1970 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 15, 1970 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A.M. on April 15, 1970. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT were Warden Caverly, Chairman Moore of the County Road Committee, Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario, and Mr. William Kelley of A. M. Spriet and Associa tes Limited. Tenders for the Kains Bridge Construction and for Reinforcing Steel were opened and were as attached. After checking, Mr. Kelley recommended acceptance lof the lowest bid. "MOVED. BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ALBRECHT BROS. FOR REINFORCING STEEL FOR THE KAINS BRIDGE AT THEIR PRICE OF $8,717.00, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY ~~. E ~ ROWE THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF MC LEAN-FOSTER LIMITED FOR THE lKAINS BRIDGE AT $128,806.10, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO. CARRIED" It was decided to hold the next meeting in early M,ay, together with a Road Inspection. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. Q.w,~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 2, 1970 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A.M. on March 2, 1970. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 30, 1970, were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Highways of Ontario stating that the Minister of Highways had adjusted the Assessment of the City of St. Thomas downward to $33,800,000.00, from $42,000,000.00. THE ENGINEER reported that no decision had yet been made by the Department of Highways of Ontario on a financial policy for 1970-75 and the rate of Subsidy etc., was unknown. It was not known whether or not Road #16 would be Construction as a Development Road or as an increasE!d Subsidy By-Law Project. THE ENGINEER presented the attached report and Budget. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT THE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1970 AMOUNTING TO $207,000.00, (DRAFT 1;2), AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER BE ACCEPTED AS A TENTATIVE BUDGET SUBJECT TO A CHANGE IN SUBSIDY RATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OF ONTARIO AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. C2.uLau~ ,-, CHAIRMAN DRAFT 2 MARCH, 1970 TO THE CHAI RMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION We wish to advise that we have been advised by the Department of Highways of Ontario that the Minister of Highways, under Section 71 (3) of the Highway Improvement Act, has adjusted the Assessment of the City of St. Thomas to $33,800,000. Our recent, efforts to find out why or on what basis this Assessment was adjusted have been to no avail. We have learned that the Minister has adjusted the Assessments of all other cities in the Province, also, (most downwards). It will, therefore, be necessary to change the tentative budget adopted earlier in the month. Fortunately, it wouJd appear that the main items of work would not be affected. An Amended Budget is attached. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED t</I 1n~ ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~- ~ '~"" ,. ' J ~~/J~- ,,r" ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1969 EXPENDITURES CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Road #33, Kains Bridge, Soil Tests and Engineering $11,926.04 ROADS 1. Road 116, Fingal, Completion of Construction 6,750.83 2. Land Purcha$e 13,360.47 3. Drainage Roau #25 (Wellington Road) 1,410.74 4. DrainageAssessments 2,079.33 5. Surveys and Traffic Counts 53.43 $23,654.80 MAINTENANCE Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 182.69 ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD Winter Control - $8,423.75 Surface Treatment 7,162.62 Repairs to Pavements 4,151.09 Roadside Maintenance 658.25 Gravel Resurfacing, Grading, Dust Control - 947.59 Weed Control - 1,118.11 Brushing and Tree Cutting - 1,699.69 Pavement Marking - 1,790.99 Signs - 1,639.98 Guide Rail - 257.85 Drainage - 368.46 Railroad Protection - 1,041.83 Superintendence, Clerical and Overhead - 9.437.68 $3~~697.89 ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY Committee Member Fees and Expenses Ontario Good Roads Association Memberhip Suburban Road Commission Asso,ciation- Membership Weed Spray and Road Liability Insurance Share of Payments re Ontario Hospita 1 Selrvices- Commission - $610.00 20.00 10.00 35.19 181.08 $856.27 TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR 1969 ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS - $75.317.69 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST . THOMAS ~TRUCTION: Bridges and Culverts 10% of $11,926.04 Road Construction 25% of 23,654.80 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 10% of 182.69 Road Maintenance and Overhead 25% of 38,697.89 Items not Subsidized 50% of 856.27 PAID BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS 1/2 Mill Provided Special Contribution Less: Deficit for 1968 Less: Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas Surplus to 1970 Surplus to 1970 $1,192.60 5,913.70 18.27 9,674.47 428.13 l_ 7~ 227 . 