1963 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 17TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 8:00 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were in attendance with the exception of Warden K.C. Emerson. THE ENGINEER reported briefly on winter work applicants and land purchase from Mr. Andre Cosyns. MR. F.A.,C. TROT of t he Department of Labour, Safety Construction Branch was in attendance and explained the duties and qualifications of a Construction Safety Inspector, and answered the members questions. MESSRS. LLOYD GURR, Frank Mercer and Arnold Milligan were interviewed for the position with Mr. Trot assisting in the interviews. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E,. BROWN J.B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT LLOYD GURR BE APPOINTED AS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR. HIS DUTIES TO START FEBRUARY 1ST, 1964 AT A SALARY OF $4000.00 PER ANNUM. CARRIED. '>, MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E., BROWN MASON TANS LEY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JANUARY 7TH, 1964 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~. ;.J f)-IJ- //,;J /; . - ,_J('l .ef./~ fl ~~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMIT1~EE met at the Court House at 2:00 p.m." ALL MEMBERS were present. THE ENGINEER reported as follows: 1. Investigations into winter work pro jeets and regulations were continuing. 2. Work was still be carried on at the Scidmore Hill at Port Stanley. 3. That prices were being solicited for a new 18 inch and a new 24 inch chain saw with the County's old saws as trade- ins. The new saw would be purchased as soon as possible so as to be available for brushing and clearing work in the New Year. 4. Approximately $800,000 had been spent to date with the County's share estimated at $367,000.1 By-laws had been approved to a limit of $866,000 and a 7 mill Road Rate would raise approximately $370,000. THE COUNTY ENGINEER and Reeve C..D. Phillips reported on land purchased from Mr. Andre Cosyns. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY MASON T ANSLEY THAT WE PAY ANDRE COSYNS THE sm~ OF $7000.00 FOR LAND EXPROPRIATED FROM HIM FOR DEVELOPMENT ROAD NO. 692 BY REGISTERED PLAN D769. THE SUM TO INCLUDE ALL LAND EXPROPRIATED, FENCE ALLOWANCE AND ALL DAMAGES. CARHIED. ST.1HOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 13TH, 1963. MR. JOHN DOKTORIC of West Lorne discussed various problems on the Doktortt(Municipal Drain. The Committee were of the opinion that very little could be done until the report was read. THE APPLICATIONS for the position of Construction Safety Inspector were examined after considerable discussion. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY K. C 4. EMERSON GEORGE BARBER THAT viE INTERVIEW MESSRS. MERCEH, GURR, MILLIGAN AND S EGHERS WITH REGARD TO THE POSITION OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR AND ASK THAT MR. TROT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR ATTEND THE MEETING TO BE HELD DECEMBER 17TH A T ~~: 00 P.M. AT THE COURT HOUSE. CARH.IED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEOH.GE BARBER K. C,. EMERSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO DECEMBER 17TH AT 8:00 P.M. CARHIED. "" /11, . jV:? /J J Yr.AjM~ I~ CHAIRMAN CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR ~....". ,-.,-.,__..," .._".....~.__'"o,', _.___.......,..."._._ ........ .'. ,. _' ~.".......~~_.........._......_._.,... __,.__~__~~._~...__..~-a APPLICATIONS for a Construction Safety Inspector to be appointed pursuant to the Constructlion Safety Act 1961,=62 will be re~eived until .~~J~~~~~___~:.<2~rtI~~~.26 ~ 10 : 00 A 0 ~,1" b'y 'the undersignedo The applicants at~teni,;j.on dra,tnll1 Sect:tol1. 7 of the Ac'c in which the qualificBtions of t:, Insp(i:;ctor are statedo It is expected that the position ~tl7i.ll not take up the entire time of the applic~nt and consideration has been given to t.he employment of the applicant for 'the remai:nder o:r the time by the County Road Departmenta Consideration will also be given to any applicant who wishes to work pArt time>> ioe: ",:hen there is work for a Safety Inspectoro The applicant will work under the direction of' the County Road Committee and the County Engineero Further information may be obtained from 'the undersigned 0 The County Road Committee reserves the right to reject any or all applicationso RcG$ MOORE 9 Po ENG~~ COUNTY ENGINEER, . COUNTY OF ELGIN>> COURT HOUSE?) S'I't) THOHAS z) ON~rARIO 0 CHAlRl,\.AN Atm l!l.Et!\BbRS OF THE COUNT"'! OF ELGIll ROAD cmJllllITTEE ~ SIRS':.. ~CP.T10N.22!l:~S~g]ON ~~9-1.~ COU\\,;m1,\1' r''G' l{I' q,l~'i } v .l.\l",,~~ .\,:J .\ \... ,N _:.---- ...--.~""""" 1 HEREEl applY for the position of Safety Inspector under the construction Safety Act, 196~-62, Name~ ------------------ ----------- present AddresS~ --- -~----.. Place of Birth~ -'" .----- Pla.~e . '.__ .. . om...-" ~~~ ----- ---------- r.~l,b~~ ~ --------------- ----------------- PJ, 1'\ ce, ~ ..--. ---- H:tgh School or ~ Dates ~~~~ ------.. ---- State Diploma received, i.f any: -------- .---------------- Other eduCBtion~ ---------------.. -- __-~o. -------- ---~ Experience in building troad & building) or other heavy construction: ---_.------~..~--------- -- -' ---- --- ---------.---------- ----------- A GONS'rnUC'TION SAPE'fY _._._~,_,~,.,...,~._.....__,...... ~v~~~ {~():nt;, v d 0 Pag(~ :~? Ernpl([))ymerr'fj (startj.ng VJi th mo~rt recent) and duration ,,It'.Jlilt-'J'~im:tl1I\tl1il'_'11~,,,oI\~ ~'''"~~ "._,~,~~~ _~.k~~J. ....,.,,-...~_.___...~....._.,... ~~:!l~~~r~..r.:t~~DJl~~:alI\"~'",~~~", ~.v,~~~.,............,~ u.~"..::a;r~__~.iIAo~.~. ~""'~~'Ut~",' ~.E4;~-..n.~~~~*tt:'"tliU2~~_..,"".., ... ,_. ~._~~M'."_._"_~'~~'"_""'~_ '"'-.......,.~-~-.....~""~_...Jlil$C~.._..._,___........__._~_",._,""___..,..,,_,.,~~ ."""~1""1'<T~1I",.,.. 'V" lQ .............. '''.M....~\.I'''II'lllIII~J.:_l.,g\1~''...~.::.;rr,':.......'''...c:~1;ll;I:"..~;.."... . -,--,-~"""~_.I'a>:'l - /.JJl<f'--Il<"':'r.~>,;~.~~"l'1m'~""""""""W'-It'~'l;~""~~~'e~'''''''''''~n~'''''''~~''''l'!tPln'.,.e-'-<f'lI<S_t'r..<<_U'>~."",..."~"",~..,..~'t""".Jl.,r('''~''''_$!:';;r''....'Tr.,a;,.;:;'I''.,,....t1-....,;<tl':=~'-'~....M~"'"'..~."I,,;.t\....,,~,"""a::~t:t:_~~:'o<v.w!lll{,il""''''<;:.''":~ ~~~.......".,.....,..,.. -~~~~N1I.--.w~<lt""'__~~""lI!ll\_"'lr__, _...v._. _ ~ ~~IItll:ll>..~,~...~-sl~",.. ~\~~.....,.- .___,_~_,~_m__... ~..Q....",,':...,.::l,~__J -~"Ji.;Io~!~~~",_,,"._ Experience other .fields (engineering >J 5urveys'il real esta'f~e y administr;:ti.on~ etco) ~ ~'~'~~~~h~'L,.~~~~_,.. _.....~.._. .,~ .~-__..-,.__.=-c.~,. g:xper:ten~e in any trAdes (plumbing~ welding~ electric:lty>> etco);; "-"'_.,"'".,_..........,___(lIl(.....',........~.,..._,....._._~_,..~ ,~.~_..-~~~~,..- ~,m...,."...._~..,.._.~.,..~:It~~1:l~~~..,~.....~,.~... ,._.~~~~ PleBse give tiJl70 referen.ces as to your character and ability~ .~...~.,.~~~_.~----,. _.-_.._---,,---~_...._..."_..~-_._,..~. --._-..~..~ ...'~ . ,..,~~....-.w~~~_.__~,...,__.~~..,...~...f!'M::!.,......,.___,___ Salary expe~ted? Please stAte sAlary expected flnd "Yd1E~ther or not. full time e:m,pJLoyment is desired ~ ~.._._.~~~~W~~:dW~...._""" ----~~~~~~...~~.:.lnG; )~~~~.tal'<Il"'.gr:::."l:lt.'lI "~,-~~~O-MO-_.._._"'~.,_._,.~__.__.......,._._.__".._._."'-.... ..,~~.~ ...._--._-~,._._......--'..... ..-........... .-'-'-' _.~---"_..__tml.-...,....+,..~.~."_______,,._......._...!";Il:lI::;~,..",__..~,_.~....... ~..--...'~~~ ......._~, ,~~----~""'-"!lQU)~.._---...-,--~_.-.,-"-~ ....-. .~.....- ''''''''''''''''' .~~._.~_.......~---.._"._.__.._~,...~--...--,---..,. -~--'"_.---.... ."-' ~__~~.___~___.._~..,j::;I=.,l:~~..:.:;;.~=,:-...:';". Transportat :ton ~ Mileage will be paid for use of inspector's car at the rate of 10 cents per mile for the :rirst 7$)000 miles:;; 8 cents per mile for the next 7 v 000 miles and 7 {~ents per mile for the remainder driven eac:h yearo Date Signature ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the November 7th and November 19th meetings were read and approved. 1. The deck was being poured on the concrete culvert on Road 17, Middlesex County Line. 2. Sand piles had been completed and all snow fence erected. 3. Repairs had been made on Grader No.8 and Truck No.8. 4. The slide area on Road 20 at Port Stanley was being repaired with gravel and Hel-Cor Pipe. 5. Guide rail had been erected on Road 36 and was progressing on Road 20 at port Stanley. 6. Extensive repairs to pavements had been made. 7. It was hoped that some crushed gravel could be applied to Road 42. 8. A large pile of gravel had been pushed up at Avon to be crushed next year. 9. The concrete culvert on Road 37 had been backfilled and normal traffic resumed. 10. Bushing on variouS County Roads would be undertaken when no other work could be done. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. The Minister of HighwayS re the inspection courses for municipal employees. 2. Mr. T.S. Caldwell re Mr. J.H. Dadson of port Stanley. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: PAGE 2 3. ---~", 4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 10TH, 1963. 5. The Ontario Good Roads Association re the resolution for the Annual Meeting. The Canada Crushed and Cut Stone Company re the closing of the Hagersvi11e Plant. Mr. C.R. Wilmot of the Ontario Department of Highways approving the purchase of the centre line marker. Mr. H.C. Dernier re the intersections of Road Nos. 38, 44 and 46 with King's Highway #3. Mr. W.R. Kennear of the Ontario Department of Highways re the Port Burwell Bridge Replacement Study. Mr. K.L. Kleinsteiber of the Ontario Department of Highways re the channel improvements at Meeks Bridge. A discussion for action was left to next year's Committee. 9. Mr. Manson McCann of Dutton re the replacement of fence on Road 8. The Committee felt that no action on the part of the County was warranted as land for widening the Road was 6. 7. 8. not necessary at this time. THE ENGINEER reported on the progress being made on the design of the Elm Street Bridge over Catfish Creek in Aylmer. THE RESOLUTIONS from the County of Bruce re Class liB" Roads and deposits on empty bottles were discussed. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY Mason Tansley SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTIONS FROM THE COUNTY OF BRUCE BE FILED. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOM!S, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10TH, 1963. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY GEORGE BARBER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #33 _ $2,412.57: PAYLIST #34 - $10,314.00; PAYLIST #35 _ $75,889.04 and PAYLIST #35 (D~ELOPMENT ROAD) - $17,544.26. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. THE MEETING resumed with James Luykes, a property owner on Road 20 north of King's Highway #401, in attendance asking that hiS compensation for land e~proriated to widen Road 20 be increased because 34 feet was taken instead of 17 feet. AFTER DISCUSSION the following reasolution waS passed: MOVED BY J .B. WILSON SECONDED BY M!SON TANSLEY THAT JAMES LUyKES, LOT 7, CONCESSION 111, SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP, BE ALLO\iED THE SUM OF $89.20 FOR DAMAGES RE LAND PURCHASE "FOR WIDENING ROAD 20. CARRIED · THE LAND PURCHASED from Messrs. wonnacott, stephens and cosyns waS diSCUssed. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed. K.c. EMERSON GEORGE BARBER MOVED BY SECON'DED BY THAT R.E~E PHILLIPS BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH ANDRE COSYNS OR HIS AGENT WITH REGARD TO COMPENSATION FOR HIS PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR ROAD PURPOSES. CARRIED. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10TH, 1963. MOVED BY SECONDED BY MASON, TANSLEY J.B41 WILSON ~, THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH MR. STEPHENS' SOLICITOR (TO A LIMIT OF $900) WITH REGARD TO PAYMENT FOR PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR ROAD PURPOSES. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER was instructed to discuss the various problems with the County Solicitor, Mr. E_.O. Fanjoy. THE ENGINEER reported on various aspects of the County Engineer's Meeting in Toronto in Novembert, as follows: (a) Regarding Sales Tax Rebates on County Road Expenditures, (b) Needs Study information, and (c) Affects of integration. THE ENGINEER suggested that the County Car be traded in as it had been driven 90,000 miles and was in need of baY work. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: SECONDED BY G .E.. BROWN J.B. WILSON MOVED BY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW COUNTY CAR WITH THE PRESENT COUNTY CAR AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CARRIED. THE COMMITTEE suggested that an application be made to the Ontario and Federal Governments for winter work projects approval of various bushing and tree cutting work on County Roads and the erection of guide rail on various County Roads. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 10TH, 1963. THE CUTTING of various trees in the County's lot at Guysboro was also discussed and the EnginEler instructed to obtain prices on pulpwood that would be availablE! for sale. ~ THE SALARIES of the County Engineer and the Assistant Road Superintendent were reviewed. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY K. C., EMERSON SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON RESOLVED WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER, R.G. MORRE, BE GIVEN A RAISE IN SALARY OF $1000.00 BRINGING HIS SALARY TO $9500.00 PER ANNUM. THIS SALARY TO BE EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 1964 AND TO BE FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. CARRIED. MOVED BY G.Et. BROWN SECONDED BY GEORGE BARBER THAT THE SALARY OF NORMAN J. CHAPLOW BE INCREASED TO $5300.00 PER ANNUM EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1ST, 1964. CARHIED. THE APPLICATIONS for the position of Construction Safety Inspector were briefly reviewed and left for discussion at the next meeting. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY MASON TANSLEY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO DEC]~MBER 13TH AT 2:00 P.M. CARRIED. Jf~ t:?~ CHAIHMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 19TH., 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met in con- junction with County Council. ALL M~IBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED pn the work to date as follows: 1. Soft spots that had been excavated and backfilled with gravel on Roads 38, 47, 48 and 51 were being patched. 2. One footing had been poured at the concrete culvert on Road 17 and the other one will be poured later this week. 3. Snow fence would be erected later in the week. 4. Sand piles were being placed this week and next week. 5. Repairs to Pavements on Road 15, between Dutton and Wallacetown and Road 2 in West Lorne, would be made shortly. 6. Guide Rail was:.being erected on Road 36 and would be erected shortly on Road 20. 7. Gravel Fill would be placed on the Scidmore Hill at Port Stanley on Road 20, where a slide had recently occurred. REEVE NIMMO REPORTED that J;..eroy Holborn had agreed to accept $300.00 for damage to his strawberry crop. REEVE PHILLIPS STATED that he had made little progress in negotiating with Andre Cosyns' solicitor, Mr. Johnson. ~--"''''''..--......", REEVE BROWN STATED that he had not as yet seen Mr. Stephens. THE ENGINEER READ CORRESPONDENCE stating that Mr. Wonnacott would accept $500.00 for the property ex- propriated by the County of Elgin. Committee agreed to lay the matter over, hoping that agreement could be reached with Cosyns & Stephens. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTAHIO, NOVEMBER 19TH., 1963 THE ENGINEER gave traffic count figures that had been obtained at the intersections of ,the Township Road and Road 8. MOVED BY SECONDED BY GEO. BROWN M. TANSLEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE ASSUME AS A C OUNrry ROAD, THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION A AND CONCESSION V, NORTH OF A, DUW\;vICH TOWNSHIP, AS A CONTINUA TION OF ROAD 2, FROM COUNTY ROAD 15 TO ROAD 8- -A DISrrANCE OF APPROXIMATELY 0.5 MILES. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED UNTIL DECEMBER 10TH, AT 10:00 A.M. 1/ f1i;: P /; /t~ ..... '~" /(.rlJ-\L#>~'" CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 7TH., 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the last meeting were read and THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS approved. FOLLOWS: (1) Delivery had been received of the neW survey vehicle. (2) Sterling construction Co. Ltd. had nearlY complet~d their contract on Road 36 (Development Road #692), and the final inspection would be held earlY next week. Crushed gfavel would be placed on Road 36, to be re- verted to the TownshiP of Yarmouth next spring. (3) Grading had been completed on Road 42 with the exception of trimming. Granular Base and pit run gravel would be completed by the middle of next week. It was hoped that crushed gravel would be applied before winter set in. (4) Fencing was being completed on Road 20 (Shedden}. AlsO to be completed in the next week or so waS fencing on Road 16 and Guide Rail on Road 20 at port Stanley. (5) A concrete culvert on Road 17 would be started next week. (6) The concrete culvert on Road 37 at Avon would be backfilled next week, and the road opened to traffic. (7) Gravel was being piled in Avon Pit as the water was extremelY loW. This work was being done to good advantage. (8) Repairs to pavements were being continued on Roads 38,47, 48 and 51. (9) The Engineer waS continuing a programme of bridge and concrete culverts inspection on County Roads and waS about tWo_thirds completed. (10) Mr. Ken Klienstieber and Mr. J. Harris had inspected the Meek's Bridge channel and their report waS expected shortlY. (11) The D.H.O. was continuing their investigation re port Burwell Bridge replacement. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 7TH., 1963. ~.. CORRESPONDENCE ViAS READ FROM THE FOLLOtAJING; Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, approving the appointment of A. Spreit & Associates as consultants on the Elm St. Bridge in Aylmer. (2) Mr. D.M. Shepherd, re condition of Road 44 from Eden to Northall. (1) REEVE BARBER REPORTED that the Aldborough-Orford Townline Road had been closed at Hwy. #401 and that no further action on the petition of Orford Township and a number of residents of Aldborough Township could be taken. A LETTER FROM WAGNER PULPWOOD of Courtland, offering $2.00 per cord stumpage for pulpwood cut from the County's Guysboro Pit, was read. The Committee agreed that the pulpwood should be sold, if the Township of Bayham did not wish the job as a winter works' project. VARIOUS ASPECTS OF THE APPOINTMENT of a Construction Safety Inspector were discussed. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO ADVERTISE FOR APPLICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ACT 1961-62. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER, THE MEETING RESUMED. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY GEO. BARBER THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE A~PROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #30 - $1,999.41; PAYLIST #31 - $11,713.79; PAYLIST #32 - $72.185.50; PAYLIST # 32 (DEVELOPMENT ROAD) $30,428.16 CARRIED. ---~ VARIOUS LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS WERE DISCUSSED. BO~~36, Andre Coswn~ - Reeve Phillips stated that he would con- tinue negotiations with Bruce Johnson, solicitor for Mr. Cosyns, with a view of settlement for approximately $5,500.00 maximum. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO NOVEMBER 7TH., 1963. PAGE 3 Road 36 Geor e Wonn~oti-an~ H~ s~e~h~ - Reeve Brown stated that he would negoti~te with Mr. Stephens, but thought that chances of settlement were small. MOVED BY M. T~NSLEY SECONDED BY {lEO. B~RBER TH~T THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED vHTH MUNICIP~L BOARD HEARING S WITH REGARD TO THE PROPERTY OF HARRY STEPHENS AND GEORGE WONNACOTT. CA.RRIED · ~ Road 20 Holborn _ committee agreed to offer Leroy Holborn $300.00 ma~imum, for damages to his strawberry patch where sand base waS removed for Road 20. Reeve Nimmo stated that he would talk to Mr. Halbern- Sale of the remainder of the Boose ~r~ waS discUssed, and the matter waS adjOUrned to the ne~t meeting, pending further information re CatfiSh Creek authority re land purchase and County reforestration to be secured by Reeves Brown and Emerson. THE ENGINEER REcoMMENDED that By-la~ #1803 re Through Highways, be amended to make Road 24 a through Road at Road 36, and that the description of Road 27 be amended. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY K.C, EMERSON THAT WE RECoMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY STOP SIGN BY-LAW #1803 BE ~MENDED TO MAKE COUNTY RO~D 24 A THROUGH HlYiGHWAY AT COUNTY ROAD 36 AND TH~T THE DESCRIPTION OF COUNTY ROAD 27 BE CORRECTED. CARRIED · DISCUSSION ON ADJUSTMENT OF THE ENGINEER'S SALARY waS adjoUrned to the December meeting. CTHEceASsSUMnPTION AS A COUNTY ROAD of the Road ~llowance on s lO betWeen-TK & V north of A between County Road 15 & 8 (~ mile) in Dunwich, waS diSCUssed at length. The Engineer waS instructed to secure more information. ST. THON!S, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 7TH., 196'3. PAGE 4 J .B. "WILSON GEO. BARBER MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL DECEMBER 10TH., AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED · ~ CHAIRMAN --~ CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR APPLICATIONS for a Construction Safety Inspector to be appointed pursuant to t,he Construct~Lon Safety Act 1961=62 will be received until 10 :00 A (,Me DECEMBER 10TH 1963 .'--~~-___.".____.._,.. ......:JL..._ ......."'..,> by the undersignedo The applicants attention is drawn tC) Sectj.on 7 of the Act in which the qualifications of the Inspector are s'tatedo It is expected that the posi tion \'1111 not take up the entire time of the applicant and consideration has been given to the employment of the applicant for the remainder of the time by the County Road Departmento Consideration will also be given to any applicant '\;Alho wishes to work pArt time~ ioe: when there is work for a Safety Inspectoro The applicant will 't'llork under the direction of the County Road Commi.ttee and the County EngineerQ Further informati.on may be obtained from the undersigned 0 reject The County Road Committee reserves the right to or all applicationso RoG~ MOORE 9 Po ENGo9 COUNTY ENGINEEIl9 ,COUNTY OF ELGIN 9 COURT HOUSE~ ST <.l THor1AS ~ ONTARIO 0 COUNTY OF ELGIN APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR .... ' .. ...,. c " ,.,..~~,"'" '0' CHA lIUiJIAN AND r1lEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELG IN ROA D COrlll~J1ITTEE = SIRSg I HEREBY apply fo~ the position of Safety Inspector under the Construction Safety Act, 1961-620 Name~ --~... =~ Present Address: Place of Birth: EDUCATION~ Public School Dates l:!a c,~ High School or Techni~l Sc!19()! Dat~ Place State Diploma receivedw if any~ Other education~ -.-",'''''''.'.' !I'tl.",...F.'._.............,..,,,..-............,.,-.~ Experience in building (roAd & building) or other heavy construction~ ~_, ..."...,,~t4.-...__.'__~_____... . ~.",,"'.' .,........_."',..".,,~~..",,.,., ._._..",.,~.~~~~~~t:'l P ag; e 2. ~O~ FOll. CONS'l$tJCTION s~eont.'d' Emp~oymen~ ~st.arting ~it.h most. recent) and durat.ion~ -'"" ----------- ,------------ ~-------'-- ------"-----..- ---------- -----,_.............---'- .---- ---------- ---------- ,..-----_--w-~ ,.--" -----' E~~erience in other fie~ds \eng~n~erin~' 6urveY6)~ real estate, r adm~n1str~on, et.c. · ----------... ......