1979 Suburban Road Committee ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1979 CONSTRUCTION 1. Road 22 (l"~d.rvt(~w Avenue) including .~sphalt tosurfactng b(\tW(~(Hl l{ouds 24 Hnd 27, Hl~H" surveying and engineering between Roads 27 and the City of St. Thomas limits. ,. 2. Road 30 (Radio Road) grading, gravel, paving, etc. 3. Road 31 (Dalewood Road) grading, gravelling, etc. 4. Road 52 from Road 30 to dighway 3 (New St. Thomas Expressway) grading, gravelling, paving, etc. 5. Land Purchase . 6. Surveys Road 26 (St. George Street). TOTAL M#11 nt:: ()t)lJtJ Ct:l A".. Bridge s & CuI vert s - 1 Bridges, including painting Dodds Creek Bridge and F~ngal Bridge ... 2 Culverts B - Roadside Maintenance - 1 Grass Cutting - 2 Tree Cutting ... t. lIt" liLt tl t~ H () .. 5 Roadside Maintenance ... 6 Tree Planting - 7 Drainage Asse ssment s -11 Weed Spraying C ... Hard Top Maintenance (Paved Roads) - 1 Repairs to Pavement - 2 Sweeping 3 Shoulder Maintenance - 4 Surface Treatment '$ ___2ZA,J2&,~_---- 4486.03 -----~------~---- ..___ltl~l~~l--..-- ---~~~~~~~~~-_.._- 16,030. 76 ---..--.~-----~-- 1,386.25 ------,----------- $ 119, 094. 57 $ 6 676.59 - ...__.1.. .....:.. _ __.. ...__ IO.OO ........-..........----....... 1 556.62 ___..J__........_____,_ 6 684.88 . ___..'.1..__________ 6.,5~'O.23 ""II............."""......................... ...... - _ ~J)J.: }...2... .... __ 877.59 --~----------.~- 239.64 .....-.----..,---...--- (; 21 . 36 --.....-_.._.._.~-_.._- 40 024.03 .. __ ..J_ ..._..._ _. ____ 255.30 -----"----..-~-- ........ .) J_5...5.9_._ ~~ .. ...... 14 929. 14 -- - ..~..._._- -..... --.... Continued . . . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1979 Page 2. D .. Loose Top Maintenance (Gravel Roads) ... 2 Grading .. 3 Du st Layer 4 Prime - 5 Gravel Resurfacing E,... Winter C01ltro1 (Total) $58,003.86 ,. ... 1 Snow Plowing ... 2 Sanding & Salting .. 3 Snow Fence ... 4 Winter Standby F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking ",,- 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rail ... 4 Railroad Protection Overhead Charges, including Superintendenee, Office, Clerical, Garage, etc. TOTAL D~ainage Assessments Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications TOTAL EXPENDITURE BY St. Thomas Suburban Roads Connnission T01'AIJ EXPENDITURE SUBSIDIZED AT OPERATIONAL RATE CALCULATION OF AMOUNT PAYABLE BY CITY OF ST. THOMAS Ministry of Transportation and Communications Subsidy Ra'te on operations for 1979 was calculated to be 74.2757'% (originally estimated at 74% ) on all items (except D~ainage Assessments and items not for subsidy) is $273,202.80 50% of Balance of $9t.~,6l9. 79 is $ .._ _ _ _~3}J_._4..1... ___ __ _ _3.111_0..:_0...2__ -.. _.. _..}.1 ..0...8_4.....6}_ _ __ __.. 2].1...4]]...11.. _.._ 13 023.31 _____'.1.___._______ 37 072.19 -----~---------- 2459.48 ...____'.1...________ 5 448.88 ......__..1_____..__... 6,203.70 .------.-------- 4 165.83 ___._,J_~ ..._.._ ____ 1 04.36 -:.---"~-_!_------ 2 781.82 ......___'J_____.___.. 28 738.93 _____J__________ $ 248,728.02 ......__....~~.:23....._.. 622.90 ...-..........-.............. $368,491.01 3t..J~61~L~tf~~~~.,5.9~,.. ,. .._ $ 47 309. 90 .......__.2.......___..____ Continued . . . . ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES 1979 Page 3. Subsidy on Drainage Assessments 50% Amount payable is 25% of $ 45.52 or Items Not For Subsidy 50% of 622.90 $ 11.38 ...._--- -,----.---- ........ ..3)...t... it5......... _ _it ~ 6..3...~..I3.... _.. TOTAL PAYABLE by City of St. Thomas on 1979 Operations LESS Surplus from 1978 1 442.73 -_..~---------- LESS City of St. Thomas Contribution for 1979 . .. ,JIII6.....lt.5.. Q.... Q. Q. ..... ... ",. Deficit to 1980 Operations $ 9,740.00 "" MAINTENANCE Page 1 The following is a summary of the total maintenance on bQth County and Suburban Roads. NOT.E: Letter s and number s corre spond to Mini stry of ---- Transporta~ion and Communications Account Numbers. A .. Culverts & Bridges .. 1 Bridges $ 63,849 ..----.........-~----- .... - 2 Culverts 3 350 ______:.1..-_______ B - Roadside Maintenance .... 1 Grass Cutting 1 2 , !+68 -.......----........--..... - 2 Tree Cutting 55 578 -----_.1________ 56 623 _........_..J .'._.,. _ ___ - 4 Drainage _ 5 Roadside Maintenance, Washouts, etc. 10 754 __----',l-_______ - 6 Tree Plant~ng 2,399 --...----------- - 7 Drainage Assessments (repairs only) 2 , 46 2 .... 11 WaRd Spvnylng 5,l~1.8 ...8M....iMIiI......M...'IlI'lif.... . C .. Hard Top Maintenance (Paved. Roads) ... 1 Repairs to ~avements 169,672 - 2 Sweeping 11,695 ..--....---------- ... 3 Shoulder Maintenance 15,873 - 4 Surface Treatment 82,944 ...--------...-....-- D... Loose Top Maintenanc<:~ (Gravel Roads) .. 2 Grading Gravel Roads 17,118 ...----..----_... .. 3 Dust Control (Calcium Chloride) 43,358 --!lIIf-....-'-----...... .. 4 Dust Control (Prime) 2,829 .. 5 Gravel Resurfacing 91,827 ----......--.--...--- R- Winter Control (Total) $ 359,431 .. 1 Snow PlowIng 7/+,053 - 2 Salting & Sanding 227,951 .. 3 Snow Fence 30,183 __ ..... - tIII!-_ _ ..--...... .. 1f!IIIt _ - 4 Standby 27,244 -----,--,...