1966 Road Committee Minutes f~;~ ~~" COUNTY OF ELGIN INTEGRATION OF COUNTY & LOCAL ROAD SYSTEM ~ 2nd Draft November 15th, 1966 TO THE CHAIRMAN & MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE: The following report contains the information previously submitted in the first draft, and as requested by Comt-ittee, amplifies and clarifies some of the points referred to. For purposes of the following discussion it would be assumed that all local Roads except those in the TOvm of Aylmer would be administered by the County. A System of bookkeeping could be evolved so that expenditures on a desirable County, Road would be separated from expendi tures on a Local Read System., (At some add- itibna1 cost local road system expenditures could be separated int8 areas or municipalities). A) Sununary of Some of the Advantages of Administrating County & Local Road System. using the same manage~ent. 1. Benefits to Local Road System of Engineering' Advice & Services now available to the County Roads System. 2.. Benefits to Local Road System of Specialized Equipment owned by or available to the County Road System. 3. Contracts feasible by areas covering both County & Local Roads (Gravel Crushing etc.) 4. Economies in bulk purchasing (Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Grader Blades, etc.), to both Local & County System. 5. Reduction in overhead & management costs to both the County & Local Systems. 6. Better Utilization of existing equipment (both Local & County) to perform services in a given area (example: Snow Plowing, Weed Cutting, Grading) etc. Travel Time & Overlapping on both County & Local Road Equipment would be reduced. 7. Economies in Machinery Servicing etc., as the amount of equipment wou)~ warrent proper shop equipment & employment of qchanics etc. 8. Standa.rd By-Laws controlling Building Setbacks, Signs, Gasoline Pumps, Entrances, Road Crossings etc~ ?age 2. .N'fY,GR1\'!L01!l Ol? COuNTl &. LOCtJ.. R01\l> S'lS'fY,l1 .1. .. t' ng count" &. Local Road Suroroa~Y of some of tbe Uisadvantages of Auro~n~st~a ~ J System usin same mana ement. (. C uncils and Officials), 1. Tbe l1anagement by tbe same peo1' Ie C()l!l1U1. ttees. 0 · of 2 diffe~ent types of Road Systems witb diffe~ent objectives. (COunty ~ basicallY tb~ougb movement). (LOcal - basicallY local acess), Tbe ~econciling of tbese 2 objectives maY be tbe biggest stumbling bloc~ to tbe Integ~ation of tbe CountY &. Local Road system. 2 . Removing of some Responsi b i 1 it Y f ~om 1..0ca 1 corJl1\uni t Y · 3 . ui sadvanta ~s 0 f1..a ~ge~ o~ ganiza ti on lengt beni ng Cbe.i n pf Co~nd. (mO~e cbiefs, less Indians)' ~~obabl. tbe tendencY to l'~ovide a bigbe~ claSS se~vice pn l..pcal cont'd B) 4. RoadS wbicb maY o~ maY not be necessa~Y tbUS inc~easing costs. . ~r i _ tbe.t oolitical p~oblems 'tbe folloWing diSCUssion ~s based on tv" p~ero se' ' . _^~~ ~.~" of a co~ttee o~ Council would C) could be s"lved successfullY. and that' p-'- .y~- ff t' ly 'tbe ~el'O~t deals be elected to administe~ a co~lete Road system e eC ~ve · " only witb some of tbe tecbnical p~oblems and possible solutions to tbem. ~ C t" &. tbe va~ious 'townsbipS, was Scbedule of 1'\acbine~Y owned by t"e oun J ' listed on the 1st u~aft and is not ~elisted. 1 facing the countY Road ~ossible solutions to a numbe~ ofp.ob ems noW - uel'a~tment could influence tbe integ~ating of CountY &.1..ocal Road Systems. In the ne1tt feW yea~s. some s?ecialized E(\uipment sbould be acquired bY the CountY' including a neW dist~ibutO' to cenlace ou~ 1'~esent 20 yea~ old model. . d d t on tbe ,,~ojected use by 1..0cal 'Viunicipalities), a (tbe size needed ~s e1'en en Ul' · boO~\(.eei'io.g machine _ (tbe size would depend on wbetbe~ o~ not local ~oad accountS . (d ends on amount of mobile etc.. would be ,,~ocessed), some shoP equ~l'roent, el' equipment eventuallY obtained). The CountY Ga.age at ~Nhite Station should be enlarged and modernized to "rovide mo~e wo.~ing Sl'ace for 1'\acbinery Repair, inc~eased office space fo~ tbe , d ~ea fo~ menS loc~e~s, and dining a~ea StOc~eepe~ &. ?o~eman. space fo~ partS, an an a - . d f. tU~e use of the ga~age)' etc., (, tl.e natu~e of the addition dependS on tbe p~O)ecte u . d ' _d~d fOL ste"ped U" seLvice 1'\aintenance on County 'tbe~e is an ~nc~ease ue'~" · . .. Roads, (such as sanding, snow plowing, weed cutting, g~ading. etc.). , ' . . d t.' botbEast &. 1ilest Elgin' is no.1 wa~~anted to It would a"pea~ that a epo ~n ' se'C'licetbe 'adjaCent aJ:eas, 'Pa.ge 3 INTEGRATION OF COUNT{ & 1.0CA1. ROAD SySTEM - ~ - - summer. could handle routine maintenence "\Jork, such as 1? loughing, "\Jeed cutting, sand- ing, weed spraying, tree cutting, etc., in the area besides assisting on construction A patrol of a foreman & 4 or 5 men in the winter, and 6 to 8 men in the cont1d ~ork in the area. }~rking, new SignS, etc., should still be handled from White Station. Specialized work such as l~chinery Repair, surface Treatment, Centre 1.ine When these patrols are set up, consideration should be given to the future If integratiOn is decided upon some of the existing Township facilitieS kdditional Drafting room space, and office space is required in the court enlargement of them to service all 1.ocal Roads in the area. "\Jould likely be of use in the overall scheme. Rouse. 1.ong Range plans should allow any projected facilities to be expanded to alloW for the additional help needed with Integration. in an organization evolved using the following as guide lines. The Integration of the county & 1.ocal Road system. would likely result SUPERINTENDENCE ;;;.;;..--- . - 1) (a) Chief Engineer (b) construction Engineer ('.) Maintenance Supervisor (d) construction Safety Inspector, Building Inspector, and By-1.a"\J Enforcement Officer. county By-1.awS, sethack. SignS, parking pen~tS, etc., could be extended even to Weeds & trees. (This will take at least 2 people). (e) Office Staff, "\Jith machine accounting & machine cheque writing, etc., likely a minit~ffi staff of 4. 2) CONSTRUCTION . -- Major. construction would be handled out of main office, & Mino1: Const1:uction would be handled under Maintenance. (a) construction En[(ineer (1) (b) Above. (b) Senior Technicians andlor Assistant Engineer, depending on work load, and decisions as to design of structures, Development Roads, etc., to be done by Staff. (c) Senior construction superintendent to purchase land, Co_ordinate and organize projectS, etc. (d) Grading F01:eman (11inh-,utll of 3). (e) Survey Parties (Minlrou8 of 3). (f) Inspectors on contract work, the nu~her depends on number of contracts. (g) DraftSmen (M1nioum of 2). (a) Maintenance Supervisor (alSO in charge of White Station) 1 (c) Above. (b) 3 Maintenance Foreman (EAst, West & White Station). (c) Working Foreman ) Machine Operator) Depending on O\;>erations. Labourers, etc. ) 3) ~lNTENANQ! 'Page 4 D) !.ransfer..BJ Me2,.t lliluipm~ and Gravel Pits etc.., to_Int~r,Q:ted ~oad Svstem_ It would appear that the various talentS of all Local Road E~loyees wishing to join the staff of an Intezrated System would be most useful. These employees should be transferred without losS of pension. Sick BenefitS, and seniority for holidaY ~urposes. etc. The transfer should be as speedy and as order- ly as possible. Machinery would have to be appraised. the Municipality reimbursed and the ~~chinery placed in a conr~n pool, and the same rental rate char~ed for the use of thiS r.l/lchinery on all Roads in an Integrated ~oad system, Gravel & sand PitS and other assetS transferred to the common System would alsO have to be appraised and the Municipality reimbursed. f.9NCWSl~ The job of tntegrating the Local & county systems. will take consid- erable study and if approved will take a considerable time to complete. It will nO doubt take a number of years to work the "bugs" out of the System. The Technical job of co_ordinating all Municipal Road DepartmentS into one is not impOssible, as distances involved are not toO great. Most Municipalities are facing similar problems, and noW have similar staff and equip.~at. However, it would take tine. The biggest obstacles to the job are political which is probablY best sUL1Ped up by citing the tendencY of T~St people to resist change. Attached as an anne:l< a-ce fifures su"plied by the OntariO Depa-ctoent of HighwayS on Township spending fo-c 1962, 1963 and 1964 which OIly o-C OIlY not prove anything, but Ldght provide inte-cesting reading. ALL OF vmICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ---- --- NORFOLK COUNTY 1964 OXFORD COUNTY 1964 MIDDLESEX COUNTY 1964 Average Expenditure Per Mile 1,318 901 706 Average Municipal Share oer Person 17 .19 12.21 10.83 Average Mill Rate 10.95 7.69 6.76 Average Population ?er Mile 35 31 26 Averaze Provincial Equalized Assessment per Mile 55:1 368 48,549 41,151 SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES HOUGHTON .NORTH WALSINGHA..l\1 DEREHAM NORTH DORCHESTER r10SA EAST WILLIAMS . . Average Expenditure per Hi1e 1,018 1,855 688 777 377 412 Municipal Share per Person 17.77 26.95 7.52 9.23 9.87 10.65 Mill Rate 11.27 13.61 5.02 7.80 5.41 7.71 Provincial Equalized . Assessment Per Mile- 39',761 67,883 57,2&1 . . 51.,667 ... . . '22,757 18,090' ST. THOMAS, ONTiij1IO DECE}mER 9th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF EI4GIN RO,l\D CON1:4ITTEE met Llt the Court House [t,t 10 ,i1\..I'f. on December 9th, 1966. ALL 'HE~fBERS PP~SENT. .c~,i.l so present l"lr. Frank Clarke, Senior l-lunic,ipa.1 Supervisor, of the Ontario Department of Highways. THE HINUTES OF THE J:.:1EETING of November 2nd, and 'November 15th, were read and approved. THE COUNTY ENGINEER REPORTED on the 'tV'ork to date, as follows, stating: (1) ~1at the recent thaw & rains had created a number of flooding problems, and slides on Road 38 at Richmond Hill and Road 42 at Silver Creek Hill. (2) Progress had been he'ld up at Stalter Gully by the rain, although only 4 or 6 more days were needed to complete the fill. (3) Construction had also been delayed at }.~~pleton Culvert by floods. (4) The St. George Street Bridge had been completed and opene<il. (5) Land Purchase was continuing on Road 152. (6) A Licenced ~1echanic had been hired. (7) Settlement 1;vas being made for land in the Bostwick Road l!l.x'ea. (8) .;~i'~ num.ber of lJalnut Trees from Oounty property at the Spart:a Gravel. Pit had been stolen. CORRESPONDE1~CE l~U~S RElill FRO}.!: (a) Ninister of Highways, l<fr. George Gomme; designating Road ~~20 from Fingal, Southerly, and Road 1/:45 from Jaffa to Road ;116, as Development Roads, for Pre-Engineering Purposes. (b) Department of' Highways, approved By-Law 11'1933, assuming C()unty Roads #11, 1ft26, and //:29. ~~~ THE ENGINEER gave a Progress ......t on the Por1: Burwell Bridge. Ul<1OVED BY: J. BlffiKER SECONDED BY: J . B. ~fiLSON TID'I.T THE FOLL01;'lING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYHENT: PAYLIST #32 amounting to $10,540.18 $10,803.35 $125,.583.81 PAYLIST #33 amounting to PAYLIST ~~34 amounting to PAYLIST #34 D.R. #840 amounting to $ 137.84 CARRIED" }:'aj;!:e 2 THE ENGINEER P~PORTED that the County Solictors, Fanjoy, Hennessey :i~nd Kempster, had received an offer of settlement t'lith regard t.o the Stephens Property at Port Bruce. u~fOVED BY: J. l:lCKINLi\Y SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS THl!1.T THE ENGINEER ISAUTIIORIZED TO OFFER UP TO $1200.00 AS C01:i:PLETE SETTLEl'lliNT FOR THE PROPERTY EXPROPRIATED FR01-1 lu\..'U{Y & RUTH STEPHENS BY REGISTERED PIJI.~F'D. 747. CARRIEDU ltl'10VED BY: A. L~!\.UCKL1Um SECONDED BY: J .13. 'tVILSON T}L.~l\T THE FOLLOlnNG EHPLOYE,ES BE DESIGNATED F..EGUki.Ut E1-1PLOYEES liS OF JANUARY lst, 1967; EDG"I\R J:iICLEOD - lU'\RRY HERRI1:1GTON _. EUGENE SHEELLE...r{ - SHl\RON B~'lI.XTER. C11:..RRIEDtl Problems with regard to the Construction and ~~intenance of Private Entrances t>1Eu:e discussed. NEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER, The Engineer was instructed to ascertain the practice of other ~1unicipalities and report at the ne,tt meeting. THE ENGINEER REPORTED the littached Report on iunalgamation of County and Local Ro~'ids, which. vIas discussed at quite some length. A number of Conclusions were made, ~lnd the Engineer was instructed to summarize them for approval of Comraittee prior to presentation to County Council in January. ul,10VED BY: A . AUCKL.t~i.~ID SECONDED BY: J. l~fCKINLA Y Z(DJOURN TO JANUARY 10th~1 AT 10 i'!~.H., 1967. CARRIED't .C) (,'."...-~'i--L.{;(/v~ 'e, ,.) CHifu.IIU~'\N . ST" TH01:L,.s OPTLRIO" NOVE~E!1 SESSION. 1966 TO THE ~r .IIDEN {.ND COUNer L OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" YOU:1 nO,.'_D COlvlHITT~E begs to report as follows:; l.l' lo Hot ~'lix Pavement has been laid on Road 45 in Bayham To~mship9 (Development Ro~d #785)J from Kings Highway #19 to the Norfolk County BoundarYj a distance of 3,,8 Niles., 2.. Double Surface Treatment Pavements heve been L~id on the following Roads~ (a) Ro;;;d tfI9 Southerly from Southwold Sta.tion:; approximt.tely 105 Hiles in Southwold Township" (b) Road #44 from Kings Highway #19 to Highway #35 approidmately 308 Hiles in Bayham To~rnshipo (c) Road #45 from Mount Salem (Road 40) to Calton (lload 43)~Cl.pproximp..tely 400 Hiles in Halahide Township 0 3" Hidening Gr:'2ding and Grfl.nular B~'.se 8nd Placement of CuI verts h~s been done on the following Roads~ (e) Road 2 from ROEd 8 \"1esterly~ a.pproxirn,.tely 100 Miles in the Township of Dunwicho (b) Road B Southerly from Highway 40l~ approximately 0.,5 Miles$ in the Township of Dunwich and the Village of Dutton., (c) Road 27 from Highway #4 to Road 36, 2pproxim~tely 60l Miles in the Township of Yarmouth~ (d) Road 36 from ~oad 27 Southerly~ approximately 002 Miles~ in the Township of Yarmouth" (e) Former County :load 52; from Dereha.m Townline, ~lesterly gpproximately 1.,8 Hiles in the Townships of l:Ia12hide~ and South Dorchester" (This road W8S reverted to the Townships~ Ji:1nuary lst~ 1966,,) "Page .- 2 ( f) J! o-rme -r County ".0'" d 54 f -rotll the Browns"illc Road Southedy to the llalahide-South Dorcheste-r To~rn1ine, a distance of 2.pp;:0;Kimate1Y 1,25 !!iiles, in tue Townships of De-reb"m, ".nd South Do-rcheste-r. (This Road was -reve-rted to tl,e Townships, Janua-ry 1st, 1966), 4. const-ruction by the Elgin constt:Uction Company Limited., or the St. Geo-rge St-reet Bridge, over Rettle C-reek, on St. TholllBs Subu-rban Road #26, is nea-rly complete, 5. Installation of a 434 foot long, 8 1/2 foot diameter 5 g~uge Steel Cul"e-rt hBS been completed on Road 42, nt S tal te-r Gully, in 1:1a 1 ahi de . ? laoement 0 f fill ove-r the pipe continues, and it is hoped to complete the wo-rk this fall" 6. const-ruction of ~ twin 20 foot Sp~n Conc-rete Cul"e-rt nen-r 1,bpleton over the nest B-ranch of the C~,tfiSh Creek on Forr,er County Roed 50, in South Do-rcheste-r is underwnY' 7. ?-relimin~TY ?l~ns be.'lle been cOrJipleted for the port Burwell 'Bridge by the consultants L.l1.Spriet & t,ssocbteS Ltd., and he"e been fOr'Rnrded to the Ontario Depa-rtment of RighwayS for their comments. It is p-roposed that the Bridge 011"99 over both the Otte-r (" C-reel<., and the C. P . R. TrackS e t an e"e 1re t ion, cppro>timcte 1 y 25 feet higher than the pre~ent b-ridge, 8. G-r~"el Resu-rf~cing has been completed on ?~ad 9 in Aldbo-rougb nnd Du~ich Townships, Road, 5 (the ~ldbo-rough- Dun~liCh Townline). Road 22 between Road 27 fnd 24 in Yarmouth Township, end on " l'o-rtion of !toads 29 & 52 in Ya~mouth To,qnsbipo 9 . S top Gap Grading Con strUC t i on haS been cotllP 1 e ted en Road 43 bet"reen Calton, fInd Richmond, in 11a1ahide and 110yham Townships, on Road 9 between Road 8 & 14 in Dunwich TownshiP' Page ..- 3 10,. Flashing Light Signals h,:'ve been inst;::lled on the C"P"R" Crossing of Road 45 East of Hight<12.Y 4/19 in Bayham Tovrnship~ and on ~load 37 East of Belmont in North end South Dorchester Townshipso 110 i:.pproximately 50 Hiles of County and St,. Thomas Suburban Road Commission no~~d.> in V2rious Locations were surface treated with Bitvminous imterial and Gravel Chipso 12" t~ll Paved County & Sto Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads, h,:'ve been centre line markedo 130 The following bridges h8ve been cleaned and paintedz Port Talbot Bridge on Road 16 over Talbot Creek in DUflvlich Towul,::1.ip,. Phillmore Bridge on Ror\d 43 over Otter Creek in Bayham Township" The Railings of the vfurdsvi1le Bridge over the Thames River on Road 3 in Aldborough Townships nnd the ~~ilings of the Eden Bridge over the Otter Creel~ on Rof1.d. 44:, in B::;yham Tovmship" l40 L King Seagr2ve Sander or 8-10 Cubic Yard Capacity. to 'Haunt on one of the County Tandem Trucks h?-s been purchased and delivery is expected in early December" 15.. County Road Committee is studying the Integrzttion of the County Road System and Local ::load Systems as requested by the September Ses::don of County Council" ,'.1l1long the items being e~'amined t:1re the a.dvantnges and disadvantages of the System, the Machinery owed by the County and the Local Municipalities and the use made of it, future machinery and garage needs of the County and the methods of integration. No conclusion have as yet been reached. Page ...- 4 '.lE TIECOHLillt1D: -.,--,...""", :.....~...~_..."._..., 'I 10 That the Resolution from the County of Huron re Fair lJage Policy of the Department of Highways be filedo 2~ That the Resolution from the County of Victori8, re non Returnable Bottles be endorseda 30 That David Gordon and Ga.ry Gordon be dec la.red pe1."'m['.nent employees for the purpose of the Unemployment Insurance Acto 40 That a By-la~.., be passed designating Thorough Highvlays on the portions of County Roc.d 11 26,. 'and 29 assumed 2S County RQads~ at September Session of County Council. 50 That the eountys 3~ Yef',r Programe be amended to and added to as follows: 19 6 7~1!~OG:u.',J1E ~i~Y~Jlq~ rroad 2 & 8 Village of Dutton & To~mship of Dunwicho Road 27 elf. 36 Union to Sparta; Township of Yannouth" :~:oad l~2 Stalter Gully:; Township of 1'1alahide. GRADIIJG~ Road 42 at Port Burwell Bridge 004 Hiles - Port Burwe 110 ::load 42 frora Highw~~y 4/:73 to :'l0~ld 40 206 Hiles - Ualahide Townshipo RO<:ld 35 - Highway 1f3 to Jaffa 30 1 Hiles - Halahide &. Yarmouth Townshipo Road 11 - Highway #4 Easterly 002 Hiles - Southwold To~;nshipo Road 38 - 1/2 Hiles East of Highway 1f:3 - Malahide & Bayhamo Spot Improvement" BRIDGES,: HcFfiel Bridge Former Itoad 50 - South Dorchestero Catfish Creek Road 52 - Yarmouth 0 Port Burwell Bridgeo DEVELOPHEl1T rrOi~D GIUJ)IIJG '- -- ':[;ad 52 -from Springfield to Road 30 approximately 12 liiles - South Dorchester:, Halahide" Ya.::mouth &. Springfieldo 1?a.ge. ..... 5 "0 .on C Gn~' ,\\.<1"J 1 9 t)o }. :':.,,-:_..:S:i~~ ...~~"......v;~~--' lSl:tlDG1J.S : ~"~,--' G~ading in 1967 .. Road 42, 35, 11, & 3B. -OcO f\d 3 :lodne"J to ".o~. d <); a1?1?J:~1tit!\8 tel "J 3. 0 ~'l'loS _ ~o.",sbiV of f~dooJ:oUga. ' ~~ _ ..,. . n .ce Ue~{ ~ ~ 5 n .. 0 5 Viles ,~o .ea.- .-. 1?oad 1 \>ur,1<l~Cil .'. - ' ,!o~1Ushi1? of \)UW<;l~cn. n. '-7 3 (... Hiles I. ~~. 1 ~!'13 1-0 .. uad '-" Q V " 0 ad ..e l", <r .WC\ "J ,r ~,.... 11' t-.. . c. ..'. 0 'i) ~ 1.0.) .. )..ot-rn.sl.~1.P Ol. (including cuVle oU "oa" ..., South Do~cbeste~o 1 -0 .~, e. y&'t11\outlL :load 45 catfiSii CJ:ee~ DT~"g - ' ,!o,~sbi1?' n n .~,o oveJ: 31 l' C 1 Be l'(!\Out ;;ast ).)J:J. "g~ Road, .. ~:.H ~ utb & 'i1oJ:tb DOJ:chesteJ:' Kett.1.e C-ree.ho ... ClO 1>.o"d 52 - 12 liiles, Roa<\. 20 fTol!\ "Road 16 SoutheJ:l"J and Road 16 Yinga1 U~b&n sectior.; 1 . South"IO ld 'to';lt\S"~1?' Road 45 _ Road 35 t~ 'lOBd 36; 'i:a1:t!\OUth 'to"lllnshJ.1?' :? ;}Jl1~G ", _----,~_..J"--... Glt:~Dl1~G ~ .--------"~"'~ TV""'" 0"1"""1" 'lOd) ]:';c'J1'i1G, !:,~;".l'~~" .:-",-.-..-.' " D Gn "DTi1G 0 1) ,,~1..0 "P1:\i!.l1't 1'.0' - ~...;'..- . ~~-~-~._~-_. 1969 1?ROG?~;J!~ -~.-.-,--------. .......-- ?b..\!ll~G ':' ~..---- ,4 ~ ~d 21 2 Uiles ~ 'i:a1:t!\OUtb. '" ~ qq "oed 2 to ,,0- G'PJ!;.'Dl11G ~ :....oe.u (..t.. ... ~.... ",' t.a. \)" 31 3 5 Hiles ~..........-......~'__' -n ,.3 "'7 _ Road <+u to ~.oau' ) "oe" .. -,," . I 1..3' . ..TO'''' t..,..-"Ofld 31 t."CoL. ,inc. u"J.ng ..- v " ~.. .' ' ~ south Uo~cheste~o . Road 40 1 J!,iles 1J,ortb. of S<1ot 11!\1?J:Ovel!\ent - .- , . t" ," 1 b,4 de 'tO~SLl.1.'PQ vouth Sf!.lel!\ _ cia a _ . - R d.s .I. 'l ld "'T~~\.'outh. IndustJ:J."l LJ:ea .ea · S outnv7O ... 1-'::'> J,.... ' n "." 45 ll,ettle CJ:eel~ (ne'" crossing). " o"RIDC"S. ..Dad . -\ 1 biM- '!aJ:tl1OUtb 'to"lll'".l~ue, _,..,_" _ o....e11 lIJ:J.dge - \:.a a Road 40 _ Road 5~ to , Glencolin, Village o~ . S1?J:ipgfie1.d. Clnd 'to,"nsb.~1? of 11e.laJi.ide c ;:..oad. 45 ~ Road 36 to Iloa<\. 16 _ 'to';lt\sb.iV of 'i:aJ:tl1Outb and. south"lllO 10.. G~ading in 19630 Dl'.vt1..0'2\'\l'.\1't ]2;"~~' ;;.::----,---;...--- t, 'l)~a(.). ..... 6 .. ""'t;)~ .. , ' titionod to deSignllto 1hllt tho Uinistor of U~gn~1S 00 ~o ' -n d. fo': )?-re."" tho fo 1. towing :.toads e.S DO'IToto1?1"ont "oa s 6.. Bngineoring pU't1'osoS 4' -to1" 00'2. lli1GS ~orth of (a) Roc,d 20 fJ:ot. at>!:,J:o..~tt'" J ~..oad 16 soutMJ:l'J I:roP 5 112 Hites in south'W01d bo t'tioned to J:oc~end 1h",t thG Hinist01: of 'tJ:anst>o,:t v po ~ ' ~".at the \ligh<illl'J 't-caffiC Let be 10 (b) 'lOll d 45 fJ:Otil 'J.Olld :I 5 JesteJ: 1'J 1:1:01:'\ ll!:'t>J:O)l.itnato 1 'j .. < ." ..th & south<ilotd 1203 Uites to ~olld to ~n .a~o~ 't 0 ~n"'~ S \1. i '\? I) 'Io~Shi\'&" '.1.1.. O!'.nuC'kl 1.$ r.tsPJ!.C't'F\l1..1.'l Su'&U1't'!ED. ----.-:--;;-;:-;-----.-- _---- Cl\i...11.",l.v.J:, " ST. THOl-fA.S, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 15th, 1966. THE COUNTY 6F ELGIN ROAD eOl-mITTTEE met at the Court House at 3 F. }'f. in Conjuction with County Council, on November 15th, 1966. ALL }.1EMBERS PRESENT, except Reeve Phillips. THE ENGINEER REPORT~D that wet weather in the past 2 weeks had seriously slowed tip work at Stalter Gully, but with dryier weather, trucking operations had been resumed. '1MOVED BY: J. BlUlKER SECONDED BY: J .13. WILSON Tlu\T THE FOLLOl'lINGPAYLISTSBE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, PAYLIST #29 amounting to $ 10,344.02 $ 10,815.67 $ 89,305.96 PAYLIST #30 amounting to PAYLIST #31 amounting to PAYLIST 1;31 Development Road 1;840 amounting to $ 2.50 GPJUtIEDft CORRESPONDENGE l.JA\S READ:FR.OM: (a) }'iinister of Highways replying to the Countys resolution, re the St. Thomas By..aass. (b) From the O.W.R.G., re Procedures for Claims for Road D~mage resulting from Pipeline Construction. (c.) From the n.B.O., approving purchase of a King Seagrave Sander & 2 Chain Saw. REEVE BROWN read a letter from Mrs. McLachlin, re Speed Limits on Wellington Road~ tt}10VED BY: A. AUCl<.LAND SECONDED BY; J. IlfCKINLlI.Y T}L\T 1m RECOMMEl\1J) TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE J:.lINISTER OF TRANSPORT BE PETITIONED TO RECOl'ft,fEND TO THE LEGISLATlJRI;1; THAT THE HIGHWAY TR.i\FFIC ACT BE ~'\l'mNDED so THAT COUNTIES & TOWNSHIPS l:Lt\.VE THE~'J?OWER TO PASS BY-LAvIS RESTRICTING THE RATE OF SPEED IN SCHOOL ZONES TO NOT LESS THAN 35 MILES PER HOUR, SIlrIL.I\RTO THE POWER NOvi GRANTED TO CITIES, TOrms & VIL~~GES IN SECTION 59, SUBSECTION 10(a) OF THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT. Cl1!RRIED" "HOVED BY: J .:B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J.BARKER ~DJOURN TO DECE};1BER 9th, AT 10 A.H. Page2 C.l\RRIEDU G~/{f?Il~ CHA.IIUiAN . ST. THOMAS, ONT1\RIO NOVElr.1BER 2nd, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD CO~~nTTEE met at the Court House at lOA. M. on November 2nd, 1966. ALL ME14BERS PRESENT. Also present Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, and Mr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor, of the Ontario Department of Hig~ways. THE }lll\1UTES OF THE I-mETING of October 13th, ~rere reacLand approved. THE COUNTY ENGINEER REPORTED work to date stslting: (1) Application for Winterwork projects for tree cutting, arld fencing ha' been approved. (2) Trucks were being used to Place fill at Stalter Gully. As the material from HcConnell .had proved too wet. l-1aterial had been placed" using scrapers to the top of the b..e.ae.~' (3) Grading on Road <1 ha.d been completed. (4) Storm Drain Worle was continulq" on Road 8 at Dutton. (5) Work on Former CountiRoad 54 had been completed. THE CrLL\IRMAN AND ENGINEER REPORTED meeting w:lth Mr. A.C. Moore, on Road 27, re damages to his well. "MOVED BY: J. MCKINLAY SECONDED BY: J .B. l'lILSON THAT WE PlAY ONE-lit\LF OF THE COST OF DRILLING A WELL "\ND PIPING, ETC., FOR CLARENCE MOORE ON ROAD 27, ASCOl:1PLETE CO!>ll'ENSc\TION FOR DAHl\GE TO HIS PRESENT WELL. CARRIED" "HOVED BY: A. AUCKLtuqD SECONDED BY: J. BARKER THAT A.B.. CLU1PBELL BE AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE URB~~ DESIGN COURSE SPONSERED BY THE ONTjI~IO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION. CARRIEDU PaRe 2 It MOVED BY: C . D. PHI LLI 1'8 SECONDED BY: l\. AUCTrT.I\ND THAT WE RECO}:lMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT DAVID GORDON AND G,:~JRY GORDON BE DECL.I\RED PERMJ\NENT EMPLOYEES FOR PURPOSE OF THE UNEbiPLOnmNT INSURANCl~ ACT. CARRtEDU UMOVED BY: J. BARKER SECONDED BY: J. MCKINLAY THAT WE~'.PJtCONMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LA}i BE PASSED I>ESIGNATING THROUGH liIGlnll,AYS ON COUNTY RDiU) 11, COUNTY ROAD 26, & COUNTY ROAD 29. Ci\RRIEDfl 1<1EETING l\DJOURNED FOR DINNER. A~".L.t.R DINNER, the Countys 3-Year Construction Programe was discussed as some length. n~[OVED BY: C. D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: J. MCKINLAY THi1.T WE RECO~D:mND TO COUNTY COUNCIL TID\T THE ATTACHED 3- YEAR PROGlU\ME BE LIDOPTED. CARRIED" "HOVED BY: A. AUCK.LA.lID SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON TlL\T vIE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE MINISTER OF HIGmil\YS BE PETITIONED TO DESIGNATE TIm FOLLOWING ROADS FOR PRE-ENGINEERING FOR DEVELOPMENT ROAD PURPOSES: (a) ROJ!\D 20 FRO~l 1/4 l-lILES NORTH OF ROAD 16 SOUTHERLY FOR APPROXIMA.TELY 5 1/2 MILES. (b) ROAD 45 FRO}:! ROAD 35 ~STERLY TO ROAD 16 FOR APPROX1MATELY 12.3 MILES. CARRIED" 11~iOVED BY: J. l:10KINLAY BEC01IDED BY: J .B. WILSON THAT THE FIR1-! OF A.l:1. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES LTD., BE APPOINTED CONSULTANTS FOR THE ~1CNIEL BRIDGE, ON FOlUmR COUNTY ROAD 50 & THE CATFISH CREEK BRIDGE ON ROt\D 52 WEST OF HIGHWAY fF74. CARRIEDU p~~ ~-I-; l1'ff?d. ~i f>>L \ co .U..~ T Y 0 r B LeI N Jrot.!.,d 3-Year ,R()ad PrQ<<tt~.... .. Draft 01 N().....~ 2/66 Df:,ect Aid Allocation for 196' & 1966 .. ApP'l'oJd.rmU:ely 713,000 fot' each year -Total $ 1,426.000.00 ~LOCA'rIONS to Date (Without Land Cost,). 1>.n. f118S · (had 4,...t of Hiahway 19) 1).1.. ii840-1 .. Springfield Urban D.tt. #~40~1. Spr!nst1.eld t.oHlahway 173 D .R. .f}840..2 .. H1Shway 173 to H1S:llway 174 D.R.fJ:840...'. 1tlah., 11174 t.o ltC)a4 30 ELlA. 12 MILES PROPOS~!!fo;t 1968 lion (Wit-bout Land CO$.ts). (a) Road 20 fl:O'm Road 16 South .5.. 