1975 Suburban Road Committee ST. THO~\S SUBURBM, ROADS COMMISSIO~ STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1975 CONSTRUCTION 1. Road 30 - Radio Road northerly from St. Thomas City 1 imt ts in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, GrAnular base, Pavement, etc. $194 221.87 ______L________ 2 ~. Road 22 - Fairview Avenue Surveys, etc. 9.31 _._-------------- 3. Land Purchase _____2t.ZZ~~~~__ - Less Credit Culverts in stock in 1974 8nd used in 1975-Construction 28,532.60 Cr. TOTAL -- $ ~71,476.91 MAINTENANCE . 1., Bridges a,ndCul verts 165.93 2. Winter Control (1974 .... 10,799.95) 3. Repairs to Pavements 4. Su~face Treatment _...___ZlQ~2:92__ 5. ,Grading Maintenance,GravelResurfacing a,nd Dus~ Control -------~~~~.?~-- ____1~.t!9~.!:J.?__ 6., Roadside Maintenance inc luding on Roa.d 25 (Wellington Road) 7. Weed and GrasS Control ___.;._l.l!!}.:J~..... 2 632.91 -----_.1_--.---- .. _ _ _ _.... 92-9.: 99__ .._ __ _ __1.);.:99__ .. _ __ _.... 9'1+.: 1+~__ ___..._ J..,J?9.:';~__ 93.73 ......,.... -... -.. .'- _.- -' - ',.. 8. Tree Cutting 9.Paveme'nt Marki tlg iO. Signs and'GuideRails 11. Drainage and Sweeping 12. Railro8,d Protection 13. Traffic: Counts 14. Superintendence, OverheAd and Clerical. etc. .. __.. JJ-IJJ!3.! J2__ TOTAL $57,225.08 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTAION AND COMMUNICATIONS - _. ----:-. .'." - ... ') - . . . ...............~ Memb'erships, In.suranceandMisce11aneous _ _.. _. _ _6J_0..._O_0._ _.__.. _ _ '.:3_0.....7J._ Committee. Member F~es and Exp~nses TOTAL' $ 1.140.71 TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY 8T. THOMAS' SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION $ 229.842.70 5T. THm'L^",S SUBUl'~BA;' .l'i.OADS COMt1TSS TO:, _~J~.~T}~tU~!::T Q,F_..:r::3'pE l'J2.!' TD 1\ ~S_ 1915_ ______ . _._____,. _..___. _ . JCPI.&f>~_ ?:"_H__ ,___, CALCT.Tl..ATIOl: Or A}fOU1<T PAYABLE BY CITY OF 5T. THOlrA5 _~____~ _..__.. ...._. _."_._...............'.... ... _.____\.~_______,.__.._~,._____ .__..._......_ ........_._.__..___....~.w_. _._..:.,...~ ____ C~nstr-l.1ction S 171,476.91 Hn inten;lnce And Over.heAd $ _~I.L~~5_._01L $ 228,701.99 ~'Hnistry of 'Transportatlon and Comr.1Unicrltions Subsidy rRte is 73.02% or $ 166,998.19 (originally estimated at 72.98~~) Bala,nce is shared equally by County or Elgin and'C{ty of St. Thomps. Amount PRy~ble by City of St. ThoIT'...1S $ 30,851.90 Items Not Subsidized (500/" of 1140. 71) S __!70.35 $ 3'1,422.25 Les surplus for 1974 8,649.31 Less ~ mill in 1975 for Clty of St. Thomas _,20,1,,50.00 Deficit to 1976 $2,022.94 ~~T. Tltm'1AS SllrrqrBAl< ROAD corn i l~';S 1 O~; BUDGET ] 076 _...,.........._..~~..~___......_...h..'_~~._.- '. ,..-.. -,' - ~_....""_..._--"'...._'..------ ...~,-'..__.....,......~-_.'. -. ....--.. .--..__.~---_...._...... ~-_.. L!/'~lNT~N~C:.E {:.-_q~~~P0~!~N? ATEGORY PREVIOUS EXPENDITURE _.~ ,....~_._-_._-.-_..._._--_._.---_._._'--- 1973 lq74 lq75 Feb r1.1a ry 1 Q76 D 1"'3 f t if 1 ESTIHATE FOR 1976 ridges & Culverts 7/+9 71ll- .__..,_.___.__~_.,.._..' ._,_.,.___._._...._........_"._,.__....'_-...___._______ _._.. .__..,-....._._N._.._-__ ._._._...__.__..---....__. 166 2,000 Idinter Control 6,537 1 0, 800 9, ~)q6 Roadside }~i~tenance 4, Of~8 4,610 20,805 Ha rel Top 1'1a intenance 3,737 2,707 11,348 Loa se Top Ha i ntenanc.e ' 1.,1 50 1,314 Sa fety Devi ces 3,lL+0 4,RSl 2,325 Superi ntendence & Overhead 11,573 1.2,974 12,092 TOTAL Construction Road 30 TOTAL CONSTRUCTTONt'J. HATnTENANCE 15,000 5,000 9,000 894 1,500 3,500 15,000 51,000 94,000 145,000 ITE1''!S NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MINISTRY OF TRANS PORTATI0N AND CONt'lUNICATI0NS SUBS IDY .~_.__...._- -_...._-_._.."....,-_.~._-_..~._--',----.~..._~--- ,-~-_._---_.__......;,.".-~--------.