1962 Road Committee Minutes ST.. THOMAS, ONrr\AHIO, DECEMBER 6TH, 1962 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Cornmittee met at the Court House at 1:30 p.m. -, ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the November 7th and November 13th meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported that R meeting with Mr. P.D. Patterson, Direct Expenditures Engineer of the Ontario Department of Highways had been held in Toronto on November 30th and he hed agreed to allow the County to use the original planned location for Development Road No. 69?with the understRnding that as much as possible of the old Road should he closed. THE EfJGINEER suggested that someone should be engaged to make an evaluation upon the property required for the Road And as much as possible of thE~ property require:! to be purchased immedie~ely. 'rHE FOLLOWING resoluttons \\Tere passed: l'10VED BY G..E.. FR01'IN SECONDED BY W. ROESON THA T MR.. tJOE MOONEY OF TILLSOHBURG DE APPOI};'TED TO PLACE ,4. VALUE on PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPIJ1ENT ROAD 11692 FROM COU!TTY ROADS 24 AND 36 TO PORT BRUCE AND REEVES Ml. TANSLEY AnD C.D. PHILLIPS BE APPOINTED AS A COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE THE VALUATIONS PLACED BY MR.. MOONEY AND TO PURCHA.SE THE PROPERTY ...4 CQUIRED~, CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONT.P.RIO, DECE~1BER 6TH, 1962. MOVED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT SECONDED BY G . E. BROVJN THA T THE FOLL01HING COUNTY ROJ\D ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAD1ENT:- PAY LIST z~33 - $1,599.90: PAY LIST 1134 ... $9,284.51: PAY LIST 35 - $10'+,250.00: PAY LIST 1135 DEVELOPMENT ROAD - $73.59. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that the Road Department expenditures ~ould be approximately $930,000. County By-laws had appropriated $967,000 but some savings had been made on Suburban Area Expenditures and a small saving on Brid.ge and Culvert expenditures" County money, hOlt/ever, ""Tould be entirely used up. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date, stAting: 1. The new Champion Grader had been delivered. 2" The Dingle Street Bridge, although not completed, would be opened to traffic in less than a week. 3. Gravel was bein placed on the shoulders of the Wellington Road. 4. Sand Base A.nd Pit Run Gravel had been compRed on Courlty Road 16 and some Crushed GrRvel had 81so been applied. Some trimming work had been done in the good vJe;:;ther. Fencing was being continued. 5. The Guide Rail at the \,iJardsville Bridge had been completed. 6. Work on County Road 20 at Port St(;~nley \,,"a8 completed, except for some Guide Rail work and a small amount of Fencing. 7. Sand Piles had been completed except at Port Burwell which 11\7ottld be completed by the first of the '\'Ileek. PAGE 3 8. 1. ST. TH01AA.S, ONTARIO, UECE1~ER 6TH, ~962. Gr~,.ve~ 1/lould be placed on County Road ~9 when the opportun~ty erose. THE ENGINEER alSO reported~ The poard of Transport coromissioners for Canada Engineer had vie1tJed the crossingS of tp.e Chesapeake & Ohio Railway and the NeW 10rk centra~ System on county Road ~5 in uutton and would recoromend the insta~~ation of Gates and 2. Flashing LightS. An inspection of t he crossingS of the Chesapeake g( OhiO Railway and the NeW 10rk central System on county Road 2 near West Lorne 1/lou~d like~y be made by the Board of Transport coromiSsioners for Canada with a vieW to moder~ nizing protection there a~so. Agreements with all property owners on County Road 20 at port Stanle;' other than Goerge Renwick had been made and that the County So~icitOr 1/laS sending e~propriatiOn 3 · notices to all owners. A LETTER from Mr. James McBain, M.P., waS read . hOs regrets at oeing unable to attend the meeting e~press~ng ~, ' and offering to provide any information that lle was ab~e. THE ENGIl:1EER reported that surveys and land 'Purchase were ~roceeding on County Road 20 north of Shedden _ .L. 1,.. ~ Ii and that a location through the property of MarY Mclnvyre been established and sUggested an evaluator be engaged to make an eva~uatiOn of the property necessary for Road rea.1i.gnment · lJt. rrI\NSLE'"l M.OVE D B'"l \JIJ. pl.OBSON SECON1YE;D 151 TrlAT CHARLES BLACK OF ROUNE1 BE ASKED TO PLA CE AN E'IJ ALUATI0N ON THE PROPERT1 OF MAR1 }.~CINT1RE NEEDED TO Dl'IJERT ROf,U 20 NORTH OF SHl1,DUEl:l. C~RRIEU. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 6TH, 1962. --",-, CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Ontario Department of Highways: 1. Approving the purchase of a new Grader. 2. Approving transfer of money to NevJ Machinery from Road Construction. 3. Asking the inclusion of County Road 53 Culvert Construction and the Hoover Bridge in the County's Normal By-law Program. 4.' Approving the construction and contract at the Dingle Street Bridge and stating the cost of approaches, more than 100 feet from the end of the Bridge, would only be subsidiz ed at 50 per cent. 5. Stating that channe1lization and curb and gutter work would be done at the junction of King's Highway #3 and County Road 36 in conjunction with construction on King's Highway #3. 6. Approving 1rlork to Repairs, County Roads 8 and 14, and agreeing to pay the cost of the repairs necessitated by the haulage to D.H.O. Contracts on King's Highway #401. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO ADD TO THE C COUNTY NORMAL BY-LAW NO. 1812 PROGRAM UNDER BRIDGE AND CULVERTS - ROAD 53 CULVERT CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED COST $4,000 AND HOOVER BRIDGE ESTIM~TED COST $11,400. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEE discussed the responsibility of the Township of Malahide paying the costs of the Dingle Street Bridge Approaches beyond 100 feet from the end of the Bridge. PAGE 5 ST. THO~~S, ONT~RIO, DECEMBER 6TH, 1962. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THA. T T HE T Ov,TNSHIP OF MALAHIDE BE BILLED FOR THE COSTS OF DINGLE STREET BRIDGE APPROACHES BEYOND 100 FEET FROM THE END OF THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE. CARRIED. A LETTER from Messrs. Jeffery & Jeffery, Solicitors, on behalf of Mrs. Austin Smith was read asking further compensation for land expropriated from her on County Road 45 near Jaffa in 1959. MOVED BY ~~. T ANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE DO NOT INCREASE OUR OFFER OF $200.00 PER ACHE FOR THE LAND EXPROPRIATED FROM ~~S. AUSTIN SMITH ON ROAD 45. CARRIED. A LETTER from the Village of Dutton re problems involved in parking near the Public School on County Road 15 was read. THE ENGINEER reported that no settlement seemed imminent with }/',r. George 1I1onnacot t at Port Bruce for property expropriated to widen Cou.nty Road 36. THE ENGINEER was instructed to ask the opinion of the District Municipal Engineer with regard to the Countys' responsibility to restore a private drive that had been paved before Road Construction and raised in the course of construction. PAGE 6 ST. THOMAS, ONTI\RIO, DECEMBER 6TH, 1962. been received from j;he Union GaS Company Limited and he would THE ENGINEER stated that a neW By-law had like to have it checked by the County Solicitor before it was approved by the Road committee. A BRIEF MENTION was made of the Ontario Traffic conference. the County Engineers' conference in Toronto. THE ENGINEER reported on the highlights of THE TENDERS for tWO neW Tractors and MowerS, as attached, were considered by the committee. 1"10Vl~D BY LLOYD ELLIOTT G. E. BROV\rN SECONDED BY TEA T "'iE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF THE INTERRI\ TIONA.L HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANII.DA LnHTED, LONDON, FOR T\'10 INTERNATIONAL l-mDEL 240 TR.I\. CTORS 'WITH NO. 110 SIDE MOUNTED MO\mRS ,!nTH HYDRAULIC CURB LIFTS AND WITH THE COUNTY'S 1960 COCKSHUTT MODEL 5t.0 TRi\CTOR I\.ND MOWER AS A TRrtDE-IN I\.T THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $4,107.64, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CA,RR TED · 1v10VED BY SECONDE1D BY 1.~. TANSLEY \J. ROBSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JA.NUf\RY 4TH !\T 1:30 p.~1. CARRIED. I " /J/ ~. -~ .'.. ~". ~.-.~ \.l~R "C AIRMAN - - ST CI THOMAS ~I . ONTARIO 9 NOVEM!~ER SESSION 19620 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILo YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as tolloW82 10 Road )!ulch Pavements have been laid on the following Roads during 1962g (8 ) Road .3 ..., At the Wardsville Bridge in Aldborough Township. 00) miles (b) Road 20 - FlrAgal to Shedden in Southwold Township. 2<l)) miles (e) Road 2) - King's Highway 14 at Hepburn TrAnsport to the top or the Schoolhouse Hill in Port Stanley in Yarmouth Township and the Village ot Port Stanleyo 104 miles (d) Road 27 = At the Seminary School between Un1.on and Sparta in Yarmouth Township. .045 m11es (e) Road 36 0\) A't 'the R lchmond Hill in Bayham Township. 100 miles Total: So) miles ~." ~ 20 The Wellington Road (County Road 25) in lrarmouth and Southwold Townships under 'the jurlsd1cti(~n ot the Sto Thomas Suburban Road Commission has been completely rebuilt including Grading9 Granular Base and Hot ~x Paving trom the Middlesex County Line to the Bostwick Roadg a distance of approximately 308 m1J.esQ 30 The F den Bridge on Road 44>> in Bayham TownshiPtl has been completed this summero 40 Work 9 by Matthews Concrete Limited of LO%ldon$) on the Dingle Street Bridge over the Catfish Cr~.ek between the Township of Malahide and the T own of Aylmer 1s well advanced and it is expected that 'the Bridge will be open tor traffic by Christmaso ~Q Widening$) Grading and Gravelling has been done on the following Roads in addition to the Wellil~ton Roadg ': Page 2 ELGItil COUNTt COUNCIL - NOVEMBER $SSION 1962 ~"..,.....-......,,- ,- -.......".......- .~ l e.) Road 2 - Frolll t.he Ches8.l'eake and Ohio Railroad Crossing in West Lome easterlY to the west Ltmit of !..ot 2 ~ Con cession It Aft ~ TownshiP of n.mwich, in the Village of West Lorne and the TownshiPS of AldbOrou&h end 'Dunwicho lb) Road 10 _ FrOlll King'S HighWa1 n,. to 'rur'V~j,les' Corners in the Village ot Port. 5'(,anle1 and t.be TownshiP of soutbWo'.!.do Z.O miles 2Q2 mile. ( c) Road 16 - FrOJll Burwells' Corners (Count,. Ro-'l..d 1,.) to Talbot Creek in nun'licb T~1l8bipo 106 mUes - -..,. ...........-- Total: ;pB miles ............--== ~ 6. concrete CUlver1#a bave been built on the following~ (a) Road 9 near <l."\IIlpbel11iOn in l)unwich Townsbipo lb) The Hoover Cul"l~ on the larlllouth-South Dorchester Townl1neo 7. Steel Plate CUlvert.s have bean installed on 1:;WO locations on Road 25 (the wellington Road} 0 . go st.ee1 CUlverts were instslled on RoSds 2, 16, 20 and 25 in conjunction with Gradin& Oper&t.ions? MiscellaneoUS CUlverts were installed thrOughout the County Road syst,emo 9., st.eel Guide Rail hIlS been' or will be erect.ed at tme Eden . Bridge~ 1f.ardsville Bridgee }to8d 20 nor1#h of Warren Street in Port. stanley e RoSd 2 at t,he crossing of t.he NMf lork Cent.ral and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railwa)'B east. of "'est LorneQ 100 The Jameat.OW1le Gillet.s and j?ulton Bridges have been cleaned and paintedo 110 Repairs lU!ve been made to n nUlllber of: BridgeS including Fult.on>> Robbins, Cooke Shelbourne and Catfish Bridges on Road ..50 120 Road It 5 frOJll ltiJIi' s HighWay 119 t.o ea1 t.on, 1n 'BaybeJII ~own8h1P~ a distance ot ~n2 miles! waS surfaced wit.h a double coat of B1t.U1lIinoU6 Mat.eriaJ. and Stone Chipso l ELGIN COUNTY C.Q~NCIL..~_.:.~QY~E~. SE~:~,~'ON ~.~~g Page .3 130 Approximately 30 m~.les ot 'County Roads In ,rarious locations throughout the County were treated with Bl1;um1nou8 Material and Grevel or Stone Chip8~ 14.Q Flashing Llgh~ Signals $nd, Crossing Oates hAve been inetalled on Road 3 in the Village or RodnE~Y 8.t 'the .:.' Crossing of the Chesapeake 8i1d Ohio Ra11W8]r and the New York Central Railwayo Double Flashing Light Signals and the Moder~lzat1on of the Circuit on Road 46 at Corinth in Bayham To\'\rnehip has been completedQ 15<< The B@ard or Transport Commissioners for C!lnada has approved the installation ot Flashing Light, Signals and Crossing Gates on Read _~9 in Springfield 811ld the work ie axpected to 8 'tart ehortlYQ 160 Gravel Resurfacing was done on: (8.) Road 43 from Calton to Road 42 in aaybam and Malah1de Townshlp8~ ( b) Road 45 from Mount Salem to Calton in Malahlde TownshipQ (c) Road 35 trom Jaffa north in Malahide 8~d Yarmouth Townships\"! (d) Road 4S trom Jaffa to Road 36 in Yar.mo~uth u:rOl'l1f.1Shipo' 110 A new Champion Motor Grader has been purcha.8ed to replace the County\) 1952 l(odel 610 Adam Grader whlc~h was traded 1ho Dellve.a:".,1' 113 expected by the end of the mont.ho l8a Surveys are being continued on Road 36 des1,gnated by 'the Ontario Departmen~ of Highways as a Development Road tor Pre-Engineering Purposeso The field work had been nearly completed when the Ontario Department of H1.ghwaye requested a change in the loca't1on of part of the Roado lfork on this relocation' will likely be comple~ed by the end of the Mantho It is expected that the Department will conduct soil tests shortlyo WE RECOMMENDg TH.AT the Countyvf:J Three Year Road Program b'e added 'to as tollows: 1965 ~ Paving = That mileage of Road .......".._.~ graded in 19640 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL = NOVEMBER SESSION 1962 ,.""'~"" .i...,........~..__.......~_".., .. ... ...",......'"...."..._..,.,,, ,,,, .,.."...,,,,..,,.,,,,,..I,,,,..._~...,,,,,~...,,_.-.-~..,..J Page 4 1965 Q,~adi~s.~~c1 ~r~:nu;1a~, ~.a~,~ .,." Road 19 trom Southwold Station southerly to the north end ot the pavement s north 0 t Frome in Southwold Townshipo . Road 4S - Calton to Mount Salem>> Malahlde Townsh1pQ Road 44 - King's H1gh'W'sy /119 to King's Highway #3>> Bayham Townsh1po Read 52 i'rom the New York Central Railroad Tracks easterly to the Oxford County Linep Malahide and South Dorchester Townshipso 105 miles 400 miles 3 () 6 mile. 11'<8 miles Total g 1101 miles ,- ALL OF ~~ICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEDo ..........""".,...-..._",__,J '., , ,..". .,.... "...~ ..,e . . .....~_~.......".'"I,o~ ...."4,.,1,,. '" ",__ CHAIRMAN 'rEN'DER FORJl\~ 'tB,l\~ l\~~~ ~ -_...---- :::.--- ~. 'rE~'D'ERS 'P1a it\1. y 'IlIarked !l8 't(} cont.ent.8 'VIill be reed'l1eO. bY .....-.~,..;:fP t.M undersigned unt.il ~_o) for $u'PPlyinS 1.0" il" '\ro1bi t.e f\t.!l t. ion ~ St.. 'rho~ IS ~ 'r~C'rORS l\llD n:~"L ~ ~~ T'V:O IrE,,"' <t?'=t;~ 2~ alS pel" $pecificat.ionS", 19f/J Coel,,~hUt.'f. ~.t,.O 'trllCt.Oll.' end Side 'Mount. l.I\O"erc 'fue t.r!lde~in 'ilia,,! be 'I1ieWed at. 'the Count.1 GaX'8Se9 ~'hi t.e St.sdon (s.t.h concession>> ls'):1'll.Outh 'T~l'lhi p'" 'It. \\ig'll,fll1 ~ ~t.. 'momAS ~ ) ~tR~ D'E"~ IN ~1\~Uf~CTURER~Q specifiCat.ions 'to accompanY ese'll Tendero ill1lDER5 \ll'Us'G use eount.'! fo'tllltl end till in 'I19rioU& specificat.ione of t.b8it' pert.icu1ar 'rrftct.Oll.'.. BInDER" ,,11.1 be required t.o eM'" eounty repretlent.at1ves tohe . . ". 'trACt-or and llIowet' upon:-hiCh ~l:leY arectUotoin&9 if reques'ted ft'OERA.L SI\LES 11\'1 ~ applicable t,O 'lihis put'chIM~eo PROVIllCll\L SALES 11\1 1.lil. a'Pplicableo L~ES'r or I\Nl 'rENDER no~ necessarilY aece~~ed ----- ~ R" G. }ll.OO~ f) 1'" y,NG" ~ COUll'!"! ~}\GIll~ERi' CO'll1' 1'1 01" ELG 1.1< · COUR't \iOUSE~) $1" TRQ}l\A59 ON'fIlR'lO (. COUNTY OF ELGIN I ~:';""~UA~_.........._.....J,C.~.;jl;'f~~ TENDER FOR F"ARM 'TRACTORS AND INDUSTRIA.L M()t~fJi~RS ~~'-":""""""_"'''''~___~'''''-'''.'''' ...,~,-,. ",.,.,.r~~l' - . ............_IU::~',:StasLl..;. ,.......,'.... ",~,_"",),,""'''''''''._''''''''' .....".........._..,....""'..odl..".._..'''.,',....."'.._.",...,,.... ......__.___,........".... TO THE CHAIRMAN 01i' THE COUNTY OF I!;1GIN ROAD COMMITTEE~ I/WE AGREE to supply to the ~Junty. of Elginp }i,\,O(;,Bo \ft,ll:lte ~tatllionfJ S't"" Thom;;HB;) two new 1962 or- 1963 Pk1Jdel Trectors and Mowers a~ p~r County SpeciticAtlonsi MAKE AND MODP;L .~;> New TJra fC:tors and Mowers mU8t be ot a make and model in current produc- tion and be ot the lstelSt modlfieat1onsu Prereren~e will be given to models for which service 1s easily obtainable,;- Utility or offset model necessaryo MINIMUM DRAW- BAR HoP,~ = (~22 Nebraska Test,) State Hq P{1 GASOLINE - Engine - 113 CUo1~ d1spl~eement minlmumo or DIESEL = Engine "." 106 cu {j, 1n8 lJ displAcement minimumo State displacement;,; ENGINE ~ To be equipped '~th 011 f'ilter ,full flow typal) mu!~rler and air precleanern .tor.> To be equipped with ele@tr1c starting sys'tem and key ignit1on9 if ava11able~ including 2 headlights and 1 rear white spotlight and 1 red tail 11ght~ TRANSMISSION = Shall be selective straight line sliding gear}) pos11;1ve mesb ~ype~ And have not less than 4 speeds forward and 1 reverse>> and have a gear suitable tor weed mowing~ and a gea r s ui ta bIe .ft,,.r highway travel;1 S'tate minimum speed in vflrlous gears',;> TEN1?E~".. FO~ FARM" ~~~9AQ~~".!~~,. I~DUST~~"~,~.,..",M~'~!t~ <00 C~ ont t d 1', CLUTCH - 9 inch diameter minimum>> heavy duty ~ype de81red~ Give details\1 POWER TAKE OFF ~ Shall operate at ;40 RoPoMo A guard over PoToOo 6hall be ~uppll,ed.., = St~te whether or not live type and extra cost ot live type 0 if av~ilable FRONT AXLlY~ = Shall be heavy duty ~ype and s'uffic1ently strong and braced to travel over rough ground and to sustain a front end loader~ if owner ever desires to place one on 'the Trs@tor(l Give details\:> LIGHT DUTY TYPE FRONT AXLES NOT ACCEPTABLEo A TTA CH LOA.DER intoJ.;"AlJ8t1on 'to this Tender as careful cOD81derat1on will be given to this feature when the Tr~ctor8 are purcha sed (, SEAT - Shall be spring mounted and padded 9 deluxe type9 with back rest,:> Give deta11s(J TIRES '"~" Front ..~ 600 x 16 f) 4 ply min1m~mi) rib type" State size and ply~ - Rear <~ 1100 x 24 or 2aio 4 ply m1nimum~ ug typeo State sl~e and plyo. REAR v.rliEEL FENDERS AH.E NECESSARY 0 P A IN'!' - V.nuracturerstt standard colour acceptablea Lettering = uCOUNTY OF ELGIN" Ii? and 118 respectively>> on hood State Colour ') A DRA\:lBAR SHAI.;II BE PROVID~~Dc BRAKES Rear wheels shall be equipped with service brakesR etCti~) pedals of which shall ' be toot operated~ either 1ndi v1dually or s:lmul taneously " Give details" Pale 2 TENDER FOR 'FARM TRJ\ltTffORS AND :rNDUS'l~RIAL MOWERS ,.,- 'Colnt \J(,L~ ~Wl:!:;~:~__.'r'_"_~;""_"'--"""~W*....m~I'1.(..,- _"...;..,...,......li~~_~~,..,""'-~..Jf.t':\~,_,~_..~"'~~~~~~~~~....?;'ej MOWER ,::;0., Must be aide mounted ahead ot rear wheels on right aide 0. Give tnower details" - Must be ot an industrial 'type designed tor heavy duty work (~ Only Tenders tor this type of mower will be con8idered~ Mower must be designed especiall,'y for ':rractor tendered upon~) W.IDTH OF curr = Five teet.;; CUTTING ANGI~E ,~" 90@ above to 45@ below h~rlzontal ,'J MECHANICAL DRIVE '""" From P \' T l' 0 HYDRAULIC LIF'r <~ Controlled trom Operator ti 8 8eQ~ Shall have positive lit~ without cables~ chains ~) e'tc O~} preferred IJ DESCRIBE PITMAN SUPPLY 3 EXTRA KNIFE BLADESo lV!OWltdi =- Must hav~ safety relea88q KNIFE RACK OR CARRIER ~ To be provi.ded,.) MOWER DESIGN ~ Dependability and sul~ab11ity for the Coun'tY8~ operation. will be given careful consideration by the Count Yo DELIVERY ~"" Mu~'t be made before May 19t fj 196) ,} PAYMENT "" \'11111 be made on O\Uf') May Pay' Li8t~>) approximately May 8tnfJ 196; (' AI~TERN1\ 'rIVE (1) = NET PRICE :for 1 only Tra@toJr and 1I.\O'Wcel" 88 spec1fi^ed Plu~ 3~ Sales Tax TOT AI., ~ P~~,g~ ;~ * OOOOQOCODQODO@O $ $ f,J <) ~, t..' tl~ {) It~ t]: (.\ (I> (I '0 \) 0 (;1. i,::l 0- <"i ~ .t) 0 n ':, ~;) (; (~:. -"1 <;.) .~ !!~OR fARlI\. ~M1.1~ lNj) 'INDUSTRIAL t\1fERS <"" cent, \1 d ,} ~ Page lk" ALTEilliATlVE (2) ,,, NET PRICE for 2 onlY 'l.'ract.ora and Mowers QiS specified. $ ............0 PlUS 3~ sales Tax $'00" .....0... TOT 1\1. t $., ,,0 . · 0 · 0 · · 0 0 · ALTERNATIVE (3) = NET PRICE for 2 only Trsct;orl3 and 'Mowers aW~ 8pe~if1ed(, LESS ALLO\'ll\NCE for count.1SQ 1960 Model. 5&.0 cc~kshu~~ !ractor and 'Mo\'fer a5 a ~rade~,..ln,>) $ t~OO<:jd,~(}.nOQOO(' roT.l\L ~ $ (l~~.o~...~t:)(:\(1004;t<:.O $ $ $ O:t~/i)O'l>1I0GOQQ(fJO I") e- ~ 0 ~, 0 f) 1:3 (} 1.1 0 ,~ (.. Plue 3~ Sales 1&:1. <~ .:. G c' ":I 0 () 11 1] h (> () (, WE UNDERSTAND t.hat. Ute COunt.y of Elpn Road C01lJ,ll\1t.t.ee 11181 accept. anY al~erna't1ve b1d{) ~ or ~jt~ net. necessarilY acceptedc ...".,.".' . .....~~'~.."..M". DEALER --------- DATE ~----- ADl)RESS ATTACK ~ANUFJ\.cTURERSq SPECIFIC~TIONS TO TENDER SUGGESTED optlOllAL EQUIPMENT AND COST. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 13TH, 1962. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the ""-""" Court House at 2:00 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve J.B. Wilson and Reeve W. Robson. ALSO PRESm~T were Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer and Mr. W. Leese, Assistant District Municipal Engineer o:t: London. ~.~ . ~ - 1--.. _~ ~'';;'''~ < . · P~..vVv - --d 0 ~,'Y' . '"_.~ [, MR CALDWELL asked the Committee to pass a resolution transferring money from Road Construction to New Machinery. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY G.E. BROWN THAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO D:E:PARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO AMEND THE ROAD PROGRAM ACCOMPANYING BY-LAW NO. 1812 ADDING ITEM NEW' ~JIACHlNERY PURCHASE OF MOTOR GRADER AT $15,450.00 AND JREDUCE ITEM ROAD CONSTRUCTION, ROAD 20, PAVING. ETC., ~"\j FINGAL TO SHEDDEN BY $2,704.94. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. The recent rains had stopped hauling of Sand from the Price Pit to County Road 16. 2. No serious damage had been done by the rain altho'ugh washouts, etc. were numerous. Repairs had been made to the ~~cottage at the Elgin Manor and curbs were being built at the County Library. 4. Steel Guide Rail had been erected at the New York 3. ill ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NovEMBER 13TH, 1962. PAGE 2 central Railroad crossing east of West Lorne on count1 Road 2 and fence was being erected on county Road 16. MR. CA.LDWELL reported that the ontario Department of Highways Officials in Toronto had asked that the proposed location of the Development Road "be changed from the junction of County Roads 24 and 36 to the farm of Percy Boose so that three farms and the school could be serviced from the neW location and sO that the old County Road could be closed from the Lake Road to the farm of Melvin Pineo. TheEngineer stated that with thiS change it would probablY take about tWO weekS to complete the field work. A. DELEGA.TI0'N of Rate Payers from North southwold attended the Cot!\Illittee Meeting and a sked that County Road 19 from southwold Stat,ion southerlY be placed on the County'S Three "leal' Program for Grading and Granular Base. A.FTER DISCUSSION the following Resolution waS passed: MOVED B1 M. T A.NSLE"l 315 COND ED B'i G · E. BRO"VlN THA.T WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THE FOLLO"V{ING A.DDITIONS TO THE COUNT"l'S THREE lEAR ROAD PROGRA.M FOR 1965. pA.VING THOSE ROADS GRP.DED IN 1964. GRA.DI1~G AND GRA.NULAR BASE FOR ROAD 19 FROM SOUTHWOLD STATION TO THE NORTH END 01" THE PAVEMENT - 1.5 MILES, ROAD 45 MOUNT SA.LEM TO CALTON - 4.0 MILES. ROA.D 44 KING'S HIG~lAY NO.3 TO KING'S HIG~lA.Y NO. 19 _ 3.8 MILES A.ND ROAD 52 OXFORD T()1IJNLINE TO THE NEW "lORK CENTRAL RA.ILROAD TRACKS - 1.8 MILES. A TOTA.L OF 11.1 MILES. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 13TH, 1962. MOVED BY SECONDED BY LLOYD EIJLIOTT G.E. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 6TH AT 1:30 p.m. CARRIED. -", )?~ /.1 7 ;; r:::::/ ~'-"~/A'./7...-'1 /?./7A./H'1 . . I . - . CHAIRMAN COUN~l OF ELGIW ..... .~~~'"-~--~ ROAD 'fOUR ~ ~,~ -~~~ EASfl'" E~lD -----'...~.............