1971 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 1, 1971 PAGE 1 THKST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 9:30 on Friday, 'October 1, 1971. ALL ME,MBER$ WEEK PRESE,NT except Chairman Albert Auckl.and. THE MINUTES OF THRMERTING of June 18, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINE,ERRE,PORTED that the Patterson culverts had been erected and backfilling work was underway. "MOVED BY: SECONDE,D BY: J. HI NDLE,Y W. G . ROWE, THAT WE ACCE,PT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LIMITED' AT $38,500 1l"'OR THE SUPPLY OF MATERIAL AND TKCHNICAL SUPERVIS:ION OF' ERE:GTION F'OR THE: PATTER:,ON CREEK CULVERTS, SUBJKCT TO. A.PPROVAL OF THE, DEPARTME,NT OF' TRANS'P'ORTATION AND COMMUNIC- ATIONS. CARRIEDft THE', E,NGlNEERRE.PORTED that the cost of the culverts and associated work would be approximately $95,000 instead of an estimated $140,000 when the estimates had been adopted in January 1971. This would r~duce the expected deficit from the approximate $6,3000 estimated to. approximately $2,000. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that the Patterson house be put up for tender for sale and removal as the Art Gallery group seemed to have no further interest in preserving and moving it. !tMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: w. G. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT WE TENDER F'OR THE. SALE AND REMOVAL OF THE PATTERSON HOUSE ON LOT 1/9, CONCESSION XI, YARMOUTH TOWNSHIP. CARRIED" INSPECTION OF Roadl!25 was made with the Engineer noting that Asphalt Resurfacing would be necessary in 1972 or 1973. THE.PATTERSON HOUSE and the Patterson Culvert erection were also inspected as was Road 4130 from Road 4/52 to St.. Thomas city limit. THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO JUNE 18, 1971 PAGE 1 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomast at 9:30 A. M. on Friday, June 18, 1971. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of May 4, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED: 1. That preliminary plans for replacement of the Patterson Bridge by using culverts. had been tentatively approved by th.e Department of Transport and Communications and that the plan had been forwarded to the Department of Transport and Communications for approval. 2. That an appraisal had been received from A. B. Aldis on the Patterson property appraising it at $28,000. 3. That the Kettle Creek Aht.hority would cooperate with the Commission in securing the property. The Commission agreed to pay 10% over the appraisal value and authorized the Engineer to negotiate with the Authority as to the Authority share of tihe transaction. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN SUBURBAN. ROADS CONlvIISSION ASSOCIATION 1970 --- -- I'" 1969 Pop. of City or Sep. Commission County Town Class 1. Chatham Kent 32,405 B 2. London l-iidd1esex 208,273 E 3. Olren Sound Grey 18,346 B 4. Stratford Perth 23,420 B 5. 5 t. Thomas Elgin 23,966. B 6. Sarnia Lamb ton 57,099 C 7. St. lvJa.ry' s Perth 4,680 A 8. Windsor Essex 199,772 D 9. Woodstock Oxford 24,912 B 10. Inger sol Oxford 7,330 A 11. Barrie Simcoe 26,233 B 12. Orillia Simcoe 21,153 B 13. Brantford Brant 61,132 C 14. Galt Waterloo 36,330 B 15. Guelph Wellington 55,625 C 16. Hamil ton Wentworth 294,707 E 17. Kitchener Waterloo 105,245 D 18. Oshawa Ontario 85,003 C 19. Toronto & York York 674,602 E 20. Waterloo Waterloo 33,258 B 21. Belleville Hastings 33,093 B 22. Brockville Leeds & Grenville 20,016 B 23. Corn't-lal1 Stormount, Dundas 45,453 B & Glengarry 24. Gananoque Leeds & Grenville 5,260 A 25. Kingston Frontenac 55,495 C 26. Pe terborough Peterborough 55,341 C 27. Prescott Leeds & Grenville 5,428 A 28. Smiths Falls Lanarlt A 29. Smiths Falls Leeds 9,995 A 30. Trenton Hastings 14,003 B SUl~Y Population of City Number of Annual Class or Separated TOvm Commissions Dues A o .. 10,00.0 6 5.00 B 10,000 - 50,000 13 10.00 C 50,000 - 100,000 6 15.00 D 100,000 - 200,000 2 25.00 E Over 200,000 3 50.00 <<',!'