3 Ml1es $ ~) 'l~alU~ann~de $ tc) Road 4,$.. Road. 3" to Road 45 2.4 MIl.. $ HltEAOI 1. 7 ltt.LU PROPOSED for 1969 W07:k Road 40 South from toad S2to Qleneolin Roa.d 40Spr1ngfteld Urban!.l Hllas Road 45 Road. 16 to Righwa,. #4 3,9 Mi.l.. ." (3 Sectionsl Road ,4.$ Highway fj4 to Roao 22 1.3 Nile. Road 45 Roact 22 to Road 36 4.61<<1.. - $ $ $ $ $ 196,000.00 4.5,000.00 11.3,000.00 "9,,000.00 179.000~OO $ 772,000.00 338.000.00 52,000.00 418,000,00 - $ 808,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ 121,000.00 33.000.00 226,000.00 63,000.00 220,000.00 M'l1l1-. 12 llIISS 1967 J'I~. PAV1NCJ: Road 2&8 nutton" llunwtcb .. . Road 27 & 36 tJntontG S,a1:ta Roa' 428ta11.er (;1.1.11,. (t;RA1)1)JG: ltoa4 42 at. '0"-'. hrwellk'iqeO.4 Mlles .~.. Port DU1'Well , . l_d 42 1.\\.1$ B:tgtl..~yf73 to l.oad40 2.6 Nil.s .. Halahtde toad 3' .. HiSbway #3 to Jaffa 3.1 Mile$ .. .).1a.lah;lc1e., 1':a,)tU\Outh R.os.cll1 .. 11311., 14 k:at<<1l1:1y 0.2 lUle:1 ....Southwo lel township load38- 112. 1I11...at of 11lahwa.y #3 ... l1alaht4. 6 _"ba1n $ 663,000.00 }!l1>GSS: ~U..1. Ix-iqe 'orme, Ro.d SO ... South. l.101:chest:_.J: Catflett Creek load $.2 (". llev.:aoad '840)- larmoulb Por_ 8urwell Bridge DZWll.lPMlN! R04<\l) QlV..D1NQ: ,.. .!cl..52froi-nSpr$:nlfi.ld to 110ad 30 12*'.. .. $outbDo'l'clle..te.., Malahlde '~a=outb " Sprt.nsfleld. llEVlto_~ 1tP4J) tAV1)tC; till. DIViLOltmwt. ltOAl) am INQl~J5~1.1INQt . . - ... Road lO'fotn :1tos.d 16 Southetly 5.3 K11..0 Road 20 rtnaal Urban. lea d4S- aoa4-" to Road 45. ,1?68 .~~\}m PAV1~(h , Grad.ln$ 1n 1961 .. R9ad. 62, 3$, 11, & ..3<l Ol4\DINGl Road., Rodney to load .9 3.0N:I,l"$ .. Aldb()t"o\l~h,. RoadlJDllnw1ehO~5 Hiles into Pu~c. Patik ~ Ihtmd.ch. R.oa448 IU.snwar 173 to Road 47 3.6 Hlle, (1nclucU,ns cutve on Road 49'. South not:ch..ter. :BRIDGES..!. load 4SCatftlh Creek 13l't48e. Road 31 lS..a.L. llebnont East ovar Ketti. C~eek. DIWLOMNt R,OAll1?~\V'1NO:: I,.. " , "_ .,' ",.',' " I .....,._....... load'2 .. 12 Hllea. load 20 Road 4S .. ltaad 35t. load 45. D2V1U..oftSwr ROAD ORAt>lN(h t ,', r.,"...."I"'I'..,''''''~.','...'. I.." "II DIWLOPJimN'l ,1tO.!\,D ENO~:Rmu.NG:, Road 40 So",h Ir. $toad 52 to 01e1\(:0 11'0 (lnclud~lna Springfield) Road 45 fr_Road lE. to load 36 10 Mill. 1969l?Jl~ FAV1NC;. Or$.4tng in 19'68. QltAD1NO: Ro~d 22 .. 1\oaa 2:4 co Road 27 2 'Mlle$ .. ''')!art'flCutb 'Road 47. Road 41 to load 37 3.5.111., (1nelud~~ns Avon). Soutb Dorche.te!' Spot. Improwm.ent ... Road 40 ~ 1 Mile North of Mc.unt Sa1_ ~ Halahtde !wp. Southwold ... 'YaJmlQuth "if Xndu$trlal .Area Roadsh >>U.ROE~~ Road 4.5 Kettl. Ore.ek(new Oralsing). Orwell. Malah14e ... Yarmouth Town11ne Q1:-+.~~.) .. liu",sileEll!l"';;" ~~. i.., t"'''I11:!.',.~'.~. . ~~.',r_'~lal't'ft Qt~.tr-tl_. DIVlLOftmNT ROAD ~lNC: """--'", '"',,.',' "',.,' . ..',..'-' ""~ ... lQad 4() ... $prlllgfte14 S o\lttnerly load 45. 10.. 16 to Roadt 36. ~e3 THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached report 010. the 1\malgamat1o.n of County & Local Roads, which was discussed at length. The Engineer was instruoted to rewrite the Report, expanding it in certain areas, and to suggest a method by which the Amalgamation could be carried out. "MOVED BY: J. B}\RKER SECONDED BY: J. 1>fCIClNL:\Y THAT WE i\DJOURN TO 2 P. 1>1., NOVEl1BER 15th, 1966. CPJ.m.IEDU .f::. ~7/) CHAIR!fAN. COUl:lTY OF ELOI}~ -AMALGiUillTION OF COUNTY & LOCAL R01.J)S TO THE CHA,IIU1Al~ & 12MBERS OF THE COUN~ OF ...ELGl~l ~OAD COliMlTTEE: .L.S requested by the Conmittee at their l~!.\st meeting, the following report contains. (a) Some of the L.dvantl~ges & Disadvantages of County and Loeal Road Ama1g[l.mat1on~ (b) Projeetlild Total Expendltures~ (c) List of Equipment available from County and Loeal Munlcipalities~ (d) Reorganizational ideas and an lasttmate of Staff required~ etc. These items~ and many other ttem8 ,~ll have to be examined in a great deal more depth than in these :I:'eportl, before any decialon can be made. In the following discussion it would be lassumed that all Local Roads exeept those in the Town of Aylmer:i would be administered by the County. A system of bool(keepins would have to beJ and eould be evolved~ so that the County Road ]~xpenditure's would be separate from Loeal Road Expendituress (Local Road Expenditures could be lumped togethert or at aome l~dd1tlonal expense separated into Municipalities). J.. ADVl\lfrAGES to both Local !Jlun~c;j.'p~lities & Coun'r:y 1. Benefits of Engineering i~dvice~ & Sp1acialized services to Local Municipals. 2. Reduction in Overhead Costs on Iv1anetgiement. 3. Better ulltization of l1ach:1nery ownsld presently by County & Local Roads~ aspeci~lly Specialized Equipment. 4. Contracts feasible by areas covering both County & Loeal Roads~ (Gravel Crushing$ etc.). s. Economies in bulk purchas1ng~ Gasoline~ Diesel Fuel~ Grader Blades~ etc. 6. Better l1achinery Servicing, 8S a number of machines would warrant employment of Uechanica anld Helpers. 7. Better Service to the Taxpayer~ Grading~ Snow Plowing~ Patehin8~ Weed Cutting~ ete.~ could be done by areas by one machine in most cases, instead of hew'ing County 6& Local Road authority machines crossing each others path. c' --" pa.ze 2_ 8. Standard By-LaWS' controlling Set Backs of Buildings, Sir-s, Gasoline Pumps, etc., Entrances, and Road Crossings. 2. DlSI~Vf~TAGE~_ 1. Disadvantages of L~rger Organizations, (more chiefs, less Indians) 0 2. Some Responsibility removed from the Local CO..,.u.1nity. 3. Tendency to provide higher class service, than at present, which mayor lllE-y not be necessary, thuS becoming mo~e expensive. p. PROJECTED "!Q.TI.h.]I)[PE~~ 1 TllllEL(!9_@) : .. C01JNTY ROADS DEVELOPlillUT ROc~S TO~JNSHIP & VILLL.GES $ 1,500~OOO.OO $ 8'''''''', OO~. 00 $ 750,000.00 (~~eGpt Aylme't<' $ 3,050~OOO.OO Township & ViUag~~ """O',~:'t~ ~,,~: .^t?ro:'C'",,,':oly 1/4 of Total. . b ill b'1 the Count'1 'the fo'l.1.owi.ng nJachinerY ill used on a fu1.l t1.w.e all of 1!.tgin and othe1: tha'll the setvices no1l ~ende1:ed by the count'1 . hi rY it 1Ioutd be to the 1.0cat \.w.nicipatitieS US1.ng this nJaC ne , b d f the nJachin.$1:Y' U1:l.ti.ket'1 that 1l\Uch fU~the~ use coutd e nJa e 0 ~ ~~ ~ s CUEDU"LE-1:. ~---~ i. ,,,,,, - \.9~ 'tandlltl' lluttlP 'truc~!I 3 1.nternE\t onal. L"O,t;.. 2 St~~e 'truc~s for transp01:tatiOn 0; u~~ C1:e1l (\. to'll ~C & 2 ton Doub\.e Cab 01: \. to'll Chev 2-\ ton 10rns 6 ?iC~uP 'truc~s (\.12 c\:lev. 2-\ ton Do~b\.e cab piC~UP&) 1. 1?1.ycnoutn car ... \. 'l.1. 6< cue 'la'll) 2 SurveY 'lehic\.es (tnternationa\. ~reve a \. "lodet 85:" ll.i.chiga'll 1.0ade1: t Case \.Jode\. 550 1..Oade1: 6< llac\thoe \. Case ~~O 'tractO~ 6< 1..Oader t Vo1:d 'tractor, Loade1: 6< ?ost UO\.e ~Uge1: t set of 30 ton 'truc~ Sca\.es 1. V~inl.(. se,nd.e-r 1 ll1:at\" ':o1:d [,nthonY Sande1: 1 King seag,:&ve Sande1: 1. 1: 001. S b.a:nt'Y 1 Rented \ltlit Shove\. l\. b'1 the Count'1 a'lld 'the fo1.lo,.o.ng nJachine1:1 is used onl'1 reasona '1 f it i'll the off season b'1 1.0cal if suitable use could be found 01: . hi cou\.d be effected. l!unicipa\.itieS' econOlllieS 1.n o'Qltlers p S C\\E'D\1tS 1\ ~ ,~ 660 1958 hda\llS 550, ,,~ (1.953 ,:.l\.1S Cha'\;lne1:S, \.951 "ua1llS ' l.. 5 G't'(...y,e-rs I:. .) 'thelle nJachinell a1:e not used to 1962 Cha'oltl':.on, \.9o~ Oul1.0n · c ~01leve1: 1Illathe1: conditionS . c"'., i~ s,,~ing and ta\.l O'll\.'1' · .. ca:pa .-'J ". 1;'" . tbe1: ~ob than ordinarY 1IOuld p1:obab\.'1 prevent t\lei~ use on an'1 0 g1:ave\. 1:0ad tnaintenance. ..!.~.Be 4 2. 1947 Etynre Distributor e.nd Truck 1957 InternatJlonal. This ltam presently do.es all local ~~ork available:; but the segson could be lengthened. economically 0 It will be nE~cessary to rep'l!\c~ . this machine with a n_w model within the next 1 or 2 years. 3. Galion I:,:bber Tires Roller a.nd Galion Steel RolJLer used during paving season only. 4. Centre line marking equipment. 5. 4 Tra.ctors (one Farmall-':.~ 2 Interna.tional 240, 1 Hodel 35 l1assey-Ferguson, used doing Weed Cutting season only (full capacity). Used in off season for seeding~ levolling, etc. Available for other uses in off season. The following machinery is used throughout the yearjJ ~ut on an occasional basis~ and could be rented to or used by local Road Systems 0 sgl~DULE C 1. Internatio:1?1 Tra.ctor and 10 ton King Float ... uI3ed on an average of three days p9r week. 2. Air Compresr.oJ: J3?ger 125 Cli'H. \';~1:'k done in Projects. 3. Lir Urench .. Horl~ done in projects. 4. Plate Vibrator - Work done in projects. 5. GHC Concreto lU~er - Not used for past three yellrs. 60 3 VIater Pumps - v.lork done in projects. (for e~unp1e we h~.ve rented a pump most of the summer) 7. Cleaver Brooks Car Heater (Steam) The follo,^1ing additional mp.chin-?ry should be acquir,~d by the County in the next several years to continue to operate fr()m v1hite Station. SCHEDULE D. 1. Bookkeeping Uachine (capacity 't<1ould be sufficient to do all accountj,1"O' 1,4"",..u-i't4"'.=t f(",... local road's.) _J?!!Ze 5 2. 2nd Rubber tired Loader &. Backhoe, which would be used by County to full capacity. 3. Tractor & Mower~ necessary during weed cutting season. 4. Tool Shanty. 5. Hater Ta.nk - perhaps 2- used full time in construction season. 6. Vibrating Roller for r'::anular Haterial - used f1ul1 time in construction season. 7 ~ Set of 30 ton Truck Sce,les - acquicition depend on. amount of day labor construction. SCHEDULE J-L Equipment owned by Local Municipalities (Townships only) 10 Graders. Most with Snow Plow Equipment. 11 Dump Trucksf of Various Ages in regular use~ son~ with Snow Plows. 3 or 4 Older Trucks in limited use. 4 Pickup Truck-s. 2 Load'.~s over l~ cape.city Aldborough &. Bayham. 1 Sander (/~ldborough) 1 Loader & Backhoe - Halahide. 4 Tractors & Mowors. 1 Tractor & Small Loader (Southwold). 6 Heed Sprayers. 4 Chai.n Saws. Some office equipment. COl1MENTSl. - Hunicipal.." {.as seem to have suffi.cient, heavy equipment:,. such as graders & trucks~ but have only a limited amount of small equipment~ such as pumpss small trucks, tractors Ot Mowers~ etCe Pa&.L~ .9_<lUNT~-.Q.F ELGIN ;Qt9RGANI:3ATI0l1AL IDEAS AND ASSOCIATED Pr:.9BLE1/~ The need for added service mainten~nce on County ROBds is increasing 0 Much of this service ~lintenance could be more advantageously done from three Garages. (1 in East Elgin} 1 in West Elgin, and our present Garage at VJhite St3.tion)" r'Je are rcpidly r?pproaching the time when some decision must he mD.deo The two small patrols would likely consist of a forE~man and 3 to 5 men in the winter ~ 7 or8 men in the Slu.l.luer f} to handle snow plowing~ sanding~ weed cutting~ and spr.Gying~ road patchings tree cutting:; guide rl\il maintenanccll etco~ and to t1.ssist in Construction Work~ such as fencingi etc. More specialized work such as Surface Treatmentll centre line marking~ new signs~ e~c.~ should be handled from l~ite Strtiono Our additional equip~~nt needs would be for each Patrol -- I Pickup truck 1 Truck for transporting men 1 Tractor loader & hoe (3 total) 1 Dump truck Tools The pre~ent grader and farm trnc~ors could be reassigned to the patrol. It would not be a difficult problem to enlarge thaltle patrol to assume maintenance' of local roads in the area. Ls the Coun~y has no suitable quarters in either East or West Elgin~ I quarters wo~ld have to be built. If a local roads merger became effective~ no doubt storage areas of the loca!l municipalities could be used for some time.. I The presen~ County Gar8ge e.t 11hite Station is all rapidly becoming inadequate.) More machinery storage roomll more shop space~ space for a lU"1cl1room and new lockers is urgently requi:r'ed!) as is office space for ti,he stoclckeeper and for foremen. /.. deci.sion on these i problems m~st be also made shortly. ~e 7 In the Court House:i) General Office space, drafting room space~ office space for Lssistr.,nt Engineers> etc., is urgently req'Uired~ The problem 'Vlill become acute this vlintcr. 4':..ny plClns i";long this line should allo't'1 for future c'l:pansion as necesscl'ry. Additional staff for the managing of local systems along with the present County System is of course quite dependent cn size of Road programe undertaken. Assuming total expe.nditures on Locnl & County Roads to be in the order of $3:il 000,000.. 00 we feel the str:ff requirements might be as follows. !:.!.- Chic f Engineer B. Office - 4 assuming mnchine accounting and m~chine writing df pay cheques~ etc. Cons~ruction Staff (~) Construction Engineer (b) Seni.or Technica 1 &/ or ,j;'..ssistant Engineer:; depending on decisions as' to design of struct:-:rc? etc.. to be done by s tn f f .. (c) Senior Construc.~ion Superintendent to pur1chase Innd,)) co- ordinnte ~nd Ol~ ~~e projects, etc. (d) Grading foren~n (3) (0) Survey p3rties (3) (f) Inspector on Con" "'~ct Work quantity depending on type nnd number of contracts let. (g) (Safety Construction Inspector). (h) 2 Drnftsmen. Mainten~nce Staff M~intenance Supervisor (~lso 3 Maintennnce Foremen (East7 Working Foremen ) Machine Operators) Labourers~ etc. ) in charge of White Station) West Elgin & \~ite Station) Depending on operations. It would appear that the various talents of all local Road Employees \'1ishing to join the County Stnff would be most us(~ful to the County~ Overhettd The overhead cost in 1966 on County Roads is estunzted a~ 85~OOO. This cC"..,,,,:---- ""'-"'-~'!"."""'''''M~nce:i) office expenses garage expense~ tools, miscellaneous repairr ~...,.1 P"'''9..",,11 'l'lu....,.'!r-n (n"'.''''ion, sick benefits~ etco) ~~ 8 County expenditures other than those supervised by Consulting En81~eers (Sto George Street Bridge) is estimated at $ 1~200~080.00o Thus overhead costs are in the order of 701%0 The Need Study estimL1tes Administration Costs in the order of 300% & Overhead Costs abour 4g7% or a Total of 707%0 '\ \. l>>.LL OF UHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBUITTED Q !toG" "HOORE;) BoSe; 0:1 P "ENG 0 ENGINEER .:'..ND IlOlD SUPERINTENDENT had at>l'ro'l1ed the e~enditure of additional funds to in'llestig,ate the cost of tlvil 't111? Com1't1 011 1'.1..0111 ROAD 10 A. on octo11.e;: 13th, 1966. t: ,,' ,-. ontario De1'ar~~nt 0'. c~c,~ays, T11E 1~n.ln.rr.'F,S Q"F ~e;:e ;:ead and app;:o'lled. ST · , 01:1T.~J.O OCT01YE,YJ.. 1.3t.11., 1966.. met at the OO\1.;:t 110tlSe at p.l SO p;:e5ent ~n:. 11;:ank Olarke 0 f 'the l~J','ttUG of septemoe;: 13th, 15th, and 20th that the St. 'thomes CitY oouncil cotn:Y!'l i.\.f t e't ~ 'f'< tIS" e"'" "I',,~ l'aSS and tli'l~'1 Avenue 1!.')ttension. seve;:al ,!?'J:o!lO!leu "ou eS ..01: ,~C/, ' ,,' diSCUssion the follo~ing Resolution was !lassed. H1:KNE1) 'B'l ~ C · D ... SECor,DBD J .13.. ~Fll1~sm~ 'tim i.CCATtOll 011 't1-1l! 4p;; 1?}y.... P.~SS 1S 1.1ll:-1l!1:l1.A't1'. C01'\C1'.11.U "Fall, TUll 1'1l'ttT1011 't1\1'. JA1.111S'l$1). f\JT1J?.1?. UEVRL01'l:ll!.11't 01 T~' com1'!'I D. 'l:1'.el""""''' . ~^.'1'~l'~ .' '1'111S B1~pP.SS . "", ,,,,t''' b ,,, ,,"' - statitl.g ~ (1) h 70eguler employee of the countY for the past 9 11.. f t'-.. Hul t i 1) late Pi 1)e at Stalter Gulli' ,,,,,,- s cc%\? ll!\!,te and 'that 1nSta . at~on 0- _n~ 0" " · 011 ll1GW..1h1S 'to TI\..1(!!. S'tl'.i'S T1l1~ C01J~1'!"l on 17.11.e .... to date as fo 110,~$ , H;:. -sarl Charlton had died suddenlY the 1'7oe'l1iOU9 .,' ~ ...."a;:al nar.;:o~l C,",tS on Road 9, bat.~eo"fl !"oad e ~~ "that ,,'1.,.~et\1..t\2. O}~ ""c . fi\l to be starte(\ no,:t ,.1e.k. 11\<, (2) ..' t.':t that Dac'tf.il1.ing ,vas cont~nU1.ng \11. I .; ~ "I'" t'..,e 1:'4<1 teton cul "",;:t ~1!l.S u"flde"r''''''-Y' 'that ev.cavat.,on 1:0. L,' ~. ~ . (3) \\1a $ u.ud.e.1-;'f"i1tl'Y" (t\o) C" Gutta!' bad been com1?leted i1:\ s,!?arta, and tbat t;:i11\111i1:\$ G (5) 'that seeding, ~or1!< ,vaS eOntiPU1.nc; else,~Mre 01:\ Roan 21. 1?_t!Jt e."._~, (6) That Grading y~s complete on Road 8, and that Storn Drain and Curb c:: Gu.tte.r Hork 'tias under~vay near the E Co-op. (7) That Trinvling had t~5. (8) That Gravel Resurfacing had be.en completed on Road 9. (9) That Net E,cpenditures to date ~iere approximately 1,050,000, and Gross completed betvleen l1otJ,nt Salem E~ Calton on P,oad Expenditures $1,150,000. t tlJOVED BY: J. BAP,KEn SECONDED BY: J. HCI<INl4;I\Y THAT THE FOLLO'i'iING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR FA Y!:IENT: PAYJ.,lST 9/26 amounting to $11,953.58 PAYLIST #27 amounting to *11,490.87 Pl\YLlST 7(b28 amounting to $163,183.61 CAHRIEDtt "J!OV1~D BY: J .B" '(nI,sON Sl~CONDED BY: A" AUCJ(I.I1''\HD TlIAT AN J\,PPLICATION BE l'U\DE TO THE HINISTER OF ElGln'IAYS FOR PA)~lE'NT OF Il':TE2IIN SUBSIDY FOR INCURRED BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN F1l0H .JANUARY 1st, 1966 TO SEPTE1IBER 30th, 19668 CARRIED tl CORRES PONDE1:1CE HAS P~J;\D FROH: (a) Lh:. David Caverly, General 1'1anager or the O.i,;.R.C. 1:'0 the Commission. Policy on the l10vement or i"jater Line on 1:!unicipa1 Roads. (b) Board of Transport Commission ordering the i.nsta1lation of Flashing Light Signal on the C.P.R. Crossing of County Road 52. (e) (d) Department of II:i.f:jl1\'1ays Ontal"i,o, approved purcha.se of Impact 1;'lrench. Department of High'N'ays Ontario, suggesting County Road ll~ be named the lona Road for High't'la.y '11;401 signing purposes. The Connntttee agreeded to this change. (e,) 11\\1:01\ Co\,\nt'Y fl'I ,"...... 'Po.. ~d4 1)e a.dOi'te.d. , c \,tlt" !, ,0,qnstt1.l! ~. ~ w ~ . 1:J1:a1t1S 01:0$S1.t\:;; ,0. ., 'f' " eoi.f; catiot\ foct lc1unici1?a'\. SUl!,g,ostod tba t ilt\k _()'i:1\'. "1'., ' . ~e'\.'\.in%tot\ ~oad'itl (f) 1:1~' J .it>. l{cl.aob'\.itl f.\ .1 t't- "f).,...nc:t.tn t'he a-re,a. of " . f" ~ittee ,,1.0\jO" .\0 ,.-~, k · 2I.ftoct d:,SCt\!lS1.0tl t{\e vO.. "' t\ \'J\c('.o11 1:0 saf.et:;r .. ..Ii.. -" ,~. , tbe actoa of t1,e t.1t\buctflt C.," 1 . d adjOUrned foct ditlt\ect. the "::>CI,,OOl-, 0.1\ .. , _,.t'nO '\.e.i~~iat\. 1 " . ~ ,t" aJ: tbe actel> W(\('O'-: o~~" " ," "' ta itlWcta"e t,\O "a~o ; . ' c ""~..,,.. 1'0...1><;1 "ill&'S 0'(\0"'(""eO.. __"'" ("(11" _.,~,,'" fact I> nl\t\u". .J .U; . ~ )~\,) 1, , .' "'\.t t1:1.l\t '\. itt1e cou'\.d be datle tbO oo~1.ttOO ,0 · . ~l"l'l~ C..'D.. AT. A. 1...1>'!D · '3 S\1p.:m.c! TO o 1? -rHf. 1).. ,!1~\T. T.1:l'B $3,638.25 1j;{ ~ . j.. , ST... J. , ,\"o'JE:D 450 1J1) 1'1'-1$ 1'RO'l1t110'lr\t. SM.1!,S 1.;,.1., '1.11A '! 2. 'r.1:10~;~t\S , 1\'1. ~'\.llh 95 .. A1?Y'i~~OVA.ll" S\3'BJBCT 'to 1) 'P)"Z ~ '{ ,J .. ~ c~ , fA.--f t\lK\'\T'R.'D 1st, 1966. ""., ."., ..1. < ~_~ C ",,~t'/ COUtlC i '\. \~s ctOan. -ret.e~'t'0U. 1:..t. ''';P' } -, . p .' 't11t\T. T.11~ 't C('il11Yf'I 01' \'1.0't0Rl21. \l1.10\Tf.,T) r;"l t C €)'Z,C01:mBU , ,.,."f"I"l"I11)'t>,'t1l. '0,\ ~ 1,':\,On ;11:,'1 v l.",j,,;t-;;,P .\,... 1?a?:e l'r .,_.".......,~,itII..,k~F~W"...:"" , \1,~o'ren r.)"'~l ~ J · Tlt~ CO,)1:~'t"!. 01? 11l1:\.'1 . ",,1.'\"" C--\1t~ in" of t:ree5. Ilnd b'rUsh, Ilnd the erection of f.ences on 'lllrioUS 1.nl..\.."'"" "l~- -.f;) J- .' IT to Ilgain tll1r.e Ild'l1antage the ;Jinte,rtlOr1s.S 1'rO!l,rame -POl)lC'L and Ed\)e$re Road, e~ce?t 11r. \1. ca-rter ~, that all propert' owners on the ~O$t~ic1s. . Jail. 1101\ain, had signed al5;reementll CC\1.nt~! 1?;.oa<\s. 1;rur\e,\'tat.e 1:;,1. ~ t.l~t tla$~'n" s,gna\S be nlaoed on the crossing su;r,gest.eu ",. ' ,," '-0' - · . __ c . .....~'\'f "0""...1s- 'T'1aS diSC\l$sed at \, :t "0 .. ..... e..... '001' C" of' 'Ia'" 0,'5 ,0".....; ,. ,GV · . . .,ane, ,urc(\"~~ L . ;.-; . , ....,. the di'lersion of. Co",nt, Road 11 thro 1.0t /.5, 1"1'1. no-' ~~"" .~"e in agcreement .;lith the ",\e v ,,,.,..\....,~ · .,' '" . 'Pi'l'e Line. The ]1',ngin(V"r recor;mended to sell widening re~uired for the O.W. that 1'lan of the c.~.R. at CountY Road 26, be a'l'1'ro'l1ed. (\"1. '\Fe 't s i 01', , lens,th. H1!.O'l,n<:'D - - J ..'3.. lY'I: J. 30 TO S l":r. !:\,S 52 ~200.00 $\. C'FJ~ .. '!lU\T IJ.\1;lD ~l~OO.. 00 'tJP 150 100'1 f01JD",,1S: .... ~3.00 b.l'ID ~1.,50().OO j. c .. 1?i111JJ11?S S5 . ... ~2()O.OO t'110V1?;O Tlu~';,T .00 r.: (.}l 'n'P ",; .. 1.50 ~gOO.OO $3..00 , :)00.. 00 t~o 1?8L'SOrv?,1.1. , '\}lC:re CB Sa1.a:rics tht').... 'l~ infcr.rca.tion s'hcrt17 ".j~$.,"",q,\",., "'" v t,o and a proposed ~~lte Do .. 1=e 1,)lan$ for consi.dered a Draft of a p,.opcsed 3-y'ea" ~oad ?rcgramo. into oue DeVe:rtT0.eut wer.e diScUssed and the "n",.w- t""O 1 ~ac'" ~~~" o.~od \0" tt>'" 'illriO\\a. Hunicival1.tiea.,and the ou ",,"'" '"~","" .I ." . J -' - - ,d.t 1.1 t tVt~ county Road t, J,oca1 1".oad9 ,~s instr.ucted to obtain 'E\~7....pass. f\J'!Cthet mad.e tt as p!:esent. \.H';;e "110'V\:?,D 'IS''!.: ~1.. SECOl',Db'\) .1.. ~o 10 S.f,~ --.--.-----------.--...---...----... 8 C U N T Y 0 r = L GIN ~-"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""':;t; ;,'......,..,~~~........"~........~~~,.._~~~.4' S~~V{:7"J. CCUIJc;t_:._2.s~:1) Tel[:. =~~2.?;~~.kGl~'I 1. !..ea va Court House ~ 9 .:. 011. 2. L~'?!.ins Bridge & Ttot,d 33, .. (to Ch.east,pe~b;! & Chio ~1nilro<'H1 T:rr::cl:s)" 3.. Gp,re:ge ~\ ~ladio I'!o~re:r. 4. r~c:c:~d 21 - l'?al-re'l."; 3t:ree'(; ~}zidge. 5. Ti.opd 20 to Fingrl - programed fer re.cor~stnl.ctiofl. 6. :?oad 16 .~o R.o.ad 15.. 11l' Ror;d 15 itltO :)ea1:ce P~~:rk ... pro.gramed fe:,: CO~"1st:'1:uetion.. 8. ~oed 15 to llo~d 3 at Duttono 9. nond 2 ;:,~ a r:t :1utton - Construction 1966~ 1 ().. I~OAd 2 to ~1odney '" 11. :~oad ::: - Hodlley t.o ::';.oad ^ ~ .. pl"ogr~med for constt"UctlOrtol 12. Ro~d 3 to Road 6. 13..::.oad 6 .. r:inner Clacb,:,n.. ll~. :'~oed 6 t:..; 3 to ~::o.nd 9", 15" J.or~d 9 ,'f';'..,.... v~ 1 .;':' ,... S'U~""~ ~ C ~t "!":t 1 f.\ t;~. ) ~'&"Q llW_ ...'w.wt ',.J.. .......,. ..~"O _.i1 vV' (lI 16~ lead 9 - from Ro[\d 3 to 14~ 170 :to.r:.d 18 to :-~o~:d 19 <l 180 ::.'.oau 19 ... Double 31.1r11:!ce Treatment :06fl" 19~ nigh\.r.Y,~" ... :.:'ord Plar.rt Conatruct.tcm. 20. '1.:oad. 26 - ('1> st ".., '!'~ '::'I~"!d . -,0 i.., ,,;.c;.~ ....c~. ) to ;'Z()~(~ 25. 21.. 'C~eturn tCl Cou:ct HOlise<> C 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G I::N COUNTY COUl~C1.L ROAD TOUR rUA.ST END Leave Court House 9:00 A.M. 1. St. George Street Bridge - being built by St. Thomas~ Suburban Road Commission. 2. Road 29 - Route of Water Line to Ford Plant. 3. Road 52 to Springfield - from Road 30 to Springfiel~l to be constructed as DR #840. 4. Former County Road 520& 54 - built to Township Road Standards by County~ and reverted to Townships. S. Road 47 under Consideration for addition to 3- Year E)rograme. 6. Road 37 from l.von to Highway 1;73. 7. Road 48 from Highway #73 to ~oad 49, programmed for ~eeonstruction. a. Road 49 - Curve 3/4 Hila South of Road 48 progrannnecll for reeonstruetion. 9. Road 40 · from Iload 52 to G1encolin under eonsiderat:ion for addition 1:e 3-Year Programe. 10. Road 40 to Road 42. 110 Road 42 · Highway if73 to Road 40 programmed for Reec.nstruetion 1967. 12. Road 42 - Stalter Gully Construetion. 13. Dinner - Port Burwell. 14. to Road 42 East of Port Burwell. 1.5. Road 5S ... liaintained by County of Norfolk. 16. Road 45 - Road SS to Highway 4/:19 DR4f78S . Hot Uix P~Lving 1966. 17& Road 45 to Calton. 18. Road 45 . Calton to Hount Salem - Double Surface TrElatment 1966. l~. Road 43 - from Road 45 to Road 38 - Stop Gap Construetion 1966. 20. Road 3Sto Highl'18Y //:19. 21. Road 44 - Highway 19 to Highway 3 ... Double Surface '~reatment 1966. 22. Aylmer ... Beech & Elm Streets. 230 Road 35 - Orwf!11 to Jaffa progrsnTiled for reeonstruei:ion. 24. Road 4.5 - Road 35 to Road 36 - ul1der consideration jEor request for Development Road Aido 25. Road 27 Sparta to Union Reconstructed in 19660 5:' ~ 26. Road 22 _ Under consideration for addition to CountY 3_1ear p~Og~ame. 21. Site of ontario wnter Resources co~ission - water ?ipe lntaKe. 28. Garage · Radio ~o~er. 29. cou'tt RouSe.. f~~ ~.~~ ,--- \ st. 'tHOW~S; ONtARIO, $EFf!'MBER SEsstON? 1966. 'EO 1UI WA1\DIN AND COUNCIL or 181 cOW," 0' ELOl'N. 'lOOP. nO!\l) cONMtftEB i&,1 to 1:.,01:t AI fo 11. OWl I ~ridg.. has been let by the St. Tho1IIas Suburban Road Cv.....ission. to ~ CON'l:~~ar for the Construction of the St. George Street the Elgin construction Company Ltmited. at a tendered price of $121.951. 25. The work b noW _11 underway. ~m REqoMMEND: 1. TNl\.T County Council Rod Tours d&tell be as folloWs' leavUlS the court Rouse t1.t 9'00. A.1i; each daY. 2. TNl\.T the following Roadil.i,n the 'township of Soul:hwo14 be West End of County October 19th~ 1966. Oetober 26th$ 1966. East,End of County assumed as Count.y. .Roads. 1. Bostwick Road from vlelli.ngton Road to the Middlesex County Line. approximately 3.7 miles. 2. Road between Lots 45 So 46 between HighwaY 4 So Bostwick 'Road. (Road South of the Ford l'lane), appro~imatelY 1.25 1!dles. 3. Road between concession D & E, from "le11ington Road to Boatwiek Road. appro~imatelY 0.3 miles. These Roads are assumed under Criteria ~2. (Industrial Roads) of the Minister of Highways Recv....endations Reapecting Desi~ble CountY Road Systems. Company, and any other Industry that situateS in the area. The LsS\lIllPtion of these Roads will serve the Ford 11otor Concession D & E, will allow the laying of a Watermain along these Roads to the Ford Plant, (which will also service any other aajacent The Lss\llllPtion of the Bostwick Road, and the Road between 'Page ...- '2. 30 ~\U\~ a ~~~la~ be passed authO~izing the ~a~den & cle~~' . d sa~~ to ~iden count~ to sign Lend ?lans e~p~op~~ating Lan neces Roads. 11, 26. 29 & 35. the R.e401utiOn of the count~ of ~o~fol~ 4. ~~~ ~ app~ove g 1.' C the onta~io ~unicipal Elect~ical ob~ecting to a Reso~ut~on o~ . L islation that would hSsociation. ~e~uesting a ch~nge ~n eg · . f C stS of ~te~ial ~eiGbu~se the Elect~iCal hSSOc~atiOn o~ 0 'U sed in Road Moves 0 5. ~~~ the Resolution of the Count~ of ~~uce. ~e 1ai~ ~ages ?olic~ be filed. l>.l.oL 01 "n\1.C~ 1S ll.\'!.S?EC~VIlLL'l S\Jll\4t1;'tEtl. __________C\\i~J,R1:1i>l' 81". THO~l1~h.S, ONT.f<<\.RIO SEPTE~1BER 20th, 1966. 1- THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD C01,ftUTTEE met at the Court House at 11: 45 A.M. on September 20th, 1966, in Conjunction 't'fith County Council. THE ENGINEER ST.ATED that in order to exprop'riate property for 'td.denin.g County Road 29, and the Bostwick Line, a By-law authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans t'10uld have to be p,a.ssed, by County Council. ttt-:!OVED BY: A. AUCI<Iu'\ND S.ECONDJ~D BY: C.D. PHILJ4IPS THAT WE RECOrIHEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY...I.d'i.X~l BE PASSED ,,:'\UTHORIZING THE t,;lARDEN AND Cl.ERK TO SIGN LAND PLliJ.1S E1."PROPRIATING IJ\,ND NECESS1\RY TO lrrDEN COUNTY ROJ!\D 11, 26, 29 ,i~i.l>lD 3.5. CARRIEDU COl'lJ:"lITTEE ADJOUR.NED TO OCTOBER 13th, 1966. ~ "e. G?~ Chairman Sf . THOH~\S, ONTARIO SEPTENBER 15th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROi'~D CONl,ITTTEE met at th.a Court House at 2 P.