1978 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1978 CONS1'RUCTION 1. ~<>~d>30 (Radio Road)gradingt granular base, ~:~'V'ip.~, etc. 2. f{Qad22 (Fairview Ave.) surveys, etc. 3. Land Purchase TOTAL MAINTENANCE A - J;3ridges & Culverts 1 Bridges (Dodds Creek, Road 25), repairs, waterproqfing and reaspha1ting .. 2 Culverts B ... Roadside Maintenance .. 1 Grass Cutting & Weed Spraying ... 2 Tree Cutting -4 Drainage ... 5 Roadside Maintenance C ... Hard Top Maintenance (Paved R,oads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping Shoulder Maintenance D - Maintenance (Gravel Roads ) ... 2 Grading .. 3 Dust Layer ... 5 Gravel Re?urfacing E ... Winter Control (Total) - 1 Snow Plowing - 2 Sanding & Salting ... 3 Snow Fence Winter Standby Winter Control $ 29,965) $ 66 687.33 ...__....___.z_____...~ 797.49 .---...---------..-- 771.63 CR. ...-...-------.......--- $ 66,713.19 J_____l~Jl~1.:J2_ 290.65 -.........--.............-.-.... 872.85 1,437.24 ... _... _ _ _......... !J:J:J..)J... ... _ _... _... _1127 }.: ]!!_ ______1!!J!!12.:2!_ 800.00 459.02 314.42 1 28 . 31 85.21 ---..------.....-...- ......... _ _ J...2}.J22_0_.2...4 ) _______~z.~!~.:9~ __...___~~!~3~.:~~ t..28.31 --_._,......._._...._...._~- ..._-_...__!!~~!.:~~ ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE 1978 Pa&0 2 F - Safety Devices r Pavement Marking 2 Signs $____-___3!~~!~!Z ______-_!!~~!~~9 534.42 3 Guide Rail 4 Railroad Protection ________t!9~~:.2Z Overqead Charges, including Superintendents, OffiCe, Clerical, Garage, etc. _______~~!~29:~~ TOTAL $ 86,587.33 Drainage Assessments 747.09 Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation andCorrnnunications ________~!~~!:~3 TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY St. Thomas Suburban Roads Corrnnission $ 155 ,~082.43 CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE .BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Ministry of Transportation and Corrnnunications Subsidy Ratepn operations for 1978 Was calculated to be:!l1.11% 73, 6 I ~~,} (originally estimated at 74.8%) on all items (except Draip.age Assessments and itemstiot for subsidy) is $ 153,300.52 x 73.612% or $ 112,847.58. 50% of Balance $_______39!33~:.~Z Subsidy on Drainage Assessments 50% Amount payable is 25% of $ 747.09 or 186.77 ....-_...._._...~_lIIlIiJ...__...._ Items Not For Subsidy 50% of Jo'3'1-~'L 517.41 ---..--..--...........,-- TOTAL PAYABLE by City of St. Thomas on 1978 Operations _______3E!2~~.:~2 8,426.63 --------.....-............ ADD Deficit from 1977 LESS City of St. Thomas Contribution for 1978 _______~~!~~9:~~ Surplus to 1979 Operations $ 1,442.72 " RESOLUTION FOR DESIGNATING SUBURBAN ROADS THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION J MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY That effective January 1, 1979, the following roads are hereby designated as Suburban Roads for the purpose of Part VIII of the Public Transportation & Highway Improvement Act. Subject to the approval of the Minister of Transportation and Communications - (a) Road 11 (b) Road 16 from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 20 (c) Road 22 from County Road 27 to County Road 24 (d) Road 26 from County Road 25 to County Road 11 (e) Road 28 (f) Road 29 (g) Road 31 (h) Road 45 from Highway 4 to County Road 36 (i) Road 52 from Highway 3 (new) to Highway 74 (j ) Road 56. CARRIED. SIGNED: A. W. AUCKLAND CHAIRMAN SIGNED: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY I, Robert G. Moore, Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission hereby state that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission at a meeting on the 29th day of November 1978. ;. WE'.'S-rM\NS\€,R r L-AWARE. ~ That the designation of the following Elgin County Roads : marked in red on this map are assumed as St. Thomas Suburban Roads by resolution of the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission dated NovC'mber 28, 1978. (a) Road 11 COUNTY OF (b) Road 16 from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 20 ELGIN (c) Road 22 from County Road 27 to County Road 24 (d) Road 26 from County Road 25 to County Road 11 (e) Road 28 (f) Road 29 (g) Road 31 (h) Road 45 from Highway 4 toCounty'Road 36 I (1 ) Road 52 from Highway 3 (new) to Highway 74 (j ) Road 56. CERTIFIED SECRETARY. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 29, 1978. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MET in the Engineer's Office on November 29, 1978 at 1:30 P.M. All members were present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS of January 23 and July 27, 1978 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that construction expenditures would be approximately $ 15,000 lower than budget, but maintenance would be perhaps $ 5,000 over, thus the total expenditure would be below budget. THE ENGINEER STATED that the Suburban Roads Commission Budget for next year would have to be developed along with the County Road Committee Budgeti, as under the new scheme with 47 miles of County Roads becoming Suburban Roads. THE ENGINEER REVIEWED the changeover proposal. "MOVED BY: G. COLL:eDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1979, THE FOLLOWING ROADS ARE HEREBY DESIGNATED AS SUBURBAN ROADS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PART VIII OF THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION & HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS - (A) ROAD 11 (B) ROAD 16 FROM ST. THOMAS CITY LIMITS TO ROAD 20 (C) ROAD 22 FROM COUNTY ROAD 27 TO COUNTY ROAD 24 (D) ROAD 26 FROM COUNTY ROAD 25 TO COUNTY ROAD 11 (E) ROAD 28 (F) ROAD 29 (G) ROAD 31 (H) ROAD 45 FROM HIGHWAY 4 TO COUNTY ROAD 36 (I) ROAD 52 FROM HIGHWAY 3 (NEW) TO HIGHWAY 74 (J) ROAD 56. CARRIED." ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 29, 1978. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER STATED that with the present amendments to the Municipal Act, the County and City would each pay their own member on the Commission with the Commission paying Jim Hindley as the 3rd man. County Government Committee had not as yet worked out the details, but a decision would be available prior to the 1979 Budget. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIRMAN. aw~. CHAIRMAN THE ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION , .- .," . - .": '; '.' - - ' ..-'~ '-.... "'. .' _'.' ." ..' ....'...........................'.,.:....... .... '." ..........._c:., ._................ _ _....:..... Tnateffective January 1, '1979 ; the . following. roads .are. herebydesignate.d as Suburban Roads for the purpose 'of Part VIII of the Public Transporta.tion MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE & Highway Improvement Act. Subject to the approval of the Minist,er of TransPQrtation and Gonnnunications - (a) Road 11 (f) Road 29 (g) Road 31 Road 45 from Highway 4 to County Road 36 (i) Road 52 from Highway 3 (new) to Highway 74 (j ) Road 56. CARRIED. SIGNED: A.. W... AUCKLAND CHAIRMAN SIGNED: R. G. MOORE SECRETARY I,RQ;bertG...Moorei,: Engineer and Secretary to the St. Thomas Suburban Roao'sGotJ:l111issionhereby state that the foregoing is a true and correct copy ofa resolution passed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads> Gommission at ameet>ing on the _ 29!:Jl___ day of November 1978. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 27, 1978. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MET on July 27 at 4 P.M. at the County Engineer's Office, 79 Stanley Street. The following persons were present - Albert Auckland, Representative of the County of Elgin George Colledge, Representative of the City of St. Thomas both being reappointed by respective Councils for a 5 year period from July 1, 1978. "MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT JAMES HINDLEY BE APPOINTED FOR A 5 YEAR PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1978 AS A MEMBER OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Secretary. (1- fA/. ~!-.c -( R. c. ~~i, 8E~K~~Y-- I~I./..) A I.A.-t~~~,,~,,-q at-CA.A.~V'V~AeA- WESTERN GROUP MEETING SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ASSOCIATION CITY HALL . STRATFORD Wednesday, June 7,1978 Proceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Stephen, Chairman of the st. ,Marys Suburban Commission, presiding. 10 of the 12 commissions were represented, as 'follows: Chatham - 3; London -8; Owen Sound - 3; Stratford. - 3; st. Marys - 2; St. Thomas - 3; Windsor - 4; Barrie - 2; Brantford - 4; Guelph -4. Delegates were welcomed by Rae Bender - Warden of Perth and Keith Culliton Mayor'of Stratford. Mike Wilson (Chatham) - ~resident of the Provincial Association, also said a few words. It was moved by Roy Gordon (Guelph) and Mike Wilson (Chatham) that the minutes of last year's meeting in Barrie be adopted as read.. Allan Holmes, Secretary of the provincial Association, read a letter from the province, concerning the increase in provincial Equalized Assessments in the cities. A summary of commissions in Western Ontario was distributed showing mileage, expenditures, assessments, etc. and it showed that the Provincial Equalized Assessments in