1971 Road Committee Minutes 4~e~ ~4~J~ ,. COUNTY OF ELGIN December 1971 Tender for Dump Box and Hoist Net Price for two Boxes, includin~ Mounting & Sales Tax. 1. Wheels, Brakes and ~quipment Limited 1901 Barton St. East, Box 411 Postal" f~ation B, Hamilton, Ontario 'Gar \<lood Mode 1 GA &. A- 260 'Hoi st $4,703.50 2. Frink of Canada Preston, Ontario Frink lOB2 Box Mode 1 2724 - Hoi st Tow-Hook extra ---------------------------------- $t~,852.50 COUNTY OF ELGIN TRUCK TENDER "Au - DECEMBER 1971 , Tender for three (3) Double Cab Pickup Trucks. Net after Trade-In deducted and Sales Tax added. 1. Fearn Ford Sales Li~ited ,1012 Talbot Street, St. Thomas,. Ontario 2. St'. Thomas Chry.sler Limit,ed 950 Talbot Street St. Thomas. Ont~rio , 3. R~nkin Ford Sales (1963) Ltd. 136S Dundas Street E. London, Ontario 4. Middlesex Motors Limited 100 Queen's Ave. London, Ontario 5. Lerry Snider Motors Limited Box 640, Exeter, Ont~rio 6. Chrysler Trucks Centre Hamilton Limited 260 ~entenni81 Parkway, HAmilton, Ontario 7. Routly & Phillips Limited P. O. Box'l030, Aylmer, Ontario 8. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Li~ited Aylmer, Ontario Ford F350 Do;dge D-300 Ford 350 Ford 350 Ford 350 Dodge D-200 International- 1210 DO~8e D-2IOO y- ~I~,tt $9,557.31 $ 10,282.65 $10,940.69 $11,104.80 $ 11,445.00 $11,574.73 '$ 12, 111 . 75 $12,589.50 COUNTY OF ELGIN . TRUCK TENDER fiB" - DECEMBER. 1.971 ~ 1'.1 :t. ~ I. 1 Tender for DouhleCab Stake Tack Truck. Net after Trade-In ,deducsed" and Sales Tax added. 1~ Fearn 'Ford Sales Limited ,1012 Talbot Street St~ Thomas, Ontario 2. Rankin 110rd Sales (1963) Ltd. 1365 Dundas Street, E. London, Ontario fi i I 3. International Harvester Co. \ ' 1712 Dundas Street E. 1 London, Ontario ~ I, 4. Larry Snide~ Motors Ltd. Exeter, Ontario, Box 640. 5. Middlesex Motors Ltd. 100 Queen '51 'Ave., London, Ontario 6. Routly end Phillips Ltd. Aylmer, Ontario l: ' ' ~ Ford F-600 $4,673.66 Ford F-600 $5,036.85 International 1600 - Loadstar $5~ 4.62. 74 Ford F-600 $5,580.75 Ford F-600 $5,599.65 International 1600 Loadstar $6,113.10 ~tPb. y)l "" li~ ',.. COUNTY OF ELGIN . December 1971 TENDER" FOB. LOADER BACKHOE (INCLUDING SALES TAX), 1. Cadman Power E.quipment Limited, , Box 100, Courtland, Ontario .. Model 5550 Ford' Loader and Backhoe 10 !'let borsepowe1t' 3o-i'nch Bucket and 18.4 x 28\\ lo-plY'tires ....----...- $16,082.8.5 '2. James Bennett Motors Limited, Dutton, Ontario. Model 5550 Ford wit.h 30-inch bucket and 18~4 ~ 28 .. l~plyrear tire -~-----------.---------$16,233.00 3. Exeter Ford Equipment Sales Limited Box 460, Exeter, Ontario Model 5550 Ford , , , _._------~~~~--------~----------~~---. $16,355..85 4. Renash Tractor and Equipment Limited Box 670,Lambeth, Ontario. Jobn D\eere JD 510, 80 net Horsepower 18.4 x",28 '.. 12-ply rear tires, 30 inch bucket 14 x 17.5 .. 10-ply front tires.. 48 gallon pe:r ,minute: pump ----------------- $16,610.11 5. McFord Equipment and Sales, Parkhill, Ontario Ford 5550 ------------------~---------------------- $16,702..35 6. Case Power and'Equipment Limited , Box 148, Essex, ,Ontario Case 680 CK --------------------------------------- $16,146.92 1t~DtR 1'OR. LOllDtR BAC\G\OE - coN'tlNutD 1 . t n is Yapll t<\.u i:ptnent Litni ted \t. R. ~1, St. 'thotlllLs. OntaTio 1'oTd J_sottJ (SSSO) --------------------------- 8. ptested t<\.uiptnent Litnited 430 !i~st St~eet, LOndon, ont&.-rl.O -~-------------------- ~asse~ 1'eTSUSon ~odet 70 q. 1illSonbUTS YaT'" t<\.uiP",ent Litnited. , "'0 ~ \28, 1iltsonbUTS. OntaTio InteTnatiOnat 3600~ -------------------------- 10. . 1. 1 ua~desteT SaleS and seT~iee l.1\te~nat ona1]. ,.v 425 1hi~d St'teet, \..ondon, Onta.-rl.O ~~ ~ $\1,584.3, $18,690.00 $20,238.15 ~it.~~t"'fJ/~~-~- . ~- )~: !'i ' eY~ ~ ----" ~/ DECEMBER SESS10N 'to 'tHE WARDEN AND MElo\l!.ERS Of 't\l1'. ELGIN COUN'tY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COtollo\l't'tEE l!.EGS 'to ltE'PQR'f AS fOLLOWS: \. 'the Department of 'transportatiOn and Communications has appTo~ed the County of Elgin l!.y-Law 62166 passed in septeGber re_establiShing the County Road System, and the re~eTsions and assumptiOns of Roads under that l!.y-Law ha~e been made. 2. E~ca~ation, Placement of Storm DTains, and Granular l!.ase is continuing on Road *2 in West Lorne. 'j. Gr ave 1 Re surfac i rtg has been comp leted on: (a) Road *43 (Malahide l!.ayham'townline) between RichmOnd (b) . Road *32 from QrttariO 'Police college to Road +52. and Road 4~42. 4. 'the following neW machinery has been purchased: (a) 'three (3) Double Cab PickUP 'trucks (1 'ton) with three (3) (b) A Double Cab Stake Rack 'truck with a County Vehicle as a County Vehicles as 'trade-ins. (c) 'two (2) 'tandem Dump 'tTuckS with diesel motOTS. trade-in. (d) A 'tractor-Loader l!.ackhoe coGbination. 5. A Resolution requesting the installation of tTaffic Signals in 'talbot~ille at the Junction of \Ughway No.3, Highway No.4,' and CountY Road *52, haS been forwaTded to the Department of 'tTansp~ ortation and communicatiOns, We Recororoend: (1.) 'that the Resolution of the united counties of ?rescott and Russell regarding the use of studded tiTes by out-. of- pro~ince ~ehicles on Qrttario Toads be filed. ,~.,..~~~ .,.; ,,,,-"lIS 0' 1\11'. EU;lN Comtr'l COUNC1L · continued 10 1\11'. ",IU\1lE N 1\"..., -....... . ~ (2) 1hat a B~.Lawbe passed appointing ~~. C. Ro~ Dotan of the co~nt~Road De\la~tlllent as const~uction safet~ lnspectO~ to be effective Janua~~ 1, \.972" and that , h i tant supe~int~ $\.,000 pe~ annulll of his sa\.a~~ as 55 5 ' enoent be cha~ged to con5t~uctiOn Safet~. "'" s. continued. hLL 0' "'\'I1C\'l lS ~S1'EC1f\1Ll.'l SUB}U't'ttD: ----------- C\;\~l\t~N )iV/p., ~}l'tY 0' E LG'I:.!! ~ 'tEN1lER VOlt 'tANIlEM 1l1ll!P 'tRUCK - - - - p~ice is {o~ 2 't~ucks includino Sales 'ta~ 1~ Rankin Vo~d Sales (1963) Limited "1365 Dundas St~eet, London, Ont at' io " VOTd L'tS-&OOO cateTpilla~ V-225 Eng~ne VTont ~.ReaT 12-p1y tiTes _ 161-inch Wheelbase --------- $34,158.38 2. La~~y snide~ MotTS Limited >>o-i 640, E)tetet', " ontat'io fOTd L'tS-8000 cateTpi11aT V_225 Engine 12-ply {TOnt ti~es - 161-inch Wheelbase -----..-------.. $34,440.00 3. Middlese~ Moto~S 100 Queen's Ave., London, Ontat'io 'o~d L'tS-8000 _ 161-inch Wheelbase _------------------ $34,451.61 4. Inte~national Ra~~esteT.Company 1112 Dundas St~eet East London, Ontat'io InteTnational V_2050 _ Cate~pi11aT V-225 Engine -------- $34,931.21 '\ 5. Rout1Y and Phillips Limited P. o. BoX 1031 Ay1met', Ont&t'io InteTnational _ V_2050A __---------------------------- $35,441.40 6. Ch~y51eT 't~uck CentTe, Ramilton Limited 260 centenni a 1 PaTk"ay, Hamilton, Onta~io Dodge CN't-900 cummins NR-230 Engine --------------......-.. $36,381.40 1. EichenbeTg MotoTS (1911) Limited 1il1sonbut'g, ontat'io Dodge CN't_900-cummins NR - 230 Engine _-------------- $36,529.50 TENDER FOR TANDEM DUMP TRUCK. Continued- 8. Mathers Brothers Limited. 136 Main Streett North, Exeter, Ontario Dodge CNT-900 ~--~~-~------~--~--~--~~---~~-~- 9. Dunn Motors (Aylmer) Limited Aylmer, Ontario -. Dodge, CNj-900 ------------------_______________ 10. London Motor Products Limited . 507 Richmond Street Box 353, London, Ontario GMC Model ST-9670 6-71 GMC Engine -------____ , , 11. St. Thomas Plymouth Chrysler 950 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ontario Dodge CN! - 900 ---------------------__________ 12. London White Trucks Sales Lirni~ed 2074 Dundas Street East, London, Ontario White 9564-D Cummins NH-230 Engine ----________ ~" PaRe 2 $36,922.20 $37,193.10 $38,7'51.62 $40,506.90 $41,962.52 "~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMB ER 9, 1971. PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE. met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on December 9, 1971, at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS w~KE PRESENT EXCEPT ,Reeve Wilson and R.eeve Caverly. ALSO PRESENT WAS Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Transportation and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEE.TING of November 10, 1971, werle read and approved. THE. E,NGINEER REPORf~V ON THE WORK to date as follows: (1) By-Law 4/2166 had been approved by the UTC and the reversions and assumptions of roads under that By-Law had been made. (2) The By-Law regarding speed on Road 4#15, north of Dutton and in Wa1lacetown had been approved by the UTe as well as the parking By-Law in Dutton prohibiting parking in the area of the school. (3) Winter Control had been nil since the end of November. (4) Work was continuing on Road #2, in West Lorne on storm drains and granular base. (5) Placement of gravel on the shoulder on Road. 412 was continuing as was fencing. (6) Work had been completed (including guide ra,i1) at the Patterson Culverts for the winter. (7) The excavation of the end of Silver Creek Culvert had been completed but it had been too wet to complete the job. (8) Soil tests had been completed at the VanOrder Bridge. (9) The Turkey Creek Culvert on the Delaware Southwold Townline had been completed. (10) Road #43 had been gravelled as had Road #32 from Road #52 to the Ontario Police College. (11) Culverts had been purchased for Road ~36 and installation might begin shortly if conditions were favourablle. (12) All County money would be spent and ways to spend the DTC portion were being investigated. (13) No progress had been made in purchasing road widening land on Road #36 from Mr. Max Fish or Mr. Otto Schneider. S't. 't\\0}\)$, OlrtAR10 DECEMBER 9, 1971. l'~GE 2. (15) \oIOst.ot the land needed to-C >lidening including that &io\ll ~-c. 1'-c an\<. Joc ius had been l'u-cc hased 0 n!to ad .j! 3 , . south of \\i gh>lay No. 3. d .. !<.Oad j~ 14 t -co\ll 10na Station to Road jfl3, La~d l'U-cchase >fQuld l'-cocee on 3 d R d .j!42 east of 1'0-Ct Bu-c>lell. !toad 444 t-co\ll !<.Oad 446 to l!igh>laY No. an oa ' (14) J. L. Dt~~lS . _ ~'1. ';C'il~S'!Ol:l c()R11.ESl'Ol'ltltNct \l....s RtpJ) Y\l0~ 'tl1E 1'OLLO\l1NG: .' 1 i 1912 convention . G d"'o ads I'-SSoc1.at1.on enc OS ng (1) OnU-C1.0 00 "" -p'tOg't a11\.. united countieS ot l'-cescott and~Ussell -cega-cding use on Onta-cio -coads by out_ot_l'-COvince vehicles with studded ti-Ces. (2) \ "~O'11>D B'i: D. R. 'tODD StCONDtD B'i: 't. 'i. ROBtR'tS 1: 'tl1E RtSOLU'tl0N 01' 'tl1E COUlrt1t.S 01' 'tf\P>.'t \ll!. RtCOMl'lEND 't 0 couN't'i C OUNCl L 'tR1\ ,1' S't\lDlltD 'tlRt S B'i oU't _01' _l'ROV1NCt scat't I'-ND RUSstLL RY,Gp.RDlllG 'tl1E USt 0 :\\lC\1.S ON 0~AR10 ROpJ)S "By, 1'l\1.D. cJ\RRltD" & ' the countY's oHe-C ot $1,SOO.00 ~-c. \\. J .~c~anus -ce,US1.ng ,!he ~nginee't ~aS d \..' c. '\ 5 000 to-C the prope-CtY. . an,asl'ol. ng .'1, ' t the I'--cro>l CO\llpanY atter instTUcted to contact the ne>l o>ft\ers 0 (3) Ch'tisttt\as~ ~ D Siple ve-Csus the t.O. l' an joy >lith a -cepo-ct to date on -c · .. & ~1 <n No action >las ta\<.en. count'Y 0 J,. &0. g"'&.~. d' 1911 _ 1912 \linter \1o-c\<.s l'-COg-C~e. ?rovincial Gove-cnment -cega-C 1.ng lication had been made to utilize 'the l',nginee-C -cepo-cted that an apP the $19,2S0.00 allotted to the countY ot l',lgin. (4) (5) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMBER 9, 1971. PAGE 3. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: c. MORRISON R. N. JOHNST ON THAT WE RECOMME.ND TO COUNTY COUNClL THAT A BY-LAW BE, pASSED APPOINTING MR. C. ROt nORAN OF AYLMllt, AS CONSTRIlCTION SAFF;.TY INSl'IICTOR, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1972, AND THAT $1.,000.00 OF HIS SALARY AS ASSISTANT SUl:'t.KINT- E,NDENT BE CHARGED TO CONS,TRUCTION SAFETY. CARRIED" ARRANGEMENTS regarding the retirement dinner for Mr. Norman Chap10w and Mr. C1aybo~ne Gordon were discussed. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER. "DINNER · UMOVED BY: R.. N . JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT WE REQUES1r TIlE: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO INSTALL TRAFFIC 'SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAYS 3 AND 4, AND COUNTY ROAD 4#5'2 AT. TALBOTVILLE. CARRIED" TIlE:"ENGINEER REPORTED on the Tenders for new machinery received and presented the attached summary: "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.. R. TooD T.. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE ACCE1"r TIlE: TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LIMITED FOR 3 DOUBLE CAB PICKUP TRIlCKS F-350 AS l'ER TIlE:IR TENDER OF $9,557.31 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) W'LTH COUNTY TRUCKS 128, 29, & 31, AS TRADE -IN. ALL SUB,lHCT TO APPROVAL OF TIlE: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" .'tMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DE'NNIS It. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ACCEPT TIlE: TENDER OF FEARN FORD SALES LlMITED FOR A DOUBLE CAB STAKE RACK TRIlCKS F-600 AS l'ER THEIR TENDER OF $4,673.66 (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX) WITH TIlE: COUNTY'S TRUCK 130 AS A TRADE-IN, ALL SUBJECT TO kPPROV AI. OF TIlE: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO DECEMmR 9, 1971. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE ACCE,PT THE TE,NDER OF RANKIN FORD SALES (1963) LIMITED FOR TWO (2) TAND~,M'DIESEL POWERED DUMP TRUCKS (CAB AND CHASSIS) AS PER THEIR PRICE OF $34,158.38, SUB.JtCT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTME,NT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" 'tMOVE,D BY: SECONDED BY: C. NORRISON R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF' WHEELS, BRAKES AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED FOR TWO (2) DUMP BOXF.~HOISTS AND MOUNTING THEM ON COUNTY DUMP TRUCKS AS PER THEIR TENDER OF $4,703.50, ALL SUBJECT TO Afll'KOVAL OF THE DE'PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: 11. R. TODD J. L. DENNIS THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED POR A JOHN DEERE: MODEL JD-510 BACKHOE AT THE,IR TENDERED PRICE OF $16,610.17, SUBJE.CT TO APPROVAL OF THE, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON C. ~lu.Kl{ISON THAT WE. ADJOURN TO JANUARY 13, 1972 AT 10:00 A. M. CARRIED. (). ,>(t?dA/~ / ~ CHAIRMAN ~ I I , iLt " .I\vvvvv ~tt~d~ ~ V/ MAC HI N E It Y P U It C H A S,E NovelQ.1w!r 1971 Originally budget was for $60.000. Spent to date - Approximately $36,500.00 ,On oriSinal list of spring of 1971 and was not purchased Tarldem true,ks, 2 Sandel" units and 2 Radio units. ,Sander or snowplows should not be tenderd for now as they could ,not likely be delivered until the winter was well along. . Any trucks" or: tractor's purchased now' would not lik~ely be delivered until late Janurary or February and tandem trucks not 'likely until spring_ Money spent now on machinery will allow less purchases in 1972 and will allow allocation of that money to construction projects. RECOMMENDATION (1) Purchase 2 tandem trucks ..allowing trucks *:25 and #33 to be used for S~nder work only. (There will be sanders mounted on these trucks this winter) Truck 132 will take the place of #25 as a float truck next' summer. (2) Purchase a new front end loader and backhoe. 011e was rented continually throughout the summer in addinn to the two now owned by tbe C~~nty, (could load. sand and salt in winter). (3) Purchase three _~ radio units - deliveryoj 0 od. , E' (4) Trade Truck #28 and #29 onA~ new double cab.. t) Ie. K V;7$, (5) Trade Truc,k #30 on new stake d;ouble cab. (6)' Trade truck #31 on double cab. fIe Kv p' ~ i :J I' 1~ i I f ~, I , !, , i .; ! 1 J !I I ~ ~ If ~, ~ ~ Machinery Furchase - Continued Pa~e 2 MILEAGES- i 'October 15, 1971 Truck fl28 - 1966 Ford Double Cab - 76,000 Truck /j29 - 19:66 Ford Double Cab - 68,000 Truck '30 - 1966 Ford DubIe Cab Stake - 78,000 Truck 1131 - 1966 GMC Van - 57,000 Truck #25 - 1964 International RF-194 - 177,000 Truck #32- 1966 International RF-194 - 152,000 Truck 133 - 1966 'I,nte:rnational RF-194 - 150,000, I' 1'vv.~~J;' I~~ ~~*",,,,..,,,. COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI ~ WEST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION NOWMBER 4, 1971 1. Leave Court House - 9:00 A. M. 2. Road 1/22, Fairview Avenue, St. Thomas to Road /127. Under Control of St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissi()n. 3. Road ://22 - Road /127 to 'Road //24 - Construction - 1969 - 70 - 71. 4. East Elgin Water Treatment Plant. 5. Road //24 - Outlet of Sommerville Parker Drai.n. 6. Road //24 to Port Stanley. 7. Road #21 - Warren Street - Construction 1971 - after installation of Sanitary Sewers. 8. Road #20 - extension south of Highway No.4. 9. 'Road //20 to Finga1. 10. Coffee. 11. Road /,16 - Finga1 urban construction - Road ~~20 west - 1971. 12. Road /116 - westerly - Talbot Creek Bridge scheduled for replacement. 13. Road /116 and /115 to Dutton. 14. Reconstruction of Road /113 in Dutton after installation of Sanitary Sewers. 15. Joining of Road #8 to Road #15 - Programming under consideration. 16. Dinner. 17. Road #2 to West Lorne. il "~1 t 1:11 in 1>~ad Insnection . ...-.......-...-.. "Page '2 Count1 Counc "eS p g ~ r 18. ~est Lo~ne _ sanitaT1.se~eTs, StoTm se~eTS, cu~b and gutte~ e~ca~ation, baSe pa~ement. 19. Road j~'2 . '\lest Lo~ne to Rodne1 · const~uction - 1.971. \tIlad ~3 _ 'Rodne1 . sanitaT1 Se~e~s soon. 20. \tIlad *9 . b>1.dbO~OUgh, Dunwich - Cu1.~eTt Tep1.acetnent between !load 4~8 and 4~14. 21. 22. Cla1bo~ne Go~don. 23. \tlI)ad *5'2 _ East of. 'ta1.bot~n1.e to Road *'26 added to Count1 -aoad S1ste11\. 1a.lbot"il1e. 24. 25. RotU~n to Cou~t aouse. 6//1jp..... D /../ ~ ~.. I '-1';, N I,. ~.. '" - . ~ ------- .(YL ------- ' .......,-""" .. COUNTY OF ELGIN THREE YEAR ROAD &, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PROGRM1ME REVISED - NOVE;MBER 1971 Programme includes. Development Roads and St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Construction 197 2 1. Completion of work and paving. - Road 12 - West Lorne to Rodney - Road #2 - West Lorne urban. 2. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road #36 - Township of Yarmouth - Hi.ghway No. 3 to Road JJ27 (including urban section in Sparta). (2) Road i;36 - Township of Yarmouth - Sparta south 3/4 mile. (3) Road '13 - Village of Dutton from Road #15,easterly, urban section after installation of Sanitary Sewers j by OWRe. (4) Road 142 - Bayham Township - VillagE~ of Port Burwell easterly - approximately 1\ miles. (5) Road #20 - Carlow Road - extension urban section in Port Stanley. 3. Structures - Van Order Bridge - Road 142 - Bayham Township. 4. Asphalt Resurfacing - Road #25 - Wellington Ro~~d (St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. ) 5. County Garage - White's Station. , . 1 9 7 3 1. Completion of Work and Paving (1) - Road #36 from 1972. (2) - Road #42 from 1972. THREE YEAR ROAD & BRIDGE CONST'RUCTION PROORAMME __.~________,PAGE 2 1 9' 7 3 Continued 2. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road '452 from Road #25 to Road #30 - Yarmouth Township.. (2) Road #31 from 'Road #.29 to Road 4/:52 - Yarmouth Twp. (3) Road 13 from Highway No.3 to LakE! Erie, A1dborough Township. (4) Road #4 _ Queen Street West, Rodney, urban section. (5) Road 13 from Road #2 northerly to end of curb and gut ter, storm drains, ate., (Rodn1ey) (6) Road #30 - City of St. Thomas iimits to Road #52 (St. Thoma's Suburban Road Commi ss.ion) 3. ~;tructure _ Road 1;52 - Kettle Creek- to replace Carr's Bridge. 4. Drainage Assessment - Straffordville (Bayham Township~ 1 9 7 4 1. Paving and Completion of Work~ (1) Road 1F52 f'rom Road #25 to Road /t30., (2) Road if/3l from Road 1129 to Road #52. (3) Road ~3 - Highway 3 to Lake Eri,e.. (4) Road f~30- S~. Thomas limits to Road 4/:52. 2. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road #44 .. Highway No.. 3, to Road 1/46 , Bayham Township. (2) Road 4t14 _ Iona Station to Road 113 - 0.7 miles Dunwich and SouthwOld Township, .(3) toad 4;40 _ Mount Salem (Road 4/:45) to Road #42, Malahide Township. (4) . Urban section to join Road #8 & #15 - Dutton. 3. Structure - Roa~ #16 - Talbot Creek Bridge and approaches' Dunwieh Township. !(:., ~r 14, ~, " , ~ \ 'to 'tIlE C!I.AIRMAN AND }lEMlIERS Of 't~ C01l~1't'" Of l'.LGIN ROAD COMMl't't1'.E ~ vn~Cl'. At the last meeting of the County !to ad Cotlllli t tee (Oc tober 20th), 1 ~as requested to re~ort on Winter Maintenance, or more s~ecificallY, 't hi s re~ort ~i 11 not onlY cover s no"t' 1 o~i ng but other forllls e~e~gency snowplowing. '<linter \ll8intenance includes; erection and removal of sno~fences; of Winte~ Maintenance. snowplo~ing, including installaticn and r~val of snowplo~ equiplllent; sanding and salting, inc luding stOc\t~i1ing 0 f sand and ins tal1ation and 'the cost of winter maintenance varies frolll county to county. Some relllOval of s&nding equiplllent. counties such as Kent and Ualdimand, do very little winter Illaintenance and spend about $15.00 per Illile. (All costs quoted are 1910 estilllated frolll County Needs StudY)' 'those in the sno~ belt spend considerablY more, for exa\llPle, uuron-$361.00 per Illile and '<Iellington at $465.00 per Illile. Other counties are sOllle~here bet~een-Norfol\t $210.00, Oxford $30B.OO, \ \ \ 't \ Middlesex $311.00, London Suburban Road CotlllliSsion $142.00 per Illile. 1'.1gin county costs ~re estimated at $315.00 ($298.00 actual for 1910) ~hile 1911 they are estimated at $350.00 per mile because of the \, ~ 'the cost per mile of winter Maintenance costs depends to a great past extrelllelv severe winter. extent on the standard of maintenance as determined by the County Road Cotllllittee. 'the Cotllllittee can reduce or increase the service as they see fit. 'this ~ill be examined under three headings, namelY; Snowfence, ~ O'F~EN~ It, Snowplowing and Sanding (including salting). ~ ~.~ ,,~r ~ainunance - continued ~ >Ie erect our sno~fence as late as possible in the fall season as ~e find in this ~a"we interfere the least ~ith fall plouShins. etc.. and thuS ha-te leSs "second triP o"er" "ror~. as possible in the spring. 1his me.' mean that we misS an earl' or late, We also remo"e the fence as soon seaSon stot't'O... i. tel'" '10 OO""eet of sno~fence and find it "ery useful. >Ie he."e appro1< ma ., ~. '"' . ' i. i. t l'~e last ~ear. Because of deterioration. brea~age. especiallY n ~ n ers · ' , d the need for more fence. ~e ha-te been trying t.o purchase some etc., an fe~e at least e-tery other ,ear. >Ie ha-te di"ided the county intO nine (9) sno~lo~ routesranging .~ to 31 miles in length. -rhe e<lUiP,.,ent includes' 2 countY dump ,truc'is ~ hired trUC~ (>lal~ers) ~ith one ~aY J of .,biCh aree<lUil?ped ~ith plo~s and ~ings. one of about thirty (30) miles in South ~a~out.h1ownshiP' If ~nging bac~ "ror~ i d n tk1.S ~oute one of the other plo~s must be used. is t'e~u t'e 0" u ~ i. ' ~ ~i~ed t.ruc~ had some trouble at timeS ~hen sno~ Last ~ ntet' ou~ u ~ , lo~ and one of the countY trUC~s had t.o plough ~as tOO deep for a one-~aYP t.he north part of itS route in 50uth Dorchester. . d e shift but ~e ha"e ordinarilY. e<lUipment .s onlY operate on to .~r~thetruckS and se"eral of our graderS on a 24_hour enouSh operators wv ' (1) grader ~l2) ~hich haS nO plo~ and "ror~s a route basis if necessary. i find the need for double can co"er the hiSher tra"elled roads t~ ceo ~e shifting doeS not often occur ~ith last ~nter beinS an e1<ceptiOn. l\S Elgin is a IonS narro~ countY. sno~ conditions are not usuallY d throUSh radio (all "ehicles other than the same thrOughout the countY an ' , d ~ith radio) we can roo"e the e<luipment. especiallY >lal~ers truck are e<lu.ppe · the truc~s. intO areas ~here the need is the greater. ~s ~e can more than co"er a rout.e 'in a day. that is. we Report on Winter Maintenance Continued p...!.S e 3 Snowplowin~ - continued Last winter we moved our truck from Dunwich to assist the Township of South Dorchester in an emergency. Although Walkers and the hired sand trucks are instructed to keep our garage informed of their posi tions and problems, etc., by telephone , the commun,icati,ons are not i ! nearly as good as by radIo. Thus by using 'radio snowplow routes can be, varied to suit the particular need, at any given timeg SANDING Sanding routes are operated from five locations in the county. In West Elgin, Ray Ball and Jim Ford, sand 75 miles fronl stockpiles near Dutton and Rodney, using tailgate sanders. In central Elgin (the area between Dutton and Aylmer) four-county ,j units (1 single- ax Ie truck and 3 tandem trucks) with power-type sanders are operated out: of White Station. The single-axle truck covers approx- imately 22 miles and the tanden truck approximately 35 miles. High Brooks, using a county power sander covers 34 miles from a stockpile at Port Burwell. Walker Transport, using a county power sander covers 35 miles, and Cyril Stringle using a tailgate sander covers 27 miles of East Elgin fro~ the Aylmer Police College. " County equipment is radio equipped while hired equipment is not radio equipped. County equipment is dispatched on order of the county foreman while hired truckers are "left" on their own to go when needed. This method usually works but we have had the occasional problem. We use quite a lot of salt in central Elgin as we have a number of highly travelled paved roads on which salt works better than the salted, \ sand. And as salt is used in lesser volume than salted sand, a cost saving can be realized. The truck also does not have to return as often for material so more mileage can be covered. A new storage for salt was erected at White Station last winter and holds about 300 ton. Very little salt is used out of Port Burwell, the Police College or We~t Elgin because of the lack of storage. . Report on Winter Maintenance - Continued-' Piu~e 4 SandinR - Continued ..;' ~"""-.. ;,) .. (We have been unable to get into~~h~ Police College hangars because ,the Elgin Co-op has corn stored there and there seems to be no suitable salt storage in Port Burwell or West Elgin). ,TltIO sanders are 'now mounted and available for use and we try to have both of our other sanders on by the last week in November and the tail- gate and power sander on the hired truck-by December 1. GENERAL We have a night shift at the White'Station garage which operates from December 1 to March 31, with at least' a man at the gclrage at all times to'look after the radio and telephone. Whenever ploughing or sanding is in progress the radio is also manned even though it may be Sclturday afternoon or Sunday. We have two men on duty for 10 of the 14 hour!; between 5:00 P. M. and 7:00 A. M. so that one can take a sa~p:~r out for minor work if required. If major sanding is required the regular san4er operators are called out. If ploughing or sanding is required in the 'mOrning the opE~rators are called by the night man so that all units can be operating as shortly after 6:00 A.M. as possible, particularly on the Wellington Road. We have an auxiliary generator powered by one of our weed-cutting tractors whieh provide electrical power to operate our radio, boiler and gasoline pumps, etc., in case of power failure. We have cllso tried to impress upon the Ontario ProvinCial Police the nature of our 'problems, the way we operate and whom to call when a problem arises but sometimes this falls on deaf ears as their radio and telephone personnel keep cbangf.ng. I RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Increased public relation effolts and co..ial.Jnicntions with the Ontari'o Provincial Police, County Board of Education (school buses) ambulance services, etc., including maps sholnng county, roads and telephone, and names as to whom to contact: regarding snow- plowing and sanding problems. 