1968 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONT,ARIO: JULY 10, 1968. THE ST. THO:MAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met a.t the Court House, St. Thomas on July 10th at 9:30 A.M. PRESENT were: W.E. Rowe, representative of the City of St. Thomas; ril >_ .."7 /J A. Auckland, . ,It .. II ~~ 1 CC::r. ~,,' ( James Hindley "4L ___ n Un n ...14----- R.G. Moore~ Secretary and Engineer to the Commj~8sion. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND W.E. ROWE THAT JAMES HINDLEY BE APPOINTED AS THE THIRD :MEMBER OF THE St. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR A 5 YEAR TERM FROM JULY 1, 1968 TO JUNE 30, 1973., CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W.E. ROWE JAMES HINDLEY THA T .A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO~ISSION FOR THE BALANCE OF 1968. CARRIED. MR. AUCKLAND thanked the Commission for the honour accorded him. THE MINUTES of the Ma.y meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Roa,ds 22 & 30 had been surface treated. Engineering was completed for grading work on Road 16 in Fingal. Telephone cable had been moved, and excavation would start ina.pproximately a week's time. :MR. ROWE REPORTED tha, t the Park:i.ns' property near the C.N.R. tracks on Road 26 was for sale for ~)12,OOO.OO ( twelve thousand dollars). THE COMMISSION felt that the prcJperty should be pur- chased but that all their funds had been budget.ed for the year and that the ma,tter should be referred to the Count.y of Elgin Road Committee for financing until January of 1969 when the item could be included in the Commission's budget. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 10, 1968. PAGE 2 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: JAME S HINDLEY A. vv. AUCKLAND THAT WE REQUEST THE COUNTY ROAD CO~[ITTEE TO PURCHASE THE PARKINS' PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROAD 26 AT THE C.N.R. TRACKS AT A PRICE OF $12,500.00 CARRIED. THE COMM:ISSION MET at 10:)0 A.M.. with the County Road Committee to consider the purcha,se of the property. THE COMl.\1ITTEE promised to consider the request and decided to view the property. (County of Elgin Road Committee agreed to purchase the property.) THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the ca.l1 of the Chairman. (2' ~t2e&~ 4- _ . w.... ~. .~ _ CHAIRMAN ' SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION WESTERN DIVISION Minutes ~f meeting were held on Wednesday, June 26th" 1969. The Western Division's Annual Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association was held in the Court House Building at St. Thomas with Mr. R.G. Moore, B.Sc.P.Eng., as Host. There were (39) delegates present and a full list of registration is attached to these Minutes. The meeting was called to order at 9:30a.m. by President P.F. Morand, who welcomed the members and commented on their presence following severe ra..in storms all during the previous day and night. It was because of these storms that Mr. Ken Gray was late in arriving, is the reason why Mr. Morand carried on the first part of the meeting as Chairman. He asked Mr.A.B. McCallum, Warden of Elgin County, for a few words. The Warden welcomed the delegates to St. Thomas and hoped that the dileberations would be beneficial to all. Mr. Ed Rowe, Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Commission then adq.ressed the meeting stating i:h particular some of the work of his Commission during the past year. The Minutes of the Annual Meeting held in Woodstock on September 20th, 1967 were adopted. The next order of business was the nomination and election of a new Director for the Western Section to replace Mr.. P.F. Morand who had been elected President oftha Ontario group at the Annual Meeting of the three sections held in February 1969 in Toronto. Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys was unanimously elected to the post of Director with duties starting from thi,s date. At this point, Mr. Ken Gray entered the meeting and took over the Chairmanship for the balance of the day. Considerable discussion took place on the road problems facing the Cities, Towns, and Counties as well as the Province. The roads forming a horder line between Counties, Cities and Towns and the bridges forming a connecting link were fully discussed. ......... .....1..... ...1., "'1"" 'f' "..' Suburban Roads Commission Assoc. Page (2) Some very serious consideration was given to the possible effects of Regional Government and of the re- sponsibiiliities of Suburban Commission under these circum- stances. It served to be the opinion of the delegates that it would be many years before these problems could be resolved. The last subject was discussed, asto the next location fo~ the 1969 Western Group Meeting and Mr~ Peter Crawford, Engineer at Chatham, stated he would host the meeting at Chatham. A very generous reception and Dinner was enjoyed by the delegates at the local Golf Club. In the late afternoon, the delegates were guests of Ford of Canada and visited their Talbotville Plant. A note of thanks was given to first the Ford MJtor Company, and therito Mr. R.G. Moore who planned and carried out a most successful and productive day. . The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. m~ ,~ ~ P.F. Morand, President St. Thomas, Ontario May 10, 1968. THE ST. THOIvTAS SUBURBAN ROAD COM1v1ISSION held a meeting at 9.30 A.M. on Ma.y 10, 1968, at the Court House. All members were present. THE MINUTES OF 'rHE MEETING of March Sth. were read a.nd a.pproved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Construct:lon Plans for Road # 16 in Fingal had been approved by the Ontario Department of Highways. CORRESPONDENCE WAS HEAD FROM (a) George Cross, with his resignation from the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, as of June 30, 1968. (b) City of St. Thomas re: appointing V11. E. Rowe, as a member of the Commission for a further 5 year period. (c) The Minister of Highwa.ys, re: Location of the St. Thomas By-Pass. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on City & County reaction t,-date. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Mrs. C. Reid. nMOVED BY: GEO. H. CROSS "SECONDED BY: JAB. HINDLEY THAT THE LETTER OF MRS. C. REID BE FILED. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Suburban Road Commission Association, re: the Annual Meeting, and requesting Payment of Dues for 19680 uMOVED BY: GEO. H. CROSS "SECONDED BY: JAB. HINDLEY THAT WE PAY THE ANNUAL FEE OF $10.00 TO THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION. 'lCARRIED" PLANS FOR HOSTING THE ANNUAL MEETING on June 26th.,of the Suburban Road Commission Association (Western Ontario Group) were discussed at some length. THE COMMISSION ma.de their Annua.l Spri.ng Inspection of Suburban Roads. MElDTING ADJOURNED to Call of ,Chairmatn. ~.(l W.., ~/~ I AU ~ ~ ~~ ~1t.~lllq~~' ../' Minutes o! tbe !nnuQl Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association held in the Confederation Room of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on Tuesday, February 27th, 19680 Executive Members Present:- President Co Cousins Directors Go Brown, CaPo Green, Ko Gray and Ao Ferguson and the Secretary/Treasurero The President opened the Meeting at 3:40 porn. by welcoming over 85 persons in attendanceo He then introduced Mro Do Jo McNichol, Director of the OoGoRoAo, who welcomed the Suburban Roads Commission Members to the OoGoRoAo Annual Conventiono MOVED By Mr. Green SECONDED By Mro Jordan Moved that the Minutes of the 1967 Annual NeE~ting be adopted as mailed to the members carriedo The Secretary/Treasurer then read the Minutes of the tvJO executive meetings held on September 26th, 1967 and February 27th, 1968. NOVED BY The Secretary/Treasurer SECONDED By Mr. Tucker That the Ninutes of thetwo executive meetings be adopted. carried. The Secretary/Treasurer then distributed copies of his