-'~-' ----------- ---- ------ ~perience in anY t.rades tPlumbi~' ~elding, electricity, etc,)~ ----------- ----------------- -------------- -------~----- -------------- ------- --- Please give t~O references as to your character and ability: -------- ------------------ --- --- --------------- --,.,-.------------- --- -------.------ ----------- .-- '. ...1 ,r e~~ect.ed and -whether or not S la~~ e~~ected1 Please state s~ arJr . a. . .~ J t' 0 d .""" d <J N1l time employment ,-$ .e5:!-' e - ' --- -------- ----------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -- . id for usa of inspectorls car at ~he Transport.ation: r~ileage ~ll b~ P~er mile for t.he first. 7,000 miles, ~at,e ~ perC:h~ for the next '7,000 miles and '7 centS pa~e~i1.e for t.he remainder driven as ch year. ---------- ...____,--------Signature ---...------------ ST.; THOJ:1AS ~ ON~rARIO>> NOVEMBER SESSION 19630 TO THE llARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUrJCILo YOUR. ROAD COI1J:ftITTEE begs to report as follo"'ls ~ 10 Road HULCH Pf\,VEI.1ENTS have been laid on the follo'flling Roads during 19n3: (a) ROAd 2 from \"lest Lorne easterly in the Village of ~est Lorne And the Townships of Aldborough and Dunwicho 202 miles (b) Road 20 from King's Highway 1'4 northerlv to Turvilles Corners in the Vill~ge of Port StAnley and the Township of Southwoldo 200 miles 20 t'IDENING~ GRADING AND GHANULAR BASE has been done 011 the folloV'ling Roads: (a) Road 20 northerly from the Village of Shedden to Road 18 (except at King's Highway 1401) in the Township of Southwoldo 301 miles {b) Road 52 from Ro~d 40 easterly to the east of the New York Central Railroad Tracks in the Vi~l~ge of Springfield and the Townships of r~lahide and South DorchesterQ 101 miles (c) RORd lJ.2 from Road 1,,0 easterly to apprOXimAtely 1i miles e~st of the Bayham-Nalahide Townline (except at the Stalter Gully Bridge) in the Townships of 1-1alahide and Dayhamo 500 miles )0 GRADING 9 GRANULAR BASE ^r~D 1;'"IDErIHG has been done on Count,y Road 36 (Development ROAd No 0 692) :rrOID Road 24 easterly to Port Bruce in 'the To~n1ships of Ivialahide and YRrmoutho 'this work he.s been completed by the Sterling Construc~ion Company 'Limited ot Wlndsoro Crushed Gravel will be placed CD 8 portion of the old Road 36 which 18 being reverted 'to the Township or Yarmouth n~ext sprlngo The length of work involved 1s 308 milsso 40 ROAD 16 from Burwells Corners to the Talbot Cre.ek in the Township of Dunwich~, a distance ot 106 milesl) was Surface Treated with a double coat of Bituminous Mat~er1al and Stone Chips~ ' So APPROXIMATELY 29 miles of County Roads In vS]riOU8 locations throughout the County were treated with Bituminous ~terlal and Stone and Gravel Ch1pso ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL = N()'y'"E!i:i3ER SESSlqN 19~~, Page 2 60 THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE~ in the To~m of Aylmer and the Township of Malahidep was completed by the Matthews Concrete Limited of Londono 70 CONCRETE CULVERTS have been built or are be:lng builtJ on the following Roads: (a) Road 42 = The Chute Culvert 1/4 mile west of the Stalter Gully BridgeD (b) Road 37 => Kettle Creek Drain Culvert wef3t of Avono (c) Road 17 = Government Drain Noo 2 Culvert west of King g s High'\nlay #4010 go STEEL PLATE CULVERTS were installed in three locations on Road ll,,2" in the Township of Malahide in conjunction with grading9 replacing three narrow Concrete Culvertso 90 STEELCULVEHTS were installed on Roads 20>> 42 and 52 in conjunction with grading and at various locations through= out the Count Yo Four Concrete Culverts (in addition to Items 6 and 7) were replaced on Road 42 by S~eel Pipeo 100 THE SHELBOURNEBRIDGE (or Warren Street) on Road 21 in the Village of Port ~tanley was cleaned and 'painted as was the Meek Bridge over Kettle Creek near Port St~nleyo 110 EXTENSIVE GRAVEL RESURFACING was done on P0ads 17 and 18 in the Township of Southwoldo 120 FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AND GATES have been approved by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada for the New York Central Railroad Company and Chesapeake &. Ohio R~ilway Company Crossings on Road 2 east of ,.Test Lorne and Road 15 in Duttono This work is expe~ted to be' completed before next s p~ing() Early approval is expected of the County's application ~or Flashing Light Signals and Gates on the New York Central Railroad Company Bnd Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company Crossings on Road 4 At Blacks Lane end'the Kent Townline in the Township of Aldborougho Completion ot this work is not-likely until late in 196~o 13Q STORM DRAINS have been completed on Road 45 on hills in the vicinity of the Otter Creek in the Township of Bayhamo 140 AN INTERNl'.TIONAL TRAVELLALL STATION l:AGON tOI be used primarily for a survey vehicle has be~n purchasedo 150 THE ST. THOr.:iAS SUBURBA1! ROAD COl'TMISSION has complet~d the trimrning and gravelling of the shoulders on the Uel1ington RoadQ 16$ THE O~TARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGffiTAYS has been asked to make" a report on the replacement of the present Bridge on Road 42 at Port Burwell.. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl; <= NOVE~~}l".~~,SSION,,"~9~1 Page .3 170 ALL COUNTY and Suburban Paved R@ads with the exception of Road 36 north of Sparta9 have been centre lined marked 0 160 THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGm!AYS has erected traffic signals at the intersection of Sto Thomas Suburban Road 2S (Wellington Road) and King's Highways #3 and #40 The County Road Committee and the Sto Thomas Suburban Road Commission had petitioned the Department for the signals 0 190 THE 'COUNTY ENGINEER has been authorized to ask for applicatiOI1B .for the position of Constructijon Safety Inspector under the Construction S,atety Ac"t 1961-620 WE RECOMMEND: to THAT the County By-law Noo 18039 Designat1Jt1g Through Highways>> be amended9 changing the de~scriptions or Roads 24 and 36 and correcting the delscriptions of Roads 21 and 320 The new relocated R4)ad 36 (Development Road Noo 692) will, in the tuture9 be . continuation ot Road 24 and will be'a through Highway which Road 36 will end at Road 240 20 THAT a By....law be passed reverting "to Townships in which they are situated}) the following port~lons ot County Roads'~ (a) Read 36~ in. the Township of Ya...mouth $) 'in Conces- slon I9 .trom the south side of Rc)ad 24 southerly along the Road be1iween Lots 21,ancl 22 in Concession It! in the Township ot '~armo~th' and the Lake Road in Lots 22 to 27 and thE! west 450 teet or Lot 280 (This portion ot Road is-now replaced by Development Road Noo 692)G The Road built trom Development. R(~a d No 0 692 'to ,the present Lake Road in Lot 24~ Concession 11) in the Township o~ Yarmouthg a d1e~tance of . approximately 900 feete '(This portion will be used as a fervice. entrance to several properties on the Lake Road) 0 Road 20 = (i) the northerly 350 feet or the Road Allowance between Lots lS and 169 North Side ot Talbot Road North Branch~ (i1) the Road Allowance between'"the North Side of Talbot Road, North Branch and Concession V from the Road Allowan'ce be~ween Lots 15 and 16>> North Side of Talbot Road North Branch (above) to the" Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 l' Concession V 9 and (' 111) the Road Allowance between Lots '6 and 7'in Concession V, all in the Township or Southwoldo These portions have been cut off by the relocatiClln ot Road 20 north of Shedden. " (b) Cel 3t,) THAT a By-law be passed assuming as County Road 209 the Road constructed in Lot 169 North Sidel, of Talbo't Road North Branch and in Lot 79 Concession V~ all in the Township of Southwoldo ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL Nqy:gM.BER SESS IqN ~96~., Page 4 40 THAT a By=Law he passed$,) assuming as R continu~~tion of County Road 2 ~ the Road bet't1een Conces:3ion A and Concession V north of A in Dun\-lich ~ro'V?n"'" ship between County Road 15 and County ROc:.d 8>> a distance of Approximately O~5 miles~ This road connects Road 2 and Road 8 north of Dutton~ and has had a considerable increase in traffic since Hwyo 401 has been openede 50 THAT the County~s Three Year Programme be added to as follows: 1966 ~~~~Yi!!~ => That mileage of Road graded . 19 r. l.n )0 l~~~ - ~~c!~~~h1pg~r!!Y~;~o~ih~' un~~:d (~Igh;~Y #4) to Sparta {\oJ! th the exception ()f that portioh paved in 1962)9 a distance of 505 mileso ~~la ~~~~,~ t ~~~_."~~~"ct.,g.~~ - Road 42 = Stalter Gully Bridge and the . approachess a distance of 005 miles (present engineering studies are toward a culvert and a fi~lo) ALL OF l]IICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBr~I~rTEDo CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 10TH., 1963. -~ THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTE]~ met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present with the exception of Reeve Phillips of Bayham. THE MINUTES of the last meeting Wlere read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED: (1) that an error had been made by the D.H.O. in numbering the interchanges on Hwy. 401, and that an interchange would be built on Hwy. 401 at County Road 20, north of Shedden. (2) that the Consulting Engineers for the D.H.O. had redesigned the proposed water line on Road 2 from West Lorne to the D.H.O. Service Centre on Hwy. 401, and the location was now satisfactory. (3) that deli.very of the survey vehicle was explected next week. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK AS FOLLOWS: (1) Work was continuing on Road 42, and grading had been started in Bayham Township. Sand base was being laid in the vicinity of Lakeview. Excellent weather had greatly aided progress. (2) Sterling Construction had completed Sand Base work on Road 36, and h9-d placed approximately one-half of the crushed gravel, Top soil and trimming work '~as continuing. (3) Repairs were being made to Road 36 where damage had been done by trucking for the rebuilding of Hwy. #3. Asphalt paving of the patches would take place next week. ------., (4) Kettle Creek Drain Culvert on Road 37 west of Avon had been completed. (5) Centre Line Marking had been completed, except for Road 36, north of Sparta. (6) Repairs had been made to the Port Burwell Bridge floor. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIm OCTOBEH 10TH., 1963. -'..----..... " (7) A.~ the Canadian Good Roads f Association Convention at Winnipeg . CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: CL) J. P. Ho,",ard, Municipal Engineer, approving Supplementary Road Construction By-law passed by County Counbil fn:Sept- ember, ror $40,000.00 (2) H.C. Dernier, District Engineer, approving purchase of a truck waterpump, and a survey vehicle. (3) F.B.D. Arnold, County Engineer for Middlesex, stating that the D.H.O. had approved the County of Middlesex' by-law assuming the North & South Dorchester Townline as a County Road. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: K.C. EMERSON M. TANSLEY THAT PAYLIST #27, AMOUNTING TO $1,471.82; PAYLIST # 28 AMOUNTING TO $10,825.05; PAYLIST #29 AMOUNTING TO $68,136.55; PAYLIST # 29 AMOUNTING TO $35,850.76 (DEVELOPMENT ROAD) BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED (SIGNED) WALTER ROBSON A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LABOUR BRANCH of the Provincial Government addressed Committee re 6onstrmction Safety Act. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. REEVE PHIULIPS in attendance upon resumption of the meeting. ~ MOVED BY: GEO. BARBER SECONDED BY: G. BROWN THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS FOR AN INTERIM SUBSIDY FOR EXPENDITURES INCURRED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FROM JANUARY 1ST., 1963 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1963. CARRIED. (SIGNED) WALTER ROBSON. ST. TnO~~S, ONT~RI0. OCTO~BR 10Tn., 1963 PkGE '3 A PBTIT10N ~1 RBSIUBNTS of ~ldboro~~ & orfo~d .' in keeping the Kent~hlg~n Townl~ne TownshiPS ask~ng ass~stance . resolution of Orford t 1J~~~ 401 waS disCUssed, as .as a open a ~VVJ. TownshiP council. . . de as further de'iTelOpmentS No dec~s~on waS ma , were being awaited. TnB BNGlNEBR RBPORTBU that the B~propriatiOn to ~o into effect January 1, 1964. proceedures ~ct waS ~ T"'" BNGINBBR RBcoWJ\BNUBU that Road 36 from Road d ~~ k th ne~ relocate . Pineo replaced uy e 24 to the property of ~el'iT~n ' n Road 20 north of . d the cut-off corners 0 Road 34 as bu~lt, an .' in which they are sitUated. "". ld be re'iTerted to the TownshW soutl.L'Wo , M.OVED 131 ~ SBCO'N1YBU 131 ~ J .13. "Wl1JSOtl GBO. BI\RBER Tn~T WE RBCOWJ\BNU TO COUNT1- COUNCIL Tn~T ~ B:; TO~snlP Of 1-~R~OUTn, COUNT L~'Il BB p~SSBU, RBVBRTING TO TnB BBN LOTS 21 & 22 IN CONCBSSI0N RO~U 36, Ttffi. RO~U ~LLO'll~NCB BBTW1N L1E,U TnBREOf; ~NU TnB PRBSENT 1 1~1\}J\.OUTn, ~NU TnB RO~U USED pi ~ 't\"1 1"\769 ~S L~lU OU12B1 , TN IN RBGISTERBD ..."" u , L~KE RO~U ~S snO'N. Of 1J\AHnlUB IN LOTS 22, 23, 24, 25, B1--L~'Il #101 Of TnB TO~sn1P :.T L 1l'l COl'lCBSSI0l'l 1, o fBBT Of LOT 20; "... 26 27 ~NU 'IlBST 45 BU"n"\"lhrti'., "'N TitE L~KB RO~U ~NU , . 1P' ~ND Ttffi. RO~U ,,,,'1""'''' 1~B.1J\.OUTn TO~sn ,.. 1l'l LoT 23 CON CBSSI0N 1. COUl'lT1 RO~U 24 ~S ~SS'\lMED ' CI\RRIBD · 1J\OVBD 131 ~ SBCO'NDBU B1~ G EO. 13RO~tl M.. TJ\NSLB1 1:i'CO""'ISND TO COUNT1- COUN. C.IL Tn~ T ~...cB.1- TtTh. T WE R'" 'i'll"' P ~~ OF TO~sn1P Of SOUT1:l'Il0LU, , L~'Il BB p~SSBD R~BRTING T~:~BN LOTS 15 & 16 N.B.T.R. yOR COUNT1 RO~D 20, TnB RO~U ~LLO'll~NCB BBTWBBN N.B.T.R. & CON- 200 fBBT SOUT~ Of TnB RO~U NCB ~BTWBBN CONCESSION 5 & CBSSI0N 5, & TnB RO~D ~LLO'll~ B BET'Iv'EBN LoTS 6 & 7, CONCBSSION N.~.T .R. & TnB RO~D ~LLO'll~l'lC ~ PORTION Of COUNT1- RO~U 20 5, ~NU ~ss\W1B ~s ~ COUNT'! RO~~' R ~l'lD LOT 7, CONCESSION 5, D 1\5 Bt"llLT IN LOT 16 N~B. T. · 'THE RO!\ ~u SOUTWNOLU. CI\RRIBU · PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. OCTOBER 10, 1963. VARIOUS LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS, including . ,~ Wannacott, Port ~e; Luyks, Road 20; and Holborn, Road 20, were duscussed, without solution. THE COUNTY'S 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME and additions to the Programme, were discussed at lenth. Included in the discussion, were the rebuilding of Elm Street in Aylmer, various County Bridges, Grading of Road 27 (Union to Sparta) and assump- tion of various Township Roads in Bayham and Dunwich Townships, as County Roads. MOVED BY: K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY: GEO. BROWN THAT A. SPREIT & ASSOCIATES BE APPOINTED AS CONSULTING ENGINEERS ON THE ELM STREET BRIDGE IN AYLMER, OVER CATFISH CREEK, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. MOVED BY: MOVED BY: GEO. BARBER J.B. WILSON THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT COMMISSIONERS FOR A CROSSING ON ELM STREET IN AYLMER ON THE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: K.C. EMERSON M. TANSLEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THA'r THE COUNTY'S 3 YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME BE ADDED TO AS FOLLOWS, FOR 1966: PAVING:-THAT MILEAGE OF ROAD GRADED IN 1965; GRADING & GRANULAR BASE:-ROAD 27, UNION TO SPARTA; BRIDGES:-ROAD 42, STALTER GULLY BRIDGE. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: GEO. BARBER GEO. BROWN THAT ALL MEMBER OF~ROAD COMMITTEE: ATTENDING THE I CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN WINNIPEG BE PAID FOR 5 DAYS. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO. OCTOBER 10TH., 1963. pl\GB 5 ~O'JED BY ~ GEO. BR01jfil SECONDED BY~ GEO. B~RBER TM T THE ~EET1NG ADJOURN UNTIL THURSDAY, NO'JE~BER 7TH., ~T 10~OO ~.~. ef\RRIBU. I(b~ eRA lrottA'N --- "rES TEND COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD TOUR 9.9?;O~.~!1 . 24?""",,1961 () LEAVE COURT HOUSE AT 9~OO AoM~ 10 ROAD 16 -(Suburban Area) to Elgin ManoTo 20 Inspect building of new manoro 30 ROAD 16 = to BU~lellVs Cornerso 40 BU~Jellffs Corners to Talbot Creeko - - Grading 1962; Cleanup and double surface treatment, 19630 50 ROAD 16 .... Ta~bbt Creek to RQad 150 = -Scheduled for grading and granular base~ 1964 a 6~ ROAD 15 = to Duttono 7 CI ROAD 2 = to l:est Lorne; from Road 5 to ~'Jest Lorne 0 Paving>> 19630 go DINNER: t~ST LORNEo 90 ROAD 2 =' to Rodneyo 100 ROAD 3 =. to Road 60 llr) ROAD 6 <,>;. to Kent Townlineo- - Gravel portion scheduled for Grad ing ~ 1964 () 12 Q Kent T01flnline to Bothwell Bridge 0 130 Bothwell Bridge to Wardsville Bridgeo lLft. 0 ROAD.3 ..at. to Road 90 150 ROAD 9 & ROAD 12 - to Road 18 ~nd Road 200 160 ROAD 20 = from Road 18 to Sheddeno Graded & Granular Base~ 19620 170 ROAD 18 0'''' to Road 190 1$0 ROAD 19 - to Court Houseo COUN1fr O:F' ELGIN ~-a~~~~'lI."'.7J~.'l"U'~~W"~~t'~u;"~JL~ ROAD TOUR. ................-0.:;-.............__.... ,.~--.. ~._~,_.___... OCTOBE~., 17T,Ho 51 19630 EAST END 10 LEAVE THE COURT HOUSE AT 9~OO AolJIr) ~ Centre L:ine 1\1arking on all Paved Roads) 20 County Garageo 3(1 Road 20 nea.r Port Stanley" Paved in 1963~ graded ill 19620 (Shelbourne & l'1eek ' s Bridges pai.nted in 1963>> 40 Road 23 =paved in 19620 51) Road 2"l =Union to Sparta 0 Under considElration for additiol1 to the County =. three year programmeo 60 Road 36 =(Development.Road #692) Grading by Sterling Construction~ 19630 70 Road 42 => Construction from Road 40 easterly for ;-1 miles now under way", Con~rete (r;ttlvE~rt {construction and :3 multiplateso 80 VIENNA. = Q~~~ 90 Road ~.; "'" Hwyo #19 'to Caltono Double Surface Treatment in 19620 lOQ Road 45 = Calton to Road 400 Scheduled for grAding in 19650 110 Road II-O "." to HWYa # 3 c Surface -t.reated in 19630 120 Dingle ftreet Bridge~ Aylmer 0 Built in 1962 & 19630 130 Elm St,reet ~ Aylmer 0 Bridge & Grading sc:heduled for 19640 140 Road 32 = Surface treated in 19630 150 Road 52 = for 1 mile ea~t of Springfieldo Grading and Granular base~ 19630 160 Roads 54~ 48 & 47 to Avone 17 0 Con~re'te Culvert ConstructiOJ'lii Road 37 "" Kettle Creek Drain Culverto rl,.GE 2_ ~Jl ,!:oJUl ... ~S'1: ~ lBI) 190 ZOQ Road 3'7 rrom llW1. #73 t.O llW1. #? 4. = county Road (joint. l\idd1.ese:lt=Blgin since last June.) Lake 'iJhit.'takero \"ellingt.on 1).oad to Court. House. (Signa"ls at int.ersect.ion or 1b-1Ys. #3 i ih and \:ellingt.on Road promoted by t.he count.y Road commit.t.ee and the st. Thomas Suburban Road CommisSion.) ~I? ~.1()'l\Jnl S I, J. \,,," .u''l , ~ o~rrARI09 0D~mE~~ER SESSION 196~ 'I,.)-CIJ: J. il,u,) ~ l D ".' ..J 0 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 0 YOUR HOAD COl\lJl1ITrrEE bE~gB 4l~o r'ep(~.'r.t'1~;1)fj f(ollows ~ 10 The Sterling Construction Company \"tndsor has completed their "VI1ork on County Roael Port Bruce (Development Road No 0 692 ,) with the of granular base and minor trimming vrhich is being c(~nt:,i:rrued at present 0 AJ 1 ~Jork will likely be completed by the end of Oct~obero "lE RE COl\iUVlEND : 10 THAT the County Counci.l HGad Tour dFlt~(~8 'be set; as follo)'trJs: October 17th - east end of the October 24th = west end of the ;0 i:~nd 2 () THA T the resolution of the County of )!;SSl~~X re i.ncreasing the half mill contribut.ions 'Of separated <<:;:l E!:f3 a.nd tO~l1]ns tO~lards Suburban Roads be filedo 30 THAT a By-law be passed author:lzing t.he County of Elgin to enter into an agreement iJJj.th the Villt:;ge of Dutton for the laying of ,^Tatermains on County Roads 0 Th.e By,,,~law and agreement would be sj.milar to t~hos(f~ \S)J,lo1F}jt:ng t..,he Union Gas Company to lay gas lines on Count.y nO;"'H:1~'3 {} Th:l.s agreement willi\ in particularg allow the Village of Dutton to enter into an agreement for laying of a, watermain (Hl C(lJ'lJ.:nty ltoad 2 easterly from ,~rest Lorne to an Ontario nep~rtrrli;:;nt. I-B.ghways Service Centre on King \1 s Highway l/i~.Ol ;"n the of Dun'lrich 0 40 THAT a Supplementary By-=lav'] be passed apPI'-Dpriat:tng $40>>000 to be used for the construt;tion of GDunt.y LI.2 :tn the Tolt.rnships of Malahide and Bayham~) This will al.l.zow construct:ion~ 'tryhich is presently underway 011 County Road 5> bx} continued eastward approximately l! miles into Tot.:Jnsh,ip of Bayhanl)) and save a considerable ;::imount of monE~Y ~~h 'Would be other=- wise necessary for ma intenance of th:U3 f::ag~~ of' road for the wintero ALL OF YHICH IS HESPECTF'ULLY SUBMITTEDo C fIJi" IrU;IA N 1. ~ TENDERS FOR SURVEY VEHICLE ~ ~ Jack ErookS Motors, 246 Talbot street, st. Thomas, ontario. 2. M.id_To~J'nM.otors (St. Thomas) Ltd., 950 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ontario. ~ InternatiOnal, Model 1100, Travelall. Dodge Town Wagon PR:tCE.:tNCLuP:tNG $3,237.29 $3 ,293094 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ~ ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the August 8th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as folloWS: 1. Trimming work after grading had been completed on County Roa~20 and 52 and waS nearlY completed on County Roads 16 and 25 S.A. 2. surface Treatment work for the year had been completed. 3. Centre Line Marking waS continuing and would be completed in a week or so. 4. The sterling construction company Limited had started again on County Road 36 (Development Road No. 692) on september 4th to haul sand base and would likelY complete all work by the end of october. 5. Traffic SignalS were being installed bY the ontariO Department of Highways at the intersection of King'S Highway #3 and #4 and the Wellington Road. 6. Grading on County Road 42 waS continuing and would be completed to the stalter Gu~y Bridge by the end of the week. Sand base work was continuing. 7. construction had started on construction of a concrete culvert on County Road 37 west of Avon and soft footing material had been encountered. 8. APproval had been given the county of Midd1ese~ By-laW assuming the Town1ine between North Dorchester and south Dorchester as a County Road and the county of Elgin would maintain it as an ~tension of county Road 37 M.C.L. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. PAGE 2 THE ENGINEER reported that a Jaeger 2 inch centrifUgal purop had been purchased from Homedale Welders, St. Thomas as the lowest tender received for a pumP and as a better alternative than the repair of the old pump. THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed~ MOVED B1 J · B. WILSON SECONDED B1 G. BARBER THAT WE PURCHASE A NEW 2 INCH MODEL 2 l'N JAEGER 1flATER pUMP FROM HOMEDALE WELDERS, ST. THOMAS, AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $355.50 PLUS ONTARIO SALES TAX SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. AND WE ASK THE D.H.O. TO AMEND THE COUNT1 ROAD PROGRfJJl B1 ADDING TO NEW MACHINER1 J\ 2 INCH WATER pUMP. CARRIED. MOVED B1 M. TANSLE'! SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT PA1LIST NO. 24 AMOUNTING TO $1,498.82; PA1LIST NO. 25 AMOUNTING TO $14,014.5B; PA1LIST NO. 26 AMOUNTING TO $94,056.74 AND PAYLIST NO. 26 DEVELOPM.ENT ROAD AM.OUNTING TO $22,349.31 BE APPROVED FOR PA1MENT. CARRIED · 2. The Minister of HighwayS concerning the reversion of a portion of King'S Highway #73 in port BrUce to the county of Elgin- Mr. H.C. Dernier, District Engineer, re the jury investigation into a fatal accident at NeW Sarum on King'S Highway #3 stating that the connection between CORRESPONDENCE waS read from the folloWing~ 1. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. 