1973 Road Committee Minutes ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 19, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE ~IET AT 11:00 A.M. AT THE COURT HOUSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH COUNTY COUNCIL. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT REEVE CAVERLY. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had contacted Mr. Wm. McKay in conjunction with the purchase of Lot 28, Concession IV, Yarmouth Township. After reviewing the facts to date, Mr. McKay felt that very little could be: done about acquiring the property other than expropriation. AFTER DISCUSSION THE COMMITTEE decided to take no further action at the present time. THE IMPLICATION OF THE GREEN PAPER ON ENVIRONMENT was discussed and the Engineer instructed to present the Committee's feelings on the matter to Mr. McNeil and to Mr. Spence. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO JANUARY 11" 1974. \pj~ J1)~ V CHAIRMAN ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12, \973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House on December 12, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT e~cept Reeves Wilson and CaverlY, THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of November 14, 1973 were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he understood that the Peters and The Public Trustee had accepted another offer of $33,000. for the property on Lot 25, Concession IV in Yarmouth Township. After discussion the Engineer waS instructed to e~press the committee's concern to Mr. R.K. McNeil and to ascert~in from him if there waS anything else that could be done. "MOVED BY: SE CONDED BY: A. MISKELLY R . N. JOHNSTON THAT THE MOTION OF NOVEMBER 21, 1973 REGARDING THE pURCHASE OF A PORTlON OF Lor 25 CONCESSION IV YARMOUTH AT A PRICE OF $33,000 BE RESCINDED AND THAT THE pURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY (A PORTlON OF LOT 25 CONCESSION IV YARMOUTH) BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT A pURCHASE PRICE OF $35,000 (THiRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS) BE AUTaORlZED. CARRIED" TaE ENGiNEER REPORTED THAT winter maintenance operations had been organiZed, personnel assigned to sanding pnd snowplOW, weekend standby crews organized and night crews in operation. The twelve (12) hour day - four (4) daY week seemed to be operating with reasonable success. The committee decided to observe the usual 1/2 daY leave prior to Christmas providing winter maintenance work waS not required. it waS also decided to pay RaY Collard the balance owing on his November mileage on the ne~t payliSt. ~ ----------- s't. 't\\OMA5. 0N'tt.J1.10. DECEMBER 12, \973. PAGE 2. 't \1l!. 1!.l'\G 11:\1!.1!. R lU;'.1'OR't1!.1) Ol'l the "roT\< to ds t e s s fo 11.0 '!IS : (1) 'thst '!IinteT maintenance to dete had been ~eTY liSht. (2) 'that Suide waT\< on Road 3 had been completed end t"ro shoTt sections eTected on Road 9 bet~en Roads 8 & 14. (3) 'that stOTro dTain woT\< foT the season has been completed on Road 3 south of 1:\e'!l Glasgo'!l. (4) 'that WOT\< fTom the o.W.R.C, in 1'oTt >>UT~ll had been completed. (5) 'that "roT\< on Road 45 bet"een CaltOn and \\igh"l\Y lel had been suspended foT the season. (6) 'thet appTOximatelY t~l~e (12) catchbasins on Road 3B would be connected intO the 5tTaffOTd~ille ~unicipal 1)-r8.i n. (7) 'that "roT\< '!Ias continuing on the ne'!l CountY G",nge including masonTY "roT\< and painting. 5tOC\< and otheT supplies ~Te being mo~ed intO the ne'!l GeTage and 't\\1!. C\\P>lRMM' R1!.1'OR't1!.D that the 1nq.Uest intO the death of 'tony DeRY\< had placed the blame on alcohOl.,excessi~e speed and poot -rea,-r-ranged. ~eathe-r conditions. 't\1l!. 1!.llG11:l1!.1!.R lU;'.1'OR't1!.D that the "1:\0 D((;5 M..1.0WEDII siSn fot the CoUTt \\OUSe lawn should be TeedY shoTtlY. "MOvED BY.: S'ECO'NDED B"l: 'tlV> 't 't\\1!. 1'01.1.0W11:\G l' P> ,{1.15't5 >>1!. p> 1'1'R OV1!.D l' OR l' ~:!J,\J'. N't : l' p> '{1.15't ~ 3B p>~OU1:\'t1l'1G 't 0 $ 24 · 382 · 01 1'P> '{1.15't 4/ 39 p>~01lN't1llG 'to $ 149 · 40 l' p> '{1..15't 4/ 40 p>~oUN't11:\G 'to $ 23. 035. 29 l' t..'{1.1S't ~ 41 p>~OUN't11:\G 'to $ 65. 104. B4 CARR lED" D. COOR A. M1Sl<ELL"l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12, 1973. PAGE 3. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ FROM: (a) Robert Harvey asking for permission to operate a Trailer Park at the site of the Sparta Drag Strip. The request was tabled until such time as an application had been made to rezone the property. (b) Ontario Hydro stating the Nanticoke to London Transmission Line Project Report would be delayed until February 1974. (c) Minister of Transportation & Communications stating that greater financial support would be necessary ~ the Roads & Transportation Association of Canada. (d) Report of the Construction Safety Inspector for 1973 (January 1 to July 3). (e) Ministry of Transportation & Communications approving By-Law 2266 to prohibit parking on Road 47 in Avon. (f) Ministry of Transportation & Communications not approving By-Law 2265 to prohibit overnight parking. Commi.ttee decided to re-examine the entire problem in the new year. (g) Township of Yarmouth enclosing two (2) By-Laws to change for land use, one of which would allow the land on the east side of County Road 31 directly north of the City Limits to be rezoned as recreational land. (h) County of Middlesex enquiring a suitable date for a joint meeting to discuss Radio-Hubrey Road Link between St. Thomas and London. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ministry of Transportation & Communications had postponed a decision on the location of the Highway 402 Corridor until early in the new year. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 12, 1973. PAGE 4. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he would meet $hort1y with Representatives of the C.N.R. to discuss mutual problems and the future of the old L. & P.S. Rail Line" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that representations had been made to the Provincial Government for land to widen County Road 32 at the Ontario Police College and Road 16 at the old Pingal Airport. THE ENGINEER ALSO STATED that o:ne parcel of land had been purchased to widen Road 3 in Concession IV Aldborough and further efforts would be made. THE ENGINEER STATED THAT Duncan Leitch seemed to be agreeable to having his house mQved to provide for the connection of County Road 15 and 8 and that a mQver would be consulted in the near future. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR LUNCH. AFfER LUNCH · · · · · THE MEETING RESUMED WITH Reeve Miskelly absent. PRESENT _ Mayor Eber Rice, Alderman LeFrank and Laing, end City Engineer L. House of the City of St. Thome.s. Messrs. Auckla.nd, Rowe and Hindley (tf the St. Thomss Suburban Roads Commission. Messrs. Derrick King, Howard Greenly, Frank Clarke, Roy LeFebvre and Charles Homer of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Mr. R.S. Gibson of the Elgin Planning Board. Cl S't. 't\\Ol41>S, ONtp,.RI0, DECEMBER 12, 1973. ? AGE 5. }\R. \\O}\E'R ?RESENtED the new London hrea \\ighway 'transportatiOn Study and l1-nswered enq,uit'ies. 'the connnentS of members dealt with the need for l1- highwaY .connection similar to ~ellington to 1i.n\<. East London and East St. 'tho1!\l\S along the ll-adio. \1ubrey ll-oad h1i.gntllent and the need in St. 'thome.s for a 1'Iorth-south Lit>\<. to u\<.e the place of the nOw deleted \\ighwaY 1'2.6 E>ttension south of \\ighWl1-Y /+01. MRll~ll- hGll-EED to send the ~ariouS councils technical data and. maps. 't1:\11. ROAD c oMMl't'tE E 01'1 ll-E c01'l'fl!. 1'1 11'1G DECIDED to po S t pO ne a lIlIl e ti. ng with the county 0 f ~idd lese>t to late janul1-ry when it was presUllllld i fti ~_u1d be a~ailable and the ~inistrY of 'transportation mo~e n o~ma ' on w~ andCOt\lll\unicatiOns had had an opportunity to reassess the sitUation after listening to the Councils of ~iddlese>t. Elgin. St. 'tho1!\l\S and London. 't1:\11. ENGl1'lEE'R ll-El'Oll'tED that ~r. 'R. ~cNeH had enq,uired further b,tt "" of . ot '2.8 . concession IV. Yarmouth 'township and intO 17. e ma e. ... ' felt that .the l'ubliC 'trustee .had signed the paper of sale to ~ ,ti ~, fter diSCUssion the Engineer was instructed to otuet' 'Pat' es. f:'t. pursue the matter further if possible. ,,~QI1ED B"i ~ B. L"iLl!., SBCONDED BY~ 'R.N. jO\\llS'tON 't\U.'t 'tllE ENGINEER BE l11S'tRUC'tE~ 'to hl'?ROhC\\ BILL ~cl<!\"i VO'R tJ)VlcE 'BE 'tllE l'U'RCl'\l\SE oV LO't '2.3, COllCESS ION 1'1, "ip,.R~oU'tll. C A'R'R lED" "~OvED B"i ~ 'R .1'1. jom\S'tOll SECONDED B"i~ D. COOK 't\1i~ 't ~ AD jQUB.ll 'to j!\lJUp,.R"i 1 i\: , 191/+ h't 10: 00 h.l'\. CA'R'R1ED" ~ ST.. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 21, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on November 21, 1973 at 2:00 P.M. in conjunction with County Council. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that serious problems had arisen in the attempt to purchase the property on Lot 25, Concession IV in Yarmouth Township. Another offer in excess of the offer authorized at the last meeting had been made and it had been necessary to increase the County offers. Thl~ County's Agents had been authorized to make, the necessary representation and increase the County offer to the Public Trustee. R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. had also been approached to assist in the attempt to purchase the property. "MOVED BY: J .B. WILSON, SECONDED BY: A. MISKELLY THAT THE MOTION OF NOVEMBER 14, 1973 REGARDING THE PURCHASE OF A PORTION OF LOT 25 CONCESSION IV YARMOUTH ,A.T A PRICE OF $30,000. BE RESCINDED AND THAT THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY (A PORTION OF LOT 25 CONCESSION IV) BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AT A PURCHASE PRICE OF $33,000. (THIRTY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS) BE AUTHORIZED. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Summary of Street Sweepers clnd recommended the purchase of an Elgin Sweeper with Hydrostatic Dri ve. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO" NOVEMBER 21, 1973. PAGE 2. UMOVED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON, SECONDED BY: J.B. WILSON THAT \4E PURCHASE FROM FINK OF CANADA, CAMBRIDGE, ONTARIO, AN ELGIN PELICAN 111 ROAD S\4EEPER AS PER THEIR TENDER INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: AIR CONDITIONING, HYDROSTATIC DRIVE AND TRANSMISSION. BUBBLE WINDOW IN CAB DOOR, HYDRAULIC DOWN PRESSURE ON THE PICKUP BROOM AND 280 GALLON WATER CAPACITY IN LIEU OF 180 GALLON WATER CAPACITY AT A TerrAL PRICE OF $25,057.00. CARRIEDtt THE ENGINEER READ CORRESPONDENCE from R. Bratty .of Giffels. Davis and Jorgensen, Consultants for the Ministry of Transportation and communications on the Highway 402 location from Strathroy to Highway 401 enclosing alternate routes and requesting whether or not the Road Committee wished another meeting. The Committee felt that a meeting at this time was not necessary. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that a meeting with the Ministry of Transportation and communications officials to discUSS the London Area Highway Transportation Study at the next meeting of the County Road Committee on December 12, 1973. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the lawsuit of the Gordons versus the County of Elgin which resulted from a truck hitting a tree on t.he road in July of 1971 on Road 20 between Fingal and Port Stanley. THE MEETING ADJOURNED TO DECE(\~973 at 10~~'M' rC>~;u)J r\ CHAIRMAN J 7'~ 'f'\;.vv-.,/E( '? November 1973. ,/t..-- -------</ COUNTY OF ELGIN - ROAD DEPARTMENT SWEEPER TENDEllS .~ I (Provincial Sales Tax is Not Applicable.) <a> Frink of Canada, 777 Laurel Street, CaabrjLdge (Preston), Ontario. Elgin Pelican 111, 345 cubic inch International gasoline engine - Base Pr'ice - $ 20,247. - Air Conditioning - 800. $ 21, 047 . Extra Equipment Hydrostatic Transmission ~ Drive-----------------$ 3,400. Jaubble Window in Cab Door ----------------- 120. Hydraulic Down Pressure on Pickup Broom ---------- 350. 280 Gallon water supply instead of 180 ga1lcln supply - 140. $ 25.057. (b) S .M.I. Industries Limited, 5495 J[)ixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario. Wayne Model 2-993 --------------------.,----- $ 19,967. - Air Condition~:ng -- 1..150. $ 21,117. Extra EqUipment Hydrostatic Transmission unavailable. Pickup Broom Down Pressure Manual only. 30 Gallon extra Water capacity (Total 245 8ldlons) Price not quoted. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 14, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ElGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the COUl:t House, on November 14, 1973. at 10,00 ~.M. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Reeves Wilson and Caverly. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING of October 17. 1973 .rere read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as folloWS' (1) That grading and gravelling had been completed for the season on George Street at Port Stanley. (2) Ditching was underway in Straffordville on Road 38 and on either side of the Village. The excess material was being hauled to Road 45 between Highway 19 and Calton. (3) Trimming and shouldering was continuing on Road 45 and would not likely be completed before winter. (4) Guiderail had been completed at port Talbot on Road 16 and was underwaY on Road 3 north of HighwaY 401. (5) Approximately 1.200 feet of watermain would be placed in Port Burwell for the Ministry of Natural Resources. (6) Stumps had been picked up on Road *16. *20. *25 & *27. (7) Drainage work was underway at New GlasgoW and would also be undertaken at Port Glasgow. (8) Plans were being made for winter maintenance. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that a .reekend system of standby time be instituted so that tWO men would be on call on Saturday and SundaY in the daytime. "MOVED BY: A. MISKE LL Y SECONDED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON TMT WE AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEER TO INSTITUTE A PROGRAMME OF STANDBY fOR WINTER MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES OF TWO HOURS PER DAY THAT STANDBY IS REQUIRED FOR. CARRIEDtt S't. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 14, 1973. PAGE 2. MI L\!.AGE PA nlE NtS WERE DISCUSSED. "MOVED 'BY: D. COOK SECONDED 'BY: 'B. LylE T\\AT 'IRE MIL\!.AGE RATE fOR COUNTY ROAD EMPLOYEES FOR 1973 1lE 15 CENTSPBR MIL\!. fOR 'IRE 1i'1RST 5 .000 MI L\!.S AND 12 CENTS 1'"I'.R MIL\!. tRER"!'.AFTER. CARRIED" "MOVED 'BY: B. LylE SECONDED BY: D. COOK TRAT 'IRE FOLLOWING PAYLISTS BB APPROVED FOR l'AnlENt pA YLIsT ~ 35 AMOUNT ING TO $23. 769 · 59 PAY LIST ~ 36 AMOUNTING to $23.916.70 pAYLISt ~ 37 AMOUNTING TO $74.673.35 CARRIED" CORR"!'.SPONDB!lCE WAS READ FROM (a) O.G.R.A. regarding resolutions for the annual meeting and Long Service A_ards. (b) Notice that an action on behalf of Tony DeRyk against the County of Elgin might be instituted because of a fatal accident on Road 45 west of RighwaY 19. (c) THE Ministry of TransportatiOn and communications thanking the Road Committee for their interest in a RighwaY 3 feasibility Study and stating that such a project ~uld be started in a fe- months and that the Committee's assistance ~uld be greatlY appreciated. (d) the Ministry of Transportation and communications stating that illumination waS not necessary at the intersection of Righway ~4 and Road 45 but ~uld be installed if the County ~uld pay 50% of the construction costs and 1001. of the maintenance and energy costs. ST. TROMAS, ON'IA1tl0, NOVEMBER 14, 1973. PAGE 3 · ttMOVED 'BY': D. COOK. SECONDED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON TH....T WE ACCEPT 'IRE OfFER 01' 'IRE MINISTRY 01' TRANSPORT....TI0N AND COMMUNIC....TI0NS 01' NOVEMBER 9, 1973 TO 'IRE COST S1l.!\RING 01' ILLUMIN....TI0N ....T HIGHW....Y 414 AND COONTY ROAD 45. 'IRE COSTS 01' CONSTRUCTION TO BE S~D 50'1. BETWEEN 'IRE COONT'l ....ND 'IRE MINISTRY 011 TRANSPORT....TI0N AND COMM\lNIC....TlONS AND 'IRE COONTY TO l'....y 'IRE COST 01' ENERGY AND MAINTEN....NCE. CARR1ED" CORRESPONDENCE '01....5 READ fROM the MinistTyof TTanspoTtation and co~unications asking foT a meeting to discUSS the London ....Tea High~Y TTanspoTtation StudY. The EngineeT was asked to tTY to set up a meeting foT the afte-Snoon of the neKt Road Committee meeting. THE }\EETING ADJOORNED FOR DINNER. ....FTER DINNER · · · · · · · · · · TflE MEETING RESUMED ~th Ree~e MiskellY absent. THE ENGINEER REVIE'JED the attached tendeTS fOT a tTactoT, fTont-end loadeT and gTadeT. UMOVED 'BY: D. COOK., SECONDED BY: R.N. JOHNSTON TRAT 'IRE TflNDER OF FEDQUlP INCORPOR....TED FOR .... HOOGH H65C 'JllF.E L LOADER BE ....CCE p'tF.D ....T $ 24,659 · 05 COMPlETE ....5 TENDERED WITH .... 3 CUBIC YARD BUCKET, c()1.lN'tF.RWEIGHTS AND V....ND....L-PROOF EQUI1'MENT WITH TflE COUNTY'S 1968 HOUGH H65 LOADER pS .... TRADE- IN, SUBJECT TO ....PPROV....L OF TflE M.T.C. ....ND TH....T ROLL OVER PR OTE CTl ON BE AD DE D ....5 AN EX.TR.... .... 'I $1600 · PLUS T....X.. CARRIEDtl ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 14, 1973. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: B . LYLE, SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE TENDER OF DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY SALES LIMITED BE ACCEPTED AT $30,816.00 FOR A CHAMPION D600 GRADER COMPLETE WITH ONE WAY PLOW AND WING, POWER BOOSTED BRAKES, ROPS CAB AND SOUND SUPPRESSION WITH THE COUNTY GRADER 1112 AS A TRADE- IN, SUBJECT TO M.T.C. A~PftOVAL. CARRIED" "MOVED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON, SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT THE TENDER OF INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY AT $ 2,686.24 BE ACCEPTED FOR AN INTERNATIONAL 2300A TRACTOR AND 1850 LOADER WITH THE COUNTY TRACTOR #10 AS A TRADE-IN, SUBJECT TO M.T.C. APPROVAL. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Land Purchase Policy which was accepted with Crop Damage' figures suggested by the Committee. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the necessary Registry Office work for property needed on Road #3 and #8 had been completed but no owners had been contacted. Some widening had been purchased on Road #45 between Calton and Highway #19. Purchase of property in Concession IV Yarmouth was discussed and the Engineer reported that acceptance of the County offer should soon be forthcoming. UMOVED BY: D. COOK, SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT THE PURCHASE OF A PORTION OF LOT 25 CONCESSION IV YARMOUTH APPROXIMATELY 93 ACRES, AT A PRICE OF APPROXIMATELY $30,000. BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN, BE AUTHORIZED. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 14, 1973. PAGE 5. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that no new reports h~ld been received on the Highway 402 corridor between Strathroy and Highway 401 or the Ontario Hydro Tower Line Corridor between London and Nanticoke. No firm date had been set up for a meeting lIrith the County of Middlesex for a discussion on the rebuilding of Radio - Hubrey Road between London and St. Thomas. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had completed his report on the implications of an Elgin Regional Road Syste~m and had forwarded it to the Chairman of the Joint Government Study Committee. THE ENGINEER REPORTED he had had preliminary discussions with Canadian National Railway officials regarding improvements to the rail system at Port Stanley and was assured that the Canadian National Railway planned to restore service to the dock area. The Engineer stated he would have future dis,cussions in the next month. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Construction Programme. AFTER DISCUSSION . . . "MOVED BY: R . N. JOHNSTON, SECONDED BY: B. LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THIE ATTACHED THREE YEAR ROAD PROGRAMME BE ADOPTED. CARRIED" 51. 1 \l0lW' , 01!l'tl>.V.I0 , NOVEMB~R \4, \913. PAGE 6,. 1\\E 1!.NGINE1!.V.?Rl'.Sl!.1!l't1!.D the attached 1raffic Count Infortnation of variouS Yarmouth 1o<fl\shil1 v.oads south of St. 1hotnas. I>.F'tl!.v. tlISCtlSSI0tl · · · · "MOVE'll llY: '0. COOK, S1!.COtUl1!.'o llY: 11. LYLl!. 1\\1>.1 '\6. v.1!.COMl4EtUl 10 COU1!l'tY COUNCIL 1",,1 I>. llY~ LJ>.W 1l1!. l'~S1!.D I>.SSUMING 11:\!. v.()J>,l) llE1'\6.1!.N CONCESSION 1\1 J>,ND V, Y1\i.MQ1J'I\l, VV.OM 1\\E SQ1J'I\lWOU> 10WNLINE 10 \lIGRWAY 4, I>.S A COU1!l'tY v.()J>,l). CA'RRl~D\\ "MOVED llY: '0. COOK, SECOtUl1!.tl llY: v.. N. JO\ltlS10N 1\\1>.1 '\6. AllJOtlRN 10 tl1!.cE$ER \.2, \.913 1>.1 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" COUNTY. OF ELGIN LOADER TE NDERS Ii ,r '7 (/ ~~vv~ Iit/y-/'- ~-'\ --- November 1973. Prices are Net after Sales Tax and Include Vandal Proof Equipment. 1. Fedquip Incorporated, Hwy. 135, London, Ontario. 2. Renash Tractor & Equipment Ltd., Box 670" Lambeth, Ontario. 3. Capital Equipment Limited, 2 Royal Crest Road, Rexdale 610, Ontario. 4. Blackwood Hodge timited, 16 ROYCE~ Court, London, Ontario. 5. Plested Equipment Limited, 430 First Street, London, Ontario. 6. Case Power &: Equipment Limited, 1138 Victoria St., North, Kitchener, Ontario. 7. Equipment Sales & Service Ltd., 1030 Martin Grove Road, Rexdale, Ontario. 8. Sheridan Equipment L1mi ted, P.O. Box 901, Station V, Toronto, Ontario. 9. Crothers Limited, 1. Grot hers Drive Toronto M4H lAl. Hough H65C 3 cu. yd. buckE!t & counterwei ght s' w~~C1A~ John Deere JD6l~4A 3 cu. yd. bUckE~t Michigan 7SB 3 cu. yd. bucket G.M. Terex 72-31 Massey- Ferguson MF-55 Case W24B Tro jan 2000 A 11 i s C ha 1 me r s 645B Caterpillar 950 $ 24,659.05 'j;;l6; 37l()~, $ 25,079.42 $ 27,044.25 $ 28,569.00 $ 30,281.00 $ 30,335.3.5 $ 31,597.10 $35,507.95 $ 37,174.00 1~A..,,~A,t{/CH r .r \. Octobet' 1973. COUNTY OF ELGiN ~ - - - 1. Doroinion Road Machinery Sales Liroited, Goderich, Ontario. (Net after Trade in including Sales Tax.) GRADER TENDER - - - Cbaropion D-600 _ As Per Tender ----------$ 25,813.75 Sno_-Plo- & Wing As Per Tender ___------- 3,611.25 po~r Boosted Brakes ---------- 160.50 ROpS Cab & sound suppression ---------- 1. 230.50 --' - $ 30,816.00 2. Equipment Sales & Ser~ice Liroited, 1030 Martin Gro~e Road, Rexdale, Onto Wabco 555 As Per Tender __---------------$ 27,012.15 5no- Plo- & Wing As Per Tender ---------- 3,317.00 po..r Boosted Brakes __-------------lncl. ROPS Cab & sound suppression ------------ 1 804.02 ~~ $ 32,133.17 3. Capital Equipment Liroited, 2 Royal Crest Road, Rexdale, Ontario. Galion 160 with,G.M. Engine -------------$ 33 755.29 ~ - $ 33,755.29 4. Crotbers Lilllited, 1 Crothers Dri~e, Toronto, Ont. M4R lAl. Caterpillar 140 _-----------------------$ 44Jl53.QQ $ 44, 253 . 00 5. Sberidan Equipment Limited, P.O. BoX 901, postal Station U, TorontO, Onto $ 52J1iJ.! $ 52,326.21 P-tllis Chalmet's M-200 C }Y\()- /'" coU~'t'L o~ ~ ~er 1973 ~~~D~R V~~RI!L ~RAC~OR & LOAD~R trade-~n) ~. . o?rice _ net '/lith ta'lC after ~ --------- ~~ 2,656.24 ~ InternatiOnal ~arVester companY, 425 ~hird Street, · London, Ontar:l.o. Int. 2300K 8c 1850 Loader 3,504.25 .1. 2. Bennett ~otors Limi~ed, . Dutton, ontar:l.O ford - 3550 &, 735 Loader 4,547.50 3 ~llis Varm ~~uipment' .. . R. R. 7 St. ~hO!l\aS, onto "Ford,- 3550 8c 735 Loaoer 5 , 4.03 . 91 ~ractor & ~~uipment Ltd. 4. Renash 670 Lambeth, onto -p.O. 130)( , John Deere JD-301 ,~i P1~~~ ~ POLICY 11 LAND PURCHASE POLICY FOR ROAD WIDENING AMENDED OCTOBER 17. 