1977 Suburban Road Committee r J \..lo.l. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF EASTERN GROUP MEETING Four Seasons Hotel Belleville September 14, 1977 , ' i A formal meeting for approximately one hour was held on September 14 as part of the Fall meeting of the Eastern Group of the Association of Suburban Road Commissions. The meeting was chaired by the Hastings- Belleville Chairman, Mr. Frank Fol1well, and minutes taken by the Sec- retary to the Hastings-Belleville Commission, Commission Engineer, B. Frank Pinder. Chairman Follwell made some brief opening remarks thanking everyone for accepting the invitation to the meeting in Belleville. "He outl ined the program for the afternoon noting the inspecting of the new Wallbridge-Loyalist Overpass Project just completed and the tour through the BataShoe Factory. Sitting at the head table representing the executive of the Suburban Road Commission Association was Director Gord Dougall from Brockville. Mr. Dougall brought greetings from the Executive and mentioned Mrs. lin Good's election as Vice-President of the Association. He also mentioned the apparent slow-down ,in Regionalization by the Provincial Government" and a parallel decrease in the abolition of Suburban Road Commissions. The Chairman invited all Commissions present to report on their activities for 1977. Reports on the various Commissions were given as follows: Trenton Prescott Peterborough Pembroke Kingston Ganonoque Brockville Cornwall Smiths Falls~ Lanark Smiths Falls, Leeds Belleville Bob Edmunds Ernest Ralph jr\llan Reid not present Ken Brown Gord Dougall Gordon Byers Don McDonald Bob Strachan Gordon Dougall FrankFo l1well -2 - The Chairman asked those present if there was any new business to discuss. It was pointed out by Bob Strachan from Smiths Falls that a resolution from the City of London was presently being circulated to Municipalities throughout the Province concerning the appointment of Commissioners. London's recommendation is an amendment to The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act permitting elected officials to be appointed to the Commissions and a change in the length of appointment from five years to two years, corre.sponding to the term of Municipal Councils. Considerable discussion ensued concerning this resolution and many delegates to this meeting voiced their dissatisfaction with the proposal. As a result, it was Moved by: Freeman Hawky Seconded by: Harry Morrow That the Eastern Group of the Association of Suburban Road Commissions for Ontario opposed the resolution by the City of London concerning the appointment to Suburban Road Commissions and that Mrs. Lin Good and Mr. Gord Dougall be a dConmittee of two to make representation on our behalf to the appropriate authorities. 'Carried' One remaining item of new business waS an invitation by the Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission to host the 1978 meeting of this Group. All those present unanimously accepted the invitation. This concluded the business of the meeting and the Group proceeded with the bus tour to the Wa11bridge-Loyalist Overpass, and the tour of the Bata Shoe Factory. B.G. Pinder, P.Eng., Commission Engineer, Hastings-Bellevi Ile Suburban Roads Commission. . SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF WESTERN GROUP MEETING r' \' \ k Simcoe County Council Chambers Midhurst (Barrie) Wednesday, June 8,. 1977 b Proceedings began at 10:15 a.m. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys, Chairman f of the Western Group, presiding. A total of 49 were in attendance including 1 M.T.C. representative and 6 Simcoe County Officials. The Commissions in attendance were: Brantford - 3; Chatham - 3; Guelph - 6; London - 7; Owen Sound - 4; Sarnia - 2; St. Marys - 1; St. Thomas - 3; Stratford - 2; Windsor -4; Barrie - 4; Orillia - 3. This was the first time since the Western Group was formed that all Commissions were represented. Mike Wilson (Chatham), President of the Provincial Association said a few words, and the group was welcomed by Simcoe County Warden, Allan Glassford and Barrie Mayor, Ross Archer. Chairman" of the Barrie Commission, Dalt Jeremy and Ernie Miller of the Orillia Commission