3. old King's Highway #3 and King's Highway #3 as relocated at the west end of the highway would be severed. Mr. H.C. Dernier stating that the Ontario Department of Highways would agree to pay for repairs of County Road 36 damaged by the trucking of Law Construction to the extent of 100 per cent of the cost of asphalt replacement and maintenance to date, and 50 per cent of the cost of excavation and sub-base repairs. THE ENGINEER reprted that no word had been received by the Drainage Engineer with r~egard to the Municipal Drain request on County Road 20 in Sheddlen. Reeve Farnell Nimmo reported that new maps published by the Ontario Department of Highways showing King's Highway #401 did not show an interchange on County Road 20 north of Shedden_ An investigation was promised. AGREEMEN'I'S for Travel to Winnipeg for the Canadian Good Roads Association were discussed. THE MEETING adjourned for lunch. AFTER LUNCH Mr. Clayborne Gordon was in attendance, regarding the mowing of weeds on the County property known as Crane Park at Iona and the cutting of pulp woods and timber at the County's Guysboro Gravel Pit in Houghton Township. THE ENGINEER reported on speed limits in the Hamlet of Clachan. The Committee were of the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by Kent County. A DISCUSSION on the removal of dangerous or dead trees on County Roads in Urban Areas took place. The Committee were of the opinion that the present policy of the County should PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO" SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. -', remain, that is: that Villages and Towns should remove trees at their own expense other than those removed by County Construction. THE ENGINEER reported upon the request of the Village of Dutton for a By-law to permit the laying of a water pipe line on County Roads,in particular, the laying of a water main on County Road 2 from West Lorne easterly to the Ontario Department of Highways Service Centre on King's Highway #401 in the Township of Dunwich. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolutions were passed :- MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF ELGIN TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE VILLAGE OF DUTTON FOR THE LAYING OF WATER MAINS ON COUNTY ROADS. CARRIED .' MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ROAD TOURS BE HELD ON OCTOBER 17TH FOR EAST ELGIN AND OCTOBER ~4TH FOR WEST ELGIN STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. ~ CARRIED. THE COUNTY Road Construction Program, additions to the County's Three Year Program and the financial situation of the County were discussed at length. The Engineer asked PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. that consideration be given to the raising of sufficient money to complete County Road 42 to approximat,ely 1~ miles east of the Bayham-Malahide Townline as considerable money would have to be spent on that section of the road to maintain it for the winter. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A SUPPLEMENTARY ROAD BY-lAW BE PASSED FOR $40,000 FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION ON COUNTY ROAD 42. CARRIED. THE TENDERS for a Survey VehiclE~ were opened on September 5th by the Warden and Chairman and were as follows: Jack Brooks Motors, St. Thomas Mid-Town Motors (St. Thomas) Ltd. $3,237.29 $3,293.94 THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT THE TENDER OF JACK BROOKS MOTORS, ST. THOMAS, FOR AN INTERNATIONAL MODEL 1100 TRAVELALL FOR $3,237.29 INCLUDING SALES TAX BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF D.H.O. AND WE ASK THE D.H.O. TO AMEND THE COUNTY ROAD PROGRAM UNDER BY-LAW 1827 BY ADDING TO NEW MACHINERY uA SURVEY VEHICLEu. CARRIED. \ PAGE 6 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1963. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN M. T ANSLEY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO OC'TOBER 10TH, 1963, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. }, . '1k'. .:'7 pi ../I' PLiEs' {J, ~7~"' CHAIRMAN r, '- COUNTY .~J2!!.t,_~r9JJ~, ,~t~~Y;b.Tf_._Y~~.!i~C LEI Il~~E9!!~~!Q~1.-19-.~ ~~}~~~R@. SEALED ffENDERS plai_111y n1nrked as to cont~e:nt,s w:i.l1 be rocej,'\n3d ."',.,,..,~~*-" by the undersigned until 12 I\T99~~'_ __~~:~p~~~!,:I!3_~1i."~rTtL~~ 19~~~"~___~$Q_~~.QT 0 for supplying a new 1963 or 1964 m,odel SU~Jey vehicle as per County Specificatj.ons 0 10 Bi.dders nru.st~ use County ':e~31nder ForU1S 0 20 No trads=ino 30 Tenders will be considered by the County of Elgin Road Corr~ittee on September lOth9 19630 Tenders will be stIDmlarized and additional information~ if necess8ry~ obtained by the County Engineer between September 4th~ 1963 and SGptanber 10th>> 19630 FURTH:E;n INFORr.1ATION and 'render FornlS aVB.:ilabl e from the d .L. ,'.' ~Wlr;."~,''''',r~r!:..::'l,,.l1;Q:/''''''''''~ ,. ..~. ~,..' .--,,_,J undersigned 0 LO~ 'EST or ANY TENDER NOT necessarily ac{~eptedQ R <) G t) MOO RE >> P 0 EN G III 9 COUNTY I~NGINEER 9 COURT HOUSE>> s'r G THOr.,1AS, ONTARIOo COUNTY OF ELGIN -~~,.--~ 1].ND~C:>R_sJill!El- _'@11.Q1! TO TIlE CHAIro.\A11 AND 1,'\EMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD C01~UTTEE. 1/'11$ herebY agree to supplY to t.he count.y of Elgin, F.O.B" White Station~ St. Thoma5>> one neW 1963 or 1964 model vehicle as per specificat.iOns. ~agon~ Chevrolet CarryallS or International Travela11. TyPe of vehicle shall be comparative to a Dodge Town Give make and model tendered upon: ----- --' -------- --- .------------ .--.---- a.V.W. of vehicle shall be 5.000 minimum. State a.V.W. ~ Engine: 6 or 8 cylinders 220 cubic inch diSplacement minimum. complete wit.h full flow oil filt.er, 1 quart. capacit.y minimum; air cleaner; 37 ampere alternator, 70 ampere hoUt' battery; 12 volt electrical system and 10 inch minimum diameter clut.cho State engine specificatiOns and describe accessories: --..---.- - .-- - ---- .------ ---" - ---- ---- ---- --------------------- ..,- - - ----,---- .--~ -------- TransmiSsion: :3 spee~ forward and 1 reverse. Describe: ..------------ ' -"", . -------- -",-'",. ------..----- -,~~",......,--........- .--- ..".__";'7" .::- ---- ---- 1j!heel Base shall be 114=119 incheS. BodY shall be all st.eel wit.h 4 side opening dOOrS9 preferredo Two doors' in rear s hall open outwardS - . f'l. Body shall have three safety glasS windOWS on each side as well as a windoW in each rear door, Describe~ ChassiS a-p.d Bodl~ IJage 2. TENDER FOR SURVEY VEHICLE <, cent. t d -.",,,, ,,"'" .,. ' " ,--._-,.~~"'''''".....,.,...~._~ ....., --_.__....--....~- --- - -----. ---------...- -- ---.' -.., ,........-. - ........... ...- I Front Aile: Capacity 2,500 lbs. min~numc State capacity: --- - --~_...---_. ----.- Rear Axle: Capacity 3,300 lbsc minimum. State capacity: - ," .-..--.-...... ---'" ---. ,- Capacity at ground 2,500 lbs. (1,250 lbs. each) minimum~ State eapacit,Y~ ---.......--..--..-.....- Front Springs: ~--' Capacity at ground 3.300 lbs. (1.650 lbs. each) minimum. .State capacit.y and describe spring (number of leaves, etc.) and whether or not helper springs are needed to attain this capad,ty: .. ,----- "~ i/lI<14~'^'" Rear SpringS: ---""". -------.....'" -- - --"..".",-- ~ -"" ,,,,,--' -- ----~_. ...- ".-....~ ...,,,..--',.._._...........,~,. ~ ~~~......- _.-- --_..--- Shock Absorbers: HeaVY duty front and reaT necessary. Describe: ------ ---....------------= ",-- ----' ...- ..'''.---- -~-' .._--- .......---. ------ .-.---- ------- -- General~ Vehicle shall be equipped with the following: Two seats full width. Front seat shall have a foam rubber cush10no Backres~s - s~andardo Dual sun visorso Dual electric windshield "d.pers. Two outside 5 ~nch short arm mirror and one inside mirroro Fresh air type heater and defroster. Mechanical parking brake. ?pare tire.carrier" Three C.S.A. approved seat belt shall be provided"fol' the front seat" Turning signals. Four-way flashing type. Two jet type windshield washers shall be ?rovidedo TENDER FOR SURVEY VEHICLE ..-,...... T 1'r' 1 ~U$lIII cont ~ d Page 3 Generalg Stop lighto cont'd. Permanent type anti=freezeo Jack and wheel wrench>> Manufacturers standard warrant Yo Painted red and lettered nCol1nty of Elgin #23t1 on 2 doors~ similar to other County Tru~kso Tires~ :F'j.ve -tires to be supplied (all tires to be first l:lne nylon' chord 1 ; 2 f~ront and spare to be standard type tread; 2 rear tires to be mud and snow type; size to be 6070 x 15 s 4 ply or betitero rrire capa.c:tty must be at least equal to spring capacityo State recommended tire size (equal to capacity of fPring) 0 .", Also list any other recommended tire op'ci.ons and additional cost, if any: "" ,."..~.._----""..."....., Total List Price of Survey Vehicle as equipped: Net Price to the County of Elgin: Plus 3 Per Cent Provincial Sales Tax~ TOTAL PRICE~ .." .._"...."....,.......,.::tIldlD 5t? ! - ----~,--'"" !,~.., ,~. ~TATE DELIVE~Y.~A~: ,._ ....... _,_.~.. .~.,I ..,..'....~_~.,..-,'.~ ...1...'.....1 DATE DEALER Attach ~~nufacturerts Specifications of Survey Vehicle tendered ono List any optional equipment and cost that you believe the County or Elgin may be interested in~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST BTH., 1963. THE COUNTY OF E~GIN ROAD CO~ITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. A~~ ~BERS VlERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the JulY 9th. meeting were read and THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: approved. 7. Paving had been completed on Road 2 at West Lorne, and trimming work completed. Paving had been completed on Road 20a~ port Stanley, althoUgh some trimming work remained. surface Treatment work had been completed in the west End, along with Double surface Treatment work on Road 16, from Burwell's Corners to Talbot creek. Grading and gravelling work on Road 52 had been completed, a1thoUgh a small amount of trimming work remained. Grading on Road 20 north of Shedden would be completed in about a week. crushed gravel was being applied, and would be completed about the same time. Grading, placement of culverts, etc., would be started on Road 42 appro~imatelY August 19th. Sterling construction Co. ~td. had completed all work on Road 36 tnevelopment Road #692) e~cept Granular Base and crushed gravel, on the diversion portion. The n.H.O. waS being contact-ed to paY for repairing Road 36, damaged by truckS hired bY LaW constructiOn Co. Ltd. to haul gravel to HWY. #3. The Dingle St. Bridge opening was a success. The Minister of HighwayS had promised to review with Mr. R.K. McNeil-, the reversion of a portion of HWY. #73 in port BrUce, and would have officials of hiS Department meet County officialS re the port Burwell Bridge. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5- 6. 9. 10. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED BY . SECONDED BY , M. TANSLE~ THRT PAYLIST #21 AMOUNTING TO $1,543.82; PAY~IST #22 AMOUNTING TO $12,735.26; PAYLIST #23 AMOUNTING TO $103,025.46; PAYLIST #23 DEVELOPMENT ROAn, AMOUNTING TO $59,206.34 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. 1<.. c. BMERSON CARRIBD ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO., AUGUST 8th., 1963. PAGE 2 A LETTER was read from Mr, B.E. Downey on behalf of the Dutton Chamber of Commerce, thanking the Committee for permission to close County Road 15 near the Sons of scotland Park in Dutton on Civic Holiday. AT THE REQUEST of Reeve Phillips, Committee discussed the Bartley Drain, and its effects on County Road 46 near Corinth and Daniel Murphy- THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED BY G. BARBER SECONDED BY GEO. BROWN THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WILL PAY THEIR ASSESSED SHARE ON THE BARTLEY DRAIN, PROVISIONAL TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1476. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER was instructed to send a copy of a resolution passed by the Road Committee at their MaY meeting, re drainage at the farm of Earl Baxter on County Road 45, to Reeve Brown. REEVE WILSON requested the Engineer to inspect a drain on Road 50, and the Avon Drain on Road 47. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had received a lia- bility insurance policY from the Frank Cowan Company, for the issuance of Moving Permits. THE RECOMMENDATION of a Coroner's Jury into the death of Pashupati Vishwakarma were discussed. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY GEO. BARBER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE D.H.O. THAT THE RECoMMENDATION OF THE OORONER'S JURY INTO THE DEATH OF PASHUPATI VISHWAKARMA BE IMPLEMENTED; THAT IS, THE CUT-OFF AT THE WEST END OF NEW SARUM BE DESIGNATED AS A ONE-WAY STREET, WEST BOUND ONLY. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported that the Board of Transport Commissioners had sUggested the installation of gates and flashing light signalS on County Road 4, crossing of Black's Lane, and the Kent Townline of the New York Central and Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- ways, and inquired whether or not the County would contribute ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 8th., 1963. PAGE 3 l2~% of the construction cost and 50% of the maintenance cost on the Black's Lane crossing, and 6l% of the construction cost and 25% of the maintenance cost on Kent Townline crossing. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED B'I J.B. WILSON SECONDED B'I G.E. BROWN THAT WE AGREE TO PA'I l2~% OF THE INSTALLATION COST OF MODERN PROTECTION AND ">0% OF THE MAINTENANCE COST ON THE N.'I.C, AND C.& O.R.R. CROSSING ON ROAD 4 AT BLACK'S LANE; AND 6k% OF THE INSTALLATION COST OF MODERN PROTECTION AND 25% OF THE MAIN~ TENANCE COST ON THE N.'I.C, & C.&o. R.R. CROSSING ON ROAD 4 ON THE KENT-ELGIN TO~mLINE. CARRIED THE ENGINEER reported further on the County Road Needs Study, 1963, stating that the D.H.O. wished an executive committee appointed. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED B'I G.E. BROWN SECONDED B'I M. TANSLE'I THAT A COMMITTEE COMPOSED OF THE WARDENJCHAIRMAN, COUNT'I ENGINEER, AND THE DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENGINEER BE APPOINTED WITH REGARD TO THE COUNTY ROADS NEEDS STUDY 1963. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported that the motor on the 2 inch water pumP had failed, and that prices were being colicited for a neW pump. THE ENGINEER alsO reported that Ray Collard be- lieved his truck was beyond repair, and asked that the County consider the purchase of a survey Vehicle. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO SURVEY VEHICLE. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: K. C. EMERSON M. TANSLEY CALL TENDERS FOR A CARRIED · THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION in Winnipeg in early october, was diSCUssed. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 8th., 1963. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PASSED: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT ANY MEMBER OF THE COUNTY ROAD CO~1ITTEE WHO WISHES TO ATTEND THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION IN WINNIPEG, BE EMPOWERED TO DO SO. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 10TH., AT K.C. EMERSON GEO. BARBER 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. AFTER DINNER, the Committee inspecteq the construction on Road 20, including drainage near Shedden. Committee were of the opinion that the Drainage Engineer for Southwold T'ownship should make a complete report on the Drainage area involved. Also visited, was Road 20 at Port Stanley, and Road 36 (Development Road #692) and Road 27 between Union and Sparta. '~ dA~ /}!- " , ,<I ( . j . .//. j: /I~ . .(;.' I/!~~-J CHAIRMAN HEGULA TIONS ]lNpER __BJ ~LA F NO e 1825~ 10 ALL PERMITS must be obt,g ined in the n~me of the rnOVSlb (th,9t is the 01fJDE:r of the vehicle doing the rnovingo ) 20 PERlv~:IT COST $ 4000 each ~ 6000 = Insurance $10000 = Total Cost This j.nsurf1nce protects the County (;nly agl~i.nst any liability which the County might incur by the iasuj.ng of the permit Q 3,~ ~rHg ~ltOVER 'will fYsrive the County harmless" and thus the mover will assume all r i.sk and liebjLlity 'trihen granted a permit/!) The mover is stI'()ngly urged to obtain sufficient Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance to protect hims(~lf () 40 ffHE HOVER is resnonsible for any damAge dOlle to the Road (: See faction 53 High'tflay Traffic Act:) () A Bond Cheque to cover any damA[;e must be postedQl r.f1he Bond is $50.00 for a structure over g feet and under 1n feet f.3nd $200itOO for a structure over 16 feet in widtho 50 APPLICATION must be~de at leRst 2 working days prior to the dRte of movingo 6Q THE Ivl0VEf.. is to r.take provision for ma1nten~~nce of traffic and have adequate flagmen to guide 1~rt-JfricQ (If the structure is over 16 feet in width, at least :2 flagmen must a,ccompany the structure 0 ) If the structure is parked within 8 feet of the travelled portion of the roadS) the flagmen mU!it be in attendance 24 hours per day And adequate warning lights must benaintained at nighto ? Q 'tYHERE ROADS or p~rtions of road in the proposed itinerary are under the jurisdiction of munic~LpRlitie8 or authorities other than the County oj~ Elgin the applicant must obtain permission for these sections from the Appropri~te ~uthority~ go IVIOVING is not permitted on SaturdaYt Sunday or legal holidays c~r after sunset or before sunrise under B.ny c1rcumstEu1c:es <> 9 (j THE COUNTY reserves the right to change thE~ hours requested in the applicatioDa 10 It> APPLICANTS must examine the route and aSC61"ta in that sufficient clearance exists under all wires and public u.'t:ilities~ subways or other ()bstructions and give the local pole line companies at least 48 hours notice to raise lines where necessaryo Th~~ appli~ant will be responsible fc~r payment for any such ser'vi~eso ~ .!L~A';>I.. ~~ ~~~~ the county of Elgin enact.s as fol101l1S ~ THE MU~lCIPhL COUNCIL of the corporation of 1,) structure 01' Gont1'i vance exceeding the limits prescribed by section ,2 and Seet.ion 5B of the High1ll8Y Traffic !\Ct, Chapter 172, R.SoO. 1960 shall be moved upon ;ihee15, rollers or other- wide o~er or upon an1 highwaY under the jurisdiction of the CorPoration the County of Elgin unless 01' until a permit has been obtained from the County ~ngineer or t.he county Road No heaVY vehicle, load, object, bnilding, '20 in the discret;i.on of either of the above mentioned. anthOritieS and shall be subject to such conditions, reguJ.ations, privileges, covenants and bonds as the county Road committee maY deem proper in each partiCular case aft.er consid.ering all. '!:he grl'lnting of such permit shall rest solelY CCfmrni'tt~ee f} of the circumstl'lUceso That 11=13111 ~o. 1.432 be anel is herebY repealedo )<.' REGULATIONS UNDER Bt~~~W NOo 1829 Page 2 110 PEm~ISSION of the Railroad Companies must be obtained when cros~ing a Railroadc 120 A BUILDING cut in two or more sections and imoved by separate motive units or at differen't times will be subject to insurance and pennit charges for ea(:h sect.iono 130 A PERMIT \"-1111 not be is sued unt.j.l the required fee is pHid<;> 14,"? A PERlV1I~e :18 subject to can,c.;ellation b:, the County at any time without noticeo 150 RUBBER tired vehicles must be used on hard g3urfance (concrete>> asphalt and primed) roadsa 160 EVERY person to whom a permit is issued mus1~ at all times carryon the work in such a manner E1S to create the le~st interference with traffic . (:ol1sistent "Ti'th the performance of the work5) and is required to use proper precautions during such moving operations by the use of red lights5) flags and men 8t outposts ahead and behind the structures be:ing moved.9 to Sf! feguard the travelling public 0 170 NO PORTION of the highway may be closed eXCE~pt by the written order of the County Engineero \Vhen' closure is authorized the owner must furnish~ erect and maintain~ at his own cost and expenses such barriers~ lights and noticess and employ such watchman or watchmen as are proper precaution for the prevention of accidento lao THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Regulations must be adhered to if a building is to be placed adjacent to a County Roado " 9 >:L~ (.\ APPROVED by the County o:f Elgin Road Committ,ee on July 9th 11 19630 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO? JULY 9TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve C.D. Phillips of Bayham Township. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: ---" 1. Paving had been completed on County Road 20 at Port Stanley and trimming work was underway. 2. Paving was continuing on County Road 2 at West Lorne and commercial stone had been added to the gravel from the Carnie Pit as not enough sand could be screened from the Carnie Pit Gravel. 3. After paving was finished, County !load 16 from Burwell's Corners to Talbot Creek would be surface treated. After Road 16 was completed, custom work would be done for Port Stanley, Yarmouth, Dutton, West Lorne and Rodney. 4. Sand base was being hauled to County Road 52. 5. Grading was continuing on County Road 20 north of Shedden and sand base would be hauled in motor scrapers. 6. Land Purchase was continuing on County Road 42 and a concrete culvert at Elgin Chutes would be started shortly. 7. Sterling Construction Company Limited was making excellent progress on County Road 36 and most earth would be moved by August 1st. 8. Pavement repairs on County Roads in West Elgin were nearly complete but little work had been done in East Elgin. County Road 36 from the Pleasant Valley Pit to King's Highway #3 was exceedingly rough bE~cause of hauling by 9. trucks of Law Construction Company Limited to King's Highway #3. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO~ JULY 9TH, 1963. 10. ~// Walmsley Brothers Limited had been awarded a contract \~..\DI~ M to improve County Roads 38, 44- and 46 Intersections with King's Highway #3 by the Ontario Department of Highways. 11. Signal Lights were being installed at the intersection of King's Highways #3 and #4 and the Wellington Road by the Department of Highways. THE ENGINEER reported with regard to the Development Road No. 692: (1) that the Department of Highways had approved the Sterling Construction Company IJimited Contract, and (2) that a Work Order by the Department of Highways setting up the necessary money had been received. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT PAYLIST NO. 18 AMOUNTING TO $1,485.32, PAY LIST NO. 19 AMOUNTING TO $10,01+2.12, PAYLIST NO. 20 AMOUNTING TO $93,494.20 AND PAYLIST NO. 20 DEVELOPMENT ROAD AMOUNTING TO $88.62 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. THE ATTACHED Regulations under By-law No. 1829 were discussed. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY K.C. EMERSON MASON TANSLEY PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 9TH, 1963. THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER ENFOHCE THE ATTACHED REGULATIONS UNDER BY-LAW NO. 1829. CARRIED. VARIOUS aspects of the Dingle Street Bridge opening ceremony were discussed. CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. A.A. Ward, Construction Engineer of the Ontario Department of Highways stating that the Department wished to reVE~rt to the County of Elgin, King's Highways #73 from Catfish Creek Bridge southerly to the docks at the mouth of Catfish Creek. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G . E. BROWN SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT WE PETITION THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS TO HAVE THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS RETAIN WATER STREET IN PORT BRUCE AS A PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY AND THAT A COpy OF THIS RESOLUTION BE SENT TO RONALD K. MCNEIL, M.L.A. CARRIED. WARDEN K.C. EMERSON left the meeting. THE ENGINEER reviewed the County's Fleet and Non-Licensed Floater Insurance Policies as arranged by the Frank Cowan Company Limited. ,THE'ENGINEER reported that an Engineer from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada had viewed the PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO~ JULY 9TH, 1963. Townline Crossing and Black Lane Crossing on County Road 4 of the New York Central Railway and Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Company and that his recommendations would be forwarded to the Board. Also visited by the Board Engineer were the Canadian National Railway and New York Central Railway Crossing on County Road 20 north of Shedden and the New York Central Railway Crossing on County Road 52 east of Springfield. A REQUEST by Mr. E.L. McCall of Shedden for the installation of a culvert entrance on County Road 20 in Shedden was discussed. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT THE COUNTY WILL INSTALL A 48 INCH CULVERT FOR E.L. MCCALL ON ROAD 20 IN SHEDDEN IF HE WILL PAY THE COST OF THE CULVERT PIPE. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER various construction problems on County Road 20 were brought up by Reeve F.J. Nimmo of Southwold Township. 1. IT WAS DECIDED: To leave the short piece of Road Allowance south of the Gore Road open at the request of Mr. McMullen who would use it as a cut off to get to his property. 2. That the Engineer should investigate the request of the SouthWold-Dunwich Telephone Company to move their line back to the fence from the Canadian National Railway PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 9TH, 1963. 3. Tracks northerly for a mile. That expropriation proceedings should be continued to obtain property from Mr. James Luyks north of King's Highway #401 to widen County Road ~~O from Highway #401 to County Road 18. A LETTER from Mr. John HowE~ in Dutton was read regarding a contribution to drainage because of the water running off of County Road 2. The Committee felt that as there was a Municipal Drain underway in the area, the matter should be dealt with as such. THE KEILLOR DRAIN in Wallacetown was discussed briefly. REEVE C.D. PHILLIPS was in attendance. THE COMMITTEE felt that a request from Miss Bucke for a gate on an unused Road Allowance leading to her property from County Road 30 S.A. was not the responsibility of the County. A RESOLUTION was read from the County of Essex asking that legislation be enacted to increase the half mill contribution to Suburban Roads from Cities and separated Towns. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY MASON TANSLEY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX RE INCREASING THE HALF MILL CONTRIBUTION OF SEPAHATED CITIES AND TOWNS TO SUBURBAN ROADS BE FILED. CARRIED. PAGE 6 ~" ------.", ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 9TH, 1963. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO AUGUST 8TH, 1963, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~ /J)1- /? /f' {U../,RA-id ;/J.~-.. ". I CHAIRMAN ST 0 THOMAS 9 ON'I'ARIO" JUNE SESSION~ 19630 To THE \'IARDIilN AND MtM13EtiS OF THk; ELGIN COUNTY CODNCIL YOUR ROAD C01Vll\;II'rtTEE begs to re:por1~ as .follows g 10 WE HAVE PURCHASED the follo,,~in.g new machillery~ (a) :2 International 240 Utility ffracte>rs with side-mounted mowerso (b) Used eentre line mat-king truck B.nd centj~e line marking equipment from St 0 Thoma s r~etal Signs Ltdo (e>> A Michigan 85A 3 Series II ~ Rubber.,.,tired frqnt end 108der~ with the County~s 85A Michigan~ Series I, Loader as a trAde=ino (d>> An Unden,Tood....Olivetti office t;alculato,t"'tD 2 (> ROAD I.-l!X 1.1ULCB PAVEr.1:8NTs will be laid on the following roads~ (a) Road:2 inl.'est Lorne ~ Aldborougtl & DUn'fNtt~h Township~ approximately 2:~2 miles~ (b) Road 20 in the Village of Port Stanley & Sout,h'tJold Tot-lnship!l a pprclx () :2 miles 0 30 DOUBLE SURFACE TREATf1ENr.J? PAVEIlIENii' will be laid qn Road 16~ from Burwellus Corners to Talbot Creek~ in Durtw1ch TO'VJnship ~ approximately 106 miles ^'J 40 THE DINGLE ST <I BRIDGE over Catfish Creek in the TO\'lrn of Aylmer and the TO\J'1nship of'" Malahide9 has been com.... p1eted by :Matthews Concre~ J..Itd ~ ~ of Londol1l~ Ontario 0 50 STERLING CONS'rRtJ CTION CO 0 L Tn 0 $ ot l"~indsor' t) has been awarded the contract for the construction of County Road 36 (Development Rdad #692) trom Port Bruce to County Road 24S1 approximately 4. miles~ in the To\AJnships of ~Ialahide &-. Yarmouth,. Their bid of $159 ~ 9(,.150 ,,,,as the ib~!est of 5 received ~ Page 2 STe THOMAS, ONTARIO .JUNE SESeIoN, 19630 \"lE RECO}$'lEND: 10 THAT the 'V!arden and Clerk be authorized t,o sign the contract for construction of C~unty Road 36 between Sterling Construction COe Ltdo~ and the County of Elgino 20 THAT the 'trtarden and Clerk be authorized to sign the DeveloPtrlent Road Agreement for construction of County Road .36" between the Department of Highws-,ys and the County of ElginQ 30 THAT a By-law be passed re-appointing Geo:rge Cross as the County's rep:resentative on the St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission9 for a five (5) year term ending June JO~ 1969" (Commissioners are appointed for 5 year termst in accordance with the terms of the Highway Improvement Act.) 40 THAT a By-law be paseed to provide for the granting ot permits in.mov1ng heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structures $ on County Roads9 as permitted by the High~ way Traffic Acto The last By....law regulating the issuing of peJ.lllits was passed in 1944 and is obsoleteo 50 THAT a By....~aw be passed enabling the County to join the Ontario Municipal ~tnployeest Retirement System Pension Pla no County Road employees are presently enrolled in a pension plan sponsored by the Government of Canadao The Ontario Government Plan has been developed to mee't the needs of municipal employeeso ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTEDo CHAIRMAN 8T. THOMAS, ONrrARIO JUNE 18, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~IITTEE met in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED with regard to passing a By-law to provide for granting of permits to move heavy loads and buildings on County Roads. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY G. E. BROWN THAT WE RECO~~ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED TO PROVIDE FOR THE GRANTING OF PERMITS 11'1 MOVING HEAVY VEHICLES, LOADS, OBJECTS OR STRUCTURES OVER COU.NTY ROADS. CARRIED cru~~ITTEE AGREED to pay one-third of the expense of an official opening of the Dingle Street Bridge. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED, to meet July 9th., at 10:00 a.m. . JlrJizF- ~,l{~~---- CHAIRMAN ---~~, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 11, 1963. THE COUNTY OF El,GIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on June 11, at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS vJERE PRESENT \iJITH THE EXCEPTION OF REEVE BROiJ\IN · TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION of County Road 36 from port Bruce westerlY, were opened, and were as followS: 1. Sterling construction Co. Ltd. 2494 Riverside Drive East, WINDSOR, Ontario $159,975.00 2. Graham & Graham Limited, 764 -wharncliffe Road South, LONDON, Ontario. $175,675.00 3. \iJoollatt construction Limited, P.O. Bo:x. 37, \iJALKERVILLE, Ontario. $186,111.00 4. LaW construction Limited, 1063 Kipling Avenue North, REXDALE, Ontario. $190,285.25 5. Marentette BroS. Ltd., 3101 Ho~ard Avenue, \IIIINDSOR, Ontario. ,-~265 , 51L~ .00 THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follOWS: Shoulders on Road 3 at the \iJardSville Bridge had been trimmed and seeded. Pavement repairs would be heaVY, partiCularlY in East Elgin, and 'J'lere being undertaken in the Dutton area at present. Gravel Resurfacing had been completed on Road 16 and on Road 17 M.C.L. from Rwy. #401 to southWold Station. Gravel 'J'laS being stockpiled for construction on Road 20 from the Keillor Pit. 1. 2. ~, 3- ST. TBOM~S, ONTARIO (JUNE 11, 1963. PAGE 2. 6. Roads 2, 20 and 16 had been pr~med, and priming had been done for Rodney and ~ylmer. Mulch gravel was being hauled from the Stockpile at White'S Station to Road 20 at port Stanley, and mulch- ing would start next week. 5. 7. The Scidmore Bill at port Stanley had been sloped, trimmed, and covered with sods which had been obtained from the TownshiP of Southwold RoadS. 3. Centre Line Marking had been started on Roads in South- wold TownshiP and in the Dutton area. 9. Grading operations had been started on Road 52 east of springfield. 10. Roads 27, 36 and 42 were still very rough. 11. APplication of calciUlll chloride had been completed. 12. 'The 'Wellington Road shoulders had been graded, and minor trimming completed. 13. County Road 20 between Shedden and Fingal had been trimmed and seeded. 14. property had been purchased from Mrs. Mary McIntyre on Road 20, and the only large amount of property still required was that of Mr. LuykS, north of Bwy. #401, with whom no agreement could be reached. Land purchase on Road 52 waS complete, and was continuing on Road 42. Agreement had been reached with Mr. Bossuyt and Mr. Pineo on Road 36, and negotiations were being carried on with Messrs. cossyns, Stephens and Ferguson. 15. The Oille Drain near Road 36 had been advertised for tenders. 16. MatthewS Concrete Ltd. had completed the Dingle Street Bridge. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 11, 1963. 17. Weed cutting and spraying were underway on County Roads. THE PURCHASE OF SAND BASE for Road 52 at Springfield was discussed, and the Engineer advised that Mr. Norman Brooks was willing to sell his sand pit on Lot 35, Concession VIII, Malahide, for less than $2,500.00. The Engineer estimated that the pit con- tained more than 50,000 Tons of sand. MOVED BY SECONDED BY K.C. EMERSON GEORGE BARBER THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO NEGOTIATE WITH NORMAN BROOKS FOR THE PURCHASE OF HIS SAND PIT ON LOT 35, CONC:E:SSION VIII, MALAHIDE. CARRIED. AN OFFICIAL OPENING of the Dingilie Street Bridge was discussed. MOVED BY (J . B. IlJILSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE BE ASKED TO PROVIDE AN OPENING RECEPTION FOR THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Development Road Tenders had been checked and the totals found correct. MOVED BY GEORGE BARGER SECONDED BY K.C. EMERSON THAT THE TENDER OF STERLING CONSTRUCTION COIyIPANY LTD., FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 AT $159,975.00 BE ACCEPTED, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. ST. TH01J1.f,.S,. ONThRIO JUNE 11, 1963. PA.GE '4 MR. R~LPH McL~~GHLIN of the Frank Cowan Co. Ltd., attended the meeting, and presented the county'S compensation, Equipment Floater, F~eet Insurance and Weed spraying po~icies for consideratiOn and renewal, and answered the members questions. k number of minor items were left to be settled be- tween Mr. McLaughlin and the Engineer. MOVED B1 J . B. iJJILSON N1. T!\NcLE1 SECONDED BY ~ · ;J THkT WE REN~ O~R COMPENS~TION POLICY, O~R EQ~IPMENT FLO~TER, fl.EET INS~R~NCE A.ND WEED S1'RrS [tlS~RA.NCE WITH FRA.NK cO'J~ l\N caMP l\N1 · Cl\RRIBD · A. DELEG~TION OF RESIDENTS on Elm St., in ~ylmer, with their solicitor, Mr. BrUce Johnson, adressed the Committee with regard to the County plans to improve Elm St. and make it into a connecting link to Beech St., and asked the Road committee to consider the building of a road elsewhere to service the north side of f\.y1mer. Committee was of the opinion that the Elm St. con- tinuation waS the lOgical crossing of catfiSh Creek to provide tlet for traffic from the Tobacco Marketing Board Ware- an ou hoUse and Imperial TobacCO companY' MO\JED B1 SECOND'F~D B1 THA.T p~YLIST # 15, P l\1LlST 1#16 , pl\1LlST # 17, P 1\1LlST #: 17, BE kP1'ROVED FOR l' ~ 'fMENT · A.MO~NTING TO *' ~MOUNTING TO *' A.MO~NT1NG TO *' A.MOUNTING TO *' K. c. EMBR50N GEORGE Bl\RBER 1 , 500 . 31 9,376.10 8B,530.93 251.61 ~Development Road) Cf\.RRIED · MR. McL~~GHLIN OF THE FRhNK COW~N CO. LTD., disCUsse~ . "" th" ssuance of moving perm1. tS liability insurance W1.th regarU to e 1.. " . for buildings over County RoadS, stating that h1.S companY ~oul~ " 1" abiliVr on their part for 1.SSU1.ng insure the County aga1.nst any 1. J ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 11, 1963. PAG~g 5 a ~ermit for the sum of $6.00 ~er ~ermit. ThiS was acce~table to the committee, and the details were left with Mr. McLaughlin and the Engineer to work out, with the Engineer to report at the next committee meeting. CORRESPONDENCE \~AS READ FROM: 1. J. P. Howard, Munici~al Engineer ap~roving the County of Elgin Normal and Su~plementary Road Expenditure By-lawS in amount of $535,000. and $291,000 respectivelY, 2. C.R. Wilmot, Subsidies Engineer ap~roving the County of Elgin ~urchase of a Michigan Model 85.11., front end Loader. 3. ontario Department of Highways with a work order in the amount of $1,000. for Develo~- ment Road #585. 4. C.S. McNaughton, Minister of Highways re a meeting on the continuing need for studY on County Roads. The Engineer was instructed to go to the meeting in London on June 18th. and to report back to the Road Committee. 5. T.S. Caldwell, District Munici~al Engineer asking that Develo~ment Road #692 construction agreement forms be signed and returned as soon as possible. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN t<ND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND COUNTY OF ELGIN WITH REGARD TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692. C1\RRlgD · CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: The townshiP Road superintendents' Association, asking for a $25.00 grant for the year 1963. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THA.T THE TO~~SHIPS ROA.D GIVEN A GRANT OF $25.00 K.C. EMERSON GEORGE BARBER SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION BE CA.RRIED ST. THOMP>.S, ONTP>.RIO JU1~E 11, 1963. PAGE 6 THE ENGINEER REPORTED that an order had been received for the installation of gates and flashing lights on the Road 2 crossing of the New York central and Chesapeake & Ohio Railways crossing east of West Lorne from the Board of Transport commiSsioners. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the appointment of George Cross as County'S representatiVe on the St. Thomas Suburban Road commission would e%pire at the end of the month. MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY M. TP>.NSLEY TH~T ~ffi RECOM}~ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TH~T GEORGE CROSS BE RE_P>.PPOINTED p>.S COUNTY REPRESENT~TIVE ON THE SUBURB~N RO~D COMM.ISSION FOR P>. F1'JE YEP>.R TEB}I\, E,:LPIRING JUNE }O, 1963. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that Mr. William Glenn, on Road 25~ ,wellington Road) would not accept $500.00 per acre for the land used for widening the Wellington Road. Committee waS of the opinion that an increased amount per acre would be impossible, as all other owners had agreed to $500.00 per acre. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that County Road emplOyees wished to join the ontario Municipal EmplOyee Retirement system Pension Plan instead of remaining in the Dominion of Canada pension scheme, as the plan is more suited to Municipal emplOyees' needs. AFTER DISCUSSION; it was MOVED BY GEORGE BP>.RBER SECONDED BY K.C, EMERSON TH~T WE RECO~~ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TH~T ~ BY-L~W BE p~SSED ENABLING THE COUNTY TO JOIN THE ONTARIO MUNICIP~L EM- PLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM -PENSION PL~N AND THAT THE PRESENT DOMINION GOVERNMENT ~NNUITY PENSION PLP>.N BE TERMINATED. CARRIED · MOVED 131 SECONDED 131 THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JULY 9th. J .13. v'JIlISON GEORGE BARBER AT 10~OO A.M. CARRIED · .2f. ihd /1 (}. ~..a~ .aL~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARI~t MAY 8TH, 1963. ALL MEMBERS were present except Warden K.C. Emerson, Reeve J.B. Wilson and Reeve Mason Tansley. A DELEGATION of the Lynhurst Home and School Association led by Mrs. John McLaughlin representing a large number of ratepayers in the Lynhurst School Section addressed the Committee regarding the safety if children on the Wellington Road going and coming fromochool and asked for a reduced speed limit along Wellington Road past the school. THE MINUTES of the April 4th and April 18th meetings were read and approved. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY GEORGE BARBER THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #12 - $1,519.11: PAY LIST #13 - $7,797.87: PAY LIST #14 - $35,627.27: PAY LIST #14 Development ROAD #692 - $222.89. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: 1. The account of the Aylmer Public Utilities Commission had been revised by Mr. S. McBrien, Superintendent, and payment of the account was recommended. 2. An agreement had been reached with Mr. James Beattie for property acquired by the County for the Wardsville Bridge. The County agreed to pay Mr. Beattie $500.00 and erect a fence from the high part of the hill to the high water line of the Thames River. 3. Calcium Chloride was being applied to County Gravel Roads. 4. Shouldering work was being done on Wellington Road. ST. T ROMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8TH, 1963. pA.GE 2. 5. Clean-up work on Road 20 in port Stanley would be done nex.t week. 6. Culvert Maintenance work in East Elgin had been completed and would be continued in West Elgin. 7. Sign Maintenance work and t he erection of County Numerical Markers waS about half completed. 8. The Centre Line Marking Truck and e~uipment had been received from the St. Thomas Metal Signs and centre line marking would be started later in the month. 9. RepairS to pavements are still being done and some bad spots would have to be dug out. 10. Repairs had been made to Graders No.8 and No. 11 and both machines had been painted. 11. seeding operations would be started later in the month on Roads 25 S.A., Road 20, Road 23, Road 27 and Road 38. 12. Gravel for resurfacing Road No. 18 and Road No. 17 would be crushed by watters Bros. construction from the Pit in North southWold. Gravel would also be stock piled for Road No. 20 for construction and f or mulch ne:JCt year. 13. Fencing work in preparation for Grading work later in the month waS underwaY' on Road 52 east of springfield. 14. The neW Loader waS e:JCpected later in the month. 15. The County of Kent had approved the County of Elgin'S suggestion that the Borad of Transport commiSsioners for Canada be asked for an order for the installation of flashing lights and short arm gates on the AldboroUgh- Orford Townline Crossing {Road 4) of the New 10rk central Railway company and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company' A letter had been wirtten asking for an inspection by the Board of the Crossing along with Black'S Lane Crossing on Road 4. 16. Te:JCaco Canada Limited had sold their property in Aylmer for $1,500.00 and would accept the county'S offer of $800.0 for the property required bY the County. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, / ' MAY 8TH, 1963. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. THE ENGINEER listed the mileage of Road tentatively recommended for Surface Treatment. THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of Highways were going to install traffic signals at the junction of the Wellington Road and King's Highways #3 and #4. THE ENGINEER also reported on County Road 36 (Development Road No. 692) regarding: 1. Land Purchase stating that an agreement had been reached with Melvin Pineo but not with Andre Cosyns, 2. That the land plan would be completed early next week at the latest, 3. That the Oille Drain 1963 meeting 'would be held on May 13th, 4. That the special provisions for the Contract had been completed and sent to Mr. T.S. Caldwell for approval, and 5. That, if all went well, tenders for the work would be called next week. THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of Highways had approved the plan and profile submitted for County Road 52 and that Land Purchase was practically complete on the Road. LAND PURCHASE was continu.ing on County Roads No. 20 and No. 42. CONSTRUCTION of Elm Street in Aylmer was discussed as was the Municipal Drain on Road 2 in West Lorne. Warden K.C. Emerson and Reeve J.B. Wilson were in attendance. -"--'-""", PAGE 4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 8TH, 1963- MR. EARL BAXTER a resident on Road 45 between calton and Mount Salem attended the meeting and spoke at length about hiS drainage problems. MOVED BY G · E. BROWN SECONDED BY J..B. WIl.SON THAT THE COUNTY 0'F El.GIN WILl. PAY THEIR ASSESSED SHARE ON A MUNICIPAL DRAIN ON coUN1Y ROAD 45 AT THE PROPERTY O'F EARL BAXTER THE SOUTH PART l.OT 32, CONCESSION 4. CARRIED." MOVED BY K.,C. EMERSON SECONDED BY GEORGE BARBER THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO JUNE 11TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED · l /J 'I~~ CHAIRMAN ".. COUNT.Y OF. ELG-IN- "TENDERS FoR FRONT~~D LOADER. IJAKE & SUPPLIEJ1 . JIOD'G'T, . .Equipm~nt. Sales'&: ' 'fROJA.!f S,rvice: Ltd. j , "JIodel ,204 : 10)0 Martin Greye'Rd.,,' W'2YDALE, Ontario.. .' "ENG INE ' .' PRicE $21tS4~. r " ; !ALLOWANCE' : .$11,400. II ,International 372 cu. in. . Gasoline ' ~"_.:L. . Ball eJlt ine 'Co. . . ',,%._~".- Ltd · i~;~~=~.:P.O~ Box 23j4, ~;ii<';:~~mNDOI Ontario 1"i~!~~~::int:I!~~r . tlsgMarti :ngro'V'e' Rd., " ~~TnALEt OntarlQ. HOUGH H-60. International )72 cu. in. Ga~o1ine. $20,055. * 9~OOO $2j,lg4~ $11,615. MICHIGAIf SS,'~l"'_ .' ~ri.. II Waukesha " 451 cu.- -in ' Gasoline " . $?1,046. . $ '7,000.' Geo~'",)f. .'-c~otliers" xpD~T,.. l~hers Dr~.. t. '932.. B' . , TOr'on~o 17, Ollta.rlo. ' 'True..'&; .Tractor Eu1p':CJl'-E~IDE - .A'lt Ltd.. f . ,'1500 Super 2539.>>...,....e Road, 'LoaA..,9~ter COOKSVILLE,. Ontarj:o. . . Caterpil:Lar Gasoline 330 cu. in. . $24,,347.. ,$6,500. Ford -Diesel 330" cu. in. _'-~ _.........:..._ _.... ~ ':"_D___.J! ~", . ". ~t&' . vonsl#ruc1#:LOIl .r.qUJ.p- - "'Au.o . ment-.,Co.: L~d.," :. 11-10 . . 404 Old W~ston. Road,. '.l'ORON~ , Ontario.:, i .~O CC? , ~.r;.. v , .,I .,114. . ., f\ J. fV\ ~.,.L.",....'""'-". -1'___ no: ""........1 vCl>:)~ .u.L~"'~..L .401 eu.. 'in. displacement ,- ~ . Hercules 339 cu. in. .- . I'.ri~....ftl Ln'i~anfo.:n~ PR'I"rTBON- .. ...,... "". ~ --,........ y~-"~~ :-:~.... - ~ - .- - - :!>~,~da.' Ltd. .'2~: ~..~_~'_ .. .'<.. " MUTT.lEER '18 . Ronson Dr.e~.:~~,'RT'n,'tTi'. 240 A 'c- >.' - .~, :'~__ '~~-_;" '. :-- ' . .," or ,,",<;0.- . Mod,1200-. . $2.3 ,200. $ 3,500. .~ - . Continental ).63 c~. Pi . displa~"'~nt ~~e~ea:.'~~!~-':~, .:, I~~__~~: ,,: '. ',<;;".-, ~.. :-is.''- -, :. ~~.~-..,.- . , . NET PLUS ,PR<?V:mC1AL SALES .TAX ONLY . $10,753.20 . $il,J86~65 , . .' -. $11,916.07 ACCSPTED - $14,467.38, " $18,382.41 ~,Jt 1..01.. 1:..1.. ~...",,':7V.""- $20,291. $21,440.46 . APRIL 18th., 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at West Lorne on April 18th., at 1:00 p.m. in conjunction with the COlUwittee's tour of County Roads in West Elgin. ALL MEMBERS EXCEPT REEVE NIMMO WERE PRESENT. REEVE PHILLIPS REPORTED for the Committee appointed to investigate Front End Loaders, stating that the Committee had inspected the TROJAN, HOUGH and MICHIGAN Loaders, and recommended the purchase of a MICHIGAN 85A, Series II Loader, with a gasoline engine. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G. BARBER G.E. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT (TORONTO) LTD., FOR A MICHIGAN 85A LOADER, SERIES II, AS PER THEIR,TENDER AND COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $11,916.07 (INCLUDING SALES TAX) AND THE COUNTY'S PRESENT LOADER (MICHIGAN 85A) AS A TRADE-IN, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED until May 8th. 2iJjz;;.. i~~ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 4TH., 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on April 4th. TENDERS FOR A RUBBER TIRED FRONT END LOADER were opened and were as per attached list. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE CHAIRMAN APPOINTED Reeves PhillipS and Emerson and himself, with Reeve Tansley as an alternate, along with the Engineer and Assistant Road superintendent, to inspect the Trojan, Hough and Michigan Loaders, and to report back to the Committee. WARDEN EMERSON & REEVE ROBSON reported as per negotiations with Harris John Dadson, owner of a portion of property on County Road 20 at port Stanley, who waS claiming damages because of work done by the County on the Road near his property. AFTER DISCUSSION it was MOVED BY K.C, EMERSON SECONDED' BY G. BARBER RESOLVED THAT THE COUNTY SOLICITOR BE INSTRUCTED TO PREPARE AN AGREEM.ENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND J .H. DADSON OF SOUTHWOLD TOWNSHIP. THIS AGREEMENT TO RENDER THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HARMLESS FOR ALL DAMAGES AND EXPENSES RE LAND PURCHASE DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AND FENCING ALLOWANCE. THE CON*- SIDERATION BEING FOR LAND $62.50 - DAMAGES OF $60.00 AND FENCE ALLOWANCE OF $58.00 CA.RRIED. MOVED BY J .13. WILSON SECONDED BY G.B. BROWN THAT ROAD TOUR DATES BE SET AS FOLLOWS: APRIL 18, WEST BND; APRIL 25, EAST END; at 9 A.M. CARRIED. THE WARDEN REPORTED that the County had purchased the used centre line marking line truck.,& equipment from St. Thomas Metal Signs Ltd., for the sum of f5,750.00 pluS sales tax. St. Thomas Metal Signs Ltd. had agreed to put all equipment into A-l condition and paint the truck. THE MINUTES of the meeting of March 7th., 14th., and 19th. were read and approved. PAGE 2 ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, APRIL 4TH., 1963. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work as fo11ows: Spring break-up was fairly extensive on old paved roads, with damage being extremely heavy on Road 27 from Union to Sparta and Road 42 from Port Burwell to Raod 40. (2) Gravel Roads had many soft spots, although no roads (1) were impassable. (3) Watters Bro$. were crushing gravel at White's Station. (4) Snow fence had been taken down. (5) Clearing ~as being completed on Road 36, Development Road #692, and fencing and clearing would be carried on on Road 52 at Springfield and Road 20 north of Shedden. (6) Minor work was being done on the Allis Chalmers and the Adams 550 Graders, and both would be re-painte~. (7) Land purchase was being continued on Roads 52, 20 & 42. (S) Sign maintenance work and County Road markers would be erected shortly. (9) More trees would be set out. (10) Culvert maintenance work would be started shortly. (11) It was hoped to start gravel resurfacing early in May, and plans would be made for application of calcium chloride early in May also. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT PAYLIST #9, AMOUNTING TO $13,448.52; P~YLIST #10, AMOUNTING TO $7,738.54; PAYLIST #11, AMOUNTING ~'O $19,839.11, BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. THE MEETING RESUMED. (a) CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: ~. A-. ~ WOv0l ~ , Acting District Engineer, (1) approving purchase of 2 International Tractors & Mowers. (2) regretting that Hwy. #401 could not be opened from PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, ARRIL 4TH., 1963. (b) Mr. T.S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer (1) approving Resolution passed by County Council re Transfer of Funds. (2) approving Resolution re materials and services. (3) approving purchase of an Underwood Calculator. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on conversations ~rith the County Engineer's Department, County of Kent, re application to the Board of Transport Commissioners, for flashing lights and gates on the Aldborough-Oiford Townline. MOVED BY GEO. BARBER SECONDED BY K.C. EMERSON THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO APPLY TO THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT COMMISSIONERS OF CANADA FOR AN ORDER FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SHORT ARM GATES AND FLASHING LIGHTS ON THE COUNTY RAOD 4 CROSSINGS AT BLACK'S LANE AND THE KENT TOWNLINE OF THE N.Y.C. & C.& O. RAILROADS. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED THAT THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASS'N. were again sponsoring a school for Road Superintendents in Toronto in May, and that Mr. Chaplow had been registered. MURRAY HENNESSEY, of Stafford, Fanjoy & Hennessey, re- ported that Texaco (Canada) would sell their entire property in Aylmer for $1,200.00. A small portion of the Lot had been expropriated, and an offer of $800.00 made for the parcel. MOVED BY J'.B. WILSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE OFFER TEXACO CANADA LTD. $1,200.00 FOR THEIR ENTIRE PROPERTY AT THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REPORTED (1) that he was still awaiting word from Mr. Frank Cowan re insurance on building moving permit applications; (2) he would try to negotiate a settle- ment with Mr. ~ames Beattie for land expropriated for widen- ing Road 3 at Wardsville. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 4TH., 1963. PAGE 4 VARIOUS ASPECTS OF PROPERTl PURCHASE and construction were discUssed re Development Road #692, County Road #36, and the sUggestion made that tenders be called as soon as possible for construction. SURVE1S FOR WIDENING ROAD 37 in Belmont were discUssed, and Committee were of the opinion that property should be ob- tained for future widening as soon as possible. MOVED Bl M. TANSLEl SECONDED Bl G.E. BROWN THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 WHENEVER D.H.O. APPROVAL IS RECEIVED. CARRIED. ADJUSTMENTS IN ROAD EMPL01EES' WAGES were discUssed. M~~~ M. T~SL~ SECONDED Bl GEO. BARBER THAT WAGE INCREASES BE GRANTED TO 6 EMPL01EES WHOSE WAGES DO NOT CORRESPOND TO THE WORK THAT THEY ARE PRESENTLY DOING, AND THAT 4 MEN, WATTERS, GLOVER, BEATTIE AND CROSS, BE PLACED ON PEBJIIlANENT STAFF AND THAT AN INCREASE OF 1,:,,2 CENTS PER HOUR BE GIVEN TO PEBJIIlANENT EMPLOYEES. ALL EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST. CARRIED · MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY J .B. WILSON THAT THE SALARY OF MRS. HOBBS BE INCREASED TO $220.00 PER MONTH AND THAT DR MRS. CONNOY TO $9.00 PER DAY AND THE SALARY OF R. COLLARD RAISED TO $370.00 PER MONTH. CARRIED · MOVED BY GEO. BARBER SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO WEDNESDAY, MAY $'1'11.. AT 10 A. .M. CA.RRIED · JLJki-k~ CHAIRMAN ,~ " ttiJODE:L i; 1fY.'PE G:F o <) 'lbe loader shall be of the front loading and dumping type~ with all four wheels dri vJ.ng 'tt\Tith rear ~?heel steeringo P\,,)wer Loader shall be designed as a unit" Slld not as ~ tractor with'loader attached~ Describeo CArACIT'Yg Standard Capacity Struck Standclrd Struck Capac:tty shall be at least li strucko SeA~Eo rating 0 State standard bu.cket s1zeo Operating Capacity S&^~Eo rated operating capacity shall not be less than 59500 lbso Operating capacity is rated at less than ;0% of the tipping load SeA~Eo rated (as measured from the cerrera of gravity of the standetrd bucket at ma,ximum forward reach with st~ndard counterweight and non-ballasted tires) Stat,e opel--ating capacity (;I Maximum Lifting Capacit~y Sta.te r-1aximum lifting capacity!> MOTOR: Al'ter11ative A: GASOLINE n'o ll'~'P"~' M:lnimum ~.lrp'J,~.d; Stat.e Maximum H~P0 at governed speedo Cubic inch disple,cementt,) 360 CUo inch m1mimuI1l'li' 280 ft~ lbso minimum torque; State maximum torque at rated R ~p 01111. State HoPo and cubic inch dis- placeraentn Alternative B: DIESEL MOTOR IJj','""rr:~'~lrfnimura; State Maximum H9P0 at governed speed~ 370 cubic inch displ~l cement. mini.mum tor 4 stroke n~)tors0 212 cubic :lnch displr~cement minimUlf1 for 2 stroke motorso MOTOR: BUCKET: CON'fROLS : (ll (2) <.3 ) (4) (5 ) (6) (7) (8) ;}:~ COUN'rY OF' ELGIN wra"Y1J~"'~'-"___''-'''''J.-""-.".".....,,,,,,...,,.,._~~;.;) SPECIFICA TIONS AND TENDER FORM FOR :F'RON'r END LOADEH. ,., '.,'-.. "" . ~ ,.,.,.",,,~^.,.,,,,..,.""'IIIItlW~"""""'" .,."-.,..",.~-""""_..,-;,.,.~..;..",.,;.:,~:,,,..,,", ..-,,'J""" .""".".~,t,~"""_""_",~~~,~t~.J\'Q~;o!j"ll.''''''''''I...,.....",,,..........,,,_~".ll~,n.IJ<i",~~.~ Maximum torque at rated R.P~M$ 270 ft. Ibse minimum~ State HoP., cubic inch displace~ ment a.nd maximum toruqe e All motors to be equipped with: Air clearer0 Oil bath or dry type shall mee'c "'1:1 th englne manufacturer W s recommendation 0 Specifyo Full pressure oil system@ Oil .fi'ter~1 removable element typee SpecifYG Battery- l~~ Vol't 90 Amp$ S ~A ~Et> rat;ing minimumel Speciry~ Governor",..Variable speed type e Sp(~cify 0 Muffler=Exhaust mufflers to be supplied@ All vertical stakes to have weather capso Engine Block Heater which can be connected to a 1.10 Volt power line0 Engine to be completely enclosed by s'teal cowlings having movable panels to provide easy access to all parts for serviceo Fuel Tank to be adequate for 12 hours continuous operationG State capacity in Canadian gallons0 Bucket shall be l! cubic yard struck capacityo (S&A.Eo rated) Excavating buckete ,.Tidth ot Bucket shall be wider than the front wheels~ State width of bucket<1l Lifting Height :1.11 dumped po~ition shall be g feet minimum ~ Sta.'te height t) Bucket reach a.t ma~{imum height. in dumped position shall be at lea.st 21?6n from front til"'es to bucket cutting edgeo State reacho Is automatic bucket leveler avaimab14e? State extra cost~ if anyo Bucket shall be hydraulically controlled tor all operations; all cylinders shall be double actingG Describe hydraulic lift & bucket and cylindersc State raising & lowering times~ type of linkage~ etco $~ :3 ~): COUNrr~Y OIi' ELG IN 1l:a....--....I..........~......,~..~~,F~....'.,,__l',....~~..~__ SPE;CIFICATIONS AND TENDER FORNi FOR FRONT EI~'1) IJOADER ~"""~",:~,;-",,,,, '.. IIIIJiI .."""-,-,-.~.........-,,,-,,. _''''_....ll'lIV,Iof,_..~-.,''',.,,.JIII.,,..,,,._'''_'''~~ l,OADER: Hydraulic system shall be designed so as to be easily checked and ser- viced and shall be#equipped ""ith replacable filters~ designed to completely filter all hydraulic oil~ All hose and fittings to be high pressure hydraulic hose and fittings@ All hydraulic cylinders and linkage shall be hinged so that all movement occurs ahead of the Operator when lifting is being done~ Describe~ TRANSMISSION: Shall be power shift type~ and-shall have at least 3 forward speeds~ and 3 reverse speeds. Tral1.sm:i.ssion shall be equipped with replacable type oil tilterlll Specify and give range of speeds a:v-a:tlable I'D SPEED: Range shall be from 0 - 23 miles per hour~ approximately~ TORQUE CONVERTER: Shall be supplied~ complete with replaca.ble type oil filtere r~lltiplication ratio shall be at least 2~5 to 1$ Give details~ Stat.e 1Plhe'ther or not it is possible to remove transmission and torque converter individually for serviceo State if torque converter oil cooler is availablse State extra cost, if any~ Give detailss AXLES PLANIDTARY REDUCTION: Plal1eta.ry reduction necessary in all a:(les~ Stat,e if' machine is availa"ble with torque proportioning differentialo State extra cost, if any~ POi:fER STEERING: Shall be supplied ~nd shall be shock resistant. Describe@ CAB: Fully enclosed 9 weather-proof, compl(~t,e with safety glass~ designed to afford easy access to the Operatoro :Must be supplied on both sides sand rnuert be capable of being easi.ly opened~ and be a.ble to be locked when desiredlll (Canva.s side curtains, etc. not acceptabletf) Doors: .:fIT'" i!"''' Oli' E,lJ,1.'N /~- ~s..Jj1P.. 'tENnBR yoF}li YOR YRO~~~ ~~ be easi~Y opera~edB and all guages ea5i~1 read. ":1\;h keY ~ype e~ee'tric st.arting, necessa.rY!,\) Engine oi~ pressure; engine coo~a~~ t emperat.ure' ampme'ter.. fUel. g;uag;e, torque eonv~rter oi~ temperature; hOUrmet,ero state other guages euppli~d. Sh )J. be fu~11 ad3uetab~e, neo:vY · dU~ spring mounted$ ~el1 pa.dded~ andY~on5tructed of 5ta~n re5~5t.ant material. Comp~ete ~itn backrest. Bot ~at.er type heater; defroeter shall. be sU'P'Plied. CAB: eon'tro1.S ~ 'Elect.riC starting~ G'\1ageet. seat.~ \\eater: ,\;'indshield 1;lipers: · d~!I'I." ~ld "i-.,er shl'l~l be . 'Front ~~n 5"~~" ,d 5u:pnlied. mounted to give. g.ool"'" .. . ^ . he bucket )..n a .l- visib)..lit1.0~ ~ BlectriC preferred. bucket 'POS'l.t'lona. Sha~l be supplied. 'Horn: 'b ipped ~lit.h hydrauliC BMK'BS: A1'l ~neel b~a"~'" eq~ir~bOosted. 'Describe. ser\f .J,.ce J. ,!'.Q-~ 'il sealed brake assemblies ere desired. v.ECH.A'~l1C!\L p/l.RK11ZG Bi.l.J\KE: Shall be provided- TIR~S~ Shall be on ,.,io.e baSe rimS; sioze 17 . ~ ,~ 25., 1.2 p1.1 rating; nylon or equivalent. traction type. 'rWo ~nite sealed beam neadlig;ht.So 'rWo ~hit.e sea1.ed bea~ rear ,~~~t:ooe V~ be connect.eo. 50 1',nat t'\:,,,-)" ro.a:f t.ui-ned on and off sepl?,rat,el'Y fro111 all otber lightS) 'l\olO red tail lightS; ,4 ~~1 ;1~~ ~h;e i '1. .t:"~"'on't t~ ""ff...~'Y.. }.-;j"OU.J,.l. J . 5 gna. 5, .\. J. "" - ~-~ - instructed '01 the count)". 1 .," "",t and call dome lnet.rument pane b..g~ 9, c . · . e light on separate 5~...t.ch shall b euppliedo LIGR'tS ~ TOOL 'BOX~ Sha~1. be provi.ded. and shall be eO it could be locked. .. "'" n be locked" BA1-1 COli\.P~R'!lr.ENT ena'll be SO ).... ea . COUNTY OF ELGIN ......,_......._..b~~':ltt>~~......~.n'rf~!vo~~ -_",.,""'~"/I;M!~ SPECIFICATIONS AND TENDER pom~ FIOR FRONfr END JJOADEH "'Il'I..,,,,. ""'" "..,,,,,,,...-.,,,,..,,,Sl.,"'''''''''''''''''It(1,~~~~,\:_,,,. l "~"..~~ ""-..J.;",,,.;"~..,..)lJiIIN~~._.......~.,,._.,,..,:~...,^.,_..,,.._.~':::AG.:' A SHOP MANUAL and SPARE PARTS LISTS and STANDARD J;lANUFACTURERS fI TOOL KIT shall be suppliede PAINT: Manufacturerts standard colour enamel paint to be suppli,ed over a good ground coat~ "COUNTY OF ELGIN" shall be lettered on BOTH SIDES in a conspicuous location in at least 6 inch high lettering0 (Black) SHIPPING HEIGH'f: Tottal should be 17 ~ 000 Ibs a or over ~ without exta countef'iJ'leight or ballasted tires @ State w,,~ight ~ State total metal counteF1fJ'eight used to attain this weight., IS REAR ^XLE DISCONNECT for travelling available? If SO~ state extra cost0 .DRA\vBAR OF PULL HOOKS, on the rear i filUSt be pro- vided~ and so constructed to 't/11 thstand the weight of the machine so that it can be easily towed if it becomes stucko STATE MA~ZUFACTURER'S l.TARRAl':TY ON ALI, PARTS" MACHINE SHALL BE NEtT and of t.he latest 1.963 Model!.i to be delivered to the County Garage'-at 1"Thite1s Station.:) Sto Thom~H~ 1; On'tario 0 Machines must be in current production Ii and parts and service must be easily obt~ainedQ No "orphansn will be acceptedG Suppliers must be prepared to dem- onstrate the machine quoted upon~ and arrange an interview with a customer VlJho ha S pltr'cha sed a sim1<l>~' lar ma,chineo DEL IVERY TIl\r.E~: State delivery time after order receivede FEDERAIl SALES TAX: Is not applicable to th:i.s pur(:ha:!:H~~c '*' 6 'il' COUNT'! Of E1:&1li ~;".-.-------- , S'PECIflC1\~ONS l\ND 'l'1<',t\DER yORt1', 'FOR ~ .... ' - 'fO~l\L PRICE: l C\lt.erna.t,i1Te l..ESS TRADE..IN: 1\ ..gasoline mo~or) 19''1 }l\.icbig,an 8Sl\ front End 1..0ader. e<l.uiPped with '320 cubiC inch di5P).acement. · 'Wll:uket:iha Gall 1,~0~or \96 ii.P,) 'For ).ocat.ion of' Loader. call county Ga.rPtges Yhit.e t S stat.ion, St. 'fi1omas. }I\Elrose 3..05'16 -------- ~lET P'tt.l cB ~ --------- .~_..".",........"""""...,.. ~-- 'PLUS 310 ON'rf..RI0 sr~J~ES 'r.~l ': TO~~ f\L ~ -- 'r0'r 1\1.. PRICE: · ) V..lternat.i:ve B .. Diesel ~;Otot' l..ESS 'rRADE"~: 1957 1-'1iChig;~n Ml\ !r:?n~2~d l..oader, equ~~pe~ ~it.n ~ cuoic inch d~Spl.acement ~auke5l,a GaS ~ot.or \96 B.P.) 'For locatiOn of 1..0ader, cal~ CoUll:t1 Ga:rage, ' " ~ \lhi t e ~ e Stl,at.ion. ;:) t.. Tho1l'.a::>, l>~1'r05e 3..0576 -------- ~ ---------- NET PRICE: .---------- __ ""'''''~,..~~~,w ~~..=-" P1..US 310 ONTl\RI0 s 1\.LES cr 1\"1 'rO~ ~L : ---------- DA'tEI ------------~.- SlGtl1\TURE Of BIDDER ~_.~ ----~ I\1YDltESS ~~ o ~ ~\ ~\ ~\ ~\ ~\ ~i ~\ \ ~ ~o-\ ~ ~..- ; t:::\ ~ 4 ..~~ '* "........"'-' ~e (f). t:"" tf) g p ~ ('J) .d. ~ ~ ~ E-'" (.l'} ~ ~ ~ ") Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents, will close at 10:00 a omo s ^pril 4, 19639 at the County Engineer~8 Office, Court House Building9 St6 Thomas~ Ontario 0 1111 bids must be on County forms.. Attach manufactureriTs lit,eratureQ R@G. MOORE, Po ENG$) COUNTY ENGINEER, COUN'ry aIi' ELGIN', COURT HonSE, ST 0 THOf.iAS, ONTARIO 0 Please fOTtr1ard rnenufa ctu.rer 1t 5 Ii t- er~ture, etc@~ to the County Engineer as soon as possible~ unless already fO~Jarded~ ST. TRO~AS, OWl' ARlO., l'iIARCR 1.9, 1.963. TRE COUNT1 of ELGIN ROAD Co~ITTEE met at the court Rouse in . .. ~~.th Count~ counci1. on ~arch 1.9th., at 5 p.m- conJunc~on ~~ J ALL ~ERS ~RE PRESENT. '1. . e marking; equipment TRE ENGINEER reported on centre ~n f the D R 0 and the CountJ 0 after ~ie~ing; equipment o~ned bJ · · · ~iddlese')t. e on a machine so1.d bJ p1.ant ALSO e~amined was a brochur Maintenance Ltd. of Toronto. J . B. 'WILSO~ ~OVED 131 ~. TANSLE1 SECONDED 131 NE EQUIP1JIE.NT OF ST - TROl'ilAS 1JIE.TAL TRAT TRE USED CENTRE LI TtlE WARDEN CRAlIUJ\AN, AND TWE SIGNS BE PURCRASED AND TRAT mATE TR~ BEST PRICE POSSIBLE, ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO NEGO ALL SUBJECT TO TRE APPROV AL of TRE D. R. 0 - CARRIED. AFTER DISCUSSION, it ~as . '1. 4th at 1.0 a.m- TRE MBETING adjOUrned to "pr~ - CB.~lBll\.t\N TO 1:IHE t'.i.AED}~r AND MErJ~BERS Oi? 'I'HE 11;LGIN COUN1ry COUNGI]~ (}entlt:~lnen YOUR ROAD COp~~ITTEE begs STo THOMAS~ ONTARIO M/\H en SESSION 9 1.9630 ]:"epOl"ti-; as .follows: '" l"'\<G "I'r~r'(''')~-1\''f'l F(J'rt,!" 1 ""n I!\ 1\'1"1) 'n~Tn (''1fT' (\~-,. t · · ..t. '0 .i~,l~ .' j"N~,!J.c.,,,n.J.1v -.J ~. n.n. ti.\~' ..Ij'U,\JJ.. t (.Jl\. vnl-\ l,;'.c. 1.8 con 111UJ.ng on (. i" .).-- r 1':;', ,.~ ":.~ ,: .;~. '"! R' ,~...71 "':;' a t. B' d ," t ",,"1 "'/O",~rL...~ J.'..oa..,. .JO .t,.IOm t,(h:.>i.tJ. t::,l,i. -CO ruce ~ eSl.gn.a eo last a.s a IJevelopmen.t, Roar] for Pre-Enginee:eing by D~H@O'll It is e:Kpec.t(~d -;:, plans and prof'iles and 8 cost estimate will be completed by the end of the rnont~h for pres(;.;ntation to D . fL. 0 III I..B.fJ.d pur",) chase is continuing and an expropriation Land Plan from t:,he fHlTveyor is expe(rt4~d V.4..y t) lJ-:J1; HE CO~IMgND : l,~ THA'r ITHE F;'STlf"1A TES of 'the St ~ r.rhomcts. Suburban Road Comnd.Bsit)rl for 1963 amOU1'ltpin.g $L;.l y 000 (I 00 be approved \) Of th ,amount $2J!t-~! i{.-OO \II 00 :is a.})propriated for maint- ena~le(~ on the Suburban Road Sy~~;t.em (25 miles) and ~n.6~) 600 l!o 00 for Constructi.on ~ f) mount f'or construct- ion '\/Ji11 complete cleanup 1"101"'k {)}.1 the 'Vellington Road ~nd pay for property required t 1t1:i.den the Road III 2~ '1~HAT i3. Normal Road Expenditul"'eB By-J.J8W be passed to be allocated as follows: HOADS BHIDGES 8 CU:LVEH~:S NEt. CHINERY CONSTRUCTION . .,.....~~.~'flIII...,.,',_"c....,~,__....,,,._ ""'~ $ 149~OOO"OO 12~600()OO 2$~OOO~OO BlJPE:HINTENDENCE !? U\/EE.HEAD 10 1.,.00 (} 00 .' '" $~ 200 <l 000 ~ 00 'I' >) ~l;.~~,s;:;r~~'U""~"'1~.t$"'''lMh~~ ~... ."'....,.'.,,~ h.,Il!~ > .~ 1" 'I ""}TTE1\l AfT C'E ;:~~t~~~~;h~ .l ~ . \J . TOTAL ~~11''''''''~_'' :$ 4229100,,00 A ~'7~ 100 00 ~ ~ ~9 .'~ 229000,,00 nil 31+ 'V 600uOO 28,,000000 399900000 50~300000 335 ~I 000000 $ 5.351)000000 '.t.>~..;'i;1~UW"r.!.~~~,fi"''$.~_L'__'''''''''~. '~~"'''~>:l.-...'''~~~n''''''''''''' =.=.~~.~~=::.== ~A}5ING THEf11I !~1V10UN~e._.nqJJi: COUNtry ROAD cot\S:!'RUCTION ST~ THOMAS SUBURBA~ ROADS CONSTRUCTION TOTAJ.; : * 1.33, OOO~~OO <<~ 6 ___;!-~9\?, 00 $ 149,~000000 1,~ ~~ ):' STo TIiOMAP~ ONTARIO $ r.1ARCH SESSIOl'~ ~ 1963" COUNTY ROADS !<[f\Ir.~'rEJ~ANCE (including rebates to Urban Munic:tpalities-estimatt~d at ~~39? 000;:) 00) $ 2579000000 slrQ THOi-lAB SUBUHBJU,: ROAD f'IT':Tt-,;CEo TOTAL: $ 273~100@OO COUNTY BRIDGE COKS'rRUC'rIOr~ ~~ ..p 12 fi 000 ~OO ST Il TtIOMAS SUBURBAN GU.LVI,;H~r tl~!l1\" c 'I'R'II r.~rI(')l\l' I' (")0 or, vl .'~1....;. t) ~I '. l.,J1.lIL...._,C,...".._~~,''?..,'I',~'l.1Q' TOrAt: $ 129600000 COUN'I'Y BRIDGE & CULVERT :f\'I1\JTr:CE0 $ 209000000 ST Q THOMAS SUBURBAN BRIDGJ1 &. CULVERT MNTNCEo TOTAL: COUNTY OVERHEAD (1) CONsrrnUCTIOr $ l091r-OOoOO (2) MAINTErAKCE 33v600eOO S'I' 0 TH01~AS SUBURBfJ~ ROAD OVERHEAD 61;,300aOO ~~"-",.,."".,,l\''Jli:-~.~~tII $ 22 S OOO~IOO iItOT At: * 50~:300vOO J ,) 'fIlA T ,:1 Supplementar-y Hoad Expenditure By-1a'YlT ,be pHssedto be allocated as follows: ROADS BRIDGES & CULVERTS ~~O'1'AIJ : CONSTRUCTION ~.c;f;f~ $ 2119000000 ---1!Q..9,9()9.~ QQ. !1:~~~g~8f~Qg AI,L CONSTRUCTION t~o be done on County ROe1.dS ~ The NO:\r'mal a:nd Supplem,e:ntary' By~~r..aws prov:ide money' for (besj"d\~i:1 M~intenance v Overhea,d and Ne1l\1 ~1achinery') ~ (1.) Complet:ton of m:tnor ;."lork on l.ellington Road by St. 0 St ~l Thomfls Suburban Commiss:1.onQ (:2) PU.rchase of land for Road 1rIi.denil1g {includ:lng fencing en Roa.d .36....,Development Road} (3) Pa~tmt~nt for Installation of.' Railroad Prote(~tion on Road 3 in Rodney and Road 40 in Springfieldo (it.) Paving on Hoad 2 e~5t of' '{,Test Lorne In .~.res1:~ Lorne9 Aldborough and Dunwich Townships0 (5) Double Surf~ce Treatment on Road 16 from Btawell's Corners to Talbot Creek in Dunwich Townshi~~and , associated 1rJorkQ ,. (1 It 6) Pa"fing Hoad from \J J.j.. S(}u:th\t1]o~d TOU'l'i'4!1sh:tp Roa.d iI' ~"\?ner\'~' ~ ,.".,i\. ~ }, \.8 Rt ) I) I if"# ~~ ~, ( Ii G:r F:!, ding 9 Gr;:::tnula:l:" (; ~ Hoad fa' ('I",. dJ;,.. C.,..... '!"l"'" ~ i .) .f 1l d\ .Lng 9 ,;r:r.an~,A c",t eEH!rterl';T~} appt'>o:x::tmi:rtely 4 (10) Completion of" Di.ngl(:~ ~H, Aylm(rr 0 <<1"}~' .t)"i~;).":'l ("tnJ .~:f';d'r'<!l~ COv\ ~ t ~"''P .".i\.. ,ff",-n f'''~i ''I ~ ,,,.. t !" J; v ...; ...,,, ';; 'Vi'!" t,l J !1...) ;", .." t,; v]~c. w,l '\.J I, ~ <<.;onjunct.:ion th Q Concrete Culvert d c 6 ) (1_\)"~, doi ,.,p' \ O">~ d, .J.,.l"o ~~ in Malah:tde r:, in I,'Ialflhide G t') r. 6:: 2 t:.."') f: ,) ~;~nd 4~1, (12) /1'1) 'ROA",} L.2" ....,;"4 .t (u. , ~) "'" 1'1 j i .~ 17 and 9.;:. 'rHIS ti t~oi;al Road fJOO' ~\\. () an est~inla cost; tel G()unty ,') 0 ,.} ii) "') (J being a road levY 7 ~ ~ <lj~ 'h ~ <Ci ~ ~,:. f::' <$' '. << 4.. hp-;) ,?, '" '~'!t --"" ~'. "" "" ,'~ on ~'" ..:~ 1;".ii::.)S~.')~)rn(,n"[, \,1.." '>:> sarnv ,'..-1 t.'Ci P..::> tf()fj'll\l, F~l1')E, '\\rr)C'I'~lltJI"F C' For' ~t. rF'(~IDY ~, ,.' M-. _ .,"J,"~t ;.tk, . ". l,...:J\.J . ..1. t"" ",,;/l,ft .~ ,A. ~vf3re i ) 'v'l:l'th Gross I,i"''<f'tH~~Yi '1,2 (' f d'9fl"lc}' .J.(\.,t. ,...",\"".1. "J_. tp f 0 IJ Development Road 1\ 9 it is expected that the ()rd(~r of one million o !~G THA T ~:t B~r"pLaw b(~ Baed :("e~rtri ctio!u, ~ '~l , .\ (;'01. d Rd) 3 from N eitJ ...;,:.., 'l,,} e '\ & Ro. 15 fr'om '''il J. (: e) Hd", , , d,; r) o (e) Rd " 39 ~i Chatham St. ';' t In Port (f) Rdo 42 from Rd" 39 1-1"IV" 19 in Forj~ But"wen 5" THAT a By",law be passed, in effect, amending Fy=i!l'\" t restricting we:i.ght that can be carried on County Bridges by (1) Removing the Dingle St. Bridge and the Hoover Bridge frorn restrietingf:i (bot~h replaced last year) ( 2 ) Ra:i. sing the Hmi t () 1'1 t; he Cool\': Bri.d g e ( Ba yham~,Ma lahi d e TO\ffiline) from 10 to 15 Tons, as repairs recommended by D olL..O,) have 'been comple'ted. to tht~ abut,metres" ,tt~ c.ro 'TlrC,)T:~'l'( t.:"! ("'\l\Wld, rrr(J f,).1, r. ,H ~,,'>Vil.., .Il\! .fl..l\...... ~ M ~ 1':) t"'tH S'I 'f,'f g. S 'r r.]\'f '; 96 "ll .i!.I...1,n, \n ~~ l;:n. t" ,,>. U ,\) <r ,.9,. ;,>> <P (.3) Pla,cing a 10 Ton I,oad Id.m:i.t on the Bridge nvel~ Catfish Creek on nd~ 45 near llJaffa", (This road has been. assumed s:lnce By-law 1/1.800 'V~a8 pS1!rsed) (It. is flecessary 'to p~lSS a new By,,,,,la:t~ repealing By "..1 all'l 1118(0) 6n THAT at the reques'ij of MrGl tr~IS*1 Cf!il(hl\1el1~ Di.stric:~ Municipal Engineer ~j the following Resolu"t:tor.\ be passed x.egard.:l,ng a tranf3.fer of mO:l.lies w'ith regr.u:--d to the County Annual Expendi,tur~1S Road Rettu~n fol'" 1962: :rHA T 1J1e request the Depa:rtment~ oi~ H:tgh'1rV~tYs to makt~ 'the rol10t~ling trflKlsfer of money' in (~onnect,:t()n '\iit~h the bY<J'~ 1a\\18 liBted belo'ifn; Strpplemel'ltary .... il'ransfer $17 9 523 Q 84. tl~om CO:1.'1structi on Bridges & Cu~verts to Construction Roadso N{n~mt~l "'" ~:ra,ns.fer $25 ~ 774@90 from Road Maintenance to Road Con.si;rruct:i.one ~~:rans.fer *15 v :399 () 56 f"'rom, BrIdges & Culverts J1ai.:ntenance 'Co BridgE~s 8~: Culverts Co:nstruction 0 ? li'f1}IA"r 'O:,,1.}.....:. '11''''~ l.7'ht of" ~..r,..,,"tl' Y'leod<"<.:J fo'Y~ tnl~ D'''~-''~] oprnen~ Ro":;d ' 0 .<<,. '. '..pl. ~ .\. .a.t::;~ ' '... 'Fur:;"',f .t.l. ''L. .t.'{:;.'.J. .~ 40 fJ, ('j ,)1.;.:.\: '''''~'' _ J U . 1':::.. be aBSUfned elf!, an ~'3xten81.on of Countiy' Road 21~ Ifl 's:Phis inc.ludes t~he H(.