~'I. on September 15th, 1966. ALL l1Et'ffiERS PRESENT. Also present Hr. A. ill. Shattuck, of a.toT.R.C., and l'1r. T. 1j'l. Lumsden of .James ~'1acLaren Ltd., Conisultants to a.W.R.C., on the Lake Erie Pipe Line. CORRESPONDENCE \uiS REp~ by the Engineer with regard to the Pipe Line, on County Road 29, and the BOJtwick Line from th4a St. Thomas Water Treatment Plant, and the Ford Plant. Reeva Phillips, and Warden McKinlay reported on the meeting of August lOth, w'ith Hr. l.umsden, and Mr. Brock of O.~'l.R.C. Discussion for the most part revolved all the fact that Hambers of County Planning Committee, felt that the O.ioT.R.C. had requested the County to obtain an ~~dditional lO foot easement for Pipe Storage, in addition tel standard Road Widen there, as Mr. Lumsden was of the opinion that tbe County had agreed to obtain a 15 foot easement for the placing of exca'~ated materials, etc., t'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: After considerable discussion. J. ~;iCKINLAY J. B. tVILSON Tlt\T t,llTH REGARD TO THE ]PROPOSED o. W .R. C. PIPELINE ON R01\D 29, 1\ND THE BOSTt'lICK RQfill THE FOLLOvlING BE A STATEHENT OF POLICY THE COUNTY "TILL (1) PURCl'u\SE NECESS.l!~:.RY \'1IDENING FOR A 100 FOOT ROiill ALL01;"1LiNCE. (2) Cl.lEAR THE TREES ,:\ND REHOVE THE STlTh:iPS FROH THl<: .,[\LLOWllliCE. (3) rl0VE UT'II,ITIES 1'.8 NECESSt\.RY. (4) ERECT PERlu\.NENT FENCES ~'1HEP...E- ~lECESSARY. (5) RE~fOVE OLD FENCE. (6) ERECT AN TE1'1POlu\RY FENCE REQUIRED FOR LIVESTOCK. (7) OB!rAIN A WORKING E,ASE1''1ENT OF 15 F13ET FOR DIRT, ETC., FOR THE O.H.R.C. (8) PAY Wlit~J..T THE COUNTY ~'J'OULD HAVE IUill TO PAY FOR A 10 FOOT EllSE~,mNT FOR PIPE STORAGE ONLY. ~'1E REQUEST THE O.W.R.C. TO PAY THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ..\ 15 FiQOT WORKING EASE1"fENT FOR DIRT, ETC., l:J;.ID A 10 FOOT EASEHENT FOR PI PE STOIU\GE.. CARRIED" Page 2 After Mr. Shattuck, and Mr. Lumsden left the meeting, the Land Purchase Policy on Road 29, and the Bostwick Road was discussed with regard to owners other than the Ford Motor Company, and the Canadian National Railway. The Engineer was authorized to use judgement tv-1tn the follO'liv-ing policy as a g'tiide. Land for t,1:tdening $1,500 per acre, Fe'nee or Fence L\llowance of 2.50 per rod. - $750.00 per acre for lease for O.W.R.O. for 15 100' easement. NEETING l\.DJOURNED TO OCTOBER 13th, 1966. ~ ~ '~-v'l Chairman s'r. 't110W-S' 01:1'rJ\.1l.10 SEP'rE~~E~ t3th, t966. to /\..~. on septe~be~ t3th, t966. t,LL )1l!.l-\l\E'RS !'RESEll'r. 1\.t SO 11~. 1'~an\t C ta ~1.<e , senio~ ~unic illa 1 'rl{l!. COm<'rY 01' Et.G1ll ROAD co1:ll11't'!1':.E ~et at the cou~t Uouse at SUllervi.ao~, onta~io nella~tment of nigh~Ys, 11:\1'. ~mYtES 01' 'r1:\1'. )1l!.E'rl~G of /\.uguSt t'2.th we~e ~ead and apll~oved. 'rUE COm<'rY ~Gl~E1':.R RE?OR'rED on the Wo~1.< to date, stating that: 'rhat the~e ~e~e nO funds avaitabte fo~ const~uction on nevetopment Road (2) ~f840, e~cellt fo~ ctea~ing, ($t,600). . ~. t.d. ~~o..^~ a'2. 000 had been ~eceived f~o~ canadian An lnvO~ce ~euuc e, UJ vgL q. ' . .1 'I."'l .:1. f..o.... the In.~ St~eet C~ossin%' in 1\.'!l~e:r. (ReviSed llat~ona :,a~ ~'1, "L ".' ' (1) (5) (6) (7) lnvoice $'2.0,430.0'2.). 'rhat he had attended a ~eeting of the Cit,! of St. 'thotnas 'r~ans1l0~tati.on ot ~ ~ 11th with ~eaa~d to p~ollosed connections Stud,! Co~ittee, on ~ell e~ue.' ~ to the St. 'thomes B'1 ?US, and nigh""'! t26. 'that Su~face 't~eat~ent had been co~pteted. 'that cent~e Line ~~\<.ing had been cotnp1.eted. 'that :Road 53, haS been ~epai~ed. 'that lnsta1.1.ation of the Sta1.te~ GU1.1.'! Cu1.ve~t, is p~oceeding slowty. 1\. conside~ab\e nttmbe~ of p~ob1.otnS had been encounte~ed, but ll~Og~eSS (3) (l+) i $ be i:ng t\.1a dEh ({',) 'r'ri,~ing Wo~l< waS underwaY on Road 21. (9) Stading had been c~1.eted on Road 43. n d 2 & 8 with crushed G~ave1. to (to) construction ~aS nea~t1 c~lete on ~oa · be app1.ied ne~t ~ee1.<. (1.1.) G~avet Resu~facing on RoadS 9 & 5, had been c~teted. vnlage of ?O~t BU~1'\.. thanl<ing the Road Depa'l7tment fo~ ~epai~ing OOF-RES 1?Ol:1!)El~C'B RElJ) 'FROl'\ ~ Road 42. 'ro'olUShiP of south'f/101.d, ~el\uesting the count'! to assttme the Bost.n.c\< Road, and the e~tensiOfl of Road 29. (1) (2) Page :2 (3) The Ford Hotor Company, re improvemnt to Road bet'l;-1een, Lots 45 &; 46, East of Highway .fJ:4. (4) Canadian National Railway, re purchase of Widening on Bostwick Road. (5) Mr. Lumsden.. James MacLaren Associates~ re easement on Road 29, and Bostwick Road to accomodate O.vl.R.C. pipeline. It was decided to met with representatives from l"fcLa1'en, and the Ontario Water Resources Commission, with regard to the easement. THE MEETING iIDJOURNED FOR DIN1:>1ER. i~j,FTER DINNER. U~10VED BY: J. BARKER SECONDED BY: J. 'HCKINLliY T}U\T PAYLIST #23 amounting to $ 13,535.20 PAYLIST #24 amounting to $ 14,689.24 PAYLIST #25 amounting to $ 255.680.81 PAYLIST #25 amounting to D.R. #840 $ 7.83 BE i1!~PPROVED l?OR PAYNENT. cm~IEDn H]'fOVED BY: ,A. "t'\UCK1l\ND SECONDED BY: J .:~. 'IT! L8 ON THAT vm PURCHl!i.SE FROl-f DRArJ~..ROBINSON...VICL\RY, LIHITED, OF LONDON, A ~10DEL 8341 INGERSOLL-PJ\ND AIR IMPACTOOL AND 80CI<ETS AT A PRICE OF :$ 830.20. CAP.RIE1DH Considerable discussion, 1'e Planning and Road Assumptions, etc., took place. nNOVf~D BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS 11H.AT WE RECON:HEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL Tlt1\T l,'lE A6\Sm,m 1\.8 A COUNtry ROAD THE ROAD BETt'1EEN LOTS 45 (:;t, 46, IN THE E,t\.ST SIDE OF TALBOT ROAD NORTH :BRANCH, SOUTHWOLD TO'\JNSHIP, FIlOH taNGS HIGHt\lAY 1/t4, TO THE BOSTWICK ROi~:J).~ A DIS'rANCE OF APPROXIl-:!'t\TEJ.,Y 1.25 HII..ES. CARR TED" Page 3 THE ENGINEER STATED that the report of the Shl;:Hiden {)rain would be read on September 19th, 1966. The Engineer also stated that on Road 27, 2 complaints were under investigation. (1) Mr. Welch that he could not get into his garage, because of the lowering of the Road, and he requested that the garage be moved. (2) Hr. J11..C. Hoore, re damage to his ,well because of the lot/Tering of the Road. THE I~QUEST of the Town of Aylmer, for the Assumption of Spruce Street, as a County Road 1ilaS discussed, and the Engineer ins'tructed to meet with Nr. C. ji'!~ltenberg, County Planner, and obtain future inforution for future presentation to COnIDlittee. THI~ ENGINEER REVIEl'1ED Expenditure and Programle of Work to date, stating that most items were nearly to over the bid getting iamounts, and although most grading work ,,,ould be completed a shortage of help, and time would not t~,llo"tq some bridge and culvert projects to be completed. Tim ENGINEER STATED that McNiel Bridge, could not be completed, nor the improvement or Road 40, north of ~,lount Salem, as it depended on the \i1idening of 2 Culverts. It 'faS also doubtful if the Spring Greek Culve'l't, , on Road j7, could be completed. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that if Grading Money 'were available, or if it '\i"as imposible to Complete tqork, at Stalter Gully that Grading be done on Road 35, from Jaffa North. He also suggested that another Sander be purchased. "HOVED BY: J. BARKJ~R SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND Tlb\T THE ENGINEER BE ENPOt'1ERED TO C;.\'}..l.L TENDERS FOR J;~'" SiiNDER TO ~'10UNT ON A Tl~NDEN TRUCK. Ci\...ttRIEDU nNOV1~D BY: SECOl-IDED BY: ,J.. HCKINLA Y J..B. l"IILSON THl\T THE ENGINEER BE EN POWERED TO ST.:!~i.RT GRLj;J)ING l\ND GRAVELLING ON ROAD 35 BETWEEN Jl\.FF,l\ ,l\.ND OR1;llmLL~ IF FUNDS BECO:HE l\VAIIABLE. CARRIE,Dlt .. d o~d t':le 1!.tl'linee1t inst1tUcted d .,., 1teme ~s d1.seusse ,~..' " 't\:le countiT 3_"!ea1t Roe t1tOg." . ..' .1teme at t.ne ne)(t. ooromittee meet.iN'" to p~esent a p1tOpOseu p1tOg < ' ttW'l~D y,"! t J. 11'1.(1~L..'S SEC01'lD1!.D 11>'!' J. 11>iJ;l1(l!.R ;\DJOURl' 'to OC't011>1!.tt t3th ",'t to ",.~1. \'~~OV'En 1}"l ~ C .'fl. ?tll1:Ll\?S SEOO1'\D'ED y>'!' t;. A\1C~1'ID 'tt\P>'t \$ 1'''''i!.00~ 10 00m<'t"! OO\11'\ot1. 'tt\P>'t OC't011>ER t 9 t h, 1'1./!.S't 1!.1'ID' ~D OC'toY>l!.1t ? (, t\\, [\\.1 9 A. }1. l?age 4 Com-'!"! comict 1. ROpJ) 'tOURS 11>E tlE1.'ll, \$S't Elm, t.J1,/!.'</1.1'\G 'ti\1!. comrt tloUl>l> Ck\.v.R11!.U" Ctl\1t1?\.l"E'D' , ~ . ~-Y\ ..--------- -----,---P..-..--.-'^' C ha 1.. 'tP'.a n s't. 'tRow.-s, Otl'tARtO AllGUS't l2t\:l, 1966. \0 A.~. on AU$USt t?th, t966. ALt. l1E~E1tS ~S1!.tI't. Also ~1:. l11:an\<. Claike, senior l\Unieipal 'ti\1!. com<'t'! a? 1!.t.Gt'N RoAD co't4l'll't'tE1!. met at tne court 1l.0Use at S upervU01:. ontariO Department of. i\ig\l.1ll&YS' 'fi\1!. 14l'Ntl'tiS 01' 'tlU: 'tlB1!.'f1'NG of Juty ntn .,e~e reaa ana app'toved. ~ com<'t'! 'F.'NGt~?;R REl'Oirtl!J) on t.he ~oik to elate. stat ins tbatt G'ta<\i1\3 othe't tban t1:itnins was cOttl1.lteted. on Road 21, and G'tanutll't (t) Y>ase lIO't\(: wa9 continuing. G'taainS was nea1:11 eOl\\p\ete on Rolla? &. S. ana G1:anu\a1t 11>age lIOik bad (t) been sta:rted. (3) tn9ta\\ation of tne l\U\ti-p\ate Ou\Ve'tt on Road 42. at Sta\te't GU\\i' wou'I.d 9ta'tt in about a ,ree\(:. tmProvement9 .,ere being 1Il&ae on 'Road 43. be~een Oa\ton and RicbtnOnd. surface 't't8a~ent ~o't~ wa9 nea1t\i' e~\etea. oentte t.ine llaiking "ou\d start 9bOrt\Y' b. meetins 'ifUl,h tne ontario Depart.tn8nt of \\ig\l.1ll&Y9 officia\S, re DR ltS40 (4) 0)) (6) (1) lIOul.d be he\4 sbOrt.l.Y' "\~t ....t tne 1:emeininS port.ion of tneir eont'tact shortlY' Jonn9tOn Y>'t09. lIOu~u 9 a~ J. l>1eKl'NtJ\~ (&) tt}iOV'El> 1)~ ~ s'&co1'lDiD Y>'l' J .1\ . ~11.1..ll0'N 'f'IU.'t \$ G~tI't 'tlU: RoAD S'lJl'1!.Rt~l!.tI'ttS 'tlU:tR R'SQ.URS't ?OR All ADDt'ttO'NA-L ~'N't 01 $15.00. eA.'R1t1'E\)" com\'t'l ~~'\l., oarl .t..\unberg in .t..ttenelance. ~'&Vl!. 1?\\'1.t.Lt~ j>JU) ~f.}1 ~C1.U~1A'l eltP \ained the O. ~. R. C. po Hey. 'Ie the tn9"anatiOn of tne ~ate1: 1'ipe Line, il1:OI\\ tne lit. 'tnCl\'Q&$ ~ate't 'freatn'8nt 't.. "l7 ......:1 1)"\&"t Site waeve 1'ni1.\i,S state4. at a meetins of tb.e 1'\ant, to tue .0~U · ~ ..' . county 1'\anning c~itte. ~'ts. and the o.~.R.C., tne countY haS agree4 to obtain sufficient Ri.ght of ~ay. to "i.4en tne Road b.1.\owanee to \00 feet, to accoll\lllllelate the pi,eline on tne '&d1l;e"",lIe. and 1I0$t"i.cn Roaa. 'tat'1:Le't tban bave tne 1'ipe \ine $0 'acr09$ Country, PagEl 2 It was also felt that the Bostwick ~oad , should be assumed ILS a OO'unty Road, nnder,-the. a.riter-ia as an attractor of heavy traffic. (Industl~ial Road). n~IOVED BY: C. D. PRILLI FS SEOONDED BY: A. AUCKLAJ;.ID THAT lm RBCOM1!.mNDTO COm~TY COm~CIL THAT WE ASStn4E AS COUNTY ROADS, THE 'BOST~~lICK ROAD FRO}1 l>nDDLESEX COmlTY LINE,TO t'lELLINGTON ROAD (3. 7 ~lILE:S), AJ:.ID THE ROAD BETv1EEt~ CO~lC!SSION D !~ E (SOUTHWOLD) BET~'lE!N TUE WELLINGTON ROAD AND THE leSTtilICI< ROAD (0.3 !vULES). C.AP~IEDt! Ul'IOVED BY: .J. l:1CI<INLA. Y SECONDED BY: .4.. AUCl<LAND THAT TInt: COlThlTY El:ilGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO PROCEED laTH Lt\ND ImRCHASE KND EASE};mmTS !\lEEDED 'FOR INSTALLATIO~;r OF THE O.lv.R.C. PIPE LINE ON com:rTY ROAD 29 ..l\ND THE BOSTW'ICK LINE. CARRIED" l:ifAYOR ~1CKIBBIN of Aylmer, met with Committee, Jre the extension of Spruce Street, in Aylmer. COl~fiTTEE agreed to view the Street as soon as pO'ssible. nl'[OWD BY: J. BA1:U<ER SEeO~1DED BY: J.B. \'fILSOtI THAT TliE FOLLOlfING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAnmm PAi~IST #20 amounting to' $ 13,445.92 PAYLIST 121 amounting to $ 13,448.72 PAYLIST ;122 atllounting to$ 181,946.80 PAYLIST 4122 Dev.Road {1840 amounting to $ 93.51 CARRIEDU CORRES PONDiNO! ttfAS P...EAD FROlii: (1) D. B.O. ,approving ~>(esteel Roscoas Supplier of the Struc:tural Plate Culvert for Stilter Gully. (2) D.H.O., re reconstruction of Highway i;4, near the Ford l?lant. (3) B.O.T.C., re ac.on.tribution to the Construction of the J?ort Burwell Bridge. (4) Mr. C. Jackson, Fingal, re enforcement of no Parking signs in Fineal. Page .3 THE ENGINEER STATED that Construction on Roads >>2 & .54 1,.8 completed, with eJtceptlon of the intersection of the Road between Co.n. KI &. XII Dereham, &- . Road 54, and that maintenance was now the responsibility of t~he Townships. n:HOVED BY: J.. BARKER SECONDED BY; C.D. PHILLIPS THAT FRED t~lILLAND BE DESIGNATED A REGULAR Et,IPLOYEE AS OF AUGUST 1ST t 1966. CARP...IEDU THE H!ETING Al),JOtTRNED FOR DI~UiJER. At';J.:~R DIN~lER, THE CO~:n-fITTEE INSPECTED, Edgeware Road (Count~7 Road 29), Bostwick Road, Spruce Street, in Aylmer, and Road 27 bet~men Union and 81'a':1:&. Ul'IOVED BY: A. AUCKLAlID SECONDED' BY: .J . B. l'lII.'sON THAT l'lE ADJOURN TO SEPTEHBER 131'11, AT lO A.l~r. CARRIEDn ,.." .../'/~ "'t ' L) d'4../UVv-->.//'l '-- ~ CttA l~t7y,trH . S'"t'. TUOl-fAS, ONTARIO ~ILY 11th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMl-fITTE met at the (Jourt House at 10 A.M. on July 11th, 1966. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Also Mr. T. S. Calciwe11, District Municipal Engineer, and };fr. Frank Clarke, Senior Municipal Supervisor. THE MIbHilES OF THE MEETING of June 7th and Jun.e 14th were read and approved. THE COUNTY ENGINEER REPORTED on the lvork to d~lte, stating that: (1) Elgin Co.struction Limited, of St. Thomas, had been awaJt:'ded the Contract for St. George Street Bridge. (2) Construction was continuing on Road 27. (3) Surface Treatment Work was underway in West Elgin. (4) Work had been completed on Road 52 and .54, except for mjlnor triming, and with completion of crushed gravel on Road 52, Walters Bl~OS. 1965 gravel crushing contract had been completed. (.5) Fencing and clearing was underway for Construction on Rc)ads 2 and 8. (6) Design was continuing on Road 52, being Development Roael //:840. (7) Bridge Painting was underway on the Talbot Creek Bridge" on Road 16, and thePhillmore Bridge on Road 43. (8) Compensation Insurance had been extended to the end of t:he year by the Frank Cowan Insurance Company Limited. nMOVED BY: C.D.. rtY.Lt;,I.~S SECONDED BY: J. MOl<:INLAY THAT PAYLIST #17 amounting to PAYLIST 118 amounting to PAYLIST f19 amounting to $ 20,159.73 $ 13,880.12 $ 136,157.69 PAYLIST 119 Dev.Road 1840 amounting to $ 46.68 BE APPROVED nR PAYMENT. CARRIEDU Page 2 ~ A DELEGATION FROli! the Town of Aylmer, lncludlnlg'.'McKibbin, Reeve Glover, Councillor ~ and Cle'tk-Treasurer J.Foy, mett with c"....ittee asking that. the commit.tee give consideration to changing the Urban Rebate back to 3.5% from 2.5%, and asking that committee inspect Spruce St:reet, in Aylmer with the view of the County assuring it as a County R.oad. COlmnitt.e agreed to discuss tbe matters and inspect Spruce Street at their ne:~tmeeting. THE MEETING ADJOT.JRNED FOR. DINNER. A:JfJ:J:.R DINNER, CORRESPONDENCE lfAS READ FROM: (a) D.l'I.0., re the designation of Development Road iFS7'. (b) D.B.O., approving purchasing of3 additional Radio UnitlS. (c) D.Ft.O., approving Gravel Crushing Tenders,awarded to Jc:>hnston Bros. Ltd., and to lfa1i:ers Bros. Ltd. (d) D.H.O., and R.K. McNeil, stating that the D.H.O. was pr4lpared to purchase the old Telephone Building, at Intersection of Highway :~ and County Road .~O~t~',_.improve vision at the intersection. (e) Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, re Springwater Dalu. (f) Canadian Good Roads Association, re a new sign manual. (g) From Oanadian General Electric, re rental of Tower for ~ldditional antennae for $1.5.00 per month. Oommittee agreed, provi41ed this met with approva 1 of our Insurance O\..'''41'',any. (h) From C.N.R., enclosing a bill for crossing protection ilrlstallation on Road 53 at Aylmer, and the Board of Transport Oommissioners, stating that they had reviewed its bill, and a new bill would be senll:. (i) Oharles Raoz, re tile drain damage on Development Road f~785. The Engineer was instructed to met with Hr. Racz. "MOVED BY: J. BARKER SEOONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF WESTEEL ROSCO LTD., FOR $18,112.78, FOR SUPPLY OF STRUCTURAL PLATE CULVERT FOR STALTER CULLY. OARRIED" Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE lJAS READ from the County of NOI~folk, objecting to a resolution of the Ontario Municipal Electrical Assoeiatiol\L. "MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. BARKER THAT t'1E RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COt.mlCIL, THAT WE APPROVE THE RES~O'tUTION OF THE OOUNTY OF NORFOLK, OBJEOTING TO A RESOLUTION OF THE ONTARIO J.mNIOIPAL ELECTRICAL ASSOOIATION REQUESTING A CHANGE IN LEGISLATION THAT lfOULD RE:IMBURSE THE ELEuL!\.IOAL ASSOOIATION FOR COSTS OF MATERIAL USED IN ROAD HelVES. CARRIED" CORRESPONDENOE lilAS R.EAD from the County of Bruce,re fair Wage Policy. "MOVED BY,. J. MCKINLAY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT tm RECOmmND TO COUNTY OOmiCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF '~HE COUNTY OF BRUCE, RE FAIR lI1AGESPOLICY BE FILED. OARRIED'! "MOVED BY: C .D. PHI LLIPS SEOONDED BY: J .1. WILSON TllAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE AN IMPACT WRENCH AND SOCKETS. CARRIED" ItMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: O.D. PHILLIPS THAT 1m GRANT THE TOWNSllIP ROAD Sber..RINTENDENOE ASSOCIATION THE SUM OF $25.00. OARlb.UljJU "lItE PftlI-r BURWELL BRIDGE was discussed and it 'Cia. decided to instruct the Consultant to proceed with design of the bridg~l CORRESPONDE!tCE lfAS READ from:;the Elgin County Board of the Federation of Asr"cult.ure. re increase in Land Purchase Pric:es. No act.ion was taken. . GJ . ,: 1f :3 . ~....... ..:l ..:l S = ~ a Q ~ . . <:3 ""') +:. ~ Q !S! a ~ e-. t Q r:4 ~ {5 f;r:I co f;.t ~ ~ <:> &-I ~ o .., ~ \" f f\\ \r1) - ~ Iltt I > '-'" .">~_/ . )t: . -< e ...... .u qJ .s: .u ...... ...... i .... J o ( I i ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 14th, 1966. TIm COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at 2 P.M. June 14th, in conjunction with the Elgin County Council. ALL 11EMBERS except Reeve Rowley were in attEandance. TIm ENGINEER REPORTED that the following prjlces had been received for the Stalter Gully Structural Plate Culvert. Westee1 Rosco Limited $18,112.78 Armco Drainage & Metal Products 19,697.00 Ont. Culvert & Metal Products 20,8Jl8.98 THE ENGINEER STATED that Westee1 Rosco Limited quotation had been accepted, and that delivery was expected in late July. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM the Ontario Del)artment of Highways stating. that payment would be made the County for mainten~lnce grants made to various municipalities from Development Road Funds, and this Development Road was numbered 879. The County was requested to enter into an Agreement with the Minister for payment of these funds. "MOVED BY: J . B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J . BARKER THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS ro~LATING TO ROADS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN DESIGNATED j~S DEVELOPMENT ROAD 11879. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: A.AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C.D.PHILLIPS THAT WE RECONMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BY PASSED APPOINTING ARTHUR B. CAMPBELL AS ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER AT A SALARY OF $9,000 PER ANNlTh1. CARRIED" Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the Town of Aylmer re Urban Rebates and the Committee decided to ask Reeve Glover and other t~presentatives from the Town to meet with the Road Committee at their next meeting. MEETING ADJOURNED to July 11th, 1966. L- f?>~ Chairman "'" ST. THOMAS, ONT~~IO, JUl~E SESSION, 1966. TO THE WARDEN AND HEMBERS OF COUNCIL OF THE comITY OF ELGIN: YOUR ROAD COMllITTEE begs to report as follows: 1. Tenders have been called by the St. Thomas Suburban Road C"'UJuission to close on June 29, 1966, for the replacement of the St. George Street Bridge. The 3 span bridge is estimated to cost $150,000.00 and is expected to be open to traffic this Fall. 2. A eantraat bas been let to Walmsley Bros. Ltd. of London at $28,050.00 for Hct Mix Paving on Development Road #785 (County Road 45 east of Hwy. 19 to the Houghton Townline) in Bayham Township. This cont%~ct has been completed. 3. A contract has been let to Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd., for supplying aftd applying crushed gravel on vari.ous Roads i1'\ Aldborou~~h and Dunwich Township. This work is underway. 4. A contract has been let to Watters Bros. Ltd. of Springfield for the crushing and stockpiling of gravel at the County Garage .~t ~~itets Station. s. Surface Treatment pavements .ill he laid on Road 19 in Southwold Township, Road 44 between Hwy. 4,3 and Hwy. 4/19 in Bayham Township, and Road 45 between Hount Salem and Calton in Halahide Township. 6. Mr. Arthur C~bel1 has cVI.uu"enced his duties as Assistant County Engineer, at a salary of $9,000.00 per annum. 7. The following new machinery has been purchased and deli~ered: (a) Ford, ~ Ton Pick-up truck (b) 2 Ford t Ton Double Cab Pick-up trucks (c) G.M.C. Van for a surveying vehic~e (d) Case 530 Tractor with loader and backhoe &. 3m$ SiflStOl'l, \966. If.... .. (c) t~~-~ li .1 'load.er "i.tn tne countyt Il l.4inne~\iG}\l) ne 1'0'td. tracto1: anu 0 tractor all a t1:a4e~in 1l0a4 21 bet;'<l8an union and. s?art.1l in G~d.ing is ~setl.t\1 Utl.ae~1 on ' "la~tn 't~p. 9. b at' apPOitl.teG ..t f., ~." snriet &. ASSOciates L~ite4, ba~e e ct\:\.o .",:~ 01. .t\.. ru J:" the rort y>ut'if8\\ y>ridge. con&u1.te.ntS on tJJL 01' \'I\\tC\\ tS ~SriC'tf1J1.L'" S~'t'tiD. C\\A1.~ll ST. THOMA:~, ONTAi.UO 0 JUl~ SESS ION. TO THE HARDEN AND HEHBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGI}!: Your Road C""'Uf,Uittee bags to report as follows: HE RECOMMEND: ~ (1) That a By~law be pagsed appointing Arthur B. Cempbell as A$sistant County Engineer, at a salary of $9,000.00 per annum. (2) That a By-law be passed authorizing the execution of .~n ag-r.ement with th$ Minister of HighwayS, relating to Roacs under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin, 4es:f.gnete4 as Development Road 1879. - - - This agreement will enable th. Miniater of HighwayS tC) authn'ise - .... ... payment to the County of Elgin th. sum of $18,118.45 already paid by the County of Elgin to the Township. of Aldborough,l Dunwieh, Southwold and South Dorchester, and the Village of Springfield. .ALL OF HIIICH IS !l.ESPECTFULLY SUBllITTED. CHAIPJA..AN s,!. 't1:l0MAS, 01!l'!ARtO JUNE 7th, 1966. '!lU: com\'t'l 0'11 Et.Gllil ROAD co't4l'll']!'tl!.1!. met at tne court. RoUse at \0 A.~. on June itn, \966. j>J..t. l1E~1!.RS \$~ ~SE1'\'t ucept Ree"" Ro'if\ei" b.\SO l1rank C1ar~e of tne Depa1:tment of lliSnwaYs and M.1:. A1:thu't Catn\lbeU. Assistant Counti' ingineer. 'tlU: 1O.'Ntl'tis 0'11 'ti\1!. l1Ei't!'NG of llai' l2t\:l "ere read and ap'Pro-.ree. ~1:l'& couNT! E1'\GtlWoE'\l. ~i1oR'tiD on t.he 'ilor\(. to elate, stating t. bat' . . \d 1 J1~~e 29th fo't the St. George Street Bridge. (l) 'tenders 'ifOU C ose on ~.. (2) ~a\ms\eY 11>'tos. 1..Wited had comP\eted tneir paving contract on Jl' D.R.Jl'1B5. d " '. 'll i n from Road S to Road l4 by en G1:a",e \1.1'S ,ras co'\1l'P \eUd on Roa .. 1.n un,r C Johnston 11>1:0s. (Both"e\\) Limited. 'ilatte1:S 1\1:0s. had c~\eted gra-.reUing bet".en ~ount. Sa\em and ca\ton. R.d 19. 45 and 44 and for varioUS ~unicipa\itieS priming is underw&i' on oa ~, ' (4) in the county. surface '!reatment lIO't\(. 'ifou\d begin short\i' on counti' Roads ,ror~1ng fr01ll the (5) (6) curb and Gutter (7) (8) "West, easte't\-Y. AP1'lication of Ca\ciUl\l Ch\oride had been comPleted. . . d' Roee 21 as ,gas Cu\vert Instauadon. G1:ad1.ng ",as un erw&Y on ~ ,ror~ in spart.a continuee. . . .. d . '11 rtne1: Road 52 and 5d- in south Dot'Cheste1:. Sand Base const1tUct1.on cont1.nue on 0 (10) seeding had been c~leted. f h Stlte. Gu\lq M.u\ti1'\ate had been co'\1l'P\eted and app1:0vee by (ll) Plans 01: tea' J tne U.1l..0. and 1''tices "e1:e being re~uested fr01ll sU1'1'liers of cu\Verts. b i June 20th for office ass~ance. ( \ 2) Sharon 1Ia1tter bad been engaged to . eg n (\3) RaY co\\a1:d had successfu\\i' c~\eted his Junior tns1'ectorts Course. (t) ,.r~'iOvE'D 'B1 ~ J.'BARl<ER $B,93B.34- \1,024.48 lOB, 523.0\ SiCOm11!.D 1\'l t J .~C1.<.tl'l1..A'l 'tW>'! ?",$t$'t It\4 a1llOunting to ?A$lS'! *15 amounting to l'b.$tS't *\6 &,it>oU1\\;i.ng to ?A$tS'! lt16 Dev.Road ltB40 atC\ounting to 42,00 CARR1EUU '!Ii A?l'ROVl'D 1'OR ?A~1'\'t. 1>age 2 (1.) (2) CORRiSl'ONDE1'\CE ,~ ~AD YRO'!i' . .... . St 'tho1ll&ll subU1:ban Road System. J.~.RO~1:d a~prov1.ng c.~nges 1.n · di Y>i'-La,r in i\mount of J . ~ . \1.O,rard a~prova \ 0 f supp \etnenta1:'J Roll d i)!:\len tu-re $110,000. . f 'to.rnllhiP of 'llaybam fo1: D .R. lt7&S, D . R. O. re 'Ilo1:K orde1:S 1.n name 0 D . R. O. re ~01:\(: 01:ders fo't l're_?ngineeri\\g fo~ D. R. i,SI>O. R.R. ~cNei\, '!i.L.A. aCKno,r\eeging \ette1: re R.r1' lt3 and' county Road 20 c~) (4) (5) Inte'tsection. to tne county ~aying tne cost of 'llai'ham in const1tUction of D .R.il1&S, AV't\'.R DtSCilSSt01'\ t "~OVE'D 1)~~ S?CONDED Y>"!' C.D.l'RtLLtl'S . .' ' . ' ... '" 'ti\1!. S ~ oV $\ 32\ .22 VOR t1'\'tE~S 't AND O'ti\1!.R 'tw>'t \$ l'i\"! 't1:\E 'tom<SRtl' Of 1)A."!tu"" ' ' . '. ....." 'to~SRtl' DURl1'\G OONS'tR\JC1:tO'N oV D .R.i,18S. cRA'RG?S t1'\c1JllR1!.D 11>"! ."'" J .MC\<.lN1A'Y cl\.1tR lED \\ 't1:\E '&NGtNV$R S'tA.'tED that a '\1ib-ro l'\uS 'lib1:ato1:'J 'tamPer nad been purcnased f1:~ Sheridan Equivrosnt t.imited in accoreance ,rit\:l pe~illSion grant.ed at the llaY ~eting of coromittee. ,,~oV'E'D 1''"'[: S,&CONDiD y>"! t J .11>. \l1.\.S01'\ .' " 't~'&R YRO~ slUlRtDA'N iQ\Jt 1'y,$1'\'t ty>RO l'LUS W'lD'&L Q}l._lO "tmtA-'tOR"! " 'tW>'t ~ l'URCW>S? i\ " . ' . .' S"l 0 S 't ('to'tAL $121>. SO) Lt14l'tED A't 'ti\1!.lR Q.UO't\'.D YRtCl!. 011 $690.00 l'LllS · · · · CARRl'ED" A.AUC~ND '''MOVE'D 1)'1: S?C01'\D?D 'll"!' c.D. m\.lLLtl'S . . . j>JU) i\SSOC1.i\'t,&D EQ.