1974 Suburban Road Committee SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretarv- Treasurer June 14, 1974. TO: All Commission Secretaries of the Suburban Roads Commission Association 1 As instructed by the Executive of the Suburban Roads COITD1lission Association, I am forwarding a copy of the Lionel D. Feldman report. The Executive discussed the report at a meeting held in Guelph on June 3, 1974. Mrs. Lin Good, Chairman of the Kingston Suburban Roads Commission and a Director from the Eastern Area has agreed to prepare a draft report for the Executive's consideration in making a submission to the Provincia.] Government regarding the advisability of retaining the Commission system. I am also enclosing a copy of Mrs. Goodls original brief re Local Government. It has been suggested that this paper might be added as atopic on the agenda of the planned area meetings. Any comments that are received could be forwarded directly to Mrs. Good or to the Secretary-Treasurer. Yours very tru'ly, 17 Rd(;17~-l/ ARH:b1h A. R. Holmes, P. Eng., Secretary-Treasurer i I I J J SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1974 COMMISSION COUNTY 1973, Population CLASS of City or.Sep. Town 1 . Chatham Kent 34,669 B 2. London Middlesex 232,660 E 3. Owen Sound Grey 18,005 B 4. Stratford Perth 24,048 B 5. St. Thomas Elgin 25,929 B 6. Sarnia Lambton 54,782 C 7. St. Marys Perth 4,595 A 8. Windsor Essex 199,250 D 9. Woodstock Oxford 25,019 B 10. Ingersoll Oxford 8,013 A 11 . Barrie Simcoe 28,678 B 12. Brantford Brant 61,445 C 13. Guelph Wellington 63,009 C 14. Ori11ia Simcoe 21,698 B 15. Belleville Hastings 34,812 B 16. Brockvi11e Leeds & Grenville 1 9,674 B 17. Cornwall Stormont, Dundas & 44,672 B Gananoque Glengarry 18. Leeds & Grenville 5,138 A 19. Kingston Frontenac 59,289 C 20. Pembroke Renfrew 1 5 , 064 B 21 0 Peterborough Peterborough 56,349 C 22. Prescott Leeds & Grenville 4,971 A 23. Smith Falls Lanark 9,359 A 24. Smith Falls Leeds A 25. Trenton Hastings 14,386 B 'SUMMARY CLASS POPULATION OF CITY NUMBER OF ANNUAL OR SEPARATED TOWN COMMISSIONS DUES - A o - 10,000 6 1 O. 00 B 10,000 - 50,000 12 15.00 C 50,000 - 100,000 5 20.00 0 100,000 - 200,000 1 30.00 E Over 200,000 1 55.00 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretary-Treasurer ENCLOSURES TO ALL COMMISSION SECRETARIES 1. 1974-1975 Account 2. Copy Lionel D. Feldman Report Ontario 1945-1973: The Municipal Dynamic 3. Brief from Mrs. Lin Good 4. List of the 1974 Executive of the Suburban Roads Commission Association. Note: Western Group to elect one additional Director. 5. Revised Constitution SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OF~CEOFTHE Secretary-Treasurer EXECUTIVE 1974 Secretary-Treasurer: Mr. Roy Gordon:. 69 Lyon Avenue:. Guelph, Ontario. Mr. Charles Cousins, 398 Talbot Street, London, Ontario. Mr. Clarence W"i1son, R. R. #3, Chatham, Ontario. Mr. A. R. Holmes, P. Eng. County Court House, Guelph, Ontario. President: Past President: Vice President: DIRECTORS 'WESTERN EASTERN Mr. J. Stephens, R. R. #1, St. Marys, Ontario. Mr. Clarence (Mike) Wilson, R. R. #3, Chatham, Ontario. Mrs. Lin Good 221 ,Johnson St., Kingston, Ont. Mr. J. D. Dougall, P. Eng., County Court House, Brockvi11e, Ontario. Mr. D. M. Code, 3 Maitland Street, Smith Falls, Ontario. CONSTITUTION 1. NAME Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) 2. OBJECT (a) To support and co-operate with the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the Roads and Transportation Association. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interest and to acquire and exchange information. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3. 'MEMBERSHIP All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commission and its officials shall be eligible for membership in the' Association. Honorary membership may be conferred upon deserving persons upon recommendation by individualCommis- sions and approval of the Executive. 4. FEES Annual Fees shall be determined by the ExecutivE! and ratified by the Association at the Annual Meeting. 5. "OFFICERS Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President and Past President who have served on the Executive, and Secretary-Treasurer all to be elected at the Annual Meeting. 