~ad l\llf.!'~vance bet'ftleen Concessions I & II Ol....Pf'''l';'~.!;oIl..t:) "rot d'}.') "''''lI''d 4.hJ:;J i'TOS+ h.....l1 ....4" "i." ~\"'~ <"'}~ m....rp O'f" j 'J'o~/,,~,,~"...u ,r...$-i' C'.A.~. ~"..J.l';:' \."v ..... ",Jot",;{" ~~ lu. ..w(.IIJ t::..'>$ J..VlI <7 ,4 'Yarmouth;; nOirJ ma:irrt"a.i.:n ad t,he Tt'lp tlJ or Ya.rmo\.rth . ;a.nd . th? prop<:)SEKt new right of'vvtA,y .through IJc)t~3 2:39 2h v ?59 06 ~? d +~o W~rt h~J'~P I t ~8' A. ~ ~ ~~~i. I (... \ i-G. 1i an, \"pHil:': 1: ';"'Ci, .td "".t 0.\. ,JO J{,' ,&..11 1.,;O-i,.ceSOb1o,on 9 Yarmouth (I ALJ.,l OP 1'~HICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBHITTE~D>1) ....;,,'~Ul~__,...-_~I/I'~.1llI lliJIIlItli'~~.'_','.I'''','..Ji3l!...,.;.,..,.....~.,,''~_ CHAIIUvIAN ~ s~e ~ -:CHOIvlAS ~ ONTAHIO MAnCH SESSION1~ 196:10 TO ~:lIE t1.AEDEr AND ~/IEr":BJ~RS OJ? tJ?HE ELGIN COUN1ry COUNCIL (}ent1.(~m€n1 YOUR HOAD COl!I1.'IITfl'EE b€~gE) 1((, Er4GI1\TEEHlt~G 'CORK A!\:D LAND PUR report as follows: ~)E is cont:inuin.g on County Road 36 from Road 24 to Bruce, designated last as a, Dtfil!alopmen.t Road PrE~-Engineering by' D!l; H ,110 <l< It is e:x:pec'ted t~ plans and profiles and ,:?! eost est.j.mat.e will be conlpleted by the end of the mcnrth for presentation to D .. H & 0 ~La.l1d pur"" chasle irJ cont:i.nuivng and al1. exp:tGil:Jriation Land P:lan from the surve~yor is expected i!.~h,(H:..tly I) 1i~'E RE C0}\1UV1END : 91 f'i"!'tIAr}', 1"'''1'1'1-' '[,'cT"'?"lIffAl'f'EC:' r ,.. C r"'~. S b b R d J.'!l Ll-~', fUel.L'sl.) .l!'l .l. :.11::> o~ 'Gne I..it'"f r,tlOmas. u'ur an oa Comnd.Esicrn f-or 1963 amount ing $l!-l ~ 000 () 00 be approved l\l Of th .amount $2lhi400\llOO i~l a.p:p:copr~u=3ted for main.t.... ena~lcf~ on the Suburban Road em (25 miles) and ~a.6}3 600 ~ 00 for Construct:ton It; f) mount for construct- ion '~'r1.11 complete cleanup 1rJork <)11 t,he l'''ellington Road and pay for property required t it]J.den th€~ Reade 20 '11IArr a Normal Road E:xpend:tturE~fJ By....J.Jaw be passed to be allocated as follows: ROADS BRIDGES 8 C UI1VER~~S CONSTRUCTION ~_ r.l"I:jI'.....-.'IlI'fl,'..'~".",. ~ $ 1499000~OO NEt" CHINERY 12 s; 600 000 28}}OOOoOO SlJ P:E~HIl\f;rENDENCE B OVE~RHgAD 10 <' J.I~OO t) 00 :,i '~\i: f\ T'i\TTE1\1 Ar1 CE !'r;;~:;:~" 1\t. 'J TOTAL *~.=.>olV(;..""" $ 4229100\>00 ,'1, ""17'" 100 OC) ~1) ,f"::' :> ~ ' ~ ' 229000000 1111 31...",) 600~) 00 2g~OOOClOO 399900000 502)300000 .~I1:11__'tWI'I~~..:r,""'lllM:I~CSt:t&t<>> TO~l' .,:h 200 000 ")j"~1 ...p. ~l) ~~l"J iIilU3f_~l>.tl.!."l\'l~4.\!tl!:l""""'~.'" ~~H$iJIUIW..u.J!'!J-'l::\1";.~~ "~',\~":!.:^"'i~,l\'14<l'~~~~'__ ~j 3 5 ~I 000 () 00 rj-. 5~5 000,00 <lp ... 5J 0 ,. ~ .,t:~~~\W".r:~~1~~UJ;f't;f"lJtfm""""'\1flIrI> ~."...... ,.;-~ ~:Z~'~,1.:mJr&-l~ .... _" ,..;:. _". ...;.1.~.w.. ..-..............-. _~,..,~~___.; 'tlli"'-~""'..:~,.""~~~..~..... =~~=~~~:~~': BHEAKING THE~E tfMoUN'rs DO"\ -N: ~ ~,",.,'.. ."..... ..lIst-1'>3:.iXL.'tW COUNl'fY ROAD cor\~S'rRUCTION ST~ THOMAS SUBURBA~ ROADS CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: ~!) 133 ~ OOO@OO qQQ.9_t'J,Q()... __ $ 149'aOOO~OO ~I; ,~> j., ;::' ST<.> TIi()MAf!~ ONTARIO, MARCH SESSIOl'~ ~ 196:3" COUNTY ROADS rtlAli-J'rEl~ANCE $ 2579000000 (including rebates to Urban !funicipalities~e5timated at t~39 ~ OOO;~ 00) <::T 'rIIO"^.Yl\ (~ C'UPPPQi1I" R01\Di PI11''.:!j1~,'CEI' 16' 100.00 U Q ,.I. !.J1lJ l...l A-"\.J..~.lJl',, \, . ,\, A.)." 1.."., 0 ."..,,,,,_-.~,,,._,,..,,,,,.,tl,__ TOTAL: COUNTY OVERHEAD (1) CONsrrnUCTlor $ 10~l~OOoOO (2) MAINTEtAKCE 339600aOO S'I\~ TH01TAS SUBURBAf\ ROAD OVERHEAD 6,;300000 ~...._, ,_.__.~""'A"l~~,...._, "."'~ ~~ 273~lOOe>OO $3 12 flOOQ;:;QO , (. ., 0 O(~ .-----:,;~~,,:..~. ".~..- $ 12:.>600000 tt! 209000000 0/ 2 y:{).QQ, () 00 ~~ 22.1i OOOifJOO TOTAL~ COUNTY BRIDGE; CG:KS'rRUC'rlo:r: ST e THOlv~AS SUBURBAN CUJ)JL::FtT CO!,:':3IrRU C11ION TOfALg COUN'rY BRIDGE &: CUI., VEnT Ml'JTi': CE 0 str ~ THO~IAS SUBURBAN BItIDGJ!; &. CULVER~r l'J1NTN CE ,;) IrOT AL : :~ 50~300~tOO :3 0 'rnA ~1 a Supplementary Hoad Expenditure By-Law ,be passed ,to be allocated as follows: ROADS BRIDGES & CULVERTS f1:0'rAIJ: CONSTRuc~rION -.-..-~,",""."". ..". "., ""-.- $ 2119000000 80,~OOOoOO ."__,.."..,',~",__"","'__..-'<J,..,,,.,.,..,~ j,,~,~,,~~&llikgQ, ."..."I~f~..;'."",~""""_,~,,,,,_~ ALL CONSTRUCTION to be done on Count,y Roads '" The Normal and Supplementary By-Laws prov:tde money' for (besides Maintenance:! O'verheE!,d and Ne11\] ~1achine'rJ"');; (,1) Completion of minor work on l"ellington R.a:ad by St 0 St" Thoma is Suburban COlTrrnissi.on t) (~. ) PU.rchase of land for Roa.d 'Ytli.dening (including fencing on H()~~d ,36...."Development Road) Pt-)7rment. for Installation of" Railroad Prot.ection on Rt)(ld :3 in R.odl1ey and Road 40 in Sp:ri:ngfiE~ldQ P:~:v1ngon Road 2 eAst of 1"est Lorne :l.n 1.TE~st Lorna 9 Aldb()rc)ugh 8"nd Dunwi.ch Townships \") Double Surr~ce Treatment on Road 16 from Burwellts Corners to Talbot Creek in Dunw'ieh Township~and associated 1rlorklJ Ii '" ) ~,t,;. (3 ) (5) {6) Pavi-ng Hoa.d 20 from \J "+ P()rt (7) SO?lth"iJ1Jold Tou'ft\?tlshin , " G""J ,. d 1 }' C., "", "1 '" t), ". P ,t,.~. .1" ,.,...ng~ 9 !l !~nl,\ .a:r. L,Jt1i::) ,;, 9 Hoa.d (except, C ':J 'g Hoad hOl) ($) Gr"a.d :tng ~i Grarn,,:ll,ar Bat')$ \) N Y G Ha c ,) (9) Gradingg Granular I/: ,1)..1" ~,. '';> "!r-"" ...'i-- '11'" 4" ea.., t.Jer, Y \} appX o"",;un''';i \4\:'" y Comple't~ion Ofb Dtngle d (10) :In ~JrHlah:lde ~\lIfp () dge in :r'.'Ial~;lhide 1}'!1tlp G ,;, Ay'lmer () << "l't \ 'l')'i'l:'" ("I. 1.~r t (~'\' ~ t"""''t'' ",.'j). ,? 'll'\; " '~i ~~ " t x~. kH:: IU. & er; ;01'1..> ". ~A'l.,;!Jl(h,1 (31." ~;onjunct,:ion (12) Concrete Culvert 20 ~j &;-::;1 ~:<'nr~l 4...., ~~~~ (')i J\.,l ft../' Q on RORd 42j 37~ 17 ::20 a:n,d 9.':1 JI"I I.f "1' S .' 4\-, ,*,., <1" "'I R d B'i. :l., ,,)~;,. . .r.' (p. ~'~ ,") (:, 0" 00. . Cl 0 ~ .:;., · . ''''- 'i'" ."" ,<> , ',i-"~ "'4 , . ~.,J..~ d. ,~O i.H::l,L ., oa ,,'" UC1.g e b, 0,,;, "ilL !/.. I} j; ... 0.' '..., ~.; an I,;:.:;l \,~ ,l.rna ~,' (~A,L ,,' '.' t' f"1.., ..1/>-,.. 7(') '':)0''''; Of) 'I. .~.:i. '-;' a '1iH>r ~"'l 1 ~ N' f1 f' u"t (:os (, (, I.,;()'un v y. ~i ,1\, .J f. . ")\ rJ ~.Lnf:;, <: jj, ~)u"l e\ir Y' ..Jl_ f -n ~h~ n~Qqen~ a~sa~a~~n' ~ lth~ ~a,'l'ft -"+~ ~R 'w', A ~'" '1;, f ,_ '1';""", ...L, v 1,';'",0. c..I01u".." u .~ ,,' ".' >.-, l I,'"" .!., 0, ..-1""" "'.t.. J v TOTAL EXPE~DITURES FOR SU~SIDY '1.,7,1;; 't- i1 11:r' ~O ~'. .t'! ]:;'<'<F"r'i:::ll"id '1'1>> 'p-e. 't't rl"f" d~9!11(~. ,. ~'IP ..c.. u. ~J '10,.' ;.,)./....,1',1 I...,II'~,-( d:& V' ,.",L..t. .. i\..f '\..,1~..- ttJ f ('-' n 1962 '~\ff.;re " ".'} "")ei ,;jw),} "':ith Development Road, it is expected that the Gross f\ 9 order of one million o B THJa T' 'ii') . 'l1' '1::to d'" ~. '::.d' .' ~"l#." ,P, r 'f:f' tt~,o ... cl J:JY"''''~,Jaw oe i:');:"~ re!wJV1J1~~ half-load restrictions f '" ) tid' qJ f"~' "1'\"1' Y -\ II:.~ it ,U...) ,,) , 1 Olu l\~ ev" 'tT,~ "f "! ~ O',~ ,<~!, w:L",,",.a.bt OJ.. (1'1" , \, j /, e from -eo 1 ,Q., ~.$ lI'''' ~ ',r ,p :> Hel,,) fi ii' '.,>, ,1 " t~o (~ " ) f)d 3Q Ch . t-(. (~t " . ''', to. \,18 It ,) '".~\ ",."a nam.) ;) l.n j-trr,,, !f f' ) Rd P.2 fror..... l:Jd' ~ Q t 'I"~ nr J" Il 'i l. ,so "'f' ",)!ll ,n. ') ..)~;. ~1~'.'y {' .," ' BllT'VJ ~?11 5 'rI~AT a' Pv.J' ~~ 'be 'paO=BAd ~rl -~~~~. ~marl~~~~ lJ ,.fl. .. .t~) J ,..~, ~Clllv . t.,., fZJ "'~'.' .." d..:. 4 fJ.";...t......J....:.4),.f \".}.J (~~...l-#c "':'J J. \.d. -d:..$ }j.t; restr:i.cting welght t,hat~ can be carried, on County' Bridges by (1) Removing the Dingle St I,) Bridge and the Hocfver Bridge f:r'om restrictings (bot~h replaced last Y4sa.r) (2) Hl-t:tsing the limit on the CO~)l\ Rridgf~ (BHyham12",~,1alt~hide 1.:{ohrnline} from 10 to 15 'lions YJ as repa.irs reC011'lflH1nded by DaH.O~ have been completed to the abutments~ / I G~~f'il 'T.ITf')T.:"ii C!.. f'\'!\"l.'j\p'Tn to.' J. '" .. ".,..... ..'if'!. ,..,~, V.I.\!., 1..".".... " j;l ~A~~U ~~qSTrJu ]9'~~ .1 .." . E t., ""' " .!. ,-U"J k~ 1..- >>"" J.\)~. ".,.U) 'i} . ... t:; ) Pla.cing a 10 Ton Load Id.m:tt on the Bridge (jver Catfish Creek on Rdp 45 near tlJaffall> (This road has been. a,ssumed s:tnce By-la'trJ #1$00 W,&tS pst':lsed) (It i8 necessary to pass a new By-law repealing By-law #lgOO) 6n rI'HAT at~ the reques't~ of MrG T~)S1!J Cald.1tJ;~11~ Distric~ Municipal El1gineer ~j the follow:tng RefK'\ltrt:io11 be passed regarding a transfer of monies with regard to t,he County Annual Expendi.tures Road Return :for 1962 ~ THl\ T 14e r€~quest the Depar'tment. of Highw~::r5 tc; mak~~ .'the ~rollot'1ing tl~ansfer of money in (~onnec't1~on with the by"'~ la\~s li13ted belcH";: S1.:rpplementary w.' irransfer $17 9 523 () 84 fl"'oril COrlstruct:lon Bridges & Cu+verts to Construction Roadso Norme.l "'" 8'fransfer $25 ~ 77'4.(;;90 from Road Maintenance to Road Con.s~ruction~ '1'4" ~ ,.,. "" G'::,Ll ~ 399 r,.f.' f' Yi B: ~..,O d ~e> !!>I' ...ran~..l ar 'l.,j~:'l 1) . Q:;O q rO.,l 1::.1.. gE.~, c' CuJ.VEU"A'ts l'J1l:1i,:rrtenance to Bridges & Culverts Construction 0 ? li'f'J'LIA"r <t"l"a."..'ll I"l~ft'ht of" 'hr~''I;.1' l'~'e~).d{'J,(:i fo'" t'ne D,,>;:l."":r~"lopmen+ Ro~~'d' (,) .Il.f _ .,J'..J~\;i ,~.<;;t . ." lJVr:;A..J ~1 ...y",'~' _~,.l. ",,Ii.,,, ,Jy';J......;~ ~" u ' ,,~t. be assurned a~, en. ~'?-X'tenBi.on of Countiy' Road ~~lHI1'his lncludf:?5 t~he Ht~ad J\11c>,,~'n3.nce bet:rftfeen Concession.s I & II oPP<lsite J"ot 22 and 't.he \"est half of Lot 23s Twpo of .1,\;1' '" 'I""" 1\ ~ lJ, .' . <:'i ,,. "'~ ,Jj. 4.') J; ~.ri 'jk,,~ .~, ffl. . '~~f.~ u'~~h. ," r d' Ad.d,l.,OtlCfllj nOifl rrtd.J..fJ.t>,'Cij,.JJH:p\)(' -bY.Y ~Ine J,vJP<y 0.1. _ctl"lilO ~,""', ..a 1 , thl;'! proposed ne\', right of way through Lot,e 239 2h v ?5 s 06 ~? ~nd t~a Wart h~11~ r~ T^t- ~d ~n ron~oa~4Mn I (.~" t:. u a ' ,it,\::: 1;, v..). .1.<;. .l.. \)." ,,,,J'..l"'<'O .Ii,. ../ _J'lII,4'WO~""'J' . \:1 Y arrnouth (} ItIJL 01? "~HICH IS RESPECTF"ULIJY SUBHITTED ~ ~Ulct......,..._~........JWtA'~'" .-,~~~~~ CHAlIUvlAN q\ ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 14th., 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve Robson. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT K.C. EMERSON BE J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN CHAIRMAN FOR THE MEETING. CARRIED. REEVE NIMMO of Southwo1d presented a petition signed by 36 residents of North Southwold asking that the Department of Highways open Hwy. 401 from Hwy. #4 to Road 14 owing to the condition of County Road 18. AFTER DISCUSSION it was MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY G. BARBER THAT THE D.H.O. BE PETITIONED TO OPEN TEMPOR- ARILY HWY. 401 FROM HWY. 4 TO COUNTY ROAD 14 FOR LOCAL TRAFFIC, AS A PETITION HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE LOCAL RESIDENTS IN THE AREA REQUESTING TEMPORARY USE OF THE ROAD DURING THE SPRING BREAK-UP, AS THE LAWRENCE ROAD IS IN VERY POOR SHAPE AT PRESENT. CARRIED. REEVE ROBSON in attendance. THE ENGINEER reported that provlslon had been made to inspect the centre lining machine of St. Thomas Metal Signs at 4 o'clock. A GENERAL DISCUSSION of centre lining machinery and costs followed, and the Engineer was instructed to obtain additional information. /'~'------ , THE ENGINEER reported that Mrs. Stocker had agreed to sell the approximate 69 acres of the Southeast ~ of Lot 23 and the Southwest ~ of Lot 24, Concession I, that com- prised the Percy Boose Estate property, for $13,000.00. This property was needee for right of way of the Development Road #692. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 14th., 1963. MOVBD BY M. TANSLBY SBCONDBD BY K. C. EM.BRSON THAT WE PURCHASB THB PROPBRTY OF MRS. SADIB BVBLYN STOCKBR, BEING THB SOUTH-BAST QUARTBR OF LOT 23 AND THB SOUTH-WBST QUARTBR OF LOT 24 IN CONCBSSION 1, YARMOUTH, FOR THB SuM OF THIRTBEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. CARRIED.. CORRBSPONDBNCB waS read from (1) MR. B.R. HEAVYSAGE, Plans APproval Bngineer of the D.H.O., with regard to Development Road #692, stating that the placement of 6" of Granular A on the tWO pieces of Road to be returned to the TownshiP would be chargeable to Development Road expenditures. (2) BOARD OF TRANSPORT COMMISSIONBRS requesting the County submission on the estimates of the New york central and Chesapeake & OhiO Railroads for the installation of crossing gates and flashing lightS on the Road 2 crossing east of West Lorne. THE ENGINBBR reported that he had contacted the C. & O. Railway and the New York central Railroad and the County of Kent with regard to a request for a Board of Transport commiSsioners' order for flashing lights and gates on Road 4 crossings at the Kent .Townline and Black'S Lane. THB METHOD OF WORK for County construction in 1963 was disCUssed, and it was agreed by the Committee that the work be done by Day Labour, using local rented equipment with preference given to thOSe contractors whose work had been satisfactory in the past. The Engineer was of the opinion that the trucNing rates used in 1961 and 1962 were quite satisfactory for 1963. Truckers would be hired on the same basis as in former years. TBNDBRS for materials and supplies, as attached, were ex- plained bY the Bngineer. MOVED BY G · B. BROWN SECONDBD BY J.B. WILSON THAT TBNDBRS FOR MATBRIALS AND SUPPLIBS BB ACCEPTBD AND THB BNGINBBR INSTRUCTBD TO PURCHASE SUPPLIBS WITH RBGARD TO QUALITY AND PRICB, SUBJBCT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 14th., 1963. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO APRIL 4th., AT 10 A.M. CARRIED. f'i/ i 1___ Yr . ,~ J Jf1~i J1~ (../ CHAIRMAN c 0 U N T to' E L G I I --~- ~ TElrDEF. l"OR w:rBllIl\LS "o:"'''''"=;X'~ ~--,,=~,""""'-'-'"" S1~i\ ~.=,.$ R"~ , Il-' -:~-;,..::.:-- .:;', be re.ceived by t.he 'undersigned un:til T~~ ",~~.9"~: ~].Q9lL_..J~\~J1.1 the fo~lowing Supplies ~ Materials~ (q~oU'P ,,', ",~~"-",~_""J~,,, "m,l, CHIPS yOll SiJRFl\CE TREJ\Tl~E,NT ~---~- Sta:te prii{~e "~rarioU*j ~!~'\ ;." t ,> "'. .:\0'1.... ~JJL,O.l,UgS 1:n \I.l,nitl eoutrr~ y ~\ wh i (ib/8<~> f~rr. 5 a,pplit!ableo chipS are ~ashed" St..atJe whet!ihe'r (;:'%." GROUP 2 ~~~~,;,",'..:::o.:.;~:;;~"'J:,;~~~;l;"W,;:..o BITm~INOUS ~l\TERIJ\LS "'''''''~~=-_.---='_.....-=''''''''=-_..,:::...,."''-"'''''"-'>>.:;. Including prJJuers~ . tara. emulsions, et~o ,.O.B. 'Fl.an:tp '" GROUP '~~ ",~""~~"",,,:.J.7 HtYIl a::a',;::.~~?,;ll~' Fot' patching" F oBe Coun:t;1 t.:ruCk5 at 'J }) ~:'ta..te PJ'."1.ce;} '1G>"We (~J) r rrdJ{ ~\ Pl.anJt 0 1~~ 'B ;:; at ,) COl~D MIl. }\ f) P _.__,="".,....,.,-""''''''''"'''''-''r='''. 9}\lft~:PJ~t -.... -.-- .~...--""",. ." ~ F (/ p " and delivered on. any road BagEl y" o p \; '!II <i) Page 2 12l?l~PJJ!~J9}1~!R.1AJ:P- .. ~~qYR=2. CORRUGATED CULVERTS ~~_,:""",,,~,~_,,,,,,~~""""""'::"" .......,...,_._.....,,_._~;r..;:r Prices are solicited for various sizes" gauges & ~ypes to be delivered to any point. in the Countyc The County reserves the right to ask tenders for specific sizes p, types, ete o. to be delivered to anY' specified point in the CO'Lmty. GROUP 10 ~,f~~r:t~:.::::~.,..~.,';~,... FENCING MATE~IALS ~.~.._."., .~.~.,,,~".~~""" ,_, .>._\'It.a.'t.\,!ll;'!';;~'-'.~'--'-''-'::::-' Delivered to the County Garage, 1'hiteQS Station, in Truek lload I..ot,e 0 948.:~12Far1n Fence 4.0 rod rolls 7q Posts & Clips ="T" Bars 16 \1 Ga'1te~ #9 Brac4.:}';~\i1.r~ 1 3//4-'" S'tapl~;;s Snow }i1en<<:;e :to 100 w T())11s GROUP 11 :.~.....~~#~":r.",.:$.~~':;:':'~';-'"::.~~;':>> WOODEN POS'1~S r..~.......,.,._~.l--'-~~F~~~'::;~"*.:.t;;,' Peeled Cedar PQl'rts truckload lots to be dellvered to the County Garag(~)1 '~'hj:t~e ~ s S'tat~ion ~ I~" -1l"'op mJr: i'fl>~m"m'!l d 9 ~I! ""ng .,tV M . """ll'.J.!o' lL.A 0 .,U\'JJ.. 6" t,(jp min:bnum ~3 ~ 7ff top minimum 80 ~~ n top minim\.'Lnl W long GROUP 12 ..:_;;..;..:,:.::.=::~.~4,;.~~I~ llEIN170RCING STgE~L ,~"':';;~~l~.-.:;;,;.:.~~;,*..__..:.~'.l~t;h#'l;l.N!,$';';';;;'-"~'";'~"'~ 9I~~21rE .11 ......~. _....,.;...._..".~~;;:::c::.m::;-...~~ Glrt.A.DE;R BltH.DES ~_~:$--..-.t'~~;'~'~;'::~':;'~~""'-;;':::;';'-;:~~-::';:: 5/S'n )t 6tT .x j{ VJj \1 " Sha'f'p~~n~%d Ci ~gheither <Q..r not taxes in~luded<.) del~l 'fJih:t \1 S 5) St 0 ~Thomaa;) and qualYlt:ttf d:lsCOUElit3 n 'lO'?:.<} ~I.'f[j'1I.II')r"f) 'ti'(JR /11/l.ffr't.''ti!'AI c' ~,,~z:~7.d\M~t.~.:~ro~~:,J l'~ " -:~,:,,~~vw~~~~,~',.~:~~r.~._'~'~ ._-f~'~~~;~~l' ,.: ~i\\~) GHOUP l~~ GROUP :1;. ~~JQlI"""~!,"~~~ GHOUl' 16 ~~.~~.~~_11\1U'119..,.p LUMFEn FOH CONCRETE: FOnJYI "ORK P:.~__,. ,",."....J.~~_,\.~~7fO.~.la,._____.__ _..,.^.",..~":.'~~"''''':~'hW:l'~ ;2.x I~" 2 6 ~ ~o uX, ~X~ R et ~~ t) 2xlO and 1)(125.' S.tate grB d€~" HOAD SIGNS (a ) 'If'JJJJu S er:Jl e ~s 2~i- u:x:24 V~ 30fi':XJO~f= ~fH~otc:hlite 'fun Serie~~l 2!4-HxJon "'" iH~01;chl:lLte WV!ff Ser:i(~~3 12"x36" - 5cotchliteu bridge end markers f-t~jte quarr(~:;t dis courr't ';) an.'YQ (b) Galvanized ?Tun FIHnged POiStS complet~e Wit~Jrl f:il1er blocks ~ lengths@ Ptete quantity diacountSa All FoOoBm Planto PAIN~r UD$~.~.(I.lI~ { 1 ) H.~~d Le::;j d Bridge p@intingo f' .>"} '. II.~. .# va Bridge Paintn GJc"e en t; 3} Ott'Hngn Ha Pa il1t f, (.4,) v'l1'i. t~) a paint will be a deciding ~0 Pa 0 i~'t 0) ):t' 01,1HEH feel U6El on 'It::hf.'i rc: <<:;. Ul :u, ng ,'it..., l~ R') ,..~ "1.0' '~)'l",) ~l P 1'\lil\'O . , U G J:J, I.. Jfl.11 >) ",-,,:..H.J1 0 ~ COUNTY ENGIl\~EE:H ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN~ COURT HOUSE" .. s~r 0 THOMAS>.) ,,' ON~!AHIO ;;, PAge J ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, MARCH 7TB, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL ME!JlBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the February 7th meeting were 1. Snow Plowing had been heavY the last. part of February. 2. The spring break-UP and flooding were, as yet, an unknown quantity. 3. The old Dingle Street Bridge had been removed by Sam Fitch. 4. Brushing ",as continuing in the east end of t.he County, ",ith some wi}~OW trees to be removed at. the St. George Street. Bridge and on County Road 24 near De~ter. Clearing on Count.y Road 36, Development Road, would be started shortlY. 5. APpro~imat.elY 2,000 t.ons of crushed stone had been applied to the neW construct.ion on Count.y Road 2 east of West Lorne and the sloPPY condition of t.he Road had been great.1Y improved. Sign Work was being continued as were repairs to machinery. 1J\inor repairs would be made to the Tates and Walkers Bridges. Brief mention was made of the ontario Good Roads Msociatlon convent.ion in Toronto, February 25th and 28th. THE ENG lNEER reported on the work as follOWS: read and approved. 6. 7. 8. ---~. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT THE FOLLovJ1NG COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST #6 - $1,453.07: PAY LIST #7 _ $7,609.83: PAY LIST #8 - $24,416.39. CARRIED. G.E. BRO'NN J . B. \~TILSON ..,..., .-,.,..'.r.'_~__~.,-" pA.GE 2 1. 2. ST "THOMAS, ONTARIO, MA.RCH 7TH, 1963- THE ENGINEER read correspondence from: Mr. T.S. Cald"Well, District Municipal Engineer, approving (1) sale of the Dingle Street Bridge to Sam Fitch, and (2) call~ng tenders for an office calculator. Mr. S.C. Wilson, Regional Traffic Engineer, re a public meeting to discuSS the signing on of King'S High"Way #401 on March 27th at B:OO p.m. 3. THE ENGINEER reported that he understood: (1) the Regional TraffiC Engineer had recommended traffiC signalS at the junction of King'S High"Wa~#3 and #4, ~ellington Road, t2) that an area traffiC studY "WaS to be made of the St, Thomas-London Area by the OntariO Department of ontario, and t3) that after disCUssion "With the County Solicitors and representatiVes of the Frank Co"Wan CompanY Limited, insurance to relieve the County of any responsibility in the issuance of moving permits, etc., seemed desirable. The Frank Co"Wan company Limited "Were persuing the matter furth er · A DISCUSSION of half load regulations and the enforcement, of them follo"Wed 'l'rith fe"W conclusions reached. THE ENGINEER mentioned that comments by the Department of Land and Forests on a ne"W Drainage Act "Were being solicited. THE ENGINEER reported on Land purchase on County Roqs 36 stating that no agreement had yet been reached "With Mrs. Stalker for the Boose Property but that negotiatiOnsvere being continued PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 7TH, 1963. G.E. BROWN MOVED BY SECONDED BY J . B. '\fITILSON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS I AND II, YARMOUTH, OPPOSITE LOT 22 AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 23 AND THE PROPOSED ROAD ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD 36 THROUGH LOTS 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 AND THE WEST HALF OF 28, CONCESSION I, YARMOUTH, BE ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD. CARRIED. THE MEETING resumed at 2:30 p.m. after an Agricultural Committee Meeting. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. THE TENDERS for an office calculator were as folloWS: (1) Underwood Limited, London Underwood-Olivetti, j $616.50 plus sales tax, (2) Western Office SupplY, London _ Victor, $616.50 plus sales tax, and (3) Remington Rand Limited, London Remington, $585.00. Olivetti be purchased and demonstrated the various Calculators for the Committee. THE ENGINEER recolll.'1lended that an Underwood- MOVED BY SECONDED BY G .E. BROWN G. BARBER THAT viE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF UNDERWOOD LIMITED FOR A NEW UNDERWOOD-OLIVETTI MODEL D24 CALCULATOR AT THE TENDERED PRICE OF $616.50 PLUS SALES TAX SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. CARRIED. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 7TH, 1963. THE WEED SPRAYING on County Roads in 1963 was discussed. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY K.C. EMERSON THAT WE REQUEST THE VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS TO SPRAY THE COUNTY ROADS IN THEIR OWN MUNICIPALITIES ON THE SAME BASIS AS IN 1962. CARRIED. THE BUDGET as presented last meeting was discussed. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE APPROVE THE BUDGET OF $826,000 AS PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER AND RECO~~END TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY-LAWS BE PASSED APPRO- PRIATING $826,000 FOR ROAD PURPOSES. THIS IS AT AN ESTIMATED COST TO THE COUNTY OF $370,260 BEING 7 MILL RATE. CARRIED. REEVE GEORGE BARBER asked consideration of a request to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada for an Order for the installation of flashing lights and gates on the Black Lane Crossing and the Kent Townline 'Crossings of County Road 4 and. the New York Central System and the Chesapeake & Ohio Railvvay. It was felt by the Committee that a program of replacements was undoubtedly desirable so that all costs would not fall in one year. THE PURCHASE of new machinery was discussed. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 7TH, 1963. MOVED BY J · B. WILSON SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT A COMMITTEE BE APPOINTED TO INVESTI- GATE THE PURCHASE OF A CENTRE LINE MARKER AND THIS COMMITTEE BE COMPOSED OF THE WARDEN, REEVE C.D. PHILLIPS, THE CHAIRMAN AND THE COUNTY ENGINEER · CARRIED. MOVED BY K · C. EMERSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE ENGINEER BE ~WOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW FRONT END LOADER OF APPROXI- MATELY 1 1/2 CUBIC YARDS CAPACITY WITH THE COUNTYIS MICHIGAN LOADER AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. CARRIED · ADJUSTMENTS in wages of County Road Employees were discussed and the matter laid over until the next meeting. ALSO DISCUSSED was a change in the Pension System from the present Dominion Government scheme to a System sponsored by the Ontario Government known as the ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. The Engineer was empowered to find out the feeling of the Employees with regard to a change in the pension schemes. THE ENGINEER was instructed to contact the County of Kent to ascertain their feelings on the Towuline. PAGE 6 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO,. MARCH 7TH, 1963. MR. T.S. CALDWELL, District Municipal Engineer, who was in attendance, commented upon Employees' renumeration. Various aspects of the Development Road were discussed and Mr. Caldwell answered the Committee Members' questions. MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY K.C. EMERSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MAHCH 14TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ..J' 1t Jw (7 )~J - . ,. CHAIRMAN ST. THOM~S, ONT~RIO, FBBRU~R1 7TH., 1963. THB COUNT1 of BLGIN Road committee met at the court HoUse at 10.00 a.m. THB MINUTBS of the meeting of the JanuarY 9th. meeting 'Were read and approved. THB BNGINBBR reported on the ~ork to date as ~LL MBMBBRS ~ere present. 