1965 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 11, 1965. THE CaJNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at (' 1:30 P.M., December 11, 1965. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the meeting of December 1st were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had met with Messrs. Gascoyne and McCormell of the Regional Planning Branch of the D.H.O., and that they were presently studying a route near the Radio Road for the extension of Highbury Avenue, and a route further north of the City for the By-pass. It was not likely that the D,H.O. would wish another meeting with the Committee before early February. A.M. SPRIEr AND WM. KELLY attended the meeting and presented tenders received for the printing of the Needs Study. 1. The Printing World $1,680.00 St. Thomas, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax 2. Howard Printing Company $2,559.00 London, Ontario. 250 copies plus Fed. & Prov. sales tax 3. Phibbs Printing, $4,500.0C St. Thomas, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax 4. Lawson & Jones, $5,275.00 London, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE T,",Nvl!.tt OF THE PRINTING WORLD, ST, THOMAS, BE ACCEPTED FOR THE PRINTING OF 250 COPIES OF THE ELGIN COUNTY NEEDS STUDY AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $1,680.00 PLUS FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAXES. CARRIED. THE CONSULTANTS READ the fQreword and summary they proposed for the study, which were approved by the Committee. /~" ( \ A LETTER FROM J,p. HOt1ARD ~las read, stating that the Department of Highways had approved Road 52 from Road 40 to Road 30 as a Development Road #840 for pre-engineering purposes. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. All snow fence had been erected. 2. Gravelling had been completed on Roods 5,& 19 , and would start shody on Road 12. 3. Work on Roads 52 & 54 would be halted for the winter when the portions now under construction were gravelled. PAGE 2, S'l:. 'l:HOW.S, 0m'1Ut10 DBC1'MBBR 11, 1.965 5. "'" "",,,,,, """"", ",,_ ,. "''''' b' .blo " l"""''' · ,~ f tbe union Ga.S COlllpa.n1' and was given siderab1.e allIount of used gas pi1?e1. roIn d re_se1.1. to tbe 'l:o'l/I'lsiI1,PS, an1 alllount approV'a1. to bu::f as llIUeb as poss)'P e an tbe1 .,n.sbed. Guide rail had been ereet~d on Road 16. C"".'d~.bl' ""'" l"""'''' or p'''''' ",,_', ,."'" g'''''' ...od~ blades, etc., bad been 1l\llde. 4. }\.OVED Bl: C . N. CLIUtY;E SECoNDED Bl: G. BRO'lolN """ "" ,0lJ>",,'" ..=" llE "'''''''''' ,00 ......" #35, $8,350.68; #36, $111,458.60. PA1LIS'l: #'34, ~'1,804.1 '1; ctJlRl"ED. '"" l\I>I'" "" ",Oll''''' , " C"'" il .~" 0'" n ,,,,. .",d , nortberl1, '<laS diScUssed at sollie lengtb. MOVED Bl: D,C. L"EI'l:CH SBCONDED~: G.~OO~ ~ EB 'l:UJ\.'l: 'l:i1E.l INSPBC'l: ROJ\.D 5 NOEtH """ '" "",_ ,0 "'" ^''' _ CO" ., /Il. 0"'" 1S - "" "' !WID ,,,,,, "","" ,0 0":~~;"~::0AiF''''':'~ ,;..."" ,'" i<<-" EDGE OF 'l:UE '\:R/>.'I)ELLED ROJ\.D, ,"w " SAND Dl'l:CH ON 'l:UE ROAD. CMUtl"ED. }\.OVED Bl: C . N. CLAF1\E SEC,ONDED Bl: D.C. LB1'l:CU ,,~, "" ",'<1'" IDJ<)1)1<M " "",,,,, 6. """ JI.'l: 10:00 JI.,~l. CJl.RRIED. .<,0;!?I1-fpo/qf.ylA/,v- Cil!\1'[UIiAN ( st.. Thomas, Ontario, DBCEMBER 1ST, 1965. TIlE COUNTY OF EWIN ROAD CD""I"""" m,t at tb' court HouSe at. 10:00 a.m. ALL _BBR5 ,or' pr,,,nt. ALSO pRESENT ." Mr. Frank D. Clark', ..,ior """i,iPal Sup",Vi,or, LondOn. o THE MlN1lTJ'S of tbe N"""",r 9tb, N",..tor 16tb .nd NoV..b,r 17tb ."tinO' .,r' read and a,.r",'d. 1. Graval r.,ud"in. on Road 5 .mold ,tort on D....bar 2nd. 2. Watt"'" Rrotber' Li.i"d ..r' bavi"" ,onaidar.bl' ,quip.ont diffionIt' ,nd bad not aa "t fin"nad Road 19 ""..,llin.. ,. Tbe atCU'tur.' plat' ,ulv,rt on Ro,d 20 bad been ,nnpl,t,d. 4. Applioation of pit run .",val on Ro,d 45 bed b"n onnpl,,,d. 5. Work .., und,,,a' on ,and ba" ond .rav,' re Road' 52 ,nd 54. The amount done depended on the weather. 6. Work on ,.nd pil" ."" ,r"tion 0' an"" "n" ... und'''''' 7. F,",in. .a' b,in' don. on Ro,d 44. e. Stoal .uid' r'U ... baing ,r.."d on Road 16. TIlE ENG:1WCER r,port"" on tM .ork to .,to " '011""" T.E ,.GINEER raPO""" tbat tb' ont,rio Dapart.,nt 0' 'i"W'Y' bad reau,at"" a tran",r 0' rund' to provid' ,or ,0netCU,tiOn underway on Road 54. THE FOLLOWING resolutiOn waS passed: .(~ MOVED B'L: J.B. 'lfllLSON SBCONDED B'L: D.C. LBITCH l'lAT WE REQUEST THE D."O. TO APPRovE A T\1ANSJ'llR 01' JMlllS FRD' ROAD 52 GRADING AND ]lASE TO ROAD 54 GRADTIlG AND RASE, ETC. '" THE AMOUNT OF $15,000.00 CARRIED. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 1ST, 1965. THE ENGINEER reported on personnel to implement the report of the Select Commission on Personnel and the By-law passed. ( IT tvAS: MOVED BY: G. E. BROWN SECONDED BY: C.N. CLARKE THAT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES BE APPOINTED TO PERMANENT STAFF JANUARY 1ST, 1966 - EARL CHARLTON, REGINALD HUTCHINGS, WILFRED SMITH, JOSEPH CARTER, DAVID GORDON, REGINALD ESSELTINE AND MARGARET CONNOY APPOINTED TO PERMANENT STAFF NOVEMBER 1ST, 1965. CARRIED. WINTERWORKS APPROVAL had been received for fencing, brushing and the installation of storm drains on Road 44. AN ORDER from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada had been received ordering the installation of flashing light signals on the Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing on Development Road #785. THE ENGINEER reported that an Order in Council Approval for By-law No. 1891 (Reversion and Assumption of Roads) had been received. THE EXTENSION of Watters Brothers Limited gravel crushing contract was discussed. (' IT WAS: MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT THE CONTRACT OF WATTERS BROTHERS FOR CRUSHING BE EXTENDED TO MARCH 31ST, 1966 FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS OF THEIR CONTRACT - ITEM A.1 GRAVEL TO ROAD 12, ITEM E.l GRAVEL TO ROAD 45, ITEM F.1 GRAVEL TO ROAD 52, ITEMS TO G.1 AND G.2 GRAVEL TO ROAD 19. CARRIED. ( ~r. ST. Tli01J\AS, ONTARIO I DECEMBER 1ST, 1965. pJ\.GE :3 THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. 'FTER DINllER tM ."pn.or r.ported on tM r"ul" 0' soil tests at the Stalter GullY Bridge. R.pl""".nt 0' tM Port .urw.ll Dridg"" di.'u' "d. IT 'WAS: MOVED B1: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED B1: G. E. BRO'WN TH' T \" REQUEST ,," D. H. o. TO rRoUEED WITH THE DESIGR Of THE rOl\ T B\JR1fIELL BRIDGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CJ\.RRIED. THE ST. TH01",S SUburb,n .oad commi"ioU m.t .ith the GOmmitt.. ,nd probl.m' 0' mutual inter.,t ..re di,'U"ed a' '0110'.' (.) Mil"" ,nd lo..tion of tl,' St. ThomO' Suburb'O Ro.d System, (bl Pin.n.i" St.tU' of the C"",i.'ion, (0) R.pla....nt 0' the St. G,or.' Str..t Drid'" .nd (d) lo"don 0' HiOhbun' ,v,nu' fu<ton,ion ond tM St. ",,-' By_pass. WITH REG,'D to the Hi.hburY ,v.nu, ",eosion, th' Committee felt: (,) tb8t oo",id",tion should b' giv," to mov;'" tM route to tM ",t 0' tM St. Tho,",' .".",oir in tM vieinity of RadiO Road ('irat lot ..,t or ..,tl, .nd (b) that th' lo.,tion 0' th' DY-pa" ,hold b' known b.,or' fin" approval 0' tM routo 0' the ",ghbun' "ton,ion i' given. lkRD PURCR,SE on .o.d 27 wa' di,on"ed. ~ ( ST. TH01I\AS, ONT!\RI0, DBCE1JlBER 1ST, 1965. pA,GB 4 THB FOLLO~nNG resolution -waS passed ~ MOVBD BY: N . G. TUFFORD SBCONDBD B1: C.N. CLJ\RKB TlI" POLIC! ON UND PURCllAS!< ON RO'" 27 BE AS yeLLOWS, SCRUB L>ND - $lSO.GO PER ,eRE; ,GRICULTU!1AL UNO - $300.00 p\lll ,cRE; ,,"lACCo U"" _ $,00.00 pES ,CRE PLDS ","CE OR FENcE ,LL,,'kNCE OF $2.'0 p\lll l1PD. pOR ROUSE ,,,,, LOT OF PROll"GE NOT <NER 150 FE'" IN .-rDTH OF TO $1. ,00. GO pER ,cRE WITH NO FENCE ERRC",D OR TIlE pRESE'" "NCE J.l(J'1ED TO TI" llEW PROPERTY LlllE. D"",CES TO BE "L",/ED ,S Occ'SIOllED. CA,RRIED. ll\OVBD B1: IT WA,S: N. G. TUFFORD SECOWBD BY: G.E. BROWN TR" TIlE """INC ,DJOURJI TO BEET IN CO'JOllCT",N ,"TH TIlE COD"" CODNCIL ON WEDlIESD", DEC1'>IBER .TH, 196" CARRIED. .. CARRIBD ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COr~ITTEE met at the Court ( House at 3:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE present. A RECOMMENDATION to the Minister of Highways for designation as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering was discussed. IT WAS: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS THAT COUNTY ROAD 52 FROM COUNTY ROAD 40 TO ROAD 30 SUBURBAN AREA A DISTANCE OF 11.8 MILES BE DESIGNATED AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD FOR PRE-ENGINEERING. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned to December 1st, 1965. ~.. ( ~~.nJ9t?~-1/ CHAIRMAN '{1i~~~~~} rl'i-~.L_i'(\ ~j~ ONTA~~lQ THE: jl-JUNiSTER OF ~"'!iGHWAYS ~",1. f" R ~, K. e ~'-.f. (; ]\..; ";' ", J_-'c',;i. '-?;::;;:;. '<"",',>: to.", i.d 2',8 . '--'-''';~ ',.~., ,.~., ,\ U~' a l~ :L;') ....,. '" ;.:,,~ 1 :..::r:2.'>::.' T:, ~ ,~,,". .,,,,-'~, '^.c .~~ ~;. ;>~~.~ -;;. ," t ~'l' ',,;.- D~, ";;;i..-;".!' - , '" .-,',,- ..... >"'.:'1 ,'--";'_~ .\(;_..1,. ," ~. . ..., ',' .:."\ 0 :~ C. '...... ,e:d :,\-0: ,j '--' "U ~ " f- ..,t .~~ t ...,.c,'....;.... ~,'" __'.,'. t siC"" ;c...-'''4-:)~ ~'. .. ~ -. '.; :;o~,('j :f~,~' p~. ,~ ,~ 5 "'Y:"'" (JcJ," N-~' .J\~:-'c<- r-;.;6' ,,'~ -"" ,'?;. '",~' ,"" ,,"" ~ F. (.:i;- ,i :-:r,,~ Pi' ""..'" !if1G': " ,. {' (;i,'~ ~ ::h"rj~:;'&-. .~ r.. ~ca ;~n -;;; _. _~ . S .-' Y "h,;;< -.';0'. Y"~l'<';:"S ;:i,.;':,Ii;t<; c. 51" _/.;.b. :';]":::-:" },!. ~1':::'''_e!' r)-;"',, r) 't;-;'}" ;'\";'" '-r-,' .,..; '\-.'..'" '^ . ~'.'.. ,. ..Lr....:'~ .r: \! ,~ [.;--: .-.''''"" , .~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1965. (, .\ THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 2:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. MR. RONALD K. MCNEIL, M.L.A. attended the meeting and read a letter from the Minister of Highways stating that he was prepared to give immediate consideration to the designation of approximately 10 miles of critically deficient desirable County Road as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering. IT WAS: MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE OFFER OF TEN MILES OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD FOR PRE- ENGINEERING FROM THE MINISTER OF HIG~UYS. CARRIED. A RECOMMENDATION to the County Council for the designation of mileage was briefly discussed and it was decided to leave the matter to the next meeting of the County Road Committee. -I'. THE CHAIRMAN and the Engineer reported briefly on a meeting on November 12th, 1965 with the Ontario Department of Highways, Planning Branch, re the extension of King's Highways #126 to St. Thomas. It was decided that the route of the extension of Highway #126 would have to be considered along with the location of the St. Thomas By-Pass. It was also decided that more information would be necessary before any decision could be made and that the City of St. Thomas Council should be consulted prior to any decision being made by the Road Committee. ST. TUOW1S, ONT~RI0, NOVEMBBR 16TH, 1965. rhGB '2 IT ';ilAS: 1JtO\1EU 131: SBCONUBD 131: J .13. ';illLSOl-l TM T ..EVES "",!'OW. "".TlR ,lID .00"""" .,W<" L'lTC' MID """ <"011""" MERT "T' """ S'. ,"0""" Cl,", COORCIL .. """ LOC>TIOR 01 RIOIIDOJ<1 "SluE "",,,,S10R kED T" sT. T'O""S .,.p>.SS. G.B. 13R(j./lN ChRR1BU, 1JtOVEU 131: !'l.G. TUFFORU $RCORDW "', J ." ."",OR 0.00 TAAT """ ....TlRO ,DJ01JRl1 TO wEDIIDSD'1. DEC,,",'" 1sT. 1965 ,T 1 . ChRRIBU. h .1Jt. ~--- r ST. THOMAS, ONT!\.RIO, NOVE}Il.BER 9TH, 1965. mE coUll'" OF ELGIN "AU c""""TEE met at thO eo"" House at 10:00 a.m. 'LL .""",,,S .ere preaent. 'LSO PEES"'T ... Mr. Jiran]< U. Clarke. Senior Monidpal Snpe,.vi"r. London. Wl. ",,,,,,.,cE 1lREEN of the T""""hiP ofllunW"h attended thO ..etio& and r..ne,ted payment fbr toP ,oil ptladleft on hia property. Lot 13. eonc""ion IX, .hen road conatrtetion wa' being done on Coonty Road 16 in 1964. ~, AFTER DISCUSSION, it was: MOVED BY: G ,E. BROWN . SECONDED BY: J .B. WILSON THAT MR. LA_CE BR"'" BE GIV'" FD'T:< 1lOLLAR. FOR "L u,w.GE. RE TOP SOIL pILED IN 1964 oN LoT 13. GONcESSION n. IN THE T""",HlF OF DUN1111CH, CARRIED. TRB MINUTES of the october 9th ...tin. were read and approved. TRB ENGlEEER reported on the .ork .. rollO'''' 1. That Jame' 'cre wonld work the Boo,e Property a.ain in 1966 with Mr. !\.cre to paY the ta~es, if any. 2. That Hot Mi" ,"phalt repair, were baW< ..de to vadoU' pav.d roads in West Elgin. That .att'" Broth.r, LiMited h,d ,tarted ,pplrin. crt,h.d gr..el to .."d 19 ,nd woold .r,vel ..,d 12 .."" That th' ,teel pl,te culvoct on ..,d 20 (Bo.art Urain) north nf King" HighWay #401 would be installed ,"orUt. That a ,teel oulvoct to replace thO concrete ",,Iv"" on ..ad 1 }. ( 4. 5. in Dutton had been ordered. PAGE 2 ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965. 6. 7. That culvert installation on Road 54 was underway. That grading and gravelling had been completed on Development Road #785 except for Storm Drains and Guide Rail installation. Grading was completed on Road 45 and sand base would be finished by the end of the week. That it was expected to start work on Roads 52 and 54 within ( , 8. 9. t\10 weeks. 10. That fencing had been completed on Road 19 and would be fi.nished on Development Road #785 within the next week or so. 11. That more snow fence (approximately 6,000 feet) would be purchased for erection this fall. 12. That steel guide rail on Road 16 would be erected shortly. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (a) The Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada ordering the installation of flashing lights and signals on Road 37 at the Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing east of Be]~ont. (b) Gordon Gow of Wallacetown re damage to his property from a stolen grader. The Engineer reported that the matter had been turned over to the Insurance Company. (c) Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Limited quoting a price of $1.49 per ton for crushed gravel applied on Road 5 south of Road 9. The Engineer stated he had accepted the quotation. (d) The Ontario Good Roads Association re Long Service Awards and resolutions for the Annual Meeting. (e) Mr. J.A. Harvey of Aylmer requesting that Easements be released on a portion of his property. r IT WAS: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT REMOVING EAS~MENT #3 AND THE NORTH 264 FEET OF EASEMENT #1 ON THE AGREEMENT OF J.A. HARVEY ON LOT 82, NORTH TALBOT ROAD, AYLMER. CARRIED. ,~'<' (' \ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965. PAGE :3 MOVED BY ~ N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY: G.E. BROWN T1l'T T1lE ,CCCONT 01 C. GOlm'" IN .,.. ,,,,""T OV $644 .13 BE ..ID FOR REPLACEMENT 01" WELL. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. AFTER DINNER, it was: MOVED BY: J . B. WILSON SECONDED BY: C.N. CLARKE TH'T THE VO,,"oWIllG 'CCOUNTS BE ,n'l,OVED VOR .."",lIT' ..'L"" ~30 - $7.732.22; PATLIST #31 _ $7,703.31 AND PAYL1ST #32 - $36,606.5" CARRIED. A SHORT DISCUSSION on loo,tion of the e..eeeion 0' King'S Highway #126 took place. ADDITlONS to thO Count' _ee le,r Ro,d Pro or"" .,", diSCUssed at length. IT WAS: MOVED BY: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY: G.E. BROWN TI!AT WE ",CO""",,D TO THE COUNT'< CO""CIL TMT THE CO""T'< 'S TI''''''' 1>''' PROGRA" BE ,ODED '" AND """,DSD ,S VOL""S' 'TRESE REcQlO\EllD'TlONS A'" BASED ON T'" SPENOlNG oV TRE EQUl'IALElIT OF 12 MILLS' - 1966 _ PAVING ROADS GRADED IN 1965 - _ GRADING _ Road 27 - Union to Sparta - _ BRIDGES _ STALTER GULLT. MA!'LETON ,ND MCNElL. 1967 _ p>Vl'" RO,"S GR'DED IN 1966 - _ G,",DmG _ (, \ """d ,2 _ ,ppr"';_t"" 1/2 ~ile ,t Port BURWELL BRIDGE, PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965. ..~. 1967 - GRADING - (b) Road 2 - FROM ROAD 8 TO ROAD 15 AND WESTERLY APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE, (c) ROAD 8 - FROM KING'S HIGHWAY #401 TO ROAD 15, AND (d) ROAD 42 - FROM KING'S HIGIMAY #73 TO ROAD 40. - SPOT IMPROVEMENTS - (a) ROAD 49 - CURVE 7/8 MILE NORTH OF ROAD 52, (b) ROAD 40 - CURVE AND INTERSECTION 1 MILE SOUTH OF SPRINGFIELD, AND (c) ROAD 40 - APPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILES NORTH OF MOUNT SALEM. - BRIDGES - PORT BURWELL. 1968 - PAVING ROADS GRADED IN 1967 - - GRADING - (a) ROAD 48 - FROM KING'S HIGHWAY #73 TO ROAD 47 3.6 MILES, (b) ROAD 3 - FROM RODrmy LIMITS TO KING'S HIGHWAY #401 2.7 MILES, (c) ROAD 20 - FROM FINGAL TO TURVILLE'S CORNERS 5.3 MILES, (d) ROAD 15 - INTO PEARCE PARK FROM PAVED ROAD 15 0.5 MILES, AND (e) ROAD 35 - KING'S HIGHWAY #3 TO ROAD 45 3.1 MILES. - BRIDGES - ROAD 37 - BELMONT EAST OVER KETTLE CREEK. - FOR DEVELOPMENT ROAD PURPOSES - ROAD 45 FROM ROAD 35 TO ROAD 36 AND THE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE OVER CATFISH CREEK. CARRIED. MOVED BY: D.C. LEITCH .~r' SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9TH, 1965 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED, ~~~~M/ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 11, 1965. THE CalNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at (' 1:30 P.M., December 11, 1965. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the meeting of December 1st were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had met with Messrs. Gascoyne and McConnell of the Regional Planning Branch of the D.H.O., and that they were presently studying a route near the Radio Road for the extension of Highbury Avenue, and a route ftlrther north of the City for the By-pass. It was not likely that the D.H.O. would wish another meeting with the Committee before early February. A.M. SPRIET AND WM. KELLY attended the meeting and presented tenders received for the printing of the Needs Study. 1. The Printing World $1,680.00 St. Thomas, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax 2. Howard Printing Company $2,559.00 London, Ontario. 250 copies plus Fed. & Prov. sales tax 3. Phibbs Printing, $4,500.0C St. Thomas, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax 4. Lawson & Jones, $5,275.00 London, Ontario 250 copies plus Fed. & Provo sales tax MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE TENDER OF THE PRINTING WORUl, ST. THOMAS, BE ACCl!.t'u!oLJ FOR TIlE PRINTING OF 250 COPIES OF TIlE ELGIN COUNTY NEEDS STUDY AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $1,680.00 PLUS FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL SALES TAXES. CARRIED. THE CONSULTANTS READ the foreword and summary they proposed for the study, which were approved by the Committee. ~- -' ( A LETTER FROM J. p, HOWARD was read, stating that the Department of Highways had approved Road 52 from Road 40 to Road 30 as a Development Road #840 for pre-engineering purposes. TIlE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK TO DATE AS FOLLOWS: 1. All snow fence had been erected. 2. Gravelling had been completed on Roads 5,& 19 , and would start shorly on Road 12. 3. Work on Roads 52 & 54 would be halted for the winter when the portions now under construction were gravelled. pt-GE 2. S'I'. 'l'HoMJI,S, OmllRIO DBCEViB'ER 1-1, 1965 5. "", ",,,_ ",,,,n') "", "" "'.,. ,. ."'-" '0 ,,",''''''' · ,~ "_.,,. _'" of u." go_ .'" ".. ''''' Union OM C_"" and - "v~ .W- V> '''' """", an .~"". ond .~..u V> ". T_"." ... -'" they 'Wished. Guide rail 'rIad been ereet~d on Road 16. conoid""'''' .,..It ....h.... of ""...., ,ul-'" f..." go"'" ".M' blades, ete., had been roa.de. 4. v,.O'lED BY: C . N. CLIUtKE SECONDED BY: G. 13R~ ,,'AT "", vau.""'" ,,1l.lSl' l\J\ ,,"'_ "" ,."lOl1T' ,,1l.loT N, $1,""'''' #35, $e,350.6e; #36, $111,45e.60. CARRIED. Tl\J\ "",,"'" FIll>< """, , of GoV'" #' Nm''' llo"n "'" RoOd 2 northerlY, 'Ilas disCUssed at so)1.\e length. v,.OVED 13'.[: D.C. LJ:i,I'I'CH SEcoNDED 13'.[: G. VlooUlER TllAT \IE "",_ TO "" ,""" .OJ,' c~ ",,, T"'" ".,"'" "OJ,' , -" '" .0'" 2 m'" .""", " nIl""" ",AT "'" - '" oOV'T, #, 1lAA" IS - "'" _ '" ,l\J\ TllA- ."",, "" ,,,,,, "'" .OJ,' em"""'" -"" ,"" ",,,,,,,,, '" SAND DI'I'CH ON 'l'HE ROt-D. CAl11\IED. MOVED BY: C . N. Cl..t-Fl'E SFf.ONDED BY: D.C. LEI'I'CH ,,,,,, "'" _'OO ",JOUuN TO ,>NO"" 6, ,,,6, " ".00 A.R. cARRIED . ~ U ..~CC4h /1""// rL A/ - CHt-IRMAN ( \ \ St. Thomas, Ontario, DECEMBER 1ST, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO:/I'lMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. (' ALL MEMBERS eere present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank D. Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. , THE MINUTES of the November 9th, November 16th and November 17th meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Gravel resurfacing on Road 5 would start on December 2nd. 2. viatters Brothers Limited were having considerable equipment difficulty and had not as yet finished Road 19 gravelling. 3. The structural plate culvert on Road 20 had been completed. 4. Application of pit run gravel on Road 45 had been completed. 5. Work was underway on sand base and gravel re Roads 52 and 54. The amount done depended on the weather. 6. Work on sand piles and erection of snow fence was underway. 7. Fencing was being done on Road 44. $. Steel guide rail was being erected on Road 16. THE ENGINEER reported that the Ontario Department of Highways had requested a transfer of funds to provide for construction underway on Road 54. (~, THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH THAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO APPROVE A TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM ROAD 52 GRADING AND BASE TO ROAD 54 GRADING AND BASE, ETC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000.00 CARRIED. ST. 'mONAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 1ST, 1965. PAGE 2 '"' 'NUL.... <,port,d 00 p'<'oon" to 1mplenent thO <,port of th' sol'" Co..",ioO 00 p,r'ooo" ,od the .._la. pe."d. M.OVED BY: SECONDED 131: C. N. CLAR1<B 'J1A' '"' yoWl'IINC """L01EES Bt ,ppoIN"'" '!O FE",,,I,",, S"," JARU']" IS', 1966 _ "'RL CH,RL ,ON, "GIllAlD llU'CRINGS, N:u.FRED "'ITIl, JOSEPR ","ER, DAVID OORUON, REGINAlD BSSEL TINE AND ""RO,"" OONNOl 'PPOI,"'D ,0 PE......' 5"" NovEMBER IS', 1965. IT \'lAS: G.E. BRO'NN CARRIED. "Ul'J$RNORKS APPROVAl hOd b,en reo<i". fm' f'oC""" brUShing and the in,toll.tiOO of ,t""'" d<.io' 00 Ro"d "". .N ORDER fro~ the "",rd of """",po<t eo..i,.ioo,r. for Cao'" h.d b"o <,c".,d ordoriOg th' 1ost.",tiOO of fl..b1ng 11.ht ,i,"'" on th' C.o,di" p,cif1' Ra11.a' Cro,sing on D",'oP~'ot Road #785. '"' ENC,..BR r,port,d thOt '0 order io Couo,il 'pprov" for .,_1" No. 1091 [R.,'<"00 ,od ",.-pt100 of ,",d') h,d b,en crushing contract waS diSCUssed. ,llE ",,,,"SION of .,tto<' .rothe<' "",,'tod .....01 received. M.OVBD BY SBCONDBD BY D.C. LEITCH "", ,llE CO"...", of """,'5 Bl"'""'"S yoR CRUSHING BE ,,;TERDED ,0 ",RCH 315', 1966 pO' ,lIE FOLL","G I'''''' OF ,llElR CON""'''' - IT"" A.l ORA VEL ,0 MAR 12, I,EM E.l GRAVEL 1'0 .0.0 45, """ ..1 GRAVEL 1'0 no'" 52, I."..s 1'0 G.l AlID G. 2 GRAVEL ,0 nO'R 19. IT 'ilkS: J .B. 'IlILSON r CARRIEU. ~". /( ST. TH01J1.l\.S, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 1ST, 1965- PAGE 3 THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. ,YfER DI.... ,M En.in'or r.p"""d on ,", r"ul" 0' ,oil "e" a' ,", S.."or Ouil' jlrid'" R'P1> ,,..n' 0' tM fort 1lu",oll Bridg' w,e die ,u,eed. MOVED 13'( ~ IT WAS ~ N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED 13'( ~ G .E. BROWN TH,1 BE lUlU,",S1 THE D."O' 10 P.OOEEll ,,"H 1'" DESIO' Of TIlE pOR1 B1JR"ELL BRIDGE '" Soon ,5 POSSIBLE. CARRIED. committee 1HE 51. 1H01",S subUrbsU Road O-,,,ion m" with tM and probl.m. of mutual in,oreet wer' di"ueeed " 'ollOW" ."e,ge aud lo"tion 0' tb' St. Toomee Suburb.n Ro,d System, Financial StatuS of the commission, ..pl.,...nt 0' ,h' St. G.ur.' Str'" Brid'" ,nd Lo"tion 0' Hi.bburY ,..un' ",."ion ,nd ,h' St. {a) Thomas {'b ) tc1 {d) >ITTH BEG,'D " tM .igbbur' ,venue Ex'""ion. ,,,, By_pasS. ta) we' oou.id,r.",on ehOuld b' .iv'" " moving ,be route " 'M "e' 0' ,be St. To"",,e ..e.rVOir in 'b' vidnitt of RodiO \lo,d \'ir" '0' ..e' or w.e,1. ,nd tba' ,be 100 , ",on 0' ,", BY-pa" ,hOld be kn".n b.,or. fin,l arP'"val 0' thO route of ,'" .ighbur, E"."ion ie committee felt ~ {'b ) given. !ok'D PlIROl"S' on .ood 27 waS di,O""ed. PAGE 4 ST. THm'IAS, ONTARIO, DECEr~ER 1ST, 1965. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed; ~ ~J .. MOVED BY; N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY; C.N. CLARKE THAT POLICY ON LAND PURCrffiSE ON ROAD 27 BE AS FOLLOWS; SCRUB LAND - $150.00 PER ACRE; AGRICULTURAL LAND - $300.00 PER ACRE; TOBACCO LAND - $500.00 PER ACRE PLUS FENCE OR FENCE ALLOWANCE OF $2.50 PER ROD. FOR HOUSE AND LOT OF FRONTAGE NOT OVER 150 FEET IN WIDTH UP TO $1,500.00 PER ACRE WITH NO FENCE ERECTED OR THE PRESENT FENCE MOVED TO THE NEW PROPERTY LINE, DM~GES TO BE ALLOvTED AS OCCASIONED. CARRIED. IT WAS: MOVED BY: N. G. TUFFORD SECON) ED BY: G.E. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MEET IN CONJUNCTION vJITH THE COUNTY COUNCIL ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1965. CARRIED. r /~49/- ~40/ CARRIED ST. THOr~S, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD Cru~ITTEE met at the Court u( House at 3:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE present. A RECOMMENDATION to the Minister of Highways for designation as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering was discussed. IT WAS: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT ~m RECOMMEND TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS THAT COUNTY ROAD 52 FROM COUNTY ROAD 40 TO ROAD 30 SUBURBAN AREA A DISTANCE OF 11.8 MILES BE DESIGNATED AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD FOR PRE-ENGINEERING. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned to December 1st, 1965. ( \ /~~9I-~/ CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 16TH, 1965. r THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 2:00 p.m. in conjunction with the County Council. ALL MEMBERS were present. MR. RONALD K. MCNEIL, M.L.A. attended the meeting and read a letter from the Minister of Highways stating that he was prepared to give immediate consideration to the designation of approximately 10 miles of critically deficient desirable County Road as a Development Road for Pre-Engineering. IT WAS: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: G.E. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE OFFER OF TEN MILES OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD FOR PRE- ENGINEERING FROM THE MINISTER OF HIGfroMYS. CARRIED. A RECOMMENDATION to the County Council for the designation of mileage was briefly discussed and it was decided to leave the matter to the next meeting of the County Road Committee. ~( THE CHAIRMAN and the Engineer reported briefly on a meeting on November 12th, 1965 with the Ontario Department of Highways, Planning Branch, re the extension of King's Highways #126 to St. Thomas. It was decided that the route of the extension of Highway #126 would have to be considered along with the location of the St. Thomas By-Pass. It was also decided that more information would be necessary before any decision could be made and that the City of St. Thomas Council should be consulted prior to any decision being made by the Road Committee. ST. THOlI\P.S, ONTtlR10, NOVEMBBR 16TH, 1965. l'hGE Z IT 'IlhS~ ll\OVED B'l ~ SBCONDBD B'l ~ J . B. 'IlILSON "llA" RE",E5 '1\}YFORll, ,",,,IN ,N1l woou<Ell, .,RD'N LE"CR >llll "" ENOl.... ",," ,,""R "" 5"' """"', C", COONCIL RE '1!lE LOo>'l'lON OF "lOREU>' >,,'"1' EX",,,I,", ,"0 '1!lE ,". '1!l0,",5 .._?>53. G . E. BRO\'lN ChRR1ED. NOVED B'l: N.G. TUFFORD SBCONDED B'l~ J .B. 'IlILSON ""," "RE ",,"INO 'OJoUlll' 'lO "","50>1. OEC,,^llER 15". 196, " 10,00 ChRR1ED. h.M. CH.n~N ( ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. _f. ALL, MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank D. Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. ~ffi. LA~mENCE BREEN of the Township ofDunwich attended the meeting and requested payment for top soil piledleft on his property, Lot 13, Concession IX, when road construction was being done on County Road 16 in 1964. AFTER DISCUSSION, it was: ,MOVED BY: G.E. BROWN SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT MR. LAWRENCE BREEN BE GIVEN FIFTY DOLLARS FOR ALL DAMAGES RE TOP SOIL PILED IN 1964 ON LOT 13, CONCESSION IX, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNV1ICH. CARRIED. THE MINUTES of the October 9th meeting were read and approved. 1. 2. (~': 3. 4. 5. THE ENGINEER reported on the work as follows: That James Acre would work the Boose Property again in 1966 with Mr. Acre to pay the taxes, if any. That Hot Mix Asphalt repairs were being made to various paved roads in West Elgin. That Watters Brothers Limited had started applying crushed gravel to Road 19 and would gravel Road 12 next. That the steel plate culvert on Road 20 (Bogart Drain) north of King's Highway #401 would be installed shortly. That a steel culvert to replace the concrete culvert on Road 1.3 in Dutton had been ordered. PAGE 2 ) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965. 6. 7. That culvert installation on Road 54 was underway. That grading and gravelling had been completed on Development Road #785 except for Storm Drains and Guide Rail installation. Grading was completed on Road 45 and sand base would be finished by the end of the week. That it was expected to start work on Roads 52 and 54 within ~' \ 8. 9. two weeks. 10. That fencing had been completed on Road 19 and would be finished on Development Road #785 within the next week or so. 11. That more snow fence (approximately 6,000 feet) would be purchased for erection this fall. 12. That steel guide rail on Road 16 would be erected shortly. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (a) The Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada ordering the installation of flashing lights and signals on Road 37 at the Canadian Pacific Railway Crossing east of Belmont. (b) Gordon Gow of Wallacetown re damage to his property from a stolen grader. The Engineer reported that the matter had been turned over to the Insurance Company. (c) Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Limited quoting a price of $1.49 per ton for crushed gravel applied on Road 5 south of Road 9. The Engineer stated he had accepted the quotation. (d) The Ontario Good Roads Association re Long Service Awards and resolutions for the Annual Meeting. (e) Mr. J.A. Harvey of Aylmer requesting that Easements be released on a portion of his property. ~" _! \. IT WAS: MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT REMOVING EASEMENT #3 AND THE NORTH 264 FEET OF EASEMENT #1 ON THE AGREEMENT OF J.A. HARVEY ON LOT 82, NORTH TALBOT ROAD, AYLMER. CARRIED. ---- " .r ST. THOMAS, ONTARlOt ~OvEMBER 9TH, 1965. 