6. ., EXECUTIVE The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors who are members of the Association. Three , directors from each area shall be elected annually, at the respective area meeting. 7 . " AUDITORS Two Auditors shall be appointed annually by the Executive following the annual meeting. - 2 - 8. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting shall be held during the Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Convention at a time and place provided by the Ontario Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be responsible for the preparation of a program for the Annual Meeting. 9. OTHER MEETINGS Other meetings shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per yeaY~ shall be held in each of two areas. Each area shall consist of the following Suburban Roads' Commission. WESTERN AREA 1. Chatham 2. London 3. Owen Sound 4. Stratford 5. St. Thomas 6. Sarnia 7. St. Marys 8. Windsor ~-wo(}dsto-ctr 10-~sott- 11. Barrie ~. 12. Brantford.- 13. Guelph - 14. Orill ia - 10. ' 'COMMITTEES EASTERN AREA 15. Bel1evillle 16. Brockvillle 17. Cornwalll 18. Gananoque 19. Ki ngston 20. PembrokE! 21. Peterborough 22. Prescott 23. Smith Falls/ lanark 24. Smith Falls/ Leeds 25. Trenton Any Committee may be appointed by the Executive to study and bring in reports on such-subjects as may be directed by the Association. 11. ' 'RULES OF' ORDER All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of vote shall constitute . approval of matters of the Association. The President shall rule on matters of conflict. 12. . . CERTIFICATE OF'MERIT A Certificate of Merit may be conferred by the J\ssociation to deserving members in recognition of outstand"ing service (25 years minimum) on recommendation by individual commis- sions and approval of the Executive. Amended June, 1974. ~~ ;"1. WESTERN GROUP MEETING SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION ESSEX COUNTY COURT HOUSE ~. ,.::, WINDSOR Thursday, June 20, 1974 Proceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Dugal, Chairman of the Windsor Suburban Commission ,presiding. ..,ThirtY:-.Qne., members and thewardeJ;;t~,of! ES$.ex,were present, namely: Ingersoll - 3; Woodstock - 2; Chatham - 3; St. Thomas - 3; London - ~~; Wipdsor - 6; Guelph - 4; Stratford -4; and St. Marys - 2. Delegates were we'lcomed by Delmar Budgen - Warden <;>f Essex; Roy Gordon - president of the Suburban Roads Commissions of Ontario and John Steph,en, president of the Western Group. Allan Holmes outlined a.brief prepared by Mrs. Lin Good - Cha~rman of the Kingston Suburban Roads Commission and the Secl~etary was asked to read the four page brief to those present. 'I' The brief. was commented on by various members and Don Pratt - Oxford County Engineer was asked to comment, on the nevlRegion of Oxford. Mr.. Pratt stated that there was no similarity between what the county had proposed and that set out by the Ontario Government and that it was one of the biggest disappointments and letdowns in his'life. Mr. Riddle, Chairman'of the Woodstock commission and Hr. Robinson, Chairman of the Ingersoll commission also expressed disappointment with the provincial proposal, as neither felt the county and local municipalities had any input into the proposal whatsoever. Bob Moore of Elgin noted that many of the smaller, mun:i..cipalities could not perform adequately due tolack,ofmoney and qualified personnel. Allan Holmes statedthat'Oshawa now paid 46% of the road expenses for roads outside the city in the New Durham Region, ~Nhereas prior to. Regional Government, they only "paid ~mill. John Stephen said that the mill rate in the Region of Durham increased by over 14 mills in ,the 1st year. Charles Cousins - London, made the following motion,'which was passed unanimously by those present. ~.! [ "That the executive be authorized to take whatever action was ,rte'c~ssary to supplement the brief and take whatever a.ction they ,f.el t was necessary." Mr. Allan Holmes noted that in view of the Fieldman Report called "The Municipal Dynamic" that Mrs. Lin Good was planning to resubmit a revised brief. Mr. Dugal moved that we adjourn to catch the bus to the Windsor Municipal Golf Club for a reception and dinner. Following the dinner the following slate of directors were nominated to represent the western group on the Ontario Association: Mike Wilson - Chatham by W. Montin - Chatham: John Stephen - St. Marys by Earl Hooper - St. Marys: Morley Howe - London by Hike Wilson - Chatham.' The above slate was elected unanimously. St. Thomas volu.nteered to be the host city in 1975. Following the luncheon the group toured the-Hiram~Walkerdistillery and sampled some of their products. Mr. Gordon, on behalf of all those present, thanked the Windsor commission for their fine hospitality. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 19, 1974. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION lnet at the Court House on September 19th at 9:00 A.M. ALL ME MBERS WERE PRESE NT . THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF February 21, 1974 and March 7, 1974 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that approximately $18,000 out of a Maintenance Budget of $24,000 had been spent to date. Practically none of the $8,000 Construction Budget had been expended. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that further representations had been made to the City of St. Thomas, the, County of Middlesex and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to clarify the position of construction on Radio Road. It appeared that the County of Middlesex was not interested at this time in the construction of Hubrey Road. The Ministry of Transportation .and Communications stated that it felt that the improvement of Radio Road was strictly a County responsibility. County Road Committee had discussed the matter and felt that further representations we:re probably a waste of time and had given the Radio ~oad Project the highest priority after completing urban work that would follow sewer installlation by the Ministry of the Environment. County Road Committee felt thalt Road 30, Road 31 and Road 52 east of Wellington Road should be completed as soon as possible. THE ENGINEER STATED that Road 30 had been redesigned to standards comparable to Wellington Road and that Land Purchase for Road Widening could start shortly. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 19, 1974. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: W.E. ROWE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT WE PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY ROAD 30 AS RAPIDLY AS POSSIBLE AND THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED WITH LAND PURCHASE US ING THE COUNTY'S LAND PURCHASE POLICY. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER STATED that the future status of St. George Street would be determined by a report present ly be'ing done by the City of St. Thomas. LAND PURCHASE ON ROAD 22 from Francis Olde (Springer Gravel Pit) was also underway. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIOt MARCH 7, 1974. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met on March 7, 1974 at 2:00 p.m. at the County of Middlesex Adminilstration Building, Ridout Street, London, Ontario. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT WERE the Engineer to the Con~ission, R.G. Moore, Warden Lake and members of the County of Elgin Road Committee, Chairman Phil Chapman and members of the LondClln Suburban Roads Commission, Warden Nelson Eddy of Middlesex CCl1unty, Chairman Don Nisbet and members of the Middlesex County Road Committee, F.B.D. Arnold, Middlesex County Engineer, Ron Eddy Clerk-Administrator of Middlesex County, H. Greenly and B. Sims of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE WARDEN OF MIDDLESEX WELCOMED the members from Elgin County to the meeting and introduced the members. Warden Lake and Chairman McKillop replied for the County of Elgin. THE ELGIN COUNTY ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED TO EXPLAIN the Road System in the St. Thomas-London Area. It was pointed out that: (l) The M. T.C. had abandoned plans for the Extension of Highway 126 from Highway 40l to St. Thomas in the planning period. (2) That 1986 traffic projections were: 12,500 vehicles on Highway 4, 10,500 vehicles on Wellington Road and if Radio- Hubrey Road Link was built to a reasonable standard, 4,500 vehicles would use it daily. