1972 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY ll, 1972 PAGE 1. THE ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met onM:ay ll, 1972, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court House in conjunction with the Ceunty Road Committee, for the epening of Tenders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. MEMBERS PRESENT ~1ERE Messrs Rowe. and Auckland. TENDERS WERE OPENElD) by the County Road Committe:e and were for the resurfacing of Road 4125 (Wellington Read), as follows: Walmsley Brothers Limited - $51,574.50 Towland-Hewitson Limited - $57,766.00. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND W. ROWE THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROTHERS l.IMITED AT $51,574.50 FOR ASPHALT RESURFACING OF ROAD 4125, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUN- ICATIONS. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairmsln. ..,...,,, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 2, 1972 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on May 2, 1972, at 9:30 A. M. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the meeting of February 3, 1972, were read and adopted. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that spring breakup had been light.. Expenditures for Winter Control were already over the estimated cost of $6,000.00. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that tenders had been called in canjunction with the County of Elgin for Asphalt Resurfacing on Road #25. These tenders would be openei on May 1l, 1972. ROAD INSPECTION of Suburban Commission roads followed. Inspection of the cleanup work necessary at the Patterson Bridge was noted. THE COMMISSION ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. ! =P~ CHAIRMAN P-IORMAN .J. CHAPLOW ASSISTANT TO'T"E 'ENGINEER AND CONSTRUCTION SAFm INSPECTOR TEl.EPHONI!~ 631-5880 OOVRT HOUlSE. R. G. MOORE. 8.Sc:..P.ENG. ENC:iINUR ANI) ROAO ~".I"TEMOE"T ST. THOMAS, ONT. '.bJ:uar, 1.5, 1972. ~.ltob.rt ........~......~ta..r .t' Sec.11'.t..ry~~,r..~.11'.rt sub..rb.ft..~...co~i...ionA..oe iatien CClU"~1InI11\..l"'..' Offic" 'Court Rouse. Batdlton, Ontarto. >>earHr..Fra.er: Tb. >St. Thot8as$uburban tto..Ce..tasten WCllulcl like to. aollinateMr.George H. Cro,ss for tbeCer,tlfieate efMerit. Mr. Cr9's, of 8'Myrtle Street., St. .Tho..., .ef..4 on T.LrIDOuth'Counci1 afto Etgia County Counef.lfrom 1932 to 193.5 inelusi..., serving 'as 'Chairaanoftbe'Coul\tyJload Co_it tea in 1935. 'In 1936 Mr. Cross was appointed to the StllTho..sSuburban 'loaclCo_lssionanci..serve4 thirty-two years until wa retir.d in 1968, as the County representative on. the Co_ission. He served a.Chairllan' fora greatnuuaber of years. We wou1abe pleased if Hr. Cro.. coulcl be bonouredvith aOertifieate of Merit. Very truly yours, t9. /f.~ R. G.VMOOU, B. e., ". EDg. ENGINEER. AND ROAD SUPEB.INTENDlItT RGM: c s SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretary-Treasurer County Engineer's Office, Court House, ' Hamilton, Ontario. February 8, 1972. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R. G. Moore, Commission Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: Enclosed for the information of the Commission are the following: 1. 5 copies of the revised Association Constitution 2. 5 copies of Commissions in the Association If you have any nominations for the award of either an Honourary Life Membership or a Certificate of Merit, please let me know so that the certificates can be prepared. Honourary Life Memberships are for deserving persons who are not members of the Association but who have contributed significantly to the cause of Suburban Roads. The Certificate of Merit is an award for outstanding SE~rvice to members and former members of individual Commissions. The Annual Meeting of 1971 approved a minimum service requirement of 25 years for this award. When submitting nominations for either of the awards, please include pertinent details so that the Executive Committee may 4~valuate the nominations. Yours very truly, ~ Robert C. Fraser, Secretary-Treasurer. RCF:hb Encls. f'< ',';' SARNIA SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION D. W. DERRICK. P. ENG. COMMISSION ENGINEER COUNTY BUILDINGS SARNIA. ONTARIO January 3, 1972 Mr. Robt. Moore, P. Eng. Elgin County Engineer Court House St. Thomas, Ontario Dear' Sir: Re: Subsidy on Traffic Lights The enclosed letter was recently forwarded to thE~ Minister of the Department of Transportation and Communications. It would be appreciated if you would have the St,. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission consider the contents of the motion passed by the Sarnia Suburban Roads Commission, and advise the Minister if they feel that the petition for subsidy on traffic lights should be endorsed,. Yours truly, f)JJJ DWD/vl Encl. Donald W. Derrick, P. Eng. COMMISSION ENGINEER ,. January 26, 1972. Mr. R.G. Moore, Elgin County Engineer, Court Housel St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: RE~ Subsidy on Traffic Signals and Illumination. The Ontario Department of Transportation and Communications currently does not subsidize the cost of installing or maintaining Traffic signals or intersection illumination on Count'y Roads, except at channelized intersectionso 1~e Brantford Suburban Roads Commission recently considered this matter and passed the following resolution: "That the Department of ffransportation and Communications be requested to approve for 50% subsidy all installation and operating cost,s of Traffic signals and Intersection Illumin.ation where warranted and where approved by the Department, and that copies of this resolut,ion be forwarded to all other Commissions and Counties in Ontario for consideration and endorsement.," It would be appreciated if you would have t~is matter brought to the attention of your Commission or Road Committee for endorsement, and send a copy of the resolution to thE~ Minister of Transportation and Communications. Yours truly, CGS/cf j ~, SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISS ION ASSOCIATION Western Group 1. Chatham Suburban Roads Commission, c/o P. R. Crawford, Commdssion Engineer, Kent MUnicipal Building, 21 7th Street, Chatham, Ontario. 