\11.J'}1l'.1'\'t YRO~ . '. '1?s.E ADDl'ttONAL RI'JlIO 1J'Nt'tS 'tW> 1: \$ l'URctli\Si 'fl\ ,Q\JO't\'.D YRt C? $3,614. RtC CO Lt14l't\'.D i\'t 'tlUl1R . ckJU>DtAll GE~~L ?LV,C't · (;i\1l.RliD" J.1)A'Ryj'.'R Page 3 COMMITTEE DISCUSSED the progress of the Port Burwell Bridge and requested that Reeve Phillips discuss several matters with the Minister of Highways. The Engineer stated that he was meeting with tru! Engineer from the B.O.T.C. on June 8th re a Grant from the B.O.T.C. on the structure. MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER THE SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT on th4!! Springwater Dam submitted by Canadan }Iitchell Associates Limited was disculBsed at length. "MOVED BY: J.B.WILSON SECONDED BY: J.MCKINLAY THAT ~rrTH REGARD TO THE REPORT ON THE SPRINGWATER DAM BY CANADIAN MITCHELL ASSOCIATES LIMITED WE ACCEPT THE PRINCIPLE OF A COMBINED Dl~M AND ROAD AS PROPOSED BY THE ASSOCIATES AND WILL CONTRIBUTt; THE AMOUNT THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS tf.rLL SUBSIDY WHICH IS ESTIMATED AT APPROXIMATELY ~;28,200 BY THE ASSOCIATES. CARRIEDtt THE ENGINEER STATED that he had a meeting wlth an Engineer from the Ontario Water Resources Cvuuuission on June 9th to discuss various matters in connection with the Pipe Line. THE FAIR WAGE POLICY of the D.H.O. and relat;ed labour and wages rates were discussed briefly. THE ENGINEER STATED that the County Engineer Advisory Committee was going to recommend a number of changes to Section 59 re agreements with local municipalities for extra work on County Roads. IT WAS DECIDED that the present policy of the County with regard to Urbans inc~uded the application of Calcium Chloride on thEl Shoulders of Paved Roads in Urbans and Hamlets. THE REQUEST OF GORDON LITTLE for a gate out of his property on Road 14 graded some six years, waa rejected. Page 4 U~lOVED BY: J . MCKINLAY SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND ADJOURN TO JULY 11th at 10 A.M. CARRIED" ~,~-~ Ch.ainnan s'r. THOMAS, ONTARIO Mc9.Y 12th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITT~ met at the Court House at 10 A.M. on May 12th, 1966. All members were present. Also Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways. Reeve V. DeGraw of the Village of Rodney addres:sed the Committee with regard to several catoh basins and shoulders of the Road on Road 3 in the Village needing attention. Cvuuuittee instructed the EnginE~er to inspect these problems and to make the necessary repairs if the items were under the juris- diction of the County. THE MINUTES OF THE ~TING of April 26th were read and approved. THE ENGIN~tl REPORTED that he had engaged Mr. Arthur Campbell of New Liskeard as Assistant Engineer, and after discussion: "MOVED BY: JOHN MCKINLAY SECONDED BY: J. BARKER THAT WE ENGAGE ARTHUR CAMPBELL AS ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER AT A SALARY OF $9,000 per annum AND CAR MILEAGE AT 10 CENTS f'l!M. MILE TO 7,.000 MILES AND B CENTS f'~ MILE TO A LIMIT OF 20,000 MILES per annum. ~("\\ CARRIED" THE ENGINlQ:!;tl REPORTED that Mrs. Hobbs had submitted her resignation effective approximately July 15th, and that office assistance would be required to take her position. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Trimming was nearly complete on Road 44. 2. Shouldering, placement of top soil and placement of crushed gravel was under way on Road 45 between Mount Salem and Calton 3. Construction would be started on Roads 52 and 54 again shortly. 4. Clearing was complete on Road 27 between Union and Sparta, and curb and gutter work was under way in Sparta. 5. Seeding work ha.d been delayed be recent rains. 6. Application of Calcium Chloride was underway. Page #2 7. Brush had been picked up from all County Roads. 8. The Case Tractor and G.M.Van had been received. 9. The quotation of Armco Metal & Drainage Products for st.ructural steel culvert on Road 27 had been accepted. 10. Priming would start later in the month and surface trea.tment approx. June 6. 11. Two Survey Crews had been formed and surveying was being carried on on D.R.#840. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (1) D.H.O. approving purchase of trucks, surveying equipmerffi and chain saw. (2) D.H.O. approving Normal Road Expenditures By-Law 1917 8lJIl.ounting to $570,000 (3) Department of Lands and Forests stating that there should be no tree cutting at the Sparta gravel pit for some years yet. THE ENGI}.JJ:!a1.Jt WAS INSTRUCTED to write Mr. Fred M~Lrchant to tell him that the County would not sell any logs at the present time. (4) the Shedden Women's Institute re hazard caused by building owned by Bell Telephone Company at intersection of Highway 3 and Road 20. "MOVED BY: C . D . PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND. THAT WE CONCUR WITH THE RESOLUTION OF SHEDDEN WOMEN'S INSTrrUTE AND REQUEST THE D.H.O. TO PURCHASE THE BUILDING AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNtrY ROAD 20 AND HWY. 3 FORMERLY BELONGING TO SOUTHWOLD & DUNWICH 'l'.l:!JJEPHONE COMPANY TO IMPROVE VISION AT THE INTERSECTION. GARRIEDft HOT MIX TENDERS for D.R.#785 were opened and were as follows: 1. Walmsley Bros. Ltd. $28,050 2. Towland Const. Co.Ltd. 38,060 "MOVED BY: J.. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: J.. BARKER THAT WE ACOEPT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROS. LTD. FOR HOT MIX PAVING ON DEV.ROAD #785 FOR $28,050 SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARRIEDU pa.ge 3 THE :REQuEST OF A. CAUGHEL1 for pUl'cha.se of land from the White station property waS discussed. nMOVED BY: J .l"1CKINLAY SECONDED B1:C.D.PHltLIPS TliAT THE :REQuEST OF MR. CAUGll.ELL FOR PROPE!l.T'I pURCH.!\.SE OF THE WHITE STATION PROPERTY BE FILED. CARRIEDt1 THE E:lGlNEER REpORTED that after consultation with the Chairlll8.n that the price of ~cLaWS Gravel & crushing for 43$ per ton for Pit Run and 6e$ per ton for crushed material loaded on truckS had been accepted. nMOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J . B. WILSON THAT TENDERS FOR IT]MS 0.1 & 0.2 O1rTHE GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS BE REJECTED. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER READ coR.RESpONDENCE from A.K. spriet regarding the request of the Printing world for additional money for the printing of the Needs studY. ''MOVED BY: C · D . PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: MCKINLAY THAT THE PRlNTnlG VlQRLD BE PAID THE Smo1 OF $99 FOR EXTRA WORK IN CONJUCTION WITH THE PRINTING OF THE NEEDS STUD1 !\.S RECoMMENDED BY A.M.sPRlET IN HIS LETTER OF jAA.l ll, 1966. CARRIED" ttKOVED BY: J .13. WILSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE FOtLOWI"NG PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAnffil'IT: PAn.IST #ll 8,427.e3 PA1LIST /f12 e,588.04 P AYLIS T 11.3 34,121..90 CARRIED" page #4 ~ lI. '\,ETTER FROM THE T01tlNSHIP OF l\.LDBOROUGH re foI'lller county Road 5 frOl\\ Road :1. to Road 9, waS read and discussed, and the Jllll.tter left in abeyance for the time being. MEETING lI.DJotJRNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER, 'l'HE 'ENGINEER REpORTED the JIlll,intenance surface treatment progra.Jllllle for the year. BRIDGE PlI.INTING WlI.S DISCUSSED and it waS tentativelY agreed to paint the Phillmore, port Talbot and Walkerts Bridges. 'l'HE ENGINEER RElI.D severaJ.. itent5 of correspondence re the port Burwell Bridge and the appointment of a consulting Engineer waS discussed. "MOVED BY' J · B. 'tllLSON SECO'NDED B1: C . D . PHILLIPS TRl\.T 'l'HE FI~ OF lI..~' SPRIET lI.ND lI.SSOCIlI.TES BE lI.ppOINTED CONSULTMlTS ON THE pORT BUR'W'ELL BRIDGE. CARRIED" 'l'HE ENGINEER REQUESTED pEll!USSION TO PURCHlI.SE lI. PLlI.TE COMPlI.CTOR and stated that prices were being solicited from several fiI'llls. 'l'HE ENGINEER REQUEST pEll!USSION TO pmlCRll.SE TflREE MORE RlI.DIO uNITS to add to the present system. ,,~01J11D BY' J .M.CKlNLlI.Y SECONDED 131 ~ J . B~JiKER THlI.T 'l'HE ENGINEER BE lI.UTHORIZED TO PURCHlI.SE TflREE MORE RlI.DIO UNITS. CA.RRIED" "1ID1J11D- m:: J · B .1tllLSON SECONDED BY' C · D · PHILLIPS lI.DJOURN TO Jm1'E 7 lI.T 10 lI..~' CA.RRIED" ~E.~ C r j:t., I R. )^II A f..( · COUNTY OF ELGIN /...-:<. . . _ JI AI _ ~ ./~ /~~~ "".~.. .;, " COUNTY AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ~ .......... .... ....-.... '.... ............... ... ..' ~-- ROAD MILEAGES (illl Roads to be paved in 1966 are as~umed as paved in this Report, and all Paved Roads to be left as gravel in the Fall of 1966 are indicated as gravel.) ROAD LOC!~ TION MILEAGE CONnrTION MUNICIPALITY 2 Furnival Rd. (Rd. 3) to East 0.30 Mulch Rodney Limit of Rodney East Limit of Rodney to Ker 2.05 Mulch A.1dborough Side Road Lorne 1.90 ~~ul ch Aldborough Ker Side Rd.to West Limits of West West Limits of West Lorne to 0.50 Mulch West Lorne Hwy. #76 Hwy. #76 to East Limits of 0.40 Mulch West Lorne West Lorna East Limits of West Lorne to 1.95 Mulch Aldborough Aldborough-Dunwich Townline Aldborough-Dunwich Townline 4.10 Muloh Dunwich to Miller's Corners (Rd. 15) Rd. 15 to Rd. 8 0.5 Gravel Dunwich TOT/JoL 11.7 3 Wardsville Bridge to 3.50 rJIulch Aldborough Road 6 Road 6 to Road 9 2.60 Mulch Aldborough Rd. 9 to Hwy. 401 0.15 Mulch Aldborough Hwy. 401 0.5 Hot ~~ix Aldborough Hwy. 401 to North Limit of Rodney 1.1 Mulch Aldborough North Limit of Rodney to Rd. 4 0.45 Hot ~[ix Rodney over Concrete Rd. 4 to Rd. 2 (South Limits of 0.90 tt Rodney Rodney) \1lIl Rd. 2 to Hwy. #3 3.55 tr Aldborough Hwy. #3 to New Gla sgow 1.25 Surf~3ce l\ldborough Trea1~ment TOTAL: 14.00 Page #2 ROAD MILEAGES 1966 (Continued) ROAD LOCATION MILEAGE CONDI~~ION MUNICIPl1LITY 4 Queen St. West - Rd. 3 to 0.40 M:ulch Rodney West Limits of Rodney Rodnev West Limits to 3.$ Mulch Aldborough Orford Townline (Rodney West Limits to N.Y.C. 2.0 Mulch Aldborough Tracks at Black's Lane) Aldborough-Orford Townline 0.40 Mulch Aldborough- Orford Town- line TOTAL: 4.6 5 Rd. 9 Dunwich to Rd. 9 A1dborough 0.30 Gravlsl Aldborough- Dunwich Townline Rd. 9 Aldborough to ~~lker's Bridge 3.60 Gravel TOTAL: 3.90 tt 6 Orford Townline to Rd. 3 Intersections with Rd. 3 3.9 Mulch Aldborough Aldborough 0.20 Mulch TOTAL: 4.10 7 South end to Rd. 6 0.30 Hot Mix Orf'ord- Pavement Aldborough Townline Rd. 6 to Bothwell Bridge 2.70 " tt TOTAL: .3.00 8 Fina Station to Sanders Lumber 0.15 Surface Dutton on John .Street TreHtment Sanders Lumber to North Limit 0.20 Mul (~h Dutton of Dutton North Limit of Dutton to Hwy. #401 0.50 Mulch Dunwich Hwy. #401 0.35 Hot Mix Dunwich PaVE3ment Hwy. #401 to Rd. 9 2.55 Mulch Dunwich Rd. 9 to Willy's Bridge 2.60 Mu14~h Dunwich TOTAL: 6.35 Page #3 R01~D IvlILEAGES - (Continued) 1966 R01~D LOCATION MILEAGE CONDITION ~J!UNICIP J~LITY .................,...........-..._1 .._..~.~ - . ....-...._' - ,............... .\001.... ,-..... 9 Rd. 3 to Division Line 2.75 Gravel Aldborough Division Line 0.40 Gravel Aldborough Division Line to Hwy. #76 1.95 Gravel Aldborough Hwy. #76 to Rd_ 5 2.25 Gravel Aldborough Rd. 5 to Rd. g 4.6 Gravel Dunwich Rd. g to Rd. 14 . 5.9 Gravel Dunwich TOTAL: 17.85 13 Rd. 14 to East Limits of D\~ton 4.9 Mulch Dunwich East Limits of Dutton to Rd. 15 0.45 Mulch Dutton 0.40 Surface Dutton Treatment TOTAL: 5.75 .,.....,-,~... ............................... 14 Burwell's Corners to Hwy. #3 2.60 ~JIul c h Dun""rich- Southwold Townline Hwy. #3 to lena Station 1.65 Mulch " Hwy. #3 to Rd. 13 2.35 Mulch " Rd.13 to Hwy. 401 1.10 Mulch tt Hwy. 401 0.45 Hot lH..x tt Hwy. 401 to Middlemiss Bridge 2.35 Mulch 1t .. TOTAL: a.~5 15 Miller's Corners (Rd. 2) 0.25 Hot Hix Dunwich to North Limit of Dutton over ConcrE~te North Limit of Dutton to Rd. 15 0.45 n Dutton Rd. 15 to Rd. 13 0.30 " yt Rd. 13 to South Limit of Dutton 0.25 " " South Limit of Dutton to Hwy. #3 2.50 tf Dunwich Hwy. #3 to Rd. 16 0.75 Mulch " Rd. 16 to South end of Pavement 1.65 Mulch n End of Pavement to Pearce PArk 0.50 Gravel tt TOTAL: 6.65 Page #4 ROAD MILEfl.GES 1966 ROhD LOCI~ T:IOff 16 Sub- urban Area Fingal Bridge to Middlemarch (C. & O. Crossing) (Continued) MILEt,.GE CbNDI11ION MUNICIPALITY' 3.15 Mulch Southwo1d Fingal Bridge to Rd. 20 (Finga1) 7.10 Mulch Southwold 18 Rd. 19 to Rd. 20 North Rd. 20 North to Rd. 20 South (McBrides) TOTAL: 2.35 Suburb a n f\.reA 16 Rd. 20 to Rd. 14 Talbot Rd. Rd. 14 to Talbot Creek County Talbot Creek to Willy's Side Road Willy's Side Rd. to Rd. 15 County TOTtL OF ROAD 16 - 17 Rd. 19 to Middlesex Rd. 15 Middle- sex Town - line ., 19 Hwy. #S to end of Mulch End of Mulch to South End of Hwy. #401 Hwy. #401 Hwy. #401 To Rd. 18 Rd. 18 to Rd. 17 TOT!l.L 20 Delaware Townline to Rd. 18 Road 18 to Hwy. 401 Hwy. 401 Hwy 401 to Hwy #3 (Shedden) 3.90 Mulch Southwold 1.60 Surface Dunwich Treatment 2.30 " n 3.55 11.35 18.45 It " 0.90 Gravel Southwold- Delaware Town1ine 1.55 Gravel Southwald 0.80 n " 2.0 Mulch Southwold 0.25 Surface Southwold Treatment 0.35 Hot 11:Lx Southwold 0.30 Surface Southwold Treatment 0.90 Surface Southwold Treatment 3.8 1.90 GrFivel Southwo1d 0.25 Surface Southwold Treatment 0.40 Hot Nix Southwold 2.85 Mulch Southwo1d Page #5 RO.l'~D MILEAGES 1966 ROAD LOCATION (Continued) MILEAGE CONDITION MUNICIPtLITY 20 Hw~ #3 to Rd. 16 (Shedden to Fingal) Rd. 16 to Meek's Bridge Corner '5.45 2.6 Meek's Bridge Corner to Rd. 21 1.20 (Village of Port Stanley Limits) Rd. 21 to Hwy. #4 TOTAL: 0.90 15.55 Mulch South~lo1d Mulch Southwbld Mulch Southwold Mulch Port Stanley 21 Warren Street 0.25 Hot Mix Port Stanley .............. .....--.........-_.A 22 Rd. 27 North to St. Thomas 3.S Mulch Yarmouth Sub- City Limits urban Area 22 Road 24 to Road 27 2.15 Gravel Yarmouth County TOTAL OF ROAD 22 - 5.95 23 Hwy. #4 to top of School- house Hill Top of Schoolhouse Hill to Port Stanley North Limits Port Stanley North Limits to Road 24 Road 24 to Hwy. #3 - Hepburn Transport 24 Road 23 to Road 22 Road 22 to Dexter Dexter to Road 36 Road 36 to Yarmouth-Malahide Townline Yarmouth-Mala hide Townline to Hwy. #73 ( old) TOT liL : 0.20 0.65 0.25 0.50 1.60 1.9 2.35 2.45 2.75 1.15 10.60 Hot M:ix Port Stanley Mulch Port Stanley Mulch Yarmouth Mulch Yarmouth Mulch rlfulch Yarmouth Yarmouth Mulch Yarmouth Hot ~1ix Yarmouth tl Malahide \ continued) ~ ~ lroNICIP'~1~1 __---.---- ___--------. M.l~E1-G'E co~~':--- ~ ~oc~,~10N _--------. southVlold 60 \:\0 t }i\.1.:Z __. S thVlold O. Rvl""" #4- to 1arrtlouth- oU " . 1armouth- ~5" "1" ToVlnline d. T Vlnline 4-.1 110t M.1.,c south1r!old ."'" 1a rmouth-south1r! 01 0 ~o1Nnline 1?afbe #6 TOTh~~ ~----- _----- ~ 1armouth ___ 0 90 sea J- street Brid.~e to · coat 26 St. Geo:~he south1l\101d ~01l\1nline S .fi.. "farro-ouv - ---- TOT t.'L: 0.15 Gra'\Te1. "f8rmouth 1..25 Gra'\Te1. 1armouth 4.20 Gr cf\1 e 1. '1armouth ~ M-u1.ch 1armouth 6.10 - 0.60 surface 1arrnouth 'lreetmen:t " " 1..1..0 ----- 1..'70 0.90 Gra'\Te1. '18rmouth .------- tl ~4 ~o Union IntersectiOn 27 n~1. tr v Union IntersectiOn to Rd. 22 Rd. 22 to Rd. 36 ~,. 26 'Elm St. Cit1 ~imitS to centennial tile. centennial r:ve - 1111\1'" 3 to "Elm st. rrorr r'~L: 29 St. ThOmaS cit1 ~imitS to Rd. 52 \tleSt 30 suo · .f\rea North 'Edge1l\1are Rd. tCit1 ~imitS) to con. ~II ~hroug,h Con . ~111 'tlestVlard on con. ~111 ).60 1?8'\Temen:t "'Larmouth 0.85 Gravel 1arrnouth 0.30 Gra'\1el '1arrnoutb. ------ .---' Rd. 25S. r,.. to Rd. 29 4.75 ~ --------- . __ __ 1armouth _________ GrB'\1 e 1. 1..6 --- 'M.a1ahide 2.0 }.l\u1. c h 31 ...------ 1]. #7~ to police college o~1. / Gate --- 1armouth 32 0.55 surface rr-reatln.entJ )) ~ . '5 Brid~e to 1armouth- L"\,8 j..n e> "\. south1l\101.d. T01ilnJ-1.ne · '\T "'" '" south1r!o1.d ToVlnl1.ne J,.8 rmou.:V11.... to C. & O. ~rackS ~O~l~~ " 1armouth- southVlold ~. ~ · 0.1..5 ~ Page #7 ROAD MILEAGES 1966 (Continued) ROAD LOCATION T:1ILEAGE CONDITION MUNICIPALITY 34 Westward from Rd. 30 - ~~~dx. Suburban Area Line Kettle Creek Bridge to West Limit of Belmont TOTAL: West Limit of Belmont to Hwy. #73 35 Hwy.#3 at Orwell to Jaffa 0.15 0.65 0.80 0.30 3.15 TOTAL: 3.15 36 Hwy. #3 to Rd. 45 Rd. 45 to Rd. 27 Rd. 27 to Rd. 24 TOTAL: 37 Hwy. #73 to Seal Coat at Avon Middx. ~~~~tYsurface Treatment to Rd.47 Rd. 47 east to end of Surface treatment End of Seal Coat to Dereham Townline Hwy. #73 to Belmont Belmont TOTAL: 38 Hwy #3 to Malahide-Bayham Townline Malahide-Bayham Townline to Rd. 43 Rd. 43 to Straffordville- (Hwy. #19) Hwy. #19 to Norfolk County Line TOTAL: ;9 Rd. 42 to Lake Erie 40 Rd. 52 to South Limit of Springfield South Limit of Springfield to Glen Colin Glen Colin to Hwy. #3 3.90 2.0 2.15 8.05 3.3 0.25 0.15 1.65 4.85 0.55 10.75 0.55 0.85 3.95 3.25 8.60 0.90 0.55 2.15 2.15 Gravel :Mulch ~1ulch Yarmouth & Westminster n Belmont Gravel Yarmouth- Malahide Townline Mulch Mulch Mulch Gravel Surface Treatment Surface Treatment Yarmouth n n North & South Dorchester yy tt n YY Gravel n n Gravel n n Gravel Belmont Mulch Mulch Mulch Mulch Malahide Bayham Bayham Bavham Hot Mix Port Burwell Mulch Mulcp Mulch Springfield Malahide l1alahide Page #8 ROAD MILEAGES (continued) 1966 ROAD LOCATION MILEAGE CONDITION MUNICIPALITY 40 'conttd" Hwy. #3 to Rd. 45 (\~est) Rd. 45 (West) to Rd. 42 TOTAL: 2.4 3.95 11.20 Mulch Hulch :Malahide MRlahide 41 Hwy. #19 to Fulton Street on Fulton Street to Union Street 0.4 Surface Vienna Treatment 42 Hwy. #73 to Rd. 40 2.65 ~J1ul c h Malahide Rd. 40 to Stalter Gully 1.80 Mulch Malahide Bridge Bridge to Rd. 43 - (Bayham- 2.2 Mulch Ma1ahide Malahide Townline) Rd. 43 to West Limit of 3.2 Mulch Bayham Port Burwell West Limit of Port Burwell to Hwy. #19 (C.P.R. Tracks) 0.50 Mulch Port Burwell Hwy.#19 (Hotel Corner) to East Limit of Port Burwell 0.50 Hot lJIix Port BurvJell East Limit of Port Burwell to Norfolk Countv Line 4.40 Mulch Bayham TOTAL: 15.25 Gravel Bavham &, Malahide Bayham & Malahide 43 Rd. 38 to Rd. 45 Calton (Rd. 45 to Rd. 42) 4.4 2.6 Gravel TOTAL: 7.0 .~...............~._-,1 Eden Bridge to Eden 1.80 Surface Bavham Treatment SurfBce Bayham Treatment 44 Hwy. #3 to Eden Bridge 2.0 3.80 45 Rd. 16 SA to Bush Rd. 1.30 'Gravel Southwold Hwy 114 vlTest 1.0 Gravel Yarmouth Hwy #4 to Rd. 22 SA 1.35 GravE~l Yarmouth Rd. 22 SA to Rd. 36 4.50 Gravel Yarmouth Rd. 36 to Rd. 35 (Jaffa) 2.30 Gravel Yarmouth Rd. 35 to Hwy. 73 2.65 I'-1ul ch Malahide Hwy. 73 to Rd. 40 2.70 Mulch Malahide ROf~D MILE I\GE S -- -' ... Page #9 1262. continued --- MILE~GE CONDITION MUNICIPhLIT1 _. __ ~ =-- .0=- ROLD LOCf~TION ;;;.;;.-- -- 45 continued Rd. 40 to Rd. 43 {Mt. Salem to C~lton) Rd. 43 to Hwy. 19 4.0 4.2 TOThL ~ 27.80 surface Malahide Treat,ment surface Bayham treatment Hot MiX Bayham Hwy. 19 to Rd. 55 _----:------ 3.0 Mulch Bayham ~-----...--------'------- ------_.~>'..._--'-------.. __ ___ South 47 Rd. 37 _ Middlese~ County ) 6 Mulch Dorchester Line to Rd. 43 · ~ - ----- 46 Dereham To~nline to H~y.#3 ---------- ---- Rd. 49 to Rd. 47 1.2 Rd. 47 to Dereham To~nline ~.~ TOTr~L: 5.4 ------------------ -- 49 Rd. 43 to North Limit of South springfield l.h Mulch Dorchester North Limit of springfield to Rd. 52 ~ 1.B 2.4 48 H~y, #73 to Rd. 49 52 Hwy.3 fc 4 to BostiCk Rd. {not BostiCk Rd. BostiCk Rd. to Rd.25 s~ Rd. 25 Sh to Rd. 29 ~est Rd. 29 East to Rd. 30 Rd. 30 to R~Y' 74 H~y, 74 to Road t~een Lots 21 & 20, Con. ! Road in con. ! Roadbet~een LotS 20-21 to Malahide To~nline Me la hide To~n1ine to Hwy, 73 R~Y' 73 to springfield Vlest Limit ~est of springfield to Rd.49 south Dorchester 1t 1J1ul ch ~~ul ch IJtulch 1\ Mulch springfield ------ 1.3 Gravel totalled) 0.25 Gravel 1.15 Gravel 1.55 Gravel 1.60 Gravel 3.35 Gravel D.H.G. south'Wold southwold 'Yarmouth 'Yarmouth Yarmouth 0.90 Gravel 0.10 Gravel 'Yarmouth 1armouth south Dorchester "Yarmouth south Dorchester Malahide 1.60 Gravel 2.75 Gravel south Dorchester M.alBhide springfield- 2.10 0.35 Mulch ~.~ulch cant inued -page #10 _..------------- ---------. .-----,-,...--.....-. ...----_. " ....~~- ._---.-- ' ',"lelL)~. ilT'L ...._---- ,,'Q" CONDITION NlJ>- . r ",-, . l~IL",J. '" RO:.D LOCI.TI0b .---------- .~._.-._- -.....----.- -------_..----'---- ---..-.- ~~ ~ 52 continued Rd. 49 to Rd. 40 TOTL.L ~ 17.75 1Jiu1 ch S"priUgfield -----.--- ~,,_....--------- 0.50 53 'Elm Street 0.40 Beech Street ~ TOTI.L 0.90 ------------------------ ~ - ___ 0 50 }l\.ulch Sout.h 54 Bro~nsville Rd. To Rd.43' Dorchester- Uereha'ffi ..--"------- --.----..- . -----'--- --- Rot MiJt I,ylmer Rot ~1\iJC r,y lmer ------------.....---- ------------------- ______________ 5 15 Gravel Bayha~- 55 Rd. 45 to Rd. 42 · RoUghtOn ------- -- .------ --- ROAD NO. 2. 3 4 4 (Town1ine) (1/2) 5 (Townline) (1/2) 6. 7 (Townline) (1/2) 9 TOTALS~ 38 42 43 Town1ine (1/2) 44 45 46 22_ TOTALS~ ALDBOROUGH 1966. GRAVEL SURFACE MULCH HOT HIX TREATMENT PAVEMENT COVERED CONCRETE TOTAL 5.90 5.90 1.25 7.35 0.5 3.55 12.65 3.80 .20 Orford- ) 4,,00 A1dborough) Dunwich-. 1.95 Aldborough 1.95 4.10 4.10 1.5 Orford- 1.50 Aldborough Rd.6 to Thames 7.35 7.35 .-' ............., ._.,."...,----.. .__..-_.~,~-..~- .-.,. ~~,-~",-,---"""".",.,,--,-,,- 9.30 1.25 21.35 2.0 3.55 l' .45 GRA VEL ~ 9.30 Paved; .. ?$ · +5.. Mile s ~ 37.45 ..--......--.. -.....a-_,___.. JLA Y HAM 8.05 7.6 8.05 7.60 3.5 3.5 B8>yham-Malahide Townline 3.80 4.2 3.0 ,g,. 55 6.05 8.00 18.65 GRAVEL ~ 6.05 PAVED ~ 19~ 45 MILES 0 36.50 3.8 3.80 8.0 3.0 3.8 2.55 36.50 DUNWICH -.- ~ ROAD NO. GRAVEL SURFACE MULCH TREATMENT HOT MIX 1966 ~ PAVEMENT COW,RED TOTAL CONCRETE -_.__._-_._.-~. -.--. ~_._.__..- ------ -,--- -------.- 2 0.5 4.10 5 Townline 1.95 (1/2) 8 5.65 0.35 9 10.5 13 4.9 14 Town1ine 4.20 0.20 (1/2) 15 0.50 2.4 1q - ..--~. _......._................,.-..- 7.45_ ....,..~--,...,........~---'--- TOTALS. 13.45 7.45 21.25 0.55 GR!\VEL~ 13.45 PAVED~ 12.QQ 45.45 MALA-HIDE ~_._. -.. - _.... _.*'.............~ 4.60 1.95 Aldborough- Dunwich 6.0 10.5 Southwold- Dunwich 4.9 4.40 2.75 5.65 #.._...___---..,0 _.--~--,.--1....:1r2-- 2.75 45.45 ---..._.--~.__..----..,_...._........__.._- ~.._____...~...,..,.'Q>--l .~41 ~. -..--. ~._---_. -- --_._.-~-- -.....----..---.' 1.15 -...... ...~."'-" .....~.. --.. -.-. ~"--"""""...~.._-'*......~_. 2424 32 35 Townline 1.60 (1/2) 38 40 42 43 Townline 3.5 (1/2) 45 52 1.40 ~......+_......-_.'-- TOTALS~ 6.5 2.0 1.15 2.0 1.60 0.55 0.55 10.65 10.65 6.65 6.65 4.0 5.35 1.05 Malahide- 3.5 Bayham Townline Malahide- south Dorchester -1olID1in~ 9.35 2.45 4.0 26.25. .......-.--..~..---.... ~-~.......... 1.15 GR[\VEL~ 6. 5 PAVED~. 2..1.40 MlLES~ 37. 9 37.9 ....-..~,... .. ._...... -.--.........- --,-.-,-....--..---- ---.. .--- -------.-------.-.------ -'- 54 oxtord(1/2 0.25 South norchester- 0.25 _ _T9~ir-.el.-.----- _----,-.-.p!'Yeh.aJll.50'ffi..JjJ1!'- --'- --- -..-----.----..------ .-_._..---_..~_.- .---"..- .' .-" ..-'- -.. --~----_. .-- .-' ---..-..------'.----..-.-.. -~ -. .-._.__.-~- SOUTH DORCHESTER -- ._._--~~ ~ ------------.- ------ - .-''''.--'.- ------ --..----------.-- ----- ROA.D NOo GRAVEL SURF.I\.CE 'MlJLCH TREI-\.TIr:::J~T HOT MIX P1\.~ coVERED TOTAL CONCRETE .- ,-------------.--.----.-----.---.----.---- .--- -----..- 37 Middlesex Co. Line.... 1/2 4.9 0.20 5.10 To'WU1ine 47 3.6 3.6 48 5.4 5.4 49 1..6 1.6 52 1/2 To-wnline 2.20 1.05 Ma1ahide-3outh 3.25 Dorchester. T o-wnline TOTi:,LS '.'. 7.10 0.20 11. 90 7.10 ~ 19.20 GR1\ VEL ': PAVED~ SOUTHWOLD ~.~.....J .._.......~ 0.20 nunwich_SouthWo1d To'Wl'lline 4.20 14 To'WYlline (1/2) 16 11, D 17 Mid~.county 0.45 1ine-To'WU- line 1/2 18 2.35 19 1..45 2.00 0.35 20 1.90 0..25 12.1 0.40 25 To1tffiline (1/2) 2.05 southwold- 'Y. arrnouth Suburbpn Rd. To-wnline 25 Suburban Area in south'Wold 0.60 33 0.10 45 1.30 _.~ -- --.--.--".-.--- 2!'----~ ...--.---- 3.60 TOTf-l.LS 7.40 1.BO 29.30 7.40 ~. 42,10 GR1\ VEL: p r,VED", TOT AL:, 19.20 4.40 11.0 0.45 2.35 3.80 14.65 2.05 0.60 0.10 1.30 ,,~9_.- 42.10 - ",.--'." --------. . - - ,- ----.----... .....--.---.- .--'- ,,,, -------.---- LjL-IL.M:.~ U T-1:! ROAD NO. GRAVEL SURFACE MULCH TREATlviENT HOT MIX ....... -....--.-.,--- .-.............-.'" ."-~. ..._~ -...'~- ...'_...... --"-' .......,..... '-'-'-- .~...."-_. .--_.-._--=--....... ....- --......-. -"" - 22 2.15 3.8 23 0.75 24 6.7 2.75 25 Suburb8n Area 2.05 1/2 Townline 26 Suburban Area. 0.90 27 5.6 0.5 28 1.7 29 0.90 30 Suburban Area 1.15 3.60 31 1.60 33 0.60 34 Middx.County 0.10 0.30 Line-l/2 Town line 35 Town1ine (1/2) 1.60 36 8.05 45 9.15 2?~_. ._, .__~_ .__ _~_.fL 8<:L._~__ - . '4"._-.~ TOTALS' 31.05 3.20 23.70 4.80 GRAVEL ~ PA VED ~ MILES: 31.05 31.70 62.75 1966. PAVEMENT COVERED TOTAL CONCRETE 5.95 0.75 9.45 Southwo1d-Yarmouth 2.05 Town1ine 0.90 6.10 1.7 0.90 4.75 1.60 0.60 Westminster Yarmouth Town1ine 0.40 Yarmouth-. Malahide 1.60 8.05 9.15 8.80 62.75 ... ,. '.........~...".-..... .""--. ........ . .""..........--......--.................--- _'A-~~ _......-..__~...... -....~.......~.,,__..._...___........~__~_...........-....~_ .~41...~......_.._____-....-..___~...............___&.-...._.._.___ _..."'.____~~"'_'~____.......__ \ \ \ j ~ <.j. Cf'\\ ~ 0 0\ \ \ \ \ \ <" ~ 'fri \ \ o 0\ 0 ~ , -l, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \..\.. \., \'., \ \ ~ \ \ i \ \ ,\ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .'.', \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ 1 1 I \ \ 'a \ \ \#.~~l\ g \ \ N \ i \ \ \ . \ \ \ U' \ \ l e<: \ \ \ r-\ \ i \ \ \ \ ' , \ \ \ \.\ \ \ \ ~ < \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ ~~o.~i\ o 0\ 0 \ \' \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ < \ \\ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ I. '\ \ \ , \ \ ~ \ \ \ b ' \ ~\ -~ - -\ \ ~ ~ ~ \ \ o r-\ r4 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I, \ ~ q '1\ \\ g. 00'. ~ . . " , o r-\ \ \ \ \ \ ~\ \ I o \ .. 0\ ~ ' \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . i ~ \ \ \ \ \ , I \ \ t \ \ \ \ ~\ \ ..::\ \ ~\ \ ~\ \ ~\ \ ~\ \ ~~\ o \ ~' \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ ! \ \ \ \ \ l · 1 \ 3- ' \ 0 \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ ,. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ II \ i \ ~' , o \ \ . \ \ ' \ I \ \ 4 · \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . r-i \ \ -.l \ \ \ I \ , ) \ \ \ I \ 1 1 i \ \ , \ \ ""'\ \ ~\ \ 01 \ ~\. \. ~ ~l~ 1=0\ \ \ I .~.. \ \ o ~ l..C\ ,I ,,",:. <"; \ \ 000 r-\ \ \ \ I ,< \ \ Ii \ ~! l \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ 1. ~ \ \, \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \\ \ \ s~~~\\ o 0 0\ r-l \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, , \ \ \ \ \ l ~ \ J-~~i\\ \ \ \' \ , \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ - < \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ < ~ , \ \ \ ' \ \ I \ \ \ \ ' , \ \, \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~I \ \ ! ' \ \ \ 1 \ 2 \ b ~\~ I ~ \ g~ \~ ,5 \ g \ 0 \ ~ I ~ ) \ ~ i ~ I ~ \ €e ~,\ ~\ \ ~\~ \ S ?"'\ ~ ~\ 1~ , \~ '::: \ \ ~~ \ \ \ \ , I \ 4 \ \ i \U' \~ \ ~ \ \ \ \ ~\ \ ';Z\ \ pi \ 0\ ; ~\ \ \ \ \ \ I l o 0"' - o \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ t , ~ \ \ \ PI \. ...,\ \ ~\ \ ~\ \' f:;t-t" ..~J ! \..-I' I ~, \ ~\ \ ~,: U1\ \ \ \ \ , ~ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ j \ \ ! \ 0 \ 0' , . ~ 0 \ , , . ! \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ a\ ~l ~ r-\\ \ po\ \ \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ ; \ \ , ~ 1 \ I \ \ \ ; \ \ \ \ \ \ j \ ~ ': % -t.:> to ~ \_ ," c<"\ - ;..:t \ i (j) , \ ~ \ \ ~ \ \ E-' 1 l ~ \ \ \ 0' j ('l"\ ::t\ \ \ \ ~ \ '2. \ ~ ('l"\ l..C\ ROAD NO. y.L~ S T LOR N E ~ 9~.2.:.. GRAVEL SURFACE MULCH TREATMENT PAVEMENT COVERED CONCRETE 2 8 0.15 0.40 13 15._ . TOT ALS :: 0.55 HOT MIX 0.90 }JUl._TON 0.20 0.45 0.65 1.09 1.00 P 0 R T $~T~ A- N 1J~ I 20 21 2~_ _.__ TOTALS~ 0.90 0.25 Q. s>.5_~_"~ . Q. ?Q...~.. ,.. _____"_. ~ 1.55 0.45 TOTAL 0.90 0.35 0.85 1.00 2.20 0.90 0.25 O. S5 ~ 2.00 1966. .? u-11 MAR Y ..........-..-...-...........- .... '-_. _____ ._--.6 -- ..-. -...-..- .-... ~_,..._.4C...~'..- !'IDNICIPALITY GRAVEL SURFACE MULCH HOT HIX PAVEMENT OVER TOTAL TREATMENT CONCRETE COUNTY & SUBURBAN --. -1'_...__....__....- ~ ...._&-- ..- -----......-.. -_.- - _ ~.. ROADS A1dborough 9.30 1.25 21.35 2.0 3.55 37.45 :sayham 6.05 B.OO 18.65 3.8 36.50 Punwich 13.45 7.45 21.25 0.55 2.75 45.45 M:~,lahide 6.5 4.0 - 26.25 1.15 37.9 South Dorchester 7.10 0.20 11.90 19.20 Southwold 7.40 1.80 29. .3 0 3.60 42.10 'tarmouth 31.05 3.20 23 .70 4.80 62.75 Aylmer 0.90 0..90 Belmont 0.55 0.3 0.85 Dutton 0.55 0.65 1.00 2.20 Port Burwell 0.50 1.40 1.90 Port St2.nley 1.55 0.45 2.00 Rodney 0.70 1.35 2.05 Springfield 1.35 1.35 Vienn~ 0.40 0.40 West Lorne 0.90 0.90 -...