2. Continuance of emergency noti;ees to Radio Station CHLO when it is necessary to close roads and remove plows and !~anders from roads because of lack of visibility, etc. Report on Winter Maintenance - Continued Pa~e 5 Recommendations - Continued 3. Plowing of township roads or King's Highways to be done only on an emergency basis (equipment broken down, stuck, etc.,) and to be authorized by the township reeve or road supE!rintendent, except when lives or property are at stake when all personnel is authorized to proceed under their own initiativ~. 4. Continuance of Road Committee policy for the county to eventually own and operate' all winter maintenance equipment. (This will take a number of years). 5. No inc,rease in the number of snowplows at the present time. Equi.pment to be rep laced as necessary. Snowplo'w trucks to be "retired" ,to operate as sander trucks. Diesel trucks of increased horsepower to replace present gasoline and diesel- powered trucks. (Truck #32, gasoline, RG-l94 International, purchased 1966 now has 155,000 miles. Truck #4,4 (international diesel) purchased late 1969 now has about 69,000 miles. , 6. Truck /114 and Brant for~ Anthony (4 - 5 cubic yatrds), purchased i~ 1957; to be sold or junked in spring of 1972 (if there is 'anything left). Truck. and sander wi 11 have to be replaced. Tan4em-power sanders should replace all tailgat:e sanders by winter of 1973 - 1974. Four will be neede'd, (Three tailgat"e sanders, .p Ius Brant ford Anthony). Two urd t s p4!r year for two years. Two Tandem trucks should be purchased ~as soon as possible.. These will replace #25 purchased in 1964 which is being used ~ 'as a float truck and #32, and allow sanders to be permanently mounted on Truck #25 and Truck #32. As other tandem trucks are required 'the rplaced truck,can be used instead of renting a truck for sanders. 7. Sanders should be of the'type that do not need auxiliary motor and could be operated from a front end crankshaft pump. Report on Winter Maintenance - Continued PaJle 6 Recommendations .. Continued 8. Radio units should be place~ in all hired trucks for better communications fo~ ploughing and s~nding (6 units necessary) and should be available for the winter of 1973 .. 1974, (that is, three units per year for two years.) 9. Salt storage in East and' West Elgin will be re~quired, however, these storage~ could be rented if available until a firm dec.'i~-ion is made where to locate new patro 1 ,ya,rds. .10. Loading equipment will. have to be acquired to replace rented equipment. If East and West Elgin can be consolidated in one location for each section we may need only one more loader (one of present backhoe loader will be available). LIt appears that we should buy another hoe, as we have rented one for the whole sun~er). This should be done immediately. 11. More snow fence should be purchased -1000 feet. , ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. K~{' 1m /)~, R.'G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER ~ h _ Night shift schedUle. ~ _ Standy ~ateS and inst~uctions - snowplo~ng and sanding. c _ Rates fo~ Loade~s io~ Sand PileS. , . (a) Ni ht shift info~mation 1h~ee ?e~sonnel ~otating - tWO ?e~sons ?e~ night e~ieQt ~ednesdaY when all th~ee wo~~. . 1 ~ti-e pe~ ~eek ~ 2 hou~s. 10 hoU~s ?e~ night - no~ma ove. ..' 1he~e a~e sho~t wee~s _ 40 hou~s ~ no~mal wee~s - SO hOU~s, \, 60 hoU~s with 2 daYS off in succession. a~d long ~ee~s - Vl.Tst ?e~son WO~~s _ S,OO P. ~.tO 4,00 h. ~. second.?e~son wo~~s _ B'OO P. ~. to 1:00 h. ~. (b)~ paid fo~ Sanding 1910 - 1911 - ~~oo~s - $010.00 StandbY SnowploW _ 1910 - 1911.- $oOS.OO total - ~a~ch and necerobe~. SANDING - 1971 - 1972 RATES AND STANDBY TIME RatE! for Tandem truck and driver when sanding is $10.50 per hour. Standby is paid if sander works less than 135 hours in any montQ from December 1, 1971 to March 30, 1972. Standby is calculated by subtracting total hours worked per month from 135 and multiplying by a rate of $3.40 per hour. Example: 100 bours worked - standby 135 - 100 o'r 35 "hours ',~ $3.40. If, sander is unavailable for service at any tim~ during four-month season - standby time to be prorated. $200.00 to be paid for to assist in removing Truck Box, going to county garage, having sander placed on truck by county and having it removed ~n the spring by th~ county. If it is necessary ~o repair sander at the County Garage, a flat rate paYment 'of $21.00 will be made plus $4.00 per hour for the time actually spent at the,county garage. If sander is ready before December 1, standby time to be prorated. SNOW PLOWING ~ 1 9 7 1 1 972 RATES AND STANDBY TIME Rate f.or Tandem Truck,Plow, Driver and Helper when plowing snow,- $15.50 per hour. 'Standby is paid for if p1ow,works less than 135 hours " in ,any, month from December 1, 1971 to March :iO, 1972. Standby .is calculated by' subracting total hours 'JOrked per month from 135 and multiplying by a rate of $6.80I)erhour. Example - 100 hours worked - standby is 135 - 100 or 35 hours @,$6.80 or $238.00. If the plow is 'unavailable for service at antyime during 4-month winter season ~ standby t:lme to be prorated. $140.00 to be paid by County of Elgin toward costs of mounting and removing sn~wplow from truck. 'N()j_~ - 135 hours calculated on basis of 3/4 of 40 hour week - 4\ weeks to month or 135 hours ,per month per man (man rate 'ca1cu1~ted at $3.40 per hour. IlE snowplow ready before Deeember 1, standby time to be prorated. '" ~ Rate toT Loading Sand - · '25 peT cubic yaTd. StandbY 1i~ _ $75.00 peT month toT Dece~eT. JanuaTY. YebTuaTY and }\aTch (each). c " beT 1 StandbY t i~ If loading is necessaTY be,oTe ...eceU' · ~ ' ~ted oT if LoadeT is not a~ailable toT to ue ~o.a · . full month _ standbY ti",e to be prorated. '" \ ';,"'1 !l\ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMB]m SESSION, 1971 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS,FOLLOWS: 1. Erection! of Structural Plate Steel Culverts on Road #30 (Radio Road) have be4~n comp leted,: Backfi 11 i ng and Approach Work has a1 so been completed and traffic is using' the completed structure. TbE! I, Concrete End Treatment work is continuing and Guiderai 1 is yet to be erected. This work is under the jurisdiction of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission. 2. Two Str\llctura 1 Plate Stee 1 CuI vert s have been erec tied on County Road #9 between Road #8 and Road #14 in Dunwich Township replacing two old concrete culverts. 3.A Structural Plate Steel Culvert is being erected on the Southwold- Delaware Townline1 west of Southwold Station. Thi.s will replace an old concrete bridge over Turkey Creek. 4. A Surface Treatment Pavement has been placed on Road #40 in Malahide ;Township between Glenc01in and Springfield. Tri.mming and Top Soi 1 .work have a 1 so been comp leted. 5. A Surface Treatment Pavement has also been placed on Road #40 in Malahide 'Township from Highway 113 to Mount Salem. Trimming and Top work have also been completed. 6. Gr.adingt Granular Base, Paving and Top Soil work have been completed on Road 41,16 (Development Road /11023) in Southwold Township, between Fingal and St. Thomas. It is expected that the Bell Canada overhead cable will be buried early next year, while a number of Ontario Hydro poles will be moved from the side of the roadway this fall. ~E~ I to!!!E wARDE! A~JoUIE~OF ~ E~l!! cOU~ '" 7.. A su~face t~eatment Pavement has been placed on Road #45. (Development Road 1930) in Southwold and yarmouth township f~om Roadf16 (Middlema~ch) easte~ly to centennial Avenue (Yarmouth township.) top Soil and Placement of Guide Rail at the Kettle c~eek Cplve~t have also been completed. 6. . Storm D~ains, Excavation, G~anula~ Base, Cu~b and Gutte~, and Paving have been completed on Road #16 in Fingal. f~om ~oad #20 to the."este~lY limit of the hamlet. 9. StOrm D~aios, Excavation, Granular Base, curb and Gutters aod Paving have been completed on Road #21 (Warren Street) in port Stanley. afte~ .the installation of Sanita~y Se.re~s by the Onta~io Wate~ Resources Co~ission. 10. G~ading, G~anula~ Base, Paving and top soil wo~k is unde~"a, on Road #2 between Rodney and West Lo~ne. Wo~k is p~oceeding as .reathe~ permits and it is hoped to have most of the wo~k completed 11. G~ading, G~~nular Base, Storm Se"e~s and Cu~b and Gutte~ .ro~k is this fa\l. unde~aY on Road #2, in the Village of West Lo~ne. Substantial completion of.this wo~k .,ill depend .on favOu~able "eathe~ in the next month. 12. Paving and t~imming work haS been completed on Road #53 (Beech St~eet) in-the Town of AJ1roe~. Su'tveys and Land purchase have been nea~ly completed on Road #36, in i$} Yarmouth township bet.reen spa~ta ana \\igh"ay #3. Some culve~ts and 13. Fencing may yet be done this year. 14. Soil testS have been completed at the Van o~de~ B~idge on Road '42, east of Po~t Bui:wel1, in Bayham township and at talbot c~eek BTidge, on Road #16 io Dunwich townshiP' TO'THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIt, . PAGE 3 15. That the Engineer has submitted a report to yo~r Committee with a number of recommendations concerning Winter Haintenande. A number of recommendatio~s are being implemented this winter including (.) better liaison witb other public bodies regarding the responsibilities of the County and the, names ,and telephone numbers of Prersons to contact regarding winter mainte~ance problems, (b) notices to London anP St. Thomas radio s'tationsregarding road conditions, (c) equipping all 1iiinter Maintenance Vehicles, whether owned'by the County or privately, with 2-way radio equipment, an~ (d) purchase of some new equipment. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the following Construction Programme .for 1972, 1973 and 1974 be adopted: 1972 l~ Completion of work and Paving - Road #2 - West Lorne to Rodney. ~i Road 12 - West Lorne urban. I]C. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (l) Road 136 - Township of Yarmouth - Highway No. 3 to Road 127 (including urban ~ection in Sparta.) (2) Road 136 - Township of Yatinouth - Sparta south 3/4 mile,_ (3) Road #13 - Vil1age of Dutton from Road 115 easterly, urban section after instal~ation of Sanitary Sewers by OWRe. (4) Road #42 - Bayham Township~ Village of Port Burwell easterly - approximately l~ miles. (S)Road 120 Carlow Road ektension urban section iri Port Stanley.' III. Stru~tures - Van Order Bridge - Road 142 - Bayham Township. 'IV. Asphalt Resurfacing - Road 125 ~ Wellington Road (St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission). Vo County Garage - White's Station. TO THE WARDEN AND IlEMllEllS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAGE 4 1973 1. Comp1etionof Work and Paving (1) Road #36 from 1972. (2) Road #42 from 1972. 11. Grading, ~ranu1ar Base, etc. (1) Read #52 from Road *25 to Road #30 - Yarmouth Township. (2) Road #31 from Road #29 to Road #52 - Yarmouth Township. (3) Road #3 from Highway No. 3 .to Lake Erie, Aldborough Twp. (4) Road #4 _ Queen Street West~ Village of Rodney, urban section. . (5) Road #3 from Road #2, northerly to end of curb and gutter, storm drai ns, etc., (Vi 11age 0 f Rodney.) (6) Road #30 _ City of St. Thomas limits to Road #52, St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission). Ill. Structure _ Road #52 - Kettle Creek - to replace Carr's Bridge (Yarmouth Township). IV. Drainage Assessment - Straffordville (Bayham Township). 1974 1. Paving and Completion of work. (1) Road # 52 from Road #25 to Road ~~30. (2) Road #31 from Road #29 to Road #52. (3) Road #3 _ Highway No.3 to Lake Erie. (4) Road #30 ~ St. Thomas limits to Road #52. II. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (1) Road #44 _ Highway No. 3,to Road *46, Bayhaa Township. (2) Road #14 _ Iona Station to Road #13 - 0.7 ailes Dunwich and Southwo1d Township. (3) Road #40 _ Mount Salem (Road #45) to Road.#42, Ma1ahide Township. (4) Urban section to join Road #8 and Road #15, Village of Ill. Structure _ Road #16 - Talbot Creek Bridge and approaches, Dutton. Township of Dunwich. r TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PAGE 5 WE RECOMMEND - Continued 2. That a By-Law be passed assuming as County Roads (a) Road between Lots 10 and 11 in Concession II, B.ayham Township, from County Road 142, to the road between Conceslsion 11 and Ill. (b) Road b~tween Concession II and Ill, Bayh~m Township, from the road between Lots 10 and 11, easterly to Highway No.. 19, in ' the Village of V~enna. Total distance of (a) and (b) approximately 2.401 miles (c) Connection of County Road /141, in the Vi 11age of ,Vienna to the road between Concession II and III, Bayham Township, a distance of approximately 0.35 miles. · (criteria for assumption (a,b,c) crossing of a topographical barrier and resort service). ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN f" J ~~ ~' ~: ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ,ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on November 10, 1971, at 10:00 A. M., ALL MEMBE,RS WERE, PRllS,ENT except Iteev~,/Caver1Yi. , 'ALSO PRESENT WASMr.. Fra~k -Clarke ~i tke me -THE.-MIN-fi'rE$ OF'PE.--MEKTliifa-'oT-oc to ber-T3th- and 20t h; 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEERREPORTE,D .on the work to date stating; (a) Paving was underway ,on Road 412, between West: Lorne and Ro,dney. Shouldering work was continuing with excavated material from Road 412, in West Lorne. (b) Curb, Gutter, Excavation, and Storm Drains ~rork were underway on Road 112, in West Lorne. Some paving would be done this year. (c) One Multiplate Culvert on Road li9 had been completed and the :other culvert .started shortly. (d) The Mu1tip1ate Culvert .at Turkey Creek on the Southwold Dunwich Town1ine would be started.short1y. (e) The approaches at the Patterson Bridge had been completed as well as Concrete end treatment on the upstream approach. Guiderail had yet to.be completed. (f) Grading was underway on Fulton Street in ViE~nna for the Village and Sand Base would be placed shortly. (g) Replacement of the north end of the Silver C:reek on Road /142 would be started near the end of the month. (h) Sand Piles for Winter Maintenance had been placed near Rodney, Dutton, .Port Burwell, and the Aylmer Police Co1legel' Snowplows and Sanders were being readied. (i) Gravel Resurfacing on 'Road 1'43 would continue in about a week1 s time. (j)E'xpenditures to date and anticipated expendjltures would allow purchase of new machinery before the year end. (k) A reorganization of the Road Department would take place in the new year with the retirement of Norman Chaplow. Mr. Art Gordon would become General Superintendent with jurisdiction OV4ar all maintenance and constr- uction activities. 5:T. THOMAS', ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1971 PAGE 2 RETlRE,MENT DINNER AND GIFT for Mr. Norman Chap10w were discussed. "MOVED BY: D. R.. TOnD SE,C:ONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS T'HAT REEVES MCINTYRE, AND: EMERSON, WILSON MOORE AND THE WARDEN BE: A COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE ARETlREME,NT DINNER IN HONOUR. OF NORMAN CHAPLOW AND CLAYBOURNE GORDON. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: S,E,CONDED BY: C. MottRISON R. N. JOHNSTON T'HAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPR'O~ lfORPAYMENT. ,PAYLIST 4131 AMOUNTING TO $ 21,823.86 PAYLIST 132 AMOUNTING TO $ '23,008.66 PAYLlST 1133 AMOUNTING TO $122,618.35 CARRIED"t CORRES'PONDENCE WAS READ FROM THE: FOLLOWING: (a) 'Richard Dewsnap - West Lorne" commending the County for the improvement of County Road #2. (b) North Yarmouth Historical Society requesting financial support for the restoration of the late Daniel Patterson log cabin. The Committee felt that the request should be made to the County's Pinance Committee. (c) Department of Municipal Affairs regarding the Municipal Incentive Winter Work Programme allocating the sum of $19,250 to the County of Elgin. The Engineer was instructed to formulate a programme to use the funds and make the necessary applications. (d) The Department of 'transportation requesting the County of Elgin 'Road Committee rescind their resolution requesting Development 'Road Funds for Construction of 'Road /#21 in Port Stanley and Road /116 in F'inga1. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1971 PAGE 3. ttMOVE,D BY: S,ECONDED BY: D. R. TODD J. L. DENNIS THAT WERE-SClNO THERESOLUTIOl'l OF MAY 6, WHICH REQUESTED THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TO DESIGNATE DEVELOPMENT ROADS ON ROAD #16 IN PINGAL AND ROAD 121 IN PORT STANELY. C'ARRIEDU THE ENGINEER REPORTED on Land Purchase stating: (a) That no progress had been made on Road /136 with Schneider and Flsh but further work would be done. (b) That t4ere were no new developments regarding Wm. Cornwall on Road 412. .THE: E:NGINEER PRESENTED the appraisal of Canada Trust c)n the Arrow Property on Road /#20 in Port Stanley. AFTER DISCUSSION . ttMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. MU.KI.{ISON T. Y. R.OBERTS THAT WE OFFER TO H. J. MCMANUS THE SUM OF $7,500.00 FOR THE ARROW PETROLEUM PROPERTY ON BRIDGE, STREET IN PORT STANLEY. CARRIED" RE:EVE E,MMERSON OF VIENNA IN ATTENDANCE. BEEVE EMERSON REQUESTED that the Road Committee recommend the addition of certain roads in Vienna and BayhamTownship to the County Road System. He stated that the Minister of T'ransportation and COnulldnicatio,ns would approvEl these additions. AFTER. DISCUSSION ttMOVE,D BY: SECONDED BY: T. Y. 'ROBERTS J. L. DENNIS THAT WER!COMMKND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE COUNTY'~)RE-KSTABLISHING ROAD BY-LAW BE AME:NDED BY ADDINGTHRRETO: (a) ROAD BETwnn1'l LOTS /110 AND /111, CONCESSION II, FROM THE ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION II AND III, BAYHAM TO COUNTY ROAD 4142. (b) ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION II AND III BAYHAM AND rorHE ROAD USED IN LIEU THEREOF FROM THE ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 10 AND 11, EASTERLY TO HIGHWAY 1119. (c) ROAD FROM BETWEEN CONCESSION II AND III BAYHAM TO COUNTY ROAD 4/41 IN VIENNA. CARRIED't ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 10, 1971. PAGE. 4. THE. MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. R. TOn:D R. N. JOHNSTON THAT AN APPLICATION BE: MADE TO THE. DE'PARTME,NT OF TRANS~PORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTING AN INTE:~IM PAYMENT OF SUBSIDY. CARRIE:DU THE ENGINEER presented the attached Revised ~oadProgr'amme. AFTER DISCUSSION . t~OVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DE:NNIS R.. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE: RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ATTACHED THREE _ YEAR ROAD CONSTRUCTIONPROORAMME: (REVISED NOVEMBER 1971) BE ADOPTED'. CARRIEDU ,THE El-JGI~~f'.,R PRESENTKD the attached Report on Winter Maintenance. The Committee agreed ,with the recommendations regarding Public Relations and instructed the Engineer to proceed. THE ENGINE.RRRRCOMMENDED that as funds were avai lab Ie _ tenders, shoul d be called for some of the new equipment which would be necessary in 1972. ttMOVE'D BY: ~. L. DENNIS SECONDED BY: -T,. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE AC\Jll.f'T THE QUOTATION OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC LIMITED F'OR SIX (6) RADIO UNITS AT THEIR QUOI~ll PRICE OF $3,852.00 PLUS PROVINCIAL SALES TAX, SUBJECT TO DE'PART:MENT .oF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL. CARI~IEDn UMOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: D. R. TODD THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING NEW MACHINERY: - 3 DOUBLE CAB-PICKUP TKUCK (3 COUNTY TRUCKS AS TRADE-INS) 1,; TRACTOR:- L.oAD'ER BACKHOE 2 DIESEL POw.t'..~u TRUCKS (TANDEM) 1 DOUBLE CAB STAKE TRUCK (COUNTY TRUCK AS A TRADE-IN) CARRIEDn !,tMOYED'I'BY:: D. R. T.oDD SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT WE ADJOURN T.o 10:00 A. M., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1971. CARRIED" rt Ii: q.- tf" IL ' Il7 c V CHAIlMAN I · v ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ' EAST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION OCTOBER 28, 1971 1. Leave Court House 9: 00 A. M. 2. Road #16 to Middlemarch (Road 1145) constructed 1970 - 1971 as Development Road 110,23 (St. Thomas to Fingal). 3. Road #45 - constructed 1969 - 1970 and 1971; as Deve:lopment Road 1930 (Jaffa to Middlemarch - 12 miles.) 4. Kettle Creek Culverts... Largest elliplcal metal culverts in the 'J'!;j world,in 1970, 37 foot span, 26 foot, 7" rise, length 244 feet on bot'torn. 5. Road '45 to Road #36. ~ I} II I, 6. 'Road #36 to Sparta -Road 11.36 from Hi.ghway #3 to 1 mile south of Sparta programmed for construction - 1972. 7. Coffee. 8 . Ro ad 11 4 5 to Ro a d #40. r 9. Road.f;40 - Construction 1970 - 1971 - Highway 413 to' Mount Salem. 'i ! 10. Road 140 - soutb of Mouni Salem - under consideration f~r addition to County Constructio'n Programme. 11. Road #42 to Port Burwell' (Iroquois Beach Park ). if time. ~, . 12. Road f!51 - "Victoria Street - added to County 'Road System. 13. Road 1142 - East of Por't Burwell - Van Order Bridge in poor condition to be added to'~ounty Construction Progranme. ""'J'~~fm~r"i~~!{i,JiJ&'iII.i'""""~t;,'i;;'U,;r.~,;w.:lI'#S!\Il!ll~\,iJ>iilt"c,, , ..,i',.ie,;! ',"'.\." COUNTY COUNCIL .. EAST ELGIN ROAD INS'PECTION ------------------------ PAGE 2 14.. Erosion at Kaufman Prop~rty - Road 142. 15.. Dinner - Mill Mar Manor ~ Tillsonburg. 16. Road #44 - Highway /119 to Highway #3. 17. Road #44 - llighway #3 to Road #46 added to County Road System. 18. Road ,1146 - Highway If3 to Road fF40. Road 1140 to Springfijeld. Glencolin to Springfield - constructed 1970 - 1971. 19. Road #52 to Road #32. 20. Road #32 - Portion from Road #52 to Ayl~er Police College, added to County Road,Syste~. ,21. Road #53 - Beech Street - Aylmer - constructed 1970 to 1971. 22. Highway *73 - to Road #52. 23. Road #52 to Road #30. 24. R6ad #30 - Patterson Bridge Culverts. Metal Culverts - 32 foot span. _ 22 foot; 6" rise bottom length - 102 feet. St. Thoms~s Suburban Road Commission Project. 25. . Road #52 - to Road #25 - Programmed for reconstruction - 1973 including replacement of Carr Bridge. 26. Resurfacing - Road #25 (Wellington Road) 1972 or 1973. 27. Return to Court House. ST. THOMAS, ON! ARlO OCTOBER 20, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN.ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 2:00P. M. on Wednesday, October 20, 1971, in conjunction 'ii'ith County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE, l:"lU!..SE:NT EXC~l:"I 'R.eeveMi ske 11 y . THE. ENGINEE:RREPORTED that Mr. Schneider of Road :/136 had again been visited and it was hoped that a settlement could be arranged to purchase the necessary widening for Road 136. Reeve Roberts' assistance would be necessary to negotiate with Mr. Max,F'ish. THE. ENGINEER REPORu~~,JJ that Mr. Barclay Aldis of Canada Trust (London) was carrying out an apprisal on the Arrow Petroleum proper1ty on 'Road /120 at Port Stanley. THE ENGINEEll ALSO'UPOltTED that ':he had met with Mr. Cornwall on Road:fJ:2, and the feeling was that the matter of compensation should be left in abeyance until the County had completed their trimming 'work. The Engineer was instructed to provide a report Ion Winter Maintenance at the next meeting with emphasis on what could be done to improve emergency service. ARRANGEMENTS for forthcoming County Council Road Inspection were discussed. TENDERS FOR. the Patterson House on l~.oad :/F30 were opened and were as follows: 1. Mr. W. R. Proud, R. 1{. 118, St. Thomas -----------___ $106.00 2. Mr. William Buck, Springie1d -----------------______ $ 75.00 3. Willy Verna.et,Aylmer ---,-~--------...