrrEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTLL BUDGET FOR 1967 SHi.RE OF THE CITY OF ST 0 THOlVI!~S ~ Mill from the City of St. Thomas will provide approximately Less Payment of Wellington Road Less Deficit from 1966 Less Estimated Share of City of St. ThomA s 1967 ESTIH1,.TED DEFICIT TO 1968 $ 500.00 "500.00 $ 1 , 000 . 00' 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 6,000.00 2,300.00 1.600.00 1:700.00 1,700.00 700.00 300.00 500.00 3,500.00 2..500.00 $ 27,300.00 700.00 31,000.00 $ 19,750.00 Debenture 11,288.50 $ 8,461.5C5 3,658.4~~ $ 4,803.07 7,625.00 $ 2 , 822 . O(~ '. CITY SHARE $ 250.00 100.00 $ 350.00 100.00 $ 6,825.00 350.00 7,625.00 ST.. TH011l~S , ONTARIO, ,JAi'IDARY 25, 1967. THE ST. THOJ':rJAS SUBURBAN ROAD COH1'fiTTEE NET AT THE COURT HOUSE AT 10:00 A.H., on January 25, 1967~ COHMISSIONERS PRESENT were 111".. ~v.E.. RO'tl1e, Hr. G.H. Crosls and Hr. James E. Hindley" Also present R.G.. ~foore, Suburban Road Commission gngineer.. THE HINUTES OF THE HEETING OF December 14, 1966 vIera relad and a.pproved. UNOVED BY: GEO.. H. CROSS SECONDED BY: W.E.. ROvm THAT JANES HINDLEY BE CHAIRl1'AN FOR 1967.. CARRIEDU 1 t}'1OVED BY: TIT. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: GEO. H.. CROSS TlP'T T1Tl:;' U'O'1\1()'P ^ PTtJ'l",f FOP TTl.'RC. O't...TI",fT'SS IOl\j 1.,fti''!;,K'R'RPS. 'RE $150' 00 A. ~ I AST YEAR" . ~,J..l1... .. ....~"" t:.J. hi'..: 'w ..!..U'1..;.-\._ , l.~-.. ,,,,;.\., .l..U..;; . ~r LJ,.l-.IJ... \" ' J.~ l',~..t.lJJ.w~\: ti:if' . - . " '!.;.:II ,,,tCl\.. ' -+t..,\" . CAP,RIED" "HO'lED BY: GEO.. 1I. CROSS SECONDED BY: ~.T.. E . RO'tm THAT THE NENBERSHIP FEE OF $20.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FOR 1967 BE PAID. CAH.RIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached report of the STATEHENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1966 AND HIS ESTI}'!~TES FOR 1967. "l:1OVED BY: GEO.. .B. CROSS SECONDED BY: W..E. RO~f.E THAT THE STATEliENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE ST.. THO~t.<\S SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM FOR 1966 BE FORJvARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN A1iD THE CITY OF' ST.. THOPu.\S.. CARRIEDU trHOVED BY: \.v.. E.. ROi'1E SECONDED BY: GEO. H.. CROSS THPJ.T THE ESTIHA,TES OF THE ST 11 THOHAS SUBURBAN ROAD COl:1r,lISS ION FOR 1967 t A].lOUNTING TO $31,000.00 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER, BE APPROVED AND FORt,lARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST.. TH01:t.I\S FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" RECONSTRUCTION OF ST.. GEORGE STREET ~\fas discussed brie1:ly but no action 'l;~as talten as it 'lifaS felt that the St. Thon:tas By-Pass Route should be designated first. HERTING AD~JOURNED to the call of the Cha.irman. ~~i. ~ \41 /i .;---;J.d. 41; ~ '14: -i,.~ Y .- ST. THOMAS , ONTARIO. SEP'I~EMBER 6, 1967. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~JIMISSION met at the Court House at 9.00 .l.M., September 6th, 1967, PRESENT - J. C. Hindley and G. H. ere-sm). - Frank Cla.rke of Ontario Depa.rtment of Highways. - MINUTES OF MEETINGS 1 m'1- I D Read and appreved. THE ENGINEER READ Road CorrespondencE~from the Ontario Depa.rtment Of Highways and the Ontariā‚¬) Water Resoures Commission, indicating that the portic>n of the expenditures for t he re:pairof Road #30 and Patterson Bridge left after the Department of Highways subsidy was taken off, ltll:1ld be paid by the Ontc~rio Water Resources Commission in the amount of approxima.tely * 6,010.00. (TC)tal CC)sts being Road Repairs $ 10,227.34, a.nd Bridge Repa:lrs $ 4,484-.31) THE ENGINEER REFORT that from expend:ltures to-date, that a deficit of $l,OOO.OQ (City'S Portion) over th~it estimated in the January Budget, would likely occur. The settleInent with Mr. Wm. Dodd wa,s the primary reason for the over expenditure~6. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ROAD IMPROVEm~NTS took place and it was agreed that no firm :plans could be made until the locations C)f The Extension of Highbury Avenue and the St. Thcomas By-Pass were settled on by the Department of Highways of Ont'lario. INSPECTION wa.s made of Roads fl33, 1116,(;26, {/25 and 11:30, and the condition of Kains and Patterson Bridge noted. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIB.MAI rtf::~~ ST. THOHAB, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1967. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAl1 ROAD COmnSSION met SIt the Court House, at 9:00 A.M.,May 10th, 1967. ALL "lEMBERS WERE PRESENT, also )!r. Frank Clax'ke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. THE ENGINEER READ correspondence from lJ.K.A.McKay regarding theWm. Dodd Estate Property, expropriated for lfellington Road Extension in 1959. Mr. McI<a.y stated that the estate wi$hedine-.'fteturn of the land expropriated by Registered Plan # D 464, $3,500.00 in addition to the $2,500.00 previously p,aid in 1959, and the property severed by Wellington Road to be fenced. AFTER DISCUSSION: "MOVED BY: GEO. H. CROSS SECOND~D BY: W. E. ItOim TllAT lfITH REGARD TO THE EXPROPRIATION FRON TIm laLLIAM DODD l~STATE BY REGISTERED PLAN iF D 455 AND 41 D 464, 1m OFFER TO TlIE ESTATE (a) THE RETURN OF THE PORTION EXPROPRIATED BY REGISTERED PLAN :I D 464 (b) THE 8m! OF $3,500.00 IN ADDITION TO THE $2,500.00 PAID IN 1959, FOR ALL DAMAGES, INTEREST, ETC. OCCASSIONED BY THE EXPROPRIATIOJll, IN FULL SETTLEI1ENT (c) THE CO!>n-!ISSION TO BUILl) A FENCE ALONG TIiE SOUTH SIDE OF WELLINGTON ROAD FROM HIGHWAY 1/ 4 TO THE LINE BE:TWEEN THE FORMER DODD AND REID PROPERTIES. CARRIED" TIm ATTACHED LETTER from the Ontario Water Resources Commission was read and discus~ed. As the Commission felt that it did not have sufficient funds to repair Road I 30 (estimated at $10,000.00 by the Engineer) it was decided to meet with the County.Road Committee to discuss the matter with the1m. THE ENGINEER STATED that repairs to the Patterson Bridge would start at approximately June 1st and would cost between $3,500.00 aUld $4,000.00, and that he had closed the bridge to all traffic on May 5th as he had been unable to keep the trucks from using the bridge. THE COMMISSION )mT at 10:00 A.H. with the Coun1~y Road Committee and discussed the repair of Road f!, 30 and the Patterson Bridge. ~~he Committee passed a Resolution that the Chairman of the Suburban Road Commission, J. Hindley, the J# May 10, 1967. PAGE 2 Chairman of the R0act Committee, B. HeCallum,theJ"arden, A. Auckland, and the Reeve J. McKinley be a Committee to deal with Road damage caused by Contractors. The Conu:nitt:ee requested the Engineer to write to the Ontario Wat:er Resources Commission and enquire on what basis the figure of $3,000.00 as a contl~1bution to the repairs of the damage was arrived at. Trm l-JEETINGADJOURNED to the call of the Cnsi.man. CHAIIUfAN <i 0, ~ r.;'~ '. .}) /.. ,V/JJ.P...J~. ');' 8 q,A_ a- J !'\....''''<.....---- ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION 80t SAY STREE"i TORONTO S VANCE, LL.D. CHAIRMAN D.S.CAVERLY GENEFtAL MAN"G.EFI . H. ROOT, M.P.P. VICIII:.C;iAIRII4A'" W. S. MAcDONNELL COMMISSION SIEc:;I'IETAAY April 27, 1967 on t e, ST~ THOMAS, Ontar 10. Dear. Mr. Johnson) 9W~C Lake_f~r.i~~~.!la~.er_ S~l).1Y. System Reference made to a a.ddressed to Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Mr.C. ,,1. K. Wilson our the repair and Inainten:ance construction is enclosed for your tter4atedMarch 17, 1967 Gounty Engineer, from truction regarding area where pipeline this lettE~r is At the time that th ter was wri.t;.en the arra.ngement as set out seemed to be view of the fact that we were in the midst of th(:: break-up.. You will note that the letter points out the arrangement outlined was temporary. rh.is matter 1 have been direc as follows: , consideration and Cormniss ion to advise you (a) We understand c.osts CQunty Road No. 30 to We agree to pay such costs Expenditure above this Commission. repair and maintenance to are approximately $2,200.00. to a limit of $3,000..00. bebornE~ by the e . . . .e- 2 - 2 ... (b) The costs of maintenance and excessive wear and tear on township roads which can be attributed to truc:king operations associated with our contracts, will bE! negotiated with representatives of the townships involved. (c) Now that the spring break-up hae passed we can nOl longer sustain the position of having to prohibit trucks hauling to our contracts from using any pub lie roads. Ahardship has already been imposed on trucker,s in the use of long detours and we consider that, as contributors to the road funds through taxes, they are entitled to use .public roads within the restrictions imposed by statute. This is also consistent with the apparent fact that trucks.associated with other works will b~ using the road in questton. Would you please arrange to submit invoices for materials, equipment for labour supplied to date so that payment may be processed as set out above. Yours very truly, :;.-- ..~ ~::J ~...~...- ~ .. -- rs ,;:-~. Assistant G~ Manager ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 28, 1967. TREST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met ClLt the Court House at 9:00 A.M., April 28, 1967. All Members were present. THE l<fINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 25, 19Ej7were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTD: (1) that Road I} 30 had-iibeen seriously broken up by trucking to the Ontario Water Resources Commission Pipeline in St. Thomas, and gravel had been plac~d on broken areas. The Ontario Water Resources Commission ha~d stated that they would pay for temporary repairs, but another letter was expect~ed from them ( the O.lv.R.C.) shortly regarding the situation. (2) that the same heavy trucking had seriously damaged the floor of the Patterson Bridge, and that in the interests 6fsafety ~ (2) two tOln Load Limit had been placed on the bridge although there was no covering By-L,aw by County Council. (3) that a large number of pot holes had appeared on both Ro,ad 1; 22 and 16 and ther,e was more trucking on Road I 22 than usual. (4) that discussions had been held with Bill Dodd, in an attempt to settle a long outstanding Property Claim on Road #2SS.A. and that further word was expected from Mr. Dodd's lawyer, shortly. ROAD INSPECTION followed of Road I 26 S.A., t,he new St. George Street Bridge, Wellington Road., Road :/} 30, the Patterson Bridge, Ro,ad # 22, Road {I 31 and Kains Bridge. The Members then returned to the Gourt House. U!fOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED 'BY: G. W. H. CROSS THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PLACE A TEMPORARY FLOOR ON THE PATTERSON BRIDGE CARRIED" MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairmat'll. ~.. (? /.ff.P'" ~HA1RMANl ·