financial report to February 15th, 1968. MOVED By the Secretary/Treasurer SECONDED ByMro Dougal ThaOt the Secretary/Treasurer's annual report be adopted 0 carriedo - 2 - The Secretary/Treasurer then read minutes of zone metings held at Kingston and Woodstocko Mro Green read minutes of the zone meeting held at Kitchenero Mro Tucker on behalf of the Ottawa Suburban Roads Commission offered to host the eastern zone ITleeting in September of this yearo The President then vacated the chair in favour of Nro Tucker who acted as chairman. for the election of officerso ~1ro Tucker presented the following nomination report as prepared by the executive~- President - Po Fo Morand Vice/President - Go Brown Past/President - Co Cousins Secretary/Treasurer - Wo Co Holman Directors - Eastern Gro~ Ao Ferguson Co Code Directors - southern Group Go Brown Co Po Green Directors - Western Group K.. Wo Gray MOVED By Mro Tucker SECONDED By Mro Green That the report of the Nomination Committee be adoptedo carriedo MOVED By Mro Hay SECONDED By Mro Ferguson That Nominations be closedo - 3 - MOVED By Mr. Hutnick SECONDED By Mr. Bell That the second director for the Western Group be nomin- ated at the zone meeting 'of the Western Group. carriedo Mr. Tucker then declared the above officers elected and vacated the chairo Mr. Cousins assumed the chair and introduced Alan Ro Ferguson~ the Moderator of the debate - f1Resolved that there should be criteria developed for the designation of a Suburban Roads System'! 0 Mr 0 Ferguson then intro- duced the participants Mro R. Co Fraser andMroGo Do Dougal. Following the debate, several questions~ answers and comments were aired. Mro Cousins thanked the participants in the debate and then asked if there wereany questions of general nature from the flocro It was suggested that the executive of the Association should study the implications of the "Smith Report" and report to the next Annual Meetingo The Meeting adjourned at 5~05 o'clock pomo March 11/68 WCH/ss /1 j'~~L Ii" / " ,', .I // . ./. /JIt#l\~ ~__~. William Co Holman, P.Engo, Secretary/Treasurer 0 MINUTES Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive of the Suburban Roads Commission Association held at the King Edward Hotel., Toronto, on Tuesday, February 27th, 1968 at 11:30 a. m. Executive Members Present:- --..-...-.-- President Past/President C. Cousins M. G. Tucker Directors:- P. Fo Morand Co Po Green Ao Ferguson K. Gray Go Brown Secretary/Treasurer The Secretary presented the financial statement for 1967 and reported that all Commissions except one, had paid their dues. MOVED By Mr. Gray SECONDED By Mro Green carried. That the financial report as presented by the Secretary/ Treasurer and audited by Mr. Fraser be accepted. MOVED By Mr. Tucker SECONDED By Mr. Morand carried. That the Executive recommend to the annual meeting that the existing dues sUucture be maintained for the ensuing year. The Constitution was reviewed by the Executive. MOVED By Mr. Ferguson SECONDED By Mr. Brown carried That the Constitution be amended so that two auditors may be appointed annually by the Executive and that the officers of the Association be the President, Vice/President, Immediate Past/President and the Secretary/Treasurer. MOVED By Mr. Green SECONDED By Mr. Gray carried 1"':,,' --2-- That the Executive recommend to the annual meeting that notice of motion be waived so that the Constitution may be amended as follows:- Item 11 - Honorary Membershi~ Honorary Membership may be bestowed by vote at the Annual Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive for such persons as the Executive may deem of such honour. MOVED By Mr. Green SECONDED By Mr. Tucker carried That Niram Fletcher be appointed an Honorary Member of this Association. MOVED By Mr. Gray SECONDED By Mr. Morand carried That M.G. Tucker be appointed an Honorary Member of this Association. MOVED By Mr. Morand SECONDED By Mr. Tucker carried That a Committee composed of Secretary/Treasurer, President, Vice/President and Immediate Past/President, be appointed to review the Constitution. It was recommended that the Resolution concerning the carry-over of unspent portions of Suburban Roads Budgets be deferred for further consideration. The President adjourned the meeting at 12:30 o9clock II ~ /iJ"f // ...f! 1/. I ,1/ fJ'.i / / , ,,/' ;1 /f / ,/ ( / - /ijf , /~/f ,/ '. / / Ill/P/" ~:t:"-.