also said a few words. A moment of silence was held for Mr. Ed Rowe of the St. Thomas Commission, who passed away since the last meeting. It was moved by Frank Hutnik (Windsor) and seconded by Doug Hubbell (Owen Sound) that the minutes of the meeting last year in Brantford be adopted as read. Allan Holmes, Secretary of the Provincial Association, suggested that any Commission who has a problem they would like discussed, to forward i't to the Executive as soon as possible. It was moved by Don Derrick (Sarnia) and seconded by Char"les Cousins (London) that the following officers be appointed for the coming year: President - John Stephens (St. Marys) Directors - Morley Howe (London) Frank Hutnik (Windsor) Secretary - Tom Collings (Stratford) The above motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Allan Holmes, Provincial Secretary Treasurer introduced Sherry Yundt, of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Sherry is the Secretary of the Committee for the proposed legislation on Pits and Quarries. She showed slides outlining some of the problems faced in trying to come up with a policy docu- ment regarding Pit and Quarry legislation. She also answered a number of questions which unfortunately had to be cut off owing to the lack of time. Following the meeting we were conducted on a tour of the new municipal building which must be one of the most impressive in the province. - 2- After the tour the members were entertained by the Barrie and Orillia Commissions to a reception and excellent buffet at the HolidayInn~ Following the ]uncheon~ the group toured the Molson Brewery and reluctantly agreed to sample some of the by-products of Morley Howes Corn and Tom Collings Ma Iti ng Barl ey.' ~ Stratford and .St. Marys agreed to be the host of the Western group in 1978. PREVIOUS HOSTS OF WESTERN GROUP 1969 - Chatham 1970 - London 1971 - Sarnia 1972 - Owen Sound 1973. - Hamilton 1974 - Windsor 1975 -St~ Thomas 1976 - Brantford 1977 - Barrie Respectfully submitted~ Tom Callings, Secretary. .SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSO'CIATION SECRETARY-TREASURER'SREPORT TO FEBRUARY 17~ 1978 Account 1633 Province of Ontario (Guelph Bank Balance - February17, 1977 (1) Acknowledgment _(Go 'Browni.ng) .1977 Annual Meeting Annual Dues Received 1977-78 Class A - 5 @$10.00 Class B - 11 @ 15.00 Class C - 5@ 20.00 Class D - 1 @ 30.00 'Class E - 1 @ 55.00 Bank Interest - March 31, 1977 - September 30, 1977 (2) Secretary-Treasurer's Expenses & Honorarium Bank Balance Fe,bruary 17, 1978 AUDITOR'S STATEMENT J}ebi t $. 29.74 300.00 ~4.43 $1254.17 "Credit $ 788.34 50.. 00 165.00 100..00 30.00 55.00 38. 61 27.22 $1254.17 The above report in our opinion indicates the correctfinan~ial position and transactions of the Suburban Roads Commission Association for the year under review February 21, 1978 Auditor Auditor SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE MEETING Hyatt-Regency Hotel - Vancouver October 12, 1977 Present: Mr. Clarence Wilson, President Mrs. Lin Good, Vice-President Mr. Roy Gordon, Past Pre,sident Mr. G. Dougall, Director Mr. A.R. Holmes, Secretary-Treasurer 1. Area Meetings i) Western Group Meeting The President asked the Secretary-Treasurer to review the minutes of the eastern and western group meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer reported that 49 members had attended the eastern group meeting. It was held in Barrie at the Simcoe County Council Chambers. He reported that Miss Sherry Yundt of the Ministry of Natural Resources had spoken to the delegates on the proposed legislation on pits and quarries. ii) Eastern Group Meeting The Secretary-Treasurer reviewed the minutes of the eastern group held in Belleville at the Four Seasons Hotel. He referred to the discussion of the resolution from the City of London regarding the recom- mendation for an amendment to The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, for the change 'in appointment of Commissioners to the Suburban Roads Commission. ACTION BY . ' - 2 - ACTION BY 1. Area Meetings - Eastern Group cont'd That the Secretary-Treasurer circulate the resolution of the City of London to all member secretaries of the Suburban Roads Commission Association. Secreta ry- . Treasurer On a motion by Mrs. Good seconded by Mr. Gordon .. . carried 2.