- COlTlrr:1. t tee Flembe rsFees ,and Expenses $ 650 ,Hisce11aneous Expenditures t.: Liah:i Lity lnsurance 150 $ 800 CALCU1;..AT'ION OF A}fOUNT PAYJ..BLE BY THE CITY OF ST. THOHAS Februa ry 1976 Draft if 1 Hinistry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy rate in 1976 is estimated at 73.59~. Total Construction & }~intenance $ 145,000. > Hinistry of TransP9,rtation and Corrununications Subsidy estimat4~d at $ 106,705.50. Remaining amount o:f $ 38,294.50 is divided between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgip. Amount payabl~ by the City 0 f St. Thomas is $19,147.25 Plus 50% 0 f I~ems Not Subsidized by the Mi.nistry of Tiransportation and Cormnunications 400.00 Estimated cost to the City 0 f St. Thomas $ 19,547.25 1/2 Hi.11 from the City of St. Thomas will provide in 19~76 t, \1 . $ 21,450.00 Less de fie it 'ft-om'1975 2,022.94 $19,427.06 De ficit to 1"6 $ 120.19 . k- WESTERN GROUP MEETING .. J> ~ SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION _ ~/ Elgin County Council Chambers ~ nl tJI-',1 ST. THOMAS . ~yr . n. J Wednesday, June 4, 1975 Proceedings began at 10:15 A~M. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Mary's, Chairman of the Western Group, presiding. A total of 39 were in attendance including 2 Ministr~y of Transportation Engineers and Elgin County representatives. The Commissions in attendance were London (4), Owen Sound, (4), Stratford (4), St. Mary's (3), Chatham (3), St. Thomas (4), Windsor (4), Brantford (3) and Guelph (6). Ray Gordon, president or the provincial association, said a few words ,'and the group was welcomed by Mr. Ed Rowe, Chairman of the St. . Thomas' Commission and Elgin County Warden Leibner. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Chatham) and seconded by Foster Henderson (Stratford) that the minutes of last years meeting in Windsor be adopted as read. Allan Holmes, Secretary of the provincial association, suggested that any commission who has a problem they would like discussed, to forward it to the executive as soon as possible. A summary of a questionnaire was circulated and it was noted that the ~ mill on the Provincial Equalized Assessment for each city amounted to slightly more than $l/person of popul- ation. The average number of miles of suburban road per 1000 popul- ation was .66 with a high of 1.6 (Owen Sound) and a low of .43 (London). It was al~o noted that subsidy rates ranged from 50% to 80%. Mr. Ed Cornys, a planner with J. F.McLaren, addressed the group on the changes which have and are taking place in municipal governments, such as Regions, Restructured Government etc. He noted that 75% of the population in Ontario is living under a form of restructured government. -2-. He felt that many special purpose bodies, such as P.U.C.'s Suburban Commissions, Land Division Committee, etc., etc., should be eliminated and that the power should be put back into the hands of the council. At the end of his address he was attacked from all sides. In defence of Mr. Cornys, it should be said that many of his comments and observations were made from a study which he and his firm are carrying out in Bruce County. Since Bruce County is very rural with a total population of 48,000, some of the members felt that what would be satisfactory in Bruce County might not prove out in other areas. In summary, I am sure everyone found Mr. 'Cornys talk very interesting and thought provoking and I'm sure we all benefited from the excellent exchange of dialogue which followed his talk. Following the meeting we were entertained by the St. Thomas Commission to a reception and excellent buffet. Following the dinner it was moved by Foster Henderson (Stratford) and seconded by, Mr. Earl Hooper (St. Mary's) that the same executive serve for another year, namely: President - John Stephen (St. Mary1s) Directors - Mike Wilson (Chatham) Morley Howe (London) Secretary - Tom Collings (Stratford) The above motion was passed unanimously. Brantford volunteered to be the host city in 1976. Following the luncheon the