\ , t '" SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION Western Group 1. Chatham Suburban Roads Commission, c/o P. R. Crawford, Co~ssion Engineer, Kent MUnicipal Building, 21 7th Street, Chatham, Ontario. 2. London Suburban Roads Commission, c/o F.B.D. Arnold, Co~ssion Engineer, Middlesex County Buildings, London, Ontario. 3. Owen Sound Suburban Roads Commission, c/o W. D. Parks, Co~ssion Engineer, Grey County Buildings, Owen Sound, Ontario.. 4. Stratford Suburban Roads Commission, c/o T.B. Collins, Commission Engineer, Court House, Stratford, Ontario. 5. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Connnission, c/o R.G. MOore, Commission Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. 6. Sarnia Suburban Roads Connnission, c/o DoW. Der~ick, Commission Engineer, Court Building, Sarnia, Ontario. 7. St. Mary's Suburban Roads Commission, c/o T.B. Gollings, Commdssion Engineer, Court House, Stratford, Ontario. 8. Windsor Suburban Roads Co~ssion, c/o R.R. Lee, ComRdssion Engineer, 3277 Sandwich St. W., Box 158, Windsor, Ontario. 9. Woodstock Suburban Roads Commission, c/o D.L. Pratt, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 397, Woodstock, Ontario. 10. Ingersol Suburban Roads Commdssion, c/o D. L. Pratt, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 397, Woodstock, Ontario. " , Page 2 Central Group 11. Barrie Suburban Roads Commission, c/o L.E. Clark, Commission Engineer, Simcoe County Buildings, Barrie, Ontario. 12. Orillia Suburban Roads Co~ssion, c/o L. E. Clark, Commdssion Engineer, Simcoe County Buildings, Barrie, Ontario 13. Brantford Suburban Roads Commission, c/o G.G. Spencer, Comadssion Engineer, Court House, Brantford, Ontario. 14. Galt Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, Waterloo County Building, 20 Weaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. 15. Guelph Suburban Roads Commission, c/o A.R. Holmes, Coromdssion Engineer, Court House, Guelph, Ontario. 16. Haluilton-Wentworth Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R. E. F. Eddy, Court House, Hamilton, Ontario. 17. Kitchener Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, 20 Weaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. 18. Osha"t'18 Suburban Roads Commission, c/o W. A. Twelvetrees, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, Withy, Ontario. 19. Toronto & York Roads Commission, c/o D. J. Cox, Commission Engineer, P.. O. Box 296, New ~~rket, Ontario. 20. Waterloo Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, 20 l-leaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. Page 3 ~~.t~rnG1:'9j.1P 21. Belleville Suburban ROads Commission, c/o W. L. Langlois, P. Eng.) Court House, Belleville, Ontario. 22. Brockville Suburban Roads CoDndss1on, c/o J. D. Dougall, Coramission Engineer, County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. 23. Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission, c/o A. R. Ferguson, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 1022, Cornwall, Ontario. 24. Gananoque Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. 25. Kingston Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. H. 14acKay, Commission Enginee~, County Court House, Kingston, Ontario. 26. Peterborough Suburban Roads CommissionJ c/o A. J. Reid, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Peterborough, Ontario. 27. Prescott Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Co~ssion Engineer, County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. 28. Smith Falls-Lanark Suburban Roads Commission, c/o L. E. Wells, Co~ssion Engineer, P. O. Box 444, Perth, Ontario. 29. Smith Falls-Leeds Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, Court House t Brockvil1e, Ontario. 