cities rose from 11% to 50% from 1977 to 1978. A film called "A Day in Court" was shown, which visually dembnstrated poor driving habits by the public) resulting in an appearance before a judge. Tom Collings showed slides of bicycle paths and a discussion followed. The following motions were made to appoint 3 directors of the Western Ontario group: Moved by Roy Gordon (Guelph) seconded by Ab Wells (Guelph) That John Stephens (St. Marys) be appointed. Moved by Bob Moore (St. Thomas) seconded by Roy Gordon (Guelph) That Morley Howe (London) be appointed. Moved by Roy Lee (Windsor) seconded by Ray Hunter (Windsor) That Frank Hutnik (Windsor) be appointed. f \ -2- Moved by Mike Wilson that nominations be closed. Carried. Chatham agreed to Host the 1979 meeting. After the meeting the members were taken by bus to the Wildwood Conservation Dam, where a reception was held. Following the reception everyone was treated to a home cooked meal at the new St. Marys Community Centre. At 2:00 P.M. the members toured the new Quarry and kiln etc. at the St. Marys cement plant. The day's activities concluded at 3:45P.M. PREVIOUS HOSTS 1969 - Chatham 1970 - London 1971 - Sarnia 1972 - Owen Sound 1973 - Hamilton 1974 - Windsor 1975 - St. Thomas 1976 - Brantford 1977 - Barrie 1978 - Stratford Respectfully Submitted, ~h~ Tom Collings, Secretary c o p y G.C. LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. COUNTY CL.ERK AND TREASURER ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 2L3 PHONE (519) 631-1460 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE (MRS.)R.M. DANIEL DEPUTY CL.ERK-TREASURER 18, 1918 Auckland find a You must he either doing . qood job Qr th.y were to find anyone for ion Yours truly, ~~---e..-L"'~'" G. C. Leverton. Clerk-Treasurer. GCL:sh Enol,~ e.'O. .. n. G.Moore,County j;, \ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2521 '~O APPOINT A ~ffiMBER TO THE ST. THONlliS SUBURBAN ROAD COr$IISSION." The Elgin County Council enacts: THAT Albert 'W. Auckland be, and is hereby appointed to the st. Thomas Suburba,n Road Commission for a term of five years, eff~ctive from July 1st, 1978, to June 30th, 1983. READ a first time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a second time this 17th day of May, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of :May, 1978. .__,,"~-c.-c~---( ~ 7 /J /' J /1 // ..:.7) ~1-( U/l/l/U~{// v L. R. Carroll, Warden G. C. Leverton, Clerk IY1 R. in DO re ~ ARTHUR J. GORDON GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT C" ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR 'r I I 'f t: F~oaERT G. MOORE, B.5c, PENC; ~NGINHR AND ROAD SlJPERINTENDENr TELEPHONE 519- 63D880 79 STANLEY ST. (c.O,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. N5R 3G1 May 5, 1978. Mayor and Members of Council, City of St. Thomas, c/o Mr. R.. Barrett, P. O. Box 520, City Hall, Ta1~ot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Gentlemen: We. wish to advise that the term of Mr. George Colledge who cdmpleted the 5 year term of the late Mr. W.E.Rowe as a member on" the St. Thomas Suburban Road Comrnission terminates on June 30, 1978 and that Council should appoint a member for a 5 year term starting July 1, 1978, prior to that time. Mr. Colledge is eligible for reappointment if the Council so desires. Yours very truly, RGM:dw R. G. MOORE, SECRETARY, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. cc: Mr. G. Colledge, R. R. # 5, St. Thomas, Ontario. \ ~ .. . - .. . .. .. . . .~ . ROBERT G, MOORE, SSe.. PENG. fNGINEERAND ROA/) SUPERINHNOENT TELEPHONt' 519' 631.~1~80 Warden and Members of Council, County of Elgin~ c loMr ..G. Levert on, Municipal Building, 9 Gladstone Ave., St. ,Thomas, Ontario. Gentlemen: fJ1 If , m O,v 1(1/:' A~THUR J. GORDON GfNERAL SUPERINTENDENT C. .ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR 79 STANLEY ST. (C,O,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. N5R 3Gl May 5, 1978. We wish to advise that the 5 year term of Mr. Albert Auckland as a member on the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission terminates on June 30, 1978 and that Council should appoint a member for a 5 year term starting July 1, 1978, prior to that time. Mr. Auckland is eligible for reappointment if the Council so desires. RGM: dw Ontario. Yours very truly~ R. G. MOORE, SECRETARY, ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. 