2. London Suburban Roads Commission, c/o F.B.D. Arnold, Commission Engineer, Middlesex County Buildings, London, Ontario. 3. Owen Sound Suburban Roads Commission, c/o W. D. Parks, Commdssion Engineer, Grey County Buildings, Owen Sound, Ontario. 4. Stratford Suburban Roads Commdssion, c/o T.B. Collins, Commission Engineer, Court House, Stratford, Ontario. 5. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Connnission, c/o R.G. 'MOore, Commission Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. 6. Sarnia Suburban Roads Connnission, c/o D.W. Der~ick, Commission Engineer, Court Building, Sarnia, Ontario. 7. St. Mary's Suburban Roads Commission, c/o T.B. Collings, Commission Engineer, Court House, Stratford, Ontario. 8. Windsor Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R.R. Lee, Commission Engineer, 3277 Sandwich St. W., Box 158, Windsor, Ontario. 9. Woodstock Suburban Roads Commission, c/o D.L. Pratt, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 397,. Woodstock, Ontario. 10. Ingersol Suburban Roads Conunission, c/o D. L. Pratt, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 397, Woodstock, Ontario. Page 2 Central Group 11. Barrie Suburban Roads Commission, c/o L.E. Clark, Commission Engineer, Simcoe County Buildings, Barrie, Ontario. 12. Orillia Suburban Roads Commission, c/o L.E. Clark, Commission Engineer, Simcoe County Buildings, Barrie, Ontario. 13. Brantford Suburban Roads Commission, c/o C.,G. Spencer, Commission Engineer, Court House, Brantford, Ontario. 14. Galt Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, Waterloo County Buildings, 20 Weaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. 15. Guelph Suburban Roads Commission, c/o A.R. Holmes, Commission Engineer, Court House, Guelph, Ontario. 16. Hamilton-Wentworth Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R.E.F. Eddy, Secretary, Court House, Hamilton, Ontario. 17. Kitchener Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, 20 Weaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. 18. Oshawa Suburba.n Roads Commission, c/o llJ.A. i>/r~~lvetrees, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, y,a tby, Ontario. 19. Waterloo Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.M. Jordan, Commission Engineer, County Buildings, 20 Weaver St. E., Kitchener, Ontario. Page 3 Eastern Group 20. Belleville Suburban Roads Commission, c/o W. L. Langlois, P. Eng., Court House, Belleville, Ontario. 21. Brockvi11e Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. 22. Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission, c/o A. R. Ferguson, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 1022, Cornwall, Ontario. 23. Gananoque Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Brockvi1le, Ontario. 24. Kingston Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J . H.. MacKay, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Kingston, Ontario. 25. Pembroke Suburban Roads Commission, c/o C.G. Taylor, Commission Engineer, County Administration Building, Pembroke, Ontario. 26. Peterborough Suburban Roads Commission, c/o A. J. Reid, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Peterborough, Ontario. 27. Prescott Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J.D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. 28. Smith Falls"Lanark Suburban Roads Commission, c/o L. E. Wells, Commission Engineer, P. O. Box 444, Perth, Ontario. 29. Smith Falls-Leeds Suburban Roads Commission, c/o J. D. Dougall, Commission Engineer, Court House, Brockvil1e, Ontario. 30. Trenton Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R. A. Edmonds, Commission Engineer, County Building, Coburg, Ontario. , CONST:ITUTION 1. NAME 2. OBJECT Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) (a) To support and Co-operate with the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the Canadian Good Roads Association. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interest and to acquire and exchange information. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3. MEMBERS HI P All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commissions and its officials shall be leligible for membership in the Association. HOUlDrary membership may be conferred upon deserving persons upon recommendation by individual Commi:ssions and approval of the Executive. 4. FEES Annual Fees shall be determined by the lExecutive and ratified by the Association at the Annual Meeting. 5. OFFICERS Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice/President and Past/President who have served on the Executive, and Slacretary/ Treasurer all to be elected at the Annu.al Meeting. 6. EXECUTIVE The Executive shall consist of the offilcers and six directors. Two directors from each area shall be elected annually, at the respective .area meeting. 7 . AUDITORS Two Auditors shall be appointed annually by the Executive following the annual meeting. 8. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting shall be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Cc)nvention at a time and place provided by the Ontc3.rio Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be res- ponsible for the preparation of a progrcam for the Annual Meeting. 