----------______ $ 50.00 T'HE COMMITTEE agreed to sell the house to Mr. W. R. Proud, being the highest bidder.. THE MEETING AlJ),JOURNED to November 10, 1971. ~;~0 !f' . ,p-,r . ,~c (j/ CHAIn''lI A ~, Rl.l".lftN ST. THOMAS,' ONTARIO OCTOBER 13', 1971 PAGE 1 THE,COUNTY OF ELGIN . ROAD COMMITTRE met at the Court House at 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday, October 13, 1971. ALL ME,MBERS, WERE PRESENT E:XCE:PT Reeves Xoberts,.Wi1son and Miskelly. ALSO 'PRE,SENT was .Mr. Frank Clarke of the DepartmE~nt of Transportation and Communications. THE, MINUTES OF THE, :MEETINGS OF September 8 and 22nd were read and approved. THE KNGINEER REPORTE,D on the work to date as fo llows: 1. That the 'Road Re-establising By-Law had been forwarded to the Department of Transportation and Communications at Toronto and it appeared that it would be late NovembE~r or early December before approval would be forthcoming. 2. That the Culvert plates on the north end of the Silver Creek Culvert would be replaced as soon as possible. No agreements as to the sharing of costs had been made with Westeel Rosco Ltd. 3. Sand Base, Culvert and Catch Basin work had been completed on Road 112, between West Lorne and Rodney. Crushed gravel would start on Thursday. 4. Storm Drain work using two crews was underway in W~st Lorne. 5. S'teel for Culverts on Road li9 and Turkey Creek was expected shortly. 6. The Patterson Bridge Culverts had been erected and had been backfilled to the thrust beams. Placement of reinforcement steel for the thrust beam was underway. 7. Tenders for the removal of the Patterson house had been called by the Suburban Road Commission. (\ 8. Creek Diversion work had been completed ,at the Fleming Creek Bridge on Road /13 and at the East Eden Bridge. 9. The dirt behind the west abutment of the Van Order Bridge on Road 1142 had been dug out and replaced with sand. Replacement of the Bridge was recommended as soon as possible. 10. Sand piles would be piled shortly for winter maintenance. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO :OCTOBER 13,' 1971 PAGE 2 11. Paving on Road 1121 (Warren Street) was scheduled for later in the week. 12. A 2-inch Pump had been stolen from theP,atterson Bridge over the weekend. ttNOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDE,O BY: J. L. DE.NNIS THAT THE, FOLLOWING ,PAYLISTS BE At'l:'KOVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #26 AMOUNTING TO $ 26,194.56 PAYLIST #28 ANOUNTING TO $ 23,343.13 PAYLISr 4f29 AMOUNTING TO $ 22,924.15 PAYLI.sT 1F.30 AMOUNTING TO $149,114.12 GARRIEDtt CORRE,gPONDENGEWASREAD FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1. The Minister of Department of Transportation and Communications approving the County Supplementary Maintenance By-Law. 2. The Town of Aylmer with an application to the Municipal Board to rezone the Knights of Columbus jproperty on Beech Street. 3. From the.Township of Southwo1d requesting the removal in Finga1 of ,the curb between Jackson and Fordham properties. The Committee decided to leave the matter in abeyance until next spring. 4. From the Vi 11age of Dutton requesting thl!lt,parking be prohibited on Road 1#15 in front of the D'1Jl\f'tOt~)unwich Public Schoo 1. "MOVED BY: C. MORRISON SE,CONDED BY,: D. R.. TOnD (\i THAT WE RECOMMEt-.1D TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE' PASSED PROHIBITING PARKING ON BOTH SIDES OF COUNTY ROAD 1i15, FROM JOHN STREE'T (COUNTY ROAD 1/8) WE.STERLY TO WEST LIMIT OF THE, SONS OF SCOTLAND PARK. CAERIEDtt ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER 13~ 1971 PAGE 3 REDUCTION IN THE SPEED LIMIT on Road 4i15 between Dutton and Road #2 was discussed. UMOVED BY: J. L. DENNIS SECONDED BY: G . MORRISON THAT WE, RECOMME.ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED LIMITING THE SPEED ON COUNTY ROAD 4/15, BE.TWEEN THE NORTH LIMIT OF DUTTON AND COUNTY ROAD /12, TO 40 MILES PE,R HOUR. CARRIEDU "HOVED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE, RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS FOR THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD SYSTEM. CARRIEDtt THE, COUNTY COUNCIL ROAD INSPECTION DATES were discussed. MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT WE "RE.COMME.ND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT COUNTY COUNCIL ROAJD INSPECTION BE. HE,LD ON OCTOBER 28 FOR EAST E.LGIN AND NOVEMBER 4 FOR WEST ELGIN, LEAVING THE COURT HOUSE AT 9: 00 A. M. \EACH DAY. CARRIED'! MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C. MU.KKISON THAT THE QUOTATION OF ~CO CANADA LIMITED FOR A~ 6;;'FOOT, SIX INCH,BY SEVEN FOOT, SIX INCH ,BY ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEE,N FEET LONG , MULT IPLATE' CULVERT ,AT A PRICE OF $2,441.80 BE ACCKPTED. CARRIED" MOVED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: J.L. DENNIS T'HAT THE DEPARTME.NT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS BE REQUESTED TO ALLOW THE, TRANSFER OF $40,000 FROM BRIDGE AND CULVERT CONSTRUCTION: PAT.I.'t.KSON BRIDGE TO BRIDGE: AND CULVEKT CONSTRUCTION; ROAD /1.36 CULVEJ:<.T CONSn<uCTION. CARRIED't THE. MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER . PROPERTY PURCHAsE was ,discussed. The Engineer rep()rted that no progress had been made with Max Fish on Road 1#36. PaYments to Wm. Cornwall, Road 412, were discussed and the Engineer instructed to report further at the next meeting. S'I _ 'tRoWS, ON'tl\R1.0 OC~O~BR '13, 1971. 1? hGB 4 \ \'~O'\1B'O y,"i: J. L. DBlS\lS\lS '0 1>.1 JOtllS\S~O~ S\'.CONP1J) 'B'l' ""- ." 'to ?\lRCJ:V$\'.. 1J.NP VoR vnD\'.N1.NG oV 't W>> 't 't\1\'. \'..NG 1. N\?l'.R -e1'.. N.JT\\oR1.1.1'..1l, ., S01J't\1\'.ltL'l 1. N l\CC QRlll\NC\'. vn't\\ 't\\\'. l\D .jf3 VRO~ \l1G\\\4l\'l.NO- J C01JN't'l RO n" ,,~... Lt-NP FURCWS1'.. P01.1.C'l- CARR1.\'.D t1 CO~l1.~BJ:S 1?~vI:",j.'1J,. t Po~t stanley ~as ?QRC\\l\S1'.. ot the l\~~o~ pet~oleum p~ope~tY a di.SCUssed. "~O'\IF.D -e'l' n- R- 'tODD S1'..CONP\'..D -e'l' R- N - JO\\NS'tON ~lt1'..n 'to \\l\'\IF. p.N l\PpW\1.S/>.L ~\'. 't\\l\'t 't\1\'. \'.NG1.N\?1'..R -e1'.. \'.~O ROl\D />.'t POR't s't/>.NLV.'l- j>.RR0\4 PRO~~'l ON c/>.RL or' ~t\B c.t\RR1BD'\ .. R cl ,0nst~uetiOn l'~Og~ann:ne ~as 'the countY's th~ee-lea~ oa c th ~ith the Co~ittee cleeicling to acl~anee to cliseussecl at some leng , t Ca~lo~ the 'IIan O~de~ -e~iclgeJ ~eeonst~uetl-on 0 1912 the ~eplaeement ot 'Road B1ttensi.on. . f. ~ d 4f40 f:rotn ,d add the eonst~etl-on 0 oa 1.t ~as also deel-de to 1lJ d itl+'2 to the 1911+ p~Og~a~e- ~unt salem to oa 'eO. f'\-roo-ra'{t'l1t\e at "'\'.D t ....esent a ~e~l-S r " 't\1\'. 1'..]i.G1.Nt1'..R \4l1S 1.]i.S'tR1JC, 0 r the ne1tt meeting- . t su~~eYs on Road itl+'2, 't \1\'. 1'..]i.G1. ]i.\'.\'. R \4l1S />.1.S 0 />.1J't\\OR1. -z;\'.D to s ta ~ east ot?O~t -eurwell- 'R. ~. JOtl~S~O~ ,,~o'\IF.D -e'l' ~Ol$JSO]i. S\'.CoNPV.D -e'h C - . 1.0 ~~ 10.00 A. ~. ,,1'G' /o:nJOURJi. 'to ]i.o'\IF.~V.R' . · 't tlP-.. ~ Wp f;'>lJ C1\.R'R1B'O'\ ~ ,/1 ',' . ,;r' .k? ./ I ~- ,~ .""'" -~-"""""....",.,--,-...-.._,~,,-,..... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO OCTOBER SESSION. 1971 TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: WE RECOMMEND: 1. Tha~ County Council Road lnspection be held on October 28th, East Elg,in area and on November 4, 1,971, West Elgin' area, leaving the Court House both days at 9:00 A. M. .2. That a By-Law be passed designating through high~iYs for the County Road System. As a number of miles of road were assumed by thE~ County in September,' a new By-Law designating through highways is needed. 3. That a By-La~ be passed limiting the speed to 40 miles per Twp,. hour. Ion CQunty Road 1115, in Dunwich/ ana between County Road 12, the north limit of the ,Village of Dut.ton. 4. That a By-Law be passed prohibiting parking on County Road 115, in the Village of Dutton from the west limit of John Street (County Road #8) westerly for 667 feet. TheBy-Law will prohibit parking in front of the Dunwich-DuttonPublic School and the Sons of Scotland Park. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN 7':27 >;/ ,~ j , !/J >:M~9-~ f{,1J-1-~&' /j-z)~ --------~.-- COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE INS'PE~!_!~N - OCTOBER 6. 19'71 LEAVING COURT HOUSE 9:00. A.~. 1 - RClad 122 SA - Fairview Avenue - under' control of St. Thomas Suburb,an Road Commi$sion - Road deteri~or~ting. 2 - Road 1124 - to Port. Stanley - Road 123 - East Street _ Repaved by Contractor after sewer installation. 3 - Road 120 ... Carlow Street extension. 4 - Road #21 - Warren Street'- Reconstruction. 5 - Road /;24 to Highway No. 73 tc;> Road 142 to Road #40,. 6 - Road 140 to Mount Salem and return,- Consider for addition to programme. 7 - Road #42 to Port Burwell. 8 - Road 142 - east of Port Burwell - VanOrder Br:[dge.Consider for addition to programme. 9 - Road #42 - Erosion 10 ... Road 1138 - Straffordville - Municipal Storm Dlrains. 11 - Road #38 to Highway No. 3 - Road deteriorating. 12 - Road 1144 ... Highway No., 3 to Road 146. 13 - Aylmer ... Lunch. 14 - Road 132 ~ Police College to Road '52 ... Stop C~ap Construction at Railroad crossing... Curve revision? 15 - Road 1152 to .Road 130 ... Patterson Culverts. 16 ... Road #52 ... to Road #25 - programmed for '1973. (includes Road 1131 and Kettle Creek Crossing on RO,ad #52)., 17 - Road #25 - Wellington Road - Resurfacing 1972 or,1973. 18 - RClad #52, - St. Thomas Expressway - Intersecti4on. . . 19 - Road 152 - extension to-Talbotvi11e. , r. , ~ '20 - Highway #3 to Road #14. 21 - Road 114 ~ Iona Statio'n to Road #13 - Con'sider fQr additon to prog~amme. Road 1113 - Dutton urban - to be programmed in. conjunction' with installation of Sanitary sewers~ 23 - Road #8 ... Extension to Ro,ad #15. 22 24 - load 116 ~ TaLbot Cteek Bridge. ' . 25 - Road #16 - Urban section Fingal. 26 - Road #16 - Development 'Road #1023 - nearly completed. .... S'I~. THOMAS, ONT ARlO SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Cout~t House at 3:00 P. M. on September 22, 1971, in conjunction with Count)r Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. F'rank Clarke of the Department of Transportation and Communications. t'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS C. MOM-ISON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A ROAD EXPENDITURE BY -LAW BE PASSED IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 TO BE ALLOCATEIf FOR ROAD MAINT- ENANCE. CARRIEDU TENDERS FOR ASPHALT PAVING on Road 412 in West Lorne and on "Road 1;2, between Road 113 and Rodney were opened and were as follows: 1. 'rowland-Hewitson Construction Ltd. , Box 2815, Terminal A, London, Ontario $65,473.20 $66,102.00 2. Walmsley Brothers Ltd. ,R. R. ft8, London, Ont. . ttMOVED BY: SE,COND.E.D BY: J .,L. DENNIS D. R. TODD THAT'T'HE TENDER OF TOWLAND-HEWITSON COMPANY LTD., IN THE AMOUNT OF $65,473.20 BE ACCEPTED FOR PAVING ON ROAD 4J2, IN THE VILLAGE OF WEST LORNF. AND ROAD f1,3, ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DEPAltTMENT OF TRANSPUKIATION AND,COMMUNICATIGNS. C.ARRIEDU THE MEETING ADJOURNED to October 6, 1971. (J-- /h1ch~ ;1' . V'"' , I P'" I (j CHAIRMAN , (lat~~ r~- , .:: , '1'-:" q//".L. I ~~~.'^'~ la" . .it o '" SEPTEMBER SESSION 1971 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO S~COND REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: . WE' RECOMMEND: 1. 'rbat a road expend~ture By-Law be passed to be allocat.d as follows:. 'Maintenance (Winter Contro 1) $20,000. the Department of Transportation and Communications has agr'eed to accept additional maintenance by-lawS from municipalities which had large extraordinary expenditures for Winter Maintenance expenditures in the past winter season. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECrFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN fy~,:.,..fi I!J,-y~-" ,-v-- / SEPTEMBER SESSION ST. THOMAS l~ ONTARIO TO THE WARDEN' AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMI'1'TEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS: We recommend: 1. That the resolution of the County of Halton requesting the Dep,artment of Transportation and Communications to prov:lde a summary of accidents on County Roads to the County at rlegular intervals be endorsed. 2. That a road re':'establishing By-Law (plan method) be passed incorporating the present County Road System with the following changes: A- Deletions: (1) Count~ Raid '26 from the north limit of Road #11 t6 the Middlesex County boundary, a distance of. approx- imately 1.0 miles. (2) County Road J/42A in, the Village of Port Burwe:ll, being approximately 1,200 feet of Union and Robinson Street. B - Additions, (1) Extension of County Road #20 south of Bridge Street to Lake Erie, in the Village of Port Stanley. (2) road from Highway 3 and 4 at Talbotville easterly to County Road 126. (3) road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII and IX, Ma1ahide Township, from County Road #32 to County Road /152. (4) road between Concession VIII and IX Bayham from Highway 3 to Road 1146. (5) Vic.toria Street in the Village of Port Burwell from Highway 19 to County Road #42. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN -~~ :lj ST'. THOMAS, ONT ARlO SE,PTEMBER 8, 1971 PAGE 1 THE CQUNTY OF ,ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Coux't House, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A. M. on. September 8, 1971. All members were prese~nt except Reeves Morrison and Caverly. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING ,of August 11, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER, REPU.ttlED on the work to date as fo11clws: 1. Pavement marking and surface treatment work had been completed. 2. Grass cutting would be done by the end of the week. 3. One (1) culvert had been comp.eted at Patterson Bridge and the removal of the old bridge was underway. Excavation for the second culvert would start shortly. 4. Lawn seeding and trimming was continuing on Roads #45 and #16. 5. Steel plate culverts for Road #9 in Dunwich and the Turkey Creek IOn the Southwold-De1aware Town1ine had been ordered from from Armco Canada Ltd., the lowest of three (3) quotations. 6. Construction except for paving had been completed on Road 1121, Warren Street in Port Stanley. 7. Grading was underway o,nRoad fF2, between Weflt Lorne and Rodney and the scraper work would be concluded by t:he middle of next week. Sand base was being placed as were pipe culverts and drains. 8. Colavitto Brothers were placing sanitary se~~ers on Main Street but it would likely be a week or so before the County could start storm drain work. Paving tenders for Road ~~2 would close on September 22, 1971. 9. T,he failure of a portion of the Silver Creek Culvert on County Road 1/42 was still under investigation by Westee1 'ROl!>CO Ltd., and by the Department of Transport and Connnuilications Bridge Office. 10. Land purchasing on Road /136 would be carried on again shortly. 11. One Plan for road widening on Road #2, West Lorne to Rodney, had been registered and the others would be ready shortly. St'. THOMAS, 'ONTARIO SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 PAGE 2 REEVE SPEERS OF PORT STANLEY IN ATTENDANCE with regard to tbe purchase of the property of Arrow Petroleum for the extension of Carlow Road, (Road 1120) in Port Stanley. The Committee decided to inspect the property' in the afternoon. UMOVED' BY: R.. N. JOHNSTON SECONDE.D BY: ,1. L. DE,NNIS T'HAT' THE FOLLOWING:p;AYLISTS BE, Al"fKOVED FOR PAYMENT: 'PAYLIST 1;25 AMOUNTING TO $26t462.89 PAYLIST #27 AMOUNTING TO $184,113.77. CARRIEDlt CORRE:SPONDE,NCE WAS READ FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1. Ilona1dPickersgi11 thanking the Road Departm.ent for their work on Road #45 adjacent to his property. 2. Minister of Transportation and Communications advising that payments for road subsidies were available. 3. The Traffic Section of the Department of Transportation and Communications advising that improvements to the intersection of Highway 73 and Road #45 were not required at the present time. , , The Committee instructed the Engineer to bring the matter to the attention of Ron K. McNeil MPP, and request his assistance in the matter. 4. The County of Halton asking for the endorsing of a resolution requesting the Department of Transportation and Communications to supply accident statistics on County Roads. ttMOVED BY: SECONDE:D BY: T. Y. ROBERTS D. 'R. TODD THAT WE RECOHMEND TO COU~J.l COUNCIL THAT THE'RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF HALTON REQUE:STING THE UTC PROVIDE TRAJrr"lC ACCIDENT ST'ATISTICS ON COUNTY ROADS BE ENDORSED. CARRIEOU ST. THOMAS,' ON! ARlO SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 PAGE 3 t'MOVED BY: SE,CONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS T. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF ARMCO CANADA LTD., AT $8,9201.00 FOR SUPPLY OF MATERIAL FOR THREE (3) STRUCTURAL PLATE. STEEL CULVERTS FOR COUNTY ROAD 4/9, AND TURKEY ~~EK ON THE SOUTHWOLD-DELAWARE T'OWNLINE. CARRIEDU ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE Roads and Transportation Asso,ciation Convention in Vancouver" were discussed. THE ENGINEER RE,PORTED THAT approximately $40,000 more in County Funds would be necessary to take advantage of the Department, of Transpor- tation and Communications subsidy allocated and tbe Road Expenditure By-Laws passed in March. This wascaused because the bridge and culvert work originally ,planned would cost less than had been estimslted thus freeing more DTC funds than County Funds. An additional $10,000 in County Funds would be required to take advantage of the DTe Supplementary By-1alw for Winter Maintenance. IT WAS DECIDED to have the County Finance Committee discuss the matter at County Council. THE, MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER at Port Stanley. AFTER DINt'4J:!.,K . THE COMMI~TEE INSPECTED the Arrow Petroleum propE~rty on the extension of Road #20 and the 'Patterson Culvert on Road #30 in the afternoon. UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10:00 A. M. OCTOBER. 13, 1971. ROAD INSPECTION TO BE' HELD OCTOBER 6, 1971 AT 9 A. M. CARRIEDU ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO AUGUST 12, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas at 10:00 A. M. on .August 12, 1971. All members were present. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Transportation and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF July 7, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date stating: 1. Surface Treatment work would continue on Road #45 between Road #16 and H~ghway 4, shortly. 2. Grass Cutting was continuing. 3. Pavement markkng was also continuing. 4. Trimming work on Road /140, south of Springfield and south of Highway 3 was completed. 5. Trimming work was continuing on Road #45 and Road #16. All granular would 'be completed in a week and that one (1) mill! of paving remained to be completed on Road #16. 6. The Finga1 urban section on Road #16 had been co~~leted. 7. Construction on Warren Street was underway. 8. Erection of culverts at Patterson Bridge would stlart shortly. 9. Grading on Road #2, between West Lorne and Rodney would start in approximately 10 days. The quotation of Johnston Brothers (Bothwell) Limited for supplying granular A on the Road at $:2.24 from their Komoka Pit had been accepted. 10. Work by Framat Construction and Tripp Construction was continuing in Port Stanley. 11. Land purchase was continuing on Road #36. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO 1\UGUST 12, 1971 PAGE 2 "MOVED BY: J.L. DENNIS SEC ONDED BY: R. N. .JOHNST ON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST 4121 AMOUNTING TO $25,235.58 PAYLIST 4122 AMOUNTING TO $26,244.97 PAYLIST #23 AMOUNTING TO $239,346.18 CARRIEDU CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the following: 1. Mininster of Transportation and Communications stsLting that subsidy payments of a total of 60% was estimated subsidy for the year would be forwarded to the County Treasurer shortly. 2. Mr. F. Clarke regarding unusual expenditures for ~rinter Control. The Committee felt that a policy statement by the Finamce Committee would be required. The Engineer reported that the County's expenditures for Winter Control had been approximately $20,000 in e~xcess of 10% over the past 3 year average. 3. Kettle Creek Authority stating that the option would be taken up for the Patterson property not used for Road Allowance: purposes. 4. The St. Thomas Art Gallery regarding preserving the Patterson house. The Engineer was instructed to reply to the letter giving technical details of the need for the property. 5. A copy of a letter from the Township of Bayham to the Department of Transportation and CO..........1nications requesting the hamlet of Richmond (Bayham) be known as Richmond henceforth. 6. Gloin and Little regarding compensation for the Siple property. The Engineer reported that the County Solicitor would report to the Committee in due course. 7. Mr. G. Mason requesting a pedestrian entrance to his property on Road 4116. The Committee agreed to the same. 8. C. Jackson regarding urban work in Fingal. The Committee agreed to inspect the same on their next Road Inspection. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER ST. THOMAS, ONT ARlO AUGUST 12, 1971 PAGE 3 AFTER DINNER CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Transportation & Communications, (P. D. Patterson) regarding the assumption and reversion from present County RQad System. All proposed reversions were approved. All road assumptions were approved except the Coyne Road in Dunwich and the extension of County Road #41 in Vienna and Bayham. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON J. L. DENNIS THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT AN ESrOLISHING ROAD BY-LAW BE PASSED FOR THE PRESENT COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM WITH THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS AND ADDITIONS: DELETIONS: (a) C,ounty Road f142A in Port Burwell (b) County Road /;26 from County Road /;11 to Middlesex County Line. ADDITIONS: (a) Carlow Road extension-' in Port Stanley. (b) Road from Talbotville to Road #26. (c) Road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII and IX, Malahide. (d) Road from Highway 3 (North Hall) to Road #46. (e) Victoria Street in Port Burwell. CARRIED" ARRANGEMENTS for the Road & Transportation Association Convention were discussed. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Village of Port Stanley we:re engaged in negotiations for the Arrow Petroleum property for the extension of Carlow Road in Port Stanley. The Committee agreed to inspect the property on the next Road Inspection. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED permission to call tenders for Asphalt Paving on County Road #2, between West Lorne and Rodney. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON C. MORRISON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR ASPHALT PAVING ON COUNTY ROAD 112, BETWEEN RODNEY AND WEST LORNE AND FOR COUNTY ROADIF2 IN WE ST LORNE. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ON! ARlO AUGUST 12, 1971 PAGE 4 THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached proposed Road Con~struction Programme and Prio.rity Scheduled as revised from the 1971 Needs Study update. The programme was discussed and it was decided to inspect the various roads. "MOVED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 8, 1971 AT 10:00 A. M. CARRIEDt' rJ-.// ~c ;/' V' (j CHAIRMAN ~, 'tif /'l.-' ~y4 . -------. COUNTY OF ELGIN . ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME (INCLUDING ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROADS AND DEVELOPMENT ROADS) 1 9 7 2 1 ~ Comp let ion 0 f Work aJ;ld Paving - County Road 12, West Lorne to Rodney. County Road #2, West I~rne Urban Section. 2. Grading, Granular Base, Etc. (a) Road /136 from Highway 3, 1 mile south of Sparta including urban section in Sparta north of Road #27, .Yarmouth. (b) Road 1130, from St. Thomas limits "to Road 1152" St.. Thomas suburban, Yarmouth. .(c) Road 1113, from ~oad 115, easterly ~n Dutton following .. / Sanitary Sewer work :by OWRC (including paving). 3. Structures - Port Talbo~ Bridge, Road 116, including approaches_' / Dunwich Township. ' 1 973 1. Paving and Completion of Work: . (a) Road #36, from 1972. (B)' Road #30 from 1972. 2. Grading, Granular Base, etc. (a) Roa'd fI: 52, fr~m Road 1125 to Road #30,Yarmouth. (b) Road '31, : from Road 129 ~o .Road 152, Yarmout~.. (c) Road 11 3, from Highway 113, to Lake EriE!, Aldborough. (d) Road /14, Queen Street, Road 113, westelrly, Rodney and Aldborough Townships (urban section and adjacent rural section). (e) Road /ft3, from Road /12, northerly including Road /12 intersection urban sectio~, Rodney~ Note (d) and (e) depeodon installation of Sanitary sewers by OWRC. 3. Asphalt Resurfacing: Road 4/25, Wellington Road, (Suburban St. 'fhomas Road) 4. Structur(~: Road 1152, Kettle Creek, to replace Carr's Bridae.. ~..~, . ~ -4!z;~.. ~, ~A - :t '" 7[>( p "~ !oad constTucdon 1'TO continued ~ 1. ,1'aving and completiOn of ~oTk. (a) Road .52. graded in 1913. (b) Road 131. graded in 1913. (c) Road 13. graded in 1913. 2'. Grading. Granular Base, etc. (a)' Road 144. from Righ~aY 3 to Road #46. nayh~' (b) Road .42, port ~ur~ell"easterlY appro~imatelY l~ tni le.s, -ea1b.atn. I ) Road #' i 4 lona Stat ion to Road # 13, O. 7 !t\ile s, Dun,..ic h ,c ' andSouthtAO ld. (d) />.dditional proiect(s) from liSt. Van order Bridge, Road .42. Other 1'ro,ectS (Not necessaril" i.n or~) ... 3. Stt'uctu-re: 3. ,;:0, 4. ;. j 1. ~~tension, Road #,20, 1'ort Stanley. '2. spot Improvement of Rail road crossing, Roao i32, e~tension.. Malabide 1o~nshi.P. JoininS of Roads, f~ and H5, Dutton. Road f40, Mount 'Salem to Road 42- SUTveyinS coropteted. Road J1\6, YtnSal to Road f14, - surveying cotI\P\eted. .., d" ,/1-2." <rom St 'ThomaS ,to Road '127, St. 'Thomas. ~ _ ..oa, ff L, · · Subu-rban !toad. _ Road f38, RichmOnd to Straf{ordvHle. Other proiects:l 6. (a) $30 000 _ $40,000 yearlY for Rot Mi~ />.