1 1 \'" SUBU.RBAN ROADS COMMJSS10NAS,SOC1ATrON OFFICE OF TH~, Secretary - Treasurer March 20,1978. Memorandum to: All Commission Secretaries From A.H. Holmes, Secretary-Treasurer .' As requested by the membership at the annual"meeting on Tuesday, February 21,1978, I am forwarding a ,copy of the address which was given by Mr. Tom Smith, Director of the Municipall Provincial Transportation Branch of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. I am also forwarding a copy of an Order"~ in-Council and a copy of a memorandum fromMr.. G.R.Browningwith reference to Section 63 (11) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improve- ment Act. You may recall that a question was raised at the 1977 annualmeeti'ng regarding the name by which Suburban Commissions may be known. ARH : hgm Ene. " . " o. G.R.A . CONVENTION - ROYAL YORl< HOTEL, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 ADDRESSB Y: T.G. SMITIl, B.Se;., P.Eng., Director, Municipal! Provincial Transportation Branch, Ministry of Transportation. and Communications TO; Suburban Roads Commis sionAs sociation Mr . Pre s ident ,Lad yand Gentlemen: Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today. My comments are brief but, hopefully , adequate togene.rate questions and discussion(lsmuch among you, as netweenyouand me.. Until re cently all cities and separated towns were isolated governmentally from the upper tier.municipalitles.inwhich they were situated..' This situation did not seem realistic in view of the interaction in day. to 'day affairs between the separated urbans and the .municipal ities surrounding them. This waS recognized by the Province over half a century ago by the creation of suburban road cornmiss ions. While this measure stoppedfar shorto! bringing the separatedurbans into upper tier government a$full-fledged partners, (as recent municipal restructuring has done ), it' nevertheless provided a vehicle whereby the separated municipalities cou.ld contr ibute to the construction and maintenance . of the suburban roads in the county system which served their citizens. The suburban commis sions have .fulfilled this function well and are continuing to do so.. Municipal governm~nt restructuring and the creation of regionalgovern:meht in portions of the province have more fo'):mally '} , - 2 - recognized the regional nature of the major local roads. Muchaf this change has occurred during the last nine years. At the beginning of 1969 there were 34 suburban roads commissions J in Ontario. Municipal restructuring has reduced this number to 22. In 1966 suburban road mileage totalled 1,390 miles vvhile in 1916 this was reduced to 716 miles . In the same period expenditure dropped from $10,545,000 to approximately $5,500~ 000 in, current year dollars (that is the effect of inflation has not been considered). You might note that the total suburban mileage and expenditure have been approximately halved while the numberoIcommissionshas been reduced'by'slightly less than one third,a reflection of the degree of re structuring in the more populous areas of the Province. The pace of restructuring has slowed but is continuing at the dis cretion of individual_counties and local municipalities... The Ministry's' District Engineers advise me that there is no particular problem in the operationof'Suhurba~ Commissions, a reflection I, as sumeon the re sponsible manner in'\vhich you (lady and gentlemen) carry'out yourrespons ibilities. I understand there are two resolutions before the Association of Municipalities of Ontario respecting suburban commissions (a.nd you have dealt with these during, the earlier portion of this meeting). The City of Windsor resolution requests that the Public Transporta-- tlon and Highway hnprovement Act be amended to reduce the amount " " - 3 - which the separated urban is required to contribute or to revise the existing formula which prescribes provincial, county.artd city contributions. The Minister has received a nurnberof re solutions from counties and suburban commis s ions opposing this and one from a separated urban municipality in support. ".. i The Minister has advised the City of Windsor that ~amendment of the Act along these lines is contemplated at this time. The City of London resolution requests that Section 63 of the Act be amended to allow members of municipal coullcil,to sit on suburban commissions and that the term of suburban commissions be limited to two years, at the expiration ofwhtch, appointments would again be made. The Ministryhasrecelved ,one resolution in support and one in opposition. To.dateno officialpos ition has been taken by the Ministry. It should be noted however, as you are aware , that the roads .dealt with by the Commissions are under