- ~/ WCH/ss 3/1/68 William Co Holman, P.Eng. Secretary/Treasurer SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION Commission 1.. 20 30 40 5.. 6. 70 8.. 9" 10" II" 12" 13.. 140 IS.. 160 17. 18.. 19. 20. 21. 22" 23. 240 25" 26" 27.. 28" 29.. 30" 310 32 330 34" 350 Class Barrie Brantford Belleville Brockville Chatham Cornwall Eastview Galt Gananoque Guelph Hamilton Ingersoll Kingston Kitchener London Niagara Falls Oshawa Ottawa Owen Sound peterborough Port Colborne Prescott St" Catharines St" Mary's S.t 0 Thomas Sarnia Smith Falls Smith Falls Stratford Toronto Trenton Waterloo WeIland Windsor Woodstock County 1967 Assessed population of City or Separ- ated Town SUMMARY Population of City or Noo of Commissions Separated Town o - 10,000 5 10,000 - 50,000 15 50,000 - 100,000 9 100,000 - 200,000 2 Over - 200,000 3 A B C D E .5 imcoe Brant Hastings Leeds Kent Stormount Carleton Waterloo Leeds Wellington Wentworth Oxford Frontenac Waterloo Middlesex WeIland Ontario Carleton Grey Peterborough WeIland Leeds-Grenville Lincoln Perth Elgin Lambton Lan ark Leeds Perth York Hastings Waterloo WeIland Essex Oxford 24,993 59,150 32,627 19,477 31,374 44,744 24,130 33,908 5,238 51,873 288,993 7,250 54,665 94,956 196,420 55,994 79,769 289,414 18,120 54,454 18,013 5,429 98,059 4,711 23,038 55,393 9,931 23,050 667,571 13,867 31,296 39,493 191, 762 24,323 Class B C B B B B B B A C E A C C D C C E 'B C B A C A B C A B E B B B D B Annual Dues $ 5000 10,,00 15.00 25000 50.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH, 1968. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ATTACHED TO MY ANNUAL REPORT to the Commission is a Statement of Expenditures on the Commission Roads in 1967, and an estimate of Expenditures for 1968. THE COMMISSION has control of 22.0 mile.s of Road, which is the same as in past years. 1.15 miles ()f this . mileage (Road # 30) is gravel, the rest is paved.. In 1967 the last of the Wellington Road Debentures were paid. Thus, the full one half Mill, approximately $20,186.00 will be available to the Commission this year. Maintenance will take the majority of the budget, as major MaLintenance Work: has been neglected for a number of years. Surfa(::e Treatment is ne~essary on at least (6) six miles. PROORAMMING OF NEEDED CONSTRUCTION WORK ()n Radio Road and St. George. Street is not possible until a definite Route for the St. Thomas By-Pass and Highway # 126 ExtE~nsion are designated by the City of St. Thomas, and the Ontario Department of Highways. FURTHER MEETINGS with the County Road Committee will be necessary throughout the year, to co-ordinate future planning for Road Construction. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ~OI~ I~""~~-- R.8 . MOORE, P. ENG.., ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS.SUBURBANROAD COMMISSION STATEMBNT.OF1961.EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION: r U BRIDGES: Completion of St. GeorgeStre.ti.}3ridg., ROAD'S: $ 1,091.88 Completion or St. George Street Bridge. Surveys &. Tra,rficCounts. Land Purchases. 25q..94 43: .32 2 ,) 41. .20 __.'.f................... MAINTENANCE: Patterson Bridge. (New Deck} Bridge & Culvert Maintenance. ROADS MAINTENANCE: 4,4g~) .29 ~~".~1 Winter Control. 5,99:2.91 Repairs to Pavements. 2,62:2.66 Surface Treatment. 3,269.41 Reps ire to Roe d #30 ( o. w . It. . c. ) 10, 2 4 ~5 .92 Weed Control. 1, 2718.78 Grading, Gravel Resurtacing &. Dust Control. 1,lOllt,.06 Drains. 169.34- Brushing. 1,594.48 Signs & Pavement Marking. 1, ;10.03 Rai.lroad ProtectiQn. 305.01 Fencing. 