------ 1979 Winter Control County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission $ 359,431.00 1978 Winter Control County & St. Th()tnas Suburban Roads Commission $ 315,003.94 1977 Winter Cont.rol County & St. Thomas Suburban Roads C0111misslon $ 359,095.00 MAINTENANCE - COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS. SUBURBAN ROADS. Page 2 F - Safety Devices - 1 Pavement Marking !_____3~!~Z~..____ 62 321 --______1________ - 2 Signs - 3 Guide Rails 5 648 __~_~___t_~______ - 4 Railroad Prot~ction --____~2!2~g_____ TOTAL t_ 1, 13 2, 3 71 OVERHEAD - COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ... 1. Superintendence, including County Engineer, Assistant County Engineer, General Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, etc., and Superintendent vehicles. $ 85 477 --------~-------- 2. Clerical. -_-_.._fr!~~!1____.. 3. Office. ..---.._!~~Q~1_..__.. 4. Garages (White Station & Rodney), Stock & Timekeepers, Maintenance, etc. 64 375 ________1________ 5. Tools and Miscellaneous Repairs. ______!21212_____ 2 979 ---_____1______-- 8 784 --------&-.--~--- 6. Radio. 7. Traffic Counts & Needs Study Update. 8. Training Courses. 3 710 --------~-------- 9. Permits. _-________2~_____ 10. Miscellaneous Insurance. -______~&12~_____ 11. Rehabilitation of White Station Gravel Pit and general cleanup of Garage grounds. _______21212_____ 12. Mqch:i..nory OVerhead Costs. :.3 719 _~.___~_A_______~ $ 256,834 TOTAL OVERHEAD " ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 19, 1979 PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADCOMMISBI~lMET at the Engineers Office on December 17, 1979 with A. Auckland, J. C. Hindley, and F. Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF February 8, 1979 and March 2, 1979 were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE WAS NOTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Note of appreciation for flowers for the late George Colledge. 2. City of St. Thomas By-Law 52-79 regarding payment to the City of St. Thomas representative on the Suburban Road Commission. 3. The County of Elgin By-Law 79-8 regarding payment to the County of Elgin representative on the Suburban Road Commission for convention expenses. 4. Minutes of Western Group of Suburban Road Commission Association held at Chatham, June 27, 1979. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that both maintenance and construction expenditures on the Suburban Roads would overrun the 1979 budget as considerable gravel resurfacing work and repairs to pavement work had been done on the roads. Additional asphalt resurfacing on Road 22 between Road 24 and 27 was also done as the entire County Budget was a little under the total estimate. Winter control to date had been light and a saving should be apparent in 1980. Little construction would be done on the system in 1980 as it appeared that the County would have to build the Walkers Bridge over a three year period beginning in 1980. Some minor trim work remained on Roads 30, 31, and 52, as well as surveying and land payment on Road 30. Engineering work on Road 22 from St. Thomas to Road 27 would be nominal in 1980. Resufacing should be completed on Road 22 between Roads 24 and 27. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 17, 1979 PAGE 2. It was unlikely that the City of St. Thomas would appoint a new representative to the Commission before mid January. Meeting adjourned to call of the Chairman. CHAIRMAN ROBERT A. BARRETT, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. City Clerk -Administrator PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T. Deputy City Clerk (;)fJ. yJ- ~ ~~ ~...~. ~, ~\Vft Department of Administrative Servicos P.O. Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519)631.1680 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas April 26th, 1979 Mr. G. C. Leverton County Clerk-Treasurer County of Elgin 9 Gladstone Avenue St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 2L3 Dear Mr. Leverton: With reference to your letter of January 23rd, and in particular concerning the payment of members of the St.. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, I am enclosing a copy of our By-Law 52-79 which amends By-Law l47-78to provide for the payment to the City Council appointee on the Commission on the same basis as applies to County members. In addition to the forgoing, the Council also authorized payment to i:t.s appointee on the Commission of convention allowances in accordance with the provisions of County By-Law 79-8, for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention.. If you.require any further information in this connection please advise. R. Ci<<ty Cleror- attach/jp cc;dMI&.er .--lItJRJ 1 ~_~"~.L~~'R~ w. A. Cox, City Treasurer 1_ ~ CITY OF ST. THOMAS BY - LAW NO.. ~)... J 71 To amend By-Law 147-78, being a by-law for paying remuneration to the Members of Council and 'Appointees of the Council.