30. Trenton Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R. A. Edmonds, Couunission Engineer, County Building, Coburg, Onta.rio. YEAR . City or ~ Separated 1 9 6 9 1 970 1 9 7 1 TOlm Minister's 1968 1969 Assmt. Minjlsterially Ministerially Adjusting Assessment For Sub. Rds. Adjusted . Adjusted Factor (E stimated) Purposes AssE~ssment Assessment (Estimated) BRANT FORD 1.06 136,152 144,321 115,920 122,800 ST. THOMAS 1.04 40,281 41,892 33,800 36,800 lrJINDS OR 0.69 525,651 362,699 ~~83, 220 420,400 KINGSTON 0.98 i 90,546 88,735 120,310 120,300 OWEN SOUND 0.48 73,829 35,438 34,770 35,600 BELLEVILLE 0.50 110,904 55,452 53,470 56,000 CHATHAM 1.10 60,316 66,348 59,610 64,700 SARNIA 0.75 191,942 ll~3,957 94,170 119,100 SMITHS FALIS 0.93 17,297 16,086 15,380 16,800 BROCKVILLE 1.32 I 24,949 32,933 45,060 45,100 GANANOQUE 1.17 7,392 8 , 6ft.8 8,720 9,500 PRESCOTT 1.22 7,535 9,193 9,050 9,100 LONDO~l 1.01 434,297 438,640 ~lB1, 690 420,000 TRENTON 1.14 17,180 19,585 19,370 21,300 OSHAWA 0.74 I 308,822 228,528 ~~OO , 940 219,200 INGERS OLL 1.33 I 10,908 14,508 13,150 13,200 WOODSTOCK 1.32 40,802 53,858 56,950 55,800 STRATFORD 1.55 j 31,179 48,328 42,420 44,400 : ST. MARY'S 1.23 6,651 8,181 8,140 9,200 PETERBOROUGH 1.20 102,638 1'23,166 1.06,850 115,100 BARRIE 1.49 34,409 51,269 55,040 55,700 ORILLIA 1.275 34,051 43 ,41l~ ft.a,600 40,600 CORNWALL 1.07 67,917 72,672 66,620 74,200 GALT 1.38 55,737 76,917 72,100 72,100 KITCHENER 1.18 220,058 259,669 2~45 , 850 262,700 WATERLOO 1.16 77,115 89,453 85,530 92,800 GUELPH 0.38 290,288 110,309 1.03,630 114,000 HAMILTON 1.16 646,146 749,529 7'01,160 771,300 PEMBROI<E - - ... - 23,000 '. " 'C,j' CCNSTITUT IOl\l 1 . NAME Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.J~..) 2 . OBJECT (a) To support and Co-operate with the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the Canadian Good Roads Assolciation. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Co~missions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interest and to acquire and exchange informa- .t.ion. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3 . xv1ENBERSH IP All duly appointed ~rson~ to a Suburban Roads Commissions and its officials shall ~be eligible for membership in the Association. Honorary membership may be conferred upon deserving- persons uponrecommeadation 'of 'the, ~E:Kedu:tive and conf irma tion by the Annual rJleeting. .4 . FEES Annual Fees shall be determined by the E,cecutive and ratified by the Association at ~he Annual Meeting. 5 . OFF lCERS Officers of the Association shall consist of a president, Vice/President and past/president \^Jho ha va served on the E>cecu ti ve , and Secretary / Treasurer all to be elected at the Annual l1eeting. 6. ~Xj3CUT IVE The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors. ~JO directors from each area shall be elected annually, at the respective area meeting. 7. AUDITOR~ ~~o Auditors shall be appointed annually by. the Executive following the annual meeting. 8. ANNUAL llEE'r ING The Annual Meeting shall be held during the ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention at. a time and place provided by the ontario Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be responsible for the preparation of a program for the Annual lVleeting 9 . OTHER l'JIEET_~ Other meetings shall be held at a ti.me and place selected by the E~~ecutive. l~.t least one meeting per year shall be held i,n each of three areas. Each area shall cOlnsist of the follo,.,ing Suburban Roads Commission. -2- WJ]STERNAREA CENTRAl/AREA 1 . Chatham 2 . London j . <Men Sound 4.. Stra tford 5. St. Thomas 6. Sarnia 7. St.I:1a:ry's '8.. Windsor " 1. Barrie 2. Brantford 3. Galt 4. Guelph 5 . Hamilton 6. Kitchener 7. Niagara Falls 8. Oshc:.- .a 9.. Woodstock 9. St. Catharines 10. Ingersol 10. Toronto/York 11.. via ter 100 12. WeIland 13" Port Colborne EASTERN AREA 1. Belleville 2. Brockville 3. Corn,..rall 4. Gananoque 5. Kingston 6. Paterborough 7. Prescott B. Smith.Fallsl Lanark 90 Smith Fallsl Leeds 10.. Trenton 10. COr/.ll.iITTE;ilS Any Committ.ee may be appointed by tlh.e Executive to study' and bring in reports on such subjects as maybe directed by the l-\.ssociatiQn. 11. RUL~S OFORDj~R All members shallbeeligibletovo'te on matters of the l~ssociation. A simple majo:city of vote shall constitute approval of matterlS of the l.