91.80 Drainage Assessments (No Aid Rece1v,ed) (CREDIT) 7.67 Superintendence, Clerical & Car Mileage. 3,925.19 Overhead. 2,924.32 ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIPY: Committee Member Fees & Expensee. Ontario Good Roads Association Membel"shlp. Suburban Road Commission Assoc. Membership. Weed Spraying & Road Liability Insurance. Drainage Assessments (2!3 A.id Received) WINTERWORK5 PR(JG~ 690.00 ~~O.OO 3.0.00 ~l3 .38 172.05 Bushing & Fencing. ~379.39 ~OTAL EXPENDI.TURE. FOR 1967 ON S'T . THOMAS SUBURBAN lOADS. $ 1,091.88 2,639.4.6 4,608.60 35,026.24 925.43 379.39 $ 44;-671.00 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS CONSTRUCTIQN: BRIDGES .,G & ROADS ~ MAINTENANCE: BRIDGES lO~of 4,60$.60 ~OADS 25" of 35,026.24- :ttll.. NOT SUBSIDIZED BY OR.'dJO m:PARTMEfr lttGHWAYS. 1~ of $ 1,091.86 25_ of 2.639.40 $ 109.19 659.87 460.86 8,756.56 ,..,__. of 925.43 46:2.71 W~~lfTEitWOaKS : 12.'" of 379.39 4'7.42 TOTAL LESS - CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ONTARIO ~. -. WATER RESOURCES eOMMIS$ION. TOTAL CONTRIBUTION 1/2 applicable to both County & City share of Suburban Roads. '-,- (Net Expenditures;} $ 10,496.61 3,OO~5.27 3,005.2~ $ 7,491.34 PA.IDi! iTHE CInOF ST. THOMAS. 112 Mill from City provided. LessWe11ington Road Debentures. - Less Deficit for 1966. 19,309.14 11.28,8.;0 8,020.64 3,658043 4,362.21 4. .3 ,62..21 $ , ),129.13 ,- DEFICIT TO 1968 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION .. .lIJ.~__ 1968 - EsrplMATES CONSTRUCTION Roads Construction on Road # 16 (Fingal Road) MAINTENANCE Bridge And Culvert Maintenance ROADS MAINTENANCE Winter Control Surface Treatment Repairs to Pavements Grading,Roadside Maintenance, Dust Control, etc. Weed Control & Brushing Pavement Marking & Signs Railroad Protection Guide Rails Drainage & Drainage Assessments Superintendence, Clerical, Car Mileage, etc. Overhead Road Ma intenance - TOTAL MAINTENANCE Items Not for Subsidy & Winterworks TOTAL BUDGET FOR 1968 SHARE OF THE CITY OF 8T. THOMAS 1/2 Mill from The City of St. Thomas will provide approximately (Assessment $40,372,291.) Less Deficit from 1967 Less Estimated Share of City for 1968 ESTIMATED DEFICIT TO 1969 CITY SHARE- $ 29,000.00 $ 7,250.00 500.00 50.00 6,500.00 9,000.00 4,000.00 2,OOO~OO 2,~;OO.OO 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,500.00 3,t~OO.00 $36f~00.~~ ~ 9~12~~OQ $37,000.00 $ 9;175.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 $68,000.00$17,425.00 $20,1.86.00 _~.29.13 $17,056..87 ___~Z-' 4.25 . 00 $ 3~68.13 st. 'tB,OlfAS, OftA1ll0, 'HAllett 5, 1968. tlou.e, at 9:30 A.HOtl"~ch 5, 1968. Alllll8lllbe~' we~e present, also H~. f~anlt 'tBE.. ST. TltOBAS S\J1\UUA1lll.l)AJ) CO_SS1.6N held a lII8ed1l& at the Court Clarke, S~. Hunici,.l SuperVisor, ()ntario Departlll8nt of lI.ighwaYS. m~liI €If TllE SETlIi1G of January 19, 1968 were read and approved. TllE ENGlNEE1lREPORTED that Winter control bad been fairly light during the last UlOnth. tbat the c-ission consider Construction on Read # 16 S.A. in fillgal, as the A RESoUlTlOB fROH c0U1!lTY ROAD CO_TTEE was read, reco_nding County preposed construction on Read # 20 adjoini1l& Read # 16. a n_er of 1'1aani1l& lfeetings with the Co_ssion _ald be necessary to plan TllE ENGlNEEll RE1'01I!ED that the COllntoy Read cOIIIIIlittee also felt tbat future work. and estimateS fo~ 1968 we~e presented by the Engineer and discllssed by the commis.ion. TllE ATrACBED REPORT containblg a S.....ry of expen4itu~es fo~ 1967, "HOVED BY: J. nNDLEY SECONDED BY: G.B. CROSS TllAT TllE STATESlIlT €If EXPE1U)ITURES fOR TllE ST. TllOBAS SUB\lR1lA1lll.l)AD CG_SSI6B fGR 1967, tiE fORWARDED TOTllE eou1l1TY €If ELGll1 AND TO TllE CITY Of ST. TltOBAS. CARll lID" "HOVED BY: G.B. CROSS SleoPED BY: J. . nJl)LEY TllAT TllE ESTlHATES Of TllE ST. TllOBAS SVB\lRtIA1iIll.I)AD eo_SSI6B f6R 1968, AJl'l)1l1l1T1NG TO $68,000 AS l'BEl'ARED BY TllE ENGlNElll., tiE ApPllGVEll AND pOll.'