--...-_......-...~- 'rOT.f\.LS ~ 81.40 26.85 158.35 18.65 8.65 293.90 l' - -- -- ,~.......- - - --_.. - -..-.. ......--. - -....-.._..~ __....<0;.-_ - -.......-'"-"---..... -.- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 26th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMM:ITTEE met at the Court House at 9 A.M. April 26th, 1966. All Members were present, and Mr. F. Clarke, of the Ontario Department of Highways. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on work to-date as follows: 1. Installation of Curb a.nd Gutter in Sparta had been started, as well as Storm Drain Work. Clearing was continuing. 2. Trimming work on Road 44 was proceeding, but had been hindered by recent heavy rains. 3. Seeding work had been delayed by rain. 4. The Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup had been received. 5. Applicationsfor position of Assistant Engineer were still being received. 6. Tender for Hot Mix Paving on Road 45 would close on May 10th. 7. The D.H.O. had implemented a Fair Wage Policy on. Municipal Road Contracts. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) H. Stafford, M.P. re C. Jackson. (b) D.H.O. approving purchase of Tractors and Post Hole Auger. (c) University of Western Ontario re ~ection of a fence at their leased 11.. property from the County on the Boose Property. MR. F. CLARKE, of the Department of Highways, explained the requirements of the D.B.O. so that the County of Elgin would be able to apply for the money advanced to the Townships of Aldborough, Dunwich, Southwold, and South Dorchester, re Payment for Reversion of County Roads. "MO V 12;1) BY: J.B.WILSON SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND THAT WE REQUEST THE D. H. O. TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT ROADS THE FOLLOWING COUNTY EO ADS: ROAD 5 FROM RD. 2 TO RD. 9- ROAD 18 FROM RD. 14 TO RD. 20- ROAD 52 FROM RD. 40 TO RD. 54. CARRIED" PAGE #2 Tl:1E ENGJJlEER presented prices on surveying Equipment. nMOVED BY'~ J.BARGR ~ SECONDED BY: J .M.Ci\.1NLA.1 TRA.T WE PURCRA.SE fROM. TR'E RUGRES...owBNS CO. LTD., A. pA.TR T-22 TRA.NSIT A.T A. QUOTED pRICE OF $457,60 pUjS 5% sALES TA.X., SUBJECT 'r0 D.R.O. APPROV AL. CARRIED" t'M-O"\TED BY' ~ J .B.WlLSON SECONDED BY: J · BrJ11{'ER 'rRA.'r WE PURCRA.SE Fl1DM. RUGR'Es...oWENS CO. L'rD. A. P Nl'R A.L-21 A.U'l'OM.A.'rIC LEVEL A.T A. Q.UQ'tED PRICE OF $:308.00 pluS 5% oNTA.RIO sp.I;BS TA.X. sUBJECT 'to D.R.O. APPROVAL. CARRIEDt1 t1M,OVED BY ~ A.AUCKLAND sECONDED BY: J · B. vn.LS01>l TRA.T WE pURCHASE fROM. RUGlIES...oWE'.NS CO. LTD. A. WOOD DRA.FTING TA.BLE A.T A. Q.UQ'tED PRICE OF $1:38.60 PLllS 5% sALES TA.X. SUBJEC'l' TO D.R.O. /lPPROVA.'L. CARRIED" 'rR'E ENGINEER stat.ed t.hat. Roward ~achine & Equiptnent or Rodney had a used ~cCu1loCn Chain Sa'if ror sale s:illlila:t' to t.ne countyt s present SaW. t1M,OVED BY ~ A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY' C . D . PRIt.LIPS TRA.T WE.pURCW>SE A. M.ODEL 99 ~CCULWCR CRA.IN SA.W vn.TR 40 INCR BA.R FRmt HOWARD M.A.CHINE & EQ.llIP}{El'lT LTD.A.'r TR'ElR Q.UQ'tED PRICE OF $2:30 PLUS 510 oNT A.RIO SA.LES 'r l\X. SUBJEC'r TO D. R. 0 · A.pPl1DV AI,. CA.BRlr~Dtt PAGE #3 CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Printing World re Needs study Printing Costs, and the Engineer was authorized to obtain more information from A.M.Spriet. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Albert Caughell wishing to purchase property from the County of Elgin behind his lot. Committee decided to view the lot during Inspection of Roads. COMMITTEE INSPECTED County Roads in East Elgin, including Road 45 between Calton and Mount Salem and east of Highway 19; Road 44 Eden to North; and Road 47, 48 and 52 in South Dorchester. DINNER WAS ENJOYED at the Port Burwell HotE~l. THE ~TING RECONVENED at 4 p.m. at the Court House. CRUSHED AND PIT RUN GRAVEL for Road 27 was discussed, and finally decision was left to the Chairman and the Engineer. "MOVED BY: J . B. iNILSON SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND ADJOURN TO 10 A.M. MAY 12. CARRIED" /" () (;',--:y ~l.IC JU JL-L~ CHAIRMAN 51. 1UmI\.A5, ON1!\RIO APRIL ~5th, ~966.' TB-E COUwrI OF ELGIN ROAD cOMMITTEE llIet at the court HoUse at 9 A.lA. Apri~ ~5th. Il~ lAelllbers ~ere present. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on t!\e ~ork to-date as fo~~o~s ~ 'the break-UP on sollie paved Roads ~as fair~Y exle;sive, especia~~Y 1. 2. in south Dorchester. condition of Grave~ Roads \'Ias (\.uite good. Land purchase and c~earing ~ere continuing on Road 27. culvert S curb & Gutter ~ork ~ou~d insta~~at ion ~aS -undeI'VlaY' stoI'1ll' ewer, .. . start short~Y in Sparta. It ~as expected Gradin~Wou~d start ear~Y ). 4- in May- Dust contro~ 1Ileasures wou~d be taken ear~Y in 1l\a.Y' c~e~n-uP ~ork on Road 44 would start next week, ~hich wou~d be fo~~o~ed bY c~ean-up ~ork on Road 45 bet\'leen ca~ton and lAo-unt salem. 5. . '0, d.. 6 16. and 42 wou~d start short~Y' as wou~d tree seed1.ng on ".oa s ., p~anting on the sa1lle Roads. 5ign work was continuing in East E~gin. ~o pickUP truckS had been rented -unti~ the ne~ truckS ~ou~d be de1.iVered. No ~ord had been received fr01ll Robert Heffren. C . .. D R.#765 had been F~ashing Light Signa~S on the C.p.R. rOSS1.ng on · insta~~ed and were operating. No rep~ies had been received fr01ll the Board of Trans'Port connniSsionere " f R" <l'h1ilaYs re the port the De'Part1llent of Transport or the ~nister 0 1.~ "Burwell Bridge. nl ~^r the 5t George Street Bridge had been a'Pproved pre~i1\Iinary < ans J.V · and rina~ 'P~ans 'Wou~d be sublllitted short.~l' ltr. J.J.KnOX of Canadian lAit.chell ASSociates, consll~tantS for the . h d .' t \'lith Engineer re the catfiSh Creek conservation Author1.ty,a me d .u~d send esti1\late for a combined bridge and S'Pring\'later Da1ll, an 1'10 Road shortlY. 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. 11. 12. 13- Page #2 14. The ENGINEER had met with representatives of James McLaren & Associates, Engineers for the Ontario Water Resources Commission re the Route of the Water Pipe Line to the ]~ord Plant, but no conclusions had been reached. 15. That several applications for Assistant Engineer had been received and that interviews would be held shortly. COMMITTEE AGREED on a salary amount and authorized the Chairman and the Warden to assist the Engineer wjLth interviews and to engage a satisfactory applicant. "MOVED BY: C.D.PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND THAT PAYLISTS #8 AMOUNTING TO $8,196.95 9 AMOUNTING TO 8,614.38 10 AMOUNTING TO 36,562.98 BE APPROVED FOR PAYI(ENT CARRIED" GRAVEL CRUSHING TENDERS were opened and were as attached. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.B.WILSON A.AUCKLAND RE: GRAVEL CRUSHING THAT THE TENDER OF JOH~STON BROS. (BOTHv\1ELL) LTD., BE ACCEPTED FOR ITEM !tAff $12,700 ITEM "Bft $8,450 ITEM "Ctt $15,900 ITEM "Dft $7,605 AND ITEM "Ett $12,090 SUBJECT TO D .R.O. APPROVA~L CARRIEDtt -MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.BARKER J.B.WILSON ~\ RE: GRAVEL CRUSHING THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF WATTERS BROS. LTD., FOR ITEM uF" AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $4,500 SUBJECT TO D.B.a. APPROVAL CARRIEDtt PAGE #3 TENDERS for Item Gl were from: 1fTA TTERS BROS. F.A.STONEHOUSE TENDERS for Item G2 were from: McLAWS CRUSHING & HAULING F.A.STONEHOU3E ACCEPTANCE of Tender of G1 and G2 was left in abeyance for further study. CORRESPONDENCE liAS READ from: (a) D.H.O. re approval purchas~ of Adding Machine. (b) Township of Aldborough re Condition of Road 5, reverted to Townships of Aldborough and Dunwich. (c) C.G.R.A. re reservation for Convention in Halifax. THE COMMITTEE at 10:30 went on a Tour of Roads in West Elgin. Dinner was en tjoyed at the home of Reeve Woolner. AMONG THE ROADS INSPECTED were Road 19 scheduled for Surface treatment, former Road 5 from Road 2 northerly, Road 2 & 8 near Dutton a.nd Road 27 where clearing was underway and culverts were being installed. COMMITTEE DECIDED at the request of the Village of Dutton to do construction on County Road 8 from 'the South limit of the Elgin Co-operative Services northerly to Highway #401 and to do no construction south into Dutton. THE MEETING RESUMED at the Court House at 4 P.M. and discussed Dump Truck Rates proposed by the Engineer. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C.D.PHILLIPS J.MCKINLAY THAT DUMP TRUCK RATES AS ATTACHED AS PRESENTED BY THE ENGINgER AND REVISED BY COMMITTEE BE ADOPTED. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.BARKER JOHN MCKINLAY THA T \tIE ADJOURN TO 9 A.M., APRIL 26th CARRIED" CHAIRMAN (;i' COUNTY OF ELGIN DUl1P TRUCK RATES HOURLY - 6 cuoyd. $5.00 per hour (Single Axle) 8.00 per hour (Tandem Axle) 10 cuoyd. PER TON Stockpile .12 Under 1 mile .16 .25 1 - 3 miles 4 mile average .32 .40 .47 5 mile average 6 roi 1 e ave'rage 7 mile average 054 .60 .66 8 mi 1e average 9roile average 10 mile average .72 10-20 mile average .72 plus 6e per ton mile (eog. 14 miles = .72 + .24 = .96 Over 20 miles 1032 plus 5e per ton (eogo 24 miles = 1.32 + .20 = 1.52 Revis~ed April 15~ 1966. PER CU. YD. .18 .25 .38 .48 ..60 ..70 ..81 ..90 1.00 1.08 1..08 plus 9~ per cu. yd.mi1e 1.0~3 + .36= 1.44) 1-1l2 times ton mile rate measured (not over 2 miles). Average Haul taken by measuring distance dead plua 1/2 of d:lstance (e.g. dead 4.2 + 1/2 (1.2) = 4.2 + .6 = 408 (eog. dead 301 + 1/2 (.8) = 3.1 + .4 = 3.5 5 mile aver~lg. haul) 4 mile aver4kge haul) '} Item A Item B Item C I tern D Item E Rd.9 from Rd. 3 to Rd.5 ? COUNTY OF ELGIN GRAVEL CRUSHING 1966 - SUMMARY OF TElmERS Watters Bros. Johnston Bros. Alex. l1cLaws Gravel F.A.Stonehouse Springfield, (Bothwell)Ltd. Newbigging, & Crushing Ltd. & Sons> Ltd.., Ont. Box 239 ~ R.R.'2, R.R.IS, Box 29S~ Rnt:h,,~11 r 0'01': A!'l'i '01 Ont'.. ~t' . Thnm,~o On.... ~AT"niA Ont' , - $12,720.00 -- -- $16:;800.00 oil - 8,450.00 $ 9,750.00 -- 12j;lOO.OO 15~900.00 17~700.00 -- 21;i400.00 7~60S.00 9,450.00 -- 10,620.00 . ~ r 12~090.00 13,000.00 -- 15,340.00 $ 4,500.00 -- -- $ 6>>600.00 l1sl00.00 Rd.9 from Rd. 5 to Rd.S Rd.9 from Rd. 8 to Rd.14 Rd.5 from Rd.9 to Thames River Rd.2 & Rd.8 for Construction I tern F Crushing & Stockpiling, trlhite Station Item Gl Supply, Crushing & Hauling to ) Road 2i " J ) Item G2 Supply, Crush & Load Gravel to ) Road 27 ) LEFT IN /.~ RFY.E-\liCE FOR FURTHEF STUDY.. ST. THOMAS, ONTAHIO HAHCH 30, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HOAD CO~@1ITTEE met at the Court House at 10 A.M. March 30th. All Members were present except Reeve Auckland, and Mr. F.C. Clarke of the Ontario Department of Highways was present. MINUTES OF ~~ETINGS on March 9th, 15th and 16th were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED ON THE WORK to date as follows: 1. Snow Fence was being removed. 2. Spring break-up to Paved Roads was fairly extensive. 3. Clearing and Land Buying was continuing on Road 27. 4. The Two-way Radio System was in operation. 5. Gravel Tenders were called to close Apri1l4th, as were tenders for Cleaning the Court House. 6. Spec. for Hot Mix Tenders for D.R. #785 in the hands of the Ontario Department of Highways for approval. 7. Work was continuing on Surveys on D.R. #840 and the Ontario Department of Highways has been asked to make Soil Tests. 8. Letters had been written to the Department of Transport and the Board of Transport Commissioners re the Port Burwell Bridge. 9. Prices for the Multi-Plate Culvert at the 5talter Gulley would be solicited shortly. 10. No applications had been received for Assistant Engineer. CORRESPONDENCE S READ from: 1. Township of Aldborough agreeing to spray weeds on County Roads. 2. Canadian Pacific R~ilway re crossing protection on County Road 52. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the consultants for the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority were investigating the feasibility of a bridge and dam together at Springwater on Road 35. The Committee felt that they should await the Consultant Report before making any commitments. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that J. Livingstone and Millard McKenzie had completed their probationary term of employment and should be made regular employees. Page 11'2 "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J .1\~.C KINLA Y J:~B. \'lJILSON THAT JOE LIVINGSTONE AND MILLARD MCKENZIE BE MADE REGULAR EMPLOYEES AS OF APRIL 1, 1966. CARRIED" THE CHAIRMAN read a letter from C.S. Reid reouesting the County provide a Survey of his property. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J.B.WILSON C.D.PHILLIPS THAT THE LETTER OF C.S.REID OF MARCH 29 BE REFERRED TO ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COIIfr-USSION AND A copy SENT TO THE COUNTY'S SOLICITORS. CAntlIED" THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER Reeve Auckland was in attendance. Truck and Tractor Tenders which are attached, were discussed. "MOVED BY: A.AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J.BARKER TllUCK TENDEll A THAT THE TENDER OF GREENAWAY FORD SALES BE ACCEPTED FOR A FORD FlOO TRUCK AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $2,007.18 INCLUDING SALES TAX SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARHIED" "lJIOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J . B . v'J'ILSON J.BARKER THUCK TENDEH B THAT THE TENDER OF GREENAWAY FORD SALES BE ACCEPTED FOR TWO ONLY FOR F250 DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCKS AT THEIR TEND~ED PRICE OF $6,019.23 INCLUDING SALES TAX SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARUIED" nMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: TRU CK rrENDEll C THAT THE TENDER OF GREENAlJAY FORD SA.LES BE ACCEPTED FOR A FORD F600 DOUBLE CAB STAKE RACK TRUCK \HTH THE COUNTY'S 1961 CHEVROLET STAKE TRUCK AS A TRADE-IN AT A NET PRI~ OF $3,415.65 INCLUD~G SA~S TAX SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. A.AUCKLAND C.D.PHILLIPS CARllIED" Page ~i3 .:) 11 ''lVIOVED BY: J . BARKER SECONDED BY: C.D.PHILLIPS TRUCK TENDEH D THAT T~ TENDER OF HASKETT ~TORS (1954) LIMITED BE ACCEPTED FOR A CHEVHOLET G-12-05 VAN AT THE TENDERED PRICE OF ~~2,470.11 INCLUDING SALES TAXES SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CAHRIED" UNlOVED BY: J . BAHKEll SECONDED BY: J.B.WILSON TRUCK TENDEIt E THA'T THE TENDER OF INTERNATIONAL HARVI~STER COMPANY OF CANADA BE ACCEPTED FOR A R.F.-190 TANDEM TRUCK INCLUDING OIL COOLER AND METALLIC CLUTCH LINING, A FRINK 10B2 DUMP BOX (AND FHINK SNOVJ PLOW EQUIPMENT AT A PEICE OF $15,120.98 INCLUDING 5% SALES TAX WITH THE COUNTY'S 1951 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPHOVAL. CARHIED" HMOVED BY: A.AUCKLAND SECONDED B~: J.BARKER TRUCK TENDER F THAT THE TENDER OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CmilPANY OF CANADA BE ACCEPTED FOR AN INTERNATIONAL R.F.-190 TANDEM TRUCK INCLUDING OIL COOLER AND METALLIC CLUTCH LINING, AND A FRINK 10B2 DmilP BOX AT A PRICE OF $10,646.23 INCLUDING SALES TAX WITH THE COUNTY'S 1957 INTERNATIONAL TANDEM TRUCK AS A TRADE-IN SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPHOVAL. CAHRIED" TtlVIOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND J . B . v\JILSON I I TRACTQR TENDER A --- THAT viE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ~~CcALLtnil TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT FOR A MODEL 3400 FORD TRACTOR AND 730 LOAl'lER vJ!TH THE COUNTY'S M.II[. "R" TRACTOR AS A TRADE-IN AT T~IR TENDER PRICE OF $3,675.00 INCLUDING SALES TAX SUBJECT TO D.H.O. APPROVAL. CARHIEDH 'Page 1/4 "MOVED BY: C.D .PHILLIPS S~~CONDED BY: J.B.~ILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF ED. AND JERRY REEK FOR A 530 CASE TRACTOR, LOADER AND BACKHOE (INCLUDING DIESEL MOTOR) AT THEIR Tl';NDERED PRICE OF $3,311.00 INCLUDU1G SALES TAX SUBJECT TO D.H.O. kPPHOV AL · TRACTOR TENDER B Cf:\H1l1ED" THE ENGINEER ASKED that the quotation of sumner Equipment for a pre~itt Post Hole Auger be accepted. 1l1JIO\fED BY: SEC01~DED BOY: THAT \fIE pURCHA.SE A pRE'InTT POST HOU; DIGGER INCLUDING 2, 12 INCH AUGERS FROM SUMNER EQUIPMENT LIMITED AT Tt1.1';IR QUOTED PRICE 01" $553.00 PLUS SALES TAX. J . BJ\llKER A .1\ U Cl\.LP.ND C1\.l1HIED " SEVERAL DRnNAGE PROBL1';MS ~ere discUssed, as ~e11 as the complaints of Mr. C. ,1ackson of Fing,al re parking" ~hich ~as left ~ith Reeve Auckland for further studY, "MOVED BY: J .BARKER SECONDED BY: A.AUCKLAND ADJOURN TO APRIL 15 AT 9 A.M. CARRlbD" // 0 ,r/J , 1 l.:.' \) ~Y''\ C l-U\.111}11J\ N f"" COUNTY OF ELGIN Court House, St. Thomas; Ont., ~~(3rch 31st ,1966. TO ALL TENDERERS Gentlemen: Thank you for your recent Tender for Tractors. ~ We wish to advise that the County'of Elgin Road Committee, at a meeting on March 31st, awarded Tenders as follows: TENDER A to McCallum Tractor & Equipment, Belmont. TENDER B to Ed. and Jerry Reek, St. Thomas. A Summary of Tenders received is ,enclosed. Yours very truly, ...........,.~... R. G. Moore, B.Se., P.Eng., Engineer & Road Superintendent. RGM/dw Enclosure 1 COUN'rY OF ELGIN TRACTOR TENDER "Aft Supplier Tractor Tendered on 1. McCallum Tractor & Equip. Belmont. Model 3400 Ford 730 Loader 2. London Farm & Utility 229 Adelaide St.London Case 430 Model 23 Loader 3. Jas.Bennett Motors Model 3400 Ford Dutton 730 Loader 4. London Western Tractor Ltd. R.R.#l, London. John Deere 300 5. Vanderbrink Bros. Sparta Cockshutt Model 550 6. International Harvester London, Ont. International 3414 7. Routley & Phillips Ltd. Aylmer. International 3414 8. Ed and Jerry Reek 136 Sunset Drive,St.Thomas. Case 430 9. Don Williams, R.R.#3, St. Thomas. Allis-Chalmers I 40 10. Plested Equipment Ltd. 430 First St.London ~~ssey-Ferguson 2135 11. Lee Farm Equipment Rodney. ~.1. F. 202 11. Tuckey Equipment M.F. 202 St. Thomas. 13. Dixie Equip. Company Cockshutt 550 420 Dundas St. Cooksville 14. Beckham Limited, Woodstock. M"F. 3165 Tractor &. Loader N€~t Price Including Sales Tax after trade d€~ducted . $ 3,675.00 3,759.25 3,774.75 3,853.50 3,976.35 4,081.35 4,132.80 4,305.00 4,373.25 4,399.50 4,4h6.75 4,446.75 4,798.50 4,935.00 Page 2. COUNTY OF ELGIN _ TRACTOR TENDERS conttd. TRACTOR TENDER tlB" 1. ~. a~ Jerry Re~, Case 530 136 sunset Dr. St.~homas. t750x16-l0 plY front tire) $ 8,508.50 tAdd $302.50 for diesel engine) 2. London' Farm Equipment, London, ant. Case 530 t750x16-l0 plY front tire) 6,538.60 3. Tuckey.Equipment, R.R.#7, St.Thomas, Onto M.F. 3165 9,004.00 tdoes not meet speCificatiOns) 4. London,western Tractor Lt~~hn Deere JD400 . R.R.#l, London t750x16-l0 plY front t~res) 9,234.75 5. Don \\Ji11iams, R.R.#3, St. Thomas' AlliS-Chalmers 1-60 t750x16-10 plY front tires) 9,353.40 9,712.50 6. Mccallum ~ractor & Farm, Belmont Ford 4500 10,077.90 7. James Bennet Motors, Dutton. Ford 4500 10,316.25 8. InternatiOnal Harvester, London. Int. 3414 Tractor leader 9. Routley & PhillipS, ~ylmer. Int. 3414 Tractor l.ader 10. compressed Air Equip, Toronto. Case 530 11. Beckham Ltd. woodstoCk tDon.carroll-BelmOnt) M.F. 304 12. vanderbrink BroS. Sparta. Cockshutt 770 13. TUCk~y'Equipment, R. R.4f7, St. Thomas. M. F. 304 14. Lee Farm Equipment, Rodney, ont~rio, M.F. 304 15. Dixie Equipment Ltd., Cooksville, ontariO Cockshutt 770 16. Plested Equipment Ltd. 430 First St.,London M.F.304 17. Dominion Road Mach.Sales Goderich Wain-ROY 10,392.90 10,395.00 10,762.50 11,322.15 11,340.00 11,361.00 11,651.37 12,495.00 13,419.00 ~ court RoUse, St. Thoma s; ant. March 31st, 1966 ~ Gentlemen~ 'thank yoU for your recent Tender for Trucks and associated equipment. . th t the county,of Elgin ~e ~ish to ad~~s~ a ~rch 30th, a~arded Road co~ittee, at a meet~ng on Tenders as follo~S: TENDER A B & C to Greena~aY Ford sales " Ltd. St. Thomas. TENDER D to Haskett ~otors ~1954) Ltd., St. rrhomaS. co. TBNDBR B &. F to InternatiOnal Har~ester of can.Ltd., London- & 1 to Thompson Trucking & welding Ltd. St. Thomas. TENDER G, H, A S~rv of Tenders is enclOsed. 10urs ~erY trulY, ------ . R G ~oore B.Sc., ?Eng., E~gi~eer & Road superintendent. RGM/ d~ EncloSure COUNTY OF ELGIN ...-.- ' - TRUCK TENDER t'iAn .... -~ . (PickUP Truck) Supplier Vehicle Tendered on Net Price including ~1 Sales tax j $ 2,007.18 3. Greenaway Ford Sales St. Thomas. Haskett Motors (1954) Ltd. St. Thomas. CatfiSh CAr Co. Ltd. Aylmer 4. Melrose-Mercury Sales Mercury MlOO Ltd.. St. Thomas Ford Floa 1. Chevrolet C1534 2,035.73 2. 2,059.05 Ford Floa 2,0(-,7.22 2,085.30 5. Lyon Ford Sales Ford F100 Dutton 2,149.35 6. Mid-Town Motors (St. Dodge D100 Thomas) Ltd. 7. International Harvester International D-llOO of Can.Ltd. London 2,173.68 8. Disbrowe Motors, St. Thomas G .14.. c. C 91534 2,184.00 2,199.75 9. Miller Motors Sales Rodney Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Ltd. Aylmer Ford Floa 2,254.35 Dodge U100 +0. TRUCK TENDER "B" .................-. . 6,019.23 1. Greenaway Ford Sales Ltd. St. Thomas. 2. CatfiSh Car Co.Ltd., Aylmer 3. LyonS Ford Sales Dutton 4. International Harvester International D-1200 Co.of Can.Ltd. London Travelette Ford F250 6,151.95 Ford F250 6,153.00 Ford F250 6,239.39 5. Melrose Mercury Sales Mercury M250 Ltd. St. Tho~as. 6,426.40 6,489.00 6. Miller Motor Sales Ford F250 Rodney- 7. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Dodge D200 Ltd. Aylmer 8. Mid Town MotorS (St. Dodge D200 Thomas) Ltd. St. Thomas. 6,657.00 6,983.28 G.M..C. C92534 9,252.60 9. Disbrowe Motors St. Thomas 0 COUNTY OF ELGIN - TRUCK TENDERS, continued Page 2 7. International Harvester International 1600 Co.of Can.Ltd. London Loadster 8. Disbr8we Motors G.M.C. C95503 St. Thomas. 1. Haskett Motors (1954) Chevrolet G-12-05 Ltd. St. Thomas. 2. Mid-Town Motors (St. Dodge Transivan Thomas) Ltd. St. Thomas, 3. Disbrowe Motors G.M.C. G-9l275 St e" Thomas. 4. Greenaway Ford Sales Ford Econoline Ltd. St. Thomas. 1. Greenaway Ford Sales Ltd. St. Thomas. 2. Catfish Car Co.Ltd., Aylmer 3. Lyons Motor Sales Dutton Melrose Mercury Sales Ltd. St. Thomas 5. Mid-Town Motors(St. Thomas) Ltd. St. Thomas. 4. 6. Miller Motor Sales Rodney. i,;'~ ~ TRUCK TENDER "c" Double Cab Stake Rack Truck Ford F600 $ 3,415.65 Ford F600 3,465.00 Ford F600 3,691.80 Mer cury ~J1600 3,873.02 Dodge D400 4,011,"23 Ford F600 4,193.70 4,334.44 4,751.25 TRUCK TENDER nDt1 Van 2,470.11 2,519.10 2,567.25 2,567.78 2,581.95 5. Melrose -Mercury Sales Econoline Ltd. St. Thomas. 6. Catfish Car Co. Ltd. Econoline , Aylmer 7. Lyons Motor Sales Econoline Dutton 8. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Dodge Transivan Ltd. Aylmer. 9. Miller ~~tor Sales Econoline Rodney 2,600.85 2,656.50 2,711.10 2,825.55 COUNTY OF ELGIN - TRUCK TENDERS continued Page 3 TRUCK TENDER Tandem Truck 45,000 Gm~ (after trade-in. deducted) International RF-190 $ 9,772.37 Extra oil cooler & metallic clutch lining nEn 1. International HArvester Co.of Can~Ltd. London 136.71 2. Lyons Motor Sales Ford T-850 Dutton 9,909.08 10,860.15 3. Melrose Mercury Sales Ltd. St. Thomas Ford T-850 4. Miller Motor Sales . Rodney Ford T-850 5. London White Truck Sales Ltd. London White 4264 11,424.39 11,544.75 14,013.30 TOTAL COST TRUCK, DUMP BOX & SNOW PLOW~ 1. RF-190 International Truck (Int. Harvester) 2. Frink Dump Box (Thompson Trucking) 3. Frink Snow Plow Equipment (Thompson Trueking) TOTAL 9,909.08 1,831.00 3.380.90 $ 15,120.98 TRUCK TENDER iYF'i', Tandem 'rruck 43,000 GV'fiT (after trade-in. deducted) 1. International Harvester International RF-190 8,678.52 Co.of Can.Ltd. London extra oil cooler & metallic clutch lining 136.71 8,815.2) 2. Lyons Motor Sales Dutton Ford T850 9,783.90 3. Melrose Mercury Sales Ltd. St. Thomas Ford T850 11,549.14 4. London White Truck Sales Ltd. London White 4264 12,927.60 TOTAL COST TRUCK AND DUMP BOX 1. RF-190 International Truck 2. Frink Dump Box (Thompson Trucking) TOTAL 8,815.23 1.831.00 10,646.23 2. Brantford Trailer & Body Ltd. Brantford. Brantford 5HIl 1/2 - 39 3. Thompson Truck & Welding Ltd. St. Thomas. Elcombe 920 4. Frank Wiltsie, f~ylmer COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK TENDERS continued TRUCK TENDER Y?G" 1. Thompson Truck & Welding Ltd. St. Thomas Frink lOB2 Olsen HD 300 TRUCK TENDER UHf? 1. Thomp~on Truck & Welding Ltdo St. Thomas. Frink 2. Brantford Trailer & Body Ltd. Brantford Brantford (Frink) 3. Frank ~^Tiltsie Aylmer Page 4 Dump Box (Including mounting) 1,831.00 1,930.94 1,996.27 2,127.47 Snow Plow Equipment (including mounting) 3,380.90 3,761.81 Sumner (American.Coleman) TRUCK TENDER urn 1. Thompson Truck & Welding Ltd. St. Thomas. Frink lOB2 2. Brantford Trailer & Body Ltd. Brantford Brantford 5H12-39 3. Thompson Trucking & Welding Ltd. St. Thos. Elcombe 920 4. Frank Wiltsie, Aylmer. Olsen .~ 4,161.37 Dump B~x (including mounting) 1,831.00 1,876.24 2,028.11 2,048.72 S't. 'tt\Ow.-s, 01'\'tARtO, ~RCl\ 9, 1966. 'tlU: coUi'l1'! 011 i.LGt1'\ ROAD Co~'t't1!.1!. Get at the coucct l\Ouse at \o~oo 1\.M. ALL 'tlB~11>\l.1tS we1:e present. Also p1:esent "as ~1:' V1:an\(: c\aCC~e, of tne D.\l.O., 'LOndon. . . f vebruacc':f 8th .,acce read and 'tlU: 14lmJ't\l.S of. the meet1.ns 0 6. f. i:rl1 light. tce l. sUO'if nad been a . 4 on Road 4~ bet.,aen Ca\tOn 'a' on in ~est ,&\g.1.n, an b ina ca.:r:r1....u f>:rushing "Ras e (;:) a.nd 'RiChtt\ond. st.~ted on Road 21. CleaccinS nad been . d "tdeninS on Road 21. n inS \and re ccoa ~. Cbap\o'if bad been purc as "itn the Citi' council. cce Road co_usion had Get 'the St. 'tno.,as subU1:ban Geo~Se StCCeet 1\ridg,e. 1:el1lacement of tne St. . 3\ l. 52, 1\orth of. St. 'th01l\8.1\' \aced on Roa4s 29, crusned srave\ bad been 11 tendeccs on lla~ch 25tn. n \1th and t~act.or ou\o. close Marc 'truc~ tenders 'if . d f.~om Robecct \lef{ccen. ~ h 0. been :rece1.~e ~o f.urt.he~ ,roCCu a 0. te as f.oll0~S~ 'tlU: i.l\Gt'Ni.1!.R ~YOR'ti.D on the wor\(: to . a a'P\>ro~eo.. \. 2,. 3. 4. 5. B. diSCUssed re Roads ~ yURCw>SE 1'OLtC"!, et.c.. "as 2, B & 52, 1. and it 1Aa.s W'l~D -e,"!' c.D. 1'\\tLLtYS ..,,,. /!.. /!..\JClUA1'\D ., Sl!.OO1'\Di.D p" . .' . S\l. 1'0'L1C"! y>'&l1'\G CARR1\l.D 0" 'tw>'t 't\ll!. coU1\'t'!$Y~Sl!.l\'t ~~:':~~D' 01'\ CoUtl't'l ROp,DS 2, 8.&. 52. ~i.~l!.1'\DiD'to~D~~ . 01'\ 01< coUtl't'L RO/!..D 21 cARRtiD. ~OVED f>1 ~ SEco~DED f>1: \l. A1'1'RO~D VOR 1'A.1l1E}\'t \ 'tw>'t 'ti\1!. i01.LO~1'\G YA.'!LtS'tS -e,. omi'tl~G 'to $1,058. 51, l' A'lLtS't ? A'iLtS't jf 5 p..W'lUtl'ttl<G 'to ;~' ~~.;;. ~L~~'L~'t D~~ ~Ot..D jf8~0 A}l.oUtl'tt~G 'to $20 · 60 · 4n A}l.oUtl'tt'NG 'to $29,081. CARR1\l.D · J i\}iE.5 f>i\RttE'R JO\\~ McK1~1...1\'l d u~ri' of pccices cceceived 'ti\1!. 1!.l\Gt1<v,tR presented the att&cne. s . 4 b" oo_tttee before hicn we'te pacctilll.l.Y cce~1.e" J f.oCC llate~ia\S l. supp\ieS, 'if 1? AGE 2. S't. 'tt\OW.S, 01'\'tAJl1.0 Ml\RCll 9, \966. adjOurning for dinner. M1't1>R Dt~i.R, Cotllllli t tee c01l\P \ eted 1:ece i viug tenders. W'l~D B1' J .1\. W'lLS01'\ s'&CO'N'll1!.D B"!' b.. !>\Jc~ 'tW>'t 't$ 'tBlUlBltS fOR w..'t1>Rt!>LS &. SU1?1?Lt1!.S 1\1> ACCB1?'tJ!.D, AlUl 'tW\.'t 'ti\1!. E1'\G t1'\i.i.R y>l!. t 1'\S 'tRUC'tED 'to 1?