1 7 $20,587.23 5,000.00 663.91 $24,923.32 17,227.17 $ 7,696.15 ~"- .-" ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1970 ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION: Kains Bridge ROADS Kains Bridge Approaches, (Beyond 100 feet from Bridge) Drainage Assessments Land Purchase Surveys, Traffic Counts, Misc. Gr~ding, etc. Superintendence & Overhead MAINTENANCE:& CULVERTS BRIDGES ROADS Winter Maintenance S~rface Tre&tment Repairs To Pavements Weeds & Brushing Grading, Roadside Maintenance, Dust Control, etc. Pavement Marking, Signs, Railroad Protection, Guide Raj]. Drainage Superintendence & Overhead ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTALS Kains Bridge Roads Construction Bridge & Culvert Mtnce. Road Maintenance Items Not For Subsidy $ 150,000.00 24,000000 1,000.00 31,000000 1,000.00 $ 207,000.00 DRA FT 2 MARCH, 1970 $ 150,000.00 $ 10,,000.00 2,.500.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 ~OOO.OO '24,000.00 1,000.00 $ 9,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 3,,000.00 2 ,. 000. 00 4,,000.00 1,000.00 ~,OOO.OO 31,000.00 1,000.00 $ 207,000.00 Bridgeu& Culvert Maintenance - 10010 of 1,000.00 = 100.00 DRAFT 2 MARCH, 1970 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS Kains Bridae - 10% of $150,000.00 = ~~15,000.00 Road Construction - 25% of 24,000.00 = 6,000.00 Road Maintenance - 25010 of 31,000.00 = 7,750.00 Items Not for Subsidy 50% 0 f 1,000.00 = 200.00 j129. 350. 00 1/2 Mill for the City of St. Thomas will provide on the Assessment of approximately $33,800,000.00 (as equalized by the Minister of Highways) $1.6,900.00 Extra Grant from City re: Kains Bridge 5,000.00 Surplus from 1969 7,696.15 $29,596.15 Less: Estimated C~st of 1970 Work to City 29,350.00 Estimated Surplus to 1971 $ 246.15 ST. THOMAS l' ONTARIO JANUARY 30l, 1970 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas at 10:00 A.M. on January 30, 1970. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of May 2, 1969, were read and approved. " "MOVED BY: W. E. ROllE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT MR. A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1970. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMEBERS BE $150.00 AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $20.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCATION BE PAID. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $10.00 OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the proposed Suburban Road 4;16 stating that preliminary Engineering work was nearly completed and that Land Purchase would start shortly. It was expected that the Department of Highways of Ontario would enter into a Construction agreement with the County in the next few months aind that the road would have to be under control of the County to enable the agreement to be signed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ROAD #16 FROM THE ST. THOMAS CITY LIMITS TO COUNTY ROAD #20 BE REVERTED TO THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM TO ALLOW THE COUNTY ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO PAGE 2 TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS O:F ONTARIO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD #16 AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached report with a statement of expenditures for 1969 and a proposed budget for 1970. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1969 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF 8T. THOMAS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURB~N ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1970 AMOUNTING TO $207,000.00, AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER BE ACCEPTED AS A TENTATIVE BUDGET SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN SUBSIDY RATE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGH\4lrAYS AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROV~L. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. /-"': . U) ~ ,,/" / './ " i-(-W vrcA.. . CHAIRMAN "."" ,a-/j;. "'7b S~. Thomas, Ontario, TO THE CHAIRMAN'& MEMBERS OF. THE Flebruary, 1970. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION., . / ATTACHED TO MY ,ANNUAL REPORT to the~ Commission, is a statement of Expenditures on Commission Roads in 1969 and the estimates of Expenditures for 1970~ THE MILEAGE OF ROADS UNDER CONTROL of the Commission remain as it has in the past few ~rears being 22 miles. ". AS THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS did not approve the complete Construction By-Laws of the County of Elgin, it was impossible to make a start in the Construction of the Kains Br~~ge in 1969. However, Soil Tests and Plane have been completed and approved by the Department of . Highways. Tenders for construction could be called in the early Spring pending the outcome of a statemE~nt of policy on Subsidy by the Ontario Department ofHigh~rays. which is expected shortly. 1969 OPERATIONS BROUGHT FORTH a Sur'plus to 1970 and coupled with the 1/2 mill and the special grant of $ 5,000.00 from the City of St. Thomas, i tshoul'dallow the completion of Katns Bridge without difficulty, unless the Subsidy Rate is changed by the Department of Highways. LAND PURCHASE FUNDS will provide funds for land at the Kains Bridge and purchase of additioncll property for theComrnission's 1971 program. THE LOCATION OF THE ST. THOMAS BY-PASS is expected to be settled within the next few months, and at that time a joint programme for 1971, and the ensuing yeclr should be discussed between the County, City of St. Thomas and the ~ Commission. Funds are estimated to make a start on the necessary surveys. tR-!I~ ~ I R. G. Moor1e, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Engineer. I f I', I t ~ ST." THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1970 ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION: Kains Bridge f ~ . ROADS Kains Bridge Approaches, (Beyond 100 feet from Bridge) Drainage Assessments Land Purchase Surveys, Traffic Counts, ~lisc. Grading, etc. Superintendence & Overhead MAINTENANCE:& CULVERTS - BHIDG~~S . J ROADS Winter Maintenance Surface Treatment Repairs To Pavements Weeds & Brushing Grading, Roadside Maintenance, DtistContr61, etc. Pavement Marking, Signs, Railroad Protection, Guide Rail. Drainage Superintendence & Overhead ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTALS Kains Bridge Roads Construction Bridge & Culvert Mtnce. Road Maintenance Items Not For Suhsidy $ 150,000.00 24,000.00 1,000..00 31,000.00 1,000.00 $ 207,000.00 :$ 150,000.00 $ 10,000.00 :2 , 500 . 00 6,500.00 1,000.00 1+,000.00 24,000.00 1,000.00 $ 9,000.00 :2,000.00 h,OOO.OO 3,000.00 :2,000.00 /4. , 000.00 1,000.00 6 t 000 .O_Q 31,000.00 1,000.00 $ 207,000.00 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS ,- Kains Bridge 10% of $ 150,000.00 =:: $ 15,000.00 Road Construction 25% of 24,000.00 == 6,000.00 Bridge & Culvert Mtnce. 10% of 1,000.00 -, 100.00 Road Maintenance 25% of 31,000.00 =:t- 7,750.00 Items Not for Subsidy 50% of 1,000.00 === 500.00 29,350.00 1/2 Mill for the City of St~ Thomas will provide on the assessment of approximately $42,000,000.00 $ 21,000.00 Extra Grant from City re: Kains Brid@ 5,000.00 Surplus3 from 1969 ~696.15 Les$: Estimated Cost of 1970 Work to City Surpl us .to 1971 33,696.15 29.350.00 :$ 4.346.15 , ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF 1969 EXPENDITURES I CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Road if33, Kains Bridge, Soil Tests and Engineering $11,926.04 ROADS 1. Road tf16, Fingal, Completion of Construction 6,750.83 2. Land Purchase 13~360.47 3. Drainage Road #25 (Wellington Road) 1,410.74 ", 4. Drainage Assessments 2,079.33 5. Surveys and Traffic Counts 53.43 $23,654.80 MAINTENANCE Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 182.69 ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD Winter Control - $8,423.75 Surface Treatment 7,162.62 Repairs to Pavements 4,151.09 Roadside Maintenance 658.25 Gravel Resurfacing, Grading, Dust Control - 947.59 Weed Control - 1,118.11 Brushing and Tree Cutting - 1,699.69 Pavement Marking - 1,790.99 Signs - 1,639.98 Guide Rail - 257.85 Drainage - 368.46 Railroad Protection - 1,041.83 Superintendence, Clerical and Overhead - 9.437.68 $38.697.89 ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY Committee Member Fees and Expenses · Ontario Good Roads Association Memberhip Suburban Road Commission Association- Membership Weed Spray and Road Liability Insurance Share of Payments re Ontario Hospital Services- Commission - $610.00 20.00 10.00 35.19 181.08 $856.27 TOTAL EXPENJ?ITURE FOR 19~9 ^,9~J~;,r;,,;~? A.~~-? _/ .....,~.,1., Ln AMOUNT PA YABLE BY THE CITY' OF ST. THOMAS I CONSTRUCTION: t ;', Bridges and Culverts 10"10 of $11,926.04 $1,192.60 Road Construction 25% of 23,654.80 5,913.70 _.---- Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 10'0 0 f 182.69 18.27 Road' Maintenance and Overhead 25% of 38,697.89 9,674.47 Items not Subsidized 50% 0 f 856.27 428.13 17.227.17 PAID BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS 1/2 Mill Provided $20,587.23 Special Contribution 5,000.00 Less: Deficit for 1968 663.91 Less: Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas Surplus to 1970 Surplus to 1970 $24,923.32 17,227.17 $ 7,696.15