the jurisdictioIl and controL of the County with the role of the commiss ion being to direct the county road sup'e rintendenton theconstructioh and maintenance to be carried out within the financial limitations of the Act. Possibly the appointment of members of council would create an adversary . position which would make the business of the Commission unmCl:nageable.Appointees are supposedly to represent the interests of Council and can be -removed if Council feels this is , not being done. " 1.1 4 The propos al by the City of London to make the term of office two years is, of course, related to the term ofrnunicipal counc i1. This maybe incons istent with the current practice where members are often re/-appointedafter their initial five year r te rm. Continuity of membership has probably added to the stability of the approach of the Commissions. Both of these resolutions relate in part to current Provincial activity with regard to grant reform, tax reform and the implementation of market value assessment, as well .as a number of reports over the past few years that have emphasized improved rationalization of municipal finance, simplification in provincial-rr:unicipal transfer payments , reduction in the number of municipal special purpose bodies as well as increased local autonomy. If you have not already read them I would refer you to' the Report of the Grant Reform Committee released to the Provincial-Municipal Liaison Committee on November 18th, 1977, and to the January 4th, 1978, statement of the Treasurer on Tax Reform. I would anticipate some action in all of these areas in the next few years, some of which may impact on Suburban ~oads Commissions. It would therefore seem inappropriate to make significant changes in current legislation until. the bas ic elements of tax reform and the direction on reform or continuation of road subsidies are determined. - 5 - One additional issue that you may have some interest in is the ministerially adjusted assessme?tprovidedfor the year 1978. This value has historically beendetermined.byadjusting annually the previous years value by the relative increase in equa1iz~dassessment over the previous year on a base 'established in 1969- to approximate the municipal contribution at that time.. Since that time s omemunicipaiitie s have adopted market value assessment and the Province has introduced unconditional resource eqt.talizationgrants to, in part, compensate municipalities with ,a low assessment base. It became- '.~' apparent that the value used by the Ministry varied considerably from the Total Equalized Assessment provided by the Ministry of Revenue and used by themunlcipalities.. This includes taxable assessment, resource equalization grants and payments in lieu of taxes~ To correct this ,thel97 8 minIsterially adjusted assessment for use in determining city and s'eparated town contributions to suburban roads has been established at 30 percent of the total equalized assessment in variable increases from the 1977 value. This has resulted In future, this should increase only at the rate of increase in the total equalized. assessment. As I indicated at the commencement of these comments" I trust that I have raised some issues for discussion. I 'would be pleased to attempt answers to any questions that you may have. ThankY QU . . ~ lO "Ministry of '..'~ . TransPOr~ali?n and \ . GomrflUnlCatlons 'Ontano , Memorandum To: Mr.T .G. Smith~ Director, , Municipal/Provincial Transportation Attention: Branch. From: G.R. Browning, Municipal Road sOffice. Date: February 24, 1978. Our File Ref. tn Reply to Subject: Item 6 Suburban Roads Commission Association Annual Meeting Minutes - 1977 Section 63 (11) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act provides authority for the Lieutenant Governor in Council to~ fix the name of the Suburban Roads Commission. Discussions with .the Ministry's Senior Solicitor indicates that the, Commission can request an Order -in-Council changing the name from that at present to some other which might include the names of the' City and the County. ' There is" of courseasomeprecedent in this regard in as much as the former Suburban Commission in York County was authorized by Order-in-Council to be known as the Toronto andY ork Roads Commission. .GRB / em G.R. Browning, Manager. ./1,.,'1..' ...'.' ....): '. ''\ j:. ~:'".':)\..' ;,' .. 1 '" ~"~;" , t ~~,~.)~ : ~:rG~i~ : H.t_,' ~: .1,:'\ i,~,' ::~ ~ (.; ';111\'07:1 $I"~~l.i-~" ~ ..'~.;J > '. "I,j~" · .,.i+~? ,l_ . I,,,.!.?.:-,)' "...t ONTARIO ( ~-'\ 1\ ;, . t~ 1'7!"'