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 7, 1974. PAGE 2. (3) That the Elgin end of the road was jln very poor condition and that the portion near St. Thomas was being used by 1,000 vehicles daily lllnd the road would have to be improved in the near future. (4) Improvement of the Elgin end of the road would lead to increased traffic on the Elgin end and thus create a demand for improvements on the Middlesex end. (5) Projected costs under the present Needs Studies were approximately 40% of the Elgin section costs and in Middle~ex, projected costs showed spot improvements only. (6t) The future M.T .C. plans called for the reversion of Highway 74 to the Counties of Elgin ,and Middlesex. (7) That heavy traffic between London and St. Thomas was using Highway 74 and Elgin Road 52 and that a Radio- Hubrey Road would better serve this need. CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION followed on the p11:'0per solutions. Inasmuch as most members of Middlesex Road Comnittee were unfamiliar with the road it was decided that Middlesex ROcld Committee and London Suburban Road Commission should meet and look ()ver the road and that discussion should continue at a future time. IT WAS DECIDED THAT the E 19in County Engirleer should go with the tour to explain the Elgin Road System to the Middlesex Committee. THE GENERAL MEETING ADJOURNED. [') /) .. _0 l(' lv, ~~ CHAIRMAN FEBRUARY 21, 1974. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION met at the Engineer's Office at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 1974. All members except J. Hindley were present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF January 24, 1973 and September 12, 1973 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT ALBERT AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1974. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS FOR 1974 BE THE SAME AS 1973,BEING $150. CARR IE D" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE A. AUCKLAND THAT THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $10. AND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $40. BE PAID. CARRIEDtt THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Report and commented thereon. He also reported that a meeting on the Radio-Hubrey Road 1 ink between the County 0 f E 19in Roa~ Commi ssion, County of Middlesex Road Commission, London Suburban Road Commission and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. March 7, 1974 at the Middlesex County Co,urt House. ]FEBRUARY 21, 1974. ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT. THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1973 BE RECEIVED AND THAT THE MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION BUDGET FOR 1974 BE ACCEPTED AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONJ;IIBUTION WILL BE REQUIRED IN 1974 AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNCIL BE ASKED FOR APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET. CARRIEDtt THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. O. [ILl, a~b~ CHAIRMAN -- .., 1- SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION To: R. G. Moore, Commission Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Commission St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Please make cheque payable to Suburban Roads Commissi,on Association and remit to: Secretary-Treasurer, Suburball RoadsCommlssion Association, c/o County Engineerts Office. Court House, HAMILTON, Ontario. 'u 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. , 22. 23. 24. 25. Commission Chatham London Owen Sound Stratford St. Thomas Sarnia St. Mary's Windsor Woodstock Inger so 1 Barrie Orillia Brantford Guelph Bellville, Brockville Cornwall Gananoque Kingston Pembroke Peterborough Prescott Smith's Falls Smith's Falls Trenton .class A B C D E SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIAT~N 1974 County, 1971 Population of' CitYt or Sen. Tdwn Kent Middlesex Grey fer~h Elgin Lambton Perth Essex Oxford Oxford Simcoe Simcoe Brant Wellington Hastings Leeds & Grenville Stormont, Dundas .& Glengarry 45,047 33,288 219,655 17,812 23,380 24,173 56,147 4,557 198,298 25,093 7,672 26,784 21,785 60,609 58,606. 