1976 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ? STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1976 CONSTRUCTION (a) Road 30 ... (Radio Road) from the St. Thomas City Limits northerly in the Township of Yarmouth, Grading, Granular Base, Culverts, etc. (b) Land Purchase... Road 22 and 30 (less rentals). TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1. Bridges & Culverts 2. Winter Control 3. ,Surface Treatment 4. Repairs To Pavement 5. Grading, Shoulders, etc. 6. Grass Cutting 7. Tree Cutting 8. Pavement Marking 9. Signs 10. Drainage 11. Sweepi.ng 12. RailrQad ProtectIon 13. Traffic Count 14. Overhead and Superintendence '1"0'1\'\[,. No,'l'E: ... 'l?aYlH>1, t J3urdon ,pro .,r'tlt;ed tot about, chnI1g() tl f ot' Construe t ~onancl Maint:enlilncf~ items, an Overhead ansl Superintendence charge transferred from County ROad Overhe.ad and Superintendence. ifjy~-~ J ~ ~~ $ 107,240.24 ..-----.-.........-...,-...- ___...!!9~.::3....._ $ l08,_.f8S.4p $ ______~~~.:9~___ 22.,149.16 -----.....--...~.._~- -___!.!Z93.:~2__... ____11.392.:92___ _.._...1!1~3w:~2___ ___...!!::~.:~t..._... ____:1.~t2.:tZ_...... ____:!9~~.:Zl___ 358.72 ----.........--..---- 367.14 ----.-,--..-.--..--- 76.75 -.....----........."'..-- 1,426.98 ...........---....---...... 352.35 8,800.47 -~---------~-~- $~~_J_~QJ!st!..1!I___,~~~ - ,_.,-~-c- ...=-c:r'"'.,..~,...7i't.l.1-fil...,...,~"'""..."..,.T~--~'~:-.,~.,.....~. ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Committee Member Fee and Expenses Membership Insurance and Miscellaneous TOTAL I . 1 L Ii .'.'COTAL EXPENDITURE BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION $ 610.00 lI!'II.._M.........__~..._.._ 103.98 ... - - -.. - .'........ - - - -' $ 713.98 $ 1 l) g. 042 ~ 9 1 ~!'j, ST. THOMAS' SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OJ;t"' EXPENDITURES 1976 PAGE 2. CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY crry OF ST. THOMAS Construction $ 108,288.46 Maintenance 50,040.47 TOTAL $ 158,328.93 Subsidy Contribution on operations by Ministry of Transportation and Communications is 73.794% and is $ 116,837.25. The Rate of Subsidy was originally estimated at 73.59%. Balance is shared equally by County of Elgin and City of St. Thomas ( $ 41,491.68). Amount Payable by City of St. Thomas $ 20,745.84 Add 50% of Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Communications 356.99 $ 21,102.83 Add Deficit from 1975 2,022.94 $ 23,125.77 1/2 Mill Levy from the City of St. Thomas in 1976 provided 21,450.00 Deficit to 1977 $ 1,675.77 FIRE CHIEF Corporation of the City of St. 'fhornas FIRE DEPARTMENT 305-11 WELLINGTON STREET ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5~1 2T2 GEOr~GE N. COLLEDGE nE.e 30 1975 ~:1t:i.";",,,..,.;o_"""'.':" .\..... .'... ~. .... 'l...b.".,uctJ_1:tt-U" errY m.tSm~ 'JI'i~~"''Il$!,*1l.iJto>~~~' December 24th, 1976. Mr. R. A. Barrett, A.M.C. T.., C.M.C., City Clerk-Administrator, City of St. Thomas, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Bob: Re: St.. . Thomas. Suburban Roads Comnission I would be pleased to accept the appointment to the Commission on behalf of the City. I will get in touch with Mr. Moore at the beginning of the year. 1I~~ f rv Colledge. \. <?eorge N. Decen~er 23rd, 1976 ~~Q G. . Ne Colledge, Consul,tant, St.. Thomas Fire Departmen't, STfilTHO:MAs, Ontario Re: St~ Thomas Suburban Roads €ommission """'"- .. Dear George: The Cit.y Council on December 13th, adopted. the following resolution: n THAT: Pursuant to Section 63 of The Public Trans- portationand Highway Improvement Act, ~~. George Colledge/be appolnted to represent the City of St. Thornas on the St", Thomas Suburban Road Commission to compl,etethe term of the late Mr.' W. E.Rowe which expires .July 1st, 1978 such appointment: t.o be effective January 1st, 1977. it At'cached is a photocopy of the provisions of Section 63 of the Ac.t . which may be of some help to you in beingmore fully a't-lare of the terms of appointment. I would suggest you contact Mr", R$G. Moore, County. Engineer, who is Secretary of the Commission and who can advise you more fully on the .duties and responsibilities of theoff~ce to which you have been appointed", \ I would appreciate receiving confirmation of your acceptance of this appointment at your. earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, R.. A.. Barrett, A.M.C..T.,C.M.C. City Cl:.erk-Administrator copy to R.G. Moore, P.Eng.,County Engineer .SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1977 EXECUTIVE President: Mr. .Clarence Wilsons R. R. #3s Chatham, Ontario. Past President: Vice President: Mr. Roy Gordons 69 Lyon Avenues Guelphs Ontario. Mrs. Lin Good, 221 Johnson Street, Kingston, Ontario. Secretary-Treasurer: Mr. A. R. Holmes, P. Eng., County CourtHouses Guelph, Ontario. WESTERN DIRECTORS EASTERN Mr. J. S t e ph ens , R. R. #1, St~ Marys, Ontario. Mr. Clarence Wilson, R. R. #3, Chatham, Ontario. Mrs. Lin Good, 221 Johnson Street, Kingston, Ontario. Mr.G.D. Dougall,P. Eng., County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. Mr. Morley