\lRc1;\I\S i. W'l't\l. REGARD 'to 1?R1. Ci. &. QllAt.1. Ti · CARRIED- (d) COR~Sl'01'IDi.1'\Ci. ~A5 ~AD fro1l1 the Depart~nt of 't1:anSport, approving Bi'-la~ It\9\& re Load limiteS on cert.ain Counti' 11>ridgeS; the D.\l..O., app1:0v1ng transfer of funds re annual return; the D.\l..O., approving tne purcnase of an e\ectric type,rrite1:; 't S ca\~\\ 1:e payment to 'townshipS assuming, as a result of ~e 1'\~edS Studi', ~re mueage of count' Roads than the counti' aSsU1l1e mUeage of 'township Roads, M?'ti.R DtSC\JsstOll, it ,ras (a) (b) (c) W'l~D B1' 0 · D. 1?\l.1.LL1.?S Si.COlUl1>D B"!' J. B. W'lt.SOll 'f.1C' '01::'I"o.......l'\D 'to comi't'! COm<C1.L 'tW>'t A B'l-l.NtI BE 1?b.SS1!.'ll ASSUlA1.1'\G 'tw>'t "'" .....,,""'~ . . UGR D~CR SoU't~OUl AlUl fRO1'\. j>JU) RE'Jl1.R'flllG 'to 'ti\1!. ,.'tOo. ~~\lO:~RO~:::~~tJlS' SO 'tW>'t Et.J1,GtY>t Lt Ti 1?!> 'l - SOU't\l. DORClUlS't'&R 1\ ~tt.i.1\G'" .' ""~ l1E~'fS w.."! v.E NAD1!. 'to 'tlUlS'& 'to~S\l.1.1?S 1\1 'tlUl Comi't1. CARRIED- \.. d f ni.6 o..inion of the ,rod< 1lUl E~G1.'NE1>R presented the attaC"e resume O' r tbat should be done biT the 'towns & \fi.\\ages and b, the count' on count, Roads in the Urban Area. Af'ti.R 00'NS1D1>Rb.1\1.J!. DtSCusSt01'\, it ';I&s decided to meet. ,ritn the Reeves of the urban areas in tne near futU1:e to diSCUSS tne 1l\&tter furthe1:. 'b.ll..t~ i~ bui\t-u" areas of 1:ura\ 1l1Un1CipalitieS 'the counti"t s respons1. 1. J ..r was diSCUssed. 1'\.O~D 1\'l' c · D. 1?\l.tLLt1?S S,&co1'\1lED v.1, J .b.. 1'\.c1.<.t1'\l.A1 UlA1!. $ A't't!>Ci\1!.D L1.S't 01' 011>t.1.Gb.'t!0~S Of 't$ Comi't1 'tW>'f 'ti\1!. CO~ b.SS ..... 't . 1>5 01'\ Com<Ti ROADS 1?t.\JS 1.'ti.1'lS 2, 3, 4, 5, IN BUIL'tO-~1? ~~ 't: ~~:~~~~;'t~1\LtGA't1.0~S Of \JRF>b.N ~S1?ONStB1.L1.Ti. 8, 9, 1 \;llO CARRIE\) · coUNTY ROAUS IN URBj.N .. ,- - --- AREI\.S ~ (Towns and Villages) 1. These d~6eussions assume that the Road is an Assumed County R~ad and not a connecting link. 2. The Rebate paid to the Urbans shall be the minimum (25%) as allo~ed by the Highway Improvement Act. 3. The extent of any work deemed to be a County responsibility shall be determined by the Road Committee only. 4. The extent of any work deemed to be an Urban responsibility shall be determined by the local council only, ,1. Nermal Repair Maintenance &. replacement of sidewalks, (See H.I.A.) including sanding. .2. Cleaning ef existing catchbasin, streets, curb &. gutter (including spring clean-uP) (wheneVer necessary) " 3. Trimming and removal of Trees except that necessitated by road reconstruction. YRBAN RESPONSIBILITY ~.- -- 4. Parking markings nece$sary for Parking &. pedestrian Safety (crosswalks, etc.) Signs neeessary for control of speed of traffic &. parking (By Law will have to be passed by county) ,~ 5. J~ 6.. 7. 8. . '9. '10. Installation &. Maintenance of Parking Meters. Street Lighting including lighting on bridges. TraffiC lights. Guide RailS, steps, etc.. for pedestrian safety. (a) Removal of Snow from Road Allowance by trucking after it has been moved to the curb l:}.ne by the County. (b) Removal of Snow to open Catchbasin, etc. 11. construction and Maintenance of Sanitary or Combined Sewers. 12. Erection of Street Name Signs. 13. Hand cutting of weeds and grasS. .1r. COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY. 1. Construction & Maintenance of Pavement to regardless of width. 2. Construction & ~~1ntenance of Pavement of intersecting streets to property line. 3. Maintenance of Shoulders, including grading, etc. 4. Replacement of sidewalk made necessary by reconstj~uction of the roadway. 5. Construction & Maintenance of Curb & Gutter. --:- 6. Construction & Maintenance of Catchbasin. 7'. Construction & Maintenance of StOrM Sewers (only) (for erosion control & drainage of the right-of-way) reserving the right of th~ County to request a mun~icipal drain where there is a significant amount of d.reinage from outside the Road Allowance. S. Construction & Maintenance of outlets for storm drainage systems, reserving the right to the County to request a municipal drain where there is a significant amount of drainage from outside the Road Allowance. 9. Erection & Maintenance of all necessary signs for Guidance & Reg~lation with the exception of traffic control signs, such as parking signs & maximum speed signs. 10. Erection & Maintenance of Village entrance signs, example "Dutton" npopulation xx persons if 11. Ice control on pavement. 12. Plowing Snow from the pavement to the Curb line. 13. Guide Rail necessary for vehicle safety. 14. Construction and Maintenance of Bridges & Culverts (except lights on bridges.) 15. Centre Line MBrking of pavements. 16. Railroad Crossing Protection. "-~"""""'~""'--"""'--,~'''''','---""",,,,,,",,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,:.-,~,,~.,,,,,,,~...-.-.__----.._....- ~ AGE 3 s't. 'tl\O'NA-S, 01'\'t~RI0 }1ARC1:\ 9 t 1.966 · 't1:\E y>UllGE't ~AS ~'</1.E. 11>RIEfL"!' \<iO~D Wl' /J.. AUC~ SiC01'\DiD 11>"!' J · B. \1Ll.s0~ 'tw>'t ROAD y>'l-lA~ BE ?b.SSE1l 'tl\b.'t\$ ~coJ!M1!.~1) 't~ ~~~~;~':~;;O~6o 'NA-t~'ti1.1'\ANCE ~'t A ~ILL ~'ti1. A??RO?Rtb.'tt1'\G $\,340,000. 0 oy 9.3 M.l'L'LS. CARR1ED · for Gravel. crushing and for l\ot ~i~ 'tlU: E1'\Gt~'&R sUggested that tende1:S . 'I'averoent on Deve\oproent Road lt185 be C&\\ed. ~OVED y>1 t J. ~R SEOom>iD y>1' Jotm ~c1.tt1'\lA"! C~Lt. G~VEL CRUSl\t~G 'til'\1lEltS fOR 'tW>'t 'ti\1!. 1!.1'\Gt1'\tl!.R Bl!. llJ:1?OVlE~D :~o~S'tRUC'ttO~ G~ ~L 01'\ ROAD 2, ROhJl 8 G~~t. ~stlB1ACt~G O~ ROADS 9 &. 5, fO l\t1'\G A't \i1:lt'tEtS S't/J.'tI0~' ALL SU'BJEC't 'to & RO;\D 21, j>JU) fOR S'tOC\O?tLt'NG & CRUS ti\1!. ~??ROV AL Of 'tlU: 'O.l\. 0 · CARR1ED · ~O~D 11>1'. J .11>. \1L t.S0~ SiC01'\Di'O B1' J. l1c1.(1'NlA """'DiRS 1'OR \1.0't 14l~ ?A '</1.1'\G 01'\ ,J':l?O\$Jl.f.D 'to CALL ~",,,, 'tW>'t 'ti\1!. l!.~Gt 1'\1!.iR 1\1!.t ..... 'tlU: A??ROV At. 01 ti\1!. '0. \1.. 0 · 'Oi~LO?\'\l!.1'\'t ROAD ,",185 SU'BJiC't 'to cARR!iD. . ui",ent 'liaS rellui1:e4 to ellui'P a 'tVlE '&1'\Gl1'\E1!.R stated that surveY1.nS ell 1> rt" an4 tnat anotne~ addins 1Il&chine ,ras relluired in tne office. second sur~e"j pa Jt J. BAR\<ER \<iO~D y>,,!,. C D ?\\1.LLt?S . sURVE'lI~G EQU1?- S'&Oo~DED 'B"! ~ . · .. . . O",'tAI~ QUO't/J.'tI01'\S O~ 1::',.J1l?ovlERED 'to p i\1!. '&1'\Gt1'\EER 11>l!. ",", tW>'t "ic01'lD SUR~"! ?AR't'!. CARRIED. ~N't fOR A ~ A Auc1.<.1J..ND ~0V1!.D 'B'l' J' 'B \1Lt.SO'N SEC01'lDED 1\'l' . . . .. . 0 1:'\.ULtt?LtER VRO~ mmiR~OOD DiR@OD Ot.I~E't'tI 1\1-2 tW>'t \$ v'\.lRCW>Si A~ m< $355 50 V1.US SAL'&S 1A~' Lt14l'ti1.D /J.'t 'tlU:tR QUO'tb'tI01'\ Of · CARRtiD. R d e~penditUres c d.d.itiO.na\ helft "itn the increased countY 0& 'tlU: 'NEED ~or a r d i. the fut.ure ,res diSCUssed. no"il an n ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 9, 1966. PAGE 4 MOVED BY: A. AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: C.D. PHILLIPS THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO ADVERTISE FOR AN ASSISTANT ENGINEER. CARRIED. MOVED BY: J. BARKER SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN TO 10:00 A.M., MARCH 30, 1966. CARRIED. ~ '\~..,/ ..... C rM>lRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN 1966 TENDERS FOR IVIA TEHIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 1 318ft and 1/4u STONE CHIPS 1. Dufferin Materials'& Construction Ltd., Hagersville, Onto 2. HaldimAnd QUArries and Construction Limited, Hagersville. FOR SURFACE TREATf;IENT $1.45 per ton - 3/g" and $1.50 per ton - 1/4ft t. Lime- stone Chips not w8shed. F.O.B. Hagersvi1le. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. $1.45 per ton. Limestone Chips not washed. FoO.B. Hagersville. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. 3. Cayuga Quarries Limited, 251.45 Ca vuga . '/ 4. CanAda Crushed'& Cut Stone Limited, HClmiltono 5. Riverside Construction Company, Limited. London, Ontario /' 6. The Flintkote Company of Canada, Limited, Paris. ~7. Bannockburn Farms, St. Thomas. /' 8. per ton - 3/8YV And $1.50 per ton - 1/4 n tt Lime- stone Chips (washed) F.O.B. Ca\roga. Freight $1.25 per ton via N.Y.C. $1.45 per ton - 3/gn and ~~l. 50 per ton - 1/4 n '. Lime- stone Chips washed. FreiLht $1.25 per ton via C.N.R. $1.33 per ton - 3/8ii and $1.35 per ton - 1/4u. F.O.B. Pit, Fanshawe Rd. Crushed gravel,. ~~1.20 per ton - 3/Su and $1.20 per ton - 1/4". Gravel Chips. F.O.B. Paris. Freight C.N.R. or C.P.R. $1.25 per ton. vwtters Bros.Construction Springfield. Last year Pit of R.S. Clark, Ingersoll. vIa shed Chips. ProbA bl v v\1il1 have stone in Pleasant Valley Area also. 9. Cecil McRae Limited, London. ~lO. Johnston Bros. Ltd., Both~Je11. $1.33 per ton - 3/8Yf and fj1.35 per ton - 1/4Yi. F.O.B. Byron Pit. Washed. $1.55 per Ton - Komoka 4)2.75 per Ton - iJardsville GROUP 2. BITUMINOUS ~illTERIAL 1. Imperial Oil Limited F.D.B. Sarnia. D.H.O. Primer - 16.71 per gallon M.I.P. - 16.7~ per gallon (for mulch) -2- COUNTY OF EIJG IN ,.: TENDER FOR rJIA TERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 2 - BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - contTd. 1. contYd R.C.O. - R.C.4 - 17.$~ per gallon (for surface treatment) 70-200 Penetration Asphalt - $29.50 per ton (for hot mix). 2. The British American Oil Company Limited London ~ Currie Products Limited, Hamilton. (Last year's price The Flintkote Company of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 2. R.E. Law Crushed Stone, Limited, Port Colborne 3~ T.J. Pounder (Ontario) Limited, Brampton. 4~ Canadian Bitumuls COE:pt:.i::1Y Limited, Tarant 0 0 GROUP 3 HOT MIX ASPHALT FOR PATCHING ? -1. lrlalmsley Bros .Limited, i., . London. ~. A. Cope & Sons, Limited, " Londo n . ~ . Riverside Construction vi 3 Company Limited. London, 4. Fanshaw Asphalt Paving Company Ltd. G/~ - COLD MIX ASPHALT Dufferin Materials & 6onstruction Ltd. Hagersville. 2. Cayuga Quarries Limited, Ca yuga . 30 Riverside Construction Company, Limited. London. 40 A. Cope & Sons Ltd. London. F.O.B. Clarkson. Price same as Imperial Oil Limited after Freight equalized. F.O.B. Hamilton 4~ Tar Primer - 1505~ per gallon (last year 17.5~). Tar R.T. 5-12 - 20.7~ per gallon (last year 20.7~). For mulch and Surface Treatment. 21.0) F.O.B. Long Branch Cationic Emulsions 18.3 per gallon. F.O.B. Port Colborne. Cationic Emulsions 19.5 per gallon. F.O.B. Brampton. Cationic Emulsion 21.0~ per gallon. F.O.B. Leaside. Cationic Emulsions l8.5~ per gallon. F.O.B. Putnam. Available only when not on contract work. F.O..B. London. 86.00 per ton. F.O.B. Plant. Hamilton Road. London. ~)5. 85 per ton. . F.O.B. Plant. Fanshaw Rd. London. $5.85 per ton. F.O.B. Hagersville. $5.90 per ton. Trucking to St. Thomas $1.50 per ton via Thompson Trucking. F.O.B. Cayuga. $6.00 per ton. F.O.B. London 87.25 per ton. F.O.B. London ~67 . 50 per ton. COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIE~ - -3- GROUP 5 CAL21UM CHLORIDE AqUid - 11. P~l~ard' Bras. Campa ny, Llmlted, Harrow. 2. Miller Paving Limited, Toronto. /Bulk - / 1, Allied Chemical Canada, Limited. Toronto. /lBags_ 1. Allied ChemicAl Canada, Limited. Toronto. GROUP 6 r !PORTL;ND CEMENT 1. St. Mary's Ceme~t Company, Limited. Toronto. 2. St. Lawrence Cement Clarkson. Delivered per fleke ton equivalent Any road or spot spraying, including Federal and Provincial Sales Tax (3%) $44.40 per ton. (last year's price - $43.25. year before $42.75) . Delivered per flake ton equivalent on road including Federal and Provincial Sales Tax (3%) - $44.50 per ton. F.O.B. Amherstburg. Delivered per flake ton equivalent any road - $43.35 plus 5% O.S.T. Twenty ton loads. Work by Thompson Trucking, St. Thomas. (last year v s price $42.50 (3% Sales Tax) Delivered to St. Thomas in twenty ton lots - $49.32 including Provincial . Sales Tax (5%) Deli vered to St 0' Thoma s in bags - $4.3A per barrel. Delivered to St. Thomas in C m a bulk - $3.aO per barrel. o p ny, including 11% Federal Sales Tax (Less 10~ per barrel discount) . High Early Strength - ~5.l4 in bags per barrel. 84.58 in bulk per barrel. (Less lO~ per barrel discount. 3~ Canada Cement Company, Limited. Toronto. Marlatt Fuels and Lumber Limited. St. Thomas. 5. Big H4H Builders Supply Limited. St. Thomas. 6. Hunt Lumber Lambeth. lO~ per barrel more. $1.22 per bag. Less 2% - 30 dBYso Federal Sales Tax included. $1.20 per bag. 81.32 per bag delivered. -4- COUNT1 OF ELGIN _ TENl\'EJ!:J9~)III\.TERIf'LS l\ND SUp1'L11':.S - FOB Bro~nsvi~~e. 4;' @ ~5 5.00 per III. L~n. Feet 5" @ MO .00 per 1"1.. L1-r;' Feet 6" @ h05. 00 per III. L1;n. Feet 7" @ ~~3 5.00 per II\. L1-n. Feet 3" @ $~65. 00 per II\. L~n. Feet ~O" @'$250.00 per III.L1-n.Feet ~2" @ 3350.00 per III.L~n.Feet ~6" @ _650.00 per III.L~.Feet GROUP ~ ~ ~. De~~er's Ti~e Limited, Bro'NUS\Tille · ~ CONCRE.TE SE~-y,R PIPE - ~ . 3" @ 60. per foot ~. concrete Pipe Lim1-ted, ~O" @ 33. per foot London. ~2" @ $~.06 per foot - ~ess 510 discount . .' "F.O.B. St. Thomas' . .' canada \T1-tr1-f1-ed product'" StOrm \'!f\ter pipe - \T1-tr1-f1-ed Limited. 2nd c~aSs c~a1 - 3" @ 52. St. Thomas' er foot ~O" @ 73. per foot, ~2" @ 97~5. per foot - ~ess 50h dis count 3" @ 59+ p~ foot ~On @ 3~. per foot ~2tt @ ~.04 per foot j 2. 3. Erie concrete productS Limited. London. ~966 price List GRO~ 'OJ-RUG" TED CUL\TERTS ~ !~TllICo Drainage &. I-~eta~ ./productS of Canada, Ltd. 1 s):'i.ngtoU · !Iestee~ _ ROScO Limit,ed. Toronto · Canada Cu~vert compan1 Limited. LonQ.on · 1/ 4. ~rrugated pipe compan1 'l,imited. stratford. 5 ontariO cu~vert &. IIIeta~ . productS, Limited. \jqaterlOO · 6 The ped~ar peop~e Ltd. . ~Ti~~sonburg Pipe &. supp~1 Co . Limited.) rroron:tO 0 7. Fa~cett IIIeta~ productS Ltd. '\JJateT100 · 3. E.s.Hubbe~~ &. sons.Ltd., Thames'\Tilleo ~965 price List No asbestOS bonded ~s'Pha~t pipe. ~965 price L1-st ~965 Price List ~965 price List ~966 price List ~965 price List ~966 price List ~no bonded pipe) -5- COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR lfillTERIALS AND SUPPLIES - GROUP 10 FENCING r~~TERIALS 2. Lundy Fence Co.Ltd., Toronto. (supplying) 948-12 Fence - 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips- 16' Farm Gates - No. 9 Galvanized Brace Wire - ~11.45 1 3/4.V? Galvanized Staples-~13 .15 Snow Fence , ~18.30 3. Topnotch Feeds Ltd., St. Thomas. 1. Elgin Co-operative Setvices . Thomas. 948-12 Fence - 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates - No. 9 Galvan~zed Bra c e Vfire 1 3/4Yi Galvanized Staples Snov\! Fenc e ~t$137.77 per 100 Rods ,94.73 per 100 . 23 .42 ea c h $11.34 per 100 Ibs. !13.03 per 100 ~bs. 015.44 per 100 feet F.O.B. in truck load lots, delivered at St., Thomas. $139.00 per 100 rods 895.80 per 100 323.50 each per 100 Ibs. per 100 :Lbs. per 100 feet 948-12 Fence - $138.35 per 100 rods 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips - $95.30 per 100 16' Farm Gates - $23.50 each 1 3/4" Galvanized Staples-$11.40 per 100 Ibs. No. 9 Galvanized Brace Wire - Snow Fence - 4. Rosco Metp.l Products Limited, Toronto. 16' Farm Gates - Sno1/lJ Fence - 5. John G. Sedore Limited~ Napanee 6. Steel Company of Canada Limited. Hamilton. 948-12 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls 7' T-Rail Posts & Clips 16' x 48i? Farm Gates No.9 Galvanized Brace \!.Tire 1 3/4" Galvanized Fence Staples 4gB Snow Fence in 50 &, 100 ft. rolls ~13.00 per 100 Ibs. $18.00 ~er 100 ft. roll $25.08 each ~17.50 per 100 foot roll Over 10,000 feet - $14.00 per 100 feet 6,000 to 8,000 feet - $14.50 per 100 feet Less than 5,000 feet - $15.50 per 100 feet F.G.B. White Station, St. Thos. 22,000 Ibs. miniml~ loads .- S138.27 per 100 rods ~,)95. 00 per 100 $23.46 each $11.37 per 100 Ibs. $13.07 per 100 Ibs. $15.60 per 100 lin. ft. -6- COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES _ , . 7. Hunt Lumber Lambeth. (Lundy) 948-12 Farm Fence 7T T-Bar Posts & Clips Ih' Gates 119 Bra ce "lire 1 3/4n Staples Snow Fence- 50' 100' GROUP 11 / /WOODEN POSTS . 1. G.L~ Edwards Thedford 5" top min. Peeled st long 7" top min. Peeled Sf long 2. Clyde Nicholson, R.R.#l, Courtright. 5" top min. ST long 7n top min. 8f long 3. Hunt Lumber Lambeth.. GROUP;]. 2 JREINFORCING STEEL . 1. Bur~ington Steel Company HamJ..lton. 2. J. Harris & Sons Limited, London. 3. London Steel Industries London. GROUP 13 GRADER BLADES 1. J.D. Adams Company Limited, Paris 2~ Rasco Metal Products j Limited, Tronto E.S.Hubbell & Sons Ltd., Thamesville. Bucyrus Blades of Can. Bramalea. F.O.B. County Garage, ~fuite Station, St. Thomas. $1.h5 per rod cb .- ~Dl.15 each $)29.90 H $8.40 $9.75 $10.90 $21.75 F.O.B. St. Thomas. - ~0.79 each - $1.30 each - $0.S2 - $1.50 $0.81 $6.20 - base price for under' 20 tons plus cutting, size and other extras. $6.30 - base price for under' 20 tons plus cutting, size And other extras. $6.05 - base price plus extras. Delivered to St tl Thoma s , Quantity over 200 - 5/8n x 6" x 6' - $7.74 each. No charge for sharpening ends. Quantity over 200 - 5/8V? X 6n x 6' - $8.60 e~ch. Non-sharpened. F.O.B. London $7.65 each. De1ivered~ Quantity over 200. $7.20 each (less 1%) Delivered. Quantity over 200 -7- COUNT:! OF f,LGIN _ TE.lmB~BRlhLS [\}.1\) SUpyLIBS - ~ ~ LUIllOer ~fiBBR and ~ Fuels ThOmas rlatt st - uce _ 1. M.~ .ted. le Spr L~m~ .ntab Mercha l".\. 4 '2. y.. 6 2. y;, 3 2. "$. 10 2 y;, 10 1 y:.. 1'2 1 "$. 1~ 13 F - prices $10B.00 per ~: B' F' - include :\;112..00 per ',. · · _ Federal $l2.B.OO per ~.B.F. _ Sales Ta~' ~l2.B.OO per ~.B.F. _ ~11 leSS $12.4.00 per ~~.~. _ 2.~ - 30 ~l2.B.OO per ..' dayS. M B F. for ,PlUS .$f~'e~O ~~g;t,h~ ~n 1" spec~ """ sheeting. ) Big; "4" Builders supplY Limit,ed, St,. Thomas, ~erchant,aole Sp~uce - 2. ~ 4 const,ruct,~on 2. ~ 6 const,ruct,ion grade &10~ 00 per ~.B.F. - prices ~ /' includes &110 00 per ~.B.F. - Federal ~ . SaleS TaZ $12.6.00 per ~.B.F. - $12.0.00 per ~.B.F. $12.3.00 per ~.B.F. St,andard Grade 2 y;, 10 . 1 Z 10 spruce Sheet,~ng; 1 Z 12. spruce Sheet,~ng; 3. Hunt LUIllOer Lambeth- 2y;,4 2 "$. 6 '2 z 10 1 z 10 $112..00 per ~-,B.F. $113.00 per 1~. B. F. $12.5.00 per ~.B.F. $12.5.00 per ~.B.F. F.O.B.OSh8ifla. GROUP 15 ~D SIGNS & POSTS 1. ~echanical ~dvert,iSing; Limit,ed, Osha\,la. "v'!" series - 2.4~2.4 "'II" series - 30~30 "W' series - 2.4z30 \I',fl" series - 12.z36 Bridd'e 1",nd ~arkers b d nU~' 10 foot Flange Posts complete, Galvanized. 12. foot \lU" Flan~d posts. Complet,e, Galvanized. 2. porcelain and ~et,al . prodUCt,s Limit,ad, Orillia. \I'lil" Series - 2.4 Z 2.4 IIvl" series - 30 Z 30 URn series - 2.4 Z 30 "v~n series - 12. Z 36 Bridge End ~arkers 12 ft. -postS ~3B. 61 e8. ch ~13.72. each ~11.49 each $7.95 each $5.64 each $6.59 each F.O.B. Oril1ia. over' 5 signS- $3.35 each 'V-2..95 each b10.90 each $7.70 each $6.25 each COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - -8- GROUP 15 - ROJ~D' SIGNS &. POSTS - cant' d. 3. RO$cO Metal Products Limited, Toronto. YiT.jlfn Series - 24x24 'fRY? Series - 24x30 Posts - approximately 12 foot 4. Co. Ltd. n\;iPv Series - 24x24 ??W?i Series - 30x30 nwn Series - l2x36 Bridge End Markers HPi? Series - 24x30 Posts - 10 foot complete - 12 foot complete GROUP 16 All prices F.O.B. Toronto. 5 or more signs. 89.20 each $11.,80 ea ch $5.90 each (delivered) All prices F.O.B. St.Thomas. Any number of signs. $8.60 each $13.40 each $6.60 each $10.70 each 2)5.75 each $6.60 each PAINT - Bridge Paint - Red Lead and Green Anti-,Corrosive Paint- 1. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas. (a) Glidden Y585 Red Lead (b) Green Anti-Corrosive GP-60 Govnt.Spec. 2. Reid's Paint Service, St. Thomas 0 (a) Red Lead (b) Green Anti-Corrosive 3. The Crown Diamond Paint Company Limited, Toronto.. (a) Red Lead (b) Green Bridge 4. Niagara Paint &'Chemical Company Limited, Hamilton. (a) Basic Lead Silica Chromate Primer (b) Bright Green Lead finish Coat 5. Sherwin-Williams Company Toronto. (a) Red Lead ~7.64 per gallon $4.95 per gallon $6.26 per gallon $6.62 per gallon $5.85 per gallon ~3.73 per gallon $6.24 per gallon $4.85 per gallon $4.59 per gallon GROUP 16 P J~ INT - vlhi teTra ffi c Pa int 1. Crown Diamond Paint Company Limi tE!d, Toronto. 2. Reid's Paint Service, St. Thomas. 3. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas. 4. Niagara Paint & Chemical Company, Hamilton. 5. Sherwin-':\Tilliams Co., Toronto. in 45 gallon drums - non reflectorized. $4.09 per gAllon $3.50 per gallon (Used last year) $2.48 per gallon. $2.3B per gal1ono $2.17 per gallon. GROU~J 16 j PAINT - Orange Guide Rail Paint 1. Glidden Paint Centre, St. Thomas. 2. Reid's Ppint Service, St. Thomas. 3. The Crown Diamond Paint Company Limited, Toront 0 . A.. Sherwin-vvilliams Company / Toronto. GRO~P 17 (Used last year) $4.95 per gallen. $5.86 per g~llon. ~4.64 per gallon. $4.93 per gallon. GLhSS BEADS FOR CENTRE LINE MARKINGo 1. Flex 0 Lite St. Thomas. Type C Moisture Proof g 1/2 cents per lb. plus Federal and Provincial Taxes. -9- ST. THOMAS, ONT~RIO R~RCH 16~h, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RO~D COlJ\t.HTTEE me~ a~ ~he Cour~ House a~ 2 p.m. in conjunc~ion wi~h Coun~Y council. All Members excep~ Reeve Barker were presen~' Reeves of Town of Aylmer, Villages of por~ s~anleY, Belmon~, Vienna, Du~~on, Wes~ Lorne and Rodney were also presen~. RESPONSIBILITIES of bo~h ~he Coun~y and Urban on Coun~y Roads in Urban Areas, as well as ~he Urban Reba~e, were diSCUssed a~ leng~h. THE ENGINEER explained ~he a~~ached liS~ of responsibili~ies. Commi~~ee members answered manY ques~ions proposed by ~he u~an Re~es. '1MOVED BY SECOND"1;D BY: C. D. I)HILl.,lt)S J. B. vJ11.JSON TH/\ T THE RESP01lSIBIL1TIES OF URBAN ARE~S AND COUNTY RES1)ONSIBILITIES AS L~ID DOWN BY THE RO~D Co~~ITTEE BE ADOPTED. Cl\RRTED" MEETING ADJOURNED TO MARCH 30~h, 10 A.M. r: ~ <...~#./<: f Q ) . r1.Jlr> /1 .~ L .' . CHA lR1J'jJ\N ~RCU SESSION - 1966 ~ ROh'D C01)l\!J\.IT't'S1t. REPORT. . #.i .. ~ ~E.RS. OF TUB. COU}'!'!'C. COUNCIL ~ G'~NTL'ffilriEN ~ '[our Road Committee begs to report as follo'#s ~ (1) that the responsibilitieS of the County on County Roads in incorporated urban areas be set forth as attached: that the responsibilitieS of the incorporated Urban areaS be set forth as attached, and that the rebate to incorporated Urban To'#ns and Villages be set at 25~ of their Road leVY' \N'8 recolnmend~. 1'.1.1. Of 'IlUICU 1.S RE.SPECTfiJ'LL'C SUB1<i1.TTEP. c tU\ lR1\ii1\N COUNTY ROADS IN URBAN AREAS (Towns and Villages) 1. These discussions assume that the R~ad is an Asswmed County Road and not a connecting link. 2. The Rebate paid to the Urbans shall be the minimum (25%) as allowed by the Highway Improvement Act. 3. The extent of any work deemed to be a County responsibility shall be determined by the Road Committee only. 4. The extent of any work deemed to be an Urban responsibility shall be determined by the local council only. URBAN RESPONSIBILITY 1. Normal Repair Maintenance & replacement of sidewcllks, (See H.I.A.) including sanding. 2. Cleaning of existing Catchbasin, streets, curb & gutter (including spring clean-up) (whenever necessary) 3. Trimming and removal of Trees except that necess:Ltated by road reconstruction. 4. Parking markings nece9sary for Parking & Pedestrian Safety (crosswalks, etc.) 5. Signs necessary for control of speed of traffic & parking (By Law will have to be passed by County) 6. Installation & Maintenance of Parking Meters. 7. Street Lighting including lighting on bridges. 8. Traffic lights. 9. Guide Rails, steps, etc., for pedestrian safety. 10. {a} Removal of Snow from Road Allowance by trucking after it has been moved to the curb l~ne by the: County. (b) Removal of Snow to open Catchbasin, etc. 11. Construction and Maintenance of Sanitary or Combined Sewers. 12. Erection of Street Name Signs. 13. Hand cutting of weeds and grass. 5. 6. construction & ~aintenance of pavement to regardleSS of 'f!idth- construction & }~intenance of pavement of intersecting streets to property line. ~~intenance of ShOulders, including grading, etc. Replacement of side~alk made necessarY bY reconstructiOn of the road'V~aY. construction & ~aintenance of curb & Gutter. construction & ~intenance of catchbasin. construction & ~intenance of StorM Se~ers tonlY) tfor e~osion control & drainage of the right-of-~aY) reserv~ng the right of th~ county to request a municipal drain ~here there is a significant amount of drainage from outside the Road J\.llo'ilance. construction & ~atntenance of outletS for stOrm drainage Systems, reserving the right to the co~ntY to request a municipal drain ",here there ~s a significant amount of drainage from outside the Road A11o-wance. Brection & ~intenance of all necessarY signs for ~uidance & Reg~latiOn ~ith the e~ception of traff~c con~rol signs, such as parking signS & ma~imum.speed s~gns, Brection & ~aintenance of Village entrance signs. e~ample II Duttonll IIPopulation 'y:$. persons'l ~ ~sp~m:Jd.'rL 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9- 10. 15. 16. Ice control on pavement. Plo~ing Sno'" from the pavement to the Curb line. Guide Rail necessarY for vehicle safety. . d ~~o4n~enance of Bridges & culverts te~cept construct~on an l''''~.v lightS on bridges.) centre Line ~rking of pavementS. Railroad crossing protection. 11. 12. 13 · 14. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 15th, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HOAD COl'JflVIITTEE met at the Court House at 4 p.m. in conjunction with County Council. All Members were present except Heeve Bark~~r. THE SPECIAL CQ1JJMITTEE appointed with regard to the Port Burwell Bridge, reported that a meeting had been held on !lIarch 14th with Messrs. H. Dernier, T. S. Caldwell, and A.. O'Connell of the D.H.O. with regard to the Port Burwell Bridge. IT \;,J'AS DECIDED (I) to request the Villa ge of Port B1.1r'V\/ell to request the Minister of Highways to designate Highway 19 in the Village of Port Burwell as a fully assumed King's Highway and not a 100% connecting link as it now is, (2) to make an application to the Board of Transport Commissioners for a contribution from the Grade Crossing Fund, for the elimination of a grade crossing (Canadian Pacific Railroad), (3) to make an application to the Department of Public Works for a grant towards the building of a high level bridge over the Otter Creek. "MOVED BY SECONDED BY: J. B. VIILSON J'. IVICKINLA Y THAT WE IJ!AKE AN APPLICATION TO THE BOAHD OF THANSPOHT COM- MISSIONEHS FOH A CONTHIBUTION FHOM THE GHADE CROSSING FUND FOR A GRADE SEPARATION ON COUNTY ROAD 42 AND THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD AT PORT BUR\'iELL AND A COpy OF THIS APPLICATION BE FORvvARDED TO HAROLD STAFFORD, M.P. CARRIEDTT "MOVED BY SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND C.D. PHILLIPS THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR A CONTRIBUTION TOVJARD A HIGH LEVEL BlLIDGE OVER OTTER CREEK ON COUNTY ROAD 42 IN PORT BURWELL AND THAT A COpy OF THIS APPLICATION BE FORWARDED TO HAROLD STAFFORD, M.P. CAHRIEDH ADJOURN TO MARCH 16th, 1966. B /.....--"""" I J . ." . ,i () (J.~:r-u.rv\. CHA ITU\!IAN ROAD CO'MMITTEE REPORT .....