1973 1. Widening is OTlly purchased on roads to be constructed on ,a program approved by County Counc1l, that 1s, a Three year RoadPlian, etc. All other caS':lS to be sub.ltted to Road Co_ittee for a d,ee1sion. 2. Purchase price of land. (Assuming 17 feet or less in depth acquired.) (1) Farm land. - 12 1/2 tiMs the assessed value, exc'ept - Fara Land assessed at $35.00 per acre to be paid for at rate of $500.00 per acree Scrub Land that is no cultivation value, $250.00 per acre. .. Woodlot - to be paid for at rate of general farm land in the area if it would be workable if trees were not present - no payment for trees involved. (2) Resid4anti.l Land - defined as a s..ll holding, basically a residence and lot - may have a li.ited width or depth of both. $2,000. per acre up to 150 feet, frontage, excess frontage paid at , farm land prices. Payment for a 150 foot lot wo~ld be $118.00. (3) Comme1rcial - each case on its own aerits. (4) Purcbase of depth in excess of 17 feet - widening; for cut or fills at same price per acre 'unless undue damage caused to remainder of property. (5) Purchase of over 17 feet causing damages to rest of property, each ease is to be presented to Committee for decision (6) POL1Cl i 1 ~ ~ lAND l'IJ\!:C\\hSE POLICY VOR ROMl WIDENING (continued) hl'\I'.NDED OC't O!lER 11 1913 Cut off coTneTS _ if acTeage is seall (lOT 2 aCTes) and o~eT wisbed to sell _ pUTchase pTice at sase Tate peT acTe as 11 foot wideni~g. If acTeage is laTgeT, a daeage pa~nt to be eade as appToVed by the Road co..ittee. 'i 'Fence: Je ~ (1) Yat1n Land _ If no fence, and o~eT wishes pa~ntin lieu of fence ~5.00 peT Tod fTontage on the new pTOpeTtY line. _ I f fence Teq,uested - 9 line fence - 9.11 108" styV', cedaT oT steel postS as Teq,uested. l'at1D enUances as needed - 16 foot fat1D gates. If o"me't has e. 10 line fence. If postS aTe otheT than oTdinaTY wood oT steel postS, Teplace~nt is to be eade with a li~ '\tind o't type. ~ to be Teplaced on new pTOpeTtY line as condition of old fence will pet1Dit. !IaTb-wiTe will not be Teplaced even if theTe weTe baTb~wiTe on old l'TOpeTtY o~eT, .Y no_veT, place baTh-wiTe fence. at his o~ e1lpense. Vence is to be placed on new pTOpeTtY line unless agTeed by countY and o~eT that it would be betteT foT all conceTned to be placed at a Teasonable distance (lesS than ISO feet) fTO~pTopeTtY 1f not placed on pTOpeTtY line, fence on pTivate pTopeTty to Tun Teasonab11 paTallel to pTOpeTt1 line. (2) Residential _ No pa~nt foT .fence on new fence line toT fiTst 150 li.ne. feet of ft:ontage. pTOpeTtY line as eateTial peT~its. VOT fTontage in e1lCess of 150 feet, poliCY on faT1D land .fencing.is to be used.. l'Tesent fence to be 1IIIO"ed baC\r. to neW ~\\As!.- PO~Y ~OAD~ (continued) ~D OC'tOB.!R 11. 1 ~ (3 ) Collllll'!rc 18 1 _ Rep lac etnent wi tb type 0 f fence relllOved, or rep lac elllent POLICY f 1 of present fence on ne- propertY line. 4. Payment of Damages re: Crops & Trees, etc. (1) 'Farlll Crops to be paid as follO_s: - 'tobacco / ()1YD - per acre . Cot'n d()i) - pet' acre _ Oats' /SU - pet' act'e _ \4heat $LVi) - pet' act'e . BaTley a-cJ1)'" pet' acre . S01,a aJ~ Be, ans ifOi). ... pe,t' act'e ~ p,.. _ ~ tJ-CA' < Crop llIUSt be planted prior to widening being purcbasedVbY tbe County or Owner being notified tbat tbe County will be widening . vegetable gardens as damaged. . 'Fruit trees, as occasioned. _ ornamental Trees (Blue spruce) bedgeS, etc. in la~ areas - payment as occasioned or replacement depending on size and agt'eement ~th ownet'. _ No payment for ordinary trees (maple, spruce, pine, .-lnut, asb, etc.). Permission of o~er to be obtained before any tree is cut. 5. Ent'tances & Culverts. Entrances as presentlY existing or as needed by o~er at present time. No provision for futUre building, etc. CulvertS of a size and lengtb as needed. Ordinary entrances - 30 feet llIini~' longer if necessary if to be used consistentlY by beaVY trucks. Drive'-Ys _ surface to be gravel if presentlY dirt or gravel, cinder, etc., to be repaved witb asphalt if presentlY paved witb asphalt. Concrete drive-ays to be asphalt or concrete as agreed _itb o~er. La""s previouSlY lIlO.,ed to road to be tOpsoil and seeded witba graSS llIixtUre and left in a neat condition for lIlOwing, etc. Pipes and Catch- basins to be used to elilllinate ditches, etc., tbat ~uld be difficult 6. 'Front Lawns. to mow ot' be unsightlY. COUNTY OF ELGIN I ]v .;/ ~, '~ rv :/ CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME 1974 Cleanup from 1973 and prior years. (1) Road 40 from Mount Salem to Road 42. (2) Road 3 from Thames River southerly approxlmately 4 miles. (3) Road 36 from Highway 3 to Sparta. (4) Road 42 Port Burwell easterly approximately 1 mile. Construction Projects. (1) Road 3 - Highway 3 to Lake Erie, Aldborough. (2) Road 3 - Rodney Urban from County Road 2 intersection to King Street. (3) Road 4 - Rodney Urban from County Road 3 to west limit of Rodney. (4) Road 3 - from Road between Concession IV and V to Fleming Creek culvert in Concession III Aldborough. (5) Road 13 - from east limit of curb and gutter in Dutton easterly approximately 400 feet. Dutton Urban. (6) Road 8 and Road 15 - Extension to Road 15 from south limit of Elgin Co-Operative to Mary Street, Dutton Urban. (7) Straffordvi1le Drainage Assessment, Road 38. 1975 Completion, of any work from 1974 and prior. (1) Road 52 - from Road 25 Wellington Road to Road 30 including Carr's Bridge. (2) ROad 31 - from Road 29 to Road 52. (3) Road 30 from Road 52 to St. Thomas city limits. 1976 Completion of any work from 1975 and pri'or. (1) Road 52 - from Road 25 Wellington Road to Talbotvl11e. (2) Road 32 - from Highway 73 to Ontario Police College entrance. (3) Road 16 - from west limits of Flngal to Road 14, Burwell Corners. ROAD COMMITTEE 'REPORT ..- .~ eVV' ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER SESSION, 1973. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN,' YOUR ROAD CO~IITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. Tenders have been accepted for the following new equipment to be delivered next spring. (a) Champion D600 Grader and Snow Plow. (b) Hough 3 cubic yard Front End Loader. (c) International Farm Tractor and Front End Loader. . Present County equipment will be traded in on the new equipment. 2. Tenders have been requested for a Street Sweeper and two tenders received. A decision as to' which tender will be accepted will be made shortly. 3. The Committee has requested the Ministry of Tra~sportation 'and Communications to erect illumination at the intersection of Highway 4 and County Road 45. The cost of erection of illumination will be shared equally between the County and the Ministry of Transportation & Communications and the County will pay the cost of maintenance and energy. 4. The Ministry of Transportation & Communications has requested a meeting wit~ the County Road Committee to review proposals for an update of the London Area Highway Planning Study which was published in 1967. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That the following 3 year Construction Programme be adopted. 1974 Cleanup from 1973 ~nd prior years. (1) Road 40 from Mount Salem to Road 42, Malahide Tow~ship. (2) Road 3 from Thames River southerly approximately 4 miles, Aldborough Township. (3) Road 36 from Highway 3 to Sp~rta, Yarmouth Township. (4) Road 42 Port Burwell easterly approximately 1 m11e, Bayham Township. ' '( 1) ,. \i > ,~ L.lJl\lltvU1:su i'AUL t:... Const~uction Projects. (1) Road 3 - Highway 3to Lake Erie, Aldborough Township. i (2 ) Road 3 - From County Road 2 intersection to King I. I Street~ Village of Rodney. i (3 ) Road 4- From Cou~ty Road 3 to west limit of ROdney. Village of Rodney. (4) Road 3 - From Road between Concession IV and V to Fleming Creek culvert in ConcE~ssion' III Aldborough, Aldborough Township. (5) Road 13 - From east limit of curb and gutter in Dutton easterly approximately 400 feet, Village of Dutton. (6) Road 8... and Road 15 - Extension to RO';ld 15 from south limit of Elgin Co-Operative to Mary Street, Village of Dutton. (7) Straffordvill~ Drainage Assessment, Road 38, Bayham Township. 1975 I i Completion of any work from 1974 and prior. (1) Road 52 - From Road 25 Wellington Road to Road 30 including Carr's Bridge, Yarmouth Township. (2) Road 31 - From Road 29 t6 Road 52, Yarmouth Townsh~p. (3) Road 30 - From Road 52 to St. Thomas cit,y limits, Yarmouth Township. 1976, Completion of any work from ,1975 and prior. {I} Road 52 - From Road 25 Wellington Road to Talbotville, Southwo1d Township. (2) Road 32 - From Highway 73 to Ontario Police College entrance, Malahide Township. (3) Road 16 - From west limits of Fingal to Road 14, Burwell Corners, Southwold Township. 2. That a By-Law be passed assuming the road betlrreen Concession IV and V Yarmouth from Highway 4 to Yarmouth-Southwold Townline, (a distance of approximately 0.9 miles) aS,a County Road. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has indicated that this road will be approved asa County Road as it services the County Garage. All of which is respectfully submi tted., CHAIRMAN (2 ) ,. t11v6' ,.-v I ~ · ~ove~be~ 7, \973. ~_._..-, COUN't1 Of tLGlJ ~ 1. Lea~e Cou~t ~ouse 9,00 A.~' 2. lnsVect~On of county Ga~age. 3. ?o~t Stanley ~i.a Road 21, 'o1a~~en Sueet, ~. Road 20, Ca~lo~ Road t1tension (co~leted by County 1913). 5. Geo~ge St~eet, village of ?o~t StanleY ?~oject,(bY countY in last fe~ wee~s)' Nain St~eet, village of PoTt StanleY PToject, (by county in 1913). King ~wy. ReconstTuction of ~igh~aY ~ in v~Og~esS' 8. Road 23, Resu~facins 1913 of Josevh StTeet ~ill by County in 1913. 6. 7. 9. Road 23 and 24 to Road 22. 10. Road 22 (fai~~ie~) fTo\l1 \toad 21 to city li\l1it~fl\Ust soon be v~osntl1lll8d fo~ -rebui \ding. 11. tl\l1 StTeet and centennial · Road 28. 12. 'to~shiV of laTmGuth Offices · Coffee. ~4~' 3 Ro d 36 . to Road 45 . Road 36 const~ucted 1912 and 1913. \3. u~gu~a' ' a . LA ft..d ~o fTo\l1 ~iSh~aY 3 to Mount Sale\l1 · Pa~ed 1913. l~' Road 45 to Roa6 ..u. ""'~- 15. Road 40, Mount Sale\l1 to Road ~2 · const~ction 1913. 16. Road 42 to Road ~3 . site of nofasCo Steel Plant' 11. Road ~3 to \toad ~5. 18. \toad 45 . CaltOn to ~iSh~aY 19, ll.esUTfaced 1913. 19. 'to 'tiUSonbuTS, ninne~' 20. 'to StnffoTd~n le . St~affoTd,,1. He tlnin 1913. 21. Road 38 to ~ighwaY 3 . Must soon be tl~Os~e._ed fo~ ~ebUndinS' 22. \toad 40 to SVTinsfield. 23. Road 52 to Road 32. 24. \toad 32 to ~iSh~aY 13 . VTOs~atl1lll8d foT const~ction ~iSh~aY 13 to police college Ent~ance. 25. Road 52 to Road 30. {'" 26. Road 30 . Radio '" ~ub~ey Road Linlr., St. 'thO\llSS to London. 21. RetU~n on 'o1ellinSton \toad. 28. Vb Road U to \\iShwaY I.. , continUeQ.....-..,..~ \\OAt> C014lU,~-~ ,~ )J~J I ~ ~, S't. 't\\~. oN'fAR10 '/ OC'IOBEll sESS10N. 1913. 'to 't\1E WARJ)1l.N AND }of.~S Of 'tllE COUNC1:L Of 't\1E C ()UN'f'l Of "i. LG IN. 'l()UR 1l()A1l C_1:'ftl!."i. BEGS 'to 1!."i.l'QR't AS fOLLOWS: 1 . We -recO\lllllend that lly' LaW *2259 be -re sci nded. 'thi s 11.,. LaW placed a load 1.i.ad.t on Wa-rds ll-ridSe on County Road 38. I\.s the b-ridg,e 2. 'that a Count., counci.1. Road 'tou-r be held on Novelllbe-r 1. 1913 to leave the Cou-rt Uouse at 9:0Q a.~. haS been -repai-red the load li.it is not necessa-r.,. 1\.1.1. 0 f which is -respect fu1.1. y sub.i t ted. C\\~li.jAN " ~ ~~Ml"tl0N ~N't~ oc'roBER 1973. COUN1'l o y ELGIN 0J1~ v[:r ('v J .;v- . \' / / TO THE Cl\l\IRMi\N iIND ~MBERS OF COllN't"t OF ELGIN ROAD C0Ml11TTEE: diSCUssed for addition to the County Road System in the past fe~ roonths, and The follo~ing is a short summary of road sections that have been my recommendatiOns .concerning them. (a) Road bet~en springfield and Tillsonburg. joining Tillsonburg and springfield by means of the Townline Road DiSCUssions have been unde~aY for some time as to the merits of bet~en Middleton, Dereham and Bayham Townships and either the road bet~en South Dorchester and Malahide Townships or the road bet~en concesSion IX. and concession X. Malahide into springfield. have turned down any thought of the attention of the road as it doeS The Ministry of Trans~ortation & communicatiOnS RepresentatiVes not seem to meet any of the criterea for a desirable County Road. It ~uld seem the best way to pursue the matter further ~uld be through the Highway 3 Feasibility Study ~ich ~ hope the Ministry of Transportation & communications ~uld undertake shortlY' .. (b) Town1ine Road bet..,een south~ld, westminster and Delaware, and the road bet~een concession 1 and 11 south~ld bet~en Road 19 and the To~line Road. The onlY criterea that could be used to add the road to the County This road ~u1d service the McCaig Landfill site if developed. system ~u1d be as of an attraction of heaVY traffiC. This traffic ~u1d have to be a reality insufficient volume and scope to meet the criterea for assumption of the road. It ~u1d appear that further diSCUssion is premature. (c) Road bet..,een Concession IV and V 'tartllOuth, Righ~ay 1+ to C .N.R. (L.P.S.) 'tracks. criterea of an attraction of heaVY traffic and ~u1d be approved This road services the County of Elgin Garage and meetS the as a County Road by the Ministry of Transportation & co~nicatiOnS' OCTOBER 1973. COUNTY OF El.G1N - :;::..::;;;-- ~POR)' ON AS~l"tI~!2ADS ~'IY ROAD~ (d) centennial Avenue (betwe~n Elm StTeet and County Road 4~). The nOTtheT1Y pOTtion of this Toad is veTY close to meeting the cTiteTea of an extension of an uTban aTteTia1 althoUgh it maY be some yeaTS befoTe the extension is ~aTTanted to 1 mile south of centennial. When this is ~aTTanted the Toad should be extended to Road 4~. The location of the shopping plaza is pTobab1Y the 1aTgest single factoT as to whetheT oT not this Toad becomes a County Road in the next fe~ yeaTS. Until the O.M.B. decision is Teceived, nO answeT is possible. (e) Elm StTeet fTom centennial to Road 36. This Toad is veTY close to meeting the cTiteTea of an aTteTia1 extension neaT centennial but again some yeaTS likelY fTom meeting the cTiteTea at the inteTsection south of YaTroOuth centTe. If the cTiteTea is met at this inteTsection the Toad should be assumed to Road 36. Again the shopping centTe location ~i11 have an effect on tTaffic on Elm Street, althOUgh not to the extent that it will on Centennial Avenue. (f) Road bet~een Co~ession VI and VII (Million Side Road) from High~aY 4 to centennial. It is veTY likely althOUgh no countS have been taken, that the Million Side Road between Highway 4 and Road 22 is very close to if not meeting, the cTiteTea as an extension of an uTban arteTia1. (HighwaY 4 OT FaiTVie~ Avenue.) If Centennial Avenue is assumed as a County Road from E~m Street to Road 4~, Million Side Road bet~een Road 22 and centennial should also be assumed as a County Road to pTovide continuity to the system as it could Teasonab1Y be expected to meet. the cTiteTea as a County Road ~ithin a ~ery fe~ years. All of which is respectfUllY submitted, " . R. G . MOORE , COUNtY ENGINEER. c fl ~~~~~~' ; : " (," "D ------------ " "'/ r nr ' ()l ,;/\\iVJ .' ~/ / ~ 1974_COSTRtlCTION PRO~ - :::::;..-- . ~ Draft # 2 Oct. 1973 $ 655,000 ~~ ;$ 665,000 ~ constructiOn Objective from 1973 Needs StudY update creditS _ Machine RentalS ------------------------- Money ~vailable ---------------------------------- It is assumed that the money to be allocated by the MTC for ~sphalt Resurfacing and New Machinery (including Garage construction), will be adequate. It is doubtfUl if the money to be allocated by the MTC for Maintenance and overhead will be adequate because of inflation, The sum of $ 30,000 will likelY be needed, being 4~% of the total estimated budget of $ 650,000. Maintenance ---------------------------- surveYS; MisC. Grading, construction, Etc. Land purchase -------------------------- straffordville Drainage ~ssessment ----- work CleanuP from 1973 (a) Road # 40 _ DS'\', Paving, etc. --..- tb) Road # 3 _ Move Hydro Line, etc.- Misc. CleanuP from 1973 & prior--- projects~ Road # 3, NeW GlasgoW -------- Road # 3, Rodney Urban -------- Road # 4, Rodney Urban -------- Road # 3, North of HwY' No. 401 Road # 5 & # 13 in Dutton, after Installation of sewers. "tlncOJl\lllitted" Funds --------------------- projects~ Road # 5, from John Street to Elgin cooperative & Road # 13 from East end of curb & Gutter to east limit of built up are~. $ 30,000 10,000 30,000 40,000 12,000 5,000 5,000 80,000 80,000 sO,OOO 90,000 12,000 .------ $ 474.000 $ 191,000 ------ " 1973 197/+ (a) 1975 Hoad Road Road (a) (b ) ( c ) (b) ( c) (d) (2 ) PROJECTS PHESENTLY ON PEOGRAT>'IME &. NUT COlvIFLETED Road # 3 from }~y. # 3 to Lake Erie (Aldborough) Road # J - Urban Section of Rodney. Road If h - Urban Section of RodnE:Y. Road # 52 from Wellington Road to Road # 30 including Carr's Bridge. Road # 31 from Road # 52 to Road # 290 Road # 30 - Sto Thomas Limits to Road # 52. He-alignment of Road # 8 & 15 - Dutton, - Mary Street to Elgin Cooperative. # 52 # 32 II 16 from Wellington Road to Ta1botville. from Highway # 73 to Ontario Police College Entranceo from West Limits of Finga1 to Road # 14 ( Burwell's Corners) Other Problems Road # 30 from Road # 52 to Middlesex County Line. Road # 22 from St. Thomas City Limits to Road # 27. Road # 38 from Highway # 3 to Straffordville. Road from White's St~tion Garage to Highway # 4. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 17, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House, on October 17, 1973, at 10:00 A. M. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT except Reeve Wi1Eion. THE MINUTES OF THE MEE,TING of September 1~~, 1973 were read and approved. THE CHAIRMAN REPORTED that a serious accident had occurred on County Road 45 near Highway 19 on October 6, 1973 and that a number of the residents of the areSL were discussing presenting a petition for the improvement of Road 45 between Calton and Highway 19. The Committee felt that although improvements on the road were planned for the very near future, the condition of the road was not to blame for the accident. The Engineer was instructed to proceed with the improvements and shouldering as soon as pc.ssib1e. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as foliliows: (1) The Wardsville Bridge had been repait~ed, waterproofed and repaved. (2) The Finga1 Bridge deck had been found to be badly deteriorated and it had been repaired, waterproofed and repaved. (3) Paving and shouldering had been completed on Road 3 south of Wardsvi11e. Guide Rail wor}~ remained to be completed. (4) Guide Rail work on Road 16 at Port T~llbot would start next week. (5) Land had been purchased from Peter HE~pburn to widen the west side of County Road 22 in tbe Concession south 0 f Road 45. (6) Gravel base would be placed for the i~ettle Creek Conservation Authority at Lake Whittiilker starting late in the week or early next week. ST. THOMAS; ONTARIO, OCTOBER ll, 1973. PAG:E~ 2. (7) Work for the Village of Port Stanley on the aiversion of George Street would start late neJct week. Trimming between the curbs on the Carlow Road Extension of Road 20 would be done at the same time. (8) Ditching would be done in Straffordv:tlle to guide the water to the new catchbasins. (9) Pavement marking had been completed. (10) Two culverts on Road 32 were being rElplaced. (11) Sand piles were being placed as nece~~sary for winter. (12) Trimming and seeding on Road 2 betweEln West Lorne and Rodney had been completed. (13) Approximately 1,200 feet of waterlinEl would be installed for the Ministry of the Environment :tnPort Burwell. (14) It appeared that the Federal Local Ir~entive Projects (LIP Programme ) would have no advanttllge for the County. (15) That the Provincial Government would not sponsor a Winter Works Unemployment Programme this winter. THE ENGINEER REQUESTED permission to attend a Management Seminar sponsored by Fanshawe College. THE REQUEST WAS GRANTED. UMOVEn BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK B . LYLE THAT THE FOLLOWINGPAYLISTS BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: ,PAYLIST #30 PAYLIST 4131 PAYLIST 4132 PAYLIST /133 PAYLIST #34 AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO $ 24,872.43 3,806.05 25,302.91 24,685.86 172,013.58 CARRIED'. S1:. Tl1.0MAS ~ ONTAR'lO, OCTOJER 17, 1973. 'PAGE 3. 'tllE ElilGINEER llEPOll'tFJ> that he had written to the MinistrY of 'transportation and co",,,,Jnications re<\uesting the Ministry i\IIP1e1ll8nt a Righway 3 Feasibility Study. Correspondence waS read from the 'township of South Dorchester, 'township of :Ma1ahide and 'township of Bayham and the 'town of Ay11118r supporting a Feasibility Study. cGRltESl'oNllENCE WAS llEJ!J) FRlJil F. Clarke of the Ministry of 'transportation ~ communications Suggesting that the weight limit on Wards Bridge on Road 38 be rescinded as the bridge had been repaired. 'lM0VED BY SECOND'!T:l BY 'tllA't wE llECOllMENtl 'to c(llllttY COUNCIL 'tlIA't BY- LAW i! 2259 'BE llESC1NtlED AS 'tllE BlflDGE lIAS BEEN llEl'AIllED. A. MISKELLY R.N. JORNSTON CARRIED" 'tllE ElilGINElUt REl'ORnD that there was nothing new to report on waste disposal sites and the Ontario llydro 'tower Line Corride1:'. 1l0J!J) 't0tlll DAnS wEllE DISCUSSED. 'tMoVED BY SECONDED BY 'tllAT wE llECOllMEND 'to cOUNtY CCAlNCIL 'tllA't couNtY cOUNCIL B. LyLE A. MlSKELLY 1l0J!J) 't0lllt 'BE N()VF.lUlER 7, 1973 t1.AVING 'ttIE cOlllt't ROUSE AT 9:00 A.M. CARRIED" ST. 1~H()MAS; ONTARIO, OCTO~~ER 17, 1973. PAGE 4. IT WAS AGREED THAT Chairman Dennis anci WardE~n Johnston shoulci open machinery tenders and the tendel~s should be sunnarized and presented to the Committee at: a later date. IT WAS DECIDED TO postpone the official opelling of the County Garage until Spring. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ministry of 1~ransportation & Communications had picked a number of altElrnate routes to study for the final route of Highway 402'1 None of these routes went through Elgin County and i.t would appear the alternate selection of one route over the rest would have very little effect on the CClunty. 'rHE MEETING ADJuoKNED FOR DINNER AI! u~.R DINNER .................... 'rHE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Report on a Regional Road System for the area was still not complete. THE, ENGINEER PRESENTED the attached Construc~tion Programme. He also reported that the present Land PurcbasePolicy should be amended to reflect the recent increase in land values. 'rIlE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to contact the CCilltlnty Engineer of Middlesex to see if a meetins could be at~ranged between ~ the two County Road-Gv'~""':'.is..~.~ and the Lon<llon and St. Thomas Suburban Road Commissior6'to discuss the rebuilding of Radio and Hubrey Roads and to approach the Ministt,y of Transportation & Communications for additional funds. S't. 'tR O}1tl.$ , O'N'tW 0, OC~O,ER \7. \913. pAGE 5.. 't\\!. ItNGlNEl!.R ~AS l$Q\l1!.S'tltD to app1:oaeh the C .N.ll. to asee1:tain thei1: plans fo1: thePo1:t stanley Ra1:bour. tl~Q"f;O 1\'h D. COOl<. . s.l!.COl'ltll!.D 1\'h 1'.. ~1.S1<ELL1 'tllJ\'t 'tl\11. r.NG lNEf.1t 1ll!. r.Nl?mlf.l$D 'to smt'lf,1 R()J\1) 38 fltOl1 RlGmu.1 3 fP STRJ\\'\'ORf)VlLUt teAS't Ll~l'tS). cAlUtlEDtt ,,~D 1\11 II .N. JO\\1'lS't oN Sl!.COl'ltlltD 1\Y 1 1'.. l1ls1<ELLY 'tllJ\'t 't\\!. cO\l'N'tY \Al'Itl' !Il1tCllJ\Sl!. POLlCY 1ll!. Sl!.'t 1'.'t 1'1 11 '1 'tl1O\S 't\\!. ASSltS$E1l V J\LUE. 1tJ\t\\!.ll 't\1J\1'I 1 0 tl$~. 't\\!. ASSESSf.D V 1'.LUf. A1'I1'l 1'. fENCf. J\LLO~1'.~ o\'$ 5.ll0fEll llOD 1tJ\t\\!.ll tllJ\1il $1+.00 fEll llOD 1'.l'Itl tllJ\'tar\\!.ll 1tJ\'t'&S '&f. AD JUS'tlttl 1'.ccOBDlNGL Y 1 cAR'R1ED" ,q(()'iEtl ,&"it 1\ · LYUt S.ECON'llf,D ,&y, D. COOK 'tllJ\'t 't\\!. ENGlll1EEll 1\E 1'.\ft\lo?-lZf.D to :P\!1lc\\J\Sf. ptl.o1f.1l!1 to wlllf,1'I cO\l'N'tY 1l()J\1) 3 l1il COblCf.SSlO1il lV bJ.tl1\o?-O\lGR. 10WNSl\1t>. cAi1tl'ED41 ,,~D ,&Y1 D. COOK Sl!.coN'llED 1\Y' 1'.. )1lS1<ELL1 'tllJ\'t t\\!. 11. NG lll1EER 1ll!. J\\ft\\G1llZf.tl to ptl.QCEEtl ~l 'tl\ ptl.O:Pf.R't1 !Il1t C~ l1il ,1l\ft'tON to Jol1il. ROAD 8 A1'I1'l 15. . c1\B.lt1'E'D\\ tRt f.NG1.llf1.R ptl.f.Sl!.Ntf.D t\\!. 1'.'t'tJ\C\\!.D l$P()1t't on the assU\I\Pt~on of ve.1:i~US 'township Roads as countY \loads and stated thet 't1:affie counts would be tak.en on a numbe1: of 1a1:tllOuth townshiP lloads south of St. thElt'B&S in the nea1: futu,:e. S't. 't'l101!\bS. Ol\'tAll"tO, oc't Ol","t \. 1 t \. <} 73 · PAGE 6. y.U~ l4"l.S1.0n.1.1, ~~S'ti.'