~ FrrM1.tN"'l" ',l "',~~A_ r-..........._.J,...~...... .~-,.....~")...i:\.J'\.A R~ocutlve 00, leil Offico . \ OO.P1of ,Q,n "Qrdc.r-in-001UlCllnpP:x'ov(ltl Oy'UirfJllonOl1lt' tho Lioutonant Governor) elatod, the 15th day of l.tay,A.n.1910. Upon tho rocommondntion of tho Honourablo thoUinlotol"' of PUbliQ lVorko Met IIi[~lWoyS J . thoComml ttooof Conncilndvioo thnt in pUl"Dtlnnco of 7 Goorco'V. ,Ohaptor 17, goctionl, tho . . Commission nuthorizodbyOrder-in-Council 0 fJuly lathl~lG.. with respect to tho SUburrnnCountyHooo.o wlthlnthoCounty, of ' , York nn(lQ~jncontto 'tho Oity of Toronto. shallbo <1os1t;nntod An{l kn0\7n no tho Toronto nncl YOl~k Ik^-'\c1oComiosion. . .Cortified. f1f~ 1''1/1 n , u.j.... . , ,,' J. IJonnunloCnprool Clork, E}:ocnti va Council. SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Royal York Hotel - Toronto February 21, 1978 3:00 p.m. r AGE N D A ------ 1. Opening Remarks by Clarence Wilson 2. Greetings from O.G.R.A. 3. Minutes (a) 1977 Annual Meeting (b) 1977 Group Meetings - () Western ( i) Eastern 4. Reports (a) Secretary-Treasurer (b) Executive Committee - (i) Minutes - October 12,1977 (ii) Minutes - February 20, 1978 5. Election of Officers 6. Miscellaneous Business 7. T.G. Smith - "Suburban Roads in Ontariau 8. Adjournment f ,.. 'fI;\ I, I ~' I I.. " I .., SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE MEETING Royal York Hotel February 20, 1978 Present: Mr. C.Wilson~ President Mrs. L. Good, 'Vice-President Mr. R. Gordon, Past-President Mr. M. Howe, Director '"Mr. J. Stephens t Director" Mr. A.R. Holmes, P.. Eng., Secretary-Treasurer Mr. C. Cousins 1 . Minutes That the minutes of the Executive COllll1ittee Meeting of October 12, 1977 be adopted. On amotion by Mr. Gordon seconded by Mrs. (iood . . .. cat"ri ed B U$iJ1~$~_ ArJ s ~ ng The Executive discussed the Resolutions from the cities of London and Windsor. Mrs. Good indicated that she would propose a motion to the Annual Meeting regarding the position of the Association. That Mrs. Good speak on behalf of the Executive on the Resolutions. On a motion'by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. Gordon ...carried ACTlpN ~y . ~, ... 2 ... ACTION BY 2[;3. Group Meeting Minutes The Executive recommended that copies of the minutes of the Western Group Meeting on June 8, 1977 and the Eastern Group Meeting on September 14, 1977, be prepared for distribution at the Annual Meeting. · Sec..-Treas. I 4. Appointment of Auditors That Mr. Cousins and Mrs. Good be auditors for 1977-78. On amotion by Mt~.. Stephens seconded by Mr. Howe ...carried 5. Agenda - Annual Meeting ~, The Secretary-Treasurer presented a draft of the agenda for the Annual Meeting ,on Tuesday, February 21, 1978, at 3 p.m. The Executive adopted the agenda. 6. Selection of Officers for 1978-79 That the slate of officers for 1978-79 'be the same as that for 1977-78: ,.\ President - Mr. Clarence Wilson Vice-President - Mrs. lin Good Past President - Mr. Roy Gordon Secretary-Treasurer... Mr.. A.R. Holmes, P.Eng. On a motion by fvlr . Gordon seconded by Mrs.. Good ...carried : :::.The Executive adjourned at 3 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. Howe . . . carried ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 23, 1978. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MET at the County Administration BUilding, 9 Gladstone Ave., at 3:30 P.M. on January 23, 1978. All members were piiesent. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF February 9, 1977 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEGE THAT A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMffiSSION FOR 1978. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. COLLEGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR COMMISSION MEMBERS BE $ 150 IN 1978 AS PAST YEARS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. COLLEGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION FEE OF $ 44 BE PAID AND THAT THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $ 15 BE PAID. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED BRIEFLY on the work on Road 30 stating that the road to Concession XIII had been completed and opened although a considerable amount of trimming work and a mile of top coat of asphalt remained. Correspondence was noted from the County of Lambton and the City of London regarding the methods of financing Suburban Road Commissions and methods of appointing Commissions. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 23, 1978. PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED THE Attached Statement of Expenditures for 1977 and a Budget for 1978. "MOVED BY: G. COLLEGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR 1977 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEGE THAT WE APPROVE THE ENGINEER'S BUDGET IN AMOUNT OF $ 174,600 FOR 1978 FOR THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD CO:M:MISSION AND RECOMMEND THE BUDGET TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. a fA) , aucA~-f:- CHAIRMAN '. 4' ~~ Jv'"~ $1' . THOMAS Slr.aURBAN, ROADCOMMI$ SION REPORT January 1978. Pagel... TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION: Attached to this report is a Statement of Expenditures. for 1977 and a proposed Budget for 1978. In 1977 the Commission had control of 14.45 miles of road including Road 25, Wellington Road 4.45 miles, Road 26, St. George Street 0.9 miles, Road 33, Ka.ins Hill 0.7 miles, Road 30 .ehroughout (Radio Road) 4.6 miles and Road 22, Fa.irview Ave. 3.8 miles. Construction on Radio Road from the St. ,Thomas City Limits to the :road between Concession XII .& XIII was substantially completed. Only the top of pavin.g and cleanup workremain.s. The CotnIllissi'on did not revettthe road to the County as in past years for a portion of the work, but.a.ssumedall charges themselves. Because of this and higher than normal winter control and r~pairs topavemerit: costs, a considerable deficit ($ 8,427hwith regard to the City of St. Thomas share of Suburban Road GoIllrtlission expenses, is shown. It is expected that winter cOntrol costs and repairs to pavement tOsts will again be high in 1978. Although Road 30 hasbeert rebuilt, both Road 22 arid 26 are showing rapid deterioration. As no reconstruction has been done On either road in nearly 25 years this deterioration is not surprising. As it may be several years before Road 22 can be rebuilt a c.onsiderableamount of maintenance may again be requi:red. Dodds Creek Bridge is showing signs of salt.damage to the deck and while it is hoped that the damage isl'iot severe and the cost of repairs will be less than budgeted, there is no way of knowing the exten't of problems until a complete examination is made in the Spri.ng. The railing is severely rusted and requires repainting this SuItll:rler. The sUm of $ 65,000 is estimatedt:o cOIl1pletework on Road 30 and a nominal amount is shown to start wbrk on Road 22. Land Purchase funds will probably be spent apptoximatelyequally ort both roads. r- r--.IliI..);. e? ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION REPORT Jqnuary 1978. Pag~ 2. -~'I A $lIla1l Drainage Assessm~nt is applicable to the C01l1IIlission this year. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has reviewed the figures that they have been using for assessments in all Counties and Cities in the Province. They have founcl that the most of the figures that they were using did notreflec:t current assessments and as a result have t:ried to brillg them in line with the actual assessments. As a result the Gity of St. Thomas assessment has been increaged to $ 61,600,000 in 197& from $ 44,7()0,OOO in 1977. The result is thqt 1/2mi1l will produce $ 30,800 qg?,inst $ 22,350 in 1977. This increasecl assessment should result in q balanced budget this year w~th regard to the City of St. Tp.om?s's contribution to the Commission. All Of Which Is RespectftJ,lly Submitted. R. G~ MOORE, SECRETARY AND ENGlNEER OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION. ~'~ lI~ '" CONSTRUCTION SIlO THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1977 (a) Road 30 (b) Land Purchase (less rentals) (c) Less Stock Balance from Previous Years MAINTENANCE TOTAL A.. 1 & 2 Bridges & Culverts B-1 B ... 2 B ... 4 B .. 5 C .. 1 C ... 2 C - 3 C .. 4 D - 2 D .. 3 D - 5 E .. 1 E .. 2 E - 3 E .. 4 F .. 1 F .. 2 F .. 3 F .. 4 F .. 5 Overhead TOTAL Grass Cutting Tree Cutting Drainage Road Maintenance Repairs To Pavement Sweeping Shoulder Maintenance Surface Treatment Grading Gravel Roads Dust Layer Gravel Resurfacing Snow Plowing Salting & Sanding Snow Fence Standby and Night Crew Pavement Marking Signs Guide Rail Railroad Protection Metric Signs Note - Payroll Burden pro rated to labour charges for Construction and Maintenance items and Overhead and Superintendence charges were transferred from County Road Overhead and Superintendence. Total Winter Control $ 29,965.43. In 1976 it was $ 22,149.00. $ 143,238.84 --------------- 1,489.79 ---....--------.... _____Zt2~~:~2_2R. $ 136,789.83 $ 361.53 655.17 ...____11~12.:~~_... 1,554.08 .....-------..---...-- 61.52 1 7 , 068 . 1 0 --------------- 185.72 ---..