group toured the Ford Motor Plant iri Talbotville. Mr. Gordon, on behalf of those present, thanked the St. Thomas Commission for their fine hospitality and excellent meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Tom Collings, Secretary ~ Ontario iJ0..ce- ~ -;~ ~tt ~ ~ Ministry of Transportation and Communications Box 6008, London, Ontario. April 11, 19',. Mr. R.. Ej. "Moore County Engineer; County 0 f Elgjn, 79 St~nley Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. N5H 3Gl. RE: ST. THOMAS SUBllRBAN ROADS COMMISSION - REMOVING PART OF C. R. 30 Atta,ched. find the Commission's resolution duly approved by the Honourable Minister, John H. Hhodes, along with a Road By-Law Plan No. 30-1. Yours truly, .....-/u?.2~. (/c-" j H. H. G~nly, Di stri ct Muni ci pa,l Engineer HHG/smc a,t ta, chment /: f . ~ ~ RESOLUTION FOR REVOKING THE DESIGNATION OF A SUBURBAN ROAD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION Moved by W. E. Rowe Seconded by A. W. Auckland THAT the designation as a suburban road of County Road Number 30, from lOOO feet north of the north limit of County Road 52 to County Road 34 a distance of approximately 3.45 miles, is hereby revok.ed, subject to the approval 0 f the Minister 0 f Transportation and Communications. CARRIED W. E. Rowe Cha irman. R. G. Moore S eere tary I, Robert G. Moore, Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburb~Ln Roads Commission, hereby certify that the foregoing is a truE~ and correct copy of a resolution passed by the St. Thomas Suburban f<: Roads Commission on Tuesday, the 11th day 0 f March 1975. Se That the designation of Elain Couat.y Roa4 No. 30 marked .- - - - Oil thts desigB is revoked as a St. Thomas SuburbaaRoa. by Resolutio1l of the St. Thomas Suhurban Road. Co_isaioD Gateci the 11th . '1,,'((' rch 197~. Cert.i fied ~ I Sec LOT CON, LOT 8 KETTLE CON. LOT I (.- '- I 1 I 000 P t ,0 N"R"tH I KEY PLAN ~---j SCAL.E (/) o 'c ...., :t PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH ADDED TO THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM BY BY-LAW NUMBER 2166 OF THE COUNTY OF ELG I N COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 30 LENGTH OF ROAD ASSUMEO -APPROX.4,75 MILES , Miles Urban Municipalities .~ Township Boundaries The King's Highway Count)' Rood N2 30 Other County Roads Unopened Road Allowances County Boundaries Township Roods BY- LAW NUMBER 2166 Approved 19 1 by Order-in-Council Number Dated the 1 hereby certify that this Pion forms part of Schedule 'A'to By:"Low Number 2166 of the County ot Elgin. Director of Municipal Branch _!!F!:!'!.."'!..B.E!L2~!. ~?'- Dote ....2fP~~dn ~L- Clerk, ot>, of Elgin _ l fb--Il :::1f rt..L!.. ~den~ Cqunty Road Plan N' 30-1 CONSTITUTION 'Y\~ till. t fl., r/' Y }. rfh ~ a~ SUBURBAN ROADS.COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1 . NAME Suburban Roads Commission Association (S.R.C.A.) 2. OBJECT (a) To support and co-operate with the Ontario Good Roads Association, and the Roads and Transportation Association. (b) To study and review all legislation affecting Suburban Roads Commissions. (c) To discuss matters of mutual interest and to acquire and exchange information. (d) To publicize and promote the status of Suburban Roads. 3. MEMBERSHIP All duly appointed persons to a Suburban Roads Commission and its officials shall be eligible for membership in the Association. Honourary membership may be conferred upon deserving persons upon recommendation by individual Commissions and approval of the Executive. 4. ~ Annual Fees shall be determined by the Executive and ratified by the Association at the Annual Meeting. 5. OFFICERS Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President and Past President who have served on the Executive, and Secretary- Treasurer all to be elected at the Annual Meeting. 