-. - ~ --- ~ - ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH SESSION 1966 TO THE \~ARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNT'! OF ELGIN. G E!~ TLEvtEN ~ YOUR ROAD COM1~ITTEE begs to report as follOWS: 1. We expect to receive the' Needs StudY Report very shortlY from the printers. 2. It is expected that.installatiOn of Mobile Radio units ~ill be started shortlY, and that the System will be operating bY early April. 3. Tenders are being called for gravel crushing and for hot mix asphalt Faving on County Read 45 east of Highway 19 in Bayham TownshiP (Dev. Road #785). 4. pre_engineering work is underway .n C.unty Read 52 (Dev. Road #840) west of springfield by County empleyees. 5. THE ENGINEER haS been empewered to advertise for an Assistant due to the present large road expenditure and the projected increase in the next few years. ~RECOW~N1!. ~ 1. THAT at the request of the Department .f High'Ways the following resolutiOn be passed in regard to our Annual Return to the Department "That we requeS-V the D.H.O. to make the following transfer: Transfer $10,875.90 from construction Roads to construction BridgeS and CUlverts." 2. THJ\.T the Estimates of the St, Thomas Suburban Road commiSsion for 1966 toyalling $176,000 be approved (of thiS amount the sum of $150,000 is estimated for the construction of the St. George Street Bridge). 3. THAT a Normal Road Expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follOWS: construction ;;::..;---~". Maintenanc.e --- - RoadS Bridges & culverts Ne'W Machinery superintendence & Ovhd. 46,000 56,000 65,000 .13. QOQ 200,000 ~ 290,800 26,500 t,lil ..)2, 7Q~ 370,000 ~t~ 336,800 82, 500 65,000 yS_.130Q 570,000 :::;;;-- :::: -- - TO THE \fvARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL'- MARCH SESSION 'I 196~, -2- 4. THAT a Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law be passed to be allocated as follows: Construction Roads Bridges 465,000 305.000 770,000 BREAKING THESE AMOUNTS DOT'JN: (Recommendations 3 and 4) (8) COUNTY EXPENDITURES: Construction Roads..oo....o............... Construction Bridges & Culverts.....o..... Construction New Machinery.........o...... $ 479,000 211,000 65,000 304,000 25,000 80,000 $1,164,000 Maintenance Roads."............"... It . . 0 . .. . .. . . Maintenance Bridges & Culverts........o... Over he ad. 0 . " .. " .'. .. 0 . . " . . . " " . II . . . " . . . . 0 . . . . .. (b) ST 0 THOMAS SUBURBAN HOAD COIvll'1ISSION EXPENDITURES: Construction Roads..........................'~) 4,000 Construction Birdges & Culverts..e........ 150,000 Maintenance Roads............................. 14,800 Maintenance Birdges & Culverts............ 1,500 Overhead...."......."........."............ 0... 5,700 8) 176 000 , " TOTAL MONEY APPROPRI~TED, $1,340,000 at an estimated cost to the County of $535,600 (9.3 mills on the present County Assessment). THESE ROAD BY-LA\iTS provide money for Construction on County Roads as follows: (a) Land Purchased for Roads being constructed. (b) Pa~ment for In$tallatio~ of Railroad Protection on County Road 14, at lana, and County Road 37 east of Belmont. (c) Double Surface Treatment on Road 19 Southwold. (d) Double Surface Treatment on Road 44 Bayham. (e) Double Surface Treatm~nt and Crushed Gravel on Road 45, Calton to Mount Salem, Malahide Township. (f) Completion of Grading, Granular Base, etc., Malahide- South Dorchester Townline East of Springfield (former Road 52). TO THE WARDEN AND ~~MBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUr;CIL _ MARCH SESSION, 1966 -3- (g) Completion of Grading, Granular Base, etc. South Dorchester- Dereham.Townline (former Road 54). (h) Grading, Granular Base, etco, Road 27 from HighvJay 4 to Road 36. (Union to Sparta) Yarmouth Township. (i) Gradtng, Granular Base, etco, Road 2 westerly approx. one mile, DVnwich Township, (j) Grading, Granular Base, etc., Road 8 from High\^Jay 401 to Road 15, Dunwich Township. and Village of Dutton. (k) Spot Improvement. Grading, Granular Base and Culvert widening, Road 40 -- 3/4 mile north of Mount Salem, Malahide Township. (1) Placement of Culvert and Fill to Renlace Stalter Gulley . . . Bridge, Road 42, Malahide Township. (m) Mapleton and McNiel Bridges on former County Road 50, South Dorchester. (n) Spring Creek Culvert, Road 37, North.and South Dorchester. (0) Pipe Culvert Construction on Roads 2, 8, and 27. 5. THAT two By-Laws be passed, one assuming and one reverting a portion of: (a) Former County Road 5 in Aldborough and Dunwich TO,^lnships. (b ) Former County Roa d 18 in Southwold T01lNnship. (c) Former County Road 52 in the Village of Spring- field, and the Townships of South Dorchester and Malahideo This will enable th~ County to make Cas~ Payments to the Town- ships of Aldborough, Dunwi9h, Southwold, South Dorchester, and the Village of Springfield, in accordance with the Minister of Highway's policy that where a Township assumes more County Road from the County than the County assumes Township Ro,ad from the Township, the Department will make a payment towards the main- tenance of this extra mileage of roads. The Department of High- ways will reimburse the County for the cash payments made to the local municipalities. ALL OF l1HICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBM:ITTED CHAIRMAN ST. TROW\.ASt ON'tARIO FE'BR~ A:R1 8th t 1966. TBE COtlNT1 OF El.GIN ROAD CO~lffEE met at the court House at 10 a.m. February 8tht 1966. All Members were present and Mr. F. Clarke t D. 1\. O. t l.ondon. THE MIN~TES OF T1\E }AEET111G OF January 28th, 1966 were read and approved. TllE ENGINEER 1J;E1'0RTEtl on the work to a.ate as follOWS; 1. Ice and Snow Control had been nea~y around Feb. 1st. More Sand had bee1'l placed at watterts 'Bros. t l.yons. 2. Work on Storm Drains on DR #785 was continuing. 3. Brushing work waS continuing in East ana. West Elgin. ~. Soil tests had been completed at St.George Street Bridge, but no results had beenrecei~ed as yet. 5. Test Drillings were continuing at Stalter GullY Bridge. MOn}) B1 : A. AtlCKl.A1\ID SECONtlEtl B1: J · B. WIl.SON TlI.AT TltE 'FOu,OWItilG P 11l.1STS BE APPROVED 'FOR l' A UlENT · 1'A1l.15T #2 AMO~tilT1tilG TO $ 7t908.30 PAll.IST 13 AMO~NTING TO 9,~36.28 l'A1LIST 14- AMOUNTING TO 37 ,007 .2~ CARRIED CORRES1'ONllENCE WAS REAtl from: 1. Mr. T.s.Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, requesting transfer of funds re the Annual Return. MCffEtl 'B1 : J. McKinlay . SECOm:>Etl 131: C.D. PhillipS TlI.AT WE RECoWllENtl TO C013NTY COtll!\CIl. TRAT TllE FOl.l.OWING RESOLUTION BE PASSED: l1T\:lI\T WE REQUES'r'fRE nEPAR'flAENT 01 RIGRWA1S TO W\.AKE THE FOl.LOWING TRANSFER:- TRANSFER $lOtB75.90 from CONSTRUCTION MAllS TO CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES AN}} C\Jl.VERTS. CARRIED Page #2 2. t. _ . <l' t.hat. t.he CO\1nt.y 131- ~ f Trans1"\ort. for ont.. st.a ~no The l>eparttllen" 0 . t' . .... . e Placing 1 .. l1alf-load l..itllit.S on varioUs Reads and th 'LaWS re Retllova o.\. . . .'. .' . .. id eS had been referred t.o the of 'deight. l..itllitS on variO\1S cou.nt.y Br . g . ~ "," "i <l'hWa""s for t.he ir c o1ll!ll6 nt.S · ueparttllell:" v.\. " oJ J 11 Uadson was read and CElRRESPOl'lllBltCE to thEl 'darden fr01ll ...... .' filed. Tl1E C1\AIRMA1'l AlAD TllE ENGINEER e~plained varioUs aspect.s of the '" ... '1 t: The Engineer f t.he springwat.er Da.tll. IOn ",oao. ).). proposed const.r\1ct.ion 10 .' .' d 0 _ .. '" '.. Road in ~e area of the datil ha een st.ated t.hat tentat~ve gradeS tor t.he _ .. . f.' the Authority t for their cI01ll!lIent.s. forwarded to consult.ing F.ng~neers or .. o. . t ROt. l1effren on Road 4 a TRE EllG1NEER \\E1'01tTE'D t.hat. ~. 0 · _ .. ,p. nd out C01ll!llittee fS feeling in purchas- h d annroached hitll t.o .\.~ Glen Colint a . fi:' . ..... ... "0. .. o.. t.0 at. Glen Colin. t t.o st.ra~ghten [lOa ~ . ng a right-of-WaY t.b.1'OUgh hiS proper"!' .. ). Tl1F. ENG111EER '11M> Il'lSTltUCTEU t.o write t.o ~. l1effren and ask _ .. .' . reMuired 50 t.hat. . .. t.he necessary r~ght-O.\._wa1 '" \l\r. 'f\.etfren t.o place a value on . .10.. "'e diSCUssed 01 C01ll!llit.t.ee. the tuat.t.er oou " T1'\E }4'EET111G AUJOURl\EU 'FOR YlIlll'lER. AfTER U111NER t TRY, y,NGI1'lEER e~plained t.he proposed Budget. tor . t.. t.o RoadC01ll!llit.t.ee. 1966 of t.ne st.. Tho~s Su'b~ban Road Co1ll!ll~t. ee m,OVEl) 131 :~. J. BARKER SF.C014UE'D 'B1: A. AUCK1..AllU . .. .... .' .. · Tl1AT 'IIF. RECO-.14D TO COU14't1 coUllC11.. T1\AT 'tl1E ST. 'ttlOlllAS ~o @'ll 000 'BE APPROVED. 1"\ ('\\f"\.tdrKlflSS1014 13UDGE't JIJl\.OUl'l't1NG.\. '1'.1 t SUBURBAll RCAL> "vl'''-' CARRIE1) .... .. f' t.he port. BUrwell Bridge ENGIl'lEER1NG PRoeE'BURES t et.e. t or were diSCUssed. \l\OVE'D 131 ' J. 'BARKER SECOll'DF.D 131: A. AUeK1..A}l1 . . . . . ..' '. TllA't 'IIARUEl'l C1\AIRlIIAll, RY,F.VE P1111..1..WS, REEVE 'il1..S0l'l, AND , ... .. '. '" t:I o. TO 'DISCUSS . . .. ~T'tEK TO }4'EF.T 'fI1 Tll T1'\E L>' ". · REEVE RO'fl1,E1 BE APl'OIN'tED A CO TllF. pORT BUR'IIE1..1.. BR11lGi.. C kRill ED Page #3 THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Budget which was discussed at length. Discussion in particular centred on Urban Rebates and the liability of the Cou.nty in Urban Areas including; C0sts of Curb, Gutter, Storm Sewers, Pavements wider than 24 feet. THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUCTED to prepcire a Report on the Responsibility of the County on these Roads. PURCHASE OF NEW MACHINERY was discu.~:;sed. MOVED BY : J. MCKINLAY SECONDED BY:': J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO Cj~LL TENDERS. FOR THE FOLLOWII\J.G IVIACHINERY (a) SURVEY VAN (b) PICKtfP ~rR.UCK ( c) 2 DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRUCKS (d) A 2 TON TRUCK CAB & CHASSIS (e) TANDEM TRUCK- COMPLETE WITH SNOW PLOW ONE WAY AND WING (f) TANIlEM DUMP TRUCK (g) TRACTOR AND LOADER (h) TRACTOR LOADER & BAeK HOE COMBINATION, AND THAT THE CHAIRNAN AND WARJJEN BE EMPOWERED TO OPEN TENDERS FOR SUMlVIARIZATION. CARRIED MOVEI') BY : J. BARKER SECONDED BY: A. Al!JCKLANI THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF UNnERWOOD LIMITED FOR A 21" .CARRIAGE WNDERWOOD SCRIPTERELECTRIC TYPEWRITER. ATTFfEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $459 :plus O.S.T. SUBJECT TO D.R.C. APPROVAL. CARRIED THE ENGINEER WAS INSTRUGTEIJ to arrange for Rental of Chip Spreader for Surface treatment, similar to last yearts arrange- ments. THE ENGINEER STATED he had nothing 1~o report on the :proposed location of Highbury Avenue extension, or the St;. Thomas By Pass, and had received no further information on the Ford Plant. ~ ST. THorMS, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY, 196h. .TO THE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF ...,.-<................".-...- ..-. ...- THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COI@1ITTEE: GENTLEMEN: ATTACHED to this report is a PROPOSED BUDGET for 1966. The present County Road System is coraposed of a total of approximatelv 292 miles of which 22 miles are under Control of the St. Thomas Suburban ROAd Commission. This is an increase of approximAtely 12 miles over the mileage in 1965 and occured because of the adoption by County Council of the recommendations of the Needs Study (reversion of approximately 30 miles of road and the assumption of approx- imately 42 miles). The PROPOSED BUDGET is based on an expenditure of 8.9 Mills on an assessment of approximately $57.5 million dollars and totals $1,340,000. Of this amount Bridge and Culvert Construction is estimated at $361,000 and work on deletions from the desirahle County Road System is estimated at $86,000. The total expenditure is approximately $480,000 greater than the expenditure in 19h5. MAINTENANCE: THE ADDITION of over 40 miles of Township Roads on the System will increase the cost of Maintenance in 1966, especially Gravel Resurfacing, Maintenance of Gravel Roads and Dust Control. It is also proposed to do a small amount of Grading and Ditching etc. charged to maintenance on some of the Roads assumed (particularlv Road 9 and 43) as a relatively small expenditure will greatly improve the width and visibilit'T etc. in some locations. Gravel Resurfacing is suggested for former RORd 12 (now completed at a cost of approximately $6,500 in 19A6). Road 9 from Road 14 to Road 8 (Continued) MaintenRnce -""".,.--.............-..........----- PROPOSED BUDGET FEBRUARY_J:.966 Page #2 and Road 9 from Road 5' to ROAd 8', all in Dun'VIlich Tov.lnship. Road 5 from ROAd 9 to Thames River, Dunwich - Aldborough Townline and Road 9 from ROAd 3 to Road 5 in Aldborough TO'wnship. This work should all be done by Contract. (Total approximately 22 miles). As time permits Gravel is being hauled hv County Trucks to vArious roads in the St. ThomRs area from the Stockpile at VmiteYs Station. These Ropds include Road 45 between Road 22 and Road 36, Road 29, Road 31 and Road 52 between the Bostwick Road (Southwold Township) and Carr's Bridge (Yarmouth Township.) I would suggest Surface Treatment of Rpproximately 34 miles in 1966 (including 10 miles over mulch and Double Surface Treatment that was lain in 1965). It is also proposed to continue our programme st8rted in 1965 of Hot J1ix Patching on various paved roads which will not be rebuilt in the next few yeArs. 1PINTEH CONTROL COSTS are 8 s alvvays, nec3rly impossible to estimate. THE COST OF most other items will rise somewhat because of the increased cost of labour and materials. Sign Costs however, will be lOvJer due to the purch8 se of B considerable number of Signs, posts, etc. before the end of 1965~ URBAN REBATES are estimated at $53,000 which is a rebate of 35% of the road rAte of 8,,9 Mills. (The rebAtp ;1'1 past years has been 35%. This amount can be varied between 25 & 50% by County Council). OVERHEAD COSTS (vJhich were approximatel v $58,999 in 1965) are estimeted at $80,000 (8 portion of both Urban Rebates and Overhead costs 8re shown in Road Construction). Cost increAses Are expected in neArly all items page #3 (continued) ~lerical pension of O'l1erhead, partiCularlY superintendence, ' and 1.1.olidaYS ",ith pa;,r. ~ ~ ~.YJJ.T_-]!!'1JiJ~ is last ;,rear' s Cost as a number ". ~ e~l~ced thiS yeo~. . . d' must \) e r t' C' CountY ~s assum~n~ . ) thiS " ( ,1 1" sport 'l'albot -0 . dd'e paint~ng ,\,a",er , hoped to do some pr~ ~ year as none ~as done last year. d '0" 1).H.O. . E,'V'PE.l~Dl'l'URES Rllo\'1e "'O'l',kL lI\h1N'l'E,Nf'..NCE, 'J'>. I. " l"st '\fear. " 0 000 al10"eu <' ' . $ 70 000 compared to $34 , . e ...."is 'Tear ~s .,3 ' .I\llotments ",,~11 '0 vI.' ' M . tenance "' . future years J',t.f1~n (\Jndoubted11 ~n . the l'Ieeds Stud;!)' uo-gested b"T " l'ne "ith that s ~ more l.n 1- N rrl0l~ e the 'l~ CONS'l~~ uction ar c~~ C'ni :\r~R1_--;..-- Constr A fill. - i\ii\\J~, A O"e anu GE .f\l,~ -- f 13r1.uo l\Tert ~ items o. Gull~J cu l dO\J'.ln- ajOr lter, " "On \ 'l'he t'l'lO m. 0. the stR . t to re'l1~s~ ncil. . dge an sub lec t"\T Cou St. Br1- . 'os are v f Coun O"e ~ ~o ' n 0- 'Age Georo theSe ,) ~eSS1-0 c Br1-~L St 0 both ~ii "V"'ch ~- -' e ,it). for he 1~18.1- Georg; , . ient 'E.stimates d) before t f the St. that suff~C . shope 'lding 0 ho-ped Thom? S d it 1- he bu1- "t is e St. \No r al for t lthough 1- t"'^ for t h " ~ro'V' , ed a mon )1.l. th1..S Cit'V apt"' rece1-V . thin B ' "1 for been le iN1- unC1.. 1 t 'vet . 8ilBb Cit'\f Co "t;til hB S nO. "11 be aV r08 cn < 'V\lork l..S tiOn \1\11.. to apP 'lling; vide inforro.8 commiSsion d 'lest 1)r1- . mateS -pro '0 ad' '\r 8n est1- ~ , ban i\.O ,. \NOrr.. d the . S l..S 3uOur " ineering Gull:! an , hough th1- Eng stalter r alt been t at \. ' hiS 1e8 , '11 has OU fill t the f1- f the 'on of o ort1- "'^en 8 -p de \r-J!.l. 1\18 ~. approval. being; carried for the completion testS dependent on completed. "E\lnds are l~pleton and ~cNiel Br~dges spring; Creek Cul'l1ert on Rd. . d for the replacement of the est1-m2te '0 ("A KO And on former County 1'0au / ' rl "I'd'\' C" East of Belmont. '3 { l.'l.. · lJ · the Page #4 PROPOSED BUDGc,T ;;---,... ...-,.-,.-.-,,;;.-- ~~~ construction \ Cont inued) Money is also budgeted for Pipe Culvert construction in con- junction with grading on Road 2, Band 27 and for addition to concrete culverts on Ro~d 40 north of Mount Salem. B. ~ New l~chinerY Costs are estimated at $65,000 and includes: a Van for surveying; a pickuP Truck; t~O Double Cab pi ckUP Trucks; a 2 Ton Stake Truck repla cing a 1961 G .11. C. 1 Ton Stake; a Tandem DumP Truck complete with one waY Snow PlOW and Wing to replace a 1951 InternatiOnal Truck; Tandem DumP Truck to replace a 1957 International Tandem Dump Truck; Tractor, loader and post hole auger to replace a 1949 MinneapoliS 1_101ine Tractor, Loader and huger; a tractor, loader and back-hoe combinatiOn; surveying equipment for a second survey Party; Several Chain Saws; Office Eouipment and 8 \i\Jater pump. Land purchase is estimated at $35,000 which is up slightlY from 1965. InstallatiOn of Railroad protection - lRoad 14 Iona Station Crossings, C. & o. and N.1.C. Railroad, - C.p.R. Crossing east of Belmont on Road 37) is estimated at $5,000. lcosts of protection on the N.1.C. Railway Crossing on Road 52 east of springfield are not expected till 1967). Funds are budgeted to com~lete grading, gravelling etc. on Road 19, 44 and 45 as well as to place a Double surface Treatment on theSe RoadS. FundS are estimated to complete grading and granular base etc. started in 1965 on Road 52 and Road 54 which have been reverted to the TownshipS. Grading, Granular Base etc. on Road 27 is estim8ted at $220,000. ThiS alSO includes necessary curb, gutter and 1'~ge #5 ~ ,continued) . "t. is . 0. S arta ~ere aga~n ~ cl . ere ",ork in Un~on an -p .. storm ra ~nR \? . . }~ar ch~. . '11 likelY be ava~lable ~n ~nBer e~~ate "'~ ' "Adocl ::1 S t. her e _ ~ L'7 Frog;r amme ;> re ","," ~ had been estimMte1 for \a) Road 2 from ROad 3 from Road 15 to ~",y. PROPOS"\1.D B1j~ ;..,;.::..;:---;;--~. "F"EBRUI\R'l 19q9 ~_._...--.~ )l. s-pot Im-provement \0 ) fill\" unt. Salem. . ~ ile north 0 ,',0 O ",roJ(~matelV' m on Road 4 a-p,,' tiOn estimates a fall constrUC ' t.he nat.ure 0 Due to . . the budget" the f ~ll 000 ",as set u-p ~n mount 0 ~ , · contingencY a . ~ the co~ittee ~n lcl De clec~cled ~)~ ". of \/lJhicb. cOll clis'POs~t.~on -perha-Ps ~d_Su1l\.mer. C DVJ11LOH!\E.N~ . n the Budget . ~.< are not sho",n ~ tS of theSe ' )l.lthoUgh the cos $40 000) available "11 be fundS ,a-p-proJ(imAtel~ ~ ' t.here if-J~ d JJ.7Bh it a-p-pears . ) '" velo'Pment Roa 1f ;, d' -pfl~~ng ve ~ . to \a) com-plete ,inclu ~ng , start on grading , . " to \ b) make a ' h To",nsh~-P an'"' f" 1cl \Road 45) in BaY am " Jf340 from s-pring ~e lonment 'Ro31..l 1 "Q e \')ork on Deve " . and. Granular pas ~. \Nest.er 11. l). . nevelO-pment Road a 'Parent increase ~n . Because of the -p. ~ l~llied .' f the "Ford. Plant ane . . 1 a 0. the bU~ld.~ng 0 fundS ava~lab e ,n and.ed Road. progra~e ~~ 10. a"''Pear that an eJ(-p '" OU " . ~ \ at (' .. "nT' the ne'y:t fe'" years ~ rI"\.hl v _ ~.; nment. · -purcha se ne'l" - ~~ . imum? nd. undo iJ b t e (l.J.. ) 0. for are set at a m~n . costS budgete ,,' Loaders etc. . her of -pickU-P trUC~s, rent~ng anum 1 PlanS are hire more -per sonne · and to train several more ~ BOui-pment ",e ",ill again be It ",ill alSO be necesS8r~ to being made for t"'O sur~ey -partieS, 'Page #6 ~ \cont.inued.) '\:{ b"\T ear 11 . It ma~ be necessar J 'b spr1..ng; · - , machine operat.ors Y E ineer of his dut.ies . t.he ASsiSt.ant. t.o t.he ng · suroroer t.o rel~e~e he can d.e~ot.e all h~s . '-T Inspect.or SO t.hat. as const.ruct.~on safet.,. . ld. also be gi '\Ten to C 'de~at1..on shoU R d.s ons~' · t.ime t.o Count.Y 08 . . 1 ~ears e~per~ence "(i\, . er \fJ'l.th se'\Tera ~ J . or un.g1..Ue t.he hiring of a un~ . t.c Ad.d.it.ional f t.he const.ruct.ion Des~gn e · t.o handle some 0 l be necessarY' . O~~'ce AssiSt.ance maY a so Part T~me J.J.~ ~.QP.o9~]Y}?9]!. - ~~ 1\.1.1. Of ~mlC\\. IS R1i.SPECTfU1.1. "{ SUBV\.ITTED. f(,/j ~ COUl-lT"{ ENGll-lEER R. G. VlOORE, P .El-lG. 1>age #7 1~BRur),"B:~ ;,....---.~_.:--- ~ ~ ~ ~ 12i?1-~ $51,768.68 18,585.1.8 11,741.45 12,873,74 ~osl $37,502.82- 26,602,67 22,145.1.0 1.1,449.41 1966 E S rrl~~p.. rrE ---.;---:.._~ $56,000 66,000 ')0,000 15 ,000 ~ surface Tre~t~ent Gravel Resurfacing Repait'S to 'Pave~entS li\aintenance of Gravel "Roads ~ $4~,328.59 29,431..42 26,140,93 12,1.09.39 '2. 000 626.95 4 , 8 000 1.62.05 ,1., . 1 , , 000.99 , 2 000 45, 15,. 1. , . 09'7.95 ' 902, 77 6' ,000 17, I 9, . '12 .56 . ;94,09 4', 000 11,3 4, . . . 3',076,32 . 42 4' ,000 4 ,689., . 2', 986 ~ 41- '2,', 58? .42 , 5,000 742.04 4',n97 ,21- " j 000 2, 4,009.4; , 50 ,',000 9,224. 6,8'76,88 1',696,12 9' , 000 , ;21.8; , 5')9.85 ,',000 1, 5, ~ 17'3.45 431.09 ;,000 7, 44').,0 nil 5 000 '2. , nil · 909.44 42,59,.26 4; , '1anter control Dust control \Need control 43,251.20 19,773,23 9,732.49 ,,176,12- Brushing · Drains and catch Basins 2~492.62 t '7 368.90 Drainage ~ssess~en $ '~ . ~'A~ ~ 211.35 Railroad 'ProteCvkV>> /~ 4,489.04 227.89 ,,' a 9 530.25 centre 'Line 1I\?r",:t1'le> ~ seeding ~' Tree 'Planting; 1,784.58 Grading l~intenanee) nil 38 921.'S Reoates to ~r~an ' lJ\.Uni eipal k t keS l3510 of 8.9 ~illS) lTotal $53,000 ) Sig;n6 Guide Rail 41 ,479 /2.1. . 49,198.98 58,216.65 TOT A.L ~ 'LBSS ~ rrOrr J ..1.. ~ 47 ,000 ~ $353',000 ~ $323,000 ~ ove~head ~BO 000) \ ~otal 'P ' Decrease in Stock Balance i " 14,898.91 15,000 , ,,000 .. B~ CU'LV'ERTS culvert l~intenance Bridge 1~inten8nce Bridg;e 'Painting -~ $ 25,000 'Pe~e #8 ~ ~ SlQ.~~-2v1:~ BSTl1nJ\TES --- ..:::;;.------ $22,000 St Thomas Subu~ban Road commission , B~idge and Road 11\.aintenance 'i~inter'WorkS 1 ~ fo~ subsid~ t~iabilit~ InsU~ance etC,) temS nov' J A,OOO . 1 , 500 !2.T}}~ \rJinteriNorkS b~ 0'1 m 1 500 to Count1 at a cOoV ~ ' t. 0'1 m 1 500 to Count1 . b at a cOs ~~ ItemS Not fo~ sub5J.d1 y-- '0.\\.0. $323,000 25,000 22,000 at a cost of $lhl~500 to county at a coet of $ 5,000 to county t O'P m ~ 400 to county at B COS' .~ ~ ~, Count1 Roads B~idge and culve~t St ThOmas SubU~ban Road and BridgeS $370,000 ~ hT ~ coST OF $174,900 TO COUNT1 =~. 'Page #9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 4,000 150,000 d Co~i5Sion RO~ St Thoma s Sub u~b8jLJt~--""";=;--:';:;;'--::"--- ~.-~~ St, Geo~ge St~eet B~idge . count'T Bria~l;3'-s~~}.~.9.?~~ ~~ V'll Rd. 42 Stalter Gull~ culvert 8nd J. , . on NeVI G~aaJ.ng Rd, 27 Pipe culvert const~uctJ.on 1 t " Rd. 2 and 3 pipe cu ver 1 t Rclditions Rd, 40 conc~ete cu ve~ 125,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 , 6$ ---- < $211,000 " " " MaPleton BriMe 1J\.cNie1 Bridge Rd' 37 1:J\, C.~, Spring Creek t~lg,in Share) rrOT hL ~ $ 23,000 33,000 65,,000 , 35,000 nil Storm Drains etC, Rd. 44 Bayham, Cleanup, Double sUrface T~eatment to 1:J\ount salem, C~ushed Rd, 45 Wllahide, C~Y:: cleanup etC' Double G~avel, gra J.no, Su~face Treatment . Granula~ BaSe etC, completiOn ~~dGrad~gbo~chester Rd, 52 1:J\alanJ. e - ' , , G nula~ Base etC,. ) 12 000 completiOn of G~adJ.ng, ~tam t count'l1' of ~lpn share · ' Rd, 54 S.Do~cheste~, Der . 220 000 nO. 27 Union to spa~ta ' 1. Base etc. ", ~' Grading, G~anu ar la~mouth ToVlnsnJ.P . :lnd G~anula~ BaSe Rd, 42. stalter Gul1~, G~adJ.ng . etc. ~ Urban RebBtes tTota~ $53,000) ove~head tTotal $30,000) Ne~ 11\.8 chiner1 Land 'Purchase N eeo.s StJUd:Y . f R:lil~oad protection InstallatJ.on 0 c' ..;r , '" S 's on Ne)tt ~ear '" , const~uctiOn, uTVeJ Mise, G~adJ.n~ ffie CountS etc. 'JJork, ~ra tC Double Su~face Rd. 19 southVlOld, Cleanup e ' Treatment 5,000 10,000 1.4 ,000 32,000 45,000 20,000 10,000 ~-e#l,O FEBRur,RY =---~ ~ ~ ESTl11lJ TES :::;.;;;;---~;--- $ 55,000 Rd 2 tRd. 6 i!!este~)..'1 1 mile) and Rd, 6 tno~tne~lY . from Rd. 15 to Hwy' 401) Grading; and Granular Base etc. Dutton &: Dunwich Rd 40 ~ mile north of 1:J\ount Salem, Grading, . Granular BAse etc, ~lahide TownshiP 10,000 contingencieS TOTfi.L ~ ~ $605,000 ~ TOTAL CO~STRUc119! .:;,,;;:...;--~~, St. Thomas Suburban $ 4,000 at a Cost of $ 1,000 to county Roads BridgeS $150,000 at a cost of $15,000 to count" , Bridges and Cul~ertS $211,000 at a cost of :\\42,200 to county Road construetion ~9~ at a Cost of ~9~~ to count" $970,000 at a Cost of $360,700 to COUnt1 =-= =~ Mh.l~TENfJ~ CE CONSTRUCTION $970,000 p,T h COST OF ::.------ ~~ $370 ,000 IS I, COST OF $~40 ,000 Ie T Ie COST 01' $535 ,600 TO TIl~ COUNT1 $174,900 TO TilE COUNT1 $3hO,700 TO TH~ COUNT1 ~"- ~ 6.9 1:J\ills on the CountY Assessment of :\\57,497,000 will raise a~pro)timatelY $511',717. su~p1uS for 1965 ,is appro)timatel1 $24',000, The Total County i:~one" I\vailable $535,717. ~ork on Deletions which do not count toward Development Rd. hid h110c8tion are ineluded in the above Budget and are itemized as fol10Vl$: Rd. 52 $20,000 at a cost of Rd,54 $12,000 at a,cost of Mapleton Br. $25,000 at a cost of 1:J\cNiel Bridge ~ at a cost of $62,000 at a cost of ==- ThiS will likelY be taken care of b" === :\\10 000 to the County , ' $ h,OOO to the County $ 5,000 to the County ~ to the Count" $26,000 to the County = SurplUS from 1965. \ " MOVED BY : C.D. PHILLIPS SECONDED BY: J. MCKINLAY ADJOURN TO MARCH ~th AT 10 a.m. Page #4 / _'_IN'- ) ",..,,0... flu -~'l CHAIRMAN -",,-,"""-""" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 26, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ~LGIN ROAD Co~ITTE~ met at the Cou~t House at 10 K'1:J\' on Janua~1 26, 1966, III members eJtcept Reeves ~ilson, McCallum and Warden 1:J\cKinlay were in attendance. Vlere read and approved. TH~ ENGIN~ER REPORTED on the work to date as follOVlS: 1. ~xs. White of Aylmer had been engaged to assist in the Office. 2. Ice and SnoVl control "lere fairlY heav-y and 'Watters Bros. Sand pile ~ould have to be added to shortlY' sand Piles at Rodney, Dutton THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF January 6th and January 19th 8. and 'White'S Station Vlere alsO 10Vl. Gravelllng waS completed on Road 12. Storm Drain const~uetion VlaS continuing on Dev. Rd. #765. Brushing waS continuing in ~ast and 'West ~lgin. surveys and Soil Tests were continuing for the Replacement of the St. George St. Bridge. Further soil tests Vlere necessary on edge of Stalter GullY and arrangement had been made to carryon with the Vlork necessary. Radio frequencies had been assigned bY the Department of Transport and it Vlas hoped to have the System in opeJ1ation by the end of February or the middle of March. ). 4. 5. 6. 7. 2. CORRESPONDENCE \~AS R~AD from: County of Norfolk re ~stimated 1:J\aintenanee Costs on Road 55. Department of ~aboUr re seminar for construction Safety Inspector March 1st and 2nd. ). C.G,R.A. ~e Reservations for Annual convention. Reeve 1:J\cCallum in Attendance. 