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Subsection (a). of Section 6 of By-Law 147-78 be amended by deleting the following from the list of Local Boards set forth therein: Catfish Creek Conservation Authority Kettle Creek Conservation Authority 2. That By-Law 147-78 be further amended by adding thereto the following new Section: 7.A (a) Any person appointed by the Council to serve as a member of the St.. Thomas Suburban Roads Corrmissionshall be paid in respect of his services as a member of such Board at the rate of $150.00 per annum.. (b) Such remuneration shall be paid semi--annually by the City Treasurer to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, on receipt of a statement certified by the Secretary of such local Board, itemizing the number of meetings held and the number of meetings attended by each such person in respect of his services as a member of the said local Board. 3.. This By-Law shall become effective and take force as of the 1st day of January, 1979. READ a First andSecon.d Jcime this 19th day of March, 1979.. READ a Third time and finally pas~ed this 19th day of March, 1979. ~~-- - .. . .... ~ ... . ~~..._. Mayor ~/~~ .~~L/ ROBERT A. BARRETT, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. City Clerk. Administrator PETER J. LEACK, A.M.C.T. Deputy City Clerk I c~ Co ,~I C\...~.- 9' \ h. --~c- ~ ~,.-. .~ . ..:,':;.-..' ,. ~.L.,.c~"tal5' {~ . . . '" .to,";:~c. :--. (- n.... ....,.K... .... ,J;l'i.~I~'--- ..! ~r ) ~/~~..,~;; Sf:.:., . /.1 ~,..".r- c. \ ~ ~/ <$//' . i):;~~:':~~~r ~ <;t ~ d' -:., ~': . ..\~ "\.'.'.,. ^.:"~._'~" ...//'.'....;;J,~.\... .).\"'~.' ~....F' ... .. .,. ../. r' I...."'.... ,..p..,.. /, (." \,; . ~,~.\.'i. . ";:. .. ..'. ./.',.).,,)..... -"".~.....,. ,.' -! !a,' I L,I \" . . "'" .\.'/'..,"-1...., L..-'" / ~",,\l ~" '. ,"',"-"7. . t." {9,'" '~;.'." . · ,,: C::;'.:L' \:.' G~"',;'-. : ,,.c ~;j'~;.:v.',j: "":'\""> f.r" '\;./{..~,... ,:...,:....,....[fIi.<.9 "..~y,;lH ~\. :\:5 >...J1f""L1';Hr~\,,'r- ,I ~~@~uw~~ MAR 13 1919 Department of Administrative Services P.O~Box 520, City Hall St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7 Telephone (519) 631-1680 March 8th" 1979 Corporation of the City of St. Thomas I, COUNTY OF ELGIN ClERK.TREASU-RER'S OFFICE Mr .w. A. Cox City Treasurer Re: . Remuneration of Appointees to Local Boards Dear Mr. Cox: 'The City Council on March Sth,authorized amendment of By-Law 147-78 to provide fqr the payment.of> remuneration to Council's appointee to the St. Thomas Surban Roads Commission on the same basis as that paid to County Mernbers on the Conunission. County By-Eat.., No. 79-1 provides that appointees to the Commission shall be paid.atthe.r~teof$150.00per.year{paid semi-annually). The appointee is also to receive convention rates set for County Council for attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association convention. That is as setout in COUn.tyBy-Law.79-8which sets out the convention allowances to be $90.00 per day plus registration fee. Per diem rate for conventions is to be limited to the actual days that the convention had sessions listed and an expense account. shouldbeJ?resented to you with a copy of the hotel account and registration receipt attached in verification of the account. I will be presenting a propos~damendment to the City By-Law 147-78 at the. next meeting of theCouriCil. In the interim ifyo'u have any questions, please advise. I ;tcc! Mr. G. Colledge Mr. G. Leverton ~.. WESTERN GROUP MEETING . &!b-cJ-~.. d ~/h l:ir~~ rv~~ ~-------- SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOC. KENT COUNTY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CHATHAM Wednesday, June 21, 1979 Proceedings began at 10:30 A.M. with Mr. John Stephens of St. Marys, Chairman of the Western group, presiding. A total of 32 plus guests from 8 commissions were in attendance, namely: Chatham -4; London - 7; Stratford - 3; St. Marys - ~; Sarnia - 1; Windsor - 5; Guelph - 2; St. Thomas - 5; and the M.T.C. -2. Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound and Brantford were not represented. The group was welcomed by Alderman Mel Crew of the City of Chatham, Engineer . Peter Crawford of the County of Kent and John Snobelen, Chairman of the Chatham Commission. A lengthy discussion con.cerning "8ill 8011 as it applied to Special Body Boards and payment .to members was discussed. Problems such as small municipalities not able to pay their member (conservation authorities),some members being paid . twice as much as another doing the same work, etc. It was moved by Mike Wilson (Chatham) and seconded by Frank Hutnik (Windsor) that the Western group object to the present status of payment to special body boards. Carried~ A di~cussion concerning the stand of the A.M.O. organization as it related to suburban roads was also dealt with. Moved by Frank Hutnik(Windsor) and seconded by Bob Moore (St. Thomas) that we request a transcript of proceedings involving suburban roads from A.M.O. Carried. Another subject which was discussed.at length was the lack of communication between suburban roads commissions and members of city councils. It ~las felt this lack of communication was due in part to the large turnover of council members every 2 years. It was moved by Fred Gosnell (London) and seconded by Charlie Cousins (London) that the Suburban Roads Association prepare a brief,flyeror information folder on what suburban roads are and what function they perform along with other pertinent information. Each commission is requested to send to the secretary points or areas of concern which they feel should be included in the information folder. -2- Don Thomas, manager of C.F.C.O. radio station in Chatham, spoke to the group on communication and stressed the fact that we didn't see ourselves as other people see us. It was moved by Don Derrick (Sarnia) and seconded by Vlalter Martin (Chatham) that th~ follnwing officers be appointed for the coming year: Secretary - John Stephens (St. Marys) - Morley Howe (London) - Frank Hutnik (Windsor) - Tom Collings (Stratford) President Directors Carr; ed . The London commission agreed to host the '1980 meeting. Following the meeting a reception and excellent smorgasbord was held at the Chatham Yatch Club, followed by a very enjoyable 2 1/2 hour boat trip on the lower Thames. Respectfully Submitted, ~h~' Tom Collings, Secretary () COUNTY OF ELGIN .~ #$0 A- t!- ~ r'v\.I./~'",~~ By-Law No. 79-8 "BEING A BY -U"l TO ESTABLISH n:E REl':1JNEPJ\TIOn TO BE PAID TO THE \'IARDEN, COUNCIL 1':~I\11EERS AND COUNTY OFFICIALS FOR AT7El;DING COJJVENTIC'US." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. TFAT the \'larden,l~embers of the Elgin County Council and Elgin County Officials be paid the following rates fo:r attending conventions: (a) For a convention wi.thin a radius of30Q miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00) per day plus registration fee. (b) For a convention outside a radius of 300 miles of St. Thomas, Ninety Dollars ($90.00J per day plus registration fee plus single air fare rates from the Londonc:tirport to the site of the convention and return. (c) In addition to the $90.00 per day thevlarden may receive up to $40.00 per day for additional expenses upon presenta- tion of receipts. Cd) That the vlarden be authorized to obtain a County Room at conventions \-then he deems it desirable and that he he re.imbllrsed upon presentation of receipts. (e) The Warden may receive up to $300.00 in addition to the $90.00 per day, upon presentation of receipts, for additional expenses incurred for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention only. (f) For a convention held in.London, Ontario only, co~~ittee pay, mileage allO'\-lance to and from home, plus registration fee, for anyone who does not stay overnight at a ho~el. (9) -That in order to obtain. payment for attending conventions the member or official must present the hotel bill and reg- .1stration receipt or reasonable'facsimile of same to the Clerk of the County. (h) The per diem rate for conventions shall be limited to the actual days that the convention has sessions listed. 2. (a) The vlarden may attend any number of conventions he chooses each year. (b) Members of County Council are limited to any three conventions of their choice each year. 3. THAT By-Law No. 2287 and all. previousby-Ia'ws or resolutions pertaining to the payment of convention expenses,: be and the. same are hereby repealed. 4. THAT this by-law become effective. January 1st, 1979. READ a first time this 21st day of February, 1979. . READ a second time this 21st day of February, 1979. READ a third time and finally passed this 21st day of February, 1979. -~---/~~..~ G. C. Leverton, Clerk. <.:.- ., ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 2, 1979. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION MET ON March 2, 1979 at 11:00 A.M. at the Engineer's Office to discuss the attached Budget for 1979. All members were present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Budget has been tentatively approved by the County of Elgin Road Committee. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT WE ADOPT THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1979 EXPENDITURES ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 290,000 AT AN ESTIMATED COST TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS OF $ 37,885 EACH. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 290,000 BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the call of the Chairman. t/w~ CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN 8T. l'HOMAS SUaURBAN ROAD COMMI SSION 1979 BUDGET A - Construction MiscellaneOus Surveys (Road 22) Land Purchase Construction Road 30 (complete work) Construction Road 31 (complete work) Construction Road 52 (complete work) $ 1 , 000 8,000 6,000 3,000 ,16 J 000 $ 3ft,000 $ 30,000 9,000 6,000 15,000 10,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 20,000 2,000 3,000 12,000 3,000 8,000 1+,000 20,000 65,500 6,000 6,000 1,000 3,000 ------- $ 197, 500 February 28, 1979. COUNTY OF ELGIN ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1979 BUDGET February 28. 