\.ssociation. The President shall :cule on matters of conflict. jb. 31.01.69 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MJilY 4, 1971 PAGE 1 THE ST. THOM..4S SUBURB.t'\~ RO.AD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 9:30 A.M. on Tuesday, May 4, 1971. ALL 'ME}1BERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was Hr. Frank Clarke of the Department; of Highways of Ontario. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 26, 1971, wet~e read and approved. TIm ENGINEER REPORTED: 1. That Winter Control expenditures were over the budgeted .a.mount but that repairs to pavement had been li.ght and the total maintenance budget of $29,000 appeared to be satisfactory. 2. That the condition of lvellington Road W~lS disintegrating and that Hot Mix Asphalt resurfacing would be recluired in the next few years and that Surface Treatment of Road //:26 would be required this year. 3. That a land plan was expected shortly on Road IF33 at Kains Bridge and that trimming and top soil work was underway under the Federal Opportunities for Youth Programme. 4. That Engineering work was proceeding on the replacement of the Patterson Bridge. The replacement of the Bridge with 3 foot steel culvert, 30 foot span and 22 feet high had been tentatively approved by the DHO. An alignment of the new road midway between the present bridge and the house of the late Dan Patterson had been selected. The grade of the new road would be 7 feet higher than the present Patterson Bridge deck elevation. Permission had been granted by the present owner of the property, ~1rs. Anderson, to make soil tests for the culverts and th~e firm of H. O. Golder, had been engaged and work would begin shortly. 5. That the Kettle Creek Conservation Auth10rity had expressed an interest in purchasing the remainder of the prop,erty of Mrs. Anderson, not required by the County. ST. THOHAS, ONTARIO MAY 4, 1971 PAGE 2 The Engineer recommended that an appraisal of the property be obtained and that negotiations be carried on with the property owner and the Conservation Authority to acquire the necessary widening to build the culverts. It was felt that the house would be seriously affected and in due course would have to be removed. The Commission agreed that Mr. Barclay Aldis of the Canada Trust Company of London should be engaged to do the appraisal. Inspection was made of County Roads #26, #25 and #30. Examination of the location of the proposed culverts and of the Anderson property was made. The meeting adjourned to the call of the Chairman. If- 0/. ~ "/~J ST.. TH~S.ONTAlllO ~, JANUARY 1971 TO' THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF TM! g. THOMAS SUBUllBAB~; ROAD COMHISSION. ATTACHED TO MY ANNUAL REPfI3RT to the Commission, is a statement of Expenditures on Commission Roads'in 1970 and the estimates for expenditures for 1971. III APPROXIMATELY 15 miles of Road are under Control'of the Commission at the present time. , THE REVERSION of 7 miles of Road #16 between the St,. Thomas . City Limits and Fingal to the County of Elgin was approved b" the Minister of Highways last sul1lfter. This was designated a DevEtlopment Road and reconstruction by th.e County is now underway and wi 11 continue through 1971. KAINSBRIDGE RECONSTRUCTION and approach work has been completed. Minor trimming work and seeding remain to be c01Dl>leted. AfTER A great deal of Study a 3-year Program was developed by the Elgin County Road Conwnittee and approved by County Countt..l. This Program integrated Works on Cqunty and Suburbcin R,oads. THE PROGRAM as it affects Suburban Roads is as follows: 1971 - Reconstruction of Patterson Bridge, 'Road #30. 1972 - Reconstruction of Road #30 frOtB St. Thomas City Li:mits to Road #52 approximately 1 mile: 1973 - Paving Road 130 from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 130. THE ACCUMULATED DEFICIT by the end of 1973 is estimated to be approx,imately $10,000.00 which wi 11 not be an undue burd~n to carry into 1974. HOT MIX RESURFACING wi 11 1 i ke 1 y be necessary by 19174 on Road 125 (Wellington Road). RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADI22 <l"'airview Ave.) will be necessary by 1975 and it may be necessary for the County to assume the Road so that it may be rec~nstructed. 