Howe, R. R. #2, Strathroy, Ontario. Mr. D. M. Code, 3 Maitland Street~ Smiths Falls, Ontario. ,@ Ontario To: Attention: Our File Ref. Subject: Mr. H. H. Greenly, District Municipal Engineer, London District. / Mr. F.D. Clarke ' Ministry of Transportation and Communications Memorandum 171 . ~/'" .' r-.7 . '_.' r" ~&-v---, r' V\. ^"~,,lj!, ri'iV'l/i (,Y /-' ,-- From: Municipal Roads Office, 7th Floor, West Tower, Downsview. Date: November 30, 1976. In Reply to Re: St. Thomas Suburban RoadS Commission Please find enclosed a copy of a resolution to revoke a portion of County Road No. 30 from the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission system. The resolution has been duly approved by the Minister. After noti ng the resol uti on for your records, please forward it to Mr. Moore, County Engineer. HW/nr Enc 1 . H. Wargel, Municipal Projects Co-Ordinator. ~."""~~~e.."""~~1 CONST. NOTE & fiLe MAII-n. DisCOS$WlTH ~'- -.......~ --- ~------_.-"'-#._.~~"""--'f_ UNfCfP. PLEAse ANSWeR " ~ -------..-----~t__ RViCES NOTS & R~TURN TO ME ........ -~--..........-.. l'"" ACCOUNTS INVf!STlGATE& REPORT eQUIP ~- TAKE AP"ROPld.UI; -j- . ACflON SIG~JS & - SHOWM-t~ PtRMtl'S I.lW.)RE MMI.ING iNG. Of-P, - -- .~-: A D ~ ~ C:P'V SUPV. ,..-\i;;l"j\I"~ "10 .. 'j1SAf'l;W - - ~viir;----,- sUPV. COMMENTS ,--.~ ------ OlsT. NO'TI.! & RttuHN ADMIN. O~F. TO LHHiARY ~.-"""'- --.............. fl~RSONNEl. '~""""""""_l\.'\I!Il~,,,,-_____...., (.;ECEIVE~ ( IDE C 1 - 1976 ~ ~ ~ Ilt~ 1'+-1. D 181 2, lO" \)011 it>~...\<tJ ~~~~R~~I.Q~~~~ RESOLUTION FOR REVOKING THE DESIGNATION OF A SUBURBAN ROAD THE ST. THOlUS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J.IS. HINDLEY THAT THE DESIGNATION 11),. A SUBURBAN ROAD OF COUNTY ROAD 41 30 FROM NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 4F 52 TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION X AND CONCESSION XI YARMOUTH A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY .85 MILES IS HEREBY REVOKED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED: SIGNED BY: A. W.AUCKLAND CHAIRMAN SIGNED BY: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY I, Robert G. Moore,Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Conunission, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission at a meeting on the 20th day of October 1976. i?11f(~' SE . TAR I ,( ~;;/ ".~l~~~:............. ...... "'l'. t,r~'_;f~1::'..tt" ,., ~! TRANSPORTATION AND CO~,iJNICATIONS \ , I i I I CON I ~,,(\:\ I ! I i I ! i I i That the designation of Elgin County Road 30 marked in red on this design is revoked as a St. Thomas Subutban Road by Resolution of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission dated October 20, 1976. CERTIFIED l?...Jf. tfn li'lr-<-. Sec~rr; t St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission. LOie tI) o ;. C -l :I: r'~' I I I -' ~ . '. . .(i ", . ~j x' \ ~ . '~"S;---t-;~ ~"~~~~',::'~~;~~~"L~ r\ \.. " .~-~' "~,C:;"~k _ .... ~~:: ".;' ~\~: ~". "~_"""~'" v ..~ 8 ;.. ::u j (') :I: fTI CfJ -l "", 52 f'o;t~ ~ - ::':-j:.~-r ,cJ ~'~~~~~~; \~ "''c',,'" '. _.~ ,. //~I ,',,7"o~C-5;,,;;"; " -;- , I , 'Y;F' ,'~'~.. A' ':'~T~~ ,,;.5~.,.;...,~ ""...', r@lr;AR'J~~ 0i U T~_ v I ! i I ><'=+-"'c ' ,,;. s;\; ;~'?~\:~ Lor LC~ KEY PLAN .~-,.~j SCALE PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH ADDED TO THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM BY BY-LAW NUMBER 2166 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGI N COUN~Y ROAD NUM'6ER 30 LENGTH OF ROAD ASSUMED ~APPROX."?5 ",LES U,b.' ~",Ci.."t;.. .~ The Kin;'s l-tit;"twO-y County Rood ~! 3C Towns~iJl BOllndar'~" Coun'1 S,undorie$ Ot"er County ROOM Unopened Rood AIIOtfCIncu To"r.shlp Roads 8Y~LAW NbM8ER 2166 Approved 19 ; by Order -in - Council Number O.ated the I her.""_ ~'tify thot this Pion formapor! 0'- ScIa-ch'Je 'A' ioBy-LowNumbtr 2166 of the CC"A.infy of Elgin Director of MunieipalBraoch ~~~~~!!'-~~ '??'-, Da.e I -21""~~~," L<'~ elen, _ nty -of _Elgin _ llbc-Il d{ '"LL!. ~oen~-~ Coun., Road Plan N. 30-' OCTOBER 20, 1976. PAGE 1. AT lis. MEETING OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 20J 1976 WITH MESSERSAUCKLAND AND HINDLEY PlU;SENTJ THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WIS PASSED. RESOLUTION FOR REVOKING THE DESIGNATION OF fA SUBURBAN ROAD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MOVED BY: A. W.AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: JAS. HINDLEY THAT THE DESIG~ION IS A SUBURBAN ROAD OF COUNTY ROAD 4F 30 FROM NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 1; 52 TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION X AND CONCESSION XI YARMOUTH A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY .85 MILES IS HEREBY REVOKED SUBJECT TO THE APPRCN At OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED: SIGNED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND, CHAIRMAN. SIGNED BY: R. G. MOORE, SECRETARY. ~?J ~ 1:0 CJf1~ ~-' a_}V~.~ CA~ SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE Secretary-Treasurer CourtHous~) Guelph, ~nt. NIH 3T9, September 30. 