'PAGE 3 MOVED B'.t: ~ . G. TUFFORD SECONDED B'L~ G.E. BROWN "'"" Tl1E ,ccouNT Of C. GORDON lN ,m< "",uNT Of $644.>3 BE pHD fOR REPLACEMENT OF WELL. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjoUrned ror dinner. kFTER DINNER, it Vlaa: MOVED B'f: J .B. WILSON SECONDED BY: C.N. CLkRKE ,HA' ,m< POLLOWlNG "COUN'S BE >?FR011'" fOR """"NT' """IS' fJO - $7,732.22; p'lLIS' #31 _ $7.703.31 ,NO p,,,,,1S' #32 - $36,606.54. CkRRIED. , SHoRT D1SCUSSI0R on ,,,,tion of the "",en,ion of King's HighVla1 #126 took place. AUDITIONS to the CountY ."".ee leer Ro,d program ,ere diSCUssed at length. IT WA.S: MOVED B'L: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED B'L: G.E. BROWN 'HA' .. RECO""",D ,0 ,m< COm'" COUNCIL ,!lA' ,m< COUNT'! · S ,JUU'l' 1J<AR FRCO"" BE ADDED'" AND A""nlED AS FOLLCM" "111"" REC_DATIONS ARE \lASED ON TIlE 'PENDlNG OF ,m< EQUIV ALENT OP 12 """IS" - 1966 _ PAVING ROkDS GRP.,DED IN 1965 - _ GRkDING _ Road 27 - Union to sparta - _ BIlIOCBS _ s",TER clJl.Ll, MIlPLE"'N ,lID "CNEIL. 1967 _ PAVlNG RO,,"' G..DED lN 1966 - _ G"DlNG _ (a) ]\Oed 42 _ ,.pr";_t"-1 1/2 mile at port BUR'IlELL BRIDGE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 9TH, ~965. PAGE 4 1967 _ OllADUlG _ (b) Road 2 _ "OM ROAD $ TO ROAD 15 AND WESTERL1 APPROXllMTEL'L 1 MILE, (e) ROAD $ _ FR"" KUlG'B HIG""A! #.01 TO ROAD 15. AND ld) ROAD.2 _ .."" KUlG'. RIG""A1 !l73 TO ROAD .0. _ SPOT IMPROVEMENTS - la) ROAD.9 _ CURVE 7/$ )!1LE NORTH OF ROAD 52, (b) ROAD'O _ GuRVE AND UlTJOlSEGTION 1 J<1LE SOUTH OF SPRINGFIELD, A.NU ( e) RDAD J,J) _ AF]'ROt,>!A T"" 1 3/' J<1LEB NORT\! OF MOUNT S1\LBM. _ BRIDGBS _ PORT BUR'lJIELL. 1963 _ PAVING ROA.DS GR1\DED IN 1967 - _ GlIADIJIG _ (a) ROAD I,t _ .."" K1llG'. RIGH'" 1 !173 TO ROAD .7 3.6 MILES, lb) ROAD 3 _ FR"" RODllE1 LIMlT. TO K1llG' 5 RIGllW At #40~ 2.7 MILBS, Ie) ROAD 20 _ FR"" F1ll0AL TO TORV1LLE'. GO..... 5.3 MILES, (d) ROAD 15 _ 1llTO PEARCE FAIlK FR"" FAVED RDAD 15 0.5 MILBS, 1\N'D (e) ROAD 35 _ KING'. RIO,"A1 #3 TO ROAD .5 3.1 MlLEB. _ B!!lJlGEB _ ROAD 37 _ BELI'll'" EA5T OVER KETTLE catE<. _ FOR DEVELoJ'l!EllT ROAD FURFOBES - ROAD .5 FR"" ROAD 35 TO RDAD 36 AlID TlIE CATFIBR cat" BRIDGE OVER C1\TFISH CREEK. CA.RR1ED. -(' MOVED B'L: D. C. LEITCH SECONDED B1: J .B. 'WILSON TRAT TlIE ",ET1llG ADJOU" UNTIL THURSDA1. DECEI'lIER 9Tl!. 1965 AT 10,00 A, C!\RRl --- CHA'111.MAN ,~' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD TOUR , OCTOBER 22ND. 1965 EAST ELGIN LEAVE COURT HOUSE at 9:00 A.M. - TO 1. Dalewood Road - to be assumed as a County Road in January 1966 from Edgeware Road to CarrIs Bridge. 2. Site of the St. Thomas By-Pass. 3. Road 52 - extension - Carr's Bridge to Highway #73 _ (to be assumed as a County Road in January 1966). 4. Road 52 to Springfield. 5. Road 52 east of Springfield and Road 54 - grading and gravelling in present right-of-way. Scheduled for later in the fall and to be reverted to the Townships - Road 52 east of Road 40 and noad 54 south of the Brownsvi11e Road. 6. Road 48 to Highway #73. 7. Highway ~73 to Beech Street. Aylmer. 8. Beech Street - to be assumed as a County Road in January 1966. 9. Elm Street - Road 53 - hot mix paving in 1965. 10. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Highway #3 to Roa d 44. Road 44 - grading ,gravelling in 1965. DINNER AT TILLSONBURG Highway #19 to Development Road #785 (east of Highway #19 to the Bayham-Houghton Townline) - to be assumed as Road 45 in January 1966. Houghton-Bayham Town1ine from Development Road 785 to Road 42 - to be assumed as Road 55 in January 1966 to be maintained by the County of Norfolk. Road 42 to Port Burwell. Port Burwell Bridge. Road 42 - west of Port Burwell - 2 miles - paved 1965. Road 43 to Road 45. Road 45 - Construction 1965 - Mount Salem to Calton. Road 40 to Road 42. Road 42 from Road 40 to Highway #73. Construction in 1967. :? Highway #73 to Road 24. Scheduled for 2J. Road 24 (D~R. #692) - hot mix paving in 1965. 24. Road 36 to Road 27. 25. Road 27. Scheduled for Construction in 1966. 26. Highway #4 back to the Court House. .,'.! " COUl'lT'l or E4GIN ROAD T01J! '\NEST EL~ - OCTOBER 15TH, 1962 - LEl\.VE COURT HOUSE_~t 9:00 l\..1!h. . - "in' .rid" ond .oad 33 _ \'0 be a""""d " , count' '0"" in 1966) . TO 1. 5. Robbins Bridge county Garage Road 21 ~ anelbou.rne Bridge R9a d 20 to Fing,al Ro,d 16 '0 .o,d 15 _ (Doubl' 8ur"c' 1r"'dmel~t) 1965 ~ Talbot Creek to Roa ,J 2. '3. 4. 6. 7. Road 15 to Dutton 6. Road 6 to Road 2 10. Road '3 to Road 6 - tRoad 2 from Road 6 westerlY a..ro<''''''1 5 roil" - .ro.ram ,or grading, in 1967) \Road 6 rrom Road 3 '0 ",ck" ,.n' - ' paved in 1965) 9. Road 2 to Road 3 - 11. DINNER l\.T CLl\.CHl\.], - 17. 16. Road 6 to Road 3 to Road 9 Road 9 '0 .oad . _ (CUl,ar' c"""cruc'~ 1" 1~57 :)etween Road 5 to R1.ng' s n.1.E7,way 1T 0. 6 R ad 14 ttO be assumed E:lttension of Road 9 from Roa ~o 0.0. n 1966) as a county "oa 1. . tRoad 16 from Road 14 to .oad ,. t.O Road 20 "'R''''o''i't,~ )<c.0.d" to be r",.r,.d t.O S~~thwold TownshiP in 1966) R 0. 16 to Delaware-southWOld Road 20 _ e:ltten~ion nqrthbOf sOs~.""ed. as CountY ROBd. 20 in Townl1-ne _ \ to e a W" 1966) .oad 19 _ Gradin< ,nd Ra,a ,n 1965 5 t b assumed as a county Road 52 e:lttension to .Roka~02Bd ~o Wel~ington Road in 1966. Road - BostW1.C l' Road 25 to Road 26 at. George Street 'Bridge 19. 20. 21. court Rouse. 12. 1.3. 14. 15. 16. ST .>rHOw,.S ) ONTARIO) OCTOBER 9TH, 1965. T"" couNTY OY ELGIN ROAU Go>1>I1""" met at the oourt House at 10:00 a.m. ALL ,......5 .ere .reaent. ALSO ..ES..T'" ,... ."uk U. Clarke, senior Monie1,.l 5n,.",eor, London. ~, meetings were read and approved. TlIE M1!l\l!ES of the .."tember 9th ..d S."tenb8r 21et (-~ -----' TIlE EllGINEJ'R reported on the .ork to date aa follo.a' 1. ThOt .ork en Gonnty Road 6 had be" eo..,eted. 2. .".at ""rk on eounty Road 16 oth'"' than the are",,10n of atael guide rails had been completed. ,. ThOt ""ad1" .nd "".vallin. other than eruaMd ""avel h.d b8en completed on County Road 19. 4. ThOt eruehed ."vel ""uld be .p.,1ed nn ennnty "".da 19 .nd 12 starting in about ten days. concrete eulv",t eo..truetion had beeo eo..leted on enunty Road 12 and b.ek filling of concrete culvert. on ConntY Ro.ds 9 .nd 12 would begin shortlY, ThOt it had been decided not to gO .head .ith eo..truetion of the ..pleton culver' on connty Rosd 50 due to the lateness of the eeason and the diffiCUlty of delive"" of reinforcing steel. That it .ould b8 neee"''''' to instal en '4 inch dia.et,", multi- structural-plata ,",ver' on coenty Road 20 nor'h of R1...., No. 401 .a the Bo.ar' urain .aa baing ele.ned. Gradi" ..a nearlY comPleted on eo..ty Road 45 .nd ,and b'" work had been started. ThOt .snd ba.e h.d been eo..,eted on ueveloroent Road No. 7.5 and it .as ...eeted crushed gravel .nd tOP ,oil .ould ba completed in about a week. '!hat ""nstruet10n on en..ty Roeds 52 and 54 ." ...e""ed to 5. 6. 7. s. 9. 10. start ne~t week. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 9TH, 1965. 11. Th" "e Celion areder had be'" ,,01'" trnm Gnun'Y Ro,d 16 about a week ago but no damage had resulted. 12. Th" a PiCkuP Truck rented <rom J,Ck BrOoks "",ore and driven by William Cook had been d..oliehed in ,n accident on the $outhaold- ~, , 13. That Mr. 'orman J. Chaplaw we' under"king ,he dutie' or Construction Safety Inspector. Delaware Townline. IT WAS DECIDED to proceed with the gravelling of County Road 5 south of County Road 9. ~. A PETITION from Dawson Clarke and other merchants of "ngal wo' read requeating ,he re,umption or angle p,rking. The Engine.r ." 'n,trueted to write '0 Mr. Cl,rke etat'ng th,t the Road """"ittee "''' not in ravour or .ngle parking end to ,ugg..t tha' further road improvements would make allowance for parking. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G .E. BROWN' SECONDED BY C.N. CLARKE THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE MINISTER OF HIGHWA1S FOR PA'IMENT OF INTERIM SUBSIDl FOR EXPENDI- TURES INCURRED Bl THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FROM JANUARY 1ST, 1965 TO SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1965. CARRIED. /", ~~~( \ CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (al 'he DeP,r'ment or 'ren,port approving the Through-Highway By-law No. 1891, (bl The Boerd or ",ospor' commi,.ioner. ror Canad' ordering modern protection on the County Road 52 Crossing of the New york Central Railroad Company, and (el Th. Board or "en.por' commi.'ion'" ror Can'" ordering the widening of the crossing on County Road 37 and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. pAG' 3 ST. "",,1M.. 0..",.10, OCTOBER 9TH, ~965. TIlE ""G11"'" .....d thot an .Or.""",t had b''''' r..ehed .ith Mr. W.T. GloV"" on County ]load 20 r' the r.plao..",t of a tU' drain. A RESOLUTION frOm the eounty of Huron ... r..d ,.....ti.. .""pOrt in havi.. the D.",,_.nt of R",,..ay' .""" the form of the ~nnua~ Returns. THE FOLLOWING resolutions ~ere passed~ MOVEO B'! N.G. Tl""'EO S'CONnE. '" · . C. LK"'CR Tl\llT ... ..C"""""" "" Tl1E cOIJlIT'l (jluNCIL T!lAT Tl1E RESOLUTION OF TIlE COU,,", OF R1JllllN RE "",lSlON OF ANNUAL RE:rURNS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. ~, , \ ",,'0 BY D.C. LEttCR .ECON1lEO B'! C." BROWN T!lAT TIlE FOLLONlNG PA"':IS"" BE Arpa""", yO' pA"""T. pAlL"" #27 _ ".3ll.0" pA1Ll'" i/20 - $8.675.00 &NO .A1LIST gz9 - 146.353.70. CARRIED. MR. C. DUNC" BLACK addr...ad the C-,"".. r. hi' tardin." in eo."l"i" the Shedd'" Drain. (\, A",ER .1- it va' d.ddad to keel' the Boo" PropOrty for .noth"" y.ar .nd to r.nt it to ,,,,.. Acre a"" for the t"'" if he 50 desired. THE MEETING adjOurned for dinner. " Tl1E """,,1'l"'E' deeided that the pOliey of former ]load """""ee' in r'Oord to the .reetion of .tOP .iOn' in Urben _ie1>o1iti.. .hould be eontinued. thot i.; .ll StOp .i.." other ),,' PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 9TH, 1965. than at original Road Allowances, should be erected by the Urban Municipalities. (\ - i THE ADDITION of another year to the County's Three Year Construction Program was discussed at length and the Engineer recommended the following additions to the program in 1968: (a) The Belmont East Bridge on County Road 37, (b) The Catfish Creek Bridge on County Road 45, and (c) The following sections of Road: 1. Road 3 - Rodney to Highway No. 401, 2. Road 15 from the end of the pavement to the Pearce Park, 3. Road 20 from Fingal to Turville's Corners, 4. Road 52 from Highway No. 73 to Springfield, and 5. Road 45 from Jaffa to County Road 36. In 1967 - The improvement of County Road 8 from County Road 15 to Highway No. 401. It was decided to view these portions of Road on the County Council Road Tour. MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.N. CLARKE D.C. LEITCH THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH, 1965 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ('\ '/ ~kv9/~4#A / CHAIRMAN .'. ST. THO~illS, ONTARIO, SEPTEI~BER SESSION, 1965. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Mrs. McCarthy and Gentlemen: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. WALMSLEY BROS. LIIiIITED have completed their contrilct for the supplving and laying of Hot r1ix Asphalt PAvement on Development Road No. 692 (County Rond 24) from County ROild 36 to Port Bruce. 2. JOHNSTON SAND GRAVEL STONE C0I1PMJY of Bothwell have completed their contril ct for Crushed Gravel on Countv ROild 6 in the Township of Aldborough. ' 3. THE TENDER of the Canadian General Electric Company for a Two- Hay Mobile Radio System has been accepted and it is hoped all Federal Government Approvals will be received so that the system can be in operation by December 1st. 11m RECOIl]!llEND: 1. THAT County Council Road 'rour dates be a s follows: /$t:h . East End of Elgin County - October ~h-, and West End of Elgin County - October 22nd, leaving the Court House at 9:00 a.m.. 2. THAT a Through-Highway By-law be passed. A new By-law to replace By-law No. 1803 passed in January 1962 and amended by By-law No. 1848 in November 1963 is necessary as of December 31st, 1965, because of the additions to and reversions from the Count v Road System of a number of miles of road approved by the County Council in June, 1965. Because of the large number of ammendments necessary to the old By-law it was felt that a new By-law should be passed. ALL OF llTHICIl IS RESPECTFULLY SUBJiHTTED. CHAIR~IfAN ~ ~f >L. _'__ -" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 21st.. 1965. -~~ THE COUNTY OF I\LGIN ROAD COI'1IHTTEE met, at the Court House at 11:30 A.H., in conjunction "lith County Council. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Canada Trust had agreed to accept the sum of five thousand, five hundred dollars (~~5,500.00) for the land used to widfm County Roa,d 24, taken from the Bentsen property, if the County would erect a fence on t.he South side of t.he Road. It ~ras MOVED BY: D.C. LEITCH SECONDF1J BY: N. CLARKE THAT\VE PAY LLOYD BENTSEN THE SUM OF ;~5,500.00 Fon PIWPY:RTY AND DAHAGJIS EXPHOPHIATED BY REGISTEtlED PLAN D769 &. R12B7, AND TO ERECT 1\ FENCE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE HOAD. CAHHIED. ARRANGEI~ENTS for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention were di scussed. TIm llliETING ADJOURNED TO OCTOBER 8, 1965. /:, /7L ~,~/~L/~/!'P2/ cn AIRI4AN . ----'~-~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1965. ,uN COuN" OF ELGIN RD,D cot<l\l'''' .et ,t the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ,LL _<as .,re pr..ent. ;L50 pRESEll' .ere Mr. ,.5. C"dWell' Di'triet ...ieipal Engineer, London ,nd Mr. Fr,nk CI,rke, Senior Municipal supervisor, London. 'BE MlNU'E5 0' the ;",not lo<h me'tin..ere r..d ,nd ~'\ 3. p,vin. h,d be,n eompl,ted on Countv Road , ,nd tri..ing ." underv.1ay. 'he ,eeond Cone rete culvert on Countv Ro,d 9 h,d been eompl...d ,nd work would ,tert on the Cnnere.. culvert on County Road 12. Cradin. wa' nearlY eomplate on County Roe~9 end epplie,tiOn of sand Base was underway. Gr,ding w', ne,rlY eomplete on Dev,'Opment Ro,d #1"5, eulvert in,t"I,tiOn w" eontinuin. ,nd "nd ,nd eru,hed gravel .ork ,uN ENGlNEBR reported on the .,rk to .,to' approved. 1. 2. 4. 7. was continuing. Gr,ding ." ,pp,,"i""lY .0 por eent enmpl".d on ""untY Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem. Engine.rin. .ork on Countv Ro,d' ,2 end ,. w', n..rlY eompl,te. Plan' ..re b,ing .ade ,or the eonatruetiOn 0' , Double Be' Culvert (twO t.entY ,oot ,p,n') ,t ..pleton on County Ro,d 50 but ,t ." not knO.n .hether or not ,uf"e,eni ,und' would be ,v'il'bl' to bU,'d it in 1965. centre Line Marking was complete. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: 5. 6. 3. ~ -/ ' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1965. PAGE '2. """ MOVED B! G .E. BROWN SECONDEO BY D.C. LEITCR THAT TBE FOLLo>l1,'G p>!LISTS BE ,"PROVEO pOR p,y"NT' PAYLIST #2. _ .z,9.9.71; PAYLIST #25 - ,'6,'77.'3; p'1LIST #26 - $65,17,.56, CARRIED. ARR"GEMENTS for th' Can.d"n Good Ro,d' A"o'iation convention were diSCUssed. IT WAS OECIDEO to h'V' th' Ch,ieman "nd , "tt,r to Me. CharI" ",k'OO of Ping,l r' th' p,rking ,ign" CORRESPONDENCE waS read from: (,) Me. L. Br"n r' dirt on Count1 Ro,d 16 ,t,ting h' would w.it until th' dirt w,a mov,d b,for' ""ptin. an1 ,omp,n,ation. (b) <he Bo.rd of Tran,port eo..i"io.,r, for Can'" re thO ,ro"in. on Connt1 Ro,d' 37 ,nn 52 "kin< if th' Connty would p'y toward cro"in< prot"tion in th' u,,,l proportion. <h' En<in"r ,t,t,d h' h,d writt,n th' ,",rd th,t tho eount1 would pay toward the cost. THE ENGINEER ,"pr""d "unorn th,t no Munidpal Dr,in R,port h,d b"n r,,'iV" from th' ,r" on Connty Ro,d ZO north 0' Sh,dd,n. ,ft,r di"n,'ion th' Co..itt" r.qu"t.d R'''' B.G. ,"'ford to attempt to speed up the Report. _oJ'\ M(J/EO BY ,... "WOB SECOBOEO BY B.G. TUPpOED TRAT wE ",COMMEBO TO TRE COUNTY CoUNclL THAT '"' ROAO TOUR OATES .E SET AS YOLLOWS - OCTOBER ,.TR TaE "ST ,"0 ABO OCTOBER 22NO TUE WEST BBO - LEAVING TaE COURT HOUSE AT 9:00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING resolution ~as passed: CARRIED. S'T. 'THOW\S, orm,RIO, SBP'TBllt13BR 9'TU, 1965. ptGB :3 i et;t,lement of t'ne ,HE >,OIllE"" repor"d tb.t ~ nor , d abutmon" of the .erdeVille .ridge nad oo""ed .nd tnat pier' .n . i 1 f R C Dune & A,.,'i"" Limi"d. ,be or" .. ,'~ Norman ~arner 0 .' "". k ,be eon.ultan" on thO .rid.e. nad been ""e'C'" to ,M' on , f t'ner 80S to ~'net"er , of tb"e .ettleeen.. .nd to report or ser1-0usnesS e Qettlement ~as occurring. or not mor ~ ny-la~ made necessarY t'ne county Roads. , d 'T'nroug'n-Uig'n~aY 'TUB ENGINBER presented a rev1-Se b' tbe re,ent .ddition. ,nd ...umption. 0' T"O FOLLO.I," re.olution .e. pe,.ed' C . N. cLt li,KE N.G. 'TUFFOR1) COUNCIL TUtT !\. \ 1JlOVED B1 SECON1)BD 131 ,\lA' .. ."""",NO ,0 T"O COUNT'< ,",OUOR.RIOHW" Bl'''. .0 PASSon. C!\.RRIE1) . ~a) o tario Department of ees taking t~O n ,"0 Oount1 ",plO1 . ,nd Rot "" ed courses on surveY1-ng High~aYs sponsor t'on A.pb.,t In.P'" . of Orene perk b, nt land at t'ne rear Tne u.e 0' the va" . d 0' three ,oars . _~Y'lt free for a p er1-0 ,,_, p.S . __ 'f they ,~"p.r party 1- . to t'ne follo~ing~ Co):JW\.I'T'TEE approval ~as g1-ven ~'o ) G d 's ~ell on County PA""'" 'or movine}lr. C. or on tb,t tbe ~n&ineer .hOuld di'Ou,' th' matter furt'ner ~i t'n 1J\r. Gordon. diSCUssed. It vla5 decided ~~-', Road 19 ~as \ p/>.G'E 1+ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, S'EPT'EM.B'ER 9TH, l 965 . thO ])r,i.'.' ".",o,.t' o. coun", Coun~1 should pe paid P1 ~he Road .hO. ,,he ",rk ." oomp".,d IT 'JilJl.S D'ECID'ED ~hat to b' r,v,rted ,.d ",""ed by tb' jurisdictiOn over the RoadS M.unicipalit1 with and pilled. """ ",,""1JlG ,d1O'",.,d 'or ,unoh. lled due to rain. """ PROJ'llSRO RO,d """, ." ".0' M.O'J f,D 1'>1 Sf,CONDf,D 1'>1 THAT THE VlEf,TING 8TH Jl.T lO~OO JI..M.. \ ~. C.N. CLJl.RKE G.'E. BRO\NN Jl.UJO\JRN \JNTIL FRIUA1, OCTOBf,R CARRl'EU . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court ''',,- "-~ \ House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the July 8th meeting were read and approved. 2. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date: Gra~~ng had been started on County Road 19. Grading aEd Gravelling complete on County Road 44 although considerable trimming work and installation of Storm Drains 1. was continuing. 3. Grading and Placement of sand base was continuing on Development Road #785. Mulch Pavement was complete on County Road 42. Wet weather was slowing work on County Road 6. One Culvert on County Road 9 would be completed this week and the other one started shortly. Soils Tests at Stalter Gully had been completed but no report had been received. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company crossing on County Road 37 and the New York Central Railroad crossing on County Road 52 had been inspected by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada Engineer and orders for the installation of protection were expected shortly. Fencing and Clearing was underway between Mount Salem and Calton on County Road 45. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ~~, 'I THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10TH, 1965. MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.N. CLARKE J.B. WILSON ~ " -"'-....---'--, THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #21 - $2,207.22; PAYLIST #22 _ $16,786.01; PAYLIST #23 - $113,904.69 AND PAYLIST #23 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 - $27,412.48. CARRIED. REEVE N.G. TUFFORD reported re John (Pipe) Dadson~J' Charles Jackson. MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD G.E. BROWN THAT NO FURTHER ACTION BE TAKEN RE PARKING SIGNS IN FINGAL. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (a) H. Dernier, District Engineer, approving the Two-Way Radio Tender, and (b) Township Road Superintendents' Association requesting a $25.00 grant. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN THAT THE TOWNSHIP ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS' ASSOCIATION BE GRANTED THE SUM OF $25.00. CARRIED. '~~ THE ENGINh~R reported re negotiations with Mr. A.A. McLeish of the Canada Trust Company, London, re the Benson Property on County Road 24. The Road Committee were of the opinion that their offer of $5,500.00 for the land expropriated and for damages was their maximum offer. ARRANGEMENTS for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention were discussed. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 10TH, 1965. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. ,~, AFTER DINNER the following items were discussed: (a) Telephone extensions to the Construction Safety Inpector's Office, (b) Stop Sign By-law, and (c) Needs Study progress. " LABOUR RELATIONS were discussed and it was reported the the Warden's Committee had held one meeting on the subject and Would hold another one shortly and had asked for information from the various Department Heads. Pay period intervals were discussed. MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT THE PAYMENT OF THE COUNTY ROAD EMPLOYEES BE CHANGED FROM MONTHLY TO SEMI-MONTHLY EFFE0TIVE SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1965. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1965 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. --------,,~ 7J;- ~~. . ? G. _,otLrn/J ~t1/ - CHAIRMAN // . .,r /' , . COUNTY OF ELGIN TWO-WAY }mBILE RADIO SYSTEM INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 1- LIST OF DOCUMENTS (a) Information to Bidders, .' (b) Speoifioati.ns and. Tender Form, and (0) County }lJap. 2. TENDER INCLUDE~ the supply and instal1ati~n e! a Tw~-Way Mobile RadiIJ System. ). TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 10:00 A.M. (E.D.S.T.) JUNE 30TH, 1965 4. FURTHER INFORMATION. may be obtained from the ~ndersigned. Telephone Number 631-5880, St. Thomas. 5. LO~ffiST or ANY TENDER NOT necessarily accepted. R. G. MOORE, P.ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. COUNTY OF ELGIN - -- T1ilO-'ltJA.Y MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM - TENDER FORM A.ND SPECIFIC~TIONS ---- :;,.;;..---- - - TO THE CHA.IRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RO!\D COMMITTEE. I/WB havin. r"d ,nd fully nnd,r.t,ndin. th' sp,'ifiantion' haraby ,gr" to ,upplY, in.tall ,nd do ,II ,ork n""..ry to provid' a ,omPl,t' Two-W,y Mobil' Radi' 5y,t", in .orking ord<< ,nd h.r,bY .uomit our tand<< " ,tta,hed in acc~rdance with the following specificatiOn~: STATE }~nufaeturer STATE Mtde1 .f M~bile Units STATE M_del ~f Repeater Statien - 1.. G:ENERAL REQ~IRElI\ENT~: Th' .y.t.. .h'" b' de,i.n,d to ,nd rou.t pr.vide communi"ti.n' b.t."n th' County Engin"r'a Offi" in the c,urt H.u'" the county G,r'.' ,t Whit. St,ti,n ,nd ,ny ,f the m,bil' v.hi".e within th' bound,ri" of the County of Elgin. Th' .y.t.m oh'" b. 'b" to,pr.Vid. ,.mmuni"tion (.ithout the no' of , di.p,t,h,r, ,to) b.t.,.n m,bil' unit' anywhere in the county. In th' .v,nt 0' f,ilur' of ,ny r,p"t,r ,t,ti.n requir,d, th' 'v,t,m mu.t b' "p,bl' ,f providing ,ar to "r ,nd Engin"r" Offi" to "r ,ommuni"ti,n' .v,r the limited range ~f a simplex Syst~m. Tho .y.t" ,hall tak' ,dv,nt,g' of the "t.,t t,'hni'" ,dv,n," in the fi"d of m.bil' r,di" It i. ,..,ntial that th' ay,tom b' tr",i.t,ri,'d " "",h a. po,aib1' t" ,n.ur' lew battery drain and t~ ensure reliGbility. Th' tonderer in .ubmit,ing hi. tond<< ,'kn,,',d." that h' ha. omda , 'i,ld ,,.minati,n .f the r.quir..,nts.f th' .y.t,m and ,f local ,ondition. ,nd under.t,nd' th' purp," ,or whi,h th' c,unty propoa" t' u', the 'v,t.m. '" ,quipm,nt ,uppli'd ,hall m"t th' Fed,ral D,part.,nt of Tran.port 5P,'i'i,'tiOn No. ,,6. pr",ren" .ill b' giV,n '0 .quipm,nt for whi,h p,rta and service can be easilY obtained. COUNTY OF ELGIN TWO-WA Y r10BILE Rt, DIO SYSTEr1 - 2 - STATE Country of r1anufacturer of Components of the System: 2. FREQUENCY The successful bidder shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary frequencies and permits required for the operation of the system from the Department of Transport and the paying of all costs involved therein. 3. INSTALLATION The successful bidder shall completely install the system within 60 days of the receipt of the necessary permits and frequencies from the Department of Transport. 4. TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE The system will definitely not be accepted and the County will be under no obligation whatsoever to make any payment to the supplier until the system has been tested and it has been proved that complete and satisfactory coverage is provided for any area within the boundaries of Elgin County. Tests shall be conducted with the base station and at least two mobile sets. Shovld the tests indicate that the equipment or the installation thereof is not capable of providing the necessary coverage'and performance required, for the purposes of Elgin Countv, the supplier shall remove same at no cost to the County. After the system is in operation, in the event of inter- ference (except co-channel or intermodulation) with other radio communication systems and if, within one year of the date the complete system goes into operation, the Department of Transport issues instructions that certain adjustments are to be made to the County radio system or modifications to equipment are to be made, the supplier will provide the necessary adjustments (including all necessary materials and equipment) at no extra cost to the County but such expense will be considered to hawe been paid for in the price tendered for the supply and installation of the system. 5. PAYMENT Payment of 90 per cent of the money due to the successful bidder will be made when all equipment has been installed, tested and operating to the satisfaction of the representatives of the County Road Department. The remaining 10 per cent will not be paid until 3 months after the first payment and will be dependent upon the satisfactory operation of the system. 6. WARRflNTY A warranty covering all non-expendable parts is required for a minimum period of'one Year. Bidders shall state their warranty period, if any, on expendable parts. COUNTY OF ELGIN 'IWO-WAY HOBlLE RfiDIO SYSTEM - 3 - 7. EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER Tenders will only be considered from compRnies regul~rly eng~ged in the mRnufRcture of, or with wide experience in, F.M. communication equipment. 8. BI,SE STfl TION (a) The base stRtion shall: - be installed in the storekeeper's office of the County Garage, White Station, - be 80 vlatt (continuous duty rRting), - be transistorized RS much as possible, - trRnsmitter And frequency stability shall be ~ 0.0005% or better at -300 C to +000 C, and - be Equipped with desk stand microphone. (b) The supplier shall supply Rny cable outlets, etc. necessarv to supply power to the station from the present electricAl circuit at the County GarAge. DESCRIBE B~SE STtTION Including Repeater And Duplexer: 9 , TOWER The tower shAll be lOCAted RS close AS possible to the storekeeper's office on the east side of the County Garage. It shall be placed so that guy wires, etc. do not block existing drives, etc. and do not interfer with proposed parking lot north of the chain link fence on the east side of the gRrage. The County of -lgin will at no cost to the supplier do any concrete work necessary for piers, bases, guys, etc. (under the general direction of the supplier.) Tower is not to be mounted nor RttAched in any wav to the present County GarRge. A preliminarv examination hRs indicAted the need for a tower height of 250 feet. It will be necessary for the bidder to do a complete examination of the area to be served to determine whether or not additional height is required to meet the requirements of Item 1 (General,Requirements.) The tower: (a) shall be erected by the successful bidder, (b) shall be comparable to LeBlanc & Royle Towers, ( c ) shall be C.S.A. approved, (d) shall be lighted as required by the Department of Transport, COUNTY OF ELGIN TVJO-WAY MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM - 4 - 9. TOt'.:ER cont'd. (e) shall be painted, and (f) shall be guyed as required. Tubular towers will not be accepted. DESCRIBE TOWER: 10. ANTENNA The ontenna shall be 6DB omni directional Sinclair 229 or equivalent. The supplier shall supply sufficient 7/8 inch l~w loss coaxial cable to connect the antenna to the base station. DESCRIBE ANTENNA: 11. REMOTE BASE STATION A Remote Base Station 25 Watt minimum (desk top ype) shall be: (a) installed in the County Engineer's Office where directed by the County Engineer, (b) transistorized as much as possible, (c) equipped with a J db antenna to be mounted by the supplier on the Court House Roof and connect to the station with low loss coaxial cable, and (d) equipped with a 2 frequency transmitter. DESCRIBE: 12. rmBILE EQUIPMENT shall: (a) be fully transistorized, power supply and receiver for minimum battery drain, COUNTY OF ELG IN TI{O-WAY MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM ." 5 - 12. (a) State battery drain when receiving and also when transmitting - State number of vacuum tubes in transmitting circuit: (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) have an output power of 25 Watts minimum, be able to transmit two frequencies and receive on one frequency, be of trunk mounted type - mounted in a splash dust proof housing, be equipped with lock, keys, microphone, speaker, cables, antenna and all hardware and accessories' nocessary for complete installation and operation, have a transmitter and receiver frequencv stability of ~0.0005% or better at -300 C to +600 C, . State length of time necessarv to obtain this frequency stability after applying power to the unit and whether or not crystal ovens, heaters, warmers, etc, are necessary to obtain the necessarv frequency stability. DESCRIBE.: (g) be equipped with a speaker of 2 Watt power minimum. Microphones shall be'hand held military type complete with hang up bracket, push to talk button and coil cord, (h) have control head mounted on dash and shall provide the following features in a readily accessible position: (i) (j) (k) 1. on-off switch - red light showing when the trans- mitter is on, 2. coloured lights to determine which frequency is being used for transmission, and 3. squelch control. be equipped with a roof type antenna of one quarter wave length operate on either positive or negative ground vehicles without modifications, and be designed so that a mobila unit from any vehicle can be installed in any other vehicle by County personnel in less than 5 minutes. DESCRIBE MOBILE UNITS: _ 6 - 2..0UNT1 OF .J.LGJ! ------------------- '12. ---. -- ~....