6. EXECUTIVE The Executive shall consist of the officers and six directors who are members of the Association. Three directors from each area shall be elected annuallYt at the respective area meeting. 7. AUDITORS Two Auditors shall be appointed annually by the Executive following the annual meeting. - 2 - 8. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting shall be held during the Ontario Goold Roads Associa- tion Annual Convention at a time and place provided by the Ontario Good Roads Association. The Executive shall be responsible for the prepara- tion of a program for the Annual Meeting. 9. OTHER MEETINGS Other meetings shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive. At least one meeting per year shall be held in each of two areas. Each area shall consist of the following Suburban Roads Commissions: WESTERN AREA EASTERN AREA 1 . Chatham 15. Belleville 2. London 16. Brockville 3. Owen Sound 17. Cornwall 4. Stratford 18. Gananoque 5. St. Thomas 19. Kingston 6. Sarnia 20. Pembroke 7. St. Marys 21. Peterborough 8. Windsor 22. Prescott 9. Woodstock 23. Smith Fal1s/ 10. Ingersoll Lanark 11 . Barrie 24. Smith Falls/ 12. Brantford Leeds 13. Guelph 25. Trenton 14. Ori11ia 10. COMMITTEES Any Committee may be appointed by the Executive to stUqy and bring 1n reports on such subjects as may be directed by the Association. 11. RULES OF ORDER All members shall be eligible to vote on matters of the Association. A simple majority of vote shall constitute approval of matters of the Association. The President shall rule on matters of conflict. 12. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT A Certificate of Merit may be conferred by the Association to deserving members in recognition of outstanding service (25 years minimum) on recommendation by individual commissions and approval of the Executive. Amended June, 1974. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1975 p~~ 1974 POPULATION OF CITY COMMISSION COUNTY OR . SEP. 'TOWN CLASS 1 . Chatham Kent 36,610 B 2. London Middlesex 236,828 E 3. Owen Sound Grey 18,024 B 4. Stratford Perth 24,602 B 5. St. Thomas Elgin 26,241 . B 6. Sarnia Lambton 55,281 C 7. St. Marys Perth 4,609 A 8. Windsor Essex 198,086 D 9. Barrie Simcoe 31,389 B 10. Brantford Brant 63,587 C 11 . Guelph Well ington 66,082 C 12. Ori1lia Simcoe 24,014 B 13. Bell evill e Hastings 35, 125 B 14. Brockvil1 e Leeds & Grenville 19,816 B 15. Cornwall Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry 45,683 B 16. Gananoque Leeds & Grenville 5 , 1 63 A 17. Kingston Frontenac 60,425 C 18. Pembroke Renfrew 15,116 B 19. Peterborough Peterborough 58 ,1 00 C 20. Prescott Leeds & Grenville 4,957 A 21 . Smith Falls Lanark 9,371 A 22. Smith Falls Leeds A 23. Trenton No rt humber 1 and 14,481 B SUMMARY POPULATION OF CITY NUMBER OF ANNUAL CLASS OR SEPARATED TOWN COMMISSIONS DUES A o - 10,000 5 10.00 B 1 0,000 - 50,000 11 15.00 C 50,000 - 100,000 5 20.00 D 100,000 - 200,000 1 30.00 E Over 200,000 1 55.00 SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICe: OF THE-~ecretar'L...lreasl.tLer EXECUTIVE 1975 President: Mr. Roy Gordon, 69 Lyon Avenue, Guelph, Ontario. Mr. Charles Cousins, 398 Talbot Street, london, Onta ri o. Past President: Vice.President: Mr. Clarence Wilson, R. R .#3 , Chatham, Ontario. Mr. A. R. Holmes, P. Eng., County Court House, Guelph, Ontario. Secretary-Treasurer: 'DIRECTORS . EASTERN WESTERN Mr. J. Stephens, R. R. #1, St. Marys, Ontario. Mr. Clarence (Mike) Wilson, R. R. #3, Chatham, Ontario. Mrs. Lin Good, 221 Johnson Street, Kingston, Ontario. Mr. G. D. Dougall, P. Eng., County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. Mr. Morley Howe, R. R. #2, Strathroy, Ontario. Mr. D.M.Code, 3 Maitland Street, Smith Falls, Ontario. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH. 11, 1 975. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MET at the County Engineer's Office on March 11, 1975 at 9:30 a.m. Members W. E. Rowe and Albert Auckland were present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING 0 f January 3lst were read and approved. MR. AUCKLAND AND THE ENGINEER REPORTED on a.rra.ngements for the Western Group of the Suburban Road Commission ,Association to meet on June 4th in St. Thoma,s. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the Revised Budget as attached and stated that the County of Elgin Road Committee had approved the assumption by the County of those costs on Radio Road that were not covered by the present 1/2 mill grant from the City 0 f St. Thome,s and the surplus from 1974. In order for the County to assume the expenditure it would be necessary for the Suburban Road Committee to revert the road to the County. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND, SECONDED BY: W.E. ROWE THAT THE REVISED BUDGET OF MARCH 10, 1975. IN THE AMOUNT OF $214,000 BE APPROVED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 11, 1975. P.A.GE 2. "MOVED BY: W.E. ROWE, SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE DES IGNATION AS A SUBURBAN ROAD OF COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 30, FROM l,OOO FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 52 TO COUNTY ROAD 34 A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 3.45 MILES, IS HEREBY REVOKED, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL O:F THE CHAIRMAN. t? u/~ CHAIRMAN March 10, 1975. To The Chairman and Members of The s,t. ThornasSuburban ROf.ldCommission: " Since. th~ presentet,ion and"acceptanceofthe tentative 1975 Budgetfn January, inquiries" have been made to the Ministry 0 f Transportation and Communications \tIith regard to the financing of any long range deficit the CommIssion would encounter in the rebuilding of Radio Road. TheCoun,ty of Elgin Road Committee has agreedtha,t the Commission should not contact a long range de fielt at this time as most of the Commission's Roadsrequtte construction work in the next fe\tlyears.. Thus there will not 'be any appropriate:YEiar that the de ficitcould beel iminAted in the forseeable future.' ),1 f proposed restructuring Qr,the County of Elgin occurs in t:henext fE~w years, any defic~t irom the Commission wpuld he the responsibility of the County and the COl1lTlittee wishes to carryon with their "Pay as yCiu, go PoLicy" if at all possible. The financial pQsitionof the'City of St. ThOmas s,eems :to :preclude any additionalcontributiori'tothe Subtitban Road System at this tl.me. , Our enquiries, to the Ministry of Transportation and, Communications lndicate that expenditures ()'n a Suburban R()B.,d System must be'shared,~qually between a County and a City after deduct.ion of the MinIstry of Transportation and Communications' SUbliid.y. It appears the only way to cut the defi.cit ista cut tQeBudg~.t. Our e.,stf.mates indicate that the, lJorth limit of work on Road 30 by th.e S\,.lburban' Commission shQuld be in the are;,; of the Selt CreE~k,C:enletery north of Road 52. ... , , The County of Elgin Road C'ommittee feels,thatas,hruchwork 'as possfble should be completed on Road 30 this yet'r. Tn order 'that work north of the C~metery can proceed this year, it wlll be nece~spry for the SuburbAn Road Commission to rever~ the rest of the Radio Road nor1th of the Cemetery to the Count.y. This can be, done by Resolution approved. by tl:u~~1h1i, ster of Transporta t i'on and Communicat tons. ,The Hudgethas been amended to ,take .the'Se'thang~~s into account and is attAched. . All of which is respectfully submitted'. I '/l' , "lj .' .1." 1,,>" -..A..- (/ i ~ I .~i-~.' R.' G . MOORE; ..' Eng. t ENGIblEER ,TO THE ST'. THOPd\S SUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEE. ST,. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COlt-iISSION BUDGET 1915 MAIN;l'ENANCE .!!Zl 26 1973 ,1974 749 714 6,537 10,800 "4,048 4,610 3,737 2,707 1,159 1 , 314 3,140 4,"'381 11,573 12,974 "Bridges and .9u1verts Winter Control 8,833 RoadSide M~~n~enl.'nce 3,764 liard Top M$lnte,n8nee 4,098 Loo seTopM~ i nt:enpnce ~e fetyD'evlces 2, 104 ' 2,470 Superintendence &Overhe;:ld 9,715 CONSTRUCTION Land Purch,.,se ROpd30 RAdio Road. "'(a) From CityofSt. Thomes Limit,; to Salt'Creek Cemetery, Yarmouth Township j. TOTAL SUBSIDIZED BUDGET ,ITE,lof)'NOT FORM~ T.C. SUBSIDY Committee Member Fees and Expenses' $ 650. ' Liability I~surance and Mi,se. Expenses 150;. Western Ont~rio Suhurbtl n Road COl1lO1~tteeMeet i ng , 400. $ 1,200. CALCULATION:OF AMOUNT PAYABLEi, BY CITY OF ST. THQMAS M8int,en;:lnce ;:lndOv6rhead ~61~OOO 153.000 $ 214~OOO Construction (D ra ft II 2) Ma rc h 1 Q, 1975 . 1975 Estim8te 2,000 9,000 13,000 14,000 2,000 6,000 15,000 $ 61.000 $ 8'~nO;0 145, '000 $ 214,000 M~'T.C.'Subsldy 1s Estimated at 72.98% or $ 156,177. Bs18nceis Equall}' Shared,bet~en City ofSt<. Thoma'saod County of Elgin. ,PaYBb14f By EACh $ 28,911. . i~ Add 1/2 0 f Items Not Subsidized ,600. $ 29,511.00 Surplus From"1914 8,649.31 1/2 Mill FromClty of~t. Thomas In, 1975l'rovides ' . 20.750.0Qi Anticipated Deficit To 1976 -$112. 5T. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 31, 1975.. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MET on January 31, 1975 at 9:30 a.m., at tbe County Engineer's Office, 79 Stanley Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. PRESENT WERE - W. E. Rowe and A. Auckland. "MOVED BY: A. AYC KLAND , SECONDED BY: W. ROWE THAT W. E. ROWE BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1975. CARRIED" THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPrEMBER 19, 1974 WERE READ AND APPROVED. "'MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: W. ROWE THAT THE HONORAR 111M FOR COMMISS ION ME MBERS FOR 1975 BE THE SAME AS IN 1974 BEING $150.00. CARRIEDU "MOVED BY: W. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSC~IATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $15.00 AND THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FEE OF $40.00 BOTH BE PAID. CARRIED" THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION (WESTERN GROUP) WAS DISCUSSED. A tentative date of June 4tb was suggested. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, ,J"NU,ARY31, 1975. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: W. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND TH:lT WE CONFIRM THAT WE ARE WILLING TO ACT AS HOSTS FOR THE 1975 MEETINGS OF WESTERN GROUP OF THE SUBURBAN ROAD ASS OC IAT ION. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a settlement at $1,200 per acre "has been reached with Peter H~f1burn for land to widen Road 22, (Fairview 4venue) in Concession V Yarmouth and that payment would be made shortly. Land Purchase was continuirlg on Road 30 and that Morris Taylor had been approached but had not as yet signed. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Report, Statement of 1974 Expenditures and Projected 1975 Budget. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: W. ROWE THAT STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND TENTATIVE BUDGET AND ENGINEER'S REPORT BE RECEIVED AND FORWARDED TO THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS BE NOTIFIED THAT THE 1/2 MILL CONTRIBUTION WILL BE REQUIRED IN 1975 FOR SUBURBAN ROAD pgRPOSES. CARR lED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. '>"l'i')Io~. ~~ - ./-. . ~.".~. CHAIRMAN ,j J 2 f' i, V~'vf{ ~y\f} . ,,/ St. Tblomas, Ontario,~\i\;.L/v\l Januar~y 1975. To The Chairman and Members of the S~.Thomas Suburl;>anRoads COlmnission. Altbough tberoad mileage under the jUfisdiction of tbe CQpnission. has remained cOl'lstan~ ,at 14.45 miles" (or approximately 4.9%) of the. total County Road System of 296.75 miles, the cost of _tntaining and improving the Suburban Roads System has increased considerably because of inflation in the past year. A Statement of Expendit~res for 1974 and a Preliminary B\ldget for 1975 are attached. Mafntenance<expendituresin 1974 were ord,inaryln nat1l1re with only "winter control" much above the estimates ($1800.). 