~~>> LEAVE THE COURT HOUSE AT 9~OO A@No TO 10 Coun~y Garages Gravel Pit and R~ror~5~rat:l@n Ploto 2~) R~ad 20 near Pert Stanl~yo G~sdi~~ in pr@g~~~~o 30 R~a.d 2) C<~ Port St~unle,-I' arJl.d Ya~"mou.t~h Tt~~~nsb.,i.,p = P~~rwed iitl 19620 40 Ro)ad 2/1 = Ulilion -to Spa,r'tao Under f~onside~lf~~l!fl1<l)n f"'@i~ addition to 'the County => Three Y@@.r P:wo&t:!1:)~mo ;S>q Road 36 => So\uth or Speur'til,o SU!~ra~~ Trea.t~~l~Jfllt \1jL'th Ca:t:toni~ Colaso 60 need )6 = '"rom Road 21s. to Port Bru@~o D~~3i,gll.la:t~cil ~UR ~ D0velopm~n~ Road tor e!ig1n~eri~1g 0 fi'7J 11 ~~ Road 42 ~ King~~ Highway #73 to Road 400 Und~r eon~id~ration for addition to 'the CO\1ntv 'Inr~e Y~ar Program~ a. go Read 42 "? ~ad 4,0 to Port Burw~ll() SchedultiJd 'l't:J1t' Grading in 1963 and 1964Q 9? UfJJad 39 ",,-, Chat-ham S'trae"i:: 6 D~v~lopment llcad. sg, 0 Pa.ving 't~i:thheld un:tl1 Port Bur't'f~l,l \!J s \fa't'~r s :f~'t~1'n ;]1,~ lnert~ll~do 100 Ftoad 4.2 =J Port Bt.~~ll Bridg$o Uno1~r c(nu~id~lr~'tiol{l i~@)l<l> ri$ple@em~nto 11.,~ Road 42 = Port Burwell @a~to n >\1;:> nI!~!nlR ~~ 1)0 Kiry,gf.ls Hitghway ~~19 to R@ad 1+5 <:c"" F~Qf1fl1Gr :8ayb~ TIj}~~ush~<p Development~ Roa-do l)cubl{$ Sur,face TreSlt1f[U~~l~-9 'Wi.! 'th 't~r (} ll~J {) Road 45 = Calton to Mount Sal~mo Under con3idera~1o~ for addi.t~~o1t~ to 'th~l {~OUtli:;y - ThrG~ ;r~~tr '0' 15Q Ro,ad 40 """ To K:fl.ng iJ:3 Higb\;fay )~3 0 "i\ tt~ J~OO 110 ~~.ao 190 200 ~tlo p~~ "'. 2. "'" <P Under (JOne'l;.il.'Uct,iOn< "f'\\it \i"1<~{l~ 5t.l!'@(l't BridS0 v t.,"ilWA$'C. :!JI.I\.,4>"(1,~ " 1 "'.. t... RiIl~'I1' 1" tAO 'Road ,e" 1\~'::l.;fi,"~ ij;II e ,p Road ~S ~ 'to KinS~6 \u.g~a1 *19. A . . .. ~ ",," for s.ddit.ion ~o ....he "'. ,,~ I I. ~ Undll>!' CQn15...~Grlll:"."'''''' 1\.'/.,01...::,.(1 ~~ . . ~Wl. flS;\(.Q\ ..Ji P.-l\oBI~ 1?~(()f.!~f'~J~o eount.'1 - ...... 6"" lI......... ." ~..'. . _ Eden BridSl!l d conet.ru.ct.~ in 1961. 'ftoad 46 = Gtt\rO' ~~ri~:th () 2.2.0 11,' .~~.~"""l\ . .~. ~1 10. too KinS' S s>igbl'!ll\l jd;l> 0 Road ,~ ~ lnt.o 5P~ing~ e .... ~ ~C croeeinio spr~:l.eld flas" "C! ..O~~ · Grading &Chedu.lod UI. 19"). ~et. o"er ~:~;~rf~:~~~:~~~t~ 1962. l~ "4\ ~'> '" '0 , ..... ......"" "..11 at. '1: a1"li\out.h cent.re · ~~ou,,~ ~...~.. ~ . - t?'l1 n. tlt.~ 0 ~b.e Court. lI.oulS~ 9 st. 0 Th01l13e 0 ~~~. " <t~,,")J ',.I , -\. COUNTY OF ELGIN ....---,..-......-----.......~#~~~~~a ROAD TOUR ~"~--~""""'.~-_..,,. .Q.g!~~E~=~.~_~~_~ 96,! 'VEST END ~....._...~,............_'-'....,--- LEAVE THE COURT HOUSE AT 9g00 AoMo -= TO <= t' 10 Wellington Roado Rebuilt and Paved in .1962 by the Sto Thomas Suburban R~ad Commiss1oDo 2 0 Ro&d~ 1~7 &. 20 "'" Ovel~paas and Kingtls Highway #!401 eonstlllct101no 3 \'I Road 20 <>0 King t s Highway IIk~Ol to Shedd~ln 0 SlehGduled for Grading in 196),., 4~ Road 20 <= Sh~dden to F1ngalo Paved in 19620 So Road 16 ~." Dunwicho Grading and Granular Base in 19620 60 Road 15 = DuttoDo 10 Road 2 = Dutton to West Lorn@o 80 Road 2 = Dunwich>> Aldborough and West ]Lorne~ Grading in 19620 9\1' WEST LORNE DINNER lO() Road 2 = Hodney 110 J!oad .3 c::~ Walt~d8vil1e Bridge~ Built 196Cl=196lil Approaches Paved in 1962\l .! . ,12 c Road )= <:<0 Cou1frty Road 9 t3 1)<) Road 9 ~ Across Aldborough and Dunwich To~meh1p8o Campbellton Culwert, built in 19620 140 Roada 8 & 12 "'" Cou.n.ty Road 14n 150 Road 14 = COt~nty Read 16,) 160 Road 16 <= Under control of the Sto Thom~~a Subu.rban GIOmmiss1on from Burwell' a Corllera to Sto Thomaso 170 The Court House~ S~G Thomaso .OQUNTl OF ELGIN -_...) SPECIFICATIONSANDTENDER.FO~!FOR MOTOR GRADER tU"'. ....-~...-____,~'_._._,....... . " .~.__~......_~~Zf~"""""""__-___-""'----- MAKE~ MODEl, ~ I~NOINE MODEL 8 "~EIGHT g El\~G I1U~Lf PERJa~Olm!N C1!~ 8 POWER PI.4AN1! PARTS ~ Air Cleaner => 011 1:1iJ1. t t)r <;:> Bat ter" . .. ". Gener~:tor GO'fernor Mu1~1"\l:lL ers AXLES ~. R,ea1r' AJele 115 <= 125 HoPd COUNTY~QYI~ CONFIR111il TI0~. . TEND~~EfL SUPPLIES ..s:..-.,,_____.......~~.a:s...m:#.:...__.------_.. Shipping weight wi~houi' s@arltier cab or bala$t>>, 8hall be 22>>600 IbSomiuos weight on 'the rear axle shall be 169000 lb80 mino Diesel engine shall be supp11edo Gro8~ HoPo 115 HoPo minimumo Net HoPo with all accessories in:te~'ten~ rat.ing lO~ . HoPo Minimum di8pla~emen~ 495 CUoi~ or 280 @uoin~o for ~wo stroke eng1n@Q Maximum ne~ rim pull ~hall be d0v~loped at a road $peed lees than 2 mopoho V~t.:1mum road speed (at engine ratc&d 1r<;pom.r.)) in the )rd.., gear shall be les8 ~han 692; mop~hQ Oil ba~~ or dry type~ Shall meet engine manu= r&cturer~ recommendaticno R~ovable element ~ype>> 1/2 gall@ft capo Full flow typ~o 12 Volt9 200 Ampo HrQ~ So Ao Eo lrati~g miDllUID.o 600 lll&t't g min'~Uff.,) Variable speed ~ypeo Exhaust muftleJGfj 'to b~ ~uppliedo gr~u:uiem drive!} oscillatil1\!L: t}vpe reallt axl{~ 8hall s\'(pJ.)l i ed 0 P ? -!S!.,,<~. "~CO!,O,t ~ d 0 Front. Axl~ "",> Shall ~~)S provided w1'th leaning wh0~1~ unl~s~ drivf.lne. lti:nimUJfA cle~ur= anee 23 iru:he~ 0 TI1~ES ~ Six to To e f3\,,\pplied (} SiZ$ Ply Rat.ing .." Tree d D<!s1pco> Rim l~ 000 :Irt 2!1:r ~ nylo~1- ca~1.!lg Q 12 ply Grad~r lug trGado 10 i..nches \\1id@o FRONT & REAR TIRES AND TO BE INTERCHANGEABLE. STEERINGg HydrauliC assist for manual ~t~ering9 ahall b~ 8uppll~do ~teering con~ trol ehall b e b1 a hNui.= wheel of an automo'tive s'teeri",ng ~ype 0 St,eering shall b~ by mechanical link'lg~M3 0 FRAME~ The f'rSIne f!hs.ll b~ @on5tructed by e~~ra heavy wslded erte~l . members af' <a1ther box.~r tubw.e..1r sect.1ons 9 or a ccmbin~:tion or 'these 'two t1pS9o Minimum section 115 lbs~ per roo~o CAB~ All 'fln~tAl {except fOIl? window~l9 ~l@sed cab~ of aurr1@ient height-for ope:rrat;or t,@ at.aJ'lCig shall b~ eu:ppliedQ Safety Gla.s8""'> Sponge rubber uphole~er1 both 8e~~ and ba@kres~ shall b~ $uppliedo Safety glass wind@we $hall be euppliedo Upholertery ~ Mirror Front and rear 'ti:lfuloW' heavY dut;y ~ipere shah be t)uppliedo Bus ~1P~ - fresh air ~ype hea~@r~ 3hall b~ eupplledo Outp\l1\~ caps.c1 't1 shall be 27$000 BoToUo minlmumo Individuals adjustable defroster fan shall be supp1.iedo One inside mirror to be supplied. Mirror sball be Itfq x 6w 9 nd"niml.D moun'ted on lef't sideo Windshield Wipers Heater ,SPECIFICATIONS <::n eont ({do _._.--"',....~--_....,..-...........~-,--' Cab Lighting"",, Visibility <!:) CONTROLSg BRAKES~ ' Service Brakes Parking Brakes MOULDBOARD Operating Mechanism .... Stability Mouldboard 8i:le Cu.tting Edgecc Page .3 In~trum~nt pan~l 11ghteo Csb dome light with switeh shall be suppliedo Dashborad@ cab and control panel design shall be su@h &8 to aftord ~he operator& 8eated or Gtandi~g~ a ~lear view or t hG front wh~ela and blad~ aS$0mbly i~ all op~rat1ng po~ition~o Cou'tlr'@jls shall be easily operat~d and ~hal1 be ~onveni~ntly lo~ated tor ~peratlng from -8~anding @r sitting po~lt1ono oControls shall be so designed as to ~nable the operator ~~ impart two or mora co"".. ordinate mo~lon8 to ~h0 blade 81mu~tan.ouelyo Foot aecel.erBl'tor and de@elerator t@ be providedo Shall be hydraulic or hydraulic boo$ted~ and shall operate on all toru (4) wheels of the tandem dr1v<&o Shall operate independently o~ the serwi@@ br~k~ sY8temo Mouldbcard ope~t1ng mechanism shall be power operated and shall be cap~ble of oper8~1ng in a 360@ circleo It shall be capable ot lifting and lowering (bank eloping 900) side shi.ftlng and revolving the mould= board 0 Hydraulic ex~ra side ahlt~ of mouldbQard shall be euppliedo The mechanism shall be capable of holding th~ mouldboard rigidly in any selected position without chatter 9 deflection or dritto Approximately 12tx 25ftx t". Shall be supplied SPECIFICATIONS = cont'do ~_...._...__..---- Page 4 BLADE LIFT;; M~.n1.mum = 18 incheso LIGHTING ~ Two head lights 9 TlwlO tail lightso Thr~e cluster clearance rearo TWo flashing blue lights (tron~ & rear~ (not on top or cab)o A Balt= resi$ting coating shall be ~u.Pl)lled on all wireso Tul~ra~ is l.gnals ..." _ four may flashing type .front and rear to be providedo INSTRUMENT PANEL~ Shall be supplied with- 011 gtiuge~..temp~ gauge>> fuel gauge$) ampc meterf) electric eng1n~ hoUJr= . metero (not necessarily on panel)o HOOD: To 'be 2!Juppliedo Engine to be completely enclo~ed by cowling having movable panels to provide easy access to all parts tor service 0 RADIATOR SHUTTERS: Engine radiator shall be supplied with I!trtBl. louvre type shutters for automat1@ control of a lr0 Horizontal louvrea shall be supplied if availableo WEATHER GUARDSg All vertical intak~s and exhaust stacKs8hall be equipped with weather . guards 0 STARTING SYS'!~mltfg Electric starting on diesel fuel with starting fluid or air preheater aido Block heater to be includedp ~which can be connected to a 110 Volt power 11n~}o TRANSMISSIO!I~ Constant mesh typeo Shall be designed to match the englneo Transmif!sion ehall have six ( 6) .forward gears . and three <<3) reverBe gears~ m1n1mumo CLUTCH g 16 inch diameter minimumii DRIVE: The final drive for ~8ndem drive grader ahall drive through a rear axle 'to gear or chain type tandem drive assembly<> SPECIFICATIONS - conttdo ,-,,-.._ . ~1lII'l' _"""........'__,....__ . ~QUIPMENTg Anti--Freese => Horn Ii'lares Shop Manual Ie Spare ' Parts. List """ Tool Xi t ?"> WARRANTY:.,. LETTERINQ~ Page S To be supp11ed~ Pe""'i.nanent ' type~ ethylene glycolo Electrie waming horn shall ,'be Bupp11edo Two (2) to be suppliedo Shall be supplied with each gradero Standard manutacturerge tool kit to be supp11edo ~~elve months on all component parte whether or not msnufac~ured by supplier shall be g1veoo "County of Elg1n" on beam9 both aide.a MACH.INE TO BE NEW AND OF THE LATEST 1962 MODELo TO BE DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY GARAGE AT WHITE ST! TION 0 TOTAL PRICEg LESS TRADE-IN NET PRICEg PLUS ,,, ONTARIO SALES TAXg TOTAL~ 1952 Adamo Model 610 Grader 0 Call Melrose 3~0516 for loca~ion of gradero ", .'. ....., I.', .' . _____.___.--..........._....._~...,!'.lS!1S:l~~_.>."_"_!.............."..,......_,...."_=_..~,..;q"....,.n..'.I"............. I~ SIGNATURE OF BIDDER ADDRESS' . 'Page 6 :FIC~~10NS - cont.'d. S'EA.L'ED Nl'lJ.!}ji -p1.&;inl'1 tI18J'ked a8 t.o cont.ent.~, c1.08. at. )p AJl.1!~ No,EMJ}E!l, 'r1\ 1.9629 at. t.he eount.1 1\itl,ginee'J,"'. Of1'1C.9 eourt. Rous., Soto 'rb,om.a8o 1l.. G. )IlOO1t'E 9 p. -gNG · 9 CoUN'rY f,'NGIN'E'ER t COUN'r'L Of m.GlN 9 COURt ROUSEi) 5'r. 'rR0W,59 oN1A1tl0. A 'r'r ~ cR W.NUf A c'tUfl.'E1'lS ' Ll'!$1tA'fUl\'E and a 1.ist. of suggest. o-pt.10nal ~ elluip1nent. not. asked for on t.he 'render Fol'1llo STATE 'T~ FOR 'D'ELrJ$RY ..!'fER ORDER tt.'EC!oIV'E'D. ~ A'LL 'B1tlS lJl,US'r 'Bt. 014 o SUPPLIER COUl.JTY OF ELGIN ~.~~!_..._~.F... 'l'.w.iDERS FOR. 0~;t~~.~2i~__....i~ .o_~_o..". G~..l?~:ft__.~Q!~......1~.~9g~_~ MAKE & MODEL COST AS !-.jSR- "YRADE,=IN SPECIFICATIONS ...........,,,..,,..'...'" ...._.,,~....~'-,.....~ ,._~.".__,. .,._'"';;;.\-..-.....L.._,'._.....~ ......~.L...,........__"_..._." _.~,...,'~.~.. ,. ~___,_.,_.__.___ .---='~_.......-.___...........~...._______ ..,,,,,,d. .." ."",,_, ,..."...... ---.~~__..._.., ~___._ __................._.._,._" - Dominion Road Machinery Sales Company Lim1ted~ GoderichQ JoDo Adams Company Limiteds Pariso JaDe Adams Company Limited~ Paris 0 WoLc Ballentine- Company L1m1ted~ Lonti"on GcWQ Cro~her8 Limlted$ Toronto" Sheridan Equipment Limited 9 Toronto 0 Wajax Equipment Limitedfj Toronto 0 Champion D=S62 GQMoCo 40S7=E Motor LoWp Adams>> Model 440 GoMoCQ 471 Motor LoWo Adams2 Model 666 GQMoCo 471 Motor Gallon l\'iodel 118 Caterpillar )~del 12 Allis-Chalmers Model 45 Austin-Western Model Super 100 $24plOOoOO' $2494280.00 $251)934QOO . $26~350000 $29~825000 $299896000 $34>>OO;vOO NET $9,100:00 $159000000 $89200000 $16,,228000 $8>>800000 $17~134000 $4~350000 $229000000 $6,12;000 $239700000 $;~OOOoOO $24~g96000 $71)000000 $27900;000 NET AMOUNT WITH 3~ SALES TAX $159450000 $169714084 $17~64So02 $22f)600000 $249411000 $25~642oeg $27 ~ gl; <; is ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7TH, 1962. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE ENGINEER was absent from the meeting in the morning as he was attending 3rd Division Court Proceedings. THE COMMITTEE opened Tenders for a 115-125 H.P. Motor Grader and questioned the Salesmen from the Dominion Road Machinery Company Limited of Goderich and j.D. Adams Limited of Paris. THE MEETING adjourned for lunch. AFTER DINNER the meeting resumed with the Engineer in attendance. The Grader Tenders were as shown on the attached Summary. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OFI DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY SALES COMPANY LIMITED FIOR A NEl^J CHAMPION MOTOR GRADER MODEL D.562 AS PER THEIR TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT THEIR TENDERED m.ICE OF ~15,450.00 (INCLUDING SALES TAX) WITH THE COUNTY'S MODEL 610 ADAMS AS A TRADE-IN ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. AND SUBJECT TO FULL ONE YEAR WARRANTY BEING GIVEN BY THE COMPANY ON ALL PARTS. CARRIED. PAGE 2, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7TH, 1962. MOVED B! M. T ANSLE"! SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE FOLLOlTING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE AFFROVED YOR FA1MENT:- FA! LIST #30 - $1,495.91: l'A! LIST #31 - $9,782.28: PA! LIST #32 _ $52,307.10: PA! LIST #32 DEVELOPMENT ROADS - $85.39. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as fo11oWS: 1. Grading; on County Road 16 from Ta1bot creek to County Road 14 was comp1ete and work on Sand Base and Cu1vert construction was continuing. work was being; halllpered by bad weather and a shortage of dumP truck 5 · 2. Laneways, etc., had been comp1eted on County Road 20 at port Stanley. 3. Shouldering work and driveway improvements, etc., were being done on Count y Road ~3 t comp1eted) 25, 27, 38 and 20 betWeen Shedden and Fingal which had been paved in the summer. 4. Shouldering Materia1 wou1d bebau1ed to Wardsvi1le Hill and steel Guide Rail erected when the shouldering was completed. 5. work on county Road 2 near West Lorne waS being; comp1eted. The Main Street Drain in the Village repaired, culvert and catchbasin,work done in front of a number of hoUses and Stee1 Guide Rail had been erected at the Railway Crossing. 6. Conerete BealllS would be p laced on the Dingle Street Bridge on November 8th. 7. Guide Rail had been erected at the Eden Bridge. 8. work would be done at the Elgin IJlanor and curbS built at the LibrarY DriveWay. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, NOVEMBER 7TH, 1962. PAGE 3 ~ DELEGATION from the Village of springfield and the Townships of south Dorchester and }ilalahide attended the meeting asking that the Co1lllD.ittee consider the placing of County Road 52 from the New York central Railroad crossing to the OXford Townline, County Road 54, on the Countys' Three Year Road program. THE ENGINEER reported that the Board of Transport C01lllD.iSSioners for Canada would inspect the crossings of the NeW york central and Chesapeake & OhiO RailroadS on County Road 15 in nutton with a vieW to modernizing crossing Protection. MOVED B! G · E. BROWN SECONDED B! W. ROBSON THAT WE EXTEND AN INVITATION TO MR. JAMES A. MCBAIN M.P. TO ATTEND THE NEXT MEETING OF THE COUNT'! ROAD CO"Ml'iITTEE TO nISCUSS RAILROAD PROTECTION COSTS. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the costs of centre Line }liarking on variOUS Suburban Area Roads and felt that a considerable saving had been made over the contract price submitted by Horton Sales Limited. THE ENGINEER stated that he believed the Cockshutt Tractor and Mower purchased in 1960 should be traded off and Tenders asked for tWO Tractors and Mowers. The Mower of the Cockshutt Tractor had never given satiS- factory service. The Co1lllD.ittee agreed that Tenders should be asked for twO Tractors and Mowers with the County cockShutt as a trade-in. ,,----~, PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 7TH, 1962 REEVE BRO\tfN and the Engineer reported on problems caused by a mover, Hugh Milliard, being unable to move a building without considerable dijrriculty and blocking Township and County Roads. After discussion the following resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY RE: BY-LA1tl NO. 1434 THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE m~POWERED TO MAKE CERTAIN REGULATIONS UNDER BY-]~AW NO. 1434 AS FOLLO-VvS: (1) PERMIT l\r1UST BE OBTAINED BY Tm~ MOVER, ( 2) FOR ALL BUILDINGS OVER 16 FEE1r IN WIDTH THE PERMIT DEPOSIT SHALL BE $:200.00 CERTIFIED IF REQUESTED, (3) THE MOVER TO HAVE ADEQUATE INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC, and . (4) THE MOVER TO HAVE ADEQUATE WAITCHMAN, FLAGMEN AND LIGHTS NECESSARY 'TO PROTECT THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. M. T ANSLEY C.D. PHILLIPS CARRIED. PLANS AND SURVEYS were reviewed on County Road 37 in Belmont and on County Roa.d 20 north of Shedden. The Engineer reported that the field work was nearly complete on County Road 36 (Development Road No. 692) and a Profile and Plan would be sent to the Ontario Department of Highways as soon as possible. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 7TH, 1962. A LETTER from Mr. G. Wonnacott re his property in Port Bruce was read in which he stated that the valuation he had received was $1,250.00 for his lot. MOVED BY M. T ANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE INSTRUCT THE COUNTY SOLICITOR TO COMPLETE EXPROPRIATION PROCEEDINGS vV'ITH REGARD TO THE WONNACOTT PROPERTY IN PORT BRUCE. CARRIED. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 13TH AT 2:00 P.M. CARRIED. . ~ ~,LU ~~,--.~r1 t. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 1962. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ~ PhillipS. AL1, MEMBERS were present except 'Warden C.D. THE MINUTES of the september 11th and september 16th meetings were read and approved. 1. Construction on County Road 20 at port Stanley was progressing slowlY but widening at the Scidmore Hill had been completed and Sand Base was being drawn. The cost of the Project would be equal to the estimate, if not over. 2. Construction on County Road 16 between Talbot Creek and BurwellS' Corners waS I!'Ogressing quite satisfactorilY. Present plans were to do no work west of the Talbot Creek as fundS would not be available as the several Projects had cost in excesS of the estimate. (Included in these were cost of installation of pipe culverts on variOUS grading ;jobS, the cost of grading County Road 2 as well as a number of maintenance items.) The Six Foot Culvert on County Road 53 in Aylmer had been installed. Creek Diversion work at the Hoover Bridge on the Yarmouth- South Dorchester Tovmline was underwaY and the Road would be opened shortlY. Centre Lining of Suburban Area Roads had been completed using equipment rented from the St. Thomas Metal Signs. folloWS: 3 · 4. -.-----, THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as 5 · PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 1962. 6. Painting had been completed on the Bulton Bridge. Work on both abutments of the Dingle Street Bridge w'as well underway. Minor work, installation of Culverts, Catchbasins, etc., would be completed on County Road 2 a.t v.Test Lorne shortly. Steel Guide Rail would be erected at Eden Bridge and viTardsville Bridge shortly. Preparation for winter Sanding would soon be made. --"""" 7. 8. 9. 10. REEVE HAROLD HOWARD of Rodney attended the meeting with regard to the Queen Street and Sandford Street Storm Drain in the Village. AFTER considerable discussion and questions the following resolutionswere passed: Moved by M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL ACCEPT THEIR TOTAL ASSESSJYIENT ON THE QUEEN STREE'I' AND SANDFORD STREET STORM DRAIN IN RODNEY PROVIDED THAT THE DRAIN IS NOT USED FOR SEWAGE AND WI1~H THE UNDER- STANDING THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL RECEIVE - SUBSIDY ON THE TOTAL ASSESSNIENT FROM THE D.B.O. AND THAT THE RESOLUTION OF AUGUST 9TH, 1962 BE RESCINDED. CARRIED. TJIOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN PAY THEIR TOTAL ASSESSMEN'l' ON THE TRIGGER DRAIN EXTENSION IN THE VILLAGE OF WEST LORNE WI'rH THE UNDEHSTANDING THAT .~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 19h2. PAGE 3 THE COUNTY OY ELGIN RECEIVE SUBSIDY ON THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT YROM THE D.H.O. AND THAT THE RESOLUTION OF AUGUST 9TH, 1962 BE RESCINDED. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the Canadian Good Road Association convention in Quebec City the past week. CORRESPONDENCE waS read from t1te following: 1. The ontario Department of Highways stating that they were unable to complete construction of the channellization of various County Road Intersections with KiN!;' s High1i'ray #3 in the TownshiP of Bayham until next year because the engineering work had not been completed. 2. The ontario Department of HighWays with regard to dama.ge to County Roads 6, 14 and 36 caused bY trucking operations to King'S Highway Contracts and requesting an estimate of the damage on County Roads 6 and 14. 3. The Ontario Department of Highways stating the amount of money expended on County Roads 17 and 19 to repair damage caused by hauling operations of the Peel constructiOn Company and stating that t1tey felt nO further work waS necessarY on County Roads 17 and 19. The committee felt nO further expenditure could be requested of the Depart- ment on these Roads as the Roads were in poor condition before hauling work stated. . The Department of Transport approving By-laW No. 1617 restricing parking on county Road 27 at the st. Thomas Drag StriP near sparta. 4. THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 1962. AFTER DINNER THE ENGINEER reported that a Work Order for $5,000.00 for Pre-Engineering on Development Road 692 (County Road 36) had been received and work to obtain a cost estimate was proceeding. A LETTER from Mrs. Mary Schmalz thanking the COlnmittee for one month's salary was read.. THE ENGINEER reported that a copy of the application from Mr. Harold Marcus to the Ontario Engineering Board for permission to build a pipe line along the Furnival Road had been received. THE ENGINEER reported tha.t major repairs would soon be necessary to the CountysT Model 610 Adams Grader and as it had worked for 12 seasons and had always given mechanical trouble, he recommended that it should be traded off. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW' 125 H.P. GRADER '[tIlTH THE COUNTYS' MODEL 610 ADAMS GRADER AS A TRADE-IN. CARRIED. THE CHAIRMAN suggested Tenders be called for a new Tractor a.nd MO,^Ter to be delivered in 1963 before a price increase occurred to replace the Ford Tractor destroyed by fire in July. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 1962. THE FOLLOvn:NG resolutions were passed: -"" MOVED BY G.E. BRO~~ SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW TRACTOR AND MOWER TO BE DELIVERED IN 1963. CARRIED. MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECO~IDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE FOLLOVTING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #27 - $1,700.16: PAY LIST #28 - $9,403.91: PAY LIST #29 - $58,372.13: PaY LIST #29 D.R.585 - $25.50: PAY LIST #29 D.R.692 - $35.09. CARRIED. THE CO~1ITTEE agreed that property expropriated from Harold Hambidge and necessary to widen Elm Street in the Town of Aylmer should be acquired by the Town of Aylmer. THE ENGINEER suggested that an evaluation be made of the property expropriated from Trinidad Leaseholds Oil Company Limited and used for the relocation of the Dingle Street Bridge in Aylmer. MOVED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE ENGAGE JOE MOONEY OF TILLSONBURG TO r~KE AN EVALUATION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE TRINIDAD LEASEHOLDS OIL COMPANY LIMITED REQUIRED FOR THE BUILDING OF THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE. CARRIED. PAGE 6 ST. rrHOW1AS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 10TH, 1962. THE ENGINEER read a letter from Harry and Ruth Stephens requesting $1,500.00 for the property expropriated from them in Port Bruce. The Committee felt that this amount was very excessive. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY W. ROBSON THAT WE INSTRUCT OUR SOLICITORS TO OFFER THE S~1 OF $265.00 TO HARRY AND RUTH STEPHENS FOR THE PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED FROM THEM UNDER PLAN D.747. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY G . E. ffiO\tvN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO NOVEMBER 7TH, at 10 A.M. CARRIED. #/ ~~J . u:.a.--A J /.. r/ ~ -A.A!.-1 ~.4A.l J ( CHAIHMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1962. - THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court House at 5 :00 p.m. in con,junction wj.th the September Session of the County Council. ALL NEMBERS were present. MR. JOHN GIIJLTES, Barrister & Solicitor, London and Mr. Harold Marcus of Bothwell met with the Committee and explained their plans for a pipe line on the Furnival Road (County Road 3) from County Road 9 to the proposed interchange on King's Highway #401 at County Road 3. AFTER DISCUSSION .the follo"ring resolution was passed: MOVED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT 1NE RECO~~~ND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED TO HAROLD MARCUS OF BOTH1^TELL TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR INCH OIL LINE ALONG THE FUHNIVAL ROAD (COUNTY ROAD 3) FROM HIGH'ttTA Y 401 TO THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS V AND VI ALDBOROUGH SUBJECT TO THE USUAL CONDITIONS SET F'ORTH F OR GAS COMPANY PIPE LINES. CARRIED. ~~ MR. HAROLD HOWARD, Reeve of Rodney, met with the Committee re the Queen Street and Sa.ndlford Street Storm Drains. The Engineer was instructed to obtain further information as to the division of costs rE~ Municipal Drain Assessments in Urban Areas between the County and Urban Areas. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 18TH, 1962. REEVE LLOYD ELLIOTT of ,~res'~ Lorne reported that the Village of l;lest Lorne would like to rave repairs undertaken on the drain on Main Street reportedly damaged by County Grading operations. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY G.E. BROWN THAT MRS. MARY SCHMaLZ BE PAID :POR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that: 1. Arrangements had been made to sta.rt ~zone painting on Suburban Roads on Friday, September :2lst. 2. THE County Property Committee wished County workmen to install curbs and pave the driveway to the library. ARRANGEMENTS for the Canad:ian Good Roads Association Convention in Quebec City were discussed. THE MEETING adjourned until October 10th, 1962 at 10:00 a.m. -/" // '" . y (7~1 ~/ /1/J/J/J~1--rl { .. CHAIRMAN ST., THOMABS) ONTARIOf) SEPTlCMBER SESSIONf) 19620 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs 'to repor1i 8.8 follow8 g 10 A CONTRACT tor Hot Mix Paving on t.he Wel1~Lngton ..Read was let to and has b~en ccmp~eted by Walmsley Broso Limited ot London at "a cost ot *6~~~458009Q In addit1on9 Asphalt was provided by the Sto Thomas. Suburban Road Comm1ssioDo 20 A CONTRACT has been let to Mat'thew8 ConcrEl'te Limited of of London for the building of the Dingle Street Bridge in Aylmer and the Township of Malah~deo Their tender of $379388000 was thee lowest at seven receivedo WE RECOMMEND g 10 THAT a fteW By-law of a type approved by the DepQrtmen~ of Transport be passed prohlb1tinl~ parking oPPosite the westerly 19000 teet c~t Lot 18D Concession III in "the Township of Yarmouth on County Road 270' This is ,in the v~.clnity of the entrance" to the S'to ThC?f4as Drag St;r1p9 A By-law passed by the June Session of the Coun~y Council was rejected,becauee"ot impJe'oper By-law form,by the Depsrtment ot.Transporto 20 THAT a By~law of: a ~ype approved by the DE~artment or Tran8~ort be passed setting up mlUc1mum speed " " zones of 40 MoPoHo on C011nty ~8d 21 adjacent to Union .' and Sparta9. CoUnty" Road" 36 ILdja" cent " to J"/' PAGE 2 STo THOMAS>> ONTARIO 9 SEPT1~BER SESSION;> 19620 20 cont'do Sparta (all in the Township of Ya.rl.'w.outh) 0 County Road )6 at Richmond and ad~'acent to Straftordvl11e in the Township or Bayham and County Road 14 at lona on the Sou1~h'Wold-=DUilW1ch Townline~ and a max1mumspeed ZOlle or 35 MoPoHo on County Road 36 adjacGllt (north:) 'to Sparta in ~he Townehip of Yarmoutho AN AMENDVJmT 'to the Highway Tratt1@ Act 'thls year allows Counties to regulate speed on CoU3~ty Roads by By-law from 3 S Me. P {) H 0 to 60 ltIc P 0 H '0 The By-law must be approved by the Dep8rtmen;~ ot Traneport,o MRo ROY COWLEY or the Department ()t Transport has driven over the Roads mentioned ~~ove and w111 approve" t.he maximum speed limits recotuwendedo 3Q THAT the County Council Road ToUr dates' bll set as tollowag October 17th ~ east end of the eo'WGtY9 and October ~b = weat end ot the Cc,wn~yo 3/ ALL OF v~ICHIS R~SPECTFU~LY.SUBMITTEDo CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1962. --,~----", THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present lexcept Reeve G.E. Brown of the Township of Malahide. THE MINUTES of the August 9th and August 30th meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: 1. Mrs. Christine Hobbs had been hirled as the Secretary- Bookkeeper. 2. Surface Treatment on the County Roads had been completed. 3. Work on the Wellington Road other than minor trimming had been completed. 4. Trimming work had yet to be done on the new Paving on County Roads 38, ~7, 23 and 20. 5. Grading and Granular Base on County Road 2 at West Lorne have been completed except for trimming and Culvert and Catchbasin work near West Lorne. 6. Gradhg was progressing on County Hoad 20 a t Port Stanley. 7. Work on the Hoover Bridge was nea.r1y complete. S. Painting on the Fulton Bridge was underway. 9. Clearing had been completed at thls site of the Dingle Street Bridge. THE FOLLOWING Resolutions were passed: Moved BY 'W. ROBSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST i~24 - $1,778.39: PAY LIST #25 - $12,713.92: PAY LIST #26 - $165,783.97. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THO~MS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1962. -~" MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS FOR AN INTERIM SUBSIDY F'OR EXPENDITURE OF $683,750.77 INCURRED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT FROM JANUARY 1st, 1962 TO AUGUST 31ST, 1962. CARRIED. IN REPLY to a letter from the Council of the Township of Aldborough, the Engineer stated that Guide Rail would be erected at the approaches to the Wardsvi11e Bridge shortly. CENTRE LINE V.tARKING of Suburban Roads was discussed and it was decided to rent the Centre Line Marker from the St. Thomas Metal Signs with the possibility of buying one in the future. MOVED BY lJI. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE RECOJlllMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED PROHIBITING PARKING ON ROAD 27 IN THE VICINITY OF THE ST. 1?HOMAS DRAG STRIP THE BY-LAW PASSED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL IN JUNE WAS REJECTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT BECAUSE OF THE FORM OF THE BY-LAW. CARRIED. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED REGULATING SPEEDS ON PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1962. ROAD 27 IN UNION AND SPARTA, ROAD 36 IN SPARTA, ROAD 38 IN RICHMOND, STRAFFORDVILLE AND ROAD 14 IN IONA AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ENGINEER AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT. CARRIED. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPO~~RED TO MEET WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF FINGAL AND DUTTON TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF PARALLEL PARKING ON THE COUNTY ROAD. CARRIED. THE CO~IITTEE adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER Mr. T.S. Calmwell, District Municipal Engineer of London was in attenda"nce. THE WARDEN, Chairman and ~ngineer reported on the recent meeting with City Representatives re the Highbury Avenue Extension towards St. Thomas. MOVED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE 'WARDEN BE AUTHORIZED TO BE THE ELG IN COUNTY ROAD COMr11lITTEE' S REPRESENT A TIVE IN A DELEGATION TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHlNAYS RE THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF HIGHBURY AVENUE TO ST. THO~~S. CARRIED. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1962. THE ENGINEER was instruct4ed to complete expropriation proceedings on properties in Port Bruce on County Road 36, namely; Stephens and 'Wonnacott. THE COMPLAINT of the VillHge of West Lorne re the Drain on County Road 2, said to be damaged by County Construction,was left under the Village Council's feelings to determine the sharing of the cost of a new Drain. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT viE REQUEST THE SERVICES OF A HYDROLOGY EXPERT FROM THE.D.H.O. TO EXAMINE KETTLE CREEK A T THE MEEK BRIDGE TO DETERJ.VIINE WHA ~r MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE MEEK BRIDGE. CARRIED. A RESOLUTION from the Aylmer Public Utilities Commission regarding the moving of their pipe line for construction of the Dingle Street Bridge was read: MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT WE WILL PAY 100 PER CENT OF THE LABOUR PLUS THE COST OF ANY PIPE NEEDED IN EXCESS OF THE LENGTH OF PIPE PRESENTLY INSTALLED ~ro THE AYLMER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN CDNNECTION WITH RELOCATIONv.JORK NECESSARY IN THE BUILDING OF THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE. CARRIED. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1962. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. T ANSLEY w. ROBSON THAT WE RECOl\J11ViEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ROAD TOUR DATES BE SET AS OCTOBER 17TH EAST END AND OCTOBER 24TH ~~ST END. CARRIED. THE COUNTY Assessment on Queen Street and Sandford Street Storm Drains in Rodney was discussed and laid over until Mr. Caldwell could provide the Committee with additional information re the policy of the Department of Highways subsidy on Storm Drains. THE ADDITIONS for 1965 to the County's Three Year Road Program were discussed at length. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY W. ROBSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO OCTOBER 10TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ! 7) .. 1'/~.I~ '>f~HAiRMAN -'-./ ST. THOw,.S, ONTAlUO. AUGUST 30th, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNT'! ROAD Co}lllllITTEE met. at. t.he Court. House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present.. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. C.G. spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of London. THE TENDERS were received until 10:00 a.m. and opened bY the Committee for the Dingle street Bridge, Aylmer, and were as followS: (11 }l!attheWS Concrete Ltd., P.O. Bo~ 3055, Terminal flAu, London, OntariOe Elgin Construction company Limited, 1103 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ontariO. Arnott construction Limited, P.O. BoJt 430, Arthur, onta.rio. McLean-Foster Construction Limited, P.O. BoX 190, St. }l!arYs, ontariO. con-Bridge Limited, 659 '!onge Street, Toronto, Onta.rio. P & A construction Limited, 1'.0. BoX. 514, London, Ontario. John Gaffney Construction Co. Limited, 1'.0. Bo1<. 368, Stratford, Ontat' io. $37,388.00 $44,454.70 (2) $47,948.00 (3) $52,486.00 (4) $60,123.00 (5) $62,970.00 (6) $64,988.00 (7) THE FOLLO~ING resolution was passed: M.OVED B'! G · E. B ROWN SECONDED B'l LLO'LDELLI0TT THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF w,.TTHEWS CONCRETE LT"lh. LONDON, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE AMOUNTING TO $37,388.00 SUBJECT TO Tl1E APPRO'!AL 0 F THE D.H.O. CARRIED. ST. THO'MAS, O'NTARIO'. AUGUST 3O'TH, ~962. 'PAGE 2 A LETTER from the vil~age of Wardsvil~e requesting the County Engineer to visit the site of the propoeed Genera~ Hospita~ waS disCUssed. MO'VED BY M. T ANSLEY SECO'NDED BY W. RO'BSO'N THAT THE REQUEST 'FRO'M THE VILLAGE O'F WARDSVILLE TO RAVE THE CO'UNT'! ENGINEER VISIT THE SITE O'F THE PRO'PO'SED RO'SP'lT!l.L BE FILED. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported on a meeting with }IIr. Roy Cow~ey of the Department of Transport re speed ~imits on County Roads in varioUS Ham~etS. }IIr. Cow~eY recommended changes in the speed ~imit on Road 27 in Uion, Roads 27 and 36 in S-part3., Road 38 in Richmond and Straffordviue and Road ~4 in Iona. THE 'E NGINEER a~50 reported that }llrs. schmO~'Zo waS toO ill to carryon her dutieS as bOokkeeper and that an advertiSement for a new bOokkeeper had been p~aced in the Times- Journa~ of St. Thomas Limited. MO'VED B1 M. T ANSLE1 SECO'NDED B1 W. RO'BSO'N TH!l.T THE MEETING !l.DJO'URN TO' SEP~ER ~~th, AT 10 A.M.. CARRIED. !I.'FTER ADJO'URNMENT the Committee toured varioue Roads in East Elgin and the port Stanley areaS and inspected the following: PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 30TH, 1962. (1) The Kettle Creek at the Meek Bridge, (2) Road 20 under construction at Port Stanley, (3) Road 27 between Union and Sparta, (4) The Property acquired at Port Bruce for Road widening, (5) Road 42 between Copenhagen and Road 40, (6) Road 45 between Mount Salem and Ga.lton, (7) The Port Burwell Bridge, (8) The Eden Bridge, and (9) The nearly completed Wellington Road. ~.n...~~ ~.// #f ~ CHAIRMAN ST. '1' HmAAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9TH, 1962. THE ELGI~ COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10~OO a.m. ALL MEMBERS ,,;ere present "lith the e:lCCeption of Reeve G.E. Brown of the TownshiP of ~alahide and Reeve George Barber of the TownshiP of Aldborough. }'\R. }~.ij~. }'\EEK of port Stanley addressed the Committee re erosion at Meek'S Bridge and sUggested the diversion of Kettle Creek. The corornittee stated they would exa\1\ine the problem on their next Road Tour later in August. THE ~I~UTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE ENGI1~EER reported on the work to date as 2. Paving by 1;~a1msleY Bros. Limited had started on i'Jellington Road on ~ednesdaY, August 8th, and waS expected to be completed bY the end of the following week. Grading waS completed on County Road 2 and it was e:lCpected Sand Base would be completed bY the middle of nex.t '\I\reek. Gravelling had been started on Tuesday, J\ugust 7th, and would likelY be completed by the end of ne:ltt. week. ArrangementS had been completed to move hydro and telephone lines on County Road 16. The campbellton Culvert had been cOllWleted and the footings for the Hoover Culvert had been completed. Mulch Paving; on County Road 20 between Fingal and Shedden had been completed on AUgust 4th, thUS, completing the County program of Mulch Paving for the year. fo110\f.JS ~ 1$ )- 4. 5. ,---_._~, ST. TRO}l'J\.S, ONTf\RI0, t>.UGUST 9TR, 1962. PhG'E '2- 6. Clearing, etc., had been completed at ?ort Stanley on County Road 20. Gravel had been obtained and most of the property acquired. 7. The 'I enders for the Dingle Street 'Bridge in Mrlu1er had been called and would close on AUgust 23th. 'li'Teed cutting was progressing. The Jamestown and Gillet'S 'Bridges were being cleaned 3. 9- and -r-ainted. surface Treatment between Fingal and port Stanley would be done after some soft holes had been e~cavaged and back filled with Granular Material. t 1955 1::'o.....d Tractor and lJio\'ler had been stolen The County s r '- from the residence of Bruce 'M.arr on JulY 16th and had been found the ne,;:t daY, burned up in a gullY on a TownshiP Road solUe eight miles a\'laY' The Insurance t>.d~usters had declared the tractor to be a total loSS and would forward the County a cheque for its replacement cost value, namelY $2,064.00. 10 11. TRB B~GINEBR reported that the ontariO Departl~ent \1'1 d the cupnl.vincr of 3 neW of Righ\'laYs had approved the ..en ers on '" ". J'Co 1/2 ton and a neW 1 ton truck and that the 1/2 ton truck had d 1. d but +-hat the 1 ton truck would not be delivered been e ~vere ,v t'l the 1963 modelS come into production. un 1.- ' TR"E. RENE\!lJ1..L of County Insurance with the Frank Cowan compall1 Limited of ~oodstoCk ",as diSCUssed. }~. T~}lSLB:r \j\T. ROBSON ~~OVED B1 SBCONDED B1 TRJl..T 'fE. RBNE\~ OUR \lORJ'J'I\.EN' S C01li.PENS!\ 'I ION POLICY, OUR I\.U'IOMOBILE ~FLEE'I) IN SURhNCE, OUR limN I CIP l\. L EQUl p1l\.EN 'I FLO l\. TER INS URt>. N CE t>.ND OUR SPRl\.Y LII\.BIL1'fL INSURA.NCE POLICY \in:. 'IR 'IRE FRA.NK CO~l\.N CO'M.pt>.NY L~lTED. C~l1RIED · PAGE 3 ST. THOFAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9TH, 1962. t>,LSO DISCUSSED was a claim f or insur8Xl ce by Mr. Charles Degroat for fence supposedlY damaged by the County's snow plowing operations. ~.. MOVED BY SECONDED BY Lloyd Elliott C.D. P HIL11PS THAT THE FOLLOllJlNG COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAD1ENT:- PAY LIST #21 - $2,342.09: PAY LIST #22 _ $11,969.1B: PAY LIST #23 - $126,551.55. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that the Council of the Village of port Burwell wished eome repairs made to the hill west of the port Burwell Bridge and stated that, 'I'lork 'I'lould be done on the hill n e:x.t week. THE ENGINEER reported that Mr. RoY ~ of the ontario Department of Transport would be coming to Elgin County on Tuesday, August 14th, to review problems re the graduation of speed limits in variouS urbanized Hamlets in the county. \ THE WARDEN AND ENGINEER reported that the Town of Aylmer wished the installation of a Culvert south of the Canadian National Railway ttacks on Elm Street in Aylmer so as to permit the installatiqn of a sewer to the Flue Cure TobacCO Marketing Growers Warehouse. The committee agreed to the installation of the Culvert. THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of Highways was still considering the installation PAGE 4 ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9TH, 1962. of traffic lights at the junction of King'S Highways 3 and 4 and t he Wellington Road. A LETTER was read from the Township of Yarmouth. accepting the County's offer of $100.00 for a small parcel of land near the County's Gravel Pit at White Station. ~, MR. RALPH MCLAUGHLIN of the Frank Cowan Company Limited attended the meeting and presented the Committee 'Irith a cheque for the County's Ford Tractor destroyed by fire amounting to $2,064.00. He answered various questions raised by Committee Members. He also stated that his Company would investigate the claim of lvir. Degroat re damage to his fence caused by snow plowing. THE MEETING adjourned until after dinner. AFTER DINNER the Engineer reported that a Duplicating ~~chine had been purchased by the Assessors and Clerk's Office and suggested t hat a 1/3 interest should be paid for by the ~gineer's Office. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SE(J)NDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT WE PURCHASE 1/3 INTEREST IN A THERMO- FAX DUPLICATING MACHINE and MP.TERIALS AT A COST OF $232.17 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CAHRIED · THE REPORT of Mr. Joseph Mooney re the valuation of property on County Road 36 in port Bruce was examined and discussed. -pp.,.GB 5 ST. '1RO}'\JI.S, Owr~.RI0, ~UGUS'1 9'1R, 1962. lJ\. 1k'N S LE1 ~J II ROBSOl~ 1~10\TEU 131 SBCO"NDED 131 '1R~T 'tlE OFFER PROPERT1 O\~~ERS IN pORT BRUCE FOR L~ND EXPROPRl~TED "81 REGISTERED PL~N nO. D74 7 TRE FOLL01iJ1NG 1>.1J10ut~'1S: RUTR STEPHBNS - .332 I>,.CRES ~265 .00: GEORGE &. B"lJEL1H "IJITORNI>,.CO'1T - .115 I>,.CRBS $150.00. CARRIED · TRB CoWllITTEE 'J'Iere in agreement that the F d 20 8.t port StanleY made valuations of propertY o~ County .oa h ld be ratified bV Reeves l~Son bY Mr. C. 1318 de of RodneY s oU .' Tansley and F.J. Nimmo, TRE COUNT! 1>.SSESSMENTS on 1J1u~ipal Drains in . p ~ dne" and ~est Lorne 'J'Iere diSCUssed at length. the "IJ~llages o~'~ J C.D. PRILLlPS LL01D ELLIOTT SBC0}11YEU 131 RE: STORM. DRl'.lJ1S _ QUBBN STREBT ~ND Sl'.NFORD MOVED 131 STREET, RODNE1. TIll'. T 'IlB p.I\ 1 TIlE S ~\ OF $3,100. 00 TO'tl.l\RDS TIlB 1>.SSBSSVIENT OF coul~T1 ON THB QUEEN STREET htm S1>.NFORD STREET S TOR~ D R1>,INS IN RODNE"!. CI\RRIBD. "V'J. ROBSON ~. rr I\NS'LB1 SECONDED 131 TR~T '\JIB pA.1 THB S\l1J1 OF $63 .00 T01il~RDS THE TRIGGER 1)RI\.IN Ki.'l:'BN~10N IN THE VILLAGB Of WBS'J: LOR1\fS · MOVEl) 131 CA.ltRlED " PAGE 6 ST. TH011A.S, ONT!\RIO, AUGUST 9TH, 1962. THE DUTIES of the County Road Patrolmen were discussed. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY w. ROBSON THAT ALL COUNTY ROAD PATROLMEN SERVICES BE DISPENSED 1tJITH A S OF AUGUST 15TH, 1962, and THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO NOTIFY EACH PATROLMAN AND THANK THEM FOR THEIR PAST SERVICES. CARRIED. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT ANY MEMBER OF THE ROAD COVJUTTEE ,JHO WISHES TO GO TO THE CANADIAN GOOD ROAD ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN QUEBEC BE AUTHORIZED TO DO SO. CAR~RIED · THE WARDEN reported on the recent meeting with the London Board of control re the extension of Highbury Avenue and the Chairman and Engineer reported on the meeting with the Representatives oft-he County of Norfolk re joining County Roads near King1ake. THE ENGINEER reviewed the County Road System and t he present Three Year Program and SUggested the consideration of ~e following projects to be added to the County's Three Year Program: 1. Grading and Granular Base - Road 27, Union to Sparta, 2. Grading and Granular Base - Road 45, Calton to 1vlount Salem, PAGE 7 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 9TH, 1962. 3. . Grading and Granular Base - Road 42, from Road 40 to King'r s High~la.y #73, h. Grading and Granular Base - Road 4.4, King's Highway #3 to King's Highway #19, and 5. A new Bridge at Port Burwell. THE COr41'vfITTEE decided to inspect' the Roads under consideration after the opening of Tenders for the Dingle Street Bridge. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY w. ROBSON THAT THE IVIEETING ADJOURN TO AUGUST 30TH AT 10 A.MIJ CARRIED. ~y;.--.~ vi( /1!~/>~~ f-EJ-. CHA IRl\iIAN COUNTY OF ELGIN JULY~. 1962 TENDER FOR 1/2 TOr~ TRUCK AS PER.. COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS ~~----,........--------_.,....~~-~,...~_......--.~.....~,-------_...._----,--,-----,.... . .. ....."" ,- ~~ ct=.._.__._.._,c,.~_~_~~,______"'""'--_____~_______....".,,~~'''.,____.~__~_..............._ _..'~., _____-...l' ,~...O~,:.;~~......._.............~~"'"........&_...-..~_____._~........~..<::i:!O:~~~.__,_.v~_............. .,_ __...,_..,"'_._",......,..-'._.__....~~_-..-..."._____....,.__...."_....".,,~._..._.._.'".._....._ . __~.. "_"_'~' --'-_,__...._~__"'.....'~_".;..-.;,:;->"2.L.......~___......._._..~".~...,.".....'.... _. .".~~,....~........."'_.. ...._.," .'_ ...-.-c____~',.""___.."""..~.-..........!'~........_..~,._~.........._~~._.;_...._____L_;....._ ....---,~.._..._...,_,.......__._~~::: SUPPLIER TRUCK PRICE !JESS TRADE Be DISCOUNT NET .r.--_.........,,:-..."._.._.....,...... ~ ..~._."....-.-------->..,"....'.......-"--......-.-.__............-~~J.._.~~ -~_... ,,- _~._~tr-~......-=~:..:..'"~.~.;:..:..,. .L'11e R. Grant Motors LtdG Straffordviilf$e Chevrole~' Model C1;04 $2>>659030 $1~509030 $lelSOoOO As per Specifications 'IItIU.._,_.............__...._,,____.:..... ','-:......"" , ,~~,~_____-....;J:!t-- 1t'"- ..lo._~___,___~_._........_~_""...._. - ". ,_ ~..I,....a..._","..___~____.,....--:.~.........~~____.........~__,__.",.....,._~_._.. . . - . ---...........,~..-.-.-~-....~:;;.~--------......"-----._-,---.-......-.-".....""....---...-,--..'--~--_........~'"~,.,.-......~,...........~_,~,_.......____""'~.........,,,._.~...,~.._.~~';<;;'O'.;.'2_.:'::~'., .;;,_>;::=,~::.....":'t:~ Central Chevrolet Chevrol~t Old~mobile ( London) Model 01;04 Ltd 4) S! Londono $2,9691000 $1,,297000 $19394':;100 As per Spec1ficatioD$ -'~----.........~---_.".........~~..............'"'--......~.....____:.o._____..-~,_.........._~.,.~....."-___.--.......__.______-.--_..---~'--..-,~......._-,__................~__....--......'~_-..__.~....