1979. Page 2. D .. Overhead Total County Overhead is estimated at $ 257,000. The Suburban Road Commission share of the total work is estimated at $ 261,500 of the total work of $ 2,362,000 which is approximately 11%. St. Thomas Suburban Road Conunission share of Overhead is 11% or $ 28,000. SUMMARY A - Construction $ 34,000 B - Asphalt Resurfacing 30,000 C .. Maintenance 197,500 o .. Overhead 28, OOQ E .. Items Not Subsidized by Ministry of Transportation and COnD1lunications 500 TOTAL BUDGET $ 290,000 Calculation of City of St. Thomas share of 1979 Budget. Estimated Ministry of Transportation and Communications subsidy on operations 74%. Ministry of Transportation subsidy estimated at 74% of $ 289,500 or $ 214,230. The remaining cost of $ 75,770 is shared equally between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin. City of St. Thomas Share $ 37,885.00 City of St. Thomas ~ mill contribution is $ 36,450';00 Bala.nce $ 1,435.00 Less surplus from 1978 $ 1,442.72 Surplt~s to 1980 $ 7.72 SUBURBAN ROADS COf\1NISSION ASSOCIATION '1 , I '1l Annual Meeting Royal York Hotel - Toronto February 27, 1979 3:00 p.m. AGENDA -.......---_.- 1. Openi ng Remarks by Pres i dent Cl arence l.-Ji 1 son . ;2. Greeti ngs from O.G. R.A.. 3. ~1i nutes (a) 1978 Annual Meeting (b) 1978 Group Meetings - (i) Western (ii) Eastern 4. Reports (a) Secretary-Treasurer (b) Executive Committee - (i) ~1inutes - February 26, 1979 5. Election of Officers 60 Miscellaneous Business 7. T.B. Collings - IIPedal Powerll 8. Adjournment '" SUBURBAN ROADS .COMMISSION ASSOCIATION . MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING Roya 1 York Hotel - Toronto Tuesday, February 21,1978 3 p.m. 1. Opening Remarks by President Clarence Wilson Mr. Wilson welcomed all the members to the Annual Meeting. Twenty Commissions of a total of twenty-three were represented at the Annual Meeting. Mr. Wilson further indicated that he had appreciated acting as President of the Association during the past year. 2. Greetings fromO.G.R.A. Mr. A.R. Holmes extended greetings from the Ontario Good Roads Association and expressed the pleasure of the Directors in again supplying the facilities for the Annual Meeting of the Association. 3. Minutes ta) 1977 Annual Meeting That the Minutes of the 1977 Annual Meeting be adopted as distributed.. On a motion by Mr" Stephens seconded by t1r.. Hawkey . . . carri ed (b) Group Meetings That the Minutes of the Group Meetings be accepted as distributed. On a motion by Mr. Gordon seconded by Mrs.. Good ...carried ACTION BY ^ ' 1,' - 2 ~ 4., Reports (a) Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Holmes read the Secretary-treasurer's report which was adopted. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mrs. Good ...carried Matters Arising Mrs. Good spoke on the Resolutions from the City of London and City of Windsor and outlined the responses to the Secretary- Treasurer's letter. A general discussion resulted. That the position of the Suburban Roads Commission Association regarding these Resolutions be forwarded to the Minister of T~ansportation and.Communications. On a motion by Mrs. Good seconded by Mr. Hutnik ...carried The President requested Mr. Holmes to read a letter which had been forwarded to the Guelph Suburban Roads Commission regarding the City of Windsor Resolution. 5. Election of Officers That the slate of officers as recommended by the Executive Committee be approved for the year 1978 .. 79. On a motion by Mr. tve11s seconded by Mr., Hunter' ...carried That nominations be closed. On a motion by Mr.. Stephens seconded by Mr. Auckland .....carried ACTION BY Secretary " -. 3 .,. ... 5. Election of Officers cont'd The Secretary-Treasurer declared the fOllowing as elected for 1978 - 79: President Vice President Past President Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Clarence Wilson Mrs. Lin Good t1r. Roy Gordon Mr. A.R. Holmes, P. Eng. The Secretary-Treasurer indicated that the Directors would be: Wes tern Mr. J. Stephens Mr. M. Howe Mr. F. Hutnik Eastern Mrs. L. Good Mr. G.D. Dougall, P. Eng. Mr. D. t4. Code 6. Miscellaneous Business Mr. Smith inquired if a response had been received on the name by which Commissions may be known. The Secretary-Treasurer indicated that no response had been received following which Mr. Smith responded that a reply would be received in the near future. 7. Mr. T.G. Smith - "Suburban Roads In Ontario" Mr. John Stephens introduced Mr. Smith who made a very interesting presentation on the subject of uSuburban Roads in Ontari 0" .. Mr .. Smith urged the Commiss; on to vi ewthe . recommendations of the Grant Reform Commission. Nr. Smith discussed the assessment which the province would be using to determine funding for citiest contributions and funding for upper-tier municipalities. Mr. Smith indicated that a copy of his address would be forwarded to the Secretary- Treasurer for distribution to all member commissions. Mrs. Good expressed the appreciation of the Association to Mr. Smith and asked him to accept a small token of appreciation. 