34,351 19,893 , . Leeds & Grenville Frontenac Renfrew Peterborqugh Leeds & Grenville Lanark Leeds Hastings 5,056 59,073 15,933 56,138 5,128 9,484 14,%17 SlJMMARY Population of City or Senarated Town Number of Connni s siOtUi o - 10,000 6 10,000 - 50,000 12 50,000 ""'.100,000 5 100,000 - 200,000 Over 200,000 1 1 Class B E B B B C A D B A B B C C B B B A C B C' A A A B Annual Dues $5.00 $10.00 $15..00 $25~OO $50.00 SU.BURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretary-Treasurer l~~ February 12, 1974. St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, c/o R. G. Moore, Commission Engineer, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir: The enclosed is a copy of the agenda for the annual meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association. Please advise the membership of your Commission about the change of time to 2 P.M. In former years, the Association met at 3 o'clock. This year a last minute change in the OGRA program has forced our Association to revis~ its program. Mr. Bill Rotman, Roadways Division Engineer for the Regional MUnicipality of Niagara has agreed to address the Association on the subject "Suburban Roads and the Regional Roads System". A meeting on Regional Roads had been scheduled for Monday evening in which Mr. Holman was to participate was rescheduled to 3 P.M. on Tuesday. In order to permit the Suburban Roads Commission Association membership to attend the panel discussion on Regional Roads, we have adjusted the meeting time. The business of the Association should be concluded in time to permit everyone to attend the discussion. Yours very truly, :~ Robert C. Fraser, P. ]~ng., Secretary-Treasurer ReF: em Encl: AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING SUBUIU3AH ROADS COMMISSION lOYAL YORK IDTEL, TORONTO, ONTARIO February 26, 1974 2:00 P.M. 1. Opening Remarks by President Roy Gordon 2. Greetings from OGRA 3. Minutes: (a) 1973 Annual Meeting (b) 1973 Group Meetings - (1) Eastern (2) Central 4. Reports: (a) Secretary-Treasurer (b) Executive Committee: (1) Annual Feles (2) Certificates of Merit and Honoult"ary Life Memberships (3) Amendment of Constitution 5. New Business - (a) Election of Officers 6. Miscellaneous Business 7 . Ad journment N. JOSEPH PICKARD. A.M.C.T. DEPUTY CITY CL.ERK ~u~;v (\('Iv DEP'1r. OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES P.O. BOX 520 . CITY HAL.L. ST. "HOMAS, ONTARIO ../~. '~.l ~,Q" ,./' ROBERT A. BARRETT, A.M.C.T., I.I.M.C. CITY CL.ERK May 28th, 1973 Mr. R. G. Moore, B.Sc., P.Eng., Secretary, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, Court House, 79 Stanley street, ST.THOMAS, Ontario N5R 3Gl Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission ~, Replying to your letter of May 7th, I am pleased to advise that the City Council on May 22nd, 1973, adopted the following resolution: UTHAT we authorize the re-appointment of Mr. W.E. Rowe as a member of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a 5 year term commencing July 1st, 1973." ~ cc: Mr. W.E. Rowe COUNTY OF ELGIN By- Law No. 2254 y ... h.' .;.0. #.J?- . ~ qffi y/ r-v / "TO APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE ST. THO~3 SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION". The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT AlbertW. Auckland be, and L6 hereby appointed to the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission for a term of five years, effective from July' 1st, 1973, to June 30th, 1978. \< READ a first time this 16th day of May, 197,3... READ a second time this 16th day of May, 1973. READ a third time, and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1973.. G. C. Leverton ~/ ~~~,~ Deputy Cler.k Warden ;, "'~ fell11 ' /,.; J~tIfJl - ~" FE!bruary 1974, St:. Thomas, Ontario. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN RO.M) COMMISSION. Attached to this report is a Statement of Expenditures fot~ 1973 and an Interim Budget for 1974. As in the past few years the Commission has cont:rol over 14.45 miles or approximately 4.9~ of a total of 296.75 miles of County Roads. Construction work on Road 30 at the Patterson Bridge was completed in 1973. Field surveys were completed on Road 310 and Road 22 (Fairview). Road widening was purchased and fenced on the~ west side of Road 22 for one mile south of Road 45. Haintenance expenditures tn 1973 were normal other than winter control which was light. Overhead, Superintendence etc., is again cal- culated on a percentage (4% for most items) of the total County Overhead in 1973. The Maintenance Budget for J974 shows a normal increase due to c-e>~cP4dUh- ' inflation for most items with ,e:>L'pJ,t;ta.t..1-e-n of winter control which is