\l tna,t t"e county aSs'lIol\lB Spt:uce stt:eet as a countY Road to set:"ice lJledtna Gas l.1.ne and cent1:a.\.Pipe LineS. 't'8$ EllGt~ER 'liAS ~q1.JF.S'ti.'fl to obU.i.n aed1.t1.ona'\. 1.t\fo~t1.on. 1.t. J(')l\l'\S'tO~ tl}10'IEl) ~'l: SEC()l\'\liJ) 1\'l ~ A.. ~S}(l!.1.1.'l 't1.V-'t \$ M> J(ltl1.l:1il 'to '\. 0 ~ 00 A..l!\. ll()'$l!\&Elt '\.,., '\. I) 73 · C~l'E'O'" I) f~ ,r-~ /"::~ Z J>< /)4 ./ " ~ ./ t COUNTY OF EWIN ROAD REPORT FIRST RE PORT September Session 197 3 TO THE WARDEN & MEMBERS OF EWIN COUNTY COUNCIL YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That due to the lateness in the season of a Tender Call by the Ministry of the Environment for Sanit~ry Sewers in th~e Village of Rodney, it wi 11 not be possib Ie to comp lete the constl"uction planned on Road :/13 and #4 in Rodney, and on Road #3, between Lake Erie and Highway No. 3 in A1dborQugh Township. Your Road Committee has replaced this proposed work with granular base and paving work on Road 13 from Wardsville southerly toward Rodney for approximately four (4) miles. Granular base work has been completed and a contract let to Walmsley Brothers Limited of Londonrat $88,434 for Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. The paving is underway. WE RECOMMEND: 1. That a re!lolution be passed adopting the following proposed statement of work and expenditures for 1973 and that the statement be forwarded to the MrG together with a resolution requesting a supplementary application of subsidy money in the amount of $360,000. This statement is necessary because of legislation passed by the Province since the statement of work was adopted by the March Session of County Council which changed the Subsidy System and the change in the ,County W01rk Program as noted aliove. The total subsidy amount of $1,,072,000 is unchanged from March. County of E l~in Road Report. September Session. 1973. Conti.nued. CON S T R U C T ION St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget Land Purchase Surveys on New Work, Miscellaneous Grading Cost, etc. New Machinery & Machinery Garages Road #2 Completion of Work. inPro~ress Road #13 Road #14 Road #16 Road #20 Road 1136 Road #42 New Work Road # 44 Roa<i /140 Road #3 Roa d 41 3 Road #4 Road #3 Credits West Lorne to Rodney, Aldborough TownshLp Shackleton Street, Dutton Iona Station to Road #13, Southwold and Dunwicb Townships Talbot Creek Culverts & Approaches, Dunwich T~~. Carlow Road Extension - Port Stanley, Highway No. 4 to Erie Street Highway No. 3 to 1 mile south of Sparta, Yarmouth Township Port Burwell easterly, Bayham Township from Road #46 to Highway No.3, Bayham TownshjLp Mount Salem to Road 142, Malahide Township Highway No. 3 to Lake Erie, Aldborough Townshtp Road 12 northerly 0.5 miles - Rodney) I ) Queen Street West - Rodney ) Wardsvil1e southerly Rebate on Sales Tax 10,000 Machine Rentals re Accounts Receivable and Town1ine Accounts 10,000 Reduction in Stock Balance 20,000 Pa~e 2 $ 7,000 10,000 40,000 238,000 15,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 42,000 25,000 50,000 185,000 6,000 6,000 142,000 40,000 Credit 773,000 County 0 f E 1p.in Road Report. September Session. 1973. Cont inued. M A 1 N TEN A NeE Bridges and Culverts Winter Control Road #40 Asphalt Resurfacing) Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem) Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacin~} Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Maintenance of Gravel Roads Roadside Maintenance Dust Control Weed Control Tree Cutting Pavement Marking Guiderails Signs Drainage Tree Planting Railroad Protection Drai.nage Assessment St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Maintenance & Overhead County Overhead Urban Rebates (25%) $ 15,000 70,000 225,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 14,000 16,000 26,000 21.,000 1. ~; , 000 12,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 1,000 1:3,000 6,000 549,000 33,000 223,000 34,000 Pa~e 3 r County of Elgin Road Report. September Session. 1973. SUMMARY Construction Maintenance County Maintenance ~ St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission County Overhead Urban Rebates $ $ Continued. 773,000 549,000 33,000 223,000 34,000 1,612,000 Pap;e 4 County of El~in Road Report, September Session 1973. Continued. Page 5 WE RECOMMEND: 2. That a by-law be passed prohibiting parking on the west side of Road 147 in Avon from Road #37 southerly one hundred and thirty-seven (137) feet. 3. That a by-law be passed prohibiting overnight parking on county roads. 4. That the resolution of the County of Hastings requesting that Provincial-Federal Incentive Programs allow 35% for materials and equipment rentals instead of the present 12\% to 20% be fi led. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTF~LLY SUBMITTED CHAIRMAN ST. '!1:\OMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 12, 1973. PAGE 1. 'IRF. COUNtY OF ELGIN ROAD COMl'!I'I'IEE met at the Cou~t \louse, St. 'Ihomas, on septembe~ 12, 1973, at 10,00 A. M. ALL M\1.MBE'RS ~ J.'Rl'.SENt except Reeves Lyle, CaverlY, and Mi ske 11 Y · ALSO J.'Rl'.sENt was M~. Funk Cla~ke of the MtC, London, Onta~io. 'IRF. MlNll'I!!.S OF 'IRF. MEE'IING 0 f August 16, 1973 , we~e ~ ead and app~oved. 'IlIF. ENGI'tiIF.F.R 1U!o~D on the wo~k to date as follows' (1) Paving waS underwaY on Road ~3, g~avel pad wo~k having been completed. (2) Cleanup wo~k was p~oceeding on 1l.oad ~2 between 'iest Lo~ne and 1l.odney. (3) Cleanup wo~k waS also p~oceading on Road ~16 at Vo~t 'Ialbot and on (4) Work on Road ~40 waS completed except fo~ Su~face 'I~eat~nt which would Road ~14 at Iona Station. (5) 'Ihe asphalt on the Wa~dsville B~idge deck would be ~e~ved, the deck be done next week- waterp~oofed, and the deck ~epaved while asphalt wo~k waS underway on . (6) 'Ihe deck on the Fingal B~idge on Road i16 would also be ~epai~ed and Road 4~3. (7) Cleanup wo~k on va~iouS ~oads would continue until completed o~ wet wate~p~oQfed late~ in the yea~' (8) Pave~nt roa~king would be continued as soon as su~face t~eat~nt wo~k weatbeT halted WOTk. waS done. ttMOVED 'BY: SECONDED B"l: 'IRA'I 'IRF. fOLLOWING l'AYLIS'I'S BE Al'1'B.OVED FOR PAYMENt' D. COOK J. 'B- WILSON FA"lLIS'! 4~27 'FA "lLIST 4~ 2 ~ pA."lLIS't 4F29 AMOUNtING'IO $ 27,240.50 AMOUNtING 10 26,214.90 AMoaNTING'IO 117,933.05 CA'RRIEDtt ST. 'tHOMAS, ONtARIO, SEP'tEMBEll 12, 1973 · PAGE 2. CORlUtSPONPENCE WAS lUtMl frolll the following: (1) The provincial Govetnment re Sgecial Emergency Assistance Progralll. (2) The}(tC with c&9Y &f RighwaY NCh 3 PreStudy Report frolll St. Tho\l1aS to Cayuga. AFTER DISCUSSION "MOVED 1I'l: R. N. JORNS'tON SJ!.CONPED 1I'l: J. 11. WILSON TRA.T WE REQUES't TRA.'I }(tC 'IO paoCEEll W1.TR STUD'l DESIGN ANP YEAS1BILI'I'l S'tUD'l 01 RIGRWA'l NO. 3 .1IK'IWEEN. ST. 'IROMAS {,. 'tILLSONBtfRG · CARRIEDtt W~J!. DISPOSAL 51'!!!.S were discUssed but no neW information was a~ilable. 11 WAS DECIDED to postpone discUssion of the Onurio Rydro prop&sals for a 'Iower 1.ine frolll Nanticoke to London until the location of the 'Iower Line corridors ~ere known. "MOVED Y>'l: J. 11. WILS ON sECONPED 1I'l: D. COOK 'IRAT TRE ENGINEER liE EMPOwERED 'IO CALL nNPERS lOR 'IRE 10LLOWING NEW EQUI~: GRADER W1.'IR SNOWl'LOW {,. WING W1.TR c;y.AJ)E1l H2 AS 'tRADE- J,N · 2\ 'IO 3 CUlIIC 'lAKD 1ll0NI .END LOMlER. (R01lGR L()!\1lER AS .A TRADE-IN) SWEEPER. 'IRACTOR W1.'IR 1ll0NI EtlD 1.0MlER W'L'!R 1()1Ul 'J:ll.ACTOR jt 1 0 AS A TRADE-l.N. CAP.RIEDtt TUE MEl!.T1NG MlJOURNED lOR DINNER. AFtER DINNER · CRA.I~N DENNIS waS absent. Warden Johnston acted as Chairman and Reeve Caverly was in attendance. ALSO paE5EN'I wERE Mr. J. R. 1I1evins, Regional Director of the }(tC, and Mr. Derrick King, Planning section 0 f }(tC, and Mr. 1l. A. 'Ietllple and Mr. lIeb Adachi of lenco Engineering. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 12, 1973. PAGE 3. reviewed and discUssed with a number of queries answered. T1:IF. ST. T1\OW-S EXl'Bl!.sSWA'! pLANNING and other planning in the area was T1:IF. wABDEN T1\ANKiP the representatiVes for their attendance. ttMOVED 13'Y: D. COOK SECONDEP B'!: J. B. WILSON TllAT 1iIE ADJOURlil TO 10:00 A. M., OCTOBER 17, 1973. cARRIEDt\ s't. 't\\OMAS, ONt~O, A\1GU$'t 1.6, 1.913. ' PAGE 1.. 't\\l!. COUNt'! 011 ltLG1.N R()A1l CO~'t'tJtlt met at the Court Rouse, St. 'thoroes, otl Aug,ust 16, 1973, at 10:00 A. %. ALL ME~ ~ :1'll.JtSt'-Nt lt1Cf.1!'t Reeves %islte1.1Y and CaverlY. ALSO 'P1.'l>SltN't wAS %r. 11. C larlte 0 f the IttC. 't\\l!. v.NG 1.NUR 'Bf.y()i.UD on the 1ilOrlt to date as fo 1.1ows : (1) Grading, and g,u~nular baSe worlt was co~leted on Road +40, alsO shouldering, and totlsoi.1 1ilOrlt waS underway. CleanUtl and seeding, was al.-st co~lete on Road i36, and 1ilOrlt waS (2) tllanned for Roads +14 and +2. Placement of g,ranular base and eltcavation of soft stlotS 1ilOu1d start on Road 13 neltt weelt. surface 'treatment worlt was continuitlg, and should be completed by the end 0 f the \l\Onth. Rot MiX Astlha1t 1'aving, had been completed by \'lalms1eY Rrothers Ltc!.. , \'lorlt at Lalte 'dhitUlter had been C01DP1eted e1tcetlt for tllacement of g,ranular base which 1ilOu1d be done later. Vandals had stolen five (5) stotl sig,ns during, the tlast ten dayS. 'that a water line would be installed for the Roard of ltducation along, \'lel1it\StOn Road from ttoad 126 to the Lynhurst schOol, as soon as roeterial waS available. (3) (~) (5) (6) (1) (8) 't\\l!. v.NG1.NU1.'Bf.p01.UD that he had attended a meeting in 'torontO with the Director of the b!.inistry of^'transtlortatiOn ~ co~unications Planning Systems with regard to the greatly increased costs of tlroviding aGeCluate roeintenance on county roads. AlthOUgh costs were increasit\S at the rate of &.10% yearlY, it atltleared that the t\\OtleY sutltl1y would increase onlY by 2.3./' yearlY and thUS tlriorities and objectives would have to be set by the ~nicitlalitieS as well as the NXC. ST. THOMAS ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1973.. PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from: (1) Ministry of Labour stating that the Construction Safety Act had been proclaimed on August 1, 1973. (2) the MTC revoking Development Road Designation on DR#930, #1023 and 411122. (3) the MrC stating that they did not feel that the speed limit on Highway No.4, south of the Ontario Hospital, should be reduced. (4) Ontario Hydro regarding meetings on their Tower Line Corrider from Na.nticoke to London. (5) Township of Southwo1d requesting the County to assume the Southwo1d- Westminster Town1ine as a County road. 'lMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B. LYLE J. B. WILSON THAT THE FOLLOWINGPAYLISTS BE APPROVED F~0R PAYMENT: FAYLIST 4/24 FAYLIST #25 PA YLIST 1126 AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO AMOUNTING TO $29,768.50 $26,310.77 265,133.20 CARRIEDU ttMOVED BY: SEC ONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON J. B. WILSON THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORI~h1J TO MAKE APPLICATIONS AS ~CESSARY FOR INTERI~ SUBSIDYPAYME.NTS. CARRIEDU THE ENGINEER RE'PORTED that the MTC wished a resolution of County CounQi1 approving the program of work and Budget approved by the Road Committee in July. UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B. LYLE R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE ATTACHED ,PROORAMf OF WORK" BE APPROVED AND FORWARDED. TO THE MrC FOR APPROVAL. CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1973. PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on waste disposal sites and wras authorized to proceed to obtain a site if possible. OVERNIGHT PARKING on county roads was discussed. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON THAT WE RECOMMEIm TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY- LAW BE PASSED PROHIBITING OVERNIGHT PARKING ON COUNTY ROADS,. CARRIED" tlMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK B . LYLE WE THE MEMBERS OF THE ROAD COMMITTEE RECOMMEND THAt' WE HAVE AN OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE COUNTY GARAGE. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER REPORTED that tbe reports on the assun~tion of local roads into the County System and the Regional Roads Study Report were not yet ready for presentation. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT for 1974 including a Sweeper" a Loader, and a Grader, was discussed and the Engineer instructed to present a list of E~quipment to be tendered for this fall at the next meeting. THE ENGINEER PRESENTED .the attached Construction P]~ogram for 1974. AFTER DISCUSSION it was decided to have an inspectiLon of roads at the next meeting. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER At .LeR DINNER . . THE FOLLOWING PERSONS WERE PRESENT: Mr. Ron W. Bratty, of Giffels, Davis & Jorgensen Ltd., Consulting Engineers of Toronto, Ontario. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, AUGUST 16, 1973. PAGE 4. Mr. Ignacio Ardi,zone, Senior Feasibility Planner of the MfC. Mr. Frank DeYisser, Head of Area Transportation System office of the MTC. Mr. Bratty made a presentation and answered the questiLons of members concerning the present MTe Feasibility Study on Highway No. 402, from Strat:hroy to Highway No. 401, south of London. It appeared that the final chosen route would probably not join No. 401 in the County. THE, COMMITTEE INQUIRED as to the results of,a Prestud:y on Highway No.3, from St. Thomas to Cayuga. Mr. ArdizQlne state~ that the Study had been completed. and showed that the section of Highway No. 3 from St. Thomas to Tillsonburg showed the greatest need for ~tudy. THE COMMITTEE requested that a copy of the report be, forwarded to the County. THE COMMITTEE, EXPRESSED. THE HOPE that Diistrict representation of the Ml'C would be in attendance at the next meeting to discuss the St. Thomas Expressway and Highway No. 126. "MOVED BY: SlCONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON B . LYLE THAT WE ADJOURN TO SEPTEMBER 5 AT 9: 00 A. M. AND SIPTEMBER ,12 AT 10: 00 A; M. CARRIED't 0-iL /~/ I · CHAIRMAN ( ,^ COUNTY OF ELGIN <P ROAD INSPECTION - SEPTEMBER 5. 1973. Leave Court House 9:00 A.M. 1. Road //16 - Fingal to Burwell's Corners (Road 1114), j~rogrammed for 1975. 2. Road 116 to Wallacetown. 3. Highway 13 to New Glasgow. 4. Roau #3 New Glasgow to Lake Erie, Programmed for 19~73 and delayed because O.W.R.C. contract was not let early enough in Rodney. 5. Road 13 Urban Section in Rodney, Programmed for 197:~. 6. Road 114tJrban Section in Rodney, Programmed for 197~~. 7. Road 113 Section of ijoad #3 from 1 mile north of 'Rond #9 northerly for 1 mile should be programmed u)r 1974. 8. Road 113 Northerly from Item 17 to Wardsville, Granular Base and Hot Mix Paving 1973. 9. Highway #2 Tates Bridge to Road 19. 10. Road #9 and Road f/8 to Dutton. Road #8 Diversion pl~ogrammed for 1974. 11. Road #13 and Gore Road Southwold to Road #20. 12. . Road //17 and Southwold - Delaware - Westminster Townline to Highway 14 inspecting St. Thomas Sanital~y Collection si te on the way. 13. Highway #4 to Talbotville. 14. Road #52 to Road 1125 (Wellington Road). 15. Road #26 - St. George Street, St. Thomas. 16. LUNCH - St. Thomas. 17. Road 129 - Which will not be closed by St. Thomas E,~ressway. 18. Road 131 and Road #52 from Road 125 (Wellington Road) to Road 130 including Structure at Carr's Bridge progrt:~mmed for 1974. 19. Road 130 - St. Thomas limits to Road 1152, progranned for 1974. 20. Road 130 - Road 152 to Middlesex County Line. Road is deficient. 21. Hubrey Road in Middlesex County of Highway 1/126. 22. To Road 1/32 - Road /152 To Highway #73, culverts atl~enn Central tracks and south, this fall. Reconstru(~tion programmed for 1975 to coincide with construction c.f Police College. f' 23. Road 138 - To Straffordville, road deficient. 24. Straffordville Storm Drain installation, payment dUE~ in 1974. ~, g.OUNtY_OF ELG~ .. I ....... ........ I 25. Road tt45 to Road tt 36. 26. Inspect Pleasant Valley Gravel Pit. 27. \load #36 and \load #27 to \load #22. 28. \lead #22, Fairview AvenUe te City of St. Thomas limit, roa.d deficient. COUNTY OF ELGIN ~.~ h~. ~ 1. 974 CON S T R U C T ION PRO G RAM M E , - "- ,'..- "..". .,,'" ..,- --- .,, ... - I.,,,...,,, -- IL Construction Objective from 1973 Needs Study Update $655,000 Credits - Machine Reota 1 s -------~--------------- 10,000 Money Available ------___________________________ $665,000 It is assumed that the money to be allocated b~, the MrC for Asphalt Resurfacing; New Machinery (including Garage Construction); will be adequate. It is doubtful if the money to be allocated by the MTC for Maintenance and Overhead will be adequate because of inflation. The sum of $30,000 will likely be needed, being 4-\% of the tOltal estimated budget of $650,000. Maintenance ------------------------------- $ 30,000 Surveys; MiscJ Grading. Construction, Etc. -- 10,000 Lllnd Purchase - - ---- -------- ------- -- ------- 30,000 Straffordville Drainage Assessment 40,000 Work Cleanup from1973 (a) Road 140 - DST, etc. 18,000 (b) Road 13 - Move Hydro Line, etc. 7,000 Misc. Cleanup from 1973 & Prior .'5,000 Projects: Road 13, New Glasgow -----_______ 80,000 Road 13, Rodney Urban --------____ 80,000 Road 14, Rodney Urban --------____ 80,000 Road #3, North of Highway No. 401 90,000 $470,000 195,000 n It Uncommitted Funds -------------------------..--- Projects: Road 130 - Suburban Road Commission Roads 18 and 115, ~utton. Road 152 from Road 125 to Road 130. ~l .14 'Operation Bridges & Culverts Winter Control Road 140 MaintenanCE! COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavementl; Maintenance of Gravel Roads Roadside Maintenance Dust Control Weed Control Tree Cutting Pavement Harking Guiderails Signs Drainage Tree Planting Railroad Protection Drainage Assessment Sub-Total Urban Rebates Total COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE JULY 3. 1973 Original Bud~et $15,000 90,000 90,000 ) ) 62 , 000 ) 25,000 23,000 30,000 13,000 10,000 28,000 21,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 2,000 13,000 8,000 - $497,000 34,000 - $531,000 Proposed Budget Ju1v/73 $ 15, 000 ./ 70,000 /' 225,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 14,000'/' 16,000 v 26,000 V 21 , 000 / 15,000/ 12,000 \/ 10,000 .,/ 15,000 / 15, 000 /' 1 , 000 ~ 13,000 / 6 , 000 I $549,000 34,000 $583,000 ~ I r./ ' I ~ , (v'Y/ e~~/. k~' I if ~AYW \ , r~P ~~r() '/ 4,11 ~~ /1)/ /~ J~' .~ /"" ' vJ"'~~. lfo /' ~ . vP~ j /'" ~ ;}<60 I /' if//, ( V( j' :.. 'J,/' 1./. ///'''' ~ /~ /' I c:-/ v{ }/ 'nv s;/ (" COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 CONTINUED PAGE 2 ST. THOMAn SUBURBAN ROAD MAINTENANCE Proposed Original Budget Ooeration BudJtet Ju1v/73 Bridges & Culverts - $1,000 $ 1,000 Winter Control - 8,000 8,000 Roadside Maintenance - 4,500 4,500 Hardtop Maintenance - 4,500 4,500 Loose Top Maintenance - 1,500 1,500 Safety Devices - 3,500 3,500 Overhead - 10,000 10,000 $33,000 $ 33,000 COUNTY MAINTENANCE Garages - $30,000 30,000 White Station - 4,000 4,000 Tools - 4,000 4,000 Miscellaneous Repai]t"s - 7,500 7,500 Superintendence - 29,300 29,300 Clerical - 21,500 21,500 Insurance for Subsidy - 12,000 12,000 Machinery Overhead - 4,000 4,000 Office - 7,000 7,000 Medica 1 - 2,000 2,000 Radio - 2,700 2,700 Pensions - 29,500 29,500 Holidays with Pay - 40,000 40,000 Siek Benefits - 18,000 18,000 Unemployment I.C. - 5,500 5,500 o. H. 1. P. - 10,500 10,500 Needs Study Update - 500 500 Traffic Count - 2,500 2,500 Training Courses Overhead Credits - 7 , 500 C R" ' 7,500 CR $223~000 $223,000 /' COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1 Ql.J . ST. THOMAS ROAD COMMISSION Proposed Original Budget Operation Bud~et Julv/73 Surveys - $2,000 $ 2,000 Land Purchase - 5,000 5,000 $ 7 , 000 $ 7,000 COUNTY Surveys, Etc. - $8,000 $ 10,000 40,000 Land Purchase 35,000 New Machinery 28,000 - 38,000 White Station Garage - 175.000 210,000 Clean Up Old Work GC,I6 - Road 12 - 15,000 15,000 GC #11 - Road 113 - 7,000 7,000 GC 113 - Road #14 - 10,000 10,000 GC #24 - Road 116 - 10,000 10,000 GC lIS - Road #20 - 20,000 20,000 GC #4 - Road 136 - 50,000 42,000 GC #10 - Road #42 - 30,000 25,000 New Work 'GC #12 - Road #1+4 - 50,000 50,000 GC 123 - Road 140 - 200,000 185,000 GC 11 - Road 13 New G 1a sgow - 75,000 6,000 GC #20 - Road #3 Rodney - 70,000) ) 6,000 GC 119 - Road 14 Rodney - 65tOOO} - Road #3 A1dborough 142,000 CREDITS Sales Tax - 10,000 10,000 Cr. Machine Rental - 10,000 10,000 Cr. Stock - 20,000 20,000 Cr. SlS,pOO $766,000 CJmTINUED PAGE 3 (" ~n-= s~tl't'l OF ELGIN 1l~ tro1lGET - 1973 --.: -- TO'IALS .... - 01'igina1 Pl'Oposed Budget Q2!l'atj.on Judg!t , ~ County Road Maintenance $531tOOO $583,000 subUl'ban Road Maintenance - 33,000 33,000 County eve1'bead - 223tOOO 223,000 SubU1'ban const1'uction - 7,000 7,000 County const1'Uetion 818,000 766,000 Machine1'Y Rentals - - -- --" $1,612,000 $1,612,000 ..---. I ' .-:- ~AG~ ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY, 26, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF EWIN ROAD COMMITTEE met on July 26, 1973, at tbe Couert HQuse, St. Thomas, at 10:00 A. M. ALL M&MBF.RS WERE PRESENT except Reeve Caveerly. THE MINUTES OF THE MFJ!';TING of July n, 1972, weere eread and apperoved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED Qn tbe wcerk tQ date as fQllQ.sl (0 Gerading.as cQmpleted Qn RQad 140, and placement Qf geraUUlaer ba.se was continuing. (2) CaerlQ. RQad Extension, Peert Stanley, bad been paved and tbe JQsepb Stereet Hill (RQad 121) add Main Stereet, fQer the Village of PQert Stanley, would be cQmpleted by tbe weekend. (3) Otbeer paving bad been cQmpleted. (4) Terimming and seeding was undeerway Qn BDad #36. (5) Gerading and Geravelling woerk would be undeertaken at Lake Wbittaker fQer tbe Kettle Cereek CQnseervation Autnoerity. (6) Geranulaer prices bad been sQlicited fQer work on Road #3, from JQbnsQn Berotbeers but nQ decision bad been made. (7) Surface Tereatment WQerk .as cQntinuing. (8) CQmplaints eregaerding tbe speed zone and dust bad been ereceived ferQm (9) Tbat a Road EmplQyeest Association bad beeniiormed and recQgnized by New Glasgow. the Personnel committee. TENDERS FOR Hat MIX ASPHALT PAVING ON ROAD #3 were opened and wen as Towland-Hewitson Consteruction Limited $ 88,434.00 113,934.00 followS: Walmsley Brothers Limited S't. 1\\oMAS, 0N't1\ll.10, JUL~ 26, 1973. p1\G'E 2. "1'10~1l ~'i: ~. L'fU' Sf;CONDtitl ~'i: tl. COOK 1\\1\1 1nV. 1tiNtltill. 01 W1\\.l'll>1J'. 'i ~ll.O't\\J!,l\.S Ll1'11'tE.tl, 1011. \\O't 1'11~ 1\$1'\\1\1.11'1\'111<<>, ON cOUN't'i ROID ~3, 1\1 $88 ,434.00 BE ~CJ!.i>'tEtl, S\l~JtC't 1 0 ~C 1\1'1'ltO'l M... C~'R1.'ED\t C01Ut1!;S1'0Ntl1!:NCti W1\$ \U!.ID f1:'ot1\ the County of \\astings 1:'eq,uesting . ' t' the 1 0. de1:' a 1 GOve1:'nt1\e'lll> to i nc 1:'0.0. so. end01:'Sement fo1:' a 1:'esolut~on 1:'eq,ues ~ng , the atnOunt of l'late1:'ials and tiq,ui1?ment Rental a1.\.owed on Winte1:"101:'\<.s 1'1:'0 jects. \tM,OV'ED 1\'l: ,StiCONtlt;D ~'i: J -'" .c 1\\1\1 WIt' vico~ND 10 c6\lN't'i COUNCIL ,.~- RtiSourtl0N 01 11:\1!. COUN't'i c;J1 \\J\S11NGS lt1'.Q.1JE5't1NG 1\\J\1 1\\1> 1'lt0'11NC 11\L-tEtltiyjJ. INCKN't 1~ 1'ltCCMl'l J\LWW 3!)"/. 1 OR W. 'l$R IJ\1.S J\Ntl tiQ.\lI?Mt>N1 ll.tiN'tJ\1.S INS1tiAll 01 11i\!.fll!.sF.N1 l'l\"/. 10 'lO"/., BE 111J'.tl. D. COOK _ ~. "~:11.S0N CA'Rlt1.'ED\\ 11:\1!. ti NG l11Etill. fll!. sF. N'ttitl t hi\ at tache d co1\\1?a 1:'i SO n 0 f 1:' ate s fo t C C mn n~ the 'ia~uth 1'1utual 1ite and Wind 1nsU1:'ance, between the 1tan\<. owan 0.....0.;' _, 'c ond the tlunwich 1atmetS, fo1:' the CountY Gatages at 1ite Insutance o1\\1?any, ~ White 1 s Station and Rodney' 1\-rt'Elt DISCUSSION "1'1()\IF.tl~'i : ~. L'i1J'. StiCONt!titl ~'i: R. N. JO\\NS'tON 1\\1\1 WIt INS\l\U!. J\LL 01 OUR G~\1. ~\lIU>I1<<>S Wl1\\ 11:\1!. 1~K,C ovrAN C01'11'AN'l' CA'Rltl'ED\' Obt ot !)OO to the cost of 11 wJ\S ~\U!.t;D that the CountY would cont1:'~ u e " , an outlet tltain fot Road 4t'2.3, Joseph Sueet anl,in 1'0tt Stanley. 