-..J , . EoLo Fordham Motors Ltd0 ~ Rodney 0 Chevrolet PJIcdel 01504 $2~67806S $1~27308S $19395000 o _ A~ per Speciti@atioDS Spackman Motors L'tdo (1912) 9 St;Q Thoma$~ Ford Fo100 $2$694,,00 $ls2S5000 $1~439000 A8 per Specif1eatione """'--,_......,-~'_~,.....,_.___~__.____ol:Ilt.___,._-...,_.__<,...~..~.....,..........,......",..._._~......~._.._.~ ".'.,.". ,~,",,,,,,,,'''''''''' .,.~..'.........,_~'.._...........".....,__-...._~,.,'~... '-'-,.~....._,,,....,.,.._._,.~....~.,.__,. .""'"....____....__~__..____-____-.___~____..__..______=.______...~~_..........._....___.,._~-::~~.~'_.~,...:;,.--:~_"'_;..,.....':...~_;_............."' ...-.. D1f!browfJ Mo'tors Ltd" ;) , St~ Thomaso GoM~Co 091;04 $1&455000 With s~andard tires _....._~'i".._...'--""_.............__....._..........._..,_..~,~__.......~~.~"_,.__.-J;._,..........'-"':.~:....o-......'"'-__.,.'-............~ ~_.~_~-.....-_~__...~_"'.....,,__.....___........~_~~ ~~._.,_".._---.--...;.,.__.,..._.. .....; .....~~.....~~,..~w,."..........,...._..... ".........._.........l............_........~~____... M1d~Town ~~tor8 - (StoThoma~) Ltdos Sto Themas? Dodge :00100 $29;2;000 $19002000 $ls523000 As p~r Speeit1ca~1on8 ~- ., ~- ----..............--.--.....,......... .~-"""'"._...~-.-'------..,..--. ~,.----~....---...,' ....,.' ,.,,'....'._~..~L.. '___'-' ,'. .' ,. l_ '...~ c_ ~..C'-...'__~_.~~___ .........___..~__-..__...-...-.........--.. ----....-..,-...' ..........' -.--,,,.' <'.-.................'......-,-------.-',.--~.._.......-~,..,-..--...........,........~-~~--,,-, ...-.....--',---- ...~..---,--, -..............--.-......""'l'-...,-...;.. ~ ~'f'~,a.~ ~.....:r- COUNT! OF ELGIN ~.-..-->>;,...~-,..~~----' Pag~_"".~ JULYs 1962 TENDER FOR 1/2 TON TRUCK AS PER COUNi,rX SPECIFICATIONS <= continued Pai.., ..,. ......._..._._..t..,'~'....jl " ,,,'1 "....~"'....:..... ...". ."", tJi, .' I" ......... ".>1' ,~,'",.," ,_ ..,,~ -'......_.. .."' ..'... "....,.,.. "".. "..." "..."...". ..~.., I".., ~."" _~, _.. ;... ,"'.-"', . ". ..",....;.........,... "-~."" ".. I.,O...,~ J."e.," . '.,........... .~., ..........,'.. -..-0 -.,....,;..""-.-,.,......... I..'" .........""........____.......~.u..~........'_...."..._'^_ _.....J .,.~.l, .". ,',1 ~"',...~...".,,~.,j._.'-....,;._...__,_~I..,.II.._....~.. I. _.,.....,.........,'_..,,'.~,.........."'-"'~... ","-.,,~""-"-''''''-'''''.~' _.,...re-.'_"~""_'~""""_____'~_'~_'_"__ ..--,..-- --..0- ,- SUPPLIER TRUCK PRICE LESS TRADE & DISCOUNT NET REMARKS ;'..:~_..."._...'~.,_,..,. ---.....-_.,,~.:'_.M~~ QiI~t~ Tr~I~,~'" '"......,.........._.___________J!.~,..,... .,,"'~.,.' .., ';;o,.,.....t. Hasket~ Motors (1954) L~dQ9 StQ Thomas" Chevrolet C1504 $296;4000 $ 964,,00 $19870,,00 In excess of Speciti~a~ion3 ..........,.....A__..."' "~~"_"'"'''''''''''-''~''__''_''''''''''''_' .. .1,. .;... .' .,'_.',,, ..~.,." .~,.,... .,."~.",..,,, :.'::,;.............._......... #J....,,, "_......._..-~..._....,....,,_._..~..>_.';,_............,...;. J.~,".........,._.,",.,........._".,__, , _.....~~~..... ...1. ",.'~'" ',.,." ~"d.." ." .~", ,. ~,:.MI. .... ,'." ",. , ,'.. .,'...... .,.........,., ,I" ."...~..~..._._., .."........ ..,,-c,_.J.,,'-,, """'."'~,,,,." .~.,_.,,,.,___________--'-".J.._.-'J.~..,.""-~a...--...-...........__...........__"H"._.\.-'H.~.~U'''''~'_ _.,.~__----._..,._.... '.....-",.;.......,'"'-.-'~..,.---.. ...... "".".,.~ ...' L..~"'.~......,......._....."'"_..._..._..........._c,.,~....,O'<~~ Butiterworth' Motors Ltd. 0 f) S'tQ Thomase- International $298230;0 Model CollO $ 92)<);0 $19900000 .In excess of Specifl,ea'tioru, ~'."""" ",.,.......,..~..~_c..;.~., ..._.~...".,_'..,..........~.,..,--...",,.;,..,,,..'.......,,,,..,'- ..".' ........." >,' _....R...I'__. !_.~,.~__...,.t"",,...._-....._..____~__~._..~ .~-,_........._--..........--~"._."-..............~.,........-......-~..,._.'.._~ .--.."'...._..,.'.."'~.,,'-::'. COUNTLOF --L.EL~N JULY 9 1962 ,1;~~.~~~~_~_ "!r.Q~(_ "_"~~.,~Q~"... '0.. R~g~-:~.?_..!,~UCK",,_ ~S .pc_~!l?~I!.,~NTY _~?~~I~I CA.~IO~S ... ." .......;, ' ~." .._.1._......._...- ."..~.I... . ,... ,,'., ....."..... ........__.., _,.... ___. ""_,.~.__--........~....,___~_ _0""'" ._...........~,._...........".~,,__~_.............J,..-....." m_'_'_~' .__..,-._>,_--....~"_..........".........--~_._!...,...&..~."...,.... oJ'!........-_.'_. ._ ............'_.......,..~"...,...J_......_ _~~.. __ __..~_..'....._.,.....,'.-.'".._.".-.._ ...,,~,.- .-......,,," .,,'.' ~:'tI.~;::"_,__",,,,_-__........;ia..._. _...-..................._____._.. -,""."""" ,....~-~................-.-_...................---..,..-, __~.'~......L.......'.'_",."...,,".. _............,.....,,' "..~~~n.i~>"~';:l SUPPLIER TRUCK PRICE LESS TRADE &; nT~('!nnW'f All d.2IJ~"""" wav __ NET REMARKS ~_.."..-".........""-...,,,......,,,._,. .;,'~, ,..., , ..',.,......~""~.. ",'" -'.'" '.~. ...,~. :,.. ,". ,,_ ,,,",,,""" ..", ""'" ... ... ". ~''''''.'"' ._....... '..' ,.,....,. ~_".,____,__~,~..,... ""'. ""~_.'''''''''' ~",..~--------.._-...~_................~~...............~.........-~............~.'~-.o'-L'__"'""'""'''' '. Lyle Ro O...t Mo'tore Ltdo S'tratto~ll1eo Chevrolet Model 3604 $3 >>2S6~:.05 $1~S.5600S $1~700000 To County Specifications Central Clel.'olet Chevrolet Old.sMoblJ.. CtondonJ Model 3604 Ltd is S London $3D236000 $1f.j520000 $19716000 To County Specifications :-.\-~:. ---;-:..- "'-"."-'"7. "'"'W~~":-.-:'---"'''''''~a~7~.....';'_:'~Iti.~\;,.:;:. .,..""~...,",,, ...~.,.,."...,..... ,,_.............. .~_"......',,'......,,',".....~.... .,......., .".".,.._....".. '" ".......,.,.....,,~,....... """~"'" ___"__~"""'~~"_"""""""'''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,...l.........:........_........L__......,,~...,............._"'~....v.~..,...._ .. ...,' ............ ~,._ .' .......' ;.........,-.. ..,le_...........,....., .......--_...... ."".'".~,.......,....., ..- . lI..1d=Town "ere (St 0 Tho...l Ltd ~ >) St ~ ThoJla.~ Dodge D 0.300 $2~998000 $1t;199000 . $ll) 799000 To County Spec1ticat1one '.1....... , ....."~...~.,,.,,'~;"',.... . _....III-""_....._.....L'....., "..M....--.....=......'"""......""..,,;.,,,.., .' ...__... ~.-'^ ..".'".~~"..."j;--:..,...._."........._., ..~.;._;~,....."...._",~...-.i~ .....,,_....__.......,............______.......--........ ...~_, ..~____ ~..,,___.........~_.I...............'~_._>--"_......"'. iG--" ,..~".".......... ...__~.... _____~:u___...,~........~....., ...~"'---'-'..." ''"~' . . ~,--.... """.~..,...".,.~;.:~~,,;~~ EoLo Fori.. Motors . Lt. 0 , Rodney 0 Chevroltft Model ,3604 $39252 oS,S $llj4;2t>6S $19800000 To CountySpec1t1cation~ - .. '1 """" ..""".."......,._,"'..~....,.",,...... ~ ..A........ .,...._, ...."",...., .......,,,..,,,,..~_,..,, '.","~''''''''~'''''''''' .,.............."'................"._..u.....;.". .....'..."~".~_..__ .,.oJ. _... ,~.... _.....u......... ,............ ,."..~, ......,.... ,:.... ..,,-~... ..- ,',--.,.... ".....U>............,,,.-.....,,. ...,...,...:.-.. ..,.':_,.'~,. ,,,,.,.. ..,~.. ..,,;..,.........,.--..--.._..~.....-..- ..,..;..,~..;_-:..".."';:".....~....:..;'-;._... --:,;~-..-..-:"' .:~.-:.~,~. ...-_~~~~~~:,.~,z-:;;. Disbrow. ~r8 Ltd 0 ' . S't 0 Tho.._. GoMoCo C93604 $lfj900QOO Tires exceed Specifications ,,,.......,.. '......~,_. ,~........._.".,......,~._."......_,,, ~......l.-o"_ .........4... ....... ........,.......-.._......,................ ,.".._""'","L."_<,_.,._~---------",_"'.._,_,. .... .._.,..-.........'. ,. "......_....."........... L..._......."..____...""'.,'... ...".~,.,. .,." . '-""" ......... .....~.""_ -, "__"'''u. ......-...;'.e.'.......'..........'.-.,_..._...," ~.......'__ ,...,'~.........-"'~"';....,,''''.._._,. __._......._.__...~~____"'"""""'.....---....-;;'~...-~....----.i COONTY . OF. ELGDl Cl---... __-:..~~-..........~..~_~_._.....;.......~._.,--..._ JULIe 1_ !~!!!?~~.__,fQ~..._. .~~..J~Q~._. ~~Q~~U~_.....'rR~~~.......~~. .. .~~~.. ~9.UN~.!0... SPEC.I~~.~~~IOR~. = continued t--_,_,...".,,,,,..,,..~ ..,......... ",....,;".11I ,. .,." SUPPLIER TRUCK PRICE ~-...~ '.....,.~.........,.,................""....."..~_.~.,----..,... ..,..,.~..............~----- _...,.......,..._--,_..,........_....,..jl,~, .........~.,~...',.... .,."~"......."'._,~I~ ......1"",.., ,.. "" ,,".'" ,.."'."...",, ..,."....._.,.;". ,..._"....~,.,I.~. ...~ ,.1.,_ Haskett Motor~ (1954) Li;do 9 Sto Thomaso . Chevrolet Model 3604 $38457000 -~"~--_._'...........,,',~. ..'.. '''''''''' .....'..... -'. .,,~. ."...."'....--..........,.._ ,..."......"~......."'_'...........,..,..~'_'.....,'....".,..",. Butterworth- Motors ttdoy Sto Thomaso International $39364Q6S. 00130 __~......'~....~~_"u.;...........,..;. ..".....................,,, , .. . ,j, .".'..",,,, ,.c._ ,,,,,,,,~I'I...~ _.'".''''' .. _"."....~.;.,_, _',"_'~"'~'''_'''.... . ........,_.....,...., ....................__...---....... .."-',.~...,_, ~~_........~ h ,1._, ""...,....,. R "'''''''''''_ .,..... "., . ...,..._"..__..~.j,""..."'.., . ....."'..'....h,..,,,._... .",." , "......".,.......-. ......,,_ ........._... _.......'~ LESS TRADE &: DISCOUNT NET REMARKS -~. ...,.....__............,...... .~-...I..,_". ""..,....'.,.tI..........._..__,._,..~.,.....",_--' ____________..:-_--..........."..._............ ._~........:..'" ~...._______,..___'_'~.____~.~..__ "'''".,~_. ."._.~..., _..,...._,_" ""_ .'~' .."~~""".......,.,...._.... $19267000 $2~190000 Tires exceed Spec$ll.eations . ~"'...'.,P-.i...,., .',....L ',,,, '. ,,'..." "....",; ",,,, ";'. .t.... .......,,_ ". "_ .."."....,..._...,.... ~.l"'_"" " ..........., ...~.. ,. "''''_~' .'., ,,~_,,"_'..,.' H~_' $19164065 $2$200000 To County Specifl....ons P~I,~_~ 'h'.., ,,",., " .,.....;......JII.I:. __..._...~._.".:...:_._'.__..-.t,:',...,-,~"... ... ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, JULY 10TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 1:30 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Reeve Lloyd Elliott of West Lorne. ALSO PRESENT were Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer of London and Members of the St. Thomas suburban Road Commission. THE TENDERS for the Hot Mix Pavement on the \'1ellington Road were opened and were as follows: 1. Walmsley Bros. Limited, 42 St. Julien Street, London. Towland Construction Limited, P.O. Box 2815, London. Riverside Construction Company Limited, Hamilton Road, London. Law Construction Company Limited, Rexdale. 2. 3 · 4. 5. A. cope & Sons Limited, 29 St. Julien Street, London. Geo. W. porter Construction Co. Ltd., 1177 Finch Avenue "rest, Downsview. 6. $61,040.00 $62,955.00 $65,340.00 $65,520.00 $68,320.00 $70,470.00 A MOTION was received from the suburban Road Commission that the Tender of Walmsley BroS. Limited of London be accepted. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. E. BROWN c.D. PHILLIPS THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LIMITED FOR HOT MIX PAVEMENT FOR THE WELLINGTON ROAD AMOUNTING TO $61,040.00 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THO~IlAS, ONTARIO. JULY 10TH, 1962. THE ENGINEER reported on the work on the Wellington Road to d ate stating that althoUgh final triuulling was yet to be done, Grading had been completed on June 30th. It was expected to complete the Granular Base by July 20th. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER read correspondence from the following: (1) Mr. J.P. Howard, Municipal Engineer, stating that the County could do Surface Treatment work for the }1unicipalities in the County without using a Mechanical Chip Spreader and that the work would be subject to inspection for subsidy purposes. (2) The Ontario Municipal Board approving By-law No. 1814 passed by the June Session of the County Council regarding the location of Buildings and Structures on Lands Adjacent to County RoadS. THE ENGINEER reported by Mayor V.A. Barrie of St. Thomas a request that a delegation of the County of Elgin Road Committee attend a meeting in London on July 11th with the London Board of Control re Highbury Avenue Extension to St. Thomas. THE ENGINEER.reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Grading had been started on County Road 2 east of West Lorne. culvert installation was also continuing. 2. Most property on County Road 20 at Port Stanley had been acquired and the clearing and erection of fence had been started. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 10TH, 1962. 3. Pole movement on County Road 16 west of Burwell's Corners would be arranged for shortly. 4. Repairs had been made to the Patterson Bridge and work was underway on a Concrete Culvert at Campbell ton. 5. Plans for the Dingle Street Bridge were in Toronto for approval of the Ontario Department of Highwa.ys. 6. Weed Cutting and Spraying was continuing on County Roads. 7. Surface Treatment including a Double Surface Treatment on County Road 45 had been completed with the exception of County Road 20 between Fingal and Port Stanley. 8. Mulch had been laid on County Road 3 a.t the Wardsville Bridge and work had been started on Mixing Nlulch on County Road 38 at Richmond Hill. 9. Watters Bros. had completed crushing for Mulch Gravel on County Roads 23 and 20 and were crushing from White Station for crushed Gravel on the 't^Jellington Road. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY C.D. PHILLIPS THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHOR.IZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE AS SOON AS APPROVAL OF PLANS IS RECEIVED. CARRIED. MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY HOAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY 1,IST #18 - $1,531.75: PAY LIST #19 - $11,4,47.21: PAY LIST #20 - $124,507.62. CARRIED. ST. THOMkS, ONT~RIO. JULY 10TH, 1962. PAGE 4 ~ THE ENGINEER read a letter from Mr. J.P. Howard, Municipal Engineer, stating that the Minister of Highways had designated County Road 36 from County Road 24 to port Bruce as a Development Road for engineering purposes onlY. THE TENDERS for the Pick-UP Trucks were as a.tta.ched. MOVED B1 G · E. BR01fl1'l SECONDED B1 C.D. PHILLIPS TH~T WE kCCEPT THE TENDER OF L1LE R. GRkNT MOTORS LDIIITED OY STRkYFORDVILLE FOR ~ NEW 1/2 TON PICK-UP TRUCK FOR $1,150.00 ~ND THE COUNT11S 1958 1/2 TON PICK-UP IN TRkDE ~ND HIS TENDER OF $1, 700.00 FOR A NEW 1 TON PICK-UP TRUCK hND THE COUNT11S 1958 1 TON PICK-UP IN TRhDE hLL SUBJECT TO D .H.O. hPPROV~L. CARRIED. A LETTER was read re the CountylS Assessment on the Adler Municipal Drain from ~tr. E.O. Fanjoy' AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution wa.s passed: MOVED B1 M. TANSLE1 SECONDED B1 W. ROBSON THAT THE DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT OF THE ADLER DRAlN BE SPLIT 50-50 BET1/.1EEN THE COUNT1 OF ELGIN AND THE T01(lNSHIP OF Bl\.1HAM. CARRIED. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 10TH, 1962. THE PURCHASE of a small plot of approximately 1.5 acres from the Township of Yarmouth was discussed. The Parcel ha.d been purchased by the Township from the County of Elgin Gravel Pit at White Station and was no longer needed by the Township. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN W. ROBSON THAT WE OFFER THE TOvvNSHIP OF YARMOUTH $100.00 FOR A PORTION OF LOT 2, CONCESSION IV, TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH, 127 FEET BY 515 FEET IN SIZE AND THAT THE COUNTY PAY ALL LEGAL COSTS INVOLVED. CARRIED. A LETTER from the Townsh:ip of Orford was read asking for support of their petition to keep the Orford- Aldborough Town1ine open at King's HigruNay #401. It was felt that the County could not support Orford Township until such time as the overpass on King's Highway #401 was built at Black's Lane in Aldborough Township. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN C.D. PHILLIPS THAT THE ~ffiETING ADJOURN TO AUGUST 9TH AT 10 A.M. CARRIED. ~ . /J/ /24 . 1..-)( '4.--..~~ , /'/ $ "1 ~""'1 -G'~ -:'--:1.- CHAIRMAN !,. 11 . \ .~..."...", ~ '" i ,<><. !;}:,;.~ ('~;;.' ~;< i! ..- tit! ~~:? ~ @l F - ~..'} @ ~ -:;.~ .&j ~' ,"~ ~f ~'~1;~ ~ ~ ~ p;, (', f~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ \.~ ~ (~ ,:; ('3'& ~ ~ ~ ~.fd) .~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~ ~~~ -!~ ~ ....'t ?>"' (t)l ~j ~:;; 'f~~ '.:0;:~ ~:~1 [~ ,,~ '~'i' ~ ~ ---[I !"-j~ f> )h,i<;) !b' '"' ~ ii-.r.t ;:,..~ ;~ .j:4 ~4 {f} ~. ~"4i {~~ ~ ~ ;q ~1 ;;v-'" ~f? ""'" ~ ~J ~ i ~,5 <<,,;;'> ~::;;J tt~ OJ ~'T'~ w \L_,," ~c...t. ~f r.::,::' ~....~::~ ~~::: ~ ~ v ;x~~ I'Jl ~J; o p.. ~~ ~ ~ .~~ ";', ~r ~ m ! 1>-0$ t'?~ ~) ~ ,J:,} ~~ ~"1'! 2", tr ~) itj!; ,;;; ~, ,J"',. L' ~ /,! tfK,Q;: 'Jt' ;,rtI -If' ;, (f ~ 1,\ ,iL if ($1. \\ M ;f~ {{ ,:It} 40 ~" .' .n 11 'I? ~~ to, -, 't,;~ - t~ . ..m ~!' o.;<\} ~ 41 '& ,- ...al'ii ~. P,g'41'\' ,I ,!"tAlC ~~ e ,H(;;lia ",1.?5 t,..tl, '1.;$ \'>!it ~ g:h~u .,r~J'tA ~t'r ,'11 .~ 'i,~tr~ ~1t:~O'j ,; '\1""'--ifld '_""",",,e. 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O"",ul'@ ,,,~\f/O ~"-Jt}~nJLng u...d.:t".,,1.loVoJt,,.llgS~) :!,..q'l,~~ ~M:.t\ @a,tiL1~ lHled, -th~ ~~.tb~~!~k be ftl(~re th~ri _;.~ .~~ cSt' a.l'lj*" h~ltgh~'e~'Y' (' f.,) ,~ t;) ~ ,.; ~ ",Jl t:.';.:i:::'!~~..-.YJ:'.'Il~~>Jl\t"'_<r,-:t~.-..t\lr.t:.~~'5: So (1i) "Jh~~re a.new bu11dJ,lle~ :stru(:ture~ damp w~ll lor pond is ere~ted b~)tw~en existing buildings more than ;00 clear .parts the regulations ot Section 3 shall applyo 60 (a) 1fh1t~ By-law shall not prohibit the alteratic)n or the modifying once 01'11y of any structure or building closer to any 11m! t of the highw('ry as de;C1ned in Sect:ion .3 or , provided: (1) that~ in altering the building the distance to the nearest limit of the highway 18 not diminished and (2) that the cost of alteratiC)lUJ is not grec~ter than 1/2 or the value of the preeent bU11dingo , (b) 'rhls BYralaw eh8_II not" proh1bi.t the drilling or digging or a l~ell withil'l 20 f'eet of: a residence that :1~5 closer to any limit of the highway as defined in Section ~~ or S provided the distance to the nearest limit of the highway 1s not less than the distance of the residence to t,he neares~ limit of the highway 0 (e) This By-law shall not plllohibit the replacemE~nt of a Tobacco Kiln dest.royed by fire or wind wherE~ it i8 one ot a line or series of ~" or more~ even though the distance to the nearest limit of the highway is less than is required in Sections :3 or 50 Ho'Wever~ the distance to the nearest limit ot the highway shall not be less than any other adjacent kiln~ go 70 No junk.or automobile wrecking yard ma.y be located within 150 teet of a highwayo I Every person who violate8 any ot the above provisions ot I this By..tlaw s~all be" guilty of a!1 offence and upon Summary I Conviction sh~ll be liable to a penalty or not more than I $300000 for each offencGo ] ] This Byqlaw shall COt1l(~ into effect the day that it ia 90 passed by the Council subject "to the approval or the Ontario Municlpal Boardo ] I lOC) PASSED by th~i Elgin County Council at Sto Thomas on June 13tlh~ 19~2Q I ] ~ ,S~ ~_ _ _ __1 \ \ \ , '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ l f \ 1 '\ \ \ \ - --, '" '- ......... " c:"', } r; -(.~ r-I . \ ...-;::, --~ 't ST. THOMAS, O~TARIO! .JUNE 7TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNT1ROAD CO~ITTEE met at the Court. House at. ~:30 p.m. ALL ]liEMBERS were present, ALSO Mr. C. G. spencer, Assistant Dist.rict Municipal Engineer of London. TRE DEPARTME~T of Highway policY on surface Treatment was disCUssed at some length. present for the discUssion were Reeve Lloyd S. Gurr of port Stanley and Reeve B.E. Downey of Dutton. LETTERS from the Counties of Bruce and Welland were alSo read. MR. PETER PATTERSON and Mr. J. Tillcock of the ontariO Depart.ment of HighwayS, Toronto, attended the meeting. Mr. patterson showed slides and spoke on the correct method of surface Treatment. The diSCUssion of the fact that the ontariO Department of HighwayS will not alloW the County to do other 1IlUnicipal work without the use of the Mechanical ChiP spreader followed. ~o conclusions were reached. The Warden and the Engineer were asked to obtain a meeting with Mr. R.K. McNeil as soon as possible and report at CountY council. THE MINUTES of the MaY 8th meeting were read and approved. TRE FOLLOWI~G Resolution waS passed: Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO! JUNE 7TH, 1962. MOVED Bl M. 'lANSLEl SECONDED Bl w. ROBSON TflA T TflE FOLLOWING COUNTl ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT~- PAl LIST #15 - $l,654.97~ PAl LIST #16 - $9,403.09~ PA'! LIST #17 - $91,764.27. CARRIED. TflE ENGINEER report.ed on the work as 1.. That MaY had been an exceptionallY fine month and much work had been completed. 2. Grading waS 60 per cent completed on Wellington Road and t.hat sand Base waS being placed between the EdgeWare Road and concession l. 3. All property had been obtained for the widening of County Road 2 and fencing was underway. 4. . Fencing on Road 36 at port Bruce had been completed but~Operty negotiatiOns had been stalled. 5. Plan and profile had been completed on County Road 20 and property negotiations had been started. 6. surface Treatment had been cQmpleted in East Elgin with the exception of Road 45 from calton to King'S Highway #19. The county'S distributor had been approved by t.he Ont.ario DepaI't.ment. of Highways Regional Equipment Branch. 7. wat.ters BroS. Construction were crushing Gravel at Laurs Pit at Pleasant Valley and Gravel had been crushed for Mulch for Roads 38 and 27 and Gl"avel Resurfacing on Road 43 . work was continuing on Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem. folloWS: Page 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 7TH, 1962. 8. Repairs had been made to the Cook and Robbins Bridges and work would start on the Campbellton Culvert as soon as the steel arrived. 9. Weed spray and cutting would start shortlY' 10. seeding on Roads ~ulched in 1961 had been completed. 11. All priming on Roads to be Mulched had been completed. 12. F.A. Bell & AsSociates had completed Plans for the Dingle street Bridge in Aylmer. 13. Mr. Robert Heffren had accepted the County'S offer of $1,150 for land and damages and had been paid. THE WARDEN and Engineer reported on the ontario ~unicipal Board hearing that took place on June 7th in the morning. The Board had asked that the County Set Back By-laW be amended by deleting Sections 8, 9 and 10 which dealt with temporarY fruit stands and the rights of the County to enter upon private property to remove anY building that contravened the By-law. MOVED B'1 G. E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT B'!- LAW NO. 1813 BEING A B,!-LAW TO REGULATE THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES 01'1 LANDS ADJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS BE REPEALED AND A NEW B'1-LAW THE sAME AS B'!-LAW 1813 WITH THE E1CEPTION OF CLAUSES 8, 9 AND 10 1:115 PASSED AS THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HAS NOT APPROVED CLAUSES 8, 9 AND 10. CARRIED. ~..'. THE B,!-LAW as amended is attached to the Minutes. Page 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO~ JUNE 7TH, 1962. THE CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. J.P. Howard, Municipal Engineer, approving t,he County's Normal By-law 1812 totalling $525,000.00 and t,he County's supplementary By~law 1811 totalling $427,000.00 THE ENGINEER reported tha.t a Work Order appropriating $1,460.73 for work on County Road 39 being Development Road No. 585 had been received. A BOARD of Transport Con~issioners for Canada Order was read directing that the Count.y's cost of the John Street Crossing in Aylmer had been transferred to the Town of Aylmer effective October 1st, 1961. A PETITION from the Village of Port Stanley for curb and gutter on Warren Street in the Village was read. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE PETITION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY FOR CURB AND GUTTER ON A PORTION OF I WARREN STREET IN PORT STANLEY BE HEFUSED AS THE COUNTY DOES NOT DO ANY CURB AND GUTTER WORK IN URBAN AREAS AND IS FORBIDDEN TO DO SO BY THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. CARRIED. A LETTER from the Minist,er of Highways re the Engineering Audit of Development Rc.ad Contracts was read. THE PROBLEM of cars parking on County Road 27 at the St. Thomas Drag Strip near Spart~a on racing days and creating a traffic hazard was discussed. Page S \ \ ---.'-, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 7TH, ~962. M.OVED B'L M. · TANSLE'L SECONDED B'L G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECO~D TO THE COuNTl COUNCIL THAT A Bl-LA~ BE PASSED PROHIBITING PARKING ~ITHIN 500 ]'EET 0]' THE ENTRANCE tBOTH EAST AND WEST) 0]' THE ST. THOMAS DRAG STRIP ON COUNTY ROAD 27. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that the County 1/2 Ton and 1 Ton Pick-UP Trucks should be replaced as they were both in need of repairs and it would be better to trade them in for new ones rather than to repair them. M.OVED Bl VI. ROBSON SECONDED Bl G.E. BRO'l1lN THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW 1/2TON TRUCK AND A NEW 1 TON TRUCK ~ITH THE COuNTY'S PRESENT 1/2 TON AND 1 TON TRUCK AS TRADES*INS AND THAT TUE CHAIroMN AND ~ARDEN BE AUTHORIZED TO OPEN TENDERS SO THAT A REcoMMENDATION FOR PURCHASE MAl BE MADE TO THE ROAD COM.M.ITTBE IN JUL"!. CARRIED. THE }IIE1J\BERS of the St. ThOmas City Council TraffiC Advisory Committee met with the Road Committee re the e:lttension of iighburY Avenue in London to st. Thomas via Radio Road t County Road 30SA). The members 0 f the Delegation included Mayor Vincent Barrie, Chairman of the ------' page 6 ST. THOMAS. ONTNal0. JuNE 7Tl\. 1962- Committee peter Laing. Aldermen pal1ller and currah, Chief of police'Vlhiteman and 'DeputY Clerk. Barrett- The committee ,&t . ble to the M.ayor' s suggestion that a meeting was J.8.Vo'Ura shOuld be held \'lith the countY of MiddleseJt and the City of . '" tter rurther and that the province London to d~scUSS tue tl\B. should be approached to take the Road over- C. 'D. PR1LL1PS L. BLLI0TT SBCONDBD 'Bl Tl\fl.T TRE MEET1NG fI.'DJOURN TO JUl.'! lOTR fl.T M.O\TED Bl C~RR1EU · l~'O 'P.M.. Ct\~IR1J\A'N SURFACE TREATMENT - 1962. Road 3 Con. I to Fleming Creek Bridge Road 3 Fleming Creek Bridge to Road between Con. IV & V Road 3 Ro.ad 4 New Glasgow - Highway #3 N.Y.C. tracks to Kent Townline Rodney West Limits to Cemetery Road 2 From Road 3 to West Lorne Road 20 Road 24 Road 36 Road 40 Fingal to Port Stanley . Dexter to Road 36 (new pavement 1961) Road 24 North (new pavement 1961) Highway #3 to Glen Colin (new pavement 1961) Roads 48 & 54 - From Road 47 Easterly (new pavement 1961} Road 42 - Highway #73 to Road 40 Road 37 Met Avon Road 48 Road 47 to Watters With Colas Last year with Colas - 7.0 miles Done in 1960, should be done with Colas Colas Tar ) ) ) ) } Tar Tar Tar Colas Colas Colas 400 miles 1.0 miles 1.25 miles 1.8 miles 002 miles 4~3 - 405 miles 5.5 miles 205 miles 1.2 miles 2.0 miles Colas 2.0 miles Colas - due to 2.65 miles heavy bleeding because of number of Surface Treatments ? Tar or Colas TOTAL MILEAGE: Road 36 Approximately Total: 1.3 miles - Road 22 8.3 miles Double Surface Treatment Road 45 Calton to Highway #19 - Tar 2.0 miles ? 30.4 miles 1505 miles 402 miles ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8TH, 1962,. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 1:30 p.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT, also Mr. C.G. Spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of London. THE MINUTES of the April 5th and April 13th meetingS were read and approved. MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #12 - $1,561.21: PAY LIST #13 - $7,809.94: PAY LIST #14 - $19,018.98. CA,RRIED · 3 · Watters BroS. construction had completed their gravel crushing contract at White Station and were now crushing approximatelY 10,000 tons for the ontario Department of Highways. When they had completed thiS work, they would crush for the County for Roads in Malahide TownshiP from Laurs Pit. All Roads that were to be paved in 1962 had been levelled up in preparation for priming. Road 45, Calton to King'S Highway #19 waS also being readied for priming before surface Treatment. Culvert construction on the Wellington Road had been started and the Road would be closed on Thursday so that the Multiplate culvert north of the Edgeware Road could be installed. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follOWS: 1. 2. ----- Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8TH, 1962. 4. Application of Calcium Chloride for Dust Control was continuing using both liquid and flake Calcium Chloride and would be completed by the week-end. 5. A Culvert on Road 45 ea~t of Road 36 had been replaced. 6. Repairs to the Fulton Bridge were being made and repairs to the Robbins Bridge would be started shortly. 7. Five thousand small trees have been planted at Iona Station and White Station and sE~eding operations started on Roads that had been paved last year. LAND PURCHASE at Port Bruce was reported upon by the Engineer. He stated that permission to enter had been received from Mr. Wornacott and Mr. Stephens and Mr. Joseph Mooney of Tillsonburg engaged to make a land appraisal. The Committee was agreeable to have Reeve G.E. Brown and Warden C.D. Phillips check the appraisal before any offer was made to the property owners. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: 1. The Minister of Highways stating that Mr. F.C. Brown would visit Road 36 to discuss the proposed relocation with theEngineer. 2. Mr. C.G. Spencer approving Material & Supply Tenders. 3. The Town of Aylmer re the John Street Crossing of the Canadian National Railway. 4. The Department of Transport of Canada re V.O.R. site on Road 45. THE ENGINEER was instructed to write to the Department of Transport and state that although the Committee were agreeable in principle to their recommendation that they had no power to grant the Department of Transport an easement over the Road. Page 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARI~, MAY 8TH, 1962. M. TANSLEY MOVED BY SECO~ED ~ C.D. PHILLIPS THAT WE THANK THE COUNTY OF KENT FOR THEIR HOSPITALITY AT THE HOME OF MR. REID MENZIES. CARRIED. THE ASSESSMENT of the Adler Drain on Road 45 near King's Highway #19 was discussed. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN "\rJ. ROBSON THAT THE MATTER OF THE ASSESSMENT ON THE AD~R DRAIN BE ~FE~~ ~ THE COUNTY SOLI~TOR FOR HIS OPINION AS TO WHO SHOULD PAY THE ASSESSMENT. CARRIED. A LETTER from the Big Creek Region Conservation Authority was read re erosion control. THE SURFACE TREATMENT of County Roads was discussed at length and the Engineer reported on various aspects of the Mechanical Chip Spreader. A memo of direction re Surface Treatment in local municipalities by County Forces from Mr. C.G. Spencer was read. The Engineer reported that Mr. R.K. McNeil was attempting to contact the Minister of Highways re the use of the Spreader in Urban Areas to ask that the use of the Spreader be not made mandatory. THE ENGINEER explained that there would be an increase in cost of approximately $15.00 per hour for work to the Villages and Townships and that the amount of stone and bituminous materials needed would have to be accurately determined. No increase in the amount of work done could be expected with the Mechanical Chip Spreader. Page 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARI~, MAY 8TH, 1962. MOVED BY SECONDED BY MASON TANSLEY C.D. PHILLIPS '----.....--." THA T livE PROTEST THE POLICY OF SURFACE TREATMENT SET DOttIN RTHE D.H.O. WITH RESPECT TO THE MANDATORY USE OF A MECHANICAL CHIP SPREADER IN LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES WHEN WORK IS PERFORMED BY COUNTY FORCES AS IT IMPOSES A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ON THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES AND COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION SENT TO ALL VILLAGES AND TOWNSHIPS IN THE COUNTY, THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS AND TO OTHER COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEES. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEE suggested the use of asphalt for mulch on Roads 3, 20 and 23 and tar on Roads 27 and 38. LAND PURCHASE from Mr. Hobert Heffren on Road 40 was discussed as a Lawyer's letter had been received from Mr. E.W. Haines. The County's previous offer was $826.00 MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE WARDEN BE AUTHORIZED TO OFFER ROBERT J. HEFFREN UP TO $1,150.00 FOR LAND EXPROPRIATED FOR WIDENING COUNTY HOAD 40 AND DAMAGES SUSTAINED. CARRIED. THE WARDEN suggested that a meeting be held with the County of Norfolk representative to discuss various Road problems. Page 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARI~, MAY 8TH, 1962. ~, MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. T ANSLEY G.E. BROWN THAT THE WARDEN, CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER BE APPOINTED AS A COMMITTEE TO MEET WITH THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS OF MUTUAL INTEREST. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY C.D. PHILLIPS THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL JUNE 7th, 1962, AT 1:30 P.M. CARRIED. c/ ...,.y? U- /"71 ^'\ Y /v:'1 /\ -<tJl' "~A::.'l7 ___. ~..../lIl { CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 13TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD CO~~ITTEE metat the Court House at 9:00 a.m. prior to touring the County Roads in West Elgin. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Heeve Walter Robson of Dunwich Township. ALSO PRESENT were Mr. C.G. Spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of London and Mr. Norman J. Chaplow, Assistant Road Superintendent. DURING DINNER at West Lorne the Committee that was appointed to investigate Rubber TirEld Rollers reported. AFTER DISCUSSION the following Resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.D. PHILLIPS M. TANSLEY THATvffi ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ~T.L. BALLENTINE FOR A GALlON NINE WHEEL RUBBER TIRED ROLLER AS PER COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AND THEIR TENDER FOR THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $8,770.00 PLUS 10 PLY TIRES AND HEAVY DUTY WHEELS AT $700.00 EXTRA. ALL SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. ALL PRICES PLUS THE PROVINCIAL SALES TAX. CARRIED. THE REMAINDER of the day was spent in touring ~" West Elgin Roads. A joint meeting with the County of Kent Road Committee was held in Bothwell and mutual Road problems were discussed. THE MEETING adjourned until May 8th, 1962 at 1:30 p.m. \.,...?- \. ;~ A _.~ ~:Q,~Z 1/~~/'//) CHAIRMAN "- \ QQU~L.~ 5UPP'LIES --~.. ~DE~ FOJi M~l1!~S AND oUP 1 G R :::.;.--- -- _ ~~~ CHIPS FOR SURFACE TREA'!'M..w.! 10 Go 1. Ni chols , $1 ,,30 per t(ln" Washed Gravel 11.'\1 on 0 Chip. 'FoOoB Avon" 1.0 t) Bannio~11tbUrn St {} T1'lomf:H~ ,) 'J) $1.50 peX' ton. Washed Gravel Chip. FoO.Be Ingersol. $1.50 per ton. washed Gravel Chip"" FoO<il"B(> P'lts Hamilton Road. Londono $1.70 per tono Washed Gravel Chip 0 1"oOoDo Pit near Fanshe.w 0 $1.20 'Per ton. Washed Gra;.rel ChiP' FoOoD. Plant. Fari60 $1050 per ton freight CoN oR. & CoPoR. Lines. ($1060 per ton to Vienna and s~rar= fordville)Q $1.30 per ton. Washed Limest.one Chip via CoN.R., from nunda& (plUS $1.50 per ton freight). $1030 per ton. Chip' from Hager$= ville (p1US $1650 per ton freight via N.loC. to Elgin count,y).:. $1. 0)0 per ton 0 \'laehed Limestone ChiP via N.Y~Cc from Hagers'1i:l.le (plUS $1050 per "ton irei.ghte) c $1.30 per ton. Limestone Chip ( (not washed) via N.yce. . (plUS $1050 per ton freight). $1.30 per '\;Ol.'h Lilllest',one ChiP (not .a~~l via I.I.C. (plUS $1050 per ton freight.)" $2.50 per ~On at Pit last year. Washed Gravel ChiP. Some ,Nh " .. .." 't.. . · ,.u ..... "\\ v .11'5 w:u..' vEl ll.'Il'a1...a"...e. No Tender recei~ed. ~2. ~; st.erling Clerk~ Ingersol~ Ri vers1de Construction Co 0 Lt.d 0 , ttondon & )0 4'.:> To.land (London) Ltd.. Itondon II FlintkO'te CompanY of Canada. Brantf'ordQ 50 bQ canada Crushed & Cut Stone, flagerS'i111e Q 7 ~") Cayuga QUarries Ltd., Cayugaq So Hagereville QUarries Ltd., Hager svil..1 e 0 9<:> Ha,lditnaud Q.uarries 5) Hagersvilleo GROUP 2. --.:::;..;-.---- ~11~ 1. Imperial oil l,td., F <) 0 l) 'B <) s~u~'rlia ,-. n.H.O. Primer - 16.7i per gallon M.l.P. 16.H per gallon (for Mulch) R<:,CoOQ "'" RoCo 4 17 og~ per gallon (for surface Treat-ment.) ....,1"'" Pa.ge 2. ,q6" Tlf,NDERS 'fOR l'~lkL~ -;;.I"':~-~ G ._' "" " " 'fll'ti.W\.ll'lOUS 1Ji.l\.,!Y,R~ - .J".-f.;. - -;;.;~~ .... "l'l.1. Oil l..t.o.. = cont.'o.. .- 1. ^ J,.nl'pe:rl~~...::.._-;'~ ~ ",.. ,,~....,~---~ ~- " C(,fo.tin,~"~(l 1'\""1" . ~'" .,~..,. "''''-;1\'1'''1011. T'f'\le\tit1P.; ve 1:\1 Ell' , · ... '" · "" · or' '2 . i i pet' (ta'llon \ 29i yeT huno.'reO."eigh:t.) · Priee sa1\'le as Imper:'l.a1.. Oil. Ltd. 'f.O.B~ \lami.l.t.ono 21..9. 'Pa~ gallon. nel~~er~ ~ia '~om'P$on '!rnek~~ 3.5. ~er ~l'l.~on \29~'p0r hundr0d",e1.~C. ) Q )Q '0. . ,!...~..h A\l\et'i.e~ Oil~." ~~~ Clarkson. = 0\'''"1'111' Pt'od'lle'tS ~. ..-::;j;.,~~""~-~- 'tlll:reo primer &. it'!: ,_12 2,0 .... 1.0. 'fl. 1.0'1).& 'flrat1 en 20.~~ per Sa;lon 22.0. -p01" e;al.1.0n (?rice l'edue~d O.e. per ~all.on f1"Ol'li la\\\lt. lee:f). 'F "O.'fl~ lIortrh Toront.o ?r~~e$ ale> abo'\1G!. "Et"!\U1..~S10Nfi ........,...""...,."""_....,........ 1. ~'l'\'..'\.t"l.'!r'V^b~ C.o"'.. or c~ . ~~_::::----' l\.nionic Em'\1l.~i.~ns cat.ioniC y,\l\U1S~ons t~ ~~. .0\7 "l' :to.~, \t def', ~w 1?o~ vtl ~JQ . ~",,, to n .. L td., <l ~'Wa'ro:P, ~ S't9t)'~.~ ...". Prices as a~o~e. 2~~ .... '+v ?r~eea a~ Q~o~e. 3(\ .,.., ~;.,Q ~~r ~on a~ pu~n~ $,,070 lllar ~Gfl. a~ 1,0>>4011 $5 ~ '15 pel' ton at. 1,.ono,on ~~~7' ~,r ton at. 1.On~Ol1 i,.'O Pf<'f t.on $.'\; C~:1u.~a $5 0;0 'P.~ to~ ~t. 1:.\$g.~t$"I1i1:1JI "'" ~ ' \lOT ~11. ASP1:.\A1,.'l:~ __~.-~~". "'....J l,. . 'lla1.ms). e1 $rolil. 1. tA. t Nt. nl>>-\ll,) , ' 2 . 1\. C01?$ Sr. so~3 1.t.o, ~. 1.ondQ~ " . ' " 1.t,,~. 'LOndo'(\.~ "3 'O,i.;,':'GJ.~~..,de cOfl~truetiQtI, ,9 "" l."\...,,'~y;."'.... ". .' ',.>\ ' , , ~1. d \.or +, d Q,LondoU 4. 'rO''lla~ \ ,on on I ....... ~ ," ,. c&:rug,e, Q.\l.li>rrl_Ei$ll1:,d ~ ~ 9ayug,a ~ L ~ona~~uctiGn 6. \la\.dimafl.d Q;\larr~e~ ,'1"" ",' " L.td n \\a~e1" 1\1'\1 ~n III ~ Q1\O\YP._lt. ~~~-- c~ ' ... ... .p'_ "...\ on 1.t.c.. '}. . Ri "\f~1tC'$id e "on\!!...'....~ "'- ' , ' 2 . 'tQ'II''.\. a1.\1:l 0..<),1.\ dO ~ ) 1,. t,c). · ; ~ YV1.\tk9te Co. \.'1:.4. "* t'7 ;1' 'fler t.o'(l. at. 1.9t1,d~ll $"I~OO ~~r tOn ;t. 1.o1\d01.\ $6pOQ yel' t.ol'l ~t ?8:rill\ ,~ 1962 TENDERS FOR MATERHLS AND SUPPLIES -------,-""'""""--- GROUP Lr 'J~",,,,,,,,,,,,"'IlAA~,:!',.'~~....W~""''''I' COIJD ]ItIX, l~SPHALT ~_..~~~~~..."~~~.~~~""'~.,... If. Cayuga Qua.rri,,;$ Ltd. 5. Hager8Ville Ltd. (,' u "" '\ d," .;.. ot:'l. ,"~ Q"''''' '1'" ,I:. ~"~ ,. -to. r~ {) $) l-lCt.,t~ 1.11ll(;..nt...l.. . \,h':4'" 'f .';..r.;a'~ J..~v....i Q GROUP 5 - CALOl~ ~RI~ ",,,.,"",,............""',"........'m....,",.,',. "'''''-~-,,~".,'''''''',._..'''.~._~:-_.$''''''....'''.. :j; 0 1'td tl ~) Harro\.; ied Chemical Canada Ltd., Toronto J' BULl{ --- Allied Chemical Canada Ltdu" Toronto ~ OROD? 6 ~ro;.~.""""">d''''''~~ POR'rL,hND CElviENT A,,"hlJi;,j;,~i.f';~.....""".~~.tlf~,'; ....." ~~I~..~.i1l;t..e.~~ 1. St.. }.'\axy I s Celll€U t Co. L'td 0 2. Canada cement Co. Ltd. )0 Lalte Ontario portland Cement. Co. Ti' v 0 0 13 ~ St, {~ ThottU1S ,<-ttgb v Stret1 (~".?ch ... ~ <:l Max'}'. 1i:2; Cerf.~ent:. Co Page :3 $5<)50 pe:c ton Gr~ryuge\> \\\. " t~ 0 pe:r t..on. at Hagerf:i1rille ip)o) $5050 per t~o 11 Ht; fl.'" 1'" ~"v . '\1 ,", r ?~,S"e.n .::p ~_....., <",;; ~t. () :~:l 6;)iXJ. (J t,O!l.., Pr:tce6 FoO()xL, .,~ o~ fl~lD~ ',.~~~ "".....,. C) Q (,;; j; \ .~,,~ i':l ... J ..,,~..t, Flreight <~> ~~5 ~80 in b 1 P '.. ~.7 ~ J.O t.1 a r)\. ~.~ e ~'-~ tl;t!i,114, tot'l pl~J1S the T;~,x ~ Deli.v ~n."edt (t. ":>> t'l..d-~). ..p .,} ",) (} 1:,.) .; Sale~z o (} 5~. ; 1, d :1. ~~ (t~ 01n'1 t tnllk l\~QO('iBQ o t) o }!~G()o~aQ <) . \ Pag.e j,~ "il rot. ") rrn:..~Il,\yy,~,"G'DSI oaR "n1\i11'f'l"U''f'\1 titLe lI. NY" ~U,.).,..,'<l" "'l"r,'lC ~~.e::~~~ G'ROU1~ ~l d_"'~'~"" DRAIN T1J,;E ~r.,~N"'~ Delle~ts Tile Ltd., ~rownsville ~ F.O.B. BrO'flnsville 6" _ $100.00 pel." ~ 811 _ $150.00 pel." M 10" _ $240.00 per lJb GR.O\lP e ~~",~~~~IIP J~~~~ 1" concrete Pipe-tlest. ripe-Lt.d., Kit chen et" - As per list leai!l 5~ prompt. payment. DiSCOunt." 20 canada Vitrified products Ltd., St~ (} Thorns*-' FoOs:J5Q' St.~ Thoma~ As per list less ~~ prompt Payment. Discount - Delivered if over 12 tone. ~fj """ j+8(~ 'per f'oo't 10 tV <f" 72'~ p~s f'O{)~ 1. 21'~ 4<' ~O~ l?~r :too/t ORO~!...J> Q,~lfB~ " All Bela per list ';ili~h pt'1,ce~ t.he 5tUUe'() 1. A:rl\lCO 'Drainage iJr.' ~e'tal productS of canada Ltd". Guelph i f'J'I.'" 1"\1 ."'" ft'''''' '1, '* l!!lJ "f' ,;.e> U A "~ , " .1 J '" U.. )'"".... 'W 0 J. ,,~b'~ Car Pipe) 2. R~$eo Metal products Ltd., London :3. Ca.nada CUlvert. company Ltd., London 4. Corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd.. S'\it'atford _ {No A.sphalt eoe:ted Pipe) _ (No Asphalt O,,)s,ted Pipe) ,,, B.S. Rubbel1 &, Sana Ltd.. '1.~hame!:vil~e _ {No A!!lpns.1t Coated Pipe on Bond Stoe\t'j ", ~."'~"! P _ "t -100.~ C 1,.,. Q. . ...."'..,/;l.r eopl.El .,....0.. 9 JS"aW& 7 . ontll:tiO cul '\fElrt, iJr. Metal 'ProdUCt.8' Ltrl.. W$.teI'lOo s. WElet.Elel PI'oduet$ Ltd.. Tot'onto ... " " Car:!.er,on CUl 'l~ft't. ('..0. L td" · ~t~a ~ ;t9~~'b:r~~]~~12,.~"'Q!!- ~~,1;~ll~ALS AND S.lJ!.11~,~.~. g!lQ~J~ lft FENCING MATERIALS It~...~~, ."._.,',.....~. ~ Pelge 5 10 :Lundy Fen~e Co.~ Ltd0 \) Dunnville = FoOQBo St~ Thoma3 94g-,),.2 Fenc e 7~ Posts and Clips{T} "', 1.611 Gates #9 Brace Wire ' 1 3/4" Staples Snow Fen(~<e 2(" Bou.ghners Bu.ilders Supplies>> Springfield 948~12 Fence ~ 7 ~ P<.iJsts and Clips ( T) ~, 16' r~arm Gates #9 Br'ece Wire 1 3/l}11::::Staples SnO'i l?ence' ~~ '# ,(; Steel Company of Canada Li.mited 21 London 948=12 Fence 7' Post5 and Clip8(~) ~ 16~ Farm Gat,es #9 Brace Wire 1 3/4" Staples 4 ~~ Dominion Steel & Coal Corp {) Ltd Q ~ 1..,ondon 948<?12 J;i\ence 7' Posts and Clips(T} ~ 16' Farm Gates 119 Brace Wire 1 3/4n Sta.ples 50 Elgin Co-Operative Services>> St Q 'rhomas 91.1>8-12 J~'ence 7~ Posts and Clips(T) = 16' Farm Gates #9 Brace Wire 1 3/'4ff Staples 6 (t Pedlar People Ltdo 7f1 T Ra.il Posts 70 R.osco Metal &:, Rooting ProduJcts>> London 16f Farm Gat.es 7 ~ f\;'$ p",~ ~ i- c.' ~.'iI'.{ tt.,....'" '; <ia ~ ~W'~, 'fJ bJ \tv...l:.... l~"_.f f&:.p ~ Clips Snow Fence (carload) Le~:;s than carload $130 (:I 20 pe)r 100 :r,~dB J.,~'" t'0 lr~o '1< 000,) per '" v ,230;0 each }~l.' o.l~ per 100 ~bSQ 4 12075 per 100 .Ll':lS ~ $13050 per 100 feet $135050 pe:r' 100 rods t 91:25 per 100 :f2b~o 25 each .:till 060 .per 100 Ilbso $13 C! 85 per 100 I.lbs ~ $11+~. 95 per 100 feet $135060 $ 91025 d. 2 ~ '1 t:. if 40~):; $ 11060 :$ 13060 per 100 rods per 100 ealf~h per 100 Lbso per 100 Lbs, ') ~13~o~O pe~ ~OO ro~s i~ 91~! !t...5 pel. 100 S 24 <} 15 aa(.:h ,,,,,. t 11,",60 per" 100 Lbs <, s. ti'-. ,. .......1..,...' ~.. ~ 13 (~60 pel' .tOO .Lbs I' 8135(,60 per 100 rode i- 91025 per 100 2i~ t) 15 ea(:~h 11.~60 .per 100 Lbs" $ 13060 per 100 I.~eQ 1'1 ,~o 11 <J Ham1" l'tJon dH" ~~ 'P (,):;;;) " per 4 t''', 4 r.~O ~L . (\d- e~- (C; r:: 4 j'~ .E. '" 00 '~'.('. t"', $.rf.l.. p. ~~~ ,1. , .......' () ~...i!' J .~~ &. et/,tt 11 70 - '100 p.~~ .J:u..e.~, (> ,.._ P e .t "". \... j. ~ '..~ ~ t~,,~ 1'. oil () c,/ ,." (.. f ~~)~t<j o,J" per J),t..,l J eet. GROUP 10 ~'.>v~~;;...~'l:"~'J-~~";:';l~ FoOoBo S~o Thomas ~1 1?O~)!S ,""'lif~.;~I~'" __.....I':rt.,1,J.j.t.;,,'.:::O:-J ~Thedf01":d $0075 ~ $0099 ", \k~~ ~,?1 019 each each ea..eh each corace) each t brac'e ) '7.'? r~'t~'l"" 1t>Ci ,!;~ s:,'>,;1.. <v ()'.~- ... '"" ~ e\'l long 8 \1 long d. \\ ,<' r Y'lJ'f o ~;..'\,;..,-~ ]..0 'S 1. o~:lg ~ 1m Gol,J~1 '5 ~1 "(Jeff> nrl:n {) 6 ~ t.o? rn:ij:\ 0 f'- "~ . 11\1. n t.> I~ 1~ 080 20 Russel strong>> .m $0070 each $1.25 each lbrace) 4." to 6" _'8~ long l'i,1f t"OP 12 Ii long VoO.B- st. ThomaS :;" CU.ffOl"d Taylor. Ridget.O'tlll 4'. to 5~.- 6' long 5~. to 6;'-. S' long 6~. and u-p - 8' long 1.4," top · 10' long ."., lv65 each Ooas each 1. (j 2; each ,,0090 each 1"0 c. Colden, spring Brook 4f t.ast · 8' long """ y.62 e8.ch 5 " t.o 6 · - S~ long ~ 0,,80 each 6 ,11 to 7 " - 8' long r::-~ 1;00 each ~--1:l ~ 1.. Burlingt.on st.eel Co. Ltd.. Ratnil t()'n 2. J. "arriS & sons Ltd., Tot'on:to A1.1 Ba&e price ~5.80 per ~. ror 20 Ton order or m.Ol~e (I S1~e and Bending ~~rae. Steel company of canada Ltd., H~ilton Base price$So30 per 0Nt. for 20 Tons or morso Size and Bending extrae. '0 OltO'UP l~~ .._~:;:;;.;;.-""--"'... ~~ 1.. B.S. Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Thamesv:tlle Delivered to st.. 'J.'b,oma.a $'] .7.5. e.aeh. $9025 each No charge for sharpening endso s/sn K ~ S 6' j/8~ x 6" s 7' 1962 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES . ... __.. N'.- . --.--. .- OROtJP 12 ~~,.,..ItI~'A~~'~~ GRADER BLADES = continued ~~~0l;ltI~"""..,....."'."""'1">> Page 1 2<) J <;Do Ads-tuS Coo Ltdo s Paris ""'" F.,OoBo Pari~3 (Quantit,y over 200) 5/e~ x 6'v x 6 "oft Sharpened Edge 5/8'/\ it 6~ X 7110'" Sharpened Edge ~> i7 o~a each 8u64 each. '{ 90lS each )J;i Sawyer"",Ma'ssey}} Ham ilt, on 46 Gratt'ci'fSY Equipmetl't Ltd4,~ Kitchener 518ft J( 611 X 6\lQ11 # $ao2S Gactl - Delivered 5. RasCO Metal Products Ltd., London S/8" x 6n x 6!Oiff GROUP l~ ~~i':..~ L'lJ'M.BE;R '"""""'~"",. 1. \-lm. Saunders &:. Sons. Dutton Noc 1 Merchantable - 2x4~ 2x6 and 2x8 Noo 3 Kiln Dried. Western Spruce '-' lx~~' lJCa $ lxlO>> lx~..~ 2. 11 i,g 19 ""It -av.ild el" 's SUPP 11 L td 0 ~ , $" Q Tbomp.s . ., . 1 MerChan~a~t~ $pr~ce ~ '2 ~:.4 ' 2 ~ 6 2 ~ ~. 2 * :\0 2. ;. 1~2 No. ~ M~rchanta.ble Spruce Sh e~~'Lh. iPlb .jj. . lx6 1 x g 1 % 10 lio 0 ) ~ Marbt<t Fuele &0 Lwnber Lt.d., " 5t, 0 Thomas NOq 1 Mer~hantable Spruce t# 2: x le. :2 Jt '6 :2 x ~ 2. x' it) F \IOoBo l.ondon $8064 each _ $lOOoOO p~r Thousand $120 u 00 per fI.rht~uaand ~95 L,aO per 'fA ~100.00 per M ~?J05 ~OO per M $l:t 0 000 pe X" IJ1, ~il20000 per M , (ft9 ~ . 00 'il"~;~~.'~ ':lJl :;::. ~'l-'..J I:' ,l:".....D.>.\'..\. {r-Cf'" 00 l{)()~"~q IJ.,Jf _ if' 'j" I.J }.' e; of. f.."l ";~"R n~' !.....('.. f"~"""'" 'N' ~.~_~. 'V&,ji Q ",.I'~.P $."";;;; J~ J> .l cl~0e:, .")'-'" ' ,,~- 'M <#> '>J) 7\) () ~,,,,,;,/ p-c;;.J3.. L"k __ ~99 000 per 1ft ~105<:OO per 1Ji, ,,1> $10;000 per M 1962 'l'ENDERS FOR MA TERIAIoJS AND SUPPl~IES """'1~....'8:trw3t';;J,t{4ll;un~.:lI~lCl:e'~.-._,"__"........-._:~~_....._~"...............~~__..._~.__...__~~. .......,. ".. ,.u.."...__.,....~~_......_~",.~.._............_f;lII GROUP 1) ~~'C~En~~.'_O !!J!1~~ft ',"' cent inued :3 t' #1 ~1erc.harrta,ble Spruce Sheathing lx 6 1. :x a 1 x 10 1 x 12 1ft l', Bo'Ughner~ B'Uilder~ Supplj.e,~ 9 Sprirlgfield No <:. 1 Merchantable Spr~lce 2 x 4 . 2 ,x- 6 2 x g 1 x 10 1 x 12 illlqu~ }~.!t ROA.D SIGNS ~UiIllllIliII:n.......__..,..-.~ 1" Sto Thomas M~ts.~l Signa Ltdo ~ Sto Thoma~ R3 ~ ~~X Speed or Max Weight 24~,;)I{ ,; 0'" Sehpol Cro~f!ing 24'tx)6" fiJnd Me.:t:'>ke;r J6n;xl2n Road M~rker$ ~ 50 " <" '1'> 100 ",,,,1.4[,0 "-,,.;J , 1 ~wn Se~ie~ 24x24~ .10 foot l1un flang~d PostiS complete with Filter Bl~~ka ,~. Q'aJ~va_nized 12 foot' "U'" F~1"aJiged POiSts compl.ete wj"th Filt~r 51~e~s ~ Galvan1~ed 2 <} M:echanieal Adv~rtj.atn.g Ltdo}) 'Osh~wa ,. 10 fQQt f'tJt? F\la~ged Posts G$,IV'Etni~ ~d, . ;t:e foqtnun Fl~n~~d Posts "W" Series 24"ia4n En4 ~a.:rj,(e:r$ ROJad Mark,;r$ J ~ KEU1~tY S1~n~ ~ Tt)r~otrt~ 10 foot ~O$t$ li2 foot, P9$t~ ~wn ,'Seri~B ':24ffx24" l3.ridg$ . Erid :Marker~ Road MaTk~rG ' Page 8 $97000 per ~~ $10$000 per M $109 () 00 per ~1 $112000 per M ~105QOO l)er M ~pl05 Q 00 per M $105000 per l-1 $112000 per M .;:<'ll't "j) ""ll 00 ,1'ili q:)l..,,~ 0 ' per AT!. ~19 !) 59 ~ r. 41:.49 ,6(.49 4\198 '"' ' $b. <) 82 *~:t~ ~a~h each (no acotchlite) each each)- Reflectorized each)' with ~~otchlite each) , ea.ch $4<>40 each $5 ,,00 ~a<qh $4051 da5 ~'>1l ij) '!) """ $iL~ ;25 ~7 "ll ~ w v~:.~, ~;_ '''''J v ~"* 0 ri:... 14> <$. $4 ~ ~,'~.6 45 4'),'t.'J. ..9 0 (i;.)! ~{! , ~o <~ 60 !7~7; ~5034 ea~h ea~h each each esch~ Any quant1.ty :reflee1~or:tzed II e$.<<;h compl,~ ~ ,soh compJ,ete eaoh each eaeh = ref1e~tor~~ed ", f'1t""" mr'."