expected to be to the 1971 and 1972 levels. Construction progral1llle for 1974 is contingent on the,outcome of proposed meetings between the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin on the rebuilding of Radio-Hubrey Roa~nk' although a nominal amount of $8,000 is shown for construction even these funds cannot be allotted until these meetings are beld. TheM.T.C. Subsidy Rate of 67.64% for 1974 is slightly higher than the rate of 66.3% used for the calculation of sharing of expenditures for 1973. The M. T .C. has again adjusted the assessment of the City of St. Thomas on which the 1/2 mill contribution is calculated, r,esulting in an increase in the contribution from $19,000. in 1973 to $19,700. in 1974. This budget provides approximately $12,250. in funds from ,the City of St. Thomas not needed for planned work. Together with the surplus from last year, a like County contribution and M.T.C. subsidies, approx- imately $100,000. of work could be done in 1974 or 1975 depending on the outcome of disc\1ssions on Road 30. Pebr1taary 1974, St. ,rhomas, Ontario. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMl!fISSION (continued). / If the work is done in 1974, County work in otber arella will have to be curtailed as M.,T.C. subsidy funds are fixed. In the meantime, engineering design work is proceedinJ~for reconstruction of Road 30. Field surveys are being plotted for Roael 22 (Fairv:lew) and design work will be done as time permits. All of which is respectfully submitted. /JQb (/_!I t:' ()(j'-~ lr R. G.MOORE, B.Sc., P.Eng.., ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMA~; SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISS ION. 5T. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1973. CONSTRUCTION Road 30 (Radio Road) Surveys & Surface Treatment etc. at Patterson Culverts. Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) Surveys & Fencing Land Purcnase $ 4,014.19 4,757.69 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Credit 729.79 $ 841042.09 MAINTENANCE Bridges & Culverts Winter Control Repairs to Pavements Grading Maintenance & Dust Control Roadside Maintenance Weed & Grass Control Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Signs & Guide Rails Drai nage Railroad Protection Traffic Counts Superintendence, Clerical & Overhead TOTAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY M.T.C. Committee Member Fees & Expenses Membership Insurance & Miscellaneous TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURE IS $ 39.619.44 AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE SUB- TOTAL M.T.C. SUBSIDY AT 66.3% (See Report to Suburban Road is $25,853.02 Commission January 1973.) BALANCE 749.03 6,5~7.49 3,739.82 1,159.79 1,196.73 1,453.68 1,186.57 872. 10 1,488.87 213.64 780.20 135.5l 11.438.48 $ 3041951.91 $ 470.00 155.44 $ 625.44 $ 8,042.09 30,951.91 $ 38,994.00 25,853.02 $ 13,140.98 THIS BALANCE IS, SHARED EQUALLY BY COUNTY OF ELGIN AND CITY OF ST. THOMAS. AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED (50% of Total) OF $ 625.44 TOTAL PAYABLE BY CITY ,OF ST. THOMAS SUMMARY De f i c i t f rom b!.~:.l~3:- 17' '7 c1.. ~ Cost of 1973 Operations P aid by C it Y 0 f St. Thoma s for 1973 (l/~ mill). Surplus to 1974 $ 7,785.14 6,883.21 19,000.00 4,331ri65 (Estimated Surplus January 1973 was 4,064.86.) $ 6,570.49 312.72 $ 641883.21 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISS ION BUDGET 197~4.. MAINTENANCE 1971 1972 1973 1974 ,. .....~..",.._'''''"''"' Bridges and Cu1verts 565. 26. 749. 1,500. ~' Winter Control 8,624. 8,833. 6,537. 9,000. Roadside Maintenance 2,005. 3,764. 4,048. 4,500. Hard Top Maintenance 3,702. 4,098. 3,739. 4,000. Loose Top Maintenance 965. 2,104. 1,159. 1,500. Safety Devices 2,088. 2,470. 3 , 140. 3,000. Superintendence & Overhead 9,545. 9, 715. 11,573. 12,500. 30,945. 36,000. CONSTRUCTION Land Purchase etc., Road 30 8,000.00 44,000.00 Items Not For Subsidy 650.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 44.650.00 Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas 50% of Amount Remaining after M.T.C. Subsidy of 67.64% is deducted 7,119.20 SOt of Items Not For Subsidy 325.00 7,444.20 1/2 Mill Rate from City of St. Thomas provides 19,700.00 Less 1974 Expenditures SUB TOTAL 7.444.20 12,255.80 Surplus from 1973 4.331.65 TOTAL SURPLUS $ 16.587.45