\WlDED T6 TllE COUlllTY €If ELGIN AND TO TllE ern €If ST. TllOBAS pOR APPROVAL CAdlED" expired on JIlne 30, 1968, and that he _Illd notify the Elgin County COllncil and the TllE ENGINEER REl'lilllTED that the present .term of the commissionere City of St.. T1:I.o-S Council of the expiredoB of the Commissioners' terms. PAGE 2 MARCH S, 1968. PLANS FOI. HOSTING the Western Region of the SluburbanRoad COlEission Association were discussed. HEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the ChalrMl'll. ~~. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 19, 1968. THE ST. 'THOMAS ST.J.BtJRBAN ROAD CCllVlMISSI€>N met at the Court Fleuse, at 9:30 A.M. on January 19, 1968. AL~ MEMBERS were present, also Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. MINUTES OF THE MEETING of September 6, 1967 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: GE 0 . H. CROSS SECONDED BY: JAMES HINDLEY THAT W.E. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1968. CARRIED" "MOVED "BY: GEO. Ii. CROSS SECONDED BY: JAMES HINDLEY THAT THE HONQRARIU'M FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $leiO.OO, AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: JAMES HINDLEY SECONDED BY: GEO. H. CROSS THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $20.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON expend! tur1es for 1967, totaling $44,671. After deducting the Ontario Water Resources Commission contribution to Road # 30, and the Patterson Bri~;e, the Deficit to 1968 would be $3,129.13, compared to a deficit of $3,658.43 at the beginning of the year. THE ENGINEER REPORTED tha tit would appear that $30,000 to 35,000 would be available for Construction in 1968. VARlOOS PROJECTS WERE DISCUSSED, but because of the State of The St. Thomas By Pass Planning, it was f:elt that nothing could be done on St. George Street, Road # 30, or th.e Patterson Bridge. JANUARY 19, 1968. PAGE 2. TEE ENGINEER REPORTED that consi~~rable Engineering Work would be required before the !aiRS Bridge could be replaced, IT WAS DECIDED to meet with the Elgin County Read Committee, to discuss proposed Construction. THE MEETING Jil)]0YRNED to the call of the Chairman. " "", <--.,-..) (~.- CHAIRllAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, HARCH. S, 1968. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD eOMMISSIONheld a meeting at the Court House, at 9:30 A.H on March S, 1968. All members were present, also Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways. MInus OF THE MEETING of January 19, 1968 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Winter Control had been fairly light during the last month. A RESOLUTION FROM COUNTY ROAD CODInEE was read, recommending that the CoBBdssion considerConstraetion on Road # 16 S.A. in Fingal, as the County proposed Construction on Road # 20 adjoining Road # 1,6. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the County Road COl_ittee a180 felt tbat a number of Planning Meetings with the Commission would be aeeessary to plan future work. THE ATTACHED REPORT containing a Summary o.f e:lCpenditures fot' 1967 t and estimates for 1968 were presented by the Engineer and dillcussed by the Commission. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G.B. CROSS THAT THE STATEHENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COmnSSION FOR 1967, BE FORWARDED TO THE COUITY OF ELGIN AND TO TIE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED'! "HOVED BY: G.B. CROSS SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT ~BE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBtJRBAN ROAD COmnSSIO]~ FOR 1968, AMOUNTING TO $68,000 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER, BE APPROVED AID FORWAIm]~D TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL CARRIED" TO ENGINEER REPORTED that the present term oj~ the Commissioners expired on June 30,1968, and that he would notify the Elgin County Couneil and the City of St. Thomas Couneil of the expiration of the Commissic>ners' terms. r