1976. Mr .R. G. Moo r e, P .Eng ., County Engineer, County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Mr. Moore: At a recent Executive meeting of the Association, it was recommended that I circulate a questionnaire to all member Commissions. The purpose of such a letter was to solicit support in obtaining subjects for the Annual Meeting on February 22nd. It was further suggested that Mr. Gerry Browning, Head of the Municipal Roads Branch,be present to discuss any issues of interest to the Commission. I have contacted Mr. Browning regarding such arrangements and I have suggested that possibly he may wish as well to make a brief presenta- t ion. C e r t a i n 1 y t h er e suI t so f the Up per Tie r Fix e dCos t ./ Committee may be of particular interest to us at that time. I would assume that it is only coincidence that the theme of the O.G.R.A. Convention for 1977 is "Productive Public Dollars". In the interest of the Association, I would appre- ciate it if you wou1d.take a couple of minutes at your next Commission meeting to solicit any subjects that they would wish to hear discussed at the Annual Me~ting. We should keep in mind that the program is intended to only be in the vicinity of one hour. PLEASE' DETACH THE ENCLOSED QUESTIONNAIRE AND RETURN IT AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. In addition, I would appreciate receiving the names of the members of your Commission(s). Yours very truly, ;:;. ~ ,/,~.r ARH:blh Encl. A~ R. Rolmes,P.Eng. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION 1976 COMMISSION COUNTY 1975 POPULATION OF CITY OR SEP. TOWN 37,803 243,928 18 ~ 730 24,945 26~853 55,031 4,659 198,569 33,399 65 , 124' 68,192 23,911 35,089 19,946 45,743 5,176 61,003 14,877 59,337 4,928 9,232 1. Chatham 2. London 3. Owen Sound 4.. Stratford 5. St. . Thomas 6. Sarnia 7. St..Marys 8.. Windsor 9. Barri e 10. Brantford 11 . Gue1 ph 12. Oril1ia 13. Belleville 14. Brockvi1le 15. Cornwall 16.. Gananoque 17. Kingston 18.. Pembroke 19.. Peterborough 20. Prescott 21.. Smiths Falls 22.. SmithsFa11s 23.. Trenton Kent Middlesex Grey Perth Elgi n Lambton Perth Essex Simcoe Brant Wellington Simcoe Hastings Leeds & Grenville Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Leeds & Grenville Frontenac Renfrew Peterborough Leeds & Grenville Lanark Leeds Northumberland 14.,877 CLASS B E B B B C A D B C C B B B B A C B C A A A B SUMMARY POPULATION OF CITY NUMBER OF ANNUAL .CLASS OR SEPARATED TOWN COMMISSIONS DUES A o ..; 10,000 5 10..00 B 10,000- 50,000 11 15.00 C 50,000 - 100,000 5 20..00 D 100,000 -200,000 1 30..00 E Over 200,000 1 55.00 WESTERN GROUP MEETING (,' ,'~ r ., SUBURBAl'J ROADS COl1!-1ISSrON ASSOCIATIOn ,. ~' Brant County Council Chambers BRANTFORD Wednesday, June 23, 1976 Proceedings began at 10:15 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of st. Marys, Chairman of the Western Group, presiding. A total of 44 were in attendance including 5 M.T.C. representatives. The commissions in attendance were, Brantford - 6; Chatham - 3; Guelph - 5; London - 7; Owe.n Sound - 4; Sarnia - 2; St. Marys - 3;; St. Thomas - 1; Stratford - 3; Windsor - 5. Roy Gordon (Guelph), president of the Provincial Association, said a few words, and the group was welcomed by Mr. J. Howell, Chairman of the Brant County Commission. It was moved by Frank Hutnik (Windsor) and seconded by Doug Hubbell (Owen Sound) that the minutes of last year's meeting in St. Thomas be adopted as~read. Allan Holmes, Secretary of the provincial association, suggested that any commission who has a problem they would like discussed, to forward it to the executive as soon as p08sible. It was moved by Frank Hutnik (Windsor) and seconded by Charles Cousin (London) that the following be re-appointed as officers for another y:ear: Secr.etary - John Stephens (St. Marys) Mike Wilson (Chatham) Morley Howe (London) Tom.Collings (Stratford) President - Directors - The above motion was passed unanimously. The summary of a questionnaire re: winter maintenance costs, nite shifts, 2-way radios, etc., was circulated. It was obvious that costs varied significantly due to amount 'of snow fall, traffic volumes, level of service required. Also some commissions included overhead and some didn't. Other c'Ommissions used ren-ted equipment, while others used their own. In summary there were too many variables to come to any conclusion. -2- ~~ ," ,of , I Mr. George Spencer, circulated a Motor" Vehicle accident review report for Brant County in 1975. The results were quite interest- ing and in some ca~es contrary to what you would expect, such as 39 of 41 county roads had an averag~ of 1 accident per winter between the hours of 9 P.M. and 6 A.M., indicating that a nite shift was not warranted in that county. Mr. Bob Howarth of the Grand River Conservation Authority, showed 2 very interesting and informative films of the 1974 flooding of Bridgeport, Cambridge and the entire watershed. Following the meeting we were entertained by the Brant Commission to a reception