8T. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY t 1971 PAGE 2 \ . PRELIMINA~Y SURVEYS on R~~d #3~ve been' started and it is expected that an early decision o~ the location of the Bridge \ \ could be ,made. \ \ MAINTENANCE on the Suburban\System in 1970 will likely \ be of an ordinary .nature although a se\,ere spring breakup co,uld .. adversely affect Roads 122 and #30. \ \ \ \ All of which is Respectf~lly Submitted. . \ \ \f(.4. 1n /)~ ' R. ~~. Moore :Enl~ neer to the St. 1~hom~ls Suburban Roa4 Co_ission . . ST. TROMASSUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION .I STATEMENT OF 1970 EXPENDITURES - ' CONSTRUCTION: ....... ...-_. Cbaraeab1e\to Brid~es . ' , \ Kains Bridge\: \ \ Contract\ ' \ Materia 1.l . Engineeri\ng $118,098.61 8,965.06 5,546.51 $132,610.18 CONSTRUCTION: ROADS Kains Bridge Appro''iches (Contract & Engineering). 13,560.95 . Road #33, Construct\ion, Guiderai 1 an~ other work. by County forces be~ond Contract limits. 5,345.64 Surveys and Traffic Oounts. 348. 58 Land Purchase. 692.08 Credit Drainage Assessments. 34l.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 18,904.09 MAINTENANCE Bridge and Cu~.ert Maintenance 779.78 ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEA~ 11,479.68 Winter Control. Repairs to Pavements 2,400.19' 5,621.76 Surface Treatment Roadside Maintenance 1,249.75 Gravel Resurfacing, Gradlng,Pust Control 876.61 794.99 Weed Control Pavement Marking 1,418.28 l,782.90 Brushing and Tree Cutting 576.66 Signs 422.60 Guide Rails 557.36 Drainage Railroa~ Protection 351.58 Superintendence Clerical & Overhead J 18.875.91 38,408.27 "', ,"",Lilli.;-" , u ."i''=llI'" "', t., ~, _ ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE DEPT. OF HIGHWAYS 'Committee Member Fees and Expenses. Ontario G~od Roa<1s Association Mentbership lnsurance not for Subsidy TOTAL EXPENDITURE... FOR 1970 6N 5T. THOMAS 2J!.~URBAN ROAD~ AMOUNT PAYA~BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS CONSTRUCTION: Bridges and Culvetts 1 OO/., (j f $132,6l0.l8 Road Construction 25% 0 f 18,904.09 Bridge and Culvert Maintenance 16'. of 779.78 RoadMaintenance and Ovehhead 2 5'. 0 f 38,408.27 Items not Subsidized by DHO ;0% of 865.62 PAID BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS , Mill Provided Special Contributions re Kains Bridge Surplus for 1969 l.ess: Payable by City for 1970 work - $786.00 20.00 59.62 $8:65.62 $13,:261.02 4,,726.02 77.98 9:~ 60l. 82 432.81 28,099.65 $16,900.00 5,000.00 ----L696.12 To 1971 .. $29,596.15 28,099.65 $ 1,496.50 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN RclAn COMMISSION ! , 1971 ESTIMfg'~ r- CONSTRtJCTI'ON: I I BRIDGES & CULVERTS Patterson Bridge ROADS. Patterson Bridge Approaches (Beyond 100 feet from Brid~e) $ 7,000.00 , Cleanup Seeding, etc. Rd.#33 At Kains Bridge 500.00 Land'Purchase 4,000.00 Drainage Assessments 500.00 Surveys, Traffic Counts, Misc. Grading, etc. 1,000.00 4.000.0Q Superintendence & Overh~ad MAINTENANCE BRIDGES AND' CULVERTS ~ Winter Maintenance 8,000.00 1,500.00 Surface Treatment Repairs to Pavements 5,000.00 Weeds and Brushing 2,000.00 Gra4ing Roadside Maintenance Dusi Control, etc. 2,200. OC) Pavement Marking,Signs, Railroad Protection, Guide Rail 3,300.00 Drainage 1,000.00 Superintendence & Overhead 6,000.00 SUB-TOTAL ITEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY TOTALS Patterson Bridge 140,OOO.(Jl0 Road Construction l7,OOO.OO Bridge & Culvert Maintenance 1,000.00 29, 000. ()O 1,000.00 Road Maintenance Items not for Subsidy $140,000.00 $ 17,000.00 1,000.00 29,000.00 1,.000.00, 1.88,000.00 PattersonBrid~e Road Construction ~ridge & Culvert Maintenance \ \ i AMOUNT PA y\~BLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS \ \ 10% of \ \ \25% 0 f \ 1\0% 0 f 2~'% of Road Maintenance l~e~ Not~J>_~_~~l.lsi~ 50~ of lz Mill frQ~the City of St. Thomas on the assessment of $140,000.00 = 17,000.00 = 1,000.00 :;:: 29,000.00.. == 1,000.00 = $36,800,000.00 (adjusted by the Add Surplus from 1970 Minister of Highways) will provide. Less: . Estimated Cost of 1911 Work t", City Deficit to 1912 $14,000.00 4,250.00 100.00' 7,250.00 .. 