~pbalt . , Resurfaclng. (1'robablY about half of thiS a~unt ,..ill have to come ,out of construction) (b) ~ite Station Garage. ,t ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 7, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas at 10:00 A. M. on July 7, 1971. All members were present except Reeve Dennis. ALSO PRESENT were Mr. Wayne Sims and Mr. Frank Cl~lrke of the Department of Transport and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF June 9th and 15th WE~re read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating:: 1. That Mrs. Ferne McKay, bookkeeper in the offjLce, had passed away very suddenly. 2. That the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission had purchased the Patterson property for $31,000.00 from Mrs. Blanche Anderson and had given an option to the Kettle Creek Authority to purchase the portion not needed for County Road pUl"poses for $26,500.00. 3. That proposals had been requested for the supply of material and the supervision of,'erection for the Culverts at Patterson Bridge and that only Armco Canada Limited had been in a position to enter a proposal, $38,500.00 for material and supervjlsion of erection. Final DTC approval would be requested very shortly. MR. E. o. FANJOY, COUNTY SOLICITOR WAS IN ATTENDANCE. He reported that the County position on the costs of moving meters services:t etc., on the Rodney PUC Watermain between Rodney and West Lorne, was quite vague, as no act seemed to cover the situation and that there were no report~ad court cases. Mr. Fanjoy answered Committee inquiries regarding the matter and suggested that an amicable settlement be reached with the Rodney PUC. REEVE C/AVERLY INTRODUCED A DELEGATION from Concession IX, Malahide Township, between Highway 73 and County Road #32. The delegation requested that County Road 4132 be continued along the ninth Concession from present Road 1132 to Highway 73, rather than straight north to meet County Road i~52. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 7, 1971 PAGE 2 AFTER DINNER .' REEVE WILSON was absent. THE ENGINEER REPORTED further on the work to date stating: 1. Surface Treatment was continuing in East Elgi,n with work in the city of St. Thomas and Road 145 completed, also work on Road 1140, was underway. 2. All work on Road #40 had been completed except for surface treatment. 3. Also completed were minor trimming jobs on Rload /147, /148 and :/149. 4. Trimming work on Road #45 was nearly complete between Highway #4 and Ro ad /~t!i:S'; 5. Top Soil work was underway on Road /;45 west of Highway 4. 6. Grading was complete on Road #16, and Granular Base was continuing. Structural plate culvert near Finga1 was underway. 7. Curb and Gutter and most of the sidewalk had been completed in Fingal. Trimming work was also underway. 8. Tenders for Sanitary Sewers for West Lorne had been called by OWRC to close July 20th. The gas line and telephone line between Rodney and West Lorne had been relocated. Grading would coincide with the completion of granular frontage on Road #16. 9. Grass cutting was underway with the two (2) new mowers having been received at the 1st of July. 10. Alex Graham, P.Eng., was doing a survey of the Straffordville Drain for the Township of Bayham. 11. Sanitary Sewer work was underway in Port Stanley on County Road :/123 and Road #21 (Warren Street) by Framat Construction Limited. 12. Tripp Construction had completed the waterline between Port Stanley and Port Burwell, but they had considerable cleanup work to finish. 13. Surveys were underway on Road #13, in Dutton. 14. Design and surveys were continuing on Road /;36, north of Sparta. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 7, 1971 PAGE 3 "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON R. N. JOHNSTON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #18 AMOUNTING TO $25,116.76 PAYLIST #19 AMOUNTING TO $26,294.11 PAYLIST #20 AMOUNTING TO 139,857.27 CARRTEDtt CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the following: 1. The Elgin County Museum thanking the Road Department for the erection of Guide Signs. 2. Ontario Good Roads Association enclD:$!!ll tertificates for the attendance for Road Schools for various County Employees. It was decided to present the Certificates at the next session of County Council. 3. From the Secretary of State stating that the proposed programme under nOpportunities for Youth", had not been approved. 4. From the Construction Safety Association reg.arding having the Provincial Government do all safety inspectiion. The Engineer was instructed to inform the associates that the County was not in favour of Provincial responsibility for Safety Inspection. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that some progress had been made in the purchase of land for widening on Road //36, but that Max Fish had bee,n circulating a petition against the improvement of the Road. Continuing efforts wolu1d be made to purchase the Widening needed. MR. A. MCCONNELL AND MR. JOHN FERGUSON OF THE DTG in attendance and reported on and answered members queries regarding the St. Thomas Expressway. The merits of an overpass on County Road #52 or on County Road #29, were discussed at some length. ''MOVED BY: SECONDED. BY: R. N. JOHNSTON T. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE REQUEST THE DTC TO PLACE AN OVERPASS ON COUNTY RO~D 1;52 INSTEAD OF ON COUNTY ROAD 1/29, ON THE 'ST. THOMAS EXPRESSWAY. CARRIED'1 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JULY 7, 1971 PAGE 4 / "MOVED BY: C. MORRISON SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS THAT THE PROVISIONS OF PUBLIC SERVICE WORKS ON HIGHWAYS ACT ,.l T~E., THE COUNTY TO PAY 50% OF THE DIRECT LABOUR COSTS, BE APPLIED TO THE MOVEMENT OF WATERMAINS, SERVICES,METERS, ETC., OWNED BY THE RODNEY PUC ON COUNTY ROAD 1;2, BETWEEN RODNEY AND WEST LORNE, THAT WILL HAVE TO BE MOVED FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD /12. CARRIED" CHAIRMAN MCINlYJRE REPORTED on the problem of the County setback By-Law on Road #14, in Iona and the Engineer was instructed to write to Mr. Jim McLeod to and explain the By-Law to him. The Engineer stated that the County Road Construction Programme should be examined and added to the next meeting. "MOVED BY: -R.. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE ADJOURN TO AUGUST 11th, 1971 AT 10:00 A. M. CARRIED" f7/~~..... ____ J-: I - / / ';;.,- . Yl.1/ (j CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO .JUNE 15, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 2:00 P. M. on Tuesday, June IS, 1971, in conjunction with lCity Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. PROGRESS OF GRADING on County Roads /116 and /;2 was discussed with the Engineer reporting that Grading with Scrapers would be completed within a week and as no work was yet ready on Road #2, the Scrapers and Bulldozers would be laid off until this work was ready to proceed. Trucking of granular base would likely begin later in the week on Road #16. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had contacted Mr. Fanjoy with regard to his legal opinion as to the division of costs of moving the Waterline on County Road '2, between Rodney and West Lorne, and that Mr. Fanjoy felt that he would have to give the matter some study before giving an opinion. The Committee felt that Mr. Fanjoy's opinion should he received before making any further decisions on the matter. Purchase of the Patterson Farm on Road 1;30, by the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission was discussed at some length. The Chairman was requested to attend the next meeting of the Commission to discuss the matter. The meeting adjourned to July 7, at 10:00 A. M. ~.~. ~$~. --: I' · C~I'~ · ~ I. -- ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 9, 1971 P AG:E 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday, June 9, 1971. ALL MEMBEltS WERE PRESENT except Reeve Caverly and Reeve Miskelly. ALSO PRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Transport and Communications. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of May 13, 1961, were 1read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: 1. Gravel Resurfacing had been completed on roadls north of St. Thomas. 2. Crushed gravel had been placed onBoad #45, ~ast of Road #36, and had been primed for surface treatment. 3. Stumps had been removed on Road 1;2 and the Un:ion Gas Company were relocating their lines. 4. Curb and Gutter work was half completed on Road #16 in Fingal. 5. Grading was underway on Road #16. 6. Trimming was nearly done on Road #45 at Kettle Creek Culvert. 7. Work had been completed at George Booreman's on Road #45 ne~r Jaffa. 8. Application of Gravel had been completed on Road 1/40 at Spring- field and south of Highway #3. Top Soil and Trimming work was continuing and the roads were ready for priming. 9. Priming was underway with work to start in tbe City of St. Thomas 010 June 10th. 10. Surface Treatment work would start as soon as priming had been completed. 11. Asphalt resurfacing had been completed except for 'Roads I/:2 and 1/3. 12. Paving on Beech Street, Road #53, Aylmer, had been completed. 13. The second course of pavement on Road 116 over grading done last fall had been completed. 14. The Cleanup work by Tripp Construction on the OWRC Pipeline continued to be satisfactory. 15. The Concrete work at the Court House had be4!n completed. 16. The two New Pickup Trucks and Grader had been delivered. . r S't. 'tlimvs, 0N'tAR10 JUNE 9, 1971 fAGE 2 'tl\l!. !!.NG1NE!!.1l pl:esented the attached 1lev1.Sed BudSet and cotnntented on it. "~OV1!.D BY R. N. JOIDlS'tON S!!.COND!!.\) BY: C. ~ORR1SON 't1:\A't 'tl\l!. FOLLO'dlNG 1'AYL1S'tS B!!. A1'1'ROV1!.\) FOll 1'AYMEN't: l' A YL1S't lt1. S A}\.OUN't lNG 't 0 $'2 S , '247 · I} 5 1'AYL1S't iH6 M40\lN'tlNG 'to $'23,44'2.S6 l' A YL1S't i \. 7 M4OUN'tlNG 'to '247, '2S.1} · 84 CA'R'R1ED\\l CORl\l!. S poND!!. NeE "AS l\l!. AD f rom the fo \.\. o.,i ns : \.. \)epal:ttuent of 'transport and CotllfllUnications .,ith approva\. of the countY Road e>tpenditUre By-La'" '2. 'the ~inistel: of \)'tC statins that Road i\.6, Finsa\. Ul:ban section and Road i'2\., "al:ren Street, ,.ou\.d be desisnated as \)e-ve\.opment 'Roads. 3 . 'the Frank Co,.an Cotl\llany reSardi ns the spec ia \. provincia\. i nqui ry 4. From the Resion of YOl:k resal:dins use of f\.ashing \.i.ShtS by schoo\. bUses in speed zones of 3S mi\.es pel: hour or \.eSs. on lnsu~ance claims. AY'tE'R D1SCUSS10N · "l'lOV1!.D BY: 't .y. ROB!!.1!:tS SECOND!!.\) BY: D. R. 'tODD 't1:\A't 'dE l\l!.CO-lID 'to cQUN'tYCOUNC1L 't1:\A't 'tl\l!.l\l!.SOL'rtlON OF 'tl\l!. l\l!.G10NAL }l\lN1Cll'AL1'tY 01 YORK 'dl't\\ l\l!.Q\l1!.~;: B~:~~V~~r: F~:::~~G:S~;':lID1CA't!!. ~~~~i:~~C ::T!.1!.'t~:~~~c S1'!!.!!.D lS 3S ~l1J!.S l'1!.1l li()\lR 01l 1J!.SS BE ElIDO'RSEDe cARtllED\t ~EV1!. CAV1!.RLY in attendance. l\l!.!!.V1!. Sl'1!.!!.BS OF 1'01!:t S'tAJ'lU!.Y in attendance. lie requested that the Road Co~ittee Sive consideratiOn to l:ecotnntending to county Counci\. the assutl\lltion of an e>ttension of Road i'20, Car\.ow ~ad, south of liiShw&1 14 to the edse of Lake !!.l:ie. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 9, 1971 PAGE 3 REEVE EMERSON OF VIENNA in attendance. He requested that the Road Committee give consideration to recommending to County Council the assumption of the Brown Side Road and the second Concession of Bayham Township, from County Road #42 to Higbway 19 as County Roads. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for dinner. AFTER DINNER. THE CHAIRMAN READ CORRESPONDENCE from Mr. Durward S'iple requesting more money from the County for the land used by the County for the extension of Road #45. The Committee was of the opinion that the matter should be handled through the County Solicitor and instructed the Eng:ineer to write to Mr. Siple accordingly. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached summary of proposed additions and deletions to the County Road System. DISCUSSION of the various aspectsof each road took place. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Talbot Shivaree requesting the County enter a float in the Shivaree Parade. The Committee felt that they would not enter a float at this time. CHAIRMAN MCINTYRE reported that the Township of Southwold had been informed that it was not necessary to obtain a Cormnittlee of Adjustment consent if a parcel of land was not abutted by '.,another parcel of the same owner. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the results of the DHO Asphalt Inspectors' Courses at which the County had students. IT WAS DECIDED to refund to Mr. Oscar Vo1ckaert the money he had paid for moving permits to move farm machinery on County roads. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Transport and Communications regarding signing on Highway 3 for the hamlet of Bayham- Richmond. It was decided to refer the matter to the Township of Bayham as it was felt it was a local matter. S't. 't\\O~' 0l'ltAll1.0 ruNE 9, 1911 pAGE 4 '\ c01$1!.S1'O}lD11.NC11. 'dAS 11Jl.Atl fron the 'toWtlshit> of south'llOld requesting a No_parltinf, area on Road *20 in Vinsal adjaCent to the ~all 1'a-clt. 'the couanittee felt that for the litl\ited titne the ban 'IIOuld be . ",'tking should not be d -..lth the laclt of l'a-clting 1.n tue a-cea. t>a necessa.'tY a.n WJ. p'tOhibited. . 1 &elt that a na-clting ban which had been -cequested 'the C()tIIII1.ttee a so ~. r . bY the onta-cio 1'-Covineial police on Road *42. at the Van O-cde-C ~-cidge was un.ne.ce.ssa'tY. I11'1OVED ~Y t J. L. D11.l\N1.S SECONDED ~Y t C. MoBP-lSON ~Y LA.'d ~E pASSED 11Jl.S'tR1.Ct1.NG 't\\E 't\\h't 'dE 11Jl.co\4I!IE}lD 'to CO~~ ~C:~~; ~~~ ~'t oV 'dhLJ.A.CE'tO\iN'tO 35 S1'E11.D oV V1l.\\1.CJ,\!.S ON COU".' .. ..... ~1LES PER \\0$. C~lEDt\ c01$1!.SPO}lDENCE 'dAS 11Jl.Atl f-com the countY of Middlese~ ag-ceeins to the -cebuilding of 'tu-clteY c-ceelt culve-Ct on the Delawa-ce-south'llOld 'toWtlline bY the CountY af Elgin. c01$1!.S1'OND11.NCE 'dAS 11Jl.Atl f-catl\ Nesbit-t.ethatl\ Litl\ited af Sa-Cnia on hehalf of the village of RodneY -cequesting the CountY of Elgin to 'd . and se-cvices on 1.\Oad *2 between cont-Cibute to the cost of t\lOving atepll81.n 'dest \.O-cne and Rodney. . ..' d. the Enainee-c to obtain p;F'tER DtSCUSS1.0N the co\lllDl.tue 1.nsuucte." legal advice -cega-cding the division of costs. c01$1!.S1'QND11.NCE waS -cead f-cotl\ the village of 1.\OdneY offe-cins to t>u-cchase the Ca-Cnie G-cavel 1'it f-cQ'lll the County. AF'tE'R D1SCUSSl0'N · · · IIMOVED ~Yt 1 R. N. JO\\NS'tOll SECOND11.D ~l t J. L. D11.11N1S ~l LA.'" \\E pASSED hU't\\OR1.7.1.NG 't\\h't 'dE 11Jl.co\4l!lE}lD 'to coul'ltl CQUNC1.L 't.\\h't h .-. 11. oV RonNEl VOR A1''PR01t- 't\\E 'dAlUlEll AND CtJ!.ltK'tO S1.GllA DEED 'to't:"lVi~(1t ~ CONC11.SS1.0N 'In. 1.NA'l:E L 1 E1.G\tt (a) AC11Jl.S A}lD .,pp;""S:1.)G\tt...2.'CllASE 'PRICf. 'to' ~E $600 · 00 AND AW>>ORQUG\l (cAlll'\1.E 1'1.'1: pRO......... · rU.- 'l1.LLA-GE 'to PAY ALL J,\!.GAL 11.1t1'\!.llSES, cAR'lllED" S't. 'tRO)\AS, ON'tAtUO JU"NE 9, 1971 PAGE 5 'tl:lE t.NG1.llEt.? llEl'Olttttl that the Cqunty had recei "ed pertniSSion to (17) foot widenins of the corn~1.1. 'true\<.i.ng 'Li'\llited enter on to the seventeen d t\...at"~ corn~a1.1. had re<luested an appraisal be "",de of the property an." ",.. property ta~n for .,idenin& and that CO'\llpensatiOn be detertnined on the basiS of the APpt:aisa1. 'tl:lE tNG1.llEt? llE1'Olttttl that the St. 'tho""'s Suburban lload Couaoission had recei"ed the appraisal for the patterson property on aoad .30 and would W$et shortlY to discUSS it. al to the countY Judge the ne~ drainage 1.t., ~s decided not to appe t \...'\1 t\...;A }\alahide 'to'.ft\shiP Council on the CharltOn ~nicipal tlrain assesst't\en U J U.1l;;> on !load 4~40. ';tl:lE tNG1.llEt.R llEPolttttl on the updating of the County lload Needs StudY and stated that the calculated needs - No~ to ten yearS, totalled . ~7 705 000 as of January 1, 1969, $7,077.000 as of June 1, 1972, aSa~nst q, , (see ~ttached Sheets). 'tl:lE t.NG1.llEtR ~t.SO l'l:IEstN'tt1l W$U1bers of the cotolllittee .,ith Update ,&udget and lload Needs bY lload sections and '&ridge NuU1bers. 'tl\ll. tNG1.llEta l:IEl'Oltt1!.1l on his report to the t.lgin l'1annin& '&card with regard to a projected Upper 'tier lload syste'\ll for t~ntY years in the \ futut:e. f S 'tn 5 had accepted the 'tl\ll. t.NG1.llEt.R l:IEl'olttt.D that the CitY 0 t. 0"'" :.e c01lll\ll1nications report on the St. 'thotllBs ... Uft also stated that ST. THOMAS, ON! ARlO JUNE 9, 1971 PAGE 6 "MOVED BY: J. L. DENNIS SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AT THE NEXT SESSION DELETING THE FOLLOWING ROADS FROM THE COUNTY ROAD SYf.TEM. (a) County Road /F26 from Road 1;11 to Middlesex County Line. (b) Erieus Street in Port Burwell from We11i..ngton Street to Union Street. CARRIEDU UMOVED BY: C. MORRISON SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED AT THE NEXT SESSION OF COUNTY COUNCIL ASSUMING THE FOLLOWING ROADS AS COUNTY ROADS AND THAT DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS APPROVAL BE REQUESTED FOR THE ROADS AS COUNTY ROADS. (a) Coyne Road in Dunwich Township between Highway t~3 and the Lake Road. (b) The Extension of County Road /120 from Highway fF~+ to Lake Erie i.n:' Port Stanley. (c) Road between Talbotvi11e and Road #26 in South~)ld Township. (d) Road between Lots 15 and 16, Concession VIII anci IX, Malahide Township from County tl.oad /;32 to "Road ~~52. (e) Victoria Street from Highway 4;19 to Road /;42 in the Village of Port Burwell. (f) Road between Concession IX and VIII, Bayham TO~lShip from Road #46 to Highway #3. (g) Road between Lots 10 and II, Concession II, from the road between Concession II and III, Bayham Township to County Road 4142. (h) Road between Concession II and III, Bayham and l~heRoad used in lieu thereof from the road between Lots 10 and 11, easterly to Highway /119. (i) Road from between Concession II and III, Bayham to County Road 141, in Vienna. CARRIEDIt "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE ADJOURN TO JULY 7, 1971 at 10: 00 A. M. CARRIED" 9 f' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JUNE 9, 1971 PAGE 7 " K ,lnc 9ap CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF ELGIN NEE D S S T U D Y SUMMARY OF TOTAL CONSTRUCTION NEEDS 1 9' 7 1 U ,P D ATE COtJl,J, J. AND ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM Now 1 - 5 years --------------- Total now Plus 1 to 5 years Less Direct Aid from 1965 - 69~Study Less Direct Aid ea~ned for 1970 Less Direct Aid earned for 1971 (estimat.ed) Less 1971 Constt'Uction on desirable System Net (As of Jan.l, 1972) Plus 6 - 10years C. I' I I (In/ thousands) Roads $4,005 2,636 6,641 514 107 141 752 5,127 1,950 $ 7,077 Bridges on Count V Roads $1,578 1,578 145 1 ,433 $ i , 4:33 .1%{f/~f'.I.JC ~~/t,,: ", Bridges on Local Roads $1,034 1,034 1 , 034 $ 1 ,034 ' .. . . Now 1 - 5 years COUNTY OF ELGIN NEEDS.STUDY' SUMMARY OF TOTAL CONSTRUCTION NEEDS (As per 1969 Needs Stu4y, See Pages 27 & 85) COUNTY AND ST.. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD SYSTEM Roads Bridges on County Roads . $5,464 $2,708 3,428 $7,705' $2,158 ~& ~ /4-fi ' I. ~1~ . 4 Bridges on ,Local .Roads $1,165 $1,165 f: I,. 1. ~JjY~ft~.. rY c\I}INGES 'to cdlJl1'tY ROt\D sYSTEM Recotl1l'l\lindati o1\S contained' in Needs Stud.,., (A) AdditiOns.-lIictod.a Stteet in pott Bu~ll. .0.3 miles joining ~oad ~42 and Righ~a" ~19. (a) Road 4~26 notth of Road H 1 in south".old ... (l~) 'Deletions", 'to~sbi~ 1.0 miles 2. (b) Road ~41 _ 'lienna - 0.4 miles. .Othet Roads Studied duting Needs Stud., fot addition to count., s.,stem and not tecO~ended fot Additions. ~ . ftOm Righ~a., 4116 to (1) 'lictotia Stteet (A) ~est Lo~ne - ("B ) 'E~ie Yloo~itlg. (2) Elm. Stteet ftOm Righ~ay 4116 to \,\ilnet Rigsby, Con~lin Lumbet ~ ~est Lorne IndusttieS pott Stanley (\) E"unsion of countY Road ~23 to coal uoc~ and Ste~ling vuels. (2) Maud ~ .. tie Stteet. f tOm l1igh~ay 414 to Ste-rling Yue\s. (3) cathetine Stteet ftOm countY Road ~2\ to . (c) l\ 'Y \tne't' AttO~ vuels Loading Atea. (1) sptuce Stteet ftom Righ~ay i13 easterlY to. central Pipe lines ~ to Uingle St. Bridge. (2) El~ Stteet- Righ~ay 4t13 to Righ~aY 4t3. RURAL 1'.~ . 1 {tOm \l.oad 4115 through _-=----- . .) La~e Road - ~estet y . . (A) uunwich - (1 'tytConnell to CO.,ne Side Road - to serve Dut~on Beach ~~ 'trailet 'at~- tejected until a sizable gro~h in ttailet pat\< ~as evident. (B) .."tension of ..1m Stteet {tOm centennial to Road 4136 as an utban att~tial (te~ected due to insufficient. ttaffiC.) (2). .."t.ension of centennial, sou~nof Elm Street to 'l a t1t\Ou t b 1: \ll? · (\) . Road 4~45 as an utban atUtial (tejected due to insufficient ttaffiC)' Changes to County Road System -Continued - Pa~e 2 3~ Changes proposed in 1970 and 1971 by variou.s Council members. (A) Deletions - None. (B)' Additions: '(a) By DHO- Road from Ta1botvi11e easterly to Road 4126. ... Approximately 1.3 miles. (b) Port Stanley - Extension of Road #20 from Highway #4 along CNR tracks to Sterling Fuel Depot replacement for Erie & Maud St. Link. (C) Aylmer - Study underway regarding the extension of Spruce St. Easterly. (D) Bayham- ( 1 ) Connection between County Road/f44 and /146. '( 2) Connec t ion between Count y Road #38 arid Hi.ghway #19 west end of Straffordvi1le. (3) Brown Side Road and 2nd Concession easterly to Vienna. (E) Vienna- ( 1 ) Continuation of Road #41 to 2nd Concession and in due course extension of 2nd Concession by diverting to 'Highwa~, 4119. f:c;-J" ~ f?L~ &~1 (1P,-; ~/ . ~ ....----- JUNE SESS10N,\97\ ST. Tl\OllAS, oNTAIll0 TO Tl\\!. Wl\1UlEll A1ID l4I"lGEBS ot E1.tl111 COUNT1 COUNC1L 10\li. ROAD COMl'tlTTE1!. \\EGSTO 1\t pmrr AS tOLLOWS: .. \,. The: l\.ini.,ter of Tran,portation and cotftlllUnication,haS agreed to designate Road .16 (tingal urban section) and Road *21, (Warren Street in port Stanley) as Development Roads. WE BECOMl4END ~ 1. ':hat the Resolution of Regl.onall\.UniCipaHty of 'fork requesting the province of ontario amend the l\ighway Traffic Act to allow school buses to use flashing liShts to indicate stOPS in areas where the legal speed is 35 ad les per hour or 1 es s, be endo~sed. 2. That a \\y_ LaW' be passed reS tric t i ng the speed 0 f vehicle s on county Road f15, thrOUgh wat1acetown to 35 mites per hour. 3. That a \\y-Law be pas,ed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Deed to the Village of Rodney for approxi~telY 8 acres and a right of way theretO in Lot \\, concession 'Ill, A\dboroUgh. . The property ..,as originaUY used as a gravel pit by the County and is nearlY depleted. Purchase price is to be $600.00 and the Village i, to paY any legal exPenses involved. 4. That the fouowing roads be deleted from the County Road system. (a) .CountY Road f26, from the north limit of Road fll to the l\.iddlesex CountY boundary, a distance of approxi~telY 1.0 mites. This road doeS not meet any of the Department of Transport and co~nieatiOns criteria fota desirable County Road.. (b) CountY Road '42A in the village of port \\urwet1 being app ro xi"" te ly 1, ZOO feet 0 f Union and Robi n,on S ueets · This portion of road wa' used to facilitate the building of the port \\U rwe 11 \\ ridge. As the bridge is now colllt> 1 eted the 1.loadshoUld be deleted from the County Road systelll. This wiU aUow the village of port \\urweU to enter intO a 10()'7; .. ,...) counecting tink agreeDlllnt with the Department of Trat\Spor~nd co....nieation&. JUNE S'ESS10N fAG'E 2. 'to 'tllE 'flAlU)'EN Al1D te~ ot 1!.1J;lN Comrt't COUNC1L . (0) the to\1o,,1ns. TOads be added to the countY \load syste"" eft'" (....ad between Lots 6 and 1) Dun..dch 'townshiP between oyne ~oa~ PN' ' the La~e Road (\load between Co~cession 1~ and 1) and ~in&ts ~i h~~'~ a distance ot approsimate1Y 1.1 ",i1es. I ,......J ,. (Criteria _ ser~ice to a resort area)' 'the estension ot County Road '20 (Car10w \lOad) in the vn1as.e ot port Stan1ey, south ot ~rid&e Street to La~e 'Erie. a diStance . .. t'l'he 'In 1 age ot port Stan1ey is ot approsimate1Y 0.35 ",~.es, present1Y acqui~ing the majority ot canadian Nationa1 llai1road) the riS.ht ot wa1 tTO'" the 5. -tn.. t (a) (c) . (Criteria _ specia1 industry service) Road tTO'" ~is.hwaY 3 and 4 at 'ta1bOt~i11e easter1ytocountY \load '26, southW01d 'townshiP,' a distance ot approsimate1Y 1.3 . t f 1~aaSftortation and co~nications under . ",i 1es. 'the Departn>en 0 · r ~se jurisdictiOn thiS road is noW under baS indicated that it wi11 revert the road to the CountY or 10ca1 aDnicipa1itY ~ery (e) shortlY. (Criteria - area ser~ice). 'At 15 and 16 Concession '1111 and lX, Ma1abide \load between "" s . ' .. ~ '32 to County \lOad '52, a distance ot 'townshiP tTO'" CountY pCa~ approsimate1Y 1.4 ",i1es, (criteria _ specia1 industry ser~ice). \load between Concession V111 and 1~, ~ayba",'townshiP tro'" \lOad ,46 to ~is.hwaY '3~ a diStance ot approsimate11 0.1 ",nes. (Criteria _ inter-centre connectiOn) . i t"'e 'In 1aere 0 {port '~u:rwe \1 t TO'" ~i s.hllaY ,19 Victoria Street, n ~ D to CountY \lOad'42, a distance ot 0.3 ~1es. (Criteria _ inter-centre connection). . . \0' d \1 ~a~ha",'townsbiP in concession 11 (1) \lOad between LotS an,' 1 , .. ~ A42 to tbe \load betwee~ concession 11 alid 111. f ~ott\ cou.ntY ,",oa\;l 11' . . 11' d 111 {TO'" the \lOad between (2) \lOad between concession an . 10 .1"" easter1~ to ~is.hwaY 19, (Vn1as.e ot Vienna) Lots _,0' 1 . a tota1 distance ot appTOsimate1Y 2.1 ~1es, . . 1....0 o:'f a tOPOlraphica1 barrier and resort (criteria - eTOSs,- . ser"iCe). (f) (d) (,) TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS 9F ELGIN COUNrY COUNCIL JUNE SESSION PAGE 3 (h) The connection of County Road 141 in the Village of Vienna to the Road between Concession 11 and III, Bayham, a distance of approximately 0.