'l'his overexplenditure accounts for most of the maintenance expenditures of $38,2'04 aga:lnst the estimate of $36,000. Some 6 months of 1974 Were spent trying to convince the County of f.fidd1esex and the London Suburban, Roads Conani ssion'that Radi~ Rload in Elgin County and Hubrey Road in Middlesex County should be built ,at tbe same time. Talk.s were .alsobe1din that pe~iod withofficials'Qf the Ministry of transportation and Communications, to try to convince them that l!xtra funds should be made availahle for th.con8truetion of tbe'RaelioRoael because of the 'high standards that would be necessary when the bUilding of the Highway 126 was cancelled between St. Thomas and London. Both discussilotlswere to no avail and the County'of Elgin ,Road q~mmittee dee,leledin Septl811ber,to proceed with the construction of Radio Road as it 's secondrura 1prf.ori'ty job (. Iter the building of Road .51 between Highway #4 and the'CourityGarag1e at White Station). ~illee th.t..t,ime, Land Purchase for road 1Q.ctenf@gbas 'been completed on Road 3'0 between the City of St. ,T~oma$ Limits a rut Salt Creek Cemetery and through Concession XII'. Negotiations are eontinui,,1 forth~ rest of .tbe 1eoc1 needed in Co~c:essions.:r and n alld some widening inCoRcession ~tIIl will be purchased soon. Rep1.cement culverts other than the culvert nellded ,for Salt Creek have been purchased. Fencfng materIals have.lso been paid for. So.e clearing waseotDpleted in 1974 and ~he remainder otber than in lConeesaioon will be' completed by Spring. - 2 - To The 9hairman and Me.bers of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. A settl..ntforthe propert.y acquired to build l~insBridge was also etfecteditF1974. In 1974 the effective Ministry of Trans))ortation andCommun- ieatlons,subslclY rate was 67.7%. T?e 1974 operations of the Co-issionshoweda sUJ:'plus of the City of St.. Thomas' contributions of approxima.tely $8,600. This i!; considerably less than the $16,600 estllR8ted in February 1974a5 materials f()r tbe construction of Road .30 were not ori8inal1ybudgeted for. As several qount:y Road proje~tsi did notpro~.ed, subsidy'money was available f~r the purchase ()f materials. The attached Budget is of Ii preliminary nature a~~ the amount of money available for construction on Road 30 is unknown at tbis:t1.mebeca..e the County Road Budget has not been finalized b~the County Road Comm:t.ttee. Hardtop maintenance is incI"eased this year beCa1JISe of the need for surface treatment on Road 22 (FairviewAvenue) (3.'8 miles). This road was la'st surface treated in 1970 and. surface treatment t.his year llJ'Ould hopefully help ~eep. tberoadfrom disin'tegrating before it Can ,be programmed fair reconstruction. s.onaeyears agownen Wellington ROad wasresurfaceid, a minimum of shoulder gravel was placed. Shoulders have' since become ve:ry muddy. ,These shoulders should be gravelled in 1975 (Maintenance categor,' - Roads'ideHaintenance). Land ';Purchase ,funds are required to pay for land acquired in Concession I to widen FairviewAvenue in 1974 and. to complete widening purchases on Radio Road. Tbe sumof$400,000 is shoWn as a tentative estimate for construction work on Radio Road. If the Budg~t is finalized as attached the City of St. Tho~s will owe the Co_issionapproximat"e1y $36,000 at the end of 1975. As more work will be required onRoad30to complete it (in 1976 ,and 1977)'tbe deftcit'wou1d likely grow rather than dilltinish at the end of 1977. Discusstons should be held with the County of Elgin Road Committ,ee as to the financing of the work so that the:Cityof St. Thomas is n~t left in aserious,'deficit position at the enG of 1975. If 'the County of ,Elgin is restructured in 1976 or 1977 "it would be very unlikely that the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission would continue to fun.ction and it would appear that II "pay' 81 yo 11 go policy"would be advantageous. A 11 .0 f whichisre~pectfully sub.i~t.d. ''7 ) '?