-n',''''ncJ F'nT::l '~~l1rnl""n""" ~'I c li.i\~"1 Onr'b'T ""1:'''''1 ~,b,,2~Q_~,",f:,.:~~=-.!.,*,~~P ."1..,;-;;,!!:...11:.;,,.Ii..6 i1 J.li:~., ,.,..:'1.1 'JJ.:_;:?,";.!~} J." K;..6 ;j ("'ROUP '''$.1 ~:~~~~j~"~J<~~~w'~IO~~::.t *f") ""ilo -'I.' r. 1 o;t.,{?,;: 9 PO Il. 1') t' TON' C :.~...~~:.,_::?,:-: uK..Jd. 4v Rosco Metal Products Ltdo, London GH.OUP 15 ~r~::P(C'(~).'t"1lh,toJ~e:''''"'__H_..jr~~, D a "1"',,] tlt .t.!1.;~~.t. nwn qA":r.~1A. 2~"y2P:" ,~ t:......~ ,. ""I<,W~ ~-.&'~,..~ End l\f.fark era Road fvlal"'kers rbs" 60 .!,>I" ,,~ '1> <)' ~1St<<.;rl $7040 ea.~h. T.\"j.f"o\. p.......r,....~ eJ'l!..~--.,.~i~"J..:!TAd .. lJ a 4:k~......'~ ti;} '~.~i:)';f.a..' v '"* 1f~ t::1lRD' IOF'.!).D _~~~<-_ ..~.:J,~.~ ":! f\i ',~~ ~ 'I,.,. h ~ .- p"':J ,It ':"it. ~~ on. v .. oS }.. C. L4~ ...~ .lk.. (J H(),L ....'i.~~~:roo, ,r.....J"a...' VI:, V? arlaJ>oS.ll,.'(. (} 'l) 'vq.;lj. ~ 9 Ot~lf~n SOU1tld .,... Red I~eHd A!ft:i,,<,Corros:tve ~6 <l'}flr n~~'" ~"~]~!l^'i>'~ ~i} (1 r...,) r-';;;~ ~""O;~, ~"!,,,W'r..,l!. '':1 """-t,rl''''''''..mr' ""0. "f.tf'i ~t f"f!\.-~-'~il:"""~ J." ,\) ~,;g....,),,~l<ul. ~~.,! li {) .t\..:, 01.. v ji t,.;, '" '"' ,1..i.;:.Ullh:t..;<> R lFul .LetHi ~7 <) 60 per Gall~n and ~~7 020 per G~illon t!t t::, t1 $' per G~111G:'n 1:P.,lf Q. ~ " ~ ~- T 'S. G ;; 0 ,fl, '.1 ;~ 0. .....ee>> r. V <1 .' ~~org~; 4." Gflnadi&u 1:ir(l::. C(;::rporatior! >.J St, c> Thomas (i~ 6" ~ ~ 10 If> .~'. ,rz "....~ 'il R\ ':O'~ '<l.f~ " .'v." >:;; .<;. J,.q (;ll....... l'\\' ':,,&' ol'.'~ ~)o Alima Paint &.:. Val~nish GO<ll 1td~9 London '.c\' $i.~ () 95 per G~aJ.la!~ L ~- T+d m".t ~t ~c. "'11 00 J.r'l9J.CO .tH.., (;l 9 ~to:t."'on 0 "f" ~':~Q t1'...,jJ per ~Ji<;'4.A.'.on "7 lI''t~~{~t""..n "'fIO' 1~e Ma.nufacturing Co Q ~ 4~.t!.... ':~~ 'l:~O'tfl. G:allon loll:) 'W 0$.. ~"J!,.~, ,r """ nt'....; {~ 'Ji.... i.'" ...",~ 0 0 Rodn~1 .' d R)~. '1 <"'>1.:'1. ~ ~ Dal.~ W\i'i". S' ~.. "!FV'~. ~ '" t:ti-...... <T.'l."1"~lt;t~.s tl:1. ":,.,, ....7",I>.""'~ ,<b;Il.l.. ('1...#" ~,_ ..;;......'l:::,;~ llJ....q ,l.,h..nd.C'",~ $6060 per Glallon GRE;P;N AN"rI~CORHOSIVg A~JD GREY Al~TI~"CORROSIVE BR:ID(IE PAINT ~"'''''llifl'h~.~:r.:r.~l'".1MtJ;l..M ..:': ..,~~ttuf""~~'- ""',' pt"'IW__~~r:l'J'"_''''' ..,~1,..,..__-:_" ...'.,.,,':.........., ',~._> .~~~,.,~,.~".-,.,._,-",~,ncU." ~jI;!tf1~,.~~~,~ 1,;, NOJrth.eJtri Pail1.t &: Va~nish COI.,Ltdq~) (jt1~n SOUlt d q" Qreeri An t:f~"", C~;prr{)l ~ i 'fie Grey "An.ti,.-'CorrQ$i'l1l~ 2" 2 q 01 J,dd,f)n Co ~ Ltd q ,1 St..;\ ~rhf.nna~ Green Anti~C~rrosive ~ I . iii '.Jl 'f" '1 (.rr$Y ..fl.nt~",'~~OITOS<Vi! ~A 6~ ':i'Il"",,'!."'_ ,t'~ ",.1 ~j g".~ 'ih...; (l .' '" }.1 r,:;.;..il,. {.,:;.~il..~.... 'Ir-~ X.'l. ~~l!.' '- ~ "@'~ f'i ~'} 11' .r..I'n, <i.pf.) ') ('jI;:) J.f ;;;J,n. <U;:'~.""' '!' l...,Xt. .'7 '1~ ~M~. ~tll'~,~ft t,t) 0 ;# li"~'&' \J.. riA tA.va,u. ~7 ;1'} fl." y-... !h ':r. r~ t2l 1 '1 ..... 'ri "t" 0 q ",I !-I" r;:;;;~ v'...~~,~.,!.~,,~, 10 R p JI; 0. L~e ~ S..t <;! G{$Orge Qr~en or'G~~y Anti~Co~ro$ive Canadian ~l'ii,re C~)l~poration5) Stft Thoma~ - Or~y'or Green Anti~CorrQ3iwe Gf.;illt.ib'l $4095 p(!i~r Gallon lkf> &J.6 "" .e; "J ~ 'l.... $. O~M'# k t..c'_ li'J.l,,"on. p. ,:,~" t~ ffi' 'U., "'f' i \'7.f~.,;ti T . A .l'1,,,,IJ.I.;;;.1. .ii.,...!; (.5C lfa,!n"'~T.n \.IOlo ",,~t/U<il>> London . ,:-,,' ( ql~ey o:r Green ^ntl".>-Corl...tH~ivl5,~ ,,t, ... 'T~ ":l,''fj f1t>^ T t4'~ rr4^'~"'lI''Ilnll-...'\; \.)0 .A~~.....~..... ..,.9.'W\O~ :~~",,''''''o i1.;~,,,, = Anti'~a.Co~crof~:t VI.? o~, G4.>'Oe~ll Jhrt~,,,,-Ct:tl"roiS:t'we ~, Grey '50 tj~~11 &:.0 ~ ~>.'t;4 f(:;""t" ~~2 '"'l:\..J~~ \l}'~' 0 .i er...,."" '.JIo.",~.;~CM, (?, ~ 1; ,f'l. ipi(.} 'i) ~ '":1 (ir~~ "':') ~ ~2-""' ~ n t.~.4l ~~~ ~~'l~p ~G~ ~IQ~~~~~1 per Ual~on ?Q ea'i~ i,::lI:~l' ~.^. or. & j\~~T\~'l:",\ '!i'1'"", ""'tOY.1 >P1'-~ ~.,. tf {'r.~ l-J",.."""..... ,,,,v 1f'~ · ~'''Ilt4.J\.e2.'M'..........,ll. _o.1..tti." ''-/."" J!;>> ...~ !/; .h.oaney '? Grey or G~"'€i~~l Arrci=Corro~d,v~ l'h6 or' 7' .' r.~ ~tt "1 ~ '):;" p~r ;'JJ,au:J...,!!,.on d u (~ V!"h ~JJrfL8, S He:.td 1.1 S Pa:iio.nt S~~rvi C~:, St:.? t;''l'~~'"'''l'-'~n''' f:\. ~.r,,,,.4 --- ...,,"" ~";j ll,.,~ ~ ..!l.J, v.1t. .-- a, t: fJj' r ~o 0 1 ,') p~n't o,allon ~;t:;~ 'i(~J",,"1 T'''''NI'}'''-'I'C l?()f( ~ltAf''l'C''DIAlS IlN'i'l S"f?:i?')f ""E~ :~~!..~~:~,,~1~~W$~r:~~~~:;,_~:: ,~:,...~~:~~~~:~~..-..!~'WU~~!~ ~ t. ;;~,2:~=~~;. QIiQ.~lf f ~~JN! ORANGE GUIDE RAIL PAIN'l" ,l'I~~'M"1J":~~AAit~h;~.'l;~';,;.;:,l._,<_,.__"",_.;'P.tf\. _ ..,~".,._~.~bWI~<lk~~'~~~;'-.."~,HI 1n Nortphern Pain.t> &- Vr-J.:rrliah (Men Sound Lt~d "') ~. ;" R ,:,lq~" Lee,; St, <' Geo:~"'ge 3 Canadian Tire Corporation~ St ''" Thoma~ " 4, Alma Paint & Varnish Co London Ltd '1 ~ 5,;, mM~l~r L'td rI~-A'l.A l....\, ',:"" /(;"'I,r:J .' f . t'J}) ,~;-J. Vi .ft.lv 6~ Steelcote Manufacturing COD~ Rodney t!7 '(!J R .:l> ," d'~ '? ~ Y.') ~:'11 t ~'''' l1& ,"'~ "j) ,,", 6l ~ ", T.t". ?"'m~ @,: . d. 1 Yo q';)I' r.:a A. n l) ",,,l' if .... ',,,, "'~ ~j1 l,.. ~ 0 H va",;: .~" l' I':: f.:. ~l..1" 0.) .;,t. ,,~ () t: \~) ') ,. .1 <~ "'7 ,,) t,~ 't-! <> ,f" ), tt", b "\1 ;'1"". t;; ~).J'~ ./ m"" 9"'" t:p j o,cC d,li ~. t:.~. '~~l" \l ,) ~J ~n. ~~J., \~l.l\.", (> ~J' "t' per per per P('!r' Gal pe,r Gc'i,,11c)n '.. ", '1 per UlJ;...L on per C:;;,ll(J'l1 }'(?,ge 10 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMl\[ITTEE met at the -", Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the March E~th and March 20th Meetingswere read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on Tenders received for a new Eighteen Inch Chain Saw with the County's old Model 400 Pioneer Saw as a trade-in. THE BIDDERS were as follows: 1. Howard Machine & Equipment Limited, Rodney 2. R.H. Futcher & Sons, St. Thomas $100.00 $125.00 3. Bromley's Farm & Garden Equipment, , New Sarum $134.00 4. Thomas Breen, Wallacetown Not interested MOVED BY SECONDED BY 'M. TANSLEY W. ROBSON THAT THE TENDER OF HOWARD MACHINE AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED, RODNEY, FOR A NEW MODEL NUl? CHAIN SAW FOR $100.00 (PLUS TAX) AND THE COUNTY'S OLD PIONEER 400 SAW BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROV'vTN L. ELLIOTT THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #9 - $1,858.22: PAY LIST #10 - $8,151.22: PAY LIST #12 - $11,514.11. CARRIED. Page 2 1. 2- ST. THOMA.S, ONTA.RIO" A.PRIL 5TH, 1962. TUB ENGINEER reported on the work as folloWS: Road conditions were improving but there were numerOUS Pot Uoles on Road 27 and Road 42 and some portions of broken pavement. Road 45 between Mount Salem and calton _~nditiOn but was considerablY improved. 3- 4. 5- Rubble was being placed in ditches on Road 27, Road 24 and at the Meek Bridge and a programme of culvert Replacement in Bast Blgin would be undertaken shortlY' surveYs were continuing on Road 20 and work was nearlY completed on Roads 2 and 16. Fingerboard Signs were being erected. 6. 7- L. ELLIOTT M.OVED BY c.u- PHILLIPS SECONDED BY TUA.T ROAD TOUR DA.TBS BB SBT A.S FOLLOWS: FRIDI\'L, A.PRIL l3TU, WEST END,9:00 I\.M. AND AVRIL 17TH, EAST BND, 9:00 A.M. C~RRIEU. A LETTBR waS read from Mr. C.G. spencer giving 1 t the count"'S method of construction for 1962. D.U.O. approva 0 J I\ LBTTER waS read from the Clerk of the TownshiP Page 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5TH, 1962. of Aldborough advising that the Judge would hear the County's Appeal re the McPherson Drain on April 16th at 3:00 p.m. THE WARDEN reported on the meeting with the Honourable W.A. Goodfellow on March 29th with regard to having County Road 36 from Road 24 to port Bruce designated as a Development Road. A LETTER from the Honourable W.A. Goodfellow re Surface Treatment was read. THE TENDERS for a Rubber Tired Self-Propelled ROLLER were opened and discussed. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT A COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF THE WARDEN, REEVE NIMMO, THE ENGINEER AND NORMAN CHAPLOW BE APPOINTED AS A COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE RUBBER TIRED ROLLER TENDERS. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned for lunch. AFTER LUNCH Mr. C.G. Spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer, London, was present. THE TENDERS for Materials and Supplies were considered and were as attached. Page 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5TH, 1962. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY W. ROBSON ......_,~, THAT TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BE RECEIVED AND THE ENGINEER INSTRUCTED TO PURCHASE WITH REGARD TO QUALITY AND PRICE. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that Invoices from the Canadian National Railway for the County's Share of the Crossing Protection on Road 18 and Road 20 had been received and that the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada had asked for their approval of the Invoices before payment was authorized. THE ENGINEER reported that a Board of Transport Order Commissioners for Canada/had been received requiring Crossing Gates and Flashing Lights on the N.Y.C. Crossing on Road 40 in Springfield. to ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~c~ A REQUEST of the Dominion Department of Transport re an Easement on County Road 45 between Mount Salem and Calton in regard to their V.O.R. Site on Lot 30, Concession III, in the Township of Malahide was deferred pending inspection on Road ~~!f THE REQUEST for the Annual Grant to the T~wnship Road Superintendent's Association was considered. ~ MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.D.PHILLIPS L. ELLIOTT THAT WE GRANT $25.00 TO THE TOWNSHIP ROAD SUPERINTENDENT'S ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1962. CARRIED. Page 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 5TH, 1962. CORRESPONDENCE from the Ontario Good Roads Association re the Annual Road Superintendent's School was .------., read. MOVED BY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON G.E. BROWN THAT NORMAN CHAPLOW BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT'S ROAD SCHOOL ON MAY 14TH AND 15TH IN 1DRONTO. CARRIED. IT WAS DECIDED to.ask that a meeting with the Kent County Road Committee on April 13th be arranged, if possible, to view the Orford-Aldborough Townline Road. THE ENGINEER reported that the Appeal Court of Ontario had increased the compensation to the Reids for land expropriated for Wellington Road, but no written reasons had been received yet. THE COUNTY Assessment on the Adler Drain on Road 45 near King's Highway #19 was discussed and it was decided to view the Drain on the East Road Tour. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY W. ROBSON ~....~ THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MAY 8TH, 1962 AT 1:30 P.M. CARRIED. ') ~/" I /J .'t ~ YCvl.~)/ V~A~ . .. ( CHAIRMAN TO THE WAPJJEN MEMBERS lo OF ~~:nE COUNCIL tfjE R.ECOI4fr,1El~1)) 8 1J:Ht\T a ST <:1 THOl:rtAS ill O~JT1~RIO MAIftC;fi SlBSSI(n~ S' 1 ~H)2 (> RQ~d App~~t)I~i.pi eti.oJrA }Ey-L.a~l l)tf.) p$.t$&B.ed .ti_,* be ~11a~c1:~t(~d ~L'iJ. f't;")llQ~lfa ~ f;S!~&,;!1J1flll~IXQ!! ROf~S $1~82500000 ~RIDGES & CUl.VERTS ~ 500000 NE~1 MACHl1~TERY bl 000<) O'{) SMFBRINTBNDENCE ~ Q'V[~RHl~AD !~iAI N'~Ey.,J~~)JCE -=.~~-,-,..-~......-----~-....-~-- $239~600000 49 ~ 60(ilc 00 i~ 5 SJ 8CCi t) 00 trOT AI. ti~~~~~ $3789100/00 8~}l $J JtOO Q 00 2581000<lOO 4$~SOOoOO TOT.i1,l,S. ~ ~'9r~.c:'1 i"l'>~..~ (".,..~ t.fi~<v'",,)? $ ,01V\i Cl VlkJ c.:"-:';;'~:;:=_:C:::~""':;;!::'''.:~.:;:;::.--"---''''1"''-::=~...,___.....q:::--..=:;~~''''----- '~,....~-......___~~~""""--~::=.<::4~~~~"""~ . . . $S35~ 0000 00 !~3~~S 9 OO{J,oOO ~~~?1~::~C:~~~~~-~~~~""'~~~~"-~~='::::~i:=~~T'~~~.;~:::~::;;.t;Al.::r-~~=~~r';'L-=tt= DRJ~AK]::l\{G THES~~ i\1\10UNTS Dov:,~r: ALl: R{}i,t'ld fi Bg~idgs and Culvel'~'t COll}),sta:~uc'tjton to be dona on Cou~ty Ro~ds = COUNTY ROAD MADJ.TENANCE $0 Ao ROAD MAINTENANCE COUN~i BRIDGE AND CULVERT !t1.~~.l1i ~rE N AlIZ'Cf2 $224 ~ ooc~ I) 00 $ l5...9 60(~ G CO ~~.-.. ..-...,~-,..........--~ $} 41 ~ 60C~oOO $'0 1\0 BRID(~E k~ln) CUlt,VER~ti; MAIN:rENAliC!-.__-,,4f.>L~1.Q..~tQ:9J! COUNTY O'\f!nU~.E;AD S (' A 0 OVER-HE, An ;~ .5 $J 800 Q 00 LESS STOCK ON HAND= 'il'}1!:.~~:'{.11'" "l'"'I\.'ft"l 1M A m1.':'l'D "lr i.\ i a' .fl., n.{,!!~ n,n ~.. t..A~~\-~.,gt.l~U ~iLIr~~~ E;;EJl..~,tll~~~~~!;.~1i=--~.~~~.~~t:" $ .{~4 SJ OO(~ (; <00 ~ I =, 1",800 00 .- ._-,..Q.=""".... $U~}b600\,()O 2.31) bOO. <:::1Q $ 49$>600000 $ ~5.9800'JOO 20. fHAT !). Supple'nlen't.aiL~Y By-Law b~~ pessle4 ldPP11l0pr4ia:tt ng $4219000000~ t~ be allo~a~ed as follows: ':'l !H~ 0 0 0 t,;q, -''0.' 0 ""'" t~ "Cl -' "" '3 0- " t;ij ~~j ~l) 0 0 0 0- @ i<;,} ~ 0 0 0 ~ ...-<! ~J ~ loO Q 0 (;) ;'~ e1 ~ E.l ~~ ~j ~ ~. ~ m .-.... t:Z M ~ ~(j ~ :-'" \:; f4 ~r .~ C'<:i '-4') '{!} ~~ 0 {1 p~ ,,!:i tt ~~~ ~ :J ~! C':i t40"j r:.... ~ M ." e 1\&t.,; e tID ~ ~) 0 '0 .O! ~~. e>) ~l ej <ij t* ,,~; ~ ~ tJ f,,; ~ - ;:.~. e_, ~'i' ~~. e- ~~ ~ li4 ~.,l !;10 "f"! r.:r .v> t~, .,\j ~"I1i " 0 ....-1 "'i'i t~ t;j ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ t: ~."4 rl'~.s-:! 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V 0 .t,;,--C "%,, .-:: """ .;:0,;'- t.:e ...." t... ~ t,; &~ fJ ~ "...'" ~~~ i under' 1963p Ccunplet Loa Const rv j,~.t i, (I;,) n Culver"i, C South 'I'll estimated cost to " ~til1s on the: '1/ ~>> "l'H detligo<8!te a~jj CO~Ul'ty Road d j fj 1:-, ~ n~."' \Pi. nf n Stme deleg(at~~~!s: Hj, ghw ,ray i 4L, \')f' Build.i.ng$, (,' .;>> fJ TH ,~V!1 I>und I;.Af5) l~sedf 01r') Ro ST c THOM,AS ~ ON1.~ARIO l) MARCH SESSION>> 1962 ,;-, @,1~ Programme t.o b':!l undef't aken i ill ,9 Street Bridge9 and 9 and the Hoov~~ Bridge onth~ 'f;ewnline " ReAD BUDGET of $96:Z 9 000 ~ 00 ~'t ;:an :$;364~620QOO being ltl Roadlewy of v 'Of Highways 'be p~et.itiol)~d to ad. ~ County Road 36 flit"om High~tlay #73 at. Port B.l"uce ill 4 miles~ AND THAT the W~~d~n 'the Minster ,and Depar't,roent~ of the petitio};'l., p~ass~ 'to regulat~e th~ :ll@c &'1t~io[l (~n L~nd~ :adj &1Jont 'to County Ro <i:,d~ Un! t.ed Countie~~ <<>>f Sll.Aj)gemOn'~~ ~ in,Ci.~a~e in sUDsldy ftj);IJ" Chemical 1$00 IS RBSPECT~JLLY SU8MITTED~ "=--"'-~fiM~~ _._._-,:::,--=~...;~.,_."-_..,.,.".~--=, ST. THO~AS. ONTARIO, MARCH 20TH, 1962. Court House at 11 a.m. in conjunction with the County council. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the THE CHAIRMAN and Reeve George Barber reported on the meeting with the representatiVes of the TownshiP of Dunwich re Government Drain No.1 North. ALL MEMBERS were present. AFTER DISCUSSION the following Resolution was pa.ssed~ MOVED B1 C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT PERMISSION BE GRANTED TO THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH TO ALLOW THEIR CONfRACTOR TO SET HIS DRAGLINE ON COUNT1 ROAD 5 FROM KING t S HIGHWAY #401 to ROAD 2 TO CLEAN OUT GOVERNMENT DRAIN NO. 1 NORTH AS LONG AS THE CONfRACTOR DOES NOT DISTURB THE ROADSIDE OF THE DRAIN OR DAMAGE THE COUNTY ROAD. CARRIED · A LETTER from Mr. H. orlando of the ontario Department of Highways Regional Design Office re the proposed improvements on Road 36 at the intersection of the New Highway #73 was read. The ontario Department of HighwaYs proposed to build the Road to the west and relocate the curve, if the County would purchase the necessary property and pave all of the county Road west of Highway #73. '~" Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, MARCH 20TH, 1962. MOVED BY M. TANSLE'l SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE PROPOSALS OF MR. H. ORL~NDO OF THE ONTARIO DEP~RTMENT OF HIGHWAYS IN HIS LETTER OF MARCH 15TH RE THE Ul\PROVEMENT OF ROAD 36 ~T THE INTERSECTION OF KING'S HIGHWAY #73 ~ T THE N~ BRIDGE OVER C~ TFISH CREEK BE ACCEPTED- CARRIED. THE PROPOSED BY-LAW re the location of Buildings and Structures on Lands ~djaCent to County Roads waS diSCUssed. MOVED BY C. D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN TH~T WE REcoMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A By-L~W BE PASSED ~ REGUL~TE THE LOC~TION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON LANDS ~DJACENT TO COUNTY ROADS. CARRIED. MOVED BY G · E. BROWN SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THE RESOLUTION FROM THE UNITED COUNTIES OF STORMONT, DUNDAS ~ND GLENGARRY RE AN INCRE~SE IN SUBSIDY FOR CHEMIC~LS USED FOR ROAD PURPOSES BE FILED. CARRIED · THE MEETING adjOUrned until April 5th, 1962 at 10 a.m. . e = l -' . II . Ii ~' it ..'~ I~.. ;:a: .~ .. " . 8~... ..~. <; '0, i.;; ~ ~ 1-; i .; ,.~................. .~.. ~ Ce .. . & .. " . I i " I . I I 0 I t 1 .. If . i i $ .. I .G. .. II .. .. A: I .. .. .. i I .... . :: C I : r i .- . I .. t " .- .. I J .- .. i II 0 , i .... . :I I .. ! :J .. I i c . , ! . \1 a ... t J " 1 ft . I .. J .. B .,. .. .- . 0 f ~ . c J .. t b' ~ i 0 " .. . .. 41 I .. .. . II 1 . - u c f . e . . I JI'It: . . . I " '2 i I . .. .- . . - .... t 1 ~ , PI 'I I #I I l : t .. . r II I 1 J .. .. . u " . ... & I ., E .- :I I ~. U At :I I ! 0 a- f . .... .. . .. " .. .. .. l'".... ;& .-l A - ........ '... e - ....... .,. .- I I . ., - I fW"oii - A ..-. U C 1i ): ...... ..... .... - ...,.... .. ! J ~ .. . ~ .... . . ~ 11 . M .. ... ", t ... . ! J J I .- , I .... ~ S 1 i J .. A . AI ... . . I - . 1- , : - . : .- 1 "" II t . .. ! .. S I .- .. I. ~ .~ , r ! . .. . . :: ... -; .. 1- .. 0 .. J .. I I I I a ] I .. " I .. 0 " .c. J . .. 'I . .. *' I 0 .. .. , = 8 1 . ! , 1 tit .. I .. 1 '1 'I t 0 ... .. 0 . t <<I .s ~ .14 ... " . . .. I B .. , i .. ... I , .- Pi ... iii i . ~ . J .. .. <<'I .. ., I I ! a i I .~ II I . ,~ . J 0 .. 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THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE ~et at the Court House at 10 a.~' ALL MBMUERS were present, also Mr. C.G. spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of l"ondon. THElMINUTES OF THE February 14th Meeting were read and approved. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROND ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- pAY LIST #6 - $1,475.98: PAY LIST #7 - $7,402.74: PAY LIST #8 - $36,321.33. 1. 2. -, CARRIBD. 3- THE ENGINEER reported on the work as followS: Gravel was being hauled to spots that would be likelY to break up at a later date but little break-UP had occurred as the weather had been cold. Brushing was continuing, work having been done on Roads 44 and 46 in the TownshiP of Bayh~ and on Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem. Clearing operations would continUe on Road 16 beginning earlY in the week of t-1a.rch 12th. The APpeal of Mr. & MrS. C.S. Reid had been heard bY the Court of APpeal and judglllent had been reserved. A Board of Transport co~~iSsioners for canada Engineer had inspected the NeW york central crossing on County Road 40 in springfield. The Engineer reported on the ontariO Good RoadS Association Convention which was held February 26th to FebruarY 28th, 1962. 4. s. Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, :tvlARCH 8TH, 1962. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: 1. Mr. J.E. Callaghan, District Construction Engineer of London, reporting the Minutes of the meeting held at the Port Bruce Bridge. 2 . ~1r . Howard S. Gi bson, City Engi neer, re joining the Ontario Traffic Conference. The Engineer stated he would get more information with regard to the work of the conference. THE WTND INSURANCE on the County Garages at Rodney and White Station was reviewed. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT WE RENEW OUR WIND INSURANCE ON THE COUNTY GARAGES AT WHITE S'rATION AND RODNEY WITH THE WESTERN FARMERS WEATHER INSURANCE ~JUTUAL COMPANY AT A PREMIUM OF $318.50 AND $19.50 RESPECTIVELY. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that he had received two tenders for a typewriter. A Royal at $185.20 (including Provincial Sales Tax) plus trade and an Underwood at $193.64 (including Provincial Sales Tax) plus trade. He stated that he and his Staff believed the Underwood typewriter to be a superior typewriter and worth the difference in price. ~--~~", MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON 'rHAT WE PURCHASE AN UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER FOR THE ENGINEER'S OFFICE AT A TENDERED PRICE OF $193.64 (INCLUDING SALES TAX) PLUS THE COUNTY'S OLD TYPEWRITER AS A TRADE~(-IN SUBJ'ECT TO APFROV AI.. OF D.H. O. CARRIED 0 Page 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, :r.'lARCH 8TH, 1962. THE GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL Tenders (as attached) were received and reviewed. MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CANADIAN PETROFINA LIMITED TO SUPPLY GASOLINE AT 29.05 CENTS PER\GALLON INCLUDING TAX FOR 1962-1963 AND THE TENDER OF CANADIAN PETROFINA LIMITED TO SUPPLY DIESEL FUEL AT 33.25 CENTS PER GALLON INCLUDING TAX. CARRIED. MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE was discussed and Reeve Walter Robson asked approval of the Road Committee to allow the Contractor for the Government Drain No. 1 North on Road 5 to set his drag1ine on the Road sO,that he might be able to clean the ditch. AFTER DISCUSSION the following Resolution was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. Et tIOT T THAT A COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF REEVE GEORGE BARBER, REEVE FARNELL NIMMO, THE WARDE'N AND THE ENGINEER MEET WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH RE THE GOVERNMENT NO.1 DRAIN NORTH. CARRIED.. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ST. fHO~~S, ONT~RIO, MARCH 8TH, 19620 'P age 4 THE HOURS of work and wages of various county E~pl0yees were discUssed. }I\. T J\NS LEY MOVED BY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON TH~T THE HOURS OF COUNTY WORKMEN BE FRO~ 7:30 ~.~. TO 5 P.~\. OR 8~ HOURS PER D~Y ~ND ON S~TURD~Y FRO~ 7: 30 ~.~. TO 12 NOON Mt-KING ~ WORK WEBK OF 47 HOURS. TR~VEL TIME TO BE ~PPORTIONED ON b 50 PER CENT CO\JNTY AND 50 pER CENT ~PLOYEB B~SIS, INCREASES TO BE GRANTED TO ~PLOYEES AS FOLLOWS: EMPLOYEES NOW DRAWING $1.40 TO $1.50 - .04 CENTS PER HOUR ~ND E~lPLOYEES NOW DRAWING $1.30 TO $1.35 _ ~3 CENTS pER HOUR. E~PLOYEBS NOW DR~WING $1.18 TO $1.25 - .02 CENTS PER HOUR ~ND a:\PLOYEES NOW DR~WING $1.15 OR LESS NO INCRE~SE . ~LL EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST, 1962. CJ\RRIED. ~OVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOT1 TH~T THE SM"~RY OF ~ARY SCHMOLZ BE INCREt-SED $10.00 PER MONTH, THE S~L~RY OF R~Y COLL~RD BE INCRE~SED $8.00 PER MONTH, THE S~L~RY OF NORMAN J. CHAPLOW BE INCREASED $100.00 PER YB~R ~ND THE SAL~RY OF ~RS. ~ARGARET CONNOY BE INCREASED TO $8.50 PER D~Y' ~LL EFFECTIVE ~PRIL 1ST, 1962. C1\RR1B D · SURF~CB TREA1~BNT MACHINBRY including a Self propelled Rubber Tired Roller and ~echanical ChiP spreader were disCUssed. Page 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 8TH, 1962. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGWWAYS BE PETITIONED TO EXCUSE THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FROM THEIR REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE NEED FOR A MECHANICAL CHIP SPREADER IN 1962 REGARDING SURFACE TREATI1ENT WORK 0N THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROADS AND WORK DONE BY THE COUNTY ON MUNICIPAL ROADS AND STREETS IN THE COUNTY. CARRIED. MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A RUBBER TIRED SELF PROPELLED ROLLER. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reviewed the alignment and grade on Roads 2 and 16 upon which Consiruction was proposed in 1962. The alignment and grades as presented were approved and the Committee was of the opinion that any work done on the Cahill Drain and Road 2 should be done under an Engineer's Report. REEVE R. Me KIBBIN and Mayor Harrison of Aylmer attended the meeting with regard to the cost of Railroad Protection on the John Street Crossing of the Canadian National Railway in Aylmer. AFTER DISCUSSION the following Resolution was passed: page 6 ST. THOM^S, ONTARIO, }.1ARCH 8TH, 1962. G. E. BROwN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL PAY TO THE TO\'lN OF AYUIER 25 PER CENT OF THE COST OF 'J'I:\E JOHN STREET CROSSING IN THE TOWN OF AYUIER FOR THE QU^RTER ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, 1961 ^ND TH^T THY'. COUNTY (JI ELGIN ^PPLY TO THE BOARD OF TR^NSPORT COMMISSIONERS FOR C^NADA TO HAVE THE JURISDICTION OF THE JOHN STREET CROSSING TRANS* FERRED TO THE TOWN OF ^YUmR FROM THE COUN'J"i OF El..GIN · MOVEl) BY CARRIE1) · TflE METHOD of doing County construction work in 1962 waS discUssed. MOVED BY M. T^NSLEY SECONDED BY C. D. Pflll,LIPS THAT COUNTY CONSTRUCTION WORK DONE IN 1962 BY USING RENTED EQUIPMENT AND WATTERS BROS. OF SPRINGFIELD BE. GIVEN pREFERENCE. TRUCKING TO BE DONE AS IN 1962 ^T THE RATES IN 1961. GRAVELCRUSflING PRICES TO BE SOLICITED FROM \'lATTERS, MC LAWS AND BANNOCKBUR}l FAR}\S. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on talkS with }~r. C. BrOwn of the ontariO DepartlIlent of HighwaYS with regard to procedure in getting a Road approved as a DevelOpment Road. TflEENGINEER PROPOSED THE attached By-law to ST. THO}l\P-S, Ol'lTP-R1.0, }l\P-RCH 8TH, 1962. page 7 t" f BUildings and st;ructllre on Land Regulate the Loca ~on 0 ~djacent to county Roads. The co~~ittee took copieS of the By-la\i ho~e to studY' L. ELLIOTT }\OVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY THP-T THB }l\BBT1.l'lG P-PJOURl'l TO P-PR1.L 5TH, 196'2 at 10 a.m. C~RRIED · ///~ CH~l'l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 14TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COl'\MITTEE met at the Court House ALL MEMBERS were present, also Mr. G. spencer of D.H.O. THE MINUTES of FebruarY 6th meeting were read and at 10 a.m. London. approved. · THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows, st~ting~- (1) ICE CONTROL would again be heavy, and a total expenditure of $25,000.00 might be expected for the year- (2) THE WORKSHOP ROOF had been painted and work was continuing on the walls. (3) It was expected that sufficient GUIDE SIGNS would be made to mark all paved County Road intersectiOns. (4) BRUSHING in West Elgin was continuingon Road 5- (5) REPAIRS had been made to the subfrallle on TRUCK 13, and the Bo'X. painted. CORRESPONDENCE waS read (1) from W.' L. Fraser, District Engineer, acknowledging the Co~ittee'S request for traffic light at the wellington Road and Highway 3 and 4 intersections; (2) w. D. ColbY, County Engineer of Kent, re expenditures on the orford_AldborOugh Townline. Co~ittee were of the opinion that a meeting with Kent committee wou}d be ." advantageoUS; the time being in conjunction with the west End Road Tour. (3) E. C. Reid, City Clerk, enclosing a Resolution of City Council with regard to the financing of the City'S share of the wellington Road. The Engineer stated that information would be sought from the ontario Municipal Board re proper procedure with regard to the issueS of debentures or a bank loan, etc., on the CitY's behalf. ....---~ Page 2. ST. THOMAS, ONT ARI 0, FEBRU ARY 14TH, 1962. THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED. report.ed on the Meeting with D.H.O. officials at Port Bruce on February 13th, re a new bridge over the Catfish Creek,. Committee felt that the Highways should be responsible for the loop or turn-around in Port Bruce. G. BROWN M. TANSLEY RE: HIGHWAY #7'J. PORT BRUCE THAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO RETAIN AS A KING'S HIGHWAY WATER STREET FROM THE CATFISH CREEK TO ROLPH STREET AND ROLPH STREET FROM WATER STREET TO COUNTY ROAD 36 (WATER STREET) AND ASSUME AS A KING'S HIGHWAY THE PRESENT COUNTY ROAD 36 FRO~1 ROLPH STREET TO THE OLD CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE, THUS GIVING THE KING'S HIGHWAY A COr.lPLETE TURN-AROUND LOOP IN PORT BRUCE. THE COM~lITTEE FEEL THAT THE ABOVE-.MENTIONED ROAD. SHOULD BE KING'S HIGHWAY, AS THE LARGE MAJORITY OF THE SUMMERTIME TRAFFIC IS FROM OUTSIDE THE COUNTY, GOING TO THE BEACH AND PROVINCIAL PARK. IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY C. D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT WE EXTEND OUR THANKS TO MR. ~r MRS. CAVERLY FOR THE REFRESHMENTS SERVED AT PORT BRUCE BRIDGE MEETING ON FEBRUARY 13TH. CARRIED A REQUEST from MR. T. S. CALDWELL re Transfer of Funds in Annual Return was read. IrWAS MOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT WE REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT "OF HIGHWAYS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFER OF MONEY WITH REGARD TO BY LAW 1787, FROM BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION- $20,018.85. ROAD MAINTENANCE TO Page 3. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 14TH, 1962. ROAD CONSTRUCTION - $31,177.56. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEE discussed the approaching HALF LOAD SEASON, and some of the problems involved, brieflyo THE BUDGET was discussed at some length, with the Engineer answering a number of questions. IT WAS MOVED BY C. D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT WE ACCEPT THE BUDGET AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER, TOTALLING $962,000.00. WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL A BUDGET OF $962,000.00 AT AN ESTIMATED COST TO THE COUNTY OF $364,485.00, BEING A 7 MILL ROAD RATE. CARRI~D. MR. FRANK COWAN of Frank Cowan Insurance Company attended Committee fvleeting, with regard to t~he County I s Liability Insurance and Non-Owned Automobile Insurance Policies, and answered members queries. IT WAS MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE RENEW OUR INSURANCE WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY (1) THE NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE POLICY AT A PREMIUM OF $186.40 (2) THE COUNTY LIABILITY INSURANCE AT A PREMIUM OF $1,418.43. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER IN THE AFTERNOON improvements of County Road, the County Road Programme and Development Roads were thoroughly discussed, l' age 4. 5'1'. '1' Il 01'1 b5, ON '1' J\R1 0 FB BRUl\RY 14 'Ill , 1962. IT \'I b5 MOVBD BY SECONDED Bl l<\. TA.NSLEl G. BROWN TIlbT \'IE RBCO~BND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TIlJ\T TllB . COUliITY OF B LGIN J\ppL Y TO TIlB DBp J\R'l't'\BNT OF llIGW J\YS FOR J\ DBVBLOpMBNT ON COUNTY ROJ\D #36 FRO}\ coUNTY ROJ\D #24 TO IlIGIl\'l j\Y #73 J\T PORT BRUCB, J\ DIST j\NCB i OF J\ppROX1}I\j\TBLY I\. M"LLES, j\ND TllJ\T \'IB RECOMMEND TIlbT TIlE \'I bRD B N N ;\ME DB LBG bTES TO ME B '1' \'11 'Ill TIlB D .Il. O. \'IITll REG bRD '1' 0 THIS PROJECT. CA.RRIBD. 1'1' \'I AS MOVED BY SECONDED BY l<\. TA.NSLEl G. BROWN TIlbT TIlB MBETING J\DJOURlil UNTIL MbRCIl 8TIl, CA.RRIBD 0 A.T ~O A..M. "" ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10 a.m. THE MINUTES of the January 4th and January 17th Meetings were read and approved. THE FOLLOWING reso1ution)was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LJST #3 - $1,670.71: PAY LIST #4 - $9,064.71: PAY LIST #5 - $14,981.75. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to d ate as follows: 1. The ice problem had disappeared with the warm weather o~ the previous week. end. However, all sand piles had been replenished and the cost of salt for January would be quite high. Hired Trucker's Hours in January had been high also. 2. Clearing on Road 16 had been completed for the time being and scattered dead elm trees in West Elgin were being cut. Page 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962., 3. The Roller had been repaired. 4. The interior of the Garage was being painted. 5. Guide Sign Construction was continuing and some checker- board and construction signs would also be made as time permitted. 6. The Warden, Chairman and Engineer had toured the County Roads on January 23rd and January 30tho THE ANNUAL CONVENTION of the Ontario Good Roads Association at Toronto on February 26th, 27th and 28th was discussed briefly. A LETTER from the Trustee of the Dexter Community Hall was read expressing their appreciation for sanding in front of the'Ha11. ~_?RRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District t-1unicipal Engineer, requesting a resolution of transfer of money re the Annual Return. IvlOVED BY W. ROBSON SECONDED BY L. EL I.JIOTT THAT WE REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFER OF MONEY WITH REGARD TO BY-LAW NO. 1787 FROM: BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION - Ii; ;~~~_.~~r '.- ~<\ .,~' ~'~ ""' " .,S'~;"I il.. " '. ~ -ftJ J -~,!!,~ ~ ;;\ $20,018.85 AND ROAD MAINTENANCE TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION - $27,077.56. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada noting that inspections had been made of the C.N.R. Railway Crossing at Glen Colin on Page .3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962. Road 40 and the C.N.R. Railway Crossing at Corinth and it had been found that flashing light signals had been installed and were now operating. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada noting the existing protection of Wig-Wag Signals on Road 40 at the N.Y.C. Railway Crossing in Springfield. The Board suggested that modern protection con- sisting of short arm gates and flashing signals should be installed at an estimated cost of $23,500.00 with the Board paying 80%, the County l2!% and the Railroad 7!% of the installation cost. Maintenance costs were estimated at $400.00 to $700.00 yearly with the County paying 50%. Because of the recent accidents with loss of life, the Committee felt the installation of the modern protection necessary. MOVED BY C . D. PHII.JLIPS SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE REQUEST THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT FOR CO~~ISSIONERS FOR CANADA TO INSTALL MODERN PRO- "" TECTION AT THE C ROSSING OF THE N. Y. C. R;AILWAY IN SPRINGFIELD ON COUNTY RO AD 40. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ARE AGREEABLE TO PAY l2! PER CENT OF THE INSTALLATION COST AND 50 PER CENT OF THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COST. CARRIED. THE COUNTY'S ASSESSMENT on the Main and Hornby Street Drains in Springfield was discussed. Last year the Road Committee had agreed to pay $1,980.00 on the total Assessmentoof $3,134.00. ""t/fi' ,ii" //1 MOVED ,BY M. 'I'ANSLEY SECONDED BY G . E. mOWN S~' ~~OM~S, ON~~RIO, FEBRU t..RY 6~~, 1962. 'P age 4 ~~~~ VIE l't..Y ~~E DRt..IN~GE t..SSESSMEN~ OF Mt..IN t..ND ~ORNB'{ S~REE~S DRt..IN IN ~HE Vl.LLt..GE OF Sl'RlNGF1.ELD' j\MOUN~ING ~O $1,980.00. CARRIED 0 ~~E ~NNU~' Maintenance and construction Bill for the ~ownline Road between orford and t..ldborOUgh TownshiPS waS discussed at length. c.D. l'~1.LLIl'S L. EIJ LIOrrrr M-OVED BY SECONDED \>'1 ~~~~ T1-1f. M~IN~EN~NCE ~ccOUNT OF ~~E CoUN~Y OF KEN~ FOR ~HE YEt..R 1961 ~MOUN~ING ~O $6,884..53 BE l'~ID. ~HE RO~D Co~~I~~EE OF ~HE CoUN~Y OF ELGIN REQ.UES~S t.. MEE~ING VlI~~ ~~E ROJ>.D Co~'O'~EE OF ~~E CoUN~'{ OF KEN~ ~S SOoN N3 l'OSSIBLE 1.N ~~E 'lSCnsS ~NY FURT~ER E~l'ENDI~URES ON ~~E SPRING rrO D.1- v " 010 I\D BE~VlEEN KEN~ ~ND ELG1.N. ~~IS BOUND J\.Rl. l~ ~ , SI~E t..ND S~OULD BE MEE~ING S~OULD BE ~ELD ON 1~E . ~D U" ~tl~ DIS~RIC~ MUNIC1.l'hL ENG1.NEERS OF hrrrrENDE 1-1 l. .LIl1:" CHh~~J'Jt\ hND LONDON DIS~ RIC~S · -.-/ C ARRI ED · ~HE ENGINEER reported on the settlement to Road 2 between Vlest of the costs for repairing the d~age k' aterial in.Connection d Dutton caused by t rUc l.ng m Lorne an K' , with the construction of King' s ~ighwaY #401. The l.ng s o~anch of the ontario Departm';~t of ~ighwaYs had _,.' ~. t;69.13 out of a total of the pavement and gravel placed on the Road. . ,a Branch haS also agreed ~he King'S ~l.ghW Y Page 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 19620 to pay the County of Elgin $130.00 to compensate the County for its costs in reshaping, with the County Grader, County Road 9 from Road 3 to King's Highway #76 damaged by the hauling operations of Elgin Construction ,Company Limited to King's Highway #76. THE ENGINEER also reported that a settlement I had been made with the Employees' Liability Assurance Company, the Insurance Company for Peel Construction, for damage to Government Drain #3 Bridge on Road 17, Middlesex County Line, damaged by a Sheepfoot Roller owned by Peel ConstrLC tion on August 17th, 1961. The payment included $890.05 for repairs of a temporary nature and $225.00 further maint,enance costs until the structure could be replaced. THE TRAFFIC problem at the ~ntersection of Wellington Road and King's Highway #3 and #4 was discussed by the Committee and the Resolutions of Yarmouth and Southwold Townships, the City of St. Thomas and the St. Thomas Suburban Commission were noted. Mr. Spencer reported that a survey had been conducted by the Ontario Department of Highways for traffic lights at the intersection last year and it was found that there was not sufficient traffic to warrant lights. He felt a survey done later in the spring would show the need for lights. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE REQUEST THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO ERECT TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE INTER- SECTION OF HIGHWAY #3 AND #4 AND THE WELLINGTON ROAD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF THE LARGE NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS THAT HAVE OCCURRED AT THE INTERSECTION. CARRIED. Page 6 ST. THOMAS, ONT ARI 0, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962. THE REQUEST of the Ontario Department of Highways to hold a site meeting at Port Bruce to discuss the proposed location of a new B~idge over Catfish Creek and the transfer of a portion of the present King I s Highway #73 to County Control was discussedo MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN M. TANSLEY THAT A CO~1MITTEE C01<rlPOSED OF REEVE BROWN, WARDEN PHILLIPS, CHAIRMAN N;IMMO, REEVE WILSON AND THE ENGINEER MEET WITH THE ONTARIO DEPART~IENT OF HIGfMAYS OFFICIALS AT PORT BRUCE TO DISCUSS PROPOSED LOCATION OF THE NEW BRIDGE OVER CATFISH CREEK. THE ROAD COMMITTEE DOES NOT APPROVE THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF WATER STREET FROM THE' CATFISH CREEK TO HALE STREET, FROM THE KING'S HIGHWAY SYSTEM TO THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM. CARRIED 0 THE MEETING was scheduled to be held on February 13th at 2 p.m. at the Bridge. WEED SPRAYING was discussed and it was decided to ask the various Townships if they would be willing to provide the same service in 19620 MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.D. PHILLIPS L. ELLIOTT THAT WE EXPRESS OUR APPRECIATION TO THE VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS FOR WEED SPRAYING~THE OOUNTY ROADS IN 19619 AND ASK. _ THAT THEY CONTINUE TO RENDER THE SERVICE ON THE SAME BASIS IN 1962 AS IN 19610 CARRIE D. Page 7 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 19620 COUNTY INSURANCE in general was discussed and the Fire Insurance on the County Garage in particular as the Insurance with the Yarmouth Mutual Fire Insurance Company had expired. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY L. ELLIOTT THAT THE FlRE INSURANCE ON THE COUNTY GARAGE AT WHITE STATION ~N THE AMOUNT OF $45,000.00 WITH A PREMIUM OF $360000 FOR THREE YEARS BE RENEWED WITH THE YARMOUTH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported ,that the Department of Transport had approved the Countys' HThrough Highway By-lawU passed by the County Council at its January Session. THE ENGINEER reported that the Preliminary Plan for the Dingle Street Bridge had been sent to the Ontario Department of Highways for approval by the Consulting Engineers, Fred A. Bell and Associateso THE ro AD CO~lMITTEE agreed that the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission should pay for, the removal of the Old D~dd's Creek Bridge,ori the Capt. Shore Road when the Ro~ was legally closed by the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwoldo THE COMMITTEE appointed 'by the 1961 Road Committee to interview Mr. Robert Heffren at Glen Colin re a right-of-way to straighten County Road 40 at Glen Colin reported. They stated that Mr. Heffren wished $12,500.00 for the right-of- way and for damages sustained when his property would be severed. ST. THOMAS, ONT ARIO , FEBRU ARY 6Tll, 1962. Page 8 The Coroll\ittee felt that thiS figure waS -verY eJtcessi-ve. 'fhe Engineer stated that a partial payll\ent of $750.00 for the land alreadY eJtpropriated for widening Road 40 had been the III ade onfF e bru ary pay List. The W 81'den stated that he would talk "to Mr. lleffren on the subject of the right-of-way and report at the neJtt lI\eeting. TllE ENGINEER eJtplained Tender procedure in calling for the county'S Annual Requirements of Materials and Supplies. lle also sUggested that Tenders be called for Gasoline and Diesel Fuel as it had been twO yearS since Tenders had been called. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. T J\NS L\1:Y G.E. BROWN THAT THE ENGINEER BE E}'\POWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES INCLUDING GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL. CARRIED · \ THE ENGINEER stated that repairs were necessary to the eJttent of $55.00 on the office typewriter and as it was 12 years old he felt that a new typewriter would be a sa.-ving. MOVED BY SECONDED BY w. ROBSON L. ELLIOrrT THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPoWERED TO SOLICIT A PRICE FOR A NEW TYPEWRITER FOR THE OFFICE AND TO PURCHASE AT THE LOWEST TENDER. CARRIED · Page 9 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962. THE JOHN STREET Crossing in Aylmer of the Canadian Nat,ional Railway was discussed and the Committee agreed to re~mburs~ the Town of Aylmer for their net expenditure after subsidy for the maintenance bill from the Canadian National Railway on the last quarter of 1961. MR. W.E. ROWE, Chairman of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission, attended the meeting re financing of the Wellington Roado He was of the opinion that the County would have to finance the City's share and charge the City back out of their annual payments for the Suburban Roads. The Engineer stated that he would attempt to find out the proper procedure for the County to do so. THE PAYMENT for two Parcels of land expropriated for widening Road 45 east of Jaffa in 1959 was discussed. All other property owners had been paid in February, 1960 and the Engineer was of the opinion a settlement should be attempted on the property owned by Walter Klemka and Mrs J. Smith. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECO NDED BY C.D. PHILLIPS 'THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PLACE ON THE NEXT PAYMENT VOUCHER PAYMENT FOR LAND ON aoUNTY ROAD 45 AS REGISTERED NUMBER D538 IN THE REGISTRY OFFICE. PARCEL 4 AND 9 RE WALTER KLEMKAAND A.D. CM'lPBELL - $312.00 AND PARCEL 12 MRS. J. S~/1ITH - $52.00. y/ CARRIED 0 ';""; THE ATTACHED BUDGET WAS PRESENTED AND discussed briefly and left to the next meeting for further consideration. Page 10 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 6TH, 1962. MOVED BY G.E. mOWN SECO NDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL FEBRUARY 14TH AT 10 A.M. CARRIED 0 (y:;~.;(/ / ~;(~-'AA~) . ( - CH AI Ri'1AN c.. . ~~: (~ ", ~ m ~.,~& ~~~~ h, ~';-'~'i ;:. .~~ ~7~ <'. '1~ ;;ti ~J .:. -4";~ GJ tf'l; ~. '-";::-~ .....;.; tr:--.1 >i~ ~ 1;1; ..-~ ~ {'l':; <-'''; <{to ,."i fm4 %...~~ o. ~ ~~J} ~.r} ~ ~l ./.:.!f ~'t.,-! ~.; .IE;- ~} f?'~1 :~3 ~... <iJ 'i-~ ~ ~ {:; ~ "'1 ......; ~ ~ ~;:p ...~-" ~~~tf F~ :;:.; ~~ .;--.;~ ~2~ ."t o , ~ ~ ~~ "f, Cl) ~~1 ~1 f..( - ~}) ~ (l} t."J o ~}~ c r'i :$ ~.-.? €) ~~ <"'I f'"'-4 "1"1 :t~ ~""C:'i ,,~ a.. Fi ;-.. .S ...,. ~~ "" ~:? F~ 5 i""i l.'." ~r c' ~-q ~ t;~ ~: ,,~.J &) ~s f;l1 t, {i) "r~ ,,~ ~ t:~ ~~::; Uti (;l~ ,'"",-""\.- ~~ ~~ ~ fu nl ",}~ (:) .t:'; ~ f~ t~ !~ :~4 (~ 1''' ~;I i-J~ i--:-.: e~ {:1 ~:y': {, ,~,j -~ ~<S ;:1t~ to !i:l 'u ,~ ,'> 1ii ~ V"'1 i~ Q ;i; 0') ~ ll:. t:: ~f,! ~.~ .~~ I' .r-''-1 ~~ l;:}" tA "''I 1':' W f:&~ Po. V ~~ o .. w !~ 'I""'l. !t~ ,,~~ :~~; {~ :;~ C} J,~ ((t t"~ ~"'l> ~ ",-. ~1 o t:.t t;:; ~{ ?"!..Ji i;;; o i;... ~~"'i t." ' t:it ~ ~oG,,?:; o r.. P... 1 :;;J ~ ~ '4J.} e,; ?~ q} " ~:~ i;} ?~ ... ,,~ ~ o t~ ,... .~ t~ ~ ~--.~ t:J g 1('.... 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"'> L. .~ v. ~~.. ~) ,t;! ~:?Ul ti:1 ~711S (~ i, 'to '1d 1;;~2< g 1'1 L\ ~:~ 'i{~'(J illlH}~J.ll d t~~l t.:;t ~~~ i~ :)~ tl ,1 ~ IJu.s't Con'ta:1lo1 aloute (}.n tJle Rond li~uldt~J> ~ppJ;~Qj~i.~n ~Jtti;) ly $1~600QOO per ar at':, t1il:~O :0.I:;~J ]j' i ~~ p~)r :re tal? ~ ':,th '0 ,*~1" 0 iI.~, l1i ((~ t t\t ..~ (J:, ;~! guch. ~~~ ~:'9 51 {) f'l ~I '1.,' o on p~~:k' !:f.d.le) li1:f~ 'tht'E: u GI{AVF; 1, :It i) [~~~ -it- ~')l~: to.li4i 0 Althr,J'~,!AlI~h ;~1I Jtl ~ ~~~t~e ;:~, ~;,~ 4~.. ,,~~ of to #401~ >> I iJ!l tJd.s ~Ut'.,\ [;\ 18hO~11d. b~ 1 3.~ J1: p :V,'\l~J ~Jl{1i:,f3\ tE~ on iiild ~3 5 .J ~ff ,,:j, 't;G1 O~"~~~,;]Jl ('!;!$'h,1>.~h b(~.d ~Yj~g by ~:;)u.r;~ .t18 t;b1Ll~ rH~,i~1{td. ts 'this ttiint..tr:.~~) ~i!M:1 (JHf1i Ro ed 45 f:U"(~2r~ G E~1.t;,e:l1~ t;o i~i{l:unt S ~1"~t~1~, It will also probably be necessary to improve some p~llJi~t.ioffJ.S of Ro t.iKd 4.$ f1J.~(H?l Road 22 (F.rd.l1{"wie'~~ Av~einu,;,;~) "t~o ..J f~ff;;;, !"l<);l t.ll<{::: pi::~R~.tl(U1 ~t.S~;,U,Xiie!~d t.h~"'~Hi'f,.[~h Y ~1:s:...!t!t{lltlth <:I ~3 tOlC} t:t i:1l1g ~ri 11 !'HilC\f \iF> t:.~) ?;N~ d~~'u~e (.)tl 'tJ'e l:~k f13f)otS on v ~.r~tous Ro adg t.h;t,"lcughout, t~he C4:Ju,nty S~f:Et~l~U t> ~;r. r.:r f.'.' <k ~f'1:~ S fr {", p j}, "I" V~:'\'J' OJ 'il.J rn q J!jt ,,,, ....:. 1.~ ~ [. ........ 1 "Vy .6. .... 'II"l"'~" ~.~ 1~~ ':/. <I" '\1 (\ A, ~ ';.L.I.e. J.1,--I..I.',. 'oJ ..e>tt.'.9 t..lt~ nJ~ ,1...~~: ~~(tl ~ ~'~.,..l....!~",,;~.:.s......, ~'.,.1 ,;.,..'1.f..i.. ...It~.t' ",,~;.y,). -.iv<> ";/v.u... ~\T :r::L1i1 f~;l ~t ig~~f~~t y!}.~: ar ~ f.u~rNl'EN.PI.NCE OF GRAVBI, ROADS ~;Jil1 blfb in{;~~I;~19,f6HDd a\t ~'S\~g, ;~ome mi l(;'H~g~~ of 8\1'01 ROf9,t1€!i, '~'i ~.S Dddl.1.1~d t,~) trHe SJrtr~~t~~;i1({b. II ~~:~ ~?:~ '~t; y ~~ a 1.'" (} h([fJTf~~R G(rN'~n{OI, iSl~.r~pl".~:;di~t,clble btllt is l;n:c~ly 1;0 l'} c:; ta I;~ i;~;re h;xlifa had ,r~ l.aikft'~;;; (a%pen.d:.it;.ur~1 ti.)n ~iHI!iUdi.ll!\;~ in ~JalXt}U~\:v.'y:) DUST COr~1'ROl. :L-s {$x1{:H?;~;rt.ed i>o he const as llS ~'~r ~~!;e~ (~. {'vile hei)~d i!~ li.t;f;le \<!I'ejr;l(i f~p'~:"i',i;Y' Cf\V\~:;;~~ JV96Ct ?j~hif{Jh ~;r~9 UEt'fed j.:f.~, ." ~^, ~ ... '\ J~~;fO.lI; 0 BRUSHING l.J\I',ill JJ~ jr-eduoed sGt:1e'{?jh~~~ E1(!~ 'ft!{i!ll did :not, ~rt;. .tl1lt"'t :(':1; &{{i:::1:1e!t~ l~l b~~u~~hing p~A~"gS{' $m unti 1 !ilppr~,~xi:m€;t;ely f'eb;r'\V'llil~Y 1!3t.~ t. ~'1i 1t~ Y' e flat~ r, llRAINS ,fj,r"re e;;sti~ated !as 1 elt~t~ ye~,tb" l)i:\I S i~l age A.s~j;I.iH'.:r'J::~~~Hne't:a t~t.!; '~;J:ill be up ~~ ,~ 1 BIr'ge rUiimbe:r" of nr' ainm~ h ffJV<I1} b{l~e:n l(;,{:H'I.~:.]tJt cornplet,~~d bu.t:. iire:;vet. tob,i!) f:;tlilJ.(~{l.) l;~ ,'. ~ ~':!~~ .' -5~ * "'11 L....t". ,.,,;, r.'~f) $'11.1;11. e~~~ vU. rJ..:, 't,! f.:113. ..p ~, ~ ,Jl'l:,) \." ,1', v~' i ;-3 :Lr51 " j f~r to 'l."'li\? ",ir> and C; olll.pleto :; t,at';a\ l)'l." a:l. tiS otl- RO Ill'! 4, 5 in a&:1h - TO\'ll.\lIihill' r~~LROAD PRotectiON wilt be decreased B$ the crossing on John street; in J;y]Jll6r baJlc be~n revert.ed t.o AyJ.:/ller, SIGNS ,,:e:'lll ine,.ell.sed 50me,.;\\at- as 'lfe ~f'e l1le\tin& . 'f wo\11d alSO li\tt> Guill e S 1.@:l.1'l f 01<' m:J1l.1 C o-a n;t 1 Ro .all l.n tA.. 1;'11\ ac":l. 01.\::> , 't.o st. ()t\ C(.'1'(fi.u'tY l~UA\\'b~t... 1,\ ':I. ell" e red S om3\'1b lilt fJJ :LD1~ Rt, n. ejqle,.d :l:tu rea " ' .' . .. ,'> ..i, " ~ '" ;I ~" ,~ .;'" 1\'.,{' "\ . ""'" Ut,,i\0t\ \10. ~ ....~ ~W"- ~." -- J-' , Rf~ iN~} R~~S 1~ };i};.rr 1.0~l S'B1U)'I~G ,~:tll i'&\~;;; ~,!.e t l:~ e~?) c:~ \;J :~_1~ 1~ c/k: "gerru' {; RE13J\'!ES 10 'fO\~'}'S M_D Y:U...Li'>G,f.S C 2. 5 <(;.:,ut of t.heilt' F.o ad R<lt0 l>1S in plte'V:i.ol.ll!! :{e l'lt'1ll <!,:Ild at'''' :r.e ;;;o;ed tIS ton $ U:r ban f.SSeSl'.lII"il1'l''-' is Ill?' SlJRV!?,!S l!'.11'e estiUta.ted al<- it1 pr0,,,iQ1J.lll '10 i'le he.V.~ -"et to receive l';l ... 11i81 f~ SiID~. Sh e. d d elil t'xr:'ll.