--- --------' ']'\110_"1[11 ~~OBILE RJ\DI0 SYSTE~~ ---- (b) ,ooeiet of , ,oof type nnt,nn' of on' qua,;,r "v, leogtb rndin houeiOe, .nuotio. b"d",e, ,nter- eonoeeeio. e"lee, ,ootrol l,~d ,~d ,p"k,r. '1 mierophoo' eh,ll " ioeluded ,f .",d to eoot,n head. d","ned " tI,,,t , mohile uni; f'om ,01 of t b' , "hiel,n oont,ioio' mohile un'" enn M pl",d "' thO vehiele eont'inin< the ,e,eeeo" k,t t, cnunty oe,eoooel in l,ne tb'O f,v' m,out". '13. ~ [lccessory Kits sha'11: la) 14. ~9! ,.tnt,n'o" .ill ioelUdo ,11 n,rte ,~d ,,,,iee 'eq~ir,d. Bldd"e .ill ,uhmit , Typie,l So",e' rol,e1 Coot",t .,th t thie t'Od" (not n igo.d.) Bidde,' .ill e",t,e .he~e~ ~~ un en",in' ,il' M po,Wm,d "t h"r '"~ eM" 0' 'u , h oth,re ,nd, if ,0, th' n,m' ,nd loo,t,on to thO'o to · om service ~ould be sublet. ~S2!!:IB~: ----------------- ~--- _._~---- ------ -------- DESCRIBE: --------------- ------------ --------------- Th' county ,ee,r'" thO,right.tO ':Joe~,~~1t~:;'~~t, .il1 orr'n.,.,nt offo"u bY thO b,ddO' ,n ."eh t "f' make arrangements forftfhec~m~~h.~t~~~:~~e~~~t~h~fS~~e~~ficatiOn shall not, ho~ever, a e v ~ #6 _ 1JJarrauty. '15. SELECTIVE ChLLl~jG EQ,JlPJ;1ENT It ,h,11 ineluue tb' 'noplY ,od inel~~~~ti~g~,~~~i~ 12 unit S"oeti" c,llin. coneol ,~th~'eode,1ioetOll'd in "eh affine ond in thO Co""t. c,r,go '~ t~' Mrn on th' "hiere, "diO unft, Tb' "WOol ,h,"1,h'Od 'n th' mohil' uoft eO th,t Th' d,eod" unit ,hol1 hO ene oe' ' 0 .ith th' unit. It it m" be oov,d to 'not~'rh~~~~l~o';~r~ ,11 uoit, th,t b'V' ~ill be ~ecessarJ fOr1tl e ~h se ~ith accessorY kits under mobiles ~n them as ~e as 0 thiS item. COUNTY OF ELGIN T1iJO-vTAY MOBILE R/,DIO SYSTE}1 - 7 - 16. nXES The Ontario Retail Sales Tax is applicable on the supply of all materials (not on labour). Federal Sales Tax is believed to be applicable on all items except mobile units which are to be moved in road building equipment which is itemized separately in Item #17. 17. MOBILE UNITS Mobile units are to be placed in the foll~~ing vehicles: (a) 12 Volt Equipment - Federal Sales Tax Exempt: 1. County Grader #8, tllis-Chalmers }10del AD.40, , 2. County Grader #10, Adams r10del 660, , 3. County Grnder 1111, Adams Model 550, 4. County Grader #13, Galion Model lIB, 5. International Truck #14, International ~1odel SC.lB4, n nd 6. International Truck #25, International Model RF.194. (b) 6 Volt Equipment - Federal Sales Tax Exempt. The unit supplied shall be able to be converted to 12 volt with no additional equipment required for conversion: 1. Truck #8, International Model 210. (c) 12 Volt EQUipment, Federal Sales Tax tpplicable: 1. County Engineer's Car, 2. I.ssistimt Road Superintendent's Car, 3. 4. 5. Truck #23 - International Travelall, Truck #24 - G.M.C., 1 Ton Stake, and Truck #26 - Ford Pickup Truck. 18. INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORY KITS Accessory Kits shall be installed in the following: (a) Truck #19 - Chevrolet, 1 Ton Stake, (tl ) Truck #20 - Chevrolet Pickup Truck, and ( c) Truck #21 - Chevrolet Pickup Truck. 19. MANUF.r. CTURER 's LITERf1TURE The r1anufacturer's Literature on the equipment is to be enclosed with the tender. A written description of the equipment to be supplied and its function in the system is to be attached to the tender. _ 3 - CQUNT1 of BLGI! T'J>TO_it1L'Y ~1l(JBIL'E RJ\DIO DNIT ~=-- 20. TENDER FORM - -- Th' bidU" mu,t fin in ,n bl'nk' in th' "rm. 11 f," BtgE STtTIOU TIEF",TER, ",. (County G,r'.' - Item #3 and Item 15). SupplY all necessary equipment including "",tiV' ,,11in. equipment ................-- 3~ ont,ri' R,t,ii Sol" T" ................- In,t,il n"""r1 ,quipment ................- "BIl T01tlER - ,Item 1/9) :::.;:;.;-- suppl1 to'''' .u1" light', ,t'. .......... 3~ Ont,ri' R",il 5,1" T" .....,......... Ere,t ,nd ""int .. .. .. .. .... ....... .. .. .... $- $---- d> _ "'-- -- !iNTBNNl;. Item 1/10) IlC" supplY antenna and sufficient cable to r",b b's' ,t,'ion .............,...........---- 3~ Ont,ri' ",nit S,i" Tox ................---- Install erect antenna and connect to M" ,t,tion .............................. ,,- ----- "D" ~TE BbSE STtTION _ (Item 11 ,nd It,m ,,1 ::;:::..----~ Supplv ,1.1 ",onoee'" ,quipmont in"uding base station, antenna and cable and s""tiV' ",'in. oquipmont ............... ,,- 3~ Ont,rlo "t,il S,l's T" ................---- InS"n on n,,,,,or1 ,quipmont . .. .. ...... .---- "E" MOBILE p,"u<p..;NT - (IV"" 12, " ,nd 171 - -;,.::.;;;-- 1. SupplY'" unit' - p,d'~" 5,1" T" ,",,,,pt, 12 vol'" I It'" 171' II .. .... .. . .... ,,---- l~ ont,r10 R,toil S,lo' T" ............... ,,-------------- z. SUP?'Y" unit _ "der,' S,l" T" ' ",npt, 6 nnd 12 vol" (Itrm 17 (bll ........---- 3~ ont,rio Rotail S,l" Tax .....,..........---- SUnPlY 5 unit' _ yod,rOI S,l" TnX · ,ppli"bl', 12 volt ..,..............,..... ...----------- 3~ Ont,riD "t,il S,I" T,x ..,..............----------- 3. _ 9 - ~G1!!. _ ~Dl!L \llll! 20 ~ - cont'd. "1"" ~cE,B.~ SUpp113 ."",or1 kit' \It'' 18) ....... 3~ Ont,rio .,t.il 5,1" T" .............. $------- $------- "C" ~ Installation of ~obi1e UnitS end .,o",or1 kit', 15 unit' ................. ~: $------- $==== "Ft" ~ _ \500 It"" 14) ""IUd" ,n p"rO' req"ir,d ,nd "bO"'" hll ,o.t, to b' p,r ~ b."d on , 5 year minimum contract. B4SE ST4TI0tl, .,p"t,r, 'nt,nn" ,nd ,11 ~d equipm,nt .................. $------- 3. RE,~~O'l'E,~ S'l'f~' t,ntennae, ,e'tc. 11' " ~ ---Inc~uding, se1ect~ve ca ~n~ equipment at countY @ Engin"r"Offi" .,.........------- ~' 12 unit' ....................------- ~ ...........=-== COsT TO ~ oompl,t'l1 ' .obil' Onit from ~. ,,",olt to .noth"," "htol' ............ $------- 1. 2. "J" ~. C --- pER. ------------------- ~--- ~ ---~ ------- - T, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 8TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMl'JIITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ~, ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the June 10th and June 16th meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Surface Treatment work would be completed next week when work on County Road 16 was completed. 2. Culvert Construction was underway on County Road 9. 3. Mulch Pavement work would be started late next week on County Road 42 followed by County Road 6. 4. Johnson Brothers Limited would apply mulch gravel on County Road 6 starting next week. 5. Fencing would be completed on County Road 19, this week, followed by work on County Road 45 from Mount Salem to Calton. 6. Walmsley Bros. Limited have started Hot Mix Pavement on County Road 24 (Development Road #692) but had broken down and would not start again until next week. Work would be completed by the weekend. 7. Grading was continuing on County Road 44 with Sand Base and Grading completed west of the Eden Bridge. Gravel Resurfacing would be started next week~ 8. -~ Culverts would be installed on County Road 44 late next week or early the week after. Watters Bros. Construction were expected to move into White Station to stockpile gravel shortly. Another pickup truck for a total of 3 had been rented. Construction on Elm Street in Aylmer had been completed and a very pleasing appearance had been obtained. 12. Some clearing work at the bottom of Stalter Gully, in preparation for soil tests, had been done. 9. 10. 11. 'PA.GE 2 13. 111.. -~' ST. THOJ:!\I\S, ONTA.R10, , JU1;! 3TH, 1965. R,",oval of ,,"".' ." ",..l,,,d ",d in,tall,d 00 ""olo!>"'" Ro,d #737' cU1~ert5 ~ere being Grading, 'WaS e:ltpected to "n" e,r_'Ferg,uson Tractor had The Jaeger compressor and the "=os J start s hortl'!. nOD",'" .ith J." (Piper) n,d"n .hO live' on coun" __ ' ~P.e~e Noble G. Tufford both been received. ~:rt Stanley ",ere diSCUb"ed " . to a complaint bY R"ve Tuffnrd ,1" ..reed to 1000 ,n k' e on the count,! Road. Charle' J,o.,on of 'ingol re .,r ,no '"' ,OLlOW1hO re,olutiOO ." p",ed' N.G. Tufford J .ll. '.Nilson A.PPRO'IJED 'FOR pA.'LLlST #1.9 - Moved bY seconded by THA.T THE 'F01,1,0'l!111'1G 'P A.'ILlSTS BB "YM"'"' p,'f\'15" #1' - $2,216.,9' $14,85,.81' ,,'L15" #20 - $10,.,95.'4 #20 ",,'1.0P"I"" RO,n #692 - $15.32. and pA.'ILIST C!l.RR1ED. 1. CORRBSPO~lD'f,1'1CB ~as read from: d to the recommendatiOns "~corney oen,ral" Offioe iO re.,r , , , . '0 th' de"h of J,m" carroll, of the jUry re the 1-nCiues 1-n . 'de r,il' oe iO",11,d on county Road 24 " "..,e<. ,u,,"'~~ ,"' . . e R'" h.a" re .ork orde< for .a""" Ontario Department 01- 1-", J d ,~690 C unt~ Road 211.. Developn16nt Roa lr ,",oJ "i,~"e< of Righ.'" re ro,d,ide ",eing. f enuipment f0~ G ~ PhillipS re rental rateS or ~ 'Mr- ...r . ",velo,,",nt R"d #735. count, Ro,d .5. 2. 3. k. d . d accommodations ,.E EhGI,,'R reported that ,he e"re ",0,iatiOn convention ,t s.a."oon .er' Re,id,n" Roo,e had be,n tentativelY for the canadian Good RoadS unavailable and a UniversitY boo'Ked. PAGE 3 ST. THOMASj ONTARIO, JULY 8TH, 1965. " THE ENGINEER reviewed the County's Insurance Policies for Workmen's Compensation, Machinery, Floater and Automobile Fleet Insurance and answered the members' queries. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: Moved by Seconded by C.N. Clarke G.E. Brown THAT ~ffi RENEW OUR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, EQUIPMENT FLOATER POLICY AND AUTOMOBILE POLICY WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED. CARRIED. REEVE C.D. PHILLIPS of Aylmer and the County Engineer reported re the negotiations with Mr. ~kLeish of the Canada Trust Company for compensation re the expropriation of land from Mr. Benson on County Road 24.. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution was passed: Moved by Seconded by N.G. Tufford G.E. Brown THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY FOR THE PROPERTY EXPRO- PRIATED BY REGISTERED PLANSD769 AND R1287 TO A LIMIT OF $5,500.00. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. ~, AFTER DINNER the Engineer spoke briefly on the set back By-law on County Roads and the Committee discussed the house of Anton Krul who had built too close to County Road 27. The Committee agreed to take no action but decided no damages should be paid to Mr. Krul when the road was widened. THE TENDERS for the Two-~~y Mobile Radio System which were opened by the Warden on July 7th were as follows: PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 3TH, 1965. L. CANADIAN elmERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED . $19,777.80 pluS maintenance of $780.00 per year. 2. CANADIAN MOTOROLA ELECTRONICS COMPANY _ $19,368.39 ~ pluS maintenance of $1,254.00 per year. _ $19,924.20 3. PYE ElECTRONICS LIMITED pluS maintenance of $1,343.00 per year. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution waS passed: C.D. Leitch C.N. Clarke Moved by Seconded by THAT THE TENDER OF THE CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED FOR A TWO-WAY MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM FOR $19,777.30 AND TREIR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT NOR $780.00 PER YEAR FOR FIVE YEARS BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. CARRIED. N.G. Tufford J.B. Wilson Moved by Seconded by THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 10TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. .?4~9f~ CHAIRMAN ~, if' ST. THOrIAS, ONTARIO, JUNE SESSION, 1965. TO THE WARDEN AND HEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Mrs. McCarthy and Gentlemen: YOUR ROAD COHMITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. A CONTRACT for the crushing and hauling of gravel in various locations in the County has been awarded to Watters Bros. Construction of Springfield for $49,638.00. Work is now underway 2. A CONTRACT'for the crushing and hauling of gravel on County' Road 6, in the Township of Aldborough, for mulch gravel, has been awarded to Johnston Sand Gravel Stone Company of Bothwell for $7,735.00. Work is expected to start later this month. 3. A CONTRACT for supplying and laying hot mix asphalt pavement on Elm Street (County Road 53) in the Town of Aylmer has been awarded to A. Cope & Sons Limited of London for $9)227.50. The work has been completed. 4. TENDERS are being received until 10:00 a.m., June 16th, 1965, for the supplying and laying of hot mix asphalt pavement on Development Road #692 (Countv Road 24) fr.m County Road 36 to King's Highway #73 at Port Bruce. 5. ROAD HULCH Pavement will be laid on the following Roads: (a) Road 6 west of Road 3 to Black~ Lane in the Township of Aldborough - approximately 2.5 miles, and (b) Road 42 west of Port Burwell in the Township of Bayham - approximately 2.0 miles. 6. SURFACE Treatment Pavement will be laid on Road 16, in the Township of Dunwich, from Talbot Creek to County Road 15 - approximately 6 miles. 7. THE FOLLOWING new machinery has been purchased: ta) (b) ( c) (d) (e) (f) Ford 1/2 ton Pickup Truck, Massey-Ferguson Model 135, Tractor and Side Hounted Mower, Water Softener (Duro) for the County Garage, Jaeger Model 125 Air Compressor with the County's Arpic Compressor as a trade-in, Chain Sa1i'l, and Tenders have been called for a Two-Vlay Mobile Radio System. GRADING is presently under way on County Road 44 between King's Highway #3 and King's Highway #19, in the Township of Bayham. 8. THAT Mr. Arthur J. Gordon, a long time employee of the County has assumed the duties of General Foreman and THAT Hr. Norman J. Chaplow has been appointed as Assistant to the County Engineer. 9. ," TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. JUNE SESSION, 1965 - ;2 - WE RECOMlvIEND: 1. THAT the resolution from the County of Grey re subsidy on Road Machinery be filed as the Minister of Highways has acted on the matter. 2. THAT the County assume as per the request of the Ontario Department of Highways: (a) that portion of road built on County Road 19, in the Township of Southwold, by the Department at King's Higrtway #401 (McDonald-Cartier Freeway) except for the portion within the right-of-'Nay of King's Highway #401, and (b) that the County assume jointly with the County of Middlesex that portion of road built hy the Ontario Department of Highways on County Road 17, in the Township of Southwold, at King's Highway #401 (}kDonald-Cartier Freeway) except for the portion wi thin the right-of -wa y of King's Highway #40l. It is the policy of the Department to revert to the County all of the road built by the Department at the fly overs crossing King's Highway ~401 except for the structure itself. 3. THAT Gary Gordon and Frank Jones, two employees of the County Road Department be considered permanent employees for purposes of the Unemployment Insurance Regulations. 4. THAT ~~. Norman J. Chaplow be appointed Construction Safety Inspector, effective September 1st, 1965, and THAT he c~ntinue his present duties with the County Road Department, and THAT 3/4 of his salary of $6,000.00 per annum be charged to County Road Department and 1/4 be charged as Construction Safety Inspector. 5. THAT with regard to the County Road Needs Study presently underway liJE RECOMMEND: (a) (b) that the Desirable County Road System as proposed by the Consultant be accepted. A map showing this Desirable System along with a draft copy of the Consultant's reasons for the additions and deletions of various roads from and to the present system to attain this Desirable System has been forwarded to each municipality, that a By-law be passed reverting all present County Roads not on this Desirable County Road System to the local municipalities in which they lie as of December 31st, 1965, THESE ROADS to be as follows: TO THE ~~RDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL >~ JUNE SESSION, 1965 - 3 - WE RECOMMEND: 5. cont'd. (b) ROAD NO. rlILEAGE FROM TO MUNICIPALITY 5 3.25 Road 2 Road 9 (Dunwich) Road 14 Dunwich-Aldborough Townline Road 8 12 15 17 5.70 1.70 2.20 net Dunwich Road 15A Coyne Road Dunwich Hwy 114 Middlesex Cty.Rd.#15 Conc. II Delaware Southwold-Westminster & Delaware (County Line) 18 50 4.35 4.90 Rnad 14 Hwy.#73 Road 20 SOuth"101d Hwy.#74 Yarmouth & South Dorchester Hwy.I!73 Road 40 Hwy.lf74 4.B 2.75 51 52 South Dorchester Springfield, rlJalahide and South Dorchester Road 54 0.65 net 1/2 of T/L Dereham and South Dorchester (County Line) 54 ROA d 52 Browns- ville Rd. TOTAL MILEAGE: 30.3 (c) thAt the following work be done during 1965 and 1966 on these roads ~s follows: 5. move road back from Government D,ain #1 north, gravel approximately 3 miles - 3,000 tone. (i) (ii) Road 5 to be gravelled by contract, 1965 and replace one concrete culvert 19 feet between railings. gravel east of King's Highwav #401 - 1,B miles - 2,000 tons. surface treatment, Lawrence Station (scheduled) and improve grade at railroAd crossing in Lawrence Station. ROAd 12 Road 17 Road 18 Road 15 Road 50 minor ditching, replace Mapleton and McNeil Bridges and ditching around quarter Townline, surface treatment - scheduled 1965, west of New York Central Railroad Tracks - surface treatment scheduled in 1965, east of tracks - grade and gravel inrresent right-of-way - work scheduled, Road 54 grade and gravel in present right-of-way in ~onjunction with the County of Oxford from County Road 52 to the Brownsville Road, and ALL ROADS: check pipe culvert and replace as necessary, and repair and paint all guide rails . Road 51 Rnad 52 A J.: TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION, 1965 5. (c) cont'd. - 4 - WE HAVE been assured that subsidy will be forthcoming from OntRrio Department of Highways for any of the afore- mentioned work which annet be completed until 1966, although the road has been reverted to the lecal municipality in the meantime. (d) that'a By-law be passed assuming, as of December 31st, 1965, those roads whicll are on the Desirable County Road'System and not on the present County Road System, THESE ROADS to b8 as follows: 5. MILEAGE ROAD 5.8 1.9 1.2 1.3 0.8 2.2 2.1 0.6 Road between Concessions II and III between Road 8 and Road 14 (Road 9 extension) . Road between Lots 4 and 5 in Concessions I and II, f rom County Road 18 to Middlesex Count" Line (Road 20 extension). Road between Lots 33 and 34, south side Talbot R0ad East Branch (Road 45 extension). Road between Concessions "C" and "D",Wellington Road to Bostick Road, and the Bostick Road opposite Lot 41 east side of Talbot Road North Branch. Road from Kain's Bridge to the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Yards. R~ad between Concessions V and VI, west of County Road 22 (Road 45 extension). Road between Lots 7 and 8 between Reads 24 and 27 - Road 22 S.A. (Fairview Avenue extension). Road between Concessions VII and VIII opposite Lots 9 and 10 (Elm Street). ~1UN!CIPALITY Dunwich Southwold , Southwold Southwo1d Southwold and Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth 1.1 Road between Lots 10 and 11 in Yarmouth Concession VIII, (Centennial Avenue) . 1.6 Edgeware Road from the Road between Yarmouth Lots 4 and 5 westerly to Road 25 S.A. 7.6 Road between Range II north of the Yarmouth Edgeware Road and Concession X from Road 25 S.A. to the Road between Lots 20 and 21. 0.8 Road between Lots 4 and 5 from Yarmouth St. Thomas north boundary to the Road between Range II north of the Edgeware Road and Concession X. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION, 1905 5. (d) cont rd. MILEAGE R()AD 4.1 Townlina Road between the Tnwnships of South Dorchester and Malahide- and Yarmouth east of King's Highway #73 to the Road between Lots 20 and 21, in the Concession X, Township of Yarmouth. 0.4 Beech Street from Elm Street to King's Highway #73. 4.2 Townline and Road used in lieu of the Townline from .,Road 38 to Road 45. 3.6 Road between Concession IV and V, east of King's Highway #19 to Houghton Townline. 2 2.7 net Townline'Road between Concessions Iv and V, Township of Bayham to Road 42. TOTAL MILEAGE: 42.0 :'1 - 5 - MUNICIPALITY South Dorchester, r1alahide and Yarmouth Aylmer Malahide and Bayham Bayham Bavham ,md Houghton (e) that a mill rate of 12 mills based on the County Equalized Assessment is necessary to reduce the present backlog of construction needs by approximately 45 per cent in 10 years. 5. The County's share of the present construction backlog is estimated at approximately $4,000,000. The County's share of this present backlog plus future deficiencies; normal maintenance, new machinery, overhead, etc. for the next 10 years totals approximately $9.300.000. Even with the projected assessment growth, it will take approximately 8.8 mills to keep the backlog from increasing over $4,000,000 and it will take approximately 15.5 mills to completely eliminate the backlog. The Committee feels that it is desirable to cut this backlog by approximately 45 per cent in the next 10 years. ALL OF 'liTHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAlmllAN ';L ...__ '~i~ _.__._~ .to 2.0UNT'J: - Qf ~gW!. DE'lELO-' RO,D *,,92 - <;'lDRT'! Ro<LZlo HOT MIX !>.SPW...:LT p{;'VINQ. - INFORMATlON TO Bl'DDERS. ~ i. l,lST Or DocuM$NTi?.- - In,or",t10n to Bidd"" (thi> ,hMt1 1. Tender conditions, .,n,,.l e,ndition' ,nd e,nditi,n' <pplyin. t~ IndiVidual Tender Items. Tender Form and Envelope. coun~1 Map, z. ,. 2. .ORK eONS1S'S .' ,nW'yi"" ,ad 1"'" of h.t .i' "pMlt p..,mont __ --,n .,unt1 R"d 24. D,.ol.pm,nt R"d #692. in th' ,.."hiP' of 1~,.0"'h "d """,hid', ,,8 mileo in length. ,lllIDERS .ill "' r",i". W th' Dnd,r'iI!n'd until -- ~ 4. 5. 3. JUNE'l6'1'lk 1965. 4. PDR'"'' "NPO~.'"0li ." b' .b"in'. ,rom th' undor,iOn,d. _ ""ph.n' NOi 6,1.5,,0, St. 'ho"" 10;00 [...11\. tE.D.S. T. R.G. MOORE, P. ENG.! CoUNT'J: ENGINEER, coUNT"! OF ]:,1>011', coURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. 'tENDER CO~D1't10NS v .' , . ""."", tUS COuntY E.gineer ,t biO 1. ~,J&l T!!@J?,R~ ."R,": i~'~':.V co",~ "",,, until . _~_I"\('\ h,~" 't) J\J~E 6'Trl. lq6?< ~. \~.V,0" d in """'on" _ided. b1 ,US ,"1 BIDS "",t us on tb' fo""~ ,n ,,,rti"'" ch"ue .",hle to 2. ~""t1 ,nd he ",omn,n"d 01 "in in tbe ~m<>unt of ," tbe ","""",,, of tb' 'o""'1r'" TO't, den""it ,ill be rel",ed .er ,ent of tbe 'eot" t'~d 'bv' tUS '" ,,,,,,,,,, T.nd erer. .USn , contr"t ",'Cn, " . ' "" . ,on;r,'t ,nd no,t . 100 n,r . , Tlf' SUCcE5SFUL TElID,oER ""'~ "gn ~e"cn"ed Bondi"" '6<'-.,n1 dO''' ,. ,,,,t er """n" ond rom' ont'rib .itb,," 10 de,' of bHn~ _' pu"ne" in tUS ?r",n" of , 1 Tend..... SM'"d h' f,,' notifi,dtb,t he i' tb' ,u"e~itube r6rfeited to tb~ count1 to do ,0. '" tender 'be~u'~~t1 fer d,"'" "ust"n,d. of.JJ..,n to "rone,>",t' " '. . n<\ 1.00 percent 'liIater'l.a1. a " TIlE $U,CRSS'1)1. =R."" pt ,1" :~~i,' b' .,de to ,tl ""."Y'" . La ,," on '0 ."ur' .,1"" ~b,ir ampl"'" ,nd to ", ,nd to ,11 ,ub_,on,,'''o'' ~dd b' tb' "ntr"tAr ,or ,b'.. supp:Liere of mater'l.e.:L5 sup'? 'l.6 ' ,on"'"'' .1 1- n9 . . . . , tb' .o" ",mine ,1 .' ' , :l!'" co~9JOl\ ~b"l vt,i' 't' ~;.~'h" bi."lf .,,' ,tl eOndition' o! " . ,n ,"peei'''''''''' en " ' . the .or'. " :L'ghtS barriQ~des, f1.a~en, 6 "'" c<l~ .ill ,,,,niOb ~).1 tho o.,-"iOn of the C,un" '" the . ~gn" ,t.., n,.""r1~' ,nd tho .,fe" " the ."k. .r""",,,ti'O ,f the tee ,0 ..,. ,b ri"d b" tb' .coun" 'OlllT" ~01\K ,ill p'. ,).10'''' u"'os. eU .' . 7. ~ in ..i"n.. . .'u, it"'" .' .ork . . f" ~:t",rm'l.ng; the varj"" 8. l\10D'"i,'l::':;.~:.' ~ b~1' b,"~,.uir '" M,~~~b .:;tt.'~~t,5 ...bi'er'!' ._irig, (,) th'''' .':,~';,i::';,~';,l' ,or tb' l""'toS~1 V10~e lent ,nd otb.r ",,,,,, ' .,,,,,. tb' eOn <2"" ~nd (.) fin.n"" r.,~ur'" t~,~~t tb' t.nd,r of ,n1 ,:,:,.~1 ,~~~";,h~;' ~';.~;~~{i ':~ ,~o~;,:e,.~,~~i ;~:,.~jn,~ '~~ ..,'k' ,."",.", ,T ,;US e""f~~ibit 'Ub_eO,,,,"i""o" ,.'it~O~t') (T'" 'laU'hJ'~;'b~~,ntr""''' "uot he ,.P"" p1 'be."""" " . '1.6 . ' he t",d" ,itl "'" 9 )$l UllB,.LI"eED UlD .r' ,,,,,,i,,,,$1on 0 t . t , ,," er to ro;""'"" .,' .. r'C\:y,:'ima'te11 'tbe 1.0'th of ,the 10 )jlQG",,"S ~ .$ be :'1',~ ~~~k dO"' .",.i"" the ."">OU' . .ont ,or ." eOn 0 . be m,de 60 d01' ,fto' . ,.,nth . Compl'" F' '^""" .,11 t . fied b1 th' ,_ ."",,,,,,,r. """"letion ,f tbe ~ork " ,ar ' . d tbe f Sept""'o, "Sh, ,96~. ~QG , 11 ,,1Il ~ORK .US' be ,,,,,plet'" US ~.. t\ e count1 ,f "",in ~ '. ~tr"tor ""ee' to 1'" ,0 ~r d01 tpat "eb item 0 t e ",uid,ted d,,,,g" .er ;' ,en ,ftor tUS dOt" ,M"d. Of)"or,rac\; ".",Tf\Fl;tlP >-"co,",'" p. e 92],~!f 01 ELQ1]. nE'lllLOF"''''' RO,.D 69Z - 00"'''' .OhD '" rlOT 1Jt1.1:.. r.S1'BJ.L'f l' t:'J1~G \ "",. .. 1-2. ""' CON~,C,"R i' co "rr1 ~orkmeo" CO""'o"Ci~O 1n~r'o,e ood __ "herd "rC1 Li'biliC1 10,,"'00' CO ch' "cc""tCOO 0' the county. l3. NO o'POS1]l i' r,qui,ed ,or th' pl'O' ,od ,p'Oif1,'tiOO" - l4. !fW'S~ or "N1 "'NDEli not 0"""r1l1 ""pC,d. TENDER CONDITIONS \COUt,iuued) Page Z aUNT"! OF ELGIN - ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN DEVELOPMENT ROf.D 11-692 - COUNTY ROAD 2lf HOT MIX f,SPH/cLT P!.VING GENERH CONDITIONS f,ND CONDITIONS i,PPLYING TO INDIVIDUAL TENDER ITEMS. 1. THE ONTARIO Department of Highways Specification General Condition of' Contract Form 100, Revised j.pril 1964, shall apply to this Contract (including truck haul rates) reading "County of Elginl1 for l1Ontario Department of Highways", and except for the following changes: 101...9 +01-11 104-1 106-3 107-2 107-4 107-5 108-4 108-6 108-7 108-9 Department - Substitute Corporation, meaning the Corporation of the County of Elgin; Engineer - means the Engineer engaged bv the municipal- ity to supervise the work; Paragraph 2 - The contractor shall give notice in the form prescribed b" the Corporation to the Engineer; Her Majestv the Queen in right of'Ontario is not to be included as an additional insured, substitute County of Elgin; For Minister, substitute County Engineer; For Minister, substitute County Engineer; ( For Degislature, substitute County Engineer; Equipment Rental to be at BO% of Form 527, D.H.O. Schedule of Rental Rates; Omit first paragraph. Omit third paragraph excepting the first sentence thereof; Omit; For Department of Highways, read Corporation. HOT MIX ASPHALT H.L. 4 shall conform, shall be applied and shall be protected in strict accordance with the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways Specification Form 310, latest Revision, except for Special Specifications for Compaction, which are attached. 2. THE CONTR~CTOR shall furnish all equipment, labour and materials (except asphalt) necessary to perform the work. THE ONTJ,RIO Department of Highways acting on behalf of the County of Elgin will furnish 85/100 penetration asphalt at the Imperial Oil Company Limited p+ant at Sarnia. Pickup and haulage to the Contractor's asphalt plant of the asphalt will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 5. THE COUNTY of Elgin wHl. design the mix and the Contractor shall supply any material, analysis of the aggregates, etc. necessary to facilitate the designing of the mix. All material must be approved before work commences. 3. h/;l COUNTY OF ELGIN GENERAL CONDITIONS - (cont'd.) Page 2 6. THE WORK consists of supplying and laying H.L. 4 Hot Mix ~sphalt Pavement on Development Road #692 being County Road 24 from Highway #73 to County Road 36. The width of pavement is tn be 22 feet and is to be laid over the existing Surface Treatment (following the stake line as provided by the County). The depth of the pavement is to be 2 inches compacted. The work also includes the paving of 3 intersections on County Road 24, al follows: (1) the intersection of County Road 36, (2) the intersection with the Township of Yarmouth Road between Concessions I and II and (3) the intersection of the Road built in Lots 23 & 24. The contractor shall as part of'his contract sweep the existing road clean of any dirt, stone or other loose material before placing the Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement. 7. THE COUNTY of Elgin will provide line stakes at suitable offsets on one side every 100 feet on tangent, 50 feet on curves and 25 feet on channelizations. Additional stakes are the responsibility of the contractor, e. PAYMENT will be made according to the unit pri~e based on quantities shown on approved weight tickets only. 9. NO OVERLOADING will be tolerated, and loads in excess of legal ~imits will not be weighed. R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMf,S, ONnRIO. COUNTY OF ELGIN DEVELOPMENT ROJ.D ll.692 - COUNTY RO!.D 24 HOT 11IX f.SPHf.LT Pf.VING GENERH CONDITIONS - (continued) SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE COMPr.CTION (Supersedes ~ections 310-03-07 and Section 310-04-10 of D.H.a. Form #310, except suh-section 310-04-10, d, e, f, g, and h.) On this Contract, for the unit price bid per ton of hot mix, the Contractor shall supply and use compaction eouipment as hereinafter specified. CL/,SSIFIC/\ TlON OF COMPI.CTION UNITS. For purposes of this Special Provision, compacting units shall be classified into four categories, as follows:- Class llilll - Steel tired tandem or three wheel. roller, weighing at least 10 tons and exerting a pressure on the compression roll of at least 250 pounds per lineal inch. Class "Ell - Steel tired tandem roller weighing at least e tons and exerting a pressure on the compression roll of at least 200 pounds per lineal inch. Class "C" -Self-propelled penumatic :hired roller meeting requirements of Column I, Tablt I, and exerting a minimum wheel load when operating of 2000 pounds. Class "Dll - Self-propelled pneumatic tired roller meeting requirements of Column II, Talbot I, and exerting a minimum wheel load when operating Of BOOO pounds. REQUIREMENTS FOR ~LL ROLLERS. 1\11 rollers shall be in good condition and capable of reversing without backlash. They shall be operated hy competent and experienced operators. hll rollers must be weighed and if required, ballasted, at the beginning of eAch contract, And in addition, whenever required by the Engineer. REQUIRE]reNTS FOR STEEL-TIRED ROLLERS. Steel-tired ro+lers shall be such that they comply with the follow~ ing requirements:- (a) To prevent adhesion of asphalt mix to the roller, the rolls ShAll be kept moistened, but excess water will not be permitted. (b) The rear rolls of three-wheel rollers shall each be not less than 18" in width. (c) The rolls of tandem rollers shall be not less than 5011 in width. (d) Operating speed shall not exceed three (3) miles per hour and shall be slow enough to avoid displacement of the mix. REQUIREMENTS FOR PNEUllj,TIC-TIRED ROLLERS. All pneumstic-tired rollers used shall be self-propelled and shall meet the requirements of either Column I or Column II of TAble I below. They shall be so constructed that wheels on either the front or back end shall oscillate either independently or in pairs. Tire inflation press- ure shall be 50 p.s.i. when the tires are cold, for all pneumatic-tired rollers. Skirts or windbreaks ShAll be provided to protect tires from cooling effects of atmospheric conditions. Each roller shall be equipped COUNTY OF ELGU: _ GENERn CONDITIOnS - IjEVELOPMENT ROf,D #692 - .. .'