1his outlet tl1:'ain would be built on Main St1:'eet by CountY fo1:'Ces, 1he cost e~ceedin~ $l,!)OO id b th Village J\ll futthe1:' roaintenance WDuld be the tesponsibility would be 1?a ,y 0. · of. the vi.llage. ~)T. THOMAS, ONT1RIO, ,JULY 26, 1973. ]~AGE 3. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the MTe had agreed to the construction of a Service Road to connect Roads 1125 and #29, if an ov.arpass were not built on County Road #29, at the St. Thomas Expressway. IT WAS AGREED TO request the MTC to present an updated report on their Highway Planning in the area at the next meeting. A RESOLUTION was read from the Village of Dut1~on, accepting the county plan of joining Roads 1#8 and 1115 in Dutton. ACQlJISITION OF WASTE DISPOSAL SITES throughout the County were discussed and the Engineer instructed to proceed to asce1rtain if certain sites might be available. THE MEE.TING ADJOURNED for lunch. AFTER LUNCH CORRESPONl)ENCE WAS READ from the MfC reconunenlding parking restrictions at Avon on the County Roads. "'MOVED BY: SEe ONDED BY: B . LYLE R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ~rHAT PARKING BE RESTRICTED ON THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY ROAD NORTH OF ROAD 1#37 IN AVON AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MTC. CARRI1~Dtt t"MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON A. MISKELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A cB~~. LAW BE PASSED RE:.,;i 1\ ICTING PARKING ON ROAD 147 IN AVON ON THE WEST S'IDE OF ROAD 11.47 FOR ~.rKOXlMATELY 200 Fl~ET SOUTH OF ROAD IF 37. CARRIED" THE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to summarize the rl!plies on overnight parking on County Roads and report at the next meeting. ST. THOMAS~, ONTARIO, JULY' 26, 1973. PAGE 4, 1973. THE ENGINEER RE,PORTED THAT progress was being made in the receipt of information regarding building adjacent to County Roads. l-m... P. O. ,PATTERSON'S LETTER regarding the assumption of roads as county roa.ds, namely, the road between S:pringfield and Ti11sonburg, and the road from Highway No. 4 to White g,tation was read and discussed. THE, ENGINEER STATED he would provide a report later in the year concerning the assumption of roads in the St. Thomas area. THE ENGINEER ALSO REPORTED that information had not as yet been received from the City of St. Thomas for the completion of the Regional Roads Report.. THE ENGINEER WAS REQUESTED to present a revised 3- Year Construction :Program and by September, a list of machinery to be tendered for, to be delivered in 1974. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK A. MISKELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO 10:00 A. M. August 16, 1973. CARRIED"t ~ ) (JA ~ ~~ ..;> ~ jlJ GAiJlGl UISuUNCl COMPAlllSON ~ ~ l. Dun,,1.cn fa~rs 14utual f1.re lnsurance Covet: age - $8,000.00 --------------------------- Wind ~s~ $80.00 ~ $92.00 2.~C!l~ C!lverage ._ $&.000:00 Actual Casn Value. lstended c()veUge 1.nclud1.ng W1.nd and l4a\1.c1.()us ACts $ .~4.!!2 f!! \l\\l'tt~ l.~ C!lverage _ $200.000.00 ~eplacement C!lst and stated alllDunt Ba 51. s . 1. nc 1 udes 1'. stended C!lverage. w1.nd and l4al1.c1.!lUS ActS 2. 'farlllDuth fa~rs}1Utua 1 . ~uJV \~ rtl---~ ~- $44.80 ~ $385.00 ~ l.llS~Y. CO~pJ>.1t1.S0~ - C()lltll\\l!tl- C(1Jtn1 01 t.\.G1.l\' G~Y. \.913 - pt.GY. '2 ~ ~sY.tn ~1.'tf. S'tA'tlO~ GAP!E.f. \.. I,:an'l. Co>l1!,n ~ h 'l \.ue ,o.tn elttended ~. $15,000 Actua\. caS a Co"e,:a&e .. ..... \.iC.iOUS Acts di 1Ainv an'" ~~ c.o"e,:a&e inc.\.u n& tu dio 'to~': fa\.\.in&) .-..---. \la_d Ye'ti\.s'-l'9. ~;'2.5.00 4;. 00 t.~t'ta ~ ~510.00 '2.~ p,:esent co"e,:a&e - ~15,OOO -...............-.....-... ..............-................... ----...-.---..-.-....--. '2.;0.00 ~ $360.00 1Aino, ... ~15,000 ~ \..~ p,:esent co"e,:aie · $\.0,000 1AinO ........-...-.-- _......-...--~...--------- ...-.....-..-...--....-.... -.... $ 33.00 \4.00 ..--::--- $ 51.00 $\.43.00 $'2.5,000 ----...--.---...---- ------------ co"e-rale at '2.~ . Co"e,:aie · $'2.5,000 ~ind & ~\.ic.ioUS ActS \.15.00 t.lttended Co"e,:a&e · \.~ ~ ---..--- $6.000.00 .-.........-..-.-- --..-.--..-......... ~ind -------.....- $ 20.0.0 ~ $32.00 ~t $8,000.00 -....-.-.--....--.---- 4'2. . 50 . -------- $ 44.80 '2. ~. $8,000 _ t.lttended c.o"e,:aie, etc.. st. t\low.s, ONt~ 10, JULl 11, 1973. PAGE 1. tlU!. COUNt1 Of t.LG lN v.()lI1) COMMlttl'.E met at the CoUTt \louse, St. tho\'ll3 5, on Ju\Y \\, \913, at \0,00 ~. ~. ~LL "IlE~'ilS ~ pPJ!.St.Nt t.XCU't Ut.vt..S lleKiHo'P and CaveT\Y' tlU!. lfl.llUti'$ Of tlU!. l4EEt1NG Of JUNE 1,1" \913, ",eTe Tead and a'P'PToved. tlU!. l'.NG1NEl!.i- UpOi.tl'.tl on tne lIOTI.<. to date as fo uo"s' GTadins, GTave\\inS, and c\eanu'P WOTI.<. lIOu\d be co~\eted by tne .. ,," A/.I. tne Toad would also be 'PTitned and SUTface \fee~en"on p'oa" 11"......... \.. tTeated as soon as 'Possib\e. GTadi ng, :P\acetnent 0 f sand ~ase, ane cu \ veTt lIOTI.<., ",as undeT",a Y on 2. 3. v.e'PaiU naG been co~\etee to tne \laTd' 5 ~TiGSe on v.oad jt38 anG tne load \imit Tetl\Ovee. lloTe lIOTI.<. Te\'ll3inee at tates anG 'da\l.<.eT ~Tidges but lIOTI.<. baG been 4. sus'Pended foT tne titne being. 5. Sotne ,\utnbiUS and l'.\ectTic,a\ lIOTI.<. '1135 continuins on the GaTase. cuTb ane Guttd lIOTI.<. '1135 continuing on RoaG jt1.0 atl'OTt Stan\ey. ~ connection lIOu\d be \'ll3de between tne county Road and the Kins' 5 ~.41 _f Po~t Stanley at 6. \lign'll3Y No. ~, on GeoTSe StTeet, foT tne V~lLage an est i\'ll3Ud co st 0 f $\,000 to tne V i\ \aSe. lt bad been foune tnat tne outlet of the tlTain on tne JosephSt~eet v.oad jt~O at llount Salem. 7. \li\\ on Road jt1.3 in 1'0Tt Stan&eY, ",as not lIOTl.<.ing. ~ ne'" outlet along Nain StTeet in the vn\age bad been 'PTO'POseo. the countY lIOU\O do the lIOTI.<. (esti\'ll3UO cost of $6,500) foT the village. the countY would conUibuU $\,500 to'll3TO tne cost of the I>nin as theiT sbaTe of the outlet cost. the village also Te~uesteO the County to \001.<. ~h Vi" e to fta~ the entiTe cost. afteT the pavins of Naill StTeet. · e ..ag r , $T. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JULY 11, 1973. PAGE 2 8~ Walmsley lh:othen were making good progress with Rot Milt Paving having completed work on Roads #40, 42, 45, and 49. Work would be completed by the weekend on Road 152 anG the l'lalahide~south Dorchester 'townline, east of springfield. 10. 'the tWO new Backhoes had been delivered anG the IllOwers were 9. surface 'treatment work was continuing with priming work now underway. expected ShoTt1Y. 11. 'trimming work on Road #36 woulG resume shortlY. 12. Mr. non RyckDan had received the contract for the Straffordville 13. Motorcyclists were using the culvert at Salter Gully but no damage D'Tain and was at ~T\<.. 14. It appeared that the sanitary Sewer 'tender in Rodney, would not waS appaTent. close before August 9th, and that little work would be~done before August 30th, thus urban work planned for Road 13 and 14 in Rodney would have to be postponed until 1914. Work on Road #3. south of New GlasgoW would alsO have to be postponed as no dirt for shoulders would be available. "'MOVED BY: SECONDED 'BY: 'tl\ll.'t 'tRE fOLLOW1NG PAYLlS'tS l\1!. Al'fB,OVED fOR PAYMENt: B. LylL D. COOK l'AYLlS't #20 AMO\lNtlNG 'to $ 25.0n.:n l'A YLlS't 4121 AMO\lNtlNG 'to $ 29, 198 · 48 PAYLlS't #22 AMO\lNtlNG 'to $ 26,193.86 PA'fLlS't #23 AMO\lNtlNG 'to $202,899.44 CARRIED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, JrtJLY,11, 1973. :F~ AGE 3'. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from the following: (a) The Minister of Labour stating that the new Construction Safety Act would be effective on August 1, 1973. (b) Petrofina Canada stating that gasoline prices wouldl be increased 4~(: per gallon and diesel fuel prices 4(: per gallon on August 1, 1973. (c) Township of S'outhwold enclosing copies of letters from Westminster and Delaware Townships advising that the township ~rou1d not bear the added costs of Maintenance and Construction on the Southwo1d-Delaware- Westminster Townline if a garbage disposal site was, licensed in Southwold. (d) Ontario Hydro regarding preliminary studies regarding the location of Nant:Lcoke Transmission Line between London and Nanticoke. (e) MI'C stating that Highway No. 74 would be resurfaced and improvements made to County Road #52 intersection with Highway No. 74. (f) Ml'e stating that Highway No. 4 in Port Stanley would be rebuilt and improvements made with the intersection of County R.oad IJ23 and Highway No.4. (g) Department of Justice advising that construction of a new Police College is scheduled to start in March 1974. (h) Resolution of the Township of Bayham requesting improvements on Road #38 between Highway No. 3 and Highway No. 19. (1) mc stating that the Traffic Count at the intersection of County Road 1F45 and Highway No. 4 did not warrant improvemient, to the intersection. The Committee requested the Engineer to approach th.e MI'C to see, ~if the 40 milel; per hour speed zone on Highway No. 4 could be extended to tbe south of Road #45 intersection. ST. T\\QMAS ~ ONTARIO. JULY 11, 1973. PAGE 4. (j) ~C fro$ Mr. P. D. Patterson stating: 1. 'that the Yart\\Outh 'township Road fro$ Highway No. 4 to the 2. 'that the road between sprtngfield and 'tillsonburg did not County Garage $et the warrants of a County Road. $eet the .,arrants of a County Road. 'tenders for Sanitary Sewers in Rodney would not close until $id August and therefore. the contractor would do very little" worlt. if any. be fore the end 0 f October. 't\u1 s it would be itll'Po s sib le to re- 'tRE ENGINEER REPOR'tED that construct County Roads #3 and #4 in Rodney this fall. He recommended that Road #3 be repaved from the South Vle$ing Creelt Bridge to Wardsville ~th granular paving wnere necessary. Re alsO presented the attached revised estimates. ttMOVEU B"i: SECONDED BY: 'tRA't 'tRt UVISED BunGE't t>S ~N'tED BY 'tRt ENGINEER (JIl L Y 11) BE AnOt'tE\'), AND 'tRtENG INttR BE AU'tRORIZ\!.D 'to CALL VOR Rat Ml1t .t'AVING 'tENDUS ON COUN'tY ROAD f3 'FROM 'tRtCOUN'tY BOUNDARY SOU't\\tR1.Y 'to 'tRt SOU'tR tlEMING CREEK BR1DGE. A. MISKELL"! J. B. WILSON CARRIEDtt Cotll'Pany had increased their rate to ~3.00 per thoUSand for three (3) years for Vire Insurance on the Rodney Garage. and that the rate fro$ Vranlt Cowan 'tRt ENGINEER Ul'OR't1!.ll that the Dun~ch Va1'tll0rs Mutual Insurance Cotll'Pany Lindted. .,as $1.80 per thOUSand. 'the Engineer was authOrized to obUin Insurance on the Rodney Garage from Vranlt Cowan Cotll'Pany Limited. ttMOVED BY: ,SECONDED BY: 'tRA't 'lit AnJOURN 'to JIlLY 26. 1973. at 10:00 A. M. IA. MISKELL"! B. LylE CARRIED" :).~- .-- 'to 'tllE wAllDEN AND MEMBERS OF 't\\E ELGIN COUNt"! COUNCIL: y~ B.OAD coMMl'\"tEE BEGS 'to BE POR't /IS FOLLOWS: Ijy~~ v 51:. 1\iOMAS, ON't Alt 10, JUNE SESSION, 1973. 1. Wet ~atheT has delayed ne~ gTading WOTK and the cOlllP1eti?n of WOTK fTOIll last yeaT. 2. Pa~ing by Wa111ls1ey BTotheTS Lilllited is unde~yon County Road #40. 3. The neW GaTage at White Station is expected to be in use by the end of the IIlOnth. All Of Which Is B.espectfU11Y Sublllitted, C\\A11.lMAN f- ryvrYl .; \.i ..1 ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE , .. JULY 3. 1973 Original Proposed Budget Opera t ion. Budaet Ju1v/73 Bridges & Culverts - $15,000 $ 15 ~ 000 V Winter Control - 90,000 70,000 I Road 140 Maintenance - 90,000 ) ) 225,000 Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing - 62 , 000 ) Surface Treatment - 25,000 25,000 Gravel Resurfacing - 23,000 20,000, Repairs to Pavements - 30,000 30,000 Maintenance of Grav1el Roads - 13,000 14,000 Roadside Maintenance - 10,000 16,000 Dust Control - 28,000 26,000 Weed Contro 1 - 21,000 21,000 Tree Cutting - 15,000 15,000 Pave..nt Marking - 12,000 12,000 Guiderails - 10,000 10,000 Signs - 20,000 15,000 Drainage - 10,000 15,000 Tree Planting - 2,000 1,000 Railroad Protection - 13,000 13,000 Drainage Assessment - 8,000 6 , 000 - Sub-Total - $497,000 $549,000 Urban Rebates - 34,000 34,000 Total - $531,000 $583,000 ~ 11!~ r fiV l/W COUNTY OF ElGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 CONTINUED PAGE 2 ST. THOMAn SUBURBAN ROAD MAINTENANCE Operation Proposed Original Budget Budget Julv/73 $1,000 $ 1,000 8,000 8,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 1,500 1,500 3,500 3,500 10,000 '10,000 $33,000 $ 33,000 Bridges & Culverts Winter Control Roadside Maintenance Hardtop Maintenance Loose Top Maintenance Safety Devices Overhead COUNTY ~~CE~~ , Garages White Station $30,000 30,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 7,500 7,500 29,300 29,300 21,500 21,500 12,000 12,000 4,000 4,000 7,000 7,000 2,000 2,000 2,700 2,700 29,500 29,500 40,000 40,000 18,000 18,000 5,500 5,500 10,500 10,500 500 500 - 2,500 2,500 Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Superintendence Clerical Insurance for Subsidy Machinery Overhead Office Medical Radio Pensions Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits Unemployment I.C. o. H. 1. P. Needs Study Update Traffic Count Training Courses Overhead Credits 7,500 CR. 7,500 CR $223,000 $223,000 COUNTY OF Et&lli...J()AD BUDG~T - 1 Q1~ ST. THOMAS ROAD COMMISSION Original Proposed Budget Ooeration Bud~et Julv/73 Surveys - $2,000 $ 2,000 Land Purchase - 5,000 5,000 $7,000 $ 7,000 COUNTY Surveys, Etc. - $8,000 $ 10,000 Land Purchase - 35,000 40,000 New Machinery - 38,000 28,000 White Station Garage - 175.000 210,000 Clean UD Old Work GC 16 - Road 12 - 15,000 15,000 /' GC III - Road #13 - 7,000 7 , 000 ' GC 113 - Road #14 - 10.000 10,000 GC 124 - Road #16 - 10,000 10,000 GC 118 - Road #20 - 20,000 20,000 GC #4 - Road #36 - 50,000 42,000 GC #10 - Road #42 - 30,000 25,000 New Work GC #12 - Road 144 - 50,000 50,000 GC #23 - Road #40 - 200,000 185,000 GC #1 . Road #3 New G ta sgow . 75,000 6,000 GC #20 .-Road #3 Rodney - 70,000) ) 6,000 GC #19 - Road #4 Rodney . 65.000) - Road 13 A1dborough 142,000 CUDITS Sales Tax - 10,000 10,000 Cr. Machine Rental . 10,000 10,000 Cr. Stock - 20,000 20,000 Cr. 818,~OO $766,000 (;,grI'INUED - PAGE 3 90N"tlN11!P - cO\lllT'l 0' ELGIN R@ BUDG'J - 1973 ..:: -- --- .,,"""" .-- .- - T q ,1 A, L~ .....- p~oposed O~iginal Budget Qp.erat;}on ~~9:e~ ~ County Road Maintenance $531,000 $583,000 Suburban Road Maintenance - 33,000 33,000 County ~erhead - 223,000 223,000 Suburban construction - 7,000 7,000 CountY construction 818,000 766,000 Machinery Rentals - ----' .,....-- $1,612,000 $1,612,000 --. "" ~ .....-= j o1r 00/ ~~ PAGE 4 ~ i'" I ~cff;~ ~~ COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE JULY 3. 1973 Original Proposed Budget Operation Budaet Ju1y/73 Bridges & Culverts - $15,000 $ 15,000 Winter Control - 90,000 70,000 Road 140 Maintenance - 90,000 ) ) 225,000 Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing - 62,000 ) Surface Treatment - 25,000 25,000 Gravel Resurfacing - 23,000 20,000 Repairs to Pavements - 30,000 30,000 Maintenance of Gravt!l Roads - 13,000 14,000 Roadside Maintenanc4! - 10,000 16,000 '" Dust Control 28,000 26,000 - .. Weed Control - 21,000 21,000 Tree Cutting - 15,000 15,000 Pavement Marking - 12,000 12,000 Guiderai1s - 10,000 10,000 Signs - 20,000 15,000 Drainage - 10,000 15,000 Tree Planting - 2,000 1,000 Railroad Protection - 13,000 13,000 Drainage Assessment - 8,000 6,000 Sub-Total - $497,000 $549,000 Urban Rebates - 34,000 34,000 Total - $531,000 $583,000 A \ 90UNTY OF ElGIN ROAD BUDGET - 1973 CONTINUED - PAGE 2 ST. TlIOMAD SUBURBAN ROAD HAINTENANCE Proposed Original Budget Bud"et Julv/73 - $1,000 $ 1,000 8,000 8,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 1,500 1,500 3,500 3,500 10,000 10,000 $33,000 $ 33,000 ... COUNTY MAI"~ANANCE Qoeration, Bridges & Culverts Winter Control Roadside Maintenance Hardtop Maintenance Loose Top Maintenance Safety Devices Overhead _ $30,000 Garages White Station 4,000 4,000 7,500 Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Superintendence ,_ 29,300 21,500 12,000 Clerical lnsurance for Subsiely Machinery Overhead 'Office ,- 4,000 7,000 M.dica 1 2,000 2,700 Radio Pensions 29,500 40,000 18,000 5,'00 10,500 Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits Unemployment I.C. O. H.. 1. P. Needs Study Update 500 Traffic Count . 2, 500 Training Courses Overhea~ Credits 7,500 CR. $223,000 30,000 4,000 4,000 7,500 29,300 21 , 500 12,000 4,000 7,000 2,000 2,700 29,500 40,000 18,000 5,500 10,500 500 2,500 7,500 CR $223,000 POUtfI..Y OF E~IN ROAD lIJDGET - 1..2lJ . ST. THOMAS ROAD COMMISSION Ooeration Proposed Original Budget Bud~et Ju1v/73 - $2,000 $ 2,000 5,000 5,000 $7,000 $ 7,000 Surveys Land Purchase COUNTY Surveys, Etc. - $8,000 $ 10,000 40,000 Land Purchase - 35,000 New Machinery - 38,000 28,000 White Station Garage - 175.000 210,000 Clean Uo Old Work GC 16 - Road 12 - 15,000 15,000 GC III - Road 113 - 7,000 7,000 GC #13 - Road #14 - 10,000 10,000 GC #24 - Road 116 - 10,000 10,000 GC 118 - Road 120 - 20,000 20,000 GC #4 - Road #36 - 50,000 42,000 GC #10 - Road #42 - 30,000 25,000 New Work GC #12 - Road #44 - 50,000 50,000 GC 123 - Road #40 - 200,000 185,000 GC #1 · Road #3 New Glasgow - 75,000 6,000 GC #20 '. Road #3 Rodney - 70,000) ) 6,000 GC 119 - Road II. Rodney - 65~00O) - Road #3 A1dborough 142,000 CREDITS Sales Tax - 10,000 10, 000 Cr. Machine Rental - 10,000 10,000 Cr. Stock . 20,000 20,000 Cr. 818,~OO $766,000 ~1Ql1rINUED - PAGE 3 cotrrl~D sO\!N't'l 01' ELGIN tlOADBUllGE't_- 1111-- ---- TotALS .---..-' ,,,,,,,, ,~ Original proposed Budget QPera~ ~ud9.~ _ JuJ:1l11 County Road Maintenance $531,000 $583,000 suburban Road Maintenance - 33,000 33,000 Count"! Overhead ... 223,000 223,000 Suburban construction ... 7,000 7,000 Count"! construction B18,000 766,000 Machinery Rentals - - - $1,612,000 $1,612,000 --- lAGE J! 5T. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JUNE 11, 1973. PAGE 1. THE COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTEE met at the Court House at 10: 00 A. M. on Monday, June 11, 1973. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT REEVES Caverly, Lyle, and McKillop. AlSQPRESENT was Mr. Frank Clarke of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. THE MINtJTES OF THE MEETING of May 10, 1973, were read and approved. THE ENGINEER REPORTED on the work to date as follows: 1. Rece.nt wet weather had held up the starting of grading on Road 1144. 2. Some trim work had been done on Road #16 at the Port Talbot Culverts, but, that too, had been stopped by the wet weather. 3. Calcium Chloride application had been completed b,t a great amount of it had been lost to the rain. 4. That Garage construction was'continuing with the building ready to be occupied by the end of the month. Costs fot' construction and equipment were expected to overrun the estimatEts by approximately 12% or to $200,000 in total. 5. Gravelling was still to be done on Road 137. 6. Storm Drain work for the Village of West Lorne had been completed for the time being. 7. A Drain had been comp leted on Road #23, _ (Joseph Street HilL:,) in Part Stanley. 8. Repairs were to be made to the Roloson Bridge on Road #38 when the high water subsided. 9. Repairs were being made to Tates and Walker Bridges over the Thames River. 10. Pavement Marking was nearly completed for the time being. 11. Surface Treatment work would start next week. st. t\\0MAl> , Ol\'IAlI-l0. JUNE 11, 1913. PAG~ 2. 13. the ASllha1t 1'ave1llBnt would have to be Te\\lO"ed fTO\l\ tne 1inl;al v,Tiol;e on'Roae *16 ane TellaiTS _de to tne Dec~' GTass cutting _s undeTwaY. No fuTtheT infoT_tion waS a"ailaD le on t\le RodneY SeweT s,stell\. \2. \4. ..-gO'ltlll v,'lt 11. COOK sY,OONllt.D V,'h A. }(lSl!.1!.LLl tllAt tl\\!. tOLLO..rLNG ACC(llllttS y,t. A1'l'ltO'ltD 1()1!. 1'A'fI\\!.Nt ~ l'AYL1St i17 ~Ntl~ to $28,772.40 l'AYL1St .18 ~OUNtlNG to $26,391.04 1'A1L1St *19 ~NtlNG to $76,926.28 cAJJ.1.El)" tl\\!. 1!.lJl';lllf,t.R 'B1!.1'()1!.tYJ} tllAt ~ ( 1) 't-t.. 1l1i ni stTY 0 f t TanstlOTu,t ie)n & CotlllllUnicat ionS had beeft TequesteO to ll"Coville a :s;e.pott on tne lnteTSection of tload*37 ano .47 at Mon, (2) that \4.T. 1'. D. l'atteTSOn, 0 f the }(tC, wou1e vieW tne Road bet ween tillsonbUTg ano Sl'Ti~field on June 15th. 'that tne Chai"tll\lln and tWO ~eTS of t\le ontaTio 11ue CUTed tobacCo llaT~eting v,oaTO had \l\et witn \teeve \4.is\l.e11Y and Qill\self anO that tneTe hae been ..gTee1llBnt to diveTt \\lOst of the tTaffie fTO\l\ the A,111lBT ~aTeboUse 1'..T~tt\g Lot on to t.l\1\ StTeet NoTth, TatheT than v,eeeh StTeet. t\le County h..d agTeeO to eTect so1llB guiOeni1 along the edge (3) (4) of the 'toad. that tu, f t ie counts ta\l.en by the }(to, in 1972, on va"CiouS TO..ds inteTseetinl; the \U.ngs \\ighw..'s, hall been tOT_Tded to the Reeves of the 1II\lnicill..lities. that ueneheS had been dug to diScOUT..ge tTeSllassing b, DUne_V,ul;gieS at the CountY's 1'leasant V..l1eY 1'it llTOpeTt,. (5) 5:1:. 'tHOMAS, ONtARIO, JUNE 11, 1973. PAGE 3. (6) tbat be bad met ~itb RobeTt Jobnson ~bo owned a cottage on (7) that a pTeliminaTY TepoTt in conlunetion ~tb ~T. L. D. Rouse, would be made to tbe Elgin Planning BoaTd, on SanitaTY Land Vill Road i3 at Ne~ G1asio~. (8) that Sales tax consultant Limited, had staTted tbeiT WOT\<' SiteS in the county. cQP.Y.ESPQNDENCE WAS READ VROM tRE VOLLOWING: (a) MinistTY of tTanspoTtation and communicatiOns stating tbat tbe waTTantS foT SignalS at tbe inteTsection of county Read i45 and Rigb~aY No.4, weTe not met. tbe EngineeT stated be bad (b) MinistTY of tTansP9Ttation & co~nicatiOns stating tbat signS indicating Long point, Si1llCoe, etc., 1olOuld not be eTected by tbe bftC at tbe inteTSection of Rigbway No. 19 and County Road i45. Tequested fUTtheT infoTmation. (c) ontaTio Provincial police advising that accident TepoTtS on County (d) City of St. thomaS stating that MT. W. E. Rowe had been appointed to tM St. tbomas SubUTban Road Co_ssion foT anotheT 5_yeaT teT1l\' Roads woulG be fOTwaTded to tbe County. (e) MinistTY of tTanspoTtation & co~nications stating that any pOTtion of County Read i26 and i52 TelocaUd foT the St. thomaS ExpTesswaY ConstructiOn would be Tepaved. (f) Local GoveTnment Study committee stating tbat tbe CountY and City EngineeTS haG been TequesteG to submit an:epoTt on tbe costs, and benefitS of a Regional Road system. (g) townshiP of Malahide and LounsbeTTY Realty, as\<ing appToval foT naming the Toad between Lots i17 and i18, concession 1, SilveT CTee\< Road. tbe Committee felt tbat all costs ineuTTed should be at tbe expense of LounsbuTY Realty. s't. 'tHOMAS, ONtARIO, JUNE 11, 1973 · PAGE 4. (b) Townsbip of Soutbwold zonin& By-Law for a sunoco Distribution (i) Township of Yarmouth zoning By-Law for a short-te~ Trailer Camping Ground on Road i45 near players Bridge. Reeve Cook stated that Centre on Righ~a1 No.4. (j) Province of Ontario -.tith a draft of the neW Construction Safety Act he thought the By- Law would be withdrawn. and correspondence from A. C. C. R. O. T\\E ENGINEER STATED that he had viewed several reCluestB for bunding sites adjacent to county roads, and read correspondence from the Township of SQuthWOld protesting tbe need for the approval from the County Engineer before a building per1\lit was issued. Tbe II\BtUr was left in abeyance until Reeve Lyle would be in tn\InicipaHties with regard u over-night parking restricti0ns on county roads but councils had not had meetings as yet, and had not replied. The tIlBtter was left T\\E ENGINEER STATED that he had received solll8 replies from local attenda.nce. reCluesting Comaittee support for a service r0ad along the east side of the A l'ETITION from pt0perty owners on County Road #29 was read in abeyance. St. ThotllBs ExpresswaY between Roads #25 and #29. Transportation and Communications had agreed to provide such a service road. 'REEVF. COOK B.EPORTED that he understood that the Ministry of , ' ST. T1.\OMt$, OlftAJ,tl.O, JUNE 11, 1913 · 'PAGE 5. T1:IE 'ENG1.llE'Ell ~Sl1-~Tf;1} a 'Plan joining 1l0ads is and 4!15 which waS .d b'\f the Co-ittee The 'Engineer was instructed to tentativel' a'P'Proveu, -- · obtain the vieWS of the Vinage of llutton Council on the tnatter. ',tMO~'D 1\'l: SEcoNDED 1\1 ~ T\U>.T wt ~JQU1l.