500.00 26,lOO.00 $18,400.00 1,496.50 26,100.00 6,203.50 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 26, 1971 THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, January 26, 1971. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways of Ontario. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY W. E. ROWE THAT MR. ALBERT AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1971. "CARRIED" THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF March 2, 1970 and April 15, 1970 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $150.00 AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. HIND LEY W. E. ROWE THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $20.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $10.00 FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" . THE ENGINEER presented his Annual Report, Statement of Expenditures for 1970 and Estimates for 1971. THE ENGINEER reported that some alignment work had been done with regard to the location of Patterson Bridge .but that considerable work remained. When more complete information was available a complete Rep'ort would be made. ~. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W.E. ROWE J. HINDLEY THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1970 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY O:~ ST. THOMAS. CARRIJE:D" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 26, 1971 PAGE 2 "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT THE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1971 AMOUNTING TO $188,000 AS PREPARED BY THE' ENGINEER-BE ACCE PTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIEDU THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. (;? w t2<<-I~ "'"', C HAIRMAN "~, .~ WESTERN GROUP MEETING SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION LAMBTON COUNTY BUILDINGS SARNIA June 23, 1971. Pfoceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys, Chairman of the Western Group, presiding. Thirty-two members and guests of the following commissions were present: Windsor-3; L9ndon-6; St. Thomas-4; Chatham-3; Sarnia-5; Stratford-3; St. Marys-2; W~odstock-2; Ingersol-3. Mayor Paul Blundy of Sarnia welcomed the group and cOlnmented on the e~cellent relationship between the Sarnia Suburban Road Commission and t~e City of Sarnia and how important he felt the commission was to tne developement of roads in the Sarnia area. T11.e guests were also welcomed by Mr. Henry Ross, ChaiJrman of the Sarnia S'4-burban Road Commission and Elden Brown, Warden of Lambton County. i ! I~ was moved by Cec Riddell (Woodstock), seconded by Dave McKay(Stratford) t~at the minutes of last years meeting be adopted as :~ead. Carried. It was moved by Boyd Arnold (Middlesex) and seconded by Fred Maloy, ($arnia) that the officers of the Western Group be appointed for another y~ar: Chairman-John Stephens, St.. Marys; Director-Mike Wilson, Chatham; Secretary-Tom Collings, Stratford. Carried. A 'lively discussion followed on various subjects such as large-span structural pipe arches; surfacing with l~" of hot-mix; planning boards; cqmmittees of adjustment; official plans; sewage overflows from septic tanks and farm lagoons; land purchasing procedures; city-county b~undary roads etc. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Ohatham) and seconded by Earl Hooper (St. Marys) that ,the boundary line between the city and the county be a lot line or a line a certain distance from the road rather than the centre l~ne of the road so that the entire right-of-way would be in either tae county of the city. Carried. This would help to solve a number of problems such as speed limits, "No Parkil1~"" signs etc.. and their enforcement.. If assessment was of prime importance, an arrangement could be made whereby appr'oximately half 'Of t~e length of the road could be entirely in the city and the other h'alf of its length entirely in the county. This resolutio~ is to be presented to the annual meeting in February and