and excellent roast beef, etc. buffet. The commissions present decided to ask Barrie to be the host city in 1977, as the Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia delegates were all in favour of travelling that .distance. If Barrie were unable to accept, Stratford agreed to be the alternate. Following the luncheon, the group .toured the site of the Cockshutt Bridge, where pile driving was being carried out. This 3~ million dollar 5 span project was most interesting to everyone. The Bell homestead and the Mohawk Chapel were also visited. The day's activities concluded at 4 P.M. PREVIOUS HOSTS OF WESTERN GROUP 1969 - Chatham 1970 - London 1971 - Sarnia 1972 - Owen Sound 1973 - Hamilton 1974 - Windsor 1975 - St. Thomas 1976 - Brantford Respectfully Submitted, Tom Collings, Secretary "'.".6. SUBURBAN ROADS ~eMMISSnpN ASS~IATION - WESTERN GROUP Wednesday, June 23rd, 1976, 10:15 A.M. Chairman - John Stephens, St. Mary's Commission. 1) Welsome from Provincial Assn. President - Mr. Roy Gordon. 2) Wel~me from Brantford Commission - Mr. J. Howell, Chairman. 3) Minutes of 1~75 meeting in st. Thomas. 4) General Association business - Correspondence, Election of Officers, etc.' 5) Discussion on Results of Winter Maintenance Costs Questionnaire. 6) Review of ~tor Vehicle Accident Report by C. George Spencer. 7) Showing of Gran<< River ~nservation Authority Fillns by Mr. Bob Haworth. 8) Adjournment of General Business Meeting. 12:00 - 2:00 Reception and Lunch by Bus to Hooper's. 9) 2:00 - 3:30 Short Bus Tour of Cockshutt Bridge Project Bell Homestead, Historic Site Mohawk Chapel, Historic Site 10) 3:30 Return to Court House - Dispersal. "T'. ~'...' ,.I ...~, I COUNTY OF BRANT ROADS DEPARTMENT ,) MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT REVIEW REPORT A review has been carried out of all reported motor vehicle accidents on County and Suburban Roads for the period January 1st, 1972 to October 31st, 1975. The purpose of the review was primarily to determine: a) The number of accidents occurring during the winter period. b) The number of accidents occur;r:ing in the winter period during the times when County work crews are not normally on duty, ie. week-ends and nights. c) The number of accidents that occurred when it was snowing or when roads were snow covered in relation to the number that occurred under shall we say ideal conditions, ie. bare and clear. d) Whether alcohol was a factor. e) Whether the horizontal alignment of the road may have been a factor. From the analysis of the accidents~ it was hoped that some concluslons as to the' adequacy of winter maintenance standards employed at the present t~me could be made, and whether there was in fact a need to increase the level of service. Some of the observations are as follows: 1) During the study period, 477 accidents took place in 'the months between April 1st to October 31st, and 404 took place in the months between,' November 1st to March 31st, for a total of 881 in 3 years and 10 months. 2) 45.8% of reported accidents occurred in the winter period. 54.2% of reported accidents occurred in the summer period. 3) Of the 404 accidents that took place in the winter period, 259 of them or 64.1% occurred in the Monday - Friday part of the week and 144 or 35.9% occurred on the week-ends. 4) Of the 259 accidents that occurred in tne Monday - Friday part of the week, 135 of them or 52.1% took place between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. A further analysis of these accidents showed that of the 135 accidents reported Monday to Friday, between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M., 1 47 or 34.8% occurred between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. when a night crew, if we had one would normally be on duty. ... continued . I . , Page 2... 4 a) Of the 404 accidents reported in the November 1st to March 31st period 142 +135 = 277 or 68% of them occurred either on the week-end or between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M., when work crews are not normally on duty. 5) Of the 404 accidents that took place in the winter period, 27% or 110 occurred when snow was falling. 61% or 244 occurred when the weather was clear. 10% or 39 occurred in rainy weather. 2% or 11 occurred in foggy weather. A further analysis showed that of the 404 accidents, 59% or 239 occurred when the road condition wasrepprtedas snow covered. 26% or 104 occurred when the road condition was reported as bare and dry. 15% or 61 occurred when the road condition was reported as wet. 6) Of the 47 accidents that occurred Monday to Friday, 9:00.'P.M. to 6:00 A.M. (a) 60%.or 28 occurred under clear weather conditions. 30% or 14 occurred under snowy weather conditions. 4% or 2 occurred under foggy weather conditions. 6% or 3 occurred under rainy weather conditions. (b) 36% or 17 occurred under bare and dry pavement conditions. 15% or 7 occurred under bare and wet pavement conditions. 49% or 23 occurred under snow covered pavement conditions. (c) 3 or 13% of the 23 accidents that occurred on snow covered roads involved drinking drivers. 