~ TO lChOO A.. loi., JUl.'l n, 1973. J. 1\. \4IlS0N A. MISKE 1..1:1 CtJ.Ut1EUt.t S't. 'tll()li\AS, 0~AR1.0. MAY 10, 1973. PAGE \. a.t 10:00 A. M. hLL ~tmll.lI.S ~v.t pJl.tst~ tXctl"! v,eeve Cave-c11. . hL50 nJl.st~ lAAS M-c. 11nn\\. C la -c\\.e 0 f t be }!.i ni st -c1 0 f 't-cans'PO-CU t ion and 't\\1l. C OU~1 011 11.1>> 1. ~ V. oAtl C OMll1. 't't11.11. MIl. 't h't 't 1:\E Cou-ct RouSe, 0 n MaY 10 , 197 3 , Cot(\t1.\Unica.t ions. 't\\1l. 14lb1U't11.S 011 't1:\E MIl.t't1.NG 0 f !\.'P-cil l'ltb and 25tb "e-ce -cead and a'P'P-coved. 't\\1l. 'f. NG 1.ll1!.11.v. ll.11.t>01l.'t1l.D 0 ~ t be o,fO-c\\. t 0 date as fo 11 0" s : . , ,. _~"t: -cuct ion 11 o-ce1ll&n, and senio-c in ee'{llo'Y"'ent 1. 'tbat Leslie 11unne", ~~..-- in tbe countY 0 f 11.1gin v.oad De'Pa-Ct.lllent, bad 'Passed a"a1 since the last meeting. 'tbat wet weatbe-c bad dela1ed ca1ciUlll cblo-cide s'P-ceeding on g-cevel 5. ~oads. 'that cleaning of cu-cb and gutte-cs bad been cOe'{lleted. 'that lesS than 60% of tbe t-cees o-cde-ced f-colll the Minist-c1 of Natu-cal v.esou-cces .bad been-cecei'l1ed, and tbat tbey had been 'Plented. 'that constT6ction of tbe.Ga-cage "as continuing ~tb -coofing of tbe 1II&in '{lo-ction of the Ga-cage c01!lP1eted. 'tbat G-cave1 -cesu-cfacing ~s unde-c"a1 on v.oad *31. that Walllls1e1 ~-cothe-CS o,fOuld begin '{laving in lAest 11.1gin ~thin 6. 2. 3. 4. s. ten dayS. n . .~~, fo-c tbe ~il1aoe of West 1.O-Cne weS unde-c"ay. that St.o-Clll v-ca~n wv'~ D tbat a-c-cangelllentS fo-c const-cuction on v.oad i40 and i44 bad been coe'{lleted and sand 'Pu-ccbased fo-C base. . " ~... ~ ....-coved the site of 'that the tn'l1i-COl\1llenta1 Rea-c~ng "oa-C" ..a" arr L _ _AY\t.inuing. Rodne1 se~ge Lagoon, and tbat design wo-c~ waS that 'Pave1llOnt 1II&-c\\.i ng would su-ct sho-ctl1' 7. 9. 10. 1\. S't. 't\\O~S. olttAR1.0. ~1 ').0, \973. PAG~ '2. tl"tiOV\1.D ~ Y t ~ · \. YlJ!.. SY.CONtlY.l> ~Y t .D. COOR. 't\\b't ~~ 10\.\.0~NG p~y\.1.S'tS ~t. arPRovv,l) fOR p~~ltt t p~y\.1.i;'t i\.4 . ~Oultt1.NG 10 f24. 241.59 p~YL1.S't i\.5 ~\'I.O\lltt1.NG 'to $21.8\.6..;5 p~Y\.1.S'I: i\.6 t-biOUltt1.NG 'to $64.3113.88 C~1Utl~Dn C" .J''' ,,"'AU fll.ol! 't\\l!. fO\.\.OYl1.NGfS c()lll!.1l.Sl'ONtll!;NI> ..- "'" ' . ' ,> '\ ~. tft.....io andfi. \.ed. (0,) 'i\T. C. J ac'l.son. fi n~a.. vn G', · , . b.t<.' no the cottUl'it tee (0) "tiTS. ltuth fTances of ~von. tan 1. " 40_tI\i\.e-peT-hoUT $Onein ~von. , . . ..h' in h .rith $onin~ bY- \..lIS. 'the c angeS 'the 'toW'l\ship o~ YaT\llO\1t __d' > .,ot affect anY county TOaes. zone s W'" ~ }. U. ,,:r. d co~nicatiOns statin~ that 'the ~inistTY of 'tTanspoTtatiOn an t d at the inte1:sectiOn of \\j,gh"'*'Y No. \.9 signs 1IOu\.d be eTec e ' and ltoAd i45. giving eiTectiOns to 'LOng 1'oint, etc. . . i the allaTd of ~spha\.t 'the ~inistTY of 'tTanspoTtatiOn appTOV n~ Pavin~ contTact to Yla\.tI\s\.ey >>TotheTS. ,.. 1.,..1 nO,. f south DOTCheste1: Te~uestin~ t"lle countY to 'the }.o\4ns",.a.r ' the aout"ll D01:chesteT-~\.e"llide- pTOCeed with paving. etc.. on fo't tne (c) (d) (t) (g) 'to\4l\\i.ne. G' 1.,. , o.f Dutton Tega1:din& e f\.ashing \.ig"llt signal ~TS. >>aTbaTa Ta~atl\ · ~he CottUl'ittee felt ~hat a on the cUTve on ltoad 1\.5 in Dutton. \.i~ht 1IOu\.d be of \.itt\.e effect. C'" ef 0 f 1'0 \.ice of Ay\.\IleT. TeC\uesting the J. It. A1:tI\stTong. ~1. 1.,. r\ t 'tio i\.Ue cu'ted " > C. .....ittee Tel\uest t~e "n a . countY 0 f 1!.l\gin >>o-oa" 0- 'tobaCCO ~T'l.eting ~oaTd c"llenge the entTance of the ~y\.tI\llT YlaTe'nOuse 1'. \. at Teet 'the t. n~i neeT ....s Auction bundin~ fTotl\ ~eech StTeet to . tI\ '. . it h the >>o..Td. v.eeve "tih\!.e \\ Y. ..nd the instTucted to set up .. tl\eet1.n~ 11 Chai~n.tO diSCUSS t"lle tl\8.tteT. (g) (n) ST. THOMA~, ONTARIO. MAY 10, 1973. BAllE 3, 1973. THE ENGINEER, WAS INSTRUCTED to obtain reservations from the Roads Transportation ASSOCIATION of Canada Annual Conference in Halifax, in October. INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of Highway No. 4 and Road #45 were discussed. tlMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: D. COOK B. LYLE THAT WE REQUEST THE mc TO INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY NO.4 AND COUNTY.ROAD 1145. CARRIE~DU REEVE McKILLOP REQUESTED that the Engineer obtain from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, traffic counts on varic)Hs township roads intersecting Highway No. 3 which we~e taken by the MTC i~ 19jr2. THE E'NGlNEER REPORTEll that the mc had made revisic>ns to their plans for the channelization work at Ta1botvi11e. These changes wc)u1d enable the County to tie into the mc work when Road /#52 was reconstruc1:ed. THE E,NGINEER fliIli,NTEDa. revised plan and standards for the construction of Road /;52 and /;26 by the me at the St. Thomas Expressway. The Committee approved these revised plans and standard subject to placing of a suitable surface on the roads. OVERNIGHT PARKING ON COUNTY ROADS in urban areas w~~s discussed and the Engineer instructed to ascertain the wishes of the .municipaljlties. THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER AFTER DINNER . UMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: B . LYLE A. MISKELLY THAT WE RECOMMEND TO CtJUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY-LAW BE PASSED APPOINTING ALBERT AUCKLAND1jeT.O BE COUNTY OF ELGINI.S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE' ST. 'l'HOMASSt1BURBJ~N ROAD COMMISSION FOR A 5-YEAR TERM STA!l.T;ItiG JULY 1, 1973. CHAIRMAN" S't. 'tllOlll>.S, om: AlllO. M,t\1 10, 1913. !~Gt 4, 1913. b i ""de to \lave ~'C. 't'611- t.l1G lllE11.ll 1l.t fSR'tE'Il 't\1A't e f fo 'Cts "e 'Ce e ns . . i tions vie" the 'Coad 'f the ~iniSt'CY of 't~ansllO'CtatiOn and cotDlll'1n ea . Pete~ Patte~Son 0 'i if it eet countY 'Coad standa'Cds bet~en 'tillsonbu'CS and Sll'Ci.sfield to asce'Cta n o't not. 't'611- t.1!lGl}$iR ?\l.ES11.m:t.ll the attacheo 'Cec01llll\&noatiOns fo'C tt:Uc~ing and ""chine 'Centa1 -cateS fo'C 1973. tll!Q'llll ~'h J. ~. 'illLSOl!l St.COlUlf.t) 1\'h ~. 1.'llJ!. '.' . ." . '" ~l!l'IlA'tlOl!lS f'OR ~lllllE 1lJ>'t11.S ~'t ::_~l~~~:~~'tES tOR 1973.1\11. AC~'Il. cABlll'ED,t c~S'Ol!l'llt.l!lCt. 'ilAS lEAD f'Coe the Otte'C ~alley NotO'Ccycle Club ." .' th'CouSh the CountY' s Pleasant ~alley G'Ca'i/61 pit 'Ceq.uestini lle'CeiSSion to llass - 'the t.niinee'C 'CellO'Cud t ~fl.:~a thei'C c'Coss-count'CY eQto'CCycle ,aces. ll'Co'l'e'C Y ....~.... . ' \lad colii\' lained to hilll t\lat ll\).lle;;' 1\usSY O'l'e'Cato'Cs liIe'Ce that su'C'Counding neighbOU'C's . . . ti 0 a distu'Cbance to 'Ct~ 1lIithout 'l'e'Cei.SS~on an" c'Cea no using the county 'I''Colle 1 adjaCent 'I''Co'l'e'Cties' AY'tiR Dl$C1lSSl0l!l · ..~Q'ftD \\'l t J. 1\. '\I11$Ol!l . $i.COlUlt.D 1\'l t l\.. \4lSJ.t 1.1. 'l . . . . . . . . CtE'Il 'to 'tAlG'- teAS1J1l.ll.S 'to 't\1A't 't\\l!. f.l{Gll!l1!$R 1111. ll!lS'tllU . 'lllllC1J.S Ol!l 't'611- cOUm:'l $'t01' ~Sl'ASSll!lG ~ !.<;;!i~fll1.ar t?& COl!lct.SSlOl!l tv, plRJlSAl!l't ~ A1.1. 'll't ~ ....,,"~ ., . ' 'l~'tll 'to'lJl!l5111l'. cAiJ.lIE.D ,1 ~nicillal 'Coads ..s diScUssed and it "as be given to the 'l'u'Cchase of a 51i1ee'l'e'C "hen ~1'1.l1G Of' C1JR1\ ~ G\l't't\!J\., 1\1l1.tlG11.S, t.'tC., on county and ag'Ceed that conside'CatiOll should funds ~'Ce available. S~. 11:10M1\S, ONtARIO. MAY la, 1973. PAGE 5. stVERAL 1)I!.SIGNS FOR 'tHE ExtENSION OF ROAD #8 'tBROUG1\ 10 ROAD inS in Dutton were reviewed and the Engineer i,nstruc1:ed to complete surveys and to come up with a recommended proposal for the Committeets review. ,'" sE'tBACK OF Jl\lILDINGS, E'tC., FttOM cOUNTY ROADS WAS DISCUSstD and the problems associated with inadectuate setbacks were pointed out by It was felt that closer liaison between the local municipalitieS variouS members. and the county was necessary to prevent future problems involving buildings toO close to the road. B. LyLE it. N.< J 01:1NSt ON 1\MOVED BY: '" SECONDED "BY: 'tllA't WI!. llE.Qll1!.S't 'tHE LOCAL MUNIC11'ALI'tIES 'to FORWARD 'to 'tHE COlliNTY ENGIllEER A CoPY. OF ALl. llE.Q\ll!.S'tS fEll!. BUIlDING ~RM1'tS WI't1\IN 150 FEET OF ,'tHE COll~Y ,ROI-D ANDllE.QUI1.5T 'tllA't NO~RMI't 1ll!. ISSUED UNTIL 't_ APPll.OVAL 011 ,TllE cOlllll'tY IS llECl!iIVED. CARRIED'" "MOVED BY ~ ,SECONDED BY: D. COOK J. B. WlLSON 'tllA't m::. ADJ()ll1Ul 'to JUNE 11't1\ A't 10: 00 A. M. CARRIED'" " c 1iCI~-- CHAIRMAN -- lit ,- 1jJ/~ \ir 0/. '<<>, COUNTY OF EWIN ROAD REPORT MAY'SESSION, 1 9 7 3. TO TilE wARI)EN ANn. MEMllERS OF ELGIN CooNTY COONCIL, .vault ROAD COMHll...E BeCS TO REl'OllT AS I'OLLOWS: f Onta:rio, for. A.sphf,lt hving on various roa!ls, in t.he amount of $Zl8,574, 1. T~t the tender of WalmllleyRrothers Limited, of London, hall been acce.pte!l. The. only other tender received vas from Towland-lIewitsOn, (If Loodon, Ontario, at $261,616.60. Do:rchester .n!l Malahide ($10,950). The wOrk is elCpectedto stat't shortly. Also inc luded in the ten!let' is Wor\< for t~ Townships 0 f South petitiQned to etect traffic sign.Is at the i.ntersectiOn of lIign...y No. 4 \ ;lnd CountY ltoad#45. We elCpect that the MiniStry will con!luct a traffic 2. Tne Ministry of Transport;otion and co~nieations has been stu!ly on the intetseetionto deter1!line the nature of imprOVelllentsand controls needed. County' S representative on the St. Thoroas subut'ban Road Cotllllission, for a 1. That a. By-La... be passed te-appointing Albert Auckland as the WRECOMMEND : fiv.e-year tem starting July 1, 1973. All of Which is Respectfully 'Sublllitted, CHAIRMAN ~A-~-~ COUNTY OF ELGIN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRUCKING RATES - 1973 1971 & 1972 Reccmllllended 1973 TonnaRe Rate Stockpile Under 1 mile 1 - 3 ,miles 4-Mile Average 5-Mile Average 6-Mile Average 7~Mile Average 8..Hile Average 9..Hi.1e Average lO-Mile Average 10 - 20 Mile .Average Over 20 miles .20C .22c .25<; .28c .32c .35c .40 .43c .47c .50c .54(: .57<; .60c .64c .66c .70C .72C .76c .78c .82c · 78C p1us6C per ton mile. 82c plus 6c per ton mile.. 1.38 plus 5c per ton mile. 1.42 plUS 5c per ton mile. Yardage Rates .. l~t times tonnage rates. .~--'~ ~ .... COUNTY OF EJ.GIN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MACHINE RENTAL RATES - 197'3 Bu1ldozers- Allis Chalmers HDl6, HD20, HD2l, Rite. 20.50 21.50 22.50 23.25 Bulldozers-Euclid C6 & 8230 23.50 24.25 Motor Scrapers Allis Chalmers, ete. 22.00 23.00 24.00 24.75 Motor S,eraper E,uclid TS,-14 3/8 cu. yd. Shovel 27.00 28.00 29.00 29.75 ...lOe . 1 O~e .10~e .1O\~ 6.50 7.50 7.50 Loading By the Ton Dragline (Bucyrus-Erie- Watters Bros.) 22.50 23.25 S't. 't\lOMP-S, ON'tARlO, AP'R1L 2.5, 1913. PAGE 1. ~ . ~nri\ 25 \913, 'G' 1:'T'" (!.l'" "0'" CO~1.'t'ti.1!: U\8t at the court "ouse, onr ' 'tl\\\. COUN't'i o. .."" " " "" at 9:00 A. }1. ._ """SY;N't u(%1"t Reeves CavedY and Coo\<.' M..L _l4?>v,1lS ........ l"- ' ' ' d d ~e as attached. ~.... ."," ",?\li>J..'t 1'~V1NG were opene an we 'tt}ti)\!.RS l"OR pU. ."." "., . .q.\.()V\!.1l \1>1: \1>. L-nL S\!.C 0}ti)\!.1l \1>1: J. \1>. \11. \SON , 'C,,- '..~" 't\'.}ti)v.R Ol" \1~LllSlJ!.1 \1>1\O'tl\\\.1lS L1\41 't\!.Il , 't$'t ';It ~C ....._ .' .,. · 0 V, l" G ~'t Jl. l"OR \lot J:ol\I.~ 1'Jl.V1NG CON'tR~C'tS ~,\1>,C, ',' Of i~ \!ftC. 'tcrri>J.. \1>lbet !/229 , 524 S\l\1>JEC't 'to AP?B.O'l~L ' C1\RRltDtl l)1.Nl\\!.R "",.s served b1 ~t'tv.R U1.~N\!.R ieeve 'todd "as absent. 'tBE Co~1.'t'ti.1!: returned to the court \loUse at to MaY 2. \913, at 9:00 ~. M. 4:00 1'. M. and adiourned ~ COUNTY OF ELGIN !OAD INSPECTION - EAST ELGliN - MAY 2. 1973 Leave Court Rouse at 9:00 A. M. 1. Road 41:28 - Centennial and Elm Street. 2. Road 122 _ Fairview Avenue to Road #24. 3. Road 4!&4 - to Road t~36. 4. Road #36 - Reconstruction 1972. 5. Road 135 - Springwater. 6. Road 145 - to Road 140. 7. Road 140 - Paving 1973. 8. Road ",40 _ not:th of Summet:s Cot:nen - Spdngfield. 9. South Dorchester - Roads (If time). 10. Road #'32 _ Reconstt:uction - 1974, police College, Aylmet:. 11. Road ~53 - Ayl.er. 12. Dinner. 13. Road #40 _ Mount Salem South - Reconstt:uction - 1973. 14. Road #42 - to P.rt Burwell. 15. Sliae -Road 139. 16. completion of Construction east of Port Burwell. 17. Highway No. 19 to Road "45 (Vienna - Road #41). 18. Road #45 _ Paving - Highway No. 19 to Calton" 1973. 19. Road 143 to Road #38. ,/ L'./fvaz-~ ~ p,-h ~ 20. 21. 22. 23~ 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. COUNTY OF ElGIN ROAD: INSPECTION - EAST ELGIN - 6SNTINUED - PAGE 2 Road IJ8 - Highway No. 3 to S,traffordvi11e. Straffor:dville Municipal Drain Project. Road 4138 - to Norfolk County Line. East E:den Bridge. Acacia Bridge. Tillsonburg - Baldwin Street Extension. Dereham -Bayham- Townline to Road 146. Road 144 - Construction between Road 146 and Highway No.3. Bayham-D'ereham Towrtline extension to Springiield. Road /152 to Road 1/30. Patterson Culvert. Replacement of Carr's Bridge. Reconstruction of Roads li31 and 1152. Route o.f St. Thomas Expressway and Railway By-Pass. Return to Court House. , ,/--/2' I vCtUfi - /1/&~ I/4A~ COUN'Il OY !ow!! ~'l Of 'tf.Nt>ERS fOJl. ASPHAL't PAV1~ ~al.sleY ~TOs. Ltd. i.. i.. 4tS, ~ 'tO~land-~e~tson eonstTuctiOn P. o. i\o)t 28\5, ~ ~ $ 15,307.70 $14,30B.OO $ 30,0\B.40 "A" Po'tt Stan1e, $25,25S.00 $ 88,941.50 "~\' Road .109 !. 152 $72,270.00 $104,699.50 lie" Road i 100 !. i 102 $86,078.00 $ 8,915.00 ~ "n" i.oad. 145 $ 7,920.00 $ 13,7314.50 'lE" i.oad. · \. \. $12,740.00 "i" !load. i 3 tlOTchesteT 'town1ine $10,950.00 ~ $229,524.00 $ 13,4140.00 :.------- $275,056.60 ;,.",...-- ---- \t(;" ~lahide south y;//} ~/ I / ' '- ,---- l~ ~~~~ {(k~, ~ \... ---.., 90UNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMITTli!. INSPECTION OF WEST ELGIN APRIL 25. 1973. Leave CouTt House at 9:30 A. M. Highway No. 4 and Road #45 intersection. County GaTage Inspection. POTt Stanley. Road #23 _ Joseph Street Hill - Storm Drain. Road #20 _ Carlow Road Extension - 1973. Road #20 - Finga1. Road #16 _ Port Talbot - Cotnplete construction. Wallacetown _ Highway No. 3 to New Glasgow. Road #3 _ Construction - Highway No. 3 to Lake Erie - 1973. Road #3 _ via Township Road to Clachan - Dinner. Road #6 to Road #3 _ Resurfacing, Repairs ,and Reconstruction fTom WaTdsvi lle "to HighwaY No. 401. Construction _ Rodney - Road #4(Queen Street West). _ Road '3 Furnival Road South. _ Road #2 to West Lorne - Cleanup 1973. _ Dutton _ Extension of Road #15 to Road #8 by Diversion. Completion of Road #13 - Dutton. _ Road #14 _ Cotnpletion of Road #14 from Road" #13 to Iona Station. Road #14 _ Resurfacing - Iona Station to HighwaY No. 3 . , (tentative 1974). Highway No. 3 to Talbotville - Channelization and traffic signals. Road #52 to Road #25 - Route of St. Thomas Expressway. _ Road #25 to Road #26 (St. George Street). _ RetuTn to CouTt House. / COllNTY OF ELGIN {Jfi~ / ~ )P 1\1 JP~~J,/.J~('v., I' f!/ ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT April. 1973. To The Warden and Members of the Elgin County.Council: Your Road Commit'ee Begs to Report as Follows: 1. Good progre~s continues to be made on the construction of . the County Garage at White's Station. A portion of the roofing will be done next week. 2. Two Tractors and Mowers (John Deere Model 301) have been purchased with two (2) County Tractors as trade-ins. Two Tractor-Backhoes (John Deere Hoelel 310) have be!en purchased with two (2) County Tractor Backhoes astrade-:lns. The tractors were purchased from the low bidder. Renash Tractor and Equipment Limited of Lambeth. 3. Tenders have been ealled for approximately 28,000 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt Paving. Major items include the resurfacing of Road 140 between Highway No. 3 and Mount Salem in Malahide Township and Road 145. between Highway No. 19 and Calton in Ba~,ham Township. Also included is work on Road No. 3 in Aldborough Township, R08d#11 in Southwold Township, Road 120 and koad #23 in Port Stanley, and Road 149 anel Road #52 in South Dorchester Township. WE RECOMMEND: 1 ~ That the letter from Mrs. W. H. Evans regardi1rlg the Soutbwo1d zoning By-Law be filed. 2. That the resolution of the Township of Essa r1egarding the lump sum .allotment of. Provincial Road Subsidies be filed. All of Which is Respectfully Submitted. CHAIRMAN 'the C 0IlN't'f 01 t LG lN 1l0AD CO~l't'ttt met at the court \louse on hprn 12. 1973, s't. 't\lOMhS. ONte.1l10. ~1'R1L> 12, 1973. p~GE 1. at 10:00 A.M.. hLL ME~ 'dtJl.\1. pj$stNt except llee"e ~is'l.enY. hLSO pj$stNt waS ~r. 1ran'l. Clar'l.e of the ~inistrY of 'transportatiOn and Co1,t\tt\unicat ions. 't\1.l!. lllNU'ttS of the tneetings of March 3 and March 15 were read and appro"ed. 'tlw. tNG1Nttlt lltPOlt'ttD on the 'llOr'l. to daU as fo 110'115 : sno~ fence had been remo"ed. 1. . 1.""s had been roade to 'truc'l. 132 atld Dri"e Line repairs 2 . txtensl. "e motor repa · 4. d "d #39 and \!.Oad *45 betweetl calton and 5. tarth slides had occurre on ~oa to the \lough Loader. " ,d 'd ""'e stin soft with exunsi"e patching on \!.Oad i3. Gra"el and pa"e roas we. Garage construction was continuing. 3. \\1.gh-waY No. 19. 6. Dust control 'llOr'l. 'llOuld begin about MaY' 13. Speed zone signing was continuing. Pa"etl18nt Mar'l.ing 'llOuld start earlY next month. StOrtll Drain 'llOr'l. in "est Lorne 'llOuld start shortlY, 'tree:Planting 'llOuld start any time. 'tell\'{lOrarY ditching had been done on \!.Oad i32 at the '\lest Brothersl and that a l!;unicipal \l.rain petition had been subtnitUd. 1 1) d JI.2' I. neor 1l0ad +23 had been replaced. h CU "ert on ",oa ,,'" - G radi ng on 1l0ad li 44 ",oU ld start s01l1ll titl18 in MaY' '\Ior'l. could not begin on the sanitary Sewers at 1l0dney ~ch before Sepumber 1. because of titl18 needed for hearings and under cans. 1) d ~I. hod been told that the answer to his water ~r. hc'l.e rroa non ",0 a " ... D problem waS a l!;uniCipa1 \l.rain. 14. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 16. 'the Needs StudY Updave had been sent in and the Road CostS SheetS appro"ed. 'the Co~ittee members were gi"en updated road and bridge listS. 15. S't. 'tROMA.S, ON'tAB.I0. APRIL, 11, 1973. PAGE 2. "~OvE'D B'f: B, LylE SECONDE'D BY: 'D. COOK T\\AT Tl1E 10LL0\I1NG PAYL1STS BE APPROvE'D 1(1ll PA_NT It' " ' PAYL1St illl AMOllNT1NG TO $11,902.07. PAYL1ST #11 AMOUNT1NG TO $ 1>,212.73 PAYL1ST #12 A}!\O\l~lN(; TO $22,1>96.75 PAYL1ST il3 AMOU~~N(; TO $50,070.13 CARRIED'" (a) (0) ontaTio Good Roads Association TegaTdin& ~oad SchoolS. Tbe EngineeT stated tbat t~ emPloyees ~uld attend. ~u. 'l1. 'iI. Evans TegaTding To,,",sbiP of soutb~ld zoning By-law. C(IlllESPGNDENCE WAS ~AD fTO$ tbe fol10win&: !MOVED 1\1: SECON'DE\) 1\t: T\\A't .. lECO-.ND 'to cQ\lll'tY COUllC1L T\\AT TBl!. c()1llU'.SPONDENCK nll~ l\RS. W. \\. KV AllS Bl!. VllE'D. J. 1\. -WILSON i. L'YUt cAlUl!ED" (c) 'townsbip of Essa TegaTding PToviocia1 Road Subsidies. "MOVED 'B1: _S'ECON'DtD 1\1: 'tllA't W\1. RECoMMEND 'to coulrtY c01lNG1L 't\\A't Tl1E lESoUJ'tlOll 01 't\Ut 'to_\\lP Of ESSA lEGAlUllllG PROVlllC1AL ROAD StlBS1'D1ES Bl!. 11lE'D; D. COOK R. N. JORNS'tON CAB.ltl'ED" (d) l'Tovi nce 0 f OntaTio TegaTdi ng hi Ting students foT Planni n& and (e) PTovince of ontaTio TegaTding WinteT 'l1oT~S PTojectS foT 1973_1971>-1975. (f) Mr. and Mrs. BeTt GTeen TegaTding assumPtion of Toad in Bayba$ as a Public A&DinistTatiOn foT the summ8T. County Toad. Tbe lettaT waS filed. (g) ~esolUtion of the 'to,,",shiP of Bayballl TegaTding ditching on ~oad 4t38 at the suaffod,ville Celll8taTY. CbaiTlII&n'DenniS and tbe KngineeT would lII8et at the site to disCUSS the pToblelll. S't. TRO}ll>S, OlrtAltlO. ~A'P1tlL 12, 1973. PAGE 3. (h) 'to,,",shiP of YaT$Puth TegaTding zoning By.laws. 't$ KNG1Bl!.ER stated that no adveTse effectS to the countY would Tesu1t fTO$ TeZOnin&' "~OvE'D BY: B · LylE SEcONDE'D BY: 'D. COOK T\\A't ~oI.n 11lS 3C'tlON BE REUl 01l T$ 10LLO'iI1NG 'DATES: APB.1L 25--S't E1J;lN; w>y 2 - KAS'tE1J;lN lEA V1NG c()Ult't ROUSE, AT 9: 00 A.~. CARRI'Et)n 't$ KNG11l\!.ER lEV1E-'D a pToposed PTOgTa$ of SUTface 'tTeatlll8nt and Rot ~i1t Asphelt Resud~cing foT 1973. Tne WOT~ is to include \\ot ~i1t Asphalt on Road #1>5 ,bet_en 1\ighwaY 1l0. 19 andCalun; ~oad #1>0 between \UghwaY No. 3 and MtlIlnt Sa1e$; and patching on Roads fl>9, f52, #3, #11 and ~23. ..~ovt'D BY: J. B. 'l1lLSON SECONDED BY: ~. N. J01\NSTON T\\A't TRt KNGl1l\!.E~ BE A\l't1\OlllZ!.'DTO CALL 'tENDERS 10ll \\(1t ~11 ASPRAL't PAV1NG AT ~,EST1W>TE'D Q\lANT1'tY 01 28,270 TONS S\lBJlC't ,'to MtC APPROVAL. CARlt1ED" TaR ENGl1l\!.E~ lEPORTE'D that tendeTS foT tTactOTS WIlTe as attached and TecOllllllended the acceptance of the 10'11' biddeT. ..~OVE'D BY: B. LylE SKCONDK'D BY: 'D. COOK 't\\A't W\1. ACCE?t 'taR TENDER 01 lEllt.SR 't"RAC'tOR Ml'D EQ\llP\l&ttt Ll~l'tED A't $13,511.90 (1.NCUJ1l1.NG SAlES TAX) 10ll 'tWO ,,2) JO\\l'l 'DEE~ J1)310 'tRAC'tORS. LOADE~S. Ml'D BAC\Q\oES 'illT\\ 't'ilO (2) Ct.SE 'tRACtORS AS TRADE- 1.NS, S\lBJlCT TO M:LN1.S'tRY Of 'fB.A1lSl'Oll'tA'tlOll Ml'D Co~1l1CAT1.01lS APPROVAL. CARRIEDtIt ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. APRIL 12, 1972. PAGE 4. "MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON J. B. WILSON THAT WE ACCEPT THE TENDER OF RENASH TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT LIMITED, LAHBETH,ONT., AT $6,497.76, (INCLUDING, SAlES ,TAX), FOR. TWO (2) JOHN DEERE JD301 TRACTORS AND MOWERS WITH TWO (2) INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS AS TRADE-INS, ,SU~JECT TO,MINISTRY OF TRANS.. PORTATION APPROVAL. CARRIEDft THE MEETING ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER the County Garage Project was inspected. UPON RETURNING to the Court House tenders for Materjla1s and Supplies were reviewed. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT WE ACCEPT TENDERS FDR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES AND THAT THE ENGINEER BE INSTRUCTED TO rU.l(CHASE MATERIALS AS NEEDED WITH REGARD FOR QUALITY AND PR:rCE. CARRIEI)'t THE ENGINEER REPORTED that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications were in the last stages of the design of channelization of the intersection of Highway No. 3 and Highway No. 4 at Ta1bot"i11e and ~hat some changes had be.en made to accommodate future construction ()n Road 1152. REEVE LYLE REPORTED that some .pposition had been v()iced by garage operators to some 0 f the turning movements at the interse(~tion and the Engineer stated he would bring this to the attention of the MrC. THE COMMITTEE requested the Engineer to ascertain ijE Albert Auckland would continue as the County's representative on the St. '~homas Suburban Road Commission for another five (5) year term. CORRESPONDENCE WAS READ from Mr. Leslie Jones requesting that he might purchase a portion of the property on Road 145 (formerly Siple property) adjacent to his own property. S't. 't1\O~' otttARlO. A:pa1L,12, \.913. PAGE 5. b lcl s the tOpsoil '~'t that the pTOpeTtY should note SO . a _~A iu. e nu~eT of yeaTS' lt waS alsO WOT~ foT indiViduals of tOlO ".....;..es it _s felt that if WOT~ _s clone foT anotb.e't · .~'D BY: 'D. COO\( SECONDE'D BY: J. B. 'l1llS01l T\\AT W\1. ADJOURl'l 'to W-Y lQ't1\ ~'t 10:00 A.~' CA'R'R1'E'D'\ 1;., r ----- ~~~~ . ~ 'IV COONTY OF ElDIN TRACTOR TENDERttA" - 1913 TENDER FaR 2 LOW CENTRE...OF-GRAVIT.Y TRACTORS AND INDU~;TRIAL SIDE MOUNT MOWERS Price - Net aft.erTrade-in' of 2 Count. Tr:,!!,~~t]r~ ~nd include!; ~rovincial S~les Tax. 1. Renash Tractor & Equipment Limited P. O. Box 670. Lambeth. Ontario. John Deere JD301 (Without Rear PrO) $6,497.76 ,'"' James Bennett Motors Limited, vutton, Ontario. Ford 2110~G (Without live pro> & with 6- speed t1:~ans- mission). $6,692.JQ 3. Lyle' Buchner Farmiquipment Limited. 589 Broadway 'Street, Ti11sonburg, Ontario. Massey Fergu!~on Model 20 $7,171.50 4. Ellis Farm Equiplll1ent 'Limited, R. R. 1!7, St. Thomas, Ontario Ford 21122B $7,191.50 5. Lee "Farm Equipment Limited, Rodney, Ontario. Massey Fergu~;on MOdel 20 $7.350.00 6. P1ested Equipment Limited 430 First Street. London, Ontario. Massey Fergu!;on MOdel 20 $9,555.00 COUNTY OF E WIN TRACTOR TENDER "B" - 1973 TENDER FOR 2 T,RACTOR LOADER BACKHOE! P-rice:. -Net after Trade-In of 2 County Tractors and includes. Provincial Sales Tax, l~ Renash Tractor & Equipment Limited, Po 0" Box 670~ l:,ambet.h~ Ontario 20 Jam~5 Bennett Motors Limited, Dutton~ Ontario '1 Londo,n Construction & Farm Equip::nent Limited, R", R.. f{:,!