1. Page #2 The sale of v\Talnut Trees on the County's Property at Sparta was discussed and the Engineer was instructed to contact the Department of Lands and Forests and to contact several buyers and sell whatever trees that were ready to be sold a.t the best price he could get., Warden McKinlay in Attendance. Weed Spraying on the Oounty R~ads was discussed. MOVED BY : SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND C. PHILLIPS THA T WE REQUEST THE VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS TO SPRAY 1:1HE WEEDS ON THE COUNTY ROADS ON THE SAME BASIS AS LAST YEAR. CARRIED. THE C01VlMITTEE agreed that the pr'8sent day labour method of Construction on County Road be continued for the coming season with tenders to be called for gravel crushing, hot mix pavement and Bridge Construction. It was decided to review trucking rates and the Engineer stated he would bring in a suggested schedule of rates at the next meeting. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that an application should be made to the Board of Transport Commissioners for a flashing light signal at the C.P.R. crossing on Rd. 52 (Dev. Rd. #840) so that the cost of the signals could be incorporated in the Development Road Expenditure. MOVED BY SECONDED BY: JOHN McKINLAY J'. BARKER THAT AN APPLICATION BE MADE TO THE BOARD OF TRANSPORT COW~ISSION FOR FLASHING LIGHT PROTECTION AT THE C.P.R. ON ROAD 52. CARRIED. THE MEETING adjourned for Dinner. AFTEH. DINNER Reeve v'Tilson was in attendance. MR. RALPH McLAUGHLIN of the Frank Cowan Insurance Co. attended the meeting and explained the County Insurance policies and answered members questions. page #3 MOVBD B"'L SECONDED B1~ THAT \tIE REN~W TRE FOLLOIlIlNG INSURANCE 'IlITH TH~ FRANK COWAN CO.: ta) 1:J\UNICIPAL ~IABILIT1 INSURANC~ ~b) NON-OWN~D AUTOMOBIL~ IC1 ~) W~ED SPRA1 INSURANC~' ~e) AUT01:J\OBIL~ VL~ET td) MACHIN~R1 F~OAT~R 'POL e J.B. 'WILSON C. PHILLIPS TH~ ~NGIN~~R PRtSENT~D the attached e:J(planation of Direct l\id policies of the D .R.O, TheSe we~e diSCUssed 'by the committee at length- CARRIEU. 1:J\OV~D B1 . C, PHILLIPS S~CONDED BY: J.B. 'IlILSON TRAT T1:tE ~NGINE~R BE INSTRUCTED TO PR~'PAR~ BASED ON AN ~Xp~ND1TUR~ OF 6.9 1:J\ILLS. CI\RRI"EU · A BUDGET l\itOVED B1 SECONDED B1t J\.KUCKLI\NU J . B. \NILSON . THAT'IlE ADJOURN TO 10 A.1:J\., V~BRUARl 6th, 1966. ~ .e.~ CHAIRMAN · ______-----.,,~.--'k. ~IRECT llD_Bl~~..9.' A Formulae of Di~ect Aid based on the needs of the variouS County Road Systems as indicated by the Needs Study has been developed by the D. H, O. This Formulae is as followS: tMil1 rate for Roads - 6) 2 ( ) (__' 3----1 (0.95) + 0.05 (Unmet Needs at) t 6 Mills ) This Formulae is simplified in the following table showing the Mill Rate and the pereentage of the Unmet Needs the D. H. 0, will pay toward by Direct Aid tDevelopment Roads). 6 1:J\il1s 5~ 7 MillS 15~ 7.5 1:J\ills 291> 8 MillS 47~ 8.1 Mills 52~ 6.2 1i1ills 56% 6.3 1:J\ills 61% 6.4 1:J\ills 66% 6.5 Mills 7l~ 8.6 1:J\ills 76~ The Ontario Department of Highways uses certain termS which are defined as follOWS: ~ 1. Defined Needs tin Dollars) - 100% of FiJted CostS tin any year) + 70% of construction Needs of the Desirable County Road System for the PeriodS shown in the Needs StudY as nOw plUS 1 to 5 years. (AS we are now into the 1 to 5 year group starting in 1965 - 1969 inclusive). 2. 1:J\i11 Rate is alwayS provinciallY equalized - not County equaliZed- 3. County must meet or eJtceed 6 Mills befere Direct Aid is considered. 4. Aid for 1965 and 1966 will be a11ecated on basiS of 1966 expenditures- J5. The fact that a certain Dollar amount for Aid is calculated d.es not necessarilY mean that the money is immediatelY fortheOming. It means that we are eligible for that money when it is available and Vlhen we have received approval of pre_engineering etc. on approved mileages of Road. 6, The dollar value work oitt.he Dev.eibpmentlt'Oad Aid will be the cost est.imated in the Needs study whether or not the aetual cost is more or lesS' DIRECT AID BY - - D. H. O. ~ ... , pegeF#2 7. Fixed Costs {See item #1) are Costs of: ta) IJ\aintenance of Bridges and Roads, both County and Sub'lrban System tb) AdministratiOn and overhead {c) Ne'N l~achinerY (d) Urban rebates All as estimated by the Consultant in the Need Study for each year. The County cost for these items in any year may be over or under theSe estimates. tour costs Vlill likelY be reasonablY close if we average them over 5 years). B, 70'f0 tsee item #1) waS an arbitrar~T figure used by th" D. H, O. apparentlY based on the funds they thOught they might have available. The following figures are being used by the D. H, 0, for ~nlculation purposes and ma'l1' vary slightlY from the totalS that ,_11 appear in the Needs Stud", ThiS is because the DepartmpY" haS transferred several Road items from the 1 to 5 year to the 6 to 10 year period and haS transferred the costs of Stalter Gully from a Bridge need to a Road need, Q!}Lc}lL1\rUON~ ~~lQ9! NEEDJi t NO'f! PLUS 1 to 5 lEAR) $1,802,000 7010 of thiS Amount "" Amount per year over 5 years "" $1,261,400 $ 252,280 t$2~, ~ or") n f\D 'NEEDS ......;;,..------ RURI\L URBAll $5,977,000 2 708 000 ~... ,_"",~r~--" $8,685,000 == $6,079,500 $1,215,900 == $1,:;'1 (" k'O 70'f0.. of this Amount Average over 5 years Page' p1R~ BY D~1:J.,..9;' f~STS (from Needs StudY) $249,900 30,300 53,600 54,000 Maintenance County Suburban Administration & overhead Ne'tJIJ 1-~a chinery Bridge and Culvert t~intenance County Suburban Urban Rebates 16.600 2 ,100' $3~QQ $456,700 {457,000) * ThuS our defined needs for Bridge Fixed Costs Roads 1966 are~ $252,000 v 457,000 v ~~~ $1,925,000 To find our unmet Road needs at 6 Mills the following ~/cdlQtions are necessary: ,ssessment for 1966 (-, 1:J\ills on thiS amount raises 'rst the Cost of BridgeS to the Count" are c(jlCulated Cost of $252,000 of Bridge Needs are $50,400 tSubsid~ 60%+ Cost to Count~ 20%) The Cost t9 County of Fi~ed Costs are 50% of 45'7,000 ~ $279,000 ~57 500 000 (~-- , , , , $345~000 ThuS leaving for Road Construetion LesS $345,000 ~79 ~..QQ. $ hh,OOO V '1'0 thiS must be added the proceeds of ~ 1.~il1 on assessmen" (',;,ty of St. Thomas (Vlhether more or leSS is co}..lect'^'" City'S assessment is approJtimatel'l1' $38,000,000 ~ Mill ~ $19,000 "',"",s tote 1 amount toward Road needs is $66,000 + :!:.9.t 092 $85 , 000 ^ ~his provides for $1 '70,000 (SubsidY at 50%) of Road YTockf ThuS yhe unmet needs at n li\ills are $1,216,000 lk)Ss "'11J:1) rrro nr $1,046,000 (in 19(-,h). _..,,;~ loLl1- .,.....e".;. {';; ~ ~ DIRECT AID BY D. H. O. -~."...~-~ ' Page I/:4 It is on this amount that Direct Aid is calculated as a ~~centage. At this mill rate (6 mills) the County wil~ be igible for 5% of the Unmet needs or approximBtely $52,000. At 7.5 Mills the additional County Money raised is 1.5 ($57,5000,000) = $86,250. Thus at 50% 8ubsidv the Road Needs met are $172,500. ^t this mill rate (7.5 millp' the D. H. O~ wi~l provide 29% of the unmet needs at 6 mil~ or .29 x $1,046,000 or $303,340. Thus at 7.5 Mills a total.of ~pproximately $476,000 are met out of a total nee~ of $1,046,000. (County would be spending approximately $646,0~0 on Road Construction at this mill rate. Roads under 6 mills - $170,0000 Roads over 6 mills, including Dev. Rd.., .r~id - $476,000.,1 ~le spent $464,000 last year on Construction plus approx- imately $220,000 on Development Roads, including,Township of Bayham Road, or a total of approximately $684,000), ht g Mil~s the additional, County lfuney raised is (2) ($57,SOO,000) = $115,000 thus meeting 8230,000 of the needs. The D. H. O. will provide 47% 0+ $1,046,000 or $49l,620~ Thus meeting approximately $607,000 of the total $1,046,OOr At 8.5 Mills the additional County ~1onev raised is " ".......-... ~,. <\. , 2.5 ($57,500,000) = $143,750 thus meeting $287,590'0+ the needs. The D. H. O. will meet 71% of need$ of.$1,046,OOO or $742,660. Thus meeting approximately $1,030,000 of the total needs. ll.t 8.6 M~lls. the addition91 County ~1oney raisE~d. is 2.6 ($57,500,000) = $149,500 thus meeting $299,000 of th~ needs. .The,D. H. O. will me~t 16% of the needs of $1,04~ nr or $795,000, thus meeting $1,094,000 of Road Needs. Thus the desirable Hill Rate r.r the optimum ()mount of ",rect fiid is approximately 8.53 Mills obtained by a Graph;""-- -"~hod. Ls our assessment ,is not quite Provincially Equalized, a ~actor to bring the County Assessment to Provincially equaliz- ~~essment must be used. This factor is 1.042. Using a desirable Provincially eq~a~ized mill TAte of $. 53 mills the County Hill rate "\flloul;d be approximately 8.90 l' /', '3 t(~ /'~ ~.v~ I /"1 ~ . ' .~;) J. ~ ~ovy./~ " . t "J.,. ,.' !::J l /~/~t., , v~ ".(t ~'l / DIR}~C!__~ID BY D. H. O. ;:. :J ~f /16 ,// COl\lPf:2loN BETHEEN 7...2 lULLS f,ND 8.9 MILL R! TE Page 115 Total Additional CQunty Money raised is $80,500 ( 1.4 Mills on $57,500,000 Assessment) Total Ldditional Money from D. H. 0,. In Subsidy $80,500, In Direct ~id ~llocattons $742,660 - $303,340 or approximAtely $439,000. hs the amount levied in 1966 also governs the Amount of Direct ~id for 1965 this amount is double or approximately $878,000. Thus the total benefit,from Countv ~xpenditure Qf 1.4 Mills more ($80,500) is $878,000 plus $80,000 or $958,000 or a Subsidy rate of about 91.5%. However in this desirable Mill RRte the following things are NOT considered: 1. Bridges NOT on County Roads 2. Cost of Upgrading deletions. These costs by the County do not count toward the allocatil of Development Road ~id although Subsidy is payable at the usual rate. (Estimated costs this year: Mapleton and McNiel Bridges - $10,000 to County \ Road 52 and Road 54 - $16,000 to County These amounts will be Dearly met by estimated surplus from 1965 which is $23,500). FUTURE N~Jl.,DS in 6 to 10 year Periods - apprQx:i.mC)te1y $3,019,DOO (minimum) $2,606,.000 Left from 1 to 5 year Period (70% completed) ~~ $5,625,000 / Scheduled for the 1 to 5 year perios is $6,080,000 In 1965 needs costing $607,000 estimated at *699,000 were done (87% of estimate). It is likely that the estimates for Construction are perhAps 80 - 85% accurate for the present ti~ but are likely to become closer as future years bring higher costs. Fixed costs are likely quite ~~se ClS the higher present costs (probably toward $470,000 this year) might be offset in future years by lower maintenance costs on rebuilt roads. ,- ~ (61 t , oP bJ/ .~ I J1/'jl I ,~Jo -/'f ~ I :;)J I ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 19, 1966. THE COUN'ry OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 3:30 P.M. on January 19, 1966 in conjunction with County Council. PRESENT: Warden John McKinlay C. D. Phillip A. Auckland J. B. Wilson G. E. Brown J. Barker Reevl8 of Yarmouth ReeviS of Bayham Reevl8 of Southwold ReeviS of S. Dorchester Reeve of Malahide Reevl8 of Springfield ADVISORY MEMBERS: G. Woolner B. McCallum I. Rowley Reeve of Aldborough Reeve of Dunwich Reeve of Port Burwell MOV!~]) BY: J. BARKER SECONDED BY: A. AUCKLAND THAT REB\TE BROWN BE CHAIRMAN FOR 1966. CARRIED. Reeve Brown thanked Committee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on work to date stating: 1. Ice and Snow Control had been light. 2. Storm Drain Construction was continuing on Dev. Rd. #785 3. Watters Bros. Ltd. were n~arly done gravelling on former County Rd. 12. 4. It was hoped Watters Bros. would soon apply crushed gra.vel on Road 45 between Mount Salem and Calton. 5. Brushin~ was continuing in both East and Vvest Elgin. 6. Engineering on Road 27 between Union and Sparta was continuing. 7. It would 'be about two weeks before the Needs Study would be printed. :MOVED BY : JOHN McKINLAY ~. SECONDED BY: CHARLES PHILLIP THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF ~~50 BE PAID TO THE ONTAHIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE OF $50 BE PAID TO THE CANADIAN GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AND THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN NAME DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTIONS OF BOTH ASSOCIATIONS. CARRIED. ST. T\101MS, ot TRIO J ~,NU J\.R ':1: S~Ss 1011, 1966 · TO T\1~ \'J\RD~l; f\ND COU}lC1L OF T\1~ COUUT':1: OF ~~GIN. ~t as fo110'rls: lOUR RO~D COWI\.ITT~~ begs to repo f costS of constructiOn T\1~ 'FO~~Oi!I1UG is 8 summary 0 f ~lgin Roa&S during 19h5: and ~intenance on county 0 ~~: ~1- ' f Grading v'ork etc. $25,729.70 1. paving and c~~~e~~~~s~erlY to Blaek's ~ane Road 6 ~om h':'" of tl.ldboroUgh. in the ,oV'lnS J.,. . ent an& completion of 2. Double surfa ee Trea"f6 from Talbot creek Gra&ing \qork i. R~t5 in the TOVlnshiP of \JesterlY to ,,08 uuu-wich. 39,403.57 2l,391.l2 n~ 41:. ~~ount ~ BaSe etc, ~U' ) Gra&ing, G~anu a~n the TOVlnshiP of salem to calton J. 1I\.alahide. '00. 1:.2 east 1 BaSe etC, " · ) G~a&ing, Granu a~ R, TownshiP of of NeVl lo~k central.R. f south Dorchester. lI\alahide and Townsh'l,:P 0 tC '010. 54 south la~ Base e'" ' G~ading, G~anuTownshiPS of sout~ of BrownsvJ.lle Rd. h m \ CO\lUt~ of ~lpn Do~cheste~ and De~e a, . share onl~)' n 0. z7 union to sparta, SU1\]e-ys - 1.,-08 TownshiP of larmouth d" d constl~ctiOn 1:J\iScellaneous G~a J.no ~~affic countS etc. su:r\I6:JS, .l. . ,. 1 tiOn of Gra&ing et~. paving, and comp e , 1.1 'rIeSter 1'1/' J.n the Road 42 f~om po~t F\rwe ' TownshiP of Bayham. . tiOn of Grading etc. paving and comple . the ToVln of J\.'I1'lme~' Road 53, ~lm St" J.n B etC Road 19 Grading, Granular aSe · TOVlnshiP of southVlold '00. 44 from 1 BaSe etC' ~. Grading, G~anu f9 in the TownshiP of \1'11'1' 3 to uwy. Ba1hat(l. 4. 5- 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10- 11. 1.2. 1.6., '76'7 · B4 34,998.4h 91,991.77 74,161.30 10,'7'71.41 4,082.65 653.29 1,325.35 1,(;99.81 TO THE W'f~RDEN AND COUNCIL _ RO/iDS 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. JANUARY SESSION 196A -- JI: Page lJ 2 (Continued). Installation of GAtes & Flashing Lights Signals at Railroad Crossings on Road 4 (Kent Townline and Black's Lane)~ Road 14 (lona StAtion), Road 20 (Shedden) and Road 53 (Aylmer). New Ma chinery Needs Study Land Purchase (including Land Surveys and Solicitors Fees.) Fencing on Development Road #785 Township of Bayham (now County Road 45) ..I. ". TOTAL RO!\D CDNSTRUCTIOF (COUNTY) ROhD COSTHUCTIOIJ BY ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN Rot', D COr,ll'1ISE\lON TOTAL ROAD CDNSTRUCTION $18,759.91 29,844.73 16,712.06 27,316.75 8,547.03 $424,163.25 1,295.42 $425,458.67 ~RIDGE_~'l.N~._ CULVJ~~T CQ.N_~r.rRUCTIOtI 1. Elm St. Bridge and Approaches Rd. 53 n91.90 To'wn of Aylmer 2. Gillies Drain Outlet Culvert. Road 9 1,082.64 Township of Dunwich (Completion of Work from 1964) , 3. Two Concrete Culverts Road 9, Township of 20,410.67 Aldborough. 4. Concrete Culvert Road 12, Township of 5,970.18 Dunwich. 5. Structural Plate Culvert Road 20 North 2,784.74 of Hwy. 401 Township of Southwold. 6. Pipe Culvert Construction in conjunction 6,395.37 wi th Grading Road 19, Township of Southli\lo1d. 7. Pipe Culvert Construction in conjunction 10,222.06 with Grading Road 44 - Township of Bayham. 8. Pipe Culvert Construction in conjunction 11,004.62 with Grading ROAd 45, Township of ~~lahide 9. Pipe ~llvert Construction in con~unction 347.16 with Grading ROAd 52 - Township of Malahide and Township of South Dorchester. 10. Pipe Culvert Construction in conjunction 1,075.6B with Grading Road 54 - Townships of South Dorchester And Dereham (Countv of Elgin share only). . 11. Stalter Gully Bridge - Road 42 Malahide 8,890.88 Township. J~,llUI;~,~J~ TO TH~ W~RD~~ h~D COUNCIL ;;.---~ BRIDG~ ~ND CU~VERT CO~STRUCTI0N - \CO~TINUEn). TOT~~ B~lDG~ ~ND CU~VERT CONSTRUCTI0~ TOTr:LS ~ .;.__:----- TOTLL ROr,D C0l1STRUCTI0l1 $425 ,453,67 . ,"\rVR'" h3 ,~O TOThL BRIDG~ f.lD C\I1,' p , --- -- COllSTRUCTI0U ' TOTL~ CONSTR\'CTIOlH $494,334,57 -== ..====== --= -="'-=~ ~-~.~----- ~ ~ 1, ~inte~ control 2. surface Treatment Repairs to pavementS G~avel Resurfacing G 0., CJ' \ including 1~8intenance of xr8 lilt:> ) Gr3\Te1 roadS "Dust control 3 · 4. 5 · 6. 7 . 'lileed control s. Bru,shing Guide RailS centre Line ~rking 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 · 14. 150 16. SignS Tree "Planting Rail~oad FrotectiOn "page #3 $68,e;r;5.90 ~--- Drains D~ainage ~ssessmentS , . Kettle c~eek, Creek DJ.VersJ.on - 1:J\eek'S B~idg,e Renates to ToVlns and ~illages ~: 1'7 . $31,626.95 31,502.82 22,145.10 26,602.h7 11,449.41 15,000.99 9,902.'71 4,394. 09 1,696.12 5,339.85 9,224.50 431.09 4,691.21 4,689.42 2,535.42 852.66 ~ $232,550,51 TO THE WI,RDEN f.ND COPNCI1 ~ ..__-:_.___~T r ~TlT ~'~~.r,_~~S S I OtLJ~9 t) h PAge :/14 PRIDGES !.ND CULVERTS ....- ....-. .'....''"''--...............--... 1. 2. Niscel1aneous Bridge HAintenance * 1,383.12 14,898.91 53.20 MiscellAneous Culvert r~intenAnce 3. lfupleton Bridge (Engineering). TOT1\1 BRIDGE 1,1I.IrJTEH/)NCE $lh,335.23 TOTAL HOlD I,ND BRIDGE lVlf~II'TTgN,:.NCE $2L"g, 885 ~ 74 COUNTY OVEHHEf;D 1. Superintendence (County Engineer, (ssistant $15,7lg.21 to Engineer and General ForemAn) 2. Clerical 14. County Machinery Overhead 15. Permits 16. Overhead Charged to D.R. #692 and #785 and TownLine !ccounts CREDIT CREDIT CREDIT 4,383 .09 980.8r;7 2,461.38 7,52h.33 184.08 5,244.34 1,958.84 4,692.11 5,693.64 1,321.81 7,556.49 2,588.29 217.00 77.00 1,923.83 3. Car Mileage (Countv Engineer) 4. Office 5. Garage 6. Rodney Garage '7. Tftiscel1aneous Repairs 8. Tools 9. Insurance 10. Pension 11. U. I. C. 12. Holidays With Pay 13. Sick Benefits 17. Miscellaneous Unsubdized Expenditures 125.00 $58,21A.65 TOTtL COUNTY RO~D LND BRIDGE MrINTEN~NCE ~ND OVERHE~D $307,102.39 TOT/iL 8T 0 THO~I!;,(:: 8UBURBtN ROI.D COr,,}l\~ISSIOJ.\J BRIDGE f.ND RO/~D ~jU~ rtTTEN/.NCE f.1,JD OVERHE! D 25,249.85 TOTl,L ROI\D M/:,INTENfI.NCE :^,ND OVERHE/:.D $332,352.24 TO TH~ "HtRD~ ism CO'1ll.Cjk_:_-;!.i'.l:lV1Jl..:t3?..?g.0~ Page Jf:5 .....:_-:..----- __------ 11' TOTLLS:- ----:...--- CONSTRUCTI0~1 : 1.Jl.LIHTENJ.J~CB : Su:b-Total $494, 33LI- 0 57 )]1~22~?.:.3h ~~826 ,686.31 32~2-J-2 $876,491.93 ~~.3h 1965 Stock Balance Sub-Total ~ess 1964 Stock Balance GRL~1D TOTLL: $860,503 · 7Lr ---=~~---'-- ~...:;..- - ::;:;;.'--.----::;---- In j',DDITI0N varioUs \hnter \lorks projects including , f G 'd na1.'l fence brushing and insta).latiOn of erectJ.on 0 UJ. e ~, , Storm D~ains ~e~e carried out on CountV and Suburban Roads, These totalled $7,619.32 vork VlaS alsO performed and billed to the countieS of 1-~iddleseJt end OJCford and the City of St. Thomas on BoundarY Roeds and Bridges. Rot MiJC Peving 'WaS laitY on Countv Road 24 being Development Road #692 at a cost of $31,496.52 and ~aS billed 'I dd'tO the D H O. supplied materielS to the D, R. 0, \ n a J. J.on .' . . Valued at $9,393.h9). These "mounts billed totalled $12,410,97. f, provincial sales TaJC RebBte of $2,390.22 VlaS received and credited to operBtiOns. work WBS performed and ~BterialS purchased fo~ Development Road #735 and billed to the TownshiP of Bayham for rebilling to the D.H.O. in the amount of $37,929.44, VTork VlaS alSO performed for varioUS municipalitieS d ' materialS 'Were sold. in the COUnt'T and others an varJ.ous ' Total of count'l1' Roed Vouchers for 1965 'WaS $965,370.36. TO THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL JANUARY SESSION 196~ Page #6 IN ADDITION Supervision of Development Road #785 in Bayham Township was under the direction of County forces. In 1965 a total of $182,443.66 was expended on this Development Road (which includes the amount of $37,929.44 billed by the County. to the Township of Bayham). THUS THE TOTAL AMOUNT of money expended under County Supervision was in the order of $1,130.000. ~~ HAVE RECEIVED notice from the D. H. O. that normal expenditures must not exceed iB200, 000 for Construction and $370,000 for Maintenance. The limit for Construction i~ the same as in past vears but the limit for Maintenance is increased to cover the increasing costs and an increase in Road Mileage. SUPPLEMENTARY BY-LAW'S are available as in the past for approved Construction Projects. WE RI:~COIC]1END: 1. THAT THE 'WARDEN name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and the Canadian Good R~ads Association Convention. 2, THAT A BY-LAW be passed which in effect amends County By-Law #1826 restricting weight on certain County Bridges. The changes from By-Law #1$26 are as follows: (a) A 10 Ton Limit is placed on Carr's Bridge over Kettle Creek on Road 52 (Road #52 was assumed as a County Road on January 1, 1966). (b) Reduces the Load Limit on St. George Street Bridge over Kettle Creek from 15 Tons to 5 Tons. (c) Reduces the Load Limit on Orwell Bridge over Catfish Creek from 15 Tons to 10 Tons. 3. THAT A BY-LAW be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating Land necessary to widen County Roads in 1966. It is necessary thAt such By-Laws be passed yearly. J J\1'IIl J\R'l: :>,E5S1. ON 1.G66 'to 't1:\E 'l1J\RDBl' J\lID COUNCIL ( continued.) 96~) especting the 'IIeight 'tw.'l' B'l:-LJ\'l1 # 1.886 ('Passed in M/3.rch 1. I r 4, B1 1.,a'll 'oe passed of Loads to 'oe carried on 'Jenic1.es 'oe repea1.ed and a ne'll - adding the f o1.1.o..,d.ng 'Roads to the schedu1.e: 0. 1.4 ) Road 1.5 in uutton to Roa (a) 'Road 1.3 tShackleton street fro~ . ) 1)\1 ~ en 't o"WUshi? · I south'llo1.d-uun..,d.Ch 'to'l/!l1:l-ne n: - ' \ #3 to Thall\l3S l1,:l. vel'. t'o) Road 1.4 tsoutp.'II01.d-uun..,d.Ch 'l'o"ro1ine) fro~ t\'Il1' ( c ) 'Road 20 fro~ t\'Il1' #3 at Shedden to t\'Il1' #401.. , , d ~a1.anide TO'l/!lSh1-'P) fro~ (d) 'Road 42 (Lake 'Road 1-n Ba1haJ\\ an t\'Il1' #13 to t\'Il1' #1.9, v$ R11C01~~lID ~ #-3 1, r\'IIY #1.9 (North t\a.1.1. to !!'.den) t e) Road 44 from t\'Il1' r 0 · 'B8:~i'nam '1 o~sbi:P · ", Wl3 to Road 40 (S'Pringfie1.d)' tf) 'Road 52 - fro~ n'll1' if' t @;) 'Road 53 - Beech st r e et J>;y !;l!ler · , un 1. cads '01 C oJl\lller ci a1. '\l e ni c1. e S Tnis ..,d.1.1. a.1.1.o"" the carrP-ng of f in 1i\.al'ch and J\pri1. on these County Roads. J\'LL Of v1t\1.Ct\ IS ytE.SPECTflJ1l.'l: S\ID~TY.ll ---- C\1.AIR}~.h'N · Page ff2 the eJtpenditure of $500 of City funds for Plans and specifieations for the A L~TT~R FR01:J\ THE CITY OF ST, TH01:J\AS was read, approving replacement of the St. George St, Bridge. Normal Road B'I1' LaVl to a 1:J\aximUffi Amount of $200,000 for construction and NOTICE ~AS R~C~IVED from the D.H.O. stating that a $370,000 for 1:J\aintenance. Supplementary By LaVl for approved construction projects are available as in past years. EXP~NDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1965 Vlere revieVled brieflY' THE ENGnl~ER STATED THAT the D.H.O, had evolved a formula for direct aid grants but that he required further information and that considerable time would be required to eJtplain the method and to disCUSS its implications. It VlaS decided to leave further disCUssion to the next meeting. MOVED BY : J. B. ~ILSON SECONDED BY: C. PHILLIPS THAT ~E RECOMlilEND TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LA~ BE PASSED AUTHORIZING TH~ ~ARDEN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATING PLANS AS NEC~SSARY IN 1966. CARRIED · LOAD LIMITS on St. George St. Bridge, Carrs Bridge and OrVlell Bridge Vlere diSCUssed. MOVED BY SECONDED BY~ PASSED ~HICH IN ~FFECT AMENDS BY LA1f1 #1826 RESPECTING THE v.lEIGHT A. AUCKLAND J. BARKER THAT iiJE REcoMMEND TO COUNTl COUNCIL THAT A Bl LA~ B~ OF VEHICLES ON COUNTY BRIDG~S BY PLACl~G LIMITS AS FO~LO~S: CARRS BRIDGE ROAD 52 _ 10 TON, AiID REDUCING THE LOAD LIMIT ON ST. G~ORGE ST, BRIDGE FR01:J\ 15 TON TO 5 TON, AND THE Ll1:J\IT ON ,I Page #3 'rHE ORWELL BRIDGE FROM 15 TON TO 10 TON. CARRIE:D. REMOVAL OF THE HALF LOAD LIMIT on various roads were discussed. MOVED BY SECONDED BY: J. M6KINLAY A. AUCKLAND THAT WE RECOM.MEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY LAW BE PASSED IN EF~FIECT AMENDING BY LAW 1886 RESPECTING WEIGHT OF LOADS TO BE CARRIED ON VEHICLES AND THAT THE FOLLO~lING ROADS BE ADDED: ROAD 53 ROAD 42 ROAD 44 ROAD 52 ROAD 14 ROAD 13 ROAD 20 - BEECH ST. HWY. 19 TO HWY. 73 - mIT. 19 to mIT. #3 - HWY. 73 TO ROAD 40 HWY. #3 TO THAMES RIVER - ROAD 15 TO ROAD 14 - HVIT. #3 TO ffi1Y. 401 CARRIED. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED PERMISSION to tender for Materials and Supplies. It was decided not to call Tenders for Diesel fuel and Gasoline at this time. MOVED BY SECONDED BY: C. PHILLIPS J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. CARRIED. MOVED BY : A.AUCKLAND SECONDED BY: J. McKINLAY THAT THE MEEIDING ADJOURN TO JANUARY 28, 1966 AT 10 A.M. CARRIED. ,J;. G^-~~,- c, , ,:. CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 6, 1966. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD coMMITTEE raet at the Court House at 10 A ,M., January 6, 1966. ALL MEMBERS AND FRJ\.NK CLARKE VlERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the meeting on December 11th were read and approved. 1. lee and Snow control has been eJCtremelY llght. 2, storm. Drain Vlork on the Eden Hill on Road 44 had been completed and wow.d be started on Dev. Road #7B5 shOrtlY. 3, Watters Bros, had completed approxiJnatelY 5(ff, of gravelling on Road 12. 4. Clearing had been completed at stalter GullY and KovacS Well had been moved, THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as followS: 5 ' VI ork had been completed on Road 52 and Road 54 for the Winter. Several Roads had been bull-dozed from the top of the bill to the creek. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: G. E. BROvrol C.N. CLARKE TMT PA1LIST #36 amounting to $ 7 , B67 ,24 #37 amounting to $134,547,02 #3B amounting to $ 7,944.BB Be APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. cARRIED · MOVED BY: D, C. LEITCH SECONDED BY: J. B. 1NlLSON TMT PA1LIST #1 amounting to $3,033,63 AND PAYL1ST #1 DE'!. RD. #692 amounting to $1,B33.66 BE APPROVED FOR pI\.YMENT. CARRIED · 1. T. S, Caldwell approving County of Elgin Road Co1!lllli ttee Resolution of 2, Board of Transport Co1!llllissions authorizing the County of Elgin to improve at December 1, transferring funds from construction Road 52 to construction Road 54. CoRRESPONDENCE VlI\.S REl\.D FROM1 their expense the approach gradients of the N.Y.C, Railroad on County Road 54, THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the st. Th01\lll.S Ci t1 council had _~n...nval of the exPenditure of 1500. (their share) toward Engineering Costs for Page 2 a new St. George St. Bridge. Load Limit reduction on the St. George St. Bridge was discussed as was the placing of a limit on the Carr's Bridge on Road 52. Removal of Half Load Limit on Various Roads was discussed. Included in the discussion were Road 53 Beech Street in Aylmer, Road 44 from Hwy. 3 to Hwy. 19, Road 42 from Hwy. 73 to Hwy 19, Road14 from Hwy. 3 to Thl9.mes River and Road 52 from Hwy. 73 to Springfield. Meeting adjourned for Lunch. After Lunch the Percentages of Over head letc. chargeable to the Suburban Road Commission were discussed and it was agreed that charges should be 5% of Overhead items, 8% of the remaining Clerical and Superintendence costs, 8% of the Current Needs Study, 15% of the Engineer's Salary. MOVED BY:: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON N, G. TUFFORD THAT THE ME~-vrING ADJOURN SillNE DIE. CARRIED. ~ e .C ~'-.. CHAIRMAN