if carried, shduld be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board so it: could be applied to future cases of annexation. It was ...moved by Mr. Earl Hooper (St. Marys) and seconded by Mr. Don De,1:':bic)c (Sarnia) that we write the Owen Sound Suburban Road Commission a$king if they would be the host for our Annual Meeting next JUl;le. Car~r i ed . Windsor volunteered to be the back-up city. Following the' meeting, the delegates were entertained at' a ~eception a~d dinner by the Sarnia Commission at the Golf and Curling Club. This was followed by a very interesting and inform~tive touvof the n~w Lambton Hydro Steam Generating Plant which pFoducE~s approximately 11% of Ontario's hydro. The delegates enjoyed the interesting meeting and the hospit~lity e~tended by the Sarnia Commission. WESTERN GROUP MEETING SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION LAMBTON COUNTY BUILDINGS SARNIA June 23, 1971. P~oceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of,St. Marys, C~airman of the Western Group, presiding. Thirty-two members and g~ests of the following commissions were present: Windsor-3; L~ndon-6; St. Thomas-4; Chatham-3; Sarnia-5; Stratford-3; St. Marys-2; WQodstock-2; Ingersol-3. M~yor Paul Blundy of Sarnia welcomed the group and cornmented on the e~cellent relationship between the Sarnia Suburban Road Commission and the City of Sarnia and how important he felt the commission was to tije developement of roads in the Sarnia area. Tne guests were also welcomed by Mr. Henry Ross, Chai)~man of the Sarnia S~burban Road Commission and Elden Brown, Warden of Lambton County. It was moved by Cec Riddell (Woodstock), seconded by Dave McKay(Stratford) tQat the minutes of last years meeting be adopted as Jread. Carried. It was moved by Boyd Arnold (Middlesex) and seconded by Fred Maloy, (Sarnia) that the officers of the Western Group be appointed for another year: Chairman-John Stephens, St. Marys; Director-Mike Wilson, Chatham; S~cretary-Tom Collings, Stratford. Carried. A'(lively discussion followed on various subjects such as large~span structural pipe arches; surfacing with l~lr of hot-mix; planning boards; cQmmittees of adjustment; official plans; sewage overflows from septic t4nks and farm ~agoons; land purchasing procedures; city-county b~undary roads etc. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Ohatham) and seconded by Earl Hooper (St. M~rys) that .the boundary line b~tween the city and the county be a lot line or a line a certain distance from the road rather than the centre line of the road so that the entire right-of-way would be in either the county of the city. Carried. This would help to solve a number of problems such as speed limits, "No parkil1gl'. signs etc. and their enforcement. If assessment was of prime importance, an arrangement could be made whereby approximately half of t~e length of the road could be entirely in the city and the other half of its length entirely in the county. This resolutio~ is to be presented to the annual meeting in February and if carried, shduld be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board so it cQu1d be applied to future cases of annexation. It was ....... moved by. Mr. Earl Hooper (St. Marys) and seconded by Mr. Don De-r'.\::ic}( (Sarnia) that we write the Owen Sound Suburban Road Commission a~king if they would be the host for our Annual Meeting next Ju;>.e. Cal:,ried. Windsor volunteered to be the back-up city. Following th~ meeting, the delegates were entertained at ,&~eception and dinner QY the Sarnia Commission at the Golf and Cu~l!ng Club. Tltis was followed by a very interesting and informq,tive toullof the n~w Lambton Hydro Steam Generating Plant which ppoduces app~ximately 17% of Ontario's hydro. The delegates enjoyed the interesting meeting and the hospit&lity extended by the Sarnia Commission. WESTERN GROUP MEETING SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION LAMBTON COUNTY BUILDINGS SARNIA June 23, 1971. P~oceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys, Cqairman of the Western