. -- COUNTY RO;,D 24, - HOT ]\U}[ ;,SPH,',LT Pi.VING ;:, SPECEL PROVISIONS RE cmfi,Pf CTION - (continued) at all times with a truck tire pressure gauge for checking tire inflation pressure. Ballast material shall be 1Net sand 'Olus concentrilted b81last if required. ' Tf,BLE I _ SIZES OF PNEID'iLTIC-'::IRED ROLLERS \ \ \ Minimum Veight 1Ni'th (pounds) REQUIREl'iENTS ,~~I plass nc" Roller Column II Cla-es nD" Roller Minil,lUm wheel load 1tJith full ballast (pounds) 2,000 56,000 13.00 x 24 \ 18 ply 8,000 . Ballast i 18,000 Minimum Tire Size 7.50 x 15 6 ply REQUIREMENTS FOR NUMBER OF COMPl;CTING UNITS - - The Contractor shilll supply and use the number of compacting units in the sequence as specified in Table II. TtBLE II _ NUMBER OF r,OMPLCTING UNITS - ~ - ROLLERS FOR EllCH PUR OF PLVERS USED IN ECHELON 2 _ ClilsS "A" Rollers - - -' - - - ... - I J\SPHI,LT pJ,.f,NT \ eItaER OF ,MINIMUM NUMBER HOURLY \ OPERhTING ,. 1 PRODUCTION R'TE . SEQUENCE~FOR. ELCH pJ\VER " . USED SINGLY ..-- . Breakdown 1 - Class nJ\n ~o:]}1n~ _ _ . _ _ _ R2l!,e,r - - Intermediate. 1 - C18SS "C" 1 _ 125 tons I Rolling Roller OF 1 _ ClaSS "C" Roller - - - ... - - - - 1 _ Class nBll Roller ----- -- --------- Finishing \ 1 - ClasS "B" Rolling Roller \ 126 Breakdown Eo',blin€j - Intermediate Rolling 1 - ClasS "Je" Roller - - - - - - - - 2 _ ClasS nc" Rollers or 1 _ ClasS "Dn Roller ----...--.... 1 _ ClaSS nBn Roller 2 _ ClasS nt," _ _ _ _ _ ~01l~r~ _ 2 - Class "C" Rollers \ or 1 _ ClasS liD" \ Roller 1 _ ClasS "B" Roller - I- tons ... ... - - - Finishing Rolling ~ ^ COUNTY OF ELGIN ,;, GE1JERLL CONDITIONS" DEVELOPlmNT RO!.D 11692 COUNTY RO!.D 24 - HOT MIX ~SPH~LT P~VING _ SPECI!L PROVISIONS RE COl1P!.CTION - (continued) ilDDITION:',L ROLLERS When the air tempETature is below 500 F. the Contractor shall provide an extra roller in addition to those specified, when directed by the Engineer. This additional roller shall be a pneumatic-tired roller meeting the requirements of Column I, Table I, above. No additional payment will be considered for using this roller. In addition to, or in lieu of one or more of the minimum number of rollers as specified herein, if satisfactory compaction is not secured with the minimum number of rollers required, the Contractor, when directed by the Engineer, shall provide and employ a heavy self~propelled pneumatic-tired roller satisfying the requirements of Column II, Table I, above. For providing and employing this heavy roller, the Department will pay only a rental rate equal to a reasonable rental rate for the heavy roller minus a reasonable rental for the roller or rollers, if any, for which the heavy roller was substituted; plus the actual cost of transporting this heavy roller to and from the project site. COMP!.CTION PROCEDURE Normally, rollers shall operate with the drive wheel forward in the direction of paving. Breakdown Rolling: The mixture shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted as soon after placing as it will bear the roller without checking or undue dis- placement. Rolling shall start longitudinally at the lower edge and proceed tovlard the higher edge of the course, overlapping on successive trips. ~lternate trips of the roller shall be different lengths. Intermediate Rolling: The intermediate roller should follow the breakdown roller as close- ly as possible. Passes shall be so arranged as to ensure overlapping successive tire paths. The Contractor shall be responsible, for the unit price bid, for ensuring the tires are sufficiently hot at the commence- ment'of paving to prevent pick-up of mix, by operating the roller in hot sand, or by any other method satisfactory to the Engineer. Finishing Rollin~: Finish rolling shall be accomplished with the minimum number of passes required to produce a satisfactory surface. Finish rolling shall start longitudinally at the higher edge and proceed toward the lower edge. In all cases, mix production and placing shall be controlled so that all rolling shall be completed before sunset. COUNT1 OF BLGIN -- - goU NT1.-, J;\01>D _3!i FflllING ~--- DElJELOPl4ENT ROLD 1f6cg HOT lUX t,SPHtLL T TENDER FOB]l\. - - TO THE CHf,IRJy!X,N f,ND 1@\'BERS OF THE COONTY OF llLCI. ROI,O CO]"'lTT"''' ll,m h'vO e.,mined'h' 3P,'ifi,,'ion, fo' ,unPlyin" ,h' ,.",i'" end }Eyin< hot mi', hot ',id "ph,l' p,vem,n' on County Ro,d ,., ,nd h,Ve e.,mined ,he ,i" of ,he no,k end ful'Y und"",nd ,h' ~ork to be done. l~m herebY ,g'" '0 ,unPll ,11 m""i'" ,p,'ifi,d ,nd ,hell ,onpl'" ,11 no,k bY S,p"mh,r 15'h, 1965, ,nd ,g'" to pel to th' County of Elgin $100.00 p" "l,nd" d'Y, " liquid,,'d d'''''' ",h d" ,h' ,on",ot ,..,in, inoompl'" ,ft" ,hi' ,im' , -- hmount Item Unit of Measurement --- Unit Price h'PproiCimate Quantity -- ~ -"--; 6,000 --- ...- ~-- -- H.L. 4 Ton - ---- ---- TOTJcL~ -- ---- cheQue made payable to the for 10 per cent of the amount bid, Dollars. -- I/~E enclose a certifie4 Treasurer of the county of Elgin, being "",OST 0' ^'" TENDER no' n",,,enilY "oon'''' , -- - CONTRhCTOR -- l'cDDRESS - 'liJITNESS Df,'tE - TELEPHONE 1.'1UMBER for 0 0 . in , bond tot,lling en' hundr,d per o,nt l100%) of th' oentr,ot ,.eunt, ,nd oenforming to the in,t""",nto ef thO oontr,ot ,tt,oh,d h,r,tO, for th' full ,nd dU' perfor.,no, of th' .ork' ,hoWn ,0 d"orihOd ~'r,in, ,nd fer thO di,oh,rg' ef ,11 li'hiliti" inourr,d fer l,heur, .,tori'l" er ,'r'iO" u"d, if th' t,nd,r for liot MiZ "ph,lt p,ying on County Ro,d 24 lu,v,lopm,nt Re,d 11692) i' ,oo,pt,d by th' County ef Elgin. WE, thO unde"ign'd, h",b" ,gr" to b'oo.' bound " ,u"t1 f,GREEt~ENT - - TO BOND -- . . . , . , . . I> . . .. I> , , , . .. I> .. 0 ~ 10 .. , . , . It i' , oonditien of thi' ,gr".ont th,t, if tb' ,boV' .,ntion'd t,nd,r i' ,oo,pt,d, ,ppli"tiOn for , porformant' bond ouot b' .,d' to tb' und,r,igned .ithin ten llO) ,"y' of noei" of oontreoe ,werd. Oth,,,i,e ehi' ,gr"m,nt ,bell be null ,nd void. PI,TEP thi' . . . . . .de1 of . . . . . . . . . . .19 . . . . 0 0 NLME OF BONDING COMPLNY .. p " .. " 0 .. <r 10 " . . . . ' BY:' 0 ' . ' . ' , , , , . . . ' . . . . J:rTORNE1- IN_FLCT lThi' form i' eo be ,ign,d bv th' Bonding companv ,nd return'd,_ieh the contr,eeor" bid or th' contr"tor" bid will not b' oon"d,r'd by the county of Elgin,) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 16TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court. House in conjunction with the County Council. THE TENDERS for the Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on Development Road #692 (County Road 24) were opened and were as follows: 1. WALMSLEY BROTHERS LIMITED Commissioners Road East, Rural Route NO.8, London, Ontario. $27,300.00 2. Towland Construction Limited, Second Street, London, Ontario. $34,080.00 3. Riverside Construction Co. Ltd., Hamilton Road? London, Ontarlo. $34,380.00 4. Sterling Construction Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 340, Windsor, Ontario. $42,000.00 I, 5. A. Cope & Sons Limited, 29 St. Julien Street, London, Onl;ario. $48,000.00 THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: Moved By C.N. CLARKE Seconded By J.B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROTHERS LIMITED, LONDON, IN THE AMOUNT OF $27,300.00 FOR ASPHALT PAVING ON DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF D.H.O. ~ , CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned until Thursday, July 8th, 1965 at 10:00 a.m. A~k~u/ CHAIRMAN ST. THO~MS, ONTARIO, JUNE 10TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~1ITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. ~~ approved. THE MINUTES of the May 11th meeting were read and 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. n. 12. ------'\ 13. 14. 15. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: Grading was underway on County Road 44. Surface Treatment work had been started in East Elgin. County Roads 6 and 42 had been primed in preparation for paving. Watters Bros. Construction were placing mulch gravel on County Road 42. Approximately 2/3 of the paved roads in the County had been centre lined. A. Cope & Sons Limited, London, had completed their contract for Hot Mix Paving in Aylmer and gravel shouldering and top soil was underway. Fencing was being carried on along Development Road #785. Culvert Maintenance had been carried_out on County Roads 40, 42, 48, 50 and 51 and work would be done on County Roads 36 and 45 in the next week. Gravel resurfacing on County Roads 35 and 45 had been completed. Some gravel had been placed on County Road 16 and priming work would take place later in the month. Dust Control work h ad been completed. Two Pickup Trucks had been rented, one from Thompson Trucking and one from Jack Brooks Motors. No bridge painting was planned as it appeared that there would be no funds available. Land Purchase was in progress on County Road 45. It was planned to start culvert construction on County Road 9 shortly. Surveys were being done at the Mapleton and McNeil Bridges on County Road 50. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 10TH, 1965. 15. The concrete culvert on County Road 12, Rapelje Tolman Drain, would be designed shortly. ~-'" 16. Mr. L.G. Soderman of the H. Golden Association had been engaged as consultant on soil problems at Stalter Gully. 17. Tenders for Hot Mix Paving on Development Road #692 would close on June 16th, 1965. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON G.E. BROWN THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #15 - $2,230.32; PAYLIST #16 - $11,972.91; PAYLIST #17 - $63,560.80 AND P/L #17 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 - $239.25. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: 1. Frank Cowan Company Limited of Princeton, enclosing weed spray liability policy for 1965. 2. Canadian Pacific Railway Company sta-Ging t hat they had no objections to the erection of signals on County Road 37 if costs were proportioned in the usual formulae by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada. 3. Ontari.o Department of Highways approving the County's Normal and Supplementary Road Expenditure By-laws. h. Ontario Department of Highways approving the purchase of the Jaeger Air Compressor. --------- , THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RECOMr~END TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES BE CONSIDERED PERMANENT FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CO~~ISSION PURPOSES: GARY GORDON AND FRANK JONES. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JUNE 10TH, 1965. LAND PURCHASE problems were discussed. (a) on County Road 20, Carlaw Road, in Port Stanley re the British-American Oil Company. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD C.N. CLARKE THAT WE PAY THE BRITISH-AMERICAN OIL COMPANY THE SUM OF $426.00 FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.379 ACRES EXPROPRIATED BY REGISTERED PLAN D820 TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD 20 IN PORT STANLEY. CARRIED. IT WAS DECIDED to pay Alexander Lackey, County Road 16, in the Township of Dunwich, for the apple trees left on the outside of the fence erected (5 trees at $15.00 each). THE ENGINEER stated that the Canada Trust Company had been empowered to negotiate with regards to a settlement for the Benson Property on County Road 24. AFTER DISCUSSION the following resolution was passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN J .B. WILSON --------, THAT REEVE PHILLIPS AND THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO ARRANGE A SETTLEMENT WITH THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY FOR THE PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED FROM THE BENSONS FOR COUNTY ROAD 24 BY REGISTERED PLAN D769 AND REGISTERED PLAN R1287. CARRIED. Tlffi MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER arrangements for the Canadian Good Roads Association Convention in Saskatoon were discussed. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO,. JUNE 10TH, 1965. THE ENGINEER presented a report on the need of a Two-Way Mobile Radio System in the county. ------ MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A TWO-WAY MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM. CARRIED. THE NEEDS Study Committee presented their report on th' total "timat,d ""t 0' ,onstru,tion and maint,nan,' 'or tho o,"t 10 1,ar' and r"ommend,d that th' ba,klog 0' work ,hould ba radu"d b1 sppro"inOt"Y 45 par ,ent during tha ,tndy p,riod. After discussion the following resolution waS passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A MILL RATE OF 12 MILLS BASED ON THE COUNTY EQUALIZED ASSESS}ffiNT IS NECESSARY TO REDUCE THE BACKLOG BY 45PER CENT IN 10 YEARS. CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J .B. ~rILSON G.E. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL THURSDAY, JULY 8TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~', ~ ~~/ ... d1RifVI1 nM^N r.HIl.IlU,lft ..,. COUNTY OF ELGIN MODEL 125 C.F.M. ROTARY AIR COMPRESSOR TENDERS (NET RRICE INCLUDING SALES TAX) 1. GENERAL SUPPLY COMPANY OF CANADA LnUTED, Islington. Jaeger Model 125 $5,066.57 2. LOVE & McDOUGALL LIMITED, Toronto. Canadian Broomwade ~m.138 $5,119.10 Ingersoll Road Model GR13-125 (Single Stage Only)$5,150.00 3. DRAKE-ROBINSON-VICARY LTD., London. 4. CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION E~UIPMENT llolrnan Model (TORONTO) LIMITED, Toronto. :ae15 5. COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT LeRoi Model LIMITED, Toronto. 150RG2-E 6. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Consolidated COMPANY LIMITED, Toronto. Pneumatic 125-RO-2 , 7. M.L. BAXTER LIMITED, Gardner- Weston. Denver SP125G OTHER BIDS RECEIVED NOT MEETING SPECIFICATIONS:- 1. M.R. VINCENT LIMITED, Toronto. Jenback JW156 2. FEDERAL EQUIPMENT OF CANADA LIMITED, Toronto. JOY Model RP125G 3. RAY-GORDON LIMITED, Toronto. Schramm Model 125 Pneumopower $5,150.00 $5,516.68 $5,742.25 $5,917.70 $4,228.15 , $4,686.50 $5,716.50 COU!l!'Y OF gWIN Horm GG111.1IT'l'liJE ROAD TOUR APRIL 27/65 :L. I,Gsv., Court I-rouse .. 9: 00 A .14. '2. Ift.ry_ Itl. to ltoad 45 .. proposed extension ,\<1\$8t,. 3. Concession V. Ya1'l'llouth .. propolled O(mnty Rotld .. H..l'Y' 114 to Road 22. 4. Relld 22 to !load 27. 5. Proposed extension .ltoad 22 from Road 27 to Road 24. 6. Road 27 .. Union tc, ~~p"rta .. propol5ed construction, 1966. 7. HOl:l,ds .36 &. 2/, to Port Bruce.. Development Hoad ~!692. tl.'Road 1~2 .. lb,;y 73 to Road 40 .. Pt'opoaed construction.. 1967. 9. Road 42 to Road 43. 10. J1,QI',ld 43 to Calton. 11. I':r-opoi.led County noed .. Calton to Richlllond, em Road 3$. 12. nOlle! 38 to Hwy. fila 13. RO!'ld I.;l, .. l~den Head. .. construction 1965 - Shepherd house, ll,. Itlqy. I} 19 to Homi It,. 15. I)iWeloplllent Hoad 11785 (pl'ojlosed County H.oed). 16. Houghton-Bay-ham Townline - proposed Countylto'ld (joi.nt with Norfolk County.) 17. County !load 4-2 to Port 13\\rI'1611. DINNER. 18. 19. .. 20. <:>1 f." . 22. 2;1. 21" 25. 26. 27. 2$. ,29. 30. 31. 32. , , It.y. #19 to Road 45. ttoad 1.5 to Calton. Hoad 45 C!l.lton to Mount S!llem - construction, 1965. 1 · Road 40 8: no~n:l. 45 t01\1Y, ii73. 1~1111 l$i:;r;f:l(ilt Aylmer. Beech Htrel1lt, Aylmer" proposed County Rot~d. Road 52 to Springfield. Road 52 sasto:f' Spt'ingfield, construction 1965, proposed roversion. Road 54 " proposed reversion. ltoad M:l. Itoad 51 " proposed reversion. need 50 - proposed reversion. Road 52 .Neat of' llwy. 1173 .. proposed ItliJsumpt:lon to Hand 30 S.A. St. Thomas Hy..pans. n~1Ck 1;0 Gourt HaU1Sl'h ~. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11TH, 1965. House at 10:00 a.m. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT were Mr. T.a. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, London, and Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the April 13th and April 23rd meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Mr. Norman J. Chaplow and Mr. Arthur Gordon had assumed their new positions and things were working out quite well. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. !~ 9. 10. 11. Gravel Resurfacing on County Road 3j( and 45 would be completed by Watters Bros. Construction by the weekend. County trucks had applied a considerable amount of gravel on County Road 45 west of County Road 36. Application of Calcium Chloride on gravel roads was well underway. The new Ford Pickup Truck had been received. Hard Surfaced Roads were being patched regularly with the worst problems on County Road 20 south of Fingal and on County Roads 27, 47 and 48. The concrete crew was engaged in replacing walks at the Court House. A considerable number of trees had been set out on new grading. Culvert Maintenance Work was being carried out in various locations. Fencing Work was continuing on County Road 44 and would be started shortly on Development Road #785. Priming would start next week on County Roads 6, 16 and 42.. A. Cope & Sons Limited, contractor for the Hot Mix Pavement Work in Aylmer, would start in about 10 days. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, O~TARIO, MAY 11TH, 1965. 12. Surface Treatment would start June 7th and an Etnyre Chip Spreader at a rental rate of $1650.00 per month rented from the General Supply Company Limited of Toronto. ~~~ 13. Removal of stumps had started on County Road hh and grading would start shortly. Ih. A new steel broom core had been purchased from the Canadian Wire Brush Company, Barrie, Ontario. 15. Centre Line Marking would be started later in the month. 16. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada had been granted permission to bury cable on various County Roads in the Township of Southwold in the Fingal and Shedden Telephone Exchange Areas. REEVE CHARLES D. PHILLIPS and the County Engineer reported re property purchase from Mr. G.A. Shepherd on County Road hh. Reeve Phillips stating that a settlement of $7,600.00 had been reached for the necessary land needed and for Mr. Shepherd's house. THE FOLLOWII'G resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON D.C. LEITCH THAT WE PAY MR. G.A. SHEPHERD THE SUM OF SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($7,600.00) FOR HIS HOUSE AND LAND NEEDED FRm~ LOT 16, CONCESSION IX, BAYHAM, TO WIDEN COUNTY ROAD h4 AS PER THE AGREEMENT OF MAY 7TH, 1965 MADE BY REEVE PHILLIPS AND THE COUNTY ENGINEER. CARRIED. ----.., MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD C.N. CLARKE THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #12 - $1,705.08; PAYLIST #13 - $10,818.53; PAYLIST #14 - $31,341.95 AND PAYLIST #lh DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 - $24.85. CARRIED. ST. THOMAS, ONT1\RIO! MAY 11TH, 1965. gGE 3 1. Me. H.C. Derni.r, Di,tri,t Engin.,r, Lnndon - (al approving grav" ,ru,bing ,.ard' tn Watter' Broa. and JohnSon sand and Gravel, (b) approving Hot MiX Paving on eounty Road " in th' T""n of Ay",er, ..ard tn A. eop' "son' "",ited, !ftndon, ,. ,M9..?'" (,) approving p",,,h'" of a ..tor,:..,t"'" td) approving purchase of a chain saW, (, 1 approving p",'ha" of a M.F.l3' Tr"tor and ",,,r, and (f) ,tatin< that bOrr"" for Road constru,tion on County Road 19 ,ould not b. obt'in,d from the ontario Dep,rtm,nt of HighWay' right.of.wa1 at King" HighWa1 #,01. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: 2. Mr. p.D. Patterson - ,t,tin< that tha D.v,lOP',nt Road d.aignation of County Road 39 had been revoked. ,. Me. T.S, caldw.ll, Di,tri,t Moni'ipal Engin,.r, iondon - ,tatin< that thO OntariO D",.rtm.nt of OntoriO wonld a gr" to tho pl""".ot of 2 in,b" of Hot Mis Paveamnt 00 Dev.lopm,nt Road #692 and "king thO CountY to ,,11 tond.rs in June for thiS pavement. MO'iED B1 C.E. DROWN SECONDED", N.C. TUFfORD TH" TIlE "cINEER J)E 1'1Al'DlIEIW TO CAii TENDERS iOR UOT .11 PaVINO ON DEVEL01'ME" NOAO #692 (UIO"''' #73 TO COUNTY R01\D 36). C1\RRIED . -~' CORRESPONDENCE w" read ,ro~ Mr. J. MoN.ir of thO eon.t,u,tiOn Safety Bran,h of thO oepartment of LabOue r' thO .ppointm.nt of a conetru,tiOn Safety In,p.ntor. AFTER DISCUSSION the following r..olution' w.r. passed~ PAGt'. 1+ ~. ST. TH01AAS, ONTARIO, 1AA1 11TH, 1965. G.N. TUFFORD G . E. 13ROvn-1 MOVED 131 SECONDt'.D 131 ",>, .. ]ll\coJOlEl'D '!<l TIlE CoUllT1 COUNCIL TMT ,. J. c""LOW BE "POINTED CONSTRUCTIO' sAf.'fi INsrEC'!<lR VOR TI1Il CoUllT1 OV ",,eIN. CARRIED. 13' D.C. LE"CB MOVED ~ , J.B. WILSON SECONDED 13~ ' TMT 1\lE 5>1>\1' oV ,.J. aMPLOW BE $6.000.00 pER ANNm< ER,'EC"""E ",,1 1ST. 1965 AND â„¢ T 1ffiE' \IE 15 ,PPoINTED TO ,,, pOSITION oV S'VE'fi 1,SPEC'!<lR THAT TBE S,LARl BE 'PIORTI0",D 3/4 '!<l COUNT! RO,D D">\IT,,,"T \RE HIS OUTlES " ,SSlsTANT '!<l T\IE CoUNT1 ENGINEER) ,WD 1/4 ,5 co,STRUCT10N S'VET! INSPECTOR. CARRIED. , "SOLOTIO' fro' ,h' TO,,"'h1P of uayh'" "kin' ,ha' ,he coun" of "gin ,up'''''''' "n,<ru,d" ,f """l'P.',;o RMd 117M w" toned until later in the day. r"d. Di"u,aion ,n ,b' .-",r wa' p" P THE ~t'.TING adjOurned for dinner. James ChaploW had $6.00 per hOur. ,VTBH DINNER ,b' En.1n"r r,VOr"d ,ba' r'9U""d an in,r,a" in ,b,v,l r'" fro. $5.00 '0 TuB FOLLO,",G r",lU'i,n .a' va",d' MOVED 131 SECO~mED 131 THAT THE SHOVEL RATE 01" RAISED TO $6.00 pER HOUR. J .13. 'IlILSON C.N. CL!\RK'E. JP-~S cnP-PLO'll Bt'. CARRIt'.D. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO, MA"I ntH, 1965. PAGE 5 THE ENGIHEER wa' in,trt,ted to ,ng'.' , Soil' Gon,Utt,nt for ,oil inv.,ti.'tiOn ,t St,lter oullY Bridge on Gounty Boad .2. TENDEnS re,'ived for the Air compre"or. onened bY the .,rden and Chairman on May .th. were a' ,tta,hed. THE FOLLOWING resolution waS passed~ ,"NED B1 N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED B1 G.B. B1\O"N TllAT THE TENDER OF O""Mi sUrFiT CO,",A" OF cAN'O' iD'ITllD FOR A JAEGER >IODF,i 12, AIR CO","SSOR BB AC"PTED AT TERIR TENDERED pRIGE OF $5.066.57 (INCiUDING SAiES TAXl WITB TIlE COONTY'S ARPIC COMPRESSOR AS ,Tll,DE.IN . Ail. SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ONTARIO DEY""""NT OF HIG",ns. CARRIED. " ",E ENerNEER reviewed ,,,,,...r.reatm,nt pI"" and ,tat'd th,t rund' budgeted alloWed for anoroXima"elY )0 MI1.ES OF >;1ORK AND li,t the work he had tentatiV'"Y planned to dO. THE EllGIIlEER reoort'" that h' wa' ,.._tin. to find out at what atage the ontariO Denartment of Hi"""'Y' ol.n' .,re .ith reg,rd to che Fort """well Brid" and hOn'" to h,ve in,,,mation for the next meeting;. ,.E PEEPS STUPY co.Drdinatin< comOittee reported ,t len.th and che .'nute. 0' cheir no,c,ng 0' Ma1 .th w,re read and diSCUssed. ,'ter ,onsid,rable di"",,ion re the D,'ir'ble County Ro.d 51St" ,nd the re,"""nded ,ddition' and d,let,ons cherato. to cran,for< thS pr.,.nt County S"c" into a pe'ir,ble 31,t", th' following; resolutions were passed~ ----'-', PAGE 6 MOVED BY SECONDED BY ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO~ MAY 11TH, 1965. N.G. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE DESIRABLE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM AS PROPOSED BY THE CONSULTANT BE ACCEPTED. -~-" MOVED BY SECONDED BY CARRIED. J.B. WILSON C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED REVERTING ALL PRESENT COUNTY ROADS NOT ON THE DESIRABLE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM TO THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES IN WHICH THEY LIE AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 1965. THE ROADS TO BE AS FOLLOWS: ROAD NO. MILEAGE FROM 5 3.25 Road 2 12 5.70 Road 8 15 1.70 Road 15A 17 2.20 net Hwy. #4 18 4.35 Road 14 50 4.90 Hwy. #73 51 4.8 Hwy. #73 52 2.75 Road 40 54 0.65 net Road 52 1/2 of Townline TO MUNICIPALITY Road 9 (Dunwich) Road 14 Dunwich-A1dborough Townline Dunwich Coyne Road Middlesex County Rd.#15 Concession II Delaware Dunwich Southwold Westminster & Delaware (County Line) Southwold Road 20 Hwy. #74 Yarmouth & South Dorchester Hwy. #74 Road 54 South Dorchester Springfield, Malahide & South Dorchester Brownsvil1e Rd. Dereham & South Dorchester (County Line) TOTAL MILEAGE: 30.3 WORK TO BE DONE ON THESE ROADS DURING 1965 OR 1966 AS FOLLOWS: -~ (a) Move Road back from Government Drain #1 North, and (b) Gravel approximately 3 miles - 3,000 tons. To be gravelled by contract, 1965. Road 5 Road 12 One concrete culvert 19 feet between railings. PAGE 7 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO" MAY 11TH, 1965. WORK TO BE DONE cont'd. --~. Roa d 17 Road 18 Gravel east of Highway 401, 1.8 miles - 2,000 tons. Surface Treatment, Lawrence Station (scheduled). Improve grade at railroad crossing in Lawrence Station. Minor ditching. Mapleton and McNeil Bridges and ditching around Road 15 Road 50 Road 51 Road 52 quarter Townline. Surface Treatment scheduled 1965. West of the New York Central Railroad Company. Surface Treatment scheduled in 1965. Road 54 East of the tracks, grade and gravel in present right- of-way. Work scheduled. Grade and gravel in present right-of-way from County Road 52 to Brownsville Road in conjunction with the County of Oxford. Check pipe Culvert and replace as necessary and repair and paint all guide rail. All Roads CARRIED. MOVED BY SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN J.B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEOOD TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED ASSUMING THE FOLLOWING ROADS AS COUNTY ROADS AS OF DECEMBER 31ST, 1965: MILEAGE ROAD MUNICIPALITY 5.8 Road between Concession II & III between Road 8 & Road 14 (Road 9 extension). Dunwich 1.9 1.2 Road between Lots 4 & 5 in Concessions I & II, from County Road 18 to Middle- sex County Line (Road 20 extension). Southwold Road between Lots 33 & 34, south side Talbot Road, East Branch (Road 45 extension). Southwold ~_?---., 1.3 Road between Concessions "C" & "'D", Wellington Road to Bostick Road, and the Bostick Road opposite Lot 41 east side of Talbot Road North Branch. Southwold PAGE 8 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11TH, 1965. ASSUMING THE FOLLOWING ROADS cont'd. MILEAGE 0.$ ROAD Road from Kain's Bridge to the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company Yards. ~ -~-' 2.2 Road between Concessions V and VI, west of County Road 22 (Road 45 extension). Road between Lots 7 and 8 between Roads 24 and 27, and Road 22 S.A. (Fairview Avenue extension). Road between Concessions VII and VIII opposite Lots 9 and 10, (Elm Street). 2.1 0.6 1.1 Road between Lots 10 and 11 in Concession VIII (Centennial Avenue) Edgeware Road from Road between Lots 4 and 5 westerly to Road 25 S.A. Road between Range II north of Edgeware Road and Concession X from Road 25 S.A. to Road between Lots 20 and 21. 1.6 7.6 0.8 Road between Lots 4 and 5 from St. Thomas north boundary to Road between Range II north of Edgeware Road and Concession X. 4.1 Townline Road between Township of South Dorchester and Malahide and Yarmouth east of Highway #73 to Road between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession X, Yarmouth. 0.4 Beech Street from Elm Street to Highway #73. 4.2 Townline and Road used in lieu of Townline from Road 38 to Road 45 3.6 Road between Concessions IV and V, east of Highway #19 to Houghton Townline 2.7 net Townline Road between Concessions IV and V, Bayham to Road 42. TOTAL MILEAGE: 42.0 ---..:..~, THE FOLLOWING resolutions were passed: MOVED BY SECONDED BY MUNIClr'ALITY Southwold & Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth South Dorchester, Malahide and Yarmouth Aylmer Malahide and Bayham Bayham Bayham and Houghton G.E. BROWN N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE COUNTY OF ELGIN SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROAD #785 FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM AS REQUESTED BY A TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM RESOLUTION OF APRIL 5TH, 1965. CARRIED. PAGE 9 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MAY 11TH, 1965. cr-'. MOVED BY SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH C.N. CLARKE THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN UNTIL JUNE 10TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~,.t.~,v CHAIRMAN ~---.... WARDSVILLE, OWrARIO, APRIL 23rd., 1965. -~, THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met in conjunction with the West Tour of County Roads, at the home of Gordon Woolner, Chairman, on County Road #6. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was N.J. Chaplow, Assistant Road Superintendent. RE1~E PHILLIPS and the Engineer reported on negot~ations to date re the removal of the Shepherd House on County Road 44, stating that it appeared cheaper to build a small house than to move the present one. Committee decided to view the house on the East Tour of County Roads. THE ENGINEER reported that Mr. N.J. Chaplow had agreed to accept the position of Land Purchase Agent and Construction Safety Inspector, in addition to his dutues as Assistant Road Superintend- ent, and that Mr. Arthur J. Gordon, a long-time employee of the County, had agreed to accept the position of General Foreman, assuming most of the present duties of Mr. Chaplow. AFTER DISCUSSION it was decided to leave the discussion of the appointment of Mr. Chaplow as Construction Safety Inspector, to a later date. MOVED BY: G. BROWN SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT MR. NORMAN CHAPLOW BE APPOINTED TO THE POSITION OF LAND PURCHASE AGENT AS WELL AS HIS PRESENT DUTIES AS ASSISTANT ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. (Signed) CARRIED GORDON WOOLNER. MOVED BY: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH THAT MR ARTHUR GORDON BE APPOINTED AS GENERAL FOREMAN FOR A PROBATIONARY PERIOD OF 3 MONTHS AT A SALARY OF $5,000.00 PER ANNUM. CARRIED (Signed) GORDON WOOLNER. THE DATE of the East End Road Tour was set as April 27th. Members are to meet at the Court House at 9:00 A.M. ~, _c . THE MEETING ADJOUNED to May 11, 1965. /~~) ?JI--~ .. . CHAIRMAN 1t()JlD 'J.'mm - COUN'l'Y OF Il:tGIN liOAD COMMIT'rm~ -. APRIl. 23, 1965. 1. Leuv0 Court House 9:00 A .f>!:. 2. !taint!! Bt':!dgG, c.n. lb:idge, lI'lnd R<;ll<:td to Ch€lanJl~1:Ike &: Oh:1,o Railway yards.- .. .. rElcoml!'l0nd~d aS5\lmption. 3. 1'1()bbin'G I31"idge .. C .n. 1,. Fulton I1ridi$l1l .. C .ll. 5. Co\Jl.1't.y Oa:rl1lglh 6. ROl'ltl 23 ..P<u't St$l.!lloy 'i'. Hoad 20 .. Prn,"'!J. I3trmlftY $. N~r'J:'en Stx'ect nl'j.dt:~fl c.n. 9. Road 20 t~'} Fin~;nl 10. RO!It! lc~ ~).A. to BUX'lwll's COX'riern 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lB. 19. zo. 21. 