1. , . th ~ . t1,res had been e"tremelY heavy, ~:1 Ice and sno~ e"pen~:1 ~ continUOUS day and some night ~ork for the last 10 daYs of January- , the Galion Grader had failed The cummin~s uiesel motOr :1n 1 . and ~as being repaired bY London Vfuite Truck. f d had been piled at ~a~ters ~ further 650 cubic yardS 0 san d 'led and placed there last Bros. at LyonS, as the san p:1 ... uecember had been depleted. . k Road 45 at Otter creek had been com- StOrm ura:1n ",or on he east pleted and ~o~ had been started on ~ad 16 on t ' side of Talbot Creek. t.on . 1 f dead trees in the Bast por :1 Brush:1ng and remova 0 of the County ~aS continuing. follO'fJS~ 2- 3- 4- 5. THB FOLLO~ING RBSOLUTI0N ~ l\.S P l\.SSBU : J. B. \J\1TLSON MOITBU B1 M. T~NSLB1 SBCONU!:. ;1THB FOLLO~ING RO~U l\.CCOUNTS be approved for p#ayment ~ ~ ~. # m 100 85' p~1LIST5 p~1LIST #3_$1,469.95; p~1LIST 4-~9, .' 01 ~. p~11IST #5 \Development Road)- $17. $23,779.00, , C~RRIED TBNDERS FOR THB RBMOIT l\.L OF OLD DINGLB ST. BRIDGB 'Were opened and ~ere as follo~S: , . 1 'Will giVe the CountY $160.00 for the Sam Fl~ t.Cnh' t hF:~aid'O'e, less the ~ooden plank and ,,"ooden stee :1 ... '" stringers · 1. as ,,"ould give the County Blgin construction Ltd., St. Thom , $60.00 for the complete structure. 2- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 7TH., 1963. PAGE 2 3. Graham & Graham Ltd., London, would charge the County $640.00 to remove the entire Bridge. MOVED BY K · C. EMERSON SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF SAM FITCH FOR THE OLD DINGLE ST. BRIDGE (LESS THE PLANK AND STRINGERS w~ICH WILL BE REMOVED BY THE COUNTY) AT HIS BID OF $160.00 C,p..RRIED WARDEN EMERSON presented the problem of transporting processed tobacco over Road 32 from Highway 73 to Aylmer Air- port during half load season. A general discUssion of Half Load Season Regulations followed. MOVED BY G. E. BROWN SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROADS BE REMOVED FROM HALF LOAD REGULATIONS: 1. RD. 3 FROM HWY. #3 TO NORTH LIMIT OF VILLAGE OF RODNEY 2. RD. 15 FROM HWY. #3 TO NORTH LIMIT OF VILLAGE OF DUTTON 3. RD. 32 THROUGHOUT 4. RD. 42 FROM HWY. # 19 TO RD. 39 (CHATHAM ST.) 5. RD. 39 (CHATHAM ST.) THROUGHOUT 6. RD. 25 THROUGHOUT CARRIED MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY K.C, EMERSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF CANADA LTD., LONDON, FOR 2 INTERNATIONAL MODEL 240 TRACTORS EQUIPPED WITH NO. 110 SIDE MOUNTED MOWERS WITH HYDRAULIC CURB LIFTS; THE COUNTY'S 1960 COCKSHUTT MODEL 540 TRACTOR AND MOWER TO BE A TRADE-IN AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $4,107.64 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D. H. O. CARRIED MOVED BY J. B. WILSON ~~~m~ M. T~~Y THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES NEEDED BY THE COUNTY IN 1963. CARHIED PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 7TH., 1963. CORRESPONDENCE FROM T. S. CALDWELL, District Municipal Engineer, requesting that County Council make a transfer of money in connection with the County Annual Road Expenditure Return: MOVED BY G. E. BROWN SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT WE RECOl\JllVIEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THEY PASS THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: THAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO MAKE THE FOLLOv'JING TRANSFER OF MONEY IN CONNECTION WITH THE BY-LAWS LISTED BELOvIJ: SUPPLFMENTARY - TRANSFER $17,523.84 FROM BRIDGES & CULVERTS CONSTRUCTION, TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION. TRANSFER $25,774.90 FROM ROAD MNTCE. TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION. TRANSFER $15,399.56 FROM BRIDGES & CULVERTS MNTNCE. TO BRIDGES & CULVERTS CONSTRUCTION. CARRIED CON~ITTEE AGREED in response to a request from the Regional Traffic Engineer of the Department of Highways, that Road 8 be known as the Currie Road, and Road 3 as the Furnival Road, for signing purpose, on Highway #401. THE ENGINEER reported that the signalization of the intersection of Highways 3 & 4 and the Wellington Road was still under consideration by the Traffic Board of the D.H.O. THE ENGINEER reported that the Board of Transport Commissioners had ordered the installation o_f, gates and flash- C+O.. ing lights on the NevJ York Central Rly. &rTA'Il19::t..y crossings on Road 15 in Dutton. REMOVAL OF SNOW from roads in urban areas was discussed. The Engineer reported that neither Oxford nor Middlesex Counties removed snow from the edges of pavements in Urban areas. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE URBAN AREA TO REMOVE, IF THEY WISH, ANY SNOW PILED ALONG THE CURB OR EDGE OF THE COUNTY ROAD AFTER IT HAS BEEN PLOWED TO THE EDGE BY THE COUNTY. CARRIED ST. THOMP.S, ONT p'RIO. FEBR\JP.RY 7TH., 1963 pp\GE 4 THE ENGINEER sUggested that in the future, entrance culverts should be paid for before they were installed. committee agreed to this policY' THE MEETING resumed, with Mr. William Lees, p'ssist- ant District Municipal Engineer in attendance. THE MEf,TING P.DJO\JRNf,D FOR DINNER. THE ENGINf,f,R sUggested that the county By-LaW with regard to load limits on BridgeS be brought up to date, bY deleting the Hoover & Dingle St. Bridges which had been ~e- 1 ed and adding the catfiSh Creek Bridge on Road 45 wh~ch p aC d b ssed had been in the Road System since the By-laW ha ee~ pa e' , .t d that the load limit on Cook Br~dge b It waS alsO SUgges e . d f ~. 10 to ),5 TonS since the abutments had been re- ra~se row 5 ' paired. M.OVED 131 J .13. \NILSON G. BP-RBER Sf,CONDf,D BY . CO\JNT'I CO\JNCIL T1:1.P.T By-LP.W 1300 THP.T ~ffi Rf,COMME.ND TO 1T~R & DINGLf, ST. BRIDGES, ) Df,LETING THf, HOOv D' . BE J\MENDf,D BY II IDGE ON ROP.D 45 10 TONS, I 2 ) J\DD IN G THf, C P. TFIS H CRf,f, K BR S -aRIDG f, FR~M 10 TO 15 TONS. \ lIMIT ON COOK' U l3) RHSING THf, LOP.D ' CP.RRIED THE f,NGINf,f,R reported on D.H.O. regulations for moving overwidth buildings and commented on their insur~nc:he . Committee instructed the f,ngineer to obta~n regulat~ons, ' . " 'surance agent d,,'ce of the Count.y sol~c~tor, and Count' s ~n a. ,,1- on the SUb ject. LP.ND p\JRCl-lP.SE on t.he Development Road lRd. 36) waS . . d h t the nronertY necessar~ . d d the Engineer reporte t. a It' t' d~scusse , an & 6 0 00 The from Mr. vern crosbY had been purchased for ~3, o. · urchase price included appro~imatelY 3 acres needed for the road p , ht. of way and damages for separating appro~imatelY ~. acres r~g' C . t. is to have the r~ght t.o f t.he reSt. of t.he farm. The oun y rom ' . . d b t.he neW road. obtain fill from the portion of land separat.e y _ b. f Shedden and Road 52 LJ\ND p\JRCHP.Sf, on Road 20 noru 0 . east. of springfield was alSO diSCUssed. p\JRCHJ\SE 01" LJ\ND used for tobacco and nursery purposes on Road 42 wa~ diSCUssed. 1'\ o"i tf\\'E ="""" _._,~~ " 'fII~~d \11\'\":,1.1. , \} l\d e;rtrj.g-!j'~~ d b1 't.n~ i ~ ,,'"'" d'i <r> i "J e. . II bO ~<. '<>v"'.. . 0'" ..,,,"':as '!IIi . -.r '" <," 'ri!o,,1J'" ... -~,," R J. :J'J-~ ~ }2 p't>r~et, P,'L'L Oi~S '" "'~~ of l\1l:l11ero .ll '%"" t,.J,!e ~v>; 'i) ;r..M. ~ified c~0que fo~ JI, < < 1 b'f $. cCi \V e,OCO'lltpG.1\loec. ' · .' d e ~de . rt'a d l' for ",ne 'fIt'3. @; JJt 1;j~lle ;t:et':. e l,,< , " '" 'll.O '\J!.1\ t, 0 ,. _ . .. """, ",& ..1'1 t,be '(,o'(,3.~ <0''' " . .",t <l' o;!: "'..."'..... 0 '""~ of 'the vO\M""?' ,.., <r' ,,'tte.11I6\1f'e~ ; .... '\fa '\:ill/) "v ,.!l. e .. · -<> '" A e 'BO'l\0' in .."" . < ",~",,"o,("...,,,..,, _ . ,'t ~of.rt ~. l ~....." ' ,,' ci' '" '" .. 01:' et' \'ll.'~S .. b ""'" SUCCESSfUl.> ",".b'" · :t>" 811\0\11\"- 0;:" 't "'" t:' 't\'lg. in :1.1.\ to . ~ B' .'. h" CO\)Xi't'1 o.t '" · 9 . . .. fe:\lOUlt' OJ. ",.", . .' ert,i.!i6\l\ o~ for!e:l.t. n~S c "d '\)o1.1.&.t'fh - .. ooe 'thousan t,ained b1 '(,,~ b ~<1' fOt' d8~f>e6 eUf! \\,!lhe cou.1I J ()t t~ 1.0 f01f cat,fi$~t 'Bri.dg\~ 2,(.; 3 t) 4-g co\11\to1. d f'9.i1.il\& ",u.l ., . t.b t.be !1.oo1' an ""':E ~ill'\)Gt. eotl\'P...et,e '14~ ' 'u1. 'tenderer '\fnO ,n' ' ~he 6UCces&~ . ....e1'1:,''1 0 J. " . ~ . & becotl\e tone -pt'O.. . 1f '\;h6 \\t'idge ...a . b J\11\e 1.~'(,' 1.963. \\\ust. '!."etl\o"8f$ it. "1 '.' 6' t.llS e'\1CC0ss!ul .' b June 1.5'(,9 '1.9 '39 not. It'efl\o''it'l11 "1 t. ~ento1 1)O1.1.1.\'!.". \".0 paY t.ll8 co~ '1 1enderelt' a~'!."eee 1.1. ~t.eriala are ~ da1' daY 'tbat. a ~ $1.0 0(0) pe1' ea1.en l'lUst.a1Jtl.ed b1 it.El for d&~g,es not. l'SIM)'lfs6. f:ro1!l t,be I'> ehsq,ue 60 t,\1.e Co~'t1 0 de<\'\1&,\;e l.iabi1.i.t.1 l' tl\us'\; ca.r'!.""! 8 ..."", Sue aES5'F\''L 'l:endere '\; 'ion 1nsura'l\Ce ,n'" 'd b~.~'e co~pensa 1.1. as "'or....."'.. . ln6U1'anea ",e . e count(1) and toO be ," . be a'Ppt'O'led bY t.h t~e alllOU>fl,,$ ""0 b'J 1t.1 \;0 ..._o'le . . t;he COun....1 of bis. Q ",. e,b'l8 '\;0 6a\;;1.61:1 ......,'\f ~ridg,e or de t,o 'tbe t.~l\V ,~ '\fit-boUt. ds-tIl8", the 01.d 'Blf'ic.!be . . 't ?'ro~er"t '10 ad~acen < · · 'tender 0 '\ dad l.n t,b boS . "I' no'l:. inc",U '" "'Bu'tlilE~'t 1'ellI0"48- 'l.EI ~ . ." 1. '\! be e.ceep'lied 0 . ' ~ neceaeQ%b · '1 If _<"",11.'R ~i.1.'" nO" . ~ or tJl G. 1fl,Ooil:E 9 1'0 'E~G 09 ~u~'!"! ~G 1}}'E'E1l. 9 COU'N'rl of 'Et.G1\l. COUil't ROUSt.. o~'tj\.il!O. S-r '" 1f\1.011U\S t ,. ' "\ I:. a1 tte1.. llo~ ~1.1'oEle ...~~ ~o 1~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 7TH., 1963 PAGE 4 THE ENGINEER sUggested that in the future, entrance c~verts sho~d be paid for before they were inst~led. committee agreed to this policy, THE MEETING resumed, with Mr. William Lees, Assist- ant District Municipal Engineer in attendance. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. THE ENGINEER sUggested that the County By-Law 'with regard to load limits on BridgeS be brought up to date, by deleting the Hoover & Dingle St. BridgeS which had been re- placed and adding the catfiSh Creek Bridge on Road 45 which had been in the Road system since the By-law had been passed. It was also suggested that the load limit on Cook Bridge be raised from 10 to 15 TonS, since the abutments had been re- paired. MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAT WE REcoMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT BY-LAW 1300 BE AMENDED BY (1) DELETING THE HOOVER &, DINGLE ST. BRIDGES, (2) ADDING THE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE ON ROAD 45, 10 TONS, (3) RAISING THE LOAD LIMIT 01'1 COOK'S BRIDGE FROM 10 TO 15 TONS. CARRIED THE ENGINEER reported on D.H.O. regulations for moving overwidth buildings and commented on their insurance regulations. Committee instructed the Engineer to obtain the advice of the County solicitor, and count,'s insurance agent on the subject. LAND PURCHASE on the Development Road (Rd. 36) waS diSCUssed, and the Engineer reported that the property necessary, from Mr. Vern CrosbY had been purchased for $3,600.00. The purchase price inclUded appro~imatelY 3 acres needed for the road right of way, and damages for separating approximatelY 3 acres from the rest of the farm. The County is to have the right to obtain fill from the portion of land separated bY the neW road. LAND PURCHASE on Road 20 nornh of Shedden and Road 52 east of springfield was alsO diSCUssed. PURCHASE OF LAND used for tobacCO and nursery purposes on Road 42 wall diSCUssed. PAGE 5 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 7TH., 1963. MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON THAT A LAND PURCHASE PODICY ON ROAD 42 BE SET AS FOLLOWS: ALL LAND EXCEPT NURSERY LAND AND TOBACCO LAND TO BE PAID FOR AT THE RATE OF $200.00 PER ACRE; NURSERY LAND TO BE PAID FOR AT THE RATE OF $300.00 PER ACRE; TOBACCO LAND TO BE PAID FOR AT THE RATE OF 4 TIMES THE ASSESSED VALUE. THE WARDEN AND THE REEVE OF LOCAL TOWNSHIP TO BE COMMITTEE TO ASSIST THE ENGINEER TO PURCHASE THE RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED. CARRIED THE ESTIMATES of the St. Thomas suburban commission, as attached, were examined by the Committee. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ESTIMATES FOR 1963 AMOUNTING TO $41,000.00 BE APPROVED. CARRIED THE PROPOSED BUDGET as attached, was explained by the Engineer, and the questions of the Committee were answered. FURTHER DISCUSSION was left to the March meeting. MOVED BY K.C. EMERSON SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPO~~RED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A NEW OFFICE CAIJCULATOR. CARRIED MOVED BY G. BARBER SECONDED BY J. B. WILSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MARCH 7TH. AT 10.00 A.M. CARRIED J/P rf ~Jif>~ C H f4 I R. (V) j),.^' R910V AL ~- 0]' ELGIN ,W'~ TEN1)'ERS 1dll be :<!.>ecei:lTed b1 toM Undersigned unt.il ~r,l'fi"U l:nH~ 11,:~'-?' ~ ~H II Q6 ~ "..,,'>."', ,J.__~<""";"~:;~- 4,g Bridge o~ cadi-an I,;r""'.'~ i.n tohEl '!o~ of i\ylmet'o 11.1. 01i'VERS too accompanied by a c:ert.1f.:i.ed cheque for t,ne ",at-al <<mount of t,he TendeX' for 'the Bridge lll$.de """"1 ..1n& ~"'..e",~u1'e:K' 0:1: t.he eount::r of Elgin" 0 p&.ya...., e 'j"'" ~~ <>" T\\1!\ SUCCESSfUL 'J:endel'er must. post. a pelrf01'1l\llInee Bond in favour of '\',11.6 Count.1 of Elgin9 in t.he _oUllt. of One ~ousand Uollare~ or forfeit. hie cert.iried c'hEl<\ue ....0 'the eoun'l:.y for da1ll9gea euet.a1ned b1 'lib~ Coun't1';> THE BRIDGE c0\1f(ilet.8 "it,h tone floor and t'3il11\& 'IJIil1 beeollle t,be pl'Opert.'1 of t;h0 euccessfUl Tenderer "hO fl\ust. remo"UIIJ it. bY June 1st., 1.963. If 'lihe Bridge is not. remo'\1'ed b1 June 1st 9 1963, '\ihe successfUl tenderer a~reee to po" t.M eount.'Y ~ent.Y nol1a1'S ($20.00) pel' calendar daY 'that. all _t.erielS aTe not rlll'!l\Cl"l'ad from 'the eit.0 for damageS l'JUst.ained bY :;;-\\.t>l"'e e't 10 {) t tJ fo/l' 20 30 50 t,\l.e Co'ln~l q TBE SUccESSFUL Tenderer 'IIIust. carr"! adeC\.ue:t:.e L1ab11.:1:1'1 ''If, ~.~ 'l>.olJ.a.ll a'" work'lllen' 6 Co'lllpensat.iOn Insurance ...nSUi' an,,, "" .. ... .. · t'tbe aIllOW't.s \;0 be approved bY '\ihe Count'!) and 'li0 be ab1.e 'to satisfY t;.he Count.Y o:t'nis.abili1:.Y 'to re'lllo'\l'e the Old "Bridge lIIit.boUt. damage t.O tohe NeW 13ridge 011" 611> 7~ ~or~. R. G. MQ01lE 9 l' ~ EllG. i couNT'! ENGINEER 9 coUN'ff 01" ELGIN. COUlter ROtlS'ElI S'r. T\\OlI\AS, ONTAR!O · 'tel. No~ 1lle1.roS6 1-5S~ Janua'tY 15t.1\, 1963 ro'rR'E C\\~lmu.N AllD ~R8 .. of 't1\1!. CQUU'n:. (IF ~1.Glll ROI\'O CQil\1'll'fTEE. -...'1\ 1, "I."$, n" "~..,,,"'u11'" eJt$;n.i.ned 1/'t,rr;. the Unde1"Signeu. iva.]. e. ...."'. ",.l. ". '\0 "d" . ... t,l'>El 'fo~n ofl\1l\'llerll and having t,he Old'Dtil@;le St.1t'set. >>'l'1 ~e 9 ..... · . _ . ""l"'fij ~'\\''lf>lrill',ll,~~~^od ""e S"lleci!icat.ions h$1"801 tlu\)mit. resd e,ndth011'OUSl&. ~ ...."".,. .."'" "t. , our Tender a6 tollo~& ~ , .. '" E1. "in tihe 8- of . 'I/'IfE otfer '(,0. p~l1 t.he (,oun..y 01 . '" . . . . . . ., . . . ;, ... . . . 'DOLLARS . ' . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .' ......... .. . . .. . ... ..- foit" t.he Old 'Dingle st.reet. Bridg,c a.nd agree 'to rf#J'Jve it. in accordance ~it.h t.he5pecificatiOne. .. .... uEl folt' t,h8 t.ot.al . tjl.<E enclose out' cert.ifie... CA.eq: , jl'l\l()un'c. _de payable 'to t.he Treali'lUl'er of tohe Count., of Elgin. ~ CON-rR~G'tO'R -----~-- ~. r~:onttE55 ------------ ~- n!\1E ~ GROUP 1 .,~.....'~ GROUP 2 ~----:~ 9RO.!!U QROU~.Jt" GI!OUE__~~ GROUP 6 GROUP ~-Z GROUP ~, C 0 U N T Y 0 F E L GIN --,.,~-,,"" ',".... "....,."...._...._~'...."." ""., ......- _. .... '. . .....-- 1963 TENDER FOR MATERIALS ...-...-----"'______.__....._'---._......____"_________L~........._._ ~_EALEp TENDE~~ will be received by the undersigned until 12 gOO NOON = MARCH 4th 0 5) 1963 "." '.' .. I' ""', '.'''. _ ,," _'(,.", ..~ ., _ . for the foll(Q)wing Supplies & Matlerials g J/sn STONE & GRAVEL CHIPS FOR SURFACE TnEATMENT __,_1_..._.....".......""... _,. ." ... .._'_" ".'......._,,,.;,,~... State price at Pit or on various railway sidings in the - County~ whichever case is applicable~ State whether or not stone chips are washedo BITUMINOUS MATERIALS Including primers9 cutback 51 tars~ emulsions~ ete'l) F.OClBo Plant 0 HOT MIX ASPHALT -'----- - For pat~hing~ F00@Bo County trucks at Plant~ st~ite price~ type or mixs and location of Planto COLD MIX ASPHALT For patching; F000Bo County trucks at Planto CALCIUM CHLORIDE ~'----.-._~._-'=='=--~_._--..-- . " Bage9 11quid~ bulk 0 FQO@Be Plant~ and delivered on any road :In Elgin County 9 PORTLAND & HI=EARLY C~mNT ...,~.....-"---.......-.,_.~~.~.."-'.,-~--....--____.... .... ...o:;:.:Jo Bag &- bulk~ delivered to various pO'l.nts in Elgin Count Yo FIELD TILE F00.B. PLANT VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE & CONCRETE PIPE ----"----"-"'-. Delivered to any point in County in Truck Load L<<))tso 1963 'rEl\!IQERS FOR MA.TERI~Lp, __-.-.~".~_~..___.___.-_,.....JIl~"~ - ~ Pag-e 2 GROUP 9 ,.,..,."...---.- CORRUGATED CULVERTS Prices are solicited for various sizes~ gauges & types to be delivered to any point in the Count Yo The County reserves the right to ask tenders for specific sizes & types$ etce~ to be delivered to any specified point in the CountYe GROUP 10 fIra"'...........-..~.~~:::~ FENCING MATERIALS _._......_-._"'-~,..."...., "......",.,...,. ..,.-_.......,_..._::l1' Delivered to the County Garage~ '~iteWs Station9 in Truck Load Lotso 948=12 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls 71/ Posts & C15Lps ,,,,,,"Tn Bars 16~ Gate~ #9 Brace=w1re 1 314ft Staples Snow Fen~e in lOQw rolls GB-OUl-? II WOODEN POSTS ) Qlaa-_____,...._..__....-.---.-~.. Peeled Cedar Posts in tru~klQad lots to be delivered to the County Garage9 ,~'hite's Station: 5" top minimum gq long 6" top minimum at long 7" top minimum g~ long 4" top minimum lO~ long g~Q!.IU~ REINFORCING STEEL ~"._-',-.,.:.:-liJQZllIIlIl' .._.~ ,GR~~~!l. 9!~DEIl_~~~D~~, S/8n ,x 6" x 6' & 5/8n x 6n x '1g Sharpened and non=sharpened ~dgeao State whether or not taxes included 9 delivery charges to White~s Station 9 Sto Thomas~ and quantity d1scountso lPt)- ~~ Up 14 ~ LUMBER. FOR CONCRETE FORlJ\ 1:'ORK 2)(4, 2:y;.6, lxlO, Z)(10 and ly,:lZ" ete. st~~\te gr~de 0 'ROUP l~ SIGNS ~ ROf\~ 'lea .........-- "00 ~ er '~'\l. I "'" ta) ,,\," se!~ie5 24,''X24 " 30",:3011 _ el:ot.<:hlit.e 21+ ":)(:) 0 " - s co t <:h11 t. e lZ":lC36" _ seot.chliMI, bridge end markers "Rt' Series ~tate quantity discount, if any. Galvanioz,ed "\J" "Flanged P(lSts eotn:plet.e 1Ilit.h riller blocks lOy,:12' lengt.hs. ftate (\Uant.ity disCOunt.a" 1\.11 FoOoB. Plant.. ~b ) GROUP 16 "".$-~~ PA1'NT ;;...--"~ (1) Red 1..611(\ for Bridge paintingo \Z) Green AntioCorrosive Bridge Paint.. \3) Orange Guide Rail painto t4) ~hite TraffiC painto Qua~it1 of any paint. will be a deciding fact.or 'tilth regard to paint, Tenners" 9~1l AK'l OTHER 11l~,TERIAL OR SUPF!..'! yoU reel tnaY be of use the county of },lgin in the forthCOming year" GiV~ com?lete detailS, :;> et~~ R. G. MOORE. p" ENG.. COUN T"'! E14G ~ y,Ell. , COUNT"'! OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE 5) ST. Tl\OMt>.S. ONTt>.ll.10. REPORt t9 'rHE st. tBOMAS SUBURBAN ROAn c()ltIlISSI0N - !!!pAR1. ~ 'fBE S10 'rROMA5 SUBURBAN ROAD C01lllI5SI0N haS jur1sd1Ct.101ll over 21.00 1ll11es of paved and 1.15 1Ili1es of gravel }'IQad .as of' JanuarY 1St., 196). DURING 1962 Well1ngt.on Road was cOlllPlet.elY rebUilt and paved ",i'th hOt udJt asphalt. b}>endit.ures ",ere aom-mat lesS than est.itll8ted althOugh som8 mil\.Or cleanup "lIOi'k, aeeding of the shOu"lders, et.c 0 9 remains 1;.0 be Co1\lpleted 0 A plan frOm t.he Land surveyor 1s e10tpected shOrt.1Y and an 8J\\ount. to cover payment ';,0 land ()'iIt!.ers for property aCCluired for ",id81\1ng is included in t.he att.ached budget. 0 ATrACBED to t.hiS report. is a sU'flllll8rY of ~nd1t.Ul'es foll.' eonst1'\lc';1on on t.he welUngwn Road and for Maintenance on all 'the Suburbatl };l.oadlSo 'f}le largel!lt it.eII\8 for eonst.1'\lct.10n "ere Gl'anular Base and Pavingo Maintenance cost.s ",ere Cluite light. "ith t.he e1otcept.ion of Wint.el' Control ",h1ch, because of the 8J\\ount of sanding needed last winter, _8 _ch M.gher than an average yeero ALSO ATTAcHED t.o thiS report. 18 a proposed budget. for 196)0 Mone, 18 estimated tor the co1\lP"letion of ",ork on the weHin&t.On Road including m11\.01I" grading, gravelling, the seed:\.tl.g of ditcheS 9 the plant.inS of t.rees ",here possible and t,"O small u'C.ili toy moving a ccount.s along \Iii t.h p8 yll'1ent. for propert., 0 MAIN'rENANCE COSTS are e:ltpect.ed to be a 11tde bigher than 1962 bUt. should be considerablY reduced from t.be ,ears before 19629 as cost1.1 maint.enance on t.he wellingt.on Road hai!! been e11'lllinat,edo 'the small mileage of Gl'a'lel }'IQad i.s in good condidon and onlY normal maint.enance is antioipat.edo RoadS ';,hie spring in accordance \liit.h a polic~ approved bY t.he ROAD NUMBER MARKERS \'fill be erect.ed on all Suburban 'Pa,ge 2. ~ count.l Road Co\l\1lli'lit.ee last. ,ear. 'rbia>> 'liOget.ner ""iW direct-tonal tn0rkera erected on Road int.ereect.ions last. spring>> ,.i11 be of 'VerY valuable $.S8 i\5'(,ance '\;0 the 1IlOt.oring publiC. A S~tL AMOU~~ of 1IlOney is est.i~ated ror surface '" .. '2" "1' 16 denendinS on conditions in the 'rreat.~en't '.Hork on ..08'" ...... .r :.;",.et.a are e:lt:pect.ed t.O be si1l\u.ar t.o s-prinl,l;o Other ~int.enllnee ",...' previOUS 1e9.1'80 A.U, O'F \'mlCH IS R'ESPEC'r'F\lLL1 su~'I'l:TElH ~.. ~1.G ;JoO:S' SuBtiJ~G ROAl) COlQUSSIOll ENGllfEf,R. STATEMENT OF EXPENDI'lijURES .,.._............._._-_..-.._......_"--.....--._~~m...,_.....-..............~."~._.,.~_~ ~T"o. .,,_ ~,~()~~~" "~U~~~~~.._~~AD ".+9_~MM!!?~_!<?~,1~~g, CONSTRUCTION ON THE WELLINGTON ROAD = (ROAD 25 SoAo) .".~..~....__._._.,.....___.~, ..'~..'.......-.~_,_"....,,'_w..'.,~;____----....."'........_.. " ." ,".~,...',~,t.I'aI ...,~..."._.., ~~"I'.,','.,'.'''.''"., ,.."", _, _", ".."'_..."0._ ~,..,.. ,.....'_'"..----......._._~ CULVERTS ~.. Multi-Plate Construction Pipe Culvert Construction $ 89962014.3 _1~,..:ti~~2...~2, $ 20,)498002 .~q~,D! ~.. Surveys Land Purcha$~ Movement of Ut11it1e~ Fencing Clearing Maintenance of Traftie Grading Granular Base Hot Mis Asphalt Paving $ .612062 4'9 '12 0 57 5 ~ 2380,89 5$196093 1~322(j.lS 2~015l>20 32~270~21 89>> 0'16 0 5) "..~~,?,;t.:1L.~?~, TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION: !g~~~,_.dt~.9,:",~~, $2419917087 TOTAL OF CONSTRUCTION ON WELIIINGTON ROAD "., 196~ and 196,-.... $267 fi190Qg~1 MAINTENANCE ON ALL SUBURBAN ROADS BRIDGES AND CULVERTS = Pa~terson Bridge (Road )0 SoAo) Mis~ellaneou8 Bridges Mi8@.11aneou~ Culvert~ $ ,368016 43086 _" ' 6?olJ1 $ ~ _'-" ,_~~..........~_.j'\':::s..." -..",." ",,"~.. __~.__._ 499020 ~q~,D~ - Winter Maintenanc~ Repairs to Pavements Grading Maintenance Gravel Resurfacing Dust 'Control Drainll Weed. Control Brushing Signs and Centre Line Marking Railroad Protection Superintendences Clerical and Car Mileage Overhead Material in Stock = Pit Run Gravel 4~75706) 1;9458032 606005 409045 )00000 120039 948042 . 22000 1~g4,go36 717010 2>>~59092 39069068 1',1000000 .~.._,.,."", ..".:......... ..".....,~a__.......--...._.....r $ 17981?o)2 Less Material in S~ock = January lstil 1962 and charged in Construction in 1962 = L_ 4~4o!!!! !.._~~->} 51,2..?4!~.. $ l~~~Oll 064 TOTAL OF MAINTENANCE ROAD AND BRIDGE:S~ STATEMENT OF EXPENDITtmEB = conttd ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS _ ....~..'..L"....._.__~___._...,..."',..,.,'" ." '''',_1' ~ ",; ."", M"" '''' .".., _""1 ..' ...... "'.' _. .1._ Committee Member Fees and. Expenses Ontario Good Roads Membership Fee Weed Spray Insurance Road Liability Insurance and Employees Bond Insurance $ 3S3c,OO 20c,OO 28c,OO ,., ..__..,.,_!!O ~4l: Page 2 $,~~l o;~, .!9!~L, STo THOMAS SUBURBAN COMMISSION ~~PE~pITURES ~9~~~ $2.56;>410092 ~~;.-:-: ......~'.;;.-.7:-::-::-:.~.:,~.. ~MO~~!~~~.~~~....~~ T~~L9~~ _Q~__~T_~!!~9~~- CONSTRUCTION => ....,--...........,.,."- 10% of $20~498002 2S~ ot $2219419085 MAIN~!mQ! - 10% ot $499020 2S% of $13>>512044 'ITEMS NOT SUBSIDIZED BY DQHoOo = .;.;..,._,."'.~-_,.,"-.'".,....."......._"...........o-_..;,_,....................___._.~"__~.~.--"".~_~~"'.........-...:..-____ s~ of. $481 ()41 ~!!~!!<...~."!.:_...~~~E CITY OF ~..~ I) __~~q~~ - (1 ) (2) 1/2 Mill Wellington Road Deben~ur~ Amount $;19200 - Less cost or Debenture - TOTAL~ LESS TOTAL EXPENDITUREg SURPLUS TO 1962 OPERATIONS~ $ 2})049060 S~~354.()96 . 49092 3>>378011 ,..'. ....,".,.~4~~,7Q $ 619,073049 $ 17,1)340034 515' 109 0_ 00 $ 68 r;448 0.34- ~_.~~.~tl~?' ~.1~9 $ 7v374oS" 1963 STo THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ESTIMATES ,..".'...',-.-...,."...."._--- - '':;\' "T -<<C .-.-~ ~ .=::~=~.' ~ ~i:'r l~ ~~'""'_"."""'~"" ..""-"'.....__'"_...._'......_.._ lQW~.,~l....._...._........."" MAINTENANCE ON ALL SUBURBAN ROADS ROADS ~ MAINTENANCE CITY SHARE ~~~"..p. "'~"~:.:.~,'-_...'..............-_....-,_. .~, ~~....... J.., """ ..Il$ '\41inter M.a1ntenan@e~' (Repairs to Pavement~ 9)_Surtace ffrea tmen~c.cc.~~~~.c (Grading Maintenfui4~~~-~c~~~--_.v-~.. . .-_. .. Gravel Resurfacing and Dust Control)~~~~- Weed~ and Brushing Signs and Centre Line Marking Guide Rail Railroad Protection Super1ntendence~ Cleri~al and Car Mileag'9 Overhead Contingencies ~$ 4f) 500000 2>>500000 )~OOO(lOO 1;000000 ..19200000 2,9200000 200,,00 100C'OO 2 ;, 700 00 )~OOO$OO ____.. ~ft.qg..Q_~j~.. TOTAL~ LESS CREDIT FOR MATERIALS IN STOCK, FOR CONSTRUCTION: $ 22>>000000 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE~ !....".,,~~.Q90 ~2 . " $ 21>>000000 CITY OF ST {) THOMAS SHARE ..., 25" .'..,....._..1.'.......... .,...,,,.'J"~~,,,""',.,..,'",....,....., J.o,,, ,.1 ,,'., $ ;))250000 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - Bridge Maintenance Drainage A$sessments Items not Subsidized by DoHoOo $ 2~OOOoOO 800000 600000 $ 200000 )00000 _'~"'_ ,_,..__~,OO o..9Q TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR MAINTENANCE~ $ 2Bt-9400000 $ 6~050000 $ . 200000 12~OOOeOO 2})500000 600000 _.___"~~_OO 0 q~Q TOTAL~ $ 16g000"CIO $ 4pOOO~OO BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - <."..., .' -'.........., ,',,-.. "., '" -,- $ 6000CKl , .J!Q"~,,QQ TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION~ $16$l600000 $ 4p060~OO TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE~ $ 41))000000 SHARE OF THE CITY OF STo THOMASg $ 10>>110000 r ~,!6},.I!:STIMA TES - eon:t' cl Page 2 1/2 MILL FROM THE CITY OF 8To THOMAS WILL PROVIDE APPROXIMATELY - $ 17>>400000 LESS PAYMENT OF WELLn~GTON ROAD DEBENTURE - l~ ?..~!~,() 00 $ 4>>584000' SURPLUS FROM 1962 OPERATIONS - ~'" 7,~,Z4o ~,~. .. $ 11s>956oe~ ESTIMATED COST OF SUBURBAN ROAD EXPENDITURE - ~_...!Q~.,ll~oOO ESTIMATED SURPLUS TO 1964 OPERATIONS = $ 19848085 S~. IfliOlJlAS, o~AR10, JANU~ SE5S'lON,>'l96;3. 'fO 'nIB \iAllD- AlID OO'lJ}lOlL OJi' 'l!k!E qo1llt'!1 OJi' ELGIN G~ntlemeri' . "{OUR ROAD OO~'fri$ 'begs' to rel?ort as fo"llcM6' , '.filE J01iLO\f!.NG is a $~ of the oosteo! oonatt:'l1ction ana. l!Ia1~tenaPce. on' oount'1of Ej.ginRoadS. during 1962' . gQNSIf,!V-Otf10N 1\OAD~ .. 1. l's;ving and COl1\.p"letion of Grading. etc~. · . Road 20 . Shedden to Ji'ingil. southwo"la. '.l!vfP. J ' 2. l'aving and' cOlllpletion of G~dj.ng. et.a.. . . ROad z:h l.1ng' 8 l.1ighwa.1 ~ to port staIile1, "{a;rllIouth '.l!vfP. and the "Q'i"l"lage of l'ort staIile1 .' :} . l'a..p.ng and cOIllP'letion of Gre.dW, ~tc.. Road 27 at t.he semin.a.r1 school \. 'b et'\lfe en Vnion and sparta). "{a,rIllouth 'fWPo It 0 l'a..p.ng. A"id 'borough-orford '!owrilin8, J\.lo.bO-,rOUgb. 1"WP. 5. l'e.ving. Gu1de Bai"l. e'tc .. Road J. Ii a.rdsvi"l'le 'Bridge . A1?llt'Oaches. A"id'bOrougb. '.l!vfP. 6. l'a..p.ng. e to.. Road ')8, Ricbiilond 1.1iU, 'Ba.1b.a.m '~u $ 2~.82.9.49 1.~tij.5,&,86 7. Gre.dj.ng. Gran1ila.r 'Ba.se. e'GC. i Road' Z. 'Vi-"l"la,ge of \'lest 'LOme. A1-d'bOroug'h and 1)Utl'Vlioh 'fWPS 0 Grading. Gra.n1ilaS 'Ba.se, e1ic.. Road 16 , Dun~cb. ~ l) Gradj.ng, Gran1ilar :aa.sCh e'to.. Road 20, ViUage of 'Port starile1 and $outhwo"ld IfwP. )'l1sce]..'l.e.l18ou.s Gre.dj.ng oonatruc'ti on surve1S. ~raffio Ooun't6, et.o. 1nSt.a."l"latiOn of Gat.es and Ji'"le.s~ng. 'Ligb.1i Signa.'lS e:1i 1:1ailroad orossings on ROad ') in ~odne1 ~ Road 400 in llIilabide '.l!vfP. Roads "l8and 20 j.Xl 50'11th\'fo'la. 'fWP' ana. ROad 1t-6 in 'B~ 'Mo }te'W ,l1acb.i:ner1 1.a.nd :w.re'b.ases tinC"l~ Land s'IU"1e1S and RegistnOff1ce Ji'ees) &. 90 1.00 11. 1.201 ~)o 1..4. 6,2.53001 6,51}.8.,4-1. 3tJ~6.8~ 'l'l1}26l~OJ 58t668o~5 1t-8tl.02.$98 ~f'l t 60861.1. 1.,731. ,/10 ).~901.~39 6,,'~()1.,~ 65 2&,;6401.7 23.759-9'} TO THE \'lARDEN AND COUNCIL -- JAIIDARY SESSIO~U J..96.3 .......-. ".. "".. ", '..,.",. .' .. , ,'. ,.~. '.",.",.", .,...,,,,,,..,,,,...llQIIll.'l..,,.,..,...,...,,.J.,......',,,_lQllIIIil..,. ..",.. ."".'..,..,-"" .....'..".."",.".....".. TOTAL ROAD OONSTRUCTION: ROAD CONSTRUOTION BY ST. THOI1AS Stm'UMAN ROAD CO}:II:IISSION - ROAD OONSTRUCTION INCLUDING PAVING ' ON THE WELLINGTON ROAD: TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION: BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - ,,'.. ' , ."..,.,--. le Wardsvil~e Bridge 2~ Hoover Culvert" Yarmouth-South Dorchester To\'mline 30 Oampbell ton Oul vert, Road 9 t DUIll*{ich Twp 0 40' Dingle street Bridge, Town of Aylmer and Malahide Twp., ~G Completion of Eden :Bridge, Road 44, Bayham Twpo 60 Pipe Culvert Oonstruction, Road 2 7 Co' Pipe aul Veirt Oonstruction~ Road 16 80 Pipe Culvert Construction, Road 20 90 Pipe Culvert Oonstruct:tont> Road 53 (Elm Street) Town of Aylmer TOTAL :BRIDGE AND CUlJVERT CONSTRUCTION ~ eOUlTY: CULVERT CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST~ THOI-1AS SUBURBAN ROAD COlij1.nSSIOE': TOTAL BRIDGE AND CITLv.c;RT: TOTAL OONSTRUCTION ROADS AND BRIDGES AlID ..,. . .~~ ., .."..~,- CULVERTS <<l> COUNTY AIm SUBuJibAN AREA: ..'..,., '.,., ".,.....-..".,-..."..;.~".,.. .~.,.,. MAINTEI1ANOE "",~ r',.I. ) ROADS --...... Page 2 $280t80)o08 ~??+.!~1J o,8.~ $502,22209,3 $ 791033 11~608eJ6 7 t) 5J4-8 0 21 J6~424069 16,042$96 10$91)098 9t226c97 7'0205016 40062,,59 .........~.. ,..,., d'''_.,_ ..", _" ,.,.~. ,.""..... $lOJ~824~25 $ 204a8G02 ,........,..".,~.,,""",.,....- $124,)22,,21 $626,545.20 - -.. 10 Surface Treatment $ 45.569062 20 Surface Treatment9 Road 4.5, Oa.lton to KingOs Highway #199 Bay-ham TwpG lJt}060eJ6 :30 Winter J.t~intenance 3194;0081." 4. Gravel Resurfacing 2JfJ8J9&4S So Repairs to P~vements lo~601&49 6,? Grading (including :f.!aintenance of Gravel Roads) , 14,O,18Q;7 741 Dust Control 1),511027 !Q,~!m \1~Rp~~,~~..."Q9U!9;I;;L - JANU.AJ.~Y ~:r.9.N ~,~,~ 80 90 lOe ll~ 120 lJ~ 14" ""5 .1. (j't 16(1) Page ) Weed Oontrol :Brushing Guide Rail Signs $ 8~926e6J 5f}867,,6J 29183002 59713~16 2~699~62. J ~)062028 l~ 970.007 4~670081 J7~80208S -,' $224t947067 Reforeatration and Seeding Railroad Protection Dl"aina Drain2e(~ .Assessments Rfibates .iiG'!) Towns and. Villages ~~~_...R9A:Pd,r.~~~~~N.PIaE : MISCELLANE.QUS _.~""""~__','L"_>.,...."._...L",,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,_,,,,,,-.IIltIl'IflIt:.~ 1 G Superintendence $ 119527053 39122046 805029 2~8.54046 649~18 49716088 549082 2p219059 1 s/~4:3 oSl )2800'6 20734044 ;12002 J~600o32 3~146083 Oredit 154005 (t~llt._,_,."..........".t<l:'"""';""~""'."I' '" "".,:'~."._.. 20 Clerical J 0 , Oar Milettge 4$ Pension 50 Unemplo:rment Insurance COmmission 6 e Holidays with Pay 70 Sick Be:nofits 8 0 Off.ice 9@ Garage and vlhite Station Gravel Pit 1,0 (!l Rodney Garage ll(~ Miscellaneous Repairs 12c Tools 1) 0 In~urallce 1.4,;) COUt1ty Hachinery Ovel:-head 150 Permits TOTAL MISCELLAlmoUS: J}/i'~ 6.56094 ![~OTAL ROADS iUID IiIISCELLANEOUS .. OOUNfi~ $~69~604061 TOTJ1.L RQltDS A1ID llfISCELLANEOUS BY THE ST \2 THOHAS SUBURBA~l ROJiD COI~rrUSSION: $ 17 0298073 TOTAL MAINTENANCE ON ROADS: ~.lOll., ,""",,,..,"~ ,", .', "'" 1."...J;_'~'."'""~U"~'~',&J," ..", u.',,".' '''''~''''__''''._'-'_'''''''';:''_'.''';,,,,,,__.~: ",..~",...":':,,,;~ $286~90Je34 TO.~~WA~~~~.~:N:p OOUN9IL - ~}JTfJ~Y s;E~s~9;W 1~,~1 Page 4 MAI.L...~ENANCE .' ,II "";,.,,1...,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .-. llRIDGES AND' Cm. v.e;RTS ... , .,.. .,. , ''I, " I ..' ~ I.. _'" ,".,,,..,,,, I TOTAL BRIDGE AND OULv~RTS - OOU}JTY:: $ '270094 921096 608095 .534029 1937)0)6 389.00 ),70906); 1,625.57 4t6J2.78 -"..".,. '. ..,." '" $ 14,066048 10 Port Burwell ;Br1dge 20 ~~tonBridge(Southwoid Twpo) )0 Ca.tfish Oreek Bridge (Jaffa) 1+0 Robbins Bridge (Southwold Twpo) 50 Cooks Bridge (11a.lah1de and Bayham T-vIpSo 1 6,0 Shelbounie Bridge (Port st~ey) 10 Bridge Painting (JamestoWtl, Gillette, Fulton) 80 Miscellaneous :Bridge Maintenance 9 e 'l1iacellaneoua aul vert Maintenarlce TOTAL :BRIDGE AND OULVERTS,- ST.THOI1AS SU!}URBAU ,ROAD OOIliMISSION': ~. ,~~~o~O, TO~AL BRIDGE AND OULVERTS: $, 14,565068 ~Q~~,.,~~A..~.~~~~Al!~..,,~.., RO~,~: ,~,~q.~P. ~ aULv~RTS ~ OOUNTY .AND StrBuitBAN AREA: Rll,.,....., ..",. "''''1''''' '"'. _.".1.'.' . ..,..... '. ." I,w,..;l!I.,."...,,,., '.' .....,..."....".." ",.JIIlIl:: ,...,~, ""~"" "., "",.,." """'.. ,.'.."'" ,..., ..<' . 8)01,469,02 ~~~~'jLI' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r.1AINTE}~ANOE . . 0 . . . . . . . ~ " . $626,545.90 . . 8)01.469002. ,,,.,, .- TO!rALS: ~,...,~......,,,,,,"",...~ aONSTRUO~ION6 It 0 . It ~ .. . . . ~ 1962 STOCK BALANOEe SUB-TOTAL: $928,014.22- .. " . $ . · ~. .19,~8;92...4:1 stm....20TAL~, $938 ~ 913 .69 LESS 196~ S~OaK BALANCE eo. . . . 0 $ 7~83.08 'I...., .".1""1,,, ". . <i.t . GRAND TO~.AL: $9J~t3:30.61 -,. ..,.., '" ...",.......".., . .".. "" . ..... BY~LAWS in 1962 appropri$ted $962,000.00. IN ADDITION the '^"ork: 'was performed and billed' to the Counties of l-1iddlesex9 Oxford and Norfolk, the Ontario Department of Highl/laye re Development, Road Noo ;85 (Port :Burwell) and Development ~.<? ,~HE W.A;R:DEN AND CqVNCIL - t!A~J\ll~ . f?~SS.ION l,96~_ PageS Road No. 692 (Road )6 to Port Bruce) as well as ltltm1cipal11;ies in the County of Elgin and othersll THE TOTAL of this work was: $ 47,;2902; TOTAL COUN~Y ROAD VOUOHERS for .. 1962 were: $978~6S9,,86 WE HA VE reoei ved notice from the Ojl1tano Department of High\'/ays that nomal expandi tures ~or 196.3 mus't not exceed $200',QOO.00 tor Construction and $335,,000000 for ]~a1nte1'la.Uce 6 These limits are the same as in 19620 SUPPLEMENTARY By-laws are availabll9 as in past years for approved Construction Projectse WE F..EOOmmND: 10 That the Warden. zuune delegates to 'the Ontario Good Roads Assooiation and the Canadian Good Roads Associa.tion. 2~ That a By-law be passed granting ~1e Union Gas Oompany a franchise or the right o;f passing through the Oounty of Elgin for the purPOS4~ of constructing and operating gas lines on Oounty Roads su.bjeot to regulations as detailed in the By-=:Law 0 ALL OF 'fRIaH IS RESPEltJ!FULLY SUJ:JZaTTED .'oHAlmJ.tAJN' , ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 16TH, 1963. THE 1963 ELGIN COUNTY :ROAD COMMITTEE met at .~ the Court House at 2:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County Council. THE MEMBERS are as follows: WARDEN: MEMBERS: K.C. EMERSON, Reeve OF VIENNA GEORGE BARBER, REEVE OF ALDBOROUGH lJALTER ROBSON, REEVE OF DUNVJICH MASON T ANSLEY, REEVE OF YARMOUTH GEORGE BROWN, REEVE OF MALAHIDE JOHN B. WILSON, REEVE OF SOUTH DORCHESTER ADVISORY MEMBERS: FARNELL NIMMO, REEVE OF SOUTHWOLD C.D. PHILLIPS, REEVE OF BAYHAM MOVED BY SECONDED BY M. TANSLEY K.C. EMERSON THAT WALTER ROBSON BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1963. CARRIED. J.B. WILSON MOVED BY SECONDED BY K.C. E:MERSON ....---.'""~ THAT THE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $50.00 TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID AND THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE ANNUAL CONVENTION. CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 16TH, 1963. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY G. BARBER THAr THE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $50.00 TO THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION BE PAID AND WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE ANNUAL CONVENTION. CARRIED. THE REQUEST of the Union Gas Company that a By-law be passed giving the company the right to use County Roads for a right-of-way for gas lines subject to certain regulations. THE FOLL01^lING resolution was passed:- MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED GIVING THE UNION GAS COMPANY A FRANCHISE FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF GAS ON COUNTY ROADS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from Mr. W.P. Fraser, District Engineer, stating the Normal Road Expenditure for 1963 must not exceed $200,000.00 for Construction and $335,000.00 for Maintenance and that the By-law must be submitted by March 31st, 1963. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTARY By-laws are still available for Special Capital Work and By-laws must be submitted by July 31st, 1963. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUAR1 16TH, 1963. pA.GE 3 PROPERT'1 PURCHASE on Road 36 tDevel0'Pment. Road No. 6921 ~aS diSCUssed and the Engineer re'Ported that he had met ~ith VIr. Joe MooneY on Jlm uary 14th and had asked for an evaluation for 'Pro'Perty required from Lukes, Ferguson, _ _ WI".. Mooney had advised t.rying BossUyt, Brentsen and cosyn<>. .- to r each an agreement. on the CrosbY and Boose 'Pro'Perty as soon as 'Possible. THE MILL RATE. for county Road 'Pur'Poses ~aS diSCUssed. RE~E TANSLB1 asked that consideration be f K' g'S High~aY given t.o have the Count.y assume the Road rom ~n #4 to t.he Count.y Garage as a County Road. J . B. \jIl1'LSON MOVEU B1 M T~NS'LB1 sECONDED B1 · THAT THE lilEETING ADJOURN TO YEBRUAR1 7TH AT 10:00 K.M. CA.RRIEU. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1963. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Road Committee met at the Court House at 1:)0 p.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the December 6th meeting were read and approved. MR. RALPH lJICLAUGHLIN of the Frank Cowan Company Limited, Insurance Agents, attended the meeting with regard to higher liability limits on the County Liability, Fleet and Non-owned Automobile Insurance policies and answered a number of the Members questions. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY M. TANSLEY SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT WE RENEW OUR LIABILITY POLICY WITH FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED WITH LIABILITY LIMITS OF ONE MILLION DOLLAR.S, QUH NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WITH LIABILI~rY LIMITS OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS AND INCREASE THE LIABILITY LIMITS ON OUR FLEET INSURANCE FROM $200,000.00 TO ONE MILLION DOLLAHS. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported that $931,330.00 had been spent by the County and the St. Thomas Suburban Commission on County and Suburban Roads in 1962 and the cost to the County was estimated to be slightly less than the 7 mill levy. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1963. MOVED BY G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT THE FOLL01^JING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: - PAY LIST Il36 - $6,047.14: PAY LIST #37 - $10,642.86. CARRIED. MOVED BY C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY LLOYD ELLIOTT THAT THE FOLLOWING COUNTY ROAD ACCOUNTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT:- PAY LIST ~tl - $4,187.93: PAY LIST #2 - $27,408.07~ PAY LIST #2 DEVELOP- MENT ROAD - $71.95. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: ,~,----.......~~ 1. Ice and Snow expenditures around Christmas and New Years were heavy. 2. Cold weather had forced discontinuance of fencing on Road 20 north of Shedden and maintenance brushing was being done in north Southwold and Dunwich. 3. A five foot diameter Culvert had been installed on Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem replacing an old concrete Culvert. 4. Approximately 2400 feet of 12 and 15 inch Vitrified Pipe for Storm Drains on the hills adjacent to the Otter Creek on Road 45 in the Township of Bayham were being installed. Storm Drains would also be installed on Road 16 in the ST. THOMAS, ONThRIO, JANUhRY 9TH, 1963. PAGE 3 TownshiP 0 f Dunwich east of Talbot creek when work was completed in the TownshiP of Bayham. 5. A general cleanup around the Garage had been instituted and the Engineer thought it would be wise to sell the old mower from the'County MinneapoliS Moline Tractor which had not been used in a number of years and also a Double Turn Hoist. The committee were in favour of the proposed sale. The workshoP of the small Garage waS being converted into a sign shoP' 6. A neW motor waS being installed in Truck No. 13 and also a neW clutch and fender. The Engineer reported that motor jobS would likely have to be done on Truck No.18 and Graders No.8, 9, 10 and 11, during the forthCOming year. 7. The neW Dingle Street Bridge in Aylmer had been opened and the Engineer waS instructed by the committee to advertise for Tenders for the sale and I' emoval of the old Bridge. 8. small maintenance bills had been received from the counties of Kent and Middlese~ for Boundary Line Maintenance- A REQUEST waS read from MattheWS concrete Limited of London, asking an e~tension of their completion date on the Dingle Street Bridge until June 15th, 1963. MOVED BY G.E. BRO'WN SECONDED BY 'W. ROBSON THr>.T THE COMPLETION DATE FOR THE FINAL COMPLETION DATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE BE EXTENDED FROM DECEMBER 15, 1962 TO JUNE 15, 1963 IN ACCORDANCE 'WITH THE REQUEST OF THE CONTRACTOR MATTHEWS CONCRETE LIMITED- CARRIED · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1963. PAGE 4 THE CONDITION of Road 2 east of West Lorne to the DunwiCh-AldborOugh Townline was discUssed. The Engineer instructed that no more Gravel be placed on it than was necessary for the maintenance of traffic. A LETTER from the Board of Transport commissioners for Canada asking the NeW York central System and the Chesapeake & OhiO Railway to give cost estimates for the installation of flashing lights and signalS at the Railroad corssing on Road 2 east of West Lorne waS read. THE ENGINEER made a brief mention of a Municipal Inspectors Course sponsored by the Ontario Department of HighwaYs · AN ~ALUATION Report from Mr. Joe Mooney respecting the property expropriated by the Texaco Company for the Dingle Street Bridge waS read. MOVED BY M. T ANSLE'! SECONDED BY W. ROBSON THAT THE EVALUATION OF MR. JOE MOONEY ON THE PORTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TEXACO COMPANY REQUIRED FOR THE DINGLE STREET BRIDGE BE ACCEPTED AND THE S~ OF $800.00 BE OFFERED TO THE TEXACO COMPANY FOR THE PROPERTY REQUIRED. CARRIED · THE ENGINEER reported on the progress of Land purchasing on Road 36 stating that widening had been purchased from David Klassen, Jacob Dyck and James Acre. settlement was imminent with Vern CrosbY and most of the PAGE 5 ST. ITHOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 9TH, 1963. remaining people involved had been spoken to. A further meeting had been arranged with Mr. Mooney and a report would be forthcoming later. SOME DESIGN work had been done for new construction on Roads 20, 42 and 52. A policy for land purchase would have to be evolved for tobacco and nursery land on Road 42. A NEW FRANCHISE By-law proposed by the Union Gas Company to cover the placement of their pipes on County Roads was examined and referred to next year's Road Committee. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE w. ROBSON M. TANSLEY CARRIED. Jh$-~ · CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN SUPPLJ.!llt In~ernational "Harvester Company' of Canadas PoOo Box 2724 Londono ...... ....... 'Iir_4::i '........._ 11lJCI.11I1 ",'lAY "u~-a & ." Delaware a ' .~~RY OF':~~~S => . ,~~ '~"~~~9!~_,,~rm"-nlD~.~~~~~ ~()laTgRS" '.MODEL OKE TRACTOR . :,' INCLUDING SALES TAX . ". Internatlonal:240 with $29826032 11110 side m'tdo mower ,and hydraulic curb lift Ford'=;> 2000 8er1e8 - Dearborn Mower A...... __". L..... iJ)~ p -,-t;) 00': ' .~._._~." .._......,..,". ........,'.".;"'I'._.,.......'"'"..~"..,,''' ...,I"'.._..,~."..........'"..""'_"............_....., .__.. ..", . .._... ......"",...... .... "..;,.."".,1, '......_.~..",'......" .,___..._____'. ...." .,............,. Arnold Lee9 Lee Farm Equipmentg Rodney 0 Fo Baertaoen & SODS>> New Sarumc WoEo Reek 9 Bt Q' ThoMe" Lindsay Be 80n9 'wes't Aylmer 0 Mas8e1~Fergu8on 35 & 'Model'135 mower Qsse "'440 & 31 Ho " mower Massey-Ferguson 3S & J.!odel 135 mower , . Ford:c= 2000 & Dearborn Mower Pleste.d Equipment Ltdo 1) ;" .. .Massey....Ferguson ); It Londono Model 13S mower , ._,,,'~ ,.". .,. _, ","'__ ..__... ...,~1I ._._.....-'-'___~_..........a____,.. '"'''' Ostrander Sales & Serv1ee~ S'to Thomas" Ini;ematlonal I <:=>' 140 with #110 8ide mtdo mower With curb 11ft $39090000 . TtlO TRAC'l'ORS ..INCLUDING SALES TAX " $S9.652064 A... ...,^.. <;I..... 'P'9'U~QcLiI: . $69"180000 ApproximatelJ Approximately $390'0000 "":., ,"; $6>>OSO~OO " $393470'0 $29775065 $'~28So10 $39193000 $69,)03060 $S9":S51 0 70 $69,,1Q40 $6936'040 TRADE-IN, ALLCEo FOR COCKSHUTT Ie MO\,:.t!rI( <II _... $19500000 $ 8;2034 $19'500000 Approximately $19200000.. , $19220000 :) 430000 $1$290000 $19060000 'r/TO TRACTORS LESS TRADE-IN PLUS SALES TAX $4>>107,,64 ~D L_.. -.ft .. 'PJt.90~',-.,~~ $4963S~OO Approximately:: . ' $4s620eOO $59047,,00 $Ssl08080 $Sj242070 $5j2S3~OO eOUITY OF ELGIH = 8mD'ARY OF. TENDERS a:.......:.._~~.......c ~ .~,-- c::_.. "', ""." _..1 ,,,. ,'.'h' ,_.. "~ ",., ,,,.~ '., ,. "." .,,~.... ...~ .,___".' _.....,.., ".....'___.,_ ....._....... ,."............... .... ...... ,,~.'~ "."""",,'~.'",' ...._,_ .,..........". ....",................"...,.".,...........".. 08~rander Sales & Be.t"'flce . >> 8'to . Thomaeo In~ernatioDal I-~ 240 with 1110 sid. mtdo mower w1'th curb lift ~~~,~C'lQ~S, AND INDUSTRIAL MOWERS = eont~do $39241~SO $69386000 . I" ,'.1.10_'".. ",I ,j,.-_ ,_ ...""..,........ ",''"~,.......__'..,.,,'....'",..'' ""'_'" '''''-'-'''...,... "..,.~."'__.., .,..... '....L".' ......' "."'"'~''''' ..."..,.., "'._."" ''''.~..,' . "...' ..... I..",... ~..I..;"" ". ," '..... ,w. '.' Ot9'to Schneider" Rodney<:: Don Williams>> Sto Thomase. F:.J Baertsoen &: Sons9 New Sarumo In1#ernational I Q> 140 $39390099 with #110 side mtdo '. moW8'f' with (curb 11:tt 1 ) Al11e~Chalmers D=lO and 6081 mower Csse4'O Diesel &: 31 H t) mower ".~'..,""""'~-"';""""_'" .,. '",." .., I., ',,';' "....",.....1.."..... .,....,..".,...".I'.............,..,.",.,.~"..". EoPo Abey LimJ:ted9 Londono Ostrander Sales & Sei'~lce f -Sto ThoD18so McCallum Ford Tractor & Equ~mellt RoRc H3g Belmont Kelman Farm. Equipmen't L1m! 'ted 8 (Q 0 To leh1an) PoOr- Box 473>> Brant.tordQ Allis-Chalmers D~12 Tractor Bnd 80S1 mower International B~27' Diesel with #110 side mtdo mower with curb l1t't Ford - 2000 series In~erna1;lonal I - 140 , $6g103070 $3t3S109a $695400S0 Approximately Approximately $39440000 $69829000 $3$914000 $7iS19000 $1 f} 000 mOO ~ppro~i~'tely $ 970000 $ S;OQOO Approximately $19036000 $1,500000 $)sS96000 Approx1mately'Approximately Approx1mately $?9091~OO $ 970000 $2,779000 $S,SlOc;O - $Ss974~OO <;;;;> <b Page 2 $5~)S6000 . . - . ',--.a' ..' '''-\7.' $;924)0)2 - Curb 11ft supplied ? $,59690000 Approximately $;p762000 . .. .._ ",.",,,,.',,,,,'. '" $59974cOO Approximatel, $6>>159000 , .. =>