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. On a motion by Mr. Moore seconded by Mr. Cousins . ... carried ACTION BY Mr. Smith ,I \" SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF WESTERN GROUP MEETING CITY HALL, STRATFORD June 7, 1978 Proceedi.ngs began at 10,:30 a.m. with Mr. John Stephen, Chairman of the St. Marys Suburban Commission, presiding. Ten of the twelve commissions were represented, as follows: Chatham- 3; L.ondon - 8; Owen Sound - 3; Stratford - 3; St. Marys - 2; St. Thomas - 3; Windsor - 4; Barrie - 2; Brantford, - 4; Guelph - 4. Delegates were welcomed by Rae Bender - Warden of Perth and Keith Culliton, Mayor of Stratford, Mike Wilson (Chatham) - Presjdent of the Provincial Association, also said a few wo rds . It was moved by Roy Gordon (Guelph) and Mike Wilson (Chatham) that the minutes of last year's meeting in Barrie be adopted as read. Allan Holmes, Secretary of the Provincial Association, read a letter from the province, toncerning the increase in Provincial Equalized Assessments in the cities. A summary of commissions in Western Ontario was distributed showing mileage, expenditures, assessments, etc. and it showed that the Provincial Equalized Assessments in cities rose from 11% to 50% from 1977 to 1978. A film called "A Day in Court" was shown, which visually demonstrated poor driving habits by the public, resulting in an appearance before a judge. Tom Collings showed slides of bicycle paths and a discussion followed. The following motions were made to appoint 3 directors of the Western Ontario group: /Vloved by Roy Gordon (Guelph 1, seconded by AbHe 11 s ( (Guelph). That John Stephens (St. Marys) be appointed. - 2 - Moved by Bob Moore (St. Thomas), seconded by Roy Gordon (Guelph). That Morley Howe (London} be appointed. Moved by Roy Lee (Windsor), seconded by Ray Hunter (Windsor) · That Frank Hutnik {Windsor) be appointed. Moved by Mike Wilson that nominations be closed. Carried. Chatham agreed to host the 1979 meeting. After the meeting, the members were taken by bus to the t~il dwood Conservation Dam, where a reception was held. Following the Reception, everyone was treated to a home cooked meal at the new St. f4arys Community Centre. At 2:00 p.m. the members toured th~ new Quarry and kiln etc., at the St. Marys cement plant. The day's activities concluded at 3:45 p.m. PREVIOUS HOSTS rl~p~ - Chatham,: 1970 - London 1971 - Sarnia 1972 -. Owen Sound 1973 - Hamilton 1974 - Windsor 1975 - St. Thomas 1976 - Brantford 1977 ... Barrie 1978 - Stratford Respectfully submitted, Tom Co 11 i ngs, P . Eng.., Secretary SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF EASTERN GROUP r4EETING CORNWALL CIVIC COMPLEX October 5, 1978 The Eastern Group Meeting of the Suburban Roads Commission Association was held on October 5, 1978, at 1:30 p.m. at the Cornwall Civic Complex. The meeting was opened with a one minute silence for Robert Edmunds, former Secretary and Engineer of the Trenton Suburban Roads Commission. Mr. Ralph Flath, the joint City/County appointee to the Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission, called the meeting to order and welcomed the delegates to the 1978 Eastern Group Meeting, held in Cornwall, liThe Friendly City of the Seaway". The dele- gates then introduced themselves and all Commissions were represented. The f4inutes of the 1977 Eastern Group ~1eeting, held at the Four Season's Hotel in Belleville on September 14th, were read by Mr.. Don McDonald, Cornwall Commission's Secretary.. Moved by Harry Morrow Seconded by Harold Clifford That the minutes be adopted as read. A di scuss i on fo 11 owed.. Mr. Gord Dougall, Di rector', reported that the delegation appointed at last year's meeting (Gord Dougall and Mrs.. Lin Good) discussed the City of London's resolution concerning Suburban Road Commission appointments with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. They were advised that M.T.C. would be taking no action and thus the London resolution would die. The motion regarding the minutes was then put to the meeting and was 'carr; ed' " . - 2 - The Commissions then reported their year's activities. The reports were presented as follows: Belleville Brockville Gananoque Kingston Pembroke Peterborough Prescott Smiths-Falls Lanark Smiths-Falls Leeds Trenton Cornwall Frank Fo llwe 11 Gord Byers Bill DeWolfe Ken Brown Murray Lehman Al Reid Ernie Ralph Des Code Gord Dougall Gord Flynn Ralph Flath NEW BUSINESS Gord Dougall and Des Code announced their resignation as Directors of the Eastern Group. Frank Follwell accepted their resignations on behalf of the Eastern Group, with regret, and thanked both for their dedication. Moved by Frank Follwell Seconded by Harry Morrow . That Doug Whitley, of the Trenton Suburban Roads Commission~ be nominated for the position of Director. 'carried' Moved by Gord Dougall seconded by Des Code That Don McDonald, of the Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission, be nominated for the position of Director. 