22. 23. ",.,. i!I;tt_ 2'. 26. 2'7. 2tl. 29. 30. !toad 16 (Double !lu.rfflc$ T:t.'eatr.a~nt, JS~65) to l'lo~\d 15 nand 15 tn Pearce P.,rk ec 'Xyrconnoll podtiem tram end of j)11V~mant to 'J.'yrconrmU. Recommfllld~d reVliIl"llion. HOll('\' 1$ to Dutton HOl'1d 2 - Road a (from ftond is apPvox11nntely 1 n11le wEmt I'Jf ROlld 15 on pl'og:r'anlll'\fi for 1967) UOl'1d 2 tr) tIres'!'; I.ol'U'l' 0: rtodtley D1Nimn Road ,3 Road 6 - r'{uloh paving, 1965 UOAd 9 to f~~d S Orl Road;; to iiOt'ld 2 - ROI!d 5 l'lcuth o,f !load 9 .. l'eCOmlllOflded reversion. Road 9 to !lomi g - m'M culvert Pl'QPf')I'H,d 0tt5t elf Hwy. 76 Romd $ to Will~yl~ Brid~G e.D. Propoa(~d tH~SIll1lIltion Uoad 9 extension from Road (} to HO;ld 14 .Ro~ld 12 - p:roposl'.ld rEllverlJ.ion t;o 'J:o~llh:tp J~o(\d 13 Hoad 14 to noma HI !'load 18 from RO~j(l 14 to Uml(l 2\) .. propotled re,rel"f,ion l'ropotH~d l$;tteYlsion of n(')~d 20 to r'1iddl~n0:X: County MIle 'furkey Crellk lJr1d~~e li. D. Road 19 - conatruetion. 1965 PagEl 2 > COUN'!'! OJ" EI,O:W ROAD GO.fliMITTm: UGAll 'l'QUH 31. ';I') ..,I'~. ;1). "J. ",t.*. APR!L 23/65 Road 17 .. Pl'OI'Htl'8(id t"Ei\1'ereion x'rom Con. n l)elawaJ:'e to Illay. r14 'l'albotvllle easterly, prcJp08f1Kl route of.' St. Thmfl_"Hl By-pr.wa Wellington ROll d tlt. (7r~JOJ;'gEI Street Bridge & Bridge o.n. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, APRIL 13, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on April 13, 1965, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court House, St. Thomas. ------- ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Supervisor, Ontario Department of Highways, London. THE MINUTES of the March meeting were read and approved. TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING for Elm Street in Aylmer were opened, and were as attached. MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH THAT THE TENDER OF A. COPE & SONS LTD. AT AYLMER INlliE AMOUNT OF $9,227.50 BE ACCEPTED, APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. FOR HOT MIX PAVING SUBJECT TO THE (Signed) CARRIED G. WOOLNER TENDERS FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING were opened and were as attached. MOVED BY: G. BROWN SECONDED BY: N. CLARKE THAT WE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING GRAVEL CRUSHING SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS: BROS CONSTRUCTION, ITEMS A-l, B-1, C-l, E-l, F-l, G-l, TOTAL $49,638.00; JOHNSTON SAND GRAVEL STONE COMPANY, ~,735.00. TENDERS, WATTERS G-2 H-l , ITEM D-l, (Signed) CARRIED G. WOOLNER TENDERS FOR A FARM TRACTOR & MOWER were opened and were as attached. ~. MOVED BY: D.C. LEITCH SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF LEE FARM EQUIPMENT FOR A MASSEY-FERGUSON MODEL 135 TRACTOR & MODEL 135 MOWER AT HIS TENDERED PRICE OF $2,400.00 INCLUDING THE COUNTY'S 1944 FARMALL A AS A TRADE~ IN, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O. (Signed) CARRIED G. l^IOOLNER ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 13, 1965. PAGE 2 1. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: Clearing was complete on Road 44 and nearing completion on Road 19. -~. 2. The extent of the Spring break-up was very difficult to assess. 3. The Frink Sander had been returned to the County and seemed to operate satisfactorily. 4. Repairs had been made to Truck #13 and minor repairs to other vehicles, and graders, as snowplows had now been removed. 5. Snow fence would be picked up shortly. 6. Fencing on Road 44 and Development Road #785 would be started as soon as weather conditions permitted. 7. Utilities had been contacted re pole moving on Road 44 and Development Road #785. 8. A programme of culvert maintenance and drain repairs was being undertaken. 9. A drainage petition for the movement and repair of the Lewis Drain had been referred to Mr. S.W. Archibald, by the Township of Southwold. MOVED BY: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY: G. BROWN THAT PAYLIST #9 AMOUNTING TO $1,981.42; PAYLIST #10 AMOUNTING TO $10,441.09; PAYLIST #11 AMOUNTING TO $20,192.51 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. (Signed) CARRIED G. WOOLNER CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: 1. The D.H.O. approving the purchase of a pick-up truck. -~. 2. Department of Transport, approving the County By-law re exemption of various Roads from Half Load Restrictions. 3. Thomas & Williams, Insurance Adjusters, re flooding on Road 20 at }!]assey's. ST. THO~S, ONTARIO APRIL 13, 1965. PAGE 3 4. F.B.D. Arnold, County Engineer of Middlesex, re the approval of the County of Middlesex Road Committee re application for flashing light signals on Road 37 east of the Belmont C.P.R. Crossing. --~ 5. N.J. Meatherell, County Enginner of Oxford, re the disapproval of the County of Oxford Road Committee re application for modern protection on Road 54 on N.Y.C.R.R. Crossing. COMMITTEE INSTRUCTED the Engineer to proceed with an application to the Board of Transport Commissioners for modern crossing protection on County Road 52 at the N.Y.C.R.R. Crossing east of Springfield, and on County Road 37 C.P.R.R. Crossing east of Belmont. THE ENGINEER STATED that tenders for a new Air Compressor had been called to close on April 30, 1965, and the Warden and the Chairman were empowered by the Committee to open tenders to be summarized for the next Road Committee meeting. THE MEETING ADJOUNRED FOR DINNER. MEETING RESUMED, the Engineer explained the purchase of a water softener for the County Garage. MOVED BY: J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH THAT WE PURCHASE A DURO WATER SOFTENER FOR THE COUNTY GARAGE FROM REID BECKETT OF ST. THOMAS AT HIS PRICE OF $338.00 CARRIED. (Signed) GORDON WOOLNER THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a Pioneer Model 700 Chain Saw had failed and was uneconomical to repair, and that prices for a new Model 750 Pioneer Chain Saw had been received, as attached. -~, , MOVED BY: N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY: G. BROWN THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF HOMEDALE WELDERS FOR A 750 PIONEER SAW, 24" BAR AND 2 CHAINS, AT HIS TENDERED PRICE OF $227.37 PLUS 3% ONTARIO SALES TAX. (Signed) CARRIED GORDON WOOLNER 'Pt>.OE 4 ST. TH01J\AS,. ONTt>.RlO t>.'PRIL 13, 1965. MR. "LpR J<ERm\R 0' Sheddon. mot .itO 'i'OU"o' problom' port,ini" '0 'bO ronov,'ion on CountY Road 20. Ta> ENG"'" REPO.TED ,bO' he bOd r",ive' ono priOO on obip ,pre,.or ren,ol ,nO ." ne.o'i,'inO fur'ber. committee and of his store front "","'L & SUPPL1 TENDERS ,ore ,5 .".0bO', .n' .ore reviewed bY the Committee. MOVED B'l: N. CLt>.Rl<E SECONIlBD B'l: D . C. l$lTC1:l T\lA T TENDERS fOR )!A TERl'"S &. SUPPLD'S TIE 'GeEPTED. ,NO TRl>T T'" ENGINEER TIE INSTRUGTED TO p1J\\G1lAsE "'TR REOkRD TO QU'LIT1 t>.NIl PRICB. Ct>.RRIBD GORDON 'lIOOLl'~ER V ,'IOU 5 LkND PURGR'S' p.OR""", on eoun'Y "0" 44. 19. 45 & 52 were diSCUssed. ,., G"""""" '01' ,ne' i' .oul' 00 neoe,"" '0 ini'i"o .,.ropri,'ion proooodi'" ,..in" S,..,r' Broun on ROO' 19. TRE p1J\\GAAS' 0< "". ,. ShOPber'" bOu" on .... 44 un' tSigned) disCUssed. MOVBD BY: N . G. TUFFORD SBCONDBD B'l: G. BRO'llN TRl>T TaE ,,,DEll "ro ",EVa PRI1LIPS TIE ,PPOlN,.D , "'lm" MR G />. S1:l11J''HERD O",,,"TT" ",,. po"",' TO ,GT TO N",O'<l'" .'" . .' RB p\lRC1:lhSE 01" PROPERT'l. report or the THE NEEDS STUD1 GO_O'DIN'Tl'G co>MI"E' ropor~o', ".'i~ ,b" ,bo Gonsul"n' .., re..1 '0 ".r' .,i,i" ' "n.l ropor" THE ..Gl.... .,YORTED ,b" be bOd no'binO ,ur'bor :0 on ,be St. ,"0'" ,,-pO'5. ,bo London ROgion" 'Ta"" S,.d1. 'Port Burwell Bridge. tSigned) ChRRIED GORDON 1Il00LNER -~ \ 1. ,b" urb,n Ro,d ,00,lon5 ba' b.,n revlo"" 2. ST. THO~S, ONTARIO APRIL 13, 1965. PAGE 5 3. that an estimated mill rate of 13 mills would be necessary to remove the backlog of work necessary to be done in the next 10 years; _/~ " 4. that a tour of East Elgin Roads had been made on April 9th. ROAD TOUR DATES were discussed and April 23rd set as the date for the West End Tour, all members to meet at the Court House at 9:00 A.M. THE APPOINTMENT of a Safety Inspector and the re~organization of the County Roads Department was discussed, and it was suggested that the Engineer approach Mr. N.J. Chaplow, with the view of Mr. Chaplow assuming the position of Safety Inspector, Land Purchase Agent, and general duties as assistant to the Engineer; and that the Engineer approach a County employee of his choice to fulfill Mr. Chaplow's present duties. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH N. CLARKE THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO MAY 11, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED G. WOOLNER (Signed) ~#lfd~ C));-~~/ CHAIRMAN ~"" \ COUNTY OF ELGIN 1965 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 1 3/$11 and 1/4.11 STONE CHIPS FOR SURFACE TREATMENT 1. 2. 3. 4; 5. 6. Associated Quarries & Construction Company, Hagersville. Haldimand Quarries and ' Construction Limited, Hagersville. Cayuga Quarries Limited, Cayuga. Canada Crushed &'Cut Stone Limited, Hamilton. Riverside Constru6tion Company Limited, London. The Flintkote C~mpany of Canada, Limited, Paris. 7. Bannockburn Farms, St. Thomas. $. $1. 3 5 $1.35 $1.35 $1. 3 5 $1. 3 3 per ton - 3/$" and $1.4.0 per ton - 1/411. Lime- stone Chips not washed. F.O.B. Hagersville. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. per ton. Limestone Chips not washed. F.O.B. Hagersville. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. per ton - 3/$11 and $1.40 per ton - 1/4.". Lime- stone Chips washed. F.O.B. Cayuga. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. per ton - 3/8" and $1.4.0 per ton - 1/4". Lime- stone Chips washed. F.O.B. Dundas. Freight $2.15 per ton via N.Y.C. Freight $1.25 per ton via C.N.R. per ton - 3/8" and $1.35 per'ton - 1/4". F.O,B. Pit, Hamilton Road~ Crushed Gravel. $1.20 per ton - 3/$11 and $1.30 per ton - 1/4.11. Gravel Chips. F.O.B. Paris. Freight C.N.R. or C.P.R. $1.25 per ton. . Watters Bros. Construction $1.50 Springfield. 9. Cecil McRae Limited, London. GROUP 2. BITUMINOUS MATERIAL 1. Imperial Oil Limited. per ton. F.O.B. Ingersoll Pit of R.S. Clark. Washed Chips. Probably will have stone in Pleasant Valley Area also. $1.30 per ton F.O,B. Byron Pit. Washed. F.O.B. Sarnia. D~H.O. Primer - 16.7~ per gallon M.I.P. - 16.7~ per gallon (for mulch) COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 2 1. 2. 3. - 2 - BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - cont'd. 1. R.C.O. - R.C.4 - 17.8~ per gallon (f-r surface treatment) 70-200 Penetration Asphalt - $29.50 per ton (for hot mix). 2. The British American Oil Company Limited, London. 3. Currie Products Limited, Hamilton. EMULSIONS The Flintk~te Company of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 4. R.E. Law Crushed Stone, Limiteu Port Coiborne. T.J. Pounder (Ontario) Limited, Brampton. Canadian Bitumuls Company Limited, Toronto. GROUP 3 HOT MIX ASPHALT FOR PATCHING 3. 1. Walmsley Bros. Limited, London. 2. A. Cope & Sons, Limited, London. Riverside Construction Company Limited, London. GROUP 4 COLD MIX ASPHALT 1. Associated Quarries & Construction Company, Hagersville. - Delivery via Thompson Trucking. 29~ per hundredweight (2.81 per gallon). F.O.B. Clarkson. Price same as Imperial Oil Limited after Freight equalized. F.O.B. Hamilton. Tar Primer - 17.5~ per gallon (last year 19.0~). Tar R.T. 5-12 -' 20.7' per gallon (last year 20.75~). For mulch and Surface Treatment. - Delivery via Thompson Trucking. 3.5~ per gallon (29~ per hundredweight). F.O.B. Long Branch. Cationic Emulsions 2l.0i per gallon. F.O.B. Port Colborne. Cationic Emulsions 2l.0~ per gallon. F.O.B. Brampton. No Cationic Emulsions. F.O.B. Leaside. Cationic Emulsions 2l.0i per gallon. F.O.B. Putnam. $5.25 per ton. F.O.B. London. $6.00 per ton. F.O.B. Plant, Hamilton Road, London. $5.85 per ton. F.O.B. Hagersville. $5.75 per ton. Trucking to St. Thomas $1.50 per ton via Thompson Trucking. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR ifillTERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 4 - COLD MIX ASPHALT - cont'd. 2. Cayuga Quarries Limited, Ca yuga . 3. Riverside Construction Company Limited, London. GROUP 5 CALCIUM CHLORIDE liqUid - 1. P~11ard Bros. Cempany, Limited, Harrew. :2. Miller Paving Limited, Teronto. Bulk .. 1. Allied Chemical Canada, Limit ed, T~ronte. Eags - 1. Allied Chemical Canada, Limited, Toronto. GROUP 6 PORTLAND CEMENT 1. St. Mary's'Cement Company, Limited, Toronto. 2. St. Lawrence Cement Company, Clarkson. 3. Canada Cement C~mpany, Limited, Toronto. High Early Strength - - 3 - F.O.B. Cayuga. $5.75 per ton. F.O.B. London, $7.25 per ton. Delivered per flake ton equivalent any road or spet spraying, including Federal and Provincial Sllles Tax - $43.25 per ton. (last year's price... $42.75). Delivered per flake ton equivalent on road including Federal and Provincial Sales Ta~ - $43.90 per ton. F.O.B. Amherstburg. Delivered per flake ~quivalent any road plus 3% O.S.T. . Twenty ton loads. Work by Thompsen Trucking, St. Thomas. (last year's price $42.00). t~1n ... $41.47 ... $42.50 Delivered to St. Thomas in twenty ton lots - $48.10 including Provincial Sales Tax. , Delivered to St. Thomas in bags - $4.20 per barrel. Delivered to St. Thomas in bulk - $3.70 per barrel - including 11% Federal Sales Tax. (Less 10/ per barrel discount). $4.98 in bags per barrel. $4.48 in bulk per barrel. (Less 10/ per barrel discount). COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR }AATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 6 - PORTLAND CEMENT - cont'd. 4. 5. Marlatt Fuels and Lumber Limited, St. Thomas. Big 1'4" Builders Supply Limited, St. Thomas. GROUP 7 FIELD TILE 1. Deller's Tile Limited, Brownsville. 2. Earl Lind~y & SMns, Limited,. Wa11a.eburg. 3. A. Fennel & Sons, Newbury. GROUP 8 CONCRETE SEWER PIPE .1. - Seconds Concrete Pipe Limited, London. ' 2. Canada Vitrified Products Limit ed, St. Thomas. 3. Best Pipe Limited, Kitchener. 4~ Great Lakes Pipe Limited, Walla c eburg. - 4 - $1.18 per bag. Less 2% - 30 daysi 8% Federal Sales Tax inc uded. $1.15 per bag" F.O,B. Brownsvi11e. 4" @ ~55.00 pef M Lin.F~et 5" @ ;,180.00 per M Lin.Feet 6" @ :a05.00 per M Lin.Feet 7" @ $125.00 per ]'I[ Lin.Feet 8" @ $160.00 per If J'win.1eet 10"@J,@240.00per M Lin~.Fe et 12" @ 330.00 per M Lin.Feet 16" @ . ,650.00 per M Lin"Feet F.O.B. Wallaceburg~ 4" @.-i55.'00 pel" M L:L.'n.Feet 6" @ ,100.00 per M Lin.Feet 8" @ 180.00 per M Lin.Feet 12" @ $400.00 per M Lin.Feet 16" @ $600.00 per M Lin.Feet F..O.B. Wallaceburg. 4" @ $57.50 per M Lin.Feet 6" @ $113.00 per M Lip.. Feet 10" @ $335.00 per ~1 Lin.Feet- (concrete) 8" @ 354 per foot,' 10" @ 49~ per foot., and 12" @ 62~ per foot - less 5% discount F.O.B. St. Thomas. Storm Water Pipe - Vitrified Clay - 8" @ 48~ per foot, 10" @ 72~ per foot, and 12" @ 90~ pet foot - less 5% discount. As per list. Price 1st class same as Concrete Pipe Limited. As per list. Price 1st claes same as Concrete Pipe Limited. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - GROUP 9 CORRUGATED CULVERTS - 5 - All as per list with prices the same. 1. Armco Drainage & Metal Products of Canada Limited, Islington. 2. R~cc') Metal Products Limited, Toronto. 3. Canada Culvert Company Limited, London, 4. Corrugated'Pipe Company Limited, Stratford. 5. Westeel Products Limited, Toronto. 6. Robertsteel (Canada) Limited, Hamilton. No asbestos bonded asphalt pipe. 7. Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Limited, Waterloo. 8. The Pedlar People Limited, Toronto. 9. Fawcett Metal Products Limited, Waterloo. GROUP 10 FENCING ~~TERIALS 1. J,E. Reid & J. Ernest Reid, Aylmer, (supplying Lundy Fence) 948-12 Fence - 7' T..Bar Posts & Clips- 16' Farm Gates - No. 9 Galvanized Brace Wire - 1 3/4" Galvanized Staples - Snow Fence - 2. The Pedlar People Limited, Oshawa, 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips - Snow Fence - 10,000 to 12,000 feet - 3. Shacklet0n Transport, Kingsmil1. 948-12 Fence - 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips - 161 Farm Gates - No. 9 Galvanized Brace Wire - 1 3/4" Galvanized Staples - Snow Fence - F.O.B. in truck load lots, delivered at St. Thomas. l133.70 per 100 rods 89.91 per 100 22.98 each 111.10 per 100 Ibs. 13.04 per 100 Ibs. 14.65 per 100 feet $99.95 per 100 $14.47 per 100 feet (DoscO Fence) $1.292 per rod 84.75 cents each $23.25 each $11.25 per 100 Ibs. $13.20 per 100 Ibs. $14.25 per 100 feet COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - GROUP 10 -FENCING MATERIALS.. cont'd. 4. Domini~n Steel'and Coal' Cor~oration, Limited, Rexdale. 948-12 Fence - 7' T-Bar Pests & Clips - 16' Farm Gates - 1 3/4" Galvanized Staples - No.9 Galvanized Brace WIre - Snew Fence _. $. Rosce Metal Products Limited, Toronto. 16' Farm Gates - Snow Fence - 6. John G. Sedore Limited, Napanee 7. Steel Company Company of Canada Limited, Hamilton. 8. Burlington'Steel Company Limited, Hamilton. GROUP 11 WOODEN POSTS - 6 - :,\133.05 per 100 rods 1:\89.35 per 100 1;\22.95 ea ch $12.95 per 100 1bs. $11.05 per 100 1bs. $16.50 per 100 foot r.~l $24.SO each $16.20 per 100 foot roll , Over 10,000 feet - $12.80 'per 100 feet 6,000 to 8,000 feet - $13.10 per 100 feet Less than 6,000 feet - $14.50 per 100 feet Same prices as J.E. Reid & Ernest Reid, Aylmer. 7' Ptsts - Bl cents each, carload lots 1,. G.L. EDV.TARDS, F.O.B. St. Thomas Thedford 5" top min. Peeled 8' long - to.77 each 6" top min. Peeled 8' long - '0.99 each 7" top min. Peeled 8' long - 1.25 each 6" top min. Guide Rails $0.79 each 6' long - 6" top min. Guide Rails $0.B9 each 7' long - GROUP 12 REINFORCING STEEL 1,. Burlington-Steel Company Limited, Hamilton. 2. J. Harris & Sons Limited, London. $6.05 - base price for under' 20 tons plus cutting, size and other extras. $6.05 base price f,l'lr under 20 tons plus cutting, size and other extras. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIE~ _ GROUP 11 GRADER BLADES 1. J.D. Adams'Company Limited, Paris. 2. Rosco Metal Products Limited, Toronto. , , . 4. Sheridan Equipment Limited, Toronto. GROUP 14- LUMBER 1. Marlatt Fuels and Lumber Lim1ed, St. Thomas. Merchantable Spruce - 2 x 4 2 x 6 2 x 8 2 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 12 2. Big "4" Builders Supply Limited, St. Thomas. Merchantable Spruce - 2 x 4 Construction 2 x 6 Construction Grade 3. 2 x $ 2 x 10 1 x 10 Spruce Sheeting 1 x 12 Spruce Sheeting A. Fennel & Sons, Newbury. 2x 4 2 x 6 2 x 10 1 x 10 GROUP 15 ROAD SIGNS & POSTS 1. St. Thomas'Metal Signs Limited, St. Thomas. "w" Series - 24x24 uTern Series - 30x:30 - 7 - Delivered to St, Thomas Quantity over 200 - 5/$/' x 6" x 6' - $7.74 each. No charge for sharpening ends. Quantitv over 50 - 5/$tI X 6" X 6' - $$.09 each. Non-sharpened. F.O.B. Toronto. . . .. Qua~tity over 200 - $8.$0 each non-sharpened. 106.00 per M.B.F. 109.00 per M.B.F. 124.00 per M.B.F. 124.00 per M.B.F. ;122.00 per M.B.F. 126.00 per M.B.F. - Prices incl uda Federal Sales Tax. i - Less 2%, 30 days. (Plus $5.00 per M.B.F. for specified lengths on sheeting) $101.00 per M.B.F. 1105.00 per M.B.F. 117.00 per M.B.F. 117.00 per M.B.F. 122.00 per M.B.F. 12$.00 per M.B.F. Construction Grade with 15% Standard - - Prices includes Federal Sales Tax. 1100.00 per M.B.F. 104.00 per M.B.F. 118.00 per M.B.F. 104.00 per M.B.F. Price on number of signs over 20 - $11.17 each $15.$4 each - 1\ - COUNTY OF ELGIN _ ",ENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLmS .. GROUP 15. _ ROAD SIGNS & POSTS - cont'd. 2. lIR" Series - 24x36 1I1jJ1I Series - 36x12 - Bridge End Markers Mechanical Advertising Limited, Oshawa. lIWIt Series - 24x24 1',JlI Series - 30x30 "RlI Series - 24x30 ItWlI Series - 12x36 Bridge End Markers 10 Foot Flsnged \lU" Posts Complete, Galvanized. 12 Foot' "UIt Flanged Posts, Complete, Galvanized. 3, Porcelain and Metal ' Products Limited, Orillia "Wit Series - 24x24 1t1l1" Series - 30x30 uR" Series - 24x30 nw, Series - 12x36 Bridge End Markers Rosco Metal Products Limited, Toronto. 4! "W" Series - 24x24 "Rn Series - 24x30 Posts - approximately 12 foot 5. J.A. Watts & Co. Ltd., Don Mills. lIWIt Series - 24x24 lIWU Series 30x30 nWlI Series 12x36 Bridge End Markers "R" Series - 24x30 Posts - 10 foot complete _ 12 foot complete GROUP 16 $13.29 each $9.15 each F.O.B. St. Thomas, Price ~n 15-34 signs. M.60 each :n3.20 each :,;11.80 each $7.95 each $5.28 each $6.21 each. F.O.B. St. Th~mas - Over 5 signs. i8,15 each 12.50 each 10..45 each $7.40 ea ch All prices F.O,B. Teront~. 5 or more signs!' $8.75 each $12.15 each $5.50 each All p:'ices F .O.B. Torlilnt.,... Any number of' signs~, $8 .00 ea ch $12.45 each $6.35 $9.85 $5.15 $6.05 each each each each PAINTT- Bridge Paint _ Red Lead and Green Anti-Corrosive Paint, - 1. The Steelcote }/fanufa c- turing'Companyof Canada, Limited, Rodney. (a) Red Lead Primer (b) Halts Rust Anti- Corrosive Green & Grey - (Used last year) Now manufactured by the Northern Paint & Varnish Company, Owen Sound. $4.65 per gallon .. 9 - !!-o,"", o? ""Gl' _ TE1lD~l'Ol< ,",...:!J!'R1AL5~SO"L~ - GROU? 16 .. Bride:e Paint - cont Id. - - -- - , 2. Glidden 'Paint c"ntl'e St. Thomas. (aJ Glidden 1506 Red L"d $4.,0 per ."''' (b) Green Anti_corrosi~e GP-&> Goyne. Sp". $,.24 per ..lIon Reid's Paint Seri:ve, St. Thomas. (a) Red Lead (Commodore 'Brand) (b) Green Anti_corrosive ). 4. The cro1tln Diamond Fa int company Limited, Toronto. (a) Red Lead (b) Green Bridge Niagara Paint & Chemical company Limited, Hamilton. 6. Big "!t" Bui'lders I SupplY Limited, St. Thomas. 5. 7. R.E. Lee, St. George. Commodore Red Lead Commodore Green Anti- Corrosive 8. A. Fennell & Sons, Ne1tlbury. Red Lead - Scarfe $4.95 per gallon $4.95 per gallon - plUS 11% Federal SaleS Tax. $5.85 per gallon $3.73 per gallon $3.95 per gallnt' Dealer List Price - tGHdden paint) $3.95 pet' gall.n $4.60 per gallon - plUS 11% Federal Sales Tax - LesS ~% - 10 dayS. $5.89 per gallon in 45 gallon drum$ - non- reflec'tOrized. GROUP 16 - .~ pAINT _ ~Jhite Traffic Pain~ ~ - $4.09 per gallon Glidden Be.int-' Ceutl'e St. Thomas. Niagara Paint & Chemical company, HamiltOn. united FiniSh company Limit~d, Cobourg. R.E. Lee, St. George. Crown Diamond Paint company Limited, Toronto. 1. 2. ReidlS Paint Service, St. ThomaS' 3. 4. ,. 6. C.mmodore Brand - $2.65 per gallon - plUS 11% Federal SaleS TaX tUsed last year) - $2.40 per gall.n. $2.40 per gallon $2.29 $2.45 per gal'lon per gallon ~ plUS 11% Federal Sales Tax I. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR r'IATERIALS AND SUPPLIES _ - 10 - GROUP 16 PAINT Orange Guide Rail Paint 1. Glidden Paint Centre, St. Thomas. (Used last year) - $3.74 per gall~n 2. Reid's Paint Service, St. ThomAs. C~mm~dore Brand - $4.85 per galloh - plus 11% Federal Sales Tax. 3. The Crown Diamond Paint Company Limited, Toronto. $4.64 per ga1l1n ~,.JF~ ~1.&~li, ,,'i' ,,,,,, 'fl\''''OU & ,"D~ amilfl~l\.!f.l: o't" l~IDfi '\1$(;'11;1'\1:1\'.1)\ ~ fA"" ~ ,~~, ,.....,'1. ."........ ......1 ,....- 1" .",...... """ ~r,;QdEl). 1)' ~'lO\~61f' )... rt'tee\ 'Latl~ '}:1'fJIo.ot a. ~ ~.. ",.....,... ""......, .... """ '!r"- & !lydtO Ill''''''' 'tIiO\~\i)l' t't'lC01 'LaUe ~t'5\(10 ~ "\tlt.1 . e ",'7,7.6S $ 1.,1.'1,.62 -~ $ 2,,~.O~ ). '!\1C1<I1' .."" 1lQ1l1> ,.". '!<lbO,,,u1', """., . ,",,0'''' ..".,..... 1'~ ........ .1Id ~J,;Qd01. l" l'lOlIJet." \$:Ool.... ".. ,..,,,, "",. ott) ltt1lt.1 $ ),050.00 650.00 ~ $ 2,400.00 nil.CG1 LegS 'J:1?at\e1 . $ 1",,1.4S'00 $ 1.,095.00 ~-- f.l, 3,0,0.00 :!I'<"",,110 ,oJ. \ll,llVllIl'%l' <,JILl" & .j,,"l~. ...~ ..,,,",, .,,...., lP""ou. "",...to, . ,1) . """...,;....,1 . l)Jl ........ ",...... · find 'tJiOt1(l1. 1.\0 ~1O\~t'}t' 4. ' s. <If!O ."'~. ......1' ""'.,.,.., ~rW'\t.M'lne.l 'l'l, 41.4 €I; !1tl'111l2it' t~$l\',l l:it'iee\ 'Latlt> ,;rt\<lli} \ $ '3,697.40 965.61. ~ ~~ 2,'731..'79 t~ut. \ 1'1:''1.0e\ t.'~ ~(\el li0t. t *' 3,91~.OO ~ \'Ii 3.1tlO.OO / ' " ) ,-. /. ,.' l'rEM A-l Road 12 Gravel ael;\u:r:-facil:tg B-1 Road 35 Gravel Rel;\urfacing B-2 Road 45 Gravel aE?l;\\l:r:-facil:tg. C-1 Road 42 Mulch Gravel :0-1 Road 6 Mulch Gravel :B-1 Road 45 Constructiol1l Gravel F-l Read 52 Construction Gravel G-1 Road 19 Construction Gravel G-2 Screen Sand etc. Road 19 Construction G:r;'aVE?l H-l CrushJ Stockpile White s Station -- --- ------------- -- --- -- -- -- - COUW['Y OF ELGIN GRAVEL CRUSHING SUMMARY - APRIL 1965 WATTERS JOHNSTON RUCKLE NEWBIGGING $11,008 $13 , 24~. $12,986 A,CCEI;"rED :/> 3,360 AcCEPTED $ 2,300 A,CCEP',f,'ED $ 6,400 $ 6,680 ACCJJ;PTED. $ 7,735 ACCIWrED $15,360 ACCEPTED $ 4,290 ACCEPTED $ 4,950 $ 2,160 ACCEPTED $ 560 ACCEPTED $ 4,200 ACCEPTED 4,500 ., , COUNlY OF ELGIN LEND_ER FORl1 SUPPLYING, CRUSHI~Q___'~HD HAULIltG_.ClE.: GRAVEL TO THE CHAIRl1AN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNlY OF ELGiN ROAD COl1l1ITTEE: I/WE having read the Specifications, examined the pits mentioned, and fully understanding the work to be done, hereby submit the following tender to do the work specified: ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTIlY _ __TOIiS__ UNIT PRICE PER TON TOTAL A-l Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 12, for Gravel Resurfacing 8,600 B-1 Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 35, for Gravel Resurfacing 3,500 B-2 Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 45, for Gravel Resurfacing 2,500 C-l Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 42, for Mulch Gravel 4,000 D-l Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 6, for Mulch Gravel 6,500 E-l Supplying, erushing & hauling to Road 45 for Construction Gravel 12,000 F-l Supplying, crushing & hauling to Road 52 for Construction Gravel 5,500 G-l Crushing & hauling to Road 19 for Construction Gravel (Hutchings Pit) 4,000 G-2 Screening & Stockpiling sand, AND crushing and stoekpiling gravel 2,000 ~-_._._...- Crushing & stockpiling gravel, H-l screening & stockpiling sand, v1hite's Station 1 15,000 , COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUilllI!LQ I/WE AGREE to complete the work by the dates stated for the various items, and agree to pay to the County of Elgin, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100000) per calendar day, as liquidated damages each day that EACH item of the Contract remains incomplete after the completion date specified in each itemo I/wE ENCLOSE a certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin for 10 per cent of the amount bid, being Dollars 0 LOWEST or ANY TENDER not necessarily aeeeptedo CONTRACTOR ADDRESS TELEPHONE lRniBER ~nTNESS DATE COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FORH SUPPLYJ.NG, CRl!.SlIJN<LA!ID HAULING OF GRAVEL ITEl1 "A" - WE tentatively propose to supply gravel for this item of the contract from _____ Pit, Lot , Concession_ , Township of ___, and will haul it over the following roads to Road 12' ITEM "B" - WE tentatively propose to supply gravel for this item of the contract from Pit, Lot , Concession , Township of . and will haul it over the following roads to Roads 35 & 45' ITEl1 "c" - WE tentatively propose to supply gravel for this item of the contract from Pit. Lot_._ ,Concession _' Township of _____, and will haul it over the following roads to Road 42' ITEM "E" - WE tentatively propose to supply gravel for this item of the contract from Pit, Lot __. Concession . Township of , and will haul it over the following roads to Road 45, ITEM "F"- WE tentatively propose to supply gravel for this item of the contract from Pit, Lot . Concession , Township of , and will haul it over the following roads to Road 52' ~n !?1'lP~_J9:R._9~,.g..-g1t1J~ ~Qk1__39_.Y.1P)?~' !-~~J3. - Info~mation to Bidae~so (ThiS sheet) ~ende~ Conditionso G"",,.l G.",lt".", ..' C~""... ",,1"'" ,. ,""",,,,., """'.' """,. ~ender Fo'ttl' and Envelope, 10 20 30 50 ",,, ",N''''' 0' "",,,,,,, ,,.,,." ......,"" ..... ._",,<n. .... ." -.-:::;.-.----.'...;....-...---:-- "",tn, ",...' ,,~ "".", ",. ,. ..".", "",ne, "",do. ... ..PI'lY,n, ^ " C D E l' of the ~et\dero ," "el"''''' .,..., f.' ...'f~' ..... · · · ' County t1apo 40 2, '0 """,,,,, ,fll be ..",,,,, bY ,,, Un'''''''''' .,,,11 ~ ~fl1'jJ!-1d~~ at the Court flouse, Sto ~homaso !YJ'l:J!l'~y!!9~ .., b. .W''''' f"'. ,,, u""."".,.. 'telepbone Noo 631-5880, St, ~hO'(t\ll.So 4, R,G, MOORE, l' - Et1G., COUt1'f! EJ'IGINEER, coURt ROUSE, S't, 'tROl.'l&S, Owre.R10 '. COUNTY OF ELGIB TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDER CONDITIONS 10 SEALED__1~PECBe_ will be received by the County Engineer at his office in the Court House until .10:00 A,H. APRIL 13TH.. 1965 2. ALL BIDS must be on the forms and in envelopes provided by the County and be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin in the amount of 10 per cent of the total tender. This deposit will be released when a Contract is signed by the successful Tenderer, 3, THE SUCCESSFUL Tenderer must sign a Contract and post a 100 per cent Performance Bond from a recognized Bonding Company doing business in the Province of Ontario within 10 days of being notified that he is the successful Tenderer, Should he fail to do so his tender cheque will be forfeited to the County of Elgin to compensate the County for damages sustained. 4. T~~._~U~~fl?SFU_4 Tenderer must also post a 100 per cent ~~terial and Labour Bond to ensure payment will be made to all employees and to all sub- contractors and their employees and to all suppliers of materials supplied by the Contractor for the Contract, 5. :!'.l!_~s:gHTJs!'';,Q.T.9.R. shall visit the site of the work, examine all plans and specifications and satisfy himself of all conditions of the work. 6. THE CONTRACTOR will furnish all lights, barricades, flagmen, signes, etc" necessary in the opinion of the County for the preservation of the traffic and the safety of the work. 7, NO EXTRA work will be allowed unless authorized by the County Enginaer in writing. 8. BIDDERS must be capable of performing the various items of work bid upon. They may be required to furnish statements covering (a) their experience on similar work, (b) machinery, plant and other equipment available for the proposed work and (c) financial rexources to complete the Contract, COUNTY OF ELGIN..:.-!.lftIPEP'~,gQ.NDITIONS_FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING _ PAGE 2 8, (cont'd) The County reserves the right to reject the tender of any Contractor whom they believe does not have the financial resources or the experience to successfully complete the work. (This clause does not prohibit sub-contracting a portion of the work, All sub-contractors mUst be approved by the County,) 9, l~ UNBALANCED bid or qualification of the tender will liable the tender to rejection, 10, R.J:t,Q.q.