-4 miles. (Criteria - crossing of a topographical barrier and resort service) The assumption of this road will provide a connectioh between the item (g) and Highway 19 unt.il the hill on the road between Concession II and III near Highway 19 is improved. '. ""..J 6. That tbe approval of the Department ofTransporJ~nd COlEUnications be requested for the de let ions and addi~tons to the County Roads' System in recommendations 4 and 5. The' additions and deletions would increase the.' County Road ~ystem from its present 300.65 miles to approximately 308 miles. 7. That a By-Law for the deletions and additions recollDIDended in Items'4 andS be passed at the next session of County Council. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. CHAIRMAN jp/ ,. . . :;;;p~ ppb-/V ~' MAY SESS10N, 1971 S't. 't1:\OlV.s, Ottt~10 'to 't$ '\1~El1 ~ }lE\4.1t\tS otEW111 , COUN't't COmlC1L . ~QllR ROAt> COMlll'ttEE 'BEGS 'to \t1.pQ8.'t ~ tOLtffilS: .. 1. A cont~act baS been let to '\1al~sleY 'B~otbe~s Li~ited at $111,659.50 fo~ Aspbalt Pa"ing on county1loadS. 'tbe bid of '\1al~sleY 'B~othe~s waS the \toad *9 in Aldbo~ough. f ~ is ode~ l~ inch and 2 .inch thic~nesses of 'the ~esu~ ac.ng · ~ . 1:\ot ~i~ Aspbalt which waS d~aged by the sp~ing b~ea~up, Also included in.the cont~act is Asphalt Pa"ing on the .I c;" d Ja,16 in tineal and between St. 'thotllas .and tingal po~t.on O' ~oa v . a to be ~e,const~ucted thiS yea~' 2. . .1..1 sucficient fundS fo~ the Aspbalt \lesu~facing In o~de~ to ptO".ue L an applicatiOn baS been tIl&de to the Ministe~ of 1:\ighwaYs to designate as De"eloptll&nt ~oads, the u~ban section of .ttoad 116 in tingal and '\1arcen St~eet, Road i'H in Po~t Stanley. ALL. O'F '\J\{1C1:\ IS \t1.St'tC't"fllLL"i Sll'B141'ttED ,--- , cM1RMAN ~".... 1","",,< . .,. I. !' f : . ; I,' . iM .~ \ fr.. , COUNTY OF ILOIN . : 1971 B~cl..t . MAINTENARCE EST1MATlS ~~-r~ ", J~', DUlrf at YVV--~~"""---.' ~:.;.:,,;\. ..:.:;.;.iliita;,v . 1"71 .... .:'" .;'':'~~:j ..,. . Bricla...ncl Culvert Maintenance, <.) St. Tho..sSu~urban Road Commission.... $ 1,000 . (~) County... Maintenance Roads, (.l St.' ThoDla' Suburban Road Cotmlission . ( i ne l"ding Qverhead) (b). County 1968 Cost 1969 Coat Winter Contr()l ... 6,2,696 Surface Treatment... .53,800 Grav.~ Resurfacing - 20,957 Repairs tt) Pavements - 18,702 Grading Gravel Roads - 7,840 Road Maintenance - 11,060 'Dust Control ... 18,810 Weed Control - 13,659 Brusbing - 9,479 Pavement Ma1~kinl - 9,015 Guide Rail ... 3,669 Signs - 9,826 Drainage ... 11,457 Railroad Protection... 6,321 Drainage Assessment - :, Tree Planting Asphalt Resurfacing Total (Maint,nance County) Less: Reduction in Stock Balance - --r 89,262 25,263 22,560 26,591 16,111 7,889 19,728 13,624 22,441 8,1"58 2,348 14,627 13,400 7,708 1,174 TOT AL ... $ 24.000 $ 25,000 $ 29,000 i i, J ~ ,I , February May 1970 Cost '1971 Estimates. 19,71 77 ,'463 54,532 65,26<<11 . 27 ,81~~ 10,513 7,327 18,520 12,89'7 12,595 . 8,664 10,115 16 ,4lt.2 4, 7 ~~6 8, 4~n 309 320,000 12.000 320,009 50,000 . $ 270, OQO 50,000 $ 270 ',000': f . f r i (2) DRAFT) e I ,~ ' . ..~~~,IfAY.' , 1 9 71 Overhead 1968 Cost 1969 Cost 1970 Cost February 1971 Estimate H~y 1971 104.000 134,000 157,655 165,.000 180,000 Non-Subsidized items _ 2,500 ... ~"'y_:-_Law Cost DHO Subsidy County Construction Brid~es ~ Culvert~ t'.3_aX .y !:.~.Y (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 1 , 000 1, 000 800. 100 (b) County aridges and Culverts 24,000 24,000 19,200 4',800 Roads (a). St. Tholllas Suburban Road Commission Roads and Overhead 29,000 29,000 14,500 7,250 (b) St. Thomas Suburban .( Road Commision non- l' Subsidized - 500 (c) County Roads Maintenance 270,000 270,000 135,000 135,000 (d) County Overhead It, 5, 000 l~O,OOO 96'.000: .' 9.() t ooe (e) Non Subsidized 2,500 ;;...v :L 489,000 504, 259,500 240y 150 ;~(JN~TRU'CTION Brid~es and CuI verts. (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road i.:ormnission Patterson Bridge, Road #30 February 1971 Hay 1971 (b) County 140,000 140,000 (1) Road 140 between "Road #52 and Glencolin and between Highway 13 and Hount Salem. . 3, 000 3,000 35,000 35 , 000 . 35,000 5,000 5,000 78,000 43,000 (2) Culvert Replacement Road #9, Dunwich (3) Culverts in conjunction with grading Road 12, West Lorne To Rodney (4) Su.rveys, Engineering work, Port. Talbot Br1d8e,~ Road 116. " t)~ 3' \4A"l \. C}1 \. (3) ?eb1:Ua:r'Y ......---~...~......- . . \. 1 ,000 6,000 ~. (1) St. 1'00"- SUOU1:oan ttoad (2) lleedsStUd, (\970 Stud,) (3l !>(f1. 1 te1\\S 1 _ lleed- Stud1 (1911 update) 2 _ \.and"1'\11:c\lase (133,000 in 1(10) 3 _ lle" \4.acnine~' ($60,383 in \(10) , G to ~ _ \4.ac\l.inery Olfnet~\l.i~8~O~~; ~~~t;O) De~elopuent Roaus · Co_iS.ion (1 S'- Subsi") 2,000 SO ,000 60,000 He. 'Y -- \7,000 , 7,000 500 70,500 37,000 ;0,000 Ct. ,0,000 c-redit 20,000 s- Dta\nage ~&sessuentS 6 _ yencing nevelopuent Roads 1930 & +1023 (Road& ~5 & +16) ft\. uetbod ot Road consolidatiOn ~,_La" 1 .. r a \'\ J') ~~att\C counts. \4.isC. G~ading const. 8 .. Su't'lle1~' p, \ q .. U-rb\l" Rebat.es . tl ~ R d .22 su~tace. 1~eatuent \0 _ co~plet\on ot ~01:~ .oa ' and Cleat\u~. ' .~2 ~ast ot ~o~t ~utlf&l\ \\ _ ~~os\On cont~o\, Road ." . . . R d * 53 ~eec\l. St. j>.,\~e~' \2 _ Coll\'Plet\on ot ;lo~\l, oa ' . . R d 140 s?~ingt\eld to \3 _ co~plet\on ot ;lo~l<. poab\e s~~tace 't~eat~ent G\enco\in inc\udin~ OU l\OaG t~O \l.ig\l."a;.+3 to l~ _ Coll\'P\etion ot ;101:1<(\,- D uble su~tace 't~eat~nt \4.ount Sale~ inclu .n~ 0 ' \s _ Sta~t Ga~age ~\te'S StatiOn; · t baSe. ?a~ing. etc. ttoad .16~ \6 _ G~ading. G1:anula, Road nO ,.e&te~\" y\ngal u~oan sect LOn. .1.' i" etc. \tOad f2 \ 11 _ G~ad\n%' G~anu \a~ baSe. a~ n". " (;la~~en St~eet) 1.'o1:t Stante, , (~ e Cou~se ?a~ing) 18 _ G~ading G~anUlaT baSe, as Road 12, Rodne' to ;lest \.01:ne \9 _ G~ading G~anu\a~ ~ase, D~ainage,?a~ing, ttoad 12. ;lest \.Otne. UToan y ncing etc. ttoad +36, 20 _ Su~~e'&' c\ea~ing'13e and s~ut\l. ot \l.ig\l."" 13" s?a~ta to \l.i gn"" . '1\ _" MI'\"l8'\t "esudac\"'" \ \ 'lo'tl\\.. (,0'.) 20,000 12,000 10,000 l~ 000 '3 ,000 , \. 0"',000 \. 0 , 000 5'1,000 57 ,000 5,000 s,OOO 1,000 '2., 000 \9,000 17,000 10,000 20,000 45,000 45,000, 15,000 15,000. 4~,000 be". Rd. 1,,000 "De'!. Rd. 310,000 '310,0?O \00,000 \36,000 \0,000 \0,000 66,000 ----------. ."..,------- $1&~.OOO " $lB4.000 ~. .__._--~ ~. . :;;:,,-.--.------' ' t t .. 0)\ .\ ' :\ ; \, j, ~! i \ ~ ..~. I , \ \ , l (4) DtAFT 3 , MAY, 1971 SUMMARY, D1\O SubsiOy' Count'V Cost t t, .B"- Law CosS, BTi~. ~ Culvert Con'~. ' (1) St. Tho... subu~ban Road Co_ission 140,000 112,000 14,000 (2) ,County Bridge ~ CulveTt Con.traction 8 ,600 43 ,000 34 ,400 -Road Construction, (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Co_is. ion 8,500 4~250 5,250 1,750 392,OO~ 392,,000 552,150 420,600 259,750 240,150 ._ I"',_l""-- ...... ~,.,'- 'tn 1 t <)00 660,750 17,000 (2) Needs Stud, (7S1, Subsidy) 1 ,000 (3) Rc:tad.Cost (sot SubSidy) 7S4,OO~ 991,000 Maintenanee froa Refore 504,000 $1 ,49~t 000 This compare. with in 1970 a total expenditure of $1,640,951 DRO Subsidy of $938,800 and. County co.t 'of $674,000. (Mill rate on 1971Prov1..ncial Equalized Assessment 0 f $373,000,000 i. 1.77) Expen4itureon Development Roads in 1971 is estimated' at approximately $660,000 of which approllieately $105,000 has already been spent. Total Estimated Exoenditure - 1971 By.. La" :$1 ,495,000 660,000 Develop.ent Roads Accounts Receivable (inc1Udini Boundary Line 128,000 Accounts and work 400. for other aunicipalities ) $2,281. 000 Total - Total Expenditures (1970 - $2,7111,000) (1969 - $3,082,000) and (1968 - $3,139,000) _..,~""'*"A 1Ii ... . i. -- III '.~"'''''>-''''''''''~;0'1~:~~\;,,:.~~Ai'~i:{~~\!'fi1,'l~';;;i\~ ~.~ fvu~ kj)~--A: . l__)ttl"~ .llOtlCtl-'ptVJ..'t p~"lNG ~" "" ' " ,", " ,., ",.,.-'" .--" ~-- tn aeeorc1f.tlCa9\.tbtba ftrS~ pU.ltDh of thi!l'ten4ar the contractor beraby qu.at, to comtl1et.'*'btl -.orlt speciHad for contract for ~ot ~~~ bSpbaltP.~ing ---. .- ---'.~":- Unit ?-rice At'ftOUnt .~~ .. tstilll&ted quantitY . 1 t:etn No. t)~.eript{onof ttem .-, ~. -' ~.hOO..oo V 18~9~&O, ..r i,o~~.:f. ~/. . /' ~,OqS ...QO l' ?>9.690.00' / - ~ ----------------'" _...;..-.-_......r'~--------' Cont'taet "Au Ro.acl 16 ( 1) ('2) . ())"'i1:\~&l 'tlibat\ ( 4) Vi 1\~al \.h:ban ~z.',o:OO tort 3.000 ton 650 ton 650 ton RL4' llLf.\ \\1..4 . RL8 1'otal Contract uN' . Cont-r:cact nB" 'Road2\. ~ 1.) . '(2.) 400 tnn - 400 ton 6.86 - b.g;- ."...,.--- -- 2,744.00 . "b?44&o 5.,488.00 -~. v// \\1.4 Rl,8 'Tota \. Contrac t "'8" 7. q 50 ton - -1:.?O '" '+~. 5aO ~ total contract "c" '+'+~~ \/' Contract "C" B.oad 41 t 48,49 \\1,4 I / /" J' 1.750 ton _ 5.97 10.1+'+7.50 1.200 ton _ 5.97-,7.1bi+.'50 - ~ - - contract'''' n (l'}ttoad 52 (2)Road 45 Rl.4 UL4 toul contract "0" 17,611.50 - -- 7,590.00 '2 ,rroo ~O .---... ~ Contt'act nE" (1 ')Road 2 (2)Road 3 1.,lOO.ton - 400 ton HtA \H..l4 ! toul Cont'l'aCt "En lO,3'50'~ I' Pale 3 of Pale 5 Pag.' .,/11 &5X(.5l t \. \ \ ~ Contract - A .- Road 116 Contract - .B - Road 121 Contract - C - Roads 147, 48, 49 Contract - D -Roads #45 and 52 Contract - E - Roeds #3 and 2 TOTAL - ^ COUNTY OF EWIN ,ASPHALT TENDERS. MAY. 1971 Walmsley Bros. Ltd. $39,690.00 5;488.00 44,520.00 17.,611.50 10,350.00 . $117,659'-50 J.V I . i v'~)t~ . ~~ ~.l>>),J-' Towland-He'witson Const. Ltd. $44,042.00 6,288.00 55,491.00 21,995.50 ,11,480.00 .. . ~~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, 1971 PAGE 1 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at 9:30 A. M. on Thursday, May 6, 1971. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Warden Todd" ~,nd Reeves Caverly & Johnston. ,:";,,~~9P~~~p;~__~as Mr. Frank Clarke of 'the Ml'C THE MINUTES OF THE -MEETINGSof-Aprifa-andT6 were- re4ld and approved.' THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating: (1) That the new Broom Tendered, ~ upon could not be dE~livered because of a strike at the engine factory and that a used broom with a new machine had been purchased at $1,750. (2) Calcium chloride was being a.pp1ied to gravel Roads. (3) Gravel Resurfacing on gravel roads north of St. Thomas was underway. (4) Some paved roads were centre-line marked. (5) Stumps were being removed from Road I/:2 and the Bell Telephone Company were burying their lines. Union Gas Company would start to move their lines shortly. (6) Storm Drain work was underway in Finga1. (7) Curb a,nd Gutter and Top Soi 1 work on Road 1153 had been comp 1eted. (8) Top Course paving on Road 1116 would begin shortly" (9) Gravel would be placed on Road 1145, east of Road ~~36, within a week. (10) Trimming work would be started on Road 1/:40 before the months end. (11) Traffic Counting had been completed for the time being. (12) The City of St. Thomas had re,quested the County of Elgin to do its Pti1ll1,ng r and Surface Treatment work this year. (13) Clean-up work on Roads 1124 and 1/:42, OWRC watermain, by Tripp Construction, was quite satisfactory to date. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS C. MORRISON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #12 AMOUNTING TO $19,352.38 PAYLIST 111'3 AMOUNTING TO $21,196.88 PAYLIST #14 AMOUNTING TO $30,952.51 CARRIED" ~r. THOMAS, ONTARIO MAY 6, '197l PAGE 2 CORRE$PONDENCE WAS READ fr.om Mr. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P, and C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, regarding the intersecti.on of Highway fJ7:3 and Road /152 was llTead~ THE ENGINEER reported Land Purchase on R.oad 112 was being continued with several properties near Rodney and that of Cornwal Trucking as yet had not been purchased. THE CHAIRMAN REPORTED that Durward Siple had asked that the Road Committee discuss his request for additional c.ompensation for the pr.ope:rty used for the widening of R.oad 1145. The Engineer was instructed to meet with Mr. Siple and to tell him that theConunittee was relucta.nt to enter into the m~atter as he had placed the matter in his lawyer's hands. TENDERS FOR HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING were opened and wer,e as attached. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. Dennis C. Morris.on THAT THE TENDER OF WALMSLEY BROTHERS LIMITED BE ACCE.t'lr..D FROM CONTRACT A, B, C, D, AND E, HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $117,659.50 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DHO. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that sufficient funds would be available in the budget for the asphalt patching and some additi.onal funds for work on Road 112, in West Lorne, if the Culvert Constructi.on .on Road 1,9 in Dunwich T.ownship was eliminated and the. proposed work in Fingal .on Road IJl6 and in. Port Stanley on Warren Street was d.one as Development Road Pr.ojects. It was agreed t.o and the Engineer stated that a new budget would be drawn up and forwarded to the Committee. nMOVED BY: C. MORRISON SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT WE REQUEST THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS TO DESIGNATE COUNTY ROAD /121 (WARREN STREET) IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY AS A DEVELOPMENT ROAD FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. LIMITS OF WORK - HIGHWAY f/4, WESTERLY FOR APPROXIMATELY l, 000 FEET. CARRIED" S1. 1aOMAS. 0N'IAR10 }1h1 6, \971 1? hGl? 3 "~O'1\!.ll J!,.t. J. 1.. llV,mllS Sv,CO~v'll J!,'l: 1. 'l. ROJ!>\'.R'tS 1W-1 \4E 1lJ?Q\Jf.S1 '!l\f. ~llllS'!f.R Ol' a1GmlA'lS ,!O llV,SlGllA'!v' coull'!"C ROAl> *16 VRO~ COUN'I'l ROAl> ~20. \4ES'!V,R1.'l VOR 1.500 Vv,v''! (tTRJ!,All Sv,C110N oV VU1GA1.) AS A llt.'1\!.1.0~N'IROAl> VOR COllS1RUC110N l'UVJ'OSt.S · ChRtt1l?D" '!\\11. t.llG1llEt.R l'1lJ?St.N'J:l!.ll the attached TecOtlCendatiOns tOT 1TUC\< and v,~uipment Rental Tates tOT 1911. ..~O'1\!.D J!,'l: J. 1.. llENll1S St.CO~t.ll J!,'l: '!. 'l. ROJ!,t.R'!S '!W-'! ,!\\11. t.llG1NY-t.R 'S 1lJ?C~lWA'tlOllS VoR MACa1llt. ANt> llU~l' RA'!f.S llA'!f.lJ Al'Rl1. 21, 1971, J!,t. ACCl'ol"tEll VOR 1971. C~ll?D" \' ~ -~th TeaaTd to ~o~ing ot waterroain and wateT seT~ices '!he Count1 1'0 'CJ W' 0 d *2 diScUssed. 1t waS TepoTted necessitated by constTUction on countY Roa. ., was . .. f f h 40-~ seTV'iCes owned b1 the Rodney l'1lC llIight that apl'TO~~llI&telY hal 0 t e ba~e to be Telocated oT deepened. hYtl?tt D1SC'\JSS10~ · "~O'1\!.ll J!,'l: J. 1. · llt.~lS St.cQlIDt.ll J!,'f: C. ~OTTison '!W-'! nw. 1'0L1C'f 01' '!l\f. ROAl> col'llU1-ret. ~l'!a 1lJ?GARll 10 ~A-reRMA1llS AlW ~A'!f.R 1W-'! lS '!\\11. liUl11Cll'AL1't'f S\1.RV1Cl'oS oN c()'llN'!'l ROAl>S SW-1.L 1lJ?MA1N AS 1lil 1l\f. l'AS1. . .. · · U'!11.1 '!'f. OR l'1!.RSOlilS ~\1.0 o'dlil '!l\f. ~A '!1!.RMA1 N oR SER V1 Cl'o S W-L1. ~0'1\!. '!\\11. ~A -reR}lJ\llil OR SER'J'lCl'o A1 liIO 1!.Xl'EllS1!. ,!O '!\\11. couN'J:'l ROAl> lJEl'AR'!MEliI1 1l' NECl'oSSAR'l VOR ROAl> COlilS'!RUC't10lil OR MA1N'J:l!.liIAliICl'o' cAB1tlED" 1t was decided to postPone diSCUssion on the desiTable countY Road systelll until the ne~t CotlCittee meeting. ,'~O'1\!.lJ J!,'l: '!. 'l. ROJ!,ER1ShSt. COlilllt.ll J!,'l: J. 1.. ll1!. ~lS '!W-1 \4E AllJ()\lRliI '!O JUliIE 9, 1971 A'! 10: 00 A. ~. ChRtt1ED\' J './lj,a~ . c.. ~, ~P-~ . . COUNTY OF ELGIN - --- , . WEST ELGIN ROAD INSPECTION ..;;.;,..-..- . J I' _ - L. ~PRIL _10!.JJ- Leave Cou:rt.house at 9.00 A..M. Road # 29 _ Grave1 Resurfacing - To be primed. Road #31. :Road #52 _ Carr:' s Bridge - schedu1.ed 1973. Road # 30 _ Patterson Bridge. Road .#52 _ Highway # 126, St. Thomas ExpresSWay. Road between Road # 26 and Ta1botvi11e - Department. of Highways wishes to revert road to county. . . . Road # 26 _ North of Road # 11. Nee~~ Study rec0mmend~ reversion to the TownshiP of Southwo1d a5 a Loca1 Road. Turkey Creek {Hunt. Drain) Bridge - requested. Rebuilding by Oneida Indian Band council. 10. :Road # 9 _ Replacement of 2 Cu1.vert.s between Road 14 &. 8. 11. Inspection of Thames River Bridges as time permit.s. 12. Dinner'- (C1achan) 13. Road # 3 to Rodney. 14. construction'~ Rodney to'West Lorne. 15. West Lome Urban Sections. 16. Short. Street. to Industry - West. Lorne. 17. Coyne &. Lake Roads - DunwichTownshiP. 18: Pearce Pa~k. 19. Road # 16 - Fingal Urban Sect.ion. zO. Road # 16 _ ~evelopment Road # 10Z3. 21. Return to Court House. ... ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO l\.PRIL 16, 1971 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD C01<1MITTEE met at the COU1Ct House, St. Thomas, on Friday, April 16, 1971 at 9:00 A. M. ALL MEl>mERS WERE PRESENT except Reeves Roberts and Caverly. ALSO PRESENT WERE Mr. F. Clarke of the DHO and Mr,~ N. J. Chap low, assistant to the Engineer. CORRESPONDENCE was read from Plested Equipment Limited requesting permission to withdraw their Tractor and Mower Tender as th~ay had made an error in their Tender. AFTER DISCUSSION "MOVED BY: C. MORRISON SECONDED BY: D. R. TODD THAT THE RESOLUTION OF MEETING OF APRIL 8, 1971, ACCEPTING THE TENDER OF PLESTED EQUIPMENT LIMITED FOR 2 TRACTORS BE RESCINDED. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER recommended that the Tender of Renash-Tractor & Equipment Limited be accepted (See attached revised sheet of Tenderers). n~10VED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS R. N. JOHNSTON THt-iT WE ACCE PT THE TENDER OF RENASH TRACTOR & EQUI PMENT LIMITED FOR TWO JOHN DEERE 1020 TRACTORS AND MOWERS AT THEIR QUOTED PRICE O]~ $5,975.55 INCLUDING PROVINCIAL SALES TAX WITH COUNTY TRACTOR 7 & 8 AS TRADE-INS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DHO. CARRIED" LAND PURCHASE on Road #2 was discussed at some length and the Engineer instructed to have Mr. Chap low contact Mr. Walker as soon as possible to ascertain if he was willing to sell the County widening for I County Road #2 and if not, to bring any specific problems to the attention of the Committee. THE ENGINEER stated that the Rodney PUC would be faced with some costs for relocating, services, meters, etc., in conjunction with grading work on Road fft2. He stated he would have a report for the next Committee meeting. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 16, 1971 F'AGE 2 ROAD INSPECTION of East Elgin followed with the ctttached itinerary as a guide. IN THE AFTERNOON Reeve Dennis was absent. The Committee returned to the Court House at 5:00 P. M. ~mETING ADJOURNED to meet for Inspection of West K1gin Roads on April 30, 1971. n 7q c). ,;;(. .... /}.':h~~.. ....A~' ." / rf- VC~I~;~ - P ,// \ '2. . ~eeti~&' ~th & east , C tl)ll\1.ttee . s to ~O' Roau 0 . n 1F~3) e><te~S~O~ -rattiC' . 1 & ",l~ &t-reet (RO: to i~suHiC1.e~t t ce~te~~1.a ,!\eeGs Stun1 ue -re)ecten last t ce~te~~ial '2~o o~ '" l~ J',as~ 0\ eout.b. 0 f. ~ \t\\. ~~ b. 30 .. t.e~~~a v cou~t.s pa"(c ~'25 o~ ce~ " ".. J " ~ 1JJ 11;-\ CO\l'!\'t"! ~ ~_ ,~~ \6 \91\ ~~s 1'J',c't1.0'!\ - p.;>R1. . ":1: J',,,G1.'!\ ROpS) 1." ~~_.-~ \. \<. C\.1. \ '\je"( t. · \!..t. t \. e C "(ee ROa.o ~~45" e 4. cou~t1 Gg."(a.~e. G 1F~() & Roan 1F~3. n S1ste~ - Roa . 0 ~ 0 t Roa e1tt.e~s~ to yo-rt y,u-r",ell. 3. 5. 6. 1. 1'o-rt y,u-r"'ell - J\.4'2 .. t. "(osi01:\ ,,~ ?> . Roa-a. 1r \]ie~'(\.a.. !r\:\l~e-r _ y,fj.'1ha~ 'to,""suw' q. \1ie~na a'(\G t RoaG 1F41 _ .' t ha~let. '\() ",><te~Sio~ 0 . ' 'ilest 11.~1.t 0 . . . 1l0au- , 11 e _ '\: O'""S h1. '\' ' n 1F 46 st-ratto-rn-.11. n 1F44 a~n Roa · 11. n bet",ee~ Roa 'to~sb.\.\? 'Roa. l~' y,a1neSl' 1F41 1F43. iF4q. _ RoaGs . · n 0 13. y,-ro'll.e~ 1'a-.1e~e~t Roan 1F4() - Sl'-ri~&i1.el t \ q1 0 .. \ 91\ .. 14. co~st-ructiO~ .. S a.\ett\. 4F3 to %ou~~ 1:\i&h",a"i ' - ~11~e-r. '€.1tte'(\.s~o~ S -ruce S t-reet - 15. '\' ' - ~11~e-r. 3 _ co~st-ruct1.0~ ,~ Roan 1F5 I' c ti~e) ,\}' "- . '"e ,1.' .".so'(\. p"(1..u!::' ,,~~ to 1'atte. ct' cie~t 11. Roan"J . n1F45 it i~su' 1- ,1 e.e '\j1..a. 'Roa C \.1.')';t nO\.1.;;> 13. Retu-r~ to 0 Gle~coli~ a~G t,\.t\\e t.O ~o "\Iia Roan iF52. com:l'fi o~ ~.~ 1111$1?J.C't10111 '@~Or. . - ~ 't 9.00 l.1l\. , . 'i' '\1r'tno'\1S~ a . "'., 'oe 'Pr1Jll.eo.. j" ea'" e ..,0 · .. .. ,0 1-. ' ," Resurf9.C1-1\'" .u: '2.9'" @,.ra'" e.. 2.. "Roa.d. 1f <> oao. #' ,1-. '" h ed'lil- eal 1-9'13" ,. u. :...O"e"'-'c " ,.. ~ .. car1l'" s 1'\1'1-"'" 4. ltoad #' ' . . ' 'Bridg,e. 11 '10 .. \'a't'terS"01\' " 1\bt'Pre5~ar:T' , Road 11" .J , ' ,,'2.6 s't. 'f\:tota9.$ f . \\. gp.V1ar:T #' 1- ' ' \J .:P9.r'ttae1\'t 0 6 ROll.O. #' ,'2." 1- d I11'a1-'o0't'lfi1-1-e" e . . . , 0. #' '2.6 201\ 0. 'to CO'\11\'t"'f' Road 'oe'l;V1e~1\ Roa'to re'lfert rOll. ,',. rec01l\1lle1\.d$\ 'I. l3A 0":b.V1a"'f5 V11-5ne5.. .u; "'\ "'\ ~.ee~$..) 5"'0'\).0.1 "foca.1. "Road. r''''''' <> a 0. 11" ..... · .. 0. a $\ 3\ '" lllOr'tn of ..,0. of 50'\1'tn'llO'" 6. Road #' A~~ ~o 'tne 'tovl1\.5n1-'P ..e"'\1e5'teo.. re'lf ers", . · ,.) 'Brio.g; e .. · '"' ~~ l,'But\'t 1)ra1-1\ . " co~ii1-. 9. 'l'ur'\>.e"'f c.ree 01\eio.a 11\o.1.a1\ 'i):3.1\0.' eE$ 1\.oao. 1-4 &. 6. Re'o'\11.1-d1-1\g, '01 , , 01: '3: c'Iil- 'Ifl!\'!''t5 'oe't'll · # 9 .. Re'P1-acetae1\'t ' 'ti:;ll\ll'i 'Perta1-'t5' 1-0. Roao. <>1. 'Ifer I'\~io.g,e$\ as . " 01: 'l'nataeS " lU.e;pect 1..011 1.1.. ) . ." I, C1-a cnat\ 1-'2. . '01-1\1\ er .u: , '1;0 ROo.1\e"'f' .. '1 Roao. 11" ~es't j"or1\e. ....J. " .. ttod1\e"'f 'to C01\.S'tr'\1c't1-01\ 1-4. ~ectiOU.$. ur"oa.u. \.) ~ ~e$'t j"or1\e ~eS't j"or1\e. 1-.1 . . ,'t 'to 11\.0.'\1s't1l'1 .. . 6 $'O.ort. $tree · " 'to'll1\$n1-'P' 1- . ,. , 0.$" 1)ut\'ll1- C" &. "La\<. e 1:\.0a. 1.'7- co:rne 1.6. 1?earce \'ar'\>.' ,':0 1\ 5eo'ti01\' " 1-6 .. f'1;p,g,a1- ur a. 1-9. Road if Road. {f 1.0'2.,' Jl. 1.6 .. 1)e'lfe1-0'Ptae1\'t 20 Roao. 11" . Cour't 'Bo'\1se. ltet,'\).'r'O. "to '2,1. · . C\,.,A-' ~ ~/'" , C OUt-.1TY OF E LG IN EAST E!&IN ROAD INSPECTlON- APRIL 16. 1971 1. Road Committee meeting. 2. Centennial & Elm Street (Road ~28) extensions to north & east rejected last Needs Study due to insufficient traffic. Counts March 30 - 220 on Elm East of Centennial n .t n _ 325 on Centennial South of Elm. 3. Road #45 - Kettle c~eek culvert. 4. County Garage. 5. port Stanley _ extension of Road System - Road ~20 & Road ~23. 6. Road ~24 _ OWRC pipeline to Port Burwell. 7. port Burwell - Add victoria Street 8. Road #42 _ Erosion east port Burwell. 9. Dinner - Vienna. 10. Extension of Road #41 - Vienna and Bayham To~ship. 11. Straffordville _ To~ship Road - West limit of hamlet. 12. Bayham To~ship Road between Road #44 and Road ~46. 13. Broken Pavement - Roads #47, #48, #49. 14. Construction 1970 _ 1971 - Road #40 - Springfield to Glencolin and Highway #3 to Mount Salem. 15. Spruce Street - Extension - Aylmer. 16. Road #53 - Construction - Aylmer. 17. Road ~52 to Patterson Bridge (if time) 18. Return to Court Rouse via Road #45 if insufficient time to go via Road if: 52. f~~.~ ,---------_.. .. COUNTY OF ELGIN - - - WEST El.GIN ROAD' INSPECTION ~. ._ .._... _..' I ,OCPRIL J9L71 1. Leave CourthoUS~ at 9.00 A.M. 2. Road * 29 _ Gravel Resurfacing - To be primed. 3. Road If :31. 4. Road * 52 _ Carll'" s Bridge - Scheduled) 1973\. 5. Road * 30 - Patterson Bridge. 6. Road * 52 _ Highw8iY' * 126, St. Thomas, Expressway. 7. Road between Road # 26 and 'Falbotville - IJepartment of Highways wishes to revert road to County. a. Road * 26 _ North of Road * 11. Need)$ Study recommend$ reversion to the TownshiP of southwold a$ aI Local Road. 9. Turkey Creek (Hunt Drain) Bridge - requested. Rebuilding by Oneida Indian Band council. 10. Road * 9 _ Replacement of ;:p. culverts between Road 14 &. a. 11. Inspection of Thames River Bridge$ as tim~ permits. 12. Dinner - (Clachan) 13. Road # 3 to Rodney. 14. construction - Rodney to West Lome. 15. West Lorne Urban Sections. 16. Short Street to Industry - West Lorne. 17. Coyne &. Lake Roads - Dunwich TownshiP. 18. Pearce Park. 19. Road * 16 - Fingal Urban Section. 20. Road # 16 _ Development Road * 1023. 21. Return to Court House. ST. THOMAS" ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1971 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the COU1t:'t House, St. Thomas, on Thursday, April 8, 1971, at 10:00 A. M. ALL !>'jEIvmERS WERE PRESENT except Reeves Wilson and Caverly. THE MI:NUTES of the meeting of March 9, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported the work to date as follows: (1) Cutting of dead trees had been completed on Cc)unty Roads through- out the County. Tree cutting had also been cc)mp1eted on Road 2. (2) Snowfence and posts had been removed. (3) Clearing of curb and gutter and bridge floor:s was underway. (4) Guide Rail was being erected on Road 45, weslt: of Highway 4. (5) Removal of old fence on Road 2, between Rodn~ey and West Lorne would be started shortly. (6) Repairs would be made shortly to the wooden :f160r and stringers on the Accacia Bridge over the Otter Creek on the Norfolk- Elgin County Line. (7) Storm Drain work on Road 16 in Fingal would be started in about two weeks. (8) Application of calcium chloride on gravel rOlads would begin before the end of the month. (9) Traffic counting was continuing in East Elgin. (10) l'lork on the updating of the Needs Study was continuing. (11) Tenders had been called by the OWRC for sani1tary sewers in Port Stanley but as yet no contracts had been let:. (12) Construction of the watermain from the filtriation plant on Road 24 to Port Burwell was underway. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE 2 "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS C. MORRISON THAT THE FOLLmnNG PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST 1/7 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST #9 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST #10 AMOUNTING TO PAYLIST #11 AMOUNTING TO $20,487.04 $22,281.65 $22,498.54 $41,904.29 (Subject to checking) , CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that approximately $65,000 to $70,000 out of a budget of $85,000 had been spent on Winter Control. He also reported that over $20,000 has been expended on brushing which had bee:n budgeted at $12,000. Mr. Clarke and the Engineer reported on the breakup of Hot Mix Asphalt Paving which had been laid in the past few years. It appearE~d that approximately 10 miles of road would have to be resurfaced this year. The cost was not as yet known. The Engineer also stated that the money budgeted for work on Road 2 in the urban section of West Lorne would likely be only that portion of the work west of Graham Street. Considerable work should be done east: of Graham Street if funds were available. The Engineer 'suggested that all nonessential work be postponed and that an effort be made to have the asphalt resurfacing on Roads 47, 48, and 49 done with Development Road funds. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (a) Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs re the Municipal E~ployment Incentive Program for 1971. The Engineer stated that somewhat over $5,000 would be ',available under the Program and that an application would be made early next we.ek. (b) from the Federal Department of State regarding the opportunities for Youth Prograrn(~ The Engineer state~d that an app lication for approximately $35,000 under this progrslm would also be made. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE 3 (\) (c) From the Department of Highways of Ontario stating that signs showing the distance and direction to Belmont. would be erected at the intersection of Highway 74 and Road 52. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER !REEVE CAVERLY IN ATTENDANCE that several properties near Rodney and those of R. Walker and Cornwall Trucking Land purchase on Road 2 was discussed with the E:ngineer reporting remained unpurchased. THE ENGINEER presented the attached summary of Tenders for (a) Half-ton pickup trucks, (b) Tractor and Mowers, (c) Graders and a Broom, and made his recommendations. "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT THE TENDER OF DUNN MOTORS (AYLMER)LIMITED BE ACCEPTED FOR 2 DODGE D-IOO PICKUP TRUCKS AS PER THEIR TENDER AND AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $4,050.48 WITH COUNTY TRUCKS fl43 and #47 AS TRADE-INS ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DHO. CARRIED" ttMOVED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT THE TENDER OF PLESTED EQUI.PMENT LI}.>lITED BE ACCEPTED FOR TWO (2) MASSEY FERGUSON MODEL #35 TRACTOR AND MODEL #135 MOWERS, COMPLETE WITH FOOT ACCEL- . ERATORS and live power take-OFF ~ AS PER THEIR TENDER AND AT 'THEIR TENDEl~.ED PRICE OF $5,418.00 WITH COUNTY TRACTORS 7 AND 8 AS TRADE-INS, ALL SUBJECT TO DHO APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE 4 "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS THAT THE TENDE'R OF WABCO EQUIPMENT CANADA LIMITED BE ACCE PTElD FOR A WABCO MODEL 660B GRADER. COMPLETE WITH NEW SNOWPLOW AND WING AS: PER TENDER AND AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $26,433.95, WITH COUNTY GRADER /F10 AND SNOWPLOW AS A TRADE-IN ALL SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DHO. GARRIEDtt "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS R. N. JOHNSTON THAT THE TENDER OF THE GENERAL SUPPLY COMPANY BE ACCEPTED FOR A M-B MODEL 'SSM SWEEPER AS PER THEIR TENDER AND AT THEIR TENDERED PRICE OF $2,892.75 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE DHO. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that discussions had been held with DHO officials with regard to the use of culverts for replacement of the Patterson Bridge and that discussion with the property owner would be held in the near future. Tim ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that the west abutment of Van Order Bridge on Road /142 had deteriorated badly and that temporary repairs to keep the bridge in service for the time being should be made shortly. In the meantime, the DRO recommended that an 8 ton load limit should be placed on the bridge. "MOVED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT ALLOWABLE OVER THE VAN ORDER BRlnGE ON ROAD 4142 'Fe 8 TON. CARRIED" Reservations for the Roads and Transportation Association Convention were discussed. Also 'Road Inspection dates were discussed. ST. THO~~S, ONTARIO APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE 5 UHOVEn BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT ROAD INSPECTION DATES BE S:ET AS FOLLOWS: APRIL 16 - EA~;T ELGIN, APRIL 30 - WEST ELGIN, LEAVING THE COURT HOUSE AT 9: 00 A. M. EACH DAY. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REQUESTED permission to call Tenders for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving on various Roads. "MOVED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS THAT THE ENGINEE'R BE EMPOWERED TO CALL FOR ASPHALT PAVING ON THE FOLLOWING ROADS: ROAD 16 - DEV. ROAD 411023 PORTION TO BE GRADED 1971. ROAD 16 - FINGAL URBAN SECTION. ROAD 21 - WARREN STREET, PORT STANLEY ROAD 47 - RESURFACING COMPLETE ROAD 3 - NORTH OF ROAD 9, AS:PHALT RESURFACING PATCHING. ROAD 2 - WEST OF ROAD 15, ASPHALT RESURFACING PATCHING. ROAD 45 - EAST OF HIGHWAY 19, AS,PHALT RESURFACING PATCHING. ROAD 48 & 49 - ASPHALT RESURFACING PATCHING ROAD 52 BETWEEN ROAD 30 & HIGHWAY 73, ASPHALT RESURFACING PATCHING. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C: MORRISON THAT APPLICATIONS BE J.l1ADE TO THE FEDERAL DE PARTMENT OF THE S:E~CRETARY OF STATE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH PROGRAM. CARRIEDU TIE ENGINEER stated that, Truck & Equipment Rental Rates would have to be increased and that recommendations would be made at the next meeting. n~10VED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10: 00- A. M., MAY 6, 1971. CARRIED" Q if' P L, ff ," CHAIRMAN ~, {"I, .. , - If COUNTY OF ELGIN ~ ., . ~ ..;,..,..'~...I ~Nn~R !,Gl\ GRADER _SNOW PL9\J, ~. W'LOO. f,PRtL 19'\. , '+." '. ..,,, -" ,.,..., .,...,.... ,"..... ,.' ..' . ..... '. 1. Wabco E~uipment Canada Ltd. Box 38. ~aris~ Ontario Hocle 1 .. Wab~o 660B Complete with, Gl.i 6-1\ ~,~~i.$ ~ .n~i:net. 8 $peed ~~~~sm~$sion Ne~ ~ft~~ ~~.4e, ~n ~ To ~~h.bitate Plo~ & Wins (Rear aydraulic Slide) 'total - Net After T~8de-in - New Plow & Wing - Totar .. . 2. Dominion Roa~ MaehineTY Sales Co. Ltd. 40 Victoria St. ~. ~n~erich, Ontario Champion Model - D 600. Complete with GM 6 -71 Series N. Engine, 8 speed Transmission Net after Trade In - New Plow & 't'Ting- Total -, 3. Capital Construction Equipment Ltd. 2 Royal Crest Road Rexdalc, Ontario Galion 160 Series L. tdth, GH 6 ...7.1 Engine. Net after Trade in ... New Plow & Wing- Total -. ':'0 Crothers Limited One Crothers Drive Toronto, Ontario CateTpillaT Hodel 140 - Net AfteT Trade tn- Plo\'1 & \'1i ng total ... '2~~'S8.15 2,'"5.00 .. .'25.,3a3.75 ~~ - 22,758.75 ),675.00 $26,433.75 ---~ $.2,4,465.00 3,255.00 $27,720.00 -~. $.29',694.,00 3,,5"54.52 - $,33,248....5! -" $30,615.35:: 5,191~20 $3:5';816.55 ~.,..'" ------ il 'l'ENDER FOR TRACTOR & MOvJERS APRIL 1971 COUNTY OF ELGIN OJ;fr p'9t " \\ .~ f" // Supplier Tractor Bid On 1. P1ested Equipment Ltd. MF 135 Special 430 First Street (With Live P.T.O. & Foot London, Ontario Accelerator) 2. Renash Tractor & John Deere 1020 (With Live Equipment Ltd. PTO & Foot Accelerator) 3. Cribley Limited MF 135 Special (With Live PTO) Essex, Ontario 4. Lee Farm Equipment Ltd. lW 135 Special (With Live PTO Rodney, Onterio and Foot Accelerator) 5. Bechworth Limited MF135 (Live PrO) Box 96, Woodstock, O~t. Net For 2 Tractors & Mowers After Trade-Ins Including Provo Sales Tax $ 5418.00 .5,975.55 6.615.00 6,651.75 6,720.00 6. James Bennett Motors Ltd. Dutton, Ontario Ford 2000 7. Cadman Power Equipment Ltd. Courtland, Ontario Ford 2000 8. Exeter Ford Eq. Sales Ltd. Exeter, Ontario Ford 200 6,888.84 6,890.10 1,122.43 9. Frome Farm Equipment R. R. 3, Shedden, Onto MF135 .... 7,757.40 10. Tillsonburg Farm Eq. Ltd. Til1sonburg, Ontario Int.F140 f 7,875.00 11. Lonoan Construction & Farm Equipment Ltdo Box 218, Lambeth, Ont. CASE 430 9,a59.S0 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 1. punn }1otors(t.yt~r) Ltd. b-~'Y1tt\e't t Ont&.'tio 2. Li\.e R. Grant 1:lotOrs Ltd. Straffordvitte, Onto 3. Larry snideT }1otoTS Ltd. E~ete't 9 onte.-riO 4. l'IatneTS BTOtheTS Ltd. t36 Main St. E%eteT, Ont. S. 1:\CManus }loto1:S Ltd. SO Ro~ton St'teet 'London, onte;rio 6. Vane%an }lotOr sateS Ltd. 63 .et~on St. .. St. l~-rys, Onte.-rio ... Lyons }lotOrs (t (66) Ltd. ., Dutton, onta:rio 8. !loudY & 1'hiHipS Ltd. Dodge '0-100 Che'\1't01et 'Fo'td Vl00 Dodge D_l00 Dodge D-l00 G\1.C Vo'tG V...l00 1.nteTnatiOnat }lodet t1\O <) Pi9bro~ l1otOTS . 827 tatbot St., St. t~S,ont. G.l'I.C, 1.nternationat tttO 1.nteTnationat UaTVesteT Co. t7t2uundas St. E. London,ont. n. yearn YOTd Sates Ltd. tot2 tatbot St. St. thOroe,S,Ont. Yord 10. Eastown Che~rotet Otdsroobite Ltd. 1.470 Dundas St. London, Ont. Che~o\et t3 t1cCann MeTcurj sa1.es Lto., . 700 t ..tbot St., St. thoroe,s, Ont · l<1ercurj 12. 14.. St. t~S 1'tyroouth ChrysteT Lind-ted, 950 tatbot St. St. thoroe,s, OntariO Dodge '0...100 t5. l'IiclAtese1t }lotOTS Co. (1965) 'Litnited 100 Queen's ~'\7e. 'LOndon, Onts:rio 1.6. E. L. yordhafl\ l'Iotors Ltd. RodneY, onte:rio !o1:d !100 CheV'1:01et ~et Vo't 2 Fie~U? truc~s After trade1.n 1.nctuo.ing ?TO~.sates ~---- $ 4.,050.4.8 U,12i.15 4,398.45 4,494.00 4,544.40 4,518.00 4,60~.30 4,6\.8095 4,640.39 4,6406.15 4,725.00 4,818.07 4,938-.15 S,035..80 5,07&.85 5,145.00 ~ 't\1.W'E11. fOR llROOM PJ?11.l ~.:~ J-"vJ N 1.. 'Du\l.e~Z Y,ClUJpment Ltd. 1.\.\\4 ?\.ains Road y,. llU~1.inSton, onta~'\.o 2. Gene~a1. supp1.y Company 5280 D~~ie ~ad~ \1.ts sis sauga , ontario i ~71... 14ode1. 11. ~ R V S'lleep9te~ (boeS no~ ~eet speci.ficati.ons~ tOO stnai'L) ~1.>>. Model 53 N. '1.0' S'lIeepinS 1?atb, including MotO'!: & p~ov. sales 1a~. - $2,892075 "",,? /~/ 1// /l J v' ... ,,- V ~,/CAfv6- -- ~/~-' bt~~' "'----~. APRIL SESSION, 1971 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO TO THEWARDE.N AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following. new machinery has been purchased: (a) 2 Dodge Pickup Trucks with 2 County trucks as Trade-ins. (b) 2 John Deere Tractors and Nowers with 2 Coun~y 'Tractors and Mowers as Trade-ins. (c) 1 Wabco (Adams) Nodel 660-BCrader & Snow Plow & Wing with a Gounty Grader & Snow Plow & Wing as a TradeIWin. (d) . 1 M-B pull type motor driven Sweeper for surface' treatment work. 2. Tenders have been called for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. (a) ForcOlllpletion of Road #16 (Development Road 4tl023). (b) Road 4t16 in Fingal from Road 4;20 westerly (ur.b~ln section only). (c) Road #21 (Warren Street) in Port Stanley. (d) Approximately 10 miles of resurfacing over thin lifts of Asphalt (l~ tn 2 inches) laid in the past few yearq on the following: , I - Road 47, 48~ 49 in South Dorchester. 11 - Road 52 between Highway 74 & Springfield in TO~lships of South Dorchester & Malahide (Approx. 1 1/3 miles). III - Road 45, east of Highway 1.9, i.n BayllamT'ownship (Approx. 1 mile) IV - Road 2~ west of Road l5~ for approximat€~ly 1 mile in Dunwich. v - Road 3, approximately 2,000 north of Road 9, in .Aldborough Township.Of the above roads,only Road 47, 1.8 to be compIe,tely resurfaced. ...- ,t ~ :~1 . \ TO.TllE WARDEN AN.Q.. ME~ERS OF ELGIN C~N'EY COUNCIL. ~GE 2' \lE RECoMMEND: 1. That a By-Law be passed restricting the weight of vehicles. passing over the Van Order Bridge to 8 Tons. The bridge is located on the Little Otter Creek on Road 42, east of port Burwell. The west abutment bas deteriorated badly and temporary repairs will be made shortly in an effort to keep the bridge in service for the time being. Al"L OF W1\lCI;l.IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED " CHAIRMAN '\ ;. \ ~\ j' . <.,,~f ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 17, 1971 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on Wednesday at 10:30 A.M. on March 17, 1971, in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS ~iERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER reported that Mr. E. Fanjoy, County Solicitor would reply to the Solicitors for Durward Siple. Mr. Fanjoy felt that the County was on a good legal basis if a suit should develop. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. H. S. Gibson, Director of the Elgin Planning Board requesting the Connnittee's approval to have the County Engineer act as Transportation Co-ordinator for the proposed Official Plan Study. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C.MORRISON J. L. DENNIS THAT WE PERMIT THE ENGINEER TO ASSIST IN THE ELGIN PLANNING BOARD OFFICIAL PLAN AND ACT AS TRANSPORTATION CO-ORDINATOR. CARRIED" Various aspects of Erosion Control on Road #42, east of Port Burwell were discussed. MEETING ADJOURNED to 10:00 A.M. April 8, 1971. ~L%c If' v' V CHAIRMAN (... 'J ~. I . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO "MARCH SESSION, 1971 PAGE 1 ~~J, RE!.Q!fP '1'0 '1'1IE "IIARDEN AND MEMBERS O~ tIlE ELGIN COUN'1'y COUNCIL YOUR ROAD coMMI'1'TEE BEGS TO REPORT AS )'OLLO"llS: .. 1. That the Resolution of the County of Dufferin regarding 'vre. RF, COMME'.NU : notification bv Insurance Companies to the Ontario Department of '1'ransportof lapse of Liability Insurance 2. That the Resolution of tbe City of Kitchener requesting be filed. the Ontario Department of Highways find a cheap substitute for Salt foT "\linteT control purposes be filed. 3. '1'hat the Rebat e to the Urban Nuniei?a 1 HieS .toT 1971 be 4. '1'hat the Budget of the St. Thoroas Suburban Road Cot1llllission 35% of thei~ Road LevY. in the amount of $188,000 be ap?roved. Included in the Budget.is Teplacement of PatteTSon BTidge oveT Kettle Creek on Road inO (Radio Road). 5. that a Road E~pendituTe By-Law be passed to be allocated as ~~~ ~ain~ !2W. Roads 705,000 316,000 1,021,000 B~idgeS &. culvertS 218,000 25 ,000. 243,000 Ne~ Machinery & Garage 75,000 Nil .7 5,000 supe-rint.endence &. ove-rhecld 124,000 51,000 175,000 ---------.-- -- ---- Totals 1,122,000 392,000 1,514,000 ~ ~ -~ follo~: 1 I ~ ---------- (a) County Expenditure ., , Construction Roads Construction- Bri~ges & Culverts Construttion-New Machinery & Garage Maintenance Roads Maintenance-Bridges & Culverts Urban Rebates Overhead: _ Reduction in Stock Balance ST. THOMAS t ~NTARIO MARCH SESSION, 1971 PAGE, 2 $ 665,000 78,000 75,000 - 3 20, 000 24,000 57,000 165,000 - 57,000 Credit .. $1,327,000 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Expenditur~, Construction Roads Construction Bridges & Culverts (Patterson) Maintenance Roads Maintenance ~ridges & Gulverts Overhead (Ite~s Not for Subsidy $1,000) - $ 13,000 140,000 23,000 1 , 000 10,000 $187,000 ~' I ,l I. ' :": , " . I I I i The ROllld By-Law provfdes for the f~llowing items of Bridge and' Road Constrtiction. Brid~es and Culverts (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Patterson Bridge, Road #30. (b) County (1) Road #40 between Road #52 and G1encolin and between Highway #3 and Mount Salem. (2) Culvert Replacement Road #9, Dunwich (3) Culverts in conjunction with grading Road 112, Wiest Lorne to Rodney (4) Surveys, Engineering work, Port Talbot BridgE~, Road 116. Co~nt~ Roads Construction (a) Needs Study (1970 Study)' (75% Subsidy) (b) 50% Items 1 - Needs Study (1971 Update) 2 - Land Purchase for widening County Roads 3 - 'Drainage Assessments 4- Fencing Development Roads #930 & #1023 (Roads #45 & #16) 5 - Completion of Work Road /;22, Surface Treatment and Cleanup. 6 - Continuanc~ of Erosion Control~Road #42, East of Port Burwe 11. 7 - Crimp let ion of Work, Road /153, Beec h St., Ayhl\er. 8 - Compietion of Work, ,Road 1140, Springfield to Glencol!n includin~ Double Surface Treatment 9- Completion of Work - Road ,#40,' Highway #3 to Mount Salem including Double Surface Treatment 10 - Start on a new Garage at White's. Station. 11 - Grading, 'Granular Base,Paving, etc. Ro,d '16, Finga1 urban Section, Road 120 westerly. 12.- Grading, Granular Base, Pavirtg; etc. Road 121 (Warren Street) Port Stanley. ST. T~OMAS, ONT ARt 0 MARCH SESSION, 1971 PAGE 3 ST. THOMAS, ONT ARt 0 MARGH SESSION, 1971 PAG]~ 4 County Roads Construction Continued .. . 13. Grading', Granular Base, (Base Course Paving) Road #2, Rodney to West Lorne. 14 - Grading,. Granular Base, Drainage, Paving, Road #2, West Lorne, Urban. 15 - Surveys, Clearing, Fencing, etc. Road #36, Sparta to Highway #3.and South of Highway #3 16 .- Miscellaneous'Surveys, Traffic Counts, etc. The Cost to the County of. the Road Program is estiml!lted at $660,000. (This compares with approximately $656,000 ra:lsed by taxation in 1970). It is e'~ected that sufficient Development Road Fund will be available to oomplete Road #45 between Jaffa and Middle'march and to complete Road #16 between.St. Thomas and Fingal. Total expenditure on Roads is. estimated at $2,280,000 which . , includes By-Law expenditures, Development Road$, Boundary Line Accounts and other Accounts Receivable. Total expenditure in. 1970 was $2,711,000 and in 1969 was $ 3, 082 , 000) . ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN a . '" .... 1ll < t );'J) ,JP~~ .~ .;1; COUNTY OF EWIN 1971 TENDERS FOR MAl~AIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 1 1/4" Stone Chips for Surface Treatment 11. $ 2. 00 1.20 1.70 2.40 1~80 2.40 1.60 per ton \" Chips, F~O.B. White's Station per ton, F.O.B. Plant, Byron, N. J. Spivak Ltd. London, Ontario .. per ton \" Limestone~ Chips, not washed F.O.B. Hagersville per ton to Elgin County by Rail. 2. Dufferin Materials & Construct.ion Limited Hagersvi lIe, Ontario' per ton t" Limestone! Chips, washed, F.O.B. Cayuga per ton to Elgin County by Rail, 3. Cayuga Quarries Limited Cayuga, .Ontario per ton tit Gravel Chips, F~O.B. Paris. 4. The Flintkote Company of Canada Limited Paris, Ontario 5. R. S. Clark Limited Ingersoll, Ontario 1.05 per ton ~, (round), F.O.B. Byron Pit Washed · 2.05 per ton F.O.B. White's Station 6. Riverside Construction Limited London, Ontario 7. Johnston Bros. Limited Bothwell, Ontario 8. Canada Crushed Stone, Hamilton, Ontario 1.85 4.25 3.35 per ton - Quarry per tori delivered on Car. per ton,F.O.B. Whit4~ Station, St. Thomas GROUP 2 Bituminous Material 1. Currie Products Li~lited Hamilton, Ontario Tar Primer - . Tar R. T. 5-12 17.25 21.0 . per gallon, F.O.B. Hamilton per gallon (for Mulch and Surface Treatment) (Last year 15.5 cents per gallon.) per gallon, for DHO Prime, F.O~B. Clarkson 18.8 2.. Gulf Oil Canada Limited Emu Is10ns - (Last year tender Eastland Bros.) per gallon F.O.B. Factory ) per gallon F.O.B. Cll)unty ) 15.5 19~4 J g ;'// per Ga lIon F. O. B. ~.L1~~...... -h. r:ft~~~' If; :}()'J (0 per gallon De1iverd, Elgin County 1.. The Flintkote Company of Canada Limited Toronto, Ontario Cationic Emulsions R.E.Law Crusbed Stone Ltd. !&?~7 per Port Colbcrne, Ontario .....-, '1 '"'j per Cationic Emulsions do "~I " ( Ct J "- () J,~ ,.#/ gallon F.O.B. ~ort Co1borne g.,alJ~,. c deliver1ed Elgin County ,.~\ (~~) . . 2. COUNTY OF. ELGIN - 1971 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES '.~..~ , f(rV\)'\-'.M Emulsions - Continued / / ,/ / .~7. . 3. C.anad~h Biyumuls"rCo. L;A'.$ I (0;11", per Gallon F .0.1$. Leaside !/fO~9'riio,/0hta~Jo/ ///~li" 7 per Gallon de1'd Elg:ln County / Cationi.C" Emuls.t'ons d-<:I1i 1,' . " ,,/ . 1. Walmsley Bros. Limited 6.00 . London, Ontario 2. Riverside Construction Co 6.50 Limited London, Ontario 7.00 3. Towland-Hewitson Const _ Co. 6.50 London, Ontario 4. Fanshawe Asphalt Paving 6.00 Limit.ed GROUP 4 4. Eastland Bros. Ntagara Falls, Ontario Cationic Emulsions 5. McAsphalt Industries Ltd. 6. Muico Incorporated 7 ~ .-;-; J' , f:~y~c&,; GROUP 3 'R ~ .' ,~~ IdV{,\.-v,,'(~ Hot Mix Asphalt fbr Patchina Cold Mix Asphalt j ,j I. Dufferin Materials and Construction Limited Hagersville, Ontario 2. ' Cayuga Quarries Limited Cayuga, Orltario PAGE 2 / 7~j per Gallon F .O.B. Ni,agara Falls ;;; / ~ 7 per Gallon del' d Elgin County /~" 7 per gallon, F .O.B. Toronto ;;;2.).7 Delivered County of Elgin D 1(P~..L;-' !~r . . per gallon, F.O.B. Montreal per gallon, Del'd County of Elgin F () ~8 f~-/~~ ./ g f ',7- r) 9 '7 per ton FOB Putnam for H L 4 and H L 6 per ton FOB Plant, Hamilton Road, Londcm for H L 3 per ton FOB Plant Con. V.London Township per ton, FOB Plant Clarke Rd. North, London 7.00 1.85 .per ton FOB Hagersville per ton via Thompson Trucking (delivery) 8.50 per ton F.O.B., Simcoe 3. Riverside Construction Co. 7.75 per ton FOB, London Limited London, Ontario 4. Tow1and- .Uewi t son Const. limited, London, Ont. GROUP 5. Calcium Chloride Liauid 1. Pollard Bros. C. Ltd. Harrow, Ontario 2. Miller Paving Limited Buttonville, Ontario 7.50 per ton FOB Plant, Clarke Side Road 49.45 p.er ton($48.30 last: year) Including Federal Sales Tax, DellverE~d per flake ton equivalent to any road o.r spot: spraying. 49.75 per ton including "ederal Sales T., Del'd per flake ton equivalent on road. ~.. ~; ~~l . {;' !-. ~:. j' f;i f: -I ~J ~ l COUNTY OF ELGiN- 1971 TEIDERS F<lt MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PAGE 3 Calcium Chloride - Continued '. Bulk 1. Allied Chemicals Canada $49.35 Limited , TO,ronto, Ontario FOB Amherstburg per ton, De11d per flake ton equivalent any road. Twenty ton loads, Work by Thompson Trucking, St. Thomas. (Last year $47.90) Ba~s 1. Allied Chemical Canada Ltd. 55.96 per ton, Del'd to St. Thomas in 20 Ton Lots (Last year $52.60). Toronto, Ontario GROUP 6 Portland Cement 1. Big 4 Building Centre St. Thomas, Ontario 1.35 per ,bag FOB White's Station. GROUP 7 Field Tile 1. Deller's Tile Limited Brownsville, Ontario As per of March 1, 1971. List 2. Brantford Builders Supplies, Brantford, Ontario .. GROUP 8 Comcrete Sewer Pipe No Bid Received GROUP 9 Corru2ated Culverts See Attached Summary GROUP 10 'encln~ Materials '/1. The Steel Company of Canada Limited, Hamilton, Ontario , , 948-12 Fal111 Fence in 40 ,rod rolls 166.50 per 100 rods 1048 Farm Fence in 40 rod rolls 196.25 II n " 7' T-Rail Posts & Clips 120.00 It It It 16' X 481' Farm Gates 26.60 each #9 Galvan1.zed Brace Wire' 13.75 pf!r 100 lbs. 1\" Ga1v. Fence Staples 16.85 per 1.00 1bs. 48" Snow p'.nee in 50 & 100 ft. rolls 21.20 per 100 line ft. . , .. ;}'4 :;~; .1 ~;I t ,v ~t \l~ .t~ ~ Bl I ~~. ., ! ,:; ~; ~_i!l';/ll'l'~~~~'~~l$I!"11lrl!\'II_}..,:r.;""qrn. "." ,.~.~.,''''.~.......''.".~ ""'="'o~'''''~!'~~'.'.i'><",.''>.ry''''''''''''w,,~'''''''''''1,.'''''~','::,..,..,.. COUNrY OF ELGIN.- 1971 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PAGE ~ Fen~in~ Materials - Continued 2. Lunday Fence Company .Toronto, Ontario 948-12 Fami Fence 1048-12 II It $167.44 per 100 rods 197.13 n u " 7t.T-Bar Posts & Clips 16' Farm Gates It" Galv. Pence Staples '9 Galv. ~race Wi~e Snpw Fence 3. Fawcett Metal Products. Limited Waterloo, Ontario .. 120.66 26.60 13.82 16.90 21.29 Snow Fence (2000-4000)ft. 22.85 Posts (500 to 15000) 139.00 GROUP 11 Wooden Posts 1. G. L. Edwards Thedford, Ontario 5" top min. Peeled It long 7" top min. Peeled 8' long 4" x 10' long 6" x 6' ft. long 6" x 8t long GROUP 12 Reinforcing Steel' No bids received GROUP 13 Grader Blades 1.14 2.00 2.00 1.28 1.55 per 100 each per 100 Ibs. per 100 lbs. per 100 ft. roll ... per 100 ft. per 100 FOB St. Thoinas each (95C last year) ($1.70 last year) each each each No Tenders requested 1. J. D.. Adams Company Ltd. Paris, Ontario 8.59 2. Valley Blades Limited Preston, Ontario 7.63 Carbide Tipped Blades 39.20 J GROUP 14 Lumber 1. Big 4 B~ilding Centre as St. Thomas per list Deltd t.o St. Thomas, Quantity over 200. Size - 5/8 x 6" x 6' each (Carbide Tipped $28.00 per ft.) each', (last year) Quantity over 200 if7\{ per lineal ft. (~r40 per Grader) (Last year) COUNTY OF ELGIN .. 1971 TENDERS F<a IfAlto"lALS AMD SUPPLIES .. PAGE S. GROUP 15 Road Si~ns and Posts (Last year Bennet & Wright) 1. Mechanical Advertising Limited , Oshawa, Ontario. Over 15 Signs 2. 1/3. /s. "V" Series .. 36 X 36 "W" Series - 30 X 30 "R" Series - 30 X 30 . nw" Series.. 12 X.36 "R" Series .. 24 X 36 Bridge End Markers 12 foot "un Flanged Posts, Complete,' Galvanized Rosco Metal Products Ltd., Toronto, Ontario "Rn Series - 30 x 30 "w" Serie. .. 12 x 36 "V" Seriesl - 24 x 24 ''li'' Series - 24 x 36 Posts -'12 ft. Bennett & Wright Downsvlew, Ontario "R" Series - 30 x 30. "W" Series - 36 x 36 "W" Series .. 30 x30 "w" Series - 12 x 36 Br1dg~~ End Markers "R" Serie!1 - 24 x 36 Posts .. 12 foot complete 4. FaweettMetal Products Ltd., Water10~, Ontario. UW" Series .. 36 x 36 "WI' Series - 30 x 30 "R" Series .. 30 x 30 24 x 36 Posts .. 12 foot complete "w" Series .. 12 x 36 Highway Products Sales Thornhill, Ontario 6. 'fW1' Series .. 36 x 36 "WI' Series .. 30 x 30 UR" Series." 30 x 30 "W" Series .. 12 x 36 "R" Series .. 24 X36 Posts ~ 12 ft. Complete - J.R. Ward Decorating London, Ontario ".W" Series .. 30 x 30 36 x 36 .tR" Series - 30 x 30 24 x 36 "W" Series .. 12 x 36 $24;95 17.80 17.50 8.95 16.40 6.51 18.90 9.36 21.06 ..,._.___._..~ .. 62 . 5:'60 FOB St. Thomas each each each each each each All pri4ces FOB, St. Thomas each each each each e'ic'h""', All pri~es Any number each each each each 15.75 22.40 14.85 7.60 14.20 5.86 26.55 16.56 16.83 15.70 6.74 8.85 22.65 15.50 15.50 7.85 14.60 5.95 20.44 28.89 21.42 19.57 11.20 FOB Toronto of signs each each <1,pproximate1y) FOB St. Thomas 13 or n~re of each each each FOB St., Thomas Price each t ! ~ " ~ I ii \~ ~ .;~ COUNTY OF ELGIN - '1971 TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES GROUP 16 Paint - White Traffic Paint ;;. 1. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas, Ontario $ 2.85 Sherwin-Williams Toronto, Ontario 2.17 3. Brandram-Henderson Company Toronto, Ontario 2.23 4. Riagara Paint & Chemical Co. Ltd. Hamilton, Ont~rio 2. '296 Oran~e Guide Rail Paint 1. Glidden Paint Centre St. Thomas, Ontario -7.36 2. West Elgin Paint & Varnish Rodney, Ontario GROUP 1 7 Glass Beads for Centre Line Markin~ 1. Flexo Lite St. Thomas, Ontario 11.20 . GROUP 19 Miscellaneous Red~DMb( Concrete Company West Lorne Concrete Products Ltd. '17.00 Gasoline (After April 1) Petrofina Ltd. Gasoline Diesel Fuel 37.0 c 41.7 C PAGE 6 In 45 Gallon Drums- Non-Reflectorized (Last years price $2.17\ BrandrlLnJ Henderson) per gallon. per gallon (Approved by DBO) "" per gallon (CIL) per gallon (Approved by'DRO) per gallon No Price Received - but $4.25 per gallon last year. Type C Moisture ProCif Beads per cwt. FOB St. 