~ Latnb~th~ Ontarlo ~ l&" E lliL s Farm Eq:J1.pm.ent Limited, R ~ P. q. ~f 7 ~ St II Thcir,{tes,l Ontario <) 501 }'ler:,ted Equipment Limited, 430 First Street9 Lw:~ndon" Ontario 0" Lyle Buchner F~rm Fquipmeni- Limited, 589 Broad.~ray II Tillsonburg, Onteric 1~ Lee Farm Equipment, itodney, Ont.ario. John Deere JD310 Ford 4500 Case 580 B Ford 4500 Massey-Ferguson 50A Massey Ferguson 50A Massey Ferguson 50A $13,521.90 $13,856.33 $15,015.00 $16,059.75 $16,275.00 $18,690.00 $18,900.00 \ ell ~, ,J It ~OU1lt~ Of ~t!!. 't&~ f(ll. lQ'tU1AlS 'AND SUPPL1.S - 1973 .--- - ~-' " G1.lOU! .t a ...... !l.,4~ StO~~Chi~"C ~fac:! 't"Caatll8~ ~ 1.. N. .J. Sp.ivak 1..iaite4. 1..onOO1\, Ontario. $1.80 pa"C tOR \;" Chip" fO) 'lllai to' a Station 60 1.ona. 1.00 paT ton. .01 Pbll.t. )1Ton. 1.70 paT to" \" Li..atone Chip" not .abed fOB llaleTs"i1.1e,Ont. 1. Dufferin Aaarelates _agersvilla, O_taTio. 3. consolidataG SanG 60 GTava1 Co. raris,Ontario. 1.60 paT toR \;" G"Cava1 Chipa, fO) PaTia, OntaTio. 3.55 fOJ White Station 3.85 rOB lona Station. 4. tl.S. C1.aTk Liaite., lnaersol1., Ontario. 5. 1L1vaniGa constTUction Ltd. London, Ontario. 0.85 peT to. \" ("CoueO) fO) )1Ton Pit WaSheG 1.95 peT to. fOI 'lllaite'S Station. 1..95 per ton - Quarry. 3.95 peT ton, fO), 'lllaita'S Station, St. 'tho_s. 6.. Cat\acla Ct'\lshect. Stoae Basdlton, ontario. 7 . Ca1Uga l4&t~dal s 60 ConstTUction Co.,any Li.it-O, CaYUla, Ontario. 1.85 peT ton 10), QUaTTY, Ca,.ga. OntaTio. q'&OUP t~ litu.inoU8 Hat.Tial --- .....-'- 1 __811&" CUTTie P-coduetS LiaitaG, Rami1.ton, Ontario. Da1ivaTY via 'tbOapson'tTanapoTt . 38(:. C . \I :r · 1.1. CA'tl~. "l@!$1.ON_ (1tS~ 11. "dtland .TOS. (lliagaTa) Ltd. · 15.9 · " lliagaTa falls, QntaTiO. 1>.5 ~ 20.4 pe.r gallon. freight 3. 1l.K.LaW CTusbed Stone Ltd. port Colborn- _ 1.7.2. · 4.3 ~ 11.5 _ 17.2. 4.5 ~ 21.7 freigbt 2. Cbevron ~spha1t LtO. toronto, Ontario. 1>. 11intkote Co. of Canada Ltd. toronto, Onta~io _ 20.0 4.0 24.0 Freight COUNTY OF ELGIN _ 't'IJIDUS 'OIl MA'tU1ALS AND SUPPLUS · 1973 - CONTINUED PAGE 2, 11. CATION &MULSION (ISIK) 5. T. J. pounder (Ontario) Ltd. >>r amp ton , Ontario. 21.0 4.0 freight 25.0 6. KcAspha1t Industries Ltd. 21.0 4.3 freight 25.3 (Last Year's pTice Che'ITTOn Asphalt cleliveTed - 18.56~ per gallon). GROUP f~ ,I 1. Walas ley Brothers Liaited . London, Ont.rio. 6.00 peT ton lOB l'IItttaa fOT KIA & KI.6 Rot Mix Asobalt for Patch!!& 2. Riverside Construction COGPany London, Ontario 6.50 per ton rOB Plant, Raailton Rd., London, Ontario. 3. Towland-Rewitson Construction London, Ontario 7.75 peT ton 10B Plant, Concession V., London township. GROUP 14 , ' ,/1. I 2. Dufferin Aggregates Bageraville,. Ontario. 8.00 per ton FOB Hagersville, 1.95 peT ton via 'tbo8pson 'trucking (deliveTY) Cold Mix, Asohalt~ Riverside Construction Co. Ltd. London, Ontario. 8.40 per ton FOB, London, Ont. 3. Towland-Rewitson Construction London, Ontario. 8.50 per ton .10B Plant, Clarke SideToad, London, Ontario. 4. CayUga llatedals & Construction Co. Ltd. Cayuga, Ontario. 8.50 rOB, Simcoe, Ontario. 5. Consolidation Sand & Gravel, Paris, Ontario. 9.45 rOB, White's Station, Ontario. GROUP 5, CalciU1l\ Chloride, ~iQui! ./1. pollard BrotheTs COlapany Ltd. Harrow, Ontario. 50.35 peT ton (49.45 last yeaT) including 1ederal Salea 'tax, DeliveTed peT flake ton equivalent to any road or spot spraying. 50.50 peT' ton including lecleTal Sales 'tax, delivered per flake ton equivalent on road 2. Miller Paving Limited, Buttonville, Ontario COUN'tY OF ELGIN _ 'tEND~RS l'0ll MATERIAlS AND SUPPLIES · 1973 CONTINUED PAGE 3 9alcium Chloride - Continued Bulk ,/ 1. Allied Chemicals Canada Limited Toronto, Ontario. Bags V 1. Allied Chemical Canada Limited Toronto, Ontario. ~ROUP *6:. ,portland Cement 1. Big-4 Building Centre Port Stanley, Ontario. GROUP #1, Field Tile Concrete and C1A! 1. Deller's Tile Limited, Brownsvil1e, Ontario. 2. Charon Construction Products Ltd. Brant ford, Ontario. ~ROUP 18 corru.~ated Culvert~ 1. A~o Canada Limited, Is1ington, Ontario. 2. Ontario Culvert & Metal Products Ltd. 3. corrugated Pipe Co. Ltd. Stratford, Ontario. r 4. . Fawcett Metal Products Ltd. Waterloo, Ontarioo 5. T. P. L. Industries ) 6. Westeel Rosco Limited 50.10 FOB Amherstbur& per ton, Delivered any road. Twenty-ton loads. Work by Thompson Trucking, St. Thomas. (Last Year 49.35) 59.72 per ton delivered to St. Thomas in 25-ton lots (Last year 56.36) $1.63 per bag (80 Ibs) FOB WbiteWs Station. (Less 2~) (in 20-50 bag lots.) Concrete Tile as per list of Marcb 1, 1973. No new list for 1973 received for clay tile As per list of March 1, 1973, Concrete Tile sa.e price as Deller's As per list of January, 1973. No discounts other than those on list. As per list of January,l973. No discounts other than those on list. As per list,of May, 1972. Discount from list of May, 1972. Truckload Lots - 13~~. Less than Truckload Lots - 71,. 5% Discount from list of January, 1973. 15~ Discount froa List of January, 1973. (Low bidders from sizes 10-inch and under and low bidder for larger sizes at less than truck load lots.) COUNTY OF ELGIN - TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - 1973 _ C:ONTINUED PAGE 4 GROUP #9 Fencing Materials 1. The Steel Company of Canada Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario. 948-12 Farm Fence in 40-rod rolls $182.70 per 100 rods (174.05 last year). 1048 Farm Fence in 40-rod rolls 192.50 per 100 rods. 131.65 per 100. 29.35 each. 15.30 per 100 lbs. 18.80 per 100 1bs. 24.00 per 100 line foot. 7' T-Rai1 Posts & Clips 16' x 48" Fara Gates #9 Galvanized Brace Wire It" Galvanized Fence Staples 48" SnowFence in~)O & 100-foot rolls 2. Lundy Fence Company, Toronto, Ontario. 948-12 Farm Fence 1048-12" Farm Fence 7' T-Bar Posts & Clips 183.04 per 100 rods 215.37 per 100 rods. 131.87 per 100. 31.83 each. 15.31 per 100 Ibs. 18.81 per 100 lbs. 25.25 per 100-foot roll. 16 t Farm Gate,s 19 Galvanized Brace Wire 1\ Galvanized Fence Staples Snow Fence 3. Fawcett Metal Products Lisited, Waterloo, Ontario. Snow Fence (4000-8000 feet) 24.90 per 100 feet. 7' T-Rail Posts 1.60 each.. 4. Westeel Rosco Limited, Toronto, Ontario. l6-foot Gates 34.63 e ac b. Cou1l't1 01 E 1J;1.1l _ TEllUf.1.S 1(1ll ~TER1.A~ AllU S\lPl'L1ES - 19 3 - COlit1.1l\lttl 'PAGE 5 ~ ~ I l. G. L. Ed_:rd$, \ ThedfoTd, ontaTio. 5" tOP eini_e l'eeled a' 100&' 6" tOp lllinillllle peelell 8' long. 7" tOP ,.ini-$ peeled 8' long 'FOB St. 1h01l\&5. 1.49 (1.29 last ye~)' 2.49 2.<)<) (2.1>9 last yeaT)' 1.49 each. 4'\ )(. \0' long 2. Big I> Building CentTe poTt Stanley, OntaTio. ~, tOP eini-$ 10 feet long Peeled ~\ tOP eini-$8 feet long l'eeled ~\ tOp $ini~ 8 feet long Peeled 7" toP $ini-$ 8 feet long Peel-ed 1.<)0 eacb.. eacb.. \..56 '2..59 3.1<) each. each. In TTUC~ Load Lod (LeSS 2"1.). ~ ~ No bids 'tecei.:ved. 1'2. ~ As 'Pe't list. ~ \.. Big I> Buildio& CentTe PoTt Stanley. OntaTio, ~' ~:;-..,~-. "-,~,-,--_..~,,,,'~~"~~~""'-~~""'----''''', ;,.; COMPANY Guild Electric (Ont.) Ltd.,. V FOll Toronto w. SERIES 24 x 24 Curve Sign, Etc. $10.25 Mechanical Acivert- ising Ltci.,Oshava FOB White's Station 10.26 FaWcett Metal Prociucts, Waterloo, delivered W. Station 13.77 Over 11 Highway Products Sales, Thornhill FOB White Station Westee1 Rosco Lt. Toronto ,FOB White's Sta. :':n::oratlon / 11.55 17.96 36 x 36 Stop Ahead $22.60 28.40 36.23 23.85 12 x 36 Bridge End Harker $ 7.95 7.95 11.16 Over 11 9.05 11.40 Speeia1 Bigh Intensity Scotch1ite 10-year guarantee ~ROOP #13 30 x 30 Oversizeci $15.25 ., 17.15 SUMMARY OF SIGNS R. .SERIES 30 x 30 Stop $15.65 16.25 19.17 Over 11 18.70 22.94 19.30 24 x 36 Maxi__ Speed $14.41 15.90 19.17 Over 11 16.25 23.85 23.30 24 x 24 8 x 24 Begins etc. $10.35 10.27 15.14 Over 11 11.40 23.23 $ 4.76 4.65 5.58 Over 11 5.05 6.22 5.59 H. SERIES 18 x 18 18 x 12 $ 6.12 $ 4.58 8.45 4.90 8.25 5.10 COUNTY OF E.LGIN - TENDERS F(Jl MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1973 - CONTINUED PAGE 7 CROUP #14 Steel Siltn Posts - 12- foot cOJl1l)lete with filler blocks. etc,. 1. Guild Electric (Ont) Limited Toronto, Ontario - $ 6.61 FOB Toronto. 2. Higbway Products Sales Thornhill, Ontario - 8.08 Delivered. 3. .Fawcett Metal Products Waterloo, Ontario. ... 7.13 FOB Waterloo, Ontario. 4. Mechanical A4vertising Ltd. Oshawa, Ontario - 7~36 Delivered. S. Westee1 Rosco Limited - 6.50 Each complete de1i1l1ered. GROUP 115 Traffic Paint in 45~~a110n drums (1972 Supplier Sherwin Williams @ $2.19 per ~llon). / 1. Sherwin Williams \ Toronto, Ontario. 5. Glidden COBpany St. Thomas, Ontario White $2.42 Yellow Per Gallon. $2.32 per gallon White 2.44 per gallon Yellow 2.40 per gallon White 2.44 per gallon Yellow (Brandram.- HEmderson) 2.93 per gallon White 2.76 per gallon Yellow 3.50 per gallon White 5.18 per gallon Yellow 2. Niagara Paint & Chemical Co. Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario. 3. Guild Electric (Ontario) Ltd. Toronto, Ontario. 4. Canadian Industries Liaited Toronto, Ontario. Oranae Guiderai1 v 1. Baughman Lambeth Formerly West Elgin Paint & Varnish - 2. Niagara Paint 6& Chemical Company Hamilton, Ontario $4.95 per gallon in gallon cans. 4.55 per gallon in 5-8a110n cans. 3. Canadian Industries Limited Toronto, Ontario 7.65 in gallon Clans. 4. Glidden Company 6.19 in gallon Cllns. 5. Dural Products Lindted 6.15 per gallon less 11. COUNTY OF ELGIN GROUP #16 TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES CONtINUED Glass Beads for Centr'e Line Markin~ 1. Flex-O-Lite St. Thomas, Ontario Miscellaneous $12.04 19.35 1. Concrete-Red-D Mix Concrete Co. 2. Gasoline Petro fi na Canada L:Lmi ted 3. Diesel Fuel Petrofina Canada Limited TIRE TENDERS 1. St. Thomas Tire Service Ltd. ,V (Uniroyal) Grader Tires Truck Tires Passenger Tires- Farm Tractol' Tires 2. Moore Tire Limitf!d Grader Tires Truck Tires Passenger Tires Farm Tractor Tires 3. Firestone Stores Passenger Tires - Truck Tires Grader Tires Farm Tractor Tires 19.85 39.0 43.2 (Low Bidder 1973) 60.0t Discount. 53. ot Discount 42.51. Discount 35. <Tt. Discount (Low Bidder 1972) 1973 PAGE 8 per cvt. T~)e C Moisture Proof Beads. FOB St. TborDas (Same price as 1972). cubic yard .. 6-bag Mix with additives. cubic yard .. 6-bag Mix with additives for curb & gutter machine. (All less 2-x.) per gallon i.nc1uding tax. per gallon including tax. 56. <rL Discount 52.0% Discount - First Line 45.ot Discount - Second Line 50.01. and 351. SO.<rL Discount. 30~ and 38~. 47.51 sot 35~. ST. TROMAS, ONTARIO. MARCR,14, 1973. 'PAGE 1. MaTcb 11>, at 1>:30 1'.~. in conjunction witb the County 1inance Collllllittee. 'tRt COUNTY 01 EW1N ~()J>J) COMM1.'tTEE lIIet at tbe CouTt Rouse, St. Tbomas, on ALL \l&~lIERS WElE PRJ!.SKNT except Reeve CavedY, Reeve Dennis and Reeve Wilson. WAll'DEll JO\\llS'tON waS appointed ChaiTlII&n. TKNDERS 10~ CA'tlON1.C EMIllS1.01l waTe opened and waTe as follOWS, 10B the Coro:pan:y Plartt ~ Eastland BTotbeTS (NiasaTa) Lilllited Niaga~a Falls, Onta~io. 15.9~ pe~ gallon. ChevTon ASpbalt Lilllited, Toronto, Onta~io. 17.2~ per gallon. ~. E. LaW CTusbed Stone Li$ited, Po~t Colbo~ne, Onta~o. 17.2~ pe~ gallon. 11int~ote ComPany of Canada, To~onto, ontariO. 20.0~ per gallon. 'to J. t'oundeT (ontaTio) Lilllited, B~ampton, ontariO. 21.0~ pe~ gallon. ~cAsphalt lndustTies Limited, West Rill, OntariO. 21.0~ per gallon. tlM.OVED BY: D. COOK. SECONDE'D BY: A. M1.SK\!.LLY 'tRA't WE ACCF.1"t TaR Q\l(1tA't1.0N 01 Et.STLAN'D BR(1tBl!.~S Ll~lTED 1~ 'tBl!. SUt'PLY 01 CA'tlON1.C KMIllS1.0N A't 15.9 CENTS l'ER GALLON FOB T'HEIlt PLANT. CARRIED" TaR \l&E'tlNG AD JO\lll1l\!.'D to Apd 1 12, 1973 · ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO, MARCR 9, 1973, -PAGE 1. 'the County of Elgin ~oad Committee met at the CouTt Rouse on MaTch 9, 1973, at 10:00 A. M. ALL MEMBERS E:ltCEl"t REEvES W1LSON AND CAvERLY waTe pTesent. ALSO pP.SKllT waS ~T. 1unk ClaTke of the MinisUY of TunspoTtatiOn and 'tBl!. ~1.N\l'tES 01 't1\E \l&ET1.NG 0 f 1 ebTua TY 15, 1973, 'll8Te Tead and ap pToved. TBl!. ENG1.1l\!.ER lEpOllTED on the WOT~ to date as folloWS: (1) MateTial and Supplies tendeTS waTe due on MaTch 13tb. (1) PUTchaSe of land waS pTOgTessing favouTablY on Road #40 between ~oad ~1>2 (3) Good pTOgTeSS was being mede on constTuction of the new County GaTage witb and Mount Salem. conununications. the lllyio& of the HooT dec~ undeTway. (I>) 'ilinteT contTol woTk bad been veTY light. (5) The SUTface Treatlllent on Road fl>O bad failed on 1IIOSt of the length betwaen "Road ltl>5 (wasd and 1\ighwaY llo. 3, and the }fiC had Tecomm8nded TesuTfacing with appToximatelY thTee inches of Rot ~ix Asphalt Pavement between Righway No. 3 and ~ount Salelll. No paTticulaT Teason fOT the failuTe could be stated but it appeaTed to be a combination of a ou$beT (6) The spdng bTeakup appeaTed to be the 1IIOSt extensive in a nulllbeT of yeaTS' of things. (7) The 3~ ComPany had TetUTned a nulllbeT of tbe maXitI\UlII speed signS and (8) GTavel ~esuTfacing had been completed on "Roads #31 and #52 in the e~ection ~aS unde~wal. St. Tbomes aTea foT the ti$e being. (9) cutting of dead tTees was continuing in East Elgin. uMOVE.D 1\1: SECONDED 1\Y: T\\AT TaR 10LLO'l1lNG PA'YS,1.S'1:S BE APPROvED 10R PA'{l4l!.NT. N,; JORNS'tON -g.. LyLE ?A1L1.ST ~7 AMO\lNT1NG TO $22,778.54 PhYL1.ST ~8 A~O\lNT1NG TO $20,823,00 PAYL1.S't 19 M'lO\lNT1NG TO $ 53,367 · 11> C1\1lRIED" st. THOMAS, ONtARIO. MARCH 9, \913. PAGE '2.. TUE ENGIN&ER lBKSKNTtn the attached budget and answeTed lIIe$beTS' queTies. TaR MEET1.NG ADJouaN&D 1ORD1NN\!.~. A1TE~ Dlll1l\!.R MT. fran~ ClaT~e .,.s absent. AFtER DISCUSSION · 1tM-OViD l\'Y: B. L'l LE SKCONDE'D B'!: D. COOK 't1\AT W\1. ~COMMEN'Il 'to COUllTY COUllC1L 'tllA't 't$ lJUM'l ~BATKS 10R 1973 "B11. 25"1. Of 't\ll1.11 ROAD }J1.VY. CARRIEDlt "~OvED BY: ll. JOlillSTON SECONlll1J) BY: A. NlS\(ELLY T\\AT 'i1& ~CO_ND 'to COUNTY CO\lNC1.L T\\A't 't$ B\ltlGE't 01 't\ll1. ST. T1\OW-S S\l~BAN ROAD col4lUSS10N AMOllNT1.NG TO $I>O,800~ "B11. APPROVED. CARRIED'" "~OVED BY ~ D. COOK SECONDED BY: 11. JORllS'tON 't\\A't 'i1& ~CO~ 'to COUNTY COUNC1.L T\\AT A RESOW- 'tlOll lIE lASSED Bt COUNTY COUNCIL APPB-OV1.1lG A TOTAL WORK PROG~Al~tlE 01 $1,616,000 1(1ll 1973 (AS S1\o"\l1l ON . B\J1)GET 'DATE'D MARC1\ 8, 1973 h TaR COUNTY ROAD lEVY TO BE $540,000. CAR1tIED" tbat the County enteT into an agTeement with the Village foT tbe laying of c()1llU'.SpoN1lEllCf. 'itAS ~AD fTotO. tbe \tillage of Vienna Tequesting wateT pipe lines on County ~oads. "MOvED BY: B. LY}J1. SECONDED BY: A. ~SlC.ELLY 't\\A't W\1. RECO-.ND TO GOUNTY COUNC1.L 't\\A't A BY-LAW BE pAgSK'D A\l'tRORl7.11lG 'tUE WAB.'DEN AN'D CLERK TO S1.Gll AN AGREEN\1.NT 'l1l't1\ 'taR VILLAGE Of' V1EllllA 10R TRE pt,ACE- MENT Of 'itA'tER PI!& L1.N&S 01l CO\lNTY ~OADS, CAllRIED\l ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. MARCH 9, 1973. PAGE 3. THE ENGINEER SUGGESTED that Tenders be called for the replacement of two (2) International 140 Tractors and Mowers and for the replacement of two (2) Case Backhoe-Loaders. "MOVED BY: B. LYLE SECONDED BY: A. MISKELLY THAT THE ENGINEER BE. AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR TWO (2) TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES WITH THE COUNTY'S TRACTORS 1111 AND 1112 AS TRADE - INS. CARRIEDn "'MOVED BY: N. JOHNSTON SECONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE ENGINEER BE AUTHORIZED TO CALL TENDERS FOR TWO TRACTORS., AND SIDEMOUNT MOWERS WITH THE COUNTY'S TWO (2) INTERNATIONAL 140. TRACTORS AND ~OWERS AS ~ TRADE-INS. CARRflED'1 tlMOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: A. MIS:I<ELLY THAT WE ADJOURN TO APRIL 12TH AT 10:00 A.M. CARRIED" G-/! a/l14A .~.!.~ 7' II CHAIRMAN r:':t , l....' ~ MAlleR, t973 TO TBl!. C\:IA.1.tQlA.ll ANIl ~ 01 'tBl!. cooll'tY Of 'tWIN 1l0Al) coMMItTEE: Attached to tbis bTief TepoTt is a pToposed budget fOT 1913. At tbe beginning of the budget is an explanation of tbe $etbods used by the MinistTY of TTanspoTtation and communications to calculate expendituTe levels and subsidies for 1973. (The informatiOn pTovided at tbe last meeting bas been updated and claTified~ little!we bope). In our spending level of $1.616,000 the MTC Subsidy Rates are as follows: Urban Rebates ($34,000) at 50~. ExpenditUTes to ~926,OOO at 50~. ExpendituTes fTolll $926,000 to $1,562,000 at 90.~. KxpenditUTes over $1.562,000 at ~. Out standi ng Deve 1 oplllent !load' Aid ($20,000) at 100"/.. Tbus it ,h illlpOTUnt that tbe toul toad ProgTatll be sligbtly oveT tbe MtC spending level to get lII&xilllU$ MTC SubsidY' Also attached to this Budget is tbe Budget of tbe St. Tbomes SubUTban Road Cotlllllission whicb the Cotlllllission has appToved. CON ~ t~ u C-!-!-O N. As 1972 waS a pooT_weatheT-yeaT for construction, ,a nUlllbeT of prolects that weTe in tbe COUTse of constTuctiOn in 1972 weTe not completed. Tbe stTike by tbe employees of tbe Ontario Hydro delayed tbe moving of 1\ydTO poles on Roads t16, 4t2, '36, and '1>2. Funds are estimeted foT tbe completion of \ all woTk staTted in 1972 OT eaTlieT, and toT tbe substantial cOmPletion of the and White'S Station GaTage/iOT tbe pUTcbase of equipment such as an oveTbead CTane 1.ncluded in llew MacbineTY estimetes is payment foT tbTee (3) trucks tendeTed foT in 1972 and foT the replacement of five (5) tTaCtoTS; tWO (2) 1armal 11>0, and Jloor Hoist. witb $P'll8:rs; a 10Td 'tractoT equipped with a 1Tont Knd LOadeT used by the fencing cTeW and the tWO (2) smell 1ront End LOadeTs as equipped with Backhoes (now 6 and 7 year~' otd):~ TQ THE CHAIRMAN AND MKMBEltS OF THE COUNTY OF E.LGIN 1l0AD CO~tMITTEE - Continued - Pa,2e 2 Land :Purchase estimates are somewhat lower as Land Surveying should be caught up to Construction by the end of the year. Rstimates are shown for that work approved by 1972 County Council for 1973. Work on Roads #3 and 14 in Rodney cannot begin until Sanitary Sewers have been installed by the Ontario Water Resources Commission. A tender call for the sewers is expected shortly. Work on Road 13, south of New Glasgow, cannot begin until after Labour nay because of the interference with summer traffic to New Glasgow. Credits for various items amount to $40,000 and serve to reduce the construction budget. M A I N TEN A NeE Included in the maintenance estimates is the sum of $125,000 for Asphalt Resurfacing on various toads depending on the extent of the spring breakup. A portion of the Repairs to' Pavements estimates may also be used for Asphalt Resurfacing. Although a downward trend in Winter Control costs have been evident to date the costs are only $10.000 less than at this time last year and a major saving is probably only wishful thinking. Gravel Resurfacing is recommended for: <a) Road #52 from Road 125 to Road #30 and on Road #31. (This has been comple.ted and is only a stopgap measure to keep the traffic out of the mud until rec.onstruction which Our present policy is the gravelling of roads every four or five years at about 1,,000 tons per mile. Most other maintenance items reflect normal expenditures with exception of Signs with the added cost for erection of maximum speed signs. COUNTY OF ELGIN "ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1.2.11 This year the Ministry of Transportation has ~ldopted a single ) . rate of subsidy of County expenditures(with the exception of Urban Rebates), in p1a~e of the f~rmer rates of 50l(Woads) 80l(Brid~es) and 100l(Development Roads). ~be Ministry has also set an expenditure level which if met or exceeded by the County will result in a maximum subsidy from the m'c. This expenditure level is. calculated from tbe latest Needs Study Update (1972). Subsidy will be provided by the Ministry on all fixed costs such as Maintenance, Overhead, New Machinery and Garages and 9~ (representing tbe 45t objective over 5 years) on the Road and Bridge Construction Needs in the 'UNow" plus "1-5 year" categoties. Calculation of Expenditure Level for 1973 is as follows: CONSTRUCTION (ROADS AND BRIDGES) toads "Nowttplus "1-5 years" as of January 1973 (from 1~.72 Needs Study Update) ~---------~--~-~-----~-~---- $5,557,000 Bridges "Now" plus "1-5 years" as of January, 1973 -----.---- 1,524,000 Tc~ta1 $7,081,000 For the 451. Objective over a 5-year period tbe yearly amount is 91. of the total or --------------------------.--- $ 637,000 FIXED COSTS (FROM 1972 UPDATE) County Road Maintenance (including Asphalt Resurfacing) It It " 't-t tt Bridge & Culvert Maintenance $ 477,000 220,000 24,000 20,000 11,000 1,000 172,000 $925,000 County Overhead --------------------------------------.----- County Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ----------~----------~- St. Thomas Suburban Road Committee Maintenance ---------.----- " It II " n Overtlead ---- ------- -.----- Machinery and County Garage C~nstruction --------------.,----- Construction - $637,000 Fixed - ,'$925,000 $1,562,000 'COUNTY OF EU;IN ROAD DE.PAllTMENT BUDGET 1973 - CONTINUED PAGE 2 ...., To this must be added the Urban Rebates at 25~ and ,ny money left I over from the Development Road Allocations not spent at :March 31, 1973. Development Road Aid Outstanding at March 31, 1973 (Estimated)-- $34,000 $20,000 Urban Rebates Total -------------------------------------------- Thi.s added to $1,562,000 gives a total expenditure level of $1,616,000 for 1973. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications share of the Budget is as follows: (For calculation see Addendum Page 1). MTC portion of $1,562,000.----------------- $1,041,000 Urban rebates ~--~---~------~-----~~------ 16,000 20,000 $1\1077,000 Outstanding Development Road Aid ---------- Total HIC share ------------~------------- The City of St. Tho~s share of the 1973 Budget of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission is e~timated at $6,750. (The remainder of \ mill assessment is used to pay the deficit from 1972 and to~provide a $4,000 surplus towards 1974 operations). Thus the county rate is the difference between the total expenditure and the contributions of the City of St. Thomas and the ~~C or $532,250. (To this must be added the items NOT FOR SUBSIDY and an amount for over expenditure). Suggested Road Levy - $540,000. In the attached budget, New Machinery and Housi,ng have have been .'4 shown in the qonstructionBudget making a total of $829,000 and the remaining, the Fixed Costs .Ad Urban ltebates, are shown in Maintenance and Overhead total'ling $787,000. (Budget total - $1,616,OOO)~ COUNTY OF ELGIN BUDGET - DRAFT II. AMENDED MARCH 8. 1973 COUNTY MAINTENANCE 1970 1971 1972 1973 Bridges & Culverts - 19,217 18,020 15,000 Winter Control - 77 , 463 111,591 122,466 90,000 Road #40 Asphalt Resurfacing (Highway No. 3 to Mount Sa fern) 90,000 Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing - 111,,175 62,000 Surface Treatment - 54,532 32'1218 19,437 25,000 Gravel Resurfacing - 65,269 46,,825 16,120 23,000 Repairs to Pavements - 27,812 28,686 30,992 30,000 Maintenance of Gravel Roads - 10,513 11 , 1 08 11,520 13,000 Roadside Maintenance - 7,327 10,433 6,136 10,000 Dust Control - 18,520 19,955 26,096 28,000 Weed Control - 12,897 13,618 19,859 21,000 Tree Cutting ... 12,595 23,104 25,052 15,000 Pavement Marking - 8,664 7,192 14,797 12,000 Guiderai1s - 10,115 2,787 1,165 10,000 Signs ... 16,442 13,533 28,409 20,000 Drainage ... 4,746 10,812 10,433 10,000 Tree Planting - 1,027 2,000 Railroad Protection ... 8,491 9, .557 11,.325 13,000 Drainage Assessment ... 16,131 8,000 $497,000 . Continued COUNTY OF ELGIN BUDGET - DRAFT II. AMENDED MARCH 8. 1973 - CONTINUED - PAGE 2 COUNTY OVERHEAD Needs Study Update 1971 1972 1973 2~~, 200 24,563 30,000 6,1854 4,000 3,939 2~876 4,000 10,160 7~196 7,500 3L.,423 27,429 29,300 15,923 19,129 21,500 36 CR- 24 a~ ,504 9,364 12,000 ( CR ). 