7) 262 or 65% of all winter period accidents were single vehicle accidents~ 8) 85% or 40 of the 47 accidents that occurred between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. on snow covered roads were single vehicle.accidents. 8.a) 44% or 177 of the 404 winter period accidents were single vehicle accidents on snow covered roads. 9) 18% or 48 of the 262 drivers involved in single vehicle accidents during the winter period were charged. 10) Only 32% or 131 of the drivers involved in the 404 winter period accidents were charged. continued t., Page 3 ... 11) 75.5% of all winter period accidents occurred on straight stretches of road. 12) The percentage of accidents occurring on the various County Roads is t~bulated on Page by the categories noted. 13) It will be noted that in the winter period Roads 4 and 24 accounted for 27% and 19.3% or a total of 46.3% of all accidents occurring in that period. CONCLUSION From the foregoing there is no clear cut indication that Winter Road Main- tenance service needs to be increased to provide coverage during the night. For example; on County Road 4, theCockshuttRoad, the most heavily travelled road on the system, only 11 accidents were investigated oyer the 4 years in the 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. period, Monday to Friday, 43 on week-end. Likewise, on Road 24, only 12 accidents were investigated over the 4 years in the 9:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. period. In .fact 26 out of the 41 County Roads repor~ed, no' night accidents between the hours of 9:00 P.M. and 6:00 A..M. over the 4 years, and 39 out of the 41 County Roads reported, 4dor less, an average of less than 1 per winter. RECOMMENDATION That the present system of winter maintenance be maintained, with no increase in the level of service. March 11"1976. Page 4 Rd. No . Summer Total % of Accidents in % of Accidents Total Winter Period Total 2 17 3.6 12 3.0 3 I 14 4~ 109 2.9 22.8 1.9 1.3 3.1 0.6 0.2 1.9 0.2 6.1 3.6 2.5 4.2 1.5' 4.6 0.4 2.9 0.0 0.4 4.0 18.0 2.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.3 0.4 1.0 2.1 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 16 109 1 9 10 o o 12 o 18 11 12 18 1 24 1 2 o 1 16 78 4 3 9 2 11 1 8 13 1 o o o o o 1 o o o o 4.0 27.0 0.2 2.2 2.5 o o 3.0 o 4.5 2.7 3.0 4.5 0.2 5.9 0.2 0.5 o 0.2 4.0 19.3 1.0 0.7 2.2 0.5 2.7 0.2 2.0 3.2 0.2 o o o o o 0.2 o o o o 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9 6 15 3 1 9 1 29 17 12 20 7 22 2 14 o 2 19 24 ~~ ~'1 86 25 26 27 ' 28 32 33 35 36 37 50 51 52 53 122 129 130 134 136 144 12 4 4 5 11 2 5 10 3 1. o o o o 3 1 o 1 1 477 100% 404 100 1975 'Winter Daily Traffic 791 678 5,468 1,728 1,110 936 276 141 810 120 1,538 661 839 479 574 1,915 293 1,224 115 383 1,553 2,839 410 345 852 307 3,024 385 476 1,488 133 4,518 2,502 2,773 674 556 68 88 425 664 76 1975 9 P.M.-6 A.M. Daily' Traffic 78 67 697 261 92 N/A N/A 10 100 N/A' 229 81 65 49 68 310 32 153 9 32 N/A 314 32 59 25 41 388 35 52 122 10 429 327 517 39 48 N/A N/A N/A 41 3 Page 5 ~PORTEn MOTQR VEHICLE ACCIDENT ANALYSIS - JANUARY 1972 - OCTOBER 1975 Winter Period Only Winter Period Only '.. Day of Week Time of Collision " Driver Drinking Charged Road Date of Collision' Type - Road No. Apr.-Oct. Nov.-Mar. Mon.-Fri. Sat.-Sun 5 P.M.-7 A.M. 9 P.M. -6 A.M. Weather Condition' Road Condition Yes No Yes No .S M S C , .~ 2 17 12 9 3 3 1 2 snow, 8 clear 8 snow, 3 dry 3 9 3 9 11 1 5 7 .. 2 fog; 1 wet 3 ' A 16 10 6 5 1 2 snow, 13 clear 7 snow, 6 dry 1 15 5 11 11 5 16 0 I ..L "':l: I 1 fog 3 wet. , 4 109 109 : 11 37 59 clear 69 28 dry 20 89 40 69 62 47 90 19 66 43 32 snow, snow, 13 rain or fog 12 wet " . . 5 9 1 1 0 " 1 clear 1 wet 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 -- -- 6 6 9 6 3 2 0 1 snow, 7 clear 6 snow, 3 dry 2 7 2 7 4 5 9 0 1 fog . 7 15 10 6 4 0 0 3 snow, ~ clear 7 snow, 3 wet 0 10 3 7 4 6 7 3 " 1 fog " 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 --I -- - - - - - - - - . , . ~i 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- - - - - - - - - :1 11 9 12 7 5 .5 2 7 snow, 5 clear 8 snow, 4 wet 0 12 2 10 6 6 11 1 i . , 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- - - - - - - - - 13 29 18 13 5 8 2 5 snow, 10 clear 7 snow, 6 dry 2 16 7 11 10 8 15 3 .3 rain 5 wet . 14 17 11 6 5 4 2 1 snow, 8 clear 5 snow, 4 dry O' 11 3 8 10 1 5 6 " 2 rain 2 wet , 15 12 12 8 4 5 2 4 snow, 6 clear 10 snow, 2 dry 3 9 4 8 9 3 11 1 2 rain ..... .. , , -'-....- , ._m ". \-.- Page 6 Reported Motor Vehicle Accident Analysis - January 1972 -October 1975 cont'd a e 0 0 J.sJ.on Day 0 Wee TJ.me 0 Co J.sJ.on rJ.ver rJ.n J.nq arqe T'roe Road ROad No. April.-0ct. Nov. -Mar. Mon.-Fri. Sat.-Sun. 5 P.M.-7 A.M. 9 P.M.-6 A.M. Weather Co~ditions Road Condition Yes No Yes No S M S C 16 20 18, 13 5 4 0 7 snow, 8 clear 15 snow, 2 dry 0 18 2 16 13 5 17 1 3 rain 1 wet 17 7 1 1 0 1 0 ,1 clear 1 snow 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 18 22 24 14 10 5 4 3 sn<;>w, 17 clear 21 snow, 2 dry 3 21 6 18 21 3 12 12 3 raJ.n, . 