Group, presiding. Thirty-two members and gqests of the following commissions were present: Windsor-3; London-6; St. Thomas-4; Chatham-3; Sarnia-5; Stratford-3; St. Marys-2; Wdodstock-2; Ingersol-3. M~yor Paul Blundy of Sarnia welcomed the group and commented on the e~cellent relationship between the Sarnia Suburban Road Commission and tije City of Sarnia and how important he felt the commission was to the developement of roads in the Sarnia area. T~e guests were also welcomed by Mr. Henry Ross, ChaiJ~man of the Sarnia Sl;,iburban Road Commission and Elden Brown, Warden of Lambton County. It was moved by Cec Riddell (Woodstock), seconded by Dave McKay(Stratford) tftat the minut~s of last years meeting be adopted as Jread. :, Carried. It was moved by Boyd Arnold (Middlesex) and seconded by Fred Maloy, (Sarnia) that the officers of the Western Group be appointed for another y~ar: Chairman-John Stephens, St. Marys; Director-Mike Wilson, Chatham; S~cretary-Tom Collings, Stratford. Carried. A,lively discussion followed on various subjects such as large-span structural pipe arches; surfacing with l~" of hot-mix; planning boards; cQmmittees of adjustment; official plans; sewage overflows from septic t~nks and farm lagoons; land purchasing procedures; city-county bQundary roads etc. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Ohatham) and seconded by Earl Hooper (St. M~rys) that ,the boundary line between the city and the county be a lot line or a line a certain distance from the road rather than the centre l~ne of the road so that the entire right-of-way would be in either t~e county of the city. Carried. This would help to solve a number of problems such as speed limits, "No Pq.rki1J.g"., signs etc. and their enforcement. If assessment was of prime importance, an arrangement could be made whereby approximately half of t~e length of the road could be entirely in the city and the other half of its length entirely in the county. ii, This resolutio~ is to be presented to'the annual meeting in February and if carried, shduld be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board so it could be applied to future cases of annexation. It was moved by Mr. Earl Hooper <St. MHrys) and seconded by Mr. Don De<ct"icx (Sarnia) that we write the Owen Sound Suburban Road Commission a~king if they would be the host for our Annual Meeting next June. " Carried. W~ndsor volunteered to be the back-up city. FQllowing th~meeting, the delegates were entertained at a~eception and dinner by the Sarnia Commission at the Golf and Curling Club. This was followed by a very interesting and informa,tive toutlof the n~w Lambton Hydro Steam Generating Plant which producE~s approximately 17% of Ontario's hydro. The delegates enjoyed the interesting meeting ,and the hospita,lity e~tended by the Sarnia Commission. Sl\.f{NIA SUBUR131\N ROADS COMMISSION D. w. DERRICK. P. ENG. COMMISSION ENGINEER COUNTY BUILDINGS SARNIA. ONTARIO December 29, 1971 The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister Department of Transporta iion and Comrnunica tions Downsview, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Subsidy.....2E: 'rraffic Lights The fact that cost of necessary traffic lights on Suburban Roads Systems is not presently subsidized by the Department was discussed by the Sarnia Suburban Roads Commission at a meeting on December 20, 1971, and the following motion was passed by the Commission: Moved by: Mr. Ross Seconded by: Mr. Branton rpgr rr .;... n D T C b .. d.;... . t't -15001 ~ . , . ,uu"L. UJ.4e ..0. e petltlone lJO lns l u\:-,e ;0 E~UOSlo.J_eS installati on and operating costs of traffic lights itJhere warranted and where approved by the Department, and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to all other Commissions in Ontario for consideration and endorsement. on CARRIED Your favourable consideration of the Commissionts petition is requested. Yours truly, / (f'J I I r) / " ({\ i /...J..J 1i'.'\.4'....L~t rV Ll)..i/v"l,.<.<:J, Donald W. Derrick, p. Eng. Commission Engineer c.c. F. Co Brown Ontario Suburban Commissions