~<:;:' .... Repor_~~,from,,'~~_e._,_?e.cr~t~r-.x___ Tre_a~_~!:,~x:___ _ The Treas urer-'j ndica tedthat.. a lldf __the J 977-78 dues had been paid and that the bank balance, as of October 6, 1977~was$1224.43. 3. Annual Meeting It was agreed by the Executive to hold the annual meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1978 during the Ontar;'o Good Roads Association Convention. A number of topics were discussed which would be considered suitable for the annual program. The Executi ve recommended that, .i n addition to the discussion "of the resolution from the City ofl.ondon,aspeaker be asked to address the member- ship. The Secretary-Treasurer' indicated that he would _ 'request the Secretaries to forward any subject that they wished to have discussed at the annual meeting when he circulated' the resolution from the City of London. 4. Executive Meeting The Executive recommended that the next meeting of the Executive be held on Monday, February 20,1978, prior to the annual meeting. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING Manitoba Room Royal York Hotel Tuesday, February 22, 1977 3:00 p.m.- ~ 1. Opening Remarks by President Roy Gordon t~r. Gordon asked for a ro llca 11 of all of the Commi S5 ions. Twenty Commissions of a total of twenty-three were represented at the Annual Meeting. Mr. Gordon indicated that he had attended the Western Group Meeting but due to illness was unable to attend the Eastern Group Meeting. He complimented the host Commissions on their willingness to hold the group meetings. He also recommended that the members consider the objectives of the Association. as out- lined in the Constitution. 2. Greetings from O.G.R.A. Mr. A. R. Holmes extended greetings from the Ontario Good Roads Association and expressed the pleasure of the Directors in again supplying the facilities for the Annual Meeting of the Association. 3. Mi nutes (a) 1976 Annual Meeting That the minutes of the 1976 Annual Meeting be adopted as distributed. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. Simpson . . . . . carr; ed . Matters Arising Mr. Holmes discussed the action he had taken regarding the resolutions pertaining to the Expropriations Act. (b) 1976 Group Meetings (i) That the minutes of the Western Group Meeting be accepted as distributed. On amotion by Mr. Hutnik seconded by Mr. Hubbe 11 . . . . . carri ed - 2 - 3. (b) 197~ Group Meetings - cant: (ii) That the minutes of the Eastern Group Meeting be accepted as distributed. On a motion by Mrs. Good seconded by Mr, Byers .....carried 1977 Group Meetings Mrs. Good indicated that the Belleville Commission had agreed to be hosts for the 1977 Eastern Group Meeting. Mr. Dalton Jeremy extended an invitation on behalf of the OriJlia and Barrie Commis- sions to host the Western Group Meeting to be held June 8, 1977 in Barrie. 4. Reports (a) Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Holmes read the Secretary-Treasurer'sreport which was adopted. · On a motion by Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Cousins .....carried Mr. Holmes indicated that considerable funds were available and that any suggestion as to how it may be spent would be appre"': ciated. Mr. Simpson recommended that the Executive consider various research projects ltJhich would be of benefit to the Association. Mr. Hubbell suggested that this bean item for discussion at the Group meetings. (b) Executive Committee (i) That the minutes of the Executive Committee of September 13, 1976, be adopted as printed. On a motion by Mrs. Good seconded by Mr. Howe .... .carried (i i) That the mi nutes of the Executive Committee of February 21, 1977, be adopted as printed. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. MacKay . . . . . carried - 3 - 5. Election of Officers That the slate of officers as recommended by the Executive Committee be approved for the year 1977-78. On a moti on by Mr. Douga 11 s~conded by M~. MacKay ......carried That nominations be closed. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. Arnold . .. .. . . carri ed The Secretary-Treasurer declared the following as elected .for 1977-78:' President Vice President Past President Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Clarence Wilson Mrs. Lin Good Mr. Roy Gordon Mr.. A. R..Ho lmes, P. .Eng.. Mr. Gordon congratulated Mr. ~Jilson and asked him to assume the gavel. Mr. Wilson expressed his appreciation for the support of the member- ship and further complimented Mr. Roy Gordon on the excellent job he had done in the past as President of the Association. Mrs. Good spoke briefly and indicated her strong support for the Association, particularly in view of the vast experience of the members of the Association.. 6. Miscellaneous Business (i) Chatham Suburban Road Commission The letter from the Chatham Suburban Road Commission requesting that Commissions be known by the name of the city and the county was read and discussed. Considerable discussion resulted and the particular section of the Act pertaining to the name of the Comm; s si on was read by the Secreta ry-Treas ure}". I t was generally agreed that the Legislation would permit the Commission to be known by the ci ty and the county. Mr. Browni ng agree,d to obta in clarification on the particular issue. - 4 - 7. Equi tab 1 e Fundi n9 for Upper Ti er Muni ci pa li ti es Mr. Gord Dougall introduced Mr. G. Browning who gave a very interesting address on funding arrangements for upper tier municipalities and its effect on suburban road commissions. Considerable questions were asked'of Mr. Brown~ng pertaining to the Provincial Grants Reform Committee. Tha t thi s Associ ati on noti fy the Provi nci a 1 Grants Reform Committee that the Suburban Roads Commission Association ~trongly support the, present method of distributing funds to upper tier municipalities and suburban road commis~ions and that no change in the grant structure be made at this time. On a motion by Mr. Hubbell seconded by Mrs. Good ......carried That the paper prepared by Mr. Browning be distributed to all member Commissions. On a motion by Mr. Hutnik seconded by'Mr. Hunter .....carried Considerable discussion took place regarding the assessment used for suburban commissions. The effect of the flexible subsidy rate in determining annual programs for Commissions was also discussed. Mrs. Good expressed the appreciation of the Association to Mr. Browning and asked him to accept a small token of appreciation. 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:30. On a motion by Mr. King seconded by Mr. Simpson . . . . . ca rri ed SUBURBAN ROADSCOMMISSIQN ASSOCIATION President: Past President: Vice President: Secretary-Treasurer: WESTERN Mr. J. Stephens, R . R.# 1 , St. Marys, Ontario. Mr. Clarence Wilson, R. R. #3, Chatham, Ontario. Mr. Morley Howe, R. R. #2, Strathroy, Ontario. 1977 EXECUTIVE Mr. Clarence Wilson, 'R. R .# 3, , Chatham, Ontario. Mr. Roy Gordon, 69 Lyon Avenue, Guelph, O~tario. Mrs. Lin Good,. 221 Johnson Street, Kingston, Owtario. Mr. A. R. Holmes,P. Eng., County Court House, Guelph, Ontario. DIRE CTORS EASTERN Mrs. Lin Good, 221 Johnson Street, Kingston, Ontario. Mr. G. D . Do u g. a 11, P. En 9 . , County Court House, Brockvi11e, Ontario~ Mr. D. M. Code, 3 Maitland Street, Smiths Falls, Ontario. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 9, 1977. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEE MET ON FEBRUARY 9 at 1:30 P.M. in the Engineer's Office. Present Messrs. Auckland and Hindley. The minutes of the meeting of January 5 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Winter Control had been very heavy because of January 31 storm with bulldozing required to open Road 30 in Concession XIII and front end loader work required to shove snow back on Roads 22 and Road 25 and that very little of the Budgeted Funds for Winter Control would be left for fall work. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED Report, Statement of Expenditures for 1976 and Budget for 1977 which were discussed. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1976 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ENGINEER'S BUDGET IN AMOUNT OF $ 167,800 FOR 1977 ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION ROADS AND RECOMMEND THE BUDGET TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST., THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 9, 1977. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMITTEE MET ON FEBRUARY 9 at 1:30 P.M. in the Engineer's Office. Present Messrs. Auckland and Hindley. The minutes of the meeting of January 5 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT Winter Control had been very heavy because of January 31 storm with bulldozing required to open Road 30 :in Concession XIII and front end loader work required to shove snow back on Roads 22 and Road 25 and that very little of the Budgeted Funds for Winter Control would be left for fall work. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE ATTACHED Report, Statement of Expenditures for 1976 and Budget for 1977 which were discussed. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1976 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT WE APPROVE THE ENGINEER'S BUDGET IN AMOUNT OF $ 167,800 FOR 1977 ON ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION ROADS AND RECOMMEND THE BUDGET TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. (j, U/~ ~ '---..., CHAIRMAN c"~ fp ~ ft V ~/ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT February 1977. TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a Statement of Expenditures for 1976 and a Proposed Budget for 1977. 1976's operations resulted in a small decrease ($ 350 ::!:) in the deficit of the City of St. Thomas. Again in 1976 portions of ;Road 30 were assumed and reverted for cohs.truction purposes. This will again be necessary in 1977 as the $ 101,000 budget for the project will fall about $ 90,000 short of completing the road. Thid3 amount has been placed i.n the County :Budget to allow for the completion of the road. Later in 1977 a programme for 1978 will have to be decided lJpon in conjunction with the County of Elgin Road Committee. M~intenance Expenditures especially for winter control and maintenanc.e of pavements are expected to be considerqbly higher than normal agai.n in 1977. Although it is too early to be certain, all signs point to an extremely bad spring breakup because of the depth of frost. As the Suburban Roads must be opened first and maintained to a hig~ standard average costs per mile are much higher than the County Roads. An increase in Safety Devices is shown to take care of the cost of erecting metric road signs. Unfortunately routine maintenance will suffer (such as grass cutting, guide rail, bridge painting, etc.). Drainage Asses~ents against Suburban Roads include Vineden Drive Drain on Road 25,pflrtially completed in 1976 and McBane Drain which will include the boring of Wellington Road in Concession XI Yarmouth. The anticipated deficit to 1978 will remain constant from 1976 at approximately $ 2,000. All Of Which Is Respectfully Submitted. f. I~ , \,. .jt.;:.,_,...";,~":..,, ./Sc., P. Eng., SECRETARY & ENGINEER OF ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1977 BUDGET CONSTRUCTION Revtsc.~d l.'e bru~try 1, 1~97 7 . (a) Road 30 (Radio Road). Work includes Fencing, Shouldering, Storm Drains, Grading, Gravel Base and Paving. $ 101,000.00 (b) Land PUrCh,H.,e Road 22 and 3() after relltal ~ncluding Surveying. 6,000. QO $ 107,000.00 ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Gonnuittee Member Fees and Expenses $ 650.00 Memberships, Liability Insurance and Misc. Expenditures $ 150.00 800.00 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS For 1977 ... the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications subsidy rate on operations is estimated at 75.3%. Total Construction and Maintenance costs are estimated at $ 167,000.00 and the Ministry of Transportation and Cowmunications subsidy at $ 125,751.00 The remaining amount of $ 41,249.00 is shared equally between the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas. ... Amount payable by City of St. Thomas on Construction and Maintenance $ 20,624.50 Add: Amount payable by the City of St. Thomas on Drainage Assessments is 25% of estimated cost 1,500.00 Add: 50% of Items Not Subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications 400.00 Estimated Cost of 1977 Progrannne to City of St. Thomas 22,524.50 1/2 Millon the Ministerially adjusted assessment for 1977 will produce 22,350.00 Less Deficit from 1976 1,675.77 $ 20,674.23 Anticipated Deficit to be carried forward to 1978 $ 1,850.27 i". ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COM}1ISSION 1977 BUDGET ReY-ts-ec!Ke_bJ;'~Jiry It 1977 MAINTENANCE TOTALS FOR 1976 AND ESTIMATES FOR 1977 INCLUDE PAYROLL BURDEN. OPERATION A - Bridges & Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance C - Hard Top Maintenance D - Loose Top Maintenance E - Winter Control F - Safety Devices 1975 ROadside Mainf;:enance included Shouldel:'ing, Ditching and Gravelling on Wellington. Road. OVERHEAD In 1974 and 75 a portion of all County Overhead items i.ncluding Payroll Burden WaS charged to Suburban Roads. In 1976 Payroll Burden was charged directly to operations and only a portion of other Overhead items was charged to Suburban Roads. 1974 1975 1976 1977 LABOUR 1977 Overhead, Superintendence, etc. 12,974 12,092 9,152 11,000 DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS Dra.inageAssessment 50% Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy (a) Vine den Drive Drain Against Road 26 SA $ 3,800 (b) McBane Drain Against Road 25 (Wellington Road) $ 2,200 $ 6 , 000 f~. .. /../ fft f)Vv(P'-. .r1..'~ (fj '^ A v/'" ;~..I \l ./1.' '1 II v'" "lVI''' r I /J.I-'. .,~ 9);. f\ . "'k .q^ / ),I/~ \ Ii y.J._ ('1"'4~""'" RESOLUTION FOR DESIGNATING A SUBURBAN ROAD THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MOVED BY: JAMES HINDLEY SECONDED BY: GEORGE COLLEDGE THAT COUNTY ROAD 30 FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 52 TO COUNTY ROAD 34 IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED. SIGNED: A. W. AUCKLAND CHAIRMAN SIGNED: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY I, ROBERT G. MOORE, SECRETARY TO THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF A RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION AT A MEETING ON WEDNESDAY THE 5TH DAY OF JANUARY 1977. ~.t . -fZp;..p < . SECRif. ,Y ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 5, 1977. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN J.{OAD COMMISSION MEETING was neld at the Engineer's Office at 10:00 A.M., January 5, 1977. Present - A. W. Auckland, Chairman, Members - James Hindley, George Colledge, also Frank Clarke~of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE CHAIRMAN WELCOMED MR. COLLEDGE, the new representative of the City of St. Thomas who had been appointed as of January 1, 1977 to complete the term of the late W. E. Rowe. THE HINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF March 8, 1976 and October 20, 1976 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1977. CARRI ED" "MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $ 150 AS IN PAST YEARS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FEE OF $ 44 BE PAID AND SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $ 15 BE PAID. CARRI ED" CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE (1) Families of the late W. E. Rowe and George H. Cross with thanks for the floral tributes. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 5, 1977 PAGE 2. (2) Ministry of Transportation and Communications approving the resolution of October 20 to revert the portion of Road 30 north of Road 52 to the County of Elgin. (3) Ministry of Transportation and Communications stating that the ministerially adjusted assessment of St. Thomas for 1977 would be $ 44,700,000. 1/2 mill would provide $ 22,350 an increase of $ 900 from 1976. THE ENGINEER RECOMMENDED THAT ROAD 30 north of Road 52 be again assumed as a suburban road so that the Commission could complete the rebuilding of Road 30 in 1976. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: Go COLLEDGE \ THAT COUNTY ROAD 30 FROM THE NORTH LIMIT OF COUNTY ROAD 52 TO COUNTY ROAD 34 IS HEREBY DESIGNATED A SUBURBAN ROAD FOR THE PURPOSES OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRI ED" THE COMMISSION REVIEWED CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE work in progress and it was noted that asphalt resurfacing would be required near the Kains Bridge on Road 33. The Engineer stated he hoped to have a budget ready by the early part of February. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. /i ~ C/:I1/, CHAIRMAN