1 fog 1 wet 19 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 clear 1 dry 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 . . 20 14 i 2 1 1 0 0 2 clear 2 dry 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 f 21 O' 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 clear 1 dry 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 23 19 16 12 .4 8 2 4 snow, 11 clear 8 snow, 7 dry 3 13 5 11 11 5 16 0 1 fog ~.. ~ 1 wet i 24 ~6 78 46 32 30 14' 21 snow, 48 clear 41 snow, 24 dry 11 67 32 46 49 29 43 35 6 rain, 3 fog 13 wet 25 12 4 3 1 3 1 1 clear, 3 rain 1 snow, 1 dry 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 wet. , . 26 4 3 1 2 0 0 1 snow, 2 clear 3 ice 0 3 0 3 1 2 3 0 , 27 4 9 8 1 4 1 2 snow, 7 clear 2 snow, 4 dry 1 8 5 4 5 4 6 3 3 wet . 28 5 2 2 0 2 2 1 snow, 1 clear 2 snow 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 32 11 11 10 1 4 0 3 snow, 7 clear 5 snow, 3 dry 0 11 2 9 6 5 11 0 1 rain 3 wet D t f C II' , f k f II' ,. D ' Winter Period Only D 'k' Ch Winter Period Only d . . Page 7 Reported Motor Vehicle Accident Analysis - January 1972 - Octoher 1975, cont'd Winter Period Only Winter Period Only Date of Collision Day of Week Time of Collision' Driver Drinking Charged Type Road , - Road No,. Apr.-Oct. Nov.-Mar. Mon.-Fri. Sat.-Sun. 5 P.M.-7 A.M. 9 P.M.-6 A.M. Weather Conditions Road Condition Yes NO Yes No S M S C 33 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 clear 1 dry 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 35 5 8 5 3 5 3 2 snow, 4 clear 4 snow, 1 dry 0 8 0 7 8 0 3 5 1 fog, 1 mist 3 wet 1 . 36 10 13 9 4 3 1 4 snow, 8 clear 9 snow, 2 dry 1 12 4 9 10 3 12 1 1 rain 2 wet . , . 37 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 rain 1 wet 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 .. .' 50 1 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ~ ,. . ; 51 0 n 0 0 0 I' 0 0 0 0 0 0 :,0 0 0 0 0 0 . \I I " ~ .-, n " .' 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 "':." - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 53 0 0 0 0 c- O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - i 0 0 0 0 122 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 . " 129 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 clear 1 dry 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 130 1 0 0 0 .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - '. 134 0 0 0 0 .' 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - ; 136 1 0 0 0 0 0 '- - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ,. 144 1 0 n 0 0 0 0 - - 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '- . TOTALS 477 404 " 259 145 135 47 110 snow, 244 clear 239 snow, 104 dry 54" 350 131 272 26~ 14~ 30: 99 39 rain, 11 fog 61 wet .. . . June 23, 1976 SUBURBAN R.ABS OOMMISSION ASS.~IATION (WESTERN) WINTER MAINTENANCE SUMMARY NIGHT OR (3) MILES 1975 WINTER 1975 WINTER MTCE. RADIOS (2) WEEK-END SHIFT 1975 SNOWFALL GOMMISSION MAINTAINED EXPENDITURES (1) COST PER MILE YES NO YES NO INCHES (lHATHAM ,,/' 24 $ 5,732.88 $ 238.87 X X 39 WIN.StR vi' 141 36,914.49 261.80 X X 59.2 SARNIA v 37.8 17,196.00 453.00 X X Several STltJ.TF.~ V' 27 16,400.00 608.00 X X 136 B1WITFtlRt ,;' 54.8 33,908.80 618.77 X X i' ./ 14' '. ST. MARY'S 17 11,200.00 658.00 X X X ST. THOMAS v 14.45 9,596.001 664.00 X X Too Much OWEN SOUND v 29 27,870.00 961.03 X X 144 ('('v , BARRIE 20 19,934.27 1,000.00 ? ? ? Blank lli LONDON V 103 104,030.70 1,001.00 X X 95 ORILLIA yv- 21 26,242.56 1,300.00 ? ? ? Blank GUELPH j 52 86,970.00 \ 1,672.00 X X 107.2 \ cr\, 69.5 NOTE: (1) C~ts may or'may not include overhead ,(2) All who had radios of course reported that they found them to be an advantage (3) Those maintaining a night or week-end shift had varying systems. h' COST PER INCH $ 146.99 623.55 High 120.58 565.15 8t._~ ? 193.54 1,095.06 811.29 1,251.37 ~ ~ l'\ r. l y tb~-lV; --fa ,~ K~\' ! ,,' 'J;..{- \ L'LI' ~ '" J..-v Q'" f>@ f>>@L~ TI." tt i Lf:t Si)~t)R.,.~~ (i.~ GiN I~ H IL.L (~<e.c\o"\ ~ f.A ) f-lC7DA- L At1T L~VI~D 1915 6uC>GE-T M A I tSff:f...J '-\~I.~ co~.sTaVc..rlii. OU~e HG-AI) MiSe ThT~ l- M'L'E-$ /1000 ?Of ( Aur:..-. b4 ') '''~''-' ,. W&Slc./~N, . t.) ratl. ~~....,~ . ~. - - <. _4. 4.- - - --: ~- -f- __VJ, SQ.6..t:a',8 1/ ;/ f3q._~~FO~b, 1__CUt\T~_A~ J .GUrU'H "4.000 . - 54-..fo " "8 000 . f" b8 000 ., 13~ "00 , 110 100 . .ss 400 , " 000 I .3 "8 600 I .8S ~,~~---~-~~..........","......",. .3~ 5"00 . '24-, :3 JI .3 (" ~ 00 I It 40 05 0 . 159 2100 . 6bl ~ ,s 000 . 52.~ fl( Co 7, 000 11.((,7,000 J.s f? 00'0 ~ 311,ODO 71000 600000 .eo L8Nt> 0 N I 23l.., 800 I toe I t t41 tOO 0 I I Z4f 000 I ' I I t I I 9.9 0 0 0 I ' j 7J4.0<JO J / J 2 B 000 I I I 4- -000 I . . i f f 045 000 t' . , -43 "7 ~ ~ _ l. 1 'R C ~D/CO NHI~St.ON ~ -* ., )' _ - - ," r - " v,,- ., _ ~; ,',' .;} .w6.J ,Sn i SL'\O..I r1 r . <'.M A~Ul. !C'ltl.^TFd~"!. S~ Tuo~^' ='~9,.<<=,=+~~:~::'-1_:>T__~=~~J'!.. ,~- ..t-t.. .,&Jil- --CIl'W> j I j.! . . ~. 1 --- . I . :'. \ t ;'1 1'1;-. {Y'u' J1 5it.. 000 i.. 4 &00 f .34500.1 · t '1 ~'I i t 4 f. 37'f) I'.'" 7 ~1,.$ I . J .1.8 I.. . 