'rhomas (Last year 10.64) per YClLrd - 3;000 lb. '6 bag Mix' per gliillon - inc luding tax per gallon - including tax -ii' COUNTY OF ELGIN 1971 TENDER FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PAGE 7 CorruRated Pipe Tender ;?/.~"., (/~./ ) . ~ Westeel Rosco Limited Price list May 1', 1970 25% Discount 2. Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Limited .. Price List of April 28, 1969 16% Discount 3. Armco Canada Limited Price List of January 1, 1970 21 % Discount & 2% 10 ~ay Discount 4.' Pawcett Metal Products Limi.ted, Waterloo Price List of September 15,1969 ll~% Discount 5. Corrugated Pipe Company Ltd. Price list of July 15, 1969 '(S.me list as Ontario Culvert) 1510 Discount 6. T.P.~. Industries Ltd. Price List of Jan~ 1, 1971 5% Di scount Order received December, 1970 from Armco Canada in the amount of $36,356.9~_r_'_ would cost if purchased on the basis of this year's tender from : <a> Westeel Rosco Ltd. $40,267.20 (b) Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Ltd. 41,006.25 (c) Armco Canada Ltd. 41,379.45 .,,// I ! ,~~,I ... ~ e...,~ 1",1>:: -- CHANGES TO COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM 1. Recommendations contained in Needs Study.. (A) Additions.-Victoria Street in Port Burwell. 0.3 miles joining Road #42 and High-way 119. (B) Deletions. (a). Road #26 north,~f Road #11 in Southwold Township 1.0 miles (b) Road #41 - Vienna - 0.4 miles. 2. Other Roads Studied during Needs Study for addition to County System and not recommended for 'Additions. URBAN ROADS (A) West Lorne - (1) Victoria Street from Highway #76 to Erie Flooring. (2) Elm Street from Highway #76 to Milner Rigsby, Conklin Lumber,& West Lorne Industries (~) Port Stanley (1) Extension of County Road 123 to Coal Dock and Sterling Fuels. (2) Maud & Erie Street from Highway #4 to Sterling Fuels. I (3) Catherine Street from County Road #21 to Arrow Fuels Loading Area. (C) Aylmer (1) Spruce Street from 'HigtMay #73 easterly to' , Central Pipe lines & to Dingle St. Bridge. (2) Elk Street- Highway /173 to Highway #3. RURAL ROADS EXAM! NED (A) Dunwich- (1) Lake Road - Westerly f'romRoadfl15 through Tyrconnel1 to Coyne Side Road - to serve Dutton Beach and Trai lE!r. Park- rejected unti 1 a sizable growth in trsLiler park was evident. (B) Yarmouth Twp. (1) Extension of Elm Street from Centennial to Road /136 as an urban al:-terial (rejected due to insufficient traffic.) (2) Extension of Centenni~lt South of Elm Street to ~oad /145 as an urban arterial (rejected due to insuffi~ient traffic). if Ji ,~ ~ ~ :1 !: \'j .. '"'.i" Changes to Count V Road System - Continued _ lJage 2 3. Changes proposed in 1970 and 1971 by various Council members. (A) Deletions - None. (B)' Addi tions: (a) By DHO - Road from Ta1botvil1e easterly to Road 126. ... Approximately 1.3 miles. (b) Port Stanley - Extension of Road #20 from Highway #4 along CNR tracks to Sterling Fuel Depot replacement for Erie & Maud St. Link. (C) Aylmer - Study underway regarding the extension of Spruce St. Easterly. (D) Bayham- (1 ) Connection between County Road 144 andf46. (2) Connection between County Road #38 and Highway #19 west end 'of Straffordville. (3) Brown Side Road and'2nd Concession easterly to Vienna. (E) ,Vienna - (I) Continuation of Road #41 to 2nd Concession and in due course extension of 2nd Concession by diverting to Highway #19. C~~;~j "2/ 123 ;If'- 'A-f"P1- ~ ~~ txY!J k ~''- r",. j 1ft) ~11'. COUNTY OF ELGIN 1971 New Machinerv 1. 2 Pickup Trucks. Trade #43, (1968 Ford with 85,000 miles. Trade 147 (1961 GMC). $ 4,000 .. 2. 2 Tractors & Side Mount Mowers . Trade (1962 Internationals Tractors and Mowers). 5,~00 3. 150 HP Grader complete with Plow and Wing Trade Grader 110 (1957 Adams 660 ) 18,000 4. Broom for Surface TOreatment 4,000 5. Tandem Truck (new) 15,000 6. 2 Radio Units (1 to a hired Truck 1 to new Tandem) 2,000 7. 2 Sander Units. (8 to 10 Cu. yards) 10,000 Miscellaneous. 2,000 $ 60,000 Truck fl28 - 70,000 miles 19 /129 60,000 miles " #34- 57,000 miles 0' ST.THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 9, 1971 on Tuesday, March 9, 1971, at 10:00 A.M. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Reeve Wilson. ALSO, present was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF February 16, 1971 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as follows: Elgin on March 2, 1971. (1) That the Warden and Chairman had inspected Roads in East (2) That Winter Control had been light in the past two weeks. far as possible for the time being. (3) That the cutting of trees on Road #2 had been completed as (4) That cutting of dead trees was continuing in East Elgin. (5) That a new roof would be put on the small garage shortly. Acaccia Bridge on the Elgin-Norfolk Townline as soon as the weather permitted. (6) That repairs would be made to the floor and stringers of the (7) That tenders for sanitary sewers in Port Stanley had been called by the OWRC. Roads Association Road School at Guelph. (8) That County personnel had been accepted in the Ontario Good (9) That the Needs Study should be printed and ready for distribution to County Council. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY:. T.. Y. ROBERTS R.. N. JOHNSTON THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #5 AMOUNTING TO $24,661.12 PAYLIST #6 AMOUNTING TO $22,266.29 PAYLIST #8 AMOUNTING TO $57,060.43 CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO ]~ARCH 9, 1971 PAGE 2. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on Land Purchase on Road #2, stating that only some small holdings and the property of the McLean sisters had yet to be acquired. The acquisition of the small holdings would be followed up as conditions permitted. CORRESPONDENCE was read from: (a) C. Jackson complimenting County workmen on helping solve a drainage problem. (b) From the Town of Aylmer stating that the Council felt that Parking Control on Beech Street was a local not a County responsibility. The Engineer was instructed to write the Town of Aylmer and point out to them that only County By-Laws were applicable to County Roads. (c) The Elgin Pioneer Museum requesting a meeting regarding Signs. The Engineer was asked to have the County members of the Museum Board report to County Council. (d) The Oneida Band Council requesting replacing of the Turkey Creek Bridge on the Delaware-Southwold Townline. The Committee agreed to inspect the Bridge on their Spring Road Inspection. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER CORRESPONDENCE was read from: G10in & Little Solicitors requesting additional compensation for Durward Siple for land used for the building of Road #45. After discussion the Engineer was instructed to contact the County Solicitor for his opinion. Tenders for Materials and Supplies were reported ()nhy~ the Engineer. f'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON C. MORRISON THAT tVE ACCEPT THE QUOTATION OF FLINTKOTE COMPANY OF CANADA FOR CATIONIC EMULSION AT 18.9 CEi\1TS PER GALLON FOB THEIR LONDON PLANT. CARRIEDt! ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 9, 1971 PAGE 3. t'MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS D. R. TODD THAT WE ACCEPT TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES AND THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO PURCHASE THE SAME AS NECESSARY WITH REGARD TO PRICE AND QUALITY. CARRIEDt' The Engineer ~presented a proposed new Machinery Budget. AFTER DISCUSSION "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. MORRIS ON T. Y. ROBERTS THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR 2 TRACTORS WITH SIDE MOUNT MOWERS WITH COUNTY TRACTORS 117 AND 1/8 AS TRADE-INS. CARRIEDtt UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. DENNIS R. N. JOHNSTON THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO SOLICIT QUOTATIONS FOR A BReOM FOR SURF ACE TREATMENT WORK. CARRIEDU "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: T.Y. ROBERTS D. R. TODD THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR A 150 HORSEPOWER GRADER COMPLETE WITH PLOW AND WING WITH THE COUNTY1S GRADER :(/10 AS A TRADE IN. CARRIED" MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D .R. TODD T. Y. ROBERTS THAT THE ENGINEER BE EMPOWERED TO CALL TENDERS FOR 2 PICKUP TRUCKS WITH COUNTY TRUCKS 1143 & /147 AS TRADE INS. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED on a proposed darn on the Thames River near Wardsville. The Engineer also reported on the program to date of the proposed replacement of the Patterson Bridge. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO MARCH 9, 1971 PAGE 4 The Update of the Needs Study was discussed and the Engineer presented the attached list of Roads that had been considered for deletion from and addition to the County Road System from the 1970 Needs Study and a list of requested additions to the System since the Needs Study had been considered. The Committee felt that the Roads in question should be inspected on their Spring Road Inspection. "MOVED BY: SE CONDED BY: C. NORRISON ..1. L. DENNIS THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 8 AT 10: 00 A.N. CARRIED" / q-C {/ \.' ./41 CHAIRMAN , ; 12 r , //,/pP- ~v / ,) J.) !;://L lJ; J (V~v. COUNTY OF ELGIN REPORT ON URBAN REBATES 1971 Urban Expenditure on Urban Streets Construction & Maintenance (Subsidized by DHO) 35~, of Urban Contribution to~~rd a total budget of $660,000 in 1971 1969 $ 3,298 3,897 4,271 16,572 4,762 5,237 $ 2,966 Belmont - 1965 1966 Rebate in 1970 ($2,113) 1967 1968 1970 'Dutton - 1965 8,000 $ 3,329 1966 12,500 Rebate in 1970 ($2,466 ) i967 9,418 1968 9,708 1969 13,005 1970 15,902 Port Burwell- 1965 8,071 $ 2,714 1966 7,603 Rebate in 1970 ($1,957) 1967 8,552 1968 8,904 1969 13,351 1970 17,800 Port Stanley 1965 22,718 $11,051 1966 37,153 Rebate in 1970 ($8,035) 1967 41,602 1968 56,747 1969 42,385 1970 57,097 Report on Urban Rebates, (2) 1971 Expenditure on Urban Streets Construction & Maintenance Urban (Subsidized by DHO) 35C70 of Urban Contribution toward a total budget of $660,000 in 1971 Rodney - 1965 $ 8,345 $ 4,033 1966 1967 1968 1969 7,102 Rebate in 1970 ($2,996) 7,564 5,798 13,787 1970 6,847 Springfield 1965 3,415 $ 1,245 1966 4,330 Rebate in 1970 ($ 924 ) 1967 4,316 1968 4,396 1969 4,671 1970 8,561 Vienna 1965 2,299 $ 1,116 1966 2,934 1967 3,861 Rebate in 1970 1968 4,308 ($ 881) 1969 4,220 1970 5,200 West Lorne 1965 IS,283 $4,310 1966 8,473 Rebate in 1970 ($ 3,188) 1967 8,825 1968 3,724 1969 9,266 1970 5,332 ,':I Report on Urban Rebates (3) 1971 Expenditure on Urban Streets Construction & Maintenance Urban (Subsidized by DHO) 35% of Urban Contribution towa,rd a tota 1 budget 0 f $660,000 in 1971 Aylmer - 1965 53,089 $26,352 1966 64,944 Rebate in 1970 1967 94,845 ($28,116) 1968 151,426 1969 120,935 1970 No report available Note! Total at 35% $57,117 (1971) 1970 Rebates - $50,679 Urban expenditures subsidized by DHO by 50% and (80%). Net amount to be raised by the Urban would then be , elf Expenditure less Urban Rebate. MAINTENANCE ESTIMATES COUNTY OF ELGIN 1971 Budget Bridge and Culvert Maintenance (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (b) County- Maintenance Roads (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission (including overhead) (b) County Winter Control - Surface Treatment - Gravel Resurfacing ~ Repairs to Pavements ~ Grading Gravel Roads - Road Maintenance Dust Control Weed Control Brushing Pavement Marking Guide Rail Signs Drainage Railroad Protection - Drainage Assessment - Tree Planting Total (Maintenance County) 1968 Cost 62,696 53,800 20,957 18,702 7,840 11,060 18,810 13,659 9,479 9,015 3,669 9,826 11,457 6,321 1969 Cost 89,262 25,263 22,560 26,591 16,111 7,889 19,728 13,624 22,441 8 , 158 2,348 14,627 13,400 7,708 1,174 Less: Reduction in Stock Balance - TOT AL - DRAlt'T 2 A~~~~~.. to 1--4 V- ~,iYV FEBRUARY, 1971 $ 1,000 $ 24.000 $ 25,000 $ 29,000 1970 Cost 77,463 54,532 65,269 27,812 10,513 7,327 18,520 12,897 12,595 8,664 10,115 16,442 4,746 8,491 309 1971 Estimates 85,000 50,000' 25,000 35,000 12,000 8,000 20,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 9,000 1,000 2,000 320,000 50,000 270,000 (2) DRAFT 2 FEBRUARY, 1971 Overhead 1968 Cost 1969 Cost 1970 Cos,t 1971 Estimate 104,000 134,000 157,655f 165,000 Non-Subsidized items - 2,500 Bv-Law Cost DHO Subsidy. County Constructio~ Bridges & Culverts (a) St. Thomas Suburban R()ad Commission 1,000 800 100 (b) County Bridges and Culverts 24,000 19,200 4,800 Roads (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Roads and Overhead 29,000 14,500 7,250 (b) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commision non- Subsidized - 500 (c) County Roads Maintenance 270,000 135,000 135,000 (d) County Overhead 165,000 82,500 82,500 (e) Non Subsidized 2,500 489),000 252,000 232,650 CONSTRUCTION Bridges and Cu 1 vert s, (a) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Patterson Bridge, Road #30 140,000 (b) County (1) Road 4;40 between Road #52 and Glencolin and between Highway #3 and Mount Salem. 3,000 (2) Culvert Replacement Road #9, Dunwich 35,000 (3) Culverts in conjunction with grading Rnad #2, West Lorne To Rodney 35,000 (4) Surveys, Engineering work, Port Talbot Bridge, Road 4~16. 5,000 78,000 (3 ) Road Construction (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Connnission (2) Needs Study (1970 Study) (75% Subsidy) (3) 50% Items 1 - Needs Study (1971 Update) 2 - Land Purchase (133,000 in 1970) 3 - New Machinery ($60,383 in 1970) 4 - Machinery Ownership Costs charged to Development Roads (81,135 in 1970) 5~' Drainage Assessments 6 - Fencing Development Roads #930 & #1023 (Roads 45 & /116) 7 - Plan Method of Road Consolidation By-Law 8 ~ Surveys, Traffic Counts, Misc. Grading Const. 9 - Urban Rebates 10 - Completion of Work Road #22, Surface Treatment and Cleanup. 11 - Erosion Control, Road #42, East of Port Burwell 12 - Completion of Work, Road #53, Beech St. Aylmer. 13 - Completion of Work, Road #40, Springfield to Glericolin including Double Surface Treatment 14 - Completion of Work - Road #40, Highway #3 to Mount Salem including Double Surface Treatment 15 - Start Garage Whitets Station. 16 - Grading, Granular Base, Paving, etc. "Road #16, Finga1 urban Section, Road #20 westerly. 17 - Grading, Granular Base, Paving, etc. Road #21 (Warren Street) Port Stanley 18 - Grading Granular Base,(Base Course Paving) Road 4/2, Rodney to West Lorne 19 - Grading Granular Base, Drainag~ Paving, Road 12, West Lorne, Urban 20 - Surveys, Clearing, Fencing, etc. Road #36, Sparta to Highway #3 and south of Highway #3 TOTAL (5010) DRAFT 2 FEDJ:uJARY, 1971 17,000 6,000 2,000 80,000 60,000 50,000 Credit 20,000 12,000 4,000 10,000 50,000 5,000 2,000 19,000 20,000 45,000 15,000 45,000 25,000 310,000 100,000 10,000 $784,000 (4) DRAFT 2 FEBRUARY, 1971 SUMMARY Bv-Law Cost DHO Subsidy. Count V Cost Bridge & Culvert Const. (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission 140,000 112,000 14,000 (2) County Bridge & Culvert Construction 78,000 62,400 15,600 Road Construction (1) St. Thomas Suburban Road Conunission 17,000 8,500 4,250 4,500 1,500 392,000 392,000 579,400 427,350 252,000 232,650 831,400 660,000 (2) Needs Study (75% Subsidy) 6,000 (3) Road Cost (50% Subsidy) 784,000 1,025,000 Maintenance from Before 489,000 $1,514,000 This compares with in 1970 a total expenditure of $1,640,951 DHO Subsidy of $938,800 and a County cost of $674,000. (Mill rate on 1971 Provincial Equalized 'Assessment of $373,000,000 is 1.77) Expenditure on Development Roads in 1971 ise'st.j.:rna~e~i:at,: approximately $638,000 of which approximately $105,000 has already been spent. Total Estimated Expenditure - 1971 By-Law Development Roads ~~ 1,514,000 638,000 Accounts Receivable (including Boundary Line Accounts and work done for other 128,000 municipalities ) Total - ~~2, 280, 000 Total Expenditures (1970 - $2,7111,000) (1969 - $3,082,(00) and (1968 - $3,139,0(0) ~ J'f<r~y 51. 1R0MA5, OlrtAR10 VE'BRUAR~, 1971 10 1l\l!. Cl:lA1R~ ~ l\l!."mER5 01" 1l\l!. com1'!1 01" 1". LG1N ROAD COMl'!11't1".E Attached to thiS ReFo~t is a F~OFosed ~udget fo~ 1971. AS ag~eed at the 1"eb~ua~1 4, 1971 tneeting of the ColJlll\itUe the ~udget is d~awn uF on an estimated e~FenditU~e of $660,000 ~aised b1,count1 1a~ation. 1he budget alsO includes those const~uctiOn catego~ieS which ~~e ag~eed uFon at that tneeting. 1he ~udget o~ ~1~Law1"unds totalS $1,514,000 with $831,400 sUFFlied b1 the neFa~ttnent of Righwa1S of O'nta~io in 5ubsid1 (~~itnUtn subsid1 obtainable in 1971 is $1,046,000) and $32,300 f~otn the cit1 of St. 1homas (\ tnill cont~ibution is $26,000 and the deficit to 1972 is estimated at $6,200). 1n addition ~ ha"e outstanding ne"eloFtnent Road funds of 1 ~6~a 000 Of thiS aFF~O~imatel1 $105,000 has al~ead1 been aFF~o~imate 1 ~ ,,0, · sFent thiS ,,!ea~ (being in""ices f~"tn necetnbe~ and the Janua~1 g~a"eiling of R. d ;L16 and naument fo~ utilit1 mo"etnent on Road ~45, cutting t~ees on oa ' r}"- 1" tti f the a11\Ount ~emairiing Roads ~45 and ~48). 1t ""uld aFFea~ that "e~1 1- e 0 ($535,000) wiil be left when Road ii6 bet~en St. 1homas and 1"ingal and Road ~45 bet~en Jaffa and ~iddlema~ch a~e colll1'leud thiS 1ea~' 1he Count1 will alsO ~ecei"e aFF~0~itnatel1 $100,000 of ne"eloFtnent f. 'I... f. 1970 4nd 1971 1his togethe~ with an1 mone1 that tnight Road Aid o~ eaCL' 0 0 · be fo~thCoudng for 1972 could be sFent on Road ~36 in 1972. 1his will d ~~th the other Fro~ectS listed for 1972 with enable the Count1 to ~rocee w~ using ~,,!~LaW mone1' ~1 Fost~oning theS~ending of thiS mone1 to 1972 the f f ~'Y f.",tU~e funds if an1 fo~ De1l81oFtnent Road ~u~FOses will itnPact 0 "e~1 e~ v ' be 1ess'et\ed. 1969 De"elo~tnent Road e,qlenditU~e $1,090,000 .. .. .. 939,508 1970 .' 625,000 (estitnated) 1971 -- (4~timated) 1972 , 11 " U \1 '" tl (2) ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO 'FEBRUARY, 1971 maximum amount allowed the lessening of the Allowable Subsidy will not likely be felt until 1974. As the DepaTtment of Highways subsidy -requested is undeT the Maximum Subsidy fOT 1972 estimated at t1 n n 1973 esti.mated at u n t:t 1974 esti.mated at $950,000 850,000 750,000 (The Amounts aTe subject to the update of the Needs Study) The Maintenance estimates are as attached and foT the roost paTt aTe meTelY a Tepeat of the past yeaTts costs and woTk. Included in this yeaTts Winter ContTol is the cost of building the Salt StoTage building at Whitets Station. surface TTeatment woTk will be necessary on approximatelY 30 to 35 miles of Road (about once in 5 yeaTS on appToximatelY 162 miles of SUTface TTeatment and Mulch Roads. It is occasionallY necessaTY to tTeat some of appToximatelY 72 miles of Rot Mix Asphalt paV'ement as well. ) at appTOximatelY 1,000 ton peT mile with bad spots and spTing bTeakup treated OUT pTesent progT811I of gTaV'el TesuTfacing is once eveTY foUT yeaTS as necessary. 1971. (Road *29, Road ~26 and Road #52 fTom Road ~26 to Road ~25). As the AppToximatelY 6 miles of woTk nOTth of St. Thomas is pToposed foT Temeinder of Road ~52 east of Road ~25 is scheduled for construction only an absolute minimum will be Qone on this mileage. Road ~43 fTom Road #38 to Road ~42 is scheduled fOT 1972 (7 miles in total). and thus Tepairs to FaV'ements haV'e been held to a nominal cost. Some year SpTing B-ceakup in the past few years has been of a minoT nature the worst Wi 11 occur. control Measure and to Teduce grading costs. This cost is included in Road ~29 east of Road ~25 should be pTimed this yeaT as a Dust Dust Control. (3) S't. 'tR()l\AS, otrt ARlO fEBRUAR1, 1971 A. considet:able al\lOunt of Guide Rail should be et:ected on Road j~43 (~ayhatll_Malahide 'to'Ol'l\line~ and Road 1/;3a between RicbmOnd and suaffot:d"ille. 'this cost along ,,!.tb ot:dinat:Y tlIaintenance costs at:e in the Guide Rail estilllllte. A. notllinal a1\lOunt is sbo'Ol'l\ undet: 'tt:ee_l"lanting to itllpletllent last yeat:' s deciSion of the Cotl\lllittee to plant tt:ees along ,,!.dened Road. A.llOwances whet:e t:equested. tlIllojot: pt:ojectS at:e planned. o.et:bead costS ,,!. 11 be up sOtllewhat thiS yeat: o"et: last e",en thouSb the total n~bet: of etllplOyees at:e leSS. (lnsUt:ance on Gat:age, Sick and tl,oliday benefits on t:etit:etllents, etc.) ~t:idge and Cul"et:t Maintenance will \>e of a not:tl\lll natut:e and nO ~~ (a)~ 'the tlIajot: bt:idge pt:oject (l"attet:SOn ~t:idge) fot: the yeat: is i nc 1 uded in the St. 'thotllllo s Subut:\>an Boad Cotllllli s s ion ~udset. Othet: wot:k includes t:eplaCetllent of tWO cul"et:tS on Road 1/;9 in'DUn.,dch and Cul"et:ts in conjunctiOn .,dth gt:ading on Roads ~40 and 1/;2. tngineet:ing wot:k should alsO be done fot: tbe t:eplacetllent of the l"ot:t 'talbot ~t:idSe and a notllinal SUtll is included in the lludget fot: (b) ~ · . 'the 1910-14 ~eeds StudY is pt:actiCal11 co~lete ~th pt:int~ng d f1'l1,...4s Stud" was subsidi1.ed at 15"/.. 'the update wot:k we plan un e"trAa:'j. .\. J,L1oo 'J to do out:sel"es SUbsidY nte is 50"/. (wnethet: done by a consulunt or thi s rjIO"tk. ou'tset\1es) CostS of Land 1"Ut:chase, ~eW ~achiuet:1' 'Dt:ainaSe A.SsesStllentS a'te a.S sh01$lt\. t:ecotl\lllended by the Cotl\lllittee to Council will t:eflect in the atllOunt of tlIone1 a"ailab1e fot: other pt:ojects. Ut:ban t:ebates at:e tentati"elY estitllated at $50,000 and any change 1\. (4) 8T. THOMAS, ONT ARI 0 FEBRUARY, 1971 Estimates are shown to complete all work in progr.ess, Road #22, Road #53, and Road #40 north and South). $15,000 is shown to start construction of new Garage facilities at White Station. A complete proposal will be presented in early summer for discussion by the Committee. Estimates are shown for the Urban Section of Road #16 in Fingal and for Warren Street (Road #21) in Port Stanley. It is hoped to complete Road #2 to the point of paving this year in the rural section and complete all work in the urban section. At this time no decision has been made on the amount of work necessary on the Section of Road #2, east of Highway #76. If considerable work is done it is very doubtful if the estimates for work on Road #2 will be adequate and as the estimates for the other projects leave little, if any, leeway. It is possible that certain fall accounts may not be able to be paid until 1972. A complete report on the extent of work desirable on Road #2 will not likely be available ~ntil Spring comes and further information is available (April). A nominal amount is budgeted for Surveys and perhaps some Clearing and Fencing on Road #36. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SU:BMITTED ),:? /j IhlAJ'V~ f / I " f/ R. G. MOORE, COUNTY ENGINEER ~ ST. THO~1AS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 16, 1971 on Tuesday, February 16, 1971 at 10:00 A. M., THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Reeves' Dennis and Cave:rly. ALSO, in attendance was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Department of Highways. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of February 4, 1971 were rea,d and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating as follows: 1. Winter Control work had been.extremely costly with approximately $45,000 having been expended to date. 2. Clearing was underway on Road #2 between West Lorne and Rodney. 3". Repairs to Snow Plows and Sanders had been keeping shop personnel quite busy. 4. Word had been received from the Department of Highways that the Department was not interested in acquiring the Talbot Kirkpatrick property at New Glasgow. THE ENGINEER reviewed Land Purchases for Road widening on Road #2 between West Lorne and Rodney stating that approximately 70% of the frontage had been acquired. Spraying on County Roads in 1971 was discussed. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON C. MORRISON THAT THE TOWNSHIPS BE REQUESTED TO SPRAY WEEDS ON THE COUNTY ROADS IN 1971. . CARR lED" MR. RALPH MCLAUGHLIN OF THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY IN ATTENDANCE. He reviewed the County's various insurance policies and answered members queries. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEB:RUARY 16, 1971 P AGJE 2 THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER . . . "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RENEW THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLICIES WITH THE FRANK GOWAN COMPANY: MUNICIPAL LIABILITY, NON...OWNED AUTOMOBILE, AUTOMOBILE FLEET, EQUIPMENT FLOATER, RADIO FLOATER, BOILER INSURANCE, WEED SPRAYING COMPENSATION, ./ EMPLOYEE BOND, VALUABLE PAPERS AND COUNCILLOR ACCIDENT. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER represented the attached report showing thle expenditures by the urban municipalities on urban streets in past 5 years and the amount of a 35% Rebate. After discussion . . . "MOVED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS SE CONDED BY: D. R. TODD THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE REBATE TO THE URB.A.N MUNICIPALITIES BE 35% OF THEIR ROAD LEVY FOR 1971. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER presented the attached report and proposed budget. Hepointed out that it was quite possible that the estimates for Winter Control could be closer to $100,000 than the $85,000 budgeted and that the urban rebates at 35% would be $57,000 rather than the $50,000 budged. After discussion . "MOVED BY: D. R. TODD SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE BUDGET AS PRESENTJED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,514,000 AT A COST OF $660,000 TO THE COUNTY BE APPROVED. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 16, 1971 PAGE 3 UMOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $188,000 BE APPROVED. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF LAND ON ROAD 1/:36 FOR ROAD WIDENING. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER reviewed the policy decision5necessary in updating the }leeds Study. MOVED BY: C. MORRISON SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ADJOURN TO MARCH 9 AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" rt:f IV c { CHAIRMAN ~ ", I~..'..... '.. , f. .,. . ''''-(7 fV\~-"'_...vt.(/"J7-rl. 1 9 7 1 BUD C I T t I..:.'.......... ... " 1970 - Expenditure.: By-Law County $1,640,951 674,115 6.5.5,115 Raised by Taxes County ~1l0 Subsidy 959,600 Total Vouchers including ReeeivaDles ~ Deve10paent Rds. ,2,711,580 1969 ~ Expenditures: 8y- Law. $1,684,082 (By-Laws Approved) 1,741,500 County Share 640, 273,1IIIIt Raised by Taxes 709,273.... DBO Subsidy Approved Subsidy 1,026,584 1,046,250 Total Vouchers 3,081,820 ,t' 1971 - DRO Maximam Subsidy - 1,046,250 1972 - DHO Maximum Subsidy a.ti.-ted at 950,000 1973 - DBO Maximum Subsidy estimated at 850,000 750,000 1974 - DRO Maximum Subsidy estimated at - (Subsidy baaed on the 45~ objective and may vary from aboVe because of the update infor- mation available prior to 1914) 1971 - Development Road expenditure estimated at $600,000 including ,& L1 ""I, $100,000 expen4ed by March 31, 1971 which was in reality 1970 and winter of 1971 expenditure. BUDGET CATEGORIES (.) St. Tho..s Suburban Road Commission Construction .. (Patterson Bridge) and Maintenance of System. f (b) County Road and Bridge Maintenance and Overhead. ~, i \ 1.\.. , . ~. \j (c) Construction It.as - Bridse & Culverts (1) Pipe Culverts Road 19, Dunwieh. (2). Pipe Culverts R.oad 140, (Coapletion of Work) (3) Pipe Culverts lo.d #2. (4) Road #16, Talbot Creek Bridge Engineering. (d) Road .Construction. (1) Needs Study (75% Subsidy) (2) Needs Study Update (Sax. Subsidy) (3) wnd Purchase. (4). NEI... Machinery. "'...,-.~~~l\l~ii""~~~I8DF~ll~,I"a;;.jUIiI i~~tj~1r-l';N~ '~<t.lIl.III..lla.l'~~ 1 "1U;r~~-fJ.hr".,~".,di.t,., . .n . ~ . 1971 Budaet., Conti\ftuecl. Pa~. 2. (S) Maehinet'f Ownership Costs charged to Develop:lRent loads. (6) I>>rainage ,usessaent (7) , 'encins e..ts, Road 116 and '45 (Develo,.ent loads 1023 & 930) (8) Plan .et~ of Road COlllo1iclat.ioll by-Lava (9) Surve,s, T~affic Counts, Htsc. Grading Cost. (10) tTrban Rebat... (11) Garale facilitie.. (12) COmpletion .f work, Road 122, Yar.outh. , (13)eav{ng, etc. loadl40- Springfield southerly. (14) "avins, etc. Itoad 140 - Highw,. 13 to Mount Salea. (IS) 'avins, etc. Koad_'S3 - Beecb Street, A,l..r. (16) ltoad #42, Irosion Control, 'a,ham. ' (17) Road 12, R04fte, to West Lorn.. (18) Road 12, W.st Lome urban sections. (19) Road #16, Finial urban section. (20) Road #36, Surveys, etc., Pencina, etc. (21) Road 121, W.~ren Street, Port Stanley. II URBAN REBATES Aylmer - 11.408~ . Be lmont - 1,284~ Dutton - 1.. 441 \ Port Burwell - lf175~ Port Stanle,' - 4.7841 Rodney - 1, 746~ Springfield - .S39~ Vienna - .483~ West Lorne .; 1.866~ 24.726~ "i . ~ Ita.uming a total Expenditure by the County of $660,000 the Total Payable by the Urban. is '$163.192 Urban Rebate : 25t _- 4.0, 798 301. - 48,958 35~ - S7,117 4ft - 65,277 45-x. II- 73,436 SO't - 81,596 (Act states - minimum is 2S~ - Maximum 1s Sot) Total Expenditure in, 1970 - $SO,679 (1969 - 4S,861) 2S-x. .to .11 except Aylmer @ 35t ~. - Urban must spend more money than UlOunt of Urban Rebat:e to get full ~. r> I ~. ' ;. .. f t i I (, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1971 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, on Thursday, February 4, 1971 at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS,'WERE PRESENT. THE MINUTES of the mee.tings of January 13 and January 20, 1971, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follo'ws: (1) That all roads were open to ~oT.way traffic after the storm of the past week and that considerable overtime had been worked. (2) That ploughing had been done for South Dorchester Township when their grader broke. (3) That the Salt Shanty was nearing completion. (4) That trees were being cut for construction on Road #16. (5) That a drain from the Baptist Church manse on Road 1152 had been connected into the County Drain. UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R.. N. JOHNSTON J.. L. DENNIS THAT THE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #3 AMOUNTING TO $21,329.60 PAYLIST #4 AMOUNTING TO $48,356.63 f1CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (a> The County of Dufferin regarding Automobile Liability Insurance. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: T. Y. ROBERTS C. MORRISON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF DUFFERIN COUNTY COUNCIL REGARDING NOTIFICATION OF LAPSE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE BY INSURANCE COMPANIES BE FILED. "CARRIED" (b) from the City of Kitchener requesting the DHO find a substitute for salt. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON C. MORRISON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION FROM THE CITY OF KITCHENER REQUESTING THE DHO RESEARCH FOR A CHEAP SUBSTITUTE FOR SALT BE FI LED. "CARRIED (c) from John Dodd soliciting land surveying work. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO F'EBRUARY 4, 1971 PAGE 2 (d) From Eugene Stirling asking whether or not the County ~~s interested in purchasing the Talbot Kirkpatrick property at New GlasgoiN The Engineer was instructed to contact the DHO to see if they were interested in acquiring the property to improve visibility at the corner. DISCUSSION on renewal of the County.s Insurance with the Frank Cowan Company was left in abeyance until Mr. McLaughlin would be in attendance. THE MEETING ADJOURNED for Dinner. AFTER DINNER Tendering for Materials and Supplies was discussed. ''MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D.R. TODD T. Y. ROBERTS THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES FOR 1971. "CARRIED" It was decided to distribute the Needs Study to Co~unty Counci 1 prior to any general public distribution. THE ENGINEER reviewed land purchase progress on Ro.ad 412. It was agreed to pay Mr. C. Zeename $500.00 damagE!s for him to remove his greenhouse from the widened right of way. THE ENGINEER presented the attached preliminary Budget Report and answered members queries. After considerable discussion it was decided to set a budget based on a County Tax expenditure of approximately $660,000. It was also decided that the Engineer should draw up a budget showing estimates for the work proposed on the Report. Rebates to Urban were discussed and the Engineer presented some information. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 4, 1971 PAGE 3 AFTER DISCUSSION the Engineer was requested to present a report showing past expenditure of the urbans and the amount of a 35% rebate. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R.. N. JOHNSTON J" L. DENNIS THAT WE ADJOURN TO FEBRUARY 16, 1971 at 10:00 A.M. "CARRIEDf. n 174 0 -l - 'f-. _ .,/J; (;IF- L /~ t1 CIlAIRMAN I II ~ iUdt~'t1.0~ VO? 1'?1.l\11.l\G ~t.~ .~ o\.ain count', an4 \. 0 ti:tfl\S 1.~' PI:" tionS sent to . \.ette't 'tectuestin~ ctUota ~ 't" to be 40ne. \.3 fi~s \.oo"ed at ~ 26 1. '(\ \..0 '(\0.0'(\ · . 1'\.us r2.''/. Vede'ta\. an4 . 5~ ?'to~incia\. sa\.es 'ta~ $'3,658e63 ~ t 1''tinti~S co~an' \.. ?iggO 6~5 Dundas St'teet \.Ondon, 01\t8'tio t ?'ti1\t ~i\ll.ited '" &. 't.' 1 '(\ste:o:. 2. p. \ \.01\Qo~' Ot\ta't 0 . f. \,\.tbO~"C81'b\.1\~ l.td. 3 }\u't"Ca., \<.e\.\.,l''ti1\tl-1\S . 220 ~e\.a\.de St'teet \.01\d01\, 01\t8'tio " a \110"' \. d ,. l'b\.bbs l'd.1\tl-1\" . \. \.0 1'.4"a"Cd st'teet St. 'tbO\Il.&$, Ot\ta'tio \\1. a Co e t.td. or. o,,\.eS \,\.t~os"Ca1' n" 5. 1:'-'(\ ,3) a \.021 C\.8"C"e ,,08 \.0 1\do 1\ , Ot\tat\. 0 4,098.30 4 9 \. '2 . 50 , 5,602.50 5 961.00 , '3,808e36 .. ...411 'Oe~Bh!! ~~ ._~ t l'"C\.1\ti1\~ co~a1\" \>1. S~o 5,000.00 4 3\.6.20 . , \.. , t \..if\\l.ted PI' 1'(\ S t &:(\ t t>'! 't. '(\ , ~. &. 1.. \..1:(1\\ tea &. \,.t t o.O%"at>\\\:(\% }\u't"C8' \(e\.\.' ?'t\.1\t\.1\S 6,\.18.00 i. 5,800.00 3. . I t~^a ~ot\d ?bi'o'os ?1: J,.t\ J,.po f4.. . 1\'1 \,i\ll.ited \<.1\0" \. e S \, i t no~"C a1' bi n S Co\ll.l' 8 5. ;~ ~. /! I I I .,'"1 j , I I II If>I,'...._..,._....,'... ,.-''\,...--- ,./'j ,lIVv~t~, COUNTY !'F ELGIN QUOTATION FOR PRfNTING NEEDS STUDY " A letter requesting quotation<J sent to 10 firms in Elgin County, and 26 in London. 13 firms look~d at work to be done. Price per 150 Copies Plus 12% Federal and 5% Provlncial Sales Tax 1. .Piggot Printing Company 665 Dundas Street London, Ontario ... $3,,658.63 2. M. & T. Instant Print Li~ited London, Ontario 4,098.30 3. Murray Kelly Printing & Lithographing Ltd. 220 AdelaidE! Street London, Ont~lrio 4,912.50 4. Phibbs Printing World 110 Edward Street St. Thomas, Ontario 5,602.50 5. Knowles Lithographing Co. Ltd. 1027 Clarke Road London, Ontario 5,967.00 Price per 200 Copies 1. Piggot Printing Company I'; :3,808.36 2. M.. & T. Instant Print Limited 4!t.,316.20 3. M~rray Kelly Printing & Lithographing Limited 5,000.00 4. Phibbs Printing World 5,800.00 5. Knowles Lithographing Company Limited 6,178.00 ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 20, 1971 \. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas on January 20, 1971, in conjunction with County Council at 2:00 P.M. Present were: Warden D. R. Todd R. N. Johnston C. Morrison J. L. McIntyre T. Y. Roberts J. L. Dennis Reeve of West Lorne. Reeve of A1dborough Reeve of Dunwich Reeve of Southwold Reeve of Yarmouth Reeve of Bayham Advisory Members: J. B. Wilson W. R. Caverly A. T. Miskelly Reeve of South Dorchester Reeve of Malahide Reeve 0 f Ay lmer "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. DENNIS T. Y. ROBERTS THAT MR. L. MCINTYRE BE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE FOR 1971. "CARRIED" THE CHAIRMAN thanked the Committee for the honour accorded him. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date stating: 1. Snow and Ice Control had been light since the 18,.st meeting. 2.. Cutting of dead trees in Southwold, Dunwich s.nd Aldborough was nea,rly complete and work would be started on Roa.d /116 within the week. 3. Cutting of dead trees in East Elgin would be started in a week or so. 4. Erection as a salt shanty at White Station of the plywood building from Spunder Lumber in Dutton was underway. 5. That crushed gravel work on Road /145 south of Midd1emarch would be completed this week. 6. Storm dr..ins had been completed as far as possible and mt.nor clean-up would be completed this week. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Department of Highways of Ontario stating that By-laws would be approved in 1971 to a limit of the maximum approved subsidy in 1969 ($1,041,000.00) "MOVED BY: R. N.. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: C. MORRISON THAT WE RECOMMENT TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE WARDEN APPOINT DELEGATES TO THE ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND DELEGATES TO THE ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION AND THAT THE MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR BOTH ASSOCIATIONS BE PAID. CARRIED" S1. 1RQW\S, ol'l'f 1\1.l.1 0 l? AGE 2 "1!10vED ~Y: 1. y. RO~ER1S stCONDED ~Y: J. L. DE1'I1'I15 1RI\1 wt \U1.C~ND 10 COUN1Y COUNC1L 1lll\1 1\ ~y_LA\H ~t 1'ASSED A'l11ROR1Z1NG 1\\l!. \HI\RDEN ANl> cLtR~ 10 SlGN LAND 1'lJJlS AS NtCESSARY lN 1971. CARRIED" "MOvED ~1: DOUGLAS R. 10DD SECONDtD ~1: R. N. JOllNS10N 1lll\1 wt RE co"tft'\ll.ND 10 C OUl'l'f1 COUflC1L 1llA1 A ~l-LA\H ~E l' ASSED I\U1ll0R1. ZlNG 1\\l!. \HARDEN AND ct.AR~ 10 SlGfl A DttD 10 1!1CQU1.GGAfl ,OR A 1'0R'fl0fl 0' Lat ~S2 N01<1R 0' 'tI\L~at ROAD lfl 1\\l!. 101Hfl 0' A1U\ER. CARR1EDU und.e't~e1 ~tteched a~d diSCUssed. 1l1!10vED ~1: J. L. DENN1.S SECONDED ~1: 1. 'l. RO~ER1S 1lll\1 wt I\cctJ"f 1\\l!. QuatA110N 0' 1'lGGat 1'Rll'l'f1.NG C~1'Afll ,OR 200 Co1'1.tS 0' 1\\1!. COUl'l'f1 flEEDS S1UD'l A1 1\\l!.1.R Quat A110N 0' $3, SOS · 36 1'LUS 'tDERAL AflD 1'RO'11. NC 1. AL . CARRIED" attention befoTe ~Tch county Council. . .f ~~ that ~uld Te~uiTe 1\\l!. ENG1NtY.R Te"U1ifed sotlle of the l.tetllS 0 "WO> SALES 'tAX. "MOVED 'By ~ stCO~n'E1) 'By ~ 1\\A1 wt ADJOURN 10 y\!'~RUARl 4, 1971 A1 10:00 A. 1!1. D. R. 't01)1) It. ~. JO\il-lS'tON CARRI'En" .~I! f;; c C\iAIRMAN . ~ ~. f d J .' ~_."""",....-"..~,.",,,!,......,,,,<....,,",, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO e~ ~~ 1'\;1v-J '{;'?I'1J~ JANUARY SESSION, 1971 . TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE: COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN YOUR ,ROAD COMMITTEE begs t~ report as follows: THE FOLLOWING is a summary ~,f costs of Construction and Maintenance on County of Elgin Roads during lQ70. CONSTRUCTION: -... ... ROADS - 1. Road /122 from Road /124 to. Roa ~ #27 J in the Town- ship of Yarmouth, Surface Treatment, Grading,etc. 2. Road #40 from Road #5~ to GlencolinJin the Village of Springfield and Township ()f Malahide, Grading, Granular Base, Urban Work, P3ving, etc. 3. Road #40 from Highway #3 to ~ount Salem in the Town- ship of Malahide, Grading, Granular Base, etc. ) 4. Road #47, #48, #49 (Development Road #972) in the, Township of South Dorchester. Fencing. 5. Road #45 (Developm~nt Road #Q30) in the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold, Fencing. 6. Road ffl6 (Development Road # 1023) in the Township of Southwold, Fencing. 7. Road #8 approaches to Willevs Bridge in the Town- ship of Dunwich. 8. Road #21, approaches to Warren Street Bridge in the Village of Port Stanley. 9. Road 1153, Beech Street, in the Town of Aylmer, Storm Sewer~ Grading, Granular Base, Curb and Gutter.- 10. Road #2, from Road #3, to Highway 176 in the Villages , ~ of Rodney, West Lorneand the Township of Aldborough, Surveys. 11. Road #42, from Road #40 to Hi~hway #73 in the Town- ship of Malahide, Move Utilities, etc. 12. Road #3, North limit of Rodne~in the Vil1ag~ of , Rodney and the Township of Aldborougb, Storm Sewers, Curb and Gutter, Paving, etc. .... '~l'. 4$3.51 153,265.75 159,541.91 3,084.89 15,823.21 12,~44.34 2,793091 1,810.31 53,909.93' 2,836.54 1,618.68 30,598.41 '1' ! ti 13. Road 142, east of Port Burwel~, in the T~wnship of Bayham, Erosion Contrtll.. 14. Road 115, entrance to John S. Pearce, Provincial Park in the Township of Dunwich, Surface Treatment, Clean-up, etc. 15. Road III froro Road #26 to Highway #4 in the Town- ship of Soutbwold, Contribution by Ford Motor Co. to Construction of Ro.d #ll.(Offset by Purchase of Land from the Ford Motor Company to widen Road III and Road ~~26). 16. Road 121, Warren St. Village of Port Stanley, Installation of Railroad Protection. ($1,000.00 paid in 1969). 17. Plan Method of County Road Consolidation By-Laws 18. Needs Study (75% Subsidy by Department of Highways of OntarioJ 19. Land Purchase 20. New Machinery 21. Drainage Assessments (Construction) 22. Surveys and Traffic. Counts 23. Miscellaneous Grading Construction. 24. Machinery Ownership costs charged to Development Road and Townline accounts. TOTAL - ROAD CONSTRUC'fION by tbe ST. THOMAS SmmRBAN ROAD COMMISSION 1. Road #33, Approaches to Kains Bridge (Contract) by McLean Foster Limited. 2. Road #33, Grading Constructi.on, Work by County beyond Contract. 3. Drainage Assessments (Construction) 4. Land Purchase 5. Surveys and Traffic Counts. TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY Th'E COJ!1MISSION TOTAL ROAD CONSTRUCTION ~rANUARY, 1971 ]~ AGE !l 516.23 827.12 5,400.00 Credit 418. 76 2,831.54 3,250.37 133,154.54 60,368.03 35,88L.85 11,413.42 480.00 r:..." 81,135.31 Credit . i 13,560..95 5~345.64 341.00 $ 615,717.94 692.08 Credit- ~ 348.58 18.. 9 Oi~.. 09 634,622.03 J~U~~' 1.911 1'l\Gt '3 1.6,1.66.10 . ~R't COl1S~ ~ 'Roa.d #8. 1)U1\.dCh'tOwtlShit> e ~il1e1s ~rid~e, \ . ColtI\' let 'R' d 41 '2l 'ii na.ge 2. Co~lete ~a~~e1\ St. ~~idge. oa · 6,149.1.2 4,081..12 '3~ Rett1e c~ee~ Cu\~eT~S' (a) ~~ca~ation. ~.c~f\l\. etc. - 11.4,992.00 '2. 5,131 · ;8 4. (b) l'1ate1' 1. a 1. (c) Y.. -rect1.0n . ~ t.c \'2. 911.08 ~ d b"...-roacues. e' ' 'conc1'~te ~n Tr , ~ino' 9.~ so1.\ 'testS and 1!.1\gt1\ee. " ----- .. 191,163.33 (d) (e) 1:0t t-.L .. . tC f.1'o11\ ~lve.t const~uct10n. e .. in con)unctiOn .dth g~a.ding. 1.0,154.42 5. Road 4~40, l'1.\le 'ROad #0;2 t~ G\enco\il' 'towtlshit> ot ~a\a.hide. . ' tlOn etc. t~o~ 'Road jt40, Pit>e cu\ve~t (,01\st~UC · . . . n)' unction ~itb . ~. J'-"l to l\oUnt 5&1 \\11\ '}. l' .CO \\ 1. ~ LJ.'\Il8. "'! 1r J d' 'towtlShit> ot ~a\ahide. gt:& long, , I1"\G" . ~-m cUL'if.R't co~S'\"ItUC't1.011 . C OUl-ft~ -eR v ~ J.'>l'W . b d 't1\O~"S SU~U'R~bl1 'RO!\ll Jl,~idge const~uction 'j"" C. O~lS 51 O~ ..~~ 6. ~.1<n CUL \1YR't COl1S't'RUC't1. ol18 (RO!\llS & Jl,'R1.1)GES) 1. \<.ai nS "Bt:idge . 'tor l\~ ?>'RlnG~~. 'tel! bL COl1S't"RlJC1:1. 01'l ~AllfIt~ ~ct RO;..DS 1. ~intet: cont"to1 '2.. su~tace 't~eat~e1\t G~ave\ 'Resu~tacing 'Ret>a.i~S to pave~ntS ~ai1\tenance ot G~avel RoadS 'ROadside ~aintenance 3. 4. 5. 6. 'Oust. contt:01. 1. ~eed Cot\tt:o 1. Jl,~shi1\l!.and t~ee cutting ~ ~ t;l1' ,&:1.1\2. B. q. $251,126.12 ~ 384,'3'36.90 1. , 0 \. B , 9 58 · 9 '3 11,463.08 54,532.OB 65,169.98 21,8\.2.91 1.0,5\3.00 1,321.21, 1.&,520.1.'" 1.2,891.52 1. 2, 595" 56 .1~6 '.' .r,<,.:"'....:.'ir';;w:"'t'~~.,1~'\nt~ '.~.' .l,l.--~~, . ~tf!,...., .l'~,.7 't.,,, ~ -<11 .r>:~,F;"~'Wl>l"!,'~~~!.~~.,~I,~'l!i~~~'J,~.lj~~~il~1:,;.~1LI~l~j\_'~.~I.., ,,:-I!lP:~~'t(~:':\'~'~""}l'%~r-~!;'0';":t\T~~r~"";~r~~J:;'~I'~~'- 'V) JANUARY, 1971 PAGE 4 11. Guide Rail Maintenance. 10,115.78 12 . Sign s . 16,442.97 13. Drainage 4,746.80 14. Railroad Protection 8,491.06 15. Drainage Assessmen,ts (Maintenance 'only) 309.57 l~. Rebatesto Towns and Villages 50,679.50 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAINTENANCE 1. Miscellaneous Bridge Maintenance. 1,781.25 2. Miscellaneous Culvert Maintenance. 10.365.58 TOTAL BRIDGE AND CULVERT MAI~ITENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE (ROADS AND BRIDGES) COUNTY OVERHEAD Superintendence (Countv Engineer, Assistant to the Engineer and General For.eman). - 30,647.16 Clerical. - 13,456.44 Car Mileage (County En~in~pr). 1,068.01 7,216.70 24,796.92 10,175.06 5,176.89 2,348.69 8,326.40 25,544.16 2,392.48 32,419.32 18,219.06 Office. Garages. Miscellaneous Repairs. Tools. Radio. Insurance. Pensions. Unemployment Insurance Contributions. Holidays with Pay. Sick Benefits Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan. 3,465..27 Ontario Hospital 'Services Commission Insurance. 3,431.28 Overhead Charged to Deve lopme~t Roads #840, ~1930, .. $386,381.54 12.146.83. . $398,528.37 29,985.64 Credit /1931, #972, 111023 and Townline Accounts. fMac hi nery Overhead. 3,421.}3 Credit . . ""~.~~ll'~~""''!''''''1.)'.''lI\''" ""~, ",..". ,. . """'''' "'... ,,,,,.Iml!ll""""', p,.,. ",. "'.",.. ',' ~ !:j~"","",,,,..''.;:;t'',,'bl,'l'''''!~''!'''' '.".",.,., ",'" ,v"""'"'''''''''I'''''''"'~''''''~'''.'.'''''''''''~'';Y''l''''''' JANUARY, 1971 PAGE 5 Insurance not Subsidized by Department of Highways. ..$ 1,132.81 Expense re Opening of Willeys Bridge. 690.29 Miscellaneous unsubsidized expenditures. 558.28 TOT AL ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION Maintenence and Overhead 40,053.67 TCYrAL MAINTENANCE AND OVERHEAD - 596,239.89 SUMMARY CONSTRuC'rION 1,018,958.93 MAINTENANCE & OVERHEAD 596.239.89 Sub-Total 1970 Stock Balance Sub-Total .1 .' :1;, Less: 1969 Stock Balance GRAND Tar AL (Total By-Law expendi.ture in 1969 roads $1,684,082.72) Expenditure By-Laws in lQ70 appropriated $1,641,000.00 which were approved by the Department of Highways with a maxinrom subsidy of $959,600.00 and a Road Levy of 9.3 mills raised $655,115.00. The DHO subsidy is estimated at $938,800.00, the CClntttbution of the City of St. Thomas to the St. Thomas Suburban'Rocld Cormnission is $28,099.65 and the County share is estimated at $674,.115.00. The deficit for the 1970 Road ,Program is estimated at appro:(imately $19,000.00 or .27 mi lIs. (This compares with a surplus of $69,000,.00 for 1969). , $157,657.85 ... 1,,615,198.82 99.036.98 1,714,235.80 $1,640,951.51 '!lMlI!\!\I#~!&~~~~M!lI,j.~'I\<."j~';J~ '~i~~~1,I'i".I,~!JWI'~\I~~~,A'~!("'r;',.vjt'., ""," .. t t' JANUARY, 1970 PAGE 6 'In addition the following work.was done under the Development Road Program. (a ) Deve lopment Road #840 (C~unty Road '52) from Road 1/40 tel to Road #30 in. the Village of Sprin~fie1d and the Town- ships of South Dorchester, Malabide and Yarmouth. $ 444.22 (Work Completed - Total Cost $1,217,445.04) (b) Development Road #930 (Road #45) [rom Road #35 to , Highway #4 in the Township of Yarmouth. 292,926.69 (c) Development Road #930 (Road #45) f~om Highway #4 to Road #16 (Middlemarch) in the Township of Yarmouth and Southwold. 295,863.39 '(Total Cost' of Work to date on Development Road #930 (b) & (c). ($1,052,368.58 ) (d) Development Road #931 (Road #20) in the Township of Southwald. 3,141.24 (Total Cost of Work to date $641,504.31 ). (e) Development Road #972 (Roads #47, #48, #49) in Townships of South Dorchester and the Village of , Springfie 1d. ' (Total Cost of Work to date '$752,025.92) (f) Development Road #1023 (Road #16) in the Township of 11,427.81 Southwold. 335,705.06 (Total Cost of Work to Date. $341,824.44) Work was also done on Boundary Roads and Bridges and on the! Willeys B~idge and billed to the County of Middlesex. In addition work was done for local municipalfties and others and various materials sold. Payment Vouchet's for 1970.Total1ed - $2,711,580.77 (Payment Vouchers for 1969 Totalled $3,081,820.85 and in 1968 totalled $3,139,336.57) '. JANUARY, 1971 PAGE 8 WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the Warden name delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and to the Roads and Transportation Association(formerly the Canadian Good Roads Association) Convention. 2. That a By-law be passed authori~ing the Warden and Clerk to sign Land Plans expropriating land es necessary to widen County Roads in 1971. It is necessary t~at s~ch By-laws be passed yearly. 3. That a By-law be passed authQrizing the Warden and Clerk to Sign a Deed to Leslie McQuiggan of Aylmer for a small portion of land at the intersection of Beech ~nd Elm Street, County Road #53, in Aylmer, not needed for ROBe Allowance purposes. t LL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1971 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario, on Wednesday, January 13, 1971 at 10:00 A.M. ALL MEMBERS were present. THE MINUTES of the meeting of December 9, 1970 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER reported on the work to date as fo 110wrs : 1. The.t although sanding s.nd Snowplowing had been heavy in December no work had been necessary from January 5 to date. 2. That crushed gravel was being placed on Road /J:45 south of Middlemarch. 3. The,t Storm Drain Work in the Kett Ie Creek area would be completed in a few days. 4. Tha.t cutting of dead trees was underway and Roads in Southwold and the East half of Dunwich completed. 5. That purchase of land for Road widening was underwa.y on Road /12 between Rodney and West Lorne. 6. Th~t the total expenditures for the year were in excess of $2, 700,000.00 and the a,nticipa,ted deficit of County funds was approximately \ of 8 mill. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. L. MCINTYRE D. MCKILLOP THAT THE FOLLOWIN(~ PAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: PAYLIST #36 AMOUNTING TO $ 21,542.48 PAYLIST #37 AMOUNTING TO $ 20,039.54 ?A~LIST #38 AMOUNTING TO $133,044.71 PAYLIST# 1 AMOUNTING TO $ 20,864.22 PAYLIST #2 AMOUNTING TO $ 58,334.84 T'HE. EN'GlNEE]l reported that the Needs Study Advisor~r Committee had reviewed ~nd approved the needs Study report a.nd tha,t it was hoped to have Printing Tenders available for the Road Committee during January Session of County Council. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the following: (8) The Township of Southwold regarding a zoning By-Law change. (b) Eugene Saunders requesting extension of time for the moving of the office building he purchased from the Saunders Lumber Yard property. THE COMMITTEE approved an extension of time to Spri.ng. DISCUSSION on the Charlton Drain was adjourned to Spring. THE COMMITTEE discussed the plowing of Snow and Sanding around the Elgin Manor and were of the opinion that the Road Department should plough and ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY 13, 1971. PAGE 2 Spnd the drivewBYs but that no a,ppreciable amount of delay should be encountered by County Equipment. THE ENGINEER suggested that Walmsley Brothers holdback on their Asphalt paving jobs should be reduced to 5%. "MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: W. R. CAVERLY THAT THE HOLDBACK OF WALMSLEY BROS. CONTRACTS WITH THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR PAVING ON ROADS #3, #16, #40 and #53 BE REDUCED FROM 10% TO 5%. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER reported that the Wind Insurance on the White Station and the Rodney Garages and the Fire Insurance on the White Station was due at the end of January. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. ~1CKILLOP J. L. MCINTYRE THAT WE RENEW THE FIRE INSURANCE AND THE WIND INSURANCE AT THE C0UNTli'tGARAGE, WHITE STATION AND THE WIND INSURANCE AT THE RODNEY GARAGE. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: ft.B." JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: J. L. MCINTYRE THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE. CARRIED" . () ~ ~CZ rI ,~ ()1. /?J? r CHAIRMAN v