~P2,?A'!l1.E):JTS will be made on approximately the 10th of the month for 90 per cent of the work done 6uring the previous month, Complete payment will be made 60 days after completion of the work as certified by the County Engineer, 11. THE ~roRK must be completed before the dates stated in the attached General Conditions and the Contractor agrees to pay to the County of Elgin SlOO 00 as liquidated damages per calendar day that each item of the contract remains incomplete after the dates stated. 12. THE CONTRACTOR is to carry Workmen's Compensation Insurance and Third Party Liability Insurance to the satisfaction of the County, 13, ~R!P9~~~ of $2,00, NOT REFUNDABLE, is required for plans and map, 14, OPERATIONS of the Contractor will be restricted to that area of the pit being worked at the time, unless arrangements in writing are made with property owners ,. 15, LO)!m.s.:L.oL_"'~1Y TENDER not necessarily accepted, f Cont~act F~ 100 ~J!!~9J-~19"ill'''' C.....1 con"O<'" · .", "",,,on' ('nOlO"" "t.- ".,k ",,1 "".) ~_^~ as follo~S: W~li ~~Sl ~'_..!"l'_""'Y':<J~-'~~ 'to 1\\"1.. 11~D1\]1DUtJ. 'tENDBR 1.'tBl~S ~... 101~9 . tbe co~po~ation -of D t substitute Co~po~stion, ~esn,ng epa~~'en ~ tl,e Count'} of Blgin; ,.".." _ _'" '0' ."",.." ....,., b1 '0' .,,,,,,,.,'" " supe~vise the ~o~~; ?a~ag~aph 2. 11' tice in the fortil p~escribed b'} the 'the cont~actO~ sha g,ve no CorporatiOn to the Engineer; . f onta~io is not ,to be included l\e~ Ha)est'J the Queen in r,ght 0 ~ i t' Count'J of Elgin; ,as an additiOnal insu~ed . suust tU e '0' .,.",." ..b""'" Co.." .."..." C unt" Engineer; Fo~ ~iniste~, substitute 0 J f,' L.".""'" ..b""'" C,.." C,"",'" ".",,,'" ...,,1 " b' .. ",< .' i.'" 521, D.h.O. Schedule of 101-1\ 104-1 106-3 10'J~2. 107.4 107-5 10&~4 10&-6 RentEll \3.a,tes; o~it fi~st pe~eg~apb" sentence therof,' c t<no the fi~st o~it third paragrspn e~cep . ~ 10'il~7 d C ~ooration' f l\i h~a'Js, rea 0 ~ ,08-9 '" p",.''''''' o' .. po' Po""'"'''''' ''''0 ^ h 11 suppl'J scsles as P -rl\E c~~ sad chec~er. =----- . ~eig\;l.1n!1'n an ill o~ovide t,C~etS, Count'J w ~ 'tbe o~it; ~ ~li11- suppl'} Rosds, ~be~eve~ it is ." .,,11 ,.1"" """" '0 ,....., "" o. ,..1 i i n of the Count'J deemed neeessaJ:'J in the op n 0 2., 3. ed ,both loaded and e~t'J) to the "",!!1!'5-""""ft ,..." ",n b' ,...<i" d ~'bed in the 1.ndiVidual 'tender 1tems, ~outes ese>' Enginee~ . ~o O\]ERUQt~~ ~ill be ~~.~ not be ~eighed. ,.,,,.,.., ..' "", ,. "".. of ,.,.' ,,<1" .,1' 4. 5. Q9}Jl"lTI"__O"LEJPJJLT_E}lP_Elt.F9"~9P!:Y.J3],.- ggU,$)lJH9___ PAGE 2 G2:NERAL CONDITIONS L-I11D CONDITIpNS ,.PPLYIlI<i. J9_ AJ,.J..,_JllPJ,vIPP'Jl.};,__TJI1.P_Ell )J')l):i~ 6. THE OONTiUl.CTOR shall complete the work set .out in each item .of the Centract in .one centinueus eperatien- Ne gravel may be placed en any read befere Nay 1st" 1965. 7. ALL CRUSHED GB~V~ shall pass threugh a 3/4 inch square .opening screen. 8. iW.TERIAL shall be placed en the Read .or in the steckpile as directed by the Ceunty Engineer's Agent 9 PATI~ENT shall be based en unit price bid, based en quantitieS en appreved tickets .only. 10, HOURS .of werk shall be as fellows' 7 a,m, te 5.30 p.m., t1endy threugh Friday (except legal holidays) and 7 a.m" te 12 neen on Saturdays. Ne gravel wi 11 be accepted en the Read at ether than these heurs, 11 ALL PITS used shall be cleaned up and left in a neat manner t~hen the werk is cempleted. 12, IHIS COlq"tJ:y\.,C:r may be divided inte separate centracts if s.o decided by the Ceunty .of Elgin Read Cemmittee. Thus, a centracter may bid en any number .of items he cheeses (A, B, C, etc.) but must bid en all sectiens in any item he chooses (1, 2, etc.). 13 THE CONTRF.CTOR shall state in his tender, what pit he prepeses te use, and shall state the reute he prepeses te use te haul over. The Ceunty re- serves the right te take into censideratien, the cest .of supplying and applying calcium chloride to Haul Reads, and the cost .of repairs te Haul Reads, when awarding the centract, TEliDER ITEU "A" - COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING G~V_E,h..KO_I1._99J!J!JI_.l1QA12_t2 I. COUNTY ROAD 12 shall be gravel resurfaced under this item, (See map area co loured red ) 2, CONTRACTOR is to supp ly, cruhh and haul the necessary gravel, which mus t pass D,H,O, Specifications lfr3l4 for Granular "A". (It may be necessary for the Contractor to screen sand to meet this specification,) 3, GRAVEL is to be placed on the Road by "tail gatin!;!" in unfforo:l?y.elts under the direction of the County Engineer's Agents. Levelling will be done by a County of Elgin grader Any compaction necessary will be done by the County 4, CRUSHED GRAVEL, after being placed, must not be run over by the Contractor's trucks any more than necessary Thus the Road shall be gravelled in ~ mile lengths, starting at the distance furthest from the Pit, 5 THE CONTRACTOR is restricted to hauling over paved County Roads as much as possible. The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all Pit Roads and Township Roads (other than application of calcium chloride where deemed necessary by the County). County Roads will be maintained by the County, 6. PIT RUN GRAVEL may be purchased from the County of Elgin, from the Hutchings Pit, if the Contractor so desires, for 15 cents per ton (from areas as directed by the County Engineer's Agent). The Contractor is to do all necessary stripping, levelling, screening of sand, etc. 7. ALL GRAVEL under this item must be placed by August 31, 1965 clause, Tender Condition # 11) (See penalty COllNT'i OF ELGIN -,- --,;":;;;,,,-- ill~WJ'RJ:rI')A$.,~l~:L~ B .-.J~'_,.:_9.!Y'- YA1,Io.P.,_~9!',!)S. 15. _&.__It? TENDER FOR GRl\.VEL CRUSHING ~...~.'" _.-,.._....-,.,-_.,_.~.__... ~- .,~.' --.......--- THE FOLLOWING Roads will be gravelled resurfaced under this item' 10 Road 35 fror~ RW)' 4/ 3 to Jaffa 20 Road 45 from Road 36 to Road 35 (See map area coloured green) Be CO,"",'", i. " .",1,. "osh ..d h"l ,h' ."...,,, ".v., .o"h ,"., ",. D R De ",'if"'"'''''' 'os ,,,.,1.. "h" 'if '"' h. ."os"" ,,' tn' Contractor to screen sand to meet this specification) 3. or.."'" " " ,,,,,d .. ,M 'osd by ""n ,,,,,," " ,ni"" ",m "d" ,no d"""" " ,h' c"." "",,"" h,.."e "v.ll,ng vill b. .,., by · Co.'" " El," ".d" 'OY ,_.,,,on ."""" vi11 b' d'" by ,M c..", 4. Cml"ED c...vEL. .".. b.i., ,1."d, .." =, bn N' "" b, ,h' c.."",,,,, ,N'" .., .... ,ho' ..,...." TO" ,b' ",d ,h.ll b. "...".d ,. , mil' lengths, starting at the distance furthest from the Pit, 5. Tn' CO,""'''', ,. ,,,,,,,,.d " h.,l'" ,,,, ,.v.d nou." Un.d. .. .,.h .. ".,'bl'e TO. c"".,'" ,. ,..".."" f,' ,h. ..,.,...," ,f ," '" ..", ..d ,....h', ...d. ("b" 'hon ,,,1""'" ,f "1,,.. ,bl."d' ,..,. d....d ..""." b, ,h' Co'""). c,,,,, "".d, vi 11 b' ",,,,,,,, by tn. C"." e 6. ,,. CO.,,,,,,,.. ",..",. ,. d"wn " 'h' f." ,ho' ,h' b,'d,. ,. ..,d 45 ..'".. . .."h' ,,",', n.d = ",.,d '<n'" "il "' ,1".,d " .., ,h" 7 ' ALL ,""V'" und" ,hh ".. '"OS 00 ,,,,,d by J'" ". "". (". "unl<1 claUse, Tender Condition # 11) bridge, ,QQYN'rL_Of-, J~kG.:Ill TENDSR FOU GPJ,VEL CRUSHING ___~,~_...... ~.___ _ _ .. ...;;:;.--__:,;;;0...-- . . ENDER lTE11 "C" _ GRAVEL FOP, HULCH PI\VE'liENT - ROAD 42 . ",-- .-".-. ,.-.- ,,> .--" -- -- ,- ,.-.-,-..,." ---- -.>.".-.", ,- -".."".~ l. ,,,,-va l' ,U' ,,~ " ,,, ~'oh 0' ""d 42 f,~l"d~'" ,,- Ud., '" ,,," " ,h, """' Y """ of '''' "ov,11, ' ",,,,,. of ,,,'0'''''''' ,. '" OON"'"'" " " ,u"ly ,.d ,'0" ,h' """,'y ".v'" wh10b .'" "" 105 miles. ,,l' ",o1H"""" 14, f" ,,,..,,, 'R'. (n -y " ,'0"'''' ,,, ,h' Cont~actor to screen sand to meet this specification) 2, TR2 OO,""",R.'" .'" '''' 0"""""" " "0""" f,' .,loh ,'v....' ond ,h" """", " "". ..,,,,,, .111 "",.",d. '" ,,,,,, ,,,,-,,,, mU 4. ,,,Cl" ,f ,h' ""h,d ",v" o. ,h' ""d ,h,ll b' .nd'o ,h' d",o,1" ,f ch. BE ACCEPTED. ,","y ,,,1""" "on" 'rh' ,,'," ,f ""u v1'1 v1nd"v ,h' "'V,, "d ,1'00 "d ..""" ,oy 11"" "d b'"'''''' """", " ,b' vi.d," ,f S, TRR OOR,,,,-"'R " ,,,,,,o,,d " h,,1"R 'V" ,'V" c",,, Ro,d. " onoh " gravel. ".,'bl', 'h, ","','" ,. ".",,'bl' f,' ..",.".,' ,f ." '" ",d' ,., "...h1, ",,, ("h" 'h" ",1""'" ,f ,,10'" ohl,,'d', ..'" d,..,d ..",,,,, hy ,h' ,,,.,,) , eo.." Ro'" ",11 b, ..,,,,,,,, by ,b' C..." 6, ,"' ,","","'R.1,,'1 ,'v, 'h' eo,n" '" "",' n"'o' b,f'" h"'''''' .." on this Item of the 'tender, so that Road 42 may be primed. 1. >>cL ,W,"', ,~.M' no'" ,hi' ",. ..,.. ,f ,M ,,,d" ..., b' ,-'"'' h, "ly 11,h., ",S. (S" ",,'" 01"'" ".", ".""". ,,) ." ,,'>< ,,"" . G""VEL ";Rl~~ ~",;,,-~-_:.=--'----- W.mn::L_J!:[___.B1-ClW- TE~1DER _l'9.R..9W,Vl>'1-"_g,r,p5J11li\9, -~.~,_...,.-. ..~ . crJ>'JEL fo": tbis item is "Bleck I sLane Side Road, a,;ea colou,;ed b":o,",,) '" "",," 0' ""d ,. ,,,,. """d 3 ." ". " " , 1 2. 3 'leS (See map a distance of ap1'ro~.mate y ""'. . tB:lJ, co~tRf>.C'tOR is to supplY end striP " D.O "", [i~"" ",", '0' G.....,.. ,,'''. nd to meet tbiS speCification) cont-.:acto,,: to sc..:een sa tbe necessa-.:Y gravel, which must pass (It me-Y be necessa..:Y fo-': the 3. , 1 's necessary fo-': ~'\llch 1'e;l/ement e tbSt clesn mste..:.s · "'" """", G"" ",0", no' . '" n "", G "" "" .".. i 'no to clean msterisl ~ill be requ.-.:edo and tbat str 1'1" ~ BE hCC\?r'tED. 4. 5. ,., con''''''''' ,. .",.",.. ,0 "'0""" 0." ibl f -.: me-intenance ot 'tbe cont-.:actO'; is ,;esPons eO' .""",'" 0' "",," ",o.'d', ..,., d,,.,d Goo'" ""d' .", " ..""",,d b, '"' G'o'" oaved county Rosds as mucb as " sll 1'it Rosds and pOSSible., 'to,""ship Roads (othe..: tbsn necessary by the count':!). 1 notice befo,;e beginning wo';\< "'" """"",OR ." II ,'no '"' Coo'" "" wo"', " d I. ma" be "rimed. ,1 _< the 'tender SO tbat "oe. " - J " on tb1-S ter' 0' . .<" 0' oh" ,.,,,. """ b' ,_,.~d "' PoLL GRf>.VEL c,;usbed unde..: 1-l;e<'\ . 'r dor condition If. 11) July 3, 1965. (See renalt':! Clause, en ~ 6, 7. .QOYNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOR GRI,VE.h. CRUSHIl1Q... TElg!~ER J.'tE!:L'.'].'.~ ~.._G!l!'XEL FOR ROAD 4~ L GRAVEL is for new construction on Road 45 between Calton & Hount Salem. (See map area coloured purple) 2. CONTilACTOR is to supply, crush and haul the necessary gravel, which must pass D.H O. Specification #314 for Granular 'W'. (It may be necessary for the Contractor to screen sand to meet this specification) 3. GRAVEL is to be placed on the Road by "tail gatin" in uniform layer~, under the direction of the County Engineer's Agents. Levelling will be done by a County or Elgin grader Any compaction necessary will be done by the Coun~y. 4. THE CONTRl,CTOR is restricted to hauling over paved Coun~y Roads as mush as possible. The Contractor is responsibla for the maintenance of all Pit Roads and Township Roads (Other than application of calcium chloride where deemed necessary by the County) County Roads will be maintained by the County. 5, IT IS EXPECTED that the Road will be ready for crushed gravel between July 30th and August 15th., 19&5, but this date is not guaranteed, and no extras will be allowed the Contractor if the grade is not completed by this date 6,. ALL GRAVEL under Item "E" of this tender must be placed by September 15, 1965. 99l[~TY OF ELGIN _T_llJi!)J~_R., __F.Q,~_ggi~V.]b__.9}~U S!iING _ TENDER ITEU "F" - GRAVEL_fOR i3gA!)__~L2_.. 1, GRAVEL is for new construction on Road 52 between the N,YC_R,R, tracks and the Dereham Townline, (See map area coloured blue) 2. CONTRACTOR is to supply, crush, and haul the necessary gravel whihh must pass DoH.O., Specification 1!3l4 for Granular "A", (It may be necessary for the Contractor to screen sand to meet this specification) 3, GRAVEL is to be placed on the Road by "tail gating" in uniform layers under the direction of the County Engineer's Agents, Levelling will be done by a County of Elgin grader, Any compaction necessary will be done by the County, 4, THE CONTRACTOR is restricted to hauling over paved County Roads as much as possible, The Contractor is responsible for the maintenance of all Pit Roads and Township Roads (other than application of calcium chloride where deemed necessary by the County) County Roads will be maintained by the County, 5. IT IS EXPECTED that the Road will be ready for crushed gravel between July 30th and August 15th" 1965, but this date is not guaranteed, and no extras will be allowed the Contractor if the grade is not completed by this date. 6, ALL GRAVEL under this Item "F" must be placed by October 15, 1965, (See Penalty Clause, Tender Condition # 11) COUNTY OF ELGIN TENDER FOlLJlRAVEL C~l!..Sl!lNQ TENp-E_L~:rEI~ "G" - GRAVEL_1'9.R ROAD CONST}l,D.:9_'U9_N_ FROlL!11JTCHINGS PIT 10 GRAVEL is for Road Construction on Road 19 from Southwold Station, 108 miles southerly, (See map area co loured yellowo Haul Road is dotted in yellow) 20 THE COUNTY of Elgin will provide pit run gravel from the Pit where the gravel is presently stripped, If more stripping is necessary, it will be done by the County, except that necessary for the Contractor's own convenience in setting up his crusher, The County will also build earth Roads for entrances to the area being worked, as deemed necessary by the County, 30 THE CONTRACTOR'S attention is drawn to the shallowness of the deposit, and the sandiness of the deposit, The amount of sand to be screened off will be aa directed by the County Engineer's Agent, This sand shall be stockpiled as directed by the County Engineer's Agent within t mile of the crushing area, This will be paid for under Item G-2 on the Tender Form, 40 THE SCALES may be set up in the Pit so as to weigh both the sand and the gravel, 5, GRAVEL is to be placed on the Road by "tail gating" in uniform layers, under the direction of the County Engineer's Agent, Levelling will be done by a County of Elgin grader, Any compaction necessary will be done by the County, 6, THE CONTRACTOR will be restricted to the use of the following Roads' 1. Delaware-Southwold Townline 2. County Road 19 7. IT IS EXPECTED that the Contractor will be required to crush and to stockpile approximately 600 Tons of crushed gravel under Item G-2, This will be stock- piled as directed by the County Engineer's Agent, within t mile of the crushing area, 80 IT IS EXPECTED that the Road will be ready for crushed gravel by approximately June 30, 1965, However, this date is not guaranteed, and no extras will be allowed to the Contractor if the grade is not completed by this date. 9, ALL GRAVEL under Item fiG" of this tender must be placed by July 30, 1965. (See penalty clause - Tender Clause Item # 11) COUNTY OF E"LgIk!,,,,, rENDER !Q.lLQ~Y.~J"... .C}'~!J.gm:!G TENDER ITEl! "H" - :r:!gJ',J!l_]Q}LQl'US:!l1J::!,Q".!:l:~l)_.S:rOp"I~~I1ING_Gry.Y_?L, JLC}\.E_E!1I~lG_,Al.l.I~_ _~39 .C!Q?D"I,NQ. .9i-,N,D..i;I. IliE..92P.l:!.TX l&.J::rll ' iLp_TAI_~O.t.l, , (ST T..IiO!'1hS)..PJ1. 1. THE PIT RUN gravel will be supplied by the County of Elgin at no charge to the Contractor, where directed by the County Engineer's Agent at their pit at '~ite's Station 2, ANY STRIPPING necessary (except that necessary for the Contractor's own convenience in setting up his crusher) will be done by the County, and suitable notice for additional stripping required must be given to the County by the Contractor_ 3. THE AREA worked in must be left neat and tidy and the Pit worked to the bottom. 4. THE AMOUNT of sand screened will be as directed by the County Engineer's Agent. (Estimated quantity - 5,000 tons of sand and 10,000 tons of crushed gravel) 5 THE SAND is to stockpiled as directed by the County at/or near the present stockpile at the salt storage shed. 6 THE CRUSHED GRAVEL is to be stockpiled as directed by the County near the present crushed gravel stockpile at the front of the Pit 7 ALL WORK under this Item "H" of the tender must be completed by October 31st., 1965. (See penalty clause - Tender Clause, Item # 11) COUNTY__ ()_f.. EJ.._G,I~ _l!,o_~_...lgX. _ASPHALT PAVING ELM STREET COUNTY ROAD 53 - TOVlN ,_0F.._,.AY1~t1J!:J.~ INFO~~TION TO BIDDERS 1, LIST OF DOCUl1E~1.'ffi - L 1, Information to Bidders, (This Sheet) 2, Tender Conditions. 3. General Conditions and Conditions Applying to Individual Tender Items, 4, Tender Form and Envelope, 5, Plan of Elm Street, 6, County Map, 2, WORK CONSISTS of supplying and laying hot mix asphalt pavement on County Road 53 (Elm Street), Town of Aylmer, approximately 0,5 miles in length, 3, TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned until 10,00 A,~L APRIL 13TH, , 1965, 4, FURTHER INFOro~,TION may be obtained from the Undersigned, Telephone No,. 631-5880, St, Thomas 0 R.G. MOORE, Po ENGo, COUNTY ENGINEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. COUNTY OF ELGIE HOT }IlK ASPHALT PAYING.--=-__ELI1 STREET COUNTY ROAD 53 - TmlN OF AYLl1ER T~DER CONDITION~ 1. SEALED TEN~RS will be received by the County Engineer at his office in the Court House until i1hQQ A,I1, APR..IL 13TH. 1965. 2. ALL BIDS must be on the forms and in envelopes provided by the County, and be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin in the amount of 10 per cent of the total tender. This deposit will be released when a contract is signed by the successful Tenderer. 3. THE SUCCESSFUL TENDERER must sign a contract and post a 100 per cent Performance Bond from a recognized Bonding Company doing business in the Province of Ontario within 10 days of being notified that he is the successful Tenderer. Should he fail to do so, his tender cheque will be forfeited to the County of Elgin to compensate the County for d&nages sustained. 4. THE SUCCESSFUL TENDERER must also post a 100 per cent l1aterial and Labour Bond to ensure payment will be made to all employees and to all sub-contractors and their employees and to all suppliers of materials supplied by the contractor for the contract. 5. THE CONTRACTOR shall visit the site of the work, examine all plans and specifications, and satisfy himself of all conditions of the work. 6. THE CONTRACTOR will furnish all lights, barricades, flagmen, signs, etc. necessary in the opinion of the County for the preservation of the traffic and the safety of the work. 7. NO EXTRA vIDRK will be allowed unless authorized by the County Engineer in writing. 8. BIDDERS must be capable of performing the various items of work bid upon. They may be required to furnish statements covering' (a) their experience on similar work, (b) machinery, plant and other equipment available for the proposed work, and (c) financial resources to complete the contract. The County reserves the right to reject the tender of any contractor whom they believe does not have the financial resources or the experience to successfully complete the work. (This clause does not prohibit sub-contracting a portion of the work. All sub-contractors must be approved by the County.) 9. ANY UNBALANCED BID or qualification of the tender will liable the tender to rejection. 10. PROGRESS ~AY11ENTS will be made on approximately the 10th of the month for 90 per cent of the work done during the previous month. Complete payment will be made 60 days after completion of the work as certified by the County Engineer. 11. THE WO~ must be completed before June 15th., 1965, and the contractor agrees to pay to the County of Elgin $100,00 as liquidated damages per calendar day that each item of the contract remains incomplete after the dates stated. 12. 1~__CONT~CTOR.. is to carry Workmen's Gompensation Insurance and Third Party Liability Insurance to the satisfaction of the County. 13. NO DEPOSIT is required for the plans and specifications. 14. LOWEST or ANY TENDER not necessarily accepted. "\hL eo""ITIO", ^"" CO""ITIO", "FIT"C TO " ~~. U' h Sgecifica-tion General, "" O~ o,p,rtm,ot ,f ,< .,1'. . 1 '1 1961. =--:." " 100 'eV""d 'nr' .. conQi-tions of contract corm ' 1 I' 1 Qin'" -truck hau ,h,ll applY t, thi' Cootr"t ,'0' u "" tm,ot .... ) readio' 'CountY of Rrgio for on"r" oepar r""" " """"". of ""O""y'''. ,nd ""nt for tM foIl""''''' ' . . the .... Suos-ti-tU-te corpora-tion, mean~ng lOl-9 ne-par-tmenv - ' . eorpor,ti,n ,f th' county of Ol<,n. B ' eel' engageQ bY -the 101-11 ...in.er _ m.an' th' n<'o ~i,iP,'ity to ,up.rvi" the .,rh; COUN't"! OF B1,GIN "or "",, ,SP",lT p^,Il'C · E'" STREOT COUllTY ROAD 5" - TO,", oP .~ 103-6 par,gr,ph 2 ' r'- '" II "i'ITe notice in the J"orm 'P 'the contractor s"a 0 . r" "rib,d by the onrpor,ti,n t, th' EnE,n.' · . 'S not to H.r ",j,M th' QU'" in r;ght ,f ont,r" , . " l' ureQ suos-t~tu-te b' ind"",d " un ,dd',"'"' ,n' · Coun-tY of Elgin; B . neeI" FOr ","i,t,r ,ub,titut. e,unty n<' · B . eel'" For >lioietor ,uMtitot' countY op>' · For 1.<i",t",' ,ub,titut' county coun,il; . R ." to M ,t 8<ffi of Form 527. O.H.O. B<lU1-'Pment enva.l- g,hedule of Rent,l ,.t.,; . , 0 .t third -paragraph e~cep-t~ng omit first. ?3 ragraph. m1- -the first. sentence thereof; l04-l 106-3 107-2 107-4 107-5 l03-4- 2. 10B-7 am"; . . reaQ corvora-t~on. 108-9 For Dep,r,m,nt of ".ghW'Y" d U 1, 3 shall conform, ,LL "0" '"" ,sP"'''" both ".1. "an ". d 'n s-trict . d Q shall De proteCVe 1- ,hall be '00"" ,0 "De ,rtmeot of ",gje",1' ",ord,o,e "ith ,h' Oo"r.o p ". .' . ~ m 310 latest ReV1-S1-on. svec1-f~cat~On cor ' 3. ~ materialS Vlork. , 3k/lOO pene-tratiOn asphal-t THE COD"" of ,""io "ill ,uro,'h , 5 . ~ 1 eri,l Oil e,mp'oY Limited pl,nt ,t ern'" ;~~: :;:d h,ulege t' the Cootr"t,r" "ph"t plent . t labOur and '" 11 furnish all equ~pmen , Sl~ f m the (eZ,ept ,'onalt) n"",'r> to o,r or " 4. COUNTY OF ELGIN PAGE 2 HOT NIX ASPHALT PAVING )',L!L.~ml>,:r->.._AX!o-f:l~~,,_ .Q,oy.t'l1J ROAD 53 GENERAL CONDITI9J1S AND CONDITIONS APPLYING TO INDIVII?IlAh,_'!'.~NQ.E~. .I.TJ:HS - il:.Q!!.t.~,<l,J 4. of the asphalt will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 5. THE COUNTY of Elgin will design the mix and the Contractor shall supply any material, analysis of the aggregates, etc, necessary to facilitate the designing of the mix. All material must be approved before work commences. 6. THE lroRK consists of supplying and laying Hot Mix Pavement on Elm Street, being County Road #53 in the Town of Aylmer, from Hwy. #3 northerly to Beech Street, including the Beech Street & Elm Street intersection, to the present pavement on Beech Street, Also included in this contract is the paving of street intersections of Creek, Spruce and Forest Streets with Elm Street. The Contractor's attention is drawri to the fact that he must match up the top course of pavement with the concrete gutter which exists from Elm Street Bridge to Hwy. #3, and the curb and gutter whcich will be placed at the intersection of Beech Street and Elm Street. The width of pavement shall be from curb to curb where curb exists, and 24 feet elsewhere, No more asphalt pavement is to be placed on the bridge deck, but a layer of H.L. 4 will be placed over the present asphalt pavement on the Bridge approaches. Width of pavement will be tapered from the bridge to meet the curb and gutter on the South and the 24 foot width on the North, Base Course HoL. 8 is to be laid to a depth of 2 inches in one lift, Surface Course H.L. 4 is to be laid to a depth of l~ inches in one lift, 7. THE COUNTY of Elgin will provide line stakes at suitable offsets on one side every 100 feet on tangent, 50 feet on curves and 25 feet on channelizations. Additional stakes are the responsibility of the Contractor. 8. PAYMENT will be made according to the unit price based on quantities shown on approved weight tickets only, , COUNTY OF ELGIN PAGE 3 HOT 11lX ASPHALT PAVING - ELl1 STREET, AYLMER, COUNTY ROAD 53 Q?_~E}~I\.,l...CQl'!I?IT}:gJl_S_, .L:.~JP.. ,9-0NDITlONS APPLYING TO INDIVIDUAL TENDER ITEMS_ - (cont Y d) 9. l'.HE._Q9-U,l:11_'f."9}',,,E:.L_G.I~ will prepare and shape the granular grada in front of the laying of the asphalt, escept' withing 20 feet of the existing pavement on H~ry, #3, Beech Street, Creek Street, Elm Street Bridge, amd the crossing plank of the C,N,R crossing. The Contractor shall supply all necessary labour, etc., as part of this contract, to tie in the new:pavement to the existing pavement, including the shaping of the graqe within 20' of the present pave- ments . The Contractor shall also supply .all necessary labour to "tie in" the new pavement around manhole qovers (if the heighth of the manhole covers needs to be adjusted, this 'work will be done by the Town of Aylrler). The Contractor is to give the County reasonable notice as to when grade preparation is necessary, and after the County has shaped the grade, he is to promptly lay the.base course of pavement, so as to preserve the grade. 10. NO OVERLOI\.~I~~ will be tolerated, and loads in excess of legal limits will not be weighed. R G HOORE, P ENG , COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOl1AS, ONTARIO, , COUNTY OF ELGIN HOT MIX lSPHALT PAVING - - - ELM STREET COUNTY ROAD 53 TOFN OF AYLMER TENDER FORM TO THE CHAIRr1AN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~1ITTEE. I/~~ have examined,the Specifications for supplying the materia~s and laying hot mix, hot laid asphalt pavement on County Road 53, and have examined the site of the work and fully understand the work to be done. livrE hereby agree to supply al~ materials specified and shall complete all work by June 15, 1965, and agree to pay to the County of Elgin $100.00 per calendar day, as liquidated damages each day the contract remains incomplete after this time. Item Unit I"lf Approximate Unit Measurement Quantity P:1!!i c e Amount H.L. 8 Ton 1250 H.L. 4- Ton 925 TOTAL: I/vIE enclose a certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the County of Elgin, for 10 per cent of the amount bid, being D.llars. LOWEST er ANY TENDER n.t necessarily accepted. WITNESS CONTRACTOR DATE ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCH 23, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS except Reeve Woo1ner were present. Also present was Mr. Frank Clarke, Sr. Municipal Supervisor, D.H.O., London. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. CLARKE N. TUFFORD THAT J.B. WILSON BE CHAIRMAN FOR THE DAY. CARRIED. THE MINUTES of the meeting of March 10th. were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date, stating: 1. Ice and snow control work had been rather intermittent, and with cold weather continuing, it was likely that more plowing and sanding would be required. A number of culverts had been thawed out. 2. The Frink Sander had been returned to Preston for repairs. 3. Clearing was being continued on Road 44. 4. Repairs had been made to Tractors 2 & 3 and to Truck # 18. 5. Painting around the Garage and Yard would be started when weather permitted. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the County of Grey re subsidy on graders over 125 H.P. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION FROM THE COUNTY OF GREY RE SUBSIDY ON ROAD MACHINERY BE FILED, AS THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS HAS ACTED ON THIS MATTER. CARRIED. A LETTER was read from H.C. Dernier, District Engineer, D.H.O., requesting that the County assume the portions of County Roads 17 & 19 built in conjunction with Hwy. 401 by the D.H.O., other than the overpasses. PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 23,1965. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N.G. TUFFORD G.E. BROWN THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY ASSUME AS PER D.H.O. REQUEST, THE PORTION OF ROAD BUILT ON COUNTY ROAD 19 BY THE D.H.O. AT HWY. 401, EXCEPT THE BRIDGE AND ASSUME JOINTLY WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, THE PORTION OF ROAD BUILT ON COUNTY ROAD 17 BY THE D.H.O. AT HWY. 401, EXCEPT THE BRIDGE. CARRIED. DRAINAGE on County Road 20 was discussed. THE COUNTY ENGINEER reported that wind insurance policy on the County Garage had been renewed and received, and that the boiler insurance policy had been received but was in error, and a new policy would be forthcoming. A FUNCTIONAL PLANNING REPORT on the Port Burwell Bridge by the D.H.O. was examined and discussed. VARIOUS LAND PURCHASE PROBLEMS on Roads 24, 44 & 19 were discussed, including Shepherd and Rugrenis. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED permission to call tenders for Hot Mix Paving and Gravel Crushing. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. CLARKE N. TUFFORD THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR HOT MIX PAVING ON ROAD 53 IN AYLMER, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O., TO CLOSE APRIL 13 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER, it was MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.C. LEITCH G. BROWN THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR GRAVEL CRUSHING FOR THE VARIOUS ROADS JOBS IN 1965, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE D.H.O., TO CLOSE ON APRIL 13 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. PURCAHSE of various items of New Machinery was discussed. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 23, 1965. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. CLARKE G. BROWN " THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A FARM TRACTOR AND INDUSTRIAL MOWER WITH THE COUNTY'S 1944 FARMALL "A" AS A TRADE-IN, ALL SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL, TENDERS TO CLOSE APRIL 13, AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. TUFFORD D.C. LEITCH THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A 125 C.F.M. AIR COMPRESSOR WITH THE COUNTY'S ARPIC COMPRESSOR AS A TRADE-IN, SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: G. BROWN N. CLARKE THAT THE COUNTY ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCAHSE A WATER SOFTENER FOR THE COUNTY GARAGE. CARRIED. THE DESIRABILITY of 2-way radio in the County was discussed, and the Engineer instructed to obtain as much information as possible. THE ENGINEER suggested that application be made to the Board of Transport Commissioners for modern protection on railway crossings on County Roads 37, 52 & 54. After discussion, it was MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. TUFFORD G. BROWN THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE B.O.T.C. FOR MODERN PROTECTION FOR RAILROAD CROSSINGS ON N.Y.C.R.R. ON ROADS 52 & 54, AND ON THE C.P.R.R.R. ON ROAD 37 EAST OF BELMONT. ~ CARRIED. ADJUSTMENT of employees' wages was discussed at some length. Reeve Phillips stated that he hoped the special committee appointed by the Warden might be able to set up an employees' salary schedule before the end of the year. PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONXARIO, MARCH 23, 1965. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON D.C. LEITCH THAT ROAD EMPLOYEES BE GRANTED WAGE INCREASES AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT EMPLOYEES $1.45 OR OVER - 10 CENTS PER HOUR; PERMANENT EMPLOYEES $1.38 TO $1.45 _ 8 CENTS PER HOUR; CASUAL EMPLOYEES DOING HEAVY LABOUR, AND MOWER OPERATORS - $1.30 PER HOUR; OTHERS $1.25 PER HOUR; AND THAT THE FOLLOWING EMPLOYEES BE PUT ON PERMANENT STAFF: WILLIAM SMALL, FRANK JONES, ALBERT BORREMANS, KEITH PLAYER, AND GARY GORDON. CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON D.C. LEITCH THAT THE SALARIES OF THE FOLLOWING PERSONS BE INCREASED AS FOLLOWS: MRS. HOBBS TO $260.00 PER MONTH; RAY COLLARD TO $410.00 PER MONTH; MRS. CONNOY TO $10.00 PER DAY; NORM CHAPLOW TO $5,600.00 PER ANNUM. . CARRIED. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: N. CLARKE G. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO APRIL 13TH., AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. ~, ( / /7/ /J _,~'J~ /'/ iQ~ / L-;1PNrt;AJI / CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN PICKUP TRUCK TENDER~ MARCH 2ND. 1965 SUPPLIER MODEL , Haskett Motors Limited, Chevrolet St. Thomas, Ontario. Model C-1504 CENTRAL CAR COMPANY LIMITEDt Ford AYLMER, ONTARIO. F-IOO Page Motor Sales Limited, Dutton, Ontario. Chevrolet Model 1534 Disbrowe Motors, St. Thomas, Ontario. G.M.C. Medel C91504 Spackman Motors Limited, St. Thomas, Ontari~. Ford F-IOO Lyle Grant Motors Limited Straffordville, Ontario. Chevrolet Model C-1534 Melrose Mercury Sales Limited, Mercury St. Thomas, Ontario. M 1-00 , Jack Brooks Motors, St. Thomas, Ontario. International 1100 E.L. Fordham Motors Limited, Rodney, OntariO. G.M.C. r~del C-91504 Lyons Ford Sales &: Service, Dutton, Ontario. Ford F-IOO Truman'Motors Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. Chevrolet Model C-1504 Mil1er'Motor Sales Rodney, Ontario. Ford F-IOO PRICE EXCLUDING ,3% SALES TAX $1,962.26 $1,969.10 , $1,975.00 $2tOOO.00 $2,020.00 $2,050.00 $2,064.00 $2,090.15 $2,099.00 $2t135.90 $2,165.00 $2,195.00 March 15, 1965. To the Council of Elgin County Re: County Needs Study Since it is the duty of the co-ordinating committee to keep the County Council informed of the progress being made on the Department of Highways initiated 10 year "County Needs Study", I have been delegated as your con- sultant to write this brief resumee of progress made to date. The entire program involves taking an inventory of all existing roads and bridges and analysing the existing county roads system with respect to given criterion and proposing changes required to conform to the criterion. The study also investigates past population and assessment growth and estab- lishes a future trend. The projected population and assessment provides necessary information on the amount of future monies available to carry out construction and maintenance. The past administration and maintenance figures are also investigated to determi~~ p. Ij.st expenditures in order to establish a basis for future costs. A maphin~ry inventory is also made in order to establish a replacement schedule, . The ~~~ults of o~r WOrk tp 4~te are briefly as follows: (1) Ponulat:ton and Assessm~nt The poP\l.lat;i.ol} of ei:1,c}:) !Jl\!m.c;ipal~~y in the County has been pro- jectectby tl;l.e m<;jtllOd o;f "'~aljt pc.lultl'es". This method is a mathematical .pl'ocess whiCh 'take~ .P~~~.:population figures and from these establishes IJ. hasis.$.9.r,,t':<;t)kI',e'j)-rojection. The results of our projection are as " it' "I,ll ow-s.~ . "^>,, Municipality Present Population Population in 1975 Aylmer 4549 6065 Belmont 734 1253 Dutton 823 820 Port Burwell 742 879 Port Stanle;y 1436 1587 Rodney 1039 1227 Springfield 503 528 Vienna 395 532 West Lorne 1093 1200 Aldborough 2804 3058 Bayham 3977 4620 South Dorchester 1443 1698 Dunwich 2281 2310 Malahide 4356 5350 Southwold 4129 4609 Yarmouth 6611. 7821 County Total 37008 43557 '\ .". 22456 St. Thomas 24000 There are several methods of forecasting future assessment. The one chosen is a projection of population multiplied by the current (1963) assessment per person. On this basis the 1975 total assessment is projected to be $65,771,070. The assessment per person used to arrive at the above total assessment figure was $1510.00. , (2) Maintenance Costs Past maintenance costs have indicated a general rise in the cost of maintaining the county road system. Some of this rise in cost is due to increased costs of labour, equipment and .materials. The standard of maintenance of cpunty rpads has also risen and will continue to rise. A summary of approximate present and projected future maintenance costs per mile is as follows:. Present Pro,iected 1975 Roadside Maintenance Hard Top Maintenance Loose Top Maintenance Winter Maintenance Safety Devices Bridges and Culverts $105 420 560 175 53 70 $207 591 790 364 70 70 (3) Future Eouioment Costs The existing equipment, the need for additional equipment and a future replacement schedule have been discussed, debated, and analysed to some extent; however, at this stage, no definite decisions have yet been made. (4) Administration Costs and Engineering Overhead Administration costs in the past have fluctuated from 2.0% to 2.5% of the total yearly expenditure. On the basis of these costs experienced in tije.past and some probable additional costs, a per- centage of 3% has bee~ proposed to establish future costs. (5) Engineering Overhead This item covers approximately twenty items ranging from Work- mens Compensation Insurance, pension, legal fees to traffic counts, permits and incidentals. ~ the past these costs have shown an up- ward trend from approximately 2.4% to 3.4% of the yearly total expenditure. A projection of this trend provides us with an Engineer- ing Overhead cost in 1975 of 4.7% of the total expenditure. (6) Bridge Inventorv All bridges in the county have been inventoried and analysed with respect to the county standard$ Which are set by the Department of Highways. On the basis o:\' tl1ese standard$, the County of Elgin halO 26 critically deficient bridges. There are also four otl1ers wl1ich will require replacement in the 10 year period. The total cost to replace these bridges is $2,888,000.00. These bridges have been given a prioritY,J;'ating il'l ordElr..tl.' determine their relative importance. Both the cpnditiqn 9~ the Strncture and the importance of the road are used tp art~v~ ~t tl1e priprity schedule. To date no definite pro- ject by projector mpnetary.program for replacement of these structures has been decided. . (7) Roads Inventorv At present we are in the process of completing and summarizing the results of our field inVentory. This will be completed in the near future. / (8) General Upon completion of both road and bridge inventories and the projection of future assessment, an attempt will be made to arrive at a desirable mill rate which will eliminate or reduce existing backlog needs. There has also been considerable preliminary descussion con- cerning the extent of the suLurban roads system and also the function this roads system should preform for the County and the City of St. Thomas. One of the major problems that has arisen to da,te has been the limited extent of available funds to construct ahd.maintaina desirable suburban roads system. Most discussion to date has con- cerned itself with ways and means of overcoming Or sidestepping this problem by manipulating the coUnty and suburban systems to l5est use the mOl1iesavailable.. The various divisions of this report are .approaching completion such that the fOrmal writing of the report will start in the near futUre. The Co-ordinating Committee will be keeping the County Council informed ot progress and will be requiring your decisions on several important phases of the report. Respectfully submitted; A. M. SFRI:s'r ~ ASSOCIATES LTD., A. M. Spriet, p, Eng. ST. 'tH01I\P.S, OHTARIO, MARCH, 1965 TO THE CHAlRMA}! A}!D 1JlE1I1BERS - - OF THE COU}!'l'1 OF ELGIN ROAD COJlfl1nTTE~' GENTLEMEN~ ATTACHED to thi' report i' a PRDPOSED ,UNCET for 1965. The pre,ent eounty Road Sy,tem eontain, appro,i..t"y 256 mile' of County Ro,d' and 25 mil.e' of St. Tho'" Suhurhan Road' for a total of 2" aile', Thi' mileage i' the ,am' a' la,t year. TEE COUNTY ,EEbS STOD1 no' underWaY .ill nO doubt n"e,- ,itate a nuaber of ehange' ineluding County Road ~leaCe, County E<Penditure, and the organi,atiOn of the Co,",ty Road Department. To propo,e ,ny more minOr ehanC" in the organi,ation at thi' time .ould be to ,a1 the le"t premature. Major ehange, propo,ed or oeee"it,ted bY the Study .ill require oareful eoo'ideration by the Committee. Thi' will, no doubt, not be po"ihl' until ,at' ,umm" OX' e3rly fall. T"O FROPOSED BUDGET tot,l' $905,OOD.00 .hieh i' a ,eduotion of over $lO.DOO.OD from th' ,,"eoditur, of 1964. Thi' i' beoau,' of th' emph"i" on RD,d Con,t,~etiOn r.th,r th'O Bridge construction thiS year. MAINTENANCE~ - - -- }'\AINTE}!ANCE COSTS are ,,"eeted to folloW v,r1 e'o,"Y th' ",et,d thOt R,p,ir, to p,v,ment' .ill 1e.r' , "thoU," the eff,et' of the .inter hero toO ",1 be felt. _ 2 - ~RCH, 1961 PROPOSED BUDGET -- -- GR,VEL RESURFAGING i' ,u"",,ted for Gounty Rond lZ in th' 'own,hin of Dun'ioh, Gounty Ro,d 45 b,t",n Gounty 11o,d, ,Z ,nd 36 in th' ,,.o,bi, of Y'rO~,th ,nd Gounty Rond 35 bot"on Jaff' ,od ,"",11. Tho moooy i' "ti""d ,000rding11' cont'd. WINTER CONTROL ,<ponditUr" ,r' ,xo"dinglY diffioult to estimate. O,",R COSTS folJ.O. v,rY ,10,,'Y th' tr,nd of thO ".,nditur" of p,et Y"'" It .nuld ann,a, from or","in'01 r"ult' that," .,v,d Ro,d' ,hould b' o,ntr' lin,d ,vorY y,ar ,e th' r,oult is ~el1 ~orth the lo~ cost. ,BE BSTIM'T' for URBAN REB"" i' b",d or, , 35 n" o,nt "b,t' on , mill r,t' of 7.5 mill'. AnY ohans' in th' pr",nt r,b,t' noliey .ill, of oour'" ,ff,ot thie figur" OVBRHEA" COSTS",' e,tiO'ted ,t th' "m' " "et y"r" e~penditure ($49,000,00). BRIDCE MAINTBNANcE AN" ?,"N'INO i' e,timAt,d ,t $6,000.00. A .'ioting progr,m .ill haV' to b' "ft iO ab,y,Ooe uotil th' Ne,d' StndY i' o"rlY oomnl,t,d. No m,Jor Bridg' Ren,i" ,r' ,ont,mnl,ted. CULVERT MAINTENANcE" ,,",O'ted ,t ,om",h,t more than ",t year " ,..,r,l ,ulv"t' .hioh ,hould h'v' b,eo r,.l",d .e,e "ft due to la,k of time. MojO' Oulvert 0' Sm,ll BridG' R,pl,O..,nt' ore "t,",ced at $ZO,400.00 ($10,000.00 io cn"truotion). Inolud,d in th' nurob,r of ,ono,et' oulvert' that ehnuld b' repl,o,d are t'O on County RpOd 9 '" t of High"Y #76, Turk'y C,,,k Beidg' (20 f,et) on the Hunt Dr,in on th' south'Old-"""'" Towolin', spring C",k Bridg' (ZO f"t) on County Road 37 on the South and North Ooroh,eter To.nlin' ,nd on' on County Ro,d 13 in Dutton. - 3 - ~ARCH. 1962. PROPOSED BUDGET - ~ C2NSTRUC'TI0~: THE ",JOR ITEM under nridge ,ndCulvert Cen,truotinn i' the ,o,t of PIPE Cue"'RT CONSTRUCTION en nOW gr,ding (inoluding the ,e,t ef relief oulvert' en Ceunty Ro,d 44 o"r the Eden nridg')' cont'd. e,tim,ted et $2.000.00 ,od prelimiO,ry .erR ,t St,lter OullY i' e,tim,ted ,t $3,000.00. A Snil' Cen,ult,nt ,hould be ,"pleyed thi' ,ummer to repert on the fe"ibility of , oulvert ,od fill to replaoe the old Bridge. CLEANUP WORK in the area ef the Elm Street Eridge i' PURCHASE OF '"' ,",CHINERl i' e,tim,ted at $30,000.00. A pi'kuP tru,k he' ,Ir"dY been puroha,ed, ,nd oth,r purohe,e, ,hould ihOlude , oeW Air Cempr."or (125-C," Medel) ,nd ,t le"t ooe ,nd perhapS t~O tractors. , ST1J1l1 e' the ad"nteg" ef , ",,0-"1 Radio iO the CeuP"' haa bean roBda in th' pa,t year aOd I would ra,ommand th' hurohaae of a Radio system this year. 1>NO PORCHAsE ia "tirontad aop.,hat leuar than la,t 10ar" ",pendi< ur' ($42,778.00) eO aoma ""tohing uP" heO b "n do",' W nd puro,",a ,nd Fanoing or "n,a ,'lew,noe on D,v,lopmant Road #785 ia aotimatad at $16,000.00 and 1/2 of thia ,mount er ,.,000.00 i' estimated as thiS year'S expenditure. TBB COST of tha oomplation ef the Nead' Study, inoluding , pUhli'hi", ef tha roport, i' "timBtad at $12,000.00 (after payment' by tha Suburban Ro,d commiaaian and ,djaoent enuntie,. Ne inveioa h" baan r,oaivad " yet fer tho oeat of the io,tallation of tha c,nadi,n Natienal Railway Cre"iOg prot,otion en Elm Street in ,ylm,r. >1'0 to bo paid fer i' tho oo,t of cro"in, pretaotien en Ceunty Rood 4 ,t Bl,ok'a wna and the Kant Te.nlioe en the Naw lork cantr,l Railroad and tha Ch"ahe,ke · Ohio R,ilU'Y' Beard of Trau,pert order' heVe been r,oaived ,er ,he in'tallatien 0' ~ 4- ~ ~RCH. 1962. PROPOSED BUDGET - - <,t" on Co"nty Ro,d 14 on th' N'" 10rk centrol R,ilrO,d ,nd th' Ch"'o.,k' . Ohio Roil.'Y ,nd on county Ro,d 20 on thO N"' York Central Railroad. con,ider,tion ,hoUld b' giv,n for naklnR 'oPliootiOn to th' Boord for Cro,aing Prot,otion Mod,rni,otion on Co"nt1 Ro,d 52 ",t of springfi,'d ,nd Couot1 Ro,d 54 (OXford T,wnlin,\ on tho N"' york e,ntral R,ilroad, and the inotallation of proteotion 00 CotlOt1 Ro,d 37 e"t of Beloont on th' caoadian p,oifio Rail""' Co,t of mi,oellaneone Gr,ding eon,truotion, survey" , cant !d. Traffio eouot', eto. i' e,timated at ,3,000.00. Th' o"t of o'odng on eouot1 RoOd 16 (TalbOt RoOd\ , rrime Do"ble S",'faoe Tre,tm,nt, oOIDoleting Storm Drain work ,nd Gl,en"P , work is estimated at $45,000_00- , The ooot of ~ul,h p,voment, eleen"P Work, eCo. on Count1 , Roade 6 ,nd 42 i' "tim't,d ,t $25,000.00 '0. eooh Ro,d. Hot ~i' p,ving ,nd "",nup work on 'CO Stre,C in Aylm,r i' "Cimot'd ,t , $13,000.00- '"tim't" ,re ino1"d,d, " in,tr"oted by the Ro,d Co~ittee, for ,11 Gr,ding 1I0rk on th' eounCY Thr,e y"r RO,d Pro "om. The" oo'C' ,re bar' minimun oo,t, ,nd "",orc"n,t"1 th,re ere no av,ilab1e rund' to oov,r ,nY conCing,n,i", 'co. in,Ch'" job" A ,..'1 ,mounC i' inoluded to ,ov,r "",veying Co,t', ,t,. on couoty RD,d 27 in propar,tiOn for 1966 Gr,din. Work. COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMATES 1965 ROADS 1962 COST Surface Treatment $ 45,569.62 Gravel Resurfacing 23,839.45 , Repairs to Pavements 10,601.49 Maintenance of Gravel Roads Winter Control Dust Control Weed Control Brushing Drains & Catchbasins Drainage Assessments Railroad Protection Signs Guide Rail Centre Line Marking Seeding & Tree Planting Rebates to Urban Municipalities - (35% of 7! mills) 14,018.57 , 31,450.84 13,511. 27 , 8,926.63 5,867.63 1,970.07 4,670.81 3,062.2$ 4,713.16 2,1$3.02 2,699.62 37,802.85 }1AINTENANCE 1963 COST $ 44,328.59 29,431. 42 26,140.93 12,109039 , 43,251.20 19,773.23 , 9,732.49 , 3,176.12 , 2,492.62 7,368.90 3,211.35 4,489.04 227.89 9,530.25 1,784.58 38,921.55 1965 1964 COST ESTIMATE $ 51j768.68 $ 45jOOO.00 , 1$,585.18 25;000.00 , , 11,741.45 21,000.00 12,873.74 , 45,162.05 17,097.95 , 1l,372.56 , 3,076.32 2,986.41 , 2,742.04 4,009.43 6,876.88 , 1,321.83 , 7,773.45 443.50 42,593.26 12,500.00 , 35,000.00 , 16,000.00 , 12,000.00 , 3,000.00 2,500.00 , 4,000.00 4,500.00 , 5,000.00 , 1,500.00 , 8,500.00 1,000.00 44,000.00 TOTAL: $240,500.00 , AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: $120,250.00 OVERHEAD $ 44,656.94 $41,479.21 $49,198.98 ill 49,000.-00 AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: ill 24,500.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS Bridge Maintenance & Painting Culvert Maintenance Bridge & Culvert Maintenance - (major items) $ 6,000.00 8,000.00 10,400.00 TOTAL: $ 24,400~00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTID~TES 1965 - MAINTENANCE - cont'd. - 2 _ AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: $ 4,880.00 ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMD~ISSION Road and Bridge Maintenance $ 21,100.00 , AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: $ 5.050.00 ITEMS NOT for subsidy (Liability Insurance, etc.) $ 1,500.00 , Winterworks - $10,000.00 - Cost to County 2,500.00 St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission 250.00 TOTAL: $ 4,250.00 TOTAL MAINTENANCE - County Roads - $240,500.00 AT A COST OF $120,250.00 TO COUNTY Overhead ,- 49,000.00 AT A COST OF 24,500.00 TO COUNTY Bridge & Culvert - 24,400.00 AT A COST OF 4,880.00 TO COUNTY St. Thomas Suburban Roads & Bridges - 21,100.00 AT A COST OF 5,050.00 TO COUNTY Items not for subsidy by D.H.O. - Lf, 250.00 TO COUNTY $335,000~00 AT A COST OF $158,930.00 TO COUNTY COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTIMATES 1965, CONSTRUCTION ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN AREA ROADS Construction AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: COUNTY BRIDGES & CULVERTS Elm Street Bridge & Approaches Stalter Gully Bridge Replacement Pipe Culvert Constructio~ .n New Grading C~ncrete Culvert Construction (in additionlt~ major items in maintenance) TOTAL: AT A COST TO THE COUNTY OF: ROADS New r.1a chinery Land Purchases Fencing & Land Purchase - (Development fl.oad Mst"of Highway #19) Needs Study Installation of Railroad Protection & Crossing - County Road 53, Aylmer Installation of Railroad Protection - C~unty Read 4, Kent Townline & Black's Lane Miscellaneous Grading Construction, Surveys, Traffic Counts, etc. Double Surface Treatment, St)rm Drain Installation, Clean-up Work, 'County Road 16, Talbot Creek till County RClad 15, DunwichTownship, approximately 6 miles ' Mulch Paving, 'Clean-up, County ~pad 6, Aldblllrough Township, approximately 2.5 miles Mulch Paving, Clean-up, County Road 42,'Bayham Township & Village of Port Burwell, approximately 2 miles Hot Mix Paving, Clean-up, etc., County Road 53, (Elm Street) Aylmer $ 2,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 3,000.00 , 43,000.00 10,000.00 $ 58,000.00 , :I> 11,600.00 :); 30,000.00 , 30,000.00 8,000.00 , 12,000,00 12,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 45,000,00 25,000.00 25,000.00 18,000.00 COUNTY OF ELGIN ESTTIWlTES 1965 CONSTRUCTION - cont'd, - 2 -, ROADS .,. cont' d, Grading, Granular Base,'etc" County Road 19, Southwold Township, approximately 1,6 miles $ 50,000,00 Grading, Granular Base, etc" County Road 44, Bayham Township, Highway #3 to Highway #19, approximately 3,8 miles 105,000,00 Grading, Granular Base, etc., County Road 45, County Road 40 to County Road 43, Malahide Township, approximately 4,0 miles 95,000,00 Grading, Granular Base, etc., County Road 52 from the New York'Central Railroad Tracks to Dereham Townline, Malahide & South Dorchester Townships, approximately 1,8 miles 45,000,00 Surveys, Preliminary v!ork, County Road 27, Union to Sparta, Yarmouth Township 3,000,00 TOTAL: $510,000,00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION.. St, Thomas Suburban Roads -$ 2,000.00 AT A COST OF $ 500.00 TO COUNTY Bridge & Culvert Construct:Lon - 58,000,00 AT A COST OF 11,600.00 TO COUNTY Road Construction - 510,000,00 AT A COST OF 255,000,00 TO COUNTY $570,000,00 AT A COST OF $267,100,00 TO COUNTY GRAND TOTALS - MAINTENANCE ,. $335,000,00 [,T A COST OF $158,930,00 TO COUNTY , CONSTRUCTION - $570,000,,00 AT A COST OF $267,100.00 TO COUNTY $905,000.00 AT A COST OF $426,030,00 TO COUNTY THE REBATE on Sales Tax is estimated at $1.500,00 (net) to the County. THUS THE NET ESTIMATED COST to the County is approximately $424.500.00. SEVEN POINT FIVE mills on the County Assessmen",' of $56,510,158,00 will raise approximately $423.826.00. QOUNTY OI~LGIN ESTII~TES 1965 WORK O. DEVRLO~"'T ROAD #692 will be in th' ord,r of $20,000.00 and work done for oth,ra, ,to. in tho order of , $50,000.00. Th"' , the total, vouoh,r e>penditUr, .ill likelY be under On' Million Oollar' 'or tl,e fir,t time for ,ev,r,' 1"r,. CONSTRUCTION ~ cont'd. - '3 ~ ~LL OF l~HICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. R. G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER. ST. THOMAS, ONT~RI0, MARCH 5TH, 1965. T", COuNTY OF ELGIN RO,D eOvMITTEE met at the eo"" --- D. Clarke, Senior Munioipal supe,.i,or, London. ,LL _ERS were or"ent. ,LSO pRESENT '" Mr. Frank House at 10:00 a.m. T"' MINuTES of tM Febr'",,,,,l1th,meeting were read and approved. T", ENGI"," reported on the work to date a' follOW" 1. peavy flooding "e re,ulting froID he'vY r,in' on ..reh 4th with flooding ag,in ooo,"ring ,t Shedden and the Kettle, c,tfi,h and Otter creekS. Z. Three daY' ,or' required to oomplete ,no' reO'al after the ,tore on Febru,ry 24 ,nd Februnr1 25th. 3. The Frink Sander had been delivered. 4. Land "",obOee wae underw'Y on county Road 44 and eonntY Road 19. 5. Rep,ir, had been made to the soelee, Tool SbOnty, Flo,t ,nd Michigan Loader. 6. Engineering had been oomoleted on uevelopoent Ro,d #7'5 and ol"riOg wan oontinuins by the Towu,hiP of Bayhom foroe'. 7. ele,ring had been ,tarted on county Rood 44 in prepar,tion for S. palf Load Regol,tiono were in effeot. CORRESPONDENCE we' reed rrom the following' (1\ Mr. T.S. e,'d,ell aoproving Tranefer of pund' ,nnunl Return, (2\ On"rio Department of piSh,ay' re the Minimum Waga 'ot, and (3\ ant,rio Department of pigh,ay' re Sel" T.> .poly108 to construction. -~--------- contracts. V,RIOUS ,..mERS r.oorted on the an,ario GoOd Ro,d. AssociatiOn convention. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO" MARCH 5TH, 1965. PAGE 2 FLOODING on CounCY no,d 20 norCh of Sh.ddon ,aa discUssed. PICKUP TRUCK TENDERS .er. aa atta,hed. The following resolution waS passed: MOVED BY N.G. TUFFOW SBOOWED BY J .R. .ILSON TRAT wE ,ecEFT THE TENDER OF cENT",L e" eOMl'MI'l L""TED OF nUlER FOR , FOW F-'OO TRUCK" PER THEIR TENDER ,ND eOURTY SPECIFle'TIONS 'T TRBIR TElUlERED PRICE OF ",969.'0 SUBJECT TO ,PPROV'L OP D.R.O. (PRICE "" CLODES ONTARIO PROVIN CIAL S<cBS TAX I . CARRIED. , LETTER froID che Ontario Plant Fooda Liniced ,a. rend r'9ueaCing th' r..oval of the half load 11miC on CountY Rood 2 near County Road 3. ,100 di,ouaaed wan the removal of Half Lood Regulationa on County Road 5' [Elm Streot\ in ,yIID.r. --..---'..... MOVEU DY D.C. LElTeR SECONDED " e.N. Cl.ARKE TR,T wE REe"""'ND TO TflE eoPNTY COuNCIL ,.AT , ,,-LAW .E PASSED ,"1"'PT,.G TlIE VOL1.0WING ROADS FROM \lALY LOAD "GDLATIONS' (A\ RO,D 2 nOM Ro,D , TO THE E,ST L""'1 OF TRE ONTARIO PLANT FOODS L!M11ED atorag. plant <lUl (B \ ROAD 53 (E11<\ S'mBET) IN A'UlER. CARRIED. THE FOLLO~lNG resolution waS passed: T\\B BRGlNEBR repor,.d on in,uranoa ,overage and tha port Burwell Bridge. ST. THOW,S, ONTARIO, > MARCH 5TH, 1965. PAGE 3 THE FOLLOliJl1'lG resolntion was passed~ J .E. \HLSON G.E. BROWN p1\1LISTS BE l\.PPROVED FOR P1\YMENT~ p1\YLIST #7 _ $9,625.26 l\.ND MOVED BY SECONDED B1 TEl\. T THE FOU,OliJlNG pl\.1LIST #6 - $1,714.09; p1\1LIST #8 - $15,519.17. Cl\.RRIED ArTER DINNED th' Engin"r pre"nt'. the att,oh'. budget and onowered the memh,r,' oue,tion,. MavED BY N.G. '!'1lFfORD SECONDBD BY D.C. LBITeH THAT WE REeO-lID TO TllD eODNT'! COUNCIL TH,T , RO'DS BY-"'W BE p'SS'~ 'PPROPRI,TING ~J05,OOO'OO FOR COuNTY RO,D CONSIRDeTION 'ND M,INTEN'NeE ,T , MILL Rl\. TE OF 7.5 MILl,S. ,rTER DISCDSSIOR th' following r"olution ." ,a"ed' Cl\.RRI1!.D . th' pro,eeding' of th' laet meeting ,tating th,t BridG' prioritiee and Reolao~ent Co,te hOd been di,ouaoed bY tho eorom1ttee " well a' CUt"r' NOW Ma,hin,rY eo,t'. The Committe' r,q""t,d that a ,mall r,port .ith reG,rd to population ",e"ment, proj"t" Maint,nan,' Coat' and Ov,rh"d eo,t' be atta'hed to the Road Committee Dero,", for th' v.r,h Seaoion of thO Couoty Co"n,il. TRE BEBDS STUDY CO_ORDIN'TING COMMITTEE repo,""d on --~~, Tl~ L,ND PDR,",SE problems on eo"nty Ro,d 44 and County Rood 19 w,re diBOUBB,d brioflY. ThO eommitt" approv,d the THE eCOMITTEB approved the rantal 0' a Chio spr,.dor for sur,.oe 'r"tment .ith thO dat,il' of renting ono left to tho Engineer. pJ\.GE 4 -"-~-~/-",,, s~. ~HO~J\.S, ON~J\.RI0. 1~J\.RCl-l 5TH, 1965. G . 'B. BRO'l/lN 1\ . G. ~UFfORD ~O"IJ'BD BY S'BCOND'BD BY T",T TBE M<tTlNG 'DJouRN TO "lieR 2,," 'T ,0,00 CJ\.RRIED. J\..~' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ------~ ALL MEMBERS were present except Reeve G.E. Brown of the Township of Malahide. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senor Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the January 7th and January 21st meetings were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Severe flooding had occurred on February 10th on all Creek and Rivers, Kettle Creek being within one foot of the bottom of Kain's Bridge. Severe flooding had occurred at Shedden on County Road 20 and had flooded the home of Donald Massey. The County's Insurance Adjuster had been notified. 2. Delivery of the Frink Sander was expected shortly. 3. Storm drain work on County 16 was nearly complete. 4. Brushing work was continuing in the Township of Dunwich. 5. Engineering work on Development Road #785 was nearly complete. THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J .B. WILSON D.C. LEITCH THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #3 - $1,696.92; LIST #5 - $20,677.46 AND $8.19 PAYLIST #4 - $11,857.66; PAY- PAYLIST #5 DEVELOPMENT ROAD #692 - CARRIED. -.------ ITEMS pertaining to the forthcoming convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association were discussed. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (1) Ontario Department of Highways approving By-law #1872 passed by the County Council last September, reverting PAGE 2 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1965. and assuming various Roads. (2) Mr. T.S. Caldwell requesting a transfer of funds with ---.------ regard to the County's Annual Return. '\ MOVED BY SECONDED BY C.N. CLARKE N.G. TUFFORD THAT WE REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW TRANSFER $16,606.62 FROM CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES AND CULVERTS TO CONSTRUC- TION ROADS. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reviewed the County's insurance coverage on all items and pointed out that the Fire Insurance Policy on the Main County Garage was due and the Wind Insurance Policy on both garages at White Station and the County Garage at Rodney would soon be due. Also discussed was various insurance carried with the Frank Cowan Company Limited. The Committee expressed the wish to have all the County's insurance come due at the same time and suggested February 1st as an appropriate date. MOVED BY SECONDED BY J .B. WILSON C.D. LEITCH THAT WE RENEW OUR FIRE INSURANCE ON THE COUNTY GARAGE WITH THE YARMOUTH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ON BOTH THE MAIN GARAGE AND THE SMALL GARAGE - $45,000 ON THE MAIN GARAGE AND $5,000 ON THE SMALL GARAGE. CARRIED. - ------ '. MOVED BY SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RENEW OUR WIND INSURANCE ON THE COUNTY MAIN GARAGE AND SMALL GARAGE AND THE RODNEY GARAGE WITH THE WESTERN FARMERS WEATHER INSURANCE MUTUAL CO~@ANY WITH COVERAGE AS FOLLOWS: $45,000 ON THE ST. THO~MS, ONThRIO, FEBRUAR1 11TH, 1965. PAGE 3 ]\AIN GAR"" _ $4,000 oN TCE "",,"L GAR'CE AND $3 ,000 ON THE RODNE1 GARAGE. CARRIED. THE NEEDS STUDY co_or<\1nating committee reported on their la,t meetln. ,tating th,t a meotin. b't"en th' eouoty EnginOer, the ontariO Department of High,aYS oer'ooOo1 and the eonnultant waa hOld on "bruarY 2nd, 1965. ThO ",in point' o"t of thO meeting ..r" (I) That to r oedV' DeV'IOpment Road Aid, 6 mill' muat be ,pent on th' d,,'sable ,y,tem and that money ,pent on Road' to be reverted would not oount toward Developnent Road Aid. (2) Thet county Bridge' on T""",hiP Ro,da would not oounti toward Development Road Aid. Th' Committe, reported that populatiOn ",wth pro- jeotion" fut""e maintenanoe projeotiOn" admini,tration and ov,rh,ad proi,otiOn, had be,n pre,ented by the Con,ultant and revi,"'d and approved hy the eo_ordinating committee. The eo_ordinatinC eommitt,e "oommended that county Road 5 fro' Couoty Road 9 to the TRam,a River ,UOUld r_in .. a Couoty RoOd .. it w.. 'ouod that it filled thO County Road criteria a' a road oro,ning a c'Ographical Bonndary. "he committee ,eported that Bridge Sh,eta and Road prioritie, .ere examined and that th,re .ere approximatelY 27 oritioall~ defloient bridee' of whioh 17 were on county Road' or RoadS on the Desiraole Road System. MR. R<LPB !ilCL,"CBLTI' of thO Frank coW" company Limited waS in attendance. .....------~, "TER nTI'NEB Reeve G.E. Bro"" of the "oWn,hiP of Malahide, Mr. ".S. C,ldWell, Di,triot Muni'ip,l Engin"r of London were in attendanoe. Reeve e.D. PhilliP' ,,, aMent. THE MEETING adjOUrned for dinner. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1965. PAGE 4 ... "eLAUGnL1N _lained the ool101es whieh ..re n"" d"e _ ""nieipal Li'bilitl, Non_o,ned AuCo, Boil,r In,ur,nee ond weed spraY 1neuroOO' "d ",..red che m""bero' queri'" ' J .B. WILSON C.D. LEITCH ~@~ SECONDED BY THAT" RENE' oUR ,,"H1C1PAL L1AB1L1" POLleY, OUR NON-oWNEU AUTO POL1e1, OUR BOlLER 1NSURANCE ANn OUR ..,n SPRA1 POL1C1 W1TR PRAHK cUR AN coMPANY CABRIED . LIMITED. ... T.S, eALnWELL, ni,criet ""nieio" Engineer, damage CO mail bO,,, ,"u,ed by on""plO'''''' ,haC Ch' eountl eo' not liable for damage' ehould not repair anl to." damaged. AT T" REQURST 0' the ...ineer, the committee dioensoed ___ Tt-. waS decided left the meeting. MOVED BY SECONDED BY THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. C.N. CLARKE N .G. TuFFORD CALL TENDERS CARRIED. J .B. WILSON Q.E. BR01NN MO\1ED B1 SECONDED B1 1R>T .. RllQUEST TliE 1AR10US """,,snlPS TO SfRAY TIlE ..EnS oN eouNT1 ROAns oR TIlE S"'" ]lAS1S AS lkST CARRIED- 'YEAR. .......---"...-- 1liE ..TRon of doing con,truotiOn Wnrk on eounCl Road' d. d ~nd it was agre,d that Road con,truetiOn ,hould, ,her' was ~scusse 0 oo,'ible, be done by dnl labO"r with prefereoee .iv,n Co thO,e ST. THOJ'l\P.S. ONTP.RI0. fBBRDP.RY 11TH, 1965. pP,GE 5 eontraetoro .ho,e .ork had been ,ati,faetOry in tho pa,t. ' " wo' felt that th' pre"n, ,ruek rote' "r' ,"i,e ad"uate .ith ,ha .,o,p,ion of ,he roO,al of tn' Tandeo,1rUOk b1 th' bO," ,"ie' ,h' Engine,r O"..",ed ,ho",d be $6.50 in",ad of ,h' present $5.90 per hOul'. TW' ENeltlEER ,,,lained the St. ThOIDa' Suburban Road' Budg" and an..'r.d the IDorobera' ,u,,'ion,. N.G. TUffORD ""RED B' C N c"RKE S<CO!lllED BY' . TH" .. REe"",JOlD TO TW' COU"" COU",lL ,,,,,T TW' ST. TH,",' SUBURB'N RO'DS BUDGET ,MOUNTING TO $23.600 BB P'PPROVBD. CP.RRlED. "ar Program .a' di,,",,,d a' .,11 ., eon,truotiOn of eonor,te e",v,r<' and thO gravell"'" of yOriO"' Road" TO"""" prepare a budget iual"dinS all work planned in ,hO com'.' TUE WORK ,ohOdUled for 1966 in the eouo"" Three 'Lear Plan. RBEVE C.D. PHILLIPS in attendance. TW' REGIllEBR ",plalOed ,hO ",d for" additiO''''' PickUP Tt'Uck. J .B. 1tl1LSON ,,"lED ., G.E. .."'N SECONDBD B'L TH'T TI!1l ENGINEER BE E1<l'"",RlID TO c>LL TERDERS pOR , liP TON TRUcK SUBJECT TO TI'" ,p"ROv>L OF TIlE D.H.O. C!\RRIED · '-;'-",'-~' PAGE 6 --,~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 11TH, 1965. J .B. lIJILSON D.C. LEITCH MOVED B"Y SECONDED BY THAT THE MI,,'TING ,.Jo1Jllll TO 1Mac" 5TH AT 10:00 A..M. CARRIED. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 21ST, 1965. THE 1965 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 11:00 a.m. in conjunction with the County Council. ~'. THE MEMBERS are as follows: WARDEN: MEMBERS: DONALD C. LEITCH, GORDON WOOLNER, NOBLE G. TUFFORD GEORGE E. BROWN JOHN B. WILSON C. NELSON CLARKE, REEVE OF DUNWICH REEVE OF ALDBOROUGH REEVE OF SOUTHWOLD REEVE OF MALA HIDE REEVE OF SOUTH DORCHESTER REEVE OF BELMONT ADVISORY MEMBERS: ROBERT MARTIN, CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, REEVE OF YARMOUTH REEVE OF BA YHAM THE FOLLOWING resolution was passed: MOVED BY G.E. BROWN ,SECONDED BY J.B. WILSON THAT @aRDON WOOLNER BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1965 OF THE COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE., CARRIED. THE CHAIRMAN thanked the Committee for the honor accorded him and asked the co-operation of the members for the forthcoming year. THE ENGINEER reported briefly on the work to date as follows: 1. Ice and Snow expenditures had been light for the past several weeks. -------- , 2. Brushing and cutting of dead trees was continuing. 3. Cold weather had forced an end of fencing with work having been completed on County Road 42. 4. Storm Drain Work was continuing on County Road 16 north, on the Lucas Hill. All work would likely be completed by the end of the month. PAGE 2 ST. TH.Ow..S, ONT !\.RI0, JA.NUAlfI 21ST, 1965. ...'" 1964 e:R",enditUres. "" ENaI'EEll .1.0 r.port'" on ".' " N.G. TUF'FORD 1.'!\.0'l1 ED B1 C.N. CLt>,.Rl<E SECONDED 1')1 TH,T "" _ERSH1l' ,EE oF $50.00 BE p,1Jl TO THE "T>RIO aOOU RO'OS 'SSOC1>TION "U THAT "'" _ERSIlIP "" Of $50.00 BE PAlO TO THE "n,Ol" cooO RO'OS 'Ssoel> Tl" ,lID "" T "" RECOJOl'\EIID TO' HE COunT'! co1l\lelL TllAT THE ....UEN n"'" U\<:LEG,TEs TO T" cO>NEwrlONS of BOTR ASsoelATlONS. CARR1'ED. OORRESPonOENCE ,.. "ad froo the ontariO Depart",ot 1 c,oo "cn re.,rd to the tr.o.rer of of High"lllaYs approving the reso u f the Galion Grader. r""d' to Ile. ",onine,"" ,nd tM 0","0"" 0 c.D. LE1.TCH. C.N. CLA.RKE TO TH.E COUNT1 COUNCIL TH.A.T CONFERENCE FOR 'Vt0'IJ ED B1 SECONDED B1 TH.A. T WE RECO~ND ,lI1' REQUEST 0' ,HE ONT"lO ,,,,.,.10 _ERSlll? u' THE eOUIlT'! EN YlL1lD. Ct>,.RRIED. o tario De-partIllent. CORRESponDENCE ,.. r"d <r'" the 0 ". . .,'" 'VlaO'e A.ct. of High"lllaYs re the ,.,1-n1-IlI...... to "IIIa5 ,CTIOIl 00 ,"' SC. TI"o'" suburb,o Ro.d' E.tio.te, d ....1 t"'e February meeting. deferre unv1- " J .E. WILSON G .11. ERO'VlN 1.'!\.O'IJED E1 SECONDED B1 THAT "" RECO""E\lG TO THE C01Jll'f! CQUIlCn, T\lAT ,,, ....OEN "ID eLERR UE ,UTIlORIZED TO str.1l " ,ORE""nT IlITO TlI1' 1]\llOn "S eo1!1'''' IUlTlJRnI'C TO PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 21ST, 1965. -~ THEM A PORTION OF THEIR 10 INCH GAS LINE (17 FEET) WHICH WAS INADVERTENTLY EXPROPRIATED WITH LAND WIDENING ON COUNTY ROAD 14. CARRIED. MOVED BY N.G. TUFFORD SECONDED BY C.N. CLARKE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE WARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATING PLANS AS NECESSARY IN 1965. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS to the Needs Study Co-ordinating Committee and the report of the Road Committee to the County Council re the Needs Study were discussed at some length. MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT THE WARDEN, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSION BE APPOINTED TO THE NEEDS STUDY CO~ORDINATING COMMITTEE AND THAT REEVE CHARLES D. PHILLIPS BE APPOINTED AS ADVISORY TO THE CO-ORDI- NATING COMMITTEE. CARRIED -~~, MOVED BY D.C. LEITCH SECONDED BY N.G. TUFFORD THAT ~lli RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICY RE THE ASSUMPTION AND REVERSION OF ROADS BE APPROVED. STEP "A" - ASSUME THE ROAD FROM THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AND DO THE NECESSARY STOP-GAP CONSTRUCTION. STEP liB" - ROAD THAT IS TO PAGE 4 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 21ST, 1965. ~ REVERTED TO BE REBUILT TO ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS LOCAL ROAD STANDARDS. STEP "C" - ROAD TO BE REVERTED TO THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Ontario Department of Highways re the 1965 Road Expenditures stating that the allocation for Normal By-law was $200,000.00 for Construction and $335,000.00 for Maintenance. SUPPLEMENTARY BY~LAWS for approved construction projects were available as in past years. MOVED BY J.B. WILSON SECONDED BY G.E. BROWN THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 11TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED. -./-"'" CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1965. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~1ITTEE met at the Court House at 10:00 a.m. ~~, ALL MEMBERS were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, London. THE MINUTES of the December 8th meeting were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating: 1. Snow plowing and sanding had been light in the past month. 2. The Gillies Drain Culvert on County Road 9 had been completed, backfilled and the Road opened to traffic. 3. Fencing had been completed on County Road 6 and was continuing o on County Road 42 with approximately 2 weeks remaining on County Road 42. 4. Storm Drain Work was continuing on County Road 16 in the Township of Dunwich with work on the Talbot Hill having been completed and work on the Wigle Hill presently underway. 5. Delivery of the Galion Grader had been received and minor changes were being made on it in the Galion Plant. 6. Delivery of the Sander was not expected until mid February. 7. Land Purchase had been completed on Development Road #785. Quantities were being calculated by the Ontario Department of Highways personnel. Clearing would be undertaken by Bayham Township employees shortly. 8. ^---~ THE CO~1ITTEE agreed that fencing operations should be undertaken by County employees as soon as time and conditions permitted on Development Road #785. THE ENGINEER reported that the County Solicitor, Mr. E.O. Fanjoy had been able to make a settlement with George and Molly Wonnacott for the property expropriated at Port Bruce to widen ST. THOMkS, ONT~RIO, J~NU~R1 7TH, 1965. count;y Road '2.4. legal costs. . .. 00 00 1 s $100.00 for "h' wonn.,ott. to r"e,ve.5 . p n p~GE '2. TWO VOl~,"llNe <e,olntiOn .e' pO.,edl G. 1Il00LNER R. MkRTl"N }~OVED 131 SEcoNDED 13'1 THAT THE ",\1D" ,ND CLERK BE AUTHoR1ZEll TD SIGN >' 'G'~ ''IT" GEORGE ,lID >1011' "Olil"eOT! ,UTHOU1ZlNG THE "","," TO ""'" oR .500.00 poR ,RO''''fi K<J'RO,Rl,TED BY REelSTEUEll pl,N tJlD $100.00 FOR COSTS. CkRRIED. nditures st,atinlb "WO ENOl"" report,d on the .,pe B law constructiOn . 1@92700000hadbeenspentonY- thet .ppr0"me" y. ' . ,to . '"ork and that the total <<penditnr' .,th ",on' and Ma:\.ntenance '1'1 .eo,iV.ble totalled $1,04,,769.65. """ VOlw<1lIG RE,",uti'" .or' paa.ed' R. MCKIBBl'N N. TUFFORD , MOVED 1)1 SECONDED 131 T"'" TWO VoCCO"lNO ","lSTS oR ",'lO"ED fOR """"", ,,11lS" *,6 _ $7, '20.66 >,0 ," ,"l0T *,1 ~ $54,691.57. CkRR1ED. D.C. LEITGH R. MRRTl'N r' -- MOVED B1 SBGON'DED 131 THAT T1!E fOl10"lNO ,<,lIsTS UE ",,""Ell fOR .. 6" 1.9' pil.1LlST #2 ~ Pk':[lJ\El-1T~ Pk1LIS'r #1 - <\'5, .14." , $1,717 .4' ,lID ,,"flIJ" *2 DE'I,,"O,t<ENT RoAD *692 - $790.13. CARRIED. PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JANUARY 7TH, 1965. ---~" CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (1) Mr. T.S. Caldwell - approving changes in the County Normal Road Construction By~law #1861, (2) Ontario Department of Highways re the procedure to be followed for work requested to be performed by D.H.O. forces by municipalities, (3) Ontario Department of Highways re museum for old road building equipment, plans, instruments, etc., and (4) Ontario Department of Highways requesting a resolution requesting the transfer of funds with regard to By-law #1861 re the purchase of new machinery. MOVED BY N. TUFFORD SECONDED BY D.C. LEITCH THAT WE REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING TRANSFER WITH REGARD TO THE COUNTY NORMAL BY-LAW 1861; TRANSFER TO NEW MACHINERY $11,848.63 FROM ROAD 16 GRADING AND GRAVELLING. CARRIED. THE ENGINEER reported on his meeting with Mr. W.R. Kinnear of the Ontario Department of Highways Planning Branch and in particular discussed the St. Thomas By-Pass. THE MEETING adjourned for dinner. AFTER DINNER the new Galion Grader was inspected at the Galion Plant. The meeting resumed at the Court House. ---~ THE ENGINEER and the Chairman reported on the meeting of the Needs Study Co-ordinating Committee stating that: (1) Guidance had been given to the Consulting Engineer with regard to the installation of curb, gutter and storm sewers in built-up areas, and pAGE 4 ~. -- ST. THOMAS, 0~TARI0, JA~UARY 7TH, 1965. (2) That 0 poliCY de,ision re a,,",otiOn and revar,ion 0' Road' and tha ns,e"a" ,ark to be dona on them had been made. ,."',,, ll:! n . c. 1E IT OR sEeolIDR" ll:! N. TUFFOlUl TRAT TRE POLLeT AS SET ll:! TRE eo_onDINATIlIG coJ'>ll'rTEE BE ASS\ll!iPTloN AND REVERSION OF ROADS BE <peRO'IED. THE pOlleY TO BE AS FOLLOWS' STEF 'A" _ ASS"'R TO,,",SRlP RO'" AlID DO ""cESS'" STOP- GAP eONSTRUeT"N. STEP "D" - ROA" TO HE REVERTED TO BE BEBULLT TO ONTARIO DEPANTIlENT oF RIG""S TO,mSRIP NO'" STAlIDARDS <N" TBEN TO BE REVEltT'" TO THE TovINSHlP. carried. rr .AS "'" REPDRT<D that in vi"" of thO oon'truetion of the St. ThO"" By-Fa" within thO foreoeaable j'uture, the consUltant had been in,tr",ted to igoor' the co,t of the propoaed Countl Road fron TalbotVille to CarT" Bri..e, inol"ding carr'. Brid.a on. tha oost of Ed.e.ore RoOd frOID wellin.ton Road to D.,,"ood Sida Rood. Ro.d "",-"",.an'. ,oe" and j'uture proJeOtlOn' ..re reported ,nd the eomroitt,a agread with the da,iaion, of tha co~ordinating committee. FUTURE POPUL'TI0N figure, .ere .,.nined and wer' agreed uoon .ith the ..,eption of tha TownshiP of yarmouth whi,h ,., raised to 6,000 in 1975. PRIORITY RATIlIGS ,ere report.d on by the Chairman, Rseva J.B. .ileon reqno,ted that maps ,howln. the deairable eauntl Road Slatoo,in,luding addition' .nd deletiona. be mad. avoilohle to Road COmoittee Menb,r.. The En<ineer ,a' instructed to contact the consultant ,or the neca,sary maP' ..d forw.rd them to the moobera. pl\.GE 5 ST. THOM!l.S, ONTl\.RIO, Jl\.NUl\.R1 7TH, 1965- wr.1UlEN R. MCKIBBIN requ"ted ,hOt a letter ,to<1,g ,h' respo,'ibili'i" of ,he Town of <v"m" and of the eoun'Y b' forwarded to the '""" eonoernin. Elm Street, ,ylmer, ~, , -- __D L.~ SEcoNDE" D N. TUFlroBB THE M'ZETING l\.DJOURNED SINE DIE. Cl\.RRIEU. CH!I.lRM!l.N SUWl\J\R'I OF M.OTOR GRADER TENDER~ - Q.OUN'fL 01" Elm! [ECEMBER. 1961J:. 1. "PITAL CONSTRUCTION ~UIPI<ENT ('l'011ON1O \ L1Ml"Ell., - Re~dale, Ontario. GALlON MODEL 116 ~ - - Grader 'Frink Wing Frink Wing, P1o'W , Price $24,240,00 $1,505.00 $1,765,00 , Trade~in 10.000.00 500,00 6Q.O.00 - , , , NET $14,240.00 $1,005,00 $1,165.00 3% ProVo Sales Ta~ 427.20 0.15 5.55 , , , TOTAL ~ $14,667.20 $1,035,15 $1,220.55 , ~A.HQ_TOTAL~ $16.922.9Q. ~- 2. k-W ~NU'F1\.CTURlNGJ.ylMl'1:E.Q., PariS, ontariO. AD1\.M.S MODEL 440 ~ - - !\.dams #23 Grader !\.dams #1 Sno'W P1o'W Win - , , Price $22,627.00 $1,610.00 $1,604.00 , Trade~in - 6.000.00 500.00 200.00 , , NET $14,627.00 $1,110.00 $1,304.00 3% Provo Sales Ta~ 4 6.61 0 9.12 , , , TOTAL: $15,065.61 $1,143.30 $1,343.12 , GRkND TOT1\.L: $17. 552.2.l - ~ - -- --' COUNTY OF ELGIN - SUMMARY 0F MOTOR GRADER TENDERS - DECEP.ffiER. 1.96l.. - Page 2 3. THE DOMINIO~ ROAD MAC~INERY SALES CO. LIMITED, Goderich, Ontario. CHAMPION MODEL D-562 - Grader Champion Champion 9900-V Plow , Price $22,500.00 $1,125.00 $1,960.00 , , Trade~in 6.500.00 625.00 1.160.00 , NET $16,000.00 $ 500.00 $ $00.00 3% Provo Sales Tax 480.00 15 ~ 00 24.00 , TOTAL: $16,4$0.00 $ 515.00 $ 824.00 GRAND TOTAL: $17.819.00 4. GEO. W. CROTHERS LIMITED, Torento 17, Ontario. CATERPILLAR Model 12 - Price $26,454.00 , Snow Plow 1,200.00 , Wing 2.320.00 , $29,974.00 , Less Trade-in 5.$00.00 $24,174.00 3% Provo Sale~ Tax 619.62 . . TOTAL: $24,793.62 INFORMATIQN TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Undersignedj until 10:00 f'-.M.. DECEMBER 8TH,. 1964~ for the supply of a New 1964 Model 115 - 125 H.P, MHtor Grader, complete with Snow Plow and Wing. BIDDERS MUST USE COUNTY TENDER FORMS, and bid on the supply of Snow Plow and Wing to be considered. The County's T500 Ga1ion Grader and Snow Plow and vling, is located at Rodney, and inf~rmation as to its exact location may be obtained from Mr. D.J. Anderson, Rodney,- _ Telephone 243 J, Rodney. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER will NOT necessarily be accepted. R.G. MOORE, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COUNTY OF ELGIN, COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMf,S, ONTARIO. , j '~ COUNTY OF ELGIN SPECIFICATIONS AND TENDER FaRM FOR MOTOR GRADER 115 - 125 H.P. M1\KE : MODEL: ENGINE MODEL: WEIGHT: ENGINE: PERFORMANCE: COUNTY REQUIRES Shipping weight without' scarifier cab or balast, shall be 23,000 Ibs. min., weight on the rear axle shall be 16,000 Ibs. min. Diesel engine shall be supplied. Gross H.P. 115 H.P. minimum. Net H.P. with all accessories inter- mitte~rating 105 H.P. Minimum displacement 495 cu. ins. for 4 cycle engine, or 280 cu. ins. for two cycle engine. Maximum net rim pull shall be developed at a road speed less than 2 m.p.h. Maximum road speed (at engine rated r.p.m.) in the 3rd. gear shall be less than 6.25 m.p.h. PO\VER PLANT PARTS: Air Cleaner- Oil Filter- Battery- Alternator- Governor- Mufflers- AXLES: Rear Axle- Oil bath or dry type. Shall meet engine manu- facturers recommendation. Removable element type, ~ gallon cap. Full flow type. 12 Volt, 200 Amp. Hr., S.A.E. rating minimum. 720 Watt Alternator min., Rectifier shall be of a built in type. Variable speed type. Exhaust mufflers to be supplied. , Tandem drive, oscillating type r~ar axle shall be supplied. CONFIRMJ,TION TENDERER SUPPLIES " SPECIFICATIONS: PAGE 2 Front Axle: Shall be provided with leaning wheels unless driven. Minimum clear- ance 23 inches. TIRES: Size: Six to be supplied. I~O 10-~x 24, nylon casing. Ply rating: 12 ply Tread Design: Grader lug tread. Rim: 10 inches wide. FRONT & REAR TIRES tND RIMS TO BE INTERCHANGEABLE. STEERING: FREME : CAB: Upholstery: Safety Glass: Windshield Wipers: Heater: Mirror: 4" X 6" minimum, Hydraulic assist for manual steering, shall be supplied. Steering con- trol shall be bv a hand- wheel or an automotive steering type. Steering .shall be by mechanical linkages. The frame shall be constructed by extra heavy welded steel members of either box or tubular sections, or a combination of these two types. Minimum section 115 Ibs. per foot. Shall be weatherproof. All metal (except for windows) closed cab, of sufficient height for operator to stand, shall be supplied. Sponge rubber upholstery both seat and backrest shall be supplied. Safety glass windows shall be supplied. Front and rear window, heavy duty wipers shall be supplied. Bus type - fresh air type heater, shall be supplied. Output capacity shall be 27,000 B.T~U. minimum. Individual, adjustable defroster fan shall be supplied. One inside mirror to be supplied. Mirror shall be mounted on left side. SPECIFICATIONS: - PAGE 3 Cab Lighting- Instrument panel lights. Cab dome light with switch shall be supplied. Visibility:- Dashboard, cab and control panel design shall be such as to afford the operator, seated or standing, a clear view of the front wheels and blade assembly in all operating positions. CONTROLS: Controls shall be easily operat'ed and shall be conveniently located for operating from standing or 'sitting position. Controls shall be so designed as to enable the operator to impart two or more co- ordinate motions to the blade simultaneously. Foot accelerator and decelerator to be provided. "JAKES: Service Brakes- Shall be hydraulic or hydraulic boosted, and shall operate on all four (4) wheels of the tandem drive. Parking Brakes- Shall operate independently of the service brake system. MOULDBOARD: Operating Mechanism: Mouldboard operating mechanism shali be power operated and shall be capable of operating in a 3600 circle. Stability: It shall be capable of lifting and lowering (bank sloping 900) side shifting and revolving the mould- board. Hydraulic extra side shift of mouldboard shall be supplied. The mechanism shall be capable of holding the mouldboard rigidly in any selected position without chatter, deflection or drift. Mouldboard Size: Approximately 12' x 2511 x!". Cutting Edge: Shall be supplied. Scarifier: Not required. SPECIFICATIONS: PAGE 4 BLADE LIFT: Minimum - 18 inches. LIGHTING: Two head lights. Two tail lights. Three cluster clearance rear. Two flashing blue lights (front & rear) (not on top of cab). A salt- resisting coating shall be supplied on all wires. Turn signals - four way flashing type front and rear to be provided. INSTRUMENT PANEL: Shall be supplied with' oil guage,'temp. guage, fuel guage, ampmeter, electric engine hour- meter. (not necessarily on panel). HOOD: To be supplied. Engine to be completely enclosed by cowling having movable panels to provide easy access to all parts for service. RADIATOR SHUTTERS: Engine radiator shall be supplied with metal louvre type shutters for automatic control of air. Horizontal louvres shall be supplied if available. WEATHER GUARDS: All vertical intakes and exhaust stacks shall be equipped with weather guards. STARTING SYST~~: Electric starting on diesel fuel with starting fluid or air preheater aid. Block heater to be included (which can be connected to a 110 Volt power line). TRANSMISSION: Constant mesh type. Shall be designed to match the engine. Transmission shall have six (6) forward gears; and three (3) reverse gears, minimum. State speeds in each gear. CLUTCH: 16 inch diameter minimum. DRIVE: The final drive for tandem drive grader shall drive through a rear axle to gear or chain type tandem drive assembly. SPECIFICATIONS :. EQUIPMENT: Anti~Freeze- PAGE .5 To be suppliedi Permanent type - ethylene glycol. Horn:- Electric warning horn shall be supplied. Two (2) to be supplied. Flares:- Shop Manual & Spare Parts List:- Shall be supplied. Tool Kit:- Standard Manufacturer's tool kit to be supplied. WARRANTY: Twelve months on all com- ponent parts, snowplow, wing, accessoriesi materials & labour to insta 1, whether or not manufactured by supplier shall be given. PAINT: Manufacturer's standard colour. LETTERING: "County of Elgin" on beam, both sides. MACHINE TO BE NEW AND OF THE LATEST 1964 MODEL. TO BE DELIVERED TO THE COUNTY GARAGE AT WHITE'S STATION. ~ ~ LESS TR1J)E~1.N ~ 1956 Galion ~odel T500 l'VlithOut ploV; &; v;ing;) ---------- TOTf1.L PRICE~ NET PRICE~ PLUS 31. ONTr.RI0 SLLES 'If-X ~ 'rO'rl\.L~ SlGNr,'IURE of BIDDER l\D"DRESS ME. l\.fTER RECEIPT OF ORDER. Sf,,",, DELrlER1 ,1 ' ,01 ..ti.nal e.uW l\.ttach 1J\.anu.factUrer' s 1itfer~t";.~i,,';'d 1~u'~',1i':ve th' C.untY ",,", be ment and the cost thereo , ~n interested 0 " 0 'J~ S "_",,, .....-- pLO"iif \ "..~ --~~, ~ ~y~ Shall be "11" t:{pe nesignen ,or Grader operation (10' ,pe,d1 6~lZ m.p.h.; thigh speed pl.~s V>lil1. NOT be accepted) , Shall inclune all ha~ness'tems' accessories, h:{draul~C $:{$ f ' shoes blades, etc., rean1 or rper,tion. end mounted on Grader. SbO"" be hYdraUliOO'" oon""".d from the Graner Cab- 1<oUldbOard to be of 3/,6" stee' plat" Heig;h~. of nose approz, 43"- .eight of .'0' at tiP' ,W"". 74"' 616" "I/lidth of ploV>l at front appro" . Descri'oe 'P1.0~ ~ TOTl\L PRICE: LESS TRl\DE-IN~ Galion PloV>l from count:{1 $ T500 Galion Graner ----------- NET PRICE ~ PLUS 310 ONTI\.RI0 srJ.,ES Tl\1.~ TOT!lL~ SIGNr,TURE Of 'BIDDER ^ SNOW WING Alternative "A" Supply new Snow Wing and necessary masts, hydraulics and access~ries, mounted on Grader, complete and ready for operation. Wing to be hydraulically controlled from within Grader cab. Length of mouldboard l2t~ Mouldboard to be of 3/16\1 steel plate. Mouldboard width (inner.} approx. 30" Mouldboard width (outer) approx. 38" Describe Wing: TOTAL PRICE: LESS TRADE-IN: Ross Model R 4-12 Snew Wing Mast & Controls from Medel T500 Galion Grader NET PRICE: PLUS 3% ONTARIO SALES T~: TOTAL: SIGNhTURE OF BIDDER State price and describe any extra equipment available f~r wing, such as double acting travelling rear wing slide or hydraulli~ reach. sl-lO'lJ \tJIl1~ t}tern8tiVe~ Reoondition, ,dapt ,nd mouot to work eati,faotoriiY' the eouot1" pre,ent Roe' ""dei R 4-12 ,no' win' and . . mee" eto., on the Gr,der tendered "pon. .in' to be eOn>roned hydrsUlHoeii1 from wl'hin th' cab. in work don' to .he eoont1" ea.ief,otion. <h TOTf.!" ~ SlGl-lhTURE 01" BIDDER ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO, JANUARY SESSION, 1965. TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. MRS. MC CAR THY and GENTLEMEN: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE begs to report as follows: THE FOLLOv1ING is a summary of the costs of Constructi~n and Maintenance on County of Elgin Roads during 1964: CONSTRUCTION: ROADS - 1. Paving and completion of Grading Work, etc., ~ Road 20, Highway #3 (Shedden) north to Highway #401, in the Township of Southwold. 2. Double Surface Treatment and completion of Grading Work, etc., Road 52 from Read 40 easterly approximately 1 mile, in the Village of Springfield and the Townships .f South Dorchester and Malahide. 3. Paving and completion of Grading Work, etc., Road 42. from Road 40 easterly approximately 5 miles, in the Townships of Malahide and Bayham. 4. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 6 from Road 3 westerly to Black's Lane, in the Township of Aldborough. 5. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 16 from Talbot Creek westerly to Road 15 (approximately 6 miles), in the Township of Dunwich. 6. Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 42 from Port Burwell westerly approximately 1.8 miles, in the Township of Bayham. 7. Grading, Granular Base, etc.; Road 53, Elm Street, Aylmer. 8. Miscellaneous Grading Construction. 9. Surveys, Traffic Counts, etc. 10. Installation of Gates and Flashing Light Signals at Railroad Crossings on Road 2 (West Lorne), Road 15 (Dutton) and R0ad 4 (Kent Townline). 11. New Machinery 12. Land Purchase (including Land Surveys and Solicitors' Fees.) $ 33,OM.IO 5,286.17 73,760.68 36,345.12 163,032.26 45,692.82 22,385.87 2,326.63 1,645.33 9,706.39 , 36,325.67 42,778.05 ~- 'PagEl 2 ~ coUNCIL _ JANUA" sESSION 1965 RORDS ~ cont1d. ~ 13. Need' S,ud1 (PrOgr'" .a1O"""\ TO,"I DOAU CONSTRUCTIoN r' eoUO" RO'U CONSTRUCTION BY ,lIE ST. '1'IIO""S SUBURBAN ROf,D GOW~ISSI0N ~~: 3,959.43 ~ 1\>476,292.52 , I\> l,444.38 ~ $477,736.90 ~ 58,995.49 ~~~~ 1. ."" Stroat .ridg' ",~or and Aoproa,h~" .' ~. outlet concrete Gul -.rert, 2. G:L1."1:LEl9$ ~"a:Lt;:e To\.jDShiP of DunVlich. Road. ,:Ln 11 . 1 Go-.rern%ent Drain #~ ,. eoop1"'0' of .or,.o'd 17 in ,", ,o.n'h'P concre'0e Cu.l vert l ,oa f E1. in share l/2 of southVlOld t count:! 0 f 1JI1dd.leseJe) . charged to t he county 0 , ' C 1. t Hunt Drain, Road 4. su""''''''' plate ,e" "f S6ut""o1d (eoUO" l7, in. .t\1e To"Wn;/;,P c~arO'ed to the county of Elg:Ln share .1- r- t> of 1JIiddlese:iC') ~t' n in conjunctiOn 5. PiP' C u1 v~r" eon'':,'6" ';':. ,h' ,o.""iP of "With Grad.:Lug;, Rea ' ~-..1.6:bOToUgh 0 6. 1 Plate aDd Goncrete PiP' culvert, Str~'t,",e non "",don ,i '" culVGrt conGtruc6>t:L~n:L~ To~~~hiP of DunVlich. Grading;, ttcad 1 l :Ln t e . ..' . conjunctiOn 1lllith riP' CULVcr' e"",r,:";1';,' ;.;~,,"iO of ,aY"'o. Gra ding, F.oa d 42 l :L ,1 . 'n conjunction "With pipe .cul"\fert. ~c~~st~':.G~~o:T~''''1l of 1I.ylmer. Grad:Lug;, R0a~ ))j 101AI B.rPG'~ eUL"RT CONSTRUc<IOR' ----;.....::;--;.;::..---- 7. B. ~: TOThL ROhD CONSTRUCTION re Coun'C;Y: $476,292.52 , \$ 1,444.38 TOTAL ROhD CONSTRUC~10N re Suouroan hrea. TOThL BRIDGE I:liD CUL'JERT CONSTRUCTION: ~ TOThL CONSTRUCTION: -=-~ 5,255.47 1,240.57 966.89 2,340.6l , 20,533.26 6,341.lO 747.33 ~ $ 97,973.77 ~' $575,710,67 ",.l~' ~._~... TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL - JANUARY SESSION 1965, :fiTJA INTENANCE.: ROADS - 1.. Winter Control 2. Surface Treatment 3. Renairs to Pavements , 4. Gravel Resurfacing 5. Grading (including maintenance of gravel roads) 6. Dust Control 7. Weed Control $. Brushing 9. Guide Rails 10. Centre Line Marking 11. Signs 12~ Seeding and Reforestration 13. Railroad Protection 14. Drains 15. Drainage Assessments 16. Creek Diversion - Kettle Creek _ Meek Bridge 17. Maintenance of Grade - Road 20 near Port Stanley 18. Rebates to Towns and Villages TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCEt BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - 1. Port Burwell Bridge 2. Tates Bridge over Thames River - County of Elgin share 1/2 to County of Middlesex - (floor replacement) 3. Bridge Painting 4. Miscellaneous Bridge Maintenance 5. Miscellaneous Culvert Maintenance TOTAL MAINTENANCE - BRIDGES AND CULVERTS re County: BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE - ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMJ1ISSION: TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT r~,INTENANCE: Page 3 $ 45,162.05 51,768.68 11,741.45 , 18,585.18 12,873.74 17,097.95 11,372.56 , 3,076.32 , 1, 321.83 , 7,773.45 , 6,876.$8 443.50 , 4,009.43 2,986.41 , 2,742.04 272.98 2,333. $8 , 42,593.26 $243,031. 59 1,077 .68 3,642.11 , 5,183.43 1,906.21 4.840.30 , $ 16,649.73 $ 1,988.07 $ 18,637.80 'Page 4 ~ eounclL _ ,.",,<R' sESSI0' 196 1.3 . Insurance Pension ""employment 10S<<,n" CO.-i,sion Rolida1 \~itb. Pa1 Sick 'BenefitS Count'~ ~cb.iner1 ~ l2.,5'22,02 , 3,'75'2.76 , l,l9'7.43 . ' 2,559,26 , 6,31.8.8'7 747.'77 4,004.94 , l,067.7'7 , . 3,74l.86 , 4,869.26 632.78 I "..- 5,236.36 , l,256.44 , 2,208,49 58,00 9.2.UUT'l2T~m~~J 1 ' supe<iotenaenc' - (eouoty ,!",t.,;,'5 and , Assistant Read Super~nven 2. Clerical. 3. Car M.ileage 4. Office 5. Garage 6. 7. R?dne1 Garage M.iSce'l1aneous Repairs ToolS 8. 9. 1.0. 1.1. 1.2, overhead er edit l4. 1.5, 1.6, permitS d t Devel.opment. ReadtL overb.ead cb.arg,e69" e T /Mnl.ine !l.CCount.s'" credit #555 and ~ ~, 0 Mi' ,ell'o"'"S "",u,,,'d"'" _endit <<" ~: l,301..92 442.89 ~ ~ 1.7.. , $'292,230.57 . ce & overhead~ TOTA'L count.1 Road ~'l..nt.enan TOT!I.'L St. ThomaS Suburban Roads nd Co~i6sion Read Maint.enance a 0'1 erhead: , ~ , ~)21.,6)lS3 , $340,269.13 1.964 STOCK BA'LAUCf. Sub'" Tot.al. ~ TO''" ROAD ",,111""""" ",U ",",RItE'"' ToT!I.'L W\.IUTEUAUCf.~ , .. *575,71.0,67 , ~ $915,979.50 . ~ $931\968.04 ~ sub~ Tot.al: ~:... conSTRUCTION: W\.IUTf.U!l.UCf. : 'LESS 1963 STOCK BA'L~UCE ~ 408 ~ TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION 1965, Page 5 IN ADDITION various Winter Works Projectsl including . . erection of guide rail, fence and brushing, were ca:t'ried out on County and Suburban Roads. These totaled $101571.30. Work was also performed and billed to the Counties of r1idd1esex and Oxford and the City of St. Thomas on Boundary Roads and Bridges. The amounts billed totaTIed $22,822.79. Work was performed on County Road ~, Chath~m Street, Port Burwell, being Development hoad #585 amounting to $19,738.93 and on County Road 24, being Development Road #692 amounting to $29,990.06 and billed to the Ontario Department of Highways. (In addition the Ontario Department of Highways supplied materials valued at $5,546.83 to Development Road #585). A PROVINCIAL Sales Tax Rebate of $3,611.83 on Suburban R0ads and $18,987.70 on County Roads was received for 1961, 1962 and 1963 from the Province of Ontario and credited to operations. Work was also performed for various municipalities in the County and for others, and various materials sold. TOTAL AJllOUNT of County Road Vouchers for 1964 was $1,043,769.65. BY-LAWS in 1964 appropriated $950,000.00 and ~mills on the County Assessment raised approximately $411,226.00. The estimated cost of the Road Program in 1964 to the County was $408,700.00 and the estimated surplus is $2,500,00 WE HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE from the Ontario Department of Highways that normal expenditures for 1965 must not exceed $200,000.00 for Construction and $335,000.00 for raaintenance. These limits are the same as in past years. SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAvlS are available as in past :'ears for approved Construction Projects. Page 6 ']'0 THB WARDBN Jl.ND r~,...~-1.. -.-..- -.... -"' ._-- JANUARY SBSSION ~9Q5. - T\lE FOLLOWING .poointmento ""ve b",n ",d' to the Nee^, 3t"dY eo_ordinating committee 'or 1965. , Reeve Donald C. Leit,h, Warden of Elgin County, Re,ve Gordon ~oolner, Ro,d Co",ittee Chairm,"' .nd Me. W.E. Rowe, Chairm<'n of thO St. Thom" S"burb," Road commiSsion. ,ppointed ., an advi'oTY membOC on the Committee .., Reeve C.D. PhillipS' ~ORK ON the Nee" StudY i' ,ontinuin<' The con,ult,nt '" repor'ed to the eo_ardin'ting Committee on e,timeted ruture populatiOn growth ond e.timeted ruture ",intenan,e ,o,t' on a ,o,t ner mile b.,i'. preliro1naTY work hB' been done on ,valuation of the , ,ondition 0' Nood' in the "i,'inO County Sy,tem. WORK yet to be reported inolude' the ,oIDpl,tion of t~e evaluation 0' the Road $y,tem .nd ,voluation of County "ridge" ,o,t, ,f need,d Ro,d ,nd Bridge Conotru,tiOn, prograning the timinO of thio , .,rk, orograming tbe timing 0' addition, ,nd del,tion' .nd th' ~riting of the final report. 1, "eooiation Convention ,od the eonadlan cood Ro,d' ",o'i,tion c;onver,tion. 2, T",T the Warden ,nd Gl,rk be autcOTC."d to ,is'' an agreement .ith the Union G" eono,nY r"urning to thO Union Gon Comp.nY , """" por'ion (17 f,et) of their main 10 inOh go' oipe line .hi,h .., inadver'entlY _ropriOted from them .ben land ." obt,ined to .iden county Ro,d 14 luun,iOh-SO"th.old To.nline) nor'h of county RoOd 13 \Shackleton Street) in 1962. , TH>T a B,-l" be poneed ."'her"in. the Wa.den and Clerk ) I;. J to ,is'' Land pI,n' ,"propri'tin< "nd nec,"'rY to widen County Road' ,n 1965. It ba' been brought to our attention ",at ,",h BY-l'" ohoUld b' oa"ed y.arlY in,tead of the ".e of · ,ontin"Ou' By.law a' haS been the case in the past. ~RE2ml\tJiEN~ : TH>T the warden name del.gat., to the ontariO Good RD.d' TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION 1965 Page 7 4. THAT the request of the Ontario Traffic Conference for membership by the County be filed. 5. THAT in regard to the Needs Study, the following policy re assumption and reversion of Roads be approved: Step "All Assumption of the Road from local municipality and do the necessary stop-gap construction on it. Step liB" Road that is to be reverted to be rebuilt to Department of Highways Township Road Standards. Step IICII Road to be reverted to the local municipality. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUmUTTED CHAIRMAN ,>. ---