~~//-I ...~... . . .. R.ltMoon.~. "l:i. Ens., ENGINEER TO THE ST. THOMAS: SU1BURBANROADS COafISSION,. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAm COMMISS ION STA,TEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1974 CONSTRUCTION 1. Road 30 - Radio Road from St. Thomas City Limits northerly, Township of Yarmouth, Surveys,Clearning, Culverts, Materials in stock. 2. Road .22 .. Fairview Avenue . from St. Thomas City Limits to Road ':27, Township of Yarmouth,!Surveys etc. 3. Land Purchase MAINTENANCE 1. Bridges and CuI verts 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Winter Control (1973 - 6,537.) Repairs To'Pavem~nts TarAt Grading Maintenance, Gravel Re!;urfac'lngand Dust Control Roadside Maintena nee We~d and G~ass Control Tree Cutting Pavement Marking 9. Signs<and Guide Rails TOTAL -- -- _~__~!!~3?:~?_____ 256.09 12,952.12 ._-~----~-~~-----~ '$ 54,837.68 714.87 --------~-.--~--- 10 799~95 ~,____J______~.~~~_ 2 706.61 _____l___________ 1 314.18 _____J___________ 868.93 ---~~------~_._-~- 578.31 2 750.30 . ___~_l___________ 2491.47 _____z___________ ____!,]9!:3?_____ 412.94 ____!z~~~=~~____~ 203.06 '12 973.86 _____z___________ $ 38,204.37 ITEMS NOT SUBS.IDlZED BY THE M1NISTRY OF TRANS PORT AT ION AND COMMUNICATIONS 10. Drainag~,and Sweeping 11. Railroad Protection 12. Traffic Counts 13. Superintendence, Overhead and Clerical etc. C.ommittee Member Fees and Expe~ses 605.00 -..---------..---,. Membership~. Insurance and Miscellaneous_ TOTAL EXPeNDITURE BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION TOTAL ~=== 107.10 $ 712.10 $ 93,754.15 PAGE 2. CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD $ 54,837.68 $ 38.204.37 $ 93,042.05 Ministry of Transportation an~ Communications Subsidy is 67.70'70 OR $ 62,98Q.47 (Or igina 1 Est irna te 0 f February 1974 waS 67.64"1..) Balance is shared equally by County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas. Amount payable by the City of St. Thomas $ 15,026.29 It~ms not subsidized (SO'%.of total of 712.10) 356..05 Tota,lPayable by City of St. Thomas on 1974 ope;:-ations $ 15,382.34 SUMMAH.Y Surplus from 1973 1/2 Mill provided for 1974 (pa'id by City of St.> Thomas) 4,331.65 19,:700.00 Cost of 1974 operations 15,382.34 Surplus to 1975 -~----~~-----~~------------- 8,649.31 ,S't.TRCMAS SUBURBAN ROADS CQMMlSS ION' ~~DGE1' 1 ~'7) --- 1-- Preliminary January 1975. (Draft /I 1) MAINTENANCE Bridge$endCulvert$ 1972 26 .1973 749 1974 714 , Winter. Contr;ol (j I 8,833 2,000 6,537 10,800 '9, 000 Roads ide Ma 1 nt.'na nce 3,764 4,04~ 3,737 4,610 13,000 HardTop Maintenance Loose:1'opMa,{ titena nce 4,098 2,707 14,00,0 2,104 1,159 1,314 2,000 Safet,y"Devices 2,470 3,140 4 , 81~ 1 6,000 Superintendence & Overi;lead i: 9,715 11,573 12,9'74 15,000 $\61.000 CONSTRUCTIQ~, 'Uand Purchase $ 20,000 Road 30 Radio Road. (a) From City of 'St.Thontas Limit to Salt Creek Cemetaty and Concession XT!, Yarmouth., 400,000 $ 420.000 ~:(~adio Road estimates are tentative' and preliminary onl,r.) TarAL SUBSIDIZED BUDGET $ 481,000 ITEMS NOT FORM.T.C . SUBSIDY 'Committee Member Fees and Expenses $ 650. . L.f.ability Insurance and Misc. Expenses . 15iO. Western Ontario Suburban Roads Committee Meeting 400. $ 1;200. -- CALCULATIQN OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Maintenance and Overhead $'61,000 COnstructlon 420,000 $481,000 M.T.C. Subsidy is'~st.'imatedat 72.98% or approximately $ 35l,OOO~' Balance is ,Equally Shared between City of St. Thomas and C,o...nty of Elgin. Payable By Each $ 65,000 Add\.Qflt~ms Not Subsidized 600 $ 65,600.00 8,649.31 Surplus Fro.m 1974 ~., Mill Froln City 0 f St. Thoma s l:n 1975 Provides " 20,750.00 Anticipated Deficit To 1976 and Future Years - $ 36,200. (a.pprox.)