1,528 4,059 4,000 Q.,815 7,207 7,000 2,491 1,849 2,000 1,756 2,540 2,700 27,341 28,379 29,500 36,443 39,990 40,000 18,169 1S,748 18,000 2,S82 4,289 5,SOO 7,34S 9,.321 10,SOO 350 686 SOO 1,612 2,228 2,500 Garages White Station Pit Rehabilitation Tools Miscellaneous Repairs Superintendence Clerical Permits insurance for Subsidy Machinery Overhead Office Medical Radio Pensions Holidays with Pay Sick Benefits Unemployment Insurance o. H. I. P. Traffic Count Overhead Credits (Include Development Roads Credits) (A) Accounts Receivable (B) Winter Works, etc. (CR)21,S18 CR23,357 CR 7,500 Car Mileage 1 J' 191 $182,,234 1,352 191,678 223,000 C oUN'tY 01 E l.G 1 N ROAD DEPAllT~N't BUDGET - 1973 - CON't INUED PAGE 3 CONSTlrUCTION II I .. St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget Surveys on New Work, Miscellaneous Grading Cost, ete. - Land Purchase ($42,605 in 1972) New Ma(~hinery Construction _ White Station Garage & Equipment Comnletion of Work in Pro~res~ Road 116 (Old Development Road 11023) Move Utilities - Road #2 _ West -Losee to Rodney (GC#6 & ,) Road #13 _ Shackleton Street, Dutton (GCll1) Road 114 _ lona Station to Road #13 (GeI13) Road #16 _ 'talbot Creek Culverts & Approacbes (GC#24) - \ Road #20 _ Car10w~oad Extension ~ Port Stanley Highway No. 4 to Erie Street (GC#18) Road #36 _ Highway No.3 to 1 mile s.outh of Sparta (GC#4) Road #42 _ Port Burwell Easterly (GC'10) New Wo'rk $ 7,000 8,000 35,000 38,000 175,000 5,000 14,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 30,000 Road #1>1> _ from Road .1>6 to HigbwaY No.3, Bayba$ 'twp.- 50,000 Road #40 _ ~ount Salem to Road #1>2 ,Halabide Townsbip - 200,000 Road #3 _ Uighway No. 3 to Lake Erie, Aldborough Twp. - 75,000 Road #3 _ Road #2 nortberly 0.5 $iles - ~odney - 70,000 Road #4 _ Queen Street'West - Rodney 65,000 Credits 10,000 Rebate on Sales Tax Machine Rentals re Accounts Receivable 10,000 and Town1ine Accounts '- Reduction in Stock Balance 20..000 40.000 CREDIT $829,000 '~''i/:'';,?r,<::--,";''rF ',->;""" ,.,~~:r '''I'.,~qH:.~,~_~.*""o:;.,' :>", J;","n:~ .,1" 1 r-' j n'1ii1".'~'~~~;':1i'j,'tl;(:iit.L,;.~ ~ COUMY OF JtLGINKOAD DEPAltTMEm BUDGET - 1973 - CONTINUED PAGE 4 SUMMARY Coilstruction -$ 829,000 497,000 223,000 33,000 '!Oi 34,000 - $1..616.000 County Maintenance County Overhead St. Tho_as Suburban Maintenance and Overhead Urban Kebates (25~) Total (See Pase 1 - Expendit~re Level - $1,616,000) To the Cc.unty Share of $532,250 must be added the items not for Subsidy ($2,000) and a small over1evy so that maximum expenditures are realized. (The effective subsidy rate as one nears maximum subsidy is 91~). SUIgested Levy is $540.000. (County Share of 1972 had Expe'nditure was approximately $707,000). \ If Urban Rebates on tbe Suggested Levy of $540,000 are paid at 30t instead of 2S~ the amount of Bebate becomes $40,229 (aga:Lnst $33,524 at 25~) or an increase of approximately $6,700. Because Urban ltebat4!s a.subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications at 5at (against an effective rate of 66.3~) for the rest of Expenditures,the reduction in the Construction (or Maintenance) Budget would be $5,000 and tbe increase in County share of the Budget would be $1,700.. ,~. .,,"'W~" ,,~, "" .1 fir n [JI[.nJ.,1i(!::I)~~~m COUNTY or ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET - 19jr3 ADDENDUM - .PAGE 1 Calculation of mc Share of County Road Experlditures Construction Objective for 1973 Roads '.No,1I' plus "1 - S" Net as of January, 1973 Bridges "Now" plus 1'1 - 5" Net as of January 1, 1973 Total For the 45t objective in 5 years the yearly total is 9t. Yearly Construction Objective is 9~ of $7,081,000 or $637,000. Fixed Cost:8 for 1973 (From 1972 Uodate ~ County ROILd Maintenance (including Asphalt Resurfacing) County Overhead County Machinery and County Garage County Br~.clge and Culvert Maintenance \ St. Thomas Suburban Road CODlllission Maintenance St. Thoma!l Suburban toad Connission Overhead St. Thomasl Suburban Road Commission Bridge and Culvert Maintenance ~ Expenditure Level - 1973 - Construction - $637,000 Fixed Costs - 925,000 $1,562,000 Assessment (Letter of November 22. 1972 from MTC) Township Assessment - Urban Assessment $267,000,000 88,000,000 'Ratio Urblan 24.8~ $355.000,000 $5,557,000 1,524,000 $7,081.000 $477,000 220,000 172,000 24,000 20,000 11,000 1,000 $925,000 The Fol10wina Steos are Used to Obtain the MTC and the County Share of tbe Expenditure Level (a> Needs/AssessmentRe1ationship - 1.564.000 = 4..~06 335,000,000 Step 1 - The assessment of 38,000,000 on the City of St.' Thomas gives a contribution of $19,000 yearly toward the Suburban ~adCommission. This represents $7.),000 worth of work with Provincial share at '38,000 and County's share $19,000. Steo 2 - County's share at 1.25 mills on assessment of $355,000,000 $443,750 or $444,000. Sten 3 - ~maining County Share after matching the County contribution is $444,600 less $19,000 or $425,000. ''''.' . ""'.~HU . III Q)J(IiI!li 'm. k .... nT''j#'''1'1'f':ilIr~_!_.ji~~''''1 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD DEPARTMENT BUDGET - 1973 - ADDENUUM - CONTINUED - PAGE 2 Needs/Assessment lte1ationship - Continued SteD 4 - 1rhe Equivalent work eff~rt is then $850,000. Steo 5 - Which combined with the Suburban ltoad Commis,sion is $850,000 plus $76,000 or $926,000. Provincial share being $463,000 and County !lhare $444,000 and City of St. Thomas share 119,000. Step 6 - The unmet needs at 1.25 mills are $1,562,000 less $926,000 or $636,000. SteD 7 - The Provincial share of the timet need is (0.5 plus 0.40909) X 636 = .90909 X 636 = $578,000. . Note (0-5plus 0.40909) is MTC formulae that they are using to figure Subsidy. Step 8 The total Provincial share is $578,000 plus ~~463,000 or $1,041,000. SteD 9 - C,ounty share is $\,562,000 less 1,041,000 1e!ls $19,000 or $502,000. Step 10 - The Urban ~bate - @ 25% = 2 x 502,000 x 88 (8 x 355) - 88 = 9152 2840 _ 88 = $33,200 P~rovincia1 share is $16,000. Total Provincial Subsidy Allocation is $1,041.,000 161,000 Rebates $1 , 057' , 000 Total County Share is $502,000 plus $17,000 or $519,000. Total expenditure is $1,596,000. Effective Subsidy Rate is 1,058 = 66.3% if the expenditur.e level is met. 1,596 N.B. - Expenditures to $926,000 are subsidiz1ed at 50%. Urban Rebates are subsidized at 50t. /r;J,I 'J~ ~A-j ~-^- c------~.-... MAI<CH SESSION 197 3 COUNTY OF ELGIN ROAD COMMIT1'EE REPORT TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. YOUR ROAD COlVIMITTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOLLOtIS: 1. That the Surface Treatment,.Surface on Road #4l0 between Highway #3 and Mount Salem has failed for about 2/3 of the total distance and it will be necessary to place a Hot Mix Asphal t Surface over the entire distcince from HighwayH3 to Mount Salem. Spring breakup appears to be more extensive than for a number of years. 2. The County By-Law passed in September of 197:2 to Regulate the Speed of Vehicles on County Roads has been approved. by. the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and the erection of the necessary signs is underway. 3. We have received notice' from the Minist.ry of Transportation and Communications that the expenditure level subsidizable by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in 1973 will be $1,616,000. The Ministry of Tr4ansportation and Communications has introduced a single subsidy rate to cover Roads, Bridges and Direct (~velopment Roads). (Except for Urban Rebates which remain at 50c7oJ On the expenditure level of $1,616,000. the Ministry of Transpor'tation and Communications will provide subsidy of $1,077,000." Although the subsidy is on a sliding scale the effective subsidy rate is approximately 66.6%. Any expenditure over $1,616,000. must be met entirely with County funds. MARCll SESSION 1 9 7 3 _ 2. - CoUNTY Of ELGIN ROJ\D C01MJlIT'tf.f. Rf.,POlzt - continued 1. , ' . the ~a"!den and Cle"!k That a By-La~ be passed, autho"!~~~ng . t ~J;th the Village of Vienna fo"! the to s~gn an ag"!ee~en "~.' laying of ~ate"! pipe LineS on County Eoads. \€a RBCoMME NO: This ag"!ee~ent ~ill be si~ila"! to the ag"!ee~ents bet~een C t d a rt-_he"! of local ~unicipalities. the oun y an "UJ,W-' 2,. That the budget of the st. Tno~as 5uPu"!ban Roads Co~ission fo"! 1973 ~ounting to $40,800. be app"!oved. Included in the Co~iSsion'S budget is $7,000. fo"! Land pu"!chase, 5u"!veying and fencing on Road #30 fo"! const"!uc- __ 'l'ne "!etnainde"! of the budget tiOn ~o"!k in futu"!e yearl>' --- is fo"! Maintenance of the Syste~ t15 ~iles)' The 1973 the yea"! to "!educe Co~ission p"!oposed to use as its deficit ~ith "!ega"!d to the cont"!ibution f"!o~ the City of st. Tho~as and ente"! 1974 ~ith a s~all su"!plUS 50 that some const"!uction ~aY be unde"!taken. 3. . ' l't' be '2.51 of thei"! That the Rebate to U"!ban ~un~c~pa ~ ~es · ..~~ /113 Road LevY fo"! ~. That the LevY fo"! County Roads fo"! 1973 be $540,000. f $685 000. in 1972 and This co~pa"!es to a Road LeVY 0 I an actual e~penditU"!e of app"!o~imatelY $707,250. 4. 5. That a Resolution be passed adopting the follo~ing p"!oposed statement of ~o"!k and e~penditU"!es fo"! 1973 and that the state~ent be fo"!~a"!ded to the Minist"!y of T"!anspo"!tation and Co~unicatiOns. CON S T Rue T ION St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Budget Surveys on New Work, Miscellaneous Grading Cost etc. Land Purchase New Machinery Construction - White Station Garage & Equipment Completion of Work in Progress Road #16 (Old Development Road #1023) Move Utilities, Southwold Township Road #2 - West Lorne to Rodney, Aldborough Township l~oad #13 - Shackleton Street, Dutton Road #14 - lona Station to Road #13, Southwold and Dunwich Townships I~oad #16 - Talbot Creek Culverts & Approaches, Dunwich Township Road #20 - Carlow Road Extension - Port Stanley Highway No. 4 to Erie Street Road #36 - Highway No. 3 to 1 mile South of Sparta, YarmDuth Township Road #42 - Port Burwell Easterly, Bayham Township New Vlork Road #44 - from Road #46 to Highway No.3, Bayham Township l~oad #40 - Mount Salem to Road #42, Malahide Township Road #3 - Higln,.,ay No. 3 to Lake Erie, Aldborough Township Road #3 - Road #2 northerly 0.5 miles - Rodney Road #4 - Queen Street \lest - Rodney Credits Rebate on Sales Tax - 10,000 Machine Rentals re Accounts Receivable and Townline Accounts - 10,000 Reduction in Stock Balance 20,000 1. $ 7,000 8,000 35,000 38,000 175,000 5,000 14,000 7,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 200,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 "....,.......;,... \ "., -., $829,000 M A I N TEN A N C E Bridges and Culverts \iinter Control Road #40 Asphalt Resurfacing (Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem) Hot Mix Asphalt Resurfacing Surface Treatment Gravel Resurfacing Repairs to Pavements Maintenance of Gravel Roads Roadside Maintenance Dust Control \'Jeed Control Tree Cutting PaveMent Marking Guiderails Signs Drainage Tr~e Planting Railroad Protection Drainage Assessment St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission Maintenance and Overhead County Overhead Urban Rebates (25%) $ 15,000 90,000 ~90,000 132,000 ,25,000 :23,000 ,30,000 13,000 10,000 28,000 21,000 15,000 12,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 2,000 13,000 8,000 $497,000 33,000 223,000 34,000 2. SUMMARY Construction Maintenance - County Maintenance - St. Thomas Suburban Roads Commission County Overhead Urban Hebates $ 829,000 ~197 , 000 33,000 :223,000 34,000 $1,616,000 Total expendi tures for 1973 including subsidi:~ed expenditures, Development Roads (prior to March 31, 1973), Work for other Municipalities, etc., are estim.ated at approximately $1,900,000. \ All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAIRMAN 3. ST.. T1\OW\S, ONTARIO. YEB~U~~ 15, 1973. PAGE 1. 'taR CO\lNT'i 01 E1J;1.N ltOAD Co~1.'t'tEE met at tbe CoUTt Rouse at 10:00 A. ~. on AU;OP'fI,EsENT waS ~T. 1Tan~ ClaT~e of the ~iniStTY of TnnspoTtatiOn and Yeb~ua~Y 15, 1973. ALL l!EMB~ W\1.\l.E )?1$SENT. COU\l'l\unicatiOn$~ 't\ll!. l:41N1l'tES 01 'tRt \l&1-'tINGS of JanuaTY 9th and JanuaTY 17th 'll8Te Tead and a'\?l?~o"ed. T\Il!. ENG1.NEER ~pQ1l.1E'D on the WOT~ to date as follOWS: 1. 'that Leslie SawYeT, a cTew foTe1ll8n and 10ns_tillle-eroptoyee of the county of Elgin passed awaY on 1ebTuaTY S, 1973. k d 'D ld Ball waTe absent on 2. That ~ilfTed 1aWCett, Eugene 10Tsyt.., an ona ' leave without pay because of illnesS andtbat theiT sic~ ti1ll8 had Tun out. 3. That WinteT contTol bad been light. 1>. That StOT1ll 'DTain WOT~ east of !oTt BUTWell had been corop leUd foT the ti\\\e being. 5. That cutting of dead tTees had been coropleted in 'itest Elgin and waS undeTwaY in East Elgin. 6. That the MtC had app1:0ved the county speed zone By_LaWS but it had been found that signS pUTChased fTOlll 3~ COTpOTation to show the zone waTe defective and new./S~:rd be pTovided at no cost to the county. ~OvE'D BY: J. B. 'l1lLSON SECONDKD BY: A. ~SJ.{l!.LL'i 't\\A't 't\ll!. 10LLO'itlNG ACCOUNTS BY. Al'fB.OvE'D 1OR. l'A'lNEN't. Pt.YL1.5T H AMOUNT1.NG TO $22,022.31 PAYL1S't 43 ~O\lNT1NG TO 22,618.51 PA'iL1S't #1> ~OUNT1NG 'to 580.91, P A YL1ST 4t 5 A~OUNT1.NG 'to 21, 528 · 7 0 PAYL1S't jt6 AMOllN'tlNG TO 62,617.95 C~lED\t 'taR E1lGl~ rsEsEN'tED and Te..,ie'll8G the attached summaTY of 1.nsUTance policies invol~ing the County ~ad 'DepaTt1ll8nt. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 15, 1973. PAGE 2. MR. FRANK COWAN of the Frank Cowan Company opened the mE!eting and commented on the policies in force and answered members' queries. HE! recommended as follows: (a) That Liability limits be increased to two or three million dollars from the present one million dollar limits on the various policies, (b) That Weed Spray Liability rates be increased to $30,000 from $10,000 per spraying day, (c) That the Fidelity Bond be increased from $25,000 tc> some higheE limit. THE MEETING ADJOUB.NED FOR DINNER. AFTER DINNER. the Committee inspected the White Station Garage construction which was underway. THE MEETING ',RESUMED with Mr. Cowan in attendance. ABSENT FROM THE MEETING was Reeve Wilson. "MOVED BY: B. L Y1& .SE,CONDED BY: D. COOK THAT THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE POLICIES BE RENEWED WITH THE FRANK COWAN COMPANY: MUNICIPAL LI!BILITY, NON-OWNED.AUTO- MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK FLEET, EQUIPMENT FLOATER. POLICY, RADIO FLOATER. POLICY, BOILER & MACHINERY POLICY, WEED S:PRAY. POLICY, COMPENSATION POLICY , EMPLOnES BOND,. VALUABLE PAPERS, PR.OTECTION POLICl, COUNCILLORS' aCCIDENT .POLICY, POLICI1&$ THE SAME AS LAST YEAR, WITH. THE. FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS:. LIABILITY LIMITS INCREASED TO THREE, MILLION DOLLARS FROM ONE MILLION DOLLARS, WEED SPRAY LIMITS INCREASED FROM $10,()00 'f6.$30,000, VALUABLE PAl'tdSS COVERAGE INCREASED BY $25, 000 ON E.NGINE1&R'S VALUABLE PAPERS., FIDELITY. BOND INCREASED TO $ 50,000 m.OM $25,000. COUNCILL(B, ACCIDENT COVERAGE INDEMNITY TO BE INCREAS.ED FROM $100.00 PEE. WEEK TO $1508\00 .PER WEEK. CARltIEDtt CORRESPONDENCE WAS BEAD FROM the following: 1. Wabco Sales stating future business on their behalf would be done by Equipment Sales and Service Ltd. of Toronto. 2. Char1e-s Jackson. The Committee ordered the corres,pondence filed. 3. A copy of a letter from the County Engiaeer Adviso1ry Committee to the Honourable Gordon Carton, Ministry of Transpot'tation and Communications, in part, complimenting the County on their standard of work. ST. THOMAS,. ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 15, 1973. .PAGE 3. Cv~rtESPONDENCE WAS READ - Continued 4. From the Roads and Transportation Association ann4)uncing the First National Conference on Snow and Ice' Control in Ot1tawa in April. The Engineer stated that he had made tentative reservllltions. 5. From the County of Peel requesting that the Ministry of Transportation subsidize bicycle paths along County roads. titMOVED BY: SECONDED BY: A. MISKELLY R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THERESO:LUTION TO THE COUNTY OFPE:.E,LREQUESTING THE MINISTRY. OF 'ntANSP- ORTAT110N & COMMUNICATIONS ADOPT AND SUBSIDIZE APlpLICY OF PROVIDING BICYCLE PATHWAYS ALONG MAIN.ROADS BE FILED. CAlWEDn 6. From the Township of Chinguacousy requesting that counties be given the power to regulate traffic on county roads at various times of the day. "MOVED BY: ,._ SECONDED BY: D. COOK B . LYLE THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT THE RESOLUTION OF THE T()WNSHIPOF CHINGUACOUSY REQUESTI~. THAT T~, COU~TIES OF ONTARIO BE GIVEN T.HEPO~R, 'tOREGUJ.,ATE HEAVY TRAFfIC ON ,COUNTY.,R.OADS AT CEllTAIN TIMES AND HOURS BE 'FILED. CAltRIEDU THE ENG INEER. REPOR.TBD AS FOLLOWS: 1. That good progress was being made on the construction of the County Garage with the following supply contracts having been let: - Do~)rs and Frames - Hobbs Hardware, London, Ontario. Structural Steel, Roof Jo'st, and ,Reinforcing - London Steel Ltd. - Roof, Floor, and Exterior Metal Trim - Westee1 :Rosco, London, Ont. - Concrete Blocks - St. Thomas Concrete Limited, St. Thomas, Ont. 2. That good progress was being made on the purchase of land to widen County Road #40 between Mount Salem and Road #42. $'t. Tl\O}ll>S, OlftAltlO. ft~~Y 15, 1973. 'fAG'E 4 · T\\1. f.NG1~ ~pQB.'tE1) - continued e to oTdeTS foT tTees foT spTing plantins and ;,A la'tSe 'te~:rpons . . ld be fOTwaTded to the ~inistTY of NatUTal 'aesOUTCe5 that the oT..eT WOU 3. ~e't' sho'tt \ ,. ..~oVf.'D BY: A. y(LSKE U. 'l S\!.CONDEtl BY: 'D. COOK T\\A't A By-LAW BE pASSE'D 'tRAT W\1. ~Co_ND TO Co\lNTyCo\l}lC~~ SlGN All. ~~ ..n'tl\.. AtJ't\\('B.l'l.lNG t\\E WA1IlYoN ANDC~ LAY1NG Of 'itATE\lPll'\!. L1.1l\!.S 'taR T()'d1lSR1P 01 W-J.Al1.1'DE tOll ." . '.. .... ." 01l Co\llftY .1t()A1)S . cA1$lEtl ,,~oVf.'D BY: B · L '(IJ. sECONDE'D 1'>Y: A. y(LSKELLY . ..... 1$1) TO CALL 'tioNDEllS 1(1ll T\\A't TaR V;NG1}llt1JL BE. A~;,~~~ BY 't\\1. COU~'l 01 Yo1J;lN W-TflB.lAL Ml'D ,s\lpYL1U ..... .' . 1t0~ 'DYoPAlt't"..NT 1 Oll 1973. ' cA1$lE"" "b1O",,'D 1'>Y: 'D. COOK sv.CONDED BY: N. JO\\l'lS'tOlli. . .... .... .... . Ell TO sPRAY _EUS 01l T\\AT 'taR 't ()ldblSl\lfS BE ~~~ . AllU ~t1JLlAL B~lS t.S COUlrt'l1tO~ ON't~ SA-" . I~ i()B.~ lE_-S. cA1J1l1EDt\ 4. . h V n oTdeTed in "'" 'f\ .,'"'\e Cab l'ic\<.uP 'tTUC~s an.. t. e a 'that t...e 1I0vU . . . the tlIOnth at\d that 1972 would not be deliveTed until late ~n the MtC Te~uiTed a ne~ TesolutiOn foT theiT pu~~hase. ,'~OvE'D 1'>Y: A. y(LSKE LL Y SEC ONDKD BY ~ B · LylE .' '. 01 1tA1llUN 10Bl> SA1J1.S (1971) L't'D. 't1\A T 'i1\!. AC CEP't 'taR 'tE ND ~ 'tR 't\\1. couNTY' s 1R\lCK 4t 39 AS A A't $2,762.50 fO~ A V~~ APf\tOVAL 01 TRt }(re. T\l.ADK_lll S\l1'>$C't 'to · c~1l1'E1)\t ..~OvE'D lIY: ". COOK sv.Col\tltJ) BY: It. N. J01\NS't 01l . .' . '. :tPL CaR'ltlO\l.T OUlsb1OBllE 't\\A't ~ ACCK?t 'taR TKNDE1t 01 cE~o 'DOUB1J1. cAt> :P1.Ci.\lP 1R\lC\(S (LONDOll) L'tD ",'t $5,662.6& 1c.t\l AND 4t1>0 ~ ~Yo_lllS S\lBJlC't 'l1l't \\'t\1l!. C OUllT'l ,s. T\l.llC\(S ~ 31> 'to MtC APPltOVAL. CAl-1tll'o'D" ST. TR olU>S, ()l'l't Alt 10 · rE>>Ry~t 15, 1973. PAGE 5 · 'taR E~l1l\!.1!.lt coMMENTED bTieflY on the haaTing in St. 'thol\ll!.S in JanuaTY by the Select cot1llllittee of the ontaTio LegislatUTe on DTainage. 'taR ENG1Nl1.tlt llf,pcnerED that the MtC had sub1llitted plans showing an oveTpass on county ~oad #52 at the St. 'thol\ll!.S E1tllTesswaY' plans showing tUTning lane at the inteTSection of County ~oad #25 and the K1tllTesS- way had been also subndtted. 'the Collllllittee en.ndned and appTOVed the plans. d b i' d n Count~ Road #29 ~eTe l't wt.S ALSO J.G1Jl.E'D that ao tUTn aTounds wonl' e Telllu Te 0' ' J it waS closed bY tne ExpTesswa1' . d '" \. l' --' th the ~eeve of Rodne1 and 't\Ut ENG1NEElt ~p()1lTED that a l\ll!.et1.n& ha ueen ...." W' i f ~is~et Letha$consultantS foT the 0'llBC foT the villages sanitaTY seweTS. TepTesentat veS 0 p ,u 'Design ~T~ waS 'll811 advanced and it appeaTed that 'tendeU ~uld be called in seveTal monthS tilll8 with an eadY summ8T staTt on the ~T~' lt had been agTeed that t ,at CountY' s cost (a) Road il> ~uld be Tebailt by the coant,f;fteT seweTS had been installed. That \lOad f3 noTth of Road fit. would be. Teplaced to its pTesent condition (b) at Otil.tc e'J.pense. (c) 'that on Road #3 fTolll Road #2 to \0.0& StTeet the ()'dB.C would be Tesponsible foT the Tepla~elII8nt of the base and the CountY would assU$e the cost of StOT1ll l)Tains, Pavelll8nt, and CuTb and GutteT. ~~c All t", foT 1973 pointing 'tl;\1!. l.NGll1El!.lt PRtSKNTE'D the attached lUpoTt in ... oca 1.0n the ~C had adopted a one_Subsidy.Syste1ll Teplacing the old Syste$ of 50'/. on out that ~oads, 80'/. on BTidgeS and 100'/. on'Devel0pll\ent. i 1 $1 600 000 waS pToposed with the countY Tate An e1tllenditU1:8 level of appTOlt lII&te Y , ' in tne oTdeT of $51>0,000. 'D1SC\lSSlOll Qll 'taR B\l1)GET waS postponed to the ne1tt lI\8eti'llS' tt}10'1tl> \\1: S'ECOtID'El> 1\1: 't\\A't _ ADJ()Ult1l 'to 10:00 A. ~" }lA1lC\\ 8, 1973. 1\ . L "I\l. D. COOK c!\lUllEl>" ./\ ~. ----- Q ,!!. ROAD COMMITTEE REPV&l FEBRUARY, 1973. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL: YOUR ROAD COMMITTEE BEGS TO RE PORT AS FOLLOWS: Good progress is being made on the construction of the County Garage at White Station. The structure is expected to be ready for roofing by mid April., WE RECOMMEND: ,;.fI 1. That the resolution of the County of Peel requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications adopt and subsidize a policy of providing bicycle pathways along main roads be filed. 2. That the resolution of the Township of Chinguacousy requesting th,at the Counties of Ontario be given the power to regulate heavy traffic on County roads at certain times of the day be filed. 3. That a By-Law be passed authorizing the Warden and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Township of Malahide for the laying of water pipe lines on County roads. (This agreement will be similar to the agree- ments between the County and a number of the local municipalities). All of which is respectfully submitted, CHAIllMAN ~OY.~ ~ ~> 1. "~ll1.C 1.pA\., LlA1l1. L1.TY pOL1.CY - Go Te ~u tua 1 1. nSuT ance, tbToUgh 1Tank cowan Co~anY, $1,000,000.00 lilllits. "PrellliU$ due JanuaTY 29, 1973. PTellliU$ in 1972 ~aS $1,113.00. A pOTtion of tbe pTemiUlll is L1S't 01 POL1.C lES DUE DATES AMOllNtS KTC · chaTged to Liability on non_licensed equip$8nt, $1,561. InsU1:ance on Roads, CouTt Rouse aTea, etc., does not'include weed spraying and Elgin Manor, but doeS include Liable and SlandeT Clause. premium in 1972 - $2,879.00. 'tota 1 2. 1l01l_0'\ftll!.'D l\ll't0~OB1lE, CoTe Mutual lnsUrance tbTougb 1nnk cowan Co~anY $1,000,000.00 li$itS. PTellliU$ due JanuaTY 29, 1973. PTellliU$ in 1971 waS $182.00. protectS County in Damage suitS involving vebiCles noW owned by CountY but wnrking foT tbe county. Vo1: exatnP Ie, 'Du~ TruckeTs, contTactOTS · AUTOMOB1lJ. l'lJ.ET _ GoTe Mutual 1.nsUunce tbToUgh 1rank Co~an ComPany, $1,000,000.00 li$its. $100.00 Collision deductible, guaranteed value Tep 1 a cement ,claUse due JanuaTY 29,1913. "Cost in 1972 waS appTOX- imatelY $3,91>6. premiUlll'inCTease ~ikelY. EQ\llPM&NT 1LOATK~ _ subSCTiptiOn Policy witb a numbeT of c'omPanies _.. . " no:n-li cenced eqU i plllent, lII& teTia 1 s thTOUgb 1Tank Cowan ComPanr p.- and toolS, etc., pTotected against ViTe, Theft, \lpset, etc., foT 1~ 1\\1 items of o"e1: 3. 4. of the value, GuaTanteed Value Replace$8nt ClaUse. $250,00 value nallled in policY, miscellaneous amount of $20,000.00 carTies on toolS and Supplies, $25,000. VloateT on E4uiP$8nt Tented ;. Janua1:Y 29, 1973. RADlO 1LOA'tER - GoTe Mutual all Radio Equipment, 'toweT, as 1iTe, 'tbeft, Wind,"DToppage, $561.00 due JanuaTY 15, 1973. opeTated by county e~10yees, PolicY due on Last yeaT1S premiUlll appToximatelY $6,301>.00 " 1n~UTance, thToUgb 1ran~ Cowan Co. protectS 30 ~obile SetSI etc., against all damageS sucb ,1 1 ~37 1>00.00 PTe$iU$ appToximatelY etc.' ~a ue ~ ' by tbe CountY and INSURANCE- List of Policies. Due Dates. Amounts. etc.. Continued PAGE 2 6. SURVEY EQUIPMENT FLOATER - 90re Mutual Insurance through Frank Cowan Company, protects all Survey Equipment against all damage. Value at $2,135.00. Premium of $112.08 for 3 years due January 15, 1975. 