'f I 4- 100 2.4 Zoo! , d'? ~ ~ /~ ;J-YV i. ~4 000 J ' i 1- b4.000 I f #t b 000 I ;;2 ;) J ;;-vJ 171 I 40 00 0 I 9 .o~ 0 I 112 00 0 , 7v". 000 7, coo 9 000 ~o . 24.1000 · zr;, "100 , I .b~ 3.48 :2&2 ., Z+ 800 , '. l.b 7001 j .81,: 0001 I I Z, 0 00 I I +f>O r/22v,loo , . ,. I ~ /) / I , '6" i 00 so. 0 0 d IS ~. Q 0 0 II Of) 0 - , 'ZI4. QOo j 1 ~ % ~.R -45 L ~'1 d.,,:) L~".- .----. j; 1 _ t _.', .~l. __.~ _ -.-1-- _ ji JtvNt;"'1. ; .' , ----i;----:wi/-1"L'.:......; .. ! -: "~..-H , , : . t--i---1' ~.4<1*J)f I . > ':' -+-'--T'-"T- 1'...4..11 !.. 1.1..' .:~ .=r~r; i 2._~~Q.g . ~~~'. --"--"-->~"""---"" t ,1. .---~q -J..-J _;2, 218 ~9_~",--,l ~~+titi , ,-'.- +--)j", i i '~';~~ -'---r -t 2l5-oo~. ' , , 4 et~. 1"oq t I,~, SOQ 18 000 . 89booo . · b4; () ~ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications p.o. Box 6008, London, Ontario. April 8, 1976. Mr. R.G. Moore, County Engineer, County.of Elgin, CourtHouse, St. Thomas,Ontario. RE: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Approved resolution designatjLng portion ofGoul1~X.. fLoaQjf}O Dear Sir: Attached please find copy of the above mentioned for your information and file. Yours truly ~&.~~--- F. D. Clarke, Sr. Mun. Supervisor, for FDCjwjm H.H. Greenly Dist. Mun. Engineer. @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications fIlii ~Ial: Memt ~andum To: Mr. H. H. Greenly, District Municipal Engineer, London District. From: Munic ipal Transportation Branch. 7th Floor, West Tower, Downsview. Attention: Mr. F. D. Clarke. Date: April 1, 1976. Our File Ref. In Reply to Subject: Re: St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Please find enclosed a copy of a re solution to de signate a portion of County Road No. 30 to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission syste.m. The resolution has been duly approved by the Minister. After noting the resolution for your reco;rds, please forward it to Mr. Moore, COti.nty Engineer. HW fnr E nc 1. ~{d~tp./ H. warge([ . Municipal Projects Co-Ordinator. Ir it'll CON ST. NOTE r, FU.E MAINT. DISClJISS WITH ME I -t::::-~--- . , MUNICfP. ..Ii · PL~As'E ANSWER -~._---- SERVICES NOTE & RE1URN TO ME ~--- - --~........_-- ---~_........_........_._- ACCOUNTS INVESTlGAl'E& ~epORT EQUIP. '(^K~ ,AP~ROP~IAH. \ ACTlm: SIGNS & ~. - ....-----.... SHOW ME RH'lY "ERMITS &f:FORt Mt,llING ,","---.-- -, __P_._____--.<.-..,cII__ ENG. OF', PREPARE REPLY sUPV, -..--"- ....-. SAHTV RETURN WITH SUPV, COMMENTS -..--. DIST. Non & IlllURH ,~~:.-~fF. TO lISRARY I. ~RSONNEL j ~~~"",q '''".' ',' '~""";t~~'" _,.. f .......1. '1 ~ ~ -~ N ;1 ~ f __t. J: j :1 -j r 1 ~ ~i ~ j ~. t"'!~""tl<Of.'Jt" f'~~;iCE~ L[ 0 -) I~ ..r.....6~ ~ 1\~ Xr (\ U'" rJI ~., '\'{Il ~i '<<4>J'rIY~~ ,;"01..-,,, 0 1ST. 2 L 0 ~ 0011 _,.,,'I'W ~"~', "~ND''.~i?TA''ION r>,\'\tlC\):',;/ ."""~;~L::;;l:;;;:,;;.~#~ ~1 ~', ,.1 II...A'.. .1...' i , RESOLUTION FOR DESIGNATING A SUBURBAN ROAD THE ST. 'mOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS CO~ISSION MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT COUNTY ROAD 30 FROM 1000 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 52 NORTHERLY TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS X AND, XI YARMOUTH A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 0.66 MILES IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS . CARRIED : Signed by: A. W. AUCKLAND CHAIRMAN Signed by: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY 1, Robert G. Moore, Soc~tary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, hereby certify that the foregoing is a tl'U8 and correct copy of a Resolution p8~sed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission at a meeting on Monday the 8th day of March 1976. ~. ! Ail} :P''vED 'PATE;:AY~6N"O, ONTARIO THIS",Z;,,,, VOF,,~~, '~.' ~ "...L M'IN'is T'ER'jjJ!rRA'NSPORTA'iioN"'AND' 'C'9i(MUNicATIONS' R49/~. SECRETAR~ / / V' ",.',". c'.<_..:._____ . ~ COIV. X/I I COIV XI LOT 8 COIV, XI l.OT COIV~ - - ~ ---- -~/'-....-......'.....'........ I ' I I I! )....,'.:~..,..l it 9 I f~ 1 ~i ~r" r That the designation of Elgin County Road No. 30marked (in red) on this design is assumed as a St. Thomas Suburban Road by resolution of the St. Thomas Suburban 'Road Commission dated March 8/76. 4/ l.OT Certi fied tt\./-- 1000 ft. To north limit of Ro.ad 52 KEY PLAN ~ j MIL" \" - - - - SCAr.E ~ PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF- YARMOUTH ADDEO TO THE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM BY BY-LAW NUMBER 2166 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 30 LENGTH OF ROAD ASSUMED -APPRDX. 4,7:5 MILES . MU_ LEGEN 0 Urbon. Municipalities p.~ The King's Hl;hway Township Boundarl.. ------ County RGOd "2 30 Ceunty Boundaries Other Count)' Roodl Township Roods Unopened Rood Allowoncu BY-LAW NUMBER 2166 App,.ov.d 19 . b, Order -In - Council Numb.r Dated the I hereby certify thot thil Plan forms part of Schedule 'A'to By-l.CIw Numbet 2166 of the County of Elgin, Director of Municipal Branch _ ~!'!.'5..~~~_2!~ ~?'