9. OTHER MEETINGS Other meetings shall be held at a time cand place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per year shall be held in each of three areas. Each area shall consist of the following Suburban Roads Commission. - 2 - WESTERN AREA CENTRAL ARE.A EAS l'E,RN AREA 1. Chatham 1. Barrie 1. Belleville 2. London 2. Brantford 2. Brockville 3. Owen Sound 3. Galt 3. Cornwall 4. Stratford 4. Guelph 4. Gananoque 5. St. Thomas 5. HCimilton 5. Kingston 6. Sarnia. 6. Kitchener 6. Pembroke 7. St. Mary's 7. Orillia 7. Peterborough 8. Winclsor 8. Oshawa 8. Prescott 9. Woodstock 9. Waterloo 9. Smith Falls/ 10. Ingersol Lanark 10. Smith Falls/ Leeds 11. Trenton 10. COMMITTEES Any Committee may be appointed by the EX1ecutive to study and bring in reports on such subjects as may be directed by the Association. 11. RULES OF ORDER All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of vote shall constitute approval of matters of the Association. The President shall rule on matters of conflict. 12. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT A Certificate of Merit may be conferred 1by the Association to deserving members in recognition of outstanding service (25 years minimum) on recommendation by individual commissions and approval of the Executive. Amended February, 1971. " CONSTITUTION l. ~ 2. OBJECT Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) (a) To support and Co-operate with the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the Canadian Good Roads Association. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interest and to acquire and exchange information. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3. MEMBERS HI P All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commissions and its officials shall be leligible for membership in the Association. Honorary membership may be conferred upon deserv:lng persons upon recommendation by individual Commissions and approval of the Executive. 4. FEES Annual Fees shall be determined by the Executive and ratified by the Association at the Annual Meeting. 5. OFFICERS Officers of the Assqciation shall consist of a President) Vice/President and Past!PresJldent who have served on the Executive, and SE~cretary/ Treasurer all to be elected at the Annucil Meeting. 6. EXECUTIVE The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors. Two directors from each area shall be elected annually, at the respective urea meeting. 7. AUDITORS Two Auditors shall be appointed annually by the Executive following the annual meeting. 8. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting shall be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention at a time and place provided by the Ontnrio Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be res- ponsible for the preparation of a progr~lm for the Annual Meeting. ,9. OTHER MEETINGS Other meetings shall be held at a time ~lnd place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per year shall be held in each of three areas. Each area shall consist of the following Suburban Roads Commission. v' - 2 - WESTERN AREA tENTRAL AREA EASTERN" AREA _________ill -- I. Chatham 1. Barrie 1. Belleville 2. London 2. Brantford 2. Brockville 3. Owen Sound 3. Galt 3. Cornwall 4. Stratford 4. Guelph 4. Gananoque 5. St. Thomas 5. Hamilton 5. Kingston 6. Sarnia 6. Kitchener 6. Pembroke 7. St. Mary's 7. Orillia 7. Peterborough 8. Windsor 8. Oshawa 8. Pr1escott 9. tvoods tock 9. Waterloo 9. Smith Falls/ 10. Ingersol Lanark 10. Sm:ith Falls/ Le4eds 11. Trlenton 10. COMMITTEES Any Committee may be appointed by the EXI~cutive to study and bring in reports On such subjects as may be directed by the Association. 11. RULES OF ORDER All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of vote shall constitute approval of matters of the Association. The President shall rule on matters of conflict. 12. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT A Certificate of Merit may be conferred by the Association to deserving members in recognition of outstanding service (25 years minimum) on recommendation by individual commissions and approval of the Executive. Amended February, 1971. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 3, 1972. PAGE 1. THE ST.. THOMAS. SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Court House, i,St . Thomas, at 10:00 A. M. on February 3, 1972. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT MR. W. K. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN OF THE 5T. THOMAS SUBURBAN 'ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1972. CARRIED". THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 1, 1971, were l"ea'd and approved. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS FOR 1972 BE $150.00 '. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE MEMBE.RSHIP FEE OF $10.00 FOR THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" UMOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $20.00 FOR THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS AS:SOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Report of 1971 E~~penditures and the Estimates for 1972. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY A. AUCKLAND THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE ST. THOMAS. SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1971 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE: CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED" "M0VED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE ESTIMATES OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION FOR 1972 AMOUNTING TO $105,800, AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL.. CARRIED" NO ACTION was taken on the Resolution from the Brantford Suburban 'Road Commission and the Sarnia Suburban Road Commission regardlng subsidy on traffic signals until the matter could be discussed at the Ontilrio Good Roads Association meeting. THEME'ETING AJ).J'OURNED to the call of the Chairman'b-~. CHAIRMAN