7. BOILER & MACHINERY POLICY - General Accident through Frank Cowan Company. Insurance on Boilers and Pressure Vessels such as Air Compressor, Tanks, etc. Annual Premium - $185.00. Policy written for' 3 years due February 6, 1973. 8. WEED SPRAY - Gore Mutual Insurance t}lrough Frank Cowan Company. Due January 29, 1913. Premium $280~00 yearly. 9. COMPENSATION - Gore Mutual Insurance through Frank Cowan Company, due January 1, 1973. Rate for road workmen $1.75 per $100.00 :Payroll. Premium in 1972 f~r Road Department $8,500.00 (Approximately). ~ '10. BOND - Gore Mutual Insurance through Frank Cowan Company $25,000.00. Blanket on all employees protection against Theft, Vandalism, etc., by County Employees. Due January 15, 1973. We pay a portion of the premium, $66.00. 11. VALUABLE PAPERS - General Accident through Frank Cowan Company, $65,000.00, - 3-year term on all Rapers, etc., in Court House, due January 20, 1973. Premium - $325.00 for 3 years. ($20,000 on Road Department paper). Road Department cost of $42.00. 12. OFFICE EQUIPMENT - now protected against Fire, etc., by Blanket Policy covering Court House, Registry Office, etc., Office Furniture, Typewriters, etc. Replacement value approximately' $14,000.00 at 79 Stanley Street. 13. WHITE STATION LARGE GARAGE - Yarmouth Mutual Fire Insurance, $75,000.00 on Main Garage (Fire) due January 30, 1974. $10.000.00 on small garage (F i re ) . 11>. ~ITE STA~1.0N GARAGE _ Weste~ FarmeTS' ~eatber Insurance. (Wind) INsuRANCE _ List of policies Due DateS ~unts etc. continued - pNGE 3 $75,000.00 on Main GaTage, $10,000.00, on old GaTage due JanuaTY 30th, 15. R()'\)~Y GARAGK _ western Far1llers' ~eatbeT InsuTance, $ 5,000.00 on 1974. Garage, due JanuaTY 30, 1974. 16: RO'DNEY GARAGE _ Dunwich Mutual liTe Insunnce ComPany, $5,000.00 17. POL1.CY ON lSS\lANCE 01 MOVING PERMITS - continuing Po \icy. GoTe Mutual on GaTage, due JulY 8; 1973. Insurance thTOugb 1Tank Cowen. PTotection of County against suitS because of issuance of Moving Per1llits. Cost $6,00 peT Per1llit. 18. POLICY .ic-6910 tbrough 1rank Cowan CO$pany, BuildeTS All-Risk InsuTance Policy in amount of $125,000 on new garage in pTocess of erection. ExpiTes NoverobeT 28. 1973. Cost $187.50. (a) Barnes Rouse _ Dutton. Pilot 1.nsUTance tbTOUgb RoY ~cNeil. Dutton. on 217 Main StTeet, Dutton. ExpiTes JanuaTY 5, 1971> in amou~t of $5,500.00. l'Te$iUlll $1>1.00. 19. IllSURANCE ON (1t\lE1t BU1.UlINGS OWNED BY CO\lNTY: (b) Robinson Rouse, Dutton. As a rideT to BaTne's Rouse Policy, in amount of $7,000. Expires January 5, 1974. (c) PaTkins, St. George StTeet, 'itesteTn 1armers Mutual, in tbe amount of $10,000. ExpiTes May 11>, 1975. prellliU$ $92.00. ~J'VI ''/ --f "\J) l:\ t ~ .--{ ~ O.JJ/~'~~~ l// . COUNTY OF ELGIN 1 9 7 3 FIN A N C I ALP R 0 J E C T ION S JANUARY 22. 1973 Construction Ob1ection for 1973 Roads uNow" plus "1 - 51t Net as of January, 1973 $5,557,,000 Bridges "Now" plus 1'1 - 5" Net as of January 1 t 1973 1,524,000 Total - - $ 7 , 081 , 000 For the 45~ objective in 5 years the yearly total is 9%. Yearly Construction Objective is 9~ of $7,081,000 or~37,ooQ:> Fixed Costs for 1973 (From 1972 Update) County Road ~laintenance (incl'uding Asphalt Resurfacing) County Overhead County Machinery and County Garage County Bridge and Culvert Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Maintenance St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission Overhead St. Thomas S\llburban Road Commission Bridge and Culvert Maintenance $477,000 220,000 172,000 24,000 20,000 11,000 1973 Expendit:ure Level - Construction Fixed Costs -1..-ClQO (C:$925,OOO"" $637 000 "- ______J , .-- 925,OOO~.$'.. ~.." 1,562,000 -- -- ~ Assessment (Letter of November 22. 1972 from MTC) Townshjlp Assessment Urban Assessment $267,000,000 88,000,000 Ratio Urban 24.8% $355',000,000 The Following Steps are Used to Obtain the MTC and theC:ountv Share of the Expenditure Level <a> Need~Assessment Relationship 1,564,000 = 4.406 355,000,000 Step 1.. The assessment of 38,000,000 on the City of St. Thomas gives a contribution of $19,000 yearly toward t:he Suburban Road Commission. This represents $76,000 worth of work, with Provincial share at $38,000 and County's share $19,000. Step 2 - County's share at 1'.25 mills on assessment of 355,000,000 is $443,750 or $444,000. Step 3 - Remaining County Share after matching thE~ county contribution is 444,000 less $19,000 or $425,000. Step 4 - The Equivalent work effort is then $850,000. 1973 Financial Pro',iections - Continued - Januarv 22. 1973 Pa~e 2 Needs Assessment - Continued_ Step 5 - Which combined with the Suburban Road Commission is $850~OOO plus $76,000 or $926,000. Provincial share being $l~63, 000 an~ County share $444,000 and City of St. Thomas share $19,000.00 Step 6 - The unmet needs at 1.25 mills are $1,562,000 le~ss $926,000 or $636,000. Step 7 - The Pr~vincia1 share of the unmet need is (q!? plus 0.40909) X 636 = '\i .90909 X 638 = $578,000. Step 8 - The total Provincial share is $578,000 plus 463,000 or 1 041,000. Step 9 - County share is $1,562,000 less 1,041,000 less 19,000 or $502,000. Step 10 - The Urban Rebate - @ 25% = 2 X 502,000 x 88 = (8 X 355) - 88 9152 = 33,200 2840 - 88 Provincial share is $17,000. Total Provincial Subisdy Allocation is $1,041,000 ~OO rebat~s ~58,~ ' Total County Share is 502,000 plus $17,000 or~oOOj Total expenditure is $1,596,000. Effective Subsidy Rate is 1,058 =@if tbe expenditure level is met. 1,596 To this Expenditure level of $1,596,000 must be added th~ outstanding Development Road Aid at the end of 1972. This amount so $32,000 ~. Therefore total 1973 Expenditure level is(~62~()~ Total Provincial Aid in 1973 is the Provincial Subsidy.. ,Allocation of $1,058,000 plus this outstanding Development Road Aid lor a total of $1,090,000. If the Old Subsidy System was still in effect Plrovincial ~ssistance I would be as follows: Subsid.y -----------------..- $712,0:00 1973Development Road Aid ..- $273,O~ Aid'Forwarded from 1972 - 32,OpO $1,017 ,000 I Comparing Total Expenditures 1972 versus 1973 1973 Expenditure Level is --~--------------------- $1,628,000. 1972 Expenditures By Law work for Subsidy ---------------- Development Roads -------------------- 1,597,827 351,375 1 , 9~~9 , 202 OR reduction of approximately $321,000 in work. 1973 Financial Projections - Continued January 22. 1973 PAGE 3 COlllDarin~ 'total EXDenditures - 1972 versuS 1973 1972 Subsidies received Subsidy __------------------ $868,000 Deve1op$ent Roads ---------- 351,375 $1,219, 375 A reduction in MtC money of appToxi1ll&tely $129,000 frolll 1972 to 1973. ~ountv Monev Needed, 'tbe amount to meet ExpendituTe level of $1,596,000 is $519,000. To compensate for underexpenditure by St. 'tb01ll&s SubuTban Road Commission is _-------- $ 12,000 Ite$s Not for Subsidy ----------------------------- $ 2,000 Overlevy ___--------------------------------------- $ 7,000 ~~~~ 9,ountv Rate Red\lction. 1972 .. $107,000 1973 540,000 Savings 161,000 'tbe MTC provides subsidy foT Urban Rebates at 25~. Any increase ~OIES~ in tbis bas to be taken frolll Subsidy foT Construction or ~aintenance Allocations. Tbe rate (percentage) of Subsidy falls rapidly if tbe expendituTe level is not met. (MIC formu1aes). Any expendituTe oveT Expenditure Level is not subsidized. 'the tTick is to hit the level tlD'8ad on" and as tbe penalties for undeTspending are WOTse than overspending. Every effort has be be 1II&de to overspend a veTY small amount. {:o9o ~ ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT ~.",,,,,- S'T. 'THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY SESSION, 1973. TO THE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 01" THE c()UNT'! OF ELGIN, YOUR ROAD COMMlTTEE BEGS TO REPORT AS FOu,oWS: The following is a sUflllllll.I7 of costs of construction and Maintenance on County of Elgin roadS during 1972. 9.9NST~ - ~ 1. Road #3 frOlll HighWaY No. 3 to Lake Erie in the TownshiP of $ 3,240.06 . AldbOrough _ surveying, Fencing, stump Removal ----------------- 2. Road 1140 frOlll Road #52 to Glencolin in the Village of springfield and the TownshiP of M;!.lahide - surface Trea~ent and Cleanup ------------------~------------------- 3. Road 1140 frOlll Highway No. 3 to Mount Salem in the Township of M;!.lahide _ surface Treatment and Cleanup ---------------------- 4. Road #36 frOlll HighWaY No. 3 to 1 mile south of Sparta in the TownshiP of yarmouth _ Grading, Granular Base, surface Treatment, Urban construction, etc. (An additional amount of $ 321>,200.00 waS charged to this Pro~ect under f)evelopnent Road /fl.122) ---- 5. Road #2 frOlll Road #3 to the west l:Unitof the village of west J.,orne in the TownshiP of AldbOrOugh - Paving, Shouldering & Cleanup-- 6. Road #2 in the Village of west J.,orne - Urban construction and Paving --------------------------------------------------------- 7. Road #21 (warren street) in the Village of Port stanley - Cleanup --------------------------------------------------- 8. Road 1142 from Road #50 (Victoria street ) easterlY appro:Jt'ima tely 1 mile in the village of Port BIJ3'WElll and TownshiP of Baynam - Grading, Granular Base, etc. --------------------------------- 9. Road /fl.3 _ Shackleton street in the Village of DUtton - Urban construction ----------------------------------------- ~. _ 1 - 3,764.26 4,706.77 169,298.40 65,175.92 96,003.01 1,059.12 59,418.64 52,414.79 gQ!~TrEE REPoEr. _. JA~RY ~SI01'l 191) - CQ!ITlNU~ 10. Road #44 from Road #46 to HighWaY No. 3 in the Township of Bayham ~ Clearing and surveying -~-------------------------- 11. Road If1J+ from Road /fl.3 to Iona station in the Township of $ southwold am l)UIlWich _ Grading, Granular Base, etc. --------- 12. Road #20, Carlow Road EJct,en$ion in the Village of port stanley- Urban construction ------------------------------------------ 13. Road /fl.6 _ APproaches to Talbot Creek Culvert - TownshiP of l)UIlWich _ Grading,GranulaT Base ----------------------------- 14. surveys for New Work on VarioUS RoadS ------------------------ 15. Garage construction (White station) ------------------------- 16. Land Purchase ----------------------------------------------- 17. New Machinery -------------------------------------------- 18. Miscellaneous Grading Construction --------------------------- 19. Machinery ownershiP costs char~ed to Accounts Receivable, Development RoadS, am Townline Accounts. -------------------- TOTAL ------------~- gJAD QSlNs!!UCTI~ BY THE_ST. TH~S ~uroRBf\.l'! ROAD' coMMISSION ;;..;.--- - - 1. Road #30 _ APproaches to the Patterson Culverts, To\Illship of yarmouth - CleanUP, etc. ---------------------------------- 2. Lam Purchase ------------------------------------------- 3. surveys on NeW Work ------------------------------------------ Tar IlL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE c()4.M1SSION -------------------- TarllL ROAD CONSTRUCTION BY THE coUNTY AND THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD c()4.M1SS10N --------------------- ll.RIQ..GE ANQ. C1l1 VERT CO].:ITRUq!l.Q.N( cOUNTYl 1. Road #40 from Highway No. :3 to Mount salem - Culvert construction in conjunction with Grading ----------------~--- 2. Road #36 from HighwaY No. 3 to 1 mile south of Sparta - P!GE 3. 2,127.99 33,956.30 9,072.44 14,569.74 10,321.86 18,359.46 42,605.64 31,107.03 1,332.32 ~~79.2.Q. 9.!edit 556,054.55 , -- 3,344.46 82.12 225.14 -- 3,651.72 559,706.27 114.90 credit - . 36,596.69 Culvert construction in conjunction with grading ------------- 3. Road #42 from port Bur'll811 easterlY - culvert construction in 2,89?-.55' conjunction with Grading ------------------------------------- _ 2 - ROAD COMMITTEE REPORT - JANUARY SESSION 1973 - CONTINUED - 4. Road #2 from 'West Lorne to Rodney - Culvert Construction in conjunction with Grading ----------------------________.____ 5. Road #14 from IOM Station to Road #13 - Culvert Construc:tion in conjunction with Grading ----------------___________.____ 6. Road #9 - Culvert Construction between Roads #8 and #14 -. Cleanup fram 1971 -----------------________ _.....____t_~___ 7 . Road #42 - Van Order Bridge Replacement with culverts including Engineering, Supply Materials, Excavation, Backfill, Earth and Granular Grade over the Culvert subsidized at 80% (per cent) by the Ministry of Transportation and Cuuullumcations 8. Road 1116 - Talbot Bridge replacement with Culverts including Engineering, S~pply Materials, Excav,ation, Backfill, and Earth and Granular Grade over the Cul vert subsidized at 80% (pe~r cent) PAGE 3 $ 120.96 Credit 878.38 336.14 76,176.70 by the Ministry of Transportation & Cllil,ummications -----.------ 92.246.91 TarAL BRIDGE AND CULV~lt'll CONSTRUCTION BY THE CO~ll --,------ 208,891.51 BRIDGE AND Cut V 1ili~r CONSTRUCTION BY THE ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD C~~ISSION 1. Complete Pa t t.~rson Culverts - Road #30 ---------------.----- TarAL BRIDGE AND CUL\l1!atT CONSTRUCTION ----------------.----- Tar AL CONSTRUCTION ROADS & BRIDGES BY THE COUNTY & ST. THOMAS SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION ---------------------------,----- MAINTENANCE - ROADS 1. Winter Control (in 1971 the expenditure 'was $111,591) 2. Asphalt Resurfacing (Roads #48, #52, #20) -------------,----- 3. Surface Treatment ------------------------------------,----- 4. Gravel Resurfaci'ng ----------------------------------.----- 5. Repairs to Pavements --------------------------------,----- 6. Grading Maintenance --..-.------------------------------.----- 7. Roadside Maintenance 8. Dust Control ..--------~-------------------------------------- 9. Weed Control ..------------------------------ ------------- 10. Brushing and ~rree Cutting ---------------------------_________ - 3 - 4.008.52 21.2.900.03 772,606.30 122.466.96 111.175.35 . 19, 437 . 14 16.120.56 30.992.12 11,520.09 6,136.40 26,096.67 19.859.77 25,052.46 ROAD ccMMl~ro' - JAmlAR'I SESSIOll "1973 - CO~lN\lBD - W.l~El'lANCE _ ROADS - continued ___....-P~--....... 1"1. Pavement Marking ------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------- 14. nra.inage ---------------------------------- ------------------ 15. TTe. flanting------------------------------------------------- "1b. Railroad Protection ------------------------------------------ -:~inage A8ses~ents ----------------------------------------- ). ~sceu.aneous cUl- vert Maintenance --------------------------- 'tatAL ....---- .~ "1. superintendence (co\1tlt1 Engineer, Genera"1 superintendent and Assistant superintendent)----------------------------------- PkGE 4 $ 14,797.03 1,165.97 28,409.28 10,433.13 1,027.02 11,325.11 16,131.99 ~ ~ 6,811.\6 372.17 ~ ~ --------------------------------- 2. C"1erica"1 ------------~---- 3. car ~"1eage (Co\1tlty ~er) ------------------------------ ----------------------------- 4. Orfice ------------------------ ---------------------------- ---------------------- 27,429.37 19,129.00 1,352.83 7,207.73 24,563.05 6,854.50 7,196.65 2,B76.B8 2,540.60 9,364.03 2B,37B.52 24.00 ~ 4,2&ge76 39,990.60 15,748.96 9,321.46 ------------ 7. ~sce"1~neous Repairs,-------------------------- - ------------------------------ B. TOO"1S'--------------------- -- ----------------------- 9. Radio ------------------------------- -------------- "10. Insurance ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- 1.2. pe:rnO- ts ---------------- "13. eo\1tlty s~re. or unentp"1o,...nt 1nllurance eontri 'oUtionB ------- 11. pensions -------------------- 14. \\O"1iday with pay ---------------------- . ~------------------------------------------- _ 4 - RO~D CcMMoI'f\'rE w>POl'e! - J ~llIJl\R':l: SF,SSIO~ 1. 97 CONtlm1ED ~ ~ 1.7. Fn\p1.o16es l'tedica1.s 1.B. Needs studl update ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 19. Traffic Counts ---------------- Jtll (3 & 1fl122 & ;>0. overhead cnar~ to Developntent RoadS jf130, tT~02 , 21. --------------------- Towriline ~ccounta --------------------- overhead Cnarged to Provincial 'IIinter'liorks Incentive Program- overhead cnarged to ~ccounts ~ceivable --------------------- 23. Macbiner1 overhead ----------------------------------------- t S:u~5idi$ed b~ the Ministr1 of Transportation & ~.~~e~ ~ . .. 22. connnunications ----------------------- ---------------------- . ---------------------------------- 2'). unsub&idi$ed EJql6nditUl'es TOTAL ---------------- TOT pJ. Comn'':l: ROAD w..1'NTEl'l~CE {BRIDGE & CUL~) & o'fERHEAD- ST. T\\cW-S SU~RBA.~ ROAD C~SSIO~ w..1'NTEl'l~NCE & oVERt\E.AD--- TOT pJ. w..ItttEl'l~llCE & O'fERHEAD {c()\JN'l":l: & SUBURBAN) ------------ ti -- -------- $ constrUC on -------- - 772,606.30 ~ 1,S9S,014.91 ~ Maintetlll-nce & overhead --------- ~ sub-Tota1. ---------------------- 1.972 Stock Balance ---------- sub-Total ---------------------- LeSS 1.971 Stock Bala.nce ---- GRAND TOTpJ. -------------------- $868,000.00 $ 1,849.47 686.87 2,228.35 12,927.19 ~ 1,374.79 ~ 9,056.44 ~ 4,OS9.S7 956.84 125.00 ~ 192,767.61. --~- 733,746.86 ~ 825,408.61 ~ .:..:..-==- $1,657,348.13 S7,667.79 ~ $1,599,680.34 The ~C subsidl on 1.972 llOrk is est:iJnll.ted a.t . t"e cit~ of st. ThQl\lil-s of the suouroan ROad The C'ost to ,," . . . 5 estohn:ated a.t $24,416 and the count1 snare of the co'(t\lt\1.5S'l.on 'l. ~ . approxitoatelY $707,262.00 total eJCPenditUl'e )..s The ~C a.pproved subsidY in the aJI\Ount ()f $BOB,OOO and tne eat:iJnll.ted count1 rate waS $6B'),OOO. 5 ROAD COMMITTEE RE PORT JANUARY SESSION 1973 CONTINUED - In Addition the Followin~ Work Was Done Under the Development Road Program (a) Development Roads #930 being the County Road #45 from Road #35 to Road #16 -----------------~--------------_________________ (b) Development Road 111023 being County Road #16 from Finga1 to St. Thoma s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (c) Development Road 111122 being County Road 1/36 from Highway No.3 to 1 mile south of Sparta ---------------------_______________ Work was also performed on various county boundary roa.ds and bridges and billed to the Counties of Middlesex and Oxford (Their Share) --------~--------------------_______________________ In addition work was performed for local municipalitie:s, the Provincial Govlernment and others with various materials sOlId. These accounts totalled --------------------------_________________ Expenditures under the Provincial Municipal Incentive PAGE 6 $22,635.03 4,540.17 324,200.00 19,356.61 215,630.81 (Winterworks) Program totalled ------------------------------------ 19,250.00 Total Expenditure for 1972 was ----------------------------------- 2,205,292.96 This compares 1rith $2,285,296 in 1971, $2,711,580 in 1970 $3,081,820 in 1968 and $3,139,336 in 1968. 6 Continued \toAD CO~lT'tEE ~POlt! ~ _ CON't1.N\JED \?~ , 1. 'that the WaTden na$8 deleSates to the ontaTio Good i. d to the Roads and \tOads AssociatiOn convent on an TTanspOTtatiOn Association convention (fO~T1Y the canadian Good \toads Association), That a By_LaV be passed authOTizing tbe WaTden and CleT~ to sign Land Plans e~TOpTiating land as necessaT1 din 1973. 1.t is necessaTY that to widen county Toa S such a B1_La~be passed yeaT1Y' All of which is TespecttullY sUblllitted, V1E \tEe oMt'\END : 2. G\\Al~N ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 17, 1973. ~AGE 1. TaR CO\lNTY Of E1J;lN ROAD COMM1.'t'tEE .net at the CouTt Rouse on JanuaTY 17, 1973, at 11:00 A. ~. in conjunction witb County council. Township of AldborOugh ~lUtS PRRSKNT ~~ WAllDEll Nelson Johnst." Township of SouthWO 10. REEVE Bruce Lyle Township of Yarmouth REEVE David Cook Townsbip of South 'DOTchesteT. 1$EVE J. 1\. Wilson Township of 'Sa,ham -REEVE Jesse Dennis Town of Aylmer ,M>VIS611Y MKM'SE1lS 'BEEVE Arthur MiskellY 1(E.E'lE Douglas Todd Township of Dunwich village of West Lorne 'REEVE Duncan McK.illoP Township of Malahide. teeve Wm. CaverlY "~OvED BY: A. 't. M1.SKJ!.LLY SECONDED BY: 'D. COOK TaAT JESSE DENN1.S BE C1\A1.'gMAll 01 't$ CO\lllTY MAD COMM1't'tEE 'FOR 1973. cl\1UtlEl1~t THE CaA1.RMAN TRANKED the Committee foT the honoUT accorded hi$. 'tHE ENG 1.NEERlE Po\ttE'D 01l 't$ WOllK to date as follows: 1. 'that 'itinteT contTol in the past week bad been veTY ligbt. 2. That StoT$ Duin ~Tk was undeT'if&Y on Road 4t42 east of PoTt Burwell. 3. That good pTOgTeSS waS being @ade on Construction of the County GaTage. . "MOVED BY: B. LyLE SECONDED BY: J. B. WILSON T\\A't ~ l(F.COMMEND TO cOUNTY COUNC1.L TRAT 't$ WAllDEN APP01NT DELEGATKS TO T$ ONTAlUO cOl1l ROADS t.SSOCIA't1.01l COllVENT1.01l AND DELEGA'tES 'to 't$ ROADS Ml'D TRAllSPQlttA't1.01l ASSOC1.AT101l CONvE'N't1.ON Allfl 't$ t:e~1\1.P fEE fOR 'B<1t1\ ASSOC1.A'tlOllS 1\E PAID. Ct\.BB.IEDU UMOVED BY: D. COOK SECONDED BY: A. MISKELLY ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. JANUARY 17, 1973.. PAGE 2 THAT WE RECOMMEND TO COUNTY COUNCIL THAT A BY.LAW BE PASSED AUTHuK.lZING THE WA1t1)EN AND CLERK TO SIGN LAND EXPROPRIATION PLANS. tlMOVED BY: 'R. N. JOHNSTON SECONDED. BY: D. COOl( THAT WE ADJOUltN TO F~BRUARY 15TH AT 10: 00 A. M. e~IEJ3~t.t CARRIED'" ^, ~t//\t~ v"'-/ CHAIRMAN s't. 'tRONAS, ON'tAR10. JANUAR1 9, 1973. PAGE 1. 't\\'& COUll1Y Of tV;llll 'ROAD C0l4l:41't'tEE lII8t at tbe CoUTt 1\oUSe at 10: 00 A. ~., on Janua~Y 9, 1973. ALL BE~ ~ l'ttl1;SENT except 'Reeve CavedY. ALSO fRl'.SENT waS ~T. 1Tank ClaT~e of the ~iniStTY of 'fTansPoTtation and corosnunicat ions. T\\'& MlNtl'tES 01 't\\'& BEE'tlllG of Decel!lbeT 12, 1972, 'll8Te Tead and appToved. T\\'& KNG1.1lEE1t 1t'E1'~ o~ the WOTlt to date as follOWS: 1. 'that both SandeU and SnowplowS had been fece~ved fTotll 1dnk of Canada. 2. 'that the thTee caTS and 3\~ton l'iC~uP 'tTUCkS had been Teceived. 3. 'that WinteT contTol costS foT the last thTee weeks of 1972 bad been veT' heavY and that costs foT 1972 ~uld exceed those in 1971. 4. WinteT contTol had been veTY light in the ?ast week. 5. 'that StoTtll DTain "oTk foT the village of West LoTne had been comPleted fo~ the time being. 6. 'that cutting of dead tTees waS undeTwaY' 7. 'that constTUction of the CountY GaTage waS continuing. 8. 'that all }UC subsidY \IIOneY would be spent!; neaTlY all Development Road ~~ ~~.d. t~at theTe would be a deficit in the CountY Road Tate of money s'Pe~""" v.i. U a??TOxiuatelY $15,000 to $20,000. ..~Q'4I1.1) BY: 'it. ll. J()\\NS't01l "S1.C~ BY: J. W. 1\ODGSOl'l 't\\A't 't1\E 1OLt.OWlNG ?bYL1S'tS BE e,P1'llovE'D 10lt l.'Ay1l&N't. PA $lS't 4t 38 AllOllNT1.NG TO $ 21,657. 91 'l'A$lsT *40 ~O\lNT1NG 'to $ 22,4.67.00 PAYLlst 4t41 AllOONT1NG 'to $113,302.67 PAYLlsT i 2 (1913".... $ 7,&14.90 C~lED" ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO JANUARY9,l1973. PAGE 2. CORRESPONDENCE from Mr.~ C. Jackson and Mrs. O. A. Evans was ordered filed. Cv.lU<ES:PONDENCE' WAS READ:, from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Regional Traffic Office recommending that the visibility be incre,ased on Highway No. 73 to a minimum of 800 feet at the intersection of County Road 145. THE ENGINEE'R.:REPORTED that be bad replied to,,:the Ministll"Y of Transportation and CO.......Jnications regarding traffic counts on the road between Ti11sonburg and Springfield. Information on the population density had also been forwarded. THE ENGINEER 'REPORTED that the Sales Tax 'Refund available on Hot Mi~ Asphalt from 1966 to 1972 inclusive was approximately $9,200 and that thi!:~ along with cement for concrete would represent the bulk of Sales Tax that a refund could be obtained on.. THE ENGINEER REPORTED that he had met with Mr. R. McNeil, MP' for Elgin and requested his support for the proposed Ministry of Transportation and Communications policy of a single subsidy and grant system. THE CHAIRMAN THANKED THE MEMBERS of the Committee for their support and cooperation during the year. MOVED BY: J. B. WILSON SECONDED BY: R. N. JOHNSTON THAT WE ADJOURN SINE DIE.. CARRIEDU. -.-\ ( 1)11 L. (d-fjJ/I/JVIA ,(fi) V CHAIRMAJil