- Oat. ~~~~ t._ Clerk. nty of Elgin _ l!h -11 ::If'LL!.. ~den~ County Rood Plan N. 30-1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 8, 1976. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION met at 9:30 A.M. on March 8 at the County Engineer's Office. PRESENT Messrs. Rowe and Auckland. UMOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1976. C ARRIEDu THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of Me rch 1975 were read and approved. UMOVED BY: w. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISS ION MEMBERS BE $ 150 AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT THE SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $ 15 AND ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $ 40 BOTH BE PAID. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED AND EXPLAINED THE ATTACHED REPORT detailing 1975 Expenditures and the 1976 Budget. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 8, 1976. Page 2 I'MOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. W.AUCKLAND THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1975 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS . CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A. W. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: W. E. ROWE THAT WE APPROVE THE ENGINEERtS BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 145,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AND OF $ 800 IN NON SUBS In IZABLE ITEm, ALL EXPEND ITURES ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROM>S IN 1976, AND THAT WE RECOMMEND THE BUDGET TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED THE RE ASSUMPTION by the Commission of Road 30 (Radio Road) between Road 52 and the Patterson Bridge to enable the Commission to continue with their programme of construction on Road 30. UMOVED BY: W. E. ROWE SECONDED BY: A. W.AUCKLlND THAT COUNTY ROAD 30 FROM 1000 FEET NORTH OF NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 52 NORTHERLY TO THE SOUTH LIMIT OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS X AND XI YARMOUTH A DISTANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 0.66 MILES IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURlU\N ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVE1~NT ACT SUBJECT TO THE ;\~PROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 8, 1976. Page 3 THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. c1 M ~~~ , , CHAIRMAN "" ST. THO!-fAS SUBUR!3AN ROADS C9Ml.j~SSION REPORT WJ 'rv J Febroary / 76 To The Chainnan And Hembers Of The St. Thomas Suburban ROa.ds Commission. Attached .to this rep"ort. is a Statement of Expenditures in 1975 on Suburban Roads and a Proposed Budget for 1976. In 1915 a portion of Road 30 north of Road 52. WE:lS reverted to County Control to allow for constroctJon on that po'rtion of th~ road that the Commission was unable to finance. It'willbe necessary to reassume aportionoifthe reversion so that the available funds for 1976 maybe , II /i l,1tY .11'/;1 the section. \. utilized. Maintenance and Overhead Expenditures in 1975w4~.re for the 'most partnotmalin nature. with exception 0 f Shoulder Gravelling on Wellington Road. (cha.rged to Roadside l>taintenance )>andSutfaceTreatmlentwork on Road 22. (Fairvi.ew Ave.). Net .Construction on Road 30 in 1975 totaled $ IiI, 476. 91 Which .with Maintenance and. Noh Subs idj zabl e i.tems. gave a total expend itureof . $229,842.70. Evena,fter the MiI}istry 0 f T,ransportC;ltion,andComtnunications Subsidy and>thesuI'p1us'from 1974 were deducted t:he net deficit for the City 0 f St. Thomas sha re\-l8S slight~yi'hexce.ss 0 f<$'2,OOO. This deficit . will of course 'reduce the amount of workoI} the Suhu.rbari System in 1976. In L976 'Maintenance' on the System wiJl' b~ ofa,.nonnal nature. WlnterCoritrol . estitnateshave heen increased' because of the severe winter to date. . SU rfaceTrea.trnent will be requ ired>\on' St.Georg~. St reet . (Road 26 - approxima.telyO.9 miles). As the County Overhead Costs are considerably more. in 1976 than in 1975 the Suburban Corranision share is increase<;l accordingly. All funds not used in. maintenanceshottldbe uSE!dtoward the fompletion 0 fRoad30. Appro:ximately $25,000 is'required to complete work from the St. ThomasCityLimitstoCoup.t:,yRoad 52. Th:lswill leave. . approxixnatety$69,()QO'tooe a.pplledl.l~inst.c()n~t:t"Uc.t:t()n'of the $eetion of Road 30 from Road 52 to just nortbofPa,tter$onCulvert. ApproXimately $ 120,O()Ooverandt:lb()vetl1e~()mml$si()ntsfundSli'tl1be. irequi red to comPlete E..~~__~D:~Ql~...JiU B lL~B~l'L!3.Q.!illS C 0 l.'~gi> S 1.:.Q.~_~~:.?O RT paGe 2 Fe b rtl a ry / 76 It wi.ll be necessary for the Commission to pasS a resolution ~tIJ . assuming the road ~'the road allowance between C0ncessions X and Xl and when the Commi.ssion Budget is spent pass a Resolution reverting the road to the juri.sdiction of the County so tllat that section of road can be completed this year. All Of\1hich Is Respectfully Submitted, ') )' ,// if //j . .1 R; G.-'l-laoi!.p,~filf,;n-;'. -_._--~~----- Er:CHiEER TO TllE'ST.THONAS SUBURBAN ROADS. GOHUlSSION