'carried' A request for further nominations was made. No further nominations came from the floor and both nominees were elected. The Meeti ng accepted Gananoque Suburban Road Commi ss ion:' s invitation to host the 1979 Eastern Group Meeting. Warden Ewart Simms, of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Gl engarry, greeted the del ega tes on behalf of the Counties. , Mrs. Pat Armstrong, Acting Mayor of the City of Cornwall, welcomed the delegations to the City and invited them to tour the City and witness CornwallIs recent revital ization. - 3 - " The formal portion of the meeting was thus concluded. . The Group then toured the Cornwa"ll Ci vi c Complex; Cha let Gl ass; the Cornwall Suburban Road Commission's recently completed (and contro- versial) South Branch Road projects; the historic Village of Williamstown; Highway No. 2 along the scenic St. Lawrence River;. and viewed the City of Cornwall's recently opened Pitt St. Hall. Following a reception, the annual dinner was held. The head table consisted of t4rs. Pat Armstrong, Acting Mayor of the City of Cornwall; Ralph Flath, Cornwall Commission, Gib McIntee, Cornwall Commission; Mrs. Terri Lalond, Manager of the Cornwa 11 Chamber of Commerce and Guest Speaker; Don ~lcDona 1 d, Secretary of the Cornwall Commission; Donald Thomson, Chairman of the Cornwall Commission; Donald Ross-Ross, recently retired from the Cornwall Commission; Ewart Simms, \AJarden of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. The guest speaker, Terri Lalonde, was introduced by Gib r1clntee and thanked by Donald Thomson. Don McDonald thanked r1rs. Ruby Antle for local arrangements, summarized the meeting~ and moved its adjournment. Mr. Frank Follwell thanked the Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission on behalf of the Commissioners and seconded the adjournment. t10tion carried. D.J. McDonald, P. Eng. Secretary and Commission Engineer Cornwall Suburban Roads Commission " t> SUBURBAN ROADS Cor~MISSION ASSOCIATION SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT TO FEBRUARY 20, 1979- Account 1633 Province of Ontario (Guelph) Bank Balance... February 17, 1978 (1) Acknowledgment (T. Smith) 1978 Annual Meeting (2J~ .County of Well i ngton ... postage & copies (3) H. McKellar... expenses re Annual Meeting Annual Dues Received 1978 ... 79 Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E ... 4 @ $10~00 -. 1 0 @ 15 . 00 - 5 @ 20.00 ... 1 @ 30 . 00 - 1 @ 55.00 Bank Interest -March 31,1978 - September 30., 1978 ,j (4) Secretary- Treasurer:- s 'Expenses and Honorarium Bank Balance - February 20, 1979 AUDITOR'S STATEMENT DEBIT -- $ ~~4. 98 83.20 i~O. 00 300.00 916.29 -- $1364.47 CREDIT r $924.43 40.00 150.00 100.00 30.00 55.00 33.89 31 . 15 $1364.47 The above report in our opinion indicates the correct financial position and transactions of the Suburban Roads Commission Association for the year under review. Februa ry 20, 1979 Auditor Auditor SUBURBAN ROADS COf1MISSION ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE MEETING Royal York Hotel February 26, 1979 Present: Mr. C. Wilson t1rs.. L. Good Mr. R. Gordon Mr. .M. Howe ~1r. J.. Stephens Mr. G.D. Dougall, P. Eng. Mr. F. Hutnik Mr. A.R. Holm~s, P.Eng. - President - Vice-President - Past-President - Director - Director - Director - D.irector - S~cretary-Treasurer Mr. De McDonald Mr. A. J. tve 11 s Mr. H. Hanlon ACTION BY 1. & 2. Group Meeting Minutes The Executive recommended that copies of Hinutes of the Western Group Meeting of June 7, 1978 and the Eastern Group MeetingJof October 5, 1978 be prepared for distribution~t the Annual Meeting. Sec. - Treas. ( 3. Appointment of Auditors That Mor1eyHowe and Frank Hutnik be auditors for 1978 - 1979. On a motion by Mr. Stephens seconded by Mr. Gordon .... .carried 4. Agenda - Annual Meeting The Secretary-Treasurer presented a draft of the Agenda for the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 1979 at 3 p.m. He also read correspondence from the Minister of Transportation and Communications which he had received following the last Annual Meeting. The Executive adopted the Agenda. - 2 - ACTION BY 5. Selection of Officers for 1979 - 1980 President That r1rs. t in Good be President for 1979 - 1980. On a motion by Mr.. Dougall seconded by Mr. Stephens .. . . carried Vice-President That Mr. John Stephens be Vice-President for 1979 - .1980. Ona motion by Mr.. Gotdon seconded by Mr.. Howe ,~:.. . carri ed Past President That Mr. Clarence Wilson be Past President for 1979 - 1980. On a motion by Mr.. Gordon seeon ded by tvtr., Howe ....carried Secretary-Treasurer That Mr. A.R. Holmes, P.. Eng. be Secretary-Treasurer for 1979 - 1980. On a motion by Mr.. Stephens seconded by t.1rs.. Good " . .. carr'ted Other Bus iness The Secretary-Treasurer informed the Commission of the new Steering Committee to teview Ministry of Transportation and Communications administrative procedures relative to municipalities. He also read a letter from the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs regarding Bill 80 and its implication to Suburban Roads Commissions. The Executive adjourned at 3:15 p.m. On a motion by ~1r" Hutnik seconded by Mrs.. Good . . .carried SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION. President: Past President: Vice President: Secretary-freasurer WESTERN Mr. J. Stephens, R. R. 1 , St.. Marys, Ontari o. Mr. Morley.Howe,: R.R. 2, Strathroy, Ontario. r~r . F.. Hutn i k , 2300 Howard Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. 