----------- 738.67 ---.-.------.----- .._..__~!.~z~:.~z..._ 272.74 556.63 .....-----................-- ---_..~!.~~~:.~~.... -----~!.~~~:.~~-- _........!.~!.~~~:.~~-- 662.87 1,730.07 ---.----..----...-- 2,043.37 2,192.28 ...-.....-...----.....- 290. 70 ........----------..- 2,103.56 -------.-----.'-- 75.50 11 695.94 _.._---~_.._-_........ $ 73,833.33 '" ST... THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1977 DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS ItEMS NOT FOR SUBSIDY BY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS (Committee Member Fees, Expenses, Insurance, and miscellaneous, etc..) TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION CALCULATION OF AMOUNT, PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Ministry of Transportation and Communicatiorts Subsidy rate on operations is 74.86% (originally estimated at 75.3 in February/77) and on $ 210,623..16 is $ 157,672..50. The balance is divided between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. Amount Payable on operations Subsidy Rate on Drainage Assessments is 50% Amount Pa.yable is 25% of $ 8,966'..42 Items Not For Subsidy 50% off of $ 767.84 Total Payable by St. Thomas for 1977 Add defici.t from 1976 Total $ In 1977 1/2 mill levy from St. Thomas provided Deficit to 1978 PAGE 2.. $----~!.~~~:.~~-- 767.84 $ 220,357.42 $ 26,475.33 2,241.61 383.92 $ 29,100.86 1,675.77 30,776.63 22,350.00 $ 8,426.63 " ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET 1978 A - MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD (Totals for 1976 and 1977 include Payroll Burden.) OPERATION 1975 1976 LABOUR 1977 1978 1978 361 10,000 3,690 5,000 19,367 20,000 2,048 4,000 29,965 30,000 6 , 705 6,000 11,696 13,000 - - 73,832 88,000 A - Bridges & Culverts 494 166 B - Roadside 20,805 4,225 (Wellington Road Shouldering) C - l-lar.d Top 11 , 3 48 10,029 D - Loose Top 894 11.7 E - Winter Control 9,596 22,149 F - Safety Devices 2,325 3,872 Overhead 12, 092 9,152 57,226 50,038 (In 1975 Overhead did not include Payroll Burden.) B"'OI{AINAGE ASSESSMENTS 1978 - McBane Drain Road 25, Southwold $ 800.00 1977 - 8,966.42 (Vineden Drive Drain Road 26, McBane Drain Road 25) Yarmouth. c- CONSTRUCTION (1) Completion of Road 30 (Radio Road) to Road Allowance Between Concession XII & Concession XIII (2) Land Purchase Road 30 & 22 (3) Engineering, Fencing, etc., Road 22 (Fairview Ave.) from St. Thomas City Limits to Road 27 D - ITEMS NOT, FOR SUBSIDY $ 800..00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 65,000 $ 15,000 $ 5,000 . $ 85,000 $ 174,600 .. ~4' ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET 1978 Calculation of amount Payable by City of St. Thomas. For 1978 the Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy rate is estimated at 74.8%. Page 2. Total Construction and Maintenance Costs are estimated at $ 173,000 with Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy estimated at $ 129,404. The remaining amount of $ 43,596 is shared equally between the City of St. Thomas iJnd the County of Etgin. 1. Payable by the City of St. Thomas on Construction and Maintenance $ 2. Drainage Assessments are subsidized at 50% by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the balance shared equally between the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas $ 3. Items Not For Subsidy are shared equally between the County of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas $ Estirnated Cost of 1978 Programme to the City of St. Thomas Plus deficit from 1977 Deficit to 1979 21,798.00 200.00 400.00 $ 22,398.00 8,426.63 30,824.63 $ $ 30,800.00 24.63 C)v .~ ~ ~ -........ ATTENDENCE MEET!NGRE ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWAY JANUARY 23, 1978 AT 9 GLADSTONE AVENUE Ministry of Tt:'3;i!!spgrtatio_n andCommunic.ations A. McCoI1nell M. Duckett H. Greenly F. Clarke Province R. K. McNeil, MPP &2Jlnty"_qf . EJgJn Warden Lorue Carroll Chairman Ron Green Reeve Jack Campbell Reeve Keith McLean Reeve Bill Caverly R. G. Moore Township of Aldborough Township of Bayham Township of Dunwich Township of Southwold Township of Malahide County Engineer CitYL_()f St. Thomas Acting Mayor DonStok~s Aldermen - Peter Laing Wayne Neal Gary13aker W. R. Shine Palmer, Industrial Commissioner Kees Donkers, Engineering Staff St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Albert Auckland, Chairman Jim Hindley, Member George College, Member To:wn ship ',of ,. Southwo I d \~ } l' ~ Deputy Reeve Lester Longhurst Ken Monteith, Councillor Bud Marr, Councillor Clarence Horton, Councillor Alex Pow, Clerk