(i $'~ t-,'" t,') Ii;}. '1..<' (l ~~z ,(I, ~t~ Cot::<t~~tJn ~ d~ '/, ~. ~-. r '1fI 1: ~~ ,.,..;'1' ,.t,e i1:. v") ,r"'.... /'l.". ~ "," ,.h.; "" ",.;)1 <-", :<f\",t_..1 '.ec this s'l;ll'i'n~ 0 <'" ,.,,~"."' .,~' u-. ,._ .~.J ,It; to.'t. i ()~.'1 " ..n ~ . We c a~~ eJ:PIi\~,t lit billing i.. o'l:' tl\0 cro$Sl.tlg !n ()Vet'h0Z,d most it.er,la :!I,'1i) ',,0 raUl.liIt!! eXcept, G~>t,~e l,;;O.d 1'eo$,101\ F~\"d, 'J.'he 1<:'001; els<> i1&Ve some wot."k bu. i ;<131';., {,; ~~: rI.~J~ Il~SU 'NGB '~l1it;'H:1 l:~\SUY:' ~~"> ~~ I;,')n~ t,h {~ ~'" .1 {t, "". .; 'to "\8" novel' h 3d a'IJ.'I1 rC'''ll),i1'/l'. s:l.f<ce :l. t ,~ ,. ,,_ ...' ".~ ~. ,.. .. J ' ~g;e' 'thiS ~:{e B,I" -' 'tHE IN'E'BRIOR of the worklShoP :l.tS being 'P o!l<1\ClteO , ~ t1)hot.t ld of t.l:e out,s1.de trim ~o1.l.nll the ,) hil~ f\. 1.l\RGE CRl!.Dl1. h1ill> been fr'or.lthe Pel,siofl .. . . . ,_ d "!. If .r,. 'h-'l'l> 'E e;'> per c en tot 0'\1' e r"'c ed :I.. 'L em So ~e il e). r ,,)11 ."'..~, ()f~~!;}d <.' .;lu'b\lX,U<ID !.l'.o"d CQli\lll.iBSion ~!:Id the O\ferheed figtl'f'ea sho,,,n l!.lNJl net t.he ;iill.llou.ht neede(i "rill pC .t1:.gtU~'e~ .) . 11:' h 1 ':i" . "..... ",,,,..." ,,).. 0 .I.. 'fl,.. r... "" 1r..i" .~~,\!~'1 -.:".......a.. ,~ ~,\"" ,~',"'); ~." .:;:~.~ .' jr "'" ~:I ,,'j "" ,. 0" '" ' .. ,.,) .. *' S If f'e- neQ'" '" 9 ".:; I,. .....<. ~,~ ~ ".M"" ".. .....",. ~<."'~ ~ ..."'. '" . -m'" v. - .." ...' '. . ngJ.DGB M!\I'l!'IBNANCB :1.$ 6B-timateo ",ome"lllh l()'We!:' the >> FultQ~~ CookS ~~d ~~tes B~idge5 f3 1') ~1ill ha:v0 to be m,f:\ue t.(..'l, a nu.mber- of ot;~he:s:" i:ls:+idgas (\ A C~:hl\1c~tltrat.ed effo~t i8 being made to place our Bridges into first tiles. ~epeir~ B1'idg~ Pl~il~ting is sLlggested on the Jl:'.mest.own. Gil1e'ts and Shelbourne Bs:"id.ges u .I t.hink we \fou.ld be ~dise 'co l~~lf,:l.fe,1i:..t; t.o d f:j,Y l~bou.~ for Pi~:i.;rit.i.ng as we h.,;.;."lr"tI;} h some difficulty with Contractorso CU lJ/BRlj: MAINTENANCE :ts ~rt, fl~, Money is provided $ ~~~ ~t~ necess to replace on y and ;.< o J;l Ro 1 :r., ~:; ~:;, f C \'f\ ~ . JJ. (.) It.'iflH liiin 1. p 0 'i'he Cl"eek ~:) 't'A H.01 ;1; ~....,..>~,;~...t,":;t T..1\;?;i!~1 ,,,,~'I;') +h"'... Ct"''''l''~''J>'"'''!~. r~''i.r(:'fn'f:;'(,"t:T~''~'''i:'U7i..&H');.t. n'.O't fJ.-~!!1 C'I'1r'1< .,.,. .....'..."",. _ ,/ _.~,."..,"l" fir <..... v/.J,'Q "'" ,."..f~ 'I' ~;,..'" "" v......'" - ..iI ~.... ..;;\0-............ >.' ""'... .t <. "" ".);, 1>f!"1 "jf(lo l ,$} Hiddl,:,S~11: Coun,ty !Jil1e~ shov.ld ~].so 'he '-' ~lo money it::. pz:~(:;rvided in 't,hlt:;i Budg;et f{J;71," (;;>ft;~n'~:~.e line work on p"'f'ed CQUnty RO:'Hls no.. foit' diverting Kettle C..eek th..;;~ N.i~':Sek I:.lrj.rl€:~e tl,e~r i'o~.:~.t Stan.l~)y ~ it,dti:l:ti{}nal fUll.tiS ltJi 11 h a~'~ilJ. t.,;t) t" 1.'.....~"il.; ~1.l1"f'1 'i-P ..~~tJ...h. .~1l.') .......1"'l.!Cl. "..,5: .I.""llA:\lr'J,t'1o 'p~.).{~"".~'t',!;!, ::;:t..rl;~ ("l>!YI'>'\l'l'~ 4!}.it'~ t""~"'~" ~,Jl.. '1\..... ,~,.......",..._ ..__ ...........~"" """lI. V..",,'(;:tr ......"" lt~Jl~~.......,.".'y "" ~ ..v'i..i.....~ J.. - ..... ...~.......", ...,~"" .,ifV,l.'V"~ T'HB i...ARGBS~!: single i.t.~~rn ir.i tlu;~ Conl5t.i'~ltC~ti()n is the esi:t::btHit.e t,;"f t.he SuJ.H.u"ben a.d Cll')Emni:sgio-r1l f 03\" t.h~) ~ . ." " . So- .' r "\1" ~ t "') :.i t ,,;." ';'~!'!J ,.. t7 "'t ,('\ l'!. . C\ r~\~iJL\:t.~.~~3..nf:'~ o:t ~~(7.'i.tJ~:Ulg"()n. 1..()['.1,(.a ~1~., g cost ().( ~~}~::o S'~J\u.J;;,Ofj,,)Q BRIDGB i~D ,CULVERT CONSTRUCTION is c reduced last ye8r~ !<'lon{:~y ':!s prc11ided 't~() v::ofilplet.e '~~h,e Edt~fi;'il $ p$.:?,ve ~~rld. e:r'e,:~t. Guide Rail i.'rt tb,e H~}.l'l'~:~svll10 ( of the <i41~P1f"O ~:::~h~;s ion ) t) Money to 1C,!H~ S"tJtJet)t. B!.;t1d€~;(~ :llr~ j~~jll~n{~l~~ n PIk~l~ CULVEH.f1; C01~rSl'RUG1:ION on !.;r0..r~1I1l GZ(.~:\{.ttng; :~.~J ~~~,J"~+~~ e~ ~ ri'O (,n ~~~~~~l~wd,~ tiv ~ ,~V~Q~V i~1l3d t;1:t1 :1;4~) 000 (! QO ' 1, t'~ H ai fA t.fE;!1 nnce ii'iS ~r, 1.f.oU fOl"> ,~ IfB\i/ MACHINER1f is ej~ti~;zrt.{~d ~;t. $i~5~ (}OO (100" N. i3.j {'1!~'" ::ltetM3 a ej~):lf r.H:~~jpelled Ji"'ubbft.:tw til"'ed,' !'o11(1~tt" suit,abl(1 aG (~ 1]:"Z.{,'; ;:,tlu'1ent 'W'(~ri~ G r~" .ihlf~ it '~l ,,:~ h a:v ~ }) ~ otu. Gra:nu.lal'" BaBG r)r.opel~l:r i~nd 'the High:WBYS f.Stro:rlt.~ly l$ltggeeted we obt.E!l:i.n pI~op0r ~quipment OU.1J:l St.eel Rolle~.9 al'though qui t,(!;., ~l fJ not; ;;~i;i'tUl fo:r~ 'J c;,Z:~ €, ~~ ~$~ I do not at <:1 i.61 i,-:.he ans~ep ~o ou~~ ~~lr~2CA Tr~~~m~1~j: n~nhaQnl~ nM~ ~~~~~~~~~~ is 1!~'~:~:el(5f"'.r(~(~ ~)a,,~:r~ ~I.\~ :J?~.,'l.t"'J;t th~~ .... ~,~.,. //:. tS!ced c~ ~~ 1.AND as 1 afr~; ~ 'tv te KHlfve to fo~ purchased ;;~nd. 1 on 14 '-' 11 h~~s not. keeps lU,e~ at floe t.o Utp b3T M(~y OX' -:l MONEY IS PROVIDED to p fAt1"{,;"l 20 srt.i'.2 ( t. ';'J ~t~H7; ~:. ) .., p a. "'J' :i. l1g Ro jl 23 .~ J "::~'<J .t-, t", 'Wj(~ r" (-;) :1.f.1 ], Cl I beli,~9Ye L;(t~ no a on (3d~ the oth f:ef~~ :!l,r:.: (~OU fl t. ::i WOR~ ~8 out on I" 1. ;;Y;i:~ ~~h.e I a!'1~ ~\"t ~jI, ~ ~~ e;, e;,1i.s't the Cl;t1i:<VE~ 1.:1.1 (.; GRltNUI..AR B;.\SE u "-,, ~ (', >:::0< j," j' ~l ",.... 6 The e~~en~ of ~he re91i~ent of so~~ of Corners; is included, 'l;,he C'l!''II'efl 111111 have 'to be decided by the Road Co_it-tee ~pprosi-$t~lY $S8~OOO"OO is provi.Oed for work on t. he 't 1'.1 bQ t. !to ~d ( 110 a<1 16) i.ll 'j)l! n""~ e h '! own sihi \~ f xoolll 'B\1rlllfl t I'll C(/~'nt\!'S wester 11' depl1)~'1d,~ on 'the 1\I1I000nt of gi'8rlillS t102!Jr the 'f: 8lbo't 'a~.1.dg0 which is 'the diat,ll\!lCe ell\Qunt, of l"iiQne'Y will go ~~I:".~ t;I'!;,^~~,,1" '-,4-;'0'" e ~lcl.lllf:ted t>nd f:l j..~'" ........,. ~,.'......J uv.-...l!i.. ,-~ and ~ cst, of GI' :lnul2\~ l)l),filt!'l 1 "tf ..t~ tJd.h~ j . . :~.. ~:f 196:3 Ro ftJ:l is !il O,{;:.i1.~)~r v1(.rrlt be 1~ S~J~l OF $!;)J t,() ,to ':;:\lE 1:0 'I />.1. 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COOJ~lrI'Y HRI1)G\BS & CUIr'VI~R1':S 1: ~~~:s,,'\'\IC'I1""~IJI'II~~jQI~\t,,'W: y".., "\I<lI'_~_.'...a".ill.f.~,.;lt:tJl,;),J~.'I~'m-;:<<Jl"''<\,'r''.U=:'r.,\-:,~~1.'~':\) TO GOr.H~'r.,ETB ~rHg BD!:~N BRIDGE, $:t8 OO{; ,) \)0 D :r:N' GLB S it REJ~T f~, R.1])G-B 55" x;. 000 <) 00 WARnSVIl,l.B BRID(;11~~ :?, ", ~}OO CO ,!:' C~H~V~~R~f' CONS'l~P;JJG~]~ION iU)DITICtllL '.1'0 :I'HAT f.HJDGH:itED MAIN1~EN Af.~CB 4. $.; 000 \~ ()O J.?IPE GUl.VE~lrr COl~S~rRUC:rION ON NE~1 G,r;;t.A:4)IHG .....,,!j~'"5.!>J.2,~t:,J;tQ. Iror.'%:\At g $91>>500",00 ~n~~1 8 ~9] COO 00 -*~'k;~";ln!t~;;;:r.~f<<t...rr",.~~i? _ ':~" ",. :\Ji~,~Yl~~1~~'~""'~T>I~l.\tt.~ l?r~ A rf)~j:il t~10.. (m,il~ f'nH'I<Jt'i~Y {~* j~ 5' ~'"'~^~~~~~':~N1~t~"'::'~~'~flf~f..._:~7..~=~..~,.,~~~~~~~.",q"'~~:':(/,~ .J' $18,~ ,]\)(i ,; 00 o(..~"'"':~.:t:~=:-'::');:~f;..\::U"'..;:.":;'~.lI\'",I,.,~1t:'1".\"~I.~~r:l't;t!fl~t,J<'J ~--";.!tf:t~~..'4\~~~.JII';,i;l~'''~'*"r.~C:,lr.fUj~~' {';:'.'\~'~I~l.~t".~l",;>.l~~~t\""~"'.""""'~~':""""'<.l~"'~l""nt:o'.'.hi~'~~"'~~lr<<"""'^.t""~:"""'''''3JlG;1'f'~'<t<Ib_~'l.~''''~'~4lM'_I''''~I~''''..l'IWlfr~~''''' ,........~..r....-........J1i.1.I"'i!n'".c.t.....Jil,'$"l;lVJl'.'."'. . ~ ,.,~""""""'1'''' V~otC)-WI""~~oI2'~u#-;,;t/H1i~':1.~'~,"'~~;~~t;':'} NEVJ' l~1ACHIk~ERY $ 25bf 000 Q 00 1i...;\Nn PVRGH.l'1.SE 20,\) 000" 0(; PAVING ROi\l) 20 FINGAt '):0 SHBliDEN 30~) 000 0 00 ~)AV:rNG H.o,i~li) 27 Ne.fdl THE S~~};[n;fARY SCH'OOL BE1'141lEBN UI:C(OW & SPARfXf:1 9})OOO~OO PAVI~~G, ROAD 2,) Hf,P13URN i'RANSPORl' 1'0 POR'l' STANLE,y ;i 8 }:> 000 I' 00 PAV!l:U;;Jl ElECt' ROAD ~~8 AT B1..1C~iM.OND HJJ.,L 13}iOOO ,:;00 PA't!lln-;~.?GUIDr~ RAII..p [gTC" ROAD .3 a\''f \~JARl)SVILiJ3 BR:r.n(~B 8,!;1 ~)OO 0 00 PAVING A.l.Ilf!,OROUGH=,ORl?ORI) TO\mSHIP 6 ~, 500 Q 00 GRADING!J CHU\NtJt,,'\R BASE ROAD 2. WES~:r LOR,~H~ EA~rrERI~!t Gr~,.ti}.lrlnr(~~;; GRANU1,J\R EASE ROAD ,20 PORi' SlfANI.EY 34Ji 000 i) O~) 42~) 000.) 00 GRADIHGJ) GR.A:tHjI~J.\R BASE ROAD 16 BfJaWEJ.il.S CORNERS ~"'BS,];ERLY IN I>UNvJICH ~~"~ OWNSHIP 58,) 000,,00 0 i Q 0 1 0 0 a ~ it: -0 ~ t::. i !} c,.: $ Q'j; V) ~ 00 ~ ~ ~c ~ ,.~ ..L""~.- vU7- {j ~ ::;) ~~ [-l ~ mo z~ o t;} (....J tJ:> 0'C" ~ 'F~ }..~~ C:'~ 4-;,;:~ < -...-:J ~:; ~ ;.). !J) [~ ((~ ~ C.? Io-""J'" ~ rs-l u ~~ CJ.1 f.:;e 0 ~ C2 Q (; t:'J 2'} E""l if./} i-! ;'\l c.~ """" C' I-d':'l ~~ '=i (I) 4.~ .~~::.i' -If)- [.~ ,- tx~ ........ ~~ 0 't~ ~t 'I'~~~' (~} \J"} ~w {'4'"} Cl", "..~ r(" ..rJ \'12 ~":.J-. ..... ~:;. rf\ ., ..1 .~~'t~ H :t.r"7: 't:~r:"~ ;<:.'h ~:,;_l ~;-; t?,..i (' . ''"& en 0\~ f-t~ ~~~l C-' ,~ .,/ ~ r ?t ..~~ ..:,~' ~~ ~ ;"'.;.1 ~~ ,.."" t.l~'~ 0 , (.) ~ (.j 0 \ ..~(?- i }~ .~ ~ ~ -~.t~ ~.;! c.",;j ~;~? ,!:,j t:}~-~ ,,;"1" ~~rJ'* .(;j;~ f~ (,1 .;1 ~-~~ ....... ST. rorHoMAs, ONTf\.RIO. JANUARY' 17TH, 1962. The 1962 Elgin County Road Committee met at the Court House at 2 p.m., in conjunction with County Council. WARDEN: THE MET'JIBERS are as follo\^Js:.. IYiEMBERS: c. D. PHILLIPS, \rvALTER ROBSON, FARNELL NIMMO, MASON TANSLEY, GEORG E BRO\~n~, LLOYD ELLIOTT, ADVISORY MEMBERS: GEORGE BAHBER, J. B. WILSON, ALSO PRESENT: T. S. CALDWELL, C. G. SPENC,ER, R. G. MOORE, IT WAS MOVED BY SECONDED BY REEVE OIr BAYHAM REEVE OIi' DUNvVI CR REEVE OF SOUTHWOLD REEVE O~~ YARMOUTH REEVE OIr MALAHIDE REEVE O]~ WEST LORNE REEVE OF ALDBOROUGH REEVE OF SOUTH DORCHESTER DISTRIC~? MUNICIPAL ENGINEER ASSIST. DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. COUNTY ENGI NEER. G. E. BROWN L. ELLIOT'r TEA T F. Nlf\'IfVIO BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1962. CARRIED. honour accorded him. REEVE NIMMO then thanked thE~ Committee for the that:- THE ENGINEER reported on thE! Vlork to date, stating: (1) Cleari ng on the Wellington Road \vas practically completed. (2) Fencing on the vfellington Road had been discontinued as of January 9th, d.ue to cold i;'\]'eather. (3) Clearing was being continued for new Construction on Road 16 west, of Burwells Corners. - 2 - ST. THOMAS; ONTARIO. JANUARY 17TH, 1962. ~ (4) Ice Control had been heavy, and approximately 400 cubic yards of Sand had been placed by Wa:tt;ers Brothers at Lyons, as the pile had become depletl3d. (5) Snow Plowing had been very light. (6) Gravel was being placed on Road 35 b~3tween Jaffa and Orwell' by County trucks, when time permitted. IT WAS MOVED BY ~~SON TANSLEY SECONDED BY v~~LTER ROBSON THAT THE FEE FOR MEMBERSHIP IN ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION, OF $50.00, BE PAID, AND WE RECOMI\t1END TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE ANNUAL CONVENTION. CARRIED. IT WAS MOVED BY GEORGE BROWN. SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOT'T THAT THE FEE OF $50.00 FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID, AND WE RE- COr~ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ~~RDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE ANNUAL CONVENTION. CARRIED. ", CORRESPONDENCE was ,read from:- (l) J. V. LUDGATE, stating that By-Law 1799, dealing with assumptions and reversions on the County Road System passed by the September Session of Count~"Council, had been approved by Order in Council~. ( 2) T. S. CALDvVELL , stating the Normal Road Expenditure for 1962 must not exceed $200,000.00 for Construction and $335,000.00 for IvIaintenance, and tha~1j By-Law must be submitted by March 31st, 1962. - 3 - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 17TH, 1962. Speci;;tl Supplementary By_LawS are still available .for Special Capit;;tl Work, ;;tnd By_L;;tWS must be submitted by JulY 31st, 1962. THE ENGINEER recommended that a BY-Law be passed, design;;tting County Roads as through highways. A neW By-Law was necessary asa Road consolidating By_L;;tW waS passed in November changing cert;;tin Road numbers, etc. IT WAS }l\.OVED BY VlALTER ROBSON SECONDED B! MASON TANSLE! THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY_LAW BE PASSED DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARRIED · THE ST. THOlf.J,.S SUBURBAN ROAD cONWtISSION, compo sed of }l\.r. W. E. Rowe, Chairm;;tn, and }l\.r. G. Cross ;;tnd Mr. W.R. coulter, Members, met with the Committ.ee re the St.. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Bu.dg et and the rebuilding of t.he \1ie11ington Road. The Chairman, }l\.r. W.E. Rowe, and the Engineer reported on varioUS phases of the rebuilding of the Road and the cost of same, and answered }l\.embers Questions. IT WAS MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED Bl'MASON TANSLE! THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROJ\D COWfIISSION BUDGET OF $286,400.00 BE APPROVED. THIS WILL ENABLE THE COMMISSION TO OOMPLETE THE WELLINGTON ROAD IN 1962. THAT WE REOoMMEND THJ\T COUNTY FINANCE COMMITTEE STUDY THE FINANCING OF THE REBUILDING OF THIS ROAD. Cl\RRIBU. - 4 ... ST. TBOlllAS, ONTJl.RI0. JJl.NUJl.R'Y 17TB, 1962. M1\SO~ ROBSON SECONDED BY GEORGE BR01NN T HJI. T TBE MEETING Jl.D J 0 URN UNTIL FEBR U Jl.RY 6TB, 1962, Jl.T 10 JI..IJl. IT WJl.S liiOVED BY CA.RRIED · " <'-'2( ~~i) "'\'11 q-t · ') "g" ') f;"'....'.n. f) l.$~)i l.!Ut...i.J i) ~lANUJ\RY 5lSSS!OU 1) 1962 c TO Tl:lE 1;IARDEt~ ANl) cOUt~CI'L ' OF TH~ COUWr! O~' ~l~IN Gent~l.em,en : YOUR ROAD cota~TT~E begs to report as f.olloWS: TUE FOLLO'dING is a summary of: t.he Coat-I! of const.ruct-ion and Maint.enance on County of Elgin l!.oa.dSdU1"in3 1961~ ON .~.:.~ , . e 25 fJ 969 ()Ol~ 5 r. Paving ROad llt~ soutlwrold &. Dun"tich TownshipS OOlllplet.ion of Qradi.i1g &. Granular Base &' Road llh southwol:d &. Dunmah TownShiPS Paving>> Fencing &. Grading ROad 24>> ta1"ll1oUth Paving>> Fencing &. Grading Road 36& Yarmout.h Paving>> Fencing &. Grading Road 409 l<lalahide Paving, Fencing &, Grad1:ng Road 48, 50u14h Dorchester 26 f) t\8lw" 08 2/+ r,675 063 ),,1 ~ 5980'1'15 19 ~)69afJ94 DS i/lt' ~ lQ 2G' 3a 40 22 f) 189 c.16 6,) JJ. Q po.vingp Fencing &. Grading Road, 51'9 South Dorehest,ar>> {Dereha1l1 '!:olllnl:Lne) Paving Aldborough';'Ol'ford 'ro\inline 9 Aldborour;h Grading &. Granular Base Road ;) v \~a.rdsville Br1d~0 APproach~$~ Aldborough Grading &. Granular BasQ Road 20. sou~hwo1.d Grading & Granular Base Road 2~ (now Road 23) Port; st<anley & tal"!llout.h Grading &; Granv.lar Basa Road 27 ~ tarlllouth 29964.01$ 10 ti 97; \~ 9B 10 90 12i)029 021 ;) f) 7l4"lo19 s~ 130 1,iiseallD.nGoua Gradi~ conat.ruct.ion 2At> -v 9!i'6 (1/+"7 9 t1 73lto63 1~797(;OO 32) 051<>!tl lOc 12 , .-0 surveys. TraffiC counts countY~ 5 ShareO! Inatallat.ion of Flashing Light. SignalS Road 20 lShedden) D sout.h\'/Old Ue'\tt }4ach1..nar'Y Land purchased (including Land surveys &. Re~iat.r1 Office Fees) 'l'O'J:J\1, ROADS ~ COUNT'/:: 11'>18206e 4~~50000 1,4" 150 160 ~,~JSn~'~><<~Uu 'faTAL ROADS - SUBURBAll AREA ~ TOTAL COl~STRUcnOll ou ROADS: ~276i)615~06 At~~jb~ & ''''9l:. (1"\ 0 7'''' ~r.., ,)>> ,#,~~O e H :11 f> l. U;...1:- ~! ~.:.~ .~ f\. "'-:f'I' t t. ":\ "",I' "~. :'\ {~ ,:" .." t'\ '!l\W ,,~ (11 (.: ..~ JA~~J~~~ ~~~~lv~9 ~~u~o GONS$:rH.UCfrI01~ .\~ti~\"'_',~il;'~.n~.u~---'---~-~' ~." au L'f'tEll G'r~F;lI. C.t . .1 II ... l..r;.. ~" ""'" ~tX:""ir.1l'~~~:J-t.,~tNlVUJ:;:n:~ $ 6"'>> 70!1<' ~ 66 10 \~!il"dsv:tlla BI):ldg(~ Eden Bridge 73 ~ ;'il-8l~ () i~p5 1.; 5J 916035 t' t::" r.: ........ 6'" 11..') f) Vi,.);:;, 0 ~ '"I rko 30 flVl!.Jllb'''''';'' ~'t',.,tl\r.m.l.,., :<"t}n't ~~n""'& r.'}~r.Ji",.1l ?^ },,104 . V M ",-P.r. ;;';,'ii"..Jr,. ',;; "');.~.,. 'i'i ""'X: ~.J' M".....<;;''tJ. ....1,3 i:jo 0 r.~lcOeaeh:y' Dt"J<aln (~l\l'ie;(.t~ Road 12?) DU!lJ!'lich 2 $:~ltOQ)9 5<'r (II <,l,~"'Q"kt D"I'~~'; "1> {"$,*1.1 '\>SlQ'!l'flJ.. t~ 4"-<"l>A '1 R C' .....'I\~.~.h. 'tr:ro'1 rll ~.4~'~4'... A .. .~. (,<j,.ll.i!..,. r.,.tll.l;"h'if 1iJ.1> 4,; ;t.t....:i'I[;.\.y .I\J>Y 1) 1).;1....' Ii.....". il.. ",,: :""v..:.\ 2:tt\ 0 75 232olk. 6a n,t 'l1"!O' 'il, ~ "l.~ 'li'1;C, ot r~.....-1 ~ net. M".a.....U.J.~~".. WI ..$'~ w;;.e ..:.J.... ...'\.'l.b,f:i""" 1/" J I) noi.~h~1:~l)H Dt~:l.dge ..... lI't M........__~~~ - 5ou'th\10ld '" "lI7 ~~~ :?{~ i;t,<<;.,H:AUi. 4f;;'V~ OU1~a~>\j - . y t\r'uu)"11~,h 1." J,. f:l'f:J .M\ovt.f.U'.. .t:. 4,.2- !) o U,}.. V\~j,?v r: J.. .tJ~;:J !.~'f.F~~.;j. 'fi.1 'IJ I~trmoL\'th TOTAL BRIDG!i:S &. CUI..V~RTS - COUNTY: 4)l7~&014060 TOTAL :mUDGES &; CULVERTS - SUl)UtI.l3At~ AREA: ~:L46...a2j TOTJ.\,L DRIUGES &, CULVEItTS: $179D9alolS TOTAL GOltqTRUCTION - ROADS &. BRIDG~S &. CULVEaTS- ...__"",.-....,..,.-,..",..::;,,,,,,,,,,..- ,.. ' ..-..",-,.,.,. ....-.."",.._..."''''''...---nv.__<..__...,._'_..,."--''''-'-,,. ~415(Ja99(/a? COUliTt &~ SUBURBAl~ AREA: -,_,,~,~,,_,"""'" ">,,,_~~_,~'""-"''''~_',>~Wf\l~t~~~::M ~~~~~~ 11!Il!~~J!Q;1 nO.A.US ~!) il:~"~'~'''-''''''''''~ ~ ,6~361<)~) lltl6001lll1 54 t; 671Q16 15f)120~)6 :UQV 798090 l'il Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements 20 "4- ,<I' {. su~fa,c:e T:~;aatillent 1+(\ G~ading (includi~~ Maint~nanee of Gravel Roads) ;0 Winter Co.nti'ol 8?) 85()~) 18. 6l..'l t'leecl Con:tx~ol. o ~(" t-:' I')~ if tJ N2.,;~ ~) r.,.~ "'1 " Bl~ush1l1g ~,)003(1j66 8t"1 Dr~~1ns 9 ,~ In5~alla~ion of Storm Drains Road 11>: DlL."l'lw,tiCh-50C1.tll'V10ld TO'ti'Aline 2~761~6$ 16!)06a~11 "') 8. t::: n" >";~ tv i~ A~/)~' Ci' I;. i 1.00 Dw;;,t COXltro).. J~c Signs #) r:,t:'3 ~~ l/.;.f) 7',. 'll#J ~ I'U rll- "" ~. ;;I ;;> VI)'vt!;.) 0 "0 120 Guid.e itails 1.3 ~l Reforet-:rtjJ;"O,t#ion Se, Seeding fY,-.'; CJ 0 ." <0 ("".2 ~" 4- ~~ ...0 t*~ ~;fj C~ ~"Ji .~u ~~-~ ~\{ -~ "" 7: ~.!!;; ~~ - 4 <<'l> y I'i ?r'~''({ .'~"" O'f:"(.'P-""Cl\f 'YI Or.rb U JiJ~'h.~,.o.,b.l ~~I.J';,:U~.J 1 ~ Jl" ~~'tlt.... 0 MAIN~NOE,-BRIDGES& CULVERTS,~ oontWd .....' ',,'-j."" ^ ....,.,r-,...'..l'.,.'.-. '..,..'".,'..',...',....._.,.I\I,..)i,,::!~a\)tt:6:;I:;e.::~;:.H'..........'J.<.......L~.'~-_..,,~IC'~~ 6~ Orwell Br1dge '" ~ Ot,tar Creek, Oulvert (Richmond) go Painting Port Burwell & .Stal.ter Gully BridgE~s 90 !.liscellaneous Bridge tJ1a.intena.nce 101;1 I.l1scellMEeoua OulV'er't'lv1alntenance (installat,ion .or Pipe Oulverts thrC?ughout County) TOTAL BRIDGES & CULVflRTS en COUNTY: TOTAL BRIDGES loCULVErtrrS - 'SUBURBAU AR.EA: 171c,96 1~2aeoSO '1>195000 2$l963 016 _L~~ $ 23s632094 i.,.",^,~l.:.~~!ll , ~ TOTAL BRIDGES &. QULWR,TS: $ 28D106Q97 ~Q~.~LJ"r k1A~~~T~~:~!\H.Q~...,~~9@S ~ .,13~;1;.Qg~..$_~.c~:~~ P.9t!l~;~~~U!!YB~!..M~~A: $333t)03So09 .-.tfi.tll In ."",.""" .," . ..1'""",,;., "~I,""'" t.""'" ~1iI.',I",J14 ------::'~"",...,. ._, \ ..', ---'" ~..." ,..... "'_"d_~'~""''''' ,..,-., ~ ~. I,; ,. TOTALSs ~:-'r CONSTRUCTION IwIAIlfrb:t-lANOE - $4,7;~g99087 ~mlilt.Q2 " . '$gOS~934Q96 i_".,~1~,lJl ig~2,v~~~16 ~~,-~~~~~~~ - ORA-un TOTA.L: .....~..~~~J..'" ......,~";-~.;..,_..~ #8,o4;);lQ)0 . ~~~~~.:::~~ By-Laws in 1961 aPP1"opr1ated. $619 l) 000.') 010 & In addition the tollo\dng \iOrk .-Ias performed and billed 'to' ot,h.sl:'s: ttlddlesex County Share ,rot the Wardsville Brid~e $67~704oa6 l.u..ddles0xCounty Share of the \vard.aville Bridge Approaohes 12~029021 Oxt()I~d County Share of Pel.V1ng on Dereh;.:un.,;) South Dorch~ster Townlina 2~964018 PrOV1JrAC~ or Ontari{'l re Road 39~' G~'1tham Stre~~t; 2' PortB~~~fell being Developa~nt Road 585 (billed in 1.9(1) 11)970066 Counties of widdl~~ax~ O~ford & Norfolk Bourl\d~]J!:~Y L1"ft.e I'1a1ntenant~~~ Accoun;t~~ ..==:L~QJ",2.tl-~:1S:~ ~~9' .~~I08027 10~ I\L ~gh<.Q~ G}" ") (..... ~(J;...,iv t) i: tohe"" Hunic1-pa~i.t.ie$ a.nd \101:'16. done l~~i.~1.dUli1.S &. v\S..';.e:rioJ.a 501.0. ~~ '\ 1r ." lUJ\,.hJ.l '" co\lJ1t.l \toad '\TOUche!.'S i~'~ tt''''''i:I'~a<?J f2}. ~in~~ ,::I'.&o,f'i~"i dJ .Il~ \{i\ Vi~ r"~ d. u... ~'j.~ ag~ C.1'r(rQ.~' ~.'~,ff~~~' J \J J; g, l~~;.}.'ifJi.l;.';$ "'.... .." t) . ~'{ '(';Af)(!i'\("l\,~P \'J\<JI'!,J~~!\~~"""t ~ ,.,; l;.A~~.i" a.r~d ~~det:l e.nd paint.1ug and a \'$ ~COl.U~,llD C.oct1 ..... . ol''""..... he \ia.:rd0" na1ll0 bO i"ll(.l.\J .~~.. ~,,~~A4~~ GOoa Roads VC.~.i"""~~!lj.~~)I,a. . ^ ""..' ......, ,,,~ ",nd a~~l1S ..6:;'''''.L', ,,~, "'u ... !\.~50\!;rla tr to n,1O ") t.i"" ~ . ,,' 1.... e. _0 M (;t (,>0. Ii\.. B1~1~1l'" ....", l:"'""'~ # .. 1 .. d'""".:\,O,"1'~~ as pJ....."'...J - · ~l:l.i.e 131 ~ L,fi~\\1 conSO 1,id~~t/l.ng.".., a..$e11lJ\\?t.iOn5 of n~ 'B,oao.s ano. /I''lof:>~'''''.''~'' ot.her CO\'l.nt.:f RoadS)' v,,,,,,,.no. \iI~~\.l\.~ t ~. ~ 1, ''l''l!'~ 1 'f.vl~d. " ' ." ,,~ "'i.....0tllOe't'\ \lin:;\."" .I.~"'.'~'''~. \"l"'\~ _ t.la~d J:;,..a...;;,y ;!.' U '" , ~he r0n~be~ing 1~.hf~ -o9.ssaft\9 ~,,"..,,,~. '* ...... " (~..... '" .....,~~_...1' t~Jo:'(\;) .,~V ~.t.!l.,~Y,J .. .' ,t,'" con!" 1'lll. st.o? stg,ns as nO\i -pj.aceU 1h:;.$ 131~La'\rl w...'p..... ,- . 4- 4<< 1A '" (''10'1'' t. "" ROa.. d.. 51t"ltt'li'll.' t.hroUl!.hOU" "..", J "'... ... v ", (t, f:~ r"'* ""'" " it ~~ 'r"~.....4 C(>: 0;::; {($ t), ~ @ ~ ~.~ Cl f~4 t::,oi ~ H fi1 ........ trj ~ ;..:l D P:.t r:.... o ~ p.. a') Cil ~ tl~ H ! ~ I I I i ;~ ~ ~ ~-4 1< ~ t,,") I j I ~ o ~i $ ~..... o "'d () ~ .t3 ("l' a ~ ....:J -< ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 4TH, 1962. THE ELGIN COUNTY ROAD COM~TTEE met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Reeve D.M. Chute of Bayham. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. C.G. Spencer, Assistant District Municipal Engineer of London. THE MINUTES of the December 6th Meeting were read and approved. THE FOLLOWING Resolution was passed: MOVED BY J.B. VITLSON SECONDED BY D. BURGESS THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #36 - $5,475.42: PAY LIST #37 - $12,786.21. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the total expenditures in 1961 of $804,3'51.30 for County and Suburban Roads and Accounts Receivable of $136,502.55. He also gave costs on various Construction and Maintenance jobs. ~lli. ROBERT HEFFREN of Glen Colin on County Road 40 attended the Road Committee Meeting with regard to a settlement for the land acquired by the County for widening County Road 40 and asked that the Committee acquire Road widening to straighten Road 40 at Glen Golin. pa.ge 2c --- ST. THOMAS, ONTA.RIO, JA.NUA.RY 4TH, 1962. MOVED B1 D. BURGESS SECONDED BY B.E. DOWNEY TRAT A. coMMITTEE, CONSISTING OF REEVES G.E. BR01lm, J. B. WILSON A.ND F. J. NIMMO INVESTIGA. TE T1:lB RIGHT-OF-WA.Y PURCHA.SE FROM ROBERT HEFFREN, LOT 20 GORB NORTH TA.LBOT ROAD, MALAHIDE. CARRIED. MOVED BY F · J. NIMMO SECONDED BY B.E. DOWNEY THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR pA.YMENT:- PAY LIST #1 - $4,091t.lt7: PAY LIST 12 - $25,666.03. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as folloWS: 1. Clearing waS nearlY completed on the welling;ton Road. 2. Fencing waS progressing; verY favourablY. 3. The Acacia Bridge had been repaired and a large number of treeS around it cut down. It. Very little snow, plowing had been done except east of port Burwell. Ice control waS heaVY especiallY in the south Dorchester area. 5. watters BroS. constructiOn had started crushing; gravel in the County Pit. The County TruckS were applying; gravel to countY Road 35 betWeen Jaffa and orwell. Repairs were being; made on Truck No. 13 tJlllotOr, Clutch and Tandem suspension). surveYs 1rlere being; carried on, on county Road 16 near port Talbot and negotiatiOns started with several 6. 7. B. property owners. Page 3 ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, JANUARY 4TH, 1962. 9. Soil tests were being made at thE~ Dingle Street Bridge. ~, CORRESPONDENCE was read from 1~he following: 1. Mr. T.S. Caldwell approving the appointment of Mr. Fred A. Bell as Consulting Engineer on the Dingle Street Bridge. 2. The Village of Wardsville thanking the Engineer for his assistance in getting the Elgin Construction Company Limited to repair certain streets damaged by them. 3. Mr. F.B.D. Arnold, Middlesex County Engineer, advising that the County of Middlesex would do maintenance on County Road 34, Middlesex County Line, in Belmont from King's Highway #74 westerly to Taylors Corners. 4. The Trustees of S.S. #8 Yarmouth thanking the Committee for improving the County Road in front of the School. 5. The City of St. Thomas concurri~~ with a Resolution of the Road Committee re the traffic~ hazard at the inter- section of Wellington Road and K:lng's Highway #3 and #4. I. THE BOUNDA.RY LINE ACCOUNT from the County of Kent was noted and left to the 1962 Committel3 for action. MOVED BY SECONDED BY D. BURGESS F.J. NIMMO THAT THE 1lliETING ADJOURN SINE DIE. CARRIED. -" I 6-:7 7 ' tCHAIRMAN ,.-, - ~~-)