1978 EXECUTIVE Mr.. Clarence ~Ji 1 son, R.R. 3, Chatham, Ontario. Mr.. Roy Gordon, 69 Lyon Avenue, Guelph, Ontario. Mrs. Lin Good, 212 Fairway Hills Crescent, Kingston, Ontariol Mr. A.R. Holmes, P. Eng.., County Court House, Engineer's Office, Guelph, Ontario. DIRECTORS EASTERN Mrs.. LinGood 212 Fairway Hi 1'1 s Crescent, Kingston, Ontario.. Mr. G.D. Dougall, P. Eng., County Court House, Brockville, Ontario. Mr.. Dd~. Code, 3 Maitland Street, Smiths Falls, Ontario. m ~ /fJ DD)~ ti. .. ..........- ... ARTHUR J. GORDON GfNERAl SUPERINTENPENT C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR ROBERT G. MOORE, B.Se, P.ENG. 79 STANLEY ST. EN~INHR AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TF-lEPHONE 519 631'5880 (CO,URT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS, ONT. N5R 3G1 Fe bruary9~.. 1979. Warden and Members of Elgin County Council, c/o Mr. G. Leverton, Clerk-Treasurer, Municipal Building, 9 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, Ontario. Gentlemen: I have been instructed by the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission, at a meeting On February 8, 1979, to forward a detailed list of Expenditures on Suburban Roads in 1978. The Commission Budget for 1979wi11~ not be completed until the County of Elgin Road Committee Budget is completed, but will require an approximate e~enditure of $ 38,000 in County funds. Yours very truly, RGM : dw Encl. R. G. MOORE, B. Se., P. Eng., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. ROBERT G. MOORE, B.Sc.. P.ENG. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT TELEPHONE 519 - 631-5880 Mayor and Members of Council, City of St. Thomas, c/o Mr. R. Barrett, P. O. Box 520, City Hall, Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario. Gentlemen: fh;e, /)10 0 ,(~~ ARTHUR J. GORDON GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINUNDl\Nl' .. <:ONsrRUC'fION $AFnV INSPECTO. 79 STANLEY ST. (COIURT HOUSE) ST. THOMAS. ONT. N5R 3G1 February 9, 1979. I have been instru(:ted by the St. Thomgs Suburban Roads Gormnission, at a meeting on Februcary 8, 1979, to forward a detailed list of Expenditures on Suburban Roads in 1978. Although theCotnmission Budget has not been fina1i~ed, I have been instructed to inform Council that the statutory 1/2 mill ($ 36,450), (on the M:i.nistert s of Transpot'tationand C:ommunications Adjusted Provincial A.ssessment of $ 72,900,000) will atgain be required for Suburban Road purposes in 1979. We will forward a copy of the Budget for Council approval as soon as it is available. RGM:dw Encl. YOUrS very truly, R. G. MOORE, B. Sc., P. Eng., ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. cc: Mr. G. Leverton, County Clerk-Treasurer. P.S. It is hoped by CO'Jnt.y Road Committee that a meet::i.ng C(;ln be arranged with MiddleseJC County Council to continue discussions on the completion of the liighbury....Hubrey-Radto Road Link as requ~sted by St.. Thoma.s City Council last year. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 8, 1979. PAGE 1. THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION MET at the Engineer's Office, 79 Stanley Street, on February 8, 1979 at 11:00 A.M. All members were present. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 29, 1978 were read and approved. "MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT A. AUCKLAND BE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION FOR 1979. CARRIED." "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT THE HONORARIUM FOR JIM HINDLEY BE $ 150 IN 1979 AND THAT HIS CONVENTION EXPENSES BE PAID ON THE SAME BASIS AS COUNTY COUNCILS REPRESENTATIVE ON THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION. CARRIE.D. " "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 1979 IN THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION ASSOCIATION BE PAID. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the resolution of November 28, 1978 designating Suburban Roads had been approved by the Minister. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Statement of Expenditures for 1978. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 8, 1979. PAGE 2. "MOVED BY: J. HINDLEY SECONDED BY: G. COLLEDGE THAT THE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES ON THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM FOR 1978 BE ACCEPTED AND FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS. CARRIED." THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the County Road Committee were still discussing a Road Budget for 1979 and until they had completed a County Road Budget, a Suburban Roads Budget could not be finalized. "MOVED BY: G. COLLEDGE SECONDED BY: J. HINDLEY THAT THE CITY OF ST. THOMAS AND THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BE ADVISED THAT THE 1/2 MILL ASSESSMENT FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES ON THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS REVISED ASSESSMENT OF $ 72,900,000 WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUBURBAN ROAD PURPOSES IN